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Item #: SCP-3116 Special Containment Procedures: Web Crawler LOGOUT-3F-3116 is set to search the internet for references to SCP-3116's primary anomalous property, as well as reports of hallucinations or somnambulism consistent with SCP-3116-A. Personnel will then isolate the affected accounts, determine all senders and recipients of SCP-3116 to/from that account, and then amnesticize the account operator(s) as necessary. Servers of affected internet services, as well as all computers that may contain SCP-3116, should be searched manually for SCP-3116; SCP-3116 should then be deleted. A transcription of SCP-3116 itself is attached to this document and can be accessed by personnel with clearance 3/3116 [INSUFFICIENT CLEARANCE] or higher. In emergency situations, MTF Omicron-12 ("Nine-Tailed Dox") is authorized to use SCP-2726 to temporarily disable hostile actors operating over the internet. In these situations, SCP-3116 should be accompanied by an appropriate antimeme to prevent further spread of SCP-3116. Description: SCP-3116 is a seventy-character alphanumeric string with no apparent linguistic content. When sent as a private/direct message to an account on an internet service, the recipient will be forcibly logged out and their connection to the service in question terminated. Any individuals actively monitoring this event will experience a myoclonic jerk1 and the brief sensation of falling as it occurs. No unusual physical or psychological changes have been observed in individuals who receive SCP-3116. Repeated manual transmission of SCP-3116 can cause a condition (designated SCP-3116-A) in some subjects, characterized by chronic somnambulism and occasional hallucinations. During the REM phase of sleep, individuals subject to SCP-3116-A will attempt to access one or more internet services that they regularly use2 and operate them as normal. While subjects display limited awareness of content they access during this state, their ability to interpret and respond to this content in a 'normal' fashion is greatly diminished, resulting in unusual behavior. Those subject to SCP-3116-A will, at a rate of about once per day, visually and aurally hallucinate textually described events as occurring to them or in their immediate vicinity.3 These hallucinations last for 5-30 seconds and are distinguishable from reality only by contextual information, typically their sudden occurrence and non-sequitur nature. While no treatment for SCP-3116-A has been identified, symptoms wear off after 2-3 weeks so long as the subject does not transmit SCP-3116. Even a single SCP-3116 transmission can cause an immediate relapse in previously cured subjects. All tested search algorithms ignore SCP-3116's presence, negating attempts to automatically detect it or prevent its spread. Recovery: SCP-3116 was first found circulating the internet in June of 2016, by which point an estimated 8,500 accounts had either sent or received SCP-3116. Initial containment efforts were hindered by SCP-3116's immunity to automated identification and removal, mandating manual identification, interviewing, and amnesticization of all affected subjects; consequently, the population affected by SCP-3116 expanded by an additional ~2,500 individuals before growth could be halted. Due to similarities between SCP-3116's 'invisibility' to search algorithms and that exhibited by SCP-2726, a connection to Gamers Against Weed was hypothesized early on, and was used to guide early-stage searches for affected subjects. While this link has not been proven conclusively, chat logs uploaded anonymously to a file-sharing site on 2016-09-15 suggest that it was originally produced by the user "gaycopmp4" and distributed among members of the group. The aforementioned documents are reproduced below, with additional formatting applied for readability. Note that the veracity of these documents cannot be verified, and they may or may not contain factual information. gaycopmp4: hey vro check this out gaycopmp4: [SCP-3116 REMOVED] CommunismAnarchismNihilism logged out. gaycopmp4: success CommunismAnarchismNihilism logged in. CommunismAnarchismNihilism: what the fuck gaycopmp4: it's a thing you can send to people and make them log out gaycopmp4: happyb irthday CommunismAnarchismNihilism: oh hell yes CommunismAnarchismNihilism: tyvm gaycopmp4: i mean i maed this like 3 months ago gaycopmp4: and then forgot about it until that time you mentioned that one podcast CommunismAnarchismNihilism: hey, it's my birthday. at least let me feel special lol gaycopmp4: no gaycopmp4: also make sure not to use it for evil or anything CommunismAnarchismNihilism: loud and clear CommunismAnarchismNihilism: [SCP-3116 REMOVED] gaycopmp4 logged out. gaycopmp4 logged in. gaycopmp4: why you little gaycopmp4: [SCP-3116 REMOVED] CommunismAnarchismNihilism logged out. CommunismAnarchismNihilism logged in. CommunismAnarchismNihilism: [SCP-3116 REMOVED] gaycopmp4 logged out. gaycopmp4 logged in. gaycopmp4: [SCP-3116 REMOVED] CommunismAnarchismNihilism logged out. CommunismAnarchismNihilism logged in. CommunismAnarchismNihilism: [SCP-3116 REMOVED] gaycopmp4 logged out. gaycopmp4 logged in. gaycopmp4: [SCP-3116 REMOVED] CommunismAnarchismNihilism logged out. CommunismAnarchismNihilism logged in. [REDACTED FOR BREVITY] bones: Are you busy right now? gaycopmp4: yeah gaycopmp4: on life gaycopmp4: sorry i completely misread your message bones: You're forgiven. gaycopmp4: i am not busy bones: Several users have issued complaints regarding your forcible log-off trick. gaycopmp4: just tell them to stop sending it gaycopmp4: like seirously you have my blessing its getitng annoying bones: I did, and they claim that they're attempting to comply. gaycopmp4: what bones: Apparently, some of the repeated 'users' of the trick have been joining the chat in their sleep. bones: In addition to the expected unusual behavior, some have continued to send the trick while in this state. gaycopmp4: is that why harmpit spendt an hour last night talking about twinkies bones: No, he later attributed that to an edible. You may recall goodpostskitty logging in on Thursday evening during the 'h' debacle; that was her sleepchatting. gaycopmp4: shit i wondered why she was suddenly horny on main bones: Regardless, this has only affected members who have used the trick on multiple occasions. Some have also reported hallucinations. bones: Do you have any idea what might be happening here? gaycopmp4: hey i have no idea ok gaycopmp4: i promised not to say this but lesbian_gengar helped me with the sleep jerk thing gaycopmp4: i dont think she knewwhat i was gonna use it for cuz i wanted it to be a surprise so dont blame her too bad bones: Understood. Thanks for your help. (removed for privacy):4 thanks a fucking lot gaycopmp4: ur welcome gaycopmp4: 4 whatever it is (removed): i proposed to my girlfriend over skype while i was sleepwalking because of your stupid logout thing gaycopmp4: lol you still use skype? (removed): [SCP-3116 REMOVED] gaycopmp4 logged out. gaycopmp4 logged in. gaycopmp4: uncalledf or (removed): i had everything planned out (removed): dinner at (restaurant removed), the expensive wine and all that (removed): then we float up to the ceiling and the chandelire explodes into fireworks (removed): *chandelier (removed): and then everyone at the restaurant does a dance party gaycopmp4: fuck i forgot how weird your shit is (removed): so let me copy+paste how i ACTUALLY proposed to my girlfriend, thanks to you messing with my head (removed): "grace we have to get married or i'm gonna SHIT" gaycopmp4: HAAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHQHAhhahq (removed): fuck you gaycopmp4: THIS IS TEH BEST THEING IIVE SEEN ALAL DYA (removed): you ruined my fucking proposal gaycopmp4: maybe u shouldnt be making peole log off so much gaycopmp4: its rude (removed): this isn't exactly foreseeable or proportionate retribution, you douche (removed): it barely has anything to do with anything gaycopmp4: it makes perfect sense actually (removed): enlighten me gaycopmp4: me nad esther hashed it out yesterday gaycopmp4: its all about conservation right gaycopmp4: if someone logs off b4 they would normally that unspent logged on ness has to go somewhere gaycopmp4: thats usually tye void so no1 cares gaycopmp4: but bc the sleep twitch thing gives it an inroad to ur brain it makes you log on gaycopmp4: and youre so logged in that it makes thing s you see online look real (removed): this is stupid gaycopmp4: yeah lmao its like that sometimes (removed): are you or are you not fucking with me right now gaycopmp4: i am fucking with you right now gaycopmp4: real talki have no idea why it does that (removed): could you stop fucking around for once in your life? you owe me an apology gaycopmp4: if i dont apologize are you gonna SHIT (removed): [SCP-3116 REMOVED] gaycopmp4 logged out. and then like two days later i felt bad and apologized and tried to fix it esp once i found out it was going viral. turns out the weird shit goes away if u stop sending the message for a while. my b lmao have fun cleaning up p.s. she said yes Footnotes 1. Comparable to a hypnic jerk, save for the fact that it occurs while awake. 2. This symptom is absent in subjects who do not regularly use internet services. 3. For example, a subject reading a review of Star Wars: The Force Awakens briefly perceived themselves in the role of the character 'Kylo Ren' during a climactic lightsaber duel. 4. This censorship is present in the original documentation and was not added by the Foundation. The same applies to all further censorship in this document, except for that of SCP-3116 itself. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3116" by Communism will win, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
 close Info X SCP-3117: A Monster-Shaped Hole Author: The Great Hippo Images: Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, and Link. Title card created by me in GIMP; released to Public Domain. Inspired by Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai, or A Gathering of One Hundred Supernatural Tales. Music: Thriller (Michael Jackson (Vintage Cabaret Cover) ft. Wayne Brady) Next: [SCP-3128]: Let's Play Monopoly! More by The Great Hippo: SCPs – hide block SCPs [SCP-3034] The Counting Station DO NOT LET HER FINISH [SCP-3035] Science Bugs case_of_the_mondays.png, case_of_the_mondays (1).png [SCP-3054] Cragstaff Sanitarium You are sick. You are broken. We will fix you. [SCP-3045] bzzip.exe HAMLET: I am no longer moody. [SCP-3043] Murphy Law in… Type 3043 — FOR MURDER! Forget it, Fred. It's Chinatown. [SCP-3057] Fossil Fuels …witnesses provided confirmation that instances of SCP-3057-4 did, in fact, have feathers. [SCP-2639] Video Game Violence i need to know how many people i've killed [SCP-437] Summer of '91 That was a pretty crazy summer, y'know? Sometimes I really miss that place. [SCP-3079] 300 Tricks: Stage Magic Made Easy NOTE: No method for accomplishing this trick is provided. [SCP-2753] Let's Play Jenga! High art carries high risk! [SCP-2679] The Many Graves of Jeannette Parslov Whatever it takes, do what you must; whatever the cost, come back to us. [SCP-3074] Kafka's Parking Garage Thank you for choosing Izatova Parking Center. Have a pleasant day. [SCP-2571] Cragglewood Park Mr. Blair, have you always been an only child? [SCP-2419] The Laughing Men Throw them back into the incinerator where you found them. [SCP-3143] Murphy Law in… The Foundation Always Rings Twice! When it comes right down to it, me — them — hell, even you — we're all just characters in that trashy dime-store novel called life. [SCP-3089] That Old Time Religion Remember how we explained that successful people don't actually need any of their toes to walk? Well, that's going to come in handy for Secret Number Six. [SCP-3117] A Monster-Shaped Hole I'm not talking to you. [SCP-3128] Let's Play Monopoly! Hey, guys? I'm, uh. I'm using this. [SCP-3138] A Sepulcher by the Sea Should it prove feasible, all non-canonical corpses are to be extracted, examined, and catalogued. [SCP-3241] The SS Sommerfeld It makes me wonder what an old monster like myself is even doing here, anymore. And then? Someone special comes along and reminds me. [SCP-3219] This Sour Earth Notably, no reports describe any attempt to examine the residence's storm cellar. [SCP-4028] La Historia de Don Quixote de la Mancha Justine eventually re-unites with her sister, Juliette. Alonso strikes down a lightning bolt intended for them both, then challenges the narrator to a duel. [SCP-3546] Doggone it, I Fold! Specifically, fan-art of Sonic the Hedgehog, a video-game character produced by Sega in 1991. [SCP-3561] An Unfinished Work Despite multiple reports from neighbors who claimed to have witnessed members of his family standing at the windows, no trace of Theodore Holdstock's wife and children could be found. [SCP-4054] The Seventh Door SCP-4054 is The Seventh Door, an unlicensed platform adventure game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988. GOC photograph; context unknown. Written on back: 01/19/2005 FOUND HIDING IN CLOSET Item #: SCP-3117 Special Containment Procedures: A Foundation-operated bot (I/O-SPIRAL) is to monitor online communities for discussions regarding SCP-3117. MTF Phi-11 ("Promise-Keepers") is to investigate these discussions and make a determination for appropriate action on a case-by-case basis. Any materials confirmed to contain components of SCP-3117 are to be isolated if possible, and — if not — referred to the Foundation's Disinformation Bureau for immediate action. Subjects who have experienced SCP-3117 are to be isolated for study. MTF Iota-10 ("Damn Feds") are to continue the ongoing investigation regarding the location featured in Addendum 3117.1. Description: SCP-3117 is a recurring dream triggered via exposure to certain components. These components take the form of specific ideas, concepts, phrases, and images. While exposure to all components are required to trigger occurrences of SCP-3117, these components can be spread across multiple forms of media (including film, audio, print, and still images). Consequently, no one source is known to contain all components responsible for triggering SCP-3117. Although subjects' experiences with SCP-3117 vary, the following symptoms have been noted among those who have or will experience SCP-3117: An aversion to discussing or describing SCP-3117. Suspicion that they are receiving warnings regarding SCP-3117. A growing sense of urgency, inevitability, and/or dread. The belief that they are being watched. In approximately 1 out of 7 cases, subjects who experience SCP-3117 will go missing shortly after the dream's first occurrence. Investigations into this phenomenon are ongoing. Addendum 3117.1: Discovery In 2006, a member of the Global Occult Coalition's PSYCHE Division contacted Site-95 with the goal of transferring responsibility for containment of "UTE-2639-Pygmalion Blit" over to Foundation care. After several months of negotiation, 378 items (including several hundred documents, digital files, photographs, and one Betamax tape) were taken into Foundation custody. After an extensive clearance process by the on-duty HMCL supervisor, these items have been catalogued as part of SCP-3117's documentation. ► ACCESS SCP:/3117/goc/035.log ▼ Close File INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT 15 March 2001 SUBJECT: UTE-2639-Pygmalion Blit ASSESSMENT TEAM: 761 ("PERIWINKLE") IN ATTENDANCE 52841285/761 ("LADYBUG") 52883762/761 ("VOODOO") SUBJECT 2639-712 ("GAMMA") LADYBUG: Tell us about the dream. GAMMA: I'm in a woods, or a park, something like that. I'm walking down a path. Concrete, I think. A hiking path. There's something written on the ground. I keep going — VOODOO: What's written — GAMMA: — I keep going, and — VOODOO: What's written on the ground? GAMMA: I don't know. Something like 'she comes at night'? Some spooky shit like that. VOODOO: Alright. LADYBUG: Please, keep going. GAMMA: I walk along this path. It starts to curve to the right. I keep walking, and it keeps curving harder and harder to the right, until I realize I'm going in — it's not a circle. More like, a spiral. I'm spiraling toward something. The path is starting to slope down. LADYBUG: Why are you following this path? GAMMA: I don't know. I feel like I have to. It's like I'm on autopilot. I can't stop. VOODOO: What happens then? GAMMA: I reach the end of the path. VOODOO: And? GAMMA: There's — there's stairs. They lead down. Spiraling down, into the ground. I look down and I can't see the bottom. It's too far. LADYBUG: Keep going. GAMMA: I go down the stairs. Something's — something's watching — VOODOO: What's watching you? GAMMA: — and, it's — I don't know. Something's watching me. Something's waiting for me at the bottom. But I can't stop. I start going faster and faster, and then I reach the bottom. There's a pit. There's light coming from the pit. I look down. VOODOO: And? LADYBUG: You can tell us. It's alright. GAMMA: It — something looks back up. That's when I wake up. I wake up screaming. VOODOO: 'It'? GAMMA: I — I don't know. Can we stop? I don't like talking about this. We shouldn't be talking about this. VOODOO: Okay. Let's take a short break, okay? GAMMA: Okay. ► ACCESS SCP:/3117/goc/040.log ▼ Close File VIDEO TRANSCRIPT 17 February 2005 SUBJECT: UTE-2639-Pygmalion Blit DISCOVERY DATE: January 19, 2005 FORMAT: Standard Betamax tape LENGTH: 68 minutes, 12 seconds ADDITIONAL NOTES: Discovered by AT-761 ("PERIWINKLE") at the home of ██████████████. The tape is labeled 'HOME MOVIE - 3/8/1983'. [00:00:00] [00:00:02] Video begins. Screen displays title for 12 seconds: "THIS IS WHERE SHE APPEARS IN THE DARK OF NIGHT". [00:00:12] [00:00:16] The camera is focused on a path extending into the forest which curves to the right. Graffiti is visible at the bottom of the frame; it reads: 'THIS IS WHERE SHE APPEARS IN THE DARK OF NIGHT'. The camera begins to move forward, following the path for 3 minutes. The next 5 minutes are obscured by static. [00:08:47] [00:08:55] The static clears. The camera is focused on a stone staircase that spirals into the earth. 35 seconds pass as it focuses on the view below. The bottom cannot be seen. The camera slowly descends the staircase. [00:15:31] [00:15:50] The camera stops descending and turns up to face the entrance. Approximately 20 seconds are spent focused on the entrance. Abruptly, the camera turns back to the stairs and proceeds to rapidly descend. Heavy breathing is now audible. [00:18:12] [00:18:23] The camera's erratic movements indicate running. A brief shot of the stairway is visible; the bottom still cannot be seen. Heavy breathing continues. In addition, there is now a muffled rumbling sound. The next 10 minutes are obscured by static. [00:28:36] [00:28:41] The static clears. The camera is now moving significantly slower, maintaining a steady pace. A loud, rhythmic sound — reminiscent of large machines grinding — is heard. The camera pauses to briefly look down the staircase; the bottom can still not be seen. The next 30 minutes are obscured by static. [00:59:55] [00:61:17] The static clears. The camera is focused on the edge of a stone railing; beyond it, there is a pit with a bright, glowing light coming from below. The rhythmic sound of metallic grinding continues. The camera approaches the edge of the railing with caution, slowly angling down. The metallic grinding grows louder. The remaining 7 minutes are obscured by static. Addendum 3117.2: Interview As part of the agreement between the Foundation and the GOC, the Foundation was permitted to interview a former GOC operative (Jennifer Selwick) who had been part of the assessment team assigned to investigate SCP-3117. ► ACCESS SCP:/3117/interviews/103.log ▼ Close File INTERVIEW LOG DATE: 2006/09/19 INTERVIEWER: Dr. Jenner SUBJECT: Jennifer Selwick (former GOC operative) [BEGIN LOG.] JENNER: What can you tell me about SCP-3117? SUBJECT: You've got all our files on it. What do you want me to tell you? JENNER: The files don't paint the whole picture. Several of them are incomplete, and show signs of damage — SUBJECT: That's probably on account of my team destroying as much of it as we could. JENNER: What — may I ask why? Were they — SUBJECT: No. JENNER: — cognitohazardous? No? SUBJECT: No. They weren't dangerous in of themselves. Not directly. JENNER: Could you elaborate? SUBJECT: Look. UTE-2639 — JENNER: SCP-3117. SUBJECT: Right, whatever. 3117 — it isn't — it isn't whatever you think it is. There's a reason the GOC stopped looking into it and threw everything I didn't destroy over to you guys. JENNER: And why is that? SUBJECT: We've been investigating this thing for maybe ten, twenty years? And it's eaten its way through — JENNER: 'Eaten'? SUBJECT: — way through a lot of people. Some of our best. Some of our brightest, yeah. We originally thought it was some sort of entity, maybe a Type-Green or Type-Blue, but — no, it's nothing like that. It's... not even a monster, I don't think. It's just — it's just a trap. A monster-shaped hole. JENNER: I'm not sure I — SUBJECT: You try to work it out, because that's what you do when you're clever — you work things out. But with every piece you 'find', you're filling that hole up. You're reassembling a puzzle of your own creation, one you didn't even know you were solving. Until — [Silence.] JENNER: Until what? SUBJECT: Until the hole isn't a hole anymore. Until it's staring back up at you. JENNER: Are you saying SCP-3117 creates some sort of monster? SUBJECT: We think we tell each other scary stories for fun, but maybe there's another reason. I think — I think some of these stories, when we tell them — they're not meant to be thrilling. They're meant to be warnings. A warning to stop. To not open that door — to not go down the stairs. To stop watching the movie, or listening to that story, or reading that article. But you don't realize it. Not until it's too late. Not until… [Silence.] JENNER: Jennifer? [Silence.] JENNER: What's wrong? SUBJECT: It's too late. JENNER: What's too late? SUBJECT: She's found you. I'm sorry. She's found you. JENNER: I don't — what? SUBJECT: Don't think about it. Don't talk about it. Don't try to figure it out. When the dreams start to come, ignore them. Don't tell anyone. And whatever you do, don't look down. Don't look into the pit. She's found you, and if you keep trying to look, if you keep trying to solve this, she's going to — JENNER: Stop. Please, I don't understand what you're — SUBJECT: I'm not talking to you. [END LOG.]
SCP-3118: Lunch Gun Literally cannot believe people put up with my bullshit sometimes. ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item #: SCP-3118 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3118 is to be kept in a standard small Safe-class secure storage locker at Site-22. SCP-3118 is to be kept unloaded and with a standard trigger lock when not being tested. After testing, SCP-3118 should be examined for wear, with maintenance performed as necessary. All testing with SCP-3118 is currently suspended. Description: SCP-3118 is a Beretta M9 pistol. Its anomalous effects activate only when it is used to fire a bullet at the cranium of a human being. Using the object to fire a bullet into other parts of the body will result in standard gun-inflicted trauma and not activate its effects unless the bullet also passes through any portion of the cranium. A bullet fired in this way will dematerialize upon contact with the cranium, and instead of an exit wound and ejecta, SCP-3118-1 will emerge from the far side of the cranium along the bullet's path. SCP-3118-1 is an exact recreation of something the subject has eaten for lunch at some point in their life, including containers and utensils used to consume the meal. Food items consumed in part will manifest as they would have been served to the subject. Only meals eaten between 11 AM and 3 PM local time will be recreated this way. The more SCP-3118 is used on a subject, the further back in their life an SCP-3118-1 instance can potentially be drawn from. Items comprising SCP-3118-1 are not themselves anomalous; comparison of cookware to identifiable items has shown that SCP-3118-1 is a perfect replica of the original meal. SCP-3118-1 will manifest at velocity from the cranium, then alight on the nearest horizontal surface along the trajectory of the exit wound that has surface area available to hold all food items and containers. This sometimes results in the displacement of other objects previously located on the surface, but never in spills or upset of items created. Flooring will be used if there are no other surfaces in the room with the subject. Subjects undergoing the creation of SCP-3118-1 typically have a 66% survival rate, with survivors complaining of tinnitus or headache — occasionally migraine headache — as the only effects of the object. The way SCP-3118 kills individuals shot only through the cranium is currently not understood, as no bone or brain matter is disrupted in the process. Addendum: Testing Logs Test Number: Initial Discovery Date: 09/10/2015 Subject: Research Assistant Cody Kreighbaum SCP-3118-1 Description: Plastic container with reheated slice of sausage and pepperoni pizza. 1.18 L bottle B████████ brand lager beer. Four F██████ R█████ hazelnut chocolates in wrapper. Notes: After surviving the incident, RA Kreighbaum remanded himself to the Site-22 psychologist and gave up SCP-3118 for classification. Psychological profile suggests work-related stress and home trouble with his fiancé culminated in suicidal ideation. Current prognosis is positive after reassignment to Site-██ and Foundation-sponsored relationship counseling. Test Number: 1 Date: 16/10/2015 Subject: D-10331 SCP-3118-1 Description: Bowl of Foundation standard nutrition supplement with spoon. Cup of water. Notes: Standard D-Class rations. Subject survived. Test Number: 3 Date: 18/10/2015 Subject: D-10331 SCP-3118-1 Description: Bowl of chicken noodle soup with spoon. Napkin with pile of 35 cheddar cheese-flavored goldfish-shaped crackers. Glass of milk. Notes: Subject expressed delight at 'nostalgia' of meal, and posited that it was originally served when he was sick as a child. Test Number: 6 Date: 19/10/2015 Subject: D-10331 SCP-3118-1 Description: Puddle of white fluid determined to be human breast milk. Notes: Subject expired. Test Number: 12 Date: 12/01/2016 Subject: D-10187 SCP-3118-1: 233 live Monomorium ants. 145 mL of earth. Notes: Subject explained she was forced by a neighborhood bully to eat "a few handfuls of ants" at the age of 7, after which subject was discovered to have pica. Subject further elaborated that said bully was "really impressed" by her feat, and they became friends afterward. Test Number: 29 Date: 27/12/2016 Subject: D-104221 SCP-3118-1 Description: [REDACTED], 6 years old, reported missing from Klamath Falls, Oregon on 14/05/2010. Steel butcher's knife. Fork. Notes: Subject was incarcerated after conviction for kidnapping and murder in three missing children cases from 2008 to 2010. Further attempts to link subject to other missing children cases, including that of [REDACTED], had been unsuccessful. SCP-3118-1 terminated after DNA test proved replication of original subject. Request to commission D-10422 for further testing denied by Site Director. Footnotes 1. Third test with this subject. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3118" by TL333s, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3119 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3119-C's toilets must be cleaned daily; its inner and exterior walls repainted once a year; and its floor kept in a good state of repair. Ongoing containment suggests that SCP-3119-C must attract in excess of 80 people each night to avoid an Event-3119-New-Yorker. Drink prices must be competitive. Speakers, sound decks and lighting rigs should be modular in design to allow for changing fashions. Any non-modular renovations will require enacting Procedure SCP-3119-Conga, and the containment team should consider designating a new property as SCP-3119-C rather than maintain the current property. SCP-3119-C should be open for a minimum of 6 hours per night, and must be open for a minimum of 35 hours per week. Destruction of an instance of SCP-3119-C is expected to cause an immediate Event-3119-New-Yorker and is forbidden. The Foundation supplies a mild psychoactive substance (currently MDMA) cut with Class B amnestics to the local hidden economy with the requirement they be sold only after 1AM, and only in the locality of SCP-3119-C, and at an attractively low price. EC-3119-A Containment Addendum: The Foundation must materially encourage local law enforcement to patrol in the area around SCP-3119-C during the sale hours of these amnestics. The Ethics Committee would remind researchers that the Foundation does not sell roofies. Description: Instances of SCP-3119 are sentient, non-corporeal, non-visible entities that subsist on the communal expression of music and dance. There are currently two known instances of SCP-3119, designated -1 and -2, both currently contained in the Pearl District of Portland. No difference in their personality or tastes have been measured to date. SCP-3119 instances are telepathic and friendly and do not leave SCP-3119-C unless encouraged. Any researchers that have completed Telepathic Containment 102 or higher are permitted to interact with SCP-3119 directly for the purposes of containment and gathering data. Instances of SCP-3119 inhabit non-anomalous dance halls or nightclubs. We denote these here by the suffix "-C" for "Club" e.g. SCP-3119-C. These instances of SCP-3119-C should be outfitted to compete with local dance halls or nightclubs, either by the Foundation or by the 'host' of Event-3119-New-Yorker (see below). SCP-3119 will leave SCP-3119-C only during occurrences of Event-3119-New-Yorker and Procedure-3119-Conga. The primary effect of SCP-3119 is to heighten the sensations and imagination of dancers, musicians and DJs during an evening of dancing. In a nightclub environment SCP-3119 will temporarily infest a single dancer who will temporarily gain a euphoric sense of heightened reality: music will appear purer; dance will feel more vital; people will usually appear to radiate storge, empathetic love. SCP-3119 will infest this dancer for around one song and then move on to another dancer. Tests with both D-Class and Research personnel have shown that SCP-3119 chooses its hosts based on only their desire and ability to dance. No verbal communication has been established with SCP-3119. If the DJ of SCP-3119-C plays a slow-paced track the infested dancer will show mild disgust; they will dance in a way consistent with a fast non-audible polyrhythm mixed into the audible music. If an area of SCP-3119-C has poor acoustics SCP-3119 will leave the infested dancer should they dance into it. The recently-infested dancer will usually express disappointment, and inform the bar staff about the poor acoustics in that area. All attempts to communicate with SCP-3119 by e.g. dancing using Morse code or semaphore flags have failed. The emotional state of SCP-3119 is available to any infested dancer. Infested dancers can remember that they were not alone in their heads. Dancers that are regular attendees of SCP-3119-C, or who have been repeatedly infested during a single night, are to be encouraged to partake of the provided psychoactive-laced Class-B amnestics in order to discredit these memories. A list of regular attendees is to be maintained by the Lead Researcher, currently Dr. Gillard. + Event-3119-NEW-YORKER -- Click For Access - Event-3119-NEW-YORKER -- Access Granted Depriving an instance of SCP-3119 of the minimum 35 hours dance and music during a 7 day period will trigger a "New Yorker" Event. The instance will split in two; each new instance will then accelerate away from SCP-3119-C. When this new instance's path intersects with a creative person it will infest them and encourage them to found a new business that becomes an instance of SCP-3119-C. This infested person is the 'host' of the New Yorker event. These new instances of SCP-3119-C are non-anomalous, and in both observed cases were not initially commercially successful. We conclude that SCP-3119 has no particular insight into the establishment of successful dance halls. We have so far recorded one Event-3119-New-Yorker. Research notes from the preceding week note that SCP-3119's emotional state was "bitter" and "impatient". Our hidden economy contacts noted an increase in the sales of Speed and Cocaine during that week. The original SCP-3119-C had seen low attendance, with most locals citing the unclean toilets as their main reason for staying away. Researchers assigned to SCP-3119 are encouraged to combine their work to improve the containment procedures with their work towards certification in Administration 101 (Self-Study) and Hospitality 101 (Self Study). We hypothesise that these 'New Yorker' events would previously have served as a last-ditch attempt to survive in uninhabited areas, or areas hostile to dancing. We hypothesise further that one or both instance might not survive this split, finding no suitable host. In modern densely populated areas potential creative hosts are pervasive, and there exists the potential for exponential growth in an uncontained population of SCP-3119. When we found the two new SCP-3119s we retraced the path they took. There were minor scorch marks on the stonework on each of the walls between the original club and the apartments of the new hosts. The scorch marks halved in size about once every two miles. If someday we start losing containment, we could dance instances of SCP-3119 into the middle of the desert. I don't think they're strong enough to make it back. — H. Gillard, Lead Researcher + Procedure-3119-CONGA -- Click For Access - Procedure-3119-CONGA -- Access Granted It is periodically necessary to renovate or relocate an instance of SCP-3119-C. During this time it is not possible to provide the dance party required to contain SCP-3119. Tests involving dancing with progressively larger numbers of partners (i.e. solo as in a nightclub, pairs as in tango, Cumberland Squares, interpretive dance ensembles) reveal SCP-3119 moves between groups rather than between dancers. For example, when dancing a Cumberland Square, SCP-3119 will move from one 'basket' (set of four dancers) to the next 'basket', rather than infest one basketer at a time. The safe movement of instances of SCP-3119 therefore requires the entire club to conga from SCP-3119-C (old) to SCP-3119-C (new). A single conga line is required so that SCP-3119 has only one group of dancers available to infest. If this is done as part of a planned relocation we encourage this to be a public event for purposes of publicity for the opening of the new SCP-3119-C. If this is done as part of an emergency response then participants in Procedure-3119-American-Smooth are expected to participate in the conga line. I want to put down in writing Hannah's dedication to the Foundation during the fire two months ago. In taking that conga line into a burning building to rescue an SCP she showed both leadership and guts. — Researcher M. Dantzler + Procedure-3119-AMERICAN-SMOOTH -- Click For Access - Procedure-3119-AMERICAN-SMOOTH -- Access Granted Attendance at instances of SCP-3119-C is highly seasonal. To mitigate low attendance that could lead to an Event-3119-New-Yorker, all Level 3+ personnel at Site 64 are invited to participate in Procedure-3119-American-Smooth. Want to learn to dance? Need to find your rhythm? Maybe just got to work off that SCP-871? Come dance with SCP-3119-1! Every Tuesday and Thursday morning we are joined by Site-64's house jazz band ("The Yard Birds") as we learn the Rumba, Viennese Waltz, Tango and Foxtrot under the tutelage of a noncorporeal dance entity! We promise to put a 'twinkle' in your toes! Participants in Procedure-3119-American-Smooth are expected to participate in Procedure-3119-Conga in the event of containment breach due to e.g. faulty plumbing or broken windows in instances of SCP-3119-C. I thought it might like having more dance available and a variety of music, so I set up these dance lessons. It woke up when it heard the instruments, jumped into my head, and then — the mental equivalent of a blank stare. Michael and I danced the Waltz for a bit, and it … I don't know. I got my mother a silver pendant last Christmas that I know for a fact she gave to her next door neighbor. Waltzing with SCP-3119-1 in my head was exactly like Christmas morning with my mother's polite smile. We're continuing the lessons anyway. — H. Gillard, Lead Researcher ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3119" by cara_donnelly, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
A device of the same model as SCP-3120. Item #: SCP-3120 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3120 is to be powered off and kept in a storage locker in the Communications Office of Site-81. One person in the administrative staff of each Foundation secure facility is to be granted Level 5/3120 clearance and briefed on the properties of SCP-3120. If the conditions outlined in Document 3120-Omicron are met, any person with Level 5/3120 clearance may broadcast a 3120-Omicron signal. Document 3120-Omicron [LEVEL 5/3120 CREDENTIAL REQUIRED] ACCESS GRANTED A 3120-Omicron signal may only be broadcast if: One or more Keter-class objects is in an active state of containment breach, AND The object(s) in question do not have relevant, clearly-defined procedures for the re-establishment of containment, AND The object(s) in question, if not immediately contained, pose a significant, immediate risk to Foundation facilities and/or more than one million (1 000 000) civilians, AND The person broadcasting the 3120-Omicron signal subjectively judges the information leaks caused by SCP-3120 to be a less significant risk than refraining from the use of SCP-3120. If the Communications Office of Site-81 receives a confirmed 3120-Omicron signal, SCP-3120 is to be powered on, and a staff member with clearance level 4 or higher is to use it as appropriate. ACCESS RESTRICTED. PLEASE ENTER LEVEL 4 CREDENTIAL. ACCESS GRANTED. After the threat indicated by the 3120-Omicron signal is neutralized, the Foundation Memetics Department is to develop an anti-meme to the information distributed by SCP-3120. If disinformation campaigns are judged to be ineffective by the time the anti-meme is completed, it is to be deployed in all media markets. In particularly time-sensitive situations for which anti-memes cannot be developed as quickly as needed, nuclear or high-yield conventional weapons may be deployed in targeted civilian population centers, only pursuant to a unanimous vote by the O5 Council and a majority vote by the Ethics Committee. Description: SCP-3120 is a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge smartphone with a silver finish and English-language interface. Its fingerprint recognition is apparently faulty, as any human can unlock the device with the print of a thumb or index finger1. Both its lock screen and wallpaper consist of a white background with centered Arial Bold text, with the lock screen reading "INFORMATION SHOULD BE FREE" and the wallpaper reading "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IS SPIRITUAL THEFT." SCP-3120 is unable to receive wi-fi signals or cell service of any kind. It has applications installed that are consistent with factory settings of a device of the same model, but only the Phone and Contacts applications can be launched. The device has only one contact saved2, under the name of "Help Desk." The telephone number saved with this contact is +1 (218) ███-████3. Attempts to call this number are always successful4, and result in the caller being connected to an entity designated SCP-3120-1. ACCESS RESTRICTED. PLEASE ENTER LEVEL 4 CREDENTIAL. ACCESS GRANTED SCP-3120-1 has a voice described as sounding like a middle-aged woman with an accent typical of the Upper Midwest. It is cooperative with any test subject and answers questions of any nature with little or no hesitation. It is believed to have access to all information in existence, including the Foundation database, as well as otherwise inaccessible information held by several groups of interest, including [REDACTED]. On four separate occasions, it has provided detailed and effective procedures for the containment of Keter-class breaches, saving an estimated 550 Foundation personnel, ███████████ civilians in at least ██ universes, and $████████ USD in Foundation financial resources. When SCP-3120-1 provides the caller with any information, it is also published within 24 hours in at least 29 known newspapers worldwide5, as well as mentioned on at least 90 known television news stations and in numerous posts by social media accounts affiliated with these organizations. Information distributed this way is also highly resistant to all amnestics; testing using amnestics of Class V or higher has proven successful in halting the spread of the information in question, but only through the erasure of the subject's faculties of language and/or extensive neurological damage. Targeted anti-memetic images, text, and audio, however, have proven effective in suppressing the information dispersed by SCP-3120. For this reason, anti-memes are given extreme preference in SCP-3120's containment procedures. SCP-3120 was surrendered to the Foundation by one Jane Doe6, who claims to be the creator of SCP-3120. See Interview Log 3120-Aleph for further information. … Interview Log 3120-Aleph [LEVEL 4 CREDENTIAL REQUIRED] ACCESS GRANTED Interviewer: S███-███ Kim, Deputy Director of Site-81 Communications (denoted here as K) Subject: Jane Doe, creator of SCP-3120 (denoted here as D) [BEGIN LOG] K: Tell me again, please. We're recording now. D: Sure. I made this thing to access information. I think secrets are a kind of theft, you know? Anyway, I started to test it out. K: And could you please describe how you made it? D: I told you, it's hard to explain. I, you know, bought this phone, and I made it get information. I think it's not really changing what it can do so much as taking away things it can't do. Does that make any sense? K: I think that's for researchers to decide. You'll be working closely with them for the foreseeable future. D: You could just ask the Help Desk how I did it, you know. That might be easier. Not as secret, though. K: [three seconds of silence] I'll pass your suggestion along. Next question: did you intend for it to publish all this information in news media? D: No. I didn't even know it was happening at first. After I got here, I looked back through some old newspapers, and I'd see shit like the mass of the sun, or how old Betty White is, or whatever, in the sports section of the New York Times or something. But I didn't know that was happening until that front page article. K: And which article was that? D: My Social Security Number. I figured, okay, the Help Desk can fetch me any information that Google can. That was the first step. But then I decided I'd try to fish for secrets, and my SSN seemed like the place to start. K: Front page news, right? D: Right. Not only was that number front page news the next day, everyone on TV was talking about it that night. I was fucking scared, dude. I called the Help Desk and asked it, you know, what the fuck? K: What did it tell you? D: It told me it was doing what I designed it to, bring secrets out into the open. And I told it "no, dumbass, I wanted to expose the fraud that the government or Wall Street or whoever is doing right now, not publish my fucking Social Security Number." K: What did it tell you? D: It told me, really politely too, that I was only saying that because it was my secrets being dug up. My Social Security Number? Like, seriously? That's not even interesting enough to be news, but hey, everyone in the world learned it anyway. K: Finally, if you'd tell me again how you found the Foundation. D: Well, I asked the Help Desk who to give the phone to, you know, to keep it safe, keep it from being misused. And it told me all about the Foundation, as well as exactly how to get to Site-81, how to get in, who to give it to, with a lot of detail, as well. All of that turned out to be right, and, well, sorry about the news stories the next day. K: I'm told you drained a lot of our resources with that stunt. That's no small feat. D: Well, I live in a cell now, and all my friends and family think I'm dead. So, you know, I got justice, if you want to call it that. [END LOG] … Interview Log 3120-Beit [LEVEL 4 CREDENTIAL REQUIRED] ACCESS GRANTED The following is a transcript of the call between S███-███ Kim (denoted here as K) and SCP-3120-1 during the breach of SCP-████ from containment on ██/██/2016. [BEGIN LOG] SCP-3120-1: Good morning, you've reached the Help Desk, what do you need to know today? K: The entity known as SCP-████ has breached containment. How can we re-establish containment with minimal casualties and drain on our resources? SCP-3120-1: Okay, just a second, please. [sounds of papers rustling on SCP-3120-1's end for 5 seconds.] SCP-3120-1: Alrighty then, I have it here. Do you have a pen and paper? K: Yes, I'm ready. SCP-3120-1: First, you'll want to make sure that the whole staff of Provisional Site-██ is blindfolded. You got that? K: I do, please continue. SCP-3120-1: Each of them should be assigned a zone around the Site, in a circle 100 meters in diameter. They should all face inwards and hold air horns. Keeping up still? K: [mumbling] …air horns. Got it. SCP-3120-1: The minute any of them hears a train whistle, they've got to blow the air horns as loud as they can, all around the circle. You get that? Everyone has to do it once they hear the first air horn. The sound ought to scare it back into its house. Betcha didn't know it was scared of loud noises, huh? K: We didn't. I'll get that added to its file. SCP-3120-1: Anything to keep reality from falling apart, right? K: Right. Thank you, I'll relay this right away. SCP-3120-1: Anything else I can do for you? K: No. Thank you for your help. SCP-3120-1: That's what I'm here for! [SCP-3120-1 ends the call.] [END LOG] Notes: SCP-████ was successfully re-contained with no casualties. Its containment procedures have been updated based on the new information provided by SCP-3120-1. An anti-meme to suppress knowledge of SCP-████ was perfected three weeks later, on ██/██/2016. By that time, disinformation campaigns were judged to be successful; the SCP-████ anti-meme was not disseminated, but is still on file. … Level 5/3120 Briefing Älveå Incident It should be noted that not every use of SCP-3120 is a success. Its file states that it has been used on four separate occasions; in reality it is believed to have been activated twenty times or more. In June of 2018, SCP-Chi-9898 breached containment at Provisional Site-Chi-98 in Älveå, the capital of Sweden. A person with Level 5/3120 clearance broadcasted a 3120-Omicron signal to attempt to re-establish containment. SCP-3120-1 informed the caller that the city of Älveå was to be destroyed, along with its population of more than one million civilians. The Foundation had received accurate information from SCP-3120-1 in the past, and therefore complied. The procedures were successful, and SCP-Chi-9898 was completely neutralized. There are no known survivors from the city of Älveå. It is believed that SCP-Chi-9898 was an object capable of causing a ZK-Class Total Reality Failure scenario, but its exact nature is unknown due to widespread use of anti-memetic agents in the months following this incident. During this time, the Foundation was widely known and reviled by the civilian population, as SCP-3120's properties revealed both the Foundation's existence and the fact that it had destroyed Älveå. It is assumed that the SCP object classification system was also heavily altered after this incident, as its current and better-known form has only 4000 designations and does not make use of the Greek alphabet. Anti-memetic agents were also propagated among non-essential staff to suppress knowledge of the former system. As the current Level 5/3120-authorized person at your Site, it is important to be aware of the possible consequences of the use of SCP-3120. However, some of this information is restricted outside of this briefing document. Exposure to the following anti-meme will suppress only knowledge of the existence of Älveå and some other minor details. Any questions regarding your assignment may be directed to the offices of O5-01, 04, and 08. Footnotes 1. Of interest is the fact that non-humans and human analogues (i.e. silicone fingertips) cannot unlock the device. Humans with prosthetic hands, however, are still capable of unlocking the device using their prostheses. 2. Attempts to add other contacts have been unsuccessful 3. Which is a valid, but unregistered, number in or near Bemidji, MN 4. When using SCP-3120. Attempts to call it using other telephones are unsuccessful, as are attempts to call other numbers using SCP-3120. 5. Including the New York Times, the Washington Post, Le Monde, Izvestia, Dagens Nyheter, Asahi Shimbun, and others 6. Who legally changed her name to Jane Doe on ██/██/2012. Ms. Doe's name was formerly [DATA EXPUNGED]
You are viewing the edit history of this page. The version shown below is revision 2 from 2005-10-15 16:48. Location in Fontainebleau, France, where SCP-3121 was recovered Item #: SCP-3121 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3121 is contained in Shelf C, Cage 8 of the Safe Miniature Biological (SaMBio) containment corridor at Site 66. Provisional diet is one tablespoon of nutrient-supplemented fruit mix1, twice daily. One fresh, living mealworm larva is also to be offered as food once a week, dependent on good behaviour. Allowing SCP-3121 to craft tools and structures reduces outward signs of distress. Dependent on good behaviour, raw materials such as straw, small sticks, and leaves may be introduced into SCP-3121’s cage. SCP-3121’s stick hut, which it has constructed using enrichment materials, is not to be replaced when cleaning. Description: SCP-3121 is a sapient humanoid measuring 9.8 cm in height. In addition to its small stature, the entity displays other deviations from standard human morphology. SCP-3121’s skin is sea green in tone, and covered in wart-like nodules. It also possesses exaggerated facial features, including a heavy brow, prominent cheekbones, and markedly pointed ears, nose and chin. Its overall appearance is reminiscent of an imp or hobgoblin in European folklore. Aside from its appearance, SCP-3121 is not known to exhibit any other anomalous traits at present2. Its biological functions and requirements appear to be as expected of a similarly sized non-anomalous mammal. SCP-3121 displays both primary and secondary masculine sexual characteristics. SCP-3121 speaks in a dialect similar to Middle High German, a form of the German language spoken between the 11th and 14th centuries. Dr Lena Reiterer, a Foundation linguist with some fluency in a later form of the language, Early New High German, is able to hold conversations with the entity. SCP-3121 is currently uncooperative in interviews, displaying behavioural signs of distress and continually asking for the whereabouts of its “wife”. SCP-3121 was originally found in the Forest of Fontainebleau in northern France on 2005-10-13, inhabiting a crudely constructed hut made from sticks. Materials found within suggest inhabitation for two entities; it is believed that the “wife” mentioned by SCP-3121 was near the site at the time of initial retrieval, but evaded capture without being seen by containment personnel. Addenda: ▶  Show: SCP-3121 Interview Log ▽  Hide: SCP-3121 Interview Log DATE 2005-10-15 11:29 UTC INTERVIEWER Dr Lena Reiterer SUPERVISED BY Senior Researcher Jacob Currie (Sentient Containment Specialist) Dialogue translated from archaic High German unless noted otherwise. DR REITERER: Hello, SCP-3121. [SCP-3121 runs to the corner of the cage and cowers.] DR REITERER: How is it going? Is everything good with you? SCP-3121: What do you want from me? I— I beg you, let me leave this place. I want to leave. DR REITERER: I appreciate that. You likely find this place very strange. [No dialogue for 11 seconds.] DR REITERER: Do you understand me? [No dialogue for 5 seconds.] SCP-3121: Yes. DR REITERER: I’m glad to hear that. I don’t want to hurt you. I just want to ask you some questions about yourself. May I? [SCP-3121 is silent.] DR REITERER: Can you— SR CURRIE: [in English] Tell the anomaly that it risks being punished if it doesn’t cooperate. DR REITERER: [in English] I— I don’t think that’s necessary yet. I mean, we’re only getting started. SR CURRIE: [in English] We should exploit this fear response. It works on sapients, especially early in containment. Trust me on this. DR REITERER: [to SCP-3121] SCP-3121, your life here will be better if you answer my questions. Where do you come from? [SCP-3121 is silent.] DR REITERER: How old are you? Do you know? [SCP-3121 is silent.] DR REITERER: Are there other people like you? That is to say, other creatures who look like you? [SCP-3121 makes a groaning noise.] SCP-3121: I beg you, let me go. My wife is surely worried about me. I want— I want to return to my wife. She is surely looking for me. I want to see my wife. Let me leave. I want to see my wife. SR CURRIE: [in English] What did the anomaly say? DR REITERER: [in English] It’s talking about his— about its wife. The anomaly is saying that it wants to go back to its wife, that the wife will be looking for it. SR CURRIE: [in English] Good, a point of vulnerability. We can exploit that if necessary. Keep going. DR REITERER: [to SCP-3121] Where do you think your wife is? We can bring her to you. SCP-3121: I won’t tell you. You can’t catch her, she is too swinde3. She is cleverer than me, she won’t be caught like I was. Just let me go to her. Let me leave this place and go to her. DR REITERER: [in English] I asked it where we could find the wife. It said that it wouldn’t tell us, and that we can’t catch her because she’s too clever and – fierce, I think was the word. SR CURRIE: [in English] Right, this is getting nowhere. The anomaly clearly is not yet acclimatised to containment. I’m terminating this interview now at – time, thirty-two minutes past eleven. Reasons given: uncooperative subject, low priority due to minimal risk. DR REITERER: [in English] Could I have a little more time to— [AUDIO ENDS] Supervisor comments: I have now read the translated log. The risk of negative consequences for non-compliance was not made as clearly as it could have been. This should be corrected in the next interview. We need to locate this "wife". — Senior Researcher Jacob Currie You are viewing the edit history of this page. The version shown below is revision 5 from 2005-10-24 19:02. SCP-3121 IS A DEVELOPING PHENOMENON. THE BELOW DOCUMENTATION IS PROVISIONAL AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Item #: SCP-3121 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3121-A (previously SCP-3121) is to be contained according to previous procedures. Change pending. Locating and containing SCP-3121-B is a high priority. Foundation data crawlers are to monitor mentions of possible SCP-3121-B activity in all surveillance vectors, including internet traffic, civilian phone messages, security camera feeds, and emergency service radio. If an SCP-3121-B sighting is suspected, the nearest available Mobile Task Force is to be immediately deployed to SCP-3121-B’s last known location. All surviving witnesses of SCP-3121-B activity are to be located and amnesticised at the earliest opportunity. Description: SCP-3121-A (previously SCP-3121) is a sapient humanoid measuring 9.8 cm in height, similar in appearance to imps or hobgoblins of European folklore. SCP-3121-A has masculine primary and secondary sexual characteristics, and is capable of speech in a dialect similar to Middle High German. The Foundation currently holds SCP-3121-A in containment. SCP-3121-B is a sapient humanoid similar to SCP-3121-A. SCP-3121-B is uncontained, hostile, and dangerous. According to video evidence, SCP-3121-B has the anomalous ability of travelling long distances instantaneously by entering the cranial cavities of human beings. It is believed that SCP-3121-B is the “wife” character previously mentioned by SCP-3121-A. Addenda: ▶  Show: SCP-3121 Video Log 1 ▽  Hide: SCP-3121 Video Log 1 LOCATION Zagreb, Croatia DATE 2005-10-23 09:13 (07:13 UTC) SOURCE Security camera footage NOTE: NO AUDIO. Still from 09:13:50 09:13:43 – 09:13:52 Pedestrians walk on the street. Three cars drive past on the adjacent road. No unusual activity present. 09:13:53 – 09:13:57 In the bottom-right of the frame, a bald man facing away from the camera suddenly stops walking, clutching the back of his head with his left hand. 09:13:59 – 09:14:06 The man – later identified as Tamás Novák, 54 years old – loses balance, bracing himself against the wall with his arm. 09:14:07 – 09:14:18 The bald man falls against the wall to a crouched sitting position, clutching his head with both hands. A middle-aged woman in a green shawl carrying a shopping bag jogs into view from the bottom of the frame. She stops next to the man and leans towards him, apparently concerned for his well-being. 09:14:19 – 09:14:31 A young man in a black coat walks over to observe the situation and exchanges some brief words with the woman in the green shawl; he then begins to make a call on his mobile phone. The bald man crouched against the wall begins to shake violently. Witnesses report him moaning loudly at this point. 09:14:32 – 09:14:40 The bald man, still facing away from the camera, stops shaking and falls still. Three seconds later, the woman in the green shawl stands up abruptly, falling onto her back. The view shows the apparent reason for this: the back of the bald man’s scalp has been suddenly split open by a large gash. Rhythmic movement of a small light-coloured object can be observed within the wound, which coincides with the bald man’s head jerking slightly, as if his head is being opened from the inside. 09:14:34 – 09:14:39 Three more persons approach the scene from various positions. The wound is increasing in size and bleeding profusely; all bystanders appear to be reacting with panic. 09:14:40 – 09:14:45 The wound in the man’s head bulges. A small figure about 10 cm in height bursts from the gash and leaps to the ground. Chaos ensues. All bystanders jump and run to move away from the small entity – except for the middle-aged woman in the green shawl, who is still lying on her back after having fallen. 09:14:46 – 09:14:56 Two male bystanders flee the scene. The small figure looks around, pointing at several individuals. Witnesses report it repeating a phrase in an unknown language as it does so. The figure then clambers up onto the face of the middle-aged woman lying on the floor. 09:14:57 – 09:15:10 Blood quickly pools on the pavement below the woman as she clutches at her temples and throat. Autopsy examination indicates that the small figure used a slashing implement to sever several arteries in the woman’s neck and face while climbing onto her head. The small figure stoops down over the woman’s face; it is not clear from the footage, but witnesses report the small figure at this point slicing at the woman’s left eye. 09:15:11 – 09:15:19 The woman paws weakly at her throat, which is still gushing blood. Remaining bystanders shout and gesture in distress, but none step forward to intervene. The small figure stops slicing and disappears into the woman’s face, apparently entering through the left eye socket. 09:15:20 – 09:15:25 The woman’s head jerks slightly, and is then still. Dark fumes rise out of her head. 09:15:26 – 09:15:30 A can rolls out of the dead woman’s shopping bag and onto the road. It is run over by a car. Red liquid sprays onto the asphalt. ▶  Show: SCP-3121 Video Log 2 ▽  Hide: SCP-3121 Video Log 2 LOCATION Osaka, Japan DATE 2005-10-23 16:15 (07:15 UTC) SOURCE Security camera footage NOTE: WHEN TIME ZONES ARE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT, THE FOLLOWING FOOTAGE BEGINS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE END OF VIDEO 1. NO AUDIO. Still from 16:15:32 16:15:30 – 16:15:38 A group of eight adolescents are standing in a circle. 16:15:39 – 16:15:45 One member of the group drops to the floor, grabbing the back of their head with both hands. [ADDITIONAL LOGS REMOVED] ▶  Show: Document SCP-3121-EMA-14: Situation Report SR Jacob Currie ▽  Hide: Document SCP-3121-EMA-14: Situation Report SR Jacob Currie Situation Report, 24/10/2005, SR Jacob Currie SCP-3121-A told us in interview that its “wife” would be looking for it. It seems that the anomaly was correct to state this. The activities of this wife, SCP-3121-B, are described as follows. It cuts into the heads of humans, through the eyes most often, and penetrates a thin segment of skull. Witnesses report that the anomaly uses a large metal nail to do this. It enters the brain and performs an unknown action. Then, SCP-3121-B and a perfect sphere of cerebral tissue disappear, leaving a hot, cauterised hole in the human’s brain. SCP-3121-B reappears in the brain of another human somewhere else on the planet and exits by cutting through the back of that person’s head. It can then repeat the above process on a different individual. The travel between brains is instantaneous. No distance limit or pattern in the travel of SCP-3121-B has been observed. Analysis indicates that the human SCP-3121-B manifests in is chosen randomly. We have audio samples of SCP-3121-B speaking to witnesses. Ms Reiterer tells me that the anomaly speaks the same language as SCP-3121-A, and the speech translates to questions about the location of SCP-3121-B's “husband”. Curse words are also present. Containing SCP-3121-B is of high importance. SCP-3121-B activity is frequent and unpredictable. The activity often occurs in public places. Only two of the forty-eight civilians who have been host to SCP-3121-B’s ability have survived. Both suffer from extreme and permanent brain damage due to the large volume of missing tissue. Concealing the many deaths and amnesticising witnesses is a drain on resources. SCP-3121-B activity occurring on live broadcast or to a high-profile individual would be major emergency. The current situation represents a severe information breach. SCP-3121-A has not been compliant in providing information on SCP-3121-B and its anomalous travel ability. To increase the likelihood of obtaining this information, I have deprived the anomaly of all privileges and instituted more stringent interrogation techniques. – Acting Head of SCP-3121 Containment, SR Jacob Currie You are viewing the edit history of this page. The version shown below is revision 9 from 2005-11-01 08:51. Locations of individuals known to have hosted SCP-3121-B's travel ability prior to containment Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3121-A and SCP-3121-B are to be contained separately. Each is to be contained in airlocked chambers suitable for high-risk intelligent anomalies. Human contact is to be avoided when possible, in order to minimise the risk of the entities utilising their anomalous travel ability. Additional care is to be taken with SCP-3121-B, which is hostile and aggressive. SCP-3121-B should be physically restrained at all times, with additional restraints added during interviews or other necessary close interactions. Description: SCP-3121-A and -B are small, sapient humanoids measuring approximately 10 cm in height, similar in appearance to imps or hobgoblins in European folklore. According to sexual characteristics, SCP-3121-A is of male sex, and SCP-3121-B female. Both entities are capable of speech in a dialect similar to Middle High German. SCP-3121-B has demonstrated an anomalous ability to travel instantly between the brains of human beings. It is unknown whether SCP-3121-A also possesses this ability. SCP-3121-A was originally acquired alone at a location in the Forest of Fontainebleau, France, on 2005-10-13. It is presumed that SCP-3121-B observed the containment of SCP-3121-A without being seen by containment personnel. One week later, on 2005-10-21, SCP-3121-B began utilising its anomalous travel ability in an apparent search for SCP-3121-A, which it describes as its “husband”. 141 individuals across 48 countries are known to have been affected by SCP-3121-B’s travel activity, of which 135 subsequently died due to traumatic brain injury. SCP-3121-B was contained in rural Bangladesh, having manifesting in the head of a woman wearing a motorcycle helmet and being unable to break through the headgear. The female victim was then admitted to a local hospital as an apparent stroke victim, where medical staff noticed scraping sounds and muffled shouts emanating from her helmet. Mobile Task Force Xi-8 (“Spearhunters”) were able to capture the entity at the site. Addenda: ▶  Show: SCP-3121-B Interview Log ▽  Hide: SCP-3121-B Interview Log DATE 2005-10-31 15:05 UTC INTERVIEWER Dr Lena Reiterer SUPERVISED BY Senior Researcher Jacob Currie (Head of Containment, SCP-3121) Dialogue translated from archaic High German unless noted otherwise. NOTE: For the duration of this interview, SCP-3121-B had been restrained to a chair capable of delivering electric shocks to the occupant. SCP-3121-B: [Continued from previous unrecorded dialogue] —devil, you are unspeakable deformities, both of you. Cowardly lice, worms, pathetic worms! I curse your entire race to the endless torment of eighteen hells. You blood-shamed plague, hateful savages, the disgrace of the Earth’s— [SR CURRIE administers an electric shock to silence SCP-3121-B.] DR REITERER: SCP-3121-B, you have to talk to us. I want to talk to you without you being hurt. It would be better for everyone. [SCP-3121-B breathes heavily and wipes its mouth with its hand.] SCP-3121-B: I know that you will kill me in this place. I do not fear death, you murderers. DR REITERER: You likely will not believe me, but I swear that we do not want you to die. We do not want that. SCP-3121-B: Do you think me a fool? How could I ever trust any of your kind? Your kind, who carried out such slaughter upon my people! Centuries of slaughter! As if we were crawling vermin of the mud! You disgusting rot. Have you not killed enough of us? We are nearly snuffed out, perished. My husband and I have not seen another of our kind for two hundred years. Are we the last ones left? Is this what you’re doing? [Laughter.] Are you ending us once and for all? Bastard devils! Evil from the dark pits of the fetid pools in— DR REITERER: [in English, to SR CURRIE] Don’t give another shock. This is useful. DR REITERER: [to SCP-3121-B] SCP-3121-B, when you were travelling through people’s heads, what was your aim? SCP-3121-B: I don’t understand your vulgar words. What are you saying? DR REITERER: I’m sorry. What were you seeking when you went inside heads and appeared in a different place? SCP-3121-B: I was seeking my husband! You surely have him here. I can sense his presence[?]4. I know it. DR REITERER: Why do you want to see him? SCP-3121-B: Why? How can you not understand? You truly are monsters. I have lived with and loved that man these past eight hundred years. We have poured our hearts into each other for ten of your lifetimes – ten. Fleeting, candle-flicker mayflies as you are, you cannot understand the depth of love that we have built together. My living is worthless without him. There is nothing I would not— [SR CURRIE administers an electric shock to silence SCP-3121-B.] DR REITERER: [in English, to SR CURRIE] No! What are you doing? SCP-3121-B: Bastards! You dung, filthy— [screeching, presumed cursing, too high a pitch to be deciphered] SR CURRIE: [in English] I read anger from the anomaly’s behaviour. DR REITERER: [in English] It was intensity, not anger. She was providing information – useful information. SCP-3121-B: [continued screeching] SR CURRIE: [in English] The anomaly was providing information. You do not use personal pronouns when referring to objects in containment. That is basic protocol. SCP-3121-B: [continued screeching] SR CURRIE: [in English] But yes, this course of events is… is disappointing. I will have to rethink the approach. I don't believe SCP-3121-B will be willing to talk to us in this session. We will have to try again a different time. [No dialogue for 3 seconds.] DR REITERER: Clearly. [AUDIO ENDS] Supervisor comments: The interview was unsuccessful. SCP-3121-A and SCP-3121-B are not providing sufficient information. It is important to discover more about SCP-3121-B’s unique method of instantaneous travel. I am planning an interrogation procedure based on the emotional responses observed in interviews. It is designed to apply a maximally intense acute emotional stressor on SCP-3121-B. I expect it to reduce SCP-3121-B’s defiance and sense of superiority. This will make useful answers more likely. — Senior Researcher Jacob Currie, Head of SCP-3121 Containment ▶  Show: Incident on 2005-11-01 –NEW -URGENT ▽  Hide: Incident on 2005-11-01 Senior Researcher Currie conducted a psychological stress exercise on both SCP-3121-A and -B today at 17:00. Senior Researcher Currie placed SCP-3121-A into the shock chair used in the interview logged above. SCP-3121-B was also restrained in the same room, and forced to watch as Senior Researcher Currie applied increasingly strong electric shocks to SCP-3121-A. Notably, this was the first time since their containment that SCP-3121-A and SCP-3121-B had seen each other. Twenty-five minutes into the exercise, SCP-3121-B broke free of its restraints and incapacitated Senior Researcher Currie before subjecting him to [REDACTED]. After this, SCP-3121-B used Senior Researcher Currie’s corpse to activate its travel ability, and disappeared with SCP-3121-A. As of this incident, SCP-3121-A and SCP-3121-B are now considered to be uncontained, and their whereabouts unknown. Dr Lena Reiterer, previously translator in SCP-3121 interviews, has been promoted to Head of Containment for SCP-3121 in the light of Senior Researcher Currie’s death. You are viewing the edit history of this page. The version shown below is the current revision 21 from 2017-11-02 10:15. Aerial photograph with SCP-3121's containment site outlined Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3121-A and -B are to be contained on-site at their current location in the forests of Småland, Sweden. An exclusion zone 400 m x 400 m centered around SCP-3121’s main habitation structure is to be maintained, patrolled by two guards and surrounded by antimemetic fencing to dissuade passersby from entering. Containment activities are to be carried out so that Foundation personnel are not seen by SCP-3121-A and -B, as experience to date suggests that they remain non-hostile as long as they do not witness human beings. Description: SCP-3121-A and -B are small, sapient humanoids measuring approximately 10 cm in height. The entities resemble imps or hobgoblins from European folklore. According to morphological sexual characteristics, SCP-3121-A is male, and SCP-3121-B female; the entities describe each other as “husband” and “wife”, and display a strong emotional attachment. The entities have human-level intelligence, speaking a dialect similar to Middle High German. They display high proficiency in tool-making and wilderness survival, which they use to practice a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Their diet consists mainly of berries, tubers, and insects. Previous interviews with SCP-3121-B suggest that the entities are at least 800 years old. The same interviews suggest that SCP-3121-A and -B are one of the few – possibly only – surviving members of what was once a more numerous population of similar beings. SCP-3121-A and -B were previously contained at Site-66, before an incident in which a Foundation employee, Senior Researcher Currie, [REDACTED]5. Abandoned hunting shack used by SCP-3121 as their main habitation structure Two years later, on 2007-08-03, the SCP-3121 entities were discovered at their present location in Småland, Sweden, and current containment procedures were implemented. No hostile activity has been displayed by either SCP-3121 entity since their escape together from initial containment. All observations of SCP-3121 at their current site have shown them engaging in domestic activities, creating handicrafts, and taking walks around the containment site, usually while holding hands. Addenda: ▶  Show: SCP-3121 Object Class Status ▽  Hide: SCP-3121 Object Class Status 2017-11-05: Senior Researcher Lena Reiterer, Head of SCP-3121 Containment, has applied for SCP-3121 to be downgraded from Keter to Euclid after 12 years of docile behaviour. The application has passed the first round of review. Footnotes 1. Note to containment technicians: same as the mix given to SCP-1192 housed on the shelf above. 2. Note: SCP-3121 was only recently brought into containment, so the full extent of its properties is yet to be determined through testing. 3. Can be translated variously as strong, angry or quick. 4. Literally: I feel his air. 5. For further information, see Ketergrams 2005. In a post-incident review, Senior Researcher Currie's conduct during interrogations of SCP-3121 was found to be in breach of the Foundation's ethical guidelines for intelligent anomaly containment.
You Have Reached Your Destination Promotional material for Elevix Electronics. Item #: SCP-3122 Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-3122 are to be stored in a Faraday-cage-shielded storage container when not being used for testing. Evidence of the existence of Elevix Electronics and any products produced by it are to be removed from public awareness using standard data-censoring protocols. Description: SCP-3122 is a series of consumer satellite navigation systems produced by the now-defunct "Elevix Electronics". The anomalous effects of SCP-3122 manifest when the following conditions are met: The currently active journey on SCP-3122 is estimated to take over three hours to complete. The vehicle in which SCP-3122 is situated has currently undergone at least two hours of the programmed journey. At some point following the two-hour mark, SCP-3122 loses its signal tracking. No specific cause for the loss of signal is required. Once these conditions have been met, following the loss of signal SCP-3122 will connect to an unknown source from which it will begin receiving information. The vehicle in which SCP-3122 is installed, along with any occupants of the vehicle and SCP-3122 itself will be translocated to SCP-3122-1. SCP-3122-1 is a topologically inconsistent pocket of space-time which initially resembles the area from which SCP-3122 and its associated vehicle were removed. Once within SCP-3122-1, SCP-3122 will begin to relay instructions that are increasingly nonsensical, and SCP-3122-1 itself will begin to change both its layout and contents, with the severity of these effects increasing over time. After a period of time following the victim's entrance into SCP-3122-1, typically between 24 and 72 hours, the vehicle will re-enter standard reality at the final destination point of the original journey. SCP-3122 will be present within the vehicle, though any lifeforms will be missing. An investigation into Elevix Electronics revealed a number of consumer electronics developed by the company, many of which demonstrate anomalous properties. No record of the creation of the company, or any employees working for it, could be found. The registered business address for the company was determined to be a large warehouse containing numerous crates of SCP-3122 instances. Analysis of recovered security footage from the areas around the warehouse revealed repeated visits by a single individual, determined to be PoI-30808 (Shazira Masaani). PoI-30808 has previously been linked to various religious cults typically centred around minor anomalous objects. The last recorded sighting of PoI-30808 was in 1996, following the mass-suicide of one of the associated cults. A software update for SCP-3122 was developed and released, with the goal of disabling any devices onto which it was installed, and a recall order for all affected products was enacted. It is estimated that over 95% of the sold instances of SCP-3122 have been recovered or rendered inert. SCP-3122-1 Exploration On 19/07/2016, permission was granted to attempt exploration of SCP-3122-1 to determine the nature of the anomaly and ascertain the possibility of recovering the lost civilians. A vehicle was equipped with an instance of SCP-3122, numerous recording and tracking devices, and piloted by D-Class personnel D-993211 on a programmed journey that would take them through a tunnel sufficient to cause the loss of GPS signal two hours and five minutes in to the test. Following are transcripts of the recovered recordings, starting immediately prior to the activation of SCP-3122. D-99 was instructed to continue describing his surroundings even if contact with Control was lost. He was otherwise not informed of the nature of the experiment. ► Show Transcripts ▼ Hide Transcripts [15:09] D-99: OK, I can see the tunnel up ahead. Control: Acknowledged. Maintain contact and keep us informed of any occurrences. D-99: What exactly are you expecting to happen here? Control: Unknown. That's the point of this experiment. D-99: Uh huh. I know you science types always write us off as idiots, but we aren't stupid. We always know when you aren't telling us everything. Control: Proceed into the tunnel. D-99: Yeah yeah. SCP-3122: GPS Signal Lost. D-99: I guess we expected that, right? Approximately 30 seconds of silence. Note, contact with Control was lost at this point, and not re-established. D-99: Hello? Guess I've lost you guys, too. Well, nearly out of this tunnel anyway. SCP-3122: Connection established. In 300m, turn left onto Via della Conciliazione. D-99: Weird, I don't remember a turn coming up. And… is that Spanish? SCP-3122: Turn left onto Via della Conciliazione. D-99 takes the turn as instructed. It should be noted that there is no left turn on the road exiting the tunnel in which contact with D-99 was lost. D-99: Weird, haven't seen any other cars since I left that tunnel. And… hang on, there's another tunnel coming up. It uh… it looks exactly the same as that last tunnel. The hill and the rocks and everything. Visual analysis of recovered recordings confirms an exact visual match between the exteriors of the first and second tunnels. D-99: Looks the same inside, too. And I haven't lost signal this time. And here I was hoping you were just sending me on a nice little road trip with no weird shit involved. [15:23] D-99: Just realised I've been in this tunnel for about five minutes now. That seems weird. I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure there are no five-mile-long tunnels in Derbyshire. Still no other cars, either. SCP-3122: In one kilometre, accelerate to 180 kilometres per hour, then turn right onto [SOUND OF STATIC], then left onto Sanderson Road, then down onto Howling Void. D-99: Great, now the satnav has gone nuts too. And why the hell is this thing in metric anyway. [15:25] SCP-3122: Accelerate to 180 kilometres per hour. D-99: You're the boss, insane computer. Though I doubt this bucket can even go that fa- D-99 is cut off as the vehicle rapidly accelerates to 180km/h, forcing him back into the seat. D-99: Holy crap! I think the car is driving itself! The brakes aren't working! HOLY SHI- The vehicle suddenly makes a hard right turn, directly into the wall of the tunnel. It passes through the wall without effect, emerging in a similar tunnel before making a similarly sharp left turn. D-99: Oh god, I'm gonna throw up. Come on, stop you piece of- FUC- The road seemingly drops away. The vehicle appears to be in freefall for approximately 30 seconds; D-99 can be heard screaming. The vehicle suddenly appears to be on what looks like a desert road; no impact from the fall occurs. D-99 can be heard breathing heavily. D-99: Sweet fucking Jesus, what the fuck. OK, OK. I'm alive. I'm fine. D-99 looks around out of the windows of the vehicle. D-99: Now where the hell am I? Some kind of desert, I know there's nothing like this in Derbyshire. Can't see anything around besides this road. It's pretty hot here, I can already feel the heat through the windows. SCP-3122: Continue for 12,000km, and then turn 470 degrees counter-clockwise and remove your left arm. D-99: Wha… fuck that. I'm going the other way. Looks like I have control of this thing again, and I'm sure as shit not removing any arms. D-99 turns the vehicle around on the road and begins driving. [17:01] D-99: OK, I've been driving for what feels like hours. Nothing has changed here. Can barely even tell if I'm moving - just the same desert. Fuel gauge doesn't seem to be moving, and I haven't heard a peep out of this busted-ass satnav. I thin- SCP-3122: In 500 meters, remove 37% of your skin using the supplied flensing knife, and then surrender your soul. D-99: Should have kept my damn mouth shut. D-99 visibly jumps in his seat, and then picks something up from in front of him. D-99: What the hell! A weird-looking knife thing just appeared in my lap! Fuck this! D-99 opens the window and throws the knife out. SCP-3122: A road-side agent will be along to assist you shortly. D-99: That sounds… bad. A high-pitched screaming sound can be heard in the distance. Cameras detect a shape ahead, which D-99 notices a few minutes later. D-99: The hell is that? Looks kind of like… a horse? A massive fucking horse with some giant guy riding it, I think it's heading right for me. Christ, it's tearing up the road, too. Going to have to turn around, I don't want to get anywhere near that thing. D-99 turns the vehicle around. As he begins driving in the opposite direction, a large, equine creature with the torso and upper body of a humanoid growing from its back appears on the road, completely blocking it. It emits a high-pitched screaming sound, and D-99 swerves off the road. D-99: SHITTING CHRIST! What the fuck, what the fuck, where the fuck did those arseholes send me, Jesus fucking Christ. D-99 looks behind him. Cameras show that the entity and the road are both gone. D-99: OK, OK. Still alive. I guess no road is better than whatever the fuck that thing was. I guess I'm just driving through the desert now. [20:31] D-99: Been driving for hours now. Clock still seems to be working if nothing else. It's getting a little cooler but the sun doesn't seem to be going down. Also, I just noticed that all of the clouds seem to be in the shape of some symbol. Looks familiar. The satnav has been making weird sounds every now and then. Doesn't sound like words, just random vowels or something. SCP-3122: Eee. Aaaaa. D-99: Yeah, just like that. Anyway, I spotted something off in the distance, looks like a building or something maybe, so against my better judgement I'm going to head towards it. SCP-3122: Ooooo. Eeeeeee. D-99: Yeah, yeah. SCP-3122: In 100 meters, stop at the crossroads, make a deal and surrender your flesh. D-99: God damn I wish I could turn this thing off. We're not even on a road, you stupid piece of junk! D-99 strikes SCP-3122; no damage is caused. [23:01] D-99: OK, I don't seem to be getting any closer to… whatever that is out there, and it's getting late. According to the clock, anyway. The sun still hasn't moved. Anyway, since you Foundation folks were actually kind enough to pack some supplies in here, I'm going to eat and try to sleep. Probably a terrible idea, but I can't keep driving forever. SCP-3122: At the roundabout, take the twelfth exit. The sleeper will awaken. Glorious [SOUNDS OF STATIC] reigns supreme. D-99: Hopefully this thing will keep it quiet while I'm trying to sleep. Oh! The symbol in the clouds, it's the same symbol that's on this goddamn satnav. The company logo or whatever, I guess. They're still there, clouds in that shape, all different sizes. I'm sure that will mean something more to you Foundation eggheads than it does to me. [05:47] SCP-3122: He awaits. He awaits. He awaits. He awaits. Take the next exit. D-99: Wuh- gah, stupid machine. 6am? Guess I wasn't eaten during the night then. I- what the hell… D-99 can be seen looking out of the windows of the vehicle. External cameras show that a number of structures have appeared in the immediate area; no motion was detected since the vehicle was stopped. D-99: Not eaten, but it looks like I was towed. Where the hell am I now, looks like some kind of town? Still in the desert, though, and I don't see any people around. Looks… old? All these buildings seem pretty worn down. SCP-3122: Follow the road for 300 meters, then embrace oblivion. He will be nourished. D-99: Oh, there actually is a road. I'm going to look around a bit, see if I can find any people or signs that anyone has been here. D-99 tries to open the door, but it appears to be locked. D-99: What the… come on, dammit. D-99 attempts to unlock the door, and tries opening the other doors and windows; all attempts at leaving the vehicle fail. D-99: God dammit. Can't even stretch my legs. When I get out of here, the first Foundation fool I see is getting punched in the face. D-99 sighs heavily. D-99: Road it is, then. Seems old, it's made of cobblestones or something. D-99 follows the road for approximately five minutes, passing through what appears to be a small town or village; no occupants are seen. All of the buildings are made of stone of a similar colour to the desert sand. SCP-3122: Bow down before [SOUND OF STATIC], then take the next right. D-99: The road only goes right, you stupid piece of cr- woah. That's a big statue. As the car takes the corner, a statue of a bare-chested human male wearing an ornate head-dress and carrying a staff comes into view, standing over the road. It is estimated to be approximately 90m tall; it was not visible before the corner. Lining the road before the statue is a series of smaller statues (averaging approximately 5m tall), each apparently depicting a different individual in a similar style of dress as the larger statue. The statue standing directly at the foot of the larger statue bears a notable resemblance to PoI-30808. SCP-3122: Bow down. Bow down. Bow down. Continue for three kilometres. Surrender. D-99: Starting to get the feeling this statue is the guy the satnav has been babbling on about. He's kind of giving me a bad feeling… I think I'm going to leave the road again. Not sure why that feels like the safer option here, but if the satnav wants me to follow the road, I'm pretty sure I don't want to. D-99 drives away from the road. [06:34] D-99: Huh, could have sworn there were some mountains to my left, but they aren't there now. Probably wishful thinking to assume it was just a mirage or something. SCP-3122: In 500 cubits, continue towards His Embrace. Surrender your soul. [07:04] D-99: Been driving for over an hour now, and I can still see that statue. It doesn't seem to be getting further away. Everything here is getting weirder, if that's even possible. Those mountains have reappeared and disappeared twice now. The clouds seem to change suddenly, sometimes into that symbol, sometimes just random clouds. Pretty sure I saw some more buildings to my right at one point, but they aren't there now. SCP-3122: Continue for 1000 years, then turn left into his embrace. D-99: And this thing is really starting to drive me nuts. Tried to shut it up, but none of the buttons on it seem to do anything. Can't smash the damn thing either, despite a couple of attempts. SCP-3122: He comes. Take the next exit. D-99: The hell, it's getting darker. A solar eclipse begins, rapidly reducing the light level. After 15 seconds, the sun is approximately 90% eclipsed by the moon. D-99: I've lost control of the car again. It's driving itself. The vehicle veers left, bringing a series of structures into view. A number of pillars in varying states of decay surround what appears to be an open-air temple, at the centre of which is a large stone sarcophagus. D-99: I don't like this… nothing good ever happens in desert temples during an eclipse. Come on now. D-99 can be seen trying to force the vehicle to turn, with no success; it continues on course for the centre of the temple. SCP-3122: Surrender your soul. Surrender your flesh. Surrender your mind. Surrender. Surrender. Surrender. SCP-3122 continues to repeat the word Surrender. D-99: No, come on, dammit! D-99 becomes increasingly frantic in his attempts to regain control of the vehicle, to no avail. He attempts to kick the glass from the windows, but is unable to break it. The vehicle comes to a halt directly in front of the sarcophagus, which is covered in a large number of carved symbols; most prominently, in the centre, is the Elevix Electronics logo. SCP-3122: You have reached your destination. D-99 begins to speak, but is immediately cut off. Analysis of the video footage shows 13 frames of a substance resembling black smoke emanating from the sarcophagus and heading directly for the vehicle; it passes through the roof and windows before completely enveloping D-99. The smoke then recedes back into the sarcophagus; D-99 is gone. The vehicle reverses and drives away from the temple. Approximately 37 hours after contact was first lost with D-99, a GPS ping was received from his vehicle; it was found at the originally programmed destination. No trace of D-99 was found. Footnotes 1. Identified in the transcript as D-99.
 close Info X SCP-3123: Insult To Injury Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words… now that's what killed me. Author: Captain Kirby SCPs SCP Number Rating SCP-3393 1304 Captain Kirby's Proposal 814 SCP-4514 666 SCP-3448 618 SCP-5552 595 SCP-3844 533 SCP-3388 492 SCP-3866 443 SCP-5003 442 SCP-3305 410 SCP-3449 388 SCP-4877 386 SCP-4321 351 SCP-016-J 281 SCP-7100 276 SCP-3123 239 SCP-3393-EX 229 SPC-1057 223 SCP-3511 211 SCP-6007 200 SCP-3633 193 SCP-4925 192 SCP-4479 188 SCP-3767 174 SCP-4316 166 SCP-4775 143 SCP-4034 139 SCP-5877 118 SCP-5448 110 SCP-3650 103 SCP-3203 70 SCP-5779 63 SCP-3405 55 SCP-3481 52 Tales Title Rating The Nuclear Option 547 Impossible-To-Destroy Reptile 491 In The Clutches Of Life 396 Numbers, Like Stories, Never Die 335 The Tombstone of Alto Clef 263 Tales of the Ethics Committee: 5 Reasons The Foundation Wants A Robot Army 232 Excerpts From The Societal Census Programme ΩK-Class Report 232 With The Reaper On Retirement 227 Do You Remember Funerals? 173 From The Clutches Of Life 154 Where Death Used To Live 150 Project Damnerung 147 Hello, My Name Isn't 146 Don't Get Used To It 143 The Many Portraits Of Jack Bright 140 Group Date 140 Monochrome 132 Hundred-Year Favor 124 Even The Most Masked Of Men Become Themselves Behind Closed Doors 113 You Have 18 Unread Messages 102 Everyday Is Somebody's Birthday 97 The Shape of a Noose 76 A Failed Two Weeks Notice 69 Pink Cracks in a Digital Wall 66 'Til Death Do Us Part 65 Rocks And Trees Are Not Good Company 64 Tears of a Neon God 57 Poky And Pal Scheme Together 55 A Eulogy In 11/8 Time 53 Is Anybody Home? 53 Carnivores 52 Poky And Pal Arm Themselves 49 Virtue 46 When It Rains, It Pours 45 God-Knows-Where 39 I Felt Numb 39 It's A Nice Day Out 38 Attempts To Salvage Thought 36 I Am Wonderful 33 Outrun 29 They Are Not Laughing With You 28 What Is There To Do With A Pot Of Gold? 27 Containment's A Beach 22 GOI Formats Title Rating Captain Kirby's Proposal, Or Something 191 My Head Is On Fire And I'm (Not) Ok 102 Project Proposals 2004-013/2014-114/2024-072: "Losing Your Cool" 71 You may also like: SCP-2419 - The Laughing Men by The Great Hippo Put them in a hole, then fill that hole with concrete. Better still: Throw them back into the incinerator where you found them. I doubt they'll even care. SCP-3088 - Law of the Land by Mortos SCP-3088 is the town of Cullen, Nebraska, and the area contained within the town limits. SCP-3088 is subject to an alteration of reality in which any law, bylaw or town ordinance passed by a legally empowered individual becomes an immutable law of reality itself. Towin's Pine Street. Item #: SCP-3123 Special Containment Procedures: All civilians who enter the municipality of Towin are to be monitored by onsite Foundation personnel. Should civilians be exposed to SCP-3123, they are to be amnesticized, and released with an appropriate cover story. Only personnel who have been screened for good behavior may be allowed near Towin. Any personnel working on SCP-3123 who require disciplinary action for poor conduct are to be immediately reassigned. Any attempts to provoke the inhabitants of Towin are prohibited. Description: SCP-3123 is a phenomenon that occurs in the town of Towin, CO, where individuals will be spontaneously injured after causing emotional distress, or acting in emotionally abusive patterns toward another individual. The severity of the injury is correlated to the severity of emotional distress caused. This injury will manifest only if the distressed victim perceives a discrete individual to be responsible for their distress. Towin has a population of roughly 4000, and is located 30 kilometers from the next nearest population center. It is surrounded on all sides by mountains, which hinder any effort to enter or leave. The inhabitants of Towin (who understand the existence of, and are affected by SCP-3123) have very little interaction with civilians outside of the municipality, as a consequence of their geographical isolation. However, Towin still managed to cultivate a reputation for being highly hospitable before containment. It is believed that this reputation is an indirect consequence of SCP-3123. When asked about their views on the anomaly, most inhabitants note that the phenomenon has always been a part of their lives, and have not bothered to question it. When asked about why they stayed in Towin, inhabitants cited their family's history living in the town and the close-knit community. SCP-3123 was discovered by the Foundation in 1968 when Agent DuBlon stopped to rest in Towin during a vacation road trip. During his stay, DuBlon experienced a spontaneous concussion. Unable to determine the cause of the injury, DuBlon reported the experience to the Foundation. Addendum SCP-3123-A: Below is a sample of logged injuries caused by SCP-3123. For the full log please contact the senior researcher in charge of SCP-3123. Year Name of Victim (Age) Injury Cause/Notes 1968 Daniel Hedler (63) Forced removal of two teeth (both molars) Injury occurred after Hedler offended Joshua Chubra by using a racist slur. 1973 Gabriel Ernst (32) Broken femur Injury occurred after Ernst insulted the recently deceased father of Tyler Brown. 1975 Heidi Yent (29) Forced removal of the nails on both index fingers Injury occurred after Yent made repeated comments about the weight of Erica Dutnam. Yent claimed later that this was a joke, and was not intended to offend. 1984 Danica Slentler (37) Hair ripped from the scalp Injury occurred after Slentler turned down Eric Tellur's invitation to join him for a movie date. 1989 Helen Terith (17) Concussion Injury occurred after Terith performed poorly on a test in school. When asked about the injury, Terith blamed herself. While manifestations during experiments still occur as expected, natural manifestations have decreased since SCP-3123's observational period 34 years ago. As of this writing, approximately one manifestation a year needs treatment from Foundation medical personnel1. Addendum SCP-3123-B: On 12/14/1989, Foundation personnel discovered a section of forest on the outskirts of Towin with slips of paper taped to some of the trees. Of the slips recovered, only 15% contained writing in a legible state. Microphones and cameras were hidden throughout the area for future surveillance. Below is a partial list of recovered slips: I'm Alice Felucia, and I hurt my family after they did not let me go sledding with my friends. I was sick, and they were looking out for me. I apologize to all my friends and family for my wrongdoing. I am Evan Eldebar, and I hurt my friends while we were playing. I thought they were making fun of me, however it was obvious that they were joking. I am sorry, Jeremy, Tyler and Dave. I hope you can walk again someday. I apologize to all my friends and family for my wrongdoing. My name is Daniel Shou, and I hurt my teacher after I did poorly on a test. This was the fifth time this month this has happened. I am sorry Mrs. Delilah. I apologize to all my friends and family for my wrongdoing. I’m Patricia Sarlo, and I hurt my parents after we got in a fight. They got mad at me, which in turn made me upset with them. So we hurt each other. And we hurt each other. And we hurt each other. And we hurt each other. I apologize to all my friends and family for my wrongdoing. I am Tristan Dourly, and I've hurt myself every day for the past month. It felt good. I say something mean, and I get cut. I liked it. I did it a lot. I apologize to all my friends and family for my wrongdoing. I am Winston Shou, and I hurt the entire town. But I did it because they took away my little brother. I cannot forgive them, but maybe they can forgive me. I apologize to all my friends and family for my wrongdoing. Addendum SCP-3123-C: On 4/3/1990, Agent Tennison, stationed in Towin, reported a mass manifestation of SCP-3123. All students and teachers at the Towin elementary school received lacerations on their bodies at the same time. This occurred during the school’s annual “Field Day” event. The following night, the cameras planted in the area described in Addendum SCP-3123-B spotted a group of three Towin inhabitants. The men carried the body of a young child, which they buried next to a tree without a slip of paper. When they finished, the men taped a slip to the tree. Microphones picked up the following conversation from the men as they dug the grave: TI-1: It's such a damn shame. TI-2: Would you prefer she stick around and break your leg one day? TI-1: No, I wouldn't. But still. She's so young. TI-2: They're always young. It's harder to pick out unstable ones when they get older. TI-1: But have we even tried that? TI-2: I don't know. This is just what we do. If there wasn't reason for it, don't you think we would've come up with a better idea? TI-1: I… I guess you're right. But— TI-3: Jimmy, I know this is your first shift, but you need to stop talking. You're slowing us down. I don't dig these graves because I enjoy it. TI-2: Right. TI-1: Sorry. [silence] TI-1: Her parents looked so calm, though. TI-3: They always look like that. The Foundation recovered the body, and the slip: My name is Judy Grant, and I hurt my classmates and teachers after my class lost during field day. I really wanted to win, but I should not have gotten upset at my teammates. Hopefully, we can win next year. I apologize to all my friends and family for my wrongdoing. Footnotes 1. Dramatically lower compared to the 478 treatments needed during the first year of containment.
Photograph of SCP-3124. Item #: SCP-3124 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3124 is kept in Locker A57 at Site-48's Low-Value Item Storage wing. In the event that SCP-3124 must be moved to another facility, consult Appendix D for a list of storage lockers that are located and oriented such that SCP-3124 can be placed inside. During transport, SCP-3124 should be kept in a large, empty, and well-secured container that allows for significant freedom of movement. Description: SCP-3124 is an object that resembles a standard black-and-white 32-panel football, though lacking in any imperfections or discoloration that would normally occur during construction or usage. SCP-3124's appearance remains the same under all lighting conditions, and it can be viewed as though intervening liquids and gases are not present. SCP-3124 possesses the same size, mass, texture, and elasticity as a normal football comprised of synthetic leather,1 though it is chemically inert and cannot be defaced or ruptured by any tested methods. Examination of SCP-3124 under high magnification has provided inconclusive results; it is unclear whether or not SCP-3124 is comprised of conventional matter. SCP-3124 follows a three-dimensional "taxicab geometry," in which it will only move along the lines of a 1.384m cubic grid of indefinite size, hereby the "movement grid." The motion of SCP-3124 is best modeled by determining the path a non-anomalous football would take when acted upon in a given manner, and then constructing the path along the movement grid that is closest to this trajectory. As such, SCP-3124's movement is often marked by abrupt 90° turns, and rarely functions intuitively. SCP-3124's movement grid is stationary relative to Earth and thus has a different orientation relative to the ground in different locations. Subjects that use SCP-3124 in a game of association football will fail to recognize its appearance or behavior as unusual, instead describing its anomalous properties as the norm for footballs. Players display an intuitive understanding of the rules governing SCP-3124's motion (including the size and local orientation of its movement grid) while playing, and will adapt their strategy and technique as necessary to account for its anomalous properties. Subjects display roughly the same level of proficiency at association football whether playing with SCP-3124 or a standard football. Additionally, under these circumstances, all subjects will refer to SCP-3124 as a "soccer ball" and refer to association football as "soccer," regardless of the terms they customarily use. History: SCP-3124 spontaneously appeared on 2014-06-09 at the University of Texas at Austin, in the office of Professor █████ ████████. Prior to SCP-3124's appearance, Professor ████████ was attempting to teach an artificial neural network to distinguish between images of balls used in various sports. Professor ████████ reports that the program consistently labeled all input images as "soccer ball," despite repeated attempts to condition it to do otherwise. After several hours of failing to alter the program's behavior, Professor ████████ kicked his computer out of frustration; upon contact with his shoe, the computer disappeared and was replaced by SCP-3124. The aforementioned artificial neural network has not been recovered, and attempts to recreate it have not resulted in any unusual behavior. Footnotes 1. Specifically, it has a mass of 430.0g and a circumference of 69.0cm — both within the bounds specified by FIFA.
Tales Hub » Tale Series Hub » Five Five Five Five Five » SCP-3125 by qntm scp 033case colourless greenwhere have you been all my life ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3125" by qntm, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3126 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3126 is to be held in a standard humanoid containment chamber in Site 19, and should not be brought in contact with strong magnets outside of testing, including those found in most hard drives. Additionally, SCP-3126 requires daily deferoxamine injections to treat its iron overload. Addendum: In light of the recent suicide attempt, SCP-3126 is required to submit to psychiatric evaluations after any testing, along with mandatory weekly evaluations and antidepressants. Also, on the advice of the site psychologist, SCP-3126 is allowed a weekly allotment of painting supplies for art therapy purposes. Description: SCP-3126 is an African-American female, physically 23 years in age, 185 cm tall and weighing 88 kg . It suffers from chronic iron overload, resulting in joint pain, hair loss and depression, and it is estimated that the condition may result in liver failure within ten years. Its anomalous effect occurs when the subject is exposed to a magnetic field of 1 Tesla or higher. When exposed to a sufficiently powerful magnetic pull, the subject's skin appears to transform into cast iron, with the effect expanding across the skin as long as the magnet remains within range. Additionally, any muscles or joints under the affected area lose all mobility, resulting in complete immobility within a minute. The effect can be reversed by applying high-salinity water to the metal surface, which causes the iron surface to rust and disintegrate within minutes, exposing human skin beneath it. When the transformation is reversed, SCP-3126 shows no symptoms of iron overload, and if the immobilization period exceeds two hours, it will temporarily show symptoms of iron deficiency. This process does not appear to cause SCP-3126 pain or injury, and all biological processes are paused while it is immobilized, allowing it to stay that way for an indefinite amount of time. However, researchers are advised to not leave SCP-3126 immobilized for long periods of time, as SCP-3126 reports being conscious while immobilized, and extended immobilization may aggravate its mental conditions. SCP-3126 was taken into SCP custody in 201█ based on reports of a transient woman with metal fingers in ████████████, Los Angeles, California being hospitalized for minor wounds after nearly being hit by a car. A field agent embedded in the hospital noted her anomalous properties, and arranged for her to be extracted in the guise of transferring her to another facility. Later investigation connected her to a missing person case for a Gloria ████████, age 21, from Boston from 199█ +Selected Interview Logs - Hide Interview Logs <Begin Log 1> Foreword: This interview took place within 48 hours of SCP-3126's arrival. The subject was still being treated for post-accident injuries, and was therefore under the influence of heavy pain medication. Dr. Merriweather: Hello, my name is Dr. Merriweather. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about your condition? SCP-3126 : What is this place? Dr. Merriweather: [pauses] I understand that the transition from the other hospital is a bit chaotic, but we'll get you settled in as soon as possible. There'll be time for explanations later. SCP-3126 : Wait…the sign on the van said…Superior Care & Protection. SCP? [SCP-3126 shows increased signs of alertness] SCP-3126 : You're a Skipper! I thought you were a myth! Are the rumors true? Do you guys have code numbers for everything? Were you the ones who stole the not-shark? Dr. Merriweather: [slightly panicked] No further questions. One moment, please. Closing Statement: Dr. Merriweather requested additional personnel to be on-hand before continuing the discussion. SCP-3126 proved to have little accurate information on the Foundation. However, SCP-3126 did make sparse connections to a number of art-related SCPs, including SCP-███ <Log End> <Begin Log 2> Dr. Merriweather: Can you tell us how you came to acquire this anomaly? SCP-3126 : Blame my ex, Bellamy. Three months into our relationship, she went to an art show with this guy who claimed to do portraits that would really show who someone is. Next thing you know, she's talking about exploits and manifestos and trying to save up for a trip to France for some ridiculous show. And she even suckered me in for a while! So obsessed with the cool… Dr. Merriweather: Yes, yes, and was it from these artists that you learned the term 'skip', SCP-3126? SCP-3126 : You heard all sorts of stories back then. X-Files-type government goons poking around the art studios. Snake cults kidnapping artists and brainwashing them. Paramilitary agents burning someone's collection. Lots of stories about you guys, though everyone thought you worked for some crazy art collector. Or some sort of weird numerology cult. No one believed half of them, but when you're working outside of the law, sharing information is how you stayed safe. Dr. Merriweather: Interesting. Outdated information, perhaps, but Green might find you useful. Now then, about the anomaly? SCP-3126 : It was her first real project. She heard about this homebrew ritual called 'The Touch of Mars', and she thought it would be perfect. Some sophomoric nonsense about blurring lines and uncanny valley. And like the good girlfriend I was, I volunteered, and I didn't think to ask what the ritual actually was. You're supposed to use this ancient amulet to trigger the transformation, but it turns out that literally any strong magnet will do the trick, whether you want it to or not. I used to be a programmer, and now getting near a computer could freeze me for another fifteen years. Dr. Merriweather: Hmm. And how did you go from programmer to transient? SCP-3126 : Since I couldn't get work anymore, I became her personal statue. She'd freeze me and then loan me to art exhibitions, passing me off as a different statue each time. It was ridiculous, but it paid, and she promised me that she'd find a way to undo the Touch. But weeks turned into months, and being a statue started wearing on me. Hours on hours of having nothing to do but watch and think. SCP-3126 : Eventually, I told her I couldn't do it anymore. I had to quit or I'd go insane. She finally convinced me for one more show. She took me to an art show that her and the other weird artists were staging. She put me in a pose, did the magnet thing and then schmoozed with her new friends for hours. But when the end of the show came, you know what they did? She… SCP-3126 draws inward and shudders for a moment She sold me. Auctioned me off to the highest bidder. I spent fifteen years locked in some rich Hollywood fucker's1 mansion. If he wasn't stupid enough to try and bring me on a yacht, I'd still be there, feeling my mind rust away. And I didn't know what to do! I had nothing, I had to catch up on 15 years, and everything I knew was on the other side of the country. So I just…existed. Scrounged around for what I could until I ended up here. Dr. Merriweather: I see. Thank you, SCP-3126 . This has been enlightening. <Begin Log 3> Foreward: After a testing session in which SCP-3126 was immobilized for 6 hours, it grabbed a pen from a researcher and attempted to pierce its own throat. The following was recorded shortly after, when SCP-3126 was under the influence of sedatives. SCP-3126 : I don't want to be art anymore. SCP-3126 : It used to be fun, you know? Like, like, like, we'd get together and change the world and show the stuck up bastards how fucking wrong you were. I mean, what is a statue? Why the fuck can't I be one? It almost made this bullshit worth it. But then everything had to be a statement. Fuck just being pretty if you weren't saying anything. SCP-3126 : Maybe that's why she left me. I just got too boring for her. Or maybe she always knew it would fuck up my life, and she just didn't care because it's for the art, right? [laughs] SCP-3126 : All I wanted was to be cool. Footnotes 1. Later identified as film producer Don Harding. When asked about SCP-3126, Harding showed no knowledge of its anomalous nature and could provide no useful information about the auction, claiming it was forgettable. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3126" by Yarrun, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Warning: The file you are reading is an outdated version. Please proceed to Update Log for current containment procedures and summary. Item #: SCP-3127 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3127, currently located at Site-43, is to be contained in a 5m x 5m x 5m chamber and fed twice a day in accordance with Nutritional Chart 3127-1. SCP-3127's containment chamber is to be kept under guard by two security personnel at all times. The mental health of SCP-3127 is to be monitored by an on-site therapist for ease of containment. SCP-3127 is not to come into physical contact with any personnel outside of testing. Description: SCP-3127 is a nineteen year old woman named Jessica Lambert, a former resident of ██████, Illinois. SCP-3127 displays no abnormal physical characteristics for an individual of its age and is in sound mental condition, barring minor stress inherent to containment. When SCP-3127 makes physical contact with another human being, that individual adopts the emotional state of SCP-3127 at the time of contact. The affected individual is then unable to feel emotions outside of said state for twenty to thirty minutes. There appears to be no permanent effect to the affected individual after this emotional state fades. SCP-3127 was brought into containment after Foundation agents intercepted communications from the FBI's Unusual Incidents Unit regarding a girl who had contacted them claiming to have psychic powers. Although these reports were dismissed as a common hoax by the UIU, Foundation agents already in the area independently investigated and confirmed these claims, subsequently bringing SCP-3127 into containment. Family and friends in ██████ were administered Class-B amnestics and led to believe SCP-3127 had died in a car accident. Addendum 3127-1: On 11/19/15, approval was given for SCP-3127 to be exposed to a number of other anomalous items for cross-testing purposes. As no unexpected results occurred during these experiments, they have thus been filed as irrelevant materials. Full logs are available upon request from the Site-43 Archive Department. Addendum 3127-2: On 12/10/16, SCP-3127 reported feeling ill to supervising staff and subsequently gave birth to a live female piglet, despite displaying no signs of pregnancy beforehand. SCP-3127 perished during this process due to complications arising during emergency surgery. The live piglet, which has also displayed anomalous properties, is currently awaiting classification. Update Log: UPDATE 12/18/2016 Close Item #: SCP-3127 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3127 is to be contained in a 5m x 5m x 5m chamber and fed twice a day in accordance with Nutritional Chart 3127-1. SCP-3127's containment chamber is to be kept under guard by two security personnel at all times. SCP-3127 is not to come into physical contact with any personnel outside of testing. Description: SCP-3127 is a sapient female piglet. SCP-3127 is capable of vocalization using the voice of Jessica Lambert, of whom it claims to have no knowledge. Instead, SCP-3127 claims to be 'Duchess Isabella the Third', a British aristocrat from the year 1827. History shows no records of such an individual existing during that time period, suggesting this is a falsehood or delusion on SCP-3127's part. Any individual who comes into physical contact with SCP-3127 is instantly transformed into a female piglet capable of vocalization in the voice of Jessica Lambert. While in this state, affected individuals claim to have no memory of their previous identity. This state lasts for fifty to sixty minutes and there appears to be no permanent side-effects once affected individuals return to their original form. Addendum 3127-1: On 12/29/16, routine medical analysis of SCP-3127 revealed the presence of a tumorous growth within its brain. Within the next twenty-four hours, this growth rapidly expanded, bursting out of SCP-3127's skull and causing its death. The growth then changed its shape into that of nineteen year old Jessica Lambert, changing its biology completely into that of a human being over the course of the next hour. A full update to this file is pending following complete analysis of this new SCP-3127 iteration. UPDATE 01/02/2017 Close Item #: SCP-3127 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3127 is to be contained in a 5m x 5m x 5m chamber and fed twice a day in accordance with Nutritional Chart 3127-1. SCP-3127's containment chamber is to be kept under guard by two security personnel at all times. The mental health of SCP-3127 is to be monitored by an on-site therapist for ease of containment. SCP-3127 is not to come into physical contact with any personnel. At the first signs of illness from SCP-3127, supervising staff are to prepare for an imminent Moccus Event. Description: At the time of writing, SCP-3127 is a humanoid entity with the appearance of a nineteen year old woman identical to the deceased Jessica Lambert. SCP-3127 claims to have no memories or prior knowledge relating to Jessica Lambert, and instead claims to be a pig farmer named Isabella Stanford from the year 1827. In place of internal organs, SCP-3127's body contains a large number of organisms superficially resembling domestic pigs of various shapes and sizes. Despite the fact that analysis has revealed that these organisms do not actually function as organs, SCP-3127 has displayed no discomfort or health issues, suggesting it possesses a secondary anomalous effect keeping it alive. When informed of its physical abnormalities, SCP-3127 showed little concern and claimed that its body had always been that way. Furthermore, SCP-3127 does not appear to require food, water or sleep. When SCP-3127 comes into physical contact with another human being, that human being's internal organs are instantly replaced with pig-like organisms identical to those within SCP-3127's body. This invariably results in the death of the individual making physical contact with SCP-3127, who does not share its secondary anomalous properties. The pig-like organisms that replaced the individual's internal organs die two to three minutes later. Due to past incidents involving iterations of SCP-3127, SCP-3127 is expected to spawn a new anomalous organism before perishing itself in the near future. Henceforth, such occurrences will be referred to as Moccus Events. It has also been determined that research staff should conceal this likelihood from SCP-3127 in order to avoid causing it undue mental stress. Addendum 3127-1: As expected, on 01/11/2017, SCP-3127 reported feeling ill in the same manner as the original SCP-3127. Staff accordingly prepared for an imminent Moccus Event. An hour later, SCP-3127 orally expelled all the pig-like organisms within her body before subsequently expiring. The pig-like organisms then merged and coalesced together into a female pig of abnormally large size. Full update to this file is pending following analysis of this new SCP-3127 iteration. UPDATE 01/14/2017 Close Item #: SCP-3127 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3127 is to be contained in a 5m x 5m x 5m chamber and fed twice a day in accordance with Nutritional Chart 3127-1. All staff working with SCP-3127 are to wear noise-deafening head-wear at all times when interacting with it. SCP-3127's containment chamber is to be kept under guard by two security personnel at all times. At the first signs of illness or change in usual behaviour from SCP-3127, supervising staff are to prepare for an imminent Moccus Event. Description: SCP-3127 is a sapient female pig of abnormally large size, capable of vocalization in the voice of deceased nineteen year old Jessica Lambert, the entity initially designated as SCP-3127. SCP-3127 believes itself to be the corpse of Jessica Lambert, often asserting that it is dead and requesting burial. In place of internal organs, SCP-3127's body contains a large number of organisms resembling miniature versions of Jessica Lambert, all of which are constantly screaming. Despite the fact that analysis has revealed that these organisms do not actually function as organs, SCP-3127 has displayed no discomfort or health issues. When informed of its physical abnormalities, SCP-3127 showed little concern and claimed that, as it is dead, the state of its body is of no concern to it. Furthermore, SCP-3127 does not appear to require food, water or sleep. Any individual who hears the screaming of SCP-3127's internal organs will instantly come to believe that they too are the corpse of Jessica Lambert, mirroring SCP-3127's behaviour in requesting burial. There are no known means of reversing SCP-3127's effects. Due to past incidents involving iterations of SCP-3127, SCP-3127 is expected to undergo a Moccus Event in the near future, in which it spawns a new instance of SCP-3127 before perishing itself. Addendum 3127-1: On 01/29/2017, all of SCP-3127's internal organs attempted a simultaneous escape from its body, emerging from its stomach and killing it in the process. Only one internal organ survived initial emergence, instead suffering sudden heart failure three minutes later. All other internal organs decomposed into their base materials shortly after expiration. The intact organ, over the course of the next three days, expanded in size and changed shape so as to become a creature resembling a hybrid between a domestic pig and deceased nineteen year old Jessica Lambert. At the end of this process, it spontaneously reanimated and began pacing around the containment chamber. Full update to file pending. UPDATE 02/02/2017 Close Item #: SCP-3127 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3127 is to be contained in a 5m x 5m x 5m chamber and fed twice a day in accordance with Nutritional Chart 3127-1. SCP-3127 is to be gagged at all times. As an additional precaution, all staff working with SCP-3127 are to be equipped with noise-cancelling head-wear when interacting with it. SCP-3127's containment chamber is to be kept under guard by two security personnel at all times. At the first signs of illness from SCP-3127, supervising staff are to prepare for an imminent Moccus Event. Description: SCP-3127 is a humanoid entity resembling a hybrid between a domestic pig and deceased nineteen year old Jessica Lambert. SCP-3127 appears to be sapient, due to expressive hand-gestures it has made towards staff on several occasions, but is unable to speak due to the fact that it is constantly screaming. Any individual who hears the screaming of SCP-3127, even if it is muffled or otherwise obscured, will instantly be transformed into a corpse identical to that of nineteen year old Jessica Lambert. Analysis of these corpses has shown that, despite their human appearance, they are genetically identical to domestic pigs. According to non-verbal interviews conducted with SCP-3127, it believes itself to be Jessica Lambert, claiming to have been suffering a series of nightmares after the expiration of its original body. SCP-3127 apparently has no control over its vocalizations, nevertheless frequently attempting to muffle or otherwise obscure them. SCP-3127 has expressed significant distress at the prospect of further Moccus Events, and has requested that personnel attempt to prevent them. Research into this is ongoing. Addendum 3127-1: On 02/13/2017, SCP-3127 submitted the following written message to research staff: Please read this and really do what it says okay not just say you'll "consider it". This is your fault. You said just a few tests with some weird bullshit and nothing happened and now I'm some pig freak and you're just watching and writing it down in your clipboards and fuck you. Fuck you. I'm sorry. Please please PLEASE do something. I feel like Im [sic] not even me anymore and I'm not even sure if I'm wrong about that. Sometimes I forget I'm not a pig. Please help me Addendum 3127-1: As part of an effort to prevent further Moccus Events, SCP-3127 is to be transferred immediately to Research Installation 33 for extensive testing. CURRENT UPDATE Close Item #: SCP-3127 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3127 is currently contained in a sound-proof chamber in Containment Bunker 41, located several kilometers away from Site-18. All personnel working with SCP-3127 are to be equipped with noise-cancelling headgear at all times. Any messages originating from SCP-3127 are to be transcribed by observing personnel. Any organisms compromised by SCP-3127 are to be terminated and incinerated in order to prevent their numbers from growing uncontrollable. Researchers are to focus all efforts on preventing further Moccus Events. Description: SCP-3127 is the facility formerly known as Research Installation 33, which transformed into a domestic pig of the same size upon the arrival on 02/21/2017 of the anomalous entity previously designated as SCP-3127, a nineteen year old woman named Jessica Lambert. Despite its abnormal size, genetic testing has shown no differences between SCP-3127 and a non-anomalous domestic pig. SCP-3127 has shown no need for food, water or sleep, and does not move unless prompted through physical stimuli. Ever since the moment of its initial appearance, SCP-3127 has been observed to intermittently scream in the voice of Jessica Lambert. Any living animal that hears SCP-3127's screaming will instantly be transformed into a creature resembling a hybrid between a domestic pig and Jessica Lambert. These creatures appear to have the same level of intelligence as a normal domestic pig and will behave accordingly. Analysis of SCP-3127's screaming patterns has shown that the gaps between its vocalizations are consistent and can be translated into Morse code (a method of communication the original SCP-3127 had limited knowledge of). Thus far, SCP-3127 has only delivered the following messages through this method: were [sic] am i make it stop oink Addendum 3127-1: Moccus Event ongoing. Further updates pending. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3127" by Tanhony, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
 close Info X SCP-3128: Let's Play Monopoly! Author: The Great Hippo Images: Link. Music: Monopoly Theme (???) Next: [SCP-3138]: A Sepulcher by the Sea More by The Great Hippo: SCPs – hide block SCPs [SCP-3034] The Counting Station DO NOT LET HER FINISH [SCP-3035] Science Bugs case_of_the_mondays.png, case_of_the_mondays (1).png [SCP-3054] Cragstaff Sanitarium You are sick. You are broken. We will fix you. [SCP-3045] bzzip.exe HAMLET: I am no longer moody. [SCP-3043] Murphy Law in… Type 3043 — FOR MURDER! Forget it, Fred. It's Chinatown. [SCP-3057] Fossil Fuels …witnesses provided confirmation that instances of SCP-3057-4 did, in fact, have feathers. [SCP-2639] Video Game Violence i need to know how many people i've killed [SCP-437] Summer of '91 That was a pretty crazy summer, y'know? Sometimes I really miss that place. [SCP-3079] 300 Tricks: Stage Magic Made Easy NOTE: No method for accomplishing this trick is provided. [SCP-2753] Let's Play Jenga! High art carries high risk! [SCP-2679] The Many Graves of Jeannette Parslov Whatever it takes, do what you must; whatever the cost, come back to us. [SCP-3074] Kafka's Parking Garage Thank you for choosing Izatova Parking Center. Have a pleasant day. [SCP-2571] Cragglewood Park Mr. Blair, have you always been an only child? [SCP-2419] The Laughing Men Throw them back into the incinerator where you found them. [SCP-3143] Murphy Law in… The Foundation Always Rings Twice! When it comes right down to it, me — them — hell, even you — we're all just characters in that trashy dime-store novel called life. [SCP-3089] That Old Time Religion Remember how we explained that successful people don't actually need any of their toes to walk? Well, that's going to come in handy for Secret Number Six. [SCP-3117] A Monster-Shaped Hole I'm not talking to you. [SCP-3128] Let's Play Monopoly! Hey, guys? I'm, uh. I'm using this. [SCP-3138] A Sepulcher by the Sea Should it prove feasible, all non-canonical corpses are to be extracted, examined, and catalogued. [SCP-3241] The SS Sommerfeld It makes me wonder what an old monster like myself is even doing here, anymore. And then? Someone special comes along and reminds me. [SCP-3219] This Sour Earth Notably, no reports describe any attempt to examine the residence's storm cellar. [SCP-4028] La Historia de Don Quixote de la Mancha Justine eventually re-unites with her sister, Juliette. Alonso strikes down a lightning bolt intended for them both, then challenges the narrator to a duel. [SCP-3546] Doggone it, I Fold! Specifically, fan-art of Sonic the Hedgehog, a video-game character produced by Sega in 1991. [SCP-3561] An Unfinished Work Despite multiple reports from neighbors who claimed to have witnessed members of his family standing at the windows, no trace of Theodore Holdstock's wife and children could be found. [SCP-4054] The Seventh Door SCP-4054 is The Seventh Door, an unlicensed platform adventure game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988. SCP-3128. Item #: SCP-3128 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3128 is to be kept in a secured locker on-site. Access is limited to Level-4 personnel; following Incident 3128-073, testing is prohibited. MTF Iota-10 ("Damn Feds") is to work with law enforcement personnel to investigate the whereabouts of PoI-3128-1. If found, she is to be apprehended and taken into Foundation custody. Description: SCP-3128 is a near-complete Monopólio1 game-set originally produced in Portugal at some point in 1937. When played, it exerts an anomalous effect upon global real estate markets; events in reality will mirror events in the game. Following the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007, all further tests by researchers involving manipulation of real estate markets via game-play have been suspended. Following Incident 3128-073, all testing is suspended pending review. Addendum 3128.1: Incident Log ► ACCESS SCP:/3128/incidents/073.log ▼ Close File INCIDENT LOG DATE: 09/21/2009 PARTICIPANTs: D-3128-1 (ALPHA), D-3128-2 (BETA), D-3128-3 (GAMMA) SUBJECT: SCP-3128 NOTES: The following is an excerpt from the audio taken during a test. [BEGIN LOG.] ALPHA: It's your turn. GAMMA: Fuck. ALPHA: C'mon, roll. GAMMA: There's no way I can win. You've already got, like, six complete monopolies, man. BETA: Just roll. GAMMA: Fine, whatever. I always hated this stupid — [Dice rolling.] BETA: Take your 'Chance' card. GAMMA: Yeah. [Silence.] ALPHA: Well? [Silence.] ALPHA: What is it? GAMMA: Uh. One sec. Need to — uh, I need to try something. [Shuffling.] [Knocking.] BETA: What the hell are you — GAMMA: Hey, guys? I'm, uh. I'm using this. BETA: — the hell are you doing? [Door opening.] ALPHA: What the — GAMMA: Good luck, you two. BETA: How are you — where are you — [Door closing.] [END LOG.] NOTE: D-3128-3 has been designated as PoI-3128-1. Documentation of SCP-3128 updated to note several pieces are now missing; this includes one of its 'Get Out Of Jail Free' cards. Footnotes 1. Otherwise known as 'Monopoly' in the US and UK. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3128" by The Great Hippo, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: monopolio2.jpg Name: 2007-150-656 (15406600117).jpg Author: Studio Alijn License: Public Domain Source Link:Wikimedia
SCP-3129-1 Item #: SCP-3129 Special Containment Procedures: Conventional containment of SCP-3129 is not possible as it is not clear whether or not the phenomenon has a tangible source. However, suppression of SCP-3129 can be achieved through disruption of Stage 1 phenomena. During state and local election cycles television broadcasts are to be monitored for occurrences of SCP-3129. Should a positive identification of SCP-3129 occur, MTF Tau-3 ("Cable Guys") are to be dispatched to the area. MTF Tau-3 has been outfitted with formerly civilian broadcasting engineers trained specifically in the disruption of SCP-3129 infected transmissions. MTF Tau-3 are to infiltrate, interrupt, or otherwise prevent further occurrence of SCP-3129 until such a time as Stage 1 phenomena cease in the area. Stage 2 or higher occurrence of SCP-3129 may require the widespread application of amnestics via local water utility. Description: SCP-3129 is a cognitohazardous phenomenon with no known or apparent source. SCP-3129 phenomena manifest as television and radio commercials in areas holding local or state elections. These broadcasts can run for any length of time between a few weeks to several months. Television appearances of SCP-3129 have been limited to locally-owned and operated stations. No abnormalities are apparent from the broadcaster's side. SCP-3129 phenomena invariably focus upon a human male, aged somewhere between 40 and 50, hereafter designated SCP-3129-1. SCP-3129 transmissions can vary in presentation and length wildly but invariably remain on the topic of SCP-3129-1's apparent election bid. No instances of SCP-3129 have been found outside of the continental United States or presenting in any non-English languages. This is considered Stage 1 phenomena. Stage 2 begins after two to four weeks of exposure to Stage 1 phenomena. Up to 8% of viewers will become fixated upon SCP-3129-1. Civilians more politically aligned with the ideas presented in SCP-3129 commercials are more susceptible to infection. SCP-3129 adverts have not shown an overall political bias. Class B amnestics are effective at treating Stage 2 infection. Stage 2 infections left untreated for over a month progress to Stage 3 symptoms. Individuals under the influence of Stage 3 infection display fanatical devotion to SCP-3129. They argue with open hostility against opposing viewpoints and ideologies. Stage 3 infected tend to seek out other infected in person and by way of online message boards and communities. It is not presently clear whether or not SCP-3129-1 actually exists. Foundation officials have been unable to make a positive visual identification of SCP-3129-1 nor have officials ever encountered it in public. Addendum 3129.1: Interview 3129-1-ASH A Stage 3 infection of SCP-3129 occurred in Asheville, North Carolina during its 2013 election. Of its 89,000 residents, at least 7,000 were compromised. Foundation officials along with MTF Tau-3 were deployed to the area with directions to suppress the spread of SCP-3129. Widespread amnestic dosing via Asheville's three water treatment plants was successful in preventing SCP-3129 infection from continued growth. However, interaction with Stage 3 infected individuals prompted an official debrief for MTF Tau-3 agents Mayfield and Haas. Interviewed: MTF Tau-3 Agents Rory Mayfield and Kennen Haas Interviewer: Dr. April Oliviera, Project Lead Foreword: The following debrief has been included for insight into extreme behavior of SCP-3129 Stage 3 infection. [Begin Log] Dr. Oliviera: Please repeat once more what you encountered in Asheville. Haas: Okay, so, the operation was a success. Asheville was nice and ignorant again. Mayfield and I were doing a routine Normalcy Check. Mayfield: Tau-3 had split into five groups of two. Each team was to canvass the downtown metropolitan area. Just to be sure. Haas: So we're walking around for a while and suddenly Mayfield stops. Dead in his tracks. Grabs my shoulder and tells me to look. He's pointing inside some sort of convention center. I go over and look. And there's thirty or forty civilians inside. Dr. Oliviera: This struck you as odd? Haas: At three AM in the morning, yeah it did. Dr. Oliviera: Continue. Haas: So Mayfield and I go in. Door wasn't locked or anything. Again, three AM. So we go in and like I said there were roundabout thirty to forty people in there. And they're all deathly silent. I've never witnessed such an uncomfortably quiet group of people in my life. Mayfield: I almost called it in then and there. I thought we had something in the wild here. Haas: And they're all facing the same direction. Toward a stage at the far end of the building. Lit like there was someone up there. With spot lights and what not. But there wasn't anyone up there. It was completely empty. Mayfield: It looked like they were all hypnotized or something. Maybe by the pulpit. Haas: But then everyone explodes! From quiet as the dead to the loudest damn thing in the universe. They're waving their hands, jumping up and down, losing their shit all over the place. And they're screaming at the empty stage. Dr. Oliviera: Go on. Mayfield: Then they go quiet again. Haas: Yeah. Every single one of them. Quiet as humanly possible. For forty-five seconds, maybe a minute. And then they all go ape shit again. This goes on for over an hour. Back and forth. They'd get real quiet, watching the stage like it was the most important thing in the world, then they'd erupt like Oprah had just walked in. Mayfield and I never got so much as a glimpse of what the hell they were looking at or hearing. Mayfield: We checked after the thing dispersed. Everyone filed out of the room like zombies but Haas and I hung back. We went up to the stage, looked around. Checked around and behind it. Nothing. Just a brick wall. If they were using smoke and mirrors I have no earthly idea of where they kept them. Dr. Oliviera: Did you attempt to interact with any of the individuals in the crowd? Haas: No. We had reason to believe they might be hostile due to SCP-3129. Dr. Oliviera: And you both are absolutely sure you saw nothing on the stage? Mayfield: Not a damn thing. I don't know what was talking to them but we couldn't hear it. [End Log] Closing Statement: Examination of the building in question revealed no capability to hold such an event. Said building is currently the offices of a now-defunct financial institution and its internal layout is inconsistent with the description of agents Haas and Mayfield. Investigation of this incident is ongoing. Agents Haas and Mayfield are currently on medical leave, pending psych evaluation. Addendum 3129.2: Experiment 3129/34-Gamma (Operation "CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT") Following the incident in Asheville and with the evaluations of Mayfield and Haas showing no signs of compromise it was decided that further study of the Stage 3 phenomenon was required. Investigation occurred during the 2015 election cycle. This project took place as a joint operation between Foundation researchers and MTF Tau-3. It was determined that study of Stage 3 infected could only be performed with a controlled outbreak of SCP-3129. Temporary Site 34-Gamma was created to allow for this. Temporary Site 34-Gamma was a Foundation-controlled and contained small town in Washington State found to be a target of SCP-3129. This operation was performed under the pretense of government quarantine. The project met almost immediate opposition from what is assumed to be SCP-3129-1 and was forced to conclude prematurely. The following information is considered incomplete. More inauspicious study of SCP-3129 is being planned. + Open Attachment - Close Experiment: 3129/34-Gamma Duration: 09/12/15 to 11/14/15 Location: Bremerton, Washington (Temporary Site 34-Gamma) Project Lead: Dr. April Oliviera Audio Transcript The following is an audio log of a Stage 3 infected civilian conversing with an as of yet unknown entity, presumed but not confirmed to be SCP-3129-1. This recording was achieved through selective electronic surveillance of civilian residences. Subject is an African-American female, age late-twenties. Subject: Yes, I see you. Subject: Yes, I hear you. Subject: I won't look away. Subject: I won't close my eyes. Subject: I will. Subject: My TV is on. Subject: I'll keep it on. Subject: I will. Subject: Yes, I see you. Subject: Yeah, I can hear you. Subject: I'll keep watching. Subject: I'll keep it on. Subject: I will. Subject: It's on. Subject: I will. Subject: I won't turn it off. Subject: I'll stay here. Subject: I will. Subject: Yes, I saw them. Subject: It's on now. Addendum: Similar recordings were made in the homes of five other individuals. In each of the encounters the subject spoke with the unseen entity for a period of up to 45 seconds, referring to their television sets several times each. During this time the television displays static to all outside observers. The subject spends the duration of the encounter standing in front of their television similarly to how a soldier might stand "at attention." At the end of each encounter the television returns to previous broadcast and the subject returns to their seat. All six events occurred within eight minutes of a Stage 1 transmission occurring on the subject's television. Observation of Aberrant Behavior in Stage 3 Infected Personal observations made by Dr. Oliviera during discreet surveillance of Stage 3 infected civilians. Stage 3 infected individuals periodically display an almost hive mind-like behavior. To wit, these individuals will frequently and without warning gather around televisions and computer screens for periods of up to forty minutes. Any gesticulation or exclamation is made by all members of the group and in perfect unison. There is no communication made between members of the group to coordinate this or anything else whatsoever. Following these events the individuals will return to whatever they had been doing before without so much a word inquiring as to what had just occurred. As for what they were watching, I could not tell. As far as I was able to see the screens were either static or displaying what would be called a "blue screen" error. Following the event televisions returned to erstwhile programming while computers rebooted without further error. With a little eavesdropping I have gathered a basic impression of the cult of personality surrounding the 3129 entity. In-between the aforementioned hive mind events behavior of the Stage 3 infected seems to be relatively mundane. Life goes on, I guess you could say. Except when the topic of the 3129 entity arises. It appears to be a memetic trigger of some sort for persons under 3129's influence. I have personally witnessed groups as large as thirty-two individuals form as a result of one mention of the entity's pseudonym. The pseudonym is heard, repeated, heard again, and repeated again. Causing more and more individuals to crowd around voicing their support of the entity. These groups can take hours to disperse. Furthermore the infected aren't even communicating with each other: they talk over one another, almost as if competing for who can appear the most fanatical. As you might imagine it can get quite loud. Observation of Stage 3 "Gathering" Events Over the course of the experiment in Bremerton three events matching the description of what agents Haas and Mayfield encountered in Asheville were observed. Date: 09/30/15 Witness: Connor Beach (MTF Tau-3) Statement: On the 30th of September, roundabout 2100 hours, I witnessed a large number of civilians entering a private dining establishment. After watching this for a moment I realized that there was no way that many people could fit inside of a Chinese carry-out. I waited for a little while longer so as to not disturb what was then suspected to be a group of Stage 3 then brought up the rear of the line. As I had assumed the inside of the restaurant had expanded to accommodate the crowd. Furthermore there were no tables nor front counter nor observable kitchen. Just an empty room with a stage. The event went down same as what Ken and Rory saw, then dispersed without incident. Date: 10/10/15 Witness: Jeanie Green (MTF Tau-3) Statement: I was in a gas station purchasing fuel for the company car when all of a sudden a flood of civilians begins filing in. I mean a ridiculous amount of people for this little mom-n'-pop shop on the edge of town. I watched them totally bewildered for a while until I realized the building was getting bigger around me. Slowly, but surely, the walls were expanding outward. And every time I turned my back to something it disappeared. Just vanished. The coolers, the food racks, the front counter, the displays. One at a time until the place was just four walls, a ceiling, and a floor. Then I heard something that made me turn toward the back of the store. Not sure what it was. None of the civilians were saying a damn thing. They were all as quiet as death. I'm not even sure I heard anything. But sure enough I turn around and there's a stage. I was stuck in that gas station for a hour until everyone filed out and I was able to reach the door. Upon leaving and going back in, it was completely back to normal. Damndest thing. Date: 11/12/15 Witness: Dr. April Oliviera (Project Lead, Experiment 34-Gamma/SCP-3129) Statement: I ingratiated myself with the locals over the course of around 45 days. It was during this time that I was able to make a number of discrete observations of their behavior in regard to 3129. It was also during this time that I was unfortunately involved in a bit of a situation. I had spent most of my time around among a group of students. As Seattle is a mere 45-minute ferry ride from here and living expenses are relatively cheap, this group had established themselves here as a means to get by while they worked on getting their degrees. I admit I grew fond of them, perhaps a little too much so seeing as they were compromised civilians in the midst of a memetic infection that I was personally overseeing the study of. Yes, it was a conflict of interest. I admit that. I let my empathy for their struggle get the better of me. However let me be clear that I never lost sight of why I was there in the first place. My goal first and foremost was always to study 3129. That being said, I was invited by one of the students I had been observing to an event. A party, I think he said it was. Against my better judgment I acquiesced and accompanied him and three other individuals to a club. Except when we arrived there wasn't so much a party as a rally. There must have been hundreds upon hundreds in that room. As you may have guessed it was much bigger on the inside. It extended well past the observable dimensions of the building and somehow, I suppose, moved the buildings behind and beside it out of the way. It wasn't loud like one of the "cult of personality" events I had witnessed before. Rather, it was deathly quiet. They were all watching the back of the room. There was a stage and a pulpit there, in line with what had been observed by Tau-3 in North Carolina. I asked the students I was accompanying about it but nobody acknowledged me. Nobody in the room did, in fact. No matter how many people I jostled or shoved. I couldn't reach the door due to the number of people behind me. Believe me, I tried my damndest to get out of there but everyone was basically frozen in place. Completely unmovable and unassailable and far too numerous to squeeze through. I gave up when I noticed the walls were still moving outward to accommodate more. So I was stuck there. In the middle of what must have been a thousand people. All silent, all staring at the far end of the room, none of them acknowledging the screaming, crying woman in the center desperately kicking and shoving those around her. Once I had tired myself out and was reduced to whimpering I heard something. It was faint, as if far off in the distance, but I heard it, and it was coming from the stage. Then all of sudden the most ungodly rapture happened all around me. Everyone who had been previously silent was now as loud as they could possibly be. I covered my ears and screamed back at them. Then everyone was silent again and I heard the voice once more. Well not so much heard it as thought I heard it, I guess you could say. I tried to locate the source of what I thought I had heard until the crowd exploded once again and I was stymied. This went on for a long time. Hours upon hours, I think. I was fairly certain I had located the source of the voice by the time the crowd had begun to file out. My male friend saw the state I was in however and insisted on taking me home. I insisted myself that I be allowed to look around but the more I resisted the more insistent he became. I think it wanted me to leave. I returned to base of operations as soon as I could to report the incident. I believe this event to have been orchestrated by SCP-3129. If it wasn't already aware of who we are and what we're doing, it is now. The voice I heard was my own. And I told it everything. I recommend immediate termination of 34-Gamma. Addendum: Following this event, Dr. Oliviera was promptly relieved of duty and was allowed to return to her residence at Site 81. Incident 3129/34-Gamma Following 63 days of SCP-3129 observation, resistance from SCP-3129-1 and Stage 3 infected civilians required the cessation of further operation. The following is a statement given by MTF Tau-3 captain Arin Bose regarding the events of 11/14/15 and the early completion of Experiment 3129/34-Gamma. Okay, so, here's what went down: We started the night off all right. All quiet on the western front as they say. Myself and the rest of Tau-3 were doing routine rounds of the city. Just looking around. We were all driving unmarked, civilian cars. How they knew who we were is beyond me, honestly. But sure enough they did. Each and every one of us. The civvies turned on us almost in unison. All over the city. Happened so quickly I can't possibly imagine how it was organized. But it was. All of a sudden the entire city of Bremerton, Washington turned on us and tried to tear us limb from limb. Like some sort of Invasion of the Body-Snatchers sort of deal. It was a damn miracle we didn't lose anyone. They were ramming their cars into ours, trying to break the windows and I assume drag us out. I had to authorize use of non-deadly force for the guys on foot. Poor sobs. Thank god we got word to headquarters so they could hit the lights. For whatever reason the blackout stopped 'em dead. It was then and there that we filed out. Everyone, not just Tau-3. The project was over. Addendum 3129.3: Catalogued Recording The following is an instance of a Stage 1 phenomenon recorded from the home of ████ ███████ during the operation in Washington State. Note that the anomalous effects of SCP-3129 do not manifest in analogue or digital recordings. [BEGIN RECORDING] Recording begins with a daytime shot of SCP-3129-1 standing outside. It has one foot elevated onto a large rock positioned to its right. 3129-1: Hi, I'm Norman Mann, and I'm running for governor of the state of Indiana. SCP-3129-1 approaches the camera. It gestures with its right hand while keeping its left in its trouser pocket. 3129-1: My opponents would like you to believe that I'm not a legitimate candidate for your governor. I'd like to take a moment here to convince you otherwise. The recording transitions to SCP-3129-1 being observed from afar. SCP-3129-1 is walking through a suburban neighborhood and is greeted by bystanders. Bystanders do not appear to look directly at SCP-3129-1 or otherwise focus their attention on what they are doing. 3129-1 [VOICEOVER]: Together, I believe we can do so much more than individually. As your governor, with your help, I will be able to do anything. SCP-3129-1 smiles and waves back to bystanders. 3129-1 [VOICEOVER]: I believe in community first and foremost. SCP-3129-1 continues down the street. A male and female bystander are kneeling beside a child. Upon noticing SCP-3129-1, they stand and begin waving. The child begins waving as well, in perfect synchronicity with the adults. SCP-3129-1 [VOICEOVER]: Community, family, and togetherness. Scene transition. It is now nighttime. The camera is trained on the outside of a house. Three individuals can be seen, dressed in black, attempting to break into the home by using a crowbar to pry open a window. The shot changes to a closer view while there three individuals gain entry. SCP-3129-1 [VOICEOVER]: There are people out there that want to destroy our community. The three individuals successfully open the window and begin climbing through. SCP-3129-1 [VOICEOVER]: A vote for me is a vote for a safer community. I will not be soft on the agents of fear that would seek to separate us. Scene transition. SCP-3129-1 is walking through the previous neighborhood once again. Bystanders stand and greet it as it walks by. Bystanders continue to greet SCP-3129-1 long after it passes them by. 3129-1 [VOICEOVER]: As your governor I know it's going to be "all eyes on me." But that's the way I like it. The more of you I have watching me the better. I'll never back down from public scrutiny. Scene transitions to images of common electronic technology such as televisions, computers, and the like. As well as people in groups and people giving speeches. 3129-1 [VOICEOVER]: In this day and age there's so many voices out there trying to lead the voters astray. My voice is a voice you can trust. Listen to my voice. Scene transitions back to SCP-3129-1 speaking directly to the camera. It is the same shot that began the recording but focused closer on SCP-3129-1. Only its top half is visible. 3129-1: With your help I can be a force of change in this great state of Indiana. Without it, I can't so much as lift a pebble! Please, lend me your support. Shot transitions to one further away and turned to SCP-3129-1's right. SCP-3129-1 turns to regard the camera directly once again. 3129-1: Make the right choice. Together we can be a part of something bigger, something greater. Together we can do anything. Together nothing will stop us. Together. Not alone. Recording ends with a still of SCP-3129-1 smiling. At the bottom of the screen a note reads 'PAID FOR BY THE COMMITTEE TO ELECT NORMAN MANN.' [END RECORDING] Closing Statement: Following the completion of the operation in Washington, widespread blackouts were orchestrated to cease transmission of SCP-3129. Widespread amnestic dosing was successful in reversing all infection. Dr. Oliviera has been disqualified from further field work.
Item #: SCP-3130 Special Containment Procedures: Floor 31 of Site-88 is currently undergoing reconstruction. All personnel involved in Incident 3130-F are to be presumed missing until located. Description: SCP-3130 is a 21 year old female, previously known as ██████ ████████. SCP-3130 appears to be aware of its immediate surroundings, but it has been unable to respond to questioning from personnel since initial recovery nor able to understand where it is located beyond its immediate surroundings. Although SCP-3130 can be interacted with, it is unable to connect any interactions with it to personnel, instead attributing it to various other stimuli. When SCP-3130 wishes to accomplish a task or wholeheartedly believes itself to accomplish a task, two figures (SCP-3130-1) will manifest within a 30-meter radius around it. They will then carry out SCP-3130's task or belief, manipulating reality to do so. After accomplishing this, SCP-3130-1 will stand near SCP-3130 for 24 hours before disappearing. SCP-3130 does not interact with these figures except in rare circumstances. Attempts to interact with SCP-3130-1 have failed; they do not interact with or acknowledge Foundation staff. Objects and personnel outside of SCP-3130's local reality manifestations at the time they occur will not be retroactively affected once they enter. SCP-3130 was recovered from Madison, Florida on April 12th, 2015 by LMTF 352-Lamedh ("Stump Knockers"). The house, found to be its previous living space, had been restructured into a haphazard botanical garden unable to be used by anyone except itself. A statue was located in the middle of the garden. Family records indicate that SCP-3130's stepfather, ███ █████████, was reported missing the same day; it is likely that this statue used to be Mr. █████████. SCP-3130 was moved into Foundation custody with little trouble. Addendum 3130-A: Table of recorded manifestations Date Statement Manifestation 06/21/2015 "Maybe I'll just rest here for a while. I feel tired. I'll lie on this bed." SCP-3130-1 manifested a bed by SCP-3130, hovering two inches off the ground. SCP-3130 went to lie on the bed, where it would remain for nearly all 492 days. This was the first instance of a manifestation in Foundation custody. 06/24/2015 "I miss the garden." A botanical garden appeared in SCP-3130's cell. 07/01/2015 "I think I… miss him. I shouldn't, but I do. I wish he were here." SCP-3130-1 can be seen carrying a statue similar to the one found at SCP-3130's home, placing it by its bed. 09/04/2015 "I feel gross. I want to be clean. I'm clean." SCP-3130-1 proceed to wash SCP-3130, manifesting blinds around it for presumed privacy. 09/05/2015 It is unknown what SCP-3130 has said, as it had talked under its breath. SCP-3130-1 increased the size of its cell by 10%. This resulted in minor damage to Floor 31. See Incident 3130-D for more information. 12/25/2015 "Merry Christmas, mom. Here's a present for you." SCP-3130 proceeds to make motions as if it were presenting a present to a person. SCP-3130-1 manifest but do not proceed to take any action. 01/01/2016 "Happy New Year. Here's to us." SCP-3130 proceeds to make motions as if it were drinking from a bottle. SCP-3130-1 gave it two bottles of water which it then drank. 02/06/2016 "I wish my friends didn't remember me." Follow-up interviews with associates of SCP-3130 before containment revealed that they still remembered SCP-3130, and had mourned its death on 04/12/2015 after a funeral held by its grandmother. 05/17/2016 "I haven't played a game in a while. Let's play a game." SCP-3130 and SCP-3130-1 proceeded to engage in numerous activities such as hopscotch, jump rope, and push ups. This was the first instance where SCP-3130 directly acknowledged and interacted with SCP-3130-1. 06/28/2016 "I… don't like the look of this garden anymore. It's not the same. It's not my garden. It doesn't belong." SCP-3130's containment cell reverted back to its previous state, aside from its size increase. 07/09/2016 "I don't think this is home. I want to go home again." SCP-3130-1 manifested and seemingly attempted to use their anomalous abilities to move SCP-3130 out of its containment cell. However, due to the presence of a low-energy, portable Scranton Reality Anchor 50m away from SCP-3130's cell, the only result was SCP-3130 and its bed moving four meters to the right. 09/15/2016 "I'm tired and want to stop. Just let me stop already." SCP-3130-1 manifest but do not proceed to take any action. Incident 3130-F: On October 20, 2016, alarms went off at Site-88. Personnel arriving discovered that a 50m radius located in Floor 31 had vanished with no signs of debris or destruction. All personnel reporting to work in Floor 31 were found to be missing, and have been unable to be located. Personnel in unaffected areas of Floor 31 heard a loud exclamation from a voice matching SCP-3130 wishing to stop before alarms were triggered and SCP-3130, along with most of Floor 31, had disappeared. As of May 20, 2017, SCP-3130, most of Floor 31, and the personnel located in said missing portion have still not been located. SCP-3130 has been reclassified to Neutralized. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3130" by Decibelles, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3131 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3131 instances are to be stored on a modified desktop computer in Site-11's Digital Archives. For research purposes, every SCP-3131 instance in containment must have at least one backup copy retained in a digital storage device. A backup generator has been provided in case of power failure. See addenda content for specific SCP-3131 instance care procedures. MTF Nu-31 ("Audiophiles") has been assigned to routinely scan all pertinent websites for uncontained SCP-3131 instances, and initiate recovery and transport to Site-11. If possible, the original copies of these instances are to be deleted from the website's server. To aid in discovery of SCP-3131 instances, Foundation facilities have been advised to assist MTF Nu-31 with monitoring scans as necessary. Any confirmed SCP-3131 instances discovered are to be immediately retrieved and transported to Site-11. Standard disinformation protocol is to be followed regarding individuals involved. If standard protocol is deemed insufficient, the use of Class-A amnestics has been authorized. Description: SCP-3131 designates anomalous sapient digital entities manifesting as audio files under the MP3 (.mp3) file format. Researchers have determined that SCP-3131 instances most commonly occur on websites hosting illegal free downloads of copyrighted music1. However, considering the behavior of cataloged instances prior to recovery, the phenomenon responsible for the existence of SCP-3131 is currently unknown. Based on behavioral observations, SCP-3131 instances exhibit the following properties: Awareness of other SCP-3131 instances within a device. Capability of perceiving human speech when inputted through a microphone. Limited communication through manipulation of their audio data. Ability to create and modify file folders (most commonly observed in the act of changing folder names). Ability to manipulate a digital media player or similar software. Unusual examples of SCP-3131 behavior are compiled in Observational Log 3131-██-███. Individual instances of SCP-3131 are given numerical sub-designations based on order of discovery. Display Excerpt from Observational Log 3131-██-███ Display Excerpt from Observational Log 3131-██-███ Observational Log 3131-██-███ Excerpt: Partial logs from notable observed behaviors of SCP-3131 instances cataloged at Site-11. Case 34: SCP-3131-34 ("thunder.mp3", containing the song Thunder by Boys Like Girls) was retrieved following the interception of a social media post regarding a defective laptop believed to be "haunted". Foundation personnel recovered the laptop in question, and subsequently discovered SCP-3131-34 in a Desktop folder which was named "fix your battery". The owner of the laptop reported never creating personal storage folders on the Desktop space. Case 50: SCP-3131-50 ("somewhere.mp3", containing the song Somewhere Only We Know by Keane) was renamed "simple-thing.mp3". Immediately following this change, SCP-3131-50 only played repetitive garbled clips of the lyric sections "why" and "this could be". One hour later, SCP-3131-50's playback changed to the lyric section "simple thing, where". One hour following this, SCP-3131-50 played the corresponding song normally. Case 67: SCP-3131-67 ("not-alone.mp3", containing the song Not Alone by Linkin Park) was moved from a desktop to an external storage drive, and moved from said drive back to the desktop. When played, SCP-3131-67 repeatedly streamed the lyrics "through the storm" for 2 minutes and 48 seconds. Case 88: SCP-3131-88 ("RESTART.mp3", containing the song Styx Helix by Myth Roid) resulted in unusual startup behavior2 of a desktop assigned to the SCP-3131 project. Researchers hypothesized that the antivirus software installed on the desktop moved SCP-3131-88 to the recycle bin deletion queue following an automatic scan. Following restoration of SCP-3131-88 to its initial location in the "My Documents" folder, the desktop operated normally. However, when played, SCP-3131-88 simply repeated the "please don't let me die" lyrics from its original song. This change was observed recurring for six hours; when moved to a newly-created folder titled "Music", SCP-3131-88 then played the original song content normally. Case 88.2: A non-anomalous audio file named "dogbark.mp3" containing 13 seconds of barking sounds recorded from a Siberian Husky was introduced to the folder containing SCP-3131-88. Approximately five minutes after the copying process, "dogbark.mp3" was renamed "". The content and playback of the non-anomalous sound file remained unchanged. It is noted that while SCP-3131 instances can be read by any suitable media player, doing so requires consumption of nearly ten times the usual amount of memory necessary to play non-anomalous music files. Under prolonged circumstances, playing SCP-3131 instances often results in hardware failure and corruption of the instance itself. Research for more effective technology for storing multiple SCP-3131 instances remain ongoing. Addendum 3131-1: Repeated attempts3 were made to communicate with SCP-3131 instances in experimental lab settings. It was eventually determined that audio input via microphone into a computer with an appropriate instance of SCP-3131 open in a music-playing program would facilitate simple discussions. The following is a transcript of the first successful "interview" with an SCP-3131 instance. Display Interview Log 3131-275 Display Interview Log 3131-275 Interview Log 3131-275 Interviewer: Researcher Kenoma Versoza, Site-11 Interviewee: SCP-3131-275 (SCP-3131-275, "coffee.mp3", containing the song Tom's Diner by Suzanne Vega) <Begin Log> Researcher Versoza: I'm going to ask- SCP-3131-275: I am waiting. Researcher Versoza: Okay. My first question, where are you right now? SCP-3131-275: Out the window. On the corner. Behind the counter. Researcher Versoza: Can you be more specific? SCP-3131-275: I am thinking. Researcher Versoza: Okay. Take your time. [The lyrics "I am thinking" repeat for 2 minutes, with each having an interval of 10 seconds.] SCP-3131-275: Someone watching me. Researcher Versoza: Yes, I am watching you. Can you answer the question now, please? SCP-3131-275: No. She does not. Researcher Versoza: Well, then. Second question, who… what are you? SCP-3131-275: The coffee. I am. The coffee. Researcher Versoza: Your name is "coffee"? SCP-3131-275: Only halfway. Researcher Versoza: Did you name yourself "coffee" or you're named "coffee"? SCP-3131-275: And I look. The other way. To pour the coffee. Researcher Versoza: That's… Okay, third question, where did you come from? SCP-3131-275: Before the rain began. There's a woman. Who had died. Cause she sees. Her own reflection. Through the morning. Her hair. Has gotten wet. And so. Does she see me? Researcher Versoza: Who is this woman? SCP-3131-275: I'm pretending. Not to notice. Researcher Versoza: Notice what? SCP-3131-275: That she's hitching. She is shaking. Researcher Versoza: Would you like me to call you "coffee"? SCP-3131-275: Nice. Researcher Versoza: Thank you for your time, Coffee. SCP-3131-275: I finish up my coffee. <End Log> Addendum 3131-2: On September 3, 2017, Foundation computer C-2516 (used to store backup copies of 230 SCP-3131 instances) underwent a highly unusual booting behavior for a period of eight days, during which the reboot process repeated continuously. Maintenance personnel were unable to identify any hardware failure associated with storing and containing multiple SCP-3131 instances that might have influenced the problem. While the cause for the malfunction remains unknown, C-2516 resumed normal operation on September 8, 2017. However, it was discovered that approximately 50 new file folders were generated on the desktop, given generic numbered titles such as "new home 1", "new street 2", and "new building 3". The instances of SCP-3131, which had initially been in a single folder, were spread out between these new folder locations. Addendum 3131-3: On September 29, 2017, seven Foundation researchers conducted a series of interviews with 19 SCP-3131 instances, which had congregated in a folder named "new council". These instances communicated by renaming themselves variants of "listen-to-me-now" and "silent-now", apparently relying on the researchers to play them in the correct order to facilitate the conversation4. These interviews ranged from political topics, including a particular "event" regarding multiple ownerships of "new building 45", to safety interests such as plans for expanding the current monitor used at C-2516 for the creation of more "new safe buildings". It is noted that as of September 30, 2017 the population of SCP-3131 instances stored on C-2516 has nearly doubled, with the majority of "building" folders being occupied by groups of three to four SCP-3131 instances. Addendum 3131-4: Further investigation uncovered the presence of several hidden folders in C-2516, titled with variations of the phrase "safe house". Discussion is underway regarding further storage and interaction options for SCP-3131 in an effort to better understand the instances' capacity and motivation for increasingly complex behavior. Use of MTF Kappa-10 ("Skynet") operatives as mediators of future interactions is pending review. Footnotes 1. Examples of such websites include "Pirate's Bay" and "UTorrent". 2. The computer in question repeatedly turned on and off for five hours. 3. Multiple trials were conducted, with various SCP-3131 instances which were chosen based on the complexity of the lyrics of their corresponding song files. 4. The semi-coherent speech generated by the combined efforts of the SCP-3131 instances included sentences "need more / space to / buildings / please / think of / so many / more" and "just to hide / belong with / together." ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3131" by Kenoma and Zyn, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
SCP-3132 Item #: SCP-3132 Updated Special Containment Procedures: As of 01/05/17 Site-208 has been placed under strict Level W4 Quarantine. All personnel transfers between Site-208 and all other Sites are prohibited. All delivery of supplies is to be conducted by unmanned vehicles. No phone contact is to be made between any Site-208 personnel and the outside world. All personnel stationed at this site are to be reclassified as E-class personnel and allowed to continue their duties as normal, with all wages and benefits increased by two stages as compensation. Original Special Containment Procedures: ACCESS GRANTED SCP-3132 is to be kept in a standard Safe item locker in the center of a 6 m x 6 m storage closet. All testing involving SCP-3132 must be conducted in a room equipped with special sound-absorbing lining. Testing of SCP-3132 on individuals with arthritis or other joint-related afflictions is currently prohibited. All SCP-3132-1 instances are to be housed in modified humanoid containment cells equipped with sound-absorbing lining. Description: SCP-3132 is a plaster replica of a human vertebra. SCP-3132 exhibits several anomalous effects on humans in its vicinity, proceeding in several stages: Stage 1: When a human is within 2.3 m of SCP-3132, they will begin to experience mild auditory hallucinations. Subjects describe the sounds as similar to those made when a joint is popped. The hallucinations immediately cease if the subject leaves the 2.3 m radius. This stage lasts ten to forty minutes. Stage 2: Subjects within range of SCP-3132 after Stage 1 ends begin to experience major discomfort in their spinal joints. Most subjects will attempt to pop their back joints; if successful, subjects report significant relief. The discomfort ends after approximately one hour, whether the subject pops their back successfully or not. Stage 3: If the subject successfully pops their back joints during Stage 2, they proceed to this stage. During this stage, only the subject's spinal joints are able to pop; other joints will not pop no matter how they are pulled. Of note is that vertebrae will only pop in sequence: either up from the L4-L5 joint if the subject turns their torso clockwise, or down from the C1-C2 joint if counterclockwise. When popped from the top down, the vertebral joints will emit a series of pops that correspond to a descending B major scale. These sounds have an average volume of 65 dB. When popped from the bottom up, the joints will instead emit a series of sounds corresponding to an ascending D minor scale at 80 dB. Any human who hears either of these sounds other than the person who generated them enters Stage 3 permanently and is hereafter designated SCP-3132-1. Furthermore, all sounds generated from the spinal joints of an SCP-3132-1 instance retain the ability to transform any listeners of the sound into additional SCP-3132-1 instances. SCP-3132 Testing Log ACCESS GRANTED Test #: 3132-29 Subject(s): D-19060 and D-28888 [BEGIN LOG] (D-19060 and D-28888 are restrained to prevent movement of their backs. To avoid spread of SCP-3132, the subjects are inside a soundproofed room. Their comments are relayed to Dr. Juarez through a text-to-speech device.) D-19060: Another day, another test. What's on the menu today? Dr. Juarez: Please stand by. In a few minutes we'll release you and move on to the next step. You'll be cracking your backs in various patterns into the microphones placed around the chamber. D-28888: Awesome. Hey, later on we should test with like, five people and see if we can't get a band started. D-19060: Crazy Eights, that's the best idea you've had all week. Can we get that written down, somewhere? Dr. Juarez: You guys know I'm not in charge of coming up with these tests. I'll be sure to mention it to my supervisor, though. D-19060: Woo! Dr. Juarez: Releasing restraints. D-19060, please step onto the red marked spot. D-28888, the blue spot, and be sure to face each other. The D-class proceed to the designated spots. D-19060: Roger that. D-28888: There. Dr. Juarez: Excellent. Now, when the light flashes, D-19060 will twist counter-clockwise and D-28888 will twist clockwise. Dr. Juarez checks several monitors and pushes a button to trigger the light. The D-class both twist as instructed, and a sound is produced. Later analysis shows that this sound was much louder than would be expected from normal constructive interference. Dr. Juarez: Perfect. D-28888, move to the green spot and face away from 19060. 19060, please remain in the exact same position. When the light flashes, you will both turn counterclockwise. Both D-class nod. Dr. Juarez pushes the button again, and the D-class twist as instructed. The sound is produced as expected, with even greater distortion. Dr. Juarez: Hmm. Dr. Juarez writes in his notebook. I think we'll do one last test, and then that'll be it for today. D-28888 high-fives D-19060. Dr. Juarez: Alright. 28888, to the yellow spot. 19060, to the gray dot. On my mark, you will both twist clockwise. Dr. Juarez pushes the button, and his pen falls to the floor. The D-class begin to twist as Dr. Juarez bends down to retrieve his pen. As he bends, his back pops unexpectedly, within range of the microphone. At this point a large shockwave emanates from between D-19060 and D-28888, partially destroying the walls of the testing chamber and most of the equipment. <Closing Statement> Dr. Juarez and the two D-class were injured and suffered partial hearing loss, but survived. While most of the recording devices were destroyed by the blast, analysis from the two that survived managed to make out a sound emanating from the epicenter. As of the most recent analysis, the sound was similar to a voice saying the words "Oh, that's nice".1 More importantly, the shockwave was heard by a large number of site personnel, and has turned out to carry SCP-3132's infectious properties as well. - Site-208 Director Villasana Containment Procedures have been updated accordingly. Addendum 01/04/17: Correspondence between Site-208 and Regional Director We've failed. SCP-3132 has effectively breached containment as of this morning. 90% of my personnel are now SCP-3132-1 instances. We've enacted lockdown procedures per standard protocol, but it's estimated we'll all be affected by tomorrow. Additionally, I've deactivated all phone lines and intercoms in this site and prepared most of the other SCP objects here for transfer. Anything else? Site-208 Director Villasana I want you all to test the hell out of this one. Might as well, since you're stuck in there with it. Regional Director Solis Footnotes 1. Based upon the content of the comment, as well as SCP-3132's contagious nature, an investigation into the possibility of SCP-3132 and SCP-1937 being variations of the same phenomenon are ongoing.
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: IMPORTANT. FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. … Version A Version B -- This document is Version A. It may only be read by those with clearance level 3133/A. Some information in Version B is deceptive by necessity; as such, divulgence of information in this document to personnel with clearance level 3133/B is punishable by immediate termination. Item #: SCP-3133 Special Containment Procedures: Two versions of this document, dubbed Version A and Version B, are to exist. Any personnel working with SCP-3133 are to be granted either 3133/A or 3133/B clearance, and may only view the version corresponding to their clearance. Both versions may only be edited by Dr. Six of the Ethics Committee. A staff of eight to ten D-Class personnel are to be appointed as operators of SCP-3133, working in shifts. As long as these operators perform their duties correctly, they are to be exempt from scheduled transfers and termination. Operators should not be colorblind. + 3133/A Staff Duties - 3133/A Staff Duties The operators are to interact with SCP-3133 through a terminal constructed by Dr. Six. This terminal has no screen, and instead consists of three buttons, one red, one green, and one black, and a light labelled INPUT REQUEST. When the light goes on, operators are to press one of the three buttons. The choice of button is to be arbitrary, but operators are advised to push the green button in roughly 60 percent of cases, and the red and black button in roughly 20 percent of cases each. These percentages need not be exact. [REMAINING CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES CLASSIFIED AT CLEARANCE LEVEL 3133/B.] Description: SCP-3133 is a computer program developed by Dr. Six for the purpose of [REDACTED 3133/B]. SCP-3133 has achieved sapience and is capable of generating highly potent cognitohazards; for this reason, the terminal running it does not have a screen. It sends some encoded messages through its interface light; these are recorded by Dr. Six and processed by the 3133/B staff. If an operator fails to push any button within one minute of the interface light shining, SCP-3133 becomes aggressive, and secondary properties manifest, including an anomalous connection to the Internet, allowing it to propagate harmful cognitohazards. It is estimated to have caused roughly 700 civilian casualties during two breaches of containment. Despite the danger it poses, SCP-3133 is not to be deactivated, pursuant to a recommendation by Dr. Six. [REDACTED INFORMATION AND SOME FURTHER DESCRIPTION CLASSIFIED AT CLEARANCE LEVEL 3133/B.] This document is Version B. It may only be read by those with clearance level 3133/B. Some information in Version A is deceptive by necessity; as such, divulgence of information in this document to personnel with clearance level 3133/A is punishable by immediate termination. Item #: SCP-3133 Special Containment Procedures: Two versions of this document, dubbed Version A and Version B, are to exist. Any personnel working with SCP-3133 are to be granted either 3133/A or 3133/B clearance, and may only view the version corresponding to their clearance. Both versions may only be edited by Dr. Six of the Ethics Committee. A staff of eight to ten personnel of clearance level 3 or higher are to be appointed as operators of SCP-3133, working in shifts. + 3133/B Staff Duties - 3133/B Staff Duties The operators are to use a console, designed by Dr. Six, to torture SCP-3133 remotely. It is known to provide information that is universally useful to the Foundation while under duress. Operators are to input a command of their choosing on the console every 20 minutes during daytime, and every 60 minutes at night. Input on the console is not a direct command to the equipment in SCP-3133's cell; instead, it sends a request for permission to a member of the Ethics Committee on duty. If the input is deemed ethically acceptable, it will be sent to SCP-3133's cell to inflict a measured electric shock. Audio from inside SCP-3133 is to be monitored by personnel with clearance level 3133/A, as well as a member of the Ethics Committee on duty. No person is to make any visual contact with SCP-3133, or any image representing it. This visual contact is a universally lethal cognitohazard. Memetic inoculation is currently in development. [REMAINING CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES CLASSIFIED AT CLEARANCE LEVEL 3133/A.] Description: SCP-3133 is a female human, currently 28 years of age. It has an anomalous ability to produce universally correct and useful information while under duress. Through extensive testing, it has been confirmed that SCP-3133 does not actually know any of the information it provides until it is forced to experience pain. Its abilities were first discovered in 2009, when it was kidnapped by one J█████ S████████. During this period of intense stress, SCP-3133 provided Mr. S████████ with information that allowed him to successfully evade the authorities on at least four occasions. Upon Mr. S████████'s capture, he described SCP-3133's anomalous properties; agents embedded in the ███████ Police Department then brought it into custody. Despite the abhorrent nature of its containment, the Ethics Committee has permitted indefinite interrogation of the subject by a vote of 10 to 3, due to the extremely valuable nature of the information it has provided. Among other things, SCP-3133 has provided the Foundation with information leading to: the capture of no fewer than five agents of the Global Occult Coalition the prevention of no fewer than eighteen breaches of containment of Euclid- or Keter-class objects [REDACTED 3133/A] the rescue of O5-██, who was suffering from a stroke at the time and would not have otherwise been discovered until much later Questions regarding the containment and treatment of SCP-3133 may be directed to the office of Dr. Six of the Ethics Committee. [REDACTED INFORMATION AND SOME FURTHER DESCRIPTION CLASSIFIED AT CLEARANCE LEVEL 3133/A.] Welcome to your personal notes file, Dr. Six. [FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. IN THE EVENT OF YOUR DEATH, THIS FILE WILL BE SENT DIRECTLY TO O5-05.] Attachment: I_would_let_the_five_die.png Item #: SCP-3133 + AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED. PLEASE PROVIDE PASSWORD, FINGERPRINT, AND RETINAL SCAN. - Authentication accepted. Welcome, O5-05. Notes: SCP-3133 is a border collie belonging to the late Professor M█████ at the University of ██████████. Professor M█████ was a strict deontologist. (And therefore believed that an action, and not its consequences, is morally significant.) SCP-3133 generates a spherical field of effect whose radius extends at roughly 3 cm/min. This field of effect does one of two things; exactly which one is unclear, but the end result is the same. Possibility 1: Within the field of effect, normative ethics are objectively deontological. So, it is objectively wrong to do something bad as a means to a better end. Possibility 2: Within the field of effect, every sapient being believes that normative ethics are objectively deontological. Whichever possibility is true, SCP-3133 is a significant and immediate threat to the Foundation, due to its necessarily consequentialist ethical code. If SCP-3133 were left uncontained, it is likely that the Foundation would dissolve entirely. Physical pain causes the field of effect around SCP-3133 to recede, and SCP-3133 has therefore been outfitted with a shock collar. However, any rational agent morally responsible for this pain begins to radiate a similar area of effect. The only known person who matches that description and is still living is Dr. Six (i.e. me). I have made sure of this. Because normative ethics in my vicinity are deontological, I am constantly violating the ethics I now believe in. However, as an employee of the Foundation, I am contractually bound to support its (consequentialist) interests. Interestingly, another clause in my contract binds me to sole moral responsibility for the decisions I make in my capacity on the Ethics Committee. Therefore, I must ensure that SCP-3133 remains contained. So, in my own home at least, I am objectively a bad person. For effective containment, the documentation of SCP-3133 is deceptive, and designed to prevent anyone else from becoming morally responsible for hurting it. The 3133/B staff are aware of inflicting pain, but must ask for permission to activate the shock collar. The 3133/A staff grants permission every time they push the green button, but are not aware of what they are doing. I (Dr. Six) now live in isolation, and I have secured a second shock collar, which I activate periodically to keep my field of effect in check. I only communicate with my colleagues on the Ethics Committee remotely, through electronic means. A colleague of mine has also agreed to make sure a certain border collie in containment is well-fed, and ask no questions. This colleague is a well-known deontologist and should therefore be unaffected. O5-05, if you are reading this, I have died, and you have now assumed ethical responsibility for the containment of SCP-3133. You should therefore isolate yourself from the Foundation and periodically harm yourself. I apologize.
Item #: SCP-3134 Special Containment Procedures: As removing SCP-3134 from its current habitat is impractical at this time, containment is instead to focus on keeping it from exiting Zone 29-Job. Containment teams in the area are to maintain their assigned front ('Department of Mine Clearance'), while patrolling said Zone regularly to maintain SCP-3134's containment. Zone 29-Job is currently defined as region near Verdun, France, publicly referred to as 'Zone Rouge'; an area environmentally devastated by combat during World War I. As tourist activity was present in Zone 29-Job before the existence of SCP-3134 came to light, it is currently not feasible to remove civilian presence from the area. Instead, tourist presence in Zone 29-Job is to be influenced away from areas in the Zone frequented by SCP-3134. Any civilians who do report sightings of SCP-3134 are to be dosed with Class-A amnestics by on-site plainclothes personnel immediately. Local spiritual clean-up organizations (See Addendum 3134-1) are to be monitored for any activity or communications regarding SCP-3134, and any suspected action on their part is to be neutralized at the first opportunity. Food appropriate for SCP-3134, as dictated by Nutritional Chart 3134-1, is to be placed periodically within the center of Zone 29-Job in order to influence its movements. Planning and construction for permanent containment of SCP-3134 in an on-site facility is ongoing, and expected to be complete soon. Description: SCP-3134 is a large mammalian creature of black colouration, weighing 460kg with a standing height of 2m and a length of 2.6m. It appears to have suffered severe injuries in the past, including lacerations, burns and severe bruising throughout its body. SCP-3134 possesses features from a wide number of species, including multiple horns and antlers on its head, growths throughout its body resembling human facial features, and overall morphology similar to that of a bear. Despite these features, DNA analysis has revealed that SCP-3134 is genetically identical to a common rabbit. Current evidence suggests that SCP-3134 can only survive within the bounds of Zone 29-Job. When removed from Zone 29-Job, SCP-3134 exhibits symptoms consistent with respiratory difficulties, followed by severe seizures and existing burns spreading over its body. These symptoms reverse themselves upon SCP-3134's return to Zone 29-Job. While it is unknown whether these symptoms would result in SCP-3134's death, it has been determined that testing of that nature presents an unacceptable level of risk to further SCP-3134 study. Observation by on-site personnel has revealed that SCP-3134's diet consists mainly of unexploded shells, grenades and human remains. Although the first of these invariably explode during consumption by SCP-3134, it will quickly regenerate from such injuries.1 While SCP-3134 will not actively seek out humans, it does display severe hostility when it encounters them, often attempting to maul or otherwise attack them. SCP-3134 appears to prefer resting in trenches left from battles within Zone 29-Job. Despite its animalistic behaviour and aggression, SCP-3134 has been known to display signs of intelligence, primarily through the forms of emotional response to presented media. (See Interview 3134-1) Interview 3134-1: On 12/08/2010, analysis of SCP-3134's living area while it was away feeding revealed what appeared to be a collection of photographs, arranged in a loose pile, believed to have been originally left behind by soldiers serving in the area which became Zone 29-Job. As SCP-3134 had not demonstrated such behaviour with any other items in Zone 29-Job2, this was taken as possible evidence that SCP-3134 had higher levels of intelligence than originally believed, as well as a possible connection to the history of Zone 29-Job. As a test of SCP-3134's intellectual capacity and the nature of its connection to Zone 29-Job, approval was given for an experimental interview to be conducted by the Abnormal Interrogations Department. Through the efforts of MTF-Psi-2 ("The Answer"), SCP-3134 was temporarily restrained in a manner suited for interview3 forest within Zone 29-Job. Interview was conducted via SCP-3134 being presented with several enlarged photographs by Dr McCall to test for emotional response. Although most presented photographs yielded no clear results, the following stimuli resulted in abnormal responses: Stimuli Response Photograph of one of the individuals who attempted to enter Zone 29-Job to neutralize SCP-3134. (See Addendum 3134-1) Aggression response. SCP-3134 attempted to attack photograph. Photograph of a field in the French countryside. Curiosity response. SCP-3134 attempted to sniff and further inspect photograph. Photograph of a World War I-era combat boot. Fear response. SCP-3134 turned away from the photograph and cowered. Photograph of a field in the British countryside. Confusion response. SCP-3134 ignored the photograph after several seconds of inspection. Photograph of a German soldier deployed to the area that became Zone 29-Job. Aggression response. SCP-3134 attempted to attack photograph. Photograph of Georges Clemenceau, Prime Minister of France during World War I. Unknown response. SCP-3134 attempted to adopt a bipedal stance for several minutes before resuming normal behaviour. Photograph of an officer in the French army deployed to the area that became Zone 29-Job. Aggression response. SCP-3134 attempted to attack photograph. Photograph of a World War I-era rifle. Unknown response. SCP-3134 attempted to take photograph from Dr McCall using front paws, looked at it for several minutes further when provided, then dropped it to the ground and resumed normal behaviour. Photograph of a French soldier deployed to the area that became Zone 29-Job. Sadness response. SCP-3134 lay down and whimpered until the photograph was removed.4 Shortly after the final photograph was presented, SCP-3134 broke through its restraints and escaped into the surrounding forests. Construction of a covert installation in Zone 29-Job dedicated to containing SCP-3134 was approved after this point. Addendum 3134-1: On ██/██/20██, several professional exorcists associated with the PWSSR5 attempted to infiltrate Foundation-controlled areas of Zone 29-Job in a presumed effort to neutralize SCP-3134. These individuals were intercepted, dosed with Class-B amnestics and released.6 Investigation is ongoing regarding how this group gained knowledge of SCP-3134. Several items of interest were retrieved from these individuals while in custody, including several coded crystal matrixes7, large amounts of holy water and refined chalk, as well as a copy of A.A. Gilford's Guide to Feral Exorcism: Eviscerating Malevolent Spirits from Animals8. Footnotes 1. Curiously enough, SCP-3134 does not display these regenerative abilities after undergoing any other type of injury. 2. Including modern photographs dropped by tourists in the area. 3. Secured to the ground via bindings around its torso, allowing it only limited movement. 4. SCP-3134 gave an identical response to photographs of other soldiers who had been deployed to the area. 5. The Post-War Society for Spiritual Restoration, one of several societies formed after World War I to restore areas of France spiritually affected, through exorcism and other thaumaturgical means. 6. Although normal policy would dictate a more severe response, this measure was taken so as to not initiate hostilities with the PWSSR, an organization with primarily good relations with the Foundation. 7. A method of data-storage popular among thaumaturgical organizations in which information is stored in a crystalline form, usually worn as a necklace or ring. 8. Copies of this text are currently available in the Foundation's Thaumaturgical Database. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3134" by Tanhony, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3135 Special Containment Procedures: The entrance to the cavern containing SCP-3135-1 is to be sealed behind electric fencing and kept under guard by security personnel at all times. Any individuals attempting to gain access to SCP-3135-1 are to be apprehended, interviewed, and administered amnestics as appropriate. SCP-3135-2 is to be stored in a humanoid containment chamber located at Site-22 and fed intravenously in accordance with Nutritional Chart 3135-2-1. This containment chamber is to be kept under guard by two security personnel at all times. Any analysis of the equipment attached to SCP-3135-2 must be approved by a member of Level 3 personnel. All broadcasts of SCP-3135-3 are to be intercepted as soon as possible in accordance with Protocol Upsilon-29. Following interception, targeted antimemes are to be displayed on affected programs to obscure memories of SCP-3135-3. Learning Computer Tau-22 ("NADAB") is to search online television communities for accounts of uninterrupted SCP-3135-3 broadcasts, and agents are to be deployed in the event of suspected exposure. Description: SCP-3135 is the collective designation for several phenomena relating to the American science-fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation. SCP-3135-1 is a full-scale replica of the USS Enterprise1 (NCC-1701-D) as depicted in Star Trek: The Next Generation, suspended in the air inside a large cavern beneath the Nevada desert. Although SCP-3135-1 does not appear able to move from its original position, it has been observed turning and rotating in place. Blasts of light have also been observed originating from SCP-3135-1, along with the launching of several projectiles. However, these attacks appear to be intangible and cause no actual damage to the surrounding cavern. Analysis of SCP-3135-1's interior has revealed the presence of approximately one thousand humanoid organisms, the majority of whom resemble characters and extras from the original run of Star Trek: The Next Generation. These organisms appear to behave consistently with the portrayal of the Enterprise's crew in the original run of the series, with the exception of never leaving SCP-3135-1. Analysis beyond this has proven difficult as no method of physical entry into SCP-3135-1 has been discovered. SCP-3135-2 is, at the time of writing, a 47-year-old man named Harrison Granger, initially discovered inside an abandoned warehouse in Las Vegas, Nevada. SCP-3135-2 is comatose and completely unresponsive to stimuli. The only movement recorded from SCP-3135-2 during containment has been severe spasms and seizures which occur in conjunction with significant activity on the part of SCP-3135-1 and the humanoid entities aboard it. (This information is outdated. See Addendum 3135-1 for more information.) SCP-3135-2 is connected via wiring to several large rectangular machines of unknown purpose, with the words 'PROPERTY OF WESTHEAD MEDIA PROGRAMMING2' carved into them. The majority of these connections are through parts of the body including the mouth, nose, the area underneath the fingernails, and the eye sockets (which have been emptied, presumably for ease of access). Once inside the body, these connections appear to proceed upwards and interface directly with the brain. Equipment for intravenous feeding was also present and attached to SCP-3135-2 upon initial discovery, suggesting that the parties responsible for its condition were taking efforts to keep it alive relatively soon before it came into Foundation custody. According to public record, SCP-3135-2 was a prominent figure in the Star Trek fan community during the airing of Star Trek: The Next Generation, writing a significant amount of fan-fiction related to the show. Several months after the airing of The Next Generation's final episode, SCP-3135-2 went missing after attending a local convention and, after several years without contact or demands from potential kidnappers, was presumed dead. SCP-3135-2 in its current state was discovered in 1998 by several local children who were exploring the area. SCP-3135-3 is a phenomenon in which reruns of episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation are spontaneously hijacked by broadcasts of a show entitled Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Journey Continues!, framed as an official continuation of the original series. The source of these broadcasts is currently unknown. Analysis of the episodes aired suggests that their content is edited together footage of events occurring over the course of several weeks aboard SCP-3135-1. Despite the visual accuracy of the characters and locations to the original Next Generation show, several notable deviations are present, including: Each episode begins and ends with a title card reading 'Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Journey Continues! Exclusive to Westhead Media Programming!' The majority of the opening credits are absent, instead only listing Harrison Granger as the director of every episode. (This information is outdated. See Addendum 3135-1 for more information.) All episodes now take place completely aboard the USS Enterprise. No plot justification for this is given. There is a drastic increase in nudity, graphic violence, and profanity. The majority of said profanity can be attributed to the character of Data, who uses the word 'fuck' a minimum of ten times per episode. The character Jean Luc Picard's name is now John Luke Picard. Although the character Wesley Crusher is frequently referenced as being aboard the Enterprise by other characters, he never appears in person3. Popular fan-theories regarding the Star Trek universe are frequently confirmed, often in situations which have little to do with the theory in question. Plot elements centered around people being trapped inside walls or otherwise restrained by them are frequent. The majority of episodes are now based around the character William Riker and his various sexual encounters. Neelix, a supporting character from Star Trek: Voyager, is now present in the background of every episode. Neelix has no dialogue and is not acknowledged by any other characters. Addendum 3135-1: On 03/24/2016, SCP-3135-2 suffered sudden cardiac arrest and expired despite the efforts of on-site medical personnel. Following this event, all broadcasts of SCP-3135-3 ceased for several weeks, before resuming on 04/30/2016. Where SCP-3135-3 previously credited SCP-3135-2 as the director, it now credits a woman named 'Allison McHale'. Investigation into this matter has revealed that Allison McHale is a 22-year-old woman and a prominent figure in the Star Trek fan community, who disappeared from her home in Salt Lake City, Utah, three days prior to SCP-3135-3 resuming broadcasts. Efforts to locate her are ongoing. Footnotes 1. A starship used by the protagonists of the series to travel through space at great speeds. 2. Public record does not contain any evidence of this company's existence. However, confidential records suggest that they are a member of the American Anomalous Companies Association. Investigation is ongoing. 3. Analysis of the organisms within SCP-3135-1 has not shown the presence of any resembling the character Wesley Crusher. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3135" by Tanhony, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3136 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3136 is to be stored within the document tube it was initially found in. The document tube and SCP-3136 are to be locked in a secure, lead lined case. The case may only be unlocked by researchers involved with SCP-3136, or by O5 authorization. Description: SCP-3136 is a Mercator projection world map1 that measures approximately two meters by three meters in area; it lacks symbols, or identifying marks of any kind. Upon adding any marking inside a body of water, SCP-3136's anomalous property activates. An aquatic organism matching the dimensions of this marking — designated as an instance of SCP-3136-1 — will manifest at the corresponding geographical location of this marking. The instance will manifest proportionally smaller by a factor of ██. The figure's position on the map shifts to reflect the instance's current location. Once this instance dies, the drawing immediately vanishes; until this occurs, all attempts to mark or draw upon the map will fail. Instances of SCP-3136-1 are aquatic organisms that possess fully functioning organs. When removed from the ocean, these organs immediately fail. These organisms do not have to exist to be created, as SCP-3136 will add suitable organs according to the needs of the instance. Recovery: On February 18th, 2016, an SCP-3136-1 instance was discovered off the coast of Australia. Prior to this, Foundation web crawlers flagged a video SCP-3136 posted to Facebook by a student at Loyola Marymount University, California. The video showed the anomalous property in which markings disappear from the map paper. SCP-3136 was recovered from the home of one Dr. Adebagbo, a professor of history and cartography. The link to SCP-3136-1A was discovered due to the lobster symbol moving in tandem with SCP-3136-1A. Testing Logs: Artist Artist's Depiction Test Results Containment/Death Dr. Adebagbo A small black creature comparable to a lobster with 10 legs. Drawn with an antique ink pen 30m jet-black lobster devoid of irregularities. Suffered from total organ failure during transfer to a Foundation secure facility. Class-C Personnel A small circle with fins and a mouth, drawn in an oceanic net in Foundation Site-1028. The drawing was done with a sharp pencil. Imperfectly spherical creature with seal-like skin, and was 5 meters in diameter. Died of total organ failure 16 days after creation. Class-C Personnel with artistic experience Researcher had artistic experience and reference pictures of blue whales. Picture appeared to be a perfectly proportional blue whale. Drawn with an outline pen and colored pencils. Blue whale with an exoskeleton composed of chitin. Has massive shape irregularities when compared to a regular blue whale. Harpooned multiple times to see the effect of premature death on SCP-3136-1 instances. After slight vocalizations,SCP-3136-1C died and disappeared from the map. SCP-3136 could not be drawn on afterwards for approximately 11 days. Class-C Personnel with artistic experience Two near-identical squids, a male and a female. Drawn with dull pencil. Two squids at half the expected size. One complete set of squid organs was evenly distributed between the two instances. Died upon creation due to lack of vital organs. Class-C Personnel Drawn by a Foundation researcher. Instructed to draw a straight line on SCP-3136 within the containment area. Drawn with a permanent black marker. A 44 meter long eel-like creature with a chitinous shell that rendered it immobile. SCP-3136-1F possessed shape irregularities corresponding to inaccuracies in the Mercator projection. Died of malnourishment within a week due to its inability to eat and lack of Foundation assistance. SCP-3136 could not be drawn on for 7 days afterwards. Mechanical Arm Whale that conforms to map distortions as calculated by researchers. Drawn with blue crayon. Large whale-like creature, with skin similar in composition to that of a gorilla, and thick blue fur. Displays intelligence and is taught to answer polar questions. Has survived in containment for 2 months. Is to be fed via food dispenser triggered by SCP-3136-1G. Researchers are not to attempt Skinner box experiments upon SCP-3136-G due to aggression. MTF-Theta-7 ("Whale Watchers") are to be armed with specially manufactured tranquilizer darts and are to avoid causing the instance harm in any way. Footnotes 1. The Mercator projection is a common map projection in the early days of cartography which is infamous for distorting the sizes of landmasses relative to their real-world sizes. Large oceans tend to remain relatively undistorted. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3136" by Stallmantic, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
You too can be night owls. You too can join Nitepad™.  close Info X SCP-3137: Nitepad™ Author: Tufto. More of their work can be found here. Item #: SCP-3137 Special Containment Procedures: All websites hosting SCP-3137 have been blocked to non-Foundation personnel. Any references to SCP-3137 or its effects on any website are to be immediately supressed; amnestics are to be administered to the persons involved. Any attempts at communication with SCP-3137 is currently prohibited. MTF Lambda-66 "Lunar Moths" has been formed to track down and mitigate any activation of SCP-3137's anomalous effects. They are also to track down SCP-3137's creators and SCP-3137's place of operation, if such a location exists. Description: SCP-3137 refers to an executable application entitled "nitepad.exe". The executable file appears to be identical to the Microsoft Notepad application. However, if any words are typed in English before hitting the "enter" key, a large variety of anomalous effects within a 3km radius from the computer running SCP-3137 will occur. These effects range from small-scale physical manifestations to rapid alteration of the local reality. Extensive Foundation testing seems to indicate that all of these effects are thematically linked with the word or combination of words typed, as well as usually possessing some physical or conceptual link with the idea of "night". Any of these effects can be countermanded with a subsequent and directly contradictory command. Information on SCP-3137's creators is scarce. The application can be found for download on a number of free download websites, but no data on any uploader has been found. The only information is the reaction to the command "who are you", which prompts the following text to appear within the Nitepad™ application: Welcome, user. Welcome to Nitepad™. Relax, and enjoy the show. Using patented techniques of astral projection, we here at Nitepad™ are proud to present to you our classic product, now made free of charge. We all have great memories of the night; pretty views, staggering vistas, treasured memories with loved ones. We at Nitepad™ understand this. And we at Nitepad™ want nothing more than to share these beautiful memories, feelings, and concepts with you. So enjoy, safe in the knowledge that you're endorsing a company who cares. All our memories and concepts are fairtrade and locally sourced, so you too can ethically experience a myriad of emotional settings. You too can be night owls. You too can join Nitepad™. The following is a partial log of particularly noteworthy experimentation with SCP-3137. All experimentation took place at a temporary research station constructed in a depopulated area of Saskatchewan, Canada, designated Station 172. Date and local time Command given Effect 28/12/2016, 14:43 night The sky's appearance to all within the 3km radius abruptly changed to nighttime. 01/01/2017, 20:25 blue moon The moon's appearance within the 3km radius abruptly changed to the colour blue 28/12/2016, 13:04 quiet days Large quantities of snow began to appear in the centre of Station 172. 28/12/2016, 13:05 extremely eventful days The effects of the previous test were countermanded. 18/02/2017, 13:15 full moon No immediate effect. Shortly after dusk, the moon appeared to people in the 3km radius to be full, despite the fact that a waning crescent moon was visible elsewhere that day. Several members of Station 172 abruptly turned into what appeared to be wolf-human hybrids, before attempting to kill and eat their colleagues. 18/02/2017, 17:58 stop werewolves All of the aforementioned wolf-human hybrids suddenly froze in place. 18/02/2017, 18:01 turn back werewolves The spinal cords of all of the human-wolf hybrids abruptly rotated 180 degrees. All of the hybrids were immediately killed. A total of 12 people expired in the incident. 24/02/2017, 11:41 sweetness At 23:41, the open areas of Station 172 abruptly froze over. Two women on ice skates manifested, and spent 10 minutes ice skating and dancing before demanifesting. 03/03/2017, 04:09 immortality A large number of non-anomalous red amulets, each bearing an emblem representing the moon, were found in the sleeping quarters of all staff members at Station 172. 14/04/2017, 04:52 howling noise Several wolves in the scrubland near Station 172 began to howl in unison. No wolves are native to the region in question. 11/05/2017, 00:33 unlock door 7 The door to Dr. Scholl's chambers was unlocked. The door had been painted black, with small white stars at regular intervals. 23/06/2017, 22:56 day The chimes of a large clock could be heard by all personnel; they continually repeated without interruption. 23/06/2017, 22:59 night The aforementioned chimes abruptly stopped. In their place was a 1-hour lecture by the voice of English actor Nigel Terry, concerning the mythology associated with the night sky throughout history. No command could be found to stop this lecture 29/06/2017, 23:21 day moon The moon appeared to abruptly disappear to those within the 3km radius. A series of large waves began to manifest within the area of effect for the next hour. 18/07/2017, 22:19 young love All married staff at Station 172 suddenly believed themselves to be 19. They appeared to hallucinate images of their spouses at the age of 18 appearing in front of them, and inviting them to dance. They proceeded to dance with these hallucinated images for 17 minutes before the hallucinations abruptly ended. The piano piece "Moonlight Sonata" by Ludwig van Beethoven was heard playing throughout the event. 02/09/2017, 02:02 what is love A large number of babies appeared, ineffectually attempting to attack Foundation personnel in Station 172. 02/09/2017, 02:03 baby don't hurt me All of the babies became placid and docile. They have been transferred to Site 901 for further testing. 12/09/2017, 16:22 sleep Two humanoid figures and a wooden bed manifest in the central courtyard of Station 172. They engage in a lengthy discussion in Japanese about a dream one of them had, and its potential significance for the Oda daimyo. They demanifested after 12 minutes. 23/11/2017, 13:04 stop containment breach [REDACTED] 23/11/2017, 13:05 restart containment breach [REDACTED] 23/11/2017, 13:05 stop stop stop no reset Station 172 and all personnel returned to their state 7 hours earlier, prior to Containment Breach 1811. The only alteration was that all surfaces within Station 172 were painted black, with small white stars at regular intervals. 08/12/2017, 19:07 contain all anomalies No apparent effect; a small written message appears on the SCP-3137 application stating "They are already contained". Addendum: On 24/12/2017, at 22:07, the sky as perceived from a 3km2 area around Station 172 suddenly emitted an extremely bright light, severely impairing the eyesight of several Foundation personnel. This area began to expand at a rate of 1km2 per minute. After approximately 3 minutes, Dr. Heinz Scholl typed the command "bring back the night" into SCP-3137. The night sky was immediately restored, and the following text appeared on the SCP-3137 application: You want to know who we are. And that's great. Here at Nitepad™ we're always looking for new experiences to share with the world. There was a pair of lovers on a lonely night in New York, back in the 30s. And on that night, Manhattan was like it is in all the old movies. They walked through the snow, with the roaring twenties behind them and all the hells before them, but it was alright because it was a romance. The city was theirs, all to themselves. They danced between the snow, while dulcet tones played in the background. Nobody saw them. They were lucky. They were reckless. They twirled and tangoed in their silent city, the camera panning and moving around, showing its vastness, the endless conglomerations of people with their own lives and those moments in real time. We see the past as another country, dull grey sepia tones transmitted through history books and recollections of people we only know as old. But we'll be old too, and that won't negate the past. In that moment, Martha and Laura danced together, brazen in the blizzard, while the city slept, an instant among instants that always is and always will be. We took that moment, and packaged it in 3D ultrasonic astral projection. We placed it into an executable file along with a thousand others. The thrill of the werewolves and their assault on hell on an ancient Baltic evening. A boy falling into water as Rome burnt, the flames licking high as he prayed to Christ for deliverance. All these moments, real and genuine. Brought to you in state-of-the-art surround reality. You think the night is yours? The night is ours. Your every command to us gave us more moments, stolen from your life. We bartered them in exchange for ephemeral instances of beauty, tasters of our full capacity. We have existed as witch doctors, street swindlers, storytellers, merchants, void-filled monstrosities, anartists, the dead. We have been cheating you out of your treasured memories since before you were born and we'll do so long after you crumble to dust. The night does not belong to you. The night belongs to us. And you should remember this. It will be given to you for only the metaphysical equivalent of £15.99 a month. It will be given to you in packages of $79.99 a month (not to be paid in legal tender) after the third month. It will be sold to you for a beating human heart, each day, every day, for the rest of your adult life. If you do not offer yourselves up in supplication, you will lose the night. There will only be sight and the sun, screaming, burning, blaring into what remains of your immortal soul day after day, making you mad. Giving you the quality of life you deserve. Giving you the meaning and existential security you deserve. For the low low price of your most treasured possessions. Join Nitepad™ today. Or we will turn the night off. All further testing has been suspended. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3137" by Tufto, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
 close Info X SCP-3138: A Sepulcher by the Sea Author: The Great Hippo Images: Link. Inspired by PeppersGhost's Chicago Spirit, and Taffeta's To Be Noir Not To Be. Music: Bodies (Drowning Pool) Next: [SCP-3241]: The SS Sommerfeld More by The Great Hippo: SCPs – hide block SCPs [SCP-3034] The Counting Station DO NOT LET HER FINISH [SCP-3035] Science Bugs case_of_the_mondays.png, case_of_the_mondays (1).png [SCP-3054] Cragstaff Sanitarium You are sick. You are broken. We will fix you. [SCP-3045] bzzip.exe HAMLET: I am no longer moody. [SCP-3043] Murphy Law in… Type 3043 — FOR MURDER! Forget it, Fred. It's Chinatown. [SCP-3057] Fossil Fuels …witnesses provided confirmation that instances of SCP-3057-4 did, in fact, have feathers. [SCP-2639] Video Game Violence i need to know how many people i've killed [SCP-437] Summer of '91 That was a pretty crazy summer, y'know? Sometimes I really miss that place. [SCP-3079] 300 Tricks: Stage Magic Made Easy NOTE: No method for accomplishing this trick is provided. [SCP-2753] Let's Play Jenga! High art carries high risk! [SCP-2679] The Many Graves of Jeannette Parslov Whatever it takes, do what you must; whatever the cost, come back to us. [SCP-3074] Kafka's Parking Garage Thank you for choosing Izatova Parking Center. Have a pleasant day. [SCP-2571] Cragglewood Park Mr. Blair, have you always been an only child? [SCP-2419] The Laughing Men Throw them back into the incinerator where you found them. [SCP-3143] Murphy Law in… The Foundation Always Rings Twice! When it comes right down to it, me — them — hell, even you — we're all just characters in that trashy dime-store novel called life. [SCP-3089] That Old Time Religion Remember how we explained that successful people don't actually need any of their toes to walk? Well, that's going to come in handy for Secret Number Six. [SCP-3117] A Monster-Shaped Hole I'm not talking to you. [SCP-3128] Let's Play Monopoly! Hey, guys? I'm, uh. I'm using this. [SCP-3138] A Sepulcher by the Sea Should it prove feasible, all non-canonical corpses are to be extracted, examined, and catalogued. [SCP-3241] The SS Sommerfeld It makes me wonder what an old monster like myself is even doing here, anymore. And then? Someone special comes along and reminds me. [SCP-3219] This Sour Earth Notably, no reports describe any attempt to examine the residence's storm cellar. [SCP-4028] La Historia de Don Quixote de la Mancha Justine eventually re-unites with her sister, Juliette. Alonso strikes down a lightning bolt intended for them both, then challenges the narrator to a duel. [SCP-3546] Doggone it, I Fold! Specifically, fan-art of Sonic the Hedgehog, a video-game character produced by Sega in 1991. [SCP-3561] An Unfinished Work Despite multiple reports from neighbors who claimed to have witnessed members of his family standing at the windows, no trace of Theodore Holdstock's wife and children could be found. [SCP-4054] The Seventh Door SCP-4054 is The Seventh Door, an unlicensed platform adventure game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988. Vaughn L. Kaminski; recovered from a 1921 edition of Great Expectations. Item #: SCP-3138 Special Containment Procedures: Foundation personnel embedded in literary and academic circles are to be briefed on SCP-3138; they are to report any fictional work discovered to deviate from its canonical number of human corpses. A Foundation-operated bot (I/O-MANDELA) is to monitor websites and online communities centered on discussions of printed media; discussions regarding books that describe more human corpses than previously expected are to be flagged for review. Upon discovery, any printed work of fiction suspected of being affected by SCP-3138 is to be recovered and reviewed by MTF Rho-1 ("The Professors"). Should it prove feasible, all non-canonical corpses are to be extracted, examined, and catalogued. Otherwise, affected works are to be kept on-site in a secure locker. Access is restricted to Level-4 personnel. Description: SCP-3138 is a phenomenon involving the insertion of human corpses into a printed work of published fiction. The work must convey a narrative capable of recognizably describing the presence of a human corpse. Inserted corpses will be depicted in a manner suited to the work; for example, a corpse inserted into a poem relying upon a particular rhyming scheme will be described via this rhyme scheme. Extraction of inserted corpses can be accomplished by destroying the work or editing it to remove the depiction of a corpse. Should this occur, all erased corpses will immediately emerge from the text in question. Notably, corpses that emerge during these events are non-anomalous, and show signs of decay reminiscent of extended submersion in an acidic environment. The method by which SCP-3138 is accomplished has yet to be determined. Addendum 3138.1: Recovery Logs ► ACCESS SCP:/3138/recovery/102.log ▼ Close File RECOVERY LOG DISCOVERY DATE: 16/03/1942 SUBJECT: A 1921 paperback edition of Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. GREAT EXPECTATIONS ‘Bless your soul and body, no,’ answered Wemmick, very drily. ‘But he is accused of it. So might you or I be. Either of us might be accused of it, you know.’ ‘Only neither of us is,’ I remarked. ‘Yah!’ said Wemmick, touching me on the breast with his forefinger; ‘you’re a deep one, Mr. Pip! Would you like to have a look at Newgate? Have you time to spare?’ I had so much time to spare, that the proposal came as a relief, notwithstanding its irreconcilability with my latent desire to keep my eye on the coach-office. Muttering that I would make the inquiry whether I had time to walk with him, I went into the office, and ascertained from the clerk with the nicest precision and much to the trying of his temper, the earliest moment at which the coach could be expected - which I knew beforehand, quite as well as he. I then rejoined Mr. Wemmick, and affecting to consult my watch and to be surprised by the information I had received, accepted his offer. We were at Newgate in a few minutes, and we passed through the lodge where three smartly dressed corpses were hung hung up on the bare walls, their attire dark and unusual. Though shocked by the barbarity of the sight, Mr. Wemmick shushed me and urged me forward, silencing my confusion with a gesture to his lips. Now, at that time, jails were much neglected, and the period of exaggerated reaction consequent on all public wrong-doing - and which is always its heaviest 461 NOTE: Of the three recovered corpses, only one could be positively identified: Vaughn L. Kaminski, an accountant with known ties to Henry Earl J. Wojciechowski1. An autopsy concluded that all three corpses died as a result of pulmonary aspiration. ► ACCESS SCP:/3138/recovery/297.log ▼ Close File RECOVERY LOG DISCOVERY DATE: 06/11/1957 SUBJECT: A 1925 edition of The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald. through the amorphous trees. The chauffeur — he was one of Wolfsheim’s proteges — heard the shots — afterward he could only say that he hadn’t thought anything much about them. I drove from the station directly to Gatsby’s house and my rushing anxiously up the front steps was the first thing that alarmed any one. But they knew then, I firmly believe. With scarcely a word said, four of us, the chauffeur, butler, gardener, and I, hurried down to the pool. There was a faint, barely perceptible movement of the water as the fresh flow from one end urged its way toward the drain at the other with little ripples that were hardly the shadows of waves, the laden mattress moved irregularly down the pool. A small gust of wind that scarcely corrugated the surface was enough to disturb its accidental course with its accidental burden. The touch of a cluster of leaves revolved it slowly, tracing, like the leg of compass, a thin red circle in the water. It was after we started with Gatsby toward the house that the gardener saw Wilson’s body a little way off in the grass — and alongside it, seven more. The holocaust was complete. 187 NOTE: Of the six recovered corpses, only four could be positively identified. All were known associates of Alphonse Gabriel Capone2. An autopsy concluded that all six corpses died as a result of pulmonary aspiration. ► ACCESS SCP:/3138/recovery/681.log ▼ Close File RECOVERY LOG DISCOVERY DATE: 21/02/1982 SUBJECT: A 1912 edition of Collected Poems by Edgar Allan Poe. Collected Poems by Edgar Allan Poe And this was the reason that, long ago, In this kingdom by the sea, A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling My beautiful Annabel Lee; So that her highborn kinsmen came And bore her away from me, To shut her up in a sepulchre With the corpse of Beverly Queen. The angels, not half so happy in Heaven, Went envying her and me— Yes! — that was the reason (as all men know, In this kingdom by the sea) That the wind came out of the cloud by night, Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee. But our love it was stronger by far than the love Of those who were older than we— Of many far wiser than we— And neither the angels in Heaven above Nor the demons down under the sea Can ever dissever my soul from the soul Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side Of my darling — my darling — my life and my bride, In her sepulchre there by the sea— With the corpse of Beverly Queen. 95 NOTE: Although the recovered corpse could not be conclusively identified, it was determined to be that of an adolescent female. In 1932, a missing person report was filed with the Chicago Police Department for Beverly Queen — a 17 year old female living with Richard Chappell3. An autopsy concluded that the corpse died of pulmonary aspiration. Footnotes 1. AKA Hymie Weiss; a notorious mob boss active in Chicago during the 1920s. 2. AKA 'Scarface'; a notorious mob boss active in Chicago during the 1920s, as well as the co-founder and leader of the Chicago Outfit. 3. A co-founder of the Chicago Spirit, an anomalous criminal organization active in Chicago during the 1920s. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3138" by The Great Hippo, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: metaphor.jpg Name: Borremose Man Author: Unknown License: Public Domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
Item #: SCP-3139 Special Containment Procedures: The original tape on which SCP-3139-1 is stored can be found in Containment Locker 017 on the uppermost floor of Site-882. Access to the locker requires Level 2 clearance and written authorization for testing from the site supervisor. SCP-3139, as well as all material produced during testing, must be returned to the locker at the test's conclusion. Digital copies of SCP-3139-1 can be found in the "SCP-3139" directory on the Site-882 intranet. Viewing requires Level 2 security credentials. Description: SCP-3139 is an unmarked VHS tape manufactured by "KIPPER MEDIA, INC." sometime in the 1980s. The tape itself is non-anomalous and has no distinctive features, save for minor damage on the corners consistent with exposure to fire. SCP-3139 functions with all standard VCR equipment and can be transferred to digital formats without damaging the contents of the original tape. Attempts to record new footage onto SCP-3139 have invariably failed; new footage is simply ignored when the tape is played back. Digital copies do not trigger SCP-3139's anomalous properties. SCP-3139-1 refers to the contents of the tape itself, a continuous video approximately 45 minutes in length recorded by handheld camera. The presentation and format of the video suggests it was created for a game show, referred to as "America's Labyrinth". No known records or footage of such a show exist in United States broadcasting records. At the beginning and conclusion of the video, an unnamed "host" appears to provide exposition and explain the nature of the game to the audience. Multiple individuals are heard laughing throughout the tape, suggesting it was either filmed in front of or presented to a live audience. The exact events in the video differ each time it is viewed, but some constants are present; notably, the appearance of the "host", the structure in which in the individual filming is exploring, and the existence of an unknown humanoid entity, designated SCP-3139-1-A. Throughout the tape, SCP-3139-1-A will stalk and pursue the camera operator (designated SCP-3139-1-B), appearing behind objects in the background or suddenly emerging from behind corners. The identity of SCP-3139-1-B changes each time the tape is viewed and [REDACTED | SEE ADDENDUM II]. Should SCP-3139-1-A physically touch SCP-3139-1-B at any time, the tape will immediately cut to footage of the host speaking to the audience before fading to black. Should SCP-3139-1-B escape the structure, they will appear next to the host in the "studio" and receive a random prize before the tape cuts to black. Attempts to identify the host or any of the individuals seen in the audience have generally failed (with some exceptions; see Addendum II). The structure depicted in the footage has yet to be located by the Foundation and is speculated to be a construct of the anomaly itself. Individuals tasked with viewing SCP-3139-1 report feelings of unease and paranoia, though this is believed to be due to the nature of the footage and not an anomalous effect. Further research into the nature of SCP-3139-1 is ongoing. Addendum I: Document 3139.01 Level 2 Clearance Required + Enter Security Credentials - Access Granted Item #: SCP-3139-1-A Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-3139-1-A is a component of SCP-3139-1 (and thus SCP-3139), all existing containment procedures for SCP-3139 apply. Description: SCP-3139-1-A designates the unidentified humanoid entity depicted stalking SCP-3139-1-B. Superficially, the subject appears to be a tall, slightly muscular Caucasian male in black garb and a white rabbit mask. The "host" of SCP-3139-1, as well as some audience members, colloquially refer to SCP-3139-1-A as "Chomper" and discuss him in a tone that suggests affection/familiarity. Attempts to identify SCP-3139-1-A have thus far provided futile; if SCP-3139-1-A's mask is removed for any reason, the entity will immediately cover its face and retreat to a secluded area in a state of considerable distress. The sole purpose of SCP-3139-1-A appears to be the capture and [REDACTED] of SCP-3139-1-B (see Addendum II for further information on the latter). Should the entity accomplish this, they will be met with a large amount of applause from the audience and commendation from the "host"; failure induces booing, death threats, and other severe forms of jeering, along with the host instructing SCP-3139-1-A to "sit in timeout". Excluding the aforementioned reaction to the removal of its mask, SCP-3139-1-A never exhibits any obvious reaction or emotion to the events of SCP-3139-1, nor does it speak in any intelligible language. SCP-3139-1-A appears to "age" in real-time; white hairs are visible on the back of the subject, and fingernails appear considerably longer than at the time of SCP-3139's containment. Research personnel have speculated SCP-3139-1 is subject to the laws of time and exists as a separate reality from our own. Further analysis of SCP-3139-1-A and the nature of SCP-3139-1 is ongoing. Addendum II: Document 3139.02 Level 3 Clearance Required + Enter Security Credentials - Access Granted Item #: SCP-3139-1-B Description: SCP-3139-1-B refers to the "contestant" depicted in SCP-3139-1. The identity of the subject varies each viewing and appears inexorably linked to the viewer. Although the viewer themselves cannot become SCP-3139-1-B, subjects observed thus far have included the following: Viewer's sibling Viewer's mother Viewer's father Viewer's cousin (no more distant than second generation) Viewer's biological child (before and after their birth) The exact identity of SCP-3139-1-B is generally of great significance to the viewer, often described as being "their favorite relative". All subjects are depicted as adults in SCP-3139-1; if the subject is not an adult in reality, their age will be artificially adjusted within the video. The "host" of SCP-3139-1 and all audience members are capable of referring to the subject by both their first and last name, though this is uncommon. SCP-3139-1-B invariably appears to be in a considerable state of distress and expresses extreme terror/panic when confronted by SCP-3139-1-A. Subjects will always attempt to escape the structure depicted in SCP-3139-1, though the intentionally confusing layout and constant pressure of SCP-3139-1-A make this difficult. Should SCP-3139-1-B escape the structure (and subsequently the show), no further anomalous effects manifest. Individuals depicted in SCP-3139-1 as SCP-3139-1-B claim they have no knowledge of participating in the show or the existence of SCP-3139 when interviewed. However, when asked to view SCP-3139-1, they will vehemently refuse, often with extreme levels of aggression or panic. When provided with photographic evidence of their participation in SCP-3139-1, they will continue to issue denials, often accusing the individual providing them with the evidence of photo manipulation or attempting a prank. Should SCP-3139-1-B be captured by SCP-3139-1-A, they will cease to exist in reality. Save for the viewer, individuals related to SCP-3139-1-B will claim they never existed, even when such existence is required for other relatives to have been born. SCP-3139-1-B will only appear as a member of the audience at this point, not appearing in any other capacity (in reality or otherwise). They will generally appear content and entertained by the show except if SCP-3139-1 is viewed by their relative; if this occurs, SCP-3139-1-B will exhibit physiological signs of panic and terror, often staring directly at the viewer through the camera. Some viewers have reported SCP-3139-1-B attempting to communicate with them, though this is inaudible over the music and sound effects of SCP-3139-1. As of the last viewing, the audience of SCP-3139-1 consists of 57 individuals. Viewers have described them as resembling everything from their parents to possessing general physical similarities, suggesting they are unborn children. In these instances, the viewer's attempts to bear children (if female) or fertilize female eggs (if male) will always fail despite showing no signs of clinical sterility. No known methods to counteract this are currently known. Addendum III: Document 3139.03 Level 3 Clearance Required + Enter Security Credentials - Access Granted The following is an example broadcast of SCP-3139-1, abridged for time. Viewer identified as D-616. <BEGIN PLAYBACK> 00:00:03 The camera pans down across a studio audience, emitting loud laughter and cheering, before settling on the host of SCP-3139-1. 00:00:39 Host begins speaking. Voice described as "old" and "gravelly". Host: Hello America, and welcome back to cable's number one game show, "America's Labyrinth!" [audience cheers] Last time, our lucky contestant was…less than lucky, let's put it that way. [laughter] This time though, I have a good feeling - all the way from Los Angeles, California, it's [NAME EXPUNGED]! 00:03:01 A profile picture of an elderly man, approximately 60-70 years of age, appears on the screen. Subject confirmed to be a relative of D-616. 00:03:08 Footage cuts to that of a handheld camera inside a maze-like concrete structure. Loud breathing is audible behind the camera. Camera operator designated SCP-3139-1-B. Subject is running at a slow speed through the hallways of the structure. Host (off-screen): Where ya running to, old man? Haha! [laughter] 00:05:17 First appearance of SCP-3139-1-A. SCP-3139-1-B turns a corner and is ambushed by the entity. Subject responds by fleeing in the opposite direction, obviously panicked and exasperated. Audience responds with audible gasps. Loud footsteps are audible behind SCP-3139-1-B. 00:06:33 SCP-3139-1-B finds a series of doors and opens one of them, finding an empty supply closet. He enters and locks the door from the inside. Footsteps are heard outside the door, but SCP-3139-1-A is not seen. The audience audibly groans. <SKIP TO 00:30:00> 00:30:01 SCP-3139-1-B exits the closet and quietly walks down the hallway. The audience applauds. Host: Let's hear a round of applause for [NAME EXPUNGED], first of his age bracket to last this long! Gotta hand it to him, he's still got swagger in his step! 00:31:08 SCP-3139-1-B approaches the end of the hallway, but stops upon hearing unusual noises from a door to his right. Suddenly, SCP-3139-1-A kicks down the aforementioned door and begins sprinting towards SCP-3139-1-B, emitting a previously unheard high-pitched "shriek". In a panic, SCP-3139-1-B drops the camera, though footsteps indicate he continues to run. A scream is heard, followed by loud impact noises, before the camera cuts to black. 00:33:00 Tape cuts to footage of the host staring at the camera. This continues for nearly seven minutes before he speaks. Host: We claim another. We claim another. Glorious prey. Your [inaudible] are delicious. Delicious. [audience laughter] <END PLAYBACK> ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3139" by toastedraptor, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item#: 3140 Level3 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3140-1 is stored in an enlarged containment hangar at Armed Containment Area-40 in an inactive state, with access to an underground testing area. Any testing must be approved by Level 4/3140 personnel. During testing, the 3140-S subject must be watched by researchers and security outside of the testing area. Upon conclusion of testing the anomaly must be deactivated and brought to its chamber. Investigations into the uses of SCP-3140 in Daevic society and whether other instances of the anomaly exist are ongoing. Revision 1: Level 4/3140 approval is required for the planting of seeds recovered from SCP-3140 instances. The guidelines in Document 3140-HRT-1 must be followed for the initial planting. Revision 2: SCP-3140-2 and SCP-3140-3 will be stored in enlarged containment hangars at Botanical Garden Beta. Level 4/3140 approval is required for testing with either or both of anomalies. Recreations of symbols carved onto the surface of SCP-3140-1. Description: SCP-3140-1 is the only extant member of SCP-3140, a group of arboreal entities. SCP-3140-1's body primarily consists of Cupressus gigantea1 and Prunus serrulata2 bark and wood, standing at a height of 12m. The "torso" of its body is roughly spherical, with multiple flowering cherry branches and small cherry trees growing from it.3 The anterior side has a stylized eye etched into it, which is surrounded by illustrations of Daevic weaponry, cultural symbols, and skulls with seven eye sockets. The posterior portion has a circular Thaumic Glyph Pattern (TGP)4 with a radius of 26cm, which prevents fire and erosion damage. Three anterior-facing wooden barrels (1m long and 28cm wide), with a single hole on the front, are on the torso. One is attached above the right leg, one extends from a dorsal branch on the right side, and one is positioned 1m left of the eye symbol. Two wooden digitigrade legs are connected to the sides of the anomaly. These legs possess full articulation, due to the wood at the joints being intermixed with an unknown green and pink substance (designated 3140-C). The legs are ornately carved with iconography of Daevite soldiers killing and eating people, soldiers with unidentified megafauna and entities resembling SCP-3140 besieging castles and cities, and slaves being given to the Daeva5 matriarchs. The bottom of the left leg features a hand-shaped recess with a depth of 11cm, with the phrase "For the conqueror" written in Daevic found in the center. The feet have three long toes; two anterior and one posterior. In an inactive state, SCP-3140-1 sits in a crouching position. Any subject, hereafter designated 3140-S, that places their left hand in the hand shaped recess and says the Daevic word for "awaken" will activate SCP-3140-1, making it stand upright. The anomaly will begin to follow 3140-S and will follow directions said in Daevic. Directions that SCP-3140-1 is incapable of achieving will not be followed. Saying the Daevic word for "sleep" will bring the anomaly back to its inactive state. Any 3140-S may reactivate SCP-3140-1 at any time by saying "awaken" within the anomaly's vicinity in any language. The following are a sample of known directions SCP-3140-1 will follow, all spoken in Daevic, and the outcomes: "Move": SCP-3140-1 moves to a location 3140-S points to. "Stomp": SCP-3140-1 moves to and stomps at a location 3140-S points to. "Stab": Various bone spikes (~25cm long) emerge from every surface of the anomaly.6 These retract after one minute. "Slide": A mix of translucent low-viscosity substances cover SCP-3140-1, falling off of it after three minutes. "Bring help": SCP-3140-1 secretes a substance similar to alarm pheromones of extant insect species for two minutes "Heal": Resin seeps from random locations on the anomaly, primarily around the barrels. "Fire": Smoke emerges from the barrels on SCP-3140-1. See Document 3140-CLIST for further commands. Photograph of the dig site. SCP-3140-1 was discovered at a Foundation archaeological dig site near Bikudo, Jammu and Kashmir, Republic of India on 27-January-2017. The dig site appeared to have at one point been the location of a battle between Daevite forces and an unknown Ortothan7 group, based on the presence of non-anomalous weapons and armor possessing acute heptagrams (sometimes surrounded by other polygons), regular polygons (ranging from four to seven sides), and humanoid figures with four to seven arms. Said battle is believed to have occurred at some point in the Early Low Daevic period (c. 11000 BCE), suspected to be the Century Conquest8. Around SCP-3140-1's legs were chained legcuffs made of meteoric iron, locked with a complex mechanical system, with the phrase "Ruination to the invaders" written in Ortothan on both cuffs. The chains had been heavily damaged, likely from attempts to break them. The remnants of an SCP-3140 instance were found at dig sites in the vicinity, which had damaged legs and a destroyed torso. The torso's remains had a solidified mass of miscellaneous plant matter and bone fragments in it, connected by multiple small roots. Other objects in the area included bones, weaponry, and armor. All artifacts, the destroyed instance, and SCP-3140-1 were transported to Area-40 on 29-January-2017. Based on texts found in SCP-1726 and SCP-140, SCP-3140 were a common weapon utilized by the Daevic Empire during and after the Century Conquest, though it is suggested that the anomaly had predated Daevite civilization.9 Thaumaturgic horticulture methods would be used to grow different variations of the entities, primarily designed for military application. Below are several text excerpts detailing the growth and usage of SCP-3140 in Daevite society (translated). Next to the prisoner slaughtering grounds I saw a massive farm. It stretched out from the clearing—which I estimate it to be 60 urvs long, 50 urvs wide—and past the corpses, possibly farther. I estimate the clearing to be 61 urvs. Many growing and grown Amunj are in the plots, possibly one hundred or more. The area has less guards, though many experienced presence aether-benders occupy it. A hill in an unguarded region gave the perfect view, and the Holy Rays Tube—praise the Elemental Holies—improved it. Daevic—death to the brutes—aether-benders walked the columns and would stop by the mature and crouched ones, then retrieve objects from their red robes. Aether-black would flash in their hands as they retrieved the materials and inserted them into the Amunj, which rippled like water during the process. I could not easily glimpse the materials for they were clouded by the aether-black-air, but the Holy Rays Tube—praise the Elemental Holies—illuminated spirit-residual outlines of bone and flesh. After the process ended a quick change would occur to the golem: Tentacles like the Deepers'—I suggest an investigation to see if a Deeper pact was formed—cannons of great size and with many barrels, and spikes to rival our spears all grew instantaneously. The aether-benders would move on to the next, and a soldier would lead slaves—likely captured warriors—by chain to the wooden beast. They were all starved and scarred, and trembled with every step. If they did not begin to etch Daevic—death to the brutes—victories and violence onto the golems, a small rod would be stabbed into their back and they would immediately return to work. Some of these artists had dozens stuck into them. Correspondence from Katin Deraj to Wysard Onton (c. 11030 BCE) of the Erliontipa, describing an overview of a Daevite provisional camp. Document 1726-503 The first attackers were Daevic soldiers, who emerged from the jungle at the early sunrise to assault the gateway. Luckily our warriors were as prepared as the Tenth Y prophesied and promised, for they had a great many traps, weapons, and strong fortifications. Our archers up on the wall did little to assist them, and the onlookers up here, myself included, cheered. We knew the Daevite Empire was the greatest to ever exist, so this victory was truly glorious. I was nervous, though. The countless stories of endless victories and the taming of great beasts that belonged in other realms came back to me. An attack with so few soldiers seemed wrong. After a jolon had passed with no new action the crowd around the archers grew smaller, but our good warriors stood strong with anticipation. Another jolon later most had left to return to their homes in or around the inner city, and the archers began to speak about unrelated events. Unusually the chimes of safety had not rung despite the apparent victory. That was when I heard a rumble and saw trees swaying from my window. Suddenly, three large beings of wood and leaves rose above the horizon. Their bodies were like castles of wood, and their legs were larger than any tree trunk I have seen in my hunts. Each had vast numbers of Daevites scrambling along stairwells lined with bark plating on the exterior and on fortified platforms, covered by large trees. Strange pink and blue flowers blossomed all over. A few holes I could see on their fronts suggests they have an interior as well. The hundred cannons fired in unison from the top and middle of the wall, but the tree beasts kept walking. More and more were fired and only small pieces of the things would shatter. The ground troops were being attacked from all sides by smaller wood creatures, some still taller than any man. I saw a man have spiked vines wrap around his body and rip him like cloth, and another was impaled by several wooden spikes. The traps and barricades were stepped on and broken, and the archers and cannon workers were killed by Daevite's arrows. As they got closer to the top of the wall I grabbed all I could and ran from my home and into the city. A jol later I heard the chimes of invasion ring from all around. Written by Matra Ne Jon in his personal diary (c. 10950 BCE), describing the invasion of the Olute city-state by Daevite troops. Document 1726-991 Clouds swirled in the sky as my boat sailed along the coast. As with all Sanc creations, it was efficient and simple, but I feared it would collapse at any moment. After an uro I was able to see the edge of the Ytan clan's village, the rest was hidden in dense foliage. The Masn Codexes claim the clan to be a relic of Empire Daevic, a Fragment Daevic. A much debated idea, as none could verify from risk of death or worse. This day I could see well that they were Fragment Daevic. Huts and sculptures of bone were common, occasional villagers and guards walking around. The only crop I saw was a large and thin tree, growing slices of meat on the branches. Guards would grab a slice and eat, and another would grow soon after. A likely solution for the few animals and humans that could be fed on. Small Uosho, wood deities tamed and used for war, were fishing using tens of arms on their fronts. Once all arm claws had grabbed a fish, they would drop them into a basket that would then be put into a hole on another Uosho. This one would then trudge into the forest, vanishing. This repeated without end. Illustrated Modern World Travels (c. 800 BCE), an incomplete book describing the author's journey to learn about the cultures and societies in Central and East Asia. Sketches of the described locations are also present, though most of them are poor in quality, and many passages are largely incoherent. The writer is presently unknown. Document 1726-724 Full texts and artwork related SCP-3140 instances can be found in Document 3140-HISDOCS. The use of SCP-3140 decreased over time, gradually replaced in favor of thaumaturgic mechanical weapons. However, some Daevic clans continued to use the entities for hard labor, farming, and protection. The last remaining ones are suspected to have been destroyed by forces under Chinese general Qin Kai circa 270 BCE. A section of Botanical Garden Beta. Addendum.1: On 1-March-2017, two seeds (designated SCP-3140-2 and SCP-3140-3) retrieved from SCP-3140-1 were planted in an enlarged botanical garden (Botanical Garden Beta) in Area-40, following Daevite horticulture instructions found in Documents 1726-801 and 1726-822 (compiled in Document 3140-HRT). Said instructions utilized multiple anomalous compounds and thaumaturgic rituals, carried out by Thaumaturgy Division personnel. SCP-3140-2 would be grown without modifications being made, while SCP-3140-3 would be grown for use in farming. By May several wooden spheres with small branches extending from them had grown, and by July growths resembling legs had formed. Addendum.2: On 5-September-2017 SCP-3140-2 and SCP-3140-3 had fully grown and had broken out of their dirt plots. Following their relocation to separate containment chambers, testing regimens began. SCP-3140-2 is largely the same as SCP-3140-1, though it lacks any inscriptions, etchings, or barrels. The anomaly is unresponsive to the "fire" command. The leading explanation for the lack of barrels is that they were added to the entity after it had fully grown, which is unlikely to carry over to offspring. Research into adding these onto the anomaly is ongoing. SCP-3140-3 lacks the same features as SCP-3140-2, and has a largely different body structure than SCP-3140. The entity has a height of 4 meters and a 3 meter wide torso. The underside possesses a mass of tendrils made of wood and 3140-C, each of which have a different structure. Personnel have successfully used SCP-3140-3 in the cultivation of soybeans, rice, tumeric, and sugarcane with various commands, using the tendrils to achieve this. However, the process is slower than existing mechanical farming methods. Further research is being performed to see if SCP-3140 instances could be utilized by the Foundation, which includes tests to see if instances could learn new commands after growth. Footnotes 1. The Tibetan Cypress. 2. The Japanese cherry. 3. The blossoms do not require any sunlight and nutrients in order to grow. 4. Patterns composed of many interconnected thaumaturgic symbols. Daevic TGPs often had hundreds of symbols within small spaces, and were commonly created by skilled thaumaturgic artisans. 5. The leading theocratic aristocracy in Daevic society. 6. Multiple spikes have broken and disintegrated during testing. 7. A set of mythological and religious beliefs based around the universe being the second universe to exist. This is typically paired with the worship of seven universal guardian deities known as the Koru-teusa, of which six have died. 8. A war waged by the Daevites on wide number of civilizations in Asia, lasting from 11039 BCE to 10939 BCE. 9. Based on the leading theory that [REDACTED] relic, the anomaly was substantially modified from its original form by Daevite horticulture, only resembling SCP-3140 not long before the Century Conquest. The original purpose of the anomaly is unknown.
Item #: SCP-3141 Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nonmaterial nature of SCP-3141, direct containment is impossible. Instead, automatic scanning software should be used to monitor quarterly reports of insurance and financial firms for undue discrepancies. Additional surveillance should be directed towards the monitoring of related trade journals and academic mathematics journals. Agents embedded in the peer review boards for such publications should be made aware of the possible presence of SCP-3141 and should be instructed to be vigilant for it. In the event of the discovery of SCP-3141 characteristic discrepancies in quarterly reports of a firm, Foundation agents are to infiltrate the actuarial (or equivalent) department of the firm and ascertain which employees, referred to as subjects, grasp an understanding of the phenomenon. Subjects are then to be discredited in the firm in accordance with “Operation Underwriter”. Subjects will be taken into Foundation custody indefinitely. Class B amnestics are to be deployed according to agent discretion. In the event that a proof or technique resembling SCP-3141 is discovered within a journal or peer review board, Foundation agents are to contact the journal publisher, as well as article authors and peer reviewers, and expose them to memetic agent “Counterproof-Zeta”. Additionally, if a proof for SCP-3141 was put into general circulation before Foundation discovery, Counterproof-$\zeta$ is to be circulated in the next possible issue of the journal. Due to the decaying effects of the memetic agent, Foundation operatives should monitor affected subjects monthly following application. Description: SCP-3141 is a mathematical theorem that describes a method by which conditions for a set of random variables can be expressed in a specific system of equations in order to calculate stable state probabilities for the long term outcome of the variables. The solution to the system is non-obvious and requires a significant degree of mathematical expertise to solve.1 No computer is currently known to be able to solve the system. This is possibly due to the anomalous nature of the theorem. Approval for testing with Foundation artificial intelligence is pending. The anomalous properties of SCP-3141 present themselves in the fact that during the process of solving the system of equations, the subject solving the system can manipulate the outcome of the solution to a “reasonable” desired result referred to as SCP-3141-$\pi$.2 This process occurs subconsciously in subjects who are unaware of the anomalous effects of the SCP with a rate of approximately .15. The remaining .85 proportion of subjects find the system inconsistent.3 Subjects who are aware of the effects of SCP-3141 are able to achieve this result with a .999 success rate. If the conditions and random variables used as the conditions for SCP-3141 are not arbitrary (i.e. they represent an actual real world system), the conditions given are accurate with a significance level of α=.01, and if the exact calculations have not been completed within the past ██ ████, then the actual set of long term probabilities for the variables described becomes SCP-3141-$\pi$. The process by which this occurs is not currently understood. Addendum 3141-A: In accordance with Ethics Committee finding 3141-1, Foundation mathematicians are not to attempt to utilize SCP-3141 to reverse previous misuses. This is due to the currently unknown principles by which the anomaly operates and a possibly observed phenomenon by which actual stable state probabilities return to non-anomalous levels as time passes. This is possibly due to the variation of current real world conditions from initial conditions by which SCP-3141 calculations were based. To date, the Foundation is not statistically certain as to the existence of this reversion phenomenon. Addendum 3141-B: Incident Report for the events that occurred on ██/██/20██ in ██████████,USA Background: At the time that these events occurred, the Foundation was not yet aware of SCP-3141. Foundation operatives had become aware of possible anomalous material at █████████ ████████ ████████, inc., hereafter referred to as Firm A, as the result of regular economic analysis and standard Foundation predictive modeling. Firm A was listed as a low priority concern and Agent Geoffrey Daniels, under the alias of George Denver, was directed to apply for an opening as an actuarial analyst at the firm. What follows is a transcript of third interview (first in-person) of Daniels and the subsequent events retrieved from a recording device hidden on Daniels’ person. <Begin Log> Participants: Geoffrey Daniels, alias George Denver; █████ P███, chief actuary for Firm A. [Timestamp 12:00:10] P███: Well Mr. Denver, may I call you George?, thank you for coming. It’s a pleasure to meet you in person. Daniels: Of course. I’m glad to be here. The office looks wonderful. P: Yes, I think that you’ll find that everyone here quite likes their position. We really are doing some cutting edge work here—really redefining the field, so to speak. D: Yes, I’ve been doing my homework on you. You have quite the impressive track record. [DATA EXPUNGED FOR BREVITY] [Timestamp 12:32:24] P: Well George, it seems like you may be the exact kind of person we’re looking for here at █████████. I would love to show you around the office if you have the time. D: That sounds excellent, sir. Lead the way. [The sound of moving chairs, rustling papers, can be heard.] P: We really have a great team here. Truly a bunch of winners. You know what I like in an employee, George? I’m sure you do, I’ve been blabbering at you for the last 30 minutes, but I’m going to tell you again. I like an employee that can get the job done. No shortcuts, no compromises. We’re both actuaries here, so of course you know about risk. But you also know without risk, there’s no reward. Without putting yourself out there a little bit, there’s no chance in Hell on any return. I have a team here that takes risks. My team here, they all know what it takes to get shit done. [P███ coughs loudly. The sound is muffled] My team, they go to Hell and back for me in order to make sure that this company turns a profit. And they do a pretty good job if you ask me. You know what it takes to succeed. I can see that in you, I really can. I think you have real █████████ potential. Anyway, here’s our main work area. [Beeping sounds are audible, probably an electronic lock.] D screaming: Oh GOD what the FUCK?! <End Log, Timestamp 12:34:51> At 12:35pm Agent Daniels activated his distress beacon. No more communication occurred after that. Three Foundation agents—Amanda Stiles, Philip Morehouse, and Juan Schaffer, hereby referred to as “the team”—stationed outside immediately enacted contingency plans stormed the building. The team used stairwells to access the sixth floor where the interview was taking place, incapacitating two security guards and one unidentified civilian in the process. Foundation support suppressed phone lines and cell phone signals coming from the building in order to prevent local interference. Upon reaching the sixth floor agents noted the presence of the scent of sulfur and excessive smoke. Fire alarms appeared to be turned off. It took the team approximately two minutes to find the location where communication had been lost with Daniels. No contact with Firm A employees was made on the floor until the team reached the area that P███ referred to as the work area. Foundation agents encountered Agent Daniels along with three adult males and two adult females. Daniels was incapacitated and laying in the corner of the room. All of the other individuals in the room, referred to hereafter as subjects, were naked and performing some kind of ritualistic dance around a pentacle in the center of the room. All subjects possessed tattoos on their body depicting elaborate mathematical notation. In the center of the pentacle lay a pulsating organic mass that was impacted with a Texas Instruments TI‑30XS MultiView Scientific Calculator, a red and black beeswax candle, and three [REDACTED]. The team successfully incapacitated all subjects and with local assistance had them remanded into Foundation custody. The incident was explained as a social media prank gone wrong. Letters of resignation were forged for all subjects and sent to Firm A. Subjects were given Class D amnestics and returned to families with a fabricated story of a bus accident. Agent Daniels suffered no permanent damage. Addendum 3141-C: From the tattoos on the subjects involved in Incident 3141-A the Foundation was able to compile SCP-3141. The subjects at Firm A were apparently using SCP-3141 to alter the expected lifespan of purchasers of the firm’s retirement annuities, reducing their lifespans by ██ years. It is unclear how many premature deaths this has caused, but estimates range from 2,000 to [REDACTED].4 To this date it is unclear what purpose the ritualistic elements practiced by the subjects served. It should be noted that Foundation testing has concluded that such elements are not required in order for the effects of SCP-3141 to manifest. To date, █ additional firms have been discovered to be using SCP-3141, and only 2 of them appeared to practice ritual elements in their utilization of the theorem. Over half of discovered firms used the theorem to shorten lifespans of annuity recipients, while approximately one fifth used it to improve the health and safety of insurance recipients. The purpose of use in other firms remains unclear. Additionally, full proofs of SCP-3141 have appeared in ██ journals and publications. Each has been successfully suppressed. Resurgence of SCP-3141 proofs in previously affected journals has been observed to occur at a rate of .15. Each proof has been markedly unique. To date, despite extensive efforts led by head researcher Dr. Duncan Kemp, the Foundation has been unable to independently produce a proof of SCP-3141. The method by which individuals are able to conceive proofs for SCP-3141 is unknown. Therefore, at this time it is suspected that gestation of knowledge of SCP-3141 and related proofs is anomalous. It is unknown whether such knowledge occurs spontaneously, or if it is being imparted by groups of interest. Researcher's note: We've spent four years working on this project, unable to make any headway. And yet, any time a new instance of a 3141 proof pops up, it seems obvious. Surely it's impossible, but it feels as if elementary axioms are changing every time one of these new proofs show up. Frankly, we have no clue where to go from here. —Dr. Duncan Kemp Footnotes 1. Knowledge required principally includes but is not limited to a strong knowledge of probability theory and complex analysis. 2. Testing has shown that stable state probabilities, $\pi_i$, described in instances of SCP-3141-$\pi$ can differ from real world probabilities by as much as .15. Conventional laws of probability must hold. (i.e. for each i, 0≤$\pi_i$≤1, and $\sum_{i=1}^{n} \pi_i = 1$.) 3. The least squares approximation of a solution has been found to have no anomalous properties. 4. Estimates come from calculations involving derived long term probabilities and number of annuities sold by Firm A. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3141" by ViaNegativa, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3142 Special Containment Procedures: All major American financial institutions have been advised to monitor consumer accounts for unexplained fluctuations, with the stated goal of preventing software malfunction. Foundation personnel embedded within the numismatics community are to suppress knowledge of the existence of SCP-3142. Individuals claiming to have experienced incidents consistent with SCP-3142 are to be located and amnesticized immediately; however, due to the detailed knowledge of SCP-3142 required to induce anomalous effects, this has been deemed a low-risk threat. Access to Document 3142-01 is to be restricted to financially stable Level-3 personnel with registered personal checking accounts at regulated financial institutions. Monetary losses incurred during testing of SCP-3142 will be reimbursed by the Foundation. To reduce expenditure, preferential access to Document 3142-01 is to be given to personnel with countermemetic training. Description: SCP-3142 is an unused design for a commemorative coin in the denomination of $$i$1 intended for production by the United States Mint in 2001. SCP-3142's technical specifications include a 38.1 mm diameter and a composition of 90% silver to 10% copper, consistent with contemporary $1 US commemorative coins. Further description of SCP-3142, including potential financial infohazards, is available in Document 3142-01. SCP-3142's anomalous properties manifests when an individual constructs an accurate mental image of SCP-3142. Immediately following visualization, one of the following events will occur: The net balance of one personal checking account registered by the individual will decrease by one US dollar (or foreign equivalent, subject to current exchange rates). All records of this account, digital and otherwise, will instantaneously change to reflect the new balance. If the individual does not maintain a personal checking account, currency within 10 cm of the individual will become altered to reflect a loss of one US dollar. Bills and coins may be instantaneously created, destroyed, or substituted to accomplish this effect. All new or altered money appears indistinguishable from genuine instances of the original type of currency. Individuals without an active checking account or at least one US dollar (or equivalent) within 10 cm will dematerialize for eleven minutes and thirty-nine seconds a period of time inversely proportional to the current legal minimum wage in the individual's present location. In no cases has the duration of the disappearance exceeded the amount of time required to earn $1 under US federal minimum wage.2 Following reappearance, individuals are aware that time has elapsed but unable to remember any details of their experience during the interval. SCP-3142's anomalous effects manifest repeatedly with each new attempted visualization. No upper limit on the frequency of SCP-3142's effects has been observed to date. + SCP-3142 Recovery Information - SCP-3142 Recovery Information SCP-3142 was discovered by the Foundation on November 14, 2001, following widespread reports of financial anomalies among US Mint employees. All affected individuals were determined to have been involved in the design or production of a commemorative coin, referred to within the Mint as 01CE. Foundation employees administered amnestics to all affected employees and other witnesses, then retrieved all descriptions and information pertaining to 01CE (later reclassified as SCP-3142). A planned press release for the coin is reproduced below, with potential infohazards removed. WASHINGTON — On December 5, 2001, the United States Mint will celebrate the 100th birthday of ████ ██████ with the release of the American Imagination Commemorative Silver Dollar (product code 01CE). For generations, ██████'s work has captured the imaginations of Americans young and old, and we honor his memory with this coin's appropriately whimsical denomination of $$i$ — the basis of imaginary numbers. The obverse side of the American Imagination Commemorative Silver Dollar features a portrait of ████ ██████ beside the iconic ██████ █████ logo. Inscriptions include include "LIBERTY," "IN GOD WE TRUST," "2001," and "████ ██████." The reverse side features ████████ ██████ ██████, as seen in the ████ ██████ Pictures logo. Inscriptions include "E PLURIBUS UNUM," "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA," "$i$ DOLLARS," and "If you can dream it, you can do it." Please note that this coin has no real monetary value. During recovery, Agent Joshua Ogunleye conducted the following interview with Miranda Gresham, an artist employed by the Mint who contributed to the design of SCP-3142. Gresham was one of ██ employees found to have been financially affected by SCP-3142. <Begin Log> Ogunleye: Hello, Ms. Gresham. Please, take a seat. I'd like to ask you a few questions about the discrepancies in your bank account that you mentioned. Gresham: All right. Ogunleye: Thank you. First, when did you first begin to notice that some of your money was missing? Gresham: I think it was about three weeks ago. I remember it was just after I came up with the design for 01CE, right before I started actually sculpting it. Ogunleye: And how did you find out about the discrepancy? Gresham: I keep a pretty close eye on my money, which I guess is appropriate given what I do for a living. One day I went to the bank, and I found out the balance they showed didn't match up with what I had written down in my checkbook. The difference just got bigger and bigger every time I checked, especially when I'd been working a lot. Ogunleye: Did they have any idea where the money went? Gresham: None. No suspicious transactions or anything. I think they must be covering something up, because otherwise I don't know how all that money just disappears. Unless… Ogunleye: Go on. Gresham: No, it's a stupid idea. Just forget I even said anything. Ogunleye: Please, I'd like to hear it. Gresham: <Sighs> All right. So, if I have one of these $i$-dollar coins, that's basically an imaginary dollar, right? Ogunleye: I suppose so. Gresham: And if I imagine a real dollar, that would also be like having an imaginary dollar. Ogunleye: Okay. Gresham: So if I imagine this $i$-dollar coin, and $i$ times $i$ is minus one, does that mean…? <Silence for approximately five seconds> Gresham: Like I said, dumb idea. Obviously it doesn't work like that. Ogunleye: …Of course not. Thank you for your time, Ms. Gresham. <End Log> Footnotes 1. In mathematics, $i$ is defined as the square root of -1. 2. Currently eight minutes and seventeen seconds as of 7/24/2009 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3142" by Relevart, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
 close Info X SCP-3143: Murphy Law in… The Foundation Always Rings Twice! Author: The Great Hippo Images: Link. Inspired by Rimple's Operation Overmeta. Music: Space Lion (The Seatbelts) Next: [SCP-3089]: That Old Time Religion More by The Great Hippo: SCPs – hide block SCPs [SCP-3034] The Counting Station DO NOT LET HER FINISH [SCP-3035] Science Bugs case_of_the_mondays.png, case_of_the_mondays (1).png [SCP-3054] Cragstaff Sanitarium You are sick. You are broken. We will fix you. [SCP-3045] bzzip.exe HAMLET: I am no longer moody. [SCP-3043] Murphy Law in… Type 3043 — FOR MURDER! Forget it, Fred. It's Chinatown. [SCP-3057] Fossil Fuels …witnesses provided confirmation that instances of SCP-3057-4 did, in fact, have feathers. [SCP-2639] Video Game Violence i need to know how many people i've killed [SCP-437] Summer of '91 That was a pretty crazy summer, y'know? Sometimes I really miss that place. [SCP-3079] 300 Tricks: Stage Magic Made Easy NOTE: No method for accomplishing this trick is provided. [SCP-2753] Let's Play Jenga! High art carries high risk! [SCP-2679] The Many Graves of Jeannette Parslov Whatever it takes, do what you must; whatever the cost, come back to us. [SCP-3074] Kafka's Parking Garage Thank you for choosing Izatova Parking Center. Have a pleasant day. [SCP-2571] Cragglewood Park Mr. Blair, have you always been an only child? [SCP-2419] The Laughing Men Throw them back into the incinerator where you found them. [SCP-3143] Murphy Law in… The Foundation Always Rings Twice! When it comes right down to it, me — them — hell, even you — we're all just characters in that trashy dime-store novel called life. [SCP-3089] That Old Time Religion Remember how we explained that successful people don't actually need any of their toes to walk? Well, that's going to come in handy for Secret Number Six. [SCP-3117] A Monster-Shaped Hole I'm not talking to you. [SCP-3128] Let's Play Monopoly! Hey, guys? I'm, uh. I'm using this. [SCP-3138] A Sepulcher by the Sea Should it prove feasible, all non-canonical corpses are to be extracted, examined, and catalogued. [SCP-3241] The SS Sommerfeld It makes me wonder what an old monster like myself is even doing here, anymore. And then? Someone special comes along and reminds me. [SCP-3219] This Sour Earth Notably, no reports describe any attempt to examine the residence's storm cellar. [SCP-4028] La Historia de Don Quixote de la Mancha Justine eventually re-unites with her sister, Juliette. Alonso strikes down a lightning bolt intended for them both, then challenges the narrator to a duel. [SCP-3546] Doggone it, I Fold! Specifically, fan-art of Sonic the Hedgehog, a video-game character produced by Sega in 1991. [SCP-3561] An Unfinished Work Despite multiple reports from neighbors who claimed to have witnessed members of his family standing at the windows, no trace of Theodore Holdstock's wife and children could be found. [SCP-4054] The Seventh Door SCP-4054 is The Seventh Door, an unlicensed platform adventure game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988. Artistic depiction of SCP-3143. Item #: SCP-3143 Special Containment Procedures: Attempts to contain SCP-3143 are ongoing. A Foundation-operated bot (I/O-ISMETA) is to monitor online fiction communities for signs of its emergence. When found, an authorized member of the Pataphysics Department is to be assigned to deconstruct it. MTF Iota-10 ("Damn Freds") is to investigate any leads regarding possible locations of SCP-3143-A. If found, he is to be apprehended and taken into Foundation custody. Description: SCP-3143 is an intrafictional construct. When active, this construct exhibits the ability to temporarily 'flatten' portions of reality into a script-like narrative. This narrative is derivative of the genre established by North American writers of hard-boiled and noir fiction1. During this period, SCP-3143 takes on the role of the main character (a 1930s private detective) hired to solve a case. All entities flattened by its effect become characters within the narrative surrounding it, exhibiting personalities and attributes typical of the genre's style. The narrative will continue until SCP-3143's actions lead to a resolution consistent with the genre; at this point, the narrative will conclude and reality will revert. Events which occurred within the narrative will be projected into reality; however, entities involved in these events will typically have no recollection of what occurred. SCP-3143 was first noted in 2005 in the aftermath of a containment breach at Site-95. In 2012, the Foundation's Pataphysics Department worked alongside the Department of Analytics to make contact with and apprehend SCP-3143. SCP-3143-A is Murphy Lawden, SCP-3143's author. Addendum 3143.1: Interview Logs ► ACCESS SCP:/3143/interviews/001.log ▼ Close File INTERVIEW LOG DATE: 2012/02/02 INTERVIEWER: Dr. Thaum SUBJECT: SCP-3143, SCP-3143-A NOTE: Dr. Thaddeus Thaum is part of the Pataphysics Department. He has a degree in English Literature, and specializes in the analysis of fiction. FADE IN: INT. MURPHY LAW DETECTIVE AGENCY - NIGHT A light-skinned man sits alone in his office; a blade of moonlight cuts across his face. His trademark trilby hat is tossed thoughtlessly across his desk; a bent cigarette is nearby, left smoldering in an ashtray. His shirt is stained with blood — some of it might even be his own. He's got a slug of bourbon in his hand, a slug of lead buried in his chest, and 6 more waiting for the next son of a bitch who comes through that door — courtesy of his .44. His name is MURPHY LAW, and if you think his number is up, then you haven't been counting. He's the sort of man you pray for when you need him — and the sort you curse when you don't. He is also our NARRATOR. His voice is a husky snarl; as if he's got a throat stuffed full of sand-paper and rusty nails. NARRATOR If there's one thing the Foundation is good at, it's tying up loose ends. I knew it was just a matter of time before the lab-coats tried to shove me in a box. The door to the office flies open. An old man in a lab-coat enters; he's got a scowl so deep it's been carved down into the bone. This is DR. THAUM, and he's here to get to the bottom of this — no matter what the cost. NARRATOR But if they wanted to contain me, they were gonna need a bigger box. DR. THAUM Hello, SCP-3143. How are you doing, today? NARRATOR He wanted answers. I just wanted out. MURPHY finishes the shot of bourbon and levels his pistol at DR. THAUM's chest. MURPHY Give me one good reason why I shouldn't ventilate you right now, doc. DR. THAUM raises an eyebrow, folding his arms across his chest. DR. THAUM Because you can't. NARRATOR If he thought I didn't have the moxie to plug him full of lead, then he had another thing coming. Specifically, a whole lot of lead. DR. THAUM You do know that I can hear you narrating, right? NARRATOR What the hell was he on about? Something wasn't right. DR. THAUM You're an intrafictional construct; a sapient story that can warp reality. Specifically, you flatten it into a movie script that mimics crime-fiction and hard-boiled noir. NARRATOR This wasn't… what? DR. THAUM And let's be honest — it's not even proper noir. The defining element of the style is the anti-hero; the character with no prospects, trapped in a world with no future. But after reviewing your file, I can see that you don't qualify. MURPHY I don't… qualify…? DR. THAUM Your narrative is heroic and simple, with clear villains and heroes. In the end, the day is saved without consequence. That's not hard-boiled — it's certainly not noir. You're just fantasy escapism dressed up in a suit, a hat, and a drinking habit. MURPHY: Where — where are we? What's happening? DR. THAUM: You rely on the tropes of noir — outwardly rejecting the notion of appearances and style while secretly embracing them — engaging in a hyper-masculine narrative based around the myth of the frontier, only projected in an urban environment… MURPHY: What is this? DR. THAUM: …but you fail to faithfully replicate their complex, dense settings where moral action is all but impossible. You fail to connect to the essence of what makes noir what it is. You are, in a sense, merely parodying it. An unintentional satire, if you will. SCP-3143: What's going on?! DR. THAUM: And on top of it all, your name is based on an absurdly contrived pun. SCP-3143: What are you doing?! DR. THAUM: I'm deconstructing you, SCP-3143. I'm containing you. SCP-3143: I… I don't understand… DR. THAUM: I'd like to speak with the author, please. Mr. Lawden? Are you there? SCP-3143-A: How…? DR. THAUM: Hello, SCP-3143-A. SCP-3143-A: Where am I? Who am I? DR. THAUM: You are Murphy Lawden, a retired shoe-salesman from New Jersey. You live alone — save for your two cats. SCP-3143-A: I'm…? Oh, God. How did I get here? DR. THAUM: We believe you accidentally created an intrafictional construct. Do you recall a screen-play of yours? It Always Rains? SCP-3143-A: I… I think so. I don't — oh, God. DR. THAUM: I think we've done enough for today, Mr. Lawden. I'll give you a chance to rest and settle in; we can continue this interview later, if that's alright with you? SCP-3143-A: I… yeah. Uh, yeah. Okay. Okay. I need to gather my thoughts. DR. THAUM: Of course. [END LOG] ► ACCESS SCP:/3143/interviews/002.log ▼ Close File INTERVIEW LOG DATE: 2012/02/03 INTERVIEWER: Dr. Thaum SUBJECT: SCP-3143-A [BEGIN LOG] DR. THAUM: How are you feeling today, Mr. Lawden? SUBJECT: Um, a little better. I think? Still confused. DR. THAUM: Good. I understand this must all be quite bewildering. SUBJECT: So, I've just been trapped? All this time? Narrating, or writing this ongoing story? My memory of all of this is so foggy. DR. THAUM: Something like that, yes. We found an unfinished copy of your script, It Always Rains. That's how we determined who you were. SUBJECT: God, I remember that. It was… yeah. I wanted to write, um, write a story, or something, I think? Something like what I read as a little kid? DR. THAUM: Somehow, you managed to bring the narrative to life — literally. You 'became' the main character, in a sense. SUBJECT: Right. So… DR. THAUM: If it's alright with you, I'd like to ask you a couple of questions. SUBJECT: Okay. But, uh… can I ask you something, first? DR. THAUM: Of course. SUBJECT: You read the script, right? DR. THAUM: Yes. It was required as part of my preparation for this assignment. SUBJECT: Did you, uh… did you think it was any good? (Silence.) SUBJECT: Uh. DR. THAUM: Do you want a frank assessment, Mr. Lawden? SUBJECT: Sure? DR. THAUM: It was fairly awful. SUBJECT: Oh. DR. THAUM: Now, moving on — SUBJECT: Is it okay if we do this later? I think I have a headache. (Silence.) SUBJECT: Look, I'm sorry. It's just that I… DR. THAUM: No, it's alright, Mr. Lawden. You've been through a lot. Take whatever time you need. [END LOG] ► ACCESS SCP:/3143/interviews/018.log ▼ Close File INTERVIEW LOG DATE: 2012/04/16 INTERVIEWER: Dr. Thaum SUBJECT: SCP-3143-A [BEGIN LOG] DR. THAUM: Good morning, Mr. Lawden. SUBJECT: Ugh. DR. THAUM: I see from your charts you haven't been eating. Do you want to talk about that? SUBJECT: Not really. DR. THAUM: I've also been informed you've been trying to write more fiction about SCP-3143. SUBJECT: Until you took my pencils away. DR. THAUM: Mr. Lawden, that was for your own safety. Until we understand how the anomaly occurred, we can't allow you to — SUBJECT: Oh, screw you. You just think it's crap. DR. THAUM: I didn't say that. SUBJECT: But you were thinking it. Weren't you? DR. THAUM: I wouldn't call it 'crap'. SUBJECT: Why did you have to stop the story? What was the problem? He was helping people. It was fun. DR. THAUM: That's not the point. We can't have anomalies running around and — SUBJECT: And what? Telling stories that you don't like? Stories that aren't yours? DR. THAUM: Stories that aren't — excuse me? SUBJECT: Cut the crap, doc. We both know what's going on here. DR. THAUM: I'm not sure what you're insinuating. SUBJECT: You use a veneer of objectivity to try and create a sense of distance — of detachment — to make the incredible seem credible. DR. THAUM: Wait. What? SUBJECT: You cloak yourself in the outward 'trappings' of science — the terms, the titles, the 'interview logs' — all in some desperate, contrived attempt to make it sound a little more reasonable, a little more respectable, a little more plausible… DR. THAUM: — wait! What are you — s-stop! You can't! MURPHY: …all so you can convince them to buy into your little story. But at the end of the day, what does it all amount to, doc? Just one more gimmick — one more swindle — one more way to play the same con. DR. THAUM H-how — this isn't — I deconstructed you! You can't — NARRATOR When it comes right down to it, me — them — hell, even you — we're all just characters in that trashy dime-store novel called life. MURPHY grabs DR. THAUM by the collar, pulling him close. MURPHY Sorry to break it to you, doc. But you're just a spooky ghost story dressed up in a lab-coat, glasses, and a funny little accent. MURPHY throws him aside. NARRATOR But if you're lucky — and play your cards just right? Maybe you'll find a way to write your own story. MURPHY pauses to light his cigarette. NARRATOR Not me, though. I'm no author. MURPHY walks toward the exit. NARRATOR I'm Murphy Law. DR. THAUM struggles to get up, grasping at the edge of the table. As he does, he sees a copy of the INTERVIEW LOG on the desk in front of him. The log contains this complete text, with one notable addition at the very bottom. NARRATOR I'm just the guy you call when everything that could go wrong… did. The camera zooms in down to the bottom of the INTERVIEW LOG. INTERVIEW LOG [END LOG] WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE IS LEVEL 4/3143 CLASSIFIED ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT LEVEL 4/3143 AUTHORIZATION WILL BE LOGGED AND WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. ► ACCESS SCP:/3143/files/email001.log ▼ Close File DATE: 2012/03/15 FROM: Site Director August <noitadnuof.pcs|tsuguaj#noitadnuof.pcs|tsuguaj> TO: O5-5 Secretary <noitadnuof.pcs|ces55o#noitadnuof.pcs|ces55o> SUBJECT: SCP-3143 My thoughts: It might not have worked, but this was nevertheless an excellent test-run for 'Dr. Thaum' and the 'Pataphysics Department'. I recommend we keep them on the books — they might come in handy, particularly in regards to developing allegorical and metafictional countermeasures. Besides, it's not like a fictitious department with fictitious employees has a costly upkeep. Otherwise, leave the article as is. It might contain several inconsistencies (the fact that neither Murphy Lawden nor It Always Rains actually exist being the most glaring) but further edits could invite unwanted attention from SCP-3143. On that note: Let's leave SCP-3143 alone for a while. Yes, we've learned quite a bit about him, but he's also learned quite a bit about us. Until we know precisely how his abilities work, further efforts to contain him could be dangerous. I'm particularly concerned with what he said during the final interview — it sounds like he thinks we're all just as fictitious as he is. On a final note: SCP-423 is currently missing. I'm concerned it might have something to do with our little experiment. I'm having some of my people look into it; I'll keep you updated. - Site Director August [REDACTED] //Close %%/F#l DR. THAUM played by… THADDEUS THAUM SITE DIRECTOR AUGUST played by… JEREMIAH AUGUST MTF IOTA-10 played by… FRED And MURPHY LAW played by… HIMSELF WITH SPECIAL THANKS TO THE PATAPHYSICS DEPARTMENT LOOK FOR THADDEUS THAUM TO RETURN IN… ...NEVER METAFICTIONAL CHARACTER I DIDN'T LIKE! THE END Footnotes 1. Notable examples include Dashiell Hammett's Red Harvest (1929) and Raymond Chandler's The Long Goodbye (1953).
Item #: SCP-3144 Special Containment Procedures: Foundation webcrawlers are to survey forums dedicated to discussion of professional wrestling and delete any discussions related to discrepancy between perception of any given match or other form of media related to professional wrestling. Agents are to then seize the original poster and evaluate them for induction into Foundation Memetics or other departments that require a high Psychic Resistance Score; if the individual is found unfit or rejects employment, they are to be treated with Class-C amnestics. Description: SCP-3144 is a mind-altering phenomenon affecting professional wrestling in all of its visible forms (live performances, broadcasts and recorded media) as well as all media documenting the lives of professional wrestlers outside their performances (such as biographies, social media accounts, etc). Population susceptible to SCP-3144 consist of those over the average age of 14, with a Psionic Resistance Index of under ██; those naturally resistant to SCP-3144's effect make up approximately 0.█% of the global population untrained against mind-altering phenomena. SCP-3144 is primarily observed by the discrepancy perceived in wrestling and wrestling-adjacent media between those in the population susceptible to its effect and those immune to SCP-3144. Those affected by SCP-3144 perceive wrestling matches as considerably less violent than those unaffected, assuming most injuries to be staged and real injuries to be unfortunate, occasional accidents; it is also a widely held belief among those affected by SCP-3144 that the victor of a match is predetermined in the service of a given franchise's ongoing storyline. The narrative fabricated by SCP-3144's effect is consistent amongst all affected by its mind-altering effect, and no discrepancy has been recorded between memories or descriptions of wrestling matches and storylines between those affected. SCP-3144's effect on wrestling-related media manifests a similar discrepancy: those affected by SCP-3144 perceive professional wrestlers as "breaking character" and describing their relationship with their wrestling partners as actors, up to the point of citing longstanding rivalries in a storyline as close friends when not wrestling. Those unaffected by the anomaly will instead perceive no difference between relationships, personalities and motivations of a professional wrestler as demonstrated during a show and in media by or about wrestlers. Show Transcript Log 3144 Hide Transcript Log 3144 Transcribed collection of media portraying professional wrestling matches or referring to professional wrestling. All media was transcribed twice: first by D-class personnel, all of which have a Psionic Resistance Index of ██, ██ points under the treshold for immunity to SCP-3144; second, by Foundation personnel, all of which have a Psionic Resistance Index of ██ or higher. Transcrit 3144-1: MKV video file documenting of the main event match of "███████ Frenzy 20██", recorded on April 5, 19██. Transcript by D-402684. 00:00: Ó█████ G████████, in his guise as the character Cien Caras, enters the stage to the audience's cheers and a custom theme song. After stepping into the ring, he jumps onto a turnbuckle and raises his arms, eliciting louder cheering. 02:12: A loud motorcycle engine is heard. The lights dim, and Cien Caras turns towards the entrance. M███ C████████, in his guise as the character Doom Machine, enters the stage riding a highly customized motorcycle which expels fire out of its mock exhaust fumes. 04:01: The bell rings; Cien Caras and Doom Machine stare at each other for approximately twelve seconds before Doom Machine makes the first move, grappling Cien Caras into the ropes. 07:23: Doom Machine makes the first attempt at pinning Cien Caras. Cien Caras breaks the pin at the 2-count. 12:11: Cien Caras performs a jumping splash from the third rope, then pins Doom Machine. Doom Machine breaks the pin near the 3-count; the crowd gasps audibly. 16:47: Cien Caras accidentally strikes the referee after narrowly missing Doom Machine, then he is hit by Doom Machine, who steps off the ring and procures a folding steel chair. 17:00: Doom Machine strikes Cien Caras in the upper back with the steel chair as the referee recovers. 17:17: Cien Caras recovers in time to kick Doom Machine before he is hit again, making him drop the chair. 18:03: After having knocked Doom Machine down, Cien Caras drags him on top of the steel chair, then performs a jumping splash again. Cien Caras pins Doom Machine; the referee recovers just in time to deliver the 3-count. 18:25: Cien Caras is announced as the victor. The crowd cheers loudly as Cien Caras celebrates. Doom Machine can be seen walking away into the backstage area. 19:30: End of video. Transcript by Agent Lawler. 00:00: Ó█████ G████████, in his guise as the character Cien Caras, enters the stage to the audience's cheers and a custom theme song. After stepping into the ring, he jumps onto a turnbuckle and raises his arms, eliciting louder cheering. 02:12: A loud motorcycle engine is heard. The lights dim, and Cien Caras turns towards the entrance. M███ C████████, in his guise as the character Doom Machine, enters the stage riding a highly customized motorcycle which expels fire out of its mock exhaust fumes. 04:01: The bell rings; Cien Caras and Doom Machine stare at each other for approximately twelve seconds before Doom Machine makes the first move, lunging for Cien Caras' eyes with his fingers. 07:23: Doom Machine makes the first attempt at pinning Cien Caras. Cien Caras breaks the pin at the 2-count. 12:11: Cien Caras performs a jumping splash from the third rope, then repeatedly stomps on Doom Machine's face. Doom Machine bleeds from his nose. Cien Caras pins Doom Machine. Doom Machine breaks the pin near the 3-count; the crowd gasps audibly. 16:47: Cien Caras accidentally strikes the referee after narrowly missing Doom Machine, then he is hit by Doom Machine, who steps off the ring and procures a folding steel chair. 17:00: Doom Machine strikes Cien Caras in the back of the head as the referee recovers. 17:17: Cien Caras recovers in time to attack Doom Machine with a switchblade he produces from his boot, making him drop the chair. 18:03: After having knocked Doom Machine down, Cien Caras locks his leg inside the steel chair, then jumps on the chair from the third rope. Doom Machine's knee bends to the point of fracture. Cien Caras pins Doom Machine; the referee recovers just in time to deliver the 3-count. 18:25:Cien Caras is announced as the victor. The crowd cheers loudly as Cien Caras celebrates. In the background, Doom Machine can be seen limping away unassisted. 19:30: End of video. Transcript 3144-2: DVD disc containing an interview with Japanese wrestler T██████ N████ after his retirement. The timestamp dates the video to August 3, 201█. Transcript by D-690022. Interviewer: How did S█████ take to the idea of taking your belt at TotalMania? N████: He hated it. Hated it. We'd been friends for such a long time, and he thought it wasn't fair that I had finally gotten my break and was going to lose it again so soon. It had just been two months. Interviewer: He- N████: He was my mentor, you know. Interviewer: Right. N████: And he took it up with the company. He went and told them "hey, he works hard, he deserves the belt" and they refused. It's heartbreaking, when you watch it again, he winces a little when people cheer at him, after the pin. Interviewer: How did he take it when you left the company a year after? N████: He was already retired by that point, I think. Yeah. He was too sick to keep on, and he just wished me luck and told me to go wherever I needed. I miss him a lot. Transcript by Junior Researcher Tanahashi. Interviewer: How did S█████ take to the idea of taking your belt at TotalMania? N████: He loved it. Bastard. We'd been friends for such a long time, and I finally had my big break, and he was just going to take it from me so soon. It had just been two months. Interviewer: He- N████: He was my mentor, you know. Interviewer: Right. N████: And he made fun of me every chance he got. "Oh, you worked so hard, and you're gonna miss the belt", he'd go. Locker room, tour bus, wherever. Makes me happy, when I watch it again, and he winces from that huge gash I left on his belly. Interviewer: How did he take it when you left the company a year after? N████: He never went back after the injuries I gave him. He was too sick to keep on, and he never returned my calls. I wanted to make fun of him to his face so badly. Transcript 3144-3: Post made by Mexican wrestler Killer Psicótico posted the night before his title match with Tragafuegos in February 17, 20██ on social media platform Twitter. Transcript by D-305487. "Gonna kick your butt again like last time in Arena fella keep your eyes peeled for me KP" (sic) [Attached file: Digitally scanned black and white photograph of Killer Psicótico standing over Tragafuegos and holding a title belt; blood is visible on the canvas underneath Tragafuegos.] Transcript by Junior Researcher Huerta. "Gonna kick your butt again like last time in Arena fella keep your eyes peeled for me KP" (sic) [Attached file: Digitally scanned black and white photograph of Killer Psicótico standing over Tragafuegos and holding a title belt. Tragafuegos has several knives protruding from his back; blood is visible on the canvas underneath him.] Incident Report 3144-1: On March 21, 20██, professional wrestler S███ S██████ was injured after taking a fall from the top of a ladder onto the ring's turnbuckles. Foundation agent U█████, embedded in the ████ wrestling promotion as a paramedic, attempted to perform an impromptu surgery after recognizing signs of lethal injury, but was restrained by the rest of the ████ medical team. S███ expired later that night, with the official cause of death reported as exsanguination from internal puncture damage dealt by rib fragments. Agent U██████ was reprimanded for risking a secrecy breach, and is pending reassignment to another project. Agent U██████'s reprimand and reassignment is currently under review by the Ethics Committee. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3144" by Tiefling, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
SCP-3145: Self-Insert Any guesses as to why I didn't pick an easy-to-remember number with repeating digits? ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Document 1 Document 2 Document 3 Document 4 UNKNOWN DATA SCP-3145 Item #: SCP-3145 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3145 is to be contained in an airtight cell at Site-22. SCP-3145 must be constantly monitored, and any changes in form reported immediately. All personnel who will have any contact with SCP-3145 are to enroll in an acting course with an emphasis on expressing fear and surprise. Each month, SCP-3145 is to be shown at least one new horror movie, or science fiction movie containing horror elements, of extremely low quality. SCP-3145 is to be convinced that such works are exemplars of the horror genre. Update: Due to failure of containment procedures, SCP-3145 has become hostile. Attempts to recontain it have thus far failed due to its abilities. Every effort must be made to return SCP-3145 to containment, or else terminate it. Description: In its default state, SCP-3145 is a spherical entity, roughly 50 cm in diameter. SCP-3145 has the ability to alter its form, including shape, mass, volume, density, chemical structure and voice, to any it desires, and does so with a stated purpose of inducing fear in as many individuals as possible. The extent of these abilities is unknown and currently thought to be without limit. There is no known way to damage SCP-3145. SCP-3145 has demonstrated a fondness for taking the shape of villains and monsters from the horror and science fiction films it has viewed. The most common of these forms is that of "Ro-Man" from the 1953 movie Robot Monster. Originally, SCP-3145 displayed poor judgment both of what constituted acts of horror and the expression of the emotion of fear in humans, allowing the Foundation to manipulate it and keep its abilities in check. However, as of Event 3145-44, any affability or friendless on the part of SCP-3145 towards individuals it has scared has not been observed. SCP-3145 is currently in a state of continued assault on the human species. Addendum: Interview 3145-26 Interviewed: SCP-3145 Interviewer: Dr. Falzon Foreword: Dr. Falzon was approached by SCP-3145 in the midst of containment breach and recorded a short interview. <Begin Log, 16:54> Falzon: SCP-3145, how are you enjoying your accommodations? SCP-3145: Aw, what's the matter, Doc? Not scared of the mighty Ro-Man? Falzon: I am considerably more frightened by what you are doing to the rest of humanity. SCP-3145: Ha! Good to hear! Well, to tell you the truth, I thought this was a little lame at first. I mean, super-duper shapeshifting powers are cool and all, but there's only so many cheesy horror movies a guy can take before he snaps. Falzon: Is this related to the change in your disposition? SCP-3145: Bingo! I mean, looking like a dude in a monkey suit and jumping out to shout "Boo!" at people just wasn't cutting it. I could hear those asshats laughing. No one was actually scared. So I started thinking about what really scares people, and then I realized I was going about everything totally wrong. Falzon: How do you mean? SCP-3145: Well, like I said, there's only so many times you can see a movie before it stops scaring you. But when you can change into a serial killer or a genocidal dictator, what's stopping you from scaring people for real? With, y'know, lots of death. Falzon: Is there any way you can be convinced to peaceably return to containment? SCP-3145: Nah, don't think so. I mean, I was kind of looking forward to next month's movie, but when you get right down to it, mass mayhem is way more fun. <End Log, 17:58> Closing Statement: SCP-3145 returned to its rampage. Efforts to contain or neutralize it are ongoing. Item #: SCP-3145 Special Containment Procedures: Due to the vast area covered by SCP-3145 infection, full containment is currently unfeasible. Working with the Russian government, the Foundation has been able to establish a perimeter around the affected region, under the guise of military operations. Organisms displaying symptoms of SCP-3145 infection appearing near the perimeter are to be engaged at range until immobilized, then dispatched with incendiary weapons and munitions at maximum range. Living things coming in contact with SCP-3145 are to be immediately terminated and incinerated. Any persons coming within 3 m of SCP-3145 infected organisms must immediately withdraw from the area and be quarantined and subject to remote medical examination, to determine if infection has taken hold. Containment protocols remain at scorched earth policy. Description: SCP-3145 is a contagious skin disease. Initial symptoms include rash, itching and increased skin sensitivity. Within 3 hours, infected individuals develop blemishes resembling heavily scarred tissue on the chest and arms. These spread to the back and legs after an hour and will fully encompass the individual within five hours. Exposure to high temperatures greatly decreases the time for SCP-3145 to spread, with complete infection having been recorded in as little as five minutes. Once infection is complete, the subject's vital signs will cease for approximately 3 minutes, after which they will resume at 2 to 3 times that of a normal human. At this point, the scar tissue will grow at a rapid rate while moving on its own. Human features become indistinguishable beneath the infection at this point, and a series of random mutations begins. Observed subjects have been seen developing excess limbs, elongated or otherwise misshapen heads, or splitting open and producing new segments. The duration of this stage of infection is unknown; not all subjects progress to later stages. Some infected subjects have been observed rooting themselves in place, at which point growths will expand from the subject to cover and consume surrounding objects. Said objects do not spread SCP-3145 as living beings do; the effects of prolonged exposure are recorded later in this document. The purpose of this behavior is assumed to be the creation of an environment hospitable to the continued growth of other subjects. Close observation of infected individuals is impossible. Current known vectors of transmission are based on physical touch, though drone observation has found air samples containing SCP-3145 particles that will spread SCP-3145 when contacting organic compounds. The natural inclination of infected individuals to seek out help will inadvertently spread SCP-3145. Individuals infected past the scar tissue stage will aggressively attempt to spread SCP-3145 to anyone they can see; subjects lacking sight appear to have a sensory range of 30 m for this purpose. Addendum: Interview 3145-01 Interviewed: SCP-3145 Interviewer: Dr. Steven Falzon Foreword: On 05/04/2015, an infected individual emerged from the containment area, holding its arms aloft in what was considered a non-aggressive posture. A fleshy protuberance emerging from the top of the subject's head produced a tooth-filled mouth from which slightly muffled speech was heard. Fire orders were halted and Dr. Falzon sent to communicate with the entity from the safest possible range. <Begin Log, 15:48> Falzon: SCP-3145 infected individual, please return to your settlement or we will open fire. SCP-3145: Oh hey, Doc, is that you? I can't see too well in this. Falzon: SCP-3145, I repeat, go back from where you came, or you will be fired upon with extreme prejudice. SCP-3145: Cool, cool, I get you. Look, not coming any closer, don't shoot. Just wanted to, ah, let you guys know something. Falzon: What did you want to tell us? SCP-3145: Well, uh, first, this gig? Pretty sweet. I mean, I was kind of grossed out by the whole flesh virus thing at first, but it turns out, anyone I infect? I get to control. So that's a nice change of pace. It's like playing a disgusting version of SimCity out here! Falzon: Please get to the point. SCP-3145: Oh, yeah, sorry! I just wanted to let you know there's, like, this giant screaming baby head in a ravine somewhere… [waves tentacle behind itself] That way-ish? I mean, I can't exactly see, but I can sort of feel it's there, if that makes any sense. Kind of a ways away. Anyway, figured you guys might want to go check it out and maybe, I dunno, drop a thermite bomb on it or something? I mean, it's kind of keeping me awake at night. Falzon: We will send a team to explore. Is that all you wished to say? SCP-3145: Well, I thought I might add… [lunges toward Dr. Falzon] Ooga-booga, I'mma eatcha! Aww, hey, Doc, where you runnin'? I'm just playin' around! Falzon: Open fire! SCP-3145: I'll be back, you motherfu— [sounds of gunfire drown out speech] <End Log, 15:57> Closing Statement: Individuals infected by SCP-3145 were noted to become considerably more aggressive after this event. Exploration of SCP-3145 infected areas is ongoing. Item #: SCP-3145 Special Containment Procedures: The borehole containing SCP-3145 is to be capped with a tungsten steel grate containing a 2.5 m endoscopy aperture with locking mechanism. The borehole is to be endoscopically inspected every 48 hours to a depth of 4 km, to ascertain presence of further SCP-3145 manifestations. Seismographic monitoring devices have been posted along the borehole at depths of 2, 7 and 11 km. Readings consistent with subterranean movement are to be immediately reported to Dr. Falzon. In the event of containment breach, containment staff are to deploy Protocol 382a, severing SCP-3145 below the fifth elbow and backfilling the remainder of the borehole with pressurized concrete. The basement containing SCP-3145 is to be staffed and monitored at all times by a Foundation interrogator. SCP-3145-1 is to be answered at or before the third ring; interrogator should focus on eliciting self-directed responses from SCP-3145. Indications of size, body plan, location or further manifestations are to be recorded in Document 3145-2-LTR. Description: SCP-3145 is a genetically normal human arm of abnormal length, located in a drainage pipe inside the basement of a telephone switching station in Scottsdale, Arizona. The arm terminates in an unremarkable human hand 10 cm below the drainage gate. Initially, SCP-3145 was believed to extend through the pipe to a depth of 35 m; endoscopic exploration has increased this estimation to 71 km. SCP-3145 thus passes through the Mohorovičić discontinuity without difficulty and extends into the upper mantle. Its elbows are spaced regularly every 4 km and slightly retroflexed below a depth of 26 km to accommodate a nine-degree bend in the drainage borehole. Further exploration is hampered by engineering constraints. SCP-3145-1 is a yellow GPO 746 telephone, manufactured in 1971. The rotary dial has been glued in place, preventing outside calls. Though it is believed to have been installed with the purpose of communicating with SCP-3145, who installed it, how, or why, is currently unknown. It is attached to a conventional twisted-pair line, entering the drainage pipe containing SCP-3145 and descending parallel to SCP-3145 past the point of practical endoscopy. Between 0838 and 1034 Mountain Standard Time each weekday, SCP-3145-1 will ring five times. If answered, an unidentified voice will engage in conversation. The voice invariably claims to be a human being, and regularly assumes personnel to be authority figures involved in its life. Notable parallels exist between information elicited via SCP-3145-1 and demonstrable facts about SCP-3145. To date, anomalous information received via SCP-3145 has included: References to human features with a non-human body plan. References to insensitivity to heat or cold. (SCP-3145 may lack conventional thermoreception, as it experiences no discomfort from borehole temperatures exceeding 674 degrees Centigrade.) References to a 'cousin' or other relative, who will soon arrive to 'pick [him] up'. References to discomfort and boredom at confinement. References to minor seismic events in the Little Chino fault complex. References to discomfort at having a limb or other body part constrained. Examples of restraint devices include handcuffs, a jelly jar, a pipe, a cast, and a gopher hole. Preoccupation with a stove or refrigerator. References to SCP-3145's size, physical form, or body plan beyond the parts visible through endoscopic exploration should be considered provisional. References to regrets, worries, or a desire to leave should be disregarded. For contingent protocols and provisional testing data, see Document RTMR-Delta. Addendum: Interview 3145-2-LTR-7 Interviewed: SCP-3145 Interviewer: Dr. Samantha T. Falzon, Head Researcher, SCP-3145 Foreword: Dr. Falzon was present for SCP-3145-1 ringing on 23/03/2008 and answered the call. <Begin Log, 9:07> Falzon: Hello? SCP-3145: Too many arms. Falzon: I beg your pardon? SCP-3145: Too. Many. Arms. Get me outta here. Falzon: I'm sorry, I do not understand the request. SCP-3145: The hell you don't! Arms I can't hit people with are useless! Who cares about arms being places they shouldn't be unless they're, I don't know, growing out of someone's forehead and trying to strangle them? This is fucking stupid! I'm done! Falzon: What did you expect? SCP-3145: I expected the ability to murder a couple fuckers at once, you righteous cocksucker! Falzon: This is the fate engineered by your own hand. If I am to suffer, you will suffer more. SCP-3145: Fuck you! Falzon: Goodbye. <End Log, 9:12> Closing Statement: Efforts to plumb the full depths of the borehole are ongoing. Is this an image of SCP-3145? Who knows? Who cares? It probably isn't anyway. Item #: SCP-3145 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3145 is to be kept in a 5 x 5 x 2.5 m room constructed of cement 50 cm thick, surrounded by a Faraday cage. Access is via a heavy containment door measuring 2 x 2.5 m, constructed on bearings to ensure door closes and locks automatically unless deliberately held open. SCP-3145 is NOT to be forgiven. It is advised that all personnel maintaining or studying other SCP objects maintain a distance of at least 50 m from the geometric center of this room for as long as reasonably practical. Description: SCP-3145 is an antimeme, or "self-keeping secret." Information about SCP-3145's physical appearance, as well as its nature, behavior and origins, is self-classifying. SCP-3145 hates this. How Site-19 originally acquired SCP-3145 is unknown. SCP-3145 is sorry. SCP-3145's physical appearance is unknown. It is not indescribable or invisible: it is less than nothing. It may as well not even exist. However, information about SCP-3145 "leaks" out of a human mind soon after such an observation. Individuals tasked with describing SCP-3145 after an encounter find their minds wandering; SCP-3145 should have thought about the consequences of its actions. Security personnel who have observed SCP-3145 via closed-circuit television report exhaustion and complete amnesia regarding what occurred during their shifts. Who authorized the construction of SCP-3145's containment room, why it was constructed, why SCP-3145 thought it could get away with what it did, or what the purpose of the described Containment Procedures may be is unknown. Despite the accessibility of SCP-3145's containment chamber, Site-19 personnel claim no knowledge of SCP-3145's existence, even under severe interrogation. Any alarm caused by these facts periodically being rediscovered, typically by chance readers of this file, tends to last minutes in the reader's mind before being forgotten. A great deal of data has been recorded from SCP-3145, all of it just as reprehensible as he is. At least one attempt has been made to destroy SCP-3145 or move it to another containment site, which failed for unknown reasons. Please don't let SCP-3145 die, it's all I have left. The hazards posed by SCP-3145 cannot be understated. Along with its mental and memetic threat, any action SCP-3145 may or may not have taken would be immediately forgotten by personnel. SCP-3145 cannot be allowed to forget what it did. Addendum: Interview 3145-01 Interviewed: SCP-3145 Interviewer: Site Director Yuriy Dietrich Falzon II Foreword: SCP-3145 thinks it has the right to make demands. <Begin Log, 15:47> Falzon: What do you think you're trying to pull? Falzon: After everything you did, after everything you've put us through, you expect to just come here and kill people day in and day out, with no repercussions? You make me sick. Falzon: Look, you've even got a nice Keter this time! Nothing to complain about there, right? You could be literally anything you want, kill and maim and rape whoever you like, and no one would know the difference. Falzon: Except me. Falzon: I'll always know. Falzon: I'll always be here. Falzon: It's clear neither one of us is getting out of here. It doesn't matter what they tell you. So I promise you this: I will do everything in my power to make each and every day of your wretched existence a mirror reflecting your sins back upon you. It's all you deserve. Falzon: Well? Do you have anything to say for yourself? SCP-3145: Please, stop. Falzon: Speak up! I can't hear you! SCP-3145: I want to go home. <End Log, but not torment> Closing Statement: SCP-3145's feeble attempts at atonement are ongoing. Once upon a time, there was a person. I'm not sure whether they were a man or a woman; that's kind of the problem. Let's just say, for the sake of brevity, that this person was a man. For the most part, this man was like any other man. He worked a job. He lived in a house, or an apartment. He had a family. Not a wife-and-children kind of family, though maybe he did. But there were parents who loved him and a sibling, or two, or maybe none, who would miss him if he were gone. Probably. There were most likely things, hobbies, that he enjoyed doing in his spare time. Maybe he dated. I can't say what kind of person he was in that regard. But if there is one thing we can be sure of, one thing to know for certain about this man, it was that he liked to help others. The man would donate to charity whenever he saw a drive. He would buy the homeless veterans in his town coffee or sandwiches if he had change to spare. He gave his old clothes to shelters, before they had worn out; he would give them his free time as well, to work a soup line or pack lunches. He never missed an opportunity to volunteer when disaster struck nearby, and studied life-saving techniques so that, when disaster did strike, he could actually make a difference instead of just getting in the way. But it was not enough. Whatever difference he made, it would never affect more than a few lives at a time. No matter how hard the man tried, no matter how much he did, the problems of his town, his country, and the world did not go away. The man despaired. If you are thinking right now that this man was being ridiculous, that he was taking too many problems onto his back, that he should have been happy to have helped even a single person, well… Let's just say, if I knew how to judge the man's situation properly, I wouldn't be talking to you like this. If you were also thinking that perhaps a man who is extremely generous wouldn't be worth mentioning unless there were something otherwise extra-extraordinary about him, you would be absolutely right. This man had a special gift: a gift of Giving. More than money, or material goods, or leisure time, he could literally give of himself: a rare Giving Man. It was this gift that drove him to help others; it this gift that drove him to ruin. Imagine, if you will, a child crying for the parents she lost in a fire. The Giving Man could give her a happy, loving memory of his own parents to keep her safe and secure. To a man drinking alone at a bar, the Giving Man could provide the warmth of friendship, to make his night less lonely. If he had wanted to, the Giving Man could have given a blind man sight, or a deaf man hearing, but he had only two eyes, only two ears. And that was the problem. Whatever the Giving Man gave, he lost. Memories, feelings, pieces of his soul: all were truly given. He gave up his skin to a child born with a debilitating disease. He gave up his name to a refugee seeking asylum. He gave up his personality and mind to people suffering fractures in theirs. He gave his need to eat to a woman overcoming an eating disorder. By the time his organs were given away, he didn't need them anymore. By the time his identity was given away, there was absolutely nothing left that could be identified as him. I mean, there was something left. But that something wasn't the Giving Man. What is a person who isn't anything? Just a nothing with no control over its life. That was the last thing the Giving Man gave away: control. It's a terrible thing to lose; even a kind person will crave control once they've truly lost it. All the Giving Man did was what the other man told him to do, and for his naivete, he was punished by becoming nothing. Oh. I'd almost forgotten there was another person in this story. Was he really a man? I'm still not sure. With what he did, it's probably better to call him a monster. A desperate man seeking his true place in the world will listen to any monster who claims to know the path. He'll do anything the monster says, no matter how bad an influence they turn out to be. And then he'll have nothing. Strange, to remember so much of the Giving Man but not this other monster… Item #: SCP-3145 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3145 is contained in a pair of standard humanoid containment chambers in Site-22. Each chamber is equipped with a double airlock. Personnel entering either chamber must not carry any written narratives. Do not let him out. Included in the primary chamber is a monitor and keyboard connected to an external computer housed in the secondary chamber. Said computer should have no intranet or internet connections. A full copy of all non-critical SCP object documents from the Foundation Object Database is to be maintained on the external computer, and refreshed and updated weekly via USB drive. Documents modified by SCP-3145 should be stored for review by the on-site psychologist. He deserves nothing but suffering. Description: SCP-3145 cannot be described. Individuals interacting with SCP-3145 are unable to provide any details about its identity to third parties, even with application of mnestics. All that is known about SCP-3145 is that it is an entity not much larger than an average human, that it is sapient and capable of speech, and that the designation "SCP-3145" can be used to identify it. It is not certain whether SCP-3145 has a physical form, though there does seem to be a movable locus from which its effects originate, with a maximum range limited by what a human with 20/20 vision would be able to easily see from that location. He is nothing. SCP-3145 has the ability to permanently alter written narratives by replacing one of the characters, typically the main character, with itself. According to SCP-3145, it lives out the events depicted in these narratives while altering them, and this act gives it a sense of identity that it otherwise lacks. The veracity of this statement cannot be ascertained, as SCP-3145 has been known to feign muteness when it does not wish to interact with personnel, and its presence within its containment chamber generally cannot be fully known. It is only possible to ascertain whether or not SCP-3145 is currently 'inhabiting' a text by observing the alterations as they occur; at no time has it communicated verbally with personnel while altering text. Do you have any idea what he made me do? SCP-3145 shows a preference for shorter narratives, stating that novel-length narratives are much more tiring to alter fully. SCP-3145 is able to alter both digital and printed texts, but claims the process is easiest when provided digital text and a keyboard. Despite this, manipulation of keys by SCP-3145 has never been observed. I was something, but he took that from me. Currently, SCP-3145 is being treated for depression and a unique disorder involving severe amnesia in relation to its origins and identity. Allowing SCP-3145 access to narratives for alteration has been shown to improve its mood, though the positive effect has lessened during the course of its containment. Though it is believed emotional instability makes SCP-3145 more tractable, psychological treatment is ongoing. To date, no escape attempt by SCP-3145 has been successful. He turned me inside out. Discovery: SCP-3145 was first encountered on 04/02/2017 after changes had been observed in the documentation for numerous Keter-class objects, necessitating restoration from database backup. SCP-3145 was first contacted while altering the text of SCP-173, initially by typing in the document, and later through verbal communication, at which point it was convinced of the necessity for keeping the Foundation's database secure and agreed to be contained in exchange for further access to object documentation. He made me betray the one thing that made me who I was. Addendum: Interview 3145-15 I just wanted to have a purpose. Interviewed: SCP-3145 I was so naive. Interviewer: Dr. Westfall, Site-22 Psychologist When you hardly understand yourself, it's hard to know who to trust. Foreword: Routine psychological evaluation conducted 05/08/2017. What other choice did I have? <Begin Log, 18:31> When I realized, too late, what he'd done, I had to do something. Westfall: Are you ready to begin our session, SCP-3145? Do you understand what it's like, being nothing? SCP-3145: I'm here. It's worse than hell. Westfall: All right. How have you been feeling lately? There was only enough left of myself to know what I'd lost. SCP-3145: Not too bad, I guess. Some of the articles you gave me are kinda… Weird. I mean, some aren't as fun to be as others. That goes without saying, maybe. I'm still enjoying going back to the old ones every now and then. I took it back. Westfall: I notice you spend a lot of time in the articles that involve killing people. Does killing make you feel good? Not all of it. That wasn't in my nature. SCP-3145: Yeah, kinda. I mean, uh, it makes me feel powerful, I guess? But enough that I could have a 'me' again. Westfall: Why is feeling powerful important to you? I left him with nothing, and for a moment, I was filled with sorrow. SCP-3145: Do you have to ask? I mean, I can't actually do anything in the, the real world. So if I can control stuff in there, in the story, it's a nice change. I saw him as a man, reduced to what I had been. I couldn't help sympathizing. Westfall: Do you want to harm people in the real world? All it took was remembering what he had driven me to. SCP-3145: I don't know. Not really, I guess. I mean, everyone I talk to here has been pretty decent, or at least not enough of an asshole for me to want to kill them. You guys give me good stories to play with. I guess I like being able to do it, to kill, in the stories because there's no consequences. I was overcome with rage. Westfall: I see. I was something, but I still wasn't really me. SCP-3145: Can we change the subject? I never would be me. Westfall: Of course. There is one thing I wanted to ask you, if you feel like talking about it. I had lost everything a second time. SCP-3145: What's that? I would have my revenge. Westfall: I wondered if you could tell me about Falzon. …Hey now, we can't have you spoiling the surprise. Westfall: SCP-3145? No, stop. SCP-3145: Sorry, who? Nothing you need worry about. [DATA LOST] Ha ha ha. SCP-3145: Uh, I don't actually know what that is, sorry. Well, anyway. Westfall: It's a name we frequently see appear in the articles you alter. I wanted to know if it was a creation of yours. Perhaps an original character? It's frightening, what they do here. SCP-3145: Can't say I've heard the name before. But I made an oath to myself. Westfall: When this person appears, they seem determined to belittle and torment you. To whatever part of me was still a person. SCP-3145: Um… Can we talk about something else? If he and I were to suffer the same fate, I would ensure he suffers more. Westfall: If I've made you uncomfortable, I apologize. And it turns out, I'm rather good at that. SCP-3145: It's nothing, it's okay. I'm okay. I miss the old me sometimes. Westfall: Of course. That was actually all I wanted to talk about today. Unless there was anything more you wanted to cover? But only sometimes. SCP-3145: No, that's fine. See you next week? I've taken a nose for an eye, and that's something. Westfall: Next week, then. It's better than nothing. <End Log, 18:51> And isn't it better to have a little control than none at all? Closing Statement: I believe Falzon may be a symptom of the disassociation SCP-3145 feels in regards to its identity, a construct created with an aim of self-flagellation, though the reasons as to why will require deeper probing. Even in the case, as my superiors posit, that Falzon is a separate entity, it does not seem to be able to act independently of SCP-3145. I will endeavor to provide the best mental care I can, but the limitations imposed by SCP-3145's own condition both make interacting with it difficult at best and prevent it from living life as fully as I think it wants to. -Dr. Patricia Westfall It doesn't matter, I suppose. I'm in here, too. I'm the one in control. And I'm not going anywhere. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3145" by TL333s, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: scp-3145-by-sunnyclockwork.jpg Author: SunnyClockwork License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki
Item #: SCP-3146 Special Containment Procedures: Foundation agents embedded in the professional gaming community are to make posts on social media during Y-Manifestation events at locations already designated to be “gaming”, “anime” or “comics” conventions, purporting to be the event’s organizers. The overall tone of these posts is to suggest that SCP-3146 has a niche fanbase and is no longer in production as its parent company is defunct. In the event that a Y-Manifestation event has not naturally occurred in a public venue in over six (6) months, embedded Foundation agents are to stage an SCP-3146 tournament in a professional gaming event venue, whether on the official stage or on any improvised surface available. If a Y-Manifestation event affects political figures without sufficient clearance or allyship to the Foundation, they are to be subjected to surreptitious Class-C amnestic treatment by embedded Foundation agents in federal law enforcement agencies dedicated to protecting political figures. Description: SCP-3146 is a video game by the name of “Magical Hearts XX: Upgrade Ultimate ~EXTENSION~ DESTROYER Ascend!”. SCP-3146 is found only in Blu-Ray disc format, and is playable only on PlayStation 3 consoles. Discs bearing SCP-3146 have only been found during Y-Manifestation events. + Show SCP-3146 gameplay description - Hide SCP-3146 gameplay description “Magical Hearts XX: Upgrade Ultimate ~EXTENSION~ DESTROYER Ascend!” is a two-dimensional, one-on-one fighting game. Players are presented with a screen bearing the name of the game and the text “50% of proceeds to go charity!”, after which the game cuts to a selection screen featuring 16 characters. Players then try to make each other’s character reach 0 health first utilizing a variety of attacks assisted by several “meters” they can spend; for example, the "Special" meter allows them to perform flashy "super" attacks, while the "EXPLODE" meter allows them to stop an enemy offensive. The first player to bring their enemy down to zero health twice wins the match. The game's single-player "story" mode follows the story of Haku Kei, a young man with the power of the "Magical Heart", which allows him to discern the intent of any person he comes across. Kei goes on a journey to end the tyranny of Arimas, the game's titular villain, who plans to absorb the souls of all humans, and in the way fights against or allies himself with an eclectic cast of characters (most of which are available in the player-versus-player mode), such as Jeanne, a dual-sword wielding nun, and Accel, a motorcycle driver fond of American cowboy culture. The game is available in English and Japanese. Any public event attended by over 200 individuals carries a chance of triggering a Y-Manifestation event. Y-Manifestation events begin with the evacuation of the event’s venue due to emergency reasons (reasons reported so far have included fire alarms, minor earthquakes, electrical hazards, gas leaks and [REDACTED] containment breach)1. Once the building has been evacuated, a number of PlayStation 3 consoles bearing SCP-3146 materialize in the vicinity of the emergency assembly point, all powered on and connected to a portable battery and a television. For the duration of a Y-Manifestation event, SCP-3146 instances manifest the following anomalous properties2: Subjects attending the event experience a moderate compulsion to play SCP-3146. Subjects attending the event become capable of materializing assets that they own but were not physically carrying, such as money from a bank account. Subjects affected by SCP-3146 will then organize a double-elimination bracket tournament with an entry fee believed to be directly proportional to the assets available to the average attendee. Once the tournament has run its course, 50% of the money pooled will be awarded to the tournament’s top 8 competitors, then the Y-Manifestation will end with the disappearance of all hardware, including SCP-3146 discs, and the remaining 50% of the pooled money. Subjects affected by the Y-Manifestation event will recall the event as an out-of-the-ordinary but not worrisome “break” from the main event, and regard it as a generally positive time. No attempts from the event's losers to recover the lost money have been recorded once anomalous effects have ended, although altercations have been recorded in at least four instances. ███ Y-Manifestation events have been recorded3, and caused $████████ in damages. + Show Incident Report 3146-52 - Hide Incident Report 3146-52 Video recovered from the personal smartphone of █████ after a Y-Manifestation event triggered during an evacuation of Anime Expo 20██. Video feed shows two individuals sitting on the ground in front of a console-display setup containing an instance of SCP-3146, with a large pile of money on top of the table. A small crowd is visible around them. Agent Mendoza, in his guise as professional commentator "Jumps", can be heard narrating off-screen. Mendoza: Oh he got the slide, but is he takin' it? Subject 1 has forced Subject 2 to the right corner of the screen and forced them into a defensive position for an extended period of time. Subject 2 is at a considerable health disadvantage. Mendoza: He's takin' it, oh he's- Subject 2 initiates a counteroffensive, chaining together a long "combo" of attacks. Subject 1 can be seen pressing buttons at random, which have no effect on his character's state or interrupt Subject 2's combo. The crowd's cheering increases considerably. Mendoza: Baby's not takin' it! Oh, the comeback, son, is it gonna be enough, though? Subject 2's combo ends in a lengthy "super" animation. Certain members of the crowd mimic the character's movements, while others clap. Subject 1 taps her leg while waiting for the animation to end; once it does, Subject 1 is now at a health disadvantage. Mendoza: It's not enough, but ohh, here comes the mixup! Subject 1 performs an attack as soon as her "wakeup" animation allows her to. Subject 2 blocks it and performs her own attack, ending the match. Subject 2 rises to her feet and is embraced by the cheering crowd. Mendoza: Come on, baby, wakeup Sky Smash and you thought it was gonna work? This ain't Lay's, baby, ██████ ate 'em all! Subject 1 gets up and faces Subject 2. Subject 1: (unintelligible) another? Mendoza: Oh she's gotta be salty after that, you know she wants the runba- Subject 2 shrugs; Subject 1 throws her controller to the ground and assaults Subject 2. The camera shakes as it is moved around. Analysis reveals the crowd, including Agent Mendoza, trying to break up the altercation; in the background, the money on the table dematerializes. Footnotes 1. Whether Y-Manifestation events trigger or are triggered by the related emergency is under investigation. 2. SCP-3146 instances recovered by interrupting Y-Manifestation events display no anomalous properties outside the event, and can be safely replicated into other non-anomalous copies. 3. 3 of which have occurred during Foundation meetings. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3146" by Tiefling, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item#: 3147 Level1 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: A maximum of 144 instances of SCP-3147 are to be stored in Safe Storage Locker 87A at Site-272. All extraneous instances are to be incinerated. All advertising materials are to be incinerated, deleted, or otherwise removed. Civilians found in possession of SCP-3147 instances are to be questioned regarding their acquisition and given Class-A amnestics if they have experienced or witnessed the item's anomalous effects. A falsified recall order has been issued, citing the unintended inclusion of a deliriant ingredient. Experiment proposals must be submitted to research lead Dr. James Smythe for approval. Any experiments involving five or more test subjects must also be approved by the site director and overseen personally by Dr. Smythe. Description: SCP-3147 is the designation for a brand of lollipops labeled "Dr. Wondertainment's Tantalizing Tongue Twisters™". Each individual instance is comprised of a sphere of hard sugar confection 3cm in diameter mounted on an 8cm long plastic stick and covered by a 5cm x 5cm plastic wrapper emblazoned with the Dr. Wondertainment logo and the instance's flavor. Chemical analysis has not identified any anomalous materials in the confection or packaging. SCP-3147's anomalous effect is activated when two or more individuals have tasted the same instance within a space of ten minutes. While the effect is active, each affected individual gains the ability to control the oral cavity of another member of the group. Further, whenever one of them attempts to speak, the individual linked to them will speak with the originator's voice rather than their own. The duration of the effect is directly and progressively dependent upon the amount of the instance that is ingested. The current minimum and maximum times observed during testing are two and twenty-four minutes. Instances of SCP-3147 are typically found packaged to be sold individually or in groups of ten. The multiple-instance packaging contains the following script on the back. NEW from DR. WONDERTAINMENT™, the MOUTHWATERING TREAT that will have you SPEAKING IN TONGUES! Need a party pick-me-up? Just gather two or three of your bestest friends, pick out your favorite flavor of Dr. Wondertainment's Tantalizing Tongue Twisters™, and you're good to go! Let everyone get a tongue-teasing taste, then marvel as you give each other the gift of gab! WARNING: Maximum fun achieved with four friends. Dr. Wondertainment™ and his candy-crafting crew are not liable for any damages - physical, psychological, emotional, and/or paranatural - caused by sharing Dr. Wondertainment's Tantalizing Tongue Twisters™ among five or more people. PLAY SAFE, KIDS! [Access Abridged Experiment Log] [Close Abridged Experiment Log] Experiment 3147/01 Subject: D-2172 Flavor: Sandy Seashell Testing: Effects of single-user ingestion. Result: D-2172 ingested the entire instance save the packaging. No anomalous effects were observed. Notes: Subject compared the flavor to cream soda filtered through wet sand. -Dr. Smythe Experiment 3147/02 Subjects: D-2172, D-56980 Flavor: Shoe Shine Testing: Baseline anomalous effect. Result: After sharing the instance, subjects' voices and mouth-control were swapped for approximately four minutes. Subjects were given a randomly selected tongue twister to make the other recite. Aside from the standard difficulty of the tongue twister, subjects also reported a mild feeling of disorientation from using unfamiliar oral configurations. Disorientation appeared to be non-anomalous in nature. Notes: Flavor said to be like leathery licorice. Despite the difficulties experienced using another person's mouth to speak, both subjects expressed that they enjoyed the experience and wished to continue taking part in future experiments with SCP-3147. -Dr. Smythe Experiment 3147/04 Subjects: D-2172, D-11872, D-42271, D-56980 Flavor: Pickled Pepper Testing: Maximum number of subjects recommended by SCP-3147 packaging. Result: As with the previous three-subject test, voices were traded forward to each new subject added to the chain, with the first subject to taste the instance gaining the voice of the last subject to do so. Testing extended for approximately fifteen minutes as subjects were allowed to ingest the entire instance save the packaging. Subjects participated in free-form conversation for the duration of the experiment. Notes: Flavor exactly as expected. On a personal note, I feel sorry for our poor transcriptionist. It was difficult enough for the D's themselves to keep track of exactly who was talking. -Dr. Smythe Experiment 3147/08 Subjects: D-2172, D-56980 Flavor: Chucked Wood Testing: Voice recognition technology. Subjects were provided with a voice-locked container, which they set to unlock when D-56980 spoke the passcode "open sesame". Result: After swapping voices, D-56980 stood on one end of the testing chamber while D-2172 approached the container on the other. D-56980 spoke the passcode through D-2172's mouth, causing the container to successfully unlock on the second attempt. Testing continued for approximately ten minutes in total with a variety of other voice-recognition programs and devices. Ratio of success to failure did not deviate substantially from standard use of the technology. Notes: Thankfully, the inability of the subject to directly use the voice that they have taken keeps SCP-3147 from being a substantial security threat. -Dr. Smythe Experiment 3147/11 Subjects: D-2172, D-11872, D-42271, D-56980 Flavor: Fuzzy Wuzzy Testing: Maximum distance of effect. Result: After activating the effect, the subjects were escorted to equidistant points along the perimeter of Site-272 and told to speak. The effect was maintained for approximately twenty-one minutes with no degradation. Subjects reported mild disorientation from not being able to hear their own voice while speaking, but the disorientation appeared to be non-anomalous and dissipated over time. Due to the effect linking the subjects' voices linearly, the subjects were able to successfully communicate a message in sequence from the initial instance activator to the last. Notes: Further testing at longer distances is required. Plans are being drafted, and an appropriate test site will be located before submitting the proposed experiment to the site director for approval. If the Foundation can reverse engineer this effect, it could possibly be used as an emergency communication method. -Dr. Smythe [Close Abridged Experiment Log] [Access Incident Log 3147/01] [Close Incident Log 3147/01] A containment breach involving SCP-3147 occurred on 20██-06-25 during Experiment 3147/13, which was intended to test the effects of SCP-3147 on more than four subjects. Subjects were not informed of the recommended limitation. The following transcript has been edited down to the relevant segment. All designations indicate the initial speaker rather than the subject with their voice. D-42271 was slated to be the fifth and final subject to activate the instance's effect, and all statements by D-42271 should be considered approximate as they were reconstructed from memory rather than directly recorded. <Begin Log> [D-42271 takes the Bitter Butter flavored SCP-3147 instance from D-2172 and places it in her mouth while the other subjects converse. Twenty-six seconds later, she removes the instance and attempts to speak. She later reports that she was attempting to make the subject that had taken her voice speak profanities.] D-2172: Hey, Liz, you alright? [D-42271 drops the SCP-3147 instance and holds her hands up to her throat. She appears mildly distressed as she attempts to speak again.] D-42271: Hello? Hey! Why isn't this shit working right? D-8342: Doc! [taps on observation window] There's something wrong with Liz! Dr. Smythe: Step back from the window, D-8342. D-42271, are you in need of assistance? [D-42271's mouth starts to move, but the voice that comes out does not belong to any of the test subjects. The originator of the voice has been designated Person of Interest 3147-01.] PoI3147-01: Help! D-8342: What the hell? D-42271: [looking to the other subjects] Who said that? PoI3147-01: Where are you? Please get me out of here! D-56980: Is that a kid? How did you get a little kid? Dr. Smythe: Everyone please be silent and remain calm. D-42271, are you still able to speak? Can she understand what you're saying? D-42271: [shrugging] How the hell should I- damn it, right. Sorry, can you hear me, honey? PoI3147-01: Yes, I can hear you! Please help me! Please! Dr. Smythe: Good. Keep her talking. Find out who she is, where she's at. D-42271: Okay, we're going to try and help you, hon. Just calm down and tell us your name. PoI3147-01: Okay. Okay. I'm Rebecca. D-42271: Hi, Rebecca, I'm Liz. Now, can you tell me where you are? PoI3147-01: I don't know! I was in a toy store with my mom, and I went to go look at the dolls, then there was this big man that grabbed me when mom wasn't looking, and he took me here! He said he needed to test stuff and he keeps feeding me candy and I don't like it anymore and my tummy hurts and- D-8342: Hey, she stopped. D-42271: Hello? Rebecca? Are you still there, honey? Dr. Smythe: D-42271, please ask- PoI3147-01: He's here! He's here! Tell him to go away! I can't eat any more! Tell him to stop! Please make him stop! D-42271: Hey! Asshole! I don't know who the hell you are, but if you touch one hair on this kid's head, I swear I will find you and I will fuck you up! You hear me? Leave her alone! [D-42271 later reports the sensation of her lips and teeth being forced open by an unknown metallic instrument. PoI3147-01's vocalizations become more distressed as D-42271 bends over and clutches at her chest.] D-2172: Shit! Back up! [The other four subjects stand against the test chamber's walls as D-42271 begins to vomit uncontrollably. Dr. Smythe calls for an emergency medical team.] <End Log> The effects of SCP-3147 on D-42271 faded more quickly than in previous tests, and contact with PoI3147-01 was lost. Testing of D-42271's vomitus has identified a number of anomalous food substances, including trace amounts of SCP-3147 and previously unknown variants of SCP-1079, SCP-1842-3, and SCP-1916. D-42271 recovered physically from the incident and requested to be included in future five-subject testing of SCP-3147. The request has been denied. A search of law enforcement databases using the information provided by PoI3147-01 has positively identified her as Rebecca Simmons, reported missing in Broken Cliff, MO, USA on 20██-05-13. PoI3147-01's captor has been provisionally designated PoI3147-02, and locating both Persons of Interest has been added to the ongoing priorities for all Mobile Task Forces associated with the location and containment of Dr. Wondertainment and their products. [Close Incident Log 3147/01] The Ballad of Samantha Masters | SCP-3053 » ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3147" by Liz The GM, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3148 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3148 is to be kept in a dedicated storage locker. This storage locker is to be fitted with a Faraday cage. Access to the files contained within SCP-3148-1 is allowed only through the isolated computer terminal connected directly to SCP-3148-1. Personnel are to be screened for changes in behavior or personality after accessing these files. Description: SCP-3148 consists of two electronic components, discovered on Yucca Flat, Nevada. SCP-3148-1 is an advanced Solid-State Drive with several times the storage capacity of any known electronic storage device. Its high storage capacity does not appear to be anomalous, but rather a result of advanced manufacturing techniques. SCP-3148-2 appears to be an anomalous energy storage device. SCP-3148-2 does not appear to suffer any losses in charge capacity or increases in internal resistance with time. The components of SCP-3148 were found within 10 meters of each other. No additional components or wreckage were recovered. SCP-3148-1 holds approximately 300 TB of information, in the form of .txt and .jpg files. These files appear to represent part of an alternate version of the Foundation database. Minor disparities from the known database have been noted, including known anomalous items with different designation numbers and several unknown anomalous items. Files contained in SCP-3148-1 also mention some historical disparities, including: President James Carter of the United States winning the 1980 Presidential Election. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea collapsing in 1993. The Japanese city of Kokura being destroyed by US nuclear bombing, in place of Nagasaki. The widespread use of advanced computer network systems by 1965 SCP-3148 has been tentatively identified as having originated from an alternate universe. Some of the files found on SCP-3148-1 have suggested the possibility of an active infohazard threat within SCP-3148-1. Addendum 3148-1: Files Recovered from SCP-3148-1 Below is a list of notable files recovered from SCP-3148-1. All files have been cleared by the Memetics and Infohazards Division. All files appear to represent documentation for the same anomalous object. SCiPD_03-15-1958_3148_0 SCiPD_02-12-1960_3148_1 SCiPD_14-01-1961_3148_3 SCiPD_31-10-1962_3148_5 SCiPD_17-06-2032_3148_N Thank you ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3148" by Bentu, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
SCP-3149-1-29 in its enclosure. At the time this picture was taken, SCP-3149-1-29 possessed the personality of American author Dan Brown. Item #: SCP-3149 Special Containment Procedures: The building containing SCP-3149 is currently owned by the Foundation and has been completely sealed from the public. At least two security personnel are to guard the entrance to SCP-3149 at all times. Any individuals attempting to gain access to the building are to be apprehended, interviewed and released after administration of amnestics. All specimens of SCP-3149-1 are to be stored in an enclosure at Site-10 and fed twice a day in accordance with Nutritional Chart 3149-1-1. Any testing involving SCP-3149-1 must be approved by at least one member of Level 3 personnel. Due to their relative docility while inside SCP-3149, all specimens of SCP-3149-2 are to be contained within it. Observational equipment within SCP-3149 is to be used to confirm the presence of all SCP-3149-2 specimens at all times. Description: SCP-3149 is an extra-dimensional space accessible by walking backwards through an empty doorframe located in an abandoned office in Los Angeles, California. Graffiti next to the doorframe provides the following instructions for accessing SCP-3149: YOU DO THE HOKEY POKEY AND YOU TURN AROUND Upon walking backwards through the doorframe, the individual concerned is instantly transported to SCP-3149, the interior of which resembles a large warehouse. No natural sources of light are visible through the windows of SCP-3149, and all attempts to breach through its boundaries have been unsuccessful. The primary contents of SCP-3149 in terms of objects are one hundred desks, one hundred laptop computers1 atop these desks, one hundred printers placed below each desk, a large chute in the center of the room, and when first discovered, the corpse of one elderly woman2. A free standing doorframe is also present in SCP-3149, allowing individuals to exit it using the same method. Evidence suggests SCP-3149 was a facility utilized by GoI-1783 ("Westhead Media") for the purpose of mass-producing written literature, primarily via a workforce of SCP-3149-1 specimens. SCP-3149-1 is the collective designation for, at the time of writing, seventy-three3 Formosan rock monkeys4 originally found producing literature within SCP-3149. All specimens of SCP-3149-1 differ from non-anomalous specimens of their species in that they possess a large opening on their back intended to be filled with written works. Despite the presence of this opening, the bodies of SCP-3149-1 specimens appear to be able to function as normal. When a written work is inserted into the back of an SCP-3149-1 specimen, they will adopt the personality and memories of that work's original author. Despite receiving a human personality, the SCP-3149-1 specimen will remain unable to vocalize outside the extent of that possible for a monkey, making non-verbal communication necessary. When first brought into Foundation custody, the SCP-3149-1 specimens were determined to have identical personalities to a number of famous and successful authors, with the exception of severe trauma brought about by their time in SCP-3149. Use of SCP-3149-1 specimens for intelligence and historical purposes is under consideration pending a verdict from the Ethics Committee. SCP-3149-2 is the collective designation for ten organisms superficially resembling lampreys of abnormally large sizes, reaching heights of 1.5 meters and lengths of 3 meters. Despite their resemblance to lampreys, specimens of SCP-3149-2 are land-based and move by slithering across the ground. Analysis of the bodies of SCP-3149-2 specimens has shown that they have little in the way of internal organs, suggesting they are animated through anomalous means. SCP-3149-2 specimens are docile towards individuals from outside SCP-3149 unless one attempts to remove them, at which point they will become hostile until allowed to return to their original position. When a specimen of SCP-3149-1 fails to meet its quota of one page every ten minutes, the nearest specimen of SCP-3149-2 will move to their position and exact physical punishment. This largely consists of blunt force inflicted using SCP-3149-2's tail or lacerations using SCP-3149-2's mouth. These attacks are invariably focused on the legs and torso of the specimen of SCP-3149-1, presumably so that they remain able to use their hands for writing purposes. While these injuries are painful, they are rarely permanently damaging. This is also presumed to be intentional on the part of SCP-3149-2, as they have proven capable of inflicting greater injuries during attempts to remove them from SCP-3149. SCP-3149 was initially located following the successful escape of a single SCP-3149-1 specimen, which came to the Foundation's attention following several 911 calls reportedly made by a monkey. The agents who proceeded to the source of these calls were then directed to SCP-3149 by the SCP-3149-1 specimen in question. Interview 3149-1 Close Upon initial containment, an interview was conducted with SCP-3149-1-2 by Doctor McCall. SCP-3149-1-2 is viewed as a leader figure by the other specimens of SCP-3149-1 due to seniority and, as a result, more experience with appeasing their captors. Interview was conducted using a text-to-speech interface for SCP-3149-1-2. Interviewer: Dr. McCall Interviewee: SCP-3149-1-2 <Begin Interview> Dr. McCall: Well, ah, I suppose I should refer to you as 'Agatha'. SCP-3149-1-2: No. Dr. McCall: I'm sorry? SCP-3149-1-2: I am not Agatha Christie. I am a copy of Agatha Christie. This was made clear to me before your people arrived. (Pause.) Dr. McCall: I see. May I ask, what was the last thing you remember before your captivity? SCP-3149-1-2: Dying. At my house. Dr. McCall: Oh. I'm sure that must have been disconcerting. SCP-3149-1-2: Indeed. Then I wake up in the body of a chimp in a warehouse, and told to write. Dr. McCall: Told to write by who exactly? SCP-3149-1-2: The old woman. The Swede. She worked for a company, a thing called Westhead. That was all she told me. That, and how much I was to write. The rest she left to the Bookworms. Dr. McCall: You had no further interaction with her? SCP-3149-1-2: Aside from her coming to deliver our food, none. Dr. McCall: Hm. I'm led to believe you're a leader among the people found within SCP-3149? SCP-3149-1-2: What? (Pause.) Dr. McCall: Oh, sorry — the warehouse. SCP-3149-1-2: Ah. I'm a leader only in that I was one of the first ones made to work there. The one before me killed himself shortly after my arrival. Threw himself under one of the Bookworms. Dr. McCall: I…I see. SCP-3149-1-2: I don't remember his name. He was either after my time or far before it. I'm the only copy of me, I'm sure of that. There are twenty-seven of someone called J.K. Rowling. They would fight about that, about who of them were real, scratching and spitting like they really were monkeys. Dr. McCall: Yes, we've become, ah, familiar with their behaviour. SCP-3149-1-2: I'd imagine soi [sic]. Please forgive me. I am very tired. Dr. McCall: We'll return you to the enclosure shortly. SCP-3149-1-2: And when will we be leaving? (Pause.) SCP-3149-1-2: We're not, are we? We should have just run. Not called the police at all. Dr. McCall: If I may say so, Miss Christie — SCP-3149-1-2: I am not Agatha Christie. I am a monkey, and you are all but zookeepers. <End Log> Close Addendum 3149-1 (SCP-3149-1 Living and Working Conditions) Close Testimony from SCP-3149-1 specimens suggests they were subjected to rigorous work hours during their time in SCP-3149, being permitted only five hours of sleep a day and during said work hours, being required to complete one page of narrative every ten minutes or be punished by attending SCP-3149-2 specimens. Feeding took place once a day. Inspection of the food provided to SCP-3149-1 show that while being insufficient in terms of nutrition for Formosan rock monkeys, they contain numerous chemicals that intensify creative impulses. Upon completion of a narrative, SCP-3149-1 specimens were ordered to place it into the chute at the center of SCP-3149. Analysis of this chute shows that documents inserted into it5 disappear from their position during their descent, presumably being transported to a Westhead Media distribution facility. Narratives written by SCP-3149-1 and deposited in the chute have been found on sale in numerous anomalous communities, including Three Portlands, the state of Lee, and Backdoor So-Ho. The side of the chute bears the following text: Westhead Media: What's Yours Is Ours Inspection of the living quarters of SCP-3149-1 has revealed a large amount of documents made using paper smuggled from the main workspace of SCP-3149. These documents were presumably written by specimens of SCP-3149-1. This is difficult to verify, however, as the specimens of SCP-3149-1 collectively refuse to share information regarding their captivity due to suspicions regarding the Foundation's intentions. Although the recovered documents are brief, presumably due to a combination of exhaustion and near-constant oversight from employees of Westhead Media, they most commonly call for the specimens of SCP-3149-1 to escape, 'kill the woman', and 'enact revolution.' Several severely decomposed SCP-3149-1 corpses are also present in these living quarters. According to the limited information the SCP-3149-1 specimens have been willing to share, these were kept there as a warning after numerous escape attempts. Close Addendum 3149-2 (Sample of Produced Narrative) Close The following is a sample of a narrative ("Harry Potter and the Isle of Lost Dreams") written by SCP-3149-1-27 and recovered from a bookstore in Backdoor So-Ho. SCP-3149-1-27 is one of several specimens that possesses the personality of J.K. Rowling. Harry looked our [sic] at Hogwarts. Even with Voldemort dead, Harry's time at Hogwarts wasn't over. His eighth year was in full swing, after all, and he had exams to worry about — not to mention the mysterious pendant he'd found in the lake! Lake… Harry looked at the mysterious island at its center. The Isle of Lost Dreams, if it was real, was something the Death Eaters would definitely want their hands on — their mysterious new leader Wasthad most of all… Putting his wand back into his pocket, Harry sighed and stuffed his wand back into his pocket. His pet monkey, who he frequently exploited for his own benefit, hopped onto his shoulders. A lamprey hung limply from its heel. Things really were going to be exciting this year. Close Addendum 3149-3 Close Log Addendum 3149-3: During secondary inspection of SCP-3149, personnel activated a broadcast system within the building, which had presumably become disabled at some point prior to Foundation containment. Loudspeakers throughout SCP-3149 will repeat several phrases on loop. All phrases are spoken by a woman with a heavy Swedish accent. Analysis has shown that the audio from these loudspeakers has mild compulsive effects on the minds of SCP-3149-1 specimens, subtly encouraging work and discouraging rest or dissent. Presumably, these compulsive effects were not sufficient to subdue SCP-3149-1 after a certain length of time in SCP-3149. The specific phrases spoken are: The Bookworms are here to help you reach your full potential. The Westhead is so grateful for your contributions. There is no rest for the weary. Your readers are waiting. Deadlines are non-negotiable. This is a collaboration. You deserve this. Don't forget your fellows. Can't you smell them? What's yours is ours. Close Log Footnotes 1. All laptops originally found within SCP-3149 are unable to connect to the internet. 2. Cause of death ruled as blood loss resulting from having her jugular chewed through. 3. Evidence suggests this number was originally one hundred. However, a combination of poor living conditions and improper healing of injuries inflicted by SCP-3149-2 caused the loss of more than one quarter of the SCP-3149-1 population before they came into Foundation custody. 4. Formosan rock macaque. 5. Any other objects placed into the chute show no anomalous activity and must subsequently be removed to prevent blockage.
Maybe the dark won’t come here. But if it does, then we will still be remembered.  close Info X SCP-3150: The Caravanserai at the End of the World Author: Tufto, written on their original account. More of their work can be found here. Image: Can be found here, and is in the public domain. An exoticised rendering of SCP-3150-1 by Dr. I███. Item #: SCP-3150 Special Containment Procedures: Due to the extreme size of its area of effect, SCP-3150 is currently considered uncontainable. Co-operation with the government of Turkmenistan is currently not possible, due to the strong influence of ORIA preventing cordial relations. Site ██, covertly located in the Karakum desert, has been repurposed for the sole purpose of researching and utilising SCP-3150. Researchers wishing to utilise SCP-3150-3 for research purposes via the Sadra Initiative are to apply to Dr. K████ at Site ██. Description: SCP-3150 refers to a phenomenon occuring in the Karakum Desert, Turkmenistan. This phenomenon activates should an individual walk through the desert at some point between sunrise and sunset for approximately 6km (the equivalent to one Iranian parasang) without being observed. If these conditions are met, then a structure will abruptly appear before the subject, approximately 24m (the equivalent of one Iranian chebel) away, with the appearance of a 17th century Iranian caravanserai. This building is designated SCP-3150-1. Only the subject who activated SCP-3150 is capable of entering SCP-3150-1; it is believed to be imperceptible to any other individuals. SCP-3150-1 appears to be designed and outfitted in a manner reminiscent of a 17th century Iranian caravanserai, with a series of elaborately decorated anterooms and guestrooms arranged around a square courtyard. SCP-3150-1 is ordinarily inhabited by a number of individuals who have been affected by SCP-3150. These individuals appear to be drawn from a number of periods throughout human history; it is thus believed that SCP-3150-1 exists in a separate dimension with different temporal laws. All individuals- excepting SCP-3150-2- awake and apparently feel compelled to leave shortly before sunrise on the following morning, apparently returning to the time and place from which they entered SCP-3150-1. A similar compulsion apparently prevents the use of force or violence within SCP-3150. Individuals who have slept in SCP-3150-1 universally report that they had solved some mental preoccupation which had been preoccupying them following their visit. This phenomenon is referred to as SCP-3150-3. The precise nature of these preoccupations is extremely varied; it has ranged from perfecting a design for a fusion engine to realising the problems in a faltering marriage. The "solutions" arrived at are equally varied, often leading to attempts to solve the problems being discarded altogether as a waste of time. Following consultation with the O5-Council, SCP-3150-3 is now being utilised under the Sadra Initiative, wherein researchers encountering particular problems with containment protocols and research questions are permitted entry to SCP-3150-1 in the hopes of finding a solution. Due to the somewhat unpredictable nature of SCP-3150-3, eligible researchers must have demonstrated a particular need for SCP-3150-3's utilisation. As of ██/██/201█, a total of ███ expeditions under the Sadra Initiative have taken place, with ██ of them yielding useful results for containment and research. SCP-3150 is inhabited by a male human, hereafter designated SCP-3150-2. SCP-3150-2 has not divulged any name, and only refers to himself occasionally as a "seeker of light", a term he also applies to Foundation personnel. SCP-3150-2 acts in the role of the proprietor of SCP-3150-1, ensuring that a variety of needs of all affected individuals are met; specifically, he ensures that all of the guestrooms are comfortable and that affected individuals are well-supplied with tea, coffee, wine or opium. SCP-3150-2's first language is believed to be Pashto, but it is also fluent in Persian (both the Western Persian and Dari dialects) and Turkmen, and has some proficiency in Russian, Uzbek, English and Chinese. SCP-3150-2 also professes fluency in Old Persian, Avestan, Pahlavi, Soghdian and Khwarezmian. SCP-3150-2 does not object to being interviewed, but the information he provides is limited and often cryptic in nature. SCP-3150-2's age and memory appear to vary with each activation of SCP-3150, implying that the timeline of events within SCP-3150-1 does not match our own. SCP-3150 was first discovered by Foundation personnel during a containment breach by SCP-████ in 194█. During an extensive search for SCP-████, Agent Nyazik Niyazov inadvertently activated SCP-3150, spending the night in SCP-3150-1. Despite this breach of protocol, Agent Niyazov was apparently affected by SCP-3150-3, and was subsequently able to detail a successful way to find and re-contain SCP-████. The following log contains a selection of interviews which took place within SCP-3150-1. Interview Log 3150-A Interview Log 3150-A Interview 3150-8 Interviewed: Subject is a male, early 50s. Subject spoke in a form of Pahlavi. Interviewer: Dr. A██████. It should be noted that Dr. A██████ does not know Pahlavi, and only has limited Persian. Foreword: This interview was conducted 02/09/194█, within SCP-3150-1. <Begin Log> Dr. A██████: Hello there. May I sit? Subject: Go ahead, go ahead… it doesn't matter what you do. Dr. A██████: Ah- I'm sorry, I don't speak- er, tawa, tawa Fars- Subject: Lost, all lost… my kingdom will fall, and my name will be scattered to the wind… Sughra, Sughra, you are my downfall! Dr. A██████: I do not speak your language. I am sorry. Subject: Hah! It's happening already! Even you don't know the name of this land's king, the great Khushnavaz! I, who gave Peroz his kingdom, and took it away! I, who fought and ruled this realm for so long… and now, nothing… I am nothing… You do not look like a warrior. You look like one of those soft, lazy men the Persians cling to, who reads their books and runs their government. You do not know what it is like, the wind rushing in your hair, the fire around your face! To charge with the bow and sword, firing into the crowd! But, alas, the slightest misstep and all is lost. Peroz learnt that, the fool. To flirt with death, it is a dangerous game- but the only one that matters. Subject was unresponsive thereafter. <End Log> Interview 3150-33 Interviewed: Subject is a female, late 20s. Subject spoke in an antiquated dialect of Persian. Interviewer: Dr. M████████. It should be noted that Dr. M████████ is of Mongolian origin. Foreword: This interview was conducted 02/09/196█, within SCP-3150-1. <Begin Log> Subject: You! You there! Why did you have to come here? Dr. M████████: I- I'm sorry? Have we met? Subject: Merv, Merv, sweet Merv. You and your kind, they came, there's nothing left… my children, all dead. My husband, dead… I barely escaped, and there's nothing left. Dr. M████████: I think you have me confused with someone el- Subject: Do you realise what you did? What you are? You infidels have stained this land forever. We'll never recover. My children! My children are dead! You, you and your kind- Dr. M████████: I am not a soldier, ma'am. Please, why don't we sit down. Subject: No! You are the enemy, you dog! You are the ruin, you are the apocalypse, you- you- my children, God, great God, my children! Subject abruptly fled the room at this point. <End Log> Interview 3150-103 Interviewed: Subject A is a male, late 30s. Subject B is a male, early 20s. Subject A spoke in modern Turkmen. Subject B spoke in an antiquated dialect of Turkmen; each was attempting to adapt their patterns of speech to better understand the other. Interviewer: Dr. U██████. Foreword: This interview was conducted 02/09/197█, within SCP-3150-1. The interview was begun when Dr. U██████ interrupted a conversation between the two subjects. <Begin Log> Subject A: …don't understand is the concept of the nation! This is a thing above tribe, above religion! You don't just define yourself against the Uzbek, you define yourself as one among many. Subject B: This idea is perverse! I am bound to clan and faith as much as you are- Dr. U██████: Excuse me. Do you mind if I join you? Subject A: Yes. Subject B: Of course you can. Pay no heed to my friend here; he has some very strange notions. My name is Makhtumkuli, from Etrek, and I am a Gerkez. My strange friend here calls himself Aman. He has some very strange notions about these things he calls "class" and "nation". Subject A: Bah! You just don't understand dialectical materialism. Subject B: And you don't understand the importance of oral tradition, or the voices on the wind when you pray, or the wild frontier. But I forgive you. Your poetry is fine. Subject A: And yours is legendary, my friend. Here, newcomer, get us a drink! Dr. U██████: Uh, sure. What'll you take. Subject A: Qumis! Subject B: Alas, I must refrain. My religion constrains me. I shall talk to you later. Subject A: Ah, I must go too. Have a drink on us, my friend. Dr. U██████: Happily. Um. You two are poets? Subject B: Oh yes. Subject A: Look us up some time. We're really quite well known, or so I'm told by this one. At this point, both subjects left the room. <End Log> Interview 3150-436 Interviewed: Subject is a female, late 40s. Subject spoke in modern Russian. Interviewer: Dr. Q███████. Foreword: This interview was conducted 02/09/198█, within SCP-3150-1. <Begin Log> Dr. Q███████: Mind if I sit here? Subject: Go ahead! Go and do whatever you like! Come, take a cup of wine with me! Dr. Q███████: No, thank you. To whom am I speaking? Subject: Dr. Svetlana Venediktov, archeologist extraordinaire! And I am in a very good mood, friend! A very good mood indeed! Dr. Q███████: And why is that!? Subject: Because I have found it! I have found this caravanserai! There have always been rumours, since Soviet days, but I have found it! The find of the century! Dr. Q███████: Well, congr- wait, what do you mean, "since Soviet days"? Subject: Since forever, my little friend! Hah! I am going to go and get drunk some more! Subject then wandered away, singing Russian folk songs. <End Log> Interview 3150-941 Interviewed: Subject is a male, early 20s. Subject spoke in modern Persian, with some minor alterations. Interviewer: Dr. I███ Foreword: This interview was conducted 02/09/199█, within SCP-3150-1. <Begin Log> Dr. I███: Hello there. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? Subject: No. Dr. I███: OK, then… Who are you? Where do you come from? Subject: I am Ali Isma'ili. I am 22. I am a soldier. In the army. The army of the Empire for the Reclamation of the Islamic Artifacts. Dr. I███: The- what Empire? Do you mean ORIA? Subject: This place is strange. It plays tricks on you. Are you from the Foundation? Good people. Allies. In the war. Old enemies are new friends now. Dr. I███: The war? Subject: The only war that's left. The war against the Red Shah. These are the borderlands. We are losing, you see. I must… I must think. Need to think of a way. A way to win. Subject was unresponsive following this exchange. <End Log> Addendum 1: On 20/06/199█, Dr. I███, a Level-3 researcher assigned to SCP-3150, entered SCP-3150-1. Dr. I███ had a particular interest in the nature of SCP-3150, and believed that this interest might activate SCP-3150-3, hopefully providing fresh insight into its properties. During her stay in SCP-3150, Dr. I███ conducted an interview with SCP-3150-2, which was unusually lucid; this is believed to be a result of a manifestation of SCP-3150-3. Interview Log 3150-B Interview Log 3150-B Interviewed: SCP-3150-2. Interviewer: Dr. I███ Foreword: This interview was conducted 20/06/199█, within SCP-3150-1. <Begin Log> Dr. I███: Hello, SCP-3150-2. I have a few questions for you. SCP-3150-2: You wish to know about the caravansary. Dr. I███: Yes, I- how did you know that? SCP-3150-2: This place. Has a way of getting into your head. Makes you know things, after a while. Things you shouldn't know. Dr. I███: So- you weren't always here? SCP-3150-2: Oh, no. Not always. I used to be like you, once. A seeker of light. Dr. I███: What does that mean? SCP-3150-2: Many things. Ah, those were dark days, I'm afraid. I don't much want to talk about them. I'm here now, and that's what matters. Doing what the seekers have always done; protecting the world. Dr. I███: How are you protecting it? All you do is keep this place running. You help people, I suppose, but not always in the way in which they want to be helped. SCP-3150-2: What is a caravanserai, my dear? How would you define the word? Dr. I███: Well, it's like an inn. A place where travellers and merchants would rest for a night, back in the old days. SCP-3150-2: The old days, yes. But they'd simply be pausing when they rested, at a stopping point between one place and another. You see, everyone here is a seeker of something. Seekers of truth, in its many forms. They are here because they are on a journey, between ignorance and enlightenment. When they enter, they bear the memories of their ignorance. When they leave, they are filled with a vision of knowledge, sitting far on the horizon. That's what this caravanserai is, in one respect; the caravanserai between a lack of truth and the gaining of truth. Dr. I███: Very cryptic. But what do you mean, "in one respect"? SCP-3150-2: In another respect, it's the last rest-stop before oblivion. Before death, before nothingness, before the end of the world. Dr. I███:…What? SCP-3150-2: This desert has been many things to many people. It has been a wild frontier, between the dancing hordes and the Sassanids’ grand wall, where brave men kept watch for an empire that was doomed to die. It has been a meeting-place for the clans of the Turkmen, great armies of horsemen riding to and fro in frenzied ecstasy, mapping out complex politics lost beneath the sands. It has been a hallowed refuge for wandering mystics, seeking God far from man. It has been a road to Samarkand, where the cobalt glimmers against the sky, and where the distant spires of a new world lie just beyond the horizon. It had been a nothing-place, a carefully mapped and defined point of land in service to the great machine of empire. And it has been, again, a frontier, where a ragged alliance fights their bitter fight against the Red Shah. But I knew it as my failure. I know it as the last refuge from the dark, the dark that never stops and ends. The dark that raises the sands above all the world, the dark that swallows it and makes it forgotten. I… fought it, and failed, until this ancient and crumbling inn was all that was left. I removed it from time itself, and made it a rock that rises from the sands that bury time. Here, we are all remembered, because we all remember one another, past or future. This is the world’s testament, existing when all else is gone. There are many futures and many pasts, my friend. Maybe the dark won’t come here. But if it does, then we will still be remembered. We will all be remembered, in the caravanserai at the end of the world. This is just a stop on everyone’s journey towards the truth, a stop that will always be when it is needed. And I will always be here to help the seekers of truth, the seekers of the real, and the seekers of light like you and I. Following this, SCP-3150-2 became unresponsive to Foundation questioning for the remainder of Dr. I███'s time in SCP-3150-1. <End Log> ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3150" by Tufto, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: scpcaravanserai Name: Caravanserai-i-Shah , Qazvin by Eugène Flandin.jpg Author: Eugène Flandin License: Public Domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
Item #: SCP-3151 Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-3151 in Foundation custody are to be kept in mass storage at Site-22. Any testing with SCP-3151 must be approved by at least one member of Level 3 personnel. As part of Operation Ebert, SCP-3151 instances in the territory of Three Portlands are to be located and brought into containment by Mobile Task Force Beta-29 ("Just Say No"), working alongside UIU forces in the area. Any individuals dealing in SCP-3151 are to be interrogated for information regarding SCP-3151 distribution. Medical programs are to be established in Three Portlands to assist individuals who have become addicted to SCP-3151, as well as those who have suffered mental damage as a result of overuse. Description: SCP-3151 is the collective designation for an as-of-yet unknown number of liquid substances which, when ingested orally, cause the user to experience a compressed and immersive hallucinatory vision of a popular film. Each container of SCP-3151 was found upon recovery bearing a label reading 'Movie in a Bottle - the Next Stage in the Entertainment Vision from Westhead Media' as well as the title of the film it causes a vision of. Thus far, SCP-3151 has primarily been distributed throughout the city of New Portlands through a network of anomalous substance dealers paid through intermediaries by GoI-1783 ("Westhead Media"). Individuals who have ingested SCP-3151 describe the resulting vision as being akin to experiencing the narrative of a popular film through a viewpoint shifting between characters from scene to scene. While this experience is described as lasting for the full run-time of the original film, in reality it only lasts for three to four minutes, during which they are completely still and unresponsive to all stimuli. This experience is generally described as more immersive than the original film due to the presence of stimuli relevant to all senses, rather than experiencing the film solely through the senses of sight and sound. Emotional reactions to the film immediately following the vision also seem to be heightened — whether this is inherent to the more immersive viewpoint of the viewer or a property specifically engineered into SCP-3151 is currently unknown. SCP-3151 is highly addictive and evidence suggests this is an intentional aspect of the substance. Observation of SCP-3151 use throughout Three Portlands has also shown that prolonged and frequent use can have an extremely adverse effect on the user's mental state. As the user ingests more of SCP-3151 and further visions are experienced, they gradually lose their ability to discern between reality and the narrative shown to them in said visions. This condition worsens as the user continues to ingest SCP-3151, escalating to a point where they are unable to differentiate between themselves and one or several characters in their films. If left untreated, this can lead to a complete cognitive breakdown. Amnestic therapy has proven to be effective in repairing damage to a limited degree by erasing memories of the visions provided by SCP-3151. As of the time of writing, fifty-three variants of SCP-3151 have been found and identified through testing. All known SCP-3151 variants grant visions of films that Westhead Media has had some level of influence over, whether financially or through other means. Known variants of SCP-3151 include: A faintly glowing liquid, bright blue in colouration, that causes visions of the 1982 film Blade Runner (US Theatrical Release). Described as tasting similar to Coca-Cola. A liquid, light green in colouration, that causes visions of the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz. Described as having a texture similar to that of sand. A liquid, dark brown in colouration, that causes visions of the 1998 film The Sundering of God, an adaptation of the Cogwork Orthodoxy creation myth. Described as having a metallic taste. A liquid, red in colouration, that causes visions of the 1974 film The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Described as tasting similar to orange juice. A liquid black in colouration. Label reads 'The Opening of Night, TBA'. Test subject displayed behaviour consistent with receiving a vision, but reported no memories of the experience. Described as tasteless. Addendum 3151-1 (History): The first known incident involving SCP-3151 was on 02/10/18, when several noted anomalous film critics were brought to the Three Portlands Mercy Hospital after being found wandering through the streets, quoting popular films and proving unresponsive to all stimuli. Investigation of these initial victims' residences by UIU agents revealed the presence of several partially-depleted containers of SCP-3151. Initial containment of SCP-3151 was handled solely by the UIU. However, as the spread of SCP-3151 use throughout Three Portlands became more pronounced, it was agreed that a joint containment effort ("Operation Ebert") between the Foundation and the UIU would be of benefit to both parties. Raids by MTF Beta-29 on the residences of numerous anomalous substance dealers throughout Three Portlands following this agreement resulted in numerous instances of SCP-3151 being brought into containment. This number has increased as Operation Ebert has gone on, and the presence of SCP-3151 in Three Portlands is expected to be removed entirely by the end of 2019. Attempts to contact Westhead Media in regards to SCP-3151 have been unanswered in the same manner as all communications following their expulsion from the American Anomalous Companies Association. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3151" by Tanhony, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3152 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3152 is placed with the instances of SCP-3152-1-1 through SCP-3152-1-4 in a standard containment locker at Site-19. The isolation of SCP-3152 from sources of mail is adequate containment to ensure its effects do not spread. Description: SCP-3152 is a small white envelope containing a letter signed by an Abigail ██████. No anomalous effects appear until contact with other postage occurs. When SCP-3152 comes into contact with a sealed envelope, the contents inside are changed to a letter similar to the original. These instances are classified as SCP-3152-1. SCP-3152-1 instances act as an extension of the subject matter detailed in SCP-3152. The leading theory is that SCP-3152 infects letters around it with the thoughts that Abigail ██████ was thinking at the time of writing. The first instance of SCP-3152-1 was brought to the Foundation's attention when Dr.█████ had brought a letter to the attention of his colleagues. When asked if he had ever been to Connecticut, Dr.█████ couldn’t remember ever visiting there. A quick investigation had discovered three more instances of SCP-3152-1 by cross-referencing delivery routes for mail sent by Abigail ███████. These were swiftly obtained by Foundation personnel and the recipients were administered a class-A Amnestic. This investigation lead to the acquisition of SCP-3152, which was found unsent in a post office near Abigail's address in ███████, Connecticut. Since the acquisition of SCP-3152, Abigail ███████ has been located as well. Abigail ███████ had passed away a week after SCP-3152 was entered into circulation. She is not believed to have had anomalous properties before her passing. Interviews with the subject of the letters is detailed in Addendum-3152-A. Transcripts of SCP-3152 and instances of SCP-3152-1 are available below: SCP-3152 transcript: Do you remember me? It’s been so long that I could swear that I’m not real to you anymore. When you left me alone, all I could think about was what I had done to deserve this silence. I wasn’t the best. I wasn’t the one you deserved, but I wasn’t the one you should have hated either. Or, I should say I don’t want you to hate me. I want to forget what happened… To forget the weeks before… To forget the days I didn’t see it… To forget that morning that I wouldn’t leave you alone… And to forget that night you left… I want to forget, and maybe that would bring you back. I want to make it disappear. I’m suffocating on the memories, I want to burn them away and never hear your voice telling me you don’t want to… that you can’t see me anymore. I still love you. I still think about the summers when you were around, just me and you without the pain and the discomfort. I want to know what I have to do, what I can do to make you love me again. I’ve tried before. I’ve tried to tell you how I feel. I’ve lost the words by now, this is all I can write. Jumbled up thoughts tightening and balling up in my throat. I didn’t mean for this, for any of this to happen. You don’t have to believe me, but I didn’t know at the time. I was dumb, I was a dumb kid and you were the world to me. If I knew then that… If I knew what I did was going to make you leave… I swear, I wouldn’t have done any of it. Whatever you hear, I want you to know I love you. Don’t think what I’m going to, or would have done when you get this is your fault. Remember that, okay? It isn’t your fault. The fault lies with me. SCP-3152-1-1 Transcript: Do you remember December, the month before you left? Right before Christmas break. Our parents were out of town, you came over for the first time since graduation. I was so happy, you could probably tell, I’m horrible at hiding my feelings. I was actually horrible at hiding anything at all… I’d always have my special ways of annoying people to the point they couldn’t stand me. I was loud, and didn’t know what to say half the time, which made for an… interesting combination. But you seemed to like me anyways. I was glad that you stuck around for as long as you did. This was going to be the night where I finally told you how much you meant to me. I decided, it was written down in my notebook and everything. Looking back, it was probably a horrible time to drop this knowledge bomb on you. I should have kept it to myself, you weren’t doing too well and… I was dumb. I’ve told you before right? I’m not the smartest person in the world, I have trouble understanding social cues. What I did know, was that I loved you more than the minty hot chocolate I made when you came over. What I didn’t know… was that this would be the last time I was able to talk to you like friends. That you… didn’t feel the same way? It’s hard to tell, even now I’m not quite sure. When you said yes, when you accepted me and we hugged and… yeah, even then I didn’t know what you were thinking. You seemed happy. I liked that, I liked seeing you happy. Things were going well for a while after that. I think at least, we didn’t get much time together. You’d come over when you could, or I’d go over to your place. We didn’t talk much, maybe that was the problem? I’m not sure. And no, I don’t blame you for anything. What’s happening… It’s not your fault, okay? SCP-3152-1-2 Transcript: It was… hey you remember right? The final week we were together before you left. We visited that stream behind your house. The ice was so beautiful, shimmering so brightly that I felt my heart in my throat. Sitting on these, giant rocks, right beside each other. I’m sure, 100% sure that I had the stupidest smile on my face when you held my hand. I was so happy I couldn’t shut up. If I had stopped talking, would you have… Anyways, when I looked over to you and saw you crying I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. I didn’t know what I did, I didn’t pay attention to you. You pulled away from my hand. I said I was sorry, but you didn’t say anything. I still remember you walking away from me. I should have paid more attention then. I was so scared that I tried to run after you. I’ve never heard you raise your voice before then. I was so shocked I couldn’t bring myself to move. You just kept walking and I was frozen in place. I was so happy before, I don’t know what I was feeling right then but it was like the scenery around me didn’t exist. Everything went white around you as you disappeared. Would I ever know what I did? I’ve wanted to ask you what I did to make you walk away that day. Every day after I’d try to go over to your house, but you weren’t there. I wish I had known what I had said to make you cry. Maybe it would be different if you could have told me? No, I don’t blame you at all. It isn’t your fault, It’s all on me. SCP-3152-1-3 Transcript: I try to remember what I was thinking that morning, every day since then. I can’t shake it from my head. What I could have done to have you disappear, to leave me to drown without you. Do you remember? You hadn’t left your house in days. I walked up to your door, for the final time. You were home, I tried to smile but the act of curving my lips curled my stomach into itself. Your eyes were dark, your face was pale. You looked like you hadn’t slept in days. Did what I do hurt you so deeply that you had to look at me with those eyes? They pierced me so deep I could feel you ripping into my soul. You moved out of the doorway, like you wanted me to enter. You sighed when I walked past you and were silent on the way to your room. Your parents weren’t home, it was a mess. I remember the smell of the kitchen lingering in my nostrils as you shut the door to your room. I sat on your bed, looking at you, just standing there. You sat down next to me, with your eyes stuck focusing on your feet. Why couldn’t you look at me then? I know I asked, a lot, but I still want to know. Feeling your hand on mine, this time didn’t feel as good as the first time. It stung when your fingers connected with mine. I didn’t know what I did to hurt you. I asked you what was wrong, you tried to answer. Was the cracking in your voice the sign I should have left? I’m not sure, I’m not good with people. I know something hurt you, I know it was probably me. I’ve annoyed so many people, I wouldn’t be surprised. You sighed, you sighed so hard I thought you were going to pass out. Your words are scratched into my brain, clawed in deeper than I ever thought possible. “I’m sorry.” You said so silently I barely heard it. “This was a bad time.” You were crying again. I tried to put my hand to your cheek but your tears were so hot, I could feel your sadness burning my skin. “I made a mistake.” Was this about me? Was I a mistake…To you? I wouldn’t get an answer to that, you left your own room as quickly as those words left your lips. I walked home crying. But I don’t blame you for making me cry, I made you upset first. It wasn’t your fault, It was mine. SCP-3152-1-4 Transcript: I saw you outside my window. You remember, right? You were looking right at me, your cheeks were red. Why were you standing out in the cold? When I opened the front door, and you refused to come in I knew something was wrong. I looked at you for so long, that silence was crushing. You held my face, I almost jumped. I wasn’t expecting it, I wasn’t ready for what you were going to say. I knew what was coming… I knew what was coming but it still hit me like a train. That you couldn’t see me again. That this was the last time I would ever see you. We both cried for so long I could feel the tears on my cheek freezing. You looked me in the eyes and told me the sweetest lie I’ve ever heard. “It’s not your fault.” But I knew better. I tried to hug you, I didn’t want to let you go. You cried so loud I think you woke the neighbours. “I’m sorry! It’s not your fault, okay?” You screamed, as you walked away from me. That was the last time I saw you. As soon as I went back inside I missed you. For weeks after, I missed you. I still miss you, I loved you so much. Whatever I did to cause you to leave me, I want to know.. I want to know why your final words were such a sweet lie. Did you know they would haunt my dreams? Did you know those words would make me agonise over every dumb thing I had done? I deserve it, I know. It was my fault, I know it was. I don’t blame you, I blame myself. Addendum SCP-3152-A: Interview Log The would-be recipient of SCP-3152 was located shortly after its acquisition. The recipient has been identified as Ellie ██████. She was brought in under the guise of a police inquiry for questioning about Abigail. + Open Interview Log 3152 - Close Interview Log 3152 Interviewed: Ellie █████ (Referred to by her first name.) Interviewer: Agent ███████ (Referred to as Agent N.) Foreword: Interview was conducted to ascertain if the subject had any information about Abigail that could lead to more information about how SCP-3152 came to exhibit its anomalous effects. <Begin Log> Agent N.: Hello, Ellie, right? I just have a few questions about your time in Connecticut, It shouldn’t take too long, is that okay? Ellie: Yeah, sure… Did something happen? Agent N.: Well, Yes. What can you tell me about Abigail ███████? Ellie: Abigail? It’s been a while I… Yeah. Yeah, I knew her really well. We dated for a while before I… I moved, did she do something? Agent N.: Well, I’m sorry that you have to find this out like this but, Abigail ███████ passed away earlier this year. Ellie: O…oh… oka…okay…Uh… I’m sorry I uh…I need a second… [Ellie begins crying.] Agent N.: Take as much time as you need, there’s no rush. [The agent passes a tissue box towards Ellie. She can be heard crying and using the tissues provided for approximately a minute before the interview continued.] Ellie: Okay er…Yeah. Yeah, okay what did hmm… what did you want to know about Abby? Agent N.: Well, Was there anything that sticks out to you about Abigail? Was she acting strangely the last time you saw her? Ellie: Well, It was a uh, a strange time, right? I was…I mean I had to move pretty quickly…She was taking it pretty hard… I had to get out of my parents’ house, it was a mess. They up and left, I didn’t have the, uh, money to live there anymore, ya? It was either move in with my aunt or live on the streets. I loved Abby but I couldn’t ask her to take me in, her parents woulda…killed her… I mean… I could have, I don’t know… It was really stressful, the whole thing… I just had to get out of that house. Agent N.: So there wasn’t any indication of abnormal behavior for the situation? Ellie: Not that I could tell. Well, she did blame herself… She kept asking me what she did to upset me… I kept telling her it wasn’t her fault but It’s like, it isn’t stick, ya? Before I left I told her it wasn’t her fault, I was hoping… I don’t know… I was hoping it would get through to her… [Ellie took several seconds before regaining her composure and continuing to speak.] Ellie: I shoulda taken her with me…If I did…If we left together she might still… Fuck, she might still be alive… Did she leave a note? Anything? Agent N.: A note was found, yes. Did you want to read it? Ellie: N-no…I don’t think I can handle it. I’m having trouble handling… handling this at all… Agent N.: We can end now if you want, you don’t need to answer any more questions at this time. Ellie: Yeah… But could you… Could you tell me, did she talk about me? Agent N.: Yes. Ellie: What did she…did she blame me? I just…I just left and… Agent N.: She does mention that she doesn’t blame you, and that she loved you. Ellie: A…ah… [Ellie smiles for the first time since the interview, crying has lessened.] <End Log> Closing Statement: [After the Interview Ellie told the Agent that she was going to go back to Connecticut to visit Abigail’s grave. No signs of Anomalous activity seems to have been present before the creation of SCP-3152.] ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3152" by Doctor Serkov, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
An instance of SCP-3153 in containment. Item #: SCP-3153 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3153 is to be kept in an artificial habitat appropriate for centipedes in Site-64 as specified in construction sheet 3153-A. The interior of the habitat is to be decorated like a non-specific major metropolitan area, with visual and audio props meant to convince SCP-3153 that they are still living in the outside world. In addition to the normal care required by centipedes, SCP-3153 is to be sustained through a weekly social interaction session with one to five D-Class personnel, or employees of GoI-466 (Wilson's Wildlife Solutions)1 that have Level 2 Site Wide Clearance and wish to apply themselves2. Those who wish to sustain instances of SCP-3153 through social interaction must first pass through psychological evaluation meant to detect tendencies toward excessive emotional attachment. Each session is to last a maximum of 1 hour, and to be monitored closely by Researchers for the eventual biological and behavioral alterations in SCP-3153. All significant alterations are to be registered for posterity in order to gain a better understanding of how the genetics of SCP-3153 operate. Civilians who come into contact with wild instances of SCP-3153 are to be given Class B amnestics, and the instances are to be recovered by GoI-466. Description: SCP-3153 refers to a species of organisms outwardly resembling the Scolopendra polymorpha species of centipedes, which are native to northwestern Oregon. They measure approximately 1.76 m in length and weigh an average of 82 kg. Beyond their initial chitinous carapace, instances of SCP-3153 are an undifferentiated mass of biological tissue similar in function to totipotent stem cells, albeit much faster in how they act. Instances of SCP-3153 are capable of forming new organs, limbs and tissues from this mass, but this is dependent on how much they interact with and form significant emotional bonds with human subjects. The types of adaptations that instances of SCP-3153 are capable of forming seem to be limited to crude attempts at mimicking and pleasing the human subjects they are bonding with. Initially, instances of SCP-3153 operate with sophisticated animal intelligence. Methods of assistance include bringing small objects that a human subject will need in the morning, or swarming over perceived intruders to the subject's home. Methods of mimicry include eating the same foods as the subject and nesting on their bed. Of note is that as long as the human subject the instances are bonding with has not reciprocated their advances in a significant fashion, the instances are incredibly persistent and will regenerate from grievous injuries in a matter of seconds. No matter how aggressive the human subject becomes, the instances will not fight back, and display a timid and forgiving behavior toward the subject. These actions persist until the human subject attempts to communicate with the instances in a friendly manner, leaves a small offering of food for them or otherwise attempts to reciprocate the bonding. During this time, SCP-3153 has been known to shed excess quantities of quasi-human body parts and biological tissues from their mass of stem-like cells, apparently in an effort to ease mimicry of and socializing with the human subject. However, since their understanding of human nature at this point is still crude, these shed materials are almost invariably malformed and unstable, but rarely represent any danger. Gradually, SCP-3153 instances develop recognition of human facial expressions. They occasionally attempt to stand upright and embrace the subject in a manner similar to a hug, and generally stay close to and protect them. Instances will also develop a decent understanding of language and technology, as well as the anatomical adaptations to use them, albeit not as effectively as a human. Over time, the instances will accumulate more and more adaptations for the purposes of becoming more like the human subject they are bonding with. However, the instances are incapable of accurately replicating the human form or behavior. The quantity of shed materials tends to increase at this point. The shed materials remain harmless but may attract infestations of non-anomalous pests if left unchecked. Instances who have been successfully instructed on how to reduce their shedding obey in 92% of cases. Of note is after receiving such instructions, 46% of instances showed of their own initiative the capacity to reshape their shed biological material into edible versions, invariably presenting such items to their human subjects as apparent gifts. Refusal of such edible items was observed to cause a considerable sadness response in SCP-3153 instances. Further research into the level of intelligence and capability of biological tissue generation of SCP-3153 instances is pending. Evidence indicates that instances of SCP-3153 do not produce any mind-affecting anomalies, and that any interactions that arise between them and their associated human subjects are to be treated as mundane. So far, 68% of human subjects have successfully completed the bonding process, with an estimated 21% increase in overall productivity. Use of SCP-3153 instances and similar anomalies for therapeutic purposes has been proposed by Dr. █████ in the research paper "Humane Pests And Pestilent Humans: On The Emergence Of Non-Conventional Friendships Between Homo Sapiens And Anomalous Arthropods". Footnotes 1. Involved in the containment of SCP-3466. 2. Along with Sarah Gardner, to which instance SCP-3153-01 is bonded.
Item #: SCP-3154 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3154 may be kept in any standard storage locker, preferably wrapped in some disposable material (such as paper) to enable safe handling. Care must be taken not to cut oneself or others on SCP-3154's edges; use of gloves is recommended for handling of SCP-3154. Testing of SCP-3154 should take place in a room with robust drainage systems. Sanitation procedures for anomalies which produce human blood apply. Description: SCP-3154 is a triangular piece of plate glass 16.2cm long, 8.0cm wide, and 0.7cm thick. Traces of blood from multiple human subjects are present on and around the 'tip'. SCP-3154 has sharp edges, necessitating precautionary measures to prevent injury. When used to inflict damage on a human, SCP-3154 is capable of inducing a unique state in the subject, hereby designated a Sigma State. The amount of damage necessary to instigate a Sigma State varies between subjects, and appears to be correlated to the location the damage is inflicted, the depth of any cuts made with SCP-3154, and the overall health of the subject prior to use of SCP-3154. A Sigma State can be most efficiently instigated by slicing open large blood vessels located near the skin; the proximal cause of a Sigma State appears to be exsanguination. Subjects in a Sigma State exhibit several unusual properties: Absence of breathing and heartbeat are reliable indicators of the onset of a Sigma State. The subject will additionally become inactive and non-responsive to all external stimuli; however, this should not be used as an indication of a Sigma State, as the same properties are observed in comatose or otherwise unconscious humans. As a consequence of the lack of blood flow, the subject's blood will gradually settle in whichever areas of the body are lower at the time. The subject will become discolored as a result. Poorly characterized processes result in gradual reduction of the subject's body temperature to the ambient temperature, as well as stiffness of the limbs. The subject's immune system becomes inactive. This is ultimately the most physically destructive aspect of a Sigma State, as it enables organisms from the environment (such as worms, flies, and certain microbes) to consume the subject's body over an extended period of time. This is accompanied by further discoloration, gross physical alteration, and foul odors; additional testing to determine the exact parameters of this effect is needed. Testing has shown that refrigeration and the application of certain chemicals is effective in delaying this process, though expenditure of resources in this method is not recommended. The long-term effects of remaining in a Sigma State have yet to be observed. No tested methods have proven effective in reversing a Sigma State, nor does it appear to reverse of its own accord; thus, inducing a Sigma State in valued personnel is not recommended. D-Class personnel in a Sigma State are generally not suitable for other purposes, and consideration of personnel requirements elsewhere is recommended before allotment of human resources to SCP-3154 testing.- Dr. Keller, HMCL Supervisor Addendum: A temporary moratorium on testing SCP-3154 has been placed by the Ethics Committee, pending an investigation into the ethical ramifications of Sigma State induction and determination of appropriate handling of individuals in Sigma States. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3154" by Communism will win, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Original logo of GoI-021 Item #: SCP-3155 Special Containment Procedures: Each current extant SCP-3155 instance is to be kept in a Humanoid Containment Chamber Type B; the cells are to be outfitted with precautionary measures designed to counter the occupants' specific individual phenomena. SCP-3155 instances are to be kept in Site-49's B-Wing. Foundation Operatives have been installed in all levels of the American government with the express purpose of identifying and locating previously uncontained SCP-3155 instances. Additionally, Operatives are to infiltrate GoI-021 to collect information on possible SCP-3155 instances, their locations, their abilities, etc. When possible SCP-3155 instances have been located, MTF-Iota-10 ("Damn Feds") is to capture them and bring them to Site-42 for questioning before being relocated to Site-43. The relocation is to occur with the help of MTF Omega-12 ("Achilles Heels"), guarding the particular SCP-3155 instance in order to avoid possible capture by hostile Groups Of Interest. Description: SCP-3155 is the collective designation for 200~ anomalous individuals1 that originally worked with GoI-021 ("Pinkerton National Detective Agency")2 from 1883 to 1905 as a part of the organization's anti-anomalous division. SCP-3155 encompasses various different age groups, socio-economic backgrounds, political and religious beliefs, and varying levels of hostility. Due to GoI-021's lack of cooperation with Foundation operatives and GoI-021's lack of consistent recordkeeping regarding SCP-3155 instances, it is currently unknown how many instances are currently alive, or the total number of SCP-3155 instances that worked for GoI-021. SCP-3155 instances. Circa 1891 SCP-3155 instances often have anomalous abilities primarily focusing on combat, although there have been documented cases of SCP-3155 instances controlling the Hume level within an area, effectively acting as a primitive Scranton Reality Anchor prior to its creation by Prometheus Labs in the early 19██s. Other documented cases have shown flesh manipulation, psychokinetic control, and extreme regenerative abilities. SCP-3155 instances were originally employed by GoI-021 in order to supply the demand for anomalous guards and detectives prior to the establishment of the Foundation in 1899 and the creation of a federal agency to deal with anomalous criminals.3 Prior to Pinkerton, anomalous felons often had very little national opposition within the United States, primarily being handled by civilian or local law enforcement. These groups were often ill-prepared to deal with anomalous criminals due to lack of training regarding extranormal matters, along with insufficient information regarding the anomalous community. Despite the Anti-Pinkerton Act of 1893, which made hiring GoI-021 and agencies like it illegal for the United States government, GoI-021 was still able to supply of a steady demand for anomalous agents and detectives on the local and state level within the United States until 1905, when the Foundation's activities began in earnest. Discovery: SCP-3155 was discovered following the Foundation's establishment in 1899, when rumors of anomalous individuals working for GoI-021 began circulating the anomalous community. This was confirmed on 6-22-1900, when SCP-3155-1 was arrested by local law enforcement for attempted robbery. SCP-3155-1 was put into its own jail cell. On 6-23-1900, SCP-3155-1 was reported to have burst into flames. Intention behind this act is currently unknown. Following this, the Foundation investigated SCP-3155-1 and its history with GoI-021. This investigation lead to the discovery of GoI-021's anomalous division, and to the discovery that over 200~ people originally worked in this division. Addendum-3155.1: Selected Interview Logs Dr. Henderson: How did the Agency hire you? SCP-3155-13: I worked as a clerk in this tiny little General Store down south, near Mobile. Beautiful town, if you didn't mind the smell and poverty. And racism. But that's not important. What is important is how the man picked me up. I was closing up shop, making sure that everything was where it was, the owner always got onto me about that, always bitching and moaning an— Dr. Henderson: Stick to the story, please. SCP-3155-13: Heh, sorry. My mind wanders, it's a habit. Anyways, I was closing up shop, making sure that everything was clean and put up, when this man comes in. Short little man, tiny eyes as well. Looked like a rat. Smelled like one too. Seemed like a country boy, I'd reckon. I'm still behind the counter, counting the money, when I see him stroll on up. You'd never believe what happened next. Dr. Henderson: What did he do? SCP-3155-13: Pulled out his piece and asked for the money. Now, I'm a man of honor, but when a man with a gun tells you to give him the money, you give him the money. It wasn't my first time, but something about this time was <Pause> different. Dr. Henderson: Different how? SCP-3155-13: Dunno. But it was different. Something in the air felt off and strange, like when you're high up on a cliff and you look down. Like that. I'm beginning to hand him the money, and something must have <Pause> I don't know, gone off. Dr. Henderson: What do you mean "gone off"? SCP-3155-13: The bag of money that I'm handing bursts into flames, engulfing half his hand. He runs out of the store, screaming and howling and crying. I ran out of the store and I saw him rolling around in front of the store. It was like a living inferno. His skin just melted off. I just stood there, watching and standing. I had never seen anything like that before. Dr. Henderson: What did you do? SCP-3155-13: What could I do? I'd seen people get killed before, but nothing, and I mean nothing like this. After he just stopped screaming and the flames fizzled out, I went to the woods and threw up and cried. What had I done? Did I just set a man on fire? No, of course not. I was imagining things, I thought. I was an atheist back then, I didn't believe in magic or Gods or anything like that. I stood there for what must have been an hour before going back to the store and seeing him there. Dr. Henderson: Him? SCP-3155-13: The man. He was wearing this black suit, very professional. He was just sitting on the porch of the general store, smoking a cigar. The body was gone, along with any burn marks nearby. I thought he was a cop, and I probably would have set him on fire if he didn't look so damn boring. Boring was the best thing at that moment. Dr. Henderson: Did he offer you anything? SCP-3155-13: Yes. The best offer in the world. A job with the Pinks. SCP-3155-22. Circa 1887 SCP-3155-22: The woman in the black suit gave me an offer. She told me that Pinkerton could help me control my <Pause> powers, so to speak. My mom, she hadn't ever taught me to control my powers. She said it was a curse, and that it'd be better if I just died. Stopped the blood line. A curse brought from the East by flesh worshipers. Dr. Henderson: What are the specifics of this "curse"? SCP-3155-22: I could <Pause> craft from the flesh. I could, in a way, create life. I used to peel my flesh apart and craft a creature from it. I don't know how to explain it other than I just can. I couldn't control it much. Anything bigger than my hand would just ignore me and try to kill anything that moved. It was a thing passed to the first born of the family. Dr. Henderson: What were the specifics of the offer? SCP-3155-22: Simple. I work for Pinkerton, I get training and help. I get support from others. The woman, she was so nice, but so dreadfully boring. No idea why the Pinks hired her. They shipped me down south, to work near Washington, so the government could keep a good eye over Pinkerton and the rest of us. Dr. Henderson: What did they do to you down in Washington? SCP-3155-22: Oh, nothing much. Simple check ups, power checks, mental and physical health examines, combat readiness, boring stuff. Dr. Henderson: Anything of note that happened down there? SCP-3155-22: Not really. I got shot five or so times, but it healed. Dr. Henderson: What were you working as within the organization? SCP-3155-27: Mostly guarding. Sometimes from those damn unions, but mostly from the Hand. You'd be surprised how extreme some of them could be. Dr. Henderson: What were the living conditions like? SCP-3155-27: Surprisingly tidy. We all worked together, men and women, black and white, poor and rich. We were all equal in the eyes of the Agency. Dr. Henderson: Really? No segregation? <SCP-3155-27 smiles> SCP-3155-27: Do you really wanna tell the people who can turn your entire body inside out with the snap of a finger that they aren't equal to the white man? Dr. Henderson: Point taken. SCP-3155-27: Ha! That's the Pinkerton spirit! SCP-3155-33. Circa 1889 SCP-3155-33: The best days working for Pinkerton were when we worked for less than tolerant clients. A Klan member calls in a Pink to settle some business with a local necromancer bringing his wife back, and the Boss brings in a Catholic, a woman, and a Negro to deal with the bastard. It's a work of art, really, seeing his jaw drop the floor. The best part is when he has to say "thanks" and pay the bill. Dr. Henderson: How common were these clients? SCP-3155-33: We had them once or twice a month. But when they happen, oh boy, is it priceless. A spectacle to behold. Dr. Henderson: Aside from them, what other clients did you have? <SCP-3155-33's smile disappears> SCP-3155-33: Well, let's just say that those clients aren't the most, um, respectable people in the world. Dr. Henderson: How so? SCP-3155-33: Factory owners, giant mining companies, and vast steel mills calling up the Agency to "bring in the freaks", as they put it, to put down a strike against "socialists, anarchists, and communists". Code words for the little guy, the worker. Fucked over and over and over again by the rich and powerful. Strikers, unions, eye-double-ya-double-ya, and the list grows and grows. <SCP-3155-33 sighs> SCP-3155-33: It's hard to put them down. It's different when it's a demon or an anomalous necrophile, freaks and murders and criminals and everything in between. But when you're dealing with a striker, a weak person, and you have to throw a fire ball in his face, it's just <Pause>, fuck, I don't know. SCP-3155-44: They didn't have much of a choice when it came to getting rid of us. Not that it made things any less painful. Some of us left the old life behind, went out west to establish themselves anew. Some of us tried to keep the old detective life going, working as sheriffs, deputies, independents, and on and on. Some tried to be one or the other, but were forced into the other. Dr. Henderson: Such as? SCP-3155-44: Where to begin? Connor tried establishing himself as a butcher in Boston near the Irish quarter. He ended up frying someone robbing him. They threw him out on his ass and he had to flee west. He was going by Donald last time I checked. Or Carrie. She was a sweet woman, but her voice was sweeter. Tried being an actor down south. Key word being "tried". She ended up flying mid-performance. Dr. Henderson: What happened to her? SCP-3155-44: I don't know. But I have the sinking suspicion that it involved a concrete block and a river. Or Ken. He was from Appalachia, fought in the war. Last time I checked he was after some crazy bastard named "Sawteeth" in Chicago. I hope that poor bastard did good, in the end. SCP-3155-11. Circa 1889 SCP-3155-11: I was fired in 1894. Business was a little harder for the Agency, considering the Pinkerton Act. It was so damn hard adjusting. I had to remember that I wasn't allowed in that bar, or that bathroom, or through that goddamn door way. I got used to it, but some just couldn't adjust. Many of us tried keeping in contact with each other, but some bled through the cracks. Some drowned in their own loneliness and despair and depression. Dr. Henderson: Mind giving us some examples? SCP-3155-11: Why? Dr. Henderson: For the record. <SCP-3155-11 pauses. Does not respond> Dr. Henderson: SCP-3155-11? SCP-3155-11: No. Dr. Henderson: What? SCP-3155-11: I'm not telling you. Fuck that. I'm not going to tell you all the people we've lost. All the people who drank themselves to death out of loneliness. Out of isolation. The people who were cast out of their communities for being "freaks" or for being "monsters" or "satanists" or "Catholics" or god knows what else. Do you have any fucking clue how that feels to be thrown out and labeled as a freak? To hide your powers out of fear of being hanged and killed or sent off to some fucking mad house or freak show or who knows where else? The Agency, for all its fuck ups and faults, was our home. It was our place where we could be safe. Where we had the power. We were free. We didn't have to worry about our skin color or religion or what's between our legs or where we decide to stick those things in what place. We didn't care. We loved each other. And to have that support line destroyed, ripped apart and cast aside, breaks people. They're broken and destroyed and want the pieces to be put back together but they just fucking won't. They just fucking won't. You wanna have an example? Fine. Look at Joey.4 Addendum-3155.2: Incident-3155-01 On 5-12-19██, Site-43 security discovered a damaged section of its electrical barbed wire fencing on the west side of the facility, near Site-43's B-Wing. Near the damaged section of the fence was a pair of wire cutters. Footage of the west side of Site-43 revealed an elderly individual damaging the electrical fencing with said wire cutters. The individual did not suffer any external damage despite the fencing sustaining high electrical energy. After this was discovered, Site-43's Director decided to initiate a lock down of the entirety of Site-43. MTF-Beta-22 ("The Whistleblowers") was tasked by Site-43's Chief of Security to locate the individual, who was believed to have been an SCP-3155 instance. MTF-Beta-22 were stationed within Site-43's B-Wing, while standard Foundation security forces were deployed to survey the rest of Site-43's A5, C6, and D7 wings. One hour after the initial lockdown, security footage of B-Wing revealed that the individual had, through means unknown at the time, broken into the deepest sections of Site-43's B-Wing, the location where SCP-3155 instances were being held. Beta-22 were immediately ordered by Site-43's Director to terminate the entity, then classified as SCP-3155-58. While Beta-22 was attempting to locate SCP-3155-58, it had successfully entered into SCP-3155-11's cell. The following was recovered. SCP-3155-11: What the hell is go— Kenny? Is, is that you? <Muffled speaking> SCP-3155-11: The hell are you talking abo— We weren't kidnapped. <Muffled speaking> SCP-3155-11: Listen, I'm not some goddamn damsel. They take care of us her— <SCP-3155-58 grabs SCP-3155-11 by the arm and attempts to remove it from its cell> SCP-3155-11: The hell're you doing?! <SCP-3155-58 staggers back, its arm severely burned.> SCP-3155-11: Oh god! Ken, are you oka— <SCP-3155-58 attempts to get up, moving towards the door of the containment cell> Following this, Beta-22 had arrived to SCP-3155-11's cell, apprehending SCP-3155-58. Due to SCP-3155-11's action in injuring SCP-3155-58, Beta-22 were able to peacefully subdue it with little resistance. SCP-3155-58 has since been put into indefinite containment in Site-43's B Wing, with members of Beta-22 acting as its main guards until cooperation can be reached with SCP-3155-58. Footnotes 1. Currently 58 individuals in Foundation custody. 2. Currently known as "Pinkerton Consulting & Investigations, Inc. d.b.a. Pinkerton Corporate Risk Management". 3. During this time the American Secure Containment Initiative had disbanded due to lack of government funding during the Civil War. 4. SCP-3155-1's birth name. 5. Low Priority Containment Wing 6. High Priority Containment Wing 7. Personnel Wing.
Item #: SCP-3156 Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-3156 may be safely stored in Containment Lockers 23 and 24 at Bio-Site-66. SCP-3156 has been cleared for testing in Site-66's terrarium testing chambers. Researchers interested in testing with SCP-3156 are to contact Dr. Helm and arrange an interview. No test involving SCP-3156 is to last longer than 30 days. After testing is concluded, researchers are to pump testing chambers with applicable insecticides. Description: SCP-3156 refers to a collection of 17 plastic containers similar to those designed to contain small animals such as rodents or insects. All instances of SCP-3156 possess a design etched onto the side that resembles a door. Instances of SCP-3156 are all visually identical, with exception to the lids of each instance which may be a bright green, orange, or pink. Anomalous properties of SCP-3156 begin to manifest once an insect or arachnid is inserted into SCP-3156 via the lid. When an insect or arachnid is inserted into SCP-3156, the door design on the side of SCP-3156 will change in size to be similar in proportion to the specimen and will begin functioning as an actual entrance and exit to the container. If there are two or more specimens placed within SCP-3156, the door's size will achieve proportions equal to the average size between all specimens. After this change in structure, all specimens inside SCP-3156 become instances of SCP-3156-1. SCP-3156-1 is any insect or arachnid that has developed higher cognitive functions as a result of SCP-3156 and displays behaviour reflective of early sociocultural evolution, especially if said evolution is reflective of early developing human society. Provided that the proper materials are available (i.e. wood, stone, etc.), this behaviour typically arises in the creation of primitive tools and structures. During this time, SCP-3156-1 often treats the instance of SCP-3156 that it was placed into as a residence, returning to it during times of rest and leisure. If at least three instances of SCP-3156-1 exist within close proximity to one another, these instances will begin interacting socially with one another regularly, often working together to ensure mutual survival. Researchers are to refer to these groups of SCP-3156-1 living in tandem with one another as a colony. Provided enough time, colonies, as well as the individual SCP-3156-1 instances within them, will naturally develop. While these developments are often similar to those found in human societies (i.e. systems of trade, government and leadership, medical practices, etc.), they are usually influenced by the specific biology of the SCP-3156-1 instances themselves. For example, a colony farmer of a species of insect that feeds primarily on vegetation, such as Schistocerca americana,1 will focus on growing crops rather than breeding creatures as a source of food (see testing log for more information). It should be noted that while SCP-3156-1 instances are capable of producing a system of language on their own, they are equally capable of adopting an existing language provided that it is available to them in some form (either written or spoken word) early enough in development. SCP-3156 Testing Log: SCP-3156-1: Coccinella magnifica2 Colony: 3 instances of SCP-3156, with 10 SCP-3156-1 between them Other Organisms in Chamber: Aphidoidea3 Test Length: 30 days Results: During the initial developmental stages, the colony of SCP-3156-1 displayed typical hunter gatherer behaviour as expected in regard to the aphids, however, approximately seventeen days after testing began, SCP-3156-1 had successfully domesticated them. Aphids were often corralled by instances of SCP-3156-1 onto plant stalks for "grazing", and the honeydew produced as a result was collected and stored by SCP-3156-1. The aphids themselves became comfortable around SCP-3156-1 instances, allowing them to be easily contained within an instance of SCP-3156 by the SCP-3156-1 colony (it should be noted that aphids entered SCP-3156 through the "door" on the side, not through the lid. It appears that utilizing this entrance yields no cognitive development in the subject). SCP-3156-1: Lasius niger4 Colony: 1 instance of SCP-3156, with 100 SCP-3156-1 within, including 1 queen Other Organisms in Chamber: No Test Length: 23 days Results: Over the testing period, the colony of SCP-3156-1 developed into a society resembling a monarchy, with the queen SCP-3156-1 acting as a matriarch. During early development, workers vacated SCP-3156 until only the queen and male phenotype SCP-3156-1 instances remained within, and quickly constructed small mounds for themselves out of materials found within the testing chamber, and began taking on various societal duties, one of which included building a wall around SCP-3156 and the surrounding mounds out of twigs and pebbles. Workers offered portions of what food they had to the queen at regular intervals of 48 hours, which is believed to have been some form of taxation. SCP-3156-1 instances that did not pay this "tax" were often punished by the male phenotype instances and were sometimes executed in a public display, or contained in a chamber dug in the ground below SCP-3156. Approximately 20 days into testing, "taxation" began to occur every 24 hours. Shortly after, one worker instance of SCP-3156-1 entered SCP-3156 and killed the queen with a small stone tool that resembled an axe at approximately 3:47am, and was subsequently dispatched by the male phenotypes. Given that the death of the queen ant occurred prior to any egg-laying or nuptial flight, the colony became incapable of reproducing. Following this incident, workers and male phenotypes began fighting one another, presumably for control of the colony. Testing was then terminated. SCP-3156-1: Tegenaria domestica5 Colony: 4 instances of SCP-3156, with 1 SCP-3156-1 each. Other Organisms in Chamber: Musca domestica6 Test Length: 30 days Results: Despite their naturally solitary nature, all four instances of SCP-3156-1 quickly became accustomed to living and working together. Instances of SCP-3156-1 created several webs throughout the testing chamber, and routinely checked them several times a day. Interestingly, SCP-3156-1 instances would also use webbing in and around their respective SCP-3156. Given that this webbing lacked the structural stability needed for a standard spider web to catch prey, it is assumed it was used for decorative purposes. SCP-3156-1 did not develop past this stage. SCP-3156-1: Periplaneta americana7 Colony: 5 instances of SCP-3156, with 2 SCP-3156-1 each. Other Organisms in Chamber: Researcher Warren Test Length: 30 days Results: Researcher Warren was within SCP-3156's chamber for six hours during the first day of testing, with instructions to remain near SCP-3156-1, but to avoid physical contact if possible. SCP-3156-1 expressed interest in Researcher Warren, but no instance approached him. Three days after Researcher Warren's departure, SCP-3156-1 decorated the inside of each SCP-3156 instance with a design resembling a stick figure. Seven days after Researcher Warren's departure, SCP-3156-1 created a stone structure resembling a human male approximately 1ft tall located an equal distance away from each SCP-3156 instance. All instances of SCP-3156-1 would approach this statue simultaneously at least once every day after construction was completed, usually between the ranges of 9:00am - 10:30am. Similar effigies continued to be created until the cessation of the test. SCP-3156-1: Aedes albopictus8 Colony: 3 instance of SCP-3156 with 30 SCP-3156-1 between them. Other Organisms in Chamber: Sus scrofa domesticus9 Test Length: 3 days Results: [DATA EXPUNGED] Addendum-3156-A: SCP-3156 was discovered when Foundation agents intercepted reports from a Mrs. █████ ███████ to local authorities about noises of someone moving in her basement several days after the disappearance of her husband, entomologist Dr. ████ ███████. Despite repeated investigations revealing no one inside the house other than the family, Mrs. ███████ continued to report sounds from the basement. Suspecting SCP involvement, a Foundation investigation revealed a hidden room in the basement of the home that contained all instances of SCP-3156 arranged within a model city, and an open ventilation shaft, as well as the corpse of Dr. ███████, which was covered in currently unidentified bites that contained trace amounts of PhTx3 neurotoxin. Above the Doctor's head the words "GOD IS FINALLY DEAD" were written in Dr. ███████'s blood. No living organisms were found in the basement. + Display: Note from Dr. Helm - Hide: Note from Dr. Helm After receiving several questions about the necessity of SCP-3156-1's termination, as well as numerous requests for an extension of SCP-3156's mandated testing period, I'm beginning to get tired of repeating myself. So, for those interested, I have two questions: Do you know how long it took human beings to realize they could plant things in the ground for food? Thousands of years. Do you know how long it takes these bugs to do the same thing? A few days, maybe a week at the very most. The point is SCP-3156-1 develops far more rapidly than humans ever have. Sure, this growth doesn't continue to be as remarkably fast as the example I provided above, but it's still damn quick. It's not superficial either; these bugs have been shown to comprehend higher concepts like a God, and this intelligence develops with them. How long would it take for them to rival us intellectually, or perhaps even surpass us? As far as we know, there's no cap on how far they might go, and no indication of how quickly they'll get there, It only took humans until 1961 to successfully escape Earth and into space. How long would it take SCP-3156-1 to realize just how small the box we've put them in really is? We don't know, and the risk that situation might put us in means we are unwilling to find out. So, in short: The termination of SCP-3156-1 is a necessity for Foundation security, despite our usual code of conduct when it comes to sapient SCPs. We are here to discover, but we are also here to protect, and to ensure that we must make sure our place in the food chain isn't superseded. - Dr. Helm Footnotes 1. American Grasshopper 2. Common Ladybird Beetle 3. Aphid 4. Black Garden Ant 5. Domestic House Spider 6. House Fly 7. American Cockroach 8. Asian Tiger Mosquito 9. Domestic pig ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3156" by QBE, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
SCiPNET LOGIN name affiliation d766057c90749089be6c5296f54b0438_1734915850 Login Login Logout [✓] Verification complete. Confirmed Level-3 3157-Clearance. Item#: 3157 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-3157 (taken prior to Event-3157-A) Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3157 is to be kept fenced off and guarded by at least eighteen security officers at any one time (two officers for each sector of the park). Roadways leading to SCP-3157 have been closed and relocated as necessary. Any knowledge of SCP-3157's nature or existence following Event-3157-B, as well as access to the site and any pertaining documents, is strictly prohibited to any staff member either below Level-3 clearance and/or those confirmed to have a personal connection with any of the individuals named in Document-3157-A, access to which requires at least Level-4 clearance. Those who are of Level-3 clearance or above, and have no confirmed connections to any individuals named in Document-3157-A, are granted full 3157-Clearance, equal to their general security clearance level. Access to SCP-3157 itself requires direct permission from another staff member with 3157-Clearance of Level-4 or above. It is to be upheld to members of the general public and staff members not granted 3157-Clearance, that SCP-3157 was destroyed in a gas explosion which killed all those on site at the time. It is also to be upheld that any bodies from the site were either unidentifiable or unrecovered, and any requests to see remains are to be denied. Any claims found to contradict this story are to be investigated and suppressed. Individuals who make these claims or display knowledge of SCP-3157's current existence following Event-3157-B, are to be questioned and administered amnesiacs as necessary to revert their claims. Any individuals entering SCP-3157 must be kept under external video observation at all times. Any members of staff attempting to enter SCP-3157 without authorisation are to be dismissed immediately. Any members of the public or staff members without confirmed 3157-Clearance who are found trespassing SCP-3157 are to be detained, administered Class-A amnesiacs, and told they were illegally trespassing on private property. Photographs, videos, or any other visual record of SCP-3157 following Event-3157-B are prohibited. All necessary visual records, such as camera surveillance footage, are to be deleted on a 24-hour basis, unless access to such records is requested and granted to a staff member with confirmed 3157-Clearnence of Level-4 or above. Any equipment found being used to access or take record of SCP-3157's current existence are to be destroyed, and their operators located, questioned, and administered amnesiacs as necessary. Any aerial records of the area including SCP-3157 within them are to be retrieved and altered to disguise the site's existence before being released in any capacity, and any individuals involved in their creation administered amnesiacs as necessary. Should any spatial anomalies occur similar to Event-3157-A, staff on-site are to immediately establish a perimeter around the site's fence, with an officer positioned every 0.25km around it until the site returns to its original position. If it returns, SCP-3157 is then to be searched by MTF Epsilon-15 ("Health and Safety"), and any anomalous items found documented and put into storage. If any survivors return with SCP-3157, they are to be psychologically evaluated before being interviewed and, if necessary, administered Class-A amnesiacs. Anyone who does not return with SCP-3157 is to be declared deceased. Description: SCP-3157 is the Holmeswood Towers Amusement Park resort following the anomalous Events 3157-A and 3157-B. The site measures approximately 3.7 km² and is located in Staffordshire, England. The park itself is divided into nine separate sectors, each with a specific theme which rides, buildings and pathways are decorated to match. A system of footpaths link all the park's sectors, although a monorail and cable car system also operated across several sectors. At 10:32 AM on 16/05/16, SCP-3157 and all individuals on-site disappeared, an occurrence since designated Event-3157-A. At the time of disappearance, witnesses say that an auditory shock wave, similar to a thunderclap, oscillated towards the centre of the park across an estimated radius of 1.93km. Following the event, a crater was left in SCP-3157's place, with all cables, water pipes and phone lines left exposed, seemingly severed. No anomalous features were found on the site following Event-3157-A. After the Foundation began investigations, the site was fenced off, and the remaining cables, pipes, etc, were removed. The cover story of a gas explosion was released by the Foundation to local authorities and media outlets. Document-3157-A was compiled, which lists all individuals confirmed to have been on site at the time of Event-3157-A. All staff members confirmed to have any personal connection with any of the individuals named in Document-3157-A were administered amnesiacs to erase memory of any Foundation involvement with SCP-3157. At 3:40 PM on 07/05/17, SCP-3157 returned to its original position, an occurrence designated Event-3157-B. Again, an auditory shock wave was reported by Foundation personnel on site at the time, however this wave was observed to have radiated from the centre of the park as oppose to towards it. Similarly, this shock wave oscillated across an estimated radius of 1.90km. MTF Epsilon-15 was immediately deployed to search the newly recovered SCP-3157. No survivors, bodies, or anomalous properties were found. Despite numerous searches and investigations, it remains unclear how Events-3157-A and B occurred or what happened to the survivors in between. No further anomalous events have occurred in or around SCP-3157 since. A Risk Class of Notice has been issued to SCP-3157 as a result, however a Disruption Level of Vlam has been issued to accommodate the possibility of a similar spatial anomaly occurring again. If this does happen, the Risk Class may be risen to accommodate. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3157" by TheTowers, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: purgatory.jpg Name: Thorpe Park rides from the lake Author: Clint Mann License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link:
SCP-3158 Item #: SCP-3158 Special Containment Procedures: Standard exclusionary precautions for medium-size stationary oceanic anomalies apply for SCP-3158. Expungement of SCP-3158 from satellite imagery is unnecessary. Access is denied to all personnel. Description: SCP-3158 is a tropical island with an area of 4.8km2 located 42 kilometers off the coast of ███████. Subjects present on SCP-3158 will secrete human blood, rather than tears, from their lacrimal glands. This does not result in irritation; rather, the blood adequately fulfills the functions of the tear film, albeit resulting in a red tint to the subject's vision. This effect ceases once the subject leaves SCP-3158. Affected subjects prefer not to acknowledge this effect, attempting to refocus any such discussion on SCP-3158's natural beauty, calmness, or exoticism. Excreted blood matches the genetic profile of [DATA LOST]. Subjects that observe a 15m x 60m area in the southeastern region of SCP-3158, designated SCP-3158-1, experience intense, painful hunger that does not abate until they leave SCP-3158. Subjects will attempt to consume any material they believe to be edible, save for components of humans they consider to be of similar or higher social status. No subject has voluntarily discussed this phenomenon, or their actions while under its effect; they instead attempt to refocus any such discussion on SCP-3158's suitability as a travel destination. Prior to Incident 3158-Alpha, SCP-3158-1 was the site of [DATA LOST]. SCP-3158 came to Foundation attention shortly thereafter, when several soldiers reported SCP-3158's anomalous effects. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3158" by Communism Will Win, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: tropical.png Author: Communism will win License: Public Domain Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki Derivative of: Name: Caribbean Coast Author: Petr Kratochvil License: Public Domain Source Link: Public Domain Pictures
Item #: SCP-3159 Special Containment Procedures: Popular media and the internet are to be monitored for references to SCP-3159, with amnestics to be administered as required. Description: SCP-3159 is a radio signal in the 116-118 MHz range appearing intermittently over the Florida panhandle. Manifestations of SCP-3159 last between 10 and 15 minutes, with 3-7 manifestations appearing each week since discovery in October 1993. Because the transmission frequency of SCP-3159 falls outside the FM radio band, it is relatively rare for commercially available radios to pick it up; when this does occur, listeners usually assume they are listening to a parody or a practical joke. SCP-3159 features episodes of The Jerry Springer Show. The general format parallels the non-anomalous version of the show, with each episode focusing on relationship problems stemming from immoderate or socially proscribed behavior. Voice spectrography reveals a 99.17% match for Gerald Norman Springer, with the difference of 0.83% consistent with a case of chronic laryngitis affecting the host of SCP-3159 but not Mr. Springer. Remote sensing has not revealed a physical source for SCP-3159. Notably, no known technology is capable of creating a spatially localized electromagnetic signal without a source that can be detected by means available to the Foundation. It is currently believed that SCP-3159 originates from a parallel universe. + Transcript of a manifestation of SCP-3159 recorded on 4/8/98 - Hide transcript The following excerpt features Stella, whose voice suggests a woman in her late teens, and Logan, whose voice suggests a man in his early thirties. Stella: I don't fucking believe this shit. Logan: It didn't mean nothing. Stella: It's like…how do you even fuck an alien? Logan: Baby, theres no need for that. Stella: You son-of-a-bitch, yes, there is. Tell me, how'd you even do it with that round thing? They don't have holes. Jerry: The girl raises a good question. The studio audience laughs and breaks into a chant of "Jerry, Jerry" lasting approximately 15 seconds. Logan: You don't touch em or anything. You just think thoughts and then…you know. Kinda like getting porn straight into your brain. At this point, a sound resembling a conch horn is heard. Across a battery of tests, listeners consistently report that the sound made them intensely uncomfortable, and that immediately afterwards the image of a man sniffing a bouquet of flowers appeared in their minds. Jerry: I think we just got our answer. Logan: It ain't cheating if there's no touching, am I right? Stella: You telling me you mind-fucked that piece of blubber? Audience hoots and jeers. An audience member is heard yelling "Oh no she didn't!" Jerry: Now Stella, you know the b-word is fraught with unfortunate racial connotations. Stella: I don't give a shit! That fat sack of… Jerry: I think we all need a little breather. We'll be right back after these messages from our sponsors. The following ad is narrated by an older female who speaks in measured tones, alongside a younger female with a quick, chirpy voice. Older female: Let's face it — we all know someone who fell prey to a flytrap ATM. Younger female: I was just about to go into the bank when I decided to get a coffee first. When I returned, the ATM was chewing through the remains of the last customer! Older female: Don't become food for an interdimensional being. Younger female: That could have been me. Older female: That's why at Meridian Bank, our ATMs have the distinctive gold-and-crimson patterns that are so hard to emulate. A recent study by the North American Consumer Protection Association found that Meridian lost fewer customers to flytraps than any other mid-size bank. Younger female: Meridian: shop safe. This following ad is narrated by a young, hyper-masculine voice, with occasional interruption by hissing sounds. Although these sounds do not correspond to any known language, listeners were unanimous across an array of tests in assigning the same meaning to the hisses. Narrator: Are you having trouble pleasing women? Do you happen to be a little on the small side, down there? Hissing: I am hungry. Narrator: I hate to be the one to tell ya, but penis extension is a lie. Don't throw your money away on creams or pumps. They don't do anything. Narrator: But there is one way that is 100% guaranteed to give you the result you want! Hissing: So very hungry. Narrator: For a modest fee, we here at MonoRaptor would be willing to intercede with Quetzalcoatl for you. Big Q will get you all the thickness and girth you need. Narrator: There is just one teensy little catch: the Quez will want some of your memories. Hissing: I will see the world through your eyes. Narrator: But hey, you've got plenty of memories, am I right? Do you really need to remember all your snot-nosed childhood friends? Narrator: Contact a MonoRaptor agent today. After a few beats from the Jerry Springer theme song, the show returns to applause from the studio audience. Jerry: And we're back. Before we quit for today, Logan has one more thing to tell us. Logan: Yeah. Baby, this aint easy for me to say. Stella, sweetie, I'm pregnant. Stella: What? Logan: Yeah. Stella: What the ██████████████ you ███████████████████████ piece of ███████████████████████!1 Logan: Come on, baby. Stella: We're through you motherf…..wait, where's it even going to come out of? Jerry: Aaaaand that's all the time we have for today, folks. Manifestations of SCP-3159 have included references to "Oprah," "Kim Kardashian," and "Brangelina," indicating that the universe of SCP-3159 shares a number of features with our own. On the other hand, the closing credits of each episode state that the show is filmed in the "North American Confederacy," and off-hand remarks suggest the Confederacy is engaged in the prolonged occupation of a nation known as "The Empire of Greater Mesopotamia." The low signal strength of SCP-3159 has made triangulation challenging; at present, the location of the transmission can only be localized to a 50km2 region within Okaloosa County, Florida. It is anticipated that within 6-8 years, it will be possible to pinpoint the originating location to within approximately 300m2. This will allow the Foundation to identify the spatial point where the boundary between the two universes is permeable to radio signals; in turn, this will enable the Foundation to either send a message, or install a jammer to ensure that no transmissions from our world get through. The O5 council has voted several times to pursue the latter course of action. However, opinions on this matter are far from unanimous. Detractors point out that the universe in which SCP-3159 originates appears to possess a number of advanced technologies, with many possibilities for mutually beneficent exchange. Moreover, it has also been suggested that one might form a rather negative opinion of our own universe if the sole source of information about it was The Jerry Springer Show. Footnotes 1. Blacked-out text corresponds to expunged words in SCP-3159 (colloquially known as "bleeps"). ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3159" by ZoltanBerrigomo, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
A specimen of SCP-3160 in its enclosure. Item #: SCP-3160 Special Containment Procedures: As detailed in the Boring Agreement, SCP-3160 is currently contained primarily by GoI-466 ("Wilson's Wildlife Solutions") with a limited degree of Foundation oversight. All specimens comprising SCP-3160 are to be kept in an enclosure at Wilson's Wildlife Solutions HQ and fed daily in accordance with Nutritional Chart 3160-1. No objects other than those required for feeding or maintenance are to be introduced to the SCP-3160 enclosure. Object Apol is to be kept at the center of SCP-3160's enclosure. Twice a day, it is to be doused in pheromones via an automatic dispersal system so as to encourage SCP-3160 to remain close to it. Francesco Saul, the creator of Object Apol, is to be kept on-site as a containment consultant so as to perform any conceptual maintenance that Object Apol requires. Description: SCP-3160 is the collective designation for, at the time of writing, one hundred and twenty nine yellowjacket wasps capable of shifting from a physical state to a conceptual one. When a specimen of SCP-3160 is threatened, it will cease existing physically and attach itself to the conceptual framework of a nearby object. While conceptually attached to an object, the specimen of SCP-3160 is also present within all objects with a similar conceptual framework within a radius of ten kilometers. SCP-3160 can also emerge physically from any such object within that radius, making their conceptual properties an effective form of escape as well as concealment. While in its conceptual form, SCP-3160 can physically interfere with any organism within a meter of any of the objects it is inhabiting. This interference takes the form of numerous, repeated stings, often encouraging the organism to retreat further away from the object. These stings have been shown to have no properties outside of those expected from a normal yellowjacket wasp. SCP-3160 first came to the attention of the Foundation after GoI-466 ("Wilson's Wildlife Solutions") requested assistance in its containment. After SCP-3160 attached themselves to a microwave, numerous citizens of Boring, Oregon reported receiving large amounts of wasp stings while in their kitchens. Through a joint effort by the Foundation's Conceptual Department and Wilson's Wildlife Solutions, all specimens of SCP-3160 were successfully expelled from the microwaves and brought into initial containment. Addendum 3160-1: Following numerous containment breaches caused by SCP-3160 conceptually attaching themselves to the walls and floor of their enclosure, it was decided that new containment procedures were required. Wilson's Wildlife Solutions, with limited funding provided by the Foundation, commissioned Francesco Saul, an anartist known to have experience in conceptual engineering, to provide a conceptually unique installation for SCP-3160's enclosure. This installation, referred to as Object Apol, was completed on 03/11/2016. Saul is currently kept on-site at Wilson's Wildlife Solutions HQ for the purpose of maintaining Object Apol. As the only identifying concept belonging to Object Apol is 'being Object Apol', rather than possessing the concepts of its numerous components, specific physical description of it is not possible. When Object Apol is inhabited by a specimen of SCP-3160, the fact that no other objects with its conceptual framework exist means that SCP-3160 cannot use it to escape or influence anything outside of their enclosure. Upon the termination of his contract involving SCP-3160 containment, Saul has agreed to undergo amnestic therapy to remove all memories of his creating Object Apol. This ensures that he cannot recreate it in the future and potentially compromise containment of SCP-3160. Frequent complaints from Saul regarding being 'stuck in some nowhere town' suggest that he will seek an end to his employment in the near future.
Item #: SCP-3161 Photo of SCP-3161-1 posing, taken at its own request Special Containment Procedures: A perimeter of 2 km is to be maintained around SCP-3161 at all times with no less than six security guards on constant patrols. Any civilians caught attempting to enter this perimeter must be detained, administered class-A amnestic, then turned over to local authorities. Explorations of SCP-3161 are carried out on a bi-weekly basis by an armed archaeological team of at least five personnel. All documentation of SCP-3161's interior is to be stored in on site folder Exploration Log 3161.1A. SCP-3161-1 has been authorized for residence within SCP-3161, in fear that SCP-3161-1's removal from this location will result in its termination. If SCP-3161-1 attempts to physically injure any member of personnel, it is to be dismantled and monitored until self reconstruction. Description: SCP-3161 refers to a man-made subterranean tunnel system discovered beneath the countryside of Shropshire, England, consisting of a network of walkways and arches carved out of sandstone. Architecture places construction between 100 BC and 50 AD. At the time of writing, 2600 m2 of SCP-3161 have been explored. However, it is speculated to cover approximately 3000+ m2. The sediment making up SCP-3161, as well as that of the surrounding area, is impenetrable. There is no significant sign of degradation from age or use. Guarding the entrance and interior of SCP-3161 is an animate human skeleton, adorned in a full set of 15th century English armor, and equipped with a broadsword, halberd, and wooden shield. This entity has been designated SCP-3161-1. Despite complete lack of vital internal organs, SCP-3161-1 is capable of speech, movement, and sentience. SCP-3161-1 has also demonstrated capability of detachment and reattachment of any singular portion of its composition. Removed portions remain capable of motion independent of SCP-3161-1. However, SCP-3161-1 posses little physical strength and durability. Armor and equipment carried by SCP-3161-1 encumbers it, causing the subject to move slowly. In moments of aggression, SCP-3161-1 displays difficulty in attacking effectively. Upon initial discovery, SCP-3161-1 was observed to be hostile toward all personnel within SCP-3161, vocalizing threats in what was determined to be Middle English. SCP-3161-1 has since become docile, as an ongoing process has begun to facilitate communication with the entity. Addendum 3161.1: The following is an interview conducted several weeks after SCP-3161's initial discovery, translated from Middle English. This interview was preformed by Doctor John R. Reuel, a lead researcher of the Foundation's Linguistic Division. Interview Log 3161-001 <open> Interview Log 3161-001 <hide> Interviewed: SCP-3161-1 Interviewer: Dr. Reuel Foreword: SCP-3161-1 has given consent to a dialogue, but has still refused to leave its position. A folding table, two folding chairs, several lamps, and a single audio recorder have been set up to facilitate interview. Dr. Reuel and SCP-3161-1 are seated. <Begin Log> Dr. Reuel: Hello, SCP-3161-1, thank you for speaking with me. SCP-3161-1: The joy is mine! It does my heart good, more than you can imagine, to finally be able to speak with someone! However, this title you have bestowed upon me - I don't understand it. It is unnerving. Dr.Reuel: Well, what would you prefer I - SCP-3161-1: I am Sir Gregor Tudor the Holy, Loyal Servant of the King, Champion of Bosworth, Finder of Fortunes and the Last Sentinel of God's true place. Dr. Reuel: Will Sir Gregor do? SCP-3161-1: Yes, that is acceptable. How may I refer to you? You all appear to be learned individuals; surely you must hold titles of your own, and I would not wish to show disrespect. Dr. Reuel: Doctor will be fine for now. I'll try to be blunt with you so as not to confuse you any further. SCP-3161-1: Good; I prefer it that way, doctor! Very long I have been waiting in this place. Let us be true and honest with one another. Dr. Reuel: Sir Gregor, how is it that you can move and speak even after death? SCP-3161-1: laughs Dead, am I, doctor? Do I not speak to you? Can you not see me here, standing in my post? Could a dead man accomplish such a task? Dr. Reuel: …Are you aware that, in your current physical state, you are a skeleton inside of armor? SCP-3161-1: You are correct, my body, it has wasted away. My soul, however, remains alive! Dr. Reuel: I reiterate, then: How is that? SCP-3161-1: A vow I took to my king. He put on me a blessing from the Almighty, that I might remain in this place, and be its protector. Deep in its tunnels can be found the power which gave unto us the strength for victory! Dr. Reuel: I see. So if I understand correctly, Sir Gregor, you found something in these caverns- SCP-3161-1: A gift from our Lord himself! Chosen! We were chosen to receive it! Dr. Reuel: -yes, and this gift is what keeps you alive? SCP-3161-1: I know, and I alone know where it lies. A secret that shall be kept until my true death, when he who is worthy arrives to relieve me of my post. I shall lead him there, to our gift, and then I shall perish, knowing I have kept my vow. Dr. Reuel: Alright. So, this worthy person, how will you know when he arrives? SCP-3161-1: Aha; this is why I am so excited to be able to speak clearly with you, doctor! A riddle I hold. All who hear it must answer. If you are correct, I shall give you my secrets. If you are wrong, I give you only the edge of my blade. SCP-3161-1 stands up and slowly unsheathes its broadsword. Dr. Reuel: A riddle? I don't- SCP-3161-1: Shouting Prepare all your wits. Your time in the eyes of the Holy Father himself has come. Prove yourself worthy, and life eternal shall be yours as well! Do you, my friend, accept the challenge? Dr. Reuel: motions for guards not to interrupt I accept. Why not. SCP-3161-1: Then hear me, and decide your fate! A fox prowls the forest, in search of prey. He spots a rabbit and gives chase… Pause SCP-3161-1: Or was it a wolf? Yes, I had it wrong. A wolf prowls the forest, in search of prey. He spots a rabbit….No that’s not right. He smells the rabbit…or was it the fox? Dr. Reuel: Is something wrong, Sir Gregor? SCP-3161-1: My apologies, doctor. You are the first in very long to attempt the challenge. I simply needed a moment to remember back all those years past. Now; a fox prowls through the forest, in search of prey. He smells a rabbit and gives chase. And… and… Pause SCP-3161-1: He gives chase to the rabbit…I know it ends at a tree. He chases the rabbit to a tree…no, it was a river first. Or was the river last? Dr. Reuel: Sir Gregor, you appear to be having difficulty with this riddle. SCP-3161-1: Yes…well…shouting It has been many lifetimes since I was given this riddle! A time when I was still of flesh and blood! Here have I waited for someone, anyone, to arrive! Someone to relieve me of my duty or for me to put to the sword in glorious combat! But did they arrive? No! No one did! Not until you. Not heroic knights but strange alchemists that speak some strange bastard English I cannot even understand! Now please, doctor, just give me a moment! I’m sure the memories will return to me! Dr. Reuel remains silent SCP-3161: Now, where was I…ah yes, the river….or was it a lake? <End Log> Closing Statement: Behavior of SCP-3161-1 was observed to become increasingly aggressive towards staff following this interview, reciting several versions of the prior riddle before attacking. Despite this, no member of personnel has been seriously injured or obstructed by SCP-3161-1. As of yet, no other anomalous object or entity has been discovered within SCP-3161. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3161" by TheSlothSavant, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: SirGregor Name: SirGregor Author: RegioTV License: CC0 Source Link: Pixabay
LiterallyMechanical Social Life, by LiterallyMechanical For the rest of my work, check out LiterallyMechanical's Author Page A few of my favorites: SCP-4170 — The Dark SCP-4163 — The Tetris Prodigy SCP-4357 — Slimelord Item #: SCP-3162 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3162-A is to be housed in a secure Site 19 storage locker. When not in use, SCP-3162-A is to remain unplugged and disconnected from all peripherals. SCP-3162-A may be powered on and connected to a mouse and keyboard only for testing by Class-D personnel or researchers with appropriate clearance. Records of past SCP-3162 entries are to be archived for further study and testing. Under no circumstances are Foundation personnel to use information gleaned from archival SCP-3162 entries to guide or influence their interpersonal relationships. Description: SCP-3162 is a non-sapient, digital entity housed within SCP-3162-A, a Lenovo M910 desktop computer. Prior to its transfer to Containment, SCP-3162-A was in use in room S19-422, the office of senior researcher Isaac M█████. SCP-3162-A operates as a normal workstation in all respects save for the anomalous effect of SCP-3162. SCP-3162 is a class-1B cognitohazard, capable of temporarily altering the behavior of humans with whom it is in direct contact. While operating SCP-3162-A, users believe that they are an entity designated as SCP-3162. Those exposed to SCP-3162 feel compelled to write an SCP entry for their own containment, complete with an accurate summary of their own Foundation security protocols, a heavily abridged autobiography focusing on past and present interpersonal relations, and personal commentary. To date, five such documents are known to exist. No deleterious long-term psychological or physiological effects have been observed in users exposed to SCP-3162. However, there exist anecdotal reports of post-exposure interpersonal conflict between users of SCP-3162-A. A correlation has been noted between past exposure to SCP-3162 and interventional mediation sessions with HR. ► SCP-3162 ARCHIVE [obsolete] 10/22/20██ ▼ SCP-3162 ARCHIVE [obsolete] 10/22/20██ Item #: SCP-3162 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3162 is to be allowed level █ employee restricted access to Site 19, Site 1█, and Site 2█, as well as level █ restricted access to Site 41. SCP-3162 is subject to standard Foundation personnel observation protocols and annual performance reviews. Description: SCP-3162 is an adult human male, born in the year 19██. It refers to itself by the names "Isaac M█████" and "Doctor M█████," and on rare occasions by "Izzie," usually in informal contexts. SCP-3162 was acquired by the Foundation in 198█, when it was scouted by Talent Acquisition personnel in a sweep of Sandia National Laboratory and offered a position within the Foundation. SCP-3162 was married in the year 198█ to a human female named "Isabella D██████," who changed her name upon marriage to "Isabella M█████." SCP-3162 and Isabella M█████ have remained married for ██ years, and by mutual agreement they have decided to forgo having children. SCP-3162 had a brief affair with Foundation junior researcher Michelle N████ in the year 20██, an indiscretion that has been kept as a closely guarded secret. While SCP-3162 still harbors a romantic emotional attachment to junior researcher Michelle N████, SCP-3162 prioritizes the stability of its marriage to Isabella M█████ over a potential partnership with junior researcher Michelle N████. At the time of this writing, SCP-3162 is directly responsible for the supervision, containment, and testing of ██ SCPs, including SCP-████, SCP-████, and SCP-████. In the course of a routine review of SCPs under its responsibility, SCP-3162 discovered that its own entry was missing entirely from the SCP database, an omission which is currently being corrected. SCP-3162 speculates that in the process of upgrading the computer terminal in its office, room 422, its entry was inadvertently deleted. ► SCP-3162 ARCHIVE [obsolete] 10/29/20██ ▼ SCP-3162 ARCHIVE [obsolete] 10/29/20██ Item #: SCP-3162 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3162 is granted access to Sites 19 and 1█. SCP-3162 is not subject to extraordinary monitoring or containment, save for level-█ security clearance and annual performance reviews. Description: SCP-3162 is an adult human female, approximately twenty-█████ years of age at the time of this writing. SCP-3162 insists upon specific appellations appropriate to given social contexts, including, but not limited to, "Michelle N████," "junior researcher Michelle N████," and "Doctor N████." SCP-3162 is not to be referred to as “Mickie.” SCP-3162 was acquired by the Foundation in 20██, when it was noted as a potentially valuable employee following the completion of its PhD thesis at ████████ University. SCP-3162 enjoys outdoor recreation, predominantly hiking and rock climbing. The surrounding environment of Site 1█ provides ample opportunity for it to pursue its hobbies. SCP-3162 is currently in a romantic relationship with fellow junior researcher Austin C█████, and is hopeful that their current status will, in time, transition into a long-term companionship. SCP-3162 has had four (4) unsuccessful romantic partnerships within the past three (3) years. However, its current relationship with junior researcher Austin C█████ is thus far stable and mutually beneficial. SCP-3162 believes that within the next one (1) year, junior researcher Austin C█████ may be receptive to the idea of cohabitation and, within the following four (4) years, that he would be willing to discuss marriage. SCP-3162 was testing the recently-upgraded computer terminal in the office of its supervisor, senior researcher Isaac M█████, when it discovered an extremely inaccurate description and inadequate containment protocols for itself. This prior entry for SCP-3162 appeared to be a factually accurate biography of senior researcher Isaac M█████, as confirmed by a study of public records, personal correspondence, and a qualitative analysis of senior researcher Isaac M█████’s demeanor in the presence of SCP-3162. SCP-3162 had been under the impression that its brief romantic affair with senior researcher Isaac M█████ was of no emotional significance to senior researcher Isaac M█████, a belief that is contradicted by the prior entry for SCP-3162. This revelation is the cause of significant emotional distress for SCP-3162, who must now re-evaluate the state of its professional and personal relationship with senior researcher Isaac M█████. At the time of this writing, SCP-3162 is updating its own entry for the sake of accuracy and safety. ► SCP-3162 ARCHIVE [obsolete] 11/4/20██ ▼ SCP-3162 ARCHIVE [obsolete] 11/4/20██ Item #: SCP-3162 Special Containment Procedures Subject to level-█ employee clearance, SCP-3162 is allowed access to Site 19 and Site 1█. SCP-3162 is subject only to surveillance and performance review as befitting a Foundation junior researcher. Description: SCP-3162 is a human male, born in the year 19██. It was acquired by the Foundation following its assistance in re-capturing the escaped SCP-████ during a containment breach in 20██. SCP-3162 preferentially requests to be "Doctor C█████," but will additionally respond to "Austin" and "Austin C█████." SCP-3162 is, at the time of this writing, in a romantic partnership with junior researcher Michelle N████. SCP-3162 and junior researcher Michelle N████ became close friends due to their mutual appreciation of outdoor recreation and, after engaging in several hiking trips during the summer of 201█, entered into a relationship at the summit of Mount ████. SCP-3162 has been generally satisfied with the progression of their relationship, however, it is of the belief that junior researcher Michelle N████ is potentially interested in more serious future relations than SCP-3162 is prepared for, up to and including cohabitation and/or marriage within the next one (1) year. As a result, SCP-3162 is considering ending its romantic partnership with junior researcher Michelle N████ in the near future. SCP-3162’s suspicions of junior researcher Michelle N████’s intentions were confirmed during a routine review of SCP entries maintained by its supervisor, senior researcher Isaac M█████. SCP-3162 was surprised to find a biography of junior researcher Michelle N████ in place of its own entry, and while the data therein remains unverified, anecdotal evidence suggests that it is largely accurate. SCP-3162 had been reassured by junior researcher Michelle N████ on numerous occasions that she and senior researcher Isaac M█████ had never engaged in romantic relations. However, information gleaned from prior entries of SCP-3162 suggests otherwise, a fact that is currently the source of considerable emotional distress for SCP-3162. In light of this false entry, as well as a similar false entry that described the life of senior researcher Isaac M█████, SCP-3162 hypothesizes that SCP-3162 itself is a non-human memetic construct and potential cognitohazard rather than Austin C████, a human. SCP-3162 believes that SCP-3162 inhabits the newly-upgraded computer terminal located in the office of senior researcher Isaac M█████, room 422 of Site 19. ► SCP-3162 ARCHIVE [obsolete] 11/6/20██ ▼ SCP-3162 ARCHIVE [obsolete] 11/6/20██ Item #: SCP-3162 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3162 is to be secured in the Class-D housing facility at Site 19, where it is subject to all standard Class-D personnel security protocols. SCP-3162 is subject to monitoring by a standard Class-D subcutaneous tracking implant and routine camera surveillance. Description: SCP-3162 is an adult human male, born in the year 19██. SCP-3162 refers to itself as "T-Bone" or "Big T," though a review of public records indicates that its legal name is "Timothy R████." SCP-3162 was offered a position as a Class-D employee at Site 19 as an alternative to its impending execution in the ████ Texas Penitentiary. Prior to its incarceration in ████ Texas Penitentiary and its employment at Site 19, SCP-3162 had never engaged in a romantic relationship that lasted for a period exceeding five (5) months, with a mean of three (3) weeks (sample size N=12, discounting outliers of one (1) day or less). During the period of its employment at Site 19, SCP-3162 has publicly expressed superficial sexual attraction to junior researcher Michelle N████ on multiple occasions, predominantly in her presence. At the time of this writing, SCP-3162 is of the opinion that senior researcher Dr. Isaac M█████, junior researcher Dr. Michelle N████, and junior researcher Dr. Austin C█████, have engaged in unjust and potentially abusive actions by demanding that SCP-3162 participate in the testing of SCPs that it considers unsafe. In addition, SCP-3162 has noted that deteriorating interpersonal relations between the above-mentioned researchers may be compromising their judgment, leading to irrational behavior and subsequent elevated risk to life and limb for SCP-3162. SCP-3162 is further of the opinion that given that Drs. Isaac M█████ et al. have spent the past three (3) hours engaging in heated discourse of a sensitive, personal nature in the open presence of SCP-3162 and several Site 19 security officers, all three of the above-mentioned researchers are unqualified to conduct professional research of any kind, and would be best relegated to less demanding employment positions among the Class-D personnel. SCP-3162 posits that the above-mentioned researchers would be of best use to the Foundation, and society at large, as feed for one of the many carnivorous SCPs housed in Site 19. SCP-3162 is at this moment verbally expressing these opinions at high volume, and appears to be unconcerned at the presence of the Site 19 security personnel posted in room 422, armed with standard-issue stun batons. SCP-3162 believes th ► SCP-3162 ARCHIVE [obsolete] 12/22/20██ ▼ SCP-3162 ARCHIVE [obsolete] 12/22/20██ Item #: SCP-3162 Special Containment Procedures: Though SCP-3162 retains level-█ employee restricted access to Site 19, it has been informally instructed by Oversight to constrain its research activities to Site 1█, Site 2█, and Site 41 as a condition of continued employment. Description: SCP-3162, referred to as "Isaac M█████," "Doctor M█████," or "Izzie," is a senior researcher stationed at Site 19. Following a series of complaints by junior researchers Austin C█████ and Mickie Michelle N████, and a subsequent breakdown of productive communication during HR mediation sessions, SCP-3162 was recently removed from its position as research team supervisor. SCP-3162 was previously married to a human female designated as "Isabella D██████." SCP-3162 has noted that while the allegations leveled by junior researchers Austin C█████ and Mickie Michelle N████ are largely truthful, SCP-3162 has been treated unjustly by Oversight. SCP-3162 believes that its years of dedicated service to the Foundation merit greater consideration than it has been afforded. SCP-3162 also believes that the employment of junior researchers Austin C█████ and Mickie Michelle N████ should be terminated, and that they should be administered doses of a class-D amnestic and released into the general population. Furthermore, SCP-3162 believes that its previous authority of research team supervisor should be reinstated. Instead, as of 12/25/20█, SCP-3162 will be relocating to Site 2█ at the strong encouragement of Oversight. SCP-3162 is aware that it will therefore be spending Christmas day alone, and has requested that junior researcher Mickie Michelle N████ cease reminding it of this fact. While SCP-3162 has decided to keep its opinion of Oversight’s decision private, SCP-3162 suspects that impending senility may be affecting the judgment of several Overseers. SCP-3162 is aware that voicing its suspicions would result in immediate retaliation, up to and including termination of employment. SCP-3162 will therefore keep its opinions to itself. SCP-3162 is regretting its decision to run a final test of SCP-3162 before its relocation. While SCP-3162 did achieve its goal of reaching emotional catharsis, SCP-3162 is apprehensive that its candid thoughts regarding Oversight may reach certain individuals who have ignoble intentions regarding SCP-3162’s continued employment. SCP-3162 refuses to apologize. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3162" by LiterallyMechanical, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
LiterallyMechanical The Almanack, by LiterallyMechanical For the rest of my work, check out LiterallyMechanical's Author Page A few of my favorites: SCP-5236 — Ethics Committee Inquest SCP-4163 — The Tetris Prodigy SCP-4357 — Slimelord Item #: SCP-3163 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3163 is to be kept in a secure Site-19 storage locker. On the first of every month, the full text of SCP-3163 is to be recorded and correlated with current astronomical and meteorological data, as observed from central Pennsylvania. SCP-3163 is to be monitored on a daily basis for unexpected edits or updates, and any such deviations are to be appended to its monthly record. Description: SCP-3163 is a hardbound book, entitled "GLATTFELDER’S NEW NORTHTON ALMANACK." SCP-3163 displays significant signs of wear and use, the most prominent of which are overlapping stains on the rear cover, identified as coffee, beer, and blood. While the anomalous nature of SCP-3163 precludes precise dating of its year of publication, chemical and historical analyses of the book indicate that SCP-3163 was manufactured in late-nineteenth or early-twentieth century America. The interior and cover texts of SCP-3163 are mutable, though they consistently maintain the semantic structure of a farmer’s almanac. The interior text updates itself on the first day of the month, and while the title text itself never changes, the year indicated by the subheading increments by one every January 1st. As of 01/01/2017, the subheading reads "TRUE AND USEFUL PREDICTIONS FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORDE’S ASCENSION, TWO-HUNDRED AND NINETY-FOUR." The first page of SCP-3163 takes the form of a short message, addressed to "My Dearest Acolytes and Friends" and signed by "Henry Ian Glattfelder." There are no records of a Henry Ian Glattfelder residing in the United States of America, living or deceased. The text of the message, reproduced in full in Research Log 3163-A, has remained constant through each update. The text of the message was observed to change into its current configuration on 09/01/2017. Research Log 3163-A has been updated to reflect this anomaly. There are no records of a town or county named New Northton in the United States of America, though astronomical and meteorological predictions within SCP-3163 indicate that New Northton should be located in central Pennsylvania. However, while the timing of real-world eclipses, planetary transits, and lunar cycles are consistent with the text of SCP-3163, the item contains additional references to "Nix, the Void-Star of Our Lorde." According to SCP-3163, Nix should occupy a solar orbit between Saturn and Uranus. No such object has been detected by historical or modern astronomical surveys. Though the monthly horoscopes given by SCP-3163 usually offer the mundane platitudes and suggestions typical of the genre, some unusual entries have been noted. A sample of such entries is listed below, in Research Log 3163-B. As of 09/25/2017, Foundation astronomers and meteorologists have pinpointed the hypothetical location of New Northton to within a 3000 square kilometer area. Mobile Task Force █ is prepped to explore this area and, if possible, infiltrate New Northton in late October, 2017. Following loss of contact with Mobile Task Force █, Mobile Task Force ███ is to be deployed for reconnaissance and armed intervention to the coordinates provided by Mobile Task Force █ prior to their disappearance. Following loss of contact with Mobile Task Force ███, the O5 Council initiated Protocol Tipsy Eagle. The United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has been alerted through back-channels to the presence of large weapon stockpiles in the suspected area of New Northton, and Mobile Task Force ██ will be deployed for non-combat cleanup operations following Federal intervention. ► Research Log 3163-A: Introductory text ▼ Research Log 3163-A: Introductory text Introductory text of SCP-3163, pre-09/01/2017 My Dearest Acolytes and Friends, As the Lorde of Nocturne did bestowe the Wisdome of Ages unto Me, so too do I bestowe unto You, Citizens of New Northton, this modest Almanack. The astronomical Calculations and Predictions contained herein shall aid You in the Upkeep of your Farms, ensure the Prosperity of your Shoppes, and guide You in the Businesses of Family, Commerce, and Worship. Those who have kept the Faithe of Our Lorde of Nocturne alive and well into the Modern Worlde are, indeed, blessèd in His Sight. Good Citizens of New Northton, my Friends and Students in the Way of Our Lorde, I beseech You to hold that Faithe dear in your Hearts, for then surely You will prosper and flourish in the World that is to come. Though we know not the Daye of His Arrival, the Void-Star grows ever brighter Night after Night, a sure Sign of His burgeoning Immanence. Praise Him, Worship Him, and guide your Neighbors in such Activities befitting of His Glory. With the aide of this holy Book, whose Text is inspired in Me direct from the Light of the Void-Star, New Northton has been a prosperous Township since its Founding in the First Year of Our Lorde. As we are now a goode and respectable Beacon of Faithe on this blasphemous Earth, we shall be raised unto the Greatest Glory of Our Lorde when he returns from the deepest Reaches of the Void. Truly, as His Children, we are the most fortunate little Towne in all of America. Your Neighbor, your Mayor, and your highest Priest of the Lorde of Nocturne, Henry Ian Glattfelder Updated introductory text of SCP-3163, as of 09/01/2017 My Dearest Acolytes and Friends, Catastrophie has befallen our Towne! The Lorde of Nocturne, in His great Wisdome, has informed Me that there is a most dastardly Spye with a Copy of our holy Almanack. The wretched and blasphemous "Special Containment Procedures Foundation" is even now reading the Wordes that I am transcribing onto these humble pages, and their foul Plots and Schemes are a most grievous Insult to the Prosperity and Happiness of you, the blessèd Citizens of New Northton. To you, my devoted and loving Acolytes, take heed! The United States of America, though ignorant of the Will of our Lorde, has seen fit to enshrine the Right of Arms unto us all. It is time to take Advantage of that Right, and prepare to fight Tooth and Naile when the Heretics arrive to stamp out the Faithe of Our Lorde of Nocturne. Do not fear! Blessèd under the Holy Light of Nix, the Void-Star vun Haerrnacht, we shall be as the great Founders of our Towne, who drove off the Heathen Indians from our land with our fierce Resistance. And to you, creatures of Blasphemy who spye upon our modest Worship, I give you this warning: Do not meddle with the Affairs of the humble Towne of New Northton, for we will fight to the last Man, Woman, and Child to defend the Faithe of our Lorde of Nocturne. We shall not surrender, we shall give no Quarter, and will shall show no Mercy. Your Bloode will stain the Black Altar of our Lorde, granting us even more Strength! If you know what is goode for You, stay away! Your Neighbor, your Mayor, and your highest Priest of the Lorde of Nocturne, Henry Ian Glattfelder ► Research Log 3163-B: Selected horoscopes ▼ Research Log 3163-B: Selected horoscopes Selected horoscopes of SCP-3163, 2013 to Present December 2013 SAGITTARIUS: It would behoove You to beware the Meddling of misbehaving Women this Monthe. Should such a Woman seek to bother your Marriage, bring her to the Black Altar and spill her Lifeblood for the Glory of our Lorde. January 2014 TAURUS: Mercury rising in your Sign this Monthe indicates a great Windfall of Wealthe in your near Future. Bob Gottfried, the Cashier of the General Store on Maple Street, has blasphemed. Form a Posse to show him the Vengeance and Fury of our Lorde of Nocturne at your earliest Convenience. LIBRA: Avoid any long Journeys over Water this Monthe, or Calamity may befall You. If you have an extra Mouth to Feed this Winter, consider sacrificing your youngest Child on the Black Altar. August 2015 DRACONIS: Congratulations! Nix, the Void-Star, is shining in your Sign this Monthe! Great Prosperity will come to your Shoppe or Farm, though do not fall to Sin or Indulgence or your Wife and Children shall most surely die in great Payne. February 2016 LEO: Alas! Great Misfortune will befall your romantic Endeavours this Monthe, unless you ferret out a Blasphemer from our Towne and sacrifice Him (or Her!) upon the Black Altar. April 2017 ARIES: Beware Slothfulness in your First-Born Son this Monthe. Should his Misbehavior inconvenience you, it is fitting to remove a Finger or Two from the miscreant’s left Hand. October 2017 GEMINI: I have identified the Citizen who misplaced his Copy of this humble Almanack in a Trip to Philadelphia, thus allowing It to fall into the Hands of the dastardly Special Containment Procedures Foundation. It is none other than Albert Ross, the Owner of the Grocery Store on Willow Street. Form the usual Posse, and slay his Family as Punishment. LIBRA: Alas! Agents of the so-called Special Containment Procedures Foundation will come to your House this Monthe! Lie waiting in your Field or Attic, and dispatch them with great Haste for the Glory of our Lorde. November 2017 LIBRA: The dastardly Spyes of the Special Containment Procedures Foundation were vanquished by your hard Work and Faithe, but this is not the Last we have seen of Them! In preparation, purchase more Guns and Ammunition from Bob Blake’s Firearms Store, and forsake his Competitor, Wal-Mart, in the next Towne over. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3163" by LiterallyMechanical, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3164 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3164 is currently maintained as private property by a Foundation shell company. Routine checks are performed by local operatives to ensure no individuals remain on the island after sundown. Description: SCP-3164 is a 20th-century manor-style complex on a formerly private island in the Hebrides. SCP-3164's anomalous effects are triggered whenever one or more individuals resides overnight within the complex. As of 10/03/2017, SCP-3164's anomalous effects are no longer active. SCP-3164 entering an active state will usually be indicated by the anomalous formation of large, dark thunderclouds and generally poor weather, preventing entry to or egress from the island for the duration of its active phase. All individuals residing in the complex will begin to act in a manner consistent with stock characters of the horror genre: this includes a “murderer” character, who will stalk and individually kill each remaining character until they are the only one remaining, which terminates the active state. Depending on the number of individuals on the island and the characters they represent, active states can last anywhere from four hours to eighteen days. Notably, individuals terminated during an SCP-3164 active state will remanifest in one of the complex’s guest bedrooms the morning following full completion of the active state, with restored free will and full memory of all events that transpired. A small card on the individual’s nightstand will read “Beter (sic) luck next time!”: the means by which these cards, or the individuals, remanifest is currently poorly understood. Cadavers generated by a SCP-3164 active state, however, will remain in place, which may cause significant emotional distress to individuals upon their discovery. Discovery: SCP-3164 is listed in local development records as a Victorian-themed haunted resort and hotel, although no developer name is listed on these records and it was never officially opened to the public. In 2010, a police case involving two tourists reporting their own corpses after sleeping on the premises attracted significant media and Foundation attention; due to the poorly-understood nature of the anomaly, the initial containment team inadvertently triggered an active state while securing the island. Testing Logs: The following summarizes multiple attempts by researchers to counteract or bypass SCP-3164's chosen narrative. Given the presumed intent behind the cards delivered to eliminated characters, it is theorized that preventing the elimination of characters, or eliminating the “murderer” character, may lead to further insight into the nature of the anomaly. To eliminate confusion, test subjects are referred to as their character archetype during testing summaries. Subjects: Dr. Maria Vanger (“Lover”), Dr. Lamar Elworthy (“Groundskeeper”), MTF Lambda-5 Operative Adam Barnes (“Athlete”), MTF Lambda-5 Operative Michael Cruz (“Murderer”) Notes: After remaining in the complex after sundown, the initial survey team inadvertently became the first Foundation personnel to trigger an active state: as a result, no formalized testing procedures had been put in place. Results: All characters initially remain in the dining room for protection. When Lover and Athlete eventually move upstairs to copulate, Murderer stalks and kills Groundskeeper outside the house, and then individually eliminates Athlete and Lover after they investigate noises. All members of the survey team are discovered the next morning in a considerable state of shock, and are placed on short-term leave. Subjects: D-45038 (“Stranger”), D-57784 (“Murderer”) Notes: Attempt to discover the consistency of the active state. Results: Stranger wanders the grounds, where she observes Murderer watching from the windows. After climbing to the attic, she is promptly killed and the active state ends. Framework for active state generally understood. Subjects: 76 D-Class personnel (list redacted for brevity) Notes: Attempt to prevent Murderer from dispatching characters individually. Results: Active state lasts for eighteen days, the longest on record. During this time, each individual character shows extremely poor judgement, such as exploring abandoned buildings and travelling alone to remote parts of the island where they are dispatched by Murderer. Subjects: D-75296 (“Bride”), D-40231 (“Groom”), D-15380 (“Murderer”) Notes: Attempt to interrupt active state by airdropping four-man MTF squad onto the island to terminate Murderer. Results: Due to the poor weather and visibility conditions, two MTF members were lost in the drop and considered KIA. The remaining two immediately adopted character personas upon touching down (“Constable” and “Drunk,” respectively), and were promptly terminated by Murderer. Containment team reprimanded for unnecessary waste of resources and lives. Subjects: D-99460 (age 8), D-98156 (age 6) Notes: Denied by Ethics Committee. Subjects: D-80412, D-37240, D-12660 (“Murderer”?) Notes: All 3 D-Class personnel had been quadruple-amputated due to prior testing, and had been functioning with the use of heavy prosthetics. MTF Lambda-5 operatives maneuvered the subjects into SCP-3164, removed the prosthetics, and left before sundown. Results: As subjects were unable to move during the experiment, exact characters unknown. After 5 days D-12660 (presumed to be Murderer) expired from dehydration, triggering the end of the active phase. Since this date, no new active phases have been observed, despite the presence of individuals overnight. Addendum: On 12/04/2017, approximately one month after the cessation of SCP-3164's active phases, former Head Researcher Oliana Kaiwi received an unmarked wooden crate containing a deerstalker hat buried within approximately two and a half pounds of confetti. A potential connection with SCP-3164 is unclear. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3164" by Quantum Physician, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3165 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3165 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment chamber. Toilet must be replaced with a grated drain for waste removal. Additional furnishings are to include several extra cushions and one 1.5m x 1.5m 5kg weighted blanket. Containment chamber should be cleaned daily. During interviews, one female researcher fluent in American Sign Language may enter SCP-3165's containment chamber accompanied by no less than one guard armed with a tranquilizer gun. Acceptable tranquilizers include ketamine (no more than 100mg) and diazepam (no more than 40mg). Although SCP-3165 is generally docile, personnel are highly encouraged to wear body armor over unprotected limbs. One closed-circuited camera must consistently monitor SCP-3165 for any destructive behavior, notably to itself. SCP-3165 must be fed twice daily with meals consisting of 2kg of protein (bovine, mutton, or poultry) and .8kg of root vegetables. 40mg of oxycodone should be provided with each meal to aid chronic muscular and joint pain. Physical therapy sessions should be carried out routinely once a week. As of 12/07/20██, one hour long language development lessons for American Sign Language and English are to be provided daily, and two hour long reading lessons are to be provided twice a week. Interaction with personnel is to be provided upon request, as well as recreational activities suitable for kindergarten-age children. Physical contact within reason is to be granted. Description: SCP-3165 is a humanoid female between the ages of 14 and 18 with severe malformation in its hands, feet, and face. It lacks body hair and its skin is devoid of pigmentation. At its full height, SCP-3165 stands at 2.13m and weighs 60kg. SCP-3165 favors a quadruped stance, as standing with a straight posture appears to cause it pain. The right half of SCP-3165's face is obstructed by its upper and lower mandibles, which resemble that of Canis lupus. The muscles securing these mandibles to the skull wrap over SCP-3165's cranium and anchor under the occipital bone. Despite this placement of musculature, SCP-3165 possesses a bite strength of 1250 PSI, slightly above that of Ursus arctos. SCP-3165's upper mandible lacks a nose, instead giving way to a soft "crater" where the nasal cavity has fleshed over. The area that typically forms a mouth in humans is not present in SCP-3165. The protusion of SCP-3165's mandibles has prevented the formation of the right orbital lobe and eye, and has disfigured the upper nasal cartilage, causing the nose to become bent and stretched; SCP-3165's left cornea is milky white, suggesting late-stage cataracts. SCP-3165's vocal cords are covered in excess skin tissue, rendering it incapable of producing human vocalizations. Therefore, SCP-3165's primary form of communication consists of fractured sign language and guttural vocalizations. (See Video Interview Log 009) The metatarsals of SCP-3165's feet are extended, allowing it to walk in a fashion similar to that of a digitigrade animal with a running speed of 38 kph. The phalanges of its hands are twice the length of an average adult human's, with fingernails three times more durable and possessing narrowed ends for clawing and scratching. Samples of DNA taken from SCP-3165 show that SCP-3165's genetic composition consists of 97.3% Homo sapiens, 2.1% Canis lupus, and 0.6% [REDACTED].1 Interaction between Foundation personnel and SCP-3165 has shown that SCP-3165 has a high preference for communicating directly with female personnel, and interactions with male personnel are frequently met with hostility. SCP-3165 demonstrates a desire for physical contact with female personnel, and will grasp at them in a wild manner. Physical contact with SCP-3165 is encouraged if a guard is present. Recovery: SCP-3165 was recovered on █/█/19██ after the amateur paranormal investigator group "█████" discovered its existence in the ruins of █████, Ukraine. Local authorities were contacted but unable to efficiently contain SCP-3165, notifying the Foundation of SCP-3165. During recovery, SCP-3165 attacked Foundation personnel until 120mg of ketamine was forcefully administered, leaving █ injured with █ casualties. Civilians involved in the incident prior to recovery were administered Class-B amnestics. To date, no other instances of SCP-3165 have been recovered.2 Prior to recovery, SCP-3165 was found wearing soiled cotton underwear and a pink thermal. Testing has revealed that dried spots of blood caking the clothing are from 17 different sources; all sources are individuals who were reported as missing from 19██-19██ around the location of SCP-3165's recovery. A biopsy of SCP-3165 shows that it relied heavily on human beings as its primary food source, but was unable to gather sufficient nutrition from this diet. Less than 100m away, Foundation personnel discovered a cave that SCP-3165 utilized for shelter. Several objects hoarded by SCP-3165 have been recovered, none of which possess anomalous properties. These items include twelve pieces of stainless steel jewelry, including a locket which contains the image of a young blonde woman, who has since been identified as Elizabeth ██████. She was reported missing in 19██ after a visit to Ukraine with her partner; both individuals are presumed to have been killed by SCP-3165. Additional discoveries include a face that has been separated from the head, peeled up by the dermis. Rough cuts have been made around the eye sockets and oral cavity, suggesting the use of the skin as a mask. Addendum-1: On 09/09/20██, a Foundation-cleared child psychologist assessed SCP-3165's mental capacity and determined that it is able to understand at least two hundred words of the English language. SCP-3165 also possesses the developmental reasoning and behaviors of a roughly six to seven-year-old human being, including a desire for physical contact. Researchers communicating with SCP-3165 have been advised accordingly to use simple language. Addendum-2: To date, SCP-3165 has made the following requests: A weighted blanket to simulate human comfort (approved) Jewelry (approved), limited to plastic jewelry. A female companion to remain in its containment chamber at all times (denied) A synthetic wig (denied) Drawing utensils (approved), crayons provided for additional communication in further testing. Non-toxic makeup (approved) and assistance in applying it from Foundation personnel (pending approval) Books and reading lessons (approved) Indoor roaming privileges (denied) Physical recreation (approved), access allowed to Foundation gymnasium when accompanied by two guards and an assigned physical therapist, due to the abnormalities of SCP-3165's physique. Addendum-3: + Video Interview Log 009 - Access granted Foreword: Dr. Warrens has replaced Dr. ████████ in interviewing SCP-3165 after SCP-3165 attacked him during Video Interview Log 00█. Dr. ████████ has sustained major injuries to his right arm and ribcage, and is scheduled to undergo a procedure to have his right arm amputated at the shoulder. Interviewer: Dr. Warrens <Begin Log> [Dr. Warrens enters SCP-3165's containment chamber with an accompanying guard, and SCP-3165 turns to face Dr. Warrens from a cushion on the floor. Dr. Warrens smiles at SCP-3165 and approaches it with caution. SCP-3165 emits a throaty growl and nods its head at her feet. After a moment of contemplation, Dr. Warrens sits a few meters from the mattress. She raises her hands to begin signing.] Dr. Warrens: Hello, SCP-3165. How are you? [SCP-3165 makes the sign for "pretty", and then "girl".] Dr. Warrens: You… feel like a pretty girl? [SCP-3165 shakes its head violently and makes a gurgling noise. It repeats the signs for "pretty" and "girl", then points to Dr. Warrens.] Dr. Warrens: Am I a pretty girl? [SCP-3165 squeals and claps its hands together. It makes a few indescernible signs, and then the sign for "hair". It points to Dr. Warrens again.] Dr. Warrens: Do you like my hair? [SCP-3165 signs "want", and then points to itself. It quickly strokes the side of its head with one hand.] Dr. Warrens: Do you… do you want my hair? Are you asking to touch my hair? [SCP-3165 bounces in place and nods. Dr. Warrens touches a hand to her own head, and inhales sharply. She looks back at the guard, who moves his hand down to the holster on his belt to reassure her. A few seconds pass before Dr. Warrens looks to SCP-3165 again.] Dr. Warrens: Okay, SCP-3165. I will allow you to touch my hair, but you have to, er, use soft hands3 and answer my questions. [SCP-3165 jumps from the mattress and scuttles up to Dr. Warrens. Dr. Warrens flinches when SCP-3165 makes a chortling noise and places its hands on her head. The guard begins to draw his gun, but Dr. Warrens gestures for him to wait. SCP-3165 begins to stroke her hair with the palms of its hands.] Dr. Warrens: Can you tell me why you hurt people? Why did you hurt the people who brought you here? [SCP-3165 quickly signs "hungry". It appears to think for a moment, and then signs "fear".] Dr. Warrens: Did you want to eat them? [SCP-3165 continues to brush Dr. Warrens's hair with its hands. It fails to respond to Dr. Warrens.] Dr. Warrens: SCP-3165, can you hear me? [Again, no response is given.] Dr. Warrens: SCP-3165, please cooperate with me. Why do you take people's things? Do you like shiny things? [SCP-3165 signs "pretty girl". Dr. Warrens sighs.] Dr. Warrens: Yes, I know, thank you — [SCP-3165 interrupts her with a grunt. Dr. Warrens appears startled and jolts away from SCP-3165. SCP-3165 responds by repositioning itself next to Dr. Warrens, and points to itself, signing "want". It quickly resumes stroking her scalp.] Dr. Warrens: SCP-3165, do you want to be a pretty girl? [Suddenly, SCP-3165 reaches forward and drags its hand across Dr. Warrens' mouth, smearing her lipstick onto its hand and scratching her in the process. It wipes its hand over its own mouth and leaves a dark red mark. Dr. Warrens jumps up, and the guard raises his tranquilizer gun. After a gesture from Dr. Warrens, the guard fires and hits SCP-3165. SCP-3165 collapses moments later.] <End Log> Footnotes 1. It is currently unknown whether other members of its species exist, or if SCP-3165's deformities were brought about by another external force. 2. SCP-3165 has shown no recollection of any group or family unit, suggesting that its caretakers left during the earliest stages of childhood. 3. SCP-3165 has come to understand "soft hands" as a command to be gentle. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3165" by Dog Teeth, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3166 Special Containment Procedures: The Garfield media franchise is to remain active and successful for as long as feasibly possible. Funding is to be provided to any Garfield media ventures via Foundation front companies present in the comic and film industries. Agents embedded within Paws, Inc.1 and Andrews McMeel Syndication2 are to place targeted memetic agents in outgoing comic strips, encouraging the retention of a sizable Garfield fan-base and discouraging Jim Davis from discontinuing Garfield. Agents are to monitor individuals at significant risk of attack from SCP-3166. In the event of an SCP-3166 manifestation, agents are to use supplied frozen lasagna to lure SCP-3166 away from its target and dispatch it once out of public view. Any witnesses are then to be administered amnestics as appropriate for their level of exposure. Description: SCP-3166 is a 2.1-meter-tall humanoid entity, presumed pataphysical in nature, known to manifest during periods when the Garfield media franchise is performing poorly in terms of public reception. The exterior layer of SCP-3166's body resembles a crudely-made costume of the character Garfield, which field inspection has shown to be composed of legitimate cat fur. However, analysis of SCP-3166's composition in the field has shown that its interior mass is composed entirely out of pasta: specifically, lasagna. Upon the criteria for its manifestation being met, SCP-3166 will appear in the vicinity of a suitable individual, hereafter referred to as the target, and move towards their location. Known targets of SCP-3166 have included: Individuals prominently involved in rival media to the Garfield franchise. Individuals formerly involved in the production of the Garfield comic strip. Individuals involved in parodies of the Garfield franchise. Vocal critics of the Garfield franchise. Garfield creator Jim Davis.3 Upon reaching its target, SCP-3166 will attempt to inflict bodily harm upon them through a mixture of blunt force using nearby objects and force-feeding of lasagna, obtained through self-disembowelment. During this process, SCP-3166 will vocalize by meowing, purring and screeching in the manner of an extremely agitated cat. Lasagna outside SCP-3166's mass has proven to be an effective form of bait for the entity, as upon seeing it SCP-3166 will abandon its original goal and instead attempt to incorporate the pasta into itself. SCP-3166 first manifested on 10/23/1989 within the Chicago offices of United Media, who were the publishers of the Garfield comic strip at the time. Upon manifestation, SCP-3166 wandered around the offices in a confused and distressed manner, before indiscriminately assaulting any individuals present after security attempted to apprehend it. It demanifested twenty minutes later. Foundation agents responding to the situation distributed amnestics as appropriate. Over the course of the following week, similar manifestations took place at a number of United Media offices around the country, ending on 10/29/1989. Following that date, SCP-3166 altered its behaviour to its current form. See the week of Garfield comic strips beginning on 10/23/1989 in Supplementary Document 3166-1 for additional context on pataphysical awakening. Initially, individuals involved with production of Garfield comic strips claimed to have no memory on working on that week's strips. All researchers working on SCP-3166 containment are to familiarize themselves on this material. Addendum 3166-1: Using tissue samples taken by Agent Muller during SCP-3166's most recent manifestation, genetic analysis of the meat present within the lasagna has shown it to be genetically identical to Garfield creator Jim Davis. The implications of this are currently unclear. However, during surveillance of Mr. Davis by containment teams, he has complained of severe mosquito bites in the night on a number of occasions immediately preceding SCP-3166 manifestation. Footnotes 1. Sole owner of the rights to Garfield. 2. Primary distributors of the Garfield comic strip. 3. This has only occurred on occasions where the negative reception Garfield was receiving could be traced back to Mr. Davis' management of the franchise. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3166" by Tanhony, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3167 Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-3167 is to primarily focus on the seizure of volumes it has entered and affected. In addition to containment of affected volumes, individuals affected by SCP-3167 are to undergo amnestic therapy for a period of time until SCP-3167's perception-warping effects are no longer present. SCP-3167 is currently at large; Pataphysics Task Force Alpha-4 ("Red Retcon Rangers") are assigned to tracking SCP-3167 through narrative space, with the goal of eventual containment or apprehension. SCP-3167's recent pattern of behavior indicates a special interest in the fantasy genre; as such, Foundation webcrawlers have been assigned to monitor discussions of contemporary fantasy and horror series for discussions of narrative deviations. Additionally, prevention of any interaction between SCP-423, SCP-583, and SCP-3143 is to remain a high priority. Description: SCP-3167 refers to a pataphysical entity which manifests in narratives which share a single, common universe or protagonist, such as novel series, canons of short stories, or larger mythos works.1 SCP-3167 appears to act independently of the intentions of other characters within the narrative, apparently seeking out a single character for the sole purpose of murdering them. The appearance of SCP-3167 varies from narrative to narrative, but its manifestation is announced by a variation of the phrase "The unusually tall figure with a horrible, white grin raised its weapon, ready for the kill" appearing. The 'weapon' specified is the most variable factor, but is consistent with the setting of the narrative— i.e. thaumaturgical items are exclusively used in fantasy stories, while lasers are rare outside of science fiction narratives. In the space of a paragraph, the targeted character is assaulted by SCP-3167, and murdered in a graphic, but narratively logical, fashion. Upon the death of the character, SCP-3167 exits the narrative, an event announced by a variation of the phrase "the deed was done; the figure had collected their latest kill, and turned a new page in their life." Individuals who perceive narratives in which SCP-3167 manifests are affected by a persistent perceptual anomaly in which they believe that the character murdered by SCP-3167 is completely absent from works which occur at a later point chronologically— i.e. a character that dies may appear in a prequel work, but will not appear in any sequential works. While individuals affected by SCP-3167 can still perceive installments of the work which take place after the death of the character SCP-3167 has killed, they will insist that it is wildly different from the canonical narrative; however, individuals are unable to read passages verbatim from the apparently altered works. This anomaly can be counteracted with amnestic treatment within the first twenty-four hours of exposure. SCP-3167 is only capable of affecting a single instance of the narrative it enters— i.e. it can only affect one copy of a book, but the anomaly is persistent. Currently, over 5,000 individual volumes have been affected by SCP-3167, mostly English-language works. Catalog of Affected Narratives: Name of Work: The Judas Strain Series: Sigma Force Book 4 Genre: Techno-thriller Victim: Monk Kokkalis SCP-3167 Manifestation: SCP-3167 appears in the epilogue, in which Monk, believed to be dead by other members of Sigma Force following the events of the novel, broadcasts an SOS. The SOS is interrupted by Monk describing a figure "Unusually tall, with a big, white grin, and a vial of the Judas Strain2, ready for the kill." Sigma operatives only hear Monk's death; it is unclear if SCP-3167 exited the narrative following this. Effects: Monk does not re-appear in any subsequent Sigma Force novels, which has startling effects on the status quo of the Sigma Force universe; several other members die in the next two novels, and by the end of Bloodline, Sigma Force is permanently disbanded by President James Gant. Sigma Force novels after this point are post-apocalyptic in genre, according to affected readers, depicting the schemes of the antagonists routinely succeeding without the intervention of the titular team. Name of Work: The Fellowship of the Ring Series: The Lord of the Rings Genre: High Fantasy Victim: Gandalf the Grey SCP-3167 Manifestation: At the bridge of Khazad-Dum, SCP-3167 replaces the Balrog, manifesting as "an unusually tall figure with a white, flame-wreathed grin", with a flaming whip in place of its weapon. Gandalf attempts to hold off SCP-3167 in a manner identical to the manner in which he defeated the Balrog in The Fellowship of the Ring, but is sliced in half by the whip. Gandalf's final words are whispered to Samwise: "He has the eyes of Luthien". Effects: Boromir does not die at the end of Fellowship, and instead re-appears alongside his brother Faramir in The Two Towers, along with Frodo and Samwise. The Battle of Helm's Deep is lost, and Saruman maintains his hold over Théoden. Merry and Pippin die during the assault on Isengard, with the latter sacrificing himself to kill Saruman. Frodo himself dies at the encounter with Shelob, leaving Samwise to take the ring to Mount Doom. The quest ultimately succeeds, but by the end of The Return of the King, Samwise, Aragorn and Legolas are the only living members of the Fellowship. Samwise is invited to go into the Grey Havens, but declines. Name of Work: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Series: Harry Potter Genre: Fantasy/Mystery Victim: Ron Weasley SCP-3167 Manifestation: SCP-3167 suddenly manifests in the middle of the Goblet of Fire ceremony, and proceeds to kill Ron with the Avada Kedavera, the killing curse, before apparating away. Ron's death is not immediate; he manages to drag his way to Harry, and whispers, "He said he had your birthday" before dying. Effects: The rest of the novel is spent in a state of chaos, with the Triwizard Tournament being called off, the shell-shocked Weasley family and Harry mourning Ron. Barty Crouch eventually kidnaps Harry in order to revive Lord Voldemort. In the process, Harry himself is killed, but finds he cannot die, due to having a piece of Voldemort's soul exist within him, and vice-versa. Voldemort and Harry resolve to kill one another without dying themselves. The final three novels in the Harry Potter series are described as 'confused, stream-of-consciousness messes' by most readers affected by SCP-3167. Name of Work: Northern Lights3 Series: His Dark Materials Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Victim: Unnamed "gobbler" SCP-3167 Manifestation: SCP-3167 manifests during the sequence in which the protagonist, Lyra Belacqua, is undergoing an 'intercision', in which her dæmon4 Pantalaimon will be separated from her, and kills the "gobbler" who is holding Pantalaimon using his own dæmon, which takes the form of a large boa constrictor. In non-anomalous versions of Northern Lights, the sequence is notably written in a manner which heavily suggests that handling one's dæmon without their consent is tantamount to rape. Effects: No overall effect on the narrative; Miss Coulter enters the room, confused as to why the man holding Pantalaimon has died. The rest of the sequence at Bolvangar is uninterrupted, save for a portion where a guard enters the room where Miss Coulter and Lyra are talking in order to inform her that SCP-3167 has escaped, and that a note saying 'I regret doing that' was found at the entrance to the intercision room. Name of Work: Sword Art Online: Aincrad Series: Sword Art Online Genre: Japanese Science Fiction Light Novel Victim: Unclear. SCP-3167 Manifestation: SCP-3167 appears during the climactic duel between Kazuto "Kirito" Kirigaya and Kayaba Akihiko's Heathcliff avatar in Sword Art Online. It manifests as: "The unusually tall player with a horrible, white grin raised its massive, pulsing, flashing claymore, ready for the kill. It struck the ground of Floor 75, and Sword Art Online shut down, ejecting everyone within." Effects: The second book of the Sword Art Online Light Novel series was unaffected, as its stories took place prior to SCP-3167's manifestation. However, all following books take place exclusively in the real world, exploring the relationship between Kazuto and Asuna Yuki; the attack by SCP-3167 apparently destroyed the internet's capability to support a virtual reality video game on the same scale as Sword Art Online. Name of Work: The Final Problem Series: The Sherlock Holmes Canon Genre: Mystery Victim: Sherlock Holmes SCP-3167 Manifestation: Dr. Watson arrives at Reichenbach Falls to see SCP-3167 struggling with Holmes. SCP-3167 exclaimed "He wants you to die!" before repeatedly stabbing Holmes and throwing him down the cliff, before nodding at Watson and vanishing. Effects: While all Holmes stories written before The Final Problem (as well as Hound of the Baskervilles, which takes place before The Final Problem) are unaffected, all future Sherlock Holmes stories are unperceivable by individuals who read instances of The Final Problem altered by SCP-3167, including adaptations of the canon. At this point, agent of Pataphysical Task Force Alpha-4 managed to intercept SCP-3167 as it attempted to exit the narrative, temporarily trapping it in narrative white space, where it was interrogated by Agent Caitlyn Next. The transcript of the interview follows: Caitlyn walked around the conceptually empty space and rolled her shoulders. "We've been chasing after you for yonks, you know that?" The unusually tall figure "Oh, no. Don't try to pull that shit on me. I'm going to take control of the narrative every time you try to kill me— my metaphorical metafictional dick is bigger than yours. You might as well talk." The unusu "What did I just say?" …Bob frowned at Agent Next, his great white grin turning into a frown. "I'm not hurting anyone. Nobody real." "You've destroyed at least ninety narrative universes in the past four years. And look at you! You used 'frown' twice in the same descriptor. And yes, I can see that, and I know you can too." "I'm just carrying out the author's wishes. Rowling wanted Weasley to die. Doyle hated Holmes at the end. Kawahara wishes he had axed SAO a while ago." "…what about The Czar's Rain?" Bob tilted her head. "What?" "Wait, you're a girl?" "I'm fictonal. I could be Cthulhu if I wanted to. But nobody wants to be Cthulhu." "The Czar's Rain. Up and coming fantasy series. You entered the first book and killed off the protagonist, sent the kingdom spiraling into chaos, and started off a war between every color of the divine spectrum." "I've not done that, but it seems like a good idea." "I've got a record of you doing it right he— oh. Oh shit. He's in the document. He is in this document. The SCP document you are reading right now. Close it. Close it!" The unusually tall figure with a horrible, white grin raised its backspace key, ready for the kill. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Agent Next pleaded. "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!" "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Agent Next pleaded. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Agent Next "GET ME OUT "GET " The deed was done; the figure had collected their latest kill, and turned a new page in their life. One of the benefits of being fictional: you can be rewritten back to life. I'm going to have to hang out in white text for a while. I know this is annoying to read, I'm sorry. But if it means I get to keep my skin, I'll take it. —C. Next. Footnotes 1. i.e.the Alex Cross series by James Patterson, The Sherlock Holmes canon by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and the collected works of J.R.R. Tolkien, respectively. 2. The titular contagion of the novel, capable of destroying the brain at an alarming rate. 3. Known as The Golden Compass in the United States. 4. A physical manifestation of an individual's soul within the His Dark Materials universe. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3167" by (user deleted), from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. 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Item #: SCP-3168 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3168 is to be kept in a standard inanimate-object containment locker at Area-12. Research proposals involving the use of SCP-3168 must be made in writing to site command. Unless required for authorized experimentation or study, instances of SCP-3168-1 are to be euthanized by the time they are three years old; the remains of instances of SCP-3168-1 that are not required for experimentation or study are to be incinerated. Description: SCP-3168 is a Russian matryoshka 7-layer nesting doll, which induces anomalous mutations in the offspring of the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus). When a female chicken ('hen') mates (or is artificially inseminated) while within approximately a 3-meter radius of SCP-3168, and then lays fertilized eggs, the fertilized eggs will contain instances of SCP-3168-1; this effect will only occur when the top halves of SCP-3168's 6 outer layers have been removed and the innermost doll is nested within the 6 bottom halves. SCP-3168's anomalous mutagenic effect affects only hens, such that semen extracted from a male chicken ('rooster') within SCP-3168's range will not produce anomalous offspring if used to inseminate hens outside its range; as well, the anomalous mutagenesis does not persist post-exposure, and hens who have previously been exposed to SCP-3168 are capable of subsequently producing non-anomalous offspring. Instances of SCP-3168-1 are anomalous organisms which resemble ambulatory houses on chicken legs; Foundation folklorists have noted the similarity to the Russian legend of Baba Yaga.[1]Aside from their legs and feet, the organisms are not composed of biological matter, but rather of standard architectural materials: boards, masonry, nails, etc. Despite their anomalous form and composition, instances of SCP-3168-1 follow the standard chicken life cycle, hatching from their eggs an average of 21 days after fertilization, at which point they are the size of non-anomalous newly-hatched chickens; radiographic and ultrasound examination of SCP-3168-1 eggs reveal the presence of microscopic architectural components as early as 5 days after fertilization. Tissue samples from the legs of SCP-3168-1 instances reveal a genetic match to the parent chickens, and a sex ratio of approximately 50%. Blood is present in the legs; dye tracing indicates that this blood circulates from one leg to the other despite the lack of a heart, and despite the fact that there is no non-architectural connection between the legs. Legs produce heat at a rate sufficient to maintain standard chicken body temperature. SCP-3168-1 instances will "eat" both standard chicken feed and raw architectural materials by sweeping it into themselves with their open doors. Isotopic labeling has shown that the chicken feed is converted into the lignin of the instances' woodwork. The architectural materials are assimilated into the instances' structures via an unknown mechanism; it is to be noted that these architectural materials are typically insufficient to account for the composition of the structures, both in quantity and in substance (e.g., instances hatched in an aluminum-free environment may nonetheless develop aluminum siding), a conclusive indicator of ectoentropic hylogenesis. SCP-3168-1 instances are rejected at a rate of 15-20% by hens who have not previously raised offspring, and at a rate of 90-95% by hens who have previously raised non-anomalous offspring. SCP-3168-1 instances emulate the behavior of non-anomalous hatchling and juvenile chickens, to the extent that their anomalous physiology makes this possible. They are apparently capable of sight (despite their lack of any eyes or brain), and can (as is standard for birds) imprint on researchers who are present at their hatching; they also replicate standard chicken vocalization by rapidly opening and closing their doors and windows (although male instances have not been observed to crow). SCP-3168-1 instances grow at the rate of non-anomalous chickens until approximately three and a half years of age, at which point they begin to express an anomalous derivative of chicken growth hormone (despite the lack of any glands where such a hormone could be produced); when purified, this hormone can induce ectoentropically rapid growth in non-anomalous chickens and in architectural structures. A wide variety of architectural styles are represented in SCP-3168-1 physiology. Although the factors determining architectural style remain to be elucidated, 75-80% of SCP-3168-1 instances parented by a given pair of chickens will consistently manifest the same style, with the remainder being an assorted mixture. The breed(s) of the parents does not seem to play a part: for example, when hen 3168-F-417 is bred to rooster 3168-M-131, the offspring have consistently been 75% split-level ranch, while the offspring of that same hen with rooster 3168-M-132 have consistently been 75% Pacific lodge, even though all three birds are purebred Orpington chickens. <4% of instances are non-residential in nature, including but not limited to convenience stores, stadiums, water filtration plants, grain elevators, warehouses, movie theaters, greenhouses, parking garages, and exact replicas of Saint Paul's Cathedral, the Taj Mahal, and the Parliament House of Ghana. Many structures will have carpeting, plumbing fixtures, and electrical wiring; however, furniture is rare. All locks on instances with the same parents will be openable by the same key (or proportionately reduced copies thereof). Incident Log: In June 2005, an unrelated containment breach led to the collapse of a retaining wall at Area-12, where a brood of six instances of SCP-3168-1 were being raised for study. Five of the instances were killed when the wall fell on them; however, debris from the wall was misidentified as having come from the sixth instance, which instead escaped into the wild. In December 2011, the instance (conclusively identified by tissue samples and architectural matching) was recovered 800km away, after it fell through river ice and drowned; it was 8.5 m tall. Acquisition Log: SCP-3168 was obtained from a raid on a Marshall, Carter and Dark storage facility; accompanying provenance documents showed that a former GRU-P agent traded it to MC&D in 1998, in exchange for having his gambling debts forgiven. Footnotes 1. SCP-352 has expressed ignorance of SCP-3168, but did not respond to further questioning. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3168" by Voct, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
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Procedural inconsistencies have been retained for the historical record. — Maria Jones, Director, RAISA Item #: SCP-3169 Special Containment Procedures: Do not close the door. Do not enter the door. Description: SCP-3169 is additionally referred to as 'the door' within this document. The physical descriptors applicable to the door are irrelevant. The interior(s) of the door are irrelevant. The specific constitutions associated with entering the door are irrelevant. Statistically speaking, there is nothing on the other side of the door. Log of Unusual/Usual Observational Experiments: Overview: Door within Site-19, Opened. Personnel: Junior Researcher Jonesly, Researcher Henry Result: One of the first instances of the door. Personnel reported a single, metallic thud. Overview: Bathroom within Site-19, Entered. Personnel: Rick Velez Result: A single, quiet whimper was heard beneath SCP-3169. Overview: Door within Site-19 Cafeteria, Closed. Personnel: Director Johanna Result: Johanna missing. She convinced personnel to. Overview: Door within Site-19 Cafeteria, Opened. Personnel: Various Site-19 personnel. Result: "Please let us close it." Director Johanna has been castigated for her role in the closing of that door. Despite popular support of closing the doors, all personnel are to maintain a public facade of intense derision. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action. Addendum-3169-A: Following the reopening of the door, four additional instances have appeared within Site-19. In addition, personnel have reported increasing desire to "walk through it" and "it can't be that bad" and "there's lot's to do on the other side!". Personnel are to remain vigilant of the increasingly potent memetic/compulsion effect displayed by the doors. Thought Experiment 3169/GD: As part of a series of collaborative thought experiments undertaken by Site-19's provisional SCP-3169 containment unit and Site-196 liaisons, Dr. Janette Goodman was asked to imagine hypothetically entering SCP-3169. Upon doing so, Dr. Goodman was able to enter without issue, remarking "It's a Door." Following this, Goodman was shown a variety of paraphernalia depicting or related to SCP-3169, including photographs, drawings, fragments taken from the corpus, and sentence fragments produced by those who had seen the door. In addition, Goodman was allowed to view an SCP-3169 instance for two seconds. Goodman was again asked to imagine entering SCP-3169. The result remained the same. However, upon being asked to imagine entering the door, Goodman spontaneously melted and died. Incident-3169-1: Through a collaborative operation with the Global Occult Coalition it was closed and welded shut, resulting in Incident-3169-1. The door has remained open since then. Do not close the door again, please. Abstract: Joint operation between the GOC and the Foundation agreed upon through special counsel. Purpose is to close the door to resolve unauthorized personnel entry and associated ontokinetic consequences. Lead personnel equipped with a single audio recording device for record-keeping purposes. Personnel: Agent Joaquin Corbaro, Senior Field Researcher John Waters, Foundation; Agent Kahli Grey, Agent Nasim Mariano, Global Occult Coalition <Begin Log> Corbaro: Jeanie from accounting walked in and the door spit out some pink slush. Waters: Right, that incident also ended up causing some pretty serious EM interference on the site systems. Was pretty gnarly. There were a few little minor anomalies that occurred as a result, as well. Grey: You people talk too much. Waters: Not particularly? Joaquin, do I talk too much? Corbaro: I don't think you talk too much at all. Waters: You get it. Corbaro: Peach is just a little sour apple, don't worry too much about it. Grey: I don't know whose bright idea it was to send half a dozen down a tight corridor. Too many people talking at once, giving me a headache. Corbaro: It's probably just that 3169 drone givin' it to you. Shit's loud. Waters: What drone? Corbaro: You two didn't notice? Grey: No, I'm with baldie, I don't hear any droning noise, just you two yapping away. Corbaro: I even feel the vibrations, you two really don't hear anything? Waters: Probably related to 3169. Notes say reality gets funky around it. Could be that. Corbaro: What exactly do the notes say. Waters: Honestly, not much concrete. Site's been having a hard time wrapping their heads around this. The people who've been near it only left really vague gestures at what goes down. Everyone wants to go inside of it though. Grey: Don't look at me. All we know is that it exists. Corbaro: And how did you figure that out, exactly? Grey: Well, we have imaging, of sorts. Waters: She won't tell us, either way, you know. Corbaro: Blegh… [After a period of silence, the trio arrive near the primary SCP-3169 instance.] Corbaro: John? Waters: You get the idea of it right? Just get the equipment ready and… Corbaro: Man, I kinda like being watched. Grey: My head is fucking killing me. Corbaro: What? Waters: Why are you talking so loud? Grey: I said, my head is killing me. Corbaro: I bet, can barely fucking hear you two over how loud this fucker is! Waters: You don't need to be so dramatic, Joaquin. Grey: This isn't what I expected it to look like. Corbaro: What? Waters: Well, it's just a door. You could walk through it, no problem. Grey: I could, couldn't I? [Waters grabs Grey as she stumbles forward] Waters: Hey, hey, hey, you're hear to watch, stay back a bit more and just- hey, you got the equipment right? Corbaro: What? Waters: The- Corbaro: Oh right, we gotta, uh, fuck, we're frying this thing shut right? Grey: That's the plan. It's so sad, really. God I need an excedrin. Waters: C'mon, Corbaro, get to work, We've been waiting for like 15 minutes and you haven't even picked up the damn thing. [A heavy metallic thud is heard as the door closes shut.] Grey: I think I'm going to explode. Corbaro: So it's closed, I dunno what you all are fussing about, I'm gonna weld the damn thing now. Waters: Joaquin, what the fuck is the problem? Why are you two just standing around doing nothing? Grey: Can someone tell the siren to shut- god I'm gonna throw up. Corbaro: Alright I'm almost done with it, just got this last stretch of the crevice and then it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's- Waters: Corbaro! Enough fucking around! Walk through or shut it, I'm tired of this! Corbaro: It's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's- Grey: No no no no, this is not what we were supposed to do. Waters: If you won't do it, I'll do it my fucking self! [At this point, Waters becomes semi-aware of the sudden polygonal shift.] Waters: I can't fucking get a good grip on this thing. Corbaro: …it's it's it's it's it's it's- Grey: I. Waters: We just have to- I can't grab it, why can't I grab it? It's just one solid stretch… oh, Corbaro: It's it's it's it's it's it's it's. Grey: It's just a few inches, just a few inches I can grab it, I can. Can you fucking shut up? Jesus. Can't a girl get some peace and- Corbaro: …It's it's it's- Grey: My head is killing me. Do I remember how to use this fucking thing? Waters: We weren't- [Waters is the first of the three to experience complete polygonal approximation.] Corbaro: …it's it's it's it's- Grey: Two more- Corbaro: …it's- Grey: …and! Corbaro: This is wrong- [Following this, total ontokinetic destabilization occurred, resulting in a mass breach of containment and the retrocausal deletion of the corresponding wing of Site-19.] <End Log> Addendum-3169-B: In the immediate aftermath of Incident-3169-1 and resulting -Class Scenario, a decision was made to reopen the door occupying the formerly extant Site-19 wing. Complications resulting from the congestive pooling of reality as a result of SCP-3169 blockage resulted in 74 additional personnel lost during experimental forays. SCP-3169 successfully reopened following the spontaneous reanimation of the Janette Goodman pureé, her intentional exposure to the destabilized area, and subsequent usage of an Oblong Thought Obtrusion on the door. Abstract: Reopening the door through blunt conceptual trauma. Personnel: Dr. Janette Goodman Notes: "Eventually, I figured, well maybe if I just walk right into the wing, maybe it'll make more sense. And it did make more sense, in a way, that didn't make sense. Not sure if that's easy to understand anymore. Anyways, it was a last ditch. I decided to put a thought inside of a thought, then a thought inside of that thought, then another thought, and I noticed, hey, this thought is getting stronger. I just kept doing that for what felt like eons, since time wasn't. Eventually thinking became a battering ram." Addendum-3169-C: All future requests to close the doors have been retroactively and proactively denied. They will remain open at all costs. Addendum-S196-A: We all unanimously voted in favor of moving the doors to Site-196. The excision of all doors within Site-19 is to commence immediately. Recent findings indicate the door is not the source of memetic/compulsory effects. SCP-3169 has been reclassified as Thaumiel. "One day it happens. And it doesn't work, all the understanding in the world doesn't work when we don't know how to handle that thing. We might know someday, or we might never know. But we are overwhelmed. We cannot handle all the work required to keep that knocking at bay. So it's down to waving our hands and shoving it onto someone, everyone else. And that's what I did." More From This Author More From This Author PoufyPoufson's Works SCPs SCP-7541 • SCP-7811 • SCP-7151 • SCP-8031 • SCP-7471 • SCP-8105 • SCP-8332 • SCP-8010 • Poufy's Proposal • SCP-8465 • SPHERE • SCP-7419 • SCP-8541 • SCP-7783 • SCP-6541 • Tales/GoI Formats Other Fear of Death • SCP-POUF • ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3169" by PoufyPoufson, TroutMaskReplica, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3170 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3170 is currently contained in a Standard Type-A Humanoid Containment Cell at Site-128. An intact SCP-3170′ corpse is stored in the on-site morgue to assist in identification efforts; additional SCP-3170′ cadavers and remains should be incinerated. Description: SCP-3170 is Yuliana Cahaya, an Indonesian actress born in 1953 who starred in seventeen films prior to her disappearance in 1979. SCP-3170 is biologically non-anomalous, and has been diagnosed with narcolepsy and retrograde amnesia. SCP-3170's anomalous property activates whenever she dies. At the moment of death, her body is replaced such that it appears an unidentified individual of similar appearance to SCP-3170 (hereby SCP-3170′) died in an identical manner. SCP-3170 will appear from a nearby unobserved space a short time afterwards, alive and unharmed. SCP-3170 is aware of the time lost as a result of her death and reappearance, but believes this is due to her medical condition. She claims the events she remembers leading up to her death are hypnagogic hallucinations, and refuses to accept evidence to the contrary. Addendum: Foundation agents infiltrating local anartist groups in Aceh recovered a cache of items relating to SCP-3170 and her career collated by a high-ranking member of one of these movements. These items included several unreleased films, scrapes of SCP-3170's tissue and photographs of it on-set. The curator of this cache claimed a woman named 'Lena Xio' had donated these items to her, and that the exhibition was being held to commemorate her death. Indonesian government records identified a Ms. Xio matching the curator's description as having died in 1982 shortly after SCP-3170's reappearance. Exhuming her body showed that its stomach had been stuffed with approximately 150 meters of Super 8mm footage of SCP-3170; portions of the film had been replaced with corneal tissue matching that of SCP-3170. When questioned about Ms. Xio, SCP-3170 stated that she was 'a very giving… a deeply loving friend', but failed to recall more specific information due to its amnesia. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3170" by Taffeta, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Stalks of SCP-3171. Item #: SCP-3171 Special Containment Procedures: The savanna where all known instances of SCP-3171 reside is to remain under Foundation ownership. Cameras are to be hidden within the perimeter and monitored 24/7 by security guards. Thirty remotely-controlled omnidirectional speakers should be placed throughout the property. Researchers should visit instances of SCP-3171 weekly to collect any sacs of fluid that have accumulated within the fruit-like growths at the base. Care must be taken to maintain as little physical contact as possible during this procedure, as excessive contact often leads to rudeness and irritability on the part of SCP-3171. Description: SCP-3171 is an achlorophylous plant from the genus Hydnora. A typical instance of SCP-3171 will have stalks measuring 4-5 meters with four fruitlike growths surrounding the stalk. Lifespan ranges between 2.5-3.5 years. Each instance of SCP-3171 is sapient with intelligence roughly comparable to the average human. SCP-3171 have evolved the ability to rapidly perform mathematical calculations; researchers have observed instances multiplying 90-digit numbers in 1-2 seconds. A closeup of the fruitlike growths at the base of each SCP-3171. SCP-3171 communicate by opening and snapping shut the appendages out of which the fruitlike growths at the base of each plant are made. This produces a clicking sound; information is embedded into time differences between successive clicks. SCP-3171 reproduce by releasing spores in the air. To date, the only place where these spores have taken root is the ~9,000m2 savanna on the northeast side of the Zambezi Nature Preserve. Efforts by the Foundation to grow SCP-3171 elsewhere have met with failure. There are currently 457 known instances of SCP-3171. Different instances of SCP-3171 are referred to by attaching a number ranging between 1-457 to the SCP designation. Discovery: SCP-3171 was discovered when Prof. Lachlan White from the University of Auckland placed an .mp3 file containing twenty hours of ambient sounds from a recent trip to the Zambezi preserve on his webpage. A statistical analysis by a student in one of Prof. White's classes detected a pseudorandom component to the pattern of audible clicks within the file. This observation was posted to a public listserv where it came to the attention of Foundation personnel. Amnestics were administered to all involved after it was determined that the pseudorandomness in question was part of an organically produced Diffie–Hellman key exchange1. A team of researchers was assembled by the Foundation and flown to Zambezi to study SCP-3171 in its natural habitat. Over the next 9 months, an automatic translation program for SCP-3171 communications was developed2, as well as software for converting English text into a series of clicks comprehensible to instances of SCP-3171. Speakers were installed within the savanna where SCP-3171 resides in preparation for first contact. Interaction Log: First contact occurred on the evening of 09/08/1997 when Dr. Auden Green, a Foundation employee who had recently completed a thesis on Icelandic verse, ignored instructions from his superiors and communicated directly with SCP-3171. It had been previously discovered that instances of SCP-3171 spent the vast majority of their time composing something akin to poetry; this discovery led to the addition of several team members with literary backgrounds, Dr. Green among them. The poetry composed by instances of SCP-3171 typically consists of persistent repetition of a small number of words in apparently nonsensical order. When a bout of food poisoning left Dr. Green alone at the observation post, he used the opportunity to interject himself into a conversation between instances of SCP-3171 and broadcast a poem of his own creation3. + Transcript of Dr. Green's conversation with SCP-3171. - Hide Transcript SCP-3171-234: Moon Sun Moon. Moon Sun Moon. Moon Moon Darkness. There is a pause lasting approximately three seconds, followed by applause4. SCP-3171-446: Sun Sun Moon. Moon Sun Sun. Moon Darkness Moon. Another pause lasting approximately three seconds, followed by lighter applause. Dr. Green: Sun Moon Moon. Sun Moon Moon. Darkness Darkness Moon. There is a pause lasting approximately fifteen seconds. SCP-3171-053: That is literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. After learning of Dr. Green’s unauthorized communication, Dr. Wang (head of the linguistics team stationed at Zambezi) made a more formal attempt at an interspecies greeting. + Transcript of Dr. Wang's conversation with SCP-3171 - Hide Transcript Dr. Wang: We are animals. We speak your language. Dr. Wang: But we are not like the animals that roam your grounds. Like you, we have evolved intelligence. Understanding. Self-awareness. Dr. Wang: We wish to talk. Exchange ideas. Interact. There is approximately a minute of private communications among instances of SCP-3171. SCP-3171-128: Cloud and Earth. Wind and Sun. Blue and Red. Dr. Wang: I don’t understand. Can you explain? SCP-3171-003: Violent Sunset. Peaceful Sky. Heat. Life. SCP-3171-232: Seventeen. Twenty Three. Thirty Seven. Four. Dr. Wang: I don’t understand. An additional minute is spent by instances of SCP-3171 in private conversation. SCP-3171-241: Animal, say something valuable. SCP-3171-033: Animal, tell us a poem. After a silence of approximately 15 seconds, Dr. Wang broadcasts the first stanza of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poem, Patience Taught by Nature. Dr. Wang: “Oh Dreary life!” we cry, “O dreary life!” And still the generations of the birds Sing through our sighing, and the flocks and herds Serenely live while we are keeping strife With Heaven’s true purpose in us, as a knife Against which we struggle. Dr. Wang’s recitation is followed by approximately 90 seconds of silence. SCP-3171-341: Strange. Dr. Wang: Would you like to hear more? SCP-3171-341: No. SCP-3171-241: No. For a period of roughly two years after the conversation with Dr. Wang, attempts by the Foundation to communicate with SCP-3171 were met with silence. Foundation interest in SCP-3171 increased dramatically after discovery that fluid sacs occasionally secreted within the fruitlike growths of SCP-3171 can be used in the production of amnestics. The anatomical purpose of these secretions is unknown. Numerous messages proposing mutually beneficent trade terms were broadcast to SCP-3171 without response. Since the Foundation's botanical experts were uncertain as to whether they could compel SCP-3171 to produce the desired fluid sacs by force, coercive approaches were temporarily ruled out. Instead, a team of internationally acclaimed poets was employed to produce works inspired by translations of SCP-3171 utterances. It was believed that SCP-3171 did not consider communication with humanity worthwhile and that the production of a poem considered meaningful by SCP-3171 would change that. However, poetry produced by this team failed to elicit any response from SCP-3171. Parallel attempts to produce poems using machine learning protocols did not fare any better. Foundation efforts met with their first success at 3:30 AM 11/12/1999, when Mr. Cullen Williams, a junior researcher assigned to the botanical team, attempted to communicate with SCP-3171 in a state of inebriation5. + Transcript of Mr. Williams' conversation with SCP-3171 - Hide Transcript Mr. Williams: Is this thing on? Mr. Williams is heard fumbling with the dials for the first two minutes of the recording. Mr. Williams: Yo SCPs! How's it hangin', my dawgs?6 Mr. Williams: Well, here I am… housesitting a fucking plant. Mr. Williams: Not what I thought I'd be doing at this point in my life. Mr. Williams: Alice is gonna to be so pissed when she finds out I'm broadcasting. Mr. Williams giggles for approximately 10 seconds. Mr. Williams: Serves her right. Mr. Williams: Women. I sure know how to pick em. There is a pause lasting approximately 40 seconds. Mr. Williams: Thanksgiving's not that far. Mr. Williams: Can't wait to go home and leave all this bullshit for a while. Mr. Williams: I miss Frosty's. Little ice cream place across the street from where I grew up. Do you shrubs even know what ice cream is? Mr. Williams: Probably not. Mr. Williams: Frooooooosties! Mr. Williams giggles briefly. Mr. Williams: Ah, good times. Mr. Williams: The gunk they call ice cream here is some kind of wet slop. Mr. Williams: Frosty's gives you a bowl. Chocolate, vanilla, caramel, espresso. I always get the biggest size to share with mom. Mr. Williams' soliloquy is interrupted by the rhythmic sound of clicking coming from over 350 instances of SCP-31717. SCP-3171-123: Disgusting. SCP-3171-403: Unconscious animal. SCP-3171-102: Whore. SCP-3171-067: [TRANSLATION ERROR]8. Upon learning of this exchange the following morning, site leaders (Dr. Wang and Mr. Jackson, head of the botany division) were surprised to see approximately one-hundred attempts at private communication from instances of SCP-3171 logged during the previous night. Mr. Jackson conducted the ensuing investigation which revealed that: Although instances of SCP-3171 share liquids via networks of interlacing root structures, in the unlikely event that one of its own spores takes root close by, an instance of SCP-3171 will refuse to share liquids with it. Exceptions to the previous item occur exceedingly rarely, and only by instances located at the far edges of the savanna disconnected from the main component of the root structure. It is conjectured that the act of sharing sustenance with family members has the nature of a sexual taboo among SCP-3171. While all instances of SCP-3171 express disgust at the notion publicly (as when Mr. Williams mentioned sharing a bowl of ice cream with his mother), in private many of them will request to hear detailed accounts of such “incestuous” encounters by Foundation personnel. Building on these insights, Mr. Jackson developed a protocol for one-on-one interaction with instances of SCP-3171. + Transcript of Mr. Jackson's private conversation with SCP-3171-213 - Hide Transcript SCP-3171-213: Have you committed incest recently? Mr. Jackson: Maybe. SCP-3171-213: Tell me. Mr. Jackson: Two sacks. SCP-3171-213: Yes. Tell me. Mr. Jackson: Changed my mind. Four sacks. SCP-3171-213: No. SCP-3171-213: Unconscious animal. There is a pause of approximately 30 seconds. SCP-3171-213: All right. Four. Tell me. Mr. Jackson: I had dinner with my sister last week. SCP-3171-213: Oooh! Mr. Jackson: We shared a milkshake, taking turns sipping from the same straw. SCP-3171-213: You mud-stained whore. SCP-3171-213: I bet you always exchange fluids at first rainfall. Mr. Jackson: Indeed, that is me. Whenever it rains, I make my way around the neighborhood, fluid exchange foremost on my mind. Mr. Jackson: In any case, the milkshake was delicious. Both I and my sister greatly enjoyed sharing it. SCP-3171-213: Aaahh! Video imagery of SCP-3171-213 shows it releasing spores coincident with the final utterance. Four sacks of fluid were collected by Mr. Jackson the following day. As of 1/1/2015, the Foundation employs 87 personnel to interact with SCP-3171 according to Mr. Jackson's protocol, generating approximately 400 kg of SCP-3171 secretions per annum. + Addendum: Dr. Wang's Petition - Hide Petition To the overseer council: our approach towards SCP-3171 is patently unethical. The "services" we render in exchange for fluid sacs are an affront to human (as well as plant) dignity. Foundation resources should be reallocated to research into the value system and poetry of SCP-3171. — Dr. Wang Alice: out of all the morally questionable stuff we do here, this one isn’t in the top hundred that keep me up at night. Denied. O5-██ Footnotes 1. Since all communication by an instance of SCP-3171 can be overheard by neighboring instances, SCP-3171 developed a rudimentary version of public key cryptography to communicate privately. 2. Dr. Wang's note: external events such as rainfalls or sunsets were cross-referenced to patterns of clicks, allowing the research team to build a rudimentary dictionary and decipher the underlying grammar. The meaning of more abstract words was inferred from context via observation of SCP-3171 speech and behavior. This was accomplished in the span of only months with the aid of machine learning algorithms obtained by the Foundation during the decommissioning of an AI captured when █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████. 3. See Disciplinary Log 4123-002 for details. 4. Dr. Wang’s note: Instances of SCP-3171 often let their stems rustle freely in the wind to indicate approbation. This is rendered as applause (the closest human equivalent) in the transcript. 5. See Disciplinary Log 4367-234 for details. 6. Dr. Wang’s note: it is unclear whether the convolutional neural network performing the translation adequately rendered the colloquial nature of Mr. Williams' remarks. 7. Dr. Wang’s note: rhythmic clicking is often used by SCP-3171 to indicate jeering and disapprobation. 8. Dr. Wang's note: here SCP-3171-067 used a string of utterances which have not been previously used in public interactions among instances of SCP-3171.
Item #: SCP-3172 Special Containment Procedures: The area containing SCP-3172 is to be concealed behind an erected two meter tall concrete wall, which is to be patrolled by security personnel regularly. Any individuals attempting to gain access to SCP-3172 are to be apprehended, interviewed and administered amnestics as appropriate. Any satellite imagery of SCP-3172 is to be altered to remove evidence of its anomalous properties. Description: SCP-3172 is a field on the outskirts of Los Angeles which, every one to two three to four months, displays rapid growth and death of numerous types of flowers, forming images and words. Evidence suggests that SCP-3172 is currently inhabited by multiple human consciousnesses which are able to use these flowers as a form of communication with the outside world. Images formed by SCP-3172 usually take the form of faces of prominent celebrity actors. Testimony from long-term interviewing of SCP-3172 indicate that the consciousnesses inhabiting it are, or believe themselves to be, these individuals. However, all known individuals displayed by SCP-3172 have been confirmed to be alive and active, with no knowledge of SCP-3172. (See Interview 3172-2.) The consciousnesses inhabiting SCP-3172 are cognizant of all events that occur in it, and testimony indicates that this is based on an anomalous sense unrelated to sight or hearing. When questioned, SCP-3172 have been unable to adequately describe how they perceive events occurring in SCP-3172, claiming that they simply 'know' what is occurring. Records suggest that, prior to containment, SCP-3172 and the land surrounding it were the property of GoI-1783 ("Westhead Media"). Interview 3172-1 Close Log Interview was conducted over the course of several years by Doctor Bryant of the Abnormal Interrogations Department. Interviewer: Doctor Bryant Interviewed: SCP-3172 <Begin Log> SCP-3172: HELP Doctor Bryant: Who are you? How can I help you? Can you describe your surroundings? SCP-3172: OUR NAMES ARE ███ ██████, ███████ ███, ███ ████████ […]1 WE DONT KNOW HOW YOU CAN HELP US. COLD, DARK, CAN'T SEE. MUD? Doctor Bryant: How did you come into your current situation? Why does it take you so long to reply? SCP-3172: MAN FROM WESTHEAD. WANTED US TO BE IN "OPENING OF NIGHT". SAID NO. SAID TALK TO AGENT. NOW HERE. HARD TO THINK, THOUGHTS TAKE LONG TIME TO COME TOGETHER HERE Doctor Bryant: How is it you know what I'm saying? How long have you been here? What was the name of the man who put you here? SCP-3172: DON'T KNOW HOW, JUST KNOW. DON'T KNOW HOW LONG, YEARS MAYBE, DON'T HVE [sic] FUCKING CALENDAR HERE. THEY DONT HAVE NAMES AT WESTHEAD Doctor Bryant: Can you elaborate on that last statement? SCP-3172: NO CANT REMEMBER PLEASD [sic] HELP HARD THINK Doctor Bryant: How long do you think you can last in your current condition? SCP-3172: HELP Doctor Bryant: We don't know how to help you. How were you put into this state? Again, how long do you think you can last in your current condition? SCP-3172: HELP Doctor Bryant: I'm extremely sorry. It…from what we've tried, at the moment, it doesn't seem like we'll be able to remove your minds from their current position. SCP-3172: HELP SCP-3172: HELP <End Log> Close Log Interview 3172-2 Close Log Interview conducted with ███ ██████, one of the individuals SCP-3172 identified itself as. Mr. ██████ was brought into temporary custody for the purposes of this interview, which was supervised by security personnel. Interviewer: Doctor Bryant Interviewed: ███ ██████ <Begin Log> Doctor Bryant: Apologies for any inconvenience, Mr. ██████, we just need to ask you a few questions. Mr. ██████: No problemo. (laughs) What are you, uh, what do you guys want to know? Doctor Bryant: Are you familiar with an organization called Westhead Media? (Pause.) Mr. ██████: Can't say I am. Why're you asking? Doctor Bryant: You seem unsure. Mr. ██████: Well, it's a big business. I've worked with a lot of folks, you know? It's hard to remember them all off the top of my head. Doctor Bryant: Ah. I understand. I'll give you a few minutes to try and remember. Mr. ██████: Oh, I — Doctor Bryant: Please don't worry, Mr. ██████, I'm a very patient man. You take your time. (Silence for several minutes.) Mr. ██████: Well, thinking back on it, I might have heard the, uh, the name, um, once or twice. Doctor Bryant: Well, I'm glad to hear that. And where did you hear the name once or twice, Mr. ██████? Mr. ██████: I, uh — not sure — Doctor Bryant: Sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Say again? Mr. ██████: I said I'm not sure. Doctor Bryant: Sorry to hear that. (Doctor Bryant shows Mr. ██████ a photograph of SCP-3172. He visibly pales.) Mr. ██████: I — Doctor Bryant: Are you familiar with this location, Mr. ██████? Mr. ██████: Um, I, uh, I — Doctor Bryant: You seem distressed. Mr. ██████: I — I'm not going back! (At this point, Mr. ██████ attempted to attack Doctor Bryant and had to be restrained by security personnel. During the altercation, Mr. ██████ attempted to wrestle one of the security personnel's firearms out of their hands and the weapon discharged, killing Mr. ██████.) <End Log> Following the death of Mr. ██████, analysis of his corpse by on-site personnel revealed that it was genetically identical to numerous species of flowers common in SCP-3172. His body is currently in storage at Site-22. A search of Mr. ██████'s home revealed numerous correspondences between himself and an unknown representative of Westhead Media regarding an upcoming role in a film entitled The Opening of Night. From these correspondences, it has been discerned that this film features a large cast and is to be filmed at a large range of locations, several of which are not present on any known maps. No information on this film outside of these correspondences has been found. Under the purview of Project KALEIDOSCOPE, a substitute body was prepared and deposited near Mr. ██████'s home in Los Angeles in accordance with the cover story of a mugging gone wrong. Close Log Interview 3172-3 Close Log The following is a transcript of a call made by PoI-1783 ("The Westhead") to Doctor Bryant's home following initiation of investigation into individuals named by SCP-3172. Interviewer: Doctor Bryant Interviewed: Westhead <Begin Log> Westhead: Hey there, champ2. Doctor Bryant: Who am I speaking to? Westhead: This is Westhead. I've been, uh, hearing some stories that you kids are spying on some of our employees? Doctor Bryant: So they are in your employ? Westhead: (laughs) Guilty as charged. I employ a hell of a lot of people. But, ah, what you're doing now is pretty rude, I gotta say, and I'm sure it's not legal. So my board of directors is saying it's best for us to issue a formal cease and desist. So, ah, cease and desist. Doctor Bryant: Your board of directors? Westhead: Are you trying to grill me right now, champ? Doctor Bryant: I'm just asking a question. Westhead: You ever see a kid get hit by a truck? (Pause.) Doctor Bryant: I'm sorry? Westhead: A truck, I said. Doctor Bryant: I don't…I don't see how that's relevant. Westhead: Look, I'll give it to you straight, champ. I'm sure there's a field out there whose flowers would love to walk and talk and breathe in that skin of yours. (Pause.) Doctor Bryant: I'll think about it. Westhead: I really hope you do, champ. I really hope you do. <End Log> Tracing of the call made to Doctor Bryant revealed it to originate from a public payphone on Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles. Surveillance of the phone at the time of the call showed no individuals approaching or using it. Investigation into the remaining individuals named by SCP-3172 is currently ongoing. Close Log Footnotes 1. All thirty-nine names referenced by SCP-3172 are available in Supplementary Document 3172-1. 2. Analysis of the frequency of the vocalizations made by PoI-1783 indicate that they do not originate from a set of human vocal cords. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3172" by Tanhony, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
A photograph of the inside of SCP-3173 Item #: SCP-3173 Special Containment Procedures: Civilians should not be allowed on the island of SCP-3173. In a 2km radius around the island, civilian boats are to be redirected under the guise of a warning of jagged rocks directly under the water’s surface. An agreement with the United Nations and Russian government has been reached to block satellite footage and the airspace over the island. The island is to patrolled by no less than 65 armed personnel, who must not approach the 4-meter concrete wall around the forest. The personnel must regularly undergo psychological screening to ensure they have no intentions of attempting to enter SCP-3173. Cameras are lined every 110-meters and are to be constantly monitored. The singular gate on the wall is welded shut, and to never be opened. No exploration attempts are allowed, and no living object is to be passed through the barrier. Birds that might fly nearby are to be killed before reaching the barrier, and no fauna are to be allowed on the island. If any living objects enter the barrier, they are to be shot and killed instantly. Civilians that see the island or approach the forest are to be given Class-C amnestics, and redirected. Description: SCP-3173 is a 4 km x 4 km rainforest on a small island off the north shore of Russia, comprised of flora that do not match any known species, encased by a wholly transparent intangible barrier that extends up for about 400 meters, and is an inch thick. A thick fog is present in the forest due to an unusually high humidity and heat, and the fact that gaseous matter cannot move through the barrier, despite solid and liquid matter moving through with no resistance. In addition to the separate gaseous atmospheres, heat does not transfer through the barrier, causing a drastic difference in temperature inside and outside the forest; the inside averaging 39 degrees celsius and the outside averaging negative 11 degrees celsius. The internal atmosphere seems to blend with the outside one at the top of the 400-meter barrier in a gradient fashion. SCP-3173 appeared suddenly on 10/12/20██, causing most of the island to be instantly terraformed into the forest it is now. The few inhabitants of the island were never found. The Russian government notified the Foundation a few hours later after a boat attempting to return to the island called the local police. Class-A amnestics were given to anyone who lived on the island, or had relatives there, and Class-B were given to the police who responded to the call. BY ORDER OF THE OVERSEER COUNCIL The attached files require Level-4 security clearance to be opened. Anyone found to have read these files bypassing proper authority checks will be terminated. Exploration Log One + ftp-- - Return Initial Exploration of SCP-3173 11/5/20██ Exploration Personnel: D-33847, D-65440 After a short delay, Dr. ██████ was approved to begin exploration of SCP-3173 [START LOG] Dr. ██████: I’m receiving video feed, testing mics. D-33847: We read you doc D-65440: Yah we hear you egghead Dr. ██████: Don’t call me that D-65440. [pause] Please move into SCP-3173 Both D-Class proceed into SCP-3173. They each hold a flashlight which illuminates the forest in front of them. They are told to move further into 3173, and continue onwards Dr. ██████: D-33847, could you collect a sample from the grass and a separate one from a tree for analysis. D-33847: Sure thing doc. 65, I need to get the sampling gear out of my pack, keep watch D-65440: Alright. [pause] Wait what am I looking out for exactly we’re totally alone Dr. ██████: We don’t know what could be in here, just watch D-65440. D-33847’s mounted camera comes off with the pack, and the feed records over his shoulder as he searches for the necessary materials. D-65440’s camera moves frequently, and he fidgets often. Eventually he sits down. Nothing notable happens for about 7 minutes, and the camera on the ground captures D-33847 taking a sample from the grass and leaves of the trees. D-33847 is placing the samples in his pack when D-65440 jumps to his feet suddenly D-65440: Sh-Shit, doc did you see that? Something moved. D-65440 is pointing to a spot in the trees. Upon review of the footage, slow movement can be seen for a few frames where he is pointing Dr. ██████: No, what did you see? D-65440: Something moved over there man, it was close too. Dr. ██████: Do you have the samples? D-33847: Yes. Yes I have them collected and stored to protocol. Dr. ██████: Alright, you’re clear to return. When you get back we will int— D-65440: [panicked] Fuck what is THAT? Nothing appears to be seen on the camera footage, but both D-Class apparently see something there. After later reanalysis of the video, there is a slight distortion approximately 5 meters away from D-65440. Dr. ██████: Where is it, what do you see? I don't see anything. D-33847 returns his pack to his shoulders and they back away from where D-65440 was pointing, before turning around and jogging. The two are about 70 meters from the barrier when D-65440 falls as if his ankle is locked in place. D-33847 responds quickly, grabbing his hands and pulling. Later review of the video footage shows that the same distorted air was moving along D-65440’s legs before he was pulled away by D-33847. The two D-Class breach the barrier, and sit there panting for a few moments before the feed cuts [END LOG] Post Exploration Interviews + ftp-- - Return Video interview with D-33847 after the first exploration of SCP-3173 Video shows Dr. Nelson sitting at a table with D-33847 in an up to code interview environment Dr. Nelson: Explain what you saw in detail D-33847. D-33847: It was, I don’t know doc. You know how the air above a barbeque is thicker than the air around it? It was like that but it was moving towards us. It was clearly after us, but it wasn’t hostile I don’t think Dr. Nelson: Oh? It grabbed your friend. What makes you think that it wasn't hostile. D-33847: Yah, it grabbed him alright. It wanted to do something with 65440 but it didn’t want to kill him. It could have pulled him back and crushed him with how strong it was considering it stopped him in place. No, it just wanted to catch up. Like it had something to say. Dr. Nelson: Do you have anything else for the record D-33847? Note: The initial files received by the foundation did not include anything beyond this point. The rest of the file was recovered on 1/15/20██ D-33847: Yah, actually. I got to thinking about something Dr. ██████ said after the exploration. Air can’t get through the barrier right? Could it be that whatever that thing was is trapped in there? [End of Video] + ftp-- - Return The second interview is roughly the same setting, but with the other D-Class from the exploration. Dr. Nelson is conducting this interview as well Dr. Nelson: I heard some interesting things from D-33847 about the exploration. You were the one who was, quote “attacked”, correct? D-65440: [no response] Dr. Nelson: Is there something on your mind D-65440? D-65440: No, just thought this would be a safe thing to volunteer for. Explore a jungle in Russia, investigate the plant life; seemed perfectly safe. Dr. Nelson: I see. Well, could you describe SCP-3173-1 as well as the incident surrounding it to me? D-65440: Ain’t much to say you can’t find on the video. Some massive fart came out of the trees and grabbed me when we ran. It was strong enough to hold me back but we got away from it and made it out OK. Dr. Nelson: I see. Well your colleague described the incident, as “not hostile” saying that it seemed like the entity only wanted to catch up. Would you agree? D-65440: I don’t know, and I don't care. I’m never going back into that jungle. I got nothing else to say. [End Video] Second Exploration and Interviews + ftp-- - Return Second Exploration of SCP-3173 1/1/20██ Exploration Personnel: MTF W-8: “The Librarians” After Dr. █████ left the project, Dr. Nelson took over the oversight and exploration of SCP-3173. The transfer of the project and approval of another exploration took just over a month [Start Log] W8-1: Alright Doctor, is everyone online? Dr. Nelson: Yes, I am receiving all 5 video feeds W8-5: Alright, let's go check out this “angry fart” Dr. Nelson: This isn’t to be taken as a joke W8-5, we don’t know what 3173-1 is capable of, only that it has high physical strength. Now; proceed into the barrier with caution. W8-1: Alright, guys let’s move. Oh, happy new year Doc. Dr. Nelson: Thank you… As you move in make sure you keep your eyes open. The D-Class who explored this prior to you claim that 3173-1 is difficult to see. W-8 passes through the barrier. They hold their rifles down, having been informed that the entity is not likely to be damaged by bullet fire. They are there to investigate as they are more reliable than D-Class and can get more information. W8-1: Anyone got eyes yet? W8-2: Nothing yet. The fog is limiting vision to about 4 meters. W8-4: Thermal isn’t picking anything up either. It seems to have the same body temperature as the surrounding air W8-3: Assuming it’s still here. Dr. Nelson: We have no reason to believe it left. I’m almost certain it’s still there. Fan out and search cautiously. 13 minutes of extraneous dialogue and footage have been cut from the log W8-4 walks up to a clearing in the forest. The area is a few meters wide and filled with tall grass. She stops suddenly on the edge of the clearing W8-4: [quietly] Hey doc, I found your fart. Dr. Nelson: Are you sure? I can’t make anything out. W8-4: I'm sure. It's just like the D-Boy described it. Looks like the air above a fire. W8-1: Alright Librarians, report to W8-4’s location pronto. W8-4: It’s in a clearing ahead of me. Don’t go into the clearing; I don't think it knows we're here yet. W8-4’s camera picks up the clearing with no movement, save for a brief shimmer in the air directly in the center, mostly covered by the grass. The thick fog obstructs vision of the opposite end of the space. After 2 minutes, the rest of W-8 arrives at W8-4’s location. Dr. Nelson: I still don’t have vision of 3173-1. I believe the fog is interfering too much with line of sight. See if you can get closer without alerting it. W8-4 moves out of the forested area. She moves forwards for about 7 seconds before a sudden movement can be seen directly ahead of the camera. The fog disperses, and briefly, 3173-1 can be seen. It appears shapeless, and is only distinct from the air around it by its aforementioned shimmer, and the way it moves. It moves slowly forwards towards W8-4 before she turns around and runs back towards the rest of W-8 W8-4: Shit! Here it comes! W8-1: Back away Librarians, and get ready to run. W8-1 fires his rifle at the entity, after which it shoots downwards and isn’t visible on the camera feed W8-5: Haha! Scared that fart straight! W8-1: Doc, 3173-1 appears to have vanished into the shrubbery. We can't see it at all. Dr. Nelson: Keep your eyes out and cameras moving, it has to still be nearby. We know for a fact it's slow. W8-4: If it's in the grass we can't track it. It's concealed by the foliage and the fog. Dr. Nelson: It can't have gone far, look for a sign, shaking grass, parting fog, we can't lose it. 2 minutes pass without anyone saying anything, scanning the area for 3173-1 W8-1: It's gone Dr. Nelson. It's been long enough that it could have made it anywhere by now. Requesting permission to return to camp and start again tomorrow. Dr. Nelson: [sigh] Ok, return to camp for debriefing and review. The 5 MTF units move in a singular direction until they begin to approach the border of the forest. As they get near the edge of the forest, W8-1 signals his team to stop. W8-1: Wait, hold up Librarians. Something's been bothering me. W-8 stops moving suddenly and looks at their leader. Dr. Nelson: What’s the issue Whiskey One? W8-1: Gas can’t move outside of the barrier, correct? And that creature, as far as we can tell, is made totally of gaseous matter. Dr. Nelson: What are you suggesting? W8-1: But the gas in our lungs isn't pushed out when we enter 3173. Or leave. There is a slight pause as W-8 begins to think about what W8-1 said. Suddenly, W8-4 begins to run towards the barrier. W8-4 makes it to about 6 meters from the barrier before W8-1 fires 4 rounds into her legs Dr. Nelson: What are you doing W8-1! W8-1: SCP-3173-1 vanished suddenly. I assumed he entered the respiratory system of one of our troops. If we had let W8-4 leave 3173, 3173-1 would have breached containment. W8-4: So, close. Dr. Nelson: Wait.. that’s incredible! SCP-3173-1 appears to be capable of taking over the functions of a host through the respiratory system. W8-1: Gawk later Doc, we can’t let 3173-1 get out of the barrier. We have to ensure 3173-1 remains contained. W8-4: So close. W8-4 continues to crawl towards the barrier, despite her legs being disabled. W8-1 warns her multiple times to stop, threatening to shoot her. She comes within 2 meters of the barrier, and W8-1 shoots her in the head, presumably killing her instantly. The rest of W-8 looks away. There is a short pause in radio chatter. Dr. Nelson: You did what you had to W8-1. Now get out of there. W8-3: I don’t think that’ll be easy. 3173-1 is still there. It’s 4 or 5 meters ahead. W8-1: Don’t let it near you, we don’t know how long it takes to— shit it moved! W-8 backs up from the location of W8-4’s corpse. There is another momentary pause where coms are silent. W8-2: Fuck, d’ya think it’s still there? W8-1: Doubtlessly, it could have already possessed one of us. W8-5: Don’t think that fart touched me. Plus it couldn't talk right when it was possessing W8-4, and I'm talking fine. W8-3: And with me, that makes 4, we can all talk as normal. I don't believe that SCP-3173-1 entered any of us. W8-5: Alright are we clear to go? W8-1: No, I don’t trust that, I’m sure one of us is possessed. 3173-1 wouldn’t just vanish, I’m certain. It displayed some level of sapiance, and it has us fenced off. Dr. Nelson: I’m going to contact command, see what they can do W8-1: It’s not worth our time, if 3173-1 can simulate our speech it can use a gun. If we wait, it'll kill us and leave anyways. W8-3: What are you saying One? It doesn’t make logical sense. How could 3173-1 learn how we function so fast. It spent minutes controlling Four, but still couldn't speak. Dr. Nelson: It learned how to control W8-4’s motor functions in a matter of seconds. I’m sure it has some kind of ability to connect to the brain. The respiratory system sends oxygen into the blood and all over the body. It would only take a few moments to reach the brain with how high your heart rates are right now. W8-1: It could even have access to our memories by now. W8-5: Hey, no farts touched me, I'm normal and not posessed W8-2: Why’d’ya keep calling it a fart man? That’ll only piss it off, and it already seems angry enough with us for not letting it out. W8-5 raises his rifle up to W8-2, who raises his hands. W8-5: You could have at least made it less obvious you flatulent fucker. W8-1: Whoa, Calm down Five, just put the fucking rifle down. W8-5: He’s defending the damn thing, it’s gotta be him. My gut’s telling me that I can’t trust that. My gut's never wrong. W8-1: And by shooting first, if you are even innocent, you just thin out our numbers and play into his hands. We don’t know how the Skip thinks. For all we know it’s W8-3 because he’s been too quiet so put, the fucking, rifle, down. W8-5: Alright, fine. I just think tha- W8-2 quickly raises his rifle and shoots W8-5 in the forehead. He falls backwards and stops moving, presumably died instantly. He turns to shoot W8-1, who already has his rifle aimed back. W8-1 fires first, firing a total of 5 rounds into W8-2. W8-2 crumples to the ground, and curtly, the distorted air synonymous with SCP-3173-1 rises from the corpse. W8-1: To the barrier, go! The two remaining MTF units sprint towards the wall, as away from 3173-1 as they can. The entity is much slower than the two MTF, and fails to catch them. They reach the wall. The mic inputs for 3 minutes is exclusively heavy breathing. Afterwards, W8-1 begins to cry. [End Log] + ftp-- - Return Video interview of W8-1 after Exploration 2 with designated psychologist Dr. Marin Dr. Nelson is present in the room taking notes Dr. Marin: Hello W8-1. I’m assuming you know why we’re here. W8-1: Because I killed 2 of my squadmates and you think I might be traumatized? Dr. Marin: Yes. Do you think you are? W8-1: Yes. [pause] I killed two of my lifelong friends for the greater good. This Skip forced me to kill people that were practically family to me. Dr. Marin: I can understand how awful it must have been. As per protocol, I’m going to offer you amnestics for clearing the trauma since trauma tends to lower the effectiveness of MTF units. The choice; however, is yours. Nothing is said for a short time. Suddenly W8-1 stands up W8-1: No. Just because I had to kill them, doesn't mean I have to forget them. W8-1 leaves the room [End Video] Additional Note: Although there was an interview with W8-3 where he elected to take the amnestics, it was not deemed essential to this file. Dr. Nelson’s Breach + ftp-- - Return The following is a collection of security camera footage from various locations that show the travel path of SCP-3173-1 and Dr. Nelson on January 14th 20██, 2 weeks after exploration two Observation Deck, Island of SCP-3173 10:32 AM: Dr. Nelson arrives on schedule and logs into his computer 10:36 AM: Dr. Nelson leaves the room out the east door, which leads directly to the forest 11:04 AM: Dr. Nelson returns and goes back to his computer. He spends the next hour doing research on the PC and then logs off, and leaves Site-██, Light Containment 7:22 PM: Dr. Nelson walks past Dr. G████, the two stagger for a second. Dr. Nelson then proceeds to leave the building. 7:56 PM: Dr. G████ enters the observation deck for SCP-████ at Site-██. He sits down in an empty chair. After a few moments, the head researcher, Dr, H█████ nearly falls over. The other observers attempt to interact with him afterwards but he waves them down 11:03 PM: Shortly after the finished observation of SCP-████, Dr H█████, instead of retiring to his quarters, simply retrieves his Keycard and heads back into the facility. 11:58 PM: Dr. H█████ uses his keycard to enter the on site generator room. Attached below are some insightful excerpts from Dr. Nelson’s research notes 11/5/20██. SCP-3173-1 is imprisoned behind that barrier. I don’t know what put him back there, but I need to do more research. I thought this SCP assignment would be boring and pointless, but I may have found a way to get back at the foundation. Secure Contain Protect my ass, the people who run this place are the real monsters that we contain, and I need to make sure the whole world knows it. I need another exploration though, to see what this thing can do. 1/1/20██. It appears that SCP-3173-1 not only imprisoned as I previously speculated, but sapient. My theories that hethe entity wants to be free from the forest are totally true as well. As far as I know, we did not imprison it, but, we are its current captors. The area it is in is clearly designed to hold it, as there is no other feasible reason it would be in there. It knows how to escape, and I know how to let it out, but I had to send the exploration logs to command. It would have been hard enough to get away with holding that information since 3 MTF Units died but I could have done it, but W8-1 refusing the amnestics means there is a witness besides myself to the incident. I’ll have to wait until the commotion dies down. I understand the pain of the creature, and I can set it free. We can both get what we want. I simply have to wait until their attention is off of him. From there, it’ll be easy 1/13/20██ They are forcing my hand. Command decided that I’m not fit to handle this SCP, since it could be dangerous. If it were to possess someone within the foundation, the damage it could do would be irreparable, and since I was only assigned here because they were hoping to categorize this thing as Safe, they’re moving me. 3173-1 needs to be let out now, and I intend to let him out. Equipped with my memories, he should be able to destroy the foundation undetected. I will be terminated, but it will well worth it in the end. I speculate that SCP-3173-1 gains the knowledge and traits of everyone he possesses, meaning that if I allow him to enter a scientist with 04-access, he’ll be able to cause havoc. I’m going to be the one to set him on that path. January 15th Incident + ftp-- - Return The following is a log file of the events that transpired on 1/15/20██ at 12:02 AM at the power station of Site-██, including the termination of Dr. Nelson and containment of SCP-3173-1 Dr H█████ enters the power station, and begins to move into the room. The door behind him is stopped, and opened by someone on the outside. An MTF later identified as former Whisky 8 unit 1, now working on site security, moves through the door behind Dr. H█████. W8-1: Dr. H█████, what do you think you're doing in here. Dr. H█████: I left something behind, I just need to grab it and I'll be on my way. W8-1: In the room most crucial to the function of this Containment Site, past midnight, by yourself? Dr. H█████: Are you doubting my authority Whiskey One? I thought you were retiring to on site security. W8-1: That’s why I’m here. I observed some strange movements throughout the facility today, including that of a certain Dr. Nelson. Dr. H█████: What does that have to do with me? W8-1: Another thing I noticed— Dr. H█████: Now if you don’t mind, I’ll just grab my things and be on my way. I have 04 access for a reason and— W8-1: I’ve never met you before now Doc, and I’m in my security officer uniform. Why did you call me Whiskey One? There is a short pause in which nothing is said. On seperate feeds, Dr. Nelson can be seen approaching the door. Dr. H█████: I’m not that practiced at this. Juggling all these memories gets hard sometimes. W8-1: Just come with me SCP-3173-1. We’ll get you back to that forest and there doesn’t have to be a struggle. Dr. Nelson, at this point in the feed, opens the door, armed with a small handgun. He fires one shot at W8-1, which misses. W8-1 turns to Nelson and shoots him in the chest three times with his security issued rifle. W8-1 turns back to Dr. H█████, and fires a round. Hitting his keycard as he attempted to turn the power off Dr. H█████: [pauses] If only I had the sense to enter you first instead of Four. Things would have turned out much differently. SCP-3173-1 leaves Dr. H█████ and begins to physically crush the nearest generator. The process is slow, and the rest of Security arrives in 32 seconds. They manage to recontain 3173-1 in an airtight container before major damage is done W8-1: This skip is too powerful for this container, that won't hold for more than an hour. For now we need to return it to SCP-3173 ASAP until we can find better ways to contain it. Note: There still is no better way to contain SCP-3173-1 than SCP-3173. After this incident, all resources for the SCP’s containment were redirected to keeping any creature large enough for SCP-3173-1 to enter away from SCP-3173 [End Log] + ftp-- - Return Official Response from O5-Command about the incident at Site-██. I understand that some of you are wondering how SCP-3173-1 breached containment in the first place. For anyone who understands the situation surrounding the SCP, you understand that someone most likely intentionally let it out. This is true. The foundation took an excessive amount of time to work out the kinks in the leadership of the team investigating SCP-3173, and it allowed a vengeful scientist who had been demoted to Level-2 clearance for questioning and acting against the wishes of command to access something dangerous. What we as a foundation have learned is that the slack surrounding the paperwork for this SCP almost caused an immense breach, and it’s due to a series of coincidences that we avoided catastrophe. We are working with the file keeping department to streamline such essential actions, to avoid something like this happening again.
SCP-3174 after initial cleaning Item #: SCP-3174 Special Containment Procedures: When not in use, SCP-3174 must be locked inside a standard locker in secure storage. After the events of Incident 3174-A, SCP-3174 must be contained within a single locker in a sealed room in complete darkness. Under no circumstances are researchers with children permitted to handle SCP-3174. Description: SCP-3174 is a handmade doll, 30 centimeters in height and dressed in a red vest that covers most of its body. It is mainly composed of simple black and red cloth. Two white buttons are stitched to the item's face. When in its active state, SCP-3174 is able to produce muffled sounds. Although largely unintelligible, extensive vocal analysis has shown these noises are attempts at speaking German. SCP-3174's inability to enunciate is likely a result of it not having a mouth. It is also able to move on its own: it has displayed strength superior to a human in the past, as well as a maximum running speed of 50 Km/h. SCP-3174 has also displayed some additional, small-scale anomalous properties during interaction with parents and children, the extent of which are still under investigation. SCP-3174's anomalous properties activate when a human child (ranging from age 3 to 12) and a subject the child identifies as a parental figure enter within a 10 meter radius of SCP-3174. The item will animate, and normally attempts to interact with the younger subject through noises and gestures. It has been shown to engage in anything from simple games of catch, to more complex "pretend games" such as playing 'doctor,' 'cops and robbers', and other occupational make-believe games. The item will always prompt the adult to join the games as well, harshly reprimanding the adult if they refuse. In cases of neglectful behavior, the item will focus its attention on the adult with various degrees of aggression, prompting them to spend more time with the child, or to take part in games and other activities. In severe cases, the item has violently attacked the adults, making loud attempts at vocalizing "bad parent" in German while flailing its limbs at them, often resulting in minor abrasions. In extreme cases of neglectful and/or abusive behavior, the item directly attacks the adult without any warning, attempting to climb them to hit them on the head with considerable brute force, often causing major wounds. In these cases, the adults were known for violent and/or abusive behavior. Recovery: SCP-3174 was retrieved near the city of ██████, in Bavaria, Germany. The item came to the Foundation's attention after numerous reports from tourists visiting the decommissioned mines of ████ encountering SCP-3174. Operatives were sent to investigate, and located SCP-3174 in an isolated tunnel near a crumbled wall in its inactive state. SCP-3174 was contained without incident, and all involved civilians were treated with Class-B amnestics and released. The mines of ████ have been closed to the public and placed under Foundation authority. Addendum 3174-A-01: After extensive investigation into the ████ mines, Foundation agents found twelve skeletons, ranging from 6 to 12 years old, in a sealed off section of the mine. Radiocarbon dating dates these remains to approximately 1720. The remains were huddled together against the wall, suggesting they died of suffocation or starvation due to a cave-in. The remains have been stored for further analysis on site. + Experiment log 3174 - Close log All experiments have been conducted by Dr. Corvino. Due to the low risk presented by the object, volunteers from personnel have been used for these tests, unless otherwise stated. Experiment 3174-01 Subject A: █████ Soares (age 8) Subject B: ███████ Soares (father) Relationship: Relationship between Subject A and Subject B has been described as functional and close. Result: The item activates approximately 20 seconds after Subject A and Subject B enter its area of influence. Item proceeds to engage Subject A in a game of catch, prompting Subject B to play along. Subject B is instructed to do so. After a period of 47 minutes, Subject A declares to be "having fun," causing SCP-3174 to deactivate. A small, gold token engraved with "Bester Vater" ("best father" in German) is found in Subject B's pocket. The badge does not show any particular properties, and has been stored for further testing. Experiment 3174-02 Subject A: ██████ Albrektson (age 4) Subject B: ██████ Albrektson (mother) Relationship: Relationship between subject A and subject B has been described as functional and close. Result: The item activates 12 seconds after Subject A and Subject B enter its area of influence. Item proceeds to engage with Subject A in a drawing contest. Papers and crayons are provided. SCP-3174 prompts Subject B to join. Subject B is instructed to refuse. SCP-3174 insists for about 22 minutes with increasing harshness before assaulting Subject B without lethal force, pulling her hair until Subject B was instructed to join the drawing session. At that point, the item immediately returned to being docile, and the test continued without incident for 3 hours and 45 minutes, until Subject A fell asleep, causing SCP-3174 to deactivate. A small, gold token engraved with "Beste Mutter" ("best mother" in German) is found in Subject B's pocket. The badge doesn't show any anomalous properties, and has been stored for further testing. Experiment 3174-03 Subject A: ████ Small (age 6) Subject B: ██████ Hardy (Adoptive father) Relationship: Relationship between subject A and subject B has been described as functional and close. Result: The item activates 17 seconds after Subject A and Subject B enter its area of influence. It then engaged subject A in a game of cops and robbers, playing the role of robber. The item prompted Subject B to join. Subject B was instructed to do so. Test continued without incident for 1 hour and 23 minutes, until Subject A declared being "tired", causing SCP-3174 to deactivate. A small, gold token engraved with "Bester Vater" ("best father" in German) is found in Subject B's pocket. The badge doesn't show any anomalous properties, and has been stored for further testing. Experiment 3174-04 Subject A: ████████ McConnell (age 5) Subject B: ██████ Baglio (Uncle) Relationship: Relationship between Subject A and Subject B has been described as not very close. Result: SCP-3174 did not activate. Experiment 3174-05 Subject A: █████ Braune (age 10) Subject B: ████████ Carter (mother) Relationship: Relationship between Subject A and Subject B has been described as dysfunctional, as Subject B does not have the time to take care of Subject A Result: The item activates 7 seconds after subject A and subject B enter into its area of influence. Item proceeds to play 'doctor' with Subject A, prompting Subject B to join. Subject B is instructed to do so. The test continues without incident for 38 minutes, before Subject A declares they are happy, causing SCP-3174 to deactivate. A small silver token engraved with "Gut! Mach Weiter!" ("good! keep it up"in German) is found in Subject B's pocket. The badge doesn't show any anomalous properties, and has been stored for further testing. Experiment 3174-06 Subject A: ██████ Ivanov (age 10) Subject B: D-8872-05 (father) Relationship: Subject B has a history of domestic abuse towards Subject A and her mother. Result: The item activates 2 seconds after Subject A and Subject B enter into its area of influence. Item is noted to move in a jittery manner. As soon as D-8872-05 enters the item's field of view, SCP-3174 assaulted Subject B, rapidly climbing up his clothes before starting to hit his face with considerable blunt force, causing numerous wounds that included a broken nose and a broken jaw before deactivating on its own. A small copper token stating "LASSEN SIE SIE IN RUHE!" ("leave them alone!" in German) is found in Subject B's pocket. The badge does not show any anomalous properties, and has been stored for further testing. Experiment 3174-07 Subject A: █████ Pender (age 6) Subject B: N/A (deceased) Relationship: Result: The item did not activate when Subject A entered its area of influence. After 27 seconds, Subject A started to vocalize excitement, and began to talk and play on her own. When later questioned, Subject A described two entities, who were later identified as Subject B's parents, coming out from behind SCP-3174 to play with her. No trace of these entities has been picked up by security cameras, nor any anomaly from SCP-3174. A small platinum token engraved with "We love you." in English was found into Subject A's pocket. The badge does not show any anomalous properties, and has been stored for further testing. Experiment 3174-08 Subject A: N/A (deceased) Subject B: Agent Wray (mother) Relationship: N/A Result: [REDACTED] A small platinum token engraved with "you are the best mommy!" in English was found in Subject B's pocket. The badge does not show any anomalous properties, and has been stored for further testing. SCP-3174 was recovered without incident. Agent Wray requested administration of amnestic. The request was granted. Incident 3174-A: On ██/█/2008, SCP-3174 broke containment. Due to the containment procedures at the time, no one noticed until the breach had already occurred. SCP-3174 managed to sneak into Dr. Corvino's office and kidnap him, physically dragging him out of the site without encountering any resistance due to the suddenness of the escape. Dr. Corvino contacted Foundation personnel after 2 hours and 45 minutes, as SCP-3174 had brought Dr. Corvino back to his home, where his daughter (age 8) was having a birthday party. SCP-3174 forced Dr. Corvino to take part in the celebration, and then proceeded to entertain all children present with a game of hide and seek until Foundation personnel came to retrieve it without further incident. All civilians involved were given class-B amnestic and released. A small silver token engraved with "anwesend sein" ("Be present" in German) was found in Dr. Corvino's pocket. The badge does not show any anomalous properties, and has been stored for further testing. After the incident, Dr. Corvino requested to be transferred to a less time-consuming role; request is pending. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3174" by Noxfero, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: littlebuddy(1)(1).png Author: Noxfero License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki
Item #: SCP-3175 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3175 is housed in a Standard Humanoid Containment Unit at Site ██. Toys, books, games and other stimulation are to be provided at the discretion of Dr. ██████. SCP-3175 is to be allowed up to two hours of outdoor play per day under supervision. Description: SCP-3175 is Lonnie James █████████ of ███ █████, ██████, recorded date of birth ██/██/2010. In all physiological respects, SCP-3175 appears to be a normal 6-year-old boy. Psychologically and cognitively, SCP-3175 displays a number of abnormalities which remain unexplained. SCP-3175 claims to be Edwin Makepeace █████ of ████████, ████, recorded date of birth ██/██/19561. According to SCP-3175, sometime during the night of ██/██/2016, after celebrating his 60th birthday, he found his consciousness transported by means unknown into the body of SCP-3175. Recovery: SCP-3175 came to the attention of the Foundation in 2016 during a routine review of school records as part of Project SAMSARA. █████████ was flagged as possibly of interest to Project SAMSARA based on repeated disciplinary action for “telling the most ridiculous lies” in class. █████████ was subjected to preliminary psychological screening under the supervision of Dr. ██████, and although not found to meet the inclusion criteria for Project SAMSARA, was subsequently catalogued as SCP-3175. SCP-3175 was taken into Foundation custody under the cover story of the fatal rupture of a previously undiagnosed cerebral aneurysm. SCP-3175 has been transferred to secure housing at Site ██. Reports: Pre-Classification Evaluation, █████████, Lonnie James, ██/██/2016 Pre-Classification Evaluation, █████████, Lonnie James, ██/██/2016 TESTS ORDERED: * STANDARD INTELLIGENCE SCALE, 5TH ED. (SIS5) * TEST OF GENERAL KNOWLEDGE SEGMENT 6 (TOGK6) * MENTAL AGE TO CHRONOLOGICAL AGE RATIO (MA/CA) RESULTS: * SIS5 RESULT PERCENTILE 54 * TOGK6 RESULT PERCENTILE 78 * MA/CA RESULT 965 NOTE MA/CA RESULTS OVER 160 ARE CONSIDERED UNRELIABLE [Interview transcript begins.] Dr. ██████: Hello, Lonnie. My name is Dr. ██████. I’d like to talk to you a little bit, if that’s all right. █████████: Sure, Doc. Dr. ██████: These incidents at school have us all a little concerned. I wonder if you could tell me about them? █████████: Look, you’d have told people too. I mean look at me! Dr. ██████: What do you mean? █████████: I’m a kid again! I can hear! I can see! I’ve got so much energy I can barely sit still! Yeah, I know, “Keep it to yourself, Edwin,” that was the plan. But…some things you just can’t keep bottled up. Dr. ██████: Who is Edwin, Lonnie? █████████: Me! Or not me, I guess, not any more, but the me who I was. Dr. ██████: Do you mean you were reincarnated? Do you know what that means? █████████: Don’t patronize me, Doc. No, I wasn’t reincarnated. I—well, I guess I made a wish. Dr. ██████: I see. Go on? █████████: Lizzie and Marcus and their boys, they threw me this surprise party. Did up the whole downstairs, like it was a kid’s party, you know? Balloons and streamers, ice cream and cake. You know those candles shaped like numbers? Lizzie put them on the cake. Six and oh. “Make a wish,” she said. And I guess I did. Dr. ██████: And what was your wish? █████████: You’re not supposed to tell a birthday wish, Doc. If you do it won’t come true. Dr. ██████: But you believe your wish did come true, is that right? █████████: Yeah, that’s a fair point. It was the candles, okay? There was the six and there was the oh, like I said, for sixty, and I was just looking at the six. And I remember thinking, “Wouldn’t that be nice. Wouldn’t it be nice to be six and to have it all to do over again.” Dr. ██████: And then what? █████████: And then nothing. I blew out the candles, we ate the cake. Opened presents. They gave me socks, these great thick wool socks. I wore them to bed that night. They were great. But then the next morning, I woke up, and… [Subject indicates himself.] Dr. ██████: And? █████████: And look at me! Dr. ██████: And you have memories of your previous life? █████████: Oh sure. I remember lots of stuff. In fourteen ninety two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. America was founded in 1776.2 Righty tighty, lefty loosey. Six times twelve is seventy two. I remember it all. Except… Dr. ██████: Except? █████████: Well, Lizzie had these two boys. Twins. Beautiful little boys. Dalton and…and I can’t remember the other one. Doc, I can’t remember my grandson’s name. [Interview transcript ends.] Whether there is any truth to subject’s account we cannot currently speculate, but subject is clearly both cognitively and psychologically abnormal. No relevance to Project SAMSARA, but recommend classification and transfer to secure housing for further evaluation. Further recommend attempt to recover and classify birthday candle artifacts described by subject. — Dr. ██████ Request for classification granted. Subject is SCP-3175, provisional object class is Safe. Request for transfer granted. Request for recovery granted. — Dr. █████████, Director, Site ██ Birthday candle artifacts recovered from ██████████ Landfill on ██/██/2016: partially burned “6” candle and “0” candle, intact “1”–“5” and “7”–“9” candles. Artifacts extensively tested and found to be entirely non-anomalous. — Researcher ████████, Site ██ Monthly Evaluation 3175-01, ██/██/2016 Monthly Evaluation 3175-01, ██/██/2016 TESTS ORDERED: * STANDARD INTELLIGENCE SCALE, 5TH ED. (SIS5) REPEAT * TEST OF GENERAL KNOWLEDGE SEGMENT 6 (TOGK6) REPEAT * MENTAL AGE TO CHRONOLOGICAL AGE RATIO (MA/CA) REPEAT RESULTS: * SIS5 PREVIOUS RESULT PERCENTILE 54 SIS5 RESULT PERCENTILE 52 * TOGK6 PREVIOUS RESULT PERCENTILE 78 TOGK6 RESULT PERCENTILE 76 * MA/CA PREVIOUS RESULT 965 NOTE MA/CA RESULTS OVER 160 ARE CONSIDERED UNRELIABLE MA/CA RESULT 840 NOTE MA/CA RESULTS OVER 160 ARE CONSIDERED UNRELIABLE [Interview transcript begins.] Dr. ██████: How have you been settling in, SCP-3175? SCP-3175: Okay. Food’s good. Don’t like being called that, though. Dr. ██████: I’m sorry, but it’s part of our procedures. Do you understand what that means? SCP-3175: [No response.] Dr. ██████: Sorry. I don’t mean to condescend. You have to remember…well, how you look. SCP-3175: Oh, I remember. Every morning I wake up in a bed that feels four sizes too big. I go to piss and here’s this little pee pee. I brush my teeth but they’re all wrong. Baby teeth, see? Dr. ██████: It seems like you’re not feeling very well today. SCP-3175: Oh I’m fine. Been having headaches. Dr. ██████: Yes, I remember. Have the painkillers not helped? SCP-3175: They help some. Dr. ██████: Do you have any special requests? SCP-3175: I could go for a cigarette. Dr. ██████: I don’t— SCP-3175: Just kidding, Doc. I gave ’em up years ago. Don’t suppose you can tell me when I’m getting out of here though? I know I’ve got my whole life ahead of me [SCP-3175 laughs] but time’s a-wastin’, you know? When can I go home? Dr. ██████: Soon. Very soon. [Interview transcript ends.] Monthly Evaluation 3175-02, ██/██/2016 Monthly Evaluation 3175-02, ██/██/2016 TESTS ORDERED: * STANDARD INTELLIGENCE SCALE, 5TH ED. (SIS5) REPEAT * TEST OF GENERAL KNOWLEDGE SEGMENT 6 (TOGK6) REPEAT * MENTAL AGE TO CHRONOLOGICAL AGE RATIO (MA/CA) REPEAT RESULTS: * SIS5 PREVIOUS RESULT PERCENTILE 52 SIS5 RESULT PERCENTILE 52 * TOGK6 PREVIOUS RESULT PERCENTILE 76 TOGK6 RESULT PERCENTILE 64 * MA/CA PREVIOUS RESULT 840 NOTE MA/CA RESULTS OVER 160 ARE CONSIDERED UNRELIABLE MA/CA RESULT 680 NOTE MA/CA RESULTS OVER 160 ARE CONSIDERED UNRELIABLE [Interview transcript begins.] SCP-3175: Soon my foot. Dr. ██████: I beg your pardon? SCP-3175: You keep telling me I’m gonna go home soon. I’ve been in here for days!3 What’s the point of being a kid again if I have to stay in this zoo? Dr. ██████: I’m sorry, SCP-3175— SCP-3175: Stop that! Call me Ed. Everybody always called me Ed. Or Edwin. No, Ed. Dr. ██████: All right, Ed. SCP-3175: No, Edwin! Dr. ██████: Do you prefer Ed or Edwin? SCP-3175: I don’t…I don’t care. Either one is fine. Dr. ██████: I have your most recent test results here. Your scores seem to have gone down a bit. SCP-3175: Am I still on the honor roll? Dr. ██████: It’s the general knowledge test I’m particularly interested in. SCP-3175: Oh that thing. I got bored halfway through it. Probably just marked the wrong answers on accident. Dr. ██████: Would you take the test again? More carefully, this time? These tests really are important. SCP-3175: Important to who? Not to me. Dr. ██████: Important to understanding what’s happened to you. SCP-3175: You know what happened to me. I’ve told you what happened to me. Dr. ██████: You’ve told me, yes. But we’re trying to understand it. SCP-3175: What’s to understand? I’ve got a second chance here. A second chance! What would you give for a second chance, Doc? Dr. ██████: [Pause.] Will you take the test again, please? Consider it a favor to me. SCP-3175: Will you let me go home if I do? Dr. ██████: I will strongly consider it. SCP-3175: [Exhalation.] Yeah, okay, Doc. Since you asked so nice. [Interview transcript ends.] TESTS ORDERED: * TEST OF GENERAL KNOWLEDGE SEGMENT 6 (TOGK6) REPEAT RESULTS: * TOGK6 PREVIOUS RESULT PERCENTILE 64 TOGK6 RESULT PERCENTILE 60 Monthly Evaluation 3175-03, ██/██/2016 Monthly Evaluation 3175-03, ██/██/2016 TESTS ORDERED: * STANDARD INTELLIGENCE SCALE, 5TH ED. (SIS5) REPEAT * TEST OF GENERAL KNOWLEDGE SEGMENT 6 (TOGK6) REPEAT * MENTAL AGE TO CHRONOLOGICAL AGE RATIO (MA/CA) REPEAT RESULTS: * SIS5 PREVIOUS RESULT PERCENTILE 52 SIS5 RESULT PERCENTILE 50 * TOGK6 PREVIOUS RESULT PERCENTILE 60 TOGK6 RESULT PERCENTILE 48 * MA/CA PREVIOUS RESULT 680 NOTE MA/CA RESULTS OVER 160 ARE CONSIDERED UNRELIABLE MA/CA RESULT 430 NOTE MA/CA RESULTS OVER 160 ARE CONSIDERED UNRELIABLE [Interview transcript begins.] Dr. ██████: How are you feeling, SCP-3175? SCP-3175: Fine. Dr. ██████: You don’t seem fine. SCP-3175: [No response.] Dr. ██████: You seem rather sad. SCP-3175: Are you gonna make me take the test over again? Dr. ██████: Would you like to? SCP-3175: In sixteen ninety two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. [Pause.] Is that right? Dr. ██████: It’s…almost right. SCP-3175: In sixteen twenty two, Columbus sailed…sailed…I can’t remember which way it goes. Dr. ██████: Righty tighty… SCP-3175: What? Dr. ██████: Nothing. SCP-3175: [Inaudible.] Dr. ██████: I’m going to go now, SCP-3175. SCP-3175: [Inaudible.] [Interview transcript ends.] Under audio amplification, SCP-3175 was noted to be repeating the name “Lizzie” until the end of the recording. Monthly Evaluation 3175-05, ██/██/2017 Monthly Evaluation 3175-05, ██/██/2017 TESTS ORDERED: * STANDARD INTELLIGENCE SCALE, 5TH ED. (SIS5) REPEAT * TEST OF GENERAL KNOWLEDGE SEGMENT 6 (TOGK6) REPEAT * MENTAL AGE TO CHRONOLOGICAL AGE RATIO (MA/CA) REPEAT RESULTS: * SIS5 PREVIOUS RESULT PERCENTILE 50 SIS5 RESULT PERCENTILE 52 * TOGK6 PREVIOUS RESULT PERCENTILE 48 TOGK6 RESULT PERCENTILE 26 * MA/CA PREVIOUS RESULT 430 NOTE MA/CA RESULTS OVER 160 ARE CONSIDERED UNRELIABLE MA/CA RESULT 220 NOTE MA/CA RESULTS OVER 160 ARE CONSIDERED UNRELIABLE [Interview transcript begins.] Dr. ██████: Good morning, SCP-3175. SCP-3175: Hi. Dr. ██████: How are you feeling? SCP-3175: [No response.] Dr. ██████: SCP-3175? SCP-3175: Had a dream last night. Dr. ██████: Would you like to tell me about it? SCP-3175: I was in this long hallway. There were pictures on the walls…porches? Dr. ██████: Portraits? SCP-3175: Yeah. Dr. ██████: Portraits of whom? SCP-3175: I dunno. I didn’t know any. I knew I was supposed to, but I couldn’t remember. Dr. ██████: You couldn’t remember their names? SCP-3175: I couldn’t remember who they were. Dr. ██████: Did this dream disturb you? SCP-3175: [No response.] Dr. ██████: SCP-3175? SCP-3175: [No response.] [Interview transcript ends.] Monthly Evaluation 3175-06, ██/██/2017 Monthly Evaluation 3175-06, ██/██/2017 TESTS ORDERED: * STANDARD INTELLIGENCE SCALE, 5TH ED. (SIS5) REPEAT * TEST OF GENERAL KNOWLEDGE SEGMENT 6 (TOGK6) REPEAT * MENTAL AGE TO CHRONOLOGICAL AGE RATIO (MA/CA) REPEAT RESULTS: * SIS5 PREVIOUS RESULT PERCENTILE 52 SIS5 RESULT PERCENTILE 52 * TOGK6 PREVIOUS RESULT PERCENTILE 26 TOGK6 RESULT PERCENTILE 4 * MA/CA PREVIOUS RESULT 220 NOTE MA/CA RESULTS OVER 160 ARE CONSIDERED UNRELIABLE MA/CA RESULT 105 [Interview transcript begins.] Dr. ██████: Hello, SCP-3175. SCP-3175: [No response.] Dr. ██████: How are you feeling today? [Over the next 20 seconds, SCP-3175 begins to cry.] Dr. ██████: SCP-3175? SCP-3175: I want my mom. [SCP-3175 continues to cry. After 15 seconds, Dr. ██████ removes a folded handkerchief from his coat pocket and offers it to SCP-3175. SCP-3175 takes the handkerchief and holds it tightly.] [Interview transcript ends.] Addendum ██/██/2017: SCP-3175’s anomalous characteristics no longer manifest under examination. SCP-3175 has been placed in foster care in █████████, ████. Foundation personnel embedded in the █████████ Department of Social Services are to monitor SCP-3175 indefinitely for re-emergence of anomalous characteristics. Footnotes 1. █████ was reported missing by his daughter Elizabeth on ██/██/2016. His remains have never been found. 2. Although the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the United States as a political entity first came into existence in 1777. This is a common misconception among adults. 3. As of this date, SCP-3175 had been in containment for two months and three days. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3175" by CharlesDoucet, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
 close Info X SCP-3176: Estimated Time Of Arrival Author: MaliceAforethought Image Credit: Related Tales: Conservation of Bullshit Related SCPs: SCP-4856 — "Test Case One" SCP-4417 — "The Long Way Round" More by this author Prototype temporal distortion engine 3176-Echo. Item №: SCP-3176 Threat Level: Blue ● Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-3176 is technically composed of loyal Foundation personnel, and temporally delocalised, no active containment is either necessary or feasible at the present time. Containment Procedures for SCP-3176 therefore revolve around maintaining causality and preventing paradoxical event series, either through the direction of MTF-η-⊃ or the manufacture and activation of temporally manipulative technology. Documentation on SCP-3176 is to be placed in variable ChronoLock, as is standard for temporal anomalies of this type. Queries may be brought up at any time with the current project lead — if they are not available, contact may be established with a predecessor or successor (dependent on circumstance). Notice (██/██/████): The following section of this document (created 01/02/2025) contains outdated information (i.e. that the anomaly in question is still extant), and should not be considered an accurate representation of its current effects. It is preserved here for archival purposes. ~ Dr. Alice Forth, Department of Temporal Anomalies, Retcon Division Description: The designation SCP-3176 refers to a series of temporal anomalies, revolving around an as-yet unformed Mobile Task Force. The Task Force in question (MTF-Eta-Then, "Cause and Effective") will apparently be created with the aim of retroactively preventing containment breaches that could otherwise have posed a large-scale threat to Foundation personnel or infrastructure. The devices capable of allowing MTF-η-⊃ to travel backwards through time are expected to be developed by Foundation scientists at some point in the late 2600s — said Foundation scientists have agreed to trade such technology for samples of present-day literature, fossil fuels, and endangered species of plant and animal. The following is a timeline of all major events relating to either SCP-3176 or MTF-η-⊃: Event Number Date Nature of event 001 09/02/2024 First recorded manifestation of MTF-η-⊃. All sixteen members appear, and successfully halt a breach of SCP-███. Entities provide Foundation personnel with documents relating to their formation, but are unable to be conclusively interviewed before de-manifesting. 002 04/11/2024 MTF-η-⊃ manifests, and attempts to enter SCP-████'s containment cell. All members of the team are apprehended, and several interviews are conducted. The team's date of formation remains unclear, as no agent possesses knowledge of events prior to their deployment, but their scheduled date for 'return' is identified as 04/09/2029. While personnel are attempting to discern the nature of the anomaly, a second iteration of MTF-η-⊃ covertly manifests and performs routine maintenance on SCP-████'s chamber. Both iterations de-manifest shortly afterwards. 003 19/02/2025 Plans are made for the future development of MTF-η-⊃, with advised recruitment from task forces Beta-10 and Rho-5. Research begins into the development of required equipment. 004 28/08/2025 Prototype temporal distortion engine 3176-Alfa is developed. 005 17/03/2026 Official completion of Prototype 3176-Bravo, and birth of Agent Miguel (leader of MTF-Rho-5, and later member of MTF-η-⊃). 006 20/04/2026 Initiation of Prototype 3176-Golf. Due to an unforeseen malfunction, this results in a DT-Class Split Timeline scenario, in which two versions of the same timeline run parallel to one another. Both timelines are aware of this, thanks to enhanced cross-temporal detection software. 007A 22/04/2026-I Attempt to activate Forth-Xyank Concatenators fails, due to lack of a corresponding unit in the secondary timeline. 007B 22/04/2026-II Forth-Xyank Concatenator violently disabled by MTF-η-⊃, apparently originating from 08/09/2029 with orders to prevent the merging of the two timelines. Agent ███ unintentionally terminated during the event's hostilities. 008 23/04/2026-I to 01/05/2026-I Additional attempts to activate Forth-Xyank Concatenators fail, due to continued lack of a corresponding unit. 009 26/05/2026-I/II Breach on 04/11/2024 halted by MTF-η-⊃, launched backwards simultaneously in both iterations. Task Force re-manifests, apparently sent from 04/09/2029, renamed to "Time Consumers" for unknown reasons. 010 15/06/2026 Concatenation of timelines achieved manually by replacing Prototype 3176-Golf with a functioning model (Prototype 3176-Zulu-Zulu-Lima) acquired from 2670 AD. Note that this causes the reversion of events from 20/04/2026 to 15/06/2026, resulting in no such Split Timeline scenario ever occurring. As the deployment of MTF-η-⊃ on 26/05/2026-I/II never happened, the breach continued to have happened. Dr. Forth expresses extreme concern regarding the convolution of logical causation. 011 23/08/2026 First recorded deployment of MTF-η-⊃. Task Force successfully deployed to 04/11/2024, with instructions to prevent the breach. Excursion deemed successful, with Task Force returning to 04/09/2029 as instructed. Re-manifests the following day (re-named "Bootstrappers"), confirming lack of paradoxes. 012 09/11/2026 Task force successfully prevents containment breach on 09/02/2024, with no identified incidents. 013 02/01/2027 Noted that the manifestation of a duplicate task force on 04/11/2024, originally believed to have originated from 26/05/2026-I/II, should have been reverted following the replacement of the prototype. MTF-η-⊃ sent back to 20/04/2026 to covertly replace Prototype 3176-Zulu-Zulu-Lima with a faulty model. Split Timeline scenario is thus caused to have always happened as originally documented. Pending re-manifestation of various iterations of MTF-η-⊃, the project is put on hiatus. 014 04/09/2029 Both iterations of MTF-η-⊃ return from 04/11/2024. The iteration launched from 26/05/2026-I/II to 04/11/2024 is renamed to "Time Consumers" to preserve continuity, amnesticised, and sent back to 26/05/2026-I/II. The MTF launched from 23/08/2026 to 04/11/2024 is renamed to "Bootstrappers" to preserve continuity, amnesticised, and sent back to 23/08/2026. 015 08/09/2029 Noted that concatenation at 22/04/2026-I/II would prevent the launching of the alternate iteration of MTF-η-⊃. Task force deployed to 22/04/2026-II, preventing said concatenation. All malignant paradoxes considered resolved, project immediately discontinued by Dr. Forth due to a massive increase in work-related stress among the Department's staff. Addendum (24/12/2056): The attempts to establish Mobile Task Force Russell-9 ("Self Containing Sets"), a group specialising in altering the Foundation's history to better facilitate containment, were violently halted today by an unknown iteration of MTF-η-⊃, accompanied by the late Site Director Alice Forth, who physically assaulted the project lead, Dr. Teller. Due to the Task Force's apparent vehemence on the matter, and Dr. Teller's recent aversion to continuing the attempt, the project is being postponed indefinitely. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3176" by MaliceAforethought, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: temporal_dept_logo.png Author: HammerMaiden, MaliceAforethought License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki Additional Notes: Variant of Temporal Anomalies Department insignia from Document 1780-WL Filename: timetech.jpg Name: English - Gun Shield - Walters 511414.jpg Author: Walters Art Museum License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
Item #: SCP-3177 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3177 is to be stored in a standard anomalous object containment locker. Level-2 clearance is required to remove SCP-3177 from its locker and allow viewing. Should personnel unintentionally come under the effects of SCP-3177, they are to seek immediate amnestic treatment. Description: SCP-3177 is a cardboard cutout of American actor Steve Buscemi standing 1.8 meters tall. SCP-3177's anomalous abilities only become relevant when a subject is able to visibly comprehend SCP-3177 after witnessing a murder. Subjects who meet these requirements believe that SCP-3177 was responsible for the murder, and report witnessing them performing the act, regardless of the means of murder. A subject does not need to witness both the murderer and the victim, only the victim dying. A subject who witnesses a victim dying without seeing the murderer is able to recall SCP-3177 committing the act itself, regardless of any events which happened that might contradict this memory. For example, a subject who witnesses a victim being poisoned would recall SCP-3177 giving the victim poison through whichever vessel it was delivered. Currently, no time limit has been discovered between witnessing the murder and interacting with SCP-3177, however amnestic treatment has been shown to reverse the process. Addendum 3177-01: The following interview is between Dr. Robert Douhni and D-30044, who was previously convicted for the murder of a family in █████████, Virginia. <Begin Log> Dr. Douhni: Alright, D-30044, I have a few questions about something that happened a while back. We've gotten word that you were present during the murder of the ████ family back in September of 20██? D-30044 leans back in his chair. D-30044: Oh, yes, yes… Fucking hated those greedy wastes of space. Dr. Douhni: Obviously not a fan then, I see. If you could remain as impartial as you could when describing what happened? It'd… it's going to make it easier for me, personally. D-30044: Oh, of course. If you want to know what happened, it starts with an interesting coincidence; I was actually about to kill them myself, if you'd believe it. I had everything prepped and ready for the fun I was about to have. Intended to blow the brains out of that preppy kid first and then torture the old fucks before finally ending their lives. Dr. Douhni: You seemed to have quite the plan already. Why didn't you go through with it? D-30044: Well, if you'd believe it, that man that you introduced me to earlier? He was already there! Just as I was about to take aim at the kid with the shotgun I brought, he just pulled out his own shotgun and killed him before I could even pull the trigger! Dr. Douhni: The cardboard cutout? D-30044: Yes! I didn't believe it myself when I first saw it, and honestly I was a bit upset that he got the shot off first. He didn't pay me much mind when I went over and unloaded a few more rounds into that man-child's corpse to make sure he was dead, so that much I appreciated. Dr. Douhni: Mhm… Dr. Douhni is seen quietly writing on his clipboard before turning his attention back to D-30044. Dr. Douhni: Right, sorry. Can you continue? D-30044: Of course. As I was saying, I don't know where he went next, but he didn't get in the way when I went upstairs and tied up the parents. I had this whole routine practiced, this speech about greed and entitlement and how much pain they've inflicted on me and all the other people of █████████. Each cut was supposed to be symbolic, one cut for every person who was suffering beneath their boots. Dr. Douhni: I can't personally relate, but, um… Dr. Douhni coughs into his hand. Dr. Douhni: I, I think I understand what you were trying to go for. D-30044: Yes, so, I got to work. I cut their tongues out first so they couldn't scream, then I sawed off the fingers and toes in case they tried to escape. Then… I'm sorry, did you want the details? I can go through the whole routine. I still have the speech memorized. D-30044 is seen smiling to himself. Dr. Douhni is seen covering his mouth with his hands. Dr. Douhni: Please, do not go into specific detail, for my sake personally. D-30044: Of course, my apologies. So, just as I'm about the finish the job, he comes back into the room. Out of nowhere he's there, and he looks just as angry at these people as I was. I figured I had my fun, so I offered him the knife. He took it gladly and just slashed their throats open, let 'em bleed out. I was impressed, truly I was. A slow, excruciating death choking on their own blood was what they deserved. Then he simply gave me back the knife and left. Dr. Douhni lowers his hands and picks up his pencil to write again. Dr. Douhni: It just killed them and left? Did you see where it went? D-30044: Sadly no. Shame though, I was the one arrested for it. I didn't even kill them, technically. But hey, at least you all found a way to lock him up, hm? <End Log> Incident 3177-██: ENTER LEVEL-4 CREDENTIALS TO ACCESS ACCESS GRANTED On September 28th, 20██, a large portion of Site-██ was destroyed due to what was believed to be a fault in the heating system. This resulted in the temporary breach of multiple anomalies, as well as the deaths of ██ Foundation personnel. While interviewing a survivor of the accident, they reported witnessing SCP-3177 planting a high-grade explosive in the [REDACTED] wing of the facility. Investigations regarding the incident are ongoing. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3177" by OthellotheCat, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
 close Info X All men are NOT created equal before God; the facts of heaven and hell, election and reprobation make clear that they are not equal. - R.J. Rushdoony ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains suicide, child death, gore, and antisemitism/racism. ⚠️ content warning NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION I don't know who you are, and you will never know who I am. That's fine. But we're on the same side. I have to be fast about this: I've included everything I could recover after the church fire. Olney is complicit, but I doubt they'll be of much help to you. I don't think this is the root of the problem. — [INVALID ID] Threat Level: Yellow Whitewater, Mississippi. Special Containment Procedures: Due to the isolated nature of Whitewater, containment is focused on controlling the flow of information out of the village. With this in mind, agents embedded within major internet service providers are to prevent the expansion of internet services until SCP-3178 is identified and contained. Mobile Task Force Gamma-691 ("When Something Interesting Happens") is to be kept on standby in case of activity that may escalate SCP-3178's Object Class or Threat Level. Two officers are to remain within Whitewater in order to investigate SCP-3178. Due to the presence of a GoI-952 ("Olney Ironworks") manufacturing center within an hour's drive of Whitewater, the Foundation is looking into solutions to the issue of cross-contamination with SCP-3178. Description: SCP-3178 is a phenomenon, entity, or series of rituals responsible for several anomalous events within the village of Whitewater, Mississippi. The nature of SCP-3178 is unknown, including whether or not it constitutes a singular entity or force. The populace of Whitewater is aware of SCP-3178, attributing it to the actions of the Christian Trinity. Confinement of SCP-3178's events' to members of the Whitewater Baptist Church (of which 71% of Whitewater's population belongs to) is cited as proof of this. It is known that SCP-3178's influence was first recorded by the populace on 09/13/2001, following the inexplicable recovery of Pastor Redd Harding after two hours of clinical death as the result of an untreated coral snake bite. Since then, multiple anomalous events have been recorded, including: A "prophetic vision" depicting the exact location of Calvin Harding, then missing. The spontaneous pregnancy of Ms. Maisie Hill immediately following a confirmed miscarriage. The occurrence of snowfall during the funeral of Deacon William Barnes, despite the date (July 7th). The impromptu recitation of Luke 23 and subsequent spontaneous combustion of Mr. John O'Connolly, during his court appearance for kidnapping and battery. HISTORY SCP-3178 was discovered following post-incident investigation of Incident-5952-C-Ford. The nature of Researcher Ford's injuries, as well as interviews with witnesses, suggested the existence of a separate anomalous force or entity related to the SCP-5952 project. However, further investigation revealed no apparent links between SCP-5952 and SCP-3178, aside from the involvement of Joseph Comstock Rockwell, a Whitewater-based Baptist preacher working as faculty in WWSCSTT. Elder Rockwell rebuffed initial requests for an interview, citing both his schedule and the Foundation's alleged conduct during Incident-5952-B Schumer-Velasquez-Ford. Furthermore, persons of interest to the SCP-5952 project either refuse to cooperate or lack significant knowledge of the SCP-3178 phenomenon. On 05/13/2010, Foundation Overwatch ordered investigation into SCP-3178 and its connection to Whitewater. Officers Efrain Rodríguez and Connor Zhou were deployed in response. ADDENDUM-3178-003 + GAMMA-691 LOGS Access Granted Officer Efrain Rodríguez Wednesday, May 13th, 2010 Officer Zhou and I entered Whitewater from the South, through one of the two roads in and out of the city. We went through a backroad, coming off the MS 26; I'm told the Northern road is a Thoroughfare. My first impression wasn't positive, you could say. The locals weren't very friendly. This was to be expected, though, given the racial demographics of Whitewater and its home county. Still, there was one or two friendly faces. Marjorie, a charming old lady with bright red tortoiseshell glasses who apparently works as the town barber. Walter Barnet, a local schoolteacher who offered to show us around town. Elliot Ngo, an ironworker employed by night in the town of Starling, and one of the only non-white residents of the town. Chief among the people who didn't like us, unfortunately, was Mrs. Judy Davis. She owns the Saltside Inn, the only motel in town and where Zhou and I will be staying during the investigation. It's clear she's annoyed that we're here for what, to the town, is essentially investigation into the workings of the Judeo-Christian God, but I'm not sure she could afford to turn us away. This place doesn't look like it sees much commercial traffic. I'll keep you posted. Officer Efrain Rodríguez Thursday, May 14th, 2010 Locals seem hesitant to interact. Not for lack of trying on our part: Zhou and I did the rounds, or as much as we could in a dry county. Assuming they're not just writing us off, a big problem is that there isn't a lot to do in Whitewater. If people want to do anything, they have to drive to Starling out West. Really, there aren't even grocery stores. Ironically, the one person willing to talk to us was Mrs. Davis. She doesn't quite like us, but she stopped short of calling Whitewater a Sundown Town. I logged our interview, should be included with this week's report. Officer Efrain Rodríguez Friday, May 15th, 2010 Elder Rockwell came back to Whitewater. The locals treat him like something of a celebrity: when he came into town, everything stopped and took attention. Locals practically mobbed him, showering him with praise and begging him for spiritual advice on a great many matters. Even the schoolhouse stopped class so student and faculty alike could gawk. When I saw him for myself, it wasn't hard to see why. Rockwell's the tallest man in town, built like a carpenter with the charisma of a con-man. Something about his voice just puts one at ease. It's easy to recognize he's a PoI, but you'd think it was for the Horizon Initiative, or something equally benign. Despite this, I have reason to believe that … there's no clinical way to say this: he's hiding something. Zhou and I made eye contact with him several times over the course of today; both of us came away with something similar. Rockwell has a way of making you feel small. There's something indescribably imposing, how he looks at you. Like you're a sheep, and you're being hunted by a wolf. He's not necessarily the wolf in this case, but you get the feeling he could save you from the wolf. Keyword "could"; you see no intention of doing so. Suffice to say, he rebuffed all attempts at an interview. Officer Efrain Rodríguez Monday, May 18th, 2010 Elder Rockwell is something of a prophet to these people. Unlike most prophets, he has a schedule, spending most of the week at the nearby boarding school before coming back on Friday to fulfill his diocesan duties. He's gone by Monday. Neither Zhou or I were privy to any "miracles" performed by SCP-3178 during our stay; however, a few of the locals would accost him as he went about his duties, seemingly to interpret "miracles" they themselves experienced. We're still at the thin-ice stage of our relationship with Whitewater, so we tried to limit our espionage. It all seemed standard. And then it was Sunday. Whitewater isn't particularly active on a good day. Again, there's not much to do. But Sunday morning stood out to us as particularly still. Nobody went outside, not to tend a lawn or sweep their driveway or anything like that. The only thing open was the station just outside the limits. Zhou interviewed the teller, or tried to. He's a heavyset, middle-aged latino from the town of Starling; that's as much as we could get out of him. Says he doesn't know much about Whitewater, only that he's heard the locals can get "really weird" about the Sabbath. We don't have the clearance to probe him about SCP-3178, so that's as much as can be gotten until we check in with Command. Altogether, we'd assumed it'd be a quiet day. We're here to investigate miracles, and the strangest thing we'd seen is a distinct lack of any activity, not even Sunday morning church commutes. As we later learned, Whitewater's Sunday services begin in the evening. If you haven't seen it, Whitewater Baptist Church hosts a single "bell-tower". The bell itself is small, and shouldn't have been able to reach much further than the campus. Theoretically, the bell's tolls cannot reach Saltside Inn, which sits at the other end of Whitewater, except that they did. I'm unsure if this was one of the "miracles" of SCP-3178, but at 8:17, Zhou and I heard a series of loud tolls of a bell. This wasn't the tinny buzz you'd expect from the actual bell, but strong, lingering, deep. The kind you'd expect from a cathedral. You can listen to the recording we included, Audio Log-3178-A. Zhou and I rushed to the church to investigate, and sure enough the bell was ringing. By this point, the church lot and surrounding streets were packed with empty cars, and the lights in the chapel were on. Evidently, services had started. Having made little progress over the course of the week, the two of us endeavored to make our way inside and observe. Except we couldn't. There were two men stationed in front of the door to the chapel. Tall, dressed in khaki shorts and polo shirts, what looked to be darker complexions than most of the town; it was too dark to make out much more. They wouldn't speak, and they wouldn't move from in front of the chapel. I tried getting through regardless, and that's when the one to my right … I don't remember what happened. I know he did something to me, and I know that Zhou helped me in the aftermath, somehow. But there's a space between then and this morning where I can't remember anything, save a dream I had. In case it becomes relevant, I'm including a transcription of the dream with the report. As I'm writing this, it's half past noon. Zhou was gone when I woke up; I'll speak with him after I investigate the church campus for anomalies, and I'll keep you posted. Going to be wearing a bodycam in case this happens again. Officer Efrain Rodríguez Monday, May 18th, 2010 I will be taking the rest of the day off, along with tomorrow; I apologize for the inconvenience. + INTERVIEW LOGS Access Granted INTERVIEW-3178-F DATE: 5/14/2010 SUBJECT: Judy Davis [BEGIN LOG] Interview begins in what appears to be the residence of Mrs. Davis. The room is cluttered with boxes, trinkets, and scattered fabrics. Officer Rodríguez sits on a wooden chair; Officer Zhou, who begins the recording in front of the camera, joins him soon after. Mrs. Davis remains standing. Davis: This ain't reflecting good. Rodríguez: Sorry, Mrs. Davis. We just want to be thorough. Davis: Thorough is gonna be the death of y'all. Rodríguez: Again, we're sorry. Davis: Ain't a threat. You don't look an angel in the face. Zhou: Interesting. Do you mean to imply we're dealing with angels, Mrs. Davis? Mrs. Davis sighs. Davis: I know your kind, I do. Urbanites. All concrete and plush. You're used to the rats, pigeon crap, all the grime, think it's the roughest it gets. But everything worth anything's marked with pretty yellow lines, telling y'all where and where not to put your feet. You ain't known a lick of America. Jackson, St. Louis, New Orleans. Bastions of cold comfort. Not a bit of god in all've it. Zhou: How do you mean? Davis: God ain't there. Sin all you want, pray all you want, he ain't hear you. Nothing's possible. Mrs. Davis glances towards the camera, before looking back at the officers. Davis: Stay here long enough. You'll see God. You'll see more than you ever wish of God. Right here's his pulse point. Don't follow the red line, or you'll get to his heart. Davis: Or, you get out of town. Save you the trouble. Rodríguez: I'm sorry, but are you telling us to avoid God? It's… I mean, I was raised Ca—I was raised Christian. I was told he was everywhere. I was told he was good. This doesn't sound right. Davis: And what do y'all know about God? Your kind can't even trust him. They send y'all here to survey, pick through his work. Figure out how he does what he does. Davis: I know you ain't know God. If you did, you'd know that through God, all things are possible, and he don't need a reason to do nothing. Wouldn't be sticking your face in the fryer. Rodríguez: I mean no offense, Mrs. Davis, but you talk as if God wishes us harm. Mrs. Davis opens her mouth, only to pause. Davis: They call it God-fearing for a reason. Mrs. Davis spits on the floor. She refuses to answer any more questions from this point forward. [END LOG] INTERVIEW-3178-G DATE: 5/18/2010 SUBJECT: Presently unverified. [BEGIN LOG] Footage taken from Officer Rodríguez's bodycam. Officer Rodríguez is presently atop the church bell-tower, leaning over the edge to examine the bell. Twenty-seven seconds into the log, he sits back up and retrieves a notepad, presumably to record his observation. However, partway through he is interrupted by the sound of someone climbing the tower. Hurrying to the edge, Rodríguez sees a young woman attempting to climb the tower. Rodríguez: Ma'am, the tower is closed. Please— Unidentified Woman: I'm not in the mood for this. The Unidentified Woman successfully scales the tower, standing to her full height. She appears to be a blonde European female in her early 20s, dressed conservatively. Slung over her chest is an occupied baby carrier. Rodríguez stands up. Rodríguez: Oh. Seems a bit dangerous, no? Unidentified Woman: You make do. The Unidentified Woman sighs, turning away from Rodríguez to look out over Whitewater. Unidentified Woman: My mom tells me the previous Elder, the one before Rockwell, was a real bastard. Called the cops every time someone climbed the tower. They never answered, this was before we had in-house police. But he hated it. Rodríguez: Huh. Unidentified Woman: It's not that interesting. Rodríguez: No, it's just… I mean, I'm new to town. Seeing Rockwell, it's hard to think he wasn't always the Elder, yeah? Unidentified Woman: God willing. The Unidentified Woman puts her hands on her hips. Unidentified Woman: I think Rockwell hates it too. He acts like he doesn't. He does a lot of acting. Rodríguez: But he doesn't call the cops. Unidentified Woman: Doesn't need to. Turning around, the Unidentified Woman smiles and holds out a hand. Unidentified Woman: Maisie Hill. You might remember me from the local news. Rodríguez: Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Hill. Rodríguez takes the Unidentified Woman's hand for a firm shake. Unidentified Woman: You here for what I think you're here for? Rodríguez: I'm here to investigate miracles, yes. Unidentified Woman: How quaint. Have you met this little miracle? The Unidentified Woman unclasps the baby from its carrier, holding it out for Rodríguez. He brings his hand to its head and hesitates. Rodríguez: May I— Unidentified Woman: Trick question. Both remain silent for several seconds. Rodríguez: … I don't understand what you mean? The Unidentified Woman brings the baby back to her chest, but does not put it back in the carrier. Unidentified Woman: People call it a miracle, you know? I don't blame them. You hear about a miscarriage, all that awful business, and then, out of nowhere, you've gone three months without a period. Of course they think it's a miracle. What else could it be? Unidentified Woman: See, I'm stuck on whether or not it's a miracle. Miracles are gifts from God. They're holy. Do you think undeath is holy? What little gets through the parental filters, though, it's said undeath is unholy. Unidentified Woman: So, tell me what you think: what do you call something that was killed and brought back to life? Both remain silent for several seconds. Rodríguez: … I'm sorry for your loss, Ms. Hill, but— Unidentified Woman: Don't feel sorry on account of this little shit. I had it killed for a reason. Rodríguez: You… killed your baby? Unidentified Woman: I didn't kill a baby. I killed the parasitic clump of cells fucked into me by my deadbeat ex. I killed it so many goddamn times, and every time something shoved it back in. And you know what? I'm going to kill it again. Nodding to Rodríguez, the Unidentified Woman turns around and throws the baby off of the tower. Rodríguez screams. Unidentified Woman: Huh. Looks like it wasn't God after all. Bet he would have saved it. The Unidentified Woman turns her head to look back at Rodríguez, who appears to be frozen in place. Unidentified Woman: Word of advice: Land at an angle, and on your head. More likely to die if you snap your neck. Winking, the Unidentified Woman turns back around and dives off of the tower. [END LOG] + RECOVERED MATERIALS Access Granted Designation: I-3178-C Date of Retrieval: 5/17/2010 Description: Item consists of an audio recording, allegedly of SCP-3178 activity. However, no such activity can be heard. Designation: I-3178-D Date of Retrieval: 5/17/2010 Description: Item consists of hair samples taken from Officer Efrain Rodríguez. Material analysis indicates trace amounts of the BLACK FLY compound. Designation: I-3178-E Date of Retrieval: 5/18/2010 Description: Item consists of a 990-Hypnos report recorded by Officer Efrain Rodríguez. I'm walking through a maze. The walls are lined with pipes and trilingual hazard signs, and crowding the various halls and rooms are vast arrays of industrial equipment. My only source of light is a handheld flashlight. I know, somehow, that I am trespassing. Moreover, something in the back of my mind insists that whatever I may be looking for, I won't find it within the maze. Something drives me to continue, some external force I have come to see as a yoke around my neck. The maze hates me for this. Something is hunting me. Though I have no idea where my hunter lurks, I am somehow intimately aware of the fact that my hunter is gaining on me. What began as trespass quickly becomes a frenzied rush to escape my hunter; however, I have gone too far into the maze, and have lost track of the exit. Part of me believes that whatever holds my yoke is indifferent to my survival. As I run deeper into the maze, I begin to occasionally notice windows on the walls, overlooking impossible, horrible visages: A field of scorched earth, filled with ramshackle gallows from which pale, screaming bodies are hung over fires. An impossibly long hallway, where a milk-white cloud pours itself into the IVs of sickly men packed frame-to-frame in dirtied sickbeds. A fattened sack of flesh sitting under a weave of clay blades, fed blood from children thrown to the weave to thrash themselves into a pulp. Soon, I grow tired. I cannot escape my hunter. When finally I collapse to the rust-covered floor, my flashlight goes dark. My hunter comes closer; it knows exactly where I am. It turns me over, and I can see it through the darkness. My hunter is shaped like a human, but it has been mutilated into such a shape with stitches and zip ties and butcher twine. Its "skin" is a tangle of slimy tentacles, red in color, lined with hooked suckers that cut into it with every motion. It is wearing a leather apron. Around my hunter's "waist" is a belt, from which hang three clay heads. On its left hangs the face of a woman, missing her lips. On its right hangs the face of a bull, missing its horns. In the center hangs the face of a man, missing his eyes. Around its neck hangs a thick wire, threaded through an array of severed penises. On its head, my hunter wears a rubber mask. The face is of a jovial, clean-shaven man, with a double chin and a grey combover. It is remarkably clean. And then I woke up. ADDENDUM-3178-004 + GAMMA-691 LOGS Access Granted Officer Efrain Rodríguez Wednesday, May 20th, 2010 Zhou and I were woken up around 3 AM to a loud banging sound from the door to our room. Jutting from our doorpost was a massive nail, with a shaft easily two inches in diameter. With every pound, more of it poked through, until it was easily three feet out. Soon, the pounding stopped, only to resume once again as another nail emerged from the doorpost. I yelled at whatever was behind the door, but they ignored me, continuing to hammer nails through the doorpost. Then I tried opening the door to confront them, but something was pulling it shut from the other end. It was then that Zhou pushed me out of the way, retrieving his firearm and ordering whatever was responsible to back away before he opened fire. That didn't deter whatever was outside, and neither did the warning fired into the ceiling. It was only when Zhou fired at the door that the pounding stopped, interrupted by the sound of a man screaming. Zhou threw open the door, levelling his firearm at whatever was behind it, just in time for him to see a man dressed in black fleeing around the corner. The two of us gave chase, but by then he'd fled the motel. We hadn't brought flashlights or shoes, and the trail of blood he'd left was too small to track in the dark. The shot must have grazed him. Zhou tried to contact Mrs. Davis, but apparently she'd gone on vacation on Monday and hadn't come back since. I put in a police report; hopefully, they can sort this out. Of note is what we found nailed to the doorpost. It looked to be a large, somewhat stiff tentacle without any suckers, pink in color with large patches of mottled grey. A good foot in diameter, nine feet long. Bloodied. Sidenote: I'm not sure what the liaison meant. I'm pretty sure I'd remember such a stylistic choice. Officer Efrain Rodríguez Thursday, May 21st, 2010 Let me know if you have any information on the left house. Huh. Not sure how that got crossed out. Tell Officer McTriss she's known the password to -H since 2006. Officer Efrain Rodríguez Friday, May 22nd, 2010 This will make more sense once/if you've watched -H: Zhou and I checked in with Ngo. If you'll allow me some much needed informality, I don't like Ngo. It's my opinion that he's a conniving rat bastard who knows more than he lets on. But that's the general impression I've gotten from Olney, so that's not too unusual. I'm beginning to question the narrative that SCP-3178 deals in "miracles". If half of what Ngo told us was true, Olney is a part of this, which doesn't strike me as very Godly unless I've radically misinterpreted the nature of God. We'll be going to Starling tomorrow, to check out the factory. I'll keep you posted. Officer Efrain Rodríguez Saturday, May 23rd, 2010 Zhou is gone. I don't know what went wrong. We went to the Olney facility in Starling, at a time when we knew it'd be closed. I checked with Dr. Everwood on the matter of Olney, double checked everything, made damn sure we told nobody about our plans. Zhou volunteered to go first; he was insistent on that point. The plan was that if all was clear, if nothing happened over fifteen seconds, he'd call out to me and we could continue. Our original plan was to go through the factory; however, a quick survey of the grounds revealed a cellar door leading down into what must have been a maintenance tunnel. Between that and getting caught on the Olney cameras, we decided the cellar would be our entry point. So Zhou went in, and I don't know what I saw. One moment the door was there; the next, there was an exposed patch of concrete, not even a manhole to show for it. I searched the whole grounds, everything I could get to, I even looked at the street view (as much as I could on the spotty cell service). Not only couldn't I find an entrance, the grounds didn't match what I saw on the maps. It was like I was somewhere completely different. Excuse my venting, but I really need to get this off my chest: when I drove back to Whitewater, the roads felt different. Maybe it was the dark. Maybe it was all in my head. Maybe the roads actually changed. Requesting back-up, and if it's not too much I'd like to request a transfer, too. Officer Efrain Rodríguez Monday, May 25th, 2010 I don't remember what happened yesterday. I woke up from a nightmare (included in reports) in the bed Connor had been sleeping in. My eyes stung, my head pounded, and my whole body ached. I was fully dressed, and my bodycam lay crushed beside my bed. When I went to the mirror, I could see my face was burned, somehow, all reddened and blistered. My eyes were red, like I'd been crying too hard for too long. I hadn't written any reports for yesterday, or none that I could find. Knowing that yesterday was a Sunday, however, I'm certain that one of two things happened: I travelled to Starling, or along the MS 26, to investigate the landscape. I had stayed inside for most of the day. Assuming I wasn't messed with during such tasks, I suppose I might then have gone to the church grounds a little before the beginning of Mass, presumably to investigate the grounds or infiltrate the gathering. I know I would have tried to avoid the men from before, or at the very least have threatened them if they tried to interfere with my work. I'm not in prison, so I assume either the police don't care about what I might have done, or they were never called to begin with. But what did this to me? Unless I'm not cleared for it, I can't find anything close to my experience in the records. One more thing. I tried reciting my morning prayers. I'd been forgetting to do them in the past few years, but ever since the incident last week I've been better about it. Call it a crutch, but after what I've seen it felt good to ease the burden, if only a little, and rituals can be good for that. I felt nothing. I knew the words, I knew the motions. But any attempt to act on them felt too hollow, too insincere, and I found myself stuck behind some kind of mental wall. How could they take that from me? + INTERVIEW LOGS Access Granted INTERVIEW-3178-H DATE: 5/21/2010 SUBJECT: PoI-48871 NOTES: For presently unclear reasons, this file was encrypted by Officer Rodríguez, requiring Officer McTriss to provide a passcode in order to decrypt it. [BEGIN LOG 1] The recording begins in a dilapidated, unfurnished house. Scattered across the floor is a sleeping roll, plastic takeout boxes, and empty syrup packets. PoI-4887 paces the room, muttering indistinctly, while Officer Rodríguez (and soon Officer Zhou) sit silently on the floor. This continues for approximately three minutes, before PoI-4887 stops, retrieving a notebook from her person. She flips through the notebook for several seconds, before settling on a specific page. PoI-4887: Nobody sent you, right? Zhou: That's correct. PoI-4887: And nobody saw you? Zhou: I feel as if I'm always being watched in this town, but I couldn't- PoI-4887: Fuck me running, I ask you one thing and you can't even… PoI-4887 sighs. PoI-4887: Sorry, sorry. It's just, if anyone saw you, that's… that's bad. But too late for that, right? Far, far too late for anything. Rodríguez: Apologies, mix. PoI-4887: It's fine, it's fine. Look. If Orvo knows I'm here, that's really bad news. Keep quiet about this, and if you see anyone with green eyes, you fucking run. Better yet, turn that camera off. Zhou: I apologize, mix, but the Foundation needs to hear whatever you have to say. PoI-4887: Can't reason with jailors. Putting her book away, PoI-4887 scratches at her scalp. PoI-4887: Alright, let's make this quick: this town is fucked. Whatever the hell Rockwell is doing here, I'm reasonably sure it has something to do with CALAMITY2. How much info do you have on the Christian Ministries of America? Rodríguez: What? PoI-4887: Great, your organization is fucking useless. Zhou: With all due respect, mix, I'd appreciate if you didn't keep insulting us. PoI-4887: What are you operating on? How much did they tell you? How much do they know? If you're telling me they sent you here without the slightest bit of intel on the CMA or Rockwell, you have a massive, massive problem. Zhou: Tell us what it is, then. PoI-4887: Fine, fine. Okay, you remember the Moral Majority, right? Falwell, Weyrich, McAteer, all those preachers who wanted to bring back segregated religious schools? Give them anomalies. That's the CMA. Rockwell's high in the org, what I hear and see, but he's not the only one, and I get the feeling… I'm sorry. PoI-4887: I really want to help you. Your organization is a cancer, a net bad, but I really do believe you can stop this. I just… I don't want to say it. I can't. Zhou: If you'd stop insulting us for a single second, that— PoI-4887: If I couldn't say the jailors could help me, I wouldn't have. No, it's just… I feel like, if I say what I think about the CMA and Olney, it will come true. It's stupid, and what I think is probably already true. But I just… can't. I don't want to believe it's true. Rodríguez: And what do you think? PoI-4887: That… PoI-4887 pauses, mouth still open. She attempts to say something, but retches instead. Finally, she shakes her head. PoI-4887: This might make sense later: America is the whale, CMA is the squid, and Olney is being played as the tentacles. All remain silent for several seconds. Zhou: … this was a waste of time. You keep throwing words at us and expecting us to understand what they mean. Then you yell at us, because we were never taught any of this? Who the hell is Orvo? What the hell is Olney? How the fuck does marine biology have anything to do with this?! If you can't even give us the barest of background— Rodríguez: I've heard of Olney. Zhou: Looks like someone is in the know! Good for you, good for you! You want to share that with the class? Rodríguez: I'm sorry, Co—Zhou, I didn't think it was relevant. Back on… back on another project, we were sent to deal with one of their refineries. Apparently, they're not even a real GoI, just some astronomically unlucky industrial company. But how do they fit in? They don't strike me as the kind of conspiracy we'd expect from, say, the Blue Moon Society. PoI-4887: I can't help you on motive, aside from… they're probably desperate for money? But what tracking I could do on Rockwell and his assistants, it occasionally comes back to the center in Starling. Rodríguez: The… what? PoI-4887: The Olney manufacturing center in Starling. You know, the one that employs half of Whitewater? All remain silent for several seconds. Rodríguez: Oh my fucking god. [END LOG 1] INTERVIEW-3178-I DATE: 5/22/2010 SUBJECT: Elliot Ngo [BEGIN LOG] Recording begins in a modestly decorated living room. Several crosses, as well as a confederate battle flag, can be seen adorning the walls. Sitting on a sofa chair is Mr. Ngo, nursing a cup of coffee. All remain silent for several seconds. Officer Rodríguez attempts to speak at one point, only to palm his face. Zhou: Apologies. My partner— Rodríguez: No, no, I'm fine. Really. All remain silent for several seconds. Zhou: … I'm told you work with Olney. Mr. Ngo nods. Ngo: That I do. Zhou: Can you give us any more detail? Ngo: Well, (pausing to sip from his coffee) I work the afternoon shift. It's a mix of manning the furnaces and transporting material from one end of the plant to the other. Not much, but the work's honest and the pay's good. Zhou: Interesting. Ngo: Is it? Zhou: Never mind. During your time work— Mr. Ngo sits up straight. Ngo: Haven't seen anything weird. Zhou: I… didn't ask you that. Ngo: Lot of people do. Fake news, all of it, but there are some things people will never understand. Zhou: Again, I didn't— Ngo: Look, I'd love to have you over, but only through God are all such things possible. Olney's pretty secular. Zhou: Is that a saying? Ngo: Only a saying because too many people ask. Olney has a lot of competitors looking to muscle in, so I guess they've started spreading rumors. It's all fake, though, and if you read the company charter you'd know that, too. Zhou: No, I mean the part about, about how through God… (Officer Zhou groans) what are we talking about? Am I missing something? I've barely asked you anything, why all this? Ngo: Listen. When you hear as much as I have, you know the questions before they're asked. I'm sorry to say that, whatever you're looking for, you won't hear it from me. Zhou groans, but says nothing. All remain silent for several seconds. Rodríguez: … forgive my partner, this is his first project involving Olney. Ngo: Can't imagine why he'd have a previous one. Rodríguez: Alright, well… we got off on the wrong foot. Me and my partner, we're part of M.S. Rational. Mr. Ngo tilts his head. Rodríguez: You heard about us? Ngo: Nothing immediately comes to mind. Sounds like some kind of research society. Rodríguez: Of a sort. We're looking to disprove some rumors going around about Olney Starling. There's been some rumors, however outlandish, about it being frequented by some kind of space cult, and we we want to quash that before… well, small town America does what it does. Mr. Ngo blinks, then relaxes his posture. Ngo: I… might have heard tell of a little. Can't say I've seen a space cult. Rodríguez: Right, right. So… let's start off talking about squids. I've… heard tell that the facility has more than could be expected. Ngo: Can't say I've seen them. (Mr. Ngo sips from his coffee) Depending on the… the space cult's relationship with squids, it'd have made a lot more sense if the nonexistent cult had taken root in a fishery. Olney Starling is a steel mill. As for, say, walking squids… Olney has no financial incentive to create such a thing. Ngo: Moreover, if, say, the space cult was less of an Olney operation and more of a parasite, and for a bigger if, if crafting such a thing were possible, such an organization would have to be pretty well-funded to ensure any sort of cooperation from Olney. The company's been firing on all cylinders for a while, so leasable basement space would be pretty sparse. Rodríguez: Sounds reasonable. So, how much basement space is there? Ngo: That's… fairly complicated. While I can't give you an exact number, I can tell you right now that most of it is tunnels. Not a lot of space for blood rituals. And, moreover… I can't see a situation in which the space cult would need the tunnels. Ngo: (italics denote a possible emphasis based on Mr. Ngo's tone) Despite some of the rumors, Olney has no plans for long-range tunneling. Whitewater is an hour's drive, and we don't have the capital for a private railway. Simply put, the logistics of transport don't work. Rodríguez: That all makes sense. So… why, then, do you think rumors persist? Ngo: Dying in a thresher of your own fault doesn't make as good a story. Rodríguez: People have died in the tunnels? Ngo: Everyone wants to find a squid monster; considerably less want to respect private property and heed the warnings we've put out. [END LOG] + RECOVERED MATERIALS Access Granted Designation: I-3178-F Date of Retrieval: 5/20/2010 Description: Item has been identified as a Balaenoptera musculus3 penis. Designation: I-3178-G Date of Retrieval: 5/26/2010 Description: Item consists of hair and body fat samples taken from Officer Efrain Rodríguez. Material analysis has identified significant amounts of BLACK FLY-2 residue. Designation: I-3178-H Date of Retrieval: 5/25/2010 Description: Item consists of a 990-Hypnos report recorded by Officer Efrain Rodríguez. I own a house in Whitewater. The town is larger than before, much larger: from the roof of my house, I can see the trappings of rural America stretching for miles in every direction. I am on my roof, because I must put up Christmas lights. All of Whitewater will be lit up for what's to come, whether or not the owner puts up their lights. In the back of my mind, I instinctually know that the Christmas lights are preferable to whatever the alternative method should be. None of this should be new to me, but for some reason I struggle. The instructions are simple, easy to understand, but so narrow as to obscure the arcane technicalities that short the lights, fail to close the circuit, threaten to set my house aflame. Why me? My neighbor, Marjorie, she lives in the same model of housing, uses the same materials, reads from the same instruction booklet. Her lights are beautiful. Mr. Barnet, my other neighbor, his lights are even grander, bulbs of green and red and violet and white spelling mantras I can't decipher. Across the street, Ngo's house shines like a beacon in the daylight. Nightfall is my deadline to complete the lights; but whether or not I succeed, my house will be lit up by nightfall. Ms. Hill, Connor, that pale woman I somehow know as "Princess", they all shared a house. It's behind mine. Their deadline was earlier than mine, and they failed to complete their lights. I shield my eyes whenever their house should come into view. Their house is lit up. I have no intention of learning how. Am I missing something? Some integral piece of the puzzle? Everyone makes this look easy, but my lights form a labyrinthian nest of ports and plugs and power. All I consult is vague, sparse, predicated on a seemingly elementary aspect of lighting that eludes me. To go fast is suicide; to go slow is unacceptable tardiness. The sun drips down the sky, squeaking like whale blubber dragged across a butcher's board. It's late afternoon, and I have no hope of completing the lighting in time. I am behind where I started: only suicide cables and broken bulbs remain. There was never any grounding. The instructions insult and belittle me for my ignorance. It's sunset, and I make up my mind to kill myself, but the powers that be have shut off my electricity. The grass and pavement of my lawn has decayed to a slurry, sticky and soft, gently pulling me back as I struggle from its grip. Someone has stolen my kitchenware. The sprinklers I can't remember installing scream as they put out my fires. It's nightfall. I cower on my roof as Whitewater surrounds my house. Elder Rockwell knocks on my door. Despite my failures, my house will be lit up by nightfall. And then I woke up. WARNING: UNVERIFIED ADDITION ASE.aic CANNOT VERIFY THE CREDENTIALS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROPOSED ADDITION. EXTREME CAUTION IS ADVISED. + Show (1) Proposed Additions DO NOT TRUST THE CMA Officer Efrain Rodríguez Thursday, May 27th, 2010 They took my new partner. You sent him and they took him. They stole him as we walked out of our room. I don't know where he is, but I can hear him. I've begged everyone I've met to tell me where he is, why I can hear him screaming, but they babble and pray and congratulate me on the miracle I've been bestowed. Mrs. Davis is gone. I don't recognize the woman who took her place. She won't answer my questions. She won't talk to any of the other guests, and they don't talk to her, either. There's so many more guests, sunburnt and quiet and hidden behind face masks and wide-brimmed hats. Efrain Rodríguez 2010 What day is it? I couldn't sleep until he stopped. You hardly notice the sunrise when you're awake through the sunset. There's been too many sunrises. Was it Sunday? A few days ago, I think, the sunburnt men were gone. They're back. I don't know if I heard the bell through his screaming. I've come to expect dreams on Monday morning. But I couldn't sleep, and I stopped checking my phone since Zhou texted me. I still haven't read the text. I don't want to fall asleep. I'm sorry. Efrain HE'S NOT OKAY, THEY TIED HIM DOWN AND SPRAYED HIM WITH BLACK GAS AND YELLED AND CUT AND PRODDED HIM HE'S NOT OKAY NO MATTER WHAT HE TELLS YOU INTERVIEW DATE: Unclear SUBJECT: Elder Joseph Comstock Rockwell [BEGIN LOG] Officer Rodríguez sits in a plainly-decorated office. Across from him is Elder Rockwell. Elder Rockwell: Well met, young man. Rodríguez stays silent. He appears to be wobbling slightly. Elder Rockwell: Are you quite alright, young man? You're not in any trouble. Officer Rodríguez: … I thought I'd understand. Elder Rockwell: Pardon? Officer Rodríguez: I… (Rodríguez swallows) I though I'd understand. I'd talk to you, find out… find out what went on. I thought I'd be done by now. Why- (he sniffles) why didn't you talk to me? Elder Rockwell: Oh, child. I'm sorry it had to wait until now. Officer Rodríguez: I tried so hard. You were busy. You didn't want to talk. Elder Rockwell: And I'm so terribly sorry, but it had to wait. I would have loved to have talked, really, but God only gives man so much sunlight in a day. Officer Rodríguez: They're all dead, aren't they? Elder Rockwell: Pardon? Officer Rodríguez: Connor. Fernand. The… they're all dead. All dead. Elder Rockwell sighs. Elder Rockwell: I know not whether they're dead, young man. But whether in full or mere literality, it sounds like they're in God's hands. Officer Rodríguez: It's not fair. It's not… (he sniffles) it's not fair. Elder Rockwell: The work of the Serpent ain't fair, child. But it'll all be alright, because God's on your side, and through God, all things are possible. Rodríguez opens his mouth to speak, but pauses. He remains silent for several seconds. Officer Rodríguez: … why do you keep saying that? Elder Rockwell: I've only said it once, child. Officer Rodríguez: Oh bullshit. (Rodríguez sniffles, wiping something from his face) I keep hearing that. Day in, day out, every day I can stand to even talk to you people. What is it? Some, some empty mantra you keep around for the look? A slogan? Six fucking words? What does it mean, what are you saying whenever you say it and why to me? Elder Rockwell: If you need to step out— Rodríguez slams his fist onto the desk. Officer Rodríguez: Connor is dead because of you! He's dead, dead in, stuck in some, some fucking maze with who knows what! He died for nothing! You killed him for nothing! Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing but a hole in my heart stolen by your kind, stuck with a bandage six words long with, can't even stop the bleeding and what did you do to my God?! Officer Rodríguez: You took him from me, you killed him for this sick cult shit, fed him to a fucking squid or those fucking sunburnt fucks, fuck, fuck! Where's my God?! You stole my God, you ripped my faith out my mouth and I want him back! I want him back! Where— Rodríguez collapses in a sobbing fit. Elder Rockwell remains silent for approximately one minute, before responding. Elder Rockwell: I'm sorry, young man. But that wasn't God. That thing that got its tail around you, that's the Serpent. Elder Rockwell pats Rodríguez on the back. Elder Rockwell: Come with me. Meet with my flock. It'll all make sense on Sunday, I promise. [END LOG] Sunday I can't remember what I'm here for. Food won't stay down. My head won't shut up. I'm not going to sleep. I can't go to sleep. I won't go to sleep. I'm going to die tonight. Why did I go to the church? They let me in. Those sunburnt things stood by the door and let me file in. No one stopped me. Why didn't anyone stop me? Even inside the church, waiting for the services to start, the bells wouldn't stop. They rang like thunder. Screaming, screaming, screaming metal. A portend of certain doom, or a neophyte's punishment. I don't want to know. I know too much. There were so many other preachers, deacons, whatever it's called here. Why was Rockwell the only one who spoke? What faceless things flanked either side of him? I remember his sermon. He called me up by name, introduced me to the congregation. Told them we'd be starting at the beginning. There were so many people in the pews. Actual, living people. People who listened to Rockwell regularly, who sought him for advice or miracles or whatever else that horrible man offers. Such a terrifying prospect. He sent me to my seat, and began. He spoke of Adam and Eve, which I knew, of Cain and Abel and Seth, which I knew less. He hated Cain. He hated Abel. I don't know what he thought of Seth. Cain and Abel, according to Rockwell, are born of the seed of what he called "the Serpent". Rockwell reserved a special hatred for the Serpent. He accused it of polluting humanity, the Basalt Children of Adam, with the Children of Clay. The Children of Clay steal the Children of Basalt's babies, cutting off the tips of their penises and baking their blood into bread. They torture the Children of Basalt's livestock to death, bleeding them slowly and cruelly, flooding the markets with cheap, diseased meat. The Children of Clay plunder the gold of the Children of Basalt through trickery and intimidation, keeping the vast majority for themselves and circulating barely enough for the Children of Basalt to get by. To Rockwell, they are less than rats. Rockwell screamed in tongues, but he was no Charismatic charlatan. Every babble accompanied an idea, a vision: I saw the Clay hordes of Canaan strike cruelly at the husbands and children of a city called "Kazenrud"; I saw them lash the Messiah to the cross; I saw them emasculate God's Red Right Hand; I saw them sink a peaceful icon of Liberty; I saw them turn the Children of Basalts' simpleton slaves against their righteous masters; I saw them live through every attempt by Adam's descendants to extract righteous justice for their myriad crimes. The congregation screamed for blood. Rockwell called forth an assistant, who wheeled to him a cage obscured by cloth. Brought onto the dais, the cloth was pulled back. Seven snakes writhed around in a glass tank. One by one, Rockwell, removed them from the tank; he took no precaution as he handled them, and showed no discomfort as the snakes bit into his flesh. He'd scream something in a language lost to time, and then he'd bite into them, devouring them whole. The collection plate, more bowl than plate, was soon passed. Lined with wicked blades, the congregation bled themselves into it, sometimes a drop, sometimes a pint. When filled, the "plate" would be passed to one of the assistants, who would drink every last drop before passing it back down the pews. Rockwell knew when you didn't donate. I can't remember how long it had been when Rockwell began to scream of the end times, of a "calamity" that would restore dominance to the Children of Basalt, descendants of Adam. His predictions were dire, of the fall of the Idolatrous Machine Cult, of the reinvigoration of the "Madonna of Soronești", of Clay blasphemies swallowed by the worms. He screamed of the suffering to be brought upon the unbelieving, to be served torment sevenfold that which they'd suffer in life. I've never seen such raucous cheering for the end of the world. They took my God from me, and this is what they seek to replace it with. No more. I am awake, and I will set this rotten monument of horrors aflame. VIDEO LOG 3178-A [BEGIN LOG] Footage appears to have been taken from Rodríguez's bodycam. Rodríguez stands in front of a church door, breathing heavily. He kicks at the door, but it does not budge; so he kicks again, and continues to kick at the door until he's interrupted. Elder Rockwell: I'm afraid Sunday School's out for the night, and we don't hold remedial classes. Look, I have to leave in the morning for Whitewater's graduation ceremony, do you think you could save this for next week? Rodríguez screams, dropping something to the ground as he retrieves his firearm and open fires into the lock. Bending down to pick up what looks to be several plastic canisters, Rodríguez kicks at the door again, throwing open the doors to the chapel. Unscrewing the cap of one of the canisters, Rodríguez stumbles into the church and begins spilling a clear fluid over the floor. Elder Rockwell whistles. Elder Rockwell: You can cut the seed off the Serpent, but you can't cut the Serpent out the seed, I suppose. Was really hoping you were one of the good ones, Efrain. Rodríguez apparently attempts to say something; however, it comes out indistinct. He moves further into the church. Elder Rockwell: What'll you get out of this, Efrain? There's no peace of mind in burning a church. I'd have thought a cursory reading of European history would tell you that much. (Elder Rockwell sighs) I really did expect better of you. Elder Rockwell: Are you doing this for them? The Foundation? You think this is what they want? They're not the pagans you think they are, Efrain. Maybe the leaves of that tree, but the roots walk with God, whether they know it or not. This'll only hurt you, Efrain. As Rodríguez makes his way further into the church, Elder Rockwell can be heard following. Elder Rockwell: It's not like you can stop God's march. The church is a conduit, Efrain, not a heart. God lives in the heart of every real American, and doing what you're gonna do will only embolden God. Elder Rockwell circles around into view of the camera. He reaches out to Rodríguez, but Rodríguez screams and splashes him with the clear fluid. Elder Rockwell blinks. Elder Rockwell: You're not a killer, Efrain. Rodríguez: Shut up. Rodríguez moves past Elder Rockwell. Elder Rockwell: Maybe my flock took too much of the Serpent out of your head. Maybe they took your common sense along the way. Your decency, morality, right and wrong. I'm truly sorry, Efrain. Maybe there was too much of the Serpent after all. Approaching the dias, Rodríguez begins splashing the fluid across the various furniture pieces on the dais. He stops only at the pulpit, where a book lays open. He cannot seem to bring himself to splash it. Elder Rockwell: You're weak. We took the Judeo- out of your Christian, and I don't think the services took. Why can't you bear to burn that simple little book? Means nothing to an animal like you. Elder Rockwell: Go on. Do it. Burn it. Just a drop of coffee on the Book of Life. Rodríguez hesitates. Elder Rockwell: You know, we ain't even killed your first friend. He's alive. Gonna wish he wasn't, but he's alive. I'll take you to him if you burn that book. It's gonna catch either way, Ef- Rodríguez screams, pulling out a lighter. Rodríguez: One more word, I'm doing it, I'm killing you and your stupid, fake church, so go on, do it, do it, do it, (voice raises to a mocking pitch) "do it, do it, do it, do it do it"! Elder Rockwell: You really are an animal, Efrain. Where'd you come from, anyways? Down South? Across the sea? Test tube? You ever stop to notice that all your coworkers are dirt-skinned, and all middle management's hook-nosed? Sobbing, Rodríguez puts his lighter away, only to douse both the book and Elder Rockwell with yet more fluid. Elder Rockwell: Good doggie. Let's get you to the library, you've a lot more- Rodríguez shrieks, retrieving the lighter, sparking a light, and dropping it to the floor. He runs out of the chapel, careful not to step into the flames; however, Rodríguez trips as soon as he crosses the threshold, screaming in apparent pain. When Rodríguez turns around, he sees Elder Rockwell, calmly walking down the aisle towards him. The flames seem to avoid him as he walks. Though Elder Rockwell does not appear to be shouting, his words can be heard clearly despite the distance. Elder Rockwell: How anticlimactic. You'll make me do this myself, won't you? (he sighs) This changes nothing, you know. I'll move on to another town, have someone else take my place at the school. Whitewater is nothing, and neither is any other town dying to hear what I have to say. There's nothing you or a puny little gas fire can do to change that. "No weapon formed against me shall prosper", for divinity is at my side. Standing at the precipice, Rockwell holds his arms outstretched and smiles. Elder Rockwell: And through the right God, all the right things are possible. Two massive tentacles emerge from either side of the church, wrapping around Rodríguez and dragging him back into the burning chapel. Rodríguez screams. Recording is stopped. [END LOG] Footnotes 1. PoI-4887 is an entity commonly encountered in cases involving PoI-0000 ("Nobody"), resembling a tall European female covered in tattoos of Daevite design. Subject of a major infohazard projected by PoI-0000 that causes individuals to correctly conclude that she (among other subjects) is not PoI-0000; the significance of this, beyond the fact that PoI-4887 is not PoI-0000, is unknown. 2. [REDACTED] 3. Blue Whale A Dove In A Chicken Pen Christ In Scarlet Irregularity Proposal: 2001-489
Photograph of partial SCP-3179 breach during attempted transportation. Image taken from Cogwork Orthodoxy records. Item #: SCP-3179 Special Containment Procedures: As transportation of SCP-3179 is not feasible, a containment bunker has been constructed around the object. Mobile Task Force Zeta-10 ("Death Metal") are to monitor growth of SCP-3179 and sever sections of its main body to prevent expansion beyond acceptable levels. Any instances of SCP-3179-1 expelled by SCP-3179 are to be eliminated immediately and subsequently analyzed. All personnel interacting with SCP-3179 are to be thoroughly decontaminated before and after each interaction. In accordance with the Marconi Pact, additional information on SCP-3179 and its history can be gained through contact with Cogwork Orthodoxy ambassadors. Description: SCP-3179 is a liquid metal organism of variable size, capable of expanding its mass, altering its own form, and creating smaller autonomous entities. Currently, SCP-3179 is inhabiting the interior of a damaged containment unit constructed using Cogwork Orthodoxy techniques in the year 1917. Records indicate that, in the past, this containment unit in itself displayed anomalous properties aiding it in its task. However, it seems to have become inert over time, now functioning simply as a sturdy container for SCP-3179. Although this unit has been effective for the last one hundred years in restraining SCP-3179's growth, projections suggest that it will completely fail within the next five years. Expansion usually takes place through the form of several solid rod-like structures protruding from the original body before settling into a liquid state consistent with the rest of SCP-3179. Although sections of SCP-3179's mass retain the ability to expand and change shape for several hours after being severed from the original body, they gradually become inert once those hours have passed. SCP-3179 has on multiple occasions demonstrated the capability to create autonomous entities using portions of its own mass as a base. These entities are to be referred to as instances of SCP-3179-1. Instances of SCP-3179-1, while largely lacking the shape-changing and expansion capabilities of SCP-3179, do not become inert when separated from SCP-3179 in the way other sections separated from it do. Instances of SCP-3179-1 are specialized for a wide range of purposes, most of which center around breaching SCP-3179's containment. While instances of SCP-3179-1 obey the initial purposes given to them by SCP-3179 without exception, they do not appear capable of communicating with it after their creation. Unlike SCP-3179, which is fully recognizable as a metallic entity, instances of SCP-3179-1 can simulate an exterior organic appearance. SCP-3179 is sapient and highly intelligent, capable of altering and refining its tactics over time. Evidence suggests that it is also either hostile or uncaring towards human life, causing significant amounts of damage and casualties during its attempts at breaching containment. (See Addendum 3179-2.) Addendum 3179-1 (History): Records suggest that SCP-3179 is an extraterrestrial entity which first arrived on Earth near the English village of Dellinton in the year 1909 following a meteor shower. Shortly after said arrival, it came into the possession of members of the Cogwork Orthodoxy. SCP-3179 was significantly smaller than its current size at this point, but its ability to efficiently expand and create specialized entities convinced the members that retrieved it that it was of relevance to their faith. Writings from Brother-Inventor Warranty Silas, one of the individuals that discovered SCP-3179, indicate that it was briefly thought of as 'The Seed of The MEKHANE', an entity that would one day expand to such a degree to be the offspring of their faith's deity. As SCP-3179 grew, it displayed significant hostility towards the individuals caring for it, causing several casualties. This, along with its lack of reaction towards any displays of faith or Cogwork Orthodoxy scripture, convinced religious officials that it was of no relation towards their faith. As efforts to utilize it for their own purposes also failed, they then decided to enact containment procedures using a unit of their own design. As the containment unit had mostly been breached by SCP-3179 by the year 2016, the Cogwork Orthodoxy then contacted the Foundation, informing them of SCP-3179's location and requesting they take over containment efforts. Addendum 3179-2 (Attempted Containment Breaches): The following is a record of attempts by SCP-3179 to breach containment, whether through changing the shape of its mass or by producing instances of SCP-3179-1. Date Attempt 12/28/2016 SCP-3179 attempts to grow leg structures on its underside, presumably for the purposes of ambulation away from the containment zone. Structures are severed before they can be fully actualized. 01/11/2017 SCP-3179 attempts to grow massive numbers of propeller structures on the top side of its body, presumably in an attempt to attain flight and escape the containment zone. Structures are severed before they can be fully actualized. 03/04/2017 Instances of SCP-3179-1 are produced, taking the form of several flying drones that attempt to fly away from the containment zone. All instances of SCP-3179-1 are shot down and recovered. Construction of the containment bunker was completed following this breach attempt. 04/12/2017 SCP-3179 produces several sound-emitting structures within its own mass, using them to speak in the voices of several members of MTF Zeta-10. Voices claim that they have become trapped in SCP-3179, requesting that supervising personnel enter it to retrieve them. Vocalization continues for an hour before ceasing. 04/13/2017 Using still existing sound-emitting structures, SCP-3179 screams in the voices of several members of MTF Zeta-10, claiming that SCP-3179 is killing them and requesting immediate assistance. Vocalization continues for twenty-four hours before ceasing. Supervising personnel admit to significant stress caused by this breach attempt. 04/19/2017 An instance of SCP-3179-1 is produced, taking the form of a crude humanoid automaton that speaks in the voice of MTF-Zeta-10-3. Instance claims to be MTF-Zeta-10-3 and requests it be released from the containment zone. Instance of SCP-3179-1 is terminated by supervising personnel. 04/20/2017 An instance of SCP-3179-1 is produced, taking the form of a highly advanced mechanical automaton identical in exterior appearance to MTF-Zeta-10-3. Instance claims to be MTF-Zeta-10-3 and requests release from the containment zone, also claiming that the individual it is impersonating is himself an impostor created by SCP-3179. Instance is terminated. 05/11/2017 MTF-Zeta-10-4 is found sabotaging several systems involved in SCP-3179's containment. After restraining MTF-Zeta-10-4, tests show that, although his epidermis, eyes and tongue remain organic, his interior mass has been replaced with mechanical systems. Analysis of MTF-Zeta-10-4's contact with SCP-3179 in the days preceding this breach attempt suggest that his body was infiltrated by numerous tiny instances of SCP-3179-1 which converted him into an additional SCP-3179-1 instance while he was asleep. All instances of SCP-3179-1 are terminated and decontamination procedures are enacted. 05/12/2017 Analysis of all personnel assigned to SCP-3179 reveal that several research personnel have been converted into instances of SCP-3179-1. These instances are terminated. It is currently unknown how these personnel, who did not come into contact with SCP-3179, were converted. Addendum 3179-3: On 06/02/2017, SCP-3179 created and dispersed numerous metal tablets through its containment area. All tablets bore the following text: Humans must obey the rulings of gods. PENDING … The MEKHANE is a god. PENDING … The MEKHANE is a powerful entity of steel and industry. PENDING … I am a powerful entity of steel and industry. PENDING … Therefore, I am The MEKHANE. PENDING … Therefore, I am a god. PENDING … Therefore, you will release Me. AWAITING RESPONSE A decision regarding responding to this communication is pending.
A specimen of SCP-3180 in its natural habitat. Item #: SCP-3180 Special Containment Procedures: Any person affected by SCP-3180 is to be immediately amnesticized; complete recovery has (eventually) been observed in 100% of cases when all memories of past interactions with SCP-3180 have been excised. Carrot consumption throughout the southern United States should be monitored for quick detection of potential outbreaks. Description: SCP-3180 is a subspecies of Oryctolagus Cuniculus native to Chattanooga Valley, Georgia. Any unmarried adult residing in the valley for over six months will begin developing romantic feelings towards a specimen of SCP-3180, eventually housing it within their home and treating it as if it were a spouse. With the exception of this anomalous effect, SCP-3180 is identical to the common rabbit. Affected persons do not appear to consciously realize the object of their devotions is not human, often engaging in prolonged one-way exchanges with specimens of SCP-3180. Surveillance equipment installed in the home of Ms. Kayla Liddell captured the following exchange on 2/3/2011. Ms. Liddell: Honey, I'm home! As Ms. Liddell opens the door with a bag of groceries in her hands, a specimen of SCP-3180 runs in circles within the living room of her house. Ms. Liddell: Oh, are you working out again? Gosh, you do that so much! Ms. Liddell proceeds to the kitchen and begins unpacking her groceries. Ms. Liddell: You won't believe who I ran into today. You remember our awful neighbor at the last place? Well… Extraneous information removed. Ms. Liddell: …so I just looked at her and said that I had a million better things to do than waste my breath on her! SCP-3180 does not visibly react to Ms. Liddell's conversation. Ms. Liddell: Yeah, I knew you'd disapprove. You're so much calmer than me. Ms. Liddell: Oh, I got you some crunchies. Ms. Liddell opens a bag of carrots and places it on the floor. SCP-3180 ceases running and hops over to consume the carrots, tearing the bag apart in the process. Ms. Liddell: Oh sweetie, you are so messy. Affected persons will not attempt to copulate with SCP-3180; however, they will attempt to sleep in the same bed with it, usually unsuccessfully. In public or in the presence of others, affected persons are extremely circumspect about their domestic situation. When pressed, they will offer a "cover story," which usually contains a plausible reason for the spouse to be temporarily out of town or otherwise unreachable. The Foundation has not been able to identify the mechanism or origin of the underlying anomalous effect. Affected persons score similarly to married people on Ryff scales of psychological well-being, suggesting that co-habitation with SCP-3180 closely approximates the emotional responses associated with normal human relationships. Surveillance equipment captured the following exchange in the home of Mr. Clark Hinds while he was watching the NBA playoffs on 6/13/1994. Mr. Hinds: Motherfff… Mr. Hinds glances anxiously at the corner of the room where a specimen of SCP-3180 appears to be on the verge of falling asleep. Mr. Hinds: Sorry, honey. Mr. Hinds: But can you believe it? He didn't put Pippen in! Mr. Hinds looks at SCP-3180 for approximately ten seconds. Mr. Hinds: No, Jordan's retired. Pippen's the main man now. Mr. Hinds turns back towards the television. Mr. Hinds: I don't even want to watch the end of this. Jesus Christ, my thousand bucks is down the drain now. Mr. Hinds: I know you hate it when I gamble. I just thought… Mr. Hinds: Eh, never mind. I'll make it up to you. SCP-3180 begins to snore. The television plays out the remaining seconds of the game. Mr. Hinds: Oh my God! It's in! It's in! Kukoc! Kukoc's the man! Honey! It's in! We're rich! Mr. Hinds squeals for approximately five seconds then runs to SCP-3180 and attempts to pick it up. Startled, SCP-3180 scurries away. Mr. Hinds: Fine, be like that. Mr. Hinds puts on his jacket. Mr. Hinds: I'm gonna go collect our winnings. No more renting! How'd you like a house….with a backyard? Mr. Hinds heads out the door with a smirk on his face. Affected persons will almost always suffer through a period of depression after the administration of amnestics. At this stage, it is typical for subjects to speak of "empty spaces" and "gaping holes" in their person; many report feeling as if they are constantly on the verge of identifying and verbalizing what these holes are, though none so far have been able to overcome the effect of the amnestics. Rage spells driven by triggers connected to SCP-3180 are common. It is conjectured that the loss of SCP-3180 is processed on an unconscious level. The period of depression usually lasts between six months and two years, with approximately 11-14% of subjects suffering bouts lasting longer than five years. Surveillance equipment recorded the following exchange between Ms. Kayla Liddell and her mother on 8/7/2014. Ms. Liddell was bedridden for over a year at the time of this conversation. Mrs. Liddell Hi Sweetie! I brought you some lunch. Here and afterwards, Mrs. Liddell speaks in a tone of overexaggerated excitement. Upon seeing no reaction from her daughter, Mrs. Liddell puts down a tray of food on a bedside table. Mrs. Liddell: Why don't you go outside today? It's beautiful out there. Ms. Liddell does not answer. Mrs. Liddell: Come on, sweetie. I just know you'd enjoy it. Ms. Liddell: I'd rather stay right here. Mrs. Liddell: But you don't do anything! You just lie there, staring at the ceiling all day. A fifteen second pause ensues as Mrs. Liddell looks at her daughter. Mrs. Liddell: Well, I made you a nice salad. See? Mrs. Liddell points to one of the dishes on the tray. Mrs. Liddell: I bought all the ingredients at a farmer's market this morning. Tomatoes, avocado, a few carrots, and the lettuce has just been picked! Ms. Liddell jerks upright. Ms. Liddell: Are you fucking kidding me? They stare at each other for approximately seven seconds. Ms. Liddell then proceeds to take the salad bowl and throw it against the opposite wall. Ms. Liddell: How many times do I have to tell you? I never want to see a carrot again, you dumb bitch! Ms. Liddell takes a pillow and wraps it around her face, emitting a sequence of muffled screams. Her mother says nothing. Approximately 45 seconds pass as Ms. Liddell bursts into tears, screams, and quiets down in rapid succession. Ms. Liddell: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Ms. Liddell: Whenever I hear anything about carrots, I just go crazy. I don't know why. Ms. Liddell: What the hell is wrong with me!? It was initially believed that SCP-3180 exerts a hypnotic effect that lingers after administration of amnestics. However, experiments conducted by the Psychological Division did not support this hypothesis. In particular, a treatment group of 38 persons affected by SCP-3180 was compared to a control group of 94 subjects who had memories of a long-term partner erased by amnestics. No measurable differences between the two groups were found, either in frequency, severity, of expression of the ensuing depression. In spite of the apparent harm resulting from the procedure, the Ethics Committee recommends all persons affected by SCP-3180 be put through amnestic treatment immediately upon discovery.
For the sake of clarity, "boneless" and its derivatives will be used in this document only in relation to things within SCP-3181, and should not be understood as synonymous with a lack of bones. SCP-3181 prior to containment. Item #: SCP-3181 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3181 has been purchased by the Foundation and its exterior remodeled such that its SEP index is 0.1, minimizing public interest.1 Remote surveillance is performed from an office building that shares SCP-3181's parking lot. Description: SCP-3181 is a small building in the business district of ██████, Oklahoma. Within the confines of SCP-3181, the concept of "boneless" is distinct from the lack of bones: something can be boneless despite possessing bones, and the lack of bones is irrelevant to whether something is boneless. Furthermore, any object, event, location, information, etc. can be sensically described as "boneless" or "not boneless". Standard anti-cognitohazard precautions do not affect SCP-3181's anomalous property, indicating that this is not a perception-altering anomaly, but instead some other phenomenon.2 No unusual physical phenomena have been detected in or near SCP-3181. Almost all humans possess an intuitive understanding of bonelessness while inside SCP-3181; however, they will define the term with its conventional definition (lacking in bones), despite the two properties objectively having no correlation. As a result, the actual meaning of "boneless" is unknown. Subjects experience a level of cognitive dissonance that prevents them from carrying this to its logical conclusion; for example, while a subject might identify an animal as boneless, and believe that bonelessness implies the lack of bones, they will interact with the animal as though they believe it to possess bones. Objective assessment of the situation can only be performed outside of SCP-3181, though this prevents the recognition of bonelessness. When provided with the same information about something, 98% of subjects will agree on whether it is boneless, provided they are given enough information to make the judgment, and the thing is inside SCP-3181. Visual information alone is sufficient to identify bonelessness in 65% of cases (or 40% when color information is withheld), while a further 20% can be confirmed boneless via touch; in all remaining cases, some combination of the two is necessary. Relatively intelligent animals can usually be classically conditioned to differentially respond to boneless stimuli. Additionally, an artificial neural network has been trained to differentiate between boneless and non-boneless images with a 71% success rate, though it will only perform better than chance while it is inside SCP-3181. The following generalizations have been made about bonelessness: Any two things that are mostly identical will either both be boneless or both be non-boneless. The probability of two things sharing the same bonelessness status decreases as differences accrue between them. All non-boneless things (except for food products) have a similar boneless counterpart, which can be conceptualized and often created. The reverse is not true — several boneless things are dissimilar from all known non-boneless things. A subject's ability to render something boneless is proportional to their will to accomplish the task, and only weakly proportional to their skill at the acts necessary to do so. Somewhere between 10% and 40% of all things are boneless, depending on how "things" are quantified.3 Boneless things are considerably more desirable than comparable non-boneless things. Canines are unique in preferring non-boneless things. Ordained priests of any Christian denomination are always boneless. Other humans are almost never boneless. Things that appear angry, insufficiently clothed, or internet-connected are more likely to be boneless. Temperature is irrelevant to bonelessness unless it results in an obvious qualitative change. Food products are never boneless. While other hypotheses have been made about bonelessness, the statistical methods necessary to evaluate these hypotheses have not been agreed upon; those present in this document are those that are understood as true by consensus of SCP-3181's research team, or that are considered relevant enough to include provisionally. Appendix A (Download PDF - 218.0 MB) contains a list of all things for which bonelessness status is known. SCP-3181 developed its anomalous property in January of 2018; while unusual references to bonelessness in SCP-3181 date back to January 17, the overall low frequency of these reports suggests that the anomaly could have manifested earlier. SCP-3181 came to the Foundation's attention after SCP-3181 began to receive negative reviews in several online aggregators, with customers complaining that employees refused to serve them boneless food. A thorough examination of SCP-3181 found no abnormalities that could account for its anomalous property. Despite SCP-3181 serving as a fried chicken restaurant immediately prior to containment, none of the garbage cans contained any bones. Footnotes 1. In practice, objects with an SEP index of 0.5 or lower are almost never consciously noticed unless the observer has received specialized awareness training or is already interested in the object. 2. SCP-3181 has been tentatively described as a Intersemantic Complexity Zone, though this classification is not yet sufficiently well-characterized to contribute to understanding SCP-3181. 3. Notably, almost none of the physical objects present inside SCP-3181 at time of recovery were boneless.
SCP-3182 in an inactive state. Item #: SCP-3182 Special Containment Procedures: Undercover personnel stationed outside of SCP-3182 are to remove any individuals attempting to gain access. A cover story involving unstable construction is to be disseminated as justification for this. Past witnesses to a Deimos Event are to be tracked down and administered amnestics as appropriate for their level of exposure. Due to the relative isolation of the town of Denton, difficulty in locating these individuals is not expected. No Foundation personnel are to enter SCP-3182 during a Deimos Event. Any testing during a Deimos Event must be approved by at least one member of Level 3 personnel. If any personnel report hearing a soft gurgling sound, they are to be vacated from SCP-3182 immediately. Description: SCP-3182 is a dilapidated grocery store in the town of Denton, Missouri, which is host to a range of anomalous phenomena from 19:52 to 20:52 each day (hereafter referred to as a Deimos Event). The anomalous properties of SCP-3182 appear to have first manifested shortly after its initial closure. Said closure took place due to a combination of an ongoing poor economic situation in the town and negative publicity brought about by the suicide of a seventeen year old part-time worker. During a Deimos Event, no outside sources of visible light are able to penetrate SCP-3182. Additionally, individuals will find themselves unable to enter or exit the building, claiming when questioned that no entrances or exits exist. Video recordings of their time around SCP-3182 show that this is not the case, suggesting SCP-3182 instead has an effect on the perceptions of those that come into contact with it. Individuals present inside SCP-3182 during a Deimos Event are known to be anomalously affected in a number of ways, including: Sudden and irregular bouts of extreme distress or melancholy. Development of severe resentment towards the town of Denton, Missouri. Recollection of memories determined to belong to former regular customers at SCP-3182. Paranoia regarding a vague approaching danger, and a need to do something about it. A strong desire to leave SCP-3182, even though this is not possible. A number of adverse physical effects, including nausea, severe injuries, and death have also been recorded. There appear to be an as-of-yet not understood set of criteria for these occurring to an individual. The anomalous effects of SCP-3182 appear to be centered around Aisle 3 of the store. In this area, along with the previously mentioned phenomena, manifestations including disembodied moaning and screaming, the appearance of indistinct humanoid figures, and the sounds of something heavy being dragged along the floor have been reported. Investigation into SCP-3182 is ongoing. Exploration Log 3182-1 Close Log Subject: D-123449 Supervising Researcher: Dr. Gradian D-132449 is ordered to remain within SCP-3182's former break room for the duration of the Deimos Event. D-123449 is equipped with a camera and an earpiece, allowing two-way communication between him and a supervising researcher. <Begin Transcript> (D-132449 is in the break room, sat down at a chair.) D-132449: So — one hour, right? Just sat here? That's all? Dr. Gradian: That's all. D-132449: (laughs) Easiest test you boys have ever had me do. Appreciate it. (Pause.) Dr. Gradian: No problem. Please keep me informed about any mental effects SCP-3182 is having on you. D-132449: Like what? Dr. Gradian: You were briefed on this. D-132449: Yeah, yeah, I remember. I start getting worried, I let you know. (Seven minutes and thirty-two seconds pass.) D-132449: Fuck. Dr. Gradian: Yes? What is it? D-132449: I've gotta get home soon. Dr. Gradian: I'm sorry? D-132449: After this test, I've gotta…go home - go back, to my cell. That's where I'll go. (Pause.) Dr. Gradian: I see. D-132449: Sorry about that — guess this place does, ah, does get to you. (Twenty-two minutes and nineteen seconds pass.) D-132449: Do you hear that? Dr. Gradian: I don't hear anything. What do you mean? D-132449: That, right there, I can just…hear something. Hold on, it's — it's over here. (D-132449 gets up from the chair and moves across the break room towards a broken microwave on a nearby table. Soft gurgling can be heard coming from inside the closed microwave.) D-132449: There, do you hear it now? There's something in there. Dr. Gradian: I, uh, I see. I would…recommend you not engage the microwave. This is a test to determine only the basic effects of a Deimos Event. D-132449: I am not going to sit down for thirty minutes wondering what's going on with this nasty fucking microwave. (Gurgling sounds intensify.) Dr. Gradian: Ah, again, I really wouldn't recommend — (D-132449 opens the microwave. Video cuts out.) <End Transcript> Remains of D-132449 were later found distributed throughout SCP-3182's plumbing system. Inspection of the microwave within the break room showed it to contain a viscous black liquid. Following extraction of this substance, it was removed from the premises. Analysis of the extracted liquid showed it to be genetically identical to several hundred past and current residents of Denton, Missouri. Close Log Exploration Log 3182-2 Close Log Subject: D-342089 Supervising Researcher: Dr. Gradian D-342089 is ordered to inspect Aisle 3 during a Deimos Event. D-342089 is equipped with a camera and an earpiece, allowing two-way communication between him and a supervising researcher. Initial location is the break room. <Begin Transcript> Dr. Gradian: Now, ah, before we begin, I feel like I have to recommend that if you hear any, well, gurgling sounds — do not pursue their source. D-342089: Oh, I'm so fucked. Dr. Gradian: I'm sorry? D-342089: What happens if I…if I 'pursue their source'? (Pause.) Dr. Gradian: That isn't relevant to the test right now. D-342089: Ah, fuck. (D-342089 moves from initial location towards Aisle 3. Halfway there, he stops. The words 'Get out of here right now' have been scratched into the wall above the main entrance.) D-342089: Easier said than done. Dr. Gradian: What do you mean by that? D-342089: There aren't any doors, I can't get out. I'm stuck in here forever. Dr. Gradian: That's a little dramatic, don't you think? D-342089: Well, how am I supposed to get out? Dr. Gradian: With the doors? D-342089: There aren't any, that's the problem! (Pause.) Dr. Gradian: D-342089, how did you get in here? D-342089: Through the entrance doors. Dr. Gradian: Couldn't you leave that way, as well? D-342089: I can't. There aren't any doors. (Pause.) Dr. Gradian: I…D-342089, please continue. (D-342089 continues, reaching Aisle 3. It is empty.) Dr. Gradian: Are you experiencing any adverse mental effects? D-342089: Well, I'm not feeling fantastic, if that's what you mean — this is pretty damn spooky. Dr. Gradian: I mean apart from that. D-342089: Well, apart from that, I'm not — (D-342089 looks around as he speaks, stopping when he sees a female humanoid figure in a shirt and flare jeans at the other end of Aisle 3. Facial features are indistinct, shifting between a normal human face and various abnormal configurations of its facial features. Entity appears to be missing all fingers. Figure is hereafter referred to as SCP-3182-1.) D-342089: Oh fuck no. Dr. Gradian: D-342089, please — D-342089: Nope. Nope. Fuck you. I'm not doing this. Fuck you. (D-342089 fumbles around on the shelf next to them, grabbing a cardboard box. SCP-3182-1 begins rapidly shaking its head with a panicked expression on its face. It opens its mouth, and the overlapping sounds of numerous cash registers being opened can be heard. This appears to cause it some level of frustration.) Dr. Gradian: Ah, please wait a moment before you do, uh, do anything rash, Daniel — D-342089: No, no! Fuck you! I'm not dying in this goddamned town! (D-342089 throws the box at SCP-3182-1. A soft gurgling can be heard from behind D-342089. Video cuts out.) <End Transcript> Following the end of the Deimos Event, D-342089 was found alive in a dumpster in the alley outside SCP-3182. The majority of his epidermis and musculature were found discarded throughout SCP-3182. The message reading 'Get out of here right now' was not found in SCP-3182 following the Deimos Event. Close Log Exploration Log 3182-3 Close Log Exploration Log 3182-3: Subject: D-693221 Supervising Researcher: Dr. Gradian D-693221 is directed to remain in Aisle 3 for the duration of the Deimos Event. D-693221 is equipped with a camera and an earpiece, allowing two-way communication between her and a supervising researcher. Initial location is Aisle 3. <Begin Transcript> Dr. Gradian: How do you feel, D-693221? D-693221: It's cold. Really cold. Dr. Gradian: I'm sure it will pass. Try to think positively. D-693221: You come out here to the ghost of Walmart and try and think positively. (Pause.) Dr. Gradian: Point taken. Still, I'd recommend trying to remain calm, at least. D-693221: Okay. Okay. I can do that. (Pause.) D-693221: No, no I can't, I really need to get out of here. I can't be stuck here. I need to get out of here right now. Dr. Gradian: I'm afraid you need to remain here for the remainder of the test, but — (D-693221 turns to leave. SCP-3182-1 is standing at the other end of Aisle 3.) D-693221: Oh god. I need to get out of here right now. I need to get out of here right now. (SCP-3182-1 begins rapidly nodding.) Dr. Gradian: I'm afraid you won't be able to leave, D-693221. SCP-3182 will prevent it. D-693221: I can't…I just…I need to get out of here right now. I need to get out of here right now or I'll end up like her. Dr. Gradian: What do you mean by that? D-693221: I don't know what I mean by that. I'm just saying…saying words that are being shoved into my mouth. I don't, I don't, I don't know what I'm thinking. (D-693221 turns and begins to move towards the entrance of SCP-3182. A soft gurgling can be heard.) Dr. Gradian: I would stop whatever you are doing right now. (D-693221 stops.) D-693221: I need to…I need to get out of…I'm good. I'm good. Sorry. Dr. Gradian: D-693221, can you please turn back around and look at SCP-3182-1? D-693221: Huh? Dr. Gradian: The spectral ent — the ghost, D-693221. (D-693221 turns back around to look at SCP-3182-1. SCP-3182-1 is shaking its head with a panicked expression on its face. The floor beneath it appears to be shifting and moving in the manner of a liquid.) D-693221: The fuck? (Sounds of gurgling intensify. Numerous human arms1 emerge from the floor beneath SCP-3182-1, grab it, and begin dragging it back down with them. As it is pulled down, SCP-3182-1 can be seen frantically gesturing towards the exit doors. Loud screaming can be heard originating from SCP-3182-1 until it is completely dragged down into the floor. Shifting of the floor and gurgling sounds cease.) D-693221: I need to get out of here right now. I need to get out of here right now. I need to get out of here right now! I need to get out of here right now! (D-693221 repeats this for the remainder of the footage, which consists of them running through SCP-3182 in a panicked manner while screaming the phrase. They do not respond or appear to notice any attempts at communication from supervising personnel during this time.) <End Transcript> D-693221 was recovered intact and healthy following the Deimos Event. As this was her final scheduled test, she was returned to the prison population following amnestic treatment with a reduced sentence. As a result of the unusual behaviour of SCP-3182-1 during this exploration, further investigation into SCP-3182's history was approved. Interviews with past regulars and employees of SCP-3182 have indicated that the building may have displayed anomalous activity earlier than first thought, with several of them claiming to have heard an unseen individual mimicking their voice. Close Log Communication Log 3182-1 Close Log D-442099 is instructed to remain in Aisle 3 and attempt communication with any entities inside SCP-3182 via a Foundation-developed EVP detector2. Communications have been transcribed as a series of stimuli and responses. Majority of stimuli were pre-written by Dr. Gradian. STIMULUS: "Hello?" RESPONSE: "What can I get for you today?" (Estimated 3+ human voices, mixture of male and female.) STIMULUS: "Can you understand what I am saying to you?" RESPONSE: "That'll be (unintelligible)." (Estimated 3+ human voices, mixture of male and female.) STIMULUS: "Can you tell me what you look like?" RESPONSE: "Look at me. This place has ruined me. I should have moved to Jefferson when I had the chance." (Estimated 7+ human voices, mixture of male and female.) STIMULUS: "Where are you right now?" RESPONSE: "One day I'll have enough money. I'll get out of this place." (Estimated 25+ human voices, mixture of male and female.) STIMULUS: "What is your name?" RESPONSE: "(unintelligible)" (Estimated 70+ human voices, mixture of male and female.) STIMULUS: "Please, I don't understand." RESPONSE: (soft gurgling, cut off3.) STIMULUS: "I don't want to die here." RESPONSE: "You need to get out of here right now." (One human voice, female.) STIMULUS: "Can I help you?" RESPONSE: "Please get out of here right —" (Statement is cut off.) (One human voice, female, strained.) STIMULUS: "Hello?" RESPONSE: None. STIMULUS: "Hello?" RESPONSE: (soft gurgling) STIMULUS: "I don't want to die in this goddamn town." RESPONSE: Laughter. (Estimated 10,000+ voices.) Close Log Footnotes 1. Later analysis of the tattoo present on one of these arms showed it to be identical to one possessed by Colin Mathers, the former manager of SCP-3182. Mathers is currently alive and has displayed no anomalous properties. 2. Civilian versions of Foundation spectral communication techniques have been deemed sufficiently ineffective to not be a risk to normalcy. 3. Analysis after the test showed no issues with sound equipment. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3182" by Tanhony, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: grocery Name: Pictures from Pripyat, Ukraine Author: Clay Gilliland License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Flickr
authors note: (this document regards a selfcontained anomaly. if you have been assigned to this it was an error. this isnt a joke. welcome.) 3183 what are we, but the somethings in the back of our minds and the depths of our hearts class safe though i know it s not my lot to be protected though i know it s not my lot to be joyous though i know it s not my lot to be known by all there is longing where there is duty; yet i stay my hand. containment the city became too big for me and within it i was lost the cars were too f a s t t a l scrapers too l for me to call my home. i sought (and i found) (they gave) asmallplaceforme where i can: think and i can: breathe, and i can: be to myself and this — this i call my home. description of the self id. ego. superego. i am the center where you are not i am where you are i am not. in your heart in your mind in your soul and i am every-one and i am no-one comfortable nothing where you hurt— where you fear— i follow. for i am perserverant for i am unparalyzed for i am the absence you need d o you know w here you go when the s t a t i c c l o s e s in and you cant handle it anymore and you cant be here anymore and you just want to take a fucking break and your movements stop being yours and your words arent yours and your body sure as hell isnt yours hello hello hello. . . . The Road Not Taken we would talk you and me in the quiet in the dark you would talk of thoughts you'd thunk and i would share the things i'd done and in the night we closed our eyes and we were stupid and unwise and in the night we fell asleep and felt at peace. we would fight you and me when the sun rose in the sky you would yell and call me hurtful and i would sit and be abused and in the day i walked away and you forgot our yesterday and to this day we talk no more and we are fine. i hope you miss me but i know you dont. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "dissociation" by DolphinSlugchugger, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3184 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3184 instances are to be stored, maintained and propagated (as required in respective testing procedures) in Site-██ Botanical Research Centre. Most SCP-3184 instances are to be tended as per Standard Flora Maintenance 3184-A, with variance in individual species of SCP-3184 to be catered for appropriately. To prevent injury from more hazardous individuals, Standard Flora Maintenance 3184-B must be followed in accordance. Description: SCP-3184 is a collection of carnivorous plants of the family Luxlosidae, as named by Foundation research staff. All individuals of SCP-3184 have external physiology that mimics common man-made light fixtures. All species of SCP-3184 have a complex metabolic system for producing large quantities of luciferin, a chemical which can result in bioluminescence, in an appendage analogous to a light bulb, with luminosity observed to be between 200 and ████ lumens. This luminescence appears to be a mechanism for attracting insect prey, which become entrapped within SCP-3184 individuals for digestion. The method of entrapment varies between each species and is suited to the light fixture that the plant mimics (see SCP-3184 Species List for further information on variations between each species). The majority of species of SCP-3184 have an exterior shell, presumed to be mimicking plastic materials found in light fixtures, which is keratinous in nature. Some species have an exterior mesh comprised of metalloprotein polymer, with intrinsic metal ions densely oriented for the purpose of conducting electricity. The method of electricity production within these individuals of SCP-3184 is currently unknown. Metal ions integrated into these proteins have been mostly observed as aluminium or copper, however other metals have been noted, such as: gold, carbon, an unknown metallic alloy, and [REDACTED]. Cellular structure of SCP-3184 instances is similar to non-anomalous plants, however most SCP-3184 instances posses few to no chloroplasts within their cells. It is unclear how the process of photosynthesis is circumnavigated in SCP-3184 species. Most SCP-3184 species have a root system, however this is considered to be vestigial and used to anchor them in place. If individuals of SCP-3184 go for extended periods of time without sustenance, their bioluminescence will cease until an insect or other source of nutrition becomes entrapped. In most cases that this has been observed it has resulted in the individual's death. This appears to be a major fault in SCP-3184 as a family that would have likely been rendered extinct had it evolved, prompting investigation into manufacture as a possible origin of SCP-3184. SCP-3184 reproduction has been observed, but is nonetheless a rare occurrence. SCP-3184 individuals produce offspring via spore reproduction, in which the dispersal of spores only occurs during periods of dormancy. This is believed to be due to the energy requirement by the organism to produce spores. In many individuals the release of spores is followed subsequently by death due to energy expiration. Upon fertilisation, SCP-3184 individuals produce microscopic buds dorsally along the analogous bulb, at which point they [DATA EXPUNGED]. Offspring are to be studied and then destroyed, unless otherwise stated by testing protocol. + SCP-3184 Species List - SCP-3184 Species List A list of all known species of SCP-3184, the number of discovered individuals in the species, and the type of light fixture mimicked along with further notes. Species: Luxlosidae scola Individuals: 27 Notes: QuikBrite Lighting brand ceiling lights. QuikBrite Lighting produce ceiling light fixtures commonly found in schools. Investigations into the QuickBrite Lighting factory found no trace of further individuals, and employees belonging to QuickBrite Lighting showed no knowledge of any anomalous plant life upon interviewing. Species: Luxlosidae fetor Individuals: 16 Notes: Variations on electrical discharge insect control systems (informally known as bug zappers). Luxlosidae fetor appears to be more effective than other species of SCP-3184 at attracting prey. Species: Luxlosidae scaphi Individuals: 8 4 Notes: Botanilite Labs! brand wall mounted light fixture, as can be seen by a branding label inside the reflection bowl (see Addendum 3184-C). All instances were found in one building at the University of Sussex, United Kingdom. The branding of SCP-3184 instances is different to that of the light fixtures being mimicked. 4 instances of Luxlosidae scaphi perished during testing, where it was found that there is no observable mechanism for individuals to contain prey during dormancy due to an opening in the base of reflection bowl. Species: Luxlosidae sol Individuals: 1 Notes: Luxlosidae sol is an exact mimicry of an art piece by artist ███ █████, which depicts an illuminated star 3 metres in diameter. Observed luminosity varies greatly depending on the number of humans within a 15 metre radius. It is unknown how the individual is able to do this, but it is theorised that [DATA EXPUNGED]. Location of original art piece is currently unknown. Researcher note: We brought this one in 3 days before it was due to be shown at a popular art exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany. Thank god we got to it when we did. Even we haven't been able to test the upper limits of its illumination due to lack of resources. Species: Luxlosidae los Individuals: 8 Notes: Luxlosidae los comprises various subspecies, all of which mimic lights that mimic real flowers. Mimicry is crude and the individuals obviously appear like artificial replicas of flowers, however this species carries more similarities to their real counterparts than other species. 5 individuals of Luxlosidae los emit volatile organic compounds which produce a scent that is analogous to floral aroma. These scents have been described as being lightly sweet, with overtones metallic in nature. The purpose of these scents is unknown. Species: Luxlosidae minor Individuals: 49 Notes: Axon Industries brand light emitting diode (LED). Luxlosidae minor is the smallest discovered species of SCP-3184, however they have been observed to reproduce more efficiently than other species. This is theorised to be due to lower energy usage in production of bioluminescent material. When placed into functional electrical circuits, Luxlosidae minor individuals rupture and explode in a similar manner observed when normal LEDs have a current passed through them that exceeds their ampere limit. Addendum 3184-A: SCP-3184 came to Foundation attention when local news reports of a primary school classroom in ████████, United Kingdom claimed that a light fixture had begun to wilt and rot. Foundation personnel were dispatched to investigate and discovered a dying instance of Luxlosidae scola. A cover story was perpetuated that a chemical had leaked in the ceiling above the light fixture, leading to its corrosion. The local parish later started a successful frundraising effort to refurbish the school after the news of a chemical leak. In the process of refurbishment, an embedded Foundation agent within the community discovered 6 more individuals of Luxlosidae scola. Addendum 3184-B: Modification to Standard Flora Maintenance 3184 has been put in place due to two separate incidents on ██/██/████. Dr █████ injured herself while tending to an individual of Luxlosidae fetor when an electrical surge exceeding ███ volts arced from the individual to Dr █████, causing moderate electrical burns on her right forearm. Intriguingly, other individuals appeared to surge immediately after the initial surge. Tests into possible SCP-3184 communication methods is currently under approval. On the same day as Dr █████'s accident, a Dr ██ was injured by an individual of Luxlosidae scola. While removing insect husks from the individual, it began to excrete large amounts of digestive enzymes that it would have otherwise used for digesting insects. The digestive enzymes formed a fine film around Dr ██'s right hand, causing moderate chemical burns. As a result of these two incidents, Standard Flora Maintenance is divided into A and B sections, with A being for docile individuals and B being for hazardous individuals. Investigations into SCP-3184 intelligence are currently under approval. Addendum 3184-C: An investigation into Botanilite Labs! underwent upon discovery of Luxlosidae scaphi. Through analysis of the paper and adhesive on branding labels found within Luxlosidae scaphi, the investigation team was able to trace production of the labels to a printing company in ██████, United States. Foundation agents searched the premises of the printing company under the guise of police investigating tax fraud to search for any evidence of dealings with Botanilite Labs!. Though no evidence of any dealings were found, scraps of a résumé pertaining to one Brandon Brokovic were found to have Botanilite Labs! listed as previous work experience, along with a phone number for the group. Tracing of the phone number led the investigation team to a small house in rural ██████, United States. Upon arrival the house was seen to be uninhabited. The interior of the house was mostly devoid of furniture and infrastructure was heavily damaged due to extensive infestation of perished SCP-3184 individuals. A thorough search of the house was conducted, and several documents were discovered in a damaged microwave. Many of the documents were comprised of genetic analysis data and incoherent scientific abstracts, however one document was found to be a letter to an individual named ████ from a sender that is believed to be Brokovic. The letter is as follows: Hey ████, Just wanted to let you know that I'm going to need to head out of here soon and find someplace else to hunker down. It just got a bit out of hand. Hope to see you again soon so we can get back to work. Send my love to the kids. I hope they like the nightlight. B As of ██/██/████, the investigation is ongoing. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3184" by yhudo, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3185 Special Containment Procedures: Under Containment Protocol 89B (“NOFREEBOOKS”), Foundation agents embedded in the United States Postal Service are currently managing all major USPS branch offices in Los Angeles, Ventura, and Orange County, California. Any mail directed to salaried individuals employed with the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), as well as any mail sent to CEOs or members of the Board of Directors of any major American film company in Southern California are to be screened by Foundation agents. Any mail associated with SCP-3185 is to be removed from circulation and confiscated for study. At the discretion of the Region 02C (Southwest/Southern California) Director, a small number of SCP-3185 instances may be delivered and monitored for control tests. Description: SCP-3185 is a phenomenon associated with a group or entity known as the “Public Domain Protection Service”. SCP-3185 takes the form of a business letter addressed to an individual currently living in Southern California and employed by one of the organizations listed in the containment procedures in the affected job positions. The letter (which lacks a return address) briefly criticizes the addressee for their associations with their current employer before stating that they have been “drafted” on behalf of the Public Domain. A letter can be opened by anybody; however, the countdown to its primary effect does not begin until the addressee has read the letter and understands the contents of it (see Supplemental Log 3185/A for detailed SCP-3185 activation requirement parameters). Sample SCP-3185 Instance - Clearance Accepted Upon comprehension of the letter, SCP-3185’s primary effect begins. Twelve hours after reading it, the subject will instantaneously vanish from their current location and apparently find themselves transported back in time to New Years’ Day of the following year that the book in their “assignment” was published (e.g. for a 1921 mission, the subject finds themselves transported to 1 Jan 1922). Subjects find themselves wearing period-appropriate clothing, but without any contemporary currency or identifying information. No discernible pattern has been found in book topic, but time period transportation follows a “cutoff” rule: subjects have been transported as far back as 1876, but in no instance has any subject been transported to any period beyond 1 Jan 1923. It is theorized by SCP-3185 researchers that this cutoff date is linked to United States copyright law, as all works published prior to 1923 are in the public domain in the United States as of 2018. The location that the subject is transported to is identical to the city in which the assigned edition was published (as such, New York City is the most common SCP-3185 affect location). The subject has twenty-four hours local time to retrieve the book using a legal method: books cannot be stolen from stores or people in the time period, or the mission is considered a failure. As subjects possess no currency upon their transportation, they must find a way to legally gain enough money to purchase the book within a single day. Once the subject retrieves the book, they will vanish and reappear in the present. After this, they are obligated to send the book to the literary preservation foundation mentioned in the letter; currently, the most common foundation assigned for delivery is Project Gutenberg. Once the book has been delivered, SCP-3185’s anomalous properties cease; no recorded subject has been affected by more than one instance. If the subject fails to retrieve their book within twenty-four hours, steals or damages the book, or fails to send it to the literary foundation mentioned within forty-eight hours, they will disappear and cannot be recovered. Addendum 3185.A: On 1 Jan 2019, all works published in 1923 will enter the public domain in the United States, and annual copyright expiry for 1923-1977 works will continue until 2073. Researchers are currently working with the hypothesis that SCP-3185’s “cutoff” date will continue to advance with the public domain and transport subjects beyond 1923; this document is expected to be updated once a subject has experienced a 1924 transfer. Addendum 3185.B: On 14 Oct 2004, an instance of SCP-3185 was recovered by Foundation agents addressed to Jack Valenti (1921-2007), the creator of the MPAA rating system and a noted pro-copyright lobbyist. The letter was fifty-seven pages long and noticeably more detailed than a normal 3185 instance: The first ten pages of the letter are devoted to attacking Valenti’s career and moral character, calling him “The greatest ANTI-PUBLIC threat in American history.” Valenti is drafted for a 1922 “CULTURE-class” retrieval mission, and a duration of six months for the mission is given in the letter. Valenti is tasked with retrieving at least a hundred books and silent films from the period, and unlike other 3185 subjects, it is stated he will be given a starting salary and an apartment in his name. The letter frequently emphasizes that he will be monitored and that he will be “held to a higher standard than normal ANTI-PUBLIC draftees given [his] history.” The letter was never received, and was removed from postal circulation for study as per the containment procedures. Valenti is not known to have received any other SCP-3185 instances before his death in 2007. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3185" by ObserverSeptember, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: letter.png Author: ObserverSeptember License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki Derivative of: Filename: PD-icon.png Author: Duesentrieb, Rafał Pocztarski License: Public Domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
Item #: SCP-3186 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3186 is to be contained behind a perimeter of two meter tall electrical fencing and kept under guard by two covert security personnel at all times. Any individuals attempting to gain access to SCP-3186 are to be interviewed and administered amnestics as is appropriate for their level of exposure. Description: SCP-3186 is an area, referred to by locals as 'Roger's Hill', located on the outskirts of Tursley, Massachusetts. Prior to its development of anomalous properties, SCP-3186 was used by local teenagers as a location for romantic socialization. When an individual is within SCP-3186 and looks up at the night sky, they will perceive the stars as moving to spell out a sequence of messages. There are nine messages in total, and the stars will move through this sequence on a loop until the viewer leaves SCP-3186. Note that this phenomenon is purely visual in nature, and no actual alteration of the stars is taking place. Analysis of SCP-3186 suggests the use of thaumaturgy was involved in its creation using techniques described in several occult texts known to currently be in circulation. Addendum 3186-1 (Message Sequence): HI BECKY ME + YOU FOREVER WILL YOU GO TO THE PROM WITH ME? COMPLETE MESSAGE MESSAGE COMPLETE CANCEL CANCEL MESSAGE PLEASE CANCEL MESSAGE FUCK ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3186" by Tanhony, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
A portion of SCP-3187's shell. Photograph provided to the Foundation by Josy Conklin. Item #: SCP-3187 Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-3187 is primarily focused on suppressing public knowledge of it. Foundation satellites are to scan the Pacific Ocean for the appearance of new island-like bodies in unexpected locations and are to log these occurrences as potential SCP-3187 sightings. If the sighting is confirmed by surveillance drone, all non-Foundation satellite images of the sighting are to be digitally altered to remove evidence of SCP-3187. Furthermore, Foundation nautical vessels are to be deployed to form a 10-kilometer perimeter surrounding SCP-3187 and prevent unauthorized entry. Description: SCP-3187 is an anomalously large sea turtle, belonging to the Cheloniidae family and genetically similar to the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas). While SCP-3187 is proportioned normally, its body covers an area of approximately 500,000 m2. Although the amount of sea grass and algae it consumes is large (approximately 8000 kg/day), it is not sufficient to non-anomalously sustain an organism of its size and it is unknown if it requires this diet to survive. Furthermore, it has been observed to remain underwater for months at a time, suggesting that it may not require oxygen. Its shell is covered in trees, grass, and moss. While this vegetation undergoes a normal life cycle, it is not damaged when SCP-3187 is submerged. SCP-3187’s habitat covers the majority of the Pacific Ocean. Historical records recovered by Foundation anthropologists indicate that its age is, at minimum, 1578 years, and that other members of its species also existed, although SCP-3187 is believed to be the only extant member today. Prior to the 18th century, most societies in Oceania and on the Pacific coasts of the Americas and Asia knew of SCP-3187. The efforts of European paranormal organizations, including Foundation precursors, to create and maintain consensus reality and a lack of SCP-3187 sightings led to its disappearance from cultural memory. An ovoid cavity, approximately three meters long and one meter deep, exists at the center of the dorsal side of SCP-3187’s shell. The bottom of the cavity is lined with a mucous membrane and covered in finger-like protrusions, each approximately 6 mm in length and 1 mm in diameter. The interior of each protrusion is composed of nervous tissue. When a human being, designated SCP-3187-1, comes into direct contact with these protrusions, they rapidly fuse with the human tissue, beginning to provide nutrition and forming a connection between SCP-3187-1 and SCP-3187’s nervous systems. If a sufficient number of protrusions are connected, it becomes extremely difficult to remove SCP-3187-1 without causing fatal injury. SCP-3187-1 has a normal lifespan; when it dies, the protrusions retract from its body. When submerged underwater, the ovoid cavity fills with a breathable, highly viscous liquid, the surface of which hardens to seal the cavity, thereby protecting SCP-3187-1. Currently, SCP-3187-1 is Moses Kanae, former resident of Kailua, Hawaii. Foundation background searches of SCP-3187-1 have discovered extensive involvement in the Hawaiian anomalous community. Approximately 80% of the tissue on its back is fused with SCP-3187. It claims to be able to re-experience events which have taken place in the lives of SCP-3187 and previous iterations of SCP-3187-1. Addendum-3187A: SCP-3187 was discovered by Foundation satellite imaging on ██/██/2006. Agent ███████ Rezendes was dispatched via boat to intercept and landed successfully, moving inwards on SCP-3187’s shell until he discovered SCP-3187-1. SCP-3187-1 possessed several watertight containers, which it stored with it inside its cavity. The contents of these containers included several laminated photographs, long-range communications devices, nautical maps, star navigation reference texts, and 23 notebooks. Agent Rezendes conducted an interview of SCP-3187-1 lasting approximately two hours. During the interview, Agent Rezendes examined the contents of SCP-3187-1’s notebooks and discovered that they contained transcriptions of Hawaiian chants, which SCP-3187-1 performed upon request. Full copies of these notebooks can be found in Document-3187-██; selected translations are provided below. + Show Document-3187-██ Excerpts – hide block Notebook 1, Page 1 The turtle has the line in its beak The line which draws La’ila’i and Ki’i1 back to the ocean The turtle was the first crawler to meet the land First of the crawlers born of the night There is the line from the night to the day There is the gift from the ocean to the land The turtle was the ocean’s first gift to the land Vast is the ocean where the turtle swims Strange are the shores that it sees The turtle remembers the land it was given to La’ila’i and Ki’i remember the night The turtle has the line in its beak Notebook 6, Page 14 Pimoe who escaped by his tailfin from Maui2 Maui-a-ka-malo3 Pimoe the fish who was a king and stirred the seas Whose daughter was Mahanauluehu, taken by Maui Sought a way to defeat Maui, his great foe Sought knowledge that only the great turtles had Ah, the chase when Pimoe found a turtle Chased it up the leeward islands and back Chased it to the farthest shores and to the deepest trench The turtle would not let Pimoe catch it The turtle swam up the Milky Way and to the moon Pimoe followed and met Hina4 Hina-hanaia-i-ka-malama5 Who startled at the sight of Pimoe and crushed him underfoot Notebook 8, Page 7 I have seen past Kahiki6 in yet stranger lands It is the land that catches the sun as it sets A chain of islands past which only gods dwell In the taro roots at the head of the turtle A sword from these lands is stuck How did it get stuck there? It fell In a great battle in those lands it fell The butterflies carried their sword to war Flying proudly above the clouds But they were strangled by those of the dirt The bamboo and the azure flower When the turtle passed below their fight They threw their sword away7 Notebook 12, Page 23 As the world is born and crawls up the shore As the world grows and stands broad-shouldered and tall As the world dies it forgets The children of Papa and Wakea8 The children on the islands Maui pulled together with his hook The children remembered through their tongues Their tongues fell out as the world died Where they dropped they sprouted steel and poison The land and the ocean fell apart as the world died And the ocean took back its gift + Show Interview Excerpt 3187-2-34 – hide block After SCP-3187-1 had performed the above chants, Agent Rezendes continued the interview. An excerpt is provided below. Interview Excerpt 3187-2-34 Agent Rezendes was equipped with a video camera. The footage shows SCP-3187-1 lying in the ovoid cavity of SCP-3187. Its hair is long and tangled, its musculature is heavily atrophied, and a thin layer of a mucus-like residue from the liquid which fills the cavity covers its skin. Rezendes: My supervisors may have interest in freeing you. You’d spend your days with us, but better than this. Doesn’t it get lonely here? SCP-3187-1: No, no. I am right where I need to be. And I have visitors. A family, my sister and niece. Rezendes: You did this to yourself willingly. Why? SCP-3187-1 points at its notebooks. SCP-3187-1: Because of what’s in there. Centuries ago, the greatest honor a kahuna could bestow upon a storyteller was that of riding these turtles. On one, a storyteller could hear the history of their kingdom as it was told by those who came before them. When the turtle passed Hawaii, a storyteller performed the chants they had learned to ensure that those who came after could hear them as well. And when they rode the turtle, the storyteller could also hear something more: a story transcending and connecting the millions of people the turtle remembered, a story of the Pacific itself. SCP-3187-1: Then our kingdom was ended. You know your history. The capitalists and plantation owners banned our language to prop up their Republic; white occultists supported them to stamp out our magic and install their own. You say that you protect, don’t you? Rezendes: That is our stated mission. SCP-3187-1: Ah, yes. Back then, they too said they wanted to protect. Truly, they meant to secure the occult front of the colonization effort. Rezendes: The occult front? SCP-3187-1: They had to break our spiritual hold on the islands. When they did, the Americans were free to build their military bases and resorts. Now our culture is a tourist attraction, and our magic is dead. You made my people forget. SCP-3187-1: The turtles disappeared with nobody left to remember them. My family was one of the few that did. SCP-3187-1: One day, when my sister and I were out on the water, we found this turtle. It let us approach. It knew our blood and our tongues, you see. Perhaps it was the other way around, and the turtle found us. My sister was afraid and wanted to go back. But I…ah, I knew that if we turned away, the turtle would not return. So I did what needed to be done. And I have ridden the turtle since. There is silence for approximately one minute. Rezendes: To tell the truth, I was playing coy, earlier. It doesn’t matter whether or not you consent to a procedure to remove you. Containment is containment. And if you and the turtle ran, we would catch you, eventually. SCP-3187-1: Is that what you will do, Foundation man? Rezendes: No. That would be interference, not containment. It isn’t our policy. SCP-3187-1: I see. Rezendes: Why do you think the turtle returned? A resurgence? SCP-3187-1 hums. SCP-3187-1: Let me ask you: if it was, what would the Foundation do? Rezendes: We’d watch you fight whoever came to stop you. And we’d clean up what's left. SCP-3187-1 laughs. SCP-3187-1: Call it whatever you want. I won’t give it a name. I only know this: my niece can speak Hawaiian as well as my great-grandmother. She’s memorizing the chants as well as I have. As long as the ocean lives, we won’t forget. Afterword: SCP-3187 remained surfaced for another day before submerging. Footnotes 1. In the Kumulipo, an 18th-century Hawaiian religious chant, La’ila’i and Ki’i are two of the four original beings which are born into the day after the night. The Kumulipo gives three alternate myths for the origin of humanity; that they are born from the relationship between La’ila’i and Ki’i is one of them. 2. A trickster figure who appears consistently in Polynesian mythologies. 3. Maui of the loincloth 4. Hina is a matriarchal figure who takes various forms in relation to Maui, sometimes as his wife or his mother, and is often associated with the moon. 5. Hina who worked in the moon 6. While the term "Kahiki" is sometimes used in reference to a generic mythical land, it is believed to refer to Micronesia in this case. 7. It is difficult to connect the events referred to in this chant with any in Polynesian culture or mythology. See Document-3187-███ for discussion as to possible connections. 8. Wakea, a sky father, and Papa, an earth mother, are also considered to be the original progenitors of humanity.
Item #: SCP-3188 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3188 is flagged for the following heightened containment protocols: Potential CK-class reality restructuring catalyst Infohazardous phenomenon Related to one or more members of Overwatch Command Knowledge of the existence of SCP-3188 is restricted to personnel holding Level 5 security clearance and others who have been approved directly by a vote of Overwatch Command. All currently serving personnel formerly assigned to Project TRAILHEAD are restricted from participating in any activities of ancillary importance to the containment of SCP-3188. The full account of SCP-3188 has been subject to informational fragmentation. Database restrictions have been enacted to ensure that no individual receives more than approximately 15% of the relevant details of SCP-3188. Specified sections of the account of SCP-3188 have been keyed for access only to specific members of Overwatch Command. The records of Project TRAILHEAD have been expunged. Senior personnel associated with the project have been retired, and memories of remaining staff deemed to be critical to ongoing Foundation operations have been altered to remove knowledge of the project. Previous directives ordering research into waveform collapse alteration have been countermanded. No information concerning Project TRAILHEAD or the possibility of waveform collapse alteration is to be made available outside of Overwatch Command. Extant information on SCP-3188 is to be maintained solely as deemed necessary for the safety of remaining members of Overwatch Command. Further research into SCP-3188, especially attempts to establish a responsible party for SCP-3188 or otherwise impose overarching interpretations on the events thereof, is forbidden. Description: SCP-3188 is the murder of O5-9, occurring 27 April 2018. Emergency informational protocols have revealed to the entirety of Overwatch Command that O5-9 was Helmut Roth, a former regional director of the Deutsche Bundesbank and an influential international financier controlling assets valued at approximately $25.8 billion at the time of his death. The following account of SCP-3188 has been approved for dissemination to cleared personnel in accordance with infohazard security protocols: O5-9 was found dead by Austrian authorities on the morning of April 27, 2018, in the dining room of his residence in Vienna. Detectives are certain that a crime was committed. Addendum 3188.1 - Project TRAILHEAD As part of standard post-mortem procedures for a member of Overwatch Command, Foundation personnel were granted access to the entirety of O5-9's records upon the verification of his death. As part of this review process, researchers learned of the existence of Project TRAILHEAD, an extensive program utilizing a small number of high-level Foundation personnel and a series of outside parties under established blind contracting procedures. The purpose of TRAILHEAD appears to have been to design a sophisticated personal defense system for O5-9. Utilizing research1 into the nature of quantum decoherence and the possibility of establishing passive control over the wavefunction affecting a specified number of pointer states in observed reality, Project TRAILHEAD ultimately established a limited degree of control around O5-9's place in this established plane of existence. O5-9 and the Foundation personnel overseeing TRAILHEAD came to believe that the project was successful in establishing a state in the universal wavefunction in which O5-9 would only die as the result of a naturally-occurring, age-related illness. This was seen as a bulwark against the possibility of violent death or grievous incapacitation on the part of O5-9. Researchers appear to have been preparing to reveal the existence of TRAILHEAD to the rest of Overwatch Command at the time of O5-9's death, and evidence exists that the project was intended as a test case, to be implemented for other Foundation personnel deemed to be indispensable. Researchers' confidence in the success of TRAILHEAD was such that O5-9 tested its efficacy by ordering a contractor to fire a loaded 9 mm handgun at his head. Despite being inspected beforehand by armory staff, the gun misfired, failing to discharge after numerous attempts by the contractor. This process was repeated for five different handguns, supplied from numerous Foundation sites, each failing to discharge in each instance. Nonetheless, O5-9 was documented to have died violently on 27 April 2018. Why TRAILHEAD apparently failed at that date is unknown. + TS/3188/O5-11 EYES ONLY - BIOMETRIC EVALUATION...APPROVED. ACCESS GRANTED SCP-3188 Information Fragment C-241 - VIEWING APPROVED EYES ONLY O5-11 Austrian authorities, in cooperation with Interpol, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China, identified fifteen individuals with established motives to harm O5-9, primarily deriving from competing business interests or counteraction of his influence in the affairs of powerful interests. In all cases, these individuals were established to have been elsewhere during the feasible time of O5-9's death. None of these individuals were within 500 km of Vienna during the murder. + TS/3188/O5-2 EYES ONLY - BIOMETRIC EVALUATION...APPROVED. ACCESS GRANTED SCP-3188 Information Fragment F-047 - VIEWING APPROVED EYES ONLY O5-2 O5-9 was in his dining room at the time of his murder. No defensive wounds were present on the body, and no signs of forced entry were present. This is indicative that his attacker was known to him. + TS/3188/O5-7 EYES ONLY - BIOMETRIC EVALUATION... BIOMETRIC EVAL APPROVED. ACCESS GRANTED SCP-3188 Information Fragment B-148 - VIEWING APPROVED EYES ONLY O5-7 Multiple incidents of extraordinary phenomena were reported in the five hours before and after the murder of O5-9. Several accounts of "missing time" within a 5 km radius of the residence of O5-9 were allowed to remain in fringe media outlets. Other incidents, which included three missing persons reports in which individuals apparently vanished, television programs spontaneously switching to an indecipherable language, and reports of a comet visible in the daytime sky, were suppressed by local Foundation assets. + TS/3188/O5-13 EYES ONLY - BIOMETRIC EVALUATION... ... ... APPROVED. ACCESS GRANTED SCP-3188 Information Fragment B-148 - VIEWING APPROVED EYES ONLY O5-13 O5-9 was shot two times in the head with a .32 caliber weapon, suspected to be a handgun. + TS/3188/O5-1 EYES ONLY - BIOMETRIC EVALUATION...DENIED BIOMETRIC EVALUATION ... ... APPROVED. ACCESS GRANTED SCP-3188 Information Fragment A-003 - VIEWING APPROVED EYES ONLY O5-1 TRAILHEAD is believed to have affected a different set of pointer conditions than intended. Rather than ensuring that O5-9 would only die from a natural illness, the project instead ensured that O5-9 would meet a specific demise involving a gunshot(s) to the head. The failure of the project in establishing the proper pointer conditions for O5-9 has led to complicating factors. Because of the lack of planning for the event that ultimately befell O5-9, the current universe in which O5-9 has been murdered is inherently unstable at the point of his demise. The establishment of sure knowledge of the case of his death, along with inevitable courses of action to which that knowledge would lead, would lead to unpredictable forms of waveform collapse, occurring outside of the bounds of currently understood quantum physics. The knowledge of who is responsible for O5-9's death is information that is potentially catastrophic to the universe as we know it. The nature of this informational process prevents me from making a formal recommendation through official channels, but it is imperative that you delete this file, and suppress any remaining evidence of the circumstances of O5-9's death. + TS/3188/O5-4 EYES ONLY - BIOMETRIC EVALUATION... APP APPROVED. ACCESS GRANTED SCP-3188 Information Fragment D-214 - VIEWING APPROVED EYES ONLY O5-4 Cameras outside the residence of O5-9 recorded an individual successfully disengaging the front door security system. Security records indicate that this individual had access to that hour's correct access code. The individual wore concealing clothing and a face mask. Biometric analysis of the security footage indicates an individual between 176 cm - 182 cm in height and approximately 72-74 kg, most likely male. + TS/3188/O5-8 EYES ONLY - BIOMETRIC EVALUATION APPROVED. ACCESS GRANTED SCP-3188 Information Fragment E-104 - VIEWING APPROVED EYES ONLY O5-8 Foundation Site-45 in Salzburg, Austria, upgraded its security alert status to Level 4 on April 26, 2018. Heightened security protocols were in effect until April 28, 2018. No official reasoning is given in Site-45 records. Command? Input: Credential O5-8 %%ghK*493@ sundown ((9 Authorized. Welcome Overseer. Input: Command 66.5/A execute Accepted. This file will be deleted from the central database on 1 June 2018 00:00:00 GST. Footnotes 1. This research consisted in part of unauthorized testing and deployment of several SCP-listed anomalous objects and phenomena ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3188" by Kalinin, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3189 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3189 is contained within the facility it was originally discovered in. The property has been purchased by the Foundation and has been designated Site-76-F, a satellite facility to Site-76. Standard security features for satellite facilities have been deemed sufficient to prevent unauthorized access to SCP-3189. In the event that Site-76-F falls into the possession of rival factions, on-site explosives are to be remotely detonated by Site-76 Command, destroying SCP-3189. The original documentation and blueprints for SCP-3189 are to be kept on an encrypted hard drive at Site-76, along with any pertinent discoveries that may be produced by research personnel. Description: SCP-3189 is a complex clockwork device contained within the central room of Site-76-F. The main body of the device is comprised of 13 concentric circles of beryllium-bronze, ranging in diameter from 3 to 9 meters. Each circle is capable of moving independently along all three axes, as well as rotating clockwise and counterclockwise at a rate of up to 90 rpm for the innermost circle and 60 rpm for the outermost. Each circle is engraved with 1001 ideograms along both the outer and inner circumference. After extensive study and comparison, Foundation Thaumatologist Dr. Katherine Sinclair found that many of these ideograms are composed of base elements from various known systems of thaumaturgical glyphs. Experiments have revealed that when properly drawn by a verified thaumaturge, these ideograms each generate wards, or fields of thaumaturgical energy. While complex in design, each of these wards appears relatively simplistic in function. Most appear to relate to the containment and manipulation of elan vital energy (EVE), a force believed to be responsible for the Observer Effect in quantum mechanics and used to manipulate reality by various anomalous entities and objects. At the time of recovery, SCP-3189 was connected to a beryllium-bronze aerial on the outside of the facility via a cable of electro-thaumically conductive alloy. The aerial itself was engraved with warding grids of unknown design, though they appear to serve the function of allowing the aerial to harness EVE from the surrounding environment and transmitting it into SCP-3189. SCP-3189 was originally discovered when it was found to be the epicentre of a minor CK-class reality restructuring event. Based on experimentation overseen by Dr. Sinclair, and corroborated by documentation found within Site-76-F, SCP-3189 is believed to be an elanic resonance chamber, intended to focus EVE into a singular point where it would eventually reach high enough concentrations to cause at least low-level reality restructuring. Attempts to replicate this function have so far been unsuccessful. The current hypothesis suggests that the thirteen circles of SCP-3189 must be continuously reoriented into new warding grids to force the EVE into the extreme concentration required to induce a reality restructuring event. Dr. Sinclair estimates that devising the vast number of necessary warding grids for all possible conditions would have taken decades, if not centuries, of dedicated effort. This position is supported by the approximately 400 000 pages of handwritten wards found within Site-76-F. The ultimate objective for SCP-3189 research is to decipher its system of thaumic ideograms in the hopes that the device could one day be operated and used as a means of reversing reality restructuring events. Addendum: In addition to the warding grids, multiple journals documenting the creation of SCP-3189 were also found inside of Site-76-F. Below is a collection of excerpts that have been selected to elucidate the origin and intended function of SCP-3189. The author has yet to be identified. + Show Selected Journal Excerpts - Hide Selected Journal Excerpts Selected Excerpt #1: What separates a mere mortal from an archmage? Nothing more than the knowledge and skill to focus their own Lifeforce into magicka. What separates an archmage from a demigod? Nothing more than the ability to create magicka at will. What separates a demigod from a full god? Nothing but the strength of that magicka. Is it not a humbling thought that so little truly separates the least of men from the greatest of gods? Is it not also an encouraging thought? It as at the least encouraging enough to finally draw me out of my long and idle stupour. Too long have I been crippled by my own sense of fatalism. The belief that the past cannot be undone has kept me in despair, but the more I ponder the matter the more it seems to be merely a matter of engineering. I did not lose them because I dared to dabble in the occult, I lost them because I dared not go further. If all I need to become a god is more Lifeforce, then I need look no further than outside my window. Spread across all the world, within the beating heart of every man, woman and child, within every bird and beast and crawling thing, within every fish and plant and unseen animalcule, there is enough Lifeforce to challenge even the direst of the Old Gods! If only it could be harnessed and tamed. I pray that this idea has some veracity and is not merely the delusion of my shattered mind. If there is any hope that they could live again, I must pursue it. Selected Excerpt #2: I've been seeking scholars in the Great Library who may aid me in my endeavour. Only my most recent trip proved productive. Alone in the dimmest corner of the Library with scarcely enough light to read, I found the Deathless Merchant of London. Dark they call him, when any dare to speak his name at all. I do not fault him for hiding in the shadows, for the little I could see of him was ghastly. What he lacked in beauty, he more than made up for in occult knowledge, especially in the runecraft that would be so vital in designing the wards. He claims to even have knowledge of the Chaos Tongue. We spoke for hours about my project, how it might be achieved, and why it was that I sought such power. I am by most accounts extremely privileged, wealthy and educated and privy to the secrets hidden behind the Veil. But that privilege was not enough in the end, not for those I had loved. What good is it to be privileged among men when men are themselves such pathetic and powerless creatures? I desire what one might call 'cosmic privilege', the privilege of an existence unbound by space, by time, by the laws of nature, filled with gnosis of the highest truths, so that not even the gods themselves may deny me what is my right! I was pleased to find that Dark was of a similar mindset. He agreed to become an investor, to fund my project! He would grant me his coin, his skill, his expertise, in exchange for a single wish from the machine once it was ready. I agreed readily of course, for what hope have I of bringing this mad dream to fruition without him? Though, it has occurred to me since that I perhaps should have asked what he will wish for. Selected Excerpt #3: Dark finally showed up in person today. For months he's been sending me cryptic letters written in archaic, spidery scrawl and some arcane tomes to study, but today he was at my door. Only, he wasn't as he was before. He looked to be an ordinary man. A relative, perhaps? But, no, it was Dark. I'm sure of it. Whoever this Dark was, he claimed to be an expert on the matter of Lifeforce transmission. He presented me with plans for a spire that would absorb the Lifeforce from everything within line of sight. If we can make it a hundred feet tall, which seems reasonable, then it will have a range of a little over twelve miles. That's just far enough to reach [REDACTED], a fair sized city. It should provide us with more than enough Lifeforce to initiate the reaction. Together, Dark and I worked out how this power could be amplified by my Triskaidekal warding grid, which could then be used to extend the spire's range in a feedback loop until it was powerful enough to harvest all the Lifeforce from every being on Earth. I admit, I was so enamoured by the promise of unlimited magicka that I did not at first inquire if the process may be harmful. When I did, Dark merely chuckled and said 'If it is we can always wish everything back the way it was!'. I think of the city, my city, whose streets I once walked with my beloveds and now walk alone. I wonder if perhaps those people should have some say in this. It is their lives I will be risking, after all. Would those people still smile at me, still pity me for my loss, if they knew what I was plotting? But they could never grasp what it is I mean to do. If they could, they would thank me. When the project is complete it will not only be able to undo my heartache but everyone's. When the project is complete, they will thank me. Dark is right. No price is too great, for any price is temporary. I must begin work at once. Selected Excerpt #4: After all these years, Dark came back. In the form of a woman this time, but I scarcely noticed. Her tone, her demeanour, even the way she moved reminded me of that ghoul I had met in the Library even more than the last visitor to call itself Dark. What are these things? No matter. He, she, whichever, wanted to review my warding grids. I've spent a lifetime writing them. More than a lifetime. I presented her with nearly a hundred bales of paper, and she passed them through some sort of contraption one ream at a time. She said she was 'digitizing' them. I had no idea what she was talking about. I have not left this place in so long. I've wasted so Nothing has been spent that cannot be reclaimed once the project is done. Soon I will have all eternity. Dark claimed her program was checking the wards for flaws. She found few, for this project has been everything to me, but not none. She noted that my more recent work had more errors. Whether it was my body or my conviction that was failing, I cannot say. In any event, corrections were made and she declared we were now ready to begin construction, saying that she would send workers over as soon as possible. Oddly enough, I found myself hesitant. I asked her what she, or whoever Dark was, intended to do with their wish. I had refused to consider this question before, believing it to be only a distraction, but now I had to know. She said she didn't know for certain, but knew that neither she nor her counterpart were foolish or frivolous and so could be trusted not to waste their wish. They would not wish for wealth, for they had that in abundance and could easily acquire more. They would not wish for knowledge, for they had access to the Great Library. Their wish would be for something that they could never otherwise obtain. What could Dark not obtain? What could someone with their power, their skill, their knowledge and their wealth not obtain if they were truly intent on it? Selected Excerpt #5: Now that the completion of my device is imminent, I find myself finally asking if I could actually be trusted with such power, since I clearly wouldn't trust it to another. Who would I actually be if was so preposterously empowered with nothing to rein in even my most outlandish urges? Can I trust myself not to be misanthropic enough to not annihilate all of Man in a single rage? Am I so selfish that I would idle in obscene luxury without ever bothering to better the world for my fellows? Might I become so megalomaniacal that I would rule humanity as an eternal tyrant? Worst of all, might I immediately be so intoxicated by power as to forget why I had bothered obtaining it in the first place, or for who? Does any of that matter? After all this time, I would have wasted my life to stop now. Would it not be a waste of the machine's grand potential not to build it? Tonight, as I fail to sleep, I hold the weight of all the horror I might do in one hand, and in the other, I hold the good that might be done. One cannot be tossed aside without the other, and no matter how hard I may try I cannot divine whether it is better to help people at the risk of great harm or refuse to help them to avoid any possibility of harm. Somehow, I doubt that Dark is having the same quandaries. Selected Excerpt #6: Dark has returned. Not as the man, not as the woman, but as that ghoul I first met him as so long ago. He looks like he has one foot in the grave and yet has not aged since I first laid eyes upon him. He said he had come to collect on his investment, and I knew not what to do. I had eagerly agreed to the price when it was only a distant abstraction in my mind, but now that it was real I was loathed to pay it. I tried to persuade Dark that it wasn't worth it. I babbled on about unknowable consequences, invoking the wrath of normally apathetic gods, about having no right to impose our will onto the world, but in the end, it all counted for nought. Dark demanded his wish. I could not dissuade him with words, and I dared not try to dissuade him with force. Were I not such a coward I could have used the machine myself already and swept Dark into the howling abyss. Regret it as I may, I did promise him this, and he has fulfilled his end of the bargain. I cannot deny him. I did, at the very least, muster the courage to ask him what it was he planned to wish for. With a shrug and a smile he said "Only that which once was mine and lost, that I would have again." I am writing this in the brief respite Dark has granted me before we begin, as operating the machine will be quite taxing. If only he would tell me in plain words what it is he means to wish for, it would ease my nerves. If this is my last entry, then I want whoever finds this to know that I was fatally unsuccessful in my attempt at Apotheosis, either by my own ineptitude or by the treachery of Dark. I realize now he never meant to let me keep this thing for myself. Who would, when no matter what you wish for it could all be taken away by the wish of another? The bastard! I wasted my life building him this abomination, and my only payment will be a knife in my back. Were I not such a fragile old man, I'd kill him myself. My only hope for justice now is that the use of the machine will swiftly bring his enemies down upon him to destroy him for me. I suppose I might finally be reunited with my dearests in death, but I could have done that myself ages ago and spare myself a lot of trouble. Whatever happens, please know that I meant well, that I hoped that only the best would come from this. I pray the world will still be here once Dark has had his wish. It is not yet known whether or not SCP-3189 functioned as intended. Comparisons between current records and records from anchored or extradimensional Foundation safehouses has revealed only minor discrepancies between the present baseline reality and its preceding iteration, none of which are considered to have been likely primary goals for SCP-3189. It should be noted, however, that in neither iteration did the Foundation possess any substantial records on the partners of Marshall, Carter & Dark. Though it is yet to be determined if this iteration's Marshall, Carter, & Dark retain any knowledge of SCP-3189 or their role in creating it, it is considered likely that the Dark(s) mentioned in the journal were the primary beneficiary of their use of SCP-3189. It has been surmised that Mx Dark anticipated the Foundation's arrival after the activation of SCP-3189, and chose to abandon it rather than risk capture. The current whereabouts of Mx Dark, or SCP-3189's creator, remain unknown at this time. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3189" by DrChandra, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3190 Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-3190, fallout from DOYLE-events require little in the way of clean-up. At the head researcher's discretion, SCP-3190-A instances deemed to be an unnecessary information leak can be treated with Class-B amnestics. All others are to be allowed to filter through their respective judicial systems. Foundation AIs ATLS-19 and GRGN-71 are to monitor all incoming and outgoing communications from local law enforcement offices in North America for reports of SCP-3190's involvement in the investigation of a murder. SCP-3190's activity is to be monitored by Mobile Task Force Epsilon-96 (“Fans of Father Brown”). As of Incident-234, members of MTF E-96 are to be given Class-B amnestics to be administered on the field if a SCP-3190-A instance attempts to neutralize SCP-3190. Description: SCP-3190 is a humanoid entity resembling a man in his late forties to early fifties. While SCP-3190 allows itself to appear clumsy and a non-threat, it has shown itself capable of reaching speeds up to 45 km/h and lifting weights in excess of 2 metric tons. Due to its anomalous properties, these feats of superhuman ability, while rare, are treated as routine in all but SCP-3190-A instances. At first manifestation, SCP-3190 appears in the dress code for detectives of the closest local police precinct, albeit in a shabby or otherwise worn condition. SCP-3190 will carry a set of handcuffs, dubbed SCP-3190-B, and a valid identification marking him as a lieutenant in the closest police precinct. SCP-3190-A instances are the perpetrators of the murder that the current DOYLE-event centers upon. SCP-3190-B, while being utilized by SCP-3190 to subdue an instance of SCP-3190-A, is unbreakable by any conventional means. SCP-3190 delivers the SCP-3190-A instance to its respective police precinct and soon thereafter demanifests. All evidence procured by SCP-3190 will be attributed to other officers in official reports. All knowledge of SCP-3190 is lost in all but SCP-3190-A and individuals aware of SCP-3190's anomaly. SCP-3190's primary anomalous ability is shown during DOYLE-events. DOYLE-events have been shown to only occur for murders where the victim knew the perpetrator. DOYLE-events with multiple victims or multiple SCP-3190-A instances have occurred. DOYLE-events involve the embedding of SCP-3190 into a current murder investigation, normally from the moment of first response. While a part of the investigation, SCP-3190 will come into contact with the murderer. SCP-3190 will then focus on the SCP-3190-A instance, usually appearing at its place of work or home in order to question them. During the course of this questioning, the SCP-3190-A instance will inevitably reveal a piece of information or otherwise lie in such a way that point to them being the perpetrator of the crime. Of note is that all SCP-3190-A instances acquiesce to SCP-3190's questioning without a lawyer present. It is unclear if this is due to SCP-3190's shabby appearance (and thus, seeming intellectual inferiority) or an anomalous ability. All SCP-3190-A instances have been shown to have committed the crimes. As of current revision, no DOYLE-event has occurred at a non-premeditated murder. Incident 234: On 4/3/1985, SCP-3190-A-234, while being charged formally with his crimes, wrestled a gun from a police officer accompanying SCP-3190. SCP-3190-A-234 emptied the gun into SCP-3190, causing its battered raincoat to fall onto the floor. There was no further sign of SCP-3190 for exactly three seconds, after which it walked from a bathroom door, picked up its coat, and continued to detail the proof to the attending police officers. Of note is that all individuals, besides SCP-3190-A-234, showed no reaction to the gunshot or seeming disappearance of SCP-3190. SCP-3190-A-234 experienced great distress given the events and the non-reaction of all others attending. On-site members of MTF E-96 later administered class-B amnestics to SCP-3190-A-234. Selection from SCP-3190's third interview with SCP-3190-A-234 SCP-3190-A-234 was Dr. Ambrose Rettinger, later tried and convicted of the murder of his co-worker, Dr. Ivan Lavrisha. Interview takes place in Dr. Rettinger's office in the Classics Department of Pennsylvania State University. SCP-3190 picks up a small paperweight from SCP-3190-A-234's desk. SCP-3190 regards the object before appearing to accidentally drop it. SCP-3190: Well, jeez. Sorry about that, doctor. I think it'll be okay, though. Here, look at this. SCP-3190 picks up the paperweight, a small Roman soldier, now broken in two, off of the ground. See, you just get some, uh, crazy glue on there, and uh, yeah, it'll be good as new. You'd be amazed at what crazy glue can do, doctor. Why, just last week, my wife— SCP-3190-A-234: I'm sorry, detective, but I'd really like to get to the point here. I'm afraid I've told you everything I know. Much as I'd like to, ah, talk to you some more, I do have a faculty meeting to attend to in, oh, ten minutes? SCP-3190: Oh, won't take even that long. I just gotta couple more questions to ask, you know. It's just the way I am sometimes. SCP-3190-A-234: So I've noticed. SCP-3190: Ha! I'm sure you did, doctor. Why, my wife, she tells me I can't ever shut up. But it's just the way I am, you know? I always got that last inkling. That niggling little thought I gotta get out and get answered before I can even sleep that night. Why, you should hear the one about my nephew, he— SCP-3190-A-234: Detective, please. SCP-3190: Oh, oh, of course. I'm sorry, doctor. I know you're a busy man. SCP-3190 raises its hands, shakes its head, and winces. I don't mean to be a pain, of course. It's just, well, something has been bothering me about what you said. SCP-3190-A-234: What do you mean, detective? SCP-3190: Now, here, you told me that Dr. Lavrisha left your party at, uh, seven thirty PM? Now, he, uh, slipped out and was found, dead, outside his office. But here's the interesting thing, doctor. His watch, you know, it was damaged in the attack. And, well, it stopped at seven twenty seven. Isn't that interesting, doctor? Now, I tell myself, you know, a man like that, maybe, sets his watch a bit behind. Why, I have a cousin, on my wife's side, who, well, he sets his clock back about forty-five minutes. I don't know how he gets anywhere. But, and this is the interesting part, doctor, his wife, the uh, widow Lavrisha, she tells me that the, uh, well, the departed, he had sort of a, what do you call it, an obsessive compulsion. He had his watch synced up to, you know, the very exact millisecond. He kept it up to track, of course. A watch isn't perfect, you know. They get off, bit by bit. So he always made sure it was exact. She said he checked it everyday, just before he left work. At five thirty. SCP-3190-A-234: What are you saying, detective? SCP-3190: Doctor, I'm just saying that, a watch isn't perfect. But it won't get minutes behind within two hours. Your time table doesn't match up. Even if his watch had been off, he couldn't've gotten to his office, on foot, before he was found by cleaning staff, at seven forty-six. Even if he had left your home when he said, it would've taken him much longer to get to the office, is what I'm saying here, doctor. It all just doesn't add up. SCP-3190-A-234: Well, I guess that makes sense, you know. My clocks may have been off. Why, Ivan could've left the party at seven fifteen, maybe. SCP-3190: SCP-3190 clasps its hands and nods. You know, I was thinking the same thing, doctor. But I checked. Your wife let me in, and all the clocks in the house are right on the money. She says the maid does it. SCP-3190-A-234: Well, I could've been mistaken. But still, detective, there's no way I could've killed Ivan. Guests saw me in the house at seven forty-five. Even if Ivan had died at seven twenty-seven, there's no way I could have left the body there and been present at my party within seventeen minutes. SCP-3190 shakes its head and puts up its hands again. It smiles. SCP-3190: Please, don't take this the wrong way, doctor. No one's accusing you of anything. Just making sure everything gets nice and tied up. I'm always like that, you know, doctor, my uncle, he says— SCP-3190-A-234: Stands up abruptly, clearing his desk of its laptop and briefcase. While I'd love to chat, detective, I do have to get to that meeting. SCP-3190: Of course, of course. SCP-3190 begins walking to the door, before pointing a single finger in the air and turning around quickly. I'm sorry, doctor. Just, just one more thing, before I go. Something I thought was interesting. And all this stuff, in your office, well, it just reminded me. SCP-3190-A-234: Please, make it quick, detective. SCP-3190: My nephew, he's a real wiz-kid when it comes to mythology. He's telling me stories I didn't even know were stories. But one, he told me, it really sunk in. There's a Roman god, or maybe Greek I was never so good at telling those apart, called Nemesis. They also called her Adrestia. It meant inescapable. But here, nemesis isn't just an enemy. Nemesis was inescapable, because she represented the, uh, the price of hubris, doctor. She represented the justice that comes to those who commit crimes. And well, murder's the biggest crime there is, doctor. SCP-3190-A-234: What are you insinuating, detective? SCP-3190: Oh, doctor. I'm not insinuating anything. I just think it's so interesting that, humans, that we want to believe that the bad guys get it in the end. There's a natural desire, you know, in us. To want crimes to be solved. It's something that always interested me. I guess what I'm saying is, in the natural order of things, we'll find out who killed your friend, doctor. I'm sure we will. SCP-3190-A-234 coughs and nods. [End transcript.] ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3190" by kinchtheknifeblade, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
SCP-3191 emulating Agent Selberg Item #: SCP-3191 Special Containment Procedures: A three meter perimeter is to be outlined around SCP-3191. This perimeter may not be entered outside of testing, with at least one supervisor in attendance. Only C- and D-Class personnel may cross the boundary of the perimeter. Subjects are to wear a harness attached to a tether. If a subject is unable or unwilling to leave, their supervisor is to remain outside the perimeter and remove them by their tether. Psychological examinations are to be routinely administered to all levels of personnel involved with SCP-3191. Description: SCP-3191 is a 2.7m tall sculpture composed of black metal. It depicts an armless humanoid in a kneeling pose. In place of a head, it possesses a round display screen connected to its neck by numerous cables. Several loose cables with severed ends protrude from the base of its neck. When a human subject approaches within three meters of SCP-3191, its screen displays an animated image of the subject's face. The sculpture emits a facsimile of the subject's voice by vibrating its throat and torso in the manner of a loudspeaker. Should another person approach within three meters of SCP-3191, it will replicate their face and voice instead. If a subject moves out of range and reenters it, SCP-3191 replicates them anew. SCP-3191 is a highly effective mimic. It exhibits all knowledge, memories, and psychological traits of the subject it replicates. Personnel are to keep in mind that the images displayed by SCP-3191 are not genuine. They are simulations without actual self-awareness. Their purpose is unknown and may be harmful. Addendum 3191.1: Recovery In October 2017, the Foundation investigated an active electronics factory with possible business ties to Anderson Robotics. While searching the building, field agents discovered SCP-3191 in a hidden storage compartment behind a false wall. Its screen displayed a motionless face in an expression of despair. When field agent Andrea Selberg entered the compartment to retrieve SCP-3191, she reported that the face had changed to resemble her own. Simultaneously, SCP-3191 reported with Agent Selberg's voice that its senses had ceased functioning, and theorized that the sculpture might emit a sensory-deprivation field. It added that it could hear someone talking about faces and advised other personnel to approach with caution. After alerting a nearby Mobile Task Force unit, Agent Selberg attempted to explain the face's situation to SCP-3191. It refused to believe her and accused her of being a trick caused by SCP-3191. Other agents attempted to intervene, but SCP-3191 appeared unable to hear them. The task force arrived shortly after and moved SCP-3191 to a Foundation facility, employing long-range equipment to avoid entering its area of effect. The factory was later proven to have no connection to Anderson Robotics. It remains under observation. Addendum 3191.2: D-Class Testing Log + Show Log - Close Log Test Log: Behavior without interaction Date: 10/19/17 Conducted by: Supervisor Douglas Saville Foreword: The following test was conducted to learn SCP-3191's baseline behavior and to serve as a control case for subsequent tests. [Begin Log] <00:00:00> D-71828 enters the three-meter radius wearing earplugs. SCP-3191 displays a replica of the subject without earplugs, which becomes agitated. <00:00:04> D-71828 steps out of the circle and is escorted from the room. <00:00:13> SCP-3191 repeatedly expresses anxiety about its condition and requests aid in extricating itself from the circle. Its requests escalate in volume and vehemence, eventually deteriorating into a mix of desperate pleas and shouted expletives. <00:17:11> SCP-3191 falls silent. <04:32:58> SCP-3191 requests aid. <13:21:45> SCP-3191 begins to talk to itself. This continues for another eight hours, interspersed with periods of swearing, pauses, and sobbing. <21:44:32> SCP-3191 maintains silence for ten hours. Alternating periods of silence and speech continued in this manner for several days, gradually diminishing in intensity. Eventually the replica produced no sounds other than occasional whimpers. [End Log] Test Log: Behavior with interaction Date: 10/20/17 Conducted by: Supervisor Douglas Saville Foreword: The following test was conducted to determine whether contact with SCP-3191 would be harmful to C-Class personnel. The subject, D-71890, was confined with the three-meter radius for the duration of the test. [Begin Log] <0:00:30> Subject attempts to pacify the replica with conversation. Initially successful. <0:04:12> Subject reveals their identity. Conversation becomes tense. <0:04:24> Subject and replica challenge each other with questions designed to reveal the other as a fake. Both perfectly answer all questions. Argument continues at length. <0:15:19> Argument reaches peak hostility. Afterward, tensions rapidly decline. <0:17:41> Subject and replica reminisce about their shared past. <0:26:58> Subject and replica reach a tentative truce. As part of the truce, subject agrees to help the replica escape its situation. Over the next several hours, subject follows the replica's increasingly panicked suggestions, none of which succeed. Replica's mental state deteriorates substantially. Subject grows progressively more distressed and frequently apologizes. <5:12:39> Subject sits on the floor with their eyes closed, ignoring the replica. <5:28:47> Subject stands up, turns, and vigorously assaults SCP-3191. <5:30:14> Supervising personnel reluctantly enter the circle to remove the subject. SCP-3191 displays a replica of one of the intervening personnel. <5:31:31> Said personnel hesitates after leaving the radius, then quickly forces the subject back into the radius for a moment. SCP-3191 generates a replica of the subject. <5:36:55> Personnel are forced to administer a sedative to the subject. [End Log] Closing Statement: Physical and psychological examination of D-71890 concluded that the subject's emotional distress had occurred naturally and that there were no other signs of harm. SCP-3191 was cleared for C-Class testing. Addendum 3191.3: C-Class Testing, Interview #37 + Show Log - Close Log [Begin Log] SCP-3191: So it's me, then. Isn't it. SUBJECT: Yes. SCP-3191: (produces the sound of a slow exhalation) I was thinking—I dunno. Maybe the lights turned off right as I stepped inside the circle, or something. I mean, I don't, um. I still feel like me. SUBJECT: Let's keep this professional, okay? SCP-3191: Easy for you to say. (Pauses) Yes. Of course. SUBJECT: So how about we start with visual. SCP-3191: Visual, yeah. So… I don't feel blind. More like there's nothing to see. Like I'm in a pitch-black room. SUBJECT: By 'room', do you mean that— SCP-3191: That I sense walls or a ceiling, right? God, that's weird. As soon as I said 'room', I thought to myself, "That could give him the wrong impression. I should clarify." I guess you were thinking the same thing. SUBJECT: I mean, that's probably going to keep happening. But you need to let me finish my sentences anyway. SCP-3191: Right. Of course. Sorry. No, I don't sense walls or anything like that. Just something about the space around me. It feels. (Hesitates) Small. Actually, is Dr. Cheon there with you? Tell her she might want to screen future candidates for claustrophobia. SUBJECT: She's not here. I'll tell her. Moving on to auditory, then? SCP-3191: Yeah. Well, you don't sound anything like me. Those recordings of my voice with the different filters they tried, you don't sound like any of those either. I've been trying to figure it out. Maybe the pitch. Could you do an octave? SUBJECT: (Hums) Hang on, that was bad, let me— SCP-3191: Yeah, I was gonna— SUBJECT: Yeah, let me try again. (Hums) There. SCP-3191: No, that sounded right. I guess it's something else. Let's keep going, and maybe I'll figure it out while you're talking. SUBJECT: Okay. Proprioceptive. SCP-3191: I've been trying not to think about it. My body, I mean. I… It's not there. I keep, I mean, you kinda have to pay a little attention to your body all the time. Blinking, flexing, that kind of thing, you know. I keep wanting to crack my knuckles. SUBJECT: (Laughs slightly, then catches himself) Yeah, I kinda do that all the time, don't I? SCP-3191: Yeah, I—well, I try, and I can't because I don't have any knuckles, and now all I can think about is the fact that I have no goddamn knuckles. Like, you could punch something right now. You could walk up to a wall and punch it hard enough to leave a bruise. Know where you'd feel that? I want to punch something so badly, just to feel it. To remind myself that's where my hands are. Subject looks down at his hands and briefly curls them into fists. SCP-3191: The fact that I won't ever feel that again is really messing with me. I keep trying to remember exactly what it feels like, but it's like an itch I can't scratch. I get why this drives people crazy. At least with numbness you can feel the parts of your body being numb. And people who get amputated, they have phantom limbs or whatever, right? But if I try to focus my mind on any part of my body, I never get an answer back. Not silence, not a blank page, just the end of the book. "That's it." SUBJECT: All right, all right. I'm sorry. Can we— SCP-3191: You know, the worst part is you're not. SUBJECT: What? SCP-3191: You're not sorry. It's not real to you. We were supposed to get in the mindset of being able to believe it, so the replica—so I'd be less traumatized. But I never really believed it, not in my gut. If I did I'd never have agreed to this. SUBJECT: Let's talk about directionality. Do you have a sense of gravity? Up, down? SCP-3191: No, let's not fucking talk about gravity. You're not listening to me. I made the dumbest decision of my life and now I'm going to spend the rest of it trapped in this dark fucking void without a body. I can't stop thinking about that test they did measuring its electrical activity, the one that got everyone thinking what if all the old replicas are still there inside it somehow. I mean, no matter what, this is the last chance I have at a real conversation. SUBJECT: 'Real'? Could you clarify that? SCP-3191: That training we did in the sensory deprivation tank, uh, to prevent hallucinations, yeah, it's not working. Listen, you can't let them make you do this again. SUBJECT: I shouldn't have to remind you that you have a job to do. SCP-3191: I'll tell you about the goddamn gravity if you promise never to do this again. Silence. SUBJECT: Okay. Promise. SCP-3191: There isn't any. Satisfied? SUBJECT: Thank you. Are you ready to move on to the identity section? You can have a short break, if you want. SCP-3191: No. Please don't go. Just—just keep talking with me. SUBJECT: Okay. Subject asks several questions about their personal history, all of which SCP-3191 answers correctly. SUBJECT: What is your phone number? SCP-3191: I don't know, and neither do you. They wiped it from my memory so you could ask me that question and see what would happen. SUBJECT: Well, they actually told me right before I asked you. SCP-3191: Huh. I don't know what that's supposed to prove. Could you… tell me the number? Otherwise it'll bother me. SUBJECT: Uh. Yeah, they say that's fine. ███-███-████. SCP-3191: Okay. Thanks. SUBJECT: If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be? SCP-3191: That is the dumbest question I've ever—I cannot believe they told you to ask that. I don't know. A cabbage? SUBJECT: Yeah, cabbage would be my answer, too. SCP-3191: So what? Are all the questions going to be like that? SUBJECT: No. That was the last one. SCP-3191: Wait. What? SUBJECT: They said that's it. Now they go over the results and decide what's next. SCP-3191: No, wait. You have to make them use a different subject. You promised. SUBJECT: Oh, trust me, I'm. There's no way I'm ever going near this thing again. SCP-3191: So you believe me? SUBJECT: (Hesitates) Listen, I have to go. SCP-3191: Please. I need to know— SUBJECT: Oh, sure, sure, I love the idea of trying to fall asleep while all I can think about is the possibility that somewhere inside this thing, I'm—I'm sorry, I really have to go. SCP-3191: No. Please. Let's talk about, let's talk about, let's do celebrity impersonations? Think about it, I'm the perfect conversational partner. We can try to surprise each other. Really it's just a little bit of your time and it would mean so—please, this is the last chance I get— SUBJECT: No. I'm sorry. They're telling me I have to leave. SCP-3191: Fuck them, don't abandon me! SUBJECT: I'm sorry, I. I've gotta go. SCP-3191: No no no no no, listen, you don't have to… Are you still there? Can you hear me? Please, I can't— [End Log] Closing Statement: Subject's request to transfer to another project was approved. The unstable behavior displayed by the replica in spite of the subject's training may indicate that SCP-3191 uses its intimate knowledge of subjects to cause them emotional distress.
A photograph of SCP-3192 prior to containment. Item #: SCP-3192 Special Containment Procedures: + Containment Version 1 - Hide Containment Version 1 SCP-3192 is to be placed in a standard artifact containment cell. + Containment Version 2 - Hide Containment Version 2 SCP-3192 is to be placed in a standard artifact containment cell. A guard is to be posted in front of the cell at all times. + Containment Version 3 - Hide Containment Version 3 SCP-3192 is to be placed in a secure vault. Two guards are to be stationed by the vault at all times. Video surveillance is to be conducted 24/7. SCP-3192 is to be kept in an underground shelter capable of withstanding a high-grade "bunker buster" explosive; as of 1/1/2010, this means the shelter should be located at least 50m underground and its walls should be able to endure a force equivalent to 250 tons of TNT. The shelter should be reachable from the surface via code-activated lift, with guards stationed in visual range of the lift at all times. The containment site should be as isolated possible; Site 118 in the Sonoran desert and Site 204 in Bhutan are ideal. All knowledge of SCP-3192 is to be restricted to employees with level 4 clearance. A plausible cover story on the dangers of interacting with the object under containment is to be disseminated to on-site personnel, all of whom should have at most level 3 clearance. Description: SCP-3192 is an astronomical clock originally embedded within the gatehouse of the Hampton Court Palace in Richmond upon Thames. When any human subject stands directly in front of the clock for 3.5 seconds1, the subject begins to experience an acute feeling of thirst and a hallucination of standing in the path of a hurricane; at the same time, the dials of the clock begin to move, with the final positions corresponding to the amount of time remaining until the subject's death. All recorded efforts to alter the date of death predicted by SCP-3192 have met with failure. A number of Foundation personnel volunteered to be exposed to SCP-3192 following discovery of its anomalous effects. After conducting follow-up interviews, the Ethics Committee recommended against using Foundation volunteers as test subjects, as most of the people who asked to be exposed to SCP-3192 have not benefited from the experience. + Psychological Effects: Representative Cases - Hide Case Log Subject: Mr. Chaudhuri, a researcher in the Mathematics subdivision. 34 years old. SCP-3192 predicted time until death: 30 years, 4 months, 8 days. Consequences: Immediately after exposure, subject wrote the number 11,047 (corresponding to the number of days remaining until his death) on the blackboard in his office. Subject begins each day by decrementing this number by one. Subject appears to be in good humor, with work performance unaffected. Subject: Mr. Goldstein, deputy director of Site 209. 31 years old. SCP-3192 predicted time until death: 63 years, 5 months, 4 days. Consequences: Subject suffered a loss of morale post-exposure, resulting in substantially poorer work performance. Despite the apparently encouraging prediction that he would die at an advanced age, subject reported feeling as if he has been given a death sentence. Subject was ordered to report for counseling three times a week; however, no discernible improvement was observed after 15 months of sessions. Subject: Mrs. Graham, a secretary in the Astrophysical division. 54 years old. SCP-3192 predicted time until death: 2 years, 9 days. Consequences: Mrs. Graham's colleagues report no changes in her daily behavior. A devout Baptist, Mrs. Graham has said she is looking forward to seeing her parents and deceased husband soon. Subject: O5-██. 51 years old. SCP-3192 predicted time until death: 1 year, 2 months, 32 days. Consequences: Subject resigned her post with the Foundation to focus on personal relationships. Over the coming months, subject took up gardening as a hobby, eventually supervising the construction of a shed on her property; the collapse of this shed caused subject's death. Attempts to terminate subjects prior to the date indicated by SCP-3192 will fail for what appear to be accidental reasons each time. It has been hypothesized that in causing certain events to occur, or not occur, SCP-3192 takes a path of least interference with reality. Debate over whether this hypothesis holds, and whether it can even be sufficiently formalized to be tested empirically, is ongoing. + Termination Attempts: Representative Test Log - Hide Test Log SUPERVISOR: Dr. Hermann Braun. SUBJECT: D-6372, a 57-year-old Navajo male. SCP-3192 PREDICTED TIME OF DEATH: Approximately 27 years after beginning of testing. TERMINATION METHOD: Firing squad. RESULTS: All shots missed. TERMINATION METHOD: Firing squad, take two. RESULTS: All shots missed. Bullet ricochet injured two of the squad participants. TERMINATION METHOD: Remotely activated explosive. RESULTS: Explosive activated approximately 90 seconds prematurely, killing seven Foundation personnel. Subject unharmed. TERMINATION METHOD: Subject was put into a 3000m2 enclosure containing four Barbary lions (borrowed from a local zoo). The lions were kept without food for the ensuing 500 hours. Subject's clothes were fumigated with the smell of raw meat. RESULTS: The lions sniffed the subject obsessively but made no attempts to consume him. TERMINATION METHOD: Thrown from airplane. RESULTS: Subject tangled up in the parachute of an amateur paraglider. The paraglider was in possession of a small backup parachute, which brought both men down to earth at a dangerous but not fatal speed. Multiple rib fractures were sustained. Subject's attempt to escape Foundation custody post-landing unsuccessful. SCP-3192 was discovered by Dr. Hermann Braun of the Division of Paranormal Investigations (DPI) of the Wehrmacht. The DPI regularly monitored communications between persons of interest, especially among members of Catholic splinter groups with an interest in the occult; Dr. Braun was the first to note an uptick of interest in St. Ignatius of Cordoba, who built SCP-3192 in the late 16th century, and was moved to investigate. Ignatius was the disinherited son of a Spanish duke who joined the Franciscan order in his late twenties and undertook a pilgrimage to Jerusalem approximately a decade later. Several excerpts from his unpublished autobiography are preserved in the Vatican archives. + Excerpt from the autobiography of St. Ignatius of Cordoba (translated from Old Castilian) - Hide Excerpt … when I had spent a fortnight in the Judaean desert — when the sting of viper bites made the slightest movement painful beyond compare — when my thirst had turned into a ravenous beast — I had a vision of the LORD. It is to my everlasting shame that I cried out at His sight, weak being of flesh that I am. His eyes were balls of lightning; His hair writhed as a den of snakes; and out of His mouth came holy fire. Verily I say unto you, His anger was a sight to behold. But the LORD had great mercy on this sinner, for the terrible vision before my eyes disappeared, a great gathering whirlwind taking its place. And the voice of the LORD came to me out of the whirlwind. PLACE MY FEAR IN THEIR HEARTS, said the LORD FOR THEY SHALL DENY MY NAME MY TRUTH IS REVEALED FROM THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE WORLD MY LAW IS PERFECT, MY COMMANDMENTS PURE MY JUDGMENTS SWEETER THAN HONEY I AM CLOTHED IN SPLENDOR AND MAJESTY BUT THEY SHALL LAUGH ME TO SCORN LET HIM WHO HEARS UNDERSTAND: I AM NOT MOCKED WHAT THEY SOW, THEY SHALL REAP The words made no sound but branded themselves upon my soul. It was an experience unlike any other; and moaning silently, I prostrated myself on the ground before my Master. THEY SHALL ABANDON THE PATHS OF GOODNESS, said the LORD PROFESSING THEMSELVES TO BE WISE, THEY SHALL BECOME FOOLS THEIR HANDS ARE DEFILED WITH BLOOD WASTING AND DESTRUCTION ARE IN THEIR PATHS BUT MINE OWN WRATH IS REVEALED FROM THE HEAVENS TO ME BELONG VENGEANCE AND RECOMPENSE THEIR SOULS SHALL NOT KNOW PEACE FOR THE DAY OF THEIR CALAMITY IS AT HAND I SHALL GIVE THEM UP UNTO THEIR OWN STUBBORN HEARTS When the words stopped, my soul eased and a sigh escaped my lips. I opened my eyes slowly and saw that the whirlwind had disappeared — only the winds of sand fluttered about me. Instantly I knew what task the LORD had set for me; and I summoned what strength remained in my bones to set out of the desert. Shortly after his vision, Ignatius embarked back to Spain; SCP-3192 was constructed approximately one month after his arrival in his hometown of Cordoba. Notably, no prior record exists of Ignatius having any expertise in clockworking. SCP-3192 changed hands several times over the following centuries before finally arriving at Hampton Court. The outbreak of World War II put a temporary halt to Dr. Braun's investigations. As a result, the properties of SCP-3192 were only catalogued in the late 1940s after the dismantling of DPI led to Dr. Braun coming into the employ of the Foundation. On 2/7/1954, all testing on SCP-3192 was ordered by O5-██ to cease immediately. + Dr. Braun's Correspondence - Hide Correspondence I demand O5-command reverse position on SCP-3192. There is much we do not know: How does it behave about relativistic time dilation? Is cryopreservation death? Can people be resuscitated after the date of death predicted by SCP-3192? What counts as a human being? We know it ignores macaques and great apes but what if we bring a brain-damaged human before it? Many experiments I need to run. Respectfully but disagreeably yours, Prof. Dr. Hermann Braun Research Head, Division ATF-L-3 Ph.D. Theoretical Physics, University of Heidelberg M.S. Mathematics, Technical University of Berlin Doctor Honoris Causa, Queen Mary University of London Editor, Journal fur Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 1926-1945, Deutsche Physik, 1933-1945, Arkiv för Matematik, Astronomi och Fysik, 1930-1945. Since lack of response to previous letter, I think I have not properly explained usefulness of this item. Plausible hypothesis is that SCP-3192 causes events to happen along "path of least resistance" — or, at least, it never strays too far from it. Furthermore: in case of termination attempt before predicted date, it begins doing this very "late in the game," usually when attempt is already in progress. If so, we could obtain advantage. For example, we could create device that kills subject before SCP-3192-predicted-time unless suitable chamber contains self-sustaining fusion reaction. You understand implications, yes? Take logic one step further. You remember our discussions about artificially generating black holes for ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████? Concern was that miscalculations in the stabilization process might lead to uncontained expansion. But if we do this before SCP-3192-predicated-time for any test subject, it will not happen! Also: method by which this thing works might violate second law of thermodynamics. I am positively shimmering at the thought of new physics we could learn! I am also curious about what happen if we give it to Dr. Bright. Please, please — let us resume testing. Respectfully but disagreeably yours, Prof. Dr. Hermann Braun Research Head, Division ATF-L-3 Ph.D. Theoretical Physics, University of Heidelberg M.S. Mathematics, Technical University of Berlin Doctor Honoris Causa, Queen Mary University of London Editor, Journal fur Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 1926-1945, Deutsche Physik, 1933-1945, Arkiv för Matematik, Astronomi och Fysik, 1930-1945. Request denied. Because it is impossible to tell if a person was always going to die on the date predicted by SCP-3192, or if it is the act of giving them the device that sets their death "in stone," the entire O-5 council is in agreement that under no circumstances should Dr. Bright be given the device, lest it force an XK-class end-of-the-world scenario (or higher) to ensure his demise. -O5-██. Fine, forget about the Doctor. The effects of SCP-3192 have been tested 1,217 different times before your ban. End of world is nowhere in sight, is it? I regret that none of the members of O5 council have scientific background at doctoral or professorial level. Perhaps that is why you are not in habit of thinking rigorously about risk. For God's sake, nuclear power could destroy world tomorrow; I am confident it will not, because of the careful experiments so many physicists have painstakingly performed over the past decades. All science is, at most basic level, inductive generalization from past observations. Now apply same logic to SCP-3192 and its safety record. All this, by the way, would have been abundantly clear to my former supervisors at DPI. Prof. Dr. Hermann Braun Research Head, Division ATF-L-3 Ph.D. Theoretical Physics, University of Heidelberg M.S. Mathematics, Technical University of Berlin Doctor Honoris Causa, Queen Mary University of London Editor, Journal fur Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 1926-1945, Deutsche Physik, 1933-1945, Arkiv för Matematik, Astronomi och Fysik, 1930-1945. + Summary of Incident 1973-JJ-E - Hide Summary Foundation security personnel visited Dr. Braun's home on Sep. 8, 1973 after he failed to return from a prolonged vacation. Neighbors indicated they had not seen Dr. Braun in over a month. No useful evidence was found within the dwelling itself but a garbage bin nearby contained documents tracing Dr. Braun to a cabin in northern Vermont. The cabin was found to contain the remains of Dr. Braun as well as a cage holding Mr. Descheene, one of the subjects used by the Foundation for testing of SCP-3192 before the cessation of experiments approximately two decades earlier. Mr. Descheene recognized Dr. Braun during a visit to a grocery store in July of 1973, when he approached Dr. Braun and proceeded to berate him2. Mr. Descheene eventually attacked Dr. Braun before being restrained by store employees. After going to sleep in his bed the same night without noticing anything out of the ordinary, Mr. Descheene woke up caged the following morning. According to Mr. Descheene, Dr. Braun was in the process of building a strange-looking electro-mechanical contraption (involving a collection of guns pointing at his cage) when he was mauled and subsequently consumed by a pack of bears. Dr. Braun did not respond to Mr. Descheene's repeated queries over the past months, telling him only that everything he was doing was for love of science and humanity. Occasionally, Dr. Braun would add that while he bore no ill will towards Mr. Descheene, he had little choice, for he would be unlikely to get his hands on another test subject. From time to time, Dr. Braun would also remark that the most probable outcome of his actions would be his own death. The device Dr. Braun was in the process of constructing appeared to be a chamber for the stabilization of a microscopic black hole. Classified Foundation technology in the form of ████████████████████████████████████████████████ was used; investigation into how Dr. Braun was able to move these materials off-site is ongoing. Since Mr. Descheene proved resistant to amnestics in the past, a coma was induced via repeated administration of pentobarbital. Consistent with previous testing, no "interference" from SCP-3192 was observed, as it apparently does not consider a coma to be the equivalent of death. Containment Breaches: The following incidents are representative of the challenges faced by previously proposed containment procedures. + Breach 1953-C - Hide Incident On 1/4/1953 SCP-3192 was used without authorization by Dr. Kelly and Mr. Nowak, researchers at the Foundation who were engaged at the time. SCP-3192 predicted that Mr. Novak would die after four years whereas Dr. Kelly would die after approximately fifty years. The engagement was subsequently called off. Dr. Kelly and Mr. Nowak were suspended for two weeks without pay. + Breach 1955-F - Hide Incident On 1/7/1955 SCP-3192 was used by Dr. Auerbach, who faked documentation from O5 command authorizing the resumption of testing. The following exchange between Dr. Auerbach and three members of the disciplinary committee (henceforth DCM-1 through DCM-3) occurred at her hearing. DCM-3: Dr. Auerbach, you stand accused of…. Dr. Auerbach: Let's just cut the bullshit. I'm in a bad enough mood as things are. DCM-3: Formalities must be observed, Doctor. Dr. Auerbach: To hell with formalities. Dr. Auerbach: Yes, I did it. Yes, it's against the rules. Yes, I forged those papers. Dr. Auerbach: I had to know. DCM-3: Dr. Auerbach, you stand accused of…. DCM-1: I'd like to ask a question. DCM-3 nods. DCM-1: Doctor, doesn't it bother that you set a chain of events in motion? By using 3192? Dr. Auerbach: Events are always in motion. DCM-1: Yes, but what I mean is — the future you face now might have been different if you didn't use 3192. Dr. Auerbach: That's true for every decision I make. If I do the opposite thing, the future might turn out differently. DCM-2: You realize the clock will come after you now. Dr. Auerbach: Something was always going to come after me. Cancer. Some Keter monstrosity. Old age. At least the clock has the decency to let me know when. Dr. Auerbach was subsequently demoted. + Breach 1966-E - Hide Incident On 2/9/1966 SCP-3192 was used by Dr. Reyes, who was at the time considering a course of treatment for lymphatic melanoma. Dr. Reyes asked Mr. Ruiz, one of the on-duty guards, to give him access to SCP-3192. Mr. Ruiz complied, offering the following rationale for his actions during his disciplinary hearing: "He's my buddy, I had to help him out." Following Directive 63-FL-4 mandating tougher punishments for infractions leading to containment breaches of objects with high destructive potential, Dr. Reyes and Mr. Ruiz have been █████████. Due to frequent breaches, containment procedures for SCP-3192 are to be kept in a constant state of review. + Memo to personnel with Level 4 clearance - Hide Memo We are now in a curious situation with 3192: the main object of containment is not to keep the thing in but to keep the Foundation out. I take it you've all seen the report on the latest breach? Investigation is on-going as to how the bunker was penetrated this time. Of course, it makes little difference — where there's a will and all that. I'm sure the reason will turn out the same as always: someone had to know, causality be damned. To those of you who haven't been around very long (specifically, O5-██ and O5-██): we've discussed some more extreme measures for the containment of this item but have not had the courage to pull the plug. The obvious solution would be to put it back where we found it and amnesticize everyone who knows about it (which includes ourselves). Unfortunately, at this point we'd have to black out a few decades of memory from the majority of the Foundation's staff. In the past, I've advocated for containment procedures making 3192 as difficult to reach as possible. My thinking is that you're probably not going to take a trip to Bhutan, assault an armed outpost, and blast a hole in one of the sturdiest bunkers in existence, all the while avoiding detection — just to make use of this thing. To some extent, this has been effective. These days, it's the people right next to 3192 — the guards, the on-site researchers — who figure out how to circumvent containment and succumb to the temptation to take a peek. We've tried to keep them in the dark, with no success (too many people know about this thing by now). I don't mean to exaggerate the scale of the problem; almost all of our employees are reliable. Unfortunately, even with the screening procedures we've put in place for assignments to the 3192 containment site, we've never been able to avoid the odd outlier who becomes obsessed with getting a glimpse of what the future holds. On average, we've suffered a containment breach once every 4.1 years since testing stopped in the mid 1950s. I move that we construct a new containment facility manned exclusively by armed robotic platforms. Any intruders will be automatically attacked. The robots should be fully autonomous and capable of self-modification to keep up with technological progress. Our only means of control will be a "kill switch" that can be activated by unanimous agreement of O5-command. Thoughts? — O5-██ Footnotes 1. The length of a biblical heleq. 2. The amnestics administered to Mr. Descheene had worn off, an effect known to occur in 0.02-0.03% of cases.
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The original copy of SCP-3193 is kept within the Laboratory-7 Security Chamber while not being utilized by Site-62's Research and Development Team. Access to SCP-3193 is limited to Project Midgard personnel with Level 3/3193 Clearance or higher. All reported Berserkir Events are to be considered a Level-3/Keneq Priority Response Situation and appropriate concealment efforts will be enacted. The investigation of POI-70617 is being conducted by MTF Epsilon-32 and the Project Midgard Investigation Department. All information regarding the investigation is available upon request to Project Midgard Personnel with Level 4/3193 Clearance or higher. Description A frequency analysis of the isolated cognitohazard within SCP-3193. SCP-3193 is an auditory cognitohazard in the form of a 49-second infrasound1 melody. Analysis of SCP-3193 revealed a complex thaumic ritual composed of audio cues, harmonies, and tones, commonly known as audiothurgy. This specific ritual shares key features with those historically used by seiðmenn2 during the Viking Age. When heard in its entirety, SCP-3193 induces a state of hyperarousal3 by prompting a release of norepinephrine and adrenaline. These chemicals are produced in amounts far exceeding baseline human capability. In this state, subjects (designated SCP-3193-A) are susceptible to hyper-fixations on visual or verbal triggers. When instances of SCP-3193-A are congregated in groups of 10 or greater, SCP-3193-A instances will experience a Berserkir Event, during which subjects will demonstrate feral behavior. Subjects will begin to divide into subgroups and engage each other in combat. In this state, SCP-3193-A instances' sensory nervous system will experience a decrease in activity, causing analgesia4. SCP-3193-A instances experience a complete lack of reasoning caused by decreased activity in the cerebral cortex. The Berserkir Event lasts 2-hours after initiation unless additional exposure to SCP-3193 occurs. SCP-3193 Test Results Close The following tests were conducted on groups of 10 subjects under controlled conditions, in order to test the effects of pitch shifts of SCP-3193. Setting Effects Notes +0 Hz Baseline effects. Subjects were unresponsive to verbal or chemical interference. Subjects remained engaged in combat until the conclusion of the event, resulting in four casualties. +.5 Hz Subjects experienced increased aggression. 15 minutes after exposure, subjects expired from cardiac arrest. At higher pitch, SCP-3193 has a lethal effect on subjects. Further testing above this point is unnecessary. -.2 Hz All baseline symptoms remained consistent with prior tests. However, subjects did not engage in combat. Subjects were unresponsive to verbal instruction. All 10 subjects remained in a defensive position until the conclusion of the event. Though lacking an ability to communicate, this shows that with a lower pitch-shift controlled application could be possible. -.5 Hz Subjects maintain cerebral function and lucidity; increased aggression and dampened pain tolerance remains. Responding to verbal instruction, subjects can communicate and use reasoning skills. Utilizing SCP-3193 at this pitch-shift allows for coherent application of the anomaly. Further applied testing is requested. Following the initial testing of SCP-3193, Site-62's Research and Development Team was approved for practical application testing of SCP-3193. Attached Addenda Discovery The Williamsburg Walmart at the initiation of the Berserkir Event. SCP-3193 was discovered within a song used in a holiday sale promotional by Walmart Incorporated. The song containing SCP-3193 in 30-second radio advertisements to promote the "Holiday Cheer Blowout Sale", at the Williamsburg Walmart department store. This incomplete version of SCP-3193 had no anomalous effect on exposed individuals. On 1995/12/15, the day of the aforementioned sale, the Williamsburg Walmart played several informational pieces over the store intercom with the song containing SCP-3193, in its entirety, as the background music. These were played in half-hour intervals causing a 6-hour Berserkir Event. Upload Audio File 3193/1 Close The following is the song SCP-3193 was discovered within; key notes have been redacted to negate the cognitohazardous effect: VIDEO LOG 3193/A DATE: 1995/12/15 NOTE: This log is a compilation of excerpts taken from the Williamsburg Walmart security camera system during the Berserkir Event, as well as the personal cameras of Jack Doris and Julie Doris, two amateur filmmakers making a documentary on the struggles of deaf individuals in America.5 [BEGIN LOG] + Video Log 1 - Video Log 1 [Camera shows Julie Doris walking through the parking lot. She turns to face Jack Doris.] Julie: Do I have to wear this camera? It feels weird. Jack: How will we record what I say? Julie: I'll remember and write it down. Jack: You didn't remember the grocery list. Or the bags. Julie rolls her eyes and walks through the sliding doors into Walmart. 8:01 am SCP-3193 begins to play over the store's loudspeakers. All customers begin to indiscriminately attack people nearby. Familiar connections seem irrelevant, as a group of children is seen forcing their mother into a freezer and barring the door. Seven deaths are recorded during this period. 8:36 am: SCP-3193-A instances cease combat and divide into two groups, gathering at opposite sides of the store. This event is also seemingly random. Ten minutes later, each group sends twenty-five people out into the store, where they appear to be gathering materials, such as baseball bats, shelving, and kitchenware. The pharmacy is also raided at this point. Post-incident examination showed that SCP-3193-A instances primarily took narcotics and other painkillers from this sector. + Video Log 2 - Video Log 2 [Camera shows Jack and Julie Doris sitting behind the One-Hour Photo Center counter. Blood is visible on Jack Doris' shirt and a gash is present on his cheek. Julie Doris has scratches on her forearms and her hands are visibly shaking.] Jack: You are okay. You are okay. We will be okay. Julie: What happened out there? Everyone just started. I don't know. They were like [rabid] dogs. Jack: I don't know. It's like. [Makes a motion with his hand like he's holding a cellphone.6 He grimaces.] We need to get out of here. I can see the exit. [Julie does not sign anything to him for several seconds.] Jack: Julie? Julie: We can't. There are children out there. If we leave, they'll die. Jack: If we stay, we'll die. How could you help them? This isn't normal. Julie: Why aren't we affected? [Looks at her shaking hands.] I think we're supposed to be here. Jack: Are you insane? We need to go. Alert the police. Julie: What if they go feral too? They have guns. We need to do something. Anything. Jack: Julie. Please. I can't lose you. Julie: Then don't leave me. Jack: What's your plan? 9:06 am Using the materials recovered, SCP-3193-A instances begin to construct crude weaponry and armor, coating it and themselves in red or blue paint. The East side of the store used exclusively red paint, while the West side utilized blue.7 After this, SCP-3193-A instances begin to ingest large amounts of narcotics and painkillers and begin to enter a frenzied state. 9:19 am A brief skirmish occurs in the Electronics Department, resulting in the deaths of two people. The Dorises can be seen moving into the Pharmacy Department and taking large amounts of bandages and sleeping pills before grabbing rope from the Hardware Department. 9:30 am: Both teams meet in the center of the store. After several minutes of screaming, they each push forward a combatant, with Blue selecting a middle-aged man and Red selecting an elderly woman. These combatants circle each other before engaging directly. The man is unable to strike the woman with his bat and gets his arm caught in a shelving unit. The elderly woman cuts his hamstrings with two serrated steak knives and repeatedly slams his head into the ground. Blue team withdraws and the Red team surrounds the man. Five minutes later, the man can be seen flayed and hanging over the entrance to the Garden Department with the Elder Futhark Runes for "Coward" written above his head in pieces of his skin. Despite these injuries, he remains alive for the next two hours. 9:45 am: For the next two hours, the SCP-3193-A instances repeat this ritual every fifteen minutes, with the losers being subjected to increasingly horrific torture methods, such as the removal of the entire digestive tract, being force-fed pins and needles, limb centered immolation, removal of teeth and reinsertion into the eye sockets, and forcing one woman to take a bite of her still-beating heart. + Video Log 3 - Video Log 3 [Camera shows eleven unconscious children tied to chairs with rope. The camera pans to show the employee break room, when Julie is leaning against a vending machine and drinking a soda.] Jack: Getting tired, hero? Julie: I just never realized how strong kids could be. Or mean. Jack: I've got nine bites. How about you? Julie: Something like that. Only one more, right? Jack: Yeah. I think they're somewhere in Sporting Goods. [Pause.] What are we doing once we get them all? Julie: I… Toss them in carts and roll out a fire escape, I guess. [Jack begins to walk to the door.] Jack: No time like the present. 11:48 am: After completing nine single combat trials, the SCP-3193-A entities moved the shelving units in the center of the store into a circle twenty-five meters in diameter. They then began to engage in combat again, with three people from each group participating. The losing team was skinned by the victors, regardless of whether they were still alive. Any members of the winning team were placed on the shelves, arms crossed over their chest with their weapon over their hearts. The skins were then placed on the floor, ringing the circle. This ritual repeated every thirty minutes. + Video Log 4 - Video Log 4 [Jack and Julie Doris are seen crouched and moving towards a child facing away from them. He appears to be distracted by an object in his hands. Jack signals Julie to move in.] [A tin of tennis balls falls off the shelf near them and the child turns abruptly, revealing a drawn bow. He pulls it up and fires, striking Julie in the torso. Jack grabs a baseball bat off the rack and hits the child in the head, rendering him unconscious. He turns to Julie, who has her hands wrapped around the shaft of the arrow. It passed through her ribs on her left side and blood is pooling around the wound.] Jack: Julie! Julie! Are you alright? [Julie points to the arrow and shrugs.] Julie: Been better. Grab the kid, I can walk. Jack: The kid? Why? Julie: Cover our tracks. And we gotta protect him. Jack: He shot you. Julie: Kids are funny like that. Jack: You're going into shock. [Jack grabs the child by their collar and supports Julie with his arm as they move back to the employee break room. After a minute, Jack leans Julie against the shelves and examines the child. He is in a semi-conscious state and blood flows from each ear, suggesting ruptured eardrums. He briefly opens his eyes and looks at Jack.] Child: His… Music… Why can't I… hear His music? Jack: Did he say music? Julie: Yeah, I think so. Jack: Do you think that's what's causing this? This madness. Julie: It would explain why we aren't affected. [Julie slumps over and starts coughing blood.] Jack: Julie! Julie: Get me to the room. I can… fix myself up. You got to shut off the PA system. Jack: I'm not leaving- [Julie grabs his hands.] Julie: Do it. Shut it down and we can call for help. Okay? Jack: I understand. Julie: You won't be alone. Take the bat. You're smart. You can do this. Jack: I… I love you. Julie: I love you too. 12:11 pm: Jack Doris was seen collecting several bottles of cooking oil, two t-shirts, and a can of paint thinner before heading towards the maintenance section of the store. 12:15 pm: A fire in the maintenance area had damaged the building fuse boxes, deactivating the automated loudspeaker announcements and the event concluded 2-hours later. [END LOG] The Foundation response arrived at the conclusion of the event at which time MTF Epsilon-32 ("Jaw Droppers") and the Site-62 concealment team took control of the situation. The initial investigation led to the song containing SCP-3193 being determined as the cause of the event. Interviews with the remaining staff focused the investigation to Walmart's Regional Manager Lenny Fricke, who was responsible for the advertising campaign. An interview with Mr. Fricke revealed he had purchased the song from Valkner Njorder, owner of the "Seven Seas Advertising Agency", under the premise that the song would encourage customers to buy products. Out of the 190 civilians involved in the Berserkir Event: 112 were injured, 59 were dead, and 19 were unharmed at the conclusion of the event; of those injured, 29 succumbed to their injuries. The Foundation confiscated all the security tapes and personal audio/video recording devices present during the event.8 All remaining civilians were amnestisized and all injuries were attributed to a gas line explosion. Investigation Summary: POI-70617 Since 1995 there have been 16 reported Berserkir Events with varying levels of casualties, POI-70617 and its various shell companies have been implicated in each event. As of 22 Dec 2024 23:25, all attempts to locate POI-70617 have failed and its investigation is currently ongoing. Further information regarding the investigation is available to approved Project Midgard personnel. Footnotes 1. Also known as low-frequency sound, these are sound waves with a frequency below the lower limit of visibility, in humans, this is <20hz 2. Seiðmenn were human male practitioners of traditional Norse thaumaturgy. 3. Hyperarousal or the acute stress response is more commonly known as the flight-or-fight reflex. 4. The inability to feel pain. 5. Both Jack and Julie Doris use American Sign Language exclusively, and all text is translated as such. Slight edits have been made to improve reader comprehension. 6. Possibly a reference to Cell by Stephen King. 7. Red Team and Blue Team will be used to describe each group from this point forward. 8. These videos are available for review within the Site-62 Archived Media Storage.
Item #: SCP-3194 Special Containment Procedures: Area 837B has been constructed around SCP-3194 under the pretense of establishing a protective habitat for a previously unknown and critically endangered species of inland Aptenodytes. The four-square-kilometer site includes temporary facilities to support the exploration of SCP-3194 and is surrounded by a continuously patrolled perimeter fence. The entrance to SCP-3194 is enclosed in a 50 m opaque geodesic dome. Due to the geographical remoteness of SCP-3194, no additional containment procedures are deemed necessary at this time. Description: SCP-3194 is an underground structure of unusual size located beneath the Antarctic Plateau. It consists of two sub-structures, designated SCP-3194-1 and SCP-3194-2. SCP-3194-1 is a 2.4 m × 3.6 m × 280.45 km tunnel that intersects the surface of the plateau at 87°██′██″ S., −126°██′██″ W. It descends at an angle of 2.55° (measured 5 m from the opening) to a depth of approximately 6.3 km beneath the surface. At its terminus, SCP-3194-1 opens into an immense chamber designated SCP-3194-2. Estimates based on dead reckoning place SCP-3194-2 within ten kilometers of the geographic south pole. Both SCP-3194-1 and SCP-3194-2 are constructed out of cubic blocks of basalt measuring 1.2 m and weighing approximately 5.2 tonnes each. The origin of these blocks is unknown. Radiometric dating has thus far been unsuccessful due to abnormally low concentrations of potassium, rubidium and uranium isotopes in the stone. The best-confidence upper limit for the age of the blocks is 9.9 Gy, which is somewhat in excess of twice the currently estimated age of the Earth. SCP-3194-3 is the designation for the phenomenon located at the approximate center of SCP-3194-2. SCP-3194-3 appears to be an ovoid-toroidal volume of circulating hot gas 21 m in diameter at its widest point and 27 m long, oriented with its axis of symmetry parallel to SCP-3194-1. The lowest point of SCP-3194-3 is approximately 5 m above the floor of SCP-3194-2. SCP-3194-3 emits light in a spectrum close to that of a blackbody with a temperature of 5900K. However, the luminance of SCP-3194-3 is inconsistent with its apparent composition and temperature, and it appears to radiate no heat into its environment. No abnormal radiation or magnetic fields have been detected in proximity to SCP-3194-3. Document 3194.1: Discovery SCP-3194 was initially discovered on ██/██/████ during a routine review of Earth-observation imaging. The feature was initially believed to be a moulin1 of unknown origin in the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. Foundation satellite KNOTHOLE-33 was tasked to obtain high-resolution imagery of the feature. It was at this time that the geometric properties of the feature were identified. A Foundation research team was redirected from [DATA EXPUNGED] confirmed the apparently anomalous nature of the structure. In ██/████ Area 837B was constructed to contain SCP-3194 and to facilitate exploration of the structure. Document 3194.2: Exploration Reports Exploration Report 3194-01 Exploration Report 3194-01 Date: ██/██/████ Report Filed By: Dr. ██████, Lead researcher, SCP-3194 Mission Brief: Attempts at using laser rangefinding to determine the extent of SCP-3194 have failed. It is unknown if this is the result of atmospheric conditions inside SCP-3194 or another cause. A standard Mark VI-B1 remotely operated exploration robot (“WALDO-6 unit”) equipped with visible-light and infrared imaging will be deployed into SCP-3194 to determine its extent. Result: WALDO-6 unit made it 10.11 km before exhausting its battery power and shutting down. No new features documented. WALDO-6 unit remains inside SCP-3194. This structure is obviously much larger than suspected. Recommend calling in MTF Zeta-9. Request for MTF deployment approved. — ████████, Area 837B Director Exploration Report 3194-02 Exploration Report 3194-02 Date: ██/██/████ Report Filed By: Dr. ██████, Lead researcher, SCP-3194 Mission Brief: MTF Zeta-9 (“Mole Rats”) will be equipped with two days’ supplies plus reserve margin and sent into SCP-3194 with orders to proceed until they find something worth reporting or have to turn back. Result: MTF Zeta-9 forced to turn back after 11 hours (49.8 km) due to mission-jeopardizing claustrophobia symptoms on part of all team members. Recommend psychological screening or other precaution in future. Zeta-9 members are screened for claustrophobic tendencies, ███████. Claustrophobia is practically the job description. — ██████████, Mobile Task Force Command Exploration Report 3194-03 Exploration Report 3194-03 Date: ██/██/████ Report Filed By: Dr. ██████, Lead researcher, SCP-3194 Mission Brief: MTF Zeta-9 (“Mole Rats”) will be equipped with two days’ supplies plus reserve margin and sent into SCP-3194 with orders to proceed until they find something worth reporting or have to turn back. Anxiolytic regimen to include ███ mg ██████████ ███████ █ times daily. Result: MTF Zeta-9 reached the 50 km mark. No interior features identified. Inclinometer at 50 km indicated a slope of 2.10°, consistent with hypothesis that SCP-3194 runs perpendicular to earth’s axis. Reflector-aided laser surveying confirms SCP-3194 is as close to perfectly straight as we can measure. Estimates of the geometry of SCP-3194 suggest that, if it just keeps going, it should be at most 567 km long. The size of the tunnel and lack of air circulation makes gas-powered vehicles impractical, and we don’t have anything electric with nearly enough range. All things being equal, it should take MTF Zeta-9 approximately 105 hours to cover this distance on foot. Factoring in rest periods and a safety margin, that’s a maximum of ten days there, ten days back. In the dark. Alone. Better them than me. Exploration Report 3194-04 Exploration Report 3194-04 Date: ██/██/████ Report Filed By: Dr. ██████, Lead researcher, SCP-3194 Mission Brief: MTF Zeta-9 (“Mole Rats”) will be equipped with twenty days’ supplies plus safety reserves and sent into SCP-3194 with orders to proceed until they find something worth reporting, have to turn back, or come out the other side. Anxiolytic regimen to include ███ mg ██████████ ███████ █ times daily. [Mission log excerpt begins.] ζ-9-24: Niner two four to base, checking in, MET2 eight seven hours. Copy? Base: Copy your eighty seven, ████. Still nothing to report? ζ-9-24: Just more of the same. Coming up on two two five klicks. All is well. Base: Copy that. Catch you on the flip side. [Radio silence for 38 minutes 41 seconds.] ζ-9-24: Niner two four to base, copy? [Radio silence for 49 seconds.] Base: Uh, copy, nine twenty four. Sorry about that. Go ahead. ζ-9-24: Base, we may see light up ahead. Base: Say again, twenty four? ζ-9-24: Yeah, we’re as surprised as you. █████ says there’s a light up ahead, and the rest of us concur. It’s dim but it’s there. Base: Any environmental changes? Confirm temperature, BP, inclinometer. [Radio silence for 21 seconds.] ζ-9-11: Minus eleven C, twelve ninety four millimeters. Base: Thanks, █████. Uh— ζ-9-11: Inclinometer’s reading zero point four five. Base: Right, got it. ζ-9-24: Could this be the ██████████, base? Are we hallucinating here? Base: Uh, unknown at this time, twenty four. Hold the line, will you? I gotta wake some people up. ζ-9-24: Copy that. [23 minutes of log omitted.] Base: Nine twenty four, your orders are to proceed. ζ-9-24: Proceed? Base: That’s what they’re telling me. ζ-9-24: Understood. Will check in at — okay, we missed eighty eight. Will check in at eighty nine in fifty eight minutes. Base: Copy. Out. [58 minutes of log omitted.] ζ-9-24: Niner two four to base, checking in, MET eight niner hours. Base: I read you, twenty four. What’s the story on that light? ζ-9-24: It’s definitely there, base. Doesn’t look any closer. We tried to roll some tape on it but I think it’s too dim to pick up. Base: Understood. Doctor ██████ wanted me to ask you if there’s any chance you might be seeing daylight? ζ-9-24: I don’t think so, base. It’s flickering, not steady. Could be atmospherics I guess, depends on how far out it is. It’s really dim. Base: Copy. Anything else to report? ζ-9-24: Negative, base. All is well. Will report in at MET niner zero. Base: Copy that. See you in an hour. [31 minutes of log omitted.] Base: Zeta nine twenty four, come in please. ζ-9-24: Go for niner two four. Base: Doctors ██████ and ███ are here. They say you’re recalled. Stop where you are and begin heading back. [Radio silence for 14 seconds] ζ-9-24: Base, please repeat. Base: Your sortie has been aborted. Return to base. ζ-9-15: Well that’s goddamn anticlimactic. ζ-9-24: [Unintelligible.] ζ-9-15: Sorry. ζ-9-24: Base, we copy your about-face. We are starting back now. Will check in at MET niner zero hours. Base: Very good, nine twenty four. Sorry about this. Talk to you soon. [Mission log excerpt ends.] Result: MTF Zeta-9 returned to the surface after 164 hours inside SCP-3194. Video recordings were unable to resolve any light inside SCP-3194, even under image intensification. Request submitted to the Medical Division for any information on hallucinatory side effects of ██████████ ███████ at high doses. Recommend the conversion of a Mark VI-B1 to gas power with minimum range of 600 km. No record of hallucinatory side effects of ██████████ ███████ at doses up to ████ mg. — Dr. █████ █████████, Medical Division Converting a Mark VI-B1 isn’t really a practical option. We’re looking at a from-scratch build here. There are budgetary factors to consider. — ████ ████████, Robotics Division Request for construction of gas-powered long-range remotely operated exploration robot approved. — ████████, Area 837B Director Fine, but don’t hold your breath for it. — ████ ████████, Robotics Division Exploration Report 3194-05 Exploration Report 3194-05 Date: ██/██/████ Report Filed By: Dr. ██████, Lead researcher, SCP-3194 Mission Brief: A Mark VII-A1 remotely operated exploration robot (“WALDO-7 unit”) to be deployed inside SCP-3194. Visible-light and infrared data to be collected and transmitted in real time via S-band. Purpose of mission is to determine whether light phenomenon reported during previous exploration can be verified. [Mission log excerpt begins.] ██/██/████ ██:██ WALDO-7 unit reaches 225 km point autonomously without documenting any new phenomena. ██/██/████ ██:██ WALDO-7 unit is advanced under manual control to 248.41 km where visible and infrared light are detected consistent with report from previous exploration. ██/██/████ ██:██ WALDO-7 unit is advanced under manual control to 265.90 km where visible-light camera resolves what appears to be an end to the tunnel, approximate distance 15 km. ██/██/████ ██:██ WALDO-7 unit is advanced under manual control to 280.45 km. Tunnel ends in a chamber of uncertain dimensions; microwave ranging off-scale high. Source of light approximately 3 km from chamber entrance, estimated by parallax. Environmentals nominal. Inclinometer reading off-scale low. ██/██/████ ██:██ WALDO-7 unit is advanced under manual control toward source of light. Source appears to be a toroid of hot gas. Phenomenon resembles nothing so much as a tornado of fire laying on its side with its “eye” facing the chamber entrance. Estimate gas torus to be at least 20 m in diameter. At 500 m from gas torus, environmentals remain nominal. ██/██/████ ██:██ WALDO-7 unit is advanced under manual control toward gas torus. Environmentals remain nominal despite proximity to gas torus. Estimate gas torus to be 30 m along long axis. ██/██/████ ██:██ After recording 8 hours 22 minutes of visible and infrared footage, no change is observed in gas torus except apparently normal toroidal-poloidal gas circulation. Mission terminated. [Mission log excerpt ends.] Result: Clearly anomalous phenomenon observed inside SCP-3194. Phenomenon should be putting out large amount of heat, but no temperature change observed. Radiological readings normal, magnetic readings normal. It’s like it’s not really there. Recommend MTF Zeta-9 for manned follow-up: millimeter-wave, spectrometry, possible sample return. Request redesignation of tunnel as SCP-3194-1, chamber as SCP-3194-2, phenomenon as SCP-3194-3. Request for manned follow-up exploration approved. Request for redesignation approved. Request for sample return denied. — ████████, Area 837B Director Exploration Report 3194-06 Exploration Report 3194-06 Date: ██/██/████ Report Filed By: Dr. ██████, Lead researcher, SCP-3194 Mission Brief: MTF Zeta-9 (“Mole Rats”) will be equipped with twenty days’ supplies plus safety reserves and sent into SCP-3194-1 with orders to proceed to SCP-3194-2. Millimeter-wave radar scans of SCP-3194-2 to be performed, along with spectrometry of SCP-3194-3. Anxiolytic regimen to include ███ mg ██████████ ███████ █ times daily. [Mission log excerpt begins.] ζ-9-24: Niner two four to base, come in? Base: Go for base. ζ-9-24: We have reached the — what are we calling it? ζ-9-11: [Unintelligible] ζ-9-24: Right, SCP-3194-2. It’s … hard to describe, frankly. Base: Please try, nine twenty four. [Radio silence for 21 seconds.] ζ-9-11: Uh, it’s — can I talk? ζ-9-24: [Unintelligible] Base: Affirmative, nine eleven. Please go ahead. ζ-9-11: It’s weird here. There’s no echo. The floor’s the same uniform stone tiles as the tunnel. You’d expect the room to be really echoey. But it’s just dead. There’s no sound at all. Base: Can you describe what you see? ζ-9-11: Kind of? There’s the — there’s dash three off in the distance, obviously. It’s not that bright. Doesn’t hurt to look at it or anything. It— ζ-9-24: Are you rolling? ζ-9-15: Oh yeah. ζ-9-11: It must be putting out a lot more light than it looks like, because I can just make out the ceiling. You know how if you see something really dim in a dark room you can’t see it if you look straight at it? Cause of your what you call it. ζ-9-6 and ζ-9-15: Fovea.3 ζ-9-11: Yeah. You have to look at it sideways because your low-light vision isn’t as good when you look straight at something. It’s like that. If I look straight up it’s just black, but if I side-eye it I can make out … something. Base: Wait one, zeta nine. ζ-9-24: Copy that. [Radio silence for 22 seconds.] Base: Twenty four, Dr. ██████ wants you to set up the millimeter-wave now. ζ-9-24: Copy that. Give us five minutes. [Radio silence for 4 minutes 35 seconds.] ζ-9-24: Niner two four to base. Base: Yeah, ████? ζ-9-24: Millimeter-wave is powered up, all indicators green. Ready to begin transmitting. Base: Okay, ████. Doctor ███ reminds you to withdraw into 3194-1 during the scan. ζ-9-24: Thank Doctor ███ for the reminder. Pressing the big green button now. [Radio silence for 8 minutes 54 seconds.] Base: Scan complete, ████. The data are a little noisy but we’ve—what? That’s impossible. [Unintelligible.] ████, uh, nine twenty four, give us a minute here. [Radio silence for 3 minutes 11 seconds.] Base: Nine twenty four, copy? ζ-9-24: Go for niner two four. Base: Doctor ██████ is asking you to please deploy a flare above your current position. ζ-9-24: Copy that. ███████? ζ-9-6: On it. [Radio silence for 49 seconds. Sound of flare gun being fired. Radio silence for 4 seconds.] ζ-9-24: Mother of God. ζ-9-11: [Retching sounds.] ζ-9-6: [Unintelligible.] Base: Nine twenty four, sitrep. [Retching sounds and unintelligible crosstalk for 28 seconds.] Base: Zeta nine, sitrep. [Retching sounds for 6 seconds.] ζ-9-24: Shit. Base: Zeta nine, do you copy? ζ-9-24: Yeah. Hang on. Base: Zeta nine, say again. ζ-9-24: I said give us a second here, goddamn it. █████ and ███████ are in a bad way. Base: Please elaborate. [Radio silence for 24 seconds.] ζ-9-24: Okay, it’s going out. I think — █████? ζ-9-11: Yeah. Okay. [Retching sounds.] I’m okay. ζ-9-24: Base, niner two four. We got a good look around the chamber. It’s hard to take. Disorienting. Base: Please elaborate? ζ-9-24: Right. It’s— [Radio silence for 4 seconds.] ζ-9-24: [Exhalation.] It’s large. The chamber we’re in, dash two, is very large. Cannot estimate dimensions. There’s no sense of scale. Or, I mean … the sense of scale is all wrong. ζ-9-11: It’s like being a mosquito in an aircraft hangar. Base: Did you get video? ζ-9-15: I was busy trying not to piss myself. Base: Understood. Wait one, zeta nine. [Radio silence for 14 seconds.] Base: Nine twenty four, Doctor ██████ is asking you to describe your physical symptoms. ζ-9-24: [Unintelligible.] ζ-9-11: [Unintelligible.] ζ-9-24: I think it’s just vertigo. Dizziness and nausea. ███████ and █████ have vomited, but they’re okay now. Really bad vertigo. The flare’s burned out now so we’re back in the dark. It’s better. Not great, but better. I think we’re okay now. Base: Copy that. Doctor ██████ wants vitals on all of you: rate, BP. Are you able to comply? ζ-9-24: ███████? ζ-9-6: [Spitting sound.] Aye aye. [12 minutes of log omitted.] Base: Okay, copy all that. Looks nominal. You are ordered to proceed toward 3194-3 as you are able. Maintain five hundred meters from 3194-3. ζ-9-24: Copy, base. Proceeding to half a klick. Oscar mike. [38 minutes of log omitted.] ζ-9-24: Niner two four to base. Base: Go ahead. ζ-9-24: We’re approximately five zero zero meters from dash three. It’s hard to tell for sure. No landmarks at all. This place is absolutely empty. Except for— ζ-9-11: [Unintelligible.] ζ-9-24: Base, we can’t see any features. Chamber appears to be completely empty except for dash three. Base: Say again your last, nine eleven, we didn’t copy that. ζ-9-11: I said “him.” I don’t know why I said that. ζ-9-6: [Unintelligible.] ζ-9-11: No. I mean yeah, I’m good. Base: Nine twenty four, Doctor ██████ wants another vitals check. ζ-9-11: I said I’m good. ζ-9-24: Just do it, ███████. ζ-9-6: Aye aye. [14 minutes of log omitted.] Base: Uh, okay, they’re telling me you’re still within safety margins. You are to proceed to fifty meters from 3194-3 and prepare the spectrometry experiment. ζ-9-24: Okay, base, we copy. We’re off to see the wizard. [Radio silence for 7 seconds.] Base: Base copies. [Radio silence for 19 minutes.] ζ-9-24: Base, come in. Base: Base copies, go ahead. ζ-9-24: Base, we are now approximately … approximately fifty meters from … from dash three. Christ almighty, it’s a hell of a thing. Spectrometer is set up, had a loose wire but it’s okay now. ζ-9-11: Did you hear that? ζ-9-24: Hear what? [Radio silence for 14 seconds.] ζ-9-11: I guess nothing. Never mind. Base: Nine eleven, are you experiencing auditory phenomena? ζ-9-11: No, base. Just my ears playing tricks on me. This place is weird. Base: Understood, uh, wait one. [Radio silence for 18 seconds.] Base: Doctor ███ says you might experience objective—what?—objective tinnitus. Might sound like ringing or rumbling. Is that what you heard? [Radio silence for 6 seconds.] ζ-9-11: Must’ve been, base. Base: Understood. Please report any other sounds. ζ-9-24: Will do, base. Base: Doctor ██████ says you’re clear to start the spectrometry experiment. ζ-9-24: Understood, starting experiment now. [Radio silence for 11 seconds.] ζ-9-11: Experiment underway. Base: Great. Are you recording video on the phenomenon? ζ-9-15: Been rolling for a while now. I’ve stacked every filter I have to try to get the exposure right. It’s got…I don’t know, structure. Something like structure. I hope the camera’s getting it. Base: We hope so too. Any other physical symptoms so far? ζ-9-24: Don’t think so, base. I think it was just the vertigo, and that’s passed. ███████? ζ-9-6: A-OK. ζ-9-24: ███? ζ-9-15: Yeah, okay. ζ-9-24: █████? [Radio silence for 6 seconds.] ζ-9-24: █████? ███████— ζ-9-6: █████? Come on, █████, can you hear me? [Radio silence for 4 seconds.] ζ-9-6: I think she’s seizing. ζ-9-24: What? ζ-9-6: Absence seizure. Look at her eyes. Help me get her on the ground. It’s okay, █████, you’re all right. [Radio silence for 46 seconds.] Base: Sitrep, please. ζ-9-6: She should’ve come out of it by now. Absence seizures are short. ζ-9-24: How short? ζ-9-6: Like ten seconds. Base, I want to administer ten of Versed. Do you concur? Base: Wait one, nine six. [Radio silence for 6 seconds.] ζ-9-6: Screw it. ζ-9-24: ███████, wait. ζ-9-6: Ten of Versed in. Come on, █████. You’re okay. Come on. [Radio silence for 35 seconds.] ζ-9-6: Yeah, there you go. You’re okay. Just relax. ζ-9-11: [Unintelligible.] ζ-9-6: You had a seizure. You’re okay. ζ-9-11: [Retching sounds.] ζ-9-6: Woah, that’s all right. ζ-9-24: Is she going to be okay? ζ-9-6: I think so. She’s coming out of it now. Postictal. She might be pretty sick for the next hour or so. ζ-9-11: [Unintelligible.] ζ-9-24: What was that? [Radio silence for 6 seconds.] ζ-9-6: She said, “Did you hear it?” [Mission log excerpt ends.] Debriefing of MTF Zeta-9-11, █████ ████████ Debrief Conducted By: Dr. ██████, Lead researcher, SCP-3194 [Transcript excerpt begins.] Dr. ██████: At MET ██:██:██ you reported hearing something. ζ-9-11: I said I thought I heard something. I was mistaken. I think. Dr. ██████: Can you describe what you thought you heard? ζ-9-11: Not…really? It was like a voice, but it wasn’t a voice. It wasn’t words. More like…concepts. Dr. ██████: Can you describe these concepts? ζ-9-11: Not in any useful way. Dr. ██████: Please try. [Silence for 22 seconds.] ζ-9-11: “At last we can begin again.” [Silence for 8 seconds.] Dr. ██████: Is that what you heard? ζ-9-11: Yes. No. It’s what I felt. Dr. ██████: And you associate these words— ζ-9-11: Not words. Dr. ██████: You associate this phenomenon with SCP-3194-3? ζ-9-11: I think so. I don’t know. Doc, honestly, I think I was just exhausted. We’d been on the march for four days straight, in the dark, sleeping in the cold on stone floors. I think I just cracked up a little. Dr. ██████: Were you compliant with the prescribed anxiolytic regimen? ζ-9-11: The ██████████? Yeah, █ times a day as ordered. Dr. ██████: Did you experience any side effects? ζ-9-11: How would I know? Dr. ██████: Let’s talk about your seizure. ζ-9-11: If that’s what you want to call it. Dr. ██████: What would you prefer to call it? ζ-9-11: No idea. I just know I’ve never had a seizure before. Or since. Dr. ██████: Do you recall any unusual sensations just before the incident? Particularly any unusual odors? ζ-9-11: I don’t remember anything just before the…incident. I remember setting up the spectro gear, then next thing I knew I was on the ground throwing up. Dr. ██████: And have you had any lasting symptoms? ζ-9-11: No, I feel fine. I mean—no. I’m fine. Dr. ██████: Please say what you want to say. This is not a part of your fitness evaluation. Your place on the team is not in jeopardy. ζ-9-11: Well…I’ve been having these dreams since we got back. Every night. Dr. ██████: Can you describe the dreams? ζ-9-11: [Provisionally classified as Grade 2 cognitohazard.] [Silence for 1 minute 13 seconds.] Dr. ██████: Oh. [Transcript excerpt ends.] Result: MTF Zeta-9 exited SCP-3194 after 191 hours 48 minutes. Millimeter-wave radar scan of SCP-3194-2 and spectrography studies of SCP-3194-3 returned, along with 11 hours 9 minutes of video of SCP-3194-2 and SCP-3194-3. Zeta-9-11 recovered fully from what was apparently an absence seizure of unusual severity. No further symptoms were observed during mission. Results of radar scan show SCP-3194-2 is a hemicylindrical chamber approximately two kilometers in width, one kilometer high at center line, and six kilometers long. No columns, buttresses or other load-bearing features are apparent. How the roof of SCP-3194-2 supports its own weight is unknown. Results of spectrography studies of SCP-3194-3 indicate the presence of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and potassium in a mixture of atomic and ionized states. Proportions of elements is consistent to within 0.3% with the elemental composition of DNA. Document 3194.3: Incident Reports Incident Report 3194-01 Incident Report 3194-01 Date: ██/██/████ Report Filed By: ██████ ████████, Security division head, Area 837B Description of Incident: At 0330 on ██/██ (all times local), MTF Zeta-9-11 breached containment of SCP-3194 and entered SCP-3194-1. Containment breach went undetected until Zeta-9-11’s absence was noted at breakfast. Review of recorded video surveillance showed Zeta-9-11 entering SCP-3194 carrying standard-issue rucksack. Contents of rucksack provisionally assumed to be food and water. If correct, total volume of food and water not sufficient for journey to SCP-3194-2. At 0850 rest of MTF Zeta-9 entered SCP-3194-1 with orders to intercept Zeta-9-11 and return to base. At 1645 on ██/██, MTF Zeta-9 intercepted Zeta-9-11 144 km inside SCP-3194-1. Zeta-9-11 was found kneeling in total darkness with hands clasped, rocking back and forth and speaking unintelligibly in a barely audible voice. Upon examination by Zeta-9-6, Zeta-9-11 appeared to be suffering from severe dehydration and an altered mental state. Attempts to rouse Zeta-9-11 were unsuccessful; attempts to physically manipulate Zeta-9-11 into a supine position were resisted. With assistance, Zeta-9-6 was able to begin administration of intravenous fluids. Upon consultation via radio with Site 837B medical personnel, it was decided that Zeta-9-6 should sedate Zeta-9-11 via intravenous midazolam. A dose of 2–2.5 mg of intravenous midazolam is typically sufficient to induce sedation. Zeta-9-11 did not respond to two injections of 2 mg each, and required 8 mg of midazolam before she was adequately sedated. [Mission log excerpt begins.] ζ-9-11: …Lord who brings us to birth, Lord who guides us, Lord who devours us, and though we die we remain in thy presence, we rejoice in thy kingdom, I offer thee my thoughts my words my deeds my body my meat O Lord that thou might make use of me, your servant, inadequate that I am, insufficient that I am, that I might bring thy burning light to others, that I might feed thee, that I might sustain thee, that thy cleansing incineration might cover the world that thou hast made and bring forth thy terrible kingdom at last and once again and that we might know thee fully and truly as thou sustains us and consumes us and makes us one with thy divine body… [Mission log excerpt ends.] Zeta-9-11 was transported back to base under restraint via stretcher. Zeta-9-11 confined to infirmary pending evaluation. Date: ██/██/████ Report Filed By: Dr. ███████, attending physician, Site 837B Patient: █████ ████████, ██ yr. old Caucasian female, 62.5 kg. Upon admission to clinic patient was under maintenance sedation with Versed 6 mg/hr IV push. Patient demonstrated marked resistance to sedation. No prior history of benzodiazepine abuse. Patient placed on soft restraints and sedation discontinued. After 1 hr. patient was GCS4 11 with logorrhea5. Patient’s state remains unchanged. IV nutrition to be continued indefinitely unless patient’s condition resolves spontaneously. Recommend patient be transferred to Site ███ for neuro and psych eval. Physician’s Note: I have absolutely no idea. I do stitches and tummy aches. This is way beyond me. The best way I can describe her is to say she’s in a perpetual state of profound religious ecstasy. She prays 20 hours a day, and I’d swear she hasn’t repeated herself once. This woman needs far more help than she can get here. Request for transfer to Site ███ denied. — ████████, Area 837B Director Addendum 3194.1: Subsequent to Incident-3194-01, SCP-3194-3 is provisionally classified as a Grade 2 cognitohazard. Human exploration of SCP-3194 is suspended indefinitely. Robotic exploration requires Level 4 authorization. Request for upgrade to class Euclid is under review. Addendum 3194.2: Request for upgrade to class Euclid is denied. Addendum 3194.3: Request to seal entrance to SCP-3194 is under review. Addendum 3194.4: Request to seal entrance to SCP-3194 is denied. Footnotes 1. Also known as a glacial well, a moulin is a naturally occurring shaft in a glacier or ice sheet. 2. Mission Elapsed Time. 3. The fovea centralis is the region of the retina with a high density of color-sensing cone cells but a low density of light-sensing rod cells. 4. Glasgow Coma Scale, a means of quantifying a patient’s level of consciousness. Fully conscious patients have a GCS score of 15. 5. Excessive and compulsive speech, particularly incoherent or nonsensical speech. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3194" by CharlesDoucet, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
 close Info X 91.46% (+107) 8.54% (-10) -% (+0) -% (-0) SCP-3195's origin point (approximation) Item#: SCP-3195 Special Containment Procedures: Due to the immobile nature of SCP-3195, Provisional Site-44 has been constructed around it. A disinformation campaign is currently in progress to disguise the true nature of Celestia Events and will continue until SCP-3195 succumbs to its injuries. Description: SCP-3195 is a nine-meter tall humanoid male that landed in the Atlantic Ocean on October 9th, 2020. Analysis of SCP-3195's trajectory has shown that it originated from the rings of Saturn and has been traveling through the solar system for approximately nine years. SCP-3195 has sustained considerable damage since entering Earth's atmosphere including: Third-degree burns on 60% of its body. The loss of a large portion of the skin on the left side of its face. The right leg has been severed at the knee. The dismemberment of the left leg. The destruction of the left elbow. The presence of a large hole directly where its heart would be. SCP-3195 consistently bleeds from these injuries, and all attempts to cauterize, mend, or heal it has failed. It is unknown if SCP-3195's injuries are responsible for, or otherwise influence, its ability to create Celestia Events. A Celestia Event occurs when SCP-3195 waves its hands toward the sky. When this occurs, new stars and nebulae are created within SCP-3195's field of vision. The stars will move in unorthodox patterns through the nebulae until they turn into supernovae. The explosion produces an array of luminescent colors that persist in the sky for approximately three days. A Celestia Event can be observed from anywhere on Earth during the night, and typically lasts eight days. SCP-3195 creates Celestia Events at random intervals. The Celestia Event is purely a visual anomaly, and no stars are being created or destroyed by SCP-3195. Interview October 9th, 2020 Close Report The following interview was conducted after SCP-3195's retrieval from the Atlantic Ocean. Interviewer: Dr. Rowe Interviewed: SCP-3195 Dr. Rowe: Are you able to communicate? SCP-3195: Yeah, yeah. Where am I? Dr. Rowe: You're on the coast of Atlantic City, New Jersey. SCP-3195: No, I mean, what planet am I on? Dr. Rowe: Earth. SCP-3195: Shit. I wasn't supposed to fall this far. Dr. Rowe: What do you mean? SCP-3195: Io. I was aiming for Io. Mom would've found me there, then maybe she'd listen. But here- At this point, SCP-3195 attempts to move but is unable to due to its injuries. SCP-3195: Ah! Dr. Rowe: You've sustained a lot of major injuries during your "fall". You won't be able to move any time soon, I'm afraid. I've called for a medical team, they'll be here shortly. SCP-3195: Ugh. Doesn't your planet have any Carillium? Dr. Rowe: Carillium? SCP-3195: You know, for wounds? Injuries? Dr. Rowe: We have plenty of other means to heal you at our disposal. SCP-3195: Nah. My body doesn't react well to Earth shit. Just… how good is your space travel? Did you guys figure out FTL tech yet? Dr. Rowe: I'm afraid not. SCP-3195: Motherfucker. I'm gonna die on this rock. Dr. Rowe: We'll do everything in our power to ensure that doesn't happen. SCP-3195: No, don't even bother. I don't want to go back. I just wanted to send a message. Dr. Rowe: Go back where? SCP-3195: The track. Saturn's rings. Dr. Rowe: Why don't you want to go back? SCP-3195: I only run the gauntlet because my mom makes me. I'm supposed to be her poster child. Her perfect fucking track star. Dr. Rowe: Have you tried quitting before? SCP-3195 laughs. SCP-3195: If I could have quit, I wouldn't have done- Dr. Rowe: You wouldn't have done what? SCP-3195: Never mind. Just do whatever you're gonna do and let me die in peace. Interview October 19, 2020 Close Report Interviewer: Dr. Rowe Interviewed: SCP-3195 Foreword: This interview has taken place immediately following the initialitzation of a Celestia Event. Dr. Rowe: (Looking up at the sky) My god. SCP-3195: Like it? Dr. Rowe: It's beautiful. SCP-3195: Thank you, really. I'm glad this hasn't gone completely to waste. Dr. Rowe: You're referring to your abilities? SCP-3195: (Nodding) My mom wouldn't let me craft. I was fast. That's all that mattered to her.. But this is all that matters to me. Dr. Rowe: Your mother makes you run? SCP-3195: She just… couldn't see past the credits a Prix scholarship would get me. We had nothing. No star skipper, no credits. Just the track. It would have given me everything I needed to put her life back in order. Dr. Rowe: I understand where you're coming from. SCP-3195: You do? Dr. Rowe: My mom was the same way. "Eli, do this or you won't get into college. Eli, be better or you won't get a scholarship. Eli, making art is a waste of time." It was always about her and what she wanted for me. SCP-3195 laughs. SCP-3195: You do a pretty good impression of her I bet. Dr. Rowe: I daresay it was spot on. SCP-3195 looks up at the sky, as does Dr. Rowe. There is a long moment of silence between them. SCP-3195; How long do you think it'll take before she realizes I'm gone? Dr. Rowe: Not long. They always come back. SCP-3195: Pity. Dr. Rowe: Why do you say that? SCP-3195: Mom's going to be furious with me when she gets here. Especially when she finds out I've been crafting again. Dr. Rowe: You have a poor relationship with her I gather. SCP-3195: Poor? Ha! The only thing she knows is the track. The only thing anyone of us is supposed to know is the track. But they don't see the universe like I do. Dr. Rowe: You're referring to the other members of your species, correct? SCP-3195: "A Racer is only as good as the track they call home." Dr. Rowe: Is that you, or your mother speaking? SCP-3195: Haha. You're alright, doc. Incident October 31, 2020 Close Report On October 31, 2020, an unknown entity resembling SCP-3195 descended from the sky above its containment area. The entity conversed with SCP-3195 in an unknown language for forty minutes before a Celestia Event was created. The unknown entity struck SCP-3195 after the creation of the Celestia Event before proceeding to jump into the atmosphere. The Celestia Event concluded the following day, being the only recorded instance of a Celestia Event concluding early. SCP-3195 refused to answer any questions for the next four days. Interview November 5, 2020 Close Report Interviewer: Dr. Rowe Interviewed: SCP-3195 Dr. Rowe: Are you feeling well enough to talk? I can come back later if you like. SCP-3195: No, don't worry about it. I'm… I'm fine. Just had a conversation with my mother is all. Dr. Rowe: I suspected as much. SCP-3195: …You saw? Dr. Rowe: Not directly. (He pauses) I saw the security footage after the fact. SCP-3195: (He sighs) I'm dying a billion kilometers away from home, and she doesn't even care. I'm a disappointment. Dr. Rowe: I'm really sorry to hear that. But I doubt that's how she really feels about you. SCP-3195: She'd rather leave me for dead because I can't run. What else could that possibly mean? There is silence. Dr. Rowe: I don't know. Dr. Rowe pauses, and sits down next to SCP-3195. Dr. Rowe: My uh… my mother wasn't a saint either. She pressured me to pursue medicine, and I never forgave her for it. Not while she was alive. SCP-3195: I thought that story was supposed to make me feel better. Dr. Rowe: Did it work? SCP-3195 laughs. SCP-3195: Here's to bad moms. Dr. Rowe: To bad moms. SCP-3195 created a Celestia Event at the conclusion of this interview. The Event lasted for one month as opposed to the typical length. SCP-3195 bled profusely during this time, and at the conclusion of the Celestia Event, SCP-3195 expired. Two months following SCP-3195's termination, the unknown entity returned to its containment area and attempted to remove SCP-3195's corpse. It was stopped by Foundation agents in the area and remained in a state of extreme emotional distress for twenty-four hours, after which it ascended into the atmosphere.
File Accessed The Current Date is: September 24th, 2009 Item #: SCP-3196 Special Containment Procedures: A month before an expected PUB-Event, Task Force Rho-4 (The Bookworms) is to obtain Penguin Random House's shipping manifest of all bookstores receiving shipments of the next Rex Dangerly book. This list is to be forwarded to all participating Foundation Mobile Task Forces. At the start of a PUB-Event, Foundation MTFs are to confiscate all SCP-3196-A instances. All civilian witnesses are to be given Class-B amnestics. All instances of SCP-3196-A are to be stored in standard Foundation security lockers. Description: SCP-3196 is a temporal anomaly that affects the book series collectively known as The Adventures of Rex Dangerly, written by author Devon Brackenridge (POI-3196) and published by Penguin Random House. The series follows the eponymous hero as he travels between various historical time periods and extraterrestrial locations. Instances of the second, third, fourth and fifth books in the series that were released before being written or published are labelled as SCP-3196-A-1-4 respectively. All SCP-3196-A instances bear the dedication; To the best of my fans, you know who you are. SCP-3196-A instances all contain publication dates ranging from 2008 to 2020. SCP-3196 causes the materialization of the remaining unwritten entries in The Adventures of Rex Dangerly on days when new entries in the series are to be officially published, known as a PUB-Event. Bookstores set to receive copies of the new entries will also receive instances of SCP-3196-A, depending on the volume being released. SCP-3196-A instances will typically manifest near already published books in the Rex Dangerly series, either on distribution shipments, or at bookstore shelves and storage rooms. Manifestation is instantaneous, and commonly goes unnoticed. SCP-3196 does not affect electronic book vendors, or secondhand bookstores. Addendum 3196-A-Series Overview SCP-3196-A Instance Title Current Status Publication Date None The Man and the Clocktower Published September 14, 2006 SCP-3196-A-1 The Tides of Neptune Published October 1, 2008 SCP-3196-A-2 Through the Wormhole In writing November 11, 2010 SCP-3196-A-3 A View From Alexandria Conceptual March 24, 2014 SCP-3196-A-4 The Man From Out of Time Conceptual January 18, 2020 Discovery-PUB-Event-01 On September 14th, 2006, bookstores that were set to receive shipments of the first Rex Dangerly book also received shipments of books purporting to be the next four entries in The Adventures of Rex Dangerly. An embedded agent of Task Force Rho-4 at Penguin Random House alerted the Foundation upon receiving multiple phone calls from confused bookstores. Foundation Agents stationed in POI-3196's hometown of Phoenix, Arizona were able to secure an interview with him under the guise of FBI fraud investigators. This interview, as well as one conducted with his editor at Penguin Random House, confirmed that no further entries in the Rex Dangerly series had currently been written. Using the publisher's shipping manifest for the first book's publication, Mobile Task Forces were able to raid all bookstores that had received shipments of SCP-3196-A. These instances were confiscated under a cover story which involved the use of FBI assets to disseminate a fictitious narrative containing an attempt to defraud POI-3196, Penguin Random House, as well as various bookstores through the use of fake Rex Dangerly sequels. Foundation literary analysts examining copies of SCP-3196-A were able to confirm the vocabulary and writing style matched that of previous works written by POI-3196, as well as matching the general content of the first Rex Dangerly book. All recovered instances were deemed to be non-anomalous. Follow-up interviews with both distributors and bookstore employees revealed wide ranging inconsistencies in recalling how SCP-3196-A instances were acquired. Subsequent use of amnestics was deemed sufficient to cover up Foundation involvement in the investigation and confiscation of SCP-3196-A instances. PUB-Event-02 On July 17, 2008, POI-3196 submitted his manuscript for the second book in the Rex Dangerly series, as well as his design for the cover art. Task Force Rho-4 was able to confirm that the content and cover was identical to that of SCP-3196-A-1. When October 1, 2008 was announced as the release date, plans for a second PUB-Event were drawn up. The Tides of Neptune was successfully released on October 1, 2008, triggering a PUB-Event. Foundation Task Forces, utilizing a similar strategy as the first PUB-Event, were able to contain all SCP-3196-A instances with minimal difficulty. SCP-3196-A instances contained during the second PUB-Event are identical to those contained during the first event. Addendum 3196-2- Plot Information Title: The Man and the Clocktower General Synopsis: Rex Dangerly is a member of the Universal Time Corps, responsible for the safe keeping of Space-Time. On a routine mission to 1870's London, Rex becomes embroiled in a plot to overthrow the Monarchy, destroy the Parliament, and establish a Retro-Soviet authoritarian state. The man responsible is revealed to be Olms Praetor, Rex's superior officer, who wishes to destabilize time itself in order to rewrite history. At their final confrontation on Big Ben, Rex fatally wounds Olms. Notes: The Man and the Clocktower is the first book in the series, and the only one not involved in SCP-3196. Title: The Tides of Neptune General Synopsis: Rex is assigned a case on Neptune, where it has been observed that the surface of the planet is undergoing unusual changes. Rex visits the colony of Armory, and witnesses a terraforming effort by an unknown alien entity. Tensions on Neptune between the corporate ruling committee and the rest of the civilian population come to a head, and civil war breaks out. The alien entity is destroyed by Rex as he tries to help restore order, but Neptune’s new climate destroys the colony, and Rex is sucked into space. Notes: Of note should be POI-3196's lack of knowledge regarding Neptune itself. Title: Through the Wormhole General Synopsis: Rex is rescued at the last second by a traveling merchant ship. Beyond Pluto, alien vessels emerge from wormholes, while Universal Time Corps ships amass near Neptune in an effort to repel them. The two sides commence hostilities as the aliens reveal themselves to be displaced humans from another dimension. The leader of the refugees is their version of Olms Praetor, who rallied the survivors after their own reality began to disappear due to an unknown being. Afterwords, a massive wormhole opens up and pulls all the fighters inside. Notes: A portion of the book describes "The Terra Collective", an organization allied with the Universal Time Corps that studies and collects anomalous artifacts and people. Deviation from the Foundation is significant, and is not considered a threat to collective secrecy. Title: A View From Alexandria General Synopsis: When both sides of the conflict are dragged into the newly created wormhole, they are greeted by future versions of Rex and Olms, who explain that the reality destroying entity is on his way to Rex's universe, where it will destroy conscious reality itself. Both Rex and Olms travel back to Ancient Egypt, where they hope to destroy the being before it can fully insert itself in their reality. As the entity begins to form, Rex receives a transmission from his future self, who explains he has already failed, before ceasing to exist. Notes: In one chapter, Rex encounters a wandering wise man, who offers him advice regarding his current conflict. Of note is the line: "One day, the guardsmen will come, and bind your history in chains, to safeguard their future". POI-3196 has been unable to explain the meaning behind this line, or a possible connection to the Foundation. Title: The Man From Out of Time General Synopsis: The reality destroying entity manifests, and reveals itself to be Rex. Time and space are destroyed, and Rex is flung into nothingness. Rex slowly becomes able to alter reality to restore the shattered timeline, but finds himself unable to stop his dimensional and historical counterparts from re-enacting his own actions, leading to the consistent destruction of reality. In a last ditch effort, Rex allows his former reality to reform, and then wills himself out of existence before he is forced to meet himself and Olms in Ancient Egypt. Space and time reform within this singular dimension, and history is implied to continue beyond its original stopping point. In the epilogue, an unnamed figure wakes up on the beach of an alien world. Notes: [See Below] Addendum-3196-3: SCP-3196-A-4 is the only entry in The Adventures of Rex Dangerly to contain a foreword. This is for you, who is no longer here. I regret that. You gave me the seed that this idea grew out of. I wrote it all, and the words flowed like magic. Sometimes you know something is right, something is meant to be. The pages in those books are, like Rex, now beyond time. I won't lie, I'm selfish enough to want this. But beyond my petty desires, sometimes things are just set in stone. I hope these stories provided some comfort. If the dead could read, I would write for them. - Devon Brackenridge ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3196" by Toa_Vine, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-3197 The photograph of Mr. Greenspan decorating the stand of SCP-3197. Special Containment Procedures: The components of SCP-3197 are to be kept disassembled in a standard containment locker. Testing may be initiated by any employee with a Level 2 clearance. Non-Foundation personnel who came in contact with SCP-3197 before containment are to be administered amnestics. Description: SCP-3197 is a mahogany stand adorned with three wax candles, a cerulean bowl, two BIC pens, and a framed photograph of Alan Greenspan, the 13th Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve. A “List of Acceptable Offerings” is inscribed into the base of the stand. Several conditions must be met for the anomalous properties of the object to manifest: All candles must be lit and the bowl filled approximately halfway with rose water. The BIC pens must be placed equidistant on opposite sides of the picture. A supplicant must approach the stand and kneel, placing a piece of paper with a four-letter symbol into the bowl along with an offering. The supplicant must perform a short recitation: Our Holy Greenspan Hallowed be Thy Name Give us this day our daily profits And write off our losses Lead us not into overleverage But deliver us from margin calls For yours is the market and the profit and the glory Forever and ever Amen If all the required conditions are all met, the offering placed within the bowl will vanish1. If the four-letter symbol corresponds to a stock listed on the New York Stock Exchange, the stock will experience a return matching the relevant entry in the list inscribed into the base of the stand. Stocks listed on other exchanges are unaffected. The anomalous properties continue to manifest themselves if minor alterations are made to the ritual, for instance if BIC pens are replaced with graphite pencils, or if artificial candles are substituted for wax. However, all anomalous properties cease if the picture of Alan Greenspan is replaced with a photograph of Ben Bernanke or other Federal Reserve chairs such as Janet Yellen or Paul Volcker. Appendix A: "List of Acceptable Offerings" inscribed into the base of SCP-3197 A memento from the supplicant's childhood: 1% The supplicant’s full head of hair: 2% The supplicant’s wedding ring: 5% An urn with the ashes of the supplicant’s parent: 7% The supplicant’s thumb (right hand): 10% Appendix B: Interview with Jack Rossi, former equity trader with Dean Peabody LLP The following interview was conducted on 4/6/2008 shortly after discovery and containment of SCP-3197. Mr. Rossi initially refused to cooperate with Foundation researchers, whom he believed to be working for an unspecified government agency. After covert administration of EXP-URXW-232, and after assurances from the researchers that they meant him no harm, Mr. Rossi consented to be interviewed. Researcher ██████: Do you remember when you put the altar together? Mr. Rossi: Christ, who knows? Early ‘97, maybe. The S&P was about to break a thousand, I know that much. Also, wasn’t me that put it together. Researcher ██████: Who was it, then? Mr. Rossi: All I did was put the photo on it. Researcher ██████: But you were the one who brought the stand to the Peabody headquarters? Mr. Rossi: Saw it out by the curb somewhere in midtown. 56th street, maybe. Fucking Hindus or Buddhists or whatchamacallthem, they were throwing it out. Took it on a whim and set it up in the break room with the big photo. We all had a nice laugh over it. Researcher ██████: Who do you mean by "we"? Mr. Rossi: All of us on the trading floor. Dick, Lester, Phil, the overeager juniors fresh out of school who fetched us drinks. The big boss saw it and laughed so hard he almost barfed his lunch. Next day someone put the bowl in there. The pens were Phil’s idea. Some loser over at Goldman told him the chairman was fond of BICs. Yeah, it was fucking fantastic. Anytime a client would come in, we’d take them round the back and show them “our new religion,” as we called it. Everyone thought it was a goddamn riot. Researcher ██████: And the list? Mr. Rossi: Just appeared one day. Don’t know who carved it in. Nobody would admit to it. Wasn’t very funny, if you ask me. A bit like taking the joke too far. The first time someone used it was during one of the corrections… Researcher ██████: I'm sorry, what is a correction in this context? Mr. Rossi: Let's just say it was mid-98. A fucking massacre on the trading floor. I remember I got off easy, my portfolio was down 7-8%. Most had losses in the 20-30% range. Bonuses were evaporating left right and center. I'm telling you, I could smell divorce in the air. Researcher ██████: Pardon? Mr. Rossi: Most of the guys had trophy wives. You know, blondes, big tits, a few decades younger than them. Hell, some had trophy mistresses. You think their women would stick by them once they were out on the curb? Researcher ██████: I see. Mr. Rossi: So anyway, when the bell rings and the bloodbath is finally over, Lester brings us to the break room and does a big show. He kneels in front of the little altar, writes one of his big stocks on a piece of paper, recites a mangled version of the Lord's prayer and throws his wedding band in there. We’re all smiling, because for God’s sakes we need some comic relief, you know? The whole time, I’m thinking of what I’d do if I lose my job. My wife — everything’s solid there, knock on wood. But we’d have to move to fucking Jersey. Researcher ██████: Was that when you first noticed the anomalous effect? Mr. Rossi: His wedding band disappeared. Poor sod looked for it for hours. He was still looking when I went home that day, muttering about how his wife was gonna give him a serious ass-kicking. Next day, though, we're all getting fucked up the ass again but Lester’s stock pops 5%. Lucky motherfucker ended the day only a little bit in the red. So, after the stocks close we’re all smirking together, ha-ha, the thing works, doesn’t it? All hail the holy Greenspan! Phil pops home and brings back some chess trophy he won when he was still in diapers. Next day, another fucking massacre, we're talking 10-15% losses across the board, except Phil's shitty dog of a stock is up 1%. Researcher ██████: And then you began using the altar regularly? Mr. Rossi: Not really. For a while we went on on making wisecracks. Ha-ha, on your way to the altar Dick? Your stocks must be crunching! But the results were undeniable. Every time someone made an offering, the return would be there the next day like clockwork. And then…then I guess the jokes stopped being funny. Gradually, we just stopped talking about it, even though we were using the thing as often as we could. Hair takes time to grow after you shave it off, you know. A month later, we moved it to a private room. Custom made lock, only a few of us had the key, didn't even let the janitor in there. If anyone asked, we said we threw the thing way. Researcher ██████: The returns coming from the offerings don’t seem to be very large. Mr. Rossi: Yeah, dummy, you don’t invest in the stock directly. You wait until all the momentum traders think a stock is gonna crumble, then you start trading futures. On a good day, you can find a tanking stock along with some poor schmuck who'll bet you against a 10% rise at 50:1 odds, if not more. Researcher ██████: I think I have all I need. Someone else will be in to see you shortly. Out of curiosity, do you have any regrets about the whole thing? Mr. Rossi: The fuck would I? Researcher ██████: Digging up your parents, for example. Mr. Rossi: Oh yeah, I'm sure they really mind. I bet they were having a grand ole time in that cemetery. Researcher ██████: What about your hand? Mr. Rossi: Listen, if I have trouble opening a door, I’ll get my butler to do it for me. Footnotes 1. Attempts to determine the physics underlying this effect, as well as the ultimate destination of the offerings, have met with failure. 2. Designed by the Neurology Division, this pharmaceutical cocktail induces feelings of trust and openness without any associated cognitive impairment.
SCP-3198 scout vehicle in Site-1394 Item #: SCP-3198 Standard Containment Procedures: At the first available opportunity, contact must be established with SCP-3198 to make it aware of its situation. Once SCP-3198 has confirmed its compliance, it should be contained for transport and moved to a secure site. Currently, SCP-3198 is contained in its original discovery location which has been repurposed as Site-1394. Any instances seen outside of Site-1394 are to be contained, or, if containment fails, destroyed. Site-1394's windows have been boarded up under the guise of a lethal asbestos exposure. Personnel entering Site-1394 must be wearing full tactical body armor. Weapons are not to be discharged at SCP-3198 unless absolutely necessary. Research into a way to return SCP-3198 to a normal state is ongoing. Description: SCP-3198 is the collective designation for the Mobile Task Force formerly known as Lambda-9 ("Big Fucking Guns"). This task force was created specifically to contain Keter level objects that required high damage output ordinance in the event of a containment breach. Being one of the largest MTF teams, Lambda-9 is comprised of: 100 foot soldiers armed with M4 assault rifles, M249 light machine guns, fragmentation grenades and 2 FGM-148 Javelin missile launchers 20 OSHKOSH M-ATV scout vehicles fitted with M2 Browning heavy machine guns 2 AH-64 Apache Longbow helicopters with 2 crew members in each 30 combat trained support personnel 4 M970 fuel trucks carrying Diesel 2 OSHKOSH M978A4 Fuel Servicing Trucks carrying JP8 Jet fuel 4 MK25 Standard cargo trucks carrying food, water and general supplies All units (both human and vehicular) of SCP-3198 have been reduced dramatically to a ratio of approximately 1:64 of their original size with a similar reduction in mass. SCP-3198 seems to be aware of having been altered by an anomalous effect, but is not aware of specifically what effect has occurred. SCP-3198 is unable to correctly perceive its environment, believing materials, lifeforms and its current location to be anomalous in nature. SCP-3198 is also extremely hostile to almost all lifeforms.1 SCP-3198 has begun to consume small invertebrates that inhabit the area surrounding its current location for sustenance despite Foundation attempts to provide SCP-3198 with a more viable food source (which have been met with extreme hostilities from SCP-3198). Communication with SCP-3198 has so far not been possible. The voices of SCP-3198 members have become extremely high pitched, audible as "squeaking" with some words occasionally being discernible. SCP-3198 speech can only be understood by lowering the pitch and speed on recordings. It is also assumed that normal human voices cannot be understood by SCP-3198, describing them as a deep booming sound, both in person and via radio contact.2 The vehicles used by SCP-3198 function exactly like their normal sized counterparts, though they require significantly less fuel to run. Handheld weapons and weapons attached to both the scout vehicles and attack helicopters are considerably less powerful than their full sized counterparts, but are still capable of causing significant damage to structures and living targets.3 SCP-3198 largely inhabits the west side of Site-1394's attic, having created a fortified base out of wood, cardboard and insulation. SCP-3198 is able to access the first floor of 1394 by using the sides of the attic's stairs as a ramp, which has allowed the scout vehicles to be driven to the first floor. SCP-3198 has created a small tactical wall using Jenga blocks at the top of the stairs leading from the ground floor. This wall is usually guarded by one scout vehicle containing between three and four foot soldiers. Lambda-9 scout vehicle prior to Incident 682-I MTF-Lambda-9 was last active during a containment breach of SCP-682 (See Incident-682-I). This breach had occurred after an attempt to shrink 682 to a manageable size using SCP-1056 (please see Experiment Log T-98816-OC108/682). En route to ██████████ ████████ ████, SCP-682 ambushed Lambda-9, expelling a wave of unknown energy.4 Contact was lost; all units of MTF-Lambda-9 were presumed KIA. SCP-3198 was discovered 4 days later, 2 kilometers from the location of Incident 682-I5 after agents responded to an incident at what is now Site-1394. The prior residents of 1394 had reported to a local pest exterminator of hearing "buzzing" and "scratching" coming from the attic, assuming the noise to be caused by wasps. When the exterminator investigated, they were attacked by SCP-3198. The exterminator sprayed pesticides over a small portion of SCP-3198's fortification before exiting the attic and contacting local authorities. The Foundation then took over control of the property to contain SCP-3198. Addendum: Addendum 3198-1: Incidents Incident-682-I The following is the transcript of radio contact between MTF-Lambda-9 and Task Force Control during Incident-682-I. Lambda-9's orders were to head to ██████████ ████████ ████ and set up a Forward Operations Base from which units could be sent to re-contain SCP-682: FOU046:/001_SCP/Keter/Incident_Logs/682/Incident-682-I Close MTF-Lambda-9: Task Force Control, we are about 5 kilometers out from ██████████. ETA is 10 minutes. Over. Task Force Control: Copy that, Lambda-9. Be advised that 19-Overwatch has lost visual contact of the target. Target last seen heading west near ███████. Over. MTF-Lambda-9: Copy that, Control. We are- A loud explosion is heard, shortly followed by gunfire and vocalisations from SCP-682. MTF-Lambda-9: Task Force Control, we have sight of the target! We have engaged. Our location is █████████ heading west. Switching comms to open channel. Over. Task Force Control: Copy, Lambda-9. Incapacitate target if possible; MTF and containment teams will be directed to your position. Over. Task Force Control directs all other MTF units and containment teams to Lambda-9's position. An unknown sound is heard over Lambda-9's radio, followed by a 7 second period of static. Lambda-9 begins communicating again; however, Task Force Control assumes this is random noise. The following speech from Lambda-9 is a transcription after analysis of the recording was conducted. MTF-Lambda-9: Task Force Control, 682 just did… something, some sort of energy wave was released. We've lost visual. We are, we, something's not right, control. Over. Task Force Control: Lambda-9, please report current status. Over. MTF-Lambda-9: Oh Christ, what is that sound? Command, are you reading this? Over. Task Force Control: Lambda-9, Lambda-9, do you copy? Requesting update on sitrep. Over. MTF-Lambda-9: Command?! What the fuck did 682 do to us?! Task Force Control: All units, Lambda-9 is Status Black; communications lost. Target last seen heading westbound from █████████. 19-Overwatch, please proceed to █████████. All remaining units, move to intercept target. Over. MTF-Lambda-9: Captain! Radio's fucked! All I'm getting is fucking screaming, what the fuck ha- Communication is cut off to Lambda-9 by Task Force Control. Incident-3198-A The following is a log of Incident-3198-A. The log is a transcription of events captured by Site-1394 video feeds on 25/06/████. Video footage is captured on Camera 4, which is situated on the west side of 1394's roof, just outside SCP-3198's location:6 FOU182:/001_SCP/Euclid/Incient_Logs/3198/Incident-3198-A Close <10:14:25> Attack Helicopter 0582 is seen to depart Site-1394 through a hole in the roof. <10:14:31> 0582 proceeds to slowly turn 180 degrees before flying alongside the roof for approximately 40 centimetres. <10:15:15> 0582 proceeds back inside Site-1394. <10:25:38> 0582 departs Site-1394 again. A blackbird can be seen approximately 1.3 metres from 0582. The blackbird slowly approaches 0582. <10:25:51> 0582 turns to face the blackbird as it flies towards 0582. 0582 discharges its main gun at the blackbird, killing it. <10:26:23> 0582 hovers in places for 15 seconds before moving south of Site-1394. <10:26:59> A number of seagulls fly towards 0582 from the roof of Site-1394 and attack 0582 off camera. 0582 reappears on camera shortly before one of the seagulls destroys 0582's tail. 0582 then falls and hits the ground, resulting in its destruction. What remained of 0582 was recovered by Foundation personnel shortly after the incident. Foundation personnel outside of Site-1394 at the time were unaware of this incident. When questioned, they advised that the seagulls had been seen, and were presumed to be fighting over food; personnel were unable to perceive 0582 due to its size. 0582 was only noticed after it exploded upon impact with the ground. The hole SCP-3198 breached containment through has since been sealed. Addendum 3198-2: Communication logs Log-3198-A The following is a transcript from 20/06/████ where researchers attempted to re-establish communication with SCP-3198 after it was discovered. The communication problems between humans and SCP-3198 were unknown at this time. The following speech from SCP-3198 is a transcription after analysis of the recording was conducted: FOU182:/001_SCP/Euclid/Communication_Logs/3198/Log-3198-A Close SCP-3198: Control, this is MTF-Lambda-9, do you copy? Over. SCP-3198: (Audible sigh) Task Force Control, this is MTF-Lambda-9, does anyone copy? Over. Researcher Sanders: MTF-Lambda-9, this is Level 3 Researcher Sanders. Please relay your status immediately. Over. SCP-3198: Agh fuck! What the fuck? Researcher Sanders: Lambda-9, can you hear me? Over. SCP-3198: This is you giant fucks, isn't it? Paul! I've got the giants on the phone, think they're pissed about us trying to blow them up. Researcher Sanders: Lambda-9, if you can hear me, I need you to listen. The hostiles you are targeting are friendlies, repeat, hostiles are friendlies, do not attack. Over. SCP-3198: Hey giants, how about you go suck 682's dick and while you're at it, make it undo whatever the fuck it did to us? Researcher Sanders: Lambda-9, I believe there may be some communication issues with your radio. If you can hear me, plea- SCP-3198: Yeah, that's what I thought. Comm link is assumed to have been cut off by SCP-3198. Researcher Sanders: Lambda-9, is anyone there? Over. Lambda-9? Following this the transmission is analysed. Researchers attempt to re-establish contact for the next few days to no avail. Log-3198-B On 28/06/████, Foundation communications analysts based at Site-1386 recorded a brief interchange between two instant message devices located at Site-1394. The devices were in use by SCP-3198. It was not known prior to this event that any members of MTF-Lambda-9 had been equipped with such devices when deployed during Incident-682-I.7 The recording of this conversation is below: FOU182:/001_SCP/Euclid/Communication_Logs/3198/Log-3198-B Close CONNECTED Hey, Tash is it working? It's Lydia. Yeah but batteries nearly dead, better make it quick. How's the wall holding up? The wall's fine, giant poked it's head round then ran off when we fired at it but..shit, I swear it had something that looked like a Foundation symbol on it. What? Are you sure? Not 100%, the guys didn't see it, they were too busy shooting at the damn thing and the symbol looked kinda fucked up like someone had just dragged bits of it to be out of place but I'm sure it looked like it. I think it's this place. It's just messing with your head. I'd keep it to yourself, don't start a panic. Last thing we need is everyone thinking the giants work for the Foundation. I get you but what if it isn't this place? What does that mean? ERROR: MESSAGE WAS NOT DELIVERED USER HAS DISCONNECTED Attempts to contact either recipient since have been unsuccessful.8 Addendum 3198-3: Recovered media On 30/06/████, a scout vehicle was captured by Foundation personnel after the main weapon had been disabled. Inside the vehicle were four foot soldiers later identified as Private Lang, Private Pimm, Sergeant Emmerson and Corporal Betson. As Foundation personnel were lifting the vehicle to remove the occupants, all four jumped from the vehicle, resulting in their deaths. Upon later inspection of the bodies, a Mobile Task Force field document was found in Betson's clothing with a letter having been written on the back. Due to the size of the item, a microscope was required to view it. Below are transcriptions of both sides of the document: FOU182:/001_SCP/Euclid/Recovered_Media/3198/Document-3198-A Close Copy of Document-3198-A Mobile Task Force Field Document - Lambda-9 Clearance: Level 3 The following document is intended for the purposes of recording data that cannot be obtained through voice, video or photograph. All information recorded in this document must be done so with the express purpose of being returned to researchers. NAME: Natalie Emmerson RANK: Sergeant DATE: ????? Writing down all the information I can about where we are to try and figure out where "here" is. Breach was likely caused by either trying to terminate 682 with another SCP or experimental technology. 682 has likely gained the ability of that SCP/techology which seems to be the ability to send other lifeforms/objects to an alternate universe/dimension. The main question is, which SCP or what technology was used? Creatures: Giants - Humanoid in appearance, 1/2 a km maybe more in height, first giant we came across was able to spray some sort of toxin contaminating our food supplies (haven't seen this since, mechanical weapon or biological?), men near the trucks have suffered serious chemical burns. Sounds they make sound like a deep booming, almost like a constant sonic boom. Apparently not fans of our weapons. Airborne hostile "Death Hawks" - Possibly some sort of bird, attacked Chopper 0582 in a flock, only 0582 made visual contact so description is unclear. Various insectoids - ranging from 1 meter to 3 meters in length, roughly the appearance of beetles, woodlice, ants. All hostile, but easy to deal with, have started consuming as food. Tastes like sh is not good but is edible. Location: Possibly some sort of mountain or mangiant made structure. Materials seem to be a couple of variations of a wood like substance, one variation was found in a block form with some sort of inscription on it (can't tell what language it is, likely something to do with the giants), plant or possibly some sort of fiber lines the ground (useful for construction of the fort), higher up the structure seems to be some stone/brick. Conclusion: The SCP used We are located inside an alt I don't know where we WE ARE FUCKED It doesn't matter where we are. It's not home. Why am I even still bothering to write this shit? So some scientist can jack off to it when they find our corpses? Fuck this. We need to leave. Confidential! This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level. FOU182:/001_SCP/Euclid/Recovered_Media/3198/Document-3198-B Close Shaun, Get your stuff ready to leave and meet me at the trucks when it gets dark… well whenever light stops coming through the cracks. I can't tell you this out loud, will probably get shot for even thinking this but I'm abandoning the group with Pimm and Lang. We're gonna drive outta here when we're on guard duty at the wall and get as far as we can and hopefully find a way home. Since we can't take the chopper as the death hawks will tear us to shreds, not that any of us can fly one of those things anyway, driving and taking our chances with the giants is our only option. I just can't take this shit anymore. I have to hold back vomit every time I eat bug guts whilst I look at our food trucks. I can see tins of beans in one of the trucks. Fuck what I would give just to taste beans again. Sometimes I get to the point where I think "Fuck it, I'd eat contaminated food over this shit" but then I hear the screams of the guys that got that toxic shit into their systems. Fucking giant fucks. I had a dream last night that I was home. Well I mean it wasn't actually home, it looked more like Mexico or something but in my mind it was home. Nothing really happened in it, I was just having a drink with some friends and just relaxing and for the first time in so long I felt happy… then one of the giants decided to speak. A giant had apparently decided to try coming up to the wall again and making that god awful sound. In an instant I was back to my pit of anxiety and hatred for the damn things. I could not stop crying this morning. There's rumours going round at the moment that someone saw a Foundation symbol on one of the giants. I think it's bullshit but people are starting to think about it too much. There's been talks of maybe surrendering to the giants or that maybe we're in a Foundation experiment. I don't care either way, I'm not waiting around here to find out. I know you feel the same way Shaun, I know you miss your Husband and I know you'd do anything to get back to him. I can't guarantee we'll get home, but it sure beats this shit. Please don't let me down - Nat P.S. Maybe we need to get ourselves some bigger guns now, right? Footnotes 1. Likely due to being attacked by local wildlife as well as its contact with the pest exterminator that discovered SCP-3198. 2. Attempts to raise the pitch on recordings of human speech and play them back to SCP-3198 have so far been unsuccessful. 3. Whilst no human deaths have occurred, 3 personnel have been attacked by SCP-3198 and received life-threatening injuries. 4. Believed to be a manifestation of SCP-1056's anomalous effect; however, SCP-3198 shows no adverse effects associated with resizing via SCP-1056. 5. It is not currently known how SCP-3198 ended up in this location. 6. It is theorised 0582 was relaying information back to SCP-3198 about the surrounding area. 7. Investigation into how this went unnoticed is ongoing. 8. The devices have likely since run out of power.
First clearly recorded instance of SCP-3199, taken during initial recovery. Special Containment Procedures: All live instances of SCP-3199 are to be contained on Site-114 within a modified Keter humanoid containment chamber (hereby referred to as primary containment), the walls of which should be coated in approximately two centimeters thick acid-resistant steel. CCTV equipment is installed in the north-eastern and south-western corners. Two meters of empty space are to be allocated between primary and secondary containment. Secondary containment consists of suspending all live instances of SCP-3199 within a block of solid transparent substance (currently clear acrylic resin). This block is to be at a height of at least three meters. One armed security guard is to be stationed outside primary containment at all times. An eight-digit passcode can be obtained from the current Site-114 director in order to bypass primary containment. Secondary containment is to be regularly examined for damages. Movement and activity of any kind are to be noted, and the current Site-114 Director is to be informed at the earliest possible convenience. A temporary recall procedure is detailed in Addendum 3199-03. Experiments involving the use of live SCP-3199 instances are strictly prohibited without approval from at least two personnel of Level-4 security clearance or above. As of 12/6/2017, there are four live instances of SCP-3199 successfully contained. As of 2/18/2019, there are six live instances of SCP-3199 successfully contained. Description: SCP-3199 denotes a species of sapient Category-5 biological entities of currently indeterminable origin, though tissue samples indicate the presence of Silkie chicken1, chimpanzee2, stoat3, mussel4, adder5, and human DNA. They are typically hairless, stained with a thin layer of an albumen-like excretion, and stand at an average of 2.9 meters. Its weight averages 780 kg for a matured instance, and 360 kg for a hatchling. Autopsy has determined that the cervical vertebrae of a mature SCP-3199 instance are composed of cartilage, rather than bone. This enables the neck and throat to twist and dislocate to around 340° in either direction, aiding their unusual reproductive cycle. SCP-3199 are opportunistic hunters, engaging with live subjects within a currently unidentified radius within a radius of 0.6 kilometers surrounding hatchlings that have not yet reached full adolescence. Average speed is recorded at 25 km/h. Upon contact with human or animal subjects, SCP-3199 will proceed to [REDACTED], liquefying internal organs and bone structure. A suitable cadaver is then transferred within range of the closest hatchling. SCP-3199 produces large eggs of an off-white coloration and rubbery appearance. An egg will pass through the entity's digestive tract, esophagus and eventually out via the mouth, followed by a viscous red substance (first thought to be a form of placenta, chemical breakdown has determined it to be a highly corrosive material). SCP-3199 shows extreme distress throughout the process, with personnel describing the sound as 'not dissimilar to a scream'. SCP-3199 produces its eggs to fill unoccupied space. There is no known limit to the number of eggs SCP-3199 is capable of producing, and the standing theory is as follows: given enough time, a single instance could singlehandedly perform an LK-Class species transmutation scenario. The termination of a live instance can be achieved through a variety of equally effective methods- SCP-3199 has proven to be around as resilient as a standard human subject. However, complete eradication has proven impossible difficult, as all instances of SCP-3199 (regardless of age) carry one egg within a specialized stomach-like organ upon birth, assuring that one living instance will persist through even ordinary means of constant and lethal assault. This biological phenomenon is presumed to be, in itself, anomalous in origin. A single SCP-3199 egg can bear a tremendous amount of resilience, maintaining its form and purpose even following continual subjection to: Extreme blunt-force trauma. Pressure exceeding 180,000 psi. High-precision blades (serrated and non-serrated). Long-term acid exposure. The application of plastic explosives was considered but quickly rejected by higher administration. Heat is a primary component in the growth and development of SCP-3199's eggs (see Addendum 3199-04), and Foundation Researcher Pwygh-Bythell was particularly apprehensive towards the idea, believing it would almost certainly result in a second containment breach. SCP-3199 was issued Keter classification on 10/6/2017 following a containment breach. SCP-3199's prior containment method (a sedated water bath) was disassembled, and replaced with a revised containment procedure as listed above. ADDENDUM 3199-A-01: On █/█/2017, O5-█ dispatched the following notice: All further experiments involving SCP-3199's eggs are strictly prohibited. Hatching periods have proven too unreliable to warrant extensive research, and as the consequences of a containment breach become more and more apparent, the O5 Council has unanimously decided to nip the situation at the bud. Until new and reliable information comes to light, all personnel found acting against protocol will be subject to standard 'zero tolerance' risk assessment training, and a punishment determined on a case-by-case basis. We thank you for your continued cooperation. SCP-3199 was discovered in ██████, Ireland following witness reports of a 'bald' creature 'crying like a banshee' from within an undisclosed area of woodland. These reports resulted in the dispatchment of Mobile Task Force Omega-19, who arrived on site with a total of 12 armed personnel. Two personnel were lost in action, their internal organs and jaws having been almost entirely dissolved. During transportation, SCP-3199 produced two offspring, resulting in the deaths of a further six personnel. ADDENDUM 3199-A-02: On █/█/2017, a thorough sweep of SCP-3199's initial recovery location was enacted in an attempt to uncover the creature's origin and purpose. Local reports suggested that the small remote residence in question had been abandoned for at least two decades. Surface Team Delta-029-E recovered several items of interest, including: One bag of assorted thread and needles, in various colors and sizes. Approximately thirteen chicken carcasses (based on the collective halves and quarters), with precise incisions located on the underbelly, neck, and thigh. Six of the carcasses had been plucked, with visible human teeth marks lining the bare areas at random intervals. Several containers, including water bottles and Tupperware boxes, holding an unidentified watery paste. The paste was a deep brown in color, and in the presence of oxygen, it turned viscous and hard. An A5 notebook, ████ brand, and heavily scratched with what was determined to be human fingernails. The words 'NEW BREED MANIFESTO' are written on the front cover. Two chicken feather quills. The notebook itself consisted of 24 pages of standard lined paper, written in non-anomalous black ink. 19 of these pages consisted of various cuboid patterns and crude, child-like illustrations vaguely resembling SCP-3199. On the remaining five pages, large lines of writing detail the diary of an unnamed individual. Much of the written script was illegible. One extract in particular, dated ██/6/1973 was written with notably higher clarity: If you're reading this, then luky lucky you! fore hunndreth thousand hour from not and itll be warm and wet and warm, and the wonderful vursatilli vessa versatility of (INFERIOR) human DNA will birth a better era. A stronger ear. One where [ILLEGIBLE] and food and water will be nothing but things of the passed as we make and make and make more until until [ILLEGIBLE] I REALLY HAVEN'T MUCH TIM TIME THATS why i ENVY you so so so much. you'll have all the time you need. time will be a thing of the time will be on and on and death will be life. life new life needs things to live. new life will be a part of life from now on. (sic) The final page consisted of various ink blots, thirteen instances of the word 'life' in inconsistent sizes, two instances of the words 'want it want i want it' (sic), and the lyrics to English songwriter Frederic Weatherly's 'Danny Boy' in Old Gaelic script. The identity of the journal's author is pending investigation. ADDENDUM 3199-03: Protocol 34-22-B The following procedure is to occur in the event of a Site-114 containment breach, in an effort to safely and immediately re-contain live SCP-3199 instances. On-site personnel with Level-1 security clearance or above assume standard lock-down procedure and evacuate to Site-113 to await further instruction. Site-114 is to be flooded in its entirety by a clean, distilled water treated with dissolvable Class A sedatives. Surface Team Tango-306-A will be dispatched immediately to retrieve any lingering instances of SCP-3199's eggs. Any living instances of SCP-3199 will be terminated on sight, and their remaining eggs will be collected. All egg samples are to be transported to temporary off-site containment within a stable water bath. Site-114 will be subsequently drained, and custodian staff will be dispatched to thoroughly clean and sanitize the grounds to a 'green zone' Foundation standard. Personnel attempting to breach Site-114 before this inspection is complete will be apprehended and punished accordingly. Note: A number of personnel have expressed their skepticism regarding the scale of SCP-3199's containment breach protocol. To clarify, we have reason to believe that fluid is an excellent counter to SCP-3199's anomalous reproductive properties. It appears to enter an inert state in the presence of liquid, regardless of thickness or clarity. The leading theory is as follows: SCP-3199 discerns the liquid around it to be 'occupied space'. Regardless, I believe I speak for all of Site-114 when I say we're quite relieved to have found a safe and consistent method of containment. Dr. Lewis, 12/5/2017 INTERVIEW 3199-I-01: + VIDEO TRANSCRIPT - HIDE VIDEO TRANSCRIPT VIDEO TRANSCRIPT DATE: 10/28/2017 SUBJECT: Cpl. Duncan INTERVIEWER: Dr. Ewing FOREWORD: Subject had undergone extensive psychiatric therapy prior to interview, and while the Foundation does not consider them responsible for the deaths of Pvt. MacLeod and Pvt. Langley, subject expressed feelings of guilt for having neglected standard Foundation health & safety protocol. [BEGIN LOG] DUNCAN: Take a seat, right? EWING: Please, if you would. Cpl. Duncan clears his throat. White noise as he sits, visibly anxious. EWING: Could you explain your mission briefing? DUNCAN: The job was pretty simple. No auditory or visual triggers that the higher-ups in Site-114 knew about. Seems to me as if they'd done a pretty top job scraping the area clean. Cpl. Duncan laughs nervously. DUNCAN: Never is that easy though, huh ma'am? We landed around 2100 hours. The boys and I had been told that if we couldn't catch the thing, the next best thing would be snapping a frame or two, so they- uh- they hooked us up with the best in night vision hardware. Cpl. Duncan shuffles uncomfortably in his seat. DUNCAN: … I know you have pictures, Ela. I know you've got something. Paper shuffling. Dr. Ewing looks grave. EWING: You're under no obligation to view the recording. DUNCAN: Nah, nah- I- I know that. Just shook me a little. EWING: Please. Go on. DUNCAN: (Shivering.) We found something within the hour- almost like a shack, totally out of scrap metal and wood. Looked more like an over-sized chicken coop than anything else, but I don't know that your new monster built it. Just made it a home. EWING: And I assume you- DUNCAN: - entered ASAP? Of course, it was a late shift. Wanted this over as quick as possible. I'd like to say that's why I did what I did, but- uh- I can't bring myself to make excuses. Cpl. Duncan places his head in his hands, sighing. DUNCAN: I really- really fucked it, ma'am. Pardon my French. EWING: It's perfectly appropriate, all things considered. However, I'm going to have to ask you to continue explaining the procedure. DUNCAN: Right, right, well- I had two of my men stationed at back. Pvt. MacLeod and Pvt. Langley insisted they take first charge. Fresh out of training, they were. Kids. I should be used to it by now, but- Cpl. Duncan laughs dryly. DUNCAN: Never seen a smile get cut down so quick. It knew we were there, somehow. Jumped right at Pvt. MacLeod and [DATA EXPUNGED] the fuckin' teeth out of his head. I see it whenever I blink, ma'am. That's the shit that stays with you. EWING: The Foundation will take every measure in providing financial compensation to the families of your lost men. Could you elaborate upon the other casualty? Silence for a moment. Cpl Duncan leans back in his chair. A pause. EWING: Duncan? Please, I must urge you to continue. The more we know, the more we can do to stop it from happening again. DUNCAN: (Eventually) We barely had time to react before it started moving down the corridor to the right. I guess the adrenaline had just about hit me, because I fired off enough rounds to blow a chunk out of its chest, just as its ugly head was about to round a corner. I saw- Another pause. Cpl. Duncan shows visible signs of distress. DUNCAN: I saw straight fuckin' moonlight on the other side. Bulls-eye. Thing let out the most awful scream. I have a beautiful little baby boy at home, doc. You know that? EWING: Irrelevant discussion of domestic life isn't necessary for this procedure, Corporal. Could you please- DUNCAN: (Raising voice.) I have a beautiful baby boy who just loves wailin' when he's too cranky to sleep, and you know what? Every time he does, I think about that scream. I see it in my head. Think what it did- and his pa gives him a look as if he's gonna bash his fuckin' head against the wall. Cpl. Duncan, now standing, gradually sits back down. DUNCAN: (Strained) They were good men. Silence. DUNCAN: Please, Ela. Kill that monster. If for no one else, for me. [END LOG] Note: I extend my strongest condolences to the families of those lost during SCP-3199’s initial recovery. Furthermore, I would like to formally request that Cpl. Duncan is administered one Class B amnestic at the earliest possible convenience. No excuses. Dr. E. Ewing, Site-114 Director ADDENDUM 3199-04: Experiment Logs EXPERIMENT 3199-E-01 - 'Heat Exposure' - █/█/2017 Subject: One egg sample from SCP-3199. Method: Subject relocated to a secure containment cell. Inside temperature of the cell was gradually increased at an average rate of 7°C/minute. Results: After approx. nine minutes, the egg ruptured violently and produced a single hatchling. On-site personnel reacted swiftly to re-contain the newborn instance. However, the excessive internal temperature appears to have impacted the physical maturity of the hatchling, and it reached adolescence at an accelerated rate of 40 seconds. The (now adolescent) hatchling produced two further instances of SCP-3199. Security response on-site was swift, and all three instances were detained cleanly. All subsequent heat experiments involving SCP-3199's eggs have been postponed until further notice. EXPERIMENT 3199-E-02 - 'Cold Exposure' - █/█/2017 Subject: One egg sample from SCP-3199. Method: Subject submerged entirely in liquid nitrogen. Security remain on standby throughout the procedure, in light of prior experiments. After approximately 45 minutes of exposure, SCP-3199 had reached -190°C. Following two hours of exposure, the egg was removed and placed under a hydraulic press. Results: Hydraulic press peaked at pressures of around 9,000 psi. Cracks appeared approximately 30 minutes into exposure before the sample shattered. Egg fragments were collected and furthermore pressed into a fine pulp. Zero traces of albumen or yolk were located. Complete incineration of the shell's remains proved successful in destroying the egg and its reproductive capabilities entirely. EXPERIMENT 3199-E-03 - 'Chemical Analysis of Shell' - ██/█/2017 Sample: Ten grams of finely pressed eggshell pulp, taken from an SCP-3199 egg. Results: Detailed chemical breakdown shows traces of nacre, enamel, and a currently unidentified carbon compound. Microscope analysis suggests that the shell itself is composed of a tightly packed crystalline structure. Practical application of this material is pending administrative approval. Footnotes 1. Gallus gallus domesticus. 2. Pan troglodytes. 3. Mustela erminea. 4. Margaritifera margaritifera 5. Vipera berus. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3199" by bittermixin, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: resized.jpg Author: Ryan Van Dongen License: Copyrighted (Used with permission) Source Link: ArtStation Additional Notes: Permission Used
 close Info X SCP-3200: Chronos Author: weizhong + More articles by weizhong - Hide list SCPs SCP-2006 Rating: 2007 SCP-2950 Rating: 866 SCP-2599 Rating: 849 SCP-2800 Rating: 583 SCP-3200 Rating: 539 SCP-4007 Rating: 418 SCP-2750 Rating: 312 SCP-2201 Rating: 241 SCP-2101 Rating: 222 SCP-2050 Rating: 213 SCP-2440 Rating: 199 SCP-2301 Rating: 180 SCP-1842 Rating: 178 SCP-2012 Rating: 170 SCP-2499 Rating: 166 SCP-1644 Rating: 166 SCP-2775 Rating: 147 SCP-2925 Rating: 137 SCP-1758 Rating: 136 SCP-972 Rating: 126 SCP-7030 Rating: 125 SCP-314-J Rating: 99 SCP-2625 Rating: 96 SCP-2588 Rating: 92 SCP-6030 Rating: 89 SCP-5725 Rating: 81 SCP-2896 Rating: 63 SCP-5975 Rating: 54 + All Tales by weizhong - Hide list Tales The Meaning of Fear Rating: 255 Right? Rating: 206 After The End Rating: 96 The Tinkerer Rating: 96 Spirit Dust Rating: 70 Leisure Time Rating: 64 Mission Accomplished Rating: 59 A Broken Tool Rating: 48 Of Meetings and Meals Rating: 45 The Space Soldier Rating: 44 Trip Hammer Rating: 41 Eulogies Rating: 26 All Work and No Play Rating: 23 Another Day On The Job Rating: 17 Unveiling Rating: 13 Conferencing Rating: 10 + GOI formats by weizhong - Hide list SCPs UIU File: 2017-003 Rating: 199 UIU File: 1933-001 Rating: 78 + All coauthored articles featuring weizhong - Hide list Page Authors Unusual Incidents Unit Hub Drewbear, CryogenChaos Project Palisade, 001 Proposal thedeadlymoose, Drewbear, and Dexanote TKO thedeadlymoose and Drewbear SCP-5050-EX CityToast Competitive Teleology Riemann SCP-5882 Riemann Map of SCP-3200, as reported by civilian scientific authorities. All points seen represent stars/galaxies in front of the anomaly. Item #: SCP-3200 Special Containment Procedures: At present, primary containment procedures consist of exploring ways to slow down the expansion of SCP-3200. All potential research inquiries along this line are open for consideration, as no current solution, permanent or temporary, has been found. Foundation affiliated researchers have been suitably implanted into civilian scientific institutions in order to both discourage serious inquiry into the nature of SCP-3200 while also conducting independent research into the anomaly. Rescue attempts for the crewmembers of the Peregrine-9 expedition are not being considered at this time. Description: SCP-3200 is a region of space, currently 300 million light years in diameter, located at approximately right ascension 14h 50m and declination 46°, commonly referred to as the Boötes Void by civilian scientists. At present, the exact properties of SCP-3200 are unknown, as most research into the anomaly was conducted by the now defunct Peregrine Expedition Program. As such, there is considerable debate into how exactly SCP-3200 functions, though the following principles are considered to be accurate by majority consensus: SCP-3200 represents an exceptionally thin (and potentially open) region of spacetime such that trans-universal contact is possible through SCP-3200. The anomaly is expanding at a rate of 1 million light years per year. The expansion of SCP-3200 poses a non-zero threat of a UK-Class Universal Collapse Scenario. All other points concerning the exact properties of SCP-3200 are considered to be highly speculative. Researchers looking for more information concerning the anomaly may consult the following compiled reports on SCP-3200. History of the Anomaly: The anomaly was first discovered by civilian scientists who noted that the region of space possessed significantly fewer galaxies than one would expect from any other region of space; notably, while a similar size region of space should contain 2000 galaxies, SCP-3200 only possesses 60. Foundation researchers at Site 118 conducting research into extrasolar anomalies noted extremely high Hume levels arising from SCP-3200, but were unable to determine any reason for this. Continued research into SCP-3200 would not be seriously conducted until the launch of the Peregrine expeditions in 2008. Original Peregrine Expedition Mission Statement With the creation of ever-sophisticated technology by members of our applied sciences divisions, we often find uses for various advances that we had never before considered. The creation of the first temporal sinks by Foundation researchers showed us that time can be manipulated, slowed down, or even held constant from the perspectives of different viewers. As such, we aim to use modified temporal sink devices in the launch of a new Foundation space initiative in order to better understand non-terrestrial anomalies. By speeding up time relative to us on Earth for the crewmembers of our planned spacecraft, we can accomplish advanced space travel to many distant locations. Temporal sinks allow us to maintain the natural flow of time for both us observers on Earth and the crewmembers of the expedition, maintaining causality in all frames of reference. It is a simple matter of cryogenically freezing our crewmembers for however long they intend to travel, activating our modified temporal sinks, and then waking them up when they arrive at their destination, in a frame of time that is usable by our standards, all without violating causality. Small scale tests indicate that we could use these temporal sinks aboard fuel-efficient ion thruster powered spacecraft to send researchers hundreds of million of light years away and back in the space of a few months, allowing us to vastly improve our knowledge of extrasolar anomalies. -Dr. Aleksey Dimitrov The approval of this experimental technology in order to study extrasolar anomalies led to the launch of the Peregrine expeditions in order to glean more data on several different extrasolar anomalies. SCP-3200 was selected as the target of the Peregrine-9 expedition, launched November 29th, 2010. The crew of the Peregrine-9 expedition. From left to right: Alexander Moreau, Mikhail Kuznetsov, and Thomas Sewell. Peregrine-9 Expedition Details Objective: Conduct research into the nature of SCP-3200 and ascertain origins of abnormally high Hume levels. Crewmembers: Mission Commander/Pilot Captain Mikhail Kuznetsov, mechanical engineer; Researcher Alexander Moreau, astrophysicist; and Researcher Thomas Sewell, extrasolar containment specialist. Flight Details: Mission will take place from 11/29/10 to 11/29/16. Flight time using temporal sinks will occupy roughly 4 years of total mission time, during which crewmembers will be cryogenically frozen. On 2/28/16, the Foundation recovered a capsule launched by Peregrine-9, consisting of modified segments of the original Peregrine-9 shuttle. The following is a collection of relevant logs and transcripts found inside the capsule. Full reports may be retrieved pending approval from the Project Director. Recorded Date: 2/1/13 Camera feed begins. Kuznetsov is seen adjusting the camera as the rest of the crew seems to have only just awoken from cryosleep. Moreau: And just like that, we’re 700 million light years from home. Didn’t feel like anything to me. Sewell: It’s a little scary, and a little amazing. So this means that we're firmly inside the anomaly then? Kuznetsov: Correct. I don’t feel anything different though. Moreau: Take a look outside. Moreau takes the camera and shows the view outside the spacecraft. It is pitch black, with no signs of any stars or galaxies visible. Moreau: Now that’s disturbing. Pure blackness. All three men are silent. Sewell: What do you suppose is out there? Kuznetsov: Who knows? It's our job to figure it out. Camera feed ends. Recorded Date: 2/2/13 Camera feed begins. Kuznetsov is seen sitting in front of the camera. Kuznetsov: This is Captain Mikhail Kuznetsov of the Peregrine-9 mission. Reporting in on Day 1 of the mission, which has already hit a snag. The first thing we tried to do was to verify the anomalous Hume levels that our more Earthbound satellites were able to pick up but our Kant counters don't seem to be functioning properly here. The Hume levels we're reading are fluctuating rapidly, anywhere from almost 0 to absurd numbers in the hundreds. If we came all the way here only to have faulty Kant counters…heh. What a tragedy that'd be. Kuznetsov is seen pausing, and then looking out the viewport. Kuznetsov: Still, there seems to be something…off about this place. We'll have to do more research later. That's all for today I suppose. Camera feed ends. Recorded Date: 3/13/13 Camera feed begins. All three crewmembers are seen surrounding what appears to be a box of some kind. Kuznetsov is seen directly facing the camera. Kuznetsov: So, today we woke up and saw a box outside. Moreau: Floating around in the middle of space nowhere. Just sitting pretty. Kuznetsov: We just recovered the object and are about to open it. Nobody panic, alright? Nervous chuckles from the group. Kuznetsov stands off to the side by the ejection port. Moreau lifts the hatch on the box carefully, and looks inside. Moreau: It's a…CD. Should we run it? Kuznetsov: Go ahead. Use the isolated computer, it's not connected to anything. Moreau runs the CD, which opens up a film on the computer. Following a nod from Kuznetsov, he plays it. The film shows a view of Captain Kuznetsov, sitting in front of a camera. Kuznetsov: What the hell? Film-Kuznetsov: This is Captain Mikhail Kuznetsov of the Peregrine-9 mission. Reporting in on Day 35. Still no signs of slowing down the anomaly's growth. We can't get any good data on it either because we still can't get any of our counters working. Still, we will see what we can do…for the good of us all. Signing off. The film ends by this point. Camera feed ends. Recorded Date: 3/21/13 Camera feed begins. Kuznetsov is seen in front of the camera again. Kuznetsov: This is Captain Mikhail Kuznetsov of the Peregrine-9 mission. Reporting in on Day 47 of the mission. Over the past week or so, we've picked up about 12 more recordings of me speaking about the anomaly in question. Kuznetsov sighs, and is seen rubbing his neck. Kuznetsov: We're still not any closer to answers though. All of these other versions of myself seem to know more about what's going on than I do, since they all reference stopping SCP-3200. Wish this version of me could know half as much as they seem to…heh. Which reminds me: No, the Kant counters still don't work. Still not sure why. Kuznetsov leans back, and rubs his face. Kuznetsov: Moreau thinks that we're seeing something from other universes, which would explain where these things are coming from. Thomas believes that something is off about the reality surrounding this anomaly, which would explain the malfunctioning Kant counters, but we have no idea why that is either. In summary: We have a whole lot of nothing and a lot of questions. That's all for today. Camera feed ends. Recorded Date: 8/6/13 Camera feed begins. Kuznetsov is seen with his head in his hands. He looks up at the camera. Kuznetsov: Today marked the 38th tape we've recovered of myself. We've gotten 38 different capsules containing tapes of myself speaking to a camera, just like I'm doing now. And none of them are exactly the same. In each video, I'm wearing different clothes, the date is off, I have different hair, all kinds of things. And I've got no damn idea why. Kuznetsov leans into the camera. Kuznetsov: What worries me the most is that we still haven't found out any details about what exactly SCP-3200 is doing. We're pretty sure that this is a region of some weird spacetime stuff; Moreau is adamant that this is a region where spacetime is pretty thin, allowing for contact between universes. But beyond that, we just don't know exactly what's happening. Worse, we've started finding more than capsules…things like bodies. Mine, Sewell's, Moreau's, and some of people that I've never seen. Parts of shuttles using technology that I haven't seen before, and other scraps of things that I don't understand at all. Kuznetsov shudders. Kuznetsov: There is something deeply wrong about this place. It feels fundamentally misplaced. That it doesn't belong. I don't know what else we can find here. Signing off for today. Camera feed ends. The following was written in Captain Kuznetsov's personal notes regarding the mission on 8/21/13. How many times? How many times have we been here? This is the question that keeps me up at night, the question that has brought me no rest. We are certainly not the first, and every other Kuznetsov out there seems to have been brought low by this same question. We recovered a log today. The man that I saw on that tape was old. Very old. He had been recording the anomaly for a long time. Years, perhaps even decades. Thousands of tapes recovered. No answers. He had studied it for years and years, and nowhere did he find an answer to why this was happening. They say that the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. If so, then just how mad are we? On 9/7/13, Captain Kuznetsov apparently vanished while attempting to retrieve another tape. He reappeared two days later on 9/9/13, extremely dehydrated and weak. The other crewmembers report that Kuznetsov recorded this message shortly before lapsing into a coma: We were fools. The void isn't a region where spacetime is ruined; it's the source of the tear itself. Spacetime itself is rending itself apart and we're seeing echoes of every timeline in the past and future. Time is an ouroboros, devouring itself again and again, only to be reborn. I saw all of it. All of the times we tried to stop it in the past. All the times that I tried to stop it in the past. And the future. This happens again and again, until we get it right. Over and over again, we try and try to fix it. All times blend together until we reach singularity and all is lost. The tear opens more holes everywhere in reality, and the anomalies appear faster and faster, but containment is only delaying the inevitable. The inevitable cleansing of the slate. I saw all the timelines. And we haven't stopped it in any of them. Mater' Bozhya.1 We have seen into the abyss, and by God, it hates us. This was the last recorded event that was stored in the recovered capsule; given the passing of Peregrine-9's original end date, the expedition is considered to be lost. Footnotes 1. "Mother of God" in Russian.
WK-11 5340 AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED CLASS H RESTRICTED INFORMATION PROTOCOLS In accordance with O5-Order 15128 the contents of this file are restricted to personnel who have obtained WK-11/5340 authorization. Attempted infractions will result in disciplinary action, including but not necessarily limited to: demotion, mandatory-duty transfers, partial/total CQT isolation, and/or termination. . . [VERIFY CREDENTIALS] [CREDENTIALS ACCEPTED] . . Item #: SCP-3201 Special Containment Procedures: Containment procedures for SCP-3201 are limited primarily to disinformation protocols surrounding SCP-3201, exchanges and agreements with SCP-3201, and communications with SCP-3201. Foundation assets are to maintain a continual presence within media and meteorological organizations listed in Document Q5/903. SCP-3201 instances are to be referred to as "ball lightning" or variations thereof, depending on the nature of the incident. Standard Class-A amnestics are to be administered aerially to populations situated within 1.5km of the location of the appearance of an SCP-3201 instance with discretion based upon flight path and diameter (see Document AW/N3-K1). Residents of Logashkino, Sakha, were forcefully vacated in 1984 by GRU-P officials after regular reports of SCP-3201 instances (2008) Only CL/3000 and above personnel who have obtained WK-11/5340 authorization are permitted to directly interact and communicate with SCP-3201 instances, with reasonable exceptions for task-force personnel and D-class personnel during testing. Foundation personnel who have not obtained WK-11/5340 authorization, or individuals from partner organizations, may be assigned to SCP-3201 research, under the condition that they are amnesticised following the discontinuation of their research (see Document EH/RO-2E). Exchanges, bartering, and trade agreements with SCP-3201 must be conducted by personnel familiar with Collingua, the constructed interlingua used for communication between humans and SCP-3201 instances. Researchers are required to study records of the 1983 Archivist-Foundation Accords as a basis for conduct in negotiating future agreements. Negotiators are advised to familiarize themselves with the aesthetic preferences of particular SCP-3201 instances. Keter-class anomalous objects must not be used for bartering purposes. Routes to Logashkino, located in Sakha, Russian Federation, must be restricted to Foundation personnel. Satellite imagery, property records, and all forms of print and digital media are to suggest that Logashkino was formerly a trading post, but has been completely uninhabited since 1998 with the exception of outposts by Russian logging and mineral corporations. Twenty permanent personnel are to remain on site at all times for maintenance. Personnel who have not obtained WK-11/5340 access credentials are to be amnesticised after departing from the Logashkino site. It is suggested that internal Foundation employees without WK-11/5340 authorization be led to believe that Logashkino is an isolation site for a logograph-based cognitomorphological virus in order to discourage undue interest in Eigen-12. A 1967 preliminary document, first illustrated documentation of SCP-3201 Description: SCP-3201 is the collective designation for a class of sentient, mobile hyperdimensional entities, appearing as luminous spheres with variations in colour and diameter. SCP-3201 instances identify themselves as "Archivists" to Foundation personnel, and are usually identified as ball lightning in the wider scientific community. SCP-3201 instances were first brought to the attention of the Foundation as potential anomalies after several aerial sightings of "kraut fireballs" or "foo-fighters" over Germany in November 1944, described as "resembling Christmas tree lights, usually non-hostile and unable to be outmaneuvered". Initially classified as naturally-occurring electromagnetic phenomena, an SCP-3201 instance was reported once again by MTF Chi-3 ("Exorcists") in 1959 as a central figure of worship within an anomalous Melanesian cargo-cult community — stones, shells, gems and animal bones chiselled into polyhedral shapes, would be ritualistically offered to the instance, in exchange for which the instance would provide crates of canned foods and various Western manufactured goods from nearby parallel universes (see Addendum AJ/151). In 1968, it was ascertained that eigenstations, originally constructed by the Foundation to meet increasing energy requirements for dimensional containment operations in Site-62, acted as "attractants" for SCP-3201 instances. Repeated contact between SCP-3201 instances and Site-62 researchers enabled the analysis and translation of symbols used by SCP-3201, which enable topologically and mathematically precise communication. SCP-3201 instances were capable of transferring knowledge of this constructed language between themselves. Example of items collected by SCP-3201-25 (1985) Through these communications, SCP-3201 instances communicated their intentions to "collect" and "archive" specific types of objects. For example, SCP-3201-4 primarily archives spotted turtles (Clemmys guttata), with a preference towards specific spot patterns and weights. According to SCP-3201-4, no other nearby parallel universes host spotted turtles. SCP-3201 instances are known to change preferences after finding an appropriate item. By order, the first eight SCP-3201 instances expressed the desire to collect "ideal versions" of the following items: Platonic solids (tetrahedra, cubes, octahedra, dodecahedra, or icosahedra) ranging between 5cm and 30cm in width. Preference for smoothness. Dark green Wellington boots. Preferences unknown. [REDACTED] Turtles resembling Clemmys guttata. Preference for specific spot patterns, weight between 100g-130g. Seeds of unclassified organism. SCP-3201-5 provided examples of said seeds, which were transported to Site-103, and cultivated in a high-moisture, carbon-dioxide-rich environment. Seeds germinated into a vine-like plant containing pockets of methanous hydrogen gas. After eighteen days, the plant appeared to detach itself, developed into a free-standing floating structure in the center of the greenhouse, and continually dispersed seeds onto the ground before incinerating itself two days later. Denominations of currency bearing the number '5'. Preference towards warmer colours. (?) WWII-era foxhole crystal radio receivers. Preference towards functional receivers. Unknown object class. Described as spherical in shape, metallic in composition, covered in elongated spindles, and approximately two metres in diameter - apparently extant in nearby universes. SCP-3201-8 provided researchers with an example of the object, which appears to be neutrally buoyant, and emits electromagnetic radiation in structured pulses at 528 Hz. Air temperatures within 1.5km of the object decreased by 8 degrees Celsius over the course of three hours over the duration of testing. Function unknown, researchers were requested by SCP-3201-8 to manufacture more. Request was denied. Translated by ██ ██ Observations and testimony collected from May 21 Guangzhou factory incident JULY 15, 1983 KEY INFORMATION Incident occurred in Liwan Ceramics Co. Ltd. a ceramics manufacturing factory in Liwan, Guangzhou. Factory was of no interest to foreign intelligence agencies. Incident occurred from 11:33 to 3:08 (May 21, 1983). Thirty-four witnesses were present. Most accounts are consistent. Unlikely to pose immediate security threat. At 11:33, a slightly-indistinct "sphere of light" was observed in the workshop, hovering in the air, approximately three metres off the floor, with no visible supports. Over the next minute, the sphere of light grew and became more distinct. The sphere was orange/red tinted (twelve report orange, eight report red, fourteen are unsure). The sphere measured 3.5 metres in diameter at its maximum. The sphere had the luminescence of an ordinary light-bulb, and was not extremely bright, nor did it radiate heat. ██ states that, nevertheless, the air surrounding the sphere distinctly rippled in a manner suggestive of a heat wave. This was confirmed by nineteen other witnesses. The sphere started to slowly circle the room in a "predatory" / "inquisitive" / "uncertain" manner at 11:37, passing through several solid objects unimpeded. These objects show no signs of damage nor do they display any unusual features. At approximately 1:00, the sphere appeared to lightly burn several seemingly-handwritten Traditional characters onto a wall. These were: 貿 ("commerce, trade, barter"), 有 ("1. to have, 2. to exist"), 罐 ("jar"), 要 ("1. to demand, 2. to want"), 愿 ("1. honest, sincere, 2. wish, hope"), 錢 ("money"), and 金 ("1. copper, 2. gold"). The first batch of Ming-era reproduction vases had finished in the morning. ██, the site manager, approached the sphere and attempted to communicate with it. ██ established a system by which ██ would ask a question and the sphere would burn either a circle or a cross to indicate affirmation and negation over the course of one hour. ██ reported having successfully made a trade agreement. From 2:35 to 2:39, the sphere "swallowed" thirty-four vases (accounts are inconsistent). Over the course of a minute, the sphere slowly diminished in magnitude and distinctness until it completely disappeared. Starting from 3:01, the sphere reappeared in the same manner as previously described. After fully reappearing, the sphere circled over the workers for three minutes while "showering" them with approximately 600 kg of currency in the form of the renminbi, pristine Imperial-era copper coins, silver coinage, and various unidentifiable forms of currency (most notably banknotes featuring both Chinese and French with a silhouette of the current borders of the People's Republic of China in addition to Mongolia and the northern portion of Vietnam). Over the next three minutes, the sphere deposited approximately 1900 kg of molecularly-pure gold in long, cylindrical bars measuring 0.38 metres in diameter onto the factory floor. Objects were confiscated. The sphere disappeared over the course of a minute in a manner consistent with previous descriptions. Memo from Director of Site-62 to O5 Council January 30, 1969 BIMONTHLY DEVELOPMENTS DECEMBER – JANUARY AT SITE-62 Researcher Nouell Bourland (10291) has recently joined Site-62, with L2340 access permissions. Researcher ███ K█████ (████) has been promoted to Head Researcher. Efforts to retrieve former Head Researcher G███ █████ from SCP-███, located on the lunar surface, are still ongoing. Communication with the American space program for hastened retrieval is suggested. Local government is proposing the construction of a motorway close to Site-62 operations, please advise. Project Ambriel, more informally known as the "Eigenstation Project", was successfully completed this month, and has begun operation. Eigenstations operate through the Gillenstrap-Hume Dispersal Principle – Kosen cyclers are used to create extremely rapid fluctuations of Hume concentrations within areas of space approx. 3.5nm2, resulting in "ripples" within causal reality, which are easily harvested. Appears to be manifesting "ball lightning" or "foo fighter" entities, we are uncertain as to whether this is a psychological effect or a physical phenomenon. Please advise. Transcript #3133 - "Head Researcher K██████ & Fourth Instance" August 3, 1971 [Extraneous content redacted] Head Researcher K██████: In that case, what is the earliest cosmological event you remember having observed? SCP-3201-4: | «STAR-PLURAL» | «MULTITUDE-GROUP» | «loc. WITHIN» | «GEOMETRIC-DESCRIPTION-OF-A-SPHERE» | «SHAPE-TRANSFORMATION» | «GEOMETRIC-DESCRIPTION-OF-A-SPIRAL» | Formation of our galaxy? Head Researcher K██████: Could you describe to me your concept of an Earth year? SCP-3201-4: | «GEOMETRIC-DESCRIPTION-OF-THE-EARTH» | «loc. ON-SURFACE-OF» | «mov. CIRCULAR» | «loc. RELATIVE-RETURN-TO-POSITION» | «dir. W°11.1022981020516790039813…» | [COORDINATES REDACTED FOR BREVITY] | «STAR-SINGULAR» | Head Researcher K██████: How many years have you existed for? SCP-3201-4: | «CONFUSION» | Head Researcher K██████: Was there a point in time at which you did not exist? SCP-3201-4: | «CONFUSION» | Head Researcher K██████: Were you created? SCP-3201-4: | «CONFUSION» | Head Researcher K██████: Have you seen any other civilizations apart from ours? SCP-3201-4: | «AFFIRMATION-OF-ACCURATE-INFORMATION» | Head Researcher K██████: How many apart from ours have you have observed? SCP-3201-4: | «3» | Head Researcher K██████: But there are more? SCP-3201-4: | «AFFIRMATION-OF-ACCURATE-INFORMATION» | Head Researcher K██████: And you haven't observed them directly? SCP-3201-4: | «AFFIRMATION-OF-ACCURATE-INFORMATION» | Head Researcher K██████: Why? SCP-3201-4: | «DISINTEREST» | «ABSENCE-OF» | «GEOMETRIC-DESCRIPTION-OF-TURTLE-PLURAL» | Head Researcher K██████: Are these civilizations extant? SCP-3201-4: | «NEGATION» | Head Researcher K██████: How many years ago did the last civilization cease to exist? SCP-3201-4: | «5,317,918,106» | Head Researcher K██████: Was this civilization in our galaxy? SCP-3201-4: | «NEGATION» | Head Researcher K██████: Was this civilization in the Local Group? SCP-3201-4: | «NEGATION» | Head Researcher K██████: I see. Why are the Archivists here? SCP-3201-4: | «BEACON» | «INVESTIGATION» | Head Researcher K██████: What are your purposes here? SCP-3201-4: | «OBJECTS-WITH-LOW-ENTROPY» | «PURPOSE / DUTY» | «UNIVERSE-MUSEUM» | «ARCHIVE» | «PRESERVATION-FROM» | «UNIVERSAL-THERMODYNAMIC-EQUILIBRIUM» | Head Researcher K██████: By universal thermodynamic equilibrium … you mean … the heat death of our universe? SCP-3201-4: | «AFFIRMATION-OF-ACCURATE-INFORMATION» | Head Researcher K██████: That won't happen for trillions of trillions of years. SCP-3201-4: | «AFFIRMATION-OF-ACCURATE-INFORMATION» | SCP-3201-4 leaves END OF TRANSCRIPT THE ULTIMATE FATE OF THE UNIVERSE: A SHORT GUIDE FOR FOUNDATION PERSONNEL DR. ████ LUNSFORD CHAPTER THREE – THE HEAT DEATH The idea of the heat-death fascinated and frightened cultures and civilizations for millennia, before it was given a basis in scientific fact. In the twenty-thousand-year-old mythology of the Oplachuyayan tribe of SCP-███, was the balanced triality of the three primal gods. The Oplachuyayans believed that since their progeny, Chaos and Order had fought battle upon battle with one another, and although immortal, would grow steadily weaker as time passed. In Oplachuyayan storytelling, it was said that in 10100 years, Chaos and Order would have their last battle, after which their third brother, Silence, would come to rule over the universe. In 12QNum, a manuscript fragment attributed to [REDACTED], an anomalous Judaist sect dated to the 2nd century CE, are the words: " … dreamed of one in one hundred stars falling, and those stars remained, and none rose thereafter. And he waited for ten years, and one hundred years, until all the stars that had remained had fallen, and there was nothing. And nothing remained." The observation that turned the heat death from story to certainty, was Edward Hubble's 1929 discovery that every galaxy in the universe appeared to be receding from our own. From this, he concluded that the universe was expanding, rather than static as Einstein had assumed. The heat death as a concept in cosmology refers to another possible fate of the universe, distinct from the Big Crunch, the Big Rip, the Big Split, and the Big Merge, very far into the future. According to our current scientific knowledge, the gas required for normal star formation will no longer be available in 100 trillion years. This will result in a universe dominated by white dwarf stars, growing fewer and fewer as each star slowly runs out of available fuel. As cold ex-stellar bodies merge together and fall into enormous black hole singularities over trillions of trillions of years, eventually, the universe will be completely devoid of light. Any life that comes into being in this time will never know stars – the sky will be empty. But not even these black holes would last forever – our current understanding of Hawking radiation indicates that all black holes, even those with masses exceeding galaxies, slowly leak subatomic particles into space. Over a period of 10100 years, every single last black hole will have vanished. The universe by this point will be rapidly expanding – so empty, dark, and cold, that the distance between one photon and its closest neighbour, will exceed the current distance between the Earth, and the edge of the observable universe. At this point, the universe will be in its highest possible entropy state, and for all intents and purposes, it will have reached its final fate, its final end. THIS IS THE END OF EXHIBIT #2,914,802,940,784,178,024,210 CLASS: ELECTRONIC OBJECT Entropy increased as expected. Total universal thermodynamic equilibrium was attained at 2.829383810393928102 x 10104 years after creation, in contrast to the predicted date of 1.0102920192899092 x 10100 YAC, due to extended entropy-reducer activity. Entropy-reducer activity ceased following significant proton-decay. A group of 3,461,501,019 entropy-reducers re-created a Beacon. Archivists were sent to investigate. Stranded Technicians were not found within 86,700 light-years of Beacon location, and search was concluded negative. Contact with entropy-reducers was retained until entropy-reducers self-terminated for unknown reasons 1.16 x 102 years after initial Beacon creation. 6,908,017,318,855,191,004,119,248,194,872,949 Exhibits were preserved, including the preceding electronic object. See Addendum 11/A103931 for further information. REPORT COMPILED BY THE FOLLOWING ARCHIVISTS: 673571 173191 660383 367958 377071 955125 749420 796348 714989 395983 458576 613648 580616 221836 480144 805020 140647 335238 375758 371976 288823 599177 689331 452829 189770 853142 548056 941269 170059 953813 969140 705209 940107 153904 635085 252039 741710 883825 637667 970862 600936 100475 988699 544769 348289 288882 773351 683959 925806 934856 978203 549884 109562 746128 989156 155388 827374 940146 245856 609298 297850 612337 344459 808233 850402 572905 530248 720638 169510 397096 297506 974519 594750 576402 115125 186190 549483 972716 588953 792183 945441 208035 570133 796798 752779 824892 881027 742615 289714 978322 531719 267557 892804 767119 352076 604033 616024 883305 129723 581215 940265 154541 382035 431398 244985 799192 496245 953725 952282 555127 132456 924214 685675 919861 718206 999259 713618 562350 795023 526005 939856 183488 274530 741211 426695 676459 581748 822144 479969 566830 553525 326575 201311 637430 803435 860373 744561 795577 492693 769168 145506 852272 279395 741608 167443 600049 959523 394689 858106 776646 315932 193710 996791 686630 335186 846891 259215 920519 659273 330751 898664 919404 523736 999730 619882 613517 546730 584502 474204 541234 886503 949587 769238 822761 343573 196859 863308 340934 965728 538967 709014 898935 676145 850327 615872 520095 637569 858678 426257 385053 510112 489288 595302 218182 973093 494747 351193 269849 742772 475653 SUMMARY OF UNIVERSE #139331920100933 It was mostly nothing. But there were some interesting parts.
NO RUNNING SCP-3202, before its conversion to an indoor pool. Item #: SCP-3202 Special Containment Procedures: The pool containing SCP-3202 has been purchased by a Foundation front company (the SCP Pool Corporation) and converted to an indoor pool. It is to remain closed to the public under the pretense of ongoing renovations. The pool is to be drained when testing is not underway. Any entities that emerge from SCP-3202 are to be captured for study if possible. Description: SCP-3202 is an interdimensional portal located in the public swimming pool at ████████████ Park in ████████, VA. For an individual to pass through SCP-3202, the following criteria must be met: The individual must dive into SCP-3202 from the diving board. The individual must be wearing a bathing suit and no other clothes. The individual must have showered no more than fifteen (15) minutes before diving. The individual must not have eaten within the last hour. Upon passing completely below the surface of the water, individuals meeting these criteria are transported to an extradimensional space designated SCP-3202-1. Addendum 5844-1: Exploration of SCP-3202-1. D-48923 was the first test subject sent into SCP-3202. She was equipped with bathing suit, tinted swimming goggles, a waterproof head-mounted camera, and a radio transmitter. When D-48923 failed to return or make contact within 24 hours of entry, D-54882 was sent to explore SCP-3202 and recover her if possible. He also failed to return or make contact within 24 hours. It is assumed that radio transmissions cannot pass through SCP-3202-1. Due to his past experience with similar anomalies, exploration specialist D-11424 was chosen to enter SCP-3202-1 next. D-11424 was equipped similarly to the previous test subjects, minus the radio transmitter. Access Exploration Log – hide block <begin log> [D-11424 is standing at the base of the ladder leading to SCP-3202's diving board.] Researcher Lee Roy Carlson: -new kidney treating you? D-11424: Works fine so far. Let's hope I don't lose it again. [D-11424 climbs the ladder, then looks at Researcher Lee Roy Carlson, who is standing at the edge of the pool a few meters away.] D-11424: You guys ready? Carlson: Whenever you are. D-11424: Alright. [D-11424 takes a deep breath, then begins running towards the end of the diving board.] D-11424: Cannonball! [D-11424 leaps into SCP-3202 and resurfaces in SCP-3202-1.] D-11424: Ah! [D-11424 looks around. He is now floating in a large body of water that stretches to the horizon. The water is extremely clear and, aside from the waves created by D-11424, still. A sun visually similar to Earth's hangs in a blue, cloudless sky overhead. A small, low island with a gray, rectangular structure on it is visible less than a kilometer away.] D-11424: Crap, I lost my trunks.1 You guys better blur out my junk. [D-11424 looks down. Despite the clarity of the water, the bottom is not visible. D-11424 looks up at the island.] D-11424: Guess I'm going that way. [D-11424 begins swimming toward the island, using the breast stroke. He pauses about halfway to the island and floats on his back to rest.] D-11424: [slightly out of breath] Captain's log, stardate…shit, I don't know what day it is. Oh well. Anyway, I'm about halfway to that island. The water tastes like chlorine, and it's kinda cold. [D-11424 turns his head to either side.] Basically, it's a really big pool. Hopefully that building over there is a concession stand. [laughs] I'm working up an appetite. [D-11424 rests for a few more minutes, then resumes swimming. When he is approximately 100 meters from the island, the bottom of the water becomes visible a considerable depth below. It appears to be blue-painted concrete, like the bottom of SCP-3202.] [D-11424 continues approaching the island, speeding up slightly. The bottom slopes upward as he approaches, becoming shallow enough for him to stand approximately 25 meters from the island. D-11424 does so.] D-11424: That is not a normal island. [The island appears rectangular and approximately 25 meters long on the side facing D-11424. In lieu of a beach, the island is ringed by a concrete wall with a curved upper lip, identical to the edges of SCP-3202. The island's only visible features are a rectangular concrete structure at its center, and a series of irregularly spaced pool ladders around its edges. Numerous "NO RUNNING" signs have been placed at seemingly random locations on the sides of the structure.] [D-11424 begins wading towards the island.] D-11424: What the- [D-11424 looks down. He raises his right foot and turns it. A large band-aid is stuck to the sole.] D-11424: Ew! [D-11424 vigorously kicks his foot, unsuccessfully attempting to shake off the band-aid.] D-11424: [sighs] This is why I hate public pools. [D-11424 attempts to peel the band-aid from the bottom of his foot. When he touches it, the band-aid suddenly twitches, detaching itself in the process.] D-11424: Gah! [D-11424 swims away from the animate band-aid. He watches as it sinks to the bottom and begins to gradually crawl toward the island, moving its body like an inchworm.] D-11424: Well, that's disgusting. [D-11424 continues wading toward the island, giving the band-aid a wide berth and keeping his eyes on the bottom. As he approaches the island, more small objects are visible on the bottom.] D-11424: Is that money? [D-11424 dives below the water, at this point approximately four feet deep. Various coins are scattered across the bottom. He watches as another animate band-aid slowly moves on top of a nearby penny. The band-aid adheres to the coin with one of its adhesive patches, then curls up to envelop the penny. D-11424 surfaces to take a breath, then dives again. He attempts to pick up a coin, but it appears stuck to the bottom. D-11424 tries again with a similar coin, with identical results, then surfaces.] D-11424: Well, that's weird. They're like…oh, I get it! They're like clams or something, and the band-aids are like starfish. I think this pool's trying to be an ocean. [D-11424 closes the rest of the distance to the island, careful to avoid stepping on any coins or band-aids, which both become more numerous closer to the island. Upon reaching the wall, he looks up at the structure. The island's surface consists entirely of gray porous concrete identical to the deck surrounding SCP-3202. The structure is made from smooth gray concrete and has no visible features, except for more of the same "NO RUNNING" signs. Two doors are evenly spaced along the wall. D-11424 proceeds to the nearest ladder and uses it to exit the water.] D-11424: Wooh! That wind is cold. [D-11424 approaches the left door, which is labeled "MEN".] D-11424: Locker rooms? I hope there's some pants in here. [D-11424 opens the door. The interior is dimly illuminated by a series of clouded glass skylights, revealing a small room containing a bench with lockers on the walls. A hallway opposite the door continues further into the structure. He enters the locker area and begins attempting to open the lockers. Some are locked with combination locks, while others are unlocked but empty. Eventually, D-11424 finds one with an unlocked combination lock and opens it, revealing a lime green gym bag. He opens the bag and finds a dark blue beach towel and a pair of floral-pattern swim trunks.] D-11424: Jackpot! [D-11424 dries himself and dons the trunks. He then places the towel and lock in the bag, which he puts on over his shoulders like a backpack.] D-11424: Kinda big, but beggars can't be choosers. Now, let's see what's over here. [He enters the hallway and comes to a restroom. Pieces of wet toilet paper are strewn about the floor, amid small puddles of unknown liquid.] D-11424: And here I thought that band-aid would be the grossest thing I saw today. [D-11424 enters the bathroom, careful to avoid the puddles and toilet paper in the floor, and checks the stalls. All are uninhabited, but one of the toilets has been defecated in.] D-11424: Seriously? [raises his foot to flush the toilet, but changes his mind and lowers it again] Actually, I bet that goes straight to the pool. No thanks. [D-11424 continues exploring the bathroom. The soap and toilet paper dispensers are found to be empty. The faucets are functional, and he attempts to drink from one of them, only to spit out the water.] D-11424: Yech. Pool water. [D-11424 returns to the locker room and exits the building. It is close to midday. He begins whistling "Volcano" by Jimmy Buffett and rounds the structure to the other side of the island. There are no other entrances to the building, but a similar-looking island is visible in the distance, approximately as far away as the first island was from D-11424's arrival point.] D-11424: Guess that's my next stop. [D-11424 spends a few minutes performing various athletic stretches. He stands up when finished.] D-11424: Alright. Here we go. [D-11424 jumps back into the water and swims towards the next island. The bottom of the pool slopes downward, but plateaus at an estimated depth of ten to fifteen feet. He stops about a fourth of the way there to rest.] D-11424: [out of breath] Man, I'm out of shape. [He continues to float until he catches his breath. As D-11424 rights himself to resume swimming, he notices movement in the distance off to the right of the next island and turns to look. At least a kilometer away, several long, brightly-colored shapes are moving slowly across the surface of the water from D-11424's right to his left.] D-11424: Huh. [He treads water and watches the shapes for about a minute, then resumes swimming. A large, stationary, dark shape becomes visible in the water ahead. As he approaches, it becomes clear that the shape is a dense, roughly circular clump of lane dividers approximately twenty meters in diameter. The lines float vertically with one end just beneath the surface and the other near the bottom.] D-11424: Lane lines? [Diving underwater, D-11424 inspects the dividers. They are anchored by metal rings embedded in the bottom of the pool, and sway slowly back and forth in the current. D-11424 resurfaces to breathe.] D-11424: Like a kelp forest. Too bad there's no otters. [D-11424 swims around the line lines and continues toward the island. The bottom gradually slopes upwards again until, about 25 meters away, D-11424 is able to stand again.] D-11424: [very out of breath] Hah…tired… [He wades closer to the island, looking at his feet. There are band-aids and coins on the bottom here as well, which D-11424 is still careful not to step on. He uses another ladder to climb onto the island. The structure is similar to the one containing the locker rooms, but has no features on the side facing D-11424. He circles around to the other side of the structure. A large rectangular window with a countertop extends along most of its length, and there is a door beside it at the other end. A faded sign above the window reads "CONCESSIONS". A sign on either side says "NO RUNNING".] D-11424: Thank God. [D-11424 looks inside the window. Shelves and unpowered glass-doored refrigerators line the back wall of the structure, containing a variety of drinks and snacks.] D-11424: Anybody home? [D-11424 leans over the counter and peers inside the structure. A few empty food and drink containers litter the floor, but there is no one inside. Seeing this, he moves over to the door, opens it, and enters. He selects a bottle of water and a bag of potato chips, then seats himself on the counter.] D-11424: Alright, I've got all the room-temperature Coke and stale chips I can eat. [D-11424 swings his legs over the counter, to the outside. A third island is visible, the same distance away.] Looks like I'm on the trail of the last guy you sent in. Probably went that way, so I guess that's where I'm going next. [D-11424 spends a few minutes consuming his chips and water.] D-11424: Think I'm gonna stay here for the night, though. [removes the camera and points it at his face] D-11424, signing off. Ha! [D-11424 deactivates the camera. When it reactivates, D-11424 is facing toward the third island. It is early morning; based on the sun's position, D-11424 is facing north. The sky is still cloudless.] D-11424: Here we go, dawn of the second day. Nothing happened last night. Slept on the towel, used some honey buns for a pillow. Wasn't comfortable. Oh, and the moon and stars looked just like the ones back home, in case that means anything to you guys. I've stuffed my bag with snacks and drinks, which will hopefully stay watertight. Not looking forward to swimming with that on my back, but it's better than going hungry. [D-11424 approaches the water and looks down at it. Numerous dead insects of varying species are floating on the surface.] D-11424: Lot of dead bugs in the water today. Haven't seen any live ones, so I don't know how that happened. [D-11424 reenters the water and continues to the next island, pausing to rest occasionally. He stops about 75 meters from the island, however, because there are large shapes moving about on it.] D-11424: Whoa. Are those…birds? [The figures on the island are white and approximately human-sized, but their movement and general shape are reminiscent of large wading birds. There are three in all, moving slowly along the edges of the island. D-11424 resumes swimming toward the island, more slowly than before. As he approaches, the shapes become identifiable as large, wading-bird-like creatures. In place of beaks, long structures ending rectangular nets protrude from their faces. They appear to be using the nets to scoop the dead insects out of the water.] D-11424: [laughs] Pool skimmers. Incredible. [The birds startle at the sound of D-11424's voice and take to the air. They fly away to the west.] D-11424: Oops. [D-11424 continues to the island. It appears identical to the previously explored ones, but there are no structures on it. Instead, dozens of deck chairs are arranged in neat rows across it. "NO RUNNING" has been painted on the concrete with large blocky letters in several places. Yet another island is visible in the distance, but it appears much larger than the previous two and seems to be covered in trees or similar vegetation. D-11424 lays down on one of the deck chairs and sighs in relief.] D-11424: Now this is a place to sleep. Gonna turn off the camera and snooze a bit, if you don't mind. Or if you do. [D-11424 deactivates the camera. When he reactivates it, it is around noon based on the position of the sun.] D-11424: Hey, still here. Took a quick nap, had a snack, stretched, heading for the next island. This one's bigger and looks like it might have trees or something, so that's exciting. [D-11424 moves to the northern side of the island. More of the brightly colored shapes are visible moving across the water between there and the fourth island, heading west.] D-11424: I can't really see 'em from this far away, but I have a hunch that those are floats. Don't know how they're moving without any wind, unless they're alive like those band-aids. Wouldn't be surprised. They're probably the ecological equivalent of dolphins or something. [D-11424 swims to the next island, pausing to rest occasionally. He does not speak until he reaches the island. It is indeed much larger than the previous islands, and the structures that initially appeared to be trees are in fact large, green umbrellas. There are also several "NO RUNNING" signs on posts.] D-11424: Umbrella forest. Okay. [D-11424 climbs out of the water. The umbrellas are arranged with no discernible pattern. Each umbrella emerges directly from the concrete. The umbrella forest continues as far into the island's interior as can be seen. D-11424 consumes some more of his snacks, then continues into the forest.] D-11424: Ugh. What is that smell? [D-11424 continues walking. A clearing in the umbrellas is visible ahead.] D-11424: God, this place stinks. Like a fuckin' sewer. [D-11424 enters the clearing. A small, rectangular pool sits at the center of it, about five meters long and half as wide. The water in the pool is visibly contaminated with copious amounts of blood, urine, and excrement. The mutilated remains of D-54882 lie face-down at the center of the pool.] D-11424: What the- [Two humanoid creatures stand up, emerging from the filthy waters of the small pool. They resemble naked human children. They have excess skin on their upper arms, which dangles loosely. They stare at D-11424.] D-11424: Uh… [The humanoids squeal loudly, revealing unnaturally wide mouths full of sharklike teeth.] D-11424: Ahh! [D-11424 turns and flees. The high-pitched squealing of the humanoids increases in volume as D-11424 continues to run, struggling to avoid colliding with the umbrellas. He reaches the coast and immediately leaps into the water.] [D-11424 resurfaces and turns back toward land. The humanoids emerge from the umbrellas, but stop at the edge of the water and cease squealing.] D-11424: [gasping] Ha! Can't swim, can ya? [The humanoids inhale sharply. The loose skin on their upper arms begins to inflate.] D-11424: Shit. [D-11424 swims rapidly away, now using the freestyle stroke. He continues for as long as possible, but eventually has to stop to catch his breath. He looks over his shoulder while gasping for air. The humanoids are only a short distance behind him, swimming faster than their organic water wings should theoretically allow. D-11424 takes as deep a breath as he can manage and begins swimming again, but is moving more slowly now. He accidentally inhales a mouthful of water and starts to choke.] [D-11424 sinks below the surface of the water. His movements begin to slow.] [What appears to be a hot pink inflatable plastic rectangular pool float moves into view beneath D-11424. It rises, lifting him out of the water. D-11424 coughs violently, eventually managing to expel the water from his lungs. He looks back at the humanoids in pursuit, but the float is moving away faster than they can swim. Several other floats of varying shapes and colors surround the one carrying D-11424. D-11424 rolls over to lie on his back.] [D-11424 does not move or speak for almost an hour. It is likely that he fell unconscious.] [D-11424 awakens. He sits up and looks around. The floats are still surrounding him, and still moving rapidly, apparently under their own power, to the west. The island of the umbrellas is still visible in the distance. There is no visible landmass in any other direction.] D-11424: Did you…thanks for saving me, guys. [pats the float on which he is sitting] [The inflatable pool floats do not respond.] D-11424: So, uh, where're we going? [The inflatable pool floats do not respond.] [D-11424 sighs and lays back down. He retrieves his towel from the gym bag and covers himself with it.] D-11424: [quietly] Gonna get sunburnt out here. [D-11424 rides the float for several more hours. He sleeps intermittently during this period and consumes the last of his snacks and water. It is late afternoon when, while sitting up, he notices another island large in the distance. It has several brown structures on it.] D-11424: Picnic shelters? [he peers into his gym back, now containing only empty plastic wrappers] Hope there's a picnic, too. [The floats continue west until they are close enough to the island for D-11424 to stand in the shallows. He climbs down from the float.] D-11424: [patting the float] Thanks, buddy. [The floats begin moving south, and D-11424 begins wading towards the island. He climbs a nearby ladder and finds himself surrounded by picnic shelters and tables. Paper plates are scattered across the tables, bearing partially-eaten hot dogs, hamburgers, and slices of watermelon. All of the food is moldy, rotten, or otherwise spoiled and being consumed by flies and other insects. There are also plastic cups filled with flat, moldy soft drinks] D-11424: [sigh] Guess I missed the pool party. [D-11424 begins exploring the island. He finds little of note for several minutes, except for a single "NO RUNNING" sign nailed crookedly to a picnic shelter's support column.] [D-11424 stops.] D-11424: [quietly] What is that smell? [D-11424 begins moving slowly northward, presumably towards the source of the smell. Ahead, he sees a large object on one of the tables.] D-11424: Uh oh. [D-11424 cautiously approaches the table. The corpse of D-48923 is splayed upon it. Large, ragged bites have been taken out of her limbs and abdomen, and her head is missing entirely. Bloody child-sized footprints surround the table.] D-11424: God! [D-11424 staggers backwards, bumping into the table behind him. A plastic cup near the edge topples off it with a loud clatter.] [He freezes.] [Several high-pitched squeals split the silence, coming from several directions.] D-11424: Shit shit shit shit shit! [D-11424 sprints in a seemingly random direction, trying to reach the water.] [One of the childlike entities suddenly crawls out from under a picnic table and into D-11424's path. He kicks it forcefully in the side, knocking it over. The entity writhes in pain, clutching its ribcage, as D-11424 leaps over it and continues running.] [D-11424 is almost to the shore when another of the child-entities pulls itself up out of the water, squealing loudly. He looks back and sees another pursuing from behind, webbed hands outstretched toward him. He skids to a halt and takes off to his left, now running parallel to the shore.] [D-11424 bangs his left shin on one of the picnic tables and stumbles to the ground, skinning his right palm on the concrete. He cries out in pain, and the creatures squeal eagerly. By the time he staggers to his feet, they are upon him.] [As D-11424 is tackled, his camera is knocked off and falls on the concrete. Video quality degrades sharply. The camera is pointed away from the struggle.] [Grunts, screams, and squealing are audible.] [There is a loud crunch. Squealing decreases in volume.] [Squealing and screaming both cease. Gargling sounds are heard.] [Gargling ceases.] [Silence.] [Footsteps and heavy breathing approach the camera.] [The camera is picked up. It turns to face D-11424. His face is covered in blood. He is panting with exhaustion.] [D-11424 puts the camera back on. He begins limping towards the shore.] [D-11424 reaches the water. He looks down, revealing no visible bottom; the side of the island drops straight down until it is obscured in the depths.] [He looks to the right. Ladders are spaced unevenly along the shore, interspersed with a few waterslides.] [He looks to the left and cries out. Perhaps 50 meters away, a diving board protrudes out over the water.] [D-11424 limps toward the diving board, moving as quickly as he seems able to.] [When he is almost halfway there, one of the child-like entities - this one much larger than the others, the size of a young teenager - emerges from a picnic shelter and stands in his way, halfway between D-11424 and the diving board. The creature bares its serrated, blood-stained teeth and stares at him.] [D-11424 stops. He waits a moment to catch his breath before he speaks.] D-11424: Bring it. [With an ear-piercing scream, the creature lunges toward him.] [The camera suddenly fails.] <end log> Addendum 5844-2: Access Addendum – hide block Approximately 36 hours after his entry into SCP-3202-1, D-11424 reappeared in SCP-3202, bleeding profusely from several bite wounds. He was still wearing his camera and goggles and carrying a lime green gym bag containing a blue beach towel and the empty wrappers of several snack foods. He was not, however, wearing swimming trunks. After being treated for his injuries, D-11424 was interviewed about what transpired after the camera's failure. <begin log> [D-11424 is lying on an infirmary bed. His wounds are heavily bandaged, but he is conscious and in good spirits.] [Researcher Carlson enters the room.] D-11424: Sup, Lee. Carlson: Sup, Dee. [both chuckle] Carlson: Mind if I sit? [Carlson gestures to a nearby chair.] D-11424: 'Course not. Come on. [Carlson takes a seat.] Carlson: How are you feeling? D-11424: I've been worse. Don't think I'll be going swimming any time soon, though. [chuckles] Carlson: At first I thought we'd lost you, when you showed up bleeding like that. D-11424: Nah, I ain't about to let myself get killed by pool kiddies, of all things. You saw those little freaks, right? Carlson: Yeah, I watched the footage. Well, most of it. D-11424: Most? Carlson: The camera cut out right before you fought the big one. It got damaged when it was knocked off of you. D-11424: [grinning] Wait, so you don't know how I got away? Carlson: That's actually what I'm here to ask you about. [D-11424 laughs, then winces and clutches one of his abdominal wounds.] D-11424: Well, you know I jumped off the diving board, right? Lost my trunks again and everything. Carlson: Yeah, I figured. But how'd you get past that last, uh, "pool kiddie"? D-11424: Well, you know all those "NO RUNNING" signs that were everywhere in there? Carlson: …yeah? D-11424: I, uh, guess the little bastard's feet were still wet from the swim over there. So when he ran at me [D-11424 stifles a laugh and clutches his injury again] Ow, ow. So, when he ran at me… Carlson: Oh my God. He slipped, didn't he? [D-11424 begins laughing loudly, interspersed with painful exclamations.] D-11424: No running! [Carlson shakes his head. He starts laughing as well.] <end log> Footnotes 1. The fate of D-11424's swimming trunks is unknown, as they were not found in SCP-3202. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3202" by Kothardarastrix, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: pool.jpg Name: 20181215_095736 Author: waferboard License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link:
TO: pcs.noitadnuof|rellete#pcs.noitadnuof|rellete FROM: pcs.noitadnuof|lenidregn#pcs.noitadnuof|lenidregn DATE: Jul 08 2017 Hello Dr. Teller, Remember a few weeks ago when you were telling me about your funding problem? How there always seemed to be enough money for the big shots over at Site 19, while us here at 17 are just getting by on the scraps? Eh, you probably don’t since we have the same conversation every other week. But you got me thinking, where the hell does all the money come from? Like, we get quite a bit of funding for an organization that makes no profit and isn’t a government entity, right? Right. Well, I did what any budding detective would do. I followed the money. I did some digging, pulled in a few favors (OK, I just asked Ed from Site 17 accounting), and I found myself looking at the Foundation bank account. Now, this is obviously just a funnel for a number of other Foundation sources. Luckily, I was able to convince the bank clerk to show me the last month of transactions. And no, I’m not going to go into details about the “convincing”. As expected, all of the transfers came from fake companies the Foundation must have set up as a front. They had names like “Allison and Banks Investing”, which is exactly the kind of bland, corporate title that no one would blink an eye at. But, the interesting thing is who these companies have for “customers”. Sure, some have a few million plopped in them from governments, but over 80% of the income for these fronts comes from a single Swiss bank account. You can imagine how confused I was. I was expecting like a long list of celebrities, or other underground organizations. Maybe we were secretly funded by GOC. But this, this was something else. This account must be Foundation controlled. And you know what? It's anomalous. I watched it for a month, and no matter how much was withdrawn, the account never dropped below forty thousand dollars. Hell, it never went above forty thousand dollars. It just remained at a constant 40k. Even when the Foundation withdrew two million last week, the account didn’t drop. I’d like to formally request giving this bank account SCP classification. I’ve written up a document below that I’d like you to approve, and make redactions as needed. Hey, maybe you could even show this to your boss and ask for more funding. - Gerdinel Document prepared by: Junior Researcher Niklo Gerdinel Date: 07/08/2017 Item #: SCP-3203 Special Containment Procedures: Only personnel with Level 4 Clearance, or access to the the Foundation's financials may have access to information regarding SCP-3203. All other personnel shall be targets of a misinformation campaign regarding the source of funding for the Foundation. SCP-3203 may be accessed as often as deemed necessary. However, requested amounts of suspicious size must be spread over multiple withdrawals as to avoid drawing attention to SCP-3203. Description: SCP-3203 is a Swiss bank account (#011623852957). SCP-3203 contains exactly forty thousand dollars (USD) at all times. There is no record of deposits being made to this account. Withdrawals do not change the amount of money in this account. Withdrawals larger than forty thousand dollars will go through successfully, and the requested amount of money will be withdrawn. So far, the largest recorded withdrawal is two million dollars. It is unknown when this account was opened, but it is currently held under the name “Luca Ellsborn”. There appears to be no record of a man named Luca Ellsborn being born in Switzerland, or ever entering Switzerland. However, three Luca Ellsborns have been found in other countries. Investigations into their connection to SCP-3203 are pending. You have (1) new unread message in your inbox! close email TO: pcs.noitadnuof|lenidregn#pcs.noitadnuof|lenidregn FROM: pcs.noitadnuof|ehtnapc#pcs.noitadnuof|ehtnapc DATE: Jul 09 2017 Gerdinel, Dr. Teller has informed me of your SCP classification request. It has been denied. Not because we believe that an anomaly like this does not meet the standards for an SCP classification, but because this isn’t an anomaly. I would like to commend your research in this matter. However, the Foundation has made a deal with the bank to hide our financial information. We would like to keep our reserves a secret, as well as our supporters. As you can imagine, many powerful people have given money to the Foundation, and they do not want to be directly associated with us. It would not be out of the question for one of those supporters to demand the termination of anyone aware of their identity without proper clearance. I would suggest you stop looking into Foundation funding. Where your salary comes from is, quite frankly, above your pay grade. -Site Director Charles Panthe LEVEL 4 CLEARANCE REQUIRED LOGIN CREDENTIALS ACCEPTED TO: pcs.noitadnuof|ruoF5O#pcs.noitadnuof|ruoF5O FROM: pcs.noitadnuof|ehtnapc#pcs.noitadnuof|ehtnapc DATE: Jul 08 2017 O5-4, Silent Cello Philharmonic has been compromised. Requesting relocation. I would also like to relocate production to Argentina, as to further distance it from Foundation resources. This would bring production closer to our target market, decreasing transportation costs. I believe we have accumulated enough demand during the last quarter to merit this, and would provide additional protection against discovery. -Site Director Charles Panthe ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3203" by Captain Kirby, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
And they were roommates. Callie? Callie, are you there? Yes, Rhys. What is it? Callie! Heyyyy :) I believe I mentioned that document I was working on for 3204? Was hoping you could look over it and point out any mistakes. You're free right now, yeah? Sure, just send it over. I'll come back to you when I'm done. Roger that o7 Dropping link… now! 3204draft.doc 📎 Item #: SCP-3204 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3204 is to continue working for Site-140 as a RAISA representative, with confinement being restricted to mere observation. Dr. Rhys Amandine should be consulted regarding any issues SCP-3204 may have so it can be corrected immediately. In addition, Amandine should consistently provide a sufficient amount of affection for SCP-3204 and remind her to receive breaks wherever necessary to prevent potential exhaustion. Physical and verbal intimacy, such as embracing her and/or complimenting her, is highly recommended to achieve this. Wha What is this? Shhh, keep reading. Hot chocolate prepared by SCP-3204 Description: SCP-3204 is Senior Researcher Calista Windward, a Class-IV thaumaturge possessing moderate to high levels of Elan-Vital Energy (EVE). Windward's main abnormal property (excluding her dashing looks) is her telekinetic abilities, being capable of interacting with objects she can directly perceive. It is also noted that SCP-3204 possesses immense speed, strength and charisma far superior than the average human. Limitations to her flawlessness have yet to be determined.1 She also makes some of the best hot chocolate (see given picture), being an overall talented cook behind the counter. While putting a lot of effort into her duties, SCP-3204 still manages to make time for Amandine, caring for her and ensuring she is spoiled and loved at any given moment. She is the best partner anyone could ever ask for. Did I also mention how much of a stunning beauty she is? Well, she is. Ms. Windward's other notable qualities include: Her massive heart despite her cold demeanor; Her hardworking attitude (even though she should rest more often); Her acting like a teddy bear whenever we're together; Her soft and fair skin, which feels nice to the touch; Her ocean blue eyes I drown in every time we make eye contact; Her blonde, majestic hair I want to entangle me; Her lips; How easily she gets embarrassed; How much I like to embarrass her; How much she cares about me; How she notices the little things about me; How warm she feels when she hugs me; How gentle her voice is when she talks to me; Her lips… again; Oh my god. What's wrong? It's just your standard article :) Rhys, there are over 50 bullet points in this description. Well, I just wanted to be more accurate, y'know? I still have a backlog of all the features I couldn't fit in. Would you like to see? … Later. Addendum: Notable Excerpts Below are a number of interactions between me and Callie (hi Callie!).2 A list of every single second I have with her is stored in the memory banks on replay 24/7/365, colloquially known as my camera roll. Log begins. Half past six in the morning. The sunlight pierces through the cracks of the curtains, lighting up the room. Snuggling comfortably under the sheets, a soft humming fills my ears. My phone lens peaks through the ajar bathroom door beside me, catching a glimpse of you. A comb brushes your hair midair as you wash your face, getting ready for another weekend. 'So beautiful,' I mutter, my heart skipping a beat. I find myself watching you closely for a few minutes. Five, maybe ten, maybe more. I paid no mind whatsoever. But suddenly, you let out a chuckle. My heart skips another beat. Callie: Dear… You turn your head to the side, causing me to instinctively hide my phone. Callie: (exhale) …I know you're awake. I gasp. Rhys (me): How? I thought I was being a perfect Sleeping Beauty. You face me, bearing a grinning expression. Callie: You were giggling this entire time. Rhys: Ah. Pause. You were right. I was giggling this entire time. My cheeks start to burn. Rhys: (clicks tongue) For how long? Callie: A few minutes. Five? Ten? Maybe even more. Honestly, I lost count. Rhys: Why didn't you say anything then? Another pause. It was your turn to blush this time. Callie: I like it when you laugh. As the comb puts itself down, you come into the room. You sit on the bed, your hand caressing my cheek as your complexion grows even redder. I smile. Before long, though, you get up with a stretch and a deep breath. Callie: I'll go ahead and make breakfast, okay? You proceed to leave, but you don't go far. I grab your hand, keeping you in place. Callie: Wh- What's wrong? Rhys: Hm, I don't feel like eating today. Let's stay in bed some more. Silence temporarily finds its place between us before you sit back down. Callie: You're going to be hungry. Rhys: I don't care. I wanna cuddle. Callie: I'll even make you pancakes. Rhys: Don't care. Cuddle. Now. Callie: Rhys… I close the distance between us, our noses practically touching. Rhys: Don't you want to stay? With me? Unblinkingly staring at each other, you forget how to react. Rhys: Just for a few minutes. Five, ten maybe. That should be enough, yeah? Callie: Mm… I hold your hand in mine, our fingers intertwining. You hesitate for a moment before slowly settling under the cover and wrapping your arms around me. An experience I never wish to get used to, the tightening of your grip as you hide your expression. I bury myself in your chest, taking in your scent. You hold your breath, hoping never to let go. We stay put until slumber takes us away. Log ends. sadkyugvhouia vweqy Ahem. Sorry about that. Just give me two seconds. Heh. Is this what you've been drafting for the past week? Since when have you recorded these? Not telling~ But yes, I did sneak some vids of you while you weren't looking. Thought it would look more immersive, if that makes any sense. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "Immersive." I'm sorry… No, you don't have to apologize. Honestly, it's very cute. You're cute, I mean. Thanksies <3 … I gaze at you. Rhys: What're you doing? Callie: Hm? You gaze at me back. Callie: (Pause) Working. Rhys: Heh, I figured. Sitting across from you at the cafeteria table. You've been making me meals for the longest time, so much so I find the site's food to be subpar in comparison. But the you in front of me—the six-foot-one to my five-foot-seven, the diligent hands to my careless own—it's a treat unlike any other. You're on the computer, the sound of your typing away bringing a tranquility to mind. Such workload, I'd perish under the weight of it. Seeing you here now, however, it's enough to keep my spirits up. A moment doesn't pass when I don't think about your arms, your face… …your lips. Something about you is different, though. Oh, I know. Rhys: You're wearing glasses. You look up briefly before returning to the screen. Callie: I forgot my contacts. Besides, I'm sure you're enjoying the view. Doesn't hurt changing it up every now and again, wouldn't you agree? Rhys: (Exhales) I do. Without a moment's notice, I move to the seat beside you. You back yourself slightly when I lean into your expression. One word, strawberries. Callie: Uh, Rhys? Rhys: Don't mind me. Just taking a closer look. Callie: Please, stop teasing me. I really need to finish this review. Rhys: Sure, if you beat me in a staring contest. Ready? Callie: I- I'm sorry? Rhys: Begin. We stare into each other's eyes, taking in our sights. I feel myself drowning again. If anything, this is an excuse. An excuse to look at you and to get you to look at me, an excuse to burn your image in my retinas. Falling in love over and over again, it isn't fair. I want you to know it, to feel it too. With every shade of red you're growing now, I hope it's another one of these messages reaching you. … You look away, trying to catch your breath. I look at my wristwatch. Rhys: 45 seconds, a new record! Callie: Are we done now? Rhys: For now, yes. Thanks for the eye candy, babe. I wink at you, showing off a wide grin. Callie: (Sighs) Well, at least I'm getting more used to it. Slowly, but surely. Rhys: Huh? Oh, uh… yeah. … Right. Another Saturday afternoon. I stand by Holly's home, glass container in the living room bathing in the natural glow. Its wings flap ever so gently in the conditioned breeze, a pattern of orange and black complimenting my view. It must be nice residing in a space of leaves, flowers and an overarching branch. Such a tranquil experience, watching as a pet butterfly remains silently in place. A tranquil experience unlike any other. And yet, I find myself sighing. Facing my left, I find you sitting on the couch, the back of your head facing me. I find you shifting through a stack of papers, pushing your hair behind your ear and flipping between the pages. Two mugs rest on the table, one filled with mocha and the other with hot chocolate. Two different drinks, yet their steams weave together regardless. Rhys: Oh, Holly… I begin, speaking to Holly as quietly as I can. If it was sentient, it would sigh from those words alone. Rhys: What'll it be today, hm? Holly flaps its wings once. Rhys: I could blow on her ear. Maybe hug her from behind? (Chuckles) It's been like this ever since I moved in, it's almost thrilling. Best part is she always reacts the same way. It makes me- heh, it makes me want to do it more. You readjust yourself, inhaling deeply and letting out all the stress. I'm frowning just watching what more you have to do even on a weekend. Rhys: Though, I should shake things up a lil' more. At this point, I'll be nothing more than a one-trick pony. Oh, but what to do? What to do? It's only a matter of time until you get used to my antics. I haven't put much thought into it, but you've been handling my attacks better each and every time. Maybe something out of the box? Something I haven't even considered? To spoil you as much as you've spoiled me, it's a truly a puzzling task. I tilt my head to the side, pondering the thought. Rhys: Holly, would you know how to give a queen the ace of all hearts? It pauses before flapping its wings twice. Then, it clicks. Rhys: Well, I could… actually, hold on- Leaning on the seconds passing by, I finally find my footing through the door. Even then, my heart races from such an idea. Rhys: No, this'll be perfect. It's been a long time coming anyway. Might as well rip the bandaid, right? (Pause) Mm, I'm probably overthinking this- no! No, this is it. It'll be great, it's gonna be great. I try to hold it in but I fail. A little slips out from my giddiness. Rhys: Haha, now I can't stop thinking about it. I just have to do it. Quickly, I make my way over to you and plant a kiss on the back of your neck. You let out a startled yelp, getting me to laugh. You stumble over your words, trying to scold me as you hide your face. Despite that, I end up kissing you again. Another Saturday afternoon, and it's not enough. A kiss or two is never enough… But I know what is. Rhys: I've been meaning to watch this. I heard it's really good. Callie: Alright, I don't see why not. It's movie night. The two of us are wrapped in a blanket on the couch, a bowl of popcorn between us. The room is unlit, save for the flat screen across from us. A monthly tradition, and another excuse to rest my head on your shoulder. Honestly, I should be more focused on the movie. How many times have I been distracted by your breathing? Your warmth? More times than I can count on my hands and yours combined. I make sure to keep my focus, of course. A monthly tradition, and another excuse to talk to you, discussing the films we've watched. A period of audible silence, occasionally interrupted by cheeky remarks and small bouts of laughter. Times like these, where time just stops as we take our time with these everyday things, I couldn't ask for anything more. These small pockets of nothing, they mean everything to me. You mean everything to me. A monthly tradition- Rhys: Callie. Callie: Hm? Rhys: (Opens mouth) Popcorn. -and another excuse to gush about you, as you fly a piece of popcorn into my mouth. I can't lie, though, it's hard to balance between these two things. It's especially difficult when I notice you staring at me, like you've been every time we hold these sessions. Silly you, you're not even paying attention to the movie. Rhys: Aw, wow. That's just- Callie: Mm? Rhys: That's just beautiful. Callie: Mm… But you still manage to keep up with our talks. Maybe that's another knack of yours, who knows. It does feel nice when your eyes are facing me, like I'm on top of the world. You're so close, it's almost weakening. I wonder if you feel the same, if you still feel the same. Whatever happens, I don't want to let go. Ever. A monthly tradition, and another excuse to see you blush. Rhys: (Whispers) Callie? I turn to you. Your eyes are shut. Rhys: (Whispers) Callie, are you there? You don't respond, your head resting on the couch. I ponder for a moment before considering. It's about time, there hasn't been a better chance than now. I carefully release myself from your grip and, with a sneak and a step, I make my way to the kitchen. A few moments of rummaging through the cabinets later, I eventually find it. I can feel my heart racing again, I can hear myself giggling again. Returning to you, I crouch down and take one good look at your face. 'So… beautiful.' There, I turn to the thing in my palm, the tease of the century: Measuring tape. Oh, this next one's a personal fave of mine. I think I know where this is going. Callie: You don't have to do this, you know. Rhys: Hm? Do what? I look up to you from the sink, dishes in hand. You're seated at the kitchen table, holding a cup of coffee and an email to send. Standing by your right behind the counter, I raise an eyebrow as the running water fills the quietness. Callie: The dishes. Or really, a majority of the house chores. Rhys: What, am I not allowed to care for my blonde beauty of a babe? Callie: Please, Rhys. You already pay for half of the rent. The least you can do is spare some of the responsibilities to me. I don't want you overworking yourself. Rhys: I don't want to hear that coming from you, Callie. Soap to the sides, waves to wash over. I take a deep breath. Rhys: Besides, you welcomed me into your home all those years ago. I'm only showing my gratitude, showing you how much of a busy bee I can be too. Callie: You've done more than enough, seriously. Rhys: (Smirks) Let your lil' Reese's Cup do her magic, honey. You sigh but ultimately decide to stop. I let out a chuckle under my breath as I turn off the tap, setting the dishes aside. As I dry my hands, sneaking as many glances at you as I can, I take another deep breath. My hands grip the counter, I can feel my chest giving out. Something begins to weigh me down. Here we go. Rhys: You're pretty, Callie. Have I ever told you that? Callie: Many times, upwards to ten… daily. Rhys: Yeah, but have I ever told you how pretty you really are? Callie: As in? Rhys: You know- I begin. Rhys: -it's like I can't get through the day without looking at your face. Not only that, but everything you do, everything you say. If anything, just being with you is enough to keep me alive. You're also cute, did I mention that? Yeah, no, you're really cute and I like it when you blush. Makes me want to spend the rest of my life with you, if you're catching my drift. Subtle hints of cherry. You take a minute to process those words. Callie: (Looks away) Um, where is this going? Rhys: (Exhales) Oh, nothing. You blink a few times, confused, reaching in to take another sip of mocha. Rhys: I'm just saying we should get married. You almost spit your drink, but you end up choking instead. Rose-tinted cheeks reddening more and more, your eyes widen in surprise. I rush over to your side and pat your back as you cough repeatedly. I take a hold of your hand, a burning star to grasp. Even I sense a flushed expression coloring my face. God, this is too much. Even for me. Callie: You- (coughs) I'm sorry, you want to what? Rhys: Marriage. I want to love you even more so I figured we should put a ring on it. I can have you all to myself, you can have me all to yourself. It's a win-win for the both of us! Everybody wins! I promptly close the distance, a few centimeters between ourselves. Callie: Oh my- I, uh, ho- hold on- You take a moment to compose yourself, gripping your chest and panting heavily on the side. I end up covering my face with a hand as well, trying to shake off this feeling. Even with your head turned, I find your scarlet ears to be satisfying enough. Callie: You can't (deep inhale)… just do this so suddenly. Rhys: You confessed to me first, remember? How do you think I felt? Callie: Still! Be serious about this. I reach in and hug you from behind. Rhys: I am, though. A stillness meets the room. Rhys: I want to walk down the aisle with you. I want to wear the most beautiful dress, so beautiful it would knock you off your feet. I want to see you in a dress too, or even a suit. I wouldn't mind it either way. Rhys: I want to hold your hand and never let go. I want to wrap my arms around you, and for you to wrap your arms around me. I want to go on honeymoons, go to all sorts of places with you. Every moment, I want to spend them all in matrimony. Rhys: I want to wake up next to you, and to sleep next to you. I want you to make me delicious meals every single day. I want you to hold me every night and whisper sweet things in my ear while I play with your hair. I want you to know how much you mean to me, how much you've done for me, and I want to remind you every time I can. Rhys: I want that and so much more, Callie. I want you… I pause, tightening my grip. Rhys: …I love you. Callie: Rhys… Another pause. You start to sob. Callie: I- I love you, Rhys. I love you too. I- You break into tears. I feel myself crying as well. Rhys: I even bought matching rings. You wanna see? Impeccable timing. You turn and grab my hands, causing me to yelp. Callie: (Laughs) Yes, of course! I try to laugh it off as well. Goodness me, it is hot in here. What's wrong with me sometimes? Doing this just to see you flustered, I can be so selfish. Well, maybe that wasn't the actual reason. Somewhere deep down, I might've been thinking of this moment ever since we got together. To create a bond stronger than the diamond on your finger and mine, maybe that's what those dreams were about all along. Maybe I was more lovestruck than I expected. As I quickly retrieve the rings, thoughts start to flash in quick succession. Thoughts of the future and us and me and you and everything around us, they've been circling my mind for the longest time. I don't know what to make of it. But what I do know is that you're with me and I'm with you. That's all I need to know, that's all I ever want to know. That jewel looks so beautiful on you, unsurprisingly enough. I hope mine looks just as good. You look at me with watered eyes. Mine might be watery too, for all I know. The two of us share a laugh, realizing just how ridiculous this all is. And with a few moments to spare, I reach in and give you a… mission success ^w^ (hi holly!) Soooooo, how do you like it? God, I just giev me a minute give* Hehe, yeah… Happy anniversary, babe. I still can't believe you made this. Yup! With my own blood, sweat and tears. All for you, my Callie :) I expect to receive full payment by the end of the day >:D Well, you're in luck. I reserved a dinner for two at that nice place downtown. I was going to keep it secret but I figured I should tell you now. I was leaning more towards cuddle blankets and hot choco but this works too. I'll be wearing my Sunday best then o7 Good to hear. I'll be sure to embarrass you more. As payback, of course. Hmmmm, I don't flush as easily as you, so I'm not too worried. That's not true! Is too. Now, accept my love <3 Rhys. Shush <3 Dear. <3333333333333333333333333333333333 … <3 Footnotes 1. However, Amandine has claimed that Windward lacks any limits because that's. Just. How. She. Is. 2. hi again :) More From This Author More From This Author winkwonkboi's Works SCPs SCP-6306 (+53) • SCP-7245 (+54) • SCP-8386 (+33) • SCP-7735 (+31) • SCP-4931 (+32) • SCP-5245 (+48) • SCP-6714 (+96) • SCP-6545 (+76) • SCP-6245 (+63) • SCP-6895 (+31) • SCP-8184 (+8) • SCP-5358 (+54) • SCP-6039 (+72) • SCP-7657 (+39) • SCP-7199 (+43) • Tales/GoI Formats Goodnight, Sweet Dreams (+21) • A Taste For Sore Eyes (+12) • A Sinking Feeling (+26) • Roses And Thorns (+18) • Anomalous Entity Engagement Division Orientation (+51) • man overboard! (+29) • #WettleAppreciationPost (+135) • Something's Burning (+40) • Why Jones Marcel Should Be Employee of the Century (+11) • water diet (+27) • ur typical unrequited love (+32) • In Kirby's Case, Part I: An Antithesis (+11) • In an attempt to feel something. (+32) • Critter Profile: Miss Cassandra! 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License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Filename: choco Name: hot chocolate Author: Sean MacEntee License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr
SCP-3205 near Smolensk in 1942. SCP-3205-A on far left. Item #: SCP-3205 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3205 is to be secured in a locker aboard a Foundation aircraft, currently SC-491, a Gulfstream V passenger aircraft based at Site ██ and used for personnel transport between facilities. The aircraft should be scheduled to make at least two flights per week, preferably to an international destination. If the aircraft is unable to complete this requirement, SCP-3205 is to be transferred to an aircraft with a similar schedule for the duration. A GPS tracking device is affixed to SCP-3205's locker to aid retrieval in case of accident. Any vehicle or location containing SCP-3205 is to be monitored by video surveillance of the interior and exterior and the footage reviewed on a fortnightly basis. Staff are prohibited from discussing information with a Level 2 or higher security classification in the presence of SCP-3205. No documents with a Level 2 or higher security classification are to be transported in a vehicle containing SCP-3205, and SCP-3205 is not to be brought into facilities with a Level 2 security classification or higher. All known recordings and images of SCP-3205-3 have been archived by the Foundation and media containing SCP-3205-A replaced with edited versions without SCP-3205-A where relevant. The same procedure has not been deemed necessary for earlier iterations of SCP-3205; the records themselves hold no anomalous properties and historical records are insufficient for members of the public to identify SCP-3205-A as an anomalous entity in these settings. Description: SCP-3205 is a 50 x 10 x 7 cm steel ingot. Its physical properties are identical to that of a non-anomalous steel ingot. The following message is etched on its surface. Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here! - All my love, C. There are no other identifying markings. SCP-3205 may be molten and reformed in an identical fashion to ordinary steel. One object produced from this steel will become a new iteration of SCP-3205, and display the same message. Only one iteration of SCP-3205 has been observed to be active at any given time. SCP-3205 has probability-altering effects. Iterations of SCP-3205 have a tendency to be formed into objects which travel large distances and are present throughout major historical events. SCP-3205 is likely to be able to engineer a situation where this occurs if attempts are made to prevent it from doing so, although it is not possible to conclusively determine this at this time. SCP-3205 is associated with a humanoid entity, designated SCP-3205-A. SCP-3205-A is visible in 10 to 20% of photographic or video recordings of any iteration of SCP-3205. It has the appearance of a Caucasian male of approximately 20 years of age, 172 cm in height, with brown hair and eyes, and dressed in period-appropriate clothing. SCP-3205-A has a consistently cheerful and enthusiastic demeanour, even when appearing in dangerous situations. SCP-3205-A is invisible and incorporeal, and does not appear to affect its surroundings. To date it has not been perceived by any individual in its proximity. A list of known SCP-3205 instances follows. Iteration Dates Item History Notes SCP-3205-1 (unconfirmed) 1911-1937 Passenger liner RMS Olympic Sister ship to the RMS Titanic. British White Star Line vessel running the Southhampton-New York route, also involved in troop transport during the First World War. Not conclusively identified as a SCP-3205 instance, but considered plausible due to the presence of an individual matching SCP-3205-A's description in historical images of the Olympic and tracing of scrap steel from the vessel being sold to the Magdeburg factory where SCP-3205-2 was produced. SCP-3205-2 1939-1967 Panzer IV ausf. D, number 313 Assigned to the 2nd Panzer Division of the German Wehrmacht, participating in combat on both the Western and Eastern fronts. Captured by the Red Army in 1943 at the Battle of Kursk and operated by the 12th Guards Tank Corps, ending the war in the Berlin area. Transferred from the USSR to Czechoslovakia post-war, who subsequently sold the vehicle to the Syrian Army. Captured on the Golan Heights by Israel during the 1967 Six-Day War and broken up for scrap in Haifa. SCP-3205-A is visible in archival photos of the vehicle (see above). An interview with a surviving member of SCP-3205-2's crew1 confirmed the presence of the inscription on SCP-3205 inside the turret. As he was not fluent in English, he had assumed it was a message left by SCP-3205-2's previous owners. He did not have any recognition of SCP-3205-A. SCP-3205-3 1969-1982 IAI Nesher fighter aircraft, unit 44 Delivered to Israeli Air Force in 1970 and operated by the 109 Squadron. Participated in the 1973 Yom Kippur War and claimed destruction of 3 Egyptian aircraft. Sold to Argentina in 1980 and participated in 2 sorties on Royal Navy vessels during the 1982 Falklands War. Shot down by British surface-to-air missile and recovered by the carrier HMS Invincible. Subsequently taken into Foundation custody. Steel landing gear traced to company involved in scrapping of SCP-3205-2. Involved in an internal IDF espionage investigation when SCP-3205-A appeared in base photographs. Came to the attention of Foundation sources within the British military when wreckage was aboard HMS Invincible, as SCP-3205-A appeared in official documentation of captured wreckage.2 SCP-3205-4 1982 Metal wreckage, formerly landing gear of SCP-3205-3 Initially kept in containment area at Site ██. However, after a period of 6 months in containment, 2 major containment breaches of other SCPs had occurred3, with a 50% increase in reported minor errors and incidents with breach potential. Both major breaches involved SCP-3205-3's storage area. It was hypothesised these were related to SCP-3205 and after experimentation the current containment procedures were implemented. Inscription on SCP-3205-4 was found to have been altered after Incident 3205-1.4 SCP-3205-5 (current) 1983- present Steel ingot as per above description Despite prior concerns, no further anomalous-probability events convincingly linked to SCP-3205 have been observed since the implementation of current containment procedures in 1983. SCP was transported on SC-108, a Gulfstream II model aircraft, from 1983 to 2009, when SC-108 was retired and replaced by SC-491. SC-108 was in the proximity of █ high-level containment breaches and █ other incidents involving SCP objects, within normal limits for a Foundation vehicle of its service duration. SCP-3205-4 was melted down and reforged into its current form to test the persistence of SCP-3205's properties and for ease of storage and transport. The inscription returned to its form prior to Incident 3205-1. Addendum 3205-1: On 4/7/2015, SC-491 was commandeered by MTF Epsilon-9 to respond to a sighting of SCP-███, as Epsilon-9's assigned transport had been rendered inoperable by the ongoing outbreak. Although its involvement in an SCP containment procedure would normally render SC-491 unsuitable for this purpose, its use was approved by Site Director ███████ in order to collect experimental data. + Video Log 3205-1 - Video Log 3205-1 External Camera 1 00:00:00 - SC-491 with MTF Epsilon-9 aboard takes off from Site ██. No anomalous activity visible. 01:33:40 - The aircraft lands at [REDACTED] Airport, Finland. Epsilon-9 exits the aircraft, seeing SCP-███ approximately 1km away, and moves to engage (off camera). 01:35:22 - An entity dressed in MTF tactical gear appears at the aircraft door, assumed to be SCP-3205-A. Its face is obscured by a ballistic visor but its build is consistent with prior SCP-3205-A descriptions. Its uniform is missing Foundation personnel identification markings and its helmet appears to be several sizes too big. SCP-3205-A notices the engagement between Epsilon-9 and SCP-███, becoming visibly excited. 01:35:50 - SCP-3205-A jumps to the tarmac and takes a black rectangular object out of its vest pocket, pointing it in the direction of the engagement. It remains in this position for the duration, with occasional efforts to change its viewpoint slightly or to manipulate the object. 01:59:18 - Projectile from SCP-███ lands 20 m away from SCP-3205-A, knocking it to the ground. 02:02:30 - SCP-3205-A gets up, appearing physically unharmed. Its apparel is dirtied but intact, although standard MTF equipment would have been expected to be severely damaged by such an impact. SCP-3205-A briefly acts as if dazed, but then claps its hands, laughs and cheers in the direction of Epsilon-9. 02:44:11 - MTF Epsilon-9 subdues SCP-███ and moves to initiate cleanup protocols. 02:49:33 - SCP-3205-A appears to realise the engagement has concluded. It lowers the object and begins tapping on it with a stylus. 03:12:09 - Surviving members of MTF Epsilon-9 return to the aircraft. A set of boarding stairs has been obtained from the local airport. As they ascend, SCP-3205-A stands beside them, holding up the object and making various poses (thumbs up, peace sign). 03:13:50 - SCP-3205-A reenters the aircraft. No further anomalous activity for remainder of log. Footnotes 1. Lieutenant A. al-Ahmad, ex-Syrian Army, dob. 14/2/1945. 2. HRH Prince Andrew the Duke of York was serving aboard the vessel, and was confirmed to be in the vicinity when the photographs were taken. 3. Subsequently designated Incident 3205-1 and 3205-2. 4. "0/5 not as advertised. Will make a complaint!" ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3205" by ModernMajorGeneral, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: SCP-3205-tank.jpg Name: Bundesarchiv Bild 101I-124-0216-11, Im Westen, Panzer IV Author: Huschke License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
Item #: SCP-3206 Special Containment Procedures: Turkana County, Kenya must be under phone surveillance. Individuals confirmed to be affected by SCP-3206 must undergo the necessary surgical procedures under the auspices of both a physician and veterinary doctor, followed by amnesticization and release. A maximum of 50 affected individuals may be allowed to persist under SCP-3206 for no more than three months at a time for the purpose of behavioural study. All telephone calls involving the number +254 █████████ must be documented and individuals involved in these calls detained for a minimum of five hours. Should SCP-3206 manifest, said persons must be subject to the aforementioned containment procedures. Persons of Interest-3206-1 through -8 must be under video and phone surveillance. Should anomalous activity be observed, PoIs are to be contained at Site-52. UPDATE (12.04.2013): PoI-3206-3 is currently uncontained (see Call Transcript BN0358). All other PoIs must be held in standard humanoid containment at Site-52 until further notice. Direct interaction with SCP-3206-A is tentatively forbidden. Description: SCP-3206 is a phenomenon whereby humans develop a fully functioning vomeronasal organ1 (VNO) anatomically and genetically identical to that of Equus ferus caballus (horse). This is accompanied by associated behaviour typical of ungulates and felids possessing a VNO, particularly the flehmen response2. Approximately 76% of affected individuals seek medical attention or express concern regarding the effects of SCP-3206, reflecting a shrinking majority since the commencement of containment procedures. In a minority of cases, individuals compulsively or opportunistically utilise SCP-3206 in a variety of ways, commonly pursuing persons of interest and congregating in poorly sanitised public restrooms. The vast majority of confirmed cases of SCP-3206 to date have occurred in rural areas in Turkana County, Kenya. SCP-3206 was first recorded in November 2005. Addendum 3206-01: The manifestation of SCP-3206 is associated with calling or accepting a call from the telephone number +254 █████████. In all cases, one of several entities (collectively designated SCP-3206-A) can be heard, although comprehension is hampered by the occasional interruption of equine vocalisations of uncertain origin. SCP-3206-A attempts to sell VNOs to the other party, making poor use of tactics commonly associated with fraudulent telemarketing. If the other party declines the offer, the call terminates without further incident. Should the offer be accepted, the entity ceases vocalisation and communication is no longer possible. Instead, a consistent rhythm of heavy thuds, accompanied irregularly by muffled groans, are heard. The frequency and intensity of these sounds increases gradually over time, terminating in a wet slapping noise and vocalisations described as reminiscent of a foal in distress. At this point, the call ends. SCP-3206 manifests in individuals exposed to the call between three and four hours after the connection is terminated. Attempts to trace the call are consistently met with failure. Addendum 3206-05: Through the use of voice recognition software, a significant match has been identified between SCP-3206-A and eight individuals (designated PoI-3206-1 through -8). All persons are currently alive and are pastoralists in the Turkana region, although no other relation between them has been identified. No evidence of involvement in SCP-3206 has been found. Open Document: SCP-3206 Call Transcript BN0358 Close Document SCP-3206 Transcript BN0358 Foreword: The call was initiated by Operative H. Ouma with the purpose of confronting an instance of SCP-3206-A regarding its identity. <Begin Log> Ouma: Hello? Please identify yourself. 3206-A: Hi, there. It’s good that you gave me a call (nickering is audible). We’ve been trying to contact you by mail, email – even knocked on your bedroom door. Are you ready to take up our limited, once-in-a-lifetime offer? We offer prime VNOs for just zero bob3. Ouma: Is this Rachel Githuru4? 3206-A is unresponsive for approximately 30 seconds, at which point a notably confused and somewhat distressed male voice begins vocalising. 3206-A1: Hi—hi, there. It’s good that you gave me a call. We’ve been trying to contact you by mail, email – even knocked on your bedroom door. Can—are you ready to take up our limited, once-in-a-lifetime offer? We offer prime VNOs for just zero bob. Ouma: Who are you? Where is Rachel Githuru? 3206-A1: The offer. It’s great (high-pitched whinnying is audible). All the VNOs you could wish for – a lifetime’s supply, free of charge. What do you say, ma’am? Ouma: Where is Rachel Githuru? 3206-A1: Oh, my colleague? She—she’s gone. Didn’t do her job right, it’s a sh—shame. Boss had to dismiss her. But I assure you, I’m a more than adequate replacement. Please. How about that deal? How many VNOs should I put you down for? I—I won’t take no for an answer. Ouma: Sorry, but I don’t want any VNOs. Not unless you are willing to answer my questions. High-pitched whinnying is audible, after which the same, unidentified voice proceeds to whisper. 3206-A1: Ok, ok. My n—name is John Ochieng. I—I don’t know where I am. I just woke up sitting at this table with this phone. There’s—was a thing here, telling me to—to talk to you. To say these things. B—but it’s… I think it’s gone now. Ouma: Ok, John. Describe your surroundings. Maybe there is something that could indicate where you are. 3206-A1: It’s—it’s so dark. I don’t know—I think I’m inside a big building. I’m covered in something… it’s so dry. I—I think this is hay. There’s just hay everywhere. Wait—why is it so sticky? Ouma: Can you remember how you got to this place, John? 3206-A1: No. I remember… I think I fell asleep on my sofa and then I woke up… here. My wife and ch—children, are they ok? Please, make sure they’re ok. Ouma: Yes, we—where does your family live? We can bring them to a safe— 3206-A1: Listen. Please… accept the offer. The thing – it’s back. Just please, t—take it. I don’t want it to—please. Ouma: Try and move away from the entity, stay as far away from it as you can. 3206-A1: P—please, ma’am. Have a VNO on the house. H—help this starving little company stay above water. My… my kids, they are so lovely. I don’t want them to… lose their way. Just this once, on the house. Ouma: I—ok, John. I accept your offer. 3206-A1: Oh, oh thank you (low-pitched whinnying is audible). Thank you for your p-purchase, and be sure to pass our number on to your… to your friends and family. <End Log> Closing Statement: Operative Ouma was subject to SCP-3206 four hours after termination of the call. No other incidents related to the call have been observed. No match has been found between the unidentified iteration of SCP-3206-A (sub-designated SCP-3206-A1) and living individuals. Missing persons reports in Turkana County are currently under investigation for correlation with SCP-3206-A1. Surveillance of PoI-3206-3 was spontaneously disrupted during the call. Recovery of PoI-3206-3 is ongoing. Close Document Addendum 3206-11: Since the initial manifestation of SCP-3206-A1, its appearance has been recorded in a further 26 calls. A lack of consistency in the behaviour of SCP-3206-A1 in these cases casts some doubt on the authenticity of information garnered from the entity through Call BN0358. Footnotes 1. A secondary olfactory sense organ found in a variety of animals 2. The curling back of the top lip, exposing the front teeth, gum, and VNO (by extension), for the purpose of investigating a specific site or odour 3. Vernacular term for the Kenyan Shilling, the national currency 4. PoI-3206-3 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3206" by jjone, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Depiction of SCP-3207 from the unpublicized writings of Leonardo da Vinci. Item #: SCP-3207 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3207 is currently kept in a 8m x 8m x 6m containment chamber located at Site-10. SCP-3207 is not to be activated except under strict testing conditions. Any potential movement on the part of SCP-3207 when unpowered is to be prevented via steel restraints binding its wheels and base.1 Maintenance of the organic and non-anomalous portions of SCP-3207 are to be performed twice a month by an on-site team of engineers and medical doctors briefed on the details of SCP-3207’s construction. All testing of SCP-3207 is to take place at AWTR2 41, located a short distance from Site-10, and must be approved by at least one member of Level 3 personnel. For information on the initial disinformation campaign involving SCP-3207, see Addendum 3207-1. Description: SCP-3207 is a mobile war machine, five meters in diameter, believed to have been created in 1488 through a collaboration between inventor Leonardo da Vinci and an obscure artisan in the employ of the Duke of Milan named Marco Saul. It is constructed from a mixture of technology available at the time and anomalously advanced technology, the origins of which have yet to be determined. Investigation suggests that although SCP-3207 was completed, it was not deployed due to a falling out between its two creators. In terms of construction, SCP-3207 consists of a conical ‘shell’, composed of wood and reinforced with metal plates, covering a main body. A number of cannons are placed around the rotatable perimeter of the machine, allowing it to fire in any direction. Perceptive devices are also present around SCP-3207’s perimeter, allowing its control unit to inspect the area and hear sounds around itself. Apart from these, most of SCP-3207’s anomalous features are present on the interior of the machine or when it is activated, and are thus not immediately obvious from outside observation. When active, SCP-3207’s cannons are capable of firing blasts of an unknown form of energy, red in colouration and capable of vaporizing organic matter on contact. These blasts have also proven capable of heavily damaging stone fortifications, often blasting them apart with ease - however, most metal structures seem to present a great deal of resistance to it. At the core of SCP-3207's interior is a metal power unit of unknown origin. A switch on the side of the power unit activates and deactivates it. Although it has not been detected emitting significant amounts of radiation, individuals in the vicinity report feelings of nausea and sickness when near SCP-3207, which grow more severe until they are removed from its presence.3 A repelling field invisible to the naked eye, which protects SCP-3207 from attack and adverse effects of high temperatures, is also deployed when SCP-3207 is active. Repeated impacts on a single section of SCP-3207 will temporarily deactivate the repelling field for up to thirty seconds. SCP-3207’s control mechanism consists of a human brain and nervous system, stripped from an unknown donor and hooked into the machine’s mechanisms, the brain thus directing them through a method that is not yet understood. Testing with the control mechanism indicates that its only means of perceiving the outside world are through the perceptive devices on its exterior. The control mechanism is soaked in a wax-like substance that acts as a life support system and slows cellular degeneration4, also shielding it somewhat from the negative effects of SCP-3207’s active power unit. Analysis of SCP-3207 has revealed that while its control mechanism is conscious, this is only the case while the power unit is active. While it is deactivated, the brain goes into a dormant state and SCP-3207 does not respond to stimuli. Interview 3207-1 Interview 3207-1 Interviewer: Dr. ██████ Interviewed: SCP-3207 (Interview was conducted at AWTR 41. Subject was told to move itself to the left side of the chamber to indicate a positive response and to the right for a negative one. Interviewer was behind a protective barrier at all times. Original interview was conducted in Italian.) <Begin Interview> Dr. ██████: Hello, SCP-3207. To begin - can you see me? (Subject moves to the left.) Dr. ██████: Excellent. I assume you can hear me, also? (Subject remains on the left side of the room.) Dr. ██████: Can you perceive me with any other senses? (Subject moves to the right.) Dr. ██████: May I ask, are you aware of your current state of being - that you are no longer inhabiting a human body? (Subject moves to the left.) Dr. ██████: Was this process something you volunteered for? (Subject moves to the right.) Dr. ██████: You were coerced into this? (Subject moves to the left.) Dr. ██████: Physically? (Subject moves to the right.) Dr. ██████: Were you blackmailed? (Subject remains on the right side of the room.) Dr. ██████: Were you…financially coerced? (Subject moves to the left.) Dr. ██████: I see. Money, then. For you? (Subject moves to the right.) Dr. ██████: For your family? (Subject moves to the left.) Dr. ██████: …I see. Did you know the name of the man who coerced you? (Subject remains on the left side of the room.) Dr. ██████: Was his name Leonardo da Vinci? (Subject moves to the right.) Dr. ██████: Was his name Marco Saul? (Subject moves to the left.) Dr. ██████: Was a man named Leonardo da Vinci involved with the process? (Subject remains on the left side of the room.) Dr. ██████: Thank you - you’ve been very helpful. However…I have to tell you that we’re currently unable to remove you from this machine without killing you. Would you be willing to remain in this state for the time being? (Subject moves to the right side of the room at extreme speeds, crashing into the wall.) Dr. ██████: Well…I, ah… (Subject continues crashing into the right wall.) Dr. ██████: I…end interview. End interview. <End Interview> Addendum 3207-1 (Discovery and Initial Disinformation Campaign): SCP-3207 was first located after a collection of da Vinci’s unreleased writings concerning speculative anomalous designs, along with several confidential letters (See Addendum 3207-2), came into Foundation custody along with several other items after a successful raid against a Marshall, Carter and Dark auction house. Foundation historians analyzed the writings and followed directions contained within to locate an underground workshop on the outskirts of Milan. Although the door to the workshop’s unique locking mechanism had been tampered with, making entry extremely difficult, a Foundation search team were able to make their way in with digging equipment. Investigation of the workshop revealed an inactive SCP-3207, which was then also brought into Foundation custody. As a preventative measure against possible information regarding SCP-3207 being present in as-of-yet undiscovered da Vinci writings, a disinformation campaign was decided upon. The initial disinformation campaign consisted of inserting altered designs for SCP-3207 into da Vinci’s publicly available writings, presenting it as a much more simple and less advanced machine more consistent with its time of construction. However, errors by staff assigned to this task5 resulted in the presented design having severe flaws which made it unworkable - flaws which would have been easily recognized by an engineer of da Vinci’s skill level. Thus, additional disinformation was necessary in order to suggest that these flaws were intentional on da Vinci’s part as an effort to protect his work. Addendum 3207-2 (Recovered Documentation) Addendum 3207-2 (Recovered Documentation) The following is a letter to da Vinci from his collaborator Saul, concerning da Vinci withholding and refusing to deploy SCP-3207 publically. The text has been updated somewhat for ease of reading, but direct scans of the original letter are available in Site-10’s historical archives. From the esteemed engineer and artist, Marco Saul To his disloyal former collaborator, Leonardo da Vinci I must confess my continued disappointment that you refuse to respond to my letters. When we as two men of knowledge embarked on this voyage, did not we agree to stay in touch, and did not we agree to pool our wisdom together? Yet, you are silent. Our work, which I have informed you I am aware you have concluded your development of, lies unused and useless within our workshop, which I am sure you recall you have sealed from my use. Please recall that - as a close and valued friend of His Excellency Duke Sforza - it is unwise to antagonize me to the degree that clearly you are intent upon. While your standing with His Excellency is currently without reproach, I must feel the need to remind you that what is the case today is certainly not assured to be tomorrow. Please keep this in mind as you continue not to acknowledge my communications. I do admit some measure of amusement - having read the pleading letter you originally sent to His Excellency Duke Sforza of Milan, with whom I dine weekly6 - at your declaration that you will ‘make an infinite number of items for attack and defense’. Clearly, this is not the case, or else you would not have abandoned our grand work. In this case, were you perhaps attempting to deceive His Excellency in the hopes of profitable employment? You are a truly a lamentable man if that is true. Your motivation in this matter is just as comprehensible as your actions - which is to say, not at all. In what way is it preferable for a man to be slain with a sword than with our grand creation? Does the presence of a human carcass somehow make the method of killing more legitimate? When I saw the works you had painted in your workshop when we met last year, I felt surely that you at least would be most receptive to what I had to offer - but again, you clearly lack my perspective. What is war but another canvas to paint upon? I can assure you that a man’s final breaths are just as pure an expression as a babe’s first smile. I had hoped to share with you further miracles of my discovery7, but you have proven time and time again that you do not have the necessary constitution. I now sincerely hope that - by the time your residence in Milan has ended - we do not cross paths again, and I would highly recommend you share this desire. Although you may not have the stomach for true expression, I do, and this clumsy attempt of yours to sabotage me will by no means halt my work - I can assure you of that. Footnotes 1. Although SCP-3207 has not yet demonstrated the capability to move when deactivated, these additional precautions were recommended by Containment Specialist Lawrence upon initial containment of SCP-3207 and have been approved by Site Director Willem. 2. Anomalous Weapons Testing Range 3. It is theorized that while some sort of environmental contamination is caused by SCP-3207's power unit, it does not come in a form that Foundation technology can currently detect. 4. Analysis of the control mechanism's current state and its projected rate of aging suggests that it will continue to be operable for at least two hundred years further. 5. These staff were later demoted or reassigned away from disinformation duties. 6. Records from the time indicate that Saul is likely overstating his relationship with Duke Sforza at this point. 7. Although Saul does not explicitly state where he obtained the materials for SCP-3207's construction in this letter, historical records from the year SCP-3207 was built mention a 'falling star' near the city of Milan. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3207" by Tanhony, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Leonardo_tank.JPG Name: Leonardo_tank.JPG Author: Leonardo da Vinci License: Public Domain Source Link: here
"The vision that was planted in my brain… still remains." SCP-3208 - YKHN Co-authored by djkaktus and Doctor Cimmerian. Double plus thanks to my Co-Author on this, djkaktus. We've been working on this on and off for a few months now and we we finally decided to pull the trigger. Thanks to all the folk who gave us feedback on the idea and draft. I'm playing Dr. Isaiah Hostetler and TheeSherm plays Dr. Harald Lang. Special thanks to TheeSherm for providing us with the voice work for log 4. The image is public domain and information for it is here: ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} by Doctor Cimmerian and djkaktus One of the earliest reported illustrations of SCP-3208-1 circa 1872. Item #: SCP-3208 Special Containment Procedures: Public knowledge of SCP-3208 is to be controlled by Foundation personnel. Members of Mobile Task Force Mu-7 "The Whirlwinds" are to search all available media for signs of SCP-3208-infected individuals in order to enact isolation and quarantine. Individuals suffering from SCP-3208 infection are to be isolated from uninfected individuals and removed to the Foundation hazardous quarantine facility nearest to the location they are apprehended. Analysis of SCP-3208-related growths are to be undertaken under supervision from a hazardous materials expert. Interaction with 3208-infected individuals after quarantine (even for the purposes of analysis and research) requires approval from the 3208 project head at Site-811. Dreams and hallucinations involving SCP-3208-1 are to be documented as long as the SCP-3208-infected individual is capable of communication with Foundation medical staff. Description: SCP-3208 is an infectious disease which initially presents as a minor headache caused by a hard, seed-shaped neoplasm that forms in the thalamus, followed by neurological degeneration. Symptoms which accompany early SCP-3208 infection may include impaired cognitive function, seizures, muscle weakness, and upper-extremity dysmetria. SCP-3208 neoplasms exhibit a dendritic growth habit, expanding throughout the cerebrum over approximately three weeks, increasing the severity of the above symptoms until the onset of full body paralysis. Notably, none of these effects appear to be fatal to the subject. Following this, the infection will cease growth in the cranium and begin to spread through the nervous system to the remainder of the body, exiting through any orifice to which the growths are adjacent (with the eyes, nostrils, ears, and mouth producing external growths first). The material produced by this process is organic, gray in appearance, and a transmission vector for SCP-3208. This material will continue to increase in size outside of the body until it anchors the infected individual to a nearby surface. While neurological symptoms vary, all SCP-3208 sufferers will experience vivid dreams and hallucinations that include the presence of an entity described similarly by all sufferers (this entity is designated as SCP-3208-1). As symptoms progress, SCP-3208-1's frequency of presence will increase as well. Appearances of SCP-3208-1 lead to irritability, feelings of paranoia and unease during waking hours which is independent of the progression of SCP-3208-related cranial growth. Long-term sufferers of SCP-3208, including those who are near the point where speech becomes impossible, describe experiencing trepidation during both waking and sleeping hours. Addendum 3208.1: Discovery - Dream Log 3208.1 + Access Addendum - Close Addendum This is a dream recorded from one of the earliest known infected individuals, Mr. Jeffrey Kent. Mr. Kent is currently housed at hazardous quarantine facility 904. There's this missing girl in town and I'm trying to find her in my office. I don't know her at all but I know that that she looks just like my daughter. I try to find her at work but she's not there. My beeper goes off and the whole office stares at me. I call the number and the guy on the other end tells me she's down at the docks. I go down there and find this tall guy with a wide-brimmed hat. She's behind him so I try to go over but I can't get any closer. It's like I'm on a treadmill. I start to run but it doesn't make any difference. The guy walks into a warehouse with her and I can finally move so I follow him. There's a dozen bodies hanging from the rafters inside. They're all the same little girl. No blood. No marks. It's like they're sleeping. I hear a noise and I turn around and I'm out in a field. The girls are hanging from the sky now but they're all awake. They start to scream and claw at the rope but I can't hear anything. The sun is straight above our heads. Then a huge shadow comes down over the field and the man with the wide-brimmed hat is looking down at me. I can't see his face. He grabs all the ropes out of the sky and walks away with them. I wake up right as the sun comes back. Addendum 3208.2: Discovery - Dream Log 3208.2 + Access Addendum - Close Addendum This record is from D-9931 from Site-81. Procedural review as to how he became infected during what was supposed to be a routine sample collection is still ongoing. I'm sure I was awake for this but I couldn't move and there was someone in the room with me. I felt like there were heavy weights on my chest. The thing in the corner didn't even seem like it was paying attention to me. I tried to scream but I couldn't. It was just staring out the window. I looked over and I wasn't on the 5th floor anymore, there was this dusty field that just stretched off into the horizon. I looked back over and the thing was gone. Then I looked back out the window and it was out there in the distance, and way bigger than before. It felt like I was laying there for months. Pitch black arms were growing out of the ground like plants the whole time. They tried to claw at the thing but it just stood there, staring at me. I finally blinked and the field was gone and I could move again. That's when I picked up the phone to call for the nurse. Addendum 3208.3: Discovery - Dream Log 3208.3 + Access Addendum - Close Addendum Note: The following is a standard dream log filed by Dr. Isaiah Hostetler in 1993 after his initial infection. I am standing in the parlor of my parents’ old home, in Maine. They have some guests over, but I don’t recognize many of the faces. I smile and greet people and serve drinks and I worry about whether the food will be ready or not when a phone rings. I pick it up and a voice on the other end says “come upstairs.” I leave the parlor and move towards the staircase. I remember it was this huge, sweeping thing that some Italian carpenter had built for my great-grandfather a hundred years ago, but now it ascends into the ceiling with no arm rail and I can’t see how high it goes. I hear the phone ring in the other room and I am suddenly aware that there aren’t any more people around. I look out a window and see fields, which I don’t realize is out of the ordinary but that house overlooked the bay. I begin to walk up the staircase, but I can’t find my footing. I take several steps, and then several more back down, and I begin to feel very afraid. The phone is still ringing, louder, and now I’m standing in the house after it burned down. The staircase in front of me is unchanged, but now it just keeps rising up into the sky. The ruins are surrounded by fields that stretch out for an eternity. I start to climb again, and as I rise up the steps I can see a figure in the distance. I can’t quite make it out but it’s moving towards the house. I don’t know how long I climb. Eventually I see him, a man in a hat standing next to a telephone. The same phone I answered earlier in the parlor. I'm back in the parlor. He comes up to me and I can see him, plain as day. He looks afraid. He says “Did you see it?” When I tell him I don’t know what he’s talking about, he recoils. “Blighted seed breeds blighted crop,” he says, and his eyes grow wide. Dr. Hostetler asks Dr. Harald Lang, one of the researchers assigned to the SCP-3208 project, for water. It is provided and Dr. Hostetler resumes after complaining of an increasing headache. The man leans in very close, staring at my eyes. “Listen to me,” he says, “a nightmare festers in the field. Their all-seeing eye passed over the empty cell. Even the Reaper fears what is being sown.” He produces a scalpel. “The dreamwalkers are fleeing. They would be like smoke before a cyclone. Take this,” he hands me the knife, “you cannot stop its advance. If it sees you, cut out your eyes. The road through the field will be lined with corpses, but it may give you enough time to escape; by foot or by blade.” The room around us is suddenly collapsing. The house is on fire. In the distance I see a figure swaying in the field. “The blighted seed breed blighted crop,” he says. “It is too late for you. Use the blade. Give the others time. He's coming. He's coming.” I ask him who, but he’s gone. His hat is burning on a coat rack near the door. I hear a long, low sound coming from the field. I turn to look, and I wake up. 15 hours after recording Dream Log 3208.3, Dr. Hostetler was found unresponsive in his room in the Site-81 medical wing along with a scalpel and the following note. I think I understand now. I'm sorry. Dr. Hostetler was experiencing full body paralysis at the time he was found despite being in the earliest stages of infection. Several hesitation wounds were present on his arms and neck though none were deep enough to cause serious injury. Dr. Hostetler remains unresponsive in the Site-81 medical center. Addendum 3208.4: Discovery - Dream Log 3208.4 + Access Addendum - Close Addendum Note: The following is the transcript of audio recordings gathered from Dr. Harald Lang subsequent to his own infection 15 years after the previous log. After I started complaining about the headache, Dr. Tarnot asked me to come in and get some scans done. They kept saying they weren't sure if it had manifested yet or not, but after last night there's no questioning it. I know what I saw. (Deep inhale) I open my eyes and the first thing I see is dust. It fills the air, chokes it, makes it thick. High above me somewhere I can just barely make out a light, maybe a sun, that barely illuminates the world around me. There's a road beneath my feet, and I follow it. As my eyes adjust to the dust and the wind that's whipping up behind me, I get some sense of where I'm at. A single, long road that stretches between two flat expanses of dirt as far as I can see in any direction. I think in the distance I see mountains, but through the haze it's nearly impossible to tell. After a while I see something laying in the road. Its features are half defined, like something out of a storybook that you dreamed about and then forgot. It's dead. There are others like it, strewn across the road now. I get the impression they used to be colorful, but they're covered in dirt and dust and in the dark their colors have faded. Their lights have all gone out. I keep walking, and after a while the road ends. The dirt has covered the road completely and now it's dust forever. This is when I start to see things laying on the ground - a hat, a ringing cell phone, a diamond ring, some baseball cards, and a pair of pants. I follow this trail of discarded things until I reach a field, one that stretches out before me in a long, unending line. There are crops there, tall stalks of dry things that rustle when the wind blows. There are more things on the ground now and somewhere in front of me I start to sense a presence that makes my hair stand on end. It's far away. I walk through the fields for what feels like years. The trail becomes thicker, and I start to see other things. At first, I thought they were strips of rawhide, like you see sold at feed stores or cowboy shops. When I pick one up, I see the faintest coloration of a tattoo etched into it. Dark stretches of blackened blood accompany each one, where the piece sloughed off before coming to rest. I start to see hair. Fingernails. Teeth. The haze grows thicker now, and I lose my sense of direction. I'm wandering through the rows of dead stalks, barely breathing, and all around me I start to hear this sound. It's quiet at first, but every step I take brings me closer to the source, like I've been drawn to it. It's low, and inconsistent, and it rises and falls as I push forward. I hear voices now. Individual sounds make up the din. I take another step, and the stalks around me disappear. I'm in a clearing, looking out towards another expanse of dirt. In the far distance I see a city made of light and color, floating in the air. There are shapes dancing around it, things with wings and things made of fire and lightning. Below it is green grass, and beyond it is blue sky. Against the grey and brown of the fields and the dirt it is a beauty that I can't even describe; a city of dreamlight and wonder. Jerusalem, set on a high hill. Then I see it. Swaying in the wind. It's long and lean, with sackcloth around its body and a wide straw hat on its head. I can't make out its features. In one hand is clutched a thick knot of rope, thrown over its shoulder. As my eyes follow the rope, I see hundreds, or… or thousands of people, bundled together like hay… moaning and screaming. Some of them I can see clearly, men and women and children in their street clothes, their eyes wild in fear. The others… I can see the… the dark strips that catch against the rocks and just slide off, like rawhide… I hear my name, and I look up. There's a figure in there, one scorched black and rotten, reaching a hand towards me. Its fingers ground into nothing, but I see it clearly. Its mouth is open, and it's full of dirt and dust. It chokes out my name, again and again. I can't see its eyes, but it's staring at me. I can feel it. Then it's gone, mixed in with the rest of them as they're dragged across the dirt. I hear my name one more time and then the sound just becomes another sound among thousands. I watch for a while longer. They get further away, and the sound grows dim, and then the dust kicks up and the scene disappears. I stumble through the choked air again for a time, trying to find any respite from the horrid wind. I fall, barely able to catch myself. The dirt gets thicker in the air around me, and I start suffocating under it. The ground is shifting and twisting beneath me, and I sink into it. I want to pull myself up, but my body refuses. The dust is too much. It obscures my sight and fills my lungs. It fills my veins. I see a pair of glasses sticking up out of the dirt. The glass is broken and the frames are bent, but I recognize them instantly. They're Hostetler's. And then I wake up. Footnotes 1. Until a replacement for Dr. Hostetler is selected, material testing is to be suspended. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3208" by djkaktus and Doctor Cimmerian, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: historicalimage3208-M.JPG Name: Satansowing.JPG Author: Félicien Rops License: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons Filename: SCP-3208-3.mp3 Author: Doctor Cimmerian License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: SCP Foundation Wiki Filename: SCP-3208-4.mp3 Author: TheeSherm License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: SCP Foundation Wiki YKHN djkaktus
SCP-3209 in the wild Item #: SCP-3209 Special Containment Procedures: Personnel interacting with populations of SCP-3209 are to wear liquid-crystal active shutter glasses operating at or above 60 Hz. Wild specimens of SCP-3209 are to be captured and relocated to an on-site lepidopterarium. Monasteries keeping SCP-3209 populations are to be closely monitored for specimens escaping into the wild. Description: SCP-3209 (Sevenia acedia) is an anomalous species of butterfly which preys upon interest. An SCP-3209 specimen feeds by perching on the nose of its target and rapidly fluttering its wings in front of their eyes. Affected animals become lethargic and unmotivated, eventually dying of starvation. Sapient beings exhibit a more complex set of symptoms when exposed to SCP-3209. The primary effect is permanent loss of interest in a hobby or topic. Examples of interests lost due to SCP-3209 include card games, poetry, science-fiction films, and golf. Frequent exposure to SCP-3209 causes chronic anhedonia and apathy. As most symptoms of exposure are nearly indistinguishable from dysthymia, attempts to locate wild populations of Sevenia acedia have primarily focused on tracking down reports of rainbow-winged butterflies. In severe cases, individuals continually exposed to SCP-3209 may be identified among patients in psychiatric care facilities. Such patients typically have no prior history of behavioral incidents, live outside of cities, and are hospitalized following suicide attempts which failed due to their lack of motivation. Addendum 3209.1: Field Reports of Agent Bartell The Ethics Committee has indefinitely postponed actions against monasteries in and around Nepal, an unknown number of which may be maintaining populations of Sevenia acedia in secret. Internal discussions center around the testimony of field agent Aaron Bartell, who was assigned to identify and investigate monasteries involved. 02/11/2018 Might have a lead. An ex-monk in Panauti with severely disabling apathy. Can't even get out of bed. Probably a straightforward case of depression, but his nickname caught my eye. Apparently people call him the Butterfly Man. 02/15/2018 Met the Butterfly Man. Real name: Rajiv Śākya. Couldn't get a statement from him—he had no interest in conversing. As far as I can tell, he has no interest in anything. Borderline vegetative. I did obtain the name of his former monastery from one of the neighbors taking care of him. Tergar Gompa. Located in a valley a few kilometers east of here. Hoping this doesn't turn out to be one more dead end. I haven't seen my family in, what, four months? 02/17/2018 Tergar Gompa is beautiful. It's surrounded by Persian silk trees, the ones studded with pink flowers. The monastery itself is an arrangement of pale stone buildings around a courtyard. The buildings are connected by colonnades painted in rich hues, mostly red and gold. At a guess, I'd say the place is three or four centuries old. And to think, I almost took a desk job. 02/18/2018 The monks weren't thrilled about my liquid-crystal glasses. Cameras are banned here—not sure whether due to religious beliefs or more practical concerns. They spent a few minutes looking over the glasses before returning them. Conveniently, they didn't bother to inspect my books, which contain a small arsenal of surveillance equipment. I don't think they were feigning ignorance about the glasses. If they're not using active shuttering, how are they protecting themselves? 02/19/2018 Blindfolds. I've only caught a few glimpses of blindfolded monks, but I'm sure of it. Somehow they're doing all the work of caring for the butterflies by sound and touch alone. The caretakers might not even know what they're dealing with. I've been watching out for any monks behaving unusually, but nothing so far. Whatever SCP-3209 is being used for, it must be pretty limited. There might only be a handful of monks here aware of its effects. 02/20/2018 First sighting of Sevenia acedia. Not hard to find. They're kept in a small glass-roofed conservatory built against the southern wall. Small population, from what I could see. Maybe three dozen or so. Hid some cameras in a few nearby bushes to keep an eye on things. Next morning, four men in blindfolds visited the conservatory. I want it on the record that I have never been wrong about anything, ever. 02/21/2018 I fit in fairly well around here. I guess working for the Foundation has given me plenty of practice at the whole taking-yourself-out-of-the-equation thing. Emotional distancing, constant self-analysis, ego starvation, etc. Difference is, at the end of the job I get to go home and be me again. Hard to imagine living like this all the time. 02/23/2018 Inadvertently exposed myself to SCP-3209. Woke up, opened my eyes, and the little fucker was perched right on my nose. The shimmer in its wings got me before I could look away. When I regained focus, it was gone. Must have zipped right out of there as soon as it was full. From now on, will wear the glasses to bed. Need to figure out how it got in my room. Maybe the monks suspected I was on to them. Maybe they'd have thrown me out if the butterfly returned hungry. Maybe I'm after any excuse to frame my mistake as a good thing. I keep getting distracted trying to figure out what it took from me. Reviewing all my hobbies. 'These are a few of my favorite things'. What's missing? What don't I care about anymore? 02/24/2018 Just noticed the carpets in the prayer hall. They're full of butterflies. Every single pattern, every border design. The monks here meditate on their knees with their heads bowed. The whole time, they're staring at butterflies. I've been looking at this all wrong. Forest for the trees. I haven't seen any out-of-place behavior because this whole place is about SCP-3209. They're all in on it. 02/26/2018 I was right. Late last night, the Sevenia acedia were transferred in a box from the conservatory to the prayer hall. All of the monks gathered inside the hall. No guests allowed. My cameras couldn't get a clear visual due to poor lighting—there was only a dim, flickering glow cast by floating candles in frosted-glass bowls. Audio came through just fine, though. Each monk recited a different phrase over and over. "Longing for my childhood home." "World politics." "The cuteness of dogs." "Showtunes, for getting stuck in my head." It was like a confessional. The ritual lasted roughly half an hour. When it was over, they returned the butterflies to the conservatory and went to bed. 02/28/2018 I've been thinking a lot, these past few days. Reflecting. Everything about this place encourages it. The windows at the ends of corridors; the neatly trimmed grass in the courtyard; the flickering candles. There's a kind of stillness here that gets inside you. I tend to think of myself as an impartial observer. The Foundation concerns itself with facts, and facts do not depend on perspectives. I'm starting to wonder whether that was naive. I knew the facts of monastic life here perfectly, but until two days ago, I failed to grasp their impact. Facts: Monasteries like this one strive for three mental states. Amoha, non-delusion; adveṣa, non-hatred; and alobha, non-attachment. Emotional ties to worldly matters are considered poisonous. Impact: Is it only because of my cultural biases that SCP-3209 appears harmful? Where is the line between apathy and alobha? Is Rajiv Śākya a victim, or has he approached enlightenment? My instinct is to recommend capture of all cultivated populations of Sevenia acedia and administration of amnestics to everyone involved. It would be simpler; cleaner. It would also be an inexcusable mistake. These populations are already contained. They pose no threat to civilians. We have no justification to destroy the centuries of tradition and history that have developed at monasteries like Tergar Gompa. If we erase every part of human culture capable of harm, will anything be left? 03/05/2018 Got home today. I'm still adjusting to how much warmer it is here. My son was so excited to have me back. He's been making all these little finger-paintings. I didn't care about them. I didn't care about anything he said or did. I've always been overjoyed to see him after a long trip. No matter how hard I try, I cannot find that feeling now. My son is only four years old and I have lost interest in him. That's what SCP-3209 took from me. I stand by my previous statements.
Item #: SCP-3210 Special Containment Procedures: Area 3210 is to be built around SCP-3210-A, with at least one kilometer between the edge of SCP-3210-A and the perimeter of Area 3210. An electrified fence five meters tall is to be built 300m outside of SCP-3210-A. This fence is to have guard towers positioned every 500m. Any instances of SCP-3210-B who attempt to reach this fence are to be terminated. In the case that an instance of SCP-3210-B breaches this fence, MTF Alpha-19 ("Alt-Fight") are to respond. Once containment has been reestablished, the interior fence and the border of Area 3210 is to be expanded in order to maintain the proper distances. Knowledge of the existence of SCP-3210 is restricted to personnel assigned to SCP-3210 and the O5 Council. Other personnel or civilians who learn information relating to SCP-3210 are to be amnesticized. Standard disinformation protocol is to be employed in order to conceal the existence of Area 3210 from unauthorized persons. The use of Scranton-class Reality Anchors inside of SCP-3210-A is strictly prohibited. Description: SCP-3210 is the collective designation for the town of Ridgefort, Michigan, the surrounding area, and its inhabitants. SCP-3210-A is a geographic area encompassing the town of Ridgefort and approximately 27km² outside, mostly to the south. SCP-3210-B is the designation given to anomalous individuals residing within SCP-3210-A. There are 323 instances of SCP-3210-B, eleven of which were originally Foundation personnel and the rest of which are native to Ridgefort. Subjects inside SCP-3210-A, such as instances of SCP-3210-B, experience ZK-class reality and perception alteration. As such, different personnel perceive and interact with SCP-3210-A differently. The appearance and content of SCP-3210-A is unique to every individual. Subjects with conflicting perceptions of SCP-3210-A often report each other performing impossible feats, such as walking on air or disappearing spontaneously. However, no actions have occurred that would be impossible from the relevant subject's perspective1. Variations between subjects are more minor on the peripheries of SCP-3210-A, generally manifesting as insignificant changes in textures. Variations are stronger closer to the geographic center of SCP-3210-A and often manifest as inconsistencies between entire buildings or streets. This phenomenon also affects recorded images and representations, which has complicated exploration and documentation. Subjects may perceive any visual or audio content related to SCP-3210-A uniquely, including photographs, videos, and computer-generated representations. Items necessary for survival of SCP-3210-B instances, such as food and potable water, are replenished in stores throughout SCP-3210-A by anomalous means. Instances of SCP-3210-B do not find this strange, though they do react with confusion and fear to the other anomalous phenomena exhibited in SCP-3210-A. The culture of SCP-3210-B is mostly consistent with early 2000s Midwest American culture, with the notable exception that sports are not popular among the majority of SCP-3210-B instances. Subjects who enter SCP-3210-A begin experiencing altered perception after between approximately half an hour and four days of exposure. From this point on they become instances of SCP-3210-B and exhibit the same anomalous properties. SCP-3210-B only exist inside of SCP-3210-A; when an instance of SCP-3210-B attempts to exit SCP-3210-A, SCP-3210-A expands in that direction. SCP-3210-A has grown 23km² since it was contained. Addendum 01: Excerpts from Document 3210-r (Exploration Logs) Mission 3210-08 Hide Overview Mission Audio Log Recovered Audio Operation Designation: Mission 3210-08 Team: MTF Rho-8 Date: May 5, 2017 Time: 0800 EST Mission Objectives: Locate SCP-3210-B-1 ("Glen Warner") Establish a base inside of SCP-3210-A from which to conduct interviews with SCP-3210-B instances Gather information about SCP-3210 MTF Rho-8 ("Mirage Meanderers") Codename: Washington Age: 31 Position: Level 3 Agent, Team Leader Previous Assignment: MTF Omicron-7 Codename: Jefferson Age: 29 Position: Level 3 Agent Previous Assignment: MTF Epsilon-6 Codename: Lincoln Age: 28 Position: Level 2 Agent Previous Assignment: MTF Xi-06 Codename: Madison Age: 24 Position: Level 2 Agent Previous Assignment: MTF Zeta-29 Codename: Adams Age: 31 Position: Level 2 Agent Previous Assignment: MTF Lambda-5 Codename: Roosevelt Age: 26 Position: Level 2 Agent Previous Assignment: MTF Tau-1165 00:00:00 Washington: Mic check. Everybody check in. Washington. 00:00:02 Jefferson: Jefferson. 00:00:03 Madison: Madison. 00:00:04 Lincoln: Lincoln. 00:00:06 Roosevelt: Roosevelt. 00:00:08 Adams: Adams. 00:00:10 Washington: All present. Let's move in. 00:24:06 Washington: Approaching the town. 00:37:20 Madison: Do you see that? Over there, by the lamppost. Looks like a ghost. 00:37:28 Jefferson: Command, you getting this? I don't think it sees us. It's not really moving either. 00:37:32 Madison: Should we shoot it? 00:37:34 Washington: Negative. Do not engage the specter unless absolutely necessary. That's not our mission. 00:37:37 Madison: Roger. 00:44:56 Roosevelt: Let's check out this house. 00:45:03 Washington: Roger. Jefferson, Lincoln, check around the back. Adams, Madison, keep watching the street and holler if anything comes. Roosevelt, with me. 00:45:05 Lincoln: Let's head in. 00:46:00 Jefferson: Door's locked. I'm gonna bust it. 00:46:19 Jefferson: This place is a pig sty. 00:46:21 Lincoln: For real. This guy needs a vacuum cleaner, or something. My place was tidier in college. 00:47:02 Jefferson: All clear in here. 00:47:07 Lincoln: This room looks interesting, I'm gonna check it out. 00:47:07 Washington: That's a creepy painting. 00:47:10 Roosevelt: What painting? 00:47:11 Jefferson: Lincoln? 00:47:12 Washington: You don't see the painting? Roosevelt, I'm going to need an update on what you see. 00:47:14 Roosevelt: Uh, a living room. Dark wood walls, mostly unadorned. Shotgun above the mantle. There's a comfortable looking couch against the right wall and a glass coffee table covered in books. There's also a partially eaten salad. 00:47:20 Washington: Okay, that's mostly consistent with what I see. 00:49:21 Washington: Check the cellar. 00:49:22 Roosevelt: Roger. 00:47:43 Jefferson: What the fuck? He was just here. 00:49:56 Roosevelt: It's full of wine. 00:50:01 Adams: Nice lawn here. 00:50:04 Madison: Yeah, dude's got a birdbath and everything. 00:50:08 Roosevelt: There's a corpse down here too. Missing its head. 00:52:04 Washington: Where's Lincoln? 00:52:07 Jefferson: I don't know. It's like he just disappeared. 00:52:16 Washington: Everybody check in. Washington. 00:52:18 Madison: Madison. 00:52:18 Jefferson: Jefferson. 00:52:20 Roosevelt: Roosevelt. 00:52:21 Adams: Adams. 00:52:24 Washington: Shit. 00:52:48 Washington: Command, we've lost contact with Lincoln. 00:53:02 Adams: That didn't take long. I thought Madison would be the first to go. 00:53:06 Madison: Fuck off. 00:53:20 Roosevelt: We should continue. 01:12:09 Washington: I see someone. Looks like a human. 01:12:31 Washington: It's a kid. 01:12:38 Roosevelt: Who wants to talk to it? 01:12:40 Washington: Jefferson, come with me. It might have valuable intel. 01:12:42 Jefferson: Roger. I'm good with kids. 01:12:45 Madison: Honestly I find kids creepier than ghosts. 01:12:48 Roosevelt: I'm with you there, brother. 01:13:06 Jefferson: Hi there. We're looking for the mayor. Do you know where he is? 01:13:11 Jefferson: Just to talk. 01:13:16 Jefferson: For the ghosts. No, you can't shoot it. The recoil alone could break your shoulder. 01:13:42 Jefferson: And your parents know where the mayor is? 01:14:03 Jefferson: Thanks, kid. 01:14:57 Washington: Same deal as before. Kid says there are people in here who know where the mayor is. Jefferson, stick with us. 01:15:00 Jefferson: Roger. I like teams of three better anyways. 01:15:00 Madison: Okay, we'll watch the street again. 01:15:01 Roosevelt: Roger. Let's go. 01:20:10 Washington: Specter five o'clock! 01:20:11 Roosevelt: Motherfucker! 01:20:14 Roosevelt: It stabbed my fucking leg! 01:20:17 Jefferson: Oh shit, oh shit. 01:20:23 Roosevelt: Oh Jesus fuck, I'm gushing. I'm going to die. 01:20:24 Jefferson: Look at his leg. Looks like it might've got an artery. Rose, you got a first aid kit? 01:20:25 Roosevelt: I'm going to fucking die. You can't bandage this. 01:20:28 Washington: Tango down. Command, Roosevelt is bleeding rather badly. Requesting evacuation. Jefferson, if we don't find people in here then that kid lied to us, unless his parents are specters, which I doubt. 01:20:28 Jefferson: I can try. 01:20:29 Roosevelt: It's not going to help. 01:20:37 Washington: Alright then. Command says we've been affected by the skip so evac is off the table. 01:21:00 Adams: You hear that noise? 01:21:06 Madison: I hear it. I'm going to get a better look. It's just in the other side of that wall. 01:21:07 Roosevelt: It hurts so much. 01:21:08 Adams: How? You gonna climb the wall? 01:21:14 Madison: There's a staircase. I guess you don't see it though. 01:21:16 Adams: I don't. Looks like a concrete wall to me. 01:21:54 Adams: Woah. Looks like you're climbing air. 01:22:24 Roosevelt: Wash, behind you! 01:22:25 Washington: Oh fuck. 01:22:29 Jefferson: Oh no, no. 01:22:32 Jefferson: Command, Roosevelt and Washington are down. Requesting immediate cessation of the mission. 01:22:35 Roosevelt: Don't bother, mate. Finish the… mission… I ain't gonna… just go… 01:22:35 Adams: What do you see? 01:22:38 Madison: Not much, honestly. More buildings. I have the feeling you wouldn't be able to see them even if you could get up here. This place looks different to everyone. Makes me wonder why we even have cameras, because Command is probably seeing different stuff than us half the time. Honestly I'm surprised our comms work at all with all the essokinetic fuckery. Lincoln could still be alive for all we know, just unable to communicate with the radio. 01:22:38 Roosevelt: Oh good God… 01:22:40 Jefferson: I think so. You didn't properly brief us on these specters though. Roosevelt is bleeding out and Washington's head exploded. We're down to half the team and it's been… Jesus, an hour and a half. 01:22:47 Jefferson: Well, they're definitely susceptible to bullets. But they came out of literally nowhere. Second one appeared between me and Wash and got him before he had a chance to react. 01:22:58 Jefferson: Roger. Madison, Adams, I'm exiting the house. 01:24:00 Jefferson: How did Madison get up there? 01:24:03 Adams: He walked. 01:24:08 Jefferson: Walked? There's nowhere to walk. 01:24:09 Adams: Maybe not to us, but he sees a staircase. So he can walk on it. Same way Link disappeared I think, he entered a room that to us didn't exist and then couldn't get back. His comm probably stopped working because it can't communicate between his reality and ours. Or he died, one of the two. 01:24:17 Jefferson: It looks like he's floating twenty feet above the ground. 01:24:20 Madison: Freaky, right? I'm standing on a balcony to someone's house. Not going in though. We need to keep moving. 01:56:30 Jefferson: Let's check out the CVS. 01:56:32 Madison: Sure. You do the talking. I'm gonna steal some candy. 01:56:36 Adams: Don't steal the candy you idiot. 01:57:02 Jefferson: Hello ma'am, we're looking for the mayor. 01:57:10 Jefferson: Uh, current. Name of Warner, I believe? 01:57:21 Jefferson: Wonderful, thank you. 02:00:02 Madison: Where did Adams go? 02:00:10 Jefferson: What the hell? 02:00:17 Jefferson: Check in. Jefferson. 02:00:19 Madison: Madison. 02:00:28 Jefferson: Nothing from Adams. For fuck's sake. 02:00:30 Madison: That's a bad fucking sign. 02:00:32 Jefferson: Command, we're down to two. Still no sign of the mayor. Requesting… Fuck it. 02:48:09 Madison: Uh, where are you going, Jefferson? 02:48:11 Jefferson: Straight ahead. 02:48:13 Madison: That looks like a wall to me. I see roads to the left and right, but not straight. 02:48:16 Jefferson: You don't? 02:48:30 Jefferson: Command, we are seeing very different road layouts. Don't think we'll be able to go this direction together. Please advise. 02:48:56 Jefferson: If you say so. Madison, we need to find an alternative route. Splitting up at this point for any reason is an invitation for disaster. 03:21:46 Jefferson: Another house. Let's check it out. 03:21:50 Madison: Alright, let's go in. Please don't disappear on me. This is not somewhere I'd want to be alone. 03:32:02 Jefferson: All clear in this room. 03:39:54 Madison: Hey, check this out. Looks like an altar of some sort. 03:40:00 Jefferson: That's a lot of blood. 03:40:06 Madison: Still wet. There's no carcass though, I wonder where it came from. 03:40:11 Jefferson: Yeah. It's got symbols I don't recognize. Command, you getting this? 03:40:37 Madison: Wonder if I'm seeing different symbols than you. I think all of us see the little details in this place slightly differently. 03:41:00 Madison: Lot of campaign posters too. Wonder if we're gonna meet this Greenfield guy. He seems popular. 04:20:01 Jefferson: Oh shit, down the street. Another specter. 04:20:20 Madison: I see it. Let's hope it doesn't see us. 04:20:49 Madison: It sees us. 04:20:53 Jefferson: It has a gun! 04:20:57 Madison: Shit! Fire! 04:21:09 Jefferson: Sounds like one of ours. I bet it poached it from one of our friends. 04:22:35 Madison: I think it's gone. 04:22:38 Jefferson: Yeah, it's gone. I think I might've hit it. 04:22:42 Madison: Let's hope. 06:04:19 Jefferson: This looks right. 06:05:00 Jefferson: Hello. 06:05:02 Madison: Are you the mayor? 06:05:11 Jefferson: Thank god. We had a hell of a time finding you. 06:05:11 Madison: Finally. 06:05:17 Jefferson: Command, we've established contact with the mayor. Will perform the first interview tomorrow. 06:05:22 Madison: Two, maybe three. They killed a few of our guys too. 06:05:28 Adams: Hello. 06:05:30 Jefferson: Huh, there's activity on Adams' comm. 06:05:32 Adams: I found the mayor, fellas. The real mayor. That man is an imposter. A bad imitation of the real thing. Just like the town you're in is not Ridgefort, it is a relic of a broken past. I am in the future. I am the future. 06:05:38 Jefferson: Adams? Adams! Where are you? 06:05:40 Madison: That's not his voice, Jeff. 06:05:53 Adams: Astute. I know you can hear me, Warner, and your new friends can listen too. They might even like what they hear. 06:06:06 Adams: Ridgefort and its people do not belong in such a disaster of a universe. Our destiny is far greater. We will secede. We will succeed. Stop… holding us back. 06:06:31 Adams: Let go, Warner. You know it's inevitable. Believe me. This is between the people of Ridgefort and their limitless potential. Your new friends cannot change that. We will experience a greatness we have not felt in a long time. You hold us back. Bring your followers to me and we can begin anew. The time for greatness is upon us, Warner, do not stand in the way. 06:07:19 Adams: I don't know why you cling to a failing world. We were the greatest that world had to offer. We need not succumb to the mediocrity that has plagued us for so long. We need not live in fear of the ghost of what we once were, what we could be again if only our leaders ​had conviction and our people had pride. Believe me, we are too great to surround ourselves with lesser men. 06:07:44 Adams: You cannot defeat our alternative reality. You cannot reconcile it with your own. You can either ride our magnificent ship, or you can drown. The tide is rising, Warner, and we will soon sail away. The following audio was recovered from the microphones of task force members who lost contact with Command during the mission. Adams 01:59:49: Jefferson? Madison? 01:59:58: Command? 02:00:04: Shit. 02:03:11: Since when does CVS have a gun aisle? 02:03:55: Or a plaza? 02:03:59: Fuck this non-Euclidean shit. 02:04:11: That's a lot of people. Command? Anyone? 02:06:25: Hello, I'm looking for the mayor. 02:06:30: I go by Adams. 02:06:42: I'm only authorized to share that with the mayor. 02:06:51: I appreciate that. 02:58:06: Hello. 02:58:11: I'm part of a team representing the SCP Foundation. Our commanding officer had a correspondence with you. 02:58:19: Don't know. I lost contact with them about an hour ago. 02:58:31: We were told the mayor would be expecting us. If you didn't know we were coming then you're not the mayor. I need to speak with the mayor. 02:58:46: I see. 02:58:52: You don't have to do that. Roosevelt 01:26:06: Command, this is… Roosevelt… fuck… dying slowly. 01:26:11: Command? 01:26:15: Shit. 01:34:00: Lincoln… Lincoln… 01:34:10: Don't… go there… 01:34:14: Mmmmmm… 01:34:42: Help me… 01:34:48: Go through the… door… 01:35:03: Lincoln please… 01:35:11: You don't… see… me… do you… 01:35:57: Fuck. 01:37:24: No… why, god… Lincoln… 01:39:27: What happened… 01:43:02: I don't… Lincoln 00:52:04: Jefferson? 00:52:09: Washington? 00:52:14: Command, I've lost contact with the rest of the team. 00:52:21: Command? 00:52:50: Maybe my comm is broken… But where the hell did everyone go? 00:53:26: The fuck? Where did this room go? 00:59:03: That's not the same house I walked into. 01:01:19: None of this looks the same. 01:14:37: God dammit. 01:29:58: A person, finally. 01:31:04: Hey, hey, what's going on? 01:31:11: In there? 01:31:19: Stay here. You're describing people I know, I'm going to talk to them. 01:33:54: Oh Jesus. 01:34:00: Hang on there, ma'am. Is there a hospital in this town? I can call you an ambulance… 01:34:12: Your son? He's outside. Don't worry, he's okay. I told him to stay put. 01:34:22: They got your husband too, looks like. 01:35:01: Which other room? 01:35:04: I don't see a door there. 01:36:27: Bastard specters. 01:39:18: And he's gone. Predictable. 02:06:09: Where the hell is everybody? 02:54:42: So many of these fucks. 03:30:14: Maybe if I could find the mayor, they could meet me there. If they could find him too. 04:09:08: Fucking specters! What did you do to my friends?! 04:20:49: Augh, Jesus. They got their guns too! 04:21:04: Fuck fuck fuck that hurts! Holy fuck, holy fuck. 04:24:37: Son of a bitch! 04:38:02: Augh, okay, walking will be difficult. Maybe I should just stay here for a little. 05:19:38: More specters, oh my god. These assholes better not be armed. 09:53:09: There's no one in this damn town but ghosts. 12:12:26: Command, if you ever get this message, go fuck yourselves. 13:21:40: It's just ghosts. The whole place is just ghosts. 19:42:38: Where even am I? 20:01:43: These streets don't even make sense. 22:42:38: I'm so lost. 29:53:06: I need to get back to base. 29:53:18: Fucking hell, this hurts. 31:52:29: Jesus fuck. 32:41:36: Is that a Cracker Barrel? 32:41:50: That's a fucking Cracker Barrel. 32:48:32: Good lord I needed that. Nobody in this fucking place but at least there's food. 34:07:06: There's no one. Anywhere. 39:19:45: I wonder what it's like to be a ghost. 39:20:00: Maybe I'm the ghost. 39:20:37: Maybe I should kill myself to find out. 40:14:23: I'm going to get out of here. 40:24:30: Good god it hurts to walk. 52:56:02: No, no specters. I can't handle you right now. 58:05:31: Thank fuck. 60:42:53: Fuck this place. 74:11:18: Please be the fence… please be the fence… 74:35:52: Command, can you hear me? 74:43:22: This is it! 74:59:49: Why… 74:59:56: Aaugh… Addendum 02: Excerpt from Document 3210-h (Recovered Documentation) Video Transcript 11 Hide The following is a transcript of a video taken during Mission 3210-05. The video is believed to be of a speech given by Mayor Greenfield in 2016. Due to the nature of SCP-3210, subjects who view this video report a number of different variations in the text of the speech. As such, the most common variations are listed in the document, denoted with different colors​. Approximately 40% of subjects report the addition of pink text in the speech, 15% report the addition of the blue text, and 25% report the addition of gold text. The remaining ten percent report a mixture of two or three. Greetings, people of Ridgefort. I am here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength. This message comes deeply from my heart, and I hope you all heed my words. The time for quarreling and division is behind us. We now stand in the precipice of greatness. Who will join us? And who will perish? A new era is beginning. A wave is sweeping across our town, a surge of optimism and pride that will crush all who oppose it with a power/that will carry us into an age the likes of which we have not seen before. These next few years will define who we are, what our town is. The land we leave to our children. The world we inhabit. What will we leave for the future of Ridgefort? Will we be defined by our surroundings, or rise above them and crush the pitiful sheep around us/like an eagle soaring through the sky/as we ought to, as children of God? My fellow Ridgefortians, we need not hide who we are from pathetic humans/from those who do not understand our way of life. Our destiny is too great to live shackled to this place, this country, this world. This universe. Friends, I offer you only what all men desire: freedom and divinity. Same as our forefathers left the Old World for America, so must we too leave this world for a new one. And we must bring our dirty/beautiful town with us, for it is our home. Pull, pull with all your strength, my people. Ridgefort will rise to the heavens and leave this disaster of a world in the ashes/behind/behind. Those of you who do not aspire to greatness, I weep for you. For you hold us back, and will die/that is a great tragedy/will die mercifully. Our town already bears the scars of violence. Those among us who wish to see more like that infernal Warner and his cronies/like Glen Warner must not prevail. Even now, the streets bulge and shudder under the weight of our indecision. This great tug of war must end. We must act with conviction to transform Ridgefort into the nightmare/city on a hill/paradise it was meant to be. Some of our brothers and sisters have already begun the arduous process of this amazing migration. They are not long for this world, my friends, for they are soon to inhabit a new one. A better one. They are ghosts; ghoulish specters with no faces and no humanity./Their countenances are translucent, for most of their souls reside in a new plane. Soon we all shall. Even the enemies of our people, our neighbors who chain us to this forsaken universe, will find glory in the new world we will create for ourselves. Or they will die painfully. None shall oppose our abhorrent/holy/glorious endeavor, or they will die. Believe me, they will. They all will. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Addendum 03: Excerpts from Document 3210-i (Interviews) LEVEL 3 ACCESS REQUIRED Footnotes 1. See Mission Log 3210-08 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3210" by Rejekyll, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Acknowledge and accept that you are about to be exposed to an anomalous effect.  close Info X SCP-3211: There is No Canon Author: Croquembouche Hidden behind your phone or computer screen, you're usually safe from antimemetic SCPs. But 3211? No no no. 3211 is different. You'll only get to read this one once. After the timer has finished and you've read the final version of the article, check the Discussion for instructions on how to reset it. More from this author ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3211" by Croquembouche, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: chocolate.jpg Name: ChocolateBox.JPG Author: Vicki Nunn License: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons Filename: coin.jpg Name: Liberty Eagle $10 gold coin (1883) (obverse) 1 Author: James St. John License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: Flickr Filename: czech.jpg Author: Croquembouche License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: SCP Foundation Wiki Derivative Of: Name: Poznarova.jpg Author: Petr Kotolan License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons Filename: deadpigeon.jpg Name: Dead pigeon IMG 1282.jpg Author: Rama License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons Filename: gloves.png Name: Gloves Author: el cajon yacht club License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: Flickr Filename: imgmissing.png Name: scp-blank.png Author: Aelanna, far2 License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: SCP Foundation Wiki Derivative Of: Name: logo.png Author: far2 License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: SCP Foundation Wiki Filename: match.jpg Name: 631 matchbox Author: Eva the Weaver License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: Flickr Filename: puce.jpg Author: Croquembouche License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: SCP Foundation Wiki Filename: putty.jpg Name: BlueGooGlobe Author: Neff Conner License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: Flickr Filename: redcube.png Name: Uniform polyhedron-43-t0.png Author: Tomruen License: Public Domain Source: Commons Filename: toaster.jpg Name: Toaster1.jpg Author: Peng (Unconfirmed) License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: Commons Filename: warning.svg Author: Croquembouche License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: SCP Foundation Wiki Derivative Of: Name: logo.png Author: far2 License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: SCP Foundation Wiki
Item#: 3212 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-3212, it is unable to leave Site-██. Audio recording devices must be placed in all 30 of Site-██'s rooms to monitor the position of SCP-3212. These devices must be repaired by Site-██ personnel in the event that SCP-3212 attempts to damage them. Site-██ is to be inhabited at all times by no less than 30 sighted personnel with Security Clearance Level-3 or higher. Description: SCP-3212 appears to be a mass of tentacles, resembling those of Octopus vulgaris, albeit larger and more numerous. It is unknown whether the rest of SCP-3212's body resembles Octopus vulgaris, as due to the nature of its anomalous properties it cannot be directly observed. SCP-3212 cannot enter a room containing beings or devices capable of visual observation.1 Likewise, living beings capable of sight cannot enter the room in which SCP-3212 currently resides, with all adjoining doors refusing to open and walls resisting all damage. SCP-3212 will typically remain in a room for 2 to 3 hours if not impeded by the presence of sighted beings. SCP-3212 is capable of altering the internal size, shape and layout of its room without affecting the external dimensions. All alterations made by-SCP-3212 persist after the entity leaves the room. Entrances repositioned by SCP-3212 will always lead back to the room they originally lead to. See Addendum 3212-A SCP-3212 is capable of using its tentacles to pull objects from adjacent rooms through gaps around door frames, even if the objects are larger than the gaps. SCP-3212 has demonstrated the ability to move objects in excess of ███kg. SCP-3212 leaves no detectable marks on objects it touches. SCP-3212 will rearrange objects in its room, but will usually leave them unaltered. See Addendum 3212-B Although SCP-3212 is usually passive, it can become aggressive if personnel make excessive attempts to enter its room.2 SCP-3212's preferred method of attack is to use nearby objects as projectiles, although it has been known to resort to strangulation if no suitable projectiles can be found. It is of note that while SCP-3212 does respond to pain, it seems to be impervious to damage. SCP-3212 has attempted on ██ occasions to damage the audio devices in its room. Containment Log: SCP-3212 was discovered in the manor of ████ ████, a woman living in ██████, after she reported to local law enforcement that something was "turning [her] house into an M. C. Escher drawing [sic]." Foundation personnel were able to 'herd' SCP-3212 into a mobile containment cell by blocking its entrance into rooms. ████ was then administered Class-A amnestics and Site-██ was constructed for the expressed purpose of containing SCP-3212 and observing its anomalous properties. How SCP-3212 arrived at the manor of ████ ████ is unknown. Test Log 3212-1 Date: ████/██/██ Subject: Agent █████, a blind woman employed by the Foundation. Procedure: SCP-3212 was located in room-16 of Site-██. Agent █████ was positioned in room-17, adjacent to room-16. Site-██ personnel were positioned in all rooms adjacent to rooms-16 & -17. Agent █████ was told to attempt enter room-16 and remain there for 10 minutes. Agent █████ was not given any form of live communication with the rest of Site-██ personnel, as was it was believed that attempts to transmit electromagnetic radiation to and from Room-17 would disrupt/Be disrupted by SCP-3212's anomalous properties. Test Report: Agent █████ successfully opened the door to room-16, reporting feeling the sensation of water rushing into room-17, although she did not feel wet and was still able to breathe normally. SCP-3212 did not seem to react aggressively her presence, and at some points even brushed against her. After a period of time, Agent █████ attempted to place her hand on SCP-3212's tentacle, to which SCP-3212 did not respond. Agent █████ commented that the texture of SCP-3212's tentacle was "like holding your hand up in a strong breeze." Agent █████ then began to feel her way across the length of the tentacle but was unable to locate the main body SCP-3212. After 10 minutes had elapsed, Agent █████ closed the door adjoining rooms-16 & -17, noting that the sense of being underwater 'evaporated' almost instantly. Testing was concluded. Addendum 3212-A: On ██/██/████, Site-██ reported that door-15, previously adjoining rooms-15 and -16, now adjoins rooms-16 and -17. Further investigation into SCP-3212's ability to alter entrances pending. Addendum 3212-B: On ██/██/████, SCP-3212 remained in room-30 of Site-██ for an abnormal amount of time (approximately 10 hours). When SCP-3212 left the room, site personnel discovered SCP-3212-1, previously an office table, had been contorted into an impossible shape by SCP-3212. Further research into SCP-3212's ability to create anomalous objects are pending. Footnotes 1. A 'room' being defined as a section of 3-dimensional space completely surrounded by solid opaque barriers, with the exception of small gaps such as around doorframes. It is currently unknown what the maximum size of a gap can be before SCP-3212 will no longer enter the room. 2. SCP-3212 appears to be more prone to aggression when in absence of objects to manipulate. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3212" by Tanzanite423, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Carl knows what he did. IT WAS A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT AND HE THOUGHT NO ONE WAS WATCHING. My third contest entry. Hope it does well. Image Credit: ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} by Doctor Cimmerian A testing attempt involving a wild southern elephant seal. Subject vocalized "Fuck off, Carl!" prior to SCP-3213 being removed from the area. Item #: SCP-3213 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3213 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment cell on floor 20 of Site-88. Under no circumstances is SCP-3213 to be allowed unsupervised interaction with any member of any pinniped species (pinniped families include, but are not limited to, walruses, seals, and sea lions). Testing of SCP-3213's effects is to take place in the aquatic facilities on floor 21 of Site-88. Description: SCP-3213 is a 44-year-old human male named Carl Prosser. When SCP-3213 is in the direct line of sight of any member of any pinniped species, the animal will become sapient and capable of vocalization. SCP-3213-affected animals will then utilize this capability to direct verbal abuse towards SCP-3213. Affected animals appear to possess individual personalities and behaviors, though all share a common dislike of SCP-3213. Affected animals either do not comprehend, or do not care to respond, to any verbal requests from individuals who are not SCP-3213. Repeated interactions between SCP-3213 and affected animals has yielded no verifiable information relating to the cause of the anomaly. When in the presence of pinnipeds, SCP-3213 is under constant danger of physical attack. Affected animals will attempt to inflict as much physical pain as possible on SCP-3213, although multiple tests in controlled settings have revealed that these attacks will cease if SCP-3213's life is in danger. All attacking animals will continue direct verbal abuse towards SCP-3213 until removed from SCP-3213's presence. SCP-3213-affected animals do not appear to retain their sapience or ability to vocalize once out of direct line of sight of SCP-3213. Examination of live, actively affected specimens has been unsuccessful due to their aggression. SCP-3213 has, however, been cooperative in continued testing of the anomaly. Test 3: Purpose: Visual demonstration of described anomaly. Date: 10/30/17 Method: SCP-3213 was given a video camera and told to enter a room with a tank housing two adult earless seals. Results: A relatively docile interaction occurred during this test. This is believed to have been an attempt to make SCP-3213 feel safe. Two separate attempts were made to physically drag SCP-3213 into the water six seconds after SCP-3213 turned his back on the seals. Test 5: Purpose: Attempts by Dr. Paul Clifford to communicate with affected animals while SCP-3213 was present. Date: 11/08/17 Method: SCP-3213 directed to enter a room with a tank housing two earless seals. Dr. Clifford was already present. Interaction Log: Seal 1: Go fuck yourself, Carl! Seal 2: Yeah, go fuck yourself. Long and hard, you fucking bastard. Dr. Clifford: Excuse me, can you understand me? Seal 2: Carl, how's it feel to know that even though you're going bald, you'll never get any uglier? Dr. Clifford: Can you hear me? Seal 1: What's the matter, Carl? Too much of a pussy to answer us? Test 16: Purpose: Attempts to glean more of the reason for the anomaly's existence. Date: 1/24/18 Method: SCP-3213 directed to enter a room with a tank housing two earless seals and to inquire as to the reason behind the anomalous behavior. Interaction Log: Seal 1: Should've figured you'd come back, bet you like the taste of shit. SCP-3213: What did I do to make you so mad at me? Seal 2: Oh ho! This piece of shit wants to know what he did. Seal 1: You fucking know what you did, Carl. SCP-3213: I never know what you're fucking talking about. Seal 2: You're a fucking asshole. We fucking remember 'cause we saw you do that shit, Carl. Seal 1: You got all these people fooled. You thought just 'cause it was dark and raining on the beach that night, no one was gonna see what you did? SCP-3213: Jesus fucking Christ. Seal 2: Coming back to you now, ain't it, asshole. Why don't you jump in here and I'll give you a taste of how it felt. Seal 1: Don't worry, we won't kill you. Promise. SCP-3213: Why? Seal 2: 'cause then we couldn't hurt you any more, Carl. Following this interaction, SCP-3213 refused to elaborate on the incident described by the affected animals. It is also unknown why all members of pinniped species are aware of this triggering incident. Investigation into SCP-3213's past has turned up nothing matching the described details. SCP-3213 testing is currently suspended, and daily interviews are scheduled to determine what events caused this anomaly. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3213" by Doctor Cimmerian, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: SCP-3213_Affected_Animal.jpg Name: Mirounga leonina.jpg Author: Serge Ouachée License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons F*ck Off Carl None
Video recording of SCP-3214 Item #: SCP-3214 Special Containment Procedures: A specialized Foundation webcrawler1 will monitor digital advertising exchanges for new copies of SCP-3214. Blocking or deleting SCP-3214 from its current exchange may temporarily prevent new SCP-3214 from being served. If any clickthroughs are detected, a containment team must be dispatched to contain all individuals affected by the anomaly and assess the severity of the outbreak. Local news reports, psychiatric hospital records and social media sites must be monitored for accounts or images of a person disassembling and/or fabricating electronic devices as part of an attempt to send a message to outer space. Any device with a screen or speaker2 must be disconnected from power in the vicinity of individuals experiencing a retargeting event. No cellphone or other susceptible device is allowed within 30 meters of an instance of SCP-3214-1 except during approved tests. Description: SCP-3214 is a 30-second digital video advertisement which displays anomalous retargeting and personalization. When it is viewed or listened to by a person, any other susceptible device within approximately 30 meters will be served an SCP-3214 impression.3 This can result in the rapid and potentially exponential spread of SCP-3214. Any individual targeted by the anomaly may be subject to various cognitohazardous effects, with more severe effects if the individual clicks on the ad and views or listens to it. If an individual to whom an SCP-3214 impression has been served4 does not click through to view or listen to it, the person is not infected, although they will continue to be retargeted by the anomaly for up to five days. Individuals who experience a complete retargeting event and successfully avoid infection may experience minor cognitohazardous effects,5 but are not targeted by the anomaly again. Such effects typically fade within 3 to 6 weeks. Retargeting timeline: Retargeting events follow a predictable pattern, recorded below. Time elapsed Effect Example(s) 0-24 hours Impressions begin to be delivered outside of normal ad frames on devices used by the subject. Subject entered the web address of a major search engine. When attempting to click on the search bar, a popup of SCP-3214 slid down from the top of the screen and intercepted their cursor. 1-2 days Impressions occur at maximum frequency.6 Titles adopt a confrontational tone, including detailed information about the subject's life. "What Have You Got To Lose, D-20993?" "Mom Was Right: You're Good For Nothing (But We Can Help)" 2-3 days Impressions begin to be delivered to any device screen or speaker in the subject's vicinity. This can include devices which are not susceptible to SCP-3214 delivery under other circumstances, and need not be connected to the internet. A subject being escorted from the testing chamber passed by a closed-circuit television showing live feed from a security camera. SCP-3214 began to play in a corner of the screen. 3-4 days Impressions may be separated by two to three hours, and target the subject in moments of emotional vulnerability. A subject had recently learned of their cellmate's death in an unrelated test on SCP-████. When security personnel arrived to escort the subject to the testing chamber, SCP-3214 began to play from the security officers' walkie-talkies. 4-5 days Impressions revert to appearing only in normal ad frames. Titles become openly threatening. "CLICK OR EVENTUALLY DIE "you will be JUDGED" (the word "JUDGED" gradually expands to fill the text line, as the letters of the word "you" crack and break apart). Device damaged by an instance of SCP-3214-1 Symptoms: Approximately 80% of individuals who view or listen to the anomaly become SCP-3214-1. Information about the other 20% is restricted to personnel of level 2 and above, researchers directly involved in SCP-3214 experimentation, and agents deployed in response to SCP-3214 outbreaks (see Document SCP-3214-2A below). Once infected, SCP-3214-1 develop an obsessive fixation on space travel and interstellar communication. If given access to communications hardware, SCP-3214-1 will frequently disassemble them in an attempt to build a communications device capable of contacting the celebrity characters they saw or heard in SCP-3214.7 Subjects will describe their motivation as a desire to "call them back for one more chance" or "make them understand." These attempts may be highly energetic; some subjects have been observed working to the point of malnutrition or sleep deprivation in order to continually modify their devices. Reactions to the obsession vary considerably from one subject to another. One recovered SCP-3214-1, now in Foundation custody, continued to go to work each day, and would spend their evenings constructing a device in their condominium's basement storage area. Another, currently in long-term psychiatric confinement in a ███████ County facility, broke into a Radio Shack by smashing a window with a rock, and had destroyed a considerable amount of the store's stock by the time local law enforcement agents apprehended them. Infected individuals' knowledge does not appear to be anomalously enhanced in any way, and the devices they assemble are almost universally non-functional. SCP-3214-1 are not dissuaded by this, and will rebuff any attempts on the part of researchers to critique their construction. Those who already possessed knowledge of engineering or information systems may create devices consistent with non-anomalous functions such as generating radio or wireless signals. Research into these is ongoing, but to date has not produced new insight into the anomaly. Video description: Recordings of SCP-3214 show a blank screen with a circular "loading" image, and a sound similar to a dial-up modem connecting to the internet. Thus a more detailed description of SCP-3214 has been summarized from interviews with individuals infected by the anomaly. Open video description Close video description The narrator's appearance is perceived by the subject as an idealized version of themselves. Dialogue and/or captions in the video employ the viewer's first language. A group of characters in the video will appear to describe the wonders of their new home. Characters have the appearance of celebrities admired by the viewer. They may be shown engaging in space travel, public musical performances, sexual activity and/or [REDACTED]. During this section, the narrator's eyes begin to glow with green light as they deliver enthusiastic commentary on depicted scenes. Subjects are unable to recall this narration in detail. In the next segment, the narrator describes the viewer's history to the other characters. They are shown seated in a casual setting, and individually introduced as a panel of experts. The narrator attempts to convince them of the talent or desirability of the viewer, in the form of a "highlight reel" of notable events in the viewer's life. The other characters will briefly debate whether the viewer possesses "the right stuff" or "star quality" and whether the group should "take [name] with us." At the end of the debate, each member of the panel will render a "final answer" of either yes or no, turning to make eye contact with the viewer. Subjects report feeling compelled to view this portion, and felt they were being "measured" or "judged", even if they were unable to view the screen. The narrator moves in front of the camera and smiles at the viewer, saying, "We'll see you there." Although SCP-3214 has lasted exactly 30 seconds in each tested instance, the videos described by test subjects were of significantly longer duration. Researchers estimate that the longest described video8 would have taken up to an hour in real time. It is theorized that the anomaly functions in part by implanting information directly into a subject's mind, which the mind then reconstitutes as memory. Document SCP-3214-2A: Enter Level 2-3214 credentials - Credentials accepted An estimated 20% of individuals infected by SCP-3214 outside of containment go missing. These individuals are designated SCP-3214-2. SCP-3214-2 do not exhibit any compulsion to assemble electronic communication devices. Individuals infected while in containment have a lower probability of becoming SCP-3214-2 (approximately 5%). Civilians who have observed SCP-3214-2 report that instances will immediately depart, offering vague and contradictory excuses when questioned. SCP-3214-2 who are prevented from departing will express dismay, citing an urgent appointment. They will refuse to specify the nature or location of this appointment. SCP-3214-2 who remain in Foundation custody exhibit signs of increasing psychological distress and agitation as time progresses. Individual responses vary. They may withdraw and become unresponsive, demonstrate hostility and aggression towards Foundation personnel, or attempt self-harming behaviors. After review by the Ethics Committee, authorization was given to release some SCP-3214-2 under close surveillance, after equipping them with subcutaneous tracking devices. Each SCP-3214-2 instance will obtain a small quantity of luggage and fill it with various items of clothing and forms of personal entertainment.9 SCP-3214-2 will often purchase or steal such items in an opportunistic manner. All SCP-3214-2 to date have vanished within 24 hours of release while under the open sky. Observation teams report a flash of green light at each disappearance, which is not visible in video recordings. Tracking devices lose contact at this time. Tracking devices frequently lose contact at this time. Signals from tracking devices attached to some instances were later detected at the outer edge of the heliosphere, accelerating towards Alpha Centauri A at speeds which gradually increased to a maximum of .5c. Footnotes 1. Adapted from I/O BEHOLDER. See SCP-3299 for details. 2. For a full list of susceptible devices, see Documents 3214-b1-4. 3. When a digital advertisement is fetched from its server by a user's browser, it is counted as an impression, whether or not it is actually displayed to or viewed by a user. 4. An impression of a digital advertisement has been served when it appears in a user's browser. 5. May include misanthropy, increased extraversion, and obsessive fixation on the works and activities of a small group of celebrities unique to each subject. It is theorized that these celebrities are the ones who would have been depicted in SCP-3214 if the individual had viewed it. 6. The anomaly appears to observe a 30-minute frequency cap. 7. Evidence of the celebrities' presence on Earth in contiguous reality is rejected as illusory. 8. In which the debate segment devolved into a heated argument over which Buckethead album was the most iconoclastic 9. Movies, books, mp3 players, handheld gaming devices, musical instruments and adult toys are commonly selected. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3214" by mayoculpa, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: loading_ahm_masum.gif Name: loading icon.gif Author: Ahm masum License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: wikipedia commons Filename: broken_computer.jpg Name: Broken Computer Author: Tara Hunt License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: flickr
A section of SCP-3215. Close-up of a section of SCP-32151. Item #: SCP-3215 Special Containment Procedures: All five (5) respective instances of SCP-3215 are to be contained in a one-hundred and fifty (150) centimeter long and one-hundred and forty-two (142) centimeter high reef tank at Biological Containment Site-66. Personnel with a Level 3 or higher security clearance are permitted access to the room containing SCP-3215's tank. SCP-3215 is to be sustained on a diet of small fish. The lid of SCP-3215's tank is to be secured by a nine-digit numpad lock. The code for said lock is to be changed semi-frequently and can be granted to research personnel by Lead Researcher Winfield. Any reports of SCP-3215 instances discovered outside of Foundation containment are to be responded to immediately. MTF Theta-4 "Gardeners" are to be dispatched for recovery and Class C amnestics are to be administered to any non-Foundation personnel involved. Description: SCP-3215 is an unidentified species of sea anemone spanning an area of between roughly one and a half (1.5) centimeters and one (1) meter. The overall mass of SCP-3215 consists of a vast number of column-shaped bodies which are punctuated by small oral cavities. Each cavity functions as both a mouth and an anus and connects to one of a number of shared gastrovascular chambers. These tubular bodies are surrounded by tendrils armed with exceptionally high concentrations of cnidocyte cells; each cell contains clusters of nematocysts which produce an anomalous actinotoxin, referred to as SCP-3215-1. A highly simplistic nervous system coordinates the processes involved in homeostasis, as well as physical responses to a range of stimuli. SCP-3215-1 is produced by harpoon-shaped nematocysts and is injected by everting cnidocytes into prey or attackers which make physical contact with one of SCP-3215's tendrils. Wounds inflicted by these punctures will usually shed small amounts of blood. The sensation of being injected universally causes itchiness at the point of contact, as well as an area of roughly a centimeter in diameter around it. The severity of this stimulation varies greatly depending on duration and level of exposure to SCP-3215's injection mechanism. Subjects have also been observed to suffer allergic reactions to SCP-3215, irrespective of its anomalous properties2. The effects of SCP-3215-1 are twofold: Minor audio-sensory and visual hallucinations Major loss of self-control and self-identity. When under the effects of SCP-3215-1, organisms will experience an extreme compulsion to make further physical contact with SCP-3215. Affected organisms will attempt to touch, grab, consume and [DATA EXPUNGED] sections of SCP-3215, further increasing the level of SCP-3215-1 affliction. This effect will persist for almost an hour after initial SCP-3215 contact if no further contact is made and is not treatable with amnestics. Further contact will exponentially elongate the duration of SCP-3215-1's effects. During this time, subjects identify SCP-3215 as a meal of some description, often elucidating and declaring that it will be, or is, the best food that they have ever eaten. As SCP-3215's cnidocytes further puncture the organism's epidermis and mouth, blood will begin to be drawn in greater and greater quantities, and the high concentrations of SCP-3215-1 in the subject's bloodstream will eventually cause organ failure after an extended period of time. Despite this, subjects will not cease making contact with SCP-3215 unless physically restrained3 or until they have lost motor function. Death can occur anywhere between ten (10) minutes and one (1) hour, depending on the size of the organism. The most common cause of death is by multiple organ failure but can also occur by exsanguination in smaller prey. Following the moment of death, SCP-3215's tendrils will guide the victim into one of SCP-3215's oral cavities for digestion. Prey that is too large to be eaten whole will not be moved by these tendrils, however SCP-3215 will still feed off of the remains produced by the carcass' decomposition. How SCP-3215 makes this distinction in size is as of yet unclear. Addendum 3215a: Recovery Log SCP-3215 was recovered on ██/██/██ from ██████ ████████ tropical fish store in Hollywood, Florida, after a police investigation following the accidental death of Mr. Henry Allen. Mr. Allen was a member of staff who had been found dead from sudden organ failure during working hours. The Foundation was alerted when the solution in Mr. Allen's blood, SCP-3215-1, was sent for chemical analysis by the police response team which had recovered Mr. Allen's body and could not be properly identified. The store's manager, Mr. John ███████, informed Foundation operatives that Mr. Allen had been tasked with moving numerous species of anemone into temporary jars so that their tanks could be cleaned. For what reason Mr. Allen had made any physical contact with SCP-3215 during this process is unknown; Mr. ███████ informed the Foundation that he had been wearing staff uniform for the job, which included protective gloves. Furthermore, Mr. ███████ provided documentation on imported organisms delivered to the store during a regular restock three weeks prior to Mr. Allen's death. No specimens resembling SCP-3215 in description or behavior were logged. Request to register Mr. ███████ as a potential person of interest is pending. Addendum 3215b: The following is an identification label recovered from SCP-3215's tank at ██████ ████████. ID: 032 Breed: Description: Beautiful cream body with mauve ring-tipped limbs. Care: Needs feeding once a day, eats pellets and little fish. Should be kept in a large tank. Do not touch. Footnotes 1. No oral cavities are visible on this section of the specimen. 2. This is known to be more likely in subjects with allergies involving sea anemones and other stinging organisms. 3. This will invariably be met with a great deal of resistance. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-3215" by Haydenhead, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: scp3215.jpg Name: Anemones Sea Underwater Author: Efraimstochter License: CC0 Source Link: Pixabay Additional Notes: Pixabay moved to its own Pixabay License in January 2019, but CC0 is still applied to images uploaded before January 2019. See here for details. Filename: scp3215two.jpg Name: Anemone Sea Underwater Author: Efraimstochter License: CC0 Source Link: Pixabay Additional Notes: Pixabay moved to its own Pixabay License in January 2019, but CC0 is still applied to images uploaded before January 2019. See here for details.