stringlengths 16
import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import * as Highcharts from 'highcharts';
import MapModule from 'highcharts/modules/map';
import { MapData } from 'app/models/data/map-data';
import { MapService } from 'app/models/services/map.service';
// import * as Highcharts from 'highcharts/highmaps';
const rusMap = require('@highcharts/map-collection/countries/ru/custom/ru-all-disputed.geo.json');
selector: 'ngx-dashboard',
styleUrls: ['dashboard.component.css'],
templateUrl: './dashboard.component.html',
export class DashboardComponent implements OnInit {
dataSource: MapService;
Highcharts: typeof Highcharts = Highcharts;
chartOptions: Highcharts.Options;
chartConstructor: any = 'mapChart';
updateFlag: boolean = true;
selectedYear: number;
selectedType: string;
years: number[];
dataFromServer: MapData[];
// паратры графика
chartData: any;
chartMax: any;
constructor(private _dataSource: MapService) {
this.dataSource = _dataSource;
ngOnInit(): void {
this.dataSource.getAll().subscribe((data) => {
this.dataFromServer = data;
this.years = data.map(function(dataSet) { return dataSet.year});
// this.chartData = data[0].deathrate;
this.chartData = [
['ru-sc', 0],
['ru-kr', 0],
['ru-2485', 0],
['ru-ar', 1],
['ru-nn', 0],
['ru-yn', 0],
['ru-ky', 1],
['ru-ck', 1],
['ru-kh', 0],
['ru-sl', 1],
['ru-ka', 0],
['ru-kt', 0],
['ru-ms', 1],
['ru-rz', 1],
['ru-sa', 1],
['ru-ul', 1],
['ru-om', 0],
['ru-ns', 0],
['ru-mm', 0],
['ru-ln', 1],
['ru-sp', 0],
['ru-ki', 1],
['ru-kc', 0],
['ru-in', 1],
['ru-kb', 1],
['ru-no', 0],
['ru-st', 1],
['ru-sm', 1],
['ru-ps', 1],
['ru-tv', 0],
['ru-vo', 1],
['ru-iv', 0],
['ru-ys', 1],
['ru-kg', 1],
['ru-br', 1],
['ru-ks', 1],
['ru-lp', 1],
['ru-2509', 1],
['ru-ol', 0],
['ru-nz', 1],
['ru-pz', 1],
['ru-vl', 0],
['ru-vr', 1],
['ru-ko', 0],
['ru-sv', 0],
['ru-bk', 1],
['ru-ud', 0],
['ru-mr', 0],
['ru-cv', 0],
['ru-cl', 1],
['ru-ob', 1],
['ru-sr', 1],
['ru-tt', 1],
['ru-to', 1],
['ru-ty', 0],
['ru-ga', 0],
['ru-kk', 1],
['ru-cn', 0],
['ru-kl', 1],
['ru-da', 1],
['ru-ro', 0],
['ru-bl', 1],
['ru-tu', 0],
['ru-ir', 0],
['ru-ct', 1],
['ru-yv', 0],
['ru-am', 0],
['ru-tb', 1],
['ru-tl', 0],
['ru-ng', 0],
['ru-vg', 0],
['ru-kv', 0],
['ru-me', 0],
['ru-ke', 0],
['ru-as', 0],
['ru-pr', 0],
['ru-mg', 0],
['ru-bu', 1],
['ru-kn', 1],
['ru-kd', 1],
['ru-ku', 1],
['ru-al', 1],
['ru-km', 0],
['ru-pe', 0],
['ru-ad', 0],
this.chartOptions = {
chart: {
map: rusMap,
title: {
text: 'Наличие перенатлаьных центров по регионам',
mapNavigation: {
enabled: true,
buttonOptions: {
alignTo: 'spacingBox',
legend: {
enabled: true,
colorAxis: {
min: 0,
max: 1,
minColor: '#990e0c',
maxColor: '#1b9904',
series: [{
name: 'Наличие перенатального центра',
allAreas: false,
states: {
hover: {
color: '#BADA55',
dataLabels: {
enabled: false,
format: '{point.name}',
data: this.chartData,
} as Highcharts.SeriesMapOptions],
parameterChanged($event: any): void {
// console.log($event);
// console.log(this.selectedYear);
const year = this.selectedYear;
// let year = this.selectedYear;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
console.log(this.dataFromServer.filter(function(dataSet) {
return dataSet.year === year;
const filtered = this.dataFromServer.filter(function(dataSet) {
return dataSet.year === year;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
this.chartData = filtered[0].birthrate;
// this.chartOptions.series[0].data = this.chartData;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
// this.chartData = this.dataFromServer.filter(function(dataSet) {
// console.log(dataSet.year);
// return dataSet.year === this.selectedYear;
// })[0];
Becoming Eichmann: Rethinking the Life, Crimes, and Trial of a "Desk Murderer"
Release date: 04/01/2006
To the Israeli prosecutor who interrogated him in 1961, Adolf Eichmann was a fanatical anti-Semite and a central figure in the annihilation of the Jews. To Hannah Arendt, he was a dim-witted bureaucrat, a cog in the machinery of destruction that was the Holocaust. British historian Cesarani, author of numerous books on the Holocaust and Jewish history, offers a more complex and nuanced portrait. Based on research into sources that were unavailable in the 1960s and on the most recent scholarly work on the Holocaust, Cesarani corrects the historical record on numerous issues. Contrary to popular myth, he says, Eichmann had a normal childhood and a socially and professionally successful young adulthood. Eichmann joined the SS not because he was a misfit but because, like so many German and Austrian middle-class men, he found the Third Reich a great engine of social mobility. Cesarani's biography is convincing on many counts. But in the end, the broad outlines of Arendt's portrait in her brilliant Eichmann in Jerusalem remain standing. Eichmann may have been more intelligent and skilled than she concluded, but he was the perfect expression of the highly bureaucratized and systematic killing process that the Nazis perfected. 8 pages of b&w photos, 2 maps. (May 15) |
Colds and flu affect thousands upon thousands of people globally each year according to research by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Even medical experts are baffled with new virus strains emerging each winter. These days, it isn’t good enough to protect yourself at the start of the Winter – you must be constantly ensuring that you are building up your immunity.
A balanced immune system normally protects against attacks from foreign invaders, but occasionally our immune system turns against itself, causing destruction and in severe cases, death. It is one of the reasons that so many people try to avoid getting the flu by getting an annual flu vaccine.
At-risk people develop life-threatening complications
The flu vaccine is particularly important for people who are considered ‘high risk’ as they are the ones who can develop life-threatening complications. Some of these people are those with kidney or heart disease – in fact, anyone with an impaired immune system.
There are many viruses, some more common than others, and the flu virus for instance, spreads through droplets and onto surfaces and that is why it is too important to wash your hands regularly.
But how do you tell the difference between regular flu symptoms and the coronavirus? The common cold and the flu are viruses, and they can be minor to severe.
These viruses use living cells to multiply and destroy the host cell, making you sick. The truth is viral infections aren’t easy to treat either. COVID-19 and flu viruses have a similar disease presentation – they both cause respiratory disease.
With both flu and COVID-19 you’ll have a cough, fever, fatigue, your body is sore and both flu and the corona virus can result in pneumonia in both lungs. Pneumonia is a common respiratory disease that enters the body via the lungs and colonizes in the small sacs of the lungs.
Upon multiplication these bacteria cause tissue damage and inflammation resulting in impaired breathing. If the bacteria are left to flourish because there is no treatment, serious complications can develop, and the person could die.
While both coronavirus and the flu share several symptoms like coughs and fever, the coronavirus isn’t classified as flu. Symptoms of COVID-19 appear between 2 and 14 days after exposure with some people also reporting the loss of smell or taste as well.
Coronavirus requires laboratory testing
It can be quite difficult to identify the coronavirus infection if you just must go by symptoms and it is precisely why the coronavirus requires laboratory testing. Certainly, people who have difficulty with breathing should get medical care as quickly as possible.
The human body hasn’t developed a resistance to the coronavirus and everybody, young and old, rich and poor are at risk of developing complications as a result of the infection.
COVID-19 is caused by the novel 2019 coronavirus, which is referred to as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, or SARS-CoV-2. Flu, on the other hand, is caused by an influenza virus.
Those with acute respiratory illness and with symptoms such as sore throat, cough, high fever and shortness of breath were likely in close contact with a confirmed case of the infection. It could also be that they had a history of travel to areas where the coronavirus was are at risk of the virus.
Unfortunately, in cases like these, human to human spread has been established, and many countries and people around the world are at risk of infection.
Everybody needs to be educated about the symptoms and self-quarantine if they become ill and are concerned that they could be infected with the virus. It is imperative to wash hands regularly and to practice sound cough etiquette to protect others.
Governments around the world have put different policies and protocols in place to protect their people from showing the symptoms of the coronavirus and becoming ill, and the world is on high alert as the symptoms caused by the coronavirus send everyone into a panic. |
Based on the premise "Could be he'll hit fast an' hard, gather up all th' sweepin's an' light out.", can we conclude the hypothesis "He isn't going to plan anything I bet." is true?
no |
From subreddit r/beyondthebump
I'm not going to get into a full blown debate here about the ins and outs of IF. But I just want to say I never advocated to eat one meal per day nor did I advocate to eat 4,000 calories in 1 sitting.
It is not just purely about calories either as you make it seem. 2,000 calories consistely of mostly vegetables, protein, healthy fats, fiber, fruit, nuts, seeds, etc. is very different than 2,000 calories of potato chips, pizza, and fried foods. It is not just about calorie counting math.
Yes, moderation of unhealthy foods as well as portions is important and I assumed OP would look into the resource I shared rather than just say "I'm going to only eat one meal per day of super unhealthy food in an insane quantity and lose weight because this redditor said IF works." Let's give OP some more respect than that. |
From r/news:
Trade secrets are not a patent.
If a competitor makes the exact same pill, they don't need FDA approval. But they can't blindly make the exact same pill. Their pill will be slightly different, so they need approval. Drug companies collude like mother fuckers, so no one wants to get FDA approval to create a drug someone else is already making.
But anti-trust law isn't supposed to care if you have a monopoly because you did something wrong to get it, or you naturally just ended up with a monopoly. If you have a monopoly for any reason, you are subject to anti-trust laws.
This monopoly is exploiting its position to charge ridiculous prices for a drug that people must buy if they have a certain sickness. If they had a competitor, they could never do this. The consumer is being ripped off big time. Thus anti-trust laws should put a stop to the price gouging. |
* nanoftp.c: basic FTP client support
* Reference: RFC 959
#ifdef TESTING
#define HAVE_NETDB_H
#else /* TESTING */
#endif /* TESTING */
#define IN_LIBXML
#include "libxml.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <libxml/xmlerror.h>
#include <libxml/uri.h>
#include <libxml/nanoftp.h>
#include <libxml/globals.h>
/* #define DEBUG_FTP 1 */
#ifndef DEBUG_FTP
#define DEBUG_FTP 1
#ifdef __MINGW32__
#define _WINSOCKAPI_
#include <wsockcompat.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#define XML_SOCKLEN_T unsigned int
* A couple portability macros
#ifndef _WINSOCKAPI_
#ifndef __BEOS__
#define closesocket(s) close(s)
#define SOCKET int
#ifdef __BEOS__
#ifndef PF_INET
#ifdef _AIX
#define ss_family __ss_family
#define XML_SOCKLEN_T unsigned int
#define FTP_COMMAND_OK 200
#define FTP_SYNTAX_ERROR 500
#define FTP_BUF_SIZE 1024
#define XML_NANO_MAX_URLBUF 4096
typedef struct xmlNanoFTPCtxt {
char *protocol; /* the protocol name */
char *hostname; /* the host name */
int port; /* the port */
char *path; /* the path within the URL */
char *user; /* user string */
char *passwd; /* <PASSWORD> */
#ifdef SUPPORT_IP6
struct sockaddr_storage ftpAddr; /* this is large enough to hold IPv6 address*/
struct sockaddr_in ftpAddr; /* the socket address struct */
int passive; /* currently we support only passive !!! */
SOCKET controlFd; /* the file descriptor for the control socket */
SOCKET dataFd; /* the file descriptor for the data socket */
int state; /* WRITE / READ / CLOSED */
int returnValue; /* the protocol return value */
/* buffer for data received from the control connection */
char controlBuf[FTP_BUF_SIZE + 1];
int controlBufIndex;
int controlBufUsed;
int controlBufAnswer;
} xmlNanoFTPCtxt, *xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr;
static int initialized = 0;
static char *proxy = NULL; /* the proxy name if any */
static int proxyPort = 0; /* the proxy port if any */
static char *proxyUser = NULL; /* user for proxy authentication */
static char *proxyPasswd = NULL;/* passwd for proxy authentication */
static int proxyType = 0; /* uses TYPE or a@b ? */
#ifdef SUPPORT_IP6
int have_ipv6(void) {
int s;
s = socket (AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (s != -1) {
close (s);
return (1);
return (0);
* xmlFTPErrMemory:
* @extra: extra informations
* Handle an out of memory condition
static void
xmlFTPErrMemory(const char *extra)
__xmlSimpleError(XML_FROM_FTP, XML_ERR_NO_MEMORY, NULL, NULL, extra);
* xmlNanoFTPInit:
* Initialize the FTP protocol layer.
* Currently it just checks for proxy informations,
* and get the hostname
xmlNanoFTPInit(void) {
const char *env;
WSADATA wsaData;
if (initialized)
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsaData) != 0)
proxyPort = 21;
env = getenv("no_proxy");
if (env && ((env[0] == '*' ) && (env[1] == 0)))
env = getenv("ftp_proxy");
if (env != NULL) {
} else {
env = getenv("FTP_PROXY");
if (env != NULL) {
env = getenv("ftp_proxy_user");
if (env != NULL) {
proxyUser = xmlMemStrdup(env);
env = getenv("ftp_proxy_password");
if (env != NULL) {
proxyPasswd = xmlMemStrdup(env);
initialized = 1;
* xmlNanoFTPCleanup:
* Cleanup the FTP protocol layer. This cleanup proxy informations.
xmlNanoFTPCleanup(void) {
if (proxy != NULL) {
proxy = NULL;
if (proxyUser != NULL) {
proxyUser = NULL;
if (proxyPasswd != NULL) {
proxyPasswd = NULL;
if (initialized)
initialized = 0;
* xmlNanoFTPProxy:
* @host: the proxy host name
* @port: the proxy port
* @user: the proxy user name
* @passwd: the proxy password
* @type: the type of proxy 1 for using SITE, 2 for USER a@b
* Setup the FTP proxy informations.
* This can also be done by using ftp_proxy ftp_proxy_user and
* ftp_proxy_password environment variables.
xmlNanoFTPProxy(const char *host, int port, const char *user,
const char *passwd, int type) {
if (proxy != NULL) {
proxy = NULL;
if (proxyUser != NULL) {
proxyUser = NULL;
if (proxyPasswd != NULL) {
proxyPasswd = NULL;
if (host)
proxy = xmlMemStrdup(host);
if (user)
proxyUser = xmlMemStrdup(user);
if (passwd)
proxyPasswd = xmlMemStrdup(passwd);
proxyPort = port;
proxyType = type;
* xmlNanoFTPScanURL:
* @ctx: an FTP context
* @URL: The URL used to initialize the context
* (Re)Initialize an FTP context by parsing the URL and finding
* the protocol host port and path it indicates.
static void
xmlNanoFTPScanURL(void *ctx, const char *URL) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
xmlURIPtr uri;
* Clear any existing data from the context
if (ctxt->protocol != NULL) {
ctxt->protocol = NULL;
if (ctxt->hostname != NULL) {
ctxt->hostname = NULL;
if (ctxt->path != NULL) {
ctxt->path = NULL;
if (URL == NULL) return;
uri = xmlParseURIRaw(URL, 1);
if (uri == NULL)
if ((uri->scheme == NULL) || (uri->server == NULL)) {
ctxt->protocol = xmlMemStrdup(uri->scheme);
ctxt->hostname = xmlMemStrdup(uri->server);
if (uri->path != NULL)
ctxt->path = xmlMemStrdup(uri->path);
ctxt->path = xmlMemStrdup("/");
if (uri->port != 0)
ctxt->port = uri->port;
if (uri->user != NULL) {
char *cptr;
if ((cptr=strchr(uri->user, ':')) == NULL)
ctxt->user = xmlMemStrdup(uri->user);
else {
ctxt->user = (char *)xmlStrndup((xmlChar *)uri->user,
(cptr - uri->user));
ctxt->passwd = xmlMemStrdup(cptr+1);
* xmlNanoFTPUpdateURL:
* @ctx: an FTP context
* @URL: The URL used to update the context
* Update an FTP context by parsing the URL and finding
* new path it indicates. If there is an error in the
* protocol, hostname, port or other information, the
* error is raised. It indicates a new connection has to
* be established.
* Returns 0 if Ok, -1 in case of error (other host).
xmlNanoFTPUpdateURL(void *ctx, const char *URL) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
xmlURIPtr uri;
if (URL == NULL)
if (ctxt == NULL)
if (ctxt->protocol == NULL)
if (ctxt->hostname == NULL)
uri = xmlParseURIRaw(URL, 1);
if (uri == NULL)
if ((uri->scheme == NULL) || (uri->server == NULL)) {
if ((strcmp(ctxt->protocol, uri->scheme)) ||
(strcmp(ctxt->hostname, uri->server)) ||
((uri->port != 0) && (ctxt->port != uri->port))) {
if (uri->port != 0)
ctxt->port = uri->port;
if (ctxt->path != NULL) {
ctxt->path = NULL;
if (uri->path == NULL)
ctxt->path = xmlMemStrdup("/");
ctxt->path = xmlMemStrdup(uri->path);
* xmlNanoFTPScanProxy:
* @URL: The proxy URL used to initialize the proxy context
* (Re)Initialize the FTP Proxy context by parsing the URL and finding
* the protocol host port it indicates.
* Should be like ftp://myproxy/ or ftp://myproxy:3128/
* A NULL URL cleans up proxy informations.
xmlNanoFTPScanProxy(const char *URL) {
xmlURIPtr uri;
if (proxy != NULL) {
proxy = NULL;
proxyPort = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
if (URL == NULL)
"Removing FTP proxy info\n");
"Using FTP proxy %s\n", URL);
if (URL == NULL) return;
uri = xmlParseURIRaw(URL, 1);
if ((uri == NULL) || (uri->scheme == NULL) ||
(strcmp(uri->scheme, "ftp")) || (uri->server == NULL)) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, XML_FTP_URL_SYNTAX, "Syntax Error\n");
if (uri != NULL)
proxy = xmlMemStrdup(uri->server);
if (uri->port != 0)
proxyPort = uri->port;
* xmlNanoFTPNewCtxt:
* @URL: The URL used to initialize the context
* Allocate and initialize a new FTP context.
* Returns an FTP context or NULL in case of error.
xmlNanoFTPNewCtxt(const char *URL) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ret;
char *unescaped;
ret = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlNanoFTPCtxt));
if (ret == NULL) {
xmlFTPErrMemory("allocating FTP context");
memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlNanoFTPCtxt));
ret->port = 21;
ret->passive = 1;
ret->returnValue = 0;
ret->controlBufIndex = 0;
ret->controlBufUsed = 0;
ret->controlFd = -1;
unescaped = xmlURIUnescapeString(URL, 0, NULL);
if (unescaped != NULL) {
xmlNanoFTPScanURL(ret, unescaped);
} else if (URL != NULL)
xmlNanoFTPScanURL(ret, URL);
* xmlNanoFTPFreeCtxt:
* @ctx: an FTP context
* Frees the context after closing the connection.
xmlNanoFTPFreeCtxt(void * ctx) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
if (ctxt == NULL) return;
if (ctxt->hostname != NULL) xmlFree(ctxt->hostname);
if (ctxt->protocol != NULL) xmlFree(ctxt->protocol);
if (ctxt->path != NULL) xmlFree(ctxt->path);
ctxt->passive = 1;
if (ctxt->controlFd >= 0) closesocket(ctxt->controlFd);
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
ctxt->controlBufIndex = -1;
ctxt->controlBufUsed = -1;
* xmlNanoFTPParseResponse:
* @buf: the buffer containing the response
* @len: the buffer length
* Parsing of the server answer, we just extract the code.
* returns 0 for errors
* +XXX for last line of response
* -XXX for response to be continued
static int
xmlNanoFTPParseResponse(char *buf, int len) {
int val = 0;
if (len < 3) return(-1);
if ((*buf >= '0') && (*buf <= '9'))
val = val * 10 + (*buf - '0');
if ((*buf >= '0') && (*buf <= '9'))
val = val * 10 + (*buf - '0');
if ((*buf >= '0') && (*buf <= '9'))
val = val * 10 + (*buf - '0');
if (*buf == '-')
* xmlNanoFTPGetMore:
* @ctx: an FTP context
* Read more information from the FTP control connection
* Returns the number of bytes read, < 0 indicates an error
static int
xmlNanoFTPGetMore(void *ctx) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
int len;
int size;
if ((ctxt == NULL) || (ctxt->controlFd < 0)) return(-1);
if ((ctxt->controlBufIndex < 0) || (ctxt->controlBufIndex > FTP_BUF_SIZE)) {
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
"xmlNanoFTPGetMore : controlBufIndex = %d\n",
if ((ctxt->controlBufUsed < 0) || (ctxt->controlBufUsed > FTP_BUF_SIZE)) {
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
"xmlNanoFTPGetMore : controlBufUsed = %d\n",
if (ctxt->controlBufIndex > ctxt->controlBufUsed) {
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
"xmlNanoFTPGetMore : controlBufIndex > controlBufUsed %d > %d\n",
ctxt->controlBufIndex, ctxt->controlBufUsed);
* First pack the control buffer
if (ctxt->controlBufIndex > 0) {
memmove(&ctxt->controlBuf[0], &ctxt->controlBuf[ctxt->controlBufIndex],
ctxt->controlBufUsed - ctxt->controlBufIndex);
ctxt->controlBufUsed -= ctxt->controlBufIndex;
ctxt->controlBufIndex = 0;
size = FTP_BUF_SIZE - ctxt->controlBufUsed;
if (size == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
"xmlNanoFTPGetMore : buffer full %d \n", ctxt->controlBufUsed);
* Read the amount left on the control connection
if ((len = recv(ctxt->controlFd, &ctxt->controlBuf[ctxt->controlBufIndex],
size, 0)) < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "recv failed");
closesocket(ctxt->controlFd); ctxt->controlFd = -1;
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
"xmlNanoFTPGetMore : read %d [%d - %d]\n", len,
ctxt->controlBufUsed, ctxt->controlBufUsed + len);
ctxt->controlBufUsed += len;
ctxt->controlBuf[ctxt->controlBufUsed] = 0;
* xmlNanoFTPReadResponse:
* @ctx: an FTP context
* Read the response from the FTP server after a command.
* Returns the code number
static int
xmlNanoFTPReadResponse(void *ctx) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
char *ptr, *end;
int len;
int res = -1, cur = -1;
if ((ctxt == NULL) || (ctxt->controlFd < 0)) return(-1);
* Assumes everything up to controlBuf[controlBufIndex] has been read
* and analyzed.
len = xmlNanoFTPGetMore(ctx);
if (len < 0) {
if ((ctxt->controlBufUsed == 0) && (len == 0)) {
ptr = &ctxt->controlBuf[ctxt->controlBufIndex];
end = &ctxt->controlBuf[ctxt->controlBufUsed];
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
"\n<<<\n%s\n--\n", ptr);
while (ptr < end) {
cur = xmlNanoFTPParseResponse(ptr, end - ptr);
if (cur > 0) {
* Successfully scanned the control code, scratch
* till the end of the line, but keep the index to be
* able to analyze the result if needed.
res = cur;
ptr += 3;
ctxt->controlBufAnswer = ptr - ctxt->controlBuf;
while ((ptr < end) && (*ptr != '\n')) ptr++;
if (*ptr == '\n') ptr++;
if (*ptr == '\r') ptr++;
while ((ptr < end) && (*ptr != '\n')) ptr++;
if (ptr >= end) {
ctxt->controlBufIndex = ctxt->controlBufUsed;
goto get_more;
if (*ptr != '\r') ptr++;
if (res < 0) goto get_more;
ctxt->controlBufIndex = ptr - ctxt->controlBuf;
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
ptr = &ctxt->controlBuf[ctxt->controlBufIndex];
xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "\n---\n%s\n--\n", ptr);
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Got %d\n", res);
return(res / 100);
* xmlNanoFTPGetResponse:
* @ctx: an FTP context
* Get the response from the FTP server after a command.
* Returns the code number
xmlNanoFTPGetResponse(void *ctx) {
int res;
res = xmlNanoFTPReadResponse(ctx);
* xmlNanoFTPCheckResponse:
* @ctx: an FTP context
* Check if there is a response from the FTP server after a command.
* Returns the code number, or 0
xmlNanoFTPCheckResponse(void *ctx) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
fd_set rfd;
struct timeval tv;
if ((ctxt == NULL) || (ctxt->controlFd < 0)) return(-1);
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
FD_SET(ctxt->controlFd, &rfd);
switch(select(ctxt->controlFd + 1, &rfd, NULL, NULL, &tv)) {
case 0:
case -1:
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "select");
* Send the user authentication
static int
xmlNanoFTPSendUser(void *ctx) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
char buf[200];
int len;
int res;
if (ctxt->user == NULL)
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "USER anonymous\r\n");
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "USER %s\r\n", ctxt->user);
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0;
len = strlen(buf);
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "%s", buf);
res = send(ctxt->controlFd, buf, len, 0);
if (res < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "send failed");
* Send the password authentication
static int
xmlNanoFTPSendPasswd(void *ctx) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
char buf[200];
int len;
int res;
if (ctxt->passwd == NULL)
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "PASS <PASSWORD>");
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "PASS %s\r\n", ctxt->passwd);
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0;
len = strlen(buf);
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "%s", buf);
res = send(ctxt->controlFd, buf, len, 0);
if (res < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "send failed");
* xmlNanoFTPQuit:
* @ctx: an FTP context
* Send a QUIT command to the server
* Returns -1 in case of error, 0 otherwise
xmlNanoFTPQuit(void *ctx) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
char buf[200];
int len, res;
if ((ctxt == NULL) || (ctxt->controlFd < 0)) return(-1);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "QUIT\r\n");
len = strlen(buf);
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "%s", buf); /* Just to be consistent, even though we know it can't have a % in it */
res = send(ctxt->controlFd, buf, len, 0);
if (res < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "send failed");
* xmlNanoFTPConnect:
* @ctx: an FTP context
* Tries to open a control connection
* Returns -1 in case of error, 0 otherwise
xmlNanoFTPConnect(void *ctx) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
struct hostent *hp;
int port;
int res;
int addrlen = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
if (ctxt == NULL)
if (ctxt->hostname == NULL)
* do the blocking DNS query.
if (proxy) {
port = proxyPort;
} else {
port = ctxt->port;
if (port == 0)
port = 21;
memset (&ctxt->ftpAddr, 0, sizeof(ctxt->ftpAddr));
#ifdef SUPPORT_IP6
if (have_ipv6 ()) {
struct addrinfo hints, *tmp, *result;
result = NULL;
memset (&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
if (proxy) {
if (getaddrinfo (proxy, NULL, &hints, &result) != 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "getaddrinfo failed");
return (-1);
if (getaddrinfo (ctxt->hostname, NULL, &hints, &result) != 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "getaddrinfo failed");
return (-1);
for (tmp = result; tmp; tmp = tmp->ai_next)
if (tmp->ai_family == AF_INET || tmp->ai_family == AF_INET6)
if (!tmp) {
if (result)
freeaddrinfo (result);
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "getaddrinfo failed");
return (-1);
if (tmp->ai_addrlen > sizeof(ctxt->ftpAddr)) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "gethostbyname address mismatch");
return (-1);
if (tmp->ai_family == AF_INET6) {
memcpy (&ctxt->ftpAddr, tmp->ai_addr, tmp->ai_addrlen);
((struct sockaddr_in6 *) &ctxt->ftpAddr)->sin6_port = htons (port);
ctxt->controlFd = socket (AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
else {
memcpy (&ctxt->ftpAddr, tmp->ai_addr, tmp->ai_addrlen);
((struct sockaddr_in *) &ctxt->ftpAddr)->sin_port = htons (port);
ctxt->controlFd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
addrlen = tmp->ai_addrlen;
freeaddrinfo (result);
if (proxy)
hp = gethostbyname (proxy);
hp = gethostbyname (ctxt->hostname);
if (hp == NULL) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "gethostbyname failed");
return (-1);
if ((unsigned int) hp->h_length >
sizeof(((struct sockaddr_in *)&ctxt->ftpAddr)->sin_addr)) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "gethostbyname address mismatch");
return (-1);
* Prepare the socket
((struct sockaddr_in *)&ctxt->ftpAddr)->sin_family = AF_INET;
memcpy (&((struct sockaddr_in *)&ctxt->ftpAddr)->sin_addr,
hp->h_addr_list[0], hp->h_length);
((struct sockaddr_in *)&ctxt->ftpAddr)->sin_port = (u_short)htons ((unsigned short)port);
ctxt->controlFd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
addrlen = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
if (ctxt->controlFd < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "socket failed");
* Do the connect.
if (connect(ctxt->controlFd, (struct sockaddr *) &ctxt->ftpAddr,
addrlen) < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "Failed to create a connection");
closesocket(ctxt->controlFd); ctxt->controlFd = -1;
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
* Wait for the HELLO from the server.
res = xmlNanoFTPGetResponse(ctxt);
if (res != 2) {
closesocket(ctxt->controlFd); ctxt->controlFd = -1;
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
* State diagram for the login operation on the FTP server
* Reference: RFC 959
* 1
* +---+ USER +---+------------->+---+
* | B |---------->| W | 2 ---->| E |
* +---+ +---+------ | -->+---+
* | | | | |
* 3 | | 4,5 | | |
* -------------- ----- | | |
* | | | | |
* | | | | |
* | --------- |
* | 1| | | |
* V | | | |
* +---+ PASS +---+ 2 | ------>+---+
* | |---------->| W |------------->| S |
* +---+ +---+ ---------->+---+
* | | | | |
* 3 | |4,5| | |
* -------------- -------- |
* | | | | |
* | | | | |
* | -----------
* | 1,3| | | |
* V | 2| | |
* +---+ ACCT +---+-- | ----->+---+
* | |---------->| W | 4,5 -------->| F |
* +---+ +---+------------->+---+
* Of course in case of using a proxy this get really nasty and is not
* standardized at all :-(
if (proxy) {
int len;
char buf[400];
if (proxyUser != NULL) {
* We need proxy auth
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "USER %s\r\n", proxyUser);
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0;
len = strlen(buf);
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "%s", buf);
res = send(ctxt->controlFd, buf, len, 0);
if (res < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "send failed");
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
res = xmlNanoFTPGetResponse(ctxt);
switch (res) {
case 2:
if (proxyPasswd == NULL)
case 3:
if (proxyPasswd != NULL)
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "PASS %s\r\n", proxyPasswd);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "PASS anonymous@\r\n");
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0;
len = strlen(buf);
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "%s", buf);
res = send(ctxt->controlFd, buf, len, 0);
if (res < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "send failed");
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
res = xmlNanoFTPGetResponse(ctxt);
if (res > 3) {
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
case 1:
case 4:
case 5:
case -1:
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
* We assume we don't need more authentication to the proxy
* and that it succeeded :-\
switch (proxyType) {
case 0:
/* we will try in sequence */
case 1:
/* Using SITE command */
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "SITE %s\r\n", ctxt->hostname);
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0;
len = strlen(buf);
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "%s", buf);
res = send(ctxt->controlFd, buf, len, 0);
if (res < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "send failed");
closesocket(ctxt->controlFd); ctxt->controlFd = -1;
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
res = xmlNanoFTPGetResponse(ctxt);
if (res == 2) {
/* we assume it worked :-\ 1 is error for SITE command */
proxyType = 1;
if (proxyType == 1) {
closesocket(ctxt->controlFd); ctxt->controlFd = -1;
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
case 2:
/* USER user@host command */
if (ctxt->user == NULL)
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "USER anonymous@%s\r\n",
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "USER %s@%s\r\n",
ctxt->user, ctxt->hostname);
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0;
len = strlen(buf);
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "%s", buf);
res = send(ctxt->controlFd, buf, len, 0);
if (res < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "send failed");
closesocket(ctxt->controlFd); ctxt->controlFd = -1;
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
res = xmlNanoFTPGetResponse(ctxt);
if ((res == 1) || (res == 2)) {
/* we assume it worked :-\ */
proxyType = 2;
if (ctxt->passwd == NULL)
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "PASS anonymous@\r\n");
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "PASS %s\r\n", ctxt->passwd);
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0;
len = strlen(buf);
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "%s", buf);
res = send(ctxt->controlFd, buf, len, 0);
if (res < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "send failed");
closesocket(ctxt->controlFd); ctxt->controlFd = -1;
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
res = xmlNanoFTPGetResponse(ctxt);
if ((res == 1) || (res == 2)) {
/* we assume it worked :-\ */
proxyType = 2;
if (proxyType == 2) {
closesocket(ctxt->controlFd); ctxt->controlFd = -1;
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
case 3:
* If you need support for other Proxy authentication scheme
* send the code or at least the sequence in use.
closesocket(ctxt->controlFd); ctxt->controlFd = -1;
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
* Non-proxy handling.
res = xmlNanoFTPSendUser(ctxt);
if (res < 0) {
closesocket(ctxt->controlFd); ctxt->controlFd = -1;
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
res = xmlNanoFTPGetResponse(ctxt);
switch (res) {
case 2:
case 3:
case 1:
case 4:
case 5:
case -1:
closesocket(ctxt->controlFd); ctxt->controlFd = -1;
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
res = xmlNanoFTPSendPasswd(ctxt);
if (res < 0) {
closesocket(ctxt->controlFd); ctxt->controlFd = -1;
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
res = xmlNanoFTPGetResponse(ctxt);
switch (res) {
case 2:
case 3:
"FTP server asking for ACCNT on anonymous\n");
case 1:
case 4:
case 5:
case -1:
closesocket(ctxt->controlFd); ctxt->controlFd = -1;
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
* xmlNanoFTPConnectTo:
* @server: an FTP server name
* @port: the port (use 21 if 0)
* Tries to open a control connection to the given server/port
* Returns an fTP context or NULL if it failed
xmlNanoFTPConnectTo(const char *server, int port) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt;
int res;
if (server == NULL)
if (port <= 0)
ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) xmlNanoFTPNewCtxt(NULL);
ctxt->hostname = xmlMemStrdup(server);
if (port != 0)
ctxt->port = port;
res = xmlNanoFTPConnect(ctxt);
if (res < 0) {
* xmlNanoFTPCwd:
* @ctx: an FTP context
* @directory: a directory on the server
* Tries to change the remote directory
* Returns -1 incase of error, 1 if CWD worked, 0 if it failed
xmlNanoFTPCwd(void *ctx, const char *directory) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
char buf[400];
int len;
int res;
if ((ctxt == NULL) || (ctxt->controlFd < 0)) return(-1);
if (directory == NULL) return 0;
* Expected response code for CWD:
* 250
* 500, 501, 502, 421, 530, 550
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "CWD %s\r\n", directory);
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0;
len = strlen(buf);
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "%s", buf);
res = send(ctxt->controlFd, buf, len, 0);
if (res < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "send failed");
res = xmlNanoFTPGetResponse(ctxt);
if (res == 4) {
if (res == 2) return(1);
if (res == 5) {
* xmlNanoFTPDele:
* @ctx: an FTP context
* @file: a file or directory on the server
* Tries to delete an item (file or directory) from server
* Returns -1 incase of error, 1 if DELE worked, 0 if it failed
xmlNanoFTPDele(void *ctx, const char *file) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
char buf[400];
int len;
int res;
if ((ctxt == NULL) || (ctxt->controlFd < 0) || (file == NULL)) return(-1);
if (file == NULL) return (0);
* Expected response code for DELE:
* 250
* 450, 550
* 500, 501, 502, 421, 530
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "DELE %s\r\n", file);
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0;
len = strlen(buf);
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "%s", buf);
res = send(ctxt->controlFd, buf, len, 0);
if (res < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "send failed");
res = xmlNanoFTPGetResponse(ctxt);
if (res == 4) {
if (res == 2) return(1);
if (res == 5) {
* xmlNanoFTPGetConnection:
* @ctx: an FTP context
* Try to open a data connection to the server. Currently only
* passive mode is supported.
* Returns -1 incase of error, 0 otherwise
xmlNanoFTPGetConnection(void *ctx) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
char buf[200], *cur;
int len, i;
int res;
unsigned char ad[6], *adp, *portp;
unsigned int temp[6];
#ifdef SUPPORT_IP6
struct sockaddr_storage dataAddr;
struct sockaddr_in dataAddr;
XML_SOCKLEN_T dataAddrLen;
if (ctxt == NULL) return(-1);
memset (&dataAddr, 0, sizeof(dataAddr));
#ifdef SUPPORT_IP6
if ((ctxt->ftpAddr).ss_family == AF_INET6) {
ctxt->dataFd = socket (AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&dataAddr)->sin6_family = AF_INET6;
dataAddrLen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
} else
ctxt->dataFd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
((struct sockaddr_in *)&dataAddr)->sin_family = AF_INET;
dataAddrLen = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
if (ctxt->dataFd < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "socket failed");
return (-1);
if (ctxt->passive) {
#ifdef SUPPORT_IP6
if ((ctxt->ftpAddr).ss_family == AF_INET6)
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "EPSV\r\n");
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "PASV\r\n");
len = strlen (buf);
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "%s", buf);
res = send(ctxt->controlFd, buf, len, 0);
if (res < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "send failed");
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
res = xmlNanoFTPReadResponse(ctx);
if (res != 2) {
if (res == 5) {
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
} else {
* retry with an active connection
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
ctxt->passive = 0;
cur = &ctxt->controlBuf[ctxt->controlBufAnswer];
while (((*cur < '0') || (*cur > '9')) && *cur != '\0') cur++;
#ifdef SUPPORT_IP6
if ((ctxt->ftpAddr).ss_family == AF_INET6) {
if (sscanf (cur, "%u", &temp[0]) != 1) {
"Invalid answer to EPSV\n");
if (ctxt->dataFd != -1) {
closesocket (ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
return (-1);
memcpy (&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&dataAddr)->sin6_addr, &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&ctxt->ftpAddr)->sin6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&dataAddr)->sin6_port = htons (temp[0]);
if (sscanf (cur, "%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u", &temp[0], &temp[1], &temp[2],
&temp[3], &temp[4], &temp[5]) != 6) {
"Invalid answer to PASV\n");
if (ctxt->dataFd != -1) {
closesocket (ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
return (-1);
for (i=0; i<6; i++) ad[i] = (unsigned char) (temp[i] & 0xff);
memcpy (&((struct sockaddr_in *)&dataAddr)->sin_addr, &ad[0], 4);
memcpy (&((struct sockaddr_in *)&dataAddr)->sin_port, &ad[4], 2);
if (connect(ctxt->dataFd, (struct sockaddr *) &dataAddr, dataAddrLen) < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "Failed to create a data connection");
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
return (-1);
} else {
getsockname(ctxt->dataFd, (struct sockaddr *) &dataAddr, &dataAddrLen);
#ifdef SUPPORT_IP6
if ((ctxt->ftpAddr).ss_family == AF_INET6)
((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&dataAddr)->sin6_port = 0;
((struct sockaddr_in *)&dataAddr)->sin_port = 0;
if (bind(ctxt->dataFd, (struct sockaddr *) &dataAddr, dataAddrLen) < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "bind failed");
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
return (-1);
getsockname(ctxt->dataFd, (struct sockaddr *) &dataAddr, &dataAddrLen);
if (listen(ctxt->dataFd, 1) < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "listen failed");
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
return (-1);
#ifdef SUPPORT_IP6
if ((ctxt->ftpAddr).ss_family == AF_INET6) {
char buf6[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
inet_ntop (AF_INET6, &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&dataAddr)->sin6_addr,
adp = (unsigned char *) buf6;
portp = (unsigned char *) &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&dataAddr)->sin6_port;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "EPRT |2|%s|%s|\r\n", adp, portp);
} else
adp = (unsigned char *) &((struct sockaddr_in *)&dataAddr)->sin_addr;
portp = (unsigned char *) &((struct sockaddr_in *)&dataAddr)->sin_port;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "PORT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\r\n",
adp[0] & 0xff, adp[1] & 0xff, adp[2] & 0xff, adp[3] & 0xff,
portp[0] & 0xff, portp[1] & 0xff);
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0;
len = strlen(buf);
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "%s", buf);
res = send(ctxt->controlFd, buf, len, 0);
if (res < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "send failed");
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
res = xmlNanoFTPGetResponse(ctxt);
if (res != 2) {
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
* xmlNanoFTPCloseConnection:
* @ctx: an FTP context
* Close the data connection from the server
* Returns -1 incase of error, 0 otherwise
xmlNanoFTPCloseConnection(void *ctx) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
int res;
fd_set rfd, efd;
struct timeval tv;
if ((ctxt == NULL) || (ctxt->controlFd < 0)) return(-1);
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
tv.tv_sec = 15;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
FD_SET(ctxt->controlFd, &rfd);
FD_SET(ctxt->controlFd, &efd);
res = select(ctxt->controlFd + 1, &rfd, NULL, &efd, &tv);
if (res < 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
closesocket(ctxt->controlFd); ctxt->controlFd = -1;
if (res == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
"xmlNanoFTPCloseConnection: timeout\n");
closesocket(ctxt->controlFd); ctxt->controlFd = -1;
} else {
res = xmlNanoFTPGetResponse(ctxt);
if (res != 2) {
closesocket(ctxt->controlFd); ctxt->controlFd = -1;
* xmlNanoFTPParseList:
* @list: some data listing received from the server
* @callback: the user callback
* @userData: the user callback data
* Parse at most one entry from the listing.
* Returns -1 incase of error, the length of data parsed otherwise
static int
xmlNanoFTPParseList(const char *list, ftpListCallback callback, void *userData) {
const char *cur = list;
char filename[151];
char attrib[11];
char owner[11];
char group[11];
char month[4];
int year = 0;
int minute = 0;
int hour = 0;
int day = 0;
unsigned long size = 0;
int links = 0;
int i;
if (!strncmp(cur, "total", 5)) {
cur += 5;
while (*cur == ' ') cur++;
while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9'))
links = (links * 10) + (*cur++ - '0');
while ((*cur == ' ') || (*cur == '\n') || (*cur == '\r'))
return(cur - list);
} else if (*list == '+') {
} else {
while ((*cur == ' ') || (*cur == '\n') || (*cur == '\r'))
if (*cur == 0) return(0);
i = 0;
while (*cur != ' ') {
if (i < 10)
attrib[i++] = *cur;
if (*cur == 0) return(0);
attrib[10] = 0;
while (*cur == ' ') cur++;
if (*cur == 0) return(0);
while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9'))
links = (links * 10) + (*cur++ - '0');
while (*cur == ' ') cur++;
if (*cur == 0) return(0);
i = 0;
while (*cur != ' ') {
if (i < 10)
owner[i++] = *cur;
if (*cur == 0) return(0);
owner[i] = 0;
while (*cur == ' ') cur++;
if (*cur == 0) return(0);
i = 0;
while (*cur != ' ') {
if (i < 10)
group[i++] = *cur;
if (*cur == 0) return(0);
group[i] = 0;
while (*cur == ' ') cur++;
if (*cur == 0) return(0);
while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9'))
size = (size * 10) + (*cur++ - '0');
while (*cur == ' ') cur++;
if (*cur == 0) return(0);
i = 0;
while (*cur != ' ') {
if (i < 3)
month[i++] = *cur;
if (*cur == 0) return(0);
month[i] = 0;
while (*cur == ' ') cur++;
if (*cur == 0) return(0);
while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9'))
day = (day * 10) + (*cur++ - '0');
while (*cur == ' ') cur++;
if (*cur == 0) return(0);
if ((cur[1] == 0) || (cur[2] == 0)) return(0);
if ((cur[1] == ':') || (cur[2] == ':')) {
while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9'))
hour = (hour * 10) + (*cur++ - '0');
if (*cur == ':') cur++;
while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9'))
minute = (minute * 10) + (*cur++ - '0');
} else {
while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9'))
year = (year * 10) + (*cur++ - '0');
while (*cur == ' ') cur++;
if (*cur == 0) return(0);
i = 0;
while ((*cur != '\n') && (*cur != '\r')) {
if (i < 150)
filename[i++] = *cur;
if (*cur == 0) return(0);
filename[i] = 0;
if ((*cur != '\n') && (*cur != '\r'))
while ((*cur == '\n') || (*cur == '\r'))
if (callback != NULL) {
callback(userData, filename, attrib, owner, group, size, links,
year, month, day, hour, minute);
return(cur - list);
* xmlNanoFTPList:
* @ctx: an FTP context
* @callback: the user callback
* @userData: the user callback data
* @filename: optional files to list
* Do a listing on the server. All files info are passed back
* in the callbacks.
* Returns -1 incase of error, 0 otherwise
xmlNanoFTPList(void *ctx, ftpListCallback callback, void *userData,
const char *filename) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
char buf[4096 + 1];
int len, res;
int indx = 0, base;
fd_set rfd, efd;
struct timeval tv;
if (ctxt == NULL) return (-1);
if (filename == NULL) {
if (xmlNanoFTPCwd(ctxt, ctxt->path) < 1)
ctxt->dataFd = xmlNanoFTPGetConnection(ctxt);
if (ctxt->dataFd == -1)
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "LIST -L\r\n");
} else {
if (filename[0] != '/') {
if (xmlNanoFTPCwd(ctxt, ctxt->path) < 1)
ctxt->dataFd = xmlNanoFTPGetConnection(ctxt);
if (ctxt->dataFd == -1)
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "LIST -L %s\r\n", filename);
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0;
len = strlen(buf);
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "%s", buf);
res = send(ctxt->controlFd, buf, len, 0);
if (res < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "send failed");
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
res = xmlNanoFTPReadResponse(ctxt);
if (res != 1) {
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
do {
tv.tv_sec = 1;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
FD_SET(ctxt->dataFd, &rfd);
FD_SET(ctxt->dataFd, &efd);
res = select(ctxt->dataFd + 1, &rfd, NULL, &efd, &tv);
if (res < 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
if (res == 0) {
res = xmlNanoFTPCheckResponse(ctxt);
if (res < 0) {
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
ctxt->dataFd = -1;
if (res == 2) {
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
if ((len = recv(ctxt->dataFd, &buf[indx], sizeof(buf) - (indx + 1), 0)) < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "recv");
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
ctxt->dataFd = -1;
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
write(1, &buf[indx], len);
indx += len;
buf[indx] = 0;
base = 0;
do {
res = xmlNanoFTPParseList(&buf[base], callback, userData);
base += res;
} while (res > 0);
memmove(&buf[0], &buf[base], indx - base);
indx -= base;
} while (len != 0);
* xmlNanoFTPGetSocket:
* @ctx: an FTP context
* @filename: the file to retrieve (or NULL if path is in context).
* Initiate fetch of the given file from the server.
* Returns the socket for the data connection, or <0 in case of error
xmlNanoFTPGetSocket(void *ctx, const char *filename) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
char buf[300];
int res, len;
if (ctx == NULL)
if ((filename == NULL) && (ctxt->path == NULL))
ctxt->dataFd = xmlNanoFTPGetConnection(ctxt);
if (ctxt->dataFd == -1)
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "TYPE I\r\n");
len = strlen(buf);
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "%s", buf);
res = send(ctxt->controlFd, buf, len, 0);
if (res < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "send failed");
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
res = xmlNanoFTPReadResponse(ctxt);
if (res != 2) {
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
if (filename == NULL)
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "RETR %s\r\n", ctxt->path);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "RETR %s\r\n", filename);
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0;
len = strlen(buf);
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "%s", buf);
res = send(ctxt->controlFd, buf, len, 0);
if (res < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "send failed");
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
res = xmlNanoFTPReadResponse(ctxt);
if (res != 1) {
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
* xmlNanoFTPGet:
* @ctx: an FTP context
* @callback: the user callback
* @userData: the user callback data
* @filename: the file to retrieve
* Fetch the given file from the server. All data are passed back
* in the callbacks. The last callback has a size of 0 block.
* Returns -1 incase of error, 0 otherwise
xmlNanoFTPGet(void *ctx, ftpDataCallback callback, void *userData,
const char *filename) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
char buf[4096];
int len = 0, res;
fd_set rfd;
struct timeval tv;
if (ctxt == NULL) return(-1);
if ((filename == NULL) && (ctxt->path == NULL))
if (callback == NULL)
if (xmlNanoFTPGetSocket(ctxt, filename) < 0)
do {
tv.tv_sec = 1;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
FD_SET(ctxt->dataFd, &rfd);
res = select(ctxt->dataFd + 1, &rfd, NULL, NULL, &tv);
if (res < 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
if (res == 0) {
res = xmlNanoFTPCheckResponse(ctxt);
if (res < 0) {
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
ctxt->dataFd = -1;
if (res == 2) {
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
if ((len = recv(ctxt->dataFd, buf, sizeof(buf), 0)) < 0) {
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "recv failed");
callback(userData, buf, len);
closesocket(ctxt->dataFd); ctxt->dataFd = -1;
callback(userData, buf, len);
} while (len != 0);
* xmlNanoFTPRead:
* @ctx: the FTP context
* @dest: a buffer
* @len: the buffer length
* This function tries to read @len bytes from the existing FTP connection
* and saves them in @dest. This is a blocking call.
* Returns the number of byte read. 0 is an indication of an end of connection.
* -1 indicates a parameter error.
xmlNanoFTPRead(void *ctx, void *dest, int len) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
if (ctx == NULL) return(-1);
if (ctxt->dataFd < 0) return(0);
if (dest == NULL) return(-1);
if (len <= 0) return(0);
len = recv(ctxt->dataFd, dest, len, 0);
if (len <= 0) {
if (len < 0)
__xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_FTP, 0, "recv failed");
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Recvd %d bytes\n", len);
* xmlNanoFTPOpen:
* @URL: the URL to the resource
* Start to fetch the given ftp:// resource
* Returns an FTP context, or NULL
xmlNanoFTPOpen(const char *URL) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt;
int sock;
if (URL == NULL) return(NULL);
if (strncmp("ftp://", URL, 6)) return(NULL);
ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) xmlNanoFTPNewCtxt(URL);
if (ctxt == NULL) return(NULL);
if (xmlNanoFTPConnect(ctxt) < 0) {
sock = xmlNanoFTPGetSocket(ctxt, ctxt->path);
if (sock < 0) {
* xmlNanoFTPClose:
* @ctx: an FTP context
* Close the connection and both control and transport
* Returns -1 incase of error, 0 otherwise
xmlNanoFTPClose(void *ctx) {
xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
if (ctxt == NULL)
if (ctxt->dataFd >= 0) {
ctxt->dataFd = -1;
if (ctxt->controlFd >= 0) {
ctxt->controlFd = -1;
* *
* Basic test in Standalone mode *
* *
void ftpList(void *userData, const char *filename, const char* attrib,
const char *owner, const char *group, unsigned long size, int links,
int year, const char *month, int day, int hour, int minute) {
"%s %s %s %ld %s\n", attrib, owner, group, size, filename);
void ftpData(void *userData, const char *data, int len) {
if (userData == NULL) return;
if (len <= 0) {
fwrite(data, len, 1, (FILE*)userData);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
void *ctxt;
FILE *output;
char *tstfile = NULL;
if (argc > 1) {
ctxt = xmlNanoFTPNewCtxt(argv[1]);
if (xmlNanoFTPConnect(ctxt) < 0) {
"Couldn't connect to %s\n", argv[1]);
if (argc > 2)
tstfile = argv[2];
} else
ctxt = xmlNanoFTPConnectTo("localhost", 0);
if (ctxt == NULL) {
"Couldn't connect to localhost\n");
xmlNanoFTPList(ctxt, ftpList, NULL, tstfile);
output = fopen("/tmp/tstdata", "w");
if (output != NULL) {
if (xmlNanoFTPGet(ctxt, ftpData, (void *) output, tstfile) < 0)
"Failed to get file\n");
#endif /* STANDALONE */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
"%s : FTP support not compiled in\n", argv[0]);
#endif /* STANDALONE */
#define bottom_nanoftp
#include "elfgcchack.h"
Data Data Everywhere …
Now a day the amount of data created by various advanced technologies like social networking sites, E-commerce etc. is very large. It is really difficult to store such a huge data by using the traditional data storage facilities.
Until 2003 the size of data produced was 5 billion gigabytes. If this data is stored in form of disks it will fill entire football field. In 2011, the same amount of data was created in every two days and in 2013 it was created in every ten minutes. This is really tremendous rate.
Big data means huge amount of data, it is a collection of large data sets that cannot be processed using traditional computing technique. Big data is complex and difficult to store, maintain or access on regular file system. It can be either generated by machine of human .There are number of fields from which data is generated. Like- social media data, video sharing portals, banking, transport, e-commerce.
What is data? Is it similar to information?
Well data is nothing but collection of similar or dissimilar dataset but retrieving specific type of data from huge data set as per one’s requirement is the job of data scientist…
Data science is one field among big data which includes study of data analysis and helping to solve complex problems through modelling, statistic, analytics and maths skills.
Applications of big data-
Banking and fraud detection- Big data is being used by Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) to monitor activities of financial market. To catch illegal trading activities they are using network analytics and natural language processing.
These industry whose work includes types of claim or transaction processing heavily rely on big data for risk analytics like anti-money laundering or fraud mitigation.
IT log analytics– IT sector generate enormous amount of logs and do not have enough man power to go through all information. In this scenario big data has ability to manage and identify large-scale patterns to help in diagnosing and prevent problems.
Call centres– with the help of big data it becomes easy to identify recurring problems of customer and staff through behavioural pattern. It capture and process call contents itself.
Social media– this is every green source of big data .this is the real time example of how much market responds to products and services. With this analytics companies adjust theirs pricing, set offer and promotions to target greater audience.
Big Data benefits to grow your business:
To find your target audience– Altering services knowing the requirements of the crowd will attract more and more number of customers. To hit the count of customers the company or the organizers should know what is their need and this is possible with big data.
Example big data tell the company that more number of customer are searching for particular brand of mobile phone. And then this is where the role of company begins. They will adjust their pricing, provide offers and advertise the particular brand to boost the sell.
Saves time: now if you have heard of Hadoop – a tool that is used to process massive amount of data in lesser time. It can identify and help businesses identify data and take quick decision based on analysis report.
Maintain reputation– Customer reviews and feedback help to know how satisfied they are with your service or product. But again it is tedious to go through each feedback and review. Big data supports sentimental analysis generating a summary report. This report will give the business an idea of changes that are required to satisfy unsatisfied customers. |
Reports of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) that force airports to close are becoming increasingly frequent. Researchers at LiU are now starting a research project, financed by the Swedish Transport Administration and in close collaboration with LFV, to develop models for the efficient management of the increasing numbers of drones.
Together with colleagues from the Division for Media and Information Technology he will also study how drones can be visualised and monitored.
Traffic influences when airport closesA second project, also financed by the Swedish Transport Administration, is to study in collaboration with Swedavia and LFV (Air Navigation Services of Sweden), among others, how traffic is influenced when airports are closed, opened or moved.
“We will construct models of how the supply and demand for journeys are influenced by the locations of airports, and how passenger and freight flows change,” says Tobias Andersson Granberg, who also works at the Division for Communication and Transport Systems.
The models that the research develops, in close collaboration with Swedavia, will subsequently form the basis of plans for new infrastructure.
“The Swedish Transport Administration will also benefit from the models when analysing which air routes and which airports are to be subsidised by public funds,” says Tobias Andersson Granberg.
Five years projectsThe two projects are planned to last for five years, and each will take on a new doctoral student.
“We have worked hard in recent years to create a strong research and educational environment at LiU in the field of air traffic management, as an important supplement to our research on railways, public transport and car use. These two projects ensure that we are one of the leading centres in the field in Sweden,” says Professor Jan Lundgren of the Division for Communication and Transportation Systems. |
WHO Growth Charts for Babies, Infants and Children
iOS iPad Medical
Track your children's development against 12 standard World Health Organization charts covering birth to age 5. Determine what percentile they are on and if they are slipping, cruising or going over their expected growth trend. Every doctor's office uses this same chart system to ensure your baby/child/teen is growing normally.
What do these charts look like, and what do they show?
Parents, caregivers and health workers around the world are familiar with growth references. They are the values of weight and height for each age against which they measure the growth of the children under their care. The current references do not indicate how children should grow for the best health outcome, however, rather they simply describe how the average child grows.
The WHO Child Growth Standards go beyond the current references. They allow important growth measurements, such as body weight and length/height of infants and children to be assessed against a standard optimum value. There are charts for boys and for girls, and for infants to one year, and for children up to five years.
These measurements are important indicators of health and help determine whether a child or a population of children is healthy and growing well. For example, children who are short for their age (below the red line on the length/height chart) or underweight (below the red line on the weight chart) indicate that their health may be compromised - the further from the red lines, the more
indicative of a health problem. In clinical practice, these measurements help with early diagnosis of illness and help monitor progress during treatment.
Importantly, for the first time there now exist standardized Body Mass Index - BMI - charts for infants to age five, which is particularly useful for monitoring the increasing epidemic of childhood obesity.
Touch ready data points for drill down
Export charts (Email your doctor)
Standardized, globally accepted charts
US (Standard) and Metric measurements
Detailed help on how to measure
Measure as often as you want, no set schedule needed
Edit your measurements
Add historical measurement from old paper charts
BMI 2 Years To 5 Years
BMI Birth To 2 Years
BMI Birth To 5 Years
Head Circumference For Age Birth To 2 Years
Head Circumference For Age Birth To 5 Years
Head Circumference For Age Birth To 13 Weeks
Weight For Age 2 Years To 5 Years
Weight For Age 6 Months To 2 Years
Weight For Age Birth To 2 Years
Weight For Age Birth To 5 Years
Weight For Age Birth To 6 Months
Weight For Length Birth To 2 Years
Minor bug fixes |
UWA environmental engineering expert Anas Ghadouani has put together a map displaying the suburbs of Perth most at risk of extreme heat which you can see here: http://www.mappingvulnerabilityindex.com/home/perthvi
The methodology is quite complex but basically it takes into account the predominant surface materials in the area (roads/grass/buildings) and the amount of vegetation and combines that with socio-economic information to determine how vulnerable residents in that area are to extreme heat events (like the heatwave we're currently experiencing).
My colleague has spoken to Professor Ghadouani and I thought I'd send through some questions to get the City's perspective on the issue since parts of South Perth have high rankings.
Please attribute the following comments to City of South Perth Mayor Sue Doherty:
Are you surprised to see parts of South Perth receive 9 or 10 vulnerability ranking? Is that concerning for you?
The large number of high vulnerability rankings for suburbs all over Perth are of concern.
What strategies does the City have in place to combat this issue?
The City plants trees annually on its street verges and parks, and adjacent to waterways. Since 2005, the City has increased its net tree cover on land under our care and control by planting over 8,500 trees.
The City is developing an Urban Forest Strategy to foster a shared understanding of the loss of tree cover in the City. The Strategy will demonstrate what the City is doing and outline how other institutions and residents can assist on their land.
In order to mitigate the effects of heat, the City encourages environmentally sustainable building designs that use appropriate external materials and colour finishes.
Professor Ghadouani says that one of the biggest contributors to this problem is the sub-dividing of residential blocks by developers and then building houses/units from corner to corner of the land, leaving no room for vegetation. Does the City attempt to discourage this practice in any way?
The City of South Perth manages trees in the public realm proactively. The City’s town planners work with developers to protect trees in the private realm wherever possible.
Related to the above, Professor Ghadouani is in favour of medium to high density residential living, leaving more room for parks, trees etc. Is that something you are in favour of?
The City is renowned for its green leafy streets and public open space. In order to address the concerns that Professor Ghadouani, and many others, have raised many variables need to be considered. However, anything that supports more public open space, natural areas and tree planting is a great start.
Finally, Professor Ghadouani says that combating this issue requires a buy-in from the local community - do you believe both private and commercial landowners within the City of South Perth should acknowledge the problem and implement their own mitigation strategies (planting more vegetation, smaller buildings with bigger native gardens, conserving water etc)
A collaborative response with guidance and support from both State and Local Governments is key to ensuring all local landowners can help improve the situation. Community education is vital to mitigate the warming effect.
- Phone 9474 0777
- Email [email protected] |
(From Reddit r/AskReddit)
He doesn't do so much anymore, but he used to call me ALL. THE. TIME. I work three jobs and have a family at home so my phone is always on, and I even answer odd numbers most of the time because sometimes the agents at my life insurance agency call from generated number apps. I even answered him one time during coitus to make sure he was okay cause he was going through a rough patch. It's not so much that he would call me, but dude loves to talk a LOT. He would call me and ask my thoughts on something I really had no opinion about or experience with and then sometimes get upset if I didn't have much to say. Like man, you're twice my age, and I have a family, three part time jobs and I'm in school, I can't also be your mentor or pocket expert on most things.
That being said, I would almost literally kill for this guy. But I don't like talking to anyone for more than 2 minutes usually unless it's my wife. |
Divine Right Kingship
DIVINE RIGHT KINGSHIP. The belief that kings are related to gods, if not actually gods themselves, and derive their authority from this status has been a remarkably enduring feature of human societies. Monotheism challenged it, but in Europe the belief lost power only very gradually, as European society slowly became Christianized. Christian doctrine identified Christ as the divine king, Son of God the Father, who was incarnated once for all in order to rule over the souls of men. It thus set in train the separation between the spiritual and temporal realms that would eventually allow for the secular, or "constitutional" kingships characteristic of modern European monarchies. Christian kings could, and from the time of Charlemagne (742–814) did, claim to rule dei gratia : by the grace of God, by his gift and permission. As such they were God's representatives on earth. They might even possess God-given miraculous healing powers that attested to their sacred status. By the twelfth century both English and French kings regularly touched for scrofula, a tuberculous infection of the skin of the neck that, left untreated, produces draining sores. The kings' ability to heal the condition through the laying on of hands led to the condition being known as the "King's Evil." That supernatural power, and the view of kingship as quasi-divine that informed it, survived the abolition of kingship in both countries brought about by the English and French revolutions, ceasing only in the early nineteenth century. Kings could thus claim to have a quality of divinity, but Christian doctrine insisted that they themselves could not be divine. It is, as A. M. Hocart remarked (p. 16), "a very fine distinction between a king who is the incarnation of the Deity and one who is only His representative"—but it proved to be a decisive one in the European history of kingship.
Over the sixteenth and the first half of the seventeenth century, religious reformation led men to wrestle with this distinction in ways that enhanced the absolute power of the king. At first sight, paradoxically, these theoretical developments constituted an important staging post in that longer-term secularization process. By 1450 the main features of divine right kingship were well established. Monarchy as a form of government was ordained by God. Kings ruled by divine right, as individuals and as a caste, and they were accountable to God alone. Their right was indefeasible: inalienable and, once created, irremovable. Subjects' duty was to obey their kings, even as they would do God himself. In reality, however, regal power was not so absolute. Even in those western European countries where centralization was well advanced, monarchical claims were pressed in no small measure in an attempt to define the king as categorically distinct from and superior to the nobility. This state-building exercise occurred in a European political context that was increasingly dominated by efforts to reform the Roman Catholic Church, in the first instance by limiting or rejecting papal claims to supreme power of jurisdiction over Christian society. The concurrence of these two endeavors led opponents of papal authority—humanists, and later especially Protestant reformers—to define territorial kingdoms as sovereign empires. This meant that they did not and never had recognized any "foreign" superior power, including that of the pope, in jurisdictional matters. But it also encouraged a reconsideration of the nature of kingly power. Might it be the case that the king, rather than the pope, inherited Christ's powers as priest? If this were the case, then the king, not the bishop of Rome, might claim plenitudo potestatis : supreme authority in all matters, spiritual as well as temporal.
Throughout the first half of the sixteenth century French and English theorists explored this terrain, in movements associated with Gallicanism in France and with the Henrician Reformation in England. Both presented monarchical absolutism as the only effective barrier against papal pretensions, and buttressed it by emphasizing the supernatural character of kingship. The French jurist Charles de Grassaille argued the case for French sovereignty by stating that the French king is "above all other kings." His superiority was attested to by his title of "most Christian"—that is, most Christlike—king, and by his ability to work miracles (Regalium Franciae libri duo, 1545). In England, the cult of kingship flourished as the break with Rome made Henry VIII priest-king of the English church. Writing in 1539 Richard Morison identified Henry VIII as "our king, our ruler by the will and ordinance of God"; he, not the pope, was "God's minister" (An Exhortation, 1539). This cult of kingship continued to flourish throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, reaching its apogee in the reign of Louis XIV, the Sun King (ruled 1643–1715). But in England it coexisted uneasily with reforming Protestantism, the other legacy of Henry VIII's break with Rome. It raised fears that the Church of England over which such a supreme head presided harbored idolatry at its heart—the same charge that fueled attacks on Roman Catholicism. This tension reached a breaking point in 1649, when Charles I was executed, and kingship abolished, in expectation of the immediate reign of Christ, the True King.
The late sixteenth century witnessed new claims concerning the divine right of kings as a consequence of confessional polarization. Both England and France aimed at religious uniformity. Yet both contained sizeable Protestant and Catholic populations and, by the late sixteenth century, significant numbers of religious militants on both sides. From the mid-sixteenth century inflammatory and influential "resistance theories" circulated widely. These argued that subjects must put loyalty to God above their obedience to worldly rulers. It was a duty as much as a right to resist, even if necessary to kill, a ruler deemed ungodly. Ungodliness consisted, in the first instance, of embracing, or appearing to embrace, the "wrong" religion. At the same time both countries experienced succession crises. The ending of the Tudor and Valois lines brought James Stuart, King of Scotland, to the English throne as James I in 1603, shortly after another "foreigner," Henry of Bourbon, king of Navarre, inherited the French throne as Henry IV. Unsurprisingly, in this political climate, both claimed the right to inherit on the basis of blood entitlement alone, despite their religious orthodoxy. (James I was Protestant, and Henry IV rapidly converted to Catholicism, famously proclaiming that "Paris is worth a mass.") These circumstances produced what G. R. Elton called the "final logical elaboration" of the doctrine of divine right kingship (vol. 2, p. 204). This was the identification of indefeasible divine right with hereditary succession in the legitimate bloodline. In this view the king is God-ordained through his possession of absolute blood right. At any given time there is only one true king, whether or not he ever occupies the throne, and he is his predecessor's legitimate heir. This elaboration constituted an effective counter to religious militants—Protestant and Catholic—who would restrict the right to rule, and subjects' unconditional obedience, to a king who was, in effect if not in actuality, elected to the office due to the public perception of his religious credentials. But this final development also removed the "get-out" clause that had allowed people to accept the theory of divine right rule, yet invest that right in individual kings, not necessarily their dynasties. From the early seventeenth century, in both England and France, the survival of divine right kingship was immediately attached to unconditional acceptance of the personal claims of the king and the dynasty that he represented.
See also Absolutism ; Bourbon Dynasty (France) ; Church of England ; Feudalism ; Glorious Revolution (Britain) ; Monarchy ; Resistance, Theory of ; Revolutions, Age of ; Stuart Dynasty (England and Scotland) ; Tudor Dynasty (England) ; Valois Dynasty (France) .
Bloch, Marc Léopold Benjamin. The Royal Touch. Sacred Monarchy and Scrofula in England and France. Translated by J. E. Anderson. Reprint. London, 1973. Translation of Les rois thaumaturges: étude sur le caractère surnaturel attribué à la puissance royale particulièrement en France et en Angleterre (1924).
Burns, J. H. Lordship, Kingship and Empire: The Idea of Monarchy 1400–1525. Oxford and New York, 1992.
Elton, G. R. "The Divine Right of Kings." In Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government. Vol. 2, edited by G. R. Elton, pp. 193–214. London and New York, 1974.
Figgis, J. N. The Divine Right of Kings (1914). Rev. ed. Cambridge, U.K., 1965.
Giesey, Ralph E. "The Juristic Basis of Dynastic Right to the French Throne." Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 51, no. 5 (1961): 1–46.
Hocart, A. M. Kingship (1927). Reprint. London, 1941.
Sommerville, J. P. Politics and Ideology in England, 1603–1640. London, 1986. |
The Leave No Child Inside movement spurred by Richard Louv’s book Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder has gotten a lot of attention from politicians, educators, and parents. As Derek wrote last year, “human beings need, on a basic, primal level, the therapeutic value of an ongoing relationship with nature.”
In Ohio, one doctor recognizes the importance of outside time so much that she actually prescribes it to her patients.
There is strong support for the Leave No Child Inside movement in Ohio. Recently, Governor Ted Strickland signed the Ohio Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights, a “non-binding proclamation” declaring “outdoor playtime is a fundamental need for toddlers, ‘tweens, teens, and others who are young at heart”.
As part of its efforts to get children outside, the Ohio Leave No Child Inside Coalition applauded Dr. Wendy Anderson-Willis in a rally last week. The Columbus Dispatch reports:
The Ohio coalition yesterday also recognized Dr. Wendy Anderson-Willis, a pediatrician at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, for her efforts that include giving many of her patients prescriptions to play outside for at least an hour each day and her involvement in the Walk with a Doc program.
“I think it’s the right of every child to play outside and it’s the job of the adults to create a world where this is possible,” Anderson-Willis said.
In addition to playing outside, her advice to patients and their parents: eat five fruits and vegetables a day; drink mostly water; and cut back on screen time.
I think if more doctors prescribed outside time for their patients, parents may actually take this recommendation seriously. In fact, school’s would have to honor the prescription in the same manner they do ADD drugs like ritalin. |
Near Brackettville in Kinney County, Texas — The American South (West South Central)
U.S. Army Signal Corps Building
Erected 2008 by Texas Historical Commission. (Marker Number 15094.)
Topics. This historical marker is listed in these topic lists: Communications • War, World II. A significant historical year for this entry is 1940.
Location. 29° 18.294′ N, 100° 25.468′ W. Marker is near Brackettville, Texas, in Kinney County. Marker is at the intersection of McClain Touch for map. Marker is at or near this postal address: 202 McClain Road, Brackettville TX 78832, United States of America. Touch for directions.
Other nearby markers. At least 8 other markers are within walking distance of this marker. Staff Officers' Quarters (within shouting distance of this marker); Adjutant's Quarters (Quarters #20) (about 300 feet away, measured in a direct line); Officers' Row Quarters (approx. 0.2 miles away); Married Officers' Quarters 8-9 (approx. 0.2 miles away); Officers Quarters 2-3 and 4 (approx. 0.2 miles away); 1873 Infantry Barracks (approx. 0.2 miles away); Fort Clark Post Theater (approx. 0.2 miles away); Palisado Building Kitchen / Mess Room (approx. ¼ mile away). Touch for a list and map of all markers in Brackettville.
Regarding U.S. Army Signal Corps Building. This unique special purpose building was once home to soldiers of the fort’s Signal Corps detachment.
Fort Clark’s earliest recorded “signal” accomplishment was the first telegraph line from the fort to the Menger Hotel in San Antonio completed by 2nd Lieutenant William Paulding of the 10th Infantry in September 1875. A Signal Corps detachment was first assigned to Fort Clark in January 1906. From that date the Signal Corps was vital “permanent party” for the
In the years leading up to World War II, the importance of rapid communications was recognized and massive strides made in the development of communications equipment. Rather than being an adjunct to other signal corps functions, specialized facilities were needed to house this equipment and the personnel trained in its use.
Fort Clark’s signal building carried building number 95 during its Army service. Construction was carried out in two phases, beginning in 1931-32 when the post experienced a number of major construction projects. Twentieth century construction on the fort continued to acknowledge the abundance of locally available stone although the method of construction varied from that of the earlier buildings. Construction is tile brick veneered with an irregular cut field stone and a plain mortar joint, the same style as other permanent buildings built on the fort during the 1930’s.
Today the building has been adapted for use as family housing and its exterior sympathetically
As a special purpose service support building the signal building ranks equally with the hospital, commissary, motor pool, and stables as a crucial post facility performing the unique essential function of managing the communications and information systems support for the command and control of the garrison. This building may well be one of only a handful of signal corps facilities remaining from the “quiet time” between the world wars on any army post in the nation.
Credits. This page was last revised on August 27, 2020. It was originally submitted on May 13, 2012, by William F Haenn of Fort Clark (Brackettville), Texas. This page has been viewed 727 times since then and 42 times this year. Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4. submitted on May 13, 2012, by William F Haenn of Fort Clark (Brackettville), Texas. • Bernard Fisher was the editor who published this page. |
UNIVERSITY PLACE, Wash. -- Maybe there was a time you figured the artist formerly known as Tiger Woods had earned his own demise, that he had this coming to him all along. Maybe you thought he deserved to suffer on the golf course after the scandal, and after he spent his dynastic years wearing that invisible Do Not Disturb sign while keeping you, the sports fan, as far away as possible on the less fortunate side of the ropes.
Maybe you were a blind believer in karma, entrenched enough in the what-goes-around, comes-around crowd to enjoy watching Woods devolve into the worst kind of a muni-course hacker.
But even the most passionate haters can't find satisfaction in this anymore. Like him or not, Tiger Woods stands among the greatest athletes this country has ever produced. Who really wants to see him keep getting humiliated like he was Thursday at Chambers Bay, where the tattered remains of his indomitable aura were pancaked by the freight trains rumbling across the banks of Puget Sound?
Woods shot 10-over 80 in his opening round of the U.S. Open, his first tournament since posting his worst score as a pro, 85, at Jack Nicklaus' Memorial Tournament, a score right out of the B-flight semifinals at your local club. Woods has been trying and failing to nail down his 15th major title for seven years, and no, he's no longer worried about catching Nicklaus at 18.
He's now worried about catching 15-year-old Cole Hammer, who just beat him at Chambers Bay by 3 strokes. "But the bright side," Woods joked, "is at least I kicked Rickie's butt today."
Rickie Fowler came in with an 81, and the third member of their group, Louis Oosthuizen, matched the 77 shot earlier by Hammer, who cites Woods' last major title -- his 2008 playoff win over Rocco Mediate at Torrey Pines -- as his very first golf memory. (Hey, at least someone around here remembers Tiger winning a major.)
But neither Fowler nor Oosthuizen is one of the two greatest golfers of all time. That distinction belongs to Woods, who turned the 15th anniversary of his historic 15-shot romp at Pebble Beach into one of the most embarrassing days of his career.
Woods spent his Thursday doing a zombie-like stagger, wincing over missed putts and muttering to himself over bounces gone bad. A club flew out of his hands and over his shoulder on the eighth hole, appearing to travel the same distance as his ball in the opposite direction. Upon retrieving his iron, Woods studied it as if it were an artifact unearthed from the beneath the gravel and sand that were swallowing him whole. And since everyone is describing the linksy dunes of Chambers Bay as something of a moonscape, it's worth noting that Woods looked less comfortable hitting the ball than Apollo 14 astronaut Alan Shepard did while hitting his 6-irons on the real moon.
"I stuck that 6- iron in the ground on the first hole," Woods said of his first of eight bogeys, not including his triple-bogey on No. 14, of course. "And then just couldn't quite get it turned around today."
If you watched Thursday, you couldn't help but feel that Woods will never get it turned around. Until recently, I remained among a dwindling group of invested observers believing he would still find a way to catch Nicklaus. But if you're one of those people waiting for Tiger to catch the Bear, you might also be one of those people who keep waiting for the world to end. In other words, don't hold your breath.
"When's he going to come back?" Jason Day asked earlier this week. "We're just waiting for him to come back and win those tournaments like it was nothing, hunt people down like he was playing a Wednesday tournament at the country club. But will we see it? I'm not sure... You're climbing Mount Everest and he's fallen off a couple of times and climbed back up there again."
On cue, Woods embraces the narrative of one more climb. He's gone through more swing changes than even he can count, big changes with a parade of coaches and advisers. "They're all not easy to do," he said. "I've gone through tough phases in each one of these things and I've come out OK on the other side."
The odds and the visuals say he's not going to escape this time. From 1996 through 2014, Woods played 1,241 rounds as a pro and had only one round in the 80s, his 81 in wretched conditions at the 2002 Open Championship at Muirfield.
In 15 rounds in 2015, Woods already has three scores in the 80s, and his body is in no better shape than his box score.
"Knee surgeries are pretty easy compared to a back surgery, the recovery time," Woods said. "And for some reason, it's just a lot harder dealing with a nerve than a joint." |
Different types of writing require different skills and abilities. Also, formats and styles can differ depending on the types of writing. Before starting to write an article, you need to carefully examine the requirements of publications. Sometimes writing an article takes a lot of time and efforts. Publications select writing samples carefully, and not all of them are accepted. Only prospective authors who follow specific guidelines have a chance to be published. Here we offer some tips on writing for different publications to help you.
Consulting with the editor of the publication is useful because they will be the people who accept or reject your article. You should make a list of requirements and write your article taking them into account. Also, you need to have a clear idea of what issues you need to cover in your article. It would be better if you have an opportunity to consult with your editor on a regular basis. Just ask as many questions as possible if something is not clear. It is better if you make corrections in the process of writing rather than delivering the article which doesn’t satisfy the requirements of your customer.
Photo Credit: Flicker, Shelly
The requirements of publications differ depending on style paper. Journals order research papers and case studies; magazines sometimes order review articles or book reviews. The demand initiated by online newspapers, journals and magazines are growing nowadays. Therefore, you need to ask your editor what kind of article they expect to receive from you because writing styles depending on the type of writing ordered.
According to essay writers Australia, some writings require significant research skills. In order to pass a research paper exam, you will need to conduct primary research and make a list of literature to the point. Original research is complicated and requires setting hypotheses. It also involves having the research background, developing research methods, making the description of research results, interpretation of findings, and discussion of implications. Conducting original research is a time-consuming process, but this type of writing is accepted in academic journals.
Online research journals sometimes order review articles. This type of writing provides a critical analysis of existing literature on a certain topic. Reviews suggest analysis, comparison, identifying the gaps in previous research and providing recommendations. Research publications readily buy articles of this type if they provide a comprehensive analysis of the subject.
Basically, review articles are divided into the following types: systematic reviews, literature reviews, and meta-analyses. You need to ask your editor about the type of review article they expect to receive from you before you start writing an article. Also, the length of the review articles varies significantly. A typical length of a review article is between 8,000 and 40,000 words. Therefore, you should be aware of the length of the article in advance. You need to ask your publication to specify the number of words in the review article which is supposed to be delivered.
Photo Credit: Flicker
Case studies are often published in books and magazines to show the examples from the real life. Medical journals use this practice quite often to analyze the courses of various diseases and share the approaches to the possible treatment of these diseases. Case studies are often used in economic and marketing journals to show readers possible ways to solve various problems. Case studies belong to primary research and require careful analysis of the situation. Therefore, writing a case study requires significant experience and knowledge.
This type of writing can be either scholarly or entertaining depending on the publication which ordered this article. Opinions and commentaries present personal points of view of authors regarding certain events. Opinions and commentaries are usually short and concentrated pieces of writing which critique widespread notions in certain fields.
Book reviews are often published in academic journals. They provide insights on scholarly books. As a rule, book reviews are short. Therefore, inexperienced researchers can handle them easily. The book review is a good option to start your career as an academic writer.
Another important issue is that writers need to mind research format. Many publications require apa citation, but sometimes Harvard citation style is accepted as well. Apa essay format is quite common, but it is better to ask your editor about the style which is accepted in a publication. Apa format allows to avoid plagiarism and cite sources in a proper manner.
In this article, we outlined the main principles of writing for different types of publications. Also, we described several types of the most popular writing styles. The main takeaway is that writers need to consult editors of publications before starting to write an article and distinguish between different styles of writing.
Short URL: https://ttw.tips/2N0CyTG |
Sammy Sussman: The fading role of elitism in performance art
Opera, ballet and classical music are frequently shrouded in auras of elitism. During the Classical period, famous composers would be commissioned by rich aristocrats to compose for private events. Opera was quite expensive — the average person could barely afford to attend more than one opera performance every year. Ballet was also associated with wealth, royalty and elitism — it was initially an art form commissioned by the royal court to display the wealth and cultural magnificence of the court.
Over time, however, these genres of performance art have become increasingly accessible to the masses. The divide between upper class performance art and popular performance art has faded. The elitist appeal of these previously upper class art forms has faded as they become increasingly accessible to all, and audiences are becoming defined not by class, but by interest and aesthetic taste.
Though these art forms are beginning to react to this change in consumption, this reaction seems to not be occuring fast enough. Modern orchestras, dance companies and opera companies are facing diminishing financial returns and diminishing attendances. Many smaller companies are being forced to close due to lack of attendance and many others are decreasing the number of performances that they give per year.
Overall, it seems as though these traditional art forms face a bleak future. This is a narrative pervasive throughout the cultural lexicon — the slow and painful demise of these “higher” art forms. The loss of many of the smaller, local performance arts institutions seems to foreshadow the loss of all performance arts institutions.
The solution to these diminishing performance attendances, however, may be the very step that many are hesitant to take. While many are tentative to embrace the loss of elitism, this may be the only means for these great art forms to support themselves. This loss of elitism need not be accepted begrudgingly — artists, genres and concepts of great artistic merit are already forming around this new intersection between the popular and the elitist.
Orchestras are increasingly turning to popular music and movie music as a means of drawing previously uninterested audiences into the concert hall. The advent of the “film in concert," for example, seems to be providing the financial returns that many orchestras need, though they go against the elitist connotation many orchestras would like to preserve.
Modern dance, in addition, is similarly changing its programmatic habits as a means of maintaining their financial well-being. Performances of modern dance forms or with modern music are slowly entering even the most conservatively programmed company seasons. These performances draw the younger and more diverse audiences that these companies know they need to sustain themselves though they challenge the sophistication traditionally associated with formal dance companies.
Opera has also seen changes geared towards attracting and engaging new audiences. Modern operas depicting contemporary events are quietly changing the subject matter of traditional opera. John Adam’s “Nixon in China” challenged a generation of composers to compose operas about current events and non-traditional stories from the Western canon. This has challenged the refined taste of many die-hard opera enthusiasts, though it has restored opera’s relevance to the larger lexicon of mass culture.
This loss of elitism is an inevitable result of the increasingly interconnected world that we live in and the gradual loss of boundaries between art forms and genres. Whether we like it or not, this process will only accelerate as time and technology progress.
Not all of these changes, furthermore, are regrettable. The growth of niche art communities has helped develop increasingly specific ensembles and companies dedicated to the performance of specific artists, time periods and other definable artistic traits. Early music has become a staple of some communities, as has specific types of opera and ballet. Increasingly specific marketing, furthermore, has allowed audiences and performers to be more specific and selective in their programming and ticket consumption. It is not uncommon to see opera companies plan whole seasons around common themes or common historical eras.
The loss of elitism in classical music, modern dance and opera seems to threaten the prevalence and dominance of specific time periods and creators within these art forms. Though these classical performance arts remain more resistant to change than most popular art forms are, all art forms must select specific creators and eras from the past to value more than others. The constant redefinition and reorganization of previous artistic periods based on current artistic trends is as inherent to performance art as is the creation of new work. The loss of elitism is most threatening in that it will upend the general aesthetic consensus that has developed around these art forms over generations.
In this new, non-elitist understanding of classical music, for example, Romantic composers could be ignored while early Baroque and Medieval composers became popular. German and Italian opera could be shunned in favor of the early British operettas. Ballet could be rejected in favor of hip hop or other modern trends. The ever-changing Western canon of performance art will by defined by audience interest and not by academic expertise.
This loss of centralized and standardized repertoires may be frightening, but it is also thrilling. It represents one of the biggest changes that these performance art forms have seen in hundreds of years — tremendous opportunities for audiences, performers and creators to pluralize and diversify these art forms.
This past weekend, for example, Pulitzer-Prize-winning composer Julia Wolfe spoke to students in the School of Music, Theatre & Dance about her music and her creative process. Her recent composition “Anthracite Fields,” for example, explores the lives of early 20th-century miners. It is a composition geared towards both classical and popular audiences. Wolfe claims that this composition has garnered more mail than any other composition that she has ever written — drawing many previously uninterested music listeners into the realm of contemporary classical music.
Artists such as Julia Wolfe are redefining the divisions between classical and popular art forms. Audiences are redefining the consumption patterns and programmatic tendencies of these classical and popular art forms. Performers, in turn, are learning to execute increasingly diverse swathes of performance arts. This is nothing if not a time of change; a time of radical redefinition and drastic reevaluation. It is a loss of elitism, and a time of empowerment for the masses. The average person has more say in performance art then was ever possible before, carrying a voice that matches or even triumphs over the elitism of traditional performance arts. |
One Day University | The History of Jazz: America’s Greatest Original Art Form
Where: New York Institute of Technology
212-261-1500 Price: $80
Buy tickets/get more info now
See other events in these categories:
Jazz was born on February 26, 1917, when a combo from New Orleans called the Original Dixieland Jazz Band walked into a Victor recording studio and cut the first jazz recording: “Livery Stable Blues.” 2017 marks the 100th birthday of jazz! This lecture, designed for jazz fans and newcomers alike, celebrates the origins of the music and its impact on global culture.
Jazz is a genre broad in scope with the power to cross multiple borders: geographical, political, economic, racial, and religious. The key to the history of jazz is its connection to recorded sound. It was the first musical genre shaped by modern technology – the first world-wide music phenomenon. As Professor Celenza demonstrates in this multi-media lecture featuring film clips, dance steps, historic photos, and recordings, jazz has never stopped changing. From the Blues and Dixieland to Swing, BeBop, Cool Jazz, and Fusion, jazz offers something for everyone.
If you’re one of those folks who has always asked “what’s all the fuss about?” When it comes to jazz, you’ll leave the lecture a die-hard fan – guaranteed!
Anna Celenza / Georgetown University
Anna Celenza is the Thomas E. Caestecker Professor of Music at Georgetown University. She is the author of several books, including “Jazz Italian Style: From Its Origins in New Orleans to Fascist Italy and Sinatra.” In addition to her scholarly work, she has served as a writer/commentator for NPR’s Performance Today and published eight award-winning children’s books, among them “Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue” and “Duke Ellington’s Nutcracker Suite.” She has been featured on nationally syndicated radio and TV programs, including the BBC’s “Music Matters” and C-Span’s “Book TV.” |
From Reddit r/Steelbooks
I happen to prefer physical media, but given the improvements in streaming, I try to only buy steelbooks. With that I get a cool collectible case. In general I only buy 4K.
With streaming I have better access to decide if I want to own the movie or not. For example, I just cancelled my pre-order of Multiverse of Madness because the movie was just okay to me, and I did not like the steelbook art. On the other hand I got Wayne's World because for the $10 I paid it's a nice chotchke for the Home Theater.
Note, if you are not a "collector", i.e. don't have the bug as a hobby, stick to streaming and discounted media. |
This set of Welding online quiz focuses on “Oxygen Cutting”.
1. Which gas is used for the removal of oxygen layer formed on molten iron?
c) Carbon dioxide
Explanation: In oxygen cutting method, under considerable amount of pressure, when a jet of oxygen gas is made to blow on the particles of molten iron oxide, the oxygen layer present on the molten iron gets removed.
2. Up to what amount of carbon content in steels, can they be treated by oxygen cutting?
Explanation: For a steel to be treated by oxygen cutting process, the carbon content that should be available in terms of percentage composition is around 0.7%, that is, the steel that can be treated by this process is a high alloy steel.
3. Up to what temperatures are high alloy steels heated before treating them by oxygen cutting?
Explanation: In oxygen cutting process, not all steels can be treated by this method. Only high alloy steels can be treated by this method. These steels need to be preheated before oxygen cutting. The temperature range up to which these steels are preheated is about 650°C to 700°C.
4. What are the number of opening available in the cutting torch used in oxygen cutting process?
Explanation: Just like any other gas welding equipment, the welding torch gets substituted by a cutting torch in oxygen cutting process. The total number of openings available in the torch are six, with a large opening at the center, making the count to seven.
5. What is the maximum oxygen pressure that can be applied to steel?
a) 13 atm
b) 14 atm
c) 15 atm
d) 16 atm
6. What is the minimum oxygen pressure that can be applied to steel?
a) 3 atm
b) 4 atm
c) 5 atm
d) 6 atm
Explanation: In oxygen cutting process, not all steels can be treated by this method. Only high alloy steels can be treated by this method. The pressure supply of oxygen should not be low, as it may lead to formation of slag on the bottom of the cut. The minimum oxygen pressure that can be applied to steels is 3 atmospheres or 300 kN/m2.
7. What is the initial oxygen pressure provided through the lance?
a) 1 atm to 2 atm
b) 2 atm to 3 atm
c) 3 atm to 4 atm
d) 4 atm to 5 atm
Explanation: In oxygen lance cutting, jet of oxygen is passed through steel pipes, and by doing this, holes are produced. For doing this, the jet of oxygen is passed through the lancer under the pressure of 1 atm to 2 atm.
8. What should the outer diameter of a thick-welled lance be, for having good results?
a) 13 mm to 15 mm
b) 15 mm to 17 mm
c) 17 mm to 19 mm
d) 19 mm to 21 mm
Explanation: In oxygen lance cutting, when the lance is made up of a thick wall, with its outer diameter of 17 mm to 19 mm, and possessing an inner diameter of 8 mm to 6 mm, respectively, then good results can be obtained.
9. Cast irons are best treated using oxygen cutting process.
Explanation: Cast irons cannot be treated using oxygen cutting process. The reason being that, the melting point of cast irons is a lot lower than its ignition temperature. The same cannot be said for high alloy steels.
10. Oxygen cutting process can be applied to metals having melting point higher than their oxidization temperature.
Explanation: It can be counted among one of the drawbacks of oxygen cutting process, that the metal which is to be treated must have its oxidizing temperature higher than its melting temperature, otherwise the metal would get melted before getting oxidized.
Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Welding.
To practice all areas of Welding for online Quizzes, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. |
package it.agilelab.bigdata.wasp.master.web.controllers
import java.time.Instant
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Directives, Route}
import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.Unmarshaller
import it.agilelab.bigdata.wasp.utils.JsonSupport
class StatsController(logs: StatsService) extends Directives with JsonSupport {
val parseInstant: Unmarshaller[String, Instant] =
Unmarshaller.identityUnmarshaller[String].map(x => Instant.parse(x))
def getRoutes: Route = pretty(stats)
def pretty(subroute: Boolean => Route): Route =
parameters('pretty.as[Boolean].?(false)) { pretty =>
def stats(pretty: Boolean): Route = get {
path("stats") {
parameter('startTimestamp.as[Instant](parseInstant)) { startTimestamp =>
parameter('endTimestamp.as[Instant](parseInstant)) { endTimestamp =>
parameter('size.as[Int]) { size =>
extractExecutionContext { implicit ec =>
complete {
import spray.json._
import it.agilelab.bigdata.wasp.master.web.utils.JsonResultsHelper.AngularOkResponse
logs.counts(startTimestamp, endTimestamp, size).map(_.toJson.toAngularOkResponse(pretty))
import re
a = 'python 1111java678php'
r=re.findall('[a-z]{3,6}',a) #默认贪婪
# r=re.findall('[a-z]{3,6}?',a)# 非贪婪
# 贪婪与非贪婪 ,python默认倾向与贪婪.
print(r) |
Getting our Terms Straight
One difficulty lies in the various terms educators, policy makers, and other leaders use when they discuss an assessment program or system. In our experience, we’ve learned that talking about different types of assessment can lead to a “Who’s on first?” circular conversation. After a few laps around the circle, we realize that we’re using the same term to mean different things, or using different terms to describe similar kinds of assessments.
To help establish clarity and consistency in the terminology we use with our colleagues and policy makers, we created an infographic with definitions that help explain the parts and the whole of a balanced assessment system. We don’t insist that our definitions are “right” and others are wrong; we use them as a starting point for conversations. So even if we don’t all use the same terms, we can start from a common understanding.
We break down the system into two characteristics of assessment systems that can be used to describe assessment activities: purpose and practice. Broadly speaking,
- Purpose can be classified as formative—assessment for instruction, or summative—assessment of instruction.
- Practice can be thought of as informal—unstructured and dynamic, or formal—structured and standardized.
At the intersections of these categories are the specific assessment activities that take place across all levels and throughout the school year. Here we offer a brief look at the definitions we use for those activities. You can download the infographic to learn more.
Formative assessment, or assessment for learning, is a multi-step instructional process which includes the collection of evidence of student learning relevant to a current learning target. One of the fundamental principles of formative assessment is that students share responsibility for their own learning. After agreeing on specific learning targets, the teacher and student gather evidence and reflect on the student’s progress.
Techniques of formative assessment are varied and employed at both the individual and group level. Classroom assessment activities are the most recognized instances of assessment for learning; informal methods include over-the-shoulder observation and questioning and self- or peer-evaluation, while increasingly formal methods include homework and quizzes.
By our definition, interim assessments are grade-level achievement measures, spanning a full year’s content standards and following district-wide standardized administration. They’re used to monitor students’ progress towards expectations—to show whether students are on track for what they’re expected to learn by the end of the school year. Administered following instruction, these assessments may serve multiple purposes at the student, class, school, and district levels. As “early warning” indicators, interim assessments can help inform instruction in the short term, identifying curricular areas that individuals or groups of students may not be grasping, and also help make longer-term program decisions.
Student testing that takes place after instruction with the intention of evaluating student understanding or performance is known as summative assessment, or assessment of learning. Such tests may cover a single unit of instruction, a chapter of a textbook, a semester’s coursework, or an entire school year.
Benchmark assessments are used to monitor how well students learned recently taught curriculum and take the form of quizzes, chapter or unit tests, and mid-terms. These tests follow local curriculum and pacing, and may be homegrown by educators or purchased from an assessment vendor at the district level, to varying degrees of customization. These activities serve to calculate grades and/or to provide ongoing information to students, parents, teachers, and administrators.
Perhaps the most recognizable summative assessment technique is the statewide accountability assessment. These highly-formalized tests and procedures are implemented within each state to evaluate schools and districts. Their goals are to ensure that states are raising student performance, providing equal access to high-quality instructional opportunities, and initiating improvement efforts as needed. These tests were mandated by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 and its subsequent reauthorizations under the No Child Left Behind Act (2002), which dramatically increased federal testing requirements for states. The most recent reauthorization of ESEA is the Every Student Succeeds Act (2015).
Considered a civil rights law, the ESEA was created to promote “equal educational opportunity” as our “first national goal.” Read a brief history of federal education legislation on the Assessment Insights blog.
What Does the Future Look Like?
Signed by President Obama in late 2015, ESSA is the latest reauthorization of the ESEA. While retaining its precursors’ commitment to equal opportunity for all students and requirements for annual state testing, ESSA returns more control and responsibility to the states. ESSA is less prescriptive about how to demonstrate school improvement and how to intervene in underperforming schools and districts.
Statewide accountability assessment remains a major component in evaluating state performance. States must submit their accountability plans to the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE), and must include a non-academic measure in addition to test scores to demonstrate students’ progress. In addition, ESSA offers a degree of flexibility that allows states to be more innovative in their assessment approaches.
Despite the buzz about ESSA opening the door to innovation, at the statewide level, not much has changed. That’s because the accountability and peer review requirements under ESSA reinforce past models of statewide assessment. The USDOE has approved the ESSA implementation plans for all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Most of these plans contain statewide accountability assessments similar to those implemented in past years, plus the non-academic measures required by ESSA, such as absenteeism/attendance and participation in accelerated courses. Only a few state plans include indicators of student satisfaction or school climate.
New Uses for Interim Assessments
As a result of ESSA and stakeholders’ desire to reduce the time spent on testing, some states and districts have begun looking for interim assessments that integrate with and provide data for accountability purposes. (Under ESSA, the term “interim” could mean either interim or benchmark assessments as we’ve defined them.) Such integration would provide consistent results throughout the school year, including end-of-year tests, leading to more accurate predictions of student achievement. To contribute to state and federal accountability measures, the interim tests must be of similar technical quality in terms of assessment design, content alignment and rigor, psychometrics, test security, and administration. Test design, development, and delivery practices for these assessments need to adhere to the standards established by the Council of Chief State School Officers and outlined in Standards for Educational and Psychological Assessment, and meet peer review requirements. While a commitment to taking these positive steps is not without a cost in both time and money, and would require states to manage the programs, the benefits outweigh the challenges.
Historically, innovations in assessment have begun at the state level and filtered down to district and local programs. But what if that balance were to shift? District leaders and local educators can now be active stakeholders in state ESSA plans. School districts seeking to eliminate duplicate or unnecessary tests, get meaningful data in time to inform instruction, and assess deeper learning may put pressure on states to find ways to support their initiatives. Additionally, districts can begin to consider efficient and effective ways to evaluate student engagement, school culture and climate, school quality, and the like, within a broader assessment ecosystem.
States’ ESSA plans are heavily weighted to what happens at the end of the year with the statewide assessment. Because of the statewide programs, district and local assessments are hyper-focused on grades 3–8 and on high school students’ readiness for college and career, but we’re hearing concerns from educators about gaps exposed by that focus.
With so much discourse about assessment among educators, legislators, and the public, it’s important to keep coming back to the core goal of any assessment: to provide fair, reliable, and valid results that support meaningful insights and decisions about student learning and learning needs.
To accomplish that, we must all:
- Use common language to describe assessments and our expectations
- Ensure that all stakeholders in a program understand the purpose of an assessment and what information it can realistically provide
- Deliver assessments designed to support educator and program decisions with meaningful, actionable data and insights
- Examine the purpose and usefulness of every element in an assessment system to eliminate duplication and let go of ineffective measures |
(From Reddit r/IncelExit)
You make no sense dude.
I find it a bit weird that you think that it is rare to find a girl who will marry you and have a family with you. The majority of people want kids. The childfree population is small, especially in catholic or protestant faiths. Basically every girl I know from those two religions want kids. I will say that they are latinas, so I dont know how white girls are.
Also I never really agree with that catholic teaching that sex is only to be done when baby making. 1 Corinthians 7 starts off like this “Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: ‘It is good for a man not to touch a woman’.
2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.”
Just because we get married does not mean our sexual desires go away. Which is why the scriptures tell us to enjoy sex with the spouse (Proverbs 5:18). It is a moment of great delight to spend intimate time with the loved one. |
1. Nov 1, 2012 6:45pm
Canadians “Politely Amused” By Americans Who Say They’ll Move There If Their Candidate Loses on Election Day
The Washington Post's Max Fisher asked Canadian readers what they thought about cranky Americans (usually Democrats and dumb Republicans, since the Canadian government covers healthcare costs, meaning they are practically Communists) who, every four years, threaten to move to Canada if their candidate loses on Election Day.
the trend seems to be that Canadians find this funny and a bit flattering,” Fisher found. “Who wouldn’t enjoy being seen as the preferable alternative to the world’s richest and most powerful country?”
Responses ranged from “Build the dang fence!” to “flattering and sad for America” to:
If Americans want to move North, Canada could certainly use them, but they need to educate themselves on Canadian values and pledge to uphold those values in the same way Canadians insist that Middle Easterners and other foreigners adhere closely to Canadian values if they want to live among Canadians and become one. Assuming it is the same as being American is not good enough.
As a Canadian citizen (I have duel citizenship; both of my parents are from Montreal), let me back that up by adding that Canadians say some weird words, like “garborator,” which means “garbage disposal.” Educate yourselves, EH?
Here’s my favorite:
My mom still makes my brother and I use our Canadian passports when we travel to other countries because she once had a dream that there were terrorists on her plane and they pledged to kill all of the Americans but allowed the Canadians to escape unscathed. So far that little green blue booklet has yet to save my life, but I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t consider using it to move up North if, say, Roe v. Wade was overturned.
— Katie J.M. Baker
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Canadian values, that’s bullshit....cluster fuck combination
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As a Canadian who has a lot American friends who say this…yeah
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18. jazzmanhair reblogged this from jezebelcom and added:
I don’t know if that description of how we expect immigrants to act is really accurate. I’ve always been of the opinion...
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20. highenergyjewtrino reblogged this from heart1lly and added:
This kind of thing always annoys the shit out of me if just because I have my own slew of reasons for wanting to bug out...
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Yeah, I’m SO amused, you guys.
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Every digital inkjet printer has an engine. Like the engine in your car, the printer's engine is what drives its output. It's the most critical element.
The heart of the print engine is the print head. Just as the engine in your car determines how far and how fast you can go, the head in your printer determines the speed and quality of your sign and graphics business.
The PrismJET 54Gen2 is a great vehicle for a fast-moving sign business partly because it has an outstanding engine. It uses an advanced TruePoint piezo-electric print head with patented innovations that leave other printers in the dust.
There are other printers on the market. Some seem to be pretty modern. Then you lift the hood and find that they're driven by old technology that can keep you out of the fast lane. These differences are critical because the capabilities of a print head can fuel your business or cripple it.
How does a piezo-electric print head work? And how does print head technology affect your productivity?
How Print Heads Work
Fig 1: Simple diagram of a piezo print head.
First, let's consider what the print head actually does. The print head is the critical part that controls the flow of ink and converts the ink in your cartridges to dots on the paper, vinyl, banner, or other media. It receives ink from the lines and jets it down to the media. The defining factor that determines quality is the amount of control with which the head expels the ink. This control is measured in drop size. The smaller the drop size, the more control a print head has. Smaller dot size gives better quality with finer details.
There are two basic kinds of print heads used in inkjet printers: thermal and piezo-electric. Both thermal and piezo-electric heads have a membrane which pulls ink into the head's main chamber and forces it through the nozzles.
Thermal inkjet print heads do this by heating - essentially boiling - the ink. Heat pressurizes the ink and forces it through the nozzles. Piezo-electric systems like the TruePoint print head do this by sending an electric current across a wafer-thin, flexible crystal membrane (Fig 1). The current causes the membrane to flex inward, which pressurizes the ink in the chamber and jets it through the nozzles. Then it flexes out to draw more ink into the chamber.
Piezo-Electric vs. Thermal InkJet
One of the benefits of piezo print heads vs. thermal ink jet heads is that the electric currents used to flex the membrane can be controlled more precisely than the heat in a thermal inkjet head. This results in smaller nozzles, smaller ink droplets and higher print resolution. The TruePoint head in the PrismJET 54Gen2 can print droplets ranging from 1.5 to 21 picoliters. One picoliter is one trillionth of a liter. An average raindrop is hundreds of thousands of picoliters in volume. In other words, the precise output from an advanced piezo-electric print head is a modern marvel. In addition to the smaller droplet from the more precise head design, piezo print heads can jet droplets of varying sizes simultaneously. This function, known as variable micro-dot printing, allows the printer to use smaller dot sizes to fill in minute areas around larger drops.
Variable micro-dot printing produces text with crisper edges and smoother transitions from light to dark areas in high-resolution prints. Thermal inkjet printers produce larger drops and lower resolution. And because they lack the variable micro-dot capability of piezo-electric print heads, their output can be grainy in lighter areas. That is why many latex printers require you to use light magenta and light cyan in addition to cyan and magenta to handle gradients, especially in the flesh tone areas of prints.
Banding is the appearance of visible lines running perpendicular to the print head's path across the media. The movement of the print head along the X axis (left and right) and the movement of the media along the Y axis (forward and backward) must be precisely coordinated so that ink is laid down evenly enough to convey the printed image with no visible gaps or overlapping. If the media advances more quickly than the print head, white gaps or light bands will appear in the image. If the media advances too slowly, dark bands will appear. Either of these distracts the viewer and degrades print quality.
The old solution to banding is to add multiple passes. Send the print head back and forth and back and forth enough times to completely cover the media. This of course increases the ink load, which can retard drying time. It also reduces print speed, which inhibits the productivity and profitability of print service providers. Many choose speed over quality.
The Genius of Wave Printing Solves Banding
Fig 2: Wave printing combines speed and quality
In addition to the already remarkable precision of piezo-electric print heads, the PrismJET 54Gen2 benefits from a patented discovery we call wave printing. Because the electric currents through the piezo crystals are so precisely controlled, MUTOH patented an innovation where the nozzles are fired and ink is jetted in a wave pattern. This means that ink is laid down on the media in overlapping wave patterns as the head travels across the media (Fig 2).
The overlapping wave pattern virtually eliminates banding and produces high quality prints at high speeds. Some printer manufacturers who use old thermal inkjet heads make similar claims, but give no details. So let's quantify that.
The new TruePoint head has 1,600 nozzles, an 11% increase over the previous model. The nozzle density is 66% higher for better nozzle resolution. The combined benefit of these improvements is a 12% boost in print speeds while maintaining excellent print quality, from a single print head. That's the genius of wave printing.
Advanced TruePoint Technology
In addition to the wave printing firmware, the TruePoint head offers other advances designed to simplify workflow and optimize productivity. The head includes a sensor that enables automatic bi-directional head alignments. This makes it much easier to maintain precise quality with a variety of media. The TruePoint head also has a clogged-nozzle bypass feature that allows continued printing and sellable quality even if some of the nozzles aren't firing.
The Piezo Electric Print Head Is the Best ChoiceWhat kind of vehicle do you want driving the growth of your sign business? The PrismJET 54Gen2...
- Uses an advanced, variable micro-dot piezo electric print head
- It can jet ink droplets as small as 1.5 pL
- Advanced time-saving features
The result is exceptional photo-realistic image quality, crisp text, and smooth gradations. And its patented wave print firmware eliminates banding so that you don't have to sacrifice quality for productivity. If you want your business to run smoothly, give it the best engine technology. The PrismJET 54Gen2 is the best vehicle for your sign and graphics business to drive sales and reach your goals. |
(FROM REDDIT r/AskReddit)
Von Willebrands Disease! It’s like a variant of hemophilia that acts on a different factor. Had pretty bad, hours-long nosebleeds my whole life. They started getting worse as I got older. When I was 18, I got them bad enough that they started hospitalizing me and I would bleed enough I would pass out. After a year of fighting doctors who fully believed I was overreacting, I got blood tests- turns out my blood just doesnt clot anymore! And something as simple as having a bad enough nose bleed or period could very well kill me! Now I have to have emergency clotting factor pills that cost 200$ a pill on hand at all times so I don’t die if anything happens and a medical bracelet.
Also, it’s genetic! Turns out most people in my family had it too, and multiple women died from childbirth and complications with their periods and just never knew it. |
Basketry is a longstanding handicraft followed in most parts of Punjab. Mostly, the womenfolk in villages are oriented towards basketry as a means of employment. Initially, these baskets were predominantly used for household purposes. However, with the passage of time, they came to be adorned as a work of art and were used in homes as showpieces and decorative items.
From times immemorial, man has been inclined to weave vegetable fibers and make wicker articles. Basketry is done by shaving thin straws of grass. These straws are used to weave mats, rugs, carpets, curtains and hand fans. The hand fans are extremely popular and are known as Peshawari pakkhe. Even smaller size fans, called kunda ladar pakkhi, are available. Other products include tokris, chaj, changair,tiffin baskets, waste paper baskets and oval shaped containers, with lids.
Abundant availability of raw materials, like bamboo, cane, reeds, grasses, munj, palm leaf, date leaf, cornhusks and other items, make basketry a popular household craft. Besides, the straw commonly called as 'sarkanda’ is widely used in Punjab for basketry.
Almost all the tourist places in the state, like Amritsar, Chandigarh, Ludhiana and Patiala, have a wide collection of basketry items. |
With the World Health Organization declaring the coronavirus outbreak a global health emergency and hundreds of deaths and thousands of confirmed cases in China, Zhang Weili and her team have decided to change plans.
Zhang is scheduled to defend her UFC strawweight championship against Joanna Jedrzejczyk on March 7 in Las Vegas, and initially chose to stay with her team in Beijing for the final weeks of her camp. With the virus now being detected in the city, Zhang opted to travel to Las Vegas, MMA Fighting has learned.
According to Zhang’s manager Brian Butler, her team is currently working on visas to get the UFC champion out of the country as soon as possible.
“The UFC has been working hard to expedite getting Weili and her team here for precautionary reasons,” Butler said when speaking to MMA Fighting. “I have connected the UFC with Tulsi Gabbard again who has graciously trying to help push things forward.”
Rep. Gabbard, who is currently in the midst of a presidential campaign, previously offered her assistance when Zhang was attempting to get a visa to travel to the United States for a promotional tour following her title fight win last year.
The coronavirus outbreak became a topic between Jedrzejczyk and Zhang earlier this week after the former champion posted a meme on her Instagram page. The Chinese star criticized Jedrzejczyk, saying that “to make fun of tragedy is a true sign of ones character.” Jedrzejczyk has since deleted the post and apologized to her fellow fighter.
Zhang is not the only Chinese UFC fighter currently booked to fight in the Octagon. Li Jingliang will face welterweight veteran Neil Magny on the same night in Las Vegas, while Xiaonan Yan battles former title contender Karolina Kowalkiewicz at UFC Auckland on Feb. 22.
Ruy Menezes, coach of both Li and Yan at China Top Team in Beijing, told MMA Fighting on Thursday night that their plans remain the same. Menezes and Yan will fly to New Zealand on Feb. 15, while Li catches a flight to Las Vegas five days later. |
(From Reddit r/IntellectualDarkWeb)
I am on the left and I agree with you. So many have become self-righteous, virtue-signalling, judgemental hypocrites but they do it in the name of "tolerance" and "acceptance". There are so many stuck up, celebrity worshipping people on the left these days. When my family immigrated to the US in the late sixties, the left seemed more civilized and truly caring about equality. These days tjey just spend all their time judging folks who don't agree with them. I now identify as bi-partisan and vote with my conscience for those I think are in public office to truly serve others. |
# User:
Here is an extract from a webpage: "From routine checkups to immunizations, Blue Sky Pediatrics Asheville is equipped to handle all of your child's health needs. To help you and your family understand your treatment options, we've included descriptions of some of our leading services on this page.
Because our office has received
recognition as a "Patient Centered Medical Home,
a patient in our office.
Write an informative and insightful blog post that expands upon the extract above, within the context of "Healthcare & Medical Services". Your post should delve into the nuances of the topic, offering fresh perspectives and deeper analysis. Aim to:
- Inform: Provide valuable, well-researched information that educates the reader.
- Engage: Write in a conversational tone that connects with the audience, making complex ideas accessible.
- Illustrate: Use examples, anecdotes, or personal experiences to bring the topic to life.
Do not give a title and do not start with sentences like "Have you ever..." or "Hello dear readers..", simply write the content without these introductory phrases.
# Assistant:
The concept of a Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) has been gaining traction in recent years as a model for delivering high-quality primary care. At its core, PCMH emphasizes a team-based approach where the medical home serves as the hub of coordinated care for patients, particularly those with chronic conditions. This approach can lead to improved outcomes, better patient experience, and reduced healthcare costs. But what does it mean when a pediatric clinic like Blue Sky Pediatrics Asheville requires annual physical examinations as a condition of being a patient in their practice? Let’s dive deeper into this requirement and explore why it might be essential for children’s health.
Firstly, let’s examine what a yearly physical examination entails. During a comprehensive physical examination, a pediatrician will typically assess various aspects of a child’s overall health, including growth and development, nutrition, vision and hearing screening, mental health status, and vaccination updates. These appointments also provide opportunities for parents to ask questions about their child’s health and receive guidance on promoting healthy habits at home. By requiring an annual physical examination, Blue Sky Pediatrics Asheville ensures that every child under their care receives regular preventive screenings and interventions necessary for maintaining optimal health throughout childhood.
One critical aspect of the PCMH model is providing ongoing whole-person orientation rather than focusing solely on acute illness management. Requiring yearly physical examinations aligns with this principle by encouraging continuous engagement between families and providers. Moreover, research suggests that frequent communication between physicians and patients leads to higher satisfaction levels, increased adherence to recommended treatments, and ultimately, better health outcomes. Thus, mandating annual checkups helps reinforce the idea that healthcare extends beyond treating symptoms – it encompasses fostering long-term relationships built on trust, collaboration, and open dialogue.
Another benefit of requiring yearly physical examinations lies in addressing potential disparities in accessing quality healthcare. Children who live in rural areas or come from low-income households may face barriers such as transportation issues, limited availability of specialists, language differences, or lack of awareness regarding available resources. By establishing a consistent point of contact through annual visits, pediatricians can identify unmet social needs, coordinate appropriate referrals, and advocate for their young patients more effectively. Consequently, this proactive stance towards healthcare delivery helps narrow gaps in health equity while ensuring that no child falls through the cracks.
Additionally, annual physical examinations play a crucial role in identifying emerging trends in children's health, enabling practitioners to tailor prevention strategies accordingly. For instance, data gathered during these visits could reveal patterns related to obesity rates, mental health concerns, or vaccine hesitancy, prompting targeted community outreach initiatives aimed at mitigating identified risks. Ultimately, this data-driven approach allows practices like Blue Sky Pediatrics Asheville to stay ahead of the curve in terms of anticipating and responding to evolving population health needs.
However, one must acknowledge valid concerns surrounding mandatory requirements for continued enrollment in certain healthcare settings. Some argue that imposing penalties or restrictions infringes upon autonomy and perpetuates mistrust among vulnerable populations. It is vital for healthcare providers to strike a balance between upholding best practices and respecting individual preferences. Therefore, clear communication channels should remain open so that families feel empowered to make informed decisions regarding their child's care while understanding the rationale behind policies such as annual physical examination requirements.
In conclusion, Blue Sky Pediatrics Asheville's insistence on yearly physical examinations represents a commitment to delivering comprehensive, patient-centered care rooted in evidence-based guidelines and collaborative decision-making. While there are legitimate concerns around coercion and choice, the benefits of regular preventive screenings cannot be overstated. As advocates for children's health, we must continue striving to bridge divides between clinical recommendations and real-world implementation, always keeping the best interests of our youngest patients at heart. |
Mumbai dumps 2,100 million litres of raw sewage in sea
Data revealed that Mumbai dumps 2,100 million litres of untreated sewage directly into the sea off its coast everyday. This makes Mumbai's coastline one of the most heavily polluted in the world.
The sewage has reduced dissolved oxygen levels in water bodies and poses a threat to marine life too.
The BMC is planning to overhaul its 7 sewage treatment plants in the city.
Mumbai's polluted coastline
Malad creek is dead: BMC
The BMC said that the dissolved oxygen levels at the Malad creek has reached gone to zero due to high volumes of untreated sewage being directly discharged into it. This is dangerous for the existence of Mangroves in the area.
Mumbai's sewage problem
The BMC has 7 sewage treatment plants in Mumbai located between Colaba and Bhandup that work round the clock to treat Mumbai's sewage.
Due to overload, 2100 million litres of waste is discharged everyday after only preliminary treatment to remove debris.
In addition, 25% of the city's waste, coming from slums, is not connected to sewer lines, and is discharged directly into water bodies.
Love India news?
Stay updated with the latest happenings.
Mumbai among most polluted global coastlines
A report compiled by the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research in Germany declared Mumbai to be one of the worst polluted coastlines in the world.
The report also said the city had some of the world's most polluted beaches with extremely high amount of plastic waste.
There were an average of 68.83 micro-plastics/sqm on the city's beaches.
BMC to overhaul plants
The 7 plants in Mumbai were set-up between 1979 and 2003 and were tuned to treat waste as per population figures and pollution standards at the time.
The BMC will now spend Rs. 10,000 crore to overhaul all 7 plants and bring them up to Central Pollution Board standards.
The treated water from overhauled plants will be used for gardening and construction.
Former AAP Punjab convenor quits over Mann's appointment
Delhi HC says I-T Dept to investigate National Herald case |
Q:A car accessories competition had 97 participants prepared at a photography equipment store in McDowell County, North Carolina. The first part saw 39 participants start the competition with 6 additional participants. In the second part, the competition had 5 times as many additional participants as in the first part. How many participants did not take part in the competition?
A:In the first part, 39 participants started the competition with 6 additional participants, making a total of 45 participants. In the second part, the competition had 5 times as many additional participants as in the first part, a total of 30 additional participants. The total number of participants who took part in the competition is 45 + 30 = 75. If the competition had 97 participants prepared, the number of participants who did not take part is 97 - 75 = 22. The result is 22. |
From subreddit r/TwoXChromosomes:
I'm genuinely happy that things worked out for you.
I wonder if you use the term "unplanned chemical pregnancy" instead of the term miscarriage if that would change the dynamic that you are experiencing.
"Symptoms of a chemical pregnancy- A chemical pregnancy can have no symptoms. Some women have an early miscarriage without realizing they were pregnant. This type of miscarriage differs from other miscarriages. Miscarriages can occur at any time during a pregnancy. But they are more common before the 20th week. A chemical pregnancy, on the other hand, always occurs shortly after implantation. Since most often the only symptom is menstrual-like cramping and bleeding, some women assume they’re having their menstrual cycle." from https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/chemical-pregnancy |
Märchen Maze
is a 1988 isometric platform arcade game developed by N.H. System and published by Namco. Controlling a young girl named Alice, the player must complete each of the game's nine stages while avoiding enemies and falling off ledges. Alice can blow powerful bubbles at enemies to knock them back, and can hit them enough times to send them off the platform. It is the first Japanese video game adaptation of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and ran on the Namco System 1 arcade board.
Development was handled by N.H. System, a short-lived subsidiary of Namco, with character design by famed anime director Katsuhiko Nishijima. It is Namco's second game to feature a female protagonist, following Wonder Momo. The word Märchen ( ) is the German word for "fairy tale". A PC-Engine version was released in 1990, which replaced the isometric view with an overhead one, followed by a 1991 Sharp X68000 port. Märchen Maze received mixed reviews; although its visuals and controls were praised, critics disliked the sharp rise in difficulty and mediocre boss fights. It was digitally re-released for the Japanese Wii Virtual Console in 2009.
The player must take control of Alice, as she makes her way through nine isometric stages. Alice is able to blow bubbles at enemies to knock them off the platforms and she can collect various powerups along the way. Holding the fire button down generates bigger bubbles, but if it is held down for too long, it will burst and she will start blowing a new one. The enemies retaliate by shooting marbles at her (which can cause her to fall over the edge of the platforms unless they are avoided or jumped over). The seventh, eighth and ninth stages are palette-swapped versions of the second, fourth and first ones respectively, but they feature different enemy types and bosses.
One night, Alice falls asleep while reading a fairy tale picture book and is awaken by a call from within a wall mirror. A rabbit appears in the mirror and tells her that his country and eight other lands has been conquered by an evil witch known as the Queen of Darkness and Alice is the only child who has love and courage to restore peace. The girl is pulled inside the mirror world and given a magic straw to attack with soap bubbles. After the Queen is defeated, Alice wakes up thinking it was just a nightmare, but finds the phrase " you!" written on the mirror and on a cake.
Development and release
Märchen Maze was published by Namco in Japan for arcades in July 1988 — development itself was handled by N.H. System, a very short-lived subsidiary of Namco. It was the first Japanese video game adaptation of Alice in Wonderland, predating games such as TwinBee Yahho! and Fushigi no Yume no Alice. The word "märchen" is the German word for fairy tale. Character design was done by Katsuhiko Nishijima, who directed several well-regarded anime series such as Outlanders, Vampire Hunter D and Agent Aika. It is Namco's second video game to have a female protagonist, following Wonder Momo (1987). An English version of the game, titled Alice in Wonderland, is also known to exist. A version for the PC-Engine was released in 1990, which replaced the isometric angle with an overhead view due to hardware restraints — character design for this port was done by Gundam artist Kouichi Tokita. A 1991 Sharp X68000 conversion was done by SPS, which is near-identical to the original.
Reception and legacy
Märchen Maze, notably the PC-Engine release, received mostly mixed reviews — while critics praised its graphics and controls, many would criticize its difficulty for drastically spiking up later on and for its unimpressive boss fights.
The May 1991 issue of German magazine Play Time praised the PC-Engine version's "well matched" graphics and amount of action, although would criticize the difficulty for being too hard, namely in the first stage. They also disliked the game's sound effects, jokingly stating that the player would likely instead want to turn on their stereo instead of listening to them. In a retrospective review, Kurt Kalata of Hardcore Gaming 101 liked the game's cute visuals and controls, although stated the game "ran out of steam midway through" for its drastic rise in difficulty and mediocre boss fights.
Famitsu would dislike the PC-Engine version's difficulty for being too drastic early on, although would praise its aesthetic and tight controls. PC-Engine Fan magazine had a similar response, applauding its controls, visuals and soundtrack while disliking its uninteresting boss fights and high difficulty level, notably on the first stage of the game. Japanese magazine Gamest awarded the arcade version the 7th "Best Graphic" and 8th "Best VGM", as well as the 31st "Annual Hit Game" award in January 1998. They would go on to praise the game's faithfulness to the source material, saying that it was "superbly expressed".
In 1998, the Naniwa (the game's equivalents of Tweedledee and Tweedledum) went on to lend their name to one of the new stadiums (the Naniwa Dome), for the Namco System 12-era World Stadium games, but they did not appear in the Namco All Stars' lineup. In 2002, Alice was featured as a secret playable character in Family Tennis Advance. In 2005, Yujin released gashapon figures of Alice and Tokei Usagi (the game's equivalent of the White Rabbit) as part of their "Namco Girls" collection, even though the latter is male. The game's music is included in several of Namco compilation soundtracks. A digital download of the game was released for the Japanese Wii Virtual Console in 2009.
External links
Virtual Console Arcade official site (Japanese)
1988 video games
Arcade video games
Japan-exclusive video games
Namco arcade games
Scrolling shooters
X68000 games
TurboGrafx-16 games
Video games based on Alice in Wonderland
Video games developed in Japan
Video games with isometric graphics
Virtual Console games
Video games about witchcraft |
The first edition of the Laperouse Voyage was published in four quarto volumes with accompanying folio atlas at Paris in 1797. The atlas contained 69 plates, maps and plans. It is the first and official account of the ill-fated world voyages undertaken in the frigates, the Boussole and the Astrolabe, under the leadership of Jean Franscois Galaup de Laperouse. Publication occurred almost forty years before the nature of the tragic end of the expedition after its departure from Botany Bay in March, 1788, was discovered.
The edition has been repeatedly described, with varying levels of detail, in bibliographies and published library catalogues including Sabin’s Dictionary of books relating to America,1 Ferguson’s Bibliography of Australia,2 the Catalogue général des livres imprimés of the Bibliothdque Nationale,3 The Hill Collection of Pacific voyages 4 and Edmund Weber Allen’s Laperouse Check list 5. Customarily such bibliographical works cite the location(s) of the copy or copies described. The edition has also been repeatedly described in antiquarian booksellers’ catalogues 6 and book auction records internationally.
The following summary description of the edition is derived from the first entry in Ian F. Mclaren’s annotated bibliography, Laperouse in the Pacific 7 which cites a multiplicity of bibliographical references, including the five given above, and ten copy locations, including eight Australian libraries:
Voyage de La Perouse autour du monde, publié conformément au Décret du 22 avril 1791 et rédigé par M.L.A. Milet-Mureau … A Paris, de L’lmprimerie de La République. An V [1797l
4vols. 4to. with Atlas du Voyage de La Perouse.Fo.
A Sydney Morning Herald article of 5 September, 1998, recounted the donation of the surviving maps from an incomplete copy of the atlas to the Laperouse Museum 8 at La Perouse on the north headland of Botany Bay, an institution run by the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service. The Museum was opened in February, 1988, by the late great André Giraud (1925-1997), the then French Minister of Defence,9 the French Navy being represented in Botany Bay on this gala occasion by the helicopter-carrier Jeanne d’Arc and the frigate Boussole.10 Seven years later in a bizarre and wholly ineffectual anti-nuclear gesture, reminiscent of an initiative by Herr Adenoid Hynkel in Charlie Chaplin’s The Great Dictator, the premises of the Laperouse Museum were denied to those attending the annual Bastille Day commemoration at the Laperouse Monument on 14 July, 1995.11
Concerning the surviving 24 maps of the incomplete atlas, “these were cleaned of mould by the State Library and are now in the museum”.12 According to Stephen Thompson, the NPWS curator of the Museum, as quoted in the Herald article
“We couldn’t have curated a collection like that [if] we scouted the world for it.”13
A very curious assertion.
Although the National Union Catalog: pre 1956 imprints entry for the first edition of the Laperouse Voyage references 37 copies in American libraries,14 it’s unnecessary to look so far away. The Dixson Library in the State Library of New South Wales in Macquarie Street, little further than a 394 bus ride from La Perouse, holds three complete copies of the atlas 15 one of which is referenced in the list of copies at the end of the McLaren entry as a component of a complete edition of 5 volumes.16
As for “scouting the world”, recourse to British, American and Australian book auction records shows that a number of complete copies of the first edition of the Laperouse Voyage have been sold in recent years.
Australian book auction records for 1994-1995 notes the sale of a complete copy, including the atlas in fine condition in November, 1994. 17 The British Book auction records “for the auction season 1996” record the sales of three complete copies of the edition, plus the sale of a copy of the atlas between November, 1985, and April, 1996 18. Then, as recently as June, 1997, as American book prices current attests, four complete copies of the edition, including the atlas, were sold by Christie’s New York at a single auction.19
With the exception of book auction data almost all the details of elementary enumerative bibliography in this article can be found in the McLaren bibliography’s first entry. One would expect it to be used for ready reference in the Laperouse Museum.
– Though I phoned the NSW office of Museums Australia before writing and sending it, Peta Landman, the Editor of Museum Matters in her letter to me of 27 October, 1998, declined to publish a letter of 20 October, 1998, from me which summarised the substance of the present article and began with the following sentence: “Accuracy in public comment about any cultural artifact donated to a museum is a matter of elementary professionalism.” Her refusal was on the interesting but previously unstated, ground that “… Museum Matters does not publish letters to the editor.”
– Before publication a copy of the article was sent to the Musée de la Marine in Paris. I was both gratified and complimented to receive a letter dated 28 October, 1998, from the Consevateur du Patrimoine acknowledging receipt of “votre mise au point tout à fait pertinente concernant la bibliographie de l’Atlas du voyage de Lapérouse”. Apropos the Laperouse Museum I was gracefully thanked for my interest in “ce petit musée très cher à notre coeur” [this little museum that is very dear to our hearts].
– Without the initiative and direct support of that distinguished sailor and scholar, Rear Admiral Francois Bellec, who retired as Director of the Musée de la Marine in December 1997, there would have been no Laperouse Museum on Botany Bay in 1988.
1 Joseph Sabin. A Dictionary of books relating to America from its discovery to the present time. New York, 1868-1936 (Sabin 38960).
2 J.A. Ferguson. Bibliography of Australia. Sydney. Angus and Robertson, 1941-1969 (Ferguson 251).
3 Catalogue général des livres imprimés de La Bibliothèque Nationale: auteurs. Vol. 88. Paris: Imperimerie Nationale, 1926, column 716.
4 The Hill Collection of Pacific Voyages. Ed. by Ronald Louis Silveira de Braganza and Charlotte Oakes; Annotations by Jonathan A. Hill. San Diego: University Library, University of Southern California 1974, p.173.
5 Edward Weber Allen. Jean Franscois Galaup de Laperouse: a check list. California Historical Society, 1941, p.4.
6 Pacific voyages and exploration from the Carlsmith Collection and other sources. Potts Point: Hordern House, 1987, p.78.
7 Ian F. Mclaren. Lapérouse in the Pacifc: including searches by d’Entrecasteaux, Dillon, Dumont d’Urville: an annotated bibliography. Parkville, Vic.: University of Melbourne Library, 1993. A limited edition of 200 copies, pp.3-4.
8 Andrew Clennell ‘Old paper reveals La Perouse Pacific voyage maps’ The Sydney Morning Herald, 5 Sept., 1998, p.17.
9 The obituary of André Giraud “sometimes known as the de Gaulle of French industry”. The Sydney Morning Herald, 5 Aug., 1997,p.35.
10 As noted on the occasion by the present writer.
11 Reported in the Weekly Southern Courier, 4 July, 1995, pp. 1 and 9.
12 Clennell, op.cit., p.17.
13 Loc. cit.
14 The National Union Catalog: pre-1956 imprints. Vol. 316. London: Mansell, 1974, p.37. (NL0094086).
15 Located at X79/1, X79/2, X79/3.
16 McLaren op. cit., p.4, NSL:D [Q79/21-4,X79/1].
17 Jill Burdon, comp. Australian book auction records. New series. Vol. 6, 1994-1995, Canberra 1996, p.1L. The most recent issue I found readily available to me.
18 Book auction records. Vol. 94. London: Dawson, 1988, p.411.
19 American book prices current 1997. Vol. 103. The Auction season September 1996-August 1997. Washington: Bancroft-Parkman 1998, p.704 |
(From Reddit r/AskReddit)
Freedom to wear what you wan't isn't part of the constitution but Freedom of Religion is, so the company can not infringe on that right or discriminate based on it. If your religion has a certain type of garb you're allowed to wear it aswell.
Fun fact regarding that: In Austria and I think the Netherlands you can't wear a hat or other headgear on a photo for a passport or drivers license unless it's for religious purposes. A few years ago a handfull of people have succesfully argued in court that they must be allowed to wear a pasta strainer on their head since it's the religious symbol of the Chruch of the Flying Spagetti Monster, back when that was still top quality meme material. |
Slaughterhouse-Five Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard
Buy the Slaughterhouse-Five Lesson Plans
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Billy dream about in the hospital?
2. What complaint is Billy's doctor trying to relieve?
3. Why do the Germans laugh at Billy's coat?
4. What interrupts Billy's attempt at napping?
5. What do humans look like to the Tralfamadorans?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does it mean that Billy Pilgrim is "unstuck in time?"
2. Where does Billy wake up after falling asleep with the other prisoners in the stone cottage?
3. Why did Roland Weary start to beat and kick Billy?
4. Why do the Tralfamadorans not believe in free will?
5. According to the aliens in Kilgore Trout's book, what is the flaw in the story of Christ?
6. Why were Roland Weary's feet so bloody?
7. Where were the American prisoners of war kept as they were captured?
8. Why were the British officers in this particular camp?
10. How do the Tralfamadorans answer Billy's question about being kidnapped?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
How does luck figure into Billy's Pilgrim's life? Is he a lucky person or an unlucky person? Use examples from the novel to argue your thesis.
Essay Topic 2
Compare Tralfamadoran views of life and death with different religious philosophies.
Essay Topic 3
Is Slaughterhouse-Five an historical fiction or a science fiction? Write an essay defining each genre and answering this question. Use examples from the text to support your opinion.
(see the answer keys)
This section contains 542 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
Buy the Slaughterhouse-Five Lesson Plans |
Monday, February 7, 2011
Legends of WrestleMania - PS3
I have mentioned before that I have soft spot for 80's wrestling, back when it was called the WWF.
I remember sitting with my grandfather watching Gorilla Monson and Billy Bob Orton go at it (not like that you manics!)
So when it really became popular with the introduction of Hulk Hogan, it made it that much more spectacular. They was even a cartoon show based off the stuff for crying out loud. It was all amazing. I have the Legends game for the PS2 and this was my first one on the PS3.
The content of this game, it has 3 I guess story modes, but not really. They are fighting tiers, fight 10 guys in a row. And relive, redefine and some other one I don't remember. But they are classic WWF matches that you have to recapture in your own match. So there are a list of things you have to do win the match or win GOLD. It could be making your opponent bleed, reverse his finisher, throw him out of the ring, etc. This mode is possible the most entertaining thing in the game.
Of course it has all your basic stuff as well, all the different match types to play against friends or the computer or online and create a wrestler. But what really makes this game shine are all the actual clips from the 80's before each match. It shows the rivalry and the smack talk and highlights from the match itself.
It is here that this game excels at making me remember what I loved so much in the 80's. Its a great trip down memory lane and I loved every min of it.
The game play itself though is more a sequence of set up quicktime events then game play. Sure you can punch and grapple and such. But the meat of the game are the quicktime events. Making a opponent groggy results in a set of quicktime events which if you fail, means they reversed it and its all very cool looking. But once you get towards the end of the game play, starts to become a little stale.
So the bad I guess, it could have used more variety in the moves list. It does get trying to see most wrestlers do the same punch to the leg over and over.
The other thing would be a interactive tutorial. The tutorial is just a 25 page list. Which resulted in quite a few times, me not knowing what I had to do or how to do something. Which turned into me doing trial and error, which was very annoying at time. Like a said, a simple interactive tutorial would be super nice here.
Graphics..holy cow the graphics....the wrestlers themselves are decent enough. Although the style they went with was over the top muscles where even Andre the Giant as Abs. That's fine, but the rings...holy cow. The ring builds were down right poor. THE CROWDS!!!..some of the worst I've seen in a video game for its time. You would expect something for the crown, but this is downright ridiculous!!
It isn't best video(dammit I got to get my recording software set up) but this is a taste of the crowd.
The other thing is the roster. It says legends, but there roster goes into the 90's. I had stopped watching wrestling long before the Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin showed up. So there are a handful of wrestlers that are from that era. Some I don't even recognize, who the heck is Hunter Helmsly for example?
Anyway, I would have rather that they put in some of the more well known wrestlers from the 80's. Such as Ricky the Dragon, Macho Man, the Killer Bees, The Rockers, Davey Boy Smith, George the Animal Steele, Virgil, etc. I don't know if it was a space thing or getting rights to their images? but it is a big loss in my book.
Overall, for a fan of 80's WWF wrestling, it was a great trip down memory lane and the game play was decent enough to keep me entertained and not get bored going through all the trials. Picking it up and playing with a friend is OK but its more of a set piece than a game.
So I can't recommend this game to all gamers. Only if you were a fan of the 80's wrestling. Everyone else, I don't think there's enough here to qualify for a good experience. There are better wrestling games out there, but for me it was the content. With this, I think I have had my fill for nostalgia wrestling games. I was considering the new gamethat mixes old super stars with new age wrestlers, but after this game. I think I will be passing. |
Риц, Сезар
Сезар Риц (; 23 февраля 1850 — 24 октября 1918) — деятель гостиничного бизнеса, швейцарец по происхождению. Основал фешенебельные отели «Риц» в Париже и в Лондоне. Его прозвищем было «король отельеров и отельер королей».
Сезар Риц родился в горной деревне Нидервальд в семье фермера. Он начал свою карьеру в отеле «Le Splendide» в качестве метрдотеля в ресторане «Chez Voisin», который был закрыт в 1870 вследствие франко-прусской войны. Развернулся в полную мощь в Баден-Бадене. C 1888 года работал в партнёрстве с Огюстом Эскофье, прозванным «королём поваров и поваром королей».
Сезар Риц (César Ritz) родился 23 февраля 1850 года в деревне Нидервальд (Niеderwald) в кантоне Вале. Кстати, интересное совпадение: там же появился на свет знаменитый швейцарский повар Антон Мозиманн, также сделавший блестящую международную карьеру. Ребенком Сезар пас отцовских коз, а потом поступил учеником в гостиницу неподалёку от городка Бриг.
В детстве Сезар Риц говорил только на швейцарском диалекте немецкого языка, а затем выучил французский, что впоследствии ему очень пригодилось. Поначалу профессия давалась ему с трудом. «У тебя никогда не получился. Чтобы преуспеть в гостиничном бизнесе, нужно особое чутье, а у тебя его нет», — заявил подростку его начальник, увольняя его с работы.
Такое напутствие отнюдь не обескуражило 17-летнего юношу, который сам честно признавал, что у него «много амбиций и очень мало денег». Приехав в Париж, он начал работать вначале в отеле, затем официантом в ресторане Le Voisin, самом знаменитом заведении своего времени, завсегдатаями которого были сплошь аристократы и влиятельные люди из мира финансов и политики.
Он отличался прекрасной памятью и охотно искал возможности угодить вкусам клиентов, будь то в еде, винах и музыке. Как сказал ему однажды принц Уэльский Эдуард VII: «Риц, ты лучше знаешь, что мне нравится. Просто организуй ужин на мой вкус».
Впоследствии Сезар Риц вернулся в родную Швейцарию, чтобы стать главным менеджером горных отелей сети Rigi Kulm, а затем и возглавить отель Grand Hotel National Luzern, из окон которого открывается прекрасный вид на Люцернское озеро. Здесь его таланты управляющего, вкус и внимание к мельчайшим деталям оказались более чем востребованными.
Летом Сезар Риц управлял этими гостиницами, а зимой пользовался свободным временем для того, чтобы повнимательнее присмотреться к высшему европейскому обществу. После, когда он уже управлял также гостиницами в Ницце, Сан-Ремо и Монте-Карло, этот опыт ему очень пригодился. Именно он открыл талантливого французского шеф-повара Огюста Эскофье (Auguste Escoffier), который теперь считается одним из отцов-основателей современной французской кухни.
В 1880 году Сезар Риц попросил его взять на себя управление кухнями нового «Гранд-отеля» в Монте-Карло, а в 1887 году на паях открыли ресторан в модном немецком курорте Баден-Баден. Затем они почти 10 лет провели в Лондоне, где их отели «Савой» и «Карлтон» стали обязательными адресами для всех богатых и знаменитых.
Кульминацией его карьеры можно считать 1898 год, когда на Вандомской площади в Париже открылся первый по-настоящему роскошный отель под брендом Ritz. За ним последовало открытие такой же гостиницы в Лондоне в 1905 году, а еще через год — в Мадриде. Сезар Риц стал автором знаменитой фразы «Клиент всегда прав» (хотя в точности его слова звучали как: «Клиент никогда не ошибается»).
А еще он сформулировал правило, которое является сегодня обязательным для любого работника гостиничной отрасли: «Видеть все, не глядя, слышать все, не прислушиваясь, быть внимательным без подхалимства, все предусматривать, но без самонадеянности. Если гость жалуется на блюдо или вино, немедленно и без вопросов замените его». По-настоящему инновационной стала его стратегия, которая заключалась в том, чтобы готовить блюда, которые нравились бы конкретно женщинам.
Раньше аристократки редко обедали на публике, но в эпоху модерна нарядно одетых женщин за столами роскошных гостиниц становилось все больше и больше. И им нужно было предложить по-настоящему дамское меню. Кстати, выбирая, как расположить люстры в своих ресторанах, он усаживал за столики свою жену, на которой были надеты все ее украшения, и смотрел, под каким освещением ее бриллианты наилучшим образом блестят и переливаются.
Несмотря на свой, казалось бы, огромный успех в жизни и на множество поклонников, король гостиничного бизнеса страдал от клинической депрессии. Если верить записям его супруги-француженки Мари-Луизы, то под конец жизни Сезар Риц постоянно задавался вопросом: «А что я сделал?». И ответ, который он давал сам себе, был малоутешительным: «Да ничего». В 1902 году он пережил нервный срыв и последние 15 лет своей жизни почти не работал.
Умер Сезар Риц в возрасте 68 лет, 26 октября 1918 года в клинике на берегу Люцернского озера Люцерн. Буквально через несколько недель после его кончины завершилась Первая мировая война, поэтому появилась возможность похоронить Сезара Рица там, где он пережил самые яркие моменты своей карьеры, то есть в Париже. Потом, правда, его останки перезахоронили в его родной деревне Нидервальд, где потом был проложен специальный туристический маршрут, посвящённый его жизни.
См. также
Puttin' on the Ritz
Сайт, посвященный деятельности Сезара Рица
Предприниматели Швейцарии
Управляющие гостиницами
Похороненные в кантоне Вале |
Researchers at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Botucatu, Brazil, have identified six species of bacteria with the potential to be used as biolarvicides against the mosquito Aedes aegypti, which transmits dengue, Zika, yellow fever and chikungunya.
Preliminary results of the research, supported by FAPESP, were presented by Jayme Souza-Neto, Head of the Vector Functional Genomics & Microbiology Laboratory (Vectomics) at UNESP’s Institute of Biotechnology (IBTEC), during the second meeting of the ILP-FAPESP Science & Innovation Cycle held on November 27, 2017, at the São Paulo State Legislative Assembly (ALESP).
“We isolated about 30 different bacteria found in the gut of mosquitoes collected in Botucatu and put them each separately in contact with the larvae of these insects. We found that six species of bacteria were capable of killing between 60% and 90% of the larvae, depending on the isolate, in up to 48 hours,” Souza-Neto told Agência FAPESP.
More research is required to characterize the microorganisms’ larvicidal potential in greater detail, he added. This includes estimating the concentration and minimum exposure time necessary for the larvicidal activity and finding out how long the bacteria remain active, among other factors.
“The research is still in the early stages. In the future, we also plan to isolate a number of products released by these bacteria into the external medium in order to understand how they kill these larvae,” said Souza-Neto, who is also a professor in UNESP’s School of Agronomic Sciences.
Previous research by Souza-Neto’s group showed that A. aegypti mosquitoes found in Botucatu are less susceptible to infection by dengue virus than those found in Neópolis, Sergipe State, and Campo Grande, state capital of Mato Grosso do Sul. The incidence of dengue is higher in both of the latter.
After feeding the mosquitoes in the lab on blood contaminated with dengue virus serotype 4, the group observed that only 30% of those collected in Botucatu became infected, compared with between 70% and 80% in the other two populations.
Using whole-genome sequencing, the group identified the species of bacteria that colonized the insects’ gut and found completely different microbiomes in the more and less susceptible populations.
“We then began investigating the potential of these gut microbiota to act as biolarvicides and also as antivirals,” Souza-Neto said. “In this second run of experiments, we placed the bacteria or the products they released in contact with dengue virus and observed whether the pathogen lost its capacity to infect cells.”
According to Souza-Neto, the same kind of experiment will shortly be performed with Zika virus. “If we succeed in identifying a bacterium that can neutralize these pathogens, it will be a potential source of novel drugs,” he said.
Benefits for society
The aim of the ILP-FAPESP Science & Innovation Cycle, a partnership between ALESP (ILP stands for the São Paulo State Legislative Assembly Institute) and FAPESP, is to disseminate the findings of research with a high social and economic impact produced by scientists in São Paulo State.
In addition to Souza-Neto, the second meeting in the series, entitled “Science in the fightagainst dengue, Zika and chikungunya”, featured researchers José Luiz Proença Modena from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Maurício Lacerda Nogueira from the São José do Rio Preto Medical School (FAMERP), and Alexander Roberto Precioso, director of Butantan Institute’s Clinical Trials & Pharmacovigilance Division.
Modena’s presentation addressed ongoing studies at UNICAMP’s Biology Institute to characterize key factors for the replication of emerging viruses in both invertebrate and vertebrate hosts.
“By analyzing lipids found in mosquitoes and human patients, we were able to identify biomarkers of infection by Zika,” Modena said. Some of these molecules are important for the virus to enter cells and replicate and are therefore potential therapeutic targets (read more at agencia.fapesp.br/24230).
The UNICAMP group also discovered that children suffering from severe neurological complications associated with congenital infection by Zika virus had low blood levels of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF).
“This opens up the possibility of using molecules that stimulate the production of HGF to prevent neurological damage in the children of mothers exposed to the virus during pregnancy,” Modena said.
He also mentioned the development of a new molecular method of diagnosing Zika, which targets the region of the viral genome that encodes the protein NS5, calling it the most sensitive method of detecting the pathogen in blood a few days after contamination, and a method of diagnosing Zika infection in patient samples by mass spectrometry, which is much less costly than the molecular methods currently available.
“The test that analyzes the viral genome costs about 100 Brazilian reals per patient [currently 30 US dollars], and you have to wait about three days for the result. The method using mass spectrometry costs 1.50 BRL and is ready in 20 minutes,” Modena said.
Nogueira, who also chairs the Brazilian Society for Virology (SBV), warned during his presentation that it is still impossible in Brazil to calculate the real economic impact of dengue and Zika owing to a lack of accurate epidemiological data. Studies conducted at FAMERP showed that the clinical criteria used to diagnose these diseases, based mainly on patient symptomatology, are often faulty.
The team led by Nogueira used molecular testing to analyze blood samples from 800 patients with suspected dengue who visited the emergency room of São José do Rio Preto’s reference hospital between January and August 2016. The initial diagnosis, based on clinical symptoms and serological tests, was confirmed in only 400 samples.
More than 100 of the cases tested positive for Zika virus, and the virus that causes chikungunya fever was identified in one of the samples. None of the three arboviruses transmitted by A. aegypti was found in the almost 300 remaining samples (read more atagencia.fapesp.br/23858).
Among 400 other patients diagnosed with Zika by clinical and epidemiological criteria, only 20% were found to be infected by the virus in molecular tests, while 11% had dengue and 1% had chikungunya.
“We have a dengue vaccine that’s been licensed and another under development at Butantan Institute,” Nogueira said, “but in order for us to estimate the cost-effectiveness of these vaccines, meaning how much it will cost to vaccinate the population and how much the initiative will save in terms of hospitalizations and deaths, it’s most important to know how many cases of the disease there are.”
The FAMERP group also prospectively monitored a group of 55 women living in São José do Rio Preto with a confirmed diagnosis of Zika virus infection during pregnancy. Approximately 28% of the babies born to these women were found to have some kind of alteration at birth, such as minor brain calcifications, small lesions in brain blood vessels, unilateral hearing loss or retina damage.
The pattern observed in São José do Rio Preto, according to Nogueira, contrasts strongly with that observed in Rio de Janeiro, and the adverse effects of infection were less severe in the former city. All the babies were born alive at term, and no cases of microcephaly or severe neurological alterations were identified (read more at agencia.fapesp.br/25511).
This study also showed that the virus could be detected in the urine of pregnant women for up to seven months. In some cases, the viral load disappeared and later returned, although it was almost always near the detection threshold. According to Nogueira, this suggests a single negative antenatal test result may not be enough to rule out infection by Zika (read more at agencia.fapesp.br/26488).
Finally, Precioso reported that 12 clinical trials of candidate vaccines were performed at Butantan Institute between 2003 and 2017, involving 497 researchers and almost 21,000 volunteers. The largest of these, currently under way at 16 research centers across Brazil, is the Phase 3 trial of a vaccine against all four dengue serotypes (read more at agencia.fapesp.br/22839).
Initial development of the tetravalent vaccine was supported by FAPESP.
During the opening session of the event, FAPESP Vice President Eduardo Moacyr Krieger stressed that the aim of the cycle of presentations is to show society the effects and repercussions of research conducted in São Paulo State.
“The taxes paid by the people of São Paulo support the research that FAPESP funds,” he said. “It’s important for everyone to know how that research contributes to the development of the state.”
FAPESP CEO Carlos Américo Pacheco recalled that the first meeting in the cycle focused on the ventures supported by FAPESP’s Innovative Research in Small Business Program (PIPE). He added that a third edition of the event would be held on December 11, this time focusing on global climate change.
“As we know, these issues are of great interest to the Legislative Assembly and the general public in São Paulo, and they reflect part of the research agenda funded by FAPESP in recent years. We expect to continue the cycle next year in partnership with ILP,” Pacheco said.
Source : By Karina Toledo | Agência FAPESP |
What are the Key Constraints in Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Farmers in Africa? Empirical Evidence from Kenya
The idea that smallholder farmers are reasonably efficient has triggered much debate in Sub-Saharan Africa. Indeed, efficiency of smallholder farmers has implications for choice of development strategy; reason being that Sub-Saharan countries derive over 60% of their livelihoods from smallholder agriculture and rural economic activities. This paper evaluates factors that promote production efficiency among smallholder farmers in Kenya as avenues for policy intervention. A production frontier function was fitted to a random sample derived from a survey carried in 2007. Results show that all conventional inputs had the expected significance. On the inefficiency indicators, ownership to farmland, attendance to agricultural workshops, access to credit and participation in self-help groups significantly reduced inefficiency, while age, market distance, female gender and formal education increased inefficiency. Our findings suggest that within the available technologies, farmers can improve on their productivity if they nurture teamwork as in groups where labour is shared. Besides, better roads would reduce transaction costs and promote higher returns, and training in agriculture would boost efficient resources use for better performance. Therefore, there exists opportunity to improve efficiency in production given existing farm technologies.
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Declare climate change health emergency, say charities
Last updated on 29 August 2014, 12:55 pm
Health charities say climate change is a health emergency, and health organisations should divest from fossil fuels
By Megan Darby
Charities are calling on the health sector to divest from fossil fuels and declare climate change a public health emergency.
On the back of the WHO’s first ever global climate and health conference this week, fifteen organisations have signed a letter urging the financial shift.
Just as health organisations withdrew finance from tobacco companies, the letter argues they should avoid investing in coal, oil and gas.
Climate change and air pollution from burning fossil fuels have been linked to a range of public health problems, from dengue fever to depression.
See below for the letter in full.
We congratulate the World Health Organization on their vision and leadership in convening this week’s Health and Climate Summit, an historic event which has brought together policy makers, health professionals, academics and civil society representatives from around the world.
Climate change poses an urgent threat to human health, and the impacts are already being felt around the world. Without transformative system change, they will become dramatically worse, particularly in the poorest regions – which have contributed least to the causes of climate change.
The health sector everywhere needs to play a central role in addressing climate change—the greatest health threat of the 21st century. We must reduce healthcare’s climate footprint, make our health systems more resilient, and most importantly advocate for a fundamental shift in energy, transport and agriculture policies. Our task is to end our dependency on fossil fuels, a move that can help tackle both climate change and the rise in non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, stroke, and asthma.
As Christiana Figueres, Chair of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, said during this meeting, “climate change is not the equivalent of a disease: it is a symptom. The cause is our unbridled dependence on fossil fuels”. We know that we cannot safely burn the majority of the world’s proven fossil fuel reserves; if we do, the health impacts will be immense. A transition to renewable energy both reduces greenhouse gas emissions and offers substantial short-term health benefits, saving billions of dollars in healthcare costs, particularly by reducing air pollution.
Just as the health sector has divested from tobacco, it now needs to act on this even greater threat. We consider the transfer of financial resources away from fossil fuels and towards clean, healthy, renewable energy through a “divest-invest” framework to be one of the most important steps we need to take. This entails the phasing out of investments in, and subsidies for, fossil fuels, which harm health, alongside a dramatic increase in investment in healthy and sustainablealternatives. The health sector can make an important contribution to this profound shift.
The health sector – the WHO, health ministries, local authorities, health care providers, professional bodies, and non-governmental organizations – must mobilize to lead the transformation to a low-carbon, healthy and climate-resilient society. We call on all health leaders to:
- Declare climate change a global public health emergency, and take urgent measures to address it.
- Advocate for all governments to adopt an international climate agreement in 2015 which is both fair and sufficiently ambitious to protect health, and for developed countries to fulfill their obligations under the UNFCCC to provide the most vulnerable countries with the resources to respond to climate change.
- Lead by example, making sustainability core business for the health sector, including by implementing low-carbon healthcare and public health policies.
- Support broad, transformative societal change to transition from fossil fuels to clean, renewable healthy energy through a divest-invest approach, and by ending subsidies for fossil fuels.
In the words of WHO Director General, Dr. Margaret Chan, “climate change is the defining issue of the 21st Century.” As representatives of the health sector, we share a responsibility to confront this, the greatest health threat we face, and to transform it into a health opportunity for all.
Signatory organisations, present at the WHO Conference on Health and Climate:
Global Climate and Health Alliance
Arnhold Global Health Institute of Mount Sinai, New York USA
Centre for Frugal Medical Technology? for Developing Countries
Climate and Health Alliance, Australia
Climate and Health Council, UK
Health and Environment Alliance
Health Care Without Harm
H-Earth – Health-EARTH
Healthy Planet UK
International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)
OraTaiao, New Zealand’s Climate and Health Council
Public Health Institute
Sustainable Development Unit for the NHS, Public Health and Social Care in England
The Mobilizing Action Toward Climate Change and Health (MATCCH) Initiative
US Climate and Health Alliance |
What did the ancient Greeks eat and drink? What role did migration play? Why was emperor Nero popular with the ordinary people but less so with the upper classes? Why (according to ancient authors) was Oedipus ('with swollen foot') so called? For over 2,000 years the civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome have captivated our collective imagination and provided inspiration for so many aspects of our lives, from culture, literature, drama, cinema, and television to society, education, and politics. Many of the roots of the way life is lived in the West today can be traced to the ancient civilizations, not only in politics, law, technology, philosophy, and science, but also in social and family life, language, and art. This authoritative A to Z guide features over 700 entries on all aspects of life in Ancient Greece and Rome. Beautiful illustrations, jargon-free entries, and a useful chronology and bibliography make this Companion the perfect guide for readers interested in learning more about the Graeco-Roman world. As well as providing sound information on all aspects of classical civilization such as history, politics, ethics, morals, law, society, religion, mythology, science and technology, language, literature, art, and scholarship, the entries in the Companion reflect the changing interdisciplinary aspects of classical studies, covering broad thematic subjects, such as race, nationalism, gender, ethics, and ecology, confirming the impact classical civilizations have had on the modern world. |
From reddit r/GenZ
I'm very individualistic and anti authoritian.
I feel aligned with right wing internet culture mostly. There's a new social dynamic on the left where you gain prestige for being woke and politically active and "moral". Right wing internet culture turns this whole dynamic on it's head by making edgy and offensive memes as a way of purposefully putting themselves as low as possible on the "moral superiority/wokeness" hierarchy. The left on the internet almost always misinterprets this. They think we're showing how immoral we are. In reality we are just showing how little we care about the whole thing. It's like the opposite of virtue signalling and it's very appealing and honestly it's a breath or fresh air. They're whiny, they have bad memes, they're self righteous, they apparently are mind readers and the punchline basically always boils down to "you're a Nazi if you don't agree with me". |
California’s democracy is not at all like America’s, as conceived by founders such as James Madison. The federal constitution is based on checks and balances within and among three and only three branches of government—executive, legislative and judicial. That is because Madison feared that popular “passions” would undo the republic, that majorities might “tyrannise” minorities, and that “minority factions” (ie, special interests) would take over the system. America’s was therefore to be a representative, not a direct, democracy. “Pure democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention,” Madison wrote, “and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”
This citizen legislature has caused chaos. Many initiatives have either limited taxes or mandated spending, making it even harder to balance the budget. Some are so ill-thought-out that they achieve the opposite of their intent: for all its small-government pretensions, Proposition 13 ended up centralising California’s finances, shifting them from local to state government. Rather than being the curb on elites that they were supposed to be, ballot initiatives have become a tool of special interests, with lobbyists and extremists bankrolling laws that are often bewildering in their complexity and obscure in their ramifications. And they have impoverished the state’s representative government. Who would want to sit in a legislature where 70-90% of the budget has already been allocated?
Lawmaking is the central power of government and requires a deliberative process, what you call "dialogue" in law-making. Such dialogue is lacking in every initiative state. Additionally, an agency implementing the legislative procedures on behalf of the people must be independent of representative government if the people are to become the fourth real check within our system of Checks and Balances. Even without the ability of citizens to legislate, that system is often voided when one political party controls all three branches of government.
The problem we have with governance in the U.S. is not the excess of citizen participation, but the lack of deliberative citizen participation. That is true not only in those states with initiative laws, but in all states and at all levels of government. It has never been easy for people to participate in the political process except under the direction and control of political parties that hold a monopoly over the electoral process.
The answer to the problems of human governance in California and in our nation lies with the people -- not with their leaders. Adding direct democracy to our representative government would correct all of the shortcomings the magazine's report identified and much more.
The enactment by the people of proposed meta-legislation -- the National Initiative -- will empower citizens in all jurisdictions of government as lawmakers, not only solving California's dysfunctional system but that of the more egregious dysfunction of the federal government. Since the Congress will never enact the dilution its powers, the National Initiative must be enacted the same way the Constitution was enacted as the law of the land in 1787-1788. With Article 7 of the Constitution as precedent, we need not employ a convention system. Present technology permits us to ask all American voters if they wish to empower themselves as lawmakers as the Founders had envisioned. |
Our food systems must change to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Agnes Kalibata is the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the 2021 Food Systems Summit. Since 2015 she has served as President of AGRA
Food is more than what we eat.
It’s more than what satisfies our hunger. It’s more than what nourishes our bodies and our brains. It’s more than a cultural centerpiece or even an Instagram picture. Food is water, land, culture, labor, technology, economics, and policies.
In a word, food is everything.
Today, our relationship with food is strained. The way we produce, process and consume food – what experts call “food systems” – is a paradox.
Over the last 50 years, our ability to produce food has gone up by nearly 300 percent thanks to our incredible ability to innovate. Despite this progress, the number of people going to bed hungry each night has increased to 820 million over the last three years. Yet, we waste 35 per cent of all the food we produce equivalent to a loss of US$936 billion annually.
Additionally, we are not eating well. About 2 billion people are obese or have food related diseases. Fruits and vegetables account for only 11 per cent of global food production, despite recommendations that they should make up around half of our diet.
As a result, for every dollar spent on food, society pays back double that in health, environmental, and economic costs. Surprisingly, these costs – which amount to $5.7 trillion per year globally – equal those related to issues such as obesity, diabetes, and malnutrition.
Climate change is challenging our food systems event further with droughts, floods, and massive fires around the world. For example, in East Africa and across the Middle East and South Asia, locust are destroying crops in biblical proportions. A swarm covering one square kilometer is eating as much food in a day as 35,000 people.
Our current food system is part of the problem. Today’s agricultural supply chain, from farm to fork, accounts for around 27 per cent of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
The food systems of today must change to achieve the ambitious goals and targets we have set for ourselves in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This transformation will require an unprecedented degree of cooperation if we are to succeed.
That is why this week, on behalf of the UN Secretary General António Guterres, I joined Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway and President Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana in the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard, Norway. We announced the Arctic Call to Action on Food Security and Climate Change along with 17 SDG Advocates from communities around the world, recognizing the importance of agricultural biodiversity and transforming food systems for the future of our nutrition, health, and resilience to climate change.
I know that rethinking food is ‘complicated’. We know many approaches and recommendations that seem to provide benefit. But ‘knowing’ something does not mean that things change. So what really is the problem that we must solve?
UN Secretary-General Guterres has announced that he will host a Food Systems Summit in 2021 to raise food system transformation to the highest level, affirming its centrality to the achievement of the majority of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Summit will raise global ambition, increase our understanding of the problems we must solve, and set a course to radically change the way we produce, process, and consume food.
We need to harness all innovative ideas and develop deeper partnerships to make this happen. As the Summit’s Special Envoy, I will steward a global conversation to define the food systems we want for our future. This will be done by learning from each other, particularly smallholder farmers, indigenous peoples, and those who deal with food systems every day.
I am determined that this will not be ‘just another conference,’ particularly because we have come to a crossroads and we are running out of time.
I look to the Summit as an opportunity to fast-track and commit to ambitious ways of coming through on the SDGs by bringing global consensus on what our future food systems should be, given the challenges; agreeing and aligning on the dramatic shifts that we know must happen; and delivering an ambitious and game-changing action plan for this decade of action. Only then shall we eliminate hunger, commit to more inclusive and healthier food systems, and safeguard the health of our planet.
Every one of us has a role to play. Often, we think other people have to change, or that our individual contribution is too small to matter. But really, everything and everyone must change; change the way we produce, the way we shop, the way we eat, and more.
Let us make use of our great creativity and human spirit, and listen to everyone, not just those who agree with the popular point of view. Make sure your voice is heard! |
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
I Don't Get "Being Social"
So, I have friends and hang out with them a couple times a week. That's really all the "social" I need, and I spend the rest of the week "recharging my batteries", as it were.
In the meantime, my mom sees me being quiet and not talking a lot and goes "are you okay?". I typically respond by saying yes and asking her what she thought was wrong, and the response is always something along the lines of "I don't know, you just weren't talking very much.". In day to day speech she'll be saying things to me that I don't feel really need a response, and unless I respond with one of "okay", "yeah", "uh-huh", "all right", etc., she acts like I'm not listening.
Then, on the flip-side, if I ever do start talking and participating in the conversation while we're out at dinner, making jokes and generally going with the flow of things, suddenly it's too much and my dad complains about not being able to get a word in edge-wise. Despite the periods of silence where both myself and my mom are eating.
Make up your mind, would you? Am I talking too much, or not enough? I don't know. I honestly don't know. But if I bring up this mixed message, somehow it's my fault for not knowing, or my mom just goes silent because I'm "being argumentative".
I don't feel like speaking without really having anything to say adds anything to a conversation. So generally I sit there and be quiet. But apparently that's not okay. I prefer isolation, meaningful communications, and meaningful social interaction. I honestly don't believe I should talk just to fill the dead air.
This also manifests itself whenever my parents have a party. If I retreat back to my room after hanging out with the guests for a while and having some food, I get accused of not being "sociable". Well, consider that pretty much everyone my parents invite over has nothing in common with me, and the available conversation gets exhausted during the "hang out and have food" segment of the party. After that, there's nothing left, and my presence adds nothing. Sometimes I "solve" this by helping out with the party itself, cleaning up, assisting with the food, etc., and that's generally welcomed because it's helpful.
At the same time, I don't feel as though I should be shamed for not wanting to participate in social interaction.
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Question: Example conversation: Write the response (start with "Response:") DIALOG:
Where are Herluf Bidstrup's art works located?
- Some of his artwork can be experienced at the Worker's Museum in Copenhagen.
- Did he receive any awards for his work?
Response: Bidstrup was awarded many prizes and honors, many of which were related to the international socialist and communist movements.
Example conversation: Write the response (start with "Response:") DIALOG:
What is John Bampfylde's connection to the Baffetas?
Response: John Bampfylde John Bampfylde may refer to:
Example conversation: Write the response (start with "Response:") DIALOG:
What do you know about Ptychadena longirostris?
- Ptychadena longirostris Ptychadena longirostris is a species of frog in the Ptychadenidae family.
- Where is it found?
Response: It is found in Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone, and in possibly in Benin, Senegal, and Togo.
Example conversation: Write the response (start with "Response:") DIALOG:
What was the Japanese horse Issie?
- Issie According to mythology, Issie was a white mare which had a little foal, and they lived together on the shore of Lake Ikeda.
- Was there a story about Issie in Japan?
Answer: Response: However, when the foal was kidnapped by a samurai, and Issie was unable to find it, she jumped into the lake, and her despair transformed her into a giant, saurian beast, which since then frequently surfaces, trying to find her lost child. |
Dynamic languages trade some of the compile-time safety properties of statically typed languages for greater flexibility for a programmer to write correct programs that a static compiler would turn down as potentially faulty. There is a recent trend to integrate aspects of both disciplines, commonly by "adding types" to languages originally designed as dynamic.
There has been interest in the Ruby community to explore such an approach: Yukihiro Matsumoto devoted his keynote at RubyConf 2014 to the potential implementation of static typing in the language. The topic is complex: a Ruby tightly corseted by types would not be true to the essence of the language.
Under a gradual typing discipline, type annotations can be specified at will: interesting parts of the program can be given explicit types and their type safety checked statically. We propose an implementation of gradual typing in Matz's Ruby Interpreter, drawing inspiration from similar additions to other dynamic languages, with strictly optional type annotations consistent with Ruby's DRY and "lazy" philosophy and an evaluation of the practical usefulness of gradual typing.
• Tony Arcieri
• bai |
Property and Property law
An industrial design right is an intellectual property right that protects the visual design of objects that are not purely utilitarian. An industrial design consists of the creation of a shape, configuration or composition of pattern or color, or combination of pattern and color in three-dimensional form containing aesthetic value. An industrial design can be a two- or three-dimensional pattern used to produce a product, industrial commodity or handicraft.
Under the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs, a WIPO-administered treaty, a procedure for an international registration exists. To qualify for registration, the national laws of most member states of WIPO require the design to be novel. An applicant can file for a single international deposit with WIPO or with the national office in a country party to the treaty. The design will then be protected in as many member countries of the treaty as desired. Design rights started in the United Kingdom in 1787 with the Designing and Printing of Linen Act and have expanded from there.
According to industrial property Act 2001, an industrial design is defined as "any composition of lines or colours or any three-dimensional form whether or not associated with lines or colours, provided that such composition or form gives a special appearance to a product of industry or handicraft and can serve as pattern for a product of industry or handicraft" .
An industrial design is registrable if it is new. An industrial design is deemed to be new if it has not been disclosed to the public, anywhere in the world, by publication in tangible form or, in Kenya by use or in any other way, prior to the filing date or, where applicable, the priority date of the application for registration. However a disclosure of the industrial design is not taken into consideration if it occurred not earlier than twelve months before the filing date or, where applicable, the priority date of the application and if it was by reason or in consequence of acts committed by the applicant or his predecessor in title; or an evident abuse committed by a third party in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in title.
India's Design Act, 2000 was enacted to consolidate and amend the law relating to protection of design and to comply with the articles 25 and 26 of Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights TRIPS agreement. The new act, (earlier Patent and Design Act, 1911 was repealed by this act) now defines "design" to mean only the features of shape, configuration, pattern, ornament, or composition of lines or colours applied to any article, whether in two- or three-dimensional, or in both forms, by any industrial process or means, whether manual or mechanical or chemical, separate or combined, which in the finished article appeal to and are judged solely by the eye; but does not include any mode or principle of construction.
In Indonesia the protection of the Right to Industrial Design shall be granted for 10 (ten) years commencing from the filing date and there is not any renewal or annuity after the given period.
1. The Right to Industrial Design shall be granted for an Industrial Design that is novel/new
2. An Industrial Design shall be deemed new if on the filing date, such Industrial Design is not the same as any previous disclosure.
3. The previous disclosure as referred to in point 2 shall be one which before :
a. The filing date or
b. The Priority Date, if the applicant is filed with priority right.
c. Has been announced or used in Indonesia or outside Indonesia.
An industrial design shall not be deemed to have been announced if within the period of 6 (six) months at the latest before the filing date, such industrial design
a. Has been displayed in a national or international exhibition in Indonesia or overseas that is official or deemed to be official; or,
b. Has been used in Indonesia by the designer in an experiment for the purposes of education, research or development.
Canadian law affords ten years of protection to industrial designs that are registered; there is no protection for unregistered designs. The Industrial Design Act defines "design" or "industrial design" to mean "features of shape, configuration, pattern or ornament and any combination of those features that, in a finished article, appeal to and are judged solely by the eye." The design must also be original: in 2012, the Patent Appeal Board rejected a design for a trash can, and gave guidance as to what the Act requires:
During the existence of an exclusive right, no person can "make, import for the purpose of trade or business, or sell, rent, or offer or expose for sale or rent, any article in respect of which the design is registered." The rule also applies to kits and substantial differences are in reference to previously published designs.
Registering an industrial design in Canada may be appropriate for a variety of articles such as consumer products, vehicles, sports equipment, packaging, etc., having an original aesthetic appearance, and may even be used to protect new technologies such as electronic icons. Industrial designs can also serve to complement other forms of intellectual property rights such as patents and trade-marks.
The Canadian courts see infrequent litigation concerning industrial designs — the first case in almost two decades took place in 2012 between Bodum and Trudeau Corporation concerning visual features of double wall drinking glasses.
It is possible for a registered design to also receive protection under Canadian copyright or trademark law:
Registered and unregistered community designs are available which provide a unitary right covering the European Community. Protection for a registered community design is for up to 25 years, subject to the payment of renewal fees every five years. The unregistered community design lasts for three years after a design is made available to the public and infringement only occurs if the protected design has been copied.
Legislation given in Britain during the years 1787 to 1839 protected designs for textiles. The Copyright of Design Act passed in 1842 allowed other material designs, such as those for metal and earthenware objects, to be registered with a diamond mark to indicate the date of registration.
In addition to the design protection available under community designs, UK law provides its own national registered design right (Registered Designs Act 1949, later amended by Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988) and an unregistered design right. The unregistered right, which exists automatically if the requirements are met, can last for up to 15 years. The registered design right can last up to 25 years subject to the payment of maintenance fees. The topography of semi-conductor circuits are also covered by integrated circuit layout design protection, a form of protection which lasts 10 years.
Article 1 of the Japanese Design Law states: "This law was designed to protect and utilize designs and to encourage creation of designs in order to contribute to industrial development". The protection period in Japan is 20 years from the day of registration.
U.S. design patents last fifteen years from the date of grant if filed on or after May 13, 2015 (fourteen years if filed before May 13, 2015) and cover the ornamental aspects of utilitarian objects. Objects that lack a use beyond that conferred by their appearance or the information they convey, may be covered by copyright—a form of intellectual property of much longer duration that exists as soon as a qualifying work is created. In some circumstances, rights may also be acquired in trade dress, but trade dress protection is akin to trademark rights and requires that the design have source significance or "secondary meaning." It is useful only to prevent source misrepresentations; trade dress protection.
In Australia, design patent registration lasts for 5 years, with an option to be extended once for an additional 5 years. For the patent to be granted, a formalities exam is needed. If infringement action is to be taken, the design needs to become certified which involves a substantive examination.
Depending on the jurisdiction registered design rights have a duration between 15 and 50 years. Members of the WIPO Hague system have to publish their maximum term of protection for design rights. These terms are presented in the table below. Some of the jurisdiction below are unions or collaborative office for design registration like the African Intellectual Property Organization, the European Union and the Benelux.
|Country or union||Maximum duration of design right|
|African Intellectual Property Organization||15 years|
|Bosnia and Herzegovina||25 years|
|Brunei Darussalam||15 years|
|Côte d'Ivoire||15 years|
(except: spare parts, 15 years)
|Democratic People's Republic of Korea||15 years|
|European Union||25 years|
|Finland||25 years (except: spare parts, 15 years)|
|Republic of Korea||20 years|
|Republic of Moldova||25 years|
|Russian Federation||25 years|
|São Tomé and Príncipe||15 years|
|Syrian Arab Republic||15 years|
|Sri Lanka||15 years|
|The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia||25 years|
|United Kingdom||25 years|
|United States of America||15 years| |
Glasslip and Fragments of Meaning
If a tree falls alone in a forest, does it make a sound? If a story has meaning, but no one is able to understand it, does it truly have meaning? If we are all marbles rolling around on the floor amidst the marbles of many other stories, is there meaning before the moment when we collide and change courses? Is the meaning in the moment of impact, the moment of change? Or is it something more fundamental and tied up with the very act of existence? And, most importantly, is there anything of value to be gained from searching for this answer.
K: Return of Kings
I’m currently rewatching P.A. Works’ original 2014 anime series, Glasslip, a wispy, weird, and abstractly concrete show about a group of five high school friends and what happens to them when an outsider appears and disrupts everything. Or… it’s something like that. If you’ve seen Glasslip, you likely understand my hesitancy to place a definitive description on it. If you haven’t, just understand that Glasslip begins with six episodes of relatively rote end-of-high-school-light-drama-bolstered-by-fleeting-magical-realism, and then quickly evaporates into a mist of confusing, increasingly impregnable, and (in the end) ultimately empty events, conversations, and scenes.
That is to say, Glasslip isn’t a very good show by any conventional measurements… and it’s not a very good show by any experimental ones either. Back when the show finished its TV run, I called it a “failed aesthetic experiment,” a descriptor I’m no longer sure accurately describes the show—although I do think it gives a pretty decent impression of what it’s like to watch Glasslip.
Despite this, I’ve remained vaguely (in truth, everything about Glasslip is vague) fascinated by the show since that time. Despite all my criticisms of the show’s character work, plotting, composition, and general craft, the abstract and ambiguous nature of the show left just enough of a feeling of mystery with me that I’ve always felt I missed something big. That is, I’ve always felt that there was some kind of meaning left in Glasslip that I never quite grasped, that amidst the fragments of distinct aesthetic-thematic-subtextual points (still yet as obscure as a vision seen through darkened glass) Glasslip was trying to say something.
In short, I may have been rolling a boulder up a mental hill again and again, only to have it roll back to the bottom on me before I could reach the summit. Chickens flying the coop.
The chickens are named after philosophers, by the way. The most prominent one, Jonathon, probably stands in for John Locke.
Around the time Glasslip ended, a friend of mine (@Insomnist01) on the Crunchyroll forums wrote up an interesting piece relating author Albert Camus (who’s frequently referenced in Glasslip) to the show itself. You can read the entirety of his post—or not—but somewhere between his writing and Glasslip, there’s the question of the meaning of life or the possibility of living a life without meaning. And what does that have to do with Glasslip‘s lack of cohesion and general grounding in, well, anything approaching meaning? My friend took this guess:
If this reflects the design philosophy for Glasslip then it may explain the show’s apparent allergy to explaining shit. There’s no profound insight at the end of Glasslip because the profound insight at the end of Glasslip is that there are no profound insights. Life cannot be explained, only described as we see it. If that’s insightful, welcome to Paradoxville.
Obviously, if you take this explanation, you could see even the act of writing this post to be a futile (read: meaningless) endeavor. Or not, if we return to the marble metaphor I made in this post’s introduction. Does me bumping into Glasslip and attempting to assign meaning to the fragments of a message in the show grant it meaning retroactively? Or is that meaning simply inherent to me?
And does Glasslip need to have meaning anyways? Can’t it just be allowed to rest as a show too caught up in being abstract to project any sort of significance outside of its own sphere of existence?
Maybe it’s just the hint of having meaning that’s enough. Maybe Glasslip is like the tease of life, the moment of glorious certainty in the midst of the baffling episodes of being human and thinking and living. You can look, but in the end all you see is fragments. Nothing more and nothing less. Of course, holistically I don’t believe that about life. I believe it does have meaning. Maybe that’s why I think Glasslip must as well.
11 thoughts on “Glasslip and Fragments of Meaning
1. I’ve always felt this was more an improvisation on motives than anything with coherent themes. And I’ve always thought the show never got sillier than the living-room chickens early on. I remember thinking that they should have thrown the glass marbles at a better angle (what goes up must come down…). And the chickens seemed like a throwback to True Tears, PA Works’ first and second best show.
I actually liked Glasslip for what it is.
• an improvisation on motives
Not quite sure what you mean by this…?
And I actually like it alright, too! I don’t think it’s all that great, but I still find it kind of captivating to watch.
• I chose the wrong plural. This should have been “an improvisation on motifs”. Touko’s world was vision/light (via glass), and Kakeru’s world was sound (via music), and they sort of riffed off of that. Normally, you weave motifs into themes, but they seem to have gone more with free associations – which they attach to sub-motifs (such as the chickens, for example). It’s not meaningless, but at the same time it’s not coherent. The whole show is a bit inept, so I’m not sure if this was intentional, but it works well enough for me.
• Ah, I see what you’re saying. Hm. Yeah, that’s really interesting. Kind of goes back to my persistent assessment of it as a “failed aesthetic experiment.” Like you say, it’s inept, but I don’t think it’s correspondingly lacking in engagement value.
2. I only watched the first couple of episodes of Glasslip before being bored with it. But I found the response to the show in the community rather fascinating so I’m glad you brought this up. If Glasslip is really meant to explore the idea that there is no meaning, then I think the community response to it shows that this just isn’t good enough for people. People need meaning. It’s part of being human.
• Yeah, it engendered a really strange amount of active hate from certain corners of the net for being a show that was just kind of…insubstantial. I dunno if that parallels people needing/wanting meaning in their lives, but it certainly accounts at least for people not liking it.
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It's the rebellious thing, comes with the body.
I have to pee.
I'll be right back.
Sam, Sam.
Tara Corbett is here, new patient.
- Hi.
- Hi.
These photographs in the hall, they're beautiful.
Who took them?
My wife.
She was a photographer?
Well, yeah, not professionally, but yes.
I'm very sorry about what happened.
How can I help you?
I think I might need glasses.
Well, you've come to the right place.
I've been putting it off for a while, so...
Oh, yeah, everybody does. |
A month ago, the House of Representatives launched a procedure of impeachment of the president. For which motive ? What has happened since?
Just a month ago, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced in a short televised address in Washington that a "very rare" impeachment procedure has begun. In his viewfinder, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, who would have taken advantage of a telephone interview with Volodymyr Zelensky, his Ukrainian counterpart, to ask him to open investigations on the son of former Vice President Joe Biden , its rival for the presidential election of 2020. In return, the United States would have released a substantial financial and military aid in Kiev.
This "Ukrainian case" is part of the report of a CIA agent, initially blocked by the US Department of Justice, following the conversation between MM. Trump and Zelensky. The whistleblower was concerned that "The president of the United States uses his function to solicit the interference of a foreign country in the election of 2020". For the detractors of Mr Trump, these acts would represent a clear abuse of the presidential function for personal political ends; but the president's supporters dispute the facts, equating this impeachment procedure with a new " witch hunt ".
Testimonies and revelations of the press add almost daily details to this case, in which are involved many diplomats or lawyers. From the decision to allocate funds to Ukraine in September 2018, until the last testimonies of some of the protagonists, The world recalls the chronology of the facts that led to an investigation for the dismissal of Donald Trump. |
Loss of hearing is normal for the majority of people, but does it have to be that way? The truth is, the majority of people will start to notice a change in their hearing as they age. That change is really the effect of many years of listening to sound. Just like most things in life, though, prevention is the key to managing the extent of that loss and how fast it progresses. There are some things you can do now that will impact your hearing later on in your life. In terms of the health of your ears, it’s never too late to care or too early to start. You really want to keep your hearing from getting worse, but what can be done?
Learn About Your Hearing Loss
Knowing what causes most hearing loss starts with learning how the ears work. Age-related hearing loss, known medically as presbycusis, impacts one in every three people in America between the ages of 64 and 74. It is a cumulation of damage to the ears over the years. Presbycusis is slight at first and then gets progressively worse.
The ear canal amplifies sound waves several times before they reach the inner ear. As it arrives, the sound jiggles very small hairs cells, causing them to bump structures that release chemicals to create an electrical message which the brain interprets as sound.
All of this vibration eventually causes the hairs to start to break down and malfunction. When these hair cells are destroyed, they are gone for good. The sound is not converted into a signal that the brain can comprehend without those little vibrating hairs.
So, what brings about this deterioration of the hair cells? It can be considerably increased by several factors but it can be expected, to varying degrees, as a part of aging. Sound waves come in a variety of strengths, however; that is what’s known as volume. The louder the volume, the stronger the sound wave and the bigger the injury to the hair cells.
Direct exposure to loud noise isn’t the only factor to consider. Chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure and diabetes have an affect, as well.
Safeguarding Your Hearing
You need to rely on good hearing hygiene to safeguard your ears over time. Sound volume presents the biggest problem. Sound is a lot more unsafe when it’s at a higher volume or decibel level. You may believe that it takes a very high decibel level to cause injury, but it actually doesn’t. A noise is too loud if you have to raise your voice to talk over it.
Everyone has to cope with the random loud noise but continued exposure or even just a few loud minutes at a time is sufficient to affect your hearing later in life. Taking precautions when you expect to be exposed to loud sound, fortunately, is pretty easy. Use hearing protection when you:
- Ride a motorcycle
- Do something where the noise is loud.
- Go to a concert
- Run power tools
Avoid using accessories designed to amplify and isolate sound, too, like headphones and earbuds. Listen to music the old-fashioned way and at a lower volume.
Control The Noise Around You
Enough noise can be produced, even by every-day household sounds, to become a hearing threat over time. Today, appliances and other home devices come with noise ratings. The lower the rating the better.
If you are out at a restaurant or party, don’t be afraid to speak up if the noise is too loud. A restaurant manager might be willing to turn down the background music for you or possibly move you to a different table away from loud speakers or clanging dishes.
Be Aware of Noise Levels at Work
When you’re working, protect your ears if your work-place is loud. Buy your own ear protection if it’s not provided by your employer. There are plenty of products out there that will protect you such as:
There’s a good chance that if you bring up the concern, your boss will listen.
Put hearing health on the long list of reasons you shouldn’t smoke. Studies reveal that smokers are much more likely to experience age-related hearing loss. If you are exposed to second-hand smoke this is also true.
Double Check Medications
Many medications are ototoxic, meaning they can cause damage to your ears. A few typical culprits include:
- Antidepressants and mood stabilizers
- Certain antibiotics
- Cardiac medication
- Narcotic analgesics
There are many others that go on this list, among them some over the counter and some prescription medications. Read the label of any pain relievers you purchase and take them only when necessary. Consult your doctor first if you are unsure.
Be Good to Your Body
Regular exercise and a good diet are things you should do anyway but they are also relevant to your hearing health. Do what is needed to manage your high blood pressure like taking your medication and reducing sodium consumption. The better you care for your health, the lower your chances of chronic illnesses that could cost you your hearing over time, like diabetes.
If you believe that you hear ringing in your ears or if you have some hearing loss, have your hearing checked. Pay close attention to your hearing because you might not even know that you need hearing aids. It’s never too late to start taking care of your hearing, so if you notice a change, even a small one, schedule an appointment with a hearing care professional to find out what to do to keep it from getting even worse. |
Midges Flies and Mosquitoes: Diptera
Mediterranean Fruit Fly (ceratitis Capitata): Species Accounts
Physical characteristics: Adult Mediterranean fruit flies measure 0.14 to 0.2 inches (3.5 to 5 millimeters) in length. The eyes are iridescent (IH-rih-DEH-sent), or shiny and multicolored. The wings are broad with yellow patterns. The females have a distinctive egg-laying tube, or ovipositor, on the tip of the abdomen. The larvae are white and narrow toward the head, becoming wider toward the rear. The tip of their abdomen is broad and flat. The dark reddish brown pupae are cylinder-shaped and about 0.12 inches (3 millimeters) in length.
Geographic range: This species is native to Africa. During the past one hundred years it has become established in countries in the Mediterranean region, including Spain, Italy, Greece, Jordan, Turkey, parts of Saudi Arabia, and most countries along the North African coast. It is also found in Portugal and the Hawaiian Islands. It is occasionally found in California and Florida in the continental United States, as well as in Mexico, Guatemala, and Chile.
Habitat: The adult Mediterranean fruit flies are found wherever fruit trees grow. The larvae bore inside of fruit.
Diet: Larvae feed within the flesh of citrus, peach, and guava, among many other fruits. The adults sop up fruit juices, honeydew, and plant sap.
Behavior and reproduction: Adults fly only short distances, but winds may carry them up to several miles (kilometers) away.
Females lay one to ten eggs beneath the skin of ripening fruit. They may lay up to three hundred eggs in their lifetime. Eggs hatch after two or three days and molt twice within six to ten days. Mature larvae leave the fruit and burrow 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 centimeters) into the soil to pupate. Adults emerge in about ten days. Males defend leaves on fruit trees as territories and release pheromones (FEH-re-moans), chemical scents attractive to females. Courtship includes brief wing flapping and head movements.
Mediterranean fruit flies and people: The Mediterranean fruit fly is a major agricultural pest in temperate and subtropical regions worldwide. It attacks over two hundred different kinds of fruit crops. Fly infestations in North, Central, and South America are eradicated by flooding the area with thousands of sterile males. Sterile males are exposed to low doses of radiation and cannot produce sperm. Although sterile, these males will still mate with females, but their eggs will not be fertilized.
Conservation status: This species is not considered endangered or threatened. ∎
- Midges Flies and Mosquitoes: Diptera - European Marsh Crane Fly (tipula Paludosa): Species Accounts
- Midges Flies and Mosquitoes: Diptera - Big Black Horse Fly (tabanus Punctifer): Species Accounts
- Other Free Encyclopedias
Animal Life ResourceInsects and SpidersMidges Flies and Mosquitoes: Diptera - Physical Characteristics, Habitat, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Dipterans And People, Conservation Status - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE |
1º2º3º Educación Primaria 2018-19
4º5º6º Educación Primaria 2018-19
O comedor é un servizo voluntario ofertado pola ANPA que leva funcionando desde hai máis de 10 anos no CEIP Valle Inclán e que, ao longo deste tempo, experimentou diversos cambios. A día de hoxe, corresponde á empresa SERUNIÓN a prestación do servizo de catering e á ANPA a xestión e a organización interna. Segundo o disposto no Título VII, artigo 165.e) do Regulamento de Rexime Interno compete á ANPA a elaboración deste informe para a súa aprobación por parte do Consello escolar co único fin de facilitar o bon funcionamento do servizo.
-Os anos nos que o número de solicitudes supere a oferta, os criterios de admisión serán os seguintes para as persoas que entreguen a folla de reserva no prazo establecido (nun principio o último dia de curso lectivo do curso previo):
1º Ter utilizado o comedor o ano anterior
2º Quedarse sen praza despois de tela solicitada o ano previo
3º Ter outros irmáns ou irmás no centro
4º Número de días á semana solicitados (preferentes cantos máis días se soliciten)
-Ademáis, cada curso confirmaranse os criterios de admisión xunto coa dirección do centro os días previos á convocatoria de reserva de prazas para poder adaptalos a posibles situacións excepcionais.
-Se alguna persona ten alguna débeda con calquera servizo ofertado ANPA quedará excluida automáticamente da lista
-Sempre que queden prazas vacantes, poderán atenderse casos particulares co visto previo da dirección do centro e do consello escolar
-O horario de comedor será o seguinte:
Educación Infantíl: das 13:45 ás 16:00
Educación Primaria: das 14:00 ás 16:00
-O horario de recollida será das 15:15 ás 15:30 e das 15:45 ás 16:00, polo que só se poderá recoller ós nenos e nenas antes desa hora por motivos excepcionais. Das 16:00 en diante os nenos e nenas non son responsabilidade da ANPA
-Por motivos de organización e seguridade, a ANPA só se responsabilizará dos nenos e nenas que estexan apuntados ao servicio do comedor no horario establecido e non se permitirá a permanencia dos país ou titores no recinto escolar.
– Os nenos e nenas serán distribuídos por grupos e terán cada un adxudicado unha zona de lecer e un monitor que será responsable de:
– Eses nenos e nenas
– Da correcta utilización das instalacións e dos materiais
– Recoller queixas e suxeestións que puidesen aportar tanto os nenos como os país, nais ou titores referentes ao funcionamento do servizo
– Elaborar, se corresponde, os debidos informes internos e públicos nos que se reflictan as incidencias que poidan surxir
-A organización consta dun coordenador ou coordenadora e un número variable de monitores e monitoras en función do número de alumnos e alumnas que o utilizan. Ademáis, haberá un único turno de Educación infantil e dous de Educación Primaria: 4º 5º e 6º entran a comer contra as dúas da tarde para facelo a continuación, contra as 14:35, o grupo de 1º 2º e 3º. Nos tempos mortos (despois de comer e antes o grupo de 1º, 2º e 3º) os nenos e nenas terán xogo libre e vixilado polos monitores.
Todos os nenos e nenas teñen que comer prato e medio de comida (só poden deixar medio prato entre primeiro e segundo) e medio postre. Esta norma só poderá ser alterada por prescrición médica
Será preciso xustificante ou informe médico nos seguintes casos:
Alerxias ou peculiaridades referidas á tolerancia aos alimentos
Ter que tomar alguna medicación (indicar doses e horarios)
Necesidade dalgún tipo de dieta especial
Os rapaces e rapazas están na obriga de levar consigo o material de hixiene que figura na folla que se lles da dende a ANPA nos primeiros días de utilización: cepillo de dentes, pasta…
É obrigatorio lavarse as mans previamente a entrar no comedor, así como lavar os dentes é a cara nada máis acabar.
Desde o monitorado e desde a ANPA en xeral procurarase conseguir a máxima autonomía por parte dos nenos, ademáis de potenciar todos os aspectos hixiénico-saudables que se poida
Esta a disposición dos usuarios solicitar para un día ou para unha tempada comer "dieta branda" ou algún tipo de réxime, sempre que se avise ao menos cun día de antelación
Os rapaces e rapazas poderán desempeñar algún labor (do tipo de recoller a súa bandexa…) co fin de aprender hábitos de hixiene ou solidariedade.
Diariamente levarase a cabo un control da asistencia por parte do monitorado.
Faranse sempre cun mínimo dun día de antelación (antes das 5:30 da tarde) e a través do teléfono, do correo ordinario ou do correo electrónico.
As baixas avisadas que sexán de máis dun día seguido descontaranse na facturación.
– Farase por domiciliación bancaria, na primeira semana de cada mes.
– O importe variará cada ano dependendo de varios factores: axudas oficiais, número de usuarios, seguridade social dos traballadores, empresa que preste o servizo de cociña… En todo caso, establecerase na reunión inical de cada curso que convoca a ANPA
– O cobro será por adiantado e o equivalente a sumar os días lectivos dese mes polo importe aprobado en asamblea.
– Os descontos de baixas ou días a maiores farase na facturación do mes vencido.
-Os espazos utilizados ademáis das pistas e zonas común exteriores serán o comedor, baños do piso de abaixo dos dous edificios, aula de plástica e aula usos múltiples, patios cubertos, pabillón e sala de profesores do edificio 1 como aula de estudo.
– Non está permitido o acceso ás aulas por parte dos nenos si non van acompañados do seu monitor responsable
– Os pais, nais ou titores poden e deben estar en contacto coa ANPA para conseguir un bon funcionamento do servizo de comedor, posto que é a ANPA e non a dirección do centro quen leva a xestión. Para elo, pódeno facer das seguintes formas:
– Poñéndose en contacto co monitor responsable dos seus fillos e fillas á hora de recollelos ou co coordinador do servizo directamente se o prefiren
– A través do boletín informativo periódico
– falando coa ANPA nas reunións periódicas ou chamando por teléfono, nos horarios de atención ó público, ou a través do buzón ou do correo electrónico
– Consideraranse faltas as reguladas no Real Decreto 732/1995, do 5 de Maio, no seu título IV, onde quedan rexistradas as conductas contrarias as normas de convivencia no capítulo II, así como as conductas gravemente prexudiciais para a convivencia no centro no seu capítulo III. Tamén quedarán incluídas neste apartado as reguladas como tais no capítulo XII do Regulamento de Réxime Interno do CEIP Valle-Inclán, artígos 241e 245.
Dun xeito máis específico puntualizamos como faltas:
– Os actos de indisciplina, inxurias, ofensas contra calquera membro da comunidade educativa.
– A reiteración, no mesmo curso escolar, de condutas contrarias as normas de convivencia.
– A agresión física ou moral contra calquera membro da comunidade educativa.
– A falsificación ou sustración dos informes periódicos.
– Os danos causados por uso indebido ou intencionado nos locais ou materiais da comunidade educativa.
– Os actos inxustificados que interrompan ou perturben o desenvolvemento das actividades.
– O incumprimento das sancións impostas.
– A devolución de máis de dous recibos bancarios.
– A negación a comer o estabrecido anteriormente.
– O incumprimento do horario de xeito reiterado.
– En caso de faltas de orde ou disciplina por parte do alumnado, os pasos a seguir serán os seguintes e nesta orde:
1º Aviso particular e reunión co alumno ou alumna por parte do coordinador do servizo, ademáis da elaboración do traslado dun parte de incidencias á dirección do centro.
2º Aviso e reunión informativa co pai e nai por parte do coordinador.
3º Reunión entre a dirección do centro cos pai e nai do alumno (opcional).
4º Expulsión do servizo por un prazo de tempo concreto (de 1 a 3 días)
5º Expulsión definitiva do servizo.
O servizo de comedor abrangue o espazo entre as 14:00h. e as 16:00h., excepto Educación Infantil que comezará 20 minutos antes.
O horario de recollida é de 15:15h. a 15:30h. e de 15:45h. a 16:00h. (As familias teñen que colaborar nesta medida). Dentro destes horarios haberá unha persoa na porta controlando as saídas.
A ANPA só se responsabilizará dos nenos/as que estean apuntados ao servizo do comedor no horario establecido e non se permitirá a permanencia das familias ou titores/as no recinto escolar.
Ningún neno ou nena pode saír do recinto só, ten que facelo sempre acompañado dun adulto. O alumnado de 5º e 6º (sempre que vivan preto do colexio) terán que pedir autorización á dirección do centro para marchar andando sos para casa e entregar na ANPA unha autorización paterna.
Todos os nenos e nenas teñen que ter un neceser co seu nome escrito nun sitio visible con cepillo e pasta de dentes.
*Os nenos/as de Educación Infantil, ademais do punto anterior terán que traer un mandilón e unha toalliña de mans. As nenas e nenos de 4º E. Infantil terán que traer unha caixa de zapatos pequena cunha etiqueta da cor da clase co seu nome nun lateral e dentro unha muda limpa.
Educación Infantil utilizará a área de xogos situada ao outro lado da entrada do colexio, "usos múltiples" e a aula de vídeo cando choiva.
Os avisos de baixas ou cambios na rutina habitual (quedar un día a maiores, aviso de falla…) cumprirán os seguintes requisitos:
As baixas avisadas que sexan dunha semana seguido ou máis devolveranse en man.
Está a disposición dos usuarios solicitar para un día (ou varios) comer "dieta branda" ou outro tipo de réxime. Na medida do posible haberá que notificalo cun día de antelación.
O monitorado e a coordinadora estarán dispoñibles, dentro dos horarios de recollida, para preguntar polos vosos fillos e fillas, ou para calquera dúbida ou queixa que teñan os pais e nais, ademais do correo electrónico, do teléfono e do buzón.
Farase por domiciliación bancaria, na primeira semana de cada mes.
O importe establecerase na primeira reunión da ANPA por consenso.
O cobro dependerá dos días solicitados á semana, quedando do seguinte xeito para o curso 2017/18:
5 días: 96,40€
4 días: 80,82€
3 días: 62,15€
2 días: 45,62€
1 día: 22,86€
Días soltos sendo usuaria/o de comedor: 6,10€
Días soltos non sendo usuarias/os de comedor pero si socias/os da ANPA: 6,90€.
Cada recibo devolto irá co sobrecargo correspondente.
6.- Inscrición:
Farase a través da páxina web da ANPA (www.apavalleinclan.es) entre o 18 de abril ás 14:00h. ata o 2 de maio ás 18:00h. |
Child abuse is comprised of physical, verbal, sexual and emotional abuse as well as neglect, according to the Psychology Today Diagnosis Dictionary. Abused children may be severely injured or possibly die. Some are left with deep emotional scars from verbal and emotional abuse that often goes undetected. Those who are neglected may suffer from lack of nourishment, lack of medical care or insufficient love, attention and comfort, says Psychology Today. While there is never an excuse to abuse a child, there are contributing factors and causes that lead to situations that result in child abuse.
Within the Mind
There are personality traits and characteristics often found in parents that abuse their children, although having these traits doesn't necessarily lead to abusive or neglectful behavior. Mental illness, low self-esteem and anti-social behavior, as well as a history of being abused or witnessing family violence while growing up, are among the characteristics that may lead caregivers to abuse the children in their care, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Child Welfare Information Gateway. Substance abuse by the mother or father also increases the risk of child abuse, according to the National MCH Center for Child Death Review. Caregivers who abuse drugs or alcohol may fail to meet their children's needs, have age-inappropriate expectations as well as stricter consequences or spend their money on their addiction instead of on providing a safe environment for their children.
Lack of Appropriate Parenting Skills
Some parents repeat the manner in which they were parented without being aware it is abusive or neglectful. Some parents, for example, teen parents, may be unaware of the demands of taking care of and raising young children. Unrealistic expectations placed upon their children may lead these parents to emotionally, physically or verbally abuse their children when they fail to meet those expectations, according to the article, "Child Abuse and Neglect," published on HelpGuide.org. Seeing a therapist, joining a parenting support group or taking parenting classes can help these parents to learn different child-rearing practices, regulate their emotions and reduce the risk of abusive behavior.
Children who grow up in homes where domestic violence occurs have an increased risk of being harmed or abused, according to the article, "Child Protection in Families Experiencing Domestic Violence," published on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website. These children may be hurt or abused intentionally or unintentionally. For example, some children will try to intervene if their father is abusing their mother and may be thrown across the room. Younger children may be thrown down the stairs with the mother who is holding them. Some abusers may turn on their children after they abuse their spouse.
Family stress may be a risk factor for child abuse in some families. In families where high levels of stress coincide with child abuse, it is unclear whether it is actual higher levels of stress, perceived levels of increased stress or exacerbated symptoms of anxiety, depression or rage that is brought on by the increased stress that increases the risk of abusive behavior, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Children with special needs or behavioral problems, difficulties associated with single parenting, and marital or financial difficulties can all increase the stress levels in a household, according to HelpGuide.org. Without the proper support, parents increase the risk of becoming abusive. |
How is "We spoke to you about it already in the article on the heritage of marks with the pop-up of Gold card which finally became an official boutique, facing met success." said in Russian?
Мы вам об этом уже говорили в статье о достоянии марок с поп-музыкой - up из Золотой карты, которая стала в конечном счете официальным бутиком, по отношению к встреченному успеху.
How is "Miles Burke" said in Russian?
Бёрк, Майлс
How is "If France is brought to its knees and Germany doesn’t stand by its partner unwaveringly and with everything that it has to offer, the European catastrophe will be complete." said in Russian?
Если Франция встанет не колени, а Германия не поможет своему партнеру уверенно и всем, что она может предложить, катастрофа ЕС будет завершена.
How is "Höheinöd" said in Russian?
Хёэинёд |
Q: Dispatch Event doesn't work in IE and Firefox after last Windows update This script used to work before, now it only works in Chrome, but not in IE and Firefox. What changed? Maybe last Windows patch?
function SetSel(value)
switcher_combo.value = value;
switcher_combo.selected = true;
//switcher_combo.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
var event = document.createEvent("Event");
event.initEvent("change", false, true);
return false;
|One Step Ahead
April 28, 2009, Volume 55, No. 31
Another tip in a series provided by the Offices of Information Systems & Computing and Audit, Compliance & Privacy.
Sanitize Word, Excel and PowerPoint Docs
In 2004, the United Nations issued a report on Syria’s suspected involvement in the assassination of Lebanon’s former prime minister, Rafik Hariri. Recipients of some versions were able to track the editing changes, which included the deletion of names of officials allegedly involved in the plot, among them the Syrian president’s brother and brother-in-law.
Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents have complex, sophisticated data formats. They can contain a mixture of text, graphics, images, video, audio, tables, meta-data and more all mixed together. The complexity makes them potential vehicles for exposing information unintentionally, especially when earlier drafts might have had sensitive portions deleted, or might contain sensitive edits or comments.
Saving documents in Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF) is a common
approach to try to sanitize documents, though it is difficult to do correctly. Office document metadata can sometimes be preserved as PDF metadata. Metadata is information stored within a document that is not evident just by looking at the document. It may include the name of the author; the names of individuals who have viewed and edited the document; the dates, times and durations of their edits and the location from which the document was accessed.
Some common mistakes authors and reviewers make are changing the font color to white, coloring text cells black or electronically pasting black rectangles over redacted text and then saving as PDF. In most cases, the redacted text can be recovered
from the PDF.
As of this writing, the safest method to electronically sanitize a document is to copy it and paste it to a simple text editor like Windows Notepad or Mac TextEdit using the plain text format saved as a .txt file. (do not use Rich Text Format, RTF) This method is not always desirable though, because all formatting, graphics, and tables are lost.
To sanitize more complex documents, see “How to minimize metadata in Office documents” http://support.microsoft.com/kb/223396 and “Redacting with confidence” www.fas.org/sgp/othergov/dod/nsa-redact.pdf.
To receive weekly OneStepAhead tips via email, send email to [email protected] with the following text in the body of the message: sub one-step-ahead <your name>.
For additional tips, see the One Step Ahead link on the Information Security website: www.upenn.edu/computing/security/. |
Ask a question
Would Trayvon Be Alive Today If He Hadn
Is it true the autopsy revealed that Trayvon had abrasions on his knuckles and THC in his system?
yeah Zimmerman attacked his fists with his face
Was Trayvon Martin standing his ground?
If anyone had a "stand your ground" defense in this situation it would appear to be Martin. He was a teen walking down the street and being stalked by a strange man.
Edit: Some people who criticize the “trial by media” seem to forget that if Martin’s parents hadn’t sought media attention there would have been no further action concerning their son’s death. Think about what you would have done as parents in this situation.
LiberaIs, if this conversation had taken place between Trayvon and Zimmerman, would Trayvon be alive today?
Zimmerman: Hey you!
Trayvon: Huh?
Zimmerman: What are you doing here?
Travyon: I'm visiting one of my relatives in the area.
Zimmerman: Are you here for any other reason?
Trayvon: No.
Zimmerman: Can I see your ID?
Trayvon: Here.
Zimmerman: Alight. Sorry about any misunderstanding.
Trayvon: No problem.
Zimmerman: Take care, young man.
Trayvon: You too.
Both walk away.
Trayvon Martin Shooting (February 2012): How can George Zimmerman's use of lethal force be justified?
Zimmerman armed himself and hunted and killed Martin. It wasn't just a murder, it was a murder for sport/fun.It was "justified" because the only direct witness/victim was executed by Zimmerman.With no conflicting testimony, the only conclusion is to believe Zimmerman when he says he got lost less than 1 block from his home on streets he regularly patrols, and got out of his car, walked to another, different street to read off the street sign to give a location, and just coincidentally cornered Martin on a dead end alley, when Martin, being stalked by an armed aggressor acted to defend himself.Note, that's Zimmerman's story (with facts by Zimmerman, and embellishment by me). And that story got an acquittal. Had I been the prosecutor, I'd have argued that we should believe Zimmerman and his story was correct, and it was still a murder by Zimmerman.But the prosecutor didn't want a conviction. Like the prosecutor that illegally presented defense evidence at the Michael Brown grand jury hearing, the prosecutors are told by mayors and governors (people who can fire them) to make sure they lose. Winning causes riots. But so does losing. But the winning is perceived to be a worse result for public peace, so the prosecutors are ordered to lose, and even go so far as to break the law to do so.This isn't about stand your ground, but a separate legal standard doesn't exist for poking the tiger. If you find a tiger, corner it, and poke it until it bites you, then shoot it because you are in fear for your life, your murder of the tiger is 100% justified, and the admitted assaults of the tiger up to that point are irrelevant to the murder of the tiger.The question should be, why is it legal to poke the tiger? Putting yourself in deliberate harms way in order to encourage an other party to escalate violence due to your perceived escalation shouldn't be a defense in murder trials. Had Zimmerman not hunted Martin down with a gun, Martin would still be alive. Zimmerman was safe in a locked car and Martin out of sight, then Zimmerman followed Martin, trapping him in a dead-end alley.It's also hard to get a murder conviction. Juries don't like to sentence a person to death. And murder is considered death, or life, both of which are death in jail, one taking longer, and the other costing more taxpayer money. A jury verdict isn't always strictly on the law, but related to the psychology of the jury, as well as the skill of the lawyers.
Why did Treyvon Martin call his girlfriend?
I don't understand one thing about the behavior of Treyvon Martin. Most reports suggest that Treyvon Martin attacked Zimmermann because he was threatened by the fact that Zimmermann was following him.
If Treyvon Martin really felt threatened, why did he call his girlfriend and not his father to report the fact that somebody suspicious was following him? He was visiting with his father and his father was at home in the vicinity. If he needed help his father was more likely to provide him with more effective and timely help. Why then would Treyvon call his girlfriend instead of his father? Could it be that he was not threatened by Zimmermann's pursuit thereby proving that his attacking Zimmermann was foolhardy and not out of self-protection?
Why do liberals refuse to believe that Zimmerman acted in self defense?
Simple - Zimmerman was TOLD by the 911 dispatcher to NOT follow that kid, but he did ANYWAYS. That shows Zimmerman's arrogance; if he had held back, that kid would still be alive. Martin had no burglary tools or weapons on him at the time. Why is that so hard for conservatives to understand?
Zimmerman is NOT a member of the REAL "Neighbourhood Watch." He appointed himself to that position. He's a cop wannabe - and violated a cardinal rule of Neighbourhood Watch, by carrying a weapon. Zimmerman was not "watching," he was CHASING, which was a violation of another cardinal rule of Neighbourhood Watch.
Zimmerman also had a history of abusing the 911 system - he called 911 on one occasion to report garbage in an alleyway. This guy is arrogant, immature, and totally irresponsible. I think packing that 9mm gave him a sense of bloated importance and power, and he went out that night intending to use it at the slightest provocation - he was looking for trouble.
If Trayvon Martin had stayed at home that night, he would still be alive. It would have been a different night when some kid was killed, the name would just have been different. But it would still have been Zimmerman doing the shooting.
Now it turns out that Zimmerman has been lying - he told the 911 dispatcher that Trayvon looked to be a teenager, but told the court at his bond hearing that the victim looked to be around his own age (28). He hid assets - @ $200k - saying he was broke.
Chasing a kid down while packing a 9mm weapon, after being told NOT to do so, is definitely not self-defense, and the fact the kid was running away, tells any thinking person that Zimmerman was NOT in imminent danger. Therefore, Zimmerman cannot claim self-defense. |
Feeling short of breath? You’re not alone. Shortness of breath or breathlessness is common for older people who have chronic conditions, including those that affect the heart and lungs.
These can include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and heart failure. Chronic breathlessness is the name given to the condition that makes everyday life difficult and persists despite treatment from your healthcare team.
Breathlessness can occur even when you are not exerting yourself because the heart and lungs have become less efficient at delivering oxygen-rich blood to – and removing carbon dioxide from – your body’s cells.
This may be due to:
- Inflamed and narrowed airways
- Stiff lung tissue
- Phlegm plugging the lungs
- Fluid in the heart or lungs
- Problems with the heart’s rhythm, valves or muscle tissue.
Chronic breathlessness often develops gradually, so at first, you may just think you are unfit. Your breathlessness may be associated with wheezing, coughing and bringing up phlegm. The symptoms can feel different for everyone, but you may experience sensations such as chest tightness, finding it hard work to breathe or even feeling like you are suffocating. Breathlessness can be very distressing and feeling scared or anxious can make things worse by causing you to tighten your breathing muscles and breathe faster.
Working with a physiotherapist to develop strategies to help control this can ease your feelings of distress and reduce your breathlessness.
How physio can help:
Physiotherapy can help you manage your shortness of breath by addressing three domains that make up the cycle of breathlessness – breathing, thinking and functioning.
- The first line of treatment for chronic breathlessness is non-pharmacological measures, many of which physiotherapists can deliver.
- Physiotherapists can deliver interventions including breathing training, skeletal muscle exercise and cool facial airflow.
- Physiotherapists can assess breathlessness using a variety of tools, which can be as simple as using a scale from 1-10 for you to rate your breathlessness.
- Physiotherapists can help you understand more about chronic breathlessness to reduce fear, activity avoidance and deconditioning.
- Physiotherapists can deliver interventions that improve function (e.g. gait aids).
- Physiotherapists can provide exercise training that improves physical fitness, which can improve your movement and daily routine.
- Physiotherapists can support the carers of people who are breathless by identifying and responding to their needs.
So if you are having trouble catching your breath, our caring team of physiotherapists are ready to help. Breathing better can change the way you live your life and we would love to help you breathe better, move better and keep doing the important things in life.
Call us today for more information.
*** Article written by Becky Burgess, The Physio Co TeamSA |
The Pew Research Center survey and accompanying report says Asian-Americans now make up 5.8 percent of the nation’s population, up from less than 1 percent in 1965, when the modern immigration wave from Asia began.
Asians recently passed Hispanics as the largest group of new immigrants to the U.S. In 2010, 36 percent of new immigrants to the U.S. were Asian, up from 19 percent in 2000, according to Census figures.
The Pew report, titled “The Rise of Asian Americans,” finds that Asians are the highest-income and best-educated racial group in the U.S. Nearly half (49 percent) of Asian-American adults have a college degree, and they boast a median annual household income of $66,000 (versus the U.S. median of $49,800).
The survey says Asian-Americans are more satisfied than the general public with their lives overall (82 percent vs. 75 percent), their personal finances (51 percent vs. 35 percent) and the general direction of the country (43 percent vs. 21 percent). Even on a wide range of dimensions, Asian-Americans say conditions in the U.S. are better than those in their country of origin; a large majority say if they had to do it all over again they would still come to America.
The educational credentials of these recent arrivals are striking. More than six-in-ten (61%) adults ages 25 to 64 who have come from Asia in recent years have at least a bachelor’s degree. This is double the share among recent non-Asian arrivals, and almost surely makes the recent Asian arrivals the most highly educated cohort of immigrants in U.S. history.
Compared with the educational attainment of the population in their country of origin, recent Asian immigrants also stand out as a select group. For example, about 27% of adults ages 25 to 64 in South Korea and 25% in Japan have a bachelor’s degree or more. In contrast, nearly 70% of comparably aged recent immigrants from these two countries have at least a bachelor’s degree.
Recent Asian immigrants are also about three times as likely as recent immigrants from other parts of the world to receive their green cards—or permanent resident status—on the basis of employer rather than family sponsorship (though family reunification remains the most common legal gateway to the U.S. for Asian immigrants, as it is for all immigrants).
The modern immigration wave from Asia is nearly a half century old and has pushed the total population of Asian Americans—foreign born and U.S born, adults and children—to a record 18.2 million in 2011, or 5.8% of the total U.S. population, up from less than 1% in 1965.3 By comparison, non-Hispanic whites are 197.5 million and 63.3%, Hispanics 52.0 million and 16.7% and non-Hispanic blacks 38.3 million and 12.3%.
The immigration wave from Asia has occurred at a time when the largest sending countries have experienced dramatic gains in their standards of living. But few Asian immigrants are looking over their shoulders with regret. Just 12% say that if they had to do it all over again, they would remain in their country of origin. And by lopsided margins, Asian Americans say the U.S. is preferable to their country of origin in such realms as providing economic opportunity, political and religious freedoms, and good conditions for raising children. Respondents rated their country of origin as being superior on just one of seven measures tested in the survey—strength of family ties.
Bottom line, Asian immigrants are finding a rise in coming to the U.S. and being more satisfied being in the U.S. The actual study can be found here at the Pew Study |
Hit the books, not your head with these useful study techniques.
Nothing sounds more horrifying than spending hours studying…except maybe spending hours studying and still feeling unprepared for exams. We’ve all had those I-want-to-bang-my-head-against-the-wall moments where no matter how much you study, you still don’t understand what’s going on. Unfortunately, the problem may lie in your studying techniques.
Many of us weren’t taught how to study effectively or efficiently, we just learned what works for us from past experiences. But, there are many tips out there that can help you study better, and maybe even learn to enjoy it (okay, I might be pushing it).
Know yourself (and what kind of learner you are)
Drake said it, so there’s got to be some truth to it. Knowing yourself and the way you learn is one of the most important things when it comes to studying effectively. This might take some trial and error, but figuring this out will help you a lot in the long run.
The four types of learners are:
- Kinaesthetic: very hands-on and like to experiment by doing things, so when studying they may like to have fidget toys or move around to help them concentrate
- Visual: prefer to see information and like to use pictures, charts or diagrams to visualize relationships between things
- Auditory: prefer to hear information, so when studying they might like to be questioned by a friend that they can answer orally
- Reading/writing: like to read and write things down in order to understand concepts, when studying they may like take notes from a text and use cue cards to review
Take the test to find out what kind of learner you are.
Make better study notes
Your notes aren’t meant to regurgitate what the lecture slides or textbook say, they’re meant to help you understand better. So when taking notes, what I like to do is come up with subtopics that help link concepts together. If you have a long reading, chances are you aren’t going to remember the small details. So putting things in an organized fashion will help you remember. For example, if the article is about history of Canada, you might want to create subtitles for each time period and begin writing your points.
This brings me to the next tip: writing notes as potential questions. I find this helps me a lot when I’m studying with friends, or going over my notes the morning of an exam. Posing your notes as questions gets you thinking of ways to answer them, which in turn will help you when you are writing your exam.
Try active reading
Studying used to mean memorizing formulas, dates, and concepts. However as post-secondary students, application of what we learned means studying becomes so much more than just memorization. So to help you learn better, try active reading.
Don’t think of studying as memorizing for a test, think of it as a way to learn more. Try to find anything that’s interesting and relate it back to things that you like or understand. For example, if you’re trying to understand how society affects what companies make, think of your favourite product and ask yourself why is it so popular? What is it’s use? When we switch to active reading, we use different parts of our brain that enhance your learning, this in turn helps us remember better.
Tips to help you remember
Sometimes we have to memorize things when we study. If you find it hard to remember certain concepts or terms, try using mnemonic devices. Mnemonic devices are tools that help you remember, like making a song, an acronym, or associating a term or concept with an object.
If you’re trying to memorize a few theories, you might take the first letter of each theory and create a word; this is known as an acronym. Or, if you’re trying to remember the capital cities of Canada you may start off with “Manitoba”, which starts with an M, and if the capital is Winnipeg, which starts with a W you might think M could stand for man, and W for woman. This way, you’ve related the information to something familiar that you will easily remember.
Use a reward system
We often delay tasks because we don’t have an immediate reward. With studying, the “reward” of a good mark won’t be given to us until after we do the test and the professors mark it. But, if we use a small reward system while we study it will help motivate us to continue.
Your reward system could be watching your favourite show after finishing studying a unit. Or maybe it can be going out and getting your favourite meal. Studying is all about pacing yourself, and not forcing the information into your head.
Studying doesn’t have to be a nuisance when you learn how to do it effectively and efficiently. Need more advice? Check out our midterm study tips!
Good luck and when you take a break from all that studying don’t forget to check out IGNITE events! |
Maison Manuvie
Maison Manuvie, située au 900 De Maisonneuve Ouest, au centre-ville de Montréal, est un immeuble achevé en 2017. Développée par Ivanhoé Cambridge et détenue en copropriété avec Manuvie, Maison Manuvie est un immeuble de bureaux de catégorie AAA qui a nécessité un investissement de 225 millions de dollars. Ce projet immobilier fait partie d'un plan d'urbanisme d'Ivanhoé Cambridge visant à investir 1 G$CA, et dont l'objectif est d'insuffler une nouvelle vitalité urbaine au centre-ville de Montréal. La tour est l'œuvre du cabinet d'architectes Menkès Shooner Dagenais Letourneux.
Située entre la rue Mansfield et la rue Metcalfe, Maison Manuvie compte 27 étages et mesure 114 mètres de haut. L'édifice offre de nombreux services dont un café, un centre de conférence, une terrasse extérieure, 360 places de stationnement, plus de 125 places de stationnement pour vélos et 45 200 mètres carrés d’espaces de bureaux. L'édifice est connecté au RÉSO souterrain et au Métro de Montréal via la station McGill.
Prix et certifications
Maison Manuvie se distingue par la mise en valeur de son architecture intemporelle et sa haute efficacité axée sur le développement durable, qui vise la certification LEED CS Or.
L'édifice est également le premier au Québec à obtenir la certification WiredScore Platine.
En 2017, Maison Manuvie a remporté un Americas Property Award dans la catégorie Office Development, Canada (Développement Bureaux, Canada), un prix des International Property Awards.
Principaux locataires
L'édifice regroupera quelques activités de la société Manuvie et la section canadienne de la Standard Life qui fut rachetée par Manuvie en automne 2014. L’équipe a emménagé dans l’immeuble en 2017.
EY a également annoncé en 2017 qu’il allait s’installer dans Maison Manuvie notamment en raison de l’éventail de services qui y seraient offerts. Boralex, une société internationale productrice d’énergie renouvelable dont le siège social est au Québec, a aussi choisi Maison Manuvie comme son nouveau domicile au centre-ville de Montréal. L’équipe emménagera dans ses nouveaux espaces en 2018.
Notes et références
Liens externes
Site officiel
Ivanhoé Cambridge : Fiche de l'immeuble
Gratte-ciel à Montréal
Bâtiment de Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux Architectes
Centre-ville de Montréal
Gratte-ciel construit en 2017 |
C. William Horrell
Died: 1989 Pen Name: None Connection to Illinois: Horrell lived in Southern Illinois, an area commonly known as Little Egypt. This area is known for its beautiful scenery and coal mines. Biography: C. William Horrell was widely recognized as an outstanding social-documentary photographer. He began his teaching career at Southern Illinois University in 1949, where he was instrumental in establishing the Department of Cinema and Photography. During his lifetime, his photographs appeared in many major metropolitan newspapers and a variety of popular and specialty magazines, including ''Life, Pic, Youth'' and ''Friends''.
|Land between the rivers :
ISBN: 0809311194 OCLC: 9705375 Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale ; 1982.
|Southern Illinois coal :
ISBN: 0809313413 OCLC: 30399761 Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale : ©1995. Horrell's photographs do much to capture the varied phenomena of twentieth-century coal mining technology: the awesome scale of surface mining machines and their impact on the land; the highly specialized equipment necessary in "low coal" mining; and the advent of continuous miners, machines that now dominate underground or "deep" mines and help define coal mining today. |
While the hunt for new Alzheimer's disease genes continues apace, researchers are still struggling to understand the exact modus operandi of the one prize they have had in hand for years: the lipid carrier protein ApoE. Aiding in the maintenance and repair of neurons, this 34 kD protein on chromosome 19 comes in three common alleles: E2, E3, and E4. The last allele is known to contribute strongly to the great majority of AD cases by bringing on earlier onset and accelerating the cognitive decline. It also is less potent at supporting the brain’s attempt to regenerate from injury. However, just how ApoE4 functions in AD remains hotly contested. The hypothesis that ApoE exerts its main effect through amyloid plaque deposition is perhaps a leading contender that continues to evolve (see below). At the same time, other ideas abound and no explanation is as yet broadly accepted across the field. This story highlights some recent developments in an attempt to stimulate new discussion. (See Keith Crutcher's meeting summary and live discussion for prior coverage).
ApoE3 Protects Against Synaptic Damage Even before Plaques Form
In the December 15 Journal of Neuroscience, Manuel Buttini, working with Lennart Mucke and colleagues at the Gladstone Institute of Neurological Diseases, University of California, San Francisco, and elsewhere, describe provocative findings suggesting that some of apoE4's detrimental effects may have little to do with plaques (Buttini et al., 2002). A large body of prior work has demonstrated that apoE4 binds Aβ avidly and promotes fibril formation and plaque deposition (see, for example, Sanan et al., 1994; Rebeck, 1993; Bales et al., 1997; and Holtzman et al., 2000). And yet, Jacob Raber et al. have found that mice that are double transgenic for human APP/ApoE4-but not mice expressing hAPP and ApoE3-show a spatial memory deficit already at a young adult age when they do not yet contain plaques (Raber et al., 2000; see also Hartman et al., 2001). Mucke's group is working to test their hypothesis that ApoE3 protects against damage that nondeposited Aβ wreaks on synapses and cholinergic pathways early on in the disease. This is part of the lab's broader interest in the pathogenic mechanisms causing early cognitive deficits in AD.
In this study, Buttini et al. studied the interplay of human Aβ with different human ApoE isoforms in aging mice. To do so, they created transgenic mice that express mutant human APP, plus neuronally expressed human ApoE (either 3 or 4), but no mouse ApoE. The researchers then analyzed immunoreactivity for synaptophysin-a marker for presynaptic terminals-in the hippocampus and neocortex, as well as choline acetyltransferase activity in the medial septum, and immunohistochemistry of cholinergic fibers. These measures, they write, correlate better with cognitive dysfunction in AD than does plaque distribution (see, for example, Terry et al., 1991).
Buttini et al. conclude that ApoE3, but not E4, can delay synaptic damage wrought by a combination of increasing age and Aβ. They found a decline in the number of synaptophysin-positive terminals and fibers, which was associated with deficits in synaptic transmission strength in six different genotypes tested. In both neocortex and hippocampus, human APP expression caused a synaptic deficit between six/seven and 12/15 months of age. Importantly, this began prior to plaque deposition. Concurrent human ApoE3 expression delayed this deficit until around 19 months of age, but ApoE4 did not.
In very old mice, ApoE3 no longer protected against synaptic deficits. At this age, the hAPP/ApoE3 transgenics had similar synaptic and cholinergic deficits as the hAPP/ApoE4 mice, even though they had fewer plaques. In the neocortex, the synaptic and cholinergic loss occurred even though few plaques formed there. All these findings do not correlate synaptic damage with plaques very well. Rather, they imply that the different abilities of ApoE3 and E4 to protect synapses play out early and independently of plaque deposition. ApoE4’s effect on plaque deposition, and its attendant neuritic dystrophy, may occur later, these authors suggest.
"This pattern is reminiscent of what happens in humans, where ApoE3 and ApoE4 have their greatest impact on Alzheimer risk between the ages of 45 and 65, with less of an impact seen in older persons," said Mucke. "Although we confirmed previous reports that ApoE4 promotes plaque formation more than ApoE3, our study suggests that this is not all there is to the ApoE4-Alzheimer link. Plaque-independent mechanisms are likely involved as well, or are even more important."
How Does ApoE3 Protect Synapses?
Here, candidate mechanisms include the promotion of neurite outgrowth. Researchers have shown years ago that ApoE3 promotes neurite outgrowth better than E4 in cultured embryonic neurons and cell lines (Nathan et al., 1994, and others since then). Last February, Britto Nathan extended his original research to cortical neurons cultured from adult mice by using a method developed by Greg Brewer at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. They showed that neurons cultured from adult ApoE knockout mice have shorter neurites than neurons from adult wild-type mice, and that adding human ApoE3 increased neurite outgrowth while adding ApoE4 decreased it. They suggest that this effect might involve the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein LRP (Nathan et al., 2002). Two months later, Bruce Teter working with Greg Cole at University of California, Los Angeles, published results of organotypic slice cultures of the hippocampus from ApoE3- or E4-transgenic mice. Experiments changing the expression levels of E3 and E4 suggest to these researchers that E4's outgrowth inhibition results not just from the lack of E3's growth-promoting effect, but from a negative gain of function in E4 (Teter et al., 2002).
Plaques Behind Conspiracy of Head Injury and ApoE
If all this implies to you that plaques are a mere sideshow in the ApoE-AD connection, read on. David Holtzman’s lab at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, has bred a series of double-transgenic mice similar to those of the Mucke lab, except that they express human ApoE in astrocytes, not in neurons. (In the human brain, glial cells are the main cell type in brain that synthesizes apoE, notes Holtzman.) His lab has focused its analysis of these mice more on Aβ metabolism and the process of plaque formation, which begins around 15 months of age in these animals, as well as on the relationship of plaques to dystrophic neurites (see ARF related news story and scroll to Holtzman). In the December 1 Journal of Neuroscience, first author Richard Hartman et al. report on the relationship between ApoE4 and traumatic brain injury Hartman et al., 2002. Both these factors increase the risk of developing AD in humans. There is evidence that they act synergistically; for example, ApoE4 carriers are 10 times more likely to develop AD after sustaining a traumatic brain injury, while ApoE4 alone “only” doubles their AD risk (Tang et al. 1996).
To study whether this interaction occurs via Aβ or via other effects on cell death and tissue injury, Hartmann et al. subjected PDAPP/hApoE double-transgenic mice to a head injury model originally developed in Tracy McIntosh'sgroup. They did so when the mice were 9-10 months old and then analyzed the mice’s brains for Aβ deposition, tissue shrinkage, and cell loss three months later, still prior to this strain’s typical age of Aβ deposition. The brain injury, it turned out, accelerated Aβ deposition more strongly in PDAPP/ApoE4 than in E3 mice. Fifty-six percent of the E4 mice had diffuse Aβ deposits and 44 percent had fibrillar plaques, whereas only 20 percent of the E3 mice had deposited diffuse Aβ, and none had mature plaques. By contrast, volume measurements and neuronal counts in the hippocampus and the cortex were similar between the genotypes. This suggests that the higher dementia risk of ApoE4 carriers after TBI is due, in part, to interactions between ApoE and Aβ, the authors write. They caution, however, that this relationship is complex, as ApoE is also involved in Aβ clearance (see Fagan et al., 2002). In both Mucke’s and Holtzman’s labs, hAPP-transgenic mice that do not also express human ApoE deposit more Aβ than double-transgenics of either the ApoE3 or 4 genotype. Hartmann et al. note that while ApoE isoforms clearly contribute to premature earlier amyloid deposition, this alone is probably not sufficient to cause dementia. They suspect that neuritic dystrophy associated with plaques, as well as other factors including oligomer formation, tangle formation, and synaptic loss, contribute to cognitive dysfunction.
Leaking Lysosomes: Molten Globule Gets the Blame
Let’s switch gears and turn to a more reductionist, biophysical view of ApoE. Last June, Zhong-Sheng Ji, working with Robert Mahley, Karl Weisgraber, and others at UCSF’s Gladstone Institute, added another candidate mechanism for how apoE isoforms might differ in their function (Ji et al., 2002). They analyzed the interaction of different ApoE isoforms with Aβ in cultured neuronal cells transfected to produce low levels of ApoE. They found that, together with Aβ42, ApoE4 made these cells’ lysosomes prone to leakage. This potentiated DNA fragmentation and death, probably via links to lysosomal proteases and their ability to activate caspases, as well as release of cytochrome C from mitochondria. ApoE3 was not protective in this assay. Researchers led by Charles Glabe had previously shown that Aβ accumulates in lysosomes and is slowly degraded there, but also disrupts their membranes (Burdick et al., 1997; Yang et al., 1998). ApoE shuttles in and out of neurons, but Ji et al. saw the lysosomal leakage and death only when ApoE was inside the neurons. The authors speculate that ApoE4 potentiates this lysosomal toxicity because it is more prone than ApoE3 to form a particular intermediate state, namely, the partially unfolded conformation referred to as a molten globule (Dobson, 2001). Some researchers believe that these reactive species represent a distinct thermodynamic state a protein can assume. Molten globules retain many features of the native state’s secondary structure, but do not adopt its tertiary structure, and they have more internal mobility than the fully folded protein. Molten globules bind to phospholipids, transfer through membranes, and interfere with membrane processes, the authors write. (For background read, for example, Bychkova and Ptitsyn, 1995.) Ji et al. speculate that in AD, ApoE4 might form such a structure, which then disrupts lysosomal membranes together with Aβ42. At the lysosomal pH4, ApoE4 becomes more unstable and reactive than ApoE3, Ji et al. write.
In the December 27 Journal or Biological Chemistry, Julie Morrow of Weisgraber’s group, and colleagues, follow up with experiments suggesting that ApoE4 indeed forms such a molten globule more readily than E3 or E2 Morrow et al., 2002. Morrow et al. first analyzed the process by which ApoE isoforms denature when treated with urea, and then used structural tools to characterize the different states. At pH4.0, ApoE4 denatured in a three-step fashion, with an intermediate plateau populated by a monomeric version of the protein that resembles a molten globule. In this conformation, the four-helix bundle of ApoE’s amino-terminal domain is opened to expose an otherwise hidden hydrophobic core. ApoE2 never assumed this intermediate state, and ApoE3 did so only under more harshly denaturing conditions. Researchers are increasingly beginning to detect molten globules and realize that they can play important roles in physiological processes such as protein trafficking and translocation across membranes, Morrow et al. write. For example, human apolipoprotein A-1 can occur as a molten globule (Gursky and Atkinson, 1996). Mutations affecting the formation or stability of the molten globule state can interfere with their normal physiological roles. In Alzheimer’s, this conformation of ApoE4 could alter lipid transport across membranes and in this way help explain why ApoE4 is less able to support neurite outgrowth and neuronal repair after injury, Morrow et al. speculate. Researchers should also consider whether this conformation might disrupt lysosomal membranes, and whether its exposed β, structure might explain ApoE4’s proposed action as a “pathological chaperone” promoting β-sheet and fibril formation of Aβ (Gallo et al., 1994).
IDE: New Link Connecting ApoE and Aβ Degradation to Insulin
On a different front, a paper in this month’s American Journal of Pathology joins together ApoE with Aβ-degrading enzymes, introducing a potential new mechanism by which ApoE could affect AD risk Cook et al., 2002. David Cook, working with Suzanne Craft, Jerry Schellenberg, and others at the Veteran Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System and the University of Washington in, Seattle, report that levels of insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE), one of the handful of proteases implicated in Aβ degradation, are down by about half in AD patients of the ApoE4 genotype compared with ApoE2- and ApoE3-carriers. The researchers quantified protein and mRNA levels of this enzyme in different hippocampal subregions of postmortem brain slices from 26 patients with LOAD and 15 normal adults. Lower IDE levels in ApoE4 carriers could presumably reduce Aβ degradation, especially intracellularly, leaving more of it around to aggregate. But how would ApoE4 reduce IDE levels? "At this point, we have no solid leads as to how or whether ApoE4 causes reduced IDE, or whether both are related to some other pathophysiological process," said Craft.
Craft et al. had previously shown that AD patients had changes in their insulin metabolism that varied depending on ApoE status. Specifically, they had shown that AD patients of the ApoE2 and 3 genotype had insulin resistance and an altered CSF/plasma insulin ratio, while AD patients with the ApoE4 genotype had normal peripheral insulin levels and metabolism. At first blush, this might seem contradictory; however, Craft et al. combine these findings into a proposed model for further testing. It goes like this: ApoE3/3 AD patients are more likely to have high levels of peripheral insulin, which disrupts the plasma/CSF insulin ratio and causes insulin resistance. These high levels of insulin act as a competitive inhibitor of Aβ degradation by IDE, even though these patients have normal IDE levels. Conversely, ApoE4 patients have low IDE levels, so that even though they may have normal insulin levels, there is insufficient IDE to degrade enough Aβ. "Thus, you can get to the same endpoint in two ways: by having high insulin levels that inhibit IDE activity, which we believe is more common for ApoE3/3 AD patients, or by having low IDE levels, which we believe is more common for ApoE4 patients," said Craft. Those who have both low IDE and hyperinsulinemia would suffer a double whammy. Last April, Lenore Launer and colleagues reported a greatly increased AD risk in diabetic adults who carry ApoE4 among adults in the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study (Peila et al., 2002; ARF Ab degradation chat; ARF insulin-related chat; Craft ARF news story).
Sphingolipids and APP Processing: ApoE Meddles Here, Too
A separate and fascinating new line of investigation just became even more interesting, thanks to an added ApoE angle. This research looks at the role of sphingolipids and their metabolism (such as sulfatide and its hydrolytic product, ceramide) in APP processing. Available online in manuscript form at the Journal of Biological Chemistry, a new paper by Xianlin Han et al. from Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, reports that ApoE strongly affects the content of one particular type of sphingolipid, namely sulfatide (Han et al., 2002). This ester of galactocerebroside, made primarily by oligodendrocytes, is a major component of myelin. It has long been known that accumulating sulfatide causes a form of leukodystrophy. But Han, with John Morris and others at Washington University, had reported last August that in people who had died after being diagnosed with very early AD, sulfatide of the gray matter was depleted by up to 93 percent, while the levels of most other lipid classes were normal. This appeared to result not from a defect in sulfatide biosynthesis, but from increased degradation, as these patients' ceramide content was up threefold (Han et al., 2002). While linking a sulfatide decrease and ceramide increase to mild dementia, this study did not implicate ApoE. Han's present JBC paper does that.
The researchers used electrospray ionization mass spectrometry to compare the levels of sulfatide (and a range of other phospholipids, sphingolipids, and cholesterol) in the brains of ApoE knockout mice, David Holtzman’s human ApoE3- and E4-transgenic mice, and CSF from people with different ApoE isoforms. ApoE affected none of the other lipids, but appeared to lower sulfatide content strongly in an isoform-dependent fashion. Further studies examining the carriers of these sulfatides suggest that it associates specifically with ApoE-containing high-density lipoproteins (HDL), which presumably pick up oligodendrocyte-derived sulfatide after their release from astrocytes, Han et al. speculate. The authors also write that their paper is the first to show that ApoE, indeed, as was proposed years ago by Weisgraber and others, regulates lipid transport and metabolism not only in the plasma, as is well-known, but also in the brain.
This new proposed role for ApoE is all the more intriguing, as other ongoing work is implicating ceramide in APP processing. At last year’s Neuroscience conference in Orlando, both Dora Kovacs' group at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Charlestown, and Mark Mattson’s group at the NIA in Baltimore, Maryland, presented data suggesting that rising ceramide levels in neurons correlate with increased Ab generation in an age-related fashion. Mattson presented a hypothesis integrating accumulating sphingomyelins with oxidative stress, which would lead to more ceramide and ACAT activity (see ARF related news story and scroll down to Kovacs). Luigi Puglielli, working with Kovacs, did not observe changes in ACAT activity in response to changing ceramide levels, but rather proposed an effect of ceramide on BACE stabilization. If confirmed and expanded, such work would point to a molecular pathway for how age-related changes in membrane lipid composition, perhaps compounded by ApoE isoform, could lead over time to excessive Ab generation in cases of LOAD. Finally, for a current study on ApoE isoform effects on HDL metabolism, see Hopkins et al., 2002.
Lipids, of course, are also implicated in Ab toxicity via their peroxidation. The three different isoforms of ApoE differ in cysteine residues. Ward Pedersen and Mark Mattson have published data showing that the ApoE2 and ApoE3 isoforms are much more effective in binding to a toxic product of lipid peroxidation called 4-hydroxynonenal (Pedersen et al., 2000). Mattson suggests that ApoE2 and ApoE3 may protect neurons against being damaged and killed by Ab by binding 4-hydroxynonenal with its cysteine residues. (ApoE4 lacks the cysteines, ApoE3 has one cysteine and ApoE2 has two.) Mattson and colleagues had previously demonstrated a key role for membrane lipid peroxidation in the neurotoxic action of Ab.
This ApoE update does not presume to be comprehensive, and the writer invites everyone to fill gaping holes by e-mailing [email protected] about other recent work that appears particularly relevant. Yet, even this partial summary shows plainly that the manifold aspects of ApoE’s functions form a complex kaleidoscope of clues and glimpses. Is the challenge now to find the one most important to the development of Alzheimer's? More likely, the truth involves several overlapping and synergistic functions, making the challenge one of assembling the pieces into a big picture that enlightens everyone. Brilliant minds out there, step up to the plate!-Gabrielle Strobel. |
The Birds and the Bees
You’ve seen it in the news:
Honeybee populations are declining at an alarming rate across the country. Unfortunately, it’s not just the honeybees that are losing ground. Other pollinators close to home, like certain butterflies and bumblebees that are native to the Puget Sound region and vital to our forest’s health, are declining towards extinction at rapid rates.
Why should we care?
Plants and pollinators maintain a beautiful relationship dating back millions of years! Pollinating bees, butterflies, beetles, birds and moths are important to our ecosystem because they transfer pollen between flowering plants as they flutter, fly, buzz, and crawl between them to snack on the sugary nectar and protein rich pollen. However, when there aren’t enough native plants to sustain their livelihoods, the pollinators can’t eat. When that happens, there aren’t enough pollinators to transfer pollen and sustain the plants that need them. In return, those plant populations shrink and it turns into a continuing cycle that is harming our forests.
What can we do about it?
Sit back and watch it happen? No! EarthCorps is going to create a pollinator corridor.
A pollinator corridor is a series of blooming habitats flourishing with the native flowers that pollinators need to survive. These gardens are linked close enough to one another so that the insects and birds can go from one urban oasis to another, and reliably get the nourishment they need as they spread pollen among plants.
Project Manager Matt Schwartz, who focused his ma ster’s studies on pollinator habitats, encouraged EarthCorps to start this project.
As a graduate student at the University of Washington, Matt pioneered EarthCorps’ first pollinator garden on the UW campus at the Kincaid Ravine Natural Area. The garden is adjacent to the highly visible Burke Gilman Trail. It once was a tangled wasteland of blackberry, ivy, and homeless encampments before restoration started in 2014. Now it features thriving pollinator plants buzzing with insects, educational signs, and quiet sitting areas for people to relax and take in the beauty next to the trail.
But one pollinator garden isn’t enough.
Enter Chad Freeman of Adobe, a frequent EarthCorps volunteer. Chad was intrigued when Matt discussed the possibility of creating a Pollinator Corridor along the Burke Gilman Trail. For some time, he had been searching for a project for Adobe employees to adopt and steward close to the Fremont campus. Together with Seattle Parks and Recreation, EarthCorps identified a site near the Adobe office just west of Gasworks Park, and this fall – with support from Adobe and the Ferguson Foundation – the first community planting event broke ground at the Gasworks Park pollinator garden. Chad rallied more than twenty employees from Adobe, who were joined by students from the UW, and a group of committed volunteers from Friends of the Burke Gilman Trail. Together, the volunteers installed 400 native pollinator plants in two beds at the west end of the park.
As the corridor project continues, it will also beautify the areas along the Burke Gilman trail, many of which are choked with weeds like Himalayan blackberry and Scots broom, or lay barren as mowed grass medians. Native, flowering pollinator plants will improve the appearance of the trail for all of us as well as provide valuable habitat for birds and insects. |
Neotrichiorhyssemus malkini
Neotrichiorhyssemus malkini är en skalbaggsart som beskrevs av Rakovic 1987. Neotrichiorhyssemus malkini ingår i släktet Neotrichiorhyssemus och familjen Aphodiidae. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.
malkini |
The Nintendo 64 had some unique hardware limitations that made music sound different. Want to learn how to make music with N64 sounds? Here’s a quick primer to get you started.
The ‘iconic’ N64 sound that most gamers remember is a result of compression and code. The Nintendo 64 didn’t have dedicated hardware for sound. That means there’s no way to emulate N64 music as it’s all just code called a ‘soundfont.’
The Sound font standard was developed by Emu Systems and their parent company, Creative Labs. It’s a data format that contains all the information needed to create musical notes or sound effects using wavetable synthesis technology.
An N64 soundfont bank is a collection of these sounds in a standard format. The bank contains digital audio samples captures from a sound source and instructions to the wavetable synthesizer on how to use these sounds as expressed by MIDI. You can experiment with creating your own soundfonts, or search for them on the internet.
Once you have a collection of soundfonts ready, you’ll need a few plugins for your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). The most popular plugin for working with soundfonts is called Sforzando. It is available to download for free. You can use the plugin to manipulate the soundfonts you have or create your own.
This Hamburg Producer Made a Techno Album on a N64 Cartridge
Producer Remute is making music that can be played on these old school Nintendo 64 cartridges. That is, not just music made from N64 sounds, but music made to be played on these old cartridges. Remute, real name Denis Karimani, says the technology to create music this way wasn’t available until 2019. That year he produced Technoptimistic, an album made and displayed on a Sega Mega Drive cartridge.
Remute says most of the time, he writes music on his PC or laptop using tracker music programs like Deflemask or OpenMPT. Then he converts the music to the fitting file formats for each console. With tracker programs, you don’t record music elements like you would in DAWs. Instead, you enter a note, an event, and various other sequence data into an interface and tell the soundchip with this script when and how to play a particular sound.
The result is that audio is generated in real-time instead of just playing a static file over and over again. The process was used for the Nintendo 64 format because Nintendo needed all of the console’s processing power for its graphics, leaving very little for audio.
Remute says his Nintendo 64 album consists of 8MB of data and features 15 tracks. It would sound terrible if you were to compress a .wav or .mp3 of the same tracks into the same size. Remute says he’s been working with engineers in Sweden to designed the PCB-boards for his cartridge music. |
In our Ask the Vet column, Dr. Lydia Gray answers your horse-health questions at HorseChannel.com/AskTheVet. Got a question for Dr. Gray? Send it to [email protected] and use subject line “Ask the Vet.”
Q: I was wondering about warts in horses. A horse I am looking after for a friend has a white wart in his ear but I also know they can get them on their face. How can warts be treated, prevented, and kept from being passed on from horse to horse?
Warts are fairly common in young horses, and often go away on their own, but certain cases may require treatment.
A. Warts in horses are often more of a cosmetic blemish best left alone, although sometimes they can be more serious of an irritation and require treatment. Both types – the ones inside the ear and the ones that appear on the face or muzzle – are caused by the contagious equine papilloma virus. Therefore, prevention is the best means of avoiding this particular problem.
The small growths on the muzzle of young horses (i.e. less than three to four years of age with yearlings being the most common age group affected) usually go away on their own in six to nine months. No treatment is generally needed unless the warts are in an area where they interfere with tack and equipment or have been irritated and developed into open sores. You may have heard of some “home treatments” to speed up the process—for example, if you’re taking your young horse to a show–but I would caution you to ask your veterinarian about the best course of action for your situation.
Adult horses who have developed immunity to warts on the muzzle are still susceptible to ear papillomas or aural plaques, which are the flat, whitish, flaky patches in the inside of the ears. Some horses don’t seem to care about them while others develop a severe ear sensitivity, making grooming, haltering, bridling, and other handling around the head very challenging. In those cases, you may want to work with your veterinarian to try some different over-the-counter or prescription ointments and see if you can make your horse more comfortable. Otherwise, since repeated handling of the ears seems to inflame the area and sensitize the horse, it may be best to simply ignore the plaques – and certainly don’t scrub or scrape them!
Preventing the spread of the equine papilloma virus will help make everyone’s life easier. Young horses that have already contracted warts should be kept separate from other horses to avoid passing along the infection. Any equipment that comes into contact with them, such as halters, bridles, brushes, feed and water buckets, hay nets, and so on should also not be shared. Because aural plaques develop when flies spread the virus, using fly masks with ears is helpful in both preventing the plaques from occurring in the first place as well as in keeping them from spreading to other horses in the herd.
Warts on the muzzle and plaques in the ears are two pretty classic and common presentations of the equine papilloma virus, but don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian first to confirm the diagnosis and second to recommend a plan of action to treat (if necessary) and help prevent the spread of these unsightly conditions. |
In Slovenia we are facing with municipal waste problems, because their treatment is one of the worst solved goals in environmental protection. Landfilling is the most frequently used practise at the moment, which causes releasing of methane gas into the atmosphere. That's why better solutions are needed. In the present study we determined the potential methane production from organic municipal wastes of different particle size (particle size: >100 mm, 40-100 mm, 10-40 mm and <10 mm). We determined volatile solids (VS), total solids (TS), total organic carbon (TOC), kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), NH+4 and C/N ratio of the samples. Before and after incubation we determined chemical oxygen demend (COD). Following the biomethane potential test (BMP) we calculated parameters like: methane potential, methane yield and max. velocity of methane production. The results show that the particle size has the strongest influence on metan potential of organic waste and the grinding pretreatment is needed before biogas production process. |
ਐਰੇ ਲੀਟਕੋਡ ਸਲਿ .ਸ਼ਨ - ਟਿutorialਟੋਰਿਅਲਕੱਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਲੋਪ ਹੋਏ ਸਾਰੇ ਨੰਬਰ ਲੱਭੋ
ਮੁੱਖ » ਲੀਟਕੋਡ ਹੱਲ਼ » ਐਰੇ ਲੀਟਕੋਡ ਸਲਿ .ਸ਼ਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਲੋਪ ਹੋਏ ਸਾਰੇ ਨੰਬਰ ਲੱਭੋ
ਅਕਸਰ ਪੁੱਛਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ ਅਡੋਬ ਐਮਾਜ਼ਾਨ ਸੇਬ ਬਲੂਮਬਰਗ ਗੂਗਲ Microsoft ਦੇ ਯਾਹੂ
ਪਹੁੰਚ (ਹੈਸ਼ਸੈੱਟ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਕੇ)
ਐਰੇ ਲੀਟਕੋਡ ਸਲਿ .ਸ਼ਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਲੋਪ ਹੋ ਗਏ ਸਾਰੇ ਨੰਬਰ ਲੱਭਣ ਦੀ ਸਥਾਪਨਾ
ਐਰੇ ਲੀਟਕੋਡ ਸਲਿ .ਸ਼ਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਲੋਪ ਹੋ ਗਏ ਸਾਰੇ ਨੰਬਰ ਲੱਭਣ ਦੀ ਜਟਿਲਤਾ ਵਿਸ਼ਲੇਸ਼ਣ
ਪਹੁੰਚ (ਸਥਾਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਸੋਧ)
ਇਸ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਵਿੱਚ, ਸਾਨੂੰ ਇੱਕ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ ਐਰੇ ਪੂਰਨ ਅੰਕ ਦਾ. ਇਸ ਵਿੱਚ 1 ਤੋਂ N ਤੱਕ ਦੇ ਤੱਤ ਹੁੰਦੇ ਹਨ, ਜਿੱਥੇ ਐਰੇ ਦਾ N = ਆਕਾਰ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ. ਹਾਲਾਂਕਿ, ਇੱਥੇ ਕੁਝ ਤੱਤ ਹਨ ਜੋ ਅਲੋਪ ਹੋ ਗਏ ਹਨ ਅਤੇ ਕੁਝ ਡੁਪਲਿਕੇਟ ਆਪਣੀ ਜਗ੍ਹਾ ਤੇ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਹਨ. ਸਾਡਾ ਉਦੇਸ਼ ਅਜਿਹੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਅਲੋਪ ਹੋਏ ਪੂਰਨ ਅੰਕਾਂ ਦੀ ਇਕ ਲੜੀ ਵਾਪਸ ਕਰਨਾ ਹੈ.
ਅਸੀਂ ਐਰੇ ਵਿਚਲੇ ਹਰ ਤੱਤ ਨੂੰ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨਬੱਧ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਫਿਰ ਸੀਮਾ ਵਿਚ ਲੂਪ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਾਂ: [1, N] ਇਹ ਪਤਾ ਲਗਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਕਿ ਐਰੇ ਵਿਚ ਕਿਹੜੇ ਤੱਤ ਗਾਇਬ ਹੋ ਗਏ ਹਨ ਜਾਂ ਗਾਇਬ ਹਨ. ਅਸੀਂ ਸਟੋਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਹੈਸ਼ ਸੈਟ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਾਂ ਭਾਵੇਂ ਕੋਈ ਪੂਰਨ ਅੰਕ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨਬੱਧ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ ਜਾਂ ਨਹੀਂ.
ਹੈਸ਼ ਸੈੱਟ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰੋ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨ [ਪੂਰਨ ਅੰਕ] ਮੌਜੂਦ ਤੱਤ ਨੂੰ ਸਟੋਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ.
ਜੋੜੋ i ਨੂੰ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨ
ਇੱਕ ਸੂਚੀ / ਵੈਕਟਰ ਦੀ ਸ਼ੁਰੂਆਤ ਕਰੋ ਇਸ ਦਾ ਨਤੀਜਾ ਲਾਪਤਾ ਤੱਤ ਐਰੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਟੋਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ
ਹਰ ਤੱਤ ਲਈ i ਸੀਮਾ ਵਿੱਚ: [1, N]:
If i ਵਿਚ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨ:
ਵਾਪਸੀ ਇਸ ਦਾ ਨਤੀਜਾ
ਓ (ਐਨ) ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ ਪੂਰਨ ਅੰਕ ਨੂੰ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨਬੱਧ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਅਸੀਂ ਇਕ ਵਾਰ ਸਾਰੀ ਐਰੇ ਨੂੰ ਪਾਰ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਾਂ. N ਐਰੇ ਦਾ ਆਕਾਰ.
ਓ (ਐਨ) ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ ਅਸੀਂ ਐਰੇ ਵਿਚ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਸਾਰੇ ਨੰਬਰ ਹੈਸ਼ ਟੇਬਲ ਵਿਚ ਸਟੋਰ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਾਂ. ਯਾਦ ਰੱਖੋ ਕਿ ਅਸੀਂ ਪੁਲਾੜ ਜਟਿਲਤਾ ਯੋਗਦਾਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਆਉਟਪੁੱਟ ਐਰੇ ਨੂੰ ਨਹੀਂ ਮੰਨਦੇ.
ਇਸ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਵੱਲ ਧਿਆਨ ਦੇਣ ਵਾਲੀ ਇਕ ਗੱਲ ਇਹ ਹੈ: "ਐਰੇ ਵਿਚ ਹਮੇਸ਼ਾ ਇਸਦੇ ਆਕਾਰ ਤੋਂ ਘੱਟ ਜਾਂ ਇਸਦੇ ਬਰਾਬਰ ਤੱਤ ਹੁੰਦੇ ਹਨ". ਇਸਦਾ ਭਾਵ ਇਹ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਇਥੇ ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੇ ਵੱਖਰੇ ਤੱਤ ਹਨ. ਨਾਲ ਹੀ, ਗੁੰਮ ਜਾਣ ਵਾਲੇ ਤੱਤ ਹਮੇਸ਼ਾਂ N (ਐਰੇ ਦਾ ਆਕਾਰ) ਤੋਂ ਘੱਟ ਹੋਣਗੇ. ਇਸ ਰੁਕਾਵਟ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਦਿਆਂ, ਅਸੀਂ ਕਿਸੇ ਐਰੀਜੇ ਦੀ ਮੌਜੂਦਗੀ ਨੂੰ ਕਿਸੇ ਤਰੀਕੇ ਨਾਲ ਸਟੋਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਐਰੇ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਾਂ. ਉਦਾਹਰਣ ਵਜੋਂ, ਮੰਨ ਲਓ ਕਿ ਅਸੀਂ ਲਿਖ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਾਂ ਸਹੀ / ਗਲਤ ਇਕ ਤੱਤ ਦੇ ਸੂਚਕਾਂਕ 'ਤੇ ਕ੍ਰਮਵਾਰ ਇਸ ਦੀ ਮੌਜੂਦਗੀ / ਗੈਰਹਾਜ਼ਰੀ ਦਰਸਾਉਣ ਲਈ. ਸਾਡੇ ਕੇਸ ਵਿੱਚ, ਐਰੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਤੱਤ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਹੁੰਦੇ ਹਨ, ਇਸ ਲਈ ਇਸ ਕਿਸਮ ਦੀ ਸਟੋਰੇਜ / ਯਾਦ ਪੱਤਰ ਵਿਵਹਾਰਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾਪਦਾ. ਹਾਲਾਂਕਿ, ਕਿਉਂਕਿ ਅਸੀਂ ਜਾਣਦੇ ਹਾਂ ਕਿ ਸਾਰੇ ਤੱਤ ਸਕਾਰਾਤਮਕ ਹਨ, ਅਸੀਂ ਇਹ ਦਰਸਾਉਣ ਦੇ ਸੰਕੇਤ ਵਜੋਂ "ਨਕਾਰਾਤਮਕ" ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਾਂ ਕਿ ਕੀ ਅਸੀਂ ਐਰੇ ਵਿਚ ਕੋਈ ਤੱਤ ਦੇਖਿਆ ਹੈ ਜਾਂ ਨਹੀਂ. ਯਾਦ ਰੱਖੋ ਕਿ ਅਸੀਂ ਕੁਝ ਇੰਡੈਕਸ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਕੇ ਸਟੋਰ ਕੀਤੀ ਅਸਲ ਕੀਮਤ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਾਂ ਅਸੀਮ() ਫੰਕਸ਼ਨ ਜਿਹੜਾ ਪੂਰਨ ਅੰਕ ਦਾ ਪੂਰਨ ਮੁੱਲ ਵਾਪਸ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ. ਇਸ ਤਰੀਕੇ ਨਾਲ, ਐਰੇ ਨੂੰ ਹੈਸ਼ ਮੈਪ ਅਤੇ ਇਕ ਕੰਟੇਨਰ ਦੋਵਾਂ ਵਜੋਂ ਵਰਤਿਆ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ.
ਉਦਾਹਰਣ ਦੇ ਲਈ, ਜੇ ਅਸੀਂ ਐਰੇ ਵਿਚ ਇਕ ਐਲੀਮੈਂਟ '2' ਵੇਖਿਆ ਹੈ, ਤਾਂ ਅਸੀਂ ਐਰੇ [1] = -1 * ਐਰੇ [1] ਨਿਰਧਾਰਤ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਾਂ ਜੋ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਦੱਸੇਗੀ ਕਿ ਐਲੀਮੈਂਟ 2 ਐਰੇ ਵਿਚ ਦਿਖਾਈ ਦੇ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ.
ਇਹ ਟ੍ਰਿਕ ਸਟੋਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਐਰੇ-ਇਨ-ਪਲੇਸ ਐਰੇ ਵਿਚ ਹੇਰਾਫੇਰੀ ਕਰੇਗੀ ਜੇ ਅਸੀਂ ਸੂਚਕਾਂਕ ਵਿਚ ਕੋਈ ਤੱਤ ਦੇਖਿਆ ਹੈ i. ਇੱਕ ਵਾਰ ਹੋ ਜਾਣ 'ਤੇ, ਅਸੀਂ ਸਾਰੇ ਪੂਰਨ ਅੰਕ ਗੈਰ-ਨਕਾਰਾਤਮਕ (ਭਾਵ ਕਿ ਉਹ ਨਹੀਂ ਦੇਖੇ ਗਏ ਹਨ) ਲੱਭਣ ਲਈ ਸੀਮਾ ਵਿੱਚ [1, N] ਇੱਕ ਲੂਪ ਚਲਾ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਇਸ ਲਈ, ਲੋੜੀਂਦਾ ਨਤੀਜਾ ਪ੍ਰਿੰਟ ਕਰੋ. ਯਾਦ ਰੱਖੋ ਕਿ ਇਹ ਸਿਰਫ ਤਾਂ ਹੀ ਸੰਭਵ ਹੈ ਜੇ ਅਸੀਂ ਹਾਂ ਇਜਾਜ਼ਤ ਐਰੇ ਨੂੰ ਬਦਲਣ ਲਈ.
ਜੇ ਐਰੇ [i - 1]> 0:
ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਨਕਾਰਾਤਮਕ ਵਜੋਂ ਸੈਟ ਕਰੋ, ਜਾਂ, ਐਰੇ [i - 1] * = -1;
ਇੱਕ ਸੂਚੀ / ਵੈਕਟਰ ਦੀ ਸ਼ੁਰੂਆਤ ਕਰੋ ਇਸ ਦਾ ਨਤੀਜਾ ਸਾਰੇ ਗੁੰਮ ਤੱਤ ਨੂੰ ਸਟੋਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ
ਹਰੇਕ ਪੂਰਨ ਅੰਕ ਲਈ i ਸੀਮਾ ਵਿੱਚ [1, N] (ਐਰੇ ਦਾ N = ਅਕਾਰ):
If ਐਰੇ [i]> 0
ਇਸ ਤੱਤ ਨੂੰ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕਰੋ i ਨੂੰ ਇਸ ਦਾ ਨਤੀਜਾ
ਓ (ਐਨ) ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ ਅਸੀ ਗੁੰਮ ਹੋਏ ਤੱਤ ਲੱਭਣ ਲਈ ਇਨਪੁਟ ਦੀ ਪਰਵਾਹ ਕੀਤੇ ਬਿਨਾਂ ਐਰੇ ਦੇ ਦੋ ਪਾਸ ਚਲਾਉਂਦੇ ਹਾਂ. N ਐਰੇ ਦਾ ਆਕਾਰ.
ਵਰਗ ਲੀਟਕੋਡ ਹੱਲ਼ ਟੈਗਸ ਅਡੋਬ, ਐਮਾਜ਼ਾਨ, ਸੇਬ, ਅਰੇ, ਬਲੂਮਬਰਗ, ਸੌਖੀ, ਗੂਗਲ, ਹੈਸ਼ਿੰਗ, Microsoft ਦੇ, ਯਾਹੂ ਪੋਸਟ ਨੇਵੀਗੇਸ਼ਨ |
Nature’s candy in a nutritionally perfect package, raspberries may be only be little, but they boast serious skin-boosting levels of vitamin C and other antioxidants called anthocyanins and quercetin.
Together, they help to keep your skin strong, smooth and youthful, and may even aid in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Dietary antioxidants are incredibly important for your health, and are even being acknowledged by Western medicine as playing a crucial role. Some are made in your body, but many are not, and production begins to decline with advancing age.
But what are antioxidants? Antioxidants are a type of molecule that have the ability to inhibit the oxidation of another molecule. Antioxidants basically mop up the free radicals circulating your system, helping to lessen the cellular damage that they can cause. They donate their own electrons and are nature’s very own defence mechanism against attack.
They may significantly slow down the speed at which you age, meaning that a regular supply in your diet is of optimal importance for your skin’s health.
Raspberries are also an excellent source of flavonoids.These are dietary compounds that belong to the class of phytochemicals (plant chemicals). Science has discovered over five thousand kinds of flavonoids, often with hundreds of different types present in one item of food, and each with different properties, which often contribute to the foods colour. They prevent inflammation throughout your body, enhance the power of vitamin C in foods and can help to prevent blood vessels from rupturing.
Picking up colds and infections regularly could be a sign that you need to eat more flavonoid foods.
In terms of your skin’s health, flavonoids are delivered via your bloodstream to your skin, where they have the ability to protect your cells from oxidative damage, absorb ultraviolet light and protect your skin from sun damage, as well as minimise the inflammation and damage caused by sunburn. The help to repair your DNA, reduce oxidative damage and improve your immunity too.
Look out for good-quality frozen berries when fresh aren’t as easily available, as they’re a brilliant addition to smoothies. But raspberries work well in everything from pancakes to porridge and muffins. In fact, Raspberry and vanilla are one of my favourite flavour combinations, and they taste great together in these healthier raspberry muffins. |
Q: Why don't more people invest in index funds given they are so safe?
A: Some things cannot be explained. They need to be experienced., Hold. onto an index fund through an entire economic cycle, top tick, to bottom tick, and back, without disturbing it., See if you can do THiS., Then you will understand why. |
* \file
* \brief Header file for UpnpStateVarRequest methods.
* Do not edit this file, it is automatically generated. Please look at generator.c.
* \author <NAME>
#include <stdlib.h> /* for size_t */
#include "UpnpGlobal.h" /* for EXPORT_SPEC */
#include "UpnpString.h"
#include "UpnpInet.h"
#include "ixml.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
* UpnpStateVarRequest
typedef struct s_UpnpStateVarRequest UpnpStateVarRequest;
/*! Constructor */
EXPORT_SPEC UpnpStateVarRequest *UpnpStateVarRequest_new();
/*! Destructor */
EXPORT_SPEC void UpnpStateVarRequest_delete(UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! Copy Constructor */
EXPORT_SPEC UpnpStateVarRequest *UpnpStateVarRequest_dup(const UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! Assignment operator */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_assign(UpnpStateVarRequest *p, const UpnpStateVarRequest *q);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ErrCode */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ErrCode(const UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_set_ErrCode */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_set_ErrCode(UpnpStateVarRequest *p, int n);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_Socket */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_get_Socket(const UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_set_Socket */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_set_Socket(UpnpStateVarRequest *p, int n);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ErrStr */
EXPORT_SPEC const UpnpString *UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ErrStr(const UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_set_ErrStr */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_set_ErrStr(UpnpStateVarRequest *p, const UpnpString *s);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ErrStr_Length */
EXPORT_SPEC size_t UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ErrStr_Length(const UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ErrStr_cstr */
EXPORT_SPEC const char *UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ErrStr_cstr(const UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_strcpy_ErrStr */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_strcpy_ErrStr(UpnpStateVarRequest *p, const char *s);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_strncpy_ErrStr */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_strncpy_ErrStr(UpnpStateVarRequest *p, const char *s, size_t n);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_clear_ErrStr */
EXPORT_SPEC void UpnpStateVarRequest_clear_ErrStr(UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_DevUDN */
EXPORT_SPEC const UpnpString *UpnpStateVarRequest_get_DevUDN(const UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_set_DevUDN */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_set_DevUDN(UpnpStateVarRequest *p, const UpnpString *s);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_DevUDN_Length */
EXPORT_SPEC size_t UpnpStateVarRequest_get_DevUDN_Length(const UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_DevUDN_cstr */
EXPORT_SPEC const char *UpnpStateVarRequest_get_DevUDN_cstr(const UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_strcpy_DevUDN */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_strcpy_DevUDN(UpnpStateVarRequest *p, const char *s);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_strncpy_DevUDN */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_strncpy_DevUDN(UpnpStateVarRequest *p, const char *s, size_t n);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_clear_DevUDN */
EXPORT_SPEC void UpnpStateVarRequest_clear_DevUDN(UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ServiceID */
EXPORT_SPEC const UpnpString *UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ServiceID(const UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_set_ServiceID */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_set_ServiceID(UpnpStateVarRequest *p, const UpnpString *s);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ServiceID_Length */
EXPORT_SPEC size_t UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ServiceID_Length(const UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ServiceID_cstr */
EXPORT_SPEC const char *UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ServiceID_cstr(const UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_strcpy_ServiceID */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_strcpy_ServiceID(UpnpStateVarRequest *p, const char *s);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_strncpy_ServiceID */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_strncpy_ServiceID(UpnpStateVarRequest *p, const char *s, size_t n);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_clear_ServiceID */
EXPORT_SPEC void UpnpStateVarRequest_clear_ServiceID(UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_StateVarName */
EXPORT_SPEC const UpnpString *UpnpStateVarRequest_get_StateVarName(const UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_set_StateVarName */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_set_StateVarName(UpnpStateVarRequest *p, const UpnpString *s);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_StateVarName_Length */
EXPORT_SPEC size_t UpnpStateVarRequest_get_StateVarName_Length(const UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_StateVarName_cstr */
EXPORT_SPEC const char *UpnpStateVarRequest_get_StateVarName_cstr(const UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_strcpy_StateVarName */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_strcpy_StateVarName(UpnpStateVarRequest *p, const char *s);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_strncpy_StateVarName */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_strncpy_StateVarName(UpnpStateVarRequest *p, const char *s, size_t n);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_clear_StateVarName */
EXPORT_SPEC void UpnpStateVarRequest_clear_StateVarName(UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_CtrlPtIPAddr */
EXPORT_SPEC const struct sockaddr_storage *UpnpStateVarRequest_get_CtrlPtIPAddr(const UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_CtrlPtIPAddr */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_set_CtrlPtIPAddr(UpnpStateVarRequest *p, const struct sockaddr_storage *buf);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_CtrlPtIPAddr */
EXPORT_SPEC void UpnpStateVarRequest_clear_CtrlPtIPAddr(UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_CurrentVal */
EXPORT_SPEC const DOMString UpnpStateVarRequest_get_CurrentVal(const UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_set_CurrentVal */
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpStateVarRequest_set_CurrentVal(UpnpStateVarRequest *p, const DOMString s);
/*! UpnpStateVarRequest_get_CurrentVal_cstr */
EXPORT_SPEC const char *UpnpStateVarRequest_get_CurrentVal_cstr(const UpnpStateVarRequest *p);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
Language, Culture, and Society: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
For four previous editions, professor have turned to Zdenek Salzmann’s Language, Culture, and Society for its comprehensive coverage of all critical aspects of linguistic anthropology, as well as for its reputation as a pedagogically sound, student-friendly text. New coauthors James Stanlaw and Nobuko Adachi join Salzmann in revising this classic text. With extensive updates and expanded discussions of fundamental issues, the fifth edition continues to be the essential teaching text for the introductory linguistic anthropology course.
The fifth edition of Language, Culture, and Society features:
? Three new chapters on language and thought, language and ideology, and language in a globalized world, as well as expanded consideration of the role of linguistics as a key subfield of anthropology.
? An updated built-in resource manual and study guide for students and instructors.
? Sidebars and boxes throughout to provide ethnographic detail, enhance student comprehension, and illustrate the practical experience of conducting linguistic research.
? End-of-chapter summary and conclusion sections and a glossary for easy review, as well as an updated bibliography for further research.
Specifications of Language, Culture, and Society: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
|Author||Zdenek Salzmann, James Stanlaw, Nobuko Adachi|
|Number Of Pages||448|
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What's your ball flight. Does it start out left, right, or straight and then hook? Depending on that, there would be different causes. It looks like you start out straight and then hook. So I will base my feedback on that.
When your are working on flight, it's imperative that you have alignment sticks. You are wasting your time on the range if your setup is wrong. Ranges make things worse a lot of times, especially mats because you can only basically align straight to the mat. You're not on a mat here, but get two alignment stick from amazon or use your clubs.
I think it's minor, but enough to mess you up. This will force you chest down and then end of your club to point down further to your belt line. It's currently pointing at your belly button.
After you fix your setup, that may slightly improve your flat backswing.
After setup tweaks, I would work on getting less flat. I would work on setup first, because it may fix your flat swing a bit. You have good rotation through the ball. Shoulders and hips are past the ball at impact. You actually go from a flat swing to vertical (the opposite of shallowing the club). If you think about starting a swing on a horizontal plane, to get the club to the ball on the ground you need to either bend down more or drop your arms. Try it. The shaft of the club has to rotate (closing the face) to go from flat to on plane. You probably would need to feel like you're cupping your left wrist on the downswing vice bowing to counter this effect. That's why good flat swings are rare. At the most they are on plane and no compensation is required. Do vertical swings open the face, yes, but that is much easier to compensate for. That's why you get guys like Matt Wolf or furik or even Justin Thomas, who has a starship attached to his club on the backswing.
I suffer from a flat swing and I am always trying to get neutral or a little up to stop the club rotation from hooking. |
C.5.G use technology such as electronic portfolios, research projects, and journals to document and present information in a clear and coherent manner.
by Holly Beardsley
A costume designer and a costumer are two different things. A costume designer creates pieces from the drawing board to the stage, while a costumer pulls from already existing pieces to create fully realized characters. This means that the approach is different.
In this six lesson unit students will learn the tools of a successful costumer. They will start by reflecting on their own personal style and the choices that go into that style. They’ll move on to look at versatility and adapting costume staples, creating a costuming vision, period clothing as the costumer, how to use the colour wheel as a costuming tool and everything culminates in a final project (two options).
by Anna Porter
Have you been wanting to find some new ways to enhance your classroom with technology? Have you been told you need to integrate technology in your classroom but don’t know where to start or what would even make sense to use in the drama classroom?
Whether you want to find some new ways to diversify your instruction and assessment, provide new resources and opportunities for your students, or simply needs some help with organization and communication, Google Tools has a treasure trove of resources ready for you to use today.
Instructor Anna Porter covers the tools of Google Forms, Photos, Calendar, Earth, Custom Search and Sites. Each lesson has video examples of how to use the tools as well as tips and resources for each module. |
May 5 2018
In ancient China, marriages were conducted to show one’s social status. It was considered as a procedure to increase a family's social status. The groom and the bride didn't have any opinion on selecting their partner. The parents through a professional matchmaker would find an appropriate alliance for their children.
An alliance is made according to the wealth, social status and lineage of the prospective couple.
Once the boy's family selects a girl, they would send a matchmaker to the girl's family with lots of gifts, If the girl's family also accepts the proposal, they would give the girl's horoscope to the matchmaker.
The guy's family would place the horoscope on an altar for their ancestors. If no bad omen happens in the house for the next three days, the horoscope will be sent to an astrologer to confirm the match. An astrologer or fortune teller would also select an appropriate wedding date.
Both the families will later reward the matchmaker generously.
To show the boy's family's capability to provide a prosperous life to the girl, they would again send many gifts to the girl's family. The girl's family would distribute the bridal cakes they received as gift from the boy's family to their relatives, friends and neighbours as a symbol of invitation to the wedding.
A major highlight of the alliance making is that the boy and the girl are not supposed to meet each other before the wedding day.
Before the wedding ceremony the girl's family would send the dowry to the boy's family, where it will be displayed before others to see.
The wedding rituals vary according to the regions.
The bride usually wears red dress for her wedding, as red represents prosperity in Chinese culture. The Chinese also has a hair combing ceremony, where a senior most female member would comb and style the bride's hair.
A bride is supposed to cry with her mother to show her reluctance to leave her home.
On the wedding day the groom would arrive at the bride's house wearing a red traditional wedding dress. There would be music and fireworks to add glamour to the wedding procession. The bride will be led to her sedan by her brother. From there the marriage party will go to the wedding venue.
Her arrival is marked by firecrackers and music. In some regions the bride would have to step over a lit stove to get rid of evil eyes.
The wedding ceremony was simple, the bride and the groom would honour the heaven, earth, their ancestors and kitchen god. Then the groom's parents will be provided tea with two lotus seeds in it.
After the tea, the couple will bow to each other. This indicates the conclusion of marriage ceremony.
Then the bride and groom bowed to each other. This completed the marriage ceremony, except in some regions, where both also drank wine from the same goblet, ate sugar molded in the form of a rooster, and partook of the wedding dinner together.
Soon after the ceremony the newlyweds will be lead to the bridal chamber and the guests will be treated to a grand feast. |
Do men enjoy growing old more than women?
“I can’t believe it is the same man I married!” Sounds familiar? The athletic, energetic, macho “I’m taking on” man that some twenty, thirty, forty, years prior was the poster boy for everything youth stands for. Now you vacuum around him, move the furniture while he is still sitting on it, and you can’t get him off the couch if your life depended on it. The remote is firmly implanted in his hand growing out of his body like a grotesque limb. He has also developed selective hearing: he can’t hear you when you point to the thrash piling in the kitchen corner like Mount Everest, but he perks up at the sound of a neighbor with a six pack of beer! Gone are the snazzy jeans and shirts; in are the plaids, braces, and weird shoes. Comfort has taken a life of its own. And if he could, he would sleep and rise in the same clothes he has worn for the past week.
What happens when men grow older? Why do they seem to wallow in the glow of age and comfort whereas women are gearing up to take on life? Why is it that when women reach their “golden age” they develop a devilish energy to take on the world, whereas men seem to shrink in a caricature of their old self? What happened to the energy? What happened to the “get up and go”? Where has it gone? Men take on age as a cat takes to a couch. It is comfortable. Once retirement hits they tell themselves that “hey, I can grow roots!” Why the difference?
I have a theory: most women spend their youth taking care of someone or something. If married, their life is spent between taking care of kids, volunteering with kids, school conferences, kid outings, school sport, cooking, cleaning, and driving everyone and everything around, and let’s not forget the husband side of the equation. That could include entertaining him, his bosses, and his friends. They have no time to sit and wonder what old age would be like. If they also hold down employment I doubt very much that ever have much time to sit down and think at all. Once kids leave home and the “nest” is empty and quiet, they are awakened to a strange concept called: self awareness. This discovery is overwhelming in its simplicity. Realizing that intellectual conversation beyond the mundane is possible, thinking beyond cooking, cleaning, children, and husband is incredible They also make astounding biological discoveries that they had little time to consider like the possibility of manicured nails growing to a normal size, styled hair, attractive clothes that fit, high heels on feet that ran marathons around the house, kids, and husband. This self-awareness becomes as exciting as a National Geographic discovery of rare species. They finally wake up to the realization that they are singularly and individually viable!
To continue on my theoretical hypothesis: men are socially advantaged early in life and like gluttons they wallow in what life and society offers them: good paying jobs, golf, beer, poker, football, fast cars, and sometimes even a fluff or two. All in good fun! They embrace life and its opportunities like King Kong embraced Fay Wray on the Empire State Building. Quoting a line from one of my favorite movies The First Wives Club; Bette Midler describes her husband’s mid-life crises by relating how he accused her of holding him back “because I would not go roller blading with him. Next he had an earring…” Men renounce their adulthood for the first forty years of their lives when women are busy asserting theirs for the sake of either a family, a career, or in some cases; both. While men are frolicking in child-like pastimes and exciting opportunities, women are nurturing children and preparing them for their adult life. They put their own “frolicking” on the back burner. So as soon as the children leave home and the nurturing abruptly stops, they get a second chance and wind at what they missed in the first third of their lives.
Are men better at handling age or do they talk themselves into believing that they accept it graciously? Do they realistically become tired of their fast life and look forward to sedateness, or do they accept sedateness because they are realistic? So let’s be realistic: as years hit men’s bodies, hair, and stomachs, their egos start to deflate like air in an oversized balloon. Their jokes are no longer funny and they realize that it is time to slow down and enjoy the years ahead: they want to relax. No to stereotype: we have all known some relative or other who takes on getting older by attempting to look younger. They “botox” here and there, add hair implants, in an attempt to hold on to what they considered the “swinging” years often ending up looking pitifully ridiculous. Unfortunately the transition from “swinger” to old happens simultaneously as the woman discovers life as she has never known it, and starts to tick off items on her bucket list faster than a kid playing a video game . She takes on life with gusto like Chef Ramsey takes on Beef Wellington. She is now older, wiser, and more capable than before. She has had years to develop will power and character. She raised a family, took care of the house, and made sure that her husband never left the house with his bedroom slippers on. She is ready to start living.
I was asked by a man a few months ago why I thought that some marriages are folding after 30 or more years. I explained that by nature women are nurturers and they tend to take care of either the family or someone else in their lives. Married women sacrifice their youth to raise a family and sometimes hold down a job as well. Their lives are so inundated with responsibilities that they miss out on what their male counterparts get to do. When the children grow up and leave, women realize that a huge void has suddenly appeared in their lives. Some also realize that the children were the ultimate glue that held the family together, and once gone the nurturing aspect of the marriage disappeared with them. They start looking for activities that may fill up the nurturing void, and when they find them they go at them with a vengeance. This happens simultaneously as the husband grows older, tired, and is ready to pass out on the couch “until death do us part.” So while one partner is ready to drop the proverbial couch “anchor,” the other is gearing up to start a career and a new life.
Do men enjoy growing old more than women? Society is partial to blame for the age and gender stereotype casting. A man gets gray hair, puts on weight, and is “distinguished.” A woman shows her first streak of gray hair, puts on a few pounds, and she might as well pack it in. The former can still remain on top of his game in Corporate America, the latter has to color her hair twice a month, and lose a few pounds before being considered for anything more serious than a Wal-Mart Greeter! To conclude my hypothesis: by gender and social characteristics men are more comfortable with “themselves” than women are. Therefore they would logically consider growing older another opportunity to do what they enjoy: watch football, drink beer, golf, and anything else they consider “fun.” Women on the other hand have always been held to tougher standards socially and by gender; therefore, growing old is taken as another disadvantage bestowed upon by no other than Mother Nature. What men consider as an opportunity for “comfort,” women see as another challenge to be overcome.
My mother is 97 and has been a widow for over 30 years. My father was an energetic active individual who had little time or patience for what he called “sissies” and slow-paced people. My mother stayed home to raise seven kids, whereas my father went to work at a job he thoroughly loved, rode a motorcycle until the day he died, and swam in the Mediterranean until the water got too cold to dip in. My father never really grew “old.” On the other hand, my mother never took on age as a handicap either but embraced it matter-of-factly; letting her hair grow silver as the years piled on. In her late 80’s she was still helping out “old” people at a seniors’ home. My mother and father were both “comfortable” in their age. That is the answer: whether a man or a woman and at whatever age; we must remain comfortable in our age. If I ever reach the age of 97, I hope that I can be as wise and beautiful as my silver-haired mother who makes being old “comfortable,” elegant, and more than acceptable.
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package cn.leithda.conf;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import springfox.documentation.builders.ApiInfoBuilder;
import springfox.documentation.builders.PathSelectors;
import springfox.documentation.builders.RequestHandlerSelectors;
import springfox.documentation.service.ApiInfo;
import springfox.documentation.service.Contact;
import springfox.documentation.spi.DocumentationType;
import springfox.documentation.spring.web.plugins.Docket;
import springfox.documentation.swagger2.annotations.EnableSwagger2;
* Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: leithda
* Date: 2021/2/8
* Description: Swagger 配置
public class SwaggerConfiguration {
public Docket createRestApi() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
private ApiInfo apiInfo() {
return new ApiInfoBuilder()
.title("SpringBoot 整合 Swagger")
.description("spring-boot-swagger API")
.contact(new Contact("leithda", "https://leithda.gitee.io/", "<EMAIL>"))
Rekonstrukce – Salvete s.r.o.
Zakázka představovala kompletní zateplení všech pěti objektů základní školy. Jednalo se o výměnu oken a vchodových dveří, zateplení obvodových plášťů budov, zateplení plochých střech vč. nové hydroizolace fóliovým systémem a zateplení podlah půd u objektů s plechovými sedlovými střechami. Realizace: 2015 Zpět
Zateplení MŠ Spojařů Strakonice
Zakázka představovala kompletní zateplení všech čtyř objektů mateřské školy. Jednalo se o výměnu oken a vchodových dveří, zateplení obvodových plášťů budov a zateplení plochých střech vč. nové hydroizolace fóliovým systémem. Objekty byly také okopány a zaizolovány pod úrovní přilehlého terénu. Realizace: 2015 Zpět
Rekonstrukce vesnického domu – Věštín
Kompletní rekonstrukce vesnického domu představovala celkovou úpravu interiéru (instalační rozvody, vytápění, omítky, truhlářské práce, výměna podlah, oken a dveří) i exteriéru domu (výměna střešní krytiny, oprava fasády i částečné terénní úpravy). Realizace: 2013 – 2014 Zpět
Rekonstrukce bytového domu – Praha, Braník
Zakázka obsahovala kompletní zateplení budovy pomocí kontakního zateplovacího systému Caparol, rekonstrukci střešního pláště, stávající krytina byla nahrazena novou betonovou od firmy Bramac. Po etapách proběhla výměna oken za plastová Hoco, v návaznosti na postupnou rekonstrukci veškerých bytových i nebytových prostor v domě. Poslední bytová jednotka byla revitalizována v roce 2010. Realizace: 2004 – 2010 Zpět
Přístavba domu – Palackého sady, Písek
Rekonstrukce budovy představovala kompletní obnovu vnitřních prostorů, přístavbu zadní části a instalování nových technologií (vzduchotechnika, elektroinstalační rozvody atp.).Vzhledem k historickému charakteru stavby bylo nutné dbát na předpisy a požadavky Národního památkového ústavu. Dům má celkem dvě nadzemní podlaží, která jsou v současné době využívána jako kavárna-restaurace (přízemí) a školicí centrum (1. patro). Pro stavební práce …
Read More "Přístavba domu – Palackého sady, Písek"
Rekonstrukce RD – Hallova, Strakonice
Zakázka představovala kompletní zateplení budovy, výměnu střešní krytiny a kompletní rekonstrukci klempířských prvků. Dále byla provedena nová hydroizolace na plochých částech střešního pláště. Zakázka představovala kompletní zateplení budovy kontakním zateplovacím systémem od firmy Baumit, výměnu střešní krytiny za novou betonovou dodávanou firmou Bramac a kompletní rekonstrukci klempířských prvků. Dále byla provedena nová hydroizolace na plochých … |
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(from subreddit MedicareForAll)
This is he same logic that say you can't raise the Minimum Wage becasue it makes it harder to get to UBI.
It all makes me wonder if the people who spout this nonsense care more about helping the people or making a philosophical argument.People need to ask themselves what is their goal...winning an argument or helping as many people as possible
A little common sense, there is no way in hell that Medicare for all can pass through the Republican Senate.and even more remote that Trump would sign it if it did. There is a possibility that, all be a small one that if the Dems regain a 60 advantage in the Senate and hold onto the house and get a Democrat into the oval office then...maybe we could get medicare for all...maybe. But even with all of that Democrats will be very wary, they remember what happen with the passage of the ACA...the losses of all levers of power.
Secondly and maybe even more importantly...listen closely...a Public Option **IS SINGLE PAYER** just like Medicare, Medicaid, and VA . And by adding a public option that would make over 1/2 of the healthcare coverage single payer.
It would also show what should be obvious already that the goveremnt is perfectly able to provide good coverage at a lower price. and reduce the propaganda that will undoubtedly come from the multi trillion dollar business who don't want to lose the goose that lays the golden eggs. |
# coding: utf-8
# Problem 6 : Divisors
# Input :
# User input number
# Output :
# Prints out a list of all the divisors of that number.
# Example divisors of 10 are : 1,2,5,10
# In[5]:
import math
input_number = input("Please input your number :")
input_number_int = int(input_number)
for number in range(1, int(math.sqrt(input_number_int)) + 1):
if input_number_int % number == 0:
#check if 2 divisor is same
if number != input_number_int/number:
print(number, int(input_number_int / number))
お問合せを頂戴する前にカートよりご購入手続きをなされますと、卸販売にならないものが含まれていた場合におきましてもご購入頂くこととなります。ご面倒をお掛けいたしますが、必ずお問合せの上、ご希望の商品をご指示下さいますよう、宜しくお願い申し上げます。 |
If the recent investment of $100 million by BMW to build a carbon fiber factory in Washington State is any indication, automakers will be introducing this exotic material into more and more mass-production vehicles in the future.
Carbon fiber is attractive to carmakers because of the dramatic fuel savings it can offer. According to a recent article in CNNMoney.com, carbon fiber is two-thirds the weight of steel yet five times stronger. Swapping carbon fiber for steel in a car would reduce a vehicle’s weight by hundreds of pounds.
According to the article, there is a downside to carbon fiber from a manufacturer’s standpoint: the material is expensive, the construction process is labor-intensive and carbon fibers can’t be recycled because carbon composites don’t corrode.
Experts expect other automakers to follow BMW’s lead. |
Sentletse Diakanyo
Sentletse Diakanyo
We are not all Africans, black people are!
Whites have been relentless in their attempts at historical revisionism in respect of the definition of “African” since the 1994 democratic dispensation, and their efforts appeared to have intensified after the collective hoorah of reconciliation had dissipated. Historical revisionism is generally a legitimate re-evaluation of existing understanding and knowledge of particular historical aspects in order to correct any distortions; but there are also those with deliberate motives to revise history in order to mislead or reflect them in favourable light.
Historically, the term “African” never had any ambiguous meaning. To Africans today it still does not have any ambiguous meaning. Africans across the continent and in the diaspora have long understood its meaning to refer to them as black people. African leaders from all walks of life who waged a relentless struggle against the thuggery of colonialism in the continent, were of one mind with regard to who Africans were. The fight against colonialism was to liberate Africans from the thuggery visited upon them by Europeans who had arrogated to themselves the power to rule with brute force and dominate vast territories of the African continent.
When both Arabs and Europeans enslaved Africans and traded them as disposable commodities there was never any misunderstanding with regard to who Africans were. These were native inhabitants of Africa who were regarded as sub-human, and even “savages and barbarians”, as the British warlord Winston Churchill perceived them. These are people who in historical texts have been described as “African slaves”. Neither Arabs nor European slave-masters ever imagined themselves as Africans. When an order for an African slave arrived, it was clear that it was a commoditised black person who needed to be captured and a price put on his head.
Mandela, too, understood the true meaning of the term “African”. He knew that the term “African” referred to black people of this continent; that black South Africans were the Africans.
When Thabo Mbeki stood before the National Assembly on the adoption of the Constitution of South Africa and proclaimed himself an African during his seminal speech, he said: “I am formed of the migrants who left Europe to find a new home on our native land. Whatever their own actions, they remain still, part of me. In my veins courses the blood of the Malay slaves who came from the East. Their proud dignity informs my bearing, their culture a part of my essence. The stripes they bore on their bodies from the lash of the slave master are a reminder embossed on my consciousness of what should not be done.”
Mbeki recognised and acknowledged that other cultures and the acquired knowledge of the history of various races had shaped his being and person as an African. The speech has been misinterpreted for social expediency by some to mean that all who live on the continent are Africans.
The rise of Pan-Africanism in the 1920s was a consequence of the need by African intellectuals to challenge white supremacy, to defeat the absurd notion that Africans were inferior to whites and to agitate the African diaspora towards unity with the rest of Africans. The fifth Pan-African Congress that was held in Manchester in 1945 was meant to galvanise Africans against colonial rule and promote self-pride among Africans.
It was in all probability this congress, which was attended by Kenyatta, WEB Du Bois, George Padmore, Kwame Nkrumah, among others, that set the wheels of decolonialisation of Africa and the British West Indies in motion. There was a determination of purpose and single-mindedness of who an African was within the context of Pan-Africanism. Progenitors of colonialisation and their descendants were never seen or imagined as African. They themselves did not imagine themselves as African.
Marcus Garvey famously agitated the conscience of the African diaspora when he advocated for the return of Africans to Africa. Garvey was not inviting the mass exodus of Europeans to Africa. Each understood that by African, Garvey was making an impassioned plea to black people to return home to Africa and rebuild it into what it should be for themselves. Ironically, Du Bois was one of those Africans in the diaspora who opposed Garvey’s plan for the return of all Africans to Africa; but in his old-age he relocated to Ghana on the invitation of Nkrumah, were he died.
The historical revisionism by whites becomes even more troubled given the recent archaeological evidence that appear to challenge long-held view that Africa is the cradle of mankind. Palaeontologists have recently unearthed the oldest human fossil in China, which is said to be 60 000 years older than the next oldest Homo Sapiens remains. According to these palaeontologists, their discovery suggests that anatomically modern humans had arrived in China long before the species began acting human.
Popular theory among whites has been that their ancient ancestors came from Africa. However, palaeontologists after an analysis of more than 5 000 ancient teeth, concluded that first Europeans were from Asia, not Africa. This discovery reconciles with the discovery of the oldest human fossil in China, that whites have no direct ancestral lineage to Africa. Even when we disregard the pattern of migration of hominids from Africa to Europe and Asia; we can conclude that there was no species of mankind that evolved in Africa from hominids into whites, who then migrated and settled in Europe. The true origin of whites according to archaeology was elsewhere, not in Africa. Given this history, it would make much more sense for whites to want to be reclassified as Chinese.
Whites who had lived in South Africa for countless generations, now after many years of considering themselves Europeans during the apartheid years, proclaim themselves Africans. When white Afrikaner supremacists had signs saying “Europeans” and “Non-Europeans” to enforce segregation between Africans and Europeans, there was never any ambiguity around the term “European”. Almost all whites understood themselves to be Europeans, other than the few who stood on the side of Africans to fight for the abolishment of segregation laws and emancipation of the oppressed people.
If this historical revisionism is to continue, soon whites would find the racial identity as African not enough, and proclaim themselves “black” and accuse those who refuse to recognise them as such to be racist and intolerant. Hopefully sense will prevail with regard to the contested description of African and we would never reach such point of racial absurdity. I have generally understood whites in South Africa to be opposed to name-changes. They have lambasted the ANC when it embarked on a name-changing adventure. It seems a bit hypocritical of them that they want to change their racial description and assume a new identity. This quest for blackness can be readily achieved through simple process of sun-tanning; though perfect results cannot be guaranteed. There is an increased risk of turning orange than black, as Debora Patta has learned.
The need for belonging is well understood and appreciated. Africans embrace other races as their fellow countrymen, whether white, Indian or Chinese; in the hope for unity under one flag, for the betterment of the country we all live in and embrace as our own. Africa is for all who live in it, African, Indian, Chinese, Arab, etc. Perhaps Africans should embark on a countrywide hug-giving exercise to reassure their white compatriots that they too belong in Africa, in any colour but black.
• Africans are humans too by Marius Redelinghuys
• Zombie Verwoerd stalks internet by Chris Roper
• Human, all too human by Marius Redelinghuys
• Must we create another monster? by Sarah Britten
• The problems with defining #African by Jason van Niekerk
• We’re not all Africans, we’re Jews! by Marius Redelinghuys
• Oh the identity question… by Candice Holdsworth
• frederic
Eish! I can see this writing has created a bit of concern. When I see how critical people are to Africans, I am surprised to see how many want to be called “African”. I agree with the writer when he says that an African is a black person. He will be a person born from an African culture, including African ancestors, talking an African language, having an African philosophy and even an African religion, play African music etc. I think that a person corresponding to such a description can only be a black person.
I can claim to be a citizen of a South African, but not to be an African, because I don’t fit to any of he above criteria. Yet, it doesn’t stop me to feel free to visit my African friends where they stay and to court African ladies when I find them beautiful. We could do like the Americans, who have “African-Americans” say “European-Africans”.
Guys the way the world goes, it doesn’t matter a bit, because the trend is to globalize. Sadly, one looses his identity in the name of globalization anyway.
• http://none nyla
Just because you are born in Africa that does not make you African. It just means you were a white boy born in Africa. Just like me being born in America, does not make me an American. It was by force not choice. Just like your white family force their way into Africa and now call themselves African. If want they name Africa, keep it like the article said it’s an ambiguous name. If the African change their names to dog poo I guest you’ll do that too. You only claim it because you can’t trace your own heritage…try outter space.
• Terri
You got you’re stuff wrong on somethings. You leave out alot about the east side of the african continent.One, arabs were not around til blacks had whites as slaves for over 1000years. They married the slaves also. There werent different races back in that period. Other races are mutations from blacks from that time period.
Most left and moved all over the world, the continents that are around now. Weren’t always the same way as they are now. If you didn’t know this, they still have these mutations til this day. Some pure black african, have white children. One family had one a year or two ago a boy.
You should even know this by animals history. They moved from area’s and mutated to survive. All the stuff im saying is from what I learned in school.
• Jeremia
Africans are those who regards Africa as their first and last home, who pledges their allegiance and loyalty to Africa and through their work and efforts they strive to the development of Africa, its people and the generations to come.
• ayui
this is very true African does mean black. the goverment in America is mostly white,nd they reconize this, on an African- Americans drivers licens it ittefies black people nd black people only As AFRICAN american male/female. on a white persons licens is say’s caucasian male/female. no it is not reconized that the term African has multiple international meaning,rather it is reconized that the black man has an identity his not a nigger he is African, white people have an identity to there europian. as well as chinese, korean ETC. not that race matters, it just the fact at hand; everybody are human beings with there on identity!
• Barry Thord-Gray
No, you’re wrong. I’m white and I’m an African.
No, I’m not black but I’m still an African.
Like it or not, I’m a real African.
So What?
• Barry Thord-Gray
How about:
I am South African therefore I am African.
No matter what Peter Tosh said 😛
Go figure
• ayui
sorry white people will never be african, cuz african means black. peace
• Barry Thord-Gray
Sorry for what? Being delusional?
Well, White Africans will never be black but they are already African so dream on…
Which part of “I am South African therefore I am African” don’t you understand?
Peace of what?
• ayui
you people stole are land from us, stole are recources, but you will not still are identity!
• Barry
Umm? I have an identity @ayui, ie. Swedish. It doesn’t change the fact that I was born in South Africa and therefore “I am an African”. It’s a simple reality.
Get used to it Sir or get a basic education, it will surely help you.
• Barry
ayui, you should find out in history whether your ancestors stole land or not from other human beings before making wild accusations, because I despise hypocrisy.
Here I am trying to talk to you as an individual and here you are making mass generalizations talking to me as if I’m “the white man” itself.
Try get a life bro, it helps
• nicola
The term “Ethiopian” represented black peopl
Back when the entire continent was called Ethiopia.
We black people have been called “Kaffir” ,”nigger”, “coloured”
“Negro” Africa as the great continent is called today is the land
Of our ancesteral origin so the term”African” should only describe us!
• Zezezi
Yes know matter how hard you piss and wine the fact remains that African refers to black people, black people were in Africa long before whites even knew Africa existed. Then you people came to are continent and stole are farms burned are houses so you can create colonies for yourself and call it your land, and you refered to Africans as savages and niggers and kiffers and Negroes, then you told the Africans were they could and could not live on there own continent, now you want to be classified as Africans after what you did to us that is hilarious, you even caused Africans to turn against each other funny, black people all over the world recognize that African refers to them, Africans on the continent and the in the diaspora. Therefore African describes black people only, asante ndugu yangu!
• Feroeia
Africa is the homeland of all black people, from Egypt to South Africa, black people were the first to occupy the whole continent of Africa,not just west Africa as whites try to tell us. It is scientifically and historically proven that this is a fact, the Arabs conquered north Africa from the Africans,in the 7th century, the Europeans took central and southern Africa in the 16th century, and left the natives homeless and treated them like animals and caged them and shipped them to the America’s to be treated like cattle. Now after all of that and the racial separation of the apartheid era, not allowing black people or Africans to live or go wherever they want or needed to go on there own continent. Now your trying to erase are history, and steal are identity as Africans, telling us were we are aloud and not aloud to live and go on are own land. Africa will always be the homeland of black people through out the world, no matter how whites try to wipe out are history to satisfy there own hipobodemy desires.
• Barry
I may not be “African” but I was born in Africa and live in Africa…
Therefore, “I am from Africa”. Go figure?
But more importantly
• iam
I’m not sorry fellow Africans but your non-theory is greatly flawed, possibly as a result of acquired prejudices you you undoubtedly possess, I’m not surprised to be honest. An unfortunate side effect of being “human”.
About 300 million years ago, Africa was a supercontinent, named “Pangaea” – which began to separate around 200 million years ago.
In reality we are all Africans, like it or not. :)
I’m a so called “white”, BUT I prefer to be called an earthling, just like every other living creature, plants and animals.
I love Africa as a continent. It’s a beautiful magical place.
Sala Kahle
• Ereaini
@iam…..obviously you came here on another boat, but your philosophies are somewhat true, we are all human beings. But I do believe the correct name is pengea, not pangaea, ok! And are argument is not a theory whether you like it or not it’s a proven fact. And if you love Africa so much why do you treat black people like crap? Have you forgot that in Africa 800,796,999 out of 1,124,000,000 are black people. And you may think we are racist and we’re living in the past, but the fact is racism started in South Africa when the British and the dutch created the little apartheid law, stating were Africans and whites are aloud and not aloud to live or go in south Africa. Well actually it started when the Europeans first came to Africa, but apartheid is the most notable incident. Anyway, Africans were treated like sh!t on there own land because they were black. They were forced out of there homes there villages there farms, because they were black. And today there is still places in SA were whites won’t let Africans live or work. And you want to talk about prejudice. Come on dude, get a life!
• Aanziya
@barry why are you getting angry, you was born on are continent, not in wt world. Whether yawww like it or not get over it, this is Africa not Europe. Do the math dude!
• Joouwi
@iam how is are argument a flaw when it’s a fact ? Think before you talk man, your not in Europe!
• iamiam
You are brainwashed by generations of conditioning. I understand where your prejudices come from. The good news is that you’re not alone. Most people accept societal norms and live by them. God Bless
• Maimba
Why do white people in Africa think they are Africans just because there born in Africa? White people only been in Africa for 400 years, and black people been in Africa for 6,000 years, yet white people get to call themselves Africans, but when Africans or black people born in the America’s or in Europe get treated like crap and called niggers and coloreds and monkey’s and gigabus? How’s is this possibly fare to everyone? When black people’s identity is Almost wiped out and replace with other names but Africans? The name black people were originally called.
• Kisi
Why are white people in Africa so brainwashed to the extent that they really think they are Africans? When whites first came to Africa black people were already here.
• Lanizi
White people steal Africa from black people, create there own laws on are land, telling us were we cannot live on are own dam continent, treat us black people like we’re Animals, they try to erase are history, or rearrange it to suit themselves, they lie and said they Arrived in south Africa at the same time as Africans, although there’s prove that black people were already in south Africa before the Europeans came, now they try to make the term African a title,instead of an Ethnicity or a nationality to suit themselves again, some blacks have been trained to believe the white man’s version of reality,they were taught that white people were better than Everybody else, rather than taught Everybody has his or her own Ethnicity and nationality witch contributes to gods Earth and universe.
• Mwepi
White people my be born on are continent, but the fact remains that at first white people called us real Africans animal’s ,they forced us to be slaves in the America’s, they invaded are continent, burned down are homes, killed are family member’s, and now they want us to accept them and classify them as Africans even though white people disrespected us and still are on are own continent. At first they were happy calling themselves Europeans, now they want to be classified as Africans witch means brown/black people, when Africa was called ethiopia, it never changed. White people are not Africans, and they never will be.
• Quakouman
@ my fellow African brothers and sisters, I feel your sense of pride for being African. Why has being an African become an issue when the fact is obvious. An African is a descendant from the ethnic groups of Africa whom the same European politically classified as black.If Europeans claim to be African today, from which African ethnic group do they descend. No matter how they try to justify themselves to be considered as African, they will never be African. It is immaterial if you have born in Africa or your ancestors have lived in Africa for 400 years. I will never become an Arab if I were born in Saudi Arabia or an Indian, if I were born in India or hold nationalities of these countries. African remains our identity which cannot be stolen from us as you did to our dignity. I applaud the writer hereof for pointing out these facts which must be read and understood by every European settler on the African continent. Africa is always easy to manipulate from the European perspective. Ask them brothers and sisters to go to China and claim the Chinese heritage because they were born in China or become Asians because they were born in Asia. I pity them because no matter how they try to identify themselves as Africans, no one will ever agree with them for being African remains our heritage which even the dynamics of this world and manipulative attitudes of Europeans cannot amend.
• Ounai
If white people can be Africans can Africans be white?
• Barry
Of course Ounai.
Albinos are white, isn’t?
Are they not African?
• son of africa
we are not african cox we are born in africa, we are african cox africa is born in us. no matter how long a long of wood stays in d water ,it will never become cocrodile.God bless Africa.
• cameasi
If a white person is born in africa it doesn’t make him/her african. just like if a african is born in india it doesn’t make him indian, they may be citizens but there not of NATIVE origin. there’s a big difference between being a NATIVE or being a citizen i.e birth or imagration. i’m african my wife is african, my son was born in japan will he automaticlly become a japanese? will the NATIVE japanese Exept him as such? idk. but if they do or not my son remains AFRICAN because that’s were his origins are in AFRICA. have a nice day!!!
• D
I bet black people in Europe will tell you that they are European. It’s an identity thing not a heritage thing. And what about black Americans? They call themselves African AMERICANS. Does that make me a European South African? That’s fine by me but I am certainly not European, I’ve been there once in my life.
If I had been born in India as an 8th generation Indian, i would definitely call myself Indian. It’s basically what nationality one identifies with, you cannot claim a nationality for one race. If I had a child with a black person, what would that child be ‘allowed’ to claim as her identity? Could he/she be considered African?
• thabang
I think we should accomodate people,nothing is fixed no more ,white,indian or whatever race that is born on the continent has every right to claim to be other thing slavery was also practised within black people.our forefathers would own slave,the asante kingdom even sold black slaves to europeans…so let’s not forget parts of history we are not comfortable with.I believe the fact that people choose to see themselves as Africans is a positive thing that needs to be encouraged
• Tshepo
This argument is so flawed. Therefore, white people in the USA are not America. Why? Because the native and indigenous people of the United States are native Americans. Then, no African in the US and Europe can be defined as “European” or “American” even though they have been apart of that culture and national demographic over the last 10 generations? Is this what you are saying? Apartheid has come and gone and so has colonization. Why is it necessary to substantiate your argument on that? If that’s how you set precendents for your argument, we can argue that Southern Africans such as Zulus, Swazi’s (btw I’m Swazi) etc are not purely southern African as they originate from East Africa and came here and displaced the natives (Khoi-San) as well as that we as blacks denounce slavery like it was always white people in slavish black people. Yes? No, black people inslaved one another too as tribes would capture members of other tribes and compel them to work. White people enslaved other white people to from ancient Roman times to more recent historical periods. White peasants existed. Infact it is known that West African kings would sell their own people who were at the foot of society to white colonialists in exchange for western technology.
To say someone is not African purely on the basis of their skin colour is as ignorant as being racist itself. I am black, but I am African as this is my identity, and if it is yours too, regardless of skin colour, you are an…
• Natatia
Tshepo # wins this debate1-0. Disappointing and certainly flawed argument by Sentletse.
• Gonegone
Really? Doesn’t bother me that “black” Africans want the exclusitivity of the term. What bothers me is people need to classify “white” Africans as Europeans…
Love it or hate it, the only thing this person whos mother bled her “european” blood on this soil to birth myself has in common with Europe is that blood.
You can fight, rage, blame me all you want for my skin colour, and classify me as something i am not, but the fact of the matter is: my blood may be european but the heart that pumps it is not, the body it sustains is not, and no matter which way you skew it. Africa is in me and i am Africa.
• Ofentse
When I call someone a caucasian, there will be no doubt who I am referring to. Just like the term “African”, the name “Caucasian” denotes an identity and refers to the location of that identity. There should be no doubt of what the name African means. Africans are the native inhabitants of Africa and the descendants of these native inhabitants. So for example, Coloured people can be classified as Africans because they’re descendants of Africans but not Whites. White people are Caucasioan inhabitants of Africa. White people living are South Africa are then South African Caucasians. A White South African cannot go to the USA and claim to be African American. The word African denotes racial identity as much as the word Caucasian.
I’m not is saying White people do not belong in Africa as many of the love this place and made it their home, but let’s not get identities twisted just for sentimental purposes and political correctness.
• George
Wow. Have you never studied or even heard of evolution? Have you never heard of the Human Genome Project? Recent DNA results are very clear. It is a full record of our past in a sense. A record of our human evolutionary history. All people come from Africa. This is not a theory. It is a scientific fact, All of humanity spent most of their existence in Africa. Only in the (recent evolutionary past) did humanity move to other continents such as Asia and Europe. We (all humans on planet earth) come from East Africa. Or at least all of our human ancestors do. (This fact comes not only from fossils, but MOST IMPORTANTLY from modern DNA comparisons). It is not a matter of choice. It is not a matter of a desire, or what we want to be called. It is a matter of scientific facts. Just as the fact that we are all (like it or not) descended from apes. Regardless of what we choose to call ourselves.
However, what this article suggests is that different races on planet earth are different human species, which if you ask any biologist or evolutionary scientist, will tell you that it is completely WRONG. We are all modern humans, while all the other human species such as Neanderthals went extinct.
I am just amazed at how people still feel the need to label themselves and label other people even in this day and age. Isn’t it time we all just call ourselves people and nothing else? Isn’t it time we stop classifying and labeling each other in this modern civilized world and age of…
• Sannie
I would also like to add to his debate. I am a white South-African and do regard myself as a afrikaner, South-African and a african. I have never thought of myself as European at all even though I know that I have European blood and genes in me. I identify myself as a african. To me is all about identiy and not the skin. I have read a lost of the comments here and everyone argues skin colour or ancestor . To have a ancestor 400 ago in SA does not matter for most of you, No you want to go back even further.Only a few people here argued with sense, that is Thabang, D, Tshepo, Gonegone and George. The rest off you are full of hatred towards the whites in general. Most of the Europeans were immigrants and not all were colonizers. And for that one person who said that Colourd people ancestors are from africa, well that is incorrect as the colourds are a combination of white, San, Griqua, Indian, Chinese and Indonesian malay.Furthmore I agree wholehartedly with Tshepo “so say some-one is not “African” purely on the basis of their skin colour is as ignorant as being racist itself! To me every ethnic group is special and one should be proud on being a zulu or afrikaner. To put the blame of what happened hundreds of years ago in Africa on all white people is unfair. We afrikaners hate what the Brits did to us and our language many years ago but I know we can not hate all Brits off what their ancestors or forefathers did many years ago. Same is in the rest of this world.
• dean
pffft this articles is pathetic, funny how it fails to mention that us africans were at root level enslaved by our own fellow africans. neighbouring tribes attacked rival tribes and then cpatured them as slaves, either selling them to the arabs who then sold them on to europeans or selling to ythe eureopeans thremselves. dont deny the problems our continent has gone through
• http://[email protected] pholoso
i am an African , becuz im black , i am an African original, i may have born in Miami Florida , but still i am an AFRICAN AND American will be the last cuz thats where my born, whites are African if they were born in Africa but……………………the fact is they are europens
i’m a black north African, even here in Algeria European migrants won’t to be classified as African. my brother is half African- half Afro-Arab, he moved to the united kingdom he applied to became a citizen then they told him to go back to Africa. now white people in Africa want to be classified as Africans but when Africans go to Europe they tell us to go back home. so is it fair that Europeans can be Africans but Africans can’t be Europeans? he even studied the NATIVE culture to go to the uk, and they forced him to pack up and go back to Africa. but in south Africa is a different story, white people can be Africans And Africans are just called BLACK, and you have some Africans who are happy to just be called black like there some kind of cheap material objects. while whites live in luxry and most Africans live in shanty towns. so white people tell us if it’s fair for most black people to be treated like dirt in EUROPE while at the same time most whites live in luxury in Africa? talk a
• Interesting
Even today…. we are nothing… we are fading y’all….
Why does it seem we are fading…. we are losing our identity….
• Reaper
Why can’t all of us just live together in peace, yes I am white, yes I have many friends with a different skin colour. We are all the same and you have no right to say us “whites” can not be called African’s. I am from South Africa so therefore I am a South African/African. You need to stop brainwashing this generation. We are all living together in peace, hell we are all suffering from the goverment that steals/wastes our money. The goverment does not care about anyone but themselves and how to get rich quickly. Just suck it up buddy, if anyone is born in Africa, even if you’re pink/purple etc you will be classified as a African! Even animals are eg, African Lion, African Elephant etc.
• kage
I find it funny white people who live in Africa would assume they are African yet here in America they were telling us years to go back where we came from. You white people are nowhere near African. African is a race of people not just someone who were born there. You have no African blood you are EUROPEAN if anything. If your decendants were from China, Korean, or Japan would you be Chinese, Korean or Japanese? No so what makes you think just because you bullied your way into Africa means you’re African?
• Warren
I find it funny that color is so important. We all live in South Africa, we should all be the children of the Lord, following God’s laws and making peace.
Why does everyone want to keep fighting each other, apartheid was support to be done and dusted, but it’s just being reversed now
• Tumo
In Australia, Australians are referred to as Aborigine by the Europeans and Europeans are calling themselves Australians.
In America, Americans are referred to as Red or Red Indians by the Europeans and Europeans are calling themselves Americans.
Now in Africa, Africans are referred to as Blacks by the Europeans (sadly so by Africans themselves) and Europeans want to be called Africans.
Africans it is time to wake up and stop calling ourselves ‘Blacks’ but Africans that we are.
• Amanda Watson
Except that Africa, as the author points out, is a continent.
Our race, therefore is not African, . Our race is Zulu or Xhosa or Caucasian, not black or white.
How does a colour become a race?
• tn
First, North Africans are not Arabs — even if they speak some sort of arabic, they are Berbers and indigenous to that region. Second, Africa was the name of Tunisia. Only later it gave its name to the whole continent . So who is the African now ? LOL
• Sini
White people did not want to be African twenty years ago but now ALL OF A SUDDEN they want to be African? Thing is with white people they like claiming everything. Africa is not yours, it is for the black. You cannot trace your lineage to Africa but you want to be called African. In the years when we were oppressed you never called yourselves African, you knew the difference between white and African, why then do you suddenly want to be called an African?
• Tumo
How does a color become a race?
Europeans are not WHITE as Africans are not BLACK.
What is white about Europeans? because even most Japanese are more lighter skinned than Europeans, why not call them white?
The color scheme was all a racist attack to Africans by the Europeans to impose the ideology that Africans will never be equal to or be the same as Europeans…since BLACK IS CONSIDERED THE OPPOSITE OF WHITE.
The same reason that they now loath to admit that Africans are Africans. |
Human:Here is an extract from a webpage:
"Some say that the best things to collect are memories. But ask any serious collector, and you’ll hear something else entirely. Unless, of course, they happen to collect photographs.
From hardcore philatelists to vinyl lovers to comic book superfans, every collector community is an arcane universe peopled by individuals obsessed with whatever it is they are pursuing. Take stamps, for example. For us mortals, they are small, sticky labels that other people licked, but for stamp collectors, they are little pieces of art, a window to the world, and the hottest commodity.
All around the world, collectors are hunting for rare and beautiful items that belong to whatever genre they are passionate about. Here we look at some of the most popular collectibles of all time, so whether you have a passion for collecting or just want to start up a new hobby that you will enjoy, read on to learn about the 30+ hottest collectable items and memorabilia that are worth investing in.
Displates are a neat al."
Write an engaging and accessible course unit in a textbook for middle school students related to the extract above. The content should be tailored for middle school students without prior knowledge of the topic.
Try to:
- Provide detailed explanations, avoid technical jargon, and present the ideas in a straightforward, narrative tone.
- Include examples to make the subject approachable and exciting for young middle school students.
- Avoid mentioning the web extract in the textbook. Do not include a title or introductory phrases. Start writing the content directly.
Bot:Chapter 16: The Fascinating World of Collecting
Have you ever thought about starting your own collection? Maybe you already collect something special, like seashells, stuffed animals, or sports cards! People collect all sorts of things for many reasons - sometimes because they love the way something looks, other times because they find history fascinating, and still, others see it as an investment. Let's dive into this intriguing hobby together!
What Is Collecting?
Collecting means gathering similar objects or items over time. These could be anything from coins, postage stamps, toys, books, or even movie tickets! Many adults and children alike enjoy having their collections, which can become a fun and rewarding pastime. Some even turn their collections into valuable assets.
Why Do People Collect Things?
There isn't one single reason why someone might choose to begin a collection. Here are four common motivators behind the desire to collect:
1. Aesthetic appeal: Some people admire the beauty, design, or craftsmanship of certain objects and wish to gather them to appreciate their visual charm. Think about how stunning a display case filled with colorful, unique marbles would look!
2. Historical significance: Objects from different periods in human history hold stories within them. By collecting these relics, enthusiasts preserve and share our collective memory. Imagine holding a coin more than a hundred years old – what tales could it tell?
3. Personal connection: Sometimes, specific items remind us of important moments or people in our lives. Keeping those mementos close helps strengthen our bond with cherished experiences. Have you ever saved a ticket stub from a memorable concert or game? That's an excellent example of personal connections through collecting!
4. Financial value: Over time, particular collectible items may increase in monetary worth due to rarity or demand. Serious collectors often invest in such treasures, hoping to secure a profitable return someday. However, keep in mind that financial gains shouldn't be the primary driver for starting a collection; instead, focus on building a meaningful assortment based on genuine interest and curiosity.
Getting Started With Your Own Collection
Now that you know why people collect things let's explore how to get started on your journey! First, consider these questions:
* What am I interested in? (animals, space exploration, comics, etc.)
* How much money and space do I have available for my collection?
* Where can I find items to add to my collection? (shops, online marketplaces, gifts)
Once you've answered these questions, follow these steps to build your very own collection:
1. Research: Learn everything you can about your chosen topic. Visit libraries, browse websites, watch documentaries, and talk to experts. This background information will help guide your choices when selecting items for your collection.
2. Set goals: Decide what kind of collection you hope to create. Will it consist only of rare finds, or will it also feature common ones? Are there specific editions, models, or brands you aim to acquire? Having clear objectives makes searching for new acquisitions more focused and enjoyable.
3. Organize & Display: Find creative ways to showcase your collection. Use shelves, boxes, albums, or displays depending on each item's nature. Proper organization allows easy access and appreciation of individual pieces while protecting them from damage.
4. Connect with fellow collectors: Join clubs, attend events, participate in forums, and engage with others who share your enthusiasm. They can offer advice, resources, and friendship along your collecting adventure!
5. Document your progress: Keep track of each addition to your collection using notes, photos, or digital catalogs. Record where and when you obtained each piece, its condition, and any relevant details. Not only does documentation serve as proof of ownership, but it also creates a record of your growth as a collector.
As mentioned earlier, collecting can be incredibly fulfilling, regardless of age or experience level. So go ahead – embark on your fantastic voyage into the captivating realm of collecting! |
White herons – kōtuku
White herons are known to Māori as kōtuku. In Māori tradition they were honoured for their rarity and beauty. Only chiefs or important men could wear a heron’s feathers in their hair or cloaks.
There are only about 100 of these birds in New Zealand, although they can also be found in India, China, Japan and Australia (where they are known as great egrets). They have a long, slender neck and a yellow bill. During the breeding season their bill turns black and they develop long, fine plumes from their backs.
Every year around September white herons gather near Ōkārito, in the South Island, to breed. It is their only breeding colony in New Zealand. They make their nests high up in trees, and lay three to five eggs. The parents share the job of looking after the chicks, which leave the nest after about 42 days.
In 1940 there were only four nests left. Numbers had declined because stoats were eating the heron chicks and vandals were taking the birds for their feathers. However, the breeding colony is now a nature reserve, and the Department of Conservation has trapped the stoats. There are now about 50 nests each year.
Reef herons have yellow-orange eyes and beaks. They live around parts of New Zealand’s coast, where they eat small fish, eels and crabs. These herons make their nests in rocks or beneath vegetation.
White-faced herons came to New Zealand from Australia in the early 20th century. They are now the most common heron in the country.
Nankeen night herons
Nankeen night herons turned up in New Zealand in the 1990s. They have a shorter neck and are plumper than some other herons. |
The Most Nutritious Dried Fruits
Dried fruits are very common in many diets. You can include them in salads, cereals, bread, meats or you can just eat them as a snack. Maybe they are not your first choice during hot seasons since fresh fruit is always a better option, but now that we’re entering fall, it is the perfect time to eat dried fruits. In fact, it is very common in some countries to eat more dried fruits during this time of the year and this is definitely a good thing because even though they are dehydrated, they’re still packed with nutrients.
Dried fruits like apricots, raisins, almonds, dates, pistachios, and many other have healthy unsaturated fats, as well as oleic and linoleic fatty acids and the popular Omega 3. This means they are good for your heart and cholesterol levels.
Strawberries, citrus fruits, papayas, kiwi, and cherries, have plenty of vitamins C and E, which make them great antioxidants. This helps us stay away from degenerative diseases and premature aging.
Most Nutritious Dried Fruit
Peaches: Contain 34% of your daily vitamin A and 18% iron recommendations, it’s also a good source of potassium, niacin, and copper. |
Neuron, neurone | definition of neuron, neurone by Medical dictionary
Also found in: Dictionary
neuron, neurone The functional unit of the nervous system. A neurone is a single cell having a very long, fibre-like extension, called an axon, and one or many short extensions called dendrites. The axon may be 100,000 times as long as the diameter of the cell body-some are as long as 1 m. Nerve impulses are moving zones of electrical depolarization and these travel outwards along the axon from the cell body. Incoming impulses travel to the cell body along the dendrites. Neurones interconnect with each other at specialized junctions called SYNAPSES, situated mainly between the end of an axon of one neurone and the cell body or the dendrites of another. Many neurones receive as many as 15,000 synapses, some more. Most synapses are interneurones connecting with other nerve cells, rather than with muscles or glands.
Fig. 228 Neuron . A vertebrate motor nerve cell.
neuron, neurone or
nerve cell the structural unit of the nervous system, usually consisting of the cell body and cytoplasmic extensions. Long single extensions are known as AXONS and these carry impulses from the cell body to other nerve cells or effectors. Short multiple extensions known as DENDRITES receive impulses. Axons may be myelinated (with MYELIN SHEATHS) or nonmyelinated, but in the former the transmission of impulses is quicker as action potentials jump from one node of Ranvier to another. |
1.1 The definition of the term “translation”. 6
1.2 The use of various translational transformations. 10
1.3 Definition and Classification of Proper Names. 12
1.4 Translation of Proper Names. 16
1.1 The definition of the term “translation”
... At an analysis stage of the statement of the original the translator passes a way from below upwards (from signs up to the purpose of the communications, consistently finding out all levels of the maintenance). At a stage of synthesis of the statement language of translation «the translator passes all hierarchy of levels in the returnable order, consistently checking, whether defines unequivocally each level of the maintenancea final variant of translation» [5, p. 69]. If it appears, that any level demands the obligatory use of the certain forms, the translator selects a variant language of translation, so to say, irrespective of the original.
Nevertheless we count, that in some cases this theory can be not absolutely expedient. The purpose of the use of the reduced lexicon, as usual, is statements of the negative attitude of the sender to the addressee or its prompting to any actions which in itself does not represent a problem for judgement. All we need is only as much as possible adequately to choose the lexical form of transfer of this purpose in the text of translation. Taking into account that in that case this problem has semantic character more likely, we count what to achieve it is possible, having executed not such difficult translational transformations. For example, application of translational lexical changes of the general type can be effective enough in that case.
So, as it is seen, while translating informal lexicon it is possible to apply both linguistic, and communicative methods of translation, but it is necessary to use the most rational methods. If on equal judgments of the purpose of the statement there are no problems, we count not obligatory application of such difficult methods, as a method of levels of equivalence. It is enough to apply simple translational receptions, for example, such, as the deputy. ...
1.3 Definition and Classification of Proper Names
... Having searched the definition in related literature we faced with the three problems and only one was solved, so we’ve tried to find the answer among the material presented in foreign sites and succeed a bit.first source which caught our attention was Babich who presented the problem very briefly and poor. He says:
“Proper names (or nouns) are capitalized in English. Here are some examples:of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: January, February, Marchof companies: Amazon, Coca Cola, Google, towns: England, Canada, San Francisco: The Grand Canyon, The Empire State Building, The Underground, films, prizes: the Bible, the Oscar, the Nobel Prizeof people: Tim Smith, Jennie Baker, Theodore Rooseveltpeople: Aristotle, Napoleon, Shakespeare” [11:56]to the lack of details and the general poverty of the so-called definition it almost cannot be considered as wrong. It also solves the two previous questions: now we can state that a proper name can include not only nouns (The Empire State Building), and contain more than one word according the example. Furthermore the article declares some kind of classification which includes our topic, the film’s titles. But the article arises two new questions. They are: why should one divide “names of people” and “famous people” [11:56], and if “proper names (or nouns) are capitalized in English”, why some of elements of them are not “the Nobel Prize”.first question is so doubtful, that falls into two sub questions: are famous people’s names like “Aristotle” not names or these persons are not people? What made the author to divide “names of people” and “famous people”? And the second sub question from what point should one be considered as famous, because Aristotle, Napoleon, Shakespeare lived long ago and David Cameron is our contemporary but he is still famous all over the world.we’ve answered our two questions but have get two more as well, that’s why we used another article from Arbekova’s book. ...
... We can mention that the translation of names derived from common nouns and other parts of speech but suggesting no characteristics is considered irrelevant, although it lends some additional vividness to the target text.
We believe that exposing the inner form of some last names and consequently their significance was unnecessary, e.g. Ферапонтов—Servantov where a Greek stem was translated; or the translation of anthroponyms with common stems although these stems do not give any characteristics: Младенцев—Infantov, Байбаков—Dormousov (see sections E, K), translation of stems that derive from obsolete words: Возгрявый—Snotpuss, Боголепов—Deiformov. However that doesn't affect the style of the book.
As a peculiarity of this translation of The Story of a Town we can notice a very attentive sometimes even overzealous attitude in rendering common stems of proper names, unlike most other translations where charactonyms are usually transcribed. Sometimes the inner form of proper names is translated even where it is unnecessary. However we note a high quality of the translation on the whole and the interpretation of the system of proper names, the skill in finding the necessary characterizing information in the names, conveying M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin's intention. S. Brownsberger skillfully dealt with the ways of rendering of proper names depending on their significance and stylistic load. She managed to render the variety of names in the book and chose the proper way of translating in almost every separate case. ...
- Crystal D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language / David Crystal. - Cambridge University Press, 1995. - 869 p.
- Fernandes L. Translation of Names in Children’s Fantasy Literature: Bringing the Young Reader into Play / L. Fernandes. - Pуs-Graduaзгo em Estudos da Traduзгo, Brazil, 2006. - 273 p.
- Kiviniemi, F. R. Semantics. A new outline / F. R. Kiviniemi. - Cambridge University Press, 1982. - 425 p.
- Matthews B. Semantics: a coursebook / B. Matthews. - Cambridge University Press, 1997. - 285 p.
- Nida E. Componential Analysis of Meaning / E. Nida. - Mouton, 1975. - 246 p.
- Абдурахманова, Х. И. Инглиз Тили Таржима Назарияси / Х. И. Абдурахманова. - Ташкент, 2005. - 189 с. |
* Created by <NAME> on 7/12/2016.
(function () {
'use strict';
.factory('personRestService', personRestService);
personRestService.$inject = [
function personRestService($resource, BASE_URL) {
var url = BASE_URL + '/people';
function getAllPeople() {
var peopleResource = $resource(url, {}, {
get: {
method: 'GET',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
data: null
return peopleResource.get().$promise;
function postPerson(person) {
var peopleResource = $resource(url, {}, {
post: {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
return peopleResource.post(person).$promise;
return {
getList: getAllPeople,
post: postPerson
})(); |
(From Reddit r/StarWars)
If you can change someone who is seen as basically the most horrible person in the galaxy and make them into a productive member of society, wouldn’t you say that is a more constructive and beneficial act than killing them?
It also provides closure to those who were close to that person that their former friend/loved one became a better person. Like the whole thread of Han Solo and Leia wanting their son back in the Sequels is because they love their son, Ben Solo, unconditionally and want to have their son back. Even if he has to go to prison or atone for his crimes some other way, it’s better seeing him become the person they love again rather than accept that the person they loved just became a POS monster who is rotten to the core. |
(From r/malefashionadvice)
There are some good resources in the sidebar you might want to check out: [building a basic wardrobe](https://www.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/comments/5da1xt/building_a_basic_wardrobe_v60/?st=j0sf556s&sh=190bf804) and [understanding color](https://www.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/comments/15tjgv/livemethods_heroically_enormous_seasonal_color/?st=j0sf55wf&sh=4a05a1b6). The /r/femalefashionadvice color guide [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/femalefashionadvice/comments/1pbmrj/a_guide_to_color_matching/) is also good, arguably better than the MFA one.
Stuff you really can't go wrong with:
**Up top:** white, light blue, light gray, pink, simple patterns (gingham, windowpane, vertical stripes) in basic colors (various blues, various reds, various greens, etc.)
**Down low:** navy, olive, various grays, and khaki/tan
**Shoes (leather boots, derbies, mocs, etc.):** light to medium brown
**Shoes (sneakers):** white, navy, burgundy
If you're wearing non-sneaker shoes, match your belt at least approximately. If you're wearing sneakers your belt doesn't need to match.
You don't need *all* of this, but basically any combo of the above will probably work unless you get into clashing territory. Make sure there's some basic contrast between the items you're wearing and you'll be fine. |
## Question:
Here is an extract from a webpage: "The new Cellular phone App
BBPeopleMeet has the benefit of a cellular-friendly software. Although some players faith the brand new app`s style isn’t that exceptional in comparison with different qualities, it’s not a massive situation. While doing so, the new mobile application shines simply because of its features. Similar to the webpages type, new software obtains straightforward picture, obvious fonts, and an everyday combination of tone. New BBPeopleMeet cellular software is in fact representative-amicable and you may small when it comes to routing. Ergo, as well as people who have zero expertise in utilizing this variety of of applications can figure things out in a minute or one or two. As mentioned over, the internet site adaptation do not boast an appealing layout, in addition to exact same holds true for the application.
At exactly the same time, it provides a very inviting and you will low-judgmental community; this is why, it is well worth for use. Besides, due to the BBPeop".
Write an informative and insightful blog post that expands upon the extract above. Your post should delve into the nuances of the topic, offering fresh perspectives and deeper analysis. Aim to:
- Inform: Provide valuable, well-researched information that educates the reader.
- Engage: Write in a conversational tone that connects with the audience, making complex ideas accessible.
- Illustrate: Use examples, anecdotes, or personal experiences to bring the topic to life.
Do not give a title and do not start with sentences like "Have you ever..." or "Hello dear readers..", simply write the content without these introductory phrases.
## Answer:
BBPeopleMeet's Mobile Application: A Double-Edged Sword
In today's digital age, online dating has become increasingly popular, and with this trend comes the rise of mobile dating apps. One such app is BBPeopleMeet, which has made efforts to cater to users on-the-go by developing a mobile-friendly version of their platform. However, while the convenience factor cannot be denied, there are certainly pros and cons associated with using the BBPeopleMeet mobile app. Let's dive deeper into what makes this app tick and whether or not it's truly worth your time.
Design and Navigation
First impressions matter, especially when it comes to design. The mobile app follows suit with the website, featuring simple images, clear fonts, and a user-friendly color scheme. Though critics argue that its visual appeal doesn't quite match up to other competitors, functionality takes center stage here. The no-frills approach allows even novice users to grasp how to navigate through the interface quickly and efficiently. After all, easy navigation translates to more time spent connecting with potential matches rather than figuring out where buttons lead.
One area where BBPeopleMeet excels is in its features. Designed with inclusivity in mind, the app fosters a welcoming environment that encourages connections regardless of body size. Features include the ability to send flirts, messages, and view profiles, among others. These functionalities empower users to make meaningful interactions within the community. Furthermore, the streamlined layout ensures that accessing these key components remains uncomplicated.
Usability vs. Eye Candy
As previously mentioned, the app leans heavily towards usability instead of flashy aesthetics. This choice raises questions about whether or not having visually striking designs impacts user experience positively. On one hand, slick graphics might attract first-time visitors; however, they could also create unnecessary complexity. Conversely, focusing solely on simplicity risks appearing dated compared to rivals. It seems that BBPeopleMeet chose pragmatism over glamour – but does that decision pay off?
Target Audience
Understanding the target demographic plays a significant role in evaluating any product, including BBPeopleMeet. Their primary focus appears to be individuals seeking genuine companionship based on shared interests beyond physical appearance. By creating an atmosphere free from judgment, users feel comfortable expressing themselves authentically. Thus, prioritizing function over form ultimately aligns with their mission statement and appeals to those looking for substance over style.
Final Thoughts
While opinions regarding the BBPeopleMeet mobile app remain divided, it's essential to consider the bigger picture. Yes, improvements could be made in terms of visual appeal. Nevertheless, the app serves its purpose admirably, providing ease of access and robust features tailored specifically for its niche market. So before dismissing it based purely on appearances, take the time to explore its offerings thoroughly. You might just find that beneath its modest exterior lies a hidden gem waiting to help you discover real connections. |
Subsets and Splits