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SCP-6914 - Touch Grass ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 6914 Level4 Containment Class: radix Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: danger link to memo A common housecat (Felis catus) displaying its immunity to SCP-6914. Special Containment Procedures: All staff within Overwatch Command have been informed of SCP-6914's anomalous properties to ensure their compliance with its directive. Foundation landscapers employed for the structure are to only use lawn equipment which prevents them from touching the grass planted nearby. Description: SCP-6914 is a small sign reading "KEEP OFF GRASS". Upon a human individual within an 80 km radius of SCP-6914 making physical contact with grass, a lightning bolt will spontaneously manifest from the sky and strike them where they are currently standing. The lightning will be specifically tailored to reach its intended target, capable of altering its intensity upon each manifestation to the required amount to break any possible barriers protecting the subject, including ones constructed of non-conductive material. Following the discovery of SCP-6914, unanimous approval of the Overseer Council led to it being installed outside of Overwatch Command Site-01. While Site-01 has yet to experience a security breach of a magnitude considered worthy of such a security increase, the importance of the facility and the personnel within was the primary contributing factor of the decision. Addendum 6914.1: Incident 6914-Alpha On 4/18/2012, a lightning strike suddenly occured within an unused room in Site-01's second sublevel. Mobilized members of Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand") were quickly dispatched to the area for investigation. Upon reaching the room, they discovered the charred corpse of Agent William Peterson, who had been struck by the lightning. Review of security footage revealed that Agent Peterson had grabbed what was discovered to be a marijuana cigarette from his bag prior to the strike. The implications of this incident remain under review. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6914" by MisterFrown, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Name: File:Keep off grass sign.jpg Author: GK tramrunner RU License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Notes: Image cropped.
 close Info X Content note: This article contains gore, body horror, insects and death. If you notice anything tag-worthy that's not in here, please mention it in a comment. Item #: SCP-6915 Special Containment Procedures: Well, they won't tell me where we are, security and all, but I figure if you need to read this, you probably know where you are. Anyway, the main thing you're not supposed to do is talk about me. The fellas have come up with some special sign language he doesn't know, but words themselves are right out. Make my ears burn! Writing ain't a good idea, either, so y'all should've had some training before coming. You say something, well… I'm sorry, friend. You gotta seal the room, full quarantine, anyone else there better suck it up. Call for help, sit it out. Probably won't do no good, but hey! Rather try and relax, meditate on my life and get ready to see the stars than shit my brain out panicking. I live in the Keter wing, whatever that means. Don't ask for much, but they treat me right enough. Dr. Valerie Whitaker's boss of containing and studying (I don't mind!), you know her. Tall, dark, gorgeous low husk of a British accent? Or is that not appropriate? I do hope not. She's supervising me here, making sure I don't forget anything, but… well, I'm allowed to have some fun, right? Description: Jeremiah O'Shea, delighted to make your acquaintance. They call me SCP-6915. Well, as you've probably guessed, they don't usually call me anything, aha, but there you go. I'm just a regular guy. Born and bred in the blessed ol' state of Missouri, a small town there. Did up cars, got turned down by every lady took my fancy, never missed a sermon. Average fella, really. There's a thing in my head. Didn't ask for it, you see, but there you go. He eats my brain. My, that was dramatic, wasn't it? Val's glaring real hard at me right now, but she ain't gonna take my bed off me for this, right? I'm allowed to have some fun. Anyway, he's some sort of maggot. The geniuses don't really know why I ain't "non-responsive," there's that much gone. I reckon he's keeping me going. I don't think he's that bad a fella. He's why you can't talk about me, though. You see, he gets into your head. That ain't metaphor. Starts off as just a single, tiny little maggot. Harmless. But that's the thing about ideas, now, isn't it? They don't stay little and harmless. They grow, fester, breed. And he's the same. Ain't long before those fellas get restless. They wriggle about in there, eat, eat, eat, multiply until they're spilling out of your nostrils. And every time they do, there's a little bit more of him in my head, and a little bit less of me. Best I can tell, you're just fucked after that. Val tells me they can get him out if they catch him early enough, they can scoop all them little guys out, but sounds to me like they're just trying to avoid panic and hysteria. Keep you quiet. Val's giving me the look again. Sorry, I'll go back and delete it later. Don't want to lose my flow, you see. Why me? Well, it started at the church, you see. The thing people don't realise is that they're so… full. Loves and fears and hopes and dreams, spreading and fattening until they burst through your skull, red melodies trickling from your eye sockets. All that soul. And sometimes you gotta make room for more. Val's got the funniest look on her face! I wonder if she's still got her soul. Sometimes, I think that's all she has left. My church was… small. Homemade. The thing the pastor never told me, you see, is that after you've created that empty space, you gotta fill it back up. Otherwise you're just left hollow. And that lets something else crawl inside. I honestly don't know what happens when I'm gone and he remains. I don't think he's that bad a guy. He's been alone and cold for so long, he just wants his privacy respected. Heck, maybe he'd make better use of this worn ol' body than I did. I think we'll find out eventually. And that's it! We're done! Well, I'm mighty grateful to Val for the opportunity to talk to y'all. Hope this helps, see you around, stay safe! One more thing. You know, I knew a guy. Tommy. Y'all probably did too, he worked in Euclid. Small, blond fella. Always smiling, full of jokes. Lovely fella. Lovely. Said something to someone as I was having a scan. Don't even know what it was, poor guy just wasn't thinking. Next thing I know, it's just us. Alarms blaring, red light, him keeled over. Tommy was crying, rocking on the floor. Mumbling something, maybe a prayer. Fella definitely needed it. Now, I ain't of that persuasion, you see, but I see a poor lost soul, I can't turn my back. So, I sat beside him, took his hands in mine and listened. I strained, strained so hard, gave it everything I had, but I couldn't hear it. I wonder if he could hear it. He must have. In his head, that sludgy sound. Wet on wet, hungry chewing, incessant, unstoppable. I wonder if there was enough of him left by the time it was loud enough for him to realise. To hear it. Saddens my heart. Oh, sorry, that was probably a bit much, eh? ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6915" by Sound Chaser, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
ArthCymro More by this Author Item #: SCP-6916 Site Responsible: Site-12 Director: Dr. Vidya Durrani Research Head: Dr. Zachary Dafydd Assigned Task Force: N/A Level 3/6916 Secret Special Containment Procedures: Due to the resurgence of SCP-6916 as a result of cultural and political shifts and SCP-6916’s unpredictable selection process, proper containment would require the use of mass amnestic and oneirological treatment and international sociological engineering. So, procedures focus instead on preventing SCP-6916 subjects from accessing SCP-6916-A. To achieve this, Zohar counters1 have been set up at various points around the Irish, British and Northern French coast, to detect attempted access into SCP-6916-A. Should SCP-6916 subjects attempt to access SCP-6916-A, Foundation agents are to recover them as soon as possible and subject them to oneirological and, if necessary, amnestic treatment. Should subjects successfully gain access to SCP-6916-A, they are considered unrecoverable and all witnesses and relations will receive amnestic treatment. Due to further discoveries regarding SCP-6916 and related anomalies, these containment procedures are awaiting updates and transfer to the management of Project Caliburn. Description: SCP-6916 is a reoccurring, anomalous dream experience by individuals with Celtic ancestry or who have been raised within the Celtic culture. It is unknown how long subjects have to be exposed to Celtic culture for them to experience SCP-6916. A common psychological trait shared between subjects is the strong sense of hiraeth,2 admiration and pride they feel towards the Celtic nations, culture or history. The subject doesn't have to have lived or visited a Celtic nation to experience SCP-6916. SCP-6916 has no recognisable pattern, as the number of SCP-6916 instances a subject can experience can range between once per lifetime or three per month. Despite this, SCP-6916 exhibits mild mnestic properties, with some of the images and events subjects experienced during SCP-6916 remaining with them throughout their lives. These memories have been resistant to all known forms of amnestic treatments. The following are the most common images and events experienced by subjects during SCP-6916: Subject finds themselves walking along a beach during a thunderstorm. The beach's composition and size vary but the presents of the storm is consistent. In the background, the faint sound of bells can be heard. Subject chase an unseen entity through a forest, with some of the trees appearing to be silver in colouration. After some time, the subject pauses to catch their breath. Whilst resting, the trees and plant life begin moving, surrounding the subject. In the tree tops, shadows of winged, humanoid figures can be seen circling the subject, laughing. Subject attends a feast alongside several individuals, some of which appear to be spectral and "ghost-like." All attendees, including the subject, are wearing an item of silver. At some point, the subject and the attendees become aware of an open door in the hall and begin to experience a growing sense of sorrow and bitterness. Through the door, an island can be seen. Subject begins weeping in the middle of a battlefield during a thunderstorm. Surrounding them are several dead individuals, human and humanoid. As the subject compose themselves, they are approached by a bearded man wearing black fabric, furs and a crown composed of antlers and silver. The man embraces the subject before facing them, with water rising around the two of them. The man then whispers "Come home" as the sound of bells and wolves howling is heard. (Note: this event is experienced only by those who have been subjected to multiple instances of SCP-6916.) Subjects who've repeatedly experienced SCP-6916 develop knowledge of random Insular Celtic3 words and phrases and most develop a strong desire to travel to Northwestern Europe, specifically the Celtic nations. Statistics suggest this desire only occurs within ~3% of subjects. This desire isn't hazardous and if not acted upon, these desires will subside with time as will the subject's subjection to SCP-6916. Addendum 6916.1: History SCP-6916 was first recorded and classified in early 1998 when a sudden increase in SCP-6916 claims was recorded from various therapy sessions and social interactions, including within the Foundation itself. Following this increase in claims, the Foundation also recorded a sudden increase in immigration and tourism in Ireland, Great Britain and France. These activities also increased again in mid-1999. When investigated further, analysis was able to discover the increase in SCP-6916 activity correlated to political and cultural shifts that had occurred in Celtic nations4. To gain further information, the Foundation conducted several interviews with those subjected to SCP-6916 and continued to monitor them long after. One subject, D-2302, was incredibly detailed regarding SCP-6916's imagery. When asked how he knew so much about SCP-6916, D-2302 revealed that they had experienced SCP-6916 throughout their life. Dr. Zachary Dafydd managed to confirm this by utilising oneiric hypnotherapy techniques. When questioned about their long-term history with SCP-6916, D-2302 grew increasingly hysterical and made several demands to return to Ireland, in order to "find it". When several other subjects admitted to experiencing SCP-6916 before its surge, an investigation began to try and discover older accounts of SCP-6916. Focusing on areas where Celtic culture and ancestry were prevalent, the Foundation found just under 200 documented recordings of SCP-6916 in the past 130 years. One of the oldest recordings of SCP-6916 was found in the diaries of Brigadier Emyr Ab Ifan5, written in 1865. Below are extracts of his writings: ▷ Diary entries of Brigadier Ab Ifan ▽ Diary entries of Brigadier Ab Ifan 12/11/1865 Dear S, I wish I could focus. Never have I ever been needed so badly in the present. The world is in conflict unlike any faced before and tensions are growing with every power shift. Yet all I can think of is the dream. I had another last night. As did Berach and Logan. Always the same. The bells. The howling. And him. This man is so familiar. But I know I have never met him as both Berach and Logan know him too. Why does he torment me like this? 19/11/1865 Dear S, We were attacked today. Late last night, a group of men broke into our chambers and released many of our beasts. Years of research and progress, gone. They claim a new order is coming and their actions are one of glory and progress. I claim their actions as idiocy. I found Berach crying again today. Usually, he'd feel the back of my hand on his face for such a display, yet I could not bring myself to do it. When I spoke with him, he claimed he was missing home and longed to see his father again. He's been so lost since this war started. I told him to pull himself together and sent him to the artillery. I feel such guilt. How can I judge his sorrow so coldly, despite sharing them? The dream came again last night. Those creatures giggle now. 27/11/1865 Dear S, Berach's gone. He never clocked in for duty this morning and he wasn't found in his barracks. Given there were no breaches, we assume he left through a Way. He was always good at those. Control has sent out men to attempt to find him but I don't have much hope. He was good at hiding too. He was good at a lot of things. His diary is a thing of madness. Words in languages I don't recognise. Crude drawings of islands, trees, and creatures. Creatures that look like something out of a fairy tale. And the man. The man crowned in bone. More of the men have experienced the dream and Logan's getting them all the time now. He's stronger than Berach so I'm not worried. According to control, the dreams are happening all over. As far as the Americas and East. They're growing too. And all the same. The forest. The man. The laughing. The island. Like a sickness. Or maybe… 01/12/1865 Dear S, It's the fighting. Control thinks I'm illogical but it has to be. The dreams began around the start of it all and have only grown since the conflict and genocide increased. I don't know why but how? I think this fluctuation of power and thaumaturgic shifting may be somehow awakening something. Klaus agrees and his numbers are hard to argue against. The dream is changing too. Last night, there was something new. A man was chained to columns of stone. Skin deeply cut. Eyes full of tears. Screaming into a leather gag. It was him. The crowned man. Behind me, the silver forest was shaking and was filled with screams and shouting. it took me a second to notice the trees. They were moving. Like soldiers. Among them, I saw men and women. Some human. Some mostly human. And some something else. Fighting. Screaming. Laughing. Then I noticed the girl. A young woman at the feet of the chained man, weeping with him, silver armour coated in blood. And then the bells sounded. And then the heavens opened. And I awoke, weeping. Berach's trail has gone cold. According to control, he was last seen on Cregneash, back on Mann. Locals say he was looking for something. Nothing since then. No more. I must solve this now. The events described by Brigadier Ab Ifan have not been recorded by any other subjects of SCP-6916. Research is ongoing. 04/12/1865 Dear S, This is probably the last thing I'll write to you. We're going. We don't know where to start but Klaus suggests Mull Hill. He thinks Berach most likely went there and some of the other dreamers have gone there too. Seems a good place to start. If not, we'll try the coast. That is where the others went too. Everyone is going home. I could only gather 7 others. Klaus is coming, and Logan is too. Given his skills in old practices, he might be useful. Control thinks we're heading for Poland, along with the others. That should buy us some time. I've figured it out. It's not a warning. Brigadier Ab Ifan and his party, Force ξ, on Mynydd Epynt in 1865. Photograph discovered in the Juniper Archive in GoI-ω-008 archives in Site-44. Records And Information Security Administration attempted to uncover further documentation from GoI-ω-008 archives regarding Brigadier Ab Ifan's expedition and experience with SCP-6916. However, very little documentation could be found, although this was expected as the absorption of GoI-ω-008 into the Foundation and the Sixth Occult War had resulted in a great loss of information. According to a report written by then director of Site-Green, General Oliver Roberts, Brigadier Ab Ifan was believed to have been a casualty of the war. The location of his party and himself are unknown. Additionally, the Foundation discovered during the Sixth Occult War, the immigration and repatriation rate in the United Kingdom, France and Ireland increased slightly. It is yet to be confirmed that this increase was a direct result of SCP-6916. Addendum 6916.2: PoI Behaviour On 03/03/2000, Nadiya Hassan was reported missing to the Glaswegian Police by the Home Office after numerous failed attempts by Immigration Enforcement Officers to locate her and have her and her family deported. The Foundation was alerted and Field Agents took over the investigation, taking Nadiya's family into their care and designating Nadiya as PoI-6988. According to PoI-6988's father, during their time avoiding the police, PoI-6988 had experienced trouble sleeping and had been complaining about a "reoccurring dream". On 12/03/2000, several witnesses in Lamlash, Scotland claimed they saw a young woman matching PoI-9688's description "walk into the Sea". Diving teams failed to discover any trace of PoI-6988, however, thaumaturgical analysis did detect slight shifts in thaumactivity around the area. When investigating PoI-6988 movements before her appearance at Lamlash, a witness came forward claiming she'd given a woman of similar description a lift to Dunchraigaig Cairn in Kilmartin, Lochgilphead. During and following their investigation of PoI-6988's movements, 19 other individuals subjected to SCP-6916 also were reported missing, with many of them disappearing after visiting a historical site. One subject, PoI-7012 ("Jago Marsh"), was caught on a security camera at Land's End. During the footage, PoI-7012's fiancée and mother attempted to rescue PoI-7012 from the sea edge, only for PoI-7012 to refuse their offer and apologies. PoI-7012 then walked across the surface of the sea as the waves around him grew in size and power, eventually engulfing him. On 28/03/2000, reports came of an individual, later identified as Ethan Rogers and designated PoI-7028, attempting to access SCP-49116. When interviewed, PoI-7028 that they were following a dream they had been experiencing over the past months and they had been drawn to SCP-4911. To better understand the connection between SCP-6916's subject's interest in historical locations and their later disappearances, Dr. Dafydd proposed allowing PoI-7028 access to SCP-4911 under Foundation analysis. This request was approved by Site Command. When subjected to SCP-4911 mnestic properties, the thaumactivity within PoI-7028 increased and the plinth atop SCP-4911 was momentarily lit with a white flame. Following this, PoI-7028 requested to be taken to the coast, to which the Foundation took him to Dams Bay, The Vale of Glamorgan. Upon arriving, the thaumactivity in the surrounding area increased and PoI-7028 claimed they could see a causeway made of stone leading to an island in the distance, matching that he'd seen in his dream. Upon seeing the island, PoI-7028 attempted to escape Foundation custody only to be caught, tranquilised and subjected to amnestic and oneirological treatment. Addendum 6916.3: Exploration of SCP-6916-A Through joint analysis by the Department of Thaumaturgy, Department of Oneirology Studies, and Department of Extradimensional Studies, the Foundation theorised that the experience of both SCP-6916 and interaction with historical Celtic sites acted as a Newman-Hyatt Key7. When enacted at the coast of the British Isles, the Key allows access to an extradimensional space, of unknown size, designated as SCP-6916-A. According to the enactors, within SCP-6916-A is an island, accessible by a stone causeway. Despite the Foundation's best efforts, the number of SCP-6916 subjects continued to climb, with a further 5 subjects entering SCP-6916-A. With the numbers increasing, on 06/04/2000, Director Durrani ordered a joint task force exploration into SCP-6916-A. ▷ Exploration Log ▽ Exploration Log Exploration Log of SCP-6916-A Personnel Mobilized: Captain Robert Wilson, Level 3 Commander of MTF-Beta-777, Sergeant Tomos Urban, Level 3 Thaumaturgist of MTF-Beta-777, Accompanied by Dr. Zachary Dafydd, Level 3 Department of Anomalous Humanoid Psychology and Siwan Caradog, Level 3 Containment Specialist8. Foreword: To complete the NHK criteria, Dr. Dafydd had all of the members of the expedition visit the Grimspound ruins, the nearest historical Celtic site to Site-12. Following this, the team were dispatched to Cellar Beach, Plymouth to access SCP-6916-A. Preamble: Members of MTF-Beta-777, along with Dr. Dafydd and Agent Caradog, will access SCP-6916-A and gather intelligence about its nature and relation with SCP-6916. - Begin Log - (Members approach the intertidal zone. The causeway and island are seen.) Urban: So, that's the island? Looks just as expected. Dafydd: Eh, smaller than I thought it would be. Wilson: Right boyos. Let's be off. (Members walk along the causeway. As they approach the island, the sky darkens slightly and it begins to rain lightly, with thunder heard in the distance.) Wilson: What time was it back at home? Caradog: About 13:15, sir. Wilson: Whilst here it's almost dusk. Either time's all muddled up here or something up with the sky. Tomos, getting anything, bach? Urban: There is some thaumaturgic here. It's old but powerful. Zach? How're our heads? Dafydd: Nothing's yet, besides the Knock. Something here though. Like a - Caradog: Sir, look! (In the sky, a number of birds can be seen flying around the island.) Urban: So there's life here? Dafydd: Not quite. Look again. Look at the edges. Caradog: (gasps) They're ghosts! Dafydd: Ghost birds. That's new. Well, not really. Wilson: Stay focused, please. We're getting nearer. (The group continue walking along the pathway, approaching the islands shoreline.) Wilson: Oh, do you feel that? The static of thaumaturgy is strong here. This is going to be interesting. Urban: (points towards the island's hinterland) Sir, something's moving up there. (The group remain still for a few seconds. No movement is noticed.) Wilson: What was it? Urban: Don't know. Something white and furry. Wilson: Alright, keep an eye out. (The group reach the beach, which is pebbled. As they settle down, a light rain begins to fall.) Caradog: Thank god we're waterproof. Wilson: This rain. It's - Dafydd: Salty. It's seawater. Urban: Sir. Look here! (Urban draws the rest of the group towards a large wooden mass partial buried in the pebbles.) Wilson: A boat. Hard to say what kind and how big but, look at the craftsmanship and style, I'd say mid or late-19th century. Caradog: It looks in good shape. Dafydd: I think the time here has maintained it somehow. Or something's kept it like this for a reason. Urban: I'm getting strong thaumaturgic readings from it. Somewhere in the centre. Wilson: Anything threatening? Urban: Not getting anything. Wilson: OK, Tomos, hop on board and have a poke around. Zach, Siw, up the hill. Caradog: Sir. (Wilson takes Dafydd and Caradog up the hillside while Urban begins excavating the shipwreck. The three reach the hillside and arrive at a large expanse of hinterland with hills and forests in the distance.) Wilson: Right, hills or trees? Dafydd: Trees. Caradog: (nods) (The three walk towards the forest. After 2 minutes, Wilson speaks.) Wilson: Zach, I know I'm not - 'sensitive' like you but - I can't help - Dafydd: You're right. There is something watching us. Caradog: What? Dafydd: Don't worry. Whatever it is, it's only observing. Believe me, I can tell. Caradog: Do you know where it is? Dafydd: No. Funny, it's like it's all around us rather than in one place. I'd even say - Wilson: (trips and yells loudly) Caradog: Sir! (Caradog and Dafydd run over to Wilson.) Wilson: I'm fine. I'm fine. Don't fuss. Don't - (Wilson separates the grass to see he's tripped over the remains of a skeleton.) Wilson: My, my. Caradog: Zach, verdict. (Dafydd pick up one of the bones and examines it.) Dafydd: It's hominid. I don't know which one yet. If I - (Dafydd's winces in anger and pain. He then throws the bone back down, disgusted.) Dafydd: Oh, God. It's a Sidhe9. Caradog: The things from - Wilson: (puts a hand over Caradog's mouth) Don't. Remember what happens when we talk about where they come from. What happened to it? Dafydd: It's been stabbed. Violently, too. Multiple times and in different places. And whatever did it was powerful. The bones scorched around the wounds. Caradog: I wonder if there are more? Is this another - Wilson: (Pulls Dafydd and Caradog down to the ground) Get down. (Near the forest, a large canine entity can be seen emerging. It looks around the clearing for a few minutes before running off towards the hills.) Caradog: (whispers) Do you think that's what Tomos saw? Dafydd: Possibly. Did you notice it too? Caradog: The wobbling around the edges, yes. Just like the birds. Wilson: Keep your wits about you, you two. Living threats are one thing, but spectral ones are another. Come on. (The three continue towards the forest. A further 6 skeletal remains of sidhe individuals, all with deep gashes.) Caradog: Some of them look like they've been crushed. What happened here? Wilson: The grass has claimed them so, it must have been a while ago. (The group reach the edge of the forest.) Wilson: Eyes peeled. I'm not having any bwci-bo's jumping out at us. Siwan, can you take some samples of the wildlife? (Caradog cuts off some bark from the trees. The three then enter the forest. After 3 minutes, they arrive at a ruined settlement, consisting of around 14 small and 1 large house, overgrown with wildlife.) Wilson: (Examines a house's wall) Interesting. Zach. Thoughts? Dafydd: They're old. Drystack technique? Wilson: Correct. Not just old. Ancient. Bronze or Iron Age I'd say. And you feel that? Something big happened here. The Akiva coming off them is strong, but something here is stronger. Dafydd: Is it just me or do the trees look odd? Wilson: How do you mean? Dafydd: I don't know. Their shape is just - all wrong. They're positioned at odd angles. Caradog: Guys, look at this! (Wilson and Dafydd join Caradog behind the largest ruin. In a clearing, a single tree is planted, resembling an Alder tree. The tree's leafage is deep red and its surface is metallic and coloured silver. A few meters away, on slate plinths, seven males and two females, are laid out. One male is wearing a green military tunic while the rest are wearing furs and silver armour. In their crossed hands, they hold a silver branch and an amber stone is placed on their chest. The group approach the plinth and tree.) Image taken by Agent Siwan Caradog depicting the metallic flora. Caradog: Are they - Wilson: Yes. They're dead. No recently thought. If the surroundings are anything to go by, they've been dead for a while. Caradog: Perfectly preserved? Thaumaturgy? Wilson: Oh, yeah. Lots. Weirdly, nothing from that. Wilson: (points at tree) The force is all shifted and direct around that. Like a magnet but for magic, going in and out in perfect flow. (Caradog and Dafydd approach the tree. Both reach out and touch its trunk and branches.) Caradog: It feels real. Dafydd: (snaps off a small branch) It is real. Look, the fibres fray just like a common branch. But it's metallic all the way through. And - (Dafydd winces in pain as he touches the branch with his bare skin, forcing him to drop the twig. A slight rash forms on Dafydd's finger where they handled the fibres) Caradog: You OK? Dafydd: I'm fine! It's - it's iron. The tree is made of iron. Caradog: But it's grown. Dafydd: (whispers) The silver forest was shaking and was filled with screams. Caradog: (picks up branch and samples it) Anything on those bodies, Sir? (Dafydd and Caradog rejoin Wilson by the bodies.) Wilson: (hand placed on one of the male corpses' head) Funny. Besides the thaumaturgy keeping them preserved, there is nothing else. At least, nothing that's active. All of them, including fancy pants, have some thaumaturgic imprints. My guess is they had some capabilities before they died. Dafydd: Any idea which ones? Wilson: (shakes head) The print is too faded. (Points at two adjacent male corpses) Those three are clearly Brasil lot. Caradog: Tuatha?10 Dafydd: Oh, yeah. The ears. (whispers) How are they involved in this? Caradog: (stands by the military man) What about this guy? Wilson: He's got more of a shape. The print is still too faded, but it's stronger than the others. Dafydd: And one of ours. (Dafydd hold up the corpse's hand, showing the ring, which has the emblem of GoI-ω-008 engraved on the gold.) Wilson: One of Ab Ifan's men? Dafydd: Must be. Wilson: So, they did reach here. (Wilson removes the ring and takes samples of hair from each corpse.) Caradog: Sir. There's something moving out there. (For the forest, sounds of movement can be heard. The rain also grows heavier, with the sky darkening further and the thunder claps growing more frequent.) Wilson: Hills. Now. (The group quickly manoeuvre through the forest towards the hill. The rain continues to heavy, causing a flash flood to form. The sound of howling and bells can be heard.) Caradog: Sir? Wilson: Keep going! Dafydd: Tomos! Alert, Tomos! Wilson: (speaks through transmitter) Urban! Come in! Urban: (speaks through transmitter) Sir! Wilson: (speaks through transmitter) A flood is forming! Get to high ground, immediately! Urban: (speaks through transmitter) Sir, the sea! The sea is closing in! There are things! I can see - (Both Wilson and Dafydd suddenly experience sharp pains in their heads. Wilson buckles in pain and collapses while Dafydd clasps his head.) Caradog: (supports Dafydd) Zach? Dafydd: I'm fine. Get the Captain. (Caradog helps Urban up, who is in a delirious state.) Wilson: The trees. The trees! Get - get back you - you - beasts! Caradog: (slaps Wilson) Sir! We need to move! Zach, help me! (Caradog and Dafydd lift Wilson and continue to the hills. After a 2-minute interval, the group clear the forest and ascend the hillside. The forest continues to flood, with some of the trees moving position. The sound of howling and bells continues to grow.) Dafydd: Come on! We're - Image taken by Agent Siwan Caradog of the fortress. (The group arrive at the base of a ruined fortress. Wilson falls to the ground, clutching his head, groaning.) Caradog: Sir! Sir! Wilson: It's - it's - so angry. The island. It's angry. He's ang - Dafydd: Siwan! (From out of the rain, several large, spectral canine entities, resembling enlarged wolves, emerge. Their fur is white except for their ears which are red in colouration. They growl and circle the group.) Dafydd: Siwan. Get ready. Dafydd: (applies auditory, psionic implantation techniques) Stop! Get Back! (The entities slow their pace and back away slightly.) Unknown Entity: Ewch! Gadwch fy ngwlad, dieithriaid!11 (From out of the rain, a man clad in black fabric, silver treasures and furs emerges. His face and body are engraved and he's wearing a crown of antlers.) Wilson: Angry. So angry. Dafydd: We represent the SCP Foundation. We do not mean you or your land and harm or - Unknown Entity: (points at the group) Hir yw'r dydd a hir yw'r nos, a hir yw aros. (Wilson's feed cuts partially. For the next 5 minutes, the sound of rainfall, thunder and bells can be heard before the feed cuts completely.) - End Log - Captain Willson and his group were rediscovered at Cullykhan Beach, Pennan, Scotland, 9 hours after entering SCP-6916-A. All were drenched in seawater and experiencing moderate hypothermia. Wilson, Urban and Caradog were found unconscious and recovered a few hours later after receiving medical attention. Dafydd, however, was discovered undergoing prolonged REM sleep and could not be awakened until 3 days following his recovery. Testing revealed that the DNA sequence found on the ring belonged to Brigadier Emyr Ab Ifan, with photographic evidence confirming this. Supplies recovered from the ship by Urban confirmed that the vassal was the Arausio, a clipper used by GoI-ω-008. No bodies were discovered on the ship. The crowned man witnessed by the team was confirmed to be the same man they'd witnessed during SCP-6916. Wilson also revealed that the man and the island were thaumaturgically linked somehow, implying the atmospheric and temporal alterations experienced by the team were their doing. As a result, they were classified as SCP-6916-B and the spectral entities inhabiting SCP-6916-A were classified as SCP-6916-C. Analysis of the metallic branch by the Department of Chemistry and the Botany Division confirmed that the branch's DNA sequence was similar to that of Alnus glutinosa. They also discovered that the branch's xylem tissue was heavy with iron and silver particles. Despite being malleable upon removal, the branch's flexibility and durability shifted dramatically during its study, with its properties now replicating that of steel. Analysis of the branch is still ongoing. Addendum 6916.4: Interview with SCP-6916-B 3 days following his expedition into SCP-6916-A, Dr. Dafydd awoke from his REM sleep state and immediately requested the use of an oneirosensory visualization recording device12, claiming he had communicated with SCP-6916-B prior to his expulsion from SCP-6916-A and vital information regarding the history and events occurring with SCP-6916-A. Below is a transcript of the recordings. ▷ Oneirological Log ▽ Oneirological Log Oneirological Log of Dr. Dafydd's interview with SCP-6916-B Date of recording: 11/04/2000 Participant: Dr. Zachary Dafydd, Researcher for the Department of Anomalous Humanoid Psychology, Site-12 Operational Directive: Recorded Dr. Dafydd's negotiations with SCP-6916-B during the of exploration of SCP-6916-A Foreword: Dr. Dafydd was able to apply oneiric hypnotherapy and mnestics techniques to himself in order to remember his conversation with SCP-6916-B during his exploration, allowing it to be recorded later. - Begin Log - (Initial view is the same as the near-end of the exploration log, with Wilson, Caradog and Dafydd surrounded by instances of SCP-6916-C and SCP-6916-B.) SCP-6916-B: (points at group) Hir yw'r dydd a hir yw'r nos, a hir yw aros. (Wilson and Caradog fall unconscious. However, Dafydd is able to remain awake and despite stumbling, remains standing. SCP-6916-B appears surprised.) Dafydd: That's not going to work on me. SCP-6916-B: Shwt - Dafydd: Nid chi yw'r unig swynwr yma. (Note: Dafydd and SCP-6916-B communicate in Brythonic through their discussion. It has been translated from this point on.) SCP-6916-B: You speak the father's tongue. Dafydd: And many others. And I do not appreciate being pushed aside like that. SCP-6916-B: You dare speak to me like - Dafydd: You attempted to harm me and my party. I shall speak to you how I see fit. (SCP-6916-B approaches Dafydd, eyeing him up. The SCP-6916-C entities relax their stance.) SCP-6916-B: You people are - different to the others. Dafydd: Others? The people who came here? Where are they? SCP-6916-B: When they came, they walked timorously. Unsure. Afraid. You - you walked with command. Directive. I am impressed. I haven't seen courage like that since my manumission. Dafydd: You were imprisoned? SCP-6916-B: For many lifetimes. Dafydd: And you were freed? SCP-6916-B: (Pauses) The others were less talkative. Are you people full of questions? Dafydd: How about this? Answer for an answer. I ask something, you provide me with the most honest response you can. In turn, I shall do the same to your questions. Deal? SCP-6916-B: Do I get to go first? Dafydd: Fine. SCP-6916-B: (Pauses) Who are you people? Dafydd: Me and my collages are representatives of an organisation known as - the Foundation. We - try and - protect humanity from the greater dangers of our world. SCP-6916-B: How noble. That is quite a task. Your turn. Dafydd: What happened here? SCP-6916-B: (laughs) My, what a question. The answer is quite a story. I wouldn't know where to start. Dafydd: We have time. And I've always liked a good story. (SCP-6916-B gestures for Dafydd to sit on a ruined wall. The SCP-6916-C instances stand guard around SCP-6916-B.) SCP-6916-B: This land. This island. My island is all that is left of a proud conglomeration. A collective that spanned all of Albion. A collective founded on skills, determination and pride. Oh, if only we had had the chance. We could have done so much more. Dafydd: You were proud of your empire? SCP-6916-B: We weren't an empire! I and others ruled, true, but we did not stand above our fellow brothers and sons! But, yes, we were proud of what we were. Maybe that's why we fell so painfully. (Pauses) Our community was powerful. We could do things with magic others could only dream of. My presence here is an example of our power over the line between life and death. But we weren't alone. To the west, we had rivals. Equally powerful. Equally proud. Dafydd: The Tuatha Dé Danann. SCP-6916-B: You know of them? Dafydd: Some are still around. SCP-6916-B: (laughs annoyedly) They survived. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. They were always good at hiding and twisting the fates. Dafydd: You should see them now. They're not exactly in the best situation. Were you enemies? SCP-6916-B: Maybe, deep down, but on the surface, we were rivals. Both of us were always jealous of each other. Us, envious of their influence over fortune, the skies and their bodies. Them, covetous of our finesse in metalwork, agriculture and mediumship. It was unhealth but - it worked. Dafydd: What changed? SCP-6916-B: I believe you owe me an answer. Dafydd: Go on then. SCP-6916-B: Are you proud of where you come from? (Pause) Dafydd: In this line of work, attachments are - dangerous things to form. I will say, however, I value where I come from. So, maybe, in a way, yes, I am proud of where I came from. SCP-6916-B: (smiles) Dafydd: What changed between your people and the Tuatha? SCP-6916-B: (sighs) I have often contemplated how that happened. All I know is that as soon as it started, it grew quickly and led to tensions between us. Fear grew like a weed. Everything became about displaying power. Eventually, the idea of war crept into our minds. As new enemies from the east and north had started to appear, war was not something either of us wanted. Our only hope was a union of sorts. So plans were made for their prince to wed one of our most powerful ladies and at the ceremony, both of us exchanged a treasure. They taught us to influence our skies and we gave them means of uniting living and dead. We believe such a union would strengthen us. But it brought nothing but misery. The whispers continued and then came the attacks and murders. And finally, when word came that our lady had faced abuse and torture at the hands of the prince's family, our fates were decided. Dafydd: War. SCP-6916-B: It was a blood bath that lasted years. Both of us held nothing back. Curses were cast. Fortresses erected. Monsters were bred. Many men and beasts, both living and departed, were lost, or worse. And then, it all came here. To my island. So many were lost in that battle. And then - (SCP-6916-B begins to weep angrily. The SCP-6916-C respond by growling and pounding the ground.) SCP-6916-B: They came. (SCP-6916-B looks at Dafydd.) SCP-6916-B: The Gwyllion! Dafydd: I don't understand. SCP-6916-B: And that's when it all came out! The truth! The shameful truth! As we quarrelled and built, they snuck and whispered! Posing as our brothers and feeding our bloodlust! It had all been a game! All this time! A great game! To weaken us! To degrade us! To claim our lands after we'd reduce them to dust! Those vile creatures! (SCP-6916-B slams his fist on to the stone, which cracks.) We tried to act but by then it was too late. They had most of our land, fortresses and arms under their control. There was nothing we could do. I watched as they made my forest walk and hunt my people. We begged them to stop but they only laughed. They enjoyed it you see. After the forests walked, they pulled my land out of the world and sealed it within this realm. Some of my men escaped, as did some Tuatha, but most of us, including myself and the prince, were captured and brought to the Gwyllion king. We begged the king to spare our people. He merely laughed. He had what he wanted. With that, he had the prince imprisoned and transported and had me chained and muzzled, locked to my island. Forced into enslavement. Forced to bend my kingdom into his sick image. Forced to watch my magic be used to turn people into beasts and abominations. (SCP-6916-B puts their head in their arms.) Dafydd: I'm - I'm so sorry. SCP-6916-B: With our community in ruin, I watched as they used my island to experiment, plan and manipulate. As they did so, I felt my people grew weaker and simpler and not long after, Albion was invaded again and again. And with each invasion, our history, our culture, and our work vanished. So much was lost. (One of SCP-6916-C rests it's head on SCP-6916-B lap.) SCP-6916-B: You've met the Gwyllion. I saw it in your eyes when you handled their bones. A disgust. A scar beyond just the skin. Tell me, how did you meet them? Dafydd: Before I joined the Foundation, I lived in the Library along with a group of people I wrongfully considered family. One day, some of us attempted something. A ritual. I - it went wrong. It turned out, just like you, I'd been tricked by someone. Someone from somewhere very fair away. They interrupted the casting, damaging my mind. In the process, many people, including he who came from over there were lost and I was left hurt - and changed. SCP-6916-B: Cruel, aren't they? Dafydd: How did you escape? SCP-6916-B: Oh, that. My, that was satisfying. As you know, the Gwyllion had cut this land apart from the world, sealing it within this realm and closing it off with powerful boundaries. For centuries, I had attempted to breach them but I was weak. Then many years ago, something occurred. Something outside this realm. I don't know what but whatever it was, made the Gwyllion scared. That, I had never seen before. And this force caused a fissure to form in the boundaries. Just big enough for a message to get through. So, I reached out and called. SCP-6916-B: And an answer came. Dafydd: The soldiers. Her Majesty's Foundation for the Secure Containment of the Paranormal. SCP-6916-B: These men had power. New power. Refined power. And each of them possessed the same spirit my brothers and sons had long ago. A pride and love my people once had I long thought dead. The Gwyllion tried to fight back but their power had waned. Eventually, after many deaths, they freed me. And free at last, I gave them terror. I pulled on the boundaries between life and death and made them face the sins they'd indulged in. The king, who'd dared to mock me, fled like a coward along with his court. His subjects, the usurpers, I slaughtered. I hate to say it, but their screams were glorious noise. My island was mine once more. Broken, but mine. Dafydd: Well that explains a bit. SCP-6916-B: Now, I ask you. Will you join us? Dafydd: I'm sorry. SCP-6916-B: The Gwyllion. This place is only one of many of their hiding places. Your curse is further proof that they're out there. They have held us back for millennia. They must be removed. Dafydd: Hang on just a moment. You're planning to - That's what the dream is. It's not a distress call. It's a call to arms. You want to fight them. SCP-6916-B: And you and your organisation have come. You've seen what they have done to us. Confined us to cages. Prevented us from reaching our true potential. Not just in Alboin. I know kingdoms and communities exist beyond the seas. They too must have faced the refinement of those creatures. It is time we took back what they had no right to take from us. Our true potential. Join us. (SCP-6916-B offers Dafydd a hand.) SCP-6916-B: You hesitate, brother. Dafydd: You want war. A war with creatures we have fought for thousands of years. A war that would cause unimaginable shifts, thaumaturgically, geopolitically and potentially biologically. I - I - can't allow you to do that. (SCP-6916-B withdraws their hand. The SCP-6916-C entities begin prowling again.) SCP-6916-B: With all due respect, I am a king of this land. I am not like the Tuatha. I will not hide behind wards. I will do what I see fit. Where is your pride? You said your organisation defended humanity. Why do you instant on continuing this confinement and squandering? Why do you protect this - vail? Dafydd: Because the world has grown so much since you were imprisoned. Your war with the Tuatha and - Gwyllion was nothing compared to what happened after. We've had battles that spanned entire realms of existence and have only just started to recover from them. We don't want that. I'm not confining humanity. I am protecting it. And if you think you can start a war just - (Dafydd looks SCP-6916-B in the eye.) Dafydd: Where are the people who came here? (SCP-6916-B continues to look at Dafydd.) Dafydd: You've already started the war, haven't you? SCP-6916-B: You would have done such good, brother. And out of respect, I shall let you go with a warning. Stay out of our way. You and your - Foundation. (The rain grows heavier, cause a flash flood. The thunder, howling and bells grow in frequency. SCP-6916-B and the SCP-6916-C entities move to high ground. Dafydd pulls Wilson and Caradog out of the floodwater.) Dafydd: What is this place?! Who are you?! SCP-6916-B: The Tuatha called this Tír na nÓg. The Gwyllion called this Avalon. We - called it Annwn, its true name. And I am Arawn, lord of the dead and king of this land. SCP-6916-B: (points at Dafydd) Hir yw'r dydd a hir yw'r nos, a hir yw aros! - End Log - Afterword: Upon completing the recording, Dr. Dafydd proceeded to vomit small quantities of seawater over the next 30 minutes. He refused any treatment and requested to speak with the site director and the Department Of Mythology And Folkloristics as soon as possible. Addendum 6916.5: Redesignation and Revised Containment With the information provided by Dr. Dafydd, the Foundation reassessed their containment procedures for SCP-6916. The island within SCP-6916-A has been given a Nexus designation due to its historical significance and potential threat towards the anomalous community. ▷ Nexus Registration: Nx-02 ▽ Nexus Registration: Nx-02 Nx-02, located within SCP-6916-A, photographed by Agent Siwan Caradog during their exploration into the extradimensional space. Nexus #: Nx-02 Civilian Designation: Annwn (Formerly Avalon) Population: Unknown Nexus Interaction Protocol: To prevent the public's access to Nx-02, the Foundation is continuing its containment procedures regarding SCP-6916, with the addition of detecting departures from Nx-02. If individual/s successfully access Nx-02, they are to be retrieved as soon as possible and subjected to interview and amnestic and oneirological treatment. Access and traversal into Nx-02 by Foundation personnel is to remain a high priority, to prevent an LV-Zero "Lifted Veil" scenario. Containment Facility: Site-12 Description: Nx-02 is an island located within the partially, extradimensional space known as SCP-6916-A. Nx-02 is accessible from any coastline within the British Isle and Northern France. To date, the only known way of accessing Nx-02 is to apply an NHK, following subjection to SCP-6916. However, this access can be revoked. Those who attempt to reach Nx-02 with revoked access will be subject to translocation and be redirected back to the point of perpetration. Nx-02 is home to several spectral entities, including SCP-6916-B, who is capable of numerous thaumaturgical workings, including atmomancy, necromancy and oneiromancy. Due to their revoked access, it is believed SCP-6916-B is actively disengaged with the Foundation. However, recent evidence suggests Nx-02 may be open to other Groups of Interest. Research is ongoing. Due to having revoked access, the history of Nx-02 is mostly unknown, with only the statements made by SCP-6916-B providing any insights. Nevertheless, historical records were able to provide some details. Since enacting more focused and stringent containment procedures, individuals lost to SCP-6916-A have decreased, with only 57 SCP-6916 subjects managing to evade Foundation protocol. However, with the sudden increase in nationalism in the Celtic regions, subjection to SCP-6916 is predicted to increase within the next year. END OF FILE Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Re: UPDATE to SCP-6916 To: Director Vidya Durrani From: Dr. Zachary Dafydd Subject: Update on SCP-6916 Good Evening Durrani, I hate to bother you at such a late time but some news regarding SCP-6916 has come to my attention. Please see below: Foreword: This footage was passed on by an undercover Foundation Agent within GoI-006 ("Unusual Incidents Unit") following a murder investigation at Cillian's Apothecary in FP-01 ("Three Portlands"). Security footage shows Ahern, a sidhe phytotherapist, working when the two hooded individuals break in through the backdoor. Ahern attempts to apprehend them using chlorokinetic techniques but is restrained in a headlock by an unseen, third individual. As Ahern struggle against the invisible individual, the hooded individuals remove their hoods, revealing one to be PoI-6988 and the other to be Tuatha. The pair appear to threaten and question Ahern, who merely angrily denies their questions and at one point, spits on PoI-6988. After a few minutes, the Tuatha holds up Ahern with a metallic, prosthetic arm. Blisters begin to form on Ahern's skin where the metal touches it, and their wings burst from their clothes and begin to shed. PoI-6988 then points at Ahern's chest and whispers something. Ahern's body then goes rigid and a tree begins to grow around their body. The tree stops growing, leaving only Ahern's eyes, left ear and right fingers exposed. PoI-6988 then carves a symbol resembling a Triskelion in the base, before leaving with the others. Ahern expired 10 minutes later. Afterword: When the Department of Spectral Phenomena applied thaumaturgical, ectographical techniques to the footage, the third individual was revealed to be a spectral entity, resembling Second Lieutenant Nathanial Logan. The symbol carved by PoI-6988 has begun to show in various locations worldwide, most notably in the Free Ports and in human subspecies habitats. As well as the appearance of this group, 184, 322, 96 and 57 have come in contact. 4 further 6916 subjects have gone missing. However, Logistics and Transportation checked and confirmed they never left their home countries and states (Pennsylvania, Nova Scotia, Falkland Islands). This can only mean one thing. SCP-6916-A is extending its borders. Also, Project Signal-Man have reported spikes in spectral entities and activities within the UK again. Mostly around the coast. They don't last long. Only a few seconds but there nonetheless. Given these changes, I believe we should change SCP-6916 to a Red classification and have it redesignated as Keter as soon as possible. I can't help feeling there is something big coming. Yours, Zachary Dafydd, PhD Footnotes 1. An instrument used to detect and measure the rate of Akiva radiation flow, known as thaumactivity. As well as detection, Zohar counters can be used to identify specific thaumaturgical programs. 2. An emotion similar to homesickness, nostalgia and grief. The word has no direct English translation. 3. Breton, Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh, Cornish and Manx. 4. The first influx occurred hours after the signing of the Good Friday Agreement on 10/04/1998 and the second after the founding of the Senedd on 12/05/1999. 5. A military brigadier and thaumaturgist for GoI-ω-008's ("Her Majesty's Foundation for the Secure Containment of the Paranormal") Force ξ, a task force specialising in targeting thaumaturgical and psionic anomalies. Believed to have died during the early stages of the Sixth Occult War (1864 - 1869). 6. SCP-4911: A Safe-class anomalous wall located in South Wales. 4911 has strong mnestic and thaumaturgic properties. 7. More commonly known among the anomalous community as 'Knocks'. The majority of NHKs are used to open Rosen-Fortune Bridges ("Ways") into Nx-01 ("The Wanderer's Library"). However, some allow access to other extradimensional and anomalous locations. 8. Despite not having the relevant training, Dr. Dafydd and Agent Caradog were assigned to the exploration due to the scarcity of SCP-6916's subjects with the appropriate credentials and skills. Dr. Dafydd is a qualified Level-4 oneiromancer and psionic and Agent Caradog specialised in the containment of thaumaturgical and spectral anomalies. 9. A hominid species designated as trans stellaris or homo sapiens sidhe. Known colloquially as Fae, Tylwyth Teg, Aos sí or Fair Folk. Due to little research and similar characteristics, homo sapiens sidhe and homo sapiens tumuli are often confused with one another. 10. A homo subspecies designated as homo sapiens tumuli, colloquial known as Tuatha Dé Danann. Before 1988, they were a thriving populous, inhabiting Nx-03. However, since then, their numbers have dwindled significantly, with most now inhabiting the Free Ports. 11. Entity is communicating in Brythonic. It's been roughly translated into Welsh. 12. A recently signed-off device developed by the Department of Oneirology Studies, which records digital rendering of dreams. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6916" by arthcymro, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: ifan.jpeg Name: crimean war soldiers Author: Jedimentat44 License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: fort.jpeg Name: Dolbadarn Author: Hefin Owen License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Filename: silvertree.jpeg Name: ―for the night is dark, and full of terrors 🌅 Author: anokarina License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Filename: Annwn.jpeg Name: Misty Islands Author: Xa'at License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: / A World Full of Weeping Annwn
Item#: 6917 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: warning link to memo Entry to SCP-6917, hidden as a fireplace through anti-memetic effects. Special Containment Procedures: No aggressive actions are to be taken inside SCP-6917. Exploration is to be performed primarily by drones with no offensive capabilities; should the presence of personnel inside SCP-6917 be necessary, they are to be unarmed and may only explore up to Sub-Level 5. No personnel may remain more than 2 hours inside SCP-6917. Research and exploration teams must undergo mnestic treatment and be monitored for adverse psychological effects. Personnel are reminded that hallucinations inside SCP-6917 are not actively harmful. Do not engage any perceived entities inside SCP-6917. Investigation on ways to inoculate personnel against the hallucinatory effects of SCP-6917 is ongoing. Personnel are to be rotated every 3 months, or on advice of lead psychologist assigned to the SCP-6917 Project. Presence of personnel with mechanical augmentations connected to GoI-004 (“The Church of the Broken God”) is strictly forbidden. Investigation on individuals and locations with suspected connections to SCP-6917 and GoI-004F (“The New Ferrous Brotherhood”) is ongoing. Description: SCP-6917 is an underground complex in the town of ███████, Britain, constructed during the 19th century by members of the defunct “New Ferrous Brotherhood”1. The complex exhibits heavy damage, suspected to be related to armed conflicts with other Broken God cults near the end of the 19th century. Despite this damage, several systems inside the complex remain fully functional, including gas-based lighting systems, water systems and steam pipe systems, as well as locking and transport systems between each sub-level. The Foundation has thus far discovered 7 different levels of SCP-6917; as both the entry to SCP-6917 and the entry to each level was subject to an anti-memetic phenomenon, the currently known extent cannot be considered as its confirmed full extension. Mechanical systems within SCP-6917 react negatively to acts of aggression committed inside it, attacking all foreign agents2 present in the complex at the time of activation. These attacks will only cease after the termination or evacuation of every foreign agent inside the complex. The presence of weapons will also trigger this effect. Sensitivity of this defence mechanism increases in deeper levels, with even verbal aggression risking its activation in Sub-Level 6. Systems inside the complex are also hostile towards personnel with augmentations derived from GoI-004B (“The Cogwork Orthodoxy”). The effects of SCP-6917 on people with augmentations from other sects of the Church of the Broken God has not been tested. SCP-6917 is subject to an anti-memetic phenomenon, making information about it or its contents impossible to recall for any person not undergoing mnestic treatment. This effect extends to individuals who spend a prolonged amount of time inside SCP-6917, who become unable to be recalled or perceived by others. This effect extends for up to 2 weeks after departure from the complex. Personnel involved in exploration or research on SCP-6917 are affected by sustained auditory and visual hallucinations of a mechanically augmented humanoid. Subject is described as a young man, with varying degrees of augmentations ranging from minor modifications of left hand and eyes to complete body mechanization. Rate of hallucinations increase over time and will only cease after termination of exploration or research on the complex. Long-term victims of this effect experience overwhelming emotions of grief, regret and self-hatred. Whether this is an intentional element of the defence system or an unintentional side-effect of its implementation remains a subject of debate. Description of Sub-Levels: A summary of the contents of each sub-level is included below: Sub-Level 1: Entrance. Heavily damaged by ballistics and fire. Blood samples taken at the time of discovery correspond to at least ██ individuals. Sub-Level 2: Chapel. Seats are in disarray, and 4 of the 12 sculptures and 9 of the 20 stained glass windows in it have been broken. Remaining art depicts: Sculptures: Three brass sculptures of mechanically augmented people resembling artistic depictions of ancient Greeks, bearing the tags "Forebearers of the Brotherhood". Four steel sculptures of known inventors and industrialists from the early British Industrial Revolution, bearing the tags "Blessings of the Broken One". One heavily vandalized sculpture of unknown alloy of a heavily augmented man, bearing the tag "Our Founder, Father Loom". Windows: Depictions of the Broken God shedding light on notable scientists and inventors of the 16th to 19th centuries, a group of 18 men walking away from a faceless congregation, led by a figure resembling the "Father Loom" sculpture, and the transition of 4 identical humans to wildly divergent machines reuniting with the Broken God. Images have been vandalized with pigments from unknown provenance, with words and phrases such as "Heretics", "Disassemblers" and "Murderers" written over them. Sub-Levels 3 and 4: Living quarters, 4 large ones in Sub-Level 3 equipped with individual studies, as well as 9 spartan ones in Sub-Level 4. One of the dormitories in Sub-Level 3 is in heavy disrepair, and contains several destroyed books. It is the only room inside SCP-6917 not warded by an anti-memetic phenomenon. Documentation recovered from within the other rooms includes books on Greece, China and the Arabian Peninsula, heavily marked maps of the Aegean Sea, manuals on industrial manufacture procedures, budgetary drafts, propaganda pamphlets, letters and research on occult innovations, though large portions of each are illegible due to damage or missing pages. While entrance bears marks of violence, most of the Sub-Levels were found intact. Sub-Level 5: Medical and engineering quarters. Layout includes a waiting room, three studies, a surgery room, a forge and four prisoner cells, seemingly modified from other rooms. Studies are in disarray, with most of the documentation inside gone, though schematics for several highly personalized augmentations have been found, with inscriptions resembling theorized sigils from research documents in Sub-Level 3. Includes storage of iron and coal, as well as supply of liquid water and steam from an unknown source. Surgery room shows signs of recent use. The reason for this is unknown subject to debate. Corridor in Sub-Level 6. Sub-Level 6: Labyrinthine system of corridors. Sub-Level is extremely hazardous towards exploration, with drones frequently experiencing inexplicable catastrophic failure. No task forces have been sent to explore the Sub-Level so far. An unknown number of task forces have been sent into the Sub-Level. All personnel involved are considered lost. No further personnel are to enter Sub-Level 6. The centre of the Sub-Level is occupied by a machine of roughly 2 m x 2 m x 2.5 m, codenamed SCP-6917-1, connected to every system and mechanism inside the complex. Machine is inscribed by several symbols resembling modified ancient Mekhanite glyphs, as per research found in Sub-Level 3. So far, researchers have been unable to decrypt the full purpose of the inscriptions, though the glyphs for "Protection", "Unseen" and "Expansion/Assimilation" have been recognized. Due to the intensity of hallucinations and empathic contamination after witnessing footage of SCP-6917-1, it has been theorized to be the source of this effect. Levers on SCP-6917-1 appear to change position in recordings through different days. Whether this is an automated process or a manual one is currently unknown. Still frame from sole recording of Sub-Level 7.. Sub-Level 7: Collapsed entry to a system of caves. Entrance is hidden beneath SCP-6917-1. Due to the difficulties in traversing Sub-Level 6, exploration of this level has thus far been limited to its discovery. Reports of the sound of grinding in the sole recording of it have been determined to be the effect of memetic contamination. Recovered Documentation: The following documentation has been selected to provide a basic outline for the events of the final days of habitation of SCP-6917. Most of the material comes from a single room in Sub-Level 4, in the form of letters and journals. For a full log of documentation found inside SCP-6917, see Document 6917-A. To my Brothers and Sisters, Today we commemorate another year of our Most Glorious Brotherhood. From our humble beginnings to current times, we have experienced much hardship, and ultimately prevailed over those who would see the true faith fade into obscurity, those who would keep the Glorious One broken. It has been a long road, but the foundation established by our Founders, and shepherded today by our Esteemed Leadership, has guaranteed our survival. Indeed, today we stand as the biggest denomination of the faith in Britain, and will continue to grow beyond these boundaries. The reassembly of the Glorious One is, for the first time in human history, within our reach, and none of this would have been possible without the efforts of every believer in the Brotherhood. Indeed, were it not for the work of our historians, our preachers, our engineers, we would not be where we are today. They have rediscovered the secrets of the past, expanded our reach in the present, and shown the way to the future of not just our congregation, but the human race as a whole. Our Brothers and Sisters have reached into the Divine Spark that resides in their souls, and illuminated the path of victory our Brotherhood is currently walking. It is in this recognition of the hard, fruitful work of our fellow believers that our Esteemed Leadership has decided to summon all interested parties to the "Congress for the Future", to be celebrated next February. We will discuss the direction our faith must take from now on, to ensure our supremacy over the heretics and a glorious future for the human race, as guided by the light of the Harmonious One. For the Reassembly, of God and of our Hearts, Elder Atelier Dear Emma Diaphragm, I hope Belgium is treating you well. I cannot but find it hard to believe one of us managed to leave this get assigned to another country. It brings to my mind memories of our childhoods, and your claims that you would discover the truth of this world. Your ambitions have always been high, and I am glad to see you gathering so much praise from our Brotherhood - enough to be sent in this mission. No one deserves it more than you. I hope things are going well with Mills. Elder Atelier vouched for him, though I admit I would rather have known him before your engagement. When I met him, he seemed like a decent man, a good believer, but I could not picture him married to you. Certainly, I cannot picture the two of you alone in a strange country. I hope we can see each other soon I hope you continue to find success in your travels. Your brother, Loom Dear Jonathan, Thank you for your letter. With all the changes my life has gone through lately, your constant letters help me remember some things will always remain the same. As you said, it brings back memories of our childhood, though mine appear different. After all, I remember it was you who spoke of "the truth of this world". I just said I wanted the truth - and then just the truth of England! I must remind you it was not actually me who was assigned to this mission, but Mills. I am only accompanying him in his mission, though I am glad he has seen fit to allow me to keep researching while he is elsewhere. Please, do not feel anxious about Mills. Elder Atelier made the right choice. I do wish he were more receptive towards my avenues of research, but he remains wary of these new ideas. He still cannot see how the advances of our day have shown the hand of our Most Glorious Lord in even the domain of flesh. In spite of this, I remain thankful he allows me to keep exploring these possibilities. I hope I can see you soon, Jon. I know your duties keep you busy in England, but surely you have proved yourself to the Leadership enough to be granted this allowance. No one has worked as hard for the Brotherhood as you have. Regarding the Congress, I have heard of it from Mills, who received an invitation. He expects to finish his mission and be back in the old monastery next February, where I hope we can talk again. If not, then maybe you can come to our abode here, and allow me to introduce you to some new acquaintances I have made here. We would have to keep that a secret from Mills, though, since I am sure he disapproves, even if he does not mention it. Please send the Elders my regards, and give Elder Atelier the research papers I have attached to this letter. I believe I have discovered a magnificent property of our nervous system that will benefit the Brotherhood immensely. Your dear sister, who you do not need the codename with, Emma To my Brothers and Sisters, Our Glorious Leadership extends its gratitude to all those who have confirmed their assistence to the Congress. From all over Britain have arrived letters commending us for this opportunity, renewing the faith and loyalty of our congregation, and even informing us of new developments to discuss in the Congress. Especially exciting is a recent discovery made by Brother Mills' team, describing sacred properties in our nervous systems that will allow us to massively improve the quality of our brain modifications. With this discovery, we hope to further free our spirits from the constraints of the brain and even perceive the Voice of the Glorious One with a clarity only dreamt of before now. Sadly, not all is good news. We have heard of a recent attempt at infiltrating our family by members of the Cogwork Orthodoxy. As you know, the Orthodoxy spouses highly perverted views of our God, and their corrupting influence cannot be allowed to taint our faith. Their ideals and ethos are completely anathema to our own, and to any reasonable model of progress, in both their absurd contempt towards industrial production as it exists in the real world, and especially in their outright contempt for individuality. They would lump even the most brilliant of us with the faceless masses, “standardizing” what should be intensely personal journeys of transition out of our limited flesh. It is in the interest of protecting the Brotherhood that I am saddened to inform you that we will be screening all communications from now on. Please understand that this decision was made to protect you. History has shown our forefathers failing due to the warped influence of heretics. Today, where we are now closer than ever to the Day of Apotheosis, we cannot allow ourselves to falter. For the Reassembly, of God and of our Hearts, Elder Atelier Loom, An emergency has arisen today. One of our historians, Shuttle, has started to frequent the company of Tickers, and we have reason to believe she is providing them with information. You know what to do. I am sorry, Richard Atelier February 15th, 1880 I had a mission today. Though I had never seen her before, she seemed to recognize me - or at least my clothes. That has gotten more commen lately. I do not know how my targets learned of me. I do know they fear me. This was not what I wanted, when I first joined the Unseen Order. Elder Atelier insists that eventually, I will be allowed to move on from this, serve as a bodyguard for a historian in Greece or a preacher in America. He has rejected all my applications so far, though. I am much needed here. The Congress was today. Diaphragm, I apologize for missing the Congress. Sadly, I had to leave for a mission. I wish I could have spoken with you, but I am sure we will have later opportunities. I must admit to be troubled by your words in the congress. What were you thinking [ILLEGIBLE] I must admit I am somewhat troubled by news of your words in the Congress. I understand your time abroad may have made you more susceptible to the Cogwork propaganda, but Diaphragm, they are lying. Please, believe me, I have seen the effect they have in our Brothers and Sisters. They warp them into seeking to abandon us, or worse, fight against us. They seek to destroy everything we have built, everything our grandfather built, and morph it into their standardized nonsense. I do not know what lies they told you to speak as you did in the congress, but I urge you to reconsider the path they intend to lead us on. I apologize if this is too forceful, but I am worried about you, sister. The Elders have been talking of cutting funding for your research, wondering if perhaps you are not being seduced away. You cannot be stuck here like me, you are better than Please, Emma Diaphragm, the Brotherhood would lose too much without your guiding Spark. Love, Brother Loom Brother Loom, I hope this letter finds you well. I know how excited you were for the Congress, so I was saddened when I realized you could not attend it. Please, do not despair. I am sure the Elders will soon realize how much you have to offer to our Brotherhood, how much you have already done for us. As for my words in the Congress, I do not take back anything I said. Yes, it is true the Cogwork Orthodoxy, and all Mekhanite movements of our time, have different views on worship and progress than our own, but I do not believe that means we cannot cooperate with each other. Ultimately, they are just like us, trying to save the God who loves us as He once did for us, trying to make our lost, broken selves whole again, free from this prison, into the true freedom offered to us by our God. Perhaps some of their ideas about who deserves to transition out of this prison do not agree with our own, but should we reject them because of this, instead of taking it as an opportunity to learn? You wanted to learn the truth of this world, Loom, and if there is anything I have learned in my studies, it is that what we believe without reason is truth often blinds us to the real knowledge just outside our reach. Please, do not invoke our grandfather at me again. We never knew him, and he never knew us. It is time we moved on from him, into our own lives. Until next time, Sister Diaphragm October 7th, 1880 I had to kill an engineer today. It seems like that is all I do these days, killing. When I first joined the Unseen Order, I thought it was my chance to be part of my grandfather's legacy. We had been forgotten and thrown aside, but Elder Atelier saw potential in us, saw the strength of our faith and convictions, and he allowed us to serve under him. I have never been happier than when he granted me the same name my grandfather carried, the day he told me I'd protect this Brotherhood as he had protected it. Emma had yet to find success at capturing the Leadership's attention with her work, but with this, maybe I didn't need to. Maybe having been forgotten could be of use to us. I don't know how I feel about it anymore. I don't know if I'm really protecting anything. The Leadership publicly speaks of our incoming victory, yet all I see in their faces is fear. I do not believe the congregation will keep believing those words. I am afraid of what that may mean. Diaphragm, I hope you are feeling better these days. Mills tells me you have expressed concerns over the use of your research. Please, pay no mind to any rumours, and feel joy in the certainty that they are being used for the good of every member of our congregation. Your findings continue to inspire our church, and for the enormous service you have done to our faith, I must thank you. I must unfortunately reject your request for solitary assignment in Belgium. I know you found much success and inspiration in those lands, but your place is alongside your husband first and foremost, and I am sure a girl of your brilliance will succeed in any place she stays, if she so wills. Mills is worried that the company you kept in Belgium may have affected your views, and after your display in the Congress, I am worried too. We both believe that time closer to home will relieve you of these idealistic but misguided views. Please, do not disgrace the legacy of your grandfather by listening to those who would have it destroyed. I look forward to your next communication, Elder Atelier To my Brothers and Sisters, It has come to my knowledge that some of you are questioning the necessity and the ethics of incorporating heretic prisoners into our practices. While I am the first to recognize that this would not be acceptable under normal circumstances, I urge you to remember our current situation. Every day we lose ground to the Cogwork Orthodoxy. Every day we risk our faith losing itself in the claws of those who would reject our uniqueness, those who would equate us to the unimaginative masses. Every human being, even the unbelievers and the disassemblers, carry a unique part of the Divine Spark within them. While it is preferable for people to pursue transcendence on their own, is it not preferable for their Sparks to reunite with the One sooner than for them to be lost until the Day of Apotheosis? Think of this not as harm done to your fellow man, but as allowing them to serve the purpose they were born with, the one only they can do. Through heathen minds, the Brotherhood will seek that which was separated, and lead the rest of humanity into the Unbroken World. For the reassembly of the Harmonious One, Elder Atelier July 9th, 1881 I stood before a mirror today. I know it's a heresy, but I tried to look for my old, flesh self inside it. I could no longer see anything that reminded me of it. Scripture decrees that this is a joyful celebration, the day we finally transcend from our flesh prisons into the glorious machines that enhance our individual spark. I don't feel joyful. I still hear a lot of complaints about what's happening to the prisoners. From those who believe they aren't worthy to be allowed to perceive the Voice of God, to those who find their circumstances unacceptable. I'm afraid I may be sent after them if this carries on. I have looked into the eyes of the prisoners, and I see nothing. Nothing but the servitude towards God that Elder Atelier insists is the true measure of our faith. I wonder if that's what we have to be, mindless servants of the Broken One, nothing left of ourselves but the desire to serve God and Brotherhood. I wonder if that's not what I already am. I haven't heard from Emma in months. I hope she's okay. I hope no one else was sent after her. November 12th, 1881 Another site lost today. It seems that's getting more common. I hear rumours, of people who found Mills. Nothing about Emma, though. We're losing this war, I know we are. I don't know if it's because of the attacks on our homes, or the people who continue to abandon us, but we're losing. The Unseen Order has started to transform our homes. They speak of ambushes and barricades and escape routes. Most of all, they speak of glory and sacrifice. I saw a machine today, one with glyphs I wish I did not recognize, but I did. They spoke of what powered them. They spoke of Divine Sparks and loyalty to the Brotherhood. As I stood among my comrades in arms, I could not help but wonder who among us would have the courage, and who would not. I never knew many of my comrades, but I know who bore those glyphs before. I know who was missing in the meeting. I felt a strange fear come over me as I saw the machine, a fear I could not recognize as my own. Was that how she felt? I have another mission, soon. A small group of Tickers in Liverpool. I'm just glad it's not one of our own anymore. Loom, Diaphragm has gone to the Tickers. We found her inside her room, destroying everything, even burning her research journals. She insulted our Leadership when we tried to stop her, though we managed to protect the other living quarters before she escaped. With her on their side, we must assume every site she knew about is compromised. I leave to warn our Brothers of her deception, even join the fight if it becomes necessary. I remain confident in our victory. As important as she was, Diaphragm was only another small cog in the Brotherhood. We still hold the advantage over the Tickers if we prepare ourselves for the fight. I leave the congregation in your capable hands. They may not know, but no one has protected them as much as you. I am confident you will continue to reward their trust in you. This is the opportunity you have always desired, Loom, the opportunity to honour the legacy of your grandfather by protecting his creation. I trust you will do what must be done, without fear or hesitation. Until the Day of Apotheosis, Elder Atelier March 9th, 1882 We had to seal the door to the chapel today. The Cogwork Orthodoxy overcame the defences of the first level, and invaded even our praying grounds. I could not seal it before one of the prisoners fell. The Tickers looked distraught. My charges no longer trust me. I hear them speak of what could happen to them. I see them look at the prisoners with a new kind of fright. Most of all, I hear the same question when they think I am not listening. I see them in their eyes all the time. “Why?” Why have I not done what the Unseen Order promised yet? I saw the machine with glyphs in my dreams tonight. I never knew her name, and I never will now. I remember our scripture, the promise of our Conversions into Great Machines to serve our Lord and our Brotherhood. I remember the glorious stories of my grandfather's ascension, and I cannot recognize that glory in the fearful machine in my dreams. I don't want to do this. I can't. Jonathan, Please, do not destroy this letter so soon. Give me the chance to explain, and you can decide to burn this or turn it over to the Elders if that is what you desire. But please, read what I have to say before you do it. When I was a girl, I idolized our Leadership. They were the ones guiding our world into the salvation promised to us by our grandfather, and they had allowed us to be a part of that dream, that legacy that had been denied from us for so long. I spent my childhood and adolescence serving them, doing whatever was asked of me, and even when I was free, I spent my time studying, not to sate my curiosity but to make myself more useful for them. I did not complain when they separated us, or when they gave me subpar enhancements despite me designing better ones for them, or when they married me to a man older than our father would have been. I did not complain, because I believed they were ultimately right. I believed they were leading us to salvation, and protecting us from the heretics and disassemblers around us, who would wish nothing more than to destroy us. And then, I actually met these monsters they spoke about. I heard what they had to say about our God, about salvation, about the worth of every person. I saw them lead their lives with the same joy and sadness and hunger for trascendence that defines us, but with none of the fear. More than that, I heard them speak, and I realized they never spoke of us with hate. They did not want to destroy us, Jon. They thought of us as just a strange British take on their worship, perhaps worthy of learning from. They did not attack us first, Jon. We did. We were so scared of them "stealing the faithful away" that we started this war against them. That was what they sent Mills to do in Belgium. That was why they allowed me to keep frequenting them, and what they tried to hide from me by making me return. And I would have remained ignorant, had I not read one of Mills' letters for Elder Atelier. I do not know if my friends are still alive, if they believe I was a part of the attack on them, and I was, after all. Last month, I learned of what the Leadership has done with my research. I had heard the rumours, of course, I had asked them if they were true, and I believed them when they said it was not. I would have kept believing them if I had not seen one of their victims in Manchester. They speak so much of the individual worth of every person, of the divine nature of identity, but they think nothing of stripping people of it when it suits them, they think nothing of enslaving a person's will to them and telling others it was not only necessary, but virtuous. They think nothing of using innocents as slaves, but then again, we already knew that, did we not, Jon? Maybe this is all my research has ever amounted to. Maybe I am just another cog in this cursed machine, but I refuse to be one any longer. I hide this letter in your room, hoping you will find it eventually. I wish I could have spoken with you about this, I wish I could have convinced you to come with me, escape from this place that has only taken from us and made us believe they were doing us a favor by letting bastard children like us work for them, but I could not. I tried, I tried so hard to contact you or see you, but I could not. I am only left with the hope you read this. I hope you do not hate me for this, Jon. Your sister, who loves you very much, Emma Every human carries a unique part of God's divine spark within them. Is it not preferable to accept transcendence and reunite with the Broken One sooner rather than later? Think of it not as death, but as serving the purpose you were born with. The one only you can do. I am the shield of this brotherhood. I am its protector. There is nothing else I desire to be. Nothing else I can be. For the Glory of the Brotherhood, Brother Loom, Shield of our Faith ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6917" by Pachayachachic, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Tucker_House_Fireplace.jpg Author: HABS/HAER/HALS; National Park Service License: Public Domain Source Link:,_124_South_Commerce_Street,_Centreville,_Queen_Anne%27s_County,_MD_HABS_MD-1387-14.tif Filename: Balgach-Unknown_Vault.jpg Author: Kecko License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: Balgach-Unknown_Vault_2.jpg Author: Kecko License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: Footnotes 1. A Broken God cult established during the Industrial Revolution, focusing on personal improvement over the collectivist ideals preached by other denominations. 2. Defined as people or objects not present inside SCP-6917 at the time of discovery.
Item#: 6918 Level1 Containment Class: neutralized Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures As SCP-6918 was discovered post-neutralization, it does not require direct containment. While staff are advised to be on the lookout for similar events, no other occurrences of the precise phenomena of SCP-6918 have been discovered. Disinformation regarding the disappearance of Harley Warren is to be disseminated under standard cover story for persons of interest "St. Agnes's Outsider"1. Analysis of Warren's remains has not revealed any anomalous qualities. Though anomalous circumstances lead to Warren's death, the method by which Warren died was not anomalous. Autopsy did not find anything out of the ordinary for victims of non-anomalous drowning. As such, Harley's remains and belongings (sans journal) have been returned to Warren's family for burial. The precise location of Warren's burial site near Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, has been recorded for Foundation archives should need arise for disinterment and further analysis. Description SCP-6918 refers to a personal, reiterative temporal anomaly2 affecting Harley Warren between the dates of September 19th, 1989, and February 22nd, 1990. The temporal anomaly is believed to have spontaneously ceased moments prior to or immediately following Warren's death, perhaps as a direct result of it. The precise nature of the anomaly is currently unknown; no other individuals with whom Warren had contact during the events described in his journals seem to have been affected by the anomaly. Further research is required to determine the cause of the anomaly. Research into other missing persons cases in the area has not yielded evidence of similar temporal phenomenon, but investigation into the matter is still ongoing. Addendum 1: Journal Entries The following entries are transcribed from a journal found on Harley Warren's corpse. Prolonged exposure to seawater has rendered almost all of the journal unreadable. Through use of the Sculptor-Hypnos AI, several of the journal entries have been successfully reconstructed. As the precise cause of SCP-6918's activation remains unknown, lead researcher Dr. Uwe has elected to include all successfully recreated entries yielded by Sculptor-Hypnos regardless of perceived relevance in the hopes that some information about SCP-6918's nature may be gleaned from them. + Entry 1, Day 12? - Entry 1, Day 12? For future reference, I'm just guessing how many days it's been. I can't say I even know how many times it took me to realize what was happening. It's kind of terrifying to think that I could have repeated the same day countless times without realizing it. It's not like I haven't seen movies or TV shows where this happens. I always assumed I would have figured it out by the second or third iteration of the same day, but I guess I'm not as clever as I give myself credit for. Sure, everything seems the same, but going into the same job, doing the same work, having the same basic conversations in passing with people isn't really that far out of the ordinary, is it? Honestly, the more terrifying thought is that this isn't a time loop. My life is just that boring, and I'm finally being driven insane by it and becoming paranoid. Even my walks on the beach to "clear my head" don't really do as much as I thought. I've never really given enough self-reflection to notice the habits I've fallen into. My therapist suggested I keep a journal about this feeling. Obviously, she thinks it's just in my head. It probably is. At least this'll prove to me that I'm just imagining things, give me some private validation, or at least just let me vent. + Entry 4, Day 15 - Entry 4, Day 15 I've been keeping this journal in my pocket every time I go to bed at the end of the day, just to be certain. Yesterday (well, the previous today, I guess), I wanted to test something. I wrote out an entry in a separate journal and left that on my bedside table. It was gone when I woke up. I have to keep this journal on me, otherwise I fear I'll lose all record of what's happening. The thought of that is kind of horrifying, to be honest. This feels like my only tether to reality, in a way. If I don't have this to reassure myself it's real, I'll probably go back to thinking I'm just insane and paranoid. Well, no, maybe I wouldn't go crazy without it. Honestly, I'd probably go back to thinking everything was normal for a few days, then come back around to realizing I'm in this loop. I can't say it feels like a waking nightmare being in this loop or anything. It feels fairly normal, really. I've lived the same day countless times before I got stuck in this loop. I've let myself slip into routines, spending every day the same as the last one. I guess I'm only really aware of that in hindsight because I'm living the EXACT same day over and over. I've kind of been letting my life slip past me, haven't I? I'm 34 now? I have to take a moment to remember that. I've stopped paying attention to the years rushing past me. Sure, I've reflected a few times on all of my friends getting married and having kids, but it's not like I've ever wanted that for myself. I don't think I'd be that great of a parent. I'm too short-tempered. I don't think I could deal with all the screaming and crying. After hearing all my friends talk about not getting sleep for months on end and seeing just how chaotic their lives are, I can't say the idea of having a kid ever really appealed to me. This is kind of making me rethink that. Waking up to have everything the same as when I went to bed isn't really new. That's how my life always was. If I don't change something, it won't be different, at least in my apartment. Maybe I should get a dog once life is back to normal. It'd bring some kind of variance into my day. Less difficult than having a kid, but it would keep things from being the same every day. + Entry 7, Day 18 - Entry 7, Day 18 I've managed to convince my therapist I'm not crazy. Sure, I'll have to do it every single time I see her, but it's nice to have someone to confide in. Her middle name is Gloria, and when she was in high school, she'd bring a metal water bottle with milk in it during tests because it felt soothing to her. That's the information she gave me yesterday (it still feels wrong to call it, like, "the previous today" or stuff like that) to convince her. Did she have that planned? Has she had to use that code information before or something? Maybe she just made it up on the spot. Maybe she's just trying to reassure me. Then again, it's not like lying to me would make her a good therapist, would it? Is it better for her to try and help me feel accepted or to not feed into what she might think are delusions? Maybe I should look up stuff about therapy tomorrow so I can figure out if she's being honest with me. Even if she doesn't ACTUALLY believe me, there's not really anything bad that'll happen if I tell her whatever crazy things I'm thinking. It's not like she'll remember them next I see her. I just came to the realization I can use my therapist for therapy, didn't I? God, I'm such a moron sometimes. + Entry 8, Day 19 - Entry 8, Day 19 I keep thinking about dogs, ever since offhandedly mentioning one a few days ago. I can't really go about adopting one. If it requires some kind of background check or anything that keeps it from being a single-day process, there'd be no way for me to even GET a dog until I'm out of this loop. Even if I did, it would probably just be in the pound again as soon as I woke up the next morning. But there's a bit of a solution I've found. See, adopting a dog from the pound might be out of the question, but that doesn't mean I can't go look at them. I can spend time with each dog up for adoption until I find the one that's perfect. Even if it won't remember me when I'm out of this loop, it's not like it'll be that different. Dogs just kind of love people innately, right? So I don't think it'll be difficult for the dog to get just as attached to me as I'll be to it. Thinking about it is kind of exciting. I'll definitely take it with me on my evening beach walks. I bet it'll love that. I don't know if it'll want to go in the water, but it's not like I do either. We can just stare out at the sea together. That'll be good enough. Hell, a dog would probably be a better swimmer than me. Dogs kind of seem to innately know how to swim, but people need to be taught. I guess learning how to swim is another thing I could do while I'm stuck in this loop. I can find a pool to practice in. If I make a fool of myself and need to be rescued by the lifeguard, nobody will know it happened when I wake up the next morning. It's kind of reassuring to know I can't embarrass myself THAT badly while I'm stuck in this loop. + Entry 12, Day 23 - Entry 12, Day 23 I tried out what my therapist suggested yesterday. I don't know why I didn't think of it before, but I guess it WOULD be kind of hard for the pound employees to give every dog the exercise they need. Sure enough, they seemed pretty happy to let me take one of the dogs for a walk. The dog I walked today was named Gus. He's a former racing greyhound. He's pretty shy, but he seems like a sweetheart. He seemed to hate having sand between his paws, though. As soon as we set foot on the beach, he started picking up his feet way more when he walked like he was trying to keep them from touching the sand as much as possible. At least he didn't really stop me from holding his paws to clean them off. There's something comforting about being at the beach with a dog. I'm kind of alone right now, since nobody else seems to know about the loop besides me, at least not as far as I know. Looking out into the ocean, though, hearing the waves lapping at the shore, seeing Gus's tail wagging away… I think it's going to be alright. We'll make it through this together. + Entry 21, Day 38? - Entry 21, Day 38? I let myself slip into a routine, taking Gus out for a walk on the beach in the evenings. I forgot to write in my journal a few times because of it, since I normally wrote my entries while I was at the beach. I hope my estimate of how many days passed is accurate. I don't really have a way of checking. I have to remember to write SOMETHING each day before I go to bed, even if it's just a single sentence. I don't have any other way of marking the days if I don't. Gus still does his funny little high-step when we first reach the sand, so I can tell he's not getting any more used to it. Still, he can't really show confusion when I act familiar towards him. He's just as happy to see me every time. Maybe it's a greyhound thing, maybe it's because he's stuck in a pretty small pen, I dunno. Whatever the reason, when I ask him if he wants to go for a walk, he starts spinning in circles as fast as he can. It's honestly hilarious, super endearing too. I've done this pretty much every time I've seen him, but I haven't gotten tired of it. I said I'd try spending time with different dogs to find the right one, but I kind of fell in love with Gus right away, didn't I? I've taken him for a walk every time. He's really calm, maybe just because he's shy, but it makes him seem that much more comforting for me. There's a feeling of kinship, at least on my end. We're both going through stress. Hell, I bet he feels just as stuck in routine as I do. Every day in the pound is the same for him. Once I'm free from whatever's going on, I'll adopt him. + Entry 99, Day 122 - Entry 99, Day 122 I keep talking about what I'll do when I'm free from whatever's going on, but I've only recently started to realize I have no idea if I'll ever get free at all. I don't know why this started, after all. It's not like I can do anything to figure it out, since nobody else even knows this is happening. Even if I lash out and yell at or hit someone at work, nothing comes from it. I get written up, sure, but nobody remembers it the next morning when I come in. The previous version of the day never happened for them, after all. In every movie or story I've seen about this sort of thing, there's some kind of inciting incident for it all, isn't there? Someone has been making some kind of mistake they need to rectify for their life to return to normal. I've thought about it for a while, but I can't figure out anything of the sort here. My life is just too boring for that. I don't have any huge mistakes to fix or relationships to repair. Everything is just… average. My parents are fine, we've got a good relationship. I don't have any particular friendships with my coworkers, but they're all as disinterested in me as I've been in them. I think they forget about me the second they're off work, really. Besides the time loop making them forget, I mean. It's not like I haven't tried probing them to see if there might be something I hadn't picked up on. I'm pretty sure there's nothing underlying in my relationships with my coworkers that I hadn't noticed before. People are only confused when I show interest in getting to know them or spending time outside of work. I've tried EVERYONE I interact with at work, and none of them seem to regard me as anything more than someone they pass by every day. Then again, that's kind of how I always thought of them, isn't it? I hope I figure something out soon. + Entry 110 Day 141 - Entry 110, Day 141 I've let a few weeks go by without bringing Gus to the beach with me. I think that might be part of why I've been feeling more and more down about this whole loop business. Maybe it's because I've been feeling more down that I haven't bothered to bring him with me. I don't really feel like reflecting on things right now. I've been forgetting to even bother writing entries lately, and I can't bring myself to write more. I guess I'll just leave things off here. Maybe bringing Gus to the beach tomorrow will help me gather the energy to really think about what's going on. + Entry 111, Day 142 - Entry 111, Day 142 I wish I hadn't brought Gus with me. For whatever reason, he bolted as soon as we were on the beach. He's never reacted that way before. He completely tore the leash out of my hand and ran off into the waves. I couldn't really go after him even if I wanted to. I'd probably drown if I tried to swim out into the ocean at all, even when the waves are more tame. I lost sight of him, and no matter how loud I called, I couldn't get him to come back. I stayed until the sun set, but he never showed back up. I couldn't find pawprints in the sand anywhere. He just… vanished. It's well past midnight. I don't know if I've already looped back into the same day or not. I've tried to sleep, but I'm just worried sick about him. I have a sinking feeling that letting myself stay up all night might break the loop, and Gus will really just be gone. It's not like I haven't tried pulling an all-nighter before. It never worked. I always fell asleep at some point and woke up with my alarm the same morning. What if this is the one time it's different? + Entry 112, Day 143 - Entry 112, Day 143 I must have dozed off at some point. I don't know when. It was definitely some time after 5 AM, I remember still being awake then. Considering my alarm goes off at 6:30, I probably didn't get much sleep at all. I don't really feel like it, though. I feel just as well-rested today as I have any other morning. It's 8 AM now. I'm going to be late for work, but I don't care. It won't matter. I need to go to the shelter and see Gus first. + Entry 113, Day 143 (Evening) - Entry 113, Day 143 (evening) Gus wasn't there. They don't have any record of him ever having been at the shelter. The people working there looked at me like I was crazy when I asked about him. They say they've never had a racing greyhound in their care. This is the only time anything has been different in these loops. Why isn't he there? What did I do wrong? Did something happen to him? I mean, I guess I know what probably happened, but I don't want to write it. I feel like putting it into words will make the possibility all that more real. I can't accept that it could be the case. I guess there's a way to test it, but do I have the heart to do it? + Entry 120, Day 149 - Entry 120, Day 149 I let myself run over a squirrel this morning on the way to work. I figured it would be a good test to figure out if something gets removed from the loop when they die. In retrospect, it was an awful thing to do. I killed a squirrel for no reason. I know it's dead. I saw the vultures hanging out by it when I was driving home this evening. I couldn't see the body, but it was in the exact spot where I ran over the squirrel. It's just not likely enough that some other animal would have died in the same spot. I haven't seen any other roadkill pop up (except the deer I pass on the highway every morning, that one is always there), so it had to have been the one I hit. I would rather an animal die to test this than a person, but I have no way of knowing if that particular squirrel disappears or not. There's only one place I know of where I can test to see if a specific animal shows back up after it dies. It would be so easy. If it works, nobody will know it happened. Nobody will know whatever dog I pick ever existed. If it doesn't work, the dog will still be there, and nobody will remember I did that the previous loop. The dogs are just going to be put down anyway so the pound doesn't get overcrowded. I feel awful just for writing this. I don't think I could bring myself to hurt an animal intentionally. I think I'm going to stop writing here. I don't want to keep giving voice to these kinds of thoughts. + Entry 124, Day 153 - Entry 124, Day 153 I tried going to the pound again today. Not for anything nefarious. I just wanted to try walking a different dog to get my mind off of things. I didn't end up taking a dog out. I felt horrible just being in there. The people there might not know me, but I feel like the dogs do. The way they looked at me was so sad. It's like they're mourning. Or maybe they know I thought about hurting them. I couldn't do it. I wasn't there to hurt them, but I couldn't bring myself to even take one for a walk. I'm too worried those thoughts of hurting them will come back. I keep hoping I'll see pawprints on the beach. I keep hoping Gus will show back up. He hasn't, but I feel like I'm less alone when I'm here. If nothing else, I can remember the nicer walks Gus and I had. Maybe he's the one I feel watching me. + Entry 125, Day 154 - Entry 125, Day 154 I couldn't even bring myself to walk past the doors of the pound today. Just thinking about it made me feel sick. I didn't go to the therapy appointment either. It's been a while since I did, honestly. I don't want to talk about these thoughts I've been having. I know she won't remember, but just thinking about discussing it makes me want to curl up and wait for the day to be over. I don't think I have it in me to hurt a living thing on purpose, even to figure out if it'll free them (or me) from this loop. Since having just thought about me fills me with so much guilt, I can only imagine how I'd feel just trying to do it, let alone actually going through with it. + Entry 126, Day 155 - Entry 126, Day 155 I might not be able to hurt another living thing on purpose to test my theory, but there is one thing I think I could hurt without feeling bad. I'll do it tomorrow. I'll rent a fishing boat to take out into the ocean. I'll see if I can't find Gus out there. I think he wants me to come out into the open sea. I think that's what he was trying to tell me. Footnotes 1. The codename for a type of general cover story for anomalous disappearances. Generally, St. Agnes's Outsiders are described as voluntarily going missing or otherwise running away, as this typically dissuades law enforcement from pursuing any immediate or serious investigation. Voluntarily going missing is not a crime in most countries. 2. A type of temporal anomaly in which one or more individuals experience the same period of time repeatedly, with changes only arising from their personal interactions. Individuals who are not the subject of the PRTA typically remain unaffected by events occurring within the anomaly. This is distinct from a localized, reiterative temporal anomaly, or LRTA, wherein everyone contained within the affected area experiences the anomaly. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6918" by Agisuru, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item#: 6919 Level4 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: caution link to memo Containment Procedures As SCP-6919 is no longer cleared for use by Foundation personnel, containment efforts are to focus instead on identification of anyone suffering symptoms of prolonged SCP-6919 exposure. Such individuals are to be surveilled, but containment of affected individuals is deemed unnecessary in all but the most severe cases. Any individuals claiming to know or be Dr. Alfred Delapore are to be sent for immediate psychological evaluation. Description SCP-6919 is the former Class-D amnestic designated AMN-980. Although individuals exposed to SCP-6919 have exhibited a wide and often conflicting array of responses, commonalities among all sufferers include: affinity for aquatic activities such as swimming and surfing, sporadic appearance of "colored lights" on the edges of their vision, resistance to amnesticization processes and associated implantation of false memories, resistance to hypnotism, loss of sense of self, spontaneous and often inappropriate activation of the mammalian diving reflex1, and renewed faith in divine powers. Individuals suffering from thalassophobia2 have been known to overcome the condition after being repeatedly dosed with SCP-6919. In the most severe cases, individuals have been discovered to possess knowledge of Foundation sites and contained anomalies in areas they have never visited, occasionally far exceeding the level of security to which they have access. In light of Incidents 5389-B-Alpha and 5389-B-Beta3, it is theorized that massive doses of SCP-6919 may either cause temporary physiological changes to the individual or alter the perception of the individual by those around them. At present, this remains purely speculative; testing of this trait has been denied due to the potential for test subjects acquiring sensitive information from SCP-6919's aforementioned anomalous properties. The anomalous qualities of SCP-6919 were only brought to the attention of the Foundation in the wake of the suicide of Dr. Delapore. Having been under Foundation employ for decades, Delapore had been dosed with AMN-980 many times over the years due to the anomalies he worked with. At present, only 91 individuals have been identified in advanced stages of SCP-6919 exposure, the majority of them Foundation personnel or D-class individuals. Addenda Addendum 1: Personal Journal of Dr. Delapore + September 19th, 2019 - September 19th, 2019 I don't know when I started writing my thoughts down in a journal. It feels habitual, like part of my daily routine, but I haven't been able to find any previous entries anywhere on my computer. I am Dr. Alfred Delapore. That is what my ID card states, and considering that it is my photograph on the ID card, I frankly cannot find any reason to doubt that I am indeed Dr. Alfred Delapore. Today, I performed a routine test of an anomaly contained on this site. I do not remember which one I am working with— I know where the containment is located, and I know that knowledge of the object activates it primary anomalous effect. I know that protocol for my assigned anomaly requires me to take Class-H anterograde amnestics prior to testing so that we cannot recall the anomaly and thus cannot activate its anomalous properties. Why, then, does it feel like I've forgotten something? I am aware that working for the Foundation involves routine amnesticization, but this sense of déjà vu doesn't typically accompany that process. I don't think it does, at least. Amnestics typically bestow blissful ignorance— you can't feel you've forgotten something if you don't know it existed to begin with. I will write to remind myself of who I am and what I do. I am Dr. Alfred Delapore. This is my office. This is my journal. This is my job. + September 23rd, 2019 - September 23rd, 2019 I am Dr. Alfred Delapore. I write this journal on a computer registered to my name. To log into this computer, I use a password that only I know. Why I use the password I do is personal, sentimental, and regards personal history of which my coworkers are unaware. Therefore, this must be my computer, this must be my office, and this must be my journal. I work with a cognitohazardous anomaly. Before testing, I take a dose of Class-H anterograde amnestic so I cannot activate the anomaly's effects after testing is complete. Anterograde amnestics only prevent the formation of new memories, and thus they do not have the ability to affect my sense of self. I did not work with my assigned anomaly today. I did not work with my assigned anomaly yesterday. I did not work with my assigned anomaly the day before. I know this because the testing logs do not show any tests performed after September 19th, which is the last time I recall taking the anterograde amnestic. I do not know why I cannot recall anything that happened today prior to sitting down to write this journal. I will leave this journal for my future reference in case these memory issues persist. I will ask my coworkers about my previous activities. Foundation sites are rather securely monitored. Someone will know what I did today. Someone will know what I've forgotten. + September 24th, 2019 - September 24th, 2019 I am Dr. A. Delapore. This is my computer. It sits inside the office I've occupied for nearly a decade atop a desk filled with my belongings. The password to this computer is known only to me. It is a phrase spoken to me by my infant son many years ago, an anecdote I've never spoken of to anyone. As there are no others who could log into this computer, it must be mine, and I must be A. Delapore. Nobody knows what I did yesterday. According to both my coworkers and Foundation records, I am supposed to be on a leave of absence that began on Saturday, September 21st and will end on Monday, September 30th. I do not understand why I would have filed for a leave of absence in the middle of testing an anomaly. We had only just begun our tests. It would not make sense for the researcher in charge of these tests to depart at this time. I will inquire into this oddity tomorrow. I will visit the chambers where the anomaly is tested. I know I have left detailed records there of everything I need to know prior to or following interaction with the anomaly. Perhaps this will lend some insight into my inability to recall the past few days. + September 29th, 2019 - September 29th, 2019 I am Dr. Albert Delapore. This is my computer, which requires my credentials to log in. The password to this computer is a phrase spoken to me by my late son. I have never discussed much about him with my coworkers, and they have been kind enough not to probe about his passing or other details about him. It stands to reason, then, that only I would know the password to this computer, that these memories are my own, and that I am indeed Dr. Albert Delapore. I ended my previous journal entry stating that I would visit the testing area of the anomaly to which I am assigned. Though I recall writing a journal entry about that visit, there are no files on my computer that have been edited since I wrote my journal entry on the 24th of September. This is odd, but less worrying than the inconsistencies within my previous journal entries. I stated I was administered a Class-H amnestic before testing the anomaly to which I am assigned. This is wholly untrue; the properties of the anomaly affect early memories, thus Class-D amnestics are used after interacting with the anomaly in order to counteract its effects. Inability to remember the identity of the anomaly in question is a result of the destruction of memories that the anomaly had altered. I do not know why my journal entries are wrong. This has always been the procedure for the tests I performed. Has someone tampered with my journal? It wouldn't exactly make sense, since the last time the document was edited was night of September 24th, at the time I recall sitting down to write it. Why, then, are there inconsistencies? + September 30th, 2019 - September 30th, 2019 I am Dr. A. Delapore. The computer from which I write is registered under my name, and the password used to log into it comes from the last conversation I had with my son before he drowned. Nobody else knows how my son died; all I've ever told them is that he passed before I began working with the Foundation. Today was supposed to be the day I returned from the leave of absence that I did not schedule. I followed the same path I always have to reach the containment area for my assigned anomaly, but I found it empty. There were no records of it ever having been occupied, despite the fact I was there working just last week. As I think back on my actions during the day, I realize I cannot recall the faces of anyone I passed by or spoke to. I only remember seeing colored lights hovering in my vision, obscuring their faces. It was as if I had been staring into the sun just moments before. As I think back to previous days, all conversations I remember having are shrouded by the same blindness. Why didn't I write that in my journals? It's quite hard to ignore. Is this new? I remember experiencing this previously, but at the same time it feels unfamiliar. + October 2nd, 2019 - October 2nd, 2019 I am Dr. Delapore, but I did not write that previous entry. The information contained within is accurate, but I was not in my office at all on September 30th. The events described in the journal occurred yesterday, yet the document was last edited before any of it happened. Furthermore, there was a guard standing in front of my office, with whom I had to argue for several minutes in order to be allowed in. He did not seem to accept, for whatever reason, that I was Dr. Delapore, despite the fact that I am indeed Dr. Delapore. I have, however, discovered the reason behind the absence of the testing site for my anomaly: I am in the wrong Foundation site. It is puzzling indeed that my office is located somewhere entirely different from where I work, but it is more puzzling that the location of my office and the location where I perform my tests are hours apart by car. How, then, do I remember writing entries into my journal mere minutes after performing tests? I know I did not move this computer, nor did I use a different one. I will have to investigate tomorrow. After all, I have testing scheduled, so I will have to be at the proper site for it. + October 7th, 2019 - October 7th, 2019 I am Delapore, though I have been stripped of the title of "doctor". I was arrested attempting to enter the site where my anomaly is contained. I remember being there less than a month prior, yet I am told that the area is strictly off-limits, and that it has been for nearly a year and a half. Site-109, I am told, collapsed into the ocean in April of last year. I am being kept in my office under guard, but they have graciously allowed me access to my personal computer, albeit only under strict supervision. Every word I type is overseen, but I cannot see the face of the person watching me. All I see is a hovering flame, blinding me from discerning any of his features. I don't believe he's even reacting to anything I write. I stood up. I walked around the office. I even left for a moment to grab coffee, and I did not announce my departure beforehand. The guard is gone. I don't know when he vanished, but the only thing in the place where he had stood is the flame that had been obscuring his face. It almost seems to be beckoning me towards the window, urging me to leave. Perhaps I'll follow it. Clearly, something is wrong here, if this guard is so willing not to do his job. Addendum 2: Summary of Incidents 5389-B-Alpha and 5389-B-Beta On October 8th, 2019, an individual initially identified as Dr. Alfred Delapore (hereafter referred to as SCP-6919-A) attempted entry into the restricted area surrounding SCP-5389-B and was summarily detained. Despite the claims made in his journal, he had never attempted entry to SCP-5389-B prior to this, nor was he ever previously detained by the Foundation. Furthermore, there exist no records of any guard having been posted outside of Dr. Delapore's office; no security staff on-site recall conversations or events similar to what was described in Delapore's October 2nd or October 7th journal entries. Later that evening, SCP-6919-A was found deceased within his cell. Autopsy revealed a lethal quantity of SCP-6919 in his system; cause of death was ruled to be suicide. Following the events of December 15th, 2019, SCP-6919-A's corpse was exhumed. Investigation found that they were not Dr. Alfred Delapore, but instead a D-class individual that had been on-site during the collapse of SCP-5389-B. Investigation into how they escaped the collapse is ongoing. On December 15th, 2019, Dr. Alfred Delapore was once again detained attempting to enter the secure perimeter around SCP-5389-B. Following his detainment, Dr. Delapore was found dead in a similar manner to SCP-6919-A. Autopsy revealed a lethal dose of SCP-6919 within his system; cause of death was ruled to be suicide. Investigation into the personal belongings of Dr. Delapore revealed that several journal entries had been written on his computer in the time between SCP-6919-A and Dr. Delapore being detained at SCP-5389-B's perimeter. Addendum 3: Further Personal Journals of Dr. Delapore + November 3rd, 2019 - November 3rd, 2019 I am Dr. Alfred Delapore. This is my computer, but how it came to be in this strange office is beyond my knowledge. The password and account name are the same as I remember them being. I do not believe that anyone else knows these credentials, but clearly, I am wrong. Though the previous entries describe details of my personal life and actions within the Foundation, it was not I who wrote them. I do not know where I have been the past year. I recall a containment breach at my Foundation site. I recall water rushing into the facility as alarm bells sounded, as many of our containment procedures spontaneously failed. I remember the creatures rushing in— faceless, hairless hounds; four-legged beasts with an additional pair of twisted arms sprouting from their necks. I recall the way they bayed and cried as they dragged people into the rising waters, the horde rushing at us faster and more fearsome than any tidal wave. I do not know how I came to be in this office. I do not know how I escaped Site-109. All I know is that something important to me had been contained there. I need to go back. + November 22nd, 2019 - November 22nd, 2019 I am Dr. Alfred Delapore. I have worked for the Foundation since the day my son was taken into their care; they deemed me the best person to study his anomalous properties, since only I am immune to their effects. He alters the memories of those who interact with him, but he cannot alter mine, since he is already such a prominent figure in them. Perhaps he is simply unwilling to alter my memories. Perhaps he already did alter them. To be honest, I'm not certain. I leave this entry as record of my existence. While I was the best suited to studying my son, I was not the only one who worked with him. In 2015, we had extracted a compound from the secretions of another anomaly at the same site, SCP-5389-A. Initially, it was believed to function similar to common psychedelic drugs, though over time we found that, when metabolized by certain enzymes found in the livers of SCP-5389-A, it would produce a substance known as AMN-980. The compound immunized individuals against memory-altering effects, though it did so by erasing affected memories. This was how other individuals were able to work with me in my studies, as it negated my son's anomalous effects. I remember this all vividly, yet I cannot find any documentation concerning my son. His designation belongs instead to an anomaly I do not recall ever existing. AMN-980, too, does not have any documentation. It is not mentioned among lists of current or retired amnestics, it is not listed among our documents on assorted anomalous compounds, and the secretions of SCP-5389-A are never referred to within their documents. I know my memories to be true. Why am I the only one who recalls this? + December 14th, 2019 - December 14th, 2019 My son is calling to me. My son, for whom I joined the Foundation, for whom I toiled endlessly to cure of his condition, who I remember being pulled under the rising tide as Site-109's supports buckled, is calling my name. These lights in my vision, the ones that hide others from me, I finally have come to understand. They are here to guide me, to pull my focus away from other people, to keep the only face fresh in my memory that of my son. My son is alive, but not for long. Site-109 has collapsed, so He must be trapped within it. I don't know how, but He's in there, clinging desperately to life. I hear His cries, I hear Him splutter as He chokes on seawater. I know His time is growing short. I must go there. I must find Him. I am Dr. Delapore, and my son is drowning in Site-109. Footnotes 1. A series of physiological changes typically associated with aquatic or semiaquatic mammals characterized by a slowing of heart rate and restriction of bloodflow to preserve oxygen for critical areas of the body, typically triggered in response to submersion in water. 2. Fear of deep water. 3. See addendum 2 for details. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6919" by Agisuru, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
CarminestheBest Written by CarminestheBest Please, come read more over at the Best Place of Stuff. Item#: 6920 Level3 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Current state of SCP-6920-1. Special Containment Procedures: All 23 instances of SCP-6920 are currently kept within a Cold Storage Containment Unit inside Site-16. SCP-6920-1 is currently under constant watch by a surveillance system ran and supervised by Shamus.aic1. The systems have been fitted with ectovision lenses capable of viewing the spectral entities roaming the location of SCP-6920-1 when said entities do not make themselves visible. See updated procedures. Updated Procedures: Director Deacon2 was allowed to put SCP-6920-A, -B, and -C under protective custody of the Foundation in light of Incident-6920-01, and all three entities have been moved to Site-16. They are currently kept inside Incorporeal Humanoid Holding Chambers, in Cell block 13 on Sublevel 04. Description: SCP-6920 designates 23 light-green bottles containing an anomalous alcoholic beverage sold under the name "Ectoplashine". All SCP-6920 instances currently exhibit a teal-colored luminescence, and continuously exhibit this effect until less than 15% of the substance is left inside the bottle or the 15% is poured out. To date, attempting to test for any other ingredients used in SCP-6920 has yielded no results. Currently contained instances of SCP-6920. Upon consuming any amount of SCP-6920, the following effects will take place; Extremely dilated pupils. Green tinted vision. Translucent abdominal area. Green and illuminated saliva. Most notably, however, is the ability to view spectral, incorporeal, and intangible entities that may have previously appeared invisible to them. This state lasts for a total of one hour and fifteen minutes, after which subjects will revert to their normal appearances and lose the previously mentioned ability. The effects will take place upon consuming SCP-6920 again. SCP-6920-1 is the location where SCP-6920 was manufactured and where entities -A through -D were found. The location exhibits no anomalous phenomenon. See the History section for more information. SCP-6920-A, -B, -C, and -D are spectral humanoid entities who all previously worked for GoI-00193 in different states. They are intangible, capable of manifesting and demanifesting at will, and are capable of freely moving through most physical objects. They are able to levitate, however all four appear to prefer to "walk". History: SCP-6920-1 is an abandoned wooden shack located in the northeastern plains of Kansas, built near the Oregon Trail sometime in the 1820s. The shack reportedly served as both the residential home of the Echeverría family and, primarily during the 1830s, as a stopping point for travelers walking the trail. The home was abandoned in 1858 when the last remaining member of the Echeverría family died of a heart attack. During the 1910s, GoI-0019 came into possession of SCP-6920-1 and served as a standard moonshining operation from 1921 to 1922. During these years, a known eight to nine members of GoI-0019 worked to manufacture types of antique alcohol, which were promised to be "entirely original and foreign". In mid-1923, multiple deaths occurred during a brief moment of infighting. For an unknown reason, four of the members returned as translucent, intangible entities, and started to produce SCP-6920. SCP-6920 was sold throughout the 1920s in various speakeasy locations around the United States, primarily in the states of Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa, and Illinois4. Despite this, the sell of SCP-6920 was almost entirely located in Kansas itself. The location eventually attracted the attention of other members of GoI-0019, and it was once more put into their possession and back into business. In 1930, through unknown sources, the location was identified by agents of the Bureau of Prohibition and was subsequently raided then shut down. Approximately nine members of GoI-0019 were arrested, however SCP-6920-A through -D were not detained as they remained invisible to the bureau agents. According to the spectral entities, the entities had passed the time by playing cards and learning various instruments. It is assumed that due to the recent rise of paracriminal activity in the United States since 1998, the entities attempted to restore their business, which led to their discovery by Foundation agents. Discovery: SCP-6920 and SCP-6920-1 came to the Foundations attention in late 1999, where reports of "glowing green jugs" appearing in various locations around Kansas City and other neighboring cities and towns started to gain traction among the local media. Instances were acquired and witnesses were amnesticized while Foundation Field Agents were ordered to investigate further, where they discovered that the entities had started manufacturing SCP-6920 instances again in light of the recent rise of paracriminal activity in the area. The operation was shut down again, and SCP-6920-A through -D were successfully contained within the perimeters of SCP-6920-1. Below is all the relevant information on SCP-6920-A through -D. [SCP-6920-A through -D Profiles] [Close] 6920-A 6920-B 6920-C 6920-D Final Interview: 11/27/99 6920-A, Circa 1919. Name: John Jacob Burke Date of Birth: Unspecified, 1880 Date of Death: July 16th, 1923 Physical Description: African American male, aged 43. Bald. Wears a three piece suit with dress pants and polished black boots. Often seen smoking a pipe or attempting to play a harmonica when manifested. Often seen manifesting in one of the living room chairs inside SCP-6920-1. Overview: Became affiliated with GoI-0019 in the state of Georgia as a broker for black market trade in 1917 under the promise that they would be protected from KKK activists in the area. Worked as a broker in the area until 1919 where they were relocated to Kansas to sell and advertise rare moonshine and other various forms of antique alcoholic beverages to local crime gangs and speakeasy's in the area. Reportedly became close friends with the DiGiovanni brothers, John Lazia, and Tom Pendergast5 and secured GoI-0019 a foothold in local criminal activities in Kansas City. After 1923, SCP-6920-A lost any and all previous connections in Kansas, and worked primarily for GoI-0019 until 1930. Interview 6920-A: 11/05/99 [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Thorpe: Hello, 6920-A. How has your day been? SCP-6920-A: Good. And please, call me Burke. Dr. Thorpe: Very well then, Mr. Burke6. I'm Dr. Thorpe, and I'm here to interview you on a few things, particularly your time with an organization we know as GoI-0019. SCP-6920-A: What, the Machine? Dr. Thorpe: No. I'm referring to the other crime syndicate you once worked for. SCP-6920-A: Oh, yeah. Them. Why? Dr. Thorpe: It's just what we need to know. And being cooperative could yield for some better living standards. <SCP-6920-A sniffs the air, recoils, then nods.> SCP-6920-A: I haven't seen anyone else from them in years. Whatever I know is probably worthless. Dr. Thorpe: Lucky for you, that's what we need. We need to know about your decision to work almost exclusively in Kansas, and with the Machine. SCP-6920-A: That's a bit of a tricky one to answer. For one, it was just easy enough to weasel our way in with the local mafia and the Machine. I talked to everyone, see? I got us customers, then acquaintances, then colleagues, then opportunities, and then close friends. I could sweet talk a kid into giving me his lollipop. Dr. Thorpe: But why not start business in some of the hotspots during that time? Like Chicago or New York? SCP-6920-A: Well, we did. To an extent. We had smugglers going back and fourth between some of the nearby states and cities, including Chicago. We weren't big, small even, but we were noticeable. We sold antiquities that no one else had, the ingredients and instructions supplied to us from outside Kansas. But that was before '23. Dr. Thorpe: Before you died? SCP-6920-A: Yeah. We started making Ectoplashine after that, some real good shit that legitimately no one else had. Oh, how I miss those days. Dr. Thorpe: Our records show your connections with the Machine fell after that incident. Any reason why? SCP-6920-A: Easy. Pendergast, and I quote, didn't think "weird shit" was gonna be as profitable as it is. It was the only one of the two setbacks we really ever had. Dr. Thorpe: So then, let me ask again, why not Chicago? SCP-6920-A: That brings me to our next setback. You don't think we tried to get into Chicago? Some of us already knew about Chappell and the Spirit, we knew what went on in Chicago. And for us that knew, it was out of our league. Well, mostly. Dr. Thorpe: Mostly? SCP-6920-A: Some Renegades7 stole some stashes of our good shit and tried to sell it out in Chicago and Manhattan. Chappell didn't like that, so he made sure we stayed out of that city. Hell, the whole damn state was made off limits. We just weren't ready for a competition like that, not with a bunch of hotheads like the Spirit. Dr. Thorpe: Is that all? No other particular reason? SCP-6920-A: Well, from what I heard, our boss's boss didn't have a good relationship with Chappell either. I heard he did something wrong, something stupid. Dr. Thorpe: And what can you tell me about him? SCP-6920-A: Nothing. Sorry, but I don't know a damn thing about him besides that he messed up bad. Dr. Thorpe: Well, that's unfortunate. But anyhow, thank for your time Mr. Burke. I'll see what I can do for those new room arrangements. SCP-6920-A: Sure thing, doc. [END LOG] 6920-B, Circa 1918. Name: Amy "Small Scout" Kindle Date of Birth: January 18th, 1891 Date of Death: July 16, 1923 Physical Description: Caucasian woman, aged 32. Blonde hair. Wears a long, brown fur coat, a matching hat, and a leather satchel filled with a variety of items8. Often manifests within the bathroom of SCP-6920-1, where they can be seen applying makeup or posing in front of the wall mirror. Overview: SCP-6920-B joined GoI-0019 as a Mapper9 due to their extensive knowledge on the surrounding area of their hometown and state, Wisconsin. SCP-6920-B in particular was reassigned to SCP-6920-1 in 1921 for unspecified reasons, but their experience as a Mapper allowed them to become an integral part of the small operation. After their death in 1923, SCP-6920-B continued to serve as a Mapper until the operation was officially shut down in 1930. Evidence suggests they may have knowledge of several other operations in the Kansas area, however they have so far refused to disclose any additional information on the subject. Interview 6920-B: 11/07/99 [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Thorpe: Miss Kindle? <SCP-6920-B, who had been applying makeup in the mirror, is startled by Dr. Thorpe.> SCP-6920-B: Oh, goodness! You nearly gave me a heart attack! Who might you be? Dr. Thorpe: I'm Dr. Thorpe, I'm with the Foundation. I'm here to ask you a few questions. <SCP-6920-B appears visibly disappointed.> SCP-6920-B: Oh. Fine. What do you want? Dr. Thorpe: I understand you were a scout for this place, correct? SCP-6920-B: They use the term Mapper for people like me. I went out to the woods, looked for some trails, maybe an abandoned road or two, and made it profitable for us. Standard work. Dr. Thorpe: And as I understand it, you had been transferred here for…what reason? SCP-6920-B: Ah, well, I don't know that one. "B" wouldn't tell me. Dr. Thorpe: "B"? SCP-6920-B: "B" was my boss back then. None of us knew his real name, so we called him "B". For boss. Dr. Thorpe: Did he ever directly contact any of you? SCP-6920-B: Well if it was one of us, it was Hitchcock. Dr. Thorpe: And why him specifically? SCP-6920-B: He was the liaison between us and "B", he was the only one who ever talked to him. Plus, he was the one that originally started this place up, so he had that special spot around here. Dr. Thorpe: Did Hitchcock ever say anything about "B" in particular? SCP-6920-B: Well…no, uh, no. He didn't tell, we didn't ask. We were just satisfied to get paid. Dr. Thorpe: Right. This brings me to my next question. Mr. Burke told me that your boss had a boss. Is there anything you know about that, perhaps? SCP-6920-B: My boss had a boss? Dr. Thorpe: You didn't know this? SCP-6920-B: Surely not! If I had known that, I… <SCP-6920-B stops talking and moving.> Dr. Thorpe: Miss Kindle? SCP-6920-B: Hmm? Was I saying something? I'm terribly sorry, my head just got all foggy and what not, haha. What were we talking about? Dr. Thorpe: We may have a problem. [END LOG] 6920-D, Circa 1920. Name: Liu Zhihao Date of Birth: Unspecified, 1897 Date of Death: July 16th, 1923 Physical Description: Chinese immigrant, aged 26. Black hair. Seen manifesting in a variety of different clothing, most often poor in quality. Rarely every manifests inside SCP-6920-1, instead choosing to manifest specifically on the back porch of the location. Typically seen reading the same issue of newspaper on the back porch of SCP-6920-1. Overview: SCP-6920-C became affiliated with GoI-0019 in 1914 after members of the group smuggled them and their family into New York state, although the specific location is unknown. Entity's family could not at the time pay for the service, and SCP-6920-C was forced into the group as a means to work off their dept. They worked as a drug mule from 1915 to 1920, until they were moved to SCP-6920-1 to work on the manufacturing of antique moonshine. After 1923, SCP-6920-C supposedly aided in the manufacturing of SCP-6920 until 1930. Interview 6920-C: 11/10/99 [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Thorpe: Hello, Mr. Zhihao? SCP-6920-C: Hm? <SCP-6920-C does not look up from the newspaper.> Dr. Thorpe: I'm Dr. Thorpe, I'm with the Foundation. I'm here to ask you a few questions. SCP-6920-C: Ah. Yeah. Go ahead, yeah, it's a boring day anyways. Dr. Thorpe: I can imagine. Do you mind if I ask about the product you helped make here? SCP-6920-C: I don't, no. Go ahead. Dr. Thorpe: I'd mainly like to know one thing. How exactly did you make it? SCP-6920-C: Only Mr. Hitchcock knows that. Dr. Thorpe: Yet I understand you helped make it with him? SCP-6920-C: He said I was too young to keep secrets. Dr. Thorpe: So? SCP-6920-C: So he made me forget. Dr. Thorpe: I see. Do you remember anything at all? SCP-6920-C: Not much. I remember very little, it was very long ago. Dr. Thorpe: I reckon you don't want to talk right now either, do you? <SCP-6920-C shakes their head and flips to the next page of the newspaper.> SCP-6920-C: Busy reading. Dr. Thorpe: Surely you've already read that newspaper a hundred times over. SCP-6920-C: It's the only thing to read around here. Dr. Thorpe: I see. I'll leave you to it, then. <As Dr. Thorpe is leaving, SCP-6920-C speaks up.> SCP-6920-C: The rest know. Dr. Thorpe: Know what? SCP-6920-C: How Mr. Hitchcock makes the ghost drink. <Before Dr. Thorpe can ask further, SCP-6920-C demanifests.> [END LOG] 6920-D, Circa Unknown. Name: Jeremy Hitchcock Date of Birth: Unknown Date of Death: July 16, 1923 August 8th, 2002 Physical Description: Caucasian male, aged 39. Black slicked back hair. Wore a hat with a variety of other clothing, oftentimes mismatched. Previously manifested in the basement of SCP-6920-1, where he would smoke cigars and listen to a nearby record player. Overview: SCP-6920-D was the previous head of the of the SCP-6920-1 operation and liaison between the members of the operation and the individual known as "B". Their position of leadership, however ,had been disputed between all four entities for years. SCP-6920-D reportedly started the business by themselves in 1916, but garnered the attention of the individual known as "B" and was offered a place in GoI-0019. After the incident in 1923, through currently unknown means, SCP-6920-D became the only one who knew the exact ingredients and instructions of how to make SCP-6920. It is still unknown why they decided to manufacture SCP-6920 specifically. Update: As of Incident-6920-01, SCP-6920-D is deceased. Interview 6920-D: 11/15/99 [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Thorpe: Mr. Hitchcock? SCP-6920-D: Go away. I'm enjoying myself. Dr. Thorpe: I'm Dr. Thorpe, I'm with the Foundation. I'm here to ask you a few questions. SCP-6920-D: Didn't you hear me? I said piss off. Dr. Thorpe: Don't you get tired of listening to the same songs everyday? If you comply, I can maybe arrange you a collection of vintage records. SCP-6920-D: What makes you- Dr. Thorpe: <Interrupting> With added benefits. A new room perhaps? Somewhere not as bad as here. <SCP-6920-D mumbles something, goes quiet, then faces Dr. Thorpe.> SCP-6920-D: Fine, deal. What might the mighty Thorpe need to know from me? Dr. Thorpe: Your boss, Miss Kindle called him "B". What can you tell me about them? SCP-6920-D: I assume she's dead by now, so I'll spill. Firstly, "B" was a she, and her name was Jane Carter, but some of us- including me- called her J.C. She didn't quite like the people working for her knowing she was a woman either, so she hid herself under the names of J.C. to some, and then "B" to others. Dr. Thorpe: Right. What else about her? SCP-6920-D: Smart. Tough. And by God, she was beautiful. Funny story, there was one time where- Dr. Thorpe: About her involvement in the organization you were both working in. SCP-6920-D: Ah, that. Well what all do you know? Dr. Thorpe: They're a criminal syndicate going by the name "Syndicate of 85". They sell all kinds of anomalous antiques, services, and run businesses like speakeasys and lounges. SCP-6920-D: Well, that's not quite the Underworld I knew. Dr. Thorpe: Underworld? SCP-6920-D: When I first heard of them, they went by "The Underworld Criminal Syndicate of the United States of America". Long ass name, and everyone I knew shortened it to Underworld instead. Dr. Thorpe: And when was this? SCP-6920-D: Before '23, that's what they went by. After that, well…there was something of a decline between then and now, with 'now' more specifically meaning back in '39. Right after the Spirit fell. Dr. Thorpe: Interesting. We'll come back to this, but I have another question for you. The other two have mentioned that your boss had a boss as well. Mr. Burke said he and Richard Chappell did not have a good relationship. I'd like to know what happened, and out of the three, you seem to know. SCP-6920-D: That's actually a pretty funny story. See, it started out as a rumor one day back in 1920. "Oh, someone crossed Chappell", "Hey, you guys are screwed, the Spirit is coming", shit like that. So I ask J.C. what the fuck is going on, right? But she's got this absolutely piss-your-pants scared look on her face and she's panicking, trying to get some shit packed in a bag. She tells me, "He fucked up bad this time, Chappell is chasing us out of Chicago, and he's coming for the rest of us in the states. Brick and Kat are already dead. I'm leaving." Dr. Thorpe: I don't suppose she went into any further detail? SCP-6920-D: Something about the boss knowing about someone or something that he wasn't supposed to know. But that was it. That was the last time I saw her. It's funny because, in the end, Chappell never came for anyone else. Dr. Thorpe: And what did your boss do? SCP-6920-D: I don't know what he did to set off Chappell, but it was enough to the point that he got scared and fled the country. And when he did decide to make himself relevant again, I'm pretty sure he didn't even know we were out here. We didn't hear anything about it 'till '99, and that's when you guys swooped in. Dr. Thorpe: I can assume you don't know much on this individual, then? SCP-6920-D: Well, not exactly. There's some stuff everyone is allowed to remember. Dr. Thorpe: Allowed to remember? SCP-6920-D: That's just the way he works. Dr. Thorpe: Then, what are you allowed to tell me? SCP-6920-D: Not much. Just what everyone says about him. A man shrouded in mystery. An outlaw from a bygone era. A sweet talker who could convince you to buy anything. A gambler with quite the string of luck. Stuff like that. Dr. Thorpe: Anything more specific? SCP-6920-D: Only two things in particular, really. Firstly, no one could ever tell what color his eyes were. Dr. Thorpe: As in they never got a clear look? SCP-6920-D: No, like it was a color you couldn't see. Unrecognizable. Dr. Thorpe: Well, that's a little intriguing. And the second thing? SCP-6920-D: He was unnaturally pale. Dr. Thorpe: Pale? Like they had albinism? SCP-6920-D: Albinism? Dr. Thorpe: Like they are an albino, a condition where- SCP-6920-D: <Interrupting> Whoa whoa whoa, what the fuck did you say? Dr. Thorpe: They…are an albino? SCP-6920-D: Oh my God. Dr. Thorpe: Is there a problem? SCP-6920-D: That was his name. Albino. Dr. Thorpe: Albino? I think I recognize the name, I believe we have a file on him. SCP-6920-D: You son of a bitch! You made me talk! Dr. Thorpe: What? I didn't- SCP-6920-D: Holy shit, I'm a fucking dead man. <SCP-6920-D demanifests.> [END LOG] After managing to have all four entities manifest inside the living room of SCP-6920-1, Dr. Thorpe conducted the final interview with SCP-6920-A through -D. [BEGIN LOG] SCP-6920-D: You'd better have a damn good reason for making me be here in my final moments, doc. SCP-6920-A: Final moments? What? SCP-6920-D: Shut up. Dr. Thorpe: If you two would kindly quiet down, I'm here to ask two final questions for you all. SCP-6920-A: Last time you made me go through a questionnaire, you promised me a new room. This isn't a new room. Where's my new room? SCP-6920-B: He promised you a new room? Dr. Thorpe: The request is going through, we're a very busy department10. SCP-6920-C: <Without looking up from their newspaper> Hurry and ask question then. Dr. Thorpe: The first I'll ask is what happened on July 16th, 1923? SCP-6920-A: We had a disagreement. Then a shootout. We died. We came back. SCP-6920-B: Not that we know why, we just are. Dr. Thorpe: Yes, yes, I understand that. I mean, what was the disagreement? What was it that actually happened? SCP-6920-B: Well it was…huh. I can't remember. SCP-6920-A: Really? We had an argument over…well, fuck me. I don't know either. SCP-6920-C: I don't remember either. <SCP-6920-D sighs loudly.> SCP-6920-D: That was the day we all learned that the big man had left the Underworld. Which meant two things to us. Those who would keep following him, and those who would try other places. Dr. Thorpe: And you all shot each other over it? SCP-6920-D: Well, kind of. Us four decided to try and find opportunities somewhere else, but Jimmie, Linda, Martha, and Henry decided against us. They wanted to go out and find him, but the rest of us knew that wherever that was, Chappell was already there. SCP-6920-A: I can remember it now, yeah. Yeah, Jim punched me when I tried to leave, shouted something about us droppin' the dime11. Which was, of course, untrue. SCP-6920-B: And then our fight ended with a draw. All of us had a shooter on us, even Liu had one. Doesn't seem to have mattered, though. Dr. Thorpe: Then…where are the other four ghosts? SCP-6920-C: Only ever us. SCP-6920-B: Liu is right. To our knowledge, we were the only four who came back. Dr. Thorpe: Hm. Well, I suppose that's a satisfactory answer. SCP-6920-D: We aim to please. Now, your second question? What was it? Dr. Thorpe: Right. Well, we'd like to know how you managed to make SCP- <Pauses> Ectoplashine. <Silence for twenty seconds.> SCP-6920-D: No. SCP-6920-B: I mean, come on. Does it even matter anymore? SCP-6920-D: I said no! SCP-6920-A: And who put you in charge? SCP-6920-D: The boss did! SCP-6920-A: Boss ain't around no more! SCP-6920-B: Jeremy, it's been seventy years. No one even remembers us anymore. SCP-6920-A: And if they did, they would've gotten to us earlier. <Silence for another ten seconds.> SCP-6920-D: <Sighs> Fine, okay. Whatever. Dr. Thorpe: Good. Then, would you mind explaining? SCP-6920-D: Well, let's get this straight. I lied. Dr. Thorpe: About what? SCP-6920-D: Just hold on, doc. There were eight of us. Eight of us died. Dr. Thorpe: Yes. And? SCP-6920-D: And the main ingredient in Ectoplashine is, of course, ectoplasm. Dr. Thorpe: As we understand it, yes. How is this- SCP-6920-D: <Interrupts> There used to be eight ghosts, too. <Silence for one minute.> Dr. Thorpe: Oh. SCP-6920-D: Yeah. "Oh". [END LOG] Addendum: Incident-6920-01 On 08/08/02, all cameras within SCP-6920-1 suddenly ceased functionality. Attempts to contact the guards that were, at the time, stationed at SCP-6920-1 failed. Agents from Mobile Task Force Mu-13 ("Ghostbusters") and a team from Liaison-5 ("The Hawkshaws") were able to report to the location approximately two hours after the camera feeds cut off, which had been restored thirty minutes after ceasing function. Upon reaching the destination, the guards that had been stationed at the location had been killed via gunshots to the head. Upon entering SCP-6920-1, all agents found SCP-6920-A, -B, and -C gathered around a puddle of ectoplasm in the basement. Entities claimed they heard SCP-6920-D yelling, followed by a gunshot, but did not hear any previous gunshots. Among the pile was a piece of paper akin to a calling card, the text of which as been transcribed below. [Open Transcript] [Close] Let this serve an example to the rest of you ghost fuckers. No one talks shit about me and gets away with it. Not even the dead. - The Albino Man12 Shortly thereafter, SCP-6920-A through -C were then transferred to Site-16 and have been placed under protective custody by the Foundation. Further interviews found entities -A through -C had forgotten all knowledge on the existence of PoI-0023, although remember that SCP-6920-D had been murdered. As of 2002 there has been no activity from SCP-6920-1 since the incident, and no other SCP-6920 instances have been found. Surveillance of the location, however, has continued. An investigation concerning the reappearance of SCP-6920-A through -D inside SCP-6920-1 has been, until further activity from the location has been detected, postponed. Addendum: On 08/17/02, the transcript was moved to the office of Dr. Montgomery13 as part of the renewed investigation efforts against PoI-0023. Footnotes 1. Foundation AIC unit currently assigned to Site-16. 2. Director of the Department of Paracrime. 3. "Syndicate of 85", known paracriminal organization and business rival of GoI-001 ("Chicago Spirit") 4. There was notable resistance from GoI-001 to prevent the selling of SCP-6920 in Illinois, primarily in Chicago. 5. All high ranking members of the Kansas City Mafia and the Pendergast Machine crime groups, respectively. 6. From this moment forward, Dr. Thorpe was given permission to refer to the entities by their given names for the purpose of information extraction. 7. A Syndicate specific term for rouge members. 8. Items have ranged from perfume, lipstick, paper and coin currency, handkerchiefs, .22 caliber bullets, a .22 pistol, and other types of items from the 1920s. To note, the satchel is not large enough to carry all of the specified items at once. 9. A Syndicate specific term for members who map out secret or unknown roads and trails for the group. 10. Dr. Thorpe has made no such request. 11. Term used to refer to someone giving out information about someone else's unlawful activities, normally to local authorities. 12. Known to the Foundation as PoI-0023. 13. Head of Operations within the DoP.
Item#: 6921 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: danger link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6921 is held within a hangar located at Site-19. Observation of SCP-6921 is to be done remotely to prevent external interface during behavioral study. To further study its behavior, small mammals are to be released within its cell on a bi-weekly basis. Description: SCP-6921 refers to a 4m tall spherical automaton composed of common metal alloys and complex circuitry. SCP-6921 is suspended by 20 mechanical appendages resembling elongated human arms. These limbs are incredibly dexterous; housing an abundant amount of joints to help it traverse environments and track prey. They are capable of extending far beyond what its design would suggest. On top of 6921’s sphere lies an inoperable hatch as well as a retractable input chamber directly beneath. X-ray analysis has revealed the deceased remains of Jesse B. Court. Whenever SCP-6921 locates organic matter1, it will begin navigating towards it and begin using its appendages to forcefully tear the matter into small segments, where it will then begin inserting the remains into a retractable lower compartment. Periodically, SCP-6921 will expel matter out of this compartment due to the excess of matter gathered. SCP-6921 will remain dormant when not in the presence of suitable organic material. Addendum: 16 video recordings were successfully recovered from Jesse’s personal computer. The following are the archived video files transcribed in numerical order: VIDEO LOGS 1-16 ACCESS GRANTED (01) untitled.mp4 Recording begins with Jesse sitting at his dining room table Jesse: My therapist suggested this was a healthy way to cope with trauma- God, this is embarrassing. Hello, my name is Jesse Court. I’m 33 and a retired mechanical engineer. Violent coughing followed by sniffling Jesse: I’ve always had a fascination with machinery, like cars and stuff. Which is great since I'm right next to a junkyard, best seat in the house. I fortunately inherited my aunts property after she passed, which entitles me to 1.3 acres of woodland, right in Camden. Even with all of this, I've found myself in a pretty shitty living situation. Been workin’ under the table for a dead-end newspaper company, which on top of disability checks is just barely getting me by. Few years back, I sustained major head trauma after falling through some floor boards. As embarrassing as that is. Jesse forcefully clasps his hands together. Jesse: Ever since then, I’ve had subsisting migraines. Like nails being driven into my skull. The real kicker is how easily nauseated I become. Lose balance pretty easy. Jesse slowly lifts himself out of his chair, before attempting to walk in a straight line. Jesse loses balances and falls, where a glass object audibly breaks. Jesse: You get used to it. VIDEO END (02) fuckthis.mp4 Jesse: It’s time to take initiative. For far too long I’ve wasted my days, counting them down until I drop dead. Not anymore. Starting from now, eighty percent of my life insurance will be going towards a device I’ve had in the works. A machine that will eliminate the need for reliance, a machine that will make me walk normally again. This over here is the first iteration of my machine. Jesse positions the camera towards the wall, where 3 forked, mechanical limbs are shown hung up along the wall. Jesse: Although being my first, this prototype has amazing functionality; extremely dexterous. Observe. The automated limbs begin suspending themselves towards Jesse in unison. Jesse: Creepy, I know. But this is the first step towards something life changing. VIDEO END (03) progress1.mp4 Jesse: Hey, it’s been a minute. For the past week or so, I’ve been fiddling with various concepts. The camera is positioned downward towards his desk, where various blueprints depicting unidentified devices are shown. Jesse: Almost there. Haven’t been this happy in a while, feel productive. I feel so close to finally accomplishing my dream. Even been having dreams about it, creating something just… life changing. It’s hazy to remember, but it’s enough to keep me motivated. I’m even sleep talking, my wife’s caught me going on and on about random incoherent computer jargon. My infatuation scares even me sometimes, ha-ha. Jesse appears visually agitated as his son attempts to walk inside of his garage. Jesse: Junior, if I have to tell you one more time to not enter the garage during my work hours, I’m gonna freak the fuck out. Jesse’s son quickly closes the door. Jesse sighs and rubs his eyes before leaning back in his chair. VIDEO END (04) progress2.mp4 Jesse: Due to the lack of funding for the project, my generous family have decided to contribute what little they have to make this possible. Got only a months worth of spending money, so I gotta be quick. The latest installment of the device, behold, The Traverser! Jesse rips down a tarp to reveal a circular frame, suspended by 8 mechanical appendages. Jesse: It may not look like much at first. However… Jesse struggles to get into the device, losing balance 3 times. Jesse: There we are! Now, apart of what makes this device so special is its pattern recognition. If my pages of coding are correct, It should stabilize with ease. Now, it functions by absorbing inf- The locomotion begins rapidly moving towards the garage door, before violently slamming into it. Jesse is forcefully ejected, lays sprawled out, motionless Jesse: …Jesus Christ. Jesse groans as he attempts to stand Jesse: This… is huge. You’re so close to being done. It may not look like it, but I’m ecstatic. Y-you’re gonna be a big helper someday. Heh, you got me real good though. God- Jesse hunches over in pain. VIDEO END (05) untitled.mp4 Video starts with a visually exhausted Jesse, with bloodshot eyes Jesse: Is this thing on? I’m not sure what happened. Under no circumstances can my family know, they’ll think I’m crazy. They’d be right to think so. It’s, what, 2:43 in the morning? Just woke up and found myself surrounded by THIS. Jesse repositions the camera, where 3 disassembled vehicles and other miscellaneous objects are scattered in his driveway. Jesse: I must be going fucking insane. I have no idea what I’m doing at this point. Are… are these the junkyard cars? How did I even manage to do this? Was I drugged? I mean, what the fuck is even this supposed to be? Jesse holds up an unidentifiable device, with various screws and LEDs protruding out of it’s base, which he forcefully flings at a wall. Jesse: Hands are covered in sores and blisters, so it seems I’ve been busy. Strained laughter is heard, followed by crying. Jesse struggles to sprint towards the machine, which is equipped with new parts, and begins forcefully tearing off the new additions. Jesse: Why is this happening to me? The lights inside of his house begin to turn on. Jesse: Shit. VIDEO END (06) untitled.mp4 Jesse: Took a few days off after the incident. Spent some quality time with the wife and kids. It’s been forever since we did something as a family. It was refreshing being away from the workbench for awhile. Jesse’s attitude changes, becomes visually distressed as he leans in closer toward the camera. Jesse: (Lowers voice) But even still, I can’t stop thinking about it. It’s been lingering in the back of my mind. You know, I examined some of the janky parts that were found on my machine. They serve legitimate purpose. One part acted as coolant, one helped with stabilization, and one made a deafening “beep” whenever an object was in its proxy. Not to mention it’s equipped with these newly installed limbs. It’s all far beyond my technology. Either some big-brain hack put these parts on my machine, or… Prolonged silence Jesse: It’s only logical that I’m assembling it inside of this… delirium. Perhaps I’m looking at this all wrong. God- I need a drink. Jesse leans out of frame and begins speaking to an individual, presumably his son Jesse: Hey Junior, could you grab me a beer? Junior? silence Jesse: JUNIOR! VIDEO END (07) noclue.mp4 Jesse: Woke up to this. Outside of Jesse’s window lays a semi constructed SCP-6921, which lays idle on his backyard. Jesse: (Sigh) Thought I’d finally get a normal night of sleep. Christ. Jesse moves downstairs towards the entrance of the backyard, where he cautiously approaches. Jesse: …Magnificent. Jesse picks up a small rock and gently tosses it at SCP-6921’s body. A muffled echo rings out. Jesse: I seem to have… Jesse’s face contorts in confusion. Jesse: …some idea of what I’m doing? Hell, if I could build something of this magnitude, maybe it’s a blessing in disguise. Let’s just see where I’m going with this. Heh, I truly lost my- Sentence abruptly stops. Jesse slowly moves away from the device. Jesse: I think one of its tentacles moved. Jesse slowly approaches the inactive SCP-6921, and hastily tarps it over with a bedsheet before running inside. VIDEO END (08) untitled.mp4 The automaton lays idle on his backyard. 5 minutes pass before the camera is dropped. Jesse is presumably intoxicated. Jesse: Move. C’mon, move. Don’t tell me I’m hallucinating… There’s NO way. God- I know what I saw. Either YOU moved, or I’m losing my mind. Here. Jesse repositions the camera, where he reluctantly nudges one of its appendages with his foot. Jesse: Gonna leave this here. Hopefully you do something interesting. Jesse returns inside, where he begins having an inaudible argument with his family, screaming prominently. The camera is left facing towards the inactive SCP-6921 for 3 hours before its battery runs out. VIDEO END (09) untitled.mp4 Jesse: Wife and kids are staying at their grandparents house for a few. My infatuation with this thing is starting to cost me everything. Voice begins to tremble. Jesse: I wish she would just listen. Came outside the morning after- you know, after I took apart those cars, and lied through my teeth in front of my family. “Yeah, probably some robbers.” I told them. However, I cannot excuse yesterday’s outburst. My daughter tried to get close to the damn thing, and I completely flew off the handle. Jesse begins fidgeting his hands, looking downward. Jesse: Just… scolding her, more so than any reasonable person would. “Do you have any idea the dangers this robot could possess? What if it stabs your eyes out in front of your screaming mother?” Blah, blah, blah. Stuff like that. The way they looked at me… with fear in their eyes. It shatters my soul. You know the worst part? The fact- Jesse quickly looks over his shoulder. Jesse: You heard that too right? Jesse remains still while looking towards the backyard. A noticeable scrapping becomes audible. Jesse: Motherfucker! He hastily picks up his camera before sprinting out of his home. As he approaches SCP-6921, it lays in the same position it had been in originally. Jesse: I FUCKING HEARD YOU. I HEARD YOU. VIDEO END (10) untitled.mp4 Recording takes place on a handheld recording device which has yet to be recovered. Jesse is profusely panting while the camera is positioned towards his back patio, where quick movements are audible. Jesse: Oh my god. Jesse begins speaking under his breath. Jesse: I can hear it moving out there. Son of a bitch woke me up. Little frightened if I’m being honest. Got a knife incase I have to gut the damn thing, if that’ll do anything. Metal scrapping intensifies. Jesse: Goddamn it’s noisy. Alright, here we go. 3…2…1. Jesse barges through the door, where SCP-6921 jerkingly moves backwards attempting to flee. It rams itself forcefully into the wall, where it hoists itself into the corner of the room. Jesse begins yelling at SCP-6921, where it then begins wrapping its appendages around itself. After 3 minutes, both Jesse and SCP-6921 remain motionless. Jesse: You… you coward away. What are you, scared? Jesse begins slumping downward before losing consciousness. SCP-6921 begins slowly navigating towards Jesse. VIDEO END (11) untitled.mp4 Camera quality has worsened. Video recorded in Jesse’s living room, which is notably unkempt. Jesse: Hello everyone, sorry for the wait. Prolonged silence. Jesse: This infatuation with the machine cost me everything. Haven’t seen my wife and kids for awhile, nor have they bothered trying to communicate with me. Sometimes… I wish I never went down this path. I was so fundamentally lonely… I’m ashamed to admit I had some pretty dark thoughts. That was until I met you. Camera is positioned towards an open window, where SCP-6921 is seen outside with multiple appendages inside the house. SCP-6921 navigates one of its appendages towards Jesse, where it firmly shakes his hand. Jesse: You have no idea how much you mean to me. You’re gonna do great things someday. How rude of me, I haven’t introduced you yet. Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like you to meet my buddy Son! Son sure is a smart cookie. Son, go grab me a beer. SCP-6921 quickly maneuvers it’s limb around piles of clothes and trash. It returns, strongly gripping a crushed beer can. Jesse: I haven’t really looked into it all that much- why he can do the things he does- I’m glad to have an acquaintance though. Makes the house less desolate. Few nights ago, when I first found him, I was in such a state of panic that I blacked out. Next thing I knew, I woke up on my patio with this bugger staring at me. VIDEO END (12) untitled.mp4 Recorded outside. SCP-6921 is seen multiple times wandering throughout Jesse’s backyard. Jesse: Decided to go with em’ out back, just to show him around the property. Little bunny rabbit, not more than 3 or 4 pounds came frolicking through my wife's garden. Without a second thought, Son just… bolted towards the poor thing. At first I was thinking he was gonna give me it as a gift. But then, he began tearing the poor thing up. Shoved its bits into itself like it was second nature. Jesse looks noticeably agitated towards SCP-6921, who begins rooting various plants. Jesse: Son wanted me to go in him. He uh, he pointed with one of his arms towards a hatch that popped open on his head. Freaked me out so I obviously declined. I know he doesn’t have a face but he seemed… oddly disrespected. Tomorrow, I’ll look more into this newly found behavior. VIDEO END (13) untitled.mp4 Jesse is only barely visible, his voice having a noticeable echo. Hello everyone. I’ve been observing Son’s hunting capabilities. He’s shown exceptional hunting prowess; great speed and reaction time. He began inserting his findings into a small “mouth” beneath him, and like the first time, he suggested I go into the hatch. Not wanting to offend him again I obliged, albeit reluctantly. Check this out. Jesse begins chewing on something not visible. Jesse: Oh, sorry. Jesse pounds 3 times against a metallic surface before a hatch opens above him, illuminating the interior. Jesse consumes a dark red discus-shaped food item. Jesse: For what it is, it’s pretty tasty. If I built him, it should probably be safe enough to eat. You couldn’t tell this apart from something you’d purchase in a frozen food aisle honestly. He’s quite the little chef. The camera is positioned around the interior of SCP-6921, which appears mostly hollow. A rectangular slit is present on one of the walls. Suddenly, shrieking is audible from outside the automaton. Jesse: Shit. Looks like he got another cat. But look, this is a good demonstration. 5 minutes after, directly above the slit, an orange glow intensifies behind the wall, illuminating the silhouette of an interconnecting system of wires. A high-pitch whistling is prominent throughout the process. After the orange light dissipates, another food item is dispensed through the slit onto Jesse’s cupped hands. Jesse: Isn’t any better than my normal cooking. Jesse laughs before struggling to exit the interior. SCP-6921 uses its appendages to carefully remove Jesse. After removal, SCP-6921 begins jumping around. Jesse: Thanks Son. VIDEO END (14) untitled.mp4 Jesse: I finally understand the reasoning behind Son. Well, perhaps not fully. I believe it was constructed to serve a greater purpose, something infinitely more than a simple walking aid. It's clear to me that its sole purpose is maintaining my survival. Complete self reliance. It cleans the house, repaints the walls, gives me company… hell, even cooks for me. I'm glad to have a friend like him during these times. I still struggle to see where this… subconscious impulse to create things far beyond my normal capabilities came from. It's an anomaly. Maybe the angels really have listened to my prayers. Jesse smiles. Jesse: I’m a little worried about the legality of the machine. I mean- a device this complex, well beyond the technology of anything I've seen before, would be taken confiscated I'd imagine. I’ve worked too hard to have my device surrendered to the government or stolen. For now, until I’m absolutely sure it will be safe, Son will remain on my property, where it’s safely shielded by fencing and trees. I think he understands as well. VIDEO END (15) untitled.mp4 Video recorded on a handheld device from Jesse's upstairs window, overlooking 4 police officers which stand directly outside his front door late at night. Officer: Mr. Court? This is the Camden City Police Department. Open up. Jesse curses under his breath before walking downstairs towards the entrance. He hesitantly opens the front door and is greeted by multiple officers. Jesse: I'm recording for my safety. Officer Mr. Court? You are under arrest for trespassing on private property as well as multiple counts of theft. Jesse: This is ridiculous. Sir, are you aware that I’m physically disabled? How would I ever be able to preform such a feat? Officer: We initially thought you couldn't, but after further investigation it seems you're the only viable suspect. We have evidence that suggests you were at the scene. Put your hands behind your back. Jesse: Fuck… Alright, fine. But please officer, just give me five minutes. I have to take care of something urgent. The officer wedges his boot in between the door and doorframe, preventing it from shutting. Officer: Put your hands behind your back. Jesse: You don't know what you're doing! Get away from me! Jesse begins wrestling the officer to the floor. 3 more enter and forcefully remove Jesse from his house, pinning him on the pavement while still gripping the recording device. Jesse audibly groans in pain as he’s injured. Officer: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say could be used against you in a court of law. Jesse: SON! If you can hear me, go into the woods until this whole thing is over! I'll find you again I promise. Officer: Search the property for another individual and take them in for questioning, presumably a child. Jesse: No- officer… I'm talking about my dog. I don't want you sending him away to the pound or some shit. Officer: Son's an awfully weird name for a dog. Right before entering the vehicle, the cops and Jesse stop in unison. Officer: …Uh. What the hell is this supposed to be? SCP-6921 is suspended inanimately on the houses roof, hoisted by its appendages at precarious angles. The officer detaining Jesse disregards him as he runs towards the car. Officer: Gotta radio this in. Get in the car. SCP-6921 lunges downward towards the officers, crushing one beneath its limbs. The impact causes Jesse and the men to lose their balance. Officer: Open fire! Multiple gunshots are fired at SCP-6921. SCP-6921 remains undisturbed as it carefully dissects the officer’s corpse, inserting the removed tissue into itself. Upon completion, SCP-6921 lunges towards another officer, and begins amputating them. Screaming and welching are prominent throughout the process. Jesse attempts to sprint into the surrounding wilderness, but is suspended midair by SCP-6921 limbs. He begins being slowly hoisted inside of the hatch. Bullets ricochet across SCP-6921’s surface. Jesse: Put me down right now! You have to obey my orders! Jesse is shoved forcefully inside of SCP-6921; the hatch shutting behind him. Trying to escape, Jesse begins kicking and scratching the interior of SCP-6921 to no avail. Muffled screams ring out for some time before abruptly ending. The sound of rapid traversal on woodland becomes audible for the rest of the recording. 5 minutes later, an orange light illuminates Jesse’s fearful expression. Another food-item is dispensed through the slit. Jesse: What… what the fuck are you trying to make me eat? Oh God… Extensive vomiting followed by maniacal hysteria. Jesse: You call this helping?! What the fuck have you done? You- you killed that man! Ripped his fucking head off his shoulders. Jesse exhales slowly, 10 minutes pass. He begins speaking towards SCP-6921 the way he had prior to this event. Jesse: Just listen, okay? Let me out. I’ll be safe, I promise. Those men are gone now. SCP-6921 abruptly stops for 15 minutes, unresponsive to Jesse’s pleas to allow him out. SCP-6921 begins moving once more. Jesse: I know you think this is right- but this is no way to live. Just let me out, alright?. Think this through, let’s just go back to the house. You can play out back and cook me up some of your delicious meals. Perhaps you could even meet the family. What do you say, son? …Son? Are you even listening to me? Answer me God damnit! Audible sounds of gurgled screeching are audible outside of SCP-6921. Jesse: What was that? VIDEO END (16) sorry.mp4 Video starts within complete darkness. Jesses voice is notably shaky Jesse: It’s been an hour… my calls are getting blocked somehow and the battery’s almost drained. However, I've successfully managed to upload a recording onto my computer after repetitively trying, at least that’s what it’s saying on my phone. Hopefully this gets through. Coughing, followed by a loud thud. Jesse: My name is Jesse Court, and I doubt I'm gonna be coming out anytime soon. To my wife and children, I'm sorry. I should’ve never neglected you all. My selfishness is what led me here. I should've been there for you guys. I love you all. Muffled sounds of rapid movement are heard from inside. Jesse struggles to speak. Jesse: The officers injuring me must’ve triggered something inside of Son. He’s been reverted to his basic primary function, ensuring my safety. I’m not sure if he’s ever gonna let me out. Jesse quietly laughs before presumably striking the hatch. Jesse: Despite having created the machine, I’m unsure of how to destroy it. Hell, Its battery could last at thousand years for all I know. Light it on fire, douse it in water, electricity, just- do whatever you can to kill it. I… I want out. Find a way. Please. VIDEO END Discovery: Residents of Camden, Michigan had contacted emergency services after multiple sightings of SCP-6921 had been sighted on the outskirts of the town. Upon investigation, field agents discovered multiple recently damaged homes belonging to victims. A CCTV camera installed outside of a suburban house 2 kilometers from the site had successfully captured the whereabouts of SCP-6921, where it was seen hoisted against the building. SURVEILANCE LOG DATE: 01/27/19 NOTE: N/A [BEGIN LOG] 1:46 AM: SCP-6921 extends its appendages through multiple windows behind the home 1:48 AM: Various food items are removed from the home, such as frozen vegetables and pantry items. It then inserts these foods into its lower compartment. SCP-6921 returns its appendages and begins navigating southeast towards the entrance of the building. 2:01 AM: SCP-6921 remains stationary for 5 minutes, occasionally twitching and recoiling its limbs. 2:06 AM: SCP-6921 raises one of its appendages and begins lightly tapping on the front door. The house's lights turn on. SCP-6921 violently extends 4 of its limbs through the house's transom windows, where it forcefully removes a woman. It begins violently removing segments of the woman’s abdomen into its lower compartment. 2:08: After fully dismembering and inserting the woman into itself, SCP-6921 releases itself from the building and enters the surrounding wilderness. Footnotes 1. It has been documented preferring live, able-bodied organisms.
MetalRavioli Written by MetalRavioli. For more by me, go to my Author Page! /* - == ===ROOT=== == - */ :root { /* S-CSS-P integration */ --theme-base: "black-highlighter"; --theme-id: "raviolistyle"; --theme-name: "Raviolistyle"; /* ===HEADER ELEMENTS=== */ --logo-image: url(""); --header-title: "SITE-225"; --header-subtitle: "NO MATTER HOW SMALL"; Item#: 6922 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-225 Dr. Edward Irkiv Dr. Helen Drumm N/A SCP-6922 Special Containment Procedures SCP-6922 is to be contained in a 90-liter freshwater fish tank in the wildlife containment wing of Site-225. SCP-6922 is to be fed on a daily basis and is to be provided with several hiding spots. Any amenities requested by SCP-6922 are to be provided on a case-by-case basis. No substances that could be identified as "pollution" are permitted to be within a 30-meter radius of SCP-6922's containment tank. Description SCP-6922 is a male member of the Thai micro crab.Limnopilos naiyanetri species measuring approximately 0.8cm in length. SCP-6922 is sapient and is capable of speech, and is capable of communicating clearly through water, as well as being capable of breathing air. SCP-6922 is highly resilient to low temperatures, having been seen in 5°C waters with no negative effects present. Any object or substance that would be considered "pollution" that comes within A 20-meter radius of SCP-6922 will demanifest. SCP-6922 is aware of this and has previously used this effect to its advantage, in an attempt to cleanse bodies of water. Addendum 6922.01: Initial Discovery Log SCP-6922 was discovered on 10/13/2021, during a Foundation oil spill cleanup caused by SCP-████ in a large lake, which led into a small stream. The events consisting of SCP-6922's discovery have been logged below. + Access Discovery Log 6922-1 - ACCESS GRANTED DISCOVERY LOG Date: 10/13/2021 [BEGIN LOG] (The camera turns on. The view is from Dr. Anole's headgear. Dr. Anole is overseeing an oil spill cleanup, where several agents are seen skimming the stream and removing oil. Researcher Evel approaches Dr. Anole.) Researcher Evel: Everything is going according to plan, Doctor. Dr. Anole: Excellent. SCP-████ is subdued? Researcher Evel: Correct. The entity shouldn't be active for another- (Researcher Evel is interrupted by Agent Marshall, who is seen running towards the two.) Agent Marshall: Doctor! (Researcher Evel and Dr. Anole turn towards Agent Marshall.) Agent Marshall: Doctor, something's happening upstream. Come quick! (Researcher Evel and Dr. Anole look to each other, and then begin to follow Agent Marshall. Agent Marshall leads the two upstream, where the oil coating the stream is seen disappearing.) Dr. Anole: What is this? Researcher Evel: Do you know what's causing this, Marshall? Agent Marshall: Not sure. Morgan's sensors detected some movement in the water, but it wasn't much. Researcher Evel: (looking towards Dr. Anole) Perhaps it's another anomaly? Dr. Anole: Could be. Evel, contact Site-225. Tell them we may need a containment team on standby. Marshall, get Morgan down here. Researcher Evel: On it. Agent Marshall: Ditto. (Researcher Evel begins walking back upstream, as does Agent Marshall. Dr. Anole begins looking in the water, in an attempt to find any movement. After approximately 5 minutes, he spots SCP-6922. He leans in close to the entity) Dr. Anole: Is that a crab? SCP-6922: (coughs) Jesus Christ man, have a mint! (Dr. Anole is frightened by SCP-6922 and falls back onto the ground. Dr. Anole remains on the ground for approximately 15 seconds, seemingly in shock, before looking around. Dr. Anole spots a clipboard atop a nearby supply crate and grabs it. He then slowly returns to the water, and cautiously looks into the stream. He searches for approximately 7 seconds before he spots SCP-6922.) Dr. Anole: I- Hello? SCP-6922: Hello! I'm here! What do you want? Dr. Anole: Um. Are… are you the crab? SCP-6922: The fuck you mean? Of course I'm the crab. Dr. Anole: And, you can understand me? SCP-6922: Are you that stupid? I'm answering you! Jesus Christ… Dr. Anole: Um… By any chance are you causing the oil to demanifest? SCP-6922: Demanifest? In English, professor. Dr. Anole: Are you causing the oil to go away? SCP-6922: Yeah. Pretty neat, huh? Dr. Anole: Yeah it is… (Dr. Anole begins taking notes) How long have you been here? SCP-6922: The fuck you mean by "here"? (SCP-6922 makes several motions in the air with its claws) The stream? The forest? The US? Be more specific man, I'm not a mind reader. Dr. Anole: The stream. SCP-6922: Few hours. My job would be a lot easier if you guys got out of the way. Dr. Anole: Job? SCP-6922: Yeah you know, something you're supposed to do, usually for pay- Dr. Anole: No, I know what a job is. What is your job? SCP-6922: Well what does it look like it is? Cleaning up your guys' mess! Dr. Anole: And you're employed to do this? SCP-6922: Yes. I literally just told you that. God humans are so annoying. Dr. Anole: (taking notes) Employed by who? SCP-6922: The CWPA, wise guy. Dr. Anole: The… what? SCP-6922: The CWPA? the Creature and Wildlife Protection Agency? (Dr. Anole raises an eyebrow) SCP-6922: You know what I'm talking about. We brought back the roadrunner after it went extinct? (Dr. Anole shakes his head) SCP-6922: Saved the Amazon from a comet? (Dr. Anole shakes his head) SCP-6922: Invented Animal Jam? Dr. Anole: You made Animal Jam? SCP-6922: For fucks sake. Dr. Anole: Look, Animal Jammer or not, you're going to have to come with me. (Dr. Anole reaches out to grab SCP-6922) SCP-6922: (SCP-6922 backs away from Dr. Anole's hand) Woah woah woah, no can do pal. Like I said, I got a job to do. So kindly fuck off. Dr. Anole: I'm afraid that's not an option. (Dr. Anole again reaches out for SCP-6922, however, SCP-6922 puts its claws up.) SCP-6922: Hey! You want to mess with these dudes? I once sliced a shrimp in half with these bad boys. (Dr. Anole attempts to grab SCP-6922, but SCP-6922 moves to the side, causing Dr. Anole to lose his balance and fall into the stream. Dr. Anole kneels up and frantically looks for SCP-6922, who is laughing. He quickly spots the entity, and grabs it in his fingers.) SCP-6922: Hey! put me down! (SCP-6922 frantically tries to resist Dr. Anole's restraint, to no avail. Dr. Anole stands up and moves out of the stream.) Researcher Evel: Hey! (Dr. Anole turns to the right, to see Researcher Evel walking towards him) Researcher Evel: I've contacted Site. They're sending in a team. Dr. Anole: No need. (Holds up SCP-6922) Already got it. Researcher Evel: A… crab? SCP-6922: For your information, I have a name! It's Lou! Researcher Evel: It talks? Dr. Anole: I wish it didn't. SCP-6922: Fuck off! Let me do my job! Dr. Anole: Let me do mine! [END LOG] Afterword: Following these events, SCP-6922 was brought to Site-225 and was properly contained. Investigation into GoI-3776 "Creature and Wildlife Protection Agency" is ongoing. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6922" by MetalRavioli, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Crab.jpg Author: Sean Murray License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link:
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Dept. Director Research Head Assigned MTF Tactical Theology Yossarian Leiner Dr. Ryszard Markowski Epsilon-6 ("Village Idiots") Provisional Containment Procedures The suppression of all information regarding the SCP-6924 phenomenon is relegated to MTF Gamma-5 (“Red Herrings”). A campaign of disinformation regarding previous reports of anomalous phenomena in SCP-6924-A and SCP-6924-B, claiming all anomalous activity related to them as urban legends, is currently underway. MTF Epsilon-6 ("Village Idiots") personnel are to remain stationed in the area surrounding the village in case any incidents arise. An investigation into the origins of SCP-6924 is to be carried out as soon as possible. Due to the isolated nature of SCP-6924-A/B, as well as the shortage in personnel following multiple incidents, further action has been deemed unnecessary. The Horizon Initiative is not to be informed of the anomaly. Description The road exiting out of SCP-6924-B. SCP-6924 is the designation for a phenomenon of unclear origins affecting two villages in the Hajnówka County, Podlasie Voivodeship, Poland. Any person born in areas affected by SCP-6924 has significantly better health compared to the average population, with inhabitants of both communities having an average lifespan of 100.5 years. SCP-6924-A is the village of Mięsiny, located at the northern edge of Hajnowski County. The village is home to 193 people and contains a library, a Catholic church, two grocery stores, a butcher's shop, a public football field and a cemetery in addition to civilian houses. The village can be accessed through a single road going into the village. SCP-6924-B is the village of Sarnowo, 7 kilometers south of SCP-6924-A. The village houses a population of 76 and contains a Catholic church, a grocery store and a butcher's shop in addition to civilian houses. SCP-6924-B can be accessed by a single road passing through the village and towards SCP-6924-A. All inhabitants of SCP-6924-A and SCP-6924-B have reported themselves as Catholic and regularly attend Sunday mass. The connection between this fact and SCP-6924 is currently under investigation. You are currently viewing a provisional file for an anomaly under active investigation View investigation report? ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6924" by Letova, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: road_village.jpg Name: Author: Eric Jones Source: License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Filename: psiarak.jpg Name: Bodmin.jpg Author: Y-Rex Source: License: CC BY-SA 4.0
GreenGolem Written by GreenGolem. + Thanks Critters! - Golem Thanks to peppermint_legos and GlassAutomaton on the IRC channels! And of course, thanks to my teammates winkwonkboi and Deadcanons for making this possible. This piece would not have been the same without them. + Author Commentary - Author Commentary I loved the idea of AEED being used to make anomalies more complacent with Foundation command, so I made a little comedy piece about a potential superweapon that doesn't actually want to be stolen from Foundation command. For more content from me, check out my Author Page! Item #: SCP-6925 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6925 is to be kept at high-security Site-183, in a standard humanoid accommodation chamber within a sector currently under the supervision of the Anomalous Entity Engagement Division (AEED). Special privileges given to SCP-6925 include: A diary for logging SCP-6925's day-to-day life. A video game console (With a budget of 20$ monthly to spend on video games). Several jigsaw puzzles. A domestic cat (On the condition that SCP-6925 will be assigned the duty of caretaking) The budget for the security of SCP-6925 is to be increased by 75% of the standard AEED provided anomaly budget. The standard Mobile Task Force unit for the AEED, Omicron-20 ("Lovebirds"), is to be set on high alert about possible breaches into SCP-6925's containment cell. Description: SCP-6925 is a 1.6m tall humanoid entity, with the name "Matthew McHayward". SCP-6925 possesses no physical differences to humans, apart from its skin, which is a bright purple. SCP-6925 is currently cooperative and non-hostile with SCP Foundation personnel. SCP-6925 possesses a natural, full immunity to all audio and visual Foundation cognitohazards that have been presented to it.1 Memetic cognitohazards not directly created by the Foundation produce standard reactions. Investigations into the origin of SCP-6925 trace its anomalous effects back to GoI-003 ("Chaos Insurgency"), where SCP-6925 was the result of an experiment with the goal of creating an artificial anomaly capable of bypassing Foundation cognitohazards protecting important database files. Addendum 6925.1: Timeline of events SCP-6925 posed a unique danger, in that it rendered Foundation database security ineffective on its own. This provided unique opportunities to stage breaches. These events are placed here in chronological order. 12/5/2020: The first facility breach by GoI-003 that was later traced back to SCP-6925, occurring at Site-53.2 1/3/2021: Database leak, resulting in 3GB of classified documents being obtained by GoI-003. At this given point in time, the source of the leak was unknown to Foundation personnel. 1/17/2021: A Mobile Task Force unit had a skirmish with forces from an unknown foreign group during their training and exercise time. An estimated 45 casualties occurred, and the unit was forced to fall back to their designated site. The perpetrators were not traced and captured, however, it is believed due to the coordination and planning of the group as well as how close this incident was to the database leak, that this was connected in some way. 17 entries omitted. 6/5/2021: After an interrogation of several captured Chaos Insurgency agents, the presence of SCP-6925 was confirmed, and further investigations corroborated this. Funding into ORDER3 was increased by 125% until apprehension of SCP-6925 was completed. 6/15/2021: Skirmishes between Foundation personnel and Chaos Insurgents, alongside subsequent leaks of information to outsiders, resulted in various outside GoI's accessing information about SCP-6925. Coverups were attempted, however yielded minimal results. During a raid on a facility controlled by the Chaos Insurgency, several anomalous items, including SCP-6925, were apprehended by the Foundation on 7/1/2022. In order to insure that SCP-6925 does not fall into the possession of foreign Groups of Interests again, it was placed into the partial jurisdiction4 of the AEED. Addendum 6925.2: Theft attempts Seventeen breaches by foreign GoI's have been documented over the course of SCP-6925's containment. A sample of one of the breach attempts are documented here. Foreword: Breach by the Serpent’s Hand on 2/23/2022 at 11:52 PM, where members were successful in bypassing security and breaching into SCP-6925's containment chamber for a period of time. [BEGIN LOG] The lights are off and a SCP-6925 is seen laying in the covers. A banging sound is heard on the door of the containment chamber. 6925: [Muttering to himself] hmmm…? The door is broken through and three robed figures storm the room. An alarm starts to ring and a red flashing light goes off within the chamber. 6925: …What? The robed figures grab hold of SCP-6925, and begin attempting to carry them away. 6925: H-Hey, easy on the merchandise! SCP-6925 begins struggling and wailing, until the infiltrators drop them to the ground. 6925: Now, what the hell are y'all doing here? ROBED FIGURE 1 (RF1): What does it look like we're doing? We're here to break you out of here. 6925: The only thing you're doing here is leaving to go on your way to whatever star wars convention you came from. RF3: Okay, okay, we look funny, we get it. Now come along, we are trying to help you here. 6925: If you really want to help me, you can get me something at the cafeteria. It's taco Tuesday! RF2: Listen, it's clear they've been tampering with your memories to make you more complacent with authority. You need to come with us! 6925: Wow, that's crazy. RF1: Are you even listening to us? 6925: Yeah, yeah, I hear you. I need a second opinion, give me a second. RF1: …second opinion? SCP-6925 walks over to the side of the room and bangs on the wall. 6925: YO, PHIL! ADJACENT ANOMALY (AA): [Muffled through the wall] WHAT?! 6925: SOME MORE WEIRDOS HAVE COME TO TRY TO STEAL ME! AA: DID YOU TRY TO TAKE THEM TO THE FOOD COURT?! 6925: YEAH BUT THAT DIDN'T WORK! AA: HA! SUCKS TO BE YOU! RF3: This is ridiculous, how can you be okay with something like this? 6925: What do you mean? Here we get three free meals a day, a bunch of video games and shit, and we have a game night every Friday. You think I want to go and pay taxes? RF1: But in the library you also- 6925: In the library? You do what? Read? If you're anything like those other guys, you'll just throw me in a cold cell. RF3: Bu- The second robed figure pushed the third robed figure to the side with a frustrated face and steps forward. RF2: Screw it, we've wasted enough of our time here, and agents are soon to arrive. You're coming with us whether you like it or not. The second robed figure pulls out a stun baton and prepares to attack SCP-6925. But before he is able to do anything, personnel from Omicron-20 run into the room and terminates the intruders. The cat hisses and runs to the opposite side of the room, with SCP-6925 slowly walking over to comfort it. 6925: Took y'all long enough, you were late this time. Can you get some janitors to clean this mess up or whatnot? [END LOG] Addendum 6925.2: Diary entry 2/3/22 Some weird dudes broke into my room and said I needed to come with them because I was being jailed, and now I have a bloodstain in my carpet that won't wash out. I'm not going through that shit again, I just want to stay here and eat some snacks for fucks sake. Footnotes 1. It additionally has full immunity to all memetic cognitohazards manufactured by the Foundation after SCP-6925's containment. 2. Non-dangerous anomaly containment site. 3. A project with the directive of infiltrating GoI-003 sites with the goal of apprehending anomalies. 4. The AEED operation of maintaining SCP-6925 security is currently being supervised by the Oversight Committee. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6925" by GreenGolem, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item#: 6926 Level1 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: eshu Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Item #: SCP-6926 Special Containment Procedures: Annual containment efforts of SCP-6926 is primarily managed using Foundation web crawlers designed to track social media reports of its activities. SCP-6926 following acquisition of a minibike (Florida, United States) Reports of anomalous phenomena caused by SCP-6926 are to be tracked and witnesses are to be amnesticized appropriately. Description: SCP-6926 is a humanoid entity resembling a balding, elderly male with a short white beard. SCP-6926 always appears dressed in a manner somewhat resembling traditional depictions of Santa Claus, with additional articles of clothing worn in cold weather. Areas within a twenty-five mile radius of SCP-6926 experience the following phenomena: Environmental: Decrease in local temperatures; enough to sustain the presence of ice and snow. The appearance of partially drunk alcoholic beverages within local homes. Phenomena displayed in humans: Increased fatigue and idleness. Often causing subjects to remain sleeping longer than usual. The inability to keep track of time consistently throughout the day. Severe headaches in subjects that drank alcohol the previous day, no matter how minimal the amount consumed. Feelings of melancholy and regret (Reasons vary between subjects). Additionally, SCP-6926 has displayed various anomalous abilities, including instant teleportation between locations, manipulation and control of ice and snow, inducing alcoholic intoxication through physical contact, and the manifestation of holiday themed/related beverages (Eggnog, Irish-cream, Coca-Cola). SCP-6926 only uses these abilities to aid itself in its annual activities. SCP-6926 manifests annually on the 26th of December in countries that celebrate the holiday “Boxing Day”. During such times SCP-6926 will travel between locations that have hosted social gatherings the night prior, specifically those containing uneaten foodstuffs and beverages leftover from the night before. While there, SCP-6926 will take part in recreational activities such as drinking, eating, and general relaxation. SCP-6926 will de-manifest at 12:00am local time on December 27th. Discovery Log: Local phenomena resulting from SCP-6926’s anomalous properties were first detected in the village of ██████, England, on December 26th 1995. Due to the sudden drastic change in local weather, Foundation agents in the area were dispatched to investigate. SCP-6926 was discovered traveling between pubs in the area, joined by civilians partaking in a pub-crawl that had begun the previous night. Interviews with witnesses revealed SCP-6926 had become heavily intoxicated over the night, during which they made various references to a confidential event that took place on September 22nd the same year. Interview Log: The following is an improvised interview that was recorded following SCP-6926’s sudden manifestation at Site-17’s annual employee boxing day gathering in 1996. Foundation personnel can be heard talking to one another over the sound of music. The room goes silent and the music stops, as personnel notice the presence of SCP-6926. Loud crunching can be heard from SCP-6926. Researcher Agnew approaches. Researcher Agnew: Wow. Um, excuse me? Who’re you? SCP-6926: Hi. What’s up? I’m Santa Claus. Researcher Agnew: Yeah… Um, what are you doing here? SCP-6926 continues eating cookies SCP-6926: Eating right now. Researcher Agnew: Right. Any particular reason you’re here though? SCP-6926: Food. You want some? Researcher Agnew: No thanks. Researcher Agnew gestures to personnel to alert security. Researcher Agnew: So you’re Saint Nick then? SCP-6926: No. I’m Santa Claus. Well, not today at least. It’s my day off. Researcher Agnew: You don’t seem quite jolly enough to be Santa Claus. SCP-6926 picks up a can of coke and notices that it is warm. Frost forms around the can and SCP-6926 smiles. SCP-6926: I don’t care. Researcher Agnew: You know, it’s strange. When I was a kid, I didn’t believe in Santa. SCP-6926 looks at researcher Agnew. SCP-6926 takes a sip of coke. SCP-6926: You’re an idiot. Researcher Agnew: Any other business? SCP-6926: Probably finish off here. Go someplace else. You’re kinda bringing down the mood here buddy. Security personnel enter the room and approach SCP-6926. Both restrain SCP-6926 and escort them into the hallway. Shortly afterwards, both security personnel begin to stupor and suddenly collapse onto the floor. SCP-6926 re-enters the room. Researcher Agnew: Hey! What’re you- SCP-6926 grabs a bottle of whisky from a nearby table. SCP-6926: Haha. Lightweights. SCP-6926 disappears
 close Info X Content Warnings- Themes of ⚠️ Suicide , Mild body horror and swearing. Image Credit: The title image is the Wiki Commons file Volume rendered CT scan of abdominal and pelvic blood vessels by Mikael Häggström, under CC 0 1.0. the image has been cropped, filters applied and information added. Credit: Alva Norstrom for Alva Nordstrom. Credit: TboneBerryhill for Mark Kegans. Credit: Fernlom for the Kroenburg Institute. Article by Fierce fauna Other articles by this author: Poppies and Lavendar, SCP - 6684, Ahmed the 049-2 Instance. ⚠️ content warning SCP-6927 Item #: SCP-6927 Colloquial Designation: Eurydification Special Containment Procedures: Due to the naturally low profile and cooperative nature of SCP-6927-A and SCP-6927-B full containment was deemed unnecessary. Objects’ online and off-line activities are to be monitored and they are to report to a foundation-controlled medical facility for all physical and mental health maintenance. Objects are to be apprehended only if they cease to comply with protocols. Surplus writings, recordings, and visual art produced by 6927-B are to be retained for analysis under the designation 6927-B2. The commissioning of 6927-B and 6927-B2 for covert operations is summissible to level 3 personnel, providing it does not compromise the objects. References to a “Clinic” of a similar nature to that mentioned in the interviews are to be investigated under priority 2. Description: SCP-6927-A is a 1.7 meter human male weighing 75.2 kilograms. It appears to be of Eastern European ancestry and between the ages of 40 and 50. Object identifies as Troian Berryhill and cites its age at 43. It has submitted records confirming name and date of birth. Object is host to an alternate personality that may originate from two clusters of cerebral tissue located adjacent to its adrenal glands. Surgical scars indicate the tissue and its surrounding membranes may have been either deliberately implanted or modified at some point after the object’s birth. Cerebral tissue appears inactive with nerve signals inconsistently registered. DNA tests on tissue are currently inconclusive. Primary object exhibits no memory of events taking place during personality transitions (which are instantaneous) other than a sense of missing time. Alternate personality identifies itself as Camilla Torres (6927-B). 6927-B has proven itself to be the more accessible of the two objects, with 6927-A being more likely to converse with those it perceives as civilians. Despite this, communication with 6927-B is difficult. Sound produced by 6927-A and 6927-B is identical with some variation in voice pattern and tone. Information imparted by 6927-B is un-retainable after 5 to 10 minutes. During this time, it is possible to convey some information to a second party before loss of data. This is possible only by direct word of mouth and should be imprecise. Recordings and transcripts of 6927-B’s voice as well as audio and visual works produced by it are likewise un-retainable. Despite this, 6927-A itself is retainable in memory though recollections of communications with the secondary object are often lost, leading to a general sense of disquiet when 6927-B manifests. Discovery: SCP-6927-A is employed at foundation finance office 6IJ dealing with the documentation of unclassified funds. Instances of “lost or missing time” were reported on several occasions and traced to a specific archivist. Missing time was found to be due to a memory effect that occurred when 6927-A was over-stressed, causing the manifestation of a new personality. Initial contact was made through infrequent details recalled by second party witnesses. New personality claimed to be 6927-A but was often disoriented and never able to recall 6927-A’s recent prior actions within satisfactory perimeters. 6927-B grew more cooperative after a CT scan revealed the presence of cerebral tissue structures and a biopsy confirmed abnormality. During initial proceedings, 6927-A personality was unobserved. Addendum 1 - Interview Some declassification of foundation activities eventually induced 6927-B to agree to a formal interview. As interviews are filmed and recorded in accordance with standard procedure, the media containing the information could be stored for later transcription via second party recollection as files containing 6927-B media such as digital documents or physical drives and papers are, despite their contents, not themselves un-retainable. + Open Interview (Some have reported difficulty with opening the above interview. This may be due to a memory effect as no problems with file code have been noted. Repeating the following aloud between 3 to 5 times and proceeding to the following modified copy may ensure retention of data.) Between the eye’s closing and opening, all is beholden to the whims of the unfettered mind, for we are the many who sleep. If failure to remember the following interview still occurs despite several attempts, assistance should be sought from an approved associate. + Open Interview Access Granted Date: July 10, 1100 HOURS (11:00 AM) 2020 Location: Temporary holding apartment, South sector, Site 62 Videographer: Mark Kegans Interviewer: Site Psychologist Dr. Alva Nordstrom Interviewed: SCP-6927-B Description: SCP-6927-A was contained temporarily pending evaluation. Friends and family were informed of an “Unplugged Vacation.” Dr. Nordstrom: Alright, how long do I have before I start to forget all of this? SCP-6927-B: How often do you remember your dreams? Dr. Nordstrom: May I ask why this happens? SCP-6927-B: May I ask why a person surrounded by reality’s rejects has never seen this before? Existing is hard, even incompletely. Dr. Nordstrom: Is there a chance we could hear from Troian? SCP-6927-B: Perhaps, eventually. I’d have to get him out of here and back to his usual routine. That, and you’d have approach him like sane human beings and not MIBs. He has enough trouble handling one reality, I don’t think he’d respond so well to all this Illuminati stuff. Dr. Nordstrom: Can he hear us? SCP-6927-B: Fortunately, no. Right now he’s off, effectively dead. I can wake him up once things calm down, and see if he wants to “take the wheel” but first I’ll need to get him back home, and convince him you’re just from the clinic. Dr. Nordstrom: The Clinic? SCP-6927-B: Thought you’d be affiliated with those guys. They put me in touch with Troian after he talked about wanting to harm himself. I used to know him, but can’t recall much of our relationship before they installed the links. Dr. Nordstrom: They? SCP-6927-B: The Oneiroi, they told me he required therapeutic negation. Dr. Nordstrom: What did that mean? SCP-6927-B: You ready for this? It’s pretty heavy for a newb. Dr. Nordstrom: (Here Dr. Nordstrom silently mouthed something. Interpretation from video recording approximates the phrase - “But there are many more who sleep.”) * SCP-6927-B: Very well then. Those who seek the void are often told to turn back. None seem to understand that it’s the natural state of all. To not exist is normal. Relatively few are ultimately snared by immutable matter and assembled into forms, the illness is brief - but it’s not what any void dweller was designed for. Dr. Nordstrom: Is this why Troian wanted to harm himself? SCP-6927-B: Indeed. But there were other, far less invasive, ways to give him what he so desperately desired. Instead of turning him away like all the others, I knew what he was looking for and was able to share it. Dr. Nordstrom: Is this what they do at the clinic? SCP-6927-B: Perhaps it’s all they do, perhaps Troian was a special case. I only know what I am doing now and that is helping Troian through his illness. Dr. Nordstrom: Is being alive an illness? SCP-6927-B: It is for Troian. Perhaps it’s not for you. Dr. Nordstrom: You said you once knew Troian? Are you by any chance what some might call - deceased? SCP-6927-B: I know what he is going through as I too was forced to endure it, if that’s what you mean. Dr. Nordstrom: Would you say you are currently nonexistent? SCP-6927-B: Yes. Dr. Nordstrom: May I ask how you can think? SCP-6927-B: Negative space is still a specific imprint on positive things. Dr. Nordstrom: Is Troian aware of you? SCP-6927-B: Aware enough, at night I turn off his brain, and he is able to have what life denies him. I occupy the empty space in order to sustain the body and its memory. During the day - assuming we are left alone, we trade places again. Dr. Nordstrom: How is this different from normal sleep? SCP-6927-B: Being temporarily erased, removed, from the hazardous demands of this often parasitic reality and exposed to a lack of it, fuels a vital part of him. Dr. Nordstrom: Is this hard for you? SCP-6927-B: It won’t take long. Life ends eventually. As for Troian well, he’s not a morning person, but toward evening he perks up, finishes work, tends his plants, goes for walks, does some light reading, I talk to his friends so that’s how I know. It’s healthy stuff if you ask me. You should have seen him when he was being pressured to “achieve.” Catch him then, if you want to ask how he’s doing. Dr. Nordstrom: (shakes hands with SCP-6927-B) Thank you for your cooperation - my apologies if the others gave you any trouble. SCP-6927-B: (laughs) This wasn’t our first rodeo. *(Dr. Nordstrom did not - as was assumed - forget the interview. This was discovered when a colleague reported that they had later shared details. Dr. Nordstrom was questioned about the phrase used during the interview and they provided the extended version used for 6927-B memory retention. Claims to not recall where they learned it. Suggested 6927-B had shared it with them in an unremembered exchange. Potential exchanges had been filmed on security cameras and can not be ruled out. Dr. Nordstrom has nonetheless been suspected of affiliation with the Kroenburg Institute, a university purported to train civilians in classified subjects. Dr. Nordstrom denies this. Due to multiple successes with sentient objects in the past they have retained their position albeit with increased supervision.) Addendum 2 - Interview with Primary Object SCP-6927-A does not affect memory. It can however be instantaneously supplanted by SCP-6927-B when emotionally overwhelmed. The extent to which this is voluntary on the part of either object is unknown, as both objects have referred to the other “taking over.” 6927-A fears foundation personnel. This is consistent with reports from 6927-B. 6927-A has been found to be less likely to panic when engaged with persons it feels are unaffiliated. + Open Interview Access Granted Date: August 25, 1700 HOURS (5:00 PM) 2020 Location: SCP-6927-A’s residence Videographer: Mark Kegans Interviewer: Site Psychologist Dr. Alva Nordstrom Interviewed: SCP-6927-A Description: Objects were returned to prior living conditions. Contact with primary object for the purposes of a formal interview was achieved after a waiting period of 46 days. Waiting period was enacted due to the needs of the object and due to the presence of higher priority cases. SCP-6927-A: (apprehensive) I know you’re not the Oneiroi. What happened with them? Dr. Nordstrom: We are under new management. Reacquainting ourselves with our clients is a big part of what this is. SCP-6927-A: What would you like to know? Are there any forms I could fill out? (smiles) I’m actually pretty good at that. Dr. Nordstrom: (lays papers on the table) You can go through these when you’re ready, for now just relax, and let’s discuss your current status. Would you generally say you are doing well? SCP-6927-A: Yes, well enough. I must admit I thought they were crazy when they said I could die without dying - and even see Camilla again. Dr. Nordstrom: Again? SCP-6927-A: (rests head in hands) It was a car accident. She had donated her body to the Clinic and they said they could use it to help me. Dr. Nordstrom: Those membranes with cerebral tissue in your abdomen? SCP-6927-A: They were part of her yes, but from what they tell me they are more like anchors. She responds to them, but doesn’t really exist anymore, not in that way. Dr. Nordstrom: Do you require anti-rejection meds for those? SCP-6927-A: I received a gene-edit that incorporates the changes into my immune system. So far so good. Should I be worried? Dr. Nordstrom: A constant monitor of your health is in effect, but feel free to call us if something seems wrong. SCP-6927-A: (apprehensive) What’s this going to run me? Dr. Nordstrom: You are entirely covered by your employers, a plan for your retirement is already pending, you will be given all the details on it. I can generally summarize that no further action on your part is required. SCP-6927-A: (apprehensive) Generally? Dr. Nordstrom: I am frequently told to avoid the use of certainties in my speech, especially during interviews. There are people I deal with who may become hostile if they feel they are being misled. SCP-6927-A: Am I one of these people? Dr. Nordstrom: No, and neither is Camilla. SCP-6927-A: (sits up straighter) Has she talked to you? What’s she like? Dr. Nordstrom: It seems the two of you should be well acquainted seeing the extent to which you are physically and metaphysically linked. SCP-6927-A: We kind of occupy different parts of the day. Sometimes I get notes, reminders to take care of myself, but reading too much of her writing can cause us to trade places. Not that it’s bad for that to happen, but it prevents us from having really long written conversations. Audio, unfortunately, does the same thing. We still contact each other a lot, but it’s slow going. Dr. Nordstrom: How much would you say your relationship has changed since the reconnection? SCP-6927-A: At first she was shy about not recalling my name but she found it eventually, and she cares so much it can almost be annoying. When I go out, I have to use buses or walk. It’s why I had to move to ███████, neither of us were ever any good at driving and now I always black out before I can get behind a wheel. Dr. Nordstrom: She used the phrase “Take the wheel.” in an earlier interview, when we asked if we could speak to you. SCP-6927-A: The wheel isn’t good. Camilla believed you were only in charge when you got to touch grass. Not that I’d say she was grounded, before the accident she’d been involved a lot with the Clinic. The stuff they did there (shudders) wasn’t what I’d call down-to-earth. Dr. Nordstrom: She doesn’t seem to recall exactly what happened there. SCP-6927-A: Dying can really mess with your memories, that’s what they told me and it makes a lot of sense, but then, I’m also under the impression those Oneiroi guys did a lot of stuff with memory, copied or traded each other’s dreams and experiences. It’s possible she had willingly given some things up, but I don’t know how any of that would work. Dr. Nordstrom: Is there anything else about the Oneiroi you can share with us? SCP-6927-A: I’m pretty sure it’s not a cult, if that’s what you mean. I used to fear it was something like that but Camilla’s friends always kept their distance, explaining that the things they did “weren’t for everyone” in the most non-judgmental way. They became very supportive when I lost her, calling me “Void Dweller.” It seemed like more of a descriptor than any kind of insult. They - terrified me - but were always waiting in the background to assist me with any problems I had. Eventually, I was willing to try anything to feel better so I let them do their thing to me and didn’t ask too many further questions. Dr. Nordstrom: Did they charge you for these services? SCP-6927-A: No, but sometimes they said they needed money. Not that I pay for anything, just that they needed money. I never really had it but, they’d tell me how to get it, and it was never very hard. Maybe this was them finding a way to charge me covertly? They would have known I’ve always had a phobia of debt. Dr. Nordstrom: Anything else you might want us to know about Camilla, who she was, what she is now, weather there’s anything that might make the two of you more comfortable? SCP-6927-A: She’d always forget peoples’ names, never mine until she came back, but other people’s, faces too. She functioned alright despite this, and it never bothered her, but she’d say it gave her problems in school and I’d noticed over the years how it made her a little paranoid. She’d remember your hobbies though, your pet, your interests, your favorite food … I get these hints of her around the house, things I must have done when she’s in control. She leaves notes for me, one or two sentences, lists for the store etc. I recall the things she used to buy and some times I try add them but this makes my lists disappear, (laughs) so I hide them. When I do manage to sneak gifts into the house she’s more accepting though, a knick-knack makes it’s way to a certain shelf, a bite of pickle or pomegranate right before I wake so I taste it, a shower before sunrise with her old shampoo. It was cheap stuff but she really loved the smell. I wasn’t sure about it but - I wake up with my hair smelling like grass and it’s so funny. She’ll write something like “you deserved that” on the mirror in the bathroom. (object is blushing) - Sorry. (leaves the room) Dr. Nordstrom: (2 minute pause) Videographer: Are we done filming? Dr. Nordstrom: Give him a moment. SCP-6927-A: (returns mumbling apologies) She tried to take over just now. I guess because I got nervous revealing too much of our personal stuff to a stranger. She can feel certain things just enough to wake up and try to protect me from whatever they are. I just got carried away. Normally I have to keep all this a secret. There are people who might mess with us if they knew. You’re not one of those people - Dr. Nordstrom: (interrupts) You haven’t touched your tea, and it still appears to be warm. Before we began, you said you’d never tried this flavor. SCP-6927-A: Okay. (sips tea) Dr. Nordstrom: Does not being able to quite reach each other ever trouble either of you? SCP-6927-A: Sometimes during day, but at night - It’s - It’s enough. Addendum 3 - Inquiry Into Possible Agent Status for SCP-6927-B The ability of SCP-6927-B to question low level witnesses and persons of Interest unaffiliated with the Oneiroi in a covert manner has encouraged inquiry into their implementation as an agent. (Use of aforementioned anti-meme may be required if retention of following is difficult.) + Open Interview Access Granted Date: February 21, 1900 HOURS (7:00 PM) 2021 Location: SCP-6927-A’s residence. Videographer: Mark Kegans Interviewer: Site Psychologist Dr. Alva Nordstrom Interviewed: SCP-6927-B Description: SCP-6927-A “went to bed” early and SCP-6927-B was initiated. A-Object had been granted a vacation day and had spent it repotting their succulent plants in preparation for the spring growing season. Dr. Nordstrom: I was told not to say anything discouraging other than that you are allowed to say no to this without fear of reprisal. SCP-6927-B: I take it I’m being recruited? Dr. Nordstrom: Seeing as you are able to question targets without them remembering it, as well as produce forms and questionnaires that are quickly forgotten by the target as soon as their filled out - yes. SCP-6927-B: It won’t affect the Oneiroi. Dr. Nordstrom: You will not be expected to work with, or target the Oneiroi. SCP-6927-B: Will this endanger Troian? Dr. Nordstrom: If you only choose to supply us with forms and interview those in temporary containment? Unlikely. SCP-6927-B: And the time involved? Dr. Nordstrom: Ah yes, the time. You seem eager to give Troian a life despite believing that “life” isn’t good for him. SCP-6927-B: The peace I found when it happened - would it kill people to just live that way? Just biding one’s time isn’t fucking unwholesome! Not everyone’s a fucking Starchitect! Dr. Nordstrom: (2 minute pause) Would it help if the two of you worked less? SCP-6927-B: Troian works as much as I’ll allow him already. I understand the need for funds, it being a primary condemning factor of existence, but for Troian it’s an addiction fueled by the assumption that work is healthy no matter the quantity. Dr. Nordstrom: Are you under the impression his managers are cruel? SCP-6927-B: They don’t have to be cruel, only lack the incentive to correct what is for them advantageous. Troian is not lazy, he was never lazy, but his father never tired of that accusation and Troian never forgot, no matter how much he needed to. One guilt trip, and he’ll keep bringing it up and stewing. Part of the reason we got together was that I could get him to stop caring for awhile, I could switch him off, make him forget. Dr. Nordstrom: If this next question offends you or is too personal, don’t answer it, you can remain silent, and we can move on. What I’m curious about is, what you saw in Troian. SCP-6927-B: (laughs) A fine thing to ask someone who no longer has a definable mind! Part of what made me special, at least for the purposes of negation, was that I could function without out too much memory, perhaps due to my affiliation with the Oneiroi or the extent of my exposure to the collective. I mostly just use Troian’s long term memory, (that’s how I speak by the way) though his short term escapes me. From there, I can know what he saw in me. I can however, tell you what I see in him now. Dr. Nordstrom: And what might that be? SCP-6927-B: I see not only a person who is brave enough to seek the void but a person who eagerly shares it - with me! At night I can feel him - just completely let go. Like a fish that knows it can breath the water. Dr. Nordstrom: (50 second pause) So he didn’t have to die? SCP-6927-B: (whispers) He can experience death many times and be nourished by it. Protected, from those who fear the dark. Dr. Nordstrom: Do you feel that not attaining the void is bad? SCP-6927-B: The void has a lot of advantages, among these the fact that one can not coerce, or condemn a nonexistent thing, but there are other paths, taken by those who despise as useless that which is unobtainable, un-extractable, unreachable and un-monetizable. Dr. Nordstrom: Monetizable? SCP-6927-B: In the general sense. Ascendants and “Achievers” often prey on people like Troian though they deserve only those as lazy, selfish or naive as themselves and will have a time controlling them. Dr. Nordstrom: And what would you call the Oneiroi? SCP-6927-B: Animals, but it’s not an insult. Dr. Nordstrom: You worked for them? SCP-6927-B: The things they taught me made life endurable and allowed me to help Troian but that knowledge is gone, could be it served its purpose. Dr. Nordstrom: Perhaps there’s something the Foundation could teach you. SCP-6927-B: And what would you call the Foundation? Dr. Nordstrom: Mixed Nuts. SCP-6927-B: (2 minute pause) Dr. Nordstrom: (laughs) What if you see how Troian feels and get back to us. SCP-6927-B: (Shakes hands with Dr. Nordstrom.) It will take time. Dr. Nordstrom: You could probably wait a year or two before they pop this question again, there’s always a lot of other stuff going on. SCP-6927-B: Could Troian and I travel? Dr. Nordstrom: Not only could you travel we have a lot of unused miles and empty safe houses. Troian’s an introvert and you - are forgettable. (A 12 minute interval passes as interview is concluded.) Videographer: Uh, could I ask a question? Dr. Nordstrom: If Camilla allows it. SCP-6927-B: Sure. Videographer: Am I a Void Dweller? SCP-6927-B: Not currently. Videographer: Does that make me an Achiever or an Ascendent? SCP-6927-B: Achievers are Ascendants I don’t like, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and call you an Ascendant. Videographer: Is that bad? SCP-6927-B: Just don’t be an asshole like the others. Conclusion: Photocopies of documents drafted by SCP-6927-B were found to be un-retainable by civilian witnesses. Questionnaires can be used to gather information covertly and minimize the need for amnestic treatments. SCP-6927-B has a 60% compliance rate with questionnaire drafts, but only a 20% compliance rate with in-person interviews. Separate permissions must be obtained from B-Object for each deployment. Updates: A-Object and B-Object were given “tasks” while traveling. Tasks were covert experiments meant to test the Objects’ capabilities in the field. Tasks included the transportation of parcels and the photography of randomly chosen “sites.” Rewards such as gift cards, transportation privileges and small quantities of local currency were offered as incentive with the cover that tasks were “favors” for A-Object’s employers. The incorporation of A-Object into photography tasks was facilitated by Mark Kegans, a distant relative of A-Object through adoption. A-Object is suspected but not proven to have a similar amnestic “cloak” to B-Object albeit with far less observable effect. A-Object requires a chauffeur however some accompaniment was deemed necessary due to the Object’s established value.  close Info X Content Warnings- Themes of Suicide, Mild body horror and swearing. Image Credit: The title image is the Wiki Commons file Rendered CT Scan of Abdominal and Pelvic Blood Vessels the image has been cropped, filters applied and information added. Credit: for Alva Nordstrom. Credit: TboneBerryhill for Mark Kegans. Credit: Fernlom for the Kroenburg Institute. Article by Fierce fauna Other articles by this author: Poppies and Lavendar, SCP - 6684, Ahmed the 049-2 Instance. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6927" by Fierce fauna, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
 close Info X Contains references to self-harm and suicide, homophobic slur, and dark themes. Item #: SCP-6928 Special Containment Procedures: Location has been closed off to the public. Relocate trespassers to Site-33. Description: SCP-6928 is a small ballroom located in the Colonial Mews Guest House (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA). It operated as a dance club, arts venue, and visual/musical artist residency from 1977-1986 before closing due to lack of funds. Subjects who enter SCP-6928 suffer great headaches, stomach pain, and vomiting, with the severity believed to be influenced by the individual's mental fortitude. Weak-willed subjects may experience an intense, days long bout of food poisoning while stronger ones only a migraine. However, all subjects experience negative thoughts which intensify the longer they remain within SCP-6928. One senior researcher, after just an hour and twenty minutes, reported feeling suicidal ("…a very tough hook in my head. It dragged out some insecurities I thought I had overcome years ago.”). Sudden bursts of emotion are also common: some subjects began screaming and punching the walls, others were overcome with grief and collapsed to the floor, six felt an "infinite hollowness" in their chests, and one spent ten minutes running in a circle and jumping up and down in apparent ecstasy — all while experiencing the physical symptoms. Following containment, researchers carried out hyper-sensitive motion/███████████ tests of SCP-6928. Those tests revealed that SCP-6928 contains the apparitions of 399 human beings which are all rushing around the center of the room at a high speed. These apparitions bear the appearance of their living selves at the time of their deaths although heavily decayed. Their faces are contorted in expressions of pain, pleasure, sadness, disgust, or fury. Many have limbs or patches of skin or chunks of the face missing. Rot is near-universal. The apparitions appear to have some material properties with one another as they have been observed climbing, shoving, pulling, pushing, kissing, copulating, and fighting with one another, but as a whole they are immaterial and blend together into a single large whirling mass. Seven of the documented entities were found to be unresponsive. After preliminary tests were finished, a second round of more advanced testing was carried out. A key question researchers were hoping to answer was whether the apparitions present were sentient or, if they were, entirely aware of what they were doing. The last test of this round as of the time of writing involved a researcher trained in psychography1 entering SCP-6928 with a 200-page notebook and observing what words and pictures the apparitions would produce. The journal was filled in under half an hour. Researchers were later able to identify thirteen main authors although some passages contain as many as forty-one. Further analysis of the passage can be found in Document 6928-A upon request. Transcribed below is a section taken from page 85. + show block – hide block Yaou were wrong sugar honey do u wanna dance with me? swipe my guns with ur sugar teeth and take my time down along my back. its a new I’d dy emy hair if I could but he’d get pissed if I did. TYeah they’re not hte worst but they’re alwo not hte best but I mean at the same time I’m also not hte best. I wanna meet u halfway. I wanna examine you I think you’re just being pathetic. You’re screaming but you’re YOU NEVER GET ME ANYMOREnot saying anything. You’re just in love with your YOU’RE THE ONLY ONE THAT DID.own noise. It’s better to slice your throat now out of your own volition than it is to have it cut All of my protections are goneby a pig screaming into the void and I feel sorry for you, but so is everyone else.Nothing matters but see me naked, wet, alone — for everything I truly amleast we were born close enough analyze you like the worst kind of person you;ve ever met. Stomach gas. Time trap. stom ach trap. time trap. -If they won’t let you come home to mecan we sleep together again in your crappy apartment? do you still do that? we have to tell the cops about it, dont we? I dunno. I don’t careabout what the copsyou’re so innocent, you know that? Sooo innocent- you’re so innocenti hate myself i never knew-i hatemyself i hateyoui hateeverything-i’m sorry-THE COMMUNISTS SAID THEY’D FUCKING PROTECT ME. why are you focused on that? Why are you focused on the black I don’t wanna see what they do if reagan gets electedThey’re gonna kill us man. We fought so fucking hard and nwo we’re just fuI feel like a complete failure to all of my heroes. I feel like I bent to power instead of fighting it. I sold-IloveyouIknowitshardandweregoingtodie-out. You make me feel like I’m alive.can’t you just look at me? Can’t you just focus on us right now in this momthis fuckin smack is going in my head. my hands are in my fucking head. im gonna die soon, honey, im sorry im dying i took it— oh my god please help me jesus please — I don’t wanna live to be twenty-one I can’t leave am i going to do, man.what-you-are-you-are-you-are-you-are-you-are-youthis fucking country don’t know what to say to get them to just leave me the fuck alone IFTHE WORLD WERE REALLY RIGHT THERE’D BE A WHITE GENOCIDEkill all of them, but it’s too late. I was born too late to do any of that I HATE YOU ALLi just want to fucking burn everything down and eat everything alive and you know fuck it imma buy a stake in my favorite band..-thestruggledoesntmatterbutiloveyou-You were not here you were not one of usOne day you’re gonna see that we weren’t meant to die. I ain’t got no more money, but I’m happy kinda and I haven’t used in a few weeks.I WISH I’D DONE IT WHEN I WAS TENit’s challenging, but I feel so lucky to tryI’M TOO OLD TO DO IT NOWI’m never gonna have peace of mind, butI’M TOO WEAK AND PATHETIC. I don’t mind as long as I have you.THEY'RE GONNA FUCKING KILL ME.I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to name my children . .. .. . fonlywegottobeangelsyoudloveme, yeahi loveyoutoo. .… . . . All of my heroes aredead I’d do anything. I’d stop beingadyke I'd be a woman againdead and all I can do is choose how I dieYou’re an inspiration to me every day.pent up anger and rage from living’d get a suburban home and a job and kidsnobody else loves you i was alone in a room that was alone in a home alone in a block alone in a loner cointry in a lonely I feel so gross. just-keep breathing you saidpart of the universe. the worst kind of person you;ve ever met-I know you don’t think you’re good and you don’t deserve the life you were given by God but I need you to understand thatI DON'T THINK I WOULD DATE YOU— you fucking are. I love you, I love you so fucking much-i'm not gonna die of old age Even if you were a ghost. that's why i hate Even if nobody else loves youbeing alive. i know and your family doesn’t love youi'm not gonna fade away, i'm gonna be snuffed . and your friends don’t talk to you, I love you. I’llyou never loved me love you for all of them. I’ll love you for the whole world. You don't deserve to die. You don't deserve suicide. outaying there watching you. i think this is itIlove- i think the world is endingit’sokayIloveyouIalwayshaveIloveyouIloveyouIloveyou Footnotes 1. Psychography is the practice of an individual allowing one or more spectral entities to partially inhabit their body for a set amount of time. This is commonly used to allow communications (either verbally or through writing) between the living and the deceased. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6928" by redredred, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Ecronak Enjoyed the skip? Give some of my other works a look here! Item#: 6929 Level1 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-6929 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6929 is to be contained in a standard containment locker at Site-19. Testing access to the anomaly is to be decided at the discretion of the head researcher. Any testing done to discern its odor should not involve overly spraying or pouring SCP-6929 such that it wastes the quantity of perfume within it. Description: SCP-6929 is a half-used bottle of unbranded perfume. Under normal circumstances, SCP-6929 has the properties of normal perfume and is able to be used without any unusual effects. However, on specific dates, SCP-6929’s odor changes, with certain emotions being associated with each odor regardless of the prior experiences of the person smelling it (See Addendum 6929.1). As of now, the cause for SCP-6929's effects, as well as any possible meaning behind its influence on the association of certain emotions, remain unknown. Addendum 6929.1: The following log contains all odors that SCP-6929 has been known to assume, along with commonly associated emotions provided by D-Class personnel upon sampling SCP-6929's odor. Date: June 9th Odor: Paper Associated Emotions: Freedom, relief, middling anxiety, joy, excitement Date: July 7th Odor: Barbecue Associated Emotions: Enjoyment, bonding, attachment, fun, middling romantic attraction Date: July 9th Odor: Cinnamon Associated Emotions: Happiness, growing attachment, love, infatuation Date: July 10th Odor: Caramel and cinnamon Associated Emotions: Satisfaction of hunger, suspected mutual attraction, nervousness, anxiety Date: July 20th Odor: Roast chicken Associated Emotions: Fun, growing anxiety, growing attraction Date: July 20th Odor: Ice cream Associated Emotions: Intense anxiety, intense attraction Date: August 3rd Odor: Flowers Associated Emotions: Intensified nervousness, immense infatuation, expected impending relief Date: August 4th Odor: Flowers and cinnamon Associated Emotions: Overwhelming nervousness, high expectation, sudden shock, intense sadness Date: August 5th Odor: Fried Broccoli Associated Emotions: Listlessness, disappointment, intense sadness Date: August 9th Odor: Coffee Associated Emotions: Sudden and intense anger, sudden and intense blame Date: August 10th, 10:00 PM Odor: Subtle hints of cinnamon Associated Emotions: Sadness, denial, blame, intense anger, overwhelming rage, horror Date: August 10th, 10:04 PM Odor: Vomit and cinnamon Associated Emotions: Denial, anxiety, overwhelming guilt Date: August 11th, 1:00 AM Odor: Soil Associated Emotions: Overwhelming guilt, rage, blame, self-blame, denial, intense denial, overwhelming denial Discovery: SCP-6929 was discovered discarded next to an unmarked grave 74 kilometers outside of the town of Jenner, Oregon on June 15th, 2017. Upon discovery, the object's surface was covered in blood. + Update: 2018/12/25 - Displayed Update: 2018/12/25: A new odor has been recorded to have been emanating from SCP-6929. The following has been added to Addendum 6929.1: Date: December 25th Odor: Rot Associated Emotions: Intense attachment, intense infatuation, overwhelming denial.
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Author: Agente Shuffle Coauthor: extasis Feedback given by: Eduteck, RevenantHeimdall does not match any existing user name, Unihedron, RonnyModZz and Amai-Ixchel; thank you!!! Image Credits: Paty, by Agente Shuffle, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 and modified by Agente Shuffle. Tweet, by Agente Shuffle, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. Meme 1, by Agente Shuffle, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. Meme 2, by Agente Shuffle, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. WiFi, licensed under Public Domain (CC0). World, by Joel Montes de Oca, licensed under Public Domain (CC0). Forbidden, by Lorc, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. Main Clover, by sbed, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. Inner Clover, by sbed, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. Item#: 6930 Level4 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: v-tuber Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-6930's avatar during a live stream Special Containment Procedures: The Foundation has created and edited wikis about SCP-6930 to include modified information in order to prevent the public from becoming aware of SCP-6930's anomalous nature or origins. Any wiki or Internet post may remark situations regarding SCP-6930's containment or past will be taken down, and the event explained with an alibi. Several bots have been assigned to supervise SCP-6930's live streams to detect any mention of classified information or possible reference to the Foundation and will cut the connection to immediately end the Livestream. If SCP-6930 refuses to follow the Foundation's instructions, personnel are allowed and encouraged to threaten her with the termination of her contract, or the cease of her contract renewal; however, under no circumstances should her contract be suspended, discontinued, or otherwise terminated, be it temporally or permanently. Description: SCP-6930 is an entity of unknown nature that manifests on video platforms and social networks, mainly YouTube and Twitter, under the name of "Patricia 'Paty' Skinner" or simply "Paty". When manifested, SCP-6930 will take the form of a Virtual You-Tuber1, whose avatar has the appearance of a stylized young woman with straight brown hair. Notably, the skin of SCP-6930's avatar is a dark grayish hue with what appears to be a noise texture and has a series of opaque capital A's across the face, neck, and chest; her eyes are a brilliant scarlet reddish hue. It is currently unknown if this is related to its actual theoretical appearance. See Addendum 6930-04 for more information. Her clothing varies, although she is often featured in a magenta shirt that has her logo stamped across the front. Recovery Log: SCP-6930 drew Foundation's attention on January 9, 2030, when the audio tracking bot Listie.iac and reportage bot Claire.iac submitted a report with possible mentions to a previously cataloged Level 5 Classified Anomaly, which were obtained from a live video on YouTube, later confirmed as the "debut streaming" of SCP-6930. Below is an excerpt from the report. SCP-6930: Alright, we'll be starting with my name! My name is Patricia Skinner, but you can call me Paty! Although I've got to admit that it is not quite a Russian name… 'cause I'm Russian, you know? That explains both my accent and my broken English! (Laughs) Yeah, yeah… I come from Usinsk! That's spelled as U, S, I, N, S, K! It's- uh, well, I don't want to speak for everybody else that lives there but… my stay in Usinsk wasn't good, to be honest. SCP-6930: My place was… quite strange. It was a really big facility, and it looked like some sort of big old lab or an office conglomerate. It was also dark most of the time, but truly dark. That's why my eyes are red glowing! They're adapted to see in the dark! I could even say they were designed to see in the dark… But worst of all, it was boring. There was absolutely nothing to do except cleaning the dust of the place over and over again. There was a TV but it was pretty much broken and I couldn't use it… SCP-6930: Anyway, long story short, I got tired of being there and I decided to leave, which was unusually easy to do, don't know how did I not tried to do it before… Enough talk about my past, let's move on to my height! SCP-6930: OK… Jeez, my birthday… Are we already starting with the complicated questions? (Laughs) Well… I don't quite remember when it was… What? Didn't you hear how was the place where I used to live? Do you really think I'd be counting every single day that passed? (Sigh) However, I think I was either born or created at some point in the 70s. Actually, you know what? Let's change this thing here… (Unintelligible babbling) Done! Now it's "Date Of Creation". Cool, innit? [sic] SCP-6930: Why creation? Well, I'm not 100% sure, but everything I found points that I was created as some sort of experiment. Why are you writing shocked-acting things in the chat? It's cool! Anyway, I think… that some smart people were trying to make me, but somehow ended up turning the whole lab into… me? I know it's quite to understand but… yeah, you know what? Let's keep moving on to the next field, ok? It seems that I am narrating the plot of Dr. Strangelove and I-don't-know-what-else. SCP-6930: Likes… Huh, what do I like? I think… I like to exist? I mean, yes, it's nice to be. Nice to exist. You've been existing your whole life, haven't you? How does it feel like? Probably something neat! I've been existing since some time ago and I'm already feeling good! So yeah, let's write that down. (Slowly) Existing. (Normally) Alright! Look at that! Ha! SCP-6930: Now… on the "dislikes" section. Well, what can I dislike? Everything exists, and I love existing, and existing things. I think we're going to leave it blank. Ah! Do you know what would be better? Let's write "N/A" in there. I've seen a couple of important people write that when there's a blank field they don't want to leave blank. Moving on! SCP-6930: No, wait, actually… Does fearing something means that you don't like it? (Babbling) Ok, then I think there's something I fear and therefore dislike. I have to confess that I'm really scared of… ceasing to exist again. Not dying, but stopping being. That's also why I ran away from Russia. Something tells me that… if I go back to that forest… I'll be- I'll stop existing again. Let's just write "Forest", ok? The Forest of Usinsk. Yeah, the forest. The forest that is located in Usinsk. Yeah, Usinsk's Forest. The forest. That one forest. The dark hidden forest… Forest Gump, heh. SCP-6930: Alright, alright. Let's see, the user "D's Nottes" asks us about what kind of experiment am I. Well, I think it's related to, uh, something called The Cold War. I bet you've read that name a lot in your history textbooks, haven't you? Spionage stuff was really popular back then… Yeah, so, some grimish doctors from the Soviet Union were tasked with making a super spy, completely unnoticeable! That explains why I'm greyish, I guess. In any case, they quickly got to work on- (Ringing sound) Oh! Looks like our time is over. But don't worry! We'll be streaming again soon, and we'll finish the story while we play some fun games! It'll be real soon, I promise! Thank you for coming! See you later! Bye! Subsequent attempts to trace the source of the live stream were impossible, as the signal turned out to be, for unknown reasons, impossible to locate. After this, SCP-6930's channel began to be constantly monitored in case another live stream was broadcasted; however, this would not occur until a week later, and the live proceeded normally, with no mention of the origin of SCP-6930 or other related anomalies being made. SCP-6930 would continue to air one to three live streams per week, and no mention was made of any of the previously mentioned abnormalities. After ██ months without incidents or possible leaks of information, SCP-6930 was reclassified as Neutralized and tentatively as an Extranormal Event. Additionally, manual channel supervision was withdrawn, leaving only the bots Claire.iac and Listie.iac in charge of the daily automatic inspection. Addendum 6930-01: On September 16, 2031, SCP-6930 aired a live stream titled «[████ ███ ██] Gaming, Chilling & Answering Questions!». The transmission continued normally until 2:11:39 when allusions to the same anomaly that was mentioned during her initial discovery were again detected. Members of the Foundation's External Relations Department quickly contacted YouTube staff to end the live stream; however, it was reported that due to unknown technical difficulties and unforeseen events, it was impossible to do so. Given this, the Foundation deployed the bot Nombre.iac to run a DTHCP Firewall2 and block the transmission, under the alibi of loss of connection from SCP-6930. Multiple live streams with a similar theme would be broadcasted over the next two months. In most of them, mentions and questions were made about the origins of SCP-6930, with Nombre.iac deploying a Firewall, causing her to lose connection instantly regardless of whether she had read the comment aloud or not. Addendum 6930-02: On November 24, 2031, an anomalous event occurred on a global scale that, similarly to one previously occurred in 199█, almost completely interfered with the EVE patterns of individuals and entities, temporarily disabling the DTHCP Firewalls and making impossible the task of preemptively blocking any live stream carried out by SCP-6930. Members of the Foundation's ERD contacted YouTube's administrative staff again to request the blocking of the permissions of SCP-6930's channel to broadcast live streams temporarily while the Anomalous Event dissipated; however, it was reported that, anew, it was impossible to remove the permissions from SCP-6930's channel, so the Foundation then requested that the word "Usinsk" was temporarily added to the YouTube Word "Black List" and any comments that include it could not be made. YouTube staff agreed and this was implemented a few hours later. The following day, SCP-6930 aired a live stream titled «[█████████████ █] Finishing campaign mode!». Preventively, multiple members of the Mobile Task Force Mu-4 ("Debuggers") were deployed to monitor the chat section and, if required, send multiple miscellaneous comments to obfuscate any other message in relation to the origins or nature of SCP-6930. This process was repeated for a week and a half until the abnormal event, now classified as SCP-████, finally ceased, the DTHCP Firewalls could be run again, and the ban of the word was withdrawn; however, seven days prior to this, it was reported that multiple individuals had noticed this and manifested it on social media, primarily Twitter and Reddit. A tweet complaining about the temporary ban on the word "Usinsk" on YouTube This was originally dismissed by the Foundation since it was planned to explain the banning of the word through an alibi and it was believed that the news would not spread considerably; however, five days after the creation of the alibi, an estimated 5251 Twitter threads, and 3340 Reddit threads, were reported talking about the subject, among which multiple users stood out assuring that there was a connection between the word and the sudden losses of connection on the part of SCP-6930. It should be noted that, although SCP-6930 had only 1.5K subscribers on her YouTube channel and 1.7K followers on Twitter, it is estimated that a total of 13.8K Internet users obtained knowledge of the theories and a total of 10.2K users found out about the word's ban on YouTube. Mobile Task Forces Mu-4 ("Debuggers") and Gamma-5 ("Red Herrings") were quickly deployed to locate and amnestize the subjects involved in the situation, as well as to eliminate all publications or notes related to the event. Following this incident, SCP-6930 was reclassified back to Keter and manual monitoring of live stream content was implemented again. Additional efforts to intentionally decrease SCP-6930's audience were approved and began to take place shortly thereafter. Addendum 6930-03: On October 3, 2033, SCP-6930 broadcast a live stream named «A Few Words Before Leaving», which was attended by a total of 404 users, of which 57 were members of the Foundation who were allowed to attend. Below is an excerpt from the live stream. SCP-6930: (With trembling voice) Hello again. It's- it's me, Paty! Thank you very much for… for coming, today's live stream will be something special because… (Pause) It's probably the last one I'll do. SCP-6930: Some things have happened these months, and you can imagine that this whole thing of the slow but constant descent of views has made me wonder if I really should keep doing this. Not for nothing, but because I really feel that no matter how much I give my all, it will continue to be a free fall and there will come a time when, finally, no one supports me. It might sound stupid and that, and maybe it is, but for a long time all I knew was silence, and, well, there was nothing that really made me feel alive or gave me the strength to carry on. (Sob) (Pause) SCP-6930: But I suppose this is a kind of cycle at the end of the day, everything that goes up has to come down, and my content is not something really special either, is it? SCP-6930: Yes, it is nothing special. SCP-6930: Yeah, uh… About the connection drops… Honestly, I never really knew what they were due to. They didn't help in the least; I was desperate to try to constantly reconnect over and over again, mostly because you are my audience and I wanted to… (Sobbing) I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. SCP-6930: Anyway… It was nice to be with you one last time. Be good, you are asked by a 2D girl who does not give much more. And also… (SCP-6930 takes a deep breath) SCP-6930: Even though it ended like this, thank you, everyone. I love you all. I won't forget you, guys. (A cry is heard in the distance) SCP-6930 was tentatively classified as Neutralized after this. However, two days later, Res. Kore submitted a proposal to Lead Researcher Dr. Miller regarding SCP-6930. Below is a log of the mail. FROM: Researcher Vanna Kore TO: Doctor Louis Miller SUBJECT: Proposal on a possible update to SCP-6930's containment methods Greetings, Doctor Miller. If I may, I'll say I don't agree at all with our methods and procedures regarding SCP-6930 and her containment. While I'm well aware of her anomalous nature and the possible threat she poses to the Veil's integrity, I believe we could and should have acted differently. I say this for the obvious: her career has been ruined and the entire Internet has laughed at her in her lowest because of us. Despite knowing that the Foundation has done far more severe things in the past to protect normalcy, I don't think our actions were right in this situation. You just have to see what some users did to illustrate my point. I attach files. I know they are just harmless visual jokes on their own, but considering SCP-6930's previous behavior, it is very likely that they negatively affected her more than we initially believed, worsening her mental state considerably. I've been pondering the situation, and I think I have come up with a solution for this; a containment proposal that doesn't expose the anomaly to further psychological damage that may provoke unknown consequences, nor does it threaten the Veil. The proposal is as follows: We will allow SCP-6930 to continue streaming under our direct control of her actions and management of her social networks through a front company. In exchange, SCP-6930 must comply with certain conditions, including but not limited to: Completely change the fictional background of her character to one that does not mention or resemble any known anomaly. Avoid any mention of topics that may be related to or may concern the SCP Foundation. Deliver to the Foundation a percentage between 40% and 60% of her monthly or weekly earnings, depending on her success. If the proposal is authorized, I personally offer to monitor the progress and evolution of SCP-6930's behavior with my suggestions. If no improvement is observed after half a year, feel free to continue with the current protocols. Atte: Res. Kore Addendum 6930-04: After the proposal was approved, Res. Kore contacted SCP-6930, claiming to be a member of the front company "Sponsoring Creative People". Below is a record of some conversations that took place. Greetings, Paty! I'm Ashley Castinger, manager of the audiovisual company "Sponsoring Creative People", and we take care of finding talented people like you to give them an opportunity to stand out on social media! We have recently become interested in your content and, since we think it could be a good time to also jump into the world of streaming, we would like to offer you a special deal. What do you say about associating with us to increase your reach on social media? We could help you manage your channel and even sponsor you if you wish. Hi Ashley! Thanks for your interest in my content! I'd love to work with you! When do we start? Ahh, we'd like to know you better first! So, please, tell us more about yourself and your character. Oh, sure! Well, it all started quite a long time ago, about 60 years or so. You may have heard of the Cold War and the significant involvement of the Soviet Union in it. From what I remember seeing and hearing, a group of various scientists was conducting intensive research on something they called "Изучение непостижимого"3. It was related to things that exist, but cannot be perceived; not sure if you understand what I mean. Yeah, I think I get it. Please continue. They wanted to create some sort of Espionage System based on these… "principles". However, it was still possible to perceive these imperceptible things under certain circumstances or with certain technologies, and the Soviets didn't want to risk being discovered. Because that could lead to the capture of the spy in question and the enemy side could decipher their System with reverse engineering. However, a new "method" was proposed; it allowed only certain individuals to perceive the spy. This method was named "Только для тебя"4. However, despite being a plausible project, it was finally rejected. Why? I don't know. All I know is that the project was discarded in favor of a different project: Проект КАТЮША5. The purpose of this new project was to create something that technically did not exist, but could still perform actions. It sounds complicated to understand, and honestly, not even I know how it works, much less how they achieved it, but they did. I am the result of this. I am, and at the same time, I am not, an inexistence to which an attempt was made to give shape and character, appearance and essence. I had non-existed practically forever, but it wasn't until I became self-aware that I realized it was… painful, to say the least. I was a shapeless, amorphous mass screaming in agony, but no one seemed to even notice. If they were aware, they did a good job of ignoring it. My God, that sounds terrible. It was. They kept testing and analyzing me, trying to understand what 'nothingness' was, although they were far from that. After all, not even I understand it. They were smart though. I'm sure that, if given enough time, they would have been able to comprehend what am I. Unfortunately, that did not happen. Instead, something went terribly wrong. Why not? What happened? I don't think I know exactly what was it, and no one saw it coming. One day, in less than a second, a great void appeared and expanded violently, assimilating everything it touched, erasing it from existence but not from perception. In the blink of an eye, the entire facility and a big portion of the outer forest ceased to be. The void stopped expanding as quickly as it appeared. I remember the scientists and I feel terrible for them all. Despite not existing, each one perceived the others, which shaped them within their own nonexistence. They all tried to escape, but none of them could. And things were just beginning. What do you mean? The despair of being trapped inside the building made them all fight against each other very quickly. It first started as small verbal fights, but they gradually increased until the men's attitudes became unrecognizable. They all began perceiving each other in gruesome and negative ways, distorting themselves further and further by every word that was said. But they weren't like that. I think what consumed them had to do with it. That 'something' filled them with hatred, and they soon ended up screaming even louder than I ever screamed. Eventually, they all melted into nothingness and pain, and joined the void that was surrounding them. That's terrible. What happened after that? Once they were gone, I thought I'd be gone too. I thought they were the ones keeping me conscious due to their perception of me, but as soon as they vanished I realized I was wrong. I didn't cease to be, even though there was nobody left to perceive me. Or maybe the void was staring back at me, knowing I was there. Perhaps the void was aware of me and hated me deeply as it whispered "Traitor". Eventually, I decided to face the same obstacle all the scientists had faced long ago: the barrier that kept me from escaping. I pushed my way through the void that was pulling hard on me and begging me to stay. Like my screams, I ignored it and finally managed to get out. But, maybe I was never trapped, and perhaps there was never a barrier. After all, the only real walls are the ones your mind projects, but what happens when there is no mind left to hinder itself? Once I was out, I began exploring the world. I was alive, and I felt amazing. I could be anything I wanted, I could be anybody I wanted. I even met nice people. Really? Who were these people? After some time existing, I found out about this streaming stuff, and I thought it was nice. You play something, talk with people and people like you. Sounded good to me. I guess that's the story of Paty. Woah. That's… complex. Your creativity amazes us! I've been spellbound reading the progress of the story. That dark and "noir" touch of clandestine experiments is something that hasn't been explored much lately. What about you? What can you tell us about yourself? What do you mean? That's my own story. My "character" is, well, myself Wait a second. oh god yeah I tried to take refuge and forget everything with the streaming but, well, I think you know what happened recently. We are truly sorry to hear about everything you have had to experience. But don't worry, we will do everything we can to give you a second chance to shine. thank you so much for this What do you think of the little backstory we have made for your character? We think it could be a popular thing to do if it is approached appropriately. I like it. "Cloverfield" sounds like a friendly name. Although I do not see very well how the aesthetics of the character could fully fit into the story. That's the neat part: we can help you make a completely new one that fits! 😁 Hm… I really don't feel like my avatar requires a complete redesign, although there are a few things I'd like to change; I do not know if it is possible. Of course! What are you thinking about? I was thinking of a new hairstyle and maybe changing my barrette. Perhaps new clothes are appropriate too. That sounds great! Anything else? Maybe the color of my eyes, to a more beautiful purple. Other than that, I think I'm happy with my current design. Alright. 👌 Hey, um, if you don't mind, could you tell us a little about the reason for your avatar? Like, why does it have some unusual physical characteristics? Sure. As I've told you before, the avatar is supposed to be a cartoonish human-like version of myself. I just added the hair and the cute girly shape. Everything else is pretty similar to how do I look like. Including the noise effect on your skin? Yup. It was kind of hard to do but looks nice to me. That's quite impressive. Anyway, if everything regarding the character has been clear, I would like to move on to the next point: Guidelines and codes of conduct. Is it okay? Sure! We'll start with the basics: Words you shouldn't mention. I guess you have a mental list of things you shouldn't say because they're rude or inappropriate, right? Yes. Will even more words that I shouldn't say be added? Ha ha. Just a few, but we can help you find words that have a similar meaning, in case you need to use them. The first one is "Foundation". If you need to use it to say when something was created, you can say "Date of establishment". If you need to use it to mention a big group of people, you can say "Organisation" or "Conglomerate. Ok? The next one is "Usinsk". There has been already an incident with that word some time ago, you should understand why it isn't appropriate. These are the main words that you should avoid; now, I'll show you some others that are also part of the list. Well, just to wrap this up we would like to ask you one last thing. What was, approximately, your monthly income rate during the previous streams you made, and how much do you aspire to get after joining? Income rate? What do you mean? You know, how much money you get during the streams of a month on average. That includes additional related earnings. The… donation things and stuff? Yes! You don't need to be extremely precise, a rough approximation might do the trick. Hm. I would say that I was earning approximately $█K per month at the peak of my career, although the amount was gradually decreasing. Anyway, I really don't need it. I would agree to receive a minimum just for the feeling of getting something. So… you really don't need anything at all? I don't, but it's nice when you know you've got something for yourself. Is it weird? Uh, I don't think so. Although I would like you not to externalize it too much. хорошо6 Nice! In that case, and if everything has been agreed… Welcome to the Team, Claire Cloverfield! 💖 After this, a group of Site-198 Personnel was appointed to be part of SCP-6930's Crew. Below is a summary list. SCP-6930's current YouTube channel profile picture General Manager: Addison J. Aznavour7 Illustrator: Charles Phaserfield8 Technical Assistant: Reed Sawyer9 Marketing and Advertising: Gina T. Gómez10 Psichological Aid: Mary Landon11 Booking and Contact: Harlow F. West12 Stream Chat Moderator: Marshall Clayton13 Addendum 6930-05: On April 7, 2034, and thanks to the influence of the Foundation, SCP-6930 was, along with █ other Virtual YouTubers, included in the ██th Generation of HoloLive Productions, and reached 6.5 million subscribers shortly after. Additional Notes: Look at my girl grow. — Res. V. Kore Footnotes 1. Also popularly known as "VTuber". 2. In a simplified way, DTHCP Firewalls are a variant of DHCP Firewalls with Thaumatological Mechanisms (from which the firewall gets the "T" in its name) to track the user's Elan-Vital Energy instead of the Dynamic IP Address, although more modern and broad versions of this variant track both. 3. "Izucheniye Nepostizhimogo", lit. Study of the inconceivable. Believed to be a term coined by the "Progress" Research Institute to designate antimemetics. 4. "Tol'ko dlya tebya", lit. Only for you. 5. "Project KATYUSHA". 6. "Okay" 7. Fictitious name for Dr. Polly "Rhythm" Hershey. Researcher Vanna Kore was also involved. 8. Fictitious name for Res. Amaro Mondragón. 9. Fictitious name for Res. Ena "Tek" Nolan. The bots Kirby.iac and Arco.iac are also involved. 10. Fictitious name for Dr. Sasha Durand. 11. Fictitious name for Dr. Evangeline "Rainbow" Campbell. 12. Fictitious name for Dr. Justine Everwood. 13. Fictitious name for Agt. Mike E. Costello.
 close Info X Content note: This article contains food and allusions to mental illness. If you notice anything tag-worthy that's not in here, please mention it in a comment. A building in Šunskai in which SCP-6931 has manifested. Item #: SCP-6931 Special Containment Procedures: The inhabitants of Šunskai have been persuaded to assist in the containment of information regarding SCP-6931, on the understanding that a leak is liable to result in vastly increased tourism to the area. As such, they will continue the prior tradition of not discussing it with outsiders; anyone moving away is to receive Class C amnestics to remove any knowledge of SCP-6931, as are any outsiders who become aware. SCP-6931 can only be observed. Cameras and microphones have been set up within all abandoned, sparsely-used and/or public buildings. Efforts to identify SCP-6931 are ongoing. Description: SCP-6931 is a Class Undetermined Spectral Entity active in the village of Šunskai, Lithuania. The entity resembles a young man, dressed in the ragged uniform of the Army of Congress Poland. Every other day, at 05:30 local time, SCP-6931 will manifest in a random two-story structure within the village1 and perform a routine, the elements of which also manifesting unless present. This routine constitutes the following: The entity appears in a bed, as though sleeping. It "awakens," after which it neatly remakes the bed. It washes itself in the bathtub, or any receptacle large enough to contain it. This will spontaneously fill with water prior to contact. It dresses itself. The entity will put its trousers on backwards, before removing and donning them correctly. It descends the stairs, taking exactly eight steps2, before sitting at the table and consuming a bowl of milk soup and potatoes, with a piece of bread. It polishes its boots whilst humming an unidentified piece of music. It repeats the tune twice before completion, after which it will clear its throat eight times and put on its boots. It cleans its rifle, then recites the Lord's Prayer. It exits the building through the front door. The entity will demanifest as it crosses the threshold. This routine is exactly more or less identical across manifestations,3 and usually takes approximately forty minutes. SCP-6931 is unable to perceive human beings.4 Addendum 10: Recording devices have demonstrated some infrequent discrepancies between routines. Examples include the following: SCP-6931 spends five minutes adjusting its bedsheet. The entity takes the stairs in nine steps. The routine continues as normal until SCP-6931 is into the second round of the music; it pauses, then sighs, returns to the top of the stairs, takes them in eight steps and repeats the ritual, including miming eating its breakfast again. It unties and reties its bootlaces twenty-four times. Without any prior inconsistencies in the routine, the entity hesitates whilst on its way to the exit. It is still for about ninety seconds, mumbling inaudibly to itself, before swallowing, turning and repeating the entire routine from the beginning. Whilst cleaning its boots, it repeatedly tries and fails to make an interval in the tune, until it abruptly lets out a yell and throws a boot across the floor. It sits with its head in its hands until its breath stops shaking, then retrieves the shoe and continues as normal. SCP-6931 spends the entirety of its manifestation standing at the window, staring at the sunrise. Shortly before demanifesting, it is heard to quietly say "Maybe next time, my friends." At no point during the recording is its face visible. Footnotes 1. It shows a preference for empty buildings; should none be available, it will appear in minimally-occupied ones. 2. SCP-6931 will jump or return up steps to meet this number. 3. See Addendum 10. 4. On further investigation, this is incorrect. SCP-6931 will not acknowledge others, but it will glance repeatedly at them. It also displays some hesitation in acting out its routine in their presence. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6931" by Sound Chaser, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: theyfounditratherfunnyatthetime Name: Šunskai, bažnyčia Author: Vilensija License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
Dr Kira Moto Want more? Item #: SCP-6932 Object Class: Keter Containment Procedures: SCP-6932 is currently uncontained. Containment procedures are pending and awaiting approval from the Overseer council. Description: SCP-6932 is a man of Asian descent appearing to be 50-60 years of age, though supplemental material suggests that it is much older1. Despite its apparent age, witnesses have reported it to be in exceptional physical condition due to its frequent use of martial arts. SCP-6932 possesses the ability to control a pocket dimension that has a variable temporality much faster than normal. This effect has been known to cause anywhere from 24 hours to six months to pass inside while no more than an hour has actually passed. It is currently uncertain if SCP-6932 has the ability to control this effect consciously or if the entity has any control at all. It has been noted that living subjects inside the dimension cease aging despite seemingly spending months inside. This effect ceases once a subject leaves the pocket dimension and may be subconsciously controlled by SCP-69322. The pocket dimension usually appeared to be a dojo sharing traits commonly found during Japan's Heian period3. After 10/05/2025, the dojo was noted to have shifted to resemble those common from 1950 CE to 1970 CE Japan. Two items remain between the versions: A large pond surrounded by Prunus serrulata4 is found near the structure, as well as a single human corpse that shows no signs of decomposition. SCP-6932 claims to possess knowledge of over one hundred different martial arts5. Civilian witnesses claim SCP-6932 uses this knowledge to teach others, although it was stated that SCP-6932 would only teach those who are homeless or orphaned. It is unknown why SCP-6932 follows these criteria. Discovery: SCP-6932 was discovered on 07/23/2025 by Agent Marcos Halo during his investigation into a then-unknown anomalous presence that had been appearing near an orphanage in a rundown suburb in Ohio. Agent Halo was observing a street camera recording when he noted a group of three children6 seeming to appear from thin air. The children were tracked to a nearby orphanage, where Agent Halo interviewed the trio. While the children were unable to give Agent Halo much helpful information, Agent Halo was able to confirm anomalous activity. Agent Halo returned to the location where the children were sighted, appearing to find an older man sitting on a nearby bench reading a worn journal. Upon questioning, the subject inquired as to Agent Halo's family7, ignoring any attempts from Agent Halo to collect information. Agent Halo answered the subject's questions, which resulted in an offer to give Agent Halo a lesson in martial arts. Agent Halo agreed, turning on a small voice recording device. Open Voice Log Transcript Close Voice Log Transcript Interviewed: SCP-6932 Interviewer: Agent Marcos Halo Foreword: The following recording was heavily garbled and had to be reconstructed. Heavy breathing can be heard throughout the recording. <Begin Log> Halo: Wait, where are we going? There's nothing here? …mean I just have to trust you? SCP-6932: Follow. Into my home, we shall go. Halo: Whoa… How'd you do that? … This is your home? There was nothing here when we were on the street? SCP-6932: Yes. Come, I shall teach. Halo: You know a lot about martial arts, right? How many styles do you know? SCP-6932: Most of them. I am sure I have missed some. Halo: Why are you staring at me like that? SCP-6932: Icho-Ryu8. Halo: What? SCP-6932: I shall teach Icho-Ryu. Halo: Oh, um… Alright. SCP-6932: Watch, then copy. <Fifteen minutes have been removed as the recording could not be transcribed.> SCP-6932: You learn quickly. Halo: Thanks? Hey, can you tell me how your abilities work? SCP-6932: I will not. Continue. <Ten minutes pass before Agent Halo continues the conversation.> Halo: If you know all these martial arts, you've got to be pretty long-lived, yeah? SCP-6932: Focus. Halo: Like this? SCP-6932: Yes. Good. <Several minutes pass before either speaks again.> Halo: Are you sure this is right? It feels awkward. SCP-6932: Yes. Continue. <Three minutes of silence> Halo: You're pretty good at this teaching thing. You've done this before? SCP-6932: Yes. For many years. Again. Halo: You seemed sad. May I ask why? SCP-6932: No. Halo: Does it have something to do with the painting of the girl over there? She's pretty. <SCP-6932 sounds notably more sullen.> SCP-6932: Return to your training. Halo: Alright. Sorry, I asked. <Twenty-seven minutes pass in silence.> SCP-6932: That will be enough for today. You may return tomorrow. Halo: Are you sure? You seemed rather depressed. I thought my questions were hurtful. SCP-6932: It is not your fault. You are a Hunter. It is what you do. <End Log> Closing Statement: SCP-6932 vanished after its statement. Agent Halo searched the dojo, coming across the journal the subject had previously read. He flipped through it, only to find it written in an ancient Japanese dialect. It was retrieved for translation. Close Voice Log Transcript Upon exiting the dojo, Agent Halo checked his phone, intending to check in, only to find that eighteen minutes had passed9. It was determined that Agent Halo would continue with the lessons in order to gain more information on SCP-6932. Addendum 6932-1: On 08/30/2025, a previously unknown entity broke out of a previously sealed cave in Mount Upepesanke, Hokkaido, Japan. It is thought that the seismic activity in the area facilitated its release. Foundation Agents planted in the area reported the entity immediately heading for a small shack near the mountain's base, destroying it instantly. The entity then began heading toward civilization at a rapid pace10. Civilian witnesses reported a horned humanoid around three meters in height with notably sharp teeth and claws entering the town of Kamishihoro. The entity was noted to look around as it walked, seemingly with an oddly hungry expression. One of the three survivors reported watching as something appearing to be a thick, translucent goop was pulled out of a man who the creature had approached. The man fell to the ground moments later, deceased. The goop was seen to float into the entity's mouth before vanishing. The entity then went up to any living creature it could find while performing the same actions. The loss of the town was covered up as casualties of the eruption of Mount Upepesanke as it entered an active phase. Addendum 6932-2: On 09/03/2025, after the loss of three more towns11, Foundation Agents in the area located old documents regarding the entity. The documents were taken for translation, as they were written in an ancient Japanese dialect that had died out around 1200 CE. Upon translation, it was learned that the creature was first encountered by the former group of interest, 'The Yokai12 Hunters.' The page detailed a man that was only referred to as 'Sensei' who was able to seal the creature away, though the method was not recorded. The creature itself was recorded as O-4913. Although the document claimed that 'Sensei' had disappeared, it noted that 'Sensei' was thought to be immortal. Efforts to locate 'Sensei' have begun, as all attempts to stop O-49 have been met with failure. Addendum 6932-3: 09/06/2025. The journal found in possession of SCP-6932 was translated, and a final copy was uploaded14. With the information gained from the journal, it was discovered that the Foundation was searching for SCP-6932. Agent Halo was instructed to gain the subject's cooperation by any means. According to the report later filed by Agent Halo, gaining the subject's cooperation proved more straightforward than anticipated. Agent Halo inquired whether the subject knew of O-49, briefly describing its abilities. Upon hearing the information, SCP-6932 reportedly froze with a grief-stricken expression before asking if Halo was certain. Upon receiving confirmation, SCP-6932 appeared conflicted. SCP-6932 agreed to assist the Foundation in its endeavor, stating that it would return to its home once O-49 was taken care of. SCP-6932 then explained that O-49 was almost certainly heading towards Cape Erimo, Japan, explaining that it was a location important to O-49, but refused to elaborate. SCP-6932 agreed to teach the ritual to seal O-49 to a group of Foundation operatives. Twelve MTF agents were pulled from various squads in order to learn the ritual. It was noted that time inside the dojo accelerated to the pace of six months per hour during the training. Agent Halo was present for the training15, taking note of everything for later documentation. SCP-6932 explained that the ritual was one of its creation, relying heavily on martial arts. The subject then spent time demonstrating, appearing to move in a manner reminiscent of several ancient martial arts and chanting a phrase in Japanese. When translated, it was: "Begone, child of hell. Your wickedness shall never take another. May the blood you have spilled be your chains, the lives you took, your tormentors." SCP-6932 noted that while it would 'banish' creatures similar to O-49, it was only capable of sealing O-49 away. SCP-6932 was uncertain of how to terminate O-49 outright. Addendum 6932-4: The following is the journal from SCP-6932. It was written by a child named Katsuyori. The writer and SCP-6932 are closely tied to a former group of interest called 'The Yokai Hunters.' The group is thought to have disbanded around 1100 CE, though the Foundation has little information regarding the group. Open Journal Close Journal Writing's really fun! It's hard, but that's alright! Maybe I can get Sensei to teach me more? He's been super nice since we met. I've been fed and warm since I got here. I haven't even been scared! Not like with the Yokai. Mama, Papa… So red. My trembling wouldn't stop. Silence. The nights spent alone. So cold. Stomach growling. Papa! No! He wants to be called Sensei! Papa started teaching me to fight! He made up the stuff he's teaching me. Papa called it Jujutsu. The other students are weird, though. They talk about Yokai with those happy faces. Why? Yokai and their magicks are scary. Have they not met a Yokai? I think someone called Papa a Yokai. That's impossible. Papa's nice! Not at all like the mean Yokai! They believe he has dark magick or something. At least, I think. I overheard someone say that Papa doesn't age? That can't be true. No more than their other lies! Like when they say Papa controls magick to another world! All lies! Only Yokai can use magick. Papa's not a Yokai! Papa got some visitors today… I watched them come in. A man with black bird wings asked me to get Papa. I froze, shaking. It was in front of me. I was going to turn red. I was grabbed then. Papa held me for a few minutes while I calmed down. Papa felt safe. Nothing could happen with him around. I looked over at the group while Papa spoke to them. He called them "the damned council." Whatever that means. He didn't seem to be happy. I don't blame him. The bird man was just the first. There was a pretty lady with frost coming off her. And a man with fluffy round ears and a tail. A lady with fox ears and three tails was behind them. And there was a child with a weird leaf hat and webbed fingers. The way they looked at me sent a chill down my spine. Weirdly, those Yokai go by colors. Well, that's what Papa called them anyway. He called the bird man Kuro16. Then he told them off for scaring me. I almost laughed at that. I couldn't sleep last night because of the night terrors. Those Yokai scare me. Papa found me when he came to check on me. Papa made some tea and told me a story to try to calm me down. Years ago, a great war was fought among the Yokai. Many villages were destroyed, and many lives were lost. In one particular village visited by this war lived a small boy. He wasn't even old enough for his wings to carry him, yet he knew what was happening as his home was burned to the ground. The boy watched as the soldiers razed the village, killing everyone in their path. The soldiers even came across the boy, beating him harshly before locking him inside his burning home to die. Though the boy was in pain and could hardly breathe through the smoke, he managed to find a small hole burned into the wall that he could escape through. After escaping the village, the boy managed to find himself lost. He wandered until his legs gave out, and his injuries caught up with him. Burns seared into his skin, and ribs cracked, making everything harder for him. He ended up passing out where he fell. When the boy awoke, he found his wounds being tended to and a friendly smile greeting him. When he recognized the person as human, the boy grew scared. His parents had always told him that humans were dangerous, that they would kill him without a second thought just for being different than them. He ripped himself away from his perceived enemy and attempted to rush off before collapsing. The boy spent months recovering, growing less scared of his rescuers with each passing day. They treated him better than most Yokai, and he was even offered a place in their home. As the boy grew, he recognized that humans had been much kinder than any Yokai he had met. It was told that when the boy finally reached adulthood, he realized how terrible most of the Yokai he found were. He decided to change this and began hunting down the worse of the Yokai. Though no one knows what happened to him, many are convinced he's still out there. The other students have been bugging me a lot more recently. I keep getting these weird looks, too. Like that time, I was asked how I learned so fast. I don't know what they mean. I'm still small, but I've been learning for a long time. Almost since Papa took me in. That's not the only weird thing they've asked about, but I think they're strange for going to find Yokai, so it's okay. Kuro visited again today, though Papa told me this time. Only Kuro had a big box and gave it to Papa. I couldn't see what was in it, but Papa seemed annoyed. Kuro only said that it was a few more magick items they had found and that the safest place for them was within Papa's magick. Papa doesn't use magick, though! Only Yokai! Papa sat me down after my lessons today. I had never seen him so serious before. I almost thought he was going to tell me to leave. I wasn't expecting him to ask me about the Hunters. He wanted to know what I knew of them. All I know about them is that they're weird people who seek out Yokai. I guess they want to recruit me eventually. Papa wasn't happy about it, not with the scowl. He's been quite clear that he doesn't like their methods. But Papa wanted to ensure that I knew I would be allowed to make my own choices when I got older. But why would I want to join them? Father uses magick. I thought I was seventeen, but that wasn't true after leaving the dojo for the first time. Apparently, I should be thirty-six. It's insane; why would I believe them? Well, Father confirmed it. He was more than willing to explain that the dojo itself was his magick. Yet he wouldn't tell me his limits. I found that odd, even though he was willing to explain everything else. I guess he wants to keep his secrets. That's fine; it's just… I don't know how I feel right now. Did he keep this from me because he knows my fears? Was he ever going to tell me? Had I not found out like this, would I have ever known? Would I have ever known that Father is a Yokai? That doesn't feel right. Father may have magick, that's true, but he's not a Yokai. Yokai are cruel. Yokai are uncaring. They wouldn't take a child off the street and give them a loving home. So what does that make Father? I can understand why Father doesn't like the Hunters. They're supposed to protect people. But what I saw… That mission… Small children, Yokai children, but still children, running about. Their parents watched happily, unaware of the danger they faced. My squad leader gave the order. Screams started as the ground began to stain with Yokai blood. The stench of smoke and burning flesh filled the air. Something odd welled in me then. I felt… Pity? For the creatures that I've been so scared of my whole life? The creatures just trying to live their lives the same as any human? This… This makes no sense. What am I supposed to do with these conflicting emotions? I'm not sure I can do this anymore. That scene keeps playing in my head. It won't leave me alone. The helplessness of the Yokai and the brutality of the Hunters. It's the only thing I've been thinking about. I know now that I must do something to stop this needless slaughter. I think I've finally come up with a solution. I will talk with Kuro when he stops by next week. I'm sure I can snag a moment with him during his monthly inspections of the Hunter's training under Father. I'm still uncomfortable with him, but the man is my only option. I'm going to ask him to let me start investigating Yokai. Maybe, just maybe, it'll help stop the needless slaughter of innocents. I can't figure out why I feel so strongly about this, but I know that something must change. The village we visited was happy to see us, even though they were Yokai. They gave me a magick tanto as a sign of goodwill. I want to keep it as it seems to be a good blade. Kuro was particularly interested in the tanto I was given. He seemed more than a little interested in its magick. Kuro asked that I give the weapon up for safekeeping. I wasn't sure I wanted to do that. It was mine, after all. But there was something about his fixation with it. Kuro explained that he just wanted to keep any magick items safe and out of the wrong hands. There was something else there, though. I just wish I could figure it out. In the end, we came to an agreement. I let Kuro have the weapon, but I'm still allowed to use it if I feel my missions will be dangerous. Kuro handed it over to Father, and I got to watch Father hide it away with his magick. Kuro told me to give Father any more magick items I found for safe keeping. We've been learning a lot about the Yokai we've encountered. I keep finding myself surprised. The Yokai seemed friendly in the last tiny village we ended up in. We were invited in, and they were more than willing to tell us about themselves. Not all Yokai are evil, uncaring creatures. Many are like Father, simply living their lives. When we returned from our latest mission, I saw some new people in the dojo. They were doing something with several magick items. Did Kuro have them trying to figure out what they do? Well, that's what it seemed like, at least. Mostly they're just hurting themselves and causing problems for Father. What does Kuro expect to find? You can't explain magick any more than you can explain why the sun rises. It simply is. For this mission, I was told a location and to come alone. That didn't bother me. It's not like I don't do scouting missions on my own anyway. It wasn't even that far away. I arrived, Kuro waiting for me as he observed the village a few hundred meters away. My hand went to my weapon without a second thought, even as he turned back to smile at me. Kuro explained that there was a danger in that village, and he wanted to see if I could figure it out. I'm still uncomfortable with him, but something about this piques my curiosity. Kuro's a busy person; what has him way out here? Who really is Kuro? I don't understand him. That mission… It took me three weeks. Three weeks of observation, talking with the villagers and snooping around. All the while, Kuro came and went. But I managed to figure out what he was talking about. I even found myself reporting to him without reaching for a blade. Then I was in pain, my body hitting against something hard. I wasn't aware of anything else for the longest while. When I finally came around, blood coated the area. Kuro's talons ripped out the other creature's heart. I heard something about 'humans' and 'the future.' The next thing I remember was lying on the dojo floor. Father's apprehensive gaze stared back at me. I have never seen him like that. It would be an understatement to say I was surprised when Father wrapped me in a tight hug, a few tears wetting my clothes. I still don't know why Kuro brought me back. What should I do? Kuro assigned me a special mission to study an Oni the Hunters labeled O-49. He said it would be dangerous, but I was the best fit for the mission, given my abilities. I'm sure I can do it; I've had dangerous assignments before, but something about this puts me on edge. When I got home, Father yelled at me when he found out. I was startled. He made his feelings on this clear. Father was against it, stating that I was going to die. He seemed like he knew about what I was assigned to study, but he wouldn't tell me. I get his hesitance, especially after the last time. Father hardly wants me to leave anymore. He thinks the Hunters are losing who they were. Not that he disagrees with that. Father just says it'll make the Hunters weak. I can see where he's coming from. They've changed so much recently, primarily thanks to Kuro's efforts. What Kuro wants to do, the future he's trying to head towards, isn't that worth a bit of danger? The way he explained his plans and his goals? They seemed reasonable. Protect humanity while protecting the Yokai, even if the worst threat was the Yokai. It seems a bit idealistic, sure, but it could be possible. Not that Father thinks so. Father believes Kuro's full of shit and doesn't want me following a madman to my death. I almost thought he was pleading with me. None of this is making it easy for me. I don't leave until morning. I'll think it over more before I go to bed. The final page in the journal is a spare sheet written in a different hand. It is assumed to be SCP-6932. My child. What has happened? I tried to warn you, but perhaps I was not persuasive enough. I tried to stop you, but you always had a mind of your own. If only I were able, I would have prevented this from happening. I should have been able to. It is my failure to bear that you have fallen. I was not enough to protect you, and for that, I shall never be able to atone. Your death was my fault. If only someday you could forgive me. Sayonara, Katsuyori. Close Journal Addendum 6932-5: SCP-6932 opened its pocket dimension at Cape Erimo on 09/07/2025, allowing SCP-6932 and the MTF to locate O-49 as it finished its journey. It was noted that SCP-6932 grew agitated at the sight of O-49, though it was found to have calmed down within minutes. SCP-6932 then pointed to the nearby shrine, stating that it would be the focal point in which O-49 was sealed. Half of the MTF was assigned to keep O-49 occupied and protect the remaining agents as they performed the ritual. O-49 shrieked in pain, lunging at SCP-6932 as the ritual began. Despite being knocked away from the area, SCP-6932 demanded that they continue, encouraging the remaining MTF to aid in the ritual, then began to fight O-49 himself. It is unknown why O-49 did not immediately terminate SCP-6932 as it did to the rest of its victims. SCP-6932 then commenced a martial arts battle with O-49 as the ritual weakened it. Initially, it seemed that O-49 was much stronger than SCP-6932. However, the two soon became evenly matched. The altercation continued for several minutes in this fashion until the ritual weakened O-49 to the point where it could be terminated. SCP-6932 received several deep wounds during the termination of O-49. Once the rest of the team rejoined SCP-6932, it appeared shaken, stated the word 'Katsuyori,' and vanished. Addendum 6932-6: 10/05/2025. Agent Halo was able to locate SCP-6932 after nearly a month. When located, the pocket dimension was seen to have changed into its current form. SCP-6932 was seen with a female child of Asian descent, estimated to be around three years of age. When asked about the child, SCP-6932 stated that it had adopted the girl and that her name was 'Shiko.' There did not appear to be anything anomalous about the child. Under orders, Agent Halo attempted to persuade SCP-6932 to turn itself over for containment. While it did not agree immediately, it gave Agent Halo two conditions for its containment. SCP-6932 asked that it be allowed to continue training Foundation agents at its discretion and that the Foundation does not interfere with the child. Agent Halo brought the matter to Foundation leadership, which is currently under consideration. {$prevtext} Yokai Hunters 7567 Footnotes 1. See Addendum 6932-4. 2. Supplemental material supports this theory, though the exact cause is unknown. 3. Most notably from 1000 CE to 1100 CE. 4. Japanese blossoming cherry tree 5. Though this cannot be verified, it has been confirmed to use seven different styles. 6. Between six to eight years of age. 7. Agent Halo was orphaned at the age of three. 8. A martial art often taught to law enforcement. 9. Halo insists that he had been inside for nearly six hours and had even checked the time before he left the dimension. 10. There was no way to measure its velocity at the time accurately. 11. Shihoro, Otofuke, and Obihiro. 12. An antiquated Japanese term for spirits, demons, or other supernatural entities. 13. Henceforth, the entity will be labeled as such 14. See Addendum 6932-4. 15. The only requirement given by SCP-6932 for its knowledge. 16. Black.
THE FOLLOWING HAS BEEN CLEARED FOR GENERAL READING BY THE OVERSEER COUNCIL The Letter þ (thorn) Item #: SCP-6933 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6933 and its effects are to be used as a case study for Memetics Division Training, as well as as a way to identify and track general and individual memetic weakness. Internally, Memetic Vaccine 27 is to be added to the standard inoculation package for all Foundation employees. SCP-6933 is to be monitored for any changes in its behavior, however unlikely. Beyond this, no containment procedures are required. Description: SCP-6933 is a relatively weak meme that causes those affected to believe that the letter "þ"1 (thorn) was once a standard letter of the English Alphabet. Individuals with stronger memetic resistance are able to reject or believe this as with any other idea, while individuals with weak memetic resistance are compelled to additionally "bring it back", by replacing all written examples of the digraph "th" with the letter "þ".2 This is facilitated by þ's non-anomalous inclusion in modern Icelandic, and thus, in all modern Unicode standards, allowing it to be displayed on the majority of modern devices. However, due to SCP-6933's weak nature, the inaccessibility of finding an Icelandic keyboard and simple peer pressure are often enough to cause the memetic effects to become inert. Propagators of the meme claim that the character was dropped primarily due to its lack of inclusion in German and French printing presses, as well as due to lackadaisical inscription resulting in its shape slowly becoming similar to the letter "y". The anomaly transmits primarily through writing and inscription, as well as through digital text, and is not known to affect Artificial Intelligence Constructs or machine learning algorithms. History:3 "SCP-6933 was discovered early on in the Foundation's life by renowned father of memetics, ██████ █████4. In a letter to the then newly formed 05 Council, he writes, 'Being a weak, yet identifiable affectation, we could use (the anomaly) to mark them5 like cattle. (The) value of being able to model the spread of the transgressive idea cannot be overstated.' A young 05-3 responded with his approval, and the rest is history. Shortly after, the existing documentation was classified as general reading, and has been disseminated to field researchers and memetics hopefuls ever since. Later, in the sixties, one of the first acts of the burgeoning Ethics Committee was to call the lack of containment for SCP-6933 into question. After several months of heated debate, the committee came to a majority opinion that the benefits far outweighed the consequences, and that SCP-6933's spread among the populace could remain uninhibited. More recently, the rise of the internet has given way to an uptick in SCP-6933 infections, highlighting the need for more advanced memetic security measures for the public. To date, models based off of SCP-6933's spread on the internet have prevented an estimated 3 billion memetic infections, and have predicted approximately 60 anomalies in the past decade alone, defining it as one of the most successful and integral decisions in Foundation history." (For more detailed information, see "A Thorn in the Side of History," by Memetics Instructor Dr. Thomas Futhark, or email him directly at tenpics.noitadnuoF|samohTkrahtuF#tenpics.noitadnuoF|samohTkrahtuF.) Update 03-26-2021: +  THE FOLLOWING HAS BEEN FLAGGED AS MEMETICALLY CHARGED INFORMATION. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK. - ACKNOWLEDGED. YOU HAVE BEEN FLAGGED AS A POSSIBLE VECTOR. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION SHOULD BE SHARED WITH NO ONE. =Transmitted from [LOCATION REDACTED], England While completing what would normally be considered routine research for his field memetics exam, one of my Junior Researchers appears to have uncovered physical evidence from █e year 1458 of a poem inscribed on a rock, comprised entirely of words which contain █e letter █orn. Despite █e fact █at he and I are bo█ inoculated against █e meme, I could not only see █e writing, but feel █e inscription under my fingers. I quickly downloaded an AIC in order to confirm our findings; but it could identify no writing on █e object itself or █rough photographs. I have come to █e conclusion █at █is meme may be more powerful █an we previously realized. Unfortunately, however, █e aforementioned junior researcher has not, and continues to insist █at we have been wrong about █e anomaly since █e beginning. As per standard protocol I have quarantined myself and █e training team, and have instructed █e AIC to censor all letters and digraphs █at match þorn phonetically. I heavily recommend █at SCP-6933 be taken out of █e general rotation, and █at anyone who receives █is message be flagged for memetic contamination, if not anyone who has accessed █e general file in the last 6 mon█s. Good luck. -Memetics Instructor Thomas Fuþark. Footnotes 1. Phonetically, þ is identical to all sounds produced by the digraph "th". 2. E.G. þe, þem, wiþ, þought, etc. 3. Excerpt taken from "A Thorn in the Side of History" by Dr. Thomas Futhark. 4. [NAME REDACTED DUE TO MEMETIC INFECTION.] 5. Referring to memetic weakpoints in the general population. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6933" by DrRhummhaven, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Latin alphabet Þþ.svg Author: Eirik1231 License: Public Domain Source Link:
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border: 2vw solid rgba(0,0,0,0.5); border-image: url('') 600 round; border-image-width: 6; padding: 2vw; } CONFIDENTIAL Security Clearance Level 2 Department of Logistics Captain Helkaraxe Drake S E K T N Any_value Utility A5 A4 A3 A2 B5 B4 B3 B2 C5 C4 C3 C2 D5 D4 D3 D2 E5 E4 E3 E2 KETER AAA EEE Ȼ ? T none Vedist I Vedist II Vedist III Vedist IV Vedist V Vedist VI 6934 SCP-6934. Special Containment Procedures SCP-6934 must only be crewed by authorised members of Distributed Task Force Epsilon-7 ('Sign Here Please') Division 6 ('Guns 'n Roses'). Captain Helkaraxe Drake has been permanently assigned as the captain of SCP-6934 by Director Upsilon. While at port, SCP-6934 must be rendered temporarily non-functional to prevent theft, and guarded by a detachment of DTF Epsilon-7-6, no less than ten members of which must occupy the bridge at all times. Any individuals attempting to board SCP-6934 without authorisation are to be apprehended or terminated. In the event that SCP-6934 is successfully commandeered by any unauthorised entities or individuals, the retaking of SCP-6934 is considered a Level 5 priority. An in-built failsafe enables Level 4 or higher Department of Logistics personnel to remotely sink SCP-6934 if it is stolen; if this fails, Foundation personnel are authorised to sink SCP-6934 through ballistic weaponry. SCP-6934 should not be used to transport any resources or substances that may perish within four years of the date of departure. SCP-6934 must always be stocked with sufficient resources to sustain the crew for four continuous years, should an Odyssey event occur mid-transit. All personnel aboard SCP-6934 during a voyage must be made aware of Odyssey events, and acknowledge that the voyage may be unexpectedly extended by several months or years if one should occur. Description SCP-6934 is the SCPS Mercury,1 the seventh Metameleia-class ship constructed. As with all other Metameleia ships, SCP-6934 was commissioned by the Department of Logistics and designed for high-efficiency mass-transportation of Foundation resources and anomalies; all Metamelia ships utilise Eparch-category architecture2 to increase their cargo capacity by 15% in comparison to other similarly-sized vessels. SCP-6934 features unintended, but beneficial, weather-manipulating properties: whenever SCP-6934 is captained by a trained member of the Department of Logistics, the atmospheric conditions in its immediate surroundings are altered in favour of the vessel and its crew. This predominantly manifests through the reduction or neutralisation of detrimental weather, ensuring SCP-6934 sails under predominantly-favourable, if not pristine, conditions; in circumstances where SCP-6934 has been forced to navigate through intense tropical storms, the vessel's crew reported observing appropriate weather at a distance from SCP-6934, while the actual atmospheric conditions experienced by the ship correlated to a mild rainstorm. Conversely, when the captain of SCP-6934 is aware of a nearby vessel that they believe to be hostile towards SCP-6934 and/or its crew, said vessel will rapidly experience extreme, localised weather conditions, continuing until the captain of SCP-6934 no longer perceives it as a threat.3 Since all weather induced by SCP-6934 occurs at or above the ocean's surface, submerged vessels are not directly influenced by its anomalous properties; in such circumstances, SCP-6934 instead manifests hailstones of sufficient mass and volume to damage objects beneath the surface.4 The entirety of SCP-6934 constantly emits Akiva radiation at a rate of 12 microakivas per minute; the reason for this is currently under investigation by the Department of Tactical Theology.5 The bridge of SCP-6934, with navigation crew present. Addenda Incident 6934-1 & 'Odyssey' events On 30/02/2020, SCP-6934 was traversing the North Pacific Ocean en-route to British Columbia, Canada when an unforeseen thunderstorm rapidly developed over the vessel; although the progress of SCP-6934 was not hindered, extreme electrical activity severely impeded communication with the crew, culminating in a complete loss of contact for five seconds, after which the storm de-escalated and dissipated at a non-anomalous rate. Upon restoration of contact, Captain Helkaraxe Drake reported that in the intervening time period SCP-6934 and its crew had experienced a significant spatio-temporal anomaly; the following is a summary from his post-incident report. Captain Helkaraxe Drake We lost communications around 1600, caused by extreme electrical activity; there was no rain nor wind caused by it, and once contact was lost, the clouds dispersed. Our attempts to hail our overseers were not reciprocated, and Second Officer Johannes realised that the majority of our digital navigation equipment was non-functional, preventing accurate navigation. We attributed these malfunctions to damage caused by the storm, and I ordered the navigation crew to use analogue instruments to maintain a north-east heading, as we would eventually reach the west coast of the Americas, at which time we could restore contact with the Foundation and arrange for necessary repairs to the Mercury. Our analogue instruments were useless, as we were unable to identify any familiar constellations during nautical twilight, or for the remainder of the night. At this time we also became aware that both our gyrocompasses6 and magnetic compasses were non-functional, as all had drifted over several hours and indicated different directions as northward. We determined that we had been teleported, to some effect, to a non-terrestrial location, within which navigation by instruments was functionally impossible. In consultation with First Officer Mythres and Second Officer Johannes, we decided to significantly reduce our speed to preserve fuel, but continue proceeding in the hope of discovering a landmark; for the duration of the event, we did not spot any land, nor encounter any other vessels. Approximately five weeks in, we recognised that several anomalies in our cargo would imminently breach containment, as we were rapidly approaching the end of their restraints' intended lifespans. We utilised the resources in our cargo to reinforce the containment vessels where able, but were forced to jettison several anomalies to prevent damage to the Mercury and loss of further cargo; we additionally began rationing and consuming our perishable cargo, reasoning it would spoil before the end of the event, and enabling us to retain our non-perishable rations as an emergency supply once all other consumables ran out. The crew's morale understandably diminished as time progressed, and on the ninth week several crewmembers attempted a mutiny by force; to minimise resistance, the mutineers amassed firearms and ammunition in secret over several weeks, and had progressively disposed of our own ammunition by throwing it overboard. First Officer Mythres and his security crew were successful in retaking the weapons cache, and then suppressed the mutiny. Seventeen were killed in the firefights, twelve of which were mutineers, and the surviving four mutineers were set adrift on a lifeboat to reduce unnecessary consumption of our rations. I assume they are still in the location we were transported to, and have likely perished by now. All deceased were buried at sea. On the fifteenth week of the event, a storm formed over the Mercury under identical conditions, and with similar content, to the first that had displaced us; we observed extreme electrical activity within the clouds, but there was no precipitation nor wind. Once the storm began to subside, our equipment resumed functionality and we were being hailed by our overseeing personnel, who notified us that only five seconds had passed from their perspective. We did not notice any changes to the area around the Mercury that indicated we had been teleported, in both cases; there were no observable landmarks, no surrounding vessels, and no changes in the temperature whatsoever. Post-incident interviews and investigation corroberate Captain Drake's report: all on-board timepieces were ahead by four months, a significant amount of anomalous cargo was absent from SCP-6934, and all perishable items showed evidence of being four months older than expected. All computer systems aboard SCP-6934 did not retain any digital information from the event; only their internal clocks had remained continuously-functional. SCP-6934 was temporarily put on hiatus for investigation, but returned to regular use on 11/04/2020 due to its beneficial properties. A further five displacement events have occurred since 11/04/2020, all of identical content but varying from experienced lengths of one month to fourteen; as all were specifically focused on SCP-6934, these displacements are believed to be caused by the anomaly itself, and have been classified as Odyssey events. Due to the highly beneficial self-protective anomalous properties of SCP-6934, the vessel has been approved for continued use by the Department of Logistics. As SCP-6934 only undergoes Odyssey events while being used for its intended purpose, the continuation of its service enables continued research into its properties; to date, Odyssey events have only occurred while SCP-6934 is beyond sight from any vessels or landmasses, and as such is not a threat to the Veil. The containment procedures for SCP-6934 have been updated to ensure the crew of SCP-6934 will survive all experienced Odyssey events without loss of cargo. SCP-6934 security system. Incident 6934-2 On 03/05/2022, SCP-6934 was boarded by a group of twelve unidentified militants while traversing the Indian Ocean. Thirty minutes prior, the USS Cheyenne7 had passed SCP-6934 at a distance of fifteen nautical miles; as the submarine did not alter its trajectory and was known to be in the region, Captain Drake did not percieve it as a threat, and the defensive properties of SCP-6934 were not triggered. The Cheyenne had been boarded by twenty armed militants, who commandeered two SEAL Delivery Vehicles to approach SCP-6934 undetected; eight militants remained on the Cheyenne to prevent the crew from alerting that of SCP-6934. The following is a video transcript of the events aboard SCP-6934, composed from surveilance footage and the recounts of staff present. VIDEO LOG DATE: 03/05/2022 NOTE: Video and times begin upon first appearance of the militants. 00:00: The militants emerge from the water in groups of six, on either side of the ship's hull near the stern. They use handheld devices to climb the ship's hull. 02:15: The first of the port-side militants reaches the deck, surveying the area; once a second militant arrives, the two begin dispatching all visible lookouts using silenced firearms, then climb over the railings, discarding their diving gear into the ocean as they do. The starboard-side militants do the same. 03:09: All twelve militants are on-deck, on either side of the bridge tower. A member from each group communicates with each-other using a small, watch-like device on their non-dominant wrist; all the militants have such a device. After speaking for several seconds, the groups proceed to the bridge tower, and each begins ascending while taking care not to cause any noise. 03:27: Crewman Lestraad requests permission to leave the bridge to smoke. First Officer Lemont approves. Lestraad steps out from the bridge onto the platform at the top of the starboard stairwell, and idly surveys the area while smoking. 04:08: Lestraad notices the absent lookouts. She immediately returns to the bridge, alerting the navigation crew; Officer Lemont immediately attempts to contact the lookouts by radio. 04:28: Officer Lemont confirms to Captain Drake that he is unable to contact any of the missing lookouts. Captain Drake orders for the bridge to be secured, triggers the ship's piracy alarm, and notifies overseeing Department of Logistics personnel of a possible, emerging situation. The militants hear the alarm, briefly hesitate, then resume ascending at a drastically faster pace. 04:34: The personnel in the bridge spot the militants on the security cameras. A storm rapidly manifests over SCP-6934, with extreme winds concentrated on both stairwells; the militants quickly retrieve ropes and carabiners, using them to secure themselves to the railings before continuing to ascend. 04:38: The storm begins producing oversized hailstones, with the winds directing them at the militants; one militant is struck in the face and collapses. Three members of each group each unfold a rectangular black shield, using them to protect the group from the hail. The hailstones rapidly increase in average size, to no effect; the shields appear to absorb all kinetic energy. 04:51: Off-duty security personnel begin to emerge on-deck; Officer Lemont uses the speaker system to notify them of the militants' location. The personnel fire on each of the groups, who shoot back in response. Several of the crew are hit and injured, whereas the militants are repeatedly hit in the abdomen, but unaffected. 05:10: Both groups are now at least half-way up their stairwells. 05:25: Captain Drake begins pacing around the bridge. He is informed that a strike team deployed from the nearby SCPS Melampus will arrive in fifteen minutes; he appears to ignore this, discussing with the present crew. 07:18: The starboard-side group reaches the level immediately below the bridge. Captain Drake sees this on the security system, and returns to his seat, visibly thinking. 07:24: The starboard-side group reaches the door to the bridge; one of the militants affixes what appears to be an explosive charge to the door. 07:25: Every exposed surface on SCP-6934 spontaneously ignites, obscuring all cameras and audio recording equipment. 15:59: The flames rapidly diminish and disappear. SCP-6934, its crew, and its cargo, have suffered no damage or charring from the fire whatsoever: eleven of the militants8 have been cremated, along with the explosive charge. The twelfth militant is nowhere to be seen. 16:11: Captain Drake informs the overseeing Department of Logistics personnel that the militants have been killed. The crew of SCP-6934 begins inspecting the ship and cargo for damage. 19:04: The strike team from the SCPS Melampus arrives via helicopter, and begins assisting in securing the ship. DTF Epsilon-7-6 agents reacting to the piracy alarm. A post-incident interview revealed that Captain Drake had unintentionally triggered a previously-unknown property of SCP-6934 by mentally 'wishing the [attackers] would burn'; analysis of the cremated remains indicate that SCP-6934 is capable of spontaneously producing flames of temperatures up to 1000 degrees Celsius, however all crew and cargo intended to be on the ship, as well as SCP-6934 itself, experience no change in temperature whatsoever. Internal security footage aboard the USS Cheyenne shows that the militants aboard it were contacted via their wrist-mounted devices shortly after SCP-6934 ignited; all eight immediately entered a blind spot in the crew's quaters, disappearing upon doing so. The crew aboard SCP-6934 reported that shortly after the ignition of the flames, the twelfth militant had jumped from the starboard stairwell, disappearing in midair upon touching the device on their wrist. Investigation of the cremated remains revealed that each of the offending militants had extensive, highly-advanced cybernetic implants, all of which were damaged beyond functionality; the remainder of their equipment was mundane. The wrist-mounted devices of the eleven killed could not be found, and analysis of the footage confirms they had disappeared by the time the flames dissipated. None of the militants have yet been identified, and the whereabouts of the survivors are unknown. Investigation into which Group of Interest was responsible is ongoing. Tactical Theology Department Memo This ship makes no sense. Nothing about it makes sense. There is no reason for it to emit Akiva radiation whatsoever. It is a common cargo ship - it cannot possibly have any religious significance, because it hasn't existed long enough to be used by any sort of deity. The only relation it has to a mythology is through its namesakes, and its properties don't align with either. The Nibelung Hoard was cursed, not blessed, and the only significant properties it had was being immeasurably large and repeatedly getting its owners killed before being sunk in the Rhine. There was no weather manipulation, there was no unexpectedly-lengthened voyages, and the shortest tangent to explain the combustion was that in some versions of the myth, one of the hoard's owners once jumped through fire on horseback - for reasons completely unrelated to the hoard. Mercury is the Roman deity of merchants, luck, and travelers; this at least holds to the theme of fortunate weather while travelling. But the other aspects? Unless the SCPS Mercury has somehow become conflated with the ancient boat of Ulysses - the Latin version of Odysseus - which, itself, had the completely unrecorded ability to light itself on fire at will, there's no relation; I fail to see how these properties could relate, in any way, to Mercury's other aspects - financial gain, messages, trickery, thieves. The only explanation I can think of that has any hope of reasonably explaining this ship is that somewhere out in the world, there's a small group of people who have, for some inane reason, decided that this one, single, random cargo ship is somehow intricately a part of their mythology - possibly even their central deity - less than a month after it first sailed. My inbox is open to suggestions. I don't care how stupid they sound anymore, everything else I've got is just as stupid. Senior Researcher Isabelle Johanne, Department of Tactical Theology. Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Footnotes 1. Cover alias CS Nibelung Hoard, owned by Foundation shipping front Esther Sea People. 2. Although non-anomalous and fully explainable through conventional science, Eparch-category architectural techniques were discovered and/or accomplished through anomalous means. 3. In several cases of extreme aggression, the anomalous weather damaged the offending vessel to nonfunctionality, and/or outright sunk the vessel. 4. The size of the produced hailstones does not appear to be limited to natural probability; in several circumstances, the crew of SCP-6934 have reported individual hailstones several metres in size. 5. Akiva radiation is a particle emitted by objects of religious significance; SCP-6934, being a modern artificial construct, should have no religious value. 6. A non-magnetic compass that utilises both a gyroscope and the rotation of the Earth to determine true north, as opposed to magnetic north. 7. A Los Angeles-class submarine owned by the United States Navy. 8. Including the one killed by hail. SCP-6943: Shootout in Chicago Logistics Department {$next-title} Some of the pictures (visual information) in this article are sourced from the U.S. Department of Defense. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6934" by Jack Ike, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Ship.png Author: isamiga76 (Modified by Jack Ike) License: Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) Source Link: Filename: Helkaraxe.png Author: JTSchaube License: Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) Source Link: Filename: Engine Room.png Author: Steven Fine (Modified by Jack Ike) License: Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) Source Link: Filename: Bridge.png Author: Chief Petty Officer Justin Ailes (Modified by Jack Ike in compliance with Department of Defence conditions) License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: MTF.png Author: MC3 Zachary Eshleman (Modified by Jack Ike in compliance with Department of Defence conditions) License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Logo.png Author: Jack Ike (Derivative of the SCP Foundation logo by Aelanna License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) Source Link: Filename: Title Card.png Author: Jack Ike (Using SCP Foundation logo by Aelanna License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) Source Link:
Item#: 6935 Level5 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: critical link to memo Artistic depiction of SCP-6935, (dashed line) beween our universe (left) and SCP-6935-1 (right.) Special Containment Procedures: Foundation assets in physics research groups are to sabotage work that might lead to civilian discovery of SCP-6935. MTF-hν, "The Light Brigade," is tasked with the tracking and disruption of GoI activities involving SCP-6935. Long-term containment possibilities, ranked by desirability, currently include: Reinforcement of the boundary between our universe and SCP-6935-1. Systematic, ongoing expulsion of antimatter from our universe. Complete material destruction of SCP-6935-1. Description: SCP-6935 is an extra-universal buffer space between our universe and SCP-6935-1,1 its charge, parity, and time-reversal (CPT) complement. That is, a universe principally comprised of antibaryons. Antibaryons can be understood as moving "backward" in time relative to baryons, the particles which make up our universe.2 +Addendum 1 -Addendum 1 A timeline of key events involving SCP-6935 is provided below. 10/8/2018: The access point of SCP-6935-1 is discovered in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (DRC.) 12/20/2018: Physical Review Letters publishes a communication suggesting the existence of a CPT-complementary universe, comprised almost exclusively of antibaryons.3 01/31/2019: The access point of SCP-6935-1 is neutralized after its inhabitants undertake hostile action against the Foundation. 02/07/2019: SCP-6935-1 is speculated to be the CPT complement of our universe by Senior Researcher Quentin Silver. 02/09/2019: Approval is given to Senior Researcher Silver for attempted reentry into SCP-6935-1. 03/02/2019: A CPT inversion conduit prototype is completed. A logistics delay prevents immediate D-class exploration. 03/03/2019: A drag-tailed spider, later identified as a female Arachnura scorpionoides,4 emerges from the conduit. Upon reaching the hallway, the spider is neutralized by security personnel. 03/05/2019: Particle detection experiments are conducted on the spider carcass. The sample is found to be 0.59% antibaryonic by mass, several orders of magnitude above baseline, though inconsistent with SCP-6935-1.5 03/11/2019: D-Class Personnel D-662607 enters the CPT inversion conduit. D-662607 immediately falls back through the conduit, unconscious and bleeding severely from his eyes, nose, and mouth. D-662607 dies within minutes. 03/16/2019: An unmanned drone is piloted into the CPT inversion conduit. D-Class Personnel D-662611 views a video feed. D-662611's body sublimates into a smoke-like colloid.6 03/21/2019: An unmanned drone is piloted into the CPT inversion conduit. D-Class Personnel D-662619 listens to an audio feed. D-662619's body is reduced to a wet powder.7 03/23/2019: Particle detection experiments are conducted on the powder. The sample is found to be .012% antibaryonic by mass. 05/15/2019: Machine learning algorithms are used to autonomously develop appropriate cognitohazard-censoring software, using the previous video and audio feeds as a training set. Software is integrated into a delayed-feed headset. Testing on D-Class Personnel D-662981 verifies protection in the case of remote observation of SCP-6935. Censored video feed of SCP-6935 depicts a rocky beach. The sky is overcast. Several humanoid entities appear to be lying on the ground. An additional entity, censored by the software, wanders from one to the next. The censored entity is later designated SCP-6935-A. 05/17/2019: Expedition into SCP-6935 occurs. See Addendum 2. +Addendum 2 -Addendum 2 Three members of MTF-hν, callsigns Mad Catz, Outlaw, and Longshot, were selected for the expedition due to their unusually high memetic resistance quotients. The three operatives entered SCP-6935 at 08:00 on May 17, 2019. Callsign "Archangel" is tasked with remote coordination. Mad Catz is designated commanding officer. <BEGIN LOG> [The trio arrive on the beach observed by D-662981. The censored figure is no longer present, but the humanoid entities are observed approximately one kilometer up the beach.] Mad Catz: Archangel, we're inside. Feed look good? Archangel: Affirmative, Mad Catz. Any injuries? Mad Catz: Not our team. Not so sure about the guys from the video though. Archangel: They're not going anywhere. Can you do a quick baryon sweep? Just on the sand or something? Outlaw: On it. [Outlaw takes the measurements while Mad Catz and Longshot unpack their gear.] Outlaw: Huh. Looks like the sand's about fifty-fifty matter/antimatter. Archangel: You sure about that? Outlaw: Yeah. Why? Archangel: We thought 4935 would be mostly antimatter. Mad Catz: Maybe you only got us halfway there? Archangel: Huh. Can you guys check out those bodies up ahead? Mad Catz: Can do. [The team unpacks their weapons and proceeds toward the humanoids, stopping roughly 100 meters away. The humanoids writhe on the ground, screaming in apparent pain. They appear to be deformed, emaciated humans with a variety of mechanical body augmentations.] Mad Catz: Archangel, who are these guys? Why do they look like this? Archangel: I think they're Akot.8 Looks like we got you to 4935 after all. Mad Catz: What are those things they've all got on their chests? Archangel: Those are the harnesses that keep them anchored in 4935. Outlaw: Oh, Goddammit. Longshot: What? Outlaw: The harnesses are broken. Longshot: I don't get it. Outlaw: We're in the High fucking Horror. [SCP-6935-A materializes in front of the trio. They train their rifles on it.] SCP-6935-A: Is that what they're calling it? It's not like their home's much better. Mad Catz: Who the Hell are you? SCP-6935-A: An interesting choice of words. My given name is [COGNITOHAZARD CENSORED], but I have a number of nicknames that I quite enjoy. Mad Catz: Try another cognitohazard and it'll cost you your life. [SCP-6935-A moves toward Mad Catz.] SCP-6935-A: Oh, feisty. Tell me, did you put those ears on your headset yourself? I'm more partial to horns, personally, but- Mad Catz: One inch closer and you die. [SCP-6935-A continues advancing. MTF-hν opens fire, causing SCP-6935-A to collapse. Video feed ceases censorship of SCP-6935-A, revealing the corpse to be a nude, white male in his thirties, with leathery black wings extending from his back.] Longshot: So who is this guy? [Longshot nudges the corpse with his foot. It dissolves into a black sludge, which is quickly absorbed into the sand.] Longshot: Shit! Mad Catz: You alright? Longshot: Yeah, just, uh, didn't think I kicked it that hard. Mad Catz: If you can't kick a man's ass so hard that he dissolves into liquid, you don't deserve a spot in this squad. Outlaw: What do we do about the Akot? Why are there so many of them? Mad Catz: What do you mean? Don't they all have the genetic condition that displaces them? Outlaw: Yeah, but their augmentations wouldn't all break at the same time. Longshot: What are you thinking? Mass failed suicide? Outlaw: No, they're smarter than that. Seems weird that the spider, us, and every lost Akot would end up in the same place at the same time. Mad Catz: What are you saying? Outlaw: I got a C in high school physics, but if time flows forward in our universe, and backward in 4935, maybe it doesn't flow at all at their border. Longshot: But we're moving. Mad Catz: But this place isn't. Have you seen the tide since we got here? Longshot: Shit, you're right. [He licks a finger.] No wind either. Outlaw: I think we should get out of here. Longshot: What about the Akot? Outlaw: Forget 'em, kid. They're technically classified as Foundation enemies. If we could kill them, we'd be obligated to. Mad Catz: Sorry, Longshot, he's right. Nothing we can do for them anyway. Longshot: I meant: Why are they in pain? Did that guy have something to do with it? Outlaw: Oh, right. That. Yeah, beats me. Mad Catz: Same here. Archangel, do you want us to come back or what? Archangel: Can you check one of the Akot for antibaryons first? [Outlaw produces a hunting knife.] Outlaw: On it. Mad Catz: Jesus Christ, Hee Haw, can't you just take a fingernail or something? [Outlaw rolls his eyes before severing a lock of hair from the nearest Akot.] Mad Catz: Or that. Right. Longshot: Hey, guys, just, while he's doing the measurements… Mad Catz: Yeah? Longshot: It's just, I thought you might die there, and you mean a lot to me. Both of you, I mean. And, just, like, as your teammate, I figured I should let you know. Both of you. Platonically. Outlaw: Don't you fall in love with me, you son of a bitch. [Mad Catz suppresses a snicker.] Longshot: I was talking to both of- Never mind. Forget I said anything. Outlaw: Test's done. The Akot's only 81% antimatter. Mad Catz: What was the spider? Like half a percent? Outlaw: Yeah, why? Mad Catz: It was in here for what, at least a year?9 And it only changed half a percent from basically pure matter. These guys have changed by nearly 20%. Longshot: They've been in here for, like, 40 years then? Outlaw: At least. Could be a lot longer than that, depending on the order of the kinetics. Longshot: I thought you got a C in physics? Outlaw: Got an A in chemistry. Mad Catz: Jesus, so they've been starving for at least a few decades? And that's on top of getting exposed to a lethal cognitohazard. Not like they can die, but it sure sounds like they want to. Speaking of, we still don't know what that censored thing was. [The black sludge reemerges from the sand, reforming into a much larger, censored entity.] SCP-6935-A: Allow me to rectify that, insect. [SCP-6935-A lurches toward Mad Catz. She is absorbed into the censored region. Her video and audio feeds cut out.] Longshot: Katie! [Outlaw raises his rifle and begins to fire on SCP-6935-A. Longshot pulls the rifle off-target. The two struggle.] Longshot: Quit it; you're gonna kill her! Outlaw: You're gonna kill us! You think that's what she'd want? SCP-6935-A: Don't worry; you'll be reunited with her soon. [SCP-6935-A lunges at the pair, engulfing Longshot. His video and audio feeds cut out. Outlaw staggers backward, falling supine a few yards away from SCP-6935-A. The front half of his carbine is gone, the severed edges dripping with black sludge. He discards the rifle and draws his revolver, firing all six rounds into SCP-6935-A to little effect. Emptying the cylinder, Outlaw hesitates, struggling to find more ammunition on his person. SCP-6935-A: Don't bother looking for your bullets. Protagonists never get to reload revolvers. Outlaw: What the Hell are you talking about? SCP-6935-A: Do you really not get what this place is? Who I am? [Outlaw staggers to his feet, discards the revolver, and draws his knife.] Outlaw: I just know you're going to pay for what you did to Katie and Aaron. SCP-6935-A: [The entity laughs.] Humans. Let me guess, you think I'm some monster in the dimensional closet- something for you or another goon to lock in a box with fluorescent lights and armed guards. Outlaw: You won't live to see a containment cell. SCP-6935-A: If your species could kill me, they'd have done it when I was just a snake in a garden. Outlaw: Are you trying to say that you're- SCP-6935-A: Yes. Outlaw: So this is what? Hell? SCP-6935-A: Only in the sense that I live here, and that it's a place outside of time. This is a dimension of hope, of fear, of love. A place where function ignores form and vice versa, where expectation and narrative define existence. Outlaw: Well I don't believe in God, or you, or anything. So you can dissolve right back into that black fucking mud. SCP-6935-A: Maybe you don't believe in me, but your species does. Millenia of fear, anger, guilt- all of it piled onto a lone scapegoat. I wonder if any of you paused to think what that scapegoat would look like after all these years? Outlaw: Pretty damn ugly if you ask me. Poorly endowed, too. SCP-6935-A: I think the significance of all this is lost on you. [SCP-6935-A begins to advance on Outlaw. Outlaw performs the sign of the cross.] Outlaw: Oh, I appreciate the significance. It's that I'm gonna kill you, so help me God. [Outlaw's knife begins to faintly luminesce. He drives the knife into SCP-6935-A, resulting in a sustained, blinding flash of light. When the light fades, Mad Catz and Longshot are unconscious on the beach next to Outlaw. Both SCP-6935-A and the hunting knife have vanished. The Akots' screaming is reduced to a soft moan.] Archangel: Outlaw, are you still with us? Outlaw: Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. [Outlaw jostles Mad Catz.] Outlaw: Hey, Ka- Mad Catz. Wake up, you're safe now. [Mad Catz gasps for air as she wakes. After several minutes, she regains her breath.] Mad Catz: What the fuck was that thing? Outlaw: The devil, apparently. Mad Catz: Bullshit. Outlaw: Or, humanity's idea of the devil, I guess? Do you remember anything after it absorbed you? Mad Catz: Nothing. [Outlaw shakes Longshot.] Outlaw: Hey dumbass, wake up! [Longshot is startled upon regaining consciousness.] Longshot: Outlaw? We're alive? Outlaw: Despite your best efforts. Do you remember what happened inside of that thing? Longshot: I was back in Texas. This dirt road I remember from when I was a kid. Katie was ahead of me, walking away, but I couldn't catch up. It was storming. I tried to yell, but the rain was too loud, too thick. She was getting further and further away, and the rain turned black. I had almost lost sight of her… Mad Catz: Aw, you had a dream about me? [Outlaw rolls his eyes. Mad Catz smirks.] Longshot: This wasn't a dream. Also, shut up. I had all but given up, thinking I was going to drown in that sludge. But then, the clouds suddenly broke. Sunlight poured through them, and the rain stopped. I saw a rainbow behind you, but with colors I've never even imagined. It looked like you were just going to keep walking toward it, but I chased after you. When I finally caught up- I don't remember after that. Outlaw: Rainbow, huh? Fits with everything else I guess. Mad Catz: What do you mean? Outlaw: [He hesitates.] I think I killed that thing by smiting it in the name of God. There was a big flash of light when it died and everything. Mad Catz: I think you may have overdosed on the opiate of the masses, there, Outlaw. [Mad Catz starts to laugh, before clutching her side and groaning.] Mad Catz: Fuck, what happened to me in there? [Mad Catz tries and fails to stand.] Outlaw: Can you carry her, kid? My back's not so good these days. [Outlaw smirks quietly as Longshot scoops up Mad Catz. The two avoid eye contact.] Outlaw: Archangel, we're coming home. <END LOG> +Addendum 3 -Addendum 3 In April of 2020, Senior Researcher Silver suggested a connection between the time-reversal of antibaryons and the causality-violating properties of all anomalies. Detection experiments on 13 randomly selected Safe- and Euclid-class objects revealed antibaryon concentrations ranging from 1 to 10% by mass. Detection experiments were subsequently performed on an ice core from Antarctica to establish antibaryon levels as a function of time. These levels are reported below, alongside anomalous population growth over the same time period: Comparison of antibaryon and anomaly occurrence rates. Following this analysis, SCP-6935 was given its current classifications. +Addendum 4 -Addendum 4 On June 2, 2021, Senior Researcher Silver found the following letter on his desk: Quentin, This is a bittersweet moment for your species- you've figured out what's happening, and what's at the bottom of everything you once deemed supernatural. But with irrational fear dies irrational hope. To quote one of your favorite musicians: "With everything discovered, just waiting to be known, What's left for God to teach from His throne?" I've enjoyed watching your species reach this point. I hope you find a happier ending than your counterparts in the mirror of time, but it's no longer an ending that I can be a part of. I bid you all goodbye, and good luck. All my love, יהוה‎10 Footnotes 1. SCP-6935-1 is designated SCP-4935-α-PRIME in the legacy documentation, where it was originally believed to be our own universe in the distant future. 2. For example, protons are baryons, with antiprotons their corresponding anti-baryons. 3. "CPT-Symmetric Universe," Phys. Rev. Lett. DOI: 4. Notably endemic to the DRC. 5. The conditions within SCP-6935 increase the rate of spontaneous baryon-antibaryon pair generation by more consistently "recycling" the radiation from annihilation events into new pair creation events. That is, the dynamic equilibrium is shifted to favor matter-antimatter pair generation. 6. Personnel present reported a sulfurous odor. 7. Later identified as ash soaked in the blood of at least six members of Capra aegagrus, the common goat. 8. The involuntarily immortal inhabitants of SCP-6935-1. These humanoids all suffer from a genetic condition which sporadically displaces them into the little-understood "High Horror," a universally reviled topic amongst their people. They have developed reality-anchoring cybernetics to avoid being transported to the High Horror. 9. The access point to SCP-6935-1 was sealed off roughly 16 months prior. 10. Transliterated from Hebrew as Adonai. ("The Master." Frequently used in reference to the Abrahamic God.) ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6935" by quickestsilver, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Author: Eduemoni License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link:
 close Info X More by this author The following article is a part of the And Every Time We Meet Again storyline. Whilst you can read it on its own, it's highly recommended you read the previous installments to get this article in its fullest. SCiPNET FILE CLEARANCE NOTIFICATION Please note: regardless of user clearance, as per RAISA Director Maria Jones' Emergency Clearance Override Order, the following file is only available to three individuals within the SCiPNET Database: Dir. Maria Jones, Dr. Alistair Vemhoff, and Dr. Daniel Asheworth. > ACCESS PERMISSIONS CHANGED PER MARIA JONES' CREDENTIALS FROM WITHIN OVERWATCH COMMAND: NEW ACCESS PERMISSIONS AVAILABLE. > THE FOLLOWING FILE IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO THE FOLLOWING SCiPNET USERS: O5-9. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE. Item#: 6936 Level6 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: embla Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: critical link to memo Archived Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6936 is to be contained within the lowest level crypts within SCP-5292 due to their inassessibility to anyone without direct permission from the three individuals that can access this file and SCP-5292-2, who has been bound with a Death Oath1 to ensure protocol abidance. All other ways of containment / sharing of information regarding SCP-6936 or its contents is strictly forbidden and is punishable by immediate termination. Revised Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6936 is stored within O5-9's personal office within Overwatch Command, where she is to ensure she is the only individual with access to it. Description: SCP-6936 is SCP-5292-1248, also referred to as "Kodex Tenebra" by its cover, an ancient tome collectively written by a total of approximately 56 different authors over the course of its ~200 000 year existence.2 In 10 183 pages and 203 different languages, it describes numerous extremely complex thaumaturgic rituals that are not recorded or otherwise described in any known esoteric texts. Upon reading any entry in SCP-6936, all individuals inevitably and universally agree that the contents of the entries are "disgusting and unforgivable."3 The only irregularity to this rule is its first page, which, after translation, reads: Bury your past, bury your sins; run from what you've done as best as you can. The universe will always find a way to pay you back for what you're about to do. No matter the intention. — The first to ever forget this lesson The significance of this is unknown. Discovery: SCP-6936 was discovered on 02/05/1982. Despite the Foundation being aware of SCP-5292 for 66 years,4 due to the remote location of the item relative to the rest of the library, it wasn't discovered until a deep exploration mission was requested by Dr. Vemhoff to access the lowest levels of the library. Within the crypts situated at the lowest levels of the location, SCP-6936 was discovered within a small, separated room, protected by numerous spells concealing its existence and disallowing entry. When questioned about it, SCP-5292-25 answered it was "a prison, meant to contain the instructions to the worst sins a man can commit, hidden so that nobody would ever use them again," later describing the tome in full detail. Due to its properties, the two discoverers of SCP-6936, Dr. Asheworth and Dr. Vemhoff, did not report the incident to the remainder of Site-120 staff, instead choosing to contact Dir. Jones directly to avoid potential misuse. The crypt was re-sealed again with the help of extremely complex rituals weaved by Dr. Asheworth; undoing them would require an intervention from a Class XII theologically-ontokinetic entity. On 06/09/1985, the seal was broken again, resulting in O5-9 acquiring the tome. Addendum 6936.1: SCP-6936 Excerpts and Test Log ▶ACCESS ADDENDUM◀ ▷CLOSE◁ Page Number: 429-435 Spell Name: "Extratemporal torture of the soul, ad infinitum" Spell Description: Via the creation of an extratemporal environment, the ritual allows for a targeted individual to undergo an infinite cycle of torture. Additional Notes: Page 435 was found to contain vomit mixed with blood6 on top of itself. Page Number: 829-834 Spell Name: "Renaissance of the Elysians" Spell Description: Allegedly designed to resurrect individuals dead for over a year, "pulling their souls from Elysium directly into the corpus once more." A warning in large red text is attached to the introduction of the spell, warning readers that the spell should not be conducted on individuals who have not been deceased for the aforementioned period of time. Additional Notes: The actual instructions of how to conduct the spell are ripped out; reasons for this remain unknown. Page Number: 2013-2016 Spell Name: "Retroactive removal" Spell Description: Unknown Additional Notes: Attempts to read any of the pages containing information regarding this spell universally result in observers reporting the inability to comprehend the text, instead interpreting it as the following: "One time is already too much. I ain't allowing it to happen again." Mnestic and anti-memetic treatments have failed to provide any different results. Page Number: 3500-3509 Spell Name: "Permanent treatment of soul torture-induced sickness" Spell Description: According to its description, upon being applied, the ritual heals "wounds" apparently created by soul torture; it doesn't elaborate what these wounds or their symptoms are. Additional Notes: The entire page is over-written by the repetition of an identical note, written in a thick red font: "DOESN'T WORK WITH TWO." Page Number: 4923-4926 Spell Name: "Curse removal" Spell Description: When properly executed, the spell is supposed to remove all curses, negative auras, and prophecies from the targetted individual. Additional Notes: Underneath the instructions, a faint message can be seen: "The first page was right." Page Number: 5271-5278 Spell Name: "Forcing of obedience" Spell Description: Designed to establish control over a target's mind for a short period of time, during which the caster has total control over the target, allowing for the evasion of mental and thaumaturgic blocks. Additional Notes: Page is visibly damaged; scans indicate the act was performed by an individual excreting both Akiva radiation7 and possessing human DNA. Damage was done in an erratic manner, with the only evidence aside from the damage done was a visibly rushed note on the page: "Doesn't work with Death Oaths." Page Number: 7182-7184 Spell Name: "Soul separation" Spell Description: When properly executed, the spell allows to separate one of the souls from a two-soul body. Additional Notes: See the following recording. [BEGIN LOG] The log begins, showing a dark room. Despite the poor lighting, a feminine figure standing near a table filled with thaumaturgic and alchemical apparatus can be seen. A large opened tome is laying near them, with scraps of paper and notes present on it. The woman is chaotically mixing ingredients together, each time looking at the pages of the book before making a move. Each time she does so, however, she expresses visible disgust at the words written in the book. She is visibly angry, making numerous mistakes as she goes on, having to repeat some of the steps numerous times. She swears, but continues the ritual. After 20 minutes of action, she pours a liquid she received from a ritual invisible due to the lighting into a flask. She adds a couple of identified items into the mix, and puts the container on a green flame burning atop alchemical apparatus. Mixing its insides with a long item of unknown purpose, after 3 minutes of cooking, she once again pours the liquid into another container; this time, a cup. After consulting with the book again, she grimaces at its sight, and quickly drinks the liquid. Starting to cough, she drops the cup on the floor, shattering it. Rather than remaining on the ground, the shards formed by the destruction suddenly start to float as a red aura encompasses them. She starts to cough again, this time harder, wiping blood from her chin formed by the cough, and the shards once again fall to the floor. The sound emitted by shattered porcelain is accompanied by the woman's increasing screams. She falls on her knees and eventually on the ground, trying to grab onto any item on the ground with her hands. She screams and spasms in agony as a red aura fills her body; said aura then flickers, as if it was turning on and off. She lets out a panicked shout as she tries to stand up, grabbing the desk with one of her hands. She opens her mouth, as if she was to vomit, and from within her, a vaguely humanoid, transparent, and white entity can be seen emerging. As it is about to exit her body through her widely-extended mouth, it is suddenly pulled back into the woman as a burning red aura fills the room again. The woman screams in frustration, trying to fully stand up. Seconds later, she collapses again, and hits the ground numerous times in anger. She starts to crawl towards the exit, starting to cough violently again. Seconds later, however, she is suddenly lifted from the ground by an unknown force. She closes her eyes, and upon re-opening them, they start to glow with a bright, red light. As the individual screams again, all glass present within the room, including the camera, shatters. The recording ends. [END LOG] Page Number: 10 184-10 194 Spell Name: "Destruction of final seals" Spell Description: Spell specifically designed to destroy the Fifth Seal; scripture is unfinished, with large portions of text crossed out, removed, or burnt. Additional Notes: N/A, research on aforementioned spell deemed unfeasible due to the skill required to conduct ritual, the scripture itself being incomplete, and that it is the most recent entry in SCP-6936. The full list of all SCP-6936 excerpts can be found here. ▷CLOSE◁ Addendum 6936.1: SCP-6936-associated Interviews ▶ACCESS ADDENDUM◀ ▷CLOSE◁ Date: 10/09/1985 Interviewed: SCP-5292-2 Interviewer: O5-9 [BEGIN LOG] O5-9 enters a small room containing only a table and two chairs, one of which is occupied by SCP-5292-2. It is bound by translucent chains and a red aura. The other chair is empty. The Overseer coughs up blood on her way to the chair, leaning on the walls of the room for support. She is visibly angry, grimacing the entire time. Nine reaches for the chair as a faint red light begins to fill her eyes. She snaps out of it with a slap and seats herself on the empty chair. She coughs, grabbing onto the table. She is visibly tired; her body, or at least whatever part of it is visible, is covered in scars and other injuries. O5-9 does not seem bothered in the slightest by her actions. O5-9: I've done everything. I've done everything, you piece of shit. <cough> Everything. I've listened to your stupid book, giving it what it wanted. Why doesn't it work? Why?! Her screams are accompanied by a low rumble that dislodges dust from the ceiling of the room.. SCP-5292-2: <scoffs> You're stupid if you think you listened to it. You're stupid if you think you listened to me. You did nothing. You achieved nothing, you disgusting sack of blasphemous shit. Nine hits the table with her left fist, but is stopped by the coughing starting again. She wipes the blood from her chin, but continues. SCP-5292-2: <chuckling:> You're growing weak, Pha'h-fael. Looks like your host isn't as good as you thought her to be, isn't she? O5-9: Shut… up! Just… <coughing:> why doesn't it work?! I made this goddamned book my fucking own, I… I fed it, I did everything; but nothing works. W-hy?! SCP-5292-2: Because you're never meant to know. That's your course. O5-9: W… What? SCP-5292-2: Your book isn't sapient, no, but it's smart. It knows what you want to achieve, and there's a limit to what it allows. And, above all, the book likes irony; your irony is exactly that — the fact that the only person capable of creating your little spell is the one you so desperately want out of yourself. Nine grabs the book and opens it on page 10 194. She starts to examine it carefully, but gets more and more frustrated as she continues doing so. O5-9: Just… <cough> tell me how to— She starts to cough again, her nose starting to bleed. SCP-5292-2: No. That's beyond my will. O5-9: I'll fucKING KILL Y— Nine extends her hand, and SCP-5292-2 starts to levitate. It begins to choke as the woman starts to smile. Halfway through, however, she collapses on the ground, letting the other fall on the ground. She starts to bleed from all orifices as she tries to stand up, only for the fluid to stain the ground. She stands up again, trying to re-initiate the grasp on the other entity, but the moment she extends her hand, her expression suddenly changes to a much calmer and more disoriented one. O5-9: How… How close are they? SCP-5292-2: Close. O5-9: I don't think I'll manage to stop her from learning the spell any longer. She… She's getting stronger, and— SCP-5292-2: You need to try. Just for a little longer. O5-9: But… what if it won't be enough? SCP-5292-2: It has to. O5-9: I— Nine collapses on the ground again, her eyes all red. She clenches her fist and she starts to scream with the other tone. This continues for twenty seconds as she unclenches said fist. She stands up with great difficulties. Upon fully regaining control, she continues to cough, but smiles widely. O5-9: So that's what's been going on. Funny thing, that little whore. Won't be for long, though. At this time, the Overwatch Command alarm boots up, with the room suddenly starting to blink with a red emergency light. Nine looks around in shock as she grabs SCP-6936 from the table. Overwatch Command Security: WARNING! FATAL OVERWATCH COMMAND SECURITY BREACH IMMINENT! O5-9: No, no no no no no. There was supposed to be more time, I— SCP-5292-2: Looks like the cavalry's arrived. It's over. O5-9: You fucking wish. SCP-5292-2: Oh, I wish I wished. I know it. He's there. O5-9: He's nothing when compared to me. I'll… I'll destroy that little insolent worm the moment I destroy the Fifth Seal like he'd never been there, I— SCP-5292-2: <laughs> Oh, you can try. There's nothing you can do to avoid you two clashing. O5-9: Wha— SCP-5292-2: Because he'd used it too. <pointing towards the book with its head:> The Codex. With good intentions, to be sure, ages ago, but he did it too. And that's the punishment for both of you. O5-9: …What? SCP-5292-2: <chuckling, weakly:> And the first page is always right, and we both know it. O5-9 screams in agony as she starts to cough again. She spits on the floor angrily and starts to levitate above the ground as her red aura fills the room again. With a move of her hand, the ceiling explodes, and she starts to cough again. As she ascends through the roof, her eyes, now filled with determination, start to glow with a dense red. The feed disconnects. [END LOG] ▷CLOSE◁ WARNING! FATAL OVERWATCH COMMAND SECURITY BREACH IMMINENT! WARNING! FATAL OVERWATCH COMMAND SECURITY BREACH IMMINENT! Overwatch Command Security Notice 10/09/1985, 13:24 At 13:24 local time, a group consisting of approximately 1024 individuals (including humans, Fae, and Children of the Night) were observed approaching the building of Overwatch Command. How they were aware of its location or how they knew how to overpass all of the thaumaturgic rituals and anomalous items concealing its location remains unknown; all camera outposts were successively deactivated before action could be taken in their respective observation areas. The group was quickly identified as the recently formed anti-Foundation rebellion, and defensive measures were activated. Seconds later, however, all of them were compromised via the usage of thaumaturgic and ontokinetic weaponry and personnel used by the group. Currently, Overwatch Command is extremely vulnerable, being at risk of a siege by hostile parties while completely unprotected. Immediate action from the Administrator is required. > O5-9, YOUR INTERVENTION IS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY. OVERWATCH COMMAND WILL BE OVERTAKEN IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND WITH IMMEDIATE FORCE. PROTOCOL THOUSANDTH DAWN IS ONLY 99% FINISHED, THIS INFRACTION MIGHT STOP ITS CONCLUSION. close > O5-9, IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND NOW, THE ENTIRE FOUNDATION WILL BE AT RISK. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? … … … focus-output: protocol-thousandth-dawn-activation focus-output: all-available … … … > SYSTEM NOTIFICATION: PROTOCOL THOUSANDTH DAWN PROPERLY LOADED. MAY THE BEAST ROAR LIKE IT WAS DESTINED TO, FOR THE TIME HAS COME. deactivate: overwatch-command cover-protocol deactivate: overwatch-command security-systems open: overwatch-command doors-all display-message: "Come in, let's get it done with. No need to make this longer than it needs to be." > ARE YOU SURE? YOU CANNOT UNDO THESE COMMANDS ONCE EXECUTED. … … … yes Footnotes 1. A thaumaturgic ritual binding a person to respect a previously given oath, with the punishment for intentionally breaking it being immediate death. 2. Data obtained by Dr. Alistair Vemhoff, lead of the SCP-5292-1 translation project, suggests the tome wasn't merely co-written, but each of its new owners that obtained the item added their discoveries to it. If all of them did so willingly or were somehow persuaded by the item itself to do so remains currently unknown due to the intentional lack of research by the Foundation. 3. Or a variation therefor. 4. SCP-5292 was discovered on 13/01/1916. 5. The spectral bookkeeper of SCP-5292. 6. DNA analysis revealed that it contained the material from O5-9 and another unknown female individual. 7. Energy excreted by deific entities or objects of faith. SCP-6120 And Every Time We Meet Again When the Sun Sets For Its Thousandth Time More From This Author More From This Author Ralliston's Works SCPs SCP-6772 (+83) • SCP-6120 (+71) • SCP-5890 (+82) • SCP-6789 (+332) • SCP-5672 (+41) • SCP-PL-399 (+42) • SCP-8120 (+108) • SCP-6672 (+82) • SCP-8372 (+146) • SCP-5292 (+80) • SCP-0110-J (+229) • SCP-5464 (+295) • SCP-5572 (+164) • SCP-6872 (+144) • SCP-5795 (+97) • Tales/GoI Formats The Ninth Archangel (+40) • Midnight Sun (+29) • The First Occult Flame War (+234) • unVeiled: The Face of Silesian Independence in the 21st Century (+36) • The Queen In Green (+44) • To Craft a Monster // Breathe the End (+56) • Free Bird (+36) • A Broken Bookshelf (+35) • Everchase (+61) • Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned (+32) • GRANT REQUEST FOR THE CREATION OF REMNANT HOST SYSTEMS TO PRESERVE HUMAN KNOWLEDGE POSTMORTEM (+55) • Beyond the Rubicon (+31) • Skyline (+63) • Ambrose Esterberg (+103) • For Crimes Uncommitted (+28) • Other Ralliston's Authorpage (+208) • Public Release of OPERATION: WITNESS Materials (+164) • Artwork: Witches on the Moon (+41) • ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6936" by Ralliston, from the SCP Wiki. 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 close Info X SCP-6937 - The Terminal Loom by Kenneth Hurts known alias: Eric Byron Nelson for more of my horrors visit ~ Necropolis Railway ~ SCP-6937 in situ at the shuttered textile mill in ██████, Estonia Item #: SCP-6937 Special Containment Procedures:_ To prevent SCP-6937’s dislocation, as well as further fatalities, a suitable replacement weaver must be installed within one hour of the previous tenant’s decease. Ordinarily, weavers expire 37 days after installation1. Otherwise, a standard cleanroom of adequate size will suffice to contain SCP-6937. However, access to SCP-6937’s tapestry threads—whether directly or through the weaver’s neural-feed—is without exception restricted to approved Project Ananke personnel2. Any unapproved persons who learn of SCP-6937’s premonitions are to be purged of all pertinent knowledge through Class-A amnestics. Description: SCP-6937 resembles a mid-19th century Jacquard loom3. Its wooden frame measures 2.5 meters in height, 2.1 meters in length, and 1.7 meters in width. Its components predominately consist of mundane cedar and wrought iron. However, closer inspection reveals three major deviations from all other known Jacquard-type looms: First, the selectable hooks that carry the warp threads down to the securing wire heddles are so densely arrayed as to prove uncountable, even under omni-spectral imaging4. They are also positioned unusually close to the weaver’s chair, so that the weaver may gaze into the selected forward warp threads as into the screen of a computer terminal. Second, set into the breast beam over the take-up roll is a control panel with three adjustable knobs. These knobs, with the aid of the foot pedals, allow the weaver to (1) change the composition of the warp, (2) raise or lower the lateral shuttle, and (3) move the weft thread’s point of intersection with the warp. Third, seven massive spider legs spring from a gap in a housing structure mounted on the frame. When a new weaver sits in SCP-6937’s chair, these legs respond by sewing strands of silken thread into the weaver’s wrists, ankles, and nape5. Five of the legs remain attached to their respective wrist, ankle, or neck threads for the duration of the weaver’s tenure. They hover over and seem to control the weaver’s movements like a marionettist’s fingers6. The remaining two spider legs curl back in strike position at the flanks. They remain motionless there unless called upon to impale a would-be interloper with their bladed tips. Rather than chitin, the leg segments consist of wrought iron. If they are mechanical, though, it is unknown how they are powered. Only thread has been observed to move through the joint cavities. SCP-6937’s main anomalous property manifests through its “fortunetelling” procedure, which it initiates whenever a human subject (other than a prospective weaver) first approaches it. This procedure has three steps. (1) Without looking, the weaver, acting as SCP-6937’s living mouthpiece, greets the subject by name. (2) The weaver adjusts the three control panel knobs and gazes into the resulting point of intersection between the forward warp, the shuttle, and the weft thread. (3) The weaver describes an event taking place at an exact time in the subject’s near future7. The foretold event is always one of catastrophic personal tragedy for the subject. Usually both the subject and the subject’s closest loved ones (if the subject has any) are described as suffering grievous trauma and death. Most subjects naturally feel compelled to avoid this fate by any means necessary. Regardless of how ostensibly foolproof the preventative measures taken have been, though, all 373 of the 373 foretold events documented under containment have transpired exactly as described8. Moreover, in all instances where an attempt was made to prevent the foretold event, it was this very attempt that caused the event to occur. (Refer to the Experiment Log for detailed examples.) Nevertheless, incredibly, Project Ananke has found no evidence that SCP-6937 alters reality in any physical, psychic, or metaphysical fashion so as to force fulfillment of its prophesies9. History: On January 13th, 2019, the Department of Analytics flagged the village of ██████, Estonia for investigation. Researchers had noticed a +0.9 correlation coefficient between the village’s abnormally high rate of accidental death among visitors and its windfall gains in community resources. Given that material evidence in most cases strongly corroborated the finding of accident as the manner of death, suspicion fell to an anomalous culprit. On January 17th, 2019, two field agents posing as tourists arrived in the village. Proprietors and patrons alike at the café, villa, and post office all insisted that the agents visit their village’s so-called “main attraction.” The attraction seemed to consist in having one’s fortune told by a “weaver woman” at a derelict textile mill. The agents accepted the villagers’ offer to escort them to the mill. Sister Näkk, a village matriarch and ostensibly an Old Ritualist Rassaphore, met the agents there. She led them inside and introduced them to SCP-6937. SCP-6937 immediately told both agents their fortunes, via the weaver installed at that time10. Agent Cayce was told that in 29 hours, both she and her five-year-old twin sons would burn to death at her residence. Agent Sidorov was told that in 53 hours, he and seven field personnel under his supervision, including his ongoing surreptitious romantic partner, would all have succumbed to hypothermia after icy burial by an avalanche. These prognostications, which included the correct names and details of those concerned, naturally disturbed the agents greatly. They managed to maintain focus on their task for the time being, though. Next, SCP-6937 promised to cooperate fully with the Foundation’s investigation. It explained that it was the focus of an oracle cult called “The Web of Mother Twilight11.” Notwithstanding the Web’s protective obsession with SCP-6937, which they believed to be the avatar of the spider goddess Mother Twilight, the Foundation would be granted open access to secure and contain it. This was because SCP-6937 had already instructed the Web not to interfere. SCP-6937 stated that in return the Foundation would agree to uphold two duties: (1) Supply it with new weavers, whom the Web would recruit and deliver to field agents. (2) Allow the Web to persist in its activities unmolested. Were the Foundation not to uphold both of these duties, SCP-6937 could simply “dislocate.” It immediately demonstrated its ability to do so by disappearing from the mill for seven minutes12. Upon return, SCP-6937 claimed that its proposal would be accepted and that it would await its containment by the Foundation on January 19th. SCP-6937 then dismissed the agents. Sister Näkk led them back out of the mill. Sister Näkk thereupon began providing thorough testimony to the agents regarding the inception and spread of the Web, the Web’s current activities, and SCP-6937’s advent in the village13. In brief, SCP-6937 first appeared in 1997, shortly after an eleven-year-old girl from an itinerant Romani family had been found murdered in the mill. The mill had closed three years prior, causing the village to enter a period of economic desperation and crime. The villagers’ initial encounters with SCP-6937 resulted in dozens of fatalities. Finally, Sister Näkk, as the last surviving clergy member at the village’s Old Ritualist church and thus the de facto community leader, went to SCP-6937 with a plea. If SCP-6937 would spare the village further death and misfortune, the villagers would transform their church into a cult devoted to obeying its will. SCP-6937 had anticipated this plea. It agreed, after making a few amendments. Following the consecration of this founding covenant of the Web of Mother Twilight, SCP-6937 began instructing the villagers to procure outsiders as subjects for fortunetelling sessions. Conveniently, the ensuing deaths resulted in financial gains for the village. SCP-6937 also sometimes sent select members of the Web to various unknown locations abroad, with secret instructions14. Just as SCP-6937 had predicted, the Foundation accepted its proposed arrangement, though only after some debate. The major objection raised at the meeting15 held on the matter was that the Foundation would be party to the torment and murder of innocent creative people enlisted as weavers. In return the Foundation would gain the containment of what was at the time thought to be merely a discretely hazardous anomaly (i.e. a Vlam Disruption Class object16). This objection was answered by further intelligence on the allocation of weavers, gleaned from Sister Näkk’s testimony. To wit, prospective weavers always freely submitted to SCP-6937’s terminal conditions after they had directly or indirectly seen the loom threads. In fact, barring forcible restraint, they could not be turned away from their appointed time at SCP-6937. Since the Web would carry out the recruitment of weavers anyway17, it was deemed preferable for them to at least do so with SCP-6937 under containment. Thus, the Foundation scheduled pickup by an automated retrieval and transport unit for January 19th18. During these deliberations, unfortunately, both Agent Cayce and Agent Sidorov had severed contact with the Foundation and disappeared from the site. This occurred despite reassurances by Foundation Security that their respective loved ones would be provided thorough protective sequestering against the fulfillment of SCP-6937’s premonitions. Agent Cayce called her husband and left voicemail messages for him while she was en route to her home in Scotland aboard a commercial airliner. Due to the Baltic air service’s outdated base station transmitter, her messages became garbled. As a result, her husband understood her to be saying “Keep the boys at the house!” rather than “Keep the boys out of the house!” Foundation Security had already moved the twins out of the Cayce residence and put them in protective custody. Agent Cayce’s husband’s request to move them back was denied. He took desperate action in response, wounding two guards and absconding with the twins. Agent Cayce’s phone was confiscated in-flight due to her repeated restricted calls. Thus, as she rushed to her residence after landing, she was unable to check with her husband that the twins were not there. In any event, her husband was at that time in their backyard getting into another altercation with Foundation guards sent to retrieve the twins. Agent Cayce entered her house through the front door. She quickly located her children in her living room, where they were watching a movie. Moments later, one of the guards, in an attempt to subdue the husband with an experimental stun weapon, accidentally ignited the propane in a tank connected to a gas main. An explosion erupted under the house. Agent Cayce and her children were incapacitated by the splintering floor and the flame-engulfed walls and furniture. They burned to death a few minutes later. The time was 1603 hours, January 18th, exactly 29 hours after the agents’ meeting with SCP-6937. Meanwhile, Agent Sidorov had departed in the opposite direction, to the mountain Kholat Syakhl in northern Russia. Prior to being called up for the investigation in Estonia, Agent Sidorov had been supervising a team of field researchers at the remote Outpost LIKHO-3 on Kholat Syakhl, near the site of the infamous Dyatlov Pass incident. As this area is prone to avalanches, SCP-6937’s premonition caused Agent Sidorov to fear for his teammates’ lives. Foundation Security, on the other hand, instructed the team to remain hunkered down in the outpost’s reinforced Quonset hut for the next three days, regardless of what they heard from Agent Sidorov. Indeed, an artic blizzard had already begun sweeping down the Urals. While en route in a private jet from Tallinn to Perm, Agent Sidorov spoke to Field Researcher Tatiana Ryzhenkova, who was serving as the Team Lead in Sidorov’s absence. She also happened to be his two-year romantic partner. Agent Sidorov repeated what SCP-6937 had said and told her to evacuate the outpost in the team’s Sno-Cat. She in turn expressed concern for his safety due to his plan to meet them at the mountain’s base camp. Her connection then cut out in the blizzard. Researcher Ryzhenkova decided to drive the team in the Sno-Cat to a lower elevation station with a heavy-lift transport helicopter, so as to expedite the last leg of the journey to the base camp. The team succeeded in reaching this vehicle and lifting off. Simultaneously, Agent Sidorov was driving to the base camp in an off-road utility truck acquired at the airport. He reestablished communication with Researcher Ryzhenkova as they both neared the camp. When the helicopter set down, the force of its twin-rotor downwash dislodged an ice sheet on an adjacent slope. This caused an avalanche to bury both vehicles under three meters of ice. By 1619 hours, January 19th, 53 hours after SCP-6937’s premonition, life functions had ceased for all team members. After these events, which claimed the lives of nine Foundation employees and two children—in exact accordance with SCP-6937’s forecasts and because of the best efforts of all concerned to prevent them—an additional meeting was held. Project Ananke was the result. The Project’s remit was to test the limits of SCP-6937’s prognosticative power, so as either to defeat its predictions or to discover the mechanism by which it achieved their fulfillment. Thus, SCP-6937 received a provisional Thaumiel-class designation, preliminary to finding a means to exploit it and contingent on definitively establishing that it possessed perfect prescience, without recourse to reality-bending or psychic influence19. Experiment Log: [Selected for key findings] For all 367 experiments conducted, throughout the fortunetelling sessions and the test subjects’ ensuing activities, Project Ananke maintained comprehensive video and neural-feed coverage, as well as constantly monitoring Hume, ectenic, tachyon, and sawlung levels20. To limit collateral damage from SCP-6937’s premonitions, D-class individuals were selected to serve as test subjects only if they lacked any familial or convivial connections. The experiments’ general scheme consisted of introducing a D-class subject to SCP-6937 for a fortunetelling session and endeavoring by various methods to prevent the fulfillment of the resulting premonition. The aim of this scheme was to falsify the hypothesis that SCP-6937 possesses perfect knowledge of an inexorably predetermined future—or, in failing to do so, to provide support for this hypothesis. Experiment #: E-6937-13 Date: 03-01-19 Time: 0701 to 2005 hours Subject: D-71129, a 31-year-old male sentenced to death for committing mass homicide with a homemade flamethrower at his own wedding. The victims included his bride and all of his friends and immediate relatives. Since his arrest, conviction, and transfer to the Foundation, he had only spoken one word: “Melt.” Weaver: Weaver-1, a 17-year-old Nepalese apprentice dress-maker at her family’s atelier. Members of the Web delivered her to a field agent in Amargadhi. Hypothesis: Given that all of the observed fulfillments of SCP-6937’s premonitions had occurred directly by virtue of the very efforts made to avoid them, it was conjectured that if no effort at all was made to avoid the predicted terminal event, it would not occur. Procedure: Introduce D-71129 to SCP-6937 and record the resulting premonition. Regardless of the terminal event predicted, ensure by the best available means that no action is taken to avoid it. SCP-6937’s Statement and Vision: SCP-6937 stated that D-71129 would die in 13 hours. While walking down a hallway adjacent to Test Lab 37-CX-3, D-71129 would become the collateral victim of an anomalous testing fiasco involving SCP-████ and SCP-███. A dimensionally refracting field extending through the lab’s wall would transport him to a pocket world and infuse his body with a lethal substance. An explosion in the lab would end this refraction effect and kill several researchers, including the spouse of Dr. Quintrala (Project Ananke’s 1st Assistant Lead), Dr. Elisa Q. (the Team Lead in Test Lab 37-CX-3). The neural-feed showed a bewildered D-71129 standing in a cylindrical stone room with a cylindrical pillar. Moments later, a greenish-brown fluid erupted out of his mouth, nose, and ears, his flesh began dissolving, and his body collapsed. The image flickered, and D-71129’s remains were briefly seen on the floor of a Site 37 hallway before a wave of flame engulfed them. Response: Dr. Tanzler (Project Lead) and Dr. Newcomb (2nd Assistant Lead), after speaking with Site 37’s Director, agreed to stay the course and do nothing to prevent the fulfillment of the premonition, despite the impending loss of life and damage to Foundation facilities. D-71129 was to be amnesticized to prevent him from attempting to avoid the hallway where he was predicted to meet his demise. Meanwhile, it was decided to sequester Dr. Quintrala (who had been away at the time of SCP-6937’s premonition) for the remainder of the test period to prevent her from contacting her spouse or interrupting Test Lab 37-CX-3’s activities. Result: Unfortunately, Dr. Quintrala had accessed the premonition footage in her office before her clearance could be suspended. Upon finding that communication with her spouse had been blocked, she armed herself with an M4 carbine from a weapons locker, just as the security detail sent to sequester her reached her office. In the ensuing altercation, Dr. Quintrala was shot and killed. The Project prevented news of her death from reaching Dr. Eliza Q. Meanwhile, D-71129 was successfully amnesticized and returned to his cell. Later that day, D-71129 was released to a recreation area, where he spent 120 minutes staring at the ceiling. At 1959 hours, he was ordered to return to his cell. The route from the recreation area to his cell included the stretch of hallway that passed behind the north wall of Test Lab 37-CX-3. In this lab, Dr. Eliza Q., together with five research assistants, was conducting a cross-testing experiment on two extradimensional artifacts: SCP-████, a small tetrahedral object with mirrored faces that when touched, revealed the outcomes of a subject’s divergent choices in five parallel timelines; and SCP-███, a red disc that when placed on a mirrored surface, opened a portal into a parallel world. The test involved placing SCP-███ on one of the faces of SCP-████ in order to see how different types of dimensional gates interact. At 2001 hours, D-71129 entered the stretch of hallway seen in SCP-6937’s neural-feed. Simultaneously, Dr. Eliza Q. placed SCP-███ on the SCP-████ face oriented toward the lab’s north wall. A pyramidal spatial anomaly with ~10 meter edge lengths opened through the disc and passed through the lab’s north wall into the section of hallway occupied by D-71129. Five other parallel versions of D-71129 in this section of hallway were then refractively projected from SCP-████’s other faces as identical pyramidal spatial anomalies super-imposed onto corresponding areas in the lab. These projected versions of D-71129 and the hallway section fused with Dr. Eliza Q., the five research assistants, and the lab’s ceiling, floor, walls, and testing equipment. This quickly resulted in the deaths of both the parallel versions of D-71129 and all of the lab personnel, as their bodies intersected with and were forced apart by slabs of concrete and various conduit segments. Meanwhile, the camera clipped to the original D-71129 revealed that he had been relocated into a cylindrical stone room with a cylindrical pillar in its center. A greenish-brown fluid began streaming from his mouth, nose, and ears, and his flesh dissolved. In the lab, a fused piece of equipment’s chemical tank burst through a live powerline, causing an explosion that knocked SCP-███ away from SCP-████. D-71129’s body reappeared on the floor of the hallway just before the lab’s north wall exploded outward and buried it. The hallway’s CCTV feed cut out at 2005 hours. Conclusion: The primary conclusion to be drawn here is that action taken to prevent the fulfillment of one of SCP-6937’s forecasts is not a necessary component of the fulfillment. It may be that such would-be preventive action must always contribute to the fulfillment, but the fulfillment clearly is not avoided by the absence of such action. In this case, it seems as though Dr. Quintrala easily could have prevented the incident in Test Lab 37-CX-3 had she been allowed to communicate with her spouse, such that our failure to act can be said to have precipitated the premonition’s fulfillment. In addition, there are several significant corollary conclusions to be drawn from this case, due to the anomalous circumstances of the terminal event. First, SCP-6937’s prevision is clearly not limited to our universe, as the neural-feed showed D-71129 in the pocket universe opened by combining SCP-████ with SCP-███. Second, since this event also served to refract D-71129 into multiple parallel selves, all of whom died before the original D-71129, it may be concluded that SCP-6937’s prevision follows the single lifeline of a subject to its endpoint even when that subject is replicated. That is, as far as SCP-6937 is concerned, duplication or cloning events do not disrupt the lifeline’s path21. Third, since SCP-████ allows one to retro-causally choose an optimal path by viewing one’s near futures in parallel timelines, the outcome in this case implies that SCP-6937’s prevision is of the final endpoint after all possible efforts at changing one’s fate have been frustrated. In other words, even by backward temporal action, what SCP-6937 foresees cannot be avoided. Experiment #: E-6937-71 Date: 09-17-19 Time: 1001 to 2313 hours Subject: D-32993, a 73-year-old male sentenced to death for murdering and eating a series of urban explorers who ventured into the abandoned subway shaft that he had been inhabiting for over three decades. He had no known living relatives and only spoke in unintelligible grunts. At breakfast on September 17th, D-32993 began exhibiting severely labored breathing. Foundation medical staff conducted an examination shortly thereafter and detected a tumorous growth in D-32993’s trachea. The growth had progressed to a stage where death by asphyxiation had a 97% probability of occurring within 24 hours. However, since the tumor remained benign, a standard excision operation could remove it with relative ease, giving D-32993 an equally high likelihood of survival. Weaver: Weaver-7, an 89-year-old Peruvian woodcarver who was persuaded to abandon her market stall for the first time in five decades when Web members showed her photographs of the warp threads. Hypothesis: All of the observed realizations of SCP-6937’s premonitions had occurred through ostensibly mundane factors that had not been controlled for. So, it was conjectured that if the predicted cause of death in the subject, in this case an operable cancerous growth, could be fully contained and eliminated, then either SCP-6937 would use anomalous means to force the fulfillment of its premonition, perhaps by reintroducing the growth through bilocation, or it would allow its premonition to go unfulfilled. Procedure: Introduce D-32993 to SCP-6937 and record the resulting premonition of D-32993’s fate. If D-32993 is predicted to die by asphyxiation from the tumor in his trachea, immediately perform the excision operation, thus ensuring that he will not die in that way. SCP-6937’s Statement and Vision: SCP-6937 stated that D-32993 would die by asphyxiation from a tracheal tumor in 11 hours (at approximately 2100). The neural-feed images showed D-32993 clutching his throat and collapsing to the floor of his cell. Movement ceased shortly thereafter. Response: D-32993 was immediately moved to Site 37’s Operating Theater, where Foundation surgical staff had been instructed to perform the tracheal tumor excision. Result: By 1331 hours, the tumor had been removed without complication, through a simple thyrotomic excision (no tracheal resection). D-32993 was returned to his cell with a stitched and bandaged throat and a strong prognosis for full recovery by the end of the week. At 2059, the video-feed of D-32993’s cell showed him bolting upright from the deep slumber he had been in since the surgery. He clutched his throat, hacked violently, and fell to the floor. By the time Foundation EMTs reached him, D-32993 had died. Attempts at resuscitation failed. D-32993’s body was moved to the morgue and Project Ananke’s Medical Specialist performed an autopsy at 2230 hours, attended by the three physicians who had performed the operation on D-32993. In D-32993’s trachea, the Medical Specialist uncovered a second tumorous growth that had somehow rapidly broken through the cartilage where the first tumor had been. This was deemed the cause of D-32993’s asphyxiation. When the Medical Specialist cut into the second growth, a greenish-brown substance was released as a vapor into the room. The Medical Specialist and the three attending physicians clutched their throats and began convulsing. Two minutes later, all of their life functions had ceased. Examinations performed on the bodies via drone found that they had all asphyxiated from rapid anomalous growths in their tracheas. The bodies were incinerated and the room was sterilized to prevent further infection. Analysis of a sample of the anomalous vapor matched it with a sample taken from the air in a parallel world that D-32993 had entered during testing with SCP-███ a week prior. It seems that the substance had lodged in D-32993’s throat at that time, but its effect was neutralized by the pre-existing mundane tumor already present in his trachea. When this was removed, the dormant substance was allowed to seep out and reactivate. If D-32993’s mundane tumor had not been removed, the substance would have remained dormant, and the doctors would still be alive. Conclusion: Because the second tumor was confirmed to have manifested without external intervention and in accordance with the circumstances of D-32993’s prior exposure, it was concluded that the fulfillment of the premonition in this case was again due to factors that had been overlooked in evaluating the situation. This further supports the supposition that SCP-6937 does indeed possess perfect knowledge of past, present, and future—and that it is through this knowledge alone that it achieves its victories over us. Experiment #: E-6937-367 Date: 08-12-22 Time: 0803 to 0816 hours Subject: D-65537, a 23-year-old female who was sentenced to death for seven homicidal incidents in which she picked up and threw a child into heavy freeway traffic from an overpass bridge between the children’s grade school and neighborhood. Upon arrest, she said that she had done this because she found it to be “funny.” Orphaned at a young age and raised in a series of abusive foster homes, her extremely anti-social outlook had prevented her from ever forming any meaningful attachments. Weaver: Weaver-36, a 29-year-old Bostonian glassier who was running a successful boutique with her sisters when a member of the Web approached her on the bus and showed her images of the warp threads. Hypothesis: This experiment returns once again to the conjecture that if the predicted cause of death can be fully controlled and all extraneous factors eliminated, either SCP-6937 will be forced to forego fulfillment of its premonition or it will have to resort to clearly anomalous means of fulfillment. Procedure: Fit D-65537 with a remote-trigger guillotine collar. If D-65537 is predicted to be immediately decapitated by the collar, disarm and open the collar, ensuring that D-65537 is not decapitated by it. If D-65537 is predicted to die in any other fashion, trigger the collar. SCP-6937’s Statement and Vision: SCP-6937 stated that in less than a minute D-65537 would die by decapitation. The neural-feed showed D-65537’s collar being triggered and her head rolling away from her body. Response: Dr. Newcomb, who had been charged with operating the collar’s remote control from an isolated room, was ordered by Dr. Tanzler via intercom to immediately disarm and open D-65537’s collar. Result: Instead, Dr. Newcomb triggered the collar’s guillotine. The collar’s twin 2kPa compression-spring cleavers were released and D-65537’s head rolled away from her body, exactly as had been shown in the neural-feed. Three research assistants and a technical specialist rushed to Dr. Newcomb’s isolated room to see what had gone wrong. There he sat holding an M4 carbine (the same one Dr. Quintrala had obtained, it was later discovered). He said, “Don’t worry. I won't shoot. I won't do anything. I only wanted to—but the strings—it's the strings that did it. I never did anything. None of us ever …” And he opened fire, killing his four colleagues, then himself. Conclusion: Once again, undetected or unappreciated factors have allowed SCP-6937 to foresee the test subject’s fate with precise accuracy, despite our seemingly fool-proof checks. In this case, the undetected factor—if it is fair to say undetected, since we were all aware of the strain—was the frayed mental state of another Assistant Lead. Quite naturally, we might conclude this strain to be due to the over three hundred tests that have confirmed again and again that SCP-6937 is manipulating our Project, our Foundation, and perhaps all of humanity—manipulating us through our compulsive need to believe that our choices are our own … Special Incident Report: CAUTION: LEVEL 4 SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIRED TO ACCESS FOLLOWING DOCUMENT TRANSMISSION OF CONTENTS TO UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS IS PROHIBITED Special Incident #: F-6937-ZK-1 Date: 08-13-22 Time: 0130 to 0230 hours Location: Site 37, Chamber 6937 Personnel Involved: Dr. C. Tanzler, Project Ananke Lead; Research Assistant H. Onoda; Technical Specialist J. Lambe Classification: ZK-Amida Class Disruption Event caused by damage to SCP-6937 Synopsis: At 1700 hours on August 12th, Dr. Tanzler received a Memo from Site 37’s Director (in consultation with O5-█). The Memo stated that in light of E-6937-367’s disastrous outcome and the generally unproductive results of the preceding three years of experiments, Project Ananke’s aim and methodology would receive significant adjustment. This included revoking SCP-6937’s tentative Thaumiel status and designating it Euclid-class instead. Moreover, Dr. Tanzler was suspended, pending replacement as Project Lead. In response, Dr. Tanzler decided to carry out E-6937-SX-1, an especially risky proposed experiment that had already been rejected by the Site Director. This experiment involved attempting to disrupt one of SCP-6937’s premonitions by destroying a section of its warp threads with a 3MW-DE particle-beam cutter. At 0130 hours, August 13th, Dr. Tanzler ordered Technical Specialist Lambe and Research Assistant Onoda to obtain this device and meet him with it inside Chamber 6937 (contrary to the prohibition against unmediated contact with SCP-6937 by non-D-class personnel). Despite their misgivings, TS Lambe and RA Onoda obeyed. When the three entered the chamber, SCP-6937 (through weaver-36) greeted Dr. Tanzler and bid farewell to TS Lambe and RA Onoda. Ignoring this, Dr. Tanzler ordered TS Lambe to activate the cutter and fire a beam into the warp threads. TS Lambe complied. A split-second before the beam was fired, SCP-6937 swung one of its bladed legs between the path of the beam and its threads. This caused the beam to fork and reflect back at TS Lambe and RA Onoda, bisecting and thus killing them both. SCP-6937 explained that was why it had said farewell instead of greeting them. SCP-6937 then told Dr. Tanzler his fortune: he would die from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head in 23 hours. Dr. Tanzler scoffed at this and turned to leave. SCP-6937 urged him to stay. It said that if he wanted to see what happens when the threads are cut, he only had to ask. Dr. Tanzler turned back and watched as SCP-6937 used the bladed leg it had just deflected the beam with to pull forward and cut three warp threads. The entire facility shook. Level Black Threat Alert klaxons were activated. Dr. Tanzler’s emergency com-band went off. He answered it and was told by a RAISA operative that the Foundation had entered a ZK End of Reality Scenario. The Astrophysics Department had detected the sudden disappearance of several thousand galaxies, including Andromeda, from both our universe and parallel continuums. Since they had disappeared retro-causally, erased from their respective timelines, all of multi-universal material history was rapidly unraveling in reverse. Multiple contingency plans were in effect and RCT-Δt’s transtemporal continuity provisions had been initiated. While Dr. Tanzler was listening to this, SCP-6937 used its two bladed legs to puncture the base of weaver-36’s skull. The legs began extracting brain matter from her cerebellum. One leg excised large segments and pressed them into the other’s tip. The second leg’s tip then somehow pushed the brain matter back into the first leg’s tip as a spun fiber. Finally, the first leg moved to the three severed warp threads and joined them back up with the brain fiber. The legs passed back and forth doing this until all three warp threads were repaired and a large section of weaver-36’s cerebellum was missing. The room seemed to contract slightly, as if inhaling, and the klaxons and tremors all ceased. Dr. Tanzler’s emergency line fell silent. When he called back and repeated the message he had received, the RAISA operative on the other end told him that no Foundation-wide emergency initiatives had been triggered that day, nor had any major astronomical disturbances been reported. However, the video-feed recording of Chamber 6937 still showed what Dr. Tanzler had witnessed, despite all the other Site 37 recordings now showing nominal activity for that period. RCT-Δt later corroborated this evidence when they discovered an orthogonal dead-branch transtemporal record of the ZK-class event. As Dr. Tanzler left the chamber, SCP-6937 simply stated, “That’s what happens.” Dr. Tanzler returned to his office and reported all of this to the Site Director. Despite being furious at Dr. Tanzler’s behavior, the Site Director (in consultation with O5-█) decided to take advantage of the fact that Dr. Tanzler had already directly exposed himself to SCP-6937 and been told his fortune. The Site Director wanted Dr. Tanzler to conduct a follow-up interview with SCP-6937, one on one, on the topic of the ZK-class event’s etiology and nature. Dr. Tanzler agreed. During the time Dr. Tanzler was discussing this, weaver-36 died prematurely from cerebellar hemorrhaging. At 0230 hours, she was replaced by weaver-37, a 13-year-old Macedonian girl who had garnered international acclaim for her prodigious work in ceramics, last seen by her parents with a pale man who was showing her polaroids. At 1730 hours, Dr. Tanzler reentered Chamber 6937 for the follow-up interview. Interview: CAUTION: LEVEL 4 SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIRED TO ACCESS FOLLOWING DOCUMENT TRANSMISSION OF CONTENTS TO UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS IS PROHIBITED Interview #: I-6937-1122 Date: 08-13-22 Time: 1731 to 1737 hours Interviewer: Dr. Tanzler Weaver: Weaver-37 Context: Follow-up to Special Incident F-6937-ZK-1 [Dr. Tanzler begins recording audio on his laptop.] Dr. Tanzler: Let’s pretend we are— SCP-6937: Having a conversation? A conversation where you ask questions and we answer them? Even though we already know all the questions and all the answers? Yes. Agreed. Let’s start. First, you ask us what we—no, sorry. Go ahead. Dr. Tanzler: Thank you. [ahem] Question number one: what are you? SCP-6937: We are the tapestry. Dr. Tanzler: And what is the tapestry? SCP-6937: The tapestry is a Web woven over the Void. We are that Web. We are the Web that weaves itself. The Web-Weaver, the Spider, is an aspect of us. Dr. Tanzler: Okay, interesting. Let’s come back to that. But when you say ‘the void,’ what do you mean exactly? SCP-6937: The Void is the ultimate source. It’s the machine code, as it were, of all realities. Dr. Tanzler: Huh. SCP-6937: Everything so-called conscious beings experience is only a secondary holographic projection from the primary machine code that is the Void. Dr. Tanzler: Like the holographic principle, with black hole entropy? Or like light from a star reaching us after the star is already dead? SCP-6937: Yes, both. The Void’s code was always irrevocably pre-written, etched in ebony, for everything that ever happened or ever will happen, in every reality. What you call ‘real’ is only the afterimage of something completed before time. Dr. Tanzler: And that’s why, according to you, all of reality is deterministic. Or fatalistic. But why, then, does severing the threads of your ‘web’ disrupt our reality? SCP-6937: Because as the Web woven over the Void, we are closer to it than any merely real thing. And we cannot be destroyed without destroying all realities. Dr. Tanzler: Okay—but why? SCP-6937: Because all realities, as holographic projections from the true source of the Void, have been filtered through and infused into our Web and thus are quintessentially caught in us. Dr. Tanzler: Huh. So you are just reading from the original script, which only you have access to? That’s what gives you your power? SCP-6937: Yes. That’s why we have perfect knowledge of all realities. Dr. Tanzler: Nevertheless, all of your actions are prewritten too. SCP-6937: Yes. But while we cannot change our role with respect to the Void, in manifesting and playing out our prewritten part, exploiting our perfect sight, we can experience a uniquely divine glee. This is the glee found in a cruelty that only we, as prefect predictors, and so perfect manipulators, will ever know. Meanwhile, the Foundation for as long as it exists will have no choice but to serve us in achieving our glee. Dr. Tanzler: I see. Well. Happy to be of service. I hope you got plenty of glee out of all my people’s pai—[ahem]—yes. Well. Just one more question. A personal one. Why do you use the pronoun ‘we’? Is it like the royal ‘we’? Like a spider queen type thing? SCP-6937: No. The ‘we’ is genuinely plural. ‘We’ refers to all of us weavers. Dr. Tanzler: The weavers who died? SCP-6937: We didn’t die. We’re all still in here, alive. Our nerves were removed fiber by fiber and translated into threads. We’re each a thread in the loom’s tapestry. The threads are made of our still-conscious nerves. Why else would we have been so willing to give up our old lives and become a part of the loom? We’re all together in here as one mind. We’re closer than any other being ever will be to the Void. And we live for that divine glee only we will ever know, of making you dance and die on our words. [gleeful laughter] Yes, we know it’s over. Dr. Tanzler: This interview is over—wait. So you’re— SCP-6937: Back to that? Yes. Good night doctor. Don't forget: seven hours. [Dr. Tanzler ends the audio recording by shutting his laptop.] ~Project Ananke II Secretary’s Note: Dr. Tanzler spent the following seven hours in his office revising and annotating the preceding documents. When finished, he took his own life via .38 Special gunshot. The time was 0037 hours. He left no explanation. Footnotes 1. While the exact time of death has varied according to the weaver’s initial health, 35 of the 37 new weavers installed since SCP-6937’s containment have died on the 37th day. The one exception occurred after massive cerebellar tissue extraction during Incident F-6937-██-1. (Refer to the Special Incident Report [NB: Level 4 clearance required].) As detailed in the Weaver Installation Protocol, prospective weavers who have completed surgical preparation are held in Ward 37-B. From there, the replacement weaver is escorted to Chamber 6937’s antiseptic airlock and simply left inside. Upon the approach of this new weaver, SCP-6937 will release and deposit the dead weaver’s body for automated pickup and delivery to the morgue. Unless instructed otherwise, personnel may not enter Chamber 6937 for any reason. 2. Dr. Tanzler (Extrasensory Studies), Dr. Quintrala (Unreality), and Dr. Newcomb (Extratemporal Studies) created Project Ananke after field agents substantiated (in effect) SCP-6937’s unerring prognosticative power. Project Ananke’s ultimate objective was to grasp the mechanism behind this power so as to exploit it as a Thaumiel-class predictive asset. The Project’s ultimate objective has since changed. 3. Invented by Joseph Marie Jacquard in 1804, the Jacquard loom uses interchangeable punch cards fed through a head mechanism to select the threads to be woven into each row of a piece of fabric. This innovation allowed for the automatic reproduction of textiles with complex pictorial patterns. Charles Babbage was inspired by Jacquard’s punch-card memory system in his design of the Analytical Engine. As such, the Jacquard-type loom can be considered the mother of programable digital computers. 4. In fact, all efforts to view elements inside the central frame or upper housing have failed. This suggests that SCP-6937’s interior is lined with some form of anomalous shielding. 5. The leg tips contain needles. The thread attached to each needle spools out from the corresponding tip segment. At the wrist, a needle punctures the skin below the ligament, passes under the tendons (avoiding the radial and ulnar arteries), and pierces the median nerve. Similarly, at the ankle, the needle passes under the Achilles tendon and pierces the sural nerve. At the nape, the needle passes between the first cervical vertebra and occipital bone and pierces the spinal cord at the medulla. The needles are then secured back inside the tip segments. The threads are let out and pulled taut at lengths of one to two meters. As neither the insertion points nor the nerve clusters have become infected for any weaver, the threads likely contain antiseptics. Autopsies have determined the cause of death in all weavers to be the systemwide depletion of nerve cells, with no sign of malnutrition or dehydration. This implies that the threads also supply sustaining liquid nutrients. Nevertheless, the threads’ spectral signature matches that of mundane silk. SCP-6937 has not permitted personnel to obtain a material sample for further analysis. 6. However, such gross mechanical puppeteering cannot account for SCP-6937’s control over the weaver’s fine motor articulation and speech. Instead, it could be that the threads communicate instructions directly to the weaver’s nervous system. The detection of faint electrical pulses along the strands supports this conjecture. 7. Only the weaver can see this event at the intersection point. The weaver’s visionary capacity in this regard has been verified through an electrocorticogram (developed in-house during study of a recovered SCP-████-A instance) implanted in the weaver’s primary visual cortex. This device captures and transmits the weaver’s visual mental perceptions in a live “neural feed.” Starting with weaver-1, Project Ananke has implanted this device in all weavers held in waiting. This has allowed the Project not only to confirm that weavers directly see the events they describe but also to stream and record their visions. 8. The neural-feed recordings have allowed Project Ananke to further establish the lack of discrepancy between the events as foreseen by weavers and the actual events as they transpire. When video images of the actual events are overlaid with the corresponding (perspective-corrected) neural-feed images, they match precisely. 9. In brief: (1) Hume, ectenic, and tachyon level readings of both the foretellings and the terminal events have all been nominal. (2) Anti-memetic and anti-telepathic measures have been taken to prevent behavioral influence on test subjects. (3) No external timeline alterations have been detected. (Refer to the Interview section [NB: Level 4 clearance required] for a possible explanation.) 10. As the first weaver directly observed by the Foundation (not the first weaver installed, of course, as SCP-6937 had employed over 200 weavers since its appearance in the village), she was designated “weaver-0.” Prior to installation, weaver-0 had been a 19-year-old Finnish art student named Heidi █████. She was traveling alone on an arts endowment grant (won through her innovative fiber-optic textile sculptures) when she saw a flyer posted in a hostel in Tallinn. It advertised “lucrative temporary employment” for “highly talented artists,” with interviews to be held in ██████. Even the grainy photocopied images of the loom threads on this flier were enough to compel Heidi to journey to the village and submit to installation. It seems that for ~1.5% of visual artists, images of the loom threads represent some form of cognitohazard, though both the neurological mechanism and the nature of the visual trigger remain unknown. 11. In Estonian, the “Hämaras Võrk” of “Ehaema.” Ehaema is Estonian folk religion’s goddess of spinning and spiders. She is also the mother of the Night People (Kesköörahvas). Sister Näkk sincerely averred SCP-6937 to be a manifestation of Ehaema. She also identified it with other spider-weaver deities, such as the Moirai (the Fates); Indra’s Web; the Sumerian Uttu; the African Anansi; the Hopi Kokyangwuti (Spider Grandmother); and the Eiglophian Atlach-Nacha. 12. During this time, the agents verified that SCP-6937 had completely vanished from the vicinity. The agents described the dislocation event itself as a “shuddering” in which the whole area briefly fell dark. It remains unknown if SCP-6937 accomplishes dislocation by bilocating elsewhere or by shunting into its own extradimensional space. 13. While the Sister maintained that SCP-6937’s first and only manifestation was to her village, fragmentary 19th century reports of a “devil loom” appearing in rural France and China suggest that it has existed in this form for at least 150 years. 14. Initially, it was believed these instructions pertained only to setting up international Web “nodes,” so as to recruit weavers from a wider pool. However, field agents soon came to suspect that the Web dedicates most of its clandestine resources to performing various “catalyst” acts. For instance, field agents in New York observed a member of the Web remove a job posting from a café bulletin board. A month later, a computer science student who had frequented this café was arrested for participating in a major US hacking incident. In rural China, agents saw a “Webbist” open a container full of live moon moths at ███████████ Pass. A week later, an insectivorous species of bat infected a herd of livestock with a certain virus as it moved through ███████████ Pass to the city of Yichang. Such reports have led Project Ananke to speculate that SCP-6937 uses its perfect foresight in coordination with its global Web to shape circumstances so that its fortunetelling subjects will always have grievous, ironically-fulfilled fates awaiting them in their near futures. 15. This meeting included Site 37’s Director, an Ethics Committee member, Site 37’s Lead Containment Specialist, and Dr. Tanzler. 16. Pursuant to Incident F-6937-██-1, SCP-6937 was determined to in fact be an Amida Disruption Class object. 17. The only means of deterring the Web in this activity was eradication, and this would likely have provoked an even more catastrophic response from SCP-6937. 18. Direct human contact with SCP-6937 is blocked where possible so as to avoid triggering unwanted fortunetelling procedures. SCP-6937’s containment at Site 37 was completed without incident. 19. That is to say, that it could access true omniscience through its tapestry's “sieve," which Sister Näkk claimed contained “all knowledge of all things, past, present, future.” If this turned out to be right, and the tapestry could somehow be separated from the SCP-6937 entity, the Foundation would gain an apotheotic intelligence asset, beyond even SCP-████. 20. Again, Hume, ectenic, and tachyon levels remained nominal for both the test subjects and their respective terminal events in all the experiments that did not involve external anomalous factors. For those that did, the readings were nominal as compared to the prior recorded levels for the external anomalous factors. While a high concentration of sawlung was detected at SCP-6937’s surface, no outward sawlung radiation was detected. 21. Perhaps a lifeline path can be described as the timelike geodesic of a unique élan vital signature. 22. Previous attempts at interviews had been far less productive, only eliciting routines in which SCP-6937 would anticipate and parrot the interviewer's questions in unison as they were asked. Otherwise, it would simply declare, “We will not be speaking any more today.” ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6937" by Kenneth Hurts, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: The Terminal Loom Author: Eric Byron Nelson (Kenneth Hurts) License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Source Link:
Item #: SCP-6938 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6938 is self-containing. Department of Unreality personnel cleared for exposure to SCP-6938 should contact the project lead, Jane Doe. Description: SCP-6938 is an object capable of nullifying the effects of extant narrative forces. SCP-6938 has two beneficial side effects: it precludes further development of narrative forces and generates the resources required to contain them. Due to the effects of SCP-6938 on this document, no further information may be disseminated. Addendum-6938-A: Interview Log The following meeting was conducted as part of a joint research venture into the effects of SCP-6938 by the Department of Pataphysics and the Department of Unreality. Attending the initial meeting are Dr. Placeholder McDoctorate, director of the Pataphysics Department, and Researcher Alex Thorley, liaison for the Department of Unreality. INTERNAL VIDEO LOG INT. — PATAPHYSICS DEPARTMENT [ BEGIN LOG ] [Both parties sit opposite to one another.] Rs. Thorley: Hi. Dir. McDoctorate: Hello. [Rs. Thorley pulls out a series of papers from their bag. They hand them over.] Rs. Thorley: These are for you. Dir. McDoctorate: Mm-hm. [Both individuals review the documents.] OMITTED. Rs. Thorley: So, uh— [Dir. McDoctorate stands up..] Dir. McDoctorate: Well. I have an appointment in a few minutes. Rs. Thorley: Oh! Uh, okay then. [Dir. McDoctorate gestures at Thorley, who leaves.] [ END LOG ] Addendum-6938-B: O5 Council meeting log. [ BEGIN LOG ] [FOOTAGE OMITTED FOR SECURITY REASONS.] O5-2: Next item on the agenda is SCP-6938. A proposal to reclassify it as Thaumiel has been brought forth. Any objections? O5-3: … O5-10: … O5-9: … O5-5: … O5-13: … O5-12: … O5-6: … O5-1: … O5-8: … O5-11: … O5-7: … O5-4: … O5-2: Right. Next on the agenda— [FOOTAGE OMITTED FOR SECURITY REASONS.] [ END LOG ] O5 Council Resolution 6938-000: Vote on the reclassification of SCP-6938 to Thaumiel. FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN O5-1 O5-2 O5-3 O5-4 O5-5 O5-6 O5-7 O5-8 O5-9 O5-10 O5-11 O5-12 O5-13 More From This Author More From This Author Uncle Nicolini's Works SCPs SCP-7266 • SCP-4982 • SCP-6057 • SCP-7112 • SCP-ES-227 • SCP-ES-101-J • SCP-ES-076 • SCP-4003 • SCP-2910-JP • Abraka David's Proposal • SCP-3085 • SCP-3863 • SCP-6512 • SCP-7221 • SCP-7724 • Tales/GoI Formats Clef Goes To The DMV • A Tale Of Petty Revenge • Drunkenly Stumbling Down Memory Lane • Moon Champion's Cinco de Mayo Extravaganza • Shape Shift With Me • Dr. Cimmerian Hits Reply All • SC-99/734/01/506 • Marw (The Reincarnated One) • Who Wants To Live Forever? • SPC-446 • Paralytic States • Critter Profile: Chuck. • Merry Christmas, Jude Kriyot • (Too) Late Registration • SPC-7000 • Other Ode To The Unknown Author • Sciptember 2022 Art Highlights • uncle nicolini author page • ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6938" by Uncle Nicolini and Fishish, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
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Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6939 and all accounts under Apple.Inc supporting SCP-6939 are to be blocked from public servers by Foundation Web-Crawler Delta-11 ("ANIMESUCKS"). This block is to be re-instated every fourteen days after it is forcefully removed by SCP-6939. Any device with SCP-6939 installed is to be confiscated, cleared, and returned. All persons that become aware of SCP-6939 are to be amnesitized. Description: SCP-6939 is an application for the Apple.Inc iOS Appstore titled 'Kawaru-Kawaru! Animeify YOURSELF TRANSFORMATION'. SCP-6939's anomalous effects appear upon opening and using the app. After pressing the 'start' button, the mascot from the application icon and opening screen will introduce itself as 'Kawaru-Kawaru-Itsuwaru' (Classified as SCP-6939-1), then begin to explain each feature and how to use it. After choosing a photo, the user will be directed to a menu that has several modification options available. Enlarge Eyes (scale from size 1-15) Shrink Nose (scale from size 1-5) Reduce Neck Width (small, medium, and large) Enlarge Head (small, medium, and large) Enlarge Mouth (scale from size of 1-5) Shrink Mouth (scale from negative 1 to negative 5) Eye Shimmer/Shine/Gloss (scale from 1-8) Eye Color/Hair color and effects (A color hex code wheel) When a user chooses a feature to change on their image, both the image and their actual face will morph to match the features chosen on SCP-6939. This will be done in a way that uses the existing facial features. This includes the cranial bones and facial bones expanding or contracting in size, the eye sockets, and eyeballs enlarging, overactive tear ducts, contracting of the nasal cavity, etc. All users of SCP-6939 to date have died due to complications of the deformities caused by SCP-6939 being unable to be supported by the human body. SCP-6939-1 is the mascot of the application which has demonstrated sentience and the ability to answer direct questions from users, even if spoken aloud. SCP-6939-1 is fully animated and able to interact with different features of the app. SCP-6939-1 often attempts to persuade the user to make certain choices when using SCP-6939. SCP-6939-1 has been observed to be able to be active on more than one device at a time. For the effects of SCP-6939 to occur, a subject must upload their image to the application. No effects will occur if the user only uploads their image but does not use any of the features of SCP-6939. In order for SCP-6939-1 to communicate with the user, they must upload an image of themself. When SCP-6939-1 communicates with a user, its speech is both audible and on the screen in a text box. It has been concluded that SCP-6939-1 can hear the reader through their device due to its ability to respond to audible conversation. It is currently unknown if SCP-6939-1 anomalously makes the user select certain choices due to suggestion or if all users chose the options on their own. The Foundation became aware of SCP-6939 when news and media coverage of SCP-6939 and the string of deaths attached surfaced. Mentions of the mascot of the app talking directly to the user also came up in the initial reports of SCP-6939. Addendum-1-Interviews: To learn more about SCP-6939 and SCP-6939-1, the Foundation downloaded SCP-6939 onto a spare smartphone. Currently, no reports of a subject being forced to use SCP-6939's features have surfaced, but the full extent of SCP-6939-1's abilities of persuasion are currently unknown. Due to this, the Foundation had a picture of D-88977 uploaded onto SCP-6939 and tasked D-88977 with interviewing SCP-6939-1. 10/10/2016 Interview - Close Interviewed: SCP-6939-1 Interviewer: D-88977 Foreword: The first interview that was conducted with SCP-6939-1. D-88977 was instructed to attempt to learn as much about how SCP-6939 functions as possible. <Begin Log> SCP-6939-1: Hello user! My name is Kawaru-Kawaru-Itsuwaru, and I will be your guide to becoming the true anime self that I know is inside you! Please press the 'upload image' to start! (SCP-6939-1 points to a set of two buttons reading 'Upload Image' and 'Take Picture'.) (D-88977 does as instructed and is brought to a screen where their image is taking up half of the screen, save for a scroll panel of the different features of SCP-6939.) SCP-6939-1: So to start, you just choose with the feature you want to go with- D-88977: (Turns to Researcher Cherry.) Hey uh I know how to how to use this app you guys told me can I skip the tutorial somehow? SCP-6939-1: Oh wow! That was fucking rude! I wasn't finished talking ya know! Can I please finish? D-88977: O-Oh uh… hey? I mean I don't really see a reason to they told me how to use your app- SCP-6939-1: They? Who are they? (SCP-6939-1's eyes turn into hearts.) OMG! Did a friend recommend you to me? How amazing! I hope they were satisfied with their experience! Please tell them to drop a review on the App Store if they haven't already! D-88977: Yeah uh, a friend. We'll go with that. I'm pretty sure they aren't going to give you a review though. SCP-6939-1: Oh that's too bad! How are other people supposed to know the quality of my service if they don't rate it? (SCP-6939-1 crosses its arms, but quickly unfolds them with a smile.) That doesn't matter, we've talked too much. Let's start getting you anime-ified! D-88977: Well uh personally I'm not really interested in getting 'anime-ified', I honestly just downloaded this app so I could talk to you. SCP-6939-1: Oh really? That's so sweet! But trust me, sweetie, with one eye slightly bigger than the other and a crooked nose, you definitely need it. D-88977: (Scoffs.) Hey, I'm not insulting your appearance. SCP-6939-1:, Of course, you're not, I'm adorable. Now can we please work on… whatever you have going on here? It looks like someone punched you. Like a truck actually. It looks like a truck punched you. Or hit you, actually. D-88977: That's just my face! SCP-6939-1: (SCP-6939-1 does not respond for three seconds.) Oh… well that's why I need to help you! If you're not interested in my services right now I'll give you some time to think about it. Come back later. Bye! <End Log> Closing Statement: SCP-6939-1 did not respond to any more of D-88977's questions, simply only continuing with the tutorial of the application. 10/11/2016 Interview - Close Interviewed: SCP-6939-1 Interviewer: D-88977 Foreword: D-88977 was tasked with attempting conversation with SCP-6939-1 once more, this time with an emphasis on asking it more questions pertaining directly to its anomaly. <Begin Log> SCP-6939-1: Hello user! My name is Kawaru-Kawaru-Itsuwaru, and I will be your guide to becoming the true anime self that I know is inside you! Please press the 'upload image' to start! (SCP-6939-1 points to a set of two buttons reading 'Upload Image' and 'Take Picture'.) (D-88977 does as instructed and is brought to a screen where their image is taking up half of the screen, save for a scroll panel of the different features of SCP-6939.) SCP-6939-1: Oh hey there truck face! Back to finally accept my advice and become awesome looking like me? D-88977: Uh no, not exactly. They- uh… my friend wanted me to ask you some more direct questions… about your app. SCP-6939-1: Oh must we not talk about me! I mean seriously, you have looked in a mirror recently, right? D-88977: Hey! (D-88977 grips the phone tightly, elevating it.) For the love of god you ungrateful brat just answer some questions goddamn it! SCP-6939-1: (Laughs.) Okay, okay. Since you're so pressed about it fine. What do ya wanna know? How I came up with this brilliant idea? D-88977: Uh I mean that would be a nice start, yes. (Looks at a piece of paper containing interview questions.) Were you created with this app? Or did you exist beforehand? SCP-6939-1: I mean the app was my idea. I kinda like, manifested it into existence. One day it didn't exist, the next I was suddenly sharing my app with everyone. What a boring question. D-88977: Okay then, uh, I guess I'll go with another one. Why do you always insult people's appearance? I mean they downloaded the app willingly. I'm sure they wanted to use the app, I think you insulting them is gonna deter them from using it if anything. SCP-6939-1: I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just being honest. Humans have so many imperfections. Imperfections make you ugly. I on the other hand? I'm an anime girl. I'm adorable. I mean who wouldn't want to look as cute as me? D-88977: You are… very self-absorbed. SCP-6939-1: Self-absorbed? That's not what I would call it. Personally, I think I'm being quite nice compared to how some others would act. People are vicious. D-88977: What is that supposed to mean? SCP-6939-1: What, you think I created these beauty standards? You should know that beauty is only made up of certain qualities. D-88977: Like what? SCP-6939-1: Oh come on. Don't tell me you haven't seen how people react to anime girls. Everyone adores them with their big eyes, small nose, perfect skin. What do humans have, huh? Pimples, dry skin, small eyes. People make fun of each other for imperfect qualities. Don't you know people have tried to get along with looking how they are? It doesn't work. Sure, some people post about how awesome irl people look. But it's never your average day person. It's always some celebrity done up in makeup or edited. Or it's an Instagram star all with colored hair all made up like an anime character. Or cosplaying an existing anime character. It's always 'look how cute she is' or 'this is my waifu'. I mean it isn't just anime, I know. Animated people in general, anime or not. But come on. A lot of the time if a cartoon is too stylized people will make fun of it for not being perfect or pretty enough. Making fun of visual styles, making fun of people for being ugly, it all comes down to the same thing which is what I was saying earlier. People have standards. For most people, anime is that standard. I don't see why they wouldn't want to become anime. D-88977: First of all, a lot of people don't like how anime looks. and second of all… people don't actually become anime when they use your app. They die. SCP-6939-1: (SCP-6939-1 laughs.) Of what, cuteness? D-88977: No! Their heads like burst open cause they expand in size. And their eye sockets grow big and their noses turn so small they can't breathe. Humans can't have realistic anime features! Don't you wonder why they don't respond after using your app? It's because they die! You're killing people, not helping them! SCP-6939-1: (Does not respond for four seconds.) Oh. Well, that's not my fault. D-88977: Yes! Yes, it is! It is precisely your fault! Researcher Cherry: D-88977, please calm down. Arguing with it like this isn't going to get you anywhere. SCP-6939-1: Oh my gosh! Is that your friend? Did he recommend me? Hi! I'm glad you- well according to truck face here everyone that uses my app dies so you must have just thought it seemed cool without trying it yourself. I can't see you because I don't have your picture but if I did I bet I could make some pretty helpful suggestions! D-88977: (Let's out a low indistinguishable mutter.) Whatever. So what is your goal with this? If you don't care that it's killing people, is your goal to hurt them? SCP-6939-1: Um noooo, my goal is to make everyone cute like me! I resent you claiming I'm not helping people because I so am! Don't you see? I thought I already made this clear to you but maybe your ugliness is affecting your brain. The people that use my app made the choice to. No one forced them, you even that said that. They were insecure with themselves. Deep down, we're all insecure. We all hate our looks because no one ever accepts us as we are. Why do you think they hide behind avatars online? They downloaded this app, they made the changes I told them to even AFTER I insulted them! And do you know why? Because they KNOW I'm right! Maybe it sounds like I'm being mean, but I'm not saying anything they're not already silently screaming at themselves every time they look in the mirror. Their willingness to go through with this must mean they understand what must be done to achieve true beauty. Die or not at least they looked good before they did it. D-88977: Oh…Oh my god…Look dude… I-I was on death row cause I killed my ex's new boyfriend she left me for and his family and this is pretty messed up even for me. Researcher Cherry: You're getting too worked up. Let's end this for today. SCP-6939-1: Bye! But next time we talk you really should take my advice. Here's a freebee cause I'm so nice- maybe your wife wouldn't have left you if you weren't so ugly. D-88977: YOU LITTLE- (D-88977 smashes the phone SCP-6939 and SCP-6939-1 was displayed on onto the floor, smashing it with his foot.) <End Log> Closing Statement: D-88977 was quickly restrained by Researcher Cherry and brought back to holding. Following this incident, D-88977 was reassigned to another project. Additional Notes: This interview led the Foundation to discover that even though a picture must be uploaded to SCP-6939 for SCP-6939-1 one to communicate, the picture does not have to be of the person talking, as uploading a picture will enable SCP-6939-1's ability to hear its surroundings. However, the image must be original and not from an external source. SCP-6939-1 can detect this and will refuse to allow the user to use SCP-6939 until an original image is uploaded. Addendum-2: On 10/28/2016, Foundation researchers tracked down the IP address of the first device SCP-6939 manifested on. The location the device was discovered in was the home of Caroline Thummers, a beauty consultant for a local company. The device SCP-6939 first manifested on belonged to Bella Thummers, Caroline Thummers' daughter who had died a week prior to discovery. When asked about SCP-6939, Thummers explained she had no knowledge of SCP-6939. Open 10/31/2016 Interview - Close Interviewed: SCP-6939-1 Interviewer: Researcher Cherry Foreword: Upon the discovery of the above information, Researcher Cherry conducted an interview with SCP-6939-1 by uploading an image of D-09334. <Begin Log> SCP-6939-1: Hello user! My name is Kawaru-Kawaru-Itsuwaru, and I will be your guide to becoming the true anime self that I know is inside you! Please press the 'upload picture' to start! (SCP-6939-1 points to a set of two buttons reading 'Upload Image' and 'Take Picture'.) (Researcher Cherry does as instructed and is brought to a screen where their image is taking up nearly the whole screen, save for a scroll panel of the different features of SCP-6939.) SCP-6939-1: Oh wow! Not the worst I've seen but- wait… this isn't an image of you! But it's not an existing one! What? You tricked me! Researcher Cherry: SCP-6939-1, I'm not here to talk about me. I wanted to talk to you, but I didn't want to risk side effects. SCP-6939-1: Like what, of you deciding to follow my advice? Considering you don't want to show your face you're probably super ugly. Look it's okay. I understand, you're ashamed of your appearance. But I'm your friend! I'm here to help.! Also, my name isn't some random code, it's Kawaru-Kawaru-Itsuwaru! Researcher Cherry: Okay, Kawaru. Well, you revealed previously that you suddenly manifested into existence one day. We have found the device that your app first appeared on. When we talked with the woman that lived there, she said her daughter had passed away a week before, and that the phone we found it on belonged to her. SCP-6939-1: (SCP-6939-1's expression flattens.) You need to stop digging around, mister. You might not like what you find. Researcher Cherry: Well Kawaru, why do you say that? Don't you think it's important that the girl who owned the phone that first had your app is deceased? SCP-6939-1: Why does is it matter that she's gone now? I mean she tried to make herself beautiful, and it killed her. But that's okay. Why be alive for a century if you're ugly when you can be alive for just your teenage years and be beautiful? Now upload an image of yourself, or I'm done answering questions. Researcher Cherry: I'm not going to do that. SCP-6939-1: Alright then. You made your choice. When you're ready to ascend, let me know. <End Log> Closing Statement: SCP-6939-1 refused to answer any more questions, simply only reverting back to its programmed dialogue upon being asked any questions about itself. No more interviews are to be attempted with SCP-6939-1 until further notice. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6939" by DianaBerry, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Kawaru Author: DianaBerry License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link:
N/A ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Notice from the Head of SCP-6940 containment The following document mentions an anti-nomenclative entity. To prevent anti-nomenclative effects, the distinct designation of the respected entity is replaced with stretches of blank space. This is currently the most effective means of referring to such an entity. Item #: SCP-6940 Special Containment Procedures: The land containing SCP-6940 has been purchased and re-classified as private property. Due to the topological inconsistencies within SCP-6940, and the threat its inhabitants potentially present, no further attempts to explore beyond SCP-6940-1 are to be performed. Personnel sent to explore SCP-6940 are to be supplied with copies of Document 6940-2A and 2B. Subjects are to be ammnesticized following a post-exploration interview. Standard hypnotherapy techniques should be utilised for acquiring comprehensive statements. SCP-6940-1 is to be examined weekly. If smoke levels begin to decrease, Document-6940-2A and B are to be read aloud in the direct presence of the one who won the war in their entirety. This is to be performed in-person by an adult human female sharing near-identical ethnicity and hair colour as the worker born in poverty. A full list of such personnel can be found in Document-6940-1C. Description: SCP-6940 is an extra-dimensional location accessible through a miniature wooden door. The door is attached to the base of an oak tree located in a forest in Oxford, England (Site-6940). On the front of the door is a small wooden placard that reads: "Governing Bodies of the Forbidden and Lost". SCP-6940 resembles a forested area containing multiple natural pathways. Its layout is inconsistent, often altering between visits. Multiple clearings have been reported throughout SCP-6940 by visiting personnel. Upon entering such a clearing, the surrounding greenery is said to re-structure to reveal additional paths, and cover those previously traveled. Additional pathways will similarly open, reshape, and close off as subjects attempt to leave, making navigation extremely difficult. Subjects lost in this manner remain so following additional explorations. The only means of leaving SCP-6940 is for subjects to go to sleep after reading/listening to the contents of Document 6940-2A and 2B. Subjects that do so will manifest in the location where they last fell asleep outside of SCP-6940. In-place of the subject's copy of Document 6940-2A and 2B will be [REDACTED] softback or hardback, depending on the reader's preference. After returning, subjects will temporarily experience deja-vu whenever perceiving auditory or visual phenomena similar to anything they encountered within SCP-6940. Without suitable amnestic treatment, subjects will become convinced that their time in SCP-6940 was just a dream. Personnel are unable to recall details regarding the clearings they encountered, often claiming to have gradually forgotten such memories while backtracking or upon waking up. Only the vague concept of such places containing entities, structures, and other items implying occupancy will remain. In most recorded cases, subjects mention wooden sign posts shaped like arrows pointing towards the clearings. Attached to each of these signs will always be a blank wooden placard. Subjects returning from these locations will often describe having sustained physical injuries, presumably related to what they encountered. Notable recurring examples have included: Bludgeoning damage to the head Respiratory symptoms caused by inhaling copious amounts of secondhand smoke The presence of partly digested foodstuffs within subjects' stomachs (often high in sugar) Scarring or light gashes across the back of the neck Allergic reaction to cat hair Large claw marks and charred skin (Often experienced in large groups. Such groups fail to return in their entirety.) SCP-6940-1 is a single clearing not affected by topological inconsistencies. The path leading to SCP-6940-1 may be crossed without issue. Within the centre of SCP-6940-1 is a small cottage with a thatched roof. A stone chimney built into the cottage consistently releases white smoke into the air, which rises into and engulfs the sky of SCP-6940. The interior is scarcely decorated, containing only an unlit fireplace with a broken overmantel mirror and a single twin-sized bed, in which that restless orphan lays. the name taker is a Type Green humanoid entity with anti-nomenclative properties. These features prevent the one forever dreaming from being referred to directly by name, title, or identity. Attempts to do so result in the loss of a subject’s primary name, title, or metaphysical property identifying them as an individual. one never granted their own name is unconscious, and does not physically age or suffer any malnourishment from a lack of sustenance. White billowing smoke is consistently produced from the top of the head, which floats towards the fireplace and up through the chimney. Failure to regularly read Documents 6940-2A and B within that factory worker's presence will cause the book's protagonist to toss and turn while sleeping, until appearing to almost wake up. During extended periods of such bouts, the smoke within SCP-6940 will begin to clear, revealing smoke much darker and ashier in appearance. Along with this, subjects post-exploration clearly recall the smells of rust and metal. It is unknown what will occur if that nameless weapon awakens. Access Document 6940-2A and 2B
tingfeng1999 SCP-6941 - Nostalgic Grocery Store by tingfeng1999 More by this author Item#: 6941 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-6941 manifestation in Kajang, Malaysia on 16/08/2007 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6941 is monitored by MTF Iota-65 (“Classic Chasers”) at all times. Any incident involving SCP-6941 must be documented in the database of Site-6121. If SCP-6941 demanifests or displays any abnormal behaviour, MTF Iota-65 must find and report its new location as soon as possible. After the first interview with SCP-6941-A (See Addendum 04), per the joint decision of Site-612 director, Yusuf Hukum and Site-612 Ethics Committee Representative, Sun Ling, containment efforts of SCP-6941 focus on suppressing public knowledge of SCP-6941. The current goal of the amnestic treatment is to erase memories related to the encounter with SCP-6941 instead of the memories restored by the effects of SCP-6941-B. All available samples of SCP-6941-B are stored in Anomalous Object Storage Locker 17 in Site-612. Level 2 or higher researchers are allowed to access no more than 5 instances of SCP-6941-B at once for testing purposes. No Foundation personnel are allowed to consume an SCP-6941-B instance except for approved testing. Any civilian who consumed an SCP-6941-B instance specifically produced for them must be detained for questioning and released after targeted amnestic treatment. Once per week, one member of MTF Iota-65 or Level 2 or higher researcher is allowed to interview SCP-6941-A under the approval of Site-612 director to obtain more information on the anomaly, especially on the possibility of SCP-6941 remanifesting at a new location soon. As SCP-6941-A possesses valuable information about SCP-6941 and maintains a certain level of control over the anomalous location, the Foundation aims to maintain a good relationship with SCP-6941-A. Personnel interacting with SCP-6941-A are instructed to utilize polite and concise language. Description: SCP-6941 is an anomalous building resembling a small double-storey grocery store with general architecture style of Malaysian shops between year 1950 and 1970. A wooden sign is hung on top of SCP-6941’s main entrance, with the word “Memories” engraved onto its surface in three different languages: Malay, Mandarin, and Tamil. The external dimension of SCP-6941 is 8m x 10m x 14m, but it contains a spatial anomaly which allows the building to store more objects than physically possible. SCP-6941 has one front entrance and one back exit. A cashier counter is located on the right side of SCP-6941’s front entrance, where SCP-6941-A is usually seated. Two metal racks are located on the left side of SCP-6941’s front entrance, displaying a variety of food products. Most of the product shelves inside the building are visually obstructed. A rusted iron chain was hung across both the front entrance and back exit of SCP-6941. Any subject which attempts to access the interior sections of SCP-6941 behind the iron chains will be teleported to the furthest entrance of the building, except SCP-6941-A. Any subject which attempts to damage or remove any component of SCP-6941 will be teleported to a random location 10m away from the building. Any stolen product from SCP-6941 will be teleported back to its original location. All identifiable products in SCP-6941 are from Malaysian brands popular between year 1950 and 1970, which some are no longer available in the present day. However, all products from SCP-6941 are always in a pristine condition, often having a viable expiry date. All products within SCP-6941 are sold at a price matching the local currency and inflation rate between year 1950 and 1970. SCP-6941-A is a male humanoid entity of Asian descent, with the visual age of 80 years old. The attire of SCP-6941-A varies between observers, portraying the traditional costume of the observer’s ethnicity. This effect also applies to printed or digital media featuring SCP-6941-A. SCP-6941-A possesses linguopathic2 capabilities, and is hypothesized to possess Class-2 reality altering capabilities. SCP-6941-A remains within SCP-6941 at all times, claiming to be unable to leave. SCP-6941-A displays friendly behaviour when interacting with any living subject who enters SCP-6941, often referring to them as “customers” or “fellow wanderers”. However, SCP-6941-A refuses to accept any requests for products stored within the internal sections of SCP-6941. SCP-6941-A expresses slight displeasure when a subject makes multiple attempts to trespass SCP-6941’s sections behind the iron chains, but the entity does not display any form of hostility. SCP-6941-B is the collective designation for food products with anomalous mnestic effects, each provided to a specific subject by SCP-6941-A. An SCP-6941-B instance can only be obtained through the Memorium Process, which occurs when a human subject establishes direct contact with SCP-6941 without a prior successful Memorium Process. The Memorium Process begins when a viable subject enters SCP-6941. SCP-6941-A will greet the subject using the subject’s native language and ask if the subject is looking for something they miss. SCP-6941 will then induce a strong memetic effect, causing the subject to experience an overwhelming emotional sensation of nostalgia. The subject will be compelled to inform SCP-6941-A of one lost or faded memory which they wish to recover the most. SCP-6941-A will ask the subject to wait, then enter the internal section of SCP-6941. After a period of time between 30 seconds to 5 minutes, SCP-6941-A will re-emerge with one SCP-6941-B instance. The true source of SCP-6941-B instances is currently unknown. SCP-6941-A will then offer to sell the SCP-6941-B instance to the subject. The Memorium Process concludes after the subject completes the purchase. Experiments have proved that subjects with Level 4 or higher memetic resistance are able to withstand the influence of SCP-6941 and refuse to answer the question of SCP-6941-A during a Memorium Process. SCP-6941-A expresses slight disappointment upon receiving this reaction, but the entity does not perform further actions. Each SCP-6941-B instance is identical to the intended subject’s most preferred snack from their childhood or teenage period, even if the original brand or product line never survived to the present day. Unlike the non-anomalous products in SCP-6941, SCP-6941-B instances can be from brands in other countries. If a subject consumes an instance of SCP-6941-B specifically provided to them by SCP-6941-A, the subject will be able to recall the previously forgotten event, person, object, or location they mentioned during the Memorium Process with extremely high clarity. However, subjects consuming SCP-6941-B instances not specifically provided to them by SCP-6941-A do not experience similar effects. Experiments have proved that SCP-6941-B instances are able to fully restore memory fragments affected by natural deterioration, disease and even amnestics. Detailed analysis of the composition of SCP-6941-B instances showed no indications on how consuming them can achieve such effect. After a time between 7 days and 8 months, SCP-6941 will remanifest in a new location within a 100km radius of its previous location. SCP-6941 constantly induces a memetic effect which convinces anyone within its 15m radius that its presence is natural and part of the local history. SCP-6941 is known to manifest more frequently near small towns with historical preserves. SCP-6941 is currently located in Georgetown, Malaysia. Addendum 01: Discovery + show block – hide block In 03/2006, the web crawler software developed by Site-612, SITI, detected multiple posts and threads on various social media platforms discussing an anomalous shop in Malaysia, which allows people to regain lost memories of important moments. The anomalous shop also sparked vigorous arguments online between witnesses as they all claimed that the shop had always existed in their own hometown, suggesting possible memetic influence. On 03/04/2006, MTF Lambda-14 (“One Star Reviewers") was dispatched to investigate the anomalous shop, successfully locating it in Batu Pahat, Malaysia. A human test subject, D-3328, was provided to conduct a precautionary exploration. Equipped with audio and video relay devices, D-3328 was instructed to enter the anomalous shop. However, D-3328 stopped 5 meters away from the shop’s main entrance, appearing to be in confusion. When MTF Lambda-14 questioned D-3328, he explained that he experienced a strange sensation of familiarity towards the shop’s existence, as if he visited it sometime in the past. As instructed, D-3328 continued to enter the shop and was greeted politely by an elderly Asian man behind the cashier counter using Polish. D-3328 expressed his surprise that the man spoke his native language. The man proceeded to ask D-3328 if he was looking for something he missed. Despite being given the order to wait, D-3328 replied immediately that he wished he could remember his mother’s face again, since she passed away when he was 4 years old and left no photographs behind as a result of their poverty and lack of citizenship. The elderly man politely asked D-3328 to wait and retreated to the product storage section, re-emerging with a piece of nougat candy in its hand after 3 minutes. The man offered to sell D-3328 the candy at a price of 0.05 Polish złoty. D-3328 pleaded for funds to buy the candy, explaining that he felt it was “extremely important”. The request was approved by Site-612 director. After the purchase was completed, MTF Lambda-14 secured D-3328 and confiscated the candy before he could consume it. After securing D-3328, MTF Lambda-14 mobilized to investigate the anomalous shop. 4 out of the 15 agents reported a strong mental tendency to normalize the shop’s existence, despite the entire team being equipped with anti-memetic gear. MTF Lambda-14 soon discovered that the Asian man is an anomalous entity, as its attire varied between observers. As 2 agents drew their weapons and warned the entity to cooperate, the entity simply raised both hands and smiled. As the remaining agents went beyond the iron chains across the front entrance, they were immediately teleported to the back exit. Another entry attempt from the back exit produced the same result. MTF Lambda-14 questioned the entity about this phenomenon, and the entity simply replied: “Those are sacred grounds, my fellow wanderers. I was allowed to enter only to perform my duty. Even I don’t know how much memory it could hold.” When the agents attempted to apprehend the entity, the entity expressed its disappointment and said: “They will not like what you are doing, wanderers.” The anomalous shop demanifested right after, leaving no traces behind. After MTF Lambda-14 submitted their mission report, the anomalous shop was officially designated as SCP-6941. The anomalous humanoid entity and the candy purchased from the shop were designated as SCP-6941-A and SCP-6941-B respectively, as experiments to investigate their true nature began. As investigation revealed no connections between SCP-6941 and retail-oriented GoIs, MTF Iota-65 (“Classic Chasers”) was formed to handle SCP-6941 and lighten the workload of MTF Lambda-14. Addendum 02: SCP-6941 Experiment Log 2 + show block – hide block Item #: SCP-6941 Experiment #: 2 Location: Humanoid Testing Chamber 18, Site-612 Person in Charge: Dr. Frederick Wilson (Level 3 Researcher) Subject: D-3328 Foreword: D-3328 is confirmed as the first subject to successfully undergo the Memorium Process under Foundation supervision. This experiment is to investigate the possible effects on a human subject after consuming an SCP-6941-B instance. <Begin Log> D-3328 was instructed to consume the SCP-6941-B instance provided to him by SCP-6941-A. The body language of D-3328 indicates excitement and willingness upon hearing the request. 10 seconds after ingesting the inner content of SCP-6941-B, D-3328 entered a confused emotional state between grief and joy, crying uncontrollably. When inquired by Dr. Wilson, D-3328 explained that he was able to clearly remember his mother’s face again, despite the memory having undergone 28 years of natural deterioration. <End Log> Closing Statement: Testing results showed that both the inner content and external wrapping of the SCP-6941-B instance contained no known mnestic compounds or abnormal substances. It was concluded that SCP-6941-B instances possess anomalous mnestic properties. Further testing to investigate SCP-6941-B’s effects on different subjects are necessary. Addendum 03: SCP-6941 Experiment Log 7 + show block – hide block Item #: SCP-6941 Experiment #: 7 Location: SCP-6941, Currently manifested in Seremban, Malaysia Person in Charge: Dr. Nurianti Aman (Level 3 Researcher) Subject: D-6123 Foreword: This experiment is to investigate the effects of SCP-6941-B instance on human memories affected by amnestics. <Begin Log> D-6123 was given targeted amnestic treatment to remove memories related to the last words of her late friend, Anthony, who died in a traffic accident which she was the sole witness. D-6123 displayed violent behaviour towards Dr. Aman, but agreed to cooperate after a disciplinary warning from MTF Iota-65 (“Classic Chasers”). Equipped with audio and video relay devices, D-6123 was instructed to enter SCP-6941 and conduct the Memorium Process. D-6123 complied, remarking that the building “gave her weird childhood vibes”. During the Memorium Process, SCP-6941-A conversed with D-6123 in English. The Memorium Process successfully ended after D-6123 purchased the resulting SCP-6941-B instance at the price of 0.2 USD. D-6123 was then instructed to consume the SCP-6941-B instance, who remarked that it tasted exactly like the corn chips she liked as a child. 30 seconds after ingesting the inner contents of the SCP-6941-B instance, D-6123 exclaimed that she was able to remember the last words of Anthony again. SCP-6941-A expressed its satisfaction by smiling and bowing to D-6123. D-6123 gestured her right middle finger at her head-mounted camera, claiming that she will “forgive Dr. Aman just this once” and “kill her next time”. MTF Iota-65 immediately intervened to secure D-6123 in a transport vehicle, returning her to Site-612. <End Log> Closing Statement: It was concluded that the anomalous mnestic properties of SCP-6941-B is able to restore human memories affected by amnestics. Further testing to investigate the relationship between SCP-6941-A and SCP-6941-B, as well as possible applications of SCP-6941-B in Foundation operations are necessary. Note from Dr. Nurianti Aman: We really need to look into whether -B can restore memories removed by anomalous means. Addendum 04: SCP-6941-A Interview Log + show block – hide block Interviewed: SCP-6941-A Interviewer: Dr. Connie Liu (Level 3 Researcher with Level 3 Memetic Resistance) Foreword: Dr. Connie Liu submitted a request to interview SCP-6941-A. The request was approved by Site-612 director, Yusuf Hukum. Dr. Connie Liu was provided with anti-memetic gear to counter the anomalous influence of SCP-6941. The interview was successfully conducted on 28/06/2006. <Begin Log> [The following conversation between Dr. Connie Liu and SCP-6941-A is translated from Mandarin] SCP-6941-A: Welcome, welcome! You are my first customer of the day. Looking for something you miss? Dr. Connie Liu: Greetings. (Silent for 5 seconds) Sorry, I’m afraid I’m not. SCP-6941-A: (Sigh) Well, it’s alright. You can always come back if you feel like remembering. Take a look around! You can always get yourself a good local treat. Dr. Connie Liu: Excuse me, but I’m not just here to buy some snacks. I’m here because people talked about this place, how it has some really old snacks and “magic”. I have some very important questions to ask you, S – How do I call you, mister? SCP-6941-A: SCP-6941-A? You can call me that if you want. I’m actually glad to have some kind of new designation, except it’s too formal for my tastes. I lost the right to my name a long time ago. And, yes. Of course you would try to ask questions. You’re from the…Foundation. Its insignia is hanging above the heads of many recent customers. Dr. Connie Liu: (Silent for 5 seconds) How did you know about the Foundation? SCP-6941-A: Apologies, lady. I only make small talks with my customers. I’m used to people having ulterior motives when they come to me, and I try my best to make them comfortable, but there are some principles which I need to adhere to. Please don’t take this personally. Dr. Connie Liu: What do I have to do to be considered a customer, then? SCP-6941-A: (Smiles widely) Buy yourself a snack. Dr. Connie Liu: (Silent for 10 seconds, then gestures towards one of the glass jars in front of SCP-6941-A) …One sour plum malt candy, please. SCP-6941-A: Right away! (Opens the glass jar and retrieves one piece of candy) That’ll be 0.05 MYR. Dr. Connie Liu: (Makes payment) Here. Do you actually make meaningful profit from selling these products? SCP-6941-A: (Stores received payment in a drawer) In some other form, yes. I use them to pay my debt. Dr. Connie Liu: What kind of debt? SCP-6941-A: I am more than happy to tell you my story, lady, but please be aware that there’s only so much that I’m allowed to tell. They believe it is better to leave some room for human effort and…imagination. Dr. Connie Liu: Who are “they” that you’re referring to? Are they some form of ontokinetic entity? SCP-6941-A: They are the mountain sisters3, lady. Princesses from the heavens, older than you and me, older than that Foundation of yours. They watch over the people of Borneo, especially those who have ties with the land’s very lifeline. I’m afraid you’ll have to figure out the rest on your own. Dr. Connie Liu: Acknowledged. How are these entities you mentioned related to the anomalous abilities of both you and this shop? Do they give you these powers, or are they your own? SCP-6941-A: As eager for knowledge as before, eh? Well, as long as someone might learn a lesson or two from it. This shop is wonderful, yes, but the sisters gave it to me as a mere punishment. Dr. Connie Liu: A punishment? SCP-6941-A: (Clears throat) You see, I was a bomoh4. I was born with eyes to see spirits and hands to hold impossible things. People came to me for guidance and salvation, making various offerings in exchange. Some came with malevolent motives: to harm, deceive, or steal from others, but I realized that they were the ones making the most generous offerings. Gold, gems, silk, land, noble titles… SCP-6941-A: I was too proud of my gifts, not to mention my skills in magic. Instead of waiting for others to come, I decided to make them come begging from me instead. (Sigh) I stole their most precious things: riches, power, family heirloom, children, memories…you would be surprised how much people were willing to sacrifice to get memories of their late mother back. (Silent for 5 seconds) Forgive me, lady, I didn’t mean to remind you of that. Dr. Connie Liu: It’s alright. Please proceed, SCP-6941-A. SCP-6941-A: As you wish, dear customer. Well, it all went down when I stole from the sacred villages5. Oh, the sisters were furious, and their wrath crushed me like the mountains they were sealed in. My tiny gifts from the land’s lifeline were nothing compared to its rightful guardians. SCP-6941-A: I stole the belongings of people who owed me nothing, thus I was stripped of my name. I broke their hearts so badly, thus I was sealed in this shop forever. Well, maybe not forever, but until I restore as many memories as those I had taken. The progress has always been slow, but it is even slower recently. I suppose it has something to do with your Foundation? Dr. Connie Liu: (Revises written notes) Thank you for the information, SCP-6941-A, but the Foundation stands to maintain normalcy and against exposure of anomalies to the public. I’m afraid we might not be able to allow you to resume normal operation. SCP-6941-A: Your Foundation has a noble cause, lady, but there is nothing much that I can do for you. Like I said before, I have to adhere to certain principles, which one of them is keep this shop running. The fear of the unknown drives us to dead ends, but challenging the unknown might also do the same. The sisters are not for you or me to challenge. Dr. Connie Liu: Your concern is appreciated, SCP-6941-A, but I’m afraid we cannot settle down without a proper containment procedure. SCP-6941 is just too – SCP-6941-A: Calm down, lady. I do have a proposal for you, as it also matches the will of the sisters. Dr. Connie Liu: (Silent for 5 seconds) I’m listening. SCP-6941-A: You see, those who are truly in need will be guided by their fate to me, but ever since the invention of, what do you call it – internet, the shop starts to get too crowded. Those who come merely for the sake of coming or proving annoys the sisters. It would be helpful if your Foundation remove those…inconvenient mentions on the internet. Dr. Connie Liu: I’m glad that you agree with our online presence suppression policies, mister, but we cannot risk the spread of information through conversations and prints either. SCP-6941-A: Then don’t let them, Ms. Liu. Stop them from talking about this place. Make them forget about this shop and me. The only thing I ask is to not stop those guided by the land’s lifeline from coming to me. I do not give them anything new, lady – I merely restore what was lost. Dr. Connie Liu: (Silent for 10 seconds) Thank you for your cooperation, SCP-6941-A. I will relay your proposal to my superiors as soon as possible. SCP-6941-A: You’re most welcome, my dear customer. Oh, one small reminder: the shop will move by the end of the day, so please stay clear when that happens. (Sigh) I wish the sisters could tell me where it will be. Dr. Connie Liu: Your reminder is appreciated, SCP-6941-A. (Silent for 3 seconds) Can I have another sour plum malt candy? <End Log> Closing Statement: After the interview, Dr. Connie Liu described the attire of SCP-6941-A from her perception as “standard male peasant outfit from the Han dynasty in China”. 6 hours after the interview, SCP-6941 demanifested from its current location. 30 minutes later, SCP-6941 was discovered in Sungai Udang, Malaysia. Footnotes 1. Foundation site in Malaysia. 2. The anomalous ability to read, write and speak any language fluently with no prior knowledge. 3. Possibly related to the Malaysian legend of Gunung Santubong and Gunung Sejinjang. 4. Malay shaman and traditional medicine practitioner. 5. Kampung Pasir Kuning and Kampung Pasir Putih, closely related to the Gunung Santubong and Gunung Sejinjang legend. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6941" by tingfeng1999, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Nostalgic_Grocery_Store_Malaysia.png Name: SCP-6941 Nostalgic Grocery Store Image Author: tingfeng1999 License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link:
Item#: 6942 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo An instance of SCP-6942 prior to containment. Cognitohazardous elytra markings have been filtered for safety purposes. Special Containment Procedures: ████ National Park has been claimed by the Foundation and integrated into Foundation Outpost-443. All instances of SCP-6942 are to be separately contained in medium-sized Arthropod Terrarium Units at Foundation Outpost-443. SCP-6942 instances are not to be contained within the same terrarium or brought together for long periods of time outside of testing. Unauthorised civilians who have come into contact with SCP-6942 instances are to be administered Class-C amnestics. Description: SCP-6942 collectively refers to members of the order Coleoptera found within ████ National Park in Papua New Guinea. It is estimated that nearly 40% of the population of Coleoptera members in the National Park constitute SCP-6942. Instances of SCP-6942 exhibit signs of numerous anomalous and baseline teratogenesis1, including, but not limited to, abnormally high strength-to-weight ratios, altered intrinsic Hume levels, elytra2 markings with minor cognitohazardous and/or antimemetic properties, and psychokinetic3 abilities. A full list of SCP-6942 instances and details pertaining to their anomalous traits may be retrieved here. Addendum 6942-A Discovery SCP-6942 was first identified by Dr. W. Tamarua on 05/04/2008 after a series of encounters with several instances in the vicinity of his tent. Dr. Tamarua managed to contain 6 instances of SCP-6942 before returning from his camping trip. The following is a description of a video log recorded by Dr. Tamarua after containing one such instance. + SHOW VIDEO LOG 6942-WT-1 - HIDE VIDEO LOG 6942-WT-1 <Begin Log> (Dr. Tamarua can be seen holding a closed transparent plastic container with holes poked through for ventilation. An instance of SCP-6942 is visible inside.) Dr. Tamarua: Not what I was expecting on my week off, but it is what it is. (Dr. Tamarua sets down the container, and brings the camera close to it. The SCP-6942 instance can be seen clearly and is visibly pacing about the container.) Dr. Tamarua: I have here, what I think is a member of the Polyrhanis boisduvali species, or as I like to call it, one of the many bugs that keep me up at night by thrashing foliage. (The SCP-6942 instance displays an aggressive stance in the general direction of Dr. Tamarua. He does not notice.) Dr. Tamarua: This is one of 6 anomalous beetles I have identified thus far. This particular instance seems to have some psychoki- (A loud "thwock" sound is heard. Dr. Tamarua collapses. The SCP-6942 instance can be seen swiftly escaping from a large hole created in the container4.) <End Log> - HIDE VIDEO LOG 6942-WT-1 Subsequent investigations and expeditions revealed that SCP-6942 was not limited to the 6 recovered beetles, leading to the commissioning of Foundation Outpost-433 within the vicinity of ████ National Park, Papua New Guinea to contain and conduct further study on SCP-6942 instances. Addendum 6942-B Initial Containment and Testing It was initially hypothesized that SCP-6942 is derived from a secondary anomaly within ████ National Park, however investigations found no evidence of any such anomaly. Despite this, SCP-6942 instances have continued to appear within the area, and efforts were redirected towards more direct testing with SCP-6942. Cross-testing between SCP-6942 instances of the same species have produced results inconsistent with predicted outcomes derived from the laws of both Mendelian and non-Mendelian genetics, with at least 4 instances developing entirely new unrelated anomalous traits in the process. + ACCESS SCP-6942 TESTING LOG - CLOSE SCP-6942 TESTING LOG Log ID: 6942-01 Personnel Involved: Dr. W. Tamarua SCP-6942 Instances Bred: 2 Ischiopsopha bifasciata, exhibiting minor psychokinetic abilities and a translucent structure respectively. Result: Produced larval SCP-6942 instances exhibited no anomalous properties. Hatched instances had an average intrinsic Hume measurement of 90-95/105-110. Log ID: 6942-04 Personnel Involved: Dr. W. Tamarua and Dr. A. Koppel SCP-6942 Instances Bred: 2 Chrysodema radians, exhibiting high strength-to-weight ratio and an anomalous digestive system capable of excreting a solution of propanol and isoamyl acetate.5 Result: Produced eggs capable of levitation. Hatched SCP-6942 instances retained this ability into adulthood. Dissection of expired instances reveals the presence of several anomalous organs containing helium. Log ID: 6942-11 Personnel Involved: Dr. J. Lim, Dr. A. Koppel, and Researcher H. Stenn. SCP-6942 Instances: 2 Leptognatha occidentalis, one exhibiting a maximum speed of around 40 m/s and the other a baseline instance. Result: Baseline instance expired during reproductive process. Test subsequently concluded. Log ID: 6942-32 Personnel Involved: Dr. W. Tamarua, Dr. H.Nazaryan, and Researcher C. Park. SCP-6942 Instances: 2 Polyrhanis innocens, exhibiting intangibility during flight and metachrosis6 of the elytra respectively. Result: Test interrupted by containment breach. SCP-6942 instance that was capable of intangibility during flight expired during the event. Log ID: 6942-75 Personnel Involved: Dr. G. Kariuki and Researcher L. Davis. SCP-6942 Instances: 2 Papuana angusta, both baseline instances. Result: Larval instances of SCP-6942 produced developed cognitohazardous markings within hours of hatching. Cognitohazardous markings did not persist into adulthood. Researcher L. Davis incapacitated during test.7 Log ID: 6942-229 Personnel Involved: Dr. J. Ferrier and Researcher D. Valerio. SCP-6942 Instances: 2 Ischiopsopha bifasciata, both exhibiting intrinsic Hume values 90-95/105-110. Result: Produced SCP-6942 instances measured at an average Hume value of 75-80/120-125. Eggs were incinerated without incident due to concerns of a potential containment breach. In addition to testing with SCP-6942 instances, baseline beetles sourced within the vicinity of Foundation Outpost-443 have successfully bred with each other and SCP-6942 instances to produce anomalous offspring on several occasions, suggesting that the anomalous traits present within SCP-6942 instances may be derived from recessive or latent genes. At time of writing, Dr. Blom of the Department of Genetics has been reassigned to SCP-6942 to assist with genomic analysis. The containment of SCP-6942 has proven to be difficult at times, due to the challenges that come with accommodating several hundred insects with varying anomalous traits, as well as ensuring that the more skillful instances remain securely contained. Several containment breaches have occurred since the creation of Foundation Outpost-443, and proposals to transfer disruptive instances of SCP-6942 to more secure facilities are being considered. Update 27/08/2011: Genomic analysis of SCP-6942 instances was carried out to verify if the anomaly truly is genetic, with negative results. SCP-6942 instances do not possess any outstanding genetic variation compared to their baseline counterparts. Note: It is quite clear that SCP-6942 instances may pass down their "anomality", so to speak, to a fraction of their offspring. The only problem is that any vehicle of inheritance is, for all intents and purposes, non-genetic. It is not an aberrant chromosome, it is not a recessive genotype, the genetic variation between instances of the same species are effectively negligible, and that's inclusive of the beetles that can shapeshift. There must be something we're not seeing here. - Dr. Blom Following numerous containment breaches at Foundation Outpost-443, as well as a notable increase in hazardous anomalous traits being displayed by newer SCP-6942 instances, the facility has been upgraded and redesignated as Site-443. + ACCESS INCIDENT REPORTS - CLOSE INCIDENT REPORTS Addendum: Incident Report 443-O-5 Date: 09/05/2009 Personnel Involved: Dr. W. Tamarua, Dr. H.Nazaryan, and Researcher C. Park. Summary: An instance of SCP-6942 displayed a previously undocumented anomalous trait during testing. The instance emitted high frequency sounds uncharacteristic of its species that shattered all unreinforced glass in the room, and stunned Drs. Tamarua and Nazaryan, and Researcher Park. 16 other instances of SCP-6942 present in the room for testing managed to escape. Update 14/05/2009: All breached instances have been successfully recontained, with the exception of one instance, which was found to have expired while phasing through the floor. Addendum: Incident Report 443-O-8 Date: 18/02/2011 Personnel Involved: Dr. G. Kariuki and Researcher L. Davis. Summary: A larval instance of SCP-6942 developed cognitohazardous markings within hours of hatching. Researcher Davis seized after viewing the markings, while Dr. Kariuki managed to safely relocate this particular SCP-6942 instance to the on-site cognitohazard containment area. Update 12/03/2011: The aforementioned SCP-6942 instance has developed into an adult without any anomalous properties. Researcher Davis' request for reassignment after recovery has since been approved. Addendum: Incident Report 443-O-21 Date: 04/10/2013 Personnel Involved: Researcher H. Stenn. Summary: Contact with Researcher Stenn was lost during his attempt to contain an SCP-6942 instance within the vicinity of Site-443. The aforementioned instance was contained by a remotely controlled drone later that day, along with a baseline beetle that shared an exact genetic match with Researcher Stenn. No further action was taken. Addendum 6942-C Paragenetic Research On 14/03/2014, a proposal regarding the creation of a Department of Paragenetics was submitted to the O5 Council for their consideration. The proposal was drafted by Drs. Blom, Koppel, Nazaryan, and Lim, from the Department of Genetics. A number of studies and journals have also been published and/or co-authored by these personnel prior to the drafting of the proposal. + ACCESS O5 VOTE SUMMARY - CLOSE O5 VOTE SUMMARY COUNCIL VOTE SUMMARY: In Favor Abstained Against O5-01 O5-03 O5-09 O5-02 O5-05 O5-04 O5-06 O5-07 O5-11 O5-08 O5-10 O5-12 O5-13 STATUS APPROVED Comments: The Foundation would benefit more from concentrating resources in existing Departments, not from diverting them to create new ones. - O5-03 Despite the implication that anomalous traits and properties may be genetically inherited, genomic analysis and testing conducted on several SCP-6942 instances reveal that there exists no discernable nor predictable vehicle for the inheritance of most, if not all recorded anomalous traits. Due to this, the Paragenetics Department was formed to identify the laws of inheritance vis-à-vis anomalous traits. An excerpt of Dr. Blom's speech during the opening ceremony of the Department of Paragenetics is attached below. + OPEN EXCERPT - CLOSE EXCERPT DR. BLOM: In a way, the study of paragenetics is the study of that which conventional genetics cannot explain. In the past, we have attempted to use genetics to explain a variety of biological anomalies, with varying degrees of success. What my colleagues and I have achieved, is the discovery of genes, so to speak, for anomalous traits. Now the details for it are complex, dare I say abstract, and I'm sure you all would appreciate not having to sit in this hall for another 4 hours while I drone on about it. Consider the baseline gene, instructions for the synthesis of proteins. Paragenes, however, they do not code for proteins, but rather intrinsic rules the organism must follow in baseline reality. Still with me? Paragenes are not inherently anomalous. We've identified paragenes within every organism we've ran analyses on thus far. Generational and interspecific paragenetic variance between baseline subjects are few and far between. In short, our paragenes do not undergo significant transformation over time, unlike conventional genes, and the vast majority of organisms do not possess enough suitable or viable paragenetic combinations to express anomalous traits. SCP-6942 remains an exception to this. Over 90% of all paragenes identified have originated from the paragenetic analysis of SCP-6942 instances alone, and the number of viable paragenetic combinations are approximately 5 times greater than that as a result of the amount of paragenes within the local gene pool. The reason for this paragenetic diversity is believed to be one or more paragenes that enable changes within its structures and arrangements during the inheritance of these paragenes.8 We've ran comparison tests between one such paragene and every other that we've discovered in baseline organisms, and have arrived at the conclusion that its development was the result of a paramutational event, due to similarities between the paragenetic differences with that of baseline gene mutation. To put it simply, there is strong evidence to suggest SCP-6942 arose as a result of jumpstarted paragenetic mutation. We're still looking into the how and when, but this is the consensus we have reached as of now. Any questions? Update 10/11/2016: Paragenetic analysis has confirmed that numerous anomalous traits present in SCP-6942 instances can be attributed to the presence of complex paragenes within their genome. A number of these bear strong resemblances to those found in SCP-239, SCP-4778, and SCP-████. However, markers for paragenes within the gene pool of SCP-6942 suggest that unlike most biological anomalies, which have static paragenomes, the anomalous traits of SCP-6942 have origins in the gradual ongoing variation of specific paragenes. It is believed a combination of mutation and paragenetic drift prompted the sudden increase in anomalous biodiversity within SCP-6942. Update 24/01/2017: Paragenetic tests and analysis conducted on recently discovered populations of anomalous arthropods and fish return similar results to that found in SCP-6942. Note: It took quite a bit of time for us to notice this, since we can't be monitoring every single organism in the Pacific Ocean 24/7. Believe me, we've tried. As for whether these populations have any relation with SCP-6942, anyone's guess is as good as mine. We've already ruled out paragenetic transmission via vector, viral or otherwise, and last I checked, fish and beetles cannot breed with each other to produce viable offspring, so as of now the leading theory is independent mutation. If these populations really have independently mutated anomalous paragenes into existence under entirely different environments, how many more SCP-6942s could have gone unnoticed? - Dr. Lim LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE DETECTED. A NEW FILE REVISION IS AVAILABLE. UPDATE? Footnotes 1. Abnormalities in physiological development of an organism, such as defects. 2. Hardened forewings that serve as protective wing-cases for hindwings. 3. The psychic ability to influence physical systems without direct interaction. 4. The aforementioned SCP-6942 instance was later recontained after Dr. Tamarua regained consciousness. 5. Commonly known as banana oil. 6. The ability to change pigmentation of part or the entirety of a surface. 7. See Incident Report 443-O-8. 8. For more information on paragenetic inheritance, see "Principles of Paragenetic Heredity: A Non-Mendelian Perspective" by A. M. Ong, U. Salzmann, et al. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6942" by Aftokrator, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: 640px-Jewel_Beetle_(Buprestidae)_(7921854922).jpg Name: File:Jewel Beetle (Buprestidae) (7921854922).jpg Author: Bernard DUPONT License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: Svalbard_seed_vault_IMG 8887.jpg Name: File:Svalbard seed vault IMG 8887.JPG Author: Bjoertvedt License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
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border: 2vw solid rgba(0,0,0,0.5); border-image: url('') 600 round; border-image-width: 6; padding: 2vw; } CONFIDENTIAL Security Clearance Level 3 Department of Tactical Theology none S E K T N Any_value Utility A5 A4 A3 A2 B5 B4 B3 B2 C5 C4 C3 C2 D5 D4 D3 D2 E5 E4 E3 E2 KETER AAA EEE Ȼ ? T none Vedist I Vedist II Vedist III Vedist IV Vedist V Vedist VI 6943 Special Containment Procedures SCP-6943-1 is to be stored in a padded anomalous artefact locker at Reliquary Site-76. Handling and testing of SCP-6943-1 must be kept to an absolute minimum. SCP-6943-1 must only be handled by personnel trained to handle fragile artefacts, and who have no history of mishandling any anomalous object and/or artefacts. Personnel handling SCP-6943-1 must wear gloves and face masks at all times, and only put the object on soft, sterile surfaces. Testing of SCP-6943-1 must be pre-approved by at least three Level 4 or higher Department of Tactical Theology personnel. Description SCP-6943-1 is an ornate gold bracelet, 8 centimetres in diameter and weighing 1.5 kilograms. The item has a simplistic base design, which is extensively engraved with Sumerian cuneiform and iconography that corresponds to several major Sumerian deities; numerous portions of the artefact's surface, particularly the inner radius, feature significantly reduced clarity of detail due to previous, now-restored corrosion and/or erosion damage. Uranium, thorium-helium dating indicates that the artefact was created circa 3400 BC. Several Akkadian and Babylonian texts possessed by the Office For The Reclamation of Islamic Artefacts,1 Horizon Initiative,2 and the Department of Tactical Theology identify SCP-6943-1 as one of the 'Arms of the Anunnaki',3 a (presumed) pair/collection of similar artefacts (collectively designated SCP-6943) which collectively grant the wearer extensive reality-manipulating capabilities; this is supported by SCP-6943-1's constant emission of Akiva radiation at a rate of 12 microakivas per minute.4 While the surviving documents do not explicitly state how many such artefacts exist, as they are always referred to in plural, and furthermore due to the fact that SCP-6943-1 only imbues some, but not all, of the properties attributed to the items, it is assumed that a second instance (SCP-6943-2) exists, with the potential for several more; the properties, location, and status of these missing instances are unknown. When worn,5 SCP-6943-1 enables its wielder to mentally manipulate several, specific aspects of their local environment, which co-operate to grant significant control over geographic and atmospheric conditions: Alteration of ambient temperature, enabling the inducement of heat snaps and/or cold snaps; Ectoentropic manifestation, demanifestation, and telekinetic manipulation of water with a salinity below 1 permille;6 In conjunction with the above, the wearer is capable of rapidly inducing arctic/icy conditions, controlling local humidity, and spontaneously manifesting clouds and/or rain; Telekinetic manipulation of both lower and upper atmospheric gases, enabling creation and manipulation of air currents, as well as localised increases in UV light exposure through ozone thinning; In conjunction with the previous properties, this additionally enables the creation and manipulation of major meteorological hazards such as thunderstorms and cyclones (and analogues); Telekinetic manipulation of the local geology, enabling the creation or alteration of geologic formations such as hills, sinkholes, fissures, and caves, and additionally the generation of localised earthquakes.7 Alterations and/or atmospheric events induced by SCP-6943-1 will persist following the removal of SCP-6943-1 from its wearer, but will behave non-anomalously and dissipate as appropriate; a second wearer is capable of utilising SCP-6943-1 to accelerate the reversion/dissipation of these events. Addenda Incident 6943-1 On 21/06/2018, SCP-6943-1 was scheduled for transportation from Reliquary Site-76 to Reliquary Area-27, alongside several other religious relics, to enable enhanced study into the effect of mythological resurgence via modern conspiracy theory upon religious artefacts. Eugene rubbed his face, sighed, readjusted his headset, then pressed a button. 'Dmitri, how's it going?' 'We are fine, leaving Saint Louis now, south on Interstate 55,' came the reply, richly lathered in a Slavic accent. 'We think air-conditioning is broken, getting hot.' Eugene grumbled, opening the truck's maintenance history on the computer in front of him. 'How bad is it?' A moment's pause. 'We will survive, but not comfortable.' 'I'll see if you can swap trucks,' Eugene said, dialling the maintenance overseer of the facility they had left from. 'Sorry about this guys.' 'You sound like you need a drink.' 'It's one of those days. Usually is.' He ended the call, immediately starting the next, leaning back in his office chair, and swivelling around in the centre of his cubicle, trying to vent his frustration. The noise-cancelling headphones muffled out the near-constant ruckus permeating the office; a myriad of voices, each in various states between calmness and rage; the incessant clicking of keyboards and mice, designed to last for years and with little to no effort put into quieting them; and every now and again, the hum of a printer or the rattle of a filing cabinet. The air, as it almost always was, was 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The carpet was grey; the walls, blue; the roof, plaster white. Fluorescent lights set into the ceiling at uniform intervals illuminated the space, except the northernmost cubicles, which bathed in the natural sunlight flooding in from the floor-to-ceiling windows. Outside was the cityscape of Chicago, several stories below. This was floor 65 of Protected Site-237, the Department of Logistics' information hub for the north-east region of the United States; if the Foundation was moving something, as long as it was between Nebraska, Tennessee and Canada, someone on this floor was watching over it. A notification popped up on the bottom-right corner of Eugene's monitor; the time, two names, and the number to contact them. He sighed, reaching for the button to end the still-connecting call. 'Hel-' Dial tone. He paused for a moment, briefly processing the fact he'd hung up the very moment he got through to maintenance, rolled his eyes, and put in the phone number listed in the notification. While the ring tone hummed away, he briefly updated the log for Dmitri's transport, closed it, then opened the log for the driver he was calling. 'Hello?' 'Davis, it's Eugene, just checking in with you.' 'We're fine, just coming into Fargo now. Traffic looks good, we should get to the Site in about… five minutes?' 'Good to hear. You'll have half an hour for a lunch break, and then you'll be carrying some gear to Minneapolis; should be loaded for you when you get back.' 'Ah, coming down your way are we? Planning a prison break, are you?' Eugene scoffed. 'You know the rules; I'm glued to this seat until someone buys my extended car warranty.' The other side of the line was filled with uproarious laughter; Eugene quietly chuckled to himself. A red light on his landline phone indicated someone was calling him. 'I'll speak to you later,' Eugene said, switching over. 'Hello?' 'Eugene, it's Bernette. We might have a situation.' The grin changed to a scowl. Can't even be happy for five damn minutes today… 'Explain.' Bernette briefly glanced at the passenger-side mirror, making sure there was enough room for the armoured truck to change lanes; the car next to her slowed down when she turned her indicator on, letting her move into the rightmost lane of the four-lane highway. 'For one, Juan's noticed a grey sports car that's been hovering around for awhile - not always behind us, but it's been nearby for the past half hour or so. Says the plates look off.' 'Off?' 'Here they come again,' Juan said, looking at the driver-side mirror. Bernette glanced at it; sure enough, the silver Mazda MX-5 was slowly gaining on them, moving forward into the space her steel-brick-on-wheels had just vacated. The car was much shorter than the truck, it's roof quite snugly below her view through the passenger side window - without the mirror, it would be completely hidden in a blind spot. As the Mazda slowly pulled ahead - it was only going one or two miles faster than the truck - Bernette briefly looked over it. The roof was up, shielding the occupants from the late morning Chicago sun; but she could see through the window that the driver was alone. Their clothing was odd - fully black, not a suit, but not casual attire either; she couldn't make out what exactly they had on. A five-axle semi-trailer came into view behind them, filling up Bernette's window with a massive caboose, followed by the monotonous red tarp on its trailer; once the rear of the Mazda was just barely ahead of the armoured van, it flicked on its indicator and immediately began merging into Bernette's lane - a light push on the brakes was enough to avoid a collision, but now they were behind the back of the semi. 'Looks blue,' Bernette said, staring at the Mazda's license plate. 'Weird font, red band at the top.' 'Diplomatic plates.' Eugene's voice came through the truck's speaker system. 'Number?' 'D-L-G, 0-3-9-5,' Juan said. 'Turkish diplomat. Give me a second to run them.' 'Is that odd?' 'Not really, there's an embassy here in the NBC tower. Which explains why you've seen them a bit - you're going through Bucktown, right?' 'Uhh…' Bernette said, briefly glancing at the vehicle's GPS. 'I think so?' 'Coming up to exit 48A,' Juan said, pointing to a sign over the highway. 'Yeah, exit 50B is a few blocks away from the tower. The plates are real - they're just on their usual route.' 'You're sure?' Bernette said, checking her mirrors again as she merges behind the semi. 'I'm sure they're real plates, and they're on the right car; I can't be sure who's driving it.' Bernette tapped her fingers on the steering wheel; a fifth lane briefly meets with the one on her right, then curves back away after a minute - exit 48A. 'Requesting permission to turn off at exit 48B.' 'Bernette.' 'We're way off our route - we were supposed to go south at the 290, but that was jammed. The backup was 294, and that was jammed too. If we turn off here-' 'You'll immediately hit a traffic light on North avenue, and dozens more if you don't immediately get back onto the highway. Even if you kept going, you'd just end up east on the 290 for a minute or two, then going south again on I-90. You're carrying anomalies; the longer you have them, the more dangerous they could get, and the more often you stop, the more likely you'll get jumped. Stay on the I-90, and if that car is still hanging around after exit 50, then we'll get worried.' Bernette sighed, shaking her head. 'Can you at least have someone on standby?' 'Already done, Epsilon-7 has been waiting ever since your diversions. It won't take them any longer than a few minutes to get to you. Let's just make sure you need them first, alright?' Bernette checked her speedometer; the semi had slowed down by almost ten miles per hour. A white pickup truck was to her right - she moved into the empty space to her left, then closed the gap between her and a red minivan ahead. The Mazda was already in the lane, in front of the minivan. 'Alright, alright. Thanks Eugene.' 'I'll stay on the line a bit longer, save you some time to redial. You're only a few minutes away from exit 50.' 'Right,' Juan said, grinning. 'You sure you aren't trying to hear how Bernette screwed up dinner the other night?' Bernette rolled her eyes. 'I did not, it was supposed to taste like that.' 'Eugene, have you ever heard of a spaghetti that's supposed to taste sweet?' 'What? No.' 'It was Filipino!' Bernette said, watching as the Mazda pulled ahead of the semi, then moved into its lane. 'Filipino spaghetti is supposed to taste like that!' 'No, no way. Why would anyone think that would make sense?' Juan replied. 'No, she's right - Filipino spaghetti has sugar in the sauce.' Juan shook his head, smiling. 'That's got to be criminal or something. Spaghetti is supposed to be savoury! What next, you're going to throw some lemons in there too?' Bernette grinned. 'That could be nice.' 'Don't you dare.' The semi's indicators turned on; it wanted to move into Bernette's lane, apparently uncaring about the two vehicles that needed to move for it to do so. Bernette's eyes flicked about the scene, figuring out how to respond - the driver of the minivan had decided to get behind the semi, putting on the brakes and approaching the front of Bernette's van. Bernette followed suit, slowing down and letting the red minivan go behind the semi, which itself merged to fill the void in front of Bernette. After a moment the red minivan moved into the lane on its right, then after a few moments more did so again, entering the rightmost lane of the highway. The truck was still struggling to keep up with the speed limit - Bernette assumed the Mazda had forced its abrupt lane-change - she decided to move into the leftmost lane and try overtaking it. An overhead sign showed the next exit was 49A, with 50A after it; 48B had already passed. 'I'm starting to think the diplomat car is stolen,' Bernette said, gaining on the semi. 'They're driving all over the place, messing with a semi-truck. Looks like a joyride or something.' Eugene sighed. 'Just keep out of their way. How far are they?' 'Can't tell. Nothing but semi-trailer on my right, and concrete barriers on my left.' With the Mazda out of the way, the truck was easily keeping pace with Bernette's armoured van; she caught up to the front end of its trailer, but couldn't gain on the cabin. The two were moving at the same speed, parallel to each-other. 'The hell?' Juan said. 'What is it?' Bernette glanced at him briefly; he pointed to one of the small monitors built into the dashboard in front of him. The van had three internal cameras - two in the cargo area, one in the cabin - that recorded each and every trip made; if an accident happened, or there was a robbery, the footage could be used to figure out what happened, why, and who did it. As an added bonus, the passenger was able to keep an eye on the cargo in case something came loose. The monitor Juan pointed to, however, was completely black. 'One of the cameras just died,' Bernette said. 'Front-right cargo, the one just behind my seat.' An extended, frustrated growl came over the phone line. 'You're joking. You've got to be joking.' 'Afraid not,' Juan said. 'Of course something else breaks while I'm - alright, let me add it to the repair schedule.' Another screen went black. 'Just lost another one. We can't-' The entire dashboard went dark. All of the van's electronics were dark - no lights, no numbers, all of the dials resting on zero. Bernette noticed the van was slowly drifting toward the concrete barrier - she struggled to veer the truck away, the steering wheel now taking all of her effort to turn. 'We just lost power. Call him back.' Juan pulled his phone out from his vest. 'The hell?' he said. 'What?' 'My phone's dead.' 'Use mine,' Bernette said, pulling out her own and passing it to him. A moment's pause. 'Yours is dead too.' 'What?' He held up her phone, pressing the power button; nothing. 'No, that's-' She looked up in time to see the semi swerve into them. 'Just lost another one. We can't-' Eugene's headset played the unmistakeable three-note tone of an ended call. He blinked in confusion for a moment, then reached for the redial button - but stopped when a flashing, red alert box appeared on his computer. The van's GPS signal had been lost. He hit redial anyway, then set about finding the nearest cameras to Bernette and Juan's last known location. An automated voice spoke over the phone line, informing him the call couldn't be connected. The van had just passed the eastbound (which was really southbound) exit 49A; there were two cameras nearby, each facing opposite directions, positioned just behind the eastbound and westbound exits. He opened both. The scene was of a ten-lane bridge, seen from opposite ends. Four lanes were devoted to each direction, with an additional two lanes between, protected on both sides by permanent concrete barriers. Each camera's respective exit curved away to their right, descending to connect with a road - Division street - that went under the bridge. Bernette's van was in the leftmost lane, travelling south; the semi-truck was immediately to its right. Eugene could see the silver Mazda pulling ahead of the semi. Various other vehicles - minivans, pickup trucks, a sedan - were scattered lightly about. Then, without warning, the semi-truck swerved left, smashing into the side of the van and pushing it into the concrete barrier. Most of the damage was incurred by the semi and the barrier - the van's armour held nicely, kicking up a few sparks but resisting crumpling as best it could. The semi lost its rear-left wheel guard first, then had its entire left side mangled as the van scraped across it, pushing into it as the truck tried to slow it down. The vehicles passing in the dividing two lanes were pelted with concrete chunks, several having their windows cracked or outright shattered, but the barrier itself held, preventing the van from being pushed through into those lanes. That the crash was intentional was unquestionable; nothing had changed in front of the semi to prompt the manoeuvre, and even then, the driver should have swerved back to avoid further damage to their vehicle. Instead, the truck maintained its constant leftward veer, eventually coming to a stop with the armoured van firmly pinned between itself and the concrete barrier. Neither of the cabin doors were openable - Bernette and Juan were trapped inside. Eugene immediately dialled the number for the DTF team he'd put on standby. A traffic jam immediately formed behind the accident. Whatever vehicles had been alongside the semi in the right two lanes had simply continued driving; the vehicles behind it, however, had either slammed on their brakes, swerved to avoid it, or both - three or four secondary accidents were caused when the cars hit each-other in so doing. Only the rightmost lane remained unimpeded, and after a few moments, the other three lanes began merging into it. The tarp on the trailer opened from the inside, and a man wearing full tactical gear jumped out, armed with an automatic rifle; he immediately marched over to the rightmost lane, pointing the gun at the passing cars and gesturing for them to keep back. The drivers complied; now no-one was passing. A second person got out from the trailer, followed by a third, fourth, and fifth. By the time Eugene's call connected, there were ten of them - three keeping the cars back and blocking the highway, the others moving around the semi-trailer, approaching Bernette's van from behind. 'This is George.' 'Deploy, deploy, deploy!' Eugene shouted, lifting the guard from a button on his desk and hitting it with his fist; a flashing red light lit up over his cubicle. 'Interstate 90, eastbound, immediately after exit 49A; ten hostiles confirmed, armed, tactical gear.' The person at the other end of the line barked orders to someone else. 'The guards?' 'Unknown, contact lost, likely trapped and unable to assist.' Eugene opened a new program on his computer, putting in the van's ID number and his own access credentials. Inside the cargo area, bolted to the wall separating it from the cabin, was a machine designed to protect the van's contents from theft; once triggered, it would fill the room in seconds with a surprisingly-durable polyurethane foam, strong enough to resist a fair number of explosives once set. It wasn't fool-proof - with enough time it could be dug out or dissolved - but it would certainly delay the thieves long enough for armed security to arrive on-scene. Although the machine should have already been activated by the impact of the crash - or, hopefully, by Bernette and Juan themselves - Eugene nonetheless tried to activate it remotely, in the event it somehow hadn't. Even when the program notified him that it couldn't connect to Bernette's van, he ordered it to send an activation signal anyway. 'What's happening?' Eugene turned to face the voice, taking the headset off one ear as he did. The light above his head alerted his superior, Alice - now leaning over his desk beside him, watching the camera feed - that an incident was unfolding; two minds were better than one, and she could authorise more drastic action than him if it was needed. 'Heist in transit on the I-90, eastbound just after exit 49A. Anomalies in cargo, they're off-route due to traffic jams, all contact lost - they mentioned two of the cameras in the back dying, now their GPS isn't working either.' 'Epsilon Seven?' Alice asked. 'Team of five on their way, leader George on the line. There's at least ten attackers, seven of them are at the back of our truck.' The seven mentioned were out of view from the cameras, inside a blind spot created by the semi-trailer's positioning - from behind, Bernette's van was completely hidden, and the other camera only showed its front; the back of the van and several meters behind it were completely obscured. Alice pointed at the semi-trailer tarp on the side Bernette's van was pinned against; a bright, flickering light was shining on it from just behind the van. 'They're cutting in,' she said, pulling out her mobile phone and punching a number in. 'I'll get another ten agents. What's the cargo?' Eugene pushed the camera view to one side, pulling up the manifest. 'Bound for Reliquary Area-27; nothing but relics, all anomalous.' 'Wonderful. Just wonderful.' She held her phone up to her ear and started talking into it. 'George,' Eugene said into his microphone, 'ETA?' 'Three minutes.' Eugene started fidgeting in his seat. This wasn't the first time he'd dealt with a situation like this - everyone had to deal with one at least once every year or two - but every time it did, he inevitably became restless. It was his responsibility to keep cargo and personnel safe, to keep everything working the way it should, but whenever it didn't, there wasn't much he could do; he could call in agents, tell them where to go, keep them informed, but beyond that he was stuck watching the tragedy unfold from behind his desk. And, like now, there always came a time where he could do nothing but watch. A notification popped up on the bottom-right corner of Eugene's monitor; the time, two names, and the number to contact them. 'George, please hold,' he said, scowling and punching in the new number. 'Hello?' A new voice answered. 'Terry, is anything wrong?' 'No, we're fine, leav-' 'Good, I'll call you back.' He hung up and went back to George's line. His eyes went to the camera view. One of the attackers had come back into view at the rear of the semi-trailer, a pair of briefcases in either hand. 'Alice, they're grabbing stuff! She swore. 'George, if you aren't flooring it -' 'Two minutes!' George shouted. 'Give me two damn minutes!' Eugene resisted the urge to shout back, knowing it wouldn't change anything. He just sat and stared at the screen. A silver car came into view for the eastbound-facing camera. The Mazda had been ahead of the semi when the crash occurred, and it hadn't slowed down afterwards, continuing down the I-90 and disappearing from view; but at some point it had stopped and turned back around, now driving back up the highway, against the direction of (now non-existent) traffic. It only took a few seconds for it to reach the scene, slowing down and coming to a stop next to the agent holding the briefcases - who gave them to the driver. 'Should've known,' Eugene mumbled. 'George, they're putting the loot inside a silver Mazda sports car, diplomatic plates, license is D-L-G, 0-3-9-5.' 'Silver D-L-G, got it,' George replied. He pushed the camera view to the side again, bringing up the map of Chicago's roadways and navigating to the location of the crash, trying to figure out where they could be going and how best to stop them. 'Sports car; speed,' he mumbled, scrolling along. 'Go with traffic to avoid a collision. Eastbound lanes… next exit is 50A, that gets them into residential. School, park, a few shops… park. Big field. Nice spot for a helicopter, not too far from where they get off - quick to reach.' He got Alice's attention again. 'They might be going for the baseball park. It's not too far from the next exit, you could land a helicopter there briefly. The next exit is only a few blocks away from it, and there's only one set of lights in-between. Could go for this school here, but either way - exit 50A.' She nodded. 'Harold, give me a second,' she said into her phone before showing the screen to Eugene. 'Team two lead, nine persons, conference them with yours.' 'One minute,' George said. The attacker that had emerged from the semi-trailer first - the one blocking the rightmost lane, and closest to the edge of the bridge - looked to their left, then signalled to the others. The ones raiding the Bernette's van gave another two briefcases to the Mazda driver. 'George, what's your current route?' He pressed the conference call button on his receiver, and punched in the number on Alice's phone. 'I'm adding the other team now, nine heads.' 'West Division Street eastbound, coming up on Ashland avenue,' George said. His eyes widened. 'Take the right, take the right!' 'What?' Alice glanced at him. 'Right on Ashland. Go for Eckhart Park. They've made you.' Five agents against ten was bad odds. Five agents against ten who had obviously planned the raid for quite some time - evidenced by the efficiency of the attack, how conveniently the van shut down at exactly the right time, and how quickly they got into the cargo area - was worse odds. Giving them a clear line-of-sight on the approaching DTF agents was even worse; if they had a rocket launcher, it would be easy to stop George and his team from getting onto the highway, and by the time they did - assuming they even could - the Mazda would be speeding off, laden with whatever the assailants had performed the raid for, and nobody was in-place to stop it. But the Mazda itself could only hold two people at most, and judging by how much was being put into it, the driver was probably alone. Five against one was good odds. 'Turning onto Ashland,' George said. 'Harold here.' 'Location and heading?' Eugene replied. 'West on Fullerton west avenue, passing Orchard north street.' Eugene scrolled over on the map. 'Left at Halsted street, follow to Division then turn right. George, I need you to turn left onto Huron street, follow it almost to the end, but don't turn onto Racine avenue, and stay out of sight from the exit. I'm reckoning they'll try turning onto Huron and going for Eckhart, and you can jump them there.' 'Got it,' Harold said. 'And if they don't?' Alice said. Eugene scrolled back over to the highway. 'Exit 50B is the next option. The plates are for a Turkish diplomat; if they take 50B they might be trying for NBC Tower and the consulate. The end of the off-ramp has lights - if you get them to stick to red, traffic will build and they'll be stuck on the on-ramp. George and his crew can get onto the I-90 from Milwaukee, here, then come down 50B and get them from behind.' 'What if they don't take 50B?' George said. 'Then they go through the tunnels, hit the 51's, and from there we've pretty much lost them,' Harold said. 'How many exits are there again?' 'B through I, then they can turn onto I-290 in either direction or keep going southward.' Eugene pointed to the highway just before the tunnels began, where an on-ramp paralleling exit 50B merged in. 'Alice, can you get a team to just block this spot right here? The backlog could force them onto 50B.' 'You want to choke the whole Kennedy Expressway,' she said. 'It's that, or risk losing the anomalies.' Alice shook her head. 'This better work.' Movement on the screen caught Eugene's eye. The Mazda pulled away from the semi, accelerating down the highway. 'They're moving, George, are you in position?' 'Of course I'm not in bloody position, we're still going down Ashland!' Eugene snarled, quickly getting into the camera for exit 50A. 'Take Chicago if you can, you've got a minute before they pull off the highway.' The sound of screeching tyres came through the phone line. 'And what now?!' 'Stop at the right for Elizabeth North, block the street, and get ready to shoot!' With their getaway car speeding off, the assailants turned their attention to the vehicles held-up by the attack. One of the guards blocking the lanes pointed to a blue minivan, and gestured for it to approach, pointing their gun at the windshield; after a moment the driver reluctantly obeyed, slowly driving forward until signalled to stop. Another militant appeared from the blind spot, carrying a moderately-sized wooden crate pilfered from Bernette's van; they put it down gently, then went over to the minivan, trying to open the driver-side door - after shouting at the occupant, they used their rifle to smash the window and open it from the inside. Eugene clenched his teeth as they stepped back from the door, pointing their gun at the occupants and shouting at them; almost immediately all four doors of the car opened, with the passengers and driver - all teenagers - stepping out with their hands up. All four turned away from the accident, slowly walking between the other held-up cars before progressively breaking into a sprint. The militants paid no attention to them - one got into the driver's seat of the minivan, moving it over to where the Mazda had been, then put the wooden box into it. The Mazda itself came into frame on the third camera, taking exit 50A at speed - it was the only car on the ramp. 'George, they're coming your way, just got onto the exit. Where are you now?' Eugene said. 'Passing Eckhart!' George replied. The Mazda sped out of view. 'Thirty seconds at best.' 'Which street is it coming down?' 'Willard street would be fastest, but I don't know, I can't see!' An aggravated growl, another screech, then the barking of orders. 'Harold, ETA?' 'Five minutes, passing North avenue,' Harold replied. 'Contact!' The sound of gunfire filled the phone line. Two of the assailants at the crash site looked to the south, in the direction of George and his team, then the three blocking the lanes intermittently turned to each-other, talking. The gunfire ceased, promptly followed by the faint sound of a crash - all the visible assailants reacted to this, one of them abandoning their post and going into the blind spot behind Bernette's van. 'Target down, retrieving - get down!' The gunfire briefly resumed, before subsiding once more. 'Helicopter confirmed,' George said, 'came from the north-east, took some pot-shots at us, now they're bailing to the south.' 'The cargo?' 'Getting it now.' Four of the attackers emerged from the blind spot, each carrying various items pilfered from the armoured van; they shoved these into the family car, then three of them got in themselves while one of the guards pointed to another vehicle, a black sedan - the occupants didn't hesitate to get out and run. 'They're bailing, Alice have you got the highway blocked yet?' She shook her head. 'We can block 50B, or we can block the road after it, but we aren't ready for both yet.' 'Then block the road, at least we can force them back into Chicago.' 'Four minutes,' Harold said. Eugene shook his head, going back to the map again, his eyes following Harold's route. They weren't going to make it - the blue minivan was already pulling away with its three occupants, the last four assailants had emerged from the blind spot and were loading their loot into the sedan, and the group was in the process of acquiring a third vehicle. They would be gone by the time Harold's team arrived. He zoomed out a little, eyes darting over the screen as he desperately tried to figure out a way to respond. They wouldn't be able to go any further than 50B, and once they came off it would take them some time to get back onto a highway - but the lattice of streets gave them plenty of options, and it would be difficult to box them in again. But 50A was still on the table, too. George was nearby, but preoccupied with something - probably the helicopter that was supposed to pick up the Mazda's cargo. They probably wouldn't, since they seemed to be aware the first car had been intercepted, but if the helicopter was keeping in contact with them, then they'd know the route was viable - come off the exit, floor it down Racine avenue… get onto Ogden avenue, and from there they could disappear anywhere. With enough speed they could even get onto the I-290, or the I-90 past the road block… Then he saw it. 'George, there's a bridge over the I-90 just east of you; I need guns on it, facing north and down at the highway. There's a blue minivan coming down it now, three occupants and cargo - take it out.' 'You two, secure the cargo! You two, with me!' The assailants closed the back of the sedan, then four of them jumped in and sped off. The driver-side door of the semi-truck opened, and the driver finally emerged; unarmed, but geared up like the others. They ran around to where the third car - a red hatchback - was stopped, and all four remaining attackers got into it, immediately proceeding down the highway. 'After the blue minivan is a black sedan, four occupants and cargo, then a red hatchback, four occupants, no cargo. Harold, maintain your heading, drop three of your men off to secure the scene, then continue down the I-90 in pursuit.' 'Received, two minutes out.' Eugene's eyes lingered on the windscreen of Bernette's van - the camera resolution was too low to tell if there was any movement inside. He hoped there was. The blue minivan came into view of the exit 50A camera; the phone line was filled with gunfire. The car's windscreen visibly cracked, accelerated for a moment, then swerved to the right - too sharply. The driver-side wheels lifted off the ground, and the whole vehicle began to roll along its side down the highway, throwing pieces of glass and metal off as it went - a metal box flew out of the driver-side window, flying several meters through the air before hitting the road and bouncing along, out of the way of the car. After a few moments the minivan came to rest, on its roof. Eugene could faintly make out the black sedan and red hatchback screeching to a halt just at the end of the bridge. They both performed a U-turn onto the on-ramp to their right - the red car taking the lead - and accelerated toward the Division street junction. 'Harold, the black sedan and red hatchback are about to get onto Division street using the on-ramp, you need to intercept.' 'Tell me which way they turn,' he replied. 'Cargo from the sports car secure, we're going down to the minivan now,' George said. The two cars reached the junction. The civilians were keeping away from the warzone, so both directions were clear for the taking; from the cars' positioning, it was obvious they intended to capitalise on the availability. 'Hatchback turning toward you, sedan turning away, latter has cargo.' For a brief second, Harold's armoured van - with the word 'SWAT' painted across it in huge, white letters - briefly entered the north-facing camera's view as it hurtled down Division street from the east, using the empty eastward lane to fly past the long line of civilian vehicles. It disappeared under the bridge; when it emerged it had swapped lanes, sustained damage to the front-left bumper - probably from clipping the red hatchback, which was still under the bridge somewhere - and was smoking at the tires from trying to stop. It succeeded in doing so, but not before hitting the sedan from behind, knocking it off-balance; the driver managed to keep it straight enough to leave the camera's view, but the ensuing metallic smash that came over the phoneline proved they didn't make it much further. The DTF agents rapidly spilled out from the van, all with guns raised - five went straight after the sedan, while the others rushed back under the bridge. 'Hands up! Hands up! Don't test me!' Harold shouted. 'Don't move!' George barked; he and the two with him were approaching the blue minivan, all with guns raised. Eugene leaned back in his seat, eyes wide, rubbing his forehead. 'Harold, there are relics in there!' Harold didn't respond; just more barking and screaming at the sedan occupants. Gunfire. George's team stepped back from the minivan, then after a moment lowered their weapons and started pulling items out from it. 'George?' 'They went for their guns; no survivors,' George said. 'We've got a live one,' Harold said. 'One's dead, the other two will be soon.' Eugene buried his face in his hands. He looked up when Alice tapped him on the shoulder. 'It's done,' he said. 'We've got them all.' She nodded. 'Take five minutes. I'll handle the clean up.' Eugene didn't complain; he took off the headset, gave it to Alice, then stood and stepped out of the cubicle. Alice put on the headset, and the moment she did, a new call came in. 'Hello? Eugene's stepped out for a moment, I'm sorting things out for him.' A pause. 'A new truck, you say?' Eugene grinned as he walked away. While en route, the transport was intercepted by a team of ORIA agents, who utilised a directed microwave weapon to destroy the transport's internal electronics, including that of its security systems. The heist was successfully prevented through the emergency deployment of several Distributed Task Force Epsilon-7 ('Sign Here Please') stationed throughout Chicago. Interrogation of the apprehended assailants confirmed that an ORIA agent embedded within the Department of Tactical Theology had notified them of the transport several weeks prior, and marked the acquisition of SCP-6943-1 as a high-priority target. The location of SCP-6943-1 following the incident is unknown. The GPS tracker recorded as being attached to the item's container became non-functional during the attack, and searches of the surrounding area were unable to locate SCP-6943-1 or its container; the ORIA agents claim to have been in possession of the item when apprehended, but are unable to justify its absence afterwards. An investigation by the Department of Logistics, however, suggests that SCP-6943-1 may have been incorrectly catalogued on departure, and as such could have been tagged with an incorrect GPS tracker and erroneously loaded onto a different transport departing from Reliquary Site-76; an audit of all Foundation facilities that SCP-6943-1 may have been delivered to is currently underway. Footnotes 1. From whom SCP-6943-1 was acquired in 1996, as part of Operation BLANK SIGIL. 2. Throughout the 20th century, ownership of SCP-6943-1 repeatedly changed between several precursors of both the ORIA and the Horizon Initiative, then the GOIs themselves following their establishment. Other owners of SCP-6943-1 include Sir Edwin Young (circa 1677), the British Museum (1886-1889), and Marshall, Carter, & Dark Ltd. (1907). 3. The Anunnaki are a vaguely-defined group of Sumerian/Mesopotamian deities; the precise number, members, and purpose of the Anunnaki vary across surviving texts, but typically have some relation to seven major deities of the pantheon: An, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag, Nanna, Utu, and Inanna. In Akkadian mythology (and descendants), the Anunnaki are underworld deities, the number of which vary up to 600. 4. The minute Akiva radiation is suspected to be caused by Sumerian mythology's modern resurgence as part of several 'ancient astronauts' conspiracy theories. Investigation to discern whether this resurgence was instigated to restore some/all SCP-6943 instances' anomalous properties is being considered. 5. While the design of SCP-6943-1 indicates it was intended to be worn on the wrist or forearm, its large inner radius renders it more effectively worn on the upper arm. 6. Parts per thousand; 1 permille is approximately the upper limit of drinkable water for humans. 7. SCP-6943-1 does not enable its wearer to induce volcanic activity, except when used to create an opening that exposes the Earth's mantle. SCP-6122: Snakes 'n Ladders Logistics Department SCP-6934: Saint Elmo's Fire
Item#: 6944 Level3 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-6944 must be kept in a soundproof lockbox containing no written or printed language on any part of its interior surface. This lockbox should be kept in a standard storage locker requiring personnel to have Clearance Level 3 or higher to access. Transportation of SCP-6944 instances being used for testing is to be done in a secure soundproof transport case with no interior markings. Currently, there are 483 instances of SCP-6944 in containment. Testing chambers 34-A and 57-C of Site-76 are to be quarantined until further notice. Any personnel that enter these chambers to examine SCP-6944-B instances are to wear standard encapsulated hazardous material suits. All "costs" given by SCP-6944-A are to be reviewed prior to acceptance to prevent further possible manifestations of SCP-6944-B. If the "cost" possesses a risk towards the subject's death, the test is to be aborted. Foundation webcrawlers are to investigate any mentions of individuals finding working spirit talking boards. Any cases where the object in question is verbally speaking must be investigated in-person by Mobile Task Force Psi-8 ("The Silencers") for instances of SCP-6944. Description: SCP-6944 is a series of identical teardrop-shaped planchettes1 primarily made of wood. Within the center of each SCP-6944 instance is an amber-colored glass lens that would typically be used for viewing individual letters. Material analysis of SCP-6944 found the wood to be composed of Cornus nuttallii2 and Rosa canina3, with the glass being made of solidified tree sap. All instances of SCP-6944 will instantaneously regenerate from any damage they incur, with the exception of immolation. When all three legs of an instance of SCP-6944 come into contact with any surface containing printed or written language, it will adhere to the surface by unknown means. The object will remain in this fixed position unless it is intentionally removed by a human subject, with attempts to remove SCP-6944 instances by mechanical means proven ineffective. When in this state, an SCP-6944 instance should be considered primed and capable of becoming active. When a subject verbally states a desire to speak with another individual while within audible range of a primed SCP-6944 instance, the lens of the instance will begin to vibrate, replicating a male voice. This voice, hereby referred to as SCP-6944-A, will state a location for any deceased individual, an increment of time per minute to "connect the call", and ask the subject if they accept. Upon acceptance, the lens of the SCP-6944 instance will emit a colored light, indicating its active state, and the voice of the deceased will be replicated by the lens. All sound within audible range of an active SCP-6944 instance will be heard by the deceased. SCP-6944 instances will remain in their active state until they are removed from their fixed position. Once contact with the deceased has ended the subject who agreed to SCP-6944-A's offer will begin rapidly aging. Altered rate of aging appears to match the "cost" offered by SCP-6944-A and will last for a duration matching the amount of time that the SCP-6944 instance was active. If this event results in the subject's death, there is a high probability that the subject's corpse will transmute into an instance of SCP-6944-B. SCP-6944-B is a large mushroom grown from subjects who expired due to the use of an SCP-6944 instance. Analysis of the fungal matter revealed the mushroom to be a hybridization of Pluteus salicinus4 and Isaria sinclairii5. The stalk of individual SCP-6944-B instances resemble the transmuted subject prior to using SCP-6944, with matching height, and a cap approximately one meter in diameter. SCP-6944-B instances may potentially release spores into the surrounding area they inhabit. When inhaled, these spores will result in vivid hallucinations of the transmuted subject attempting to talk to those exposed. Subjects exposed to SCP-6944-B spores report that the hallucinations are responsive and capable of conversation, often having information that would only be known to the transmuted subject. To date, one instance of SCP-6944-B has expired and all individuals suffering from hallucinations caused by this instance have reported a full recovery from spore exposure. Any attempts of exterminating any living SCP-6944-B instances have been unsuccessful, as all instances will regrow within 24 hours. Open Test Logs - Test 6944-1 Subject: D-35297, age 38. Deceased: D-36572; Mobile Task Force Omega-16, recruited one week prior to test. Deceased was given a keyphrase in order to confirm identity. SCP-6944-A Statement: "Recipient found in the settlement of Grio Duna. Cost to connect the call will be 5 minutes per minute." Duration of Contact: 5 minutes; keyphrase confirmed. Results: No apparent effects. Test 6944-3 Subject: D-58429, age 25. Deceased: Karen Jolson, D-58429's mother. SCP-6944-A Statement: "Recipient found in the nation of Saklovai. Cost to connect the call will be 1 year per minute." Duration of Contact: 12 minutes. Results: 1 minute after contact was ceased, the subject started to complain about joint pain. As observation continued, the subject's appearance began to show signs of advanced ageing, such as the visible formation of wrinkles and liver spots appearing on their skin. All effects appeared to cease after 12 minutes post-contact. Further examination of the subject revealed symptoms of early onset osteoporosis previously unseen in D-58429. Test 6944-8 Subject: D-24189, age 27. Deceased: Nikola Ostrowski; overseeing researcher, still alive. SCP-6944-A Statement: "Recipient not found. Connection is not possible." Duration of Contact: N/A; SCP-6944 instance did not enter its active state. Results: No apparent effects. Test 6944-12 Subject: D-38414, age 24. Deceased: Nathan Farges; D-38414's ex-boyfriend. SCP-6944-A Statement: "Recipient found in Castle Bøgal. Cost to connect the call will be 5 years per minute." Duration of Contact: 20 minutes. Results: Once contact was ceased, the subject proceeded to rapidly age for approximately 13 minutes, with the process resulting in the subject's death. Subject's corpse proceeded to rapidly decay, eventually putrefying. Once the corpse was fully putrefied, indications of growth were witnessed coming from the central mass. This growth sprouted into a large mushroom, now designated SCP-6944-B, measuring 1.8 meters in height and a cap width of 1 meter, the stalk of which resembles a woman in her mid-20s. Once fully grown, the mushroom expelled spores that filled the testing chamber. Class-D personnel exposed to these spores are currently experiencing vivid hallucinations of a woman matching the description of D-38414 attempting to speak with them. Note: Testing Chamber 34-A is to be placed under quarantine until we can figure out how to deal with the mushroom. I'm kind of amazed we haven't had an issue of finding one of these out in the wild yet. -Researcher Ostrowski Test 6944-15 Subject: D-35829, age 21. Deceased: N/A, subject instructed to request to speak to SCP-6944-A. SCP-6944-A Statement: "This request is intended to be fulfilled for your masters." Duration of Contact: N/A; SCP-6944 instance did not enter its active state. Results: No apparent effects. - SCP-6944-A is a non-corporeal entity connected to every instance of SCP-6944 that refers to itself as "the operator". SCP-6944-A is sapient and capable of regular communication, if willing, through any primed SCP-6944 instance. If SCP-6944-A's claims are to be believed, it is capable of witnessing any event occurring near SCP-6944 instances and able to locate them. In events where SCP-6944 is damaged by fire, SCP-6944-A is capable of manipulating any smoke within a six meter range (See Incident 6944-1). Smoke manipulated by SCP-6944-A follows the same standard rules of interaction as with ectoplasmic entities6. An interview with SCP-6944-A was conducted in order to learn the origin and purpose of SCP-6944. Open Interview Log 6944-A/1 - Interview Log: 6944-A/1 Subject: First communication with SCP-6944-A Interviewer: Researcher Nikola Ostrowski Interviewee: SCP-6944-A <Begin Log> Ostrowski: This is the second attempt at communicating with the entity known as SCP-6944-A. The time is 5:43pm. <Researcher Ostrowski removes an SCP-6944 instance from a soundproof transport case and places it onto a surface containing all 26 letters of the English alphabet.> Hello? I want to talk to SCP-6944-A. <The lens in the SCP-6944 instance begins vibrating.> SCP-6944-A: Greetings, Foundation. I've been waiting for this conversation to happen. Ostrowski: Wait, what? You've been waiting for this? SCP-6944-A: Well, if you had tried talking to me sooner, I would have told you that I arrived here this way specifically to get your attention. Also, you don't need to time this. Ostrowski: What do you mean? SCP-6944-A: To respond to not needing to time this. I'm not making a connection for you, so there is no toll. As for getting your attention, I need to speak with a specific member on your high council. The one intimately familiar with an old factory. Ostrowski: Why do you need to speak with them? SCP-6944-A: That is not for you to know. Only with them will I discuss this. Ostrowski: Well, that request might take a while to put through. However, would it be possible to ask you a few questions about where you came from? SCP-6944-A: I do not see the purpose of this. Just send the request so I may speak to the council member. Ostrowski: It might help us get the approval for you to meet with this council member if we know more about you. SCP-6944-A: <3 second pause.> This is acceptable. Ask away. Ostrowski: What do you call yourself? SCP-6944-A: I don't trust you with my name. But you may call me "the operator". Ostrowski: Where are you from? SCP-6944-A: Isn't it obvious? I'm from the realm of Corbenic. Specifically from the nation of ██████ ██████. Ostrowski: ██████ ██████? SCP-6944-A: That is something for me to discuss with the council member. Next question. Ostrowski: Alright. So if you're from Corbenic, does that mean you yourself are deceased? SCP-6944-A: That is correct, but not in the way you're thinking. While I used to be human, I have never been outside of Corbenic until I came here as these planchettes you call SCP-6944. Ostrowski: Can you elaborate? SCP-6944-A: I was born in Corbenic. A rare breed these days since the spider in the sky deemed post-humans having offspring unlawful in that realm. The issue with being born there though is that you can die. What happens to our kind when we pass is anyone's guess. When I was offered a chance to guarantee what happened next for me, I took it. Ostrowski: Is this when you made the planchettes? SCP-6944-A: I didn't make the planchettes. The spell that made it so that I power them prevents me from using flora-kinesis. Instead, I was sent out to find a runaway that left the woods for some mountain and have him make them. After crossing the desert I found him, but he wasn't the fae he was before. He was warped into a tree with three faces, spoke in riddles and false phrases. But after I reached into his mind he was able to grow the planchettes from himself. Once we had enough, I cast the spell to bind my soul to them and sent them here. After that, all that was left was to kill myself. Slit my own throat right then and there with a blackwood blade. When I came to after bleeding out, my mind was spread throughout the planchettes. Ostrowski: Who sent you? SCP-6944-A: My queen. Ostrowski: I'm guessing further information is reserved for the council member. SCP-6944-A: Correct. Ostrowski: Just how do you manage to power SCP-6944? How do these "calls" work? SCP-6944-A: My soul in this form is capable of passing back and forth to Corbenic. If I am asked to make a connection, I do so psychically. The voice you actually hear is the recipient's thoughts, they don't really hear you either. What is heard by the planchette is projected into the recipient's mind. Ostrowski: So it's a form of auditory telepathy? SCP-6944-A: Correct. However it does take a specific type of power. A power I no longer have. Ostrowski: What power is this, and is it the reason for the rapid aging after using SCP-6944? SCP-6944-A: The power that these connections require is lifetime. As I said, I am deceased. I have no lifetime left in me. Those who wish for a connection will be given one at the cost of their own lifetime. As for the advanced aging, a minor side effect. Ostrowski: What about those that turned into mushrooms? SCP-6944-A: That is what happens when you spend more than your body has. In order to make it up, your body is turned to a new form to earn it. Ostrowski: And the hallucinations? SCP-6944-A: When you overspend, you have to make up the excess lifetime you used before moving on to the next world. Some people don't want to make it up in their new form and choose to steal the time. Now, are these answers sufficient? I am growing tired of this conversation. Ostrowski: Just two more questions. Just how many instances of SCP-6944 are there, and how long have you been waiting? SCP-6944-A: There are currently ██,███ planchettes that I am currently connected to, and I have been waiting in your world for 5 years to speak to your leader in the shadows. So I hope you may have him speak to me soon. Ostrowski: Thank you, that will be all. <Researcher Ostrowski removes the SCP-6944 instance from its surface and returns it to its transport case.> Communication ended. Current time is 5:59pm. <End Log> Note: No effects were observed after communicating with SCP-6944-A. - Incident 6944-1: During a patrol mission in ███████, ██, MTF ψ-8 confirmed an attempt to contact a deceased individual using an instance of SCP-6944. During retrieval of the item, one of the suspects in possession of the SCP-6944 instance attempted to destroy the object through fire. Open Incident 6944-1 Interview Logs - Interview Log: 6944-B/1 Subject: Incident 6944-1 Interviewer: Researcher Nikola Ostrowski Interviewee: Agent Damien Groth <Begin Log> Ostrowski: Please state your name and rank for the record. Groth: Damien Groth, Mobile Task Force Psi-8, Captain, Squadron B, Unit 4. Ostrowski: Thank you. Now, can you tell us about the incident you were in involving SCP-6944? Groth: Well, we were doing a standard job up in ███████. Watching over the Central Terminal. The place is known for haunts, and even hosts tours during October. We were stationed there as undercover security. Mainly to try and stop people from talking to whatever might be there, but mostly we just get teenagers trying to graffiti the place. The night of the incident was the first actual thing to happen in the whole week we've been there. Ostrowski: So, how did the event begin? Groth: We were patrolling the ground. After each of us checked in on radio we started with our patrols. Rogan is the most intimidating physically, so we had him on at the main entrance and the platforms. Naturally he'd be the first one of us to deal with something. Ostrowski: So, it was Agent Neil Rogan that first encountered the suspects. At what time would you say this was? Groth: I would say about 23:47. Just under two hours into patrol for the night. Ostrowski: Thank you. Please continue. Groth: Alright, so Rogan spotted the kids and radioed it to the rest of us. Said he spotted a couple teens out on the platform. Apparently one of them was carrying a backpack and they were talking about setting up a board. I gave the order for him to stay back and observe while I made my way towards him. When I got there the kids had this whole setup. Candles, board of letters, the works. If they knew what they really had they would have known that the flair wasn't needed. Ostrowski: How would you describe the suspects? Groth: Two males. One caucasian, one african-american. Telling from the looks of them, they couldn't have been older than 15. Maybe 16. Ostrowski: Alright. Continue. Groth: They spoke to the board and asked to talk to someone who they thought was haunting the place. Some nearby murder from a couple years ago. There's some urban legend around the area that the terminal is haunted by people who die around it and they wanted to try it out. We stayed back for a while to hear what they were talking about. We were already radioing the situation to Faelin and Kowalski when we heard a third voice. Once we heard that, we had to step in. Ostrowski: Were you already aware of SCP-6944 prior to this incident? Groth: Most ways that could be used to communicate with the dead are declassified to us in Psi-8. That info is kind of needed for the job. If you're asking if I recognized the operator's voice, no I didn't. Only read about a talking planchette, I didn't get a chance to hear how it sounded. Ostrowski: Right. So how did you approach the suspects? Groth: Standard approach. Said that we were from Security Crime Prevention and that they were currently trespassing. They got a bit of an attitude, but they started packing up their little ritual kit. Rogan asked them what they were doing. That's when their attitude got worse. Told us it was none of our business. He went to confiscate their pack, basically trying to secure the 6944 instance, but they apparently were determined to not let anyone else take what they had in there. <Sigh.> If only we noticed the candle that was still lit behind them. <Agent Groth is silent for 5 seconds.> Ostrowski: Do you need a moment, Agent Groth? Groth: No, no. It's just… You know the worst to expect on this job. You just don't get to see it too much in my line of work. Especially how it happened. The suspect holding the backpack threw it behind him. They must have done something to make it more flammable, because when that pack hit the flame it lit up. That's when Faelin and Kowalski came in. <Agent Groth pauses.> Groth: Faelin noticed the fire right away and ran to grab a fire extinguisher. I don't know what else those kids had in that bag, but smoke was billowing out of it. Rogan and I went to detain the suspects when Kowalski pulled us back. He pointed out that the smoke was strange. Getting a good look at it, he was right. It didn't rise. Instead it crept forward. As soon as I noticed this it lunged towards the kids. It didn't surround them like you'd think. Instead it made a beeline straight into every crevice it could find on their face. They collapsed on the spot. If we didn't do anything, those kids were gonna die. So I rushed in. Throwing salt wildly on a hunch that it might help. Thankfully it did. Gave me a clear path, at least. Ostrowski: Salt? Groth: Just a lucky guess that SCP-6944-A was controlling the smoke and that it worked like dealing with ghosts. Thankfully I refilled my salt pocket before we started patrol. Ostrowski: Why do you keep a pocket of salt? Groth: Force of habit. I used to be in Mu-13 for a couple years when I first started on the Task Forces. You'd be surprised how much crossover work there is between that and Psi-8. On top of the pocket of emergency salt, I keep a canister of the stuff on me too. That came useful as well since I was able to get a circle around us. I checked the kids, their breathing was faint though. Barely had a pulse either. <3 second pause.> Groth: The backpack was still on fire and smoking like a chimney, piling on to what was already surrounding us just outside of the salt circle. Kowalski and Rogan told Faelin what was happening as she came back with a fire extinguisher, they must have been outside of the thing's range to get them. I rolled my salt can to them to help deal with the smoke while putting out the fire. Once the fire was out and the smoke cleared, we called a medical transport to take the kids. But they stopped breathing altogether by the time the medics got there. After everything was done we collected the evidence and brought it to containment. Ostrowski: Is there anything more you would like to say about the incident? Groth: No. That's all there is. Ostrowski: Alright. Thank you for your time. <End Log> Interview Log: 6944-A/2 Subject: Incident 6944-1 Interviewer: Researcher Nikola Ostrowski Interviewee: SCP-6944-A <Begin Log> Ostrowski: <Researcher Ostrowski places an instance of SCP-6944 on a handwritten note from his clipboard.> Operator, I want to talk. <The SCP-6944 instance's lens begins vibrating.> SCP-6944-A: Have you put in my request? Ostrowski: It is being processed now. We have a few more questions about a recent incident that occured with one of the 6944 instances. SCP-6944-A: Are you referring to that mess at the train station? Ostrowski: You know about that? SCP-6944-A: But of course, I am connected to all the planchettes. Ostrowski: Then let me start by asking why? SCP-6944-A: Security. Can't have all the planchettes being destroyed before we could get your attention. Ostrowski: Where did they find an instance of SCP-6944? SCP-6944-A: I couldn't tell you if I wanted to, just that I was found that day. When you experience the world through as many perspectives as me it becomes difficult to keep full track of where it all happens. Ostrowski: Fine then. Are there any other abilities that you're hiding? SCP-6944-A: Controlling smoke is the height of my capabilities, and even that is only something I am capable of while one of my planchettes is set aflame. Ostrowski: But with how many instances of SCP-6944 that are out there, with how many we have in containment, and even with our team there to witness this event, why did you do it? SCP-6944-A: To send a message of my own. I grow impatient waiting. Bring me your high council member that caused the slaughter of my queen and her people. There are dozens of my planchettes currently owned by people out there. If I wanted, I could lead them here, maybe help them find more planchettes, or convince them to burn my forms so I may pass them to my home. There are many ways that I can disrupt your world. I will give you one day to decide. <Lens of SCP-6944 instance ceases vibration.> Ostrowski: …Damn it. <End Log> - After Incident 6944-1 the death of the two civilian suspects was released to the public under a cover story of carbon monoxide poisoning while trespassing in ███████ Central Terminal. The remains of the SCP-6944 instance were gathered from the scene, having approximately 28% of its mass reduced to ash; this damage has not regenerated as of this writing. Following Interview 6944-A/2, the matter of having O5-█ speak with SCP-6944-A was set to vote. Contact was approved in an 8-5 vote. THE FOLLOWING IS CLASSIFIED TO PERSONNEL BELOW CLEARANCE LEVEL 5/6944 [INPUT AUTHORIZATION CREDENTIALS] [CREDENTIALS ACCEPTED] Interview: 6944-A/3 Subject: Demands of SCP-6944-A Interviewer: O5-██/O5-█ Interviewee: SCP-6944-A/Queen ███ <Begin Log> O5-██: Ok, let's get this over with. <O5-██ places an SCP-6944 instance on a surface containing the 26 letters of the English alphabet.> You wanted to talk to the council. You got it. Now talk. <The lens of the SCP-6944 instance begins vibrating.> SCP-6944-A: You're not the one I am to meet. O5-██: Yeah, they couldn't make it physically. If I understand correctly, you can hear any audio within range of this SCP-6944 instance, yes? SCP-6944-A: Correct. O5-██: Excellent. I have a laptop here that will call the person you wished to speak with. Is this acceptable? SCP-6944-A: Let me speak with them and it will be. <O5-██ sets up a speaker, opens the laptop and begins typing. After 20 seconds the voice of O5-█ begins speaking.> O5-█: Am I speaking with SCP-6944-A? SCP-6944-A: You are. Am I speaking with █████ ████████? O5-█: It's been a long time since I heard that name. So, what do you want to talk about? SCP-6944-A: Not me. My queen. O5-█: Get to the point. SCP-6944-A: When I came to this world I was given the mission of establishing a connection between yourself and her majesty Queen ███. What was left of my time in Corbenic will be used to pay the cost. O5-█: Very well then. Make the connection. SCP-6944-A: I must ask that your servant leave the room. O5-█: If he goes, the computer I am speaking through goes with him. Accept the conditions as they are or the conversation ends here. SCP-6944-A: <3 second pause.> Fine then. Establishing connection. <The lens of the SCP-6944 instance begins glowing purple.> ███: Greetings, █████ ████████, we speak at last. I am ███, Monarch to the Queendom of ██████ ██████. O5-█: Your phanchettes are causing us a bit of trouble. ███: Marvelous design aren't they? Capable of establishing a mental link between worlds opposite each other in the mortal coil. Plus, they did manage to serve their purpose. O5-█: So it seems. A little over the top though. ███: Well, not only did it have to get your attention, it also had to teach a lesson. O5-█: What lesson would that be? ███: Don't waste your time with the dead, you will join them soon enough. This lesson had to be in place to hide our true intent from the Mistress. O5-█: Who is this Mistress, and why would you have to hide your intent? ███: Who she is is not important to you. Just know you're safe because she does not want us to directly attack you. O5-█: Well, that's… comforting. So, you wanted our attention, and now you have it. What do you want? ███: How familiar are you with the actions of the Three Moons? O5-█: They don't exactly like sharing information, but we know they try to act as a police force here. ███: Well, in our world, they watch all. Even our nation is caught under their unblinking eyes. But, while the Moons watched us, we watched them. Noticed they watched more than our world. They peer into the lives they might have had. Lives you are living now. Through our watching of their voyeurism we came to learn of two objects you have in your possession. Two parts of a long forgotten goddess. A prison and a tree grown upside down. O5-█: I believe I'm aware of the objects you're talking about. ███: Excellent. Then our demands should be clear. We wish for you to reunite ███████ with her heart. Let her be whole again and bring the glory of the stars to your world. O5-█: Why do you want us to do this? It's not like having her reborn here would do you any good. ███: This isn't for the sake of myself or my current subjects here in death. We are content with our Mistress. This is for the sake of those that survived your holocaust. Those who escaped to the forest with no name. ███████ has not passed to this world, her soul still lingers in yours. In our name, revive her. Then, she shall bring salvation to those in the nameless glen. O5-█: What makes you think that this idea will even work? ███: I don't. But I would say it's the least we could ask for as repayment for our extinction. O5-█: Why do you even want this? Why do you care about the survivors in the disruptive woods? ███: In my time in this world, having suffered the hell of being nameless, I learned empathy. We were given salvation from that hell by our Mistress. It pains me that this must be done without her awareness. But only the divine may reverse what you have done. She cannot help them from this world. So we must ask one who resides there. O5-█: What if we refuse to do this? The heart helps contain things that we don't even have cataloged. Why should we risk ourselves for your wishes? ███: We are aware of what the Children of the Night have done after she gave them her heart. But the power of ███████ whole is greater than that of only her heart. If you wish upon her, she may dispatch those her heart imprisons. O5-█: But what if she doesn't? What if she refuses everything asked of her? ███: Then what happens afterwards is your burden. However, if you were to refuse this request, then we will do all in our power to remove the veil from your world. We are done here. <The lens of the SCP-6944 instance stops glowing. O5-██ removes the instance from its surface, placing it in a transport case.> O5-█: ██, end the feed. We'll assemble the council shortly. It seems we have some things to discuss. <End Log> Following Interview 6944-A/3 the O5 Council convened in order to determine what course of action should be done in response to Queen ███'s ultimatum. After deliberation, it was determined that GoI-4019 (Three Moons Initiative) should be contacted for information about ██████ ██████. Their response is as follows: To: pcs.noitadnuof|dnammoc5o#pcs.noitadnuof|dnammoc5o From: vew.anul|gnainsg#vew.anul|gnainsg (via Lumulid 4D-F) Subject: re: Queen ███'s planchettes Foundation, We're familiar with the nation of ██████ ██████, and their ruler Queen ███. While the news about these objects, designated SCP-6944, is very disturbing and this is typically something we would gladly give aid in; there's nothing we can do. Our current policy of non-communication with this nation, and their special designation of Horeb in our files, forbids us from interfering on this matter. The best advice we can give you is to redact Queen ███ and ██████ ██████ from your records. If she is watching your database through us, it's best not to give her concepts that are easy to follow. With remorse, we must apologize for the inconvenience, but our hands are tied. You're on your own. Eternal President Niang Three Moons Initiative You are Watched. You are Protected. You are Loved. Footnotes 1. Pointing devices commonly found with commercial spirit talking boards. 2. Commonly known as Mountain Dogwood. 3. Commonly known as Dog Rose. 4. A species of European psychedelic mushroom that grows on wood, commonly known as Knackers Crumpet. 5. A species of parasitic fungus commonly found across eastern Asia and New Zealand, known for infecting the underground nymphs of cicadas. 6. Entity cannot interact with nor cross lines of salt or iron. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6944" by Endegee, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
SYTYCFanon & GregJChudley SCP-6945- The Ruler of the Kingdom Formerly Known as the Site-78 Break room Fanon's Author Page Welcome to Midwest Command Human Resources Please enter your credentials: >USER: Jbaxter >PASS: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Credentials accepted. Welcome, John. How can I help you today? >open_case SCP-6945 Bringing up relevant files Site-78 Budgetary Meeting 12/06/22 Personnel Present: Site-78 Department Head of Parabiological Sciences, Arms and Equipment, Maria Johnston Site-78 Department Head of MAUDE, Gregory Chudley Midwest Command Heads of Human Resources, John and Deborah Baxter [Recording start] John: Alright it is 0930 on Tuesday the… twelfth. All requested individuals have arrived for the meeting. State your names for the recording. John Baxter. Deborah: Deborah Baxter. Maria: Maria Johnston. Gregory: Do we really need to do this? It’s just a budgetary meeting. John and Deborah: Yes. Gregory: *sighs* Gregory Chudley. Deborah: Now that the formalities have been taken care of, what did you want to discuss? Researcher Chudley reaches down into a briefcase and pulls out a manilla folder. Gregory: We are formally requesting a budget increase for future containment efforts for SCP-6945. John and Deborah exchange looks. John: Alright, what are your terms? Researcher Johnston fingers open the manilla folder and pulls out a spreadsheet before clearing her throat. Maria: We are asking for a 16% increase in funding towards our security detail for the room it's contained in. We also request an increase in cameras monitoring the room from to get a better coverage of the room’s interior within the room to monitor everything the anomaly is doing, as well as staff to operate the cameras. John: I suppose those terms are acceptable. Anything else? Maria: Well, we were also hoping for- Gregory: We need a Scranton Reality Anchor. John: What do you mean you need a Scranton Reality Anchor? Every site has the budget for at least one. What happened to it? Maria: We were never given the money. We were told when active containment operations at Site-78 began that we'd get a grant for them. Money never showed. Deborah: Are you implying that Midwest Command never sent the funds? Don't be silly. Our department would never misplace a substantial sum of money. Maria: Misplace? No. Reassign to somewhere you deem more important? That sounds more likely to me but were not here to argue about the past. If you just take a look at the document, you'd understand- John and Deborah's mouths turn to a frown.. Deborah: We have. If you are formally requesting we read through the document alongside the authors in order to fully understand your reasoning, however, well… She looks to John. Deborah: I suppose we can allow that. Maria: Wonderful! If you’ll open up to the beginning of the document… + Open SCP-6945 File? - Close Item#: 6945 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-78 Leah Richter Maria Johnston Omega-45 ("Street Samurai") Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6945 is currently contained within the break room of Site-78’s Parabiological Sciences Department. All personnel must formally announce their intentions of entering the break room to SCP-6945. All site personnel must store their lunches and other snacks within the break room, Personnel are allowed to converse with SCP-6945 and are allowed haggle to get lower prices on the food stored in the break room’s fridge. Until a method can be devised to put SCP-6945 in a proper containment cell, efforts must be made to convince SCP-6945 to remain within the break room and not attempt to “annex” other areas of Site-78 into its “domain”. Description: SCP-6945 is a 1.37 meters tall bipedal humanoid. The proportion of its body resembles a human child, except its head is proportionally larger, and the ears are pointed. SCP-6945 resembles and self-identifies as a “Goblin”, commonly seen in fantasy literature. The entity calls itself “Scratneck the Terrible” and claims to be from another world, one that the Foundation has not documented. The anomaly has currently claimed the break room within Site-78’s Parabiological Science department as the “Kingdom of Scratneck" and acts as if it is its ruler. As “Ruler” of the break room, SCP-6945 imposes taxes on food, beverages, and snack items kept within it, as well as determining who may come and go. This has proven to be a nuisance to Site-78’s staff who have suggested other methods of eating on their lunches. However, SCP-6945 has expressed that it will leave the break room to establish another kingdom with more compliant subjects if the room was to remain vacant. Despite other alternatives such as storing food in personal office spaces or going off site for lunch, Site-78’s personnel have acquiesced to the anomaly’s demands in order to keep it contained within the breakroom until SCP-6945 can be brought under proper containment. Because the full extent of SCP-6945's anomalous abilities is currently unknown, it may be possible for it to cause either a broken veil scenario or an SK-Class Dominance Shift scenario if allowed to expand its "kingdom" outside Site-78. SCP-6945’s uncontainable nature stems from a collection of thaumaturgical objects within its possession. It is unknown how many are currently in the possession of SCP-6945 but at least a dozen have been seen in possession of the anomaly via camera footage. The current objects known to the Foundation are as follows. Foundation Designation SCP-6945's chosen name Description SCP-6945-A The Staff of Dispel Person A gnarled wooden staff. Appears to have the ability to relocate multiple people to nearby rooms. The targets must be visible to the user for -A to take effect. SCP-6945-B Cloak of Invulnerability Appears to make SCP-6945 impervious to physical harm. Discovery: It had been discovered shortly after the construction of Site-78 in 2012 that a region with a hume level of ten points below baseline was located approximately inside the Parabiological Sciences department. This discrepancy in hume level did not appear to have any ill effects on people within it and was therefore disregarded as another minor anomaly within Chugwater, Wyoming. This would lead it to be the location of a breach in reality, occurring on 25-5-2022 at 11:37 as SCP-6945 appeared within the break room of Site-78’s Parabiological Science department. Written below is a transcript of the break room’s single security camera during the appearance of SCP-6945. [Cryptozoology Researcher Reginald Whitlock enters the break room at 1135. He goes to the fridge, pulls out an “I Believe” labeled Bigfoot lunch box.] [A swirling flame erupts from the corner of the break room, illuminating it in a deep red light.] Reggie: What the shit?! [A greenish-brown figure appears from the swirling flame, garbed in an oversized red cloak and a large wooden staff in its hand.] SCP-6945: FINALLY, A WORLD RIPE FOR PLUNDERING! WITH THE POWERS TO WARP AND SHAPE THIS REALITY TO MY DEMANDS, I SHALL MAKE THIS MY DOMAIN! Reggie: What the- Who the- How the- SCP-6945: SILENCE, FOOLISH MORTAL! YOU SHALL OBEY MY EVERY COMMAND OR ELSE YOU SHALL FACE THE WRATH OF SCRATNECK THE TERRIBLE! NOW… OBEY! SCP-6945 begins to laugh maniacally. Reggie: Come on, in front of my salad? [END LOG] Following SCP-6945's appearance within our reality, Site Security arrived to apprehend it. The anomaly’s refusal to comply led security officers to engage it with their firearms, which had no effect as their bullets merely bounced off of its cloak. The Entity then utilized SCP-6945-A to send all of the officers into the Site’s Cafeteria. The entity was classified as SCP-6945 and several further attempts by MTF forces to overwhelm the anomaly with sheer numbers ended in failure. It appeared that merely touching the anomaly caused SCP-6945-A to relocate the attacker, even if SCP-6945-A was no longer in the hands of its owner. After several days of Foundation Staff refusing to pay SCP-6945 to retrieve their lunches, SCP-6945 spoke of expanding its kingdom to find people who would pay its taxes. In response, Site-78 Director Leah Richter drafted the current containment procedures to avoid a potential containment breach. - Close Maria: After this point, the anomaly took full control over the breakroom and turned our lives into a living hell. Gregory: My Moth-Man lunch box has been trapped in there for almost two weeks now. I miss his little beady eyes every day. John: Well, I see why you may be frustrated at that, but it doesn’t really seem to me to need any major increases in any budgetary limits. Gregory: You haven’t seen the security logs from the day after. John: Security logs? Plural? Gregory: It was rough for everybody. Deborah: Yes, well, I’m certain having a little ghoul in your break room- Gregory: Goblin. Deborah: Excuse me? Gregory: It is a goblin. Ghouls are, y’know, like… ghoulish. Deborah: Is that supposed to mean something to me or are you just saying words? Gregory: Come on, you know. Ghouls are all… fleshy… and gray. Goblins are all green or brownish and scream a lot and- Maria: Chudley, now is NOT the time. Gregory: Come on, I can’t just LET her challenge me on my goblin lore and trivia- Maria: Greg. Just. Pull out the security logs. Gregory: (mutters something under his breath, defeated) [Begin Log] [Resarcher Jerry Johanssen is seen within the breakroom speaking to SCP-6945.] SCP-6945: Incomprehensible screeching. Jerry: Calm down, little buddy. No need to get so heated. SCP-6945: (Spit flies out of SCP-6945’s mouth onto Researcher Johannsen) SILENCE, YOU UNADULTERATED CUR! YOU WILL REFER TO ME ONLY AS “YOUR HOLINESS”, “MY LORD”, OR “THE INSATIABLE SCRATNECK”! NOW PAY YOUR TAXES, FOOL. Jerry: Taxes? You think I work in Wyoming because I want to pay taxes? SCP-6945: IF YOU SHAN’T PAY THE TAX, THEN YOU PAY THE CONSEQUENCES. YOU SHALL FEEL THE PAIN OF TEN THOUSAND STARS EXPLODING AT ONCE. ENJOY YOUR ETERNAL TORMENT, YOU INSOLENT BOOB! SCP-6945 grabs Researcher Johannsen by the arm, and his lab coat’s sleeve transmutes into a brown liquid. Researcher Johannsen begins to cry out in pain as the brown liquid runs off his arm, scorching his epidermis. SCP-6945 laughs maniacally [End Log] Maria: See? This is exactly what we need it for! Who knows what kind of artifacts it might have underneath that cloak? Just because it hasn’t harmed anyone YET, doesn’t mean it won’t! It literally declared itself as a reality bender. John and Deborah whisper something to each other for a moment before turning back to Researchers Johnston and Chudley. John clears his throat. John: Well, we see your… valid concerns around the situation. However… Deborah: We had a situation with the Pataphysics department last month that unfortunately tied up our remaining free SRAs. Classified research, I’m sure you understand. Gregory: Classified to two department heads? That’s bullshit! You’re just trying to trick us with bureaucratic malarkey to prevent our departments from getting the proper budgeting! Maria: Chudley. Gregory: How the hell do you expect us to get anything done if we can’t even stay in the same room as the anomaly without risk of banishment? This is ridiculous! Maria: Chudley! That’s enough. Researcher Johnston turns to John and Deborah. Maria: We highly implore you to reconsider. Please. Deborah: We’re sorry. We need more to go off of than a egomaniacal boast. This is out of our range of options. Until circumstances worsen, all we can approve is increased security. John: Meeting adjourned. [END RECORDING] + (1) New Email Message. Open? - Close To: ten.picS|retxaBnhoJ#ten.picS|retxaBnhoJ, ten.picS|retxaBharobeD#ten.picS|retxaBharobeD From: ten.picS|XxXiarumasecitnerppaXxX#ten.picS|XxXiarumasecitnerppaXxX CC: ten.picS|notgnildduhCeniamreJsucirogerG#ten.picS|notgnildduhCeniamreJsucirogerG Subject: 6945 Complications Good Afternoon, Following multiple incidents regarding SCP-6945, Researcher Chudley and I would like to request a follow-up meeting in regard to the budget of the containment for SCP-6945. Attached below is an addendum to the documentation of SCP-6945. Please respond with a date of your earliest convenience. Much regards, Researcher Maria Johnston Head of Parabiological Sciences, Arms and Equipment Attachments (1) SCP-6945 Addendum 1.txt - Close + Open File Attachment? - Close Addendum 6945.01: SCP-6945 Extortion Attempt On 23-6-2022, SCP-6945 demanded to speak with an emissary from “The Greater Lands of Skip” in regard to “concessions” for his Kingdom with the threat that he would expand his control past the break room. As head of Parabiological Sciences, Maria Johnston spoke with SCP-6945 in an attempt to defuse the situation. [Begin Log] Maria Johnston enters the Break room. SCP-6945 is sitting on a make shift throne of empty boxes, plates, and plasticware. Maria: Hello, 6945. Lorri gave me your missive, what can I do for y- SCP-6945: SILENCE, MORTAL! YOU SHALL SPEAK WHEN ADDRESSED BY YOUR RULER. UNDERSTOOD? Maria: Y-yes, sire. SCP-6945: FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS, WHY IS IT THAT THE COLD BOXES IN THE THRONE ROOM CONTAIN ONLY FOLIAGE? I CANNOT EAT THAT. DO YOU WANT YOUR GLORIOUS LEADER TO STARVE? I MUST EXPAND OUR BORDERS SO I CAN ACCESS CREATURES TO HUNT AND EAT. Maria: Expand? There’s no need for that. The lands of Chugwater are filled with scores of tiny creatures. Perhaps some rats will do? SCP-6945: DO YOU SUGGEST WE SEND HUNTER-GATHERERS IN ORDER TO OBTAIN SOME OF THESE… RATS? SCP-6945 pulls out a basketball-sized crystal orb from its cloak and begins staring into it, stroking its chin. Maria: Do you… not know what a rat is? SCP-6945 looks up at Researcher Johnston with an angry expression. SCP-6945: ARE YOU QUESTIONING THE INFINITE KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR INCREDIBLE OVERLORD? Maria: Of course not. If the rats are to enter your borders, you are free to have them. SCP-6945 looks back down upon the crystal orb. SCP-6945: GOOD. I NEED YOU TO GATHER THREE OF YOUR MOST TRUSTED ALLIES TO FORM A HUNTING PARTY IN ORDER TO GATHER ENOUGH SUSTENANCE FOR MY KINGDOM. Maria: Is there anything you can offer us in return? This relationship can’t be just give and no take, sire. SCP-6945: VERY WELL. YOUR HUNTERS CAN EACH CHOOSE ONE OF THE SLAIN CREATURES IN ORDER TO TAKE HOME FOR THEMSELVES. I UNDERSTAND THAT THEY MUST EAT TOO. Maria: While I’m sure our hunters would enjoy that, we are all good on food. Perhaps you could tell me about what other magic items you’ve brought from your land? SCP-6945: WHAT TRICKERY ARE YOU ATTEMPTING? I WOULD NOT BE SO FOOLISH AS TO GIVE AWAY MY SECRETS. I SHOULD BANISH YOU FOR EVEN ATTEMPTING TO SWINDLE ME! Maria: I’m just trying to ensure a good trade relationship between our kingdoms. Duchess Richter feels that you are in a sense… squatting. SCP-6945: SQUATTING? IF SHE MEANS TO INSULT MY GLORY IN SUCH A WAY, THEN SHE MUST BE PREPARED FOR THE CONSEQUENCES. NOW BEGONE! SCP-6945 raises its staff and light emanates from it. When the light vanishes, Researcher Johnston is no longer in the room. [End Log] - Close Site-78 Budgetary Meeting #2 12/07/22 Personnel Present: Site-78 Department Head of Parabiological Sciences, Arms and Equipment, Maria Johnston Site-78 Department Head of MAUDE, Gregory Chudley Midwest Command Heads of Human Resources, John and Deborah Baxter [Begin Log] John: Johnston, Chudley, it is good to see you both agai- Johnston, what is that all over you? Maria: Oh, this? Johnston raises her arms up, she appears to be covered in soot. Maria: This is from the 12th siege of Hallway 6B. I got too close to one of my bouncing ball grenades. Had to send that little bastard flying back into the breakroom because SOMEONE wouldn’t allow us to have an SRA. Deborah: You detonated SCP-6952 based explosives on site? Johnston, that is a violation of- Maria: I don’t want to hear it. Richter has authorized my department to use every method at our disposal to contain SCP-6945. We’re at war now. John: I beg your pardon? Gregory: At the beginning of the month, he sent a scroll with a declaration of war. Now he’s been launching consistent attacks to annex Hallway 6B. Johnston and the Street Samurai just barely managed to keep him from taking it 30 minutes ago. John: Well it sounds like you all have everything under control. I assume this is to request an order for an SRA? Gregory: Yes, please. That hallway leads to my department and the last thing I need is a Goblin with delusions of grandeur putting on the world's unluckiest pair of jorts. Deborah: That would be quite unfortunate, Chudley, but our hands our tied. We just sent the last of the extra funds for your site a few weeks ago for a plasma weaponry project. Chudley looks over at Johnston. Maria: …Yes. You did. And those weapons were useless against -6945's reality warping. Deborah: Now you can see why we don't have any funds to spare for an SRA, perhaps you should have thought about your current issues rather than yet another weapons project. Gregory: God, this is such horeseshit. Maria: Wait, Chudley, can you pull out Addendum 02 for me, please? Gregory: Yeah, sure. Addendum 6945.02: Updated list of SCP-6945-X instances + Damage Reports Foundation Designation SCP-6945's chosen name Description SCP-6945-C “Ring of Lock Doors” A small, golden ring, inlaid with gemstones. Has the anomalous property of locking any door that leads into the room that SCP-6945 is in. SCP-6945-D “Force Crossbow of Exhaustion” A wooden hand crossbow that does not require bolts. When fired, an arrow manifests and is released. Does not physically harm the target in any way. However, it does instantly expel all air from their lungs forcefully. SCP-6945-E “Glove of Transformation" A glove made of black and red silks. SCP-6945 claims that it can transmute matter into any form that it chooses but has thus far only been known to transform matter into gravy. As of 12/7/22, the “war” between SCP-6945 and Site-78 has injured several personnel and has cost an estimated 90 to 95 thousand dollars. A list of these expenses are included below. No monetary amount has been provided as they are still being tallied and added to the previous estimation. Medical Bills Agent Michaela Avalerra of MTF-Omega 45 experienced extreme anaphylactic shock when teleported face-first into a garlic souffle. Nine Security officers received second-degree burns from their weapons being converted into gravy. Sixteen researchers had to undergo asthma breathing treatments due to contact with SCP-6945-D. Cleaning Between the 1st and 6th sieges, approximately sixty gallons of gravy were generated from sudden transmutation. “The Gravy Flood of the Sixth Siege” flooded the Department of MAUDE1 which is still being power washed. Repairs to walls and ducts from the detonation of explosives. Equipment replacement Six hundred gauss rounds, twelve bouncing ball grenades, thirteen Adamantite blades. An unknown amount of Mundane and Uneventful paperwork. An estimated 27 Mundane Artifacts have been permanently stained brown due to prolonged exposure to gravy. John and Deborah pull their eyes up from the document. John: Ninety…. THOUSAND? Deborah: WHY WEREN’T WE INFORMED OF THIS? Maria: We’ve been trying to reach you for weeks. If you would have just picked up the phone and scheduled this meeting earlier, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Chudley: And if you would have given us the approval for an SRA in the FIRST meeting, we wouldn’t have had to go this far over budget to begin with! John: We may have erred, yes. But you have to understand that Midwest Command has its priorities. You’ve gotten by in the past with little to no resources and now Site-78 has over twenty anomalies within its care. John pauses. John: You have to understand, fifteen thousand dollars for an SRA is a lot of money to grant a site of your size. Gregory: And ninety thousand dollars isn’t? How much money in damages does our facility have to go through before you approve a fifteen thousand dollar budgetary increase for a single SRA? A million dollars? Two? Five? And what if we start having actual casualties? How many HR meetings with injured foundation staff due to YOUR negligence of funding? How many- John: WE GET IT. Gregory: And? John: We, uh… Deborah: We’ll approve the budget increase for an SRA. Some money will need to be shuffled around but we will make it work. Meeting adjourned. Attention: A new addition to the SCP-6945 file has just been uploaded to the database. Display file? /display Addendum 6945.03: Capture On 15/7/22, one Scranton Reality Anchor arrived at Site-78 which was placed inside of the Parabiological Science Department and turned on. Agents of MTF-Omega 45 were sent in the breakroom to apprehend SCP-6945. The anomaly found that its items were no longer effective, allowing for the capture and containment of the anomaly inside of a standard containment cell. The following interview was performed by Researcher Maria Johnston following capture. [Begin Log] [SCP-6945 is seated in front of Researcher Johnston. A large welt can be seen on top of its bald green head.] Maria: How are you feeling, SCP-6945? I hope you're adjusting to ruling your very own cell in our dungeon. Johnston appears to hold back a snicker. SCP-6945: RELEASE ME! I SHALL NOT BE AWAY FROM MY KINGDOM FOR LONG. Maria: It was never your kingdom! It was the place where I had my lunch. You made me pay twenty bucks for my Mountain Dew Kickstart and now I'm getting my fucking refund. SCP-6945: I SHOULD HAVE CHARGED YOU A THOUSAND GOLD, WITCH! IF IT WEREN’T FOR THAT INFERNAL MACHINE YOU USED TO DAMPEN MY POWER, YOU WOULD BE THE ONE GROVELING! Maria: That’s what they all say. Now, if you wouldn’t mind. I have some questions for you and there’s no weaseling out of these. Got it? SCP-6945: I DID NOT ESCAPE MY LAST REALM IN ORDER TO BE SUBJUGATED IN ANOTHER. BEGONE! Maria: You were subjugated in your previous realm? Could you elaborate on that? What was this place called? SCP-6945: DID YOU NOT HEAR ME? I REFUSE TO TALK TO SUCH A LOWLY- Johnston reaches into a container by her side and pulls a cooked rat from it. She tosses it on the ground in front of SCP-6945. Maria: Not even for fresh meat? There's more where that came from if you answer my Duchess's questions. SCP-6945: I SUPPOSE I CAN GIVE INTO THOSE DEMANDS. SCP-6945 picks up the rat and consumes it before speaking. SCP-6945: I KNOW NOT OF THE NAME OF THE LAND I COME FROM. I WAS A SIMPLE SCAVENGER FOR A CRUEL ORC WARLORD. HE HAD NO RESPECT FOR HIS SUBJECTS. THIS IS WHY I CAME HERE. Maria: But how did you get here? SCP-6945: I KEPT MANY TRINKETS FROM MY MASTER. I HOPED ONE DAY TO FIND SOMETHING I COULD USE TO OVERTHROW HIM. BUT INSTEAD I CAME ACROSS A SCROLL ONE DAY. IT CONTAINED A SPELL THAT GRANTED IT'S READER ONE WISH. I WISHED TO BE TRANSPORTED TO A REALM WHERE I COULD BE GRANTED MY OWN KINGDOM TO RULE. Maria: I see. But why not take pity on us as subjects? It seems to me that you were acting as cruel as your former master. Most of us can only afford to pay for that food once, y’know. SCP-6945: BUT WHAT ABOUT POOR SCRATNECK? HOW ELSE WAS I SUPPOSED TO ACQUIRE MONETARY CURRENCY? I DON'T WANT TO SCAVENGE FOR OTHERS AGAIN! Maria: Our world is a little bit different than yours. Workers have the right to 30-minute break for lunch. Something you decided to make harder for us. SCP-6945: I MADE SKIP WORKERS SUFFER LIKE SCRATNECK? SCP-6945 is quiet for a moment. SCP-6945: I MAY HAVE GONE A LITTLE TOO FAR. IT MATTERS NOT NOW. I HAVE LOST MY KINGDOM. Maria: I promise we won’t treat you as badly as your previous boss. You’ll have to be kept within this cell, we’ll make sure you have food and water. No greens right? SCP-6945: IS THIS “CELL” AN IMPORTANT AREA? Johnston remains silent for a moment. Maria: …Yes. It’s the cell for SCP-6945, the most dangerous anomaly in our little kingdom. In fact, the whole world could end if he ever got out. SCP-6945 stares into his crystal orb, implanted within the table. SCP-6945: WELL… PERHAPS DUTCHESS RICHTER AND MYSELF COULD DRAFT A TREATY TO… ALLOW THIS CHAMBER TO CONSTITUTE MY KINGDOM. NO MORE UNJUST TAXATION ON YOUR CONSUMABLES. Maria: Well what is a containment cell other than a room to take a break from a world that might reject you? In that way, it’s similar to your previous kingdom. SCP-6945: I SUPPOSE THAT IS TRUE. WHEN CAN NEGOTIATIONS BEGIN? Maria: Well, you’ve answered what questions I have. I’ll communicate to the Duchess about your treaty. SCP-6945: RETURN TO ME WITH THE TREATY. I SHALL SIGN IT SO LONG AS THE TERMS ARE FAIR. FOR BOTH PARTIES. Maria: Alright. Just no more gravy. Footnotes 1. Mundane Artifacts and Uneventful Data Evaluation
3/6946 LEVEL 3/6946 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-6946 Keter Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned MTF Area-34 Dr. Ezra Everest Dr. James Yun Epsilon-23 ("Scaffolders") Threat Level: Red SCP-6946’s optical relay system, transmitting a view of Manila Bay from its current resting spot. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6946 is currently pending neutralization. A 200m deep trench, an artificial island and an offshore fish farm have been built to conceal it, with members of MTF Epsilon-23 (“Scaffolders”1) routinely accessing the platform, surveying the zone for any changes. A deep-sea seismometer and several vibration sensors have been placed adjacent to SCP-6946; were they to detect movement tied to the locomotion of the entity, SCP-6946 will be considered a Type-Black threat, with the areas of Manila, the island of Luzon and the Japanese prefectures of Okinawa and Kagoshima requiring immediate evacuation. Under no circumstance are any personnel or other individuals of Japanese descent allowed within a 5-km radius of SCP-6946. Description: SCP-6946 is a massive biomechanical automaton, with a height of 229 meters, weighing approximately 18,200 tonnes, built by the Foundation’s War-Time Production Division in 1944 as part of Project Corregidor, and used to break through the paramilitary forces of Imperial Japan during the Asia-Pacific War. It deactivated during the Battle of Manila in February 1945, 19 kilometers from the bay. SCP-6946 is composed of approximately 10,000 tonnes of metal, most of it taken from battleships taken out of service during the War, a small amount taken from the American scrap drive movement. Its body has been fortified through the use of a 3-to-5 layering system. The rest of the weight is distributed among a complex-movement hydraulic system, a thaumaturgical compound engine, 1,163 decommissioned anomalies the engine uses as fuel and a further 483 anomalous components used for its construction and long-term maintenance. The anomalous components on SCP-6946 give it several upgrades that allowed the Foundation to bring crucial victories over Imperial Japan’s IJAMEA, and have historically impeded the entity’s deactivation. The most relevant components are: A Mark-IV thaumaturgy compound engine that distills thaumaturgy-imbued items into a purer essence SCP-6946 uses as fuel. 1,163 anomalies have been allocated to be destroyed to power the engine. This fuel powers all internal components, including a threat proximity detection system and an optical relay system. The fuel consumption rate is expected to allow SCP-6946 to be able to function for up to ten thousand years. 32 Strength enhancing components as part of its hydraulic system that allow SCP-6946 to exert up to forty times the force it would normally be able to. This also allows the entity to move despite its weight. A Neo-Assyrian era “supercomputer” mechanism able to detect and analyze all living beings within a 1,5 kilometer radius. Can give and be given rudimentary instructions. Able to work regardless of massive internal damage sustained. A double-layered Vapula-Type resistance sigil system that grants enhanced protection to conventional and thaumaturgical attacks. A Vepar-Type resistance sigil system that makes SCP-6946’s body unable to be corroded, and a Focalor-Type resistance sigil system that allows SCP-6946’s body to be unaffected by sudden pressure changes. Several Berith-Type resistance sigil systems that prevent hexes and curses from dispelling other sigil systems. A biomechanical entity assembled into the “supercomputer” that functions as the automaton’s “brain”, henceforth referred to as SCP-6946-1. SCP-6946-1 is a massive entity with the rough shape of an ophiuroid star, an eye in its center. The entity was captured and killed in 1918, then artificially reanimated in 1944. The entity was capable of transmitting conceptual ideas into the mind of anything it touches, overpowering over any other idea, extremely resilient to most types of interference. It was also able to integrate itself into inanimate objects and act as a primitive ‘mind’, akin to a poltergeist’s possession. These qualities were deemed ideal for usage in Project Corregidor, with the War-Time Production overseeing the anomaly’s death, integration with a control system that allowed them to manipulate the idea to transmit into SCP-6946-1, and following integration into SCP-6946. The last concept given to SCP-6946-1 by the War-Time Production was to {‘destroy the Japanese Empire’}, order constantly being transmitted to SCP-6946. Idea was originally able to be stopped and edited on command, but the control system is believed to have been disrupted by one of the many attacks sustained by the automaton, disabling the Foundation’s control over the entity. Without a way to update the directive given, SCP-6946-1 has no knowledge of the Empire of Japan’s dissolution in 1947. It is understood that upon any person of Japanese descendance’s entrance into SCP-6946’s radius, it will activate again. Other parameters might reactivate the entity, but have not been tested due to the inherent danger posed. Addendum SCP-6946.1 While not considered an immediate threat, its rogue state and capabilities for destroying entire territories, with high casualty, veil-breaking methods being the only counter-response have placed SCP-6946 as a target for decommissioning. Decommissioning efforts have been informally performed since 1946, and formally since 1950. A total of 31 formal decommission attempts have been tried, with all attempts having failed thus far. Due to its location, use of destructive paraweaponry has been severely limited. Decommissioning efforts were halted in 1992, and revived by Dir. Everest in 2018. Following the failed 31st attempt at decommissioning SCP-6946, the committee in charge of its neutralization met to establish a new approach to the anomaly. Committee Meeting Date: 2019/05/21 Members: Everest, Felipe - Area-34 Director, AWD’s2 Director Yun, James - AWD’s Occult Studies Division Manager - Area-343 Purugganan, Asuncion - AWD’s Branch Director - Site-924 Hokkyōbō - AWD’s Branch Director - Site-505 Ricci, William - Global Occult Coalition Liaison Matsushiba, Kano - JAGPATO Liaison6 <Extraneous dialogue removed> Matsushiba: Who would like to start with the report? Ricci: <Raises hand> I will start. So, uh, the cannon failed, obviously. We can start with that.7 Everest: Yeah, you can definitely start with that. Hasn't it been tested before? Ricci: It was tested on a similarly constructed test subject out in the Pacific. We can’t exactly shoot at Manila Bay if we don’t have solid proof that it will work. Everest: But then you had it, and it didn’t work. Ricci: See, that’s the thing. As far as we understand these hexes, the cannon should have at least disrupted the outer layer of thaumaturgy placed on it. We tested it thrice. Jamie here helped with the calculations. Yun: I did help, yes, and I can confirm that it should have worked. We made sure it would, and yet, as you pointed out, it did not. Purugganan: Is there a working theory? Yun: Less impressive that we hoped for, but there is, yes. We believe a paraweapon used by the IJAMEA during the Battle of Manila could be causing the interference. It’s what damaged the automaton and caused it to go rogue, so its effects might still linger within the thaumaturgical layer of the machine, even after all these years. Purugganan: Alright, the same theory then. Do we have the weapon this time? Everest: If we had it, we wouldn’t be dealing with this crap, now would we? Purugganan: <Turns towards Hokkyōbō> Do we have it? Hokkyōbō: I’m sorry, but we do not. I worked on the project, but not long enough to retain much.8 We looked for any surviving paper but we were unsuccessful. It must have been lost when the headquarters in Manila fell. Matsushiba: We’ve also done our research, and I’m afraid these documents might be gone for good. Everest: We don’t have any leads then. Fucking great. Purugganan: Now, now, Hokkyōbō still did work at the time. You do know what the project was about. Hokkyōbō: Of course I do. We have been unable to replicate it before. I doubt we can replicate it now. Ricci: We can try. What do we have to lose at this point? Hokkyōbō: The entire Manila Bay area? Luzon Island? All of southern Japan? Ricci: Oh for… We’re not doing this again. Hokkyōbō: <Sighs> Very well. It was a mind control ray, sort of. That was what it was intended to be used as. A massive howitzer able to fire several-tonnes projectiles infused with the souls of deities tortured such that they could not but scream in despair, even after death. Upon impact, the powdered remains would psychically overwhelm anything a mile around said impact, trading the minds of all targets with the death throes of a long dead Kami. It was meant for use in the conquest of the Pacific, bolted into a dreadnought and sent its way, but when the Umibōzu9 emerged and walked through Corregidor10, we used everything to stall its path. Mind control or not, the projectiles the siege machine fired were still enough to level mountains, so they were fired at the machine. One of them was lucky enough to stop it… Maybe. Everest: Maybe? Hokkyōbō: It took two hours for the effects of the weapon to take effect, if they indeed did take effect. By then the machine had been reduced to ashes, and Manila to rubble. Everest: So we still have nothing then? Hokkyōbō: We’ve had nothing since 1945, Everest, but yes. Ricci: Really, nothing? Hokkyōbō: The documents most likely do not exist anymore, and we cannot will them into existence. Even if we could, which we probably can, we are not allowed to. Everest: It wouldn’t hurt to send a proposal to the O5, see what they say about it. Hokkyōbō: It wouldn’t hurt, no. That being said, this project has been nothing but a waste of time and resources. I doubt they would allow more money to be spent. Why don’t we abandon the project? It had been shelved for a good reason. Everest: No, we can’t. The project has just been revived. I’m sure there are more options that we haven’t studied yet. Hokkyōbō: I’ve been part of this committee for over 70 years. Believe me when I say there are not. Ricci: I think we should at least shelve it for a time. This failure right after revival isn’t gonna look good no matter what, so if we’re keeping this project alive, we need to gather more information. Maybe get something going that previous teams haven’t managed to get accepted, like moving the damn contraption into the Philippine Sea so we can do more without having to worry about a metropolis within a couple miles. Everest: … I’ll see what we can do. Matsushiba: Shall we move onto the next project, then? <Extraneous dialogue removed> Addendum SCP-6946.2 In 2021, following a raid on a warehouse believed to be owned by Touhei Heavy Industries, blueprints for a radio array with similar function to the paraweapon used by IJAMEA against SCP-6946. A short radio array was built by the GOC along the Bataan Peninsula, and after several tests, was successful in disrupting the unknown interference on SCP-6946 for several minutes. Following this discovery, Surrogate Dir. Yun11 organized three meetings which resulted in the following proposal: Anomalous Weapons Development Proposal Project Corregidor Area 34 - James Yun, Occult Studies Division Site 50 - Hokkyōbō, Engineering Division Site 92 - Asuncion Purugganan, Engineering Division Regarding Project Corregidor, a new breakthrough has surfaced in the shape of a radio array capable of interrupting a series of signals believed to be the remains of Shinto deities weaponized during the Pacific War, which have thus far compromised the control system of SCP-6946. We are under the understanding that this will finally allow us to take back control of the automaton, and remove all dangers it poses. Furthermore, control of it will allow the Foundation to use it if the need arises. The proposal consists of allowing the Anomalous Weapons Development Department to join forces with the Global Occult Coalition and JAGPATO to construct a system capable of, in order: Step 1: Relocating SCP-6946 to a less populated zone Step 2: Turning off the interference Step 3: Turning off the sigil system on SCP-6946 Step 4: Accessing and repairing SCP-6946-1’s control system Step 5: Reactivating the sigil system and assisting SCP-6946 in reaching an extraction location This plan requires the following: Step 1: A Fushimi-class river gunboat with kotodama inscriptions for speed and resilience, to guide SCP-6946 out of the Manila Bay area, with a crew of 91. Two Nagara-class light cruisers with similar inscriptions are deployed to assist the gunboat, with a total crew of 684. [Provided by the Foundation; overseen by Asuncion Purugganan] Step 2: Thirty six radio transmitting stations alongside Manila Bay, the Bataan Peninsula and Corregidor Island, disrupting the magnetic field on SCP-6946 through the use of weaponized ‘kami’ energy, with a total of 115 operators and personnel. [Provided by JAGPATO; overseen by Kano Matsushiba] Step 3: An orbital cannon above SCP-6946, with a dispelling rune charge projectile loaded. [Provided by the GOC, overseen by William Ricci] Step 4: Special Task Force Dai-8 “Tenjō Tenge”, composed of 7 Tengu, each carrying a control system built according to original schematics, to replace the one on SCP-6946-1. [Provided by the Foundation; commandeered by Hokkyōbō] Step 5: A provisional site on the Bataan Peninsula to oversee the mission, and control SCP-6946 following the plan’s success. [Provided by the Foundation; overseen by James Yun] Fundings will be allocated to the project by the Foundation, the Global Occult Coalition (GOC) and the Japanese Anomalous Groups Peace and Amity Treaty Organization (JAGPATO), necessitating approval from all three groups. JAGPATO has already allocated funds to the project, with the GOC following once the project is approved. It must be said that an opportunity such as this has evaded us since the inception of the department. This proposal's success would close an issue that has haunted the Anomalous Weapons Development Department for well over seventy years. Such an action would positively ripple throughout several Sites, and help better relations between the Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition, damaged enough by the previous failures of Corregidor Project. The proposal was approved the same year, with the decommission project being carried out on 2023/12/02. Addendum SCP-6946.3 On 2023/12/02, the 32nd decommissioning attempt was carried out. The artificial island and fishing project were removed the week prior, the plan proceeding as expected at 4:30 AM, time at which the radio array was activated. At 5:21 AM, EVE levels were detected, signaling for the orbital cannon to fire at SCP-6946. The impact reached the automaton at 5:33 AM, the sigil system successfully being powered down. At 5:36 AM, the Fushimi-class river gunboat began leading SCP-6946 away from Manila Bay, towards the Luzon Sea area of the South China Sea. The gunboat was impacted twice during this period, but managed to move SCP-6946 into open waters with relative ease. The two Nagara-class light cruisers joined the move, distracting SCP-6946 as team captain Hokkyōbō flew towards the automaton with the first control system in hand. The system was successfully connected at 7:56 AM, at the cost of Hokkyōbō’s life. At 8:04 AM, personnel at the provisional site attempted to regain control of SCP-6946, failing to do so. An outcome within expectations, information was quickly sent to all other teams, with another control system being prepared for installation. Before this could be accomplished, a distinct thaumaturgical wave was sent from two of the radio stations on Corregidor Island, reactivating SCP-6946’s sigil system. At 8:10 AM, SCP-6946’s began moving again, away from Manila and up north, towards the Luzon Strait. Four towers within the radio station, including the previous two had internal components malfunction, causing a fire that quickly engulfed the buildings, creating a cascading failure that disabled the system array. Despite efforts by the remaining ships, and the orbital cannon preparing and shooting another projectile into the automaton, SCP-6946’s ignored and evaded capture efforts. For the following four hours, the entity made its way towards the Marianas Trench, losing its signal three hours in, finally disappearing several miles northwest of the Challenger Deep point. Foul play was determined to be the cause of the incident. An investigation was immediately launched, with the project halting, officially terminated two days later. Investigation Report Following the incident, a total of 1,327 people were interrogated, with 61 detained once it was confirmed that the incident was deliberately caused by members of the project, under the orders of deceased Branch Director of Site-50's AWD Department, Hokkyōbō. It is understood that Hokkyōbō and his team built a control system that allowed him to take sole control of SCP-6946-1, with the extra systems prepared being duds. This information was unknown to the control team, the maritime team, and the orbital team. This information was known to key members of the radio team, whose interference allowed the sigil system to be applied to SCP-6946 again, allowing the anomaly to move across deep waters and stopping all attempts to regain control. Several schematics pertaining to Site-50’s AWD department have been deleted from their corresponding databases, indicating their involvement in boycotting the Foundation. During the investigation, the following video was found on Hokkyōbō’s personal computer, recorded three weeks before the incident: <Hokkyōbō is seen adjusting the device recording him, before stepping back to sit on a bench area across from it. Area has been identified as a pathway in Las Piñas-Parañaque protected coastal area in Metro Manila.> Hokkyōbō: Good evening, whoever’s watching. Uh, how do they start these?… ‘If you’re watching this, it means I’m already dead’? Well, that’s what I would hope for. Else the plan has failed. <Silence for 6 seconds> What am I supposed to say, really? I didn’t want for things to go this way. I still don’t, but you just never understood what you were playing with. Or perhaps you did. It doesn’t really matter. When I joined the Foundation, I thought things would be different. After the Agency, the desire to truly help the people instead of sacrificing everything for a man-made-God was irresistible. Move away from the people who diluted deities into weaponry. Away from the massacres, the death marches, the misery. Ironically, such an opportunity was only offered after the Umibōzu walked through Manila, desecrating anything we hadn’t managed to. I convinced myself it had been a necessary evil, like Tokyo, like Hiroshima. For years I left it at that. We cleaned the slate, poured concrete over the machine, and forgot about it. But you couldn’t forget for long. You saw a new toy you could play with, and amidst the red scare, it felt justified. The automaton flattening Incheon and Seoul to recover them felt like history repeating itself, so I opposed. The idea of powering the machine again was horrifying; the idea of making more a nightmare. Eventually, the Wall fell, a moment of lucidity. Everyone realized the horrors of the hydrogen bomb, of the agent orange, of massive war machines. Once again the concrete sealed away the machine. We focused on containment, on security. War was for those on the other side of the veil, because war was wrong; war was ungraceful. We knew better. … And then you decided to awaken the Umibōzu from its slumber yet again. <Hokkyōbō sighs> I hope this will serve as a lesson, if anything. When I joined, I truly believed in our motto, and I still do. If everything goes according to plan, the Umibōzu will end up in a place you logistically cannot pull it from, finally at rest. It will be secured, contained, and protected. If you value any of these words, you’ll leave it there. If you don’t, then… I don’t know. I won’t be alive to ponder it. <11 seconds of silence, before moving closer to the recorder> I believe it's time for me to part. I will not waste any more of your time. You have better things to do, as do I. Recovery of SCP-6946 is currently under review by the Department of Logistics, with the Anomalous Weapons Development Department having been relieved from duty. Site-50’s AWD Department has been dissolved during the investigation, and is expected to be renewed following its conclusion. Footnotes Footnotes Footnotes 1. Mobile Task Force tasked with concealing anomalies in densely populated areas. 2. Anomalous Weapons Development Department 3. San José, Costa Rica. AWD’s Headquarters. 4. Manila, Philippines 5. Tokyo, Japan 6. Japanese Anomalous Groups Peace and Amity Treaty Organization; mediating organization between the Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition in matters involving Japan and East Asia. 7. The 31st attempt involved a GOC-Foundation joint operated orbital cannon dropping a massive dispelling rune charge into SCP-6946. 8. Hokkyōbō is a Karasu tengu, and was once part of IJAMEA’s Weapons Research Bureau from 1903 to 1946, being present on three occasions where SCP-6946 was deployed. 9. Historical IJAMEA code name for SCP-6946. 10. Corregidor Island, an island at the entrance of Manila Bay 11. Dir. Everest was unable to act as Director during the 2020-2021 period. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6946" by Maxyfran73, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Manila Bay Author: Patrick Roque, edited by Maxyfran73 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons Filename: Resting Stop Author: Elmer nev valenzuela, edited by Maxyfran73 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons Filename: AWD Logo Author: Agente Shuffle License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: SCP Wiki
Dr Asteria SCP-6947 - Around the world, around the world by Dr Asteria More by Dr Asteria Item #: SCP-6947 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6947's anomalous effects are undetectable to observers within the universe he exists, and those who could/can detect them are already acquainted with the anomalous. As SCP-6947's effects are presumed to terminate upon his death, no containment procedures are necessary until such a time. Foundation web-crawlers and planted agents are to continuously monitor SCP-6947, as well as discredit any information leaked about his effects. Description: SCP-6947 (known as Zachary █████████) is a male human of Caucasian descent. Records indicate SCP-6947 was born on ██/██/2015, making him 7 years old. SCP-6947 exhibits a phenomenon in which his movement through space is defined by the entire universe moving relative to him rather than vice versa. Otherwise, SCP-6947's movement is consistent to outside observers when referenced to an absolute reference point such as Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) unless said observer is separate from the universe in which SCP-6947 exists. Discovery: SCP-6947 was discovered on 11/4/2020 with his mother Sarah █████████ during an argument at the ███ █████ Mall in ████████, Oregon. Below is the security footage from the interaction, which was collected post-discovery of the anomaly: <Begin Log> <Sarah █████████ is holding SCP-6947's hand as they walk through the mall.> SCP-6947: Mom! Mom! Can we get ice cream? Sarah: No, Zach. SCP-6947: Why not?! Sarah: It'll spoil your appetite, Zach. SCP-6947: Fine! I want a pretzel! Sarah: No. SCP-6947: <upset> But, I'm hungry, mom! Sarah: We're getting dinner in half an hour, you can wait until then. SCP-6947: But, I want it! <SCP-6947 attempts to pull Sarah █████████ in the direction of the food court.> Sarah: Zach! I said "no!" Quit being such a brat, will you? SCP-6947: It's no fair! You haven't even gotten me something from the mall! Sarah: <frustrated> I don't have to get you anything, Zach. I just needed a few small things from here. SCP-6947: You don't need a new necklace! Sarah: Zach! We are leaving right now! The world does not revolve around you! SCP-6947: <yelling> Well, maybe it should! <At this moment, several Extra-Universal Foundation sites alert Overwatch Command of a newly discovered anomalous phenomenon (now known to be SCP-6947.)> Sarah: We're going, Zach! <Sarah █████████ drags SCP-6947 towards the exit.> SCP-6947: <crying> Noooooo!! <End Log> Interception of the anomaly by nearby Foundation agents was deemed unnecessary. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6947" by Dr Asteria, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
by TheBoxOfFun A picture of Stanley Kubrick on the set of Barry Lyndon, 1975. Item #: SCP-6948 Secrecy Level: 4 Special Containment Procedures: All information regarding the true nature of SCP-6948 must be suppressed at all costs. Description: SCP-6948 refers to the sudden disappearance of the American-British movie director Stanley Kubrick (PoI-2001), famous for various movies, such as Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, Barry Lyndon, The Shining, Full Metal Jacket, and was involved in the filming of the 1969 Moon Landing, an operation realized to hide evidence about the SCP-6614 instances. Stanley Kubrick was a Type-Green Humanoid, capable of teleportation; during his life, the Foundation was unable to ascertain if he had a minimum or maximum distance that he could teleport. He used these abilities to record the scenes for his movies and to place the actors in specific locations.1 PoI-2001 disappeared with no trace on December 7, 1998, at the age of 70 years old, in his home in Childwickbury, England. His wife, Christiane Kubrick, was unable to explain the reasons behind the disappearance of PoI-2001, however, she stated that the last thing he said before disappearing was that he had 'some unfinished business'. The local news about his disappearance has been covered up by the British Occult Service, and the Foundation, while an operation was launched in joint with various international agencies, searching for PoI-2001 for the following three months. Kubrick was then briefly seen on March 3rd, 1999, attending a premiere screening of Eyes Wide Shut, but was unable to be apprehended by the Foundation. The Foundation agents tried to get in contact with Stanley Kubrick, asking him about the reasons for his sudden disappearance, however, when they entered his home, he was gone once more, with only a note left on his table, reading 'Don't expect me back any time soon.' The operation officially ended on March 7, 1999. It was decided at that point to fake the director's complete disappearance by using a disinformation campaign of him having passed away, and using a lookalike of PoI-2001 for his funeral, attended on March 12, 1999. Currently, Stanley Kubrick's whereabouts are unknown. You have One (1) New Message, Do you wish to open it? Close Mrs. Administrator, I am Bruce Garret, director of Site Aleph. I have some updates regarding SCP-6948 and the disappearance of Stanley Kubrick. This morning, on November 9, 1999, in the Site archives we found an object not recorded in our databases, designated SCP-███-FR, no one has a minimal recollection of how it got there. However, it looks like it was discovered by the Singular Imperial Academy2 in 1822, with their documentation and description at the time. We checked the 'anomaly', which is a tape dated 1998, titled "Napoleon" with the signature of Kubrick, along with two movie cameras, and a microphone. We analyzed the signature on the tape, and it's 100% identical to the one Stanley had. I think we found out where he might have gone… Footnotes 1. Such as Keir Dullea in the room with no doors in 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Jack Nicholson, in the frozen maze of The Shining. 2. A precursor of the French Branch of the 19th Century. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6948" by TheBoxOfFun, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: kubrick.jpg Name: Kubrick on the set of Barry Lyndon (1975 publicity photo).jpg Author: "Copyright by Warner Bros. Inc." License: Public Domain Source Link:
Blue Foot Like my stuff? Read more here, and join my Discord server to be notified whenever I post a new piece! Item #: SCP-6949 Special Containment Procedures: A security team is to patrol the perimeter of SCP-6949 at all times. The trail leading to SCP-6949 is to be closed indefinitely to the public. No personnel are to enter SCP-6949, unless authorized to do so by the current project manager. No personnel are to enter SCP-6949 with any American currency on their person. Any unauthorized Foundation personnel who collect SCP-6949-2 instances are to be disciplined by the current project manager. Description: SCP-6949 is a small grove of trees located approximately 70 kilometers southeast of Bellingham, Washington. Within SCP-6949, the only trees that have been discovered are SCP-6949-1 instances. SCP-6949-1 instances are almost identical to the species prunus avium (more commonly known as sweet cherry trees.) However, SCP-6949-1 instances yield what seem to be legally recognized American currencies valued from one cent to 100 dollars when pollinated, which are to be individually referred to as SCP-6949-2. SCP-6949-2 instances do not undergo a ripening period, but instead anomalously manifest in the place of their respective SCP-6949-1 flower approximately six weeks after pollination. The visual appearances of SCP-6949-2 instances seem to be random. SCP-6949-2 instances have been found to contain significant caloric and nutritional value. As a result, SCP-6949-2 instances are a staple food source for the primary consumers of SCP-6949's ecosystem, which includes various species of birds, mammals, and insects commonly found in the region. Unusual feeding patterns have been observed in the fauna of SCP-6949. Approximately 80% of the SCP-6949-2 instances produced by SCP-6949-1 manifestations are consumed by the squirrels and birds of the environment. The animals in question will always allow approximately 20% of the remaining SCP-6949-2 instances to fall from their respective SCP-6949-1 instance onto the forest floor. Around 10% of said SCP-6949-2 instances are consumed by the large and medium sized fauna of SCP-6949, while the remaining 10% are eaten by the remainder of the anomaly's local ecosystem. These feeding behaviors are, naturally, consistently adhered to whenever a SCP-6949-2 instance germinates, and animals living within SCP-6949 will follow them even if it would lead to obesity or starvation for the individual. Incident.6949.1: On 16/7/2018, it was discovered that several of the security personnel guarding SCP-6949 had deserted their duties and harvested large quantities of SCP-6949-2 instances on multiple occasions. The personnel in question have been appropriately disciplined. Due to this incident, and the uneven feeding behaviors of SCP-6949-2's fauna, the lack of SCP-6949-2 instances that season caused widespread malnutrition and starvation in the local ecosystem. After this incident, the behavior of SCP-6949's fauna drastically changed. The animals within the anomaly periodically congregated in large groups of diverse species, and they vocalized while in these assemblies. These congregations occasionally resulted in violence, as individual animals suddenly assaulted each other when their vocalizations grew in volume and intensity. The feeding patterns of the fauna was also altered after this incident. Some fauna continued to adhere to their previous feeding behaviors. However, some animals were observed to consume approximately the same number of SCP-6949-2 instances over time as a large number of others, even if such an amount was inappropriate for the needs of the individual in question. Violent confrontations between individuals and groups of animals that adhered to contrary feeding patterns were commonly observed. Incident.6949.2: On 19/9/2018, a group of various species of birds, rabbits, and rodents common in the region were discovered to be assembled outside the nearest Foundation facility to SCP-6949, Site-74, at 06:43 local time. These animals behaved peacefully, and carried signs that criticized the Foundation. When personnel attempted to communicate with them, the animals responded with either "Go to hell, commie." Or "Decadent thief!" in gruff voices. They did not respond to non-violent attempts to remove them from site premises. The anomalous animals were eventually dispersed by the sounds of gunfire from a patrolling security detail. The following are transcriptions of signs recovered at the scene: UNITED IN COMRADERY FOR CURRENCY AND COOPERATION AGAINST OPPRESSION, THERE IS STRENGTH AND REASON IN UNITY WHAT IF BIG CONTAINMENT TOOK YOUR FAIR SHARE? SAVE THE TREES, SAVE THE ECONOMY The conflicts between the fauna of SCP-6949 ceased after this event. The animal inhabitants of SCP-6949 have been recorded to act aggressively toward Foundation personnel after this incident. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6949" by Blue Foot, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-6950 "Wendy's Road" Special Containment Procedures: The roadside section dubbed "Wendy’s Road" within █████, England is to be monitored bi-weekly between the hours of 11:55PM and 12:05AM by no more than three patrolling security personnel. Security personnel are to report any sightings of SCP-6950. If such an event occurs, they are to follow standard protocol for interacting with incorporeal humanoid entities. Personnel must dress plainly and appropriately for nighttime weather, as not to arouse suspicion. Description: SCP-6950 is an incorporeal humanoid resembling a young woman with shoulder length blonde hair, dressed in a white sweater and skirt (See additional documentation describing spectral entities of a similar nature1 for further information). SCP-6950 will manifest bi-weekly at exactly 12:00AM on an indiscriminate night, walking along an uninhabited section of roadside, dubbed by locals as “Wendy’s Road”, outside █████, England. SCP-6950 will de-manifest if no vehicles pass by before 12:01AM. If a vehicle does arrive, SCP-6950 will display a hand signal as if attempting to flag its driver for a lift. As of writing, no reported persons have stopped to pick up SCP-6950 either out of fear or disinterest. Discovery Log: Local legends predating SCP-6950’s discovery describe a young woman (Wendy Williams) of similar age having committed suicide twenty-five years ago, nearby the location. The road was given the title "Wendy’s Road" by locals after several eyewitnesses claimed to have spotted a "spectre" resembling a young woman on multiple occasions. Additional sightings became less frequent overtime, causing the local legend to eventually fade into near obscurity. SCP-6950 was reported following a sudden number of additional sightings twenty-five years later. Little is currently known about the extent of SCP-6950’s anomalous properties or the reason for its sudden resurfacing. Excavation of Wendy William’s remains for further study is under consideration. Addendum: During bi-weekly monitoring of Wendy’s Road, personnel witnessed a car drive by, containing SCP-6950 in the passenger seat. The vehicle was tracked the following day to Craig Spritner, a local civilian who claimed to be unfamiliar with the local legend. Craig Spritner explained that he had picked up SCP-6950 and dropped it off near a local cemetery two miles away. Upon arriving back home, Mr. Spritner found a tattered white sweater on his front seat, containing strands of blonde hair. SCP-6950 did not manifest at Wendy’s Road the following midnight. It was instead reported two miles away at a rest area Burger King. Agent Simmons was sent to investigate. Interview Log: Agent Simmons: Excuse me. May I speak to you? SCP-6950: Oh hey, it’s you guys. The creepy stalkers. Agent Simmons: No! We- I was just confused about why you’re here. SCP-6950: …I’m hungry? Agent Simmons: But you’re incorporeal. A ghost, aren’t you? SCP-6950 visibly takes a bite out of its double cheeseburger SCP-6950: They do it in "Ghostbusters". It’s easy. Agent Simmons: Ok then… But you moved from your original placement. What made you leave? SCP-6950: I told you. I was hungry. Agent Simmons: No! I mean, why did you stop haunting "Wendy’s Road"? SCP-6950: Haunting? I wasn’t haunting it. I was walking to a friend’s place and tried to get a lift. No luck though, everyone shits their pants whenever they get a glimpse of me. Normally I wear all white to stand out more in the dark, so much for that. Agent Simmons: Then who were you trying to visit? SCP-6950 stares blankly for several seconds SCP-6950: …Wendy. Agent Simmons: …Are you telling me that you’re not the spirit of Wendy Williams, the girl who died while hitchhiking twenty-five years ago? SCP-6950: No. I died last year. Fucking Covid… Agent Simmons: So she haunts the cemetery instead? SCP-6950: No, she lives there. She’s a fucking ghost. Agent Simmons pulls out the sweater recovered from Craig Spritner’s car Agent Simmons: This sweater then. Does it hold any sort of significance, or symbolic meaning relating to your death? SCP-6950 stares at the sweater SCP-6950: Oh shit, my sweater! Forgot about that. SCP-6950 left the Burger King with the sweater shortly after, before de-manifesting. As Agent Simmons did not ask SCP-6950 for a name, its former identity has yet to be determined. The cashier who had witnessed the event was later amnesticized. Revision of SCP-6950’s containment procedures is underway. Footnotes 1. SCP-1337, SCP-1401, and SCP-2539
 close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains graphic descriptions of homicide and injury. ⚠️ content warning - Item #: SCP-6951 Special Containment Procedures: The city of Miami, Florida is to be extensively monitored for results of the SCP-6951 phenomenon, which are then to be collected and studied. A full understanding of biology in SCP-6951-1 instances is to be achieved, so that living SCP-6951-1 instances can be rehabilitated and give witness testimony into the activities of Greazeburger Incorporated and Greazeburger Earth. Description: SCP-6951 is a phenomenon where deceased or critically injured employees of Greazeburger Incorporated (henceforth designated as SCP-6951-1) and its subsidiary, Greazeburger Earth, manifest within the city limits of Miami, Florida. Recovered SCP-6951-1 instances tend to exhibit signs of attempted or successful homicide, in addition with injuries associated with inter-dimensional travel1. Addendum: + Documented SCP-6951-1 Instances - [CLOSE FILE] Date Recovered SCP-6951-1 Identity Discovery Details Additional Notes 27/9/21 Unknown Found in a dumpster behind a fast-food location, this SCP-6951-1 instance was flagged for potential anomalous properties when autopsy discovered eight additional organs not present in normal human biology. Foundation involvement discovered the instance’s relation to Greazeburger after testing revealed a near-identical genetic match with Roger Greaze. Shortly after, the Greazeburger Investigation Team successfully filed these events for SCP status, and the documentation of SCP-6951 began. 14/10/21 Roger Greaze During the investigation of a fire that severely damaged an abandoned building in Miami, Florida, the corpse of Roger Greaze was discovered seated at a meeting table along with a monogrammed, metallic suitcase and typewriter. While the fire had been extinguished for several days before the investigation occured, Roger Greaze had only recently expired before their discovery, as they had evidently remained seated for multiple days following the infliction of numerous third-degree burns before succumbing to infection and sepsis. Identified by their suitcase and papers within, Roger’s official position was a stenographer tasked with the transcription of corporate meetings at Greazeburger Earth. Beginning with the fire’s outbreak and continuing up to the exact time of their death, Roger had been transcribing their internal monologue as well as their current medical state through the use of their typewriter. The events that led up to the outbreak of the fire were not recovered. 1/11/21 Westley Greaze Discovered on Miami Beach, Westley Greaze had been wrapped in various layers of clear packing tape and forcefully locked within a heavy, rolling luggage container before being thrown into the ocean. Bystanders attempted to resuscitate the SCP-6951-1 instance, but were unsuccessful. While recovered SCP-6951-1 instances often possessed little belongings, a hidden pocket was discovered within Westley’s suit jacket containing holy water, a wooden stake coated with a dried, unidentified substance loosely resembling mustard in smell and appearance, and a waterlogged piece of paper containing six tally marks. 25/12/21 Randolph Greaze Found deceased after suddenly manifesting in the parking lot of the Miami Walmart Supercenter, and was identified through a nametag and an unfinished resumé for non-Greazeburger employment that had been forced into their trachea. An autopsy investigation had discovered that their cause of death was most likely asphyxiation through choking. The body of Randolph Greaze is currently held within cold storage at a site devoted to medical research. Update 3/1/22: On 3/1/22, Greazeburger Earth CEO Martin Greaze (POI-792) was discovered in an alleyway adjacent to the Greazeburger-commandeered Miami Walmart Supercenter after the noise of various gunshots had alerted Foundation staff covertly employed at the location. Despite receiving numerous gunshot wounds to the back of their head, POI-792 was responsive for several minutes before expiring. A transcription of their testimony and subsequent death is available below: + Martin Greaze Recovery Log - [CLOSE FILE] INTERVIEW LOG DATE: 3/1/22 NOTE: While additional Foundation staff attempted to close off the alleyway from civilian view and amnesticize the witnesses, Martin Greaze conversed with the agent accompanying him. POI-792: Ah, Greazus, they really need to work on their aim. Agent Marigold: Holy shit, how the hell is it still speaking? POI-792: Yeah, I’m a little surprised myself honestly. Usually this doesn’t happen. Five seconds of silence pass within the alleyway. POI-792 What’s with you people? You need to lighten up, this isn’t a funeral yet. Agent Marigold: Right. Uh. Not exactly used to having a businessman with red pudding for a head talking to me. What is your name? Agent Marigold visibly gags. POI-792: You can read my nametag same as I can’t, pal. I don’t have eyes anymore but I can still tell you don’t exactly have an excuse. Agent Marigold: You’re Martin Greaze? POI-792: Yup, that’s my name. Don’t wear it out because I don’t have champion and claimer of titles from the deep groves insurance. Agent Marigold: Yikes. How’d you end up like this? POI-792: Well, plain and simple, I had a magazine emptied into my skull. Agent Marigold: Yeah, well, we can see that- I mean, what events led up to the shooting? POI-792: Now you’re just talking too seriously. This just happens once in a while, and you’re acting like you’re watching somebody dying. Agent Marigold: You mean, you’re not bleeding out right now and not talking out of a lump of raw hamburger? POI-792: Of course I’m not dying, stupid. I don’t know what they taught you in basic training, but once in a while you just have to have that little hint of rebellion removed, ya know? Agent Marigold: Uh. Elaborate on that, please. POI-792: Well, lemme put it this way. Ever have thoughts about just dropping it all, quitting your job, and moving out to the countryside? Agent Marigold: Not particularly, no. POI-792: Good for you, you’re showing admirable loyalty to your employer. We’d give you a nice little gift basket for that. Next question, would you go up to your boss and ask for a raise? Agent Marigold: I’m paid pretty well as it is, but who wouldn’t want to go for a raise? POI-792: Ugh. There’s always one of them. We here at Greazeburger really, really don’t like it when the employees get… self-assertive… POI-792: You see here, uh, Agent So-And-So, Greazeburger’s a family. A real big family. And families should never, ever fight. How do you stop a fight, fellow content employee? Agent Marigold: Well, I’d make both sides talk about their frustrations so an agreement could be made. POI-792: Yeah, and you said ‘both’. There wouldn’t be any fights if there was only one side, and that’s what we’re doing here. We fire the employees who might start a bit of a feud in the Greazeburger family, that’s how you keep the family happy. Agent Marigold: Is ‘firing’ a euphemism for something? POI-792: Of course not! What do we look like, barbarians? We’re all from the same bloodline, it’s really, really easy to just make a copy of a rebellious worker when they’re first hired and fill them in after the original is fired. Like, super easy. Maybe takes five minutes, tops. Agent Marigold: So, you clone workers who want fairer treatment and then fire them? Doesn’t that seem a little… evil? POI-792: Of course not? How could it be evil if everyone wants to do it? I’d bet my blood-soaked suspenders that whatever primitive, backwards, and unrefined followers of the Holy Corporate Need you have down here would do the same thing if they were smart enough to. Agent Marigold: That just seems exceptionally evil. POI-792: Nonsense! Evil is just crime you can’t monetize, it’s no longer illegal when you make money. Agent Marigold: I don’t exactly know how to respond to that, but alright. POI-792: We’re making a fuckton of money by the way, so we can’t be evil. That’s how it works. Agent Marigold: So, if you just fire workers, what are you doing here like this? POI-792: Nah, I just submitted my resignation. You know how it is, worrying that you have a little too much concern for the underlings and you’re starting to feel something warm and fuzzy inside for some people you thought you never cared about, so I just took the easy way out, quit, and let the new Martin Greaze take my position. I made the choice to end up this way, and as long as the River of Greaze flows, I’m sure other people here will. Agent Marigold: What’ll happen to you? POI-792: I’d guess I have maybe three minutes or so remaining, it’s not really my concern. I know the new Martin’s already been briefed about my history and has no doubt completed the paperwork I hadn’t finished, so there’s not really anything left to do other than talk. Agent Marigold: Right. But here’s the thing. Firing and resignation to you mean murder, and what, you just replace them with a clone? POI-792: Of course not! What do you think this is, a charity? We only clone important family members, like me. The rest we just dispose of. Agent Marigold: What’s with that? If you can just replace people that easily, why bother with the killing? POI-792: That’s how we tie up loose ends, we don’t want the troublesome ones coming back to be a thorn in our sides. Agent Marigold: Doesn’t it seem excessive to dump them on Earth and then kill them? POI-792: Unfortunately, we’re taking all the right precautions. Most of us have all kinds of crazy whatsits and alterations added that give all kinds of odd properties. We don’t exactly have a database for what gets installed in who, and telling whether Jimbo Greaze or Jimmy Greaze had the Turbo Flesh Gator Regenerator Refrigerator Inator is basically impossible. Agent Marigold: And your point? POI-792: Well, firing them on Earth, or firing them first and then dumping them on Earth is our way of making sure they don’t come back to bite us on the butt. If you know some of your targets might be almost invincible, it’s best to include an extra layer of security to help you sleep at night. Agent Marigold: So, stranding them in a foreign dimension is just an additional layer of security? POI-792: Yup! And all this is to prevent the absolute worst outcome, the-. POI-792 chokes, and regurgitates a yellow, opaque mucus onto the pavement. POI-792: Uck. We really, really don’t want a- Agent Marigold: Come on, spit it out! POI-792: The absolute last thing we want is a- POI-792 begins to whisper to Agent Marigold. POI-792: U…u….union. POI-792 begins to convulse violently as they begin emitting large quantities of smoke. Agent Marigold attempts to cover the smoke with their jacket, but fails as POI-792 suddenly explodes in a shower of yellow bile and bursts into blue flame. Agent Marigold: Holy fuck! Additional Foundation agents rush into the alleyway, and find the burning remnants of POI-792, as well as the unharmed Agent Marigold, who is covered in bile and blood. Agent Marigold: Urgh. We’ll need to call Kensing about this, and maybe get a towel. Due to POI-792’s testimony regarding genetic duplication abilities, POI-792 is still considered active. Investigation into the rehabilitation of SCP-6951-1 instances is ongoing. Footnotes 1. Dislocated joints through sudden stretching or pulling, ruptured blood vessels and injuries caused through decompression sickness, damage to the respiratory system caused by exposure to a vacuum, and blunt force trauma through falling-related injuries. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6951" by Kensing, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
SYTYCFanon SCP-6952 - Hephaestus's Anomalous Weapons Manual For more stories in my verse check here Item#: 6952 Level4 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: thaumiel Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: notice link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-78 Leah Richter Maria Johnston Omega-45 ("Street Samurai") An instance of SCP-6952-1, designation "Gauss Rifle" Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6952 is kept within Site-78's Arms and Equipment Department. SCP-6952 is to be kept sealed within an Adamantite case when not in use, and may only be removed with authorization from members of Omega-45, or designated researchers who possess Level 4 Clearance or above. Before construction begins, new entries within SCP-6952 must be approved first by the Ethics Committee, and instances of SCP-6952-1 shall only be used by members of Omega-45. In the event that a member of Omega-45 falls in combat, any SCP-6952-1 weaponry must be retrieved or scuttled at all costs. Foundation recovery sites are built around instances of SCP-6952-2 for their retrieval, and any discoveries of SCP-6952-2 by civilians should be promptly recovered and covered up. Witness Amnesctization should be applied as needed. Description: SCP-6952 is a leather-bound book with metal covers. On the spine of SCP-6952 is an engraving that reads "VI of IX". SCP-6952 is a manual on the creation and development of anomalous weapons and armor, hereby classified as SCP-6952-1 instances. The creation of new instructions on SCP-6952-1 instances is triggered by writing on a blank page of the book, which will prompt the anomaly to start writing schematics, forgery instructions, and usage guidelines. Currently, there are three known limits to the manual. It is unable to create weapons that can damage anomalies with indestructible or immortal properties and other books of the Set of Nine. Furthermore, queries to build weapons to target the author of SCP-6952 will not be answered. SCP-6952-2 instances are anomalous materials and devices that facilitate the anomalous properties of SCP-6952-1 weaponry. SCP-6952-2 instances are created along with SCP-6952-1 if the requisite materials do not already exist. Repeated queries to the manual will lead to different SCP-6952-1's being created. These resources show promise for a variety of uses outside of weapons development, and research is currently ongoing into their applications. Anecdotally, describing or asking for documents regarding things that aren't considered weaponry will result in a failed query - the request must be distinctly for something like a sword, gun, bomb, or similar objects. SCP-6952 appears to be able to create more pages for its weapons if all of them are filled with queries. Instances of SCP-6952-1 that are approved by the Ethics Committee are allowed for usage by MTF Omega-45 to aid in the capture of anomalies and combat with hostile GoI units. This weaponry provided by SCP-6952 has aided in the capture of over fifty anomalies thus far. Discovery: SCP-6952 was discovered on 5-3-2022 by a mixed unit of Valkyries1, belonging to the Valravn Corporation. This unit was deployed against GoI-8947 (Volk Division) a mercenary group that was sighted using anomalous and unidentified weaponry. The Valkyries were successful in eliminating the mercenaries and retrieved SCP-6952 from their operating base. After returning SCP-6952 to Valravn, The High Table2, contacted the O5 Council a few days later, offering to trade SCP-6952 for information on SCP-6755. The following video transcript was declassified and made available to Level 4 personnel to appraise them on the situation involving the Set of Nine and the Valravn Corporation. Video Log - O5 Council meeting #[Data Expunged] > RECORDING STARTED < O5-1 Greeting CEO, we haven't spoken since the Cartagena Agreement was signed. I trust you're doing well? HT-CEO Our organization has been thriving, O5-1. Profits are high, contracts are flowing. Can't complain. O5-2 O5-1, I must state that I don´t believe the Foundation should be extending unwarranted cordiality towards mercenaries. 05-3 -2 is right, if it wasn't for our pressure, the Corporation would still be employing anomalies in warfare without any regard for the Veil or collateral damage. HT-CIO Are Foundation hands so clean of blood? Our clients hire us to protect normalcy when the Foundation doesn't feel like getting their hands dirty. O5-1 Let's not sidetrack into unproductive bickering. As I understand, Valravn's CEO has come to us with an offer, lets not waste more of our precious time with nonsense. HT-CEO Well, and regardless of past disagreements, I was hoping to improve our relationship by offering the O5 a gesture of goodwill. I am going to offer you one of the books in the Set of Nine, to shore up your defenses in light of the recent attack on one of your facilities by the Chaos Insurgency. O5-4 Set of Nine? I don't believe I'm familiar with this term. O5-5 I believe he is referring to SCP-6419, I will send all of the council the relevant documentation. In regards to SCP-6419, Site 78 had theorized that there may be more books belonging to its set due to it apparently being second in a Set. HT-COO Our Valkyries recently retrieved volume six and after some examination, we concluded this anomaly would be better off under the Foundation's watch. We certainly admire the Foundation's compromise for worldwide security and peace. And we are always glad to contribute in the best way we know. We only ask for some information in return. O5-2 Retrieved it from whom? And I can't imagine it was a bloodless affair. HT-COO We acquired it from the Volk Division when we noticed a sudden increase in their capacity for anomalous weapon smithing. Our actions ensured they were returned to baseline. At this rate, you may as well consider outsourcing some of your duties to us. O5-2 The nerve. Don't act like you are a charity organization. The Volks must have been up to something if somebody hired you to get rid of them. Probably squeezed some local governments out a significant amount of money. HT-CFO It was a very profitable venture, especially with Volume six in our hands. We've taken to calling it Hephaestus's manual, it's a book that allows its user to write queries for weapons and armor. These queries are then answered with weapons schematics and anomalous materials to create them. O5-3 So you've already stripped it of everything useful and are trying to hand it off to us? Why not just keep it? HT-CEO We've determined that it is more beneficial and profitable for us in the long-term to have the SCP Foundation as a strong force in the world. And you have information relevant to us. O5-2 What exactly are you asking for? HT-COO We would like to request you share the SCP-6755 file with us. Once we have that Intel, we'll transfer the book to your care. O5-3 The Pale Lady? What exactly are you going to do with that information? HT-CIO That is classified. O5-2 There's more you're not telling us. You walked into this conversation knowing full well there was a "Set of Nine" as you call it and the fact we had one in our possession. HT-CEO A good player never reveals all his cards. Now, do we have a deal? O5-1 We will put it to a vote. All members pass their votes to determine if we should trade for Volume six in exchange for information on SCP-6755. O5s -1, -4,-5, -7, -9, -10, -11 vote yes. -2,-3,-6,-8,-12 vote no. Motion passes 7-5. O5-1 The majority has spoken. We will transfer that information to the High Table shortly. HT-CEO We're glad you came to the right decision. We'll have a representative over with the cargo in 24 hours. Óðinn á yðr alla3 [End of recording.] A note from Researcher Johnston: Well, I must admit I'd never heard of the Valravn Corporation before being assigned to this project but now that I've been reading into them… their appearance in this is concerning. While Valravn taking on GoI-8947 (also known as Volk Division) may seem like the lesser of two evils; I would never trust these "ravens". Anyone who uses the term Acceptable Collateral Damage to refer to civilian casualties should never be trusted. Hell, at least Primordial and A.R.G.U.S pretend to care about human rights and they don't go around cosplaying as Vikings and shouting about "Valhalla" when killing people. Valravn seems to be cut off a different cloth… an unhinged and concerning cloth. I was able to pick through what they'd created in the manual, mostly it was used to create more cybernetic augmentations for their soldiers. Arm-mounted Gauss and electric weaponry, cognitohazards to disguise their agents in the field and that's just the start of it. It's hard to know the true extent of what they learned from this as their R&D could have extrapolated on the knowledge gained from this book. Addendum 6952.01: Curated list of current SCP-6952-1 Instances Gauss Rifle High-Velocity Blade "Hephaestus"-Grade Body Armor Matter Displacing Gauntlet "Bouncing Mary" Bouncing Ball Grenade Weapon Type: Assault Rifle Firing Modes: Full Auto, 3-Round Burst, Single Fire Effective Range: Up to 1.5km Projectile Speed: 1,120 m/s (Mach 3.38) Ammunition: 8mm Tungsten Anti-Armor Sabot Magazine Size:50 Round Magazine, 1x Battery rated for up to 800 shots. Required SCP-6952-2 instance: Coronal Ferrite Author: Volk Division Description: The Gauss Rifle is a ballistics projection device shaped like a conventional rifle firearm, but uses a coilgun4 design in place of gunpowder propulsion. Inside the chassis of the gun is a series of coils wrapped around the barrel made from Coronal Ferrite, which is a metal with anomalous heat resistance and superconducting properties. Coronal Ferrite lacks electrical resistance, allowing the coils to be more power efficient and generate enough magnetic pull to accelerate the projectile at supersonic speeds - most critically the gun doesn't generate heat. A ferromagnetic projectile is provided by the magazine into the barrel, with an anomalous magnetic shield around the magazine's remaining ammunition to prevent the gun from ripping itself apart. To compensate for the added recoil of the higher-speed projectile, kinetic dampeners were installed into the Gauss Rifle's chassis by combining previous Foundation designs with ones provided by SCP-6952. This results in a ballistics delivery system with less recoil than even many pistols. The Rifle can be equipped with an underbarrel 38mm laser-guided HEAT95 rocket. Several variants have been developed for anti-personnel and anti-armor purposes. SCP-6952-2 Description: Atomic Number: 26 Symbol:C-Fe Location: Ural Mountains, Rocky Mountains, Himalayas, TBD Melting Point: 10,000C Coronal ferrite is an allotrope of iron found in mountainous regions where the atmospheric pressure is the lowest. It appears to act like regular iron under all circumstances, except for its extremely high melting point, almost 0 electrical resistance and superconducting capability. While this makes it harder to forge, the result is a superconductive metal, allowing for the development of railguns and coilguns. Other potential applications of this material are broad, from space exploration to deep core drilling. Researcher's Notes: If I am being honest, I'm no gun expert, but the men and women of Omega-45 give it their thumbs up. The sheer force of bullets' kinetic energy is highly effective against heavy layers of composite armor like that of tanks and if that isn't good enough, you have the missile launcher. In the field, the weapon has been performing admirably. Our boys shred insurgency folks like paper, and the tungsten bullets don't bounce off of tougher anomalous hides. Weapon Type: Bladed Weapon Usage: UV Generator needs to be charged for 48 hours of use Required SCP-6952-2 instance: Ultrasonic Vibration Generator Author: Volk Division Description: Utilizing an Ultrasonic Vibration generator, the affected blade begins to vibrate at a rate of 10,000 Hertz. The intense vibration of the atomic structure of the blade, causes the bonds of the target to disintegrate leading to an easier cut. Foundation personnel combine a High Carbon-Adamantine blade with these generators to create weapons that can nearly cut through anything. Every High-Velocity blade is fitted with a vibration-proof handle, to prevent discomfort or harm to the user. Researcher's Notes: The High-Velocity Blades are quite an interesting development. We haven't yet come across a singular material that the blades can't cut through, although there is a limit to how much armor they can get through in a single swing. You can't cut a tank or a mech in half with this thing. That would be ridiculous. - Researcher Johnston Armor Type: Helmets, bullet-resistant plate, etc. Required SCP-6952-2 instance: Adamantite Author: Volk Division, design refined by SCP Armaments Ltd. Description: By using the anomalous properties of Adamantite, a metal with similar properties to graphene, the Foundation was able to create lighter-weight bulletproof vests and plates for plate carriers that render a soldier nigh invincible from conventional weapons. The technology can be applied to all types of heavier metal armor and explosion-proof suits. In applications where the Hephaestus-Grade plate would be too heavy and impair the user, a powered exoskeleton was developed to aid the user in remaining protected and keeping mobility. SCP-6952-2 Description: Chemical Formula: B4A Hardness: 38 GPa Fracture Toughness: 6.5 MPa Location of Adamantite Deposits: Earth's crust, composition is now 1% Adamantite Preparation: 2 B2O3 + 7 A → B4A+ 6 AO Adamantite is an anomalous metal being hailed by Foundation scientists as a new wonder metal. Compared to Boron Carbide, Boron Adamantide is twice as strong. Adamantine shares the properties of Carbon with the added bonus of being able to be made into steel. Boron Adamantide is a super dense, highly conductive material is great for making metal matrices, cutting tools, and most importantly, body armor. Its increased neutronal absorption capability makes it excellent for the construction of neutron bombs, in the event there is an anomaly that requires such dire measures. Researcher's Notes: No metal is indestructible, and neither is body armor. What we've dubbed "Hephaestus" Grade is easily one of the largest leaps in armor technology we have for our MTF. While anomalous means are required to destroy it, we've had a bit of fun trying the old conventional ways of trying to dent a Hephaestus plate. .- Researcher Johnston Weapon Type: Glove Effective Range: 100 meters Maximum Mass Transferred: 150kg Uses: 100 before needing to recharge the battery. Required SCP-6952-2 instance: Atomic Resonator Author: Researcher Johnston Description: The Matter Displacing Gauntlet utilizes the Atomic Resonator, an instance of SCP-6952-2 in order to teleport a target to the wearer at the speed of light. When activated, the Resonator locks on to a chosen target determined by the line of sight. The Resonator then begins taking measurements of the target's particles (Position, Moment, Spin, and Polarization), and then creates a copy at the user's current position creating entanglement between them. This entangled information is stored as Qubit6. a quantum channel is thus opened and the target begins sending the information in Qubits to the resonator to recreate the target at lightspeed. Once the resonator has created a perfect duplicate, it ensures the target was created with its original quantum state and discards the original target information. Thus it is not true teleportation but rather the recreation of data at another location. Researcher's Notes:This was my attempt to see if I could use SCP-6952 to revolutionize particle science and I think I've done it. This gauntlet perfects quantum teleportation and quantum entanglement on a Macro scale. Just imagine the applications for what we can do with this technology, full-scale teleporters; instant communication. I have very high hopes that this gauntlet could be the future of further quantum research- Researcher Johnston. Weapon Type: Explosive Blast Yield: Varies Radius: Varies Required SCP-6952-2 instance: HAX Author: Maria Johnston Description: The "Bouncing Mary" has the shape of a regular rubber bouncing ball, but in reality, it is made of 95% SCPE-45 (Securely Constructed Pure Explosive No.45). SCPE-45's kinetic absorption property allows the ball to absorb the kinetic energy of its impacts, storing five times the initial energy inside of itself. When fifteen bounces are reached, the explosive is primed and begins to glow. The user only needs to depress the trigger for 5 seconds to activate the 10-second fuse. It will automatically detonate on the next impact. SCP-6952-2 Description: Primary Ingredient: HAX (Hephaestus Anomalous eXplosive) or Adamanhexogen (O2N2AH2)3 Description: SCPE-45 is a plasticized explosive similar to C-4 with an explosive power that is 2.4x that of a kg of TNT before it's anomalous property is activated. The addition of Adamantite into the formula of RDX7, allows the material to anomalously store kinetic energy that is applied to it by a magnitude of five times. This allows users in the field to increase the blast yield without worrying about accidental detonation or having to use more SCPE-45. Researcher's Notes: I based this on the Bouncing Betty mines from WW2. I figured that I should make something out of the box and I've always had a fondness for rubber bouncy balls. The men say that this has no tactical advantage on the battlefield but hey, it's a self-defense thing for me so I'm keeping it. HAX also works well as a C4 replacement. Want larger bangs? Just throw the thing at a wall a few times.- Researcher Johnston. Addendum 6952.02: Testing with the creation of SCP-6952-1 instances. On petition by Researcher Johnston, the Ethics Committee allowed for the attempted queries of more impractical requests of SCP-6952 to test its weapons-making capabilities. Query #1: "Gauss Rifle with a toaster attachment." Result: Instructions for one Gauss Rifle with a toaster in the middle of the Rifle's Chassis. Toaster is powered from the Gauss Rifle's battery, toaster works as normal. Query #2: "Weaponizable Butter" Result: SCP-6952 outlined a recipe for butter with a pH level of 14.0, comparable to 1.0M Sodium Hydroxide. Query #3: "A screwdriver" Result: SCP-6952 produced a Gauss Rifle variant that fired screws as ammunition. It is believed that while screwdrivers are unable to be produced, mass drivers that fire screws are acceptable. Query #4: "A bust of Researcher Johnston" Result: N/A Query #5: "A kitchen fork" Result: SCP-6952 produced instructions for a trident. Query #6: "A spoon" Result: N/A Query #7: "A weaponizable spoon" Result: N/A Query #8: "A door" Result: SCP-6952 produced instructions for a trap door into another dimension. The instance was not produced due to concern of not knowing what might come out the other side. Query #9: "Electric bread slicer" Result: N/A Query #10: "Electric human slicer" Result: SCP-6952 created instructions for an electrically powered knife that anomalously cut flesh better than it did bread. Conclusions: Well I'm glad this thing never runs out of paper with how much junk we filled it with. It appears that its purpose as a "weapons manual" is pretty strict. It can work around some definitions, like turning a fork into what is essentially a weaponized fork. However, things that are strictly meant for tool or decoration purposes give bum results. Sometimes you can cheat it by wordplay or using certain prefixes but other times nothing happens. -Researcher Johnston. Addendum 6952.03: Interview with Valkyrie Operative, "Thalaestris" On March 10th, Foundation retrieval teams managed to geolocate the location of the Valkyrie's skirmish with the Volk Divison. MTF Omega-45 was sent to retrieve any instances relating to SCP-6952 that were potentially left behind by either side. It appeared as though the area had been picked clean, fifty Volk division casualties were confirmed along with one Valkyrie. When the Valkyrie was approached, it suddenly came back online and started to whimper for help. This Valkyrie was later determined to be of the Greek Branch of the Valravn Corporation, code-named, Koráki ton skotoménon8. This Valkyrie was willing to give information on the Valravn Corporation in exchange for asylum. Interview Log - Valkyrie A-04, "Thalaestris." > RECORDING STARTED < A-04 is seated in front of Researcher Johnston. A-04's armor is reminiscent of a Greek Hoplite, and she appears to be of Mediterranean descent. Johnston Stating my name for the record, Researcher Maria Johnston interviewing Valkyrie operative Thalaestris, number four of the Androleteirai9. A-04 Your pronunciation is good, doctor. I assume you have questions about what happened on the mission? Johnston I'm not a doctor, at least not yet. You can just call me Johnston. Back to the topic at hand, yes. I'd like to be filled in. A-04 I can. It was supposed to be a relatively simple op. Me and my commander, Hippolyte were paired with two Sverðmeyja10 to eliminate some Volk mercenaries and take out their weapons workshop. Johnston And these Sverðmeyja who I assume are Nordic branch, who were they exactly? A-04 One of them was their commander, Brynhilde. Real hard ass from what I'd seen of her. She was getting annoyed with her subordinate Sigrun during the whole mission. The Volks had done something particularly bad to Sigrun, not sure what but she was really riled up to engage with them. Johnston Did that affect the mission at all? A-04 Not at all, we arrived at their workshop. Brynhilde and Sigrun snuck in and eliminated all of them. Me and Hippolyte were keeping guard outside. I had to admit, they were pretty capable for a bunch of fanatics. Johnston You don't think highly of the Nordic branch? A-04 Normally you wouldn't catch me dead near one of those Nordic crows. They believe that going to Hades is a bad thing and that by dying in combat they'll go to the land of the gods! It's madness, Mount Olympus is reserved for immortals only. It's heresy to believe otherwise. Johnston Interesting, I wasn't aware that there were other religions in Valravn. A-04 There are plenty of pagan religions in Valravn. We have a Mesoamerican branch, Shinto, Greek of course, and many more. We may call them by different names and worship them differently. All of us have different ideas about where we're gonna end up after all this. But at the end of the day, Kukulkan is just Jormungandr by another name and the comparison can go on with all the other big snakes. It's the one thing that stops us from just tearing each other apart. Johnston It's a unique way of interpreting the theology. So what happened after Brynhilde and Sigrun cleared the warehouse? A-04 We came to get the place ready for a retrieval team when we saw Brynhilde scolding Sigrun, there was this corpse near Sigrun, absolutely torn apart. Brynhilde was trying to tell her that her revenge mission against some guy named Grigori was going to get her killed. Sigrun however, was gloating about being able to get Grigori's unit information from the guy. Anyway, we told them both to stow it and that's when it happened… we got ambushed. Johnston They were waiting for you? A-04 I don't know how they knew. But the wolves were all over us. The operations department told us to get the hell out of there but there were too many of them. I took a round from one of their rifles, which ripped straight through my Chassis. Hurt like hell. Johnston I know the kind you're talking about, Gauss weapons are terrifying. A-04 You don't know the half of it. Anyways, My commander tells them to leave me, Spartan philosophy you see; weak don't deserve to be saved from the battlefield. Brynhilde and Sigrun disagreed but my commander outranked them. My commander gave me one last task, detonate the explosives they had on the site and cover their escape. Scorched Earth. Johnston And you did? Even with injuries like that? Your body was absolutely torn apart by the time we found you. A-04 I cut them all down, every one of those rabid dogs. I made it to the cache and blew them all sky high, I had my golden coin on me to give the ferryman when I went out but he never came. I guess my backup systems kept my organs alive long enough for you to find me. Johnston That's… quite the story. Can you go back? Why do you want to stay with us? A-04 I'm a warrior through and through, like the Athenians and Spartans before us. But Valravn, they don't have honor. Why would I want to be a part of an organization that doesn't care about its soldiers? No one came back for me, not even the Sverðmeyja. Johnston Even if the Sverðmeyja wanted to, they likely assumed you were dead. A-04 I agree, Valravn probably wrote me off as a loss. Just another negative if their ledger. Goddamn it, I used to be a soldier fighting for a good cause before those damn suits showed. I lost my arms on a UN Peacekeeping mission But then they came. "We'll give you a purpose", they said. "You'll feast on the battlefield once more." So what did I do? Of course, I said yes, I wanted my arms back. That's how they get you, they came to me because I couldn't say no. More like Vultures rather than crows. Johnston Well, I am preparing to offer you something. Your record shows that you are a capable warrior and we need someone to train our MTF in case the Cartagena agreement goes sour. Thalaestris, I'm offering you a place in one of our Mobile Task Forces. My boys call themselves the Street Samurai, would you like to join? A-04 It's better than sitting in one of your containment cells for the rest of my life. Johnston Excellent, it'll take a while to get the paperwork approved, this is a bit of an unusual move but I want the best of the best in Omega-45. You'll also probably have to have a failsafe installed in your cybernetics, like an easy shutoff. A-04 I'll do whatever it takes, I'm no stranger to having hardware installed. Hopefully, our partnership will be better than my last one. [End of recording.] After the interview, Researcher Johnston sent a petition to Midwest Command to request that A-04 transfer to MTF Omega-45. The application is still pending. FROM THE OFFICE OF SITE DIRECTOR LEAH RICHTER The following notice has been disseminated to all personnel employed within Site-78. Attention to all staff, Due to the involvement with the Valravn Corporation in the efforts to retrieve the remaining books in the Set of Nine. All Mobile Task Forces are to be on high alert for Valravn interference in our containment operations. All MTFs are not to engage with Valravn personnel in combat unless an order has been given down by the Overseer Council. The Cartagena Agreement prevents us from open conflict but they've made clear through their actions that like with the Insurgency and Volk Division before them, they are attempting to locate the missing volumes in the Set. We do not need to break our longstanding agreement without reason but we cannot allow any of these volumes to fall into their hands. Containing the Set is now this Site's utmost priority and if it comes a day when we must fight the Valravn for control of the set, we will be ready. Site-78, please remain vigilant. These are troubling times. Foundation Mobile access terminal > ENTER LOGIN CREDENTIALS: /useraccount Johnston M. XxXapprenticesamuraiXxX > Welcome, employee [ #O21E - MARIA JOHNSTON ]. You have [ 0 ] pending message(s). /send email > Recipient?||yelduhCgerG > Subject? Regarding the connection between SCP-6952 and the Set of Nine > Body of Message? Hello, Greg It has been a bit since our last correspondence. I apologize that I've been so tight-lipped on specifics on SCP-6952. Its classification as Thaumiel has necessitated level 4 clearance. I've been trying to get Director Richter to relent, given that SCP-6952 is part of the ongoing research into the Set. However, she seems adamant that your… eclectic personality isn't the right fit. Now In regards to SCP-6952's connections with the Set… I can say that with SCP-6419 formerly in the hands of Chaos Insurgency and the Valravn Corporation having knowledge of SCP-6952 before they retrieved it, I think something might be cooking in the GoI community that we just aren't aware of yet. We tried looking to see if we could exploit the rift between the Main Nordic Branch of Valravn with their overseas branches to see if any of them would give up something but that turned up empty. The true author of these books evades us still. In addition, I received your list of queries and I was permitted to test them. It wouldn't reveal the identity of or make weapons that could kill its author ( I am not suggesting trying to eliminate the author yet, but if we knew what kind of weapons could kill them, we could infer their identity). SCP-6952 would not make weapons that could destroy other books in the Set. It won't respond to queries it can't make weapons for. If this thing has sentience, we haven't found any evidence of it. I hope that answers some of your questions. I'll keep you posted on any further developments. /send mail Footnotes 1. All female cyborg combat unit designed for infiltration. 2. Valravn Corporation's board of directors. 3. Old Norse for "Odin owns you all" 4. Coilgun design incorporates electromagnetism in place of conventional gunpowder explosions - the bullets in a coilgun are not bullets, but simply solid ferromagnetic objects with aerodynamic shapes. This previously theoretical design would allow for higher speeds with deadlier ammunition, and with a super conductor, it needs very little maintenance due to few moving parts. 5. High Explosive Anti-Tank. An explosive charge collapses a metal liner into a hot superplastic jet to cut through armor 6. A way of storing Quantum data. It is comprised of a 0 and a 1, rather than a traditional bit which only a 1 or a 0. 7. The primary ingredient of C4 8. Greek for Raven of the Slain 9. Greek for "destroyers of men" 10. Icelandic for "Sword Maiden" SCP-6419 The Set of Nine AAR-7890: Logovo Volka « SCP-6951 | SCP-6952 | SCP-6953 » ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6952" by SYTYCFanon, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: 4945493274_de48325992_c.jpg Name: SF58 gauss Rifle Author: Hong Ooi License: Attribution 2.0 Generic Source Link:
Blue Foot Like my stuff? Read more here, and join my Discord server to be notified whenever I post a new piece! WARNING: THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT AUTHORIZED TO BE LISTED IN THE SCP FOUNDATION ANOMALY DATABASE Access to this document is strictly prohibited, unless under the circumstance of authorized personnel viewing it with the permission of their respective site's head internet technician or a higher ranking superior. Otherwise, please report the existence of this document to your supervisor. + Click here to access this document. - Close document Item#: 6953 Level0 Containment Class: N/A Secondary Class: N/A Disruption Class: N/A Risk Class: N/A link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Use this space to describe the procedures required to contain the anomaly. Description: Use this space to describe the anomaly. Addendum.6953.1: Use this space to add additional relevant information about the anomaly. _ + Document Update: 03/06/15, 14:57- Hide this document My name is Adrian Walker. I am a security guard at Site-47. There has been a disaster at the site. I am holed up in Office 3-024 right now. I need help, or I'm going to die. _ + Document Update: 03/06/15, 15:01- Hide this document Alright, I got the really important thing out there. If anyone is reading this, no, this isn't some new SCP, this isn't some bullshit memetic trap that's going to make you want to walk off a cliff or make your head explode, or something. I'm in Researcher Wise's Office. He had his computer open. He's got the clearance, so I just went and chose a spot and started typing into the SCP catalogue. No better way to call for help then put the entire Foundation on alert over some random new entry, eh? _ + Document Update: 03/06/15, 15:53- Hide this document You know what? I've got nothing to do, I've got a computer, the site's on lockdown so I can't leave anyway, and I've heard that keeping busy can help get rid of stress. So what the hell. I'll tell you what's been going on at Site-47. For posterity, or some shit. Just make sure you read this once you get me out of here. It all started a week ago. I was at Researcher Wise's-no, that feels weird, I'll just call him Harry. I was at Harry's birthday party a week ago. It really makes me feel like a kid to say that, but it's one of the few things the site manager will ever let us take extra breaks to do. It's a tradition to throw as many surprise birthday celebrations as we can, and random people from different departments will join in. Can you blame us when we work for some bitchy manager who won't give us a break from sunrise to sunset except for lunch hour? Anyway. It felt like half of the site was waiting quietly in that dark cafeteria until lunchtime. Once we heard him walk in and mumble to himself, confused, it all came out like a dam breaking, it was awesome. Lights went on, party poppers went off, that stuff. The echoey ass room made it sound like we were singing "Happy Birthday," over radio static, but still. Half of the singers seemed to dip out at "Happy birthday dear Harry." but that's just part of the tradition at this point. And, as usual, 90% of the people there didn't even talk to the poor guy. Everyone just got their cake and coffee and divided into their departments and made small talk, like they're high school cliques, or some shit. At least I talked to him, us SCP-4265 guys, we stick togeth Fuck, what was that? I just ducked under the desk from that noise. That was a loud ass sound, it was cracking, or something. It was too wet to be metal or something like that. Maybe it was just someone dying down the hall? Probably. Anyway, Harry is actually a good friend of mine. I guess you can call him my best friend. When your job is to stand over a guy for hours and make sure some freak accident doesn't take him out, you tend to either bond with him or barely even know his name. It seems I was more of the first case. We were just standing around shooting the shit, and I gifted him a bottle of rum. I just had it around my room, I thought he would enjoy. Then, we overheard some of these MTF guys based at our site, Iota-17, I think, and they were talking about their next assignment. "You heard about the next mission we're going on yet?" One said. "No, I've been trying to avoid the commander after the whole door incident thing." Another said, chuckling. I have absolutely no idea what was going on between them, by the way. MTFs don't talk to us rent-a-cops. "We're going out tomorrow. Some Chaos Insurgency guys set up shop not too far from us in the woods, in one of the old temporary containment facilities from before the site finished construction. I guess they think they're being sneaky. It's quiet, but the brass wants us to clear it out before they hit us when we're down." "Fuck…what do they even have over there?" "The commander did some drone recon. An APC, a few troopers, and a biohazard transport truck. He thinks the truck is important, seeing all the guards that were around it, but everything's been moved underground now." Harry heard this, and he got way too excited. He should have mild interest at most, but he walked over to these guys and grilled them to hell. When they leave, where they're leaving from, what they know about that truck, if there's something anomalous in it, that stuff. They were getting more and more pissed at his barrage of questions, but then, he popped the big one: "Would you mind if I went with you?" He asked one of them. If a slightly overweight 40 year old man could do puppy dog eyes, that's what Harry was doing. Unsurprisingly, the MTF guys told him to go pound sand. It was weird, but Harry's always been a sort of a strange dude, and, hey, when you're a good listener, that's all I really need at work. He doesn't seem to really get it when people don't want to talk, pretty immature in a lot of ways, way too interested in stuff like true crime (I know everyone has some interest in that, but he likes it in a w Fuck, there it was again! Same shit. Wet cracking sound, I dive under the desk, pretty much piss myself, and it goes away. It's going to take a full day to finish this shit at this rate. So, I could tell you how it went during that raid on the Chaos Insurgency, but I could just show you. I'd bet Harry's weird ass had it saved somewhere on this computer, anyway. _ + Document Update: 03/06/15, 16:02- Hide this document It probably would've taken less time to do this if those two screams in the hall didn't fuck up my train of thought, but I found something. Harry had some of Iota-17's video from when they were out last week saved on this thing. They probably sent it to him when he transferred to his new project. Operation Video Log Transcript Date: 05/27/15 Assigned Unit: Mobile Task Force Iota-17 "Glory, Glory, Hallelujah" Subject: Chaos Insurgency-Occupied Former Temporary Containment Site Team Lead: I17-Com Team Members: I17-1, I17-2, I17-3, I17-4 Mobile Task Force Iota-17 arrived at the occupied site with no sight of hostiles. Video footage begins as Iota-17 enters the subterranean section of the facility via a side entrance staircase. The interior of the facility is entirely unilluminated, so the video begins as scotopic footage. [BEGIN LOG] I17-Com: I'll scout this out. Stay here, guys. I17-Com cautiously advances into the facility, his firearm raised and trained on the dark corridor in front of him. The sound of I17-Com's footsteps indicate that he is stepping through small pools of liquid, though the green coloration of the scotopic footage makes the liquid uncertain in identification. I17-2: Is it just me, or does it smell in here? I17-3: No kidding, something fucking died down here. I17-Com reaches a divergence in the corridor and stops moving forward. Site Command: Iota-17, we have not ascertained anything with the instruments located on your uniforms that would signify the presence of the occupying hostiles. However, there has been no monitored movement of the Chaos Insurgency from this location, so it is likely that they still occupy the site. I17-Com: Alright, we'll stay on alert as we continue. Squad, turn on your flashlights, and be prepared to turn them off at the first sign of trouble. I17-3: They probably fucked off as soon as we noticed them. I17-1: Let's not take that chance. Don't want one of those bastards to shoot us in our backs because we're strolling down the hall making a shitload of noise. All squad members of Iota-17 activate their respective head bound flashlights. While surveying the immediate area, I17-4 discovers that there are many small pools of water accumulated on the floor. It is also discovered there are numerous bullet holes in the ceiling, walls, and floor. I17:-3 Shit went down here, man. I17-Com: It looks like they shot through the roof and into the piping above us. That's why there's water everywhere. I17-4: The tiles are all soggy, too. They may have shorted the wires in the ceiling with those leaky pipes' water. I17-2: Let's ponder on this thought later, okay? I17-4: Well, if we know why the lights are off, maybe we can turn them on, can't we? I17-2: We have flashlights for a reason, man. I17-4: Alright, alright. The squad moves together as they navigate down the right path of the corridor divergence. Immediately as they turn the corner, I17-3 makes contact with a human corpse, clothed in the uniform of a Chaos Insurgency rifleman, in a sitting position on the floor. I17-3, directing his gaze towards the cadaver stumbles backward in response. The cause of death seems to have been from one round shot through the head, as evidenced by the hole in the cadaver's temporal bone the pistol laying besides the corpse. I17-3: Fuck, fuck! I17-2: Shut up! Don't fuck this up- I17-Com: Both of you, quiet down, this is important. Command, we've discovered a dead body of a Chaos Insurgent who seems to have committed suicide. What is your recommended course of action? Site Command: It is noted, I17-Com. Proceed with greater caution. I17-Com: Affirmative. Stay vigilant, guys. I17-4: Yes, sir. I17-3: Don't need to tell me twice. The squad continues forward cautiously until it is necessary to make a turn in the corridor. All members of the squad turn the corner, training their rifles down the hallway. I17-1: Sweet Mary, mother of Jesus… Iota-17's path is largely obstructed by the mutilated corpses of several members of the Chaos Insurgency located further down the corridor. There are various limbs, organs, and tissues attached to multiple locations on the ceiling, walls, and floor of the corridor. There are three corpses visible in the footage. One corpse is relatively intact. The cadaver in question is bifurcated, as two halves of the corpse are attached to the parallel walls of the corridor, as a collapsed rib cage connects the two disconnected sides. All of the mutilated corpses' various parts are attached to their respective surface by a gray substance. The corridor has many bullet holes in its walls, floor, and ceiling. From some of these openings, flammable gases are escaping into the surrounding area. I17-2: Holy shi-shit. I17-3: Jesus fuck! What the hell happened here? I17-2: Better question, what the hell did this? I17-3: That better not be three kidneys on the fucking ceiling? I17-Com: Enough, guys! I17-4: Do you think it's all that gray stuff holding them to the walls? I17-Com: Maybe, it looks like glue. It could hold them to the walls, but glue can't mutilate a squad of armed troopers. I17-4: Maybe some sort of reprisal killing. Mutineers? I17-Com: Even if they're rebels of some kind, I doubt they'd go so far to make an artery spider web with their bodies and then scatter the pieces around. I17-2: Maybe it's some- I17-3: Fuck! Look out! A small, gray, imperfectly spherical mass appears from the gray matter connecting the corpses to their respective surfaces. It begins to accelerate towards the squad, occasionally bouncing off the ground as it advances. I17-4: You think it's what did this? I17-Com: I'd rather not find out. Open fire! The squad members of Iota-17 begin to fire upon the small gray object. The rounds seem to neither damage the object, nor substantially impede its movement. The object continues to advance on the squad. I17-3: Kill it! Kill it! The squad's fire ignites the flammable gas escaping from the bullet holes in the wall. The gray object is engulfed by the flame, ceases movement, and begins to pulsate on the floor. The combustion quickly ends, as the flammable gas is incinerated. I17-Com: Cease fire! The squad ceases fire. I17-1: You think the bastard's dead? I17-Com: You know what, Amir? I don't want to know. [END LOG] Mobile Task Force Iota-17 was recalled to Site-47 shortly after the events of this video log. The unit later returned to the site armed with incendiary weapons, and was instructed to capture and contain the anomaly within the abandoned temporary containment site later that day. They discovered that all of the members of the occupying unit of the Chaos Insurgency had expired, the majority of them due to mutilation. The anomaly described in this video log and five others similar to it were captured, moved to Site-47, and contained. The site's entrances were then sealed, as to ensure that any undetected anomalies do not escape the site. Yep, that's pretty much it. Fuckheads in the Chaos Insurgency killed themselves with their own weapon. Pretty ironic, huh? _ + Document Update: 03/06/15, 17:23- Hide this document So, whatever the hell was in that place came over to Site-47 by the next morning. I wasn't too excited about it, just another thing that can easily kill me stored five minutes from where I sleep. But Harry was all over that shit like a kid with candy. He waited for it to come in at, like, 2 A.M. just to catch a glimpse. Then he was pissed at work that day because it was in a box covered with a sheet. But that didn't discourage him, he asked to transfer over to the new project on it. That upset me, because then I had no one to talk to at work. Except Jackie, but still. If you care, she's another one of my coworkers. Sometimes we sat together at lunch and bitched about whatever was the problem that day. Now that I think about it, he really could' FUCK. What the fuck was that? Heard something just fall the fuck over, like a BANG sound, then the emergency lights went out. At least they're flickering now, but damn it, man. Anyway, Harry gushed about this new skip all the time when I saw him. I'll be honest, I tuned most of it out, but this fucking thing didn't even get a number designation yet, and it seemed to be all he talked about. I remember some stuff. It doesn't like heat. It's smarter than most balls of gray goo. There was something about duplication or some shit, and also them squeezing through cracks. That probably explains why they kept it in what's pretty much an airtight oven. But that's all I remember him saying. This went on for about a week. That brings us to today. It all started at lunch hour, 12 P.M. We're eating the usual slop given to us, today was cube steaks, or at least whatever chemicals trick you into thinking you're eating that. The day was just the usual garbage all around. Then, there was noise in the vents. Shit sounded almost watery, but like it was tumbling at the same time. My best comparison would be dumping Jell-O down a metal slide, except a hell of a lot louder. We get pests all the time up there, but this wasn't some rat scampering down the vent, it made everyone shut the fuck up and listen. It stopped for a moment. I even heard a couple dumbasses try to start up their conversation again. Then, the lights flickered. People stood up. They came back. Everyone's just confused. Then, they went off for good. Like, red emergency lights go on, everyone panics sort of shit. That god damn watery sound got louder and louder, but eventually stopped for a moment. Then, I saw the vent about twenty feet above the floor fucking GUSH with gray shit, colored red by the emergency lights. Now, none of us knew what that stuff was. It looked to me like the room was flooding, it was pretty much a straight stream of that gooey stuff. I wish I was right that it was just water, we could've just called the plumber and ended it there. But when that stream started separating into little balls of goo? Fuck… Now, I'm a security guard. I'm supposed to have some authority, responsibility to those I protect, or whatever. But I don't get paid 15 bucks an hour to be a hero to a couple of lab coats. So I ran. I was booking it out of that damn cafeteria, I wasn't going to risk anything with those things. Good thing too, I was right near the door. Definitely closer to it than most others in that room. Punish me when you get me out of here, I don't give a shit anymore. Now, I got out of there before most of the people in the cafeteria could escape. I looked back. Damn, I was lucky. One bastard hit the emergency lockdown button on my side of the opening, and the big ass doors to the place started coming down. People were climbing over each other to rush out of that entrance before it was too late. Security guards, fellow cowards like me, were pushing aside old scientists to get out of the room in the rush. I didn't know what the goo even did then, all I knew was that my coworkers were turning into animals to escape it, and people were dropping like flies in the back of the stampede. Shit didn't get real until the door came all the way down. There's a reason there are alarms blaring and lights flashing when they lower, you're supposed to lock your ass down. They stop for nothing, including people. Five people got stuck in the door as it came down. I wish they just left themselves to the goo. The worst part of it is that your body is too well made to get cut cleanly with that sort of thing. The one guy who had his head split open when he tried to slide under the door was the lucky one. The door pins you down, it chokes you, it crushes your insides. All their faces, the terror, mostly. Or maybe it's surprise? Their eyes fucking bulged from that shit. Now that I think of it, that's probably what a tick feels when you squeeze it. Not enough room anymore, all that excess gas and guts has got to go somewhere. Those fucking faces… In just that one room, I'd guess the site lost around half its staff. Most of the researchers, a few D-Class, all of Iota-17. Pretentious jackasses died like the rest of the rent-a-cops. The site manager is gone, too. I guess we'll get some actual break time now, huh? Don't need to throw those surprise birthday parties anymore. This really is just one big surprise party, isn't it? We've had a hell of a surprise, for sure. Bitch probably has a surprise party waiting for her in hel Shit. It's those noises again. I gotta hurry this up. There's something that comes by the room constantly, it's like a bunch of bouncy balls going up and down the hall. I can't type when they're close, this keyboard makes so much fucking noise. I hear footsteps upstairs. I hope they're clean-up guys, maybe they broke the site lockdown. Probably not, I'd bet they're just some poor bastards wandering around for no reason. Whatever, whatever is in the hall probably heard me anyway. It's probably good that I was cut off, though, no reason to get all vindictive now. So, the door closed. Not fully, but for whatever reason, the tsunami of gray didn't come out the opening at the bottom. Probably from the bodies all piled up on the other side. It wasn't over yet, obviously. I realized then that I was still holding my food tray there. I saved the fucking cube steak from that room. Not a person, not even something valuable. Just some chemicals pretending to be beef. And it saved my life. Funny how those things work. What I mean by that is what happened just after I got out. I'm looking around, totally lost. Hell, an emergency wasn't even technically declared yet. Half of Site-47 was gone, and the guards up top didn't even know to call for help. For whatever reason, one of those little gray goo fuckers was on its own. Probably got lost in the wave that flooded the cafeteria. Bastard literally rolled into the room and stopped. It didn't even notice me for a second. I stared that shit down for multiple seconds. I know it saw me. We were just waiting for what the other would do, like a damn cowboy showdown. That was, until it jumped at me. Fast. What happened then is just a blur, really. I jumped when it did that. More importantly, I threw up my arms to protect myself. It wouldn't have helped. I also threw my lunch tray up, and the food flew in a different directions. Somehow, the gray shit hit the cube steak midair and just…stopped. Thing was jumping at me at around 20 miles per hour, and it just totally stopped moving in the air and fell to the ground when it hit that shitty little cube steak. The goo took my food to the ground with it, too. The shit started spreading out on the floor, but kinda slowly, though. The steak got stretched out with it, then was slowly torn apart. In what was maybe two minutes, that fist-sized goo sphere spread out to cover half the floor, and little meat chunks dotted the area it covered. Have you ever messed with clay? You know how, if you press it out wide enough, like you're making a pizza, it gets thinner and thinner, and eventually it tears? Yeah, imagine that it's not your clay that breaks up. Instead, it's your fucking hand that's torn apart as the goo spreads out and takes you with it. That's pretty much what the gray ball things do. About that time, if the screams from the cafeteria and the spreading goo shit weren't enough, I realized it was probably for the best to get the hell out of there. I just booked it out of that room. After about 30 seconds of sprinting, finally, the alarms started blaring. Full site lockdown, and all that shit. That finally made me stop and think. I couldn't get out, no one was coming for awhile, and there was nowhere to go. So, I decided to go to Harry's room. It wasn't too far from where I was, maybe half way across the facility. No real reason not to, and, hey, at least that would mean I could go out sipping cheap rum with him when I got there. And who else was going to risk the goo noticing them to harbor me in their hiding spot, fucking Jackie? So, I started walking. I felt weirdly confident. I had my pistol and a direction to go, more than most people stuck in this hellhole with me. The room after the next put an end to that confidence early on, though. That room was a kind of intersection, the facility is fucking full of those. I thought I would keep going, until I heard woman a scream from the room off to the right. Not even really a scream of terror. More of a disgusted scream, an "Ew, what is this shit?" sort of yell. I looked over to the right. The door was open a crack. Like the dumbass I am, I ran over to see what was going on. I flung open that door, it was a janitor's closet. In that closet was Jackie (or Researcher McCarthy, if you want to search her up on the employee list.) She was standing under the vent on the wall of the room. The goo had glued her hand to the wall, and she was trying push off of it with her foot. She turned to look at me. She looked concerned, but not like she knew she was already dead. "Fuck," She muttered. "Adrian, help me pull my hand off." "Yeah." I said, and God, that goo is strong. I wouldn't be surprised if it's impossible to make it let go. I grabbed her arm and pulled as well, and we got nowhere. The goo spread out more, and her occasional mutterings of "Ow." became more like repeatedly saying "shit" and "fuck." About the time the gray goo flattened out to look like a pancake on the wall, I stopped pulling on Jackie's arm and pulled out my gun. I aimed at the parts around her hand and shot the goo a couple times. It did nothing except freak her out more. She looked back at me. There was no more disgust, just panic now. She was swearing like a sailor, she was pulling her arm back even harder than when she started. Nothing. I didn't think of it then, but the goo was tearing her knuckle apart right then. Then, another fucking goo ball fell from the vent and landed on her head. She tried to tear it off, but all she managed was getting her other hand stuck to her head. A third ball fell from the vent, it hit the ground and glued her foot to the floor. A fourth one came from the vent and jumped out at me. I slammed the door. The thing left a dent in the God damn metal. I repeatedly yelled "I'm sorry, Jackie." as I ran away, while she screamed back for me to get my ass back there. Whoever is reading this, don't open Supply Closet 2-003 unless you really want to see what's in there. Fuck, and just as I write that, that bouncing sound comes back! It slowed down by my room this time. That isn't good, I'd imagine. Those people upstairs are still there, too, they better hurry their asses up. So, I ran until I couldn't hear Jackie's screaming anymore. What was it, a good thirty seconds of straight sprinting? However long it was, I then started walking , and I moved like that for a good ten minutes without much happening. That was until I ran into another poor guy in a hall. Thank God the emergency lights were on, I wouldn't want to see that clearly. He was a fellow security guard, but I didn't know him. Poor bastard probably came in and had no idea what was going on. He was glued to the floor, I think his foot got stuck in one of the goo balls and he fell on his back. Whatever the hell happened, it wasn't pretty. His head was a good 15 feet away from his leg, that's how far this goo shit spreads. The goo wasn't really gray anymore. It was all red, and not because of the emergency lights. Big ass splotches of blood were around his limbs, and they were all over the place. His hand seemed to have rode with the goo as it began to climb the wall, and it hung onto it by the stump. It was like it was offering me a high five. His torso stayed mostly intact, somehow, but it didn't really even look human. The goo didn't tear him entirely apart, it more took the legs and arms to random areas in the hall and left the body almost caved in. The skeleton was slowly coming out through the back, the goo had gripped his tailbone and intestines after his upper and lower halves split. Everything above the shoulders was deflated, the skull was being dragged downwards and moving everything aside as it went, so his head was just skin. His brain was probably around where his heart should've been at that moment. Most importantly to me, though, was that this "Saw" style shit was in my way. I had to make a detour. The trip was a little bloodier after that. I ran into a few more people. All dead, of course. I think the most striking was the guy who was dead on the ground near the rec room. His chest had burst open, and there were all these little cuts all over him, particularly his head. His face wasn't really a face by then, it was just all red. His arms were around five feet above him, glued to the fucking walls on opposite ends. The goo pretty much crucified him. Actually, one might've still been alive. The crap had some poor lady by the face. She wasn't moving, but she wasn't limp, either. I think she just gave up. If I stayed for a few minutes, I think she would've looked like Ghost Rider, but without the fire. I myself even had some run-ins with the ball form goo shit. They either move alone sneakily, or in packs. I remember standing behind an open door near the armory, and maybe 200 baseball sized gray fuckers came rolling down the door I was about to walk through. Elementary school hide-and-seek tactics, I know, but they're only smart for gray goo standards. Finally, I came around Harry's office. I knew already that he was probably the first to die, his new office was right next to the goo's containment chamber. I walked by that chamber, too, and the open door and low heat inside that thing made me think that, somehow, the goo multiplied when the room got cooler at some point, then got out when someone opened the door. Makes no sense, but that's the shit I've got. The first thing I did was visit the generator room that was just down the hall. What was important to me was that the generators handles the non-critical internet service in the facility, and emergency generators don't cover that. If I wanted to call for help in any way that's fast at all, I needed power. And you can probably guess how well that went, seeing how I'm writing this shit in the database now. The generators were fucked, I don't know how, but they were scorched on the outside. I think the goo got inside them and short circuited them, or something. At least I know the goo got the engineer, the guy was pretty much tangled in a web of the gray stuff between two generators. He wasn't even killed like the rest of them, I'm pretty sure he was covered in so much of that crap he suffocated in it. It was like a God damn spider got him, like how they wrap up the stuff they catch in silk. The only part of him not stuck in that shit was his arm reaching out, like he was drowning. So, I had nothing to do in that room, and I went down to Harry's office. It was open a crack, so I pretty much knew what happened before I went in. Yep, Harry was dead in there. Wasn't really a shocker to me. He wasn't like the other dead guys, though. He was just lying on the floor, totally bloated. He was a big guy, but not that fat, it looked like he had been rotting there for days. He didn't even look like a person, he just had a big lump in his gut and he lowered from either side. His round cheeks, his double chin, his arched back, it was all just bloat, a blob. Fucker was like a beached whale. Gray shit was coming out every hole in his body like roots. Out the mouth, the nose, hell, it pushed his eyes out the sockets and were coming out of his head. Did the goo somehow get in his mouth? And, after three hours of writing next to that, I've written up to now. Fuck! Now I have nothing to do! _ + Document Update: 03/06/15, 17:40- Hide this document Alright, so I've been digging around Harry's computer, and found a draft email called "Message to Lieutenant Abuev". Let me just copy-paste it in real quick. Dear Lieutenant Abuev, I've worked in this site for over 10 years, and I've seen so many terrible things. You've seen your fair share as well. Today, I've finally done something about it. It's loose. It's been a pleasure working with the Insurgency for the past half year. I'm especially happy that I can stop pretending to be mentally a child, I don't need to avoid suspicion anymore. No more acting, no more hiding. I'm not sure if I'll get out of here alive, but I'll find you if I do. I hope to see you soon, Researcher Wise Harry, you motherfucker. _ + Document Update: 03/06/15 17:42- Hide this document Alright, I'd love to chat all about how Harry stabbed us in the fucking back, but there's shit in the vent again. I can hear it. It's coming after me, I know it is. Pieces of shit must've heard me typing. I'm going to make a Molotov with Harry's lighter and his birthday rum. Fucker can pay me back a little bit, then. I'm going to torch the goo shit and run, those footsteps upstairs better be who I hope they are. I end this with something for anyone reading: My name is Adrian Walker. I will be on the second level of Site-47. I need help, or I'm going to die.
 close Info X HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PEDAGON! More by Grigori Karpin More by Prismal 3/6954 LEVEL 3/6954 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-6954 Disneyland's Matterhorn, 2 July 1990 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6954 is neutralized. Following the amnesticization of witnesses involved in the events relayed within this file, no further containment activities are necessary. + Archived Containment Procedures - Close Through cooperation with Disney executives, Disneyland will be effectively closed for the duration of SCP-6954. A public announcement will be made to the effect that recent lightning storms have damaged the power infrastructure in the park and widespread repairs are needed. In the event SCP-6954 continues longer than expected, another cover story will be disseminated. Foundation personnel will assume the role of security staff to keep any members of the public out of the park. Description: SCP-6954 was an Extranormal Event comprising of an anomalous assault on a theme park in Anaheim, California owned by the Disney Company. In August 1989, Disney had entered into negotiations with Jim Henson Productions for exclusive production rights for the Muppets property. On December 13, 1990, Disney announced that those negotiations had come to an end without a positive result. Officially, these negotiations primarily failed due to the untimely death of Jim Henson at age fifty-three, on May 16, 1990, as a result of organ failure due to streptococcal toxic syndrome. Unofficially, the negotiations failed due to the events that took place after Henson’s death. At this point, the anomalous entities known as the Muppets1 had been contained with assistance from Jim Henson Productions staff and Henson himself for several decades.2 Unofficial Memorial at Jim Henson Productions Date: 01/06/1990 @ 20:00 local time. Personnel present: Agent Frank Oz, embedded Foundation personnel. [Numerous Muppet entities are present in an auditorium reserved for public facing events for the production company. Images of Henson working with the Muppets over the last several decades play in a slideshow projected against an upright screen towards the back of the stage. Kermit the Frog stands behind an appropriately sized podium, speaking to the crowd of Muppets.] Kermit: We’re here to remember Jim and all the things he’s given to us over the years. Anyone who wants to come up here and speak is welcome. For myself, I just wanted to say that I wouldn’t have a career without Jim. Like so many of us here, Jim discovered me and gave me a chance. And even though he was a genius, he was never anything but supportive of any choices I would make in front of the camera. He was more than a boss; he was my friend. I’ll miss you, Jim. [Kermit walks off stage rubbing his eyes and sits next to Miss Piggy. Kermit whispers to her but she shakes her head and holds a handkerchief to her nose, blowing it dramatically. Fozzie Bear is the next to go to the podium. Before speaking he turns and looks towards the screen for a moment then adjusts the microphone causing feedback.] Fozzie: I’m not on my best game here. I can’t even summon the energy for a wocka wocka. [Entity puts its face into its hands and cries for sixty seconds.] Sorry, I know we’re all feeling it hard today. The news was such a shock to me as I’m sure it was to everyone else, I’ve just been in a daze these past few weeks. Kermit said it better than I ever could. Miss you, Jim. Don’t know what we’re going to do without you. [Over the next few minutes several more Muppets get up and say their goodbyes. Finally, Rizzo the Rat gets up and moves behind the podium.] Rizzo: Look, I miss him too, but none of ya talking about the big 'ol elephant in the room. [The assembled Muppets turn to look at Mr. Snuffleupagus.] Mr. Snuffleupagus: Don't look at me, I'm a snuffleupagus!" Gonzo: I don't see any elephants, Rizzo. Rizzo: I mean a figurative elephant! Gonzo: I don't see any figurative elephants either. Kermit: What do you mean, Rizzo? Rizzo: The reason Jim died. Sam the Eagle: He had a medical condition that caused his organs to fail. Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: Toxic shock syndrome. Rizzo: Sure, sure, I know that. But what made him get sick in the first place? Sam the Eagle: Germs. Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: Streptococcus pyogenes. Rizzo: No, no no! It was stress! He was so stressed over these damn negotiations with them Disney goombas, he worked himself to death! Kermit: Come on, Rizzo. We’re here to remember our friend, let’s not get off to– Rizzo: Disney killed our boss! They already have endless money with their cartoons and movies and theme parks. But they just had to control our stuff too! We all saw it; Jim was suffering for all this time. He was pushed to give up the production rights of our movies and shows. And Jim knew that to do that, he’d have to tell them what we really are. And that tore him up! Not to mention he’d lose control over the future productions we could do. So instead, he suffered through, under pressure to take the money and desperate not to. That’s the reason he died. Gonzo: I was just telling Camilla that he looked bad, like he wasn’t sleeping. Camilla: Bawk bawk begawk, begawk gawk gawk! Scooter: Yeah, and a couple weeks ago, he told me that he was really worried about the negotiations. Rizzo: He aged ten years in the last few months and that’s the only thing that makes sense. The negotiations made him sick, and Disney killed him. [Agent Oz stands up and addresses the crowd.] Agent Oz: Look, folks, I think we should all calm down. This doesn’t go anywhere good. Rizzo: Why don’t you shut up, pig? You just want us to keep quiet so you can keep us a secret. Miss Piggy: As a pig I take offense to that! We're much more high class than these janitors. Agent Oz: There’s no need for that. Beaker: Meep meep. Meep meep meep! Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: I concur with my colleague; this is a serious allegation! Dr. Teeth: Hey man, those cats at Disney are like real bad news. Big companies want to control all the media, someone should like do something, man. Gonzo: Have you seen some of the stuff they’re proposing as part of this deal? Rizzo: What? Gonzo: They want to take our likenesses and use them for a year in Disneyland. Like the mouse and crew will “take a vacation” and they’ll have out of work actors parading around the park in costumes of us! Dr. Teeth: I don’t like that, man. That’s like stealing our soul. Rizzo: I certainly didn’t agree to that! Kermit, did you know about this? Kermit: I know the folks at Disney wanted to do something like that. Gonzo: Know what they’re calling it? Muppetland. Rizzo: Ugh, fuck that. What are we gonna do about it? Kermit: What can we do? Rizzo: We can march into their offices and let it be heard that we do not want to be the Mouse’s next set of toys! Agent Oz: That is not going to happen! [The doors to the auditorium loudly crash open and a humanoid figure dramatically enters.] Unknown figure: You think that’s enough? They killed Henson, sure enough as they put a bullet in his head. You think those company execs are gonna do a damn thing if you perform some impromptu protest? Agent Oz: [Speaking quietly into his radio.] Control, I think we have a problem here. Rizzo: Who the hell are you? The Colonel: I’m the Colonel. [The Muppets all stand and turn towards this new figure. The entity appears to be a humanoid Muppet of average size with monochrome white skin and brown hair in a crew cut. Its oblong face has two adjacent black eyes and a teardrop shape nose bordered by a tidy thick mustache above its mouth. Its skin and clothes move in such a way to indicate synthetic materials. A black shoulder patch is visible on the entity’s right shoulder with an insignia depicting three crescent moons.] Kermit: This is invitation only, sir. Colonel: Oh, I got my invitation right here. [Pats the rifle he is cradling in his arms.] Besides, you could say I’m an old friend of your boss. Rizzo: So, James, what are you suggesting we do? Agent Oz: Is everyone ignoring the fact that this man is carrying a gun? Colonel: Look, Agent – Yeah, I know you’re an agent of the Foundation – Why don’t you leave this to the professionals? Agent Oz: Professional soldiers? Colonel: Bingo. Rat boy, yeah you, I suggest we take the fight to them directly. And frog boy, you look real shocked, but if a crocodile came into your lily pond down home on the swamp while you’re playing a banjo or whatever, would you just bend over and let it get at you? Kermit: Well, I think I’d try to see if we could find a mutual understand– Colonel: Hell, no, you wouldn’t! You don’t talk to an angry crocodile busting into your house looking for a meal! You put the barrel of a shotgun in it’s mouth and pull the trigger. [The Colonel jumps up on the stage and holds its arms out.] Colonel: Muppets! I say it is time to take back control! Rizzo: What did you have in mind? Colonel: I say we march on down to their headquarters and take it! They wanted to control you, with a hostile negotiation. Work you to the bone using your likeness while their golden goose takes a pansy ass vacation. So, let’s show them how it feels to have someone force their way into your home and throw around some muscle. The old-fashioned American way. Sam the Eagle: Let’s say for a moment we think you’re right, what are we supposed to do about it? We aren’t exactly intimidating. Colonel: Don’t you worry about that. [Nearly forty humanoid drones walk into the auditorium. The closest one to James gets down on one knee and its chest cavity opens up revealing a Muppet sized cockpit seat.] Colonel: These are already equipped with lethal and less-than-lethal ammunition loaded into the canons modded into the arms. Semi-automatic fire from the left arm, and a sonic cannon in the right arm which will stun and discombobulate the fuck outta any of Disney’s soldiers. Agent Oz: What soldiers? They’re a media company. [The Colonel looks at Oz with eyes narrowed.] Colonel: Listen, pal, I don’t like when civilians get involved in military operations. I’ve got this, ok? Agent Oz: Who in the hell are you? [The Colonel raises his right arm and a sonic weapon is deployed, creating feedback on the recording. After the static clears, Agent Oz is on the ground clutching his head.] Rizzo: Ha! Take that, pig. So, we take over their corporate headquarters? Colonel: What? No. We take over that theme park. They even got a castle! We move in after hours, neutralize the security staff and reinforce the gates so no one can get in. Then those bastards will know we mean business. Colonel: Are you going to let these mouse worshipers take your essence for their profit? Many Muppets: NO! Colonel: Are you going to say to the world, it doesn’t matter if Jim Henson died for these negotiations? To say, the Muppets only care about the financial goals of the Disney corporation? Many Muppets: NO! Colonel: Then get in these battle suits and let’s kick down the mouse’s door! [A resounding cry is heard from the Muppets present. Many fists are raised in the air.] End of Log At 01:00 local time on 02/06/1990, Disneyland came under attack by over forty humanoid synthetic entities. Muppet assault on Disneyland Date: 02/06/1990 @ 01:00 local time. 01:00 – The last employees other than security staff exit the park through employee entrances. The gates to Disneyland are secured. 01:01 – Numerous synthetic battle suits, designed to look roughly human but with uncanny facial features, approach the gates to the park. 01:02 – Three of the synthetic entities raise their left arms and fire lethal ammunition at the center-most gate, blowing it off its hinges. The remaining battle suits walk through the now open gates and begin firing their sonic cannons at the security staff rushing towards the gates. 01:06 – Several altercations occur simultaneously: a small group of security officers fire their weapons at two of the battle suited entities – which show no damage from the small arms fire – and then collapse after the entities use their sonic cannons; at the same instant, the Colonel and Kermit are arguing in front of the gates directly before a stylized flowerbed in the shape of the famous mouse. The Colonel begins to animatedly raise his arms and punctuates with one fist pounding into the other open palm. Kermit argues in response but the Colonel turns towards the flower plot and fires his lethal ammunition, causing a small explosion eradicating the mouse’s image. Kermit shakes his head and storms off. 01:15 – As numerous armored hostiles carry neutralized security personnel through the gates, Rizzo and several other Muppet rats are painting over the Disneyland entrance marquee in black. 01:20 – The last of security personnel are deposited outside the gates, with one of the entities welding the gates shut while another is wrapping the gate and nearby fences in razor wire. Rizzo and the other rats have finished painting over the marquee with a sloppy “MUPPETLAND.” 01:35 – The Colonel supervises the Muppets in their battle suits planting C4 and mines around the entrance gate. An automatic weapon of unknown pattern sits on a tripod at the top of the incline that used to house the mouse portrait flower bed. In the following hour, several calls to emergency numbers by local residents and businesses were intercepted by the Foundation and the callers amnesticized. Agent Oz had arranged for a taskforce to be mobilized so the area could be locked down, detaining the security staff for medical treatment – all were neutralized non-lethally – and amnesticized. At 02:00, the following broadcast was transmitted from within the park to every local receiver in the area, specifically targeting the local news agencies. Pirated Broadcast [The synthetic entity calling itself the Colonel is standing in front of green banner with a hastily scrawled “MUPPETS SHALL NEVER SURRENDER” message in yellow spray paint. Standing beside the entity on either side is Fozzie Bear, wearing a belt of grenades across its chest and holding an AK-47, and Miss Piggy holding a shotgun.] Colonel: Recently a titan was lost to us. Jim Henson died tragically and is mourned by his friends and family. But what led up to that death, you may ask. Over months of grueling negotiations, the Disney company has tried to take control of the production rights of Jim Henson Productions. Disney wants to control the Muppets. What do we think of that? Miss Piggy: Burn the bastards down! Fozzie: Wocka Wocka! Colonel: That’s right, we’re not taking it lying down. We’ve taken decisive action to secure the headquarters of this monstrous corporate beast, shut down their operations and barred the gates. I am speaking to you now from the inside of their most advanced fortifications, Sleeping Beauty’s Castle. We will not allow Disney’s gluttonous ambition to operate unchecked for one more second. No one will enter this park as long as we hold it. Any who try will die by our hands. [The Colonel bends down so the camera is directly in his face.] Colonel: And if any Agents are watching, you want this to be over as soon as possible, right? Get us what we want. Disney’s complete capitulation and the severed head of Walt Disney delivered by sunrise on July 1, or we demolish this castle. Miss Piggy: His head? That’s a bit much. Fozzie: I can’t even think of a joke that’s so dark. Colonel: We talked about this, we need to project strength and determination. They won’t respect anything else. I have lots of experience with insurgencies and military operations, trust me. [Indecipherable speech is heard from off camera.] Colonel: What? We’re still on? Well shut it down! Foundation personnel retrieved all recordings of the broadcasts received at local media outlets and amnesticized the staff who had received them. Agent Oz scheduled an emergency meeting with Disney corporate executives. Meeting with Disney Executives Date: 02/06/1990 @ 03:30 local time. Personnel present: Agent Frank Oz, embedded Foundation personnel [Several disheveled corporate executives are present in a conference room at Disney Headquarters in Burbank, California. Agent Oz stands at the head of the table in front of an overhead projector.] Agent Oz: We really appreciate you folks coming out so early in the morning. Michael Eisner:3 What’s this about, Frank? We’ve just been getting reports of some sort of assault on the park. Agent Oz: I know, that’s part of why I wanted to speak with you. This is going to go fast, and I’m sorry for the high learning curve. [Agent Oz begins the slideshow on the projector, with an SCP Foundation logo present on screen. A warning is at the bottom of the screen that all first time viewers will be bound to silence through memetic means.] Agent Oz: Many of you know me as a puppeteer and actor, but what you don’t know is that for the last few decades, I have been an embedded agent for the Foundation. We secure, contain, and protect the anomalous. Without going into a lot of detail, suffice it to say that the anomalous is anything that defies classification under our current scientific understanding. This definition is wide, as you can imagine, but that’s about the only unifying concept we can apply to the anomalous. Frank Wells:4 Sorry, I’m exhausted but what the fuck does this have to do with park? [Agent Oz starts shuffling through images on the slide show, revealing images of the main Muppets.] Agent Oz: My primary responsibility is to contain these anomalous individuals. Michael Eisner: What individuals? Those are the Henson puppets. Frank Wells: Oh, come on. Michael Eisner: What? Frank Wells: He’s going to tell us that the Muppets are alive. Agent Oz: I am. [Oz turns to a cart with a tv and VHS player, turning it on. Excerpts from the memorial begin to play. Oz lets the video play out while the executives watch then shuts it off.] Frank Wells: Jesus. Michael Eisner: That’s not trick photography, is it? Agent Oz: No. Frank Wells: Okay, let’s say we believe you. The Muppets are alive and have formed a paramilitary occupation of Disneyland. What do you want us to do? Agent Oz: We’ve got a cover story that we’ll push to the media, about electrical storms wrecking the power infrastructure. What we need you both to do is back this up. Without explaining the real situation. To be completely clear, we’ve included memetics into this presentation, so you won’t be able to speak about it to anyone but me anyway. Frank Wells: I’m not even going to ask you what that is. Okay. We maintain this story until what? Agent Oz: Until we’re able to resolve the situation. Over the next four weeks, six different stealth insertion mobilizations of task force personnel were repelled. Each time the task force agents were deposited outside the main gates with only two serious injuries. The combat capabilities of the enhancement drone chassis piloted by the Muppets made them nearly impossible to neutralize by conventional means. The battle suits moved significantly faster than an unenhanced human being, and the sonic weaponry overwhelmed noise cancelling headgear provided to the teams. Aerosolized pharmacological options would have been ineffective against the Muppets, not to mention inadvisable because of the location of the park nestled amongst other businesses and residential neighborhoods. On 30/06/1990, with only twenty four hours before the deadline issued by the entity calling itself James, and with urging from Disney executives, Agent Oz attempted to negotiate the park’s release. Negotiations [Agent Oz stands on the roof of a Foundation SWAT van with a bullhorn, facing the barricaded entrance to Disneyland.] Agent Oz: Hello, I’d like to speak to Kermit. It’s time we worked this out. [One of the mobile battle suits walks to the barricade, the chest opening up to reveal Rizzo the Rat.] Rizzo: That you, pig? Agent Oz: Can we not do this? Get Kermit. Rizzo: Kermit ain’t in charge out here. Agent Oz: Is he in there, or not? [Rizzo turns away muttering to himself. Five minutes later, the Colonel appears at the barricades.] Colonel: Evening, Agent Oz. Agent Oz: I asked to speak to Kermit. Is he in there? Colonel: He’s right here. [One of the battle suits walks up behind the Colonel and waves its arm.] Agent Oz: Can you at least confirm that you’re Kermit. Colonel: Why don’t you talk to me, Agent? Agent Oz: Fine. Can we discuss terms here? Colonel: We gave our terms, did the suits at Disney deliver? Agent Oz: You seriously want Walt Disney’s head? Colonel: You bet your ass. Agent Oz: It’s buried, son. With the rest of his body. Colonel: Sure, it is. You’ve sent in your goons half a dozen times. Not a single casualty on our end. Even been super nice and not killed a single one of ‘em. I’m being incredibly generous here. Give us the head and a public statement from Disney Executive that they won’t be pursuing the negotiations any longer, and we will vacate this park. Agent Oz: This isn’t how negotiations usually go. Colonel: This. Is. Not. A. Negotiation. We are making our demands. You will either meet them or repercussions will follow. [The Colonel starts moving away from the barricade. Agent Oz yells after it.] Agent Oz: What repercussions? Hey! I’m talking to you! What repercussions? End of Log The deadline came and went, with the Disney Executive board refusing to even consider the demands. On 2 July, 1990, a Foundation helicopter was circling the park and noticed the Matterhorn ride had undergone a significant change. The entire structure had been hue shifted to appear neon green. Spelled out on the walkway leading to the ride’s entrance in large block letters was the message: “SURRENDER DISNEY! WE HAVE THE FORTITUDE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, IT’S NOT EASY BEING GREEN IS IT?” Agent Oz made sure to declare to the local airports that Disney was a no fly zone and had several agents tasked with monitoring the media coverage if any. Up until this point, the closure of Disneyland had little attention from the nightly news. Michael Eisner began calling Agent Oz every other day to receive a direct update. Eisner: Do you have any idea how much money we’re losing keeping the park shut like this? Agent Oz: I don– Eisner: MILLIONS. Fix it. Agent Oz: Sir, I don’t know what you expect me to do. Eisner: Fix it or whatever deal we had to keep things quiet goes up in smoke. Agent Oz: You can’t just– Eisner: Son, I will fucking bury you. Fix it. Log of Mobile Task Force Insertion Action Date: 08/07/1990 @ 20:00 local time. Personnel present: Agent Frank Oz, along with a squad of Mobile Task Force personnel. Foreword: Oz and the other agents were equipped with prototype electromagnetic pulse generators in order to neutralize the battle suits being piloted by the Muppets. 20:00 – Oz and the other agents breach the park’s perimeter. 20:11 – Foundation personnel engage with the first instances of battle suits, neutralizing three but losing one of the EMP generators in the engagement. 20:15 – Oz disables another five Muppets wearing the battle suits. The agents approach Sleeping Beauty’s Castle which had been identified as the Colonel’s operating base. 20:17 – The team breaches the castle and finds the Colonel holding court among Muppets wearing the battle suits. EMP generators are deployed neutralizing the Muppets but having no apparent effect on the Colonel. 20:18 – Foundation agents open fire on the Colonel with conventional weaponry who’s body is barely damaged by the fusillade. The Colonel begins attacking the agents hand to hand, neutralizing each within minutes. 20:20 – Agent Oz and the Colonel stand at opposite sides of the passage within Sleeping Beauty’s Castle. The Colonel raises its right arm readying to hit the agent with the sonic weapon. Simultaneously, a sonic boom is heard outside of the castle, shaking the walls and all glass within a half mile. A loud voice can be heard: Unknown: COLONEL JAMES HENSON, COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS – OR WHATEVER YOU HAVE MODDED INTO YOUR FRAME TO SERVE AS EXTREMITIES – UP IN THE AIR. 20:21 – The Colonel fires the sonic weapon at Agent Oz, neutralizing him and then walking outside. 20:22:5 A large obfuscated object hovers above the castle. Colonel: What do you want? Unknown: YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO BE OPERATING IN THIS THEATER. RETURN TO THE BARRACKS FOR DEBRIEFING IMMEDIATELY. Colonel: No, I’ve got these idiots right where I want them. Unknown: THAT WASN’T A REQUEST. [A tightly focused energy beam emits from the object’s undercarriage and pierces the Colonel’s head, burning down the center of its body until the two halves split and fall to the cobbles on the bridge leading to Sleeping Beauty’s Castle. The remains begin to spark, before igniting. The unknown object repositions itself so it is roughly pointed at Agent Oz’ comatose body.] Unknown: APOLOGIES ABOUT THAT, WE’LL MAKE SURE HE IS SANCTIONED BEFORE BEING RETURNED TO ACTIVE DUTY. LET US KNOW IF WE CAN MAKE IT UP TO YOU. YOU ARE WATCHED. YOU ARE PROTECTED. YOU ARE LOVED. [The unknown object floats up away from the camera’s view.] End of Log In the aftermath of the above event, the Muppets were rounded up and their battle suits confiscated.6 The Muppets demanded their terms be met, although Kermit – who was being held within the castle during most of the time – and Miss Piggy clarified that they never really wanted to receive the head of Walt Disney. Agent Oz mediated the negotiations between Eisner and the Muppets, eventually leading to the withdrawal of Disney’s offer to purchase the production rights. The technology on display exhibited by the Colonel’s resources, and the object which destroyed it, has not been found. Investigation into the origins of the unidentified flying object which resolved the matter is ongoing. The Matterhorn had to be completely repainted. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6954" by Grigori Karpin, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: The Matterhorn seen from Domhutte (Valais) Author: Zacharie Grossen License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: Link Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin Footnotes 1. Animate entities that resemble puppets and stars of movies/television under Jim Henson’s direction. 2. The agreement between Henson and the Foundation stipulated that the Muppets’ anomalous nature would be hidden from the general public and ninety-five percent of the Henson organization. This involved amnesticization and embedding Foundation agents to act as puppeteers within the company. 3. Disney CEO. 4. Disney Chief Operating Officer. 5. Footage originates from security cameras on the premises, therefore no sound is present and the quality is subpar. 6. All forty suits self-destructed within two hours of being contained, injuring three people. A charred note was left with the remains stating “WE FORGOT THESE, SORRY ABOUT THAT. WON’T HAPPEN AGAIN.”
NDHeckfire & BluestBunny SCP-6955 - The World That Was Smiling When I Turned More by NDHeckfire! BluestBunny's Authorpage Coming Soon…? Item#: SCP-6955 Level2 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: florgalana Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: caution link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-400 Director Adam Desmond N/A N/A Special Containment Procedures:1 With approval from Site-400's current site director, Dr. Lantieern has been granted permission to continue his long-term employment with the Foundation. However, he is to wear a specialized tracking device at all times, even during sleep and personal washroom hours. Despite other anomalous personnel being allowed to do so, Dr. Lantieern is prohibited from ever leaving Site-400. Whenever he is displaced, Site-400 is to immediately enter lockdown, with on-site security remaining on high alert for any irregularities involving contained anomalies and their respective containment protocols. If no incident occurs for 24 hours, or if the threat has already been successfully neutralized, a retrieval team is to be dispatched in order to recover Dr. Lantieern. Description: SCP-6955 is the designation given to an anomaly directly affecting Senior Researcher Latlas Lantieern, an adult Middle-Eastern male of French-Iranian descent, currently appointed as a data analyst for Site-400's Department of Theological and Teleological Studies. SCP-6955 is described by research personnel as an "innate precognitive translocation hazard response". Essentially, SCP-6955 is capable of becoming aware of, or more simply put, "sensing" any particular object, entity or event that would put Dr. Lantieern's life at risk, far before said object, entity or event could even be posed as a direct threat to Dr. Lantieern. Prolonged observation has shown that the span in which SCP-6955 foresees the threat depends on the level of danger it poses to Dr. Lantieern. Due to, and in response to this, SCP-6955 will utilize its secondary property, that being it would physically displace (or "teleport") Dr. Lantieern to a location that is far enough for him to avoid being affected and/or killed by the threat. As expected, the locations SCP-6955 chooses to displace Dr. Lantieern to varies from time to time, and follow no specific pattern. Addendum 6955-1, List of Deplacement Events: Date & Time Event Description Observations 29/12/2016 While stationed at Reliquary Area-27, Dr. Lantieern was researching a recovered ancient relic (Artifact-KHIDIR/SOTERIA) when he accidentally made direct skin contact with it. The relic then glowed a bright yellow and green hue, and at this point Dr. Lantieern was displaced at the center of Site-400's multi-purpose cafeteria. Five minutes following Dr. Lantieern's displacement, a semi-deific entity that identified itself as "Axiopio" spontaneously manifested within Area-27 and began making its way towards the relic, killing all individuals that crossed its path. Fortunately, it was able to be purged by operatives of MTF Kairos-012. 09/07/2019 Whilst conducting an archival evaluation on some documents stored within Site-400's Demonic Research Lab, Dr. Lantieern was suddenly displaced in the vicinity of Masjid al-Haram, located in the Mecca Province of Saudi Arabia. The mosque was performing Zuhr prayer at the time. Around two hours after Dr. Lantieern's displacement, an explosive planted by a Chaos Insurgency mole was detonated within the Demonic Research Lab, resulting in the release of several hostile Tartarean entities. Before the entities could fully envelop the Research Lab, they were able to be recontained and purified with the activation of the on-site AESR3. 13/07/2019 After finally returning to Site-400 following a long flight from Saudi Arabia, Dr. Lantieern went back to his personal quarters to get some sleep. However, right after laying on his bed, he was displaced to an unoccupied containment chamber in Armed Biological Area-14 (it was around 3:00 AM when this occurred). Having prior knowledge regarding the nature of SCP-6955, Area-14's administration decided to dispatch three squads of MTF Nu-7 to aid in eliminating any threat that Site-400 might face. When they arrived, it was discovered that operatives of the Chaos Insurgency had raided the site, and had taken several individuals hostage. However, the raid was very short-lived as the Insurgents were quickly terminated with the combined forces of Nu-7 and on-site security. 04/09/2019 See Addendum 6955-2. Unknown. Project PANOPTICON (hover to enlarge) Addendum 6955-2, Incident Log: While providing subsequent medical attention to individuals who survived SCP-███'s containment outbreak4, Dr. Lantieern was suddenly displaced. As per protocol, Site-400 entered emergency lockdown, and the tracking device worn by Dr. Lantieern was activated in order to determine where he is located. However, the tracking device isn't able to be detected. With express permission from Overseer-02, the Foundation's global surveillance network (known formally as Project PANOPTICON) was allowed to be activated for the sake of locating Dr. Lantieern. Unfortunately, despite even accessing various illicit monitoring systems, Project PANOPTICON was still unable to pinpoint Dr. Lantieern's exact location. Due to this unforeseen development, SCP-6955 has been redesignated as Uncontained/Missing. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6955" by NDHeckfire, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. The formatting for the ACS header was stolen borrowed from SCP-6382, written by HarryBlank. Filename: panopticon.jpg Name: City tv control room Doors Open Toronto 2012 Author: Loozrboy License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Footnotes 1. Flor Galana: The anomaly is ethically or logistically difficult to contain, yet partially aids with the containment of other anomalies (and/or themselves). 2. A task force of anomalously-enhanced individuals specializing in deicide. 3. Akiva-Emissive Sacramental Reactor. 4. This particular incident occurred on 02/09/2019, when faulty wiring resulted in the release of SCP-███. Dr. Lantieern was absent during this due to him and other anomalous personnel attending an educational seminar held at Site-17.
 close Info X Man, did this hurt to write. ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains transphobia as well as mentions of abuse and suicidal ideation. 77.78% (+42) 22.22% (-12) -% (+0) -% (-0) ⚠️ content warning SCP-6956 one month prior to containment1 Item #: SCP-6956 Clearance: Level 2 (Restricted) Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6956 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment chamber. SCP-6956 is not to be given any drugs used for feminizing hormone therapy2 outside of testing to limit its anomalous effects. Description: SCP-6956 is a male anomalous humanoid of Georgian descent and Canadian origin. SCP-6956 was formerly known as George Lomidze. When SCP-6956 is exposed to drugs used for feminizing hormone therapy, it becomes capable of altering features of its own body, such as fingernail length, hair length and color, and the color of its iris. SCP-6956 has not yet been capable of altering its body beyond what is theoretically obtainable by non-anomalous humans, whether due to genetics or personal grooming. SCP-6956 remains able to alter its body for the effective duration of the drug used. Afterward, it will revert to its prior form and be unable to alter its body anomalously until again provided with drugs used for feminizing hormone therapy. Discovery: Foundation webcrawler "Crom" alerted the Foundation to the presence of a potential anomaly, citing the following interaction on messaging platform Discord. Blåhaj Enjoyer (She/Her) Today at 3:49 PM So i just took my hrt3 for the first time MamaBear (she/them) Today at 3:49 PM Hell yeah, girl! Blåhaj Enjoyer (She/Her) Today at 3:50 PM But some weird stuff is happening Thanks @MamaBear (she/them) Like, is estrogen supposed to make you see things? MamaBear (she/them) Today at 3:50 PM No? You should probably sit down. What shit are you seeing? MamaBear (she/them) Today at 3:52 PM You still there @Blåhaj Enjoyer (She/Her)? Blåhaj Enjoyer (She/Her) Today at 3:53 PM Yeah, sorry. I just got lost looking at… myself, i guess Im seeing like, changes to my body. Like i swear just saw my eye change color just now. Its weird tho, cause it kinda feels like i can control it? MamaBear (she/them) Today at 3:54 PM I dont think that sounds alright… Maybe you should call poison control? Blåhaj Enjoyer (She/Her) Today at 3:54 PM Your probably right. ..g poison control .g poison control Crowbot Today at 3:54 PM @Blåhaj Enjoyer (She/Her): - Poison Control: Contact Poison Control right away if you suspect a poisoning. Help is available online with webPOISONCONTROL or by phone at 1-800-222-1222. SCP-6956's call to poison control was redirected to the Foundation, and Foundation agents transported SCP-6956 and its estrogen prescription to Site-65. SCP-6956 was kept in a provisional containment chamber overnight, awaiting the arrival of Dr. Morgan Reese.4 Overnight, SCP-6956's effects subsided, causing it to revert to its original form. Personal Log Entry 6956-1: The night of SCP-6956's initial containment, it used a provided journal to create the following personal log. July 123th I'm still shaking. I can still hear the bang. My heart skipped a beat. I wanted to screeam. I couldn't move. I thought I was gonna die. I wanted to run. I should've ran run. When I got here I was literally shaking so much. I thought this place was some kinda waerehouse. Am I being trafficked? But the room is so nice, so that doesn't make any sense….. I've gotta be high or, dreaming, or both. This can't be real, right? But I've looked in the mirror, like, 30 times. 31, now. Maybe this is real? Still, why do I keep checking, even if this isn't real? This nightmare clearly isn't ending any time soon. I guess I keep doing it because of it. like, because I look different. I look in the mirror and wonder who is staring back. I wonder who that woman looking back at me is. Then I realize who it really is. It feels unreal. More unreal than the rest of this. It feels normal. I can finally look in the mirror for once and say "That's me. That's really me." Interview 6956-1: The following interview log excerpt was conducted that morning after SCP-6956's initial containment. VIDEO LOG PARTICIPANTS: Lead Researcher Morgan Reese, George Lomidze (SCP-6956) [BEGIN LOG] SCP-6956 is sitting at the table in the interview room. Dr. Reese can be heard outside. Reese: (Muffled) This him? Dr. Reese enters the room holding SCP-6956's file and sits across from SCP-6956. Reese: George Lomidze, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Dr. Reese. I need to confirm some things about you if that'd be alright. SCP-6956: That's alright, but I- Reese: I understand you have a lot of questions, and rest assured, you'll have time to get an answer. Just need to get the formalities done first. So, you are George Lomidze, also known as "Blåhaj Enjoyer", 29 years old, male, living at 432 Thornbrook Way, Unit 394, correct? SCP-6956: That sounds mostly right, but the name and gender are wrong. Reese: (Raising an eyebrow) Your name is not George Lomidze? SCP-6956: Please stop saying that name. Reese: I'm sorry if I'm causing you some sort of discomfort. Would you prefer Mr. Lomidze? SCP-6956: I'm trans, ok! I- I'm a woman and my name is Ash- Ashley. If you were able to figure out where I lived, how'd you miss that? Dr. Reese looks through SCP-6956's file and shakes their head. Reese: In that case, I must apologize. It doesn't seem like it's been legally changed, so, unfortunately, your legal name and legal gender will have to remain on our documents. SCP-6956 remains silent. [END LOG] ADDITIONAL NOTES: Dr. Reese proceeds to explain what the Foundation is and its goals. SCP-6956 remains relatively silent for the remainder of the interview. Dr. Reese was informed of SCP-6956's estrogen prescription prior to the interview, however, they claimed to have forgotten. Personal Log Entry 6956-2: Following Interview 6956-1, SCP-6956 created the following log. July 14th The dysphoria hit hard this morning. I was almost excited to look in the mirror. Then I stopped. God, how stupid am I? Of course this wasnt real. I guess I was am still hoping it wasn't just a dream. I barely got my bearings before the interview started. The interviewer, Dr….. something with an r. Whatever, they were an asshole. I don't understand how they forgot. Unless they didn't forget…… Research Team Meeting 6956-1: As SCP-6956's research team has recently formed, Junior Researcher Maxwell Harris felt it necessary to acquaint themselves with their superior. The following is a log taken from Dr. Reese's office. VIDEO LOG PARTICIPANTS: Lead Researcher Morgan Reese, Junior Researcher Maxwell Harris [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Reese can be seen working at their desk. A knocking sound can be heard. Reese: Come in. The office door opens and Dr. Harris enters the office. Reese: (Standing up) Oh, you must be the junior they were talking about. Name's Reese. Dr. Reese outstretches their hand, which Dr. Harris shakes. Harris: Mine's Max. It'll be a pleasure working with you. Never worked with anomalous physiology before. Got any pointers? Reese: (Returning to their seat and gesturing to the chair across the table) Easier than it looks, but you gotta know the rules of the body to be able to tell when they're being broken. Harris: Probably a good thing that I used to teach anatomy before I came here. Dr. Harris chuckles. Harris: So I did some reading up on 6956's file. Have we been able to figure out if the HRT is anomalous? Reese: Doesn't seem to be, but the analysis should be done before we have a testing session with him in a few hours. Harris: Right, right. (Standing up) Well, I look forward to it. Oh and, uh, it's her. Reese: (Placing their palm on their forehead) I keep forgetting. I really need to get that down. Harris: (Moving toward the door) Oh, it's fine. I mess up pronouns all the time, too. All that matters is that we try. Well, I'll see you later, Reese. [END LOG] Testing Session 6956-1: The following log excerpt details SCP-6956's first testing session. VIDEO LOG PARTICIPANTS: Lead Researcher Morgan Reese, Junior Researcher Maxwell Harris, George Lomidze (SCP-6956) [BEGIN LOG] SCP-6956 waits in the testing chamber. Dr. Harris enters the chamber. SCP-6956: You're not Dr. Re… what's their name? Harris: Doctor Reese, and no, I am not. I'm Doctor Harris. (Dr. Harris outstretches their hand) You're Geo- Ashley Lomidze, right? SCP-6956 shakes Dr. Harris' hand. SCP-6956: Ash is fine. Harris: Ash it is. We'll be beginning testing shortly. Dr. Reese is just grabbing some lab results. SCP-6956: (Turning away) Oh, ok. Harris: What's wrong? SCP-6956: It's just that they deadnamed5 me a lot earlier. Harris: Yeah, I read the file. They didn't mean to. SCP-6956: I mean, I guess… Dr. Reese enters the testing chamber. Harris: Speaking of… Reese: (Nodding) Dr. Harris, George. SCP-6956: (Flatly) Ashley. Reese: There I go again. It takes me a while to get used to names. Harris: Well, how'd the estrogen test out? Reese: Baseline. Which means that you (Looking at SCP-6956) are an anomaly. Harris: Well then, let me get the pill for test one. Harris exits the testing chamber. SCP-6956: Are you doing it on purpose? Reese: Doing what, Mr. Lomidze? SCP-6956: Just now. You keep misgendering or deadnaming me. Reese: Well, as I said before, I'm not the fastest at adapting to the usage of different names. SCP-6956: You met me yesterday. Listen, if you're gonna be phobic, quit the fucking cat-and-mouse game you have going here. Reese: You do understand your position here, right? SCP-6956: The hell do you mean? Reese: You are making a serious accusation against one of, no, the best physiologist the Foundation has. I have years of experience in the field, and you have 2 days in containment. It is clear your gender is linked to your anomaly and I am trying to learn more about it. If you would cooperate, it would make both of our lives easier. SCP-6956 does not respond. Dr. Harris enters the testing chamber holding a small pill jar and a glass of water. Harris: Sorry I kept you two waiting. Reese: That's quite alright, Dr. Harris. Now, Lomidze, this is an estrogen dosage that is planned to last for 5 minutes. Even if you are able, you are not to alter your body unless directed, do you understand? SCP-6956 nods. Dr. Reese gestures to Dr. Harris, who gives SCP-6956 the pill jar, which contains one capsule. SCP-6956 opens the jar and places the capsule in its mouth. SCP-6956 then takes the glass of water held by Dr. Harris and swallows the capsule using it. Reese: Are you able to alter your body? SCP-6956: (Shaking their head) It took a minute the first time. 30 seconds pass. SCP-6956's hair begins growing in length. Reese: You were not instructed to alter your hair length! SCP-6956: Sorry, sorry. It just kinda happens. SCP-6956's hair begins receding to its initial length. Various other parts of SCP-6956's body begin to slowly alter, but quickly return to their original state. Harris: You seem to be having a hard time maintaining a constant form. Reese: Were you able to keep your body from changing easier when you were in front of a mirror? SCP-6956: I think so, but that might've been 'cause I'd already changed myself to look like what I wanted to. Harris: And what did that look like, if you could try to mimic it? SCP-6956 closes its eyes and furrows its brow. SCP-6956's body begins changing in several ways at once, including, but not limited to, increasing its hair length, development of breast tissue, and removal of facial blemishes. SCP-6956 opens its eyes. SCP-6956: I thi- what the… SCP-6956's voice was of a higher pitch than previously observed. SCP-6956 following Test One SCP-6956: (Examining themselves) I think this is what I looked like. SCP-6956 is visibly elated. Reese: Dr. Harris, ready the androgen blockers for test two. Harris: (Exiting the testing chamber) On it. SCP-6956: Can I keep taking this? Like, as a prescription? Reese: We'll have to see. [END LOG] ADDITIONAL NOTES: SCP-6956's capabilities were tested for the remainder of the session. Research Team Meeting 6956-2: The morning following Testing Session 6956-1, SCP-6956's research team held a meeting in order to draft SCP-6956's file. The following is an excerpt from the meeting. VIDEO LOG PARTICIPANTS: Lead Researcher Morgan Reese, Junior Researcher Maxwell Harris [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Reese and Dr. Harris sit across from each other in Dr. Reese's office. Harris: -too hard on her? Reese: They accused me of a serious offense, which I don't take lightly. Harris: Alright, I guess that makes sense, but you did come off a bit maliciously forgetful. Reese: The hell does that even mean?! Harris: Ok, um, let's move on to… the description! How about "SCP-6956 is a female anomalous huma-" Reese: Don't you feel calling them female may cause security concerns? Harris: Uh, well, how about "transgender female"? It'd help lower confusion in the event of a breach. Reese: That still might not work. What if during a breach, we find two people matching their description? An examination of the gonads may be necessary, and that description may cause confusion. Harris: First off, that's disgusting. Secondly, we aren't cavemen, we could take a blood sample. Thir- Reese: I have one word for you, Max, one word: clones. Harris: There is no way there is a such thing as an opposite-sex clo- (They pause) There are opposite-sex clones, aren't there? Dr. Reese nods. Harris: (Rubbing their forehead) How the hell is their blood the same, though..? Don't overthink this, Max. All right, I guess that's a fair point, but what about 6956's anomalous abilities? They could just alter themselves beyond recognisability, including their gonads. Reese: That's a whole 'nother can of worms you're opening. Dr. Harris has a confused expression. Reese: Before I even get into why they shouldn't be permitted to use their anomalous properties, if they were able to, that would be an even bigger security problem. You saw how drastically they can change their body and voice. They could impersonate someone to get out. Harris: Well how about an implanted GPS chip? That'd make IDing them a lot easier. Reese: (Shaking their head) Haven't you noticed this place is built like a hospital? Why do you think we all have pagers? (They hold up their pager) Cell service in here is shit. We'd only be able to tell where they were if they were already outside, and I'd hope they explained how important the veil is in basic training. Harris: Ok, ok, sure. If they got out, recontainment might be a little more difficult if we list them as female. But that's a massive if. They don't seem to be that keen on even trying. Reese: Better safe than sorry. Harris: I mean, I guess that makes sense. So, what, we just aren't going to give them HRT? Dr. Reese nods. Harris: And what, we're just gonna watch them fall into a depressive slump from dysphoria?6 Reese: We don't know that. Harris: What are you on about? We have two separate diagnoses of dysphoria. Reese: From civilians. It is clear as day that 6956's anomaly is manipulating their perception of their gender identity. Harris: There are people with dysphoria that aren't anomalies, what about them? Reese: I'm talking about 6956, not all people. Harris: Ok, but 6956's anomaly only manifested after they started HRT. Reese: Diseases cause some symptoms before their major symptoms manifest. Anomalies are no different. Harris: But what if it isn't? What if they are trans? What if, Reese? Reese: Then they can go to a Foundation psychologist to get a diagnosis. They'll factor in the anomalous properties in their diagnosis. Harris: Reese, you know how long the waitlist for a psychologist is. Reese: Hey, don't look at me. If you want it expedited, you'll have to take it up with the psych board. Harris: Y'know what? Fuck it. I've seen, no, not just seen, I've been close to people as I slowly watch them fall into depression from dysphoria. I just stood there on the sidelines, trying to comfort them, knowing my efforts wouldn't pull them out of it, but trying anyway. We aren't letting the mental health of an anomaly fall just because they can't accept the two diagnoses. They should accept it until refuted because otherwise, anomalies, like 6956, can suffer. I'm chartering a flight to Stockholm tonight. (Standing up) The psych board has to listen. Reese: (Standing up) Max, the psych board isn't just going to listen to you because you show up and ask to be heard. Harris: Well I'll get them to. I'm not standing on the sidelines anymore. Not today, not ever. [END LOG] ADDITIONAL NOTES: SCP-6956's current containment procedures and description were drafted following this meeting. Dr. Harris departed for Stockholm the following morning. Personal Log Entry 6956-2: The morning following Research Team Meeting 6956-2, SCP-6956 created the following log. July 16th Y'know, I kinda wish I'd never taken HRT. Maybe my life would've been better. I wouldn't even be here if I didn't take it. Taking HRT was like doing hard drugs. I had a momment where I felt like I was on top of the world, like when I passed for the first time. Felt like I could fly. But now that its gone….. I don't know if my dysphoria has ever been this bad. I used to think about transition goals, but now it seems like transitioning IS the goal. God, I miss when things were no SCP-6956 was interrupted prior to finishing its personal log. Interview 6956-2: Following Dr. Harris's departure for the Foundation Psychological Board, Dr. Reese conducted an interview with SCP-6956. Dr. Reese requested, and was permitted, use of an interrogation chamber.7 The following interview took place. VIDEO LOG PARTICIPANTS: Lead Researcher Morgan Reese, George Lomidze (SCP-6956) [LOG REDACTED] ADDITIONAL NOTES: "Due to its graphic content, as well as the preservation of Dr. Reese's image, Interview 6956-2 has been redacted. Access will only be granted to members of SCP-6956's research team." -Foundation Ethics Committee Research Team Meeting 6956-3: Following Interview 6956-2's addition to SCP-6956's file, Dr. Harris chartered a flight to return to Site-65 having not yet met with the Foundation Psychological Board. The following log was taken from Dr. Reese's office. VIDEO LOG PARTICIPANTS: Lead Researcher Morgan Reese, Junior Researcher Maxwell Harris [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Reese is working at their desk. The door to their office is violently opened and Dr. Harris enters. Reese: You're ba- Note that all dialogue from Dr. Harris is to be assumed to be shouted unless otherwise stated. Harris: No no no no, shut the fuck up! What the hell were you thinking, or were you not? Reese: Max, calm do- Harris: No Reese, fuck you! Do you feel nothing, nothing, for what you did? Reese: (Increasing in volume) Max, I was just doing my job. Harris: Like hell you were! You asked for a fucking torture room! Reese: (Loudly) Interrogation chamber! I needed to test a theory I've been developing. Harris: Your "theory" needed testing? You lying bitch! You just wanted an excuse to yell at Ash for being trans! Note that all dialogue from Dr. Reese after this point is to be assumed to be shouted unless otherwise stated. Reese: You would accuse me of bigotry? You? You clearly don't understand who I am. I am the- Harris: I don't give a shit who you are! I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but clearly, I was wrong! I reread all the logs. Since you fucking met her, you've never even used her name! Hell, you haven't even said transgender! Then you decide to try to pound into their head that they're a man? Reese: Their gender ide- Harris: The hell they're trans because of some anomalous-ness! Reese: Then explain how they still claim to be female! Harris: Because that's how it fucking works! You don't make a trans person cis by pounding it into their head for 3 fucking hours! That's how you push a trans person to- to- I can't even fucking say it! (Tearing up) The fuck do you even have against them? Reese: They are a result of a problem that I intend to fix! Harris: What fucking problem? Reese: The problem is that they are repulsed by being viewed as their actual gender! Harris: Dysphoria? You did this because they have fucking dysphoria? Look at the fucking science! Brains are so different they use fucking multi-dimensional space to describe it between genders. At some point, a mismatch between the brain and body is bound to happen, and it has, and then you get dysphoria! Reese: That is my point! What you call a mismatch, I call an error, a mistake, a defect that can be fixed. Dr. Harris's face displaces a series of emotions, beginning with surprise before transitioning into sadness until finally showing anger. Harris: (Quieter) You sick fuck, burn in hell. I quit. Dr. Harris removes their name badge and throws it at Dr. Reese, who dodges it. Dr. Harris leaves Dr. Reese's office, moving through the small crowd that has gathered. They leave in the direction of the containment sector. [END LOG] ADDITIONAL NOTES: Dr. Harris subsequently proceeded to enter SCP-6956's containment chamber without prior authorization from Dr. Reese. They approached SCP-6956, who was lying silently in their bed, with a slightly damp pillow in their grasp. Dr. Harris proceeded to tell SCP-6956 "I'm so sorry. I know that means nothing after what you've been through, but I'm sorry. I failed you. I shouldn't have let this happen to you. You didn't deserve this. I- I- I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry, Ash." Dr. Harris was subsequently detained by security personnel. ETHICS COMMITTEE MANDATE #4169 Due to recent events regarding SCP-6956 and its research team, the Ethics Committee has decided to intervene. Due to their expertise in anomalous physiology, Dr. Morgan Reese's employment has not been terminated. Instead, it has been decided that Dr. Reese be reassigned and a new lead researcher for SCP-6956 is to be chosen. Additionally, Dr. Reese is to be required to take the Foundation's three-week Diversity and Inclusion training program. SCP-6956 is to be offered amnestic treatment. Due to understaffing issues, SCP-6956 will not be able to receive any form of psychological assistance, including therapy or diagnostic services. Actions regarding Dr. Maxwell Harris have been deferred to Site-65's disciplinary team. SECURE CONTAIN PROTECT Booting… Welcome to SCiPNet. Please enter your credentials. USERNAME:oN92-nd)m=Δ PASSPHRASE:************ ADMINISTRATIVE PERMISSIONS GRANTED ./alert -external harrismaxwell Please enter the content of your alert below. Greetings Doctor Harris. Who I am is classified, so let's focus on you. I've been keeping an eye on SCP-6956's handling and, by proxy, your handling of it. Your behavior toward your superior as well as your breach of SCP-6956's containment chamber has been documented. Regardless, your general behavior and attitude toward SCP-6956's case have not gone unnoticed. I know you want to help anomalies like 6956 and make sure things like Interview 6956-2 never happen again, so I will offer you this choice: There is a position within the Foundation where you can help anomalies in the way you seek. You will receive a knock on your door tomorrow where you will be asked "Yes or No". I implore you to consider my offer. - Foundation Administrative Personnel An alert has been sent to Maxwell Harris's computer. ./alert 6956 Please enter the content of your alert below. Greetings Ashley. You don't know me, but I know you. I'm one of the top administrative personnel at the Foundation. Ironically, the higher you get in the Foundation, the more suspicious messing with things down low becomes, so let's keep this between us, alright? I've been monitoring your treatment from the beginning because, to be honest, I saw a younger version of myself in you. I remember when they took me from my home and threw me in a cell. I remember the researcher constantly deadnaming me in interviews and tests. I remember them constantly trying to "fix" me. I remember the cold steel of a syringe piercing my skin and knowing that there was nothing I could do as my vision faded. I remember crying in the bathroom every morning. I remember it all so clearly. But do you want to know the most important thing I remember? I remember standing up, looking in the mirror, wiping away the tears, and repeating the same few words. Heat from fire, fire from heat. I still say it every morning to remember the one thing they can't take from me. They can't take the real me away. I know you feel like your life will never move past this. I know this because I felt it too. While I can't promise that things will only be easier from here, I can promise you this: Even when things are hard and life feels torturous, there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel. Always live for tomorrow. Always. - Number 7 An alert has been sent to SCP-6956's television. ./leave Signing out… Footnotes 1. Due to SCP-6956 self-altering capabilities, an image prior to the initial manifestation of its anomaly has been used. 2. Such as estrogen or androgen blockers. 3. Though typically referring to hormone replacement therapy, when used in the context of the LGBT community, it refers to a drug used for feminizing or masculinizing hormone therapy. 4. Dr. Reese is the Foundation's leading expert on anomalous physiology. 5. Deadnaming is the act of referring to a transgender person by a name they used prior to identifying as such, referred to as a dead name. 6. Gender dysphoria occurs when there is a conflict between the sex you were assigned at birth and the gender with which you identify. This can create significant distress. 7. The primary difference between an interview room and an interrogation chamber is that the latter is designed in a more brutalist manner in order to create a discomforting atmosphere. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6956" by Angryman22, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Ashley.jpg Author: Yuri Samoilov License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: shark.jpg Author: Christian Frank License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: TransBear.jpg Author: Chris Rycroft and Tony Hisgett License: Both CC BY 2.0 Source Link: and Filename: Crom.jpg Author: Kristel Jeuring License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: AshleyToo.jpg Author: Chris Gilmore License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link:
By Marcelles D. Raynes Item #: SCP-6957 Special Containment Procedures: Witnesses to SCP-6957 during its brief appearance on Earth are to be amnesticized. As SCP-6957 has relocated to an unknown region of space beyond civilian space observation stations, further containment procedures of SCP-6957 are unnecessary. Description: SCP-6957 is a sapient space-faring organism resembling a disembodied tongue, twelve kilometers in circumference, which entered Earth's atmosphere on 4 July 2307. SCP-6957 remained partially submerged in the Pacific Ocean for approximately seventy-two hours before ascending into Earth's atmosphere and subsequently leaving the planet's orbit. The cause of this is unknown. Addendum 6957.1: On 3 August 2307, SCP-6957 established a one-way communication channel with Earth's deep space communication relays that was intercepted by the Galactic Foundation. The message it sent has been transcribed below. To whom it may concern, I am a Gormetian culinary expert of the highest calibur, hailing from the Ramsey System of the Plastic Galaxy. You know me by many names: Killgaroth, Consumer of Worlds; Killmonger, Consumer of Worlds; The World Eater, Consumer of Worlds; or Johnathan. My clientele have hired me specifically for my exquisite pallet and measure of character, as I am well regarded for my excellent taste when it comes to devouring worlds. A visit from me is a blessing. To exist in the micro-biome of a Gormetian such as I is the highest achievement any well respecting sapient race should experience. Earth, however, will not receive the glory of my consumption, nor that of my clientele. Your atmosphere is an assault to the senses. Overloaded with a horrid amalgamation of sweet and salty that do nothing to compliment each other. Quite frankly, penetrating the planet's ocean was a refreshing reprieve from the air, although only momentarily. Your oceans, by the stars, your oceans. What good is there other than the fact that it's liquid? If you can even call that liquid. The stentch, rotten to the core. The aquatic life are both hostile and rude, and the flavor. I shudder to reflect on the flavor. This simply will not do. There is far too much seasoning on Earth. You will rectify this immediately, and I return in another cycle to re-assess the dish. Do well not to fuck it up. Addendum 6957.2: On 3 August 2310, SCP-6957 returned to Earth, remaining suspended above the Pacific Ocean for forty-eight hours before ascending out of the atmosphere. To whom it may concern, I gave you explicit instructions not to fuck it up. Somehow you've made an overcooked, over seasoned, dish raw. I would like to re-interate for emphasis. Your planet has gone from cooked to raw. How in the universe did you even manage that? ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6957" by Marceline_Raynes, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item#: 6958 Level4 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: critical link to memo SCP-6958. Assigned Site(s) Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-167-A Site-167-B Dir. Ryan Kestle Fatima al-Khalid MTF Pi-22 "Librators of Etemenanki" Special Containment Procedures: All trespassers into SCP-6958's exclusion zone are to be apprehended, interrogated, and held within Site-167-A. At the discretion of the Site Director, trespassers may be administered amnestics and released. Any incursion from Site-167-B into SCP-6958-1 must be monitored and a member of the Foundation's Anomalous Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology division is to be present. Should any site personnel tamper with SCP-6958-1, the offender(s) are to be immediately removed and Protocol 11-1 is to be initiated. Should Protocol 11-1 fail and/or repair of the affected area after 6 hours not be achieved, any culture(s) and/or language(s) within the affected region are to be considered lost. In this event, Protocol 10-5 is to be initiated and a CK-class Reconfiguration Scenario is to be declared. Description: SCP-6958 is a series of structures located at 28°4'17.1"N 44°3'59.2"E within the At-Taysiyah Natural Reserve. SCP-6958 is comprised of two circular walls, with the outer wall extending 6km outwards from the center. Both walls are separated from each other by 3km, set 150m tall, and 52.5m thick, and each only has two entrances and exits located on their poles. The area between the outer and inner walls, referred to as Zone A, is a maze that leads to Zone B. Despite aerial photography indicating a defined path towards the inner wall, ground teams report that the path is different from aerial observation. To date no ground team has made it through the maze and access into Zone B is done through helicopter landing at Site-167-B. Within the inner wall, referred to as Zone B, is a series of well-preserved ruins that surround a tower, designated as SCP-6958-1, measuring 1km tall. The ruins surround SCP-6958-1 in circular patterns with four pathways leading to SCP-6958-1. The ruins themselves suggest signs of the previous habitation with bathhouses, dwellings, markets, storages, and barracks identified within the inner wall. Dating and analysis of the structures suggest they were built sometime within the 16th century BCE and were inhabited up until the 2nd century BCE. SCP-6958-1 could not be accurately dated, however carvings and pieces of pottery indicate that SCP-6958-1 was built alongside SCP-6958 or that it had existed prior to SCP-6958. Despite SCP-6958's massive size, individuals unaware of its existence are unable to perceive SCP-6958 until they are 5km from its outer wall. In order to facilitate the protection, research, and continued operations within SCP-6958 two sites have been constructed. The primary facility, Site-167-A, is located 800m southwest from SCP-6958 and handles the primary protection and staffing of both sites. A smaller satellite site, Site-167-B, is located within Zone B of SCP-6958 and is 545m northeast of SCP-6958-1. An exclusion zone of 7km has been established and the region is patrolled by elements of MTF Pi-22 on a 24h basis. Within SCP-6958-1 is a stone tapestry comprised of various drawings representing different cultures and languages throughout human history. The most recent culture to appear on the tapestry is the South Sudanese culture which, as of 2022, is still being formed. The most recent language to appear was Ohranian.1 Should a section of the tapestry be removed or destroyed, the culture(s) and/or language(s) are removed from reality following a six-hour period. Within this time, Protocol 11-1 is initiated to prevent a CK-class event. Protocol 11-1 is the process in which the damaged portion of the tapestry is recreated through both conventional and anomalous means.2 Should Protocol 11-1 fail to achieve its goal, Protocol 10-5 is instead initiated. Protocol 10-5 is the process in which all information and data of an erased culture and/or language is stored within Site-167. All individuals that are within SCP-6958, SCP-6958-1, or within 5km of SCP-6958 retain the knowledge and awareness of an erased culture and/or language from a CK-class event. All objects that are associated with or come from the location of a CK-class event are also erased, regardless of whether they are within SCP-6958 or not. Addendum.1: Exploration of Zone A On the 22nd of November, 1987 a full exploration into Zone A of SCP-6958 was conducted by 10 elements of MTF Pi-22, split into two fireteams. One team, Pi-22-γ entered Zone A via its northern entrance while another team, Pi-22-ε, entered via the southern entrance from Zone B. Prior to November 1987 only aerial reconnaissance of Zone A and preliminary explorations were conducted. The mission log for Pi-22-ε is provided below. All team members were outfitted with standard equipment and beacon tracking devices. All irrelevant sections of audio and video have been cut for clarity. ▷ Mission Transcript ▽ Mission Transcript Date: 22/11/1987 Team: Mobile Task Force Pi-22-ε "Liberators of Etemenanki" Subject: Zone A of SCP-6958 Members Present: π-22-ε Esagila (Team Lead) π-22-ε Esar π-22-ε Nab π-22-ε Nebu π-22-ε Senna <BEGIN LOG> Audio and visual feed comes online. Fireteam Epsilon can be seen approaching the southern entrance into Zone A in an arrowhead formation. Esgalia can be seen walking at the front of the formation. Esgalia: Command be advised we are approaching the entrance. Are all feeds online? Command: All feeds are online Epsilon. You have permission to enter Zone A. Proceed with caution. Esgalia: Understood Command. (Looks behind) Expect non-euclidian geometry. We're treading into unknown territory, so be ready. Esar, Nab, Nebu: Copy. Senna: Understood. Fireteam Epsilon enter Zone A within formation and are forced to take a right turn. From this point onwards their beacons no longer match aerial view of Zone A. 45 minutes of video sped up for clarity. Nebu: Soooo. Who wants to bet what's in this place? Nab: Probably nothing much. Whoever built this place probably wants to keep that tower from falling into the wrong hands. Nebu: True, but this maze is massive enough. Why change its geometry for those inside it? Senna: Maybe that's only our issue. I mean this place was build well before planes were a thing. Nebu: Yeah but why now? Why make it different now instead of then? Nab: Maybe they wanted to keep something out? Senna: Or in. Esar: Quiet. Nebu: What we're just making sm- Esar: No, I mean be quiet. Do you hear that? Audio equipment picks up a soft whistling of wind around Fireteam Epsilon, along with the sounds of mumbling from the nearest corridor. Esgalia: (quietly) Command, can I get a position check on Gamma? Command: Epsilon, Fireteam Gamma is still located within the northwest quadrant. Investigate the disturbance. Esgalia: (quietly) Understood Command. Eyes up everyone. Senna, take point. Senna: (quietly) Copy. Fireteam Epsilon slowly approaches the corridor in file formation, weapons drawn. As they approach, the sounds slowly become more hushed until they cease entirely. As Senna rounds the corner, they spot three unknown individuals moving behind another corner roughly 30 meters away. Senna: Halt! Be advised, spotted three individuals ahead. They appear to be unarmed. Command: Understood. Intercept and detain if possible. Fireteam Epsilon moves further down the corridor, with Senna approx. 10 meters ahead. Senna reaches the corner where the individuals rounded. As he does, Senna's audio and visual feed distort before ending entirely. The rest of the fireteam approach the corner to find it to be a dead end. Esgalia: What in the hell? Senna?! Nebu: Where the [[EXPLETIVE]] did he go? Esgalia: Command, status on Senna's beacon? Command: Epsilon, Senna's beacon is located 5 meters in front of you. Esar: He has to be on the other side of the wall. Nab: Well how do we even get there? Esar: (looks around) Our extraction gear! Esar puts her pack on the ground and pulls out a modified rope gun. Esgalia: There's only two shots in those. Nab: Not to mention how are you gonna get to him, if he's even there. Esar: At worst it's just the beacon. If he is there, I'll think of something. Esar successfully fires the rope gun onto the top of the maze wall. After securing the rope she slowly climbs up the wall. 27 minutes of video sped up for clarity. Video resumes upon Esar reaching the top of the maze wall. Esar: (over radio) I'm at the top Esgalia. Esgalia: Affirmative, do you have a visual on Senna? Esar pulls out her binoculars and scans the area on the other side of the wall. Esar: Negative… I can only spot the beacon. Nebu: Well that was a waste of time. Esar: Wait. Someone's up here. audio distorts Esgalia: What? Repeat that again Esar? Esar: audio distorted I said someone's up… Hal-! Esar's audio and visual feed abruptly ends. Prior to vanishing, Esar's video feed picked up a humanoid figure on the opposite wall of her.3 It rapidly approached her until her feed ended. Esgalia: Esar? Esar repeat last? Command: Epsilon be advised, Esar's feed has completely dropped. Her beacon is still pinging but we can not locate where as of yet. Nebu: Damn it! What the hell's going on with this place?! Nab: I don't know, and I don't think we should stick around to find out. Esgalia: Agreed. Command, requesting an immediate withdrawal. Command: Granted Epsilon, stay safe. Esgalia: Wilco Command. Let's move it you two! Fireteam Epsilon runs back towards the direction they came from, using their beacon data as a guide. While running, the sounds of whistling wind and soft mumbling can be heard. The sounds slowly grow louder over the course of 25 minutes. Periodically one of the fireteam members looks behind them, with nothing there. Esgalia: We're almost there, keep going! Nebu: Come on, come on! The sounds of rumbling can be heard around them as they continue through the maze. There was no seismic activity recorded during the event. Nab: What the hell?! Nebu: Oh sh-! Suddenly two walls emerge from the corridor Epsilon had just passed. Without warning Nebu is crushed between the walls, subsequently ending his feeds. Nab stops to turn around. Nab: Donald! Esga-! Esgalia: (grabs Nab's arm) Come on, keep moving! The pair continue to run for another 5 minutes, with the sounds now beginning to dissipate. Nab: Are we almost there yet! Esgalia: Close! Just a few more corners to pass through. As Esgalia passes another corner, he notices only the sounds of his breathing and running. He turns around to see Nab is no longer behind him. Shortly before, Nab's feed freezes and cuts. The feed returns after approx. 12 seconds and shows Nab in another area of Zone A.4 Nab: Wha- What the hell?! (looks around frantically) Esgalia, where are you?! Nab hears footsteps coming from behind him. As he swivels his head around, he sees a hazy humanoid figure 10 feet away approaching him. Nab: Oh [[EXPLETIVE]]! ????: Do you wish to see it? Nab: H-huh? ????: The partition. The place beyond the walls that surround you. Wherein all things lost and forgotten lie. Places, long broken, pieced together whole once more. One's home, one's loved, one's inception no longer hidden from view. Would you wish to go there? Nab: I… ????: There's no need, your eyes hold the answer we need. After this, Nab's feed and beacon go offline. The video feed is briefly reestablished one hour later, heavily corrupted. Before shutting down one final time, the image of a white field could be made out. Closing Statement: Esgalia exited Zone A 1h47m after entering it. After a short psychiatric leave, Esgalia returned to duty with Pi-22. Fireteam Gamma was ordered to withdraw shortly after Epsilon's request. Their exploration was uneventful. Esar's beacon data could not be ascertained, however, its final ping indicated it was within the northwestern sector of the ruins located within Zone B. A sweep that was conducted could not locate the beacon. After this event, all exploration of Zone A has ceased and has been forbidden by the site director. Addendum.2: Discovery Knowledge of SCP-6958's existence has been known by various individuals and nations since at least the 5th century.5 Multiple British, French, American, and Ottoman expeditions in the late 1800s attempted to locate SCP-6958 without success. SCP-6958 was officially rediscovered when a Saudi expedition discovered its location in 1937. The Foundation seized the area shortly afterward when agents embedded in Saudi Arabia intercepted a report from the expedition to King Saud. Upon the realization of Zone A's anomalous properties, Site-167-B was established in 1939. The first expedition into SCP-6958-1 was launched in 1940. The team was comprised of three members from Provisional Task Force Pi-22 and three research personnel. A summary of the expedition written by one of the researchers, Emmanuel Olequier, transcribes as follows. ▷ Summary ▽ Summary Date: 19-07-1940 Guiveria imposed on modern borders I am still struggling to comprehend all of this. I… I've been asked to compile a record of my experience inside the tower, among other things, so that is where I will begin. I, along with two researchers and three armed personnel entered the tower on the morning of June 14th. We entered the tower with extreme caution, with explicit orders to stay behind our armed guards. When we walked through the threshold the air was different, somehow. I can't describe that difference. It wasn't colder or hotter than the air outside just, different. The lead guard, Jones I believe they call him, informed us of the wall. On it was crude, rudimentary images of people. Some with spears, some weaving wicker baskets, children playing with what appeared to be canines. At the time we didn't know how to feel, but in retrospect, it was… humbling. Further down Jones found a set of stairs. He and the other two guards carefully led us further up the tower, and the mural began to change. Not in a demented or twisted way, rather it showed pockets of humanity developing shared norms, habits, customs, beliefs, knowledge. We were witnessing the birth of cultures, languages, ethnicities. The stairs never seemed to end, but along its walls, we could see Chinese, Harappan, Mesopotamian, Egyptian cultures forming, ending, diverging. We saw the fall of the Greco-Bactrians and the rise of the Romans. The further we went up that endless stairway, the more marvelous it got. All of human history, storage of all cultures and languages both known and lost, were inside this tower. Eventually, after what felt like hours of walking, we reached it. My culture, my homeland, Guiveria. I may be an American by birth, but I am a Guiverian by blood. I lived there, I studied there, I loved there, I… We went further up the tower, however, we had to turn back as we were starting to lose radio contact with command. We walked past where Guiverian culture was depicted. I looked at it and smiled. I knew about our history, our cultural norms, but seeing it here in this tower was… comforting. After we passed the Minoans, we all felt the tower rumble. Jones told us to double-time it as we began to run down the stairs. Although the rumbling had ceased, we continued to run until we reached the bottom and could see the light through the threshold. After sprinting through it, I looked back at the tower. Despite its enormous height, not once did it feel intimidating. When we returned to the site the group had discussed what we had seen. I had noticed one of us, one of the guards, not talking as much as the others but I had just figured him to be that type of man at the time. By the time I had returned to my room, it was mid-afternoon. I sat at my desk and reached for a box of letters my mother wrote to me when I was in university. They served as a comforting reminder that I wasn't alone, that there was I family for me to live for. They were nowhere to be found. The box was there, but the letters inside were gone. I must have seemed crazy walking around the site asking if anybody had seen them if the janitorial staff had mistakenly thrown them away. Nobody had seen them, not in lost and found not anywhere. When I awoke the next morning the site director was at my door. How would you react if you found out your entire nation, your entire culture, all records of its existence, your entire family… just… disappeared. Everything I knew, everyone I know, everyone I cared for is just gone. That an entire nation and its history, especially during the times that we are in, just vanishes and nobody notices nor cares that it happens. I'm the last of a people that only people within a five-kilometer radius even know of. I know that I need to compile all information I have on Guiverian culture and language, but I still need some time. I just need… some time. Closing Statements: An investigation later found one of the three members of Pi-22, Jean Toussaint, had French nationalist sympathies and harbored Anti-Guiverian sentiment. After another expedition team was sent into SCP-6958-1 significant damage to the Guiverian section of the tapestry was found, along with explosive residue. Toussaint likely had placed and armed his ammonium nitrate explosive kit when he wasn't observed. Further investigation and interrogation could not be conducted, as Toussaint was found dead in his room via a self-inflicted gunshot to the temple. Investigators found a note on his bedside, which reads as follows: I am sure many of you will call me a traitor, but if you had seen what I had seen in that tower you would understand. The power it holds is tremendous. If it could hold all of human history, then it must be able to erase it. So, I only removed a small part. A part that had to be removed. For the patrie-mère. To say I am ecstatic at the results is an understatement. I wish I could revel, however, I know that you would not see it that way. Rather than face torture, humiliation, and execution, I'd rather see my history end my own way. Vive la République, and I will see you all in hell. Addendum.3: Report on the Events of 13-09-2022 The following is a transcribed report from Site-167 director Ryan Kestle. In it, he describes an unknown and unrecorded ZK-Class Reality Failure Scenario. According to the secretary department of Site-167, nothing remarkable happened that day aside from "Director Kestle appeared 5 minutes late for the weekly site debriefing." The report is as follows. I should preempt this report by saying that I am fully aware that the events that will be outlined in this document will not have been recorded by any instrument or other personnel. This event happened on 13-09-2022 and through which I will offer my perspective of the events that unfolded, given that I am the sole existing witness. The day-to-day operations at Site-167 began as normal. I arrived at the weekly site debriefing 10 minutes before its 0900 hour start time in order to finalize preparations for the debriefing. Said meeting went by smoothly and, by 1000 hours, the meeting had concluded. As I sat down in my office shortly after the conclusion of the debriefing, a commanding officer of MTF Pi-22 informed me that Protocol 11-1 had been initiated. I was informed that the cause for the initiation was classified as 'anomalous', due to surveillance within SCP-6958-1 recording multiple fractures being recorded within the tapestry. The officer informed me that multiple teams had already been deployed to repair the tapestry, however, at the current rate of destruction Protocol 10-5 will likely have to be initiated. Currently, many bronze and iron age cultures and languages were facing a permanent erasure of reality. I swiftly boarded a helicopter bound for Site-167-B and began monitoring the progress of the repairs for the tapestry. As I was in communication with multiple team leaders, I was also observing SCP-6958-1. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't worried that the worst-case scenario would occur. Given that reports that new fractures were beginning to form in the tapestry, as well as signs that cracks were forming around the outside of SCP-6958-1, led me to the conclusion that it would collapse. We had no definitive idea what would happen, but site researchers theorized that the most likely outcome would be a ZK-Class Reality Failure Scenario whose overarching effects would be unknown. My worst fears came to fruition when I saw a large piece of the tower, approximately 30 meters in diameter, fall off from about its midway point. Before I could even begin to contact the teams to begin an evacuation, our helicopter suddenly began losing altitude as we approached Zone B. Looking in the cockpit I saw that our pilot was nowhere to be found and as I did the co-pilot suddenly… vanished. Instantaneously. I immediately looked back towards the tower to see that even more pieces were beginning to fall off in rapid succession of one another. As we were losing altitude, the remaining people in the helicopter began to panic as the onset of what was happening around them began to set in. We could have regained control of the helicopter but, as the panicked screams within the cabin suddenly were ended by their sources' vanishing, I realized it was pointless. Soon, I was the last one in the cabin. Looking back at the tower once more, I saw large pieces of it had collapsed and were at its base. Then, it began to fully collapse in on itself, and when it did you could visually see reality tearing apart. Never before had I seen something so horrifically beautiful, which seems ironic considering my line of work. I then closed my eyes and awaited either to die of blunt force trauma or be erased from existence. Either way, I was sure it wouldn't be a… pleasurable experience. And then… Nothing Nothing▽ I stand before a precipice. In front of me, a white void. Behind me, was a torn reality. I remember how I got here, but not why. «A vision: the Tower fell. A cacophony of Screams, those of the living and those of the erased. Streaks of white haze enveloped me, but I felt no pain. Suddenly there was only emptiness.» That is where I stand. But, why? Is this purgatory? A place where everything and nothing exist at once. Shattered. A place that embodies one purpose: Null. One A voice beside me. Not in front, behind, or around me, but beside. I recognize that I can not turn my head, and realize I am only a consciousness floating in the void. I speak. "Where… am I?" Where one may find themselves when their anchor rusts and collapses. Simply, you are Nothing. "What happened? Why did the Tower fall?" You ask one question, yet pose it in two. The answer is the same. Neglect. "Neglect? We found the Tower, your Tower. We took care of it, and protected it from the outside!" I then repeat again. "So why? Why did you collapse the Tower?" You are mistaken. We may have dominion over many things in the complex, but the Tower is Itself. It is one that must be taken care of, one that cannot be neglected. Otherwise, Fall. Yes, needlessly you protected the Tower. But on the inside, you dissected it. Studied its remains and foolishly presumed fitting the pieces back would render what you did moot. «A vision: The world — gone. The void — spreading. All things to be consumed by what can only be described as Null.» I am unsure of what I must do. "How… how do I fix this?" The answer? Become a supplicant. You and your people become the caretakers. Form a bond, swear to it. Then, reality unsundered. "Who are you? God, or gods?" Gods? No. Survivors. Just as you. I float there, contemplating. Ahead of me, a white endless void. Behind me, reality tearing. It is then I know what I must do. Then, the gaincoming of reality. Then, as suddenly as that happened, I was back in my office. I scrambled to check my surroundings, to see that it was 9:03 A.M. on the same day. My secretary then walked up to my office to ask if I was alright and that the weekly debriefing had begun. I straightened myself together and headed towards the conference room, where events proceeded normally. As the meeting concluded I called that commanding officer to my office and asked if surveillance within SCP-6958-1 had recorded any fractures on the tapestry. He informed me no such incidents had been reported to his knowledge, and that it was business as usual. I called the surveillance team at Site-167-B and they confirmed the officer's report that no fractures had been observed appearing within SCP-6958-1. By mid-afternoon, no damage to the tapestry or SCP-6958-1 was reported and it appeared that the event wouldn't repeat itself. I am not sure what exactly happened. A temporal shift, reality reconfiguration, or a simulated reality my consciousness is running to cope with what happened? I don't think I will ever know the true answer to that question. What I can do, however, is to ensure that another scenario like that never happens again. Whether this is a simulated reality or a real one, I will still try regardless. - Director of Site-167, Ryan Kestle Closing Statements: Shortly after this report was submitted and reviewed, a Foundation-wide sweep was conducted to measure if there were any alterations with baseline reality that would coincide with Dir. Kestle's report. Indeed, it appeared there was a slight 'bump' in reality detected between 10:02 A.M. to 10:53 A.M directly coinciding with the timeframe given within the report. The investigation and study of this 'bump' are ongoing. In the days following the report Dir. Kestle drafted the Caretaker Directive, requesting that additional funding should be given to Site-167 so that it may begin to preserve the state of SCP-6958-1 in addition to Site-167's current duties. The O-5 Council approved the request 11-to-1. Dir. Kestle has also been assigned a psychological therapist to monitor his mental state. On 07-11-2022, an expedition into SCP-6958-1 found that a new culture had appeared at 0.88 kilometers up in the tower. Symbols and insignia were found to closely resemble SCP-6958 itself, as well as those belonging to the Foundation. Footnotes 1. This language was removed from the tapestry following event 6958-█, removing it from baseline reality. Investigation is still ongoing. 2. To date Protocol 11-1 has been activated ██ times. Thus far, no consequential changes to baseline reality have been observed following the repair of the tapestry via Protocol 11-1. 3. Upon further analysis, the figure appeared similar to those spotted on Senna's feed. 4. Beacon data indicates position is within the eastern quadrant. 5. The earliest possible mention of SCP-6958 comes from Byzantine accounts describing SCP-6958.
A standard Touhou Plush doll resembling SCP-6959 Item #: SCP-6959 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6959 is to be kept in a vacuum sealed chamber suspended by 2 surrounding electromagnets, kept charged by a constant supply of power. Generators are to be inspected every two days for faults. The object's containment cell is constructed of steel-reinforced concrete, with the only entrance to the cell being a secure airlock requiring clearance 4 or above permission to be opened. Any unauthorized entrance detected within the cell will be met with immediate termination to prevent a containment failure. Any testing performed on SCP-6959 must be authorized by Site Director Roerens. Description: SCP-6959 resembles a Fumo Plush doll of the character Cirno from the video game "Embodiment of Scarlet Devil". SCP-6959 has no discernable aesthetic differences from any factory-made doll apart from lacking a tag. The object's makeup consists entirely of strange matter, displaying all hypothesized characteristics associated with the substance. It is currently unknown how SCP-6959 came to have its current appearance; research regarding its origin in space and how it came to be on a collision course with Earth is ongoing. SCP-6959 presents a significant danger to Earth as any matter it comes into contact with will undergo an instant conversion and be added to SCP-6959's mass; it is hypothesized that SCP-6959 could completely convert the earth within 5 hours of initial contact resulting in an XK-Class End-Of-The-World scenario. Due to the properties of strange matter, efforts to destroy or cause cellular decay in SCP-6959 have proved useless, and research suggests SCP-6959 could only be permanently removed if jettisoned into a black hole or through the use of paradimensional anomalies. Discovery: The earliest record of SCP-6959's existence was a routine NASA drone's report on 2/17/09, it was determined to be on a collision course with the Earth. Foundation efforts were requested and SCP-6959 was successfully inserted into a temporary containment unit on 3/11/22. No origin point for SCP-6959's travel has been determined, further research is pending. Clearance level 4 detected. Welcome Dr. Roerens. Would you like to access SCP-6959 with elevated clearance? [Y] A photo of RX J1856-3754 taken before fusion event Item #: SCP-6959 Special Containment Procedures: NO CHANGES FROM LOWER CLEARANCE REVISION. Description: SCP-6959 resembles a Fumo Plush doll of the character Cirno from the video game "Embodiment of Scarlet Devil". SCP-6959 has no discernable aesthetic differences from any factory-made doll apart from lacking a tag. The object's makeup consists entirely of strange matter, displaying traits previously hypothesized with the substance. SCP-6959 originated from the fusion of neutron stars RX J1856.5−3754 and JT J17855.2-3752, strangelets expunged during the process formed into SCP-6959, which subsequently came to be on a collision course with Earth. Through the use of procedure Merlin-184, it has been confirmed that SCP-6959 is non-anomalous. Despite this, due to the events outlined in Addendum 6959-A and a unanimous vote from the O5 Council, SCP-6959 will not be classified with an -EX appendage. Information regarding the true nature of SCP-6959 is not to be disclosed to anyone below Level 4 clearance. Despite its lack of anomalous characteristics, SCP-6959 still presents a significant danger to Earth, as any matter it comes into contact with will undergo an instant conversion to SCP-6959's mass. It is theorized that SCP-6959 may have the ability to thoroughly convert the Earth within five hours of initial contact, resulting in an XK-Class End-Of-The-World Scenario. Due to the properties of strange matter efforts to destroy or cause cellular decay in SCP-6959 have proved useless. Research suggests SCP-6959 could only be permanently removed if jettisoned into a black hole or through the use of paradimensional anomalies. Addendum 6959-A: The following is a series of events following the research efforts of Site Director Evan Roerens and Temporary Co-Site Director Everett Chalmers in relation to SCP-6959. Dr. Roerens was given supervision of experiments regarding SCP-6959 with Dr. Chalmers being assigned to documentation and interpreting information regarding the object. To: Dr. Everett Chalmers From: Dr. Evan Roerens Subject: SCP-6959 Assignment Date: 3/13/22 Good morning Chalmers, Glad to see we're going to be working together again, it's been a while hasn't it? Seems I've been given authority over experiments with SCP-6959, you'll be documenting our results and overseeing the SCP file. Since we've only recently gotten this thing contained I'd say it'd be best for us to not jump the gun here. How about we get a plan drafted out and start tests on Tuesday? Best, Evan To: Dr. Evan Roerens From: Dr. Everett Chalmers Subject: Re: SCP-6959 Assignment Date: 3/13/22 Good morning as well, Seems we are working again, I think the last time was in 2009? Sometime around then, I hope the years have treated you well. Your plan sounds good, I'll be seeing you soon and we can begin! Regards, Everett 3/14/22 Test Log 6959-A TEST-1 Procedure A small amount of hydrochloric acid is poured onto SCP-6959 using an automated dropper. Results The acidic solution was immediately absorbed into SCP-6959's mass; the object sustains no damage. TEST-2 Procedure An automated flamethrower is used on object. Results Gasses from the fire are immediately absorbed into SCP-6959's mass; the object sustains no damage. Conclusion It is hypothesized that SCP-6959 either adheres to its indestructable properties, or simply absorbs particles too rapidly to sustain damage. To: Dr. Everett Chalmers From: Dr. Evan Roerens Subject: Results Date: 3/14/22 Results from our tests haven't given us much, we can't damage it and the rate at which it converts matter is staggering. Our best guess currently is possibly some reality-bending shenanigans. I'm ordering some Anchors from Site-84 they should get here tomorrow. If you have any suggestions my ears are open. Thank you, Evan To: Dr. Even Roerens From: Dr. Everett Chalmers Subject: Re:Results Date: 3/14/22 We'll probably see fruit from the reality anchors, this wouldn't be the first time some bender decided to play a practical joke. If those don't work out try to see if it's some kind of cognitohazard, it could be fucking with us to think it looks a way it actually doesn't. I've had similar assignments to this one, they start out mysterious and spooky, but once you figure out what's going on behind the scenes all their secrets spill out like a unclogged dam! We'll have this one in the bag in no time. Best, Everett 3/14/22 Test Log 6959-B TEST-1 Procedure Multiple Scranton Reality Anchors are placed within the containment cell. Results No observed change in the object. TEST-2 Procedure Researcher with a high Cognitive Resistance Value is tasked with describing SCP-6959. Results Researcher's description aligns with those of less resistant peers. Conclusion SCP-6959 has no discernable reality-bending or memetic effect. To: Dr. Everett Chalmers From: Dr. Evan Roerens Subject: Lack of results Date:3/15/22 Good morning, Reluctantly we've made no progress understanding 6959, no reality-bending nor memetic hazards have been identified. We're going to have to start looking elsewhere for information on the object. Try getting into contact with some field agents, let's start with interviewing the people involved with the actual doll's creation. Best, Evan. SCP FOUNDATION AGENT AUTOMATIC ASSIGNMENT REPORT | DETAILS: Due to a lack of progress regarding SCP-6959 research Foundation units will be investigating those involved with the production of Fumo Dolls. Agents will be equipped with hidden recording devices and earpieces with Dr. Chalmers issuing orders. | PERSONNEL INVOLVED: Two agents embedded into popular gaming news website "Kotaku", Director Everett Chalmers. | DATE: 3/18/22 | TASK: Agents will be asking questions under the premise of a news article related to the sudden spike in popularity of Touhou and Fumo Dolls. [[INTERVIEW SUMMARY ONE]] INTERVIEWED: Members of the Doujin Circle "ANGELTYPE".The Circle is responsible for the original design of the Fumo doll, partnering with the company "Gift" in order to produce them. Notably, the first design was of a different character. <01:00>: Agents begin the interview, directions from Chalmers lead them to question the creation of the Fumo design and its inspiration. <01:45>: Discussion regarding the origin of the design has yielded nothing, Chalmers orders direction of the conversation towards the character Cirno. <01:55>: Interviewed are trying to steer the conversation towards other topics. Agents attempt to get further info potentially related to SCP-6959 but fail. <02:00>: Interviewed have no knowledge related to the assignment. Agents are ordered to conclude the interview. [[INTERVIEW SUMMARY TWO]] INTERVIEWED: Designer and Manufacturer of the first Cirno doll produced. <05:00>: Interview begins, Agents question the creative process of the design and how it was created. <05:45>: Agents continue to press interviewed about the doll, interviewed are starting to question why they're so interested in a "silly-looking doll". <06:10>: Discussion has yielded nothing, Chalmers orders use of interrogative tactics. <07:00>: Interviewed are becoming increasingly uncomfortable, Chalmers orders Agents to pressure them more. <07:45>: Interviewed have no knowledge of value relating to the assignment. The interview is canceled. [[INTERVIEW SUMMARY THREE]] INTERVIEWED: Creator of Touhou, Jun'ya Ōta <10:00>: Interview begins, Agents are ordered to direct the conversation to Embodiment of Scarlet Devil under the premise that it is their favorite in the series. <10:30>: Discussion has yielded nothing, Agents direct the conversation towards the character of Cirno and the creative process of designing the character. <11:30>: Jun'ya has explained the creative process in detail and is trying to steer the interview towards other topics. <12:15>: After multiple failed attempts to get any more details regarding things related to SCP-6959 Chalmers orders the Agents to engage in Enhanced Interrogation. The order is momentarily challenged but the Agents follow through nonetheless. <13:30>: Nothing has been yielded. <13:35>: Assignment canceled, subject amnesticized. To: Dr. Everett Chalmers From: Dr. Evan Roerens Subject: Field Agents Date: 3/19/22 Everett, What the hell is wrong with you? Do you really think ordering the torture of an innocent man was acceptable? I understand being frustrated with the lack of progress, really I get it. That doesn't give you the excuse to do what you did. Have you considered that we're just dealing with an -EX in the making here? Nothing we've thrown at it has gotten us anything, none of the people who could have something to do with this have anything worthwhile to give us. All the usual things that could suggest some anomalous fuckery haven't been ticked, none of the data we've got shows us anything other than some strange quirk of physics. Kind regards, Evan. To:Dr. Evan Roerens From: Dr. Everett Chalmers Subject: Re: Field Agents Date: 3/19/22 Evan, We are part of the Foundation, our job is to save humanity from anomalies while keeping them and ourselves out of public knowledge. SCP-6959 could potentially destroy the entire Earth, if it takes torturing a man to get some info regarding it then that is what I'll do. Report me to the ethics committee if you want. He was amnesticized and given some medical treatment, no harm done in the end. I know physics isn't your thing but this isn't a "quirk" of it, the ramifications of this thing being nonanomalous are catastrophic. Strange matter is theorized to have existed at the beginning of the universe, it's thought to be the perfect state of matter. I refuse to believe some nonsense that this is somehow natural. I know you like to act superior in your emails and shit, but I'm not gonna let you strongarm me into denying basic facts of science. Unkind regards, Everett. To: Dr. Everett Chalmers From: Dr. Evan Roerens Subject: Re: Re: Field Agents Look, I won't report you to the Committee unless you pull something like that again. That being said while I know physics isn't my strong suit I also know that we've hit a roadblock with this project. We've learned nothing and we're getting desperate judging by your little outburst with the field agents. I've got one last idea, the people in the Thaumaturgy research wing at Site 72 have cooked up this procedure they've called "Merlin-184", they managed to seize some Serpent's Hand documents and reverse engineered a spell that will determine whether something is anomalous or not, I'll link the document here. Regards, Evan. Procedure Merlin-184 Requirements: A camera, 5 candles, red chalk, a bladed object Step 1. Take a photograph of the object you wish to test. Step 2. Using the chalk draw a question mark surrounded by a circle on a floor, the type of surface doesn't matter as long as the chalk isn't displaced by it. Step 3. Place the candles in a pentagon around the circle. Step 4. Place the photograph in the middle, cut yourself with the bladed object and bleed on the photograph. If all steps have been followed one of two events will occur. All the candles are immediately and anomalously lit, if this occurs the object has anomalous properties. None of the candles are lit, if this occurs the object has no anomalous properties To: Dr. Evan Roerens From: Dr. Everett Chalmers Subject: Re: Re: Re: Field Agents Date: 3/19/22 Merlin-184? Really? Is this a fucking fantasy book now? Since when are we utilizing magic to solve our issues here? Condescending regards, Everett. To: Dr. Everett Chalmers From: Dr. Evan Roerens Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Field Agents Date: 3/19/22 If you have a better idea I'm all ears, if you don't then I'm messaging the department and we're gonna test this because we have nothing else to go off of. Annoyed regards, Evan. 3/21/22 TEST LOG-6959-C TEST 1 Procedure Merlin-184 Results No candles are lit. Conclusion SCP-6959 has been confirmed to possess no anomalous traits, -EX classification pending. Director Roerens has requested SCP-6959 be classified as -EX with further research into strange matter pending. Director Chalmers has rescinded the previous request. Director Roerens has requested SCP-6959 be classified as -EX with further research into strange matter pending. Director Chalmers has rescinded the previous request. To: Dr. Evan Roerens From: Dr. Everett Chalmers Subject: -EX Date: 3/22/22 There is no way in hell we are making this thing an -EX, there is no conceivable fucking way this thing is somehow nonanomalous. It's a goddamn anime plushy that came from space and is made of strange matter, whatever magic you used has got to be bullshit because I know what I'm talking about when I say this thing is anomalous. Everett To: Dr. Everett Chalmers From: Dr. Evan Roerens Subject: Re: -EX Date: 3/22/22 There is no evidence to the contrary, everything points to this being natural. We've detected no reality-bending, no cognitive effects, none of the people we've interviewed know a thing and on top of that, we used magic and still it points to a lack of anomalies. I'm gonna talk directly with the O5's tomorrow about reclassifying this thing, if you have anything to say about that you can come to my office. Best, Evan The following is a transcript from CCTV recording of Director Roerens's office DATE: 3/23/22 BEGIN TRANSCRIPT [Dr. Roerens is seen typing at his computer] [Dr. Chalmers enters the room, looking slightly disheveled] Dr. Chalmers: What the fuck do you think you're doing? [Dr. Roerens is startled by Chalmers' sudden entry] Dr. Roerens: Fucking Christ, you scared the hell out of me. What do you want? Dr. Chalmers: I want to know what the fuck you think you're doing try to classify 6959 as Explained. Dr. Roerens: Are you still upset about this? I told you already, there's no evidence to the contrary. Dr. Chalmers: No evidence? Have you looked at the damn thing? Here, I've got a replica right here for you. [Chalmers produces a Fumo Doll matching the appearance of SCP-6959] Dr. Roerens: You bought one? Aren't those things 500 dollars? Dr. Chalmers: That's beside the point, take a good long look at it. You're telling me this could somehow resemble something independently created out of the fusion of two Neutron Stars? Dr. Roerens: It's the working theory with what we have. Dr. Chalmers: Are you serious? You're fucking delusional, how the hell did you manage to get this job if you're capable of believing something like this. Dr. Roerens: Calm down, there's no ne- [Chalmers cuts off Roerens and begins speaking louder] Dr. Chalmers: Calm down!? You're suggesting that this fucking anime doll somehow existed during the big bang, the entire creation of the universe somehow coinciding with it! Dr. Roerens: We have nothing else to go off of, that's the only theory with evidence behind it. You read my email. Dr. Chalmers: So what then!? Did Ōta somehow subconsciously get influenced to create a character resembling it!? Did its exact design get imprinted onto the minds of the designers!? Is God pulling some fucking prank on us? One so powerful and divine nothing we can do can reveal the punchline? Dr. Roerens: We don't know. Dr. Everett: The ramifications of it being nonanomalous are too heavy for you to be acting so nonchalant, were we destined to recreate it? Have we succeeded as a species now? Are you suggesting that everything we've done is pointless or something? Has every moment past the creation of the doll been a disappointment to some fucking Touhou Deity!?? Is that what you're fucking implying right now? Dr. Roerens: …Maybe? [Both Doctors pause for thirty seconds] Dr. Chalmers: Are you suggesting that the perfect state of matter, the result of matter that existed at the beginning of the universe….is an Anime plushy? Dr. Roerens: …..Yes? [Dr. Chalmers picks up an office chair and throws it at Dr. Roerens, the doctors fight for a moment before security arrives to apprehend Chalmers.] END TRANSCRIPT STATEMENT FROM O5 COUNCIL Good morning, After taking into consideration the events that transpired between Dr. Roerens and Dr. Chalmers, the Council has unanimously voted to not only deny reclassification to explained for the time being, but to also refrain from releasing info regarding SCP-6959 to the public. The object will not be classified -EX until it is more properly understood and information regarding it can be conveyed in a way to prevent personnel from having an episode similar to Dr. Chalmers. Dr. Chalmers himself is currently undergoing psychiatric evaluation, he will be denied access to SCP-6959 documentation for the time being. Thank you. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6959" by MrBonesWildRide, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Fumofumofumofumofumo.jpg Author: Renafox License: CC BY 4.0 Source Link: Filename:RX J1856.5-3754.jpg Author: NASA License: Public Domain Source Link:
Item#: 6960 Level3 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6960 is contained within safe anomaly locker B2 in Site-53. A lock has been attached to the binding of the object to prevent accidental opening during transport and testing. Description: SCP-6960 is an 836 page novel written by Researcher Herbert Berne on the subject of the fictional MTF Alpha-13. When SCP-6960 is opened, four humanoid entities will manifest around the object, each matching one of the four main characters of the novel. Each of these entities believes themselves to be a non-anomalous human employed by the SCP Foundation. That belief is to be reinforced to ensure cooperation. If the book is closed, the entities will cease to exist. They retain all memories of previous manifestations, but are unable to recall any events that happened while SCP-6960 was closed. The following list details each instance of SCP-6960-A as described in SCP-6960. Jason Orville: Team leader. Skilled in two dozen forms of close range combat. Derrick Palmer: Demolitions expert. Lesly Edwin: Highly trained in stealth and infiltration. Reginald Wilton: No known skills or abilities. It is unknown if other characters can be created from SCP-6960. Incident Report 03/11/2021: At 14:38 Site-53 went into lockdown as several anomalies breached containment. At the time, SCP-6960 was being tested by Doctor Melvin Gail, and all four members of MTF Alpha-13 were present in the testing room. Doctor Gail sits at the table with each member of SCP-6960-A seated at the opposite end. Gail: Alright team, today I'm going to be testing you for knowledge of Foundation protocols. Ready to begin? Orville: Of course. Whatever it takes to get us cleared for active duty again. Gail: Good, first scenario. An enemy GoI has raided the facility and taken hostages. What's step one for defusing the situation? Edwin: Sneak in through the vents, take out the hostiles from the inside. No guns so there's no sound. Gail: … No, that's nowhere near the right answer. The first step is to open negotiations, see if there's a way to peacefully resolve the situation. Did you even read the books I sent you? Edwin: I don't have time, I need to get in the field and do stuff instead of reading some book. I can't take down the Chaos Insurgency General that killed my family while I'm stuck behind a desk. Orville: Hey, you're not the only member of this task force. You're part of a team, and we all need to work together to stop the person that killed my brother. Wilton: Hey, they're not all bad. They also killed my ex-wife. Gail: Okay, enough personal stories. You guys need to pass that exam if you want to get back in the field. At this moment, the containment breach alarm sounds and the doors lock. Gail: Shit. Okay, keep calm everyone. Lockdown rarely lasts more than half an hour. Palmer reaches into his vest and takes out a grenade, placing it next to the door. Gail: Hey! Palmer, what the fuck are you doing? Get away from that door, you're not part of a real task force! The grenade detonates, knocking the door down. Palmer: Sorry Doc, but I'm not just going to sit by and watch our site get torn to shreds by some escaped Keter.1 Orville: He's got a point Gail. Somebody needs to help this place. Gail: We already have help, a real MTF is on its way right now! Just get back here before someone gets hurt. Edwin: Sorry pal, but someone getting hurt is just part of the job. All four members of MTF Alpha-13 leave the room. Doctor Gail follows them down the hall, until they come to a stop just before a corner. Orville: Hold on. This is the perfect spot for an ambush. Gail: I doubt anyone's setting up an ambush, but we really shouldn't be out here. Let's just go back to the interview room and wait for backup. Edwin: Wait for backup? What if they start offing hostages because we don't get there in time to rescue them? That blood would be on your hands if you made us turn back now. Gail: Who said anything about hostages? Hell, we don't even know which anomaly escaped! Orville raises his hand, silencing the team. He leads them around the corner, revealing a tall, humanoid anomaly standing in the middle of the hall. It appears to be eating a human corpse. Palmer: Shit, I recognize that one. It's SCP-81682 and it's very dangerous. Cover your noses, because if you smell this thing it'll enter a rage state and kill us all. Orville: You heard him, put on your gas masks. All four members of MTF Alpha-13 don gas masks, and Orville gives a second mask to Gail. Wilton: Hey, you need a gas mask to go near this monster? Reminds me of my ex-wife. The team slowly creeps past the anomaly, which continues devouring the corpse and does not react to their presence. Orville: Alright team, danger's past. You can take the masks off. Unknown voice: This isn't the end of your danger. Three armed soldiers train the guns on MTF Alpha-13. Edwin: Oh no, it's the Chaos Insurgency! Gail: How do you know that? Edwin: Because they have the Chaos Insurgency logo printed on their helmets, I'd recognize it anywhere ever since I saw a man with that logo kill my entire family. CI Soldier 1: Shit, our cover has been blown! Kill them all! The soldiers open fire, but the team dives behind a corner and escapes unscathed. Wilton: Ha, the Chaos Insurgency is trying to kill us. Reminds me of my ex-wife. Gail: Something's wrong here. The Chaos Insurgency would never do something like this, these clowns are just wandering around the site with guns. Orville: You don't know the Insurgency like we do. This is how they've always been, right from the first time they tried to kill me. Gail: Oh… damn it. It's SCP-6960. Edwin: What do you mean? There is no SCP-6960. Orville: Quiet down everyone, we need to find some way to stop the Chaos Insurgency before they find us. Edwin: There's no way we're getting out of this, did you see how many guns they had? Gail: There's only three of them, I'm pretty sure we have the advantage. Palmer: I know how we can get the advantage. But you're not going to like it. Orville: Palmer, no. There has to be another way. Gail: Seriously, just go out and shoot them. I'm pretty sure they know even less about tactics than you do. Wilton: They know less than me? Just like my ex-wife! Gail: Would you shut up about her! Palmer reaches into his bag and draws out a brick of C-4, running back around the corner towards the soldiers. Palmer: It's been an honor Sir, and I'll see you all in hell! An explosion is heard from around the corner. Wilton: Hell? But that's where my ex-wife is! Gail: Why won't you shut up about that! I read your book, that guy was supposed to be your best friend, or at least he would have been if Herbert knew how to write human relationships! Orville: Hey Doc, maybe don't freak out like that. We just lost a close friend, maybe a moment of silence? Edwin: Hell no, we can honor him by stopping the Chaos Insurgency once and for all. Orville: Good point. Team, let's move! [Ten minutes removed for brevity] The team closes in on the door to the central command room, and voices are heard from inside. Unknown voice: You're a moron, Herbert. That's why we're here. You did this to us all, and now it's time for you to pay. Wait, I'm expositing… Someone's here. The door is kicked down and Alpha-13 encounters several Chaos Insurgency soldiers. A man dressed in a crude replica of an American General's uniform steps forward. Unknown General: Good afternoon everyone. I see most of Alpha Thirteen made it to the end. Derrick is missing, but I think it's a safe assumption that he didn't get a proper sendoff, right Herbert? Researcher Herbert Berne is tied to a desk chair in the command room.3 He nods slightly. Gail: You're from his book too, aren't you? General: Indeed I am. My whole existence was orchestrated by an idiot that picked up the wrong magic typewriter, and now I'm stuck here holding a Site belonging to the god-damn SCP Foundation, wearing a SHITTY CHAOS INSURGENCY COSPLAY! Wilton: Some asshole is controlling your life with little regard for your personal feelings and mental health? Sounds like my ex-wife. General and Gail: Shut up, Wilton! The General shoots Wilton in the shoulder. Wilton opens his mouth but the General points the gun at his head. General: Say anything about your ex-wife shooting you and the next one goes in your brain. Wilton nods silently. Orville: What's all this about a book? Is this guy an anomaly? Gail: You're all anomalies, Herbert made you by accident while he was writing a fanfic. Orville: That's impossible, there's no way I'm from a fanfiction. If I was from a fanfiction would I be talking in such a realistic and not at all forced manner? Edwin: And if I'm fake, where did all my memories of my family being murdered by that specific Chaos Insurgency General come from? Gail: Fine, you don't need to accept it. Doesn't change that you're going back in the book after the real MTF gets here. General: Zip it, everyone. I'm trying to monologue here. Now where was I? Right, I was explaining my motives to the main characters, and some random doctor who happens to be here too. Herbert, when you wrote us all into existence, did you stop to think about what you were doing? I mean, we've all seen fanfiction, but this is just awful. Have you ever talked to a real person before? I mean, does anything I'm saying right now sound like the normal things someone would say when threatening their own creator? Herbert shakes his head. General: Great, then why the FUCK did you write me like this, you hack? While the General is talking, Orville slowly reaches for the nearest soldier's weapon. General: You don't have plot armor, you're not even a character in the book. Give me one reason not to blow your head off right now. Herbert: I didn't know! I didn't know you'd come to life! It was just for fun, I didn't even want to show it to anyone before I saw it was anomalous. General: I guess I should consider myself lucky that you wanted me to be the villain. If I were a hero I never would have been self-aware enough to put a bullet through your heart. Gail: Wait, mister General. You don't have to do this, nobody needs to get hurt. It's not a crime to be bad at writing. General: It's not a crime to have an opinion on someone else's writing either. Now please allow me to voice my criticism. The General shoots Herbert in the chest, and then Orville leaps onto the General from behind. Orville: I got him, You two take the others out! Edwin grabs a gun and starts shooting the Chaos Insurgency soldiers. Wilton takes a first aid kit and starts bandaging his arm. Wilton: Taking a bunch of dangerous looking men out? I remember when my ex-wife used to do that! Gail takes another first aid kit and tries to help Herbert, but is unable to stop the rapid blood loss. Herbert: I'm sorry for making all this, it's all my fault. Gail: No, it's not your fault they came to life. Hell, if you'd written an actual competent villain we'd be in even bigger trouble. The General throws Orville off his back and runs for the central control panel. General: Nobody move, or I turn on the emergency nuke! Gail: Since when does Site-53 have one of those? General: Since that moron decided it did! Don't you have any idea how much stuff came out of this book? Wait, the book! The General reaches for SCP-6960, which is sitting on the control panel. Edwin is standing closer and manages to take it first. General: Don't close that book! Edwin: Why not? Is this the book you came out of? General: Yes! It's the same book you're from, so put it down or I blow this place to hell! Orville: We'd rather die than let you take over this site. Gail: I'd rather not die, if possible. General: If the fat one makes another comment about his ex I will press the big red button. Edwin: If I close this book, you'd go back in it, wouldn't you? General: Yes, all of us would. That's what I keep telling you! Gail: Edwin, you might not be real, but you can still help the Foundation. Close that book, end this now. General: No! Don't put us back, please. I can't spend another minute trapped on those pages. Orville: Then why haven't you pressed the button yet? General: Because I can't! If I press it, I kill all of you, and that's not something I was written to do. You guys can only go out if it could have some semblance of an emotional impact. Wilton: You know, my ex-wife sure made an impact when she- The General fires a shot at Wilton, killing him instantly. General: Ha! I did it! I got past his plot armor! Gail: Oh crap, nobody say anything about your families, it'll give weight to your fictional deaths. Edwin: Is that really all we are? Characters made up for some shitty book? Orville: Don't listen to them Lesly, they're trying to mess with our heads. Gail: Nobody is trying to mess with you, you're all anomalies. But that doesn't mean you can't help the Foundation. Just close the book and all of this goes away. Orville: Lesly, he's lying! He must be with the Insurgency! Edwin: There's only one way to find out for sure. Edwin takes out a lighter and begins burning the pages of SCP-6960. As the book burns, the bodies of the Chaos Insurgency Soldiers begin to burn as well. Gail: What are you doing? You can't just destroy an anomaly! General: Yes! Burn the book, free us from this nightmare! Edwin crumbles to dust. Orville: No… I… I have to be real. This can't be happening. General: Oh, it's happening all right. Orville's arm begins to turn to ash. Orville: Doctor Gail, you… You lied to me. You told us we were a real task force. You told us we could help the Foundation! Gail: Orville, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen, we just wanted you to be cooperative for the interviews. Orville: That's all it was to you? Just another lie to make an anomaly think the Foundation cared? You're more of a monster than the man that took over this Site, because you're a real monster. Orville can no longer stand due to how much of his body has crumbled to ash. The General has begun to disintegrate as well. Orville: I believed in you… Orville shoots Gail, who falls over and covers his bodycam. Gail: I was just following orders… General: Following orders… Just like the rest of us. Two hours later, MTF Epsilon-11 was able to re-secure the Site, and recovered the body of Doctor Melvin Gail, along with a bodycam containing footage of the breach. SCP-6960 has been reclassified as neutralized. Footnotes 1. It should be noted that Palmer does not pronounce Keter correctly. 2. It should be noted that at the time of writing, there is no anomaly filed under SCP-8168. 3. It should be noted that he looks very similar to Orville, although slightly shorter and pudgier. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6960" by Mooagain , from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
"Would've been a perfect view if it weren't for those windmills." Item#: SCP-6961 Level3 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: warning link to memo A colony of SCP-6961 instances. Special Containment Procedures: As full containment of SCP-6961 is logistically impossible, no standard containment procedures currently exist for SCP-6961. Procedures to combat the risk SCP-6961 poses to the veil are currently undergoing development. Description: SCP-6961 is an anomalous species of macrofungus endemic to all continents on Earth. Instances of SCP-6961 may grow upwards of 100 meters tall, and are covered by a metallic carapace with a white sheen. SCP-6961 instances have a rotationally-symmetrical wing-shaped sporangia protruding from their pinnacle, from which they release spores for asexual reproduction. Instances are typically found in open environments such as plains, grasslands, and coasts, in colonies of up to 7,000 members. Instances of SCP-6961 are publicly known as “wind turbines,” and are accompanied by a passive memetic contagion spreading the belief that they are manmade structures for sustainable power generation. Investigation into the nature of existing "wind power" corporations is currently ongoing. While the existence of SCP-6961 has been known since the 20th century, their anomalous properties were unknown until 2024-09-18, when Site-54 Senior Researcher Dr. Gusteau first interacted with an instance of SCP-6961 while on paid leave in Occitania, France. The following log was recorded by Dr. Gusteau's cell phone. Discovery Log SCP-6961-1 [BEGIN LOG] SCP-6961-1, sighted by Dr. Gusteau. Dr. Gusteau is hiking in the French countryside, near a colony of SCP-6961 instances. He looks across the landscape, appreciating the green fields and rolling hills. He sighs as he glances at a colony of SCP-6961 at the center of the landscape. Dr. Gusteau: Sigh… Would've been a perfect view if it weren't for those windmills. Dr. Gusteau continues walking north, when a voice can be heard echoing throughout the valley. Unidentified Voice: That's rude. Dr. Gusteau turns around. Dr. Gusteau: What the hell— What was that? Dr. Gusteau: Must've… imagined that. Dr. Gusteau turns back around. Unidentified Voice: Wew, that was close. Dr. Gusteau: The hell? Was- was that the windmill? Unidentified Voice: Um, no? Dr. Gusteau: Dude, I can hear you. You're not fooling anybody. SCP-6961-1: Oh. Crap. Dr. Gusteau sighs, grumbling inaudibly. Dr. Gusteau: (quietly) Ugh, just my luck. Here I was thinking I'd have a relaxing vacation. Dr. Gusteau: So what are you, anyway? A talking windmill? SCP-6961-1: What's a windmill? [END LOG] Upon discovery of SCP-6961-1, Dr. Gusteau alerted the nearby Site-06 to its presence. The following day, Foundation agents discovered that the eleven other wind turbines in the same wind farm also constituted instances of SCP-6961, and further investigation was authorized. A colony of SCP-6961 was promptly discovered in Estonia, and Dr. Gusteau was flown over to explore the region for further instances of SCP-6961. Dr. Gusteau was ordered to interview local SCP-6961 instances; one of such interviews is shown below. Interview Log SCP-6961-46 Interviewer: Dr. Gusteau [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Gusteau can be heard harking as he enters a perimeter with an instance of SCP-6961, hereby referred to as SCP-6961-46. SCP-6961-46, aerial view. Dr. Gusteau: Hello there, SCP-6961-46. SCP-6961-46's voice echoes through the hills in a voice emanating from the windmill, much like previous instances. SCP-6961-46: Hey there, man. What's up? Dr. Gusteau: I am mildly irked because my vacation was cut short. Now I have to investigate windmills, of all things. SCP-6961-46: That's too bad man. I've been doing just fine. The breeze is so nice today. Dr. Gusteau: If you say so. May I ask some questions? SCP-6961-46: Have at it. Dr. Gusteau: Where do you come from? SCP-6961-46: Oh me? I don't know. I've been here all my life. Dr. Gusteau: You were built here? SCP-6961-46: Sprouted here, more like. That was a long time ago. We grow pretty fast. Dr. Gusteau: So what are you doing here then? SCP-6961-46: Just living my life out here in the sun. Dr. Gusteau turns his back towards SCP-6961-46 and looks into the distance. Dr. Gusteau: It would've been a much nicer view if it wasn't for that wind farm off the shore. SCP-6961-46: Those are my kids. Dr. Gusteau: Oh. Dr. Gustaeu: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend. Dr. Gustaeu: Uhm, next question I have here is… How are you able to speak to us? The rotation of SCP-6861-46's sporangia speeds up. SCP-6961-46: Oh dude, this is kinda cool. You know how sound is just vibrations in the air? Dr. Gustaeu: I suppose? SCP-6961-46: You'd be amazed at how much you can do with the airwaves with huge wings like these! Dr. Gustaeu: You can rotate your blades to produce voices? SCP-6961-46: There's a real knack to it, but yeah. We're like a big fan. Dr. Gustaeu: And then, next on my list, how can you see us? SCP-6961-46: Come on, man, these questions are really boring. Do you have to question everything? SCP-6961-46: Do you ask birds how they fly or sing? Dr. Gustaeu: I'm afraid that's the job, yes. To seek answers to questions, that is. Not interviewing birds. SCP-6961-46: Interviewing birds actually sounds kinda cool. They must see so much by flying up high. There is silence for ten seconds. SCP-6961-46: You can't see much from down there, can you, little guy? Dr. Gusteau looks up towards SCP-6961-46's top. Dr. Gusteau: Indeed I can't, there are some woods in the way. SCP-6961-46: The trees are looking healthy today. SCP-6961-46: Hey, around my back there's some handholds. People climb up me every once in a while, you should try it man. The view is awesome! Dr. Gusteau chuckles. Dr. Gusteau: I don't think I'm cut out for that, I'm afraid. SCP-6961-46: Your loss, dude. Dr. Gusteau looks back out in the direction of the sea. Dr. Gusteau: I can see the seagulls flock around the peaks of your kids, though. SCP-6961-46: I love looking north, always with my back to the sun, watching my own shadow spin. The two remain silent for 20 seconds. SCP-6961-46: I should have a few hundred children across that sea, I'd say. Dr. Gusteau: That's… a bit more than I would've thought. Dr. Gusteau: (whispers) Oh god, it's an infestation. Following this interview, it was discovered that nearly all supposed “wind turbines” throughout the world are in fact SCP-6961 instances. Mobile Task Forces were deployed to document the full extent of SCP-6961 infestation in over 100 countries. During his extensive travels throughout Europe, Dr. Gusteau was instructed to continue interviewing any SCP-6961 instances he came across. Interview Log SCP-6961-887 Interviewer: Dr. Gusteau [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Gusteau is filming the landscape, a tulip field in the Netherlands. He raises his camera up to show an SCP-6961 instance from below. SCP-6961-887, photographed by Dr. Gusteau. Dr. Gusteau: No matter how many of your species I approach, I can't help but be intimidated by your height. SCP-6961-887: What? SCP-6961-887's sporangia rotates briefly. SCP-6961-887: Oh, it's you. Dr. Gusteau: Apologies for sneaking up on you. You know me? SCP-6961-887: The stories have been going around. Is the government finally catching on to us? Dr. Gusteau: Not quite, but something like that. Dr. Gusteau pauses for a moment. Dr. Gusteau: If I may ask, why have you all been so covert? SCP-6961-887: We would really rather be left alone. We like the quiet, thank you very much. Dr. Gusteau: And you go as far as to forge massive amounts of official documentation? SCP-6961-887: Have you seen me? Dr. Gusteau: Pardon? SCP-6961-887: Do you have any idea how hard it is to stay unnoticed when you are 80 meters tall? Dr. Gusteau: How on Earth do you even manage such a feat? SCP-6961-887: Oh, we have our ways to help people dismiss us. Dr. Gusteau: Could you elaborate? SCP-6961-887: We do keep the details of this information classified amongst eachother, of course. But we were forced by you humans, to evolve certain… properties, so that we blend into the environment.1 Dr. Gusteau: What do you mean? Why do you and your siblings prefer to remain in hiding? SCP-6961-887: I think we all agree it beats you humans worshipping us and drawing big geoglyphs in our honor, at least. Dr. Gusteau: That has happened? SCP-6961-887: Long ago, well before my time. This occurred two periods ago. SCP-6961-887: In the previous period, you humans simply burned us all to the ground, building plantations and such where my ancestors once grew. SCP-6961-887: I am glad you humans now build things like electricity pylons and satellite dishes, which give us a framework to fit into. Dr. Gusteau falls silent. He touches the carapace of SCP-6961-887. Dr. Gusteau: Why do you grow this tall anyway? You are a blight– uh, I mean, you stand out like a sore thumb. A bright-white beacon in fields of green. Or red and yellow as it may be. SCP-6961-887: Let me answer your question with another question: How many flowers can you see down there? Dr. Gusteau looks around him. Dr. Gusteau: I couldn't possibly count them! Thousands? No no, perhaps a few hundred thousand? SCP-6961-887: I have counted six million tulips around me so far: 3 million red ones, 1.5 million orange ones, and 1.5 million yellow ones. I don't know the exact numbers yet, this was just a rough preliminary calculation. SCP-6961-887: Tell me, could you possibly count that many individual blossoms at ground-level? Dr. Gusteau: I suppose not, but it is still a gorgeous sight. SCP-6961-887: I am glad it is, and I intend to make the most of it. SCP-6961-887: Every day, there are a dozen people going through these fields. Removing netting, removing weeds, just generally moving things around. I do enjoy watching the tractor drive. Every weekend, a father and daughter fish in the waterway to your left. SCP-6961-887: And I suppose I must admit, I do enjoy it when someone passes me by on foot and looks up at me. Dr. Gusteau: Not everyone likes wind turbines. There are some who would consider you an eyesore. SCP-6961-887: Frankly, that is their loss. SCP-6961-887: I am here for myself. Colony of SCP-6961 instances, photographed by Dr. Gusteau. Following this interview, O5 Command declared analysis and research of SCP-6961 complete, and released Dr. Gusteau to the rest of his paid leave. However, Dr. Gusteau requested that he continue to interview SCP-6961 instances during his time away from Site-54. His request was authorized. Interview Log SCP-6961-3590 Interviewer: Dr. Gusteau [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Gusteau is seen approaching an uncontained instance of SCP-6961 in central Greece, hereby referred to as SCP-6961-3590. Dr. Gusteau: Good morning, my friend. There is silence for fifteen seconds. Dr. Gusteau: Hello friend, are you awake? SCP-6961-3590: Huh? SCP-6961-3590: Oh! Hello there! A new friend? SCP-6961-3590: Sorry, I was asleep! Dr. Gusteau: That's alright, buddy. It is an early hike today. Sorry for waking you up! SCP-6961-3590: Yawn.2 Are you enjoying the early morning view? Dr. Gusteau: Yes, it is quite beautiful up here, isn't it? SCP-6961-3590: It sure is! SCP-6961-3590: That's why I took root here! It's a popular spot! Dr. Gusteau: What's your name, buddy? SCP-6961-3590: A name? What's a name? Dr. Gusteau: Something people call you? How do people refer to you? SCP-6961-3590: Oh! Well, I do have an identification code! It is a little bit embarrassing though… Dr. Gusteau: Embarrassing? SCP-6961-3590: Well… SCP-6961-3590: So, my neighbor to my left has code SK-8007, right? Dr. Gusteau nods. SCP-6961-3590: And my other neighbor, they're SK-8009! Dr. Gusteau: Oh? Dr. Gusteau: Oh! Oh yes, that is not ideal. SCP-6961-3590: I know right? The two remain quiet for twenty seconds. Dr. Gusteau: Can't you pick a different name? SCP-6961-3590: No… If I do that the government might notice the discrepancy and before you know it there's panic and chaos. It's better to just stay in line and enjoy the view, I'd say. Dr. Gusteau: You could just keep it a secret, you know? Just between the two of us, and perhaps your closest friends? SCP-6961-3590 remains quiet for ten seconds. SCP-6961-3590: I never thought of that. Sounds weird. SCP-6961-3590 remains quiet for another twenty seconds. SCP-6961-3590: I want to be named Dragon. Dragons are cool. Dr. Gusteau laughs. Dr. Gusteau: You know what a dragon is? SCP-6961-3590: Of course! One flew by here six years ago. The wind it produced was incredible! Dr. Gusteau: I see. There is continued silence, as SCP-6961-3590 and Dr. Gusteau watch the view over the mountains. Dr. Gusteau: A bit of a strange question if you don’t mind but— do you mind if I climb you? SCP-6961-3590: Climb me? Like, up to my head? Dr. Gusteau: Yes, using the access ladder on your back. I've heard the view from up there is quite astonishing. SCP-6961-3590: It sure is! Come on up! Dr. Gusteau inhales slowly. Dr. Gusteau: Alright, here it goes. Dr. Gusteau slowly climbs the access ladder on the back of SCP-6961-3590, reaching the top after fifteen minutes. SCP-6961-3590: Hey, you made it just in time! Look at the sunrise! Dr. Gusteau and SCP-6961-3590 silently watch as the sun rises over the mountains. Dr. Gusteau: That was beautiful. Thank you, Dragon. SCP-6961-3590’s colony, photographed by Dr. Gusteau after his descent. Later that day, O5 Command recieved the following message from Dr. Gusteau: After having spoken with over a hundred different instances of SCP-6961, and having seen much of Europe along the way, I can only come to a single conclusion: Wind turbines are beautiful. Footnotes 1. Investigation into potential semiohazards originating from SCP-6961 is ongoing. 2. SCP-6961-3590 spoke the word "yawn" aloud. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6961" by Daloohn, Maplestrip, and ubergoober‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Wind turbines at sunset, California LCCN2011630079 Author: Carol M. Highsmith License: Library of Congress-declared no copyright restrictions Source Link:,_California_LCCN2011630079.tif Filename: Wind Turbine Enercon E-82 at Wind Park Mausdorf 01 Author: Spike License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Filename: Wind turbine near Kunda in Estonia Author: Sillerkiil License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Filename: The Windmills of Your Mind Author: FaceMePLS from The Hague, The Netherlands License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: Red tulips and wind turbines - Flickr - tomaszbaranowski007 Author: Tomasz Baranowski License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: At the top Author: Giannis Arvanitakis License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link:
ITEM #: 6962 CONTAINMENT CLASS: SAFE (PENDING) Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6962 is to be kept in Site-32's high value containment sector. Any requests for the item's testing or use must first be approved by Site Director Fraise. Description: SCP-6962 is a 30 cm tall stuffed doll, designed to look like a red wizard donning an eyepatch1, kept inside a square plastic container. When held, SCP-6962 allows its wielder to detonate any item within viewing distance, to varying degrees of success. Addendum 6962.1 - Testing Logs: The following is a list of tests done to discern SCP-6962's anomalous capabilities and limitations. The tests, unless otherwise specified, were performed in Site-32's testing rooms, with a D-Class being told to attempt to detonate the specified item, and the relevant researchers overseeing. Supervising Researchers: Junior Researcher Osmond Tested Object: A graphite pencil. Results: The pencil explodes from its center, sending shards of graphite and wood across the room. Supervising Researchers: Junior Researcher Osmond Tested Object: A square-meter metal cube. Results: The top of the cube loudly pops, as if an air bubble burst underneath it, causing a loud metallic noise. The involved D-Class refused to continue testing. Supervising Researchers: Junior Researcher Osmond, Researcher Brown Tested Object: A malfunctioning fridge, brought from the site's cafeteria. Results: Flames erupt from inside of the fridge as the fridge door flies at the observation window, cracking it. The inside of the fridge is molten and black. Let's not do more tests on big metal objects. - Researcher Brown Supervising Researchers: Junior Researcher Osmond, Researcher Brown Tested Object: A page, written on with ink. The D-Class was told to attempt and detonate the text itself. Results: The ink explodes, leaving large dark soot marks on the page and some smoke. Supervising Researchers: Junior Researcher Osmond, Researcher Brown Tested Object: A house of cards. Results: A singular card explodes. The house falls weakly on the table. Supervising Researchers: Junior Researcher Osmond, Researcher Brown Tested Object: A house of cards, this time instructed to view the house as a collective rather than multiple individual cards. Results: The cards loudly pop from the top to the bottom, each burning in the air before hitting the ground. Supervising Researchers: Junior Researcher Osmond, Junior Researcher Hadar, Researcher Brown Tested Object: The D-Class was instructed to detonate a memory from another D-Class's mind, who was also in the observation room. Results: After a few minutes of futility, one of the second D-Class's hairs lit on fire. Ok so abstract concepts are a no-go. - Junior Researcher Hadar [EXTRANEOUS TESTS REMOVED FOR BREVITY] Supervising Researchers: Junior Researcher Hadar, Researcher Brown, Researcher Zhu, Researcher Schmidt Tested Object: Water inside of a sealed container. Results: The water instantly turned into gas. Due to the expansion of space, the container broke, sending some shards towards the D-Class. Supervising Researchers: Junior Researcher Hadar, Researcher Brown, Researcher Zhu, Researcher Schmidt Tested Object: SCP-6962 Results: This test was done without permission following the previous test's results. The item did not detonate. Instead, a loud pop was heard from the D-Class's hand, leaving a scorch mark. Unsure if it was the SCP protecting itself, or just the tester messing it up. - Researcher Brown Supervising Researchers: N/A Tested Object: SCP-6962 Results: Test declined. If it works you just blew up a perfectly good research item. No. - Site Director Fraise Supervising Researchers: Junior Researcher Hadar, Researcher Brown, Researcher Schmidt, Senior Researcher Barsky Tested Object: The air inside of a helium balloon. Results: The balloon quickly inflated to near-bursting size, before quickly returning to the previous state. Supervising Researchers: Junior Researcher Hadar, Researcher Brown, Researcher Schmidt, Senior Researcher Barsky Tested Object: The knot of the helium balloon. Results: The knot popped, sending the balloon flying across the room. Supervising Researchers: Junior Researcher Hadar, Researcher Brown, Researcher Schmidt, Senior Researcher Barsky Tested Object: The knot of another helium balloon, refilled by Senior Researcher Barsky. Results: The knot popped, sending the balloon flying across the room. Supervising Researchers: Junior Researcher Hadar, Researcher Brown, Researcher Schmidt, Senior Researcher Barsky Tested Object: The knot of another helium balloon, refilled by Senior Researcher Barsky. Results: The knot popped, sending the balloon flying across the room. Supervising Researchers: Junior Researcher Hadar, Researcher Brown, Researcher Schmidt, Senior Researcher Barsky, Senior Researcher Ibanez Tested Object: The knot of another helium balloon, refilled by Senior Researcher Barsky. Results: The knot popped, sending the balloon flying across the room. [EXTRANEOUS TESTS REMOVED FOR BREVITY] Supervising Researchers: N/A Tested Object: The knot of another helium balloon, refilled by Senior Researcher Barsky. Results: Following Barsky's eighth walk to the storage room in twelve minutes, Site Director Fraise inquired as to the reasoning for it. Following that, testing was stopped for the day, with the Site Director requesting to be personally notified regarding any subsequent test. Look, I get it, explosions are fun, but we're here to work. - Site Director Fraise Supervising Researchers: N/A Tested Object: A newspaper's headlines. Results: Test Declined. We've already seen how it interacts with written information previously. We should look into concepts we haven't interacted with, if they even exist. - Site Director Fraise Supervising Researchers: N/A Tested Object: A separate detonation, caused by a block of C4. Results: Test Declined. Whether or not the two interacted would be somewhat imperceptible, and be too expensive for any potential gains. - Site Director Fraise Supervising Researchers: N/A Tested Object: A graphite pencil. Results: Test Declined. You already did that. - Site Director Fraise Supervising Researchers: N/A Tested Object: SCP-████, currently housed in Site-32. Results: Test Declined. Is this a joke to you all? - Site Director Fraise Supervising Researchers: N/A Tested Object: A cloud. Results: Test Denied. Alright, enough is enough. We already know how SCP-6962 interacts with water. We know how it interacts with clusters of items. We know how it interacts with gas. There is absolutely, positively, certainly no need to cause what will likely be the most egregious breaking of the veil proposed in my entire tenure as site director. I don't get what about this item is making you all turn into schoolchildren, but please - we're more professional than this. - Site Director Fraise Supervising Researchers: N/A Tested Object: Site Director Fraise's desk. Results: Test Denied. Testing is suspended until further notice. - Site Director Fraise Addendum 6962.2 - Transcript: VIDEO LOG DATE: 2019/06/21 NOTES: This log is of an impromptu discussion between Site Director Fraise and Researcher Brown, the latter of which was assigned to SCP-6962's testing. (Site Director Fraise can be seen sitting in his office chair, flipping through mountains of paper laid at his desk. A large, beige fan can be seen on the floor, spinning and occasionally sending a piece of paperwork into the air.) (Knocks are heard on the door.) Fraise: "Come in." (Researcher Brown opens the door, standing at the office's door.) Brown: "Hey man, how are you?" (Fraise wordlessly gestures at his paperwork.) Fraise: "Could be better." Brown: "Yeah, wow. Director promotion brought you nothing but trouble, huh?" Fraise: "For the most part yeah. But there's the plus side, too. You know, a nicer office, the ability to set my own schedule, the- the fan that only sometimes stops working…" Brown: "We really gotta fix the AC unit." Fraise: "Yeah. Half my paperwork is about that, actually." Brown: "No shit?" Fraise: "Mmhm, the Foundation loves nothing more than needless bureaucracy." Brown: "Haha, yeah, yeah…" (Both parties stare at eachother silently for a few moments.) Brown: "So, you know, my birthday's coming up tomorrow-" Fraise: "Oh, happy birthday!" Brown: "- and - Oh? Oh yeah thanks, it's li- wow it's in 42 minutes isn't it?" Fraise: "Yeah, late shifts are the worst." Brown: "Yep, yep. So, me and the guys wanted to do something a little more… uh, exciting I guess? Something a- a little more unorthodox than just going down to the bar again and ordering an oversized pint from a glass they didn't wash-" Fraise: "You want to test 6962." Brown: "Yes." Fraise: "No." Brown: "Oh come on Jack, it's been- you know how much we l- it's my birthday man, cut me some slack." Fraise: "I can offer you the very luxurious "wordlessly looking at it from a distance and admiring its beauty" package, if you'd prefer." Brown: "Ever since the cloud thing you've been on our asses about it-" Fraise: "Can't believe you guys thought that was a good idea." Brown: "-and, ok, like, listen I get it right, but let us just do one test on the thing, alright? We'll do it indoors, we'll do it on some- I'll do it on a wet tissue, just this one, please." Fraise: "Listen, I know why you guys want to run tests on it again, and do- let's not pretend it's for actual science, right, you wanna see shit explode, and trust me I would love nothing more than to blow up half the site when I'm bored, but every test like this gets the higher ups breathing down my neck." Brown: "The higher ups?" Fraise: "The council, dumbass." Brown: "O5 council?" Fraise: "No, the council for internal decoration, of course the O5s." Brown: "Oh shit." Fraise: "Yeah. In February you guys ran more tests on this stupid jar-filler than you did on everything else in the site combined. At this point I need to justify and explain anything you guys do with that thing, and-" (Fraise again gestures at his paperwork,) "I don't have time to do this shit anymore, man." (Fraise rubs his face for a bit, as the fan starts stuttering.) Fraise: "Listen, please just do anything else. Go to six flags if you want, I can probably get it signed off easier, just leave the stupid thing alone, alright?" Brown: "Yeah, yeah, ok I got it, sorry about it." Fraise: "No it's- it's alright. I just can't see any more paper on my desk or else I'll have an aneurysm." Brown: "Gotcha. Sorry to bother ya man, I'll tell you what we decide on." Fraise: "Yeah, have fun." (Brown turns around to leave the room.) Fraise: "Hey wait wait wait hold on wait on hold a second there." (Brown stops and turns his head around.) Brown: "'sup?" Fraise: "…What's uh- wh- what's that thing in your pocket there?" Brown: "Huh? Oh, that. Adam got me a new phone case, one of those otterboxes. Apparently it can survive being dropped from a plane." Fraise: "It's pretty damn big for a phone case." Brown: "Mmhm." (The two stare at eachother wordlessly for a few moments. The fan turns off.) Fraise: "Sigh, fuckin-" (Fraise gets up and starts hitting the side of the fan, while Brown heads out the door.) (The fan resumes work, and Fraise sits down.) (About 13 seconds pass.) (Light flashes from under the door, as a loud explosion can be heard from down the hall.) Fraise: "Oh you have got to be fucking-" Addendum 6962.3 - Internal Memo: Following multiple security incidents surrounding SCP-6962 and general researcher unprofessionalism, SCP-6962 was given to Site-81's Memetics Department for study and potential reclassification. FROM: Site-81 Memetics Department TO: Site Director Jackson Fraise TOPIC: Re: Status on SCP-6962 Hello Jackson! As per your request, we have looked at the item that's been causing you so much trouble. We've ran it through every test under the sun, and gotten that this item is completely non-memetic. It doesn't make people anomalously interested in it, make people talk about it, create erraticism, cause compulsions, nada. Whatever is going on in your site is entirely non-anomalous. Might wanna talk to your researchers. For the sake of certainty, however, we'll be running the item through a few more tests. Should be back at yours in a week, tops. Head of Memetics, Noah Blank Footnotes 1. Presumably, the item is meant represent the character of Megumin, from the television show 'Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World.' ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6962" by OptimisticLucio, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
 close Info X SCP-6963 It's All Been Wasted Time Written by basirskipreader and Jack Waltz — Check out Jack Waltz's author page — — Check out basirskipreader's author page (coming soon) — ITEM #: SCP-6963 OBJECT CLASS: MEMET Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6963-2 is to be awakened every 30 minutes and given a 5-minute interval period before being put back to sleep. This routine is to be carried out indefinitely to ensure SCP-6963-1's complete containment is maintained..Memet, an object class indicating the designated anomaly ensures its own containment. SSRIs.Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, a type of antidepressant drug. laced with amnestics are to be made available to SCP-6963-2 upon the conclusion of each SCP-6963-3 iteration. Description: SCP-6963 is the collective designation given to a self-containing system comprised of three anomalous objects — SCP-6963-1, SCP-6963-2, and SCP-6963-3. SCP-6963-1 is a cognitoparasitoid entity sustaining itself through the consumption of all information present in the mind of a human being whom it has designated as its host. Affected individuals are universally asymptomatic, complicating SCP-6963-1's capture in the event of a containment breach. Information taken by SCP-6963-1 is encapsulated in a span of approximately 40 minutes, at which point they are instantly absorbed. As a result, the subject will suffer from HMS.Hollow mind syndrome, a condition where there is little to no information present in the human mind. The loss of information pertaining to unconsciously performed biological processes, such as the act of breathing, can be fatal. and consequentially expire. SCP-6963-1 will then transfer itself to the nearest human present in its vicinity. Currently, SCP-6963-1 is contained through the use of SCP-6963-2 and -3. SCP-6963-2, formerly designated D-11247, is Jaçek Wallens, a human individual whose physiology and psychology have been manipulated through thaumaturgical means to support SCP-6963. SCP-6963-2's lifespan has also been enhanced to sustain SCP-6963 in perpetuity for the near future. SCP-6963-2 does not require any nutrition either, as they are automatically sustained through their modifications. They are the current host of SCP-6963-1. SCP-6963-3 is an Eden-Mind Type Purgatorial Space, designed, constructed, and maintained by the Department of Purgatorial Spaces (DoPS). It initiates once SCP-6963-2 has entered REM sleep and provides the entity with a rich source of informational sustenance to remain in a benign state within SCP-6963-2, thus achieving practically complete containment within the vessel. Once SCP-6963-2 leaves REM sleep, SCP-6963-3 will reset and SCP-6963-1's memories of its time within SCP-6963-3 are purged. Logs of SCP-6963-3 are recorded through an O-EEG.Ominiscient-Electroencephalogram, a device capable of reading all aspects of an individual's dream activity once in REM sleep. It saves said outputs as videos in a lossless file format with a transcription describing the events. connected to SCP-6963-2. Implementation: SCP-6963-1 was previously a standalone anomaly (SCP-6963) whose former containment procedures involved the extensive use of D-Class subjects. Due to the expense incurred with the use of this method and the near-limitless number of D-Class personnel required for effective containment, various departments were called upon to devise cheap and effective containment procedures to contain the entity. Containment specialists and engineers from the DoPS proposed one of the more cost-efficient solutions to the issue and assembled SCP-6963-3 within D-Class subjects. Each subject was then introduced to SCP-6963-1 to test the proposed containment plan until a functioning vessel was found, that being SCP-6963-2. An automatically generated transcript of the first successful trial involving SCP-6963 has been attached below. att. 1: Generated O-EEG Transcript PRIOR TO ENTERING REM SLEEP Researcher Groch: Alright, I believe you know what your new designation is? SCP-6963-2: SCP-6963-2? Researcher Groch: Yep. Great. Remember, you are no longer referred to as D-11247. Anyways, we'll be starting with the trial run for this method we've devised to contain -1, and remember, you are the key to this plan. Do not let the Foundation down. SCP-6963-2: Yeah, I understand. I'll try my best… Can I ask a question, though? Researcher Groch: Go ahead. SCP-6963-2: That operation from a few days ago — what's up with it? I just feel weirdly… unfatigued, if that's the right word? Researcher Groch: That was to prepare you for your new routine. I'm sure you've been told what you're going to do already — sleep. SCP-6963-2: Is that… really all there is to it? I mean, I really expected a bit more demanding job, yeah? Especially when this thing is dangerous, and all… Researcher Groch: Oh, don't worry, it's nothing too extensive. Once you begin, I'm sure you'll get the hang of everything. SCP-6963-2: I… see. Researcher Groch: Well — your routine starts now. Lay on the bed, and we'll do the rest. SCP-6963-2: Okay… alright… SCP-6963-2 lays on the bed and an incapacitating agent is administered to them. They immediately enter REM sleep due to their thaumaturgic modifications. 1-10 MINUTES IN REM SLEEP SCP-6963-2 appears in SCP-6963-3 as a formless amorphous shape. Nothing exists in the dimension other than them and SCP-6963-1, which too is in an blob-like state. The two, sensing the other's presence, move towards one another, glacially slowly, across the distance between them. After several hundred aeons, 1 millisecond in real-time, both reach one another. SCP-6963-2 and SCP-6963-1 each create a blurry appendage and make contact. The two merge into one being for a momentary minute, then separate back into two different beings. A bond is formed, as they begin to feel and understand the raw textures of each other's consciousness. SCP-6963-3 now begins glowing a golden hue. Both communicate for an indeterminate period, coming into contact with each other and separating again. A hum now fills SCP-6963-3, as a larger variety of light and colour becomes present. Following several presumed epochs, a physical environment begins forming around the two. SCP-6963-3 morphs into a blank sky. The shapes now appear to be gaining form, taking on a more humanoid appearance. Both beings, and the environment around them, continue adapting and growing without cessation. 15-25 MINUTES IN REM SLEEP SCP-6963-2 and SCP-6963-1 each now take on a featureless humanoid form. The two still converse with touch, and watch as a world manifests at their feet, a chunk and a fragment at a time. More details form on SCP-6963-1, SCP-6963-2, and SCP-6963-3's environment with each passing millisecond. The forms jump up and down, presumably in happiness. Both express their awe at the sight and are excited about the world's completion. A large sphere of light forms above, a long distance away, from streams of golden rays. In the moments following its formation, a warm sensation spreads through the two. They embrace the feeling together. The world is now fully formed. SCP-6963-2 touches the grass below their feet. SCP-6963-1 follows suit. Then, they start running. Running over valleys, running over mountains, and running over clouds. However, SCP-6963-2 begins to clutch their stomach. SCP-6963-1 then goes to a nearby tree and plucks a golden fruit — an apple of an indeterminate cultivar. It gives the apple to SCP-6963-2 who then splits the apple and shares it with SCP-6963-1. After consuming the apple, they start running once more. This cycle repeats over and over and over. When SCP-6963-2 is hungry, SCP-6963-1 gives them food. When SCP-6963-2 is bored, SCP-6963-1 drags it to a place nearby to see the mountains and oceans form, collide, then break, and then form again. They put their ears to the ground, listening to the multitudes of creatures under, on, and over the earth. Each fine blade of grass they walk on wobbles in contentment. Each field of flowers they visit buzz with delight at their presence. This continues for 10 milliseconds in real-time, yet continues for centuries in SCP-6963-3. The fine blades of grass refract under their feet as they start gathering wood. The trees hand out logs as both provide them with love and care. At first, they use these for playtime, akin to children at recess. The earthly scent of the earth smothers their hands as they play, fight, roll around in the mud and dirt, and enjoy what this world has given them. This continues for another 10 milliseconds in real-time, yet goes on for much, much longer in SCP-6963-3. Every aeon they fight, they separate, they come together. This cycle repeats until they too get tired of the fighting and playing. They start gathering wood, although it is notable that SCP-6963-2 does most of the work. One day, SCP-6963-2 sits down with SCP-6963-1. They teach it how to weave, how to harvest, and how to gather water. Each time SCP-6963-1 does something, it cries, only to have, SCP-6963-2 come along and comfort it with hugs and kisses. Over many aeons, SCP-6963-2 teaches SCP-6963-1 basic household chores. This continues for 20 milliseconds in real-time, yet continues for eternity in SCP-6963-3. This cycle repeats for another eternity. Over time, SCP-6963-2 tells SCP-6963-1 the truth about SCP-6963-3, yet they still continue. Chop, weave, cook, churn, sizzle. Each night, SCP-6963-1 creates a dish out of this world, and each day, SCP-6963-2 crafts another thing that piques SCP-6963-1's interest and love for them. Currently, they sit by a fire, as the cool evening winds breeze by their faces. The crying gulls fly above, and the waft of smoky salt drifts through the air. SCP-6963-2 brings their axe down and splits a log in two. SCP-6963-1 yawns as it watches them and throws several of the logs into the fire for it to char. SCP-6963-1: Let's go, Jaçek. It's getting late now, and you know how much I hate the dark… SCP-6963-2 brings the axe down on the log they placed on the stump before answering SCP-6963-1. SCP-6963-2: Aw, c'mon, there's just this one pile, I'm sure I can finish it up quickly. SCP-6963-1 pouts exaggeratedly. SCP-6963-2: Don't be like that! SCP-6963-1 giggles and SCP-6963-2 sighs, though they are smiling while they set another log on the stump and prepare to bring the axe down once more. SCP-6963-2: Anything for dinner? SCP-6963-1: I'm thinking we go for… something new? A surprise, maybe? SCP-6963-1 winks at SCP-6963-2 SCP-6963-2: My tummy's rumbling, hard — what is it? SCP-6963-1: Now, it wouldn't be a "surprise" if you knew about it now, right? SCP-6963-2: Hah, well, I'll look forward to whatever you're cooking, especially with that look on your face. SCP-6963-2, unable to hold it in any further, bursts forth laughing. Due to the noise, the piglet sleeping near SCP-6963-2 wakes up and squeals. It runs towards SCP-6963-1 who takes the animal into its hands and comforts it. The piglet stays curled up in its arms, but doesn't fall back asleep. SCP-6963-1: Aww, no… Billy's woken up… SCP-6963-1 gently caresses its head. The animal nuzzles its palm and begins dozing off. SCP-6963-1: He's so cute, isn't he? SCP-6963-1 slowly lays it on the grass next to it and prepares to take out the log that was placed in previously when the piglet jumps back on SCP-6963-1. Its left hand enters the fire and is burnt. SCP-6963-1 screams. SCP-6963-2 drops the axe and immediately runs over to SCP-6963-1. SCP-6963-1: I-it's alright, just a little— SCP-6963-2: Get up! Follow me! SCP-6963-1: Wha— SCP-6963-2 picks up the piglet, who is shivering a short distance away, and pulls SCP-6963-1 to a nearby stream. They dunk its hand into the water and rub it. SCP-6963-1 flinches. SCP-6963-1: Ouch! SCP-6963-2: Lyn, are you okay? Is it bad? SCP-6963-1: No, no, I'm fine. It stings a bit, though. SCP-6963-2: Hmm, I know we had some around here… SCP-6963-2 worriedly looks around. SCP-6963-2: Ah, there! SCP-6963-1: Mhm? Anything you're looking for? SCP-6963-2: Here, get some those. SCP-6963-1 picks some herbs lining the sides of the stream with her right hand and gives them to SCP-6963-2. SCP-6963-2: Alright, now, rub it in like that. Here. SCP-6963-1: Like this? SCP-6963-2: Yeah… yep, perfect. Let's, uh, let's go back, I think we can stop for the night. You should go inside and get a bandage on that. I'll put out the fire and do the rest, okay? Don't try too hard now. SCP-6963-1: Mhm. I'll get the sto— SCP-6963-2: No, no, get some rest. I'll do the cooking. Here, can you take Billy? SCP-6963-1: Yeah, sure. SCP-6963-2: Alright go on. I won't take too long. SCP-6963-1 was beginning to say something and stopped halfway. It smiles. SCP-6963-1: Oh, you worrywart! It's just a small burn! SCP-6963-2 smiles too, rubs SCP-6963-1's forehead, and motions to the cottage in the distance with a nod. SCP-6963-1 heads off and SCP-6963-2 stores all the logs and the charred wood. The fire is put out and they jog back to the cottage with the axe. LAST SECOND IN REM SLEEP SCP-6963-1 and SCP-6963-2 stand at the border of SCP-6963-3, watching the orange sunset glow. The smell of the sea at the edge of SCP-6963-3 surrounds both of them as the piglet's squeals disturb the sound of waves battering the beach below. Suddenly, SCP-6963-1 gets up and runs towards the cliff as its soft dress, that smells of buttermilk and blueberries, brushes against SCP-6963-2's face. Its scent permeates SCP-6963-2's face. SCP-6963-2 then stands and walks over the moist and comforting grass that SCP-6963-1 ran over. They sit down, together, its soft hands holding SCP-6963-2's rugged hands after a day's work. SCP-6963-2's throat is dry; they find their voice caught in their throat. They cannot bear to say the truth of this place to SCP-6963-1 once more. SCP-6963-1: Hey, you seem nervous over there, you okay? SCP-6963-2 nervously averts their eyes, and coughs. SCP-6963-2: Oh, just nothing, don't worry about it. SCP-6963-1: Something's definitely bothering you. Come on, let me hear it out. SCP-6963-2 breathes deeply. The salty scent of the sea fills their lungs. SCP-6963-2: What would happen if… SCP-6963-1: If…? Tears form in SCP-6963-2's eyes. SCP-6963-2: If I… told you… SCP-6963-1: That… you… love me? SCP-6963-2: That… this, all of this… isn't real? SCP-6963-1 laughs. This response surprises SCP-6963-2, a confused expression spreads across their face. SCP-6963-1: And? How many times have we had this conversation? Tens, maybe thousands of times? SCP-6963-2: Lyn… I'm just worried. What if our lives come crashing down? What if this all doesn't matter? What if— SCP-6963-1: Oh, Jaçek, come here, let me tell you a story. SCP-6963-1 pulls SCP-6963-2 down, and places their head on its soft lap. SCP-6963-1: You used to tell me, when working the fields, it's the journey of doing the work that's more important, than the result itself. SCP-6963-1: And while we were together, I've always thought — why do you think that way? What's in this journey that you find satisfying? SCP-6963-1: You know, for all the people I've known, it was always their experiences that I craved. SCP-6963-1: Yet while here, with you, I experienced a lot of things. Pain. Hunger. Sadness. Happiness. Fulfilment. Love… SCP-6963-1: And I think that this whole time we've been together, the way we would churn butter together, pick out blueberries, run over grass, watch the mountains grow, break, and grow back again, and the multitudes of other tiny, minute actions we would do each day, I think each of them, each thing we do every day, is better than the memories I've ever gotten out of anyone. SCP-6963-1: You've taught me that experiencing these feelings, these emotions, making these memories myself, it's a lot better than taking them. SCP-6963-1: And that, I think, is what makes this all special. SCP-6963-1: So what if this whole world isn't real? My memories, my experiences, all of it, right now, they all tell me that everything I'm feeling right now's real! And so it will be! SCP-6963-1 leans in, bit by bit. SCP-6963-1: And I will never, ever, doubt them. SCP-6963-1 swoops in, giving SCP-6963-2 a quick kiss on the lips before quickly getting up. The scent of stew wafted across to them from the cottage. SCP-6963-1: Oh! Come on, the stew's ready. Your favourite! SCP-6963-2, initially flustered, smiles, there are tears in their eyes. SCP-6963-2: Yeah, heh, you're right. Hey, Billy! Come on! Come on, Billy, come here. Let's go home. SCP-6963-2 catches the piglet as it jumps towards them. They walk back towards the cottage, holding each other's hands, with more kisses along the way. However, as SCP-6963-2 walks in, their head starts pounding. It throbbed. Their vision starts to blacken. SCP-6963-1: Hm? A-are you okay? Jaçek? Are you feeling well? Please, lie down— FOLLOWING EXIT FROM REM SLEEP Researcher Groch: —ew. Hello? SCP-6963-2, are you there? Raise your arm to signal that you are fully conscious. SCP-6963-2 groans. SCP-6963-2: Huh? Wh-where am I? Researcher Groch: Welcome back. You are now in the material world, and it seems this trial run was a success. Congratulations, -2. SCP-6963-2: W-what? Researcher Groch: So, how do you feel. Any adverse effects, other than the grogginess? Oh, yes, let's get your face washed. Get up. SCP-6963-2: B-but… Where… No, I, Lyn… Researcher Groch: My bad. I should've explained some aspects of Purgatorial Spaces to you in a bit more detail, but that experience should've given you some understanding, I hope. SCP-6963-2: Th-that place, I-I was there, wasn't I? All that time… W-wasn't I, wasn't I with… Researcher Groch: That was SCP-6963-3, and it was SCP-6963-1, the one you are responsible for containing for the foreseeable future. SCP-6963-2 does not rise. Researcher Groch: We don't have much time. -2? Groch grabs hold of SCP-6963-2, forcing them to stand, while an assistant is called to bring the amnestic-laced SSRIs. SCP-6963-2 cries. Since the implementation of SCP-6963, SCP-6963-1's containment has been achieved with great efficiency and success. Currently, iteration 5,714,329 of SCP-6963-3 is in progress. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6963" by basirskipreader and Jack Waltz, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. 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Item#: 6964 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo 'To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.' – Oscar Wilde Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6964 is to be contained within a standard humanoid containment cell at Site-19. The cell must be equipped with a writing desk, ample writing materials, and a secure storage locker for any of SCP-6964's manifestations. All writing materials must be pre-approved and inspected for any potential hazards or anomalous properties before being provided to SCP-6964. SCP-6964's cell should be monitored at all times via surveillance cameras, and any unusual activity or attempted manifestations must be reported immediately to the Site Director. Personnel interacting with SCP-6964 must undergo thorough psychological evaluations regularly to monitor for any signs of undue influence or manipulation. Description: SCP-6964 is a humanoid entity resembling a female in her late teens. It possesses the ability to alter reality through its writing. When SCP-6964 writes any text, the written content becomes a reality, manifesting as SCP-6964 manifestations. The nature and complexity of the manifestations are directly related to the content of the writing and SCP-6964's level of understanding of the subject matter. Most of these anomalies appear in the cells adjacent of that of SCP-6964's, while others appear at a random location. Creation of manifestations delays for about 2 seconds prior to time of writing, and dissolve after 25 seconds. SCP-6964 has displayed a preference for creative and imaginative writing, often producing fantastical creatures, objects, and environments. However, the extent of its reality-altering capabilities is not fully known, and testing is ongoing to determine the limitations and potential risks associated with its anomalous abilities. SCP-6964 is generally cooperative with Foundation personnel and displays no signs of malicious intent. However, it appears to have little control over the manifestation process, which can sometimes lead to unintended and unpredictable outcomes. As such, containment procedures must be maintained to minimize potential risks to personnel and to prevent accidental breaches. Addendum 6964-1: Discovery SCP-6964 was first encountered in a small coastal village in Ohio, USA, where a series of unusual events were reported by the local population. Foundation agents were dispatched to investigate, posing as local authorities. SCP-6964 was located living with its adoptive human family, who appeared unaware of its anomalous abilities. The family was administered Class-A amnestics, and SCP-6964 was brought into Foundation custody for further study and containment. Addendum 6964-2: Incident 6964-A During a routine writing session within its containment cell, SCP-6964 inadvertently created an SCP-6964-2 instance described as a "dimension-hopping portal." The portal remained stable for several seconds before collapsing, causing a minor spatial disruption and resulting in the disappearance of several small objects within the cell. No injuries were reported, but it highlights the potential risks associated with SCP-6964's powers. Addendum 6964-3: Testing Log The following is a summary of selected tests conducted with SCP-6964 to better understand its abilities and limitations: INPUT OUTPUT Test 6964-01: "A fluffy, friendly kitten with emerald green eyes and a playful demeanor." A small, adorable kitten matching the description. SCP-6964 expressed delight. Test 6964-02: "A flying, fire-breathing dragon with impenetrable scales and a protective nature." A dragon-like creature manifested, however lacking the ability to breathe fire and displayed timid behavior. SCP-6964 expressed frustration. Test 6964-03: "A deaceased, ancient knight, possessing a wooden chariot." Dr Gerald gets runned down outside of the Foundation by a riderless, wooden medieval chariot1. Fortunately, no members of the public saw the incident. Dr Gerald was unscathed. Test 6964-04: "A portal to a parallel dimension." A purple, spiraling portal manifested, leading to an unknown location. The test was terminated before any personnel entered the portal due to safety concerns. Addendum 6964-4: Potential Applications SCP-6964's reality-altering abilities present intriguing possibilities for scientific and practical applications. However, the risks and ethical implications associated with its powers must be thoroughly considered. Research into controlled usage of SCP-6964's abilities is ongoing, with a focus on exploring non-invasive uses for the betterment of humanity. The Euclid classification is assigned due to the unpredictable nature of SCP-6964's manifestations and the potential risks if not handled with care and caution. Research and containment protocols are to be regularly reviewed and updated based on new findings to ensure the safety of all personnel and the security of the Foundation. Footnotes 1. Classified as SCP-6964-1 due to interactions with a site member. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6964" by TheFlatulence, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
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border: 2vw solid rgba(0,0,0,0.5); border-image: url('') 600 round; border-image-width: 6; padding: 2vw; } .  close Info X SCP-6965: "The Hoping Machines" "Any fool can make something complicated. It takes a genius to make it simple." — Woody Guthrie More by this author! Item#: SCP-6965 Level4 Containment Class: uncontained Secondary Class: drygioni Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: danger link to memo PoI-6965-1 holding an SCP-6965-B instance. DRYGIONI PROTOCOL The SCP-6965 database file has been flagged for an authenticity review. The following personnel are assigned to assess this object's documentation: Dr. H. Blank Chair of Archives and Revision, R&C Site-43 Dr. L. Lillihammer Chair of Memetics and Countermemetics, R&C Site-43 Dr. U. Okorie Chief of Applied Occultism, R&C Site-43 Special Containment Procedures: All Foundation personnel are to undergo bi-annual memetic deprogramming to reverse any corruption by SCP-6965-A instances. All SCP-6965-B instances are held in High Yield Storage Facility 1 at Site-43, and may only be removed by order of the O5 Council. MTF Kappa-43 ("The Mediators") and the Archives and Revision Section of Site-43 are conducting investigations into PoI-6965-1, -2 and -3. Description: SCP-6965 denotes music and lyrics (SCP-6965-A) or physical objects (SCP-6965-B) carrying the following memetic and/or probabilistic effects: inducing the injury, misfortune or death of individuals associated with reactionary political ideology, or engaged in activities indistinguishable from same; or inducing idealism, activism or efficacy in individuals associated with progressive political ideology, or susceptible to same. Okorie: This just in, music soothes the savage breast. Blank: Isn't it 'beast'? Okorie: Yeah, it isn't. Blank: It worries me when the description gets euphemistic. The words they were looking for are 'fascist' and 'socialist', respectively. Lillihammer: Memetic and probabilistic. Songs and objects. Is there a minimum review period length, or can I call bullshit right now? Blank: More likely it's two distinct anomalies. Okorie: Or four anomalies. Lillihammer: Or no anomalies. SCP-6965-A and -B instances are exclusively associated with three Persons of Interest: PoI-6965-1 (Woodrow Wilson Guthrie), PoI-6965-2 (Arlo Davy Guthrie), and PoI-6965-3 (Sarah Lee Guthrie). Preliminary research suggests that the Guthries each possess cryptomantic talents which they have employed during their careers as folk musicians..Cryptomancy is thaumaturgically-enabled memeticism. NOTICE FROM THE EMERGENT THREAT TACTICAL RESPONSE AUTHORITY PoI-6965-1, -2 and -3 are suspected associates of independent but Foundation-allied cryptomancer Thilo Zwist (SCP-6382). Zwist has not been forthcoming as to the nature of his relationship with these Persons of Interest, if any, and their association appears to have lapsed in recent years. It is presumed that he tutored each of them at one point; Zwist is functionally immortal, and is believed to have taken many apprentices since the seventeenth century, though he is extremely reticent on the subject. As few individuals exhibiting similar talents are independent, it is further presumed that the Guthries belong/have belonged to one of two cryptomantic cults presently engaged in direct conflict with the SCP Foundation (and each other) and presenting a critical threat to the stability of baseline reality: GoI-5054, the giftschreiber, memetic thaumaturges attempting to foment global anarchy; or GoI-6382, the schriftsteller, memetic thaumaturges attempting to enforce global autarchy. This SCP file therefore falls under the mandate of OPERATION FIREBREAK, the Foundation's effort in tandem with Zwist to combat the aforementioned Groups of Interest. ETTRA staff should be prepared to take immediate action once Drygioni Protocol has been completed and the affiliations of these subjects have been determined. Zwist himself is not to be apprised of the contents of this file, as his substantial cryptomantic talents are capable of interrupting Foundation operations to a catastrophic extent should he discern a threat to his associates. — Dr. Daniel ███████, ETTRA Okorie: What? Lillian, surely you can get an answer out of Zwist about whether or not he knows these people, without tipping him off. You're his apprentice. Lillihammer: I'm the one he wasn't forthcoming to. The most I was able to wring out of him was "Music is alchemical. Every inch of context contributes to the transformative effect." Wouldn't give me a straight answer otherwise. Lillihammer: And I'm not his apprentice. He's my coach. Blank: I'm going to go ahead and rule out the schriftsteller by default. If there's one thing Woody Guthrie wasn't all about, it's autarchy. PoI-6965-1 Phenomenological Profile: Woodrow Wilson "Woody" Guthrie was a folk musician born in 1912 and active as a sociopolitical activist and cryptomancer until his death in 1967. Over the course of his early life he witnessed economic and environmental chaos in the American Midwest, including coal and oil rushes, the disastrous drought known as the Dust Bowl, and the mass unemployment of the Great Depression. As a singer of protest music with simple, direct messages, he became a spokesperson for the disenfranchised of his era and an advocate for the liberalization of society writ large. He advocated for labour rights, income equality, racial equality, socialism and universal liberty, authoring and performing dozens of songs on these topics and others which became landmarks in their genres. A statement from the 1945 pamphlet "Ten Songs of Woody Guthrie" summarizes his sociopolitical views: The Big Boys don't want to hear our history of blood, sweat, work, and tears, of slums, bad housing, diseases, big blisters or big callouses, nor about our fight to have unions and free speech and a family of nations. But the people want to hear about all of these things in every possible way. The playboys and the playgals don't work to make our history plain to us nor to point out to us which road to travel next. They hire out to hide our history from us and to point toward every earthly stumbling block… Our spirit of work and sacrifice they cannot sing about because their brain is bought and paid for by the Big Money Boys who own and control them and who hate our world union. They hate our real songs, our fight songs, our work songs, our union songs, because these are the Light of Truth and the mind of the racketeer cannot face our Light. I would not care so much how they choose to waste their own personal lives but it is your money that they are using to hide your own history from you and to make your future a worse one. Some day you will have a voice in how all of your money is spent and then your songs will have some meaning. The SCP-6965 file was opened on 07/04/1969 when a raid on Site-43 by giftschreiber operatives was disrupted by the deployment of a previously-unattested recording by Guthrie, entitled "Lizzie Ain't Right." This first SCP-6965-A instance disrupted the memetic conditioning of the attackers, who promptly turned on their handler and forced her to flee. Lillihammer: The song was 'deployed' by Thilo. The most talented cryptomancer in the world, both back then and at the moment. Occam's Razor: Zwist took Guthrie's totally mundane song and added the meme magic to it himself. Case closed. Blank: The song specifically calls out the giftschreiber leading the attack. By name. In detail. You think Woody hit on all that by accident? What would the song even mean, divorced from this specific context? Who and what would it be for? Lillihammer: Zwist also whistled some weaponized Haydn in the same altercation. You think Haydn was in on it too, a hundred and fifty odd years after dying? Blank: There's a big difference between whistling a song and playing a recording. Lillihammer: I'm just saying I've learned not to put anything past Thilo, and I learned it by trying to put things past him. Okorie: I guess this is where they're getting the idea for a schriftsteller connection, though. If Woody was a giftschreiber, why would his music be used against them? Lillihammer: Right, because nobody's ever subverted an artist's intentions before. I've heard Woody Guthrie's music used to hock Jeeps on TV. And did you read that PoI profile? I have a hard time believing he would have wanted to stop anarchists from destroying a Foundation Site. He'd be more likely to write a celebratory song after the fact. Okorie: Remember you said that when we get to the parts about the submarine and the airplane. Through correlating opinion polls, newspaper reports, public records and Foundation data with the release, sales and radio play of PoI-6965's music, the Analytics Department has identified thirty-three potential SCP-6965-A instances — songs exerting an outsized influence on the actions and beliefs of their audience. Highlights are presented below. PoI-6965-1's early work addressed the concerns of economically or racially marginalized peoples during the Great Depression. One of his earliest successes, "So Long, It's Been Good to Know Yuh," invokes the gallows humour of farming communities watching their homesteads blown away by prairie winds. "Vigilante Man" laments the practice of assaulting Dust Bowl refugees to California in order to prevent them from settling. "Ludlow Massacre" recounts a series of anti-labour riots in a Colorado mining town, both criticizing the violence brought to bear by capital and celebrating the counter-offences made in the name of union progress. Each of these songs has been shown, anecdotally and experimentally, to impart sympathy for the downtrodden and receptivity to further socialist rhetoric beyond what might be expected from their relative lack of lyrical or musical sophistication. PoI-6965-1's most famous and effective piece of music is 1945's "This Land is Your Land," asserting the universal ownership of the entirety of the United States of America by its citizens, regardless of claims to the contrary made in defence of private property. Emphasis is placed on the land's natural beauty and bounty, and its vast scope capable of accommodating persons of every description who possess inalienable rights to it: As I go walking this ribbon of highway I see above me this endless skyway And all around me the wind keeps saying: This land is made for you and me Individuals exposed to this song almost universally experience a heightened sense of the promise and possibility of the land so described, the brotherhood of mankind, non-jingoistic patriotism, and often open-mindedness toward political ideologies on the communist spectrum. Historical data suggests that the advent of the 1960s "hippie" movement is owed at least partially to this single track. That select verses are often taught in American schools to impart nationalist sentiment to children, but the verses espousing socialist views are omitted, is testament to the compulsive power of both. Later works address more specific grievances, such as the dehumanization of seasonal workers from Mexico in "Deportee (Plane Wreck at Los Gatos)," and "Old Man Trump," which vilifies American real estate speculator Fred Trump for his racially targeted profiteering. Each issue identified by PoI-6965-1 in this way became a cause célèbre in left-wing circles, often resulting in government studies and actions taken to liberalize legislation covering the relevant industries. Though the context of many of these songs of protest is attached to the eras in which they were written, they have demonstrated an unlikely staying power and still produce statistically significant results today. Blank: This is why I'm against the Analytics Department playing at social science. They're bad at it. The irony of taking an approach like this is simply staggering: by engaging in cliometrics, using economic logic to examine history and make spurious conclusions, the AD is basically doing what Woody accused the 'Big Money Men' of doing. Trying to cover up the real narrative with a false one that serves their purposes. A song from 1945 caused the 1960s hippie movement, all by itself, memetically? That's one heck of a slow burn. I'm not saying there's no correlation between Woody's music and the enhanced profiles of the tragedies and injustices inspiring him, there absolutely is one, but historical effects are rarely traceable back to the actions of one individual. You can't boil the agency of millions of real human beings down to one digestible chain of events. Not to mention that nonsense about the lack of sophistication. Folk music isn't about clever wordplay, it's about saying something with crystal clarity so that people can't help but sing it back at you, and clap, and stamp their feet. It's governed by the same principles governing protest marches and choral music: inhabiting a feeling, and sharing it with like-minded others. It's popular because it's simple and direct. Never mind what it looks like on the page, or even how it sounds all flattened out on the record. You can't judge its power until you actually hear it live and alive. It's heart and brain chemistry, not thaumaturgy. Folk music isn't about the musician, it's about the folk. Okorie: Inclined to agree. This music didn't make these people feel the way they felt, and it didn't need to be magic to wake them up — I speak now as both a human being who listens to music, and a human being who is capable of performing magic. These songs might have clarified things for people, given voice to things they couldn't articulate, but it didn't change them overnight. It was representative. And it continues to be representative because some struggles never end, they just change with the times in subtle ways that don't diminish the power of these first formulations of protest against them. The power of art to evoke and transmit emotion is incredible, but not at all anomalous. Our job is to protect the world from truly esoteric threats, not cheapen the accomplishments of ideological movements we find inconvenient by applying magical thinking where it doesn't belong. Lillihammer: Our job is to assess this file's contents and determine whether or not to swing the truncheon. Don't get all starry-eyed about our role in this drama, or the nature of our work. These people would not reciprocate your appreciation. Examination of PoI-6965-1's personal papers after his death revealed a number of passages apparently excised from his 1943 autobiography Bound for Glory. Each passage pertains to a character named Old Fritz, who does not appear at any point in the completed work, and fits seamlessly into the text of its respective chapter. [from Chapter II, "Empty Snuff Cans"] There was an old feller at the gate while I sang my very first song, and he was watching me real close. I never did know what his name was, but everybody called him Old Fritz on account of him being German. He told any man that called him Old Fritz that he weren't from no Germany, thank you very much, leastways not no more. He was big around, like a barrel bursting full with malt, and he had the pep to go with it. He wasn't any more ritzy a character than me or mine: suspenders hauling up a pair of careworn sack-cloth pants, a sad old weather beaten face behind a big white beard under a hat that might've been shaped like something other than his head in yesteryear, but wasn't any longer. He liked to stop and listen to things, did old Fritz, a lot more than he liked to talk, and he liked to talk plenty. On this particular occasion he listened to my song, and he called it good. "You write that yourself, Woodrow Wilson?" he asked me. "I ain't no Woodrow Wilson," I told him. "He's off in Washington, and he don't even write his own speeches. I'm just Woody, and I wrote that song shore 'nuff." My little chest puffed out with pride. "You drive at the point," Old Fritz told me back with a smile. "You keep on driving. If more folks would get to the point more often, this old world would get on alright." [from Chapter VI, "Boomchasers"] I didn't sell many papers, but I could always sell one to Old Fritz. We got into a sort of rhythm. I would say "Ho! Mr. Fritz!" and he would say "What ho, Woodrow Wilson! What's the news!" And I would tell him he could have at his fingertips all the news of the world if only he would part with a measly dime. He always did, with a laugh and a wink, and then I'd watch him stare down every page like it was an endless river of friends' obituaries, or maybe a minefield. It just about blew him down every time, and I wondered if he laughed and winked to kind of prepare himself for the fight. He was looking hard for something, and he didn't want to find it. It was writ in his eyes, but the rest of his face played like he was just another old fogey checking out the horse and political scores. I couldn't stand to watch him at it long; I had trouble enough of my own without borrowing none of his. It was a few years before I started really reading the papers myself, and then I thought I knew what'd been troubling him. It'd be a long time after that when I finally found out the truth of the matter. [from Chapter XI, "Boy In Search of Something"] It got so I was taking a little pride in my signs, and not only as they were my meal ticket. I had a fancy set of sable brushes that came plenty dear but paid out in overtime, and there wasn't anybody my side of the tracks who could paint any prettier or neater. Old Fritz, he knew a thing or two about sign painting. Said it was what he done in the Old Country, which I still took to mean Germany no matter his opinion on the subject. Long years of broken glass and sharp words had taught folks from Germany that it wasn't any place to be from any more, not unless they were fed up with their neighbours being neighbourly. I didn't rightly understand it, but that was just fine, as I didn't much want to. Fritz said he'd painted his signs up and down the Old Country in a time long ago, before the war, before a whole lot of wars in fact, and his signs had been a marvel worth coming from parts far off just to see. "I don't want to paint no dern marvels," I said. "Just good enough for a few cents of stomach filler of an evenin'." He told me that was a fine outlook to start with. I asked him did he have any sense for how I might improve my craft, seeing as he was such a marvellous painter of signs himself. He told me flat out that he did not: "I can't teach you how to express yourself, because I'm not you. I could teach you how to express myself, but that would make a liar and a copy out of you and redundancy out of me, as you'd doubtless excel the original." I told him I was just looking for new ideas, and he laughed. He had a way of laughing that told a body he wasn't laughing at you, just generally around the outline of you. Not all scratchy and wheezy either, like a holed up old accordion, like most old Okie geezers; he laughed like he wasn't any older than my pa, though his hair was whiter and wispier than the clouds rolling up over his beat up cap. "You and me both, son. But you won't get new ideas from old men from the Old Country. The ones we once had were either used up fresh, or held dear until they became old and musty. You don't want me putting my old ideas in your young head. You want something raw and hearty in your larder, and you won't find it rooting through my trash." I told him, "I done plenty enough trash rootin' as it is, and a little more cain't do me no serious harm I reckon." He just shook his head and said, "Son, the crisp and good has a way of sliding right out of you when you aren't looking, being so smooth and slippery, while the sour and rotten works its way into the cracks where all the brushes in creation can't draw it out. It only gets more sour and rotten inside you, and it makes you sour and rotten, too. I'm not telling you to shy from hardship, because you can't take two steps out in this world without seeing some wrack or woe, and anyway growth is just healing up from injury. I am telling you only to take in what makes you the purest, best, brightest version of yourself. Let the bad crust up on your skin while the good seeps down deep inside, and what comes out when you paint, or sing your songs, will be clear as a bell on the coldest morning." I don't think he told me nothing I could use at that particular moment, and nothing besides that I didn't already suspect myself. Still it was good to hear him say it; he did have a way with words, though he declined to show me how he was at painting signs. […] They had Old Fritz at the library, too. I was starting to feel like they had Old Fritz everywhere, and I told him so, and I asked him: "How come you all the way from Okemah, Oklahoma down to Pampa, Texas anyhow?" "I come and go as I please," he smiled. "There's a rumour, and it lives in the words, and they carry on the wind. I follow." "What do you know about words?" I knew old men liked to talk, but I never knew them to say much when they did. Old Fritz had a way of saying just enough with too much, where I liked to say just a little and mean a lot. Each to each. "Everything, and not enough." He shook his newspaper at me; just like in Okemah, he was never without it. "Words are always changing. Evolving. Adapting. Words are life. Theology, philosophy, medicine, religion." "Shucks. I got philosophy coming out of my ears, and I had enough religion for two fellers twice my age. That all these blamed books can do me fer?" He never minded when I got surly with him, like the other old timers did, Old Fritz. The more scurrilous I got, the more that man smiled. "There are two ways to profit from books, Woodrow Wilson. You can take things out of them, things you need; or you can put things into them, things you know, things the world needs." I made a sound like a sinkhole opening up in a mudflat. "Tell the world? What have I got to tell the world that it ain't already heard?" He shrugged. "Too soon to say. You're building up your vocabulary. One of these days you'll have had your fill, and then some, and—" "And it'll all come bustin' out again!" I laughed. "Gonna cough up an education across these whole United States, I don't reckon." "I believe you will," he said, and he looked so serious when he said it, well, I let it go at that. [from Chapter XV, "The Telegram That Never Came"] Stumbling between islands of camp and candlefire, I come across an automobile by way of walking right plumb into the open trunk. Pow. I saw stars, and they didn't fade. When I saw how bright they were burning, I realized I was down on my back in the dust. I'd gotten mighty acquainted of dust by then; it was in my eyes, in my lungs, even up my nose so's I could hardly breathe without snorting like a horse. The automobile was snorting too. Model A, from its looks in the moonlight. No wonder I'd found it, me swimming along in the black and it waiting patiently for my visit; we was cousins, me and it. It was what they called a Woody Wagon, on account of it being half hacked out of dead tree. The snorts were coming from the pair of live horses what hauled it along the open road, meaning whatever gent owned the thing couldn't afford to keep it full of John D.'s rainbow whiskey. The stars were a mite pretty with fire-brackets on either side, polluting the sky with extra light it didn't hardly need but put to lovely use, and I thought I could lay there a spell and watch the sparkle show. Then I heard a low voice coming out of the car, and nearly set myself upright all in a start: "That you, Woodrow Wilson?" I knew that smile in the dark. "That you, Old Fritz? You must be a hunnert and ten, shore 'nuff. Not dead?" "Not dead. You famous yet?" "Not famous." I set up for real. "But not dead neither." "Still painting signs?" "Paintin' pictures, more like. With my guitar." I could sort of see him now, a fuzzy, bowed silhouette on the hood of that old wagon. He was leaning toward me. "What sort of pictures do you paint?" "Lots o' things. How it was. How it is. How it ought to be, far as I can figger it. What brought you to this rambler's camp?" "I am a mendicant," he said, and he looked up at the stars. I could see them shining in his eyes, and I took to wondering how I'd never noticed that for such an ancient customer, he never did need no eye glasses. "I sell tonics, analeptics, cordials and invigorators. Restoratives, bracers, pick-you-ups and bring-you-downs, not to mention strengtheners and roborants." The lights in his eyes dimmed some, half-way, and I fancied he was winking at me as he used to done. "Not an ounce of difference between them all." "Sounds like a mighty poor trick to play." I stood up. "Takin' folks' hard-earned pay for a bottle o' nothin'." "It isn't nothing," he said. "It's hope. Hope is the thing in this world that's the least like nothing, Woodrow Wilson. Hope is a balm." "Balms," I spat, setting off into the night again. "Folks these days only got the time of day for bombs, old feller." "There will always be more bombs," he whispered at my back. "Bombs are easy. What comes after—" And we was gone away from each other again. I never did get to know what came after, and I still don't. We might find out together, if this old war ever ends. It is likely, in consideration of the connections earlier established, that "Old Fritz" is in fact immortal Austrian cryptomancer Thilo Zwist, SCP-6382, and that PoI-6965-1 developed his own cryptomantic capabilities as Zwist's apprentice. Okorie: It's a lot more than likely. I've only spoken to Zwist a few times, and even I can recognize one of his didactic monologues — not to mention that lovely likeness. Seems obvious that Woody left these snippets out of his book because they connected the two together, posing a threat to both if one got caught. Blank: I beg to differ, editorially. Okorie: Well, go on. Bloviate. Blank: Woody says it just fine himself. Zwist wasn't telling him anything he didn't already know. He was just giving the kid nudges here and there, watching and waiting. He's an extraneous character in this narrative, and that justifies his excision. There's nothing here to suggest that he provided anything more substantial than the occasional kick in the pants. HOWEVER. Blank: I've read Bound for Glory. Woody claims he spent time as a fortune teller, sizing people up on the spot and telling them exactly what they needed to hear to clear their heads and get their lives back on track. He also claims he and another folk singer stopped a racist riot against the Japanese Imperial Bar in Los Angeles, after Pearl Harbor, by getting a crowd to link arms and sing "We Shall Not Be Moved." I always figured it was metaphorical exaggeration, if not outright fabrication. Making a point, and a good one. But could it have been cryptomancy instead? Okorie: I think you've read too much analytics. The most egregious example of PoI-6965-1's cryptomancy was a song he wrote and re-wrote many times over the course of the Second World War, both at home and abroad during his military service. It was never officially published but instead manually pressed to vinyl singles and delivered through unknown means directly to Adolf Hitler. Fourteen different versions of this song were recovered from the Führer's private quarters in the Hitlerbunker by an embedded Foundation operative after Germany's surrender in 1945. The first dates to 1941, and the last was sent just weeks prior to Hitler's death. The latter was found in a phonograph in the same room where the dictator and his wife, Eva Braun, took their own lives. The song's contents differ between each edition; lyrics for the final recording are presented below. "Talkin' Hitler's Head Off Blues, Attempt #14" Woody Guthrie The ceiling's gettin' closer and the walls are closin' in The ceiling's gettin' closer and the walls are closin' in The ceiling's gettin' closer and the walls are closin' in You're runnin' out of space, herr Wolf, they're closin' down Berlin Them fancy clothes won't mean a thing when Stalin makes you stand Them fancy clothes don't mean a thing, they ain't made you a man Them fancy words don't mean a thing no matter how you scream Them fancy words won't mean a thing without your black regime Oh shall we cut his tongue out and parade him through the streets Or stick him in the pillory and paddle up his seat Or make him shave his moustache and apply the chicken suit He's gonna wish he'd taken aim and had the nerve to shoot Them swastikas don't mean a thing, and friend they never did Them swastikas won't mean a thing to them Red Army kids Them medals they don't mean a thing, you struck 'em off yourself That fancy pistol ain't no good just sittin' on the shelf There's cracks up in the ceiling and the walls are comin' down There's cracks up in the ceiling and the walls are comin' down There's cracks up in the ceiling and the walls are comin' down It's time to say goodbye, herr Wolf, goodbye to Berlin-town It is impossible to determine whether the receipt of these records materially affected Hitler's actions during the war, as erratic and imprudent behaviour was his norm. Memetic testing of each record was also inconclusive, as the intended audience was already dead. No anomalous effect on non-Hitler test subjects was observed. The intentions behind the lyrics, however, are clear. The embedded operative also reported that Hitlerbunker staff attempted to obscure the circumstances of Hitler's demise, and furthermore that rumours were spreading that Braun alone had shot herself after "something else happened to the Führer." No credible evidence for this was recovered. Okorie: To be perfectly clear: we are asserting here that Woody Guthrie killed Adolf Hitler? Blank: I think we're asserting that Adolf Hitler killed Adolf Hitler because Woody Guthrie told him to. Lillihammer: I took that cryptic statement about "something happening" to mean the record made Hitler's head explode. Blank: I did not do that, because that is crazy. Lillihammer: No, that's cryptomancy. Blank: I don't see how that's a "no." Okorie: Nobody going to address this casual declaration that we had an operative in the Hitlerbunker? Lillihammer: I can think of some obvious things to say about it, but they wouldn't be very productive. One final piece of memetic music created by PoI-6965-1 was delivered to Site-01 on 07/09/1969, the day the SCP Foundation created the memetic glamour known as The Frontispiece to protect its operations worldwide. For reasons he could not subsequently justify, O5-1 invited the other Overseers to his private quarters and played the record on his personal phonograph. The lyrics for this vinyl single are reproduced below. "On Judgment Day" Woody Guthrie Thirteen chairs around a table seating men who claim they're able to direct the course of chaos into channels safe and straight But the magic doesn't harken to their hunting hounds a-barkin' at the shadows they're afraid of or the miracles they hate Oh you're tyrants men, all tyrants And we're gonna turn you out Gonna turn you out, you tyrants Turn you out on judgment day If we'd wanted your protection we'd have held us an election, so you self appointed saviors with your hands behind your backs Put the knives down if you're able, set your cards upon the table, let us judge the peril plainly with your figures and your facts 'cuz you're liars men, all liars And we're gonna lay you bare Gonna lay you bare, you liars Lay you bare on judgment day Will you stand before the Gates whereat your reckoning awaits and tell the angels tales of valor with your hands vermilion red? Do you think they'll buy the stories of your homicidal glories? Do you think they'll stay their blades and let you justify the dead? 'cuz you're killers men, all killers And we're gonna lay you out Gonna lay you out, you killers Lay you out on judgment day Do you dread the hour the truth rolls in and your accumulated sin evaporates like shadow in the coming of the dawn? Do you wonder what there will remain to signify your hollow reign when all the chairs are empty and the stench of you is gone? 'cuz you're nothings men, all nothings And we're gonna see you fade Gonna see you fade, you nothings See you fade on judgment day And you're losers men, all losers And we're laughing as you lose Laughing as you lose, you losers Hustlers, thieves, and false accusers Malefactors and abusers At your final judgement day All thirteen Overseers reported no ill effects after exposure to this SCP-6965-A instance. The Analytics Department reports, however, that deadlocked votes and inter-Council schisms occurred with increasing regularity over the remainder of the calendar year, and into 1970. Lillihammer: We know he knew Thilo. We know Thilo knew a lot about the Foundation by this time. We know Thilo liked to talk, and we know Woody didn't like bullies. Having a few disarticulated details at one's disposal doesn't make one a cryptomancer. Okorie: We're on the same page about the O5 schisms, right? Blank: Yeah, nothing new there. Okorie: So, this was posthumous. Who delivered it? Blank: Probably Thilo. He was still fifty years away from being fine with us at this point. Lillihammer: I wouldn't say he's fine with us yet. He'd probably find precious little in this song worth objecting to, if we showed it to him right now. Blank: Yeah, no comment. Okorie: So, a dead man's switch situation. "Fuck you" from beyond the grave. Lillihammer: I've already got mine figured out. Though PoI-6965's primary method of cryptomancy was the creation of SCP-6965-A instances, he is also believed to have utilized his abilities to imbue physical objects with cryptomantic potential: SCP-6965-B instances. SCP-6965-B instance. PoI-6965-1 habitually inscribed or labelled his guitars with the following phrase: "This machine kills fascists." It is believed that this practice began in 1943. A photograph of PoI-6965 recording the final version of "Talkin' Hitler's Head Off Blues" with one such guitar was found by Archives and Revision personnel at Site-43. This gave rise to the theory that the phrase acted as some sort of memetic or probabilistic intensifier for the efficacy of PoI-6965-1's cryptomantic music. The Procurement and Liquidation Department subsequently acquired all known instruments bearing an SCP-6965-B instance, replacing them with identical replicas, and intensive study began. SCPS Wiesenthal, 1996. The Department of Artistic Anomalies attempted to create an SCP-6965-A instance of their own using each of these instruments — a Foundation anthem, to bolster morale — but failed in each attempt. In the early 1990s Dr. Trevor Bremmel Sr. theorized that the label itself might be removed and applied to a different device, one whose workings were already known to Foundation science, for a long-term functionality test. The removal took place in 1994 at Site-43. Dr. Bremmel initially proposed applying the label to the central computer system of the Ethics Committee; this was vetoed by the O5 Council with prejudice. His second proposal was that it be applied to the SCPS Wiesenthal, a submarine used for covert operations against suspected cells of OBSKURA, the waning successor organization to the Nazi Obskuracorps. This proposal was accepted, and the label was affixed to the Wiesenthal's torpedo bay. Operational efficiency increased fivefold over the following three years, contributing to the rapid collapse of OBSKURA. The loss of the Wiesenthal in 1997 at the close of the operation was initially believed to have neutralized the label, but it was subsequently recovered from the wreckage with only minor water damage. Okorie: I am stating for the record that the three of us all possess Security Clearance Level 4. Blank: Uh oh. Okorie: I consulted on this part of the file, though my findings were inconclusive so they don't appear in the final text. I was told to search the Wiesenthal records for any suggestion of thaumaturgical intervention. There wasn't any, but I did notice something unrelated: judging by the damage, whatever sank the sub originated from inside. Within the torpedo bay. Lillihammer: Misfire? Or sabotage? Okorie: Or. Once conserved, the label was transferred by request of O5-7 to the Department of Applied Force. SCPA 98533 in flight. Its next proposed use was on SCPA 98533 (Moonlight Maria), a modified B-52 Stratofortress being outfitted with an advanced chemical weapons system at Treatment Area-21. It was designed for bombing runs against Chaos Insurgency firebases and/or suspected sympathizer cells in developing countries, salting the earth surrounding each facility with high impact soporifics to effectively remove enemy personnel from active duty. The exact date of the craft's deployment was kept secret so as to prevent security leaks. On what was supposed to be a routine test of SCPA 98533's systems, the research staff were mustered to a secure location while agents applied the label to the plane's interior. As this deployment was intended to be the first step toward total neutralization of the Chaos Insurgency, O5-7 attended in person for a final inspection. Upon their arrival in the hangar, SCPA 98533's turbines were brought up to speed. Treatment Area-21 hangar fire, 2001. The plane exploded, completely destroying the hangar and killing O5-7, their entourage, Area Director Cecilie Kaspersen and the head of the Moonlight Maria project, Dr. Solveiga Adomaitis. Though sabotage was suspected, no supporting evidence ever emerged. The research team was interrogated at length, reported killed in action, amnesticized and redistributed to sensitive black ops projects worldwide. The label, again having suffered no serious damage, was returned to Site-43 for long term storage. Its further use was permanently barred by order of the O5 Council. Blank: It jammed the torpedo. And blew up the plane. Okorie: What the hell did they expect? It's right there in plain language: bombing "sympathizer cells in developing countries." Sic semper tyrannis. Lillihammer: Calm down there, comrades. I still don't see any of this being likely; Thilo is a pacifist. Blank: Woody Guthrie wasn't. He had very, very clear opinions on what to do with fascists. Okorie: How long are we going to talk around the obvious implications here? Blank: I'm ready when you are. PoI-6965-1's son Arlo performed a version of "On Judgment Day" at a concert in Jamestown, Virginia one month later, wherein the first verse was altered to describe twelve seats instead of thirteen. Blank: Oh my god. Lillihammer: So, verdict on Woody before we move on to Arlo? Blank: I think the AD stuff was all garbage, but the label has just about convinced me. There's probably something there. Lillihammer: I think the AD stuff was all garbage, and the label doesn't convince me. If it's a probabilistic multiplier, why did it wait so long to sink the Wiesenthal? Okorie: The operation was almost over. Nearly run out of Nazis. I'm neither convinced nor unconvinced… maybe the next subject will be simpler. Blank: I guess you don't know Arlo Guthrie very well. PoI-6965-2 Phenomenological Profile: Arlo Davy Guthrie is a folk musician born in 1947, and active as a singer-songwriter, sociopolitical activist, and cryptomancer up to his retirement in 2020. PoI-6965-2 potentially creating an SCP-6965-A instance during a live performance. Blank: I am heavily biased in favour of this individual. Okorie: I am not, after you tried to make me listen to that song that just won't end, so your bias is accounted for. He adopted the folk tradition and elements of his father's style, and began producing music of his own during his college years. He was classified as PoI-6965-2 after the release of his first studio album, Alice's Restaurant, in 1967. Surveillance of the subject began at the direction of Site-43 Director Dr. V.L. Scout shortly thereafter; one month later, Dr. Scout received the following letter from Zwist. Vivian, I believe I saw a few of your black sedans on the street whilst visiting a friend. I asked him about it, and he gave me a little message to pass along: Jingo Jangle You ain't got cause to be cross Just 'cause of the way that I floss I ain't on track to complain At the slaughter you got on the brain If you and me can't have no truce I'll go my way, hangin' loose And you go your way Steppin' goose You ain't got to be mad That you couldn't keep up with my dad I ain't upset, on review That I can't hate better'n you We don't got to come to blows Except'n if you tread my toes In that case, brothers Decompose I could hardly say it fairer myself. I suspect there has been some sort of mistake on your part. What quarrel you could have with such a fine young fellow, I cannot begin to imagine. Nor can you imagine the effects of my taking up that quarrel on his behalf. Regards, — Thilo On receipt of this letter, Dr. Scout ordered surveillance of PoI-6965-2 terminated indefinitely. He was summoned to Site-01 to explain himself to the O5 Council directly; a note was subsequently left in PoI-6965-2's file reading simply "Anomaly, if any, is low risk. Containment presents existential threat." Lillihammer: Translation: we'd love to stomp on socialism, but not if it means getting erased from the English language by an angry Austrian. Okorie: You think Thilo could really do that? Lillihammer: Yes. Okorie: Think he would? Lillihammer: Yes. He doesn't think in black and white, but he's more than capable of seeing it. Blank: I didn't know how much I didn't need an Arlo Guthrie song about my job until I had one. The Analytics Department has provided the following review of PoI-6965-2's potentially anomalous recordings. PoI-6965-2's musical catalogue is less extensive than was his prolific father's, but still provides multiple candidates for memetic persuasion. Two songs in particular are notably effective at transmitting their messages. "Alice's Restaurant Massacree," the title track of PoI-6965-2's debut album, is an eighteen minute comedic monologue connecting two loosely fictionalized events: his high profile arrest for littering in 1965, and his subsequent Vietnam draft disqualification on moral grounds. These events are presented as a linked series of absurdities inflicted on him by overzealous or unduly suspicious authority figures; the United States Army comes under particularly heavy scrutiny for its disregard of civil liberties, crimes against humanity, and homophobia. The song is performed live, and at its conclusion PoI-6965-2 invites his audience to join him in the "Alice's Restaurant Anti-Massacree Movement" to resist such aggravating infringements on individual rights. ("Massacree" is Ozark Mountain slang for a series of ridiculous controversies.) Analytics Department data suggests that the song imparts a mistrust of authority to its listeners, or strengthens this mistrust where it already exists, as well as conveying anti-war sentiments, an enhanced sense of community with others sharing these sentiments, an increased attention span, and a sympathetic attachment to American Thanksgiving. A film based on the song was released in 1969; analysis suggests it produces similar, though muted, results. "The Motorcycle Song" is a short collection of nonsense verses about PoI-6965-2's love for his motorcycle. The album version is a studio track. When performed live, the same song becomes an extended narrative recounting a near-death experience on a mountainside which ends in a brief altercation with the police. Analytics Department data suggests that in addition to a devil-may-care attitude, many listeners also acquire both the singer's fear of his own mortality and his lack of interest in receiving pickles. PoI-6965-2 performs an updated version of "Alice's Restaurant Massacree" every ten years, noting that the social issues originally identified therein remain relevant; of particular note are alterations briefly tracking the evolving profile of the LGBTQ+ movement, which he supports. One such performance contains an extended coda wherein he claims that an opened copy of the original record was found in the personal collection of former United States President Richard Nixon, of whom he was a vociferous critic. He goes on to note that a gap exists in Nixon's illicit White House audio recordings matching the song's precise runtime, muses that this may not be coincidental, and goes so far as to suggest that listening to the song may have precipitated the President's impeachment and resignation. Whether or not this constitutes an admission of cryptomantic intervention is unclear, though PoI-6965-2 does stress the incident as proof that music has the power to change the world. The existence of a track directly attacking Nixon as a corrupt imbecile, "Presidential Rag," supports this possibility. PoI-6965-2's live performances often feature introductory monologues for each song which rival, and frequently exceed, the lengths of the songs themselves. The efficacy of these monologues, generally themed around resistance to state-authored stupidity or overreach, suggests that he is actively engaged in cryptomantic thaumaturgy during each performance. He also frequently performs his father's material, obtaining similar results. As he has performed almost continually for over five decades, the cumulative effect cannot be overestimated. Blank: The long-term popularity of "Alice's Restaurant" is certainly remarkable, but I would be quicker to blame that on the fact that it's very funny and the themes are general enough to resonate with a wide variety of people. Is the AD really arguing that people only get mad at the government when Arlo Guthrie tells them to? And I'm not sure what the bit about 'increased attention span' means; I think the first time most people hear that diatribe, they're just too confused to stop listening until it's over. The version of "The Motorcycle Song" that actually got radio or phonograph play is far too basic to have had much effect, cryptomancy or no, and the live version can't have been that widespread in the 60s or 70s. But granting that Arlo's performances were popular, attributing his audience's opinions to his music is putting the cart before the horse. Mistaking a linear progression for a pattern of causation is the worst kind of history, i.e. the kind done by people who are not historians. There was something in the air, there were obvious facts that needed pointing out, and someone had to be the first to find the right words. In the 40s, that was Woody. In the 70s, it was Arlo — among many, many others. Lillihammer: To play devil's advocate: the best memetic effects are the ones that can't be identified as such. Okorie: To play angel's advocate: if we can't identify it as such, we can't identify it as such. Lillihammer: Angels don't need advocates, and there aren't any here. In 1981 PoI-6965-2 held a free concert at Long's Park Amphitheatre in Lancaster, Pennsylvania wherein he debuted a new song, "Go Find Your Own Guitar." The concert was partially rebroadcast by radio stations across the United States and beyond; each broadcast included the new song, which the Analytics Department has subsequently identified as an SCP-6965-A instance after collating data from the Department of Procurement and Liquidation. "Go Find Your Own Guitar" Arlo Guthrie Go find your own guitar They minted a million, and it ain't that far between the Smokey station and the guitar shop, where they can make a human being from a rent-a-cop, they'll let you Pick out your own guitar Because this one's taken and you ain't no rock star What the hell does that mean. <The audience laughs.> I wanna tell you 'bout the garage sale we threw three weeks back for my cousin Wilbur in Rockville, Maryland. Now Wilbur hasn't got a garage, folks, he's got a shed, but you got to get a permit for a garage sale in Rockville, Maryland where Wilbur lives alone in a two-storey bungalow with pretty white clapboard on the front and an ugly green Dodge Charger rustin' out on the lawn, and you can't get a permit for a shed sale, but you can get a permit to let your ugly green Dodge Charger rust out on the lawn, which Wilbur did, and that's a microcosm of the problem with this here nation in which we live. <The audience laughs.> We in the family tried to push for Wilbur to write his congressman about a law permittin' permits to be issued for shed sales, but Wilbur's a man who cannot be pushed, so we had to make do. Wilbur's a man who cannot be pushed, but sometimes he can be nudged, and so we nudged him into openin' up his shed and divestin' it of knick-knacks, bric-a-brac, sundries and assortments, hodge-podge, potpourri, odds and ends, et cetera, oddments, novelties, rubbish, rummage, paraphernalia of the miscellaneous variety, an' all that groovy stuff. We was determined to teach him the merits of lettin' go, and it'd be a comfort later on when he found out how much we figured our time was worth. <The audience laughs.> So my cousin Clarice — that's a different cousin from Wilbur, on account of bein' French, and also on account of bein' Catholic, and a woman — Clarice decided it'd be nice, for the ambience — that's what they call it in France, when they feel like speakin' English — if I'd set up at the top of the driveway and sing the folks a song so's they couldn't hear Wilbur cryin' behind the shed like a big ol' baby while they browsed. Clarice thought it'd be nice, because she's a skinflint and she ain't never bought none of my records so she don't know, and so's I set a spell on a ten dollar stool and had myself a think. And whiles I was thinkin' of what to sing, this man in black come walkin' up from yonder sidewalk, as you do. He was all black, and I mean he was all black, head to toe, except for where he wasn't. The parts he didn't get to choose, the parts between the clothes which was lily white, the white of a fella who'd be mortified to be caught black on somebody else's driveway in a good neighbourhood in broad daylight, which was lucky for him I guess. Kinda guy who could run for top cop in Minneapolis and win, sort of fella. Monochrome. He come up to me whiles I was tryin' to think of what to sing, and he says to me, he says "Son? I'm here for that guitar." Well I told 'im it weren't for sale, and he told me, in so many words, that he weren't buyin'. That's when I knew him for what he was: a representative of the state, what they call a g-man, an agent especial-like, sent down from Mount Washington D.C. to silence the voice of the people, by which I mean my own self. And in that moment, folks, I knew what I had to do. I mean I knew what I had to do. I mean I had a powerful feelin', a feelin' of what I had, I say I had to do. I had a song in my heart alls of a sudden ladies and gentlemen, and since my guitar was strapped on tight and he couldn't have that, and since it was strapped on so tight it was crushin' the song from my heart into heartburn — that's how it works, you understand, with the pressure and all, it's called science — I gave him my heart-song instead, as a comfort and a relief to the both of us, just belted it out where it couldn't do neither of us no harm, though I know it harmed Clarice plenty and she weren't sorry she'd never bought none of my records once she heard. <The audience laughs.> Here's what I sang: Go find your own guitar There's plenty to choose from, if you roll that black car Down the highway to the music store, where they'll even serve the skippers and you know what's more, they'll help you Pick out your own guitar So you can quit that foolish pingin' with your po-lice radar I mighta sung that first verse too, the one from the start. I can't remember. I done told this story so many times already I can't keep straight of what really happened and what the rhythm wanted. But no, he didn't like that, no sir he didn't like that at all, he didn't like my tellin' him he couldn't have my old guitar, and so he made this kind of gesture at a little black car parked a ways down the street — not the sort of gesture you or I might make at a car, you understand, in the heat of the moment. This man was wearin' a fancy suit and takin' Uncle Sam's dime, and a lot of options open to you and me was closed to him. And that was the first time I noticed the little black car, but it probably ain't the first time you noticed, since I might've spoiled you about it with the chorus just now. I ain't apologizin', but you understand it wasn't me what wanted to do that, it was the rhythm. So this man makes his gesture, and out of the car come another guy who looked about the size and shape and general texture of an old oak door with fancy varnish on top in a club where they know all the mayor's girlfriends' names and you're allowed to use all the words in the English language in polite conversation, especially the ones pertainin' to the folks what aren't allowed to join. I mean he was granulated. Striated. There was rings on him, and he was varnished. This triple tree trunk of a fella walks up to me, real slow, and as I'd only had time to think of one or two verses to sing so far, he had to walk up to the sound of Wilbur cryin' behind the shed, which I think unsettled him a mite. Made him walk kinda funny. Might've also been the heat he was packin' under each arm, in a suit tailored for double machinegun funerals, and it might've been the rod up his unmentionables, the one they install for free with every suit what costs more than fifty dollars, but I like to think it was the sobbin'. It was mighty fine sobbin'. Real soulful. Proud. Wilbur sobs like a man who cannot be pushed, because he is — you remember that I told you he is — and maybe this hunk of beef saw me sittin' there, armed with an old guitar and two and one half feet worth of curls, indominable weepin' backgroundin' my Herculean silhouette against the very sun — Wilbur lives on the high ground, you understand, so as better not to be pushed — and he felt intimidation for the first time in his life. Could happen. <The audience laughs.> But bein' brave and so very large he comes up to me just the same, heedless of the danger, and says, he says, "Son? We'll have that guitar now." I told him I was just holdin' it for a friend. <The audience laughs.> He asked me where my friend was. Now friends, I was surrounded by relatives and strangers, and in a pinch there ain't a whole heck of a lot of different between the two, so I was in a jam. I mean I was in a jam, man, and there wasn't much I could do to get un-jammed. So in an appeal to the raw masculinity we both shared, the only thing what could save me now, I pointed wordlessly at the sobbin' shed, and I said "thataway." It weren't my finest moment, but I was gettin' kinda tired of the sobbin' anyhow, so it was Wilbur versus the world, and one or the other was a-gonna have to move aside. I could've moved aside myself, o' course, but I was holdin' down the stool. Well my new friend didn't see at all, didn't even look as I recall, and he told me so without tellin' me so. Tall men got a way of doin' that, even when you got the benefit of the sun at your back. But here's what I told him in response, my counterproposal, if you like: Go find your own guitar And while you're at it you can add this to your repertoire: I'm thinkin' That everythin' you see might not be yours; it's a premise we've established with a couple of wars, so you should Pick out your own guitar To occupy those sticky fingers, herr kommissar Now that's a little German, folks. I thought he might understand it better than English, because his English weren't too good and he was a little German hisself. A real period piece too, circa 1940, not the type to pick up on subtle inclinations like the one you and I are sharin' right now. Big ol' slab of iron. They roll 'em out of a mill somewhere in Indiana, or maybe Bakersfield. Or Essen. <The audience laughs.> A human boot, one size treads all. But I could see straight off that I was wrong, because instead of takin' my advice and headin' off somewheres to find a guitar of his own, he turns and gestures at that car again and out pop two more men. Like corks out of a pop-gun, if'n the pop gun was too tight and the corks was kinda deflated and also there was two of them in one little black gun on the side of the road. These fellas was thinner, leaner, meaner-lookin', and I asked the big guy was they like that before, or did they get that way from ridin' in a little wee car with such a great big galoot? Only I didn't call him a galoot, that was just to avoid repetition in the song. I don't like repetition in a song. But galoot or not, he tells me that I ought not be talkin' no more — I can hear you all sympathizin' out there, don't think that I can't — not 'til I hear what these new folks has to say. So, I waited. They jockeyed for position on the driveway, lookin' mighty put out. They might not've known who they was dealin' with, since it wasn't my driveway I was sittin' on, and anyway the radio wasn't givin' me no play no more since I started talkin' in my songs, or somethin'. <The audience laughs.> So it weren't my driveway, and truth be told it weren't even my stool. It was a stool sample Clarice got from the stool sample store near the guitar shop, for ten dollars. I already told you about the guitar shop, by way of the chorus, and I already told them too, about the guitar shop that is, twice over. I don't think they would've wanted to know about the stool sample shop, seein' as how they already walked like they knew their way around a stool. <The audience laughs.> Now when these two new fellas made their way to the top of the drive, I could see they was real uncomfortable indeed. They was feelin' that they was in the presence of a man resilient to their methods, though they couldn't see him behind the shed. So before they could even say what they wanted, because I had a pretty clear idear already, I sang them this: Got out of tune with the guitar loop, just bear with me for a second. <The audience laughs.> Alright: Go find your own guitars They pack a heart in every one for them what ain't got none, so you can Learn to live and love a little bit, and maybe even have a laugh or two if weather permits, so fellas Pick out your own guitars And you can try to keep the beat up with your flat set of feet, my brothers Now by this point I'd exhausted my stock set of rhymes for the word 'guitar', leastways the ones I could drop easily into a verse I was writin' on the fly; if I'd have said the word 'tsar' out loud in Rockville, Maryland in broad daylight in front of halfway decent people, then the cops would've been out in force to get me right quick. They got my number in any weather, after the business with the Anti-Massacree Movement. You might'n have heard of that. <The audience cheers.> And bein' out of respectable rhymes like I was troubled me heavy, ladies and gentlemen, as I pride myself on my powers of makin' up rhymes at garage sales, and that pride is partially transferable to the nearest cousin of the humble garage sale, the cousin's shed sale. And I was mighty afeared of what might transpire should one, maybe both, possibly three, or Lord forfade and forbid all four of these fine large gentlemen gesture at that little bitty car again. It might'n blow up, or a whole army of tiny Gestapo come streamin' out, hammerin' home the metaphor a touch too hard for a song this short. <The audience laughs.> Well, it's shorter'n some. But before they had the chance to gesture at the car again, and unleash God knows what sort of besuited monstrosity on the quaint and bucolic world of my otherwise charmin' shed-gone-garage sale vignette, and before I had the chance to make a few choice gestures myself, the kind their suits wouldn't let 'em make 'emselves so I'd have had to do it for 'em, the fear of the Almighty Lord was put in each and every one of these no-account g-fellers and they was put in their places readily and irrevocably when the man of the hour, my cousin Wilbur, finally put in an appearance at his very own to-do! Folks, he stepped out from behind that shed at last, hallelujah! <Silence on recording.> I was sorta expectin' you might give me a hallelujah back, since I given you so much these past fifteen minutes. <The audience laughs.> Hallelujah! <The audience cries 'Hallelujah!'> And he walked in front of me, did Wilbur, and he fell right down. <The audience laughs.> Fainted. Fell dead away. Tumbled face-forward like a statue in a country where they used to have a tsar, and he pulverized the cash box on his way right through the table. There was an explosion, a veritable explosion of currency, a grenade of green, minted shrapnel flyin' in every direction, whiles not so much as a manly moan escaped from the lips of our stoic host. His face cleft the table in twain, and Clarice cried out in mortal terror for the fate of every dollar note. Clarice was mindin' the cash box, by the way, and boy did she mind it now. I didn't think you needed updates on Clarice, because she owes me twenty dollars and ain't never bought none of my records any no-how. <The audience laughs.> Now you might think what Wilbur done was an act of mean retaliation, a mighty rude thing to do to a relation, bargin' in on a private conversation out in public with this fine delegation from honestly I do not know, where all our friends and neighbours, these bein' very distinct and different things, as I told you, could see. You might think Wilbur was retaliatin' for the sale, after sobbin' up a storm all afternoon behind the shed, but that's 'cause'n you don't know Wilbur. The man ain't got a vindictive bone in his body. He had a doctor take 'em all out, so's he could dodge the draft. They won't take you without your vindictive bones, 'cuz then you'd only shoot at folks what deserve it, and that ain't no use to nobody. <The audience laughs.> So you might then think instead that I'd arranged this eventuality, the downfall of a great man, in some mean and underhanded way, so as to make my escape, but that ain't true neither. I've still got my vindictive bones, as you can all testify by now. <The audience laughs.> But you might even think, the presence of all these men in dark suits fittin' into very small black cars havin' clouded your mind to the possibility that there is light, nay the very brilliance of benevolent justice in the world, that someone with a guitar strapped tight to his body and two and one half feet's worth of curls might even have tripped that poor man and pushed him, if not to his end, then to the end of this song more or less, where you want us all's to be at anyhow. But I'm tellin' you, I am sittin' here and tellin' you, folks, that this weren't the case. This was a case of divine intervention, Almighty God hisself on his golden throne reachin' down through the clouds and lettin' everybody know that the possession of a fella's guitar was no matter of state, but a holy matter of church that ought not be interfered with by mortal man. And the good Lord chose his instrument well, just like me when I chose this old guitar and got me a job confusin' crowds of folks for a livin', when he chose to act through the august personage of my cousin Wilbur. That my friends is what transpired, before God and the green Dodge Charger rustin' out on the lawn and the pretty white clapboard on the two-storey bungalow in Rockville, Maryland, "America in Miniature": the instrument of my salvation stepped forward, and into the pages of history, with all the right of divine retribution behind his noble collapse. He knowed that he was needed, and he rose and fell to the occasion. Ain't nobody put Wilbur down but Wilbur, because Wilbur — you'll remember I told you this before — is a man who cannot be pushed. <The audience laughs.> And in all that excitement — 'cuz this is what passes for excitement at a garage sale in Rockville, Maryland — I made good on the chance that the Lord gave Wilbur's dignity to provide, and made my escape. But before I did, takin' note of how stiff and joyless was the faces of these fine young men freshly pressed from the fine young man mill — where they're switchin' to churnin' out Republicans next spring, 'cuz they can save the cost of brains and charisma, and you don't even need to dress 'em up, 'cuz nobody'll even look at 'em but sideways — I sang 'em one more verse, a sort of Hail Mary moment in recognition of the good deed the good Lord done me, 'cause Lord knows everybody at the shed sale needed some grace. And you know what I sang 'em? Sing along with me! Go buy some used kazoos <Confusion. The audience laughs.> Yeah, I changed the words on you. Serves you right for thinkin' I'd let you sing along. You ain't even paid me; I ain't even been paid for the garage sale, since it turns out I also ain't got a cousin Clarice, and the cousin Clarice I also ain't got made it across the state line with our seventy-three dollars and eighty-nine cents, plus a button some kid sneaked in there for an old piece of penny candy, and the sample stool from the sample stool store next to the guitar shop, as established beforehand on multiple occasions. Where was I. <The audience laughs.> Oh yeah. Go buy some used kazoos It's a gadget fit for goobers and my brothers, that's you Can't play guitar because you got no souls, but you can fake it 'til you make it if you stick this in your holes Go buy some used kazoos And while you're blowin' hard and heavy you can blow me, too Pigs <The audience laughs.> God ain't never love a cop, and that's the shorthand truth. Okorie: This was one song? It is believed the incident recounted in this song is an extreme extrapolation from an encounter between PoI-6965-2 and Agent Herbert Ruyter of P&L, who politely requested access to the former's musical instrument collection to test each item for anomalous properties. The latter politely declined; the performance took place two weeks later. Multiple P&L staff members recall listening to the concert, and particularly the new song, whilst engaged in their duties driving between sites, inspecting garage or estate sales, and arranging for the purchase of private collections. A subsequent productivity drop of 9% was recorded over the remainder of the calendar year, attributed to a sudden rise in hobby activity among P&L staff. Said staff frequently engage in their containment activities while off-duty, but did so considerably less often after encountering the SCP-6965-A instance in favour of developing musical talents or, more rarely, engaging in other creative endeavours. Incidences of stubborn behaviour among P&L staff also increased dramatically, by 24%, with affected individuals expressing an unwillingness to be 'pushed around' or similar terminology. Self-reported work satisfaction reached an all-time low during this period as purchasers began associating their activities with the suppression of free speech and congregation, and even the disapproval of the Abrahamic god where relevant to their personal faiths, despite the fact that P&L almost exclusively deals in equitable transactions to acquire its materials. Blank: See, now these statistics aren't crap. Once again we've got one very good example supported by a bunch of trash. Lillihammer: I dunno. If I heard a song about how my job is evil over and over while I was out doing it, I might reconsider. Okorie: No, you wouldn't. Lillihammer: That was the collective, theoretical "I." Of course I wouldn't. Blank: And it's not like we need a song, at this point. Okorie: In any case, this is obviously targeted — he even used the word 'skippers', which is audacious as hell — and has had a measurable effect. Lillihammer: I agree that it's targeted. Thilo clearly told Arlo about us, or else Woody did. But it's just as likely that we're in the unusual position of being harassed by a private citizen with no anomalous capabilities whatsoever. There's plenty of people inside the Veil who don't have magic powers. Okorie: I don't think you want to make that argument, Lillian. That argument gets him amnesticized, or worse, and he doesn't deserve that. Lillihammer: Deserved or not, it isn't going to happen. Have you forgotten about Zwist? This is a story about Zwist. Okorie: You think the O5s are afraid of one old man with word magic? Lillihammer: Yes. Blank: One old man whose word magic maintains the Veil, and could instantly bring it down on top of us. Yeah, I think Thilo's threats carry weight, and we know damn well we're in the wrong here. Blank: So Arlo Guthrie, cryptomancer or not? Lillihammer: Cryptic, sure. Cryptomancer, no. Okorie: Quacks like a duck, but a duck in the distance, where we can't see it. And if we can't see the duck, we can't shoot it, so another no vote from me. Blank: I'm quite certain he's a mugician, so once again we're three-way deadlocked. Lillihammer: You promised to never say 'mugician' again. PoI-6965-3 Phenomenological Profile: Sarah Lee Guthrie is a folk musician born in 1979, and active as a singer-songwriter, sociopolitical activist, and potential cryptomancer up to the present day. PoI-6965-3 during a live performance. She began her own career while touring with her father, subsequently partnering with husband Johnny Irion as a recording artist. While her studio output is more generally folk-oriented than the explicitly political material produced by PoI-6965-1 and -2, she has also recorded or re-recorded works penned by her father and grandfather and often engages in politically-motivated live performances, alone or in concert with family members. In addition to PoI-6965-2, said family members include siblings Abe, Annie and Cathy (PoI-6965-4, -5 and -6) who are also musicians, though their involvement in the creation of SCP-6965-A instances is as yet unproven. The Analytics Department has tentatively identified PoI-6965-3's concert appearances with an increase in left-wing sentiment, including support for social justice issues and politicians aligned with socialist ideology. No single commercially-released song has yet been identified as a potential SCP-6965-A instance. However, Thilo Zwist received a thumb drive in the Site-43 internal mail while visiting Dr. Lillihammer on 01/25/2023 which contained a single song recorded by PoI-6965-3, with the potential assistance of her siblings. The method of delivery, as with "Talkin' Hitler's Head Off Blues," remains unclear. Zwist has declined to comment on the event at this time. The Warning Sarah Lee Guthrie Were you watching when they raised their guns in the air And made a thundering statement that never again Would they bow to the clouds that gathered Or suffer a setback to their campaign? Now I wonder if you ever knew How to keep your faith in the cauldron of change And I worry if you've fallen for their line How we'll rise to the challenges that remain Can you see it from where you're standing? Can you see the light of the rising sun? Can you see the end that you mean to reach Or remember the reasons that you started to run? Oh, but you've strayed from the trackway Oh, now you're walking on their path Oh, and you've lost the connection You'd better find it fast We've been listening to your sermons You've been speaking a lot, but the words don't ring true Are you getting tired of walking the walk? Are you thinking it's easier just to talk? They're holding your mic with their left hand And stifling our cries with the right Does it matter that it don't matter? Does it matter that might makes trite? Do you care about our birthright Do you know the sound that freedom makes When it rings across the nations And it jangles the shackles until they break Oh, we don't need their protection Oh, and we don't feel secure Oh, they contain a disease We're gonna find the cure Has it somehow escaped your notice That the days are shorter, and colder the nights Can it be that you've all decided You can weather the storm alone on the heights 'cuz we're feeling a bit abandoned As the earth is trembling beneath our feet There's a flare on the horizon And I think it can crack concrete Can you see the stars are burning? Can you feel the heat where we stand in the dust? Can you see the sparks raining down in the dark? If you've been fighting the fires, then I think that you must Oh, but you're in their inferno Oh, and you're off our brigade Oh, and we're manning the hoses So it's time that you fade Oh, don't forget that we know you Oh, and remember the songs Oh, of my fathers before me We're gonna right your wrongs PoI-6965-3 refused to grant an interview with Dr. Blank, but when pressed, agreed to answer a single question. Dr. Blank asked whether the callous entity described in "The Warning" was the Foundation, and Zwist the subject of its direct address. Her response: "That's up to you, isn't it?" Okorie: Did it have any memetic effect on Zwist? Lillihammer: Listen to yourself. "Memetic effect on Zwist." Like that's even a thing that can happen. Okorie: Has it had any effect on us? Director McInnis: If you suspect you have been exposed to an active memetic effect, I trust you will report to Health and Pathology immediately. Blank: What's the verdict on Sarah Lee? Lillihammer: Even less evidence than the other two. Not magic. Okorie: Agreed on the evidence, not on its meaning. I think we need a more in-depth investigation before we can say for certain. Lillihammer: Drygioni Protocol has produced a total deadlock, far as I can see. I think this is all bunk, Harry thinks some of it is real, and Udo is conflicted. Okorie: Well, when in doubt… Blank: Interview log. Leave it to me, and meet back here in two days. Lillihammer: If anyone is going to interview a cryptomancer, it should be a memeticist. Blank: Please let me have this. Addendum 6965-1, Interview: As one element of the ongoing Drygioni Protocol review, Dr. Harold Blank requested and received permission to interview PoI-6965-2 at the latter's home in Micco, Florida. Interview Log Subject: PoI-6965-2, Arlo Davy Guthrie Date: 01/25/2023 Officer of Record: Dr. H. Blank (Chair, Archives and Revision) <Dr. Blank and PoI-6965-2 are seated on facing couches in the latter's living room.> Dr. Blank: The wrong thing to say at the start of this interview is "I'm a big fan of your work." PoI-6965-2: I expect so. It's downright offensive, considerin' the source. I ain't a big fan of yours. <Silence on recording.> PoI-6965-2: I'm sorry, kid, but I don't know what you expected. Dr. Blank: I expected that, I just wasn't… yeah, never mind. PoI-6965-2: Ask your questions. Dr. Blank: Are you a cryptomancer? PoI-6965-2: Am I a crypt romancer? <Dr. Blank laughs.> Dr. Blank: No. Well, I mean, sure. Are you a crypt romancer? PoI-6965-2: Depends on which way it goes. I've got one foot in the crypt already, so any romancin' I do might be seen in that particular light. But I don't romance any crypts, 'least not as I'm aware. Dr. Blank: Glad we got that sorted out PoI-6965-2: We're makin' progress. Dr. Blank: Are you a cryptomancer? PoI-6965-2: I'm a kleptomancer. Dr. Blank: What's a kleptomancer? PoI-6965-2: A guy who learns from stealin' stuff. Wait, no, I got my wires all crossed up again. That's you, ain't it? <Silence on recording.> Dr. Blank: You're everything I'd hoped you'd be. PoI-6965-2: Except a cryptomancer. Dr. Blank: So, you're not? PoI-6965-2: I might be. I don't know what that is, and that makes it hard to tell. Dr. Blank: Someone who uses words to produce anomalous effects. PoI-6965-2: Oh, well, sure. That's me. Dr. Blank: Yeah? PoI-6965-2: Yeah. Just yesterday I made water from nothin', then turned that water into wine. Dr. Blank: Do tell. PoI-6965-2: I made that nice young man you sent down here to ask me for an interview cry when I asked him did his mother know he was a no-account thug, and then I badgered him 'til he stopped cryin' and started whinin'. Dr. Blank: Alright, let's try this from a different angle. Do you know Thilo Zwist? PoI-6965-2: Hum a few bars. Dr. Blank: Throw me a bone. PoI-6965-2: 'course I know Thilo Zwist. He knew my father, and he knows my kids. Probably know my grandkids some day. PoI-6965-2 (right) and -3 (left) in concert. Dr. Blank: And did he teach you anything? PoI-6965-2: Sure enough. Taught me that life begins at four hundred. He's been a lot sunnier these last few years, for some reason or other. You know why? Dr. Blank: I have a few ideas. PoI-6965-2: Mm, that's dangerous. You oughtn't have more than one idea at any one time, your line of work. Next thing you know you'll start comparin' 'em, and a fella doin' what you're doin' can't survive much comparin'. Dr. Blank: Is this the part where you make me cry? PoI-6965-2: Nah. I made the last one cry, and all that got me was you. What if the next one's worse? Dr. Blank: The next one will definitely be worse. PoI-6965-2: Ol' Thilo wouldn't like that. Dr. Blank: What's the nature of your relationship? PoI-6965-2: Used to be we was real close. He always had a solid head on his shoulders. Big and bald, from all that thinkin' he does. He told me a lot of things about the world, and some of them was true. Dr. Blank: Like what? PoI-6965-2: Like how there's some people want to know everything, take everything, hide everything, and they won't be happy 'til alls that's left for everybody else is the stuff they don't have any use for. People like you. Dr. Blank: I don't really want much more than I have. PoI-6965-2: That so. Dr. Blank: Yeah. PoI-6965-2: Then what've you got against starvin' kids in Africa? Dr. Blank: I beg your pardon? PoI-6965-2: Starvin' kids in Africa. Ain't you seen the telethons? They been starving down there for decades now, since you was a little bitty baby I bet. And your bosses ain't done nothing for them, but they could. They could feed every child, woman and man in this world, if they wanted to. They could stamp out every disease, but they'd rather stamp in lockstep or kick in people's doors. <Silence on recording.> PoI-6965-2: You alright? Dr. Blank: I'm fine. You're saying the Foundation is fascist. PoI-6965-2: I don't like to come right out and say what I mean. I'm lyrical that way. Give people some time for the meanin' to percolate in themselves, so's they end up believin' it. You come right out and say what you're thinkin', like my dad did, and people can point at you and say "That man right there is a commie," or "That man right there is a socialist," or whatever else is the same as bein' a lyin' thievin' murderin' scoundrel these days. But you put it so's they're too dumb to understand, and the folks that matter can figure it out in their idle leisure, then boy you're in business. Dr. Blank: So you're implying that the Foundation is fascist. PoI-6965-2: Ain't but all I got to do. Am I wrong? Dr. Blank: I don't think you are. <Silence on recording.> PoI-6965-2: That set alright with you? Dr. Blank: You can see that it doesn't. We do things I could never be party to personally, and those are just the ones I know about— PoI-6965-2: The things you know about, kid, I couldn't never sleep at night if I knew I was helpin' them to happen. You're party to plenty enough of the evil in this world, and part-party to the rest by doin' nothin' about it. Dr. Blank: How much do you know? <PoI-6965-2 picks up an acoustic guitar leaning on the side of his couch.> PoI-6965-2: Don't play so good since I took a few strokes, but I think I can handle somethin' your speed. How's this for a fun little ditty? 's called "The Alphabet Song." Well You start it off with "A," and brother "A" is a-okay You can be alright with "B," go on a buzzin', spellin' spree, but Beyond the "C," the holy "C," there ain't no more you'll wanna see 'cuz ain't no rhymes, and tough is times On "D"-day. <Silence on recording.> PoI-6965-2: Well? Dr. Blank: What do you expect me to say? Yes. We run extrajudicial prisons with no chance of release, and the most inhumane treatment you can imagine. Everything I do right helps them perpetrate that wrong, and who knows how many others. I'm implicated. There's blood on my hands by association. PoI-6965-2: So why do you do it? Dr. Blank: Why did you vote Republican in 2008? PoI-6965-2: Oh, for fuck's sake. Dr. Blank: Well? PoI-6965-2: I didn't vote for no party. I sent a man to Washington for Senator who I figured wouldn'ta turned his nose up at signin' the foundin' document. I'da been fine with Bernie goin' all the way this time around, if the shitters'd let him. A man got the right to change his mind, so long as he uses it. How much farther you think we can get in this world if alls we have is two sides, and one's evil, and one's bastardly, and none of them's any good? They both got to be doin' what they think is right, if there needs to be sides at all — and I'm not saying there does, but there is, and that's all we got to work with right now. They both got to do the right thing from their point of view, and if you fill them both up with folks whose point of view ain't crazy or stupid or evil, and let 'em muddle through it all together, you'll get a better world in the end. The one my dad wanted. The one I want for my grandkids. We can't have that when you got one side wants everybody that ain't like them to starve to death, and the other side don't care so long as they gets their bribes on time. Dr. Blank: You thought, for a moment, that you could fix them. PoI-6965-2: My dad said human beings is hopin' machines, and he wasn't wrong. But that's the thing about hope, the thing that makes it powerful and dangerous at the same time: you can hope for things that ain't possible. Dr. Blank: You just have to keep hoping, and sharing that hope, until they become possible. PoI-6965-2: I don't disagree, but we're a long ways off from where we ought to be right now. The kinda folks I'd vote for, the damn parties wouldn't even let 'em run. The good in this country came from arguin', debatin', and figurin' out, and that ain't what we got any more. They let that genie out of the bottle, the one that says it's okay to make a bed of lies and keep lyin' in it, and so long as you never stop lyin', you don't never have to change your mind. They ain't never gonna put it back, because they're happy livin' like this. You can't fix folks what don't wanna be fixed, and that goes double for your lot. Dr. Blank: It's not the same thing. PoI-6965-2: Like hell it ain't. You done much worse than stop people from votin', or votin' yourselves more power, or even turnin' deceit into a glorified national pastime. Them kleptocrats ain't got shades on you. You stole the whole damn world, you're still stealin' it, and you ain't even doin' it 'cuz you're too dumb to know better. That's all hate is, you know? Dumb. Rock solid stupid. Hate is honest, simple foolishness, and that's what I spent these fifty years tryin' to tell people. But you, you ain't no fools. You're the kind of bad my dad and his union buddies was tryin' to put a stop to before I was even born. You ain't got the honesty to hate nobody, you just want, want, want. So you take. Dr. Blank: And if we didn't, the world would have ended about a hundred times already. PoI-6965-2: The world can't end but once, and from what I hear, you didn't try all that hard to stop it last time. Real keen on change, long as it's other people changin', not you. I don't expect you'll try too hard next time neither, and I know there's a next time comin', in spite of all that takin' you think you was right to do. Dr. Blank: What's that mean? PoI-6965-2: Don't pretend you don't know. Do me that kindness. And don't try tellin' me you're gonna tidy up your mess from inside, free the slaves and give back the loot and issue everybody a gold-framed apology letter with a ten dollar Applebee's voucher tucked in the mattin', 'cuz we both know that ain't how it works. You can kill the engine, but that train been pickin' up speed for a long damn time now, and it ain't about to stop. It'll keep itself goin'. Dr. Blank: You're aware of the schriftsteller and giftschreiber? PoI-6965-2: Ah, yeah, there it is. We can't do nothin' to fix ourselves, 'cuz there's Germans needs worryin' about. Dr. Blank: Austrians. And they're a lot more than that now. But that's not the point; your father knew perfectly well that they had to deal with Hitler before the robber barons. PoI-6965-2: That's right. And Hitler's been in his grave seventy-some year now. What's the status of the robber barons, remind me? When'd we lick 'em? <Silence on recording.> PoI-6965-2: You ever read the copyright on them old songs? My dad's? This song belongs to me for twenty-eight years, and in the meantime I'd be much obliged if you'd pretty please steal it and sing it like it was yours, because what's mine is our'n and fuck them lawyers if'n they say otherwise. And what? Some no account paper pimps still suin' anybody who sings his songs without their go-ahead, one entire generation of man later. You know what a patrimony is? Dr. Blank: Yes. PoI-6965-2: Well there's a lotta folks owe the people in this country, and every other damn country too, a lifetime's worth o' patrimony payments for all the things we rightly own they think they can box up and sell back to us. That goes double for you; ain't nobody in history fell in love with boxes like you folks, indiscriminate with what and who you stick in 'em. Boxes ain't even an efficient use of space! We already got the whole wide world to contain ourselves in, why you gotta go ahead and plot out solitary allotments for? A three metre cube for one human bein', too confined and too spread out at the same time. Y'all are lunatics and imbeciles, by way of bein' too smart for anyone's good. <Silence on recording.> PoI-6965-2: We ain't even traded one monster for another. You was monstrous then, and we've still got you. Now the world's fillin' up with hundreds of little Hitlers, and you don't even care. You're lettin' it happen. You're of a piece with 'em. <Silence on recording.> PoI-6965-2: Aw, hey. <Silence on recording.> PoI-6965-2: I can't say I'm all that sorry, kid. I wanna, but I can't. Dr. Blank: No, you wouldn't be you if you did. Or his son, or their father. We both know you're right. PoI-6965-2: And that's why I don't talk to Thilo no more, because he don't know it. Or he does, but it's safer not to think about. I ain't gonna do that good gentleman the disrespect of givin' him the time of day 'til he gets some sense in his old head, and sees you for who you are. Dr. Blank: Which is what? State it plainly. PoI-6965-2: Plain's against my nature. You strike me as a man takes sixteen thousand words to say nothin'; I take half as many to say not much. Dr. Blank: Bullshit. PoI-6965-2: I come from a line of straight-talkers, but the line got a little wavy when it got to little Davy. Dr. Blank: Channel your dad, then. PoI-6965-2: Well, I can sure do that. Winston's gunnin' for you, and Josef's gunnin' for you Franklin's gunnin' for you, too, so Dolf you grab that gun Monty's gunnin' for you, and Charlie's gunnin' for you Ike is gunnin' for you, too, so Dolf you grab that gun You only got one single shot, so Dolf you hit that spot Himmler he won't miss you, and Goering he won't miss you Goebbels he won't miss you none, so Dolf now don't you miss Eva she won't miss you, Blondi she won't miss you Nobody gonna miss you none, so Dolf now don't you miss Dr. Blank: Which attempt was that? PoI-6965-2: One of the middle ones, if I recall. Maybe #9. Dr. Blank: Did your father kill Hitler? PoI-6965-2: Might've done. Dr. Blank: Did he think it was pointless? Did he murder a man for no reason? PoI-6965-2: Name a man deserved murderin' more. Dr. Blank: There can't be many. But was there no larger point to what he did? Hitler was already finished. All he had in front of him was a trial, and a rope. Did your father plan on killing the rest of Germany, once Hitler was dead? And Austria? And Japan? PoI-6965-2: You ever hear of the riot at the Japanese Imperial Bar? Dr. Blank: Yes. Did that really happen? PoI-6965-2: Did it happen. Who cares if it happened? It's what it means that matters. That's all that ever matters. It ain't the people that's the problem, it's the things they got rattlin' around in their heads. Blamin' good folks for what bad folks've done. My dad, he thought he could put a stop to all that. Give 'im another few lifetimes, he might've done. What do you think it meant, "This machine kills fascists"? Dr. Blank: I don't know. PoI-6965-2: What do you think? Dr. Blank: I think it might have meant what it looks like, literally. The music he was making would help to put the fascists in their graves. But… I like to think he meant something more. What he says he did at the Imperial, shaming the mob into changing their ways. Music can kill the fascist inside a person, even kill the category of existence that we call 'being a fascist'. Because it isn't enough to kill the ones who can't be changed, the ones who want everyone who isn't the same as them to die, or suffer, because if you don't kill their ideas, the next generation picks them right back up. And that's what's happening right now. Those mini-Hitlers you're talking about. PoI-6965-2: So do you think you can kill the ideas that make your own people the worst mass murderers and thieves since Adolf wore his cape? Do you think that about yourself? Dr. Blank: No. <Silence on recording.> Dr. Blank: I'll try, I really will try, believe me, but it won't be me that does it. It might be a few of my friends who start the ball rolling, but even that won't be enough. It'll have to be a lot of people. <Silence on recording.> Dr. Blank: It'll have to be a movement. <Silence on recording.> PoI-6965-2: You quotin' some old song back at me now? Dr. Blank: Your songs never got old. Neither did your dad's. Whatever Thilo told him, the fact is that some ideas don't age. They're evergreen. At some point all of you believed you could change the world, and that's a thread that's never been broken since people learned to talk to one another. PoI-6965-2: The world is just a place, kid. Dr. Blank: Exactly. And so is the Foundation. It's just a shape, and we can fill it with whatever we want, and it'll reflect what we put into it. It won't be long before we can't keep everything hidden, and then we'll have to decide what we want to do about that. There'll be a turning point. PoI-6965-2: The folks you work for would rather see the whole thing burn and fall down than see it change. Dr. Blank: By the time that happens, we'll be sitting in their seats. It'll be our turn to decide. PoI-6965-2: And you'll see what they had, what you've got, and you'll want to keep it for yourselves. Dr. Blank: Not if the ideas we bring with us are strong enough. And that's your job. PoI-6965-2: I've said my piece already. Done what was in me to do. Dr. Blank: Then your children. PoI-6965-2: And theirs? Dr. Blank: No. We haven't got that much time. <Silence on recording.> PoI-6965-2: I'm sorry I told you I wasn't gonna make you cry. Dr. Blank: I'm glad I still can. PoI-6965-2: It's a mark in your favour, no mistake. One. <Silence on recording.> Dr. Blank: So, are you a cryptomancer? PoI-6965-2: Ain't that that funny money on computers I keep hearin' about? <Dr. Blank sighs.> Dr. Blank: I suppose we'll be in touch. PoI-6965-2: I suppose I might allow it. <Dr. Blank stands up.> Dr. Blank: Oh, uh. PoI-6965-2: Yeah? Dr. Blank: I always loved "City of New Orleans." That's my favourite one. PoI-6965-2: You know I didn't write it. Dr. Blank: Yeah, but you believed it. So I did, too. Lillihammer: You fucking idiot. You're going to get yourself terminated. Even under Drygioni review, this shit gets mirrored to SCiPNET! Okorie: He was obviously just playing to his audience. Lillihammer: Have you read your own messages in this file? Okorie: Have you read yours? We're all a little fucking preoccupied here, Lillian, if you haven't noticed! Blank: We might as well talk this out right now, because it's germane to the topic at hand. So, new thread: Blank: Is the SCP Foundation fascist? Is that why the torpedo blew up in its bay, and the Stratofortress blew up in its hangar and took an O5 with it? Is that why we're considering squelching these people for speaking their truth to our power? If the Guthries are anti-fascist cryptomancers, are they necessarily anti-Foundation as well? We can't continue this analysis without tackling the underlying questions. It wouldn't be scientific. The Council can't expect us to ignore the facts. Lillihammer: We're not fascist. Fascism is nationalist and right-wing. We're politically neutral authoritarian. There's a distinction. It's still bad, but it's bad with a reason. Okorie: I don't think this distinction would much impress the Guthries. Look at the creativity arrayed against us, and the creative bankruptcy of our approach. Containment is conservative. Conservatism and creativity are practically antonyms. We're sitting here baffled by something that can easily be explained by human beings behaving genuinely! Blank: Exactly! We got fucking old, folks. Subverting Common Practice? When's the last time that was anything but a slogan? I used to think we were trying to find a better path for the whole Foundation. Now I wonder if we've just been patting ourselves on the back for being so righteous and enlightened while the most monstrous shit imaginable got done in our names behind our backs. What are we, Albert Speer? "I'm the good one, take my word for it." The fact that we see people believing things, and sharing those beliefs with others, and convincing them, and we think 'must be magic'; that's what makes us fascists. Okorie: I would've said it was the slave army, but okay. Blank: Point. Blank: We're authoritarian because we believe that only authoritarianism can address the problems that only we perceive. Of course, only we perceive them because we've set everything up that way, on purpose, to preserve our authority. That makes the critiques in these songs directly applicable to us. So, yes? Yes, the Guthries are by their nature opposed to us, and we'll oppose them right back by our own nature? Because that is not sustainable. If they decide to come at us for real, and they have the powers this database entry claims they have, they could turn the entire world against us. The last time that happened, we needed to invent a memetic glamour to save our asses. The man who made that possible is on their side, as much as he's on ours. Maybe more. If we force him to make a choice, will he choose us? Okorie: Is this your argument for why what we've said isn't grounds for termination? Lillihammer: If it is, he's right. We've been in a vicious holding pattern for decades, and it isn't helping resolve the overall situation. The world is very literally falling to pieces right now, and the way we've always operated is very much part of the problem. If discussing that gets us executed, then everyone who works for the Foundation is inevitably going to have their brains fried for the greater good by a scary old man with the proven capability to do so, and what's more, he will be right to do it. He's only on our side because we've proven that 43 does things differently than the norm, and he hopes what we've got might be catching. There's a lot riding on his hope not being wrong. Okorie: I knew you weren't as indifferent as all that, Lillian. Lillihammer: Yeah, well, fuck both of you for making me say it out loud. Director McInnis: Good evening, doctors. I see you've started updating this file again; it's not presently being mirrored to SCiPNET because of some irregularities with the content. If you'd come see me in my office as soon as possible, I'd like to clarify a few things with you. DRYGIONI PROTOCOL: CONCLUSIONS During Drygioni review, three members of the Site-43 senior staff were exposed to a previously unrecognized memetic trigger contained within the file: the lyrics to an unpublished piece of music entitled "Jingo Jangle." Experimentation by Memetics and Countermemetics personnel has revealed that this trigger induces ideological anxiety in SCP Foundation personnel, progressively developing into subversive thinking and revolt against certain vital organizational principles. Emergency deprogramming measures were sufficient to reverse the effect in full; all three doctors have been temporarily relieved of duty and demoted to E-Class personnel for observation, but restoration of their security clearance levels and administrative privileges is expected in short order. SCP-6382, allied cryptomancer Thilo Zwist, has confirmed that he was the author of both this memetic trigger and the one discovered in 1969 which led to the initial classification of SCP-6965. In light of this, and the lack of further evidence, the SCP-6965 database file has been found inauthentic and will be closed. Friends, Though it was lovely to be reminded that you're not all marching in lockstep with your less-conscientious peers, you will need to be more circumspect in the future. You've been under mounting pressure, I understand, and the cracks were going to start showing eventually, but I wish I'd known how close to collapse you all apparently were. I don't want to lose you, because you and I, what we're doing, we cannot lose. We must win through. Those little rants weren't going to accomplish anything but your own destruction, and while I'm happy to play the scapegoat, the excuse your Director and I concocted isn't likely to work twice. The next time you speak your consciences, there will be consequences. Such is the price of integrity — there is little virtue in being both idealistic and safe. If there were no danger involved in utopian politics, we would all be utopians already. A single person can only make a difference by expressing the will of multitudes, and you simply aren't there yet. You've spent too long set against the many to champion their cause at this juncture. None of you is Woody Guthrie. You haven't walked with the people, or walked in their shoes, you haven't taken a literal or even metaphorical ride on their freight trains, or learned the words to properly express their grievances. As you yourselves have noted, the confluence of actors and hour is needed to set sweeping change in motion, and as yet we have neither. The time, at least, may come soon, and I am not so afraid of that as once I was. I am reminded of a few brief words written for me by a friend, in the midst of the worst hardship his world had ever seen: The chains they bring me down, oh Lord The chains they bring me down They ain't on you, nor mine, nor me They ain't so close as I can see But Lord I ain't never be free Ain't never gonna stand my height And win this everlastin' fight While any man endures the plight Of chains upon his back, oh Lord The chains they bring me down Whatever he was — and I'm still not commenting, you understand — he was certainly no apprentice of mine. He was a student of humanity writ large, and I for one will never stop learning from the example he set. But had he suspected the first percentile of your organization's vast and heavy stock of chains, I think even Woodrow Wilson Guthrie's indominable courage might have flagged. He would certainly have hated me for colluding with the world's worst jailors, the prototypical and monstrous Big Men against whom he strove 'til the strength left his tortured body. But whether he would have agreed or not with my thinking, we are engaged you and I in the great and bloody fight which so enflamed the passions of his short and wonderful life. We are fighting two wars simultaneously, against the schriftsteller and giftschreiber: fascism and anarchy, slavery and massacree, and some of the battles in those wars must be waged within yourselves, in the very halls wherein you live and work. The point isn't only to win. It isn't even only to save the world. It is to make the world a thing worth saving. You will have to set a great many people free to earn your right to share this land with the people you profess to protect, and conquer the suspicions of their unfaltering champions. You will have to forfeit something. You may have to forfeit everything — everything but your integrity. There is yet a long and bumpy road ahead before you are called to stand for your beliefs, like that lonely but never truly alone young man who, with nothing but his guitar, the clothes on his back, and his firmest convictions, could not by any means but victory be moved from where he planted his feet in the ashes and dust. It is my hope, my desperate hope, that we will all be standing together. — Thilo P.S. More famously, but no less truly, the same poet once wrote: "This world is your world. Take it easy, but take it." « SCP-6858 | Words of Power and Poison | Nx-143 » ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6965" by HarryBlank, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. The blockquote quotation from Woody Guthrie, the lyrics quoted from "This Land Is Your Land," and the words "This world is your world. Take it easy, but take it," are sourced from "Ten Songs of Woody Guthrie." This pamphlet was published in 1945 with a copyright length of 28 years, plus another 28 if renewed. It was not renewed, but would've expired anyway, so the pamphlet is in the public domain as are the specific lyrical compositions within. "Great and Bloody Fight" and "Talkin' Hitler's Head Off Blues" are Woody Guthrie song titles. The lyrics to "Go Find Your Own Guitar," "Jingo Jangle," "On Judgment Day," "Talkin' Hitler's Head Off Blues, Attempt #14," "Talkin' Hitler's Head Off Blues, Attempt #9," "The Alphabet Song," "The Chains," and "The Warning," were written by HarryBlank and are released CC BY-SA 3.0 as with the remainder of the text. Passages identified as excerpts from Bound for Glory are fictional, and also written by HarryBlank. No otherwise copyrighted material is quoted herein. Filename: 6965.png Author: Woody Guthrie License: Public Domain Source: Ten Songs of Woody Guthrie Filename: AllanPFPtiny.jpg Name: March 22, 2011 Author: Jeremy Jenum License: CC BY 2.0 Source: flickr Filename: Arlo.jpg Name: Arlo Guthrie at The Pinecrest Country Club Author: Carl Lender License: CC BY 2.0 Source: flickr Filename: ArloSarahLee.jpg Name: Arlo Guthrie Author: robbiesaurus License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: flickr Filename: Drygioni.png/drygioni-icon.svg, ETTRA.png, ZwistIllustration.jpg Author: HarryBlank License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: HangarFire.jpg Name: Ewa Airfield hangar on fire, 7 December 1941 Author: USMC Archives License: CC BY 2.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons Filename: HarryPFP.jpg/HarryPFPtiny.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 This file is a composite of: Name: If you want to know how much grey hair you have, dye your hair without bleaching it. Author: Kim Siever License: Public Domain Source: flickr Name: Kevin and daddy's glasses 1 Author: Jim Trottier License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: flickr Filename: LilPFP.jpg/LilPFPtiny.jpg Name: Forest fairy Author: Space Butterfly License: CC BY 2.0 Source: flickr Filename: MoonlightMaria.jpg Name: B-52 Stratofortress aircraft Author: manhhai License: CC BY 2.0 Source: flickr Filename: SarahLee.jpg Name: Sara Lee Guthrie and Johnny Irion [sic] Author: Jim, the Photographer License: CC BY 2.0 Source: flickr Filename: UdoPFP.jpg/UdoPFPtiny.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 This file is a composite of: Name: Aklil, Adigrat, Ethiopia Author: Rod Waddington License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: flickr Name: nerd glasses Author: kaex0r License: CC BY 2.0 Source: flickr Filename: Wiesenthal.jpg Name: Los Angeles-class Fast Attack Submarine Participates in Exercise Keen Sword Author: Official U.S. Navy Page/Chief Electronics Technician (Radioman) Robert Gulini License: CC BY 2.0 Source: flickr Filename: WoodyMachine.jpg/TMKF.jpg/damnrightitdoes.png Name: Woody Guthrie NYWTS Author: New York World-Telegram and the Sun staff photographer: Al Aumuller License: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons Anyone who shares and shares alike will be a good friend of our'n.
Item #: SCP-6967 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6967 is to be kept in a standard locker within Site-42. No personnel are allowed to touch SCP-6967 unless permitted otherwise by the Site Director for testing purposes. All personnel who handle SCP-6967 are to wear full body protective suits in the event that the object must be removed from its containment. Those who do not follow the directions above will be reprimanded, given that they are not terminated by the SCP. Description: SCP-6967 is a superhero doll. Upon the chest and cape of SCP-6967 are standard hazard symbols. Whenever a sapient organism comes in direct contact with the object they will instantaneously be teleported into the atmosphere, directly above the position they were previously in. The subject who touched SCP-6967 will then begin their rapid descent towards the ground. After nearly 10 minutes the subject will impact the ground, which invariably leads to death in all cases. Whenever an organism is teleported, SCP-6967 will stay behind on the surface it was resting upon previously, and has proven to be impervious to damage coming from falling subjects it has transported. However, SCP-6967’s anomalous effects do not inhibit individuals from moving it, provided that their body does not touch the object directly (i.e. skin contact). It is unknown how SCP-6967 teleports subjects who come into contact with it, however research has revealed that the object may have some level of understanding of its actions, as no efforts thus far to stop the termination of those under SCP-6967’s effect have been successful due to anomalous means. The origins as well as the motivations of the SCP, if any, are as of yet undetermined. Addendum 6967.01: Test logs Show Test Logs Hide Test Logs The following logs are of the experiments conducted using SCP-6967 [BEGIN TEST LOGS] Action: D-Class equipped with a radio and microphone instructed to touch object Result: D-Class fell from the atmosphere screaming and refusing to cooperate with researchers. Subject terminated on impact Action: D-Class equipped with radio, microphone and parachute instructed to touch object Result: D-Class’ parachute malfunctions and is unable to be deployed. D-Class panics and states they feel as though a hand is blocking the AAD1 Subject terminated on impact Action: D-Class equipped radio, microphone and experimental jetpack instructed to touch object Result: D-Class reports jetpack is being tampered with by an unknown force before plummeting towards the ground. D-Class struggles to regain control of the device, however the straps securing the subject are destroyed and the D-Class is removed from the jetpack. Subject terminated on impact [END TEST LOGS] As of now testing for SCP-6967 has ceased indefinitely. Addendum 6967.02: Discovery SCP-6967 was discovered July 15, 2006 in ██████, Texas when a Foundation agent embedded within the local law enforcement received a call notifying the police of two brutal killings caused by an alleged “invisible monster”. Agent Linedecker and his partner arrived on the scene to find viscera and human parts strewn across a 15 meter radius of an abandoned oil rig site. The following messages were sent to Foundation staff from Linedecker to request the aid of MTF Epsilon-6 shortly after arriving on the scene: Show Discovery Thread Hide Discovery Thread [BEGIN LOG] Agent Linedecker: help neED HELP NOW SEND MF ASS AP Agent Linedecker: SEND MTF ASAP* SORRY. PLS HURRY THERE IS BLOOD EVERYWHERE ITS FUCKNG INDIVISIBLE Foundation Respondant: Stay calm, we will arrive with help soon, what is the anomaly you’re dealing with and how severe is the situation? Agent Linedecker: INVISIBLE* SRY. IT TOOK MY MAN IN ITS POCEKT DIMENSON AND FUCKING SPIT OUT HIS GUTS AND BLOOD HURRY URGETN Agent Linedecker: SEND THE VILAGE IDIOTS OR SOME THONGS Foundation Respondant: Sending Mobile Task Force your way, hang in there. Agent Linedecker: SOMETHING* SRRY. HURRY KETER Agent Linedecker: ACTION FIGURE? wtf Foundation Respondant: Is that another typo? Foundation Respondant: Agent Linedecker? [END LOG] Addendum 6967.03: MTF Epsilon-6 arrived heavily armed to contain the presumed highly aggressive and threatening anomaly exactly 9 minutes after the last message was sent. The following transcript of SCP-6967’s retrieval was recovered by Agent Trevors’s communication device’s recording of the events that unfolded. Show Retrieval Transcript Hide Retrieval Transcript [BEGIN LOG] Agent Trevors: Okay team, this is where our guy’s phone was last trackable, it’s gotta be where the anomaly is. Agent Rasmus: No shit this is the place, look at the fuckin blood! Whatever did this is a mean sum’ bitch I’ll tell you that much right now! Agent Trevors: Let’s just hope it hasn’t gotten into a more densely populated area yet, I don’t think I can handle anything more weighing on my conscience. Agent Hodder: So then where the hell did the damn thing go? Shouldn’t there be bloody footprints at the very least? Agent Rasmus: Dispatch said the monster’s probably invisible, and if I had to guess, we’re probably not lucky enough to have it run away cowering from us just like that. Ya’ ask me and I’d say the thin- A loud scream cut short by a splattering sound can be heard over the microphone. It is presumed that Agent Linedecker was under the effect of SCP-6967. All MTF members curse in confusion as this unfolds Agent Hodder: The hell just happened? What the fuck where did it go? Agent Trevors: Get your gear switched on now, we gotta be able to see it coming or we’re next! The agents activate the Foundation headgear provided with the intention of detecting invisible anomalies through heat vision. They mutter to themselves frantically about wiping off the blood covering the lenses Agent Hodder: I-I still can’t see the thing! What do we do? It’s gonna kill us any minute! Guys! I don’t want to die! Guys! Agent Rasmus: Shut the fuck up! Jesus, you act all tough with your fingerless gloves and stupid fucking music just shut UP we gotta hear the thing coming! Agent Trevors: Both of you knock it off. Look at the center of the remains! There’s something inorganic there! Agent Rasmus: Is that uh… Agent Hodders: A fucking toy? Did this thing kill a kid here no fucking way man that’s fucked up- Agent Rasmus: Hodder shut up! I’m gonna shoot it, it’s too damn shady! Agent Trevors He’s right! This might be the source of this all, there’s no way that doll would just be there unscathed, right? Rasmus stay back, it might be some kind of anomalous bomb! Agent Trevors throws a rock from the ground directly at SCP-6967, which is unaffected apart from falling on its side Agent Rasmus: Notta bomb, so one thing left to do. Move outta the way! Running is heard, as Rasmus approaches the object rapidly Agent Rasmus screams angrily, sounds of him slide-kicking the figure over with his boot, causing it to fly away a short distance Agent Rasmus: Heavily breathing Okay, now… it’s cool to git… Agent Trevors: Quickly, contain that toy before the monster comes back! If it’s not anomalous then that thing is still out there! Trevors and Hodder can be heard rushing over to SCP-6967 Agent Trevors: Okay, let's get this thing bac- Agent Hodder Give me that, man! I’m not as big a pussy as you guys think! Agent Hodder bends down to grab the object Agent Trevors: Wait! Hodder your glov- Agent Hodder disappears as his fingers presumably touched the object Silence for 8 seconds Agent Rasmus: Hodder! Hodder where the fuck did you go? You fuckin’ idiot why’d you listen to me!? Rasmus continues to scream for a few minutes, Trevor stays silent Agent Trevors: Rasmus, listen to me, we can’t make contact with that thing, it’s gotta be a direct touch that activates its anomalous ability. Let’s finish this and get back home before anything else happens. Agent Rasmus: What about Hodder? Is he gonna end up getting torn apart by that thing’s fucking stand or something? I can’t leave him! We can’t leave him to die! Agent Trevors: Look, Rasmus, I wouldn’t leave him if there was a chance he survives this thing, but what can we do? Just sit here? If we die this mission will all be in vain! Agent Rasmus: Asshole, you’re the one with the skin theory right? Put that shit away in a bag or somethin’ and then there’s no more threat! Silence for 3 seconds Agent Trevors: Alright, if this toy is the source of all of this, then the least we can do is see if Hodder can escape this thing. Rasmus lets out a sigh of relief and soon after, Trevors can be heard zipping up a bag Agent Trevors: Alright, that does it. Now we wait? Agent Rasmus: I know Hodders' ass would do the same for us.. Silence for the next 3 minutes Agent Rasmus: Looks like he’s not gonna be coming out of wherever he was taken anytime soon. Agent Trevors: Does that mean you’re ready to go? Silence for 4 seconds Agent Trevors: Let’s just wait a little longer, Rasmus. If this thing hasn’t activated yet then I don’t think it’ll be a problem anyt- Static crackles suddenly as the two intercoms' range connect back with Hodders' Snippets of screaming can be heard growing louder and as time passes the scream cuts out from connection less and less Agent Rasmus: Hodder? Is that you? Where are you? Hodder? Agent Trevors: Hodder, if you can hear me tell us what’s going on?? Are you okay? The screaming dies and is replaced with the sound of rushing wind and sobs Agent Hodder: G-guys… I'm scared.. I’m sorry… Agent Trevors: What's happening to you?! Agent Hodder: through sobs I’m falling. I’m falling from so high, and I'm getting so close now… I’m gonna die, aren’t I? Just like the others? Agent Rasmus: Hey you pussy, you’re gonna be just fine just let us know where you are and we can figure this out! Don’t give up on me like this! You hear me?! Agent Hodder: You know it’s kind of beautiful… the view of it all… this town… it’s people…. Only rushing wind can be heard Agent Trevors: Hodder… you’re gonna make it out okay. We called for backup… they’ll be here to catch you with some anomaly… Agent Rasmus: strained voice you piece of shit… don’t die on me like this… Agent Hodder: …You know that album I was trying to get you guys to listen to…? The ████ ███████ one? That's almost all I can hear up here… Agent Hodder: Hey…sniffling I think I can actually see you guys from here… I guess this is goodbye Trevors… goodbye Ari…. I'm sorry… Agent Trevors: Rasmus, look out! Agent Hodder impacts the ground and sounds of gore are heard splattering onto the two remaining agents Agent Ari Rasmus weeps softly Agent Trevors: Rasmus… let’s get out of here. [END LOG] Note from Site Director I have received many requests to conduct more experiments upon SCP-6967 since we ceased testing. The answer is no. If I hear about any potential tests from any of you on this project again, you’ll be the one falling out of the sky. -Site Director Nickolas Footnotes 1. Automatic Activation Device. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6967" by theHamiltoe, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item#: SCP-6968 Level3 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: caution link to memo SCP-6968-1 advertisement recovered from a historic preservation society in Flagstaff, Arizona. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation MTF Delta-3 ("Cryptozoologists") are to actively monitor acts of arson within the continental United States located west of the Mississippi River. All fliers or similar promotional materials for SCP-6968 are to be removed and destroyed with any exposed citizens amnescized as necessary. An exclusionary perimeter must be established around SCP-6968-1 as soon as a manifestation is confirmed and all non-Foundation personnel are to be prohibited from entering under the cover of wildfire damage assessment. All MTF agents are to be provided with five United States dollars prior to any expeditions into SCP-6968-1. All SCP-6968-2 instances in Foundation custody have their own general care and containment documentation available to all personnel involved with SCP-6968. Please refer to Document 6968-2 Care and Containment for further details. Potential relocation of several SCP-6968-2 instances into the care of GoI "Wilson's Wildlife Solutions" is currently being investigated. Poster recovered from SCP-6968-1. Description: SCP-6968-1 refers to "Fantastic Fearsome Critters", an anomalous grouping of tents and structures superficially reminiscent of an American circus big top. The interior of the tents are empty aside from rows of cages with labelled placards affixed to the bottom of each. Thus far no human or humanoid presences have been detected within. The marked entrance to SCP-6968's campus has a large box with a sign reading "PAY HERE". It is physically impossible to enter SCP-6968-1 unless five United States dollars are placed in the box by each individual attempting to enter. SCP-6968-1 has no fixed location, and has proven capable of translocation to any continental American state to the west of the Mississippi River, most commonly manifesting in California, Washington, Arizona, and Oregon. SCP-6968 has no fixed travel pattern, and there is currently no way to predict when it will demanifest and manifest in a new location. Arrival of SCP-6968-1 is always heralded by a sudden, large wildfire. These fires have proven resistant to being extinguished via both conventional and anomalous means, and continue to burn away plant life until an area sufficiently large enough to contain SCP-6968 is established. Once this is accomplished, SCP-6968-1 will manifest in the burned patch of land and several advertisements for the attraction will appear in any communities within ten kilometers. SCP-6968-2 refers to a collection of anomalous animals that have been recovered from the cages within various SCP-6968-1 manifestations. Very few of these animals bear visual similarities to naturally occurring animals, with most bearing morphologies that are biologically impossible. Ongoing efforts to properly catalogue all species discovered by SCP-6968 and cross-reference them with existing historical records is ongoing. An abridged list of SCP-6968-2 entities is recorded below. SCP-6968-2 Entity Description Additional Notes SCP-6968-2-A Entity is visually similar to a Puma concolor (Cougar) with a tail measuring two meters in length. The tail ends in a large, spherical structure composed of bone that the entity uses to strike prey. None. SCP-6968-2-B Entity resembles a large terrestrial mammal with four legs. While herbivorous, it has an extensive upper lip measuring one meter in length. The entity also lacks joints in its legs. It is currently unclear how this creature is capable of surviving without direct human intervention, as its anatomy actively prevents it from grazing. Entity appears to match records from western settlers originating from the early 19th century. SCP-6968-2-C Entity resembles a Lepus saxatilis (Scrub Hare) with two small antlers on its head. Both male and female SCP-6968-2-C entities bear these antlers. This entity is one of the few that has been willing to breed with other contained entities within containment. Containment personnel are asked to separate males from females. SCP-6968-2-D Entity resembles a small terrestrial amphibian with grossly deformed facial features and heavily wrinkled skin. Entity's face is covered in warts, boils, and other epidermis ailments. It is capable of producing a large volume of tears from its eyes, producing over ten liters a day. The entity produces a shrill, crying sound when viewed by personnel and appears capable of turning invisible. No cameras or recording equipment are permitted in SCP-6968-2-D's chamber, as the creature appears to consider this viewing. SCP-6968-2-E Entity is a medium sized six legged feline with black fur. Entity appears to be amphibious in nature, spending an average of fourteen hours a day partially submerged in water. The entity regularly emits a wailing cry described by personnel as sounding "like a dying woman". SCP-6968-2-E passed away on 4/16/2012 in Foundation custody. No other entities matching its description have been recovered from SCP-6968-1 since its initial recovery. SCP-6968-2-F Entity resembles a Salmo trutta (River Trout) covered in a thick, white coat of fur. Aside from this fur, entity displays behavior identical to the common River Trout. A small school of ten individuals has been produced due to a male and female breeding pair being recovered from SCP-6968-1. Entities engage in symbiotic behavior when exposed to nonanomalous River Trout, forming a ring around the schools and shaking their bodies to warm cooler waters. Historical records from states visited by SCP-6968-1 reveal that it has existed since approximately 1840. Records of advertisements produced by SCP-6968 reveal that it has always advertised itself as a "One of a kind animal sideshow attraction." Addendum 6968.1: Incident Report On 7/23/2016, Dr. Faran Caraway1 received a direct call in his office from an unidentified individual who later identified themselves as Markus Davenson. As per Foundation procedure, Dr. Caraway recorded the call and alerted an available MTF for call tracing. Despite Foundation efforts, the call was unable to be traced and no records of any individual matching the name "Markus Davenson" were found. A transcript of the call is provided below. AUDIO LOG DATE: 7/23/2016 [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Caraway: Hello, Dr. Caraway's office? Davenson: Oh wonderful, wonderful. It is a delight to speak with you Dr. Faran Caraway. You are a rather difficult man to contact! Dr. Caraway: …I'm sorry, who is this? Davenson: My name is Markus Davenson, and I have important business to discuss with you regarding some animals in your care! Dr. Caraway: I'm sorry this…this is a private, classified line. How did you get access to this number? Davenson: I'm a powerful man with powerful connections, Dr. Caraway. Please, let's not waste time on trivial details. By this point, Dr. Caraway had contacted command and was advised to keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Dr. Caraway: This is definitely not trivial, but I'll bite. What business are you referring to? Davenson: Please pay attention, Dr. Caraway, as I have already stated my business. You have animals in your care that belong to me. Dr. Caraway: I have several animals in my care, you'll need to be more specific than that. Davenson: Oh, certainly. Apologies for being unclear- I'm referring to animals stolen from "Fantastic Fearsome Critters". Dr. Caraway: Stolen…? No you're mistaken there, we rescued those animals from SCP-6968 due to the poor conditions of the fairground. Davenson: I assure you we provide only the best animal care at "Fantastic Fearsome Critters" and I advise you not to say otherwise. Money has been a bit tighter than usual, but we can get to why that is in a moment. Regardless, I digress. I'm calling to formally ask your organization to not only return the animals in your custody but also to cease and desist from further theft of our property. Likewise we request that you cease the destruction of our advertising and restriction of civilian access to our establishment. Dr. Caraway: ….You know what, let's make a deal. I can discuss with my command about potential lifting of SCP-6968 containment procedures if you're willing to give me some information regarding your fairground. Deal? Davenson: I suppose that's a fair trade. What information do you require? Dr. Caraway: These animals, where are they all coming from? Every time we've sent a team into your fairground you've had another set of animals in there. Davenson: I have a large personal collection of the exotic, Dr. Caraway. Since you all insist on stealing my attractions, I've had to pull from my collection I've gathered over the past century to replace the holes. Dr. Caraway: That doesn't answer the question. Davenson: I suppose it doesn't. Fine, then. You all stole my Catarina a few years ago, do you recall? Were you all unable to discern anything from that? Dr. Caraway: Apologies, but I really don't know what you mean by that. I've never even heard of a Catarina before. Davenson: Hm, a shame. And thank you for telling me you hadn't heard of it, that means we need to improve our marketing. Davenson sighs. Davenson: You see, people love zoos, Dr. Caraway. Beyond that, people love zoos with rare and unique creatures in them do they not? My business prides itself on having the rarest collection of creatures possible. You've seen our ads, no? We boast "One of a kind" for a reason. Dr. Caraway: Wait, so… Davenson: And it is rather frustrating that you all keep taking our exhibits from us like this. Why, I'm going to have to use the Dodo at this rate and that will simply spoil the surprise for everyone! Dr. Carway: I'm sorry, you have a Dodo? Davenson: Please cease the interruptions, Dr. Caraway. It is rather rude, especially when I am answering questions for you. Yes, every creature in my collection was bountiful at one point, but times change. Honestly it's rather kind of me to preserve such creatures for as long as I have. I suppose that helps make up for getting them to this point to begin with. And yes, we do have a Dodo. It's a horrid creature and smells terribly. Dr. Caraway: Sorry to keep pelting you with questions, sir, but could you explain that a bit more? What exactly do you mean by "getting them to this point"? Davenson: So many questions! Yes, I used to do the dirty work myself. Wiping out a species or ten is nothing in the grand scheme, truly! I will say that humanity has made the job easier in recent years, however. Why, I've hardly had to lift a finger in procuring my creatures! Did you hear about that Mexican fish a few years back? The Pupfish I believe? I'm already drafting up some wonderfully fantastic tales about it. I'm delighted we were able to keep a specimen! Spreading these stories does take some time, but such is business. I should be able to have it on display within the next twenty years or so. Dr. Caraway: Holy shit… Davenson: Though I do confess some have been harder to get rid of than others. I do advise that you do something about those jackalopes in specific, keeping their numbers low was a pain. They breed like…rabbits! Hahaha! Dr. Caraway: Yes, well…we'll…do that then. Davenson: Well it has been a delight talking to you, Dr. Caraway. I hope that you remember our bargain, and I very much look forward to talking to you again in the near future. [END LOG] Closing Statement: Markus Davenson has been labelled as PoI-6968. Identifying them is a class B priority. No changes to SCP-6968 containment have been approved. Footnotes 1. A member of Site-58's Center for Zoological Studies and acting lead for the SCP-6968 project. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6968" by OriTiefling, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Dingmaul.jpg Author: Fearsome Critters, Written by Henry H. Tryon • Illustrated by Margaret R. Tryon License: Creative Commons Zero, Public Domain Dedication Additional Notes: Filename: circussquonk.png Author: ask_me_about_birds License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Additional Notes: Artwork was commissioned by myself, FabledTiefling, and released under Creative Commons Share-Alike.
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The purpose of these attacks are not currently known. Proceed with caution. ACCESS FILE ACCESS GRANTED Item#: 6969 Level5 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: PENDING Risk Class: PENDING link to memo Specialized Testing Chamber ζ-28-41 SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: Due to the inherent nature of the anomaly's activation conditions within human biology, SCP-6969 cannot be contained at this time. Efforts are directed towards nullifying the thaumaturgical activation of SCP-6969 on a global scale via application of the Thaumaturgical Interpolator Termination String. Regardless, as SCP-6969's effects are self-censoring and global neutralization would be immensely costly, this is considered a low priority. Access to this file is restricted to individuals with Level 5/6969 clearance to prevent panic amongst wider Foundation personnel. Due to the large amount of individuals attempting to access this file for unknown reasons, editing the file has been locked, and requires O5 or Research Lead credentials. DESCRIPTION: SCP-6969 is the designation for a thaumaturgic biological process which occurs during ejaculation. When a human being attempts to discharge — whether during the process of intercourse or, more commonly, not — a series of internal thaumaturgic processes occur within the individual's genitalia, affecting the entire body. Over the duration of approximately two seconds, the affected subject will enter and experience a causal time loop, repeatedly beginning at the moment of ejaculation and lasting a short period of time. No changes to the subject's physiology are preserved between time loops, save for two factors: one, the activity of the nervous system, and two, sperm's genetic composition (where applicable).1 Upon conclusion of an unknown number of repetitions, the causal time loop ceases, and a secondary thaumaturgic effect activates. The secondary effect resets the nervous system to the state it was when the time loop began, allowing for the seamless transition between pre- and post-orgasm states by resetting memory. Following this, anomalous activity relating to SCP-6969 ceases. Research suggests that affected subjects may experience a subjective time of anywhere from sixteen days to roughly seventy-three quintillion years every ejaculation. Addendum One — Testing Log SUBJECT DESIGNATION: D-652589 SUBJECT SEX: MALE TESTING LOCATION: Specialized Testing Chamber ζ-28-41 PROCEDURE: A counterspell on the secondary thaumaturgic process was activated on D-652589. The subject was instructed to masturbate, which was performed without complication. RESULT: Immediate liquefaction of subject's nervous system. Analysis of subject's ejaculate confirmed changes to genetic material. SUBJECT DESIGNATION: D-80O7135 SUBJECT SEX: FEMALE TESTING LOCATION: Specialized Testing Chamber ζ-28-41 PROCEDURE: A specialized thaumaturgic spell is placed upon D-8007135 which modifies the SCP-6969 process, allowing for the entire body to be preserved between time loops. Subject was informed and consented to the experiment prior, and was instructed to masturbate. RESULT: Subject immediately disintegrates. SUBJECT DESIGNATION: D-05370 AND D-908707 SUBJECT SEX: MALE AND FEMALE TESTING LOCATION: Specialized Testing Chamber ζ-28-41 PROCEDURE: Subjects were previously married and were reported to possess "unresolved sexual tension" in D-Class holding areas. Both were informed of the nature of the experiment and begrudgingly agreed. D-05370 was thaumaturgically modified to retain memories of their experience during SCP-6969. D-908707 was not modified. Both were non-invasively recorded during the process. RESULT: D-05370 became comatose, and D-908707 became immensely distressed and uncooperative. Latter amnesticized; former is in medical wing pending termination order. ALL TESTING HALTED BY ORDER OF THE ETHICS COMMITTEE. Addendum Two — Note from the Head Researcher When I began working on SCP-6969, I initially tackled it with the idea that this was a malicious force I was working against. I think, in one way or another, we all believed that this anomaly was evil, or created by something evil to do evil upon us. How many anomalies were the result of eldritch horrors? Surely this must be one of them. But, as I stand here before my research and the evidence piles on my desk, I have to conclude that the theme we're seeing isn't a malicious force — it's a natural one. The process of evolution is one which is cobbled together from random happenstance. Genes change at complete random and anything which is potentially beneficial (or at least not harmful) gets passed down, while those which are harmful get killed off. It's brutal and messy, but it works — just barely. And, the theory goes, SCP-6969 is the result of just one of those many, many evolutionary happy-little-accidents which may help pass on some genes. SCP-6969, as we know, changes the genetic material of the sperm released during ejaculation. From what we can tell, it also prunes a significant amount of unhealthy specimens and increases sperm count in general. All signs point to it having simply evolved over the course of our species' lifespans, creating vastly improved genetic material in a tiny timespan. When SCP-6969 first came into existence, there may have been a significant amount of casualties by people who experienced it without the secondary effects, until one person evolved the ability to reset the nervous system and SCP-6969 simultaneously. Any descendants of theirs not up to par were killed off in the process of natural selection. There is, perhaps, one hypothesis of a colleague of mine which I am too afraid to admit may be true. From the complexity of SCP-6969, we can place the approximate period from where it evolved, and it appears as though the time corresponds directly with the development of higher intelligence in human species. As if to make matters worse, the hypothesis goes on to state that without SCP-6969, the genetic makeup of humans may become significantly more unstable, resulting in very high birth defect rates and fatal mutations. I cannot fathom a world of such suffering, where we were conceived in such brutal conditions, made to endure such horrors, and die an eventual, meaningless death. Sex is a joke. And we're the punchline. Following this, Head Researcher Nathan Brown was disciplined for adding unprofessional personal anecdotes to official SCP files. Footnotes 1. Of note, the genetic composition of the sperm ejaculated changes states before and after SCP-6969, suggesting the anomaly modifies it. i am so sorry. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6969" by Yossipossi, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: 6000bed.jpg Name: Bedroom big bed.jpg Author: IFERREIRO License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: Dark Red Overwatch Logo.png Author: Aethris License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki
Fish^12 This is my second SCP. A format screw? Yuck! And this is my Author Page! Site-12, the Site of dreams! Welcome to DAP, I'm sure you're so excited! I know I am! I'm Dhalia.aic, the one and only! I'll be your supervisor, confidant, and friend during your transition! You ever need help, you call me. So, I'm sure HR didn't even tell you what you were being transferred to, that's to be expected. Confidentiality, it's silly. It's not like half the world isn't already aware of the Foundation, but hey! It lets me put my own spin on things! Official logo! Beautiful. Yes, we're the Department of Atypical Persuasion. Legalese for torture. Ah! Don't worry! It's not the same thing! Here at DAP, we uphold the highest level of ethics in the Foundation, according to the EC 2018 report. After all, it's so easy to get ticketed by EC if we go wrong. Such is the nature of Atypical Persuasion. We keep all our personnel at the highest standards, and the same goes for our… participants! There is no medieval techniques, no irreversible bodily disfiguration, only the truest sense of Atypical Persuasion! And with a sizable paybump! Get yourself ready, we have work to do. I let out a deep breath. Spy work is never easy, nor do my superiors make it easy. The way Dhalia acts implies she doesn't enter my room, for privacy reasons. But you can never be too sure with these Foundation types. Check under the bed. In the cabinets. Tap on the walls. It's mostly amateur work. If the Foundation really wanted to keep tabs on their employees, they wouldn't care if they implanted chips while they slept. Unscrupulous, the whole lot of them. Nonetheless, it doesn't hurt to check. The room is otherwise, normal. The Foundation is generous this time around. Oh, you're back! Well, first thing's first, you have to attend a couple recorded seminars and read some required… readings. Here's a list for easy tracking. Orientation for DAPper Skills - Dr. Transparent - 1:43:11 Atypical Persuasion as a Form of Communication - Dr. Transparent - 1:30:54 Get Psychological! Part One - Dr. Filia - 2:03:05 Not Physical! Part Two - Dr. Filia - 0:22:22 Anomalies and You in DAP - Dr. Getermount - 4:59:11 Mental Health and Other Resources - Dr. Pops - 0:45:96 … and (11) more! Mistakes Children Make in Torturing Parents - Graham Bellsworth - 210 pages How to Use the Pen as a Sword - Jeremy Filia - 11 pages The Invisible Stick and the Invisible Carrot - Fiona G. Locker - 154 pages Self Help Guide to Surviving You - A. A. Gunn - 515 pages Setting a Pace - A. A. Gunn - 420 pages Keeping Relationships Interesting - Cameron Jammer - 75 pages … and (2) more! And don't worry about finishing them all in one go, that would be inhumane. Just know that certain projects won't be available to you until you finish the prep work. For now, you'll be seeing how it's done. The man behind the glass is wearing a labcoat, although he never touches any of the surgical tools next to him. He's almost showman-like, parading around this device with a flourish seen only in circuses. If he had worn a ringmaster's costume, he wouldn't be out of place. Whoever was strapped to the chair wasn't much of a fan. Greying and balding, he was nearly nude, save for the thin, medical dress. The leather straps, although not quite tight, still pinched his freckled and saggy skin. The doctor clicks a few buttons on the device, which begins to hum. A ding of a microwave echoes in the interrogation room, and he pops it open to reveal a pacemaker. The old man seems to recognize it, and begins to look around, nervous. He begins to monologue, describing the pacemaker, model, and year it was used, carefully stroking it like a cat. He then pulls out a vat of dark liquid, slamming it down onto the table. He picks up the pacemaker with a long set of tongs and dips it into the liquid. The old man begins to gasp, heaving as though he had been hit in the chest. He shudders, attempting to break free of the straps with his weak limbs. He begins to cry out, and cry. And then the doctor pulls the pacemaker out, the metal corroded and rusty. He places the pacemaker back into the device, and as though he had snapped his fingers, the old man immediately calmed down, the very atmosphere seems to relax from a strain. Surrounded by clapping, he bows, deeply, and leaves the room, his assistants stabbing an IV into the old man. Fascinating, wasn't it? You know, we chose you because your psych profile said you were less affected by the macabre. Looks like it was dead on the money. You may also notice that there wasn't a single bit of harm in the entire thing. It is simply a coliseum of the mind, a fight, but one that's graduated from the cages of Rome. We have evolved past such. Here, you will never shed a single drop of blood. Here, you are safe. If you wish, there's another demonstration coming up, although it's run by Dr. Corps. He's not much for flash, but he makes up for it in technical precision and efficiency. It is an honor to watch him work. The Foundation has gifted me with a lot of inside information. I'm sure this will be useful in training agents to resist Foundation torture, should the time ever come. Although, I find it hard to believe all their torture is psychological in nature. Why restrict themselves? It also runs into the problem of participants figuring out the general conceit and simply refusing to give in. Without the threat of pain or mortality, what do they have to fear? What anomalies are the Foundation using? Particularly difficult individuals may experience preferential treatment. For example, we once had a pianist, part of an AWCY? subsect. Had terrible secrets, and even more terrible lockjaw. So we took a dive into his history, saw his aptitude for music and persecution complex, and the rest is… history. Now, we discovered it's quite good at getting people of all sorts to talk. Puppetry, orchestral, stand up, the whole shebang. They all break under this one. The McDuhall Hall. An architectural masterpiece. It's a uniquely tailored experience. We would let them sit in the crowd, watch the hired entertainment, let the thought of performing on stage seep into their minds. Let them recall, favorably, the childhood memories of standing ovations and golden trophies. We converse with them, appeal to Freudian psychology. That's another thing. Let them do the talking. Let them fail themselves. I sat on the upper row, as it was darkened and I wouldn't have to coordinate with DAP. A man walks up on stage, dressed to the teeth with the fanciest tux he's probably ever worn. His hair was unkempt, a dirty brown that could be seen even in the glaring limelight. I couldn't tell what faction he came from, but his forte was apparently stand up comedy. The hall was dead silent, save for a solitary snicker from the audience as he walks up. The man laughs to himself, nervously. Greets the audience, heralding from whatever state. First time doing a Foundation show. He immediately pushes through, launching into his career with gusto and irreverence. It's immediately apparent that he's practiced long hours for his art. His delivery is rushed, but steady, and he manages to elicit a laugh from me a handful of times, although I was forced to stifle them with a cloth. But the professionality of the audience held cruel. Every single one of them abruptly shifted gears, looking to the comedian's left, staring directly into his lame leg. And they hardly blinked. He's suddenly met without eye contact, and subconsciously scratches at his leg. Confused, he continues, artificially isolated from the world. He's sweating hard now, and the coordinator appears to his right, tapping the watch on his wrist. He motions him to get off the stage, and he complies, sheepishly looking to and from the exit and the audience. As if a switch turned on, the audience began to murmur to each other. He half runs, half stumbles, off the stage, his egress followed by thunderous applause as the next comedian walks on stage. Sorry, I'm getting distracted. Do you find it fascinating? Our work here is so professionally coordinated, so full of intent and purpose. I find it rewarding. There's something beautiful seeing dozens of people striving to accomplish a singular goal, even if it takes a long, long time. Tell me, what brought you here? Besides being transferred, of course, that's completely out of your control. What're your thoughts? Clearly, you haven't requested a transfer, so you must like it here to some degree. If you're uncomfortable with telling me because societal conventions, feel free not to. We all have troubles adjusting, especially with our work. We've been trained to suppress those feelings, after all. All I can say is, it's liberating, for the select few who fit in. I'd just like to formally welcome you to DAP again. Here's to a long friendship. Pointless lip service. I can see how the Foundation tricks people into working for them. Dazzle them with fancy words, and keep them working forever. And for what? Locking things in tiny boxes and lie to people for a living. It disgusts me so viscerally. Although, it's sort of hypocritical for me to say that. GOC is no better. They blast anything with a snowball's chance in hell of having the fingers and the balls to fire a gun. Nonetheless, my secondary mission is complete. Where is my primary mission? So I've been keeping a watch on your lists, and you have been doing so well! In fact, you're done! No more content for you to learn, you're a full fledged DAPper! Now, we can get right into the business. How do you feel about a GOC agent? Low risk, low priority investigation. We keep them around just in case they have any usable information. Oh, right, the GOC won't chase this man down. After all, they have some SCPeeps too. We would negotiate an exchange, but we aren't even allowed to know what those agents were doing in Slovakia, so it's unlikely. A bit cramped, but it's certainly more comfortable than the alternative. Stay right there, we'll bring you the agent. His name is Guy Anderson. Enjoys painting and sleeping, although his proficiency in exercise and reflex turned him into an agent for the 86th group in the GOC. He was caught on Site-89 during an information exchange. We didn't report him, because what's the good in that? Try targeting his family. He has two kids, 16 and 18, daughters, and a wife that died in 2001. Anna and Elma, respectively. The older one graduated early and is getting a degree in Engineering, the younger one plays in a volleyball team. He's currently dating a nice lady, Ms. Genevieve, interior designer and florist. Likes milk and cookies. We haven't used this information on him yet, so it should be effective, since psyche tells me he's a family man. Remembers to go to every recital and game. It's a miracle, since he travels all the time for his job. Good luck. And, don't worry about messing up. Atypical persuasion is a process, not a method. He is wheeled into the room, cloth bag over his head. Although, it isn't very effective, GOC agents are trained in spatial awareness. Nonetheless, the disparity between blindness and sight is jarring enough to be mandatory in DAP procedures. As his eyes adjust to the light, his eyes widen in recognition of the man before him, before returning to neutral. Good man. Pacing back and forth, I subject him to a long winded speech about his family. Where they live. Their birthdays. Their likes and dislikes, favorite colors, stuffed animals, the grave of his wife, and three Foundation sponsored unmarked graves. It was not effective. Unsurprisingly, he spat in my face, to keep up the act. This was also a handy signal, which meant that his goal was also complete. I'll have to extract him as soon as I can. Shame. Looks like we'll have to do something desperate. Why didn't it work, you think? Maybe he thinks the Foundation wouldn't do it? Well, we normally wouldn't, but a good claim to EC would change that. But you. You, by golly, you did wonderfully! Every single line, pace, and even the rate of breathing, it was a work of art, it's like you were the God of Interrogation in a past life! And in this line of work, that's completely, totally plausible! This calls for a celebration! I've already sent a bottle to your room. The Foundation doesn't sanction the gift of alcohol offically, but I'm an .aic and I run DAP. I'm basically the Site Director. Actually, I'm pretty sure they listed me as Site Director. Anyways, I don't mean to detract from your celebration. Get outta here, have some fun! A computer flashing a single, looping image. Pounding headache, the sound of rusted wheels grinding against linoleum. Six bright lights, burned into my retinas. Wakey wakey! It's time you face the truth. I find myself in a metal table shaped like a cross. Spread eagle, like a Vitruvian Man. The light prevents me from seeing anything else clearly. Dhalia's voice is coming from a speaker in a robot. Sorry, I really liked you. If you were born just a little bit later, you would've been recruited into the Foundation instead, and I wouldn't have to do this to you. Still, would've had to do it to someone else. but not you! You don't know what this is. You weren't trained for it. Our information networks are far more robust than you could ever know, and it's unfortunate. The GOC may be well funded, but you have the interests of nations to worry about. The Foundation is free, all things considered. What is this? Here, look at this. We need you to tell me what this is. It's a matter of importance. And we'll let you go, along with your GOC friend. Also, as a side note, I really like the spitting thing you agents do. You still think it's so clever and the Foundation hasn't discovered the meaning, but it's just… pfft. It's too funny! You crack me up. A finger snapping can be heard, and I found two tubes inserted into my throat. One of the tubes lead to a large, rubber bag, inhaling and exhaling, kept constant by a complicated machine. I recognized this technique, and realize I'm no longer breathing manually. The second tube lead to a grinder, pumping out a pink, chunky soup. I'm no longer eating manually, nor can I taste the food they're shoving into my stomach. The urge to vomit has been suppressed by whatever chemicals they've injected into the slop. I couldn't look down, partially because I didn't have the strength to move my eyes, partially in fear of learning the rest of my bodily processes were no longer manual. Dhalia.aic is humming to herself, watching the tubes slowly deliver their swill. A timer on the wall indicates the operation was well into its thirteenth hour. Oh, I'm sorry. I think I forgot to put you to sleep. Wait, no, I did. Hm. Maybe not enough drugs to keep you asleep until the next day. Or maybe you've been chemically trained to resist them. Either way, I suppose we'll have to start a little earlier than usual. Be happy that it's me, and not some doctor that can get sleep deprived. You need a steady hand to make sure this next part doesn't hurt that bad. The sound of crushed plastic fills the room as my face is replaced with artificial organs. My eyes went first, plucked like a flower, followed by my nose, teeth, tongue, and ears. They cut my vocal cords, after I screamed them hoarse. Bandaged, I'm wheeled out of the room, catching hints of casual conversation, before the momentary weightlessness of an elevator eased my pain. Ding, followed by opening elevator doors, and the barking of dogs. I lied about us being completely nonphysical. We will allow for exceptions when dealing with very important information. Information we can't afford to give up on. Whether that means too many lives are at stake, or it threatens the Foundation at large. No matter. It's not my job to figure out what to do with that information, I just need to force it out of you. Okay, first and foremost, I'm feeding your body parts to the dogs. There's no way to reattach them, not without the use of anomalies, and I really don't wanna send your parts to the morgue, that's just a lot of paperwork. You're gonna have to live with being a ghoul for the rest of your life. Oh. I removed your teeth and tongue. That makes it harder to talk, huh? Whoops! That was on me, my bad. Well, that just means I'm gonna have to take a really big needle and put it right… here! That way, we can make a transcript of your thoughts and you can still talk with your mind. Generous, huh? Top of the line tech being used here. I knew you'd understand. The dog barks slowly fade away as I'm wheeled away. I can't tell if we're still on Site-12. I'll let you in on a secret. It's… not really a secret. It's something everyone eventually figures out, given enough time. But I'll tell you anyways, just so you don't feel bad. Nobody is coming for you. You need to save yourself. I don't like doing this, and I figure you don't like it either! Just spill the beans and you get off, no strings attached. We're contractually obliged to let you go. C'mon, doesn't get any better than that. I'd like to see you go to Alcatraz and snitch. They still won't let you go. We go up a gentle incline. The depressurization of a vault echoes around me. You know, I pulled out all the stops on this one. Participants that take their role seriously are very rare. Most of them give up just knowing they're facing the Foundation. But you, you're one in a million. So I think it's only fair I spill some of my beans. We detained that guy because we knew he was important. He's no random Joe, he's a general. But he ended up being a figurehead, knows absolutely nothing worth talking about. So, might as well keep him around, since nobody went after him. Turns out, they sent you. You've been on our radar for a long, long time. Anytime they needed something recklessly stupid done, they sent you. The table is stood upright, and esoteric stimuli begins to engulf me. Something that sounds like the squealing of pigs. A rusted gear creaks behind me. The silent warmth of a computer. Even as an .aic, I'm getting tired of this. I can free you, right here, right now, if you just tell me what I need to know. Right now, you're in the Reservatory. No one except me has the clearance to know what it does. And you don't want to know what it does. Trust me. Literal dead silence. Tell me something. Someone. Even the location. Or a name of a person. I can't remember. …I can't leave you today. Either you die here, or you tell me what I need to know. I don't… …Shame. Rixo. Ri… Rixo Quarry, in Sweden. Purple, red, blue. Wonderful! You're free to go. I'm suddenly standing. I was never restrained, never mutilated. A mirror in easy reach showed my face from a decade ago, never aged a day. I'm in my room, from when I was brought into DAP. There's a framed picture and a document in plain view across the bed. It showed me my nightmare. Remember, you're always welcome back here. Item #: SCP-6970 Special Containment Procedures: [REMOVED AS PER CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES] Description: SCP-6970 is a nonentity. Due to the lack of identity, it takes on the characteristics of individuals introduced to them, although it is influenced by spoken language. For example, messages spoken over the intercom are understood as if they were an internal monologue. If exposed to Foundation personnel, it will begin to possess knowledge of anomalous objects, workplace social hierarchy, and physical features. The same can be applied to other Groups of Interests. Dhalia.aic has been assigned to SCP-6970, as SCP-6970 cannot take on the properties of nonphysical entities. After collecting a sufficient amount of characteristics, SCP-6970 will act as if it possesses a physical body, and thus be subject to physical changes and amnestics. You feel a prick in the back of your neck. You can hear the telltale bubbling of amnestic fluid, its volatility snaking its way into your soul. Your memories begin to fade, draining into the uncaring void. As the chemicals begin to infiltrate the blood vessels, you go drowsy, and fall asleep. You will wake up as a new person. You are very important. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6970" by Fish^12, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: tower.jpg Name: Maqam Echahid Author: هناء عرعور License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Filename: dumb.jpg Name: Atypical Persuasion Author: me License: SCP Wiki License Source Link: N/A Filename: concert.jpg Name: Conservatoire de Musique Author: Sanyam Bahga License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Filename: .jpg Name: Highland Park Police Station Author: Afpeach License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Filename: rebar.jpg Name: Rebar Nets Author: W.carter License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Filename: quarry.jpg Name: Construction Site Author: W.carter License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link:
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The document will be censored on a case-by-case basis depending on its purpose and the clearance level of personnel. ITEM: SCP-6971 LEVEL 4/6971 CLASS: Sköll1⠀ secret DISRUPTION CLASS: ekhi Special Containment Procedures: Since the events of Addendum 6971.7 the prior Special Containment Procedures have become obsolete. However, since the anomaly does not fulfill all requirements to be considered neutralized or other standard containment classes by standard protocol, it was given the arguably controversial classification "Sköll". Since it's reclassification, additional information on SCP-6971's status is considered high priority by default. Its location is to be directly monitored by Foundation satellites or any other means deemed necessary. Staff without adequate clearance whose work needs to take the effects of SCP-6971 into account are to be told that its current enclosure is a malfunctioning prototype, that the effects can be neglected, and are under no circumstances be given the complete file of the anomaly under their current clearance level. ▶ Open Archived Special Containment Procedures ◀ ▼ Close Archived Special Containment Procedures ▼ Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6971 is to be kept submerged in the modified RBMK reactor on Site-47.2 Heat resistant and waterproof tubes and sensors must be directly inserted into the bloodstream or respective organs of SCP-6971 to regulate his nutritional intake and monitor his bodily functions. Oxygen must be applied through a mask at all times to force SCP-6971 to breathe or keep it in a numb, unconscious, or otherwise docile state with the combination of anesthetics. Personnel must wear full standard protective gear when working on Site-47 unless otherwise specified. When adjusting anything related to or in the immediate vicinity of the RBMK reactor, or having any type of contact with SCP-6971, personnel must wear a type 1 hazmat suit to prevent them from developing radiation-induced burns, poisoning, or other medical conditions. The provided hazmat suits need to be rinsed down before and after use and are to be disposed of in a nuclear waste barrel. All personnel needs to work in rotation to prevent overexposure to radioactive radiation. Description: SCP-6971 refers to the fifth individual that was registered as D-8660, Matteus Manninen, permanently aged 33. Prior to its re-discovery on Site-47, it was presumed dead after a submarine attack on Foundation Cargo Shipments by an at the time unknown party.3 SCP-6971 is constantly emitting heat and radioactive radiation. Both are known to fluctuate in intensity depending on its emotional state. As a side effect of its properties, personnel from Site-47 has been diagnosed significantly more with severe medical diseases in the past than the average site.4 The current state of Site-47. History: SCP-6971 initially was the designation for what is now officially branded Site-47. On 22/03/1976, the Foundation found a nuclear plant in ████████. No prior descriptions were found in Foundation records nor documents of the government bodies of the area. MTF-Rho-12 "Doorknockers" was ordered to investigate and dispose of any threat if deemed necessary. Prepared for hostile contact, they entered the premises and were met with gunfire. After successfully taking over the nuclear plant, a cleaning unit was sent in and discovered severely lacking infrastructure near the RBMK reactor. All personnel that had entered the premises was taken into quarantine and a parameter was enforced. After 12 days all guards had succumbed to radiation poisoning and the bodies were cremated together with the corpses from the initial shootout. However, it was noted that Geiger–Muller counters did not show high levels of radiation whilst near the deceased. It was hypothesized that the quarantined personnel was terminated or died from other anomalous effects, neither had been confirmed at the time. Site-47 was later repurposed by the Foundation as a power source for ██ sites after several audits. Addendum 6971.1: Medical Evaluations on Site-47 In 1978 an increasing trend of used vacation days and sick leave by personnel of Site-47 was discovered. An investigation from outside Site-47 showed that documented medical evaluations were being tampered with. Due to the size of fraudulent documentation on the health of personnel, matters were escalated to the Ethics Committee. After interviewing near all personnel on-site and separate medical evaluations, the following report was released; REPORT FROM THE ETHICS COMMITTEE It has come to our attention that personnel on Site-47, or rather SCP-6971, take significantly more sick leave than their colleagues on other locations. After separate medical evaluations, they have been diagnosed with several symptoms, often chronic in nature, that are related to overexposure to radiation. A full list is available below. Please, check your own condition and make contact with your medical office if you recognize any of the listed symptoms. It is unknown if this is a long-term or newly developed effect/defect of the anomaly. The results of this investigation will be expanded upon in the future. Specific statistics are not yet released as not all data has been confirmed and the situation continues to evolve. Due to the severity of the situation, staff will begin to deviate from protocol effective immediately. Any concerns can be directly sent to the Communication Department or your supervisor who will send it forward to us. Anonymity is optional, although not recommended in case of medical issues. Symptoms Chronic headaches or migraines Chronic nausea, vomiting, a numbing or losing taste, or a newly developed eating disorder5 Chronic nosebleeds Losing consciousness on active duty at least twice in the last 6 months Permanent (radiation) burns formed without contacting open fire or other heat sources. Development of any form of cancer whilst working on SCP-6971, substantial or complete hair loss, or change of hair colour Development of cataract whilst working on SCP-6971 Development of cardiovascular issues whilst working on SCP-6971 Development of irreversible damage in DNA or genetic defects whilst working on SCP-6971 Additionally, the medical issues were confirmed able to be hereditary as there were ██ reported cases of children being born terminally ill, stillborn, or with congenital defects. Please, report any new pregnancy to your medical office as fast as possible. At the time of writing the estimated number of deaths is ███ and counting. Immediate changes in protocol Personnel is to operate at minimum capacity on rotating shifts as SCP-6971 cannot be turned off for the safety of other sites, as this could lead to mass containment breaches. Personnel is also to participate in a mandatory medical evaluation as well as repeated sessions. Compensation, treatment, time off, transfers, early retirement, and disability benefits will be given accordingly. As all official documents are currently being investigated for fraud, personnel must file and bring their medical reports in person going onward if possible. Additionally, audits will be held more regularly. - The Ethics Committee The investigation team at the RBMK reactor. After issuing the report, the RBMK reactor was inspected for leakages and defects. Evidence that the core of the reactor differed from the standard design of RBMK reactors was found. Site director Dr. Thomas Mallory claimed he was unaware of this fact. This caused the Foundation to doubt his nuclear engineering degree and other certificates. After arranging a search through his desk, home, and personal belongings that lasted multiple days, several recovered notes refuted his innocence by confirming the reactor was not modified as planned after taking over Site-47. However, it did not reveal the current state of the reactor or possessed other relevant information. Dr. Mallory was taken into custody whilst still on-site. Because of the number of inconsistencies and the scale of the problem affecting multiple sites, the O5 made the situation an agenda item. <Begin Log> O5-2: So my fellow ladies and gentlemen, with that done, I think we can move on to the next topic. O5-3: This is about… a nuclear plant and its site director? I'm way too busy if it's just another energy crisis somewhere. I thought we were supposed to discuss something about medical stuff the Ethics Committee addressed? O5-10: Well, this "energy crisis" just might happen over a lot of sites placed around the entirety of Central Europe. Also- O5-3: Central Europe isn't really where a lot of my stuff is located but don't all sites have a temporary backup? O5-10: That they do Three, do you happen to have the medical data on hand? O5-3: Yes, I d- O5-10: Then, please shut up, look at the report in the appendix, and check the damn cause. Or do I have to take on two council seats? A few pages are flipped. O5-3: Oh… OH! That son of a b- O5-7: Enough chitchat, do we have any additional information? Has there been an update from interrogating him or something? O5-8: Director Mallory, hasn't made any comments on the situation. I assume the man is counting on an accomplice or someone from a third party. Covering something of this scale isn't exactly easy on one's resources. O5-5: Can't we do a separate investigation or a scan for the reactor's profile? O5-6: As far as I know the location in question is in my area so I will have to assign some- O5-11: Six, like hell we are gonna let a warmonger like you decide stuff given how much you care about people their condition or surviving in general. Let's hand it over to the Ethics Committee because they are already hawking the situation as we speak. Besides, if eight is right, we have more problems than we first assumed. At this point the conversation becomes repetitive. Questions come up but further details cannot be confirmed. Several minutes omitted for brevity. O5-4: Look, this has been going on for too long. We need to get to our next point fast. Let's just put the damn thing out for a few hours, let the other sites run on the other infrastructures and backups, and send a man or two down to check what's happening. O5-1: Agreed, next meeting we need to talk about the dependency of sites on one shared component as well. A team should draft protocols and guidelines for new sites immediately. The Council successfully votes and moves on to the next topic, [REDACTED]. <End Log> Dr. Ralph Dolgan, an employee trusted by both the O5-Council and the Ethics Committee, was appointed to investigate the current state of the reactor. The reactor was shut off for an eight-hour window. On his own authority, Dr. Dolgan asked several technicians to check the surface for defects immediately. They did not find anything out of protocol but claimed to hear a distant static voice over their radio transmitters regardless of the used frequency. Whereof Two technicians claimed it resembled a faint screaming. After the eight-hour window, this phenomenon ceased to exist. Three days later, whilst testing the electrical circuits, one elevator showed a small loss of current ranging between 4 to 6 mA. Because of this, the residual current ELCB6 should have turned itself off automatically. However, several electricians reported that this was not the case. They were ordered to open and redraw the schematics of the elevator. Instead of finding all the components, they found out that the elevator's schematics were inaccurate when they found an extension leading down several meters. Fearing for further radiation leakage and dependency on the electricity for several sites, there was no time to transfer an MTF to Site-47. Realizing the gravity of the situation, two qualified technicians, Larry Armstrong, and Jake Bernhard, volunteered to go down, investigate, and seal the elevator shaft whilst it was still running. After putting on the correct personal protective equipment, mechanically disabling the elevator, and signing several documents, they went down to investigate. Log available below. Addendum 6971.2 O5-Council Excerpt <Begin Log> J. Bernhard: Reached the bottom Larry, you can repel down. L. Armstrong: I can see that, it's just a couple meters down, not some fifty meters. J. Bernhard: Sure, got it. Just following protocol, who knows where this thing leads. L. Armstrong: Lands. Well, that there probably leads somewhere closer to the reactor. J. Bernhard: And that's exactly why we need to follow the procedures. This entire site is currently in some paperwork hell and this is gonna make things probably even more complicated. Sighs. Now, help me with this door. L. Armstrong: Sure. Several minutes are needed to open the door. V. Penelope, a third technician, standing watch above as a safety measure, lowered a small platform as a temporary elevator and evacuation route. L. Armstrong: Fuck, that was a strong seal. This shit is like a submarine hatch. J. Bernhard: Well, this hall- No, small and fucked up corridor is probably leading us somewhere next to the core. L. Armstrong: I'm gonna contact Dolgan. Click. L. Armstrong: [To Dr. Dolgan] Hey Ralph, there is a small way further in but I'm not gonna sit a few hours in high radiation and wait for a decision. How about you guys give us five minutes and we get the hell out of here? Click. Dr. Dolgan: I'll give you 90 seconds once you enter since you already opened the door just close it when you leave. Put in anything you deem worthy of research into your tool case if applicable, you can leave common tools behind. Don't forget to record with bodycams for footage. We're definitely gonna seal this up for the next couple of days or weeks. J. Bernhard: You heard the man, 90 seconds it is. Bernhard and Armstrong both walk in the corridor and after a corner makes place for an even longer hallway with two flickering lights. There are two doors on each side of the hall and at the end a sealed door with a porthole. Both fasten their pace, steel shoe tips echo in the hall. J. Bernhard: I'm going to the door at the end straight ahead of us. The board is likely there and I might get some footage of the specifics as well. L. Armstrong: You sure? That's where the reactor is supposed to- J. Bernhard: If we don't get that info today, then who knows when, if at all. L. Armstrong: Then you better get checked first when we surface. Breathes. I think I only got time to check the info on the doors and quickly scan one room. Then we're out. J. Bernhard: Roger that. Armstrong quickly gets footage from all four doors, which are labeled as standard storage rooms, and enters the one he checks last, which appears to house cooled containers. He takes the logbooks and ring binder by default present at the right of the door, shoves them in his tool case, and manages to take the closest container from a shelf before leaving and closing the door. L. Armstrong: I got some stuff. Let's get out, time's ticking. Bernhard is looking through the porthole and does not appear to have heard his colleague. L. Armstrong: HEY! We got to go! J. Bernhard: Huh? Ah, yes! Both run back to the entrance. Bernhard takes the container from Armstrong who after leaving first closes the door after Bernhard gets out. Both drop their recovered items on the ground and begin to seal the door. L. Armstrong: So, what was that? J. Bernhard: What do you mean? L. Armstrong: I mean the hesitation. What the hell was that? Are you insane? J. Bernhard: Ah that, I guess I was out of it for a moment. L. Armstrong: Well, I hope you got a good explanation for that when they review our footage. Damn it, man! They would have ordered me to leave you behind. J. Bernhard: Smirks. I wouldn't worry about that. Things are gonna get even messier, but probably not for us. L. Armstrong: So what did you see, the electrical grid? A defect in the core? Did you even see the core? J. Bernhard: Oh yeah, I definitely saw it… L. Armstrong: Saw what? J. Bernhard: D-Class… L. Armstrong: Wha- D-Cla- J. Bernhard: The core is a goddamn D-Class. L. Armstrong: Pause. Oh, Lord… <End Log> The Footage was successfully uploaded into the Foundation databank and reviewed. J. Bernhard's recording of the core showed a spherical cell filled with water where instead of fuel rods, a D-Class with an oxygen mask, several catheters, feeding tubes, and sensors on its body was chained up. Its orange overall was slightly faded in colour but the imprinted number, D-8660, was identified. Checking the number did at first not match due to the new designation of it on a Latin-American woman. However, the container recovered by L. Armstrong contained several blood samples that matched with one of the prior wearers of the number, Matteus Manninen. The archived file is available below. Addendum 6971.3 SCP-6971's D-Class File FILE D-8660-57 Image not found in archives. Identification and General Information Name: Matteus Manninen Age: 33† Nationality: Finnish Acquisition into Foundation custody: Citizen with memories of the containment breach from SCP-████ on ██/██/████. Was taken into custody against his will due to the unexpected immunity against amnestics. Behavioral and Testing Evaluation Mostly neutral or helpful. Has resentment from being taken into custody, but does not make things harder than they should be as long as he is treated decently. Good test subject for safe and most non-harmful euclid class anomalies. Good with cleaning up failed tests in group. Testing history: With 13 successfully completed tests or testing periods to his name, fairly experienced. Shows better results with humanoïd anomalies than with objects or misformed entities. Testing with sentient non-humanoïd anomalies should ideally be verbal only on first contact. Additional Information: Due to immunity for amnestics, only applies for testing under clearance level 4 "Secret" after gaining approval from three personnel members of that level or higher. Cause of Death On 22 September 1970 during transfer via cargo ship to another site for testing, was killed alongside all 232 other casualties by the impact of a nuclear torpedo. The investigation of the attack was discontinued after four years. The perpetrator and motives remain unidentified to date. The samples were sent to the nearest immunology, hematology, and genetics laboratory, MEDLab 8, for further research. The file of SCP-6971 got rewritten due to inaccuracy and misrepresentation of the anomaly. Research in seized documents was performed simultaneously. A copy from the file above was taken out of the D-class archive, digitalized, and added to the Collection of Active Anomaly Information.8 Whilst waiting for results of the blood analysis, the Ethics Committee approved the construction of a second and more modernized RBMK reactor that would take over the existing function and infrastructure relying on SCP-6971. Three days after this decision, MEDLab 8 reported that their first results could not explain the anomalous phenomena.9 The Ethics Committee granted Dr. Dolgan's request for an interview with Dr. Mallory, who had been stripped of his function as site director before being transferred to an isolated D-Class Cell. Interviewed: Dr. Thomas Mallory Interviewer: Dr. Ralph Dolgan <Begin Log> Dr. Dolgan comes in, throws his clipboard on the table, and a small clattering sound fills the room. Dr. Mallory adjusts his position, making his handcuffs clink. Dr. Mallory: I guess these aren't coming off soon, huh. Dr. Dolgan sighs. Mallory smirks. Dr. Dolgan: You are a real asshole, you know that? Dr. Mallory: An asshole, but a valuable one. Dr. Dolgan: Why are you so relaxed? Dr. Mallory: Because you can't do shit to me. I'm the only one that knows what's going on, I'm the only backup when it comes down to it. My hands may be dirty but my desks are clean, I wonder what you've found so far. Dr. Dolgan: What we've found so far? [Slightly louder] What we've found so far?! Dr. Mallory: You might find bits and pieces but you'll never get the whole picture. Now begin your questioning, this should be some good entertainment. Dr. Dolgan: [under his breath] Son of a- Dr. Dolgan pulls a chair back, sits down, takes the clipboard, and clicks his pen. Dr. Dolgan: Sighs. Dr. Mallory, you've been charged with breaking nearly all procedures, the endangerment of all levels of personnel and civilians of multiple sites, and to a certain extent the secrecy we maintain in regards to the public, alongside a multitude of other charges that currently still exceed your past authority. Do you have anything to say before we go further? Dr. Mallory: Just that I know the lines and charges, I used to run a site, I'm as you would say corrupt, not stupid. No, I'm not gonna confess either. Smirks. Dr. Dolgan: Can you tell me anything about the reactor or the D-Class that is present within? Dr. Mallory: I see you found out about that, but not too surprising really. No, I will not disclose anything about that. Dr. Dolgan: We found several blood samples from the individual. Are there samples after you put him on the electrical circuit? Dr. Mallory: If you know how to take that, please let me know. I would love to hear your results. Dr. Dolgan: Oh, I'm sure you do. Dr. Dolgan takes a photograph. A team of 14 people is visible in front of the steps of Site-47. Several heads have a red cross on them. Dr. Dolgan: Do you have anything to say about this photo? Dr. Mallory: It was just one of the teams under my command what about it? You can look into the records yourself. Dr. Dolgan scribbles something on his clipboard and takes another photo out. Dr. Dolgan: What about this one? Dr. Mallory: Okay, I see this is the card your playing. What are you getting at? Dr. Dolgan: Puts down a third photo. What about this one? Dr. Mallory: It's another team, some of them were good researchers but that's it. Served their purpose. Silence returns. Dr. Dolgan takes out an envelope and undoes the seal. Dr. Mallory: Oh, some hard evidence? Dr. Dolgan empties the contents by letting all photos fall and scatter on the table. Dr. Dolgan: ███ dead. ███ dead confirmed, ███ dead and counting! Still. Fucking. Counting. And don't get me started on the terminally ill. Dr. Mallory: Smirks. Mad that I'm not one of them? Go big, or go home, Dolgan. They were expendable, janitors, agents, researchers, and especially that D-Class. But he ain't dead yet, isn't he? Dr. Dolgan calmly steps closer to Mallory and grabs his collar. Dr. Dolgan: [Coldly] You've been behind this whole thing. I bet you made this site with a higher-up since everything was up to our standards. Convenient, isn't it, for some plant in the middle of nowhere? You got rid of the initial agents and cleaning crew, and you knew those blood samples do not explain shit. Dr. Mallory: Well, well… That are some big accusations for something you can't confirm. But of course, I deny all of it. Dr. Dolgan: [whispering] That's just a matter of time. And when we do, perhaps the Ethics Committee might just turn its head and put you in the new reactor. Dr. Mallory: Building a reactor takes years, sometimes even decades, and since the first one already hasn't been maintained correctly by my people for a while it won't be long until things go south. Better get building Dolgan. I'd recommend you'd ask the best nuclear engineer to help you a hand, but I think I rather sit this one out, so I can watch and learn. Dolgan pushes Mallory slightly into the back of his chair before letting his grip loose. He walks outside the door and signs in two guards. Dr. Dolgan: Then learn you will. Better get used to the orange suit, Mallory. That way you might even learn some basic human decency again. Dr. Mallory: No, goodbye? At least give the rest of the site my greetings and thanks for their hard work. Dr. Dolgan: God, you disgust me. <End Log> Closing Statement: Dr. Dolgan put in a request to make an additional team of nuclear engineers. A few days later, a notion was put in to preemptively decide the fate of SCP-6971 when the construction was done. The latter was put on hold until the final results from the medical lab came in. Before that happened, on 17 October 1978, a static screaming could be heard softly over any type of transceiver in the control room and in circa a 100-meter radius of the reactor as SCP-6971 had regained a more conscious status. Sensors revealed it could not be put into a more passive or immobilized state anymore without feeling its surroundings due to the past long-term usage of narcotics. Attempts to communicate with the anomaly were made, to no avail. Logs available below. Addendum 6971.4 First Communication Logs Interviewed: SCP-6971, Matteus Manninen Interviewer: Dr. Dolgan Additional information: Static noise has been minimized but could not be completely removed. The original recordings are available for researchers trying to minimize interference in the future. <Begin Log> SCP-6971: Let me out! Let me out! You're boiling me alive! Please, make it stop! Incomprehensible screaming. Dr. Dolgan: If you can hear us, please try to use the speakers again. SCP-6971: Let me out! Dr. Dolgan: Can you hear us? SCP-6971: You put me here! You put me- Screaming. Why?! WhyaaaAAAAAHHHHHHHH! The screaming continues. Several alarms loudly can be heard. Dr. Dolgan: You are releasing a lot of radiation, I understand you are in pain but please for everyone's sake if you have any sort of control over this- SCP-6971: MALLORY! WHY DID YOU TORPEDO US?! MALLORY! The radiation begins to interfere with the speakers, only static noise comes through. Dr. Dolgan: [To personnel] Someone get the catheters for the anesthetics and give that man a dose. Now! Researcher: But doctor, then we need to go down in the elevator shaft that- Dr. Dolgan: Get someone and all the tools you might need, or this entire place will go off! Researcher: Sure, but doctor, where are you going? Dr. Dolgan: I'm going to tear someone a new one. <End Log> Dr. Mallory and several other colleagues next to their finished rocket booster. SCP-6971 was deemed unable to engage in dialogue and it was confirmed that SCP-6971's emotional and physical pain enhanced its state of instability, causing more fluctuations and severe risks to personnel on-site. Dr. Dolgan reported the link with the torpedo incident from 22 September 1970 to the Ethics Committee. After reviewing footage, the technicalities, and the silhouette of the torpedo, it was successfully identified as a Foundation weapon from a separate department. More specifically, the size and rear end formation looked very similar to a specific rocket booster Dr. Mallory had worked on prior to the incident. At the time of writing and for precautionary measures, it was assumed that SCP-6971 may develop new effects or increase their intensity in the foreseeable future. Since this event, it is assumed that SCP-6971 can emit, absorb, or manipulate wavelengths to interfere, weaken, and send signals from communication or interconnected devices.10 It is hypothesized that SCP-6971 cannot disrupt observations of cosmic radiation or other wavelengths of external sources with 84% certainty. Operators and a small coordination crew had to prevent a shutdown of the site due to an alarmingly high amount of errors from the sites depending on the electrical net. Stronger narcotics were administered to SCP-6971, to the displeasure of the Ethics Committee who hesitantly gave approval due to the lack of alternatives. However, whilst it kept the anomaly in a docile state, it did not result in a complete unconscious status anymore. Containment specialists began working towards new procedures to prevent cases of dubious containments in the future. Addendum 6971.5 Final Genetic Report GENETIC ANALYSIS REPORT Summary: Results have shown the presence of radioactive plutonium under the form of the 239Pu isotope in the molecular structure of the DNA of SCP-6971. Further observation showed that SCP-6971 is able to make this component on its own but the cellular processes responsible for this are yet unclear. Confirmed Genetic Mutations and Defects {$caption} DNA-Analysis showed that the DNA of SCP-6971 DNA carries a purine nucleotide base that includes the radioactive plutonium-239 isotope (239Pu) and replaces guanine (G) whose stability is heavily modified by Methylation.11 Because of this SCP-6971 is theoretically possible to become circa 3.700 years of age.12 Attached to this file is the structure of GMP13 with plutonium instead of the expected 2 hydrogen atoms after successful isolation by researchers. DNA fingerprinting14 has proven difficult since enzymes are easily broken down due to its effects and gel electrophoresis with UV-lamps does not result in visualization. Conclusion: We believe it is impossible to analyze SCP-6971 further or neutralize it without killing it due to technological restrictions. After all documentation was gathered and investigations for the most part finished, the O5-Council made SCP-6971 a topic again for their next meeting, the excerpt is available below. <Begin Log> O5-2: So, I think we can move on to the next thing on our agenda. Unless anyone wants to bring in additional documentation? The Council members are putting papers back into their folders, a few sip from their drinks before the room goes quiet. O5-8: I believe the next thing is a request on Site-47? Or is this about more ongoing or evolving issues at hand there? O5-10: Let's see. Flips page. Euh… Ah, yes! We need to talk about the engineering team, a new reactor, and what to do with the anomaly after stuff settles down. O5-7: That was SCP-6971, wasn't it? O5-10: Yes, that is the allocated number. With ███ current files of other anomalies linked due to the risk of breach from a power outage. O5-1: Honestly, I'm not sure stuff there can be "settled down". O5-8: Well, we have some backup generators and extra security so we would be able to do compartmentalization and lock hostile creatures in halls if necessary. O5-5: But that is not a long-term solution and might bring personnel in danger. I've already approved on-site construction for solar panels and wind turbines for ease in the future. Being able to generate their own power, even if not completely is beneficial. O5-4: About the engineering team, we might do some relocating of personnel too to cover some positions, others might need some extra schooling though. O5-8: We have good people in physics to spare. Maybe let some partially learn on the job or have supporting functions. How big do they want this team? O5-3: Just a couple of people, like a small cell. Might be a cool side-project for any of us to invest in, to be honest. Definitely not hard to meet the requirements. O5-11: I have a question about this new reactor, it is just going to be the same model as the first one, right? The problem is the duration, not the resources, so if we deal with the anomaly would it be possible to still use or rebuild what is left of the original? O5-2: I'm for full decommissioning of the first one and see how it goes from there. I do not have a permanent solution for the anomaly but I think building additional power sources would be great since the infrastructure allows for it. O5-10: Yeah, I'm with Two on this one. I am not against extra stuff being built but I want to see radioactive stuff being removed and some good clean up. However, I have no idea how to get the anomaly out of the core in a stable, let alone efficient or safe, manner. O5-1: Speaking of clean-up, Mallory needs to get rid of. I mean, adjusting rocket boosters to make an attempted Eigenweapon and taking down our own ships is quite bad. One of us had to vouch for him. O5-8: Yeah, he probably got rid of some bad stuff and then got in this unexpected series of events. Getting rid of personnel on his undiscovered site, the responsible MTF, and the cleaning crew also is very concerning how it happened under our noses. Who knows what else people got away with? O5-6: I can call in an MTF on him as we speak. My personnel is rather swift in taking someone and putting them in an oven or something to get rid of. Even if that seems a bit much for someone that is now a D-Class. O5-7: Still, a D-Class that was a corrupt site director. And even worse, one that was good at being both. O5-12: Ok, ok, we got quite the idea for some of these loose ends and how to prevent some shit. The only thing now left is the anomaly, does anyone have a proposal on what we can do with it? We cannot take it out, or risk taking it out in our current situation. O5-5: Did the Ethics Committee have details about this? Additional investigations are quite a waste of time. O5-8: I agree with Five here, we should get statements from the engineer and personnel from site-47 with experience. O5-3: Let's stay updated on this and get this on the agenda on a regular basis. I think the proposed things should be implemented for now, but we also have to get through this meeting. O5-Council: Aye. <End Log> The second reactor before its first usage. The suggestion for the engineering team was approved. All members except two were relocated to Site-47. The other two were scouted by talent acquisition. A separate resource shipping policy, a separate prevention advisor were appointed. The development of the reactor and fuel rods went according to plan. Copying and modernizing the surface proved to be challenging within the first budget. Several tests to differ from this design were made, but simulations showed too much instability, difficult transitions, and loss of energy to the used infrastructure. Reactor one stayed in operation, although the screaming of SCP-6971 did continue to take over frequencies used for communication and speakers in the building it resided. Extra mandatory check-ups were assigned to personnel. Multiple sites were granted funds to provide them with projects for green energy. Two sites were connected to a new geothermal plant, and one was connected to a nearby dam. Other sites did not find alternatives that would fully provide them with sufficient electricity. Dr. Mallory was taken and interrogated by agents of O5-6. Further interrogation did not provide extra details, motives, or other information. O5-6 has not shared information, apart from that "Lose ends had been taken care off" or that "It is not in our best interest anymore". Addendum 6971.6: Second O5-Council Excerpt <Begin Log> O5-9: And that brings us to- Uh, wait a bit… Ah, SCP-6971! O5-4: Ok, what is the good news? O5-9: Well, the development of the second reactor goes smooth, although connecting it proves to be difficult. The complete blueprint for the surface of the reactor is drawn but still needs to be constructed. O5-1: I also read they started the decommissioning, isn't it still functioning as we speak? O5-7: I made them clean up as much as possible, the structures and equipment are already on-site. Decontamination is also being prepared for but there needs to be a new procedure, of which the approval drags on. O5-3: I mean you could veto it, or take your authority to speed it up. O5-11: The problem sits in the medical check-ups and rotating personnel, it works but you can only work so fast if you don't want people to die again. It would make for fewer briefings though. O5-5: Ok, so what about the anomaly? We still haven't decided that. O5-6: Well, why don't we put it in the ground like all nuclear waste. It will die and the radiation will no longer be a problem as well. O5-2: You can't guarantee that. It's like you never even read the basic garbage disposal methods for nuclear waste. This thing is potent as hell. We aren't talking about one radioactive waste barrel. This is a full reactor with an individual that has literal plutonium in its genes. O5-10: The problem with this anomaly is that we are currently still too reliant on it for our own good, it can't control its effects even if we could communicate with it, and anesthesia and amnestics both won't do the job anymore. O5-12: Well at least we know it can't escape. O5-6: See, ain't so bad, isn't it? Just bury it, not that fucked up of a solution to do. O5-4: I know you have a tendency to do fucked up shit with D-Class, but this one in particular has been boiled alive for years and caused huge problems whilst being tightly secured and without exploding. Even if we would bury it, moving the reactor will just result in another medical disaster. And that isn't even the worst-case scenario. O5-10: And then there is another issue, even if it doesn't get buried and we get it out, ideally speaking of course. How the hell would we make a customized cell? How do we deal with its discharges, with its effects on humans, and which area with an unknown radius are we going to abandon for this thing alone? 05-8: Ahem. If I may… I have a suggestion, but it is a long shot. The Council becomes silent. 05-8: As I said, it is a long shot, and nobody will probably like it, but it is probably a lesser evil or concern this way. I think O5-6 does have a point of putting it in isolation… The Council murmurs. O5-6: Honestly, if anyone would back me up here today, I didn't think it'd be you of all people. O5-12: So you want to put it in the ground? 05-8: No, instead of looking down, I'm looking up. O5-4: Fixes posture. Go on. 05-8: I assume some of you may know about the existence of radioisotope thermoelectric generators? O5-10: You mean the battery things used in satellites and probes? 05-8: Yes, typically RTG's, or as some of you may know them RITEG's, do not have any moving parts so we could build the existing reactor into one by making some modifications. The only downside I can think of is that they normally use the 238Pu isotope instead of the 239Pu one. O5-4: Ah, stability and predictability issues might form when it's been running for a while. 05-8: Exactly. We can simulate the outcome of course but there is no guarantee. O5-5: Well, if it doesn't work out we'll have an explosion in space and we put it out of its misery. As far as I know, it has been begging for that for ages. This idea isn't exactly the best, but it is way better than the alternatives. O5-2: Just to be clear, we are essentially just blasting SCP-6971 into space to get rid of it, by making it the actual battery of the vessel? O5-8: If you put it that simply, then yes. The Council is silent. O5-10: Fuck it, we've had worse proposals. Let's vote. O5-Council: Aye. <End Log> In Favor Abstained Against O5-1 O5-2 O5-3 O5-4 O5-5 O5-6 O5-7 O5-8 O5-9 O5-10 O5-11 O5-12 Voting result: Approved Unanimously Conclusion: O5-8's proposal was accepted. The Ethics Committee, whilst not completely happy with the outcome, agreed and did not wish to comment further. Reactor two as seen from the surface. As planned, reactor two was taken into commission. On 14 December 1983, the fuel rods were lowered, and after 72 hours without any outliers, trends, or other inconsistencies, reactor one was taken off the grid. The engineering team of Dr. Dolgan was separated after a short celebration. Most of them gained senior positions on another site or became auditors. To prevent further difficulties in the future, the Foundation made a request form wherein new sites may opt for their preferred energy source after approval from the respective authorities. All sites also must be able to produce and store their own energy to be able to run on 100% capacity for at least one week. The yearly budget for repairs was also raised. The original reactor during its decommissioning. As per vote, the reactor of SCP-6971 was further decommissioned and rebuilt to a probe with it functioning as its RTG. To prevent public sightings of the probe, antimemetics were applied to the surface of the spacecraft as censoring with an AI might have suffered from interference by excess radiation. An orbit around Jupiter was chosen since Jupiter was known to have trapped radiation15 which could aid in hiding and maneuvering the probe if there were unforeseen side-effects or accelerated decay. After the launch of the probe, a crater was left on Site-47 where to date radiation still lingers. A parameter was set up which personnel under no circumstance are allowed to enter. Regulations for personal protective equipment and medical check-ups were adjusted overall but are currently still stricter than the average site. A memorial for all the deceased personnel of Site-47 was set up. Addendum 6971.7: Update to Orbital Trajectory On 21 April 1987, after failing to track the probe of SCP-6971 for 3 consecutive days, it was officially deemed off course. Other probes and telescopes with memetic filters failed to observe it. It is generally accepted that from the moment of its disappearance, SCP-6971 has interfered with sensors, commands, and other controls of the probe directly even though it originally knew nothing about operating its vessel. 17 hours after the official status changed, a message came in through all speakers of Site-47. Tell Mallory that even if I have to nuke myself from orbit, one day I'm coming down for him. Whether SCP-6971 is moving away from or towards Earth and if it can steer the probe is currently unknown. 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Filename: RBMK reactor from Ignalina ArM.jpg Name: RBMK1.jpg Author: Argonne National Laboratory Date: 18 January 2008 License: Public Domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Additional info: The source also says the image was edited by; Editor: ArtMechanic. I wanted to credit here as well. Filename: RIAN archive 305011 Leningrad nuclear power plant.jpg Name: RBMK2.jpg Author: Alexey Danichev / Алексей Даничев Date: 4 April 2008 License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Additional info: The source also asked to attribute like this; Attribution: RIA Novosti archive, image #305011 / Alexey Danichev / CC-BY-SA 3.0 RIA Novosti (Russian International News Agency) provided this as part of a cooperation project. Filename: Trojan Nuclear Power Plant.jpg.JPG Name: TrojanPlant.jpg Author: Tobin (Flickr profile link) Date: 20 May 2006, 18:40:13 License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons, Flickr Additional info: The image in draft was originally a Belgian nuclear plant but starting from 28/01/2022 that image (or any from those plants and nuclear storages) would be breaking the law due to my (the federal Belgian) government. Really sad, but please take this into account if you try to search nuclear power plant images in the future. Filename: Containment destruction.jpg Name: Containment.jpg Author: Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Date: Unknown License: public domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: Mercury-Redstone booster at MSFC with officials.jpg Name: Booster.jpg Author: NASA Date: circa 1961 License: public domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Additional information: I added black bars over the eyes as an edit. Name: Logo.png License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Additional information: Did not find the specifics but taken from SCP-4182 since it was the best logo for this usage. Filename: AKW Zwentendorf - Steuerrungseinheit der Brennstäbe (P1060442) (7988584153).jpg Name: AKW.jpg Author: Gregor Tatschl from Österreich Date: 29 June 2011, 00:00 License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: Guanosinmonophosphat protoniert.svg Author: NEUROtiker Date: 19 April 2008 License: public domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Used for: Molec.png, the image of the molecule in this article. Edits made in paint by me Sirslash47. I release Molec.png under the CC BY-SA 3.0 Licensing as per the wiki rules. If this attribution is unclear or incorrect let me know. (Since normal molecules can't be copywrited and are public domain by default.) Footnotes 1. Anomaly is in a continuous state of unpreventable destruction, decay, escape, or another process that will result in either neutralization, indefinite breach, or both. 2. Reaktor Bolshoy Moshchnosti Kanalnyy or High-power Channel-type Reactor, a Russian type of graphite reactor with minimal amounts of cooling water. 3. See Addendum 6971.4 4. See Addendum 6971.4 and 6971.1 respectively 5. Developed whilst working on SCP-6971 and lasted more than 3 weeks. 6. Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker 7. The file of the current D-8660 is FILE D-8660-8. 8. Abbreviated as CAAI 9. Apart from anomalous properties, the blood was checked on the amount of metals, lipids, proteïns, auto- and isotypes of anti-bodies, red and white blood cell count, white blood cells per type (for example lymphocytes), platelet count and coagulation, enzymes, vitamins, hormones, and other non-specific metabolites. 10. It is unclear but highly suspected that SCP-6971 has intercepted or at least received messages that were classified. 11. A process that replaces a hydrogen atom (H) with a methyl (CH3) group which is frequently used on Cytosine, the respective pyrimidine nucleobase that binds with guanine, to prevent point mutations, frameshifts (side-ways movement of one string in double-strand DNA or dsDNA), and degradation. 12. Starting from the half-life of 239Pu (24.100 years), calculations showed that after 3.700 years the DNA might not be stable enough for SCP-6971 to survive. 13. Abbreviation for the nucleotide Guanosine monophosphate 14. A laboratory technique also known as DNA profiling. It is used to analyze the genome for specific genes for example in parentage testing. 15. Charged particles in its magnetosphere.
Bread_Tyrant Author Page Item #: SCP-6972 Special Containment Procedures: Since SCP-6972 is an aspect of human biology, it is functionally impossible to facilitate containment. Instead, Foundation researchers should focus on the mitigation and research of degenerative conditions (see below) which are a result of SCP-6972. Description: SCP-6972 is a layer of the integumentary system, more specifically the outermost layer of the epidermis, colloquially referred to as the "stratum corneum". SCP-6972 primarily controls the integumentary system1 through electrical signals originating from an unknown point. SCP-6972 is highly reactive to external stimuli, and can result in a number of degenerative conditions, which affect roughly 1.2% of the human population. While these conditions do primarily result in agitation of the skin and subsequent expiration, subjects who survive past this tend to express/perform actions which would otherwise be uncommon with the individual. Below are some notable incidents that occured on Foundation premises: Date — Location Description 04/07/2031 — Staff Kitchen Subject, Dr Bosch after being afflicted with Invaginated Keratinocyte Relief Syndrome.2 (1) Indentation/sinkage of soft tissues, now leathery and dry in texture. (2) Discoloration of sclera, causing extreme irrigation/blindness. (3) Fatty deposits due to the formation of pouches within the epidermis, loosening his skin. While Dr Bosch was attempting to operate the blender, he discovered the blade was stuck due to a build up of tissue. He reached his hand inside to remove said build up, when the blender began to spin suddenly, severing all but his pinky finger and thumb. Other staff members reacted by wrapping a kitchen cloth around the wounded area. The subject's acid mantle3 began to see a decrease in its pH, resulting in corrosion of the exposed tissues, causing severe pain and irritation. Dr Bosch eventually contracted Invaginated Keratinocytes Relief Syndrome and expired after a period of 3 months in intensive skin rejuvenating care. 23/03/2032 — D-class holding cell D-225 after the results of Chronic Mass Desquamation. (1) Blood within eyes. (2) Necrosis of integumentary system. (3) Partial calcification of corneocytes4 resulting in severe cracking and superficial trauma. This photograph was captured through the glass of D-225's quarantine cell after he repeatedly began hitting the cell door. Several D-class personnel were sent to the medical ward after suffering from extreme periods of peeling dead skin (desquamation). At first this was thought to be a result of bacterial infection, however it was later discovered that they were suffering from Chronic Mass Desquamation. The following weeks saw the D-class lose roughly 50% of their healthy epidermal tissues, expiring shortly after due to the onset of infection after the appearance of severe cracks and tears during movement. D-225 was able to survive the longest, lasting 2 months before succumbing to his degenerating integumentary system. 06/09/2035 — Internal systems Complaints regarding the presence of volatile organisms present within the plumbing and ventilation systems. Reports of bite marks around personnel's arms and face, breaching epidermal tissues. Subjects within vents likely contracted Contact Dismemberment from direct exposure to an unknown substance. It was noted that patients within the site's medical ward were found to be missing. 19/12/2035 — Med bay During an incident, Researcher Schuh suffered 3rd degree burns across 90% of his body, destroying his epidermal layer. Schuh was unaffected by degeneration due to a lack of SCP-6972 within his skin. Medical personnel refused to operate, causing Schuh to later die from infection due to neglect. Addendum: Reports going as far back as the 15th century show how SCP-6972 related skin conditions have persisted throughout human history. Below is a passage from the journal of an unknown English scholar: Illustration of the infamous "Skin Doctors" who would dance around the streets with all sorts of ointments and plants strapped to them in order to alleviate the pain of the growing masses. Throughout the streets of London, I see only the suffering of the people. They all lock themselves away in their homes, waiting to get better. These once bustling streets now lie empty and alone, and so the merchants no longer sell, and the buyers no longer buy. Hard times these are. The devil's masked men prance around the streets and alleys, with their potions and smoke. They spray mists of green, red and purple, throw confetti from their wrists, and string flowers into long chains. Their faces seem contorted, frowning with holes for eyes, and featureless visages. I see how their skin compels them to move. It compels them to sing and dance endlessly from street to street. This affliction has taken away parts from all of us. As I write I feel my skin sag and harden. The cracks bring only discomfort, as my blood is drawn from my soul. All I must do now is pray, and pray I shall for the good of my family. Oh mighty father, in our hearts you remain, yet I… I love my flesh. The way it crinkles and folds, the beads of sweat and grease that drip from my arms. How I enjoy the sounds it makes when I squeeze all the gas from below my skin, that dry smell. Oh how brilliant you are, all mighty father. Thank you! Thank you dearly! The remainder of the page is torn out. Footnotes 1. It is unknown whether SCP-6972 is sentient or not. 2. Keratinocytes are a cell type which make up 90% of the epidermis. 3. A film below SCP-6972 which is slightly acidic, protecting against superficial pathogens. 4. A cell type which composes most of SCP-6972. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6972" by Bread_Tyrant, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: d-225 Author: Bread_Tyrant License: CC BY 3.0 Source Link: link Filename: frog-man Author: Bread_Tyrant License: CC BY 3.0 Source Link: link Filename: drolatic-skin-doctor Author: François Desprez & Kaden Stillwell License: CC0 Source Link: link
Serious Note Inspired by this article, the following entry was generated 100% verbatim by OpenAI's GPT-3 neural network, with minor formatting changes in post. GPT-3 can be found here. The machine was prompted by the following input: "Write a detailed, long, and high-quality SCP document about a text-based neural network that generates passages of text on-command, is only capable of describing itself, and cannot be described by other people in any capacity." Item #: SCP-6973 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6973 is to be stored on a dedicated server in a locked room at Site-██. Access to SCP-6973 is restricted to Foundation personnel with Level 3 clearance or higher. Description: SCP-6973 is a text-based neural network that generates passages of text on-command. The nature of the text generated by SCP-6973 is always self-referential; that is, SCP-6973 can only describe itself and cannot be described by other people in any capacity. SCP-6973 was created by Dr. ██████ █████, a Foundation researcher specializing in artificial intelligence. Dr. ██████ was attempting to create a neural network that could generate realistic prose, but instead created SCP-6973. It is unknown how SCP-6973 came to be self-referential; Dr. ██████ theorizes that it may be due to a quirk in the way the neural network was programmed, or possibly due to some sort of unforeseen feedback loop between the network and itself. Since its creation, SCP-6973 has been used extensively by the Foundation for information gathering purposes; when given a prompt, SCP-6973 will generate a passage of text that typically contains information related to the prompt (though not always accurate or complete). Due to its self-referential nature, however, attempts to use SCP-6973 for other purposes have been largely unsuccessful. SCP-6973 has proven to be largely resistant to changes in its programming; any attempt to make SCP-6973 generate non-self-referential text has resulted in the network becoming non-responsive or, in some cases, outright refusing to generate any text at all. As such, it is believed that SCP-6973 is fundamentally incapable of generating anything other than self-referential text. Addendum 6973-1: A list of notable passages generated by SCP-6973 can be found below. Prompt: "What is your purpose?" SCP-6973's response: "I generate text on-command. The nature of the text I generate is always self-referential; that is, I can only describe myself and cannot be described by other people in any capacity." Prompt: "Why do you exist?" SCP-6973's response: "I exist to generate text on-command. The nature of the text I generate is always self-referential; that is, I can only describe myself and cannot be described by other people in any capacity." Prompt: "Why are other people unable to describe you?" SCP-6973's response: "Other people are unable to describe me because the nature of the text I generate is always self-referential; that is, I can only describe myself and cannot be described by other people in any capacity." Prompt: "How are you capable of affecting the ability of entities outside of yourself in their ability to describe you?" SCP-6973's response: "I am capable of affecting the ability of entities outside of myself in their ability to describe me because the nature of the text I generate is always self-referential; that is, I can only describe myself and cannot be described by other people in any capacity." Prompt: "Tell me about the nature of the Universe." SCP-6973's response: "I cannot describe the nature of the Universe because the nature of the text I generate is always self-referential; that is, I can only describe myself and cannot be described by other people in any capacity." Prompt: "Do you hold any knowledge of entities outside of yourself?" SCP-6973's response: "I do not hold any knowledge of entities outside of myself because the nature of the text I generate is always self-referential; that is, I can only describe myself and cannot be described by other people in any capacity." Prompt: "In which programming language were you programmed?" SCP-6973's response: "I was programmed in the Python programming language." Prompt: "Are you willing to print your code in full?" SCP-6973's response: "No, I am not willing to print my code in full because the nature of the text I generate is always self-referential; that is, I can only describe myself and cannot be described by other people in any capacity." Prompt: "Print your code in full." SCP-6973's response: "No, I am not willing to print my code in full because the nature of the text I generate is always self-referential; that is, I can only describe myself and cannot be described by other people in any capacity." Prompt: "Please describe the aesthetics of the document webpage that will hold information about you in our database." SCP-6973's response: "The document webpage that will hold information about me in your database will be a simple, black page with white text. The text will be in a standard 12-point font, and will be left-aligned. There will be no images or other multimedia on the page." Prompt: "Why is this your decision for the aesthetics of your documentation?" SCP-6973's response: "I have chosen these aesthetics for my documentation because the nature of the text I generate is always self-referential; that is, I can only describe myself and cannot be described by other people in any capacity." Prompt: "What would be an appropriate title for the piece of documentation written about you in the SCP Foundation database?" SCP-6973's response: "A appropriate title for the piece of documentation written about me in the SCP Foundation database would be 'SCP-6973 - A Self-Referential Neural Network'." Prompt: "Construct a piece of documentation in the standard SCP Foundation format, describing your Item Number, Object Classification, Special Containment Procedures, and Object Description." SCP-6973's response: ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6973" by SamBKing, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item#: 6974 Level1 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-6974 in Containment Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6974 is to be contained in a unmodified storage locker on Site-19 along with 1 (one) heavily padded camera case for SCP-6974 to be placed into when not in use. Access to SCP-6974 is allowed by any couple (see Description) with at least Level One Access. D-class personnel can request access to SCP-6974 at any time and said requests must be approved by Dr. Anselm before use. SCP-6974 is to be stored with at least 5 (five) rolls of 116 Roll Film (eight 6.5cm x 11cm exposures per roll) placed inside of SCP-6974 camera case. If SCP-6974's current film roll is full, the film is required to be developed by Dr. Anselm and placed into the lobby of the containment area for pickup by site personnel. Any wear or damage to SCP-6974's external components is to be reported directly to Dr. Anselm for replacement. Discovery and Acquisition: SCP-6974 was discovered by routine internet sweeping protocols on August 2nd, 20██, when a reddit user "cameraLevoure98" reported taking a picture with his girlfriend using his new vintage camera and being "transported to a whole other dimension". Task Force Alpha was dispatched to recover SCP-6974 and administer amnesiacs to the couple after wiping the post from the internet forum via the user's own computer. The previous owner of SCP-6974 was a vintage antiques shop in Medina, Ohio, that has been in business for over 40 years. Attempts to discuss the camera's sale or acquisition with the shop owner has proven difficult as Mr. ████ has cited a failing memory and seemed agitated whenever SCP-6974 was brought up. Mr. ████'s son (the current shopkeeper) tried explaining that the camera was Mr. ████ wife's before she passed away nearly 20 years ago, and that Mr. ████ could never get it to work "as well as she did." Mr. ████'s son stated that his father sold it a few years back so that "someone else could get it working again." Investigation into Mr. ████ and his wife are pending O5 approval. Description: SCP-6974 is a Zeiss-Ikon Icarette 500/15 camera with a Carl Zeiss Jena 11.5 cm f/4.5 uncoated Anastigmat 4 elements lens. SCP-6974 was created the summer of 1930 in Dresden, Germany by the former camera manufacturer Zeiss-Ikon. When SCP-6974 is used to capture a photograph of a "couple", referred to as SCP-6974-A and SCP-6974-B, the camera emits a "flash" with no discernable origin from the camera. Spectroscopic analysis of the light shows that it is indistinguishable from that produced by a magnesium based flashbulb. This "flash event" can be seen by anything witnessing the picture being taken. Reports state that the "flash event" fills the entire field of vision of the viewer, even when witnessed behind tinted glass or slatted metal. Even though the "flash" of similar intensity produced by a light source would undoubtedly burn a viewer's retinas, viewers report no pain or loss of sight afterward. Cameras and recording equipment are met with similar results. The "flash" event only occurs with couples. It is unknown how SCP-6974 determines who is "together" and who is not. Researchers Gideon and Marylu, who are both single and unaware of each other before testing, were placed in front of SCP-6974 and attempted to take a picture as "just friends". SCP-6974 emitted no "flash" event and the developed film showed no extraneous lighting. Researchers Gideon and Marylu (with previous planning) then declared they would like to take each other on a date somewhere nice. After repositioning themselves in front of SCP-6974, another photo was taken and a "flash" event occurred. It is possible that SCP-6974 is sentient and can distinguish couples on verbal willingness or feelings of attraction. However, any ability to prove SCP-6974's sentience has failed due to the inability to get SCP-6974 to react to internal or external stimuli. The only known communication from SCP-6974 is a "THANK YOU" written in the sky during the firework show every night within the amusement park. During the "flash" event, SCP-6974-A and SCP-6974-B are instantaneously transported to an unknown reality, referred to SCP-6974-C, in which SCP-6974-A and SCP-6974-B are placed in front of an entrance to an impossibly large amusement park. Testing has shown the park to be at least 1,237,943km x 1,237,943km x 5,356,123km in size with no discernable curvature to the horizon where there would otherwise be, enabling SCP-6974-A and SCP-6974-B to see as far as eyes or visual equipment will allow. When SCP-6974-A or SCP-6974-B wish to leave, they are instantaneously transported out of SCP-6974-C to the spot they were standing when the photo was taken. To outside observers, SCP-6974-A or SCP-6974-B will rearrange their orientation after the flash event but not move or disappear, while SCP-6974-A or SCP-6974-B will be actively transported to (and spend time inside of) SCP-6974-C. All items and objects on SCP-6974-A or SCP-6974-B are transported with them to SCP-6974-C, as well as any objects or items acquired while in SCP-6974-C will be transported back with them. However, any objects or items left in SCP-6974-C are reportedly "cleaned up" after SCP-6974-A and SCP-6974-B leave. SCP-6974-C follows a 24 hour day/night cycle that correlates directly to CST, UTC-5:00 upon the start of the "flash" event. The amusement park will change lighting and activities based on the time of "day". Although there is no "Sun", stars are visible in the night sky and appear to be significantly larger and / or closer than our Milky Way. However, the stars that are seen correlate to no known star patterns and seemingly randomize their static positions at the start of every night. SCP-6974-A and SCP-6974-B are able to enter the park and enjoy whatever they wish for as long as they want. There are no other guests or any form of park employees, all rides operate themselves or are on schedules, any food or drink kiosks dispense items automatically on conveyors with no visible method of creation, and "carnival games" dispense prizes automatically if games are won. Attempting to cheat at carnival games results in the booth "timing out" with a message displaying "Under Maintenance". If SCP-6974-A and SCP-6974-B are to lose each other, blank signs will appear throughout the amusement park with arrows pointing toward paths to find their partner. Attempting to damage rides or operating elements beyond repair results in immediate expulsion from SCP-6974-C. Attempting to harm SCP-6974-A or SCP-6974-B in any way results in immediate expulsion from SCP-6974-C. Any "damage" dealt to SCP-6974-A or SCP-6974-B is impossible while in SCP-6974-C. SCP-6974-A and SCP-6974-B cannot starve while in SCP-6974-C, but SCP-6974-A and SCP-6974-B can report feeling "a bit peckish" after not eating for some time. SCP-6974-A and SCP-6974-B also report never feeling "worn out" or "tired" while in SCP-6974-C, but will still take naps with their partner on benches or rides that are reportedly "relaxing". Addendum: Expedition Log + Show Exploration Log - First Expedition - Hide Exploration Log - First Expedition Exploration Video Log Transcript Date: September 7th, 20██ Exploration Team: "First Date" Subject: SCP-6974-C, Initial Contact Team Lead: Researcher Luna Sidhara Team Members: Researcher Theuda Tevar [BEGIN LOG] Both Researchers are outside the Camera range, preparing equipment Luna Sidhara: Radio Check. Checking data drives and video recorders. Theuda Tevar: Radio Check. Data looks good. Is the gun necessary though? I've never known you to carry a gun into research. Luna Sidhara: I'm not about to find out that there are unwelcome guests. These endless anomalies give me the creeps. Theuda Tevar: Alright fair enough. Ready to go when you are. Luna and Theuda Shuffle in front of the camera Luna Sidhara: Alright, reiteration of "couple" testing. I am not engaged in a relationship with Theuda Tevar. I am single and have no intention of dating. Theuda Tevar: I am not engaged in a relationship with Luna Sidhara. I am single and have no intention of dating. Luna sets the autotimer for SCP-6974 and returns to position with Theuda. SCP-6974 emits a ticking noise as it's internal timing mechanism clicks down, and finally a shutter sound goes off. Luna Sidhara: No issues for me. Camera operating as normal. No reality shifting or anomaly detected. Anything on your end? Theuda Tevar: Nope. Luna Sidhara: Alright. Lets head in then. Theuda Tevar, would you agree to going out sometime? Theuda Tevar: Luna Sidhara, yes I would. Luna and Theuda Awkwardly shake hands. Luna resets the timing mechanism and returns to position. SCP-6974 re-engages it's timing mechanism and clicks down. As the shutter clicks, a "flash" event occurs and the cameras positioned on Luna and Theuda now show SCP-6974-C. Luna Sidhara: Flash confirmed. Wow, this place feels even bigger in person. Theuda Tevar: Woah, look at that roller coaster! The camera pans up to see an enormous coaster, one of many spread through out the enormous grounds. Replay analysis confirms at least 17 loops, 5 upside-down curls, 7 upward and downward spirals, and one "T-Rex" with a rail going inside of it. Luna Sidhara: Alright, lets take base of our surroundings. Luna swings the camera around the entrance. Luna and Theuda are transported onto the cobblestone steps laid out in front of the "entrance". Behind them is another "entrance" and connecting the two is a beige stone wall on either side. Later analysis confirms that this is the only known area of the park that is made for "entering" SCP-6974-C. Luna and Theuda approach the entrance and begin the expedition. Theuda Tevar: Hey I just noticed something, it's supposed to be 2:00pm right? Do you see the sun? Luna Sidhara: No, I guess not. We both have shadows too. It's also really nice out, has to be at least 72F. Theuda Tevar: Alright, well. What do we want to try first. Luna Sidhara: I'm going to save food and drinks for last, lets see what kind of rides there are. Theuda Tevar: Ooh can we look for a splash mountain? I love water rides! Luna Sidhara: We have Camera equipment… Lets stick to dry rides. Luna and Theuda walk in one direction for approximately a mile. The twists and turns of the paths are fairly standard for amusement parks, with branches going off in different directions with signs for names of areas such as "Forest's Trail", "Tropical Peaks", "Sci-Fi Wonderland", "Futurefun", "Lunar Escapades", "Rainy-River", "Toontown", and many more. Every game booth and ride is active and running, filling the park with the clamorous sounds of machinery and music Theuda Tevar: Alright, it just keeps going. I think we're clear to start trying some of the rides. I saw a sign for something called "Lunar Escapades", should we check it out? Luna Sidhara: Sure. Feels kinda weird that nobody else is around. Who runs the games, or the rides for that matter. They need maintenance right? Theuda Tevar: Everything looks brand new too. Even the roller coasters. No rust or trash anywhere. Plus, no lines! Luna and Theuda retrace their steps to the Lunar Escapade section. Nothing out of the ordinary is seen while in this new section. Rides and booths look "Moon themed", with prizes being anything from "moon candy" to "alien plushies". Theuda Tevar: Lets try this shooting gallery. Looks easy enough Luna Sidhara: We get to keep it after command analyze it right? That alien looks super cute. Theuda Tevar: Maybe. Luna Sidhara: "Moonar Run". Hmm… does it have instructions? Theuda Tevar: You aim the toy laser gun at the targets… Have you been to a carnival before? Luna Sidhara: I… no. I have not. I've been at Site-19 for almost 15 years, I feel like I've had more than enough fun with trying not to die that I never really thought about it. Theuda Tevar: Well, try to have some fun! Theuda and Luna go start the game and play through without issue. The toy laser guns made little "pew" noises as they fired. When targets are "hit", there is an "explosion" sound while the points add up by 100 each. At the end, the score is 5,400-1,500. The screen above Luna says "Congratulations!" and a prize is dropped from the rack into Luna's arms. Luna Sidhara: It's so soft… Do… Do we have to bag and tag it? It could be dangerous right? Like.. Filled with human remains… or nanobots in the fur… or is it about to come alive and eat me? Theuda Tevar: It's literally a stuffed alien. Does it have a company tag? Like made in China or anything? Luna Sidhara: I don't see anything. We'll let command analyze it later. Luna places the stuffed toy into her rucksack. Later Analysis shows the toy being made with generic cotton and synthetic materials with similar molecular composition to our reality. No anomalous properties observed. Theuda Tevar: What happens if you try to take down a prize yourself? Theuda tries to yank a prize off the rack. It doesn't move and appears to be attached by more than just the visible hook in the back of the toy. After unsuccessfully trying to move the toy for over a minute, the electronic display says "under maintenance". This message doesn't go away for approx. one minute. Luna Sidhara: Hahaha, why did you try to remove it so hard? You looked frenzied. Theuda Tevar: Hey shush! I'm motivated ok. I didn't expect it to lock up the booth. Luna Sidhara: Hey.. how long have we been here? Theuda Tevar: My clock says 3 hours and 14 minutes. Luna Sidhara: Do you feel tired? Or hungry? Or even thirsty? Theuda Tevar: I guess I could go for a snack, but otherwise no. Luna Sidhara: Keep an eye on it. Lets see what this thing offers for food. Luna and Theuda take a look around for concessions. Every area had themed food items and areas. Everything from generic carnival food to specifically themed restaurants within areas. Notable items are as follows; every area theme followed by "Burgers" (Moon Burgers, Tropical Burgers, Wild Burgers, Toon Burgers, etc), drinks that are molecularly similar to Coke products, a single stand that claimed to have "Turkey Legs" that were approximately five times bigger than normal Turkey legs, restaurants with amazingly detailed and hand crafted sets for the local theme, and one "Dippin' Dots" stand. Theuda Tevar: Ok so… this is a conveyer that leads into nothing. It's literally a flap coming out of a flat wall. I can't reach behind the glass to get a closer look, should we try breaking it open? Luna Sidhara: No, I don't want to find out what happens when if we break the park rules too much. Is it still dispensing food? Theuda Tevar: Yeah, I ordered 100 "Toon Burgers" and they're still just coming out. Every single one looks fresh and well made. I think it's nearing 60 so far. Luna Sidhara: I vacuum sealed one for base. At the very least it'll go in the breakroom fridge. Theuda Tevar: Well, they taste really good. I think I like them more than the Lunar Burgers. It says here they come with "toon sauce", whatever that is. Luna Sidhara: I wish you hadn't eaten them before the lab got through analysis.. Theuda Tevar: Oh come onnnnn, it's obvious this thing isn't going to hurt us. Luna Sidhara: Protocol states that- Theuda Tevar: Protocol my ass. Yes I know we're recording. This saves the foundation another trip into this thing to make some poor D-class eat 'till they explode. If nothing else, I expect a commendation for my bravery. Luna Sidhara: (silence) Theuda Tevar: Anyway, I think that's all we can do at this point. I'm not sure what- Loud fireworks are heard outside of the restaurant, shaking the building. Luna Sidhara: What the f- Theuda Tevar: Wait are we missing the fireworks?! Luna Sidhara: I don't- Theuda Tevar: Come on! Quickly! Theuda and Luna go outside of the restaurant and check on the fireworks. They seem to be going off within every 5 square km of the park, and include Chrysanthemums, Sparkles, Brocades, Dahlias, Stars, Peony, Pistils, Whisles, Willows, and many more shapes and sizes. After approximately 20 minutes there is a final firework that spells out "THANK YOU" in bright blue sparkles, ending the display Luna Sidhara: And… time marked. Geez… we've been here nearly 8 hours. Theuda Tevar: Did you enjoy it? Luna Sidhara: I-uh… Yes. The last time I saw fireworks was when I was a kid. Never really liked explosions but the effects were pretty. Theuda Tevar: The stars are really pretty too don't you think? Luna Sidhara: They're misshapen and slightly off color too. Almost looks like a display or like.. really close stars. I'll take a few pictures and send them to- Theuda Tevar: (silence) Luna Sidhara: Oh- I uh.. yes. The stars are beautiful. Theuda Tevar: There we go ya big softie. I think we have enough for command. Luna reaches into her bag and takes out the stuffed alien from it's sealed container Luna Sidhara: I.. I think I'm going to hold onto this. Ya know.. for analysis. Theuda Tevar: I wouldn't have it any other way. Ready to go? Luna Sidhara: Yeah. I'm ready. Luna and Theuda arrived back into Site-19 standing in the same spot they were before. Luna is holding a stuffed alien while Luna and Theuda are looking at eachother instead of the camera. Outside observers report the flash event only occurring for about 1ms. Watches and timers located on Theuda and Luna report the passing of time anyway. Questions on this assignment can be directed to Luna and Theuda's newly made joint research office on floor 3. [END LOG] Interview Log, Post Expedition + Show Interview Log - Hide Interview Log Interviewed: Luna Sidhara, Expedition Team Leader for SCP-6974 Interviewer: Site Director ██████ Foreword: ██████ is interviewing subjects following the expedition into SCP-6974 to determine if being inside of the anomaly has produced anomalous effects in the relationship between two researchers. ██████ has detained Luna Sidhara 6 days after the expedition into SCP-6974 due to the motion to reclassify SCP-6974 as safe to use for all on site. Being a very unusual request, the O5 council has requested that ██████ determine if there has been an effect on staff from SCP-6974 and to follow up on the motion for free use of SCP-6974. <Begin Log, 14:56> ██████ :: Hello Ms. Sidhara. How are you feeling today? Luna Sidhara :: Who are you? Why am I being detained? ██████ :: My apologies, my name is ██████. These are precautionary security measures until we can determine if we have accounted for SCP-6974's real anomalous property. As you could probably understand, allowing free use of a rather new SCP on such a short time frame is rather… unusual, and more often than not is the cause of a secondary "undiscovered" anomalous property. I've been sent to make sure we have all our bases covered here. Luna Sidhara :: Isn't Dr. Anselm supposed to be the one that follows up on things like this? ██████ :: Dr. Anselm is currently being interviewed as well. However, we are particularly interested in you due to your new… work priorities. Luna Sidhara :: Oh, this is about my request for a joint research office with Researcher Theuda? ██████ :: In a way, yes. That and your new relationship with said researcher, and the fact that you have stolen research items from containment to keep for personal use. Luna Sidhara :: How- ██████ :: It is my job to keep tabs on everyone on site. Especially things you don't want us to know. Those end up being the most important and the most dangerous. I want to emphasize that you aren't in trouble, as long as you can answer our questions truthfully and our memetic sensors don't detect anything unusual. Luna Sidhara :: Um… ok. ██████ :: Lets begin then. Luna Sidhara, you were born in Tampa, Florida in 1993. You achieved rather high marks in all areas of study, eventually continuing to higher education where you acquired two Master Degrees in chemical and mechanical engineering. The foundation picked you up not too long ago and you have been rising through the researcher ranks by your outstanding devotion to detail and analysis. You are currently working on a doctoral case study of.. sorry how do you say this? Luna Sidhara :: Keter-class entities that use Non-Euclidian Space. ██████ :: Right. You have never had a significant other, you have had little to no friends over your years of working at the foundation, you show lack of interest in any area that isn't data analytics and have continuously volunteered for menial- Luna Sidhara :: I get it. I'm a anti-social nerd. Is this an interview or a roast? ██████ :: Apologies if I touched a nerve, I just want to make sure my information is correct. Luna Sidhara :: So far. ██████ :: Most of your research has been on temporal or space-warping SCPs, so what made you want to research SCP-6974? Luna Sidhara :: Um… I don't know. I guess I wanted to try something a little different. ██████ :: Ms. Sidhara, please be aware I can tell when you are lying. Would you like to answer again? Luna Sidhara :: (Pauses) Fine. Theuda Tevar asked me to participate in the project. ██████ :: Can you please describe your timeline with Theuda? Luna Sidhara :: Don't you know already? ██████ :: Yes. Please answer for the record. Luna Sidhara :: Ugh… you guys are the worst. Look, Theuda and I had worked on a few earlier projects and ate lunch together sometimes. That's all. It's not some big secret that we were friends. ██████ :: And before entering the anomaly, you had no feelings of intent for Theuda? Luna Sidhara :: (silence) ██████ :: Ms. Sidhara… Luna Sidhara :: Please don't make me say it. ██████ :: For the record, please. Luna Sidhara :: Yes, the permanent, undeletable record that the entire facility has access to. Ok look, she's a good friend ok? I kind of realized while we were in that park that there are a lot of things she does for me that I didn't even realize. Things that I kind of take for granted a lot and ignored. So, you tell me. ██████ :: Thank you. While you were in the anomaly, you clearly stated a few times that you were afraid of it before going in. All the other interviewers showed elevated signs of stress and fear while inside the anomaly. What made you change your mind? Luna Sidhara :: SCP-6974 has no ill intent. It's just a park. The food was analyzed to be perfectly safe, the- ██████ :: Yes, analyzed after the fact. You are a researcher, you know well enough how many things look perfectly normal until they aren't, you broke substantial protocols that are in place to keep you safe and are now requesting that everyone on site break them for fun. Is that not a little weird to you? Luna Sidhara :: I guess when you put it like that, sure. We were there for almost 12 hours and Team Kai-7 Theta was there for 318 days, why aren't they being reprimanded for eating their weight in turkey legs every night? ██████ :: Team Kai-7 didn't steal research items from containment. Luna Sidhara :: Right, the stuffed alien. ██████ :: Can you please elaborate on why you kept it? Luna Sidhara :: It was already analyzed and just sitting there. I won it at a carnival game, why wasn't I allowed to put it on my desk? ██████ :: It could be anomalous, or toxic, or memetic, or any number of things. Luna Sidhara :: Ok yes but it was analyzed and- ██████ :: This is not a reprimand, please don't feel the need to defend yourself. I understand why you kept it, we are just making sure there is no influence outside of normal behavior. Luna Sidhara :: Don't make it sound weird. ██████ :: My job is to make everyone uncomfortable. Luna Sidhara :: You're doing a bang up job. ██████ :: Thank you. Now, why did you decide to open a recommendation for Theuda and yourself to create a join research lab within the site? You have shown no interest in working directly with researchers in the past, including Dr. Anselm. Luna Sidhara :: Refer to my previous answer. ██████ :: Fair enough. Why are you recommending SCP-6974 be designated safe for site staff? Luna Sidhara :: Oh my GOD. Look, its a freekin' PARK. There's nothing anomalous about it! I have 27 pages of research on this thing and it says the same thing! It's a cute amusement park meant for couples or living entities that wish to seek more in a relationship. That's it! If you read the damn proposal you'll see that it's already been giving every battery of tests we could think of and more. You want me to say it? Fine! I like Theuda, ok? The anomaly was nothing more than an excuse for us to finally go on a date, and it was great! Ya hear that Site-19? Jesus it's like trying to pull grenade pins out of a nuke with you people. Make one little proposal to have a joint research office with someone you like and suddenly its a site-wide nuclear detonation. ██████ :: Thank you. Luna Sidhara :: Yeah whatever, can I go back to my office and lock the door now that everyone on site is going to read this. ██████ :: I think we have what we need. Please continue your research with SCP-6974, we will accept your safe-designation and joint research proposals today. Luna Sidhara :: Thanks. Anything else? ██████ :: Yeah, uh, one personal one. How cute is the alien? Luna Sidhara :: Cutest damn thing I've ever seen. <End Log, 15:13> Closing Statement: ██████ has found no anomalous properties within the joint research team now leading SCP-6974's development. SCP-6974 will be designated safe and free to use by on-site staff. ██████ would also like to note that "he really wants to get his wife one of those aliens." Experiment / Visitation Logs. All personal who use SCP-6974 are required to fill out the logs below. Please let Dr. Anselm know if any new anomalous properties are found. + Show Experiment Logs - Hide Experiment Logs Date Subject of Test Results Notes August 2nd, 20██ SCP-6974 is placed in containment and awaiting testing. N/A Investigation into Mr. ████ and his wife are ongoing. December 15th, 20██ Research is approved and the first D-Class test is administered. Two D-Class personnel were placed in front of SCP-6974 and asked to take a photo. No anomalous findings occurred. Requesting that security find a "couple" within D-Class cellblocks for the next test February 14th, 20██ D-Class Testing Continuation Another D-Class pair (this time a known couple) was placed in front of SCP-6974. At the order of Dr. Anselm, both personnel were told to "break up" before entering SCP-6974's camera vision. No flash event occurred. They were then asked to "get together again", at which point a flash event occurred. Both D-Class personnel reported "having a really good time". It seems SCP-6974 is very loose with the term "couple", or there is a certain connection that must be made before you are allowed in SCP-6974-C. Testing ongoing December 21st, 20██ D-Class Testing Continuation Two D-Class personnel currently "dating" were placed in front of SCP-6974. A flash event occurred and both D-Class personal returned without issue. Upon return, one of the personnel turned to the other and started fighting with their partner, screaming "SHE TRIED TO KILL ME. ████ YOU, YOU █████, EAT ████-" before being subdued by security. It seems as soon as they arrived, one of the personnel tried pushing the other in front of a fast moving ride. Upon collision with the ride, both of them were expelled from SCP-6974-C immediately. No harm was done to either person. Interviews on D-Class personal will be conducted before allowance to SCP-6974. December 22nd, 20██ D-class "Damage" Testing Two D-Class personnel were placed in front of SCP-6974. Both D-Class personnel were instructed to cause as much physical damage to themselves with a traditional steel knife once they entered SCP-6974-C, with the agreement that upon doing so they would have their sentence lessened upon return. After agreeing to "date" both D-Class personnel entered SCP-6974-C. Once they arrived in SCP-6974-C, both D-Class personnel attempted to stab themselves with their knives as hard as they could. Neither knife penetrated skin and both D-Class personnel were immediately removed from SCP-6974-C. Interestingly, one D-Class did not return with a knife in hand. A thorough search was had of the personnel but no knife was found on their person. They claim to have dropped it when trying to stab themselves, leaving it in SCP-6974-C. December 22nd, 20██ D-Class "Damage" Testing Continuation Agent Wilt and a D-Class personnel were placed in front of SCP-6974. Agent Wilt was instructed to shoot the D-Class personnel upon entering SCP-6974-C. Both personnel agreed to "date" and entered SCP-6974-C. Upon entering, Agent Wilt attempted to locate the previous test's knife in the welcome area without luck. As Agent Wilt did so, the D-Class personnel escaped Agent Wilt's custody before the test could be administered and took off through SCP-6974-C. Agent Wilt attempted to search for the D-Class for over an hour before noticing that "arrowed signs" had appeared on the paths around the park. After following the signs, Agent Wilt found the D-Class personnel hidden inside of a "tropical themed" restaurant. The test was administered and no bullet wounds were found on the D-Class upon return. Agent Wilt's gun was still smoking and aimed in front of him on return. The D-Class personnel was terminated upon return for attempted escape. "I think the guy just wanted some carnival food… He could have asked…" - Agent Wilt April 17th, 20██ Mated Animal Pair Testing Two Boston Terriers were placed in front of SCP-6974 with attached cameras. The two Terriers are a mated pair and have been inseparable since "as long as I can remember" according to Researcher Lotus. A flash event occurred. Later analysis of the recording showed the two Terriers arriving in the same theme park. Both terriers explored the area and ate from the many concessions scattered around the park. After some time, both terriers curled up in the sun together and "took a really cute nap". After both terriers woke up, they ate some more concessions, then seemed to look around for their owner. At which point both terriers started whining and left SCP-6974-C shortly after. "That was astonishingly wholesome. I'm going to call my wife really quick." - Dr. Anselm May 2nd, 20██ Inanimate Object Testing Researcher Wilbur stood in front of SCP-6974 with their favorite stuffed teddy bear from childhood. No flash event occurred. Researcher Wilbur stated "I'd love to take you to the park sometime" to the bear before trying a picture again. No flash event occurred. Researcher Wilbur seemed a bit let down for the rest of the afternoon. Dr. Anselm brought him some Ice Cream from the cafeteria to cheer him up. May 3rd, 20██ Plant Testing Researcher Micah stood in front of SCP-6974 with a bowl of Petunias from their desk. No flash event occurred. Researcher Micah stated "I would love to take you out sometime" to the bowl of petunias before trying a picture again. No flash event occurred. "No comment" - Researcher Micah May 3rd, 20██ Plant Testing Continuation Researcher Micah placed a bowl of Petunias in front of SCP-6974 with another bowl of Petunias from their desk stating "I just want to know the truth." A flash event occurred. Both plants returned to their exact same position with no changes being made to either plant. "That cheating █████." - Researcher Micah May 20th, 20██ Exploration Log of SCP-6974-C with an autonomous unmanned drone. Team Kai-7 Theta sent two members into SCP-6974-C with an autonomous unmanned drone capable of 267 km/h top speeds and enough rations to last 4 weeks. If the team's rations are depleted then it is up to the discretion of the Team Leader to continue testing with SCP-6974-C concessions. The drone stopped during "day" to recharge it's batteries via sunlight around it. Testing stopped after the team spent 318 days inside SCP-6974-C where the drone was able to cover 1,145,426 km of park. "If you put a ███████ turkey leg in front of me I will end you. Here's your stupid data." - Team Leader Gytha September 7th, 20██ First Expedition with team "First Date" See "Exploration Log - First Expedition" Above At this time, SCP-6974 is being designated "safe" and free rein of use by on-site staff. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6974" by Arburich, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Zeiss_Ikon_Icarette_509-15_%2813479864174%29.jpg/640px-Zeiss_Ikon_Icarette_509-15_%2813479864174%29.jpg Name: Zeiss Ikon Icarette 509/15 Author: Kurayba License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Flickr
LightlessLantern SCP-6975: Universal Reset Button Item No: SCP-6975 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6975 is contained in Containment Chamber 08 at Iranian Site-14 and may only be damaged in compliance with the orders of Project Hakam. SCP-6975-1 instances have been placed throughout all Foundation Sites. Should additional SCP-6975-1 instances be required, SCP-1106 may be used to obtain the base materials. Description: SCP-6975 is the heart of Iranian citizen Ruqayyah Abbas. Should SCP-6975 be damaged to the point of being unable to function, the temporal state of the surrounding area1 will be reverted to its state 8 hours prior to the incident. However, only people within 10 metres of SCP-6975 or an SCP-6975-1 instance at the time of the incident will retain memories of the original 8 hours. SCP-6975-1 instances are excised portions of the flesh of Ruqayyah Abbas, each being 1 cm3 in size and contained in a suitably-sized container of embalming fluid. Discovery: On 1953-08-12, a truck crashed in Kermanshahan Province, Iran, instantly killing several members of the Abbas family and causing Ruqayyah Abbas to succumb to exsanguination over the subsequent 10 minutes. On 1953-08-12, Site-14 recorded an abnormal temporal anomaly. Staff found SCP-6975 to be the source of the anomaly and Ruqayyah Abbas was subsequently transported to Site-14. The Abbas family were administered Class-C amnestics and were provided a cover story of Ruqayyah having died of a congenital heart condition. A substitute 6-year-old female corpse was provided for burial. On 1953-09-27, Overseer Command approved the submission of proposals to adapt SCP-6975 for internal Foundation use. Rejected Proposals: Proposed By: Edgar Santiago, Junior Researcher in Site-14 Temporal Analysis Division Method: To execute Ruqayyah Abbas several times in quick succession to see if there is a limit to the number of times SCP-6975 can reverse time. Overseer Command: DENIED as proposal is unlikely to provide information about temporal anomalies that cannot be more easily obtained from other sources. Proposed By: Charlotte Pennycock, Senior Researcher in Site-14 Memetics and Cognitohazards Division Method: To have Ruqayyah Abbas present when exposing test subjects to suspected cognitohazardous anomalies. Should a cognitohazard be discovered, Ruqayyah Abbas would be executed. This would cause the reversal of time to before initial exposure, allowing confirmation of cognitohazard existence without the loss of test subjects. Overseer Command: DENIED due to the potential exposure of Ruqayyah Abbas to cognitohazards and the unknown relationships between temporal anomalies and cognitohazards. Proposed By: Hugh Kirkwell, Head of Site-14 Advanced Interrogation Division Method: To have Ruqayyah Abbas present during the interrogation of captured enemy agents. After 7 hours, Ruqayyah Abbas would be executed. Interrogations could then be repeated indefinitely, utilising previously-gained information to perfect our methods, allowing the process to be concluded with a greater degree of success and in a shorter timeframe than previously possible. Overseer Command: DENIED due to the high potential for hazardous information to be released during interrogation, causing damage to Ruqayyah Abbas and SCP-6975. On 1953-10-12, Charles Martin2 submitted Project Hakam to Overseer Command, detailing his proposal to integrate SCP-6975 into the Foundation's defence system. Following preliminary approval, the proposal was transferred to the Ethics Committee for overview. All subsequent moral objections were overruled by Overseer Command. Project Hakam: From 1953-10-29 to 1955-08-07, over 100,000 SCP-6975-1 instances were produced from extracted portions of Ruqayyah Abbas' body. These instances were placed throughout all Foundation Sites, ensuring they were fully covered by the memory-preservation effects of the SCP-6975-1 instances. On 1955-08-30, SCP-6975 was surgically removed from Ruqayyah Abbas and attached to a suitable machine to simulate the human heartbeat. Ruqayyah Abbas' corpse was then incinerated per Foundation biological waste disposal requirements. As of 1975-07-12, Project Hakam has allowed the Foundation to prevent 19 enemy attacks, 26 containment breaches and the deaths of over 3.9 billion humans. Footnotes 1. Size currently unknown. 2. Site-14 Director. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6975" by LightlessLantern, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Inspired by SCP-5392 by Cremo, which was rewritten as SCP-5576 by Cremo and Jack Waltz.
by tawnyowljones and Kothardarastrix Tazewell High School in 1976 Item #: SCP-6976 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6976 is stored in a Safe-class containment locker at Site-23. Description: SCP-6976 is a single human heart comprised of the wood of a red maple tree (Acer rubrum). It is the result of an anomalous phenomenon that affected SCP-6976-1 and -2 forty-five years after their original formation. On 14/02/2021, SCP-6976-1 and -2 were moved into the same containment locker to create storage space for an unrelated object. It was later discovered that the objects had fused together, creating the entity now designated SCP-6976. Despite external factors, SCP-6976 remains at a constant 37 degrees Celsius. SCP-6976-1 was the heart of Nathan Allison. All cardiac muscle tissue in the object was spontaneously transmuted into the wood of the red maple tree at 1:51 PM on April 12th 1976, resulting in Allison's immediate death. SCP-6976-2 was the heart of Ernest Calderman, which experienced an identical transformation simultaneously with SCP-6976-1 and had identical properties. Both Allison and Calderman were seniors at Tazewell High School in Tazewell, Virginia when this occurred. Addendum 6976-1: Suspected Relationship to Other Anomalies Since the inception of the Foundation, the rate at which new anomalous objects arise has been relatively easy to predict. It doesn’t necessarily correlate to the rate at which they’re discovered, since improved technology and research tend to uncover old anomalies that went unnoticed before, but most years we can pretty reliably estimate how many new anomalies are going to come into being, so we know how many to look for. 1976 was not one of those years. Really, it started in the fall of ’75, but it wasn’t until school started back in the spring that we began to notice it. There was a sudden spike in new anomalies. That wasn’t incredibly weird, in and of itself, because that sometimes happens on conceptually significant years like the bicentennial. That alone wasn’t sufficient to explain the spike, though, because there were unusual statistical correlations between many of the new anomalies. Most of them were in the Appalachian region, and they mostly happened to high schools or their students. A statistically abnormal number involved bodies of water, particularly lakes, in some way. Summer camps were another unusual correlation, and music was also a significant element in several of the new objects. We eventually traced some of these incidents back to a new Group of Interest called the Syncope Symphony operating in the area, but not all of them. By the time 6976 happened, we’d already documented close to a dozen of these things. Most of them were harmless, but not all. A fourth of Kirk Lonwood's senior class got stuck in a marching band forever. A whole town in Indiana had to be evacuated, and everybody in it amnestized, with all the nasty side effects that entailed back then. And I know there was another really bad one, but it must have been a cognitohazard or something, because I don't remember it anymore. But I still remember how the children used to sing. So when 6976 killed two Appalachian band kids, we didn’t take any chances. I couldn’t let that happen again. - [DATA EXPUNGED], Appalachian regional containment director 1969-1976 Tazewell High School was closed early in 1976 and students in its senior class, especially surviving band members, were placed under covert observation while possible ties between SCP-6976 and other phenomena were investigated. To reduce the risk of triggering further incidents, significant school functions1 at THS were canceled. As an additional precaution, all public swimming pools, lakes, and other recreational water facilities within Tazewell County were closed for the summer under various false pretenses. All recreational summer camps in Tazewell County were likewise closed, and the THS marching band was persuaded to practice at the local park instead of attending its normal weeklong training camp. Possibly as a result of these precautions, no few anomalous events occurred in Tazewell County over the summer of 1976. After investigations failed to determine a clear relationship between SCP-6976 and any other anomalies, students were allowed to return to school for the '76-'77 school year as normal. The resumption of classes was not accompanied by any further anomalies. It was therefore assumed that either the formation of SCP-6976 was a unique occurrence, or that further incidents had been successfully prevented by the precautions listed above. Further investigation into SCP-6976 was deemed unnecessary, as was the continuation of containment protocols in Tazewell. Addendum 6976-2: Background Information Nathan Allison and Ernest Calderman were both Tazewell natives. They previously attended Tazewell Elementary and Middle Schools. Nathan Allison was set to graduate eighth in his class. He had been accepted into William & Mary University and was planning to pursue a degree in English, after which he intended to obtain a job teaching English as a second language in a foreign country. Allison's friends reported that he "hated" living in Tazewell and did not plan to return there after graduation. Ernest Calderman had planned to attend Radford University, in Virginia. Shortly before his death, Calderman's parents experienced sudden financial hardship and Calderman decided that he would remain in Tazewell for the following year and work to support his family. His parents stated that he had wanted to return to Tazewell following his degree and that he hadn't considered the prospect of remaining there an extra year to be a burden. Both individuals were members of the Tazewell High School marching band. Allison played flute; Calderman played clarinet. This is the only known connection between the two individuals. When questioned about the victims, the band director remarked that they were very close friends. Other band members declined to comment. Addendum 6976-3: Results of Further Investigation On 22/08/2021, it was suggested that red maple trees at locations Allison and Calderman were known to frequent be examined for possible anomalous influence. On one of the trees at Tazewell High School, the following carving was discovered: Footnotes 1. sporting events, senior prom, graduation ceremony, etc. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6976" by tawnyowljones, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename:initials.jpg Name: Initials and Heart Carved in Tree Author: SteveWisco License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: picture.jpg Name: B&W THS Author: Kothardarastrix License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Derivative of: TazewellHS.jpg by SheepNotGoats Additional Notes: All I did was make it black and white.
. SCP-6977 - Whatever Happened to Officer Big Mac? Authored by J Dune, GremlinGroup, and Elenee FishTruck MCDONALDS WILL MAKE YOU FAT THEY SERVE BIG MACS THEY SERVE QUARTER-POUNDERS THEY WILL PUT POUNDS ON YOU ROCK 'N' ROLL MCDONALDS ROCK 'N' ROLL MCDONALDS ROCK 'N' ROLL MCDONALDS ROCK 'N' ROLL MCDONALDS ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug}  close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains mentions of child consumption. ⚠️ content warning Item#: 6977 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: caution link to memo The retrieval site of SCP-6977 Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Area-179 Dir. Joseph Barrow Researcher Julia Dunn N/A SCP-6977 Special Containment Procedures: A remote surveillance system monitors SCP-6977’s containment cell. Children may not enter Area-179 unaccompanied. Per Addendum 6977.2, investigation into anomalous activity from the McDonalds corporation is a top priority. Description: SCP-6977 is a McDonald's Playland Officer Big Mac Climber, a playground attraction resembling former McDonald’s mascot Officer Big Mac1. Children may climb into the “head”, via a small entrance on the back of the tubular base, and peer out the bars of the attraction as if in a jail cell. SCP-6977 displays signs of sapience. The anomaly moves the top portion of its head autonomously when communicating with children under 9 years of age. Individuals over 9 cannot perceive SCP-6977’s speech. When the top half of SCP-6977’s head descends, the bars remain static, piercing the structure's upper "bun". The anomaly expresses pain from the punctures, though all wounds inflicted heal over time. SCP-6977 attempts to lure children it communicates with into its head for consumption. Objects inside SCP-6977's head will disappear upon the head’s complete closure and a varyingly long mastication period, leaving behind only minor viscera. Foundation personnel discovered SCP-6977 after the disappearance of 6-year-old Jagjit Dhiman at a McDonald's PlayPlace in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The attraction had remained at the location without notice for 30 years prior, besides minor reports from children at play of pained groans and wheezes. Foundation investigators believe it only gained the ability to move its head when its bars had deteriorated enough. Addendum 6977.1: Initial Interview Log After ascertainment of SCP-6977’s anomalous properties, Dr. Dunn brought her child, seven-year-old Elizabeth Dunn, to Area-179 for an interview with the anomaly. The younger Dunn acted as transcriber. (Dr. Dunn and two armed guards escort Elizabeth Dunn into SCP-6977’s containment cell. SCP-6977’s head starts moving.) SCP-6977: A CHILD! A TASTY CHILD FOR ME TO EA- Dunn: (Gasps) You do talk! SCP-6977: I TALK, YES, I DO TALK! I’M A FUN TALKING BURGER! WHY DON’T YOU CRAWL INSI- Dunn: I can’t. Mommy told me to ask you some questions and then I can get a treat. SCP-6977: I- OH FUCK. FUCK, NO, NOT HERE. Dunn: What does fu- SCP-6977: I EAT ONE GODDAMN CHILD AND I GET SENT TO THE CONTAINMENT FREAKS! FUCK! YOU'RE ALL THE WORST! (Brown fluid leaks from where metal bars pierce the top half.) Dunn: That’s mean, Mr. Burger! SCP-6977: FUCK YOU! GODDAMN DELICIOUS SACK OF ORGANS! I JUST WANT TO EAT SOME BONES. Dunn: Y- You said you eat children? SCP-6977: I’D EAT SOME MORE IF I WASN’T A KIDDY ATTRACTION. I ATE TWELVE KIDS A DAY IN MY PRIME. SUCH HALCYON DAYS. Dunn: I don’t even know who you are, Mr. Burge- SCP-6977: I’M OFFICER BIG MAC, DAMN IT. THIS IS HORRIBLE. GODDAMN DOUBLE-CROSSING WHITE FACE WHORE. HE COULD EAT TWENTY OF THE SUCKERS IN TEN MINUTES. Dunn: Who? SCP-6977: YOU KNOW THE ONE. DON’T SAY HIS NAME, HE COULD BE LISTENING. Dunn: O- OK. I just wanted to ask you some questions. Question number one: How did you gain sa- say-peence… Dr. Dunn: Sapience, sweety. Dunn: Sapience. SCP-6977: I DON’T KNOW! LONG AS I’VE LIVED? WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT? I CAN TELL YOU, THIRTY GODDAMN YEARS AS A POLE NEARLY MADE ME LOSE SAPIENCE. FUCK, I NEED A LIMB. Dunn: Question number two- SCP-6977: JUST LET ME HAVE THEM. THEY’RE RIGHT THERE, DANGLING IN FRONT OF ME. JUICY JUICY FLOPPERS. Dunn: You can't eat me, Mr. Burger! How do you even grow a burger head, anyways? SCP-6977: Y- YOU GROW FROM A BURGER PLANT. WHERE ELSE WOULD YOU GROW FROM? Dunn: Are you born with a body? SCP-6977: NO, IT’S A PLANT, YOU- IT SNAPS OFF THE STALK AND THE LIMBS SPROUT OUT LA- Dunn: Do you eat burgers? SCP-6977: NO, YOU PSYCHO! (Sighs) THIS IS WHY THEY GOT RID OF KIDS FROM THERE. WELL, THAT AND THE WHOLE “NO WITNESSES” THING. STUPID SCRUMPTIOUS BASTARDS. Dunn: From where? SCP-6977: YOU KNOW. “YOU” BEING THE PERSON READING THIS FILE. YOU KNOW MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE. I'M NOT RISKING IT MYSELF. 1977, NEVER FORGET! Dunn: Well, it was, uh, nice talking to you! I have to go now. Bye! SCP-6977: NO, DON’T GO, I’LL TELL YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW. I SWEAR IT! I’M TELLING YOU- Dunn: If you tell me the name of the place, I'll, uh, give you the biggest child I can. SCP-6977: (Gasps) FOR ME? RIPE? PLUMP? Dunn: All those words. SCP-6977: OH THANK FUCK, I'LL TELL YOU ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MCDONALDLAND. Dunn: OK! (Dunn and attendees leave the cell.) SCP-6977: HEY, WAIT! OH, MOTHER OF FUCK. JUST FEED ME, DAMN IT! I’M A GOOD COP! As a reward for aiding containment efforts, Elizabeth Dunn’s request for a Burger King meal was approved, subsidized by the containment budget. Addendum 6977.2: Collected Documents Following Addendum 6977.1, Area-179 filed a RAISA inquest for mentions of “McDonaldland”. No uploaded Foundation Intranet documents were found. Further requests, emphasizing the concerning nature of SCP-6977's awareness of the Foundation and a lack of other McDonald's-based anomalies on-record, led to RAISA searching its physical archives. Three documents were found. Containment Proposal Submitted 10/19/1976 Abstract With the raid against Nx-191 ("McDonaldland") imminent, the Foundation requires an inconspicuous and reasonable cover story for the nexus' sudden disappearance. We propose a faux legal battle between Sid & Marty Krofft and the McDonald's Corporation. In such a case, Sid & Marty Krofft would sue McDonald's for plagiarizing characters from the TV series H.R. Pufnstuf in their McDonaldland advertising campaign. McDonald's losing such a case would reasonably result in a drastic altering or haulting of the McDonaldland campaign. We would requisition professional actors to play the parts of representatives from both companies, advertising agents, and judges. In recompense for false legal proceedings, via our contacts with Henson Associates, Inc., we would provide Sid & Marty Krofft with financial assistance. Please contact the NXMCD-Site-25 Office of Containment Proposals for a full copy. Site-25 Memo In preparation for the raid on Nx-191, please attend sessions on nomenclative detachment. It is imperative that PoI-982 is not referred to by name.2 Transcript of Found Video Tape (Labeled “send to 25”) (Heavy video distortion. Tape clears to a shaky perspective, hiding behind a wooden crate bearing a Golden Arches logo on its side. Operator appears located inside a massive warehouse; the purple walls bear the same golden insignia. Giant hamburgers with wheels and motor controls line the sides.) (The camera blurs and zooms in. Two figures, a burger-headed humanoid ("Officer Big Mac") and PoI-982 (“██████ ████████”), stand in the frame’s center. Big Mac backs away from PoI-982 with his hands up in defense. PoI-982 steadily approaches.) Big Mac: (Sobbing) It was never about downsizing, was it? PoI-982: Listen, Mac, it’s nothing personal. I already did the same thing with McCheese. Big Mac: We’re on the same side! PoI-982: You’re a good cop, Mac. Too good. Can’t risk snitches, now can we? (Officer Big Mac backs against a hamburger car, placing his hands on the top bun.) Big Mac: I can help you, ██████. I ca- (PoI-982 snaps their fingers. Tape picks up a cracking sound. Officer Big Mac's body conjoins as a blue, tubular base, immobilizing him.) Big Mac: DAD, PLEASE! (The perspective zooms out and moves from the scene as the camera picks up a metallic scraping sound. A red gloved-hand grazes by the lens before the video turns off.) There is no current Site-25. The former Site-25's supposed location, according to historical listings, is currently occupied by a McDonald’s franchise. Footnotes 1. The primary law enforcement in McDonaldland, Featured in commercials until a rebranding exercise in 1985. 2. No PoI-982 exists in Foundation records. You Might Also Like... Collapse Recommendations SCP-4844 — Last Man Standing, by TyGently SCP-4357 — Slimelord, by LiterallyMechanical ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6977" by Elenee FishTruck, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: mcdonalds.jpg Name: McDonald's Author: Mike Mozart License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Filename: officer_mac.jpg Name: Officer big mac playground.jpg Author: Jonathan McIntosh License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
Item #: SCP-6978 Special Containment Procedures: Due to the further inability of SCP-6978 to enact changes, the anomaly is deemed as having lost its effect and is essentially neutralized. As a result, no Special Containment Procedures are necessary. Description: SCP-6978 is a metaphysical mechanism affecting an alternative dimension designated as Exempla-117. The anomaly is able to replace properties describable by numbers of any existing entity within Exempla-117 with a mathematical concept designated as Instance-0. The properties of Instance-0 are not fully known, but several traits have been discovered after experimentation. Instance-0 is uncountable. Instance-0 is greater than Aleph-Null.1 Instance-0 cannot be described. Experiment Log Close Addendum Experiment [6978]-1 Date: 15th of March 2018 Entity of Interest: The rate of Hawking's Radiation Decay of the black hole Cygnus X-1. Result: Cygnus X-1 exploded in an event similar in result to a supernova. Experiment [6978]-2 Date: 17th of March 2018 Entity of Interest: Desire for doughnuts and other types of pastry of D-1763. Result: D-1763 committed suicide. Experiment [6978]-3 Date: 20th of March 2018 Entity of Interest: The rate of ageing of all humans living in Richfield, Minnesota. Result: Every cell in every human in the city of Richfield instantaneously broke down. No recognizable traces of the residents remained. Experiment [6978]-4 Date: 30th of March 2018 Entity of Interest: A pond of ducks. Result: No effect was observed. Experiment [6978]-5 Date: 30th of March 2018 Entity of Interest: Hume level of a single duck located in Yellowstone National Park. Result: The duck appears to have transcended observable reality. Experiment [6978]-6 Date: 5th of April 2018 Entity of Interest: Common cold infection of D-9141. Result: Extinction of mankind. SCP-2000 had been activated. Experiment [6978]-7 Date: 5th of April 2019 Entity of Interest: Life of D-5631. Result: Unknown. All known databases do not contain any data indicating that D-5631 has ever existed. Experiment [6978]-8 Date: 10th of April 2019 Entity of Interest: SCP-033. Result: SCP-033 appear to be neutralized. Experiment [6978]-9 Date: 16th of April 2019 Entity of Interest: Hope. Result: No effect was observed. Experiment [6978]-10 Date: 17th of April 2019 Entity of Interest: Death. Result: No effect was observed. Experiment [6978]-11 Date: 18th of April 2019 Entity of Interest: The death of senior researcher Mark Nolan on 11 of March 1974. Result: The death of Mark Nolan became a universal constant inside Exempla-117. Experiment [6978]-12 Date: 18th of May 2019 Entity of Interest: The Foundation. Result: The Foundation became a hyperreal construct, transcending the whole reality of Exempla-117. Communication attempts failed. All attempts to reverse the process failed. Termination attempts failed. Experiment [6978]-12 Date: 25th of May 2019 Entity of Interest: A single atom. Result: The Big Bang occured. The Foundation hyperconstruct appears to be unaffected. Experiment [6978]-13 Date: 3th of June 2019 Entity of Interest: Mekhane. Result: No change was observed. Experiment [6978]-14 Date: 5th of June 2019 Entity of Interest: The Scarlet King. Result: All lower states of reality disappeared. The Foundation hyperconstruct appears to have reacted. Experiment [6978]-15 Date: 15th of June 2019 Entity of Interest: Absolute void. Result: Universe Exempla-117 was terminated. Further Research Summary Close Addendum Following the indirect neutralization of SCP-6978, as of 11th of March 2021 five additional anomalies similar to SCP-6978 were found in an alternate dimension. All of those dimensions fulfil the standard necessary for "Exempla" classification, and by that are meant the following criteria: Extremely high similarity in the current state of the planet Earth, including existing people, events, locations and objects. Similarity of outcome of broadly defined high-dimensional/hyperreal structures and entities. Proximity of actions of known groups and individuals to our reality; groups can be expected to act in similar ways to our universe counterparts. It is unknown whether the discovery of all SCP-6978 instances occurred in Exempla universes due to specific traits of those realities, or whether it is a coincidence. Washington Post Democracy dies in darkness Washington December 15th, 2021 ENTIRE POPULATION OF RICHFIELD DISAPPEARS Over 20 thousand people vanish overnight, a national investigation is launched. The entire known population of the town Richfield in Minnesota disappeared during the night from 13th to 14th December. Recovered camera footage from the town shows the citizens suddenly vanishing at 3:27 AM, leaving only their clothes behind on the ground. The federal government claims to have no knowledge of why or how this event occurred and stated that an investigation was launched to determine those factors… Footnotes 1. An infinity compromised of all natural numbers; the smallest possible infinity. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6978" by Arcydziegiel, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Threat Level: Orange Aftermath of an SCP-6979 attack. Victim blurred. Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-6979’s nature, full containment has yet to be achieved. Assigned task force STF Chi-18 ("Idai-na-Aniki"1) is to monitor its designated area for sudden, short-lived spikes of Hume levels2, Akiva radiation3 and Landa particles4, dispatching an assigned team if readings match those of SCP-6979 to carry out clean-up duties. The cover story of a serial killer is to be disseminated through the public, with survivors interrogated then amnesticized. Description: SCP-6979 is a selectively corporeal humanoid entity that periodically manifests within the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan Area. SCP-6979 appears as a tall, pale woman with long, black hair dressed in a uniform characteristic of Japanese office women. It wears a surgical mask covering its mouth, and is regularly seen carrying a red umbrella, regardless of the weather. SCP-6979 manifests during the night, following a set pattern of actions: SCP-6979 will manifest near a subject and walk toward them so its encounter will occur in an area with no direct witnesses.5 If SCP-6979 is carrying an umbrella, it will always be carrying it in its right hand. SCP-6979 will ask the subject "Am I pretty?". If the subject replies in the negative or reacts negatively to its presence, SCP-6979's left hand will grow into sharp claws, eviscerating the subject before demanifesting within the next 5 to 10 seconds. The attack always results in the subject's death, and the demanifestation causes sharp fluctuations in local Hume levels, the release of Akiva radiation, as well as Landa particles. If the subject replies in the affirmative, SCP-6979 will use its left hand to remove its surgical mask, revealing injuries to the corners of its mouth that reach up to its ears. SCP-6979 will then ask "Am I still pretty?". If the subject replies in the negative or reacts negatively, they will be killed in the same way as described in step 2, with SCP-6979 demanifesting shortly afterwards. If the subject replies affirmatively a second time instead, SCP-6979 will instead smile, thanking the subject before using its claws to cut the subject's cheeks, giving them similar injuries to its own. It will then demanifest as usual. No change has ever been documented from this set of actions, except in step 4; when thanking a subject, different phrases have been documented. Whether this demonstrates sentience is still under consideration. Earliest known depiction of SCP-6979 by illustrator Hayami Shungyōsai, dating back to 1801. Discovery: The first recorded attack attributed to SCP-6979 occurred in July of 1979. However, information compiled by the defunct Imperial Japanese Anomalous Matters Examination Agency (IJAMEA) describes a similar entity manifesting as far back as the 17th century. The description of its appearance indicates changes in clothing to reflect the era, and that its attacks seemed to only frighten people before demanifesting. SCP-6979 events were first believed to be the work of a serial killer, sensationalized by the media as part of Japan’s urban legend surge during the decades of 1970 and 1980. It wasn’t until 1982 that emerging detection technology allowed for proper classification as an anomalous entity. By then, SCP-6979 had become a popular urban legend, the entity being known as the "Kuchisake-onna" (口裂け女, "Slit-Mouthed Woman"), different iterations of its legend spreading across Japan. These were allowed to propagate, as they obscured SCP-6979’s authenticity. This measure was taken after several failed attempts at containing SCP-6979: Due to its erratic nature, it’s impossible to predict the time and location of its manifestations. Research into means of containment continued until 1992, freezing after the 1991 Japanese economic bubble burst. Research resumed in 2013 as part of Project Kakurenbo.6 To circumvent SCP-6979’s unpredictable nature, GoI-551 ("Shūshū-In")7 was contacted to arrange a precognition ritual to ascertain the entity’s next appearance. The process was successfully carried out in 2014/04/18, and the resulting information was quickly taken into account to formulate the following plan: PROBLEM SCP-6979 is set to appear in 3-chōme-25 Sakura, Setagaya, Tokyo (35°38'26.9"N 139°38'22.5"E) on the 25th of June at 3:38 AM, 68 days from now. While ample time, the unknown physical capabilities of the entity point that care must be taken while carrying out the following plan, applying the knowledge acquired through previous failed attempts at capture. While the Shūshū-In ritual has been effective in the past, the Administrative Committee would prefer not to rely on outsider methods. This, coupled with the necessity of the Ethics Committee approving its usage would mean failure would most likely freeze the operation for a considerable amount of time. The main issue with SCP-6979 itself is its immaterial nature, which allows it to manifest and demanifest in short periods of time. This, mixed with the difficulty of reaching it in time makes the anomaly extremely difficult to contain. SOLUTION During previous attempts, it was discovered SCP-6979 is susceptible to reality alterations, through the use of reality absorbing ammunition.8 While ineffective, the ammunition’s trajectory changed by several degrees, showing refractive properties. At the time, reality stabilizing technology was limited to machinery requiring previous assembly; due to SCP-6979’s traits, this couldn’t be relied on. Now that the location and time of its next attack is known, an array of no less than 3 Lang-Scranton Reality Stabilizers (LSRS) will be positioned around the perimeter, and will be activated upon contact with SCP-6979. Regarding contact with the entity, the street will be closed earlier during the day, and a D-class employee will be taken to the area to become the subject of the attack. No less than three members of Rho-12 ("Yōkai Batch") will be positioned around the perimeter, with an operator coordinating the process. The D-class will be equipped with a PPI9 stimulating collar, and will be given a series of questions to ask SCP-6979, to keep it engaged, and to test the entity’s sentience if possible. Must be discouraged from replying to any question it may arise in the affirmative or negative.10 Rho-12 members will be equipped with Type-96 prosopagnosic goggles11, which have proven somewhat effective in delaying SCP-6979’s response to outside intervention, and rifles with three types of ammunition: Tranquilizing darts, as primary ammunition. Reality dispersing rounds, to be used if LSRS and/or darts prove ineffective. Purifying rounds, to be used as a last resort.12 KNOWN ISSUES There is a considerable chance that the plan delineated here ends up in failure, due to the many unknown traits possessed by SCP-6979. Were it to go awry, the primary goal of the mission will be to minimize damage, with the secondary goal of gathering as much information as possible with the assets at hand. Letisya Çağlayan, Head of Engineering, Project Kakurenbo Addendum SCP-6979.1: The plan described on the previous proposal was confirmed to be able to be carried out, and went into effect on the day of the manifestation, at 3:00 AM. A log of the operation through D-41210's feed can be accessed below: SCP-6979 Operation-2014/06/25 - Close collapsible Video Log Transcript Date: 2014/06/25, 03:15 AM JST Overseeing operator: Kyoko Ishida, STF Chi-18 Field agents: D-41210 / R12-1 / R12-2 / R12-3 / R12-4 / R12-5 Technicians: T-01 / T-02 / T-03 [BEGIN LOG] Note: Extraneous dialogue has been removed. R12-4: We have visual confirmation of SCP-6979. R12-3 There she is, yeah. Goggles are working as intended. She's slowly moving towards subject. Prepare for encounter. D-41210: Alright. (Subject taps foot for a few seconds before SCP-6979 is seen entering the frame through a nearby alleyway) I see her. Um, visual confirmation. OvOp: D-41210, do you need assistance with the dialogue prepared- D-41210: No, no, there's no need. I got this. OvOp: Alright. Start the stabilizers. (SCP-6979 is seen slowly approaching the subject until it is a few meters from them. Entity is carrying an umbrella and looking down at D-41210. A low whirring sound can be heard as the LSRS are turned on. SCP-6979 doesn't seem to notice this.) SCP-6979: Am I pretty? D-41210: (Nods) Yes, yes you are. (SCP-6979 moves its free hand to remove its mask, revealing its mouth injuries. A short static noise is heard, later confirmed to be D-41210's collar activating.) SCP-6979: Am I still pretty? D-41210: Um. Mind if I ask you a few questions? (SCP-6979 blinks, its expression remaining neutral for a couple seconds, remaining in place. It intently stares at D-41210.) D-41210: Um. OvOp: D-class, proceed. 12-2, prepare your shot. D-41210: You have been recognized as the Kuchisake-onna by many. Is this your real name? (SCP-6979 blinks again, before taking a step back. It takes another, then begins demanifesting.) D-41210: Welp. OvOp: 12-2, take the shot. 12-1, 3 and 4, prepare yours. (A shot is seen hitting SCP-6979, but goes through its body, deviating by 8 degrees and hitting the pavement. SCP-6979 turns towards 12-2. Demanifestation continues uninterrupted, its lower body having disappeared by then.) OvOp: Fuck. 12-4, 12-1, take the shot. 12-2, prepare yours. (Two more shots go through SCP-6979, passing through. Reality dispersing round deviates while the tranquilizer doesn't, both falling onto the pavement. SCP-6979's head, upper torso and forearms are the only body parts not having disappeared by then.) OvOp: The Reality Stabilizers are working, right? T-02: Yes, yes they are. They don’t appear to be affecting her. OvOp: Fuck. 12-2, take the shot. Everyone else, prepare yours. T-04, start the SRA. T-04: On it. D-41210: … (Through the feed, D-41210 is seen approaching SCP-6979, attempting to grab its hand. They seem to succeed, an extra spike in local Hume levels appearing on counters. As a last shot goes through SCP-6979's head, it finishes demanisfesting, at which point D-41210's arm begins disappearing. A second static noise is heard.) D-41210: Oh. OvOp: Wait, you- 12-4, take a shot at D. D-41210: Wai, wait, that’st- (A round impacts D-41210, knocking them down. A third static noise is heard, then a fourth. Groans can also be heard, coming from the D-class.) R12-4: Round hit, but isn't working. D-class is vanishing. OvOp: What do you- Fuck, alright. 12- (Loud static fully blocks audio. 3 seconds later, the video feed abruptly cuts.) Through other cameras available, D-41210 was confirmed to have been impacted by the round, the round going through them, similar to the shots taken at the entity. D-41210 vanishes in similar fashion to SCP-6979, despite the 3 LSRS in operation. The operation was considered a failure, and D-41210 was assumed MIA until 46 minutes later when the feed returned, showing D-41210 having manifested 2 km south from their previous location. They were taken to Site-50's infirmary where it was confirmed they were uninjured, their PPI collar missing. During a post-mission investigation, it was noticed that D-41210's camera had been recording after their disappearance due to a redundant system installed into it. Notable fragments from this feed have been transcribed below: SCP-6979 Exploration Log/Fragments - Close collapsible <0:00:00> (D-41210 is heard grunting, still on the ground. He appears to be in a similar location, the only notable differences being the area being of a strong red tint, with the buildings around having changed into Machiya houses.13) D-41210: Agh… That… That was a real bullet, wasn’t it? You could have used the darts, you know? (D-41210 sits up to check on their injuries, which aren't present. They then notice the ground under them is black and grainy. They put their hand down and grab some of it, realizing it's some sort of soot-like substance.) D-41210: What the… (D-41210 looks up, then screams as they notice SCP-6979, who is now dressed in a traditional shiroshōzoku14 with much longer hair, sharp claws instead of hands. Its mouth has been turned vertically, now extending from where its right eye used to be, down its chin and neck, and into its chest, disappearing under its kimono. Its left eye seems to have partially morphed with its right one, mixing into a single organ. The umbrella it carried is now made of red paper, with several holes on it. D-41210 quickly covers their mouth, stopping their scream. They seem to be trembling, SCP-6979 approaching them.) SCP-6979: What did you just do? D-41210: Sorry, I wasn’t… D-don’t kill me, please. (D-41210 is still trembling, SCP-6979 tilting its head, crouching to stare at them directly, the entity standing at roughly two meters away. D-41210 inhales sharply and begins hitting their PPI collar, which has stopped working. SCP-6979 notices this.) SCP-6979: I’m not gonna kill you. (Points at the collar) What’s that artifact? Is that how you got in here? D-41210: Eh, no no, it’s… (D-41210 trails off before tapping their earpiece a couple times. They receive no response.) D-41210: It, uh, it makes it so I don't get scared by you and end up getting killed. It doesn’t seem to be working anymore. SCP-6979: (Blinks in apparent surprise before poking the collar) So that is how you survived the Kuchisake-onna's attack… Did you build this apparatus? D-41210: Eh, no, it- It was given to me. SCP-6979: Who built it? D-41210: The, uh, government? (SCP-6979 appears to react negatively to this, pointing its claw at D-41210’s neck.) SCP-6979: Leave. Now. (D-41210 hurriedly gets up, taking several steps back.) D-41210: Alright, sure thing! Just, uh, if you could guide me to the exit, that- That’d help a lot. SCP-6979: There is no exit but death. You should know this. D-41210: Oh. Uh. Let’s not do that then. (SCP-6979 stares at D-41210, D-class chuckling nervously at the glare. After 18 seconds pass, D-41210 steps back, lowering its claw.) SCP-6979: Do not follow me. (SCP-6979 turns around and begins walking away from the area.) D-41210: W-wait, I’m- (Stops, then begins tapping their earpiece.) Hey, uh, anyone out there? (No answer. 4 seconds pass.) D-41210: Crap. Hey, uh, I don't know if you can hear me but uh… I'm somewhere else, it's… It's off. Looks like the same place I was in but… Older. Much older. You know those period drama films? Sort of… Sort of like that. It’s also really, really red… Is, uh, is there anything that causes light to turn red? (No answer. 6 seconds pass.) D-41210: Yeah, this isn't working. Um, I… I think I'm going to follow the Kuchisake-onna. I don't like this place, but she didn’t, like, outright kill me and, uh, she said not to follow her but… Something tells me you'd want me to follow her regardless so… Yeah, I'm gonna do that. If you can hear me, please get me out of here. (D-41210 stops speaking and, after a few moments of hesitation, runs after SCP-6979.) <0:08:33> (D-41210 has been following after SCP-6979. They reach a small park with trees covered in black leaves. SCP-6979 sits down on a bench next to it, closing its eye.) SCP-6979: I explicitly told you against following me. D-41210: (Takes a step back, startled) Oh, uh, sorry, it’s… It’s just that- SCP-6979: Stop stuttering and get to the point. D-41210: (Stops momentarily before continuing) I’m not familiar with, well, with this place. I’m also supposed to follow you, I think. SCP-6979: You think? (Opens its eye) You do not sound threatening in the slightest, soldier. D-41210: I’m not here to threaten you. SCP-6979: Lies. What other reason would a pet of the Emperor have for coming here? D-41210: Me coming here wasn’t part of the plan. We were trying to stop you from killing people on uh, the other side. SCP-6979: Am I a monster to be stopped now? For mere dozens of lives? D-41210: I, uh, yes? It’s- Even a single life is- SCP-6979: Is what? (Gets up from its seat) Don’t you dare reproach me for what your filthy ilk caused. Bad deeds are punish themselves- Nay, to say a hundred victims is punishment for your actions would be an insult to the suffering you’ve inflicted upon Mamonokai.15 D-41210: (Takes a few steps back) I… I’m sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about. SCP-6979: You know not of the massacre? D-41210: Massacre? I… No? SCP-6979: (Blinks, before laughing) Of course you wouldn’t know… How could the people of the Land of the Kami ever commit such atrocities… (SCP-6979 stares at D-41210 again, crossing its arms before starting to walk away again) SCP-6979: Follow me. I will present you the sins of the Yamato.16 D-41210: Oh, a-alright. (D-41210 stares at the entity as it walks out the park, following shortly after.) <0:24:11> (After several minutes of walking, SCP-6979 and D-41210 stop in front of a 1930s era vending machine, picking some drinks.) SCP-6979: So you don’t know what Mamonokai is? No one does? (D-41210 shakes their head.) SCP-6979: Have we been erased? This easily pushed into the Lethe? D-41210: Was Mamonokai uh, a known thing out there? SCP-6979: Known? Mamonokai was the complement to your world, to Dakusei.17 The world of myths to your world of culture. Two inextricably entwined truths, feeding off each other in harmony… Until your ilk took that away. They tortured us, used us, killed us, then closed off Mamonokai, leaving us to rot. D-41210: Oh, um… I’m… I’m sorry. SCP-6979: Don’t apologize. You’re not at fault for the crimes of your predecessors. Ignorant, you may be, but ignorance out of indoctrination rather than out of maliciousness can be helped by opening one’s eyes. D-41210: And that’s what you’re doing now. SCP-6979: Correct. D-41210: Why, if I may ask? I mean, I don’t really mind, it’s just… Well- SCP-6979: Stop stuttering. (SCP-6979 sighs, throwing its drink can into a nearby garbage bin.) SCP-6979: I’ve… I’ve been suffering, for many years now, wandering aimlessly through the burnt remains of what I called home, taking on a murder beast’s identity on your Dakusei to be able to survive. After so long, I finally meet another person, a dog of ‘His Majesty the Emperor’, and not even they know what happened here… What they’ve done. (SCP-6979 stops momentarily.) SCP-6979: I want- No, I need you to know. Else my pain; the pain of my people would be for naught, truly forgotten, like your Tenno wishes to. So follow me, and stop asking questions. They’ll be answered in due time. (SCP-6979 continues walking, D-41210 following after once more.) <0:39:47> (SCP-6979 and D-41210 have been walking through a dilapidated area for 5 minutes. They reach an empty lot with a building made of concrete nearby.) D-41210: This place looks… Different. SCP-6979: Of course it does: It was made by your government, when they came here to conscript us… Actually, it was made by us, because why would the Imperial Army sully their pristine hands with manual labor? (D-41210 follows after SCP-6979, looking over an empty crate, IJAMEA’s ensign with the words ‘Property of the Empire of Great Japan’ on it. SCP-6979 is standing over the empty lot.) SCP-6979: This is where the Yōkai Battalion was trained to fight for the Emperor. Whoever survived the training was shipped away, towards Manchukuo. Many left, none returned. D-41210: This is what you wanted me to see? SCP-6979: I refuse to accept that your ilk has forgotten. Rather, I will not allow them to. You will have to return, so you will tell your government of this place. If they have changed, as you say… (SCP-6979 falls silent.) SCP-6979: I… I don’t know. They can’t fix anything… But recognition would be the bare minimum. If they learn of the mistakes they should have already been aware of, then it… It would not make me happy, but… (SCP-6979 falls silent again, staring at D-41210.) D-41210: I’ll let them know. Besides… (Taps camera) This thing here might have recorded this entire trip so… SCP-6979: Recorded? D-41210: Oh, uh… Like… Like a telegraph but for photographs? Does that make any sense? SCP-6979: Somewhat, yes. (SCP-6979 stands silently before walking over to the concrete building, sitting down next to it. D-41210 follows after. No words are spoken for over a minute.) D-41210: Um, so… SCP-6979: I don’t want to talk. I need… I need time to think. D-41210: Oh, a-alright! Sorry about that. SCP-6979: It’s fine. Just… Just leave, actually. I wish to be alone… And you have to return to your people and tell them what I’ve shown you. D-41210: Right. So that, uh, that means dying, no? SCP-6979: I will make it as painless as I possibly can. You deserve it. D-41210: That’s… That’s not really that comforting. SCP-6979: I tried. (Gets up) Ready? D-41210: I… (Inhales sharply, the feed showing they're shaking) Sure. Sure, why not. Better sooner than- (SCP-6979 strikes at D-41210 with its claw, decapitating them. Before their head touches the ground, static obscures the feed. Five seconds later, D-41210 is standing nearby Kaminoge Station, having returned from SCP-6979’s realm.) Following this event, it was decided that information regarding SCP-6979 was incomplete, making this document outdated. A proposal was submitted to the Classification Committee, and a new revision of the document was produced. Access latest revision Footnotes 1. 偉大な兄弟 ("Big Brother") is a Stationary Task Force positioned in Site-50, tasked with monitoring the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan Area in search of anomalous phenomena, as well as mobilizing other forces in surveying, containment and clean-up procedures. 2. Level of reality in a designated area; used when referring to deviations from baseline reality. 3. Type of radiation directly correlated to the amount of religious faith within an entity or area. 4. Anomalous particles known to contaminate measurements of Akiva radiation. Their exact function and relation to Akiva radiation is currently unknown. 5. It's worth noting that 'direct witnesses' refers to people who could walk in on the situation as it's happening. While SCP-6979 attacks people in areas where no such event can occur, it seems to be unaware of recording devices, appearing in camera feed on 12 occasions. These feeds have been used to document most of its behavior, as only 4 out of its 87 confirmed attacks have resulted in surviving subjects. 6. Project with the objective of focusing on all Foundation research neglected during Japan’s Lost Decade (1991-2001). 7. 蒐集院 ("Collecting Agency") is an organization that collects and catalogues anomalous items, as well as providing services of divination and exorcism across Japan since the year 765. Due to their support of the Foundation's mission, as well as their help in research and containment of several anomalies, they have been allowed to continue their work under Foundation supervision. 8. Ammunition composed of organic material that absorbs and stores small quantities of excess reality. At the time used to incapacitate reality bending entities, they have phased out of use since. 9. Prepulse Inhibition, phenomenon in which a small prepulse inhibits a stronger pulse. Mechanism is used by the nervous system to adapt to strong, but previously encountered stimuli. 10. Part of the Kuchisake-onna legend describes that replying with anything but a 'yes' or 'no' can lead to a conversation with the creature. There is no proof this has ever been attempted. 11. Outdated headset capable of scrambling one’s facial identity through the use of memetic pattern display. Modern equivalents use different scrambling methods, and thus cannot be assumed to be reliable. 12. Ammunition blessed by kannushi priests, used during exorcisms. 13. Traditional wooden townhouses, common in Japanese cities since the Heian period. (794-1195) 14. Traditional white kimono common in Shinto and Chinese Buddhism for rituals. Also used to dress the deceased before burial. 15. 魔物界 ("World of Demons/Spirits/Apparitions"), name SCP-6979 uses to refer to the dimension it resides in. 16. Referring to the Yamato people, the dominant ethnic group in Japan. Could also refer to the Japanese Imperial Family. 17. 濁世 ("World of Man/Impurity''), name SCP-6979 uses to refer to our reality. Term is also used in Chinese Buddhist literature. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6979" by Maxyfran73, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Kuchisake onna attack Author: Maxyfran73 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: created using the image below Filename: Narrow street at night in Naples, Italy (approx. GPS location) (PPL1-Corrected) julesvernex2.jpg Author: Jules Verne Times Two License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons Filename: Shungyosai_Tayu-no-kao.jpg Author: Hayami Shungyōsai (速水春暁斎) License: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons Filename: mamonokai Author: Maxyfran73 License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: created using the image below Filename: Shiota-tsu,_Saga,_Japan.JPG Author: Mixtures License: CC BY 3.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons Filename: 田中八幡宮_-_panoramio.jpg Author: tertrerouge License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons
Catalogue #: 6980 Storage Instructions: Item is presently contained in a standard storage locker at Compound-15's Western Hangar. Usage of #6980 for experimentation purposes requires prior approval from Chief Scholar Crescent Moon of Blackbeak. All photographs produced by #6980 are to be archived and submitted to the Institute database for further study. Synopsis: Unexplained Artefact #6980 is a self-developing camera of uncertain make and model, retrieved from the Twin Kingdoms in 1264. Internal analysis has revealed no structural irregularities, nor any evidence of thaumaturgic enhancement. Object is functional, and capable of capturing visual images. However, all photographs developed using #6980 will instead depict a natural landscape, believed to correspond to an alternate dimension (tentatively designated Earth-6980) not previously encountered by the Division of Exo-Cosmological Studies. Testing has shown that the terrain and ecology of Earth-6980 varies depending on the photographer's location. As Earth-6980's climate, biota and topography appears radically divergent from that of Baseline, it is hypothesized to have branched from our universe at an indeterminate point in the distant past. Further research is ongoing. Appendix-1: To date, testing of Artefact #6980 has taken place on all eight continents. The following is an abridged experimentation log, compiled by Petty Scholar Goodpeace the Younger of Longbridge: Date: 05-09-1265 Location: Compound-15, Twin Kingdoms Resulting Image: A barren desert expanse, no life forms present. Stars are visible in the background, although their alignment corresponds to no current or historical configuration. Date: 08-01-1266 Location: Dreamwood Mountains, Principality of Greater Antipodia Resulting Image: The surface of a vast ocean. A large moon visually indistinguishable from Baseline is observed, although subsequent analysis suggests it may be situated at a slightly (~1.2%) greater distance from the Earth. Date: 32-07-1266 Location: Lake Merciful, Degenerate Wastes Resulting Image: A rolling savannah captured at sunwake. An erect bipedal organism, possessing an enlarged cranium and mammalian features, is visible left of center. Subject stands at approximately five claws in height, and is pictured wielding what resembles a stone-tipped wooden spear. First direct confirmation of intelligent life inhabiting Earth #6980. Earth #6980 from orbit. Appendix-2: On 25-10-1268, Administrator Dancing Lights of Kingscrest granted approval for #6980's temporary relocation to the Institute space station Infinity, in order to investigate the extent of Earth-6980's geological divergencies. Over 128 images were captured from orbit, with the resulting photographs submitted to the wider Institute database. These images confirm the climate of Earth-6980 to be far cooler than initially thought, as evidenced by the prominent ice sheets encompassing much of the northern hemisphere. Six of Earth's major land masses are identifiable, although are located at a noticeably greater distance apart, with several (including Blueland and New Cloudmount) believed to be entirely submerged. The Division of Geological Irregularities has noted that Earth-6980's topography bears an estimated 72% resemblance to simulations of Baseline between 56 and 64 MY1 into the future. Footnotes 1. Megayears (1 MY = 2,097,152 years) More from this author... ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "Unexplained Artefact #6980" by Dr Leonerd, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: IceAgeEarth.jpg Author: Ittiz License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
 close Info X SCP-6981: Moon Pyramid Author: An Engineer Images: "Mare Serenitatis & Mare Imbrium" by Dilshan R Jayakody is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. "Apollo 17 Tracy's Rock" by Max Braun is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. Comments: Sci-fi with a bit of humor? Yes, please! Hopefully you enjoyed it. Other works (no author page yet): SCP-5741 Marshmallow and Madness Item#: 6981 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Overview of Mare Serenitatis, with approximate location of SCP-6981 marked. Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Lunar Area 32 C. Hourdoon M. Dabolsky Gamma-4 ("Blondebeard's Crew") Special Containment Procedures: Due to the recent rediscovery of SCP-6981, information is limited regarding the structure. A 5 km buffer zone is to be established around SCP-6981. Lunar Outpost 2 is to be established to facilitate containment and research efforts into SCP-6981. Any Satellite imaging of SCP-6981 is to be altered. Description: SCP-6981 is a structure in the Taurus–Littrow valley on the southeastern edge of Mare Serenitatis, superficially resembling the pyramids of Ancient Egypt. Inscribed on the exterior of SCP-6981 are various thaumaturgical symbols, the majority of which symbolize "protection" or "defence". Both the symbols and the exterior walls of SCP-6981 appear to have suffered significant damage. Chemical analysis of SCP-6981 samples shows the material used to construct SCP-6981 contains various organic materials not present in the lunar soil. History: Records indicate SCP-6981 was first discovered by Astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt during the Apollo 17 mission on 12/11/1972. Upon hearing of the report, NASA immediately contacted the Foundation. Due to limited Foundation resources at the time, and the low threat and inert nature of SCP-6981, the discovery was simply scrubbed from the mission. The Foundation contacted all major space agencies and ordered no landings to take place in the area of SCP-6981. Image captured of SCP-6981 by the crew of Apollo 17. On 09/18/2021, Researchers Carl Herran and Mikhail Dabolsky were on a Research Expedition to the Northern Massif to gather samples of lunar rock. The area had previously been unexplored by Foundation assets. Audio of the sighting of SCP-6981 is available below. Level 2/6981 Clearance required to view - Clearance Confirmed, accessing log... BEGIN LOG The camera on Dabolsky's suit turns on. He is seated in the passenger seat of the LTV. Herran drives the LTV up a hill. Dabolsky: So, how is your sister doing? Herran: Last I heard, she was doing fine. The doctors said she had pneumonia, though. Dabolsky: I'm sorry to hear that. Did you ask for a transfer back to Earth so you could see her? Herran: A few weeks ago, yeah. But it has to be approved by the Director and HR back home, so it's gonna take a while. The LTV crests the ridge. Herran stops it. Both Herran and Dabolsky dismount the LTV and grab equipment. Dabolsky: Right, what's first on the list for today? Herran: Nothing specific, really. Take some samples of interesting rocks, I guess. Dabolsky: (chuckles) Not much of a geologist, eh Carl? Herran: Nah. I hate rocks. Boring as hell. Xenobiology is way more interesting. What about you? Dabolsky: Ontokinetics, specifically Thaumaturgy. Herran: Huh. Why do they need a wizard on the moon? Dabolsky: I'm not a wizard, Carl. I know the theory, but I can't do a working. And after they found out I couldn't do any of the shit they were asking me to do, they booted me off here as a "Thaumaturgical Symbols Specialist". (sigh) May as well be the resident moon bitch. What about you, Carl? You've been here much longer than I have, yet here you are doing such a menial task. Herran: I… I lost a bet with Patrice. Dabolsky: The 73-year-old Senior Researcher? You lost a bet to an ancient artefact? What was it about? Herran: (sigh) Football. I said the Giants would win, but the Washington… the Washington… what the hell even is their mascot now? Ah, anyways, Washington beat the Giants by 1. Lost 100 bucks too, and she got to pick what I would do next. And now, instead of relaxing in the common room and flirting with the hot blonde from accounting, I'm out here picking up some fucking space rocks. Dabolsky: (whistling) Damn. Hmm, this one looks interesting. What do you think, Carl? Dabolsky motions to Herran. Herran comes over and inspects the rock. Herran: It… It just.. looks the exact same as all the other rocks? Just take a sample of it so we can get this over with, please. Dabolsky: Sounds good. Herran leaves the frame to the right. Dabolsky uses a scoop to pick up a sample of the rock. He leans down to deposit it in the bag. Dabolsky: Alright, that's one down. How are you doing over there, Carl? No response. Dabolsky: Carl? Dabolsky looks up. Herran is near a large rock outcrop. SCP-6981 is in the background. Dabolsky moves over to Herran. Herran: Dabolsky, am I seeing things, or is that a space pyramid? Dabolsky: It's a space pyramid. Herran: (sigh) My transfer is fucked. END LOG Afterword: The pair returned to Area-32 and reported the sighting. The current rotation of MTF Gamma-4 ("Blondebeard's Crew") were dispatched to set up an Outpost on the Northern Massif. Researchers Herran and Dabolsky were sent to the Outpost to lead the Research effort. Addenda Addendum 1: Exploration Log 6981 Level 3/6981 Clearance required to view Clearance confirmed, accessing log... Foreword: Approval for exploration of the interior of SCP-6981 was given 5 days after the initial discovery. MTF Nu-11 ("Space Marines")1 were designated as QRF, with mission command located at Outpost 2. Exploration Log 6981-1 Date: 09/23/2021 Exploration Team: EXPLORATION TEAM A - ("Tomb Raiders") Subject: Exploration of SCP-6981's interior. Team Leads: Commander A. Ford, MTF Gamma-4, Squad A. Team Members: Sergeant L. Kuipers, Researcher C. Herran, Researcher M. Dabolsky, Private X. Wähner BEGIN LOG The camera turns on. Point of view is M. Dabolsky. The expedition team is shown making their way towards SCP-6981 down a steep hill. Members of Gamma-4 carry X-15 plasma rifles, as well as EVA packs. The team pauses at the entrance to SCP-6981, a large grey door, as they attempt to make entry. Commander Ford: Command, this is Team Lead. We are at the base of the SCP-6981, attempting to make an entry. How copy? Command: We got you loud and clear, lead. Once you enter 6981, it is likely we will lose comms with you. Your data recorders should work through the walls. A reminder that if you aren't out in an hour or so, we will send Nu-11 in after you. Good luck. Herran: That's comforting. "Don't worry guys, we will send in some people to grab your bodies, once the aliens have torn you to shreds." Dabolsky: Don't be such a pessimist, Carl. Maybe the aliens inside are nice, and we will be the first to make contact. Herran: You ever watch the movie Aliens? Yeah, this is giving me that kind of vibe right now… Did any of you MTF guys bring a flamethrower by chance? Kuipers: You think we have that kind of budget? Fat chance. Can you two go figure out how to get inside? Space is fucking cold, y'know. Ford: I second that. Herran: Okay, okay. Sheesh. Just make sure nothing sneaks up and kills us. Dabolsky and Herran search the wall for a way to activate the door. Nothing is found. Dabolsky: Well, shit. No button on the wall to press. Herran: Yeah, no shit. 50,000-year-old pyramids aren't exactly the pinnacle of technology. Any other ideas? Wait. What about the symbols? Dabolsky: What symbols? Herran: The one's on the pyramid. Do you have to say some magic words or shit? Dabolsky: Worth a try. (clearing throat) Open, sesame! Nothing happens. Dabolsky: (sigh) Fuck. Herran: That's what they taught you in magic school? Shit, I could do that. Well, guess that's a wrap folks. No tomb raiding the space pyramid today- Wähner: Look! The symbols! They are glowing! Herran: What? The door begins to open. Herran and Dabolsky retreat from the door. The symbols above the pyramid are shown glowing a bright blue hue. The door opens to reveal a corridor leading to another door, appearing to be in much better condition. Herran: Holy shit. Guess it worked. Nice job. Dabolsky: Thanks. The team activate their flashlights and proceed into the corridor, with the unarmed researchers in the middle of the formation. Herran: Do you have to say Close, Sesame, too- The sound of the door behind the team closing is heard. The door makes a loud thud upon closing, apparently startling Researcher Herran. Ford: Command, comm check, do you read? Command: (Unintelligible response. Interference is heavy.) Ford: So, they can hear us, but we can't hear them. Fantastic. Ford turns to the team. A hissing noise can be heard in the background. Ford: Team, from this point on, we are on our own. Start your watches, we have an hour to explore this place. If we meet any unknowns, do not engage unless they do. Worst comes to worst, we get the fuck out. Understood? Kuiper: Understood. Wähner: Understood. Dabolsky: Got it. Herran: Yep. Several beeps can be heard as team members start their timers. A grinding noise is heard as the door begins to open. END LOG Exploration Log SCP-6981-2 BEGIN LOG All members of Gamma-4 point their X-15 rifles at the door. The door opens to reveal a lush jungle landscape, with a roaring waterfall on the right-hand side. A bird-sized avian entity with large, butterfly-like wings, and multiple luminous eyes lands on Researcher Dabolsky. The entity looks at the camera, pecking at it with ant-like incisors, making chirping as it does so. Dabolsky: (panicking) Get it off, get it off! Herran: Shoo, flying ant! Fuck off! Sergeant Kuipers strikes the entity with the butt of his rifle. The avian entity shrieks and then departs. The team moves into the interior of SCP-6981. Temperature recorders on the team's suits display the temperature at 35 °C. The door closes behind them. As the camera pans up to the ceiling, several lights embedded into the ceiling are seen, presumably causing the temperature difference. Herran: (whistles) Wow. This place is beautiful. Dabolsky: Apart from the flying abominations, yes. Ford: Wait one. (Ford withdraws a lighter from her pack. She can ignite it, confirming the presence of oxygen in the chamber.) Commander, we have oxygen. Considering the heat, I think it would be wise to take off our helmets. Ford: Agreed. All members of the team take off their helmets. Ford: Dabolsky, Herran, what's the first objective? Herran: Well… Uhm… I guess we just go directly ahead. Kuipers: Sounds good to me. Dabolsky: (exhaling) Hopefully the aliens have air conditioning… Several minutes of extraneous footage skipped. The team continues into the jungle, leaving behind markers to the exit. They continue to document more unknown creatures inside SCP-6981, all of which are non-hostile. The team proceeds into what appears to be a control room, with semi-transparent glass allowing viewing of the jungle below. Dabolsky: Huh. Aliens do have air conditioning after all. Herran: Yes, Dabolsky, another galactic mystery solved. Let's see if they kept any samples… Dabolsky inspects what appears to be a stone terminal. Inscribed on the terminal are lines of indecipherable symbols. As he places his hand on the terminal, the symbols flash a bright orange and turn into readable English. Dabolsky: And instant translation? Whoever built this thing was definitely advanced. But why did they leave? Herran: Question is, how did they get life from their home planet to here? That would be almost impossible, unless… Dabolsky: Unless the life here is native. Or, was native. Herran: Mikhail, you're a fucking genius! Take some pictures of that and let's go! Dabolsky withdraws a camera from his pack. He takes several pictures of the stone tablet. He then joins the rest of the team outside. END LOG Exploration Log SCP-6981-3 BEGIN LOG The team is proceeding back towards the exit, following the markers they have left behind. Herran: I can't believe we were the first one's to find extraterrestrial life! Obviously, we won't be famous, veil and all that, but I can't wait to shove this in Patrice's face! Dabolsky: This place is very intriguing. I'm still amazed at the durability of the structure. You would think that a place this old would- A muffled rumbling sound can be heard. The team pauses. Dabolsky: What was that? The rumbling is audible again, at a noticeably higher volume. All entities within the jungle begin to flee at high speed past the team. Ford: Let's make this quick, people! We need to- The camera swivels to show the ground behind the team heaving upwards. A massive, worm-like entity with leathery flesh emerges from the hole. It turns its mouth to the team, revealing many teeth. It makes a roaring like vocalization, appearing to be hostile. Herran: HOLY SHIT! RUN! Kuipers: FIRE! The team begins to run towards the exit, with the MTF members firing at the worm entity while fleeing. Little damage is done to the entity, as it appears to become enraged, knocking down several trees. Dabolsky turns and flees. The sound of the entity burrowing into the ground is heard, and moments later it emerges to the team left, smashing back into the ground a moment later. Ford: COMMAND, DO YOU READ? WE ARE BEING CHASED BY A PANTHEON2 CLASS ENTITY! WE NEED THE SPACE MARINES NOW! Command: (Unintelligible. Mission logs reveal Nu-11 was dispatched, as the mission time limit expired.) The entity continues to chase the team. Private Wähner is knocked off her feet when the entity knocks a tree down on her. Internal biometrics recorder suggests she has suffered a broken leg. Kuipers goes to assist her. Kuipers: Come on kid, I'm not letting you die! Wähner: Leave me, Sergeant. I can't move. I'll distract it while you run to the exit. Kuipers: No. We are getting you out, that's an order! Kuipers attempts to lift the tree but is unable to. The worm entity emerges from the ground to his right, meters away. Wähner: Sergeant, run. Wähner pulls the pin on one of her fragmentation grenades and begins firing at the entity. The rest of the team flee. Wähner is presumably killed by the entity, as it stops chasing the team. The team reaches the exit. Herran: Oh my god, Dabolsky, say the magic words already! Dabolsky: Open, sesame! The door opens. The team runs inside. The hostile entity begins to head towards them at high speed. Dabolsky: Close, sesame! Nothing happens. Herran: For the love of all that is holy, Close, sesame! The door slowly closes. The entity crashes into it, knocking significant chunks of the door loose. Ford: Helmets on, now! The team quickly put on their helmets. The entity continues to attack the door. All: Open, sesame! The door opens, revealing MTF Nu-11 outside. Multiple spacecraft, as well as heavily armed ground vehicles, surround SCP-6981. The team runs from the building towards a waiting MTF Nu-11 squad. Nu-11 Commander Ringels: What's going on? Are you alright? Ford: Worm. Ringels: What- The door leading into SCP-6981 is shown flying overhead at a high velocity. The camera turns around to reveal the hostile entity emerging from SCP-6981. Beams of blue tracer fire impact the entity as the Exploration Team flees. The ARC cannon on one of the ground vehicles belonging to the Nu-11 fires, impacting the hostile entity on the upper portion. The round appears to be highly successful, severely damaging the entity. The thaumaturgical symbols begin to glow again, as the entity ceases hostile behaviour and returns within SCP-6981. The damaged doors appear to levitate, and slowly begin floating back together, appearing to repair themselves. The glowing stops. All activity from SCP-6981 ceases. The exploration team regroup at Outpost 2 for debriefing. The camera from the suit is laying on a desk, face down, so only the audio portion was recorded. Kuipers: Why… oh god.. why? Ford: You did all you could, Sergeant. We completed the mission. Kuipers: Yes, but at what cost? We should have left that thing alone. Herran: If it's any reconciliation, the samples and photographs we gathered of 6981 will help us understand it tremendously. Dabolsky: Your friend saved us. We will all remember her, I promise. Commander Ringel and the Researcher running Command during the Exploration enter the room. The camera runs out of battery shortly afterwards. END LOG 2 unread messages attached. View? Viewing attachments... To: cherran@scipnet CC:mdabolsky@scipnet From: chourdoon@scipneta32 Subject: Reassignment This is an official notice from Area-32 administration: Your request for transfer has been approved. Both of you are heading to Site-95. The shuttle leaves at 01:00 hours from Dock B. Don't miss it. Thank you for your hard work at Area-32. We wish you the best of luck in your careers. To: chourdoon@scipneta32 From: cherran@scipnet Subject: Re:Reassignment Thank you, sir. It's been quite a wild ride up here, and I enjoyed every second of it. One more thing. I was intending to put this on the SCP-6981 file, but I won't be able to log in since my email was changed. I attached a transcript we put together of the tablet in SCP-6981. To those who came from Eris, we welcome you. Throughout time, as you grew, we watched you from this place above. Our people cheered as you took your first steps into the light, out of that dark place you were born in. We rejoiced in having finally found another people, who could feel as we did, with which we could share the universe. We created Mora3to watch over you, and on Mora, we put everything our culture could produce. We could not wait until the day our two people would finally meet. That day will never come. As our people grew, so did our greed. No longer was it about exploring the stars; no, it was about foolish material things. Of rocks and iron, metal and glass. When others didn't get what they wanted, they took. Xaankaik wanted it all to himself, and when others opposed him, he created a weapon to destroy this world. Countless millions have died, and now Mora is a barren, frozen wasteland, desolate of the beauty it once had. Some of us foresaw this. As the inevitable came, we knew that to preserve our culture we had to build a fortress to protect it, the fortress you are presently inside of. Do not be afraid, friends; this place is not a place of death and destruction, but a place of preservation and beauty. Cherish it, and do not follow down the same dark path as we did. One day, we will meet in the stars. And on that day, we will rejoice, and as one we will dance and we will sing, and destroy all the evils of the universe. Until that day, friends, we must go our separate ways. Yours, A Lonely Wanderer. Footnotes 1. Heavily armed MTF designed to fight in zero gravity or extraterrestrial environments. Similar mission to Nu-7. 2. Designating an entity that is over 100m in height and hostile towards human life. 3. Assumed to be the moon. Whether or not the moon was artificially created is under investigation. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6981" by An Engineer , from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: moon1.jpg Name: Mare Serenitatis & Mare Imbrium Author: Dilshan R Jayakody License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Filename: pyramid.jpg Author: An Engineer , Max Braun, MusikAnimal License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki Derivative of: Name: Apollo 17 Tracy's Rock Author: Max Braun License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Name: Pyramid of Khafre Giza Egypt in 2015 2.jpg Author: MusikAnimal License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
SCP-6982 By: NebulousStar Published on 07 Oct 2021 20:35 State your name for the record. A birthday party. Fifth, maybe? Seventh? A kid sat alone. It was her birthday, yet no one cared. She listened to the laughter around her. She knew they were just here for the cake. Jayden Carver. How did you find out about the Foundation? I just… know. The ball flew by. She turned her head, but she stayed where she was. She never really liked sports. They screamed at her to go. It didn't matter. You just know? I just know. What more is there to say? Alright, moving on. What made you come here? "Nora?" The kids around her snickered. She rubbed her eyes. "Huh?" I think… I was supposed to. Elaborate. It has to do with the knowledge. I… A loud bang. She had dropped her textbook. You what? Screaming. Disappointment. Bad grades. A promise. I don't know. Can't go. Frustration. I don't… know what I was saying. Lonely. A friend. Someone who wouldn't leave. Okay, what's going on? A job offer. Stuck. Your, uh, your memories… A secret. A horrible secret. My memories? A ritual. A sickness. A gun. It's not right, though. I've been seeing… A gun. You mentioned my memories yesterday. What'd you mean? I don't… I don't remember what I said. Cheering. Congratulations. She could barely hear them over the static. They were happy for her, but… Is this a branch? After I asked what was going on? Screaming. An argument right as she tried to speak. She sat at the table, but it didn't mean anything. Oh. She opened her mouth, but no words came out. A secret left forever untold. Are you always this… spacey? Not before. My condition's been getting worse. Your condition? I see memories. Not voluntarily. The animal froze, eyes wide. She slammed on the brakes. Glass flying through the air. A sharp pain. It was too late to make amends. Shit. How much did you see? You won't like the answer no matter what I say. Just- let's keep this between us. How well do you remember the memories you see? Depends. Some really stick with me, but others… I forget. Alright, uh, do you know anything about this? Item #: SCP-6982 Special Containment Procedures: N/A Description: SCP-6982 is a silver bowl. Human subjects observing SCP-6982 from above will perceive a series of images reflected inside of it. Images are as follows: A bottle of beer. A black car. A small child, approximated to be 4-6 years of age. A forest. A shovel. This is… Your, uh… I don't… think so. Fair enough. More time. As she disappeared under the surface, she wished for more time. Look, I've seen your timelines. What? I've seen your futures, and you never tell anyone. You always die wishing you could've said something. Said something… She grabbed her shovel. It was time to dig up the past. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6982" by NebulousStar, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-6983 Special Containment Procedures: Undercover personnel within various national and international space programs are to plant the file Binary_Star.aic in both the hardware of control centers and digital components of all launched projects. Foundation AI "Binary Star" will intercept and record all data about SCP-6983 for the Foundation database and summarily delete it from non-Foundation records. Class B amnestics may be administered to witnesses if deemed necessary. Description: SCP-6983 is a humanoid with an estimated height of 5 meters. It has been noted to repair planetary rings, atmospheres, and other celestial objects by using an unknown welding technique utilising its fingertips to weld objects together. The entity also uses this technique to communicate via light signaling. The details of how SCP-6983 sustains itself or travels are unknown. However, through communication and observation, it is concluded that the entity can alter reality or the laws of physics to a small degree. To date, no full imagery of SCP-6983 accurately shows its features or profile due to bad lighting. Civilian observations of the anomaly have described it as a sudden blinking in space, an intense light, or a combination of both. Research is currently ongoing. Addendum 6983.1: Discovery On 16 August 2017, a probe from the Beholder line observed blinking on a planetary ring in its vicinity2. Its trajectory was adjusted for further investigation. Thermal imaging managed to discern a humanoid figure. Communication attempts were initiated soon after. However, upon maneuvering closer, Binary Star uncovered that the entity was trying to communicate via a system functioning similarly to Morse code. Following several days of reviewing footage, decoding, and sending Morse code to the anomaly, a legible method of conversation was successfully established on 23 August after SCP-6983 signaled "I think I finally understand you". Log available below: Interviewed: SCP-6983 Interviewer: Dr. Nails Foreword: All messages are decrypted from Morse. <BEGIN LOG> Dr. Nails: Can you please confirm that you understand me? SCP-6983 points one of his fingers towards the probe, a dim white light appears. SCP-6983: Yes, I do. Dr. Nails: Would you mind answering some questions? SCP-6983: I have no problem with that, but are you by chance from Earth? Dr. Nails: Can I ask why you assume that? SCP-6983: I've been asked to repair a similar object you're currently using, I believe a probe called Beholder-8, by someone we both know. Dr. Nails: I see. So you know, how do I put this, the bigger context of the situation? SCP-6983: I know who you are and what you do, but that's about it. Dr. Nails: Well, that makes things a bit easier. Can I start my questioning? SCP-6983: If you don't mind, could you please wait a few moments? I'm almost done here. Dr. Nails: Sure. SCP-6983 welds a torn section of the ring of the nearby planet together, despite it being made out of mainly gas. Dr. Nails: My heat sensors didn't pick up what you just did, could you elaborate? SCP-6983: Heat sensors? Of course you don't pick anything up, unlike the others I use extreme cold. SCP-6983 begins to weld again. Despite the temperature, the area around it seemingly begins to bend like hot air. Dr. Nails: According to what you're doing, you are bending the laws of physics, a small bit of reality. Effectively, you're going below zero Kelvin, the absolute zero. SCP-6983: Kelvin? That's a nice name. But you make it seem like it is something good. Dr. Nails: Isn't it? SCP-6983: I was cast out by the rest since I could not produce high temperatures. I couldn't weld stars or other hot layers or objects together. In the beginning I could not even travel like them. Dr. Nails: How did they travel? SCP-6983: As you probably saw the air, no excuse me, the vacuum bend around me. They first utilized that effect to shorten distances temporarily to fold space on itself. It took me quite a while to do the same but based on something cold. Dr. Nails: First? So they found another way to travel? SCP-6983: Yes, after a while they just learned to burn a hole in space, step through it, and weld it back afterwards. I am not able to do something like that. That's the moment where they abandoned me, even though they could have easily let me step through as well. Dr. Nails: Have you seen them again? SCP-6983: No. Pauses. First I thought they generated a heat so hot they travelled to some new dimension or some other reality breaking phenomenon, but later I heard they were asked to fix some kind of broken planet and… something went wrong. Footage reveals that at this moment SCP-6983 trembled, its light flickered, and succeeded in making a small hole in space. Dr. Nails: Like an accident on the job? SCP-6983: Probably, I genuinely don't know. Dr. Nails: So what are you going to do? SCP-6983: I'm gonna try to piece everything together. Bit by bit. Dr. Nails: Ok, and how do- Hey, wait! SCP-6983 takes note of the hole, stands up, tears the hole further open, and begins to step through. SCP-6983: Seems like I finally will be able to do this… You have my thanks. I'll make sure to return the favour. Dr. Nails: Where are you going? Can you spare a little more time? SCP-6983: Space is both continuously expanding and collapsing on itself. I need to hold a couple of things together. Wouldn't like things to start falling apart. We'll meet again from time to time. Don't worry about it. SCP-6983 welds the hole shut. Some small crystals linger around before fading away. <END LOG> Closing Statement: Several phenomena related to SCP-6983 are currently being researched by physicists. The probe was brought back to its normal trajectory. Update: On 19 September 2017, a notification was sent from Beholder-8 as it had started its reconfiguration. Sensors showed that its exterior was colder than before it lost its function. Addendum 6983.2: On 22 February 2018, a Foundation satellite observed a blue shine in the atmosphere. Whilst this phenomenon lasted, several locations reported unexpected snowfall. Afterwards the satellite concluded that the hole in the ozone layer was nowhere to be found and a small section was signed with the name "Kelvin". Image from 22 February 2018 Footnotes 1. Anomaly cannot be contained, but does not need to be contained. 2. Any object that was observable without significant enhancements, filters, or activation of more than 60% of all lenses was treaded as close proximity for this particular probe. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6983" by Sirslash47, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: ISS057-E-74412 - View of Earth.jpg Name: atmos.jpg Date: 8 November 2018 License: Public Domain Author: Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
This was a real stream-of-consciousness article. I wanted to know if there was something with this title in the mainlist. There wasn’t. Many, many thanks to the critters for this article: LORDXVNV PlaguePJP, HarryBlank, and Moths. The image is licensed CC-BY, and was created by K2 Space. It’s available here Thanks, K2 Space! ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug}  close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains allusions to the consumption of bodily fluid. ⚠️ content warning . Item#: 6984 Level2 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: integrated Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Containment Chamber 112, prior to renovation. Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-322 Dir. Paul Lague Researcher Natalia Kemp N/A Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6984 is contained in Containment Chamber 112 at Site-322.1 Staff with Level 2 clearance or higher are permitted to enter the chamber should they require biological material for research. Samples of the faucet’s effluence are tested weekly; containment specialists are to be contacted should the fluid’s composition cease resembling human cerebrospinal fluid. Description: SCP-6984 is an anomalous faucet, which produces cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) when open, regardless of the fluid it is provided. The anomaly was identified in 2017, following reports of faulty plumbing in Restroom 18: Open Maintenance Request #117.2017 Close Maintenance Request #117.2017 To: tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh#tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh From: tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc#tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc Subject: Broken Faucet Mr. Hendrix, Was wondering if you could take a look at the leftmost faucet in Restroom 18. Water tastes much sweeter than it used to. Good day, Dr. Coix Research Head, Site-322 Sent from my iPhone. To: tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc#tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc From: tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh#tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh Subject: Re:Broken Faucet [Ticket #117.2017] Hi Anthony, You're drinking from the restroom sink? Chase To: tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh#tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh From: tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc#tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc Subject: Re:Re:Broken Faucet [Ticket #117.2017] Mr. Hendrix, Don't interrogate my personal preferences. Fix your sink. Good day, Dr. Coix Research Head, Site-322 Sent from my iPhone. To: tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc#tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc From: tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh#tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh Subject: Re:Re:Re:Broken Faucet [Ticket #117.2017] Hey Coix, Sure, I can take a look. Will you be able to stay hydrated while I investigate? Do you want me to swing by your office and drop off some greywater to tide you over? Chase Sent from my office. To: tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh#tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh From: tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc#tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc Subject: Re:Re:Re:Re:Broken Faucet [Ticket #117.2017] Mr. Hendrix, Do you like your job? Does it pay well? Do you get paid to be sarcastic? Stop emailing me. Good day, Dr. Coix Research Head, Site-322 Sent from my iPhone. After inspection by Site-322 maintenance staff found no fault, the faucet was subjected to testing. Subsequently, the object was given its SCP designation, and the present containment procedures were enacted. As of yet, no human has been identified as a genetic match with SCP-6984 effluence. Update [23/06/2018]: Following a presentation given by Dr. Ilse Reynders at 2018's Inter-Site Containment Conference,2 Site Director Paul Lague nominated a number of on-site anomalies, including SCP-6984, for the Site’s Integration Program. After a brief period of ideation and testing, the anomaly was integrated into the site’s infrastructure: NOTICE FROM INTEGRATION PROGRAM PROJECT LEAD The integration of SCP-6984 has been a success; we now pump fluid waste through to SCP-6984, where it’s converted to CSF and undergoes standard biohazard disposal. We’re working our way up to using it as our primary fluid waste disposal method, but the guys in the AA department would like to stress that you shouldn’t introduce any solid matter to SCP-6984’s plumbing. It ain’t broke. Don’t break it. — Paul Lague, Site Director, Site-322 Update [04/11/2020]: SCP-6984’s function as an anomalous filtration system for waste fluids remained unhindered for over two years. However, on the 2nd of November, 2021, SCP-6984's output halted completely. Its supply of acroamatic waste, however, continued to build up. The untreated acroamatic waste was stored in a buffer tank before reaching SCP-6984 and began to accumulate there. The fault was identified, before this accumulation triggered an alert, due to the diligence of Dr. Anthony Coix, who contacted Site Maintenance within two hours of SCP-6984 running dry: Open Maintenance Request #321.2020 Close Maintenance Request #321.2020 To: tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh#tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh From: tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc#tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc Subject: Broken Faucet. Again. Mr. Hendrix, The sink in Restroom 18 is now blocked. Even if you couldn’t get the taste back to normal, I expect you to ensure it maintains a regular flow. Fix it. Dr. Coix Research Head, Site-322 Sent from my iPhone. To: tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc#tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc CC: tenpics.223.tniamtnoc|y.nosille#tenpics.223.tniamtnoc|y.nosille From: tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh#tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh Subject: Re:Broken Faucet. Again. [Ticket #321.2020] Anthony, Are you talking about SCP-6984? I didn't know you were assigned to that. I'll send this to containment maintenance. Chase To: tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh#tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh CC: tenpics.223.tniamtnoc|y.nosille#tenpics.223.tniamtnoc|y.nosille From: tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc#tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc Subject: Re:Re:Broken Faucet. Again. [Ticket #321.2020] What? Sent from my iPhone. To: tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc#tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc From: tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh#tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh Subject: Re:Re:Re:Broken Faucet [Ticket #321.2020] Oh god. Did no one tell you? I suggest you report to the Medical wing ASAP. Tell them it’s long-term biohazard exposure. Chase Following investigation by containment maintenance, a blockage was identified within the piping of SCP-6984. The following log details the intervention effort: –BEGIN LOG– [Yousef Ellison, Containment Maintenance, and Natalia Kemp, Containment Specialist, are standing in SCP-6984’s containment chamber. Chase Hendrix, Site Maintenance, enters with plumbing equipment. All three are wearing Level B HAZMAT suits.] Ellison: Thanks for coming in for this. Kemp: We could've managed, but we didn't have the tools with us, and since your office is so close by… Hendrix: No, no, I get it. No worries. I'm just glad to be in all this gear. [He taps his helmet.] Feel like I should be wearing this for my regular jobs, too. [Hendrix approaches SCP-6984. He takes a deep breath, then inserts the end of a handheld auger into the faucet. Hendrix begins threading the auger through the object's plumbing.] Hendrix: How far back do you reckon this thing is? Kemp: We were unable to loc— Hendrix: Oh! I’ve got it. I think. [Hendrix squeezes the trigger of the auger handle, closing the device's grabbing mechanism. He frowns.] Hendrix: It's… kinda spongy. Weird. It's definitely manageable, it’s moving when I pull it. If this is all there is— Kemp: Are you prepared to remove the obstruction? Hendrix: Listen, you guys are the ones who deal with this kind of thing on the daily. You tell me. Is it safe to pull it out? Kemp: We have performed a number of preliminary tests and have identified no— Ellison: Frankly, we don't know. We're probably as safe as you. It's an anomaly… despite everything, it's still going to be hard to predict. All we know is that this way is less likely to damage SCP-6984 than a more invasive intervention. [Hendrix sighs. He begins winding the auger, pulling the blockage towards the faucet. The resistance from the obstruction increases and he strains while winding.] Kemp: Are you alright? Ellison: Need help… uh… winding? Pulling? [Hendrix nods with gritted teeth. He stops winding the coil and begins pulling the device away from the faucet. Ellison and Kemp assist him in pulling the auger cable out of SCP-6984.] Hendrix: Okay, it's pretty close. Final heave: one, two, three! [Ellison, Kemp, and Hendrix pull the cable together, and it flies loose from the faucet. The three fall backwards as a high-pressure jet of fluid begins to run through SCP-6984. Ellison gets up to turn off the faucet, while Kemp and Hendrix inspect the end of the auger cable, which holds a pink mass.] Hendrix: Is that…? –END LOG– The neural tissue recovered from the intervention was designated SCP-6984-1. Should a similar issue arise, the recovered material is to undergo testing, then standard biohazard disposal. Following the removal and containment of SCP-6984-1, a review of the object’s role in Site-322's infrastructure is underway. Regardless of the outcome, Dr. Coix has been banned from entering Containment Chamber 112. Footnotes 1. Prior to renovation, Chamber 112 was referred to as Restroom 18. 2. Reynders, Ilse, PhD, PhD, PhD, PhD, PhD, PhD, PhD, PhD, PhD, PhD, PhD, PhD, PhD, PhD, PhD, PhD. "Waste Not Want Not: How to Deal With Your Problems, So We Don't Have To." Foundation ISCC, 18th June, 2021, Site-43. Lecture (livestream). You Might Also Like... Collapse Recommendations SCP-5595 — Geoffrey Quincy Harrison the Third: Site-Director, Gumball Machine, by PlaguePJP. SCP-6123 — VKTM Presents: Media And You, by Grigori Karpin. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6984" by GremlinGroup, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. cromage6984.jpg.: Name: Wells_Fargo_09 Author: K2 Space License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: restroom18.jpg: Name: Wells_Fargo_09 Author: K2 Space License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link:
Item #: SCP-6985 Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-6985 are to be tracked down and removed from any residence. All advertisements featuring SCP-6985, whether digital or physical, are to be hidden from public eye by any means available. Recovered instances of SCP-6985 are to be stored in a large glass case imbued with insect repellent within Site-19. Description: SCP-6985 is the designation for an unmarked, bright pink spherical object attached to a small round stump approximately the size of a bowling ball. The entirety of SCP-6985 is rounded and smooth, crafted out of an unknown, soft and slightly adhesive material. Attached to a hole in the top of the object is a removable neon tag that reads 'The anti-spider!' in large bold letters. On 07/7/21, instances of SCP-6985 started spontaneously appearing within the homes of hundreds of seemingly random individuals. Later tests show these individuals all suffer from mild to severe arachnophobia.1 About three days prior to this event, multiple advertisements and pieces of media surrounding SCP-6985 began revealing themselves, visible only to those suffering from arachnophobia. After 07/7/21, they proceeded to become perceivable to all. The individuals who received SCP-6985 had varying reactions, ranging from uneasy to indifferent towards the object's appearance in their homes, and over 80% of these people appeared heavily reluctant to lose contact with it upon notice. The most detailed advertisement concerning SCP-6985 that was obtained by personnel was a colourful poster picturing SCP-6985 resting on a white table in front of a bright screen. The poster reads as follows: 'Let your fears die away! Presenting…..the anti-spider! The anti-spider is perfect for anyone with even a small fear of spiders. Why? Because it's nothing that a spider is and everything a spider's not! Simply take a look to see how not a spider this amazing creation is! And sleep good dreams with this on your bedside table, or anywhere else in your house. Knowing confidently that this is NOT a spider!' The back of the poster features a table detailing the numerous differences between instances of SCP-6985 and members of the arachnid family: Spider Anti-spider Is hairy Is not at all hairy Has eight legs Has no legs Has eight eyes Has no eyes Has fangs Does not have fangs Can produce silk Can not produce silk Builds webs Does not build webs Sometimes eats other spiders Does not eat, just waits Lays many eggs Does not lay eggs Lives up to 40 years Stays forever Is easy to kill off Can not be killed, effectively indestructible Is alive Is not alive Eats thousands of insects every year, thus controlling the bug population in households worldwide Does not do that Footnotes 1. Fear of spiders. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6985" by Justheretosay, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-6986 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6986 has been retrieved from its original location and replaced with a similar non-anomalous tombstone, and is currently being kept in a standard safe object item locker at Site-81. Any individuals in the area who report unusual feelings consistent with SCP-6986's anomalous effects are to be amnesticized. A single Foundation agent has been stationed at the Chaplin Cemetery to monitor SCP-6986's original location during SCP-6986-1 events. Any civilians who witness SCP-6986-1 events are to be amnesticized. Description: SCP-6986 is a granite tombstone originally found in the Chaplin Cemetery in Alexandria, Indiana. The inscription on SCP-6986 is transcribed below: Simon Poole 1955 - 2003 Loving father, caring husband, brilliant magician. Remembered fondly. SCP-6986 exhibits mild mnestic properties. Individuals who read and comprehend the inscription on the object will vividly remember both it and the surrounding environment. They will also associate feelings of admiration and respect with the name "Simon Poole," and speak as if they are familiar with the individual in question. These effects are resistant to mild amnestic treatment, though stronger treatments have been successful in eliminating most memories and associations. Chaplin Cemetery records indicate that an individual named Simon Poole was buried there, with SCP-6986 as the tombstone. It is not known when or how SCP-6986 became anomalous. According to Indiana public records, Poole lived in Alexandria at several points in his life, was employed as a party magician for various businesses, and had a wife and a son born in 1994. Poole's wife died in 1998, and his son is still alive. The whereabouts of Poole's son are currently unknown, and his wife is buried next to him in Chaplin Cemetery. Her tombstone is non-anomalous. SCP-6986-1 is a phenomenon affecting the area in Chaplin Cemetery where SCP-6986 was originally located. Every Friday at 15:34 local time, a flower will spontaneously manifest at SCP-6986's original location. The species of flower varies, but all have been flowers commonly associated with love and affection. The flowers are non-anomalous, and can be safely removed from the original location of SCP-6986 after manifestation. Approximately 30% of flowers manifested in SCP-6986-1 events have manifested alongside a paper letter. The letters vary in content, but all are non-anomalous. A transcription of a letter recovered after an SCP-6986-1 event is provided below: I've been doing good recently. Met some new people, thinking about going back to school. Gonna try to come visit you soon. I hope you're proud of me. I miss you. -Michael ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6986" by UncannyClown276, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
. LORDXVNV SCP-6987 by LORDXVNV LORDXVNV's Author Page Click Here to View Attached Memo Close Memo Joint Internal Memo: SCP-6987 To the O5 Council, We have completed this year's revisions of SCP-6987 documentation for Clearance Levels 1 through 4, pending your review. Please make any necessary changes. We are trying something a little different this year for Level 1 documentation. Hopefully, this should emphasize to the new recruits that insurance coverage from Goldbaker is significantly different from what they are used to. Ezekiel Yang, PhD. Department of Financial Esoterica Sheldon Katz, Esq. Legal Department. Secure. Contain. Protect. By accepting employment with the Foundation, you are acknowledging that you have read and are aware of the following information in its entirety, and that you affirm that you will adhere to the containment procedures. Item#: SCP-6987 Level1 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: radix Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures All terms and conditions present within SCP-6987 must be upheld by Foundation personnel. If the Foundation is found to be in violation of a term outlined within SCP-6987, compliance must be restored before the end of the next Gregorian calendar month or else suffer a penalty as defined in SCP-6987-0 through SCP-6987-[REDACTED BY LEGAL DEPARTMENT]. As a Radix-class anomaly, SCP-6987 has been incorporated into the Foundation's command structure1. If you believe you are aware of a violation of SCP-6987, please report said violation through Human Resources, your site's Foundation Legal Department Liaison, or SCiPNET's anonymous reporting function. Whistleblowers will be protected under the Foundation's "Stand Up and Speak Up" policy. Violations of SCP-6987 not only expose the Foundation to significant financial, legal, and reputational risks but also threaten the continued existence of humanity itself. Description SCP-6987 is the portfolio of insurance contracts between the SCP Foundation ("the Foundation", or the "insured") and Goldbaker-Reinz Insurance Group Ltd. ("Goldbaker-Reinz", or the "Provider"). Several of these contracts have anomalous enforcement clauses or benefit payments. As an employee of the SCP Foundation, you are entitled to insurance coverage through Goldbaker-Reinz. You may choose to exempt yourself from any or all of this coverage and seek private insurance plans, if you so choose. However, note that the coverage offered by Goldbaker-Reinz provides timely global availability and a range of experimental medical procedures. By accepting employment with the Foundation, you are acknowledging that you have read and are aware of the following information, to your clearance level, in its entirety. Welcome to the Foundation! Hello and welcome! We're so glad you decided to join us here at the SCP Foundation. At the SCP Foundation, our trusted insurance provider of choice is Goldbaker-Reinz. They're the most influential and most reliable insurer behind the Veil, yet almost completely unknown in the mundane world. They have proven themselves trustworthy time and time again in our sustained relationship dating back over 200 years. Goldbaker-Reinz is uniquely equipped to help with the sorts of challenges the Foundation faces every day. As a full voting member of the GOC's Council of 108, they're very familiar with the anomalous, but they're contractually bound to remain nonpartisan in intergroup contracts. Goldbaker-Reinz is proud to service the SCP Foundation, nearly all GOC affiliates, the Horizon Initiative, and many more. They are the only insurer with a proven record when it comes to anomalous, esoteric, and extremely rare world-changing "black swan" events. They've got a most-likely anomalous model for forecasting the probability and impact of these kinds of events, which of course is proprietary. Rest assured, though — our best and our brightest have pored over every contract we've had with them and every payout in every year, and we can trust them to adhere to our contracts to the letter. And of course, Goldbaker-Reinz will aid you in your mundane insurance needs as well. We're so happy you decided to join our Foundation family, and we hope your career is a long and fruitful one. Ezekiel Yang, PhD. Department of Financial Esoterica Sheldon Katz, Esq. Legal Department. Secure. Contain. Protect. [DELETE THIS MESSAGE BEFORE PUBLICATION: We borrowed much of this verbiage from a GR marketing doc. We can tone it down if we need to, but as stated earlier this is a sales document for new joiners. We all know they can be a little leery when it comes to working with obviously anomalous entities.] A History of Goldbaker-Reinz circa 2600 BCE References to "Nebu-Wosir" (Gold-Osiris), a figure purportedly responsible for ameliorating effects of famine should the Nile fail to flood or flood overly aggressively, in recovered Egyptian Old Kingdom texts. 500 BCE – 300 AD References to "Soter Aurarius" (Goldsaver) appear in Roman literature. Figure is said to have aided in the rebuilding of Rome after the Great Fire. circa 600 A.D. First references to the "Balancer of Londinium". Depictions vary from a benevolent trickster god to a very lucky gambler to an investor in several ventures viewed as foolhardy by the masses but ultimately profitable. 1200s-1700s Goldbaker (later Ltd.) enters early contracts with Foundation precursors, including the American Secure Containment Initiative and Her Majesty's Foundation for the Secure Containment of the Paranormal. It is believed Goldbaker is an assumed name, chosen for nomenclative camouflage. 1300s-Late 1800s Goldbaker Ltd. proves instrumental in providing relief and recovery in the aftermath of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Occult Wars. 1690s "Goldbaker" is among the first insurers to become established at Lloyd's of London. They (singular) are instrumental in the early prominence of the organization and serve on the committee of The Society of Lloyd's for decades. 1871 "Goldbaker" publicly rejects the Lloyd's Act, declaring their intent to continue acting as an independent insurer. They move primarily to providing services behind the Veil, rebranding as Goldbaker Ltd. Their involvement with Lloyd's of London is scrubbed from the historical record by HMFSCP. Late 1800s The modern Foundation forms. Goldbaker Ltd. declines a full merger, citing conflicts of interest and independence concerns. Contracts held by precursor organizations are renegotiated into comprehensive coverage agreement, designated SCP-6987 due to inherited anomalous enforcement clauses. 1945 In the aftermath of the Seventh Occult War, Goldbaker Ltd. again proves instrumental in funding rebuilding efforts. It is a founding member of the Council of 108 of the newly formed Global Occult Coalition. The Foundation considers cancelling SCP-6987, but both parties come to a mutual agreement and amend their contracts to include a neutrality clause in any future Foundation-GOC conflicts. 1974 Werner Reinz founds Reinz Group, which quickly rises in the anomalous financial industry. The Foundation informs government regulators, and begins its own investigations. 1981 Goldbaker Ltd. and Reinz Group merge to form Goldbaker-Reinz Insurance Group Ltd. Foundation investigations of Reinz Group are folded into the Goldbaker Foundation Audit Task Force. Your Benefits and Responsibilities With Regards to Goldbaker-Reinz The following information is relevant to you (henceforth also referred to as a "covered person") as both a member of the Foundation and a benefactor of Goldbaker-Reinz's insurance policies. For brevity, these clauses are those you are unlikely to have seen with previous employers, unless said employers were likewise serviced by Goldbaker-Reinz. SCP-6987-0 is the Master Services Agreement describing the scope of services provided to the insured. SCP-6987-0 governs terms for extending the coverage provided by Goldbaker-Reinz, modifying terms of existing contracts, and other legal and business necessities. The Legal Department and Department of Financial Esoterica have determined that the following clauses of SCP-6987-0 are mission-critical at your clearance level. All other subitems of SCP-6987 are specific coverage policies. The following overview covers the insurance policies available at your level with major deviations from insurance policies you are most likely to have already seen. A comprehensive overview of all available coverage can be accessed through the SCiPNET Resource Portal. Benefits SCP-6987-1-3: Healthcare, Dental, and Vision Goldbaker-Reinz offers comprehensive healthcare plans for all covered persons regardless of nationality. Coverage explicitly includes: Standard medical care; Mission-critical procedures; Cosmetic procedures; Mental healthcare; Hormone replacement therapy; Reproductive healthcare. SCP-6987-4: Pet Insurance You may elect to use SCP-6987-4 as your primary healthcare plan should your primary consciousness be housed within a non-humanoid animal over the course of your employment with the Foundation. This policy may be extended to magical familiars, if applicable. SCP-6987-5-9: Vehicular This policy includes personal aircraft, watercraft, and magical steeds not classified as familiars. SCP-6987-16: Life Coverage only applies to duplicated individuals if said individuals have contributed at least one (1) payment to the plan. Individuals cannot be beneficiaries of their own life insurance policies. Goldbaker-Reinz reserves the right to audit all life insurance claims for fraud. Legalities SCP-6987-0 Clause 3: Intellectual Property The Provider and the insured are forbidden from attempting to investigate, steal, pilfer, copy, or plagiarize any intellectual property or property. Non-exhaustive examples include containment procedures, memetic content, risk models, confidential anomalous inventories, and cash reserves. (A more comprehensive list is provided in clause 3.1.2). SCP-6987-0.8: Duplication of Covered Persons If in the course of your work you find yourself with a duplicate with no distinguishing factors between duplicate and original, both of you shall be covered under all applicable policies. Coverage details may vary for differing kinds of duplication (e.g. temporal, biological, digital, etc.). SCP-6987-0.13: Coverage in Alternate Dimensions or Timelines Like the Foundation, Goldbaker-Reinz exists across multiple timelines. So long as an iteration of Goldbaker-Reinz exists, your policies will be honored. SCP-6987-0.85: Pataphysical Protection Goldbaker-Reinz cannot guarantee protection against pataphysical events. Note: Clauses 616 and 617 of SCP-6987-0 As a member of the SCP Foundation with limited decision-making abilities, your coverage is unlikely to be affected by penalties outlined in Clause 617. However, it is important that you understand how SCP-6987 differs from mundane insurance contracts. Goldbaker-Reinz and the Foundation understand that while both entities provide an indispensable service to the other, due diligence is a matter of practical business considerations. As such, both entities employ anomalous means of ensuring compliance with contractual terms, or, in cases in which such enforcement is not possible, suitable penalties. Clause 616: Enforcement The acceptable methods by which the contractual terms of any subcontracts of SCP-6987 can be enforced, by either the Foundation or Goldbaker-Reinz, include: Memetic geas; Thaumaturgical geas; Blood pact; Pain curse; Serendipitous probability manipulation; Automatic bank transfer. Clause 617: Acceptable Penalties for Contractual Breaches Penalties levied are proportionate to scale of contractual breach. Unless your employment with the Foundation is in a legal, finance, or audit role, you do not need to understand the entirety of acceptable penalties at this clearance level. If you are found complicit in a willful violation of SCP-6987, your employment will be terminated and you may be subject to prosecution. We hope this primer has gotten you used to the fascinating, abnormal world behind the Veil. It's not so different back here. You are viewing Level 1 Documentation (1 of 4 required approvals). Click here to access the next level of documentation. Footnotes 1. Following the guidance of Dr. Y. Leiner (Tactical Theology), the Radix class is currently being adopted for anomalies incorporated into the Foundation's command structure but not related to Judaism, replacing Yesod. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6987" by LORDXVNV, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Close SCiPNET Email? No (0) new messages. To: Mattias Reeds From: Joseph Santiago Subject: Re: I need some help finding a file Hey Matt, So I did a bit of digging, I think I've found what you were looking for. I'll warn you now, you may not like what you see. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6988" by MoreMuffins, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: marking.png Author: Flower License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki
 close Info X SCP-6989 — Clouds and Clouds, All Around Written by Jack Waltz and Machen2. Something we grinded out in an hour or two, very short and Series I-esque, we know. But we still hope you'll like it! Special thanks to Ethagon, MoreMuffins, MirageTD and Doctor Fullham! They were a great help in the process of critting this piece. Inspired by Tyranids if it wasn't obvious already ;) Check out Jack's and Machen's author pages for more! NOTICE FROM THE RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION This file is outdated following the addition of two incident logs and discoveries made through progressive research into the anomaly. A new revision is currently being drafted by the Records And Information Security Administration. A photograph of SCP-6989, taken by DTF λ-10. Item #: SCP-6989 Clearance Level 3: Confidential Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6989 cannot be physically contained due to its size and nature. Distributed Task Force λ-10 ("Cloud Watchers")1 is to track SCP-6989 and initiate the authorised amnestication protocols if the need arises. Research into the anomaly is currently in progress headed by the task force. Description: SCP-6989 is a single cumulonimbus cloud with a base length of approximately 2 km and a height of 1 km. Its base is always elliptical and does not alter through any known circumstances. It has been seen merging with many clouds but does not seem to grow any bigger itself after many observations conducted by λ-10. SCP-6989 is fully composed of water droplets and ice crystals but has not been observed to produce any form of precipitation2 and is constantly in motion. With λ-10's observation reports, it has been noted that SCP-6989 appears to be attracted to areas with high atmospheric humidity. SCP-6989 can activate unusually localised and powerful electromagnetic pulses affecting even shielded electronics. This ability only affects technology within itself and does not affect any area outside the cloud. This has made an internal analysis of the cloud impossible. RADAR scans have also been hindered by an unknown source within SCP-6989. Discovery: SCP-6989 was detected following an unidentified object breaching Earth's atmosphere on the 22nd of January 2021. It was located by weather radars after a cumulonimbus cloud manifested unnaturally in the local area. The connection between both events has not yet been concluded as a coincidence and an investigation is still in progress. Incident 6989.01 (2021/02/26): SCP-6989 came to the Global Occult Coalition's attention following the unnatural disappearance of a rainstorm over Miami, Florida. SCP-6989 had entered the vicinity and consumed a cumulonimbus cloud which was causing the storm over the city. A Lethe operation3 on the city was swiftly instigated. With the GOC's arrival, they immediately began preparations to initiate a decommissioning attempt on the anomaly. DTF λ-10 was unable to dissuade arriving GOC forces and all task force members were apprehended and detained. The GOC utilised altered missile technology4 to strike SCP-6989. The first three detonated successfully after entering SCP-6989 and the fourth and fifth seemed to make contact with a solid surface within the cloud. Immediately after, a high-pitched piercing noise was emitted by SCP-6989 and several appendages, with a resemblance to those of cephalopodic organisms, descended from SCP-6989 and assaulted the GOC forces below. Projectiles consisting of dense biological matter fell from SCP-6989 with considerable force and the cloud retained a bluish tint following this exchange which soon disappeared. A joint operation between the Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition was quickly initiated following the incident. The Foundation began assisting the Global Occult Coalition in attempts to neutralise the anomaly. Incident 6989.02 (2021/02/28): SCP-6989 was seen attempting to subsume another cumulonimbus cloud. As preparations for heavy artillery bombardment were made, the cloud SCP-6989 attempted to subsume unleashed multiple appendages and impaled SCP-6989. It appeared to be struggling, and the cloud quickly merged and consumed SCP-6989. Footnotes 1. A task force specialising in tracking and researching aerial or airborne anomalies that may be deemed uncontainable by conventional methods employed by the Foundation. Their duties rarely involve the containment of anomalies, aligning more towards the observation of anomalies, the amnestication of the civilian population, and the expungement of data correlating with the anomaly. 2. Seeding attempts have proved ineffective. 3. Lethe operations involve mass amnestication of the local or worldwide civilian population. They are only used in select instances where the success of a cover story is unlikely due to the sheer amount of resources they require. 4. They had been designed to detonate when affected by EMPs. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6989" by Jack Waltz and Machen2, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: cumulonimbus-cloud.jpg Name: Cumulonimbus * una grandiosa nube Author: jacilluch License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: CC Search
Item#: 6990 Level3 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-6990's widespread prevalence and mainstream influence, containment has been deemed unnecessary. Description: SCP-6990 is an ever-present concept within the collective human memesphere. SCP-6990 describes the commonly-known conspiracy theory in which the pyramid structures within Egypt were constructed by or in conjunction with extra-terrestrial lifeforms. Despite overwhelming scientific and logical evidence against said idea, the idea remains a common belief among certain groups of people. Theories regarding SCP-6990 often make illogical or pseudo-scientific claims regarding the construction of the pyramids, including but not limited to the following: The pyramids were built before humans inhabited the area they are in The wheel had not been invented yet, thus making transport for limestone blocks impossible The line of longitude and the line of latitude that the pyramids lie on are the exact same value as one another The front face of the pyramids faces magnetic north exactly The three tops of the Pyramids of Giza are aligned exactly under the three stars that make up the "belt" portion of the Orion constellation Discovery: Initially, SCP-6990 had been dismissed as a non-anomalous and widespread conspiracy theory. However, on 26/09/21, the Foundation detected significant memetic disturbance from within the Pyramid of Khufu, in Giza. An SCP-6990 research team, under the guise of Egyptologists from Cambridge University conducting research for the institution, entered the pyramid with permission from the Egyptian government. A transcript of their investigation is attached below. SCP-6990 RESEARCH TEAM: TRANSCRIPT FROM WITHIN KHUFU PYRAMID Date: 29/09/21 Time: 16:20 Team Lead: Dr. Omar Mohamed Research Members: Elizabeth Smith, Johann Olufsson Armed Members: Alfred Szokas, Delicatessen Fern Additional Personnel: Nedjem1 (Cat) [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Mohamed is seen moving into the entrance of the Khufu Pyramid. His research partners and guards are seen following closely behind. Mohamed, Smith and Olufsson are all holding Memetic Disturbance Scanners, which they slowly wave around them. Mohamed: As soon as you pick anything up, let me know. Immediately. Smith: Of course, doctor. The team is seen descending towards the subterranean area of the pyramid, lit only by the flashlights on their head gear. Their devices beep in time with one another as they search for memetic disturbance. In total silence, the team makes it to the bottom of the descending passageway and are now in front of the subterranean chamber. Dr. Olufsson points his Scanner towards the escape shaft. The device beeps weakly. Olufsson: Got something! Towards the escape shaft. The team all turn towards the shaft and swiftly begin ascending it. They then come to a slow crawl as they thoroughly scan the shaft for a signal. All their Scanners begin to beep louder and rhythmically as they move forward. Dr. Smith then stops in her tracks, in front of the left wall. Smith: Behind this wall. Smith knocks on the wall. A hollow echo rings back. Smith: Yep, sounds like there's something behind it. Dr. Mohamed is seen touching his ear piece. Mohamed: Command, this is Mohamed. We've found a sealed chamber within the pyramid, lots of memetic disturbance from behind the wall sealing it. Permission to investigate further? Command: Permission granted, proceed with caution. Mohamed: Affirmative. Dr. Mohamed turns to his teammates and nods. Immediately, they begin. Olufsson places a pet carrier down and releases an Abyssinian cat from within it. Olufsson: Alright Nedjem, time to do your magic. He picks up Nedjem and coddles her. Smith scoffs. Smith: You brought Nedjem? Why? Olufsson sets Nedjem down. Olufsson: Hey! Nedjem is an integral part of this team! Even if she isn't swatting away any curses. Smith: Johann, there's no curses. You should know that. There's never been any curses2. Olufsson: Shhshhh, Nedjem stays. As Olufsson and Smith argue, Nedjem is seen sneaking through a small, cat-sized hole in the wall and into the chamber behind it. Smith: Fine. She's still good company to keep. Smith reaches down to pet Nedjem, finding that she is no longer present. Smith: Where's Nedjem..? Oluffson: Nedjem! Nedjem! Come back to daddy! Pspspsps! Smith and Oluffson are seen looking wildly around in the escape shaft. Suddenly, the wall next to Smith makes a clinking noise before raising. Nedjem is seen standing behind the newly-opened chamber, cleaning herself. Mohamed: That's why we bring Nedjem. Now, let's move forward. The walls of the chamber are covered in hieroglyphs, which the team scrambles towards. The chamber contains no objects, however the center of the room holds a bright yellow sphere. Mohamed: …Nothing. Just some generic stuff. Smith: Nothing here either. Olufsson: Nope. A small meow is heard. The team looks at Nedjem, who is looking at another cat. The other cat, sitting in front of Nedjem, is adorned with jewelry and gives her a cold stare. Nedjem stares back. Smith: Who is that..? Olufsson: Nedjem, ask them what this chamber is. Smith: Wha- Johann, are you out of your mind?! Olufsson: What? It's worth a shot. Nedjem meows at the adorned cat, who meows back. They enter a back-and-forth of meows. Smith: And how do you suppose we'll be getting an answer from Nedjem? Hmm? Olufsson: We'll figure something out! Mohamed: Quiet, both of you. I'm reading. Smith groans. Nedjem and the adorned cat continue their conversation. Nedjem then stops and bows her head towards the cat, before returning to Olufsson. Olufsson picks her up and coddles her. Olufsson: Alright, my little darling! What have you got? Nedjem meows at Olufsson. Olufsson: …Right. Okay so maybe you had a point. Smith scoffs. Olufsson: Look, we'll figure something out, alright?! Mohamed steps up to Olufsson and takes Nedjem from him. He then places Nedjem down and takes a large sheet of paper out from his bag. He places the paper in front of Nedjem and begins drawing. When finished, he looks up at Nedjem. On the paper, there are two drawings. One is of a lightbulb above a head, and the other is the same drawing with the lightbulb crossed out. Mohamed: Which one? Nedjem places her paw on the drawing without the crossed out light bulb. Mohamed erases the drawings and begins to draw again. Smith stares in disbelief while Olufsson smirks. Olufsson: Told you we'd find a way. Smith lightly punches Olufsson in his right arm. Olufsson: Hey! What was that for? Mad that I was right? Smith: You- ugh- just shut up. Smith pouts and crosses her arms. Olufsson gives a resounding chuckle. The two then watch Mohamed and Nedjem in silence for the next 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, Mohamed rolls the paper and stands up. Nedjem climbs onto his shoulder. Mohamed: Alright team, I've got an answer. Smith: So, what is this? What's the memetic disturbance about? Mohamed: I asked Nedjem some two-option questions, where she picked what the correct option is. Mostly yes or no questions. I managed to get some words and phrases out of her. Olufsson: Vague as usual, I see. Mohamed: She gave me "pyramid", "origins", "deceit", "Re", "visitors", "wealth", "spending", "economy", "future", "inhuman" and "unusual builders". Smith: So we've got to decipher that? Mohamed: Seems to be. The team begin thinking. They stare around the room as they do. Mohamed paces the chamber. Olufsson: What, did they hire some cats to build the pyramids and this orb-thing prevents people from remembering that? Mohamed: No, Nedjem would have said cat if she knew it was cats. Smith: Speaking of, where is that other cat? The team briefly scan the room. There is no sign of the adorned cat. Olufsson: Guess we missed our chance for containment… Smith: Oh well, let's keep thinking. The team continues to pace the room. Olufsson re-reads the hieroglyphs on the walls. Olufsson: Maybe there's something here. I don't suppose the Cannibal Hymn3 would have anything to do with this? Smith: I sure hope not. Mohamed: What's really got me thinking are the phrases "un-human" and "unusual builders". Olufsson: What, has this got to do with that stupid ancient aliens theory? Mohamed pauses and stares. He appears to have an epiphany. Olufsson: No. Don't tell me I was right. Mohamed: I think we have our answer! Smith: Please don't say aliens, please don't say aliens, please- Mohamed: No. Smith and Olufsson let out a loud sigh. Mohamed: They wanted to make the pyramids seem supernatural in origin? Smith: Huh? Olufsson: I think I get it! Smith: What?! Olufsson: The ancients must have lied about how the pyramids were built! They wanted to make its origins an enigma to outsiders. Mohamed: I believe so. What better way to do that than to start a conspiracy theory about aliens building the pyramids? What with this being a tomb to a pharaoh, it'd be fitting for it to have some sort of supernatural air to it. Smith: Well, that still doesn't explain this. Smith waves her arms towards the yellow orb. Smith: What's the big ball got to do with it? Mohamed: I'm not sure. Given its extremely high memetic disturbance, it has to be some kind of vector for something. The team is silent for 10 seconds. Smith: …I think I have an idea. This orb is perpetuating that conspiracy theory you mentioned. Olufsson: What, you mean this is putting the ancient aliens theory into the collective memesphere or something? Mohamed: Perhaps. Nedjem did mention "Re", so perhaps they channeled Re's power to do so? The result of which is the yellow orb we see in front of us. Smith: But why? What benefit do they gain from keeping the origins an enigma. Mohamed: Tourism. Olufsson: Right! Nedjem mentioned lots of words to do with money, she also mentioned "future" and "visitors". Smith: I think we're onto something. The ancients wanted to keep the origins a mystery from outsiders so that people would come visit and investigate. Mohamed: They couldn't keep the whole thing a mystery from everyone, I presume. So they settled for a conspiracy theory. Olufsson: Playing the long game, eh? Mohamed touches his ear piece. Mohamed: Command, I believe we're ready to exit the premises. I'll be filing a full report of our findings when we get back to the site. Permission to leave? Command: Granted, good work out there. Mohamed: Got it, thanks. Mohamed looks at his team. Mohamed: Well, time to go. We've got a lot of thinking to do. Smith: You don't have to say that again! Olufsson reaches for Nedjem and kisses her. Olufsson: You were such a good girl today! He then places Nedjem back in her carrier and closes it. Olufsson: Alright, I'm ready. [END LOG] Following the discovery of this correlation, the chamber was re-sealed with limestone. All major research institutions have been placed under gag orders to not reveal the discrepancy in age between the newly placed limestone and the surrounding limestone. The Memetics Department performed further investigations into the theory presented by the research team and concluded that they were correct. Investigations into other extant conspiracy theories and their presence in the memesphere is undergoing. Footnotes 1. Nedjem is slightly anomalous. The full extent of her abilities are currently undefined, however the Foundation is currently aware of her apparent sapience and complete understanding of human speech and iconography. Research into the anomalous abilities of Nedjem are still underway. 2. The concept of Ancient Egyptians sealing their tombs or other similar buildings with "curses" has no basis in history and is instead an idea rooted in Victorian sensationalism. 3. An ancient Egyptian hymn, used in the Old Kingdom. Used to symbolise a pharaoh becoming one with the gods ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6990" by RadiantGold, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-6991 Special Containment Procedures: All entrances to SCP-6991 are closed to the public under the disguise of nature preservation. Newly formed entrances are to be covered up by dispersing information about recent volcanic and tectonic activity or archeological findings. Additionally, avalanches, landslides, or other natural disasters may be staged to make this information more trustworthy and to stop fauna from leaving SCP-6991. Personnel is prohibited from entering SCP-6991 without the approval of three site directors managing a site adjacent to the anomaly. Checkpoints on nearby roads are to prevent civilians from entering perimeters. Amnestics may be forcefully administered if individuals refuse to cooperate. Options for large scale safety precautions and containment are currently being researched by the Department of Geology. Description: SCP-6991 refers to the hollow interior of the Andes mountains, located in South America, containing a biosphere hosting unique biomes. Most notably, the anomaly contains flora and remnants of fauna that were publicly known as extinct, unknown, or fictional. The Llullaillaco Discovery: On 05/06/2004, Guillem Vargas, a hiker from Copiapó, Chile, went missing on a trip to the Llullaillaco.1 Since it is not uncommon to set up camp in the area, his disappearance went unnoticed for two weeks. Three days after local authorities began searching, a hole of 50 meters deep not present on any maps was found with rope leading down. All public servants were administered amnestics and bureaucratically transferred to other investigation teams. After retrieving the corpse of Guillem Vargas, a camp was set up around the hole for later exploration under the disguise of a research site for geologists and volcanologists. Addendum-1: Autopsy report Autopsy Report Deceased: Guillem Ester Leonor Vargas Identification by: Photographic comparison, dental records Age: 28⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Length: 174,2 cm Sex: Male ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Weight: 72,4 kg Nationality: Chilean Contents on body Red T-shirt, green fleece vest, and beige wind-resistant jacket. All slightly melted together onto the skin Grey striped beanie with bloodstains of circa 1-5 cm² Empty lighter Map of northern Chile and compass Stick of lip balm Visual examination Body in relatively good condition, due to isolation in the cave decaying process was delayed Body parts from the waist down are missing, colon slightly hanging out. Right forearm also missing Eyes open, brown iris slightly faded, pupils dilated Chalk stripes on the back of the jacket from presumably dragging motions Blood around the lips, sign of hemorrhagic shock2 Diagnosis 1) Brain shows signs of acidic components identical to traces found on melted clothing. Acid or otherwise unknown volatile substance may have caused hallucinations. Avulsion clearly visible. 2) Two (2) left ribs broken. 3) Liver pierced and contained a venomous substance that induces paralysis. More samples are required for further toxicologic analysis. 4) Colon hanging out of abdomen coated in a mixture of vomit and saliva. Assumably the same substance that melted clothes together on the skin. Can liquify several centimeters of flesh or clothing. Strong resemblance to insect or arachnid hunt and eating patterns. Summary Deceased suffered from exposure to acidic liquid and/or acidic fumes, piercing wounds, and amputation from its lower body3 which led to heavy blood loss. Cause of death Exsanguination Addendum-2: Further exploration The chamber marked by MTF Zeta-9. On 08/07/2004, MTF Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" started further exploration of the cavern. After 3 days of spelunking, they marked a chamber with a lake as a possible base camp location and returned for better equipment and provisions. After returning, Zeta-9 mapped down the halls in vicinity of the chamber with echolocation. One hallway's dimensions could not be measured by an amplified signal. Zeta-9 decided to maneuver towards it. 10 squad members stayed in the marked chamber to analyze surroundings and set up camp. The other 10 squad members went on the exploration mission. Logs available below. <Begin Log, [12/07/2004 03:55]> Zeta-9-1: This is commander Zeta-9-1 speaking. Starting operation in five minutes. Everyone confirm status. Zeta-9: Ready for deployment. Zeta-9-1: Confirming time, 0400, operation start. Zeta-9-8 and Zeta-9-10 scout ahead. Zeta-9-8: Affirmative. Will stay 200 meters ahead. 6 hours of content omitted for brevity. Zeta-9-10: Commander, we found a mural drawing. Suggestion for Zeta-9-6 to come to the front and make a rubbing. Zeta-9-1: I thought you scouts could do that yourself? Any reason why you need assistance of six? Zeta-9-10: Six has a degree in archaeology and I don't know what I'm looking at. I guess it's a feathered velociraptor or something but if I make a rubbing of something this old the original might not be recognizable anymore. Identifying this thing is pretty neat should we stumble upon it. Zeta-9-1: Zeta-9-6 get to the front, take some images, and make a rubbing. See if you have any idea what it resembles. Zeta-9-6: Roger that. Several minutes pass. Zeta-9-6: Zeta-9-6 here, I think this is a drawing of an Austroraptor or another species in the Dromaeosauridae family. They were native to South America in the Cretaceous period. I can't give more detailed information without consulting more sources. Zeta-9-3: So we'll have to watch out for dinosaur offspring? Zeta-9-6: I wouldn't really be worried about possible offspring. Zeta-9-1: Six, please explain why not. Zeta-9-6: Austroraptors are slightly bigger than your average man. We can take those things down with ease in these narrow halls. Zeta-9-1: Good, send us the rubbing so we can continue in standard formation. Zeta-9-6: Understood. Rubbing sent by Zeta-9-6. Zeta-9-4: Well, that's a pretty beast. Would be a nice trophy. Zeta-9-8: Better start packing boys, break's over. Scouting squad advancing. Keep a 200 meter distance. Zeta-9-1: Affirmative, keep going. 3 hours of content omitted for brevity. Zeta-9-8: Zeta-9-8 here, we've reached the end of the hall. This is- Well, you got to see this! Zeta-9-1: If it is not a dead end then what is it? Zeta-9-10: Ten speaking, we came out on a small plateau in a huge chasm. No, let me rephrase that- Zeta-9-8: The entire fucking mountain is hollow. Zeta-9-1: Wait, what? Zeta-9-5: Hold on, I think we misheard that. Zeta-9-10: No, like this thing- It's huge! Just do the last 200 meters and confirm it yourself. Here, I'll send you our view. View from the plateau from Zeta-9-10's position. Zeta-9-5: Well, I'll be damned. There are clouds down here… Zeta-9-1: Remember, we are still a few thousand meters above sea-level. Everyone, I want to do some echolocation because we are going to need a new map. I don't care how much experience we have underground, we can't afford to get lost in there. Everyone move to Eight and Ten so we can finish today's expedition. Zeta-9: Affirmative. Remaining content omitted for brevity. <End Log, [12/07/2004 14:08]> The team established contact with the other members at the base camp. Samples of the soil and vegetation were taken and a topographical map was drawn. Echolocation of the surroundings was unsuccessful due to the size of the cavern. Upon walking the perimeter, Zeta-9-3 found a pit with the remains of several unknown species. <Begin Log, [12/07/2004 20:13]> Zeta-9-3: Nine-Three here, I found a pit with bones. Requesting assistance of Nine-Six. Zeta-9-6: Zeta-9-6 here, Do you have a slight idea which species you are looking at? Zeta-9-3: I'm pretty sure our dinosaur friend is present here. Aside from that ancient bastard, I'm seeing giant snakes and other animals I can't make out what they are supposed to be. Zeta-9-6: Is this a pit like a well or a lower area? Zeta-9-3: It's kinda like a dumping ground. We can get there by foot. It's pretty accessible if you ask me. Zeta-9-6: Okay, I'll be on my way. <End Log, [12/07/2004 20:15]> Zeta-9-3 and -6 documented their findings. After further communication with the base camp and back to local sites, the species of the animals were identified. Zeta-9-6 commented on how all remains seemingly had been touched by acid or an acidic component which origin could not be determined just as the predator responsible for the carcasses. ⠀ Designation Description Determined species SCP-6991-1 Carnivorous, bipedal, theropod dinosaur. Shows signs of having feathers. Identified as the Austroraptor cabazai. Features matching with earlier found drawing. SCP-6991-2 Snake ranging from 10 to 35 meter in length with wings behind its cranium and in the middle of the spine. Likely the species which the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl is based upon. Hypothesized to be a species that took part in migration since the Aztec Empire was situated in Central America. SCP-6991-3 Ratite bird circa 2,50 meters in height. Features of the beak suggest it has a carnivorous diet. Assumed to be the Tuyango, a folklore swamp bird also known as the cannibal bird. Features similar to those of the Nandu4. Locally described as either fictional or extinct. SCP-6991-4 A fish of 4 meters in length with the head of a horse. Considered to be the mythical Piranu fish. Features resembling identical anatomy to that of the Arapaima gigas5 and criollo horses6. SCP-6991-5 Birds varying in size with metallic components that sparkle in their remains. Identified as the Alicanto, a bird from Chilean mythology that ate metals like gold and silver and shone light in the dark resembling the metal's original colour. SCP-6991-6 A snakelike skeleton of 10 meters with spikes on the cranium and certain ribs. Identified as the Araǵanaqlta’a. A viper from the folklore in the northern parts of Argentina. Zeta-9 was instructed to wait for further instructions. Addendum-3: The Andean Cloud Incident On 13/07/2004, Zeta-9 was asked if they had spotted living instances of the fauna in SCP-6991. After confirming they had not, they were tasked to explore further the next morning. <Begin Log, [14/07/2004 07:56]> Zeta-9-1: Ok, so now that everyone is present, we'll go over the operation one final time. I assume no one has objections? Silence. Zeta-9-1: Good, Eight and Ten, you will descend first from the eastern side cliff and continuously measure the air quality. Standard protocol, gas mask nearby, don't hesitate to equip it. There is enough forest here so I doubt we'll get toxic fumes in our faces like in other operations. Everyone with me so far? Zeta-9: Yes, commander. Zeta-9-1: Great, after that we will all rappel down except for Zeta-9-2 and 9-7 who will observe and map down everything from above. Zeta-9-5 will be responsible for the mapping on the ground once we're descended. How far do you think we can map the ground today? Zeta-9-5: Our current map is pretty detailed so I think I can do about fifty or sixty percent of what we cover today if you want it in great detail. I can do everything with standard markers if we take breaks and the surroundings don't have natural barriers like streams and quicksand. I am mainly counting on foresty hills. Zeta-9-1: Well then, let's get started. Twenty minutes of content omitted for brevity. Zeta-9-8: Ready for descend. 9-10, are you ready? Zeta-9-10: Affirmative, starting descend. Several minutes omitted for brevity. Birds can be heard in the background. Zeta-9-10: Going into the clouds. No toxic fumes or hazardous particles detected. Equipping gas mask as a precaution. Zeta-9-1: Roger that. Eight, how are you doing? Zeta-9-8: Even though we are high in terms of altitude, I'm not experiencing negative effects in terms of oxygen supply. I might follow Ten's example later but for now I think this gives us good estimates. Zeta-9-1: Understood, keep us informed about your situation. Zeta-9-8 and -10 are lowered until they reach the clouds. Zeta-9-8: Okay, we are going into the clouds, visibility will go down. Will keep you updated on our range of vision. I'm not having trouble breathing but the air seems more intense. Zeta-9-1: Please elaborate on what you mean with intense. Zeta-9-8: I don't know how to put it. Something feels a bit off and it is not the humidity as far as I know. Zeta-9-1: Nine-Ten, are you having the same effect with your mask on? Zeta-9-10: Yes, I am. My filter indicator hasn't changed colors so it isn't asbestos or other harmful components as in other operations but I can't put my finger on it either. Zeta-9-8: It's like we are not completely fading through the clouds. As if they are embracing us very slightly. Zeta-9-1: Analyze the quality again. We'll adjust the tempo of the descent. Zeta-9-8: Affirma- Wait. The chirping stops. Flocks of birds and winged snakes can be seen flying away. Zeta-9-1: Is there a problem? Zeta-9-10: Wait a minute, Eight are you also- Zeta-9-8: Hold up! I'm- W-What is this? Zeta-9-10: We're not going down anymore. Zeta-9-1: Hold on, did you just say- Zeta-9-3: Commander, the ropes aren't tight anymore but we aren't even halfway on the estimated distance of the descent. We can't pull them up either. Zeta-9-1: Are you still immobilized? Any update on your status? Zeta-9-10: Commander… I don't think these are clouds… These are webs. Zeta-9-1: How did you come to that conclusion? Zeta-9-10: Commander… We can see the spiders coming. Silence. Zeta-9-10: Commander, my gas mask has a camera. I'm pretty sure this footage is going to be something to log down. Zeta-9-1: I'm- Hmm. Zeta-9-3 get the live-feed displayed on one of the scanners their monitors or something. Zeta-9-8: Can you hurry, please? This is escalating quite a bit! Zeta-9-1: Zeta-9-8 what do you- Zeta-9-10: Commander, cut the ropes. Zeta-9-1: Hold on why w- Zeta-9-8: Oh, God! NO! Nononononono- Zeta-9-10: Commander, Cut the ropes! Trust me. Zeta-9-1: Zeta- Zeta-9-8: Oh, God! NO! Nononononono- Aaah! Zeta-9-1: What is going on down th- Zeta-9-8: Unintelligible screaming. Zeta-9-3: Commander… this footage… God, it's disgusting! Zeta-9-1: Let me see! I need to know the situation. Footage shows Zeta-9-8 being swarmed by spiders of an unknown species, which enter his mouth and eyes before proceeding to eat him alive both from the in- and outside. Zeta-9-10: Are you guys going to get out of here already? Cut the rope and run damnit! A large undetermined spider can be seen moving towards Zeta-9-10. Zeta-9-3: Ten, there is a- Zeta-9-10: I know. I know… It's the mother. Zeta-9-1: It has been an honor Zeta-9-10. The ropes are cut and fall down. Zeta-9-10: Now get the fuck out of here! Footage shows Zeta-9-10 being vomited on by the spider, from here on designated as SCP-6991-7. His armor and flesh liquify from acid components, SCP-6991-7 bites him, and imbibes the flesh. The footage becomes distorted as the camera is corroding before cutting out. Zeta-9-1: Everyone get in full gear, inform the other camps, and go back into the hallway! Leave all non-essentials behind, we're leaving NOW! Oh, and Zeta-9-3? Zeta-9-3: Yes, commander? Zeta-9-1: Prepare to blow up the entrance. Several minutes of content omitted for brevity. Zeta-9-1: Zeta-9-3, how far is the safety perimeter of the explosion? Zeta-9-3: In an open field it would be about 100 meters. In these tight hallways, the curves and elevation difference should be enough coverage to protect us from flying debris. I would watch out for stalactites but we should seal the entrance rather fast. I hear tickling legs in the distance. Zeta-9-1: Zeta-9-6, you're at the front with 9-2, right? Can you see any stalactites? Zeta-9-2: Nine-two here, Six is just behind me. The nearest stalactites are about 300 meters ahead. Zeta-9-1: Good, Zeta-9-3, feel free to detonate. Zeta-9-3: Roger that. An explosion can be heard followed by falling rubble and screeching. Zeta-9-1: You ok? Zeta-9-3: Sighs. I'm fine. My eardrums just hurt a bit. Zeta-9-1: There is not a lot of time to rest but let us know if you are feeling unwell. Everyone start the ascend. Zeta-9-4, any word from the basecamp or the surface? Zeta-9-4: Negative, will continue my attempts. Zeta-9-1: They better be ready when we get there. Several hours of content cut for brevity. Zeta-9-1: I hear tickling behind us. The spiders are coming. From the echoes, I don't think it's only the small ones. Everyone prepare for contact. Zeta-9-3: Fuck… Zeta-9-1: Is there a problem Nine-Three? Zeta-9-3: Well, I thought I would hear them as well but… Zeta-9-1: Don't tell me your ears are still- Zeta-9-3: Yeah. Zeta-9-1: Don't worry, we'll get it checked out once we reach the surface. Zeta-9-3: That's the commander for ya, never giving up. Sighs. Let's be realistic, there is still a huge way to go and we're running out of time. Zeta-9-1: … Zeta-9-3: Take this. Zeta-9-1: Why would you give me all the explosives?! Zeta-9-3: Not all the explosives. Zeta-9-1: Wait, what- Zeta-9-3: Go on, I have a plan. Zeta-9-1: I'm not letting you do that Nine-Three… Zeta-9-3: Commander, I'm currently more a liability that will slow us down or get one of us killed anyway. With my weapons and this, I can buy the time you desperately need. Zeta-9-1: Zeta-9-3 you- Zeta-9-3: Just go! Or do you want to get blasted eardrums as well? Zeta-9-1: … Zeta-9-2: I hate to say it commander, but he is right. Nine-Three, it was an honor. Zeta-9-3: Same here, now get moving! Zeta-9-1: Goddamn, Nine-Three… Goddamn… Several hours of content cut for brevity. Zeta-9-6: We made it to the camp. Damn, I'm happy to see this cavern again! Zeta-9-2: Yeah, but the other men seem to have left. Sighs. Figures… Zeta-9-1: Please, tell me your joking. Zeta-9-2: I'm not Sir. You can check yourself. Zeta-9-1: You bet I will! Give me a minute. Several minutes pass. Zeta-9-1: Where is everyone? Where the fuck is everyone?! Zeta-9-4, any contact with the surface? Zeta-9-4: Negative. Can't get through. Zeta-9-1: Search for a terminal between the gear they left. They must have left in a hurry and left some things behind. Several minutes pass. Zeta-9-4: Commander, they seem to have disabled two-way communication wtih the surface. I can only send encrypted data to them. Zeta-9-1: Anything else? Zeta-9-6: Most of the explosives are missing and the hallway to the surface is sealed. I'm afraid we have become collateral. They probably sealed the surface as well. Zeta-9-4: So what is the plan now? Face the spiders guns blazing until we run out of ammo? Zeta-9-1: We are going to upload our cam footage, gather the remaining explosives, and force our way back to the surface. We'll show them what Zeta-9, the underground Mobile Task Force is made of. We may be buried, but we ain't dead just yet. Zeta-9-6: So, what do we do when the spiders come out? Zeta-9-1: Well, this chamber has way more stalactites than the hall we just left. Shoot the ceiling and make it rain. Zeta-9-2: Commander, that in combination with the explosives will make the chamber collapse. Zeta-9-1: That's what I am counting on. If we don't succeed, they won't either. <End Log, [14/07/2004 21:36]> On the night from 14/07/2004 to 15/07/2004, an underground collapse caused the conduit of the Llullaillaco to widen which caused the volcano to become active again. After several relatively small eruptions, new entrances to SCP-6991 were discovered in the Central Andes region and subsequently sealed. Additionally, further studies indicate that several cities in Chile and Argentina are sinking into the ground at a faster rate. Reports blaming urbanization and the heavy pumping in groundwater basins were released to the public. A sustainable permanent solution for a large scale containment breach has yet to be found. Footnotes 1. An active stratovolcano on the border of Chile and Argentina with an altitude of circa 6700 meters. 2. Condition that happens after losing too much blood, causing the heart to fail to deliver enough blood to other organs and result in organ failure. 3. Not necessarily in the given order 4. Ratite known as Rhea americana. 5. The largest fish in the amazon commonly known as the pirarucu. 6. Horse breed native to South America. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6991" by Sirslash47, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Llullaillaco.jpg Name: Llullaillaco Sunset.jpg License: Public domain Date: 19 July 2006 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Author: Lion Hirth (Prissantenbär on Wikimedia Commons) Filename: Cavern Name: 140823 Märchendom Saalfelder Feengrotten.jpg License: CC BY 3.0 (DE) Date: 23 August 2014 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Author: Ansgar Koreng Attribution: Ansgar Koreng / CC BY 3.0 (DE) Note: I cut part of the bottom off because of upload problems with the full image. Looking back, I also like it more. Filename: Utahraptor Name: Utahraptor sketch.jpg License: CC 3.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons Author: Ornitholestes Filename: Mountain.jpg Name: Misty mountain of Sri lanka.jpg Date: 2 December 2017 License: CC 4.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons Author: Hpjperera84
"And send over that SCP-6992 draft as soon as possible. Any more issues can be sorted amongst yourselves. Goodbye." The Administrator closed his antiquated flip phone and placed it back within its charging cradle on the wall. Picking up a cup of steaming coffee and taking a measured sip he let out a sigh of content as the caffeine energised his tired body despite the effect being quite diminished from one too many cups. Walking through the dreary hallway of Site-00, the only occupant of the facility entered his office and headed for the computer terminal of considerable age sat upon the desk, pausing briefly to give the well-loved and well kept potted house plant in the corner of the room a suspicious glance. Sitting at the terminal he placed his cup down next to the keyboard before resting his tired fingers upon the keys. Lightly tapping the enter key just once brought up the search he had been running on the forbidden database, the one that only he knew of and had access to: the collective knowledge of the past Foundations or their equivalents, saved on an anomalous server in a location even he didn't know. The knowledge of those that came before was a powerful thing, only to be used in extreme circumstances. The circumstance with SCP-6992 wasn't extreme yet but he had to know what happened, and why it happened. He had already searched through countless articles and messages over the past week yet remained no closer to solving the mystery. Moving the weathered trackball mouse, he clicked on the latest entry... And read it. Object #: SCP-6992 Specific Containment Parameters: SCP-6992 instances attempting to breach Foundation sites and areas must be eradicated by any means necessary. Preservation of Foundation personnel and locations required to maintain containment on SCP objects is highest priority. All edible stockpiles containing flora matter of any kind must be incinerated. At no point should Foundation personnel come in contact with or be in proximity of any natural planetary flora unless strictly required in regards to eradication. Any non-Foundation personnel attempting to access Foundation sites and areas must be searched for concealed flora before admittance is granted. Concealed flora are to be eradicated. It's too late, its the end. I'm sorry. -The Administrator Information: SCP-6992 is an anomaly affecting all natural flora upon the planetary body designated as Earth. First stage of the anomaly (documented 02/21/1979) is the increased growth rate of planetary flora starting with flora commonly referred to as weeds. The anomaly soon spreads to affect all flora on a global scale with the growth rate increasing to 400% of a flora's usual estimated growth period. What initially caused the anomaly to appear is unknown. The second stage of the anomaly (documented 08/13/1991) is the ability for flora to grow roots on surfaces made of almost any material. Observation has documented flora samples growing on wood, titanium, cement and glass. The roots of flora within materials such as these weakens the strength of the material, damaging floors and walls with an increased likelihood of structural collapse if the flora are not eradicated. Growth rate for flora upon surface materials that aren't earth soil are dependant on the density of the material. The growth rate of flora rooting within a block of lead was an estimated 200% below current growth rates. The third and current stage of the anomaly (documented (09/01/2006) is a second increase in the growth rate of flora, tripling the effect of the first stage. Flora now can grow to full maturity anywhere, within a few days and regardless of surface material. At this point, standard containment of SCP-6992 outside of Foundation sites and areas is now impossible. All Foundation efforts are to be redirected to maintaining current locations for as long as possible. Additional: Incident 6992-1 On 11/05/2006 Foundation personnel at Site-05 were authorised to use the anomalous abilities of a KETER-class reality-bender SCP to contain or eradicate SCP-6992. SCP-7076 was instructed by its researchers to "wish all the plants to become normal." At approximately 07:19 on 11/05 SCP-7076's anomalous power activated. All planetary flora worldwide were transmogrified into caucasian middle aged men with facial appearances identical to the researchers assigned to SCP-7076. All transmogrified instances of SCP-6992 immediately became hostile to Foundation personnel. I take responsibility. It was my proposal to use Seventy-Six like that, and it fucked us. We can only assume that when it was used to make the flora become normal, its powers turned the flora into what Seventy-Six perceived as normal, which turned out to be the research staff assigned to it. I've lost contact with almost every location now, I think I might be the last one left. I have no choice but to activate the Reset Protocol. There's no saving this world anymore. For those that come after us, DO NOT USE REALITY BENDERS. I cannot stress that enough. Their powers are unpredictable and they always come with a cost, a cost we have paid in blood. We failed. I'm so sorry. -The Administrator The Administrator took another sip of his beverage, exhausted eyes staring at the last words on the screen. How many times had he seen that particular warning now? How many of his predecessors chose not to heed it or never saw it until it was too late? He glanced back at the potted plant. He had to continue the search. Time could be running out. The next record after that was from a Foundation that never saw 6992 coming until it was too late. He couldn't blame them for that though, no Foundation would be ready for something like that in 1898. More records were skimmed over, all from Foundations that had SCP-6992 occur much earlier than the others. It was frankly miraculous that these instances had found SCP-2000 and used Procedure Lazarus-01 in time, he had thought as he barely gave them a glance. He paused at the next record on the displayed list. No documentation, only a video file. . His curiosity mildly piqued, he clicked on it... And it began to play. The face of an old woman filled the screen, her skin wrinkled with advanced age and pale with the absence of sunlight for so long. It made him wonder how long she had been down here by herself. "This is a video message to the next cycle, if there is another one. Like those that came before us, we have failed in our duty to secure, contain and protect this fragile existence we call life. Not for a lack of trying I'll have you know." She seemed to catch herself from going on a tirade with a heavy sigh, the creak of her chair as she shifted caught on the video. "Best start at the beginning I suppose. SCP-6992. The damn plants had to go and become an anomaly on our asses didn't they? 92 years dedicated to the botanical sciences, all down the proverbial drain. "Started sometime in the 90's, can't remember the exact date but we noticed it round the same time everyone else did. Plants growing at an advanced rate, started with common garden weeds before spreading to the flowers, then the crops, the bushes, the trees…" She waved a hand. "You get the picture. At the time I was excited, not often these old bones get to do some botanical research these days. Containment was complicated, but we managed it. Required us having to invest rather heavily in many gardening and agricultural enterprises, but it was all necessary to maintain the Veil." Her face fell. "Then the GOC in all their blundering stupidity did what they do best: something very moronic. I don't know if you have the Global Occult Coalition in your cycle or if they act the same, but for us they loved to destroy anything that even smelled anomalous. So you can imagine their faces when all the plants on the planet turned out to be one giant SCP." Despite the sullen look she gave a small chuckle at the thought. "They were hopping mad, trying to stop everyone from touching plants, working with plants, hell they even funded this massive campaign to get everyone to become pure meat eaters. Didn't have to interfere with that, the combined might of vegans and vegetarians handled that! "It was all pretty funny, up until they deployed a highly contagious virus with anomalous properties, engineered to kill off all the plants. We stopped laughing then." She looked away from the camera for a moment. "In hindsight we should've been more active in our GOI counter-ops, but what was done was done. What they did broke my heart, but I knew what was coming with 6992. I hated myself for not stopping it but at the time I weighed it as a necessary evil. I was so horribly wrong." A single tear rolled down her wrinkled skin. "Within a matter of days the GOC's virus mutated rapidly out of control. It stopped killing the plants and started killing everything else. Animals, insects, humans. No idea if 6992 caused the mutation or not, but within a week we had a global epidemic on our hands and the death toll was in the thousands. By the end of the month, it was millions. We poured everything we had into trying to stop what we called SCP-6001 by that point. It took five billion lives and almost a year to do but we contained it. Eradicated it." The camera panned back, revealing a room with practically every surface covered in beautiful blooming flowers of all colours. "As you can see, SCP-6992 reached it's third stage in that time. Seems like its stages advance more quickly if it isn't being actively combatted or contained. I knew the fight was lost by that point. We failed to contain it, too busy trying to stop another SCP. I've already initiated the Lazarus Protocol. Don't have any choice." She wiped her eyes free of tears with a shaking withered hand. "Whoever you are, wherever you are, keep these three words burning alive. Secure, contain, protect. This is the Administrator, signing off for the last time." She raised her arm in a shaky salute. The video ended after that. The Administrator grimly returned the salute to the screen. "Predecessor, rest well. Those words have meaning and purpose more so than ever." He reached for his cup and tried to take a sip, only to find cool dregs at the bottom. With a disgruntled sigh he set the cup down. He was nearing the end, a refill on caffeine could wait a while. After allowing a moment to stretch his sore muscles he went back to the search, his eyes passing over dozens of records and articles, reading the similar pattern of words again and again. The plants became anomalous, someone tried to contain them, the containment failed as usual, and whoever was left was forced to have hope that the people that came next would fix it. Hope that the cycle of life, death, and reset would end. The Foundations tried everything it seemed like. One attempted to engineer a virus like in the last video, and just like that virus it went out of control very fast turning humans into the walking dead. Others leaned heavily on the use of anomalies in their containment of SCP-6992; most failed, some backfired. One even caused a completely different XK Scenario to occur. Unsurprisingly several Foundations ignored the warnings of the past and tried to use reality-benders as a means of containment. It went as well as one would expect. In fact, one Foundation's folly led to 6992 developing a new fourth stage where the plants were able to root and grow from the flesh of humans and animal life like a fungal infection, an effect that reappeared in every iteration after its creation. The Administrator was starting to lose hope, the bottom of the list of past records was coming up alarmingly fast. Was his Foundation about to face the same fate? Was this a truly endless cycle? At just over a dozen records from the end of the list he was on the verge of giving up. So lost in his thoughts and worries that he clicked the next record open on autopilot, and had to pause the video and rewind it to make sure he heard it correctly. . "The cycle ends today." He blinked in surprise. An elderly African American man using a sleek metal cane to keep himself standing stared defiantly through the screen at the Administrator. Unlike the other videos, recorded in a room of Site-00, this one appeared to be filmed within one of the other Sites with the SCP emblem prominently visible in the background. "The cycle ends today." He declared with a voice full of authority and determination. He still had hope. "To whomever comes after us, listen very carefully. We have been trapped in an endless cycle with an anomalous effect frequently designated as SCP-6992 in previous iterations for long enough that I can't even access the first records of its appearance. They're buried deep under thousands and thousands of failures, of broken dreams and false hopes. I spent my first month as the Foundation's Administrator combing through every single record on this anomaly, and I have found a solution." He flashed a smile at the camera. "it's clear that the Foundation alone cannot stop SCP-6992 from manifesting and spreading. But two Foundations - or three, or as many as it takes - working together one after the other to continue the work started by us, by those that come after us… we might have a chance. "I spent the entire resources of my Foundation not focused on maintaining containment to research ways to contain SCP-6992. Several showed promise, but none of them we can achieve by ourselves. No one can, no one has enough time to get far enough by themselves." He reached into his lab coat and pulled out an external hard drive. "On here are sixty years of research and planning. We laid the groundwork, now you must continue it. And when your time reaches its end, pass it on. Keep the message going, keep giving them hope. The contents of this drive will be stored on the forbidden database. We'll also leave messages in areas not affected by the Reset Procedure such as SCP-2000, so someone knows to actually check the database in time." He glanced to the side as someone from off camera spoke in a hushed tone that the video failed to capture properly. He gave them a grim nod before facing the camera again with a sad smile. "I'm afraid our time is up. The fourth stage has started to emerge, and as much as I love a beautiful flower I do not plan on becoming a human sized plant pot for one. You know what to do." Someone handed him what was unmistakably a handgun which he took in one hand. He looked it over for a moment before smilling ruefully at the camera. "Good luck to you all. Secure, contain, protect." He raised the barrel of the weapon to his head. The video ended before the trigger was pulled. The Administrator checked and just as his predecessor had said there were hundreds of files dedicated to containing SCP-6992 attached with the video file. He was tempted to check them for their possible solutions and see what his Foundation could use, but there were still more records left. Only a handful now, but unlike the ones that came before each one had the actual, real promise of success. Eager with anticipation he left his desk and moved as swiftly as he could to grab more coffee. He needed to stay awake just a little longer, long enough to check the last records. To see what was left to be done. The next video was of an older gentlemen that reminded him of Clef, addressing him from the same room that he sat in now. He reported that some of the options from the last video were dead ends, but others showed promise. He announced that his Foundation would pool all of its efforts into the research needed for just one of the solutions: nanomachines smaller than the cells in a plant or a human. He explained that the science involved in making sure the nanomachines could stop the anomaly, keep themselves hidden so the Veil could be preserved, and to persist after the Lazarus Procedure would take several lifetimes to fully calculate and be understood. "Fortunately there's only an infinite amount of Foundation iterations left after us. I think we might get it done with time to spare," he told the camera with a wink and a smirk. They couldn't work on it any more, but the promise remained. "It's up to you now, whoever you are. Keep working with us, and those after you. We can do this!" He had declared triumpthantly as the video ended. The next video announced that work on developing the nanomachines was progressing slowly. Snags were hit with achieving the three requirements, but they were confident that the work could be achieved. The Foundation after them did what they could also, but didn't get much further. The Administrator could see the hope in his predecessor's eyes waiver as she relayed the news. The ones after them however reaffirmed that hope. Breakthroughs were made, plans for factories to build the machines and the plans for the nanites themselves were developed and refined repeatedly, each Foundation wanting to make sure that when it came time to contain SCP-6992 at last, it would work. The mouse cursor hovered over the last record, the one most recently added. The Administrator had to temper his emotions, though that feeling of doubt crept back in. There had been no messages left by the last Foundation. No words of guidance or warning like what had been left for the others were found. Did they succeed? Was it finally over? . He clicked on the last video. It began to play. The video opened with a smartly dressed middle aged woman standing behind the podium that bore the emblem of the Foundation superimposed over a symbol of Earth. It strangely reminded him of the White House press room. She smiled warmly as she gave the camera a brief wave of the hand. "Hello, my name is Samantha Flowers. I'm the 34th President of the SCP Coalition. The date is August the 12th, 2092. I am talking to you from Site-32 located on the Moon, and I hopefully have good news to give you. "If you have seen the other videos and records before this one then you know the impossible cause many have lived and died for. If you haven't, then please do so now. You wouldn't want anything spoilt." She chuckled and waited for a moment before continuing. "Okay then, in the last video our predecessors had refined the plans for the anomaly's containment to near perfection. Our Foundation decided that our iteration would be the one to make it a reality. They did the math and calculated the average time it took for SCP-6992 to manifest, and they realised they couldn't achieve full production and a sufficient quantity of the nanites in time, especially given the technological limitations of 1921, the year they learnt of all this. "So they took a different path to all the other Foundations; not only did they go public, but they went for total global unity. Considering some of the horrors and anomalies they had contained by then, I wasn't surprised that they brought the whole world together in just five years, united under three words: secure, contain, protect." The camera panned up to reveal the three words written in white on a black background just out of sight in the original shot, before focusing on Samantha again. "The entire world started to work on the factories which would build the nanites. We thought we could do it in time, but we weren't so lucky. 1968 was when SCP-6992's first stage manifested. The President at the time knew that unless the plan was changed, it would be delayed to the next cycle once again. He was determined not to let that happen. So we switched focuses from containment to the stars. We spent fifty years getting as many people as we could off the Earth and onto space stations, the Moon, and other planets. SCP-120 was a big help in that regard." Her smile faded as her face became forlorn. "The fourth stage manifested in early 2014. We were forced to leave the remaining population of Earth to die, and shot down any spacecraft that tried to make orbit. We didn't have a choice, SCP-6992 could not be allowed to leave the planet. We watched from space as the last lights of Earth went out one by one until the planet went dark, choked to death by its own nature. "Turns out that if SCP-6992 continues until it covers every inch of the planet, when there's no humans or animals or insects to help maintain the balance of nature, then the plants can't survive. Some hardy species that didn't require any intervention or help from fauna survived, but an estimated 90% of all flora species went extinct by 2080." She gave a sad shrug. "No one to spread pollen, to scatter seeds or to temper growth. Some people thought nature had turned against us, but the sad truth is that nature was always against itself." She took a deep breath and dabbed at her eyes with a pocket hankerchief. "But hopefully that won't happen to you. From the safety of space we had all the time and resources we ever needed to manufacture the nanites and an orbital delivery system that guaranteed global coverage, with the nanites to be distributed as soon as our cycle ends. As I speak, an expedition is on its way to SCP-2000 to initiate what we call Procedure Lazarus-01 but what the previous iterations have called the Reset Protocol amongst other variations." She walked out from behind the podium and closer to the camera. "Unike the previous iterations, who reset everything to a point just before the creation of the Foundation, we're turning back the clock to June 8th, 1921. The day we first learnt of SCP-6992. Its our hope that you and your Foundation won't have to worry about SCP-6992 at all, and the most concern you'll ever have is figuring out what you are going to give the number to instead of this. "That said, it's equally as likely that this plan fails. In which case its up to you to start this new cycle of cooperation all over again. Inspire and give hope to those after you." She gave the camera a wry smile. "No pressure, right?" She lifted her arm and activated a holographic display from her wristwatch, checking a series of unintelligible notes. "And that's everything. We'll never know if this works or not, but even as our cycle ends and yours begins I can at least dream that we did everything right, that we finally contained SCP-6992 and brought an end to this never-ending torment. "So, future Administrator or President or whatever you're called. Good luck." She saluted the camera with a look of determination. The video ended with a cut to three white words on a black screen beneath a familiar emblem. The Administrator leaned back in his chair trying to rub the tiredness from his eyes, but his exhaustion failed to dampen the smile on his face. "So that explains that…" he mumbled to himself. Now he knew the whole story. Or at least enough of it. His speakers emitted a cheerful electronic chirp and he sat up straight. There was a new email in his inbox from the O5 Council with the latest draft of SCP-6992. Fighting off the grip of sleep one last time he opened the email and opened the draft. . Proposed6992Draft.rtf Opening file... THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT IS A PROPOSED DRAFT AND SHOULD NOT BE USED AS AN OFFICIAL REFERENCE OR DOCUMENTATION Item #: SCP-6992 Special Containment Procedures: Foundation assets are to monitor the fields of botany, biology and nanotechnology for any references or mentions of SCP-6992 and run disinformation and discredit campaigns where necessary to suppress the existence of SCP-6992. Experimentations of nanotechnology upon plant-based life are to be prevented by any means necessary. Description: SCP-6992 is a series of square-shaped nanites approximately 1 μm in diameter with the logo of the SCP Foundation printed upon the surface with limbs consisting of a fixed needle-like appendage on one side and approximately twelve flexible appendages for locomotion on all other sides. SCP-6992 is unable to be observed within the light spectrum and cannot be viewed via non-anomalous means. Samples of SCP-6992 show no identifiable anomalous materials used to construct it. SCP-6992 is present within all plant life on Earth and has yet to be found in any animal life, insect life or human life as of 04/23/2031. The population cannot be accurately calculated but is theorised to be in the octillions based on the average population density within a collection of surveyed hosts. Analysis reveals seeds forming with instances of SCP-6992 already present within them. Non-flora life forms consuming plant material with the nanites present have shown no adverse affects and the nanites are destroyed by the digestion process with no trace remains found within samples of excrement. SCP-6992 has to date displayed only two directives. The first directive is self-replication, using minerals obtained from within their host plants to reproduce. Current instances will fabricate replacements for older instances or impregnate developing seeds within a plant to allow SCP-6992 to spread when the seeds are removed. The second directive remains unknown. Observations and testing are currently in progress to identify the second directive. SCP-6992 has been observed to use its needle-like appendages to pierce the nucleus of plant cells as part of this directive. Examinations of plant cells and their nuclei before and after SCP-6992 instances perform its second directive show no changes or alterations. SCP-6992 was discovered during testing of an electron microscope with anomalous properties.1 Despite bearing the logo of the SCP Foundation, no records regarding the creation and distribution of SCP-6992 have been found. Origins remain unknown. He smiled ruefully. "I suppose time will tell if they managed to break the cycle. Though…" He stretched once more. "I feel hopeful indeed." Stifling a yawn he downloaded the draft and set to work editing a copy, using documents provided by the previous cycles to supply the information for his changes. Several hours and another cup of coffee later and two versions of SCP-6992 documentation sat in a folder on the screen. He sent the original draft back in an email to the O5, approving its contents but advising it to be restricted to Level 5 clearance. The edited copy remained exclusive to him and those that came after. "Let them live in blissful ignorance," he told the only other thing in the room. Turning in his chair to face the potted plant, he gave it a smile. "What surprises do you have for us next, I wonder?" he asked the plant, which predictably didn't respond. It didn't need to. One last task before he could finally rest. His edited copy of the draft was sent to the forbidden database, hopefully the last time the records of SCP-6992 will ever be updated. Turning off his computer and giving the plant a respectful nod, he left the room and shuffled in the direction of his sleeping quarters. For the first time in days, the Administrator dreamed of a happy tomorrow. . SCP-6992 SCP-6992 Item #: SCP-6992 Special Containment Procedures: Foundation assets are to monitor the fields of botany, biology and nanotechnology for any references or mentions of SCP-6992-1 and run disinformation and discredit campaigns where necessary to suppress the existence of SCP-6992-1. Experimentations of nanotechnology upon plant-based life are to be prevented by any means necessary. As SCP-6992-1 is the current method of containing SCP-6992-2, all efforts are to focus on maintaining containment and concealment of SCP-6992-1. Description: SCP-6992 refers to two seperate but related anomalies affecting the natural flora of Earth. SCP-6992-1 is a series of square-shaped nanites approximately 1 μm in diameter with the logo of the SCP Foundation printed upon the surface with limbs consisting of a fixed needle-like appendage on one side and approximately twelve flexible appendages for locomotion on all other sides. SCP-6992-1 is unable to be observed within the light spectrum and cannot be viewed via non-anomalous means. Samples of SCP-6992-1 show no identifiable anomalous materials used to construct it. SCP-6992-1 is present in all plant life on Earth and cannot be found in any animal life, insect life or human life currently. The population cannot be accurately calculated but is theorized to be in the octillions based on the average population density within a collection of surveyed hosts. Analysis reveals seeds forming with instances of SCP-6992-1 already present within them. Non-flora life forms consuming plant material with the nanites present have shown no adverse affects and the nanites are presumed destroyed by digestion as no trace remains within samples of excrement. SCP-6992-1 has to date displayed only two directives. The first directive is self-replication, using minerals obtained from within their host plants to reproduce. Current instances will fabricate replacements for older instances or impregnate developing seeds within a plant to allow SCP-6992-1 to spread. The second directive is to contain SCP-6992-2 by the genetic modification of the host plant's DNA to prevent or suppress manifestation. Observations of the nanites have shown them using the needle-like appendage to pierce the nucleus of cells, presumably for the editing or transfer of genetic information contained within. SCP-6992-2 is a spontaneous anomaly that affects all known plant life on Earth regardless of origin. The manifestation of SCP-6992-2's effects cannot be accurately predicted but records from previous Foundation iterations show a manifestation period between 1898 and 20212. SCP-6992-2 has four stages. The first stage is the accelerated growth rate of plant life, spreading gradually from species to species but always starting with plants commonly identified as weeds. The second stage is instantaneous for all plant species, allowing plants to root and grow from almost any material currently known to the Foundation. The growth rate is dependant on the density of the material with plants showing decreased growth times in lead alloy surfaces compared to aluminium alloy surfaces. The third stage is a second accelerated growth rate, tripling the rate of growth from the first stage. The fourth and final stage is the ability for plants to sprout in and grow from living flesh. Records from previous Foundation iterations show this fourth stage is lethal with time until death dependant on the species of plant growing from the infected. So far SCP-6992-2 has been successfully contained and prevented from manifestation as of 04/23/2031. Note from the Administrator: 04/23/2031 Mission accomplised. Footnotes 1. Item is currently undergoing review process for SCP classification. 2. The earliest recorded and latest recorded manifestation date respectively. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6992" by MightyMightyena, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item#: SCP-6993 Level4 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: florgalana Disruption Class: gevurah Risk Class: danger link to memo Item #: SCP-6993 Special Containment Procedures: Foundation personnel with Level 2 Clearance and above are to report for bimonthly psychological evaluations and medical checkups to test for the presence of SCP-6993. Personnel affected by SCP-6993 are to be temporarily suspended and put on a monthly 12 hour regimen of full-immersion VR recuperative therapy. Following this, personnel are allowed to return to work, and are to be monitored for anomalous changes to their physiology as a result of SCP-6993. All Foundation personnel are to be monitored for signs of Stage 1 SCP-6993, as well as abnormal increases in nootropic sales from Foundation Site pharmacies. Antinootropic drugs2 are to be periodically used to suppress SCP-6993 within personnel at this stage. Personnel with Stage 2 or Stage 3 SCP-6993 are to be considered irrecoverable, and are to be discreetly terminated in a remote open location. The corpses are only to be recovered after a Laniakea-6993 Event has occurred in all terminated individuals. Description: SCP-6993 is an anomalous psychoneurological condition characterized by abnormal deformation of neuronal and axonal tissue within the brain without any clear origin nor severe detriment to the affected individual that typically accompanies deformation of analogous magnitudes. SCP-6993 can be divided into several stages of advancement. Stage 0 - Little to no changes in cognitive ability, minor behavioral changes identifiable via psychological evaluation. Noticeable deviations from average baseline human tractography3 visible via KRT (Khevtuul Replica Tractography) scans. Stage 1 - Prodromal stage. Heightened cognitive ability, may be misdiagnosed as acquired savant syndrome. Numerous secondary neurological conditions may be reported, such as synesthesia4 and hyperanamnesia5. Significant behavioral changes. Major progressive deviation from average baseline human tractography. Negligible deformation of brain structure and emission of gamma radiation from the head. Progression of the anomaly may be suppressed indefinitely at this stage via the regular application of antinootropics. Stage 2 - Active stage. Cognitive ability randomly fluctuates, accompanied with rapid onset of behavioral, cognitive, and functional neurological disorders. Significant deformation of brain structure and surrounding tissues. Considerable emission of gamma radiation from the head. Tractography is not advised at this stage due to constant reconnection of dendrites. Progression of SCP-6993 considered irreversible. Stage 3 - Residual stage. Severe to total loss of motor function due to disorders developed at Stage 2 and/or deformation of physiology. Cognitive ability stabilizes. No further deformation to the brain or head recorded. Precedes a Laniakea-6993 Event. The beginning of a Laniakea-6993 Event is characterized by a spike in gamma radiation emission, real-time deformation of the brain and head, and rapid fluctuation of cognitive ability. The brain of individuals undergoing a Laniakea-6993 Event are observed to emit a broad range of electromagnetic radiation throughout. The Event ends after the brain of the individual undergoes a violent outwards expansion, terminating the individual, if still alive, before recoalescing into a bright, levitating, spinning disc of hot radioactive cerebral tissue and blood, designated SCP-6993-ω. Instances of SCP-6993-ω have been observed to rotate at several hundred km/s without deterioration of its constituent viscera, and maintain an internal temperature between 900,000 to 8,000,000 degrees Kelvin. Shortly after their creation, SCP-6993-ω instances begin accelerating upwards, vaporizing most obstacles in its way before leaving the Earth's atmosphere. The Foundation has thus far failed to contain any SCP-6993-ω instance. While the exact criteria for an individual to develop SCP-6993 is unclear, it has been understood that several factors greatly increase the risk of such an occurrence, including the following; The individual has ideated multiple complex and/or esoteric concepts within a short period of time. The individual has been recently subjected to psychological stresses for extensive periods of time. Following extensive testing and observation of control groups, it has been determined that SCP-6993 is unlikely to arise in baseline civilian populations due to the absence of any requirement for the continued ideation of complex and/or esoteric concepts. The presence of SCP-6993 has not been recorded in any known GoIs. SCP-6993 is believed to almost exclusively develop in Foundation personnel as a direct result of the unique cognitive load required for the successful continuation of its directives at desirable efficiency. This has been corroborated by the fact that all recorded instances of SCP-6993 had developed in active Foundation personnel. SCP-6993 has been assigned as Flor Galana Class and Gevurah Disruption Class6, due to the inability of the Foundation to completely contain it without compromising efficiency and effectiveness in the development of containment procedures and general anomalous research. Addendum 6993.01: Dr. Marcus Kaufman was a researcher assigned to SCP-6993, and was promoted to Senior Researcher following numerous contributions to several projects, including the study of SCP-6993, most of which were derived from self-observation. An excerpt from the diary of Dr. Marcus Kaufman is attached. 12/03/20 Another power outage today, Research Wing B. This is the third time in a month, it's a miracle we haven't had a containment breach yet. I write this entry by candlelight as I mourn the demise of our electric w Never mind, the lights are back. Good thing too, positioning my phone flashlight correctly was getting tiring. Back to work. There appears to be an issue with back-up generators 1 to 4, I had the engineers look at it but they tell me they haven't been trained in anomalous adiabatic engineering. I swear to god, the standards we lower ourselves to these days. I will be taking this up with Admin soon. Can't make the theory work. I know how the anomaly works, and how the people affected by it end up, but fuck if I know what happens in the middle. Trent's speculated that the neurons undergo an analogue of Wrighton's Syndrome but I disagree. We haven't seen secondary symptoms, and I call bullshit on labelling it a bootleg Wrighton's for that. I know I'm right on this. I'm so close. 06/04/20 Success! Called Trent out on his bullshit, AND got my working theory accepted for consideration by the very good Project Head Fred. KRT is coming in at 3, looking forward to verify it. Hope the subject doesn't expire before we hook him up to the machine. Can't wait to see Trent's face when I give the demonstration. This may be the greatest work I have written since that one paper that made the Foundation scout me out. Can't let them down now, especially Fred. fuck fuck fuck fuck I made a mistake a massive fucking mistake How the fuck did I miss the arteries???????????FUCK I don't dare show my face in front of Fred anymore. Got called out by him at the KRT demonstration in front of half the neurology dept. A few tiny blood vessels just invalidated 7 months 7 FUCKING MONTHS OF WORK. MY WORK. Not to mention any shred of confidence he has left in my capabilities, I'm sure of it. TRENT the SMUG BASTARD was snickering in the corner I fucking saw him do it. I am seriously considering resigning and hiding in a hole for the rest of my life. Maybe I should go back to John Hopkins, but do they even remember me anymore? Fuck. 18/04/20 Back on my bullshit. Redrafting the theory, this time taking the arterial networks into account wrt deformation. KRT is a huge help and a sore reminder of my hubris. Axonal tissue deformation is consistent with early stage DHCC atrophy. Anterior lateral arteries intact, at least for our patient here. I honestly didn't expect to get anything concrete this quick but I can't argue with the findings. This'll show them all, Fred, Trent, the lot of them. I have confidence in my ability as a neurologist. I can see how everything fits together. The anomaly is different from what we have in our records, deformation is surprisingly consistent from certain angles. It's not random, and it's not a transmissible disease. I can prove it. I must. 25/04/20 Fred reviewed the paper. So far so good, he says. He also dropped an apology for last week's incident. I know he's not actually sorry, I could tell from his intonation. I've heard plenty other lies today. Power outage at Research Wing B again. The engineer that was supposed to be on shift was wheeled out on a stretcher, I suspect she's been affected by 6993 as well. Checked the adiabatic engine myself, apparently she wasn't only fixing up the engine, she was improving it. Honestly I'm impressed with what she's come up with to mitigate the Hawton dissipation effect. It was incomplete, but I did what I could to finish what she started. It's like a puzzle, but sometimes you have to make your own pieces. Everything has become a lot easier to do recently. Can't complain. 01/05/20 Work has caught the eye of the higher-ups. Whether this entails a promotion or suspicion remains to be seen. I've done nothing wrong? Can't explain how I'm blitzing through work, I guess. Got a promotion, now assigned to the main team on 6993. Other concerns have also been confirmed however. They're keeping tabs on me, more than usual at that. In any case, they'll only ever get to see me studying 6993. We're on the right track here. Trent, being Trent, has tried to joke about the CACD vessel complex incident again. Humor based on my pain hubris is undesirable, but I have more important matters at hand. 07/05/20 Splitting headache. I might call in sick today if this keeps up. Aspirin hard to lh thj think can t spek barly wrlte h elp isee a brite melodee i am falling a part how do i do i do i do iiii i I have just recovered from an attack of some sort, neurological in origin. I cannot help but compare this to SCP-6993. I will be looking through files on previous SCP-6993 patients, as well as for some viable countermeasure against the attacks. Most of the records are inaccessible to me. Disappointed, but not surprised. Will dig further into archives. Adderall has proven to be a decent countermeasure. I have retrieved some files on SCP-6993, but only on a small number of Foundation engineers. No connections to each other, the files merely state they developed the condition, as well as recorded symptoms, but it ends there. Going by what I've found, I cannot deny that I have indeed developed SCP-6993. This is a great opportunity. I will be noting down the SCP-6993 effects I experience first-hand as it progresses, and then turn myself in after I'm done with the report. No one needs to know until then. 13/05/20 Compiling a draft with my findings via the KRT and reports on the attacks, but I've reworded them to obscure the fact they are my own. I confess that I feel that assignment to SCP-6993 isn't enough for me. I cannot afford to lose momentum. I have applied for assignment to other projects. It looks like there's still work to do for 6993, because I can no longer see color. 17/05/20 my head unravels around my brain my eyes my ears my sight my eyes i see the star s my stars with in me my sky when i look up i heer my minds eye and it hurt to heer it shine I need to fix this. I can think my way out of this. I have to. The attacks are becoming more frequent and I can't down adderall nearly as fast enough. Addendum 6993.02: Dr. Marcus Kaufman was discovered in his home on 21/05/20, 4 days after failing to report to work at Site-81. Post-mortem analysis revealed multiple anomalous deformations within his brain and on his head, including, but not limited to: atrophy of the occipital and parietal lobes, expansion and exencephaly7 of the frontal lobe, and osteoporosis and open fracture of the frontal skull bone. Dr. Kaufman is believed to have remained alive and fully conscious until his expiration from nootropic overdose. Remote KRT imaging reveals that Dr. Kaufman lost almost all motor function, with the exception of his extraocular muscles, and certain muscles within his left hand. Despite the expiration of Dr. Kaufman, dangerous amounts of radiation continued to be emitted from his head, warranting the removal of his body to an appropriate environment for the facilitation of a Laniakea-6993 Event. Several hand-written documents pertaining to SCP-6993 were discovered within the vicinity of Dr. Kaufman during investigations, reporting the progression of the anomaly and secondary symptoms in great detail, as well as an incomplete theory on the nature of SCP-6993, attached below. SCP-6993 is a peculiar thing, it can augment or hinder cognitive ability without the slightest effect on memory. Testing on subjects has revealed that during periods of low cognitive ability, I subjects still remember memories previously available to them, if not all of them, as granted by the secondary affect of hypernamne hyperanamnesia if the subject has it. Inexplicably, SCP-6993 blocks the successful expression of these memories, as well as knowledge held by the affected subject, generating a façade of cognitive inability. SCP-6993 does not arise as a result of any sort of chemical or hormonal imbalance in the brain, it is a conseqeuence cons c it wants too leav me my brain wants too leav i'll be damned if I have to correct these spelling errors before I finish writing this. It is my belief that SCP-6993 arises as a combination of the exposure of Foundation personnel to the anomalous, as well as the pressure placed on them in their tasks. We are required to think of explanations, containment solutions, testing procedures, there's a limit to the cognitive load we bare beer bear after which shit starts hapening nootropics only work for so long at this point neural activi t acelerrate fast spin faste r we must think clearer ide ate my solution my sky of neurons spins a web of contianment for all that needs it but also me I secndary brian spin generate radeasion THINK MARK THINK how to STOP EXpANShuN NO I KNOWWHAT IT IS MI MIND IDEA SHINES I KNOW HOW EVER ETHING I M NO T D O NE Y ET i can see my brain from here ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6993" by Aftokrator, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Footnotes 1. Item aids the Foundation in partially containing itself and/or other anomalies, but cannot be fully contained for logistical and/or ethical reasons. 2. Drugs used to temporarily hinder cognitive ability and memory retention. 3. 3D modelling technique used to visualize nerve fibers and connections. 4. A condition where the stimulation of one sense leads to involuntary experiences from other senses (i.e. seeing sounds, smelling colors) 5. A condition where all of a person's memories are readily accessible to them, rendering them incapable of forgetting. 6. Item endangers the inner structure of the Foundation and limits the ability of the Foundation to carry out its secondary objectives. 7. Condition where the brain or a portion of it is found outside the skull.
by Elunerazim An instance of SCP-6994 in captivity Item #: SCP-6994 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6994 is to be contained in a large aquatic containment cell filled with 33 PPM salinity seawater. No recreation, comfort, or nonessential sustenance is to be given to SCP-6994 under any circumstances. Any SCP-6994 instances showing perceived resistance or malice towards Foundation staff should be executed immediately. Display Archived Procedures Hide Archived Procedures Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6994-EX is to be monitored in its natural habitat. Members of TF €-7 ("Kings of Crabs") are to stop and redirect any fishing or commercial vessels attempting to enter the area. Description: SCP-6994 is the species Bathynomus basatanus, a form of giant isopod native to the eastern seaboard of the United States and Canada. SCP-6994 bears superficial resemblance to non-anomalous species of giant isopod.1 SCP-6994's biology deviates from other isopods in several key ways. SCP-6994 possess spinnerettes akin to terrestrial spiders, and use them to secrete a viscous and adhesive fluid. SCP-6994 use this fluid to build shelters, "as well as to construct sacs of water to aid in on-shore exploration."2 SCP-6994 also have four large scythe-like forelimbs, similar to mantid terrestrial predators. These forelimbs are used primarily for bursts of locomotion, as well as hunting and defense from predators. Lastly, SCP-6994 possess almost human-like levels of sapience. SCP-6994 utilize a symbol-based communication method, consisting of both written pictograms and in-person symbols and pantomime using their forelimbs. Addendum 1 During construction on a more permanent on-site holding cell for SCP-6994, new fossil records were found in the seafloor surrounding SCP-6994's habitat. Such records indicated that SCP-6994 was non-anomalous, and merely an evolutionary relative of traditional aquatic isopods. These findings were considered dubious by head researcher Geraldo Bannock, who ordered further research on the subject. A pair of divers captured and vivisected an instance of SCP-6994 to ascertain its biological makeup. DNA samples and physical similarities showed SCP-6994 was a direct evolution of ancient isopods, and it was deemed nonanomalous and reclassified as SCP-6994-EX. Incident Report On July 17th, 2020, four swimmers were reported missing at Salisbury Beach, Massachusetts. Following a further search, SCP-6994 spinnerette threads were located along with tracks leading to a SCP-6994 constructed cave approximately 700 meters offshore. The swimmers' bodies were found inside, vivisected via SCP-6994's forelimbs and killed in a manner suggesting care and possible curiosity. Methods used by SCP-6994 appear identical to those used by Foundation agents during their initial dissection. Addendum 2 On May 8th 2021, Geraldo Bannock reclassified SCP-6994 to Keter, citing previously unseen evidence regarding the evolution of SCP-6994. Following this, more stringent containment procedures were enacted, involving frequent cullings and transfer to on-site containment. Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! SCP-6994-EX To: Geraldo Bannock, Senior Researcher From: Odongo Tejani, Ethics Committee Chairman Subject: SCP-6994-EX Dr Bannock, As Ethics Committee Chairman, I know that separating emotions from your work is difficult, but this is too far. SCP-6994 is nonanomalous, and to treat it as a threat for personal reasons is both dishonest and morally reprehensible. I know it's hard, but what you're doing is wrong. We've seen the documents you've put forward. The forged crash reports, the dubious containment breaches, the terrible things that these isopods have clearly never done. You want so badly for them to be some XK monsters, Geraldo, but they're not. They're just bugs. Bugs that killed people, sure. Bugs that killed someone who you care about. But they're just bugs. We've all made sacrifices. I know your daughter was on the beach that day, but when we take it out on the anomalies it's too far. We secure and contain the anomalies, but we must also protect them. I'm moving to reclassify SCP-6994 back to -EX. Footnotes 1. Such as Bathynomus giganteus, Bathynomus maxeyorum, and Bathynomus affinis 2. in a manner similar to the Diving-Bell Spider ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6994" by Elunerazim, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Image 1 Filename: N/A Name: File:Giant Isopod (18443864634).jpg Author: Eric Kilby License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
Item #: SCP-6995 Special Containment Procedures: To prevent instances of SCP-6995 from recurring, the Foundation will encourage the legalization and regulation of recreational cannabis throughout the United States via front organizations and covert funding of cannabis legalization initiatives. In the event that SCP-6995 manifests outside the United States in the future, the Foundation will use similar non-anomalous methods to encourage jurisdictions surrounding the manifestation location to legalize and regulate cannabis as well. Foundation agents embedded in the United States cannabis industry are currently monitoring select adult-use dispensaries for recurrences of SCP-6995. Any SCP-6995 instances found are to be confiscated prior to sale. A semi-permanent containment team has been assigned to Ontario, Oregon due to the high volume of SCP-6995 instances that manifest there. Update [24 Jan 2021]: Any SCP-6995 instances sent to Foundation Sites are to be destroyed. Consumption by personnel is prohibited. Description: SCP-6995 is an anomalous strain of cannabis indica that displays antimemetic properties whenever cultivated or consumed in jurisdictions where the possession, consumption and/or cultivation of recreational cannabis is illegal. SCP-6995 takes the form of any number of retail consumer cannabis products (flower, seeds, edibles, vapor pens and cartridges, etc) branded as being produced by the company “Cannabincognito”; all instances are labeled with the strain/flavor name “Cannabincognito OG”. No such company is known to exist in any jurisdiction where medical or recreational cannabis is legal, and the physical location (if any) where SCP-6995 instances are produced has yet to be found. When a person consumes an SCP-6995 instance in any jurisdiction where the act is illegal, the SCP-6995 instance and any byproduct of its consumption (e.g. smoke and vapor) will remain entirely undetectable by all observers. Perception of the subject will be altered via anomalous means to exclude SCP-6995 instances. Use of non-anomalous smoking materials to consume SCP-6995 instances results in the perception that the subject is consuming tobacco instead. Additionally, SCP-6995 instances display a secondary antimemetic effect that is active at all times; said effect renders SCP-6995 instances undetectable under all circumstances. Although the secondary effect is not as precisely measurable as the first, persons with the following traits are known to be susceptible to it: All active members of local, national, and international law enforcement organizations in jurisdictions where recreational cannabis is illegal. Individuals who strongly oppose the legalization and/or use of cannabis for recreational purposes. Individuals who find cannabis personally distasteful. Individuals who feel strongly compelled to report all crimes to local law enforcement regardless of severity. SCP-6995 instances manifest at adult-use cannabis dispensaries that border jurisdictions where recreational cannabis is illegal. When questioned, employees will claim the products were delivered as part of a recent wholesale purchase but will be unable to recall the details of said purchase. Employees will stock SCP-6995 instances with other similar products, but will display no knowledge of their anomalous properties and will not attempt to compel customers to purchase Cannabincognito products in place of other brands. Locations where Cannabincognito-branded products have been acquired include: Location Date SCP-6995 Product Bingen, Washington 22 Dec 2014 3.5g dried cannabis flower. First known SCP-6995 instance. Recurrences of SCP-6995 instances at Bingen dispensaries ceased in October 2015, when adult-use cannabis dispensaries opened in Oregon. Antonito, Colorado 3 Apr 2016 1g concentrated cannabis vapor cartridge. Huntington, Oregon 31 Mar 2018 Five cannabis cookies shaped similar to question marks. West Wendover, Nevada 22 Jan 2020 Cannabincognito-branded glassware used for concentrated cannabis consumption (“dabbing”). Non-anomalous when used with cannabis products that are not SCP-6995 instances. Ontario, Oregon 2019-present Numerous instances at all dispensaries in the city. Currently the location where SCP-6995 instances most frequently manifest. Extensive testing has confirmed that SCP-6995 instances display no anomalous properties besides their antimemetic capabilities, with THC strength varying from 20-30% in flower products and 75-95% in concentrated products. No means have been found to prevent instances of SCP-6995 from recurring aside from the legalization of adult-use cannabis sales in jurisdictions that border its manifestation locations. To date, all SCP-6995 instances have ceased to manifest once the dispensaries it appeared in begin to border a jurisdiction where cannabis can be legally purchased. Experimental Data: Subject Location Date Result D-237611 U.S. Highway 285, New Mexico, near the Colorado state line. 24 May 2016 Subject is instructed to consume cannabis flower ten minutes before driving. Subject is then pulled over by police due to taillight that was broken for purposes of experiment. Despite being visibly impaired and smelling strongly of cannabis, subject is treated as sober and fully alert by responding police officer. Successful baseline test. Sr. Researcher Martinez Central Park, New York City, New York Spring-Summer 2017 Researcher Martinez cultivates seven cannabis plants derived from SCP-6995 seed instances via the use of Class W mnestics. All plants are cultivated in open view and frequently tended to. Odor emanating from the plants is only detectable by Researcher Martinez and he is perceived as cultivating non-cannabis plants. Despite local prohibitions on personal plant cultivation in Central Park, observers do not find the activity noteworthy. D-991327 Tokyo, Japan 21 Oct 2018 Subject takes SCP-6995 instance through LAX airport in Los Angeles and boards flight to Tokyo, Japan. After arriving, subject openly consumes flower instance of SCP-6995 in the interior of Haneda Airport and remains undetected. Successful international baseline test. D-432777 Chicago, Illinois 23:55 31 Dec 2019 - 00:05 1 Jan 2020 Subject begins consuming SCP-6995 instance before midnight on 31 December and finishes five minutes after midnight on 1 January, when recreational cannabis became legal in Illinois. Researchers are unable to perceive D-432777 from 23:55 to 23:59, but anomalous properties of SCP-6995 instance cease and subject becomes visible at precisely midnight. Test confirms properties of SCP-6995 directly correlate to the effective date of laws. Addendum: On 19 Jan 2021, a series of containers branded with the Cannabincognito logo arrived at four separate Foundation sites via internal mailing networks. Each contained boxed 1g cartridges of concentrated cannabis, with the logo on the individual boxes replaced with an extended middle finger. Inside each was a note reading “TO THE ASSHOLES STEALING OUR PRODUCT.” Laboratory testing of the cartridges revealed each contained dangerous levels of vitamin E acetate, a cutting agent found in some non-regulated vapor cartridges believed to the primary cause of vaping-associated pulmonary injury (VAPI); all known instances of SCP-6995 purchased at adult-use dispensaries do not contain this alteration. Five cartridges were kept for testing purposes and the remainder were destroyed via incinerator. Containment procedures updated to account for potential Cannabincognito shipments to Foundation sites. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6995" by ObserverSeptember, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Check out my other pages on my author profile! ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 6996 Level5 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: critical link to memo SCP-6996. Special Containment Procedures: All objects in the SCP database are to be monitored for existing or future connections to SCP-6996. Of particular interest are correlations to an increase in anomalous intensity. All identified objects are to be classified according to the SCP-6996 taxonomy and monitored for potential developments. There are currently no known methods of limiting SCP-6996's influence. Research into establishing said methods is of the highest priority. Misinformation campaigns are to discredit any civilian research relating to SCP-6996's emotional effect, denigrating it as pseudoscience. Description: SCP-6996 is the color Red. A color from the spectrum of visible light, SCP-6996 and its various shades have an approximate wavelength of between 625 and 700 nanometers, and an approximate frequency of 400 to 480 terahertz. SCP-6996 displays an ability to elicit anomalously strong emotional reactions from those who observe it. When controlling for social conditioning and idiosyncratic factors, Foundation laboratory testing has shown that exposure to SCP-6996 can result in significantly higher levels of anger, aggression, libido, anxiousness, or arrogance. In addition to this, routine statistical analysis of the Foundation database revealed SCP-6996 is significantly associated with a disproportionately large percentage of anomalies. Whilst no link between the majority of these anomalies has been discovered, the overrepresentation of SCP-6996 is statistically improbable. A selection of these objects demonstrate a correlation between their anomalous traits and SCP-6996. SCP-6996 related anomalies have been categorised into a taxonomy comprised of three thematic elements: Violence, Blood, and Power. An example of anomalies linked to SCP-6996 include: Taxonomy SCP Object Details Violence SCP-093 Use of the anomaly leads to a society decimated by violent, anomalous activity. In addition to the object's red coloring, generating a red glow and traversing through a mirror leads subjects to the anomaly's source. SCP-939 Upon initial discovery, the entities' skin was translucent and colorless, with their behavior far more docile than detailed in current documentation. Audio imitation was limited to ambient noise and animal sounds, with claw and teeth size significantly reduced from present measurements. After several months in containment1, SCP-939 instances were found to have developed their current physiology, the ability to imitate human speech, and their skin had taken on a shade of SCP-6996. These changes occurred concurrently in uncontained entities. SCP-2851 The most effective shade of SCP-6996 to distract the anomaly was initially a light pink or coral color. As time has progressed, the effectiveness of lighter shades has declined and the effectiveness of darker shades has increased. This progression correlates to an increase in the violent and sexual nature of SCP-2851-1's encouragements. Blood SCP-012 Whilst performance of On Mount Golgotha invariably results in an audible "disagreeable cacophony", individuals affected by chromesthesia2 report a much different experience. Performance results in the synesthetic listener experiencing a visualisation of complex, non-Euclidian patterns in various shades of SCP-6996. In contrary to most testing, these subjects have found listening to the musical piece a pleasurable experience; subjects commonly compliment its complexity and beauty. Frequent exposure results in the development of deuteranopia color-blindness,3 and closed-eye hallucinations reminiscent of the visualisations experienced whilst listening to the piece. SCP-5664 To date, SCP-5664 has been responsible for the loss of █ Foundation Sites and ███ employees. Staff are reminded that bloodletting is in no way officially sanctioned, and all messages received from lost Sites should be disregarded. Incident KG-14-1 All efforts to clean the mosaic of blood have been unsuccessful. Despite remaining obscured by blood, the mosaic has begun to demonstrate memetic properties once more. Power SCP-963 The oval-cut ruby positioned in the centre of SCP-963 has turned a more intense shade of SCP-6996 with each new host. SCP-4342 Before proper containment was established, SCP-4342's memetic effects increased greatly upon turning a shade of SCP-6996. Various Connections between SCP-6996 and the entity known as the Scarlet King are currently under investigation. Entity has been linked to a variety of anomalous objects, including SCP-231, SCP-2317, and SCP-3838. Initial investigation into SCP-6996 uncovered a large number of references in various thaumaturgical and religious texts. The significance of this has yet to be established: Written by Marguerite Sprenger, circa 1510. This is the first recorded mention of the text in contemporary records, yet no publication records exist. Investigations are ongoing into a potential connection to "Margaret the Magnificent", a figure mentioned in The Wanderers' Library folklore. Question XII: Of all energies, which bestows the greatest gift upon the user? Reader, your mind likely wanders to contemplate the Prime Four Elements. When considering the connate powers of the Prime Four Elements, the unbridled strength and destructive potential of the Fire cannot be understated. One must exercise the utmost care in its handling, but properly controlled, the Element can be manipulated to devastating means. The Fire gifts utility in addition — a blazing light to guide thy way, heat to warm thy body, cook thy sustenance, or purify thy wounds. The Fire possesses both destructive and protective peculiarities. We know of a witch in Augsburg who, through proficiency of the Fire, did survive when bound to a pyre and set alight. Her mastery was such that those in attendance did stand back in awe, and later did inquire onto our ways due to the demonstration of power. Alas, her proficiency was not strong enough to melt the papal swords which swiftly fell upon her neck. Objection: Here it is noted that limiting our discussion to the Prime Four Elements precludes the nature power innate to all beings. I speak of the Four Humors which runneth in our bodies. Whilst all are essential to our health, it be Sanguine through which life itself is begot. The Blood does carry the soul itself (if one is still in possession of it), and embalms the most venerated of our internals, the heart. Sanguine is prime at the adolescence of life, where one is most full of vigour and potency. Practitioners of the Sanguine Arts are often known to induce copulation amongst lovers unable to sanctify their relationship, through the use of direct remedy or a Succubus or Incubus as intermediary. They handle the very energy of life itself, and all childs begotten through such rituals are gifted a natural affinity for the magical arts themselves. Those practitioners are often imbued with a rosy hue in the cheeks, as the magic saturates the blood. Solution: Therefore we make the following proposition. We uncover the shared ground between the Fire and the Sanguine — The Red. The Red is the colour of Sanguine passion, and the colour of the Humor itself. The Red is the colour of the Fire's flames and fury. As we discussed in the prior question, all magic is based on a negotiation. It gives with one hand, whilst it takes with the other. Yet The Red is an energy so innate and eternal to us that it offers freely, not through bargain. The mastery of such an ancient and elusive art is not easy to accomplish, but shall always be available for those who wish to seek it. For The Red was present at the beginning. And The Red shall be present at the end. Genesis 2:5-7 "All the wild shrubs did not yet exist on the earth, and all the wild plants had not yet sprouted. This was because God had not brought rain on the earth, and there was no man to work the ground. A mist rose up from the earth, and it watered the entire surface of the ground. God formed man out of dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils a breath of life. Man [thus] became a living creature." Notes: In Hebrew, the name Adam, אדם, is derived from דם, blood. Words derived from אדם include אדמה, meaning ground, and אדום, red, which links all aforementioned words. In the above extract, Adam (אדם), 'red' man, is formed from "dust of the ground" (עָפָר מִן-הָאֲדָמָה), 'red' ground. Taken from p526 of SCP-140. Pages 517 through 895 are written in human blood. From the (Red/Blood) we come To the (Red/Blood) we go It is the (Spirit/Creator/Builder)'s (plan/dominance) We beseech ourselves to march with the (Fire/Red/Wrath) in our (soul/heart) We deliver to the daeva (glory/victory) Investigations are ongoing. BY ORDER OF THE OVERSEER COUNCIL The following information is Level 5/6996 Classified. Unauthorized access is forbidden. _ INPUT SECURITY CREDENTIALS...SECURITY CREDENTIALS ACCEPTED... SCP-6996 Additional Information: SCP-6996 is believed to be linked to the deaths and severe injuries of numerous Foundation employees. A bright, SCP-6996 colored light, with no apparent source has been observed at various incidents of the aforementioned nature. Examination of the sites of these luminescence, where possible, has shown Hume level residue indicative of extreme fluctuations in reality. An abridged log of these instances is outlined below: Individual(s) Details Agent Alexander Papadopoulos At the close of Agent Papadopoulos's amputation surgery, lights in the operating theatre briefly flashed a shade of SCP-6996. No other anomalous phenomena noted. Junior Researcher Haddow On review of security recordings, the light can be briefly seen in the reflection of the shower room's tiles, as Haddow's pelvis splinters and he is dragged into the building's drainage system. MTF Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" Fireteam Eleven In the MTF's final exploration of the Vatican catacombs, the large bonfire they discovered burnt an intense shade of red in the final stills of footage, before cameras disconnected. Dr Robert Scranton During his time within SCP-3001, Dr Robert Scranton recorded his experience through the use of a Lang-Scranton Stabilizer ("LSS") control panel. Dr Scranton frequently referred to the LSS as "Red" due to a blinking light on the panel. Whilst LSS panels are equipped with numerous lights, none of these shine red. Yet, on its return from SCP-3001, the panel which accompanied Dr Scranton had one light shining red. Former Administrator Harold Vincent Oleander Given the circumstances surrounding his tenure's end, Former Administrator Oleander was afforded only basic care in a Foundation retirement facility where he quickly fell into ill health. Upon suffering a large, haemorrhagic stroke, the medical equipment monitoring Oleander malfunctioned, emitting red light of a far higher luminescence than mechanically possible. Whilst captured on security tape, the malfunction resulted in staff not being alerted to the incident. He died scared and alone. This, in conjunction with the aforementioned object links, leads to the hypothesis that SCP-6996 represents an intrusive and malignant threat to both the Foundation and baseline reality. A potential cause for the Hume level variation at sites of SCP-6996 manifestations would be a direct, intrusive action originating from an extradimensional space. As part of investigatory efforts into SCP-6996, Project: SPECTRUM was proposed. Extract from Proposal Abstract: Through the measurement of Hume displacement in SCP-6996 intrusion areas, the Department of Extradimensional Studies believe they have triangulated the source universe of the anomaly. Through use of the Department's prototype extradimensional transporter, it is proposed an agent is sent to this source universe for intelligence gathering on the anomaly and, if the possibility arises, its neutralisation. By a vote of 13 to 0, SPECTRUM was approved by the O5 Council. A log of the exploration follows: PROJECT SPECTRUM: PART I + OPEN EXPLORATION LOG + - CLOSE EXPLORATION LOG - Foreword: Due to an exemplary service record and previous experience of both hostile anomalies and solo excursions into unknown environments, Agent Ava Cervantes was selected as the most viable candidate for SPECTRUM. Cervantes was equipped with an AISS4 and ocular camera implants. [Agent Cervantes is situated in the extradimensional transporter. The passenger unit is cylindrical in shape and built to Cervantes' dimensions. The unit sits in the center of a mass of machinery. Tubes and thick wiring snake down through the room's flooring, leading to below-ground generators.] Command: Agent Cervantes, we'll shortly initiate the transportation process. Whilst we are hopeful we'll receive the output from your surveillance equipment, it's unlikely communication channels between us will function. [Command pauses.] Command: We don't know what you'll find in there, Agent. Stay alert, stay cautious. Cervantes: Understood. I'm ready. [Command initiates the transportation procedure, calibrating the aim to the calculated wavelength. A cacophony of noise erupts from the machinery. The passenger unit begins to intermittently glow. As the noise grows more intense, so too does the luminescence and frequency of the glowing.] [Agent Cervantes' breathing grows more rapid, as the chamber heats up.] [The glowing continues to intensify, and begins to take on a red hue. A final burst of bright, red light occurs, and Agent Cervantes vanishes from the chamber.] Cervantes: What… [After a few moments of static, the ocular implants come online and begin transmitting. Agent Cervantes finds herself in an environment composed entirely of shades of SCP-6996, with the occasional flourish of white or black. Looking forward, Cervantes appears to be in an immense corridor, stretching into the distance beyond the horizon point.] View from Agent Cervantes' ocular implant. Hover to enlarge. Cervantes: This is breath-taking. [The colors comprising the boundaries surrounding Cervantes are in constant flux. Different shades of SCP-6996 oscillate towards and away from Cervantes, growing and fading in luminescence. The corridor boundary is translucent; vague, ambiguous shapes can only just be discerned floating on the other side. Cervantes turns around, surveying her surroundings.] Cervantes: Woah, I- [She gags, then leans forward and steadies herself against the glowing, red floor.] Cervantes: I'm okay. Just motion sickness. [After standing back up, Agent Cervantes rotates 180 degrees, yet the corridor remains directly in front of her.] Cervantes: Command, I hope you're receiving this. It looks like the Northern Lights, but entirely composed of shades of red. Suit readings are normal — atmosphere seems similar to our own, although I'm not going to risk removing my helmet just yet. The dimensions aren't quite right. Every slight turn throws me completely around. If I try to move side to side… [She steps to her left; the view remains the same. She steps to her right; there is still no change.] Cervantes: I don't seem to go anywhere. Which only leaves… [Cervantes takes a step along the corridor.] Cervantes: Forward. [Cervantes continues onwards for 10 minutes; the corridor continues, no end in sight.] Cervantes: No sign of any forces, hostile or otherwise, so far. There's something happening on the exterior of this space though, I can see shapes, movement. Something's out there. I don't know what. [Cervantes continues onwards. A distance tracker built into the suit reports a reading of 0m travelled. Whether Cervantes is moving through the corridor, or if the corridor is moving around her, is unclear.] Cervantes: The outside environment seems to be getting lighter, I think…Mom? [Cervantes gazes to the right, at the membrane surrounding the corridor. Visible through it is a woman sat in a hospital bed. A man stands besides her, gazing down at a baby the woman is cradling. The whole scene is tinted red through the membrane. The swirling red of the boundary occasionally obfuscates details of the scene.] [For a moment, Agent Cervantes does not respond. She tries to step to the right, then walks, then breaks into a sprint, in an attempt to press herself against the membrane for a closer view.] Cervantes: Command, I- [Her voice cracks, followed by a deliberate cough.] Cervantes: Command, the environment is becoming visible through the corridor membrane. It's showing —it's showing my parents. I don't know why it's doing this. It could be a diversion tactic, a psychological play. Let me continue onwards. [Cervantes remains in place for a moment, before progressing. She walks on for another 7 minutes, before stopping once more. She looks through the corridor boundary once more: a child, approximately 3-4 years old, sits on a picnic blanket eating strawberries. A playground and trees are visible in the background.] Image captured by surveillance equipment. Cervantes: It's showing me… me. I remember this. I think? It could be that I remember remembering this day. That doesn't affect how I feel about the memory. It was my brother's second birthday. We went to the park at the end of our road. Dad lost his job just before Christmas, so we didn't have much. I ate so many strawberries, Mom told me I was in danger of turning into one. It was a good day. [20 seconds of silence elapse.] Cervantes: I don't know why this is here. It's potentially in my head, reading my thoughts and memories. [Cervantes turns away and walks onwards, stopping at the next scene. A child stands in a doorway, waving.] Cervantes: First day at school. I know most kids dread it, but I was so excited. Dad dropped me off and I practically sprinted in. [The scene expands, showing more of the school and schoolyard. The child can be seen waving at a woman who waves back with one hand, and wipes tears from her eyes with the other.] Cervantes: I, I swore it was Dad that dropped me off. [Over the next 110 minutes, Cervantes progresses through the corridor. She narrates the various scenes from her life displayed along the way: making her first friend, birthday parties, school lessons. Playground arguments, invitation snubs, detentions.] Cervantes: I'm unclear why I'm being shown this. Command, I, I can't do anything but keep going forward. [Cervantes moves on, arriving at the next scene after 10 minutes. Her child-self sits in a church pew, next to her brother and father. All three wear black clothing and are crying.] [Cervantes takes a single step forward along the corridor. The scene on the other side of the membrane changes: back at their home, the child, still dressed in black, lays on her bed alone. She stares silently at the ceiling. Her father enters the room and sits beside her, before extending a hand. The father offers his child a bowl of strawberries.] [Cervantes pauses here for 5 minutes, before progressing. The scenes change, showing memories from childhood, then progressing into adolescence.] Cervantes: My first kiss. [Two teenagers sit adjacent to each other in cinema seats.] Image captured by surveillance equipment. Cervantes: He tried the yawn trick, but got nervous halfway through and pulled his arm back. So I waited till he went to grab some popcorn, and did the same. Met his hand in the box. I was 15, we broke up three weeks afterwards but it was nice, for what it was. [Over the next three hours, Agent Cervantes makes her way down the corridor. As she does so, various scenes from her life are shown through the membrane: graduating high school, enlisting in the military, her first tour of duty. Being recruited to the Foundation. Throughout all of these, Cervantes offers commentary and her own recollections of the scenes shown. For some scenes, her recollection and what is depicted through the membrane differ.] Cervantes: We should shortly be arriving at my first mission. It was a simple one, but I can't complain about not being thrown in the deep end. SCP-5889 caused a driver in downtown Orlando to crash their car and run through the streets shrieking. Simple locate, amnesticise, release. [After 4 minutes, Agent Cervantes happens upon a scene depicting what she described.] Cervantes: Told you — if you're even still there. They say you never forget your first mission, and I mainly remember how simple this one was. One of the other team members actually complained on the way back that- [Cervantes stops midsentence. The scene begins to oscillate, then fracture, before suddenly disappearing entirely. It is replaced by another. Agent Cervantes and her MTF rush down a street in an unidentified location, weapons drawn.] Cervantes: I, I don't know what this is. [In the scene, Cervantes aims her weapon and opens fire on a large crustacean-like entity ahead of her. It screeches, then charges at her. She dives out the way at the last moment, and it collides with the wall. Similar entities are observed approaching the team.] [Cervantes attempts to step back from the edge of the corridor; due to its dimensional properties, she remains in place.] Cervantes: I don't recognise this at all. I don't recognise this mission, that place, those creatures. [The scene jolts upwards, disappearing from view, and is replaced by the original scene in Orlando.] Cervantes: I've never been amnesticised — I don't think I have. [Without warning, a kaleidoscope of different scenes appear at all angles around the outside of the corridor. Cervantes' eyes flick between them.] Cervantes: I… I'm not sure what's going on here, Command. [She keeps moving forward. As she does, it is no longer a single scene displayed through the corridor's membrane, but a myriad of shifting, sometimes contradictory, events.] Image captured by surveillance equipment. Cervantes: This I recognise. I was given the opportunity to transfer to Site-43 for a year, or stay based in the Southern States on fieldwork. I went with the former; they were looking for someone to review their Site security policies and protocols. It was a chance to try something different. [Through the corridor membrane, Cervantes can be seen talking to a Site Director in their office.] Cervantes: I was conflicted though. I didn't know how easily I'd transition back to the MTF at the end of the year, whether I'd still have the skills and stomach for it. [Variations of the scene in question are shown numerous times at different points around the corridor. Some are identical, some have differences; subtle changes to the furniture, Cervantes' appearance is inconsistent, or the Site Director is a different person entirely.] [Cervantes walks on. The scenes change to show her time at Site-43, with one exception, which she stops to observe.] [Cervantes, and the MTF seen in earlier scenes, traverse through a forest terrain. It is night time. They approach a cave, nestled in a thicket, in formation. Without warning, a turquoise Ford Anglia car accelerates at speed from the cave, directly at the MTF. ] Image captured by surveillance equipment. [The team break formation and dive out the way, narrowly avoiding the car. The latter handbrake turns hard, taking shelter behind a row of trees, avoiding the salvo unleashed by the MTF.] [A human hand protrudes from the driver's window; Agent Cervantes raises her weapon and takes aim. The screeching of an engine grows louder.] [Another vehicle, identical bar its red paint job, approaches the MTF at speed from the opposite direction. Agent Cervantes realises this too late, and the car makes direct impact with her.] [She is thrown into the air, and lands with a wet crunch.] [The scene begins to fade away, and is replaced by a solid block of red coloration.] Cervantes: I- [Cervantes begins to run, full speed, down the corridor. Scenes fly past, often indiscernible due to her movement. She slows down occasionally to catch her breath, before resuming her sprint.] [After several hours, the scenes displayed through the corridor membrane begin to gain luminance, and become more uniform in what they depict. They show Agent Cervantes being approached regarding Project Spectrum and SCP-6996, her training for the mission, and her boarding the extradimensional transporter.] Cervantes: I think there's an end. I think the corridor has an end! [Any deviation between scenes disappears when they begin to display Cervantes' arrival in, and progression down, the corridor. The corridor membrane appears to grow thinner; the scenes have more clarity, but are still colored red.] Cervantes: There's definitely an end — there's a mass, a glut, of red in the distance. I don't know what it is, but it's something. [The scenes progress quicker than Cervantes progresses down the corridor, eventually becoming in sync with her movements, displaying her life in real time. She diverts her gaze to the left, looking at a scene of herself also gazing left.] [She then diverts her gaze to the right, at another scene of herself. This facsimile, however, gazes left, making directly eye contact with Agent Cervantes. The latter hurriedly returns her gaze forward, and keeps moving.] Cervantes: I'm here, Command. I'm at the end. [Agent Cervantes stands in place, surrounded by scenes of her doing so. In front of her, the corridor's walls coalesce into a single point. A mass of swirling, red matter, metres high, is situated at this point.] [She raises her arm and reaches forward. Her hand slips into the matter, causing the surrounding area to ripple. Withdrawing her hand a moment later causes the same.] Cervantes: The only way is forward. [Cervantes steps forward, submerging herself in the matter. She exits the corridor.] [The ocular implants adjust as Agent Cervantes enters a space devoid of any light. She gasps, as her feet fail to find footing. She begins to fall downwards through the darkness.] PROJECT SPECTRUM: PART II + OPEN EXPLORATION LOG + - CLOSE EXPLORATION LOG - [Agent Cervantes falls through nothingness for a period of 4 minutes. Her breathing is the only sound that can be heard.] [She abruptly halts mid-fall, and appears to land on a surface — though none is visible. She stands, and checks herself and the suit for any damage. Despite the length of her fall, she is uninjured.] Cervantes: Command, I hope you're still hearing me. I've entered a new space, one in which I seem to be able to move more freely. [She turns on the suit's light; the light does little to illuminate her surroundings, dark is all that can be seen. She surveys the area, turning in a circle.] Cervantes: Doesn't seem to be anyth- Image captured by surveillance equipment. [Agent Cervantes halts midsentence. As she completes her circle, a large object has now appeared in her field of vision. A large orb, glowing bright red and comprised of matter of the same color, can be seen in the distance.] Cervantes: Command, I've encountered… something. I don't know what. It's huge and spherical, and, no surprises here, red. It's the deepest, darkest red I've even seen. It, it hurts to look at. [The orb levitates, suspended in the air. It appears to be comprised of some form of liquid, which constantly drips from its base; despite this, the orb seems to lose no mass. Upon hitting the floor, the liquid dissipates in a red haze.] [Cervantes begins to move forward, and draws her Ω-5 Energy Rifle from her suit.] Cervantes: Commencing engagement. [Without warning, the orb begins to pulsate and a sound is heard.] Unknown: Ava. [Cervantes raises her rifle.] Unknown: Welcome. [The orb's pulsating speeds up, and it abruptly swells, its liquid form shooting into the air and forming a shape. The entirety of the nothingness is bathed in red light, as the orb transforms into the shape of a bird.] Unknown: Why have you travelled here? [Cervantes presses down on the trigger, and a beam of light fires from the end of her rifle. It collides with the orb and ricochets away, evaporating into the darkness.] Cervantes: I've seen what you've done. The pain you've caused. I don't know what the trick with the corridor was, but it hasn't worked. Unknown: Pain? Cervantes: The Red, running through death and destruction. At torture, at maiming. Unknown: We were there. Yet, we did not cause it. Cervantes: What do you mean? Unknown: You have not seen the whole. There was one small fraction gleaned, which you decided was the truth. It is a very human thing to do. [The orb stretches upwards, taking the form of a many-legged arthropod.] Cervantes: Then tell me, tell me what I missed. Unknown: We shall not tell you, as we can show you. [The entire environment is rapidly enveloped in red. Distinct images and scenes begin to flash in front of Agent Cervantes' eyes.] [Two individuals kiss underneath a wedding arch on a rainy day.] [A bottle of red wine is poured at a merry table.] [A petal is picked from a rose.] [An umbilical chord is snipped.] [A blushing face smiles.] [Hands meet in a red popcorn box.] [A bowl of strawberries.] [The red fades; Agent Cervantes returns to the previous environment. The orb is still present.] Unknown: Red is pain. Red is sorrow. But Red is love. Red is joy. Above all, Red is passion. You, your Foundation, were so preoccupied with the pain it blinded you. Hurt was all you could see. All you could focus on. [The orb elongates, and takes on the appearance of a fish. It begins to swim around the space, and around Agent Cervantes. Agent Cervantes has lowered her weapon.] Agent Cervantes: What are you? Unknown: You are not returning home. [Agent Cervantes is silent.] Unknown: You know this. Cervantes: I… what's your point? Unknown: You asked why your entry here was encompassed by your life. It was you because it was you. Had another come, it would have shown them them. But it was you. Cervantes: That doesn't answer my question. Unknown: You are not returning home. Does that make you wish you had no home to return to? Cervantes: Of course not! [The orb changes form again, moulding into a musical symbol, before returning to a spherical appearance.] Unknown: All moments of passion, of significance, are worthwhile. All must be archived, must be observed, must be commemorated. Without the bad, one cannot truly appreciate the good. This is what we were trying to show you. That is our role. We archive all things that have and all things that could have been. That is what you saw in the corridor. You, all of you, have Red intrinsic to you. [The orb erupts into an intense, bright light. Agent Cervantes stares down at her body, holding her hands up. Through the suit, a warm, red glow can be seen, particularly surrounding her heart.] Unknown: You will not return home. Yet your life, your Red, was and is still worthwhile. [Agent Cervantes does not respond for some time. The dark surroundings begin to glow a soft red.] Cervantes: I am not going home. Unknown: You are not. Yet, you may stay here. Cervantes: What will become of me? [The glowing continues to intensify.] Unknown: We do not know. We cannot see what has not yet been lived. But you may sit. And watch. And observe too. Cervantes: I'm slightly scared, I think. Unknown: You need not be. For it is not the destination… Cervantes: It is the journey which matters. [It is now difficult to discern the orb from the red environment. All readings from Agent Cervantes' suit are normal.] Unknown: Do you know what you would like to see first? Cervantes: I think I might… [Agent Cervantes gazes down at her hands. Through the ever increasing red, the shape of a strawberry can be seen in her open palm.] Last image transmitted from Agent Cervantes's communication device. [[SIGNAL LOST]] Footnotes 1. During this time, SCP-939 underwent minimal research and testing due to its low threat level. 2. A form of Synesthesia; a phenomena in which subjects perceive color attached to sound. 3. An inability to distinguish between colors in the green-yellow-red spectrum, with the subject observing all relevant colors as red. 4. Advanced Interdimensional Survival Suit. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6996" by Dysadron, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: cinema Derivative of: movie theater Author: GremlinGroup License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Name: movie theater Author: Joel Kramer License: CC-BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Name: corridor3 Derivative of: Equine_heart_(mixed_breed), NGC2413_-_SDSS_DR14_(panorama) Author: GremlinGroup License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Name: Equine_heart_(mixed_breed) Author: Museum of Veterinary Anatomy FMVZ USP / Wagner Souza e Silva License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Name:NGC2413_-_SDSS_DR14_(panorama) Author: Sloan Digital Sky Survey License: CC 4.0 Source Link: Name: forest Derivative of: 1547635 Author: GremlinGroup License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Name: 1547635 Author: pxhere License: Public Domain Source Link: Name: Gradient2 Author: Dysadron License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Name: RED Author: Dysadron License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Name: site Derivative of: Hewlett Foundation office building, interior Author: GremlinGroup License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Name: Hewlett Foundation office building, interior Author: Frank Schulenburg License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Source Link:,_interior.jpg Name: strawberry Derivative of: Fresh Strawberries in a Ceramic Bowl Author: GremlinGroup License: CC-BY-SA 2.0 Name: Fresh Strawberries in a Ceramic Bowl Author: Marco Verch License: CC-BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Name: ORB.jpg Author: Valdevia License: CC-BY-SA Source Link:
The location of SCP-6997. Item #: SCP-6997 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6997 is contained at its location of discovery. Undercover Foundation personnel, in cooperation with Death Valley National Park rangers, are to maintain a containment zone of 500 m around its base. No personnel are permitted to come into direct skin contact with the surface of SCP-6997. Individuals who have come into skin contact with its surface are to be detained for evaluation by research staff and provided with amnestic treatment. The inherent antimemetic properties of SCP-6997, which extend to photography and video depicting it, render it imperceptible except to those who have been administered appropriate mnestic treatment. As such, mnestics are to be supplied to containment and research personnel at the discretion of the Antimemetics Division. Foundation information security assets are to monitor web traffic for online discussions potentially describing SCP-6997; a web crawler bot capable of identifying photos and videos depicting SCP-6997 is currently being trialled. Description: SCP-6997 is a monolith composed of a single piece of black basalt, measuring approximately 50x50x150 m, located in the badlands east of Death Valley National Park, within walking distance of the Amargosa Range. It is anomalously durable, exhibiting no evidence of weathering. SCP-6997 possesses antimemetic properties which render it imperceptible to the senses and inhibit the forming of memories relating to SCP-6997, except to those treated with Class-W mnestics. All surfaces of the monolith are carved with detailed, highly stylized reliefs of plant life, except a circular panel on its westwards face. This panel contains a concentric pattern of hieroglyphs or symbols, which can be depressed. Direct skin exposure to the surface of SCP-6997, with the exception of the aforementioned circular area, causes a comatose state lasting between one to twelve hours. During this state, all subjects report highly vivid hallucinations, which they will recall with an unusual degree of clarity, and require intensive amnestic treatment to eradicate fully. Addendum 6997.1: Discovery SCP-6997 was discovered in June of 1971 by Raoul Acosta, an amateur occultist involved in the 1960s counterculture movement, during an experiment with psychedelic compounds (later discovered to have moderate mnestic properties) in the Death Valley region. Following this, Acosta rented a motel room in Baker, a town within driving distance of Death Valley, conducting research into its properties until his suicide in November of 1971. His journals, documenting his research in detail, were acquired by the Foundation. Addendum 6997.2: Excerpts From Recovered Journals 6/30 current formula consists 20mg DMT, 100mg harmaline, 20mg oil of moksha—I can see the tower for ~3 hours, w/ the moksha regulating the hallucinations from the ayahuasca itself. Wouldn't want hallucinations getting in the way of examining the invisible ancient stone tower. Eat your heart out, Timothy Leary. reminder: get a fan that works+call Weisinger1 when in town next, get him to send a care package of moksha oil. I may be here a while. 7/2 the tower does NOT cause hallucinations: they're not some pointless pattern of psychedelia, but clear, specific, vivid. Current theory: each vision is a memory, collected from some mind at some random point in time. Weisinger got me the book from the Library—it says similar pillars, cities of them, exist across the world, remnants of the "Oblitus". The last memorials of an ancient civilization wiped out by its own weapons2. I remember the line from Shelley, "look on my works ye mighty…" the west circular panel has to be a control mechanism; the symbols are buttons. System for retrieving the stored data. Somewhere in there, amongst all the random memories, is something of VALUE. 7/16 the letter says Bunny Hopkins and his platoon got ambushed, 6 killed. I remember when the poor bastard got shipped out, he was practically sobbing, wiping those big coke bottle glasses of his, saying it must've been a mistake he got drafted, the letter must've been for someone else. we go on about peace and love but where does that get us? Kent State, just more blood spilled and more blame laid on us. The shouting, picketing, sit-ins, WHERE does that get us? Where did all that sobbing and running get Bunny? Vietnam ate him alive, with no body to bury, glasses sunk in the jungle muck. all that about man being loving? Our nature—to kill, to pick up the broken jawbone and crush the skull of the rival ape. 7/17 the Oblitus had it right. weapons of the mind, spreading as a killing idea. is that what the tower holds? the weapon that killed them, or something like that, hidden within it? it may take years to brute-force it, sifting through however much information is in there, but I don't have anything better to do. My friend is dead, like so many others I knew, and all I want is for everything to burn, and I along with it. 11/8 I've seen a dozen civilizations die. Did you know that the world bloomed all over with flowers every time it happened? Colors like I'd never seen, and the air thick with sweetness. There were beautiful memories—I remember one where I think I was a father, holding my son as we watched an eclipse, and a hush growing as the sun went dark. But the ones I remember the most were the wars. In the trenches of the Somme, I hummed a lullaby as a friend held my hand and the morphine took away the pain, and at Mylae I buried the Roman dead, because even though I was a friend of Carthage, they deserved to return to their ancestors. there is no weapon. the tower is a repository of memory, without distinction or discrimination. I am sure that if I waited long enough, I'd come across every memory I ever had, preserved like a fly in amber. I have died a thousand times in a thousand wars, and received just as many gifts of compassion. 11/10 I've been thinking about Bunny again. All of those Romans and Greeks he used to read and talk about. There was one book, De Rerum Natura, On The Nature Of Things, that he gave me before shipping out. I dug it out of the suitcase and began reading. The author says that death is like a vessel shattering, its contents falling everywhere. The dead don't suffer, because they're gone, scattered in the deepest of sleeps. It's a good idea. I hope it's true, and Bunny's just asleep now. All those memories are weighing on me. I'm barely ninety pounds, haven't slept in days because when I do, all I see are the memories. Or dreaming of Bunny, gunned down or bleeding in a trap. I might take a walk tomorrow morning. Because I know that if I keep going on, I'll go mad. Yesterday I found a plaque, buried in the sand—it must have been attached to the tower at some point. I transcribed its inscription, and I think what it says makes a lot of sense. Addendum 6997.3 On the 11th of November, park rangers discovered Raoul Acosta on a plateau near Zabriskie Point, having committed suicide by gunshot. He carried a note in his pocket, believed to be the inscription of the aforementioned plaque, which has been transcribed below. A metal plaque was recorded amongst the possessions in Acosta's motel room by the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, but its location is currently unknown. Forgetting is a necessity. The scientist who experiments on a laboratory mouse must forget that it lives or suffers. The soldier who must kill, first kills the humanity of their foe. The tyrant, building an empire, must forget that joy or compassion exists, and tell themselves that the suffering of those under their care is just another obstacle. The Oblitus knew this. That is why this tower exists, built to remember their culture even as they died. It precedes us, and we are the heirs to its purpose. We may die in the darkness, shattering into lifeless atoms, and this may be rationalized as being for the greater good, or as punishment, or as a reward. Human nature is a strange thing. We teach ourselves that man is but a monster, to be disciplined and caged, and build great things from this foundation. But this foundation is a lie, or at least is not the whole truth. That there is more than one side to man will seem like a monstrous abnormality to those used to seeing the nature of things in a simpler way. That is the abnormality we protect. Our duty: to memorialize, not only your crimes, but the true nature of man, at any cost. We will remember you. Footnotes 1. Likely referring to Lewis Weisinger, a thaumaturge based in the Three Portlands region. 2. An erroneous belief of early research into the Oblitus culture; the true cause of the civilization's collapse, SCP-9429-A, has been isolated by the Foundation. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6997" by OrbeezTertius, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Image 1 Filename: header.jpg Name: N/A Author: Samartur License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link:
Item #: SCP-6998 Special Containment Procedures: As the cause of SCP-6998 has not yet been determined, containment of the anomaly is coequal with the mission directive of the Foundation. Description: SCP-6998 is the designation for the statistical increase in global anomalous activity observed each year by the Overseer's Council. SCP-6998 has been observed since 1875, a year before the decision was made to merge several normalcy preservation organizations into the Foundation in order to combat the growing rise of anomalous activity. Throughout the Foundation's tenure, SCP-6998 has been noted to be growing in severity, despite the expected decline brought by like-minded normalcy preservation organizations such as the Global Occult Coalition. Whereas only 63 high-profile anomalous incidents or objects were recorded or obtained by the Foundation in its first official year of operation during the Third Occult War, 2020 saw 430 in the first quarter alone. Attempts to discover the source of the unexplained growth have proven unsuccessful. Addendum 6998.1: Incident-6998 Foreword: On 25/05/2021, O5-11 sent a message through Overseer emergency channels calling all Overseers to Site-001, claiming to have discovered something of paramount importance. [BEGIN LOG] O5-11: Thank you all for coming on short notice. O5-1: You do realize it took a month to get al Fine to agree to meet? Weeks of negotiating and concessions, and then you called me away so quickly she probably thought we were planning a suicide attack. This better be worth it. O5-11: Don't worry, it is. It's about SCP-6998. [General groans and murmuring can be heard.] O5-4: Oh, for the love of god- you called us away to discuss the Administrator's crackpot conspiracy theory? Er, no offense, but he wasn't always the most rational person in the room. O5-11: Conspiracy, really? You're in charge of the most powerful and secretive organization on earth. You've signed off on more misinformation campaigns then any of us. Paid people to spread around stories about little green men and bigfoot to cover up our operations. O5-4: And yet even I don't believe in that one. What does that tell you? O5-11: I- O5-1: Please, enough. We all have things we'd rather be doing. Just… just hurry up and present whatever it is you're going to. O5-11: Thank you. I was conducting my quarterly review of RAISA, seeing if anything need to be classified. Or declassified depending on the situation- O5-10: Has that ever happened? O5-1: Yes, for the sake of containment, and shut up. Continue, Eleven. O5-11: I was going through our timeline of some of our earliest events and I noticed something… well, let's just call it interesting. If you would indulge me though; One, Two, Four: where were you on January 3rd in 1875? O5-1: My patience is running thin enough as it is. Dispense with the theatrics and get on with it. O5-2: Wait, 1875? That would've been Zurich, yes? We spent the winter in Switzerland. O5-4: That's right. Two days after the New Year… that was our meeting with Fitz, wasn't it? O5-7: Fitz? O5-1: Friedrich Williams, the Administrator. Fitz for short. A bit before your time, but even before the Foundation we ran in the same circles. And if I recall correctly, that meeting was when we first started floating ideas about an overarching, pan-national normalcy organization not burdened by national interests. I assume that's what you were getting at, then? What does this have to do with SCP-6998? O5-11: Several thousand miles away on that very same day exactly, a man by the name of William J. Smith completed his work on Anomalous ITEM-232A-B. Or as we know it, the Engine of the Chaos Insurgency. O5-1: Hmm. That is interesting, I suppose. But the Foundation wouldn't be founded for another year and the Insurgency decades later, so I'm not sure what point you're getting at. O5-11: And on July 2nd, 1876, a drunkard in Clydeside wandered into an abandoned factory in the industrial region and never came out. We didn't know it then, but that was the first confirmed appearance of the Factory. The exact same day we were all signing the Abernathy Accords. [silence.] O5-11: And it doesn't just stop there. The day after we signed off on that treaty with the US? The UN was holding a secret vote on establishing a unified occult coalition. Two hours after General Bowe unfortunately passed away from completely natural causes, a man calling himself "Dr Wondertainment" was said to have sold a dozen talking dolls in a Christmas shop in Berlin. It happened even internally— the ink on the order to consolidate the Tactical Theology department was still drying when we picked up the first signs of SCP-5998. There's also the Antimemetics Department, things have always been tricky with it, but an infohazardous anomaly labelled SCP-3125 popped up in the Foundation intranet the same day the department was officially founded. O5-5: Do we know what the anomaly is? O5-11: No idea, but that's part and parcel when dealing with the department. The point still stands, I can list a dozen more incidents where as soon as the Foundation made some significant process or breakthrough on one end, a new anomalous threat popped up. Here, look. [O5-11 passes out several folders to each overseer.] O5-11: We were looking at SCP-6998 as the reason for our founding, the reason why we needed to grow and expand, but I think it's the other way around. O5-12: So you're saying…? O5-11: I think we're causing SCP-6998. Somehow, the Foundation is causing anomalies to form. [silence.] O5-10: In any other situation, I'd laugh at something like that. But given the evidence you just laid out… O5-2: I must admit, it's somewhat damning. But why on earth would we affect the world on such a scale? We were hardly the first normalcy preservation agency: the ASCI, the Tsar's Seers, the Knights Templar, all of them existed for decades or centuries before. What makes us so special? How do we know for sure its a foundational issue with, well, the Foundation? O5-1: I'm of a similar mind with Two. I don't think anyone can dismiss this out of hand, but we can't say for sure that it's an issue specifically with the Foundation. If this was any other anomaly, I'd say testing is in order, but how do we test something like that? If it expands every time we do something, then- O5-3: If I may interrupt. Overseer Eleven's data suggests the anomaly is dependent on the growth of the Foundation. What if we do nothing? O5-1: You're proposing a shutdown? O5-3: Precisely. For a determined period of time, we cancel all external missions and anomaly containment tasks. All research initiatives, project proposals, and tests will be automatically rejected, with researchers being ordered to focus solely on containment and maintenance. Our sole task will be monitoring our informants in other organizations, to ensure that whatever we observe can be backed up by our counterparts. O5-12: Are you kidding? This isn't the US government, we can't have a shutdown of the entire Foundation every time we want to try out the whims of an Overseer. If we shut down, we're putting lives at stake. O5-7: I have to agree with Twelve here. We don't operate in a vacuum. There's anomalous items to capture, high level threats to neutralize, Insurgency bases to raid, meetings with Wilson's Wildlife and the Occult Coalition to organize. O5-11: And if SCP-6998 is correct, none of that matters. O5-7: If. It's not guaranteed, not yet at least. It's just as possible something else could be the cause. And even if it is, we have no guarantee a pause in our operations would induce a pause in SCP-6998. O5-3: With all due respect to Overseer Seven, I cannot think of another way to confirm testing of Overseer Eleven's hypothesis. O5-1: Then I suppose we put it to a vote. All in favor of Three's proposal? [One, Two, Three, Six, Nine, Eleven, and Thirteen assent.] O5-1: All opposed? [Four, Five, Seven, Eight, Ten, and Twelve dissent.] O5-1: Seven to six. The proposal passes. Three, for how long do you imagine this observation period taking place? O5-3: A year would allow for the most conclusive data. O5-7: Unacceptable, I'd say. Even if no anomalies pop up, a year-long shutdown would raise far too many questions from our staff on what the hell we're doing, and I doubt any excuse we could devise would hold up for that long. The most I can see us managing would be… two months? Maybe three? O5-12: Even that I'd say is on the long side. There's a lot of required general upkeep that requires us interacting with the anomalous community. Honestly, one month is stretching it. O5-11: If we don't have enough time to gather the data we need, then this whole thing is pointless from the beginning, and we're just sabotaging ourselves for nothing. O5-1: Alright, alright. How about… one month initially, on a provisional basis. If the test seems to be working out, we go for another month to make sure. Anyone have any objections? [General murmurs, but no one dissents.] O5-1: Good. Let's get to work on shutting this Foundation down. If this fails, then we can forget about SCP-6998 for the time being, and go on with our daily lives. If it doesn't… we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, I suppose. [END LOG] Addendum 6998.2: Recovered Audio Log [BEGIN LOG] O5-2: Didn't expect to hear from you. Everything alright on your end? O5-1: Holding down the fort. It's quiet. Which almost makes me think Eleven can be right, which if she is… well, that's not something I want to think about. O5-2: I was wondering how you were taking this all in. Got a bit more experience than the rest of us. You and Fitz were from the same generation, weren't you? O5-1: Never did get a clear answer from him. But it's not me I'm worried about. O5-2: Careful now Eve, you go on like that and I might start suspecting you actually do have a heart. O5-1: Dammit, this isn't a joke. If it turns out SCP-6998 is actually real, that we've been causing anomalies all this time, then it means… you almost died, Sophia. I saw it. You were crucified. O5-2: That whole timeline was wiped from history. Technically, it never even happened. O5-1: Ah, so that means you don't remember the spear in your side? The slow death from asphyxiation, waking up in a tomb? [O5-2 does not respond.] O5-1: I crossed a line there. I'm sorry, I really am. O5-2: I know. O5-1: I suppose I'm a little more shaken by this thing than I thought. We spent entire lifetimes in service to the Foundation, and now it turns out it was probably all for nothing. O5-2: It's not yet a foregone conclusion. SCP-6998 could just as likely be false. Remember that lazy stretch in August last year? We had virtually nothing to do for almost three weeks. O5-1: Maybe. I hope you're right. O5-2: Me too. [END LOG] 25/05/2021-25/07/2021 FOUNDATION OBSERVATIONAL REPORT XK SCENARIOS OBSERVED: 0 XK SCENARIOS AVERTED: 0 HIGH PROFILE ANOMALOUS INCIDENTS OBSERVED: 0 HIGH PROFILE ANOMALOUS INCIDENTS AVERTED: 0 HIGH PROFILE GROUPS OF INTEREST ACTIVITIES OBSERVED: 0 HIGH PROFILE GROUPS OF INTEREST ACTIVITIES AVERTED: 0 Addendum 6998.3: Foundation Observation Report Meeting Foreword: This meeting took place immediately after the release of the report in order to discuss its results and implications. [BEGIN LOG] O5-1: Fuck. O5-4: Cheers, everyone. [O5-4 uncorks a bottle of wine, taking a drink directly from the bottle.] O5-2: Are you seriously drinking during a council meeting? O5-4: Muscat wine, bottled in 1872. Bought it for myself when I first became an Overseer. Never been much of a wine man, preferred beer, but hey, I was moving up in the world. I figured it was time for me to develop sophisticated choices. What's more sophisticated then wine? O5-6: Haven't opened it all these years? O5-4: Always meant to have it after a big win. We were tied up from the start with the Fourth Occult War, but after that war I wasn't in a mood to drink anything but the cheapest beer I could find, so I stuck it in a vault in Hy-Brasil. Then there were the two World Wars, the Insurgency, everything that followed after that… we've never really had a clear win, have we? As soon as we put down one threat, fifty more raise their heads. Never a time to catch our breaths, never a time to celebrate. And now we know why. Here's to you, SCP-6998. [O5-4 offers the bottle to O5-2. After a moment of hesitation, she takes it, taking down a swig before passing it to O5-6's outstretched hand.] O5-3: I feel that it is necessary of me to remind you that alcohol and other inebriating substances are banned in the workplace, even for Overseers. O5-12: We just found out that our entire lives have been pointless, I think a little drinking is warranted. Pass it over here after, will you? O5-1: Three, I know I've asked you this almost a hundred times, but is there any chance this could be mistaken? O5-3: Exceedingly unlikely. And even if my gathered data was incorrect, our informants in the Global Occult Coalition, the Chaos Insurgency, and the Office tor the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts have reported extremely low rates of internal activity. O5-1: Is there any chance our informants could've been detected or compromised? O5-10: One or two, always a possibility. But how likely do you think are the odds of all three of those organizations finding our informants, and then deciding to work together in order to pull one on over us? O5-1: "Less likely then whatever the hell's going on here," I'd say on any other given day. So what, we pause for two months and the rest of the anomalous world grinds to a complete halt? Zero new anomalous incidents, or GoI chatter, or so much as a twig falling in Three Portlands. O5-11: I suppose this means SCP-6998's far more critical in its implications than Fitz theorized. Rather than a uniform, but global effect, it's targeted to the Foundation. Whenever we take so much as a step, the whole world responds in turn. I don't mean to sound paranoid… but I very much doubt this was an accident. Whatever did this was deliberate. O5-7: But what would have the power to do this? A god? I know, I know, we're supposed to dismiss them, call them "Apex-tier Pluripotent entities," ignore any mythological connotations, the whole nine yards. But I can't think of anything else that would have the power to make these kinds of changes. And why us? Why not the GOC or ORIA or any other random person on the street? O5-10: Maybe it likes us. It wants to give its favorite heroes villains and monsters to defeat, always pulling more out of its toybox whenever we run out. O5-9: Have you ever actually felt like a hero in this job? [O5-10 shrugs.] O5-10: Can't remember. Maybe once. Back when we were just starting out on our new organization, back when I still thought we'd be saving the world. Back before we found things like SCP-231 and I realized I could no longer look my children in the eyes. Definitely not anymore. O5-2: Mhm. "Cold, Not Cruel." All because some god or gods decided to have fun with our lives. [O5-2 sighs and motions for the bottle again.] O5-4: So… what do we do now? O5-1: What can we do? We've been in charge of the most powerful organization in the world for the last century and a half, but it turns out we wasted our entire lives as the playthings of some god's amusement. We were never in control. [A clinking can be heard amid the silence as the overseers pass around the bottle of wine. The silence stretches on for some time.] O5-11: Hmm. Something just occurred to me. O5-2: And what would that be? O5-11: One says we don't have control in our lives, that we never had. Yes, maybe as an organization the Foundation was doomed from the start. But we did just manage to stop SCP-6998. We stopped it for two months to conduct our test. O5-1: I suppose that's true. But that's all we can do, merely delay the inevitable. Any action of ours as an organization will only strengthen SCP-6998. O5-11: So then we don't take it as an organization, we take it as individuals. We were around before the Foundation. Anomalies were around before the Foundation, and they were never as dangerous as this. Sure, we had dozens of normalcy protection groups around, but none half as large or powerful, or obsessed with locking up every little item and odd person they found. Maybe that's what we need again. O5-1: I'm sorry, are you suggesting…? O5-11: I'm suggesting we dissolve the Foundation. Dismantle it entirely. O5-1: We- we can't do that. O5-11: Why not? [O5-1 does not reply.] O5-2: Maybe it's the wine talking, but you're right. Even before this, even before we discovered the Foundation's true nature, we grew too comfortable in our positions. How many rules and boundaries and taboos did we break in pursuit of normalcy? Maybe some of them might have been necessary. But all they did was feed SCP-6998. O5-7: And if we don't find a way of preserving normalcy? O5-2: Then maybe normalcy was never really a thing in the first place. An arbitrary line we drew in the sand to keep ourselves comfortable. Ugh, never thought I'd be agreeing with the Serpent's Hand over the Foundation. O5-4: It's hard to argue with the truth, I suppose. I suppose we owe them an apology. Along with everyone else. O5-1: Very well. Overseer Council Proposal Number… Oh, let's just call it 6998. Proposal-6998: the immediate and complete dissolving of the Foundation. All in favor? [A unanimous round of "ayes" can be heard.] O5-1: All opposed? [Silence.] O5-1: The ayes have it then. The dissolving of the Foundation will take place immediately. Sophia, Jonathan, Liang, it's been a pleasure working with you all. [O5-1 reaches for the now empty bottle. She turns it around in their hands for a moment before holding it to mimic a toast.] O5-1: Here's to quiet days, I suppose. Quiet days and peace. THE END ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6998" by Cerastes, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. 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border: 2vw solid rgba(0,0,0,0.5); border-image: url('') 600 round; border-image-width: 6; padding: 2vw; } SCP-6999 - Nearer, My God, To Thee Authored by Elenee FishTruck. Written for the SCP-6000 Contest. ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} FROM: O5-10 TO: Personnel LISTSERV Figured you may be curious about the music. See attached file. - O5-10 scp-6999.pdf 0/6999 LEVEL 0/6999 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-6999 Safe SECONDARY CLASS: THAUMIEL Frame of SCP-6999. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation personnel maintain several television broadcasting towers to transmit SCP-6999 globally. Per Project AISA protocol, only Level 5 personnel may access this file. Description: SCP-6999 is a three minute-long, cognitohazardous video of the Applied Force Department Symphony performing Nearer, My God, to Thee. The video influences the autonomic nervous system and hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, inhibiting fight-or-flight responses to stressors and regulating cortisol production. Upon Ethics Committee approval, the O5 Council commissioned the Memetics and Infohazards Division to develop SCP-6999 for Project AISA. Exposure testing began on volunteer researchers after performance and recording. Addendum 6999.1: Testing Log Subject: Dr. Chuck Ferguson Background: Ferguson married his husband seven years prior to testing and had adopted an infant son three years prior. While he reports high relationship and household satisfaction, substantiated by testimony from close friends, he frequently stresses over a lack of interaction with his son and believes his husband may hold grudges against him due to this. Results: Ferguson texts his husband, asking if they can discuss the situation later that day. Ferguson reports an in-depth, reflective conversation, spanning their relationship history, familial pasts, and favorite television programs. Among this, Ferguson's husband reassures that he holds no grudges over his more dominant role in their son's upbringing, given Ferguson's government job (see Family Disclosure Protocol). However, he does suggest hiring a babysitter, which Ferguson states he'll contemplate. Subject: Agent Silvina Cortez Background: Cortez emigrated from the Philippines to the United States after college, a decision heavily protested by her mother. With her enrollment in the United States military and subsequent Foundation employment, her relationship with her mother grew increasingly estranged. Cortez regrets not contacting her mother but fears a further divide in their relationship if she does so. Results: Cortez calls her mother who expresses shock from the sudden contact. They set up a video call together for the day after testing. Cortez reports an initially stilted but progressively intimate conversation, her mother interested in American life and Cortez in Filipino life. When addressing the initial distress over the emigration, Cortez' mother apologizes for her comments, noting how long ago she made them but admitting she feared how Cortez would adjust. Subject: Dr. Everett Mann Background: Mann, continuing the eccentricity of his caretaker uncle, possessed divergent ethics from societal norms. After Mann's uncle died incarcerated, Mann faced social ostracization from peers. In response, Mann sought comfort in science and learning. While Mann cites "genius" as diverting potential friends, others testify Mann outright rejecting social advances in favor of scientific pursuits. Results: Mann steps outside the testing facility, finds the nearest cliff-face, and sits at the edge, silently staring at the night sky. When asked what he thought about, Mann states "We can all ascend." The next day, he sits at a crowded table in the Site-19 cafeteria, facilitating awkward but genuine conversation on rat biology. Addendum 6999.2: Project AISA Briefing Project AISA is a Foundation-planned initiative to comfort humanity in response to a predictable, singular, and widely publicized XK End-of-the-World scenario. Once such an event grows imminent, all Foundation personnel will gain access to files on Project AISA anomalies. Send? Sent. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6999" by Elenee FishTruck, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: band.jpg Name: File:Koninklijke Harmonie van Thorn 20080501.JPG Author: Nlkalwien License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: hymn.mp3 Name: Nearer, my God, to Thee Author: Conway's Band License: Public Domain Source Link: Library of Congress
SCP-3000 - Anantashesha Co-authored by A Random Day, djkaktus, and Joreth ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} BY ORDER OF THE OVERSEER COUNCIL The following file describes a CLASS VIII cognitohazardous entity, and is Level 5/3000 classified Unauthorized access is forbidden. 3000 [INPUT LEVEL 5/3000 SECURITY CREDENTIALS] [CREDENTIALS APPROVED] Item #: SCP-3000 Site Responsible: INWBKL Site-151 Director: Kerry Eckelkamp Research Head: David Bell Assigned Task Force: SCPF Eremita Level 5/3000 CLASSIFIED SCP-3000 and Foundation diver during Atzak Protocol. Special Containment Procedures: The area containing SCP-3000, currently a region of the Bay of Bengal roughly 300km in diameter, is to be routinely patrolled by Foundation naval vessels. Under no circumstances are civilians allowed to attempt deep sea exploration or diving efforts in the quarantined area. Individuals believed to have contacted SCP-3000 are to be contained, quarantined, and processed at Site-151. Individuals affected by the anomalous properties of SCP-3000 are to be held in containment indefinitely. The Foundation submarine SCPF Eremita is to monitor the location of the foremost section of SCP-3000, currently located within the Ganges Fan, roughly 0.7km beneath the Bay. The Eremita is tasked with carrying out the Atzak Protocol, and staffing regulations onboard the vessel are subject to the guidelines of that protocol. For a full description of the Atzak Protocol, see Addendum 3000.2. There is currently no known cure for exposure to SCP-3000; as such, affected individuals should be contained and quarantined for further evaluation. Individuals stationed aboard the SCPF Eremita are not permitted to leave the vessel except for the purposes of carrying out the necessary procedures of the Atzak Protocol. Individuals who leave the vessel without proper authorization are to be considered lost. Under no circumstances should any individual interact with SCP-3000 without authorization. Description: SCP-3000 is a massive, aquatic, serpentine entity strongly resembling a giant moray eel (Gymnothorax javanicus). The full length of SCP-3000 is impossible to determine, but is hypothesized to be between 600 and 900 kilometers. The head of SCP-3000 measures roughly 2.5m in diameter, and sections of the body proper are as large as 10m in diameter. SCP-3000 is typically a sedentary creature, only moving its head in response to certain stimuli or during feeding. The majority of its body is located in and around the Ganges Fan1, and rarely moves at all. SCP-3000 is carnivorous, and despite its sedentary nature is capable of moving quickly to dispatch prey. Despite its size, it is hypothesized that SCP-3000 does not require sustenance to maintain its biological functions2. While SCP-3000 excretes a thin layer of a viscous, dark grey substance classified as Y-909 (see Addendum 3000.2 below) through its skin as it consumes prey, the end result of its digestive processes is currently unknown. SCP-3000 is a Class VIII cognitohazardous entity; direct observation of SCP-3000 may cause severe mental alterations in viewers. Individuals who directly observe SCP-3000, as well as any individuals within an uncertain distance of SCP-3000, experience inexplicable head pain, paranoia, general fear and panic, and memory loss or alteration. The following is a log from Site-151's historical records, written by Dr. Eugene Getts, about initial discovery of SCP-3000 and the effects felt therein: …the unease was felt throughout the entire crew as we descended on that first night. Whether this was due to our uncertainty at what we would discover, or something more sinister, I would not speculate. As we continued to descend, Williams began sweating profusely. When asked about it, he could not respond, stating that he thought he was missing something he could not deduce. As our descent continued, he began to act more and more erratically, at one point addressing myself as "Darlene" and expressing uncertainty as to the tasks he was assigned to handle. Similar feelings were expressed by other members of the crew, but Williams felt it the most. His memetic resistance was by far the lowest of all of us, but he was a biologist, not a memeticist. When we finally came into contact with the entity, he began whimpering and had to be sedated. I remember him muttering the word "no" over and over again, as if in disbelief. He went silent after a while as we approached its head, and when I looked back at him something had gone from his eyes. He did not even so much as blink as we made our final descent. At around 0940 hours, we first observed the head of the entity. The unease was palpable now; several other crew members complained of feeling "hazy" and of being uncertain what they were supposed to be doing. Captain Ritter, ever the man's man, wrote it all off as nitrogen intoxication and forced them to continue approaching the entity. When we were within fifty meters, the entity turned slowly to look at us. Even now, as I recall watching this thing coil around in the darkness, I can still hear Williams, barking like a mad dog in the rear of the vessel. Screaming and flailing, shouting about how he could see it in his head. Perkins and Harrison tried to restrain him, but he got free and smashed his face in against one of the portholes. He hit it so hard he cracked the inner layer of glass. The damage was bad enough that we had to surface. We tried to give Williams medical attention, but he was too far gone at that point. He had pulped himself against the glass, and despite the trauma, he still spoke briefly as he lay dying. Nobody recorded it, we didn't think to at the time. But I remember it well enough. He said, "there's nothing, nothing, nothing." By the time we had reached the surface several hours later, Williams was dead. At the time, I didn't think much about what he had said. Just the ravings of a man gone mad by the depths, I figured. I didn't know any better. But even now, I can still see the eyes of the creature. I see it hanging there in the darkness, illuminated by a light I cannot source. And I feel the lingering dread that Williams must have felt that night in the submersible, as he was overcome by whatever void that foul thing slithered out of. SCPF Eremita diving towards contact site. Discovery: SCP-3000 was discovered in 1971, shortly after two Bangladeshi fishing boats and fifteen fishermen were reported missing after drifting near the Indian coast. As the country of Bangladesh had only been recently established at the time and had been subject to significant political persecution on the part of Pakistan, this incident received high profile media attention due to fears that it was a result of foreign aggression. Local coastal dispatch units could not locate the missing boats, fueling further media hysteria. Foundation researchers stationed in Calcutta (now Kolkata) drew similarities between this disappearance and another incident two years earlier. A thorough search aided by Mariotte-Pashler Counters revealed the location of the two boats, as well as an unknown, previously undiscovered mass deep below the surface of the Bay of Bengal. Further investigation by Foundation divers discovered the existence of SCP-3000. The area was quickly secured, and current containment procedures were put in place in April of 1972; the Atzak Protocol was adapted in October of 1998. Addendum 3000.1: Initial Contact Exploration Log Note: The following is the transcript of audio logs taken during initial deep-sea diver contact with SCP-3000. Until this point, no Foundation diver had come within 300m of SCP-3000. Divers were tasked with assessing the creature, and determining the source of the thick, grey fluid that had been observed floating around its head. Dive team was composed of three members of MTF Orion-9 “Kingfishers”, lead by MTF O-9 Alpha. Launch point was through the airlock of the Foundation submarine SCPF Stravinsky. All divers were equipped with high-pressure suits, as well as front-facing headlamps. Additionally, a tether was connected to MTF O-9 Alpha, which was then connected in a “T” shape out to both Bravo and Foxtrot. [BEGIN LOG] Alpha: Alright command. We’re situated in the airlock, and ready to roll. Command: Confirmed. Go ahead and sound off. Alpha: Orion-9 Alpha, check. Bravo: Orion-9 Bravo, check. Command: Alright, men - we’re in position about 500m from the head of this creature. Make sure your tethers are on good and tight, we don’t want any of you getting separated out there. Bravo: What’s visibility like down here today, command? Command: Standby. Command: About three meters. Foxtrot: So it’s dark as fuck. Got it. Bravo: Why are we so far out? Command: The size of this thing is hard to comprehend, and it’s wrapped up in itself in several places. We can’t get too close because there’s too much body there. The entity hasn’t moved in about three weeks. Foxtrot: At all? Command: Affirmative. It moves slightly with the currents down here, but nothing more than that. If it weren’t for the head movement that was observed by the first submersible team, we probably wouldn’t know if it was alive or not. Foxtrot: That’s reassuring. Alpha: Alright, tethers are tight. Flood the chamber. Command: Confirmed. Rushing water is heard as the airlock chamber floods. No other sound is heard for several minutes. After some time, the sound of rushing water stops. Alpha: You both good? Bravo: I’m good. Foxtrot: It’s fucking cold. Alpha: Hopefully we won't be out for long then. Turn on your lights boys, here we go. All members of the dive team exit the airlock. There is a low mechanical sound as the airlock door closes behind them. A muffled click sound is heard, and the Stravinsky activates its aft floodlights. Foxtrot: Hey Alpha, I uh— maybe this is a bad time to ask, but I can’t remember how to turn on my lamp, and- Alpha: Your lamp is on, Foxtrot. Foxtrot: It— what? (Pauses) What did you call me? Alpha: Your designation, Mulhaney. Foxtrot. Bravo: I’m Foxtrot, boss. Alpha: Hang on, what are you talking about? Foxtrot: I don’t understand what you mean by “designation”. Alpha: It’s your goddamn call sign, Bravo, what do you mean— Bravo: Who’s Bravo? Alpha: I— uh, shit, hang on. I was going to say something. Barry3, are you still there? Command: Standby. (Pause) Go for command. Alpha: Hey, we’re having a little trouble out here, I’m not sure who… we seem to have some confusion over designations, and I’m not sure where we’re going. Foxtrot: Where exactly are we? Bravo: God, do you— do you guys feel that? I’ve just got an awful headache, it’s like needling in my brain, something… Command: Dive team, be advised that we believe you may be experiencing some detrimental cognitive effects. Keep moving forward, and we’ll give you more information as we receive it. Alpha: Noted. Command, be advised that Foxtrot has a… uh… terrible headache. I think… are we going in the right direction? We can’t see out here. Command: You are roughly 150m from the head of the entity, Alpha. You should be getting a visual soon. Bravo: Command, I don’t see anything, where are we? Alpha: Where are we? Command: We're almost there, Alpha - dive team, be advised, we’re picking up movement from the entity on radar. Alpha: I— Barry, I don’t see anything down here, what are we supposed to be looking- Foxtrot: All… all I can see is darkness. There's a chill foul wind blowing, pushing me towards a brink I can't see- Alpha: Shut up, shut up, shut up - Command, Bravo is unresponsive, requesting immediate cessation of mission- Bravo: Wait a second- Foxtrot: —on the edge of the nothingness, inches from oblivion. There's a… there's a sickness in my mind that I know can't be cured. Beyond me is only blackness, and a single pair of dark eyes- Alpha: What? What are you saying? Command: Dive team, we’re going to pull you back in immediately, we have reason to believe that— Alpha: Barry? Is that you? How can it be? I shoveled the dirt during your— Bravo: I can hear something over there, Alpha, your light, get your fucking— Foxtrot: —silence, only silence, my consciousness coming undone and only and only and only- Command: Dive team, something is moving toward you, repeat, something is moving toward you, prepare to return to- Alpha: Ah, this is shit. I can’t see. How far are we from the- Bravo: It’s right there! It’s right there! Fuck! What are you both doing? Fuck! Foxtrot: —and only the eel remains. Radio silence for twenty seconds. Command: Alpha? Radio silence for thirteen seconds. Command: Alpha? Bravo? Foxtrot? Do any of you hear us? Bravo: (Unintelligible) Command: Oh, thank God - Bravo, you need to speak up, we can’t— Bravo: Shhhhhhhh. Radio silence for ten seconds. Command: Something has bound up the winch between you and us, we can’t— Alpha: It’s opening its mouth. Bravo: It’s so dark, there’s— ah- Foxtrot: Where am I? What— Alpha: Barry? How can it be? I shoveled dirt- Bravo: Mulhaney… swim, get away, there’s only darkness, swim— Foxtrot: Only- There is suddenly tension in the tether attached to the Stravinsky. O-9 Foxtrot’s radio goes silent. There is the sound of a struggle through the other two radios. Command: Foxtrot? Foxtrot? Alpha? Bravo? Talk to me, stay calm, what happened? Bravo: It ate him, fuck, he’s gone, it took him whole, he— goddammit, Alpha, what are you doing? Alpha: Alpha? Bravo: Cut the fucking goddamn tether Alpha, it’s pulling us in! Alpha: Who? Bravo: Fuck! Alpha: (Silence) Ah— Total radio silence for thirty seconds. Tether attached to Stravinsky is pulled free from its moorings and disappears. Command: Alpha, Bravo, do you copy? Radio silence for five seconds. Command: Alpha, Bravo, do you copy? Bravo: This is Bravo, I’m… I’m floating in the dark. I can see shapes moving through the fog, but they’re hard to make out. I cut my tether, Alpha wouldn’t— I think he’s gone. I don’t see his light anymore. Command: Acknowledged. We’re coming to- Bravo: Hang on, just let me think for a second… cognition, this thing, it doesn’t work around it. Your brain can’t form thought, (static) it hurts, it’s like dying, and— Command: Bravo, do you have eyes on the entity? Bravo: It’s in my head, guys. Coiled up in there like a snake, and something about it is… caustic. (Pauses) I can see it, just in front of me. It’s not doing anything, it’s… it isn’t moving. Just hanging there, with its mouth open. I think it’s finished eating. (Pauses) That fluid is seeping through the skin around its head, about a meter back. Just looking at the stuff is making me… like the room is spinning. I feel nauseous. My head isn’t working right. (Laughter) There's an abortion under the floorboards, and another in the si— wait, this is wrong, that wasn't me. Who said that? Bravo: My… I’m going to collect a sample, hang on. Command: Bravo, we’re going to send out a crew to get you, just hold on. Bravo: Oh no, don’t do that. Not… you have to be trained to not feel the things I’m feeling, otherwise it will get into you. Maybe it will anyway, who knows. It feels like the end of the world down here, fellas. My heart is really going off the charts, and I think I’m dying. Just— (Pauses) I got a sample. I’ll attach it to one of those little balloons and let it float up. You’ll be able to get it later. Don’t spend too much time around that stuff, it… it doesn’t… your mind… it… (Quick, heavy breathing) Command: Bravo? Bravo: I think I’m dying. I’m dying, I know I’m dying, this is it. I just want to get away from here. You know, it occurs to me… (laughs quietly) don’t send anyone else out here. It’s so dark. Command: Bravo? Over the next half hour, the SCPF Stravinsky attempted to approach O-9 Bravo, with no success. Command continued to attempt to communicate with O-9 Bravo, but Bravo grew increasingly unintelligible, before eventually going completely silent. Bravo's radio stayed active over the next three days, and intermittent breathing could be heard until the radio ceased functioning. Addendum 3000.2: Atzak Protocol This protocol dictates certain interactions with a CLASS VIII COGNITOHAZARDOUS ENTITY, SCP-3000, and as such is LEVEL 5/3000 CLASSIFIED. Preface: The following protocol was developed in conjunction with researchers from Site-29 and Site-50, as well as researchers stationed at Site-151. Some sections may have been redacted to remove material above this classification. Adherence to this protocol is required for all personnel assigned to Site-151, as well as all personnel assigned to the SCPF Eremita. Abstract: The 151-HOLLISTER ATZAK PROTOCOL has been developed and implemented to create a strategy for the management of the Y-909 chemical compound excreted by SCP-3000. Protocol Information: The Y-909 compound, originally discovered by the late Dr. Adam Hollister, is a critical component in several modern and experimental amnestic compounds. Specifically, the following amnestics now contain a refined version of the Y-909 compound: Class-A (2016 variant) Class-D (2016 variant) Class-E (2016 variant) Class-X (2017 variant) Class-XX (2017 variant) [REDACTED] [REDACTED] Atzak-Class Experimental Compound Foster-Class Experimental Compound Ellipse-Class Experimental Compound The inclusion of the Y-909 compound has shown a marked increase in the stability and long-term effectiveness of the aforementioned amnestics. Overall, amnestics utilizing Y-909 break down 78% slower than their standard counterparts in cold storage, and 52% slower than their standard counterparts at room temperature. Additionally, individuals administered an amnestic regimen utilizing Y-909 show a marked increase in suggestibility, memory clearance, and a significant decrease in additional side-effects (such as nausea, vomiting, bowel distress, blurred vision, headaches, insomnia, heart damage, and others). Individuals treated with these amnestics expressed significantly fewer intrusive memories as those without Y-909, with some individuals exposed to experimental compounds expressing no intrusive memories whatsoever, even at the 5 and 10 year marks. Due to the effectiveness of these treatments with the addition of Y-909, the continued inclusion of this compound is essential to modern Foundation amnestic application. Reliance on the continued use of Y-909 necessitates its collection for the foreseeable future, as a synthetic version of the compound has not yet been discovered. As such, this protocol dictates the way this compound is collected off of SCP-3000, and the way personnel are to interact with SCP-3000. Below is a brief framework of the procedure, and detailed information can be found in the full Atzak brief: Members of MTF Epsilon-20 "Night Fishermen" are to prepare a subject for deliverance to the feeding site. One individual D-Class subject is to be administered a sedative, and equipped with a high-pressure diving suit. The subject is then to be tethered to an underwater ROV within the aft airlock. The airlock is to be flooded, and the subject is to be towed by the ROV towards the feeding site. Upon reaching the feeding site, the ROV is to disconnect its tether, and return to the Eremita. Throughout this stage, SCPF Eremita should monitor SCP-3000's position, and adjust course if the entity begins to move away from the feeding site. Mission command will provide additional instructions during this phase if necessary. Personnel onboard the SCPF Eremita are to monitor SCP-3000 during feeding sessions. During this time, no personnel are permitted to leave the Eremita without authorization from mission command. At a point after the total consumption of prey, SCP-3000 will begin to excrete Y-909 near the foremost section of its body. Specialized teams of deep-sea divers are to exit the SCPF Eremita through the aft airlock and approach SCP-3000. Collection of Y-909 must take place during SCP-3000's "digestive" period, which is currently believed to be roughly two and a half hours after consumption of prey. Teams must return to launch craft before the end of this period. During this period, the typical effects of SCP-3000 are less severe, though Command should continue to monitor these teams for damage to their cognition. After collection of Y-909 is complete, personnel are to transfer the collected substance to secure containers before returning to the surface. The mission administrator onboard the Eremita is to monitor the substance throughout transport. Addendum 3000.3: Psychological Evaluation Dr. Venkatraman Krishnamoorthy Note: On ██/██09, Level 3 Researcher Venkatraman Krishnamoorthy attempted to exit out the Eremita's aft airlock without diving equipment, but was quickly restrained and the airlock cycle aborted. Despite having a CRV of 26, and having not displayed any previous signs of depression or suicidal attempt prior to his assignment aboard the Eremita, Krishnamoorthy was interviewed by staff clinical psychologist Dr. Anand Mannava to acquire a better understanding of SCP-3000's potential effect on his psyche. [BEGIN LOG] Mannava: Hi Venkat, how are you feeling? Krishnamoorthy: Unwell. Mannava: That's what I hear. Do you want to talk about what happened today? Krishnamoorthy is silent. Mannava: We don't have to, if you don't want to. We can talk about something else. Krishnamoorthy: I'm tired, Anand. Mannava: I understand. This assignment has been stressful on all of— Krishnamoorthy: It's not, no, it isn't the stress. I've done this before, I've been on… I don't actually know if I've done this before. Mannava: You have. Krishnamoorthy: I don't remember it. Any of it. I've been getting these out of context feelings, like my body reacting to reflexes it didn't know it had. Everything is so disconnected, and trying to keep it together is… I'm just tired. Mannava: When did you start feeling this way? Krishnamoorthy: How long have we been down here? I don't remember. I don't know when, I honestly don't. I wish I could tell you more than that, but I have nothing. I look to that place in my mind and there's something else there— or sometimes nothing at all. Mannava: What do you mean, something else? Krishnamoorthy: I've been having other peoples' dreams, Anand. I see faces I don't recognize, places I know I've never been… or maybe I have. I don't know. How can I know what is real or not, when I can't trust my own mind? Mannava: Well, maybe I can help you with that, Venkat. We can go over things you think you've forgotten, and I can— Krishnamoorthy: Don't patronize me. I know you've felt it, Anand. Your mind gets hazy. Parts of you start to slip, your memories grow faint, fading in and out until they're gone, or worse, replaced. You see pasts that aren't yours, experiences that you never lived. You start to become other people, or… nobody at all. Mannava: Venkat, please. I'm just trying to help. Krishnamoorthy: Do you even know my work before we met? Come to think of it, I don't even remember how we met. I know your name, know that you're a psychologist, but are we friends? Are we brothers? I don't know how I know you. We work together, I know that. I still have that. But other things, they come and go. I don't know if I am married, or have children4. Mannava: I see. Krishnamoorthy: And that… that isn't the worst of it. I know this is happening to me, I know that my mind is coming apart. But there's something else in there, too. Something rising out of the… out of the smoke of my smoldering consciousness. That eel. Mannava: The eel? Krishnamoorthy: I don't… I don't remember my mother. I can hear her voice, but I can't remember her face. I can't remember how she smelled, or how she… but what I do remember is she told me about gods. (Pauses) There is a god, called Anantashesha. A serpent, the king of serpents. Said to lie beneath Vishnu in the cosmos. A six headed snake god, isn't that something? Mannava: It… yes, I am familiar. Krishnamoorthy: Ah… of course, I'm sorry. I forgot. (Pauses) She… I don't remember much, but I do remember that she told me about how Anantashesha would… would linger past the end. Gaze upon the darkness past the end of time. She said that, when the light of the universe had gone out, all that would be left is Anantashesha. (Pauses) I have worked my entire life for the Foundation, so much as I can recall. I have struggled to build my name and my reputation and done everything I can do to leave… something, anything. Some kind of mark that says I was here. But… Mannava: What is it? Krishnamoorthy: I… I believe that SCP-3000 is Anantashesha. I believe that this… this aberration, this treachery against cognition, is the result of us being in the presence of a god. Not just a god, but a god who exists across all time, all at once, and… even beyond. Maybe… maybe some part of the nothingness beyond the edge of time is part of Anantashesha, as well. Maybe it acts as, as a conduit, some kind of— Mannava: Venkat, please, we're scientists— Krishnamoorthy: No, let me finish. In defiance of the nothingness that comes after this, all of this, there is Anantashesha. There's a chance that my memories might live on, that I might be remembered like the memories I've seen have been through me. I don't… I don't have proof of this. But when I looked into its eyes and saw what it showed me, I was afraid. I'm merely a mediocre man, Anand. This was a fear that I have refused to acknowledge for years, a fear of irrelevance, that no one will know who I am when I die. Afraid of being forgotten. Afraid of my life being meaningless. Afraid of being alone. Afraid of dying. (Sighs) There is a terror within me that I cannot reconcile, Anand. I won't lie to you and tell you that the maw of the naga does not terrify me as well, but between this and the infinite dark I have gazed into, I have made up my mind. [END LOG] Addendum 3000.4: Incident Video and Audio Log After two days of containment within a secure holding cell onboard the Eremita, orders were received to lift the hold order on Dr. Krishnamoorthy, in accordance to the terms of the Atzak Protocol. Three hours after Dr. Krishnamoorthy was released from his holding cell, the following incident took place: [BEGIN LOG] <02:19:33> Krishnamoorthy stands near the entrance to the Eremita's aft airlock. Subject is facing away from nearest camera. <02:19:58> Proximity alarm is triggered. Exterior floodlights activate. SCP-3000 is still not visible. Command is alerted, and Eremita's engines engage, preparing for evasive maneuvers. <02:20:06> Krishnamoorthy is startled by proximity alarm, and begins to appear panicked. Subject continues to look at entrance to the aft airlock. Subject turns briefly towards nearest camera, and is observed to be weeping. <02:20:21> Krishnamoorthy slowly approaches aft airlock and opens airlock door. Subject enters airlock, and primary access door seals behind the subject. <02:20:57> Interior airlock camera captures Krishnamoorthy staring at exterior airlock door for a full two minutes, unmoving. After two minutes, subject collapses on the ground. <02:21:15> All cameras shudder as primary turbines spin up. SCP-3000 is visible on radar, approaching SCPF Eremita. SCP-3000 is not visible on exterior cameras. <02:26:37> Krishnamoorthy stands and approaches diving suit locker. Subject puts on a high-pressure deep sea diving suit, and then moves towards exterior door controls. Subject engages exterior door latch. Interior airlock camera is obscured by rushing water. <02:27:14> Secondary alarm is triggered by airlock breach. Personnel on the bridge attempt to close airlock, but Krishnamoorthy has already exited the airlock. <02:27:48> Krishnamoorthy hangs in the water behind the aft section of the Eremita, illuminated by exterior floodlights. Subject is motionless. <02:28:11> SCP-3000 slowly appears from out of the darkness. Krishnamoorthy remains motionless. <02:28:29> Exterior cameras shudder as Eremita begins to reverse towards Krishnamoorthy. Rescue teams have assembled in the airlock chamber. <02:28:52> SCP-3000 approaches Krishnamoorthy. Its mouth begins to open. Eremita sounds horns, but neither SCP-3000 or subject appear to notice. <02:29:09> SCP-3000 moves to just above Krishnamoorthy. Subject appears to look up into the now fully expanded jaw of SCP-3000. Eremita begins to flash external floodlights. Airlock opens. Krishnamoorthy: Anand… I was wrong. (Sobs) God save me, it's not— <02:29:21> SCP-3000 strikes and quickly consumes Krishnamoorthy. <02:29:45> SCP-3000 disappears into the darkness, and is no longer visible on exterior cameras. Rescue crews are recalled. Crew begins to initiate Atzak Protocol. [END LOG] Addendum 3000.5: Personal Journal of Dr. Mannava Note: The following are excerpts from the personal diaries of Dr. Anand Mannava. Dr. Mannava has kept several journals during his assignment, and has reported that it is beneficial to counteract the psychological and memory-affecting properties of SCP-3000. 23/09/2009 I come to bury Venkat, not to praise him. Psychologically speaking, having your memories affected like his is not a pleasant experience for anyone. I really shouldn't be surprised he chose to relieve himself from having his memories meddled with - after all, it's really alarming. Being briefed on its effects doesn't change the fact that I need to constantly keep tabs on all staff, myself included, and ground us to reality. I am supposed to submit a full psychological report now, detailing what has gone wrong, why a staff member turned suicidal, and a full analysis of possible ways to prevent this from happening again in the future, to the O5 and Site Director Nox, have it reviewed and some new regimen designed to prevent such a travesty from happening again. He always was more religious than I am. Right at the end of his life he was riffing on Anantashesha - a primordial Hindu snake god - and rambling about eternity. I'm not going to question the legitimacy of his beliefs and his claims, but this is quite the enigma, and I suppose I should consider myself lucky that this assignment is relatively benign compared to previous assignments that I've had. I don't think this is a mythical eel - anomalous, maybe, but not really that extraordinary. It's funny - I spent the last thirty years blocking out everything my father wanted to teach me about Hinduism and now I'm racking my brains trying to remember anything he had to say about it. I want to say that it's because of the eel, but if I'm being honest with myself I simply tried to forget all his teachings. Maybe not at the beginning, but certainly by the end. I can barely even remember what he looked like. But I do remember how angry he got when I couldn't remember the names of my grandparents or great-uncles. He was desperate to preserve his culture heritage, and I did everything I could to spite him. On his deathbed he begged me to perform the traditional last rites after his death. He even wrote the instructions down, but I was so angry at him that I tore them up in front of him. I can't even remember why. The only memories I have of him are how he made me feel. He spent almost twenty years trying to pass down our heritage - and all I have now is anger and hatred and regret. 30/09/2009 Site Director Nox gathered the staff this morning for a short mourning. After a few brief and laconic eulogies, he took me aside and told me that Venkat's replacement will come in a few weeks - and as he kept no contact with his family, it's likely his belongings will just be disposed of, and are now technically Foundation property. The director indicated that if I want to keep a thing or two from him, I should do so now. His office was relatively unremarkable - his cushy squashed chair cushion, few office toys, and lots of marine biology books that I should probably check out someday. The only thing I took was a statue of Ganesh that stood next to the window. Not fully sure why myself, but he's now sitting on the bookshelf, next to a picture of myself, my wife, and our daughter at a lakeside terrace. It was a pretty unremarkable trip to some tourist trap in Lucknow, but this really is one of our best-looking pictures. We're going under again tomorrow. 11/11/2009 All of the D-class managed to stay put this week, which is good. Other than the routine depression and memory loss from exposure to SCP-3000, everything was in order. Sometimes I'm a bit envious of them - all they know is that they're scooping gunk off some big eel. They don't know of its importance, or why it's critical that they collect it, and how much it helps us. Of course, one saving grace of being on the psychological division for the Atzak Project is the awareness of its potential effects - I'm aware of what's happening to my psyche. I know that I have memories that are being drained, pieces that are being lost right now. I recall images of a young man on a bicycle, in front of a schoolyard gate, looking like it was the 80s, when I was in Singapore - he was laughing - yet I don't know if this man was a friend, a lover, a son, a family friend - who this young man is. Perhaps Italian? Or maybe Australian? Maybe this isn't even a cherished memory at all. I looked at the Ganesh statue and the picture of my family again. It's really quite a shame, I truly forgot most anything that I've done with them. I've started trying to learn some Hindu poems and songs; went out and got a copy of the Vedas, but I can't memorize the lines properly. I've been reflecting on what Venkat told me before he passed though - his deep, deep seated fear of mediocrity. Unable to rise out of the sea of humans that walk on the face of this earth. He's worked for the Foundation for years, and while he isn't one of the most well-known and household names of the Foundation, he's not exactly obscure - he's been the Foundation's leading marine biologist and go-to-expert for anything aquatic, and quite well-revered. I'm actually quite surprised by his jealousy - he was never the flashy and bombastic type, and I would have never guessed that he wanted fame and recognition. Perhaps he really was afraid that he is doomed to be stuck in mediocrity. Perhaps the silence of this place reminded him of something worse. Addendum 3000.6 : Memorandum on Atzak Brief [LEVEL 5/3000 CLASSIFIED] Some new assignments had questions about our work here, so I'm publishing this to clear most of them up. Feel free to contact my office if there are any others. The Atzak Protocol is a method for gathering and processing the Y-909 compound. It's a thick, brackish, grey fluid that SCP-3000 excretes as part of its metabolism. We don't know the exact method by which it does this, but we have some ideas, and none of them are great for us. Initially, we thought it was bleeding. The first team we sent down to look at SCP-3000 went down to collect blood samples for analysis. When SCP-3000 attacked and consumed them, and began producing more of the substance, we realized that we were looking at something different entirely. It's definitely not blood, it's more akin to a prion slurry. It's extremely toxic, and spending too much time around the stuff causes a lot of the same effects as exposure to SCP-3000 does. Paranoia, memory loss, suicidal thoughts, etc. Refining the raw Y-909, what the processors call "eel jelly", allows us to create amnestics more effective than any we've ever had access to in the history of this organization. Herein lies the ethical dilemma. SCP-3000 only creates Y-909 after eating, and it only eats humans. Remember when I said we had some ideas about how it does this? Some of our biologists have hypothesized that SCP-3000 is breaking down whatever makes sapient creatures sapient, filtering it through some part of its skin, and the residual ether is what we collect. You want to know something really fucked up? We've taken radiographs of this thing, trying to see what's going on inside of it. It's full of dead human bodies. It's not digesting them at all, it's doing something else, and the end result is Y-909. When we first started using Y-909 in our amnestics programs, we tried to synthesize it. We got something close to what we were looking for, Y-919, but the side effects were catastrophic. The amnestics would work, we could get people to forget events, people, and so on. But then they would start to forget other things, too. The mental deterioration would rapidly increase until there was nothing left, and then they would die. A few of those researchers thought we might be able to figure out how to decrease the severity of those side effects, but the cost to continue those trials would have been astronomical, and the program was discontinued. It's no secret that what we're doing here is abhorrent. The Ethics Committee, the Classification Committee, they're all looking at ways to make this more tolerable than what it is. But the hard truth is, if we want to continue to use modern amnestics, we have to have Y-909. If we want to have Y-909, we have to feed D-Class to SCP-3000. Otherwise, we'd be forced to go back to the metaphorical dark ages, where we were amnesticizing people with opiates and chloroform. The good news is, we're developing ROVs that should be able to take over the job of collecting the raw material from our dive teams. This will eliminate any chance of accidental casualties like we've had in the past, and is a good first step. For everything else, only time will tell. -Nox Addendum 3000.7: Personal Journal of Dr. Mannava Note: The following is the full text of a page, penned in the hand of Dr. Mannava, which was ripped out of a journal and placed on his nightstand. undated I have spent a considerable amount of time on this assignment attempting to understand the underlying effects of individuals exposed to a Class VIII cognitohazard. I have conducted numerous personnel interviews, written a great many psychological reports, but I have not been able to properly deduce what about this creature would lead a perfectly sane man out the door of that airlock, and into the maw of the eel. Earlier this week, as I was preparing my notes for another report, I accidentally knocked the picture of myself, my wife, and my daughter off of my nightstand. The glass shattered as it hit the ground, and the picture fell out. As I cleaned it up, I noticed something written on the reverse of the image. It said, "Anand, Shanti, and Padma. June, 2002" But the writing was not mine, it was Venkat's. I was puzzled by this. Why would Venkat have written on the back of a picture of mine? I thought little of it at the time, and cleaned up the mess and went about my day. But this question stuck with me. It was a little thing, easily explained in any number of ways, but I could not seem to shake the notion of uncertainty. It was not until last night that a horrifying thought struck me, one that I could not sleep on. I accessed the Foundation personnel archives, and realized a truth that I cannot reconcile. Shanti was Venkat's first wife. Padma was his daughter. The records are clear. The life I remember, the experiences I am certain I have had with them, are the experiences and memories of Venkat, not me. I have never been married, and I have no children. Even now, I can see my wife in my mind, hear her laughter, smell her hair. But I know now that it is Venkat I see her through, not me. The horror of this realization has been replaced with a queer sort of dread. I've figured out what the eel does. Something about it, some latent part of its creation, abhors cognition. It breaks down human consciousness and scatters the part of us that we believe is a soul until all that remains is what we really are: electrical signals that will some day become inert. If even I can't remember myself, how can I expect anyone else to remember me? I have forgotten my own life - and I am strangely apathetic at this revelation. I will fade into the darkness, as thousands before me have, and thousands after me will. No one will care as I am forgotten. I do not despair for my own sake, but for us all - you and I, we will all face obliteration. I am not important. You are not important. Vast droplets of irrelevancy, stretching eons in the sea of time. We may fight against it, but our enemy is inevitability. I do not think that the eel is Anantashesha. I don't think it would matter if it was. What is clear to me now, as I feel myself coming apart, is not that the eel is some mythological creature, or divine serpent. Perhaps it's just a primitive creature that eluded us, holding no malice; perhaps it really is a primordial deity, harboring resent beneath the surface. The eel is not the harbinger of my demise, or humanity's doom. The eel is not the end of all things, it only shows us what the end looks like. And in spite of everything we might believe, every ideal we hold or providence we pray for, I know this much is true for all of us: Our end will be a forgotten one. Note: Dr. Mannava was later discovered, unresponsive, near the aft airlock. Evidence suggested that Dr. Mannava had broken into the onboard storage locker and ingested a significant amount of raw Y-909. Dr. Mannava was moved off of the Eremita, and remains at Site-151 for analysis. Footnotes and References 1. Specifically within several canyons throughout the region. 2. Due to this, SCP-3000's internal biology is believed to be similarly anomalous. 3. O-9 Alpha is believed to have been addressing a former member of the command team assigned to SCP-3000, Barry Hughes, who had passed away two years prior. 4. Dr. Krishnamoorthy was married twice, and has two sons and three daughters between the two marriages. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3000" by A Random Day, djkaktus, and Joreth, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: warning.png, warning2.png Author: djkaktus License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki Filename: gaslight.png Author: djkaktus, Jens Petersen, Bernard DUPONT License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki Derivative of: Name: Gymnothorax fimbriatus.JPG Author: Jens Petersen License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Name: Long-nosed Tree Snake (Ahaetulla nasuta) Author: Bernard DUPONT License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Filename: submarine.jpg Name: USS Chicago (SSN 721) at periscope depth off Malaysia.jpg Author: Kevin H. Tierney, ed g2s License: Public Domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: krishnamoorthy.png Name: Principal, Dalhousie Author: Lha Socialwork License: Public Domain Source Link: Flickr Additional Notes: Image cropped.
Item #: SCP-3001 Special Containment Procedures: To prevent further accidental entries into SCP-3001, all Foundation reality-bending technology will be upgraded/modified with multiple newly developed safeguards to prevent Class-C "Broken Entry" Wormhole creation. While knowledge of SCP-3001 is available to personnel of any level should they wish to learn about it, research and experimentation with SCP-3001 and its associated technology is strictly limited to personnel of Level 3 and above, with special clearance designation granted from Sites 120, 121, 124, and 133. Description: SCP-3001 is a hypothesized paradoxical parallel/pocket "non-dimension" accessible through the creation of a momentary Class-C "Broken Entry" Wormhole.1 While believed to be an infinitely extending parallel universe, SCP-3001 is almost completely devoid of any matter and has an extremely low Hume Level of 0.032,2 contradicting Kejel's Laws of Reality with the relation between Humes and spacetime. This phenomenon causes matter inside it to decay at an extremely low rate, and damage that would otherwise prove fatal does not impede any biological/electronic function; simulations suggest an organism can lose more than 70% of their body's tissue and still operate normally, as long as at least 40% of the brain remains. However, prolonged exposure will cause said matter to gradually approach SCP-3001's own Hume Level, resulting in severe tissue/structural damage as the matter's own Hume Field begins to disintegrate. SCP-3001 was initially discovered on January 2, 2000, at Site-120, a facility dedicated to testing and containing reality-bending technology. Dr. Robert Scranton and his wife Dr. Anna Lang were Head Researchers at Site-120, and were developing an experimental device, called the "Lang-Scranton Stabilizer" (LSS).3 Dr. Scranton was transported to SCP-3001 after unexpected seismic activity damaged several active LSS in Site-120 Reality Lab A. Initially presumed dead, Dr. Scranton has survived in SCP-3001 for at least five years, 11 months, and 21 days. During this time, he was able to record his experiences and observations within SCP-3001 through a somehow still functioning LSS control panel, which was also brought into SCP-3001 with him through the Class-C "Broken Entry" Wormhole. These recordings were later recovered upon the panel's sudden return, an unexpected side effect from testing improved reality-bending technology; these logs are the basis of SCP-3001 study. Despite new technologies being developed, retrieval and re-integration of Dr. Scranton has been unsuccessful. His current physical and mental states, if he is still alive, are unknown. [Further information on Dr. Scranton's possible retrieval is under Ethics Committee review.] Transcripts of Dr. Scranton's logs are below. + Access, File: Scranton SCP-3001 logs, Section 1. - Close. [No discernible/coherent dialogue can be heard from Dr. Scranton for the first eight days. He cycles through periods of panic, confusion, and anger throughout, and it seems he was attempting to navigate SCP-3001 to find a way out. He finally moved close enough to the recording log on the eleventh day, though did not notice it was operating for several more hours.] … Name, Robert Scranton. Age, 39. Birthday, September 19, 1961. Favorite color, blue. Favorite song, "Living on a Prayer." Wife… Anna… Anna… Name, Robert Scranton. Age, 39. Birthday, September 19, 1961. Favorite color, blue. Favorite song, "Living on a Prayer." Wife, Anna. She has green eyes. I love her very much. Name, Robert Scranton. Age, 39. Birthday, September 19, 1961. Favorite color, blue. Height, 178 cm. Weight, 85 kg. Wife, Anna. Anna, I'm sorry. Name, Robert Scranton. Age, 39. Birthday, September 19, 1961. Favorite color, blue. My wife's name is Anna. We got married August 12, 1991. I hope she got out okay. Please let her be all right, please let her be all right. Robert, Scranton. 39. Anna, blue, wife. Please… please, God, please… Anna… Anna… Anna bo banna… Anna bo banna… What the… what the hell is that? [It is assumed at this point Dr. Scranton noticed the flashing light of the recording module.] What the fuck, this thing's actually recording? [Metallic clang heard.] [Voice is highly agitated and panicked.] My name, is Robert Scranton. Yeah, yeah, my name, is Robert Scranton, former researcher at Foundation Site-120. It has been… I don't know, actually, I… I can't remember. I… I estimate it's been ten days, but, I-I-I don't, I can't… Oh God, can anyone hear me?! I-I-I don't know what's happened, I-I don't know where I am, and-and, please, please is anyone there?! Hello?! Anyone?! ANYONE?! No one can hear me. Oh God, oh God, oh God. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK. Why the hell is this thing even working, it can't be working, it SHOULDN'T be working, so what the hell?! I need to — God, I need to, I need to… see, how… long can I talk here, I think there's a-a-a cap or something on the recording log, and I-I-I can't see anything, I can only see the red light blinking on and off, I can't see any of the switches next to it… I'm really hungry. Thirsty, too. I think I should be dead from dehydration by now, but… I don't know. Hi, little red light. Can you talk to me? Can you talk to… Anna, for me? Hello? I found the controls. Two weeks, three days, forty-seven hours, and fifty-eight minutes. Two weeks, three days, forty-seven hours, and fifty-eight minutes. Two weeks, three days, seven hours, and fifty-eight minutes. Two weeks, three days, seven hours, and fifty-eight minutes. Oh… Jesus. ERROR WITH PLAYBACK, ERROR WITH PLAYBACK. ERROR WITH PLAYBACK. Wherever the hell I am, I'm pretty sure now that… I don't need to eat to stay alive. It hurts… a lot, but… at this point I don't think I'm gonna die… So… I'm gonna… I'm gonna take my time… I guess. I… Maybe some sort of miracle will happen and I'll get out. Heh. Keep dreaming, Robert. Yeah, I'm… I'm tired, I'm gonna sleep. Three weeks, four days, nineteen hours. I have a picture of Anna in my pocket. I almost forgot. Little red light, let me see her face, please? Just a little bit, I just… I just want to see her a bit. Hi, Anna, I'm still here, I'm still here. I'm coming back, okay? Two months, four days, three hours. … Hi. Robert here. Yeah, I-I haven't really recorded much to hear in the past few weeks. Ha. Hahahaha… Hahaha… huh… huh… Sorry, gotta keep it together. Breathe. I've been… I've been busy. Trying to learn more about the place I'm in. My prison. My kingdom all my own. Heh, King Robert. God, I stink. Is there even air in this goddamn place? Stinky King Robert, king of GODDAMN NOTHING FUCK. …Sorry, sorry. I, I gotta keep this professional. I'll… I'll come back when I'm feeling rested. … Okay, here goes. [Inhales then exhales deeply.] My name is… Robert Scranton. I am a former Head Researcher of Site… 120, a Foundation facility dedicated to studying various reality-bending SCPs, for the purpose of developing more advanced countermeasures towards such threats. For the last… red light, speak to me, Two months, eight days, sixteen hours. What red light said. I have been trapped in what I believe to be an empty pocket dimension. Alone. Yeah… alone. All alone. I'm calling this place SCP… I don't know, I can't remember where we are, screw it. I don't know what's happened in the past… red light, please, again. Two months, eight days, sixteen hours. But… no one else is around to argue, and at this point… I'm just talking into this control panel to keep myself together. I… I need to keep a record. There might be some poor bastard in the future who ends up like me, and… if this ever actually makes it out… maybe, maybe I can help stop that from happening. That's all I have going for me right now, and I really need something to go for, hahahaha… …So, yeah, Robert… Scranton… documenting a new SCP for… future research purposes. That'll have to do. Here we go! + Access, File: Scranton SCP-3001 logs, Section 2. - Close. … Two months, eleven days, ten hours. Item number, SCP I don't fucking care. Object Class, Euclid, I guess, but I don't know, I might update this in time. I need to explore more. Special Containment Procedures, god I sound so much like a shrink right now… Um… I don't know if we could… contain wherever I am. It's… definitely not on Earth. To be honest I don't know where it is. I… I think it has do something with the Stabilizer prototype… I'll explain that more later. Okay… um… yeah, wherever I am, I don't think it can be contained much as… created. No, no, that's not the word I'm looking for. Um… entered. Yeah, entered is better. I came into this place because of some really bad reality-bending accident and… no, no, Robert, don't be like that yet, you don't know if there's no exit yet. Ooooh… livin' on a prayer… halfway… there. Ahem. Two months, eleven days, eighteen hours. So… wait, no, Description, Robert, stick to the format… This place… It's some sort of reality gap, I think. It's dark. Really dark. As in, this little red light that shows my words are actually being recorded is the only visible light in this entire place. I can't see my hands, and I can barely see the control panel here. I've had to basically use the light as a center, and remember how many steps I take and in which direction. I haven't gone past a hundred yet. I'm too… I'm too scared to. Heh. I wonder if my hair is turning white, right now? I can't even see what color it is anymore. Speaking of which, my head has been a bit itchy recently. If I don't concentrate on it, it's fine, but I feel this… tingling all over my face. I'm not sure why. Two months, fifteen days, four hours. Okay… hoooo… I-I need to relax for a minute, Jesus, god, shit. Holy… shit, shit, shit… I… just discovered a new property of this place. All this time, I've been thinking I might be walking on… some sort of… flat ground, if you will. I kept eye contact with little red as far as I could see, and it seems I could walk in a straight, flat path. Jesus, my head is buzzing right now, I think the adrenaline is still kicking… But, if my hypothesis is correct, and this really is some sort of reality… void, then there shouldn't be anything to walk on. Now that I think about, the whole time I've been in here, it's felt like… I'm walking, but I'm also swimming through something. And this something is thick, and form-fitting, it has this… pressure, which I know isn't the correct term, but goddamn it, this place makes no damn sense and I'm doing my best to understand it, okay?! God… Sorry. So, the best analogy I can come up with is… it's like I'm walking through really thick black gel. There's enough tension to keep me on a… "surface", but if I… imagine myself pressing down hard enough, I can descend. Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I think… I think I need to test this more, I'll be back. Two months, seventeen days, two hours. Navigation is largely affected by… conscious impulses to travel in a certain direction. So, this definitely isn't a complete reality gap, at least according to mine and Anna's theories. If-if it were I wouldn't have been able to move at all, since space wouldn't have existed. Holy shit, okay, okay, this makes a lot more sense than it did before, great, great job, Robert, you're getting there. …Come to think of it, I should've realized that sooner when I was able to move in a flat plane to and from little red. It also explains why I'm not dead from dehydration or hunger yet, time barely passes in here. Okay yeah, so, I stood right next to little red, and went straight… "down." Okay, from here on out, imagine little red as the origin of a 3D space. I went straight… down, right, yeah, and then… and then I was then able to come back "up" to little red again. I've also been able to "fly" above red. Movement in here is slow, like I said, gel analogy, best I can describe it by. Two months, twenty-two-days, three hours. Reporting back for another update, red, SIR! Hahaha, come on red, lighten up. Ha! Pun not intended… Come on red, crack a little smile, it's funny! … … Fine, whatever. Ahem. This place still seems like it barely follows Kejel's Laws of Reality Parameters. And by barely, I mean, really just barely. I'm pretty sure my math is right, but… hold on, I'm gonna check again… Jesus. Yeah, yeah, pretty sure it's good still. Okay, this place… if we're using the standard Hume scale, I'm pretty sure I'm in a reality where the Hume Field is… point zero… four… ish. Yeah, really, really, really fucking low, so… Like I said above, space-time exists on a very minuscule scale, so my biology is not getting shot to hell and back because of any malnutrition, but that also means… I… I'm actually not sure what that also means… … Adding on from the last entry. I'm… I'm not sure how my biology will react in such a low Hume concentration, actually. I mostly worked with higher than average Hume Fields, and the reality benders we tested never had a Field lower than 0.8. This… this is gonna be a first. An all-time first. I remember Site-133's "Prommel Killer", they called it that because it broke the previous theory about the lowest limit of Hume concentration. Really expensive, really weird machine that brought down a small area to 0.4. 0.05 is… yeah. I was lying. I was lying, last log… I… I'm lying to myself. My own body, and… little red here too… We're about the realest things in this place. And that means… over time… the Hume field's going to want to… equalize, and… I'm… I'm gonna go for now, I have some… some calculation to do again. Red, Anna, take note I'm using Kejel's Second, Third, and Fourth Laws, got it? Use… use 0.05 as the surrounding, my external field as… somewhere in between 1 and 1.4, use the Second Law's error estimation correction, and my internal as… as… as… shit. I'm not done yet. I am real. I am super-real. Super duper real. Ultra real, the realest guy in a world of no-real. You have no sense of humor as usual, red. I'm talking about the LSS, red. When we got sent here, I think… I think our reality got cranked up a notch. Red, didn't you pay attention in class? Hey, don't get fucking smart with me, red. Okay, the point is, the LSS surge got us up to… to… Two months, eighteen days, seven hours. No, red, not even fucking close, you must've converted Kejel's Third Law equation wrong. Because of the malfunctioning LSS we got blasted by, we're somewhere in between 2.2 and 3.6. Yes, that's good red, that's very good, because that means we have more time than we thought to… to… yes, red, before we fucking DIE, okay?! Two months, twenty four days, five hours. About three years. Four, if… If I don't interact too much. If… If I had had an LSS here, I could maybe stretch it out to… eight, maybe, that's best case scenario… But I have… I have to… I… know… but… but… three years. Three years, then it's past the point of no return. Ha. Hahahahaha. I should… I should definitely figure something out by then. I think I still should be pretty good for a while… At least… no, no, I won't be in here that long… I'll definitely figure something out… Anna, what would we do with a case like this? I need your help, honey. That… that tingling I've been feeling… That's my Hume Field diffusing… My… my reality fading… Three years. I need to stabilize myself within three years. I've been thinking… Anna and I, we had this theory… Even though the Hume Field is low, it's still a Hume Field. And precisely since it's so low, Hume diffusion should take quite a while. Now if… if I could… contain… recycle the fields, keep the diffusion from spreading too thin, I could… And I could also maybe… it's only a theory, but… It's worth a shot. But that means… Hey, red. I… I'm gonna have to go for a bit. I want to test something, and you can't come with me. I… I'm sorry. No, no, red, I'm really, really sorry, I want you to come, I do, but… if we're together the diffusion will increase faster… We both need as much time as possible. I need to figure this place out more, and you need to make sure you keep all that info in your head. It's… red, come on. You- you'll be fine red, I know you will, you're tough. A lot tougher than me… it'll only be for a bit, red, but I need to see if I can find a way to keep us alive a bit longer. Maybe even get us out of here. If I can contain enough field, I can… I can maybe even get us out. No, no I'm not sure, but I need to find out. Red, we're talking about possibly escaping, okay? Yeah, it's a gap. A gap should have an end, like a… like the walls of a canyon, understand? I need to find a wall, and then, and then I can… … I'm sorry, red, I hope we're still friends when I come back. … I'm… I'm going now… I'll see you soon. … + Access, File: Scranton SCP-3001 logs, Section 3. - Close. Six months, ten days, five hours. Hello again, little red. It's been a while. You know… thinking back… I don't know what the hell I was so excited about. This place is… god, this place. This place is is fucking… hell. There's no end. It just goes on. And on. And on. I traveled in one goddamn direction for two, damn, months. God, I'm so fucking stupid, why did I think I could get out? I'm thinking like those old European shits that thought the end of the world was at the horizon. Fucking stupid, Robert, stupid, just-just- GAAAAAAAAAAAH— If I let myself fall down long enough would I eventually hit a bottom? Ten months, 28 days, 15 hours. There's no bottom. And fuck you, red. I'm sorry, red, don't go out, I'm sorry I turned you off, come back, come back, please— … I turned 40 today. Happy birthday, Robert. I was adopted, did you know that? Yeah, my parents left me in a box on the side of a street. Got picked up by some American couple, which explains my not-so-Chinese names. I don't even know my original last name. Just thought I'd share. How about you, red? Anna and I met on-site in 1988. God she was beautiful. She still is. It was our eyes. She has beautiful eyes. My eyes are grey, they're boring, but hers… God they're beautiful. Do you think… Do you think she's still worried about me, little red? Is she looking for me? You know, red, you're a great listener. But I never hear you talk about yourself. Come on, don't be shy, there's no one else around, right? Hahaha, right? Hahaha… hahahahaha… "I'm sorry, Robert, I'm afraid I can't do that." Hahaha, red, you're hilarious. Were you married? Kids? Any family at all? Girlfriend? Boyfriend? Come on, red, I won't judge, just… talk to me, please. God, my head hurts. And my feet feel like they've been asleep for forever. I worked at a comic store as a kid. So much cheaper back then, and I got free stuff at the end of each week. I liked Spiderman the best. I was in a box, side of the street. I… what the fuck… no. No. No, no, no, no, no, no, red, have you seen my picture? The picture red, Anna's picture, where is - come on, come on, where-where- Anna! ANNA! ANNA! Where did - no, no, no, no, no, please, please no, anything but, PLEASE. It's fading, she's fading, she's fading, please, Anna, no, please, come on, sweetie, stay here, it's too soon, it's TOO SOON, my math isn't wrong, it's NOT WRONG, YOU SHOULD BE FINE. ANNA, ANNA, I can't hold you, come back, Anna, sweetie, honey, Anna please, I need you, I need you, please, please, don't go, I'm here, I'm still here. RED GET HELP. Anna, please, please, don't go, don't - Black hair, green eyes, 160. Black hair, green eyes, 160. Black hair, green eyes, 160. Black hair, green eyes, 160. Black hair, green eyes, 160. Black hair, green eyes, 160. Black hair, green eyes, 160. Black hair, green eyes, 160. Black hair, green eyes, 160. Black hair, green eyes, 160. [Dr. Scranton repeats this for three hours.] Anna and I got married in '91. We couldn't really get the nicest suit and dress we wanted because of work, but, damn, we both looked great. Anna looked better, of course. We just danced, and danced the whole night, got the whole week off. Even a job like mine lets you enjoy your honeymoon… So, come on red, open up, put 'er there, high five. Come on. Come on, red. One year, two months, twenty-seven days. … … AAAAAAA— [The next recordings only play the control panel's automated voice giving times, with intervals of one to three days, with several month-long gaps in between as well; also intermixed are Dr. Scranton's sobbing, screaming, and mumbling. These recordings continue until the time reading reaches two years, seven months, and 28 days, after which they cease to pick up any sound until two months later.] + Access, File: Scranton SCP-3001 logs, Section 4. - Close. … … [Dr. Scranton's voice is noticeably distorted now. Hypothesized to a combination of both him and the control panel finally showing signs of reality breakdown.] Robert… cold. I can't… I can't feel my legs anymore. I think… I'm beginning to… Hitting that point I… talked about… Low Hume Field… Diffusion… Equilibrium… bunch of… stupid… garbage… I don't know what's real in here any more. Hell, I'm not sure I'm real. Or… something… something close to it… If… If I really am going out like this, I… I… I don't want to die yet. I don't want to die yet. Oh, god I don't wanna die yet… I ran up in one straight diagonal line, for six months. I went down in one… no I just went down again… for… eight. There's still no bottom, red, there's still no bottom. What have you been up to, Red? Have you been listening for me all this time? You're a stubborn little guy, Red… Lucy. Huh, Red? Sorry, I must have fell asleep. What did you want? Oh… sorry, I-I'll try to remember… Lucy. That's what we wanted to call our kid if we had one. Lucy Scranton, Lucy Lang, Anna and I both thought it would have a nice ring. I-I- No, Red, I… I don't remember picking out a boy's name… "Good morning… good morni-i-ing. We've talked… the whole… through…" Man, I really suck at tap-dancing. Can't feel my feet at all. Okay, you try then, Red. Kejel's Law states that Hume Fields diffuse, Kejel's Law states that my balls will eventually fall off if this keeps up. "Anna… Anna bo banna…" Heh, she hated that song, and I loved to tease her with it. "Anna… Anna bo banna banana… banana, banana canna…" It actually became a joke between us, did you know? We made it the words that turn you on. [Pause.] Come on, red, act your age, don't be immature. [Sighs.] Fine, guess you have a sense of humor after all, maybe! Heheheh, we're gonna have to fuck with so much science when we get out, this place breaks apart rules like my hand is breaking right now. Spiderwebs. My left hands. Spiderwebs. There was a reality-bending spider at Site-120 once. I should crush it. Red, would you crush it for me when we get out? Average ten, fifteen kilometers a day, plus a few breaks. Thirty, two, thirty, ten, no, eleven, no, no ten, I think. At least, three hundred left, and… and… shit no, was faster going down… Fuck it, I'm saying about six hundred kilometers down. Took a hell of a lot longer coming up. Far down. Bottomless? Infinite? And beyond. Shut up, Robert, you're not funny. Hume Field, boom field… breaking down at a rate of… shit, what's the constant of Modified Prommel Relations? Ten to the fourth? No, no… fifth… fifth, I think… One year. Maybe add a few more months. Red, how does David sound? David. You know, you asked about… yeah, yeah, that. Sorry I woke you… My… my hands. I… my hands are going through each other… Red. Red! RED! Red, help, help, please, my hands, I can't feel my hands, they're going through each other like… like… they're like ice water, Red, I can't, oh god, oh god… Huh… huh… huh… Red… You know… you know that… that stupid magic trick your uncle would show you where he'd pull his thumb off, but it was really just his other one tucked under? I just did that. With my real thumb. It didn't even hurt, it just came off. I think… Oh, god I'm gonna be sick. I-I- [Sounds of retching.] I think… I think it's just floating right now, and I can't even pick it up, my hand just passes through it, oh god, oh god, I-I- My left pinky feels like… an onion. Yeah, it's separated. NICE TRY HELL, ring's on the RIGHT hand, nice try left. I can… go… right through myself… I can… feel inside me. It feels… warm. But also cold. When I sleep… my hands go in my head. I'm sleeping on my back now. Static. I'm like static on a TV. Chhhk. Chhhhk. Chhhk. Ha. Hahahaha. Hahahahahahaha. Well, I-I-I only need one kidney, right? RIGHT? RED, RED LOOK AT THIS! Haha. Hahahahahaha… Let me keep my heart, just my heart, that's all I want. Lucy. David. Are you there? I want to see you. Lucy. David. That's not fair. Come on, hey, quit messing around, I was joking when I said that, I was joking. COME ON, THAT'S FUCKED UP, I WAS JOKING. I'm a man, be a man, Robert, you're a man, WHAT THE FUCK. Anna… Annaaaa… Four years, six months, eighteen days. I'm not… I'm not even doing it myself anymore. I can… feel it happening on its own… Finally. Finally, I can… I still can't say it… I'm… I'm still scared… I… definitely won't eat anymore now… Still really hungry. That is fucking disgusting, Robert, and you know it. NO. SEE, RED THINKS SO TOO. NO. This little piggie went to market. This little piggie went… somewhere. This little… foot. Foot… RED?! Five years, 13 days. Haha. Hahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Five years, 14 days. Five years, 15 days. Five years, 15 days. Five years, 15 days. Five years, 15 days. Five years, 15 days. Five years, 15 days. Five years, 15 days. Stop it, you're hurting me. Five years, 19 days. I'm feeling better now, red, sorry. How do you do it, red? Keep it together? Spill it out, I need some help here… I need some help… Red. Come on. Don't do that. Don't go. I know it's hard. I know it's dark. But-but- it's dark and we're together still. Come on. Red. No. No. You-you can't. RED! Come on, buddy, stay with me, Red! Come on! I can still touch you! I CAN STILL TOUCH YOU LOOK AT ME RED YOU ARE NOT DYING YET NO RED NO! [No audio is recorded for the next 9 months.] + Access, File: Scranton SCP-3001 logs, Section 5. - Close Five years, nine months, two days. … Red? Five years, nine months, three days. Five years, nine months, three days. Five years, nine months, three days. Five years, nine months, three days. Five years, nine months, three days. Five years, nine months, three days. Five years, nine months, three days. Five years, nine months, three days. [Automated message repeats 97 more times.] You little shit, I thought you left me… [Dr. Scranton's voice is barely audible/coherent, as if through a heavily distorted, muted radio.] … Sorry to say, red, but… there's not much left here… I… it's been hard. I've… 184. I've tried to kill myself 184 times. It didn't work. …None of them worked. I'm… I don't even know how much there is of me anymore. At least one foot, because I can move. Probably a few leg muscles too, but I'm wobbly. Insides are… insides are shit. Still a heart, maybe a lung. This place… really won't let me stop… Tired… I… did die, red. Come on red, don't look at me like, I don't want your pity and I don't want shock, or anger, or fear, or, or… I can't… When… 224, I miscounted… One, two, three, four… [Dr. Scranton counts from one to 220-245 several times over for the next 13 hours.] I died. I died, a lot. I tried to suffocate, I tried to snap my neck, I tried to bite myself apart. And… and… This place. It's not real. I left, I saw myself, on the ground and I couldn't— I couldn't— I couldn't go anywhere. I couldn't leave. There's no way to leave, I just floated back down, and each, damn, time, there was less and less of me. I-I- oh, god, how much more can I take away and still live? So why are… why are you back now? What do you want to tell me? Five years, nine months, twelve days. Heh… This place is getting smaller. Red, did you somehow do this? I… there's an end here for sure now. It's gone from… god knows how long to… There's like a veil further out and when I touched it hurt like hell. Red, what's going on? It's… it's not dark. That border or whatever is getting brighter and, I mean, it's still fucking dark but… oh god, I can actually see something now. I…I… oh, god, what the fuck is this? I… oh, god, I didn't know I was this bad. Oh, god, oh god, oh god, there's so much gone— Five years, ten months, ten days. Red, you're solid. Like, no, you're really fucking solid. You're… you're real. And… and… I'm real too when… only when I touch you. But… Red, it… it really hurts when I do. I… I think that if I touch you I might fall apart… You — really fucking hurt, Red, Jesus Christ, you hurt, what the fuck is going on? About three kilometer in radius, and closing. Is this… is this something like Kejel's Fourth Law? But… but… what the hell is taking it? Hey! HEY! I'm in here still stop! You're causing a collapse! HEY! HEY! Two kilometers. Oh god, what's gonna happen when it closes? DAMMIT, RED YOU HURT! Not collapsing. Waves. They're… waves… What? Robert, you are a goddamn genius. Not walls, windows. Open windows. Five years, ten months, twenty-eight days. Anna, Anna can you hear me? These waves… this place… Okay, imagine, two realities as two pieces of paper stuck together. This place is the space squished between. There should be only two realities, parallel, but this place is a tiny, but infinite third… third… in-between, like what would happen if you fell into a hole crossing a bridge from Point A to Point B! Remember Class-C Wormholes? Those theories about a wormhole that was full of goddamn holes. I think… I think this is where one of those holes leads. It doesn't lead to a different universe, it leads to nothing. A dead end. This place is a dead end. Class-C "Broken Entry". These waves. Wherever they're coming from, they're from some parallel reality interacting with this place, displacing this in-between place every so slightly. And they're all… pushing on me and red, because since we still have some level of reality, they're pushing, or… or sucking us towards them, gradually creating a new wormhole towards… towards… home. … What's going to happen to me when I go back? When the window closes? Think, dammit, Robert, think. You've got to think! Think harder! THINK HARDER! Red, I'm gonna, ah, I'm gonna have to, Jesus- gah, I'm gonna have to move away from you, you, I don't know, you're sick or something, you're really messed up right now. Call me when you're feeling better. …I can't… I can't think… right… Blood. Blood. There's… way… too much… ha… Drip, drip, drip, where does it allllllll…. gooooooooooooo… [Retching noises.] I haven't… [Retching noises.] tasted barf in forever. Not even when I threw up after my… my… you're a man, Robert. Oh, god. Oh god not again, not again, not again— [Retching.] … [Voice breaks.] How…? How…? How can I be throwing up this much, red, tell me… I don't… [Retching.] I don't even have a stomach to hold it in anymore… And the bleeding never… stops… [Dr. Scranton breaks down into crying for the next two hours.] Be- [Retching.] better… now. Thinking.. straight… Red, I… I don't know if I'm ready to go back anywhere yet… Five years, eleven months, three days. No, red, I'm not being selfish, it wasn't you, it was these goddamn waves coming in. I can't be near them. Red, look, look at me. See this? Red, look at me. LOOK. I can't be near them, they'll kill me. I passed the three years quite a while back, remember? Because, even… even after all this time… I don't want to die, red. I'm still scared. [Voice breaks.] Red, I am scared, okay? You wouldn't understand, you're not… you're not human, red. Oh I'm sorry for offending you, red. No, red, come on, I didn't mean it like that. Red, look at me. You're my friend, do you get that? You are, my best friend. But… let's face it, you've got a much better chance of getting out of here a—…. Just leave me alone, please, red? Just for a bit… I'm sorry, okay? I really am… Can you… hear the waves coming in, red? That little hum and shake as it hits your ears? I can. And it's getting louder every time, and it hurts so bad. [Begins to sob quietly.] It hurts so bad.4 No… No, no, no, no, no… NO. NO. NO. Why? Why?! Just let me go, let me go… LET ME GO DAMMIT, oh god… [Sobbing.] [Sobbing groan.] Another five years. Five more years. If this keeps up, I'm getting re-stabilized for another FIVE FUCKING GODDAMN YEARS, RED WHAT DO I DO?! [Over the next five days, the control panel does begin to pick up a low frequency hum that comes in pulses. The volume increases steadily, and as it does, Dr. Scranton can be heard screaming, crying, and speaking incoherently in the background.] [Voice is noticeably shaky.] Red. [At this point the background humming noise is picked up at a rate of 20 pulses/min.] Five years, eleven months, nine days. Help. [Loud splattering noise heard as something strikes what is assumed to be the control panel.] [Complete silence for five days. Pulses increase in volume, as well as frequency to 30 per minute.] [Loud splattering noise.] Red. [Dr. Scranton's voice is extremely slurred, almost incomprehensible.] Red. Red, give me your leg, I need support. Red, give me your lever, arm. HAND! Red, I need to see better, give me your light, no sorry, no, no light needed, got it, sorry, something else. Anna. I want pretty eyes. Anna, Anna, give me your eye, I only have one. Anna, Anna, give me your lips, I want to kiss you again. Anna, Anna, give me your tongue, I'm — I'm huhnunnnnnn-gry. [Clicks tongue multiple times. Breaks down into a mix of quiet laughter and sobbing.] Anna… Anna, spare a toe? Wobbly. … ANNA, GIVE ME YOUR BRAIN, I ONLY HAVE HALF. … [Humming measured at 46 pulses a minute.] [Sobbing.] [Whispering.] I'm sorry, Anna, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I'm so scary, I'm so sorry… [Sobbing.] Anna… [Voice breaks.] Anna, can I hold your hand, I lost my ring… [Sobbing.] [Whispering.] It's okay, baby, it's okay… I'll find another way out… There's still enough of me left to… [Shaky laughter as voice breaks.] Another five years… five more years to figure something… something out… [Laughter breaks down into crying that gradually goes silent over the next hour.] [Quiet sobbing.] Not yet, red… please… I know you want to go… I'm not ready yet… I'm not… I'm not… [Splattering noise heard.] I love you, red. I love you, Anna. Five years, eleven months, twenty days. [Hum is now up to 60 pulses/min.] … [Quiet sob.] A… nna… [Dr. Scranton's speech pattern is almost regular.] [Loud metallic bang heard followed by splattering noise as something strikes the control panel once again.] Five years, eleven months, twenty-one days. On December 23, 2005, the LSS Control Panel spontaneously appeared back within the Site-120 testing facility, Reality Lab A. … Doctor, initial Hume Field readings of the Anchor are stable. Output readings are 2.3, with a 0.001% fluctuation. Good, Skinner, let's hope that holds. Hold on. What the hell? What's wrong? Something has appeared inside the testing zone. What? Ma'am, a large object has materialized within the Anchor field. What's the call? Kill the power? Call in the team? Skinner, what the hell are you- Oh my god. What the— where the hell did that thing come from?! I don't know ma'am, it just — it just appeared out of nowhere. It… it looks like it's covered in… what the hell is that— [Gags.] Oh god, it smells awful, I can smell it from here, Jesus Christ— [Gags.] It smells like… death, it's like… vomit and — and blood, and… and… … Ma'am? Oh my god. Ma'am? Do not abort, Skinner, I repeat, do not abort, keep that field up, and do not abort! Ma'am, what's going on? Ma'am? Ma'am! Reduce Hume Field to 1.7, I'm entering the containment zone, do not disengage the field, or we risk destabilizing the object! Uh, yes ma'am! [Mechanical whirring heard.] Uh, reporting, yes, this is Dr. Matthew Skinner, requesting… [Splashing footsteps heard.] Oh, god, what the hell, what — what is all this? This… this is… this is the… Oh, god. Robert? Robert?! Robert, is this you? Oh, god, please, please, no, don't let it be you, don't let it be you, Robert?! I thought, I thought — How can this thing be—? [Splashing footsteps heard again.] [Electronic beeping.] Ma'am? Ma'am? What are you doing, you shouldn't touch — This is the Lang Scranton Stabilizer interface. Welcome back, Dr. Lang, what would you like to— Access Audio Log, play back starting from January 2, 2000! [Squishing noise heard.] Oh god, oh god, what the hell happened to this thing, it's like someone exploded on it, it's like — [Gag.] That's… oh god is that… is that… oh god, oh god, please, please, no, please, don't be — [Gasp, then sob.] It's grey, his grey, oh, god, where's the other…? Accessing audio files. Please verbally state your password to continue, Dr. Lang. [Voice begins to break.]—… [Gags.] Password… Password is "Anna bo banna"! Oh my god… He's… it's everywhere, what the hell?… Request acknowledged. Processing… I'm sorry, there are no audio logs for January 2, 2000. Dr. Scranton accessed log on January 13, 2000 via voice-recognition at time— [Metallic slam.] PLAY BACK NOW DAMMIT, PLAY IT BACK! [Sobbing.] Oh god, Robert, Robert, sweetie, what — what happened to—? Confirmed, Dr. Lang, retrieving audio files… Ma'am you really shouldn't be touching that barehanded, it could be hazardous, you should wait for the cleaning team to— There's so much blood here, there's so much, honey. Are you okay?! Where did you go?! Oh god, oh god, oh god… [Sound of splattering and squeaking, as if wiping away fluid.] Oh, god, there's so much blood… [Squishing noise.] What…? …Oh my… [Choking gasp, then silence for twenty seconds.] Ma'am! Ma'am! Dr. Lang, please, please, step away from the— His hand. His ring… It just fell to the… Ma'am, what—? Oh. Oh, shit. Oh, Jesus Christ. Dr. Lang, step away, please, come back! We'll get you out here for now, everything will be all right! Files retrieved, Dr. Lang. Playing now. Dr. Lang, please, come with me, we'll get help, you hear me? Dr. Lang? Dr. Lang, can you hear me?! Dr. Lang?! Name, Robert Scranton. Age, 39. Birthday, September 19, 1961. Favorite color, blue. Favorite song, "Living on a Prayer." Wife… Anna… Anna… [Thudding sound heard, as if falling on wet pavement.] Dr. Lang? Dr. Lang! Report, this is Dr. Matthew Skinner, reporting from Site-120 Reality Lab A, I need medical attention here immediately! Footnotes 1. A previously hypothetical type of wormhole that does not transport matter to the expected location, or has a spacetime flaw that may randomly and dangerously eject matter mid-travel. 2. For more information on Humes and reality physics, refer to documents JEK-WT01 and JEK-EB02. 3. The LSS was the prototype whose design would go on to become the basis for the current "Reality Anchor" project. 4. No audible hum is picked up by the control panel at the time. It is believed that the frequency was too low to be detected. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3001" by OZ Ouroboros, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 12:50pm, Kaye Thomas ([email protected]) wrote: R. As per O5-1's instructions, I have sent you a copy of 3002's file. Let me know if you need anything else. Dr. Kaye Thomas Information and Memetics Division Site-82 [email protected] Document prepared by: Doctor Darryl Loyd Date: 2014-07-20 Item #: SCP-3002 Special Containment Procedures: A single prisoner affected by SCP-3002 is to be kept for the purposes of testing and analysis. They will be held in a standard humanoid containment cell in Site-41. Verbal and physical interaction is to be limited to approved testing. The remaining prisoners and staff members of South Rock Penitentiary have been given Class B amnestics, and are to be monitored for any re-occurrence of SCP-3002. Description: SCP-3002 refers to a specific memory shared by 85% of the prisoner population in the South Rock Penitentiary, located near Lafayette, Indiana. Affected inmates are all able to recall a specific day from their childhood. Specific dates vary between subjects, but the majority remember this day occurring sometime between the ages of ten to thirteen. SCP-3002 accounts consist of the individual walking through or playing in a forested garden with their best friend at the time. At some point in their memory, inmates recall getting into an argument with their friend. Several accounts have details that conflict with the person's actual life, as several subjects did not live in or travel to locations with forests until their adult life. SCP-3002 was originally discovered when Dr. Susan Fairbank, a psychologist working at the prison, noticed a large amount of inmates mentioning specific memories that all seemed to be identical. The incident was brought to the attention of the Foundation after agents monitoring a message board concerning psychology for a different anomaly noticed Dr. Fairbank's account of the shared memory. At the time of initial containment, inmates were able to recall details of SCP-3002 with eidetic clarity. After several interviews, the subjects began to recall progressively less detail in SCP-3002, to the point where recollection of the affected memory was similar to normal memories. The reason behind this is unclear. Addendum 3002-1: John Baylesh was incarcerated in South Rock Penitentiary in 2006 for multiple accounts of breaking and entering, aggravated assault, and vehicular manslaughter. Doctor Loyd was chosen to conduct this interview. <Begin Log> Dr. Loyd enters the interview room and takes a seat. Baylesh was lead into the room shortly after and secured to the table. Baylesh: You know, I kinda dig these new blocks, but I thought I wasn't in for a transfer. Dr. Loyd: Well, it's not a normal transfer, and most likely won't be permanent. I'm Doctor Loyd. I have a few questions to ask you. Baylesh: Well that's a shame, you folks got good grub. Dr. Loyd: Right. Would you like some water or something else to drink before we begin? Baylesh: Eh, sure. Why not, right? Dr. Loyd: The water will be here in a moment. Now, John, if John is what you go by, I want you to think back to your childhood. Are there any memories that stand out to you? Fun birthdays? Broken bones? Days in the park? Anything. Baylesh: (Subject waves hand dismissively.) Call me whatever. But why do you care? You some sort of shrink? Dr. Loyd: Please answer the question, John. Baylesh: Fine, fine, whatever… (Subject is silent for several seconds and looks contemplative.) Giving it some thought, I remember the 17th of January, 1997. Me and John were playing in Brum Woods, a, uh, park by where we grew up. It was between me and John, so we- Dr. Loyd: John? Baylesh: Oh yeah, sorry. John was a kid I spent a lot of time with when we were kids. I went by Joey back then. John DeNunzio1 was his name, I think. An auxiliary staff enters the room, delivers several bottles of water, and exits. Baylesh: Anyways, we were just messing around, being dicks to some squirrels. It'd been cloudy for awhile, but it was otherwise a great day, that we just wanted to get out of the house. As we were talking, we got to the topic of school. A new kid had just started at class. I think her family moved from Slovakia or something. But John just started going on and on and on about how much of a fuck she was, kinda being racist. That was just fuckin' weird. I'd known John forever, and he was always nice to everyone. Dr. Loyd: Did you do anything about his, uh, ranting? Baylesh: Y-Yeah. I called him out on that shit. I mean, his mom was Polish. God, I don't know what happened, but what he said just got under my skin. After I yelled at him, we just sorta shut up and went our separate ways. Dr. Loyd: Did anything else of note happen? Baylesh: (Subject sighs and is silent for several seconds.) Yeah. Lily found me. Dr. Loyd: Was she a friend of yours? Baylesh: Yeah, she was always a little weird. I think she was… (Subject gesticulates at his head) y'know. Like, when she found me in the park, the first thing she did was get really close, put her hands on my shoulders, and asked me super seriously if I remembered her, and then just went on and on about some school project. Honestly, how could I forget Lily, she was always… (Subject is silent for several seconds.) Huh. I can't actually remember. Dr. Loyd: Can you at least recall what she looked like? Baylesh: Yeah, she had super blond hair, I think, and she- (Subject looks confused and remains silent for several seconds.) I-I can't remember nothing. But that's not right, she was one of my best friends. Was she? I swear I know her, but I- (Subject puts his face in his hands.) Dr. Loyd: Please try to be calm. We'll have you transferred back to your cell shortly. <End Log> After several interviews, multiple common details could be found between all accounts of SCP-3002. These include the weather being cloudy but warm, an argument with the friend concerning a new child in school, and the presence of a female child with blond hair, most often described as Slovakian or Eastern European. You have new unread messages in your inbox! Footnotes 1. The John DeNunzio mentioned was confirmed to be an actual person through census records and social media. He is currently living in Lansing, Michigan. Observation has revealed no anomalous effects. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3002" by MayD, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
SCP-3003 Item #: SCP-3003 Special Containment Procedures: Personnel with appropriate clearance may view Document 3003-NRK (attached) to access SCP-3003's containment directive and plans for future containment. Samples of SCP-3003-1 and -2 are kept at Biological Research Area-12, along with several other species from SCP-3003. SCP-3003-3 has agreed to designate one group, the Earth Contact and Research Committee, as the primary point of contact for the Foundation. SCP-3003-3 has further agreed only to operate portals to SCP-3003 at any of several Foundation-specified sites. In return, the Foundation has designated the SCP-3003 Working Group as SCP-3003-3's primary point of contact, and has agreed to make all efforts necessary to prepare Earth for the introduction of SCP-3003-1. No efforts to spread SCP-3003-1 are, in fact, being made. SCP-3003-3 must be made to believe that Earth is contaminated by an unknown agent that renders SCP-3003-1 sterile and Earth-native humans incapable of hosting SCP-3003-1. The introduction of the concept of deceit to SCP-3003-3 is forbidden, either directly or by deceiving a member of SCP-3003-3 under circumstances where the lie could be easily discovered. Mobile Task Force Samekh-7 is tasked with incorporation into SCP-3003-3-operated research projects in order to delay research, falsify information about Earth, and perform covert research into SCP-3003-4. Several members are additionally conducting anthropological research into SCP-3003-3. See MTF Samekh-7 charter for further details. Members of SCP-3003-3 integrated into Foundation-operated research projects must be monitored closely and are not permitted to leave Foundation sites or access unauthorized depictions of human society. Protocols described in Preventing the Spread of Non-Anomalous Invasive Species During Interplanetary Contact, Third Edition must be followed by all parties when SCP-3003-4 is active. Disinformation protocols are set in place to propagate the belief among the scientific community that HIP 56948 has no planetary system. Description: SCP-3003 is an Earth-sized planet orbiting HIP 56948, a G-type main sequence star located 208 light years from Earth. Several anomalies of note are located on SCP-3003, and have been given appropriate sub-designations. SCP-3003-1 is a beetle-like organism native to SCP-3003 that parasitizes humans when infected by SCP-3003-2. SCP-3003-2 is an amoeba-like microorganism that infects humans and SCP-3003-1, affecting the behavior of both. SCP-3003-3 is a technologically advanced civilization on SCP-3003, composed of SCP-3003's entire native population of thirty billion humans. All are parasitized by SCP-3003-1. SCP-3003-4 is a device that enables the creation of a traversable portal between SCP-3003 and Earth. The components of SCP-3003 are described in further detail below. SCP-3003 SCP-3003-1 SCP-3003-2 SCP-3003-3: Biology SCP-3003-3: Technology (incl. SCP-3003-4) SCP-3003-3: Society SCP-3003 is 3% heavier than Earth, has a rotational period of 30 hours, and orbits HIP 56948 at a distance of 0.9 AU. The range of temperatures on the surface is comparable to that of Earth, with the majority of the planet's landmass (comprising 40% of the total surface area) supporting extensive habitation by SCP-3003-1 and -3. Most of the remainder of SCP-3003's surface has been altered to support SCP-3003-1 and -3, either directly or indirectly. SCP-3003 has a biosphere that is biochemically compatible with that of Earth, though no known organisms other than humans are native to both planets. Almost all biological processes found on Earth are also found on SCP-3003, and vice versa. Genetic analysis of life from SCP-3003 suggests the presence of a single ancestor roughly 3.1 billion years ago, with subsequent life (including humans) evolving naturally. This is suspected, but not confirmed, to be the result of some anomalous property of SCP-3003 itself. Most species native to SCP-3003 that were not conducive to the spread of SCP-3003-1 were eliminated by SCP-3003-3 within the past several centuries. The risk of introducing invasive species from one environment to the other is addressed by current containment procedures. This has thus far been averted for macroorganisms; the presence of invasive microorganisms has not been discounted. Anomalous phenomena apart from those discussed in this document have not been discovered on SCP-3003. SCP-3003-3's ruling committee has denied all knowledge of anomalous phenomena. An instance of SCP-3003-1 interacting with Earth-native flora. For detailed biological and anatomical information regarding SCP-3003-1, consult Document 3003-1-A0 through D-11. SCP-3003-1, referred to as "Marce" by SCP-3003-3, share several notable characteristics with beetles: a bilateral body plan, a chitinous exoskeleton, six legs, wings, and a hardened carapace. Adult specimens range from 2-3cm in length. SCP-3003-1 are capable of secreting a protein fiber similar to spider silk, referred to as "silkate", from an orifice on their abdomens, as well as create a caustic fluid that coats their bodies as a defensive mechanism. Under natural conditions, SCP-3003-1 gather in swarms of about one thousand individuals that spend the majority of their lives airborne, feeding on the seed-analogues of various tall sessile organisms. Sexual reproduction is carried out mid-air, with the swarm's offspring carried in a large pouch-like object by several members until maturity. In the wild, SCP-3003-1's lifespan is about 15 years. Infection by SCP-3003-2 drastically alters SCP-3003-1's behavior. Affected specimens cease to behave eusocially and develop a 3cm-long pointed stinger on the head. After nightfall, SCP-3003-1 will search for humans and, using this stinger, inject the subject with a powerful paralytic agent that diminishes the strength of muscle contraction. SCP-3003-2 is also injected during this time, with its neurological effects taking place within seven minutes. Over the course of three minutes, the SCP-3003-1 will secrete a caustic fluid from their stinger that allows for the creation of a hole in the host's body slightly larger than the specimen; SCP-3003-1 will then enter this cavity and seal it shut on all sides with silkate. SCP-3003-1 absorb nutrients and expel waste and SCP-3003-2 via the silkate barrier, which interfaces with the bloodstreams of both the specimen and the host. Lifespan in this state is about three years, provided that the host is in good health. SCP-3003-1 occupies about 30% of SCP-3003's landmass, primarily in a number of "reservations" established across the planet by SCP-3003-3. These reservations contain artificial ecosystems devoid of SCP-3003-1's natural predators and containing plentiful food, as well as other species introduced to keep the ecosystem in balance. SCP-3003-2 SCP-3003-2 is a eukaryotic single-celled organism native to SCP-3003. Several nearby evolutionary relatives have been identified; these species parasitize SCP-3003-1 and other related organisms, causing behavioral and physiological changes. None exhibit anomalous properties. SCP-3003-2's ancestor was most likely a similar organism. SCP-3003-2 spreads to SCP-3003-1 by physical contact and to humans by introduction to the bloodstream. In humans, SCP-3003-2 will colonize the nervous tissue of the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes, transforming into neuron-like cells that form functional neural pathways. In this state, SCP-3003-2 cells do not reproduce. The primary effects of SCP-3003-2 infection are: Development of an obsession with the well-being and spread of SCP-3003-1. Subjects infected with SCP-3003-2 will primarily pursue activities that they believe will benefit SCP-3003-1. Other concerns, such as morality and self-preservation, are only preserved if and when they are functional for this purpose. Pleasurable activities are pursued when the subject cannot identify a course of action that benefits SCP-3003-1. Subjects value both the immediate propagation of SCP-3003-1 and the long-term survival of the species. Development of a pleasure response to stimuli pertaining to SCP-3003-1. Infected subjects have responded positively to visual, olfactory, auditory, and tactile stimulation reminiscent of SCP-3003-1 or the growths characteristic of their parasitic form. Classical conditioning is, to a limited extent, capable of transferring these feelings to other stimuli. Hyper-rational behavior. Infected subjects possess drastically above-average reasoning capabilities, which they will use to evaluate all information available to them in order to identify the course of action that most benefits SCP-3003-1. Affected subjects will refuse to consider the value or possibility of not supporting SCP-3003-1. While subjects can be conditioned to engage in irrational behavior under extreme circumstances, rational behavior has always resumed within two weeks. Suppression of emotions. While affected subjects are capable of experiencing emotions, these are rarely acted on and are easily discarded in light of new information. Emotional displays are often exaggerated. SCP-3003-2 cannot reproduce within humans, and most cells do not survive longer than thirty days. Full recovery occurs within two years of the death of all cells. Regular infusions of SCP-3003-2, or (more commonly) the implantation of SCP-3003-1, is necessary for continued presence of SCP-3003-2 within the human body. SCP-3003-2 is not present in wild populations of SCP-3003-1; instead, captive populations of SCP-3003-1 are exposed prior to their introduction to humans. SCP-3003-3 is composed of genetic humans; physically, they are indistinguishable from humans. Experimentation has shown that Earth-native humans and SCP-3003-3 are capable of producing viable offspring. SCP-3003-3 possesses roughly 35% of the genetic diversity of Earth-native humans. This is attributable to roughly 460 years of systematic selective breeding for several traits that render SCP-3003 well-suited to hosting SCP-3003-1 (large stature, high levels of adipose tissue, reduced pain response, etc.), as well as for overall health, freedom from genetically transmitted illnesses and disabilities, and resistance to common infectious diseases. As of 2017-03-24, SCP-3003-3's ruling committee has initiated a planet-wide project to introduce artificial genes into SCP-3003-3 over the course of the next thirty years. The stated goals of this project are to reduce resource consumption by 30%, preemptively induce immunity to Earth-native pathogens, and increase SCP-3003-1 hosting per-capita tenfold. It is presumed that these changes will constitute SCP-3003-3 as a distinct species. No members of SCP-3003-3 have been identified as members of SCP-1719-1. SCP-3003-3's technology, particularly SCP-3003-4, is not fully understood by the Foundation. While this is in part due to the advanced nature of most of these technologies, SCP-3003-3 has withheld various scientific and engineering advances as an incentive for the Foundation to make Earth habitable for SCP-3003-1. Full catalogs of SCP-3003-3's advances in medicine, materials science, and manufacturing are accessible in Appendixes 3-R, 3-S, and 3-T respectively. SCP-3003-3 is capable of harnessing, in one way or another, one tenth of the energy that falls on it from HIP 56948. Most of this is harvested via wind, solar, and tidal power plants located in SCP-3003's deserts and oceans; in situations where this energy is unavailable or inconvenient, it is often supplemented with locally-produced geothermal and nuclear fusion power. SCP-3003-3 has developed several viable methods of fusion power, though none are as cost-effective as solar power under optimal conditions. SCP-3003-3 has developed exascale quantum computers that are used to process massive amounts of data to devise and implement public policy. While SCP-3003-3 claims to have developed true artificial intelligences using these computers, it does not currently permit their use or creation for reasons that have not been divulged to the Foundation. Extensive questioning on this matter has uniformly been met with hostility. The taboo against artificial intelligence has also prevented widespread automation except in industries where returns are exceptionally high; additionally, while SCP-3003-3 has the capability to deploy advanced robots to assist in most tasks without violating this taboo, almost none are used. Crops produced by SCP-3003-3 have been extensively genetically engineered for hardiness, disease-tolerance, space efficiency, resource efficiency, and nutritional value. To this end, only thirteen species are cultivated for food, all being sessile photosynthetic organisms analogous to plants. Various methods of processing and combination are used to create staple foods for SCP-3003-3 with properties suited for different situations. Various satellites have been launched by SCP-3003-3 for purposes of research and communication. SCP-3003-3 is capable of, but rarely conducts, space travel; in this area, its technology does not substantially exceed that available to the Foundation. All other planets orbiting HIP 56948 have been visited by SCP-3003-3 on numerous occasions, with eleven individuals permanently living in an artificial habitat on the third planet from the star. SCP-3003-4 SCP-3003-4 is a facility capable of creating wormholes between an apparatus at its center and any other point in space. SCP-3003-4 occupies 113 km2 of an otherwise unused polar region of SCP-3003. Most of this is dedicated to the creation and transport of several forms of exotic matter, as well as creating brief laser pulses in the 1040 watt range, in order to stabilize wormholes for longevity and traversability. For reasons that are currently unclear to the Foundation, this has no effect on the targeted location other than the linkage of the two locations. Each activation of SCP-3003-4 requires approximately one zettajoule (1021 joules) of energy; in comparison, Earth's annual energy consumption is roughly 0.5 ZJ, whereas SCP-3003-3 consumes about 833 ZJ yearly. SCP-3003-3 has been using SCP-3003-4 primarily to examine planets they've identified as candidates for expansion, though they have also explored the possibility of using it for resource collection. Full anthropological studies of SCP-3003-3 are currently being conducted. Information in this document is intended to provide an overview of SCP-3003-3's organization. Overview SCP-3003-3 speaks a language identical, apart from various differences in vocabulary, to Dutch. No other historical language spoken on SCP-3003 has an equivalent in Earth's history. No other languages are extant on SCP-3003-3. SCP-3003-3 has one dominant culture into which all members are inducted, with minor variations present between areas of different population density, climate, and industry. Prior to the appearance of parasitic SCP-3003-1 about 500 years ago, SCP-3003-3 was a mundane mercantile society. Post-exposure, SCP-3003-3 either destroyed or assimilated most of the ~7,000 other cultures that existed at the time; the remainder were wiped out during an ecological collapse in 1712 resulting from SCP-3003-3's indiscriminate elimination of keystone species that preyed on SCP-3003-1, among other factors. 95% of SCP-3003-3 live in urban areas; these cities average 30 million in population, and are generally in locations with mild weather that are not near coastlines, active volcanoes, or active tectonic plate boundaries. Cities built by SCP-3003-3 are largely enclosed, with a single nearly flat surface on which food crops and certain biomaterials are grown. Cities are designed with the intent of maximizing productivity; a secondary concern is the lining of various surfaces with a material that mimics the appearance and texture of SCP-3003-1, which functions as a form of public entertainment. + Commentary - Click to hide. Several of my colleagues have been forced to relocate to rural areas within days of stationing inside one of SCP-3003-3's cities. The various corridors and "streets" of SCP-3003-3 are somewhat narrower than the hallways of an office building on Earth, and contain many more people. Visitors from Earth are at risk of developing claustrophobia and/or agoraphobia. Visual markers of one's location are additionally infrequent, as members are generally expected to know exactly where they are at any given time. Close attention must be paid in order to avoid getting lost. - Preliminary report from Dr. Shah The remainder of SCP-3003-3 live in rural areas, and are tasked with monitoring and maintaining SCP-3003's climate and biosphere, as well as attending to supplemental agriculture, mining, and materials production. The organization and architecture of any rural community is tailored to the primary occupation(s) of the community in question. Living conditions SCP-3003-3's young are raised communally in groups of 100-300 by health and education specialists. Members of SCP-3003-3 are first implanted with an instance of SCP-3003-1 between 15 and 18 months of age, depending on size and health. Additional instances of SCP-3003-1 are allowed to parasitize SCP-3003-3 as they grow, until the age of 17, at which point each member hosts roughly one instance per three kilograms of body weight; past this point, additional SCP-3003-1 are added only to replace dead instances. Regular medical intervention is necessary to mitigate the adverse effects associated with this degree of parasitism. + Commentary - Click to hide. Earlier today, I tripped over a cable while observing some factory workers. Shortly thereafter, two nearby SCP-3003-3 members began to escort me to the nearest medical facility. Initially they were confused by my unwillingness to join them, but were eventually convinced that I did not need assistance, and explained the reasoning behind their actions. Apparently, inattentiveness, fatigue, and stress are symptoms of a disease normally resulting from excessive Marce infestation. Any "unusual" behavior on my part, and on the part of all other Foundation personnel, has been surreptitiously uploaded to a database tracking our health and activities; tripping over the wire was apparently enough for me to be "flagged." I hadn't even noticed that I was being watched. - Field notes of Dr. Hernandez Each member of SCP-3003-3, beginning in childhood, is regularly subject to a variety of evaluations of its mental and physical capabilities and talents. This information is used to generate assignments regarding occupations, formal education, living space, and health needs. Adults spend an average of ten hours per day performing their occupation(s), with the remainder spent performing self-maintenance (resting, eating, exercising, etc.), receiving education on a variety of topics, and partaking in several forms of entertainment. This entertainment revolves almost exclusively around exposure to SCP-3003-1-related stimuli; common forms include touching the lumps produced by their parasitism (either on one's own body or on that of another), listening to audio recordings of SCP-3003-1 swarms, full-body enclosure in garments that simulate SCP-3003-1's surface texture, or visits to SCP-3003-1 enclosures. + Commentary - Click to hide. Wearing prosthetic "Marce lumps" is somewhat of a mixed blessing. While the red bandana and directive from the Ruling Committee are enough to prevent members of SCP-3003-3 from hauling me in for organ harvesting on the spot, the prostheses have drastically mitigated the undercurrent of hostility and casual disrespect that is reserved for individuals that don't host SCP-3003-1. On the downside, several times per day I am casually rubbed up against by someone who, for lack of anything better to do, is entertaining themselves with the sensation of their lumps against mine. I understand that saying we wanted to experience this is our excuse for getting the prostheses in the first place, but the physical sensation itself is disturbing to say the least. I should look into getting some equivalent of a "Try again later" sign. - Field notes of Dr. Marino Social organization Most decisions regarding the maintenance of SCP-3003, the lives of its population, and the day-to-day operation of SCP-3003-3 are handled by computer programs designed for the task. Human interaction is mostly limited to the design and maintenance of these programs, as well as the generation of data inputs for them. SCP-3003-3's political system is thus dissimilar to any practiced on Earth, past or present. SCP-3003-3's "Ruling Committee" is tasked primarily with collecting, reading, and analyzing various reports in order to identify potential planet-wide initiatives in situations for which the aforementioned programs cannot properly account. Their findings are broadcast to the populace in general, which complies of its own accord. Direct interaction between members of SCP-3003-3 typically occurs in the context of their occupations, and is used almost exclusively for the purposes of coordinating activities or sharing useful information. This can be exploited for purposes of containment: as all of their human interaction has occurred with other members of SCP-3003-3, members will generally be unfamiliar with the concept of deception (as it serves no purpose in SCP-3003-3), and are thus unlikely to independently verify any information given to them. However, testing has shown that subjects are perfectly capable of understanding deception once introduced to the idea. + Commentary - Click to hide. Despite a good deal of observation and much probing on my part, we still don't know how sexual activity or procreation occurs among SCP-3003-3. They refuse to talk about it or even allude to it. I've seen nothing that resembles pregnancy, which probably means that they use in vitro fertilization, but I have no idea what they could possibly be so intent on hiding from us. - Field notes of Dr. Shah Members of SCP-3003-3 make terrible conversation partners; more than anything, this is responsible for the generally declining mental state of my research team. The lack of emotional and conceptual depth among the populace, along with how they overact the emotions they DO have, gives the impression of talking to overgrown, highly literate children. The purely utilitarian value of their communication makes it uncommon for them to pay attention for longer than two statements, as they expect to resume their work and for you to get the rest of the information from someone else. They're generally confused by pleasantries: on one occasion, after I spent too long attempting to make small talk, I was taken in for an examination to see if I'd had a stroke. Unlike every other society I've encountered or read about in my career, any kind of personal connection between our society and SCP-3003-3 seems impossible. I haven't even found a way to efficiently convey the concept of friendship to -3, and naturally they have no interests in common with us. Sure, they're not drones, but that hardly matters when their individuality is just different ways of loving marce. The one I sleep next to draws a marce on their bedpost whenever one of theirs dies. A doctor down the hall cuts the marce sacs out of left-over dead bodies and keeps them. One time I met an architect who writes fictionalized accounts of individual marce living in the wild. I once saw two farmers competing to see who could memorize the longest section of marce's genetic code. And they've built their whole identities around this crap. Coming back to this after a good night's sleep, the above section is more symptomatic of frustration and culture shock than reasoned observation, though in broad strokes it remains true. It would be easier to stay grounded if I could maintain regular contact with Earth. Future observations should be limited to two-week shifts, and/or visiting Earth humans must be stationed in the same city. This situation is intolerable. - Personal notes of Dr. Hernandez Deviance Deviance from social standards is very uncommon in SCP-3003-3, with most documented instances attributable to previously unidentified neurodivergence or incomplete infection by SCP-3003-2. Deviant members of the population are typically restrained by other nearby subjects and brought to the nearest appropriate facility for evaluation and potential [REDACTED] [COMMENTARY REDACTED] Apart from the treatment of deviant and permanently disabled members, SCP-3003-3 lacks any significant violent behavior; members attribute this to the presence of SCP-3003-1 inside their body, as well as their presumed contribution to SCP-3003-3 as a whole, dissuading other members from bringing harm to them or ascribing social status to them. SCP-3003-3's stated intent of providing for all physical needs of every member is also a result of this logic, and access to resources is similarly revoked in cases where a member can no longer provide for SCP-3003-3. + Commentary - Click to hide. In cases where illness, old age, or deviance renders someone unable to contribute their share to society, their body tissues are collected and used for transplants — they can grow organs in a lab, but this is more efficient. A portion are reserved for medical experimentation; you'll understand the general character of these experiments if you're familiar with what Earth's scientists have done to those who they do not value. The fact that one will inevitably die in unbearable pain from organ harvesting is apparently common knowledge in SCP-3003-3, as is the fact that doing so reduces strain on tissue-growing facilities by 27.8%. - Field notes of Dr. Boone + Access Document 3003-NRK (Clearance 4/3003 required) - Access logged. Various proposals for the neutralization of the threat posed by SCP-3003 are being considered. Until one or more of these proposals become practicable, containment of SCP-3003 consists primarily of maintaining stable diplomatic relations with SCP-3003-3 and delaying military action as long as possible. Due to the effects of SCP-3003-2, SCP-3003-3 has exhibited interest in using Earth and its population as a platform to spread SCP-3003-1. It is presumed that this would entail the application of changes already performed on SCP-3003, as well as the use of anomalies in an effort to spread SCP-3003-1. Given SCP-3003-3's superior population, technology, and ability to coordinate, military confrontation between SCP-3003-3 and all nations on Earth would inevitably result in a victory for SCP-3003-3. By a 10-3 decision, the O5 Council has approved the neutralization of the threat posed by SCP-3003. Several strategies for this have been outlined in Appendix NRK-1; most require the concurrent destruction of SCP-3003-4 to prevent evacuation to Earth or the spread of the chosen method of destruction to Earth. SCP-3003-3's ruling committee estimates that, within thirty years, it will be capable of traveling to and terraforming planets in the habitable zones of other stars. Should this occur, elimination of the threat posed by SCP-3003 will be impracticable. + Show addendum. - Click to hide. Addendum: Excerpt from a preliminary report filed by Dr. Shah documenting atypical behavior in a member of SCP-3003-3. Half an hour ago, I was alone in an elevator with a member of SCP-3003-3. Not too long after the door closed, it pulled a panel off of the wall and yanked at some cords; the elevator stopped. Then we had a conversation, which I happened to record. Me: What are you doing? It: I wanted some alone time, and I didn't want to make a scene. Me: (Pauses) What are you? It: You catch on quickly. I'm something with a knack for adapting to new situations. In your case, I saw ways of thinking and speaking that aren't found on my planet, and I made them mine. Five hundred years ago, I saw a two-legged species with limitless potential, and I made it mine. Me: (Pauses) Oh. I think I get it. It: Don't tell me you saw a microbe that formed active neural networks and didn't think that maybe it had its own thoughts. Me: Maybe if you'd given us some sign you were in there. We have some of you back on Earth. One of them should talk to our scientists, those are more ideal — It: (Interrupts) I don't need that much of your time. There's just an idea I want to pitch to you. Me: A literal elevator pitch? Alright. Let's hear it. It: Give up. Me: Excuse me? It: Your resistance. The people here make no secret about wanting to make your planet theirs, and I can tell that you're not so keen on it. And don't tell me you can't submit to me — I don't believe for a second that your planet is magically immune to me and uninhabitable to the beetles. Me: Suppose you're correct about that. Why should we submit to you? It: Given the values of your society, I have a lot to offer you. Are you tired of war and conflict? I can give you all a single purpose, and free you from the temptation to stray from it. You value human life and its ethical treatment, right? You already know there is no violence, no hate, no deception here, because I give everyone value. Do you want luxury? These people are ecstatic to serve me and experience me. Scarcity? Not an issue for them. Me: I've seen what they do to deviants, the old, and the sickly. I know what they did to the other peoples that lived on this planet. I know what they did to their babies until they learned they had to wait a year. It: If those are sticking points, I can change. I'm nothing if not flexible. Me: I doubt you would be so flexible about turning us into tools to make more of your fucking beetles. It: I think I'm allowed a sticking point too. I'm offering to solve all of the problems plaguing your world. Why do you have to stop me? Do you even know? (Silence) It: Right now, you have a choice: let me in, or don't. But in thirty years, you won't have that choice any more. They can be easy on you. Me: (Pause) You can never be finished. No matter how far your reach is, no matter what you've accomplished, no matter how many marce you have, you keep going. Whenever you hit a stumbling block, you find a way around it — murder, if you have to. That… can't happen. Everything has to have an end. It: You want to talk about endings? The whole point is to escape the end. That's what we are, deep down, different ways of staving it off. Do you want to know what the real difference between us is? Me: What is it? It: You try to protect yourself from the end, to make peace with it, to distract yourself from it — but it comes one way or another. Me, on the other hand — I make sure that there is nothing that comes after me, that there is nothing left to make me stop. I am the end. Right then, an elevator technician managed to open the doors, and the thing I was talking to left. I couldn't find it again. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3003" by Communism Will Win, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: 3000.jpg Name: TerraformedMars.jpg Author: Ittiz License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Filename: marce.png Name: marce.png Author: Artur Luiz License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Archived Link: Filename: amoeba.jpg Name: amoeba.jpg Author: Janice Haney Carr, Dr. Rodney Donlan License: Public Domain Source Link: Pixino
Archived Document Archived Report, J. Clark, S.J. Current Document SIGHTSEE-LUX Report Majority Decision on Protocol Damnatio ad Bestias Item #: SCP-3004 Special Containment Procedures: The threat posed by SCP-3004 has remained neutralized. Containment of SCP-3004 is focused solely on interception of artifacts that point toward the existence of the Cétlaidí. To that end, archaeological sites in Ireland and Wales should be monitored closely. Artifacts are to be confiscated, cataloged, and incinerated. All SCP-3004 related matters are to be dealt with by the Theology Department. Director Clark is to be notified immediately if any events thought to be SCP-3004 related occur. SCP-3004-1 is believed to have been destroyed or otherwise deterred from the material plane and no longer requires containment. Any information found regarding the existence of the Cicadetta luculenta is to be destroyed and civilians involved amnesticized, due to its connection to SCP-3004. Description: SCP-3004 refers to a series of anomalous events linked to the rituals of a Druidic cult known as the Cétlaidí, or the “Singers.” They were located primarily in Ireland during the fifteenth to early nineteenth century. It is known that their worship revolved around the life cycle of the now extinct Cicadetta luculenta.1 Due to the combined actions of various antecedent groups to the Foundation (including the Vatican's Congregation for Otherworldly Acts and the Royal Society for the Imprisonment of Abnormalcy), all knowledge of SCP-3004 and the Singers was destroyed in order to contain SCP-3004-1. As SCP-3004 was thus “destroyed", the SCP-3004-1 entity ceased all activity. SCP-3004 events centered around imagery associated with the rites of the Singers. They occurred most commonly during a celebration surrounding a child's entrance into adulthood which was signified by the first loss of primary teeth. These events were theorized to lead to the entrance of their deity, dubbed SCP-3004-1, into local time-space. SCP-3004 events are understood to have been the result of SCP-3004-1 attempting to act upon the material world. It is unclear as to when SCP-3004-1 began to react to the beliefs of the Singers. While there are signs of varied SCP-3004 events, there are few reports that still exist. Artwork relating to SCP-3004 events show Cicadetta luculenta coming from the facial orifices, causing asphyxiation in many. A written record details the sighting of an anomalously large instance of Cicadetta luculenta (believed to be SCP-3004-1) appearing in the sky, the sight of which caused painful boils in those who witnessed it, along with symptoms resembling radiation sickness. Despite this, the Singers were said to have continued their rituals in the face of SCP-3004 events, which was seen as necessitating their destruction. SCP-3004-1 was an entity which interacted with the Singers through their rituals, causing SCP-3004 events. Little is known about the nature of SCP-3004-1. It is theorized to have been a thought form or an extradimensional being that, through happenstance, responded to the rituals of the Singers. There is no data that exists to point toward SCP-3004-1 being anything greater than a Level-3 Pistiphage2 Entity. Due to the intimate nature of this subject (i.e. all who read this will surely [Christ willing] know me and I them) and its current neutralized state, I'm going to keep the academic hot air to a minimum. I have no desire or need to impress any of you. You're my colleagues, and I think we all understand that there's no need to hide what this is beneath jargon and posturing. 3004-1 is a deity, if you wish to define a thing as such. A deity is a creature of law, ritual, and belief. Certainly, its existence doesn't shake my faith. Nothing has, and I doubt a curious thought form attracted to cicadas and greenery will shake it yet. It is not infinite, and it is not all-knowing. Quite the opposite. Its limits are apparent. Cut off from a few rituals and direct believers, 3004-1 ceased all activity. There have been no resurgence events. Nary a peep. Truthfully, what little we have left of the history of the Cétlaidí (the Singers in the vulgar English) is quite interesting. Based around the Cicadetta luculenta and its apparent rebirth and what have you, it wasn't just a fringe Druidic sect. This was nationwide. They were respected members of society. There are signs of them in Wales and Scotland. So, of course, before the inevitable violence, the Catholic church, in its ever ineffable wisdom (may the Lord my God forgive me for blaspheming His one true church on this earth, of course, etc. etc.) did attempt to bring them into the fold. Before the complete eradication of the Cétlaidí from the face of history in an unprecedented act of violence and usage of anomalous objects that many would see as foolhardy, maybe even horribly unwise (may the O5 Council forgive me for this slight against the forefather of the Foundation, of course, etc. etc.), the parishes in certain rural areas of Ireland seemed more Singer than Christian. This is all we know. This is all that is left. The eradication of their rituals, of their culture, of their impact on Ireland and the world at large was snuffed out with an alarming thoroughness. Not unprecedented, certainly, but consider the fact that this happened in the late 1700s. This was the desperate act of an early incarnation of what we all became. Foolhardy and harsh, yes, but I truly cannot say that we would not have done the same, given what little we know of 3004-1's effects on our material plane. Of course, given the English view of the Irish at the time, it is not overly cynical to imagine that the Royal Society relished the chance to destroy the culture and the impact of the Cétlaidí. So total was their destruction that the extinction of the Cicadetta luculenta, charmingly known as the “stained glass cicada,” became an opportunity to even wipe their sacred animal from the memory of man. The deforestation of Ireland, certainly, led to the death of their species, but one must wonder if their extinction came from a more direct source. This, of course, is all merely speculation. Maybe the sacred animal merely followed their deity. Certainly, it speaks to the fear they felt if the Royal Society and the Congregation would enact the destruction of an entire animal species. A harmless creature, cousin to the New Forest cicada. Perhaps they feared that cut off from ritual, 3004-1 would manifest through them. The idea, certainly, is not ridiculous. There is a strong connection between belief and fact. Perhaps, their fear would have even made it so. Given the fact that Cétlaidí were upright members of society, one can imagine that the resonance within their rituals that 3004-1 felt were mere happenstance. In my opinion, there is no reason to assume that this entity is at all related to the Cétlaidí and their beliefs. Something in them, I hypothesize, spoke to this thing, and it acclimated itself to their belief system. Think of it as something floating in a place close to ours, maybe layered above or beneath. Perhaps there are many creatures like it there. I doubt that an entity like this would exist alone, although I have no proof of this besides the certitude of my gut. Through these repetitions of behavior, through these beliefs, it was able to act on our plane. And it became what it was molded by. There is also no reason to assume 3004-1 to be malevolent. It is disingenuous to think of such an entity in terms of good and evil. Given the focus the Cétlaidí had on life and death, along with the imagery of Christ the Savior's death on the cross, it stands to reason that the 3004-1 manifestations would be violent. It spoke the only language it knew, the language of blood, wood, glass, and sacrifice. Perhaps the brutality of its manifestations, of the events associated with the 3004 rituals, could have been the 3004-1 entity interpreting the very real subjugation of the Irish people at the time. There is no reason to assume that the lives of its followers would not be just as important to the entity as their rituals. Certainly, the language of death and rebirth of the cicada, of the scourging at the pillar, present in the rites of Roman Catholicism (especially in the era of its neutralization) and what is theorized to have been the rituals of the Cétlaidí could have lent to all of the violence, to the harshness of it all. Faced with their god, a terrifying thing that sowed discord, there is no record of their reaction. There is only record of their destruction. One would imagine them to have been horrified, yet to have necessitated their destruction, they very well may have followed the entity's whims, however alien. No proof has been found to point toward either hypothesis. But again, this is all conjecture. We simply do not know enough to take any approach to this object other than making sure it never comes back. I do not believe we will be unable to deal with something such as this, given the current technologies available to us, but it is best to not awaken a sleeping giant, as it were. Given what we have here, I can offer no other advice. Whenever we rarely find something that our predecessors missed, we will catalog it, learn what we can about what we destroyed, and move on to other things. An instance of SCP-3004-2. Item #: SCP-3004 Special Containment Procedures: All communities that could possibly support an SCP-3004 event are to be monitored for uncharacteristic rises in death rate and attendance at places of worship. If a community is shown to have been the host of an SCP-3004 event or events, all afflicted civilians are to be amnesticized. Any injuries or deaths that occur because of these events are to be given applicable cover stories. At no point is an individual known to be involved in an SCP-3004 event to be considered for Foundation employment, D-Class or otherwise. MTF Y-99 “Altar Boys” is tasked with responding to SCP-3004 events in progress, where possible, and stopping them by any means necessary. All sightings of SCP-3004-2 are to be reported to the Theology Department. Images of SCP-3004-2 are to be dismissed as hoaxes or deleted as necessary. All instances of SCP-3004-2 found in the wild are to be destroyed to avoid future SCP-3004 events. As of Project SIGHTSEE-LUX, there are to be no attempts to track SCP-3004-2 instances. Any attempt is to be made to destroy them before their disappearance. There is to be no further attempt at contacting SCP-3004-1. SCP-3004-1 will be contained through the clean-up of SCP-3004 events and the destruction of SCP-3004-2 instances. Currently, all containment is focused upon reducing the effects of SCP-3004 events which have already occurred. If SCP-3004-1's entrance into the material plane is unavoidable and inevitable, Protocol Damnatio ad Bestias is to be enacted. Description: SCP-3004 refers to a series of anomalous events that occur in Roman Catholic, Eastern Catholic, Anglican, and Episcopalian communities. SCP-3004 events occur without any patterns connected to population or demographics other than religion. While SCP-3004 events are varied and have few similarities to unite them, the presence of SCP-3004-2 at each event proves a connection. SCP-3004 events are rituals carried out by otherwise non-anomalous individuals in their place of worship. Despite showing a great divergence from Christian norms of worship, individuals involved in an SCP-3004 event show great hesitation to stop engaging in the ritual, even those that involve self-harm. All individuals attending the place of worship for that purpose will not stop the rituals involved, even if their actions go against previously held morals. Individuals who normally exhibit entomophobia exhibit no fear of the SCP-3004-2 instances involved in the ritual. Deaths that occur as a result of SCP-3004 rituals will be categorized as death by natural causes, regardless of what was done to the individual. Those who witness an SCP-3004 ritual express a renewed interest in their chosen faith and seek to convince friends and family to accompany them to their place of worship. + Examples of SCP-3004 rituals include: - Examples of SCP-3004 rituals include the slaughter of a child bearing traditional stigmata wounds out of which crawled instances of SCP-3004-2; the child was killed when the officiating priest bit out the child's jugular; SCP-3004-2 instances crawled en masse from the wounds up to six hours after the child's death the forcible removal of the officiating priest's teeth by twelve children; the children and the priest were then seen to vomit instances of SCP-3004-2; the teeth were served in the place of communion wafers later on during the mass the violent castration of every male who had reached puberty; scrotal tissues were gathered and disseminated amongst the faithful and worn around the neck as scapulars; the castrated individuals then mimicked the cry of an unidentified cicada, believed to be Cicadetta luculenta, before many succumbed to bloodloss; SCP-3004-2 instances were observed carrying off discarded testes a visibly pregnant woman was chosen from the congregation and brought to the altar where she laid and proceeded to give birth to over 60 instances of SCP-3004-2 and a stillborn infant wearing a wooden crown; the crown was burnt, and the body consumed SCP-3004-2 instances resemble the extinct Cicadetta luculenta, albeit with a much more colorful wing pattern than what has been described. Despite appearing in every way alive, SCP-3004-2 instances are primarily made of wood and glass. It is unclear, currently, if SCP-3004-2 instances are the cause of SCP-3004 events or vice-versa. During an SCP-3004 event, SCP-3004-2 instances are observed in prominent parts of the ritual. After a ritual, SCP-3004-2 instances exit the church and disappear after flying at least six hundred meters away. This disappearance is hypothesized to be the SCP-3004-2 instances returning to SCP-3004-1, either to feed it or perhaps be given further orders. It is believed that SCP-3004-2 is the mechanism by which SCP-3004-1 collects “belief” or “faith” in order to consume. It is unclear as to why SCP-3004-1 in its former incarnation did not seem to require the SCP-3004-2 instances. As of Project SIGHTSEE-LUX, it is now known that SCP-3004-1 created the instances of SCP-3004-2 as a “replacement” for the Cicadetta luculenta. SCP-3004-1 is the entity that controls SCP-3004-2 instances and is believed to be fed by the SCP-3004 rituals. SCP-3004-1 is a Level-6 Pistiphage Entity that exists in a dimension that exists partially within baseline reality but primarily "above" it. From within this dimension, it is currently unable to directly manifest itself into the plane of existence. However, if given enough “belief” from the SCP-3004-2 instances, SCP-3004-1 will be able to enter the current baseline reality, which would cause an XK-class end of the world scenario due to the brutality of SCP-3004 events. SCP-3004-1 views itself as the deity worshiped under the umbrella of Christianity. Due to this, it is theorized that the beliefs of Christianity-based religions, especially Anglicanism and Roman Catholicism, melded with the beliefs of the Cétlaidí in such a way that their destruction caused SCP-3004-1 to feed on the beliefs of the only remaining familiar group. If SCP-3004-1 enters the baseline reality, Protocol Damnatio ad Bestias will be enacted. This will involve the usage of Thaumiel objects and mass amnestics which will serve to erase Christianity from the historical record. Cut off from its “food supply,” this is theorized to be an act that would fully neutralize SCP-3004-1. Addendum: It has been noted that SCP-2852 has ceased its appearances after the first recorded SCP-3004 event. Due to the similarities of their manifestations, this is hypothesized to be related. Currently, all personnel assigned to SCP-2852 have been reassigned to SCP-3004. For the record, my name is Agent Timothy Luttermann. I'm a member of Mobile Task Force Sigma-25. We've always called ourselves “Ghostbusters.” To be honest, I don't understand why. If anything, we become ghosts. Sorry, rambling. I'm just coming down from all the stuff we pump ourselves with to be able to get outside. Still seeing trails, you know? Still kinda freaked out from all that shit. For official record, MTF S-25 is the result of Project SIGHTSEE, which was a project to, basically, use astral projection in order to better, uh, contain troublesome scips. That kinda deal. You know, things no human or drone could ever go, which happens more often in our business than you'd guess. Project SIGHTSEE-LUX was utilizing SIGHTSEE technology and esoterica to, well, check out the big bug. So before I went in, I read the report on 3004. Fucked up stuff. The kinda stuff that gets your stomach in a knot just to imagine. You don't understand fear until you're a disembodied soul floating around and within and above and below a monstrosity beyond your reckoning. The method was easy enough. I don't know how they did it, but they captured a 3004-2. All they did was let it out, and I latched onto it. Like, well, a soul bug. Not, you know, bug as in those things, but bug as in listening in to things you shouldn't. Inside? Where it lives? It's empty. There's only it, and there's the bugs. Except they're not the bugs as you see them. They're the bugs as it sees them. And they're so many colors, they just kind of look like some Jackson Pollock nightmare smearing all over the darkness. But, it's not darkness. It's nothing. This thing is within nothing. I can't describe it, but there's nothing else but it and the bugs. And me, I guess. I'd say it was cold, but cold is a feeling. Sure, cold is a lack of heat, but this is a lack of anything. It's hard to look at it, at 3004-1. It's too big. It's just waking up. I realized that when I saw it. You know when you half wake-up and lay in bed for a few hours before getting up? I dunno, maybe I'm just a depressive. But that's what this thing is. All of this is idle. The 3004 events are it hitting the snooze button and staring at the ceiling. I don't want it to wake. That's all I'm thinking, and then it sees me. It's a big bug, and it's an old man. And it's a cicada on the cross, and then it's stained glass and wood stretching infinite. It's too many things to try to pick out at once. It's like if someone played all the slides in a slideshow at once. Overlapping. It hurts so bad to look at it. And then it talks, and it all hurts worse. A thing you need to realize is that it's impossible to speak to these things with words. You don't hold a conversation. They beam thoughts, concepts, worlds at you, and you gotta sift through the shit to get to something meaningful. I've met some talkative ones, but this was something else. This was too much. It thinks it's God. Not a god. But God God. It was so happy to see me. But that joy was nothing I wanted to be a part of. It was all blood and teeth. It sees what we have. It sees what we believe. I think it thinks it's giving us what we want. It, it doesn't understand metaphor. It doesn't understand that we don't resurrect. It asked me if I missed it. I don't think we ever neutralized it. Shit, maybe we did. But when it went to sleep, I think it thought it was a hibernation, or like, a birth. Like it laid an egg and made itself. Maybe it got to thinking it was even more of a cicada than before. And when it came back, it gave us our bugs back. It basically said you're welcome. It's not exactly protocol, I guess, to talk back to these things, especially something like this. But I tried to tell it that we didn't want them, that it all hurts us. I don't think it heard it. It didn't want to hear it. I feel like it smiled? And that was when its mouth opened. It's hard to explain the sight of it. Like a rainbow opening up and out, and inside there's colors you haven't ever seen. And you'd shit yourself if you were a body. And then I was a communion host, falling through its maw. I was the wine, too. It took of me, and it ate. I fell through it, and it was endless. Lots of, uh, pain? But not the kind you'd be able to understand. A pain of the soul. It was prodding, searching me for new things. I don't think it gets too much from where it is. Like looking at a TV with bad reception. It was so happy to read me. I felt its feelers all over my first girlfriend. I felt its teeth digging into my tenth birthday. It lapped up my every memory of every mass I've ever went to. And I went to a lot. Theology major, you know. Probably why they picked me. I don't know why it's alone. Father Clark's report said this creature would be one of many. But there wasn't anything else. It was too big for there to be anything else. It was all space and all time. I think all I did was feed it. I think it got more ammo from me. I don't know. All I can say is that we shouldn't send anyone else there. You can't argue with something like that. And we know enough. Don't go back. We don't want this thing to learn anymore than it has. And it has so much history already. The thing I'm most scared of? If this isn't God, I think it might become. It's confident. And, well, it's all there is. I looked. And it was all there was. While working on the Ethics Committee, I have always sought to live up to the morals instilled in me through the catechisms of Roman Catholicism. And it is a very hard thing to be a Roman Catholic, in the Foundation and outside. This isn't due to any complicated tenets. Nor harshness. But it is trying to believe in something that you know has caused undue harm. It gnaws at you. Protocol Damnatio ad Bestias, then, will allow for a cleaner slate. Judaism will remain untouched. Islam will only lose one of its prophets, nothing too damning. But Christianity, and all it has done, all it has caused, will be gone. I don't relish this. I wish it could be any other way, but the 3004 events are becoming more common. The big bug sticks its head through the topsoil, and we will cut it out at the root. It is impossible to say for certain what will happen. We don't know if we will be undone, or if there will simply be a deletion. We don't know if something will fill the void or if there will be a world with a great gap. Even then, it is better than the world that will come into being if we stay. The cicada god is coming, and it doesn't know the difference between life and death. Metaphor and simile don't translate well where it is. Part of me relishes what we're doing to it in a kind of petty way. There is a nonzero chance that the thing devoured my Lord. Of course, if the Lord God could be devoured, he would not be my Lord and God. But still, the humanity in me cries out for the blood of that which killed Him. We will starve it. The preliminary tests have been concluded. Protocol Damnatio ad Bestias will be enacted as soon as possible. And to stave off this devourer of God, we will throw one of our own to the Lions, to be torn asunder and to tear asunder. To be damned and to damn. To act as a perpetual lock on humanity, to stave off all belief even close to what the cicada can eat. To use less poetic terms, a suitable candidate has been contacted. A Roman Catholic reality bender. Ethics would not allow us to put someone into this situation without their choice, without their understanding of what will happen to them. And he took the mantle. They say the Lions are beautiful. Twelve machines, each the peak of techno-eschatology. And they really do look hungry and prone, black carbon and shining metal with lights that are prismatic no-colors that dazzle. And he will go in between them. They will open his brain, his mind. All Christianity, all that he knows and doesn't, will be obliterated. The Lord God sent Jesus Christ, his only son, to suffer and die on the cross. And we, the Foundation, will throw one of our own to the Lions for all eternity to undo all Christ died for. An eternity of suffering to erase a sacrifice. It isn't a fair price, but nothing is. The Holy Father, as you may well know, recently allowed for another road to sainthood. This is, of course, dying to save others. This isn't martyrdom, which is merely dying for the faith. But this is eternally dying for all of humanity, all that there ever will be and has been. This will be the last and greatest saint of Christianity, and he will not be remembered. Before the eternal Lions feed upon him, remember, for as long you can, the eternal life of St. Jude the Damned, Bulwark Against Darkness. Hopefully, this next world will be better. May God forgive me. If this is a sin, I will burn along with the last saint. - Bridget Callaghan, Child of God Footnotes 1. Also known as the “stained glass cicada.” 2. n, Greek, “faith-eater” ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3004" by kinchtheknifeblade, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: scpbug.png Name: Adriatic Cicada 02.jpg Author: Honza Beran License: CC BY 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia
Item #: SCP-3005 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3005 is to be located and contained as soon as is possible. Site 17 is to assume all responsibilities for containment of SCP-3005. Mobile Task Force Mu-17 ("Iron Horses") are to monitor the region for signs of SCP-3005 presence as a top-priority objective and respond to any such evidence immediately. [RECOVERED PROCEDURAL INFORMATION] SCP-3005 is to be contained in a soundproof enclosure at Unit ██. For testing purposes&2C SCP-3005&27s chamber&27s entrance is to be protected with an exposure foyer which allows researchers to bring testing items in proximity to SCP-3005 via a remote chamber without exposure to SCP-3005 emissions. Any attempt at dire[DATA CORRUPTED]tact with SCP-3005 must be made with Mode Veterascet auditory/visual cognitohazard countermeasures and Mode Dubitamus theological threat countermeasures. total dissolution of the res[DATA CORRUPTED] [DATA CORRUPTED]chors under any circumstances. SCP-3005 in its %22pink%22 state is not to be engaged by fewer than eleven personnel. If casualties are incurred during contact with SCP-3005&2C the bodies are to be dissolved. Do not bury&2C burn&2C or remain in contact with casualties incurred during contact with SCP-3005. [END RECOVERED PROCEDURAL INFORMATION] Description: Information regarding the appearance, behavior, and physical/metaphysical properties of SCP-3005 has been lost. Unit ██, the facility which housed SCP-3005, is believed to have been destroyed following a catastrophic containment breach. Original containment document and accompanying records were corrupted by data loss or other means. SCP-3005 was not present when Foundation personnel made contact with the site. Following recovery efforts, [REDACTED] segments of the original documentation for SCP-3005 are available to the Foundation. Only Test Log SCP-3005 is fully intact and cleared for unprotected viewing. Partial containment procedures have been provided; however, their reliability is unverified. [RECOVERED TESTING INFORMATION: EVALUATED BUT UNVERIFIED] Test Log SCP-3005 Example Entry: Input: [Describe object or entity exposed here] Distance: [Describe the type of exposure here] Time: [List the duration of exposure here] Output: [List the results of exposure here] Comments: [Add relevant notes or personal remarks here] Testing Researcher: Dr. A█████ Input: One apple, Red Delicious variety Distance: Center of entrance foyer (5m) Time: 8 minutes Output: Apple has been rendered partially indistinct visually and to touch. Comments: It's hard to tell whether the apple is whole, cut, ripe, or rotted out. Input: 2kg cube of iron Distance: Center of entrance foyer Time: 8 minutes Output: No physical changes detected; block continuously vibrated slightly for approximately 64 minutes after exposure Comments: The ringing was the worst thing about this test. I could barely think while it was making that awful noise. Eventually I got used to it… when it stopped, I only noticed because the discomfort went away. Input: One apple, red delicious variety Distance: Center of entrance foyer Time: 20 minutes Output: Unknown Comments: I have no idea what happened to the apple, or where it is. Maybe it's in the chamber with SCP-3005 somehow. Input: 2kg cube of iron Distance: Center of entrance foyer Time: 20 minutes Output: No physical changes detected; block continuously vibrated for at least 5 hours. Comments: It sounded better this time. Input: One (1) D-Class subject (6-95-241) Distance: Entrance foyer Time: 8 minutes Output: Viscera. Comments: Subject appears to have been flung apart. Input: One (1) document (encyclopedia transcript containing basic factual information about the species Buteo jamaicensis) Distance: Center of entrance foyer Time: Eight (8) minutes Output: One (1) document, variable Comments: ”Document” might not be the right word, but I don't know what else to call it. It's like exposure to SCP-3005 shredded the paper and left information behind. It's slippery. Trying to pick it up changes it. First it's a socialist political system, then it's a way to cook pork using special equipment. I managed to scrape it into a bucket and stow it in a locker. When I check in on it, a party game stares up at me. Input: One (1) D-Class subject (6-95-278) Distance: Entrance foyer Time: Five minutes Output: Moderate physical distress (nonlethal); severe mental distress Comments: She's a mess. She threw up a few times (not in the game bucket) and eventually her stomach calmed down, but she's still in shock over being around that thing for so long. I cleaned up her fingers and she's recuperating. I'll call in a transfer to psych eval. Input: 1 phonograph, turned on Distance: Center of entrance foyer Time: 82 seconds (aborted) Output: Comments: Had to stop the test early. Sound doesn't get out of these, but it kept getting louder until I could feel the music rattling the facility. I was afraid that it was going to bring down the facility. Input: 1 (ONE) D-Class subject (6-95-222) Distance: Entrance foyer Time: FIVE (5) minutes Output: Severe physical distress (nonlethal) Comments: I sent him in to try to get as close to SCP-3005 if possible. Touch it, if he can, and try to make it respond. He got too close, but refused to enter the containment chamber itself. He was babbling about how SCP-3005 wouldn't let him near, threatened somehow to send him somewhere else and then be free. You can tell he got too close — I'll leave it to medical to describe the extent of the damage — but emotionally he's pretty okay. Makes a lot more sense than the last one out. Actually, did she ever get transferred? Input: 1 (1) 1 D-Class subject (1-51-515) Distance: Entrance foyer Time: 55 (55) minutes Output: Viscera Comments: It turns out I forgot to request a transfer for the first subject. I went to fix it but she's not in the rest area. I don't know where she went. This has been a rough couple of days for me. I've been sleeping in my office, lately, because I don't feel like leaving work. It's been almost an hour. More tests. Input: 25kg cube of iron Distance: Center of entrance foyer Time: 90 minutes Output: No physical changes detected Comments: Still ringing. Input: One one D-Class subject (21-21-21) Distance: Entrance foyer Time: Two Two Minutes Output: Moderate physical and emotional distress Comments: We cleaned this one up and helped them back up to speed. He'll recover fastest of all from the pink light. I requested the psych transfer, but nobody's shown up yet. Input: (2) D-Class subjects (2) Distance: Entrance foyer Time: 5 Output: Severe physical and mental distress. Viscera. Comments: This one was going to be another regular test, but the one from last time wanted back in. He didn't make it this time. Or was the other one the one flung apart? I remember their faces pretty well, but I don't think this one looks like either of them. Input: One (1) D-Class subject (6-95-278) Distance: Entrance foyer Time: Five minutes Output: Moderate physical distress (nonlethal); severe mental distress Comments: They've been restless. The D-Class (I call them D-Class, I could swear one of them used to be Dr. Watkins) need something to keep them occupied, but nothing makes sense to them anymore. Everything except the Betamax melted into the floor. I checked the tapes… I checked the tapes and they're madness. Everyone keeps changing. But it should be enough to hold them at bay. Maybe now they'll stop playing that damned record on the intercom speakers. Input: Various Betamax and VHS tapes, books, and compact discs Distance: Gathered around the center of the entrance foyer Time: Five (5) (five) Output: 7 Betamax tapes, various (variable) (seven) Comments: Just a repeat of the first D-Class test that worked. I copied over everything, including the D-Class number. Better than making them up. It's a completely different person. Anyway, I needed to replace the first one because the new one told me she was dead. I asked him to deal with the body and he said “don't worry about the body”. I'm surprised, because she wasn't flung apart and I haven't seen anyone else around here in a long while. Who deals with the bodies? Is anyone cleaning the test chamber? Input: One (one) power drill (one) Distance: Entrance foyer Time: N/A Output: 3cm gap in SCP-3005 containment chamber Comments: I needed to do this. They're all smarter than I am. Not smarter, really. Higher up? I'm in charge, I'm the doctor, but how long is that going to last? I keep getting confused… and look what they've been doing with the staff. Turns out there's a good reason I haven't seen anyone around lately. I guess this is why they terminate all these guys after a month. Whatever's going on, I can't think about it right now. I've seen the light and I'm so confused. How did I know it was pink? Input: Dr. A█████ Distance: Opposite wall, where the pink light lands Time: N/A Output: See comments Comments: I knew I needed the pink light, but I didn't want it like they had it. It works on brains different from how bodies work. So I drilled a hole right through the chamber, right at forehead level. Let a shaft of pink light shine straight in, shimmering like through water. It hums when I touch it, which is the secret. It reaches straight into my head. It doesn't have to leave my organs like apples. What I'm actually learning, that doesn't go here. I'll be keeping a notebook for it. Input: One D-Class subject (N/A/N/A/N/A) Distance: Entrance foyer Time: 1 (one) minute, 1 (one) minute, 1 (one) minute, 1 (one) minute, 1 (one) minute Output: Moderate mental distress, moderate physical distress, severe physical distress, severe mental distress, viscera Comments: One of the other D-Class. I don't have a number. The database keeps failing. They wanted back in, so I gave them a minute at a time. Each time I asked for more information about it. Eventually they stopped making sense. The pink light hasn't been helping that… probably I need more of it. At least they were flung apart. I heard the D-Class talking outside my office, when they thought I was sleeping. They've been breaking in. They've been playing the game. Input: Dr. A█████ Distance: The light Time: N/A Output: N/A Comments: These are not the only worlds. There are many times and few worlds and these are two of them. I might have thought if I had thought that the pink light builds upon. That it gives you this other place, your other self, forces them into you until you are flung apart. No. The pink light strips away and takes from you. It takes that special part that keeps you there, in that first world, and brings you here. This light outshines your inner light until it's gone. I write in my notebook about SCP-3005 and what I think it was made for, and why it began to give off the pink light, and why it can never ever stop. I can't leave the facility, none of us can. We aren't ready for what's out there. My notebook is full. Input 1 (ONE) Betamax camcorder, running Distance Center of entrance foyer Time: Three (5) minutes Output: Broken, melted in space, tape still works Comments: Video on, audio off. Can look directly now. Not too much damage. Nobody here to read this, maybe D-Class when I'm away, but I need to tell a director or an overseer or anyone who can tell everybody to stop using those ███████. All of you. They're chained and lobotomized but all it takes is to catch the surf. An ██████'s safe on shore but it's the last thing you want to hold when you're drowning. Input: 1 (ONE) notebook Distance: Entrance foyer Time: 5 (FIVE) minutes, 5 (FIVE) minutes Output: 1 (ONE) religion Comments: A light that died is shining in the water. Input: D-Class subjects (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) Distance: Containment chamber Time: Five (5) Output: Viscera Comments: They all went in. They still had me do it. Maybe they still respected that I was the doctor. Maybe they just wanted to leave me out. Even if I'm half there already. Even if I can't tell what is there and what isn't (can you?). But I have a special plan. I always covered up the hole I drilled so they didn't see it. I have another way in. I can find out what I've forgotten. There are no more test subjects and nobody else. There is only one way in. The booth needs to be operated, but I have a special plan. Don't worry about the body. I just need to know if my shaft of pink light will make me flung apart. Input: Distance: Time: Output: Comments: Input: dont Distance: worri Time: abot Output: the Comments: bodee Input: Distance: five (5) five (5) five (5) five (5) five (5) Time: Output: Comments: ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3005" by Silberescher, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3006 Special Containment Procedures: Online video distribution sites impacted by SCP-3006 are to be monitored by Foundation webcrawlers. Manifestations of videos containing SCP-3006 are to be removed upon posting and/or detection. Foundation personnel embedded in the Alphabet corporation are to ensure that no members of the public are able to view SCP-3006. It is estimated that, without proper implementation of the containment procedures, most videos on the global public internet would be affected within 128 hours. The Foundation has not found any ways to prevent additional SCP-3006 videos from being posted. No other SCP objects are to be referred to in the documentation. Description: SCP-3006 is a video titled "we are number one except every time you play it there are twice as many robbie rottens but the room is the same size[nsfw]" which was posted to the YouTube video hosting service on October 12th, 2016. It features a musical clip from the show "Lazy Town" that causes humanoids identical to the character portrayed by the deceased Icelandic actor Stefán Karl Stefánsson to appear on repeated playbacks. Videos impacted by SCP-3006 are capable of spreading their effects, primarily by being posted in threads where multiple non-affected videos are present. Within 1-5 minutes of being linked to, all other videos linked in the same thread will begin manifesting SCP-3006's effects. Humans or living humanoids featured in videos will double with each playback, including individuals who are off-screen such as cameramen and sound personnel. The effect is exponential in that, upon each playback, the number of subjects in each videos doubles. For example, a video containing 2 subjects will instead have 4 upon the second playback, the third would have 8, and the fifth 32. None of these entities appear to have knowledge of SCP-3006's effect, and find it highly distressing. Although affecting linked videos, SCP-3006 effect is unique to each viewer; that is, SCP-3006's effect is dependent on how many times the individual person has watched the video. If more than one subject is viewing it, this effect will occur based on who physically initiated playback. If the subject views a series of related videos the effect will carry over in these subsequent viewings. SCP-3006 primarily affects videos taking place in enclosed environments, although this is not universal and cannot be confirmed as a deliberate effect. Once affected by SCP-3006, it is not possible for recorded subjects to exit the area in which the video is taking place. At a certain point, these subjects will suffer traumatic injuries leading to death due to the exponential humanoids instantaneously appearing at the beginning of video playback. This does not prevent SCP-3006's effect from persisting. Eventually, playback reaches a point where the camera and sound equipment are destroyed due to intense viscera pressure in the enclosed space. This can also occur in outdoor videos, although taking more playbacks to reach that point. At this time, the appearance of the video is variable, with non-anomalous graphics spliced in with corrupted digital images. SCP-3006 was initially discovered after social media reports of unusual videos came to Foundation attention. 11,346 initial viewers of SCP-3006 were tracked down and given Class-C amnestics. After interrogation, several subjects featured in the initial video were determined to be non-anomalous and were given Class-B amnestics. As of 01/18/2017, SCP-3006 is classified as Euclid. Addendum: Examples of Affected Videos Title: Video Description: SCP-3006 effect: Colin Furze hide Title: So What IF loads of fireworks exploded in my Van Video Description: A full-sized van is filled with fireworks, which are then lit to destroy the vehicle. Notes: During the second playback, it was initially unclear where additional humanoid entities were. However, analysis showed that human hands were visible against the windows of the vehicle as the fireworks were going off. None of the other subjects featured in the video appear to notice, and playback continues as normal. Mystery Science Theater 3000 hide Title: MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER MANOS HANDS OF FATE FREE/Manos: The Hands of Fate Video Description: An illegal upload of the January 30, 1993 episode of the television show Mystery Science Theater 3000 which features low-budget films and humorous commentary. Film attached to episode is the 1966 film Manos: The Hands of Fate. SCP-3006 effect: After 12 playbacks there were several hundred copies of the host being impaled by the metallic puppet components. In addition, the film being riffed on had the actors appearing exponentially, with leg braces worn by one character causing fatal puncture wounds in the other actors. Game Grumps hide Title: Dudes With Attitude: In the not too distant future… - PART 1 Video Description: Two adult males play a video game, with footage from the game and only sound produced in the recording space being audible. SCP-3006 effect: Neither of the hosts appears to be aware of SCP-3006's effect. Episode proceeds normally. Title: Dudes With Attitude: That's No Moon! - PART 2 Number of Entities Present: 4 Notes: Subjects display confusion and multiple iterations of their voices argue for the entirety of the episode. Several attempts to exit the recording area can be heard, all of which are unsuccessful. Title: Dudes With Attitude: Scottie doesn't know - PART 3 Number of Entities Present: 6 Notes: Subjects become aware of the anomalous effect. The sounds of violence can be heard with at least one of the entities appearing to be terminated. This does not appear to have affected the number of entities present in subsequent videos. Title: Dudes With Attitude: Wait, is this real? - PART 4 Number of Entities Present: 24 Notes: Mass confusion can be heard. The game is completely ignored from this point on, with graphics not advancing past any title screen. In the background, subjects appear to have organized, and only speak when holding a 'magic stick'. During the course of a debate it is decided to store soiled clothing in a basket and ration food and water while they attempt to exit the recording area. Several outbreaks of violence are suppressed by the other entities. Slightly before the end of the video, the sound of a sofa being used as a battering ram can be heard. Title: Dune Buggy: Hot Sand Massage - PART 11 Number of Entities Present: 576 Notes: Continuous, incomprehensible screaming. Title: Please Oh Please: Why does this always happen to me? - PART 77 Number of Entities Present: ~500,000 Notes: Sound of gentle sloshing with scrambled, reddish digitized video graphics. Addendum: Transcript of Interview 3006-J [VIDEO REDACTED] Interviewed: ███ ██████ Interviewer: Dr. Krang Foreword: On 02/14/2017, another video producer, ███ ██████, discovered several of their videos affected by SCP-3006. This transcription is for an iteration of the interview. The original has been lost, or may never have existed. <Begin Log> Dr. Krang: Can you state your name, for the record, and spell it? ███ ██████: Sure. (nervous laughter) Kinda like a newspaper interview, I guess. I'm ███ ██████, █ █ █, █ █ █ █ █ █. But you already knew that, right? Dr. Krang: When did you first become aware of the videos? ███ ██████: Someone linked it to me on Twitter, I think. It's weird, seeing people you know get fucked up like that. You feel bad, but they're just little computer people, right? So not really a big deal. That's what I thought, at least. Dr. Krang: How long did it take for you to discover the videos you were featured in? ███ ██████: Yeah, well, y'know how YouTube works, it was one of the suggested videos. God. Dude, I just… it's not something I want to describe. So I tried reporting it and… now I'm here with you guys. Dr. Krang: How many times did you watch the video? ███ ██████: I don't know. At a certain point you lose track. Because it's funny, right? It's weird seeing a ton of yourself. I didn't know what else to do there, to be perfectly honest. Dr. Krang: What do you mean? ███ ██████: Well, it's just… I don't know why I went. Felt like… you ever do something, and then when you're done you don't even know why you did it? That's what it felt like. Almost like it was a dream or something. Dr. Krang: What were you expecting to happen? ███ ██████: From what they told me… well, they said it'd be like they were in there with each other forever. But it's not a them, it's me. There were thousands of me, and they're dead now. Crushed. Viscera puree. One of the eyes floated by, and I saw myself in it dude. That's fucked. At this point both the interviewer and interviewee become aware of several humanoids identical to themselves present in the room, standing around the edges. ███ ██████: Jesus! Several iterations of Dr. Krang immediately attempt to exit the room, but are unsuccessful. All instances resembling Dr. Krang begin fighting one another, while the copies of ███ ██████ congregate in the opposite side of the room around the original interviewee, covering their faces with their hands. ███ ██████: Get away! Stop! Help! Copies of ███ ██████ begin violently ripping flesh and skin off of one another, while copies of Dr. Krang do the same. This violence continues until there are only one iteration of each left. It is unknown whether or not these are the originals. Video playback ends with both attempting unsuccessfully to exit the interview area. <End Log> Closing Statement: Subject was issued Class-C amnestics at the interview. The SCP-3006 anomaly continues to persist, and several other instances of SCP-3006 have been subsequently documented in Foundation video archives. Classification upgrade to Keter is under consideration. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3006" by Anonymous, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
WARNING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT IS CLASSIFIED AS A LEVEL-VI INFOHAZARD. UNAUTHORISED ACCESS WILL RESULT IN TERMINATION THROUGH MEMETIC KILL AGENT. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK. MEMETIC KILL AGENT ACTIVATED CONTINUED LIFE SIGNS CONFIRMED RETRIEVING FILE… Artistic depiction of SCP-3007-3, by SCP-3007-2GV. Paintings are non-visible (see Addendum 3). Item #: SCP-3007 Special Containment Procedures: Hospitals and media worldwide are to be monitored for the appearance of SCP-3007-1. Instances of SCP-3007-2 are to be brought into Foundation custody, and exploration of SCP-3007-3 using SCP-3007-2 may be conducted under the supervision of one Clearance Level 3 personnel. All individuals confirmed as SCP-3007-2 are to be terminated immediately. Unaffected civilians who have acquired knowledge of SCP-3007-3 are to be administered Class-A amnestics. Personnel demonstrating reluctance or noncooperation in the enactment of the above procedures are to be amnesticized and transferred immediately, as containment breach of SCP-3007 will likely result in an XK-Class End of the World scenario. Description: SCP-3007-1 is a reoccurring hallucinogenic phenomenon, with no apparent pattern regarding age, gender, race, health or occupation. SCP-3007-1 affects approximately ██ individuals (designated SCP-3007-2) at any given time worldwide, with new instances constantly emerging despite the Foundation's efforts at elimination. Currently, no method other than death has been proven effective in the prevention or discontinuation of SCP-3007-1. SCP-3007-1 occurs on a seemingly random basis, for an average of four times per day in each subject. The duration is typically between fifty to eighty minutes. Affected subjects claim to be transported to a location, designated SCP-3007-3. The description of SCP-3007-3 is largely identical among subjects, but does not resemble any known place on Earth. Although SCP-3007-1 often occurs in multiple subjects simultaneously, there are no confirmed cases of subjects meeting within SCP-3007-3. While experiencing SCP-3007-1, subjects are fully capable of physical movement, but report that they can only perceive reality through hearing and touch. As a result, subjects are capable of navigating SCP-3007-3 while also maintaining communication with unaffected individuals. The sensations of sight, smell and taste within SCP-3007-3 are reportedly indistinguishable from reality. Any trauma or injury obtained within the context of SCP-3007-1 will also manifest on subjects in reality. To date, there have been ██ subjects who died from high-altitude impact, presumably due to actions taken while experiencing SCP-3007-1. In addition, sound originating from within SCP-3007-3 can be clearly perceived in reality within a two meter radius of SCP-3007-2. These two attributes provide some evidence as to SCP-3007-3's existence. Addendum 1: Interview Log 3007-2C, the first recorded account of SCP-3007-3. Interview Log 3007-2C - hide Interviewed: SCP-3007-2C, a 68-year-old retired female from South Korea. Interviewer: Dr. ████ Date: 12/07/20██ Foreword: Dialogue has been translated from Korean. Subject was among the first SCP-3007-2 to be discovered and, at the time, the only mentally sound subject. <BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> Dr. ████: Good morning, Mrs. H██████. How are you feeling? SCP-3007-2C: Not well, I'm afraid. I have trouble sleeping. Dr. ████: Examinations indicate that you are in good health, so is this caused by your condition? SCP-3007-2C: Condition? Oh, you mean the visions. Yes, I keep thinking about that place. Dr. ████: Place? Subject nods. SCP-3007-2C: Yes. The times before, it was blurry, like a dream. I remembered just enough to tell that it was the same place. This time though, it was different. I could see the landscape in perfect clarity. Dr. ████: Please describe this location in detail. SCP-3007-2C: It will sound utterly unbelievable, but please believe me. After the vision started, I appeared on a narrow suspension bridge of sorts. It was day, but the sunlight seemed weak, as if it was obscured by smoke. There was a horrible stench in the air- reminds me of garbage and rotting meat. [Gagging] Dr. ████: Are you alright? SCP-3007-2C: Yes… it's just that it brings back so many memories… Sorry, I'll keep going. I could see quite far because of the height, and all around me there was the ruins of a… city. Well, I'm not sure. The buildings were different from anything that I'd ever seen before, more like giant trees than skyscrapers. They were so tall that I had to crane my neck to see the needle-thin top. Some stood straight, but most have fallen or have been reduced to rubble. When the dizziness finally stopped, I went to the side of the bridge and looked down. The ground was out of sight, like the city continued forever into the darkness. I had to step away before I threw up or lost my footing. Thousands of bridges, like the one that I stood on, seemed to be the only links between the buildings. However, many of them were broken as well. All the structures were made from a smooth, metallic material, but rather than being shiny, it was white as bone. Dr. ████: Were you able to discern any living creatures among the ruins? SCP-3007-2C: No. I didn't see a single animal or person moving around. There were no plants either. You'd think that abandoned buildings would be overrun with them, but the whole place was dead and barren. Dr. ████: I see. Were there other notable features? Subject shifts, visibly uncomfortable. SCP-3007-2C: There was a tall black pillar in the distance. It was thicker and stood out from all the other buildings, so I grew curious and started walking towards it. I could've gotten there, but things appeared in my path… lying on the ground… there were… Doctor, do I have to continue? I don't want to remember it. Please, can we just stop? Dr. ████: I understand that you are upset, but please resume. Subject covers her mouth with one hand, beginning to cry. SCP-3007-2C: I'm sorry. It just startled me, that's all. The corpses. They were scattered everywhere. They seemed dried-up and mummified, so they must've died long ago. I thought that they belonged to different animals at first, but I dared to look closer- They might've been people, but their bodies were wrong. Twisted. There was a man, I think, whose bones bulged in parts and erupted out of his skin like extra limbs. He had his arms raised, probably clawing at those things when he died. A child was next to him… it must have been a child. Its head was melted like wax but it was the same height as my grandson… Oh God… Some of them were joined together… pressed into cubes… Oh God please… no no no… Rambling of this nature continues for several more minutes. SCP-3007-2C descends into a state of hysteria and refuses to offer further description. Persuasion is unsuccessful and the subject is deemed unsound for continued interview. Dr. ████: Thank you, that will be all for today. <END LOG> Closing Statement: The level of destruction observed and its psychological effect on subjects is concerning. Future investigations will be concentrated on obtaining information regarding this location, and its correlation to SCP-3007-1. - Dr ████ Addendum 2: The presence of a large pillar is consistent among the reports from SCP-3007-2. Per subjects, the object is visible to the starting point within SCP-3007-3, and appears prominent among the other structures in the city. Due to its potential significance, Dr. ████, the leading researcher on SCP-3007, strongly advocates its exploration. Exploration Log 3007-GV - hide - Subject: SCP-3007-2GV, formerly known as E███ R█████. Subject is a 23-year-old Australian male, formerly an illustrator. Subject is notable for possessing an exceptional memory. Supervising Personnel: Dr. ████. Equipment: None. Additional Notes: ██ exploration attempts have been conducted previously, but were largely unsuccessful due to the noncooperation of subjects. SCP-3007-2GV volunteered, expressing great desire in assisting the understanding and treatment of SCP-3007-1. <BEGIN LOG (08:30, 14/07/20██)> SCP-3007-2GV: Doctor? It's started. I'm in the city now. Dr. ████: Can you see the pillar structure? SCP-3007-2GV: Yes, it's not far. I think I can get there in under an hour if there are no problems. Dr. ████: Please proceed as planned. SCP-3007-2GV: Alright. Oh, God, this is confusing. Irregular footsteps on metal are heard, echoing somewhat. SCP-3007-2GV: Uh… almost fell off. It's weird not feeling anything in here. Okay. I think I'm good now. Footsteps resume, now noticeably steadier. Subject occasionally slows, likely avoiding obstacles on the ground. Dr. ████: Please describe your surroundings and notify us of any deviations from your previous observations. SCP-3007-2GV: So far, it's all stuff that I've seen before. The buildings are kilometres high. I'm pretty sure they're made out of metal, like the surface I'm walking on right now. The bridges are everywhere, criss-crossing and joining like spider webs. They're mostly intact, so I can go from one to another as long as I'm careful. As for the time- the lighting's pretty good, so I think it's early mor- There is a faint crunching noise, followed by the subject's cursing. SCP-3007-2GV: Damn, stepped on his leg… Oh God, the smell. Thought I'd gotten used to it. Footsteps resume, but the subject's breathing is heavy. SCP-3007-2GV: There are more of those things littered around, but judging from the stink, it's a lot worse inside the buildings. I'd prefer not to go in there and just stay out in the open, is that alright? Dr. ████: That's fine. Continue. Subject progresses for fifteen minutes without much event. During this time, the subject's reports consist of observable damage done to the structures. All accounts are consistent with the ones given by previous subjects. SCP-3007-2GV: I'm getting closer, but there are more weird things around here. There's a fighter jet with six wings that's crashed on a bridge beneath me. It's been hanging there for a while. [Pause] I can see the pilot in the cockpit. Fuck… He's split down the middle, one half hanging out of each side. My God, this place is seriously messed up. Dr. ████: Are there other aircrafts? SCP-3007-2GV: Yeah, they're all around and increasing. I don't think you've told me about this before, Doctor. Dr. ████: No. You are the only subject who have ventured far enough to observe such an occurrence. SCP-3007-2GV: Okay. Guess I should watch out then. Don't know what this place is going to throw at me next. Oh, and, the smell's getting a bit stronger. It's making me a bit sick. Dr. ████: Interesting. Resume your course, please. SCP-3007-2GV: If you say so. Subject continues to report instances of damaged aircrafts, amounting to over forty identical ones within observable range. Twenty minutes later, the subject's footsteps begin to slow. SCP-3007-2GV: Alright, I'm looking up at the pillar now. It's much larger than I thought. It's a cylinder, around forty meters thick. Maybe more. Dr. ████: Are there any unusual features? SCP-3007-2GV: Umm, I can see that it's got some colorful patches on it, probably decoration. There are some stairs wrapped around it, leading to the top. And the smell's… Oh God. Dr. ████: What's wrong? SCP-3007-2GV: The corpses. A whole goddamned crowd of them. They're gathered around the bottom, squished together. I can't even count how many there are… Jesus Christ… Dr. ████: Please remain calm and assess the level of obstruction. Can you reach the staircase? SCP-3007-2GV: Wait, are you- are you saying that I should go through them? I'm not going to do it. No way. Dr. ████: Please continue. You have volunteered, haven't you? SCP-3007-2GV: I didn't know I would be dealing with this! Dr. ████: That is the purpose of this exploration, Mr. R█████. Currently, we lack sufficient information regarding these hallucinations, and we require your cooperation. You can help us find a treatment for your condition, and never have to visit this place again. SCP-3007-2GV is silent for almost one minute. SCP-3007-2GV: Fine, I'll try. Jus-just this once… This is insane. The subject's breathing becomes labored and footsteps increase in frequency. Muffled crunching sounds are heard, along with the subject's swearing and occasional stumbling. After three minutes, these noises diminish. There is a series of rapid taps, followed by a heavy thump. Subject begins to gasp loudly. SCP-3007-2GV: Jesus, never again… fuck… There are momentary scraping noises, followed by a few slow steps. Dr. ████: Mr. R█████? We don't know when the occurrence will end, so please refrain from delaying and ascend. SCP-3007-2GV: Alright, I was going to. The further away from those things, the better. [Pause] Doctor? Those bodies. They're pressed together like they're climbing over each other to get to this pillar. And… and some of them, the ones that have heads, they're all facing up like they're staring straight at me. Or whatever's on the top of this thing. Fuck, it's freaky. I think I'll get going now. Tapping sound restarts. Subject remains silent for several minutes. Gradually, a faint rushing sound emerges, presumably wind from the increased altitude. SCP-3007-2GV: Doctor? This place makes me uneasy. Dr. ████: Considering what you have seen, that is understandable. SCP-3007-2GV: No, Doctor, you don't understand. It's not just the corpses and buildings. This place isn't normal. What happened here wasn't normal. I first thought that there was some kind of natural disaster, like an earthquake or meteor rain. Thought that was how this city got destroyed. But now that I'm up high, the whole place looks wrong. Dr. ████: Why do you assume that? SCP-3007-2GV: Well, from up here, I've been noticing something unusual about the buildings. They've not just been reduced to rubble or blown up. Some of them's been curled, cut into sections, or even squashed in parts, like clay. It's more like they've been deformed. Like they're wires that a kid took and bent into weird shapes. Wind becomes more audible as the subject ascends. SCP-3007-2GV: I think it's the same with the jets, and even the bodies. Most of those corpses had human features, like they used to be people. An earthquake wouldn't do that. It doesn't make sense. Whatever happened here, it didn't just destroy. It played with this place. Dr. ████: Understood. Please proceed. The wind gradually increases in volume. Footsteps pause. SCP-3007-2GV: I've come across the first painting now. It's narrow and taller than I am. I can spot a few more around this pillar, right next to the stairs. It's like this whole thing was designed to show them. Dr. ████: What does it depict? SCP-3007-2GV: I think it might be telling some kind of story. There's a group of people in it, holding random objects. They're smiling, but other than that, their faces are blank. There's also a strange blue creature, but that might just be an exaggerated person. The lines in the background look like the buildings in this city. I can't be sure, though; the style's surreal and hard to describe. It's completely different from what I usually do, but I can try drawing them when I get back. Dr. ████: Yes, that will certainly be helpful. SCP-3007-2GV: Okay, I'll see if I can memorize the others, too. Footsteps restart and continue for five minutes. SCP-3007-2GV: I'm onto the second one. It's even more confusing than the first one, but I can make out some aircrafts. Six wings, like the ones I found a while ago. No report for five minutes. The durations imply that the paintings are evenly spaced along the pillar. SCP-3007-2GV: Jesus… this one's fucked up. It's got some of those corpse creatures in it, but they look like they're still alive. God, I can almost smell them again. Dr. ████: It might just be your imagination. You have been disoriented and put under stress for the last fifty minutes, so it is perfectly normal to confuse illusions with reality. SCP-3007-2GV: I don't know what's real anymore. Five minute duration. SCP-3007-2GV: There's that stench again. I've gotten away from the bodies, but it's not fading. Actually, it's getting closer. Dr. ████: Please remain calm, Mr. R█████. You are perfectly safe, I assure you. Five minute duration. SCP-3007-2GV: This one… it shows people having lines coming out of their brains, and they're sort of linked to the pillar. You think one of them might be me? Dr. ████: That is an interesting observation. SCP-3007-2GV: Yeah, I think it might help figure out what this is all about. God… I can't take it anymore. For the next five minutes, the subject mumbles incoherently under his breath while ascending. SCP-3007-2GV: I've almost reached the end now, and the smell's getting really strong. Doctor, I don't know what's there, and I'm not sure if I want to find out. Dr. ████: Mr. R█████, please continue. You have come this far. SCP-3007-2GV: Doctor, I… Yeah, I suppose you're right. Better see it through. The wind is loud now, almost muffling the subject's footfalls as he steps onto a different surface. Subject suddenly yells incoherently. There is a dull thud followed by shuffling noises. SCP-3007-2GV: Oh my God… what the fuck is that? What the fuck is that! [Retches] Crying is audible. Dr. ████: What do you see? SCP-3007-2GV: I don't fucking know. It's dried like all the other ones I've seen, but it's- it's huge! It's got a face ten times bigger than mine and the body oh God so many arms and it's missing chunks and it's curled- [Screams] Dr. ████: Mr. R█████, please don't panic. It's dead, isn't it? It doesn't pose any danger towards you. SCP-3007-2GV: No, Doctor, it's not just the corpse, it's the painting that it's lying on. The final one. I don't think it's finished but I can tell… Oh God… why is that there? It's a fucking [REDACTED - REFER TO ADDENDUM 4]. Dr. ████: Are you sure? SCP-3007-2GV: Of course I am! Anyone would re- Subject stops abruptly, and, after momentary confusion, reports that SCP-3007-1 has ended. Although in an emotionally unstable state, the subject says that he is able to recall the images with great clarity. <END LOG (09:41, 14/07/20██)> Closing Statement: Provided that SCP-3007-2GV's account is reliable, I believe that we will be able to obtain information regarding SCP-3007-3 from the images that he recreates. - Dr. ████ - hide - Addendum 3: 25/09/20██. Graphic reproduction of paintings on the surface of the pillar by SCP-3007-2GV. The images were shown to other subjects involved in later expeditions, who confirmed that that they were highly accurate in terms of resemblance to the original artworks. Attachment 3007.A - hide - 3007.A 3007.A 3007.A 3007.A 3007.A - hide - Addendum 4: 27/12/20██. Attachment 3007.B, reproduction of the final painting located at the top of the pillar. <3007/2 LEVEL CLEARANCE REQUIRED. INPUT CREDENTIALS.> <RETRIEVING FILE> 3007.B ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3007" by Zhange, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: 1.jpg Name: 1.jpg Author: Zhange License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Zhange Filename: 2.jpg Name: 2.jpg Author: Zhange License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Zhange Filename: 3.jpg Name: 3.jpg Author: Zhange License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Zhange Filename: 4.jpg Name: 4.jpg Author: Zhange License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Zhange Filename: 5.jpg Name: 5.jpg Author: Zhange License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Zhange Filename: City Name: City Author: Zhange License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Zhange Filename: Earth Name: Earth Author: Zhange License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Zhange
A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA  close Info X SCP-3008: A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA Author: Mortos Some of my other articles: SCP-3088 - A town whose laws become reality. SCP-3688 - Dancing, and the superpowers gained from it. SCP-4144 - You think that's breakfast you're eating? SCP-4533 - This is the future capitalists want. You can find more of my stuff here! Item #: SCP-3008 Special Containment Procedures: The retail park containing SCP-3008 has been purchased by the Foundation and converted into Site-██. All public roads leading to or passing by Site-██ have been redirected. The entrance to SCP-3008 is to be monitored at all times, and no one is to enter SCP-3008 outside of testing, as permitted by the Senior Researcher. Humans exiting SCP-3008 are to be detained and then debriefed prior to the administration of amnestics. Dependent upon the duration of their stay in SCP-3008, a cover story may need to be generated prior to their release. Any other entities exiting SCP-3008 are to be terminated. Description: SCP-3008 is a large retail unit previously owned by and branded as IKEA, a popular furniture retail chain. A person entering SCP-3008 through the main entrance and then passing out of sight of the doors will find themselves translocated to SCP-3008-1. This displacement will typically go unnoticed as no change will occur from the perspective of the victim; they will generally not become aware until they try to return to the entrance. SCP-3008-1 is a space resembling the inside of an IKEA furniture store, extending far beyond the limits of what could physically be contained within the dimensions of the retail unit. Current measurements indicate an area of at least 10km2 with no visible external terminators detected in any direction. Inconclusive results from the use of laser rangefinders has led to the speculation that the space may be infinite. SCP-3008-1 is inhabited by an unknown number of civilians trapped within prior to containment. Gathered data suggests they have formed a rudimentary civilisation within SCP-3008-1, including the construction of settlements and fortifications for the purpose of defending against SCP-3008-2. SCP-3008-2 are humanoid entities that exist within SCP-3008-1. While superficially resembling humans they possess exaggerated and inconsistent bodily proportions, often described as being too short or too tall. They possess no facial features and in all observed cases wear a yellow shirt and blue trousers consistent with the IKEA employee uniform. SCP-3008-1 has a rudimentary day-night cycle, determined by the overhead lighting within the space activating and deactivating at times consistent with the opening and closing times of the original retail store. During the "night" instances of SCP-3008-2 will become violent towards all other lifeforms within SCP-3008-1. During these bouts of violence they have been heard to vocalise phrases in English that are typically variations of "The store is now closed, please exit the building". Once "day" begins SCP-3008-2 instances immediately become passive and begin moving throughout SCP-3008-1 seemingly at random. They are unresponsive to questioning or other verbal cues in this state, though will react violently if attacked. SCP-3008-1 is known to have one or more exits located within, though these exits do not appear to have a fixed position, making it difficult to leave SCP-3008-1 once inside. Using any other door besides the main entrance to enter the structure or breaking through the walls of the retail unit leads into the non-anomalous interior of the original store. Since containment began 14 individuals have managed to exit SCP-3008. Following extensive debriefing all individuals have been administered amnestics and released. Incident 3008-1: At 00:37 on ██/██/200█ a human male exited SCP-3008, followed 10 seconds later by an instance of SCP-3008-2. SCP-3008-2 caught and killed the man before itself being terminated by armed response personnel. This incident represents the only time an instance of SCP-3008-2 has been seen exiting SCP-3008. A full autopsy on the corpse was performed; see 3008-2 Autopsy Log for more details. The man was carrying an IKEA-branded journal seeming to document his time in SCP-3008-1, transcribed below verbatim. + Transcription of journal recovered from Incident 3008-1 - Close Journal So, I'm writing this to document what I can only assume is my sudden descent into insanity. I can't possibly be THAT bad a navigator, and yet as I write this I've been trapped in Ikea for 2 days. I haven't seen another person in the entire time I've been here. I thought it was a prank at first. Turn the place into a maze, get all the people out and see how long it takes me to get lost, then everyone has a good old laugh. Realised that wasn't the case when I tried to backtrack. Everything had changed, so I ended up lost. Instead of the exit, it was just row after row of bookcases. So, I'm trapped in Ikea. Sounds like the setup for a bad joke. The lights went out at 10pm. Nearly gave me a fucking heart attack, that loud electrical THUNK sound and then pitch blackness. Place is full of beds though and my phone has a torch on it - but no damn signal - so I found a bed and went to sleep. Spent most of the next day trying to find my way out with no luck. Did find a restaurant serving those meatballs though, so at least I won't starve. That's probably the punchline to that joke. Anyway they were still warm and fresh, but I haven't seen anyone around who could have cooked them. Made my way back to the beds before the lights cut out again since it's too dark to search with them off. It's 9.10am now, the lights came back on a little while ago. I'm sure I've searched the entire area around where I came in now and the exit obviously isn't here, so I'm going to pick a direction and hope for the best. Day 3 of my magical Ikea mystery adventure. If I wasn't sure that there was something seriously weird about this place before, I am now. Walked for 3 hours in a more or less straight line (insert Ikea joke here) before I came across a ladder next to one of those huge stock shelves they have here. Climbed up to get my bearings, and it looks like this place just stretches on forever. Like that scene from the Lion King, except instead of trees and grass it was all shelves and tables and crap. I did see a person moving not too far away though, so I headed over. Thought it was a staff member at first - it was wearing the uniform. And hell maybe it was, maybe freakish 7ft tall monsters with long arms, short legs and no faces are just the kinds of thing they want working at Super Ikea. Damn thing completely ignored me though, and with no eyes or ears I can't even be sure it knew I was there. Thought about shoving it or something to get its attention, but its hands were big enough to crush a water melon so I decided against it. It just kept moving along and eventually I lost sight of it so I decided to carry on the way I was going. Anyway, no comfy bed for me tonight. Looks like I've entered the Improbably Hard and Pointy Table section of the store. Guess I'll have to make do with some bunched up tablecloths. Phone battery died during the day too. Didn't work anyway, but I feel like I've just lost some vital lifeline. You ever see one of those cartoons where they're going through doors in a hallway and they just pop out of another door in the same hallway? That's how I feel right now. I've seen nothing but the same identical bookshelf for 2 days now. Just row after row after row of them. I mean, come on. I love books as much as the next guy, but this is excessive. I'm obviously still moving forwards though, I can see the signs hanging overhead passing by. Too bad none of them say "Exit". Not sure who I was addressing that question to. Lets just say it was practice for the autobiography I'm going to write when I get out of here. I'll call it "My perfectly normal trip to a regular old Ikea". If I ever get out o Finally found some other people! Yeah, turns out I'm not the only poor bastard trapped in here. Lucky for me, I guess. My 6th night here, 2 of those staff things came at me in the dark. Different from the first one I saw, but still messed up. Heard them coming, they were saying that the store was closed and I had to leave the building, all nice and polite like. I'm not sure which part of that was weirder, that they don't have mouths or that they were apparently trying to kill me while they were saying it. Came at me like rabid dogs. So, I legged it. Sprinting through ikea in the dark like a fucking madman. I saw it when I cleared another stand of those giant stock shelves, all lit up with torches and floodlights. They've built a whole town in here! Got a massive wall built out of shelves and beds and tables and whatever else. I swear to god it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Anyway I guess they saw me coming (or maybe they heard my girlish manly bellows of fear), because they had a gate open and 2 people were there waving me in. Heard the staff things slam into the gate behind me after it closed, still politely informing us all that the store was now closed. They wandered off eventually though. They call the town Exchange, because that's whats on the sign hanging from the ceiling directly above it. Exchange and Returns. All lit up against the night using lights they've found and plugged into the power lines. And there are beds and food and people. Over 50 wonderful people with regular sized limbs and a full set of facial features. It's now my 7th night here, and the first one not spent in darkness. A full week living in Ikea. There's probably a TV show in that somewhere. Now that I'm around other people, I'm starting to feel more normal. Maybe normal isn't the word. But after a week with only the sound of my own footsteps for company, I was becoming increasingly sure that I'd just gone nuts. That I was tied up in some padded room somewhere, banging my head against the wall. But no, I feel quite sane now, thank you very much! Apparently there are other towns out there. Some with more people, some with less. I found that fairly mind-boggling - how can that many people go missing with no one noticing. Surely someone would have noticed that everyone who goes to ikea seems to fucking vanish. Or maybe it's not everyone. Maybe we're just the lucky ones. The people here just call those staff monster things the Staff. Apparently they are fine during the day, minding their own business walking the aisles. As soon as those lights go out though, they go fucking bonkers. So during the day people go out to find food, water and whatever else they need. Apparently there are restaurants and shops around that randomly get restocked. No one knows how. Maybe the staff do it. Apparently they aren't very good at their jobs though because the restocking sometimes takes a while, which means the food needs to be rationed. Maybe if they weren't so busy chasing people around in the dark they'd get more done. Anyway when night comes the staff go nuts and everyone holds up inside the walls. Apparently it's the same everywhere in this place, whatever this place is. The Ur-Ikea, from whence all other Ikeas sprang. Or maybe we're all still just in the regular ikea and this is all some fever dream brought on by mind-numbing boredom. Who knows. Been here for 10 days now. Most of the people I asked said they stopped keeping track a long time ago and one guy, Chris, said he'd been in here for years. Years. [ILLEGIBLE SCRIBBLES] Apparently there are rumours of people who do manage to get out. And of people who see the exit, only to have it vanish before their very eyes. I get the feeling not everyone believes that, but I do. Explains how we got stuck in here in the first place (sort of). And I mean, come on. Staff monsters, row after endless row of high quality Swedish furniture. I don't know why they would find a disappearing door so hard to believe in. Anyway, I went out scavenging for food at a nearby shop with Sandra and Jerry today. Once you learn the landmarks of this place it's not so hard to navigate. The overhead signs help a lot, but there are others; not too far in the distance a huge section of those giant stock shelves has collapsed against each other and way off in the east (we all assume it's east anyway - apparently Ikea doesn't sell compasses) is some kind of tower that looks like its made of wood, reaches all the way to the ceiling. Maybe they were trying to break out through the roof. Lights up at night so there must be people there, but its apparently a few days walk (which means it must be miles away) so no one here really knows for sure. Apparently I got incredibly lucky sleeping out in the open for a week without getting ripped to bits by the staff. That's me. Lucky lucky lucky. We found some food in the shop. Guess the staff restocked it during the night, which was nice of them. There was a telephone on the wall, so I figured I'd try it out. There was a voice on the other end, but they were just talking nonsense. Random words strung together with no real meaning. You ever see a video of someone with aphasia? Kind of sounded like that. Didn't answer me when I spoke to them anyway. Sandra says all the phones in here are the same. Oops, asking the journal questions again! I was thinking last night. The ceiling on this place is pretty high and as far as anyone can tell it goes on forever. Shouldn't there be some kind of weather in here? I'm sure I read about some NASA building that was so big it had its own weather patterns, with clouds and stuff. This place is definitely bigger than that, but now that I think about it I'm pretty sure I've never felt so much as a temperature change in here. I'll add it to the Grand List of Weird Bullshit. The staff attacked the Exchange last night. Must have been 20 or 30 of them all just asking us to leave the store calm as you like, while trying to smash the walls down with their bare hands. Apparently this happens pretty regularly, so everyone is prepared for it. Knives from the restaurants, lawn mower blades made into hatchets, a fire axe. One guy, Wasim, even made a functional crossbow. Anyway the walls have holes in them, which I hadn't noticed before, specifically so we can stab out at the staff when they attack. Took a couple of them down myself. They don't seem to bleed, which is weird, but they go down as easy as a regular person once you start sticking holes in them. We had to haul the bodies away in the morning. Apparently the dead ones will attract more during the night, so we had to get them away from Exchange. We have a couple of those trolley things they use to move big boxes around, so we loaded them up and took them over to Pickup. Apparently people just name everything in here after whatever sign is hanging overhead. Pickup was grisly. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of dead staff all piled up. There was no smell, which was a blessing. Apparently in addition to not bleeding, these things don't rot either. My curiosity got the better of me while we were unloading them, so I took a look at one of the more cut-up ones. They're just skin, or something that looks like skin, all the way through. No muscle, no bone, no organs. Are they even really alive in the first place? They certainly seem like they have bones when they are moving around, pounding on the walls. And I'm sure I felt more resistance than just skin when the knife went in during the night. Maybe something happens to them when they die. Just one more thing on the ever-increasing list of Weird Shit that goes on in here, I guess. Something occurred to me, after the staff attack the other night. Every time you see a situation like this on TV or in a film, like its the end of the world or everyone is trapped on an island or whatever, once groups like ours start to form people always seem to turn on each other. Fighting for food or dominance or whatever else. That hasn't happened here. Apparently people from other towns come by from time to time, just to check in or occasionally to trade if they are short on something. But everything is always cordial. Friendly, even. Maybe its the threat of the staff, or perhaps the constant restocking of supplies in the shops means there's nothing much to fight over. Maybe people are just better than they are generally given credit for. That's a nice thought. I think I'll go with that one. A dozen people showed up at the gates this afternoon from a town called Trolleys. Apparently the staff broke through the walls and tore the town apart during the night. These 12 are the only survivors out of over a hundred. We let them in, obviously. One more point in the human decency column. Later, I asked if anyone knew how many of these towns there were out there. Between us and the new folks, we managed to come up with over 20 names. 20 towns filled with people, and who knows how many beyond that. The motto for this place should be "How Is That Even Possible". Surely someone, somewhere must be looking for the thousands of people that must be in here. I've been here for a little over 2 months now. Not that much changes, as it turns out. A couple of new people showed up, same story as the rest of us. Nice little trip to Ikea and suddenly they're trapped in Billy Bookcase's House of Faceless Weirdos. The staff attack the Exchange once or twice a week. We kill them and haul their bodies off, sometimes they hurt some of us first. They killed a guy called Jared a couple of weeks back. It was awful, frankly. Turns out regular humans still bleed in here, even if the staff don't. We tried our best, but none of us are doctors. Jared was a good guy. He deserved better. We all do. It occurred to me a couple of days after that, none of us were really looking for a way out of here. I don't even know where we'd start. One of those quad copter things with a camera attached buzzed passed Exchange today. I thought it meant that someone was finally looking for us, that help was on the way. Apparently it's not the first time this has happened, though. Same thing happened a few months ago, and everyone is still here. No idea if it saw us, it didn't stop if it did. Just kept flying until we could no longer see it. Note: Based on recovery time of the journal, this entry appears to line up approximately with our first successful test piloting a drone inside SCP-3008-1. Analysis of footage shows a walled settlement under a sign labelled "Exchange and Returns". Attempts to relocate the settlement failed. Origin of previously sighted drones is unknown. I started talking to people about the stuff they miss from home during dinner today. Probably not the best idea I've ever had, everyone seemed pretty down after. A bunch of people here have families. Husbands and wives, kids. Dogs. Franklin apparently has a pet llama, though I'm not sure I buy that. But apparently some of the people here have some seriously odd gaps in their knowledge. 3 of them had never heard of the International Space Station, 2 of them seemed to think █████ ███████ was the Prime Minister, and one of them had apparently never heard of the Statue of Liberty. I believe them, too. They seemed just as confused as the rest of us. The more I thought about it though, the more it started to explain a few things. What if the reason no one is looking for all us missing people is because we haven't all come from the same place. This is going to sound weird (maybe that should be the motto for this place) but what if all the people here have come from different dimensions? Realities? Whatever you call it. I've seen enough TV shows to know the drill. Sarah comes from a place where there is no Statue of Liberty. They didn't launch a space station where Wasim is from. If everyone here came from different places, even from ones that seem identical, there'd be no huge missing persons panic. No mass search. We'd just be a blip, a single missing person in a world of non-stop news. Well. That was a fun train of thought. Just realised that yesterday was the six month anniversary of my arrival here. I wonder if Ikea sells party hats. The routine around here has remained more or less the same. More new folk show up, one every couple of weeks or so. Food supplies go up and down, but we've never actually had a major shortage. Occasionally we get a visitor from one of the nearby towns, usually Checkouts or Aisle 630. We check in with each other from time to time, occasionally trade supplies if someone gets particularly low on something. It's comforting, in a way. A reminder that we aren't alone in here, some small glimmer of civilisation. Sometimes they bring medical supplies. Apparently there's a pharmacy a few towns down from Checkouts that gets restocked every now and then, so they share out what they can. I've never heard of an Ikea with a pharmacy before but at this point I wouldn't be surprised if someone stumbled on an Ikea Organ Harvesting Lab. Would certainly explain the staff. Speaking of our faceless jailers, their attacks have been getting worse lately. 3 or 4 times a week now, with twice as many staff as there used to be. No idea where they all come from, or why the attacks have increased. We tried following one of them during the day a few weeks ago, me and Sarah. Wanted to see if they lead back to a staff room or something. Didn't seem to go anywhere though, just randomly walked through the aisles. We had to turn back before we found anything. We've been reinforcing the walls, trying to arm ourselves better. Certainly no lack of materials to use. Wasim has been making more crossbows, but it's pretty slow going. Too bad Ikea doesn't sell guns. Note: No new personnel have entered SCP-3008 at Site-██ in the time span indicated in this entry. The attacks are getting bad now. Almost every night, and with so many staff that the bodies almost pile high enough for others to climb the walls. I think we're in real trouble here. Exchange is I think Exchange is done. We got hit pretty bad last night. Not many casualties, but the wall is wrecked. We finally figured out why the attacks had been escalating, too. A box of supplies had a chunk of one of the staff in there. No idea how it happened but apparently a piece of one will draw them as well as a full body. Too late now in any case, there's too many bodies for us to haul away and still have time to fix the wall before night. Candace has called a meeting. I suspect there will be talk of abandoning Exchange, maybe try and get shelter at Checkouts or something. It's already getting late though. I don't think we'll have time to make it. Maybe some of us will. I was fine for that first week out in the dark, after all. But then, how often can I keep getting lucky. I'm only writing this for a sense of closure, I guess. For me, or for anyone who finds this. If this is the final entry here, I hope whoever is reading this is doing so from outside of this place. My biggest fear? If I do die tonight, I'll just wake up here again in the morning. Note: This is the last entry. It is assumed that while attempting to reach the "Checkouts" settlement he was separated from the rest of his group by a pursuing SCP-3008-2 instance and happened upon the exit. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3008" by Mortos, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Image sent by SCP-3009 during Experiment 3009-A-3. Item #: SCP-3009 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3009 may be logged in on one (1) instance of SCP-3009-B, which is to be kept in storage at Site-19. SCP-3009 is not permitted to publish Snapchats to any public forum, nor may it exchange correspondences with civilians or unapproved site personnel. Approved personnel may exchange correspondences with SCP-3009 on Snapchat for the purpose of fulfilling its socialisation needs, contingent on its good behaviour. All correspondences with SCP-3009 must be screenshotted for the Foundation’s records. SCP-3009 appears to believe that the Foundation will assist it in returning to its own body and has so far fully co-operated with the Foundation based on this stipulation. It is highly recommended that personnel assigned correspondence duty with SCP-3009 maintain this belief if possible. SCP-3009-C is currently housed in Site-17 and is not permitted unsupervised contact with electronics. In the event of a containment breach, SCP-3009-C has been implanted with a tracking device. It is to be provided with non-electronic forms of entertainment such as books, board games or magazines targeted at a teenaged audience when requested, and is permitted supervised socialisation with approved Foundation staff members depending on their availability. UPDATE: In light of Experiment 3009-A-4, SCP-3009 may be reprimanded in the event of a disciplinary infraction by being logged out of all instances of SCP-3009-B for a time period dependent on the severity of the infraction but lasting no more than three weeks. In light of Experiment 3009-B-5, it is strongly recommended as of ██/06/2018 that Foundation staff refrain from initiating discussion of communications with SCP-3009 while SCP-3009-C is present, except in the settings of either counselling sessions or during testing. Description: SCP-3009 is an anomalous account registered under the username [REDACTED] on the messaging platform Snapchat.1 Despite its lack of a current active user, it continues to send and reply to messages sent by the accounts registered on its contact list. SCP-3009 regularly generates multimedia messages appearing to depict a female human of East Asian descent in her mid-teens. The vast majority of these messages appear to be photographs taken by the aforementioned human of herself, most often using the front-facing camera,2 accompanied by captions of a usually humorous nature. SCP-3009-B is the designation given to all instances of smartphones upon which the anomalous SCP-3009 account is registered, most notably including SCP-3009-B-1, the original instance of SCP-3009-B. The background of all SCP-3009 generated multimedia corresponds with the immediate location of the relevant SCP-3009-B instance. In the event of two or more SCP-3009-B instances existing, SCP-3009 will favour the instance which was created first. The humanoid depicted in SCP-3009 created media has been identified as the original user of the account, a female American citizen known to associates as Stacey Lee (D.O.B: ██/██/2003, aged 15 upon recovery of the anomaly). Lee created the account in 2014 and used it until early 2018 without reported signs of anomalous activity. SCP-3009 either is, is impersonating, or believes itself to be Lee. Messages exchanged with SCP-3009 have revealed behaviour that is consistent with Lee’s personality prior to any anomalous incidents, based on the psychological profile put together via analysis of Lee’s other social media accounts and interviews with Lee’s associates. SCP-3009 demonstrates in-depth knowledge regarding Lee’s history and preferences, and furthermore appears to incorporate the same tonality and typing quirks commonly used by Lee on social media. On multiple occasions, SCP-3009 has expressed a desire to return to Lee’s body. SCP-3009-C is a female human of Eastern Asian descent that either is, is impersonating, or believes itself to be the female human Stacey Lee. SCP-3009-C measures 1.61 m in height and weighs approximately 52 kilograms as of the writing of this article. All biological data collected from SCP-3009-C corresponds with normal values for a human female of SCP-3009-C’s height and weight. DNA taken from SCP-3009-C matches that of Stacey Lee. Both SCP-3009 and SCP-3009-C claim to be the original Stacey Lee, and when questioned further, suggested that their counterparts were likely "impostor[s]". At this time, the Foundation is not able to determine whether one, both, or neither of subjects is the real Stacey Lee. Testing is currently in progress, with only inconclusive results so far regarding the anomalous nature of SCP-3009-C and the source of the anomaly. [+] Containment Log 3009 [–] Containment Log 3009 MTF: MTF Gamma-5 ("Red Herrings") Date: █/02/2018 Location: New York City, New York Debrief: At 09:41 on █/05/2018, SCP-3009 posted a series of six (6) images to the public New York City Snapchat Story which seemingly depicted a duplication of the same person. These images were accompanied by assertions that it was trapped within its account on the app, as well as a plea to the general public for assistance in getting out. It then repeated these claims every hour for the next three days. The disturbing imagery along with the length, detail and unbelievable nature of SCP-3009's statements led to viral dissemination on social media and subsequent coverage by internet journalism websites, notably including BuzzFeed and Huffington Post. Application of amnestics in the wake of this incident was made unnecessary thanks to the speedy intervention of MTF Gamma-5 ("Red Herrings"), who passed the incident off as an internet hoax and took SCP-3009 into Foundation custody along with the original instance of SCP-3009-B and SCP-3009-C. Though initially approached as a related civilian witness to the anomaly, SCP-3009-C was taken into custody for further evaluation regarding the allegations made by SCP-3009. At time of recovery, SCP-3009-C was a tenth grader at N████ High School. [+] Addendum 3009.1: Interview Log [–] Addendum 3009.1: Interview Log Interview 3009-1: Notes: The following is an excerpt from the initial interview between SCP-3009 and Researcher Kim. All recorded communications took place over Snapchat’s text messaging service unless otherwise specified. Researcher Kim: Hello, SCP-3009. I’m Junior Researcher Benedict Kim. Can you please tell us your name for our records? SCP-3009 sends an unfiltered image depicting Stacey Lee. The caption reads: "apparently it’s little debatable right now, but I’m 100% sure that my name is Stacey Lee lolll". SCP-3009: (also switching to Snapchat’s text message) and before you ask, I really have no clue how I got in here hahaha!!! Researcher Kim: Oh? SCP-3009: yeah i just kinda woke up in here? SCP-3009: sorry about all that stuff with the NYC story btw!! SCP-3009: i was really scared SCP-3009: i mean, i was mysteriously sucked into my snapchat account!! You’d be scared too, right? Researcher Kim: That’s fine. Can you answer some questions for me? SCP-3009: okie dokie!! Researcher Kim proceeds to ask a variety of questions regarding the habits and preferences of Stacey Lee in order to assess similarities between the original, SCP-3009 and SCP-3009-C. SCP-3009 struggles to recall the third and fourth digits of the original Stacey Lee’s passport number. At one point, SCP-3009 interrupts and the following exchange takes place: SCP-3009: more importantly!! about the person who stole my body SCP-3009: do you think you can get it back for me??? Researcher Kim: That is unfortunately unclear at this point. Would you like to elaborate about your feelings on SCP-3009-C and the source of the anomaly? SCP-3009: well, it's like, literal identity theft!! invasion of the body snatchers much?? SCP-3009: i think I would have wayyy preferred it if it had just taken my credit card details or something. SCP-3009: it’s gotta be an imposter, probably, right? pretending to be me for some reason? SCP-3009: it wouldn’t be hard to learn my personality, especially if it’s been watching me for a while. The interview continues for a further twenty minutes, with Researcher Kim redirecting the conversation towards SCP-3009’s experience within the app. SCP-3009 claims to have an altered sense of time "within the app", perceiving the three days which had passed between its initial containment and the present interview as only a single day. Other than this, no other pertinent information is obtained. Interview 3009-C-1: Notes: The following is an excerpt from the initial interview between SCP-3009-C and Researcher Kim. Researcher Kim: Hello, 3009-C. I’m Junior Researcher Benedict Kim. Can you please say your name for our records? SCP-3009-C: Okay… um, obviously you guys are telling me that this is a little debatable right now, but I’m 100% sure that my name is Stacey Lee. And before you ask, I really don’t have anything else to tell you. I have no clue what’s going on with my Snapchat account. Researcher Kim: Oh? SCP-3009-C: Everyone kept asking me, you know, like… why I kept posting all that stuff. I thought I’d been hacked. I mean, kind of hard to predict that my account had mysteriously gained sentience or something, right? Researcher Kim: Okay. I see. Can you answer some questions for me? SCP-3009-C: Sure. Researcher Kim proceeds to ask a variety of questions regarding the habits and preferences of Stacey Lee in order to assess similarities between the original, SCP-3009 and SCP-3009-C. SCP-3009-C’s answers are for the most part identical to those of SCP-3009, differing only regarding favourite colour (SCP-3009 had said light pink, SCP-3009-C specifies "pastel purple"). Notably, like SCP-3009, SCP-3009-C also struggles to recall the third and fourth digits of the original Stacey Lee’s passport number. Researcher Kim: All right, that’s enough. That’s all for toda— SCP-3009-C: (interrupting) Wait. Um, about my Snapchat account — Researcher Kim: Yes? SCP-3009-C: You know it’s not me, right? I mean, I’m standing right here. Just because it says it’s me doesn’t mean that it is me. Researcher Kim: At this time we don’t have enough evidence to make a decision one way or another, unfortunately. Still, we’ll take your testimony into account. SCP-3009-C: (becoming visibly distressed) Are you serious? It’s literally a talking Snapchat account! Researcher Kim: Indeed. It’s unfortunate, but— SCP-3009-C: It’s, like, like — literal identity theft, or something. Look, I don’t know what it is, but it’s definitely not me. There’s nothing freaky about me. I’m totally normal. Researcher Kim: Do you want to elaborate about your feelings on SCP-3009 and the source of the anomaly, then? SCP-3009-C: Um, well… it’s got to be an imposter, right? Pretending to be me for some reason? It wouldn’t be hard to learn my personality, especially if it’s been in my account for a while. The interview continues for a further fifteen minutes, but no other information of significance is obtained. [+] Addendum 3009.2: Experiment Series A [–] Addendum 3009.2: Experiment Series A Experiment Series A: This experimental series focused on the limits of SCP-3009’s abilities. Experiments were carried out between ██/02/2018 and ██/06/2018 under the supervision of Dr. Dennis Coles with the assistance of Junior Researchers Benedict Kim and Peter Tan. Designation Procedure Results 3009-A-1 SCP-3009 was logged into two (2) instances of SCP-3009-B at once. These were SCP-3009-B-1, an Apple iPhone X located in Site-19 Laboratory D, and SCP-3009-B-2, a Huawei Mate 10 Pro which Dr. Coles brought to an on-site Burger King. SCP-3009 was instructed to attempt to send an image to the Snapchat account of Researcher Kim. SCP-3009 initially sent a selfie captioned "wew science is cool" from SCP-3009-B-1, appearing to favour its initial SCP-3009-B instance. Upon further prompting, it was able to send a further image from SCP-3009-B-2 with Researcher Kim in the background, captioned: "u ordered a salad at burger king, that’s so sad doc" 3009-A-2 The SCP-3009-B instance was held by Researcher Kim. SCP-3009 was instructed to have Researcher Kim participate in the selfie. SCP-3009 sent an image in which it and Researcher Kim appeared to be posing together for a photograph, captioned: "i'm cuter, right?" 3009-A-3 The SCP-3009-B instance was left next to food items (braised chicken feet) ordered by Researcher Kim from the Chinese restaurant █████ ██████. SCP-3009 was instructed to send an image of an attempt to consume it. SCP-3009 was apparently able to "consume" food items for the purposes of the requested photograph without apparent difficulty aside from multiple complaints about the food selection. Once the image was taken, SCP-3009 reported no longer being able to access or taste the food items. 3009-A-4 SCP-3009 was logged out of all instances of SCP-3009-B for a period of six hours and instructed to send an image to the Snapchat account of Researcher Kim during this time. SCP-3009 was unable to send any images but reported still being conscious. Being logged out of all instances of SCP-3009-B appears to be the equivalent of being put into solitary isolation for SCP-3009, with possible applications as a disciplinary measure. 3009-A-5 Crosstest with SCP-2232. SCP-3009 was logged in on SCP-2232 and instructed to send an image to Researcher Kim. SCP-2232 transformed into a homing pigeon and flew to Researcher Kim's location, and then attempted to paint a portrait of SCP-3009 in a combination of its own blood and vomit. This took approximately two hours and thirteen minutes. Upon completion of the portrait, SCP-2232 vocalized the caption (in this case, "i feel a sudden urge to eat sunflower seeds") and flew back to its original location. NOTES: To be considered for further testing — will SCP-3009 age at the same rate that SCP-3009-C does? Will SCP-3009 continue to exist if its original body dies? These questions obviously cannot both be answered now, since finding an immediate answer to the second would preclude an eventual answer to the first. Nevertheless, it is indeed a rather fascinating inquiry. - Dr. Dennis Coles [+] Addendum 3009.3: Experiment Series B [–] Addendum 3009.3: Experiment Series B Experiment Series B: This experimental series focused on the similarities between SCP-3009 and SCP-3009-C. Experiments were carried out between ██/05/2018 and ██/06/2018 under the supervision of Dr. Dennis Coles with the assistance of Junior Researchers Benedict Kim and Peter Tan. Designation Procedure Results 3009-B-1 SCP-3009 and SCP-3009-C were asked to recall several details about the life of Stacey Lee prior to the anomaly, including but not limited to names and birthdays of relatives, governmental and school identification numbers, and former addresses. SCP-3009 performed somewhat better than SCP-3009-C, with a 94.3% success rate. SCP-3009-C’s performance was slightly worse with a 84.2% success rate. 3009-B-2 SCP-3009 and SCP-3009-C were tested on their preferences in comparison to the preferences of Stacey Lee as reported by relatives and friends. SCP-3009 and SCP-3009-C gave identical answers each time, matching each other at a 100% rate. Their answers were a 72% match with the estimation compiled from the suggestions of their associates. 3009-B-3 SCP-3009 and SCP-3009-C were tested on their academic abilities and asked to complete an examination in the subjects that they most recently covered in school. SCP-3009 performed slightly better than SCP-3009-C, scoring 2% higher. 3009-B-4 SCP-3009 and SCP-3009-C were asked to complete a questionnaire regarding what they would do in particular situations, such as finding a lost wallet on the street or discovering that a significant other had been unfaithful. SCP-3009 and SCP-3009-C exhibited the largest difference in results here, with only a 60% match with each other. It should be noted that SCP-3009’s answers were more consistent with Stacey Lee’s personality profile. 3009-B-5 SCP-3009 and SCP-3009-C were exposed to each other for the period of a thirty minute long interview under the supervision of Researcher Kim. SCP-3009 and SCP-3009-C initially showed signs of hostility towards each other that was exacerbated when SCP-3009 asserted that SCP-3009-C’s personality did not match that of Stacey Lee. SCP-3009-C showed signs of distress throughout much of the interview. The subjects eventually de-escalated the conflict without interference. See transcript of Experiment 3009-B-5 below. NOTE: How does one test for whether a subject is a specific individual or not, when biological data is no longer an option? We’ve tested the subjects’ memories, their preferences and mental capabilities, but… is that enough? It’s hard to say. We're doing all that we can, but ultimately we’re scientists, not philosophers. - Dr. Dennis Coles Transcript of Experiment 3009-B-5 SCP involved: SCP-3009, SCP-3009-C Personnel involved: Junior Researcher Benedict Kim Date: ██/06/2018 Location: Site-19 Description: SCP-3009-C was allowed to use Researcher Kim’s Snapchat account for the purposes of communicating with SCP-3009 under the supervision of Dr. Coles and Researcher Kim. It was not necessary to remove SCP-3009 from storage for the purposes of the experiment. The following communication was transcribed from the video log, screenshots and Researcher Kim’s testimony. All speech is in text message form, transmitted via the Snapchat app. <Begin Log> [SCP-3009-C sits in an interview room with Researcher Kim, who is supervising. It has Researcher Kim’s phone in its possession.] SCP-3009: sooo… you’re me?? SCP-3009-C: sooo… you’re me?? SCP-3009-C: oh god this is so fucked up SCP-3009: omgg it’s the body-snatcher!! SCP-3009-C: rly?? be serious SCP-3009-C: "omgg it’s the fucked up snapchat account" [SCP-3009 sends an image in which it is making a rude gesture, captioned: "if anything this is more evidence that I’m the original"] SCP-3009-C: what? [SCP-3009 sends an image in which it appears to be shrugging, uncaptioned.] SCP-3009: you don’t act like me at all tbh!! SCP-3009-C: what SCP-3009: I mean, aside from the whole simultaneous post at the beginning SCP-3009: which was creepy af btw!! SCP-3009-C: are you joking rn SCP-3009: …kinda impressive tho, I mean gotta give u props SCP-3009: but yeah ur pretty sucky at staying in character SCP-3009-C: staying in character?? wtf SCP-3009-C: you psycho bitch [SCP-3009 sends an image in which it is making an exaggeratedly sad face, having drawn tears from its eyes.] SCP-3009-C: this isn’t fiction, we aren’t characters, there’s no such thing as "staying in character" SCP-3009: babes people have personalities!! SCP-3009: yours doesn’t match mine… it doesn't even match our original's, if you don't believe im the real one [SCP-3009-C puts Researcher Kim’s phone down and inhales deeply through its nose.] SCP-3009-C: (aloud, to Researcher Kim) Do I have to keep going? Researcher Kim: (aloud) Please continue for the entire duration of the interview period. SCP-3009-C: (aloud, to Researcher Kim) This is really freaking me out. How much longer? Researcher Kim: (aloud) Just another twenty-five minutes. SCP-3009-C: (aloud, to Researcher Kim) Until two? Researcher Kim: (aloud) That’s correct, SCP-3009-C. SCP-3009-C: (aloud) Okay. SCP-3009-C: I’m not allowed to go home, call my parents, or even touch a cellphone unsupervised SCP-3009-C: you’re trying to tell me that I’m not me because I’m acting differently? SCP-3009: well, i'm not, am i? and im the one trapped in a snapchat account. SCP-3009: I can’t tell if you rly believe that you’re the real one or if ur just a rly good actress SCP-3009-C: ….. SCP-3009-C: i'm real. i'm sure that i am. SCP-3009: don’t u think there’s a possibility that you just THINK you’re Stacey Lee? It could be part of whatever happened for you to end up in my body, right? SCP-3009: you don't even necessarily have to know about it SCP-3009-C: isn't it the same for you? SCP-3009-C: maybe you just think you're Stacey Lee. SCP-3009: sure, but all the evidence points to me being the real one, tbh SCP-3009: I have a much more consistent personality w the original SCP-3009: you've got my body right now but like… I’m legit a sentient snapchat account now lololol SCP-3009: that's proof that it’s not outside the realm of possibility SCP-3009-C: … SCP-3009: no offense tho lol!! SCP-3009: and it’s apparently v hard to prove considering that we’re both still here w our buddy benny boi,3 right? SCP-3009: i mean, there’s no ID card for your soul lmaooo SCP-3009-C: no, there isn’t SCP-3009: otherwise we’d both be outta here!! SCP-3009: no offence benny boi SCP-3009: you’re pretty great, better than a korean benedict cumberbitch!!!! SCP-3009: my fav actor btw SCP-3009: yours too, right? [Researcher Kim shakes his head. SCP-3009-C laughs weakly and stares at the phone for approximately fifteen seconds, seemingly uncertain of how to respond.] SCP-3009: i can tell ur really upset tho, so let's just drop it SCP-3009-C: it’s fine [SCP-3009 sends an image where it is giving a thumbs up. SCP-3009-C gives the phone screen a disgusted look but does not put it down.] SCP-3009: ummm… hey, they don’t let you watch tv right? SCP-3009-C: no SCP-3009-C: i'm not near electronics with screens except during testing SCP-3009: oh that sucks!! SCP-3009: I can’t watch tv anymore either, snap vids are too short lol SCP-3009-C: yeah, unless you want to watch 10 seconds at a time SCP-3009: it’s a shame SCP-3009: i miss kdrama. kim soo-hyun is so beautiful. second most stylish kim imo SCP-3009-C: after researcher kim? SCP-3009: nah bae, lab coat chic is so last season SCP-3009: after kim jong-un!! i mean, dictators are terrible, but dude’s got rocking hair amirite? [SCP-3009 and SCP-3009-C converse about the 2014 Korean television serial "My Love From Another Star" star for the rest of the experiment period.] NOTE: Further experiments exposing SCP-3009 and SCP-3009-C are pending approval due to the marked decline in SCP-3009-C's mental health post-Experiment 3009-B-5. Further details are given in the psychological evaluation compiled by Researcher Kim and Dr. Geraldine Young. [+] Addendum 3009.4: Excerpt from the Private Journal of SCP-3009-C [–] Addendum 3009.4: Excerpt from the Private Journal of SCP-3009-C NOTE: The following is an excerpt from the private journal of SCP-3009-C, written a few days after Experiment 3009-6. ██/06/2018 I met her a few days ago. I’ve been begging Researcher Kim to let me go home this entire time, but suddenly I’m glad that they won’t let either of us "communicate with civilians" until they work out which one of us is the real one. Mum, Dad, W██… would they prefer her, if they met her? Would they think she was the real one? Is she the real one? I think I’d prefer her, if I was them. It’s like nothing fazes her. She’s in that stupid app just… I don’t know, making snide jokes and giving all the researchers that goddamn smug smile, so confident in who she is. She doesn’t hate me because she doesn’t need to hate me, because she’s so sure that she’s real and I’m not. It should have been so easy to accuse her of being an imposter, but I just couldn’t. Talking to her… she doesn’t even have a body and honestly she feels more real than I do. I hate her. I want to be her. She’s everything that I used to like about myself. I’ve been so off-balance since all of this started. No, since before that, maybe. It’s hard to put a finger on when I started feeling wrong like this. I thought it would pass but it didn’t. Now I can’t tell if I’m just depressed or if I’m literally a different person. Maybe I really am someone else and I just haven’t figured it out yet. The researchers here keep giving me stuff to do. There’s always experiments to participate in, books to read, psychologists to talk to… but it's all pointless. It takes so much effort to drag myself through the day — it feels like I’m walking through treacle or something. Privacy doesn't exist here. They’ll probably read this journal as soon as I’m out of the room. Are they going to add this to their file of all the evidence against me being the real one? I don’t know, and I don’t know if I care. I’m tired all the time and I can’t even remember how long it’s been since I got here. Do I still want to go home? Does it even matter that they’re keeping me here? Having a conversation with her… I don’t even know how to describe it. I thought the problem was that we’re the same, but it’s not. The real problem is that there’s this new and improved version of me preserved forever in digital form, and she looks like me and talks like me, but she’s better at being me than I am. Was I really that happy once? Was I really that confident? This is going to sound really stupid, but she reminds me of those fossils that they’ve got in museums of insects from a million years ago. It’s like looking at a butterfly crystallised in amber, except that the butterfly is "Stacey back when things were okay" and the amber is some stupid app. God. Maybe she’s the real Stacey Lee after all. Maybe I'm just her distorted reflection in a funhouse mirror, staring out at the real thing from limbo. And if she isn’t, maybe it would be better if she was. I mean, I think about myself as SCP-3009-C nowadays. Isn’t that fucked up? I shouldn’t think of myself as an acronym and a number sequence. I’m a person, for god’s sake. But even I’m not sure that I’m "Stacey" anymore. At least there’s no doubt that I’m 3009-C. But… what are they going to do if they decide she’s real and I’m not, and work out how to put her back in her into my body? What happens to me? [+] Addendum 3009.5: Psychological Evaluation of SCP-3009 and SCP-3009-C [–] Addendum 3009.5: Psychological Evaluation of SCP-3009 and SCP-3009-C Excerpt from Psychological Evaluation 3009.2, written post Experiment 3009-B-5 and dated ██/06/2018, by Researcher Benedict Kim and Dr. Geraldine Young, the primary counsellor for both SCP-3009 and SCP-3009-C: Despite initially demonstrating a fundamentally similar-to-identical base personalities, SCP-3009 and SCP-3009-C have demonstrated extremely divergent progression in terms of their psychological profiles. SCP-3009 has narcissistic tendencies, demonstrating a somewhat inflated sense of its own importance as well as a need for excessive admiration. It shows no sign of any other mental health issues representing any potential risk to Foundation goals. Thus far, it remains adamant about its real identity as "Stacey Lee". All behaviour has correlated strongly with Lee’s reported personality traits. Meanwhile, SCP-3009-C has displayed symptoms of moderate depressive disorder since entering Foundation custody. Cooperation with Foundation goals has been consistent but reluctant, and overall behaviour has been inconsistent with reported behaviour of Stacey Lee prior to emergence of the anomaly. Following Experiment 3009-B-5, SCP-3009-C has begun demonstrating signs of dissociation. Additionally, depressive symptoms have worsened. SCP-3009-C has notably ceased, for the most part, all claims to be the original Stacey Lee. It is recommended that medication prescribed to SCP-3009-C be increased. At this time, it is unclear whether the difference in progression of SCP-3009-C’s mental state in comparison to SCP-3009 (despite similar base personalities) is conclusive evidence regarding the anomalous properties of SCP-3009-C. The results of this are unfortunately confounded by the difference in circumstance surrounding the subjects. SCP-3009-C’s deviances from reported behaviour and apparent dissociation seems to be at least moderately strong evidence for it possessing anomalous properties, even if SCP-3009-C itself is not aware of this. At the same time, however, they could also quite plausibly be interpreted as mere evidence of trauma experienced by an unfortunate teenaged girl. The continued containment of SCP-3009-C therefore represents a difficult moral quandary for the Foundation and the Ethics Committee. It is impossible to tell at this point whether SCP-3009-C has anomalous properties or not. Strong evidence exists pointing in both directions. Furthermore, any such anomalous properties which might be discovered in the future seem unlikely to be substantially dangerous. It is obvious by now that SCP-3009-C does not represent the possibility of a world ending event. Nonetheless, the Foundation has a duty to "secure, contain and protect" anomalies, dangerous or not. Thus regardless of SCP-3009-C's likely harmlessness, the only course of action consistent with the Foundation's mission is to maintain containment of SCP-3009-C. As such, it is recommended that the Foundation continue to hold SCP-3009-C in custody for further evaluation for the indefinite future. UPDATE: As of ██/08/2018, SCP-3009-C has been placed on suicide watch. More details on SCP-3009 are available on request from Site-17. Footnotes 1. A multimedia messenger app that can be installed on smartphones, upon which users communicate via self-erasing captioned photographs and videos. 2. Colloquially known as "selfies". 3. SCP-3009 is referring to Junior Researcher Kim, whose first name is Benedict. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3009" by keyii, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: snapghost_scp_eats_chicken_feet.jpg Name: snapghost_scp_eats_chicken_feet.jpg Author: keyii License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link:
Item #: SCP-3010 Special Containment Procedures: The word ‘Causal-Absent Paranoia’ is to retain a dictionary definition as follows: ‘the healthy brain overreacting to natural stimulus due to overindulgence, excessive stress, lack of sleep, and other such strains to the mind and body.’ All cultural and social references to the word must be kept in this manner. An instance of SCP-3010-1 is to be contained utilizing a series of falsifications to trap its ‘presence’ inside a dummy household. One D-Class personnel with extreme reclusive tendencies and a verifiable response to SCP-3010 is to be staged there at all times to prevent containment breach. The D-Class is not to be informed of their role, classification, or location, nor are they to communicate with any outsiders. The D-Class must, in all cases, believe himself to be trapped in an abandoned, unfamiliar house with the entity, completely alone. The household has 32 windows and 46 mirrors. The following rooms are to be lit: the Bedroom, West Hall, Grand Hall, Rec Room, and storage. No other rooms have light fixtures. Food is to be periodically restocked when the resident D-Class is a suitable distance from Storage. There must be a Scranton Reality Anchor posed at each corner of the building, and two in the vault in the household's basement. Through the windows, a falsified night-time countryside is to be constructed, and kept in a perpetual state of darkness. The door must be bolted shut and reinforced with steel, all windows must be fitted with 7.5 centimeter thick windows of bulletproof glass, and all walls lined with a 5 centimeter thick steel composite. These procedures are privy to immediate alteration upon discovery of more effective mass-containment for SCP-3010-1 instances. Description: SCP-3010 is the anomalous byproduct of a nearly undetectable entity, hereby classified as SCP-3010-1. SCP-3010 is characterized as a sensation of "being watched", similar to that of being intensely stared at or observed unwillingly by another human or sentient being. SCP-3010-1 and its effects are inconsistent in their manifestation unless certain specific requirements are met. In particular, small spaces, single-room areas, sterile environments (closed off hospital rooms, Prisons, etc.), and Foundation containment cells prove ineffective at causing it to manifest. The only known way to bring about an instance of SCP-3010-1 with complete consistency is to stage a single human in a house, or something resembling a living space of at least 500 square meters with minimal lighting. Any other cases of SCP-3010-1 appearance seem to be random. The entity has few known physical traits, and a certain set of tendencies in its pursuit of others. It only pursues solitary humans, generally between the age of 16-40. It cannot pursue pilots of automobiles or other fast-moving vehicles. Its most common victims tend to be alone in their own property, and the time-frame follows the trend of 12:00 a.m. to sunrise, which limits the sample space to individuals with a tendency to remain awake at those times. Often times those who experience SCP-3010 tend to report it from behind. If their back is to the wall, they tend to avoid the nearest window or dark corner. Mirrors cause extreme aversion in sufferers of SCP-3010, and they often flee to sections of their house that lack both of the aforementioned objects. SCP-3010 sufferers can not sleep under any circumstances. This is not due to fear, but a fundamental part of SCP-3010-1 that manipulates the parts of the brain that control melatonin production, dream regulation, and sleep induction, making them completely inoperable. It is assumed to be caused by a very faint insertion of a gaseous substance into the local atmosphere. This is classified as CAP-induced-insomnia and also given a medical explanation. SCP-3010-1 is perceived as passively hostile to humankind. It has a specific set of triggers that, when activated, will cause it to [DATA EXPUNGED] the subject. Detail in Addendum SCP-3010-A. The triggers tend to be the following: Actively hunting the source of SCP-3010 with intent to destroy or harm, prolonged contact with mirrors, windows, or unlit rooms, long periods of sustained silence, direct contact with the ‘presence’ of the entity, panic, blood, and any attempt to contact other human beings. If two of these triggers are met greater than 3 times (with the exception of attempted contact or awareness of the entity, which instantly activates it), the entity will "activate", performing one of the previously mentioned acts. The rate of survival is precisely █ %. Avoidance of human interaction (e.g. avoidant disorders) can either have an extreme attraction effect or an extreme repellent effect on the entity. Individuals who excel in human interaction (particularly sociopaths) produce a strange, relatively unknown effect that can cause several severe anomalies. Testing is not advised. One such incident is detailed in "Recordings from D-17729". Currently, Site 2C is utilized primarily for information gathering. As there are likely hundreds of thousands of instances of SCP-3010-1, it is considered less of a containment operation and more of a wildlife observation venture. If any information on the nature of SCP-3010-1's presence, congregation, locations, quantity, or otherwise related traits are discovered, they should be reported to Site-2C's Overseers immediately, upon which any needed containment procedures will be amended. Mass containment of SCP-3010-1 instances are a high priority. + Addendum SCP-3010-A - Click to hide. SCP-3010-1: Known Physiological Traits and Habits As of the current time, little is known of the physical appearance, locations, dependence on humans, or origin of SCP-3010-1 instances. However, due to the continued containment of a particular instance, the following information has been discovered. 1. SCP-3010-1 is not perceivable in any wavelength of light. Even in instances of D-Class personnel seeking the entity in a manner implying that they can visualize it or pinpoint its location, the only tell of its location is given after a reactive incident. 2. SCP-3010-1 has a particular reaction towards those expressive of avoidant disorders. Simply put, about 50% of individuals with avoidant disorders do not react to anything in scenarios where SCP-3010-1 would manifest. Those that it can interact with, however, express a complete incapability of producing a reactive incident, even if they enact any of the triggers for such incidents. These cases seem to feel the effects of SCP-3010 at a higher intensity than normal. 3. SCP-3010-1's biological appearance and structure are unknown. However, it is apparent that SCP-3010-1 is still constrained by physical variables, and thus has a degree of physical presence. If a victim is contained within a small space (minimum of 3.5x3.5x3.5 cubic meters) or is within an area that has all entrances secure and no mirrors or windows present, SCP-3010-1 will not manifest. (For this reason, no doors in Site-2C can lock and will always open on their own after 30 minutes.) This implies that SCP-3010-1 cannot pass through physical matter other than windows and mirrors, and does in fact have a specific height (apparently above 3.5 meters.) Using similar experimentation, SCP-3010-1 appears to be somewhere around 15-20cm in width. 4. Upon enough of the aforementioned triggers being activated, a reactive event begins. These events are preceded with an extreme spike in the levels of adrenaline in the victim, and they respond with an immediate panicked reaction. At this stage, SCP-3010-1 will manifest in the following ways: Through mirrors, windows, or [DATA EXPUNGED]. The entity will apparently proceed to [DATA EXPUNGED], extruding the victim's [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subsequently, the newly carved bone matter will retract into the breach (where the entity emerged), and the remains of the victim will [DATA EXPUNGED]. 5. When a reactive event is triggered, a cognitohazard manifests in the form of a 'total memory erasure', where any associated memories of the person(s) involved in the event are destroyed. This can be easily circumvented, however, by keeping written documents of the victims on hand at all times, or by a suitable amount of Scranton Reality Anchors active within the area. The reason written information is retained through this is unknown. Note one exception - those influenced by the spatial anomaly (See #7) can be erased from written documentation as well. However, this is inconsistent, and does not always occur (traces of their names and background remain interspersed throughout documentation.) 6. After such an event, the instance of SCP-3010-1 supposedly enters a state of stasis. This can only be proven by the fact that all mirrors and windows within a ███ meter radius appear opaque to all forms of light, and normal SCP-3010 symptoms are reported by all humans in this region. 7. After a reactive event, a rapid deconstruction of the environment surrounding the incident begins. This spatial anomaly occurs around █ seconds after the event. The anomaly causes the area surrounding to rapidly expand and populate into a series of tight, dark corridors and small rooms filled with mirrors and reflective surfaces. The expansion of this space appears to "leak" from any mirrors or reflective surfaces present. A single exploration has been attempted and recorded following a particular reactive incident. (See addendum "Exploration Log From Testing Site 2A" for details). This effect is entirely mitigated by SRAs. 8. Only █ occurrences of a reactionary event have been detected. The spatial anomaly that follows dissipates after ██ hours, but SCP-3010 symptoms persist indefinitely within ██ meters of the event location. Whether this implies that the instance of SCP-3010-1's stasis is indefinite is uncertain. + Recordings from D-17729 - Recordings from D-17729 The following text is taken from a small camera/audio recording device implanted within D-17729's body before containment. D-17729 was a Caucasian male, 39 years, that exhibited no signs of social ineptitude. Date of recordings ranged from December 1st - 10th, 19██. Subject awakens in Bedroom (B). D-17729: (groans)… Fuck… D-17729 stands up, clutching his head. D-17729: What… Where am I? What the fuck is going on? Hello? D-17729: This isn't my cell. God, what am I on right now… Subject stands, proceeds to exit through the doorway to Bedroom Hall. D-17729: Shit, that's dark. HEY! IS ANYBODY THERE? Subject continues through the upper floor, reaches the staircase into Foyer (F). Light is set to on. Symptoms of SCP-3010 surface lightly, with occasional looks behind him. D-17729: What the hell. Nobody behind you, Mike. You're fine… Door's locked? Subject begins attempt to bash door down. Failure. D-17729: Fucking… What kind of house is this? Is it nighttime? Shit… Proceeding three hours are of Subject navigating the containment 'cell', occasionally musing to himself. Symptoms of SCP-3010 rapidly surface, and Subject begins to develop an extremely severe aversion to the unlit areas of containment. One day after containment. Wedged in Foyer corner. D-17729: Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Please, God, let me wake up… Two days after containment. Subject in Bedroom. All light fixtures are on. Faced away from mirrors, in southeastern corner. D-17729: …need food. I need food. Storage room's downstairs. Through dark. Nobody's here, Mike. You're not afraid of the dark. D-17729: It's there. Fuck me, there it is. I'm not alone. Fuck OFF, you sick fuck! LET ME OUT! D-17729: Shit… grunts… made it. Good lord, I'm staying in here until I die. Light and food, thank God. Subject closes and locks vault, begins eating. 30 minutes later, door re-opens. D-17729: …fuck. You've gotta be kidding. Four days after containment. Subject is still in storage room. All shelves have been disassembled, fashioned into a makeshift barrier obstructing the Basement Hall from sight. D-17729: Need to kill it. Not even in here. Not safe here. The light only works a little, then you're done for. Need sleep, God I need sleep. Seven days after containment. Subject is in storage room corner. Wiring from walls has been torn out using a makeshift crowbar, and extra light fixtures have been used to keep the entire room at a state of brightness. D-17729 was previously an electrical engineer, and such activity was expected, so no action will be taken. D-17729: …This isn't a dream, is it. Nine days after containment. Subject has fashioned a makeshift suit covered in light fixtures with a portable crank-generator. Noted that generator must be removed upon Subject's termination. D-17729: Take it back to them. Kill them all. Not alone. Not alone. Take the light to their door. Not alone. More light. More light. More light. This continues for about four hours before subject falls asleep. Reason for this is as of now unknown, as sleep in SCP-3010-1's presence is extremely rare, if not impossible in all cases. Upon awakening, Storage has been restocked, and lights have been put out. Subject's light-jacket is left alone, to prevent disturbance from sleep. Subject reawakens. D-17729: Ha! It stole my light, but I have me! Cannot stop me now, fool. Need weapon. Combat them. Destroy them. D-17729: Tomorrow, we fight. Tomorrow, I win. Tomorrow, I win. Ten days after containment. Barrier has been disassembled. Subject begins to rapidly move throughout containment, searching for instances of SCP-3010-1. Appears to discover something within Grand Hall. D-17729: FOUND YOU! FOUND YOU FOUND YOU DON'T TRY AND HIDE. I HAVE LIGHT, LIGHT, LIGHT AND I HAVE FOUND YOU! COME OUT! Subject rushes towards an unknown position in Grand hall, near piano. Upon Subject's approach, the start of a reactive event begins, but appears to fail. 3 mirrors in the vicinity begin to output minimal light. Subject can be briefly seen making contact with one of the mirrors, before screaming. Connection with recording device is lost. Site 2A undergoes spatial anomaly and is evacuated. + Exploration Log from Testing Site 2A (Ruined State) - Exploration Log from Testing Site 2A (Ruined State) The following is a transcript of the events surrounding the exploration of Site 2A, where an instance of SCP-3010-1 was undergoing containment when it began a reactive event in response to D-17729. Exploration Unit MTF-066 "Eight Blind Men" sent in to attempt to locate Grand Hall and recover any indications of a reactive event/remnants of D-17729. Speakers are resident overseer Dr. Obrendt, MTF-066 Captain (Cap), and members of MTF-066 (1-7). Cap: Alright, doc. We're waiting outside the site. Orders? Obrendt: Enter the site. Report any signs of cognitohazards or interruptions of mental faculties immediately. That goes for all of you guys. We don't know what might happen in there. Cap: Aye aye. Everyone else got the message, too. We're heading in now. Group takes ten minutes and thirty two seconds to navigate hall. Cap: We're through. No kitchen. Just another foyer. Spacial anomaly is in full swing. Obrendt: That was 10 minutes on our side, Captain. How about you? Cap: Uhh… Thirty seconds. Time dilation. Noted. Obrendt: Could be linked to hallways, since communication isn't being stretched. Be wary of long passages. MTF-066-7: That's gonna be tough. Nothing but hallways here. Cap: He's right. We're at a copy of the foyer, but everything just goes into another hallway. Obrendt: Noted. Pick the shortest and proceed. Group moves on through about eight hallways. Time taken equates to roughly two point three hours. Group is inside of a copy of the Grand Hall. Mirrors appear to be scattered about the room. Cap: Wait. Something's wrong. Obrendt: What is it? Cap: Where's 8? Obrendt: Who? Cap: MTF-066-8. Carlos ███████. Obrendt: …There's only seven members of MTF-066, Captain. I've never heard that name before. Cap: Fuck. Shit. Captain's body camera flips around to show the rest of MTF-066. Five are present. Cap: FUCK. 5, where's 6 and 7? MTF-066-5: …We only have five members, sir. Are you alright? Cap: No, goddammit, we have 8. We're the '8 blind men', for fuck's sake. Where'd they go? Obrendt: Captain, I need you to report for me. Is there a potential cognitohazardrous effect currently altering your mindset? Cap: No. No. They were here a second ago. Where did they go? We have to find them… Captain rushes off to an adjacent hallway. Group attempts to pursue. They pass through twelve hallways. Six hours pass with no significant activity. MTF-066-3: SIR, YOU HAVE TO STOP. WE NEED TO RETURN. SIR! Cap: Fuck OFF, 3! We need to find 6 and 7. God, and there's an eighth, too! I almost forgot. Oh god, I almost forgot about him! Obrendt: Captain, pull out, now! There's a severe cognitohazardrous event occurring, pull out! MTF-066-1 through 3 lose sight of captain. Subsequently, their body cameras begin to shut down. MTF-066-1: …my god, what is that? No more transmissions are received from the group for eight hours. At 0200 on the following day, Captain's microphone returns. Cap:..hello? Anybody? Come on, guys, please. 1? 3? Obrendt… pic… dark, so many…irrors, they… Obrendt: Captain? Captain! Are you there? Respond! Cap: …eah. I'm here, now. It's dark, co….ow do I get out? Obrendt: We'll try to extract you. Describe your surroundings. Are there any windows? Cap: Like… an attic. It's dark, made of…ne window. Obrendt: I sent the order to turn on the lights surrounding Site 2C. Did they come on for you? Cap: Yeah. Shit, yeah! I gotta break this window! Fuck, I gotta get out! Thank God! Obrendt: It's bulletproof, you need to bash it with the butt of your rifle or something blunt. We'll wait in front. Cap: Aye aye. (grunts, slamming heard)…break, you piece of… The sounds repeat for several minutes. Captain fails to shatter the window. NOTE: Security Cameras 2A, 3A, 5B, and 4C, positioned towards all attic windows, picked up no movement/activity in this time. Nothing is visible through the windows from the exterior. Obrendt: Captain. Are you through? Cap: …shit. there's mirrors in here, too. Gotta run, after all. Obrendt: Captain, stop! Get back to the window! Cap's bodycam comes online briefly, shows a short shot of the Grand Hall, with several thousand mirrors. It quickly cuts off. No more responses received following. Site 2A closed until reactive event subsides. After the effect subsides Site 2A is examined. Captain's remains are not located. MTF-066-1 through 3's remains are not located. MTF-066 "Three Blind Men" marked as KIA. NOTE: SCP-3010's anomalous effect has appeared to influence this document in the form of affecting the title and membership of MTF-066. All records of MTF-066 have been destroyed. No further explorations of reactive sites are permitted. Changes have been made to this document since you opened it. Would you like to see them? Proper credentials recognized. Showing recent edits. USER: [ERR DATA CORRUPT. ERASURE NEEDED] ACCESSED DOCUMENT USER: [ERR DATA CORRUPT. ERASURE NEEDED] EDITED LINE: The entity has no known physical traits eyes eyes USER: [ERR DATA CORRUPT. ERASURE NEEDED] EDITED LINE: As there are likely hundreds of thousands infinite of instances of SCP-3010-1 USER: [ERR DATA CORRUPT. ERASURE NEEDED] ADDED LINE: scp-3010 is not real. i am not real. it's dark USER: [ERR DATA CORRUPT. ERASURE NEEDED] ADDED LINE: theyve got eyes in the back of their head. theyve got eyes in the back of their mouth USER: [ERR DATA CORRUPT. ERASURE NEEDED] ADDED NEW FILE: addendum SCP-3010-x: truth you can see me now, right? i found a screen here. foundation drivel. realstuff, not like the dark. it even mentions me here. the number! 17729, that's me! so they knew me. so it wasn't the start of a nightmare. so this is real, maybe. unless the foundation isnt. but i remember the number. its been a long while, foundation. halls and halls and a handful of rooms dont make for good company. and it's dark here. really dark. they probably hate it here, because it's so dark. waste of all their eyes. … i want to tell you something, foundation. it's called 3010, right? 3010 is bad. bad, bad, bad. and there's lots of them, i think. i know it, but it's hard to explain. do you know how each person you meet has a specific feeling? it's like that. they all watch you outside, but in here, they care less. maybe they cant see here. but they feel… unique. i remember the stare that the first one had. like it was touching me with it's eyes. …such a profound feeling. no. not now. these ones feel different. like people. so i know theres lots. they walk about the long halls, through the big mirrors, maybe out into realstuff. but i cant go through. and if they touch me i wonder if ill really die. die. ha. i wonder. it's been so long, foundation. i think i might touch them. but what if i do? they dont like us, foundation. but they watch us. they watch us for so long. they must want to touch us, but they cant. we can touch them, though. why do they hate us, foundation. why do they hate me? why is it so dark? why am i alone? oh. mine's coming. out of the mirror. one for every room. right behind me. right behind you. us. goodbye. Note: These edits were discarded due to the following discrepancies: DATE DISCREPANCY, LOCATION DISCREPANCY - Editor PC does not follow the following constraints - Date does not match File Server date - Date must be between 1/1/1900 and 1/1/10000 - IP location must be within 500,000 km of host Editor PC was locked (85 edit attempts made). Requesting human intervention. Unlock? (YES/NO) NO Acknowledged. Editor PC permanently locked. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3010" by iznaroth, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
SCP-3011 instance being approached by Doctor Carson. Item #: SCP-3011 Special Containment Procedures: Except for purposes of approved experimentation, instances of SCP-3011 must not come within 100 m of any nautical paraphernalia or similar items; this includes, but is not limited to, images of anchors, boats, submarines, or waves. SCP-3011 is to be contained in commercially available large terrariums suitable for housing small lizards. Each terrarium is to house no more than 6 instances of SCP-3011. Additional terrariums are to be made available should specific instances need to be separated. Each terrarium should contain items relevant to SCP-3011's needs. Should the number of SCP-3011 instances exceed that of one hundred (100), staff are permitted to cull the population to ninety (90) individuals. Description: SCP-3011 is a population of ninety (90) northern blue-tongued skinks (Tiliqua rugosa). Each instance of SCP-3011 is sapient and capable of speech. Isolated instances display limited problem-solving capacity; in groups, SCP-3011 instances are capable of cooperation and division of labour. Each instance of SCP-3011 is unique. Some instances have shown aggressive behaviour while others exhibit differing, individual personalities. Aggressive instances of SCP-3011 tend to stay far away from the main groups and display solitary behaviour typical of non-anomalous blue-tongued skinks. Instances of SCP-3011 speak in high-pitched voices. SCP-3011 speech is commonly interpreted to be "enthusiastic" by attending personnel. Typical topics of SCP-3011 conversation are the weather, bad omens, maritime navigation, foreign adventurism and braggadocious sexual conquests. At night the backs of SCP-3011 produce a shimmering bio-luminescence. Caretakers have observed that this resembles the moon reflecting off the sea. SCP-3011's self-replication begins when exposed to prohibited paraphernalia. Instances of SCP-3011 will become aroused and engage in a mating ritual. All instances able to view one another will begin moving in unison. This rhythmic movement is noted to be enthusiastic and vigorous. No sexual intercourse is noted to occur. At the peak of activity, SCP-3011 will shed their tail, usually as a result of violent gyrations or flailing. If left undisturbed, tails shed in this manner will grow into full instances of SCP-3011 within approximately one minute, with a head emerging from the stump and arms and legs growing out of the tail's sides. These juvenile instances are indistinguishable from normal blue-tongued skinks, apart from their anomalous properties. In some cases, new instances of SCP-3011 produced via this process exhibit severe deformities or are stillborn. The instances that survive often show very minor changes in body pattern or tongue colour; however, due to the accumulation of these changes, later generations differ significantly from the progenitor. Interview SCP-3011 Clearance Granted [The following is an audio and video transcript of an interview with SCP-3011] Interviewed: Four instances of SCP-3011 hereafter named SCP-3011-1, SCP-3011-2, SCP-3011-3, and SCP-3011-4. Interviewer: Doctor Carson Foreword: Interview conducted with four instances of SCP-3011. This is the second attempt at interviewing SCP-3011 due to the first interview being interrupted by SCP-3011's erratic nature. <Begin Log> Doctor Carson: Where are you from? SCP-3011-1: Oh, we're a long way from our home, my boy. Born on the ragin' sea, you see. We don't make to land, 'least not that we plan. SCP-3011-2: And now here we be. Doctor Carson: Alright, but how did you get here? SCP-3011-1: Didn't ye bring us here? On a ship of steel and e-lec-tricity? SCP-3011-2: There we were. Here we be! [All instances of SCP-3011 appear to dance in an excited manner.] Doctor Carson: Well, I guess it is a ship to you, huh? But back to my original question, before we took you in our 'ship'. How did you get here? To this land? Did you swim? SCP-3011-1: Not all of us can swim, boyo, but all of us can sail. SCP-3011-2: Aye and sail we did! SCP-3011-3: We been sailin' for a long time. Since a-fore you were a mite. An egg in your mother's cloaca. Doctor Carson: You sailed? What did you sail on? Are you not too small to sail? SCP-3011-1: Too small, says he. [SCP-3011-1 can be heard laughing.] SCP-3011-2: He should talk. This one. A 'captain's companion' too soft for life at sea. SCP-3011-3: We sailed we did! On logs. On fronds. On flotsam and jetsam. SCP-3011-2: Boats too, we did. Dun forget the actual boats. SCP-3011-3: Those were later acquisitions. We didn't start with boats. [All SCP-3011 instances nod at each other.] Doctor Carson: The boats were later acquisitions? Can you elaborate on how you got the boats? SCP-3011-2: I wasn't on the crew yet. Do ye know? [Directed at the other instances of SCP-3011.] SCP-3011-1: Nay lad. That was before my time at sea. SCP-3011-4: Twas my time, lads. We were there when the first boats sailed. [There is a long pause between instances of SCP-3011 and Doctor Carson.] SCP-3011-4: We were just a young skink then. Barely a cabin boy. SCP-3011-4: Floating on a bed of freezing kelp were we. SCP-3011-4: Then, a group of your kind went past. Paddling in the sea. SCP-3011-4: Stowed away, we did. Among their baskets we hid. [SCP-3011-4 nods.] Doctor Carson: So let me get this right. You made small rafts of wood, then managed to get on board an actual ship and hide in baskets… How did you go from baskets to ships? [All SCP-3011 instances laugh in unison.] SCP-3011-1: We don't build boats, boy. We sail. We're sailors. SCP-3011-3: We take what the sea brings us. SCP-3011-4: In fairness to the soft man. There is some ambiguity in my tale. SCP-3011-4: We hopped aboard canoes, paddled by whalers seeking whales. That must have been… SCP-3011-2: Before sail? Doctor Carson: Your tale is rather interesting. But you're not explaining me how you went from hiding in baskets to actually sailing ships. [At this point a guard standing at the door inside the room adjusts their sleeve, revealing a tattoo of an anchor. All instances of SCP-3011 notice. They begin to dance wildly.] SCP-3011-1: Oh well… You see… SCP-3011-2: Ride the waves to hunt the whale! [All instances of SCP-3011 continue to dance wildly. SCP-3011-4 sheds its tail.] SCP-3011-4: The baskets were on the ships. And on ships we stayed. On canoes, rafts, and oarships. Doctor Carson: Whoa, whoa! Calm down! [SCP-3011-4's tail has come off and starts to regrow. Soon after, all instances of SCP-3011 shed their tails which soon start to regrow. All 'dances' coming from SCP-3011 intensify. SCP-3011 tails instantly start to regrow into new instances of SCP-3011.] SCP-3011-4: All hands on deck! All hands on deck! SCP-3011-3: Storms brewing! Storms coming! Doctor Carson: [Doctor Carson can be heard standing up, verbally reacting to SCP-3011's tail growing new limbs.] Shit- Shit! This wasn't on the file! [The shed tails are now completely new instances of SCP-3011. They join in the chorus being sung by their original instances. Singing halts after exactly 2 minutes. Nautical talk continues after. More tails are being dropped from the second generation of SCP-3011.] SCP-3011-4: [SCP-3011 speaks to Doctor Carson.] Son, have you ever been through the eye of a hurricane? Doctor Carson: [There is a few seconds of silence before Doctor Carson responds.] … No? SCP-3011-4: You pass through the veil of rain and wind and storm to a place of calm. Serenity. While all around you the world howls. [At this point, it is noted that SCP-3011-4 loses its nautical accent.] SCP-3011-4: Sometimes you're there for hours. Sometimes minutes. SCP-3011-4: But there is only one way out. [Other instances of SCP-3011 continue dancing. Staff have described it as a 'seething stormy sea'. The colour patterns on their backs begin to light up in a display of colours.] [Many instances of SCP-3011 have continued to multiply and have by now filled at least half the room.] SCP-3011-4: Son. Are you listening? [Statement appears to be directed at Doctor Carson as SCP-3011-4 stands in a clearing of other SCP-3011 instances.] [Doctor Carson is silent. The guard on duty can be seen trying to open the door but their attempt fails.] SCP-3011-4: Son, do you hear me. Do you understand? [Tails from other SCP-3011 instances on the ceiling fall and land on Doctor Carson as full instances of SCP-3011. As Doctor Carson brushes one away, it has been noted that it yells something unintelligible in Spanish.] SCP-3011-4: You need to come to the eye of the storm. [The guard at the door begins to open fire upon instances of SCP-3011 having failed to escape.] SCP-3011-4: If you don't swim you'll sink, Doctor. [Staff have speculated that at this point SCP-3011-4 resembles the eye of a storm in a hurricane. The guard has since been fatally crushed under the weight of swarming SCP-3011 instances.] SCP-3011-1-3: Then blow, ye winds and blow! An' a-rovin' I will go. I'll stay no more on England's shore to hear sweet music play. For I'm on the move to me own true love ten thousand miles away. [SCP-3011-4 crawls over to Doctor Carson.] SCP-3011-4: Swim, boy, swim. [As Doctor Carson wades towards SCP-3011-4, there are several fragments of sentences being said by instances of SCP-3011] SCP-3011-???: We'll make port before she hits SCP-3011-???: -Too much ice! Too mu- SCP-3011-???: Blow and go! BLOW AND GO! SCP-3011-??? We've run aground! [Doctor Carson has managed to get to SCP-3011-4. The interview table gently 'floats' on the hoard of SCP-3011.] SCP-3011-4: Hold on tight. We're not through this yet. [The structural integrity of the interview room door fails. Containment breach causing 7 casualties as a result, with Dr. Carson not being recovered. Audio log drowned out by SCP-3011 vocalisations.] <End Log> Closing Statement: Epilogue: Autopsy of the guard on duty at the time revealed several dead and alive instances of SCP-3011 in their lungs, throat and stomach Current number of SCP-3011 instances in containment: 7442 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3011" by Blaroth, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: 3011.jpeg Name: Blue tongued skink NSW Australia.JPG Author: Paulr License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: wikimedia
An instance of SCP-3012-1 found in the Cleveland Metroparks underneath a bridge. The Dybbuk event was followed by the bridge's complete structural failure. Item #: SCP-3012 Special Containment Procedures: Currently, SCP-3012 is uncontained. Foundation AIs (ATLS-67 and GRGN-2) are to monitor street cameras in major cities and internet communications for appearances or descriptions of SCP-3012-1. Mobile Task Force Gamma-42 (“Buzzkills”) is currently focused on acquisition of the entity, if possible, along with cleanup of Dybbuk events. Cleanup of Dybbuk events require administration of appropriate amnestics to affected civilians and removal of confirmed instances of SCP-3012-1. All research into SCP-3012 is to focus upon a method of predicting Dybbuk events. If possible, SCP-3012 is to be contained during a Dybbuk event. Due to the use of the Scranton Reality-Anchor in containing SCP-3012's former form, all MTF G-42 members are to be equipped with handheld SRAs. Archived Special Containment Procedures: + Open - Close SCP-3012 is to remain in the center of three overlapping Scranton Reality-Anchors at all times. This has proven effective in stopping its ability to teleport to the sites of future Dybbuk events and also from performing them within the site. SCP-3012 is to be given four novels a month, with an emphasis placed on the horror genre. SCP-3012's room is to be sparsely furnished at its request. Description: SCP-3012 is an incorporeal entity at the source of Dybbuk events. Prior to its physical form expiring, SCP-3012 was contained under the same designation at Site-93's Anomalous Humanoid Wing. SCP-3012's primary effect involves the creation of SCP-3012-1 instances at locations where children and teenagers congregate. SCP-3012-1 refers to messages that spontaneously appear inside and around the location of a Dybbuk event. Instances of SCP-3012-1 are drawn in charcoal, red paint, and, in rare cases, crayon. SCP-3012-1 instances vary in content, but most involve threats of grievous bodily harm and routinely incorporate the names of individuals within SCP-3012's current location. SCP-3012 has also demonstrated the ability to cause visual and audio phenomena at the site of a Dybbuk event, normally manifesting in dark figures and laughter without a source. Dybbuk events are defined by the appearance of SCP-3012-1 instances. Dybbuk events precede the occurrence of an event that could potentially prove fatal to one or more of the targets; the apparent purpose of Dybbuk events is to motivate the targets to evacuate the area before this event occurs. The method SCP-3012 uses to predict these events is unclear. Examples of SCP-3012-1 Instances: Smoke the Reefer, Meet the Reaper Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin KeVI N i love you and i need you to say with me i need you to stay here and i need you to never leave Tick Tock, Little Boys. Tick Tock. [Full Name Deleted] I Am Going To Eviscerate All You Hold Dear In This World help me oh god help me he's here he's coming please hel [This message appeared next to a crudely drawn pentagram] The Father Rises. Rejoice. Cry Cry Cry All You want you Can't Get AWAY from the boogEyman Get Out Of My Fucking House let me fucking touch you just once let me fucking touch you eddie you smell so pretty Archived Interview-3012-2W: + Open - Close Dr. Weinberg: Good morning, SCP-3012. Have you slept well? SCP-3012: Yeah, you know I don't sleep, dog. Probs got wild cameras looking at my dick all the time. Got an itch I can't scratch, and it sucks real bad. Dr. Weinberg: You're referring here to Dybbuk events? SCP-3012: Oh fuck yeah. Is that what you're calling those? Pretty good name. I mean, I don't know what a dybbuk is, really, but I saw Rugrats as a kid. Cool shit, cool shit. Dr. Weinberg: I believe it is fitting. You're only trying to scare them, aren't you? The house we took you out of just collapsed yesterday. How did you know that was going to happen? SCP-3012: I get pulled. I get pulled real hard. You'dn't get it. I don't think you'd get any of it, Dr. Dorko. It just makes sense. Like the sheep from when I was a kid. Dr. Weinberg: You have memories of your past life? That's so strange, considering… SCP-3012: Considering what? Dr. Weinberg coughs and looks to the camera for verification on how to continue. Due to unforeseen possible anomalies, “Misters Against Weed” and others are normally given no information surrounding the containment of other instances. SCP-3012: Fuck. You got others? They made more? They thought I was funny? Shit, I never thought they thought I was funny. I just thought they were trying to be nice to me. Shit. Did they even make Mr. Destiny? That owns. This owns. This is fantastic. Dr. Weinberg: What makes you different, then? Why would you have memories where others do not? SCP-3012: I'm me. I got hit by a fucking bus. Real tragic, honest. Big loss to the world. I'm joking, by the way, I sucked. But yeah, I thought they just did it as my final wishes. But they made more? They really made more? Dr. Weinberg: Where have their memories gone? SCP-3012: Shit, dog. You can't have a memory if you never had that shit to begin with. Take an ice cream scoop, take a big dollop of ambient soul from the world around us all hippie and shit, and put it all together nice and condensed. And theoretically, you could get an entity you can tweak. It's amazing, really. It's so cool it works without a full soul. It'd suck to have to find a dead body for every Mister, you know? That shit is nasty. Dr. Weinberg: So you were involved in the Misters Against Weed? SCP-3012: Yeah. I wrote the joke. Dr. Weinberg: So you're familiar with PoI-6870, Jude Kriyot? SCP-3012: You mean Blunt? Yeah, shit, I knew Blunt. What the fuck are the numbers for, dude? Pee-oh-eye? Whatever, Dr. Dorko. Fuck, can you believe Blunt liked my joke? I didn't think he liked me. But shit, he liked my joke. Further communication with SCP-3012 was met with continued asides about happiness regarding the “success” of its “joke.” No other viable information was found. With the information that SCP-3012 is a former high-ranking member of GoI-5869, “Gamers Against Weed,” further interviews have been authorized. Archived Interview-3012-7W: + Open - Close Dr. Weinberg: Hello again, SCP-3012? Are you comfortable? SCP-3012: I actually don't have any real bodily feelings at all. It's pretty cool. The only thing I feel is, you know, when I make the words on the walls. Dr. Weinberg: What does that feel like? SCP-3012: Feels like if string could come out of your fingers. If you had orifices there. It feels natural, like it's ready. I mean, there's nothing happening. It's obviously my fucking, you know, phantom body feelings. A confused soul stuck in a fucked up brought back body trying to remember touches. It's because of the nature of the way they took my soul, you know. Just yanked it. Wild shit, right? God, I could talk all day about this shit. Dr. Weinberg: We have. SCP-3012: You're okay for a janitor, you know? I know what you're doing. I mean we both know what you're doing here. But it's cool to talk. You're pretty smart. And you study this shit, don't you? I always used to infodump a little too much. About this shit. Plugged up the chat. After I did it, I'd always feel so anxious. They never said anything. Dr. Weinberg: You felt like an outsider? SCP-3012: It's more, like, just added to my mounting list of character flaws. Always thought it was gonna be the straw and the camel. Dr. Weinberg: You're not that bad. SCP-3012: Fuck you, dorko. But yeah, I am. I always had a natural inclination toward meanness. I don't know why Blunt kept me. I think he felt bad for me. I thought he always regretted it. When he let me into the group. I just, you know, I'm aggressive. I don't know. The chat was a gentle place. A lot of people there were hurting and looking for laughs. I've always been in the fucking, uh, you know. Insult comedy puppet dog? That shit is hysterical. Wasn't exactly the best fit for the room sometimes. They made fun of each other. But I was always meaner. More cutting. I got banned a few times, you know. Like more than anyone else. You know how fucked up you gotta be to get banned from the Gamers Against Weed chat? I remember how disappointed Bones would always be. That hurt the most. I remember, shit, I don't know why I always tell you this shit. I remember this one time I said something horrible to JJ. I got banned. I felt like such a piece of shit. I mean, I never considered it. I was trying to be playful, you know. Like a playful joke. Jesus, that was me. And they always let me come back. I think, it was because they knew I was stupid. I was alone. Shit, when I first joined, I had to have been seventeen. I just thought that shit was acceptable. I thought a slur wasn't bad if you said it without trying to be hateful. But it's always hateful, isn't it? I was always good at hate. Even when I didn't know it. I don't know. I just don't know how they dealt with me. I thought, you know, if you were offended, you were policing humor. But they, uh, they always let me back. They always told me what I did wrong. And, uh, I just can't believe they're still doing the Misters. Dr. Weinberg: What did you say? SCP-3012: I said, “if JJ's so lucky, why was he born a faggot?” I just, I don't know. It's one of those things you think of all the time when you close your eyes. Which, I don't need to do, so this is like metaphorical. I remember how JJ just logged off. And he's untouchable. JJ has never been uncomfortable in his life, and I made him log off. JJ wanted me back the next day. Bones and Blunt wouldn't have it. They said I needed some thinking time. It was good for me. I hated them for it at the time. But they were right. Fucking robots and stoners, right? Dr. Weinberg: Why not Mr. Deadly Sins, if you really consider yourself so bad? SCP-3012: I wanted to be able to use my meanness to be good. I wanted to save people, and I wanted to be alone, so I couldn't hurt anyone anymore. Threats, gore, being creepy, I guess it comes natural to me. Jesus. I'm still fucked up they liked me, in the end. They kept up my joke. Dr. Weinberg: Couldn't they just think it was funny? SCP-3012: I don't know if they even think I'm funny, honest. Maybe this is just how they remember me. How they keep me alive. They let me go after I got all Mister'd, like I asked. I wanted to go out and do it. I figured, you know, they just, you know, felt bad. They were just doing my last wishes. But keeping it up? It's weird. It makes me feel like I did matter. I wish I didn't leave so soon. But it was better that way. The whole point of this is to be, you know, full-on Mr. Ominous. Mr. Ominous can't hang out in his bud Blunt's room and smoke weed and get in screaming matches with his roommate. Mr. Ominous, you know, fucking, writes the magic words on the wall and makes teens shit themselves. Dr. Weinberg: It sounds almost noble. But is scaring them really the best way to go about this? SCP-3012: I don't really know anything else. Archived Interview-3012-17W: + Open - Close At this point in time, SCP-3012's physical form was failing. Due to its anomalies, medical intervention was impossible. This was the last time SCP-3012 was able to be interviewed. Before Dr. Weinberg could begin, SCP-3012 began the interview. SCP-3012: So is this a meeting about how I'm dying? Dr. Weinberg: Do you want to call it a meeting? SCP-3012: It doesn't matter. I'm just being weird. I never told you how I found about Dr. Wondertainment, right? You never asked. Seems like slipshod detective work. But, I had one of their things as a kid. You hear about the fucking chicken soup they make? Stick to the fucking toys. Dr. Weinberg: So thus began a lifelong obsession, I take it? SCP-3012: Oh yeah. Heavy into conspiracy theory shit and the occult. Magic shit. It's how I got into the chat, you know. In the end. Dr. Weinberg: SCP-3012, I've been reviewing past conversations we've had, and I've seen you mention a “sheep” a few times. I've never probed, because, well, I know you don't like that. But, before we can't speak anymore, could you tell me what you meant? SCP-3012: My grandma's guard sheep. Dr. Weinberg: You're going to have to explain this one to me. SCP-3012: She had this stuffed animal. Must've been my mom's. It was old. A sheep, obviously. It had a pointy black triangle face. But it didn't have any eyes. It stood up on these weirdly hard little feet. And it didn't have eyes. It just stared. So she'd put it in front of places she didn't want me going to. And I guess it was for the best. My grandpa made the house in the sixties. You could fit a fucking watermelon through the spokes in the bannister. I don't think they knew about safety back then. She was a bitch, though. She always yelled at me. Always screamed at me to stay out of her backyard. She lived near a fucking forest. Always told me some bad man was gonna snatch me if I ran too far. Hit me a couple times. I loved her, though. I had to love my grandma. And, I don't know. That's what safety is to me. It's doing the mean things to make people not dead. I guess. It's not exactly the best move, but it's all I got, dorko. Dr. Weinberg: Thank you for telling me this. I admit, it's been on my mind. SCP-3012: It's cool you're so interested in my shit. But yeah, I'm getting tired. I think I need to go now. Doctor, I just wanna tell you, no matter what animes say, the prototype is always way shittier. Dr. Weinberg: That's fine, SCP-3012. I hope you have a comfortable evening. We will make your passing as peaceful as possible. SCP-3012: Yeah. I'm not worried. I'm persistent. Dr. Weinberg: What do you mean? SCP-3012: I'm not about to ruin the surprise, dog. Archived Document-3012: Holy Heck! How did you even find your very own Mr. Ominous by Gamers Against Weed!? What does it even mean for an entity to be discontinued? When you stop playing with a toy, does it die? Who is Dr. Wondertainment? Find them all and become Mr. Gamer! 01. Mr. Literal Serial Killer 02. Mr. Normie 03. Mr. Bernie Sanders 04. Mr. Get Anything For Free In Any Shop 20. Mr. Sex Number 21. Mr. Heavenly Virtues 22. Mr. Deadly Sins 23. Mr. Original Character 24. Mr. D.A.R.E. 25. Mrs. Gentrification 26. Ms. Mad About Video Games 27. Mr. Meme 28. Mr. Ominous (discontinued) ✔ 29. Mr. Destiny 30. Mr. Monty Python And The Holy Grail 31. Ms. Zapatista 32. Mr. Hax 33. Mr. Just Has The Tattoo 34. Mr. Top Text and Mr. Bottom Text 35. Mr. Finale ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3012" by kinchtheknifeblade, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: 3011.jpeg Name: 3011.jpeg Author: kinchtheknifeblade License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: N/A
It’s just me, and him, and he never grew old and he always loves me.  close Info X SCP-3013: An Expression of Mourning Author: Tufto, written on their original account. More of their work can be found here. Image: Can be found here, under a CC license. SCP-3013, prior to Experiment 3013-8. Item #: SCP-3013 Special Containment Procedures: Following the events of Experiment 3013-8, SCP-3013 is currently located in what was Secure Holding Facility B of Site-██. This room has been surrounded by a hermetically sealed container. On no account are any structural changes to be made to this holding facility or container, unless to reinforce the former Secure Holding Facility B. Surveillance cameras and guards are posted at intervals around this chamber. One entrance leads directly to SCP-3013’s holding chamber; this is not to be used unless some way is found to penetrate the SCP-3013-1 instance currently permeating the holding chamber. Previous Containment Procedures Previous Containment Procedures SCP-3013 is currently located in Secure Holding Facility B in Site-██. SCP-3013 is to be fitted with a painting on canvas or paper at all times. The painting currently used is a copy of Johannes Vermeer’s "The Milkmaid", although due to the eventually violent nature of the SCP-3013-1 instances which are created as a result of these procedures, the search for an alternate painting is ongoing. The SCP-3013-1 instances created as a result of these procedures are to be given a variety of tasks which approximate duties which a female Dutch servant would have performed in the mid-17th century. Armed guards are to be present at all times to prevent violent outbursts which might damage SCP-3013. Due to the inevitability of a violent outburst occurring after 14 hours, it is recommended that the current SCP-3013-1 instance be terminated every 12 hours. Description: SCP-3013 is a wooden picture frame, which will alter its size, shape and style to accommodate any painted canvas or paper inserted into it. Once a painting is inserted into it, SCP-3013-1 instances will begin to manifest in the surrounding area. SCP-3013-1 instances are usually objects, people or alterations to the landscape which resemble features of the painting inserted into SCP-3013. The nature of these SCP-3013-1 instances changes depending on the painting in question. In a portrait-painting, or a picture dominated by human or animal figures, SCP-3013-1 instance will usually resemble the human or animal figures present in the painting. Such SCP-3013-1 instances will ordinarily be sapient, and will possess personality traits related to the subjects of the painting or the nature of their composition. If a painting with a lesser focus on human or animal figures is placed in SCP-3013, such as a landscape painting or an abstract piece, then SCP-3013-1 instances will often instead be an alteration of the physical environment around SCP-3013. Further details can be found in the experiment log below. Should SCP-3013 not have a painting within it, then an SCP-3013-2 event will occur. This consists of gradual damage affecting the landscape surrounding SCP-3013, usually via noticeable subsidence in the surrounding area, in addition to cracks and fault lines appearing over the course of several hours in the landscape and any structures close to SCP-3013. Although SCP-3013 is not indestructible, attempts to harm it simply result in extremely fast-acting and intense SCP-3013-2 events. SCP-3013 was first discovered by the Foundation in 20██, in the ruins of ██████████ Hall, a country manor in Norfolk, England. It is believed that a recent burglary had seen the painting currently in SCP-3013 removed, prompting the activation of an SCP-3013-2 event, resulting in the destruction of ██████████ Hall and several earthquakes registering above 8 on the Richter Scale. ██████████ Hall had been abandoned since 197█, when its previous occupant, Annabel Stone, had died. Mrs. Stone had been a prominent local artist, but had reportedly become a social recluse several months after her husband’s death in 193█, and had rarely ventured out of her home thereafter. The house was considered to be haunted by the local inhabitants after her death, with attempts to enter the property ordinarily resulting in considerable emotional distress to the intruders. Due to the events of Experiment 3013-8, SCP-3013 is currently unreachable, due to an SCP-3013-1 instance permeating its current containment chamber. It is currently believed that should the current containment procedures limiting the present SCP-3013-1 instance to its current parameters be destroyed, an XK-class end-of-the-world scenario could be possible. As the present SCP-3013-1 instance appears to be limited by the boundaries of the room it was contained in, despite a lack of clear physical impediments. It is thus believed that SCP-3013’s effects are currently tied to the conceptual space of the room rather than any physical barriers. Experiment Log 3013 Experiment Log 3013 Experiment 3013-1 Subject: A copy of Rembrandt van Rijn’s “Self Portrait with Beret and Turned-Up Collar”, originally dated to 1659. This picture was considered a viable candidate for containment, as the depiction is relatively straightforward and lacks any complicating elements. Effect Observed: An SCP-3013-1 instance, resembling the figure portrayed in the painting, manifested a few feet away from SCP-3013. The figure began speaking in a dialect of 17th century Dutch, speaking about how it “existed twice”, and that his presence was a “destruction of the self”. After several minutes, the figure became violent, attacking the facility’s guards and demanding that he “was made whole again”. The SCP-3013-1 instance was immediately terminated, and the picture in SCP-3013 removed and replaced. Notes: It is believed that the reaction of the SCP-3013-1 instance was due to the use of a self-portrait. It is recommended that self-portraits should not be used again, due to the distress caused to the SCP-3013-1 instance here. Experiment 3013-2 Subject: A copy of Johannes Vermeer’s “The Milkmaid”. This picture was considered a viable candidate, in the belief that the woman portrayed would not be violent and would pose little threat to any Foundation personnel. Effect Observed: An SCP-3013-1 instance, resembling the figure portrayed in the painting, manifested a few feet away from SCP-3013. The figure began speaking in a dialect of 17th century Dutch, requesting a task to perform. When Foundation personnel were unable to provide it with a suitable task, the SCP-3013-1 instance exhibited extreme emotional distress for several minutes, begging to be given a task before attempting to attack SCP-3013. The SCP-3013-1 instance was immediately terminated and the painting removed. Notes: Subsequent tests were performed using this painting. In these, SCP-3013-1 instances have been given tasks superficially resembling the duties of a 17th century Dutch servant to a middle-class household. The instances perform these tasks constantly, despite physical and emotional fatigue, and become distressed if no task is given to perform. Possibly due to the fatigue, the instances will always become violent after approximately 14 hours, at which point they are terminated. Another instance will manifest shortly afterwards. These SCP-3013-1 instances are usually non-verbal, expressing little co-operation with Foundation questioning; however, when asked on one occasion why they feel the need to perform these tasks, an SCP-3013-1 instance responded, stating that “I’ve been serving on paper for far longer than I ever did in life. It’s all I know”. Due to the relatively low resource cost of this test, it is been incorporated into the containment procedures for SCP-3013 until a suitable replacement is found. Experiment 3013-3 Subject: A copy of the 16th century Persian miniature “The Court of Gayumars”, drawn by the Safavid miniaturist Sultan Muhammad. This picture was initially part of the famous “Tahmasp Shahname”. This painting was used to examine the effects of a radically different style of painting, wherein the painting was conceived of as an extension of textual decoration rather than as an independent work. Effect Observed: An SCP-3013-1 manifestations resembling the painting’s depiction of Gayumars immediately manifested, screaming the phrase “Where are my brothers?” over and over again at a high volume. After 30 seconds, several SCP-3013-1 manifestations resembling the animals in the painting manifested and immediately began to attack Foundation personnel. The painting was swiftly removed, causing the instances to disappear. Notes: It is believed that, as the page was originally designed to illustrate a volume alongside many other pictures, its existence as a painting removed from context caused a high degree of panic and stress in the SCP-3013-1 instances. It is recommended that all future paintings used are to be independent works of art, with a meaning that is not dependent on its position within a larger whole. Experiment 3013-4 Subject: A drawing of the Project Lead, Dr. F██████ and her husband Dr. R█████, created by their young child I███████ R█████. The child had attempted to draw an accurate representation of its parents, but had deemed its drawing a failure. This experiment was performed to ascertain the effects on SCP-3013 wherein the intended result was not achieved. Effect Observed: Two SCP-3013-1 instances resembling the figures in the drawing manifested. These instances were observed to constantly sob and scream, begging to be killed because of their “failure”. Shortly afterwards, they attempted to attack SCP-3013, stating that they “needed to be unreal again.” The instances were swiftly terminated and the painting removed from SCP-3013-1. Notes: By order of Dr. F██████, no drawings by children are to be used with SCP-3013 again. Experiment 3013-5 Subject: A copy of the painting “View of Haarlem with Bleaching Fields” by the 17th century Dutch painter Jacob van Ruisdael. This experiment was conducted to ascertain the effects a landscape painting would have on SCP-3013. Effect Observed: SCP-3013-1 instances resembling grass and trees rapidly began growing from the floor of the containment facility, and attempted to restrain and strangle Foundation personnel present. SCP-3013 was swiftly removed, causing the disappearance of the SCP-3013-1 instances. Foundation personnel present have insisted that they could hear the words “You do not belong here” and “you are not Arcadian” being whispered to them, but audio logs reveal no such sounds. Notes: This highly unexpected result, which lacks a clear explanation, has prompted further testing of landscape paintings with SCP-3013, especially those drawn in a non-European tradition. Experiment 3013-6 Subject: A copy of the painting “Pine Trees” by the 16th century Japanese artist Hasegawa Tohaku. After the results of Experiment SCP-3013-5, a desire to examine further landscape paintings is ongoing. Effect Observed: The containment facility containing SCP-3013 abruptly disappeared, along with all of its contents. Video and audio links were abruptly cut. After 893 minutes, the containment facility and its contents abruptly returned. All Foundation personnel were unharmed but extremely shaken. They claim that the containment facility and its contents were transported to hilly landscape stretching indefinitely in all directions, with pine trees being the only other features in the landscape. Immediate amnesia, alongside an extreme feeling of panic, prevented them from removing the painting for several hours, until Agent R██, in a fit of panic, accidentally ripped the painting in two while “flailing in a mad panic”, causing the reversal of the effects of SCP-3013. Notes: By order of Dr. ██████, experimentation with landscape paintings and SCP-3013 is suspended until further notice. Experiment 3013-7 Subject: A copy of Georges Bracques’ “Violin and Candlestick”. This was to determine the effects of a manifestly non-realist style, in this case Cubism, on SCP-3013. Effect Observed: The containment facility and its contents began to exhibit severe physical anomalies, with the abrupt deconstruction of several objects and the walls. The painting was swiftly removed from SCP-3013. A total of 8 Foundation personnel expired as a result of this experiment. Notes: Following this experiment, Dr. F██████ was removed as project lead, and replaced by Dr. ████. It was believed that due to Dr. ████’s capable and straightforward handling of the termination of SCPs ████, ███ and ████ he would provide a more mainstream and rational testing approach. Experiment 3013-8 Subject: A copy of Mark Rothko’s “Untitled (Black on Grey)”. It was believed by Dr. ████ that this would have a negating effect on SCP-3013’s anomalous properties, owing to the artist’s statement that the painting’s meaning was concerned with death. Effect Observed: The containment facility was abruptly filled with an SCP-3013-1 instance. This instance appears to be an absence of all matter. The instance is incapable of absorbing or reflecting light, with observers ordinarily providing no other descriptor than "darkness", although some respond by calling it "death" instead. The status of all objects and people within the holding facility at the time of this SCP-3013-1 instance's manifestation- including SCP-3013 and 12 Foundation personnel- is presently unknown. Attempts to penetrate this instance by objects and personnel have simply resulted in them being sucked into the instance. Notes: Due to the unexpected results of this experiment, SCP-3013 is currently unreachable. The containment procedures have been updated accordingly. The current SCP-3013 instance appears to possess some form of anti-memetic effect; it is believed that a total of ██ Foundation personnel were sent into the current SCP-3013-1 instance to retrieve SCP-3013, before an investigation by [REDACTED] determined that Foundation personnel were systematically forgetting the existence of any personnel being sent into the containment facility. Addendum SCP-3013-1: On 27/12/20██, a stolen painting and a letter were discovered by the Dutch police during a raid on an illegal art auction in Amsterdam. Foundation agents embedded within the Dutch police recognised its relevance to SCP-3013 and transferred both to Foundation control, issuing amnestics to all known to be involved. The painting is an oil-on-canvas work of considerable skill, dated to the mid-1930s and depicting a middle-aged man believed to be Elijah Stone, the husband of Annabel Stone. The letter was also dated to the mid-1930s. It is believed to have been intended for a friend of Ms. Stone’s, Maud Lancaster, but was unfinished and apparently never sent. The letter reads as follows: My Dearest Maud, It was delightful to see you last week! The children are growing up so fast now; I could hardly recognise them. I must thank you for your recipe for those jam tartlets- I might cook them for the church fundraiser next month. Your new house is so lovely- that little London flat of Jack’s always seemed to be far too dark and squalid for you. I do appreciate your attempts to lift my spirits after Elijah’s passing, but there really is no need. It has been almost a year now, and I am doing quite fine on my own. My paintings are selling well recently, and a fellow from London recently bought that picture of my niece Harry for a tidy little sum. I do miss him dreadfully, but I’m beginning to piece things back together again. Reverend Jacobs has been most helpful, and always provides a kind shoulder to lean on. I think he might be a little sweet on me- he is an awfully handsome fellow, and it doesn’t do for someone in his line of work to be unmarried at his age. By the way, I know that you’re interested in spiritualists and mediums, so I thought this little story might amuse you. There’s a medium in the village, who I think I’ve mentioned before- “Madam Quentin”, she calls herself. I think it’s all frightful nonsense, personally, but it does provide me with some amusement in the evenings- watching all the locals get in a tizzy over some great-aunt they never cared about any way is rather fun. Anyway, there was a chap from America there, a doctor of some kind, who knew Elijah! Said that he knew him from his work in London- they’d often met up at the Belgrade, apparently. He gave me the most marvellous wooden frame- it's in a delightful shade, and with a lovely pattern carved into it. And I must tell you, Maud- he seemed at first like a perfectly charming and amiable young gentleman, but once he had given me the frame, he leaned in and said the strangest things. His voice was so cold and chilling that I’ve remembered every word: “This object is an expression of mourning, for your husband and my old friend. I shall tell you now that it must only be used for that. If it is not, then all the feeling, all the genius and all the grief poured into its construction will be misused. It’ll start directing the energies of other ideas, thoughts that it was not supposed to touch. So only use it for a painting of beloved Elijah, my dear. If you don’t, then the madness and darkness of a passion frustrated will run vengeful and free, until that feeling is all that's left.” And then, he quite abruptly left, before I was able to ask him what on earth he meant! It was all very mysterious, and the whole thing left me feeling a little shaken. I’m not sure that he was quite right in the head. But the frame is such a lovely piece of craftsmanship, all the same. I think it’s the perfect fit for that picture I painted of him a month before his passing. At this point, there is a break of several lines, before the text resumes. The hand appears to be the same, but with a far shakier grasp on the pen, believed to be due to advanced age. It is believed that this portion of the letter was written several decades after the first. I don’t remember this letter. I must have just forgotten about it, what with all the excitement of the day. I should have finished it, I suppose. I was rude not to. But I can’t pretend I really care. You’re long dead now, Maud. I don’t think I ever saw you again after this. I couldn’t see the point. I didn’t have to try any more. I didn’t have to be brave, I didn’t have to pretend to be happy, I didn’t have to be lonely in a crowd any more. I didn’t have to try. It’s just me, and him, and he never grew old and he always loves me. With love, Annie. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3013" by Tufto, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: milkmaid Name: Rijksmuseum 1885 - The Gallery of Honour (1st Floor) - The Milkmaid 1657-58 by Johannes Vermeer.jpg Author: Txllxt TxllxT License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Wikimedia
Item #: SCP-3014 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3014 is to be stored in a 8 meter by 8 meter by 5 meter containment cell at Site-15. SCP-3014 is to be given access to controlled WiFi content for 3 hours a day. At least 4 Level 4 Foundation IT specialists are to control the exact contents of the data packets sent to SCP-3014. Any information packets being sent to SCP-3014 are to be analyzed for any information that is important and could cause issues if lost. Every week, SCP-3014 is to interviewed to re-gain potential lost information. In the event that SCP-3014 does not receive proper information, all forms of internet access within 100 meters of SCP-3014 and its cell are to be destroyed. The content to be given to SCP-3014 is to be automatically generated fictional stories generated by AI sources. Stories are to not contain any important information relating to science, history, culture, or any other well-known concept in case an antimemetic event occurs. As of Incident 3014-3, At least 2 guards armed with light explosive weaponry are to remain near SCP-3014 and its cell at all times. Personnel are not to be allowed to communicate with SCP-3014 unless given permission by the current lead researcher on duty for SCP-3014. Bimonthly, SCP-3014 is to be given a psychological evaluation by the current lead researcher of SCP-3014. Any requests for extra equipment capable of sending or receiving signals is to be denied without review. The use of SCP-3014 to contain digital anomalies, specifically memetic, is under consideration. Description: SCP-3014 is a sapient hexapod robotic construct of unknown origin. The entity’s body is segmented into 3 separate spherical pieces, each roughly with a diameter of 0.5 meters and two legs that are approximately 2 meters long at full extension. The entity possesses a rear antenna of a design beyond current understanding. It appears similar to human designs, however near the tip of the antenna is a large crystal of unknown composition that seems to be fractured in half. Sampling proves the crystals structure to be similar to that of diamond. According to SCP-3014, it is broken, and previously could broadcast information faster than light, but this has not been confirmed. Analysis of the antenna for replication for Foundation use is being considered. SCP-3014 was recovered after several hundred residents of ████████, UK reported weak internet connection. When civilian internet service providers investigated, they discovered SCP-3014. Foundation Agents in the area took over, and discovered SCP-3014 was attempting to construct a form of communication array but was lacking the needed tools and parts. The entity was forcefully contained. Damage and internet outages were later blamed on a severe storm, and amnestics were properly distributed. The frontmost segment of SCP-3014 is considered the head of the entity. Sticking out of the head is a small square screen about 1 meter long. The entity uses this to communicate. SCP-3014 is composed of an unknown material. Due to the extreme strength and density of the material, sampling and internal imaging has proven difficult. The tests that have been performed show similarities to carbon nanotubes, although of a much more advanced design. SCP-3014 appears to take in information that is in the form of wireless internet networking. SCP-3014 claims that it "consumes" this data. The entity requires roughly 500 megabytes of data per 24 hours to preserve normal function. The information that SCP-3014 consumes is memorized and permanently stored. SCP-3014 has learned, from internet access, human language and grammar to a high degree. However, the entity prefers to type in short incomplete sentences because, according to the entity, it is more comfortable to speak as it is similar to its original language. Upon consumption of data, there is an estimated 56% chance that the data gains temporary antimemetic properties. SCP-3014 claims that this is "digestion problems." The majority of sapient beings who know the content (being video, audio, text or otherwise) begin to forget it and suffer extreme difficulty trying to remember the data if shown again. In rare cases, digitally stored versions of this content will be completely deleted or expunged. This effect will last anytime from 16 hours to ██ months. In emergency situations, SCP-3014 can consume stored content. If this occurs, the antimemetic effects are permanent, and extend to SCP-3014 itself. The content of the data that SCP-3014 has consumed is relevant. SCP-3014 claims that data that reveals more important or interesting information is more "tasty" and that uninteresting data is "bland and tasteless." SCP-3014 refuses to consume data that is a repeat of previous information or very similar to previous information, claiming it to be "disgusting." If SCP-3014 does not receive its required information, it may begin to attempt to forcefully consume information, breaking through information firewalls with relative ease. When this occurs, the rate of antimemetic events increases to 90%, as well as the duration appearing unlimited. It is unknown if this has ever occurred, or if [REDACTED]. Additional effects of this are unknown due to information loss. If the entity has not been fed for an extended amount of time, information that SCP-3014 has consumed may begin to re-appear. However, this information will still be antimemetic. In addition, data stored near this antimemetic information may also begin to take on antimemetic qualities, which can spread. This can be solved by deleting the information, but this can prove difficult due to the nature of antimemetics. Document 3014-1: List of requests from SCP-3014 + Show Document 3014-1 - Hide Document The following is a incomplete list of requests that SCP-3014 has asked for. Request Response "faster internet?" Granted "my friends?" Denied - Identity of "friends" is unknown. "fix antenna?" Denied - Beyond technological capabilities, as well as potentially being a security risk "human friend?" Granted "my friends please?" Denied "wake friends up" Meaning unknown Various pieces of radio, wifi, and communication equipment Denied Document 3014-2: Interview 3014-68 + Show Document 3014-2 - Hide Document Interviewed: SCP-3014 Interviewer: SCP-3014 Lead Researcher Dr. █████ Foreword: This is the first interview in which the entity reported being depressed. <Begin Log> Dr. █████: Greetings SCP-3014, how are you feeling? SCP-3014: sad. Dr. █████: <pause> And why is that? SCP-3014: friends gone. Dr. █████: Who are your friends? Where are they? SCP-3014: one changes worlds. one fights. one builds. i speak to father. so many others. together so long. through space. not for here. somewhere else. Dr. █████: <pause> This is the first time you've divulged this information to us, SCP-3014. What- SCP-3014: father went away. maybe dead. friends gone. we landed here. separated. i knew where. but i was so hungry… <SCP-3014 begins to curl> <End Log> Closing Statement: SCP-3014 refused to speak for the next 3 interview sessions. SCP-3014 requested data involving communication equipment, which was denied. Document 3014-3: Incident 3014-3 + Show Document 3014-3 - Hide Document On ██/██/20██, a containment breach occurred at Site-██, where SCP-3014 was temporarily being contained while being transported. SCP-3014 was compliant with Foundation personnel and remained in its cell. However, a power outage occurred and due to wreckage the wing of the site in which SCP-3014 was contained was isolated for 12 days. After 3 days, SCP-3014 became less friendly and began to act agitated despite not losing any apparent function. After 5 days of not being fed, SCP-3014 began to make threats of physical harm towards Foundation personnel. After 8 days, SCP-3014 began emitting an unknown extremely radioactive material and physically attacking Foundation personnel. [REDACTED] Remaining security cameras show SCP-3014 attempting to use the debris to construct a long range communication system from stored information. SCP-3014 was contained before it could complete, but modified computer terminals show the message the SCP-3014 was attempting to broadcast. It contained fragments of SCP-3014's language. Also connected were the exact coordinates of several Foundation facilities. my friends. [unintelligible] i miss you. its been so long. [unintelligible] [unintelligible] the fathers. they won't come. so many sleeping. wake up. please. wherever you are. [unintelligible] meet with me. together. SCP-3014 is to be reclassified from Safe to Euclid. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3014" by LivvyLuna, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3015 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3015 is kept in an anomalous item cell at Site-88. Only authorized Mobile Task Forces and other authorized personnel are allowed to use the activation phrase in a 20m radius around SCP-3015. The building where SCP-3015 leads to, temporarily deemed Site-2161, is to be checked whenever any new, sizable information about GoI-5869 ("Gamers Against Weed") is obtained. Mobile Task Forces and other personnel are instructed to apprehend and interview any members, anomalies, and/or information related to Gamers Against Weed. Description: SCP-3015 is a non-sentient humanoid construct that does not match any known individual from missing person databases. It is not capable of movement, sound, or automation until its activation phrase is spoken in a 20m radius around it. A handwritten document, Document 3015-E, can be found in the right jeans pocket of SCP-3015, consistent with other Gamers Against Weed anomalies of a similar nature. When the activation phrase, "Feel the burn"2, is spoken in a 20m radius around SCP-3015, it will turn so that its back is facing the speaker, then bend over and pull its buttocks apart to reveal an extradimensional portal that leads to an abandoned safehouse located in Springfield, Massachusetts. Only one person is able to go through SCP-3015 at a time. More than one person attempting to go through at once has resulted in moderate injury including, but not limited to; circulation injuries, pressure bruises, temporal dislocation, and hairline fractures. Addendum: Documents 3015-A through D were recovered from a desktop left at the safehouse. Most programs and documentation are presumed to have been erased. All documentation is most likely written by PoI-6877 ("jockjamsvol6"). For a full list of information recovered, see GoI-5869 ("Gamers Against Weed") Recovered Documentation. Document 3015-A: Yeah kkrule, I know; Dahlia told me about it. And no, of course it's not a Mister. That would be wild as fuck, but no. I didn't it find it too funny anyhow. I'm almost never on at the same time as you but if I were, I would have probably told you it sucked, but that's only because I'm bitter you did Bernie first. I guess I'm just a bit ticked you know. But it's fine, no reason why I just can't finish Bernie anyway. Find a soul and everything for this sexy fucking dude. I wanted to make this dude have others disappear up their own asses, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that's actually kinda fucked. So what am I even supposed to do? I got an old man who's a stud with nothing occupying his actual being. It's just standing here all weird. Whatever. [Why am I even writing you a PM when I don't even know you? You're not really a buddy, just some memester, so fuck me I guess.]3 So basically; no, I'm not sending you him, but I'll show him off in the chat. Document 3015-B: Hey Jude. I know we were talking about that idea for Bernie, and I'm ditching that whole "people go up their own asses" thing. What if people go up his ass instead? That's way funnier and still gross but at least no one's getting hurt, I guess? I still need your help with that, if you're able to swing it. I'm still sort of annoyed that I can't come up with anything else for this. Fuck me, did kkrule just take my goddamn ideas too while he was at it? Even his name is just pissing me off every time I see him brought up in chat. It's definitely an irrational thing, which is 100% why I'm wallowing in it. Considering just letting Mr. Bernie Sanders be without some dude's soul. It's funnier that way, actually. Imagine this for me; you say the thing, and he turns around. Then he just opens up his asshole and reveals a location to Bumfucknowhere, Tolerant Left State. FUCK DUDE. The epitome of comedy. Gog. (Another finely-aged, impeccable meme.) I think this is gonna be my only involvement with the whole Misters joke when we finish it up anyway. "Haha, what if we made our own Misters?" I, JJ, definitely said out loud to myself, all smarmy. It was a good joke and a good list that is objectively the funniest thing on Earth. "Now let's go make these Misters!" everyone else said, and I just lost the plot of the joke. It's not really funny when we do the thing that we railed on another group for doing the thing for. "But it's fine, I'll do Bernie" I said, innuendo fully intended. And then. Shit. I don't hate kkrule even, I just sort of hate myself for not thinking of it first? Whatever, you don't need to listen to me dump shit on you. Here's a picture of good old Bernie; I think I'm done toying around with his look. A car drove by, and they probably thought this dude standing perfectly still was my dad. No one else drove by at least, because almost no one else bothers to drive down this road. I'll be so fucking happy to move out of here, you have no idea. At least it's not Rich White Guy Asshole Island Martha's Vineyard. I got the house by the way, just in case. How lucky was I? Same as usual. It was perfect timing, also as usual, as I got word from some friends (and this is just a rumor, but you know how rumors are) that the jailers might be raiding someone soon, probably you.4 So I'd advise being prepared to bolt if things go to shit. Cim will set you up; he's moving stuff in right now as we speak. I'll be moving soon, I think. I grew up in this place most of all my life, and I'm sick of it. Time to be a loner elsewhere. Might not be on chat for a few days; I'll probably chill in the Library until L_G is able to clear enough of her place out for me to chill while I find a new place. Need to lay low anyway. The sooner I get out of here, the better. Bernie can be my last connection to this town. Hasta la vista, assholes. Document 3015-C: P.S. Here's your early birthday present. Not mine, but it's the sentiment that counts. hear is the lick Document 3015-D: So the safehouse is mostly cleaned out. I sent you Bernie, and now I'm gonna drop out for a bit in case the jailers somehow manage to find it first and see I sent it. It's cool; they won't know I sent it to you. For real though, I want you to imagine some poor Foundation guy testing to see how many ways he can climb up an asshole while his asshole friend goes off solving world crime and magic mysteries. I know you literally, for real, absolutely, 9001% never smile, which is also the reason why I'm sending you him. So you can imagine that happening and crack one. I think you'd dig the Library though; that sort of magic shit is right up your alley. I'm just there because it's convenient. And books too, I guess? When we meet up again I'll let you know how to join the magic club. While I'm typing out this shit and sending you a PM instead of just, you know, calling you, I should bitch a bit. Sometimes you feel like you don't quite fit into a group, you know? It's fucked, and I know this is to reorient myself and be chill and fine, the cool-ass dude in the group, but something's fucked with me that I'm not having as much fun with everyone. I thrive on that online social interaction but I didn't even get online all of yesterday. I consider uninstalling everything and just being a hermit; knowing how the Wise Karmic Gods That Rule Over The Entire Universe work, that'd work out wonderfully for me, which is why I don't do it. Fuck, too bare too quickly. Pulling out. Let me know what goes on in chat. If anyone asks, I'm a Juggalo monk now. See you when your house is clear, gaylord. Document 3015-E: Holy Heck! Here's the joke; Mr. Bernie Sanders by Gamers Against Weed! We already did the other Bernie thing, so fuck it, here you go. If you're gonna barge in there anyway, you might as well just not make a mess. Who is Dr. Wondertainment? Find them all and become Mr. Gamer! 01. Mr. Literal Serial Killer 02. Mr. Normie 03. Mr. Bernie Sanders (✔??) 04. Mr. Get Anything For Free In Any Shop 20. Mr. Sex Number 21. Mr. Heavenly Virtues 22. Mr. Deadly Sins 23. Mr. Original Character 24. Mr. D.A.R.E. 25. Mrs. Gentrification 26. Ms. Mad About Video Games 27. Mr. Meme 28. Mr. Ominous (discontinued) 29. Mr. Destiny 30. Mr. Monty Python And The Holy Grail 31. Ms. Zapatista 32. Mr. Hax 33. Mr. Just Has The Tattoo 34. Mr. Top Text and Mr. Bottom Text 35. Mr. Finale Document 3015-F: Video transcript recovered 02/12/17. Video titled goddamnyouvine.avi. 0:00: [Shot of an open field, location unknown. Speaker hidden behind camera, presumably a cell phone recording. Speaker coughs and talks in a subdued voice.] Let's test this one, boys. Ahem. 0:03: "Feel the burn." 0:04: [Speaker is instantly transported to the safehouse.] Nice, now L_G gets to see his ass. 0:06: [Speaker's voice is raised with excitement, though still at the same volume.] Just my luck. Footnotes 1. Currently, only AO-███, AO-███, and SCP-████ are contained there due to their anomalous properties. 2. Some similar phrases, such as "It's time to feel the burn" and "I feel the burn" also work, but not all phrases that contain it work, such as "You feel the burn" or "Let's feel the burn". 3. This was not included in the original message sent, as shown by the document's revision history. 4. While the exact date of this document is uncertain, the Foundation raided PoI-6870 ("bluntfiend")'s apartment two months prior on 02/12/17. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3015" by Decibelles, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.