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New Link Roles For More Consistent Metadata on Concepts
October 14, 2022
XBRL International have recently updated the XBRL Link Role Registry, adding two draft link roles. The new ‘property’ and ‘propertyWithLang’ link roles are intended to provide a standard way to associate key-value metadata with concepts in an XBRL taxonomy. They could be used, for example, to capture the date from which a concept becomes effective, or the date that a concept is deprecated. Different taxonomies currently take different approaches to this type of metadata. The property link roles seek to provide a standard mechanism, and so help promote consistency between different taxonomies.
A link role more generally is something that defines the meaning of a relationship. The XBRL International Best Practices Board is developing further guidance on using link roles in XBRL reporting, so look out for this coming soon. By its nature, XBRL is extensible, enabling users to define their own relationship types, or link roles. The Link Role Registry, as well as listing link roles from XBRL International, also allows members of the XBRL community to share their link roles that might be more widely useful, so providing a helpful resource, encouraging consistent usage and facilitating software implementation.
To find out more details please visit : https://xbrl.org/ |
The righteous represent God's justice to a culture in rebellion; thus they are feared and must be eradicated.
Scripture: Mark 6:1-29
- Mark witnesses to the renewing power of the King.
- Jesus was often a source of offense to those around Him; the truth of the gospel confronts people in their sin and unsettles them.
- The mission of God will always meet with ungodly resistance.
- Jesus heals all that is unclean and sends out His disciples to spread this cleansing, healing power.
- Sin and guilt, not lack of evidence, prevent people from coming to Christ.
- Instead of believing Jesus’ own claims, the people invented a theory that Jesus was a resurrected prophet; likewise today, our culture will accept that Jesus was anyone or anything other than the Son of God and the sin-bearer of the world.
- Herod’s guilty conscience led him to become gripped by a superstition, believing that Jesus was John the Baptist raised from the dead.
- John rebuked Herod directly for adultery according to Lev. 18:16, 20:21; Herodias was enraged and wanted to destroy John; Herod knew John had God’s approval so he respected John.
- The righteous represent God’s justice, and so the unrighteous fear and despise them.
- David responded with true repentance when he was confronted with his adultery and murder (Ps. 51). Until he acknowledged his sin, David was sick with guilt.
- In contrast, Herod does not repent and he sinks into further superstition, rebellion, and hostility.
- The consequences of rejecting John’s rebuke are: 1) madness and superstition; 2) destruction of his army; 3) he displeased the Jews by killing John; 4) he was exiled.
- A guilty culture wants to silence those who speak the truth because of its hatred for God’s holy people.
- Arbitrariness is the basis of tyranny. Truth and legitimacy give way to self-will and power.
- Today people demand all manner of sexual sin as their legal right, seeking a total reversal of the Kingdom’s public judgment.
- We seek to turn sin and vice into the good, and thus seek to destroy marriage. Tools of political compulsion are used to enforce acceptance of sexual perversion.
- A culture overwhelmed by guilt and sin cannot resist this type of social and moral revolution.
- In 40 years sexual perversion has gone from crime to sacrament. The nature of truth and justice itself is challenged.
- People want to be treated in terms of how they define themselves; but God’s justice requires that each created being be treated in terms of its God-given nature.
- By denying Christ’s creating and redeeming Word, man seeks to obfuscate his own guilt.
- The road to recovery is to confess our sin and confront our guilt directly, turning to Christ for cleansing, healing, deliverance and freedom from sin.
- Why did Jesus and his disciples face such opposition?
- What are the consequences of trying to rationalize our sin?
- Where do we locate the standard for what is true and right? |
You might have seen the Hoarders TV show highlighting how dangerous it can be to hoard unnecessary things. Well, we have a new form of toxic hoarding that is causing harm to both your cybersecurity and environmental sustainability goals: digital hoarding.
It is the 20th anniversary of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) and time to reflect upon the massive digital footprint you may have created during this time span due to hoarding.
Just pause to think about it in your personal life. When was the last time you conducted a digital purge and deleted unnecessary photos, emails, music, mobile apps, social media content, etc.? All the unnecessary data and apps you are hoarding broaden the ability of cybercriminals to socially engineer you, steal your identity, conduct account takeover, and commit fraud–all while negatively impacting the environment.
Just like in your personal life, this same issue plagues the corporate world. Many organizations have become digital hoarders. They don’t even realize it because they don’t know where and how much data they have, due to factors like application and shadow environment sprawl.
If your organization hasn’t already conducted a full inventory of data and environments they are hoarding, not only will your carbon footprint continue to grow due to energy used to do things like store, compute, and cool—which all impact your ESG environmental social and governance reporting metrics and goals—but you’ll also continue to create a larger attack surface for cybersecurity and compliance risks. And that could result in privacy violations, fines, and brand damage.
Many organizations don’t believe they have a data hoarding problem because they store most of it in the cloud, which minimizes the impact. The reality is most people have started to hoard even more data than before because they can easily store it in the cloud. An MIT report highlights that the cloud now has a larger carbon footprint than the entire airline industry—and a single data center could consume the equivalent of electricity used by 50,000 homes because of this.
Another consideration is the accelerated pace at which organizations are adopting AI strategies and creating a culture of bragging about having the most “data” so their AI will be smarter—which doesn’t always follow. Having trustworthy AI is not really about the amount of data, rather the quality of data and having the right AI to train and gain insights into that data.
In fact, the “garbage in / garbage out” premise applies to AI models too, as it could cause inappropriate hallucinations and undermine your security posture. This is why you should not only consider the usage of data in your AI models, but also take into consideration the environmental impacts of AI from the start—because that can also dramatically impact your ESG reporting metrics. MIT Technology Review reported that just training a single AI model could emit as much carbon as five cars over their lifetime. And University of California research shows just five ChatGPT queries can use 16 oz. of water.
Here are five things you can do to help reduce your corporate digital hoarding and improve upon your cybersecurity and environmental sustainability goals:
Just as in your professional world, there are things you can do to curb digital hoarding in your personal life:
For over 25 years, F5 has been committed to helping customers secure, deliver, and optimize every app and API anywhere. When we say our mission is to bring a better digital world to life, this means from both a cybersecurity and environmental perspective.
We take our environmental obligations seriously, developing robust solutions that enable customers to meet their environmental goals by delivering long-lasting, efficient, and easily recycled products. We also collaborate with suppliers and customers to address environmental impacts throughout our value chain and invest in nonprofits that support climate justice. And we have a dedicated strategy to reduce our operations’ carbon footprint by cutting our Scope 1 and 2 emissions in half by 2030.
During the 20th anniversary of NCSAM please take time to pause and think about how your cybersecurity and environmental sustainability goals are interconnected. And join F5 on our quest to make the digital world a better place.
Learn more about how F5 can help you reduce your digital carbon footprint at: www.f5.com/cloud |
By Sarah Megginson, senior editor of money, Finder
Refinancing your personal or car loan
Once you get a loan for a car or personal debt, many of us treat it as “set and forget”. But with a little shopping around, you could get a better deal, different terms, more funds or consolidate other debts with a personal or car loan.
There can be several benefits to refinancing, but you also need to be aware of the potential costs (including exit fees on your current loan and application fees for the new loan) before you make a move.
Why should you refinance your loan?
To pay less.
The new loan may offer lower interest rates, or perhaps your credit score has improved and you’re now eligible for a better rate. With a lower rate, the loan becomes cheaper, and you’ll pay less in monthly repayments.
Access to more funds.
You may be keen to borrow a little more. You could refinance and apply for a higher loan amount, with a plan to pay off your existing debts and use the extra funds for something like unexpected dental work, a holiday or renovations. Your current lender may also consider increasing your loan amount.
If you have a few high-interest debts, by consolidating, you can roll them all into a single, low-rate credit account and pay off your other debts. This can help you save money on excess interest and pay the debts off faster.
Different loan terms.
You may want to reduce your monthly repayments by opting for a loan with a longer-term, or you want a shorter term to pay off your loan faster.
What should you consider before refinancing your loan?
There may be early exit fees attached to your current loan, and the new loan may have establishment fees. Work out how much the fees are, and if it’s worth refinancing.
Interest rate and overall cost.
Apart from interest, you should also compare the overall cost of your old and new loan. This is inclusive of all fees and charges, including service fees.
Consider the cost of a different loan term. If the new loan has shorter terms, your monthly repayments will be higher, but you get to pay off the loan earlier. Longer terms come with lower monthly repayments, but you may potentially pay more in interest. It will also take you longer to pay off the loan.
Type of interest.
You may be switching from a fixed rate to a variable rate, or vice versa. This has implications on your monthly repayments and budget. With a fixed rate, your repayments will remain the same for the duration of the loan. Variable rates fluctuate based on the market rate. This makes it harder to budget for, as you pay less if the rate goes down, or more if the rate increases.
Age of security, if any.
If you’re looking to refinance a car loan, the age of your car may play a role. Consider the current market value of your car and how much it has depreciated since you bought it. If it’s lost a lot of value, you may find it harder to refinance your loan.
There may be loan features you could benefit from, such as free additional repayments and a redraw facility.
How can you refinance your personal loan?
🤔Consider the terms and conditions of your current loan.
These include the exit fees on your current loan and application fees for the new loan.
🔍****Compare loans to find the best loan.
You can use Finder’s comparison tables and product pages to find the loan that ticks all your boxes.
✍****Check eligibility and apply for the new loan.
Make sure you’re eligible to apply for the new loan. You will have to meet credit score, income, residency and age requirements, among others. Include refinancing or debt consolidation as your loan purpose in your new loan application.
🔐****Close old loan account/s.
Now that you have the funds, you can close your old credit account. Your new lender may arrange this for you, or you could get in touch with your previous lender and make arrangements. Ensure the balance has been paid, the account closed, and direct debits cancelled. |
An event every week that begins at 10:00 am on Sunday, repeating until September 8, 2024
Join us for worship May 26 – September 8, at 10:10 a.m. Sunday mornings in Library Square, just 2 blocks north of the church.
In the case of bad weather, worship will be moved back into the sanctuary. You can watch for weather updates on our Facebook Page.
Communion will be served at this service the first and second Sunday of each month. |
Prior to the invention of antibiotics pneumonia killed one third of its victims, and even today, around 5% of pneumonia patients will die from their illness.
Pneumonia results from an infection which causes the air sacs in the lungs to become inflamed and filled with fluid, causing breathing difficulties. The infection may result from breathing in small airborne droplets containing the infecting organisms. Or, it may result from bacteria or viruses that ordinarily live in the mouth, throat or nose, inadvertently entering the lungs. Usually the immune system can counter these bacteria, viruses or fungi, but if a person is in an already weakened state, pneumonia may develop. In babies and the elderly, the typical symptoms of pneumonia may be absent. Instead there may just be a generalised “illness” and unexplained fever and lethargy.
Types of pneumonia
Pneumonia can be divided into several different types:
- Bacterial – the main cause is a bacterial infection, often Streptococcus Pneumoniae. This kind of pneumonia can follow viral pneumonia. Symptoms come on suddenly and include shaking chills, a high fever, shortness of breath and a cough with thick green phlegm. The Pneumovax vaccine is available against Streptococcus Pneumonia and is recommended for the elderly, infants, smokers and people with compromised immunity.
- Viral – A virus is the cause in about 50% of all cases of pneumonia. Onset usually begins with flu-like symptoms such as headache, fever, muscle pain and fatigue. The cough is usually dry or produces scant white mucus.
- Mycoplasma – pneumonia caused by this organism can be quite mild. However, this is a very contagious type of pneumonia and is common in children and young adults.
- Rare forms of pneumonia are caused by fungi, and Pneumocystis carinii – an opportunistic infection that affects people living with AIDS, or people with greatly suppressed immune systems from organ transplant or chemotherapy. Aspiration pneumonia is where food, liquid, chemicals or dust spill into the lungs. This is more likely to occur in debilitated people or those intoxicated by alcohol or drugs who then vomit.
Risk factors for pneumonia
- Old age or babies
- A recent viral infection such as the flu
- Problems swallowing
- Immune suppression from disease or surgery
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Cigarette smoking
- Injury or surgery where there is prolonged immobilisation.
This is done on the symptoms and signs ie worsening cough and fever and sputum production. These may happen rapidly or be slow in developing. There may be general symptoms of weakness and pain and unwellness. Confirmation is made with a chest xray, blood tests and sputum culture.
1. Seek medical help
If you have a persistent cough, breath shortness, chest pain with breathing or an unexplained fever, or if you feel worse after having the flu. The faster you seek help and get treated, the less likely you are to suffer serious consequences from your illness.
2. Wash hands frequently
Your hands are often covered with the germs which can cause pneumonia, so get into the habit of washing hands regularly, and always before eating. Carry a hand sanitiser in your handbag for when you are out and unable to wash.
3. Stay away from cigarettes and cigarette smoke
Cigarette smoke damages your lungs natural defence against lung infections.4. Look after your health
Look after your health by leading a sensible lifestyle. Limit stress as much as possible; get plenty of sleep; eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly to maintain a strong and resistant immune system.
5. Rest and recover when you have the flu
Resist the temptation to be a superhero and soldier on in the face of flu. Not only will you infect others, but you will increase the possibility that your flu will develop into pneumonia. |
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This site does not store any files on its server. We only index and link to content provided by other sites. By entering this site you swear that you are of legal age in your area to view adult material and that you wish to view such material. |
Producers have long been confronted with the unanswered question of what is the ideal breed for mating with a rangeland doe?
However, a new project with funding to the tune of $3.7 million will soon kick off with the aim of finding an answer by unlocking the genetic and economic potential of Australia's goat industry.
Funded by the NSW Department of Primary Industries and MLA Donor Company, the Measured Goats Project aims to enhance modern goat genetic evaluation systems.
Across five years, a resource flock of 1000 rangeland, Boer and Kalahari Red breeders will be joined five times at the NSW DPI Condobolin Research Station.
By measuring reproductive and productive traits such as growth, carcase and worm egg counts, researchers hope to develop strategies for genetic improvement in goat meat breeds.
Project leader NSW DPI genetics research officer Tom Granleese, Grafton, said rangeland, Boer and Kalahari Red goats have not previously been compared.
"A question that kept coming up from producers about genetics was which breed is best for mating with a rangeland doe, but we couldn't answer," he said.
"However, by running these breeds side-by-side and crossbreeding under the same environmental conditions we can delve into the genetic component to see which breed is best."
The current national genetic evaluation for goats, Kidplan, provides tools such as estimated breeding values and selection indexes, however, it is limited to the Boer breed.
Through the data collected in the project, Dr Granleese hopes to increase the accuracy of buck selection to drive on-farm profitability.
"By adding diverse genetics into the database we should be able to find more opportunities for goat breeders to make faster gains and increase profit," he said.
"We think that genetic improvement can increase a breeding doe by two dollars per year, remembering that it is cumulative and permanent.
"Therefore after 10 years we're looking at a doe that is $20 more profitable annually than a doe that was born 10 years earlier simply by using breeding values."
The first cohort of bucks to be used in the project has been sourced from a variety of studs.
"We've approached studs who offer large amounts of genetics to the industry, as well as those that have just started in Kidplan," Dr Granleese said.
"We want as much diversity as possible so we can get a full range of the genetic performance spectrum.
"How do you know what is good or bad if you don't have diverse animals, that is why we're trying to make the bell curve as wide as possible."
Rangeland Red stud principal Matt Wood, Goodooga, welcomes the betterment of Kidplan and said it is exactly what the goat industry needs.
"I think it is a huge win for everyone because the project will create a key metric for clients to look at as we continue to develop the industry in Australia," he said.
"It is a marvellous opportunity for stud breeders to be involved, we've got five or six bucks with our genetics in the project.
"We've been in Kidplan for a few years but were just about to unfortunately not proceed with it and do our own thing because we haven't been overly happy with it.
"However, as this project provides linkage across different studs and puts a range of bucks across rangeland does, I think the results will be fabulous.
"By bringing everyone together to help index their goats properly and appropriately we can all develop linkage together and move forward in the industry from there."
Mr Wood has collected his stud's genetic data for about five years and has fully DNA tested for parentage.
"If you're not collecting data, then it is more like a pretty goat competition because you don't know where you're going without collecting data," he said.
"This isn't exactly new, the cattle and sheep industry have been doing it for a long time and performing extremely well ... the goat industry is just playing catch up." |
- This event has passed.
Manage Post-Retirement Risk in Housing Wealth
May 11, 2021 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Post-Retirement Risk is a potential risk to financial security that an individual may encounter after they retire. In this class we will look at how home equity, accessed with a reverse mortgage, can provide income-tax free liquidity, options, and flexibility to manage those risks. We will explain how the product works including eligibility, costs, misconceptions, and consumer safeguards. We will then review case studies of using a reverse mortgage to manage four risks including poor sequence of returns, excessive asset distribution rates, long term care expenditures, and other unplanned but major expenses.
Attendees will leave with a better understanding of the reverse mortgage and how it can mitigate Post-Retirement risk, and ultimately safeguard and enhance their client’s financial plan.
Trainer: Steve Resch, FAR – VP of Retirement Strategy Division
To register for the class please click here.
Remember the class will be held at 2:00 pm, EST (11:00 am, PDT)
HOW to Join the Webinar
- REGISTRATION: Once you register, you will immediately get a confirmation email that will have the link to the class, the ability to add that class to your calendar and instructions on joining.
- JOIN: Please join the conference via the provided link in your confirmation email 5-10 minutes prior to the start of the class.
- AUDIO: COMPUTER: Once you’re in the waiting room, you can also choose to listen via your computer’s speakers.
- TELEPHONE: Once you’re in the waiting room, choose to either “Use Telephone” and call the number provided, OR
- ACCESS CODE: Then put in the access code followed by #.
- AUDIO CODE: If you’re using your phone for audio, please also put in Audio Code #
You’re now in the class! We’re looking forward to it! |
Buying investment property is a great way to build a portfolio that delivers wealth now and sets you up for a comfortable retirement in the future. But buying property can be expensive if you’re not careful. In this blog post, you’ll learn how to buy an investment property in Charleston with no deposit.
There are few types of investments better than real estate. Real estate assets appreciate over time, they’re an excellent hedge against market declines, and the cash flow you get from a rental property is a game-changing way to build wealth.
Unfortunately, many investors find that real estate investment properties can be too expensive to purchase, even just saving up a deposit for each property you want to buy can really add up and you might find it difficult to save up enough money for a deposit. Fortunately, if you want to know how to buy an investment property in Charleston with no deposit, there are 3 effective strategies to use.
How To Buy An Investment Property In Charleston With No Deposit
Strategy #1. Seller Financing
If the seller is willing, they might “be the bank” and offer terms like a mortgage, so you can skip the deposit and just pay them directly over a period of years until the property is paid off.
Strategy #2. Buy Privately From An Investor
If you have the money available, perhaps in your IRA, but simply do not want to pay the deposit then you may want to buy privately from an investor. They may not require a deposit if you are able to arrange full payment in a certain amount of time. (Sometimes the investor might require a deposit to indicate you’re serious but you can also often get around this by buying multiple times from the same investor). At Fast Charleston House Buyer, we sometimes sell some of our properties this way, or we are connected to other investors who do. So reach out to us at (843) 790-8804 and we’ll see about how we can help you.
Strategy #3. Partner With Another Investor
If you have the capital available to buy the house but perhaps you don’t have a deposit available, then consider partnering with another investor who will put up the deposit for you. Since the deposit might just be a fraction of the purchase price of the investment, you might consider giving them a portion of your ongoing cash flow, or paying them back the loaned amount plus interest.
Do you want to buy an investment property in Charleston with no deposit?
We work with investors in all kinds of situations. If you’d like to buy an investment property with no deposit, get in touch with us and let’s see if there’s something we can work out. |
Steve Joseph joins as Partner & Chief Product Officer and Matt Au signs on as Chief Technology Officer as the cooking app start-up continues expansion into the smart kitchen domain
SideChef, the virtual culinary assistant app with built-in GPS-like recipe navigation, is pleased to announce two new appointments to its executive team: Steve Joseph as Partner & Chief Product Officer and Matt Au as Chief Technology Officer.
Joseph will lead SideChef’s new product design and development concentrating on the expansion into the smart kitchen industry. His role will also involve cultivating strategic partnerships, product management, business and channel development, and product marketing and sales. “I’m excited to be joining a company that shares my passion for helping people cook better. Our creative team of food enthusiasts is full of innovative product ideas and I look forward to helping bring them to life,” says Joseph. Prior to joining SideChef, Joseph served as an advisory board member for the company and served as President of Dacor, leading the manufacturing, marketing, design and development of ultra-premium kitchen appliances, including the world’s first Android™ controlled ovens and ranges.
Au joins SideChef as Chief Technology Officer, his responsibilities center on leading the company’s mobile development team and launching the Smart Kitchen solutions platform, which will create a new user experience-driven standard for the connected kitchen. Au holds a Computer Science degree from the University of California, Berkeley and a Software Engineering Masters from Santa Clara University. He started his career at Yahoo! as a software engineer writing highly scalable web application that served hundreds of millions of requests per month. For the past six years, his career involved designing online payment systems for start-ups, recently as Vice President of Engineering at BTC China and then Director of Payments at Funplus. “I was impressed with SideChef’s top quality curated content delivered in an intuitive way. I am looking forward to leading our entry into the smart kitchen IoT space and really change the way we approach cooking, which is so essential to our everyday lives.”
“Sharing our core value of empowering people to cook, Steve and Matt are natural fits to our SideChef mission,” says CEO & Founder, Kevin Yu. “A team’s most valuable asset is our people and with the addition of these two seasoned entrepreneurial leaders, the company is well positioned to build the future of cooking.”
Earlier this year, SideChef announced plans to develop within the smart kitchen industry and revealed plans for a platform that will connect and operate multiple smart kitchen appliances. The app will unify the cooking process among kitchen tools and allow appliances to work in harmony when a user is creating a recipe on the app. Advancements include syncing SideChef’s collection of nearly 3,000 recipes to smart appliances that will automatically pre-heat the oven, set desired ingredient measurements on a scale, control temperatures in pots and pans to prevent burning, signal when to add ingredients in the smart appliance, and more.
SideChef is an interactive step-by-step cooking app that assists in the kitchen just like a virtual sous chef. With real time recipe navigation that includes hands-free voice commands, detailed photos, how-to videos, and built-in automatic timers, beginners have the tools to learn essential skills to cook with confidence, while intermediate and advanced cooks hone their abilities and contribute to the community with their own recipes. Founded by CEO Kevin Yu in 2014, the company brings simplified cooking to novices and experts alike while integrating the latest technology trends. SideChef is available for free on iOS and Android devices. SideChef’s app has won numerous awards and recognition in the food and tech industries, inspired the creation over 1 million meals/cooking sessions in home kitchens around the world, and is currently featured in the top 10 downloads for a food and drink app in the Apple App Store. For more information please visit www.SideChef.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. |
Copyright © 2014 - 2024 Farmer's Business Network, Inc. All rights Reserved. The sprout logo, “Farmers Business Network”, “FBN”, “FBN Direct” and "F2F Genetics Network" are trademarks or registered trademarks of Farmer's Business Network, Inc. Products sold or distributed through FBN Direct are offered by FBN Inputs, LLC and are available only in states where FBN Inputs, LLC is licensed and where those products are registered for sale or use, if applicable. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status. FBN Direct pharmacy products and services are offered by FBN Pharmacy LLC and are available only in states where FBN Pharmacy LLC is licensed. Terms and conditions apply.
Input financing is offered by FBN Finance, LLC and is available only where FBN Finance, LLC is licensed. Terms and conditions apply. To qualify, a borrower must be a member of Farmer’s Business Network, Inc. and meet certain underwriting requirements. Interest rates and fees will vary depending on your individual situation. Not all applicants will qualify.
* On approved credit. Terms and conditions apply.
** Store credits will be issued to customer accounts weekly. Upon issue, store credits are available to be used immediately and will automatically be applied to the members' next transaction. Store credits have no cash value. Store credits expire 6 months after issuance and must be used on a purchase to be shipped no later than 6 months after issuance. Limit one store credit issued for the same program or promotion per week unless otherwise specified. Terms & conditions apply.
^ Subject to final review and verification. |
Optimized Health, LLC provides telemedicine services, provides consultations to patients, prescribes and facilitates the delivery of medical supplements through their partnered pharmacies. An agreement has not been established between Optimized Health, LLC and a requester until a request for services has been placed by way of the process of enrollment for services. Fees for services may be charged as deemed medically appropriate by a prescribing physician. The process of enrollment is as follows: a) A patient requests services through an intake form and then schedules a consultation with a licensed practitioner under contract with Optimized Health, LLC. b) The practitioner consults via HIPAA standards of communication, determines the eligibility of the requester and then establishes a patient/practitioner relationship. c) At this point a requester may become a patient of Optimized Health, LLC. d) Finally, if the practitioner writes any prescriptions, they will be sent to our fulfillment pharmacy, a third-party vendor.
The office staff at Optimized Health, LLC offers continued support and counsel. Medical issues, if simple in nature and related to services of Optimized Health, LLC, may be referred to our prescribing practitioner. Any serious or complicated medical issues, including dire emergencies need to be addressed with the patient’s local emergency services, and/or primary care physician. Optimized Health, LLC does not provide primary care services, chronic illness care, or medication management.
The FeelBetterMedicine.com website may be used to request a consultation with a physician for consideration of prescription products.
For each service selected from Optimized Health, LLC, an invoice will be provided to the patient featuring the service selected, and the price for the service. You should check that this information accurately reflects your selection before confirming. Upon confirmation, your billing information will be submitted to Optimized Health, LLC for processing. Optimized Health, LLC reserves the right not to accept or to cancel your service in our sole discretion for any reason without liability. Optimized Health, LLC shall not be liable for any error or inaccuracy in the photographs or graphical representations of any services displayed on the FeelBetterMedicine.com website. If you have any questions about the services, you may contact our customer service by clicking on the hyperlink labeled “contact us”.
Optimized Health, LLC reserves the right to cancel any consultation placed by a patient with whom it has a dispute concerning a prior consultation, or if Optimized Health, LLC has reasonable cause to suspect that such customer has violated these Terms and Conditions of Sale or is engaged in any fraudulent activity or for any other legitimate cause.
Our services on currently only available in Arizona. Unfortunately, if you live outside the state of Arizona we are not licensed to practice medicine and cannot help you. We will contact you as soon as possible if this applies to you. In the case of unavailability of a service, you will be informed by email or by phone as soon as possible, and a new estimated fulfillment date or the option to cancel your consultation will be presented.
Optimized Health, LLC reserves the right to conduct promotional sales at its own discretion. Optimized Health, LLC reserves the right to offer customers promotional sales and coupons for its services. Coupons are only applicable to one-time purchases. Coupons cannot be applied to subscription, monthly orders, or any form of a recurring purchase. Only one coupon may be applied per order. Optimized Health, LLC reserves the right to remove a promotional offering, coupon, or discount code. The expiration date, the terms, and the conditions of any coupon can be adjusted by Optimized Health, LLC as necessary.
After contacting Optimized Health, LLC, and requesting a service, your consultation request will be transmitted to Optimized Health, LLC for processing and may not be amended or cancelled except pursuant to the conditions provided for herein the Terms and Conditions of Sale or in conditions provided for pursuant to applicable law. The confirmation of your consultation request means your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Sale.
The data registered by the FeelBetterMedicine.com website establish the terms of the transactions between Optimized Health, LLC and its patients. In the case of a dispute between Optimized Health, LLC and its patients relating to a transaction entered into, the data registered by Optimized Health, LLC are the terms of the transaction. Notwithstanding, Optimized Health, LLC reserves the right not to accept or to cancel your consultation if the services are not available are incorrectly priced or are otherwise incorrectly described.
Shipping is available only in Arizona.
Medications are only shipped from our partnered pharmacies and will be shipped to the delivery address specified during the ordering procedure. All medication transactions are completed by our pharmacy partners.
Prescriptions are sent directly from the pharmacy and are sent with UPS Next Day Air. The fee for shipping medications is flat-rate.
Cancellations prior to a consultation with the provider will be granted with no fee. We do not charge your card unless a prescription has been approved by a doctor. Once the prescription has been shipped by the pharmacy, no refunds for that shipped product will be made. If a refund is requested for a particular order, an attempt at stopping that order fulfillment will be made and refund granted if the order can be cancelled with the pharmacy prior to shipping.
All subscriptions purchased require a 3-round minimum. Optimized Health, LLC reserves the right to charge a $100 cancellation fee if the subscription is cancelled on or before the third renewal date.
The FeelBetterMedicine.com website is not intended for minor children.
In the event the parties are not able to resolve any dispute between them arising out of or concerning these Terms and Conditions, or any provisions hereof, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise at law or in equity for damages or any other relief, then such dispute shall be resolved only by final and binding arbitration pursuant to the Federal Arbitration Act, conducted by a single neutral arbitrator and administered by the American Arbitration Association, or a similar arbitration service selected by the parties, in a location mutually agreed upon by the parties. The arbitrator’s award shall be final, and judgment may be entered upon it in any court having jurisdiction. In the event that any legal or equitable action, proceeding or arbitration arises out of or concerns these Terms and Conditions, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and reasonable attorney’s fees. The parties agree to arbitrate all disputes and claims in regard to these Terms and Conditions or any disputes arising as a result of these Terms and Conditions, whether directly or indirectly, including Tort claims that are a result of these Terms and Conditions. The parties agree that the Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this provision. The entire dispute, including the scope and enforceability of this arbitration provision shall be determined by the Arbitrator. This arbitration provision shall survive the termination of these Terms and Conditions.
These Terms and Conditions of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Arizona, without regard to principles of conflicts of laws
Optimized Health, LLC welcomes your questions or comments regarding the Terms:
Optimized Health, LLC
7067 East Dale Lane
Scottsdale, AZ 85266
Email Address: [email protected]
Welcome to www.FeelBetterMedicine.com. The www.FeelBetterMedicine.com website (the “Site”) is comprised of various web pages operated by Optimized Health, LLC LLC (“Optimized Health, LLC”). www.FeelBetterMedicine.com is offered to you conditioned on your acceptance without modification of the terms, conditions, and notices contained herein (the “Terms”). Your use of www.FeelBetterMedicine.com constitutes your agreement to all such Terms. Please read these terms carefully and keep a copy of them for your reference.
Visiting www.FeelBetterMedicine.com or sending emails to Optimized Health, LLC constitutes electronic communications. You consent to receive electronic communications and you agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically, via email and on the Site, satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.
If you use this site, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your computer, and you agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password. You may not assign or otherwise transfer your account to any other person or entity. You acknowledge that Optimized Health, LLC is not responsible for third party access to your account that results from theft or misappropriation of your account. Optimized Health, LLC and its associates reserve the right to refuse or cancel service, terminate accounts, or remove or edit content in our sole discretion.
Optimized Health, LLC does not knowingly collect, either online or offline, personal information from persons under the age of eighteen. If you are under 18, you may not use www.FeelBetterMedicine.com.
The FeelBetterMedicine.com Sales Terms and Conditions (see “Sales Terms and Conditions”) governs the transactions that may be made available on this website. FeelBetterMedicine.com may modify or amend the Sales Terms and Conditions at any time as provided in the Sales Terms and Conditions.
www.FeelBetterMedicine.com may contain links to other websites (“Linked Sites”). The Linked Sites are not under the control of Optimized Health, LLC and Optimized Health, LLC is not responsible for the contents of any Linked Site, including without limitation any link contained in a Linked Site, or any changes or updates to a Linked Site. Optimized Health, LLC is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Optimized Health, LLC of the site or any association with its operators.
Certain services made available via www.FeelBetterMedicine.com are delivered by third party organizations. By using any product, service or functionality originating from the www.FeelBetterMedicine.com domain, you hereby acknowledge and consent that Optimized Health, LLC may share such information and data with any third party with whom Optimized Health, LLC has a contractual relationship to provide the requested product, service or functionality on behalf of www.FeelBetterMedicine.com users and customers.
All content included as part of the Service, such as text, graphics, logos, images, as well as the compilation thereof, and any software used on the Site, is the property of Optimized Health, LLC or its suppliers and protected by copyright and other laws that protect intellectual property and proprietary rights. You agree to observe and abide by all copyright and other proprietary notices, legends or other restrictions contained in any such content and will not make any changes thereto.
You will not modify, publish, transmit, reverse engineer, participate in the transfer or sale, create derivative works, or in any way exploit any of the content, in whole or in part, found on the Site. Optimized Health, LLC content is not for resale. Your use of the Site does not entitle you to make any unauthorized use of any protected content, and in particular you will not delete or alter any proprietary rights or attribution notices in any content. You will use protected content solely for your personal use, and will make no other use of the content without the express written permission of Optimized Health, LLC and the copyright owner. You agree that you do not acquire any ownership rights in any protected content. We do not grant you any licenses, express or implied, to the intellectual property of Optimized Health, LLC or our licensors except as expressly authorized by these Terms.
The Service is controlled, operated and administered by Optimized Health, LLC from our offices within the USA. If you access the Service from a location outside the USA, you are responsible for compliance with all local laws. You agree that you will not use the Optimized Health, LLC Content accessed through www.FeelBetterMedicine.com in any country or in any manner prohibited by any applicable laws, restrictions or regulations. Optimized Health, LLC only provides services within the boundaries of the USA.
The information contained in the Web Site is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other health care professional. You should not use the information available on or through the Web Site (including, but not limited to, information that may be provided on the Web Site by healthcare or nutrition professionals employed by or contracting with Optimized Health, LLC) for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease or prescribing any medication. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You should read carefully all product packaging prior to use.
Optimized Health, LLC does not employ practitioners directly, with exception of the medical director. An independent organization is under contract to provide telemedicine consultations and may at their discretion approve/disapprove a potential patient for services and/or write a prescription for the service(s) requested by the patient.
The third-party providers network maintains responsibility for properly vetting, training, and managing any provider under their employ. The provider network management ensures that each provider has proper medical malpractice insurance in place for the consultations referred by Optimized Health, LLC.
The Medical Director of Optimized Health, LLC has outlined the services to be prescribed by the provider network. Included in this outline is the standard of care, services offered, prescribing standards, and contraindications related to services made available for enrollment.
Each patient will be evaluated by a provider properly licensed in the patient’s respective state. It is the responsibility of each individual provider to adhere to laws and prescribing standards within the state of licensure.
All services offered for enrollment on FeelBetterMedicine.com are elective services. Optimized Health, LLC encourages potential patients to consult with their primary care provider prior to requesting services from Optimized Health, LLC and its contracted provider network.
A Patient & Provider relationship is formed once a provider from the contracted provider network makes contact, reviews medical forms, and makes a clinical determination on the request made by the patient.
All medical information collected is protected under a HIPAA compliant electronic medical record. It is the duty of the patient to complete the Medical History Forms (“MHF”) completely, accurately, and truthfully. Any information shared by the patient with an agent of Optimized Health, LLC or the provider will be accepted as additional information for the patient’s medical file.
Video or phone consultations are offered per statutes outlined in each state. It is the responsibility of the licensed provider to adhere to the statues in each state that defines what constitutes a patient/provider relationship.
It is the responsibility of the patient to maintain a relationship with a primary care provider for follow up care after seeking services offered by Optimized Health, LLC. Optimized Health, LLC or the contracted provider network do not provide ongoing medical services outside of the initial consultation.
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Optimized Health, LLC, its officers, directors, employees, agents and third parties, and affiliates (“Indemnified Parties”), from, against and in respect of all liabilities, losses, claims, damages, punitive damages, causes of action, lawsuits, administrative proceedings, investigation, demands, judgments, settlement payments, deficiencies, penalties, fines, interest and costs and expenses suffered, sustained, incurred or paired by the Indemnified Parties in connection with, resulting from, or arising out of, directly or indirectly, Optimized Health, LLC and/or Physician’s rendering medical care services, advice and/or treatment, Patient’s failure to disclose all relevant information regarding Patient’s medical and physical condition, patient’s use of or inability to use the Site or services, any user postings made by you, your violation of any terms of this Agreement or your violation of any rights of a third party, or your violation of any applicable laws, rules or regulations, acts or omissions of Optimized Health, LLC or Physician, harm or injury resulting from medical care or pharmaceuticals provided directly or indirectly by Optimized Health, LLC or Physician. Patient is aware of potential side effects associated with the above-described treatment, accepts all risks involved in taking medication and will not seek indemnification or damages from the Indemnified Parties there from. Optimized Health, LLC reserves the right, at its own cost, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you, in which event you will fully cooperate with Optimized Health, LLC in asserting any available defenses.
In the event the parties are not able to resolve any dispute between them arising out of or concerning these Terms and Conditions, or any provisions hereof, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise at law or in equity for damages or any other relief, then such dispute shall be resolved only by final and binding arbitration pursuant to the Federal Arbitration Act, conducted by a single neutral arbitrator and administered by the American Arbitration Association, or a similar arbitration service selected by the parties, in a location mutually agreed upon by the parties. The arbitrator’s award shall be final, and judgment may be entered upon it in any court having jurisdiction. In the event that any legal or equitable action, proceeding or arbitration arises out of or concerns these Terms and Conditions, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and reasonable attorney’s fees. The parties agree to arbitrate all disputes and claims in regards to these Terms and Conditions or any disputes arising as a result of these Terms and Conditions, whether directly or indirectly, including Tort claims that are a result of these Terms and Conditions. The parties agree that the Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this provision. The entire dispute, including the scope and enforceability of this arbitration provision shall be determined by the Arbitrator. This arbitration provision shall survive the termination of these Terms and Conditions.
Any arbitration under these Terms and Conditions will take place on an individual basis; class arbitrations and class/representative/collective actions are not permitted. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT A PARTY MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN EACH’S INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PUTATIVE CLASS, COLLECTIVE AND/ OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING, SUCH AS IN THE FORM OF A PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL ACTION AGAINST THE OTHER. Further, unless both you and Optimized Health, LLC agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person’s claims, and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding.
Optimized Health, LLC reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate your access to the Site and the related services or any portion thereof at any time, without notice. To the maximum extent permitted by law, this agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Arizona and you hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of courts in Arizona in all disputes arising out of or relating to the use of the Site. Use of the Site is unauthorized in any jurisdiction that does not give effect to all provisions of these Terms, including, without limitation, this section.
You agree that no joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between you and Optimized Health, LLC as a result of this agreement or use of the Site. Optimized Health, LLC’s performance of this agreement is subject to existing laws and legal process, and nothing contained in this agreement is in derogation of Optimized Health, LLC’s right to comply with governmental, court and law enforcement requests or requirements relating to your use of the Site or information provided to or gathered by Optimized Health, LLC with respect to such use. If any part of this agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable pursuant to applicable law including, but not limited to, the warranty disclaimers and liability limitations set forth above, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision and the remainder of the agreement shall continue in effect.
Unless otherwise specified herein, this agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the user and Optimized Health, LLC with respect to the Site and it supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals, whether electronic, oral or written, between the user and Optimized Health, LLC with respect to the Site. A printed version of this agreement and of any notice given in electronic form shall be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings based upon or relating to this agreement to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form. It is the express wish to the parties that this agreement and all related documents be written in English.
Optimized Health, LLC reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change the Terms under which www.FeelBetterMedicine.com is offered. The most current version of the Terms will supersede all previous versions. Optimized Health, LLC encourages you to periodically review the Terms to stay informed of our updates.
This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties and supersedes and merges all prior and contemporaneous agreements and discussions between the parties. Any and all representations or agreements by any agent or representative of either party not contained in this Agreement shall be null, void, and of no effect.
If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, the remainder hereof, and all application of such provision to such person or circumstances in any other jurisdiction, shall not be affected thereby, and to this end the provisions of this Agreement shall be severable.
Optimized Health, LLC welcomes your questions or comments regarding the Terms:
Optimized Health, LLC
7076 East Dale Lane
Scottsdale, AZ 85266
Email Address: [email protected]
Collection of your Personal Information
In order to better provide you with services offered on our Site, Optimized Health, LLC may collect personally identifiable information, such as your:
First and Last Name
If you purchase Optimized Health, LLC’s products and services, we collect billing and credit card information. This information is used to complete the purchase transaction.
Optimized Health, LLC may also collect anonymous demographic information, which is not unique to you, such as your:
We do not collect any personal information about you unless you voluntarily provide it to us. However, you may be required to provide certain personal information to us when you elect to use certain services. These may include: (a) registering for an account on our Site; (b) entering a sweepstakes or contest sponsored by us or one of our partners; (c) signing up for special offers from selected third parties; (d) sending us an email message; (e) submitting your credit card or other payment information when ordering an purchasing products and services on our Site. To wit, we will use your information for, but not limited to, communicating with you in relation to services and/or products you have requested from us. We also may gather additional personal or non-personal information in the future.
Use of your Personal Information
Optimized Health, LLC collects and uses your personal information to operate its website(s) and deliver the services you have requested.
Optimized Health, LLC may also use your personally identifiable information to inform you of other products or services available from Optimized Health, LLC and its affiliates.
Sharing Information with Third Parties
Optimized Health, LLC does not sell, rent or lease its customer lists to third parties.
Optimized Health, LLC may share data with trusted partners to help perform statistical analysis, send you email or postal mail, provide customer support, or arrange for deliveries. All such third parties are prohibited from using your personal information except to provide these services to Optimized Health, LLC, and they are required to maintain the confidentiality of your information.
Optimized Health, LLC may disclose your personal information, without notice, if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on Optimized Health, LLC or the site; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of Optimized Health, LLC; and/or (c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of Optimized Health, LLC, or the public.
Tracking User Behavior
Optimized Health, LLC may keep track of the websites and pages our users visit within Optimized Health, LLC, in order to determine what Optimized Health, LLC services are the most popular. This data is used to deliver customized content and advertising within Optimized Health, LLC to customers whose behavior indicates that they are interested in a particular subject area.
Automatically Collected Information
Information about your computer hardware and software may be automatically collected by Optimized Health, LLC. This information can include: your IP address, browser type, domain names, access times and referring website addresses. This information is used for the operation of the service, to maintain quality of the service, and to provide general statistics regarding use of the Optimized Health, LLC website.
The Optimized Health, LLC website may use “cookies” to help you personalize your online experience. A cookie is a text file that is placed on your hard disk by a web page server. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you, and can only be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you.
One of the primary purposes of cookies is to provide a convenience feature to save you time. The purpose of a cookie is to tell the Web server that you have returned to a specific page. For example, if you personalize Optimized Health, LLC pages, or register with Optimized Health, LLC site or services, a cookie helps Optimized Health, LLC to recall your specific information on subsequent visits. This simplifies the process of recording your personal information, such as billing addresses, shipping addresses, and so on. When you return to the same Optimized Health, LLC website, the information you previously provided can be retrieved, so you can easily use the Optimized Health, LLC features that you customized.
You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to fully experience the interactive features of the Optimized Health, LLC services or websites you visit.
Security of your Personal Information
Optimized Health, LLC secures your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Optimized Health, LLC uses the following methods for this purpose:
HIPAA compliant security standards
When personal information (such as a credit card number) is transmitted to other websites, it is protected through the use of encryption, such as the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.
We strive to take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or alteration of your personal information. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, you acknowledge that: (a) there are security and privacy limitations inherent to the Internet which are beyond our control; and (b) security, integrity, and privacy of any and all information and data exchanged between you and us through this Site cannot be guaranteed.
Children Under Eighteen
Optimized Health, LLC does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of eighteen.
From time to time, Optimized Health, LLC may contact you via email for the purpose of providing announcements, promotional offers, alerts, confirmations, surveys, and/or other general communication. In order to improve our Services, we may receive a notification when you open an email from Optimized Health, LLC or click on a link therein.
If you would like to stop receiving marketing or promotional communications via email from Optimized Health, LLC, you may opt out of such communications by Customers may unsubscribe from marketing emails by selecting “unsubscribe”, compliant with the
External Data Storage Sites
We may store your data on servers provided by third party hosting vendors with whom we have contracted.
Changes to this Statement
Optimized Health, LLC welcomes your questions or comments regarding this Statement of Privacy. If you believe that Optimized Health, LLC has not adhered to this Statement, please contact Optimized Health, LLC at:
Optimized Health, LLC
7067 East Dale Lane
Scottsdale, AZ 85266
Email Address: [email protected]
What is your medical information? All the health care related information we have in your file, including your medical history, current condition, diagnosis, examination notes, test results, and prescriptions.
Why are you getting this Notice? We must comply with the HIPAA Privacy Rule that requires us to protect the confidentiality of your medical information. The Privacy Rule also gives you certain rights with respect to your medical information. This Notice explains both our obligations and your rights under the Privacy Rule.
A. We have a legal duty to protect the confidentiality of your health information. We are required to protect the confidentiality of your individually identifiable health information (“protected health information” or “PHI”). We must give you notice of our legal duties and privacy practices concerning your PHI:
We must protect PHI that we have created or received about your past, present, or future health condition, health care we provide to you, or payment for your health care.
We must notify you about how we will protect your PHI.
We must explain how, when and why we will use and/or disclose your PHI.
We may only use and/or disclose PHI as we have described in this Notice.
We are required to follow the procedures in this Notice. We reserve the right to change the terms of this Notice and to make new notice provisions effective for all PHI that we maintain by:
Posting the revised Notice in our offices and on the website;
Making copies of the revised Notice available upon request (either at our offices, on our website or through the contact person listed in this Notice); and
B. We may legally use and disclose your PHI as follows.
1. We may use and disclose PHI about you to provide health care treatment to you. We may use and disclose PHI about you to provide, coordinate or manage your health care and related services. This may include communicating with other health care providers regarding your treatment and coordinating and managing your health care with others. For example, we may use and disclose PHI about you when we send your Health History and Basic Examination Questionnaire to our affiliated physicians for review.
2. We may use and disclose PHI about you to obtain payment for services. Generally, we may use and give your medical information to others to collect payment for the treatment and services provided to you. We may also share portions of your medical information with the following:
Collection departments or agencies; and
Consumer reporting agencies (e.g., credit bureaus).
3. We may use and disclose your PHI for our internal health care operations. We may use and disclose PHI in performing business activities, which we call “health care operations”. These “health care operations” allow us to improve the quality of care we provide and reduce health care costs. Examples of the way we may use or disclose PHI about you for “health care operations” include the following:
Reviewing and improving the quality, efficiency and cost of care that we provide to you and our other patients. For example, we may use PHI about you to develop ways to assist our health care providers and staff in deciding what medical treatment should be provided to others.
Reviewing and evaluating the skills, qualifications, and performance of health care providers taking care of you.
Assisting various people who review our activities. For example, PHI may be seen by practitioners reviewing the services provided to you, and by accountants, lawyers, and others who assist us in complying with applicable laws.
Planning for our organization’s future operations, and fundraising for the benefit of our organization.
Conducting business management and general administrative activities related to our organization and the services it provides, including providing info.
Complying with this Notice and with applicable laws.
4. We may use and disclose PHI under other circumstances without your prior written authorization. We may use and/or disclose your PHI under a number of circumstances in which you do not have to consent, give authorization or otherwise be given an opportunity to agree or object. Those circumstances include, but are not limited to:
When the use and/or disclosure is required by law. For example, when a disclosure is required by federal, state or local law or other judicial or administrative proceeding.
When the use and/or disclosure is necessary for public health activities. For example, we may disclose your PHI if you have been exposed to a communicable disease or may otherwise be at risk of contracting or spreading a disease or condition.
When the disclosure relates to victims of abuse, neglect or domestic violence.
When the use and/or disclosure is for health oversight activities. For example, we may disclose your PHI to a state or federal health oversight agency which is authorized by law to oversee our operations.
When the disclosure is for judicial and administrative proceedings. For example, we may disclose your PHI in response to an order of a court or administrative tribunal.
When the disclosure is for law enforcement purposes.
When the use and/or disclosure relates to medical research. Under certain circumstances, we may disclose your PHI for medical research.
5. We may contact you to provide appointment reminders. We may use and/or disclose PHI to contact you to provide a reminder to you about an appointment you have for treatment or medical care.
6. We may contact you with information about treatment, services, products or health care providers. We may use and/or disclose PHI to manage or coordinate your healthcare. This may include telling you about treatments, services, products and/or other healthcare providers.
Under any circumstances other than those listed above, we will ask for your prior written authorization before we use or disclose your PHI. If you sign a written authorization allowing us to disclose your PHI in a specific situation, you may later cancel your authorization in writing. If you cancel your authorization in writing, we will not disclose your PHI after we receive your cancellation, except for disclosures which were being processed before we received your cancellation.
A. You have the right to request restrictions on uses and disclosures of PHI about you.
You have the right to request that we restrict the use and disclosure of your PHI. We are not required to agree to your requested restrictions. However, if we do agree to your request we will abide by the restrictions except under the following circumstances: emergency treatment, disclosures to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, and uses and disclosures described in the previous section of this Notice. You may request a restriction by submitting your request in writing.
B. You have the right to request different ways to communicate with you. You have the right to request how and where we contact you about your PHI. For example, you may request that we contact you at your work address or phone number or by email. Your request must be in writing, via letter or e-mail, and we must accommodate reasonable requests.
C. You have the right to see and copy PHI about you. You have the right to request to see and receive a copy of PHI contained in clinical, billing and other records related to the services we provide to you. Your request must be in writing, via letter or e-mail. We may charge you related copying fees. Instead of providing you with a full copy of the PHI, we may give you a summary or explanation of the PHI about you, if you agree in advance to the form and cost of the summary or explanation. There are certain situations in which we are not required to comply with your request. Under these circumstances, we will respond to you in writing, stating why we will not grant your request and describing any rights you may have to request a review of our denial.
D. You have the right to request amendment of your medical record. You have the right to request that we make amendments to clinical, billing and other records used to make decisions about you. Your request must be in writing and must explain your reason(s) for the amendment. We may deny your request if: 1) the information was not created by us (unless you prove the creator of the information is no longer available to amend the record); 2) the information is not part of the records used to make decisions about you; 3) we believe the information is correct and complete; or 4) you would not have the right to see and copy the record as described in paragraph 3 above. We will tell you in writing the reasons for the denial and describe your rights to give us a written statement disagreeing with the denial. If we accept your request to amend the information, we will make reasonable efforts to inform others of the amendment, including persons you name who have received your PHI and who need the amendment.
E.You have the right to a listing of disclosures we have made. If you ask our contact person in writing, you have the right to receive a written list of certain of our disclosures of your PHI. You may ask for disclosures made up to six (6) years before your request (not including disclosures made prior to April 14, 2003). We are not required to include disclosures:
For your treatment
For billing and collection of payment for your treatment
For our health care practices
Requested by you, that you authorized, or which are made to individuals involved in your care, and
Allowed by law (for examples, please the section above).
The list will include the date of the disclosure, the name (and address, if available) of the person or organization receiving the information, a brief description of the information disclosed, and the purpose of the disclosure. If you request a list of disclosures more than once in 12 months, we may charge you a reasonable fee.
F. You have the right to a copy of this Notice. You have the right to request a paper or electronic copy of this Notice at any time. We will provide a copy of this Notice no later than the date you first receive services from us (except for emergency services, and then we will provide the Notice to you as soon as possible).
If you think your privacy rights have been violated by us, or you want to complain to us about our privacy practices, you may contact the person listed below:
Optimized Health, LLC
7067 East Dale Lane
Scottsdale, AZ 85266
Email Address: [email protected]
You may also send a written complaint to the United States Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. If you file a complaint, we will not take any action against you or change our treatment of you in any way.
by: Arezow Doost
Posted: Aug 21, 2021 / 10:00 AM CDT/ Updated: Aug 21, 2021 / 10:40 PM CDT
CEDAR PARK, Texas (KXAN) — Dwayne Stewart swiped left on his phone, and there was a reminder.
“It said text Cameron,” Dwayne recalled. “And I’m sitting here to myself like, ‘why in the world would that be on there?'”
He texted often with his youngest son, but the remainder was from months ago before Cameron’s death.
“I just did it. I texted him. I said, ‘I love you, buddy,’ put a bunch of hearts after it,” Dwayne explained. “It’s just sometimes I got to play like he’s still here, just to sort of get through the day.”
The Stewart family lost Cameron in March. Their vibrant son with an incredible smile was gone overnight.
They explained they had tried to reach him but after not responding to texts and calls, they worried and drove to his apartment in Leander.
They said toxicology results showed the 19-year-old died after taking a fentanyl-laced Valium pill.
He had gone to bed and never woke up.
Education is key
“He would just light up a room when he’d walk in,” said his mom Becky. “He was a great academic student. He was an incredible athlete. He was a hurdler.”
The Stewart family recently shared their heartache with KXAN investigators hoping to help other families.
“Nothing is ever going to be the same for us. And that’s what I want to let parents know is this can happen in a split second. You’re with your son or daughter the day before, and the next day they’re gone,” Dwayne said.
The family now has a mission called “A Change for Cam” and hopes it can bring awareness to schools about much-needed education regarding the dangers of counterfeit pills.
They recently began talking with nonprofit organizations including Song for Charlie, which raises awareness about fake pills made of fentanyl, and schools in Austin about implementing it in the curriculum.
“They’ve got to be aware, because these people who are selling these pills don’t care what age they’re selling to,” Becky said. “And if somebody is walking to school with lunch money, $10, that can buy him a pill or two.”
The Stewarts’ tragedy has been felt across the country. Thousands of miles away the Epsteins know the pain.
The family from Oregon lost their son Cal, 18, in December.
“He made a mistake, you know. It used to be kids made mistakes and learned from them. With fentanyl, if you make a mistake you die,” said Jennifer Epstein in a video posted on Beaverton School District’s website.
Cal’s father Jon said in the video he had come home for Christmas from college and one morning they found him unresponsive. He explained Cal thought he was taking an OxyContin, and he ended up with fentanyl.
“The best we can tell, he sought out some Oxy from the street dealer,” Jon said. “Cal had long-term plans, he had short-term plans. In no way did he desire to harm himself. We’re certain of that.”
Fake & Fatal
The parents partnered with their school district in Beaverton, one of the largest in Oregon, after the loss of several students in the last 18 months.
“We felt compelled to do something to prevent future losses,” said Shellie Bailey-Shah, public communications officer with the Beaverton School District. “And these, you know, were teenagers who had hopes and dreams and plans, and they had families who love them and are still coming to grips with their loss.”
Students in health classes have been learning about the dangers of buying fake pills on social media. Pills they think are OxyContin, Percocet and Xanax but are laced with fentanyl.
“The pills are nicknamed ‘Blues’ for their common color or ‘M30s’ for the stamp on the bills. The tablets are so well made that even experienced users say that they can’t tell the difference between a counterfeit pill and a pill manufactured by a pharmaceutical company,” said the district online.
Students also hear Cal’s story and learn how the synthetic drug can be up to 100 times stronger than morphine and how just one pill can kill.
“We had trainings for all our administrators in our district about how to handle fentanyl-related incidents and how to handle the drug itself, because it can be very, very dangerous,” Bailey-Shah said.
She explained another important thing the district did was host community conversations with experts and Cal’s family.
“I think that there is a certain amount of disbelief amongst parents like, ‘oh, that would never happen to my child,'” said Bailey-Shah. “And what we’ve learned from the families in our district who have dealt with this, that we’re not talking about a stereotypical drug abuser, these are kids who are experimenting. And what we’ve learned about fentanyl is that it only takes one pill. So, there is no such thing as drug experimentation anymore. One pill can kill.”
Fentanyl deaths on the rise
The district explained online already this year in its county more than 17,000 pills have been seized by narcotics teams, most suspected as counterfeit Oxycodone. In all of 2020, fewer than 14,000 pills were seized.
Bailey-Shah, a parent herself with two boys, said it’s too early to know what kind of impact this campaign will have, but not talking about it is no longer an option.
She explained when her district was looking for guidance and education, there wasn’t much out there to help with the curriculum.
“I would strongly encourage, you know, families to partner with their school districts, their law enforcement, their public health departments because all these people play such an important role in getting this message out,” explained Bailey-Shah. “And if our resources that we’ve already developed can help spread the message more easily and more widely — that’s gratifying to us.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a health alert in December 2020 because of an increase in deaths due synthetic opioids across the country.
In Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott warned about fentanyl seizures being up already this year almost 800% over last year.
KXAN investigators found deaths are up too in Central Texas. Court documents detail a wave of overdoses between March 2020 and this January — 17 deaths from counterfeit Oxycodone and illegal prescription pills in Austin and surrounding cities.
Push to change terminology
The Stewart family said implementing education in the classroom will be key in preventing more deaths.
“Important for kids to be educated on… how to be bold, and how to not give in to peer pressure,” Becky said. “And so, to be able to keep saying no, and be persistent, because those people don’t give up when they’re trying to sell their product.”
Becky said she also learned after talking to other organizations that there needs to be a change in terminology when talking about fentanyl deaths.
“Cam didn’t die of an overdose. He was poisoned with a pill containing fentanyl. The very word overdose indicates that someone took too much of a substance they knew they were taking. Cam had no idea he was taking a pill containing fentanyl, so in essence, he was poisoned,” said Stewart.
She said organizations working to raise awareness worry misinterpreting these deaths as overdoses instead of poisonings could mean many families will ignore the warning and think overdoses happen to only families dealing with addiction and or substance abuse issues.
The Stewart family said it doesn’t have to be somebody who’s having a problem with alcohol and drugs.
“It could be a kid at a party for the very first time, and someone hands them a pill and that’s it,” Becky said. |
SMS Terms and Conditions
This page provides the terms and conditions regarding SMS messaging communications from the Office of Admissions at Florida Gulf Coast University.
The Office of Admissions sends text messages using a SMS messaging service to communicate with students about application and enrollment deadlines, application updates, event notifications and reminders, and other important information about the admissions process. Messages may also be sent to parents/guardians of the students. Subscribing to this service is not required to apply for or gain admission to the university. This service provides you with information via text messaging the university deems helpful and pertinent to the admission process.
Prospective students may opt-in to receiving text messages (i.e., SMS messages) by completing an information request form or creating an account on the Future Eagle portal at http://apply.fgcu.edu/. Students may also opt-in by updating their communication preferences on their Future Eagle profile page.
Standard message and data rates from your wireless carrier may apply. When you opt-in to receive SMS messages, you are responsible for any carrier fees such as data plan charges, text messaging charges, tolls, out-of-area roaming, and other charges. Messaging frequency per month varies based on your student status and associated actions. Check with your mobile operator for details on receiving text messages (SMS).
Note that SMS communications from the Office of Admissions may not be available through all mobile carriers.
If you wish to opt-out of text messages, text STOP to 40908 to stop receiving text messages from the admissions office. You may also update your preferences on your Future Eagle profile page. Please note that opting out will remove you from all future text communications with the admissions office, including events you may register for in the future or application updates, unless you were to re-subscribe to such services.
Contact FGCU Admissions for help. |
A fine quality pair of twelve light chandeliers in the style Perry & Co. The ormolu mounted and cut crystal shaft centred by an ormolu mounted urn this surmounted with a double ormolu drop hung palm tree. The ormolu mounted receiver plate supporting twelve candle arms arranged on two levels these arms with finely chased ormolu mounts and diamond cut crystal drip pans. The diamond cut container with lower canopy and ormolu mounted lapidary cut crystal finial the chandelier richly draped with chain and finial pear shaped drops.
- Height 127 cm / 50 "
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- Style 20th century
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Transcription and Facsimile of an 1882
Letter from a Mahatma of the Himalayas
A 2016 Editorial Note
The following text constitutes letter 37 in the various editions of “The Mahatma Letters”. The reader will find the facsimile of its original manuscript in PDF at the end of the transcription.
Addressed to Mr. Alfred P. Sinnett, the letter was received in January 1882. It was written down by the advanced chela Djual Khul , also known as “The Disinherited”.
The document was written in blue ink soon after the Master came back to individual consciousness, having closed a three months’ retreat in contemplation.
In February 1882, a few weeks after the present letter was sent, the Master himself would describe the retreat in these words, while opening his first direct letter to Mr. Sinnett after his “revival”:
“I have been on a long journey after supreme knowledge, I took a long time to rest.”
The letter refers to Mr. D. M. Bennett, a free-thinker from the United States who edited the journal “The Truth Seeker”.
The facsimile of the originals is reproduced from the February 1950 edition of “The Theosophist”, Adyar, India.
(Carlos Cardoso Aveline)
The name is also spelled Djual Khool. (CCA)
Letter XLV, in the TUP and Adyar TPH editions of “The Mahatma Letters”; Letter 47, in Chronological Edition.
See pp. 296-301.
The Master has awaked and bids me write. To his great regret for certain reasons He will not be able until a fixed period has passed to expose Himself to the thought currents inflowing so strongly from beyond the Himavat. I am therefore, commanded to be the hand to indite His message. I am to tell you that He is “quite as friendly to you as heretofore and well satisfied with both your good intentions and even their execution so far as it lay in your power. You have proved your affection and sincerity by your zeal. The impulse you have personally given to the Cause we love, will not be checked; therefore the fruits of it (the word ‘reward’ is avoided being used but for the ‘goody-goody’) will not be withheld when your balance of causes and effects – your Karma is adjusted. In unselfishly and at personal risk labouring for your neighbour, you have most effectually worked for yourself. One year has wrought a great change in your heart. The man of 1880 would scarcely recognise the man of 1881 were they confronted. Compare them, then, good friend and Brother, that you may fully realize what time has done, or rather what you have done with time. To do this meditate – alone, with the magic mirror of memory to gaze into. Thus shall you not only see the lights and shadows of the Past, but the possible brightness of the Future, as well. Thus, in time, will you come to see the Ego of aforetime in its naked reality. And thus also you shall hear from me direct at the earliest, practicable opportunity, for we are not ungrateful and even Nirvana cannot obliterate GOOD.”
These are the Master’s words, as with His help I am enabled to frame them in your language, honoured Sir. I am personally permitted, at the same time to thank you very warmly for the genuine sympathy which you felt for me at the time when a slight accident due to my forgetfulness laid me on my bed of sickness.
Though you may have read in the modern works on mesmerism how, that which we call “Will-Essence” and you “fluid” – is transmitted from the operator to his objective point, you perhaps scarcely realize how everyone is practically, albeit unconsciously, demonstrating this law every day and every moment. Nor, can you quite realize how the training for adeptship increases both one’s capacity to emit and to feel this form of force. I assure you that I, though but a humble chela as yet, felt your good wishes flowing to me as the convalescent in the cold mountains feels from the gentle breeze that blows upon him from the plains below.
I am also to tell you that in a certain Mr. Bennett of America who will shortly arrive at Bombay, you may recognise one, who, in spite of his national provincialism, that you so detest, and his too infidelistic bias, is one of our agents (unknown to himself) to carry out the scheme for the enfranchisement of Western thoughts from superstitious creeds. If you can see your way towards giving him a correct idea of the actual present and potential future state of Asiatic but more particularly of Indian thought, it will be gratifying to my Master. He desires me to let you know, at the same time, that you should not feel such an exaggerated delicacy about taking out the work left undone from Mr. Hume’s hands. That gentleman chooses to do but what suits his personal fancy without any regard whatever to the feelings of other people. His present work also – a pyramid of intellectual energy misspent – his objections and reasons, are all calculated but to exonerate himself only. Master regrets to find in him the same spirit of utter, unconscious selfishness with no view to the good of the Cause he represents. If he seems interested in it at all, it is because he is opposed and finds himself roused to combativeness. Thus the answer to Mr. Terry’s letter sent to him from Bombay ought to have been published in the January number. Will you kindly to see to it – Master asks? Master thinks you can do it as well as Mr. Hume if you but tried, as the metaphysical faculty in you, is only dormant but would fully develop were you but to awake it to its full action by constant use. As to our reverenced M: he desires me to assure you that the secret of Mr. Hume’s professed love for Humanity lies in, and is based upon, the chance presence in that word of the first syllable; as for “mankind” – he has no sympathy for it.
Since Master will not be able to write to you himself for a month or two longer (though you will always hear of him) – He begs you to proceed for his sake with your metaphysical studies; and not to be giving up the task in despair whenever you meet with incomprehensible ideas in M. Sahib’s notes, the more so, as M. Sahib’s only hatred in his life, is for writing. In conclusion Master sends you His best wishes and praying you may not forget Him, orders me to sign myself, your obedient servant,
P.S. Should you desire to write to Him though unable to answer Himself Master will receive your letters with pleasure; you can do so through D. K. Mavalankar.
On the role of the esoteric movement in the ethical awakening of mankind during the 21st century, see the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.
Published in 2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist, the volume has 255 pages and can be obtained through Amazon Books. |
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South Korea’s Adviser in Cyber Security to open 28th Annual FIRST Conference in Seoul
The Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), a recognized global leader in incident response, has announced the line-up for its 28th Annual Conference, which takes place this June (12th – 18th) in Seoul, South Korea.
17 May 2016 – The Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), a recognized global leader in incident response, has announced the line-up for its 28th Annual Conference, which takes place this June (12th – 18th) in Seoul, South Korea. Opening the conference will be Professor Jong In Lim, Professor of the Graduate School of Information Security at Korea University, and the former Special Adviser in Security to the President. He will deliver a keynote on Korea’s cybersecurity status and its direction toward a better future and consider how the world can respond to global cyber threats by taking a “Security First” approach. Professor Jong in Lim leads a conference program that includes 7 days of workshops, keynote addresses and speaker presentations delivered by industry experts and organisations as diverse as the United Nations and CISCO Systems.
Topics under discussion at this year’s conference range from threat intelligence sharing and detecting targeted web compromises, to the missing links between cybercrime gangs and the dark side of online advertisements.
Each day of the conference will open with a keynote from an expert in information technology and cyber security, with speakers such as Doug Dooley from Venrock, who will provide a Silicon Valley VC perspective on the subject of Fostering Security Innovation.
Other confirmed speakers include representatives from leading global organizations, such as:
- Katherine Gagnon, United Nations, who will speak on building an information sharing community;
- Richard Struse, US Department of Homeland Security, who will be talking about cyber threat intelligence making a difference;
- David Lenoe and Tom Cignarella, Adobe, who will talk about 10 years of Product Incident Response at Adobe.
Kee Seung Baik, President and CEO of the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA), the local host of the conference, said that it is a privilege to host the largest and most prestigious cyber incident response conference in Seoul.
He explained that cyber threats are a cross-border issue, and require international cooperation and action. “The FIRST Conference has been at the forefront of taking action in a timely manner by planning for the next generation of cyber-attacks before they occur. I hope that this coming conference will serve as a platform for members to solidify cooperation and coordination amongst themselves.” Mr Baik added that KISA will play an active part in creating a safer cyber-environment by sharing cyber threat information, supporting capacity building efforts, and working towards a joint response with countries across the world.
Margrete Raaum, Chair of FIRST added, “I am delighted that Seoul is playing host to this year’s 28th Annual FIRST conference. Throughout its history, the FIRST conference has aimed to be at the cutting edge of innovation with regards to incident response, and with the quality and variety of speakers we have this year, I am confident that this will continue to be the case.”
The conference is open to both FIRST and non-FIRST members and welcomes IT managers, network and system administrators, software and hardware vendors, law enforcement representatives, security solutions providers, telecommunications organizations, ISPs, and general computer and network security personnel.
Hosted by the Korea Internet & Security Agency, Ministry of Science, IT and Future Planning, and KrCERT, this year’s conference will be held at the Conrad Seoul. More information regarding registration fees and registration terms and conditions can be found at https://www.first.org/conference/2016/registration
For further information and to register please visit: https://www.first.org/conference/2016
Founded in 1990, FIRST consists of internet emergency response teams from more than 300 corporations, government bodies, universities and other institutions from the Americas, Asia, Europe, Africa and Oceania. It leads the world's fight-back against cyber-crime, sabotage and terrorism, and promotes cooperation among computer security incident response teams and law enforcement agencies. For more information, visit: www.first.org
Tue, 17 May 2016 19:00:00 +0000 |
Custom Home Builder in Schulenburg, Texas
First Rate Construction has built a reputation as quality construction contractor in the Schulenburg area, as well as the entire county. Whether you are wanting a new home built or business, adding to your existing home, or maybe just renovating your kitchen, First Rate Construction has the craftsmanship and experience to offer innovative solutions to facilitate the building process.
Schulenburg is located in Fayette County. The population was 2,852 at the 2010 census. Known for its German culture, Schulenburg is home of the Texas Polka Music Museum.
Schulenburg, “Gateway to the Rolling Hills,” is located in the pastoral landscape of the Fayette County prairie. The rolling hills provide scenic sites and heritage with lush spring views rich in wildflowers. The stream beds between the hills support wildlife and woodland remnants of the East Texas forest. The black land soil fosters agriculture as it had for our American, German, Czech founders of the 1800s. Schulenburg’s character derives derives from the scenic prairie landscape and the agriculture heritage passed down by its colorful early settlers. |
Complement the StoneLook of our acrylic shower/wall panels with a matching shower base. Our acrylic shower bases feature 3-layer construction including a durable, non-slip surface that’s easy to clean and won’t crack or fade.
Acrylic Shower Base Construction:
Durable ABS frame provides support and rigidity
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Lined with StoneLook to perfectly match shower/wall panels
- High-density EPS foam levels and supports the base
- Lifetime Warranty*
- Durable, non-slip surface.
Low-profile threshold provides an easy step-in height.
Solid surface material is resistant to mold and mildew
Perfect size for tub-to-shower conversions
Available in all StoneLook colors
Acrylic Shower Base Benefits
- Appearance: With high-resolution imagery sampled from actual stone and granite slabs, our acrylic floor panels provide a flawless, high-resolution visual reproduction of beautiful natural stones.
- Value: Our acrylic floor panels cost significantly less than natural stone, and often much less than other bathroom remodeling products.
- Installation: Panels can be installed quickly and easily over a variety of substrate materials, allowing skilled installers to transform a bathroom as quickly as one day.
- Versatility: Our acrylic floor panels can easily be adapted to bathrooms of all configurations, from clean and simple to one-of-a-kind designs, thanks to the ease of on-site customization.
- Maintenance: With full-floor panels and no grout lines, acrylic floor panels are extremely easy to clean and maintain for a lifetime of use.
- Hygiene: Unlike natural stone or grout, acrylic is non-porous and utterly impervious to water, bacteria, mold, and mildew, and requires no sealants.
- Selection: With an adapting selection based on contemporary design trends, our acrylic floor panels are available in a wide variety of stone patterns, offering a large selection of colors and tones to choose from.
- Warranty: Our acrylic products, when installed by approved dealers are backed by a Lifetime Warranty.
Not Recomended (DO NOT USE):
- Abrasive & Gritty Cleaners
- Scoth Brite Pads
- Magic Eraser
- Comet Powder
- Strong Solvents
- Lime Away
- Green Works
- Spic & Span
- Pine Sol
- Simple Green |
Chief Executive Officer
Paul has been at the coal face of estate agency for over 25 years. In 2016, Paul left the board of one of London’s leading independent estate agents, Ludlow Thompson, to take up the role of Managing Director at Flick & Son.
Paul has been instrumental in the continued growth of Flick & Son to become the Heritage Coast’s leading independent estate agency.
In 2021, Paul became CEO after completing a management buyout.
Paul has an ethos of phone first and email second, with communication being the most important part of estate agency. Paul truly believes the ‘Customer Journey’ is everything and leads by example when it comes to our company values. “To give the very best customer journey by delivering a transparent, honest service powered by proactive, enthusiastic and hardworking people”. |
Mosaic Handmade Porcelain Penny Round - Marble Grey Matte$19.90
Mosaic Porcelain Penny Round - Marble Grey Matte
Pool Rated for use in Swimming Pools
Porcelain mosaic in penny-sized pieces
Price per Sheet
Material: Handmade Porcelain
Piece Size: 11 1/2" x 12 1/4"
Individual Size: 3/4"
Sq Ft Per Piece: 0.98
Colors: Marble Grey
Suited for: Residential, Commercial, Light Commercial
For use in
- Pools, Pool Liners
- Interior Dry Walls
- Interior Floors
- Shower Walls, Shower Floors
- Exterior Walls
- Pool rated and acceptable for use on shower walls.
- The polyurethane cord backing makes installation easy.
- for use in Pools, Pool Liners, Shower Walls, Interior Dry Walls
- Properly cured mortar beds-ANSI A108.1B (cured a minimum of 7 days).
- Cementitious backer units (CBU)-ANSI A118.9.
- Concrete slabs cured for 28 days minimum.
- Gypsum board (dry areas only)-ASTM C1396 or ASTM C1396M-04.
- Note: An ANSI A108A-2.1.8 membrane is required behind all CBU installations in wet areas.
Setting Materials & Methods:
Setting material requirements will vary dependent upon the type of mosaic product being installed and the nature of the substrate.
- Advice on the appropriate setting materials should be sought from your tile and stone dealer at the time of purchase.
- Only use setting materials that meet or exceed TCNA guidelines
- Only use an accredited licensed contractor experienced in the art of installing mosaic products.
- Setting methods must conform to the TCNA guidelines.
Acceptable Thin-Sets (White Color):
- MAPEI: Adesilex P10 Bright White Thin-Set Mortar mixed With Keraply Mortar Additive
- BOSTIK: ReFlex Ultra-Premium Latex Modified Thin-Set Mortar
- LATICRETE: Glass Tile Adhesive
- TEC SPECIALTY PRODUCTS: Super Flex Premium Performance Universal Latex-Modified ThinSet Mortar
Note: Grout Selection:
The use of sanded and some premixed urethane micro glass bead enhanced grouts may cause damage to scratch sensitive surfaces. Always check with your Stone and Tile Dealer, Setting Contractor or Grout Manufacturer before selecting the grout type. Maniscalco is not responsible for any damage to the tile surface due to incorrect grout selection or incorrect grouting procedures.
Measuring: Measure coverage area, make sure to purchase at least 10% extra material than is required. This will account for any breakage or mis-cuts during installation, and ensure you have extra material should you have to replace any tile elements in the future.
Cutting: Plan the placement of the tiles on your wall prior to installation. If you need to cut a mosaic sheet, cut from the back using a utility knife between tiles along the grout joints. Should you need to cut across tiles in a fashion that is not possible with a utility knife, use a wet saw with a diamond blade to cut through the tile.
Drilling: Using a drill bit designed for glass is recommended. When drilling the hole, keep the bit and hole lubricated to prevent chipping. Start by drilling from both ends of the tile, starting with the back and drilling half the depth of the tile. Then, turn the tile over and complete the hole is recommended. This will prevent the glass from chipping as the drill bit exits the tile.
Applying Setting Materials:
- Apply setting material using the notched side of a V-notched trowel. Using the flat side of the trowels, smooth out all ridges to achieve a consistent, even 1/8” (3mm) coverage.
- Apply glass mosaic sheets, mesh -side down, firmly into freshly laid setting material. Mix and match from assorted sell units to achieve consistent variation. Using a rubber grout float gently press the tile into adhesive to ensure complete contact.
- Natural Stone should be sealed prior to grouting. A premium penetrating sealer is recommended for a natural look. Please refer to sealer manufacturer’s recommendations for application instructions.
Cleaning: Clean all excess grout immediately with a damp sponge. After 12 hours polish off any remaining haze with a dry cloth or towel. For tough stains, we require the use of PH Neutral cleaner to clean the tile and grout, such as Grout & Tile neutral cleaner.
Maintenance & Care
Required to use a soft bristle brush to scrub the tile surfaces and grout. Take care to only use a soft bristle brush, to avoid the chance of scratching or damaging the grout. Then, simply wipe the surface, rinse well with clean water, and dry with a soft clean towel.
Required to use PH Neutral Cleaner to clean the tile and grout, such as Grout & Tile Neutral Cleaner
We strongly recommend customers to use a licensed tile contractor to do the tile installation and always use TCNA tile installation handbook as the installation guidance
Colors may vary from picture, Product may have chips, pitting and other characteristics, Pictures are only an indication of color, texture and finish |
Your satisfaction is our utmost priority. For local deliveries across Calgary and area, Flower Chix maintains a large selection of floral varieties, greenery, and containers. We will always do our very best to deliver a floral gift that matches as closely as possible the design displayed online.
Please note that from time to time seasonal and regional conditions may affect the supply of flowers and greens available on our website. Specific varieties or colours may not always be available or may be available but fail to meet our high-quality standards. As such, substitutions may be necessary to fulfill your floral and container requirements. Care is taken to maintain the style, theme and colour scheme of the arrangement, using flowers of equal value. |
Smurfit Kappa has partnered with a leading Belgian craft brewer to provide an innovative and sustainable end-to-end packaging system, TopClip, which is a 100% paper-based alternative to shrink wrap for bundling beverage multi-packs.
BeerSelect, experiencing significant growth and investor interest, sought a packaging solution that aligned with its sustainability goals and an automated machine system to produce the solution in-house efficiently.
After a thorough review of BeerSelect’s operations, Smurfit Kappa recommended and installed its Mid-Speed TopClip machine at BeerSelect’s green-field brewery, which can handle 30,000 cans per hour and is flexible enough to bundle four, six, and eight-packs of cans.
TopClip, with a 30% lower carbon footprint than shrink wrap, is 100% renewable, recyclable, and biodegradable. It also presents products more effectively than traditional wrap-around solutions used for canned drinks.
Co-founder of BeerSelect, Kasper Peeters, stated, “In TopClip, we found a solution that aligns perfectly with our sustainability mindset. The most tangible benefit is using a packaging solution that will not harm the environment, and the implementation of a tailor-made machine system has made a big difference to both the ease and speed of production.”
According to Koen De Winter, European Project & Machine Systems Manager at Smurfit Kappa, “The TopClip automated system designed for small and medium-sized breweries has been very successful. We knew that TopClip was the ideal Better Planet Packaging solution to meet BeerSelect’s needs, and through building the machine for them, it became an even more effective and holistic solution.” |
5 Ways to Get More 1-on-1 Coaching Clients
By Food Matters Institute
If you are a one-on-one coach, one of your top priorities is likely to find new clients. Sometimes getting the first one is the hardest, so we have put together 5 simple things you can do to start attracting more coaching clients for your business…
1. Leverage your network
Start by reaching out to your existing network, including family, friends, and colleagues. Ask them to refer you to anyone they know who may be interested in your coaching services. You can also join online networking groups or attend networking events to expand your network. You might be surprised who in your inner circle is looking for someone to coach and guide them.
2. Utilize social media
Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, can be a powerful tool to promote your coaching services. Create social media profiles for your coaching business and post regularly to engage with your audience. Posting a variety of valuable content and posting consistently is a great way to connect with your audience and hear what they are wanting as well.
3. Offer free consultations
Offer a free consultation to potential clients to give them a taste of your coaching services. Use this opportunity to showcase your expertise and demonstrate the value of your coaching. This is an invaluable tool because if you’re able to show prospective clients massive value in a short call, it will give them a glimpse of what they could expect to work with you in an ongoing capacity.
4. Create valuable content
Share your knowledge and expertise by creating valuable content, such as blog posts, videos, or podcasts. This content should offer tips, insights, and advice that potential clients can use to improve their lives or businesses. Share this content on your website, social media profiles, and other platforms to attract potential clients. Creating value for people before they sign up for your services shows your authenticity, authority, and knowledge in a space. Plus, creating content that is easily shareable will allow your work to reach more people.
5. Invest in paid advertising
Paid advertising, such as Google Ads can be an effective way to reach potential clients. Develop targeted ads that speak directly to your ideal clients, and track your results to ensure you are getting a good return on your investment.
By leveraging your network, utilizing social media, offering free consultations, creating valuable content, and investing in paid advertising, you can attract more one-on-one coaching clients and grow your business. Remember that building a coaching business takes time, effort, and persistence, but with the right strategies, you can achieve success.
We would love to hear about how you got your first clients. Have you used all of these strategies or just one? Feel free to share in the comments below.
If you’re looking to take your client coaching to the next level, check out the Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program and all its coaching resources. |
Sinigang na Baboy
Sour Soup with Pork Belly, Tamarind and Vegetables
In a medium pot on medium heat, add oil, next saute onions for a minute, then add garlic and saute for another minute. Add the pork, cook for 5 minutes, then add the chopped tomatoes and cook for 3 minutes. Pour some water into the pork, making sure you cover the meat or more if you prefer to have plenty of soup.
Once simmered, add the green beans, cabbage and continue to simmer for another 10m minutes. When the vegetables are cooked, it’s ready to serve hot with some boiled or steamed rice.
This site contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. |
There are two types of risk that cause stocks to drop: systematic and unsystematic. Neither are good, but the latter is worse than the former. This is good news for shareholders of Bank of America (BAC -1.54%).
Systematic risk relates to broad dangers that could cause all stocks to fall -- for example, negative news in the economy. This is what we're experiencing right now.
Investors are concerned about China. GDP growth in the East Asian country dropped to 6.9% last year. That's roughly twice the average annual growth rate of the United States economy since the end of World War II, but it's meaningfully below the nearly 10% average annual rate that China had become accustomed to over the past two decades.
Fears of an economic slowdown in China caused shares there to plummet, with markets losing almost half of their value since the middle of 2015, including a sharp drop in January. Markets around the world reacted with declines of their own. It was this systematic shock, combined with concerns about oil prices staying "lower for longer," that caused shares of Bank of America -- and virtually every other major American company -- to decline over the past month.
This isn't good news by any stretch of the imagination. Even though Bank of America looks to the United States for the lion's share of its revenue and assets, problems in China weigh on consumer and business confidence here, which, in turn, weigh on loan demand. The results of the Federal Reserve's latest senior loan officer survey suggest that this is already being felt. Demand for commercial loans among large- and medium-sized companies fell 11.1% in January.
Yet, for Bank of America's shareholders, this is still better than the presence of unsystematic risk -- i.e., risk that's peculiar to a specific company or industry. It's this type of risk that has been the anchor dragging down Bank of America's stock since the financial crisis, which left it with an unprecedented amount of legal liability and loan losses. These have cost the bank upwards of $200 billion in the last eight years, according to its own estimates.
If anything, in fact, Bank of America's unsystematic risk has declined since this time last year. A legal case wiped out $7.6 billion of its outstanding legal liability in the second quarter of 2015. The judicial decision also throttled the inflow of new legal claims from approximately $2 billion a quarter down to $200 million. Even Bank of America's debt rating has begun to recover, which will translate into a lower cost of funds and thus higher profits.
Despite all of this, Bank of America's shares continue to trade for a measly 59% of book value compared to Wells Fargo's 43% premium to book value. Part of this is due to the $2.1 trillion bank's lagging profitability, which is still on the road to recovery, as evidenced by its 0.74% return on average assets. (A well-run bank consistently earns above 1%.) But much of it also stems from the systematic risk emanating from China that's impacting virtually every other company in America right now as well.
That, however, will pass, and, in my opinion, opportunistic investors in Bank of America who understand that will benefit handsomely. |
Hello all. My wife and I just put a deposit down for a 2021 Geo Pro 19QB. We are very excited to receive our new trailer and start out on some adventures. Initially we were looking at the 19th toy hauler but decided we would rather have a comfortable bed to sleep in and a more exterior storage. Our local dealer unfortunately sold the last 19QB the night before we came in so we are now waiting for delivery in mid August.
Looking forward to learning from the forums here, I am sure I will have plenty of question |
Portable Restroom Rentals in Raleigh
Nature calls when you least expect it. If you’re on the job, this can sometimes pose a bit of an issue. When you have to worry about an entire crew, that makes matters even more complicated. Forever Clean has helped roofers and service providers in the Raleigh area with their porta potty needs for over a decade. Our extensive experience with Raleigh area roofers and businesses allows us to provide a convenient and clean portable restroom for your workers, no matter the environment. |
The smallest unit of the Argentinian Peso – Argentinian currency, is now at parity with one Satoshi (Sat) – the smallest unit of Bitcoin.
Argentina is the latest country to witness this, well, unfortunate level of a currency slump. Taking to Reddit, an Argentinian citizen with the username OneMoreJuan brought this to the world’s attention: “I am from Argentina, and the smallest unit of our currency has reached the value of 1 Satoshi (1 Sat). Every FIAT currency in history has failed. Buy Bitcoin.”
One Bitcoin has 100 million Sats. One Argentinian Peso (ARS) has 100 cents, which is now roughly equal to or less than 1 Sat. This illustrates the dramatic depths to which the currency has sunk.
A Chain of Problems Each Triggered by the Last
Several factors have triggered this unfortunate turn of events for the currency. One is the central bank’s overzealous response to the economic crisis exacerbated by the current Corona pandemic. The bank has resorted to printing more money to meet shortages, which in turn has caused too much money to flood the economy, causing massive inflation.
Another trigger is the government’s own policies, which include limits on currency conversions, stifling regulations for finance players, and high fees -factors that have rendered it even impossible for the Peso to be tradable with the US Dollar. Instead, the country is now using an unofficial rate – the ‘blue dollar.’ At the time of writing, the blue dollar is sitting at 119 ARS to the US Dollar.
Using this rate, the price of one Bitcoin in the unofficial market is roughly $1,050,000 ARS, while the official going price is $650,000. Thus, 0.01 ARS is equal to around 1 Sat.
Bad to Worse
The latest events are happening in the backdrop of a recession that began in 2018. Now, after the pandemic crisis, inflation has skyrocketed to 50% – a factor that’s also pushing more Argentinians to purchase Bitcoin.
A Pinch Felt by Many
Argentina isn’t the only country whose economy is fighting to stay above the water. The Lebanese Lira recently tumbled to new lows, with one Lira acquiring the value 1 Satoshi. The Vietnamese Dong had it even worse. One Dong has been less than the value of one-millionth of Bitcoin for a while now. Other national currencies whose value is below one Sat are the Sierra Leone Leone, Iranian Rial, the Lao Kip, and more.
With this ominous trend, what’s the future of other somewhat unstable currencies, especially with a global pandemic that’s shown no sign of abating? This remains to be seen. |
All F1 news and results
08 - 10 Jul
‘It was always going to be tricky for us’ – Sainz reflects on late-race drop down the order at Silverstone
HINCH'S HEROES: Who makes Hinch's list after the Sprint weekend in Austria?
SAY WHAT?! Sprint tussles, Verstappen’s fastest lap request and a McLaren bounce back – The best team radio from Austria
POWER RANKINGS: Which drivers impressed our judges at an exciting Sprint weekend in Austria?
How hard is it for drivers to judge track limits when strapped into the cockpit? Jolyon Palmer explains…
Gasly admits McLaren’s gains ‘not a good sign’ for Alpine but says rivals’ progress should ‘motivate us’
STRATEGY UNPACKED: Were Russell, Albon and Hulkenberg right to gamble on tyre switch in the Sprint?
‘We should have come away with points’ – Albon feels Williams missed an opportunity in Austria as he pinpoints ‘next chance’ to score
F1 NATION: More Max magic on a scintillating Sprint weekend – it's our Austrian GP review
‘We need to understand why’ – Alonso calls on Aston Martin to investigate lack of pace after Austria struggles
5 Winners and 5 Losers from the Austrian Grand Prix – Who was superb in Spielberg?
ICYMI: Hollywood stars, mega trucks and a ping pong showdown – it's the best social media from Austria
‘Red Bull still quite far ahead – but we are getting there’ declares Leclerc after P2 in Austria
Perez relieved to end ‘rough patch’ in Austria as he targets consistent run from Silverstone onwards
Wolff explains radio message to Hamilton as he reflects on ‘bruising day’ for Mercedes in Austria
MONDAY MORNING DEBRIEF: The key strategy call came on Lap 14 in Austria, so who got it right – Red Bull or Ferrari?
Austrian Grand Prix results confirmed as Sainz and Hamilton among drivers demoted
What the teams said – Race day in Austria
There's no news for this race yet |
TECHConnection for Adults with DisAbilities
TECHConnection at FRA offers programs and services to help increase, maintain or improve the capabilities of individuals with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, developmental disabilities or those with acquired disabilities as a result of accident, injury, illness or aging as well as related issues affecting hearing, vision, reading or mobility.
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Whether you run a small business or have a large enterprise, in all probability, at some point you might require web hosting to host your websites. Hosting refers to storing a website on someone else’s server so that your site can be accessed by anyone at any time across various mediums like the internet and mobile phones. There are two ways of doing so, either by renting space from an existing web hosting provider or buying your own server.
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Migrating a website to a new server is like moving homes. Most people start with nothing, pack up their belongings and drive across town (or across the country) to their new house. A few may jump over through their window instead, but most will stay away from those less conventional methods.
What we’re trying to say is that moving your business website can be a big undertaking—and it’s essential you plan carefully if you want everything to go smoothly. When you start your business, you should choose a good web hosting provider for your website. At Onlive Server, we offer several plans for our cheap dedicated server hosting with more flexibility and scalability.
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On Tuesday, December 5, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in the case of Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. The latter agency ruled that baker Jack Phillips, a Christian, had violated a state law against discrimination based on sexual orientation in public accommodations when he declined to design a wedding cake for a same-sex couple.
One of the key arguments being made on Phillips’ behalf is that the creation of (or decision not to create) a custom-designed wedding cake is quite different from simply buying a product off the shelf, because it is an act of creative artistic expression—and is therefore protected by the First Amendment.
In light of that, one of the more fascinating briefs filed in the case came from a group of “cake artists as amici curiae in support of neither party.” While taking no position on the other arguments in the case, this brief does assert that “this Court should make clear . . . that cake artists are indeed practitioners of an expressive art and that they are entitled to the same respect under the First Amendment as artists using any other medium.”
Among the unique aspects of this brief are that it includes full color photographs of a number of unique, creative, and beautiful cakes for both weddings and other events. However, I also thought that this paragraph (on p. 33)—challenging the argument that cakes are not “art” because they are designed to be eaten—was a work of beauty in itself:
For example, cakes are perishable, designed to radiate beauty but for a moment, and then to be consumed. But the fact that any given cake is a vanishing work does not distinguish it from artistic performances on the stage (or, indeed, protests on the street). Nature’s beauty is no less revealed through the flower that blooms for a single day than through the tree that lives for a thousand years; likewise, an ice sculpture is not inherently less artistic than one carved from stone. The same is true of cakes—they are made from a canvas designed for consumption rather than permanent display. And like other vanishing works of art, cakes can be given a measure of permanence by being recorded—as with the pictures in this brief. Cake is not the only “art” than can be consumed—but the consumption of cake merges more senses (sight, taste, touch, smell) than the consumption of a speech or a song. |
Three months after Dr. Anthony Fauci declared, "I am the science," the science begs to disagree. An explosive new study from Johns Hopkins has taken the world by storm, slamming the idea of mass lockdowns to fight COVID -- and destroying whatever scrap of credibility Fauci had left. Not only did the lockdowns disrupt lives, but they also had "little to no effect" in saving them. They hurt us socially, economically, and mentally, the researchers concluded, "with devastating effects." If the lockdowns benefited anyone, it turns out, it was the politicians -- who used them to expand power they never should have had.
The meta-analysis, which took into account dozens and dozens of other studies on the subject, was so scathing that it concluded by saying lockdowns "should be rejected out of hand as pandemic policy." Fauci, who insisted the idea "saved hundreds of millions of infections and millions of lives," was wrong again. The mortality rate in the United States and Europe dropped by a measly 0.2 percent -- while other deaths, from suicide, overdoses, starvation, and lack of medical care, robbed the world of hundreds of thousands of lives.
The trio of scientists from America, Sweden, and Denmark pointed to the other, more destructive effects: reduced economic activity, rising unemployment, reduced schooling, political unrest, increased domestic violence, and -- interestingly -- undermining liberal democracy. Countries like Sweden that stayed open "fared well" because citizens "willingly took precautions without being ordered to do so." As the authors wisely point out, mandates only regulate a fraction "of our potential contagious contacts and can hardly regulate nor enforce handwashing, coughing etiquette, distancing in supermarkets, etc."
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor of Medicine at Stanford University and one of the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, has been arguing these points for two years. But he, like so many experts, wasn't taken seriously, accused of "conspiracy theories" -- or worse, censored by Big Tech and Fauci's cabal. "When I co-wrote the vaccine declaration in 2020," he explained on "Washington Watch," "[we called] for a focused protection strategy. Four days after we wrote it, [former director of NIH] Francis Collins wrote an email to Tony Fauci calling me a 'fringe epidemiologist.' And I know I work at Stanford, and I may or may not be right or wrong, but I don't think I'm a fringe epidemiologist -- although now, I put it on my business card just for fun. And then he called for a takedown [of my argument], which came in the form of a of an op-ed in Wired magazine -- not a scientific takedown... This was the strategy they used to try to marginalize voices -- scientific voices."
Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.), one of the doctor's loudest critics, thinks one of the worst mistakes we made was shutting down speech and scientific dialogue. In the 14th century, he pointed out, the pope thought he could burn infection out of the air with candles. "It was a wrong-handed notion. It took a few centuries -- really to the 19th century -- to understand germ theory. Now we have lockdowns, which are not based in science [either]... I hope we'll learn from this study -- and our mistakes."
His colleague, Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kans.), another one of Congress's doctors, hates that all of this "bad judgment" and "poor leadership" has given Americans "an unhealthy fear of COVID." We need a new approach, he insisted -- and "that new approach should not include Dr. Fauci." Bhattacharya agrees. It's one of the most dangerous conflicts of interest he's ever seen. "You cannot have society run by a narrow class of scientists -- and you certainly cannot have it all that power in the hands of one man who controls the budgets of an enormous number of scientists. A lot of... qualified people stayed silent [on the lockdowns] because they feared that their reputations would be harmed. Their ability to get grants would be cut undercut because the person in charge of the lockdown policy was also in charge of scientific funding."
He's right. Not many scientists would be willing to put their grant money on the line to cross Fauci. If he's the one signing your research checks, it's all the more reason to keep unpopular opinions to yourself. That means a large swath of epidemiologists, virologists, and immunologists were stifled or refused to challenge the wisdom of the man calling the shots. Now, with the Biden administration's complete failure to stop COVID, more people have decided to speak up.
But more needs to be done, Bhattacharya warns. "[This was] probably the single worst public health mistake I've seen in my lifetime," he shook his head. "We cannot have such a small, narrow group of people in charge of science. And we certainly should have a bright firewall between people who fund science and people who make health policy. It is now very clear that the level of power when you give a single person or a single set of small set of people both of those roles, you create an opportunity for corruption that I think most of us didn't realize existed before the pandemic, but we do now. So if science is to be reformed, we need to reform that." |
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YouTube has become a serious marketing platform where businesses are given the opportunity to promote content in a truly visual and highly engaging way. It has become an extremely powerful tool for businesses to increase awareness of their brand, drive more traffic to their company sites, and reach a broad audience around the world. If you aren't taking advantage of YouTube for your business you are missing out on marketing your company and growing your business. Discover How to Build Your YouTube Authority with this Comprehensive Guide on Starting and Growing a Successful YouTube Channel. |
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I'm in need of a native German-speaker for a part-time customer support role, working 1-3 hours a day. Responsibilities will primarily include: - Managing customer interactions through both email and phone. - Responding within a three-hour window from the time of customer contact. - Primarily handling billing inquiries. The most suited for this role are those with: - Proficiency in German - Excellent customer service skills - Experience with billing inquiries - A fast yet detailed approach to their work. Experience in a similar role will be favorably looked upon but is not strictly necessary.
We are seeking a freelancer to assist with phone and email support as well as crafting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Main Responsibilities: - Handling customer phone calls - Responding to customer emails - Writing high-quality FAQs (estimated under 10) Required Skills: -Fluent English -Internet Access -Sales experience, preferred Ideal candidates will possess strong communication skills and experience in customer service, as well as a knack for clear and concise writing. Previous work in writing FAQs will be greatly beneficial. Understanding customers' needs and providing effective solutions will be a critical part of your role. This role has future growth opportunities for the right candidate. |
Free Lake with Bird Herd PowerPoint template is a another nice background design for PowerPoint presentations including a orange color background design that you can use to represent a real nature in a PowerPoint presentation.
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All presentation designs on our website, designed by the designers Freepptbackgrounds.net.
Designs and presentations can be downloaded and used free of charge by our users. But no one in the internet sites or CD / DVD to distribute without permission!
Contents of our website without permission to copy, distribute or sale is prohibited. Let us abide by our copyright laws. Otherwise you will be prosecuted. |
Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The temperature can be seen rising in different parts of the state and no possibility of drop in mercury is being observed till January 20. However, the western disturbances are active over Northern India which may cause cloudy skies in the state in the next 2 days. Rains are not predicted this week.
According to Meteorologist SN Sahu, after the system passes, a period of severe cold will begin in the state. At present, the day and night temperature in the state is 4-5 degrees higher than normal.
Talking about Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur and Ujjain, the night temperature has not gone below 10 degrees even once in the 14 days of January and the temperature here has remained above 12 degrees. On the other hand, both day and night are cold in Gwalior.
Rewa coldest on January 14
Rewa had the coldest Sunday night in the state. The minimum temperature here reached 5.2 degrees. 6 degrees were recorded in Khajuraho, 6.8 in Sidhi, 7.5 in Datia, 8.3 in Satna, 9.8 in Naugaon, 9.8 degrees in Umaria. Pachmarhi recorded 8.8 degrees.
Meteorologist SN Sahu said that Jammu has received less snowfall than normal. Due to this, northern winds are not coming and the drop in temperature has reduced. Western disturbance will be active from January 16. Its effect will be seen in the state after a day or two. Due to this, there will be light clouds. The minimum temperature will drop after the system passes on January 20.
28.1 degrees in Bhopal
The day temperature in Gwalior was recorded at 22.6 degrees. The temperature was recorded at 28.1 degrees in Bhopal, 26 degrees in Indore, 26.2 degrees in Jabalpur and 26.5 degrees Celsius in Ujjain. Talking about the temperature on Saturday-Sunday night, the mercury in Gwalior was 7.8 degrees. In the rest of the cities the temperature remained more than 12 degrees. |
The Special Postal Intelligence Branch (SPIB) of the Mumbai Customs have arrested a man for allegedly being part of a syndicate involved in smuggling of MDMA drugs. The arrested person has been identified as AA Chaturvedi (36), a resident of Ahmedabad.
Details of case
According to the Customs, on January 23, an import parcel being imported through Foreign Post Office, Mumbai, in the name of Atish Pawar was examined. This resulted in recovery and seizure of 3996 MDMA tablets having net weight 1636 grams. MDMA is a psychotropic substance covered under NDPS Act.
A dummy parcel was formed and controlled delivery of the dummy parcel was attempted on January 27, at Ulwe. During the controlled delivery of the dummy parcel, RS Sharma received the parcel and his statement was recorded wherein he admitted that he was asked by one person named Vincent, a Nigerian national, to collect the parcel.
Accordingly, Sharma was placed under arrest on January 29, in connection with seizure of 3996 tablets purported to be MDMA. One FE Khan who had assisted Sharma in collection of the parcel was also arrested.
Sharma told the investigators that Vincent had promised him to pay Rs 20,000 to collect the import parcel and Rs 10,000 were paid in advance to him from the bank account of Chaturvedi. Therefore, Chaturvedi was summoned on March 4 to appear before SPIB, Mumbai office on March 15, and his statements were recorded.
Based on his statements, it was evident that Chaturvedi is involved in financing, purchase, consumption, selling and transport of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Accordingly he was placed under arrest on Saturday in the said case. |
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Implications: Existing home sales fell for the third straight month in June but some good news on inventories suggests that the market may be close to turning upward. Sales of previously-owned homes fell 0.6% in June to a 5.38 million annual rate, with declines in the West and South more than fully offsetting gains in the Northeast and Midwest. The biggest problem for existing home sales has been a lack of supply. The months' supply of existing homes – how long it would take to sell the current inventory at the most recent sales pace – was 4.3 months in June and has been below 5.0 since late 2015- the level the National Association of Realtors considers tight. The actual inventory of homes for sale rose in June to 1.95 million, which represents the first time since mid-2015 that the inventory of existing homes rose from the year before. It's too early to tell whether sellers are changing their behavior, but having inventories rise is not a bad thing. As we mentioned in last week's report on housing starts, the second quarter saw developers completing new housing units at the fastest quarterly pace since the recession. As properties are finished, and more homeowners choose to trade up or down into a new home, more existing homes should make their way onto the market. This will help alleviate the supply problems that have pushed up the median age of homes in the U.S. from 31 years in 2005 to 37 years in 2015, the most recent data available. Even with the current lack of choices, demand for existing homes has remained remarkably strong, with 58% of homes sold in June remaining on the market for less than a month. Higher demand and a shift in the "mix" of homes sold toward more expensive properties has also driven up the median sales price, which hit a new record high in June and is up 5.2% from a year ago. Although some analysts will suggest weakness in existing home sales is the result of rising mortgage rates, we doubt that's the case: new home sales, which would be similarly impacted by higher financing costs, have continued to rise at a healthy pace. There is also some concern about the impact of tax reform on home sales, but few homeowners exceed the new thresholds for deductibility and newer homes, where growth has been faster, carry a higher price and are therefore more likely to trigger the cap on mortgage interest deductibility.
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If you want to be a successful forex trader, you need to understand how to use a wide range of different tools to inform your trading decisions. This will reduce the risk that you’ll make a loss and maximise your profits.
Order flow analysis is a vital tool for any forex trader. It’s a way of assessing the underlying health of a currency by looking at the flow of orders behind it. This information can be used to anticipate future price movements and make better trading decisions.
In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about order flow analysis, including exactly what it is and how you can use it to your advantage when you’re making trading decisions.
What Is Order Flow Analysis In Forex?
Order flow analysis, sometimes referred to as supply and demand analysis, is the process of monitoring the buying and selling pressure in the market to gauge future price movement. It is a technical analysis tool that uses market data to identify potential trading opportunities.
Order flow analysis can be used to trade any financial asset, but it is most commonly used in forex trading. This is because the foreign exchange market is the largest and most liquid market in the world, so there is always a large amount of data to analyse.
When you carry out order flow analysis, you are effectively trying to read the mind of the market. You’re looking at who is buying and selling, and why they are doing it. This information can then be used to predict where prices are likely to move in the future.
How Do You Use Order Flow In Forex Trading?
Order flow analysis is a complex process, and there is no one definitive way to do it. However, there are some key indicators that you can look at to get an idea of market sentiment. These include things like price action, order book data, and volume.
Price action refers to the movement of prices on a chart. This can give you an idea of how strong the buying or selling pressure is in the market. Order book data shows you the number of buy and sell orders that are waiting to be executed. This can be used to gauge market liquidity and identify potential trading opportunities.
Volume is the number of trades that are being made in a market. This can be used to identify periods of high or low activity, which can be used to make trading decisions.
When you’re carrying out order flow analysis, you need to look at all of these indicators and try to build up a picture of what’s happening in the market. This information can then be used to make informed trading decisions.
For example, if you see that the price is starting to move up but the volume is low, this could be a sign that the market is about to turn. Alternatively, if the price is moving down but the volume is high, this could be a sign that the market is about to rebound.
Benefits Of Using Order Flow Charts When Trading Forex
Using order flow charts is one of the easiest ways to read the market when you’re trading forex. It simply means looking at historical charts and understanding what happened to the market before and after significant movements, so that you can predict what might happen next.
There are a number of benefits to using an order flow chart when you’re trading forex. Firstly, it can help you to make better-informed trading decisions. By understanding how the market has moved in the past, you can gain a better understanding of how it is likely to move in the future.
Secondly, it can help you to identify potential trading opportunities. By looking at how the market has reacted to certain events in the past, you can anticipate how it might react to similar events in the future. This can help you to enter or exit trades at the most opportune moments.
It can also help you to manage your risk. By understanding how the market has moved in the past, you can better manage your risk when you’re trading.
Finally, it can help you to improve your trading performance. By using order flow charts, you can improve your entry and exit points, as well as your overall profitability.
How To Plan Entries With Order Flow Trading
Carefully examining historic market data and understanding how the market moves can help you to anticipate future price movement and inform your trading decisions.
However, it is also important to have a clear and concise plan for how you’re going to enter and exit trades.
When you’re planning your entries with order flow trading, there are a few things that you need to take into account. Firstly, you need to identify the level of risk that you’re comfortable with. This will determine how much capital you’re willing to put at risk.
Secondly, you need to identify your desired profit-to-loss ratio. This will determine how many winning trades you need to make in order to break even.
Thirdly, you need to have a clear and concise plan for how you’re going to manage your trades. This includes things like setting stop-losses and taking profits.
Finally, you need to be patient and disciplined when you’re trading. This means sticking to your plan and not letting your emotions get the better of you.
If you can follow these four steps, you’ll be well on your way to success with order flow trading.
Implementing Limit Orders Into Your Order Flow Trading Strategy
A limit order is an order to buy or sell a security at a specified price or better. A buy limit order can only be executed at the limit price or lower, and a sell limit order can only be executed at the limit price or higher.
Limit orders are often used by investors who want to ensure that they get a good price for their securities.
One downside of limit orders is that you may narrowly miss out of trades. However, it can help to minimise your risk and reduce the chances of a loss.
In order to implement limit orders into your order flow trading strategy, you need to have a clear understanding of how they work and how they can be used to your advantage.
Here are some tips for using limit orders with your order flow trading:
- Understand that limit orders are not guaranteed. This means that there’s a chance that your order may not be executed if the market moves too quickly.
- Be aware of the fees associated with limit orders. These can vary depending on your broker and the exchange that you’re trading on.
- Consider the impact of slippage. Slippage is the difference between the price at which you placed your order and the price at which it was eventually executed.
- Set your limit orders at a reasonable price. This will help to ensure that they are more likely to be executed.
- Monitor your limit orders closely. This will help you to take action if they are not executed as planned.
By following these tips, you can use limit orders to your advantage when you’re trading.
Does Order Flow Trading Involve Financial Risk?
Any type of trading involves financial risk. However, analysing historic order flows can help you to better understand market sentiment and make informed decisions about your trades.
Can I Use Order Flow Trading On Any Time Frame?
Order flow trading can be used on any time frame. However, it is often most effective on longer time frames such as the daily or weekly charts.
What Is The Difference Between Order Flow And Technical Analysis?
Order flow trading looks at the orders that are placed in the market to identify potential buying and selling pressure. Technical analysis looks at price charts to identify patterns and trends.
Order flow analysis is a complex process, but it can be a very useful tool for any forex trader. By understanding how to use it and incorporating order flow charts into your trading strategy, you can begin to make better trading decisions and maximise your profits.
Take a look at an order flow chart and see what you can learn from it – you might be surprised! |
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I’m working on a concept called Patentwiki.cc, a site where people, communities, and organizations can share and refine concepts prior to patenting and/or copywrite protection. The idea is to create shared ownership by early contributors, supporters and sponsors of innovative processes and ideas. It should also provide a simple structure for non-contributors to license the use of the idea for commercial use with fees going to pay the owners of the patent/licence.
Contributing, supporting or sponsoring ideas gives you a stake in the future of that idea. The vision is to create a way to empower groups to take ownership of and shape the direction of ideas that emerge from the community themselves.
Currently startsups are in a race to commercialize innovations before larger organizations identify opportunities and competitive threats. This would also provide a framework for startups to collaborate on shared concepts building ecosystems giving them more defense against the competitive threat of larger organizations. The US patent system relies on a “first to invent” system which does not encourage any collaboration between inventors.
Think of this as a pre-kickstarter or pre-opensource where you can get concepts developed and protected allowing others to help further and build on the idea.
Ideally Patenwiki itself should be able to microfund startups built around these ideas giving the startup a core support group around central technology, process, or ideas.
An idea incubator? A License Incubator?
Here’s an example of the concept called the Apache Incubator http://incubator.apache.org
I would really value your input and ideas around this concept as a business model and as a community site. Do you see a need for it? Could you see participating in it?
UPDATE: thanks to @stowboyd for making me think about this some more. The idea was inspired by wikipedia. Namely the NPR like campaign to raise money for wikipedia and that they have not capitalized wikipedia as an idea ecosystem. As I was researching the concept of essentially open source patents I read the Wikipedia entry which gives examples of it being applied like the Open Innovation Network and OpenPatents.org. The model can work but it appears that the challenges to growth is the reluctance of patent holders to participate. The target for Patentwiki is not patent holders, but idea holders or pre-patent holders who, if given the right ecosystem will be willing participants.
I think there is potential for small startups to work on shared patents together, especially with shared or complementary business models with a licensing agreement between the group. It could also be a structured way to reward a crowdsourced effort where companies agree to licence the idea’s upon successful execution. It’s particularly important to patent business models early because the you only have a year from the first usage of a unique model.
I think what will really matter is how the incentives for participation are structured, how to encourage the highest quality contributions and the actual model for a licensing agreements of that sort.
Image by: mararie |
Edward St John
Chief Medical Officer, Concentric Health, Consultant Oncoplastic breast surgeon, Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust
Mr Edward St John FRCS PhD is an academic consultant oncoplastic breast surgeon. He is passionate about healthcare and effective, safe innovation and is Chair of the Association of Breast Surgery iBRA-NET Innovation Group and co-founder of WeShare.Healthcare. He is also an NHS clinical entrepreneur fellow & co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of Concentric Health, an industry leading platform for digital consent. Amongst other skills he has domain expertise in evaluation of devices, eHealth and digital consent.
14-Nov-2023Theatre 1Festival of Innovation - Why innovating for sustainability is no longer enough
14-Nov-2023Theatre 1Festival of Innovation - Robotics and AI Research in Healthcare: From Surgeon Training to Exoskeletons
15-Nov-2023Theatre 2Festival of Innovation- Lessons from space: Innovating into deep space
15-Nov-2023Theatre 2Festival of Innovation - The Future of Health & Medicine: Where Can Technology Take Us?
15-Nov-2023Theatre 2Festival of Innovation - I-Hub overview and Q&A |
The Fraser Valley Invasive Species Society is a non-profit society. Our mandate is to minimize the negative social, economic, and environmental impacts associated with invasive species. We achieve our mandate through coordination of land managers, education and outreach, and on the ground invasive plant management. Invasive species are considered to be one of the greatest threats to biodiversity world-wide, second only to habitat loss. Already introduced plant species represent 26% of the entire flora in British Columbia (BC Conservation Data Centre, Ministry of Environment, 2012). All citizens of British Columbia are affected by invasive species. Help preserve our natural heritage! |
Last Updated : 11 August 2023
Where we reference 'electronic mail', this communication method means any text, voice, sound or image message sent over a public communications network which can be stored in the network or in the recipient's terminal equipment until it is collected by the recipient. It includes methods such as e-mail and instant messaging.
If you have any questions or concerns about our use of your personal information, please contact us.
What does FXCM do?
FXCM is a provider of online foreign exchange (FX) trading, CFD trading, and related services. FXCM is located in the Republic of Cyprus, and has partners and affiliates in the major financial centres of the world. For more information about FXCM, please see the "About FXCM" section of our website.
What personal information does FXCM collect and why?
The personal information that we may collect about you broadly falls into the following categories:
Information that you provide voluntarily
You may give us your identity, contact and financial data etc. by filling in forms or by corresponding with us by post, phone, electronic mail or otherwise. This includes personal information you provide when you:
- Apply for our products or services
- Create an account on our website
- Subscribe to our or related third party service or publications
- Request marketing to be sent to you
- Enter a competition, promotion or survey
- Give us some feedback
In addition to the above, certain parts of our website may ask you to provide personal information voluntarily (for example, to subscribe to marketing communications from us, and/or to submit enquiries to us). The personal information that you are asked to provide, and the reasons why you are asked to provide it, will be made clear to you at the point we ask you to provide your personal information.
Information that we collect automatically
When you visit our website, we may collect certain information from your device. In some countries, including countries in the European Economic Area (EEA), this information may be considered personal information under applicable data protection laws.
Specifically, the information we collect automatically may include information like your IP address, device type, unique device identification numbers, browser-type, broad geographic location (for example, country or city-level location) and other technical information. We may also collect information about how your device has interacted with our website and electronic mail, including the pages accessed and links clicked.
Collecting this information enables us to better understand the visitors who come to our website, where they come from, and what content on our website is of interest to them. We use this information for our internal analytics purposes and to improve the quality and relevance of our website to our visitors.
Information that we obtain from third party or publicly available sources
From time to time, we may receive personal information about you from third party sources, but only where we have checked that these third parties either have your consent or are otherwise legally permitted or required to disclose your personal information to us.
We use the information we receive from these third parties to enhance the services we provide to you, such as providing curated content that is relevant to services we provide you or topics you are interested in.
We may disclose your personal information to the following categories of recipients:
- to any competent law enforcement body, regulatory, government agency, court or other third party party where we believe disclosure is necessary (i) as a matter of applicable law or regulation, (ii) to exercise, establish or defend our legal rights, or (iii) to protect your vital interests or those of any other person.
- to any other person with your consent to the disclosure.
Lawful basis for processing personal information
Our lawful basis for collecting and using the personal information described above will depend on the personal information concerned and the specific context in which we collect it.
However, we will normally collect personal information from you only where we have your consent to do so, where we need the personal information to perform a contract with you, or where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect personal information from you or may otherwise need the personal information to protect vital interests.
If we ask you to provide personal information to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will make this clear at the relevant time and advise you whether the provision of your personal information is mandatory or not (as well as of the possible consequences if you do not provide your personal information).
Similarly, if we collect and use your personal information in reliance on our legitimate interests (or those of any third party), we will make clear to you at the relevant time what those legitimate interests are.
If you have questions about or need further information concerning the lawful basis on which we collect and use your personal information, please contact us.
Purpose for which we will use your personal information
How does FXCM keep my personal information secure?
We use appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the personal information that we collect and process about you. The measures we use are designed to provide a level of security appropriate to the risk of processing your personal information. In particular, we:
- Hold personal information in secure facilities and where the information is held electronically, on secure servers.
- Use encrypted transmission links whenever we can.
- Use other safeguards such as firewalls, authentication systems (e.g., passwords), and access control mechanisms to control unauthorised access to systems and data.
- Regularly review our information collection, storage and processing practices, including physical security measures, to guard against unauthorised access to systems.
- Restrict access to personal information to our employees, contractors and agents who need to know that information in order to process it for us and who are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations. FXCM may discipline or terminate individuals who maliciously acquire information, without being entitled to its access.
Some of the cookies that FXCM sets when you visit any of our websites are essential to the working functionality of the site. Without these cookies, you would not be able to chat online, fill out a trading application, or deposit funds. Performance cookies are another type of cookies FXCM uses to provide you with a better user experience and to improve how content on our website is presented. Marketing cookies are also set usually by third party advertising networks to ensure we are providing you with targeted adverts more relevant to you and your interests. If you do not want to receive non-mandatory cookies, you can manage your preferences here.
International data transfers
In some instances, our use of your personal information may result in automated decisions being taken (including profiling) that legally affect you or similarly significantly affect you.
Automated decisions mean that a decision concerning you is made automatically on the basis of a computer determination (using software algorithms), without our human review.
We make automated decisions at account opening, where we check that the offered products or services are appropriate for you based on the information you provide to us. For example we may use information about your financial standing or socio-demographic information to assess whether you are appropriate and understand the risk involved when trading our products.
When we make an automated decision about you, you have the right to contest the decision, to express your point of view, and to require a human review of the decision. You can exercise this right contacting us at [email protected]. Please note that you may be required to prove your identity for us to service you.
Your data protection rights
Subject to certain conditions, data protection law provides individuals with rights, including the right to: access, rectify, withdraw consent, erase, restrict, transport, and object to the processing of, their personal information. Individuals also have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant information protection authority if they believe that their personal information is not being processed in accordance with the law. Further information about your rights is set out below:
- Right to obtain a copy of your personal information. You have the right to obtain a copy of the personal information we hold about you.
- Right to rectification. You may request that we rectify any inaccurate and/or complete any incomplete personal information. We will then correct out records, and notify any third parties to whom such personal information may have been transmitted as described above.
- Right to data portability. You may request a copy of all personal information you have provided to us after which we will transmit those data to another data controller of your choice.
- Right to opt-out of marketing communications. You can exercise this right by clicking on the "unsubscribe" or "opt-out" link in the marketing electronic mail communications we send you.
- Right to withdraw consent. You may withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal information at any time. Such withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on your previous consent. Please note that if you withdraw your consent, you may not be able to benefit from certain service features for which the processing of your personal information is essential.
- Right to object to processing. You may request that we stop processing your personal information. Please note you may not be able to benefit from certain service features for which the processing of your personal information is essential.
- Right to erasure. You may request that we erase your personal information and we will comply, unless there is a lawful reason for not doing so.
- Your right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. We suggest that you contact us about any questions or if you have a complaint in relation to how we process your personal information. However, you do have the right to contact the relevant supervisory authority directly. To contact the Commissioner for the Protection of Personal Data in Cyprus, please visit the Commissioner's website for instructions. Alternatively, you may contact the authority of the country you reside in. Please find further details here.
If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at [email protected]. Please note that you may be required to prove your identity for us to service you. We respond to all requests we receive from individuals wishing to exercise their data protection rights in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
We may update this Policy from time to time in response to changing legal, technical or business developments. When we update our Policy, we will take appropriate measures to inform you, consistent with the significance of the changes we make.
You can see when this Policy was last updated by checking the "last updated" date displayed at the top of this Policy.
How to contact us
DOMS Assets Business Centre, 33 Neas Engomis Street, 2409 Engomi, Nicosia, Cyprus or e-mail [email protected].
Stratos Europe Limited is the controller of your personal information. |
H their respective major antibodies for two h. They had been subsequently washed three times with PBS-T for 10 min each and every, then incubated with their respective horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated secondary antibodies for 1 h. Lastly, the membranes were developed working with the Immun-star WesternC kit.BRPF1 Formulation Patient SamplesTwo sufferers recently diagnosed with AML (other diseases not specified) at Ulsan University Hospital, Ulsan, South Korea, participated within this study: patient AML-1, a 55-year-old woman, and patient AML-2, a 71-year-old woman. Blood and bone marrow samples had been collected from both before their first round of chemotherapy.Annexin V and Propidium Iodide StainingAll from the cell types, including the HL60 cells, PBMC and BMC (56105 cells/ml), have been cultured with 0.five mM of VPA and/or five mM of dasatinib for 72 h at 37uC. They had been then washed twice with FACS buffer (PBS containing 0.three BSA and 0.1 NaN3), incubated with annexin V-FITC and propidium iodide (PI) from Apoptosis Detection Kit I, and ultimately analyzed using the FACSCalibur flow cytometer and CellQuest Pro software based on the manufacturer’s protocol. In the experiments in which we utilised various inhibitors to stop caspase or MAPK activation, the cells had been pre-incubated with the caspase andEthics StatementBoth subjects provided informed written consent prior to the study’s commencement. The study protocol and patient consent form and information had been approved by the Ulsan University Hospital Ethics Committee and Institutional Critique Board (UUH-IRB-11-18).Isolation of Patient CellsThe peripheral blood and bone marrow samples obtained from the two subjects have been drawn into heparinized tubes, and separatedPLOS A single | plosone.orgSynergistic Anti-Leukemic Activity of Dasatinib and VPA in AMLMAPK inhibitors for 1 h at 37uC before the addition of dasatinib/ VPA.DRAQ5 Nuclear StainingCells had been incubated with 0.five mM of VPA and/or 5 mM of dasatinib for 72 h at 37uC, after which harvested and washed twice with PBS buffer. For DNA content evaluation of your nuclei, the cells had been stained with five mM of DRAQ5 and incubated for 30 min at room temperature. The manufacturer describes DRAQ5 as a cellpermeable far-red fluorescent DNA dye that can be employed in live and fixed cells. In our experiments, the stained cells had been prepared making use of FlowSight and analyzed with Tips software program (Merck Millipore).CD14. The cells have been treated with various concentrations of VPA and dasatinib for 72 h, using the differentiation markers then tested by way of flow cytometry. CD11b expression elevated immediately after exposure to dasatinib alone at days 3 and 5. Even so, combined dasatinib and VPA therapy led to a marked decrease on CD11b expression in HL60 cells, and also the adjust occurred within a time-dependent 15-LOX drug manner (Figs. 1A and B). CD14 expression, in contrast, improved following exposure to VPA alone at day 3, whereas its combination with dasatinib resulted in a marked decrease in expression (down to the basal level) in HL60 cells (Fig. 1C).VPA-dasatinib Combination Induces AML Cell DeathAs noted previously, in a few of the experiments the cells had been treated with various concentrations of VPA (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 mM) and dasatinib (0, 1, 3, 5, ten and 15 mM). VPA and dasatinib significantly inhibited the viability with the HL60 cells within a dose-dependent manner (Figs. 2A and B). Interestingly, nonetheless, although 0.five mM of VPA and 5 mM of dasatinib alone had little effect around the viability of these cells (over 85 and 90 cell viability, respec. |
Georges Schwizgebel, born in 1944 in Reconvillier in the Bernese Jura. Paradoxically, it is the influence of his parents which, at the age of 15, leads him to start training in painting at the School of Fine Arts. He meets Daniel Suter at the School for Decorative Arts. They soon dream of producing cartoons in their future studio – GDS. Both are employed in an advertising
In 1970, an order for an animated part for two documentaries leads to the three apprentice animators turning self-employed. The team starts to produce credits for French speaking Swiss television. Le vol d’Icare earns Schwizgebel a study prize of sufficient importance to enable him to produce Hors-jeu. His career as an independent film maker takes off. |
Jaime Galapo, Founder and President of Galapo Group Design has spent more than a decade designing high-end residential interiors. Her extensive knowledge of kitchen and bath design coupled with her innate artistic instinct have earned her a loyal roster of private residential clients throughout South Florida. She is dedicated to creating functional spaces that reflect the unique point of view of each of her clients.
Galapo Group Design individualizes its approach to working with clients by offering a variety of services and methods of which to choose from. Galapo Group Design’s Concierge Service includes full scale projects. The Collaborative Design Service appeals to those who are seeking an affordable alternative to design services. Additionally, Galapo Group Design offers a Designer-On-Call option which allows for in person and virtual consultations.
With Galapo Group Design’s 15-step design process, clients are guided from vision all the way through to fruition with personalized attention, clear expectations, and honest communication. Projects range from kitchen and bath remodels to space planning, furniture, and interior decor. |
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We are looking forward to a full week ahead. Please take note of the following items related to our grades one and two class this week.
GCS Annual Christmas Outreach Project
As we prepare to celebrate the Christmas season, GCS is so thankful to have another opportunity to bless others in our community. This year, we will once again give back to the residents living at Prince Edward Home by collaboratively purchasing gifts for them to open on Christmas morning.
When COVID-19 first impacted our province back in the Spring of 2020, some of the most vulnerable were left without the opportunity to leave their homes. Many seniors were also left without the companionship of their families, and therefore, they relied heavily on support, love, and generosity of the caretakers inside their care homes. This is when GCS identified the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus, seeking to love on and support the residents of Prince Edward Home. Not only were the residents and staff deeply touched by the students’ generosity, but our students received such a blessing being able to serve. And so, the tradition continues!
This Christmas, each class will be asked to purchase specific items as per the requests of the residents at The PE Home. The gift baskets with these items will be delivered to the care home during the first week December, in time for the coordinators to package them for the residents to open on Christmas morning.
Grade 1 students are asked to bring in Lip balm, Chapstick, lipstick, nail polish, and manicure sets.
Grade 2 students are asked to bring in stuffed animals, baby dolls, and teddy bears (often useful for individuals living with dementia).
Elementary Christmas Production:
We are very excited to announce that we are in the beginning stages of preparing our annual Christmas presentation. The elementary students have been reading through scripts and learning songs in class the last few weeks. This year we will be presenting “Christmas at Bethlehem Gulch” a children’s musical with a western feel about the coming of the Saviour written by Pam Andrews.
We are anticipating a live, in-house, concert as we have done in years past. The musical has an “Old West” theme and we will need a few items brought in for concert dress. All students are required to bring in a pair of dark or light jeans and a multi-coloured plaid shirt. If students have items such as western vests, chaps, boots, kerchiefs, or cowboy hats please add them as they may be used for the main cast. Please refrain from bringing in holsters or plastic guns. Place items in a bag labeled with your students name on it and please bring it into school by Thursday, Dec. 1. Students are to give the bag to the classroom teacher.
We are looking forward to sharing our work with you. Thank you for your cooperation and help with the costuming. If you have any concerns please email Mrs. Wilting at [email protected].
Operation Christmas Child
Many thanks to all who filled a shoebox! GCS collected just over 80 boxes this year. Most importantly, our students have had another experience in giving and blessing another child (and that child’s family) somewhere far away from here. Please continue to pray that these boxes will have a tremendous impact on the children who receive them as the Holy Spirit works through your giving!
This Week’s Assessments
Wednesday, November 23rd – Math Test Grade 1 and 2
Thursday, November 24th – Phonics Test Grade 1 and 2
Friday, November 25th – Spelling Test Grade 1 – List # 7, Grade 2 – List # 10
Dates to Remember
Monday, November 28th – School Picture RE-TAKES
Thursday, December 1st – ACSI Teacher Convention (NO SCHOOL)
Thursday, December 8th – Elementary Christmas Program
Enjoy your week! |
Alliance Club is meeting tomorrow this week, not
Volleyball Intramurals are coming up. Meetings will be on Mondays beginning
next Monday and permission slips are available in the main office.
From the Sports Desk:
Congratulations to the 8th grade girls track team. We are still waiting
for overall results however we did have some great efforts last night at Harter.
Congrats to Bella Walls for breaking the 200 record. Frances Ferguson and Becca
Spezzano finished behind Bella and also had record breaking times.
Congratulations to the 4 x 800 relay team who broke the record. Becca Spezzano,
Elise Waldchen, Hannah Mc Millen and Grace Pryor. Keep it going girls! Great |
Showcase your best retro fashion
at the George Begg Festival
Remember when ties and pants were wide, crochet and velvet were the fabrics du jour, and paisley reigned supreme? Everybody loves a dress-up party and the George Begg Festival is your chance to bring back a blast from the past!
Suit up for the photo finish
Looking for some inspiration for your outfits? The possibilities are endless! Will you go Studio 54 glam with your costume, thanks to sequins and shimmering lame? Or will you embrace your hippie heart: opting instead for shades of brown and orange, and a less-is-more approach to your hemline?
Guys, you won’t miss out on the fun either! Embrace your inner David Bowie and go full-on Starman with your threads, or take a more casual approach to the 1970s: bell bottom jeans, anyone?
Trends On The Track Competition
Show off your flair for fashion, and garner plenty of kudos from your fellow George Begg Festival-goers.
The retro motorsport action on the track nearby won't be the only competition of the day. If fashion gets your wheels spinning, our Trends On The Track titles will be just as prestigious. We'll have amazing prizes up for grabs for each winner, and - of course - you'll also get to take away a healthy dose of pride.
The Trends On The Track competition will happen on-site in the afternoon of Saturday 1 April. All categories are gender neutral, with entrants encouraged to dress up in 60s. 70s. 80s. 90s. Noughties (00s). era clothing.
Trends On The Track Categories
Think you've got what it takes to strut your stuff? We want to see what you've got! Pick your category and enter via the form below.
Have you got what it takes to take out the Supreme Winner glory? Our judges are looking for an ensemble with meticulous attention to detail, as well as the panache and confidence needed to rock a look you’ve made all your own. There are no limits: no matter the decade, no matter your gender – if your outfit turns heads, you could be in with a shot.
You came to slay! If your outfit is over-the-top amazing and full of razzle dazzle, our Biggest Diva category is made for you. Whether it be the 1970s disco party vibes of Elton John, a fabulous Diana Ross-inspired sequinned number, or a shiny taffeta puff dress that harks back to Prom 1989, our Biggest Diva will represent the glitziest glamour of yesteryear.
If paying homage to the sharp cuts and bespoke suits of Savile Row, or pillbox hats a la Jackie Kennedy, is up your alley, why not give our Best Tailored category a nudge? Pop on your finest handsewn circle skirt, cardigan twinset or crisp suit: don’t forget to bring some classic Don Draper swagger!
Best Everyday Chic
This category is for those who have taken a more laid-back, casual look of an era – and nailed it. Whether you’re rocking double denim or acid wash jeans from the 1990s, bell-bottom jeans with a knitted polo and a tie-neck scarf, or the bohemian vibes of the Swinging Sixties, you’re in with a shot to take out the (flower) crown.
Best Speed Demon
Think the T-Birds or Rizzo from Grease, Bruce McLaren and other notable retro race car drivers from a bygone era, or the slick bad boy vibes of James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause. If you’ve drawn your inspiration from the heady heyday of retro motorsport, you just might take out this title.
The winner of this category gets a special mention: their vibe not only caught the eye of our judging panel, but the crowd too. Your get-up might not quite fit one of the categories above, but your sartorial excellence hasn’t gone unnoticed.
Kids Fashion Show
They’re groovy, baby! Our youngest George Begg Festival guests won’t miss out on the fun. While the little ones won’t be competing for a prize, we’d love to see everybody there to cheer them on as they strut their stuff on stage. No matter their age or era, our Kids Fashion Show is bound to be a rollicking good time and a chance to create memories with your whānau. Let their creativity run wild!
Vintage fashion, NZ style
This is your chance to get dressed up in the best vintage fashion you can find: but don’t forget to give it a Kiwi twist! Our retro event is all about taking a trip back in time, to a golden age of Kiwi motorsport. To really get into the spirit of things, we want to see guests decked out in the threads of their decade of choice all weekend long. Get your vintage fashion on at the George Begg Festival! |
When Han Solo gets put and frozen in liquid carbonite it was very memorable to Star Wars fans. Now have your own frozen Solo in carbonite silicone ice cube tray.
This is an ice cube or candy making tray that features the Star Wars character of Han Solo. Find an imprint of Solo just as he was frozen in carbonite during the epic Star Wars movie.
The tray is made from a high-grade silicone that is very durable and can be used for freezer or oven. Washes super easy and is also dishwasher safe. You can use the Star Wars Han Solo in carbonite for so many different types of candy, muffins, cake, and ice.Get your Han Solo In Carbonite Ice Cube Tray |
The Gibraltar Electricity Authority (“the GEA”) takes considerable measures in protecting your privacy and the utmost care is required from our data controllers when processing your data. This Privacy Notice is designed to inform you about the types of personal data we collect, how we gather it, the reasons for doing so, and how this information may be shared with third parties.
Under the Gibraltar General Data Protection Regulation (GGDPR) and The Data Protection Act 2004 (DPA) you have specific rights concerning the personal data we hold about you. We will detail these rights and provide guidance on how to contact us regarding them.
2. What types of personal data do we collect
The data we collect from you will depend on your relationship with the GEA and the use of our website. For consumers, this may include:
- Forename(s) & Surname(s)
- Date of Birth
- Passport or ID card details
- Telephone/Mobile numbers
- E-mail address
- Current, previous and billing addresses
- Death/marriage certificates
- Deed of Assignment/Rental Agreement
- Personal details of third parties (e.g., Power of Attorney)
- Additional personal data for arrears settlement or repayment agreements
When you visit our website, we may collect information about your browsing activities, IP address, and device information.
CCTV cameras are in use at our Consumer Services Office and therefore your audio and image may be recorded should you visit our premises.
The implementation of our comprehensive CCTV camera system serves the purpose of protecting our facilities, assets, and personnel. It acts as a deterrent and plays a vital role in detecting, recording, and analysing a wide range of incidents, including theft, vandalism, accidents, fires, floods, and emergency situations, throughout the GEA premises.
The GEA acknowledges the importance of striking a balance between an individual's right to privacy and the imperative of ensuring the safety and security of GEA employees, customers, visitors, and corporate assets. When CCTV is deployed externally, it will exclusively capture images of public streets and buildings were permitted by law.
Access to operate the CCTV systems and review the recorded images is limited solely to authorized personnel.
To ensure transparency, notices indicating CCTV filming will be prominently displayed in areas under surveillance.
For further information regarding CCTV please refer to our CCTV Policy on our website.
Special Category Personal Data
Special Category Personal Data, which includes sensitive information, is subject to additional protection under GGDPR. This refers to certain categories of personal information, such as race, ethnicity, religion, health, political opinions, sexual orientation or biometric information, or data relating to criminal convictions and offenses. While not all types of sensitive data are processed, we may handle medical reports, financial statements, and other relevant data for arrears management, special requirements, or assisting authorities.
We limit the personal data collection, storage and usage to data that is relevant, adequate and necessary to successfully fulfil our obligations.
3. How we use your information
We collect personal data for various reasons, including:
- Providing and managing your electricity supply
- To provide you with details of our services and your consumption.
- Meeting legal obligations under The Gibraltar Electricity Authority Act 2003
- Assisting individuals with arrears repayment agreements (in exceptional cases)
- Improving our services and website functionality
- Ensuring the security and integrity of our systems
- Crime and fraud prevention
- Responding to requests from governmental bodies, law enforcement, or regulatory authorities
4. How we collect your information
Information is collected via various means and is very much dependent on the manner you interact with us. This section outlines the methods and sources through which we may collect your personal data.
- Direct Interactions - We may collect personal information directly from you when you interact with us. This includes, but is not limited to:
- In person when you visit our offices.
- Completion of the application form for the connection/disconnection of electricity supply.
- Telephone and email communication.
- Your IP address, browser type, operating system, and device identifiers.
- Links visited, actions taken, and the duration of your visit on our website.
- We may collect your approximate location based on your IP address or other methods with your consent.
- Third-Party Sources - In some cases, we may receive personal information from third-party sources, such as:
- Information shared with us by our trusted business partners in accordance with data protection laws.
- Information you make publicly available on social media platforms when you engage with our social media accounts or content.
5. Lawful basis to process personal data legitimately
We identify the lawful basis we rely upon in order to collect, use and keep hold of your personal information. The following are the principal bases we rely upon:
- Contractual basis: Processing personal data is a critical requirement for us to meet our responsibilities under the contract we establish with consumers for the supply of electricity and/or the provision of our services.
- Legal obligation: When processing or retaining is necessary for fulfilling our obligations under The Gibraltar Electricity Authority Act 2003 (“The Act”).
- Public Task: The Authority was established with the object of supplying electricity to the general public under The Act and as such, processing of personal data is required in order to fulfil the requirements of the Act.
- Consent: We may process your information based on your explicit consent, which you can withdraw at any time.
- Legitimate Interests: We process data based on our legitimate interests, which include enhancing our services and upholding the security of our website. Additionally, we have a legitimate interest in protecting the well-being of our employees and safeguarding the data and assets stored on our premises.
- Health or Social Care purposes: We may from time to time be privy to a person’s medical condition, medical records, or financial situation in connection with arrears or special requirements. Before processing this special category of personal data, we will seek your explicit consent as our additional lawful basis under Article 9(2)(a) of the GDPR.
6. Personal data retention
We retain personal data for periods appropriate to the data's purpose and lawful basis. This includes contractual obligations, legal requirements, legitimate interests, our obligations under The Act, health or social care matters, or assisting authorities.
We will keep the information for a period which enables us to handle or respond to any complaints, queries or concerns relating to our services.
CCTV recordings, both video and audio, are subject to automatic deletion one month from the date of the recording.
We will actively review the information we hold and delete it securely when it is no long necessary, however, in some circumstances we may anonymise so that it can no longer be associated to you and as such we may use the data without further notice to you.
7. Sharing and disclosure of personal data
We employ several resources to ensure the personal data collected is secure and the confidentiality of said data is a matter of high importance to the GEA. Within the organisation we limit the sharing of personal data through staff authorisation levels. Personal data is administered by the authorised data controllers and is shared purely on a need-to-know basis for the task being carried out.
We share your personal information with third parties as follows:
- The Data Sharing (Public Authorities) Act 2021 allows us to share your data with other Government Departments, such as H.M. Government of Gibraltar’s Treasury Department, Housing Department, Department of Education, and No. 6, Convent Place, as a specified person under Schedule 1 of the Act. Appropriate protocols are employed to ensure the applicable security measures are in place.
- With law enforcement bodies, in order to assist in the protection or detection of crime, or to provide evidence in civil or criminal prosecutions. These include, The Citizens Advice Bureau, and The Royal Gibraltar Police.
- With our processors, AquaGib Limited, who carry out the following on our behalf: read meters, issue bills and collect payments.
- With estate agents, managing agents, power of attorneys or lawyers provided they can offer evidence that they have a legal right to obtain certain data or have written authority from you.
- For audit purposes.
Data transferred is limited to what is absolutely necessary and you can rest assured that we will undertake an independent assessment of the third-party requests, always identifying a lawful basis in order to do so.
We do not transfer personal data to any other third party, nor to any country outside the EEA, except under the following circumstances:
- To comply with requirements of legal proceedings.
- If our processors, suppliers or joint controllers are compelled to do so by law.
8. Security and integrity of personal data
We have a framework of policies, procedures and training covering data protection, confidentiality and security. We regularly review the appropriateness of the measures in place which keep the data we hold secure. Technical measures are also implemented to ensure a level of security proportionate to the level of risk assessed for specific data sets.
Contractual agreements are in place with our processors and suppliers which include data protection clauses, to ensure that these entities protect data in accordance with the relevant legislation.
CCTV camera recordings are exclusively accessed by authorized personnel when the need arises, such as in the case of a security breach or an incident.
9. What your rights are under law
We want to ensure you are aware of your rights under data protection law. You have the right to request the following:
- To identify whether we hold any of your personal data.
- To provide you with a copy of any personal data that we hold about you.
- To rectify any inaccuracies in your personal data and make amendments if you believe it is incomplete.
- To have your personal data deleted (to the extent possible given the specific circumstances) when required by law.
- To object to processing your personal data, when mandated by law.
- To receive a portable copy of the personal data we have on you when required by law.
- To cease processing any of your personal data based on our legitimate interests.
- Where we process your personal data on the basis that you have given us your consent to do so, you may contact us at any time to withdraw your consent.
- To transfer the personal data, you've provided to another organization or to yourself, under certain circumstances, which is also known as data portability.
If you wish to exercise any of these rights, or object to our processing your personal data, please email, call, or write to us (please refer to section ‘11. Contact Us’).
10. Fees to access Personal Data
Accessing your Personal Data or exercising any of your rights does not involve any fees. However, in cases where your request is deemed clearly unfounded or excessive, we may, at our discretion, apply a reasonable fee, or alternatively, we may choose not to process the request. In either scenario, we will provide a justification for our decision.
To confirm your identity and uphold your right to access information or exercise your rights, we may request specific details from you. This is an additional security measure to guarantee that Personal Data is not disclosed to individuals without the rightful authority to access it.
11. Contact us
If you have any questions or concerns about the information we hold about you and how we use it, or wish to exercise any of your rights as described above, you may contact our Data Protection Team at [email protected].
You may also write, visit or call us, as follows:
Gibraltar Electricity Authority
Rosia Road Electricity Centre
4-8 Rosia Road
Please note that, alternatively, you have a right to contact the Government’s Data Protection Officer directly as follows.
If you are dissatisfied with how we've addressed any data protection inquiries or if you have reservations regarding our personal data processing, you also have the option to reach out to the Gibraltar Regulatory Authority directly using the contact details provided below.
Gibraltar Regulatory Authority
2nd Floor, Eurotowers 4
1 Europort Road
(+350) 200 74636
12. Changes to this Privacy Notice
We continually review and update this Privacy Notice to reflect changes in our services, as well as to comply with changes in the law. We will notify you of any updates either in writing or by updating this Privacy Notice on our website.
We may also notify you in other ways from time to time about the processing of your Personal Data. |
1 We aim to dispatch your order within 2 working days after your order is processed and payment is received and within 2 working days of the anniversary date for Subscription Boxes, and sooner than that if we can. You will receive an email to let you know when your order has actually been dispatched (the Dispatch Confirmation).
2 Please see the International Shipping page for further details of our shipping services as well as the shipping section of our FAQs on how it works.
3 We will deliver the products to the premises you specify on your order. It is your responsibility to ensure that the address details that you provide are correct. This should include a contact name and business name, if being shipped to a business, house name and number and a full postal/zip code. A contact phone number and email address for the recipient is required at checkout should the delivering courier need to contact them regarding delivery. British Gift Box will not be held responsible for any incorrect address details provided by the customer.
4 It is your responsibility to ensure someone is at home to accept delivery of your order so we encourage you to select a delivery address that will have someone available to sign for your parcel. All orders delivered by courier will need a signature on delivery. If the recipient is not there to receive a parcel the courier will attempt to deliver to an immediate neighbour or alternatively leave a card with contact details so that redelivery or collection can be arranged. If the courier doesn't receive a response to the card, they will return the parcel to us after 4-5 working days.
5 British Gift Box is not responsible for lost or stolen packages that you choose to send by an untracked shipping service or for packages that are confirmed to be delivered, including loss or damage if the courier has to leave the products with a neighbour and it is then subsequently left unattended. Upon enquiry, British Gift Box will confirm delivery address the delivery was made to, date of delivery, tracking information and shipping carrier information to the customer to investigate.
6 If you change the delivery address once the products have been dispatched, we reserve the right to pass on any extra charges made by our carriers for redirecting your delivery, if the carriers are able to make the change. This will delay your delivery.
7 If your order has not arrived within the designated time please call or email us.
8 Please check the products on delivery - any products found to be missing or damaged should be notified to us within 48 hours of delivery of the items.
9 If an order is refused by the recipient we cannot refund the cost of the products or shipping.
10 Where a component of a box is out of stock we will provide a substitute product of at least equal value to the out of stock item. |
The beauty landscape continues to shift, and its standards are ever-changing. The Thabethe sisters have positioned themselves as the faces of this evolution in seven simple steps. I’m interested in Lungile’s perception of beauty over the years.
“Although creative expression is crucial, it must never take away from the importance of living in the moment.“Quick Face is a physical reflection of that change in perception of beauty. I want it to be there always, but muted and moulding to the ever-changing swirls of my journey, accommodating me where I am in that moment.”
I ask her to expand her take on inclusivity and representation in the beauty space in 2022? “The growth from when I started out in the industry to this point has been spectacular, and I’m proud to have been at the forefront of that conversation. My hope is that it continues, taking even bigger strides, so that the little girl experimenting with makeup for the first time will have an entirely different experience from my own in 50 years and that she feels it was created with her in mind.”
That said, who is the Quick Face woman, and how does she interact with the product, according to Lungile? “She’s a busy beauty babe who doesn’t want to compromise on looking and feeling good, even when her schedule doesn’t allow it. She loves beautiful, lightweight, high-quality products that give her a flawless glow whenever she’s on the move.”
Comfortable in her skin
As a makeup artist, Lungile is aware of the conversations that happen around beauty, and she says the biggest misconception about makeup is that its sole purpose is to cover up imperfections when, in fact, it’s so much more.
“It’s full of history, and there’s a shared goal among women across generations to enhance a beauty that already exists.”
So, what role does makeup play in her life? “Not only is it a tool that helps me do my job, but it maintains my mental health. It’s been a form of artistic expression and therapy for me throughout most of my adult life.” Expanding on her approach to wellness, she says, “Mental health comes first, and everything else falls into place how and when it should. I’m always learning that perfection isn’t the goal. It’s the journey that matters most, so let it be peaceful and filled with light and positivity.”
The future is Quick Face
From our conversation, it’s clear that Lungile advocates for living in the moment. She’s visibly excited about her magazine cover debut, so I ask her to talk about this moment.
“It’s literally a dream come true! It’s my first cover, and what an incredible way to begin, side by side with my favourite person and an incredible brand!” She affirms that this moment speaks to her relentlessness in pursuit of achieving her goals within the beauty space. “And God’s answered promises, to trust in him and give yourself over to his will and, most importantly, to the faith of a mustard seed.
Read the full cover story in the November issue of Glamour SA, now available in-stores nationwide, or grab your digital copy, here.
Recent stories by: |
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What happens when you are facing a problem in ROBLOX? You try to fix it and that is a good thing. What happens when you see a message in it that says “Disconnected: You were kicked from this game [Error Code 267]”
You then wonder how and why it happened? Do you know that this can happen whenever you are playing a game on ROBLOX? This does sound concerning, right?
If you have witnessed this message and you are unsure about what to do next, you shouldn’t worry. Because this error is always seen by players on ROBLOX. On top of that, this common error code 267 is number 267 which can be fixed easily without hindrance.
Here we will be having a good look at what this error is, why players get kicked out because of this and how it can be fixed without any issue.
Table of Contents
ROBLOX Error Code 267 – What is it?
ROBLOX error code number 267 is an error which pops up whenever users are kicked out from a game. This happens when players use a script that contains just administrative commands (i.e. admin commands). For this kind of error, ROBLOX is never responsible nor is it liable.
Instead, the main reason of such kind of an error may be due to the insertion of an illegal script which the game’s developer entered through the wrong means.
Whenever such kind of a suspicious activity from any player is detected, ROBLOX prevents hacking, exploitation, or both by simply removing the player from the game. But removal of a player is based on multiple reasons.
Apart from that, there are many more reasons why players are kicked out and why such a message can pop up erroneously too.
Why do users see the ‘Kicked from the game error’ in ROBLOX – what are the reasons behind it?
Whenever users of ROBLOX see the error code 267, this is due to the game encountering a suspicious activity in user accounts. It worsens when it pops up again and this time due to various reasons which depend on the problem’s root source.
ROBLOX somehow has provided users with some reasons behind it which have somehow been vague. If users notice the error message carefully, they will see any of the following messages:
- “You were kicked from this game: Self Moderate”
- “You were kicked from this game: Banned from server”
- “ROBLOX error code 267 kicked by server.”
Here are some brief explanations for the error popping up
A slow internet connection
Users playing on ROBLOX should avoid using a slow internet connection and with the game zerg rush size being large, it will face numerous problems. With the connection being slow, it will take time to download the game. Even a large map is not immune to this problem.
Windows having a problematic firewall
Due to a low bandwidth connection or an erratic internet connection, the error code can arise due to these issues as well as due to problems in the firewall. A quick solution is to fix the internet connection and using a top-notch VPN.
Blank games are problematic too
Blank games in ROBLOX cause some of the following common errors and here are their remedies too:
- Client Crash: It displays the ‘an expected error took place’ message. Reason can be due to memory shortage with high pings. A possible remedy is waiting for internet connection to become stable.
- Launch error: This asks users to try again after some time. This is due to maintenance in ROBLOX underway hence it’s not much of a problem.
- Error code 6: This takes place while launching ROBLOX. Could be due to faulty internet connections and antivirus detections. Allowing it some privileges and stabilizing the internet connection helps.
- Error code 267. Users were kicked out from the game after ROBLOX detected suspicious activity.
- Error Code 524: User not authorized to launch the game due to game server issues.
- Maintenance Update: users should wait until it ends.
Solutions to overcome this error
Here are some key possible fixes to help users on ROBLOX obtain a good experience:
- Making and using Chrome as the default browser.
- Checking the wireless connections.
- Disabling ad blockers.
- Resetting all internet browser settings.
- Verification of browser security settings.
- Roblox error code 267 bypass. |
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A congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Delaware-Maryland Synod.
© 2024 Gloria Dei! Lutheran Church.Website by Whale Works Design & Illustration.Photos by Jess Lombardi Photography, Laura’s Eyes Photography, the congregation and Adobe Stock.
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Is Golf Cart Insurance Necessary?
Golf carts are common in The Villages and throughout central Florida (read more on golf cart rules in The Villages, FL). After purchasing a golf cart, one must decide if he/she is going to purchase golf cart insurance. However, before purchasing golf cart insurance, it is important to know if you have a traditional golf cart or a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV).
Most people in The Villages drive traditional golf carts that top out at 20 mph and don’t have to be registered or insured. Yet, that does not pertain to NEVs. NEVs are usually built to have a top speed of 25 miles per hour and a maximum loaded weight of 3,000 lbs. They can be driven on roads where the speed limit does not exceed 35 mph (in The Villages, they can cross busy US highway 27/441). NEVs also fall under the United States Department of Transportation classification for “low-speed vehicles.”
Unlike traditional golf carts, NEVs must have brake lights, headlamps, a horn, parking brakes, taillights, rearview mirrors, blinkers, turn signals, windshields, and seat belts. They also must be licensed, tagged, and insured.
During Florida’s 2013 legislative session, a bill was introduced that would authorize the administrative conversion of a low-speed vehicle (such as a NEV) to a traditional golf cart. In the proposed language of the bill, the owner must surrender the registration license plate and certificate of title, as well as comply with all requirements currently set for traditional golf carts. The newly converted golf cart will not have to be registered or insured and the driver will not have to be licensed. Stay tuned for updates on the bill’s passage!
Insurance for Golf Carts in Florida
Regardless of whether or not you are required by law to have golf cart insurance in Florida, it is always a good idea that you do. So what type of golf cart insurance should you purchase? Should you add golf cart coverage to a homeowner’s policy? Or should you buy a separate golf cart insurance policy?
With a typical homeowner’s policy, your medical costs are not covered. Similarly, if you cause an accident, your homeowner’s policy may not cover third-party injuries and property damage.
As a result, it is highly recommended that you purchase a separate golf cart insurance policy with the following coverages:
- Medical Payments Coverage: This covers the necessary medical care you receive because of a golf cart accident;
- Liability Coverage: This coverage is for third-party injuries and property damage as a result of a golf cart accident;
- Collision Coverage: This covers your golf cart in the event of damage caused by a collision with other vehicles or objects, regardless of fault;
- Other than Collision Coverage: This provides coverage for other damages such as theft, flood and vandalism; and
- Uninsured Motorist Coverage: This coverage takes the place of liability coverage for the at-fault driver if he/she is uninsured/underinsured and provides you with an ability to make a recovery for outstanding medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and other damages.
Have you been denied benefits or compensated far less for your golf cart accident? You may also want to connect with a Florida insurance dispute lawyer near you. In the event of a collision, contact our golf cart accident lawyers in Ocala, golf cart accident lawyers in The Villages, or in one of our other service areas.
*The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established. |
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It is not easy to cope with the anger, fear, and anxiety one feels while being the silent victim of sexual harassment at your workplace. With confusing advice given by family, friends, and colleagues, it can be difficult to know how to deal with the abuse.
On one hand, you are afraid of losing your job if you protest and complain; on the other hand, the harassment is making your life unbearable. This is where a sexual harassment attorney comes in; with the help of a committed and empathetic sexual harassment attorney, you can ensure the guilty do not go unpunished and you go ahead living a normal life.
At Goldberg & Rosen, we specialize in sexual harassment legal services. We understand the multiple emotions you go through as a victim of sexual harassment at your workplace and we can help you deal with the whole predicament as painlessly and result-oriented as possible. Goldberg & Rosen is highly regarded as a leading law firm in Miami.
Why speed is of essence
Given the complexity of the definition of sexual harassment and the potential risk to your job, it can be difficult to make quick decisions on filing a case. It is also important to know which instances qualify or meet the definition of sexual harassment.
The law states that the harassment must be either severe or pervasive to qualify as sexual harassment. Simple off-hand teasing and one-off comments may not be recognized as being either severe or pervasive. But if such comments have occurred regularly enough to create a hostile work environment, it could meet the definition of harassment. Understanding the legal definitions and what constitutes harassment can be tricky. Consulting a professional and experienced sexual harassment attorney at Goldberg & Rosen can help you gain clarity and decide on the next course of action as quickly as possible.
Every minute’s delay can impact the chances of winning the case. And with time, it could be possible to forget some of the critical details of the case. If there were witnesses to the incidents, it is also possible that they could be influenced by the perpetrator or they might not remember the facts clearly when required. Contacting one of our Miami sexual harassment lawyers at Goldberg & Rosen as soon as you can is the best way to get professional and reliable advice on the next steps to take.
Schedule A Consultation
If you or a loved one have been the victim of negligence or misconduct, please do not hesitate to contact among the best attorneys Miami has available at Goldberg & Rosen today to receive expert guidance about your legal options, as well as a free and confidential case evaluation.
© Goldberg & Rosen. All Rights Reserved. |
Square Foam Tile Pack – 6 Tiles
Golf Swing Systems have over the years developed may different ways that are both practical and aesthetically pleasing to kit out a swing studio.
We now have a method of supplying cushions which can be stuck to the wall and ceiling with an adhesive spray. The faux leather or fabric, cushions are attached using a concealed button and clip fix method.
There are hundreds of options on colours, fabric, faux leather, shapes and sizes for the panels.
This product qualifies for FREE UK Delivery
What’s In The Box?
- Contained in one box of tiles are 6 individual tiles.
- Each acoustic tile is sized 30″ (762mm) by 30″ (762mm).
- The tiles have a peak thickness of 2″ (50mm).
- One box of tiles will cover an area of 37.5sqft (3.48sqm).
- The tiles are precision cut and on average will absorb 95% of the sound waves.
- These acoustic tiles are available in either Mid Grey or Dark Grey. |
My description is : 👑Do you like Luxury Lingerie wrapped on my body?Classy And Fabulous👑 I love to wear Leather and Latex Outfits, It will make my Goddess body irresistible!!II l have super manyOutfits,Stockings,Pantyhose,Leggings,Dresses,Catsuits! Not just my body can seduce you , so come and discover my deep naughty thoughts ! Im an angel who waits to become a devil, if u dream about something you can have it
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With the voice remote, you can open apps, adjust the volume, and search for your favorite shows using your voice. Just press the Google Assistant button on your remote to talk to Google. |
Gary is a versatile litigator who helps clients resolve complex probate and fiduciary, real estate, and professional liability matters. His emphasis on cutting to the heart of the matter and focusing on what is most important to his clients sets him apart from many other litigators, as does his focus on intelligent persuasion over pounding the table.
Gary’s clients include trustees, beneficiaries, real estate owners and developers, law firms, and various types of businesses. In addition to his work for clients, Gary serves as the firm’s Assistant General Counsel, advising the firm and its lawyers on matters of professionalism, loss prevention, and risk management.
As a probate and fiduciary litigator, Gary handles a range of family disputes, fiduciary duty claims, trust matters, partnership and limited liability company disputes, and other trust and estates matters. He carefully guides individuals and their families, identifying potential avenues for dispute resolution so that his clients may make the best possible decisions given their particular circumstances. Gary also counsels trustees concerning their duties and obligations in order to alleviate problems before they happen.
In his real estate practice, Gary advises and advocates for clients on a range of land use, entitlement, title, and leasing matters. His experience includes handling appeals of zoning and entitlement decisions in appellate courts, litigating cases in trial courts and administrative agencies, and advocating for clients before local boards.
Gary’s professional liability work involves defending lawyers and law firms, in addition to providing ethics advice. He is sought by legal industry professionals to handle high-stakes professional liability matters including legal malpractice, partnership disputes, and other liability concerns.
Across his entire practice, Gary is known for helping clients resolve their legal matters successfully and without undue expense. But when a case cannot be resolved by agreement, Gary is a strong trial lawyer with experience in state and federal courts and before administrative agencies.
- Lawdragon, Leading 500 Litigators in America, 2022-2024
- Meritas Leadership Institute, Class of 2012-2013
- Massachusetts Super Lawyers Rising Stars, 2009-2014
- Co-Chair, Litigation Section, Professional Liability Committee, Boston Bar Association (2014-2016)
- Member, Boston Inn of Court (2011-2014)
- District of Columbia
- Georgetown University Law Center (J.D., summa cum laude, 2002)
- Yale University (B.A., 1997) |
Quantity Per Box
The Gourmesso Hazelnut - Nocciola receives its balanced and full-bodied bouquet from a dark-roasted blend of Brazilian Arabica beans and Indian Robusta beans. Enjoy a unique tasting experience with this exquisite hazelnut-flavored espresso.
Brazilian Arabica beans and Indian Robusta beans
Our Capsules work in Nespresso Original machines ONLY (formerly: OriginalLine)
Gourmesso Capsules do NOT fit in Nespresso Vertuo machines (formerly: VertuoLine), Dolce Gusto, Keurig, nor other systems. |
This framework has been updated to clarify that, when applying the framework, inspectors will take appropriate action to comply with Ofsted’s Equality Act duties, clarification on the opportunities for providers to discuss and/or provide information on potential equalities duties, including reasonable adjustments for individuals, clarification regarding Ofsted’s updated arrangements for publishing the report, quality assurance and handling concerns and complaints in line with Ofsted’s new complaints process in the timeframe sections, references to Ofsted’s pausing process and updated section on reporting concerns about the administration and management of controlled drugs.
Additional guidance on deferring an inspection, inspector conduct during inspections, when and how the provider can raise issues, concerns or complaints during and after the inspection, supporting the well-being of the provider’s managers and staff during inspections and visits, attendance at keeping in touch meetings, discussions with staff and feedback meetings and who the provider may share provisional and final inspection outcomes with.
Updated the guidance with clarifications in the introductory ‘Prioritising our work where improvement is needed most‘ and ‘The focus of inspections’ sections.
Minor changes to the evaluation criteria to align, where applicable, with other framework changes. These changes include children’s experiences and the need for the provider to appoint an appropriate, permanent manager (when the post is vacant) within a reasonable timeframe.
Small additions to the contents of the email sent by the inspector when giving the provider notice of inspection.
Clarification in the 'Timeframe' section on the maximum time normally spent on site by inspectors.
Minor changes to guidance for inspectors on recording evidence in the inspection database.
Updated guidance in the 'Notice of an inspection and pre-visit arrangements' section. Updated Notice letter. Revised text referencing the updated 'Ofsted code of conduct' policy.
Updated guidance for use from April 2022 onwards. Revised evaluation criteria, with increased emphasis on the child’s experience of the holiday scheme and less emphasis on their progress. More acknowledgement that the schemes are run as single events instead of enduring services. Amendments to the time inspectors spend onsite, with increased remote evidence gathering. Additional guidance for when inspectors discover possible unregistered provision. |
Expand your Cancer Treatment Options Box
Overseas countries; like Japan, Singapore, Germany, Taiwan and USA offer hi-tech treatments we don’t have in AU and NZ. However, trying to access and arrange cross-border or international treatments can be almost impossible for patients. Happily, Grace Gawler has been providing this service for 4+ decades. That is why patients need a specialist independent navigator to guide them through the cancer treatments maze to achievebest possible outcomes.
Access leading experts in Cancer Treatment
Her extensive network makes possible a wider range of minimally invasive treatment options for Australia and NZ patients, most of whom had been told by their hospitals, ‘there is nothing more we can do.’
Similarly, after Grace’s colon was permanently damaged from a surgical mishap in Australia, and before Grace received a world first bionic colon surgery in the Netherlands, nearly all her Australian doctors had told her not to go overseas for treatment and the implant would likely not work! Read I’m alive because…
Building global networks: Grace is constantly researching, scouring the world seeking minimally invasive treatments for her patients. After finding a promising treatment, she typically opens discussions with the centre/doctor (s) in mind. The talks require Grace to be knowledgeable and fully conversant with their new techniques. Hours of research and cross referencing are involved.
For example; after years studying the benefits of genomic diagnostic tests in the USA, Grace negotiated for her patients to access them. This was long before genomic tests were available in Australia. The tests allowed treatments to be individually targeted, increasing the probability of successful outcomes.
Recently, Grace connected a NZ oncologist with a leading US brain cancer surgeon, as she sought to arrange innovative surgery for the patient. The NZ oncologist remarked, “Thanks to you Grace, I’m now mixing it with the giants in brain cancer!”
Cancer Specialists and Colleagues comment on Grace's services
Grace Gawler’s commitment to support cancer patients has stretched from the Southern to the Northern hemisphere and is very inspiring. As a consultant oncologist, I am very aware that emotional and lifestyle issues play a big part in the management of cancer.
"Grace, Thanks so much for the wonderful cooperation, trust, and patient care. I look forward to working with the patients you send to me. The thoroughness of your patient notes means I can more accurately target my treatments enabling better outcomes."
I have known Grace since 2009. We have worked together sourcing best options for a number of her patients. I have always been impressed by her thoroughness, professionalism and tenacity to seek the best of minimally invasive treatments for patients in her care.
"Although her primary qualification is in naturopathy, I found Grace to have a greater body of knowledge than most oncologists I have experienced in 47-yrs as a general practitioner. We saw patients together in my consulting rooms at in Queensland. I have had the pleasure of collaborating with Grace Gawler in the management of patients with cancer. I came to appreciate her skills and knowledge in managing patients she helped to navigate the cancer maze.
I speak not only as a mainstream medical practitioner, but also as one whose wife survived for eight years with diffuse bony metastases from breast cancer. Grace was her main supporting practitioner outside of mainstream medicine, and her contribution to this and the many thousands of women she has helped in a similar fashion should not go unheralded.
Grace, although I attended your seminar as a cancer carer/supporter, I received more out of the presentation than many other self-development and health seminars that I have attended. I feel your seminars would help all who wish to develop and advance in today's world. The skills I learned will help me now and in the future; things I wasn't even aware of before attending.
Grace has been providing an independent cancer support and advocacy service for many years and has given advice to thousands of patients. Although working in the ‘complementary’ treatment area, her philosophy is to strongly support orthodox medical practitioners (surgeons, physicians, oncologists) and to dissuade patients from getting involved in ‘alternative’ treatments.
"Grace, I would be delighted to talk with you about your organisation to see whether I could be of help. I would be happy to serve as an adviser or whatever else might be beneficial to you."
‘ I applaud Grace Gawler’s advocacy for the therapeutic relationship as the key to client self empowerment and healing. Grace turns the professional practitioner’s attention towards how we are being with the client, rather than what we are doing to the client. "
"It was a privilege and blessing to work with Grace, who generously shared her bountiful talent with our scholars . Grace brought to life the true healing spirit and intention of therapy, and translated this into a workable model which the students could easily apply into their day to day jobs as therapists."
Grace Gawler inspires and motivates those who hear her speak about her experiences in helping both those who have cancer and those who support them. Grace has the ability to put complex issues across in such a way that people can immediately grasp how they themselves can adapt and use the ideas. Her approach is inspiring for people on a spiritual level, whilst at the same time providing a real grasp of the practical issues that face people.
Grace has been a key speaker at three of our seminars. At each of these seminars, Grace has provided inspiration and encouragement to breast cancer sufferers, some of who have travelled many kilometres to hear her speak A poignant, elegantly presented keynote address that profoundly touched the hearts and souls of the 300 who attended. Cork is grateful for your journey here. |
At Granite Scotland, we pride ourselves on the service we offer to our customers. We provide the highest quality Granite, Quartz and Silestone worktops which will give your kitchen a superior finish. We take pride in what we do. We source Granite, Quartz & Silestone from all over the world so that our clients have the best possible product. Stone worktops are hard wearing, durable & provides a hygienic worksurface. When taken care of, your kitchen worktops can last a lifetime. |
All Show and No Go – A not so great cyclist with state of the art bicycles and clothing… see JOM for reference.
Attack – To quickly accelerate while riding in a pack, or in smaller numbers, with a view to creating a gap between yourself and other riders. Typically happens when the lead rider is in the middle of a massive turn on the front, or has just finished a massive turn on the front. Some riders will go to excruciating lengths to orchestrate the perfect attack. The perfect attack would involve a lot of sandbagging and wheelsucking beforehand.
Variation: Bottle Rocket Attack.
Berg – A very short, horribly steep climb.
Big Ring – The business end of things. AKA the big chainring, the place most cyclists wish they could spend their pedaling lives. If you can push the big ring on a steep gravel incline, you might be a professional cyclist.
Variation #1: A cyclist who is a known big noter AKA smack talker, is often referred to as a Big Ring. The vernacular “ring” has alternative meanings in British and Australian English.
Variation #2: Big Blade – What South African cyclists call the the Big Ring.
Biker – When we last checked, a “biker” is person who rides a motorcycle. We believe if you ride a bicycle, you’re a Cyclist. You’re not “biking”, you’re cycling.
Blocking – Cyclists of one team who set a relatively slow tempo at the front of a group to control the speed, often to the advantage of one of their teammates who may be in a breakaway. Sometimes an involuntary act when one’s bike sinks into a patch of sand, blocking the progress of friends or wheelsuckers behind them.
Blow Up – A cyclist who has gone into oxygen debt and loses the ability to maintain pace is said to have blown up. Variants: dropping anchor, deploying parachutes, popping, exploding or the latest, “I’m sitting up“. Invariably the cyclist is dropped. One cyclist local to Gainesville, Florida, is known for simply yelling, “That’s it”, and sits up.
Bonking / Bonked – Where a rider completely runs out of energy and suddenly has to stop pedaling. Similar to blow-up. Don’t use this word in England where K-Dogg learned it means “Boinking”. K-Dogg needs to get out more.
Bottle Rocket Attack – Where one gets a great gap, explodes, then returns rapidly to the group.
Breakaway / Breakaway Specialist – A cyclist who specializes in attacking the race from the start or some other key strategic point of the race, in order to show off their sponsor (or to show everyone how machismo they are), and to try their luck in winning the race without having to fight with others for the win. A great tactic if you sprint like Mark Cavendish with a dose of the flu and chronic fatigue syndrome. A breakaway may consist of multiple breakaway specialists.
Bridge / Bridging – Launching an attack from a group / peloton to join the cyclists in the breakaway who are already up the road.
Chicked – When you’ve been dropped by a woman. Some male cyclists really hate being chicked.
Classic – A one-day race of great prestige. Some classics date back to the 19th century. In Gravel circles, a “Classic” refers to a massive screw up. i.e., “Nature Boy just ate $hit in the mud… Classic!”
Cluster: British terminology for cassette (gears on the rear wheel).
Variation: “This ride is a complete cluster. I’m going home”.
Cramped – Knackered legs can result in involuntary muscle spasms that nobody likes too much. Possibly the result of a crappy diet, or improper hydration during a race.
Crystal Cranks – A feeble cyclist, whose legs are on the edge of a complete fail. If their cranks were made of crystal, they’d break easily. i.e. “Hey Crystal Cranks, sit on the back, that last turn you pulled was weak as piss. It’d be a shame if you were dropped.”
Cyclist – The proper terminology for a person who rides a bicycle.
December Champion – The name given to a bloke in the USA winter who is training like he’s peaking for a race in June. See Training Ride Champion.
Derailleur – The best invention on a bicycle ever. The gadgets on the bike that changes gears. The opposite of a Single Speed which has no derailleur.
DFL – Last place in a bike race.
Dick Waving Contest – When two very strong (and possibly insecure) riders deliberately enter into a Half Wheeling marathon.
Domestique – A cyclist whose job it is to support and work for other riders in their team (literally “servant” in French). See the definition of Attack, i.e. “while performing domestique duties in the race (as in grabbing a Coke from the following Team Van for his lead rider), cyclist Joe Blow was ruthlessly attacked as he rode alongside the Team Van”.
Variation: Domestic. Your wife just found out how much you paid for that bike, after you lied to her about the price.
Dropped – A cyclist who cannot maintain the pace of the group they are riding with, i.e. “Oh look, Jeremy just got dropped. That wouldn’t happen if his Mrs allowed him to ride his bike more”. See Under the Thumb.
Echelon – (French), a line of riders seeking maximum drafting (wheelsucking) in a crosswind, resulting in a diagonal line across the road.
Variation: Belgian Echelon. The lead rider deliberately places himself into the gutter, so that NOBODY can echelon to get a draft. Only a complete bastard would attempt this.
False Flat – A low-gradient climb, usually occurring partway up a steeper climb. So-called because while it may look deceptively flat and easy (especially after the steep climb preceding it), it is still a climb.
Variation: A False Flat Tyre (tire), intended to gain a temporary advantage, in order to launch a real attack.
Flat Liner – A rider who is strong on flat roads, but is dropped as soon as the road goes up.
Frog Sack – Someone who doesn’t have many friends in the peloton.
Gramped – When you’ve been dropped by a cyclist who could be your grandfather.
Gran Fondo – Typically a long distance road cycling event. In Gravel riding, when a cyclist has blown up, they enter their own Gran Fondo (in their mind). In this case, the Gran Fondo is all about riding just to finish the event. An impromptu Gran Fondo entrant’s thoughts may include, “why the F am I doing this $hit again”, “I’d rather be playing darts”, “I wish my mum would collect me”, etc.
Grovel Cyclist – A really off day on the bike for the Gravel Cyclist.
Gutted – The feeling you experience when you open the box to your online order, and the wrong bicycle part is inside.
Variation: Guttered – When one of your mates deliberately pushes you into the gutter. Possible causes: You were executing the Belgian Echelon, and someone got pissed off (the gutterer).
Half Wheel – A cyclist that rides half a wheel in front of another on training rides and group rides. No matter how much the pursuer speeds up to keep up with him/her, he/she stays that distance ahead. Some cyclists are deliberate half wheelers (bastards) or nimrods, who don’t have a clue about riding etiquette. Regardless, all of this business is frowned upon.
Variation #1: Whole Bike Length Half Wheel – A cyclist that rides an entire bike length ahead of you. Remedy: Hang out to Dry.
Variation #2: Half Wheel Marathon – A lengthy Dick Waving Contest.
Hang out to Dry -The terminology used when a cyclist who has attacked the group, is left dangling just ahead. The group will not lift their speed to catch him, rather they allow him to dangle, watching him waste energy. This tactic is employed to teach the attacking rider a lesson. i.e. “Let that bugger go up the road, he reckons he’s a breakaway specialist… let’s hang him out to dry.”
Keyboard Hero – A cyclist (can be applied to other scenarios) who types rubbish on Facebook and other social media, but can’t back any of it up in person. The hero seldom rides a bicycle, they’d rather type about riding a bicycle. Usually has zero personality or in-person social skills; guilty of excessive texting and use of emoticons. Nobody is LOL’ing.
Knackered – Beyond tired.
Laughing Bunch – Riders who have been dropped, and congregate just to finish the race. Members of the laughing bunch are not always laughing. Most are crying and riding a personal Gran Fondo.
LSOS – Acronym for Lying Sack of Shite. i.e. Cyclist #1, “I’m taking it easy tonight, I’m knackered“, only to attack two Kms later. Cyclist #2, “You’re a LSOS”.
Masters Cyclist – Those who work 40 hours a week.
N+1 – The well known mathematical equation for buying more bicycles. See Domestic.
Off the Back – Someone who has been dropped from the group. Could be a result of a failed attack.
Panzer Bike – An indestructible but heavy bike, usually made of cheap steel and the cheapest components possible.
Peloton – The main group of riders in a bicycle road race.
Prang – Aussie slang for a crash. Not good.
Robot Bike – A lame terminology devised by a person who is too much of a tight arse to fork out for electronic shifting on their bike.
Thursday Throwup – Reminding yourself on Thursday Throwback about all your horrible moments on a bicycle.
Saddle – The proper name for where you plant your bum on a bicycle. A seat is what you sit on at the office. Saddles are also used by equestrians, although they’re a lot bigger than the bicycle variety. Like the horse variety, saddle choice is different for everyone.
Sandbagging / Sandbagger – A term used when a cyclist shirks all and any attempts to do any work near the front of the ride or the race. The cyclist is quite capable, but because they are possibly orchestrating the perfect attack, they’ll sandbag to the max, to save energy for their little ploy.
Single Speed – A bicycle that has not embraced the rear derailleur concept. Sometimes ridden by Hippsters, or surly dudes with mustaches who are generally bad arse cyclists. Not to be made fun of.
Singles – The name Australian cyclists use for tubular tyres. Not to be confused with a single cyclist, who is single because they ride too much, and look too weird with their tanlines to upload a shirtless photo to a dating website. FYI shirtless photos are generally frowned upon.
Sitting Up / Sit Up – The act of a cyclist sitting bolt upright on the bicycle, because he/she has no further desire to ride the same speed as the other cyclists they are riding with. Reasons for sitting up may include lethargy, boredom, or lack of interest. However, in most instances, the cyclist has been dropped, and is using sitting up as an excuse to cover their weakness. Example, “That’s enough of your riding fast crap, I’m sitting up”.
Spit the Dummy – A rider has had enough for one ride, takes his ball, and goes home. i.e. “Awww, K-Dogg just spat the dummy, because he got dropped for the 3rd time.”
Sprint – To ride really fast, generally towards the finish line. Some riders are great sprinters, others, not so much.
Variation: A rider may sprint ahead to take the perfect line through a sludge patch, to avoid getting his jersey all dirty, and to throw mud and crap onto those behind him.
Taking out the Rubbish – Cyclists in a breakaway take turns creating a gap at the back and then bridging, with a non-working breakaway member on their wheel. This tactic forces the non-working member to jump repeatedly, hopefully knackering their legs and dropping them. Sitting on the back of a breakaway is frowned upon, unless you are legitimately knackered and don’t contest the sprint.
Variations: “Cracking the whip”, or “taking him off the back”.
Taking it Easy – An excuse to avoid doing any work on a ride, and likely a precursor to an attack. “I’m taking it easy, I did 35 hours of Zone 2 tempo last week, my legs are knackered“. Similar to sandbagging.
Treadley – What a South Australian like JOM calls a bicycle.
Training Ride Champion – Kicks everyone’s arse on training rides, but is a miserable flop on race day. i.e. Frequent Winner of the Tuesday World’s Tallest Leprechaun Championships.
Tyre – The proper spelling for a bicycle tyre (tire).
Unobtanium: A super rare bicycle part that is a prototype, or acquired from a professional cyclist / team. Something to be in awe of.
Under the Thumb – When a cyclist is not allowed to ride their bicycle because their spouse / partner wears the pants in the relationship.
Up the Road – A group of cyclists in a breakaway that you aren’t part of.
Vapourware: A bicycle part featured in magazines and online articles, that will never be produced by its manufacturer. The 3D drawings and blurry photos look cool, but it’s all a clever marketing ploy.
Waaambulance – Who we call when a cyclist complains too much.
Wheelsucking – Like the barnacles that sometimes adorn the bottom of a boat, these creatures firmly attach themselves to the middle or rear of a group of cyclists. Hanging on for grim death, “taking it easy”, or plotting an attack, they cannot be trusted. |
- FNB is accelerating its commitment to environmental sustainability and operational resilience by installing solar power systems in 100 of its branches across the country.
- The initiative aims to improve uninterrupted access to services offered in its branches during times of load shedding while mitigating the environmental impact of its operations.
- The project will commence with branches in Mthatha (Eastern Cape), Bethlehem and Phuthaditjhaba (Free State), as well as Zeerust in the North-West.
The initiative will provide improved uninterrupted access to services offered in its branches during blackouts which plagued the country for up to 10 hours daily.
“Approximately 97 percent of our branches are already equipped with backup power solutions, including Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS) and Lithium batteries, to ensure access to services during intermittent loadshedding. However, in keeping with our commitment to have a positive impact on the environment and be more resilient in our operations, it’s necessary to transition to renewable energy sources,” explains chief executive officer at FNB, Jacques Celliers.
Author: Bryan Groenendaal |
Toshi Muslin Wrap Secret Garden Lilly
Toshi Wrap Muslin is a beautiful gift. The wrap is designed for swaddling of newborn babies and the open weave of the muslin fabric assists the natural adjustment of the baby’s body temperature. Made from the finest quality 100% cotton muslin fabric, the wrap is multifunctional and forms desirable shading for prams and is ideal for travel and modesty while breastfeeding.
Toshi Wrap Muslin Secret Garden Lilly The features a delicate abundance of sweetly curated field flowers in a spring colour palette.
Good to Know:
Measuring 100 x 120cm, this soft muslin wrap from Toshi is packaged individually in a quality gift box.
100% Cotton Muslin |
** PLEASE NOTE: This show will take place at our alternative home for the evening: THE WATER RATS, 328 Grays Inn Road, Kings Cross, WC1X 8BZ. Doors open 7.30pm. Music starts 8.15pm. **
A rock & roll lifer, JAMES MADDOCK has been carving his unique path since the 1980s, when the New York City based, British-born singer/songwriter kicked off his career with a raw, soulful voice; a storyteller’s sense of narrative; and the ability to blur the lines between folk, classic pop, and rock.
Since his early days in London, he’s ridden the wave of a music industry that’s ebbed, flowed, peaked, and crashed. Maddock has stayed afloat throughout the entire ride, enjoying a brush with commercial success during the late 1990s – including a major-label record deal, a Top 5 AAA radio hit, and a song placements on major TV Series – before transforming himself into an independent solo artist during the decades that followed.
After fronting the Columbia Records band Wood, whose debut Songs From Stamford Hill was featured prominently on TV shows such as “Dawson’s Creek,” Maddock moved from England to New York City in 2003. His 2009 album Sunrise On Avenue C won a New York Music Award for Best Americana Album, while the follow-up Wake Up And Dream ranked among the top albums of 2011 in WFUV’s (NYC) Listener Poll. With the release of Another Life (2013) and a 5 further albums over the following 7 years, two of them created over the Corona Virus pandemic – No time to Cry (2020) and Little Bird in the Neighbourhood (2021) – which garnered critical acclaim and extensive radio play.
His latest release in 2023 ‘Night Work’ is a beautiful collection of songs reminiscent of The Eagles and Credence Clearwater Revival – no imitation, simply landing effortlessly in the space between. Recorded with close musical friends including Steve Jackson (drums) and James O’Malley (bass) from his days in the band Wood. As well as Aaron Comess, Drew Mortali, Ben Stivers, Brian Mitchell, James Hallawell and Jack Daley. Mixed by the great Dave O’Donnell (Keith Richards, James Taylor, John Mayer). Amongst the first reviews, Dan French from ‘Point Blank’ wrote – ‘James’s remarkable talent for capturing the kaleidoscope of life in superbly crafted, heartfelt songs – ranging in mood from poignant heartbreak to upbeat joy, with the promise to nourish your spirit’. James Maddock continues to demonstrate why many consider him to be one of the best singer/songwriters working today.
He has performed regularly with Willie Nile, Aaron Comess (Spin Doctors), David Immergluck (Counting Crows), Brian Mitchell (Levon Helm Band) and SNL drummer Shawn Pelton and has shared the stage with many well known artists such as Bruce Springsteen, The Waterboys, Pete Seeger, Levon Helm and many others. According to radio legend Vin Scelsa, Maddock’s “heartbreakingly beautiful and exquisitely crafted” music “touches the soul.” Relix Magazine put it this way: “James Maddock possesses the kind of lived-in craggy voice that would sound authoritative if he were singing the sports pages. Fortunately, he doesn’t need to do that because his compositional skills are a match for his delivery.” Stuart McLachlan from LouderThanWar.com wrote that James has ‘the ability to stun a crowded room into awe with just himself and a guitar’ and that ‘all his songs share a haunting guitar backdrop, and his voice is a marvel, torn and battered by life but infinitely resilient.’
As a songwriter, James had three songs co-written with Mike Scott on the Waterboys album Modern Blues (which appeared in the Top 50 on the UK Albums Chart) and a co-write with Gary Barlow (“Actress”) on Barlow’s album (2X Platinum). Songs from Another Life have been featured on NBC’s Parenthood and ABC Family’s Switched at Birth. Maddock is a constant live presence in the U.S. and Europe.
Maddock’s “heartbreakingly beautiful and exquisitely crafted music touches the soul.” US Radio legend Vin Scelsa.
James Maddock has “the ability to stun a crowded room into awe with just himself and a guitar”, “all his songs share a haunting guitar backdrop, and his voice is a marvel, torn and battered by life but infinitely resilient” – Stuart McLachlan from LouderThanWar |
Battery manufacturer LG Chem has launched a recall of some of its Resu 10H residential battery products in the interest of fire safety.
The recall affects certain battery systems containing cells from specific lots produced in 2017 and 2018, according to a letter from Peter Gibson, who leads LG Chem's North American energy storage business. The letter, dated November 29, explains that those cells are at risk of overheating, which could lead to fires and dangerous smoke.
"LG Chem has received five reports of thermal events in the United States causing limited property damage," the letter notes. "There have been no reported injuries. LG Chem is undertaking this voluntary action as part of its continued commitment to product safety and to providing the highest quality and service to its customers."
Customers with one of the affected units will get a free replacement containing "state-of-the-art" cells manufactured in 2020. LG Chem did not respond to a request for comment by the time of publication.
The Resu has been a prominent player in the small but growing residential energy storage market, which just notched its sixth consecutive quarterly installation record. It has been a central component of solar installer Sunrun's build-out of solar-plus-storage, which reached 13,000 homes as of November. The Resu was also available through distributors such as CED Greentech and BayWa r.e.
The recall affects approximately 5 percent of Sunrun's BrightBox battery installations, spokesperson Wyatt Semanek noted in an email.
"We have already started proactively replacing batteries impacted by the recall and have credited customers for the brief downtime," he noted. "Home solar and battery systems that are properly designed, installed and maintained have a long track record of system safety."
Batteries come with risks, but the recall shows the value of choosing a supplier that can stand by its warranty, said Barry Cinnamon, whose company Cinnamon Energy Systems has installed LG Chem batteries with SolarEdge inverters since 2017. Some of those units are on the recall list, but "we've had zero problems" with them so far, he said.
"I find it interesting and relieving that a company like LG Chem would step up to the plate and say, 'There's a potential problem, we're going to address that problem, and we're not going to run away or hide,'" Cinnamon told Greentech Media.
That approach contrasts to less reputable suppliers in the solar or inverter business that have closed up shop when their equipment had problems, he added.
Dealing with lithium-ion battery fire risks
This is not the first time LG Chem has been in the news for recalls involving its battery cells.
In recent weeks, automakers GM and Hyundai each recalled approximately 70,000 electric vehicles that contained LG Chem batteries, after several of those cars caught fire. The exact cause of those fires is under investigation.
LG Chem also supplied the utility-scale McMicken battery in Arizona, which entered thermal runaway and exploded in April 2019, injuring four firefighters. An investigation by project owner Arizona Public Service concluded that cell failure kicked off the chain of events that led to the explosion. Insufficient fire suppression and lack of ventilation for explosive gases in the battery enclosure exacerbated the incident.
LG Chem published its own investigation into the root cause, challenging the cell failure conclusion and suggesting that external causes kicked off the thermal runaway.
The storage industry has already improved safety protocols since the McMicken era. LG Chem subsequently won the confidence of developer LS Power to supply the largest grid battery in the world, the Gateway project in San Diego County.
Many technologists believe that more could be done to improve battery safety ahead of the expected influx of electric cars and grid storage devices. Startup Cadenza Innovation recently installed a new lithium-ion supercell technology in New York that is designed to thwart fires in the event of cell failure. |
What is subjective well-being?
What is subjective well-being?
Life satisfaction—or subjective well-being—affects many areas of our lives. Take the time to consider your overall happiness, and what you can do to improve it. How happy are you? How satisfied are you with your life?
Most of us want to be happy—or happier. But have you tried defining what happiness really means to you? Or have you tried talking to someone about it? It is not a straightforward answer and you may need to pause to think about it.
Happiness and life satisfaction are concepts that mean something different to each and every one of us. It’s subjective; based on your personal feelings. The scientific term to describe this is subjective well-being.
What is subjective well-being?
Professor Ed Diener, one of the world’s foremost subjective well-being researchers, defines it as “people’s cognitive and affective evaluations of their lives.” In layman’s terms, subjective well-being means thinking and feeling that your life is going very well.
What makes us think or believe that our life is going well?
How satisfied are you with your life, generally speaking, and about specific areas of your life, such as your work or your health?
This can feel like a super-charged reflection to go through on your own. Try using a visual tool, such as the Wheel of Life tool, to help you think about and score your satisfaction in the different areas of life. Does it look balanced? Are there obvious high points and low points, or are you relatively satisfied in most aspects of your life? In parallel, without overthinking it, what would you say about your overall life satisfaction at this point in time, on a scale from 1 (not at all satisfied) to 10 (it couldn’t get any better)? Does this overall rating fit with what you see on the wheel?
What makes us feel that our life is going well?
Are the feelings and emotions we experience pleasant (positive) or unpleasant (negative)? For example, joy is a positive emotion, while anger and guilt are negative ones.
Why is subjective well-being important?
Subjective well-being influences subjects such as physical health and mental health, not only at the individual level but through our relationships. The cumulative effect on the physical and mental health of individuals rolls up to have a significant impact on groups and organizations and communities as well.
Physical health and subjective well-being
Subjective well-being can have a direct impact on our physical health. Here are the most ground-breaking outcomes from studies:
Subjective well-being can protect against developing illnesses. Individuals with a more negative emotional style tend to have a poorer immune system and may be at more risk of illness than those with a positive emotional style.1 In addition, a tendency to experience positive emotions is associated with greater resistance to developing the common cold.2
Subjective well-being aids wound healing. Stress — a proxy for the opposite of well-being — can lead to slower wound healing. For example, wound healing can take 24 percent longer in those who are exposed to stress.3
Subjective well-being can undo the effects of negative emotions on health. Negative emotions generate increased cardiovascular activity, and positive emotions can undo harmful physiological effects by speeding physiological recovery to desirable levels.4
Mental health and subjective well-being
Mental health and subjective wellbeing are interlinked. Happy people report lower levels of mental health conditions, and individuals with low levels of mental health conditions report feeling happier.
Subjective wellbeing also influences the well-being, happiness, and mental health of others. Happiness can spread through social networks: people with happy social contacts are more likely to be happy themselves.5 Researchers theorize that the spread of happiness in social networks may be due to emotional contagion. In effect, people catch emotional states from those near to them, either emotionally or physically close.
Quality of life and subjective well-being
Subjective well-being is also important in the context of our quality of life. The way we perceive our emotional wellbeing and experiences directly impacts our quality of life. For example, individuals who feel satisfied with their lives, and who frequently experience positive feelings such as joy, contentment, hope, are more inclined to be seen as enjoying a high quality of life.
What are the causes of subjective well-being?
Diener and other researchers have identified several internal and external factors in people’s happiness.
Internal causes include:
- Inborn temperament and personality: Our genes and learned behaviors have an impact on our happiness. For example, you can inherit a trait like self-confidence, or you can rewire your brain to become more confident. This can help you experience the world around you in a more positive way, leading to higher subjective well-being.
- Outlook on life: Some people have a tendency to interpret things either positively or negatively. And, as we know, those with more positive thoughts and emotions experience higher subjective well-being.
- Adaptation and resilience: Things around us change all the time. Life events can influence an individual’s subjective well-being, driving an improvement or deterioration. Resilience and adaptation to these changes is a crucial component of subjective wellness, allowing individuals to return to their baseline levels of happiness.
External causes include:
- Material resources: Research shows that we need enough income to meet our basic needs, like food and housing. 6 Beyond meeting those needs, however, a higher amount of money does not increase happiness further.
- Social resources: A trusted and supportive network of friends, loved ones, and family is necessary for subjective wellness, though the amount of social contact needed to feel supported may vary.
- The circumstances in which you live: The society in which we live influences our happiness. Living in a society of war and hunger lowers levels of happiness, while living in an economically developed society, in peacetime, with good social resources and healthcare, increases levels of happiness. Similarly, a workplace that fosters belonging and inclusion will be associated with higher levels of happiness, while a toxic work environment will be associated with higher levels of stress and anxiety.
How do we measure subjective well-being?
Subjective well-being is often measured by self-report assessments of three types of happiness. Each is independent and should be measured separately. should be measured separately.
What are the types of happiness?
There are three main types of happiness:
1.High life satisfaction: High life satisfaction is when we think our life is great. For example, when we are in a great romantic relationship, we often feel more contentment from our family and friendships, and we love our work. Possible causes of this happiness include nurtured relationships, deep connections, and a job that we love and that pays well.
2.Frequent positive feelings: Frequent positive feelings happen when we enjoy life. For example, when we are able to see the little things and draw contentment and other positive feelings out of them. Possible causes of this happiness include supportive friends and family, a regular mindfulness practice, or a mindful approach to life.
3.Infrequent negative feelings: Infrequent negative feelings happen when you have very few concerns or worries and you rarely feel unpleasant emotions, such as anger. Possible causes to this happiness may include an alignment with your values and goals, and low neuroticism.
As you can see, there is not one single cause to happiness. Some people may experience the three types of happiness outlined above, some only one. For example, someone may enjoy life a lot, but also be prone to anxiety and stress.
Measuring subjective well-being
In the chart below are several different methods, scales, and questionnaires that are commonly used to measure each of the 3 components of subjective wellbeing.
|The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWL) questionnaire
|The Positive Affect Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) questionnaire
|The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ)
|The Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE)
|Experience Sampling Method (ESM)
|A random-interval written recording (often in a journal) of the respondent’s mood, feelings, emotions, and satisfaction over a period of time.
Like with any self-reported measures, there are concerns over the accuracy of the results given the number of factors that could influence us as we go through the questionnaire. For example, the environment we are in, our understanding of the scoring system or of the language used, or our mood when we take the questionnaire.
What are some tips to be happier?
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to be happier, as everyone may have different needs—but here are some common things others do to feel happier:
Clarify your core values
A Core Values Clarification exercise can help you clarify the things you hold most meaningful and important. Once we get clear on our values, we get clear on what is in alignment — or not — in our lives. The more aligned we are to our core values, the more it positively influences our happiness.
Broaden and build on your positive emotions
The Broaden-and-Build Theory shows that positive emotions expand our awareness and encourage us to think and behave in newer, more varied ways. Here’s how you can use it to be happier:
- At the end of a day, write down on a piece of paper all the positive emotions you felt. For example, joy, excitement, or appreciation.
- Which of these positive emotions do you feel often? Are there situations that prompt them?
- Which positive emotions do you not feel often, but would like to feel more? What situations could prompt them? Brainstorm realistic ways for you to feel these positive emotions more often.
Perform random acts of kindness
Research shows that the happiest people are often those who help others. Random acts of kindness make the receiver happy, and it makes you happy too! Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Buy a coffee for the person in line behind you at the coffee shop
- Send a heartfelt thank you note to a coworker
- Compliment someone
- Surprise your friends—get their favorite food delivered
There are many different ways to perform random acts of kindness. Find what works best for you.
Using positive affirmations daily is a simple yet powerful way to bring happiness into your life. Much of what makes us feel low stems from the negative chatter that runs through our mind daily. Positive affirmations shut down this chatter and give us a happiness boost. Over time and with repetition, your go-to thoughts will become more positive. Here’s how:
1.Write down a few positive affirmations. They must be written in the present tense and in the first person, with active words. For example, I am confident.
2.Set an intention to practice for 21 days.
3.Every morning, read your positive affirmations in front of a mirror, or you can read them out loud from sticky notes you’ve placed around your house.
Mindfulness is a quiet yet powerful technique that not only allows you to be more present in the moment, but also allows you to see negative thoughts as just that: thoughts. A regular mindfulness practice allows you to find anchors, such as the breath, to bring you back to a mindful state. Over time and with practice, this can come in handy for stressful situations. Here is an audio track, to get you started.
Do not underestimate the value of fun. And for the high achievers out there, know that having fun is time well spent. Sure, there are plenty of other things you could be doing, but spending time talking with a friend or doing a hobby has been shown to boost happiness.
Many studies show that when you engage in a physical activity, the happy hormones called endorphins are released. Exercise can take many forms, from a walk or a round of golf, to high-intensity interval training or kickboxing. Do what works best for you.
Learn to forgive
Anger, rage, and resentment can be consuming. They are strong emotions that can take over the body, physically and emotionally. It is natural to feel irritated and angry from time to time, but the irony is that if we hold on to anger, it will create more damage to us than the situation or person we are angry with.
The antidote to deeply felt anger is forgiveness: the decision to let go of feelings and resentment. You chose to forgive someone who has hurt you, though you may not condone what they have done. The deeper the anger and resentment are, the more you may need to repeat the process of forgiveness to cope with the negative memories and feelings.
Challenge your anger by asking yourself the following questions:
- Why am I hanging on to my anger? What value is it to me?
- How has the situation or person affected me, and have I become a victim of my anger because it has become part of who I am?
- What would happen if I exchange my anger for forgiveness? How would I feel within myself?
Final thoughts on subjective well-being
Our life satisfaction—or subjective well-being—is an important aspect of overall health and wellness. Take the time to consider your overall happiness, and what you can do to improve it. This may be a lot of little things, from positive affirmations and random acts of kindness, to bigger things, like picking up a new hobby or reconsidering your career trajectory. There’s no right or wrong approach to happiness, so do what works for you. Remember, happiness is subjective.
1 Barak (2006). The immune system and happiness.
2 Cohen, Doyle, Turner, Alper & Skoner (2003). Emotional style and susceptibility to the common cold.
3 Kiecolt-Glaser, Marucha, Malarkey, Mercado & Glaser (1995). Slowing of wound healing by psychological stress.
4 De Neve, Diener, Tay & Xuereb (2013). The objective benefits of Subjective Wellbeing.
5 Fowler & Christakis (2008). Dynamic spread of happiness in a large social network: longitudinal analysis over 20 years in the Framingham Heart Study.
6 Diener & Seligman, 2004. Beyond Money: Toward an economy of well-being. |
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Ducati is so associated with V-twins these days that it’s hard to remember that it was its bevel-drive overhead cam singles that were the proving ground for Fabio Taglioni’s famous desmodronic valvetrain. Any of these sporting 250cc, 350cc or 450cc singles from the 1960s are noted for crisp handling and crackling exhaust, and they don’t often get the credit they deserve.
The “desmo” setup permitted a 20 percent increase in engine revolutions by eliminating valve float, which occurs when a valve spring cannot close the valve quickly enough to complete the ignition cycle. Mercedes-Benz developed the first effective system for its W196 and 300SLR racers in the early 1950s, but never put it into street cars as it was an expensive piece of technology.
Taglioni has a long career at Ducati 1954-89 and almost immediately. For 1956, he developed a twin-cam, 125 cc desmo and an example went right out and won the Swedish GP, lapping the entire field at 12,500 rpm. A Grand Prix model was sold for the street until 1962 and remains a very rare sight today.
Over the following five years, Ducati sold a dizzying range of engine sizes and style, and this included two-strokes. The inclined cylinder, alloy case overhead cam single, though, was in production for almost 20 years and grew from 125 to 175 cc, then to 200 cc, and then 250/350/450 cc units. Road-going bikes used spring-valves from 1957-67 before the desmodromic valves were finally sold for the street.
The first sporting 250 cc Diana appeared in 1961, along with a touring version called the Monza and a Motocross version called the 250SCR in 1962. These followed the “narrow-case” design of 1957, in which the front and rear engine mounts are the same width. The Diana was a competent performer. It weighed just 265 lbs and could do 85 mph.
The Diana Mk 3 Super Sport came in 1963 with clip-on handlebars, racing guards and tires and a 5-speed gearbox. What really sold the Ducati name in the US, though, was the 250 Mach 1 of 1964, a bike that made 27 hp and could do 106 mph on a wildly optimistic 150 mph speedometer. Though the Mach 1 was discontinued in 1967, its highpoint was probably 1969, when Alastair Rogers won the 250 cc TT race in the Isle of Man at an average speed of 84.79 mph.
When shopping, it’s not a bad idea to avoid numerous less desirable touring and dirt bike configurations, including the Mountaineer 100, Cadet 100, Bronco 125, Monza 160/250, the 250GT, 250 SCR and 350 Sebring. All have underwhelming performance, dubious reliability, fragile kick-starts and unreliable electrics.
In 1968 the “wide case” 250 cc and 350 cc engines were introduced and remained in production until 1974. Engine mounts were set further apart, which stiffened up the frame, allowed for a larger sump and enabled stronger kick-start gears to be used.
Amid intense racing activity, the new single-cam desmo engine was made available and once you had pitched the strangling Silentium muffler, 99 mph was attainable on the 250 cc Mark 3 and 112 mph on the 350 cc Mark 3 version. Desmos are recognizable by the “D” on the side panels.
Ducati singles were made through 1974, with sprung valve engines sold alongside desmos. A 450 cc engine was introduced in 1969 and all models received bigger Marzocchi forks, Grimeca double-sided front brakes and Borrani alloy rims in 1971. That year saw the “Silver Shotgun”, so-called for its striking metal flake paint.
With a dizzying mix of models available through this period, it’s worth noting that the best buys are the narrow case 250 cc Diana MK III, 250 cc Mach 1, and wide-case 350 cc Mk III Desmo. Bikes with few leaks are best, as are the ones with the quietest running motors with easy starting and reliable idling.
Weak points are the narrow-case kick start mechanism and flywheel magneto ignition. Hard-to-find parts include Mk III megaphone, clip-ons, rear sets, Diana/Mach1 fuel tanks, jellymold fuel tanks, stock tire pumps, Veglia mechanical tachometers, factory flyscreens, tach mounts and tach drives. |
Harrison Sale McCloy Attorneys at Law Announces the Addition of DeAnna Turpen
Harrison Sale McCloy Attorneys at Law is proud to announce the addition of DeAnna Turpen as Commercial Closing Manager & Title Supervisor to our real estate division.
Turpen has had a comprehensive career in all aspects of real estate. She has worked as a title agent, a real estate agent, an escrow and closings officer and as a community association manager, CAM. She started her career in 1984 in Bay County and after extensive experience will now lead a team of six that includes paralegals, closing agents and other support staff at Harrison Sale McCloy, HSMc.
“We are glad that we have DeAnna on our real estate team. She has over 30 years of experience and throughout her career she has consistently demonstrated expertise and dedication to lead closing teams and provided excellent customer service to clients,” said Franklin Harrison, Founding Partner and chair of the firm’s real estate department.
Turpen’s responsibilities will include managing the real estate departments and closings in all the HSMc Offices in Panama City, Santa Rosa Beach and Destin, Florida.
Harrison Sale McCloy Attorneys at Law has offices in Panama City, Santa Rosa Beach and Destin. Their areas of practice include Business & Commercial Law, Civil & Commercial Litigation, Employment Law, Family Law, Health & Hospital Law, Insurance Defense, Local Government, Mediation and Dispute Resolution, Probate & Estate Planning, Real Estate & Land Use and Wealth Preservation. Since 1984 Harrison Sale McCloy has represented and advised businesses, local government and individuals throughout Northwest Florida. For more information, visit www.HSMcLAW.com
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Panama City, FL 32402
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Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459
35008 Emerald Coast Parkway, Suite 500
Destin, FL 32541 |
Founded in 1890, Hansen Bros. Moving & Storage has successfully weathered many history-changing events including the Great Seattle Fire, WWI, the Spanish Flu of 1918, the Great Depression, WWII, the 2008 recession, and 9/11 among many other public crises. The health & safety of our customers, staff, service providers, and local community are paramount and we continue to adhere to all directives from local, state, and federal government agencies.
Although many unknowns still remain, rest assured that Hansen Bros. will be timely and transparent in our communications regarding servicing your moving & storage needs. Our professional relocation consultants will work diligently to offer creative solutions in the event your project is impacted by the current health crisis.
All Hansen Bros. Employees are instructed and expected to follow the guidelines provided by the CDC. This includes:
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The team at Hansen Bros. is proud to continue offering our wide range of services in accordance with the necessary precautions outlined above. Whether you are planning to move your household or business down the street, across the country, or around the world, we’re here to make the process seamless & safe for you, just as we’ve done for well over a century!~Hansen Bros. Moving & Storage |
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Simulator Of Pyrotechnics 4 Mod APK Info
Simulador De Pirotecnia 4 Gameplay
In "Simulador De Pirotecnia 4," players can experience realistic fireworks displays and create their own pyrotechnic shows. The gameplay involves selecting from a variety of fireworks, designing the sequence of the show, and setting it off to watch the dazzling display unfold. Players can experiment with different effects, colors, and patterns to create spectacular fireworks shows. The goal is to entertain virtual crowds and earn points for successful shows. Overall, "Simulador De Pirotecnia 4" offers an immersive and creative experience for players who enjoy fireworks and pyrotechnics.
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Simulador De Pirotecnia 4 is a simulation game that allows players to experience the excitement of working with fireworks and creating breathtaking displays. The game features realistic graphics and physics, providing a lifelike simulation of pyrotechnic effects. Players can design their own firework shows with a variety of different types of fireworks, colors, and effects to choose from. They can also control the timing and synchronization of the fireworks to create stunning visual displays. In addition, the game includes challenges and missions to test players' skills in creating impressive firework shows. Players can also share their creations with others and compete for high scores. Overall, Simulador De Pirotecnia 4 offers an immersive and exciting experience for anyone interested in fireworks and pyrotechnics.
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"Simulador de Pirotecnia 4" is a simulation game where players can design and set off virtual fireworks displays. In order to remove ads from the game, players may need to purchase a premium version or upgrade within the game. Ads are typically displayed to generate revenue for the developers, but removing them can provide a more seamless and uninterrupted gaming experience.
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Co-parenting journey through transition | Alexandra Heminsley on Happy Mum Happy Baby: The Podcast
Author and journalist Alexandra Heminsley’s family set-up isn’t quite what she thought it would be when her son was born. Alexandra, aka Hemmo, conceived her son via IVF and when he was 6 months old, her world flipped on its axis when her then-husband came out as a trans woman. But the strength of their relationship meant that even though their marriage ended, they were able to become best friends and incredible co-parents.
Alexandra’s story and journey into parenthood is about so much more than her co-parent’s journey through transition and how that impacted the shape of their family. Her book Some Body to Love explores the depths of her experience and is an “open-hearted memoir about losing her husband but gaining a best friend, and together bringing up a baby in a changing world. It’s an exploration of what it means to have a human body, to feel connected or severed from it, and how we might learn to accept our own.”
Sitting down with Gi, there was so much to unpick. Alexandra explained that she had always wanted to be a Mum but that difficulty conceiving and experiences of miscarriage led to her going through the fairly “brutal” process of IVF. She said: “It’s really brutal, you know it’s hyper stimulation to make you sort of over ovulate and I think the thing that I found really challenging was that I sort of lost sight of what was going on and what was a hormonal response. Some days I’d be really sad and it was like am I allowed to own this? Can i just be really anxious about never having a child? Or is it just hormones and I should just assume that it will flow out of my body at some point? So I sort of lost a bit of connection with myself in that respect.”
Her son was the last of the embryos gathered via the IVF process. Because this pregnancy was a “last chance saloon” Alexandra was keen to make sure the pregnancy was viable so they paid to have a Harmony test and a lab results mix-up meant she was (incorrectly) told she didn’t share any DNA with her baby. She said: “I just felt like someone had thrown a bucket of cold water down my back because if you’d got pregnant “normally” – I mean it’s not that’s not the kindest word to use but you know what I mean – you would just laugh, you’d say “well of course it is” but with IVF, the possibilities are exponential. It could have been that it [the baby] didn’t share DNA with me but it might have shared DNA with my ex or it could have been somebody else’s baby entirely”. Despite eventually finding out that the baby she was carrying was hers, this experience took away so much of the joy Alexandra felt she was supposed to have around being pregnant and bringing a baby into the world.
Then, two weeks before her son was born, when she was almost nine months pregnant, Alexandra was sexually assaulted on a train. This, too, hugely impacted the way she felt about the later stages of her pregnancy and again, removed so much of the joy and positivity that is “supposed” to come with being pregnant. At a time when she just “wanted to be looking at Pinterest boards about baby mobiles”, she was having to deal with trauma and making decisions about going to court.
When her son arrived, “I just felt like I’d known him for a thousand years. It was that feeling of “oh hi, it’s you”. It felt like he’d always been there. I was very taken aback by that and the sense of already knowing him that I had was really profound.”
To hear more of Alexandra’s incredible chat with Gi, check out the video below, or listen to the episode wherever you usually find your podcasts. We’re in all of the regular places! Listen to all other episodes of Happy Mum Happy Baby here. |
Available at Hardrock CBD and Nunawading
We have heaps of lead climbing at both our venues, with a wide range of grades (from 12 to 29+) to suit all levels of ability!
Our CBD venue has a total of 28 lead walls up to 16 metres high, 8 of which are 'lead only', meaning they are on terrain only available to leaders.
Nunawading has a total of 21 lead walls up to 14 metres high, 9 of which are 'lead only'; including our massive roof (18m long climb), and the amazing articulating wall (which is a hydraulically adjustable overhang!).
To lead climb at Hardrock we require all climbers and belayers to complete a Lead Climbing Assessment.
Note that we expect leaders to have a high level of competence, so please only attempt the Assessment if you are already an experienced lead climber.
Alternatively if you would like to learn to lead climb, sign up for a Lead Course.
When to book?
We offer Lead Assessments:
CBD: Wednesdays 5:15pm - 8:15pm
For assessments outside these times or to be assessed at our Nunawading venue, please contact our administration team at [email protected]
There is no cost associated with the assessment, apart from your entry fee for the night (applicable irrespective of whether or not you choose to climb before or after). To book in an assessment for our CBD venue, please click here.
What do you need
You will need a climbing partner (who is either also being assessed OR has previously been assessed).
Participants are required to supply all their own equipment, except belay device (available to borrow, free of charge) and quickdraws (which are pre-placed on the walls); Hardrock does not have Lead harnesses or ropes available for hire.
Note that we have restrictions on what equipment may be used. Check the attachment at the bottom of the page for full details.
As of 15/11/2018 the Black Diamond ATC Pilot is the only device we permit for lead belaying. More information on this can be found here.
Climbers under 18
To attend a lead assessment you must be over 18 years old (unless approved by the Hardrock Climbing head coach) |
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The following information is provided by Eagle River Energy Advisors LLC. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to Eagle River. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.
Eagle River Energy Advisors LLC has been exclusively retained by a private seller to divest certain nonoperated working interest, overriding royalty interest (ORRI) and mineral assets in the Arkoma Basin in Oklahoma.
The assets provide the opportunity, according to Eagle River, to acquire a gas-weighted production stream of 436 Mcfe/d diversified with 40 PDP wells across Hughes County, Oklahoma. Additionally, the package has stable production with an average well age of 4.5 years and is projected to make $814,000 in net cash flow over the next 12 months. Lastly, the asset provides a shallow decline of 10% with low operating costs of $0.35/Mcfe.
Bids are due at 4 p.m. MT on Dec. 14. The transaction effective date is Jan. 1. A virtual data room will be available starting Nov. 16. For information contact Chris Martina, technical director at Eagle River, at 720-726-6092 or [email protected]. |
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