Elon waging a holy war against BMI Total milady victory
Nobody is prepared for the milady BAYC penguin holy union
He had such perfectly symmetrical ab insertions..
Donald Trump doesn't even know mog was initially a "hunter Biden smokes crack" coin We are so early
The gayest thing ever is when you reply to someone and they're like "WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT A 7 FOLLOWER ACCOUNT BRO" bc it reveals they check the follower counts of people before interacting with them
Woah dude that's a Little Account I can't talk to them it would be bad for my brand image... I wish some Big Accounts would talk to me more on here...
Launch it again. Shill harder. Bundle bigger. Infinite money cap table. Never stop dreaming
Kyle got a pic of me in the office doing my daily sleeve removal
Being anonymous made a lot more sense before the richest man in the world started spamming crime stats here every day
Lot of you guys are gonna get your asses canceled hard when we realize there's no screenshots of you saying the N word before 2017
Posting racist longpost screeds and getting 10k likes is so awesome I love Elon
I only fell in love with her because she tricked me
What should I wear today
What next
Son, you might not believe this, but back in the day ethereum traded publicly at over 1000 US dollars
I think internet anonymity was kind of a genx/millenial thing. Boomers don't care about it at all (or even understand it) and zoomers actually think it's even dumber than boomers did - they're out here committing felony levels of fraud from [mylegalname].sol
Those Thailand ladyboys got something freaky going on down there
Coaching my son on how to anglefraud
It's important to establish firm boundaries with women
I keep getting comments whining about how my libtard posts are DEMONIZING HALF THE COUNTRY just like THE LEFT DID But they're not half the country, they're like 5% Your dad who wants cheap healthcare is not a libtard. The she/they threatening to force-vaxx you is
I don't care if you're here "legally" or not, if you come to America and bitch about the country and the people who made it, you are a libtard Libtards may choose between DEPORTATION and GUANTANAMO BAY Democracy has been restored
You can't dehumanize someone who wasn't human to start with
There was never a point to arguing with libtards, but there's never been less of a point than right now They are absolute scum of the earth. That's all they need to hear. No arguments. Scum of the earth. Guantanamo bay
They are not "kind-hearted but misguided," they are malicious manipulators who hide their aggression behind a veneer of moralism. They don't argue in good faith and you shouldn't either "SCUM OF THE EARTH" "GUANTANAMO BAY"
Women could never innovate like this
This is the most tiresome talking point of all time bc 20 minutes later they'll flip and talk about how legitimate their fear of a 120lb frat guy wearing 'salmon-colored' pastel shorts is bc "he could be a terrorist" Nobody believes any of this, it's just fully delusional Normal people ARE valid being pissed off by mentally retarded crackheads masturbating on the train in front of their kids and delusionoids ARE NOT valid for believing random frat twinks could secretly be terrorists You cannot gaslight people into thinking otherwise anymore. If you continue trying, we have to assume you're insane
WE ARE FEARLESS CITY GIGACHADS WHO AIN'T AFRAID TO LIVE LAUGH LOVE (unless there's frat boys within 100 miles or someone is coughing without a mask on or maybe they didn't get a vaccine. Also if they say any of these 900 words I'm scared of I'll start crying)
Like I said They are ALL fucking pussies, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise
You stupid fucking colonized bitch
White people have been biting their tongues for the last 2 decades while the most retarded, uncivilized people on the planet said "white people have no culture", but I'm pretty sure that's done now Beyond the fact it's just objectively wrong (everyone has a culture), it's also insulting If you use this "whites have no culture" line, chances are the rest of the world thinks your culture is - being broke - raping kids - doing retarded crime for no reason - being illiterate - living in filth - lying - being insanely obnoxious - not working - showing up late - not understanding the concept of interest You are totally irrelevant, in a global sense. Your greatest impact on the world was being so annoying you got white people to pretend not to notice you for a while
If you're still posting stuff like this now you're functionally braindead You don't get to freely shit on white people without consequence anymore, especially not while using white languages like a colonized bitch Culture means more than just rapping about how you're gay
Bangkok was great (all hail Arnav, king of Thailand) but god it feels good to be back Taipei's really good
Everyone who bought into libtardism this last year at the absolute generational pico-top is so retarded it's actually not possible to express verbally
I'm gonna make generational wealth going max long eth from 60 to 150 dollars
Studying krav maga (the martial arts based entirely around kicking an unsuspecting person in the nuts, developed by the state of Israel)
Racism is on an unstoppable tear since the trump win Hail Jake Paul, hail our people (youtubers), and HAIL VICTORY
My son may have lost 100k live on stream and had a public mental breakdown but I still love him Couldn't ask for a better kid
CMO (Chief Misogyny Officer)
Board meeting type shit
The obelisk is fueled by libtard souls Finally they have a way to produce value
The black ass coin is my personal 9/11 I'm world-renowned for being one of the gayest posters on this website but spamming pictures of Mike Tyson's bare ass on the timeline is too much for even me
I am an old man who made every mistake in the universe so I could explain why it was bad to zoomers and protect them. Come listen to me ramble about retarded shit I did that almost ruined my life. Should I start with drugs work or women
In early relationships I always made this really dumb mistake where the girl would come to me and say "lukas I feel like you're just not that into me" and I'd argue with her instead of realizing she was right and confirming it
After 11 years of talking daily my mom has not texted me once since Trump won. Probably a coincidence
This is so amazing. I feel like I'm living in a dream What if they make it so you can buy food in America again without getting poisoned I literally didn't think this was possible
We tried doctors and it didn't work. Everyone is fat and disgusting now We must return to pseudoscience Crystal healing. Water filters, even if we have no idea what we're trying to filter out. Fluorescent lights? Banned, they give my mom a headache. Lift weights or you're gay
This is it. The moment you've all been waiting for Right wing bodybuilding : part 2 Now with MORE RACISM
If her head game too good I get a lil suspicious
I fell in love with her bc of her fast and witty Twitter replies
This has been the greatest year of all time
Got sent a screenshot of an ex posting this tweet in a groupchat absolutely seething
Remember how libtards did that thing where they'd say "this isn't even political, it's just about being a decent human!!" to pretend their entire platform was apolitical? I offer a rebuttal: There is nothing political about the statement "all libtards are soulless worm-people"
I need to become so wealthy I stop caring about my appearance so I can get extremely fat and yell at libtards all day with mustard stains on my wifebeater
Libtards may have only recently been abandoned by the electoral college, but they were abandoned by God long ago
We have to stop doing the "education is about indoctrination" line now that we control everything Education was only about that when they did it, but now it's about pure unadulterated truths - like how libtards aren't considered "people" by any legislative body, or God
At a certain level of wealth it seems you're compelled by the universe to develop strange and totally never-before-seen sex kinks I no longer believe anyone claiming to have 9 figures if I haven't also heard rumors they want to eat women's leg hair shavings or something
I'm not a freak babe I'm just rich as fuck. Now do the Ben Shapiro voice for me again
Frontrunning so hard it's insane
"I don't mind supporting decentralization even if ethereum never breaks ATHs"
Just rotated ten dollars of my eth profits into an Uber ride Crypto changed my life
My only goal in life is to get a water filter company to sponsor my podcast
Insane how if my gym didn't get shut down during covid and force me to log on and try to meet a racist bodybuilder here with a homegym connect I'd still be a passably normal person. Or dead by boredom-suicide
Lukas Corporate Arc will NOT be revisited
The mog coin is doing well
Department of government efficiency but it's managed by a DAO-owned multisig with ten thousand signers, all in different timezones to ensure maximum security, on the ethereum blockchain for fast finality (average block time: 12 days)
The department of government efficiency must employ no less than 5000 administrators to work remotely
I didn't think it was possible but watching the way libtards are coping with the election is making me hate them even more. If you're this mad about it at least riot you pussies. The fact they'll only do it with state backing is genuinely disgusting. Actual worm people
He's not even in office yet!! Go light it up, just like the good ol times!! What's wrong? You stopped caring about platforming minority voices??
If your response to winning every seat of power in the country after like two decades of genuinely unhinged libtard malice is "Bro we need to heal," I think you're just fundamentally wrong. I respect your opinion but I also think you are a niave retard
Democrats destroyed America by not paying enough black women to shake their asses and flip the vote. For this I may never forgive them
The total republican victory royal flush extravaganza wasn't even a product of some genius God-tier political strategy they had Libtards are just insanely annoying They could gaslight everyone into thinking they're not when they controlled every single media outlet, but as soon as literally one public forum wasn't under their control everyone went there to say "holy shit, they are so annoying. Has anyone noticed this??" Then everyone goes "wait, so true. I thought it was just me. Is there some way we can make them stfu"
There was probably even a way the dems could've won this election, but even with all the electoral nonsense on their side, the core problem remains: libtards are insanely annoying You simply cannot be that annoying and have anything work long-term. You have to stop being f*ggots
You somehow lost with 50x the billionaires and 1000x the msm dominance What you actually need is GUANTANAMO BAY
Total reddit domination Women will never experience sexual pleasure EVER AGAIN Hail victory
If you guys haven't figured this out yet you have to multiply the time estimates Grab gives you in Bangkok by 5
Deport everyone There should be zero US citizens. None of you are white enough
It's highly possible Luma is the worst consumer app of all time. Somehow it's worse than every crypto app I've ever used
It doesn't even have to interact with blockchains. There is simply no reason it should be this bad At this point they should integrate web3 so they at least have an excuse for being this fucked up
Okay well fortunately it doesn't matter because if crypto dies they'll all be poor No need to dwell on negatives, sir
"would you rather have sex with a minor or your own dad" "Uhh, my dad? I guess??" "fuck, I'm so blackpilled"
I am a racist misogynist incel and this is the bonsai meditation sanctuary I maintain on the rooftop garden of my Miami penthouse
The rate crypto main characters are becoming washed at is increasing exponentially You used to get a whole cycle as MC, then you'd get a meta, now you just get like three weeks
Sidecharacters rejoice Gooning their way to billions in the background
I'm in love with every woman who's ever used the internet
Who would win Ten million Albert Einsteins or one single retail investor
Canceling my mom for having no clout and being libtarded
Denying history in totality is actually a pretty good strategy when the people writing it aren't on your side
Nothing ever happened before Trump deported 300m illegals in one day Anyone saying otherwise is a libtard
Fake and gay vs straight and (real)
I could convince 90% of zoomers 9/11 never happened and it was just a hoax they pulled on old people because we believed TVs too much. That also might be true
The capacity to deny literally all of history is a superpower. Previously Alex Jones was the only human in existence with this ability, but now basically every zoomer has it too
Unburdened by the traumas of the past. Fuck your gay textbooks
I befriended the ktv girl cabal and they taught me how they always win the dice games (it's cheating)
This would've also been their strategy if kamala won btw There is actually no environment or circumstance under which this would not have been their strategy
Markets are a part of nature
I wouldn't live in the pod personally, but I think it's a viable housing option for democrats - and the free market should make it available for them. And the less-free market should legally mandate they live there, to save the environment Also they can only eat worms
Why do I have to take my shoes off for airport security in America Literally no other country makes you do this. There is a zero percent chance I have a bomb in my vans ma'am