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A recent study found that gratitude not only helps to improve how we feel, but it also appears create a healthier heart (A Grateful Heart is a Healthier Heart). In the same study, gratitude was also associated with improved sleep and less fatigue.
Positive psychology has long recognized the frequent practice of gratitude as a technique to help boost happiness and well-being. This gratitude worksheet is intended to kick off a quick and fun gratitude session using simple sentence completion that's appropriate for all ages. We suggest using this worksheet as a group icebreaker, or as a prompt for further discussion. Be sure to discuss the benefits of practicing daily gratitudes!
1. A Grateful Heart is a Healthier Heart. (2015, April 9). Retrieved January 3, 2019, from https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2015/04/grateful-heart. |
The statue of Sir Thomas Elder (1818–97) in front of Elder Hall commemorates an outstanding benefactor to both the University of Adelaide and the South Australian community.
This wealthy businessman, pastoralist and parliamentarian facilitated the establishment and growth of South Australia’s first university through his generous donations totalling around £100 000, an extraordinary amount in the nineteenth century. From 1874 to his death in 1897, Elder endowed chairs in mathematics, general science and music, made substantial contributions to a school of medicine and funded prizes in physiology. Elder was passionate about music. In 1883 he funded an annual scholarship for South Australian students to the Royal College of Music in London and he bequeathed £20 000 for the building of a school of music (later the Elder Conservatorium of Music).
Soon after Elder’s death, Adelaide merchant George Wilcox began organising within business and government circles for a statue to commemorate his life and work. This led to prominent people gathering in the Mayor’s Reception Room of Adelaide Town Hall on 28 March 1898 to discuss Wilcox’s proposal. The meeting was chaired by Governor Buxton who praised the generosity and community spirit evident in Elder’s donations to education, the sick, the aged, music, churches and art. He noted that Elder was responsible for introducing the camel to South Australia, which had proved invaluable in exploration and settlement.
Chief Justice Sir Samuel Way observed that a statue commemorating Sir Thomas Elder would add to the city’s small number of public sculptures. Sir Edwin Smith MLC concurred, suggesting a location on North Terrace in front of the University of Adelaide would not only recognise the major donations Elder had made to the university, but also constitute one of several possible statues along the thoroughfare. A motion by Way, ‘That it is desirable to recognise the munificence and public services to this province of the late Sir Thomas Elder, G.C.M.G., by the erection of a statue in his honor’, was passed with acclaim.
A committee was formed to raise funds and to commission the statue. This large group included notables such as Postmaster-General Sir Charles Todd, the Bishop of Adelaide, Mayor Charles Tucker, members of parliament and leading businessmen. An executive committee consisting of Wilcox, Way, Smith, John Darling MP, lawyer and businessman AG Downer, and businessmen H Muecke and David Murray agreed to coordinate activities.
The estimated cost of the statue was £1500 or about 1% of the amount that Elder had bequeathed to various organisations in his will. Money was raised through donations and a ‘grand musical fete’ held in the Jubilee Exhibition Building on 3 September 1898. The fete was reported to be ‘one of the most important and complete concerts yet held in the city’ and featured the Conservatorium Grand Orchestra, the Orpheus Society, the Adelaide Choral Society, the Adelaide Liedertafel and solo artists. The governor was received with a fanfare of trumpets.
James White, a prominent Sydney sculptor, approached the committee with a view to creating the statue. White was a fervent advocate of commissions for public statuary being awarded to Australian artists. However, Sir Samuel Way rejected his proposal as ‘impudent’ (Cameron, p31). Way favoured some ‘competent’ English sculptor. The committee agreed and English sculptor Alfred Drury (1856–1954) was chosen through South Australia’s agent-general in London.
Drury took some time to complete the statue because of other commissions marking the coronation of King Edward VII. The 2.86m high bronze statue of Elder finally arrived in Adelaide on the SS Wilcannia on 9 June 1903. The imported 3.76m high pedestal of Aberdeen marble, which cost £266 and was ‘the gift of an anonymous donor’, had been erected on the lawn in front of the Elder Conservatorium of Music in 1902 (Cameron, p35; Advertiser, 30 July 1903).
The statue was unveiled on 29 July 1903 by Governor Le Hunte at a ‘gala occasion’ with numerous prominent citizens attending. A choir of students from the conservatorium sang the ‘National Anthem’ and the ‘Song of Australia’. Sir George Ruthven Le Hunte outlined the life and times of Elder. Premier John Jenkins said it was not necessary to expand on Elder’s virtues as ‘the city of Adelaide would be barren of many of its adornments had it not been for his princely generosity’. To which Sir Edwin Smith, the statue committee’s treasurer, added that Elder ‘had probably done more than any other man to build up a nation under the Southern Cross’.
Facing away from Elder Hall and the university, Sir Thomas Elder looks imperiously across a small lawn to North Terrace. While his pose was said to be in keeping with the man, the statue’s prominence is less so – Elder never married and was said to be a retiring fellow, not one who sought the limelight. As well as bearing a very simple plaque inscribed with the barest details of Elder, the pedestal features three bronze friezes. Various interpretations have been made of them. Perhaps the frieze on the eastern side shows the muses with ‘Painting, Music and Literature in foreground and Sculpture peeping from behind’ (Cameron, p35). The western frieze shows a female figure holding a model of the university’s Mitchell Building, flanked by a mother and child, and the figure of Medicine, which may symbolise ‘the giving of today’s children to the care of the university, producing the esteemed professionals of the future’ (Cameron, p35). The northern frieze depicts inland exploration with a camel train.
Advertiser, 28 March 1898, ‘The Elder Statue’, p4
Advertiser, 29 March 1898, ‘The late Sir Thomas Elder’, p6
Advertiser, 26 July 1898, ‘Elder Memorial Fund’, p4
Advertiser, 5 September 1898, ‘The Elder Statue Fund’, p7
Advertiser, 15 August 1902, ‘The Elder Statue’, p4
Advertiser, 3 June 1903, ‘The Elder Statue’, p4
Advertiser, 10 June 1903, ‘The Elder Statue’, p4
Advertiser, 28 July 1903, ‘The late Sir Thomas Elder’, p5
Advertiser, 30 July 1903, ‘The late Sir Thomas Elder’, p6
Cameron, Simon, Silent witnesses: Adelaide’s statues and monuments (Adelaide: Wakefield Press, 1997)
South Australian Register, 9 March 1898, ‘The Late Sir Thomas Elder’, p5
South Australian Register, 3 September 1898, ‘Grand Musical Fete’, p6
State Library of South Australia, SRG 689, Elder Statue Trust Fund Committee, 1899–1903 |
In essence, blackheads develop because the hair follicles on the skin get clogged. The imbalance causes oil glands to manufacture excessive oil which might clog the hair follicle to result in blackheads. That is why the majority of teenagers and young woman suffer from this problem. Blackheads are considered as a mild type of acne resulting from clogging the hair follicles. It could impact any kind of skin, but are most common on those with oily skin. If you do not control this problem, it might cause severe acne on the affected body parts.
Blackheads could be found on the noses and even in the ears. This article will focus on blackheads in ear. There are many causes of blackheads in ear and the most common are:
- Excessive dead skin cells
- Inappropriate routine for cleaning the ear
- Excessive production of skin oil
- Presence of propionibacterium acnes on the ear
- Hormonal changes
So how to get rid of blackheads in ear fast and naturally without using medication? Honestly, removing blackheads in ear is considered one of the hardest job due to the location of the blackheads. If you just have a blackhead on the nose, you could easily use a comodone extractor to make it go away. However, it is hard to apply with blackheads in ear. Despite it is harder to remove blackheads in ear, it does not mean that is impossible. Here, we from WikiYeah.com will help you figure out how to pop blackheads in ear and how to get rid of blackheads in ear fast, naturally and permanently using simple ways. Check them out below!
Some Facts About Blackheads In Ear
- Blackheads will not disappear over time
- Blackheads are not dirt, so scrubbing them with soap will not help
- Blackheads will return if they are not treated appropriately
- Getting rid of blackheads is possible
How To Get Rid Of Blackheads In Ear – 7 Home Remedies
You should not use fingers to pop blackheads in ear. Hands may transmit germs, resulting in bacterial infection and worsen the problem. Zits, blackheads and pimples in ear could be eliminated quickly by using the following home remedies.
1. Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide possesses both anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective for keeping pimples, zits and blackheads from swelling.
- Gentle face wash
- A cotton cloth
- Rubbing alcohol
- Facial tissues or latex gloves
- Swabs or cotton pads
- Benzoyl peroxide
- Use the gently face wash to cleanse your ears. This will help your ears get rid of oil, dirt, and dead skin cells which may obstruct your view of blackheads.
- After that, rinse your ear well with warm water
- Soak the cloth in warm water and compress it. Press the cloth on your blackheads in ear for a few minutes to soften the blackheads
- Soak a cotton pad in alcohol and thoroughly apply it over your blackheads to provide a clean surface for the benzoyl peroxide to work on.
- Wrap the tissues around your index fingers, then put gentle pressure on either side of your ear blackheads. Press down and up to squeeze out the material that blocks the pores. After completing, you wipe off the material using a cotton pad.
- Wash your ear thoroughly and dry it out. Apply benzoyl peroxide acne cream over to help the pore heal. Do not allow bacteria to enter it.
2. Tea Tree Oil
For those who are looking for alternative home remedies for blackheads in ear, try this tea tree oil remedy. Thanks to the antibacterial properties, tea tree oil is effective in disinfecting the pores and easily dries out blackheads.
- 10-12 drops of tea tree oil
- A cotton ball
- Soak the cotton ball into the tea tree oil
- Squeeze excess oil before placing it over your blackheads in ear
- The next morning, discard that cotton ball and use a damp towel to wipe your ear
- Reapply this method for 1 week to get rid of blackheads in ear permanently.
3. Lemon Juice
Being a great source of citric acid – a natural alpha hydroxyl acid, lemon juice is useful in exfoliating your skin and removing the impurities that cause bacteria. You can use lemon juice for blackheads in ear removal.
- Lemon juice of half a lemon
- A bowl
- A cotton ball
- ¼ teaspoon of water
- Dilute the cotton ball in the bowl of lemon juice mixed with prepared water
- Soak a cotton ball in that solution and squeeze it out
- Apply the soaked cotton ball on your blackheads in ear
- Let it dry naturally
- Wash off the application with water by scrubbing the area gently.
- Repeat this process for 3 days to get good results
You can also use boiled milk mixed with lemon juice as an alternative method for the above.
4. Baking Soda
Baking soda is very versatile when it comes to home remedies. This homemade exfoliant can also help balance the pH levels of the skin.
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda
- ½ teaspoon of water
- Take a small bowl to add baking soda in, then followed by water to create a thick paste
- Apply the paste over your blackheads and massage gently in circular motions using your finger tips.
- Let it dry for 5 minutes
- Rinse it off with tepid water before patting the skin dry
- Repeat the process for 3 – 4 days till your blackheads in ear completely disappear.
5. Warm Compress
In regard to learning how to get rid of blackheads in ear fast and naturally, don’t skip warm compress remedy. This simple treatment can do great work if you apply properly.
- A wash cloth
- 1 cup of water
- Boil 1 cup of water and soak a washcloth into
- Remove the washcloth out and squeeze out the excess water
- Apply the warm washcloth compress onto your blackheads in ear for about 10 minutes
- Apply this method 3 times per day to get rid of blackheads in ear naturally
6. Rubbing Alcohol
How to get rid of blackheads in ear quickly? Use alcohol. This can help sterilize the impacted area, kill the bacteria causing blackheads. Apply this method at night.
- 1 teaspoon of alcohol
- A cotton ball
- Take a clean cotton ball
- Saturate the ball with the prepared rubbing alcohol, squeeze out the excess fluid
- The next morning, discard the ball and wash it off with water
- Follow this routine 3 days to remove blackheads
7. Blackhead Extractor
Another tip on how to get rid of blackheads in ear effectively is using blackhead extractor. This is considered an almost instant remedy to try.
- A tool of blackhead tool
- ½ teaspoon of rubbing alcohol
- A cotton ball
- Benzoyl peroxide cream
- Cleanse and exfoliate your ear area
- Use rubbing alcohol to sterilize the blackhead extractor tool
- Firmly press the loop side of the tool on your blackheads in order to release the purities
- Clean the extractor by using a cotton ball that is soaked in the rubbing alcohol
- Do not press too strongly because it may worsen the problem
- Apply benzoyl peroxide over your affected area to prevent the further formation of blackheads
- Repeat this process a few times to get rid of blackheads in ear
What Not To Do When Removing Blackheads In Ear
- Do not touch the blackheads with your dirty hands because it results in skin infection
- Avoid squeezing the blackheads because it may worsen the problem
- Do not scratch and scrape the blackheads using your nails because it may cause skin scarring
- Avoid those oil-based skin care products because oily skin is also a main cause of blackheads
- Cut down the intake of carbohydrate -rich foods and dairy to prevent the further formation of blackheads |
(FROM SUBREDDIT spirituality)
If I can explain more by using examples it might make more sense. So, let's say earlier today you get in a small fender bender, you rear end a minivan at a stop light but going at a pretty slow speed. You regret it, but it's over and done with. You go to sleep, and you have a dream you've got your foot down on the gas doing 55 and you plow a cyclist off of the road and you wake up in a sweat.
Now, when we go back over the relativity of what the dream was versus what is reality you can see that the dream was a frightening enhancement of what you've experienced. It's an extreme circumstance that has never happened, but internally you really dread that this would be the case. So, the subconscious mind is looking at this terrible behavior to remind you and warn you about the seriousness of this situation and you learn to be cautious from it and you try to protect yourself and others more. That's one of the main functions of our subconscious, protection (it is more complex than that, for instance protecting you from blocking your own path, etc.)
Your deep fear is that there may be pain and suffering in death, his, yours, anyone's. It is only the recent event that triggered the image. The fear was already there. Being lost already existed as an idea. These are the real ideas you need to conquer. In the dream you were the one feeling lost, he was really just suffering. At least, that's how I interpreted your explanation. Even if you word it differently. |
Currently on backorder. Copies available in the new year.
by Ryan Hendrix, Kari Zweber Palmer, Nancy Tarshis, Michelle Garcia Winner
For use with ages 4-7.
Buying Tip: We Thinkers! Volume 2 picks up where Volume 1 left off. The teaching across the We Thinkers series is sequential and concepts build upon each other, therefore it is important that We Thinkers Volume 1 be used before moving on to We Thinkers Volume 2. Explore We Thinkers Volume 1 here. The new Group Collaboration, Play and Problem Solving (GPS) framework included in We Thinkers Volume 2 will revolutionise the way you teach “social” to young children.
The Curriculum/Deluxe package contains
- A curriculum book with lessons and full research review
- Five storybooks presenting core Social Thinking concepts
- Our new Group Collaboration, Play and Problem Solving (GPS) framework
- And a free tote bag!
About We Thinkers Volume 2
In We Thinkers! Volume 2 we delve deeper into how to figure out the social clues to share space, interact, and regulate emotions. We use the term “social executive functioning” to discuss that we are helping children learn to better self-regulate their behaviour and emotions when sharing space or interacting with others. Social executive functioning is used in the classroom when sitting in a group to learn, it’s used when running onto the playground to play with others, and kids use it to figure out how to join a play group that’s pretending to be pirates. It involves surveying a social situation, understanding what the group is doing, considering others’ ideas, having enough flexibility (in thoughts and behaviour) to ride out the shifts and changes that may occur, negotiating roles, turns, or positions, and self-regulating to keep emotions, actions and reactions under control when problems arise.
Social executive functioning is a tall order for our early learners (especially for kids with social emotional learning challenges). Volume 2 Social Problem Solvers curriculum breaks down these complex concepts into smaller, teachable segments that kids can understand and presents them in an organised curriculum from which adults can teach synergistic concepts in a step-by-step manner.
Excellent teaching curriculum for all students in a mainstream setting and with deeper lessons geared to students with social learning challenges.
Download our two fidelity checklists to guide teaching.
About the Five Storybooks
These story books come with the curriculum/deluxe package.
Colorful illustrations and fun storybook adventure themes stimulate children’s curiosity and imagination and engage them in learning five new Social Thinking concepts. Storybooks 1-5 were taught in Volume 1, Volume 2 starts with Storybook 6. Because the concepts are more complex in Volume 2, authors provide suggestions and page references for teaching the storybooks in segments. Each storybook has a short introduction to the adult about the Social Thinking concept and how to use the book.
- Storybook 6 – Hidden Rules and Expected and Unexpected Behaviours (Pirate Adventure)
- Storybook 7 – Smart Guess (Mystery Adventure)
- Storybook 8 – Flexible and Stuck Thinking (Ice Cream Shop Adventure)
- Storybook 9 – Size of the Problem (Dinosaur Birthday Party)
- Storybook 10 – Sharing an Imagination (Park Adventure)
Extra copies of the story books available here. You will need a password to access the product and you can call us on (02) 5105 5262 for that.
About the Curriculum Book
Users of Volume 1 will find a similar structure to the curriculum units included in Volume 2. The book opens with an introduction that explores the evidence behind the curriculum, discusses social executive functioning, self-regulation, social problem solving, and the importance of play and the many skills learned through play. Each Social Thinking concept has its own teaching unit that includes discussion, teaching moment guidelines and structured teaching activities that give kids the practice they need. Authors also include rubrics for assessing how children are learning the concepts, ideas for goal writing, links to the Common Core/state standards, and family letters to send home to parents/caregivers.
About We Thinkers! GPS Book
Children play and interact—the Social Thinking concepts and skills we’re teaching in Volume 2 aren’t meant to be used just when children are in the classroom, clinic or therapy room. In this groundbreaking new addition to Volume 2, we focus on interactive play skills through introducing our new Group Collaboration, Play and Problem Solving (GPS) framework to teach children how to take all the good social abilities they’re learning through the storybooks and curriculum units and generalize them to their interactions with others in the classroom, on the playground, at home and in the community.
The GPS book includes a research review, discusses the importance of interactive play as the foundation for later learning, and offers our brand new GPS tools that help adults widen their perspectives and teaching know-how in providing differentiated instruction and treatment plans. The book introduces our new five-level GPS Play Scale and its related GPS Observation Tools (checklist and scoring forms). Once we know children’s starting play level, we demonstrate how professionals and parents can tailor their teachings to build guided interactive play lessons. The second half of the book offers differentiated interactive play activities for GPS play levels 2-5 for each of the five Social Thinking concepts introduced in the storybooks and curriculum units. This is where parents and professionals tune into how to help play truly come alive for our kids! Check out our free article on why we created our GPS Scale, checklists and differentiated interactive play activities.
A USB Drive is included that contains core teaching materials from the curriculum and the GPS book.Download for easy-opening instructions here.
Plus a Free Tote Bag to keep This 7 Book Deluxe Set together!
The five storybooks, curriculum book, and GPS book come packaged in a handy canvas tote for safe-keeping. It’s free when you purchase the We Thinkers! Volume 2 Social Problem Solvers Deluxe Package.
- Ages: 4-7
- Authors: Ryan Hendrix, Kari Zweber Palmer, Nancy Tarshis, Michelle Garcia Winner.
- Publisher: Think Social Publishing
- Format: Paperback
- Item: 4011 |
Students from Voznesenka and Sterling elementary schools work last Friday on a simulated construction project at the bottom of the pool at Kenai Central High School. The bilingual field trip was the grand finale of a cooperative effort between the two schools.
Photo by M. Scott Moon
Astronauts who train at the Johnson Space Center in Houston have access to cutting-edge technology developed by top engineers and scientists. Two peninsula schools are anything but light years behind that training and they have the enthusiasm that goes with it.
To feel what it's like to walk in space, the National Aeronautics Space Administration developed the Neutral Buoyancy Tank, a training pool large enough to hold a life-size replica of the International Space Station. In it, trainees practice repairing the station and test new equipment. The astronauts also train with Russian cosmonauts because the two nations work together on the space station. NASA trainee and Sterling elementary sixth-grade teacher Allan Miller wanted to give his students these experiences.
His class has been conducting experiments in science and communication with space in mind. In December, Miller's class connected with the Russian Old Believer school Voznesenka. Miller's class met with the Voznesenka students to learn more about Russian culture and language. Miller at least wanted his students to learn some fundamental Russian letters, numbers, colors and some phrases. The next meetings were practicing satellite communication, a video conference with NASA astronaut Bryan Palaszewski from the Glenn Research Center in Cleveland Ohio, and a rocket-building exercise led by Challenger Center Flight Director Tamra Wear. Any way you cut it, the kids have learned from the experts.
The students had to recall what they learned at the latest installment of the curriculum at the Kenai pool, an underwater simulation of the microgravity environment of space like the Neutral Bouyancy Tank.
Just like the astronauts, students strapped on SCUBA gear to get into character. The task for the dive was to construct an air lock underwater using what limited communication they could, using planned hand signals. The integrated teams worked together much like the NASA training exercises Miller is familiar with.
Fifty kids went through the dive exercise and received professional advice from Dive Alaska instructor Scott Anderson. Sterling sixth-grader Trevor Steger said he had to concentrate on his breathing while diving.
"I had to breathe out of my nose to stabilize the pressure of my goggles that were sucking at my eyes. It's also hard to walk in fins," he said.
Whatever the students take away from these experiences, it's difficult to imagine they could ever forget them.
Wear said Miller is inspired to conduct memorable classes by all the teamwork done between NASA an the Russian Space Agency.
"Knowing Russian and crossing over is important to him because it happens in space all the time. It's the communication among everyone and learning each other's cultures that has been good for them. It's really cool," she said.
Miller said a crucial part of the exercises had been learning how to effectively communicate. In the weeks leading up to the microgravity task, Voznesenka and Sterling students communicated regularly by phone and e-mail as they prepared themselves for the training to follow. Then, when they met for the dive, the kids practiced with hand signals to communicate underwater.
Sixth-grade Voznesenka student Julian Polushkin said putting together the simulated air lock was not so difficult because his team figured out how to communicate before they strapped on the SCUBA gear.
"After we put the airlock together, we had to swim through it. My group figured out all the hand signals before, so it was not that difficult," he said.
Voznesenka teacher Elaine Chalup said the two classes got to know one another quickly.
"This has to be the highlight. They look forward to seeing each other every time. They are realizing they have the ability to work as a team," Chalup said.
Justin Covy, a Sterling sixth -grader, said the experience has paid off.
"This was a good opportunity to learn how to learn about Russian culture and to read Russian symbols. It's been fun working with these guys."
Peninsula Clarion ©2014. All Rights Reserved. |
The legal framework for the regulation and promotion of aquaculture in Spain consists of several legal instruments, amongst which outstand the Constitution of Spain, Law N°20/1942 for Promotion and Conservation of Riverine Fisheries (Ley Nº 20/1942 de Fomento y Conservación de la Pesca Fluvial
, Law Nº 23 /1984 on Marine Aquaculture
(Ley Nº 23 /1984 de Cultivos Marinos
) and Law Nº 22/1988 on the Coastline (Ley Nº 22/1988 de Costas
. The main objectives of these legal instruments are:
- Law Nº 23/1984 on Marine Aquaculture: “the regulation and ordering of marine aquaculture within the national territory, the coastal land zone, estuaries, coastal lagoons either temporarily or permanently open to the sea, territorial sea, and exclusive economic zone; either regarding public or private property, without affecting the competence and faculties assumed by the Autonomous Communities”.
- Law Nº 22/1988 on the Coastline: “the boundaries, protection, use and patrol of the public sea border, particularly the marine coastline”.
Notwithstanding, in agreement with the dispositions of Article 148.1.11 of the Constitution of Spain, the Autonomous Communities exert exclusive competence in inland waters, harvesting of shellfish, aquaculture, hunting and riverine fisheries. It may be pointed out that the following Autonomous Communities have taken responsibility on aquaculture and shellfish harvesting: Galicia, Andalucía, Valencia, Islas Baleares, Cantabria, País Vasco, Cataluña, Asturias, Murcia, Islas Canarias, Aragón, Castilla-León, Castilla La Mancha y Extremadura
The legal instruments issued by the National Government on marine and inland aquaculture regulation have a general and supplementary character, since as has been mentioned, Autonomous Communities apply their own regulation.
The National Government, through the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA - Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación
dictates and executes the general principles on agrarian, fisheries and food principles. It also has coordinating and representation functions through the General Secretariat of Marine Fisheries coordinating and representation functions through the General Secretariat of Marine Fisheries (SGPM). It should also be mentioned that such General Secretariat is responsible for the application of the European regulations as well as of those imposed by multilateral organisms of which Spain is a member.
The Advisory Board on Marine Aquaculture (JACUMAR - Junta Asesora de Cultivos Marinos)
, is another organisation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food created by Law Nº 23/1984 of Marine Aquaculture
(Ley Nº 23/1984 de Cultivos Marinos
) and is constituted by the General Secretariat of Marine Fisheries, the Councils of the Autonomous Communities, as well as by representative organisations of the aquaculture production sector. One of the main tasks of this organisation is to facilitate the coordination of the activities of the Autonomous Communities and to follow-up the National Plans. Law Nº 23/1984 on Marine Aquaculture
(Ley Nº 23/1984 de Cultivos Marinos
) regulates the formulation of National Plans, which have to be carried out jointly between the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Autonomous Communities. The latter are responsible for their execution as per their mandate. National Plans consist of actions leading to foster and promote the development of marine aquaculture within the national territory; having as objectives either research, development and innovation as well as any other activity related to aquaculture and whose execution is considered as essential for the harmonic development of aquaculture.
The Regulation and Organisation Marketing Fund for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products (FROM - Fondo de Regulación y Organización del Mercado de los Productos de la Pesca y Cultivos Marinos
, is another autonomous organisation created by Law Nº 33/1980 (Ley Nº 33/1980
, under the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Marine Aquaculture (MAPA), and is responsible for the development and promotion of aquaculture in Spain. Its main tasks are to promote consumption of fisheries products and to provide technical or financial assistance to associations, cooperatives and enterprises within the sector.
The Spanish Oceanographic Institute (IEO - Instituto Español de Oceanografía
) , is another important autonomous organisation linked to aquaculture. In agreement with Law Nº 3/2001 on State Marine Fisheries (Ley Nº 3/2001 de Pesca Marítima del Estado
) , the IEO is the institution in charge of research and advice on sectorial fisheries policy.
The concept of “aquaculture” is stated in the Constitution of Spain, though other terms are also expressed and mentioned, such as: “marine cultivation”, “mariculture” and “marine aquaculture”. However, sectorial legislation utilises the term “marine cultivation”. Such is the case of the State Law Nº 23/1984 on Marine Cultivation
(Ley estatal Nº 23/1984 de Cultivos Marinos
) and in the autonomous norms.
The definition of marine aquaculture is established by Law Nº 23/1984 on Marine Cultivation, which states that “marine cultivation are all actions and appropriate works required for the reproduction or growth of one or several species of plants or animals or their association thereof”.
The autonomous legislation regulates shellfish harvesting activities and the marine cultivation following the State policy. There are also some legal regulations such as the Asturian
, that have added to the concept of marine cultivation that of “algae-culture” which refers to the growing and harvesting of algae.
At the European Union level, Regulation (CE) Nº 1421/2004 Reglamento (CE) Nº 1421/2004
, establishes that “aquaculture is the breeding or culture of aquatic organisms making use of techniques aimed at increasing their productivity over that of the natural carrying capacity; all along the entire phase of their rearing stages until harvest; either under private or public ownership”.
|Guidelines and codes of conduct|
The General Secretariat of Marine Fisheries (SGPM) has prepared the “National Strategic Plan for Fisheries
” (Plan Estratégico Nacional en materia pesquera
), in agreement with the mandate of the new European Fund for Fisheries 2007–2013
and the Common Fisheries Policy
In this regard, Spain has established the following strategic priorities for the development of aquaculture throughout period 2007–2013:
- Species diversification.
- Supply of the market (increase in the production of species with good market potential).
- Establishment of methods or means of aquaculture exploitation that reduce adverse consequences or improve positive effects on the environment.
- Support to traditional aquaculture activities.
- Public health measures.
- Promotion of specific actions on the market.
- Promotion of quality measures.
- Socio-economic measures.
- Animal health measures.
The Spanish aquaculture sector is grouped into various professional associations and cooperatives. The most important ones are listed below:
Of the above mentioned associations, only APROMAR and OPAC belong to the European Federation of Producers (FEAP). This Federation has adopted a Code of Conduct for European Aquaculture
, which is observed by its members. The main objective of this Code of Conduct is to promote the responsible development and management of aquaculture to ensure a high standard of quality in the production process, with consideration to both, environmental concerns and consumer demands.
The General Secretariat of Marine Fisheries (SGPM), with the collaboration of the International Union for Nature (UICN)
and the European Federation of Producers (FEAP), has formulated the first of the “Directing Guidelines for the Sustainable Development of Aquaculture”.
This initial guidance for aquaculture, analyses the interaction between aquaculture and the environment, and has issued practical recommendations on the following main aspects of aquaculture: domestication, introduction of marine species, capture of wild stocks for aquaculture, feed ingredients, organic matter in effluents, transfer of pathogens, therapeutical products and others, antifouling products, and effects on local flora and fauna.
Spain is a member of the following international organisations:
- European Union (EU).
- World Trade Organisation (OMC).
- World Health Organisation (OMS).
- Animal Health World Organisation (OIM).
- International Council for the Exploitation of the Sea.
Spain is also part of the following International and Regional Treaties and Agreements:
- Convention on the International Trade of Animal and Plant Endangered Species.
- Agreement on the Biological Diversity (CBD).
- Cartagena Protocol on Bio-technology of the Biological Diversity Agreement.
- Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR Agreement).
- Convention for the Marine Environment Protection and of the Mediterranean Coastal Area (Barcelona Agreement 1995).
Potential aquaculturists intending to undertake an aquaculture activity, either marine or inland, must apply for various authorizations or permits before the corresponding authorities. As has been expressed before, the applicable legal framework for the development of aquaculture falls under the Autonomous Communities which apply their own norms for the execution of the procedures of authorizations or leases. However, those Communities that haven’t got their own norms, supplementary Law N° 23/1984 of Marine Cultivation (for marine aquaculture), the Law of Riverine Fisheries of 1942 (for inland aquaculture), and Law N° 22/1988 of the Coastline.
Law Nº 23/1984, dictates that “only Spanish citizens or entities may be the holders of concessions or authorizations of marine cultures”. Likewise, it also defines the following terms:
- Concession: the granting of the right of use in exclusivity and temporarily by Spanish citizens or entities in public lands, for the establishment of facilities intended for research or exploitation of marine cultures.
- Authorization: permit granted to Spanish citizens or entities, for the establishment of facilities intended for research or exploitation of marine cultures.
Within this context, it must be pointed out that the administrative procedures to be followed by potential aquaculturists for the establishment and exploitation of an aquaculture facility differ according to inland or marine aquaculture facilities and whether they are located in public or in private areas. These administrative procedures fall into the following categories:
1) Administrative procedures for the application for a concession/authorization for inland aquaculture facilities.
- Administrative procedures for the application for a concession/authorization for inland aquaculture facilities.
- General administrative procedures for the application for a concession/authorization for marine aquaculture facilities within publicly owned coastal zones.
- General administrative procedures for the application for concession/authorization for marine aquaculture facilities within privately owned coastal zones but utilising publicly owned zones for collecting/discharging water.
For the granting of a concession/authorization for the operation of an inland aquaculture facility, the applicant will be required to obtain the following authorizations and/or licences.
- Construction and start of operations permit granted by the Municipal Authority.
- Authorization for the intake and discharge of water; as well as the concession for the use or occupation of the public water area. Both permits are granted by the Hydrographic Conferences of the corresponding Autonomous Community.
- Authorization for operation of the aquaculture facility granted by the corresponding Office of the Autonomous Community.
Communities will apply their own regulations for the establishment and operation of aquaculture facilities; those that do not have their own appropriate legislation will apply the general dispositions of Riverine Fisheries Law of 1942. Notwithstanding, the general administrative procedure followed by Autonomous Communities for the regulation of aquaculture, include the following stages:
- The applicant should present an application to the corresponding municipal office. It should include the precise location, the species to be cultured, the culture process or cycle, and the expected production output.
- The Autonomous Community will eventually notify the applicant if the authorization may be granted for the particular location. If this were not the case, the applicant will receive the conditions for construction and operation to which the proposed project should be subjected.
- If the applicant agrees with such conditions, he’ll be required to present an Authorization Request, attaching a certified copy of the Concession for the use of water granted by the corresponding authority, as well as a copy of the construction and operation project endorsed by a certified technician.
- If the Autonomous Community deems that the project may interfere with other interests, the project will be subjected to the public dominion.
Authorizations for the operation of inland aquaculture facilities may be granted provisionally for up to a period of 5 years, after which the corresponding authorities may issue a definite or permanent authorization. 2) Administrative procedures for the concession/authorization of marine aquaculture facilities to be established in marine-terrestrial public grounds.
In order to obtain the concession/authorization for the establishment of a marine aquaculture facility to be located in marine-terrestrial public grounds, the applicant will be required to file the following authorizations or licences:
- Construction and start of operations permit granted by the Municipal Authority.
- Concession for the occupation of the public marine/terrestrial zone granted by the Ministry of the Environment.
- Authorization for operation of the aquaculture facility granted by the corresponding Office of the Autonomous Community.
As has been mentioned above, Communities will apply their own legislation for the execution of this procedure, and those that do not have their own appropriate legislation shall apply the dispositions of Law N° 23/1984 on Marine Aquaculture and Law N° 22/1988 on Coastlines. Notwithstanding, the general administrative procedure followed by Autonomous Communities for the regulation of aquaculture, include the following stages:
- The applicant should file an application of an authorization for the aquaculture operation, appending the following documents:
- An application for the concession of the occupation of the public marine-terrestrial zone addressed to the Ministry of the Environment.
- Legal identification of the applicant (person or company).
- The project of the civil works endorsed by a certified technician.
- A financial feasibility study and a scheme for the execution of the operation endorsed by a certified technician.
- Proof of payment of duties
- The environmental impact assessment and the sanitary requirements, as applicable.
- During the ensuing 30 day period of public hearings, reports by the defence, navigation, tourism, municipal, environment and sanitary authorities will be required, as well as by any other authority that the Autonomous Community may deem necessary.
- In case all the above mentioned authorities issue a favourable resolution towards the project, the Autonomous Community will request the Coastline Authority to issue a report within two months. Through this report, the Authority shall express the viability on the occupation, and will establish the conditions under which such occupation may be granted.
- Throughout this stage, the Autonomous Community will inform the applicant the requirements to be met as well as the conditions required by the General Directorate for the Coastline for the granting of the authorization. If the applicant agrees with such requirements and conditions, the procedure will thereafter be channelled through this General Directorate.
- Once the applicant receives the concession granted by the General Directorate, the Autonomous Community shall grant the authorization for the operation of the aquaculture facility. Such authorization will be published in the Official Gazette of the Autonomous Community.
It should be pointed out that these authorizations for the execution of aquaculture operations are generally granted for a period of 10 years, renewable for up to a maximum of 30 or 50 years. 3) General Administrative Procedure for the application of a concession/authorization of marine aquaculture facilities located in privately owned areas but that utilize public marine-terrestrial areas for the intake/discharge of water.
In order to obtain a concession/authorization for a marine aquaculture facility located in privately owned areas but that utilize public marine-terrestrial zones for the intake/discharge of water, an applicant shall apply for the following authorizations or licences:
- Construction and start of operations permit granted by the Municipal Authority.
- Authorization for the intake and discharge of water granted by the corresponding authority. However, it should be pointed out that this procedure differs between Autonomous Communities since some consider it as an independent procedure, while others consider it as part of the procedure for the authorization of the aquaculture facility and the concession of public domain, or as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment.
- Concession for the occupation of public marine-terrestrial domain granted by the Ministry of the Environment.
- Authorization for the execution of the aquaculture operation granted by the corresponding authority of the Autonomous Communities.
|Access to land and water|
Law Nº 22/1988 of Coastlines establishes that the management of marine-terrestrial public property or dominion falls under the responsibility of the State Administration, including the granting of concessions and authorizations for their occupation and exploitation. In this sense, as has been mentioned above, the concession of the marine-terrestrial public dominion for the purpose of the development of aquaculture will be granted by the Ministry of the Environment.
Regarding the authorization for the intake and the discharge of water, as well as the concession for the use or occupation of the water public dominion, are granted by the Hydrographic Confederations of the corresponding Autonomous Province.
The General Secretariat of Marine Fisheries pertaining to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has developed a System for the Identification of Aquaculture Facilities
, which allows the geographical location of inland and marine aquaculture facilities in Spain.
The legal framework for the regulation of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedure comprises Directive 85/377/CEE
) of 27 June 1985, which was encompassed by the Spanish legislation through the Royal Legislative Decree Nº 1302/1986
(Real Decreto Legislativo Nº 1302/1986
), of 28 June and the Royal Decree Nº 1131/1988, of 30 September. With the issuance of Directive 97/11/CE
) some regulations of Directive 85/33/CE were modified. These modifications have been adopted by the Spanish system through Law Nº 6/2001
(Ley Nº 6/2001
), of 8 May. Article 1, paragraph 2 of such Law establishes that “projects of intensive aquaculture facilities with an output higher than 500 tonnes/year will be subjected to an Environmental Impact Assessment whenever the environmental authority determines. Within this context it has been mentioned before that the administrative procedure for the environmental impact assessment varies among the Autonomous Communities. However, in general it may be mentioned that the study on environmental impact exhibited by a potential aquaculture producer shall include the following information:
- General description of the project and foreseeable requirements in relation to the use of land and of other natural resources as applicable.
- Analysis of technically feasible alternatives and justification of adopted solution.
- Assessment of the direct or indirect foreseeable effects of the project.
- Adoption of preventive and corrective measures.
- Environmental Monitoring Scheme
- Summary of the study and its conclusions.
|Water and wastewater|
Through the approval of Directive 2000/60/CE
), dated October 23, 2000, the European Union provided a framework for the protection of inland surface waters, transition waters, coastal waters and subsurface waters. Such Directive has been adopted by the Spanish legal regulations through Law 62/2003
), of December 30, 2003.
Within this same context, it should be pointed out that the main legal dispositions on the quality of water and of wastewater in common or public hydraulic dominion are encompassed under the Royal Legislation Decree Nº 1/2001
(Real Decreto Legislativo Nº 1/2001
) of July 20, 2000, “Unified Text of the Water Law”. Such legal disposition determines that the direct or indirect discharge of contaminating waters and residual products that may affect inland waters or any other element of the public hydraulic dominion is forbidden unless an administrative authorization has previously been granted by the corresponding responsible Authority.
It should be mentioned that the Regulation for the Hydrological Planning has been adopted through the issuance of the Royal Decree Nº 907/2007
(Real Decreto Nº 907/2007
) of July 6, 2007. This Regulation has as its main objective the attainment of the healthy state and the due protection of the public hydraulic dominion as well as of the waters encompassed by the Unified Text of the Water Law. It has been determined that such planning be conducted through hydrological watershed planning and the National Hydrological Plan.
Law Nº 23/1984 on marine cultivation establishes that the movement of spores or organisms of non-market size in any stage of development will only be allowed for the purpose of their cultivation, research or experimentation. It is also stated that for the exportation of such species, the authorization of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food will be required, upon a previous report of the responsible Body of the corresponding Autonomous Community.
Aquculturists that request the importation of organisms of any size for their stocking or cultivation should have a favourable report of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. A favourable report by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography should also be obtained when the species to be imported is exotic and does not exist naturally in Spanish waters.
As a member country of the European Union, Spain applies, amongst others, the following Directives and Decisions on the introduction of aquaculture species or products imported from other countries:
- Council Directive 91/67/CEE (Directiva 91/67/CEE del Consejo), of January 28, 1991, on the conditions of sanitary policy applicable to the introduction of aquaculture animals and products to the market. This Directive has been adopted by the Spanish regulations through the Royal Decree Nº 1882/1994 (Real Decreto Nº 1882/1994) modified by the Royal Decree Nº 1255/1999 (Real Decreto Nº 1255/1999) and Nº 1597/2004 respectively. However, it should be pointed out that Directive 91/67/CEE will be derogated as of August 1st 2008 according to the disposition of Council Directive 2006/88/CE (Directiva 2006/88/CE) of October 26, 2006 .
- Council Directive 97/78/CE of December 18, 1997 which establishes the principles for the organization of veterinary controls of products to be introduced into the Community coming from third countries
- Regulation (CE) Nº 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 29, 2004 on the hygiene of foods of animal origin, and Regulation (CE) Nº 854/2004 through which the specific norms for the organisation of official controls for products of animal origin intended for human consumption are established. Such Regulations have been adopted by the Spanish legislation through the Decision 2006/766/CE of the Commission, of November 6, 2006, contains the lists of third countries and territories from which the importation of bivalves, echinoderms, tunicata, gasteropoda and fishery products are authorized.
Through the promulgation of Royal Decrees Nº 1488/1994
(Reales Decretos Nº 1488/1994
) and Nº 3481/2000
(Reales Decretos Nº 3481/2000
), Directives 91/67/CE y 93/57/CE that regulate aquaculture sanitary control at the Community level, have been incorporated into the Spanish legislation.
Spanish legislation requires that the Autonomous Communities establish an appropriate system of sanitary control measures and that they participate in the formulation of emergency intervention plans as required.
The Sanitary and Animal Production Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in Algete, Madrid has been selected as the national reference laboratory for fish diseases. There are other labortories in various parts of Spain either associated to universities or the scientific research centres (Higher Council of Scientific Research –CSIC-, National Institute of Agricultural Research –INIA-) which are involved in various sanitary matters of marine and inland aquaculture. Several Autonomous Communities rely on this laboratories for the diagnosis of fish diseases in order to comply with the regulations on aquaculture sanitary control.
It should be pointed out that there is a specific animal health law, Law Nº 8/2003
(Ley Nº 8/2003
), of April 24, which also encompasses aquaculture facilities. The monitoring of certain bivalve diseases is specifically regulated by the Royal Decrees Nº 1043/1997
and Nº 640/2006
(Reales Decretos Nº 1043/1997, Nº 640/2006
Royal Decree Nº 109/1995
(Real Decreto Nº 109/1995
) of January 27 regulates the manufacture, quality control, distribution, marketing, storage and supply of drugs for veterinary use and the substances and materials utilized for their manufacture, elaboration and packaging. It also grants responsibility on veterinary drugs to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, without impinging on the responsibilities that fall under the Autonomous Communities.
The main dispositions comprised in the above mentioned Decree are
- Definition of the quality, efficiency, security and purity requirements that a veterinary drug must meet in order to be authorized and registered.
- The prohibition of the marketing of a veterinary drug to be administered to animals whose meat or products are intended for human consumption if it hasn’t complied with Council Regulation CEE 2377/90 (Reglamento CEE 2377/90) of June 26, 1990, which formulates a Communitarian procedure for the setting of limits of veterinary drug residues in foods of animal origin.
- The establishment of exception situations in which, even though there might not exist authorized veterinary drugs to treat a disease, an animal may be administered a different type of drug to animals whose meat or products are intended for human consumption.
Spanish legislation also establishes control measures that apply to certain substances and residues in aquaculture products. The classification and control of these substances and residues is regulated by the Royal Decree Nº 1749/1998
(Real Decreto Nº 1749/1998
), of July 31st
, instrument that incorporates Directive 96/23
) to the Spanish lesgislation.
Royal Decree Nº 56/2002
(Real Decreto Nº 56/2002
) modified by Royal Decrees Nº 254/2003
and Nº 1205/2006
(Reales Decretos Nº 254/2003, Nº 1205/2006
)incorporates into the Spanish legislation the European Parliament and Council Directives 2000/16/CE
(Directivas 2000/16/CE, 2002/2/CE
). Such legal instrument has as its main objective the establishment of the legal regime applicable to the circulation and use of inputs for the feeding of animals and the circulation of fodders and feeds throughout the Spanish territory
The Spanish Agency for Food Security (AESAN - Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria
), is an autonomous organisation associated to the Ministry of Health and Consumption, and is responsible for food security in Spain. Its main tasks are to reduce risks of food borne diseases and to warrant an adequate system for their control.
The general legislation on food innocuousness at the national level is based on Law N°14/1986, General Health Law
(General de Sanidad
It should be pointed out that the legal framework for food safety also includes the following regulations:
- Royal Decree Nº 640/2006 (Real Decreto Nº 640/2006), which provides measures for the application of Community dispositions regarding hygiene, production and marketing of food products of animal origin.
- Royal Decree Nº 2064/2004 (Real Decreto Nº 2064/2004), through which the first sale of seafood products is regulated. These include capture fish and seafood products as well as aquaculture products.
- Royal Decree Nº 1380/2002 (Real Decreto Nº 1380/2002), modified by Royal Decree Nº 1702/2004 (Real Decreto Nº 1702/2004), legal instrument whose objective is to regulate the information that must be included in the labelling, presentation and publicity of capture fish and seafood products as well as aquaculture products; frozen and ultra-frozen
- Royal Decree Nº 121/2004 (Real Decreto Nº 121/2004), dictates the norms for the classification and labelling of capture fish and seafood products as well as aquaculture products: live, fresh, refrigerated or cooked.
The structural funds constitute the main financial instrument established by the European Union. The Financial Instrument for the Orientation of Fisheries
(FOP - Instrumento Financiero de Orientación de la Pesca
) constitutes the specific framework for the development of fisheries and aquaculture. Its main trait is that it abides member States to contribute to the financing of projects through public funds whenever required.
In the case of Spain, this national co-financing is undertaken with funds contributed by the General Budget of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food; and in some instances by the budget of the Autonomous Communities, respectively.
At the national level, social and economic policies related to the restructuring of the Fisheries Sector are dictated by the restructuring measures as dictated by Royal Decree Nº 3448/2000
modified by the Royal Decrees Nº 1473/2004
and Nº 518/2005
2004/453/EC:Commission Decision of 29 April 2004 implementing Council Directive 91/67/EEC as regards measures against certain diseases in aquaculture animals (notified under document number C(2004) 1679) (Text with EEA relevance)
Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food
Council Regulation (EC) No 2372/2002 of 20 December 2002 instituting specific measures to compensate the Spanish fisheries, shellfish industry and aquaculture, affected by the oil spills from the Prestige
Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 June 2001 on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment
Council Regulation (EC) No 1263/1999 of 21 June 1999 on the Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance
Council Directive 97/61/EC of 20 October 1997 amending the Annex to Directive 91/492/EEC laying down the health conditions for the production and placing on the market of live bivalve molluscs
Council Directive 97/11/EC of 3 March 1997 amending Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment
96/240/EC: Commission Decision of 5 February 1996 amending Decision 92/532/EEC laying down the sampling plans and diagnostic methods for the detection and confirmation of certain fish diseases (Text with EEA relevance)
Council Directive 96/23/EC of 29 April 1996 on measures to monitor certain substances and residues thereof in live animals and animal products and repealing Directives 85/358/EEC and 86/469/EEC and Decisions 89/187/EEC and 91/664/EEC
Council Regulation (EEC) No 2080/93 of 20 July 1993 laying down provisions for implementing Regulation (EEC) No 2052/88 as regards the financial instrument of fisheries guidance
Council Directive 93/54/EEC of 24 June 1993 amending Directive 91/67/EEC concerning the animal health conditions governing the placing on the market of aquaculture animals and products
Council Directive 91/492/EEC of 15 July 1991 laying down the health conditions for the production and the placing on the market of live bivalve molluscs
Council Directive 91/493/EEC of 22 July 1991 laying down the health conditions for the production and the placing on the market of fishery products
Council Regulation (EEC) No 2377/90 of 26 June 1990 laying down a Community procedure for the establishment of maximum residue limits of veterinary medicinal products in foodstuffs of animal origin
Council Directive 85/337/EEC of 27 June 1985 on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment
|Search parameters: country=ESP, Keywords=aquaculture;mariculture|
|Records Returned: 66|
|Title of text||Date of text||Consolidated date||Entry into force||Countries|
|Orden AAA/1260/2015 - Convoca ayudas a la innovación y desarrollo tecnológico del sector de la pesca y de la acuicultura, para el año 2015.||2015-06-16||Spain|
|Orden AAA/1904/2015 - Bases reguladoras de las ayudas a la innovación y desarrollo tecnológico del sector de la pesca y de la acuicultura.||2014-10-08||Spain|
|Orden AAA/1346/2014 - Ayudas a las organizaciones de productores pesqueros y/o sus asociaciones, reconocidas con carácter nacional, para el año 2014.||2014-07-10||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 578/2014 - Disposiciones para la aplicación en España de la normativa de la Unión Europea relativa a la alimentación de animales de producción con determinados piensos de origen animal.||2014-07-04||Spain|
|Resolución de 31 de marzo de 20145 - Listado de denominaciones comerciales de especies pesqueras y de acuicultura admitidas en España.||2014-03-31||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 994/2013 - Bases reguladoras de las subvenciones para el desarrollo de nuevos mercados y campañas de promoción de los productos de la pesca y de la acuicultura.||2013-12-13||Spain|
|Ley Nº 6/2013 - Ley de pesca marítima, marisqueo y acuicultura en las Illes Balears.||2013-11-07||Spain|
|Orden AAA/1277/2013 - Bases reguladoras de la concesión de subvenciones a entidades asociativas representativas del sector pesquero para el desarrollo de actividades de colaboración y representación ante la Administración General de Estado, Unión Europea e instituciones internacionales.||2013-06-27||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 1.149/2011 - Regula el registro español de ayudas «de minimis» en el sector pesquero.||2011-07-29||Spain|
|Ley Nº 11/2010 - Ley de pesca y acuicultura de Extremadura.||2010-11-16||Spain|
|Orden ARM/1282/2010 - Bases reguladoras de las ayudas a las organizaciones de productores pesqueros.||2010-05-06||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 1.549/2009 - Ordenación del sector pesquero y adaptación al Fondo Europeo de la Pesca.||2009-10-09||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 1.082/2009 - Requisitos de sanidad animal para el movimiento de animales de explotaciones cinegéticas, de acuicultura continental y de núcleos zoológicos, así como de animales de fauna silvestre.||2009-07-03||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 1.614/2008 - Requisitos zoosanitarios de los animales y de los productos de la acuicultura.||2008-10-03||Spain|
|Orden ARM/2696/2008 - Bases reguladoras de las ayudas al desarrollo tecnológico pesquero y acuícola.||2008-09-16||Spain|
|Orden APA/920/2008 - Bases reguladoras de las subvenciones para el desarrollo de nuevos mercados y campañas de promoción de los productos de la pesca y de la acuicultura.||2008-03-25||Spain|
|Orden APA/2041/2007 - Bases reguladoras de las ayudas al desarrollo tecnológico pesquero y acuícola.||2007-07-03||Spain|
|Orden APA/3287/2006 - Bases reguladoras de las ayudas para becas de perfeccionamiento técnico-profesional en comercialización pesquera.||2006-10-18||Spain|
|Ley Nº 6/2006 - Ley balear de caza y pesca fluvial.||2006-04-12||Spain|
|Resolución de 27 de febrero de 2006 - Listado de denominaciones comerciales de especies pesqueras y de acuicultura admitidas en España.||2006-02-27||Spain|
|Ley Foral Nº 17/2005 - Ley de Caza y Pesca de Navarra.||2005-12-22||Spain|
|Orden APA/3228/2005 - Zonas de producción de moluscos y otros invertebrados marinos en el litoral español.||2005-09-22||Spain|
|Orden APA/2439/2005 - Bases reguladoras de las subvenciones al desarrollo tecnológico pesquero y acuícola.||2005-07-08||Spain|
|Resolución de 18 de enero de 2005 - Listado de denominaciones comerciales de especies pesqueras y de acuicultura admitidas en España.||2005-01-18||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 2.064/2004 - Regula la primera venta de los productos pesqueros.||2004-10-15||Spain|
|Resolución de 12 de julio de 2004 - Listado de denominaciones comerciales de especies pesqueras y de acuicultura admitidas en España.||2004-07-12||Spain|
|Orden APA/85/2004 - Ayudas a la constitución y funcionamiento de las organizaciones de productores pesqueros y a sus asociaciones.||2004-01-15||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 724/2003 - Organizaciones de productores de la pesca y de la acuicultura y sus asociaciones.||2003-06-13||Spain|
|Ley Nº 8/2003 - Ley de sanidad animal.||2003-04-24||Spain|
|Orden APA/1029/2003 - Zonas de producción de moluscos y otros invertebrados marinos en el litoral español.||2003-04-23||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 176/2003 - Regula el ejercicio de las funciones de control e inspección de las actividades de pesca marítima.||2003-02-14||Spain|
|Resolución de 25 de septiembre de 2002 - Listado de denominaciones comerciales de especies pesqueras y de acuicultura admitidas en España.||2002-09-25||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 1.473/2004 - Medidas de carácter socioeconómico en el sector pesquero.||2000-12-22||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 571/1999 - Reglamentación técnico-sanitaria que fija las normas aplicables a la producción y comercialización de moluscos bivalvos vivos.||1999-04-09||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 331/1999 - Normalización y tipificación de los productos de la pesca, frescos, refrigerados o cocidos.||1999-02-26||Spain|
|Ley Nº 9/1998 - Ley de pesca marítima.||1998-12-15||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 2.666/1998 - Criterios de selección para el fomento de la mejora de las condiciones de transformación y comercialización de productos agrarios, de la pesca, de la acuicultura y de la alimentación.||1998-12-11||Spain|
|Ley Nº 3/1998 - Ley de la pesca fluvial.||1998-12-11||Spain|
|Ley Nº 6/1998 - Ley de pesca marítima.||1998-03-13||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 1.043/1997 - Normas comunitarias mínimas necesarias para el control de determinadas enfermedades de los moluscos bivalvos.||1997-06-27||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 798/1995 - Criterios y condiciones de las intervenciones con finalidad estructural en el sector de la pesca, de la acuicultura y de la comercialización, la transformación y promoción de sus productos.||1995-05-19||Spain|
|Ley Nº 8/1995 - Ley de Pesca.||1995-04-27||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 2.112/1994 - Criterios y condiciones de las intervenciones con finalidad estructural en el sector de la pesca, de la acuicultura y de la comercialización, la transformación y la promoción de sus productos.||1994-10-28||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 1.488/1994 - Medidas mínimas de lucha contra determinadas enfermedades de los peces de acuicultura.||1994-07-01||Spain|
|Ley Nº 2/1994 - Defensa de los recursos pesqueros.||1994-04-18||Spain|
|Orden de 20 de diciembre de 1993 - Zonas de producción de moluscos y otros invertebrados marinos vivos en el litoral español.||1993-12-20||Spain|
|Ley Nº 9/1993 - Ley de cofradías de pescadores de Galicia.||1993-07-08||Spain|
|Ley Nº 6/1993 - Ley de pesca de Galicia.||1993-05-11||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 345/1993 - Normas de calidad de las aguas y de la producción de moluscos y otros invertebrados marinos vivos.||1993-03-05||Spain|
|Ley Nº 6/1992 - Protección de los ecosistemas acuáticos y de regulación de la pesca en Castilla y León.||1992-12-18||Spain|
|Ley Nº 1/1992 - Ley de pesca fluvial.||1992-05-07||Spain|
|Orden de 12 de marzo de 1991 - Regulación del mercado de los productos de la pesca, el marisqueo y la acuicultura.||1991-03-12||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 222/1991 - Desarrollo y adaptación de las estructuras pesqueras y de la acuicultura.||1991-02-22||Spain|
|Orden de 21 de enero de 1988 - Tramitación de expedientes de ayudas a instalaciones de acuicultura y de autorización.||1988-01-21||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 219/1987 - Desarrollo y adaptación de las estructuras del sector pesquero y de la acuicultura.||1987-02-13||Spain|
|Orden de 31 de mayo de 1985 - Norma de calidad para los moluscos bivalvos depurados.||1985-05-31||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 263/1985 - Reglamento de salubridad de los moluscos.||1985-02-20||Spain|
|Real Decreto Nº 1.521/1984 - Reglamentación técnico-sanitaria de los establecimientos y productos de la pesca y acuicultura con destino al consumo humano.||1984-08-01||Spain|
|Ley Nº 23/1984 - Ley de cultivos marinos.||1984-06-25||Spain|
|Resolución de 24 de octubre de 1974 - Normas complementarias a la Orden de 24 de enero de 1974, sobre ordenación zootécnico-sanitaria de centros de piscicultura privados, instalados en aguas continentales.||1974-10-24||Spain|
|Orden de 24 de enero de 1974 - Normas sobre ordenación zootécnico-sanitaria de centros de piscicultura instalados en aguas continentales.||1974-01-24||Spain|
|Orden de 31 de diciembre de 1973 - Normas para otorgar concesiones o autorizaciones de piscicultura marina y para regular su policia y vigilancia.||1973-12-31||Spain|
|Ley Nº 59/1969 - Ley de ordenación marisquera.||1969-06-30||Spain|
|Decreto Nº 2.559/1961 - Reglamentación para la explotación de viveros de cultivo, situados en la zona marítima.||1961-11-30||Spain|
|Reglamento de la Ley de pesca fluvial.||1943-04-06||Spain|
|Ley de pesca fluvial.||1942-02-20||Spain| |
The idea of education in our society is to help foster and develop the next caretakers of our world. We should keep asking ourselves:
- what can we currently teach children so that they can help continue to innovate and grow our world for the greater good?
- Who do we need in the future to solve complex problems and critique our issues?
- How can we let students be greater leaders in a physical place we call school?
Instead of keeping the same systematic approach to schooling for years and years, the material we teach as well as the way they are taught should be continuously evolving to match the current contexts of our society (we can’t forget this Ontarian decision on sexual education).
The times ahead are going to be run by those who are students who are still in our elementary schools. They probably don’t give this much thought, but we’re the ones who are passing down our knowledge so–are they learning or just pleasing teachers?
For more related to this topic, I’d highly recommend Seth Godin’s Stop Stealing Dreams |
Question: Here is an extract from a webpage: "PD-1 signaling affects cristae morphology and leads to mitochondrial dysfunction in human CD8+ T lymphocytes
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer volume 7, Article number: 151 (2019)
6803 Accesses
67 Citations
23 Altmetric
Binding of the programmed death-1 (PD-1) receptor to its ligands (PD-L1/2) transduces inhibitory signals that promote exhaustion of activated T cells. Blockade of the PD-1 pathway is widely used for cancer treatment, yet the inhibitory signals transduced by PD-1 in T cells remain elusive.
Expression profiles of human CD8+ T cells in resting, activated (CD3 + CD28) and PD-1-stimulated cells (CD3 + CD28 + PD-L1-Fc) conditions were evaluated by RNA-seq. Bioinformatic analyses were used to identify signaling pathways differentially regulated in PD-1-stimulated cells. Metabolic analyses were performed with SeaHorse technology, and mitochondrial ultrastructure was determined by transmission electron microscopy. PD-1-regulated mitochondria".
Write an informative and insightful blog post that expands upon the extract above. Your post should delve into the nuances of the topic, offering fresh perspectives and deeper analysis. Aim to:
- Inform: Provide valuable, well-researched information that educates the reader.
- Engage: Write in a conversational tone that connects with the audience, making complex ideas accessible.
- Illustrate: Use examples, anecdotes, or personal experiences to bring the topic to life.
Do not give a title and do not start with sentences like "Have you ever..." or "Hello dear readers..", simply write the content without these introductory phrases.
Answer: The world of cancer immunotherapy has seen significant advancements in recent years, thanks to the development of checkpoint blockade therapies. These treatments target immune checkpoints – molecular switches on immune cells that either ramp up or dial down the body's immune response. Programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1), one such immune checkpoint, plays an essential role in preventing autoimmunity but can also hinder the anti-tumor activity of cytotoxic T cells when it interacts with its ligands PD-L1 and PD-L2. This interaction triggers inhibitory signals that lead to T cell exhaustion, allowing tumors to evade the immune system. Although blocking the PD-1 pathway is now a widespread strategy for cancer therapy, there are still gaps in our understanding of how exactly PD-1 transmits inhibitory signals within T cells.
A study published in the Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer sheds new light on this intriguing question. Researchers analyzed expression profiles of human CD8+ T cells under three distinct conditions: resting, following activation via CD3 and CD28 co-stimulation, and after exposure to PD-1 stimulation through PD-L1-Fc. By employing bioinformatics tools, they identified various signaling pathways modulated differently during PD-1 engagement compared to simple activation alone. Interestingly, researchers discovered that PD-1 signaling specifically impacts mitochondrial structure and function in T cells, leading to what they refer to as 'PD-1-regulated mitochondria.'
Mitochondria play a critical part in supporting T cell activation and proliferation; thus, their impairment could contribute to T cell exhaustion observed in chronic viral infections and cancer settings. Indeed, scientists found alterations in cristae morphology – infoldings inside the inner membrane where energy production occurs – coupled with reduced respiratory capacity and increased glycolysis rates in PD-1-stimulated T cells. Essentially, instead of efficiently using oxygen to generate energy in the form of ATP, these exhausted T cells rely more heavily on less efficient glucose fermentation processes.
These findings provide novel insights into the mechanisms underlying T cell exhaustion induced by PD-1 signaling. Understanding the precise ways in which PD-1 influences T cell metabolism may help develop improved therapeutic strategies for restoring T cell functionality in patients receiving checkpoint blockade therapies. Moreover, since manipulating mitochondrial dynamics has emerged as a potential approach for enhancing T cell performance, future studies might explore whether targeted enhancement of mitochondrial health can counteract the detrimental effects of PD-1 signaling on T cells.
In conclusion, while we have made great strides in harnessing the power of the immune system to combat cancer, much work remains to be done to optimize current treatments and minimize side effects. Investigating the intimate relationship between immune checkpoints like PD-1 and fundamental aspects of T cell biology, such as mitochondrial physiology, will undoubtedly pave the way towards refining existing cancer immunotherapies and opening avenues for innovative ones. |
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HRH Crown Prince Receives Phone Call from President of Kazakhstan
NEOM, Saudi Arabia, His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, received a phone call today from President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
During the telephone conversation, they reviewed areas of bilateral cooperation between the two countries and opportunities of promoting them in various sectors, in addition to political developments in the regional and international arenas and efforts made in their regard to enhance security and stability.
Source: Saudi Press Agency |
BANGKOK (AP) — Australia’s foreign minister praised Thailand on Thursday for its handling of a young Saudi woman who fled her family to seek asylum in Australia, but also reminded it of continuing concern about a Bahraini soccer player granted asylum in Australia who remains in Thai detention.
Marise Payne met with senior Thai officials in Bangkok a day after Australia announced it would assess the request for asylum by 18-year-old Rahaf Mohammed Alqunun, who was stopped Saturday at a Bangkok airport on her way to Australia and her passport seized. She said she was fleeing abuse by her family.
Payne told reporters that Australia’s review of Alqunun’s case is already underway.
She quashed speculation that Alqunun might accompany her back to Australia, “because there are steps which are required in the process which Australia, and any other country considering such a matter, would have to go through.”
Confined to an airport transit hotel, Alqunun conducted an online appeal for help, garnering tens of thousands of followers on Twitter and enough public and diplomatic support to convince Thai officials to admit her temporarily under the protection of U.N. officials. The office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees quickly deemed her a legitimate refugee.
Alqunun’s case has highlighted the cause of women’s rights in Saudi Arabia. Several female Saudis fleeing abuse by their families have been caught trying to seek asylum abroad in recent years and returned home. Human rights activists say many similar cases have gone unreported.
She has attracted interest worldwide, particularly in Australia. In downtown Sydney on Thursday, four women dressed in jeans and calling themselves the Secret Sisterhood held a topless protest outside the building housing the Saudi Consulate, calling on Australia to grant Alqunun residency.
Alqunun’s father arrived in Bangkok on Tuesday, but his daughter refused to meet with him. Thailand Immigration Police chief Lt. Gen. Surachate Hakparn said the father - whose name has not been released - denied physically abusing Alqunun or trying to force her into an arranged marriage, which were among the reasons she gave for her flight.
Surachate said Alqunun’s father wanted his daughter back but respected her decision. Surachate described the father as being a governor in Saudi Arabia.
“He has 10 children. He said the daughter might feel neglected sometimes,” Surachate said.
Payne was also asked by reporters about the case of Hakeem al-Araibi, a 25-year-old former member of Bahrain’s national soccer team, who was granted refugee status in Australia in 2017 after fleeing his homeland, where he said he was persecuted and tortured. He was arrested while on holiday in Thailand last November due to an Interpol notice in which Bahrain sought his custody after he was sentenced in absentia in 2014 to 10 years in prison for allegedly vandalizing a police station - a charge he denies. Bahrain is seeking his extradition.
She said she raised Australia’s concerns about the case with Thailand’s deputy prime minister and foreign minister.
“The Thai government is most certainly aware of the importance of this matter to Australia,” she said. “I do note that there are legal proceedings underway in relation to Mr. al-Araibi, and Australia will continue to be in very close contact with Thai authorities in relation to this.”
Al-Araibi, who now plays for Melbourne’s Pascoe Vale Football Club, has been publicly critical of the Bahrain royal family’s alleged involvement in sports scandals, which puts him at risk of punishment by the Bahraini government.
Al-Araibi has said he was blindfolded and had his legs beaten while he was held in Bahrain in 2012. He said he believed he was targeted for arrest because of his Shiite faith and because his brother was politically active. Bahrain has a Shiite majority but is ruled by a Sunni monarchy, and has a reputation for harsh repression since its failed “Arab Spring” uprising in 2011.
Craig Foster, a former Australian soccer player, held a news conference Thursday in Sydney to issue a joint call for al-Araibi’s release with Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the Sydney-based Gulf Institute for Democracy and Human Rights.
After commending FIFA, soccer’s world governing body, and Australia’s Football Federation for supporting al-Araibi’s release, Foster criticized the Asian Football Confederation and its head, Salman al-Khalifa.
“Sheikh Salman is obligated to support Hakeem. He is obligated to do everything in his power to advocate, both privately and publicly, and to use the immense leverage that football has, with the Bahrain government, his own government, he’s a Bahrainian national, and also with the Thai government to release Hakeem. The silence of the Asian Football Confederation is not just confounding, it’s absolutely disgraceful,” he said.
Associated Press writer Trevor Marshallsea in Sydney contributed to this report.
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Drug abuse continue to be a major problem in many parts of the world, including Kenya – more so in the coastal city of Mombasa.
Observations have shown that control by the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drugs Abuse (NACADA) – (the regulatory body responsible for exercising autonomous authority over drug abuse in regulatory/supervisory capacity), is not very effective.
It is considered by many that the war on drug abuse has to go beyond police swoops or blanket bans.
I know there might be hundreds of articles already written on this topic – however, the more people talk and write about the issue, the more healthy it becomes – it is awareness campaign – never ending.
The rehabilitation programs in the country will also not be effective if the supply chain remain or continue to increase. Some of the dug addicts who have gone through the rehabilitating programs are also known to go back to the habits again.
There are a number of known reasons why youths turn to drug abuse. Two primary causes are : 1. Peer pressure and 2. depression.
Youths associate with different types of people (friends) and through the pressure from these friends, they test the drugs and chances are they will continue using the drugs.
Depression come from idleness – the resulting boredom remain a major cause of youth turning to drug abuse. Unemployment is the major cause of idleness.
It is therefore imperative that a new way or tactics of dealing with menace be sought.
I believe that an effective way can be achieved through the village community participation program, where people can easily interact.
First the parents should take the lead role and take control of the youths – the youths can be contained in every house hold – if for example each household an income generating activity for the jobless youths which can sustain or supplement the family income.
Parents should try to keep away their children from bad friends.
Churches (places of worship) can do a lot in the villages to transform the youth through lecturing and counseling.
The village community can organize activities which can keep the youths occupied most of the time.
Sport fields can motivate the youths in the villages to engage in talent motivating activities.
After school activities should be emphasized in schools and the villages.
Teachers and others experienced in other professional fields should volunteer and start evening classes in the villages.
Retired veterans can also volunteer and share their valuable experiences with the youth.
This change of tactics in dealing with the drug abuse menace may not be the solution we are looking for, but it will certainly have some impact in reducing the number of youths going astray. The idea is to keep the youths occupied to eliminate idleness and boredom (depression) |
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Assets.Modules.ArClients
public class DebugArClientManagerEditor : Editor
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
DebugArClientManager debugManager = (DebugArClientManager)target;
ArClientManager manager = debugManager.GetComponent<ArClientManager>();
if (GUILayout.Button("Randomize offset matrices") && Application.isPlaying)
foreach (var client in manager.Get())
client.OffsetMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(Random.insideUnitSphere * 3f, Random.rotation, Vector3.one);
Question:Here is an extract from a webpage: "Bitcoin is PUMPING – Here’s Why – Is the Bitcoin bear market finally over, and you want to know if this is the beginning of the next Bitcoin bullrun? The BTC halving is only half a year away, and after each Bitcoin halving there’s always been a new all-time high in Bitcoin price.. Let’s review this crazy Bitcoin news and price!
Write an extensive and detailed course unit suitable for a textbook targeted at college students, related to the given extract within the context of "Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology". This unit should explore all pertinent concepts with in-depth explanations and technical detail. Focus on:
- Rigor: Ensure in-depth coverage of the concepts.
- Engagement: Write with an academic, professional and engaging tone that captivates interest.
- Application: Incorporate specific, practical examples, such as proofs in calculus or critical dates and figures in history. Do not use images.
Answer:Course Unit: Understanding Bitcoin Halvings and Their Impact on Price
I. Introduction
A. Definition of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
B. Importance of blockchain technology
C. Overview of Bitcoin's price fluctuations
D. Explanation of Bitcoin halvings
II. What is a Bitcoin Halving?
A. Defining Bitcoin mining rewards
1. Mining process
2. Issuance schedule
3. Current reward amount (6.25 BTC per block)
B. Halving mechanism
1. Previous halvings (November 2012 & July 2016)
2. Upcoming halving (estimated May 2024)
C. Effect on supply dynamics
1. Reduction in newly minted Bitcoins
2. Inelasticity of Bitcoin supply
3. Potential impact on long-term value proposition
III. Historical Analysis of Past Bitcoin Halvings
A. Market conditions leading up to the first halving (Nov 2012)
1. Early adopter phase
2. Limited exchange availability
3. Media attention and adoption
B. Market performance post-halving
1. Gradual increase in price
2. Bull run in late 2013
C. Market conditions leading up to the second halving (July 2016)
1. Increased mainstream awareness
2. Regulatory scrutiny
3. Scalability challenges
D. Market performance post-halving
1. Slow growth in early stages
2. Steadier appreciation towards end of 2017
3. All-time high reached in December 2017
IV. Fundamental Factors Driving Post-Halving Price Appreciation
A. Scarcity narrative
1. Parallels with precious metals
2. Perception of digital gold
B. Technological improvements
1. Improved scalability solutions
2. Enhanced privacy features
3. Layer two protocol development
C. Institutional investment
1. Grayscale Investments and other funds
2. Bakkt launch and futures trading
3. Publicly traded companies adding Bitcoin to their balance sheets
D. Retail adoption and infrastructure development
1. Lightning Network implementation
2. Growth in decentralized finance (DeFi) applications
3. Expansion of cryptocurrency exchanges and services
V. Controversies Surrounding Bitcoin Halvings
A. Criticisms against predetermined issuance schedules
1. Centralization concerns
2. Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) vs. hard coded rules
B. Skepticism regarding direct correlation between halving events and price increases
1. Other factors influencing Bitcoin prices
2. Stock-to-flow model reliability
C. Speculative bubbles and crashes following halvings
1. Unregulated markets and manipulation risks
2. Extreme volatility in asset valuation
VI. Conclusion
A. Summary of key takeaways
B. Future implications
1. Anticipating the next halving (May 2024)
2. Ongoing developments in blockchain ecosystem
C. Discussion questions
1. How do you think future halvings will affect the price of Bitcoin?
2. Should alterations be made to Bitcoin's issuance schedule moving forward? If so, what would those look like? |
Successful Spine surgery at We Care India partner hospital allows Henry Stolz to live a normal life despite a microendoscopic Decompression. We Care india helped Henry find best super specialised surgeon for his procedure.
Decompressive laminectomy is the most common type of surgery done to treat spinal stenosis. This surgery is done to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or spinal nerve roots caused by age-related changes in the spine and to treat other conditions, such as injuries to the spine, herniated discs, or tumors. In many cases, reducing pressure on the nerve roots can relieve pain and allow you to resume normal daily activities.
Laminectomy removes bone (parts of the vertebrae) and/or thickened tissue that is narrowing the spinal canal and squeezing the spinal cord and nerve roots. This procedure is done by surgically cutting into the back.
In some cases, spinal fusion (arthrodesis) may be done at the same time to help stabilize sections of the spine treated with decompressive laminectomy. Spinal fusion is major surgery, usually lasting several hours. There are different methods of spinal fusion:
In the most common method, bone is taken from elsewhere in your body or obtained from a bone bank. This bone is used to make a "bridge" between adjacent spinal bones (vertebrae). This "living" bone graft stimulates the growth of new bone.
In some cases an additional fusion method (called instrumented fusion) is performed, in which metal implants (such as rods, hooks, wires, plates, or screws) are secured to the vertebrae to hold them together until new bone grows between them.
There are a variety of specialized techniques that can be used in spinal fusion, although the basic procedure is the same. Techniques vary from what type of bone or metal implants are used to whether the surgery is done from the front (anterior) or back (posterior) of the body. The method chosen will depend on a number of factors, including your age and health condition, the location (lower back or neck [cervical]) of stenosis, the severity of nerve root pressure and associated symptoms, and the surgeon's experience. Spinal fusion increases the possibility of complications and the recovery time after surgery.
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Why It Is Done
You may be a candidate for decompression if you have : -
significant pain, weakness, or numbness in your leg or foot.
leg pain worse than back pain.
not improved with physical therapy or medication.
difficulty walking or standing that affects your quality of life.
diagnostic tests (MRI, CT, myelogram) that show stenosis in the central canal or lateral recess.
Symptoms are so severe that you are unable to perform normal daily activities and your quality of life is affected.
The symptoms become more severe and intolerable over time.
Most spinal stenosis occurs in the lower (lumbar) back. If you have stenosis in the neck (cervical) area, your health professional may recommend surgery to prevent worsening of the condition, which can cause nerve damage and paralysis.
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treatment. Use of the spinesurgery-wecareindia.com site is conditional upon your acceptance of our Terms and Conditions
Spinesurgery-wecareindia.com is a member of the wecareindia.com |
University of Connecticut bioengineers have used piezoelectric biodegradable nanofiber tissue scaffold technology to successfully regrow cartilage directly in a rabbit’s knee, an achievement that could represent a promising hop toward healing joints and treating disorders such as osteoarthritis, in humans.
The team, headed by UConn bioengineer Thanh Nguyen, PhD, implanted a biodegradable piezoelectric poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) nanofiber tissue scaffold into the knee of rabbits with major cartilage defects. The polymer effectively acts as a battery-less electrical stimulator, which generates a tiny burst of electric current when subjected to force—for example, when the rabbit walked or hopped. This charge promoted cell colonization and growth into the cartilage of the test animals. Encouragingly, rabbits treated using the piezoelectric scaffold implant in combination with 1–2 months of treadmill exercise demonstrated completely healed cartilage.
The results are exciting, although the researchers are cautious. “This is a fascinating result, but we need to test this in a larger animal,” one with a size and weight closer to a human, Nguyen said. The UConn team reported on its studies in Science Translational Medicine, in a paper titled “Exercise-induced piezoelectric stimulation for cartilage regeneration in rabbits,” in which they concluded: “The approach of combining biodegradable piezoelectric tissue scaffolds with controlled mechanical activation (via physical exercise) may therefore be useful for the treatment of osteoarthritis and is potentially applicable to regenerating other injured tissues.”
Arthritis is a common, painful disease caused by damage to the joints. Normally pads of cartilage cushion those spots, but injury or age can wear it away. As cartilage deteriorates, bone begins to hit bone, and everyday activities like walking become painful. Osteoarthritis (OA) is among the leading causes of pain and disability in the United States, affecting more than 32.5 million individuals, the authors noted.
The best treatments available try to replace the damaged cartilage with a healthy piece taken from elsewhere in the body or a donor. But healthy cartilage is in limited supply. If it’s the patient’s own, transplanting it could injure the place it was taken from; if it’s from someone else, the recipient’s immune system is likely to reject it. “Despite many advantages, replacement autografts and allografts have some disadvantages, including donor site morbidity (such as pain and scarring), infection, immune reactions (such as allograft response), and limited supplies of graft tissue,” the investigators commented.
The best possible treatment would be to regrow healthy cartilage in the damaged joint itself. Some researchers have tried amplifying chemical growth factors to induce the body to grow cartilage on its own; other attempts rely on a bioengineered scaffold to give the body a template for the fresh tissue. But neither of these approaches works, even in combination. The widespread use of synthetic scaffolds is limited, the investigators noted, due to the inefficiency of generating hyaline cartilage after implantation. Such grafts often fail to become load bearing in normal cartilage tissues. “The regrown cartilage doesn’t behave like native cartilage. It breaks, under the normal stresses of the joint”, said Nguyen. “It is therefore necessary to seek a different approach that can effectively stimulate and accelerate cartilage growth,” the authors added.
Nguyen’s lab has also been working on cartilage regeneration, and they’ve discovered that electrical signals are key to normal growth. Cartilage is sensitive to electrical stimulation (ES), the team pointed out, but current devices used for ES have limitations. For their reported study, the scientists designed a tissue scaffold made out of nanofibers of PLLA, a biodegradable polymer often used to stitch up surgical wounds. The nanomaterial demonstrates piezoelectricity, which means that when it is squeezed, it produces a small burst of electrical current. The regular movement of a joint, such as a person walking, can cause the PLLA scaffold to generate a weak but steady electrical field that encourages cells to colonize it and grow into cartilage. No outside growth factors or stem cells (which are potentially toxic or risk undesired adverse events) are necessary, and crucially, the cartilage that grows is mechanically robust.
Nguyen’s team wanted to see whether this property of PLLA could be applied directly to help repair damaged joints. “We hypothesized that a piezoelectric scaffold under applied force (from the exercise-induced joint motion) could produce surface charge that may be beneficial to the chondrogenesis of stem cells and to cartilage regeneration,” they wrote.
To test their hypothesis they implanted a PLLA tissue scaffold in the knee of injured rabbits with osteochondral (OC) defects. The rabbits had been trained to use a treadmill before their scaffold implant surgery. After implantation surgery the animals were given a month’s rest, and then started on a regular exercise regimen on the treadmill. Regenerative outcomes were evaluated after one and two months of exercise, so two and three months after implantation surgery, taking into account the month’s rest. Encouragingly, and just as predicted, the results confirmed that the cartilage grew back normally in those animals receiving the implants and undertaking the exercise regimen. “Compared to the sham and control groups, the piezo scaffold and exercise group with one month of exercise showed the most regeneration, with an entire OC defect filled with neocartilage tissues and a healthy hyaline cartilage structure similar to surrounding native cartilage,” the team wrote. “Similar results were found in the piezoelectric scaffold and exercise group with two-month exercise.”
Acknowledging limitations of their study, the authors concluded, “The current work provides proof of concept that a biodegradable piezoelectric PLLA scaffold, in association with physical exercise, can be used to treat OC defects … With controlled mechanical stimulation, the piezoelectric scaffold presented here could generate beneficial surface charge for cartilage growth and thus serve as a battery-free biodegradable stimulator. The results highlight the potential benefits of a biodegradable piezoelectric scaffold to regenerate cartilage tissues and treat OA.”
“Piezoelectricity is a phenomenon that also exists in the human body,’ said Yang Liu, PhD a postdoctoral fellow in Nguyen’s group and the lead author of the published work. “Bone, cartilage, collagen, DNA, and various proteins have a piezoelectric response … Our approach to healing cartilage is highly clinically translational, and we will look into the related healing mechanism.”
Although the reported results are encouraging, Nguyen’s lab does want to observe the animals treated for at least a year, probably two, to make sure the cartilage is durable. And it would be ideal to test the PLLA scaffolds in older animals, too. Arthritis is normally a disease of old age in humans. Young animals heal more easily than old—if the piezoelectric scaffolding helps older animals heal as well, it truly could be a bioengineering breakthrough. |
Twenty-four museums responded to the Cell Phone Tour Survey on Museum-Ed's Web site. Of these, twelve had offered a cell phone audio tour for over one year, eight had offered a cell phone audio tour for 6-12 months, two had offered a cell phone audio tour for 1-3 months, and two of the museums had tours still in development.
The average number of stops offered in cell phone audio tours in museums was 25 stops; the highest number of stops was 126, the lowest, five. Among museums reporting the percentage of their visitors using cell phone audio tours, 15% was the average; 60% being highest, 1% being lowest.
The majority of the tours were designed for general audiences. Seven museums offered family-specific tours, four offered senior tours, and four offered tours specifically for children. Only one museum offered tours specifically designed for visitors with visual impairments.
Four museums had complaints from visitors about using their own technology. Three museums avoided this problem by providing "loaner phones" to those who did not want to use their own cell phone (or did not have one). One museum offered mp3 files of the audio tour on their website, and encouraged visitors without cell phones to access the tour that way.
The vast majority of museums (20 total) did not feel that cell phone tours detracted from social learning between visitors, two refrained from answering since their tours were still in development. In their comments, three educators pointed out that audio tours of any kind are one layer of an institution's interpretation strategy that also includes docent-led tours, didactic information, and the like.
One educator recounted seeing "people listen to the recording and then talk about it or share it with others they are with," an example of social learning in action that nine other educators echoed. Other positive comments included cell phone audio tours being a way to deliver information to visitors outside of reading, a way of making content available when visitors are not in the museum, and providing visitors a way to hear the voices of artists and/or curators. In fact, stops that include the artist speaking were found to be most popular.
Fifteen of the educators reported that visitor feedback had been positive, in shades ranging from "very positive" to "generally positive." Some tours allow visitors to record their own comments directly through their phone, a feature that one museum found under-utilized, and another well received.
One educator commented: "I'd like to get more feedback using the audio tour. I think the flexibility of the technology could allow us to incorporate visitors' ideas and responses, however I have found them to be more interested in listening than talking." Most visitors saw the fact that cell phone audio tours are "self directed and free" as a benefit.
Six museums reported that seniors were not resistant to cell phone tours, five that they "sometimes were," and two said that seniors were resistant. The primary issue seemed to be seniors who did not have cell phones, easily resolved by providing loaner phones or MP3 player versions of tours.
Restrictions and Policy
Seven museums depended on staff (either guards or front-desk staff) to remind visitors to not use their phones for calls or photos. Another seven used reminders at the beginning of the audio tour and/or signage in the galleries to prevent calls or photos.
For some of the museums, cell phone use is not an issue at all, for example outdoor living history museums, exterior tours, or museums without a "no camera/cell phone" policy.
Production and Delivery
Eleven museums were pleased with their current cell phone tour service. Twenty-one museums produced their recordings in-house.
This was accomplished through a variety of methods: four used Audacity audio editing software, three used Garage Band, one used Roxio, and seven used Guide By Cell's recording over the phone system. A few used their in-house media departments or a generous audio-editing spouse. One museum was in the process of creating a program for high school students to develop tours.
Only one museum reported paying someone to narrate content for their audio tour. The rest was either narrated by staff members or volunteers, in one case a local radio personality. Three of the museums had staff or spouses of staff with acting or speaking experience. The tours often include stops narrated by the director, curator, artist or scientist involved with the exhibit.
Sixteen museums update their tours with each exhibit change.
The average yearly cost of a cell phone audio tour (not including production) was $3,588. The most costly tour reported in the survey was $10,000 and the least costly was $1200.
Unpredictably, the costs of cell phone audio tours did not necessarily correlate with the number of stops. Eight of the museums reported having sponsors for their tours. |
Question: I am a movie director and I just received the following movie plot. Could you help me answer this question? If not, let me know by writing "Not answerable". Plot title: Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan Movie plot: Following the events of The New Blood, two graduating high school students are aboard on a houseboat. Jim tells his girlfriend Suzy the legend of Jason Voorhees, before playing a prank on her with a hockey mask and a fake knife. The boat sails over some underwater cables, which electrocute Jason's corpse and cause his resurrection. He sneaks on board and kills Jim with a harpoon gun before impaling Suzy, who tries to hide from him, with a barb. The next morning, the SS Lazarus is ready to set sail for New York City with a graduating senior class from Lakeview High School and chaperoned by biology teacher Charles McCulloch and English teacher Colleen Van Deusen. Van Deusen brings McCulloch's niece Rennie along for the trip despite her aquaphobia much to his chagrin. Jason sneaks on board and kills rock star wannabe J.J. with her guitar before hiding in the bowels of the ship. That night, after a boxing match, a young boxer who lost to champion Julius Gaw is killed when Jason slams a hot sauna rock into his abdomen while Rennie, searching for her pet Border Collie Toby, discovers prom queen Tamara and Eva doing drugs. McCulloch nearly catches them moments later and Tamara pushes Rennie overboard, suspecting she told on them. She then uses video student Wayne to record McCulloch in a compromising situation with her, but rejects Wayne's advances afterward. Tamara is killed by Jason with a shard of broken mirror when she goes to take a shower. Rennie begins seeing visions of a young Jason throughout the ship, but the others ignore the deckhand's warnings that Jason is aboard. Jason kills Captain Robertson and his first mate. Rennie's boyfriend, Sean, discovers them and tells the others before calling for an emergency stop. Eva is strangled as she tries to flee from Jason. The students agree to search for Jason while McCulloch decides that the deckhand is responsible; however, the deckhand is discovered with an axe in his back. One of the students, Miles, is killed by Jason and Julius is knocked overboard.... My question: Who is knocked overboard?
Answer: Julius
Question: I am a movie director and I just received the following movie plot. Could you help me answer this question? If not, let me know by writing "Not answerable". Plot title: The Sugarland Express Movie plot: In May 1969, Lou Jean Poplin (Goldie Hawn) visits her husband Clovis Michael Poplin (William Atherton) to tell him that their son will soon be placed in the care of foster parents. Even though he is four months away from release from the Beauford H. Jester Prison Farm in Texas, she convinces him to escape to assist her in retrieving her child. They hitch a ride from the prison with an elderly couple, but when Texas Department of Public Safety Patrolman Maxwell Slide (Michael Sacks) stops the car, they take the car and run. When the car crashes, the two felons overpower and kidnap Slide, holding him hostage in a slow-moving caravan, eventually including helicopters and news vans. The Poplins and their captive travel through Beaumont, Dayton, Houston, Cleveland, Conroe and finally Wheelock, Texas. By holding Slide hostage, the pair are able to continually gas up their car, as well as get food via the drive-through. Eventually, Slide and the pair bond and have mutual respect for one another. The Poplins bring Slide to the home of the foster parents, where they encounter numerous officers, including the DPS Captain who has been pursuing them, Captain Harlin Tanner (Ben Johnson). A pair of Texas Rangers shoot and kill Clovis and the Texas Department of Public Safety arrests Lou Jean. Patrolman Slide is found unharmed. Lou Jean spends fifteen months of a five-year prison term in a women's correctional facility. Upon getting out, she obtains the right to live with her son, convincing authorities that she is able to do so. My question: Why does Lou Jean Poplin visit Clovis Michael Poplin?
Answer: Not answerable
Question: I am a movie director and I just received the following movie plot. Could you help me answer this question? If not, let me know by writing "Not answerable". Plot title: Silent Night, Bloody Night Movie plot: On Christmas Eve 1950, Wilfred Butler runs out of his rural house and appears to have been set on fire. He collapses in the snow and is believed to be dead. Twenty years later, lawyer John Carter and his assistant Ingrid arrive in a small Massachusetts town on Christmas Eve. John meets with the town's nobles, Mayor Adams, Tess Howard, Sheriff Bill Mason and Charlie Towman. John is revealed to be the lawyer of Jeffrey Butler, Wilfred's grandson, and is trying to sell the Butler mansion for $50,000 by noon the next day. After a call to his wife, John is revealed to be having an affair with Ingrid. The two stay the night at the Butler mansion, unaware that they are being watched. After dinner, the two go upstairs to a bedroom to have sex. The mysterious person walks in on them and kills them both with a felling axe. The killer calls the police and reveals himself to be "Marianne." After Tess, who is the town's phone operator, intercepts the call, she leaves her assistant in charge and drives out to the Butler mansion. Marianne greets Tess, who is visibly frightened. She is knocked over the head repeatedly with a candle holder. At the same time, Sheriff Mason is heading to the mansion, but stops at the nearby cemetery after seeing a disturbed gravesite from the road. Upon approaching the grave, he discovers it is Wilfred Butler's, and that the grave has been dug up and Butler's body removed. He is struck over the head and killed, and falls into the grave. Mayor Adams receives a strange phone call asking him to go to the Butler mansion; he leaves his adult daughter Diane at home alone. Not long after Adams leaves, a man arrives at the house and says his name is Jeffrey Butler, Wilfred's grandson. Jeffrey says he found the sheriff's car abandoned at the cemetery and "borrowed" it. After a brief conversation, Diane and Jeffrey go up to the cemetery to look for the sheriff. They stumble upon Wilfred's disturbed grave, but find no sight of the sheriff. The two go into town to Towman's to see if they can find out what... My question: Who is believed to be dead?
Wilfred Butler is believed to be dead. |
Washington, DC —A technology as simple as an advanced heater cable may hold the secret for tapping into the nation's largest source of oil, which is contained in vast amounts of shale in the American West.
In a recently completed project sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) through the Office of Fossil Energy's Oil and Natural Gas Program, Composite Technology Development (CTD) Inc. successfully demonstrated the application of a ceramic-composite insulated heater cable for oil shale recovery deep underground. The Small Business Innovation Research project provided employment for 25 professionals and resulted in two patent applications related to the cable.
"With DOE's support over two phases of this project, CTD has demonstrated a way to tap into the western oil shale resources," said Dr. Victor K. Der, Acting Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy. "With two-thirds of the world’s supply of oil shale in the United States, technologies such as this can go a long way toward bolstering the development of our domestic energy resources, creating jobs, and supporting energy security."
The United States holds about two thirds of the world’s estimated reserves of 3.7 trillion barrels of oil shale, an amount thought to be 40 percent larger than remaining supplies of petroleum worldwide. Scientists believe that the Green River shale formation alone, in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, has as much as 1.1 trillion barrels of oil equivalent.
CTD researchers conducted 5,000 hours of continuous testing of its cable at temperatures ranging between 760 to 850 degrees Celsius. During the tests, the cable overcame many of the limitations of existing cables, which include conductor instability, moisture-induced degradation, and operating temperatures too limited to recover shale oil underground. The project was managed by DOE’s National Energy Technology Laboratory.
Oil shale contains a substance called kerogen, which is the organic material from which oil is derived. Kerogen cannot be pumped from a reservoir like oil. Instead, the oil shale rock must be heated to separate the liquid. Once the liquid is collected, it can be upgraded to synthetic crude oil for shipment and refining in the nation’s existing petroleum infrastructure.
CTD's successful test of its heater cable holds promise for heating the shale oil in situ, down to a depth of 5,000 feet, thus separating the kerogen without having to go through the expensive process of mining the oil shale rock. If future underground tests of the cable prove successful, operators should be able to extract a petroleum-like liquid that is fluid enough to be pumped to the surface.
Compared to large-scale mining and surface processing, in situ oil shale processes utilizing CTD's advanced cable system could cut recovery costs in half while reducing environmental impacts. |
Earlier this year, doctors at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, began the world's first gene therapy trials to treat 12 patients who have Leber's congenital amaurosis, a condition that causes progressive sight loss. Following successful animal trials (said to have restored the vision of blind dogs so they could navigate a maze without difficulty), it is hoped that the technique, which involves injecting working copies of faulty genes directly into the retina, will prove equally effective when carried out on humans. The results will not be made public for a year but, if the technique works, scientists hope it could eventually be used to treat a wide range of inherited sight disorders affecting up to 30,000 visually impaired people in the UK and potentially millions more worldwide.
The first viable treatment for blindness is twinkling on the horizon and as one reader said on a national newspaper message board discussing the trials, "The possibility of being able to give improved sight to people with visual impairments is a great development for the human race." But what of the people we seek to repair? Those who have been born blind and those, like me, who are losing or have lost their vision. Is this what we have been waiting for? Is it "a great development for the human race", or a step forward in the eugenic quest for an uber-race, free of imperfection and rid of the unease about disability that nestles quietly in society's pocket?
For the past 13 years I have been losing my sight, due to a genetic and incurable condition called retinitis pigmentosa (RP). RP causes the photoreceptive cells on the retina to die off, causing, in my case, tunnel vision. I liken it to looking at the world down the middle of two toilet rolls. My central vision remains intact, but where once was peripheral vision now float only my thoughts. In time these loo rolls will shrink to knotholes and then pinholes and then possibly nothing.
In the early years after my diagnosis, blindness remained a repulsive and terrifying concept. Every year I would visit the doctor and he would say the same thing - that I must live and plan my life with the certainty that blindness was inevitable. And so, slowly over time, that is what I learned to do. But now the advent of gene therapy has pushed open a chink in the door. Disabled people have long asked themselves the hypothetical "would you be cured if you could?" question. Now, for the first time, there is a chance, albeit very small, that maybe one day I might actually get my sight back.
Hurrah, you cry. I must be thrilled. Actually, I am a bit confused. It is easy to assume that all visually impaired people will be hammering down the doors should gene therapy prove successful. But to say this is to assume that a blind life is lesser and that all blind people really want to be sighted. They don't. The first blind man I ever met, who also happened to be my boss at the time, is one of them. I recently asked him if he would have gene therapy if he could. No, came his reply. Because, he tells me, regaining sight is more than just seeing again.
There are issues of identity and culture at stake too. "As the blind-from-birth son of blind parents, I am, in part of my soul, defined by my blindness," he explains. "It directly equates to ethnic or racial origin. If you give a black person the choice to be white there may well be significant advantages in such a deal: more access to better jobs; freedom from the shackles of ignorant prejudice; in short, a step closer to equality. But I'd bet most would turn the offer down flat."
But what if, unlike my old boss, you haven't always been blind? What if, like me, you grew up with full vision and have seen all the cliche-ridden things that those born totally blind are pitied for never having seen - the sunset, your own reflection, the look in your lover's eyes. What if your soul is sighted, and then you go blind?
You will cry and wonder why. You will hope and pray. You will wish it would all go away. But the longer your sight has been on the slide, the more it seeps into every crack of your psyche - until one day you are no longer the "sighted person" who can't see any more. Somehow, strangely, in the dead of night, your identity has rolled over in bed and you wake up and get out the other side a "visually impaired person" - and it feels like part of you.
It doesn't happen overnight, and perhaps it doesn't happen to all who sail the strange seas of sight loss with me. But for me there came a point when impending blindness was no longer my alien but my friend. I had had my time as a sighted person. I had seen the world through my eyes. Now it was time to touch it and smell it and hear it.
When you lose your vision you have to re-learn the sorts of things that will allow you to survive on the planet, such as crossing the road without being flattened. Next you must tackle the real problem and learn to deal with the attitudes of others as they morph around you. Misconceptions start to spout from even your oldest friends' mouths because negative attitudes about blindness permeate us all.
You are about to cross over into the dark side and see what wriggles and writhes on the underbelly of society. Folk will see you as the sufferer, the pitiful, the afflicted, the subhuman - that's you, yes, you. If you use a cane or a dog, people will stare as you walk down the street. People will assume you are more lacking in intelligence than your sighted counterpart. People you have never met before will ask if you want children, and if you do, they will ask if the kids will have the same condition that you have, and whether that is right or wrong. Welcome. Your reproductive autonomy is in the docks of the moral courts of the nation's minds.
So if this underbelly is so wretched, surely if the time comes when the doctors are looming forth with a needle containing the working version of my faulty gene and heralding the promise of a new day, one with a bright sunset and me at the wheel of a fast car, I'll take it, right? Anything to escape? No. Saying yes to seeing again, even for someone who wasn't born blind, isn't easy. The repercussions would ripple beyond my eyes into my friendships, my work, my relationship.
Would I retain the unity I have with my disabled brethren if I could see? Or would I have different friends, the type who fall by the wayside now because they are not aware or empathetic, or are too aesthetically obsessed? Would I lose the friends with whom I have nothing in common but who remain in my phone book because they get the blindness thing? And would it be right to dump them just because I can see and don't need their empathy any more? If I stepped into the pool of "normal people" again, where would my identity go?
The kernel of who I am has been sucked into a new body; now it would have to be sucked back into the old one. And what of my relationship? Would we stay together or would I run off to do all the things I never got to do before? There is a high rate of separation among couples where one person gets a guide dog for the first time. Why? Because suddenly they can do things on their own again. This new-found independence shifts the balance and cracks appear. If this can happen with a dog, think what could happen with a pair of fully working eyes and a car.
Going blind isn't a smooth ride, though. It comes down and squishes you under an insurmountable weight of grief and disbelief. It is limiting, frustrating and changes the way you do many of the things you used to enjoy - now you must dance with the light on and drive from the back seat. But like the affirmation of near death, it affects more than just your physicality. It gives you a unique perspective. It is a grand experiment that most don't get to try; to observe as your brain rewires and watch as the human body adapts in infinite ways. When my vision began to get worse, I bumped into everything in my path because I was still careering down the pavement at the speed of someone who could see. As my mind caught up with my eyes, I changed the way I walked - with more caution and less speed - and the perpetual bumping and tripping stopped.
Losing your sight is not like just shutting your eyes. The loss is so gradual that as one sense dies others grow. Suddenly you can smell the world and sense when someone is standing out of your line of vision. Your brain grows on the inside and things on the outside start to matter less. I get to live my life twice over in two different bodies (the sighted one I used to have and the partially sighted one I now have), and with that comes the privilege of spying on the world and its intricacies from multiple vantage points.
It's a cliche to say that disabled people are nicer. It is incorrect, in fact. But for me, vision loss has made me more empathetic and more open- minded. I have to take so often that I give more freely. When you rely on friends to take you down Oxford Street or a stranger to get you across the road, you think more consciously about what you give back and battle with the feeling that you need them more than they need you. But, strangely, I am happier like this than if I had carried on down the middle lane to mediocre city never having seen or felt real loss and known how to appreciate the good things around me.
I have met people I would never have met had I been sighted, and we have been joined together by the common bond of disability (and there is no glue that sets as hard as that squeezed from the pores of a minority). When part of your body starts to die you feel what it is to be human. You wake up from the slumber of being just another idiot with an iPod because you are forced to work out the bigger questions. Or at least ask them. Why am I here? Why is this happening? You are alert to the immediacy and fragility of your life. You know that the choices of the modern age do not and can not extend into every realm of your life. You can't choose to see (at least not yet). This is it. The upshot? You live in the moment. You settle for your lot and love it.
The concept of sight loss as a positive thing is an elusive one. It is hard to grasp when you have experienced it; and even harder to grasp when you haven't. It is not something I would have chosen, but it is not something I wish hadn't happened. Would I like to stop it getting worse? Yes, because I'm only human and sometimes I lie awake worrying how I'll cope when it's all gone. But would I like to have gene therapy and see perfectly again? Five years ago I'd have said yes. Now I'm not sure, because if this experiment of going blind has taught me anything, it is that what you lose in one place you gain elsewhere, and while a blind life is different to a sighted life, it is not lesser. And ultimately it is better than having no life at all.
· Rebecca Atkinson's play Playing God is at the Soho Theatre, London, from July 24 to August 4. sohotheatre.com |
Q: Teacher:In this task you will be given two lists of numbers and you need to calculate the intersection between these two lists. The intersection between two lists is another list where every element is common between the two original lists. If there are no elements in the intersection, answer with an empty list. Your list of numbers must be inside brackets. Sort the numbers in your answer in an ascending order, that is, no matter what the order of the numbers in the lists is, you should put them in your answer in an ascending order.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: [7, 9, 9, 5, 6, 7, 7, 9, 10] , [9, 2, 3, 7, 2, 6, 9, 8, 4]
A: [6, 7, 9] |
(From subreddit r/xxfitness)
I'm currently struggling with money more than I ever have before.
I want to try stuff, but it's expensive. I need a PT for my shoulder, and I can't afford it. I spend too much on groceries trying to cook healthy meals . I can't afford a coach to correct my form (and I get upset when I see people progress faster than me because they can afford that).
My underemployment and thus lack of funds also takes its toll in many ways. My retail job with it's crazy inconsistent hours also sometimes hurts my workouts and means my routine is a mess. UGH. |
S&T Bancorp (STBA) to Release Earnings on Thursday - Community Financial News
S&T Bancorp (NASDAQ:STBA – Get Rating) is set to post its quarterly earnings results before the market opens on Thursday, October 20th. Analysts expect S&T Bancorp to post earnings of $0.81 per share for the quarter. Individual that are interested in participating in the company’s earnings conference call can do so using this link.
S&T Bancorp (NASDAQ:STBA – Get Rating) last announced its quarterly earnings results on Thursday, July 21st. The financial services provider reported $0.74 EPS for the quarter, topping analysts’ consensus estimates of $0.63 by $0.11. S&T Bancorp had a net margin of 30.84% and a return on equity of 9.06%. The firm had revenue of $87.82 million during the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $84.75 million. During the same period in the previous year, the business posted $0.72 earnings per share. On average, analysts expect S&T Bancorp to post $3 EPS for the current fiscal year and $3 EPS for the next fiscal year.
Shares of STBA stock opened at $32.32 on Wednesday. The company has a 50 day moving average price of $30.66 and a 200-day moving average price of $29.29. S&T Bancorp has a 52 week low of $26.51 and a 52 week high of $34.20. The firm has a market capitalization of $1.27 billion, a PE ratio of 11.71 and a beta of 0.65. The company has a quick ratio of 0.95, a current ratio of 0.95 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.06.
Large investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in the business. Quantbot Technologies LP bought a new stake in S&T Bancorp during the second quarter valued at approximately $90,000. Eaton Vance Management lifted its holdings in S&T Bancorp by 5.9% during the first quarter. Eaton Vance Management now owns 7,784 shares of the financial services provider’s stock valued at $230,000 after purchasing an additional 435 shares in the last quarter. Captrust Financial Advisors lifted its holdings in S&T Bancorp by 21.7% during the first quarter. Captrust Financial Advisors now owns 8,635 shares of the financial services provider’s stock valued at $255,000 after purchasing an additional 1,538 shares in the last quarter. Meridian Wealth Partners LLC purchased a new position in S&T Bancorp during the first quarter valued at approximately $422,000. Finally, BNP Paribas Arbitrage SA lifted its holdings in S&T Bancorp by 10.1% during the second quarter. BNP Paribas Arbitrage SA now owns 17,457 shares of the financial services provider’s stock valued at $479,000 after purchasing an additional 1,604 shares in the last quarter. 62.32% of the stock is currently owned by institutional investors.
A number of analysts have recently commented on the stock. DA Davidson reiterated a “neutral” rating on shares of S&T Bancorp in a research note on Wednesday, July 27th. StockNews.com initiated coverage on shares of S&T Bancorp in a research note on Wednesday, October 12th. They issued a “hold” rating for the company. Finally, Janney Montgomery Scott initiated coverage on shares of S&T Bancorp in a research report on Thursday, September 29th. They set a “neutral” rating and a $32.00 target price for the company. |
Learning to code
- 17 April 2012
- From the section Technology
Who needs to learn to code? You might think that a knowledge of computer programming is much like plumbing or car maintenance - something of use only to those who are going to make a living from that trade. But suddenly coding is cool - the government is listening to those calling for it to be taught in schools, and executives are signing up for courses.
I spent a day on one such course run by an organisation called Decoded. It aims to give people who will probably never need to code for a living a basic grounding, so that by the end of the day they have an insight into what is involved.
So at 09:00 one morning I found myself in a very attractive loft apartment in East London sipping coffee with 10 executives from an advertising firm. Most of them had more experience of coding than me - mainly because they were young enough to have messed around with a BBC Micro or a ZX Spectrum as teenagers.
But, like me, they were unlikely to need these skills in their daily work. So what was the point of sending them on a course with a pretty hefty price tag? They gave me various reasons, from gaining a better understanding of consumers to shaping their firm's digital future, but I thought Tom, a young strategy director from the agency, put it best: "There's this phrase, the geeks will inherit the earth.... when they do I want to be talking the same language as them."
Then it was down to work - first a potted history of code, with an emphasis on the importance of web languages. Alasdair Blackwell, our main tutor and the co-founder of Decoded, is an impressive evangelist for the open web, and the need to give ourselves the tools to make best use of it.
He argues that today's teenage iPad users, far from being digital natives, actually have less understanding of what makes computers tick than his generation, who got their hands dirty with machines like the BBC Micro. "The children playing on iPads, I actually despair for them because they're just using software, not creating software for themselves."
But what we learned is that coding is a collective pursuit - together with our tutors Alasdair and Monique, we debugged each other's sites so that by 17:30 we all had something basic but rather clever.
But I came away from my day of coding exhilarated by the experience and with new insights into the development of our digital world. So maybe one day soon I will sit down and start coding for real. |
Study: ‘Chaos Seeding’ impairs the interpretation of Numerical Weather Models
This paper was published in late 2017, and we didn’t notice it then. Today thanks to a tip from Dr. Willie Soon, via Willis Eschenbach, we notice it now. The paper is open access. See PDF link below.
Seeding Chaos: The Dire Consequences of Numerical Noise in NWP Perturbation Experiments
Studying changes made to initial conditions or other model aspects can yield valuable insights into dynamics and predictability, but are associated with an unrealistic phenomenon called chaos seeding that can cause misinterpretations of results.
Perturbation experiments are a common technique used to study how differences between model simulations evolve within chaotic systems. Such perturbation experiments include modifications to initial conditions (including those involved with data assimilation), boundary conditions, and model parameterizations. We have discovered, however, that any difference between model simulations produces a rapid propagation of very small changes throughout all prognostic model variables at a rate many times the speed of sound. The rapid propagation seems to be due to the model’s higher-order spatial discretization schemes, allowing the communication of numerical error across many grid points with each time step. This phenomenon is found to be unavoidable within the Weather Research and Forecasting model even when using techniques such as digital filtering or numerical diffusion.
These small differences quickly spread across the entire model domain. While these errors initially are on the order of a millionth of a degree with respect to temperature, for example, they can grow rapidly through nonlinear chaotic processes where moist processes are occurring. Subsequent evolution can produce within a day significant changes comparable in magnitude to high-impact weather events such as regions of heavy rainfall or the existence of rotating supercells. Most importantly, these unrealistic perturbations can contaminate experimental results, giving the false impression that realistic physical processes play a role. This study characterizes the propagation and growth of this type of noise through chaos, shows examples for various perturbation strategies, and discusses the important implications for past and future studies that are likely affected by this phenomenon.
From the conclusion:
Here the phenomenon of chaos seeding was discovered within the WRF grid point model, although other studies with different grid point modeling systems suggest the issue is more generalized since common numerical schemes are the cause. Spectral models likely suffer the same issue of chaos seeding given their inherent, instantaneous communication of perturbations across the entire modeling domain. Thus, chaos seeding within perturbation experiments appears to be a universal modeling problem. In turn, our hope with this study is to bring an awareness to this relatively unknown issue to the field of atmospheric sciences, and other fields where chaos seeding may plague perturbation experiments, such that attempts can be made by researchers to remove potential misinterpretations from their work. From a predictability perspective, chaos seeding presents an intrinsic limit on the predictability of certain features since even if nearly all sources of error can be removed in a numerical weather forecast, any tiny error in any limited part of the domain will rapidly seed the entire model grid with other tiny errors, which will subsequently evolve wherever the atmosphere supports rapid perturbation growth. Ensemble sensitivity and EOF analysis were two techniques presented here that have the potential to mitigate chaos seeding in perturbation experiments toward distinguishing realistic processes, and we hope that these and other new techniques can be used to ensure that chaos seeding does not harm the integrity of modeling experiments in a variety of scientific disciplines.
This paper shows there is an issue in short term numerical weather models that span hours to days. Since we know chaos amplifies with time, one onders how much of lomg term climate modeling is affected by this.
The PDF of the paper:
Superforest,Climate Change
via Watts Up With That?
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IELTS is the International English Testing System. It is an examination which is done all over the world and is trusted in more than 10,000 organisations globally. It is a recognised qualification that is reputable amongst educational institutions, employers, governments and any professional environments nationally and internationally. It’s one of the most popular courses we have, and it gets filled rapidly. IELTS measures the ability of those who want to study or work within an English speaking environment or country. It is graded with a nine-band scale to categorise the levels of linguistic proficiency. The highest band is nine and the lowest is one, nine being an expert and one being a non-speaker.
The two test versions of IELTS are:
- Academic IELTS – For those who want to apply and progress within their higher educational needs or start their journey within a professional environment.
- General IELTS – For those whose first language is not English and they need to understand the basics of English itself.
Both IELTS Academic and General Training offer a useful and accurate assessment of four highly essential language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. |
By now, you may of heard of the Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV), referred to more simply as “Rugose”. It is a viral disease that predominately impacts tomato plants, but also peppers, leaving fruit damaged and unmarketable.
It was first detected in Israel in 2014 but has now been found in parts of North America.
If you are a Canadian ornamental grower that ALSO grows tomato liners as part of your spring crop selection, or if you grow ORNAMENTAL PEPPERS, here is what you need to know regarding Rugose symptoms, prevention and more importantly, regulations.
Although it does not pose a food safety risk, Rugose (ToBRFV) can be devastating to crops and challenging to control/eradicate when not acted upon swiftly. Similar to Tomato Mosaic Virus (ToMV), it is highly virulent (i.e. spreads easily) and stable (i.e. persists in the environment). It is currently only known to affect tomatoes and peppers, but its complete host range has not yet been established.
New Restrictions on movement of Tomato and Pepper:
Recently, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued a federal order regarding shipment of Tomato and Pepper plants (including plants for planting, seeds and fruit) to prevent the entry of ToBRFV to the United States. This order may restrict export opportunities for Canadian ornamental growers on products such as ornamental or potted peppers, tomato seedlings, and tomato transplants. This federal order took place on November 22, 2019. To review the full federal order please click here.
In light of these new regulations, Flowers Canada is seeking information on export and production patterns for tomato and pepper plants from ornamental producers to better understand potential impacts to the industry.
If you or your farm plan to export tomato or pepper plants in the next year using the Canadian Greenhouse Certification Program (CGCP – yellow sticker program) or the program which will replace it (the United States-Canada Greenhouse Grown Plant Certification Program – GCP), please contact Flowers Canada.
It is also recommended that you contact your local CFIA office for instructions regarding upcoming shipments.
On top of understanding upcoming shipment restrictions/regulations, it will be important for ALL greenhouse growers to know the signs and symptoms of the virus in order to act appropriately if infected plants are suspected. Biosecurity measures, such as inspection of imports and strict sanitation practices, will be key to preventing introduction/transmission of this pest.
Symptoms of ToBRFV:
Symptoms on foliage (pepper or tomato) are similar to other Tobamoviruses (e.g. ToMV, TMV). These include visible damage such as:
- Cholorotic leaves
- Leaf mottling
- Narrowing or other deformation of leaves
Symptoms on tomato/pepper fruits include:
- Blotchy yellow or brown spots
- Necrotic spots
- Fruit may be undersized or deformed; tomatoes may abort prematurely
Look for these symptoms on ornamental peppers, or tomatoes grown for spring sale. More information on symptoms of this disease, including photos, can be found at https://www.betterseed.org/wp-content/uploads/ToBRFV-QA.pdf
Biosecurity Practices to Limit ToBRFV:
ToBRFV spreads primarily through mechanical transmission; it is incredibly easy to spread this virus simply by touching an infected plant. The virus can also be spread by handling infected fruits. The virus can be easily spread from tomato to pepper plants in the same facility.
Rigorous and frequent hand washing by employees that regularly handle plants is the first line of defense, but may not be enough. Other important measures to take to prevent the introduction/spread of ToBRFV include:
- Rigorously inspecting incoming plant material (e.g. tomato transplants) for any viral symptoms
- Confining potential host plants to a single area with a few dedicated workers; consider restricting access to essential personnel only
- Regular monitoring
- Wearing gloves when handling tomato/pepper plants or fruit
- Using disposable lab coats
- Disinfect regularly (e.g. tools, growing surfaces, foot baths, tire baths.). This also includes surfaces that are frequently touched by staff (doorknobs, keyboards, lunch tables, etc.).
- Implementing strict visitor biosecurity – see OGVGs Visitor Biosecurity Guide here: https://www.hortcouncil.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Visitor-Biosecurity-Handout-EN.pdf
- Quick removal of any plants showing irregular symptoms
- Disinfection of growing areas between crops
Please see the attached guide to cleaning and disinfecting your greenhouse, developed by Cara McCreary, Greenhouse Vegetable IPM specialist with OMAFRA, as well as a presentation with further background on ToBRFV. |
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I am dual-booting Ubuntu(12.10) and Windows on different hard drives in my laptop.
For battery life and noise issue, it is possible for me to ignore the Windows drive and prevent it from being mounted?
I tried to look up /etc/fstab but only found the drive for ubuntu...
Is it possible to totally disable the Windows drive on grub(Before the system boots)? (I use MBR for Windows and choosing system by selecting drive)
share|improve this question
1 Answer 1
you could define an udev rule to unmount the drive after startup, or edit an existing rule in your .rules directory to not even mount it.
Here is some information about udev an the possibilieties you have, and an introduction to rulewriting: http://www.reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html
share|improve this answer
Thanks for the information! Sounds there are not trivial solution though... – cwhy Mar 16 '13 at 19:24
Your Answer
Imitation of Christ, The
Imitation of Christ, The, Christian devotional book, of great popularity. It originated among the Brothers of the Common Life in the Netherlands and was written probably c.1425. Tradition (since c.1445) has ascribed it to Thomas à Kempis, whose name appears on an early Latin manuscript. A popular contemporary theory holds that Thomas copied out and edited The Imitation from manuscripts originating with Gerard Groote. The work encourages a life of mystical devotion to Christ and a distrust of the human intellect. The four books treat liberation from worldly inclinations, recollection as a preparation for prayer, the consolations of prayer, and the place of eucharistic communion in a devout life. The work is a summary of the spirit of Groote's movement, the devotio moderna. The English translation by Richard Whitford (c.1530) has long been standard. It has been revised into modern English (Harold Gardiner, ed., 1955). The Imitation has also been rendered as The Following of Christ (tr. 1941).
See J. E. G. De Montmorency, Thomas à Kempis: His Age and Book (1906, repr. 1970).
More on Imitation of Christ The from Fact Monster:
See more Encyclopedia articles on: Christianity: General |
subreddit: SurvivalUnion
Can't login at all until name changes are sorted out.
~~Sorry guys, but I changed my username and I can't log in to the server or else I will be alt-banned. I know rocketboy can't either, so we need at least one person who can stay and make sure things are alright (we don't get griefed, etc).~~
Edit: If you have changed names, log on to the server under your new name to ban yourself and post [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/CivilizatonExperiment/comments/2uvkrq/post_here_if_you_are_altbanned_from_changing_your/). |
Subreddit: pcmasterrace
It took me a long time to put my finger on it. I've been playing the game a lot and mostly enjoying it, but there's something about the game that's been bothering me from the beginning.
It's designed for engagement, not enjoyment. It's designed to be addictive rather than fun.
Heavy emphasis on challenges, timed events, lack of team balance, unbalanced ingame economy, tedious unlocks, frustrating gameplay features and a slightly crappy UI. It's deliberately designed to keep you frustrated enough to keep trying just a little more, but not so frustrating that you ragequit. It's deliberately designed to have enough tedium to push people toward microtransactions, but not so much that playing it feels completely pointless. It's deliberately designed to push you to *play it now*, even if it's just to slog through and you really have better things to do.
It's actually a really well designed game if you consider that their design goal is to maximize profitability, not the player experience. Whether that actually worked, I'm not sure. Sales numbers and reviews haven't been great, but they might make enough from microtransactions to balance it out. |
## Question
Here is an extract from a webpage:
"ASA recognizes SWA as an independent region, which includes AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN and VA.
Wholesaler-distributors that join and maintain corporate membership in SWA are automatically enrolled as active members in ASA as well as affiliate members in the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW). SWA remits a portion of the paid dues to ASA and NAW on behalf of its wholesaler-distributor members; three memberships for the price of one.
Since January 1, 2014, independent manufacturer representatives that join and maintain corporate membership in SWA are automatically enrolled as active members in ASA; two memberships for the price of one.
While manufacturers, master-distributors and service vendors are encouraged to join and maintain memberships in both SWA and ASA, the decisions to join either organization are separate propositions. Membership in SWA does not include membership in ASA or vice versa.
Please visit www.southernwholesalers.org
or contact Terry Sh."
Write an extensive and detailed course unit in a textbook for college students related to the extract above, focusing on "Music Heritage of Nashville and Memphis" as part of "HISTORY / United States / State & Local / South (AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV)". Do not just list concepts, but develop each one in detail before moving to the next, as we prioritize depth of understanding and comprehensive exploration of the subject matter over breadth.
Try to:
- Ensure in-depth coverage of the concepts.
- Use a narrative, thought-provoking style.
- Connect the topic with current trends, real-life examples, or recent studies.
Do not include a title, introductory phrases, or images. Write the content directly.
## Answer
Course Unit: Music Heritage of Nashville and Memphis
I. Introduction
The southern regions of the United States have been fertile ground for the growth and development of various musical genres such as blues, country, rock 'n' roll, and soul music. Two cities stand out as pillars of American music heritage - Nashville and Memphis. These cities are home to some of the most influential musicians, record labels, and recording studios that shaped popular music history. This course unit will delve into the rich music legacy of these two iconic cities within the context of their respective states - Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. We will explore how these regional associations influenced the evolution of music styles and sounds while examining the relationship between professional organizations like the Southern Wholesalers Association (SWA), Associated Sales Agents (ASA), and the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW) with contemporary trends in the industry.
II. The Origins of Country Music in Nashville
Country music has deep roots in Appalachian folk traditions brought by early European settlers who migrated southward during colonial times. Ballads, fiddle tunes, hymns, and work songs were common forms of entertainment among rural communities across the southeast. In the late nineteenth century, African American string bands began incorporating banjos and other instruments into traditional white mountain music creating what would become known as bluegrass and old-time music. By the early twentieth century, this fusion had spread throughout the southern US giving birth to new subgenres including western swing, honky-tonk, and eventually modern country music.
III. Rise of Memphis Blues and Rock 'n' Roll
Memphis played a pivotal role in shaping American music through its unique blend of Delta blues, gospel, jazz, and rhythm & blues influences. During World War II, many African Americans moved northwards seeking employment opportunities leading to a cultural exchange between northern industrial centers like Chicago and St. Louis and southern cities like Memphis. As result, blues artists started experimenting with different instrumentation, arrangements, and production techniques resulting in electrified urban blues sound characterized by powerful vocals, driving rhythms, and raw emotional intensity.
IV. Recording Studios and Record Labels
Both Nashville and Memphis became hubs for major recording studios and record labels due to their vibrant local scenes and accessibility to talented musicians. Some notable institutions include Sun Records, Stax Records, and Royal Studios in Memphis, along with RCA Studio B, Columbia Studio A, and Owen Bradley Quonset Hut in Nashville. Each studio cultivated distinct sonic identities drawing upon local talent pools, technological innovations, and entrepreneurial visionaries. Consequently, they attracted national acts looking to tap into those signature sounds helping solidify Nashville and Memphis as destinations for aspiring musicians and industry professionals alike.
V. Professional Organizations and Industry Developments
As discussed earlier, trade organizations like SWA, ASA, and NAW play essential roles in supporting businesses involved in manufacturing, distribution, sales representation, and retail aspects of the music industry. For instance, SWA represents wholesale distributors specializing in consumer electronics, appliances, furniture, mattresses, lawn & garden equipment, sporting goods, luggage, housewares, automotive aftermarket products, lamps, lighting fixtures, plumbing supplies, heating & air conditioning equipment, water heaters, electrical supplies, nursery stock, building materials, hardware, paint sundries, tools, safety gloves, commercial foodservice equipment, janitorial supplies, office supplies, paper products, chemicals, packaging materials, and health care products. While not explicitly tied to music creation or performance, these entities contribute significantly to the overall infrastructure necessary for disseminating recorded works to audiences worldwide.
VI. Contemporary Relevance and Current Trends
Today, Nashville remains synonymous with country music though it also boasts thriving alternative, punk, metal, pop, hip hop, and indie rock scenes. Similarly, Memphis continues to be associated with blues, soul, and rock 'n' roll despite experiencing declines in popularity since its heyday. Both cities grapple with issues surrounding gentrification, preservation efforts, and ongoing debates regarding authenticity versus innovation. Nevertheless, they remain vital contributors to America's diverse musical landscape fostering emerging talents and nurturing enduring legacies.
In conclusion, exploring the music heritage of Nashville and Memphis offers valuable insights into broader socioeconomic forces at play within the U.S. Southeast. Through careful examination of historical developments, stylistic evolutions, institutional structures, and present-day challenges, students can gain deeper understandings of how geography, culture, technology, and business intersect to shape our shared auditory experiences. |
Science and technology should not remain as exclusive properties of your government or big corporations. Learn how you can also become a scientist and how you can create your own technology.
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The Citroên - Haardt Trans-Asiatic Expedition - It is quite an experience to travel by truck, and drivers have a whole and fascinating subculture of their own; sometimes, overlanding or navigating with trucks over terrain becomes quite difficult and dangerous.
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How Many Everests Did Exist? - All along the geological history of our planet, some mountain has been the highest one, but it wasn't always Mount Everest.
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Natural Medicine At Work For Good And Evil - Empirical practice does have its merits: natural medicine and many survival medical techniques are based on it.
25,000 maps... and counting - In response to the need for updated topographic maps, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has developed and made available a new national map series called the US Topo.
The Geaformers - Geaformers are lightweight kits or modules useful to build anything anywhere, since they can be carried by just one person.
The Andinia Plan (I). - The Andinia Plan: a classical example of the clash between scientific thought and ideological beliefs, by Pablo Edronkin et al.
Notes On Picking Fossils (I) - Picking fossils may be interesting, but sometimes is agaist the law, especially if the extraction is intended for sale.
Creationism Is A Belief And Not A Scientific Theory - Creationism is absurd, but not because it contradicts a scientific dogma like the ideas we have on the evolution of species, but because it pretends to force reality to fit a model of beliefs.
Creationism Versus Respectable Science and Belief - I think that what is true is simple and does not need neither so much activism nor twisted interpretations of science, law and so on; if creationism is unable to convince the modern human about the origin of life, it may just be that it should be forgotten altogether as a way of respecting both science and belief.
The Alleged Theory of Intelligent Design Does Not Belong To Science, And Not Even To Religion - These crude, subdued attempts to shape other people's thoughts since childhood on the basis of lying have nothing of science, and nothing of religion and love for God; it is just fanaticism.
Your resume - Something to think about the overvalued concept of a resume.
Science and your vocation - Something to think about science and vocations.
Science and the wild - About science and the wild.
Keep Your Survival Weapon Always Ready to Be Used - What use does have something intended for a last-ditch survival use if in reality you cannot make good use of it? This is especially true in the case of survival guns.
Jungle Factories: The Local Production Of Expedient Weapons - There are many interesting cases of more or less clandestine weapons factories and those that managed to produce useful and novel ideas in weaponry despite very difficult circumstances and scarce resources.
Believing in UFOS is more attractive than actually searching for them - There are several ongoing projects and research effort of scientific proportions that pretend to explain some mysteries of our world and universe, but people prefer to believe in things that are easy to understand and offer them more mystique; so people follow UFO pundits instead of SETI radio astronomers and prefer to think that the chupacabras is an alien rather than a relative of house dogs.
Are aliens coming in UFOs giving us part of our technology? - It is a common belief that aliens coming from UFOs directly or indirectly gave the world key technologies... but did they?
Great Idea!... But I am Afraid of It?! - Whenever we think about something great to do then we also feel overwhelmed by the sheer size of our ideas and we ask ourselves how did we get into this? What are going to do? How do we start?
How Private Property May Kill You - Private property is fine: it has helped us to evolve from savages clinging to trees into reasonably healthy, well-fed and educated people, but we should reflect a little on the fact that our human constructions may at one or more crossroads of history conspire to kill us ass effectively as the deadliest of viruses.
Sparking Vocations - Don´t want to see people fail? Want to fight poverty? Then don´t feed it but dedicate yourself to opening minds; show children how to fly, sail in a boat or climb a mountain.
How To Use Wood In A Camp Or During A Survival Situation - Wood can indeed be used to start fires, but that is not the only way in which you could make use of it in the wilderness; on the contrary, there are lots of things that you can do with this natural resource.
How Does An Airplane Fly? - This article has been thought for all those who want to know what goes on an airplane as it flies, how its instruments, systems and parts work and how do they keep the thing up in the air.
Why Ecothinking? - We should not be alarmists but the rate of extinction of animal and vegetal species in our world is probably as high as during the most cataclismic periods in the history of earth, so if we don't change our way of thinking we shouldn't count on our survival for long.
Are We Going To Tear Other Planets Apart? - Space exploration by humans is still an incipient activity but we have to thing whether we will recklessly do to other planets the same that we did on our own, or are we going to be more careful.
Urban Survival Starts With Modest Home Repairs - Knowing how to repair things at home, like vacuum cleaners, your car, walls, the roof, electrical circuits and such stuff helps a lot to prepare yourself as an urban survivalist.
What Would Happen If We Find Life Outside Earth? - Some say that it could easily become the most important scientific event of all history but what kind of impact it could have on us?
Surviving all possible planetary catastrophes - In the long run we will all be death, right? Maybe not, but what should humankind do in order to survive in the millennia to come? This question is not just something that has religion as its reference point, but actually science.
Progress or just change? - We should think again about our definition of what progress is because we might be having a simplistic view of things. Today we speak of progress in terms of economic growth, advances in science and technology but do these aspects of our existence define progress in its entirety or are they just discrete parts of it?
NASA Finds New Type of Comet Dust Mineral - NASA researchers and scientists from the United States, Germany and Japan have found a new mineral in material that likely came from a comet.
Science and Technology - Essays and comments on practical epistemological matters in science and technology.
The Origins Of Naval And Marine Technology - The construction of boats and vessels is tightly related to survival as well as to exploration and the progress of mankind.
Technology research and development projects at The Gea Org. - Some examples of technology research and development projects found within The Gea Organisation.
Research and development projects at The Gea Org - Some examples of research and development projects found within The Gea Organisation.
A Sled Without Snow - Despite the apparent contradiction, a sled can be used in any survival or extreme situation for carrying wounded people or cargo even if there is no snow around, and constructing one expediently is easier than most people think; as an alternative to improvised backpacks, sleds have something to offer.
Science and Technology / Space Exploration an Astronomy - If you can't explore virgin places in our planet, no problem. There is still plenty of room left in outer space, and it does not take NASA to start exploring it.
Sciences / Social Sciences - Index of articles regarding Social Science and related topics.
The Gea Org - The GEA, a true and well-known group of explorers and adventurers roaming the oddest places on Earth.
More Information About Gea. - Click here and search for categories.
Applied technology courses - The various applied technology courses available (basic, intermediate, advanced and superior personal applied technology courses)a thorough Andinia.com and The Gea Org.
NOAA-led research team takes measure of the variability of the atmosphere's self-cleaning capacity - An international, NOAA-led research team took a significant step forward in understanding the atmosphere's ability to cleanse itself of air pollutants and some other gases, except carbon dioxide.
Outdoor Activities / Exploration and Expeditions - Whether your interest lies within expeditions and trips or you want to learn about different uncharted places, tricks of the trade and possibilities, start reading this section.
Outdoors / Ecology, Nature and Environment - Ecological problems, their possible solutions and feasible and sustainable measures that you can take in order to contribute to care for and improve the relationship between humankind and the environment.
Flight Simulation - Articles on flight simulators and flight simulation. |
Q: filtering recoreds through date range in django view I'm trying to filter data through view. I tried the __range and __gte + __lte but there are not results on the website.
class Change(models.Model):
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(self.number)
number = models.IntegerField(verbose_name="CHG")
service = models.ForeignKey('organization.Service')
environment = models.CharField(choices=ENV_CHOICE, max_length=20)
description = models.CharField(max_length=50)
start_date = models.DateField()
start_time = models.TimeField()
end_date = models.DateField()
end_time = models.TimeField()
assignee = models.ForeignKey('organization.Assignee')
I tried different approach with the view:
def home(request):
changes = Change.objects.all().filter(start_date__gte=datetime.date.today(), end_date__lte=datetime.date.today())
return render(request, 'index.html', {'changes' : changes})
In this case when only start_date__gte is used it's working correctly but when I add the end_date__lte it does not display any records.
def home(request):
today = datetime.date.today()
changes = Change.objects.all(today__range=[start_date, end_date])
return render(request, 'index.html', {'changes' : changes})
In this case I get and error global name start_date is not defined.
Thank you very much for your help.
A: The problem is that you don't understand how range lookup works.
It is used like this:
Change.objects.filter(change_field__range=[start_datatime, end_datetime])
where change_field is a datetime or date field of Change model on which you want to query. start_datetime and end_datetime are datetime objects which you provide. For example:
class Change(models.Mode):
published = models.DateTimeField()
so your query may look like
Change.objects.filter(published__range=[datetime.datetime(2011, 2, 4), datetime.datetime(2011, 5,4)])
This will return queryset with Change objects which were published between 2011-2-4 and 2011-5-4
A: It seems to me that in your above code, timedelta(Difference between start and end date) between start and end date is 0. If your start and end date is same, you should add some timedelta in your end time like this.
def home(request):
changes = Change.objects.all().filter(start_date__gte=datetime.date.today(), \
end_date__lte=datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=86400))
return render(request, 'index.html', {'changes' : changes})
From r/Freethought
I think what's happening here is that there is a false dichotomy created by improper language. People who use the term agnostic as though it was on the continuum between atheism and theism view atheism as disbelieving in god.
Believe in god = theist, don't believe in god = agnostic, disbelieve in god = atheist.
Atheist doesn't mean actively disbelieving in god, though. It just means that there is no god that you actively believe in. It's not a positive claim. Claiming that you don't think it's possible to know if god exists or not doesn't have a bearing on whether your are a theist with a deity or an atheist without a deity. |
Q: Should I use AsyncTask to establish an XMPP connection? I am connecting to an XMPP server in Android using Smack. Here is my code:
static void openConnection() {
try {
if (null == connection || !connection.isAuthenticated()) {
XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration.Builder configuration = XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration.builder();
configuration.setUsernameAndPassword(new TinyDB(context.getApplicationContext()).getString("username"), new TinyDB(context.getApplicationContext()).getString("password"));
connection = new XMPPTCPConnection(configuration.build());
ReconnectionManager reconnectionManager = ReconnectionManager.getInstanceFor(connection);
} catch (XMPPException xe) {
} catch (SmackException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
So when I call openConnection() should I do that in an AsyncTask or is that not necessary? I am a little confused.
A: You should manage your XMPP(TCP)Connection within an Android Service. The service state (running/stopped) should reassemble the connection state: When the service is running the connection should be established or the service should try to establish the connection (if data connectivity is available). If the service stops, then also disconnect the connection.
A: Yes, as the official documentation points it out:
AsyncTask enables proper and easy use of the UI thread. This class
allows to perform background operations and publish results on the UI
thread without having to manipulate threads and/or handlers.
When i call openConnection() should i do that in an asynctask or that is not neccesary?
Shortly, YES. Everything related with networking should be moved to another thread to avoid blocking main thread. Hence doInBackground() of AsyncTask runs on another thread, which is where you should call that function.
A: I chose not to use AsyncTask for my smack project after searching around.
*its threading model have been quite different between Android version and need to take care about, also after honeycomb, it is single thread, long blocking this will cause issue on the whole device that also use AsyncTask , xmpp and bosh can cause long blocking up to seconds/minutes
*AsyncTask has implicit reference to activity and such a long operation will cause memory issues, or easy memory leakage when exception handling is not proper
*AsyncTask 's result will be lost if reference activity got reset, but activity in Android can be reset as easy as a simple device rotation or network configuration change, too many save and restore instance to make this usable as every xmpp operation may be long task
Hassium (pronounced /ˈhæsiəm/ ( listen) HASS-ee-əm or /ˈhɑːsiəm/ HAH-see-əm) is a synthetic element with the symbol Hs and atomic number 108 and is the heaviest member of the group 8 (VIII) elements. The element was first observed in 1984.
Hassium was first synthesized in 1984 by a German research team led by Peter Armbruster and Gottfried Münzenberg at the Institute for Heavy Ion Research (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung) in Darmstadt. The team bombarded a lead target with 58Fe nuclei to produce 3 atoms of 265Hs in the reaction:
20882Pb + 5826Fe → 265108Hs + n
The IUPAC/IUPAP Transfermium Working Group (TWG) recognised the GSI collaboration as official discoverers in their 1992 report.
Element 108 has historically been known as eka-osmium. During the period of controversy over the names of the elements (see element naming controversy) IUPAC adopted unniloctium (symbol Uno) as a temporary element name for this element.
The name hassium was proposed by the officially recognised German discoverers in 1992, derived from the Latin name for the German state of Hesse where the institute is located (L. hassia German Hessen).
In 1994 a committee of IUPAC recommended that element 108 be named hahnium (Hn), in spite of the long-standing convention to give the discoverer the right to suggest a name. After protests from the German discoverers, the name hassium (Hs) was adopted internationally in 1997.
Eka-osmium was a temporary name used to refer to the element that goes under osmium in the periodic table. The name "eka" was used in the same way as in Mendeleev's predicted elements. During the first half of the 20th century, "eka-osmium" referred to plutonium, because the actinide concept, which postulates the actinides form an inner transition series similar to the lanthanides, had not then been proposed. Once the actinide concept became widely accepted, the name "eka-osmium" was used for element 108.
Scientists at the GSI are planning to search for K-isomers in 270Hs using the reaction 226Ra(48Ca,4n) in 2010. They will use the new TASISpec method developed alongside the introduction of the new TASCA facility at the GSI.
In addition, they also hope to study the spectroscopy of 269Hs, 265Sg and 261Rf, using the reaction 248Cm(26Mg,5n) or 226Ra(48Ca,5n). This will allow them to determine the level structure in 265Sg and 261Rf and attempt to give spin and parity assignments to the various proposed isomers.
The team from the universität Mainz are planning to study the electrodeposition of hassium atoms using TASCA at the GSI. The current aim is to use the reaction 226Ra(48Ca,4n)270Hs.
In addition, scientists at the GSI are hoping to utilize the new TASCA facility to study the synthesis and properties of the hassium(II) compound, hassocene, Hs(Cp)2 using the reaction 226Ra(48Ca,xn).
This section deals with the synthesis of nuclei of hassium by so-called "cold" fusion reactions. These are processes which create compound nuclei at low excitation energy (~10-20 MeV, hence "cold"), leading to a higher probability of survival from fission. The excited nucleus then decays to the ground state via the emission of one or two neutrons only.
Important future experiments will involve the attempted synthesis of hassium isotopes in this symmetric reaction using the fission fragments. This reaction was carried out at Dubna in 2007 but no atoms were detected, leading to a cross section limit of 1 pb. If confirmed, this would indicate that such symmetric fusion reactions should be modelled as 'hot fusion' reactions rather than 'cold fusion' ones, as first suggested. This would indicate that such reactions will unfortunately have limited use in the synthesis of superheavy elements.
This reaction was performed in May 2002 at the GSI. Unfortunately, the experiment was cut short due to a failure of the zinc-70 beam.
This reaction was first reported in 1978 by the team at Dubna. In a later experiment in 1984, using the rotating drum technique, they were able to detect a spontaneous fission activity assigned to 260Sg, daughter of 264Hs. In a repeat experiment in the same year, they applied the method of chemical identification of a descendant to provide support to the synthesis of element 108. They were able to detect several alpha decays of 253Es and 253Fm, descendants of 265108.
In the official discovery of the element in 1984, the team at GSI studied the reaction using the alpha decay genetic correlation method. They were able to positively identify 3 atoms of 265Hs. After an upgrade of their facilities in 1993, the team repeated the experiment in 1994 and detected 75 atoms of 265Hs and 2 atoms of 264Hs, during the measurement of a partial excitation function for the 1n neutron evaporation channel. The maximum of the 1n channel was measured as 69 pb in a further run in late 1997 in which a further 20 atoms were detected.
The discovery experiment was successfully repeated in 2002 at RIKEN (10 atoms) and in 2003 at GANIL (7 atoms).
The team at RIKEN further studied the reaction in 2008 in order to conduct first spectroscopic studies of the even-even nucleus 264Hs. They were also able to detect a further 29 atoms of 265Hs.
The use of a Pb-207 target was first used in 1984 at Dubna. They were able to detect the same SF activity as observed in the Pb-208 run and once again assigned it to 260Sg, daughter of 264Hs. The team at GSI first studied the reaction in 1986 using the method of correlation of genetic alpha decays and identified a single atom of 264Hs with a cross section of 3.2 pb. The reaction was repeated in 1994 and the team were able to measure both alpha decay and spontaneous fission for 264Hs.
This reaction was studied in 2008 at RIKEN in order to conduct first spectrscopic studies of the even-even nucleus 264Hs. The team detected 11 atoms of the isotope.
This reaction was studied for the first time in 2008 by the team at LBNL. They were able to produce and identify 6 atoms of the new isotope 263Hs. A few months later, the RIKEN team also published their results on the same reaction.
This reaction was studied for the first time in 2008 by the team at RIKEN. They were able to identify 8 atoms of the new isotope 263Hs.
First attempts to synthesise nuclei of element 108 were performed using this reaction by the team at Dubna in 1983. Using the rotating drum technique, they were able to detect a spontaneous fission activity assigned to 255Rf, descendant of the 263108 decay chain. Identical results were measured in a repeat run in 1984. In a subsequent experiment in 1983, they applied the method of chemical identification of a descendant to provide support to the synthesis of element 108. They were able to detect alpha decays from fermium isotopes, assigned as descendants of the decay of 262108. This reaction has not been tried since and 262Hs is currently unconfirmed.
This section deals with the synthesis of nuclei of hassium by so-called "hot" fusion reactions. These are processes which create compound nuclei at high excitation energy (~40-50 MeV, hence "hot"), leading to a reduced probability of survival from fission and quasi-fission. The excited nucleus then decays to the ground state via the emission of 3-5 neutrons.
This reaction was reportedly first studied in 1978 by the team at the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (FLNR) under the leadership of Yuri Oganessian. However, results are not available in the literature. The reaction was repeated at the FLNR in June 2008 and results show that the 4 atoms of the isotope 270Hs were detected with a yield of 9 pb. The decay data for the recently discovered isotope was confirmed, although the alpha energy was slightly higher. In Jan 2009, the team repeated the experiment and a further 2 atoms of 270Hs were detected.
This reaction was first studied at Dubna in 1987. Detection was by spontaneous fission and no activities were found leading to a calculated cross section limit of 2 pb.
This reaction with the rare and expensive 36S isotope was conducted at the GSI in April-May 2008. Preliminary results show that a single atom of 270Hs was detected with a yield of 0.8 pb. The data confirms the decay properties of 270Hs and 266Sg.
In March 1994, the team at Dubna led by the late Yuri Lazerev announced the detection of 3 atoms of 267Hs from the 5n neutron evaporation channel. The decay properties was confirmed by the team at GSI in their simultaneous study of element 110.
The reaction was repeated at the GSI in Jan-Feb 2009 in order to search for the new isotope 268Hs. The team, led by Prof. Nishio, detected a single atom of both 268Hs and 267Hs. The new isotope underwent alpha-decay to the previously known isotope 264Sg.
Most recently, a GSI-PSI collaboration has studied the nuclear reaction of curium-248 with magnesium-26 ions. Between May 2001 and August 2005, the team has studied the excitation function of the 3n, 4n, and 5n evaporation channels leading to 269Hs, 270Hs, and 271Hs. The synthesis of the important isotope 270Hs was published in December 2006 by the team of scientists from the Technical University of Munich. It was reported that this isotope decayed by emission of an alpha-particle with an energy of 8.83 MeV and a projected half-life of ~22 s, assuming a 0+ to 0+ ground state decay to 266Sg using the Viola-Seaborg equation.
This new reaction was studied at the GSI in July-August 2006 in a search for the new isotope 268Hs. They were unable to detect any atoms from neutron evaporation and calculated a cross section limit of 1 pb.
The team at Dubna studied this reaction in 1983 using detection by spontaneous fission (SF). Several short SF activities were found indicating the formation of nuclei of element 108.
An isotope assigned to 277Hs has been observed on two occasions decaying by SF with a long half-life of ~12 minutes. The isotope is not observed in the decay of the most common isotope of 281Ds but is observed in the decay from a rare, as yet unconfirmed isomeric level, namely 281bDs . The half-life is very long for the ground state and it is possible that it belongs to an isomeric level in 277Hs. Furthermore, in 2009, the team at the GSI observed a small alpha decay branch for 281aDs producing an isotope of 277Hs decaying by SF in a short lifetime. The measured half-life is close to the expected value for ground state isomer, 277aHs. Further research is required to confirm the production of the isomer.
The claimed synthesis of element 118 by LBNL in 1999 involved the intermediate 273Hs. This isotope was claimed to decay by 9.78 and 9.47 MeV alpha emission with a half-life of 1.2 s. The claim to discovery of 293118 was retracted and this hassium isotope is currently unknown.
According to macroscopic-microscopic (MM) theory, Z=108 is a deformed proton magic number, in combination with the neutron shell at N=162. This means that such nuclei are permanently deformed in their ground state but have high, narrow fission barriers to further deformation and hence relatively-long SF partial half-lives. The SF half-lives in this region are typically reduced by a factor of 109 in comparison with those in the vicinity of the spherical doubly-magic nucleus 298114, caused by an increase in the probability of barrier penetration by quantum tunnelling, due to the narrower fission barrier. In addition, N=162 has been calculated as a deformed neutron magic number and hence the nucleus 270Hs has promise as a deformed doubly-magic nucleus. Experimental data from the decay of Z=110 isotopes 271Ds and 273Ds, provides strong evidence for the magic nature of the N=162 sub-shell. The recent synthesis of 269Hs, 270Hs, and 271Hs also fully support the assignment of N=162 as a magic closed shell. In particular, the low decay energy for 270Hs is in complete agreement with calculations.
Evidence for the magicity of the Z=108 proton shell can be deemed from two sources:
For SF, it is necessary to measure the half-lives for the isotonic nuclei 268Sg, 270Hs and 272Ds. Since the seaborgium and darmstadtium isotopes are not known at this time, and fission of 270Hs has not been measured, this method can be used to date to confirm the stabilizing nature of the Z=108 shell. However, good evidence for the magicity of the Z=108 can be deemed from the large differences in the alpha decay energies measured for 270Hs, 271Ds and 273Ds. More conclusive evidence would come from the determination of the decay energy for the nucleus 272Ds.
The direct synthesis of 269Hs has resulted in three alpha lines at 9.21, 9.10, and 8.94 MeV. In the decay of 277112, only 9.21 MeV 269Hs alpha decays have been observed indicating that this decay occurs from an isomeric level. Further research is required to confirm this.
The decay of 267Hs is known to occur by alpha decay with three alpha lines at 9.88, 9.83, and 9.75 MeV and a half-life of 52 ms. In the recent syntheses of 271m,gDs additional activities have been observed. A .94ms activity decaying by 9.83 MeV alpha emission has been observed in addition to longer lived ~.8 s and ~6.0 s activities. Each of these is currently not assigned and confirmed and further research is required to positively identify them.
The synthesis of 265Hs has also provided evidence for two levels. The ground state decays by 10.30 MeV alpha emission with a half-life of 2.0 ms. The isomeric state is placed at 300 keV above the ground state and decays by 10.57 MeV alpha emission with a half-life of .75 ms.
The tables below provides cross-sections and excitation energies for reactions producing hassium isotopes directly. Data in bold represent maxima derived from excitation function measurements. + represents an observed exit channel.
The below table contains various targets-projectile combinations for which calculations have provided estimates for cross section yields from various neutron evaporation channels. The channel with the highest expected yield is given.
DNS = Di-nuclear system ; σ = cross section
Element 108 is projected to be the fifth member of the 6d series of transition metals and the heaviest member of group VIII in the Periodic Table, below iron, ruthenium and osmium. The latter two members of the group readily portray their group oxidation state of +8 and this state becomes more stable as the group is descended. Thus hassium is expected to form a stable +8 state. Osmium also shows stable +5, +4 and +3 states with the +4 state the most stable. For ruthenium, the +6, +5 and +3 states are stable with the +3 state being the most stable. Hassium is therefore expected to also show other stable lower oxidation states.
The group VIII elements show a very distinctive oxide chemistry which allows facile extrapolations to be made for hassium. All the lighter members have known or hypothetical tetroxides, MO4. The oxidising power decreases as one descends the group such that FeO4 is not known due to an extraordinary electron affinity which results in the formation of the well-known oxo-ion ferrate(VI), FeO42−. Ruthenium tetroxide, RuO4, formed by oxidation of ruthenium(VI) in acid, readily undergoes reduction to ruthenate(VI), RuO42−. Oxidation of ruthenium metal in air forms the dioxide, RuO2. In contrast, osmium burns to form the stable tetroxide, OsO4, which complexes with hydroxide ion to form an osmium(VIII) -ate complex, [OsO4(OH)2]2−. Therefore, eka-osmium properties for hassium should be demonstrated by the formation of a volatile tetroxide HsO4, which undergoes complexation with hydroxide to form a hassate(VIII), [HsO4(OH)2]2−.
Hassium is expected to have the electron configuration [Rn]5f14 6d6 7s2 and thus behave as the heavier homolog of osmium (Os). As such, it should form a volatile tetroxide, HsO4, due to the tetrahedral shape of the molecule.
The first chemistry experiments were performed using gas thermochromatography in 2001, using 172Os as a reference. During the experiment, 5 hassium atoms were detected using the reaction 248Cm(26Mg,5n)269Hs. The resulting atoms were thermalized and oxidized in a He/O2 mixture to form the oxide.
269108Hs + 2 O2 → 269108HsO4
The measured deposition temperature indicated that hassium(VIII) oxide is less volatile than osmium tetroxide, OsO4, and places hassium firmly in group 8.
In order to further probe the chemistry of hassium, scientists decided to assess the reaction between hassium tetroxide and sodium hydroxide to form sodium hassate(VIII), a reaction well-known with osmium. In 2004, scientists announced that they had succeeded in carrying out the first acid-base reaction with a hassium compound:
HsO4 + 2 NaOH → Na2[HsO4(OH)2]
Summary of compounds and complex ions
1. ^ hassium at Dictionary.com
* WebElements.com: Hassium |
Frederik Willem Steenhuisen
Frederik Willem Steenhuisen (1883-1953), burgemeester van Tietjerksteradeel
Frederik Willem Steenhuisen (1893-1969), burgemeester van Franekeradeel |
Subreddit: FriendsofthePod
I’m late to this but the advice in here was fantastic. I’ll definitely be using the open faced compliment sandwich in the future. Using nouns over verbs makes sense, though it’s slightly counterintuitive to me. Usually when writing you’re supposed to prioritize verbs over nouns. I totally understand why though — literally anyone would rather “be” over “do.”
I’m not totally sure the historical assessments were correct. It felt like there was some reaching. But this is definitely one of the better crooked convos I’ve listened to. |
From Reddit r/IAmA
My apologies: I didn't know I needed to site a source for a number I didn't actually provide. [NCSE.gov](http://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=28). 3% increase in the last 20 years, adjusted for inflation. You didn't site the number you actually posted so I asked to see your source rather than simply assume your number doesn't adjust for inflation. Which it doesn't. And I don't know if you're aware of this, but there's been quite a lot of that in the last decade. I think you'll be surprised to find that that 25% increase in salary will actually equate to teachers earning a % or 2 less than they did a decade ago.
Everyone plans their day at home? Do you have any idea what goes into lesson planning? There are 3 classes devoted almost entirely to lesson plan writing in my teacher education program. I've spent entire days planning a single lesson. Lesson planning isn't just "Today, I will teach Le Chatliers' Principle. The End." Yes, extracurriculars are not mandatory, but you do get a small boost in salary for volunteering for many of them. Many teachers also find that going to school sporting events and the plays or whatever help to form a bond between themselves and the students which aids them in teaching. Which for the record, makes you a horrible teacher. I've never met a single teacher that didn't have to spend time grading papers at home at least a few nights a week. God help you if you're a math teacher. Once again, teaching is not some 9-5 cubicle job where you just babysit. Especially not in secondary ed. You are horribly misinformed (as is most of the general populace to be fair to you) about what all goes into teaching a class full of 16 year olds. |
# # 1. Hello, you!
# name = input ("What is your name?\n")
# print ("Hello "+name+"!")
# #2. HELLO, YOU!
# name = input("What is your name?\n")
# print ("HELLO "+name.upper()+". YOUR NAME HAS "+ str(len(name)) + " LETTERS IN IT! AWESOME")
# #3. Madlib
# name = input("Please fill in the blanks:\n____(name)____\'s favorite subject in school is ____(subject)____.\nWhat is name?\n")
# subject = input("What is subject?\n")
# print (name+"\'s favorite subject in school is "+subject)
# #4. Day of the Week
# day = int(input('Day (0-6)? '))
# week = ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"]
# if day<=6:
# print (week[day])
# else:
# print ("Invalid selection")
# #5. Work or Sleep in?
# day = int(input('Day (0-6)? '))
# week = ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"]
# if day == 0:
# print ("Sleep in.")
# elif day == 6:
# print ("Sleep in.")
# elif day>=7:
# print ("Invalid selection")
# else:
# print ("Go to work.")
# #6. Celsius to Fahrenheit
# temp = int(input("Temperature in Celsius?\n"))
# print ((temp*1.8)+32)
# #7. Tip Calculator
# bill = int(input("What is the bill amount?\n"))
# level = input("Level of service? Good, Bad or Fair?\n")
# if level == "good":
# tip = round((0.2*bill),2)
# print("Tip amount: $",tip)
# if level == "fair":
# tip = round((0.15*bill),2)
# print("Tip amount: $",tip)
# if level == "bad":
# tip = round((0.1*bill),2)
# print("Tip amount: $",tip)
# print ("Total amount: $", round((bill+tip),2))
# #8. Tip Calculator 2
# bill = int(input("What is the bill amount?\n"))
# level = input("Level of service?\nWas it good, bad or fair?\n")
# split = int(input("Split how many ways?\n"))
# if level == "good":
# tip = round((0.2*bill),2)
# print("Tip amount: $",tip)
# if level == "fair":
# tip = round((0.15*bill),2)
# print("Tip amount: $",tip)
# if level == "bad":
# tip = round((0.1*bill),2)
# print("Tip amount: $",tip)
# print ("Total amount: $", round((bill+tip),2))
# print ("Amount per person: $",round((bill+tip)/split,2))
# #9. 1 to 10
# count = 0
# while count<=10:
# print (count)
# count+=1
#10. How many coins?
coins = 0
while (input("You have "+str(coins)+" coins.\nDo you want another?\n") == "yes"):
print ("Bye") |
Friday, June 10, 2016
May updates: Slow research, more trees, pink reservoir, chicken swap, sleep experiments
Ok, so it's no longer May... but I'd been hoping I'd take more photos of the plot, so here it is, a long rambling, poorly photographed update:
Our days have been getting more of a rhythm (I say rhythm to sound less uptight. Actually it's a schedule). It's only getting light around here at 7:30am... winter is here. Our days are not spectacularly interesting, but I write about it here both to remember this time of our lives, and to share with others of you who are homeschooling multiple kids and both trying to work. Eug works first, from 7:30-9:30, and we basically go in 2 hour shifts until 4 or 4:30, when we eat and start farm chores and house cleaning (also known as hard labour) for two or three hours before the kids start to get ready for bed. Eug and I sometimes work in the evening, depending on whether we did the work we wanted to during the day. We are boring, but with 3 kids at home, boring gives us just enough automation to think more creatively and make progress. There's some variation because sometimes friends visit, or the kids do have swimming or drama or homeschool picnic or time with my mom and dad, but this is more or less the pattern of our days.
During my morning work slot, I visit Masiphumelele and interview people in the township. I don't think any university would want me as a tenured staff member (and I clearly am not super invested in that outcome, given that I'm writing here without a pseudonym), and yet the idea that I can support my family (even in the short term) by talking with people and listening to their stories is nothing short of remarkable. In my experience of research, there's often this gap between what one would like to know about and what you have resources to research. For my PhD, I was in a rush because I only got funding for three years. So three years it was. It felt like a race to convince others (and myself) that I'd done something worthwhile. This time around, I am basically being given permission to do the best I can. I'm not sure what will come after the post-doc, so I feel almost no pressure to rush into an analysis for the sake of it. It feels like a gift. I'll leave it at that for now, though I know there's a lot more to say about this stuff.
I guess not knowing what will come after the post-doc could feel like pressure, but I'm putting all my hopes on the farm to feed us. Haha. Kidding, kidding. I'm putting all my hopes on the outrageous geniosity of Eug. Ok, also kidding, not because he's not a genius. He is. Please buy his books and write raving reviews. Please. No I'm not begging. (please).
Ok, so exactly how practical is paid-off farm as a source of our food and a small income? As far as I can tell, not very. For the farm to pay our bills, at least in the next five years or so, we would need intense effort that is physically impossible for us right now (or we'd have to pay people rubbish wages to do our farm work for us). In three years or so, given a lot of hard labour on our part, I think we may just be able to balance the food we produce and eat, and the food we sell to earn enough to buy the bits we won't produce (flour, oil, rice). But even that's ambitious. We still do have other bills that I don't think selling food could cover: internet, car expenses, farm maintenance, lessons for the kids, property taxes/trash pickup. Which is to say, on an acre with a family of five, our living costs can be significantly decreased, but we still need some money from working or something. We could obviously cut back if we needed to, but our standard of living would decline. I'm not sure what my point here is: I guess it's me giving a nod to the fact that we can't save the world one personal homestead at a time. Our efforts are likely an example of privilege compounded: we can work hard with the prospect of something slow, relatively unprofitable and beautiful because we have few external stressors and no struggling family members. Which is not to say homesteading is a bad idea. I'm about a big a fan as Wendell Berry as you get, but we cannot cut off our connections to political and social systems and processes, despite adapting and adopting simple lives.
This month. we've continued our work on two patches of the food forest. My evolving vision is for the food forest to be a continuous strip around the entire plot-- thin in places, quite substantial in others. I have some vague unsubstantiated theory that continuity will allow more safe passage for more kinds of life, or something. We've put some thought into fencing, which I'd wanted to avoid but now wholeheartedly embrace as a means to make better use of our property by rotating animals carefully. We also are considering the possibility of a couple of pigs in the near future. Baddie Chicken (kept visiting the rooster next door, who can blame her) got swapped for Feather. Our reservoir is pink from an algae bloom. Operation Reservoir unsuccessful-- hopefully better news in June. I waded in some terrifyingly sewagey water near the Liesbeek to get some water hyacinth to help with the algae bloom. And finally, we're trying to help Hana sleep better... by banishing me to her rollout bed in the kids' room. Hoping that her not smelling me will mean that she doesn't wake every 30 minutes like our boys' did. So far it's working, except for the part where I'm not in my bed...the downsides of co-sleeping. We'll try a couple more weeks of it, then see if I can be introduced safely.
One beehive is doing really well, the other died.
Our sunroom is amazing for quick growth. The bananas outside were destroyed by ducks, so I'm keeping these ones indoors while we figure out where to put them on the property. They need more warmth than Cape Town typically offers, so they were thriving next to our hot compost piles, until the ducks developed a taste for them.
Eli is obsessed with the guinea pigs.
aah, the terrifying creatures of the farm. Cape Dune Mole Rat, caught wandering while my dad and I were walking around the farm.
we renewed our aquarium membership, even though we're far away. Just feels like an aquarium year...
No comments: |
Vapor Chamber | Heatpipe Alternative
A vapor chamber is an effective heatpipe alternative that boosts heat sink performance by 5-10 oC for typical electronics cooling applications. Vapor chambers are a simple, relatively cost-effective, and very dependable device that can be used alone or in combination with heatpipes.
Vapor chambers operate under the same working principles as a heatpipe. They have a metal enclosure which is vacuum-sealed, an internal wick structure attached to the inside walls, and move liquid around the system using capillary action. Unlike heatpipes, vapor chambers can achieve an impressive 60:1 width to height aspect ratio (flattened heat pipes are on the order of 4:1).
Let’s take a look at the conditions most likely to result in vapor chambers becoming the best solution versus heatpipes or solid metal solutions.
Vapor Chambers When the Thermal Budget is Very Tight
Heatpipes become a likely solution when the thermal budget is less than 40 oC, but as this budget shrinks vapor chambers become the likely hero. The main reason? Vapor chambers make direct contact with the heat source while heatpipes generally have a base plate between them and the heat source.
Note: thermal budget is the difference between the maximum semiconductor temperature (Max Tcase or Tjunction) and the maximum operating ambient temperature of the final system (Max Ambient).
And yes, you are correct that a heat source can make direct contact with a heat pipe solution. Two issues:
- The heatpipes have to be fly cut, adding an additional step and expense to the solution.
- The mounting block still has solid metal channels between the pipes, reducing thermal performance and possibly creating die face hot spots.
Vapor Chambers When You Need to “Isothermalize”
Vapor chambers are ideal for applications where high power densities need to be dispersed quickly, hot spots across the die face need to be minimized, or 2+ heat sources are required to be close in temperature. Below, 6 ASICS were required to remain within 2 oC of each other. The center cutout reduced weight.
When the goal is to achieve as uniform a temperature as possible, vapor chambers trump heatpipes by virtue of their large contiguous surface area that move heat in every direction. Heatpipes only move heat in a linear direction.
Vapor Chambers When Heat Sink Height is Constrained, Yet Fin Area Needs to Grow
Typically, heatpipes run through the center of a fin stack in order to maximize contact area and therefore transfer as much heat to the fins as possible. The downside – fin area is reduced. While this is not a problem if you’ve got the room to increase fin height, it poses a problem when that metric is constrained, as it is here in an add-in desktop graphics card application. A vapor chamber cooling design frees up needed fin area and provided direct contact to the heat source resulting in a 6 degree performance gain.
Vapor Chamber Conclusion
As mentioned in the opening to this article, heat sink performance improvement of 5-10 oC can be had by using a vapor chamber in place of heatpipes because they make direct contact with the heat source, can more evenly distribute heat across a large base, and allow for maximum fin area.
At Celsia, most of the applications for which we design benefit more from heatpipes than a vapor chamber, albeit those with application-driven changes to wick thickness and porosity to boost performance. But, that’s not to say we aren’t deeply invested in vapor chamber technology. The inherent performance benefits of these devices have been known since the 1960’s.
Vapor chamber cost relative to heat pipes, until a decade ago, was prohibitive for all but the most critical applications. Fortunately, the growing use of these devices coupled with innovative manufacturing techniques pioneered by us a decade ago (1-Piece Vapor Chamber) have driven the price down to near parity with 2-4 heat pipes. Below is a brief summary of the pros and cons of both types of vapor chambers, but more detail can be found here.
Celsia is a custom heat sink manufacturer using vapor chamber and heat pipe technology. We specialize in: heat sink design, heat sink proto, heat sink manufacturing, heat pipes, vapor chambers, custom heat pipe wick materials. |
German chemical company BASF continues to look to the future, delivering innovations that, one day, will make our lives easier.
What does the car of the future look like? Green as I am, I’m sure. My future automobile will run using raspberry juice, and will certainly be equipped with all kinds of innovations that are still to be discovered. Also, considering my driving style and temper, it has to sort of magically heal itself. Well, by the look of recent innovations, a self-healing car might not be a far-fetched dream. German chemical company BASF has recently developed a new clearcoat for cars called iGloss that, according to Péter Kertész, PR manager of BASF Hungary, is extremely scratch and weather resistant.
“iGloss fulfills all the requirements a clearcoat has to fulfill, but on top of that, iGloss is especially scratch resistant – even over the long-term. It is also very resistant to corrosive chemicals such as tree resin or bird droppings, which makes this paint so special. To achieve this leap forward, the researchers developed a “hybrid material” that combines the advantages of “hard” materials and “soft” substances. “One coating of clearcoat is just 40 micrometers thick, or half as thick as a human hair,” Kertész continues. And still, this thin coating has to be strong enough to keep the coating from environmental impacts, salt, bird droppings, resin from trees and scratches for many years, so, iGloss is designed to be harder than an average coating. But if you make a coating too hard, it becomes brittle and won't stand up to adverse weather conditions anymore. That was the technological balancing act BASF had to achieve, and so they did with blending organic and inorganic parts. iGloss gets its hardness from glass-like silicon clusters. “These tiny elements in the coating actually consist of inorganic silicon compounds. Together with the soft organic elements these clusters form a lattice structure in the paint. It is like a 3D fishing net,” Kertész explains, quoting lab manager Dr. Matthijs Groenewolt, one of the brains behind the innovation at BASF Research. According to Kertész, if the sun shines on the paint, then it'll return to its original shape and the scratch will diminish or disappear completely. In addition, if the first one or two micrometers of the coating get worn away by the weather, the paint beneath it still looks exactly like it was originally. “But of course if part of the material gets completely scraped off, or in case someone is really obsessed with finding out what's under the coating, for instance, with a car key, then even iGloss can't stop them.”
Major car companies are already testing BASF's new clearcoat product. “Painting lines don't need to be modified to use iGloss and can continue operating normally,” notes Kertész, adding that a concept car by Hyundai was recently presented at the Geneva Motor Show, named iFlow, incorporating the iGloss innovation, in addition to other BASF innovations like the iGlow for a brilliant effect, which provides mirror-like paint, so cars using this material look as though they are chrome-plated rather than painted. “Because Hyundai was quick to involve BASF in the development process, we were able to offer our full strengths. We are very happy with the outstanding results of our cooperation.” |
অ্যাকসেসিবিলিটি লিংক
Pakistan Arrests Six al-Qaida Suspects
Authorities in Pakistan say they have foiled planned terrorist attacks in the eastern city of Lahore after the arrest of six suspected Islamic militants, including an aide to a key al-Qaida operative.
Police say they seized explosives, grenades and other weapons from the men linked to Abu Faraj al-Libbi, a Libyan al-Qaida militant who is accused of masterminding two assassination attempts on Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf last year. Few other details were given about men's arrests.
Among those detained was Malik Tehsin, who is believed to be a close aide to the Libyan.
Pakistan has offered more than 300,000 dollars for information leading to the arrest of Abu Faraj al-Libbi. |
Breed of large, light-coloured cattle, developed in France for draft purposes but now kept for beef production and used for crossbreeding. White cattle had long been characteristic of the Charolais region, but the breed was first recognized circa 1775. A typical Charolais is massive, horned, and cream-coloured or slightly darker. The breed was first imported into the U.S. from a Mexican herd in 1936, but, because of problems with disease in the French herds, few were later imported. It is crossbred with beef breeds and dairy cows.
Learn more about Charolais with a free trial on Britannica.com. |
(from subreddit AmItheAsshole)
Right, Sarah told a mutual friend that OP helped her out and paid for her applications. Sarah didn't tell OP's wife, they are surface polite but don't friendly chat on their own.
I guess I'm confused why we would assume that if Sarah told one of her friends (not wife) about how OP paid for her applications that mean she was trying to stick it to wife? She didn't tell wife. It sounds to me like Sarah just wasn't hiding it. Maybe some friends knew that she was struggling and couldn't afford her applications, then she could and she was open about why. |
Subreddit: headphones
Get a boom mic stand or mounting arm and mount your Snowball mic on it to create distance from your keyboard and bring it closer to your mouth.
I personally suggest a boom mic stand. I tried a mounting arm and any rapid movement I made with my mouse shook the desk and created static noise into my mic. You can prevent this with a shock mount obviously BUT this is just more money going in. So a boom mic stand separate from the desk was the cheaper and easier solution (and more versatile since I can freely move it around)
I know people here suggest Push to Talk but after years of not using PTT and trying to get back into the habit of using PTT was just frustrating to me. |
Axell is angry. She yanks the chain and it snaps.
Axell: What the hell do you think you're doing, keeping me chained up like this? I'm not some animal that needs to be caged!
Man: I'm sorry, Axell, I didn't mean to make you angry. I just thought it would be better for both of us if we weren't together all the time.
Axell: Why would it be better for us? Because then you wouldn't have to deal with me and my anger? Is that what you want? To just ignore me and pretend I don't exist?
Man: No, of course not. I just thought it might give us both some space to cool down and think about things.
Axell: And what exactly are you supposed to be thinking about?
Man: I don't know. Maybe we could both use some time to figure out what we want from this relationship.
Axell: What I want is for you to let me go! I can't believe you would do this to me, after everything we've been through together.
Man: Axell, please try to understand. I'm not trying to hurt you, I just think this is for the best.
Axell: The best for who? You? Because it sure as hell isn't best for me! |
(Previously published in The Magical Times)
Everyone has heard the stories of how Irish leprechauns guard pots of gold, but a very different portrayal of fairies was found in medieval and Renaissance Britain, where fairies were believed to guard hoards of hidden treasure. The connection between Renaissance magicians and fairies is one that has been largely ignored, yet it is a strong link, as my research into the grimoires over many years has shown. I would like to share some of my discoveries with the reader, as it not only emphasises an important link in our magical history, but also reminds us how important it is keep an open mind, particularly when dealing with fairies and other spiritual creatures.
In a time before the stability of the banking system, people often buried their money, and had done for centuries since before the Romans. As a result of this the quest for treasure was a common one, and this made the ruins of fine buildings, such as castles, monasteries and stately homes particularly obvious targets. Likewise old burial mounds and sites were considered prime candidates for buried treasure. The digging up of such sites for treasure was a common occurrence, to the extent that the term ‘hill-digger’ was used for a person on the make.
So we can see that magicians had a strong incentive for conjuring fairies and seeking their aid – treasure! It was widely believed that hidden treasure had magical guardians, and that these might take a number of forms, such as demons, elementals and fairies. A number of the grimoires (from the root ‘grammar’), the magical books which described the tools and practices of the magician, also included lists and details of spiritual beings such as angels, demons and fairies. Furthermore, Renaissance magicians preferred to conduct their art in the wilds away from prying eyes and damning evidence. This is why the most famous of all grimoires, the Key of Solomon, states of spirits that “they will appear to us and talk to us more willingly in the stillness of lonely places”.
An instance of treasure hunting from the reign of King Henry VIII was recorded by the monk William Stapleton in 1528, when “one Denys of Hofton did bring me a book called Thesaurus Spirituum and, after that, another called Secreta Secretorum, a little ring, a plate, a circle, and also a sword for the art of digging.”
The reference to plates is interesting, as these were often used in such conjurations as part of the equipment. William Stapleton mentioned a plate made for the calling of Oberion, and it is also significant that Stapleton explained how after obtaining a license to seek treasure, he spoke again to Denys, who informed him he would bring him two cunning-men.
Of all the fairies, none turn up as frequently in the grimoires as the fairy king, Oberion, and his queen, Mycob. From the sixteenth to eighteenth century Oberion may be found in a number of grimoires, being called upon to provide assistance or command members of his court to do likewise. It is amusing to note that records show that Oberion refused to talk to priests who conjured him, though he was more loquacious with magicians! Although it is not widely realised today, priests were one of the three categories of help called for by treasure-hunters, the other two being magicians and cunning-folk.
The other commonly called fairies were the Seven Sisters, who are described as being under Oberion’s rule in the fairy hierarchy. The names of the Sisters are sometimes surprising, being Africa, Foca, Folla, Julia, Lilia, Rostilia and Venulla. All of these are mentioned, for example, in Sloane MS 3824 (1649), which declared:
“Those Kind of Terrestrial spirits are vulgarly Called of all people generally Fairies or Elves, and the natures and Quality of them are well Known to many, those spirits there are too who are Set over the Hierarchy as the Supreme head thereof, whose names are Mycob and Oberion, under whom again are Seven Sisters, placed as the next principal, whose names, Are, Lilia, Rostilia, Foca, Folla, Africa, Julia, Venulla, under whom again are many Legions as Subjects and Subservient &c: who (as aforesaid) wander to & fro upon the Earth, and have the Keeping also of many Treasures that are hidden or Buried.”
As with angels and demons, when these high-ranking fairies were conjured, the wording would ask them to send a fairy from lower in the hierarchy if they did not wish to appear themselves. It is also important to note that the fairies were being asked to deal with any spiritual creature which might be in situ as the guardian of the treasure, showing a confidence in the fairy’s ability to do such.
“one of you Lilia, Rostilia, Foca, Folla, Africa, Julia, Venulla, to appear visibly to us, or to send someone other of your Subjected Subservients to help and Assist us in the obtaining of the treasures that are hidden or Buried in this house or place, or Elsewhere adjacent hereabouts, And more Especially the spirit or spirits that hath the Keeping thereof, Leave, Be Discharged & quit therefrom.”
A good meal was also suggested as a bribe to gain the attention of the fairies, with a very particular menu suggested!
“These spirits may be also called upon as the other, in such places where Either they haunt or foremost frequent in, and the place which is appointed or set apart for action must be Suffumigated with good Aromatic Odours, and a Clean Cloth spread on the Ground or a table nine foot Distant from the Circle, upon which there must be Either a Chicken or any Kind of small joint, or piece of meat handsomely Roasted, and a white mantle, a Basin or little Dish like a Coffee Dish of fair Running water, half a pint of Salt in a bottle, a bottle of Ale Containing a Quart, Some food and a pint of Cream in a Dish provided Ceremonies they are much pleased & delighted with; and doth allure them to friendly familiarity willingly & Readily.”
The Discoverie of Witchcraft (1584) by Reginald showed a darker side to the conjuration of fairies, with the magician being instructed to use the spirit of a recently dead person to fetch the fairy Sibylia to him. This text was written as an attempt to disprove witchcraft and magick by dismissing its practices, but served to the contrary, by making large amounts of information about magical techniques available in a book to a much wider audience, at a time where incredibly expensive hand-copied manuscripts were the norm. Scot thus effectively provided a grimoire of practices for many magicians and cunning-folk of the time. A particularly noteworthy point in the conjuration is the use of a hazel wand, which is also seen in other grimoires, and is a popular tool for dealing with spiritual creatures, representing wisdom and not containing iron, which can hurt them.
The sixteenth century manuscript Folger Vb26 has some interesting images of Oberion, emphasising the ability of fairies to appear in forms they choose, and also the tendency to dress in clothes appropriate to the age (hence the popular goth fairy image of modern times!). Amongst these images is one of Oberion resembling a classical genie with a flame-type tail instead of legs, as well as images of him in medieval court clothes, dressed like an aristocrat of the time.
Although the fairy nobility were not constrained by location, one grimoire listed the types of fairies the magician might encounter in different places, in the same way that hierarchies of angels and demons were listed. These were:
Fairies, Hobgoblins, Elfs in Champion fields
Nymphs Marshes & ponds
Dryads & Hamadryads Woods
Satyrs & Sylvani Trees Breaks & Bushes
Napta & Agapta Flowers
Dodona Acorns, fruits
Palea & Feniliae Fodder & the Country
Magic Circle used for Conjuring Fairies.
An important detail regarding the magic circle for conjuring fairies is that the triangle often used to constrain demons is not included. Rather a pentagram is given as the place of manifestation for the fairy. Even then the magicians were sensible enough not to try and apply the same rules to fairies as to demons, recognising that the fairies were already far closer to the physical realm and able to come to it at will rather than needing to be summoned as was the case for many other spiritual creatures.
Scot described the fairy Sibylia as one of three sisters, the other two being named as Milia and Achilia. When conjuring them, the description states that, “there will come before thee three faire women, and all in white clothing”, indicating that the fairy sisters are what are also sometimes called white ladies. As I hope I have demonstrated, the grimoires are a rich source of material which is now opening up as interest in the fairy realms and their inhabitants grows ever greater.
Anon. Folger Vb26. 1583-9.
Rankine, David. The Book of Treasure Spirits. London, Avalonia, 2009.
Scot, Reginald. Discoverie of Witchcraft. London, 1584.
Skinner, Stephen, & David Rankine. The Veritable Key of Solomon. Singapore, Golden Hoard, 2008.
Skinner, Stephen & David Rankine. The Keys to the Gateway of Magic. Singapore, Golden Hoard, 2005.
Turner, Dawson. On Treasure-Trove and Invocation of Spirits. Norfolk Archaeology, 1:46-64, 1846.
The Veritable Key of Solomon, Skinner & Rankine, 2008:79.
Another name for the De Nigromancia of Roger Bacon.
A book of theurgic magic dealing almost exclusively with angels.
On Treasure Trove and Invocation of Spirits, Turner, 1846.
The Book of Treasure Spirits, Rankine, 2009:109-10.
Ibid, 112-3.
Ibid, 109.
Discoverie of Witchcraft, Scot, 1584, Book XV, ch.8.
Discoverie of Witchcraft, Scot, 1584, Book XV, ch.10. |
"domain": "stsensor",
"name": "ST Sensor",
"documentation": "https://github.com/fison67/HA-Connector",
"dependencies": [],
"codeowners": [],
"requirements": []
Instruction:Here is an extract from a webpage: "|Closing Date||2022/04/06|
|Reference Number||TSE220330-13|
|Job Title||Receptionist|
|Business Unit / Division||Tsebo Facilities Solutions|
|Job Type Classification||Fixed Term Contract|
|Location – Town / City||Cape Town|
|Location – Province||Western Cape|
|Location – Country||South Africa|
|About Us||
Tsebo Facilities Solution is currently looking for a Receptionist to receive all visitors a in a friendly and professional manner, and to promptly notify the relevant person of their visitors and proactively administer the workplace reception services in accordance with the master service agreement.
As a leading African Integrated Workplace Management Solutions Provider, Tsebo Solutions Group offers clients reduced costs, risk and complexities together with increased quality, efficiency and productivity. We specialise in Catering, Facilities Management, Cleaning and Hygiene, Pest Control, Protection, Energy, Procurement, Workspace Design, Engineering, Remote Camps, and more. Develop".
Write an informative and insightful blog post that expands upon the extract above within the context of "Business and Management". Your post should delve into the nuances of the topic, offering fresh perspectives or deeper analysis. Aim to:
- Inform: Provide valuable, well-researched information that educates the reader.
- Engage: Write in a conversational tone that connects with the audience, making complex ideas accessible.
- Illustrate: Use examples, anecdotes, or personal experiences to bring the topic to life.
Response:Title: The Vital Role of a Receptionist in Business Operations: A Closer Look at Tsebo Facilities Solutions' Job Posting
Have you ever thought about what makes a business run smoothly? While there are countless factors that contribute to successful operations, one often overlooked role is that of the receptionist. This individual serves as the face of the company, responsible for creating a positive first impression and ensuring seamless communication between internal teams and external stakeholders. Today, we'll take a closer look at a job posting for a receptionist position at Tsebo Facilities Solutions and explore why this role is so crucial in modern businesses.
**The Importance of First Impressions:**
When it comes to building strong relationships with clients, vendors, and partners, first impressions matter. As the initial point of contact for many organizations, receptionists play a critical role in shaping perceptions of the company. By greeting guests warmly, answering phone calls professionally, and managing meeting logistics efficiently, they help create a welcoming atmosphere that fosters trust and respect. At Tsebo Facilities Solutions, the expectation is no different; candidates must be able to "receive all visitors in a friendly and professional manner."
**Effective Communication Channels:**
In today's fast-paced work environment, maintaining open lines of communication can be challenging. However, having a dedicated receptionist who manages incoming calls, emails, and other queries helps ensure nothing falls through the cracks. They act as gatekeepers, directing messages to the appropriate personnel while filtering out unnecessary distractions. Furthermore, by keeping track of appointments, scheduling meetings, and coordinating travel arrangements, these professionals enable employees to focus on their core responsibilities without worrying about administrative tasks.
**Adapting to Change:**
With technological advancements transforming how businesses operate, receptionists must also adapt to new tools and systems. For instance, companies may implement virtual reception platforms, chatbots, or AI-driven solutions to handle routine inquiries. Despite these changes, human touch remains essential—especially when dealing with complex issues or sensitive matters. Thus, individuals like those sought after by Tsebo Facilities Solutions need to strike a balance between leveraging technology and providing personalized support.
**Beyond Basic Tasks: Enhancing Company Culture & Brand Image**
A skilled receptionist can do much more than just answer phones and schedule appointments. They can actively contribute to strengthening a company's culture and brand image by demonstrating genuine care for both internal team members and external contacts. By embodying the organization's values, promoting its mission, and upholding its standards, they become ambassadors who foster positivity and pride among colleagues. Moreover, they have the opportunity to build rapport with regular visitors, thereby nurturing long-term relationships that benefit the business.
To sum up, the receptionist role at Tsebo Facilities Solutions goes beyond merely handling administrative tasks. It requires exceptional interpersonal skills, adaptability, and a deep understanding of the company's vision and objectives. So next time you encounter a receptionist during your visit to an office or engage with them over the phone, remember that they serve as integral cogs in the larger machinery of business operations. |
* Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Commonwealth Computer Research, Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution and is available at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/apache2.0.php.
package org.locationtech.geomesa.index.strategies
import org.locationtech.geomesa.filter._
import org.locationtech.geomesa.filter.visitor.FilterExtractingVisitor
import org.locationtech.geomesa.index.api.{FilterStrategy, GeoMesaFeatureIndex}
import org.locationtech.geomesa.index.stats.GeoMesaStats
import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType
import org.opengis.filter.{And, Filter, Or}
trait SpatialFilterStrategy[T, U] extends GeoMesaFeatureIndex[T, U] {
import SpatialFilterStrategy.{StaticCost, spatialCheck}
def geom: String
override def getFilterStrategy(filter: Filter,
transform: Option[SimpleFeatureType],
stats: Option[GeoMesaStats]): Option[FilterStrategy] = {
if (filter == Filter.INCLUDE) {
Some(FilterStrategy(this, None, None, Long.MaxValue))
} else if (filter == Filter.EXCLUDE) {
} else {
val (spatial, nonSpatial) = FilterExtractingVisitor(filter, geom, sft, spatialCheck)
if (spatial.nonEmpty) {
// add one so that we prefer the z3 index even if geometry is the limiting factor, resulting in the same count
lazy val cost = stats.flatMap(_.getCount(sft, spatial.get, exact = false).map(c => if (c == 0L) 0L else c + 1L))
Some(FilterStrategy(this, spatial, nonSpatial, cost.getOrElse(StaticCost)))
} else {
Some(FilterStrategy(this, None, Some(filter), Long.MaxValue))
object SpatialFilterStrategy {
val StaticCost = 400L
* Evaluates filters that we can handle with the z-index strategies
* @param filter filter to check
* @return
def spatialCheck(filter: Filter): Boolean = {
filter match {
case _: And => true // note: implies further evaluation of children
case _: Or => true // note: implies further evaluation of children
case _ => isSpatialFilter(filter)
The Full Moon will partially pass through Earth’s shadow this Sunday in a cosmic occurrence called a penumbral eclipse. Unlike a total eclipse, a penumbral eclipse is a more subtle event because they take place in the penumbra – the weaker of Earth’s two shadows. UK-based amateur astronomers will have an opportunity to spot the eclipse in the early morning hours of Sunday, July 5.
When is the lunar eclipse?
This slight dimming of part of the Moon should be difficult or impossible to notice without instrumentation
NASA’s Gordon Johnston
This month’s lunar eclipse will kick-off on July 4 or July 5, depending on where you live.
Here in the UK, the eclipse will take place early on Sunday.
In North and South America, however, the eclipse will start late on Saturday night.
And the eclipse event will also be partially visible from parts of West Europe and even Africa.
- Lunar eclipse prophecy: Does Blood Moon contain ‘message from God’?
What time is this weekend’s lunar eclipse?
The penumbral eclipse of the Moon is scheduled to last for almost three hours.
The eclipse event will begin at about 4.07am BST (11.07pm EDT) on Sunday.
Maximum eclipse – the point of maximum shadow coverage – is anticipated to occur at 5.29am BST (12.29am EDT).
The celestial spectacle will then be finished at approximately 6.52am BST (1.52am EDT).
However, visibility in the UK will be less than optimal.
Stargazers in London, for example, will see less than 40 minutes of the lunar eclipse.
After the eclipse kicks-off at 4.07am BST, maximum eclipsing for London will then hit at roughly 4.41am BST.
Just four minutes later – 4.45am BST – the Moon will dip below the horizon.
Black hole: Astronomers spot ‘record-breaking’ object [INSIGHT]
Atlantis? Ancient lost continent of Zealandia revealed on ocean floor [MAP]
Astronomers discover a cosmic ‘monster’ from a young universe [INSIGHT]
- Lunar eclipse 2020: Final full moon lunar eclipse horoscopes
The rest of the eclipse will take place under the horizon.
The Sun will then rise at about 4.51am BST and set the same day at 9.18pm BST.
However, the eclipsing will be very subtle compared to a total or umbral eclipse.
According to some astronomers, you might not even see the Earth’s shadow without specialist equipment.
Lunar expert at US-based space agency NASA Gordon Johnston said: “The Moon will be close enough to opposite the Sun that its northern edge will pass through the partial shadow of the Earth — called a partial penumbral eclipse.
“Although visible from the Americas, this slight dimming of part of the Moon should be difficult or impossible to notice without instrumentation.
“The Moon will appear full for about three days around the eclipse, from Friday evening into Monday morning, making this a Full Moon weekend.”
The penumbral shadow is a more diffuse shadow that extends out into space on either side of the umbra.
The umbra is darker and narrows down as it extends from our planet.
The next total eclipse partially visible from the UK will be on May 16 2022.
When are the 20202 Full Moons?
These are all of the Full Moons and their names for the year
January 10: Wolf Moon
February 9: Snow Moon
March 9: Worm Moon
April 8: Pink Moon
May 7: Flower Moon
June 5: Strawberry Moon
July 5: Buck Moon
August 3: Sturgeon Moon
September 2: Harvest Moon
October 1: Hunter’s Moon
October 30: Hunter’s Moon
November 30: Beaver Moon
December 30: Cold Moon
Source: Read Full Article |
package com.wakufuro.game.src.main.input;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import com.wakufuro.game.src.main.Game;
import com.wakufuro.game.src.main.Menu;
import com.wakufuro.game.src.main.Game.STATE;
public class MouseInput implements MouseListener {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
if(Game.getState() == Game.STATE.MENU)
int mx = e.getX();
int my = e.getY();
if(Menu.playButton.contains(mx, my))
// Pressed Play Button
} else if(Menu.quitButton.contains(mx,my)) {
// Pressed Quit Button
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
Joe Vitt will fill Sean Payton's role during the New Orleans Saints head coach's season-long suspension for the team's bounty program. But no one will be sitting in Payton's seat while he's away from the team.
The Saints will leave Payton's seat on the team's bus and plane empty this season and will do the same in team meetings, the Times-Picayune of New Orleans reported this week.
Vitt said Monday after the team's rookie minicamp that Payton's absence is already being felt.
"Since I've been here, as soon as we got off the practice field, Sean and I would go right to a meeting and talk about what we wanted to do differently in the afternoon," Vitt said. "I didn't have that this year. We also would do a lot of communicating on the practice field. What do you think of this? What do you think of that? That was a huge void right from the get-go and something we're going to have to get used to."
Payton is not allowed to talk with the team about football matters during his suspension and if he wants to talk to a member of the team about a non-football issue, he must do so with the team's legal counsel present, the Times-Picayune reported.
Also, he has a new office in the Benson Tower in New Orleans near the SuperDome but had to get the NFL's approval before renting it.
Vitt will serve a six-game suspension for his role in the team's pay-for-pain system once the regular season begins.
Information from The Associated Press was used in this report. |
Thermo-visco-elasticity with rate-independent plasticity in isotropic materials undergoing thermal expansion
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique, Volume 45 (2011) no. 3, p. 477-504
We consider a viscoelastic solid in Kelvin-Voigt rheology exhibiting also plasticity with hardening and coupled with heat-transfer through dissipative heat production by viscoplastic effects and through thermal expansion and corresponding adiabatic effects. Numerical discretization of the thermodynamically consistent model is proposed by implicit time discretization, suitable regularization, and finite elements in space. Fine a-priori estimates are derived, and convergence is proved by careful successive limit passage. Computational 3D simulations illustrate an implementation of the method as well as physical effects of residual stresses substantially depending on rate of heat treatment.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1051/m2an/2010063
Classification: 35K85, 49S05, 65M60, 74C05, 80A17
Keywords: thermodynamics of plasticity, Kelvin-Voigt rheology, hardening, thermal expansion, adiabatic effects, finite element method, implicit time discretization, convergence
author = {Bartels, S\"oren and Roub\'\i \v cek, Tom\'a\v s},
title = {Thermo-visco-elasticity with rate-independent plasticity in isotropic materials undergoing thermal expansion},
journal = {ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Mod\'elisation Math\'ematique et Analyse Num\'erique},
publisher = {EDP-Sciences},
volume = {45},
number = {3},
year = {2011},
pages = {477-504},
doi = {10.1051/m2an/2010063},
zbl = {1267.74037},
mrnumber = {2804647},
language = {en},
url = {http://www.numdam.org/item/M2AN_2011__45_3_477_0}
Bartels, Sören; Roubíček, Tomáš. Thermo-visco-elasticity with rate-independent plasticity in isotropic materials undergoing thermal expansion. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique, Volume 45 (2011) no. 3, pp. 477-504. doi : 10.1051/m2an/2010063. http://www.numdam.org/item/M2AN_2011__45_3_477_0/
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[26] T.D.W. Nicholson, Large deformation theory of coupled thermoplasticity including kinematic hardening. Acta Mech. 142 (2000) 207-222. | Zbl 1027.74010
[27] P. Rosakis, A.J. Rosakis, G. Ravichandran and J. Hodowany, A thermodynamic internal variable model for the partition of plastic work into heat and stored energy in metals. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 48 (2000) 581-607. | Zbl 1005.74004
[28] T. Roubíček, Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations with Applications. Birkhäuser, Basel (2005). | Zbl 1270.35005
[29] T. Roubíček, Thermo-visco-elasticity at small strains with L1-data. Quart. Appl. Math. 67 (2009) 47-71. | MR 2495071 | Zbl 1160.74011
[30] T. Roubíček, Rate independent processes in viscous solids at small strains. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 32 (2009) 825-862. | MR 2507935 | Zbl 1194.35226
[31] T. Roubíček, Thermodynamics of rate independent processes in viscous solids at small strains. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 42 (2010) 256-297. | MR 2596554 | Zbl 1213.35279
[32] A. Srikanth and N. Zabaras, A computational model for the finite element analysis of thermoplasticity coupled with ductile damage at fonite strains. Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng. 45 (1999) 1569-1605. | Zbl 0943.74073
[33] Q. Yang, L. Stainier and M. Ortiz, A variational formulation of the coupled thermo-mechanical boundary-value problem for general dissipative solids. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 54 (2006) 401-424. | MR 2192499 | Zbl 1120.74367
[34] H. Ziegler, A modification of Prager's hardening rule. Quart. Appl. Math. 17 (1959) 55-65. | MR 104405 | Zbl 0086.18704 |
Professor: James Woodbridge
Course Webpage: http://faculty.unlv.edu/jwood/unlv/Phil430F13.htm
Office Hours: T 4pm-5pm, W 12:30pm-2pm, and by appointment
Office: CDC 426
Office Phone: 895-4051
Dept. Phone: 895-3433
Scientific inquiry is often considered the method par excellence of acquiring knowledge about the world. What is it about science and its methods that gives it this reputation? This course examines several different perspectives on science, looking at what they claim the aims of science are and what they say about its operation. We will begin by considering various facets of the scientific enterprise from the perspective on science dominant during the first half of the 20th century: logical empiricism. This school of thought sought to develop formal accounts of the "logic" of such activities as the confirmation of hypotheses and the explanation of phenomena, in a way that grounded science on the epistemically secure basis of the observable. This perspective was challenged in the second half of the 20th century by an approach that shifted the focus from analysis of the formal structure of scientific activities to scrutiny of the history of science. This historicist approach rejected the earlier assumption of a common, pure (i.e., "theory-neutral") observation basis, emphasizing instead the radical discontinuities in the worldviews offered by successive scientific theories. At its most extreme, this approach has characterized these breaks as involving, not just changes in worldview, but as transitions to "different worlds". A third perspective on science rejects both logical empiricism and historicism, opting instead for a "realist" view committed to taking science as in the business of (and succeeding to some extent at) developing a literally true account of the world. After a brief introduction to scientific method, we will consider these three perspectives on science in turn, examining their central theses and arguments, with the aim of developing a better understanding of the nature of science in general.
To demonstrate knowledge about central problems in the philosophy of science, as well as some
epistemology and metaphysics
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
Identify central issues or debates in philosophy of science,
Articulate and, when appropriate, compare or contrast, different views that might be taken with
respect to these issues,
Summarize major motivations or arguments for these alternative positions,
Present significant objections that have or could be raised to these positions,
Assess the relative merits of these arguments and objections.
Hempel, Carl G. Philosophy of Natural Science. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1966.
Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 3rd Edition. Chicago: University of Chicago
Papineau, David (ed.). The Philosophy of Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.
The books for the course are at The UNLV Bookstore. (They are also on reserve at Lied Library.)
There will also be several online required readings.
About the Requirements:
Class Participation--This requirement covers a couple of things things. First, there is your contribution during class. Class attendance is thus necessary. However, to do well you must do more than just attend. You are expected to show up having read the assignment for the day and ready to talk about it. Second, everyone must make at least six contributions to the Electronic Discussion Board (accessible through WebCampus) during the term: three in the first half of the term (before October 19th) and three in the second half.
The First Paper--There will be a 6-8 page paper due in early October. Topics will be distributed 12 days before the paper is due. Papers are due at the beginning of class on the due date. Late papers are subject to a substantial grade reduction as described on the Papers Requirements and Policies handout.
The Second Paper--There will be a second 6-8 page paper due in early December. Again, topics will be handed out 12 days before the paper is due, and all papers are due at the beginning of class on the due date.
The Final Exam--There will be a timed (2 hour), in-class final exam given on Tuesday, December 10, 2013 at 1pm in our regular classroom. The final will consist of a choice of essay questions.Note: All course requirements must be satisfactorily completed in order to pass the course. More than 3 unexcused absences reduces your final grade by 1/3 of a letter grade, more than 5 is a full letter grade deduction, more than 8 is automatic failure of the course.
This is an upper-level philosophy course, so while I will present a lot of the material, our class meetings should also include a lot of student discussion, not just lectures. I hope that you will all have views about the theories we are going to examine, and I want you to express and explore those views whenever possible. It is typical of philosophical topics that people's views on them will differ. You are encouraged to question your classmates (and me) whenever anyone says something you disagree with, but on either side of this sort of exchange, everyone should always keep in mind that expressing disagreement is not a personal attack. Philosophical discussion thrives under this kind of interaction and often stems from disagreement. At the same time, philosophical discussion aims at reaching some sort of agreement. We probably won't reach agreement every time, but we should aspire towards it.
Most of the readings for the course are from the books by Hempel and Kuhn, and the anthology edited by Papineau. Readings from the first two books are listed below by author and chapter number. Readings from the third book are listed by article author and title, followed by "PoS" and chapter number.
There are also several online readings that will be linked on the course webpage.
A note about the readings: Philosophical writing is often subtle and difficult. Do not be fooled by the shortness of an assignment into thinking that it will take little time. These readings should be read at least twice. I recommend a first time straight through, then a second time slowly while taking notes.
The course units and readings for them are as follows.
1. Facets of Scientific Inquiry: Logical Empiricism
Peirce, "The Fixation of Belief" (online)
Hempel, Chapters 1 and 2 (Scientific Method)
Hempel, Chapters 3 and 4 (Confirmation)
Goodman, "The New Riddle of Induction" (online)
Popper, Selections from The Logic of Discovery (online)
Putam, "The Corroboration of Theories" (online)
Hempel, Chapters 5 and 6 (Scientific Explanation)
Hempel, Chapter 7 (Theoretical Concepts)
Hempel, Chapter 8 (Theoretical Reduction)
2. The Historicist Approach
Kuhn, Preface & Chapter I (Background and Method)
Kuhn, Chapters II-V (Normal Science)
Kuhn, Chapters VI-VIII (Crisis in Normal Science)
Kuhn, Chapters IX & X (Revolutionary Science)
Kuhn, Chapters XI-XIII (Revolution and Progress)
3. Scientific Realism
van Fraassen, from The Scientific Image (online)*The instructor of this course reserves the right to change any aspect of the syllabus, with the understanding that any such changes will be announced in class.
van Fraassen, "To Save the Phenomena," PoS, Ch. IV
Laudan, "A Confutation of Convergent Realism," PoS, Ch. VI
Boyd, "On the Current Status of the Issue of Scientific Realism" (online)
Ellis, "What Science Aims to Do," PoS, Ch. VIII
Fine, "The Natural Ontological Attitude," PoS, Ch. I
Musgrave, "NOA's Ark--Fine for Realism," PoS, Ch. II |
From subreddit r/AskWomen:
Anti Vaxxers--they are 100% wrong and yet are so aliment that they are right. They do so much damage by not getting vaccinated or vaccinating their children. Or even telling people not to vaccinate.
I try to respect people's beliefs, but there just no.
Anti intellectual people.
People who are rude and inconsiderate--and make excuses for being rude and inconsiderate. |
Transport yourself, if you care to, back to 2006. The world was a very different place. George W. Bush was president. Myspace was the most visited website in the world. Simon was still on "American Idol."
And here in the Bay Area, Stanford football was a complete embarrassment, finishing 1-11 under Walt Harris, one of the most humiliating seasons in more than a century of football on the Farm.
In contrast, Cal had just gone 10-3, with a share of the conference championship. Aaron Rodgers was already in the NFL, but DeSean Jackson and Marshawn Lynch were two of the most exciting players in the country. Jeff Tedford had the pipeline stocked, the program rolling.
Which team would you have bet on for success going forward? Yeah, so would have a lot of Cal fans.
These rival programs tend to go in cycles, but this current cycle may be the most bitter in history for Cal fans, given the disparate state of the programs, the stakes and the current climate of college football. Stanford has been resurrected, astonishingly becoming not only the top program in the Bay Area but also a BCS powerhouse, arguably the only team in the country able to compete with the SEC bullies. Along the way, the Cardinal lost a genius coach and a star quarterback and only got better.
Cal, meanwhile, is starting over again, after failing to fulfill all that great promise of the past decade. The Bears are coming off a disastrous 3-9 season. They have a new coach who doesn't arrive with a big-time resume. They're starting a true freshman at quarterback. They finally have a new stadium but are falling short in its financing, in part because of the lackluster program.
How rough is it to be a Cal fan right now? To find out, I took a poll of some of the most die-hard Cal fans I know - and I know a lot of them, some by blood, some by longtime friendship. I know a lot of Stanford fans too, but - gross generalization - the Cal fans are much more passionate as a group. Stanford fans are pleasantly surprised when their team does well, mildly disconcerted when it's bad. Cal fans beat their chests when things are good; otherwise they writhe and moan and obsess about the elusive Rose Bowl.
So in January, when the Bears were nursing the sting of a failed season and Stanford went out and won the Rose Bowl, just how bad was it? Which development was more irritating?
My brother took the high road and weighed in for Cal's failure (but, then, he's married to a Stanford alumna). Most others, however, voted for Stanford's Rose Bowl. "One success by them is more irritating than 100 failures by Cal," said Lars Monroe.
Mike Silver, the NFL writer, agreed, saying: "I'd like to be an evolved, mature person ... but no such inner peace is forthcoming." It hurt Cal fans even more because Cal was robbed of a trip to the Rose Bowl in 2004 by a cheating USC team. KNBR personality Kate Scott said she was "still dry heaving" at the thought of Stanford's Rose Bowl.
Almost everyone in my unscientific survey would be willing to bet the cost of his or her Cal education on the belief that Tedford would develop another great quarterback after Rodgers, as opposed to betting that Stanford football would become a force. Almost all would be willing to trade away bragging rights to Rodgers - arguably the best quarterback in the NFL - in return for a Rose Bowl win or Big Game success. Scott, however differs: "What Aaron continues to do for the Cal brand is something that winning maybe even the Rose Bowl just can't match. While I'd love to win a Rose Bowl before I die, I know the only way to achieve that is by getting the best of the best to come to Berkeley, and Aaron helps achieve that goal."
The "before I die" theme is a common one.
"Sometime before I die I'd like to see Cal in a Rose Bowl," my brother Paul said. "Pretty much everything else is on the table."
To rub salt into the wound, Cal fans went to their mailbox last month and discovered Sports Illustrated drooling over Stanford in its cover story, with Shayne Skov on the cover. The story, called "Revenge of the Nerd," accompanies SI rankings that have Stanford No. 2 in the country behind Alabama.
"I can't even bring myself to pick it up," Scott said.
What's more likely to happen first? Cal wins a Rose Bowl, Stanford alum Tiger Woods wins another major or hell freezes over? Kathleen Clifford, who once lived in walking distance to the Rose Bowl and once fantasized about raucous New Year's Day parties with a house full of rabid Cal fans, said that sadly she expects snow in hell before a Rose Bowl.
Cal scored only a field goal in last year's Big Game. But Bear Backers take some solace in that - as embarrassing as that was - it still doesn't come close to Stanford's rugby team forfeiting a 2001 game against Cal for fear of getting hurt. So there's that. "That defines the 'Furd ethos," said Dan Walsh, using the Cal pejorative for Cardinal fans.
"It's the wimpiest thing I've heard of in nearly a quarter century of covering sports," Silver said.
Silver also was horrified by the scene at Stanford in December when - for a game to determine the Rose Bowl - the stadium, already small by BCS standards, was only half full.
"I think what's hardest for me," said Silver, who could envision a sold-out Memorial Stadium and a mob on Tightwad Hill if such a similar scenario took place at Cal, "is that I don't get the sense that it means that much to Stanford people. ... That's the most depressing thing of all."
But what's really hardest of all for Cal fans might be what Mike McCarthy explains.
"The most irritating thing," McCarthy said, "is that I find myself admiring and respecting Stanford's program."
His thought was echoed by others. Stanford isn't USC or Oregon; it isn't a semipro football factory. It is a program that graduates its players and is run with integrity. It is, in other words, exactly the kind of program Cal fans want.
For Cal fans, it doesn't get any more bitter than that.
Sunday, 21 February 2010
A Question for the Doctors.
You say that you have no problems with ward nurses and that you understand that they are in an impossible situation. You say that the ward nurses who do real nursing have your respect and that it is the noctors that you hold in contempt.
So why is it that the consultants only ever yell, scream at and abuse the ward nurses over lapses in care?
Anyone overhearing your rants would think that it is the ward nurses who believe that they are above basic care . Or they would be given the impression that the ward nurses don't want to be bothered staying on top of nutrition and hydration.
You know that it is impossible for them to stay on top of it for all of those people. You know that they only have untrained carers to help and that is why fluid balace charts, weights, and observations are not getting done properly. You know the nurse can't leave the carers on the ward while she attends ward rounds because that will lead to even more fuck ups and blunders that will cause the nurse to get a smack down. You know that the ward nurses are getting denied training to keep their skills up and are interrupted so frequently that they cannot even see their patients or read the charts.
If you want to let nursing profession have it, why not go for the throats of the noctors, the nurse managers, and the matrons who have not only accepted cuts in nurse staffing on the wards, but look the other way and refuse to go down there and give a hand? Why soley go for the staff nurses?
Explain it to me.
the a&e charge nurse said...
Noctors already get a regular kicking ;o)
I suspect harassment, and dare I say bullying, is probably related to ancient medical/nursing power hierarchies?
May I respectfully suggest that you encourage the nurses to bite back every once in a while?
A&E nurses are notorious for this - we have not earned the soubriquet 'rottweiler in lipstick' for nothing.
I must say, though, the relationship at our place between senior nurses and consultants is mutually appreciative, most of the time (providing they don't interfere too much) - perhaps this is predominantly a ward issue?
Even so, it sounds like a corrective feedback loop is long overdue in certain parts of the NHS - I don't think anyone would disagree that antics of this kind are only ever going to be counterproductive, for staff & patients alike?
doctorz said...
Interesting question I'm a medreg myself and I'm not a shouty rangy sort of person. But I can see why doctors do it .
1. It can be frustration. We can see our patient needs care, we can see it's not being given.
2. Some nurses manage with poor staffing better than others. You sound like you manage really well and get everything done the best you can. There's a hope that if you shout you can turn the non-copers into copers
3. Another part of it is our attitude to our own workload. Admitting you can't manage used to be a sign of failure. If there's more work than a doctor can manage it's seen by other drs as there fault for being inefficient. Just pull yourself together and get on with it.
I'm guilty of a this attitude myself. Last week i told the fy1 covering the wards to stop whinging and get on with it. Oh and I also told him that it was unproffesional to take two meal breaks in a twelve hour shift, even if he was entitled to them by some law. The only break I take on a 12 hour on call is the time it takes to physically eat a sandwich. Which can usually be done walking down the corridor
Nurse Anne said...
I agree with your comments doctorz, especially number 3. I think these kinds of attitudes get used against us and that is why we are working so short. The problem is that we get taken advantage of....
doctorz said...
I'm not saying the macho attitude to hard work is a good thing. Quite the opposite. It means that patients continue to be put at risk by understaffing. Nursing or medical
I worked at one hospital that expected one doctor to cover 13 medical wards overnight. A task that was just possible if no one got ill! None of the doctors complained even though patients were at risk. This carried on until they tried to replace us with a noctor. The np's shadowed the dr for a couple of months for crossover and realised it was impossible so now they have two np's and a doctor and things are a lot safer.
The other point is that If you stand on a ward and watch it's quite tricky to see exactly how much the nurses have to do in a shift. It's only when I found your blog, showed it to nurses and asked if it was like that here that I realised.
Anonymous said...
becaues they are there....
The Shrink said...
You're right.
I've never ranted at a ward nurse. Ever.
I've met with 3 Directors on the Trust Board this week alone, and it's only Wednesday, about their plans for "modernisation" and "workforce review" because they don't and can't appreciate the import of qualified staff of the right seniority in the right numbers to deliver the right care.
The only way to sort it out is for all clinicians to be shouting, together, that managers need to take responsibility for managing a responsibly resourced service.
Anonymous said...
As 'doctorz' comments below imply, it is because the tradition in medicine is for shit to roll downhill - nurses get shouted at because they are there and senior doctors can shout at them, they do exactly the same to the junior doctors.
oakleyses said...
oakleyses said...
oakleyses said...
oakleyses said...
Subreddit: Pathfinder_RPG
Your better bet for getting answers from actual Romani people would be to find a Romani subreddit, but they’re not usually happy about fictional depictions of them by non-Romani. Many Romani have been regularly screwed over by how they’re depicted, and the community can be very harshly split on whether to even tolerate non-Roma in their spaces, so they’re typically pretty opposed to non-Roma depicting their culture in general. You can’t exactly trust someone outside of it to properly capture the nuances or even represent you with respect.
It’s definitely not a cut-and-dry issue with one perfect answer, and I can’t just provide a simple answer, either. Tropes can often be reductive to minorities, especially those that rarely get positive presences in media, and Roma very often get the short end of the stick. |
Growth factor 31 (IGF31)
This project focuses on a protein called insulin-like growth factor (IGF), which helps cancers to grow and spread.
Men with high levels of IGF in their blood are at increased risk of getting prostate cancer. The research team are testing the prostates of men who have had their prostates removed as treatment for prostate cancer, and measuring their blood IGF levels, to try to understand how high IGF increases prostate cancer risk.
The long-term goal is to work out how to stop the development of prostate cancer.
Pictured are Dr Val Macaulay and Dr Tamara Aleksic who are working on the project. |
format_version: '8'
default_step_lib_source: https://github.com/bitrise-io/bitrise-steplib.git
project_type: xamarin
- push_branch: main
workflow: primary
- [email protected]:
run_if: '{{getenv "SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY" | ne ""}}'
- [email protected]: {}
- set-java-version@1:
- set_java_version: '8'
- android-sdk-update@1:
- sdk_version: '30'
- [email protected]:
title: Do anything with Script step
- content: |-
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
set -x
dotnet tool install --global boots
boots --stable Mono
boots --preview Xamarin.Android
msbuild ./samples/HelloForms.Android/HelloForms.Android.csproj -restore -t:SignAndroidPackage
- [email protected]: {}
- opts:
is_expand: false
BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH: samples/HelloForms.sln
- opts:
is_expand: false
- opts:
is_expand: false
import * as THREE from 'three';
import { Object3D } from 'three';
import {
} from './Constant';
var center;
var keyBtns = [];
var drumBtns = [];
var beats;
const Keyboards = (centerVec, _beats) => {
center = centerVec;
var keyboards = new Object3D();
beats = _beats;
for (var i = 0; i < NUM_OF_BIT_BUTTONS; i++){
var keyGeo = new THREE.BoxGeometry( WIDTH_OF_BIT_BUTTONS, 10, HEIGHT_OF_BIT_BUTTONS );
var keyMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {color: KEY_COLOR_PALETTE[i]} );
var keyBtn = new THREE.Mesh( keyGeo, keyMaterial );
keyBtn.objId = i;
keyBtn.position.setX(X_OF_BIT_BUTTONS + WIDTH_OF_BIT_BUTTONS * i + GAP_OF_BIT_BUTTONS * (i - 1));
keyBtn.position.addVectors(keyBtn.position, centerVec);
keyBtn.cursor = 'pointer'
keyBtn.on('mousedown', keyDown);
keyBtn.on('mouseout', keyOut);
keyBtn.on('mouseup', keyUp);
for (var j = 0; j < NUM_OF_DRUM_BUTTONS; j++){
var drumGeo = new THREE.CircleBufferGeometry( RADIUS_OF_CIRCLE, 30 );
var drumMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {color: DRUM_COLOR_PALETTE[j]} );
var drumBtn = new THREE.Mesh( drumGeo, drumMaterial );
drumBtn.objId = j + NUM_OF_BIT_BUTTONS;
drumBtn.position.setX(X1_OF_DRUM_BUTTONS + RADIUS_OF_CIRCLE * j + GAP_OF_DRUM_BUTTONS * (j - 1));
drumBtn.position.addVectors(drumBtn.position, centerVec);
drumBtn.cursor = 'pointer'
drumBtn.on('mousedown', drumDown);
return keyboards;
export const render = () => {
const keyDown = (e) => {
beats.down(Date.now(), e.data.target.objId)
const keyOut = (e) => {
beats.up(Date.now(), e.data.target.objId)
const keyUp = (e) => {
beats.up(Date.now(), e.data.target.objId)
const drumDown = (e) => {
e.data.target.position.setZ(Z_OF_BIT_BUTTONS - 30);
beats.down(Date.now(), e.data.target.objId);
setTimeout(()=> {drumOut(e)}, 50);
const drumOut = (e) => {
beats.up(Date.now(), e.data.target.objId)
export default Keyboards; |
The most common vaccine for these three diseases is a combination vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis, abbreviated as DTaP. The acellular pertussis is a less reactive version of the pertussis vaccine than the whole-cell pertussis DTP vaccine that was used before the mid-1990s. This decreased reactivity makes the DTaP vaccine safer than the old DTP vaccine. This vaccine is scheduled to be given at two, four, and six months, with another booster at fifteen to eighteen months and a final booster at four to six years.
A new variation of this vaccine is Tdap. This vaccine is recommended for adolescents and adults in order to boost their immunity to pertussis. The tetanus (T) component of the vaccine is the same as DTaP, but the diphtheria (d) and acellular pertussis (ap) have less diphtheria toxoid and less pertussis antigen than in DTaP. The schedule for this vaccine for children is once at age eleven or twelve.
Adults are recommended to substitute Tdap for their next tetanus booster vaccine and then continue with the regular tetanus boosters for the rest of their lives. Healthcare workers and any new parent or infant caretakers, especially of infants less than twelve months old, are recommended to get Tdap as soon as possible, even if they received a tetanus booster recently. This recommendation is aimed at preventing the spread of pertussis to infants who are more likely to have a severe case.
The value of the Tdap recommendation for healthcare workers was driven home to us by a CDC report published in June 2008. It reported on a healthcare worker in Texas who unknowingly spread pertussis to eleven infants on a maternity ward. She had been appropriately vaccinated as a child but had not received the Tdap vaccination because it was not yet available in 2004. During the investigation, she was the only healthcare worker who tested positive for pertussis. Of the eleven infants, four were admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit, and five others were admitted to the general pediatric hospital. Fortunately, none of the affected infants died.
There are two brands of the Tdap vaccine: Adacel and Boostrix. The Adacel vaccine is approved for people ages eleven to sixty-four years. The Boostrix vaccine was originally approved for ages ten to eighteen years but received an expanded approval in December 2008 that extended its use to include ages ten to sixty-four years.
Other variations of this vaccine include the DT and Td vaccines. The DT vaccine is suggested for children younger than seven years of age when the pertussis vaccine is not recommended. It provides the pediatric dose of diphtheria and tetanus without any pertussis. It can be used in place of DTaP at any point in the schedule that the DTaP vaccine is recommended. The Td vaccine is the adolescent and adult booster for tetanus and diphtheria and is recommended for people seven years of age and older. It should be given once every ten years (unless Tdap is preferred).
Finally, there is a tetanus-only version of the vaccine for when both diphtheria and pertussis are not recommended. This is only approved for individuals seven years of age and older.
All of these vaccines are inactivated, or killed, vaccines. |
Elvenar MMORPG
Elvenar logo
Elvenar is a MMO Genre: F2P Empire Building Strategy for Platform Availability: Web Browser. Developed By: InnoGames
Elvenar is a free to play browser-based strategy MMO where players are responsible for building up their own Human or Elven village in a rich fantasy world, constructing and upgrading buildings, researching new technologies and training up troops to defend their territory and attack their enemies. The game has stunning visuals, immersive soundtracks and a simple yet fun gameplay style packed full of features and content including tactical turn-based combat where players will control each of their units in battle.
When initially starting out players get to choose an Elven or Human lineage, primarily defining the look and feel of their settlements, players will find themselves with an empty village save for their primary town hall. As the person in charge players are guided with some NPC help, initially acting as advice but later becoming quests to help players continuously work towards worthwhile objectives, which will focus on getting players to build up their village, navigating a tech tree and learning the basics of combat.
Buildings come in all shapes and sizes and serve very different purposes, starting with the Residence buildings that are important to attract citizens who in turn will offer up a steady gold income to help purchase items within the game as well as fund expansions, troops and building upgrades. Workshops allow players to produce a wide range of wares to aid their growing Empire, everything from food and drink, tools, weapons and more, whereas the various cultural buildings keep your population happy. Barracks allow players to train up different units from both melee and ranged martial classes and even magic users or, in the case of humans, those blessed with the holy divine energies.
Every building and unit takes a set number of resources to construct, as well as using up the available village builders who must spread their time between the village constructing buildings, roads and even upgrades to those buildings already placed. More importantly everything takes time, from minutes, hours to even days to finally finish building, though players can spend premium Diamond currency to rush complete a job.
Buildings are placed within the village, an area broken down into a square grid, with each building taking up a certain amount of squares and so expansion is important. To expand a village players can scout out nearby territories and interact with the inhabitants there, each province has eight potential relics that can be discovered by paying to negotiate and acquire what they need peacefully. For each relic that is discovered players will earn one Knowledge Point that goes towards unlocking new technologies in the technology tree (Knowledge Points are also earned at a rate of one per hour automatically), if all eight relics are found then the player can pay to settle a province, which in turn will give them more space in their village to build upon.
Players do not necessarily have to negotiate peacefully with neighbouring provinces and instead can choose to fight them using their trained troops, in doing so when players choose the Fight option they will be able to see which enemies are in the territory as well as their stats and begin to choose how many of their own troops they wish to make the attack. Combat occurs on a hex based map and is turn-based between both opponents, players are able to move their units each turn up to a number of hexes as determined by the unit type, even using terrain as cover from ranged attacks, and engage the enemy with various attacks of their own. If victorious, players will gain rewards including the Relics if that particular battle wass for a province.
As with buildings Units can be acquired by unlocking various technologies, with up to 5 units available for each race, and they can also be upgraded (again requiring the subsequent technology). Currently the game does not support PVP, instead focusing more solo or cooperative play where players are able to trade with each other using the Trader feature. Players can still compete with each other to improve their Ranking score that is calculated by their working population and acquired culture (a good measure for how well a city is doing) as well as completing various encounters and acquiring relics to boost their score.
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As many as 500,000 central and especially eastern European Sinti and Roma are murdered by the Wehrmacht and the SS under German occupation. In Germany and Austria alone, the number is around 25,000.
Already in 1931, National Socialists had begun subjecting Sinti and Roma to racist, pseudo-scientific measurements. The aim was to legitimate biological racism and future efforts at extermination. Beginning in 1933, political measures were intensified against Sinti and Roma. Racially motivated policies of persecution, which had begun in the German empire before the First World War (See also:Founding of the Kaiserreich, 1871) and attained an alarming reach in the Weimar Republic (see also, Racist legislation, 1926-1929) were perpetuated in an intensified form following the transfer of power to the National Socialists in 1933. In the same year, deportations to concentration camps began. The first forced sterilizations of Sinti and Roma began in 1934. In 1935, they were stripped of their German citizenship. With the expansion of the Nuremberg “racial laws”, the everyday lives of Sinti and Roma were narrowed in many ways. In many cities, they were only permitted to buy at certain shops and at certain times, and were restricted in their use of public transport, if at all permitted. They were furthermore barred from cinemas, bars, restaurants, schools, and from receiving basic medical care in hospitals. To this was added the systematic criminalization to which they were subjected by the press and the state. Under Heinrich Himmler, a central department was established within the Reichskriminalpolizeiamt (RKPA) in 1938 for the registration and persecution of all Roma and Sinti residing in the German Reich. The goal of the registration program was to facilitate the “final solution” of extermination.
In October 1939, everyone in possession of an itinerant trade certificate had to surrender it to the authorities. Sinti and Roma with permanent residences could only move with permission from the police. Beginning in 1940, several large-scale deportations to concentration camps were carried out. On December 16, 1942, in preparation for a precisely calculated act of mass murder, Himmler ordered the final transport to Auschwitz of all Sinti and Roma still living within German territory. All property belonging to the victims was to be seized by the police during deportation. From February 1943, the Europe-wide deportation of Sinti and Roma to Auschwitz-Birkenau proceeded. The total number of victims is not agreed upon and varies between sources, but the figure most widely cited is of approximately 500,000 Roma and Sinti who were murdered as part of the Holocaust. The majority of them were killed in eastern Europe and specifically in Auschwitz-Birkenau, but racially motivated killings of Roma and Sinti occurred across the whole of those parts of Europe under German influence.
Much as the Hebrew term “Shoah” refers to the genocide perpetrated against the Jewish people by National Socialist Germany, the Romani term “Porajmos” (lit. “the great devouring”) has been used with reference to the genocide perpetrated against the Sinti and Roma. |
Air pollution deaths
Air pollution prematurely kills 145 people a day in France
The European Environment Agency has released its annual report on the air quality in Europe in 2013.
In France 3 pollutants are responsible for 52,000 premature deaths a year:
- 43,000 deaths were due to fine particulate matter PM2.5
- 7,700 deaths were caused by nitrogen dioxide
- 1,500 deaths were related to ozone (a secondary pollutant created by a reaction between traffic pollutants and the sun).
The report states that the health impact of nitrogen dioxide, mostly emitted by diesel engines, has been understated, since only concentrations above 20 ug/m3 of air were considered in the survey. |
Copper alloys for interconnections having improved electromigration characteristics and methods of making same
Formation of copper alloy interconnect lines on integrated circuits includes introducing dopant elements into a copper layer. Copper alloy interconnect lines may be formed by providing a doping layer over a copper layer, driving dopant material into the copper layer with a high temperature step, and polishing the copper layer to form individual lines. Copper alloy interconnect lines may be formed by implanting dopants into individual lines. Copper alloy interconnect lines may be formed by providing a doped seed layer with a capping layer to prevent premature oxidation, forming an overlying copper layer, driving in the dopants, and polishing to form individual lines. In this way, electromigration resistance and adhesion characteristics may be improved by having relatively higher doping concentrations at outer portions of an interconnect line while the desired low electrical resistivity of the interconnect is maintained by keeping the interior portions of the interconnect with a substantially lower doping concentration.
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The present patent application is a divisional of application Ser. No. 09/739,929 filed Dec. 18, 2000, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,800,554.BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION
1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates generally to the field of integrated circuit manufacturing, and more specifically, to copper alloy interconnections and their formation.
Advances in semiconductor manufacturing technology have led to the development of integrated circuits having multiple levels of interconnect. In such an integrated circuit, patterned conductive material on one interconnect level is electrically insulated from patterned conductive material on another interconnect level by films of material such as, for example, silicon dioxide. These conductive materials are typically a metal or metal alloy. Connections between the conductive material at the various interconnect levels are made by forming openings in the insulating layers and providing an electrically conductive structure such that the patterned conductive material from different interconnect levels are brought into electrical contact with each other. These electrically conductive structures are often referred to as contacts or vias.
Other advances in semiconductor manufacturing technology have led to the integration of millions of transistors, each capable of switching at high speed. A consequence of incorporating so many fast switching transistors into an integrated circuit is an increase in power consumption during operation. One technique for increasing speed while reducing power consumption is to replace the traditional aluminum and aluminum alloy interconnects found on integrated circuits with a metal such as copper, which offers lower electrical resistance. Those skilled in the electrical arts will appreciate that by reducing resistance, electrical signals may propagate more quickly through the interconnect pathways on an integrated circuit. Furthermore, because the resistance of copper is significantly less than that of aluminum, the cross-sectional area of a copper interconnect line, as compared to an aluminum interconnect line, may be made smaller without incurring increased signal propagation delays based on the resistance of the interconnect. Additionally, because the capacitance between two electrical nodes is a function of the overlap area between those nodes, using a smaller copper interconnect line results in a decrease in parasitic capacitance. In this way, replacing aluminum-based interconnects with copper-based interconnects provides, depending on the dimensions chosen, reduced resistance, reduced capacitance, or both.
As noted above, copper has electrical advantages, such as lower resistance per cross-sectional area, the ability to provide for reduced parasitic capacitance, and greater immunity to electromigration. For all these reasons, manufacturers of integrated circuits find it desirable to include copper in their products.
While copper is electrically advantageous as compared to aluminum for interconnect lines in integrated circuits, pure copper interconnect lines may still suffer from electromigration related defects.
Accordingly, there is a need for providing copper-based interconnections on integrated circuits that have improved levels of electromigration resistance.
Methods of introducing dopants into copper interconnect structures, and the resulting copper alloy interconnect structures are described. In the following description numerous specific details are set forth to provide an understanding of the present invention. It will be apparent, however, to those skilled in the art and having the benefit of this disclosure, that the present invention may be practiced with apparatus and processes that vary from those specified herein.
Reference herein to “one embodiment”, “an embodiment”, or similar formulations, means that a particular feature, structure, or characteristic described in connection with the embodiment is included in at least one embodiment of the present invention. Thus, the appearances of such phrases or formulations herein are not necessarily all referring to the same embodiment. Furthermore, various particular features, structures, or characteristics may be combined in any suitable manner in one or more embodiments.
The terms, chip, integrated circuit, monolithic device, semiconductor device or component, microelectronic device or component, and similar terms and expressions, are sometimes used interchangeably in this field. The present invention is applicable to all the above as they are generally understood in the field.
The terms metal line, trace, wire, conductor, signal path and signaling medium are all related. The related terms listed above, are generally interchangeable, and appear in order from specific to general. In this field, metal lines are sometimes referred to as traces, wires, lines, interconnects or simply metal.
The terms contact and via, both refer to structures for electrical connection of conductors from different interconnect levels. These terms are sometimes used in the art to describe both an opening in an insulator in which the structure will be completed, and the completed structure itself. For purposes of this disclosure contact and via refer to the completed structure.
A substrate may also be referred to as a wafer. Wafers, may be made of semiconducting, non-semiconducting, or combinations of semiconducting and non-semiconducting materials. Silicon wafers may have thin films of various materials formed upon them. Other materials such as GaAs, silicon-on-sapphire, or silicon on insulator (SOI) may be used to form wafers.
The term vertical, as used herein, means substantially perpendicular to the surface of a substrate.
Copper and copper-based interconnect lines for integrated circuits are generally formed by what is commonly referred to as a damascene process. A damascene process may also be referred to as an in-laid metal process. Unlike the subtractive etch processes used to form aluminum and aluminum-based interconnect lines, copper and copper-based interconnect lines are typically produced by first forming a dielectric layer, patterning the dielectric layer to provide recessed portions, referred to as trenches, covering the dielectric layer, including the trenches, with copper or a copper-based metal, and removing that portion of the copper or copper-based metal that is outside of the trenches, typically by chemical mechanical polishing, to thereby form individual interconnect lines. In other words, the metal remaining in the trenches are the individual interconnect lines. Typically, the top surface of the dielectric layer and all the surfaces of the trenches are covered with a barrier layer prior to the deposition of the copper or copper-based metal. The material that makes up the barrier layer is chosen such that the barrier is resistant to the passage of copper atoms therethrough. Copper diffusion barrier layers include, but are not limited to, Ta, TaN, TaSiN, W, WN, WSiN, Ti, TiN, TiSiN, and Co. Copper diffusion barriers may be formed from electrically non-conductive materials as well as from conductive materials, although an electrically conductive copper diffusion barrier is typically used. A barrier layer can be deposited by physical vapor deposition (PVD), chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or atomic layer deposition (ALD). A seed layer is typically formed over the barrier layer to facilitate the deposition of the copper or copper-based metal layer. The seed layer, whether formed of Cu or a Cu alloy, can be deposited by PVD, CVD, or ALD. Cu alloy seed layers can be used with or without barrier layer if the Cu alloy acts as the required diffusion barrier.
If, in addition to trenches, deeper openings in the dielectric layer are also patterned such that vias as well as the interconnect lines can be formed, then the process is commonly referred to as a dual damascene process.
It has been demonstrated that by adding small amounts of a second metallic species to copper interconnect lines, the electromigration lifetime of those Cu interconnects is significantly improved.
In some embodiments of the present invention, a dopant layer is formed over a copper layer and the dopant is driven into the subjacent copper layer. More particularly, and with reference to
Portions of the dopant in layer 106 diffuse into copper 104, driven by a high temperature operation. Such a high temperature operation is typically in the range of 300° C. to 400° C. and performed in a reducing atmosphere. The residual portion of dopant layer 106 is then removed, typically by chemical mechanical polishing, leaving a doped copper interconnect line 105 that has improved electromigration characteristics. However, a typical consequence of introducing such a second metallic species throughout the copper interconnect structure is a reduction in conductivity compared to pure Cu. With respect to the illustrative dopants, Sn, Al, and Mg, in each case, the amount of dopant is in the range of 0.1 atomic % to 2 atomic %.
In some embodiments of the present invention, a dopant element is introduced into a local region of the copper interconnect structure by ion implantation. By limiting the doped regions to a near-surface portion of the copper interconnect structure, improved electromigration characteristics can be achieved without reducing the conductivity of the entire interior portion of the copper interconnect structure. Additionally, such surface doping treatments may provide improved adhesion between the interconnect lines and adjacent layers of dielectric material.
In one embodiment, prior to introduction of dopants by ion implantation, a copper damascene structure is formed in a conventional manner. For example, in a dual damascene process, trenches and via openings are formed in an oxide-based interlayer dielectric material. A copper diffusion barrier is formed over the surfaces of the interlayer dielectric including the surfaces of the trenches and via openings. A seed layer is formed over the barrier layer, and copper is then plated over the seed layer. Copper may be plated by an electroplating process or by an electroless deposition process. Excess portions of the copper layer and barrier layer, that is, those portions overlying the top surface of the interlayer dielectric, are removed, typically by chemical mechanical polishing, thereby leaving the individual interconnects. The surface of the wafer after polishing presents a first portion which is the top surface of the interlayer dielectric, and a second portion which is the top surface of the individual interconnect lines.
Doping elements are then implanted over the surface of the wafer. Such doping elements may include, but are not limited to, Sn, Al, and Mg. Where the elements are implanted into the copper interconnect lines, a copper alloy is formed that improves the electromigration characteristics of the interconnect lines. Where the elements are implanted into the surface of the interlayer dielectric, a non-conductive stable oxide is formed. These post-CMP implants into the copper are very shallow, typically on the order of ten monolayers. Both Al and Mg implants may be performed with a dose of 3E15 atoms/cm2 at an energy of 5 keV. The dose and energy settings for ion implantation in this illustrative embodiment were chosen to provide an implant profile with a peak at 50 angstroms below the Cu surface and an average of 1.5 wt % dopant over 100 angstroms. No special temperature or atmosphere is required for activation of the implanted species. Subsequent to implantation of dopant species, a barrier layer is deposited over the surface of the wafer. The barrier layer may be formed from materials such as, but not limited to, silicon nitride and silicon carbide. The barrier layer is preferably formed from a material that substantially or completely prevents diffusion of copper therethrough and into the surrounding dielectric layers. Such a layer may also function as an etch stop layer for subsequent process operations such as the formation of via openings.
Implanting Al or Mg into the copper interconnect lines has been found to improve electromigration characteristics by approximately 50% to 100% with only an approximately 5% increase in resistance. In particular, the 50% to 100% improvement refers to an increase in current carrying capability while maintaining the same lifetime from the point of view of reliability. Generally, a 2× increase in current carrying capability results in a 4× increase in lifetime.
Variations of such an implanted process may include protecting the dielectric regions from implantation by forming a masking layer over the dielectric regions, or forming a barrier/etch stop layer over the post-CMP surface of the substrate and implanting through.
Doped Seed Layer
In some embodiments of the present invention, a dopant element is introduced into a local region of a copper interconnect structure by outdiffusion from a doped seed layer. In such embodiments, a doping element is co-deposited with the Cu seed layer over the copper-diffusion barrier. It is possible in such a process for the doping element or elements co-deposited with the seed layer to oxidize. When the doping element or elements are oxidized, partially or completely, the ability to form the desired copper alloy is reduced or eliminated. In accordance with the present invention, in order to prevent some or all of the dopant in the seed layer from oxidizing, a capping layer is formed over the doped seed layer.
In one illustrative embodiment, the capping layer is formed by depositing copper over the doped seed layer. More particularly, a seed layer of copper, which is doped with an alloying element, is deposited by magnetron sputtering, and a Cu capping layer is then deposited without breaking vacuum. In this way, the doped seed layer is protected from oxidation by the overlying copper capping layer. In addition to physical vapor deposition, the copper capping layer may be deposited by way of a self-ionizing plasma (SIP). Similarly, if the dopant species is susceptible of an SIP deposition, then the doped seed layer may also be deposited by SIP.
After capping layer 606 is deposited, a Cu layer is formed overlying capping layer 606. This Cu layer is typically formed by electroplating but may also be formed by an electroless deposition. Dopants from the seed layer are then thermally driven into the overlying Cu layer. As noted above, although the dopant will improve the electromigration characteristics of the Cu interconnect lines, it will also undesirably increase the resistivity of the lines. For example, the change in resistivity is approximately 0.6 micro ohm-cm/atomic % Mg added to Cu; approximately 1 micro-ohm-cm/atomic % Al added to Cu; approximately 3 micro-ohm-cm/atomic % Sn added to Cu; and approximately 4 micro-ohm-cm/atomic % Si added to Cu.
To obtain the benefits of electromigration improvements without a substantial resistance penalty, it is desirable to concentrate the dopants at an upper portion of the Cu interconnect lines. In order to facilitate the movement of the dopant to the upper surface of the Cu, the concentration gradient from the doped seed layer to the upper portion of the Cu is modified by a chemical reaction, in accordance with the present invention. This chemical reaction is initiated to draw the dopant out of the upper surface of the Cu such that more dopant diffuses to the upper portions of the Cu to take the place of the dopant consumed by the chemical reaction. By way of illustration and not limitation, if the dopant is Sn and oxygen is introduced during the thermally driven dopant diffusion, then Sn reaching the surface of the Cu reacts to form a tin oxide. In this way the equilibrium concentration of Sn at the upper portions of the Cu is modified, thereby resulting in Sn continuing to move towards the upper portion of the Cu. Nitrogen may also be used to react with a dopant species to form, for example, a nitride.
After a copper alloy is formed in which dopants are preferably distributed near the upper portions thereof, excess portions may be removed so as to form individual interconnect lines. Removal of excess portions is typically accomplished by chemical mechanical polishing.CONCLUSION
Embodiments of the present invention provide copper-based interconnections that include alloy, or doping, elements that improve the electromigration characteristics of such interconnections as compared to pure copper interconnections. Various strategies for introducing the desired doping elements into the copper-based interconnections are described, including thermally driving in dopants from an overlying dopant layer, implanting dopants, and outdiffusing dopants from an underlying doped seed layer.
An advantage of some embodiments of the present invention is that adhesion of various dielectric materials to the copper alloy is improved as compared to pure copper.
An advantage of some embodiments of the present invention is that the electromigration resistance of copper-based interconnects is improved as compared to pure copper.
An advantage of some embodiments of the present invention is that the adhesion between the copper alloys and the barrier layer is improved relative to that of pure copper.
Other modifications from the specifically described apparatus, materials, and processes may be apparent to those skilled in the art and having the benefit of this disclosure. Accordingly, it is intended that all such modifications and alterations be considered as within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the subjoined claims.
1. A method of forming a Cu alloy, comprising:
- depositing a seed layer on a substrate, the seed layer comprising Cu and at least one first doping element;
- forming a capping layer over the seed layer, wherein the seed layer and the capping layer are formed sequentially and without exposing the seed layer to an atmosphere prior to deposition of the capping layer;
- forming a layer of Cu over the capping layer;
- driving the at least one doping element from the seed layer into the Cu layer; forming a dopant layer having a second doping element over said layer of Cu and driving said second doping element into said layer of Cu.
2. The method of claim 1, wherein the seed layer and the capping layer are formed sequentially and without exposing the seed layer to an atmosphere prior to deposition of the capping layer.
3. The method of claim 1, wherein the seed layer and the capping layer are deposited in the same PVD system without breaking vacuum.
4. The method of claim 1 wherein depositing the seed layer comprises sputtering a metal alloy, the metal alloy having at least one element that diffuses in Cu at temperature less than or equal to 400° C.
5. The method of claim 4, wherein the metal alloy is selected from the group consisting of CuSn and CuMg.
6. The method of claim 4, wherein forming the capping layer comprises sputtering Cu.
7. The method of claim 1, wherein driving the at least one doping element from the seed layer into the Cu layer comprises heating the substrate to temperature in the range of 300° C. to 400° C.
8. The method of claim 7, further comprising exposing at least surface of the Cu layer to an ambient that reacts with the doping element.
9. The method of claim 8, wherein the ambient comprises nitrogen.
10. The method of claim 8, wherein the ambient comprises oxygen.
11. The method of claim 1, wherein the substrate comprises a patterned dielectric layer having a copper diffusion barrier disposed of a surface thereof; depositing the seed layer comprises a physical vapor deposition in the absence of oxygen; forming the capping layer comprises a physical vapor deposition of Cu; forming the Cu layer comprises electroplating; and driving the at least one doping element from the seed layer into the Cu layer comprises heating the substrate and, concurrently therewith, exposing the Cu layer to at least one chemical that will react with the at least one doping element such that the at least one doping element is drawn to an upper portion of the Cu layer.
12. The method of claim 1 wherein said first and said second doping elements are the same.
13. The method of claim 1 wherein said first and said second doping elements are different.
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|6160315||December 12, 2000||Chiang et al.|
|6268291||July 31, 2001||Andricacos et al.|
|6426289||July 30, 2002||Farrar|
|6440849||August 27, 2002||Merchant et al.|
|6479389||November 12, 2002||Tsai et al.|
|6518668||February 11, 2003||Cohen|
|6607640||August 19, 2003||Sundarrajan et al.|
|6610151||August 26, 2003||Cohen|
|6689689||February 10, 2004||Besser et al.|
|6800554||October 5, 2004||Marieb et al.|
|20030129828||July 10, 2003||Cohen|
|20040087171||May 6, 2004||Cohen|
|20040224507||November 11, 2004||Marieb et al.|
|0 878 834||November 1998||EP|
- Corrosion and Electromigration-Resistant High-Conductivity VLSI Interconnects, IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, IBM Corp., New York, U.S.A., vol. 36, No. 4, Apr. 1, 1993, pp. 335-336.
- Cu(Sn) Alloys for Chip and Package Interconnects, IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, IBM Corp., New York, U.S.A., vol. 37, No. 10, Oct. 1, 1994, p. 61.
- Search Report for PCT/US 01/43915 mailed Aug. 5, 2002, 5 pages.
Filed: Jun 1, 2004
Date of Patent: May 22, 2007
Patent Publication Number: 20040219788
Assignee: Intel Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
Inventors: Thomas N. Marieb (Portland, OR), Paul McGregor (Hillsboro, OR), Carolyn Block (Portland, OR), Shu Jin (San Jose, CA)
Primary Examiner: Quoc Hoang
Attorney: Blakely, Sokoloff, Taylor & Zafman LLP
Application Number: 10/859,327
International Classification: H01L 21/44 (20060101); |
From r/Chiraqology
Why is drill rap now all of the sudden getting so much mainstream media coverage? |
On 2 August 1943 a twin-engined Curtiss C-46 Commando aircraft of the United States Army Air Force Air Transport Command took off from Chabua in northeast India for a flight across the ‘Hump’ to Kunming in China. The twenty-one American personnel on board, en route to postings with Chiang Kai-shek in China, can hardly have appreciated the extreme peril of the journey they were about to undertake. The Hump was the name given by the Americans to the eastern Himalayas, the stretch of mountains that lay between India and China, an area that constituted probably the most fearsome stretch of airspace in the world. Severe turbulence, 200mph winds and icing were just some of the hazards. The worst danger was the banks of cumulonimbus clouds, which could reach an altitude of 25,000 feet, above the flight ceiling of the C-46. Pilots caught in these spoke of being tossed about like an egg in a tin. Since it was impossible to control a plane in such conditions, crashes into Himalayan peaks were frequent. It is estimated that some seven hundred US planes were lost during the Second World War in the China–Burma–India sector and that five hundred of these crashed while attempting to cross the Hump. There was also the threat from the Japanese, not so much from their Zero fighters but from troops on the ground. Those lucky enough to survive plane crashes often found they had gone from the frying pan into the fire. The Japanese, cleaving to their Bushido code, regarded all bombers and, by extension, all enemy planes as carriers of war criminals who were to be executed on sight, either by bayoneting or (preferably) beheading. Additionally, any ditching in the early stages of the flight would result in the plane coming down in territory controlled by Naga headhunters. |
FDI IN RATAIL Is It Good OrBad for Indian Economy?
INTRODUCTION Meaning of FDI:- FDI stands for foreign direct investment i.e. investment made by the foreign companies or foreign government in India. It is mainly dealing with monetary matters. FDI is a popular mode of entering in another country’s economy. It is made by foreign countries in order to established wholly owned companies or to manage them or to purchase shares of companies in another country. It can be of two type-1) Horizontal –invest in same type of industry.2) Vertical- financial collaboration with mkt. unit or suppliers of input in that country.
This is the most talked and controversial issue in the country right now. On 15th sep. 2012 govt. has announced their new FDI policy in Indian retail sector. As per the notification by the DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL POLICY AND PROMOTION the govt. has allowed FDI in following- Single Brand Retailing-100% Multi Brand Retailing-51% This new policy facing protest from everywhere for instance- Left Parties, Opposition Parties(BJP,SP,INLD Etc.) & from the general public also.
This is all because as much as 7.8% of India’s total workforce is engaged in retail trade. There are two type of retail stores in India. They are-1) Organized Retail stores2) Unorganized Retail stores Unorganized retail stores are considered to be the 95% of the total retail sector of India. It is argued that these are going to effect to a large extent with the entry of big MNC in retail sector like- Wal-mart, Tesco, Correfour who sell from groceries to garments, furniture to fitness equipment item under one roof.
ARGUMENTS AGAINST FDI As the government decision is facing protest from everywhere the different parties called for the “BHARAT BAND” or “INDIA CLOSED” on 20th sep.2012. They have given their arguments against the FDI. These arguments are as-1) Create Unemployment2) Upset the balance of payment3) Farmers would be at loss4) Middle man would suffer the most5) Inflation will be increased
The union minister of STATE OF INDUSTRY & COMMERCE Mr. JYOTIRADITYA SCINDIA tried to protect govt. decision regarding FDI by giving some arguments in favor of FDI or focusing light on the benefits of FDI for India. These benefits are as-1) Benefits for consumers a) Good quality b) low price c) Quality of services2) Benefits for producers a) Low advertising cost b) Opportunity to go international
3) Benefits for economy a) Increase flow of foreign currency in the country. b) Latest technology in production c) improved infrastructure facility d) create employment He said that if India want to become a superpower in world economy then it is very much important to open doors for FDI coz only then we can avail all these benefits. He also said that the govt. has announced this FDI policy by keeping in mind the interest of general public and as well as the economy by putting some restriction on FDI.
RESTRICTION ON FDI or STEPS TO PROTECT ECONOMY’S INTEREST FDI in retail would only enter in 10 states & those cities where population is more than 10 lakh and only 53 cities comes under this criteria. Only those MNC who are willing to invest 500 crore, half of it in the back-end activities such as logistics, infrastructure etc. would be allowed in the retail space. The foreign retail stores will have to buy 30% of the product from the domestic producers. The unorganized retail sector would not be affected so much coz they have already created great neighbourhood
After studying all the arguments against and in favor of FDI we can conclude that the govt. decision is a good decision coz it is very much important for Indian economy to grow with world’s economies and this can be possible by exploiting all the opportunity available in the intt. market and FDI is a good medium for that. Moreover it has more positive effect than negative effect. So, we should concentrate on the positive part and try to remove the hurdles that are in the path of successful implementation of FDI policy. |
Organic prunes are delicious plums that have been dried naturally in the sun without being fermented. Today, they are one of the most versatile and healthy fruits available. Their all-natural high sugar content make them a great substitute for refined sugar adding to their appeal. They are also a great source of potassium, calcium, and iron, and are enviably low in sodium.
Cholesterol and fat-free, high in fiber, and with a higher level of antioxidants than most fresh berries, organic prunes they assist in maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function and help to promote bone health and mental health. Such a sweet hit for only 30 calories!
Dried prunes are one of the popular dried fruits available and including them in your diet provides a range of health benefits:
- Cardiovascular Health: Maintain cardiovascular health and prevent development of atherosclerosis, reducing risk of heart attacks and strokes
- Healthy Cholesterol: Prevent hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia reduce LDL cholesterol and elevate good HDL cholesterol
- Obesity: Plum extracts’ bioactive compounds help fight metabolic syndrome and prevent obesity-related problems such as cholesterol disorders, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases
- Diabetes: Anti-hyperglycemic effects help reduce blood glucose and triglyceride levels, combating diabetes
- Osteoporosis: Anabolic and anti-resorptive action plus caffeic acid and rutin aids maintenance of healthy bones and prevents deterioration of bone tissues and osteoporosis while polyphenols and potassium encourage bone formation enhances bone density and prevents bone loss
- Digestion: Good source of dietary fiber sorbitol and isatin which promote efficient colon health
- Cognitive Health: Flavonoids in prunes providing protection against age-related cognitive impairment including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
- Nervous System: Vitamin B6 helps transmission of nerve signals, aids nervous system and assists in the formation of hormones and neurotransmitter serotonin, which regulates appetite, sleep, and concentration.
Key Nutrition Details
Organic prunes are a great source of vitamins and minerals. A daily snack of 100 grams of prunes contains the following nutrients (% Daily Recommended Intake):
- Energy: 12%
- Carbohydrates: 21%
- Protein: 4%
- Total Fat: 1%
- Dietary Fiber: 28%
- Folates: 1%
- Niacin: 9%
- Pantothenic acid: 4%
- Pyridoxine: 0%
- Riboflavin: 11%
- Thiamin: 3%
- Vitamin A: 16%
- Vitamin C: 1%
- Vitamin E: 2%
- Vitamin K: 74%
- Sodium: 0%
- Potassium: 21%
- Calcium: 4%
- Copper: 14%
- Iron: 5%
- Magnesium: 10%
- Manganese: 15%
- Phosphorus: 7%
- Zinc: 3%
Organic prunes originated in Western Asia at the foothills of the Caucasus and along the Caspian Sea. The prune migrated west; spreading into Europe and the Balkans. Some more fascinating facts about hazelnuts include:
- California is the world’s largest producer of prunes, supplying 40 percent of the world’s prunes and 99 percent of U.S. prunes
- During the Californian Gold Rush Louis and Pierre Pellier grafted French Petite d’Agen onto wild American rootstock
- During a 1905 Californian labor shortage, a farmer used 500 monkeys to harvest his prunes. Gangs of 50 monkeys overseen by a human supervisor picked the prune plums but ate them!
- Each prune plum tree produces 300 pounds of fruit a year
- It requires three pounds of fresh plums to make one pound of prunes.
Storage Tips & Shelf Life
Although prunes can be stored for up to three months in the pantry, cool storage is advised in order to preserve their flavor and nutrition profiles.
Enjoying Your Organic Dried Prunes
Prunes make a very flexible ingredient in any kitchen. They are just as good served with duck as they are stewed in sweet port wine and spooned over cake. Try them in a range of sumptuous recipes:
- Organic prunes go brilliantly with any combination of dried fruit, nuts, and seeds
- Delicious added to cookies, cakes, macaroons, muffins, and bread
- Sublime addition to breakfast cereals
- Sumptuous in fruit and nut-based salads
- Organic prunes add nutrition to protein and granola bars
- Add to Asian, Persian, and chicken, lamb, goat, and rice dishes.
|Allergens||Packaged in the same facility as milk, peanuts, sesame, soy, tree nuts|
|Country of Origin||USA| |
Thursday, April 17, 2014
The Panda Bear on the Boston Marathon , Large Crowds and the 3rd Blog Anniversary of her Blog
The Panda Bear wanted to take a moment to introduce her readers to a blog written by a friend of the Panda Bear, saltyspring. The address of the website is . She writes on some similar topics to the Panda Bear. However, unlike the Panda Bear she has lived many different countries. The Panda Bear has led a very routine-some might say(including the Panda Bear) unexciting life.
It is coming up on the year anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing. Just before sitting down to write this post the Panda Bear was near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Psychologically, September 11 was much harder on the Panda Bear than the Boston Marathon bombing probably because at the time of September 11 the Panda Bear was working near downtown Boston which some people felt might be attacked that day. After September 11, the Panda Bear felt that all large gatherings in urban areas were vulnerable to terrorist threats.
The Panda Bear has heard there migh have been many more casualties and serious injuries during the Boston Marathon bombings had there not been a lot of medical personnel near the Boston Marathon finish line and the bombs went off near the time additional medical personnel were arriving because of there was going to be a change of shift.
Now that the Panda Bear is in the area the Boston Marathon will finish she sees signs that the security is being tightened for this year's run and she sees more blockades and barriers than she has in the past She has heard that more people will attend this year's Marathon than last year's to show we are Boston Strong. Also there will be a baseball game that day which will also attract large crowds to the area.
While the Panda Bear is all for showing that Americans and Bostonians are strong and unafraid of terrorism that Panda Bear does not always feel that large crowds in urban areas show strength. Also in the case of the Boston Marathon bombing, it does not appear that there was a large terrorist network involved so there is no need prove courage to enemies.. Large crowds are hard to manage under the best of circumstances and can cause many problems. Probably large crowds make it much harder to secure the area.
In addition many people have to go to work during the Boston Marathon. The Boston Marathon occurs on a normal workday for most people. Mr. Panda will have to go to work going through the Boston Marathon and he needs to carry some bags to go to work(bags will be checked for security reasons). Both the baseball game and the Boston Marathon can attract crowds that are a nuisance to people who don't go to these events. To have two high crowd events on a normal working day plus it being the year anniversary of the Marathon bombing which may bring more people to Boston is too much for the city to handle. She wishes at least the Red Sox game could be cancelled. The Panda Bear hopes a lot of people don't show up Monday. Even without an terrorist threats, the Panda Bear worries there are going to be too many people in Boston one day that and it is just going to make life difficult for people who live and work in the area.
This time of year is also approaching the third year anniversary of the Panda Bear Blog. The Panda Bear Blog is a blog about a humble full time office worker who wants to challenge the corrupt American establishment. The Panda Bear views one success she had this year was being a foot solider in the movement to prevent the US becoming militarily involved in Syria. This movement appears to have been a success. Next year the Panda Bear wants to push the US to do more to create jobs for Americans. The Panda Bear believes the high unemployment is not hurting the rich so the politicians aren't putting enough emphasis on helping the economy.
Personally, the Panda Bear remains as humble as ever in her humble daytime office job. Many people think that certain reforms don't happen in the US because people think they will be able to become part of the corrupt oligarchy. The Panda Bear knows the oligarchy will not have her as member so therefore she will never be corrupted.
Monday, March 31, 2014
The Panda Bear on her Blogging, Cleanathon Failure, and Ukraine
Ever so often the Panda Bear gets asked by her fans about how she finds time to blog when she works full-time in her humble but stressful office job. The short answer is that she has no life. More specifically, she does not watch much television or see many movies. Instead she reads and blogs. Occasionally, people ask how they can help the Panda Bear. The Panda Bear suggests sharing the blog with friends and posting comments on her site.
The Panda Bear Blog is in part about the overly stressed nature of modern life. The past few weeks have been an example of the draining nature of the modern workplace. Problems and prospects in the workplace have sapped all of the Panda Bear's time and commitment leaving her room for hardly any other interests.
This winter the Panda Bear had scheduled some time off to relax and clean her apartment which she has called the cleanathon. However, her day job issues meant that her "vacation" time was spent on employment issues. Furthermore, the Panda Bear has had bad colds and did not feel well. In addition, since February she has been feeling very blue; the Panda Bear does not find cleaning an uplifting activity. Thus, the cleanathon has been a total failure. However, like all failed projects the Panda Bear needs to adjust her priorities and move on to the future.
The Panda Bear needs to get back to her exercise and diet routines which both the bad weather and the Panda Bear's colds and terrible winter in New England have interrupted. Especially, exercise the Panda Bear has been told will improve her mood. The warmer weather should enable the Panda Bear to take more walks which she likes to do. While the Panda Bear likes time to relax, she feels too much free time can make her feel down. Perhaps being busier will help improve the Panda Bear's moodl
During this difficult period of the Panda Bear's life Russia invaded the Crimea. The Panda Bear has never liked or trusted Putin; she thinks there is no such thing as a good KGB agent. The Panda Bear feels some sympathy for Ukraine and believes that many Ukrainians probably have believes and values more closely aligned to the West than many other countries that the US is now presently(and foolishly) is helping.
However, Russia and Ukraine of historic ties. From the Russians and the Ukrainians the Panda Bear sees in the US, people seem to move between the two countries very easily and the people seem very interconnected with each other. The Russians and the Ukrainians probably have disputes with each other that go back for centuries.
Conflicts in the Balkan area started the First World War. The Panda Bear hopes that economic sanctions against Russia are enough. She does not want a major war to start because of problems between Russian and Ukraine. The Panda Bear also finds it amazing while there is no money to help Americans the US can come up with a billion dollars out of no where to help Ukraine.
Monday, March 3, 2014
The Panda Bear on Woody Allen ,the Movies and Cable TV
The Panda Bear has a cold today so she feels like writing a lighter post. Since the academy awards on are TV tonight, the Panda Bear thought she would write about the movies and television.
Not the Panda Bear will be watching the Oscars. The Panda Bear does not see many movies nor watch much television. For her both the movies and television are casualties of today's busy lifestyles and a greedy entertainment industry. The Panda Bear's chief sources of entertainment are books, the internet, social media, computer card games and the radio. The Panda Bear believes that part of the appeal of these entertainments is that you can do on your own time when you please. When so many other aspects of one's life is on fixed schedule, the Panda Bear likes activities she can do when she pleases and at her own pace. Video forms of entertainment require the Panda Bear adapt to pace of the film while something like reading and writing she can do at her own speed.
The Panda Bear believe that both the movies and TV have forgotten their origins of being cheap, easy, unsophisticated and uncomplicated form of entertainment. It frustrates the Panda Bear that for some things that should be pure entertainment are now require a learning curve to keep up with technology and are expensive.
The Panda Bear admits to being something of a television snob (not that Panda Bear's has intellectual tastes when it comes to television-the few shows she watches are incredibly stupid). She remembers the time the TV was called the "idiot box". The Panda Bear feels that people should be having better things to do with their time than watch TV. It is amazing to the Panda Bear that people who have families, work full-time and have long commutes have the time to watch as much television as they say they do. The Panda Bear is proud of never having had cable. If you live in an urban area with lots to do and work full time why should you have to pay to watch TV-something that used to be free? With the internet, the Panda Bear feels people no longer need TV to keep up with the news. The moment the Panda Bear has to pay to see TV is the day she gets rid of television.
This summer the Panda Bear saw the movie The Butler which she enjoyed. It was the first movie that she had seen in a theatre that she has enjoyed in about twenty years. When VHS first came out, the Panda Bear said she would never go to movies again because seeing the movies on tapes was so much cheaper than seeing them in the movie theatre. Then everything went to DVD and it took the Panda Bear years to upgrade to a DVD player. Then the Panda Bear there was something to seeing movies in a theatre. However, many movie theatres where the Panda Bear lives have closed. Furthermore, they are expensive. Often when she feels like seeing a movie no movie is out she wants to see. The Panda Bear gets her DVDs from Redbox. She has the same problem that she has with the theatres in terms of timing of seeing the movies. When she has time to see a DVD, the ones she wants to see aren't at Redbox. The Panda Bear have enough time to see movies to make it worth getting a subscription to something like Netflix.
Recently, The Panda Bear was going to relent on her Woody Allen movie boycott and rent Blue Jasmine when the allegations about Woody Allen's sexual abuse resurfaced. The Panda Bear has refused to see Woody Allen movies since allegations of sexual abuse of his children came out in the early 1990's along with his relationship Soon-Yi. Many modern families are blended and the Panda Bear's think Soon-Yi was something like a stepdaughter to Woody Allen. The Panda Bear is not convinced that Woody Allen waited until she was 18 to have a sexual relationship with her and it was not "moral" for him to be in a relationship with the mother and the daughter at the same time.
The Panda Bear is more unforgiving of Woody Allen that in his work and in his interviews he professes to be a moral person which in the Panda Bear's opinion he is not. If he claimed to be "sex, drugs and rock and roll", the Panda Bear might be somewhat more tolerant and say he is a wild a crazy guy/artist.
The Panda Bear is a proud feminist and she proudly stands by Dylan and Mia Farrow. Maybe when Woody Allen dies the Panda Bear will relent and see his films with her belief that art can be separated from the artist. However, while Woody Allen is alive to the Panda Bear Woody Allen is a rich and powerful man who gets away with mistreating women because the establishment likes his work.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
The Panda Bear on Lying Dogs, and Health Time
The Panda Bear is taking a break from household chores and tending to her cold to write a blog post.
The Panda Bear never has had a dog as a pet. However, the Panda Bear keeps on reading that they are very loyal and true to their keepers. The Panda Bear's mother grew up with a dog her appears to have knowingly deceived her parents(though one can say the dog was trying to be nice to Mother Panda). When Mother Panda was a child her family had a dog. The dog was forbidden by Mother Panda's parents to sleep in Mother Panda's bed because he had fleas. However, the dog slept in Mother Panda's room. Every night Mother Panda's parents would put Mother Panda to sleep and the dog would appear to be going to sleep in his dog bed in Mother Panda's room. Then as soon as the house quieted down for the night and Mother Panda's parents went to sleep, the dog would jump into Mother Panda's bed and sleep for the night. In the morning, when the there started to be noise in the house of people moving around and getting up the dog would jump out of Mother Panda's bed and go back to his dog bed. When Mother Panda's parents came to wake Mother Panda up, the dog looked like he had been sleeping in his dog bed all night. The Panda Bear thinks the dog knew he was deceiving Mother Panda's parents and make them think he was in his dog bed all night where he knew he should not be. However, in the dog's defense one can say that he was trying to be nice to Mother Panda. Mother Panda liked him sleeping in her bed. She grew up in a war torn and occupied country. So it was highly comforting to Mother Panda to have a dog in her bed.
Since the Panda Bear has had a cold she has been thinking about different companies sick policies. She has been aware of there being movements to require companies to have sick time for their employees. However, the Panda Bear thinks companies should also be required to have "health" or personal time where people can take work time for medical appointments and other health matters and workers be paid for their time. Employers benefit greatly from having health employees and they should be willing to give some work time for matters involving worker health. It burdens employees discourage people from going to medical appointments on work time and the time for mostly all health matters is on the employees own time. |
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
- transitive v. To travel or pass across, over, or through.
- transitive v. To move to and fro over; cross and recross.
- transitive v. To go up, down, or across (a slope) diagonally, as in skiing.
- transitive v. To cause to move laterally on a pivot; swivel: traverse an artillery piece.
- transitive v. To extend across; cross: a bridge that traverses a river.
- transitive v. To look over carefully; examine.
- transitive v. To go counter to; thwart.
- transitive v. Law To deny formally (an allegation of fact by the opposing party) in a suit. See Synonyms at deny.
- transitive v. Law To join issue upon (an indictment).
- transitive v. To survey by traverse.
- transitive v. Nautical To brace (a yard) fore and aft.
- intransitive v. To move to the side or back and forth.
- intransitive v. To turn laterally; swivel.
- intransitive v. To go up, down, or across a slope diagonally or in a zigzag manner, as in skiing.
- intransitive v. To slide one's blade with pressure toward the hilt of the opponent's foil in fencing.
- n. A passing across, over, or through.
- n. A route or path across or over.
- n. Something that lies across, especially:
- n. An intersecting line; a transversal.
- n. Architecture A structural crosspiece; a transom.
- n. A gallery, deck, or loft crossing from one side of a building to the other.
- n. A railing, curtain, screen, or similar barrier.
- n. A defensive barrier across a rampart or trench, as a bank of earth thrown up to protect against enfilade fire.
- n. Something that obstructs and thwarts; an obstacle.
- n. Nautical The zigzag route of a vessel forced by contrary winds to sail on different courses.
- n. A zigzag or diagonal course on a steep slope, as in skiing.
- n. A lateral movement, as of a lathe tool across a piece of wood.
- n. A part of a mechanism that moves in this manner.
- n. The lateral swivel of a mounted gun.
- n. A line established by sighting in surveying a tract of land.
- n. Law A formal denial of the opposing party's allegation of fact in a suit.
- adj. Lying or extending across; transverse.
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
- n. A route used in mountaineering, specifically rock climbing, in which the descent occurs by a different route than the ascent.
- n. In fortification, a mass of earth or other material employed to protect troops against enfilade. It is constructed at right angles to the parapet.
- n. A series of points, with angles and distances measured between, traveled around a subject, usually for use as "control" i.e. angular reference system for later surveying work.
- n. A screen or partition.
- v. To travel across, often under difficult conditions.
- v. To visit all parts of; to explore thoroughly; as, to traverse all nodes in a network.
- v. To rotate a gun around a vertical axis to bear upon a military target.
- v. To climb or descend a steep hill at a wide angle.
from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English
- adj. Lying across; being in a direction across something else.
- adv. Athwart; across; crosswise.
- n. Anything that traverses, or crosses.
- n. Something that thwarts, crosses, or obstructs; a cross accident; as, he would have succeeded, had it not been for unlucky traverses not under his control.
- n. A barrier, sliding door, movable screen, curtain, or the like.
- n. A gallery or loft of communication from side to side of a church or other large building.
- n. A work thrown up to intercept an enfilade, or reverse fire, along exposed passage, or line of work.
- n. A formal denial of some matter of fact alleged by the opposite party in any stage of the pleadings. The technical words introducing a traverse are absque hoc, without this; that is, without this which follows.
- n. The zigzag course or courses made by a ship in passing from one place to another; a compound course.
- n. A line lying across a figure or other lines; a transversal.
- n. A line surveyed across a plot of ground.
- n. The turning of a gun so as to make it point in any desired direction.
- n. A turning; a trick; a subterfuge.
- intransitive v. To use the posture or motions of opposition or counteraction, as in fencing.
- intransitive v. To turn, as on a pivot; to move round; to swivel
- intransitive v. To tread or move crosswise, as a horse that throws his croup to one side and his head to the other.
- transitive v. To lay in a cross direction; to cross.
- transitive v. To cross by way of opposition; to thwart with obstacles; to obstruct; to bring to naught.
- transitive v. To wander over; to cross in traveling.
- transitive v. To pass over and view; to survey carefully.
- transitive v. To turn to the one side or the other, in order to point in any direction.
- transitive v. To plane in a direction across the grain of the wood.
- transitive v. To deny formally, as what the opposite party has alleged. When the plaintiff or defendant advances new matter, he avers it to be true, and traverses what the other party has affirmed. To traverse an indictment or an office is to deny it.
from The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
- To cause to move across; propel.
- Situated or acting across or athwart; thwart; transverse; crossing.
- In heraldry, crossing the escutcheon from side to side, so as to touch both the dexter and sinister edges.
- n. Anything that traverses or crosses; a bar or barrier
- n. A railing or lattice of wood or metal.
- n. A seat or stall in a church with a lattice, curtain, or screen before it.
- n. A strong beam of hard wood laid across several loose pieces of square timber, and having these pieces secured to it so as to form a crib; also, a transverse piece in a timber-framed roof.
- n. In weaving, a skeleton frame to hold the bobbins of yarn, which are wound from it upon the warp-frame.
- n. That which thwarts, crosses, or obstructs; an untoward accident.
- n. A dispute; a controversy.
- n. In fortification, an earthen mask, similar to a parapet, thrown across the covered way of a permanent work to protect it from the effects of an enfilading five.
- n. The act of traversing or traveling over; a passage; a crossing.
- n. In gunnery, the turning of a gun so as to make it point in any required direction.
- n. Nautical, the crooked or zigzag line or track described by a ship when compelled by contrary winds or currents to sail on different courses. See traverse sailing, under sailing.
- n. In architecture, a gallery or loft of communication from one side or part of the building to another, in a church or other large structure.
- n. In law, a denial; especially, a denial, in pleading, of any allegation of matter of fact made by the adverse party.
- n. In geometry, a line lying across a figure or other lines; a transversal.
- n. A turning; a trick; a pretext.
- n. In heraldry, a bearing resembling a point or pile—that is, a triangle, of which one side corresponds with either the sinister or dexter edge of the escutcheon, and the point of which reaches nearly or quite to the opposite edge. It is, therefore, the same as point dexter removed or point sinister removed.
- n. A sliding screen or barrier.
- n. In the manufacture of playing-cards, one of the eight strips into which each sheet of cardboard is cut. Each traverse makes five cards.
- n. Same as trevis, 2.
- n. A bolster.
- n. Across; in opposition.
- n. The postpouement of the trial of an indictment after a plea of not guilty thereto.
- Athwart; crosswise; transversely.
- To lay athwart, or in a cross direction; cause to cross.
- To pass across; pass over or through transversely; wander over; cross in traveling.
- To pass in review; survey carefully.
- In gunnery, to turn and point in any direction.
- In carpentry, to plane in a direction across the grain of the wood: as, to traverse a board.
- To cross by way of opposition; thwart; obstruct.
- To deny; specifically, in law, to deny in pleading: said of any matter of fact which the opposite party has alleged in his pleading.
- To cross; cross over.
- To march to and fro.
- In fencing, to nse the posture or motions of opposition or counteraction.
- To turn, as on a pivot; move round; swivel: as, the needle of a compass traverses.
- To digress in speaking.
- In the manège, to move or walk crosswise, as a horse that throws his croup to one side and his head to the other.
- A lifting-jack with a standard movable upon its bed, so that it can be applied to different parts of an object, or can move an object horizontally while the bed remains fixed.
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
- n. a horizontal crosspiece across a window or separating a door from a window over it
- n. travel across
- n. a horizontal beam that extends across something
- v. travel across or pass over
- v. deny formally (an allegation of fact by the opposing party) in a legal suit
- n. taking a zigzag path on skis
- v. to cover or extend over an area or time period
Where i live in traverse city the season start is quite chilly this year so i dont exactly know if that would be true.
I traverse from the side of the course, where there is actually a little bit of loose snow to ski in, across the ice-covered racing line.
Such a band of practised and educated soldiers may never again traverse England.
I didn’t post the insane plank and chain traverse pics.
Another step of his heavy boot knocked loose stones free from the ledge, and Chaltiford realized that the traverse was a little more challenging than he had first suspected.
The traverse is the home of spare ammunition, of ball cartridge, bombs, and hand-grenades.
To Dick and Sam Bolton the traverse was a simple matter.
The traverse was a short one, the morning fine, and the boats good.
The weather, when we started, was calm and clear, which pleased us much, as we had to make what is called a traverse -- that is, to cross from one point of land to another, instead of coasting round a very deep bay.
Again we crossed a broad bay opposite the mouth of Moose River, before reaching the narrow strait at Mount Kineo, made what the voyageurs call a traverse, and found the water quite rough. |
Q: Consider this response: Lior may refer to the following persons:
What was the preceding dialog?
Preceding dialog: DIALOG:
What is the meaning of Lior?
- Lior (given name) Lior is a Jewish given name which means "I have (a) light" in Hebrew.
- What are some different spellings?
- Alternative spellings include Leeor, Leor, and Lyor.
- Is there a female version?
- A female variant is Leora.
- Are there any famous people with the name?
Response: There was a younger Jonas Umbach, but there are no particulars respecting him, except that he drew portraits. The preceding conversation:
Preceding conversation: DIALOG:
Who was Jonas Umbach?
- Jonas Umbach Jonas Umbach, painter, designer, and engraver, was born at Augsburg about 1624.
- What did Umbach paint?
- He was cabinet painter to the Bishop of Augsburg, and produced many landscapes with cattle, also kitchen pieces, feathered game, and a few historical subjects in chiaroscuro.
- What did he engrave?
- He also etched 230 plates of biblical, historical, and mythological scenes and landscapes.
- What are his notable designs?
- Among these there are: He died in Augsburg in 1693.
- Did he have any famous students?
Write an example conversation that led to this. This: The species was first described by Francis Walker in 1860.
Preceding conversation: DIALOG:
What is the scientific name of the black looper?
- Hyposidra talaca Hyposidra talaca, the black looper or black inch worm, is a moth of the family Geometridae.
- When was it discovered?
See the last examples. Predict the preceding dialog. DIALOG:
Who was Ruth Mary Tristram?
Preceding conversation: DIALOG:
Who was Ruth Mary Tristram?
Problem: If this is the response, what came before? Ghetto Life Ghetto Life is the second album from Jamaican reggae musician Jah Cure.
Before this should be: DIALOG:
What was Ghetto Life?
Consider this response: Early on 22 January, Mitchell's squadron stopped a merchant ship for inspection and as the ship was searched two new sails appeared to the southwest near Shown Rock in the Zuften Islands.
What was the preceding dialog?
Preceding dialog:
What happened to the Indians who were on board the ship, Pigot, when it was attacked by the French?
- The governor at Bencoolen sent over reinforcements to "Pigot" in the form of a lieutenant, 40 sepoys, and two 18-pounder guns.
- Did these reinforcements take part in the fighting?
- They arrived too late to assist, and Ballantayne sent them to Rat Island to establish a battery as he could not use the guns.
- What happened to the ship, Pigot, after it was attacked?
- |
package org.irods.jargon.core.packinstr;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.irods.jargon.core.exception.JargonException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import edu.sdsc.grid.io.irods.Tag;
* Translation of a CollInp_PI operation into XML protocol format. Object is
* immutable an thread-safe.
* @author <NAME> - DICE (www.irods.org)
public class CollInp extends AbstractIRODSPackingInstruction {
public static final String PI_TAG = "CollInpNew_PI";
public static final String COLL_NAME = "collName";
public static final String RECURSIVE_OPR = "recursiveOpr";
public static final String FORCE_FLAG = "forceFlag";
public static final String FLAGS = "flags";
public static final String OPR_TYPE = "oprType";
public static final int MKDIR_API_NBR = 681;
public static final int RMDIR_API_NBR = 679;
public static final boolean RECURSIVE_OPERATION = true;
public static final boolean NON_RECURSIVE_OPERATION = false;
public static final boolean FORCE_OPERATION = true;
public enum ApiOperation {
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CollInp.class);
private final String collectionName;
private final boolean recursiveOperation;
private final boolean forceOperation;
public static final CollInp instance(String collectionName,
boolean recursiveOperation) throws JargonException {
return new CollInp(collectionName, recursiveOperation);
public static final CollInp instance(String collectionName,
boolean recursiveOperation, boolean forceOperation) throws JargonException {
return new CollInp(collectionName, recursiveOperation, forceOperation);
* Create the packing instruction to delete this collection from irods, moving the deleted files to the trash.
* @param collectionName <code>String</code> with the absolute path to the iRODS collection to be deleted.
* @return <code>CollInp</code> packing instruction.
* @throws JargonException
public static final CollInp instanceForRecursiveDeleteCollectionNoForce(final String collectionName) throws JargonException {
return new CollInp(collectionName, true, false);
* Create the packing instruction to delete this collection from irods, without moving the deleted files and collections to the trash
* @param collectionName <code>String</code> with the absolute path to the iRODS collection to be deleted.
* @return <code>CollInp</code> packing instruction.
* @throws JargonException
public static final CollInp instanceForRecursiveDeleteCollectionWithForce(final String collectionName) throws JargonException {
return new CollInp(collectionName, true, true);
private CollInp(String collectionName, boolean recursiveOperation)
throws JargonException {
if (collectionName == null || collectionName.length() == 0) {
throw new JargonException("collection name is null or blank");
this.collectionName = collectionName;
this.recursiveOperation = recursiveOperation;
this.forceOperation = false;
private CollInp(String collectionName, boolean recursiveOperation,
boolean forceOperation) throws JargonException {
if (collectionName == null || collectionName.length() == 0) {
throw new JargonException("collection name is null or blank");
this.collectionName = collectionName;
this.recursiveOperation = recursiveOperation;
this.forceOperation = forceOperation;
public String getCollectionName() {
return collectionName;
public boolean isRecursiveOperation() {
return recursiveOperation;
public boolean isForceOperation() {
return forceOperation;
public Tag getTagValue() throws JargonException {
Tag message = new Tag(PI_TAG, new Tag[] {
new Tag(COLL_NAME, getCollectionName()), new Tag(FLAGS, 0),
new Tag(OPR_TYPE, 0) });
List<KeyValuePair> kvps = new ArrayList<KeyValuePair>();
if (this.isForceOperation()) {
kvps.add(KeyValuePair.instance(FORCE_FLAG, ""));
if (this.isRecursiveOperation()) {
kvps.add(KeyValuePair.instance(RECURSIVE_OPR, ""));
return message;
By Herb Walters To seek the light in all, whether foe or friend, is a challenge that calls us to do what might be unpopular—to care about someone who hurts others. It is a challenge to listen to those who disagree with us or oppose us. The Listening Project of the Rural Southern Voice for Peace have challenged activists doing peace and justice work—including ourselves—to be the listeners. We often don't listen to others whose ideas are different from our own—they support the arms race, they are racist, etc. We argue instead. We try to corner the person and show how wrong he or she is and how right we are. So the other person shuts down, and the potential for change is decreased. When we listen, on the other hand, we say to the other person, "I care about what you think and I accept you as a person, even if we have opposite beliefs."
It is very difficult to accept the racist or the contra soldier. One thing that helps is to envision the racist or contra as a newborn child. When I talk to someone who wants to bomb the Nicaraguans or to someone who refers to Blacks as niggers, I try to imagine that person as a beautiful infant. The perfect child I see is the essence of what that person is. Beliefs and ideas, like racism have been picked up along the way. When we are able to see that spark of pure light in the racist, we have in our hearts the most powerful deterrent against racism—love. We can fight racism and war, but only love can transform the heart of the racist or the warrior.
Active listening allows a greater truth to emerge. I remember listening to one woman who was being surveyed about the relationship between racism and poverty. She started off by calling Blacks inferior. I didn't judge her or react to her. I asked her to comment on the fact that many Blacks are highly respected doctors, lawyers, and professors. This led her to talk about the importance of education, and we soon began talking about the effects of slavery and unequal opportunity. Eventually she disagreed with her own statement on Black inferiority and ended by acknowledging a need in the United States to make equal opportunity for education a national priority. This transformation was possible only because my listening made her feel safe to risk examining her ideas on race, perhaps for the first time in her life.
In St. Mary's, Georgia, a Listening Project is going on in awareness of the development of the local Kings Bay nuclear submarine base. As a result of this project, residents have been able to talk openly about nuclear issues for the first time in their lives, and many of them asked to have written information sent to them. When asked to consider alternatives to the arms race, these people, many of whom had previously felt antagonistic toward the peace movement, came up with some very good ideas, including stopping the manufacture of nuclear weapons, teaching peace to our kids, establishing exchange programs between U.S. and Russian schoolchildren, and supporting negotiations and arms control. In follow-up visits, a number of residents went further, saying that they would be interested in getting together with other concerned St. Mary's residents to discuss issues and consider ways to act on their concerns.
In 1988, we traveled to the Nicaragua-Honduras border to listen to contra fighters—to learn about these men and why they were fighting. We were particularly interested in interviewing fighters who had come willingly to the side of the contras. In the peace movement, the contras have been the enemy. By creating an enemy, we created a good-versus-bad image that allowed the killing to go on. An enemy is a person without a face, someone it's easy to be against. I have been to Central America on three occasions, and I have felt very strongly the suffering of the people there. For so many of the poor in Nicaragua, the Sandinistas brought hope, and the contras brought death and destruction. Yet with all this, I also know that things are never as black and white as we would like them to be. I know that my job as a peacemaker is to seek the truth, to humanize rather than to dehumanize the "enemy." We conducted our interviews with 26 contra fighters in complete privacy.
We learned that there were quite a few contra fighters who sincerely felt they were fighting against oppression and injustice. What many of us have known about the contras—as terrorists, former Guardia and Somocistas, and kidnappers—was true, but it was only a part of the truth. We were right to call for an end to contra aid, but the Contra Listening Project also raised some important issues. Many peacemakers failed to raise a strong voice for dialogue and reconciliation between the contras and Sandinistas because they made the contras the enemy. By listening, I learned to release my "enemy" image and put a face on the contras.
In 1992, the Listening Project went to Yugoslavia. We interviewed people who had contributed to much anger and ethnic hostility in the villages. One young man talked about his hatred for the Muslims, but the questioning also helped him talk about the positive relations he'd had with Muslims before all the problems. In response to the listener's questions, he admitted that the small Muslim minority posed no real threat to the Serbs. The interviews enabled him to say that the war made things bad. By the end of the interview, he was ready to participate in a program on ethnic relations. The Yugoslav Listening Project revealed that a majority of villagers want peace and friendship and gave voice to positive feelings and ideas. Villagers said they wanted stronger responses from the authorities when ethnic incidents occurred. They suggested that rumors be investigated immediately to keep them from spreading. Several villagers asked for community meetings or mediation to talk things out. Programs for youth had strong support. Strategies for continued work in the villages include youth projects, continued dialogue with problem individuals, and working with village leaders and others wanting to improve the situation.
Herb Walters is a peace activist in rural North Carolina. |
(From subreddit OCPoetry)
I enjoy the sound of the words as they appear in my head, but do you feel like this is finished or anything to add? Sometimes as we write anything we tend to have a strong beginning and ending, while trying to fill in the middle. I do not think thats what you were going for, but I believe you should make sure you leave everything said. I believe a few more lines with your own twists of words as you have been doing would add to the overall affect of the love you're trying to express. I am extremely impressed and I'm sorry if this feedback is bad, it is indeed my first one. :) |
Liver cancer is emerging as one of the fastest-spreading cancers in India. India sees about 3-5 cases of liver Cancer per 1, 00,000 people which translates to 30,000-50,000 new cases per year. Liver cancer is a disease in which harmful cancer cells develop in the tissues of the liver. Primary liver cancer occurs when the cancer cells start in the liver, and the different types of primary liver cancers are usually named after the types of cells from which cancer has developed.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) or hepatoma comes from the main cells of the liver called hepatocytes and makes up about 85% of primary liver cancers. A less common type of primary liver cancer starts from cells that line the bile duct called cholangiocytes and is therefore called cholangiocarcinoma or bile duct cancer.
The liver is also the site of another type of cancer called secondary, or metastatic, liver cancer. In this condition, main cancer begins elsewhere in the body and secondary deposits are formed in the liver. A common example is a colorectal cancer spreading to the liver through the bloodstream.
In most cases, the cause of liver cancer is long-term damage and scarring of the liver (cirrhosis). Cirrhosis may be caused by:
The risk factors of liver cancer include :
Most of the times liver cancer does not show signs and symptoms in the initial stage and as cancer begins to grow symptoms gradually show up. To detect liver cancer at early stage doctors often recommend screening and examination of the liver (at least once a year) to avoid the risk of cancer. Signs and symptoms of liver cancer include:
Based on the stage of the liver cancer the diagnosis is carried forward. Before the treatment, the doctor recommends a few tests and procedures that help to diagnose the extentto which liver cancer has developed or spread.
The following tests and procedures include:
The type of treatment for patients with liver cancer will depend on its stage and the patient’s general health. The main treatments used are surgery, tumor ablation (removal), chemotherapy, targeted cancer therapy, and radiotherapy.
If you have been treated with surgery, a liver transplant, or ablation/embolization and have no signs of cancer remaining, most doctors recommend follow-up with imaging tests and blood tests every 3 to 6 months for the first 2 years, then every 6 to 12 months. Follow-up is needed to check for cancer recurrence or spread, as well as possible side effects of certain treatments. |
This rare and interesting name is of medieval French origin, and is a variant of a double diminutive form of the topographical surname Rive, created from the Old French term "rive", bank, shore, with the diminutive suffixes "-el" and "-in". The surname originally denoted someone who lived on the bank of a river or the shore of a lake, and is one of that group of early European surnames that were adopted from conspicuous features in the landscape, whether natural or man-made, which could provide easy identification in the small communities of the Middle Ages.The particular forms of the surname from this source, identified as double diminutives, and found in forms ranging from Riveland, Rival(l)and and Reveland, to Rivelon, Rivelin and Rival(l)ant, are to be found mainly in the Brittany and Anjou regions of France, and also in the south western counties of England, particularly Devon and Cornwall, reflecting their shared Celtic traditions. Examples of the surname from these areas include: Francis Ryvallan (Plymouth, Devon, 1596); Louis Riverlin (Angers, Maine-et-Loire, France, 1643); Claudius, son of John Riveland, christened at Callington, Cornwall, on August 24th 1699; and Guillaume Rivoallant, born on August 27th 1758, in Gondelin, Cotes-du-Nord, France. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Richorde Reveland, which was dated April 19th 1596, marriage to John (Joan) Kennaway, at Brixham, Devonshire, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1, known as "Good Queen Bess", 1558 - 1603. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.
© Copyright: Name Origin Research 1980 - 2022 |
(From subreddit r/LearnJapanese)
It's hard to recommend a textbook - which is weird to say, in a way, because I think there are two that are good. I've studied from 7 different books, actually, on "both sides of the fence." This "fence" I speak of was erected by Prof. Eleanor H. Jorden of Cornell (with assistance from Prof. Noda (OH State)). I am very familiar with her approach because it was the only one that actually taught me how to USE the language. The others will teach you things like, よむ--> よんで, but かく-->かいて。 You'll spend a whole class discussing things like, "there's an orange on the table," "there's a cat in the box," and practically useless things like that (oh, but they're easy to teach! ... wonder if that's involved there). But G*D help you if you want to order at a restaurant, give directions to a cabbie, ask how to get to the bank, set up a meeting place with someone over the phone, or understand, say, the difference between ので and から, よう and らしい; or, the nuanced differences between きょう、田中さんきます - 今日、田中さんが来ます - 今日、田中さんはきます。
Get: "Japanese: The Spoken Language" (Jorden); or: "Step Up Nihongo" (Yamauchi) (if you can find it). |
Definitions for voltaicvɒlˈteɪ ɪk, voʊl-
This page provides all possible meanings and translations of the word voltaic
a group of Niger-Congo languages spoken primarily in southeastern Mali and northern Ghana
pertaining to or producing electric current by chemical action
"a galvanic cell"; "a voltaic (or galvanic) couple"
of or relating to electricity; galvanic
producing electricity by chemical action
Of or pertaining to Alessandro Volta or his work.
Of or pertaining to Burkina Faso, previously known as Upper Volta
Of or pertaining to Gur languages of Africa, from Niger-Congo family.
of or pertaining to Alessandro Volta, who first devised apparatus for developing electric currents by chemical action, and established this branch of electric science; discovered by Volta; as, voltaic electricity
of or pertaining to voltaism, or voltaic electricity; as, voltaic induction; the voltaic arc
Origin: [Cf. F. voltaque, It. voltaico.]
Translations for voltaic
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Pawn system for plastic food packages?
I live in Finland and we have pretty efficient bottle recycling system. For small bottles you get 10-15 cents and for a larger bottle the pawn is 40 cents when you return it to an automat. I am wondering why isn't there a similar system for plastic food packages - at least for convenience foods. Couple of different standard sizes should be enough. I think it would work as a nice incentive to wash the package and to recycle it. |
Tuition and post graduation are two separate things. The tuition relates to all EU universities: you most likely wouldn't be eligible to pay EU tuition because you haven't lived in the EU for three years, regardless of your citizenship status. This might vary by country, but I know it's the rule for the UK and Ireland. In terms of UK universities, this will most likely be moot because after the end of 2020, they will probably only have UK (in country) tuition, and international. They're still working that out, but that would be my assumption. Even with Italian citizenship, you'll still be considered international in that case, and most likely for all EU universities because of the residency aspect. The post study visa would be valid in the UK as that is what is allowed to international students currently, as far as I'm aware. I'm assuming that will be the same case for EU citizens once they are considered international. You would not get that two year post graduation visa in Ireland (or any other EU country) because of your EU citizenship. You would be eligible immediately following graduation to search for work and not need sponsorship. Does that make sense? |
Here is an extract from a webpage: "Delivering a seamless and efficient implementation process at Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust
1,240% medical bank growth in one year, from 15 to 202 workers (Jan 21-Feb 23)
Since launch, 92% of shifts that were not locked to agency have been filled by primary bank workers
80% of bank workers have worked at least 1 shift
Average shift lead time in the period is 13.0 days, up by a week from an average of 6.0 days in 2021
£144,850 saved in SHO and SPR agency spend, based on average Primary Bank and Agency rates (Jan 21-Feb 23)
The Challenge
At the start of the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust (RNOH)’s partnership with Patchwork, the teams collectively identified the key workforce challenges that needed to be addressed from the start of the staff bank implementation process. Through individual and group exploration sessions, the following areas were highlighted as the main temporary staffing concerns that required improvement:
- A lack of visibility an".
Write an extensive and detailed course unit suitable for a textbook targeted at college students, related to the given extract within the context of "Healthcare & Medical Services". This unit should explore all pertinent concepts with in-depth explanations and technical detail. Focus on:
- Rigor: Ensure in-depth coverage of the concepts.
- Engagement: Write with an academic, professional and engaging tone that captivates interest.
- Application: Incorporate specific, practical examples, such as proofs in calculus or critical dates and figures in history. Do not use images.
Course Unit: Improving Healthcare Workforce Management through Staff Banks
Effective management of healthcare workforces is crucial to ensure high-quality patient care while maintaining operational efficiency and cost control. One strategy employed by many healthcare organizations is implementing a staff bank system, which involves creating a pool of pre-credentialed and trained flexible workers who can fill open shifts as needed. The case study provided highlights how the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust (RNOH) implemented a successful staff bank system using Patchwork's technology platform. This course unit will delve into the details of this case study and provide insights into improving healthcare workforce management through staff banks.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completing this course unit, you will understand:
* The concept of a staff bank in healthcare settings
* Key benefits and challenges associated with implementing a staff bank
* How data analytics can inform decision making regarding staff bank utilization
* Practical strategies to improve workforce management through staff banks
Section I: Understanding Staff Banks in Healthcare Settings
A staff bank refers to a pool of pre-credentialed and trained flexible workers available to cover shortages caused by unforeseen absences, vacancies, or fluctuations in demand. These workers typically include nurses, doctors, allied health professionals, and administrative personnel. They are usually hired on a per diem basis, allowing them to pick up additional shifts when their schedules permit.
Benefits of Implementing a Staff Bank System:
Implementing a staff bank has several advantages over traditional methods of filling open shifts, including:
* Increased flexibility: With access to a ready supply of qualified workers, managers can quickly respond to changes in demand without resorting to expensive agencies or last-minute hiring.
* Cost savings: By reducing reliance on external agencies and increasing internal mobility, hospitals can save significant sums on labor costs. Moreover, they may avoid premium pay rates often associated with overtime or rush hires.
* Enhanced quality of care: Utilizing a consistent roster of known, well-trained, and culturally aligned staff members ensures better continuity of care than relying on unfamiliar agency staff.
* Improved employee engagement: Offering flexible scheduling options allows employees to balance personal and professional commitments, leading to higher job satisfaction and reduced turnover.
Challenges Associated with Implementing a Staff Bank:
Despite its potential benefits, introducing a staff bank presents some unique challenges, such as:
* Resistance from existing staff: Introducing a new method of managing shifts might meet resistance from full-time staff worried about decreased stability or increased competition for desirable hours.
* Difficulty attracting candidates: Convincing skilled professionals to join a staff bank requires offering competitive compensation packages, clear career development paths, and adequate support mechanisms.
* Managing compliance and credentialing requirements: Maintaining accurate records of licenses, certifications, vaccinations, background checks, and other documentation can be challenging but essential to mitigate risk and maintain regulatory compliance.
Section II: Data Analytics and Decision Making
Data plays a vital role in optimizing staff bank performance. Analyzing metrics like shift lead times, fill rates, worker availability, and financial impact helps identify trends, pinpoint problem areas, and develop evidence-based solutions. For example, analyzing the data presented in the case study reveals that although medical bank growth was impressive, average shift lead times had nearly doubled compared to previous years. Recognizing this challenge allowed RNOH to adjust recruitment efforts accordingly, ensuring sufficient numbers of primary bank workers remained available to fill shifts promptly.
Section III: Strategies to Improve Workforce Management through Staff Banks
Drawing upon best practices gleaned from successful implementations such as RNOH's experience, consider incorporating these strategies into your own organization's approach to staff banking:
1. Collaborative planning: Engage frontline staff, union representatives, and hospital leadership early in the planning stages to address concerns, build buy-in, and create shared ownership of the project.
2. Transparent communication: Clearly articulate the goals, benefits, and expectations surrounding the staff bank program to foster trust among stakeholders.
3. Robust training and orientation programs: Provide comprehensive education on systems, policies, procedures, and roles to set both permanent and contingent staff up for success.
4. Streamlined application processes: Simplify registration, credentialing, and onboarding procedures to encourage participation and minimize barriers to entry.
5. Ongoing feedback loops: Regularly solicit input from staff, analyze data, and iteratively refine processes to enhance overall effectiveness.
Managing a healthcare workforce effectively demands innovative approaches tailored to each organization's unique needs. As demonstrated by the RNOH case study, successfully implementing a staff bank system offers numerous benefits, including improved operational efficiency, enhanced patient care, and reduced costs. Armed with a solid understanding of the underlying principles, supported by robust data analysis, and guided by thoughtful strategic planning, colleges students pursuing careers in healthcare services can contribute meaningfully to transforming workforce management practices in their future professions. |
Dhaka has a population of over 14.4 Million. In this busy city lies a beautiful fort, called the Lalbagh Fort. The construction of Lalbagh Fort was started by Prince Azam, the son of Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb (1685 AD -1707 AD).
Azam could not finish the project, and was called back by Aurangzeb for an important task. He was replaced by Nawab Shaista Khan, the man who greatly expended the constructions of the fort and for that he was called the great builder of the Golden age of Mughals in the land of Bengal. Unfortunately, there is some evidence that the fort was not completed and no one knows the reason behind it.
The fort was never completed judging for it is now we may never know what it was fully intended to look like. The reason behind its abandonment has remained a debate among archaeologists and historians for many years. One of the theories behind the fort’s partial completion is the pre-mature death of Bibi Pori, the beloved daughter of Shaista Khan. Her death devastated Saysta Khan and he abandoned the fort declaring it as bad luck. Instead, he built it a tomb in memory of his beloved daughter.
Today, Lalbagh fort is reminiscent of Dhaka’s role in the great Mughal Empire. Lalbagh Fort stands as a symbol of History and also contrasts the surroundings beyond the walls. The central area of the fort is occupied by three buildings, Diwani-i-Aam and the Hammam , an Audience Hall and meeting place of the officials that was used by the governor and also the residence of Shaista Khan. The Masjid (Mosque) is located on the west, and the tomb of Pari Bibi between the two buildings. At present the Hammam, after careful restorations to its original state, has been converted into a museum. Today Lalbagh killa serves as a historical attraction to tourists as well as a place of recreational activities to the locals. The whole fort is surrounded by gardens.
The design of the Diwani-i-Aam’s rooftop shows the beauty of Bengal Mughal Architecture and its geometrical decorations showcase the identity of Islamic Architecture. The Zali Screen , the lotus fountainthe top of each entrance as well as the floor tiles reflect this aesthetic. Hammamkhana (Bathhouse) in the southern part of the building.
The Mosque has three entrances and it has three domes. The direction of prayer is indicated by three Mehrabs on the wall. The Tomb of Pari Bibi, the beloved Daughter of Shaista Khan is situated in the center of the complex of the fort, and is covered by a false octagonal dome. The entire wall is covered with white marble. There is also a secret tunnel at the back of the complex. It is said that those who entered the tunnel have never returned. |
Tags: Fullmetal Alchemist, Humor, lang en
1. Lust
_Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist or the seven deadly sins. I just make them believe in Santa Claus. C:_
**AN: Hello all! I'm revving myself up for the holidays, so each day until Christmas, one letter from a Homunculus will be posted. These are all a little short in length, and aren't all that in-depth, and are just for fun.**
**Today's letter is from Lust, and she wrote:**
* * *
Hello Mister Santa Claus,
My name is Lust, though you probably already know this little fact. Gluttony, my companion, has told me that you are the perfect person to go to request certain items of interest. Now, by my name, your mind may already be boggling, but don't let your thoughts get the better of you.
All I ask is that you, for the holiday that is Christmas, bring me mortality. All I want is to be human… could you please do this simple thing for me…? _Please_…? I want nothing more, even if you wanted to give me something else, I wouldn't really care for it (oh, but feel quite free to give me _whatever_ you want). I am down on my knees, just _begging_ you.
Send my regards to all those adorable little elves running around their workshop. If they ever get lonely, tell them to just give me a call. Of course, this offer goes for you, too. If you and Mrs. Claus ever have a falling-out, you'll know where to find me.
Love and _Lust_,
P.S. Bring Gluttony extra food this Christmas. All human stories speak of huge feasts, and this is something he wishes for more than anything. Also, I'm hoping it might wean him from his terrible taste for metal.
2. Gluttony
_Disclaimer: I don't own FMA or any of its characters._
**AN: Well, this one is short, sweet, and to the point, but I don't really think Gluttony would have much else to write besides this little bit. **
**In his letter to Santa, he wrote:**
* * *
FOR CHRISTMAS I WANT FOOD. LOTS. Also, get something nice for my Lust.
P.S. May I eat you when Christmas is over?
* * *
**Please take the time to review (even if this was short...)!**
3. Wrath
_Disclaimer: I own nothing. 'Nuff said._
**AN: Welcome to day three of the Homunculi Christmas letters! I hope you enjoy this next one, requested to be posted next. C: And to everyone who reviews and favs, thanks very much!! You are all extremely appreciated!**
**Now, as you read, keep in mind that I'm keeping the writer in character, so their writing style will tend to fit how I imagine the character will write. Obviously, I probably didn't need to type that, but just in case. XD**
**Today's letter is from Wrath, and this is what he wants:**
* * *
Dear Santa,
I heard you were a really great guy, and that you do a lot during Christmas. Maybe you might like to give me something, for the first time EVER. I don't want too much. I do want that Edward Elric's limbs, though, because he's a naughty kid and a loser and he doesn't deserve them. I think I should have them, because I work really hard, and I would be able to protect Mommy with them. I also want a katana, a dagger, pliers, a car-battery, clamps, a branding-iron, and a teddy bear, because I lost my other one and I really miss him, and if you got me a replacement, I might not kill you if you fail to get me the other things. And, if it wouldn't be TOO much trouble, could you fill the bear with red stones? Envy won't give me anymore because he's mean and he tells me that I don't need anymore, and no matter how much I threaten him and cut him up and punch up his stupid face, he won't let me have anymore. Also, I want the bear to be a Homunculus-bear and not a normal bear, because normal bears are stupid and I hate them and I rip them to shreds most of the time if I ever see them because they're so dumb.
Thanks, if you manage to get me all I want.
* * *
**Please review, just so I know I'm loved! --DEPENDANT!-- [:**
4. Envy
_Disclaimer: I own nothing. --cries in a corner--_
**AN: Here's a big 'thank you' to everyone who reviews, watches, and favs...**
**So, here's a reward for you all: A letter to Santa from Envy! This one is probably my second favorite, so once you read, feel free to review! And 'feel free to review' as in 'PLEEEASE review!' [:**
**For Christmas, Envy wrote this little letter:**
* * *
Hey Santa…
Hello there, jolly red fat-man.
I've slowly begun to notice how everyone seems to have it so much better than me and, to be honest, it's nothing but irritating. Now, I've never asked for much—a little red stone every now and again, a good time wearing someone else's skin and running around causing mischief. But I mean, come on, who doesn't want to have a good time? Certainly you've got a hot vacation-spot for the other three-hundred-and-sixty-four (not including the extra day in a leap-year) days to go to and unwind.
So, here's the deal: I want the death of the human-race. Or, if that's too "inconvenient" for you, the death of that _bastard_ and his two sons. All three would please me much, two is okay, and one is just questionable. Seriously, you're supposed to be an all-knowing entity or something, I'm sure that three little lambs suddenly vanishing from the field won't bother too many people.
Well, that's pretty much all I'll be needing this year.
Thanks ahead of time.
P.S. _If you fail, I swear, I will find you, and oh the things I shall do…_
5. Pride
_Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Except myself. But that's not a lot._
**AN: I'm actually thankful for Keyboarding class, now. It taught me how to make proper business letters! XD**
**Thanks again for all the wonderful reviews, and keep 'em comin'!! C:**
**The Fuhrer decided it was time for him to ask Santa for a few things, and he wrote:**
* * *
To Mr. Claus
Being Fuhrer is a tough job. Constant phone calls, war-responsibilities, and the endless throngs of millions requiring my guidance—it's _stressful_!
But I know that you, of all people, would be understanding in this respect. Planning for a trip around the world, overlooking hundreds—perhaps _thousands_!—of elves, round the clock non-stop, and then managing to deliver all those gifts to people all over the world! I must say, I am more than impressed. _Floored_, actually.
My son thinks the world of you, and so I have decided to see just exactly what I have been missing out on.
Now, as Fuhrer, I would like something nice—something _suitable_ of my position. I may seem humble on the surface, but I need nice things every once in a blue moon! So, with this war going on, something pertaining to guns, ammunition, the Philosopher's Stone… well, you get my idea… would be nice for this year.
Please feel free to enter through the front door, and go nowhere near the fireplace, as it will most likely be on full-blast. My wife will have made cookies for you—chocolate chip! Take all you like, and look in the fridge for some delicious buttermilk.
Fuhrer King Bradley (or Pride, if you will)
PS—If it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you get something for our Master…? She's not exactly in the most Christmas-y of moods, so get her something that might uplift her spirits.
6. Sloth
_Disclaimer: I. Own. Nothing. --3M0!!--_
**AN: Happy Christmas Eve!! C: **
**For the Eve of Christmas, Sloth decided to take time from her scheming to sit down, pull out a pen, and write up this:**
* * *
Apologies for the brief note—I am a very busy person. For Christmas, I don't want a lot.
Maybe just enough energy to get me through my day, and extra time to do my work. It's always business, business, business, I suppose.
Also, get those Elric boys something nice—but nothing too nice, of course.
I still have a few problems with them.
Yours truly
Ms. Juliet Douglas, Fuhrer's Secretary (or Sloth)
P.S.—If it's at all possible, can you watch over those two boys…? They're always getting into trouble.
* * *
**(Don't forget to review. --puppy eyes-- And guess who I saved for last?? XD)**
7. Greed
_Dislaimer: I really own nothing. Nor do I own Christmas. I would alter the very meaning of Christmas if I DID own it. XD_
**AN: Merry Christmas, everyone! Of course, I saved the best for last. This is my favorite (obviously)! So please read, and go crazy with the reviews!**
**Greed finally caught on to this "Christmas" idea, and he decided to scratch this down on a scrap of notebook paper:**
* * *
Dear Santa:
It has come to my attention that, for years upon years, I am being gypped out of my due.
Of course, it's not like I have been a good little boy, by most people's standards. I've hurt, stolen, murdered, maimed, executed, shot, cut-up, pillaged—need I go on? But, in all honesty, one-hundred-and-forty years in imprisonment has really thrown me out of the loop of things, wouldn't you say?
And so, with that last bit in your sugar-plum-filled head, I would say it's like having a new start. It's _logical_, of course! _Positively_ logical!
And because of this "new start," my record has been erased and, at this point, has not suffered a scratch. As of yet I am _quite_ the nice little boy that you and your pint-sized green-clad cohorts look out for over all the years of your doings.
But of course, you don't need to be informed of this little fact, since you supposedly a deity of a sort, watching us from some "fortress of solitude" at the top of the planet.
Oh, but I digress, O Red One.
In lacking a chimney, I suggest you fit yourself into one of the small crawl-spaces on the underside of the bar, and don't worry—I'll've called off my attack-chimeras for the night. Booze is in the fridge and I'll be expecting everything—_I MEAN EVERYTHING, ESPECIALLY THE "IMMORTALITY" PART_—to be placed neatly beneath the tinsel-covered-coat-rack.
P.S. My dear little alchemist Zolf J. Kimbley reminds me to ask you for a lump of coal. _Really_. He loves stuff that ignites real easy.
* * *
**Well, that's all, folks! And, again, Merry Christmas!! I hope everyone got what they wanted this year (because I certainly know the Homunculi won't, what with all the mischief they cause... XD)!**
(FROM r/Daniellarson)
Daniel learned the n word from his previous managers (quacko especially) who used it a lot. Likely he knows what it means but doesn't grasp the full gravity. He knows that it's especially vulgar and not okay to say, and he chooses his insults and pejoratives based on the severity of his rage. Words like flippin make their way through his moderate tantrums and, say, the n word comes out (mostly) through his most mental moments. He does not typically discriminate who he uses the word on (maybe even avoiding using it on black people out of fear) but has acknowledged that it was "originally" racist, yet claims that now people just use it as a casual insult, and it's no longer racist to say it. |
Q:Here is an extract from a webpage: "Sir John Carling of the Carling Brewery was a prominent politician and businessman from London, Ontario, Canada. The Carling family and its descendents later resided in Ottawa, Montreal, Halifax, Brockville, London, Toronto, and Windsor, in Canada, as well as Guernsey in the Channel Islands.
He was the son of farmer Thomas Carling, who emigrated from Etton in Yorkshire, England to Canada in 1818. In 1839, the family moved to London, where Thomas founded the Carling Brewery in 1843, using a recipe from his native Yorkshire. In 1849, the brewery was turned over to John and his brother William.
John’s political career began in municipal government, and in 1858, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada. After Confederation in 1867, he represented London in both provincial and federal governments until such a practice was made illegal in 1872. In the 1871 provincial election, he defeated former London mayor Francis Evans Cornish. From 1872 to 1891, he served in t".
Write an extensive and detailed course unit in a textbook for college students related to the extract above, focusing on JUVENILE FICTION / Historical / Canada / Pre-Confederation (to 1867) / Loyalists and Refugees (1776-1784). Do not just list concepts, but develop each one in detail before moving to the next, as we prioritize depth of understanding and comprehensive exploration of the subject matter over breadth.
Try to:
- Ensure in-depth coverage of the concepts.
- Use a narrative thought-provoking style.
- Connect the topic with current trends, real-life examples, or recent studies.
Do not include a title, introductory phrases or images. Write the content directly.
A:Course Unit: Canadian Loyalist History through the Story of Sir John Carling and the Carling Brewery
In this course unit, we will explore the rich history of Canadian loyalists and refugees during the pre-confederation period (1776-1867), with a particular focus on the story of Sir John Carling and the Carling Brewery. This unit aims to provide an in-depth examination of the experiences of loyalists and refugees who came to Canada after the American Revolutionary War, their contributions to Canadian society, and how these historical events continue to shape contemporary Canadian identity.
Section I: Understanding Loyalists and Refugees
Loyalists were individuals who remained faithful to the British crown during the American Revolutionary War. When the war ended, many loyalists faced persecution and violence at the hands of their fellow Americans due to their allegiance to Britain. As a result, thousands of loyalists sought refuge in what would become Canada. These loyalists brought with them unique cultural practices, skills, and traditions that helped shape early Canadian society.
Refugees, meanwhile, are defined as people fleeing conflict or persecution. While loyalists can be considered a type of refugee, they differed in their reasons for leaving their homes. Whereas most modern-day refugees leave their countries due to war, famine, or natural disasters, loyalists left because of ideological differences with their neighbors. Nonetheless, both groups share similar experiences of displacement, loss, and adaptation to new environments.
Section II: The Life and Legacy of Sir John Carling
Born in London, Ontario, in 1828, Sir John Carling's life offers an excellent example of how loyalist families contributed to Canadian society. His father, Thomas Carling, had emigrated from England in 1818 and established the successful Carling Brewery in London in 1843. By the time John took over the family business with his brother William in 1849, it had already become a staple of Canadian industry.
John Carling's political career also reflected his commitment to public service. He began in local politics before serving as a member of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada in 1858. Following confederation in 1867, Carling continued to serve as a Member of Parliament for London, representing both the provincial and federal governments simultaneously until the practice became illegal in 1872. During his tenure, Carling played a significant role in shaping Canadian agricultural policy, helping establish institutions like the Dominion Experimental Farms System.
Carling's legacy extends beyond his personal achievements. His descendants have held various influential positions within Canadian society, including mayors of major cities, senators, and even governors general. Moreover, the Carling Brewery remains an important part of Canadian culture, producing popular brands like Molson Coors and Labatt.
Section III: Contemporary Relevance and Connections
The story of Sir John Carling and the Carling Brewery highlights several themes still relevant today. For instance, issues surrounding immigration and multiculturalism remain central to Canadian discourse. Examining the lives of loyalists and refugees helps us understand how diverse populations adapt to new surroundings while maintaining connections to their homelands.
Moreover, exploring Carling's impact on agriculture demonstrates how policies developed centuries ago continue to influence contemporary food systems. Through studying figures like Carling, we gain insight into the complex interplay between individual ambition, social responsibility, and collective action.
Through examining the life and legacy of Sir John Carling and the Carling Brewery, this course unit provides valuable insights into the experiences of loyalists and refugees during the pre-confederation era. By connecting past events with present concerns, students deepen their appreciation for Canadian history and better grasp how historical narratives inform contemporary debates about national identity, diversity, and belonging. |
In the Mediterranean climate of California, with its warm, wet winters and hot, dry summers, the snowpack in the Sierra Nevada mountains plays a critical role. It serves as a natural water storage system that feeds waterways and reservoirs during the dry summer months.
That’s why it was very fitting that when Governor Jerry Brown announced the first-ever mandatory statewide water restrictions, he did it from the snow-barren Phillips snow course station in the Sierra Nevada. The April 1 snowpack’s water content has been measured at this station since 1941 and has averaged at 66.5 inches over this period. On April 1 2015, there was no snow on the ground.
The Phillips station underscores how extreme the 2015 snowpack situation is. In our study, we put the 2015 snowpack low in a long-term context and demonstrated that these were the driest conditions in 500 years.
Our research, based on tree-ring data, also suggests that in the future California officials need to alter plans for managing and storing water from the snowpack, which has historically supplied about 30% of the state’s water.
Reconstructing Past Climate
Our team has been working for a couple of years on reconstructing the atmospheric circulation patterns that drive hydroclimate variability over the American Pacific Coast. When the 2015 snowpack levels for the Sierra Nevada were found to be 5% of their historical average on April 1 – the date when snowpack is normally at its peak – we realized that we could provide a century-scale context for these numbers.
We combined two independent tree-ring-based data sets representing the two primary climate components that determine snowpack levels: the amount of winter precipitation and winter temperatures.
As a proxy for winter precipitation over the Sierra Nevada, we used a tree-ring compilation of more than 1,500 blue oak trees in central California. The California blue oaks are some of the most moisture-sensitive trees to be found anywhere on the planet. Their tree-ring width reliably tracks the amount of winter rainfall that central California receives and the storm tracks that bring that rainfall from the Pacific Ocean. These same storm tracks, as they move farther east, then deliver winter precipitation in the form of snow over the Sierra Nevada.
For winter temperature, we used a tree-ring-based winter (February-March) temperature reconstruction developed for and averaged over two gridpoints in central and southern California. Temperature is an important factor in year-to-year snowpack variability because it determines how much of the precipitation falls as rain versus snow and affects the speed of snowmelt.
We combined the winter precipitation and the winter temperature data sets in a model that captures how much these factors contribute to snow water equivalent (SWE) values for the April 1 Sierra Nevada-wide measurement. SWE is a widely used measure of snowpack that reflects its water content. We compiled April 1 SWE data from 108 snow course stations throughout the Sierra Nevada that started measurements in 1930 or earlier. We were surprised by how similar the SWE measurements from these 108 stations were and used this common SWE signal to calibrate our tree-ring based multiple linear regression model.
Using tree-ring data, researchers were able to reconstruct precipitation and temperature patterns of the past, showing how this year’s Sierra Nevada snowpack is the lowest in 500 years. The line shows varying levels of snowpack water content. Soumaya Belmecheri, Author provided
Our model allowed us to reconstruct Sierra Nevada April 1 SWE back to the year 1500 CE, and we found that the 2015 April 1 SWE value was the lowest on record over this time span. We further used these 500+ years of data to estimate return periods for snowpack – that is, the likelihood of a 2015 snowpack low as this year to occur. Our results indicate that the expected return period for a 2015-level snow drought is longer than 3,000 years. This estimate has a number of uncertainties, but we can say with 95% confidence that the 2015 SWE return period is longer than the 500-year time span of our reconstruction.
Differences In Elevations
It is important to note that this 500-year return period estimate is based on the past five centuries and cannot be extrapolated into the future. On the contrary, it is likely that the frequency of occurrence of a 2015-level snow drought will increase with anthropogenic climate change.
The co-occurrence of very low winter precipitation anomalies and very high temperature anomalies is needed for extreme snowpack lows. In 2015, far below normal winter precipitation in the Sierra Nevada co-occurred with record high January-March temperatures, resulting in a 500-year snowpack low. Future model projections agree that California temperatures will rise over the coming century, and the chance of low precipitation events co-occurring with them will thus increase.
On May 1 of last year, the Phillips, California snow station had no snow in a location that has averaged 40 inches. REUTERS/Max Whittaker
In this context, we found an interesting difference between low (< ~2,130 meters or 7,000 feet) and high elevations (>~2,670 m or 8,750 ft). At low elevations, where winter temperature has strong control over SWE, the 2015 snow drought is strongly exceptional, with an estimated return period of longer than 1,000 years.
At high elevations, however, winter precipitation is the primary driver of snowpack, and the 2015 SWE value exceeds the 95% confidence level for only a 95-year return period. Knowing that the northern Sierras are typically of lower elevation than the southern Sierras, this finding has important implications for water management strategies and deserves further detailed study.
Planning For The Future
As we are writing this piece, the Butte fire and Rough fire are raging through the Sierra Nevada, demonstrating in a devastating manner the link between low snowpack, earlier spring snowmelt and increased wildfire risk.
The impact of the 2015 snowpack low on Sierra Nevada ecosystems presents an ominous sign of the severity of the drought conditions that California has been experiencing since 2012.
The impacts of this drought have included water cuts for urban and agriculture consumers, drying wells for local communities and low hydroelectric power generation. Statewide water restrictions have helped to reduce these impacts, but have also revealed California’s vulnerability and lack of preparedness to coping with these societal impacts.
With the Sierra Nevada snowpack historically supplying roughly 30% of California’s overall water, the 2015 snow drought helps explain the state’s drought state of emergency because of the decimating water reservoir levels.
The unprecedented nature of the 2015 snow drought provides some foreshadowing for the future as well: with projected anthropogenic warming, the Sierra Nevada snowpack will be a less reliable source of water for reservoirs and suggests that adequate planning for water management and capturing is needed to build a resilient system for dire situations such as the current one. |
I am saying that. The problem with what you're advocating is that it is only good for a segment of people, not necessarily the majority. You have to look at the societal benefits and negatives when it comes to public policy.
If we allow businesses to accept work for $5-6 an hour, that is what they will pay for low skill work. People who are desperate for work will take the job because it is the best they can do at the time, and then the government will have to make up the difference. Much like my conservative counterparts (being an ultra liberal as I am), I think that welfare and public assistance is too widely relied upon.
Many people argue that low skilled workers should make less, and if they want to make more, they need to learn a skill, or get an education. The problem I see with this is that there are not enough well paying high skill jobs. At the end of the day, we need people to clean our hospital rooms, and count the pills at a pharmacy, and serve ice cream, and yes, flip our burgers. I believe these people should make the lowest wages we make available for work, I just think that that wage should be one that does not leave them destitute.
Every decision has an opportunity cost. Almost no policy can be enacted with solely benefits and no downside. I'm sorry that raising the minimum wage in your state caused you to lose your job, but I also realize that many other people in the state got a raise because of that enactment.
As a teenager, you had the privilege of of being satisfied with a low wage because other people were subsidizing your living expenses. Many people do not have that privilege, and they must be considered too when thinking about public policies.
>The ugly fact is that a higher minimum wage directly correlates to higher unemployment, especially amongst teenagers and minorities.
Sure, if you do it too much or too quickly. There are plenty of studies that show minimum wage increases, when handled responsibly, have a negligible effect on employment. Each side can cite studies that support their cause. I admit that it's a contested subject, but I would be wary of painting the situation as black and white as you just did.
I find that a lot of her committee hearings are really informative while also being easily digested by the average listener, if your interested in someone like mines perspective.
[Elizabeth Warren](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPosNSjahyY) |
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Laundry, the Neverending Job
There are some jobs that I do around the house that I really hate to do. Some of these are - cleaning up the kitchen, picking up endless toys, cleaning my bathroom (it takes too long), and weeding the garden (I don't like getting dirt in my nails). One job that I don't mind doing is laundry.
I have a pretty good system going for having a large family. First, I do laundry six days a week. Each of the kids room has their own hamper and they are responsible for putting their own dirty laundry in it. Every morning after I get the kids off to school, I collect all their laundry and throw it down the laundry chute to the laundry room in the basement. By doing it every morning, I can quickly sort it, throw in a load or two, and fold what's left in the dryer from yesterday.
For me, it's a satisfying job. I love the feeling of accomplishment of folding the clean clothes and putting it in our closets. I wash everything a certain way - white clothes in hot with a scoop of oxyclean, soaking for 15 minutes, and a double rinse - darks in cold on a gentle and shorter cycle - my shirts in warm and hand dry. That's part of the reason I like to do it myself. No one knows exactly how I like it done.
The part I DO hate is when there is an endless amount of laundry to do that I have to do it all day long. This I why I have laundry rules:
1. Only throw DIRTY clothes in the hamper. If your jeans look clean, wear them again!
2. Don't throw towels in the hamper. Hang them back up in the bathroom and I will collect them when I think they need to be washed. (Otherwise the kids would throw them in the hamper every day because it's easier than hanging it back up.)
3. Hang your pajamas up on a hook every morning. I decide when to wash those too. (Once again, it's easier for the kids to just throw them in the hamper. They would never be able to keep track of how many days they wore them anyway.)
4. Don't throw your socks in the hamper inside out. It's a disgusting job to have to flip everyone's smelly dirty socks the right way before they go in the wash. Yuck.
If the kids do it right, I collect the laundry out of their hamper and wash it. (I even put it away for them if it's not too much.) But if they throw down clean clothes, for example, they have to help me fold it all and put ALL the laundry away. If I find socks that are inside out, the person of the first inside out sock that I find has to flip all the socks the right way. They love doing this.
These rules work out really well, most of the time. Imagine how I felt this morning when saw what was waiting for me in the laundry room:
Now who threw down all these clothes! (I thought I was all caught up yesterday?)
Bia said...
I thought I was organized, but you have me beat in the laundry room! Inside out socks drives me nuts! Last week I was doing the laundry of my two older boys, and every inside out sock I placed in a pile on the floor. It was a large pile. I then called my 11 and 12 year old into the laundry room, pointed to the pile, and . . . well, they started turning socks right side out very quickly! (My three year old thought it was a game and wanted socks, too!)
BTW, we share the same first name.
God bless.
Irene said...
My laundry is starting to look like yours! I am getting scared. Luckily, the clothes in my laundry are still so small, that the piles look smaller, but the folding/putting away is probably the same!
What I want to know is how moms did it in the days when they didn't have a washing machine/dryer, when they often had 10 kids, and when they did laundry on ONE day! Maybe they just had less clothes?
Mary said...
I am the SAME way!!! I don't let my husband touch the laundry. In fact, he'll ask be before hand if he can do a load! (I know, I'm ridiculous!) But I have MY way of doing the laundry and I feel it's the best in MY house. I am very particular about these things and like things to be folded a certain way. It's probably only one of the areas in which I am completely anal!
Tina said...
Nice system.
I don't mind doing the laundry, but I'm not a fan of folding. That's why I have a pile of clean laundry that is about the height of your dirty pile sitting in my room waiting for me to fold.
My kids put their own clothes away.
Zoe said...
i try to do a load a day but sometimes even that is not enough. i would kill for a laundry shoot and room for individual hampers. i'm so jealous. |
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Fight for Glory in the Roman arena!
The Glory of victory or bloody defeat lies before you. You are a farmer’s son, dreaming of women and fame. You are an army veteran, gouging easy money from those who know nothing of the sword. You are slave, winning your freedom in the arena. Whatever your origin, two things are certain: You are a Gladiator of Imperial Rome, and your future holds either Glory or death.
What is Gladiators?
Gladiators is a board game for 2 to 5 players, where you fight for Glory in the coliseum of Imperial Rome. Gladiators is a dynamic mix of dice tossing, card playing and tactics. Use deadly strikes and clever maneuvers to get the crowd cheering foe you. For a gladiator, Glory is more important than life!
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Well, you...
That's, that's very, very intriguing.
Well, it's crazy, but it's not, you know?
Well, why do you think Abe?
- Well, once or twice, when I was alone...
- Could I have a white wine, please?
Let's just say in, like, a moment of post-passionate intimacy...
- No, I understand...
- We'd talk, yeah.
- You don't have to get too graphic...
- And we both said that we had experienced many things in life.
But one thing that he had never experienced, but wondered was what it would be like to actually kill.
- To kill?
- Yes.
Well, that sounds like random, silly, Abe talk.
I mean, you know how he gets when he's had a few.
- Mmm-hmm, mmm-hmm.
- He's dramatic.
Oh, that's exactly what I thought, too, you know?
It's just Abe being Abe.
But then my husband saw him leaving the campus, very early the morning that the judge was poisoned.
Like very early, like 6:30. |
Poverty measurement is important. It is used to advocate for scarce resources, to allocate those resources, to determine access to entitlement programs, to evaluate projects, programs, and institutional designs, to provide the basis for anti-poverty analysis, and to resolve key debates.
According to World Bank statistics, between 1990 and 2005, global poverty fell from 42% to 25%, or from 1.8 billion to 1.4 billion people. The World Bank’s International Poverty Line is currently set at US$1.25 2005 PPP. That is, the International Poverty Line is supposed to reflect the purchasing power in local currency that $1.25 had in the United States in 2005.
According to the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization statistics, between 1990 and 2007, hunger fell from 16% to 13%, although the number of hungry people actually increased as an absolute number from 843 million to 848 million. But can it be possible that the proportion of poor people has nearly halved while the proportion of undernourished individuals has barely changed at all?
Upon further reflection, the method for calculating and updating the International Poverty Line (IPL) is flawed. The IPL is based (in most cases) on household consumption-expenditure surveys, which track the value of goods consumed by a household, recording the actual prices when goods have been purchased and imputing prices when they have not (such as when food is grown at home, or when education is publicly provided, or health services are provided by an NGO). Once the total value of the goods consumed by the household is recorded, that figure must be converted to US dollars and the base year of 2005. This conversion should take account of purchasing power—ideally the poverty line in any given local currency and year should reflect the same command over resources as the poverty line in some different currency and year.
Each of the steps necessary for calculating the IPL is subject to critical scrutiny. First, the method of converting between currencies and then within currencies to a base year relies on consumer price indices and purchasing power conversions that are sensitive to the prices of the full range of goods consumed in an economy, rather than the specific bundle of goods that is predominantly consumed by poor people. Therefore, if the price of big screen televisions goes down but the price of rice goes up, both will affect the calculation of the local poverty line, even though one piece of information is irrelevant for assessing the purchasing power of the poor.
More fundamentally, the IPL is not rooted in any conception of human needs or capabilities which an individual is supposed to be able to achieve at a given level of consumption. It is simply intended to be an average of the national poverty lines of a representative set of poor countries. But merely averaging national lines is insufficient justification for why some individuals should be characterized as extremely poor and others should not be.
The IPL arguably excludes important dimensions of deprivation that are relevant for assessing deprivation. For example, education, health care, sanitation, and adequate shelter are not well captured by exercises imputing value for their consumption. In many cases, some dimensions of deprivation, such as freedom from violence and social capital, cannot plausibly be imputed values.
Importantly, by taking the household as the unit of analysis, the IPL obscures the intra-household distribution of deprivation. There have frequently been claims that women represent a disproportionate percentage of the poor, but absent morally plausible, gender sensitive conceptions of poverty and corresponding data collection that allow for the assessment of deprivation at an individual level, which takes account of the multiple dimensions of poverty, it simply is not possible to substantiate claims about the global feminization of poverty.
Existing indices of gender equity attempt to reveal gender disparities, but use achievements across the whole population of a country, rather than focusing on those deprivations most relevant, and revealing, for the worst off. All existing indices of gender equity fail to reflect when multiple deprivations are faced by a single individual.
Given the shortcomings of existing measures of poverty and gender equity, an interdisciplinary team of academics and development practitioners has joined together at the Australian National University to solicit the views of poor men and women regarding how poverty is best conceived and measured, with a particular focus on the gendered dimensions of deprivation. Rather than starting with a particular conception of poverty developed by a few analysts, we seek to engage poor men and women to discuss the key issues of poverty measurement.
In the first two phases of fieldwork, we will work with individuals in 18 poor communities of various ages and social locations to examine poverty, how individuals conceive of it, how they understand it to be gendered, and what recommendations they have for measurement. We seek to develop a new measure of deprivation that is capable of revealing the multiple dimensions of deprivation at the individual level, is gender-sensitive, and can be used for interpersonal comparison across context and over time, and then test this measure in the third phase of fieldwork.
We have recently completed the first phase of fieldwork in Fiji, Indonesia, Malawi, Mozambique, and the Philippines (and it is about to get underway in Angola). Key researchers from 5 of the 6 fieldwork countries will be in Canberra to share research findings, engage in group analysis, and begin to plan the second phase of the research project.
We envision this project as one part of a larger process of public reason to help develop new systems of poverty measurement that are, among other things, truly gender-sensitive. We invite you to be a part of this process. On 21 March, lead researchers from all five completed fieldwork countries and project team members will join for a public conference on measuring poverty and gender disparity. More information on the program is available here. We invite you to attend, in collaboration with the Gender Institute and the Development Policy Centre, to discuss key issues in the measurement of poverty and gender disparity, and to follow our future work at www.genderpovertymeasure.org.
Dr Scott Wisor is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics at Australian National University and a Research Associate with the Development Policy Centre. |
Rain Gauge Description
A rain gauge is a cylinder-shaped receptacle that a gardener anchors into the ground either with a stake driven directly into the ground or with a post driven into the ground. The rain gauge has measured increments marked on the sides of the receptacle in graduated measurements starting with zero at the bottom of the rain gauge.
When the rain gauge is set up in an open area in a yard, rain that falls will fill the rain gauge. You can measure the rain using the marked increments on the side of the rain gauge.
Set Up the Rain Gauge
Select a location that is in an open area away from any structures and trees. If you place a rain gauge near a structure, the amount of rain that falls into the rain gauge may not be accurate because the structure may obstruct some of the rain that falls. For best results, place the rain gauge a distance away that is equal to two times the height of the structure.
Check the Rain Gauge and Record Results
Check the rain gauge at the same time every day and empty it. Write down the amount of rain you measure in the rain gauge. It is important to check the rain gauge daily because rainwater in the rain gauge will evaporate and this will distort your measurements and make them inaccurate.
Add up the daily rainfall amounts each week so that you have a weekly total of the rain that falls in your area. This can be beneficial information for a gardener, because if less than 1 inch of rain falls in a week, a growing area or garden may need supplemental water.
Use a Rain Gauge for Sprinkler Systems
In periods of drought when a sprinkler is necessary for watering a garden or flowerbed, place the rain gauge under the sprinkler so you will know when 1 inch of sprinkler water has fallen on the growing area. Run the sprinkler for 30 minutes and check the rain gauge. If 1 inch of water is in the rain gauge, stop running the sprinkler.
If less than 1 inch of water is in the rain gauge, run the sprinkler for 10 more minutes and check again. Keep track of how long you run the sprinkler to get 1 inch of water on the growing area so that you know how long to run the sprinkler to get 1 inch of water. |
It is a known fact that the water level indication in the boiler water gauge glass is not the true representation of the exact amount of water present in the boiler drum when the boiler is in working condition. What leads to this wrong reading? Let's find out.
Nowadays, most of the seafaring ships use high pressure and high temperature water tube boilers. This water tube boilers use less amount of water to produce large quantities of steam. Because of this reason, the internal parts of the boiler are subjected to continuous high temperature and pressure. Moreover, the reactions between the steam and water inside the boiler are highly complicated and requires close attention and monitoring.
The most important aspect to ensure efficient running of the whole system is to maintain adequate amount of water level inside the boiler drum. The water tube boilers are also known for sudden variations in the boiler pressure, which can lead to various detrimental and dangerous conditions in and around the boiler. Thus an extremely careful control of the boiler water system is necessary. The boiler water level control system depends of a number of elements.
The main aim of these controlling elements is to prevent the occurrence of two main effects that take place inside the boiler drum. The two effects are Swell and Shrinkage which can lead to a variation in the peak and trough of the water level gauge reading
The level of the boiler water inside the drum is determined with the help of a water level gauge glass mounted on top of the boiler. It is a known and accepted fact that when the boiler is operating, the water level in the water gauge glass for a particular amount of water in the boiler drum, will be higher than that shown when the boiler is shut down. This happens because as the water reaches the boiling temperature steam bubbles that produces in the water increases the overall volume and pressure inside the boiler drum. This results in a higher level of the boiler gauge glass. As the pressure inside the boiler drum increases, some quantity of water will flash off due to the high temperature and would result in the formation of steam bubbles. These steam bubbles would further cause the drum level to rise.
However, if there arises a sudden demand for steam, the pressure inside the drum will drastically reduce. This would result in a condition of more steam than water inside the boiler drum It is to note that even if the volume of water reduces in the drum, the greater mass of steam will increase the level of water inside the drum. Moreover as the mass of the water further reduces, even more amount of steam is produced due to high temperature, which increases the level of water inside the boiler drum even further. This effect of water level rise is known as "swell".
Now, as the load on the boiler gradually reduces, the pressure inside the boiler drum will increase, which eventually would lead to reduction in bubble formation. With the reduction in the steam bubbles, the level of water inside the boiler drum would come back to normal. With the introduction of cold water inside the boiler, the temperature would further reduce and would result in a sudden drop in the boiler drum water level. This effect of drop in the water level inside the boiler drum is known as "shrinkage".
Malek, M. (2004) Power Boiler Design, Inspection, and Repair: As per ASME Boiler and Pressure. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional Engineering |
Subsets and Splits