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Seeing a snake while exploring northern Nevada’s trails is somewhat rare and the chance of a snakebite is even less common. However, it’s important to make sure you’re ready for snakes and know what to do in case of a snakebite.
Hiking the rugged, stunning and varied landscapes of northern Nevada is a huge draw for many who live here. But it’s important to stay alert and be prepared while you’re out exploring the natural habitats of wildlife, especially if you encounter a snake or get a snakebite.
As you prep for your next outdoor adventure, remember these three tips to stay safe in Nevada’s wilderness.
1. Leave snakes alone
In general, if you don’t mess with snakes, they won’t mess with you.
Seeing a snake is fairly uncommon because of their body camouflage and secretive nature, which are their first defenses in evading predators. According to the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW), most snakebites happen when a person tries to capture or kill the snake.
Nevada is home to 52 species of snakes and reptiles, according to NDOW. Only six can be dangerous to people and pets:
- Western Rattlesnake (this is the most common type of venomous snake in northern Nevada, especially around Yerington and Fallon)
- Mohave Rattlesnake
- Speckled Rattlesnake
- Western Diamondback
- Gila Monster (these live in southern Nevada’s Mojave Desert)
Venomous snakes, like the rattlesnakes, have a wide head and thick body. Non-venomous snakes are usually more slender and have a narrow head.
If you see a snake on the trail and you aren’t sure if it’s venomous or not, it’s best to be safe and leave it alone by moving away slowly.
2. Wear the right gear and take care where you walk
NDOW and the U.S. Department of Agriculture suggest doing the following to decrease your chances of a snakebite:
- Wear over-the-ankle boots, thick socks and loose-fitting long pants.
- Stick to trails and stay out of the bushes or tall grass.
- Don’t step where you can’t see.
- If going over a fallen tree or large rock, step on it. Don’t jump over it. A snake might be lying on the other side.
- Always check stumps or logs for snakes if you’re going to sit on it.
- If you see one or hear a rattle, move away from the area slowly. Don’t run or make any sudden movements.
- Don’t handle or move a recently-killed snake as it can still inject venom.
And for your dog, the best way to prevent a snake bite is to keep it on a leash.
3. Know what to do (and not do) if you get a snakebite
Renown Health primary care physician Aaron A. Bertalmio, MD, reminds us the odds of getting a snakebite are very low. Roughly 7,000 to 8,000 people get bitten annually and only 5 percent die according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
But in the event of a snakebite, here’s what to do:
- Get medical help as soon as possible
- Stay calm to help keep your heart-rate low
- Remove constrictive clothing or jewelry
- Clean the wound with soap and water if available
- Cover the snakebite with dry, sterile cloth or adhesive bandage if available
- Keep the bite snakebite area level and below your heart if possible
- Apply a tourniquet (a tool used to stop arm or leg blood flow)
- Ice the bitten area
- Suck out the venom
You’re now prepped and ready on what you need to know about Nevada’s slithery friends so you can stay safe and enjoy the outdoors! |
Folke Brundin
Folke Brundin (né le ) est un rameur suédois. Il participe à la compétition masculine à quatre barreur lors des Jeux olympiques d'été de 1988 à Séoul en Corée du Sud où il termine en dixième position avec ses coéquipiers , et .
Notes et références
Liens externes
Naissance en avril 1963
Rameur suédois (aviron) |
a+ cert question need help understanding
akaray 17:24 30 Mar 08
so i'm studying for the A+ and i come across this question, which i know the answer, but don't understand????
You are the desktop engineer in Telesoft Corporation. Angela has joined the organization as a customer care executive . You have to install Windows XP professional on a new computer for Angela. The hard disk drive has a single FAT 32 partition.
Which procedure would you not follow to start the installation?
a. Boot the computer with Windows XP professional upgrade CD-ROM.
b. Boot the computer with Windows XP Professional bootable CD-ROM.
c. Boot the computer with Windows XP boot disks.
d. Boot the computer with Windows 98 startup disk.
the answer is a. i don't understand why though.
somebody please explain.
woodchip 17:27 30 Mar 08
because upgrade needs another operating system on the drive like xp
Fingees 17:54 30 Mar 08
I don't understand why you would use an upgrade on a new PC.
The answer I would pick would be b.
If a, then theoretically it should already have had another system on it previously, like xp as stated.
If it hasn't had another system previously, then it is against the conditions to install an upgrade disk
brundle 17:56 30 Mar 08
The thinking's right, but the answer's still A - "Which procedure would you /not/ follow to start the installation?"
akaray 18:29 30 Mar 08
so is it because it is a new computer, that the upgrade option must be ruled out automatically because a new computer automatically implies that there was no previous operating system?
and if that is the case. why is windows 98 startup disk an option? i would really like to clear this up, so i have a firm understanding. thanks for everybody's help.
brundle 18:37 30 Mar 08
The other three options can be used to install an operating system on any system, the first one can only be used if there is an OS already present to upgrade from.
anskyber 18:44 30 Mar 08
Could it be that as an organisation you have a corporate license which will allow for an upgrade when the license code is inserted?
VoG II 18:47 30 Mar 08
See Method 2 click here
brundle 18:49 30 Mar 08
akaray; Don't worry too much about the other answers, just because they're not wrong doesn't mean they're 100% right if you get me - they have to put something in to make it multiple choice after all. If you can pinpoint the one answer you know is what the question is getting at, that's enough. Don't think about it more than you need to.
Fruit Bat /\0/\ 19:18 30 Mar 08
Its the NOT thats causing the confusion.
As the drive is FAT32 then all methods work EXCEPT A which needs to see a previously installed system to upgrade from.
anskyber 19:24 30 Mar 08
Well spotted.
This thread is now locked and can not be replied to.
Updated: Sep 1, 2022
By Jennifer Appoo
Jennifer is a PhD student supervised by Prof. Sébastien Jaquemet from the University of La Réunion and Dr Nancy Bunbury from the Seychelles Islands Foundation. Jennifer has worked in island conservation and research, on Western Indian Ocean islands for the last six years.
Photo 1: The Reunion cuckoo-shrike, one of the rarest birds in the Mascarenes. © Jaime Martinez / SEOR.
I live on Reunion Island, an incredible island, subtropical, dizzyingly high, and atop a volcanic hotspot: one of the planet’s most active volcanoes, Piton de la Fournaise, is in the south of the island. Reunion is the tallest island in the Indian Ocean, peaking at 3070m. This great height has produced a large variety of habitats, from subtropical rainforest, and cloud forest, to heath and lowland coastal dry forest, creating a remarkable and stunning mosaic of ecosystems and dramatic landscape features, and, of course, high endemism.
Photo 2: Typical scenery of Reunion: rugged terrain and impressive escarpments, forested gorges and basins creating a visually striking landscape
Reunion has inevitably seen its fair share of extinctions and many remaining species are still threatened due to habitat loss and invasive alien species. Today, several species are clinging on to survival thanks to small-scale local conservation programmes. Despite being knee-deep into a PhD in marine ecology, I am a conservation biologist at heart and am always compelled to join endemic threatened species conservation efforts. Hence, I recently found myself volunteering on a rat control programme to protect the Reunion cuckoo-shrike Lalage newtoni.
This cuckoo-shrike (or “tuit tuit”) is a critically endangered endemic forest bird surviving in an area of only 12 km2. Rat control was started in 2004 by SEOR (Société d’Etudes Ornithologiques de La Réunion) a local ornithological organization, when the population had dropped to only six breeding pairs. With support from the LIFE BIODIV’OM project, in 2018, the programme started including volunteers to increase public sensitisation and coverage of the control area, and the cuckoo-shrike population is now up to 48 pairs thanks largely to these efforts. Rat control is done between May to September, during the non-breeding season and the programme has attracted people of all ages with more volunteers every year.
I packed an overnight bag and headed out early one Saturday morning to our meeting point at the base of the Roche Ecrite massif in the Reunion National Park and UNESCO World Heritage Site. From there, we hiked along a steep path away from the main trails, bringing us deep into the national park and into cuckoo-shrike habitat, at 1800 m. The forest was vibrant, filled with endemic bamboo, tree ferns and highland tamarind trees, and other birds such as the Mascarene paradise flycatcher, Reunion stonechat and Reunion white-eye.
Photo 3: The group on reaching the highland forest of Roche Ecrite National Park
Over 3 hours later, we reached the first stop where big aluminium containers were filled with rodenticide bait blocks. We off-loaded personal gear and filled each of our bags with 10 kg of rodenticide. We split into smaller groups and headed into the forest along pre-defined baiting lines.
Every 30 m we stopped at a bait station, recorded how much bait was left and refilled it. Then, using slingshots, we spread bait on each side of the line to increase the coverage. The forest was dense and we had to bush bash and clamber through the low vegetation. We kept our ears open for any sound of “tuit-tuit” and were eventually rewarded with a few sightings of the rare cuckoo-shrike.
Photo 4: Using slingshots to disperse bait blocks on each side of the line
Four hours and 32 baiting stations later, we reached the end of our line. Aching and tired, we headed to a small mountain lodge, about two hours walk away, where we would sleep. We spent the evening learning more about the cuckoo-shrike and of each other, bonding over a creole curry cooked over the fire. We went to sleep that night satisfied with our work but mostly relieved to be inside the lodge as the rain poured outside and temperatures dropped to below 5˚C. We had an early start and another 3 hours of baiting the next day.
Photo 5: Using the fire to prepare our creole curry and warm up!
My two days volunteering on this rat control programme were absolutely amazing: a relatively tough but very rewarding activity on so many levels. I took a break from the laptop and the lab, discovered the wild endemic forest of Reunion Island, met people who are passionate about saving their local wildlife, got the rare chance to see the critically endangered Reunion cuckoo-shrike and more importantly, assisted in their conservation efforts.
Rat control and eradication is part and parcel of the conservation of many endemic island species. Unpleasant and difficult though it can be, this work helps to counter the impact of these clever and adaptable omnivores, which pose one of the greatest threats to island species wherever they haven’t been eradicated. As such, I’ve worked in rat control in every conservation job I’ve had. In Seychelles, I helped control rats around nests of the Seychelles black parrot for the Seychelles Islands Foundation. I also assisted the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation with rat control on Ile aux Aigrettes in Mauritius, which hosts many endemic reptiles and birds. Here in Reunion, although the cuckoo-shrike population remains small it is clear that, without this rat control programme, they would no longer be around today. |
Грибний сезон: що потрібно знати, аби не отруїтися : 04:06:2020 - kazatin.com
Досвідчені грибники знають, що в травні-червні з'являється чимало грибів в зріджених заплавних лісах та на узліссях, на лугах та пасовищах, в садах тощо. Але чи всі вони є безпечними для вживання?
У Вінницькій області за минулий рік було зареєстровано 10 випадків отруєння дикорослими грибами. В лікарні опинилося 18 дорослих людей та 1 дитина, летальних випадків зареєстровано не було.
В поточному році вже є одна підозра на гостре отруєння грибами. Враховуючи дощову погодуі сприятливі умови для росту грибів, з метою запобігання отруєнь дикорослими грибами, рекомендуємо вживати штучно вирощені печериці та гливи, що реалізують в магазинах або ж на спеціалізованих ринках, де здійснюється ветеринарно-санітарний контроль. В жодному разі не купувати гриби, що продаються вздовж автомобільних шляхів та на стихійних ринках.
ніколи не збирайте невідомі вам гриби і якщо гриб викликає хоч найменші сумніви, то краще його позбутися;
не збирайте старі, перезрілі або дуже молоді гриби, у яких нечітко виражені морфологічні ознаки;
не збирайте гриби, що ростуть поблизу промислових підприємств, шосейних і залізничних доріг, сміттєзвалищ - вони накопичують радіоактивні та токсичні речовини, в т.ч. солі важких металів;
не використовуйте поліетиленові пакети для збору грибів;
не вживайте сирі, червиві, ослизлі й зіпсовані гриби;
перед приготуванням гриби необхідно добре промити та відварити декілька разів у підсоленій воді (зливати відвар, бо він є найнебезпечнішим) щонайменше тричі, протягом 30 хвилин;
готові страви з грибів слід вживати в день приготування або зберігати до наступного дня в холодильнику і обов'язково в емальованому чи керамічному посуді;
не давайте гриби дітям до 12 років, вагітним та жінкам, що годують грудьми, людям похилого віку, людям з захворюваннями шлунково-кишкового тракту.
— Якщо після споживання грибів ви раптом стали почувати себе погано чи помітили нездорові ознаки у своїх близьких (нудота або блювота, головний біль, біль у животі, галюцинації) - негайно зверніться за медичною допомогою, — повідомляє козятинське районне управління Голового управління Держпродспоживслужби у Вінницькій області |
ZARAH — A co-wife, a married woman in relation to the other wives of her husband.
Polygamy is a Jewish institution. It is practiced, albeit underground, in Israel today. If the present trend to Orthodoxy among Jews continues, we can expect open polygamy to return soon.
Even for the most Westernized Jews, polygamy (polygyny) is difficult to confront. They obviously feel uncomfortable with the subject: we see them minimize it, excuse it, and defend it (for example, see The Jewish Encyclopedia, Appendix A).
Writing about marriage, the Very Reverend the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, the late Dr. Joseph H. Hertz, states:
The Biblical ideal of human marriage is the monogamous one. The Creation story and all the ethical portions of Scripture speak of the union of a man with one wife. Whenever a Prophet alludes to marriage, he is thinking of such a union — lifelong, faithful, holy. Polygamy seems to have well-nigh disappeared in Israel after the Babylonian Exile. Early Rabbinic literature presupposes a practically monogamic society; and out of 2800 teachers mentioned in the Talmud, one only is stated to have had two wives.
— Rabbi Dr. Hertz (1)
The Talmud Challenges Rabbi Dr. Hertz
Most rabbinical scholars (including Rabbi Dr. Hertz) attribute the organization of the Mishnahs to Judah the Prince. The year of his birth is given as 132 or 135 A.D. A number of these Mishnahs organized by Judah the Prince address legal problems that arise from the practice of polygamy. That suggests that polygamy was very much alive in the centuries before and after the birth of Jesus.
That polygamy was an ordinary part of Jewish life is also suggested by Rev. Dr. Israel W. Slotki's Introduction to the Tractate Kethuboth. Rev. Dr. Slotki states this of Chapter X:
CHAPTER X determines the priority of the claims to the recovery of their kethubahs and to exemption from oath of two or more wives who were married to the same husband, the relative rights of their respective heirs, and the legal position in the event of the surrender by one of the women of her claim to distrain on the buyer of her deceased husband's estate.
— Rev. Dr. Slotki (17)
(Note: When excerpting quotations from the Talmud, we sometimes omit non-germane text and footnotes. Omission of text is indicated by an ellipsis (…). To see the full text and footnotes, follow the hot link at the end of the excerpt. It is our pleasure to make available on line a number of Talmud tractates, so that you can see the excerpt in full context. We indicate unprintable Hebrew characters, words, and phrases with the symbol [H].)
This Mishnah addresses a man with two wives:
— Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Kethuboth 91a
This Mishnah addresses a man with three wives:
— Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Kethuboth 93a
This Mishnah addresses a man with four wives:
— Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Kethuboth 93b
Here the Sages discuss the justification for marrying multiple wives.
— Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 21a
Soncino Rabbinical scholar and translator Jacob Shachter amplifies the text with footnotes:
— Jacob Shachter
Why Is Polygamy OK?
In the above cited Mishnah, Talmud scholar and translator Jacob Shachter tells us the Sages base their justification of polygamy on Deuteronomy 17:17. For full context, let us look at Deuteronomy 17:14-17.
— Deuteronomy 17:14-17 (KJV)
We see that Deuteronomy 17:17 concerns limitation on the number of wives permitted to future kings of Israel. However, the Sages appear to understand Deuteronomy 17:17 as a rule for all men. They also understand it to permit rather than prohibit multiple wives.
What Is the Limit? 4, 12, 24, 48?
The Sages disagree about the number of wives permitted.
GEMARA. … Rabina objected: Why not assume that 'kahennah' implies twelve, and 'we-kahennah', twenty-four? It has indeed been taught likewise: 'He shall not multiply wives to himself beyond twenty-four.' And according to him who interprets the redundant 'waw', it ought to be forty-eight.
— Tractate Sanhedrin 21a
LEVIRATE MARRIAGE. The marriage between a man and the widow of his dead brother who has died childless. (V. HALIZAH).
In Jewish Law, if a husband dies, and he and his wife have had no children, the oldest brother of the dead man may take the widow as a wife, even if the brother is already married. The law is based on Deuteronomy 25:5-10
Widow May Be Raped
There is a difference between Old Testament law and Talmud law on levirate marriages. Under Talmud law, the widow who does not want to take the brother as her husband may be raped, thereby effecting the marriage.
GEMARA. … A YEBAMAH IS ACQUIRED BY INTERCOURSE. Whence do we know [that she is acquired by intercourse? — Scripture saith, [14a] Her husband's brother shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife. Then perhaps she is like a wife in all respects? (6) — You may not think so. For it was taught: I might think that money or deed can complete her acquisition, just as intercourse does; therefore it is written, and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her', (7) teaching, intercourse alone completes the acquisition of her, but money or deed does not complete the acquisition of her. Yet perhaps what is the purpose of 'and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her'? It is that he can taker her by force? (8) — If so, Scripture should have stated, 'and perform the duty of a husband's brother', (9) why [add] 'unto her'? Hence both are learnt from it. (10)
— Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Kiddushin 13b-14a
The translator, Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman, amplifies the text with footnotes:
— Rabbi Dr. Freedman
The doctrine is repeated in Tractate Yebamoth:
GEMARA. … Another [Baraitha] taught: Her husband's brother shall go in unto her, in the natural way; and take her, even though in an unnatural way; and perform the duty of a husband's brother unto her, only the cohabitation consummates her marriage, but neither money nor deed can consummate her marriage; and perform the duty of a husband's brother unto her, even against her will.
— Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Yebamoth 54a
Laws of Yebamoth Regulate Levirate Marriages
An entire tractate of the Talmud, Tractate Yebamoth, consisting of 15 chapters, is devoted to regulating levirate marriages. Rev. Dr. Israel W. Slotki made this comment about levirate marriages in his Introduction to the Yebamoth; (halizah is the shoe ceremony described in Deuteronomy 25:9, cited above).
In practical life, however, both marriage and halizah bristle with difficulties and are hedged in by a complexity of problems.
— Rev. Dr. Slotki (11)
Rev. Dr. Slotki made further comment about the relationship between the various wives in a polygamous Jewish family. It was apparently bitter, and expected to be so. We have already seen the definition of zarah, co-wife. Talmud scholar Rev. Dr. Israel W. Slotki, in his translation of the Soncino Tractate Yebamoth, informs us that the word zarah means literally "rival" or "adversary," and is derived from "oppression." In his very first footnote, he tells us that the relationship between the wives was often bitter.
Heb., zarah, [H] 'rival'. Where a husband has more than one wife, each woman is a zarah in relation to the other. The term is derived from [H] which signifies oppression, hence 'rival', 'adversary', as in I Sam. I, 6 (cf. Kimhi a.l.), or 'to tie up', 'to bind', hence 'associate', 'co-wife'.
— Rev. Dr. Slotki (12)
This translation of the Hebrew word zarah is confirmed by The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle "Ask the Rabbi" columnist, David Fine, who is spiritual leader of Lake Park Synagogue in Milwaukee.
Interestingly, the Hebrew word for co-wives is 'tzara' — enemies!
— David Fine (10)
The reader is referred to the Tractate Yebamoth to learn more about levirate marriages and other sexual laws and customs. We also include the Biblical account of the three-way relationship between Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar. See Appendix B: Polygamy and the Slave Hagar.
Levirate Marriages Do Not Explain Polygamy
When discussing polygamy, many rabbinical commentators focus on levirate marriages. However, as we can see in the above Mishnahs governing men with two, three, and four wives, and the argumentation about how many wives are permitted (up to 48?) levirate marriages did not wholly explain Jewish polygamy. It is not credible that a man could acquire 4, 18, 24, or perhaps even 48 wives by marrying the widows of his 4, 18, 24, or 48 brothers who died childless. Moreover, Tractate Kiddushin (not available at Come and Hear™) deals with the laws of betrothal. The Soncino translator, Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman, states of Chapter II:
It treats … the simultaneous betrothal of more than one woman.
— Rabbi Dr. Freedman (19)
Clearly polygamy is not confined to levirate marriages.
Jewish Encyclopedia on History of Polygamy
In 1906, the Jewish Encyclopedia published a history of polygamy among the Hebrews and Jews. (4) After defining polygamy, the article states:
While there is no evidence of a polyandrous state in primitive Jewish society, polygamy seems to have been a well-established institution, dating from the most ancient times and extending to modern days. The Law indeed regulated and limited this usage; and the prophets and the scribes looked upon it with disfavor. Still all had to recognize its existence, and not until late was it completely abolished. At no time, however, was it practiced so much among the Israelites as among other nations; and the tendency in Jewish social life was always toward MONOGAMY.
— Jewish Encyclopedia (4)
We have included some excerpts from that article describing the early days of Hebrew/Jewish polygamy in the Appendix A: The Jewish Encyclopedia on Polygamy. Notice the writers' apologetic tone. The text may still be available at the Jewish Encyclopedia website. (4)
Jewish Polygamy Is Banned in Middle Ages
In the following Jewish Encyclopedia excerpts, many of the citations in the original text have been omitted for easy readability.
In the Middle Ages, Rabbi Gershom b. Judah (960-1028) convened a synod and urged Jews to give up polygamy …
— Jewish Encyclopedia (6)
An express prohibition against polygamy was pronounced by R. Gershom b. Judah, "the Light of the Exile" (960-1028), which was soon accepted in all the communities of northern France and of Germany. The Jews of Spain and of Italy as well as those of the Orient continued to practise polygamy for a long period after that time, although the influence of the prohibition was felt even in those countries. Some authorities suggested that R. Gershom's decree was to be enforced for a time only, namely, up to … 1240 C.E. … probably believing that the Messiah would appear before that time; but this opinion was overruled by that of the majority of medieval Jewish rabbis. Even in the Orient monogamy soon became the rule and polygamy the exception; for only the wealthy could afford the luxury of many wives …
— Jewish Encyclopedia (4)
Ban Due to Christian Opinion
The Jewish Encyclopedia gives the impression — but does not actually state — that polygamy was banned by Gershom b. Judah because Jews disapproved of the practice. However, another explanation has been offered. The Salt Lake Tribune, in an article entitled "Polygamy's Practice Stirs Debate in Israel," reports of polygamy:
But the practice has been banned for Jews in Europe since the 11th century, when rabbinate leaders sought to ease tensions between Jews and their Christian neighbors, who considered polygamy barbaric.
— Salt Lake Tribune (8)
A contemporary Jewish proponent of polygamy, Emes L'Yaakov, author of The Orthodox Jewish Pro Polygamy Page, states that polygamy was practiced by Europeans but was eventually banned. He says that this is the source of European resentment against Jewish polygamy.
Since the Christians were now banned from something that had been normal practice for many years, they resented the fact that the Jews could continue to have more than one wife. When goyim resent Jews, Jews get killed. Therefore to prevent massacres of the Jews, Rabbeinu Gershom banned polygamy.
— Emes L'Yaakov (3)
Jewish American Polygamy Circa 1906
Let's return to the Jewish Encyclopedia.
In spite of the prohibition against polygamy and of the general acceptance thereof, the Jewish law still retains many provisions which apply only to a state which permits polygamy. The marriage of a married man is legally valid and needs the formality of a bill of divorce for its dissolution, while the marriage of a married woman is void and has no binding force …
— Jewish Encyclopedia (4)
The article is authored by the Executive Committee of The Jewish Encyclopedia, and Julius H. Greenstone, a Philadelphia, Pa. rabbi.
In summary of the above, then, the Jewish Encyclopedia (published 1906) states:
Use First Wife for Babies, Second as Prostitute
Why might a man seek more than one wife? This question still holds interest. Rabbi Fine, of the Jewish Chronicle's "Ask The Rabbi" page, suggests an answer:
The first recorded polygamy is that of Lemekh (Genesis 4:19). Why did he do it? A midrash suggests he wanted one wife for procreation and another for sex; the first wife would bear children and then become a living widow because her husband would ignore her, and the second wife would sterilize herself and dress up like a prostitute (Genesis Rabbah 33:2).
— Rabbi Fine for The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle (10)
The Salt Lake City Tribune reports on polygamy in modern day Israel:
Polygamy may be banned by the state constitution and abolished by the predominant religion, but it is still practiced by ultra-orthodox followers of the faith, some who want it made lawful to avoid sticky legal and moral questions.
— Salt Lake Tribune (8)
Two Orthodox Jews Speak on Polygamy
Now let us return to Emes L'Yaakov's Orthodox Jewish Pro Polygamy Page. He gives us insight into a contemporary Orthodox Jew's view of polygamy:
Christian commentators with a perverted perspective following in the Roman Catholic tradition have tremendous difficulty with Yaakov [Jacob] having four wives. This very point shows to what extent the Roman church is not a continuation of Jewish traditions, society and morality, but rather the continuation of Greek and Roman pagan traditions, society and morality …
— Emes L'Yaakov (3)
It seems that Emes L'Yaakov is not trying to impress the Christian Right, and thus speaks his mind freely. Let us contrast this with the statements made by Rabbi Daniel Lapin, author of America's Real War. We have met Rabbi Lapin before, in America's New Government Church and Sex with Children by Talmud Rules; he presents himself as a an ally of the Christian Right, and he is a favorite speaker of organizations such as Concerned Women for America. In America's Real War, Rabbi Lapin argues against pluralism in America:
We may all believe as we wish; however, translating our beliefs into the actions sometimes demanded by those beliefs may conflict with Judeo-Christian belief. When they do, it is the actions informed by Christian belief that will prevail.
— Rabbi Lapin (15)
Rabbi Lapin gives, as an example, the struggle of the Mormon state, Utah, to overcome objections to polygamy and gain entry into the Union in the late 1800s. While giving his readers the impression that he, as a rabbi, disapproves of polygamy and shares Christian disgust with it, he fails to mention Jewish polygamy laws and practices to his Christian readers.
It would be only natural and understandable if two powerful organizations with fundamental doctrinal interests in making polygamy legal in the US would join hands. Expect behind-the-scenes Mormon-Jewish cooperation in changing polygamy laws and the attitudes of Americans toward polygamy. The alliance may be particularly effective in light of America's Talmudization.
Indeed, the paths of two stars in the Orthodox and Mormon communities have already crossed. The two stars are Dr. Laura Schlessinger, an Orthodox Jew and a member of a Chabad Lubavitch synagogue, and the former Mormon Congressional representative Matt Salmon (R-Arizona). When a psychology study allegedly promoting pederasty was published, Schlessinger condemned it on the airwaves, and Rep. Salmon condemned it in the House. When Salmon's resolution condemning the study passed unanimously on July 12, 1999, Dr. Laura told her listeners she had in Rep. Salmon a "major new hero." (5)
How close is Mormon-Jewish cooperation? The Jewish Week of June 6, 2003 reports that 300 Mormons — headed by a Mormon who traveled from Utah — cleaned up a neglected Jewish graveyard in Queens, NY. (23)
Expect New Voices
Now comes another voice to the polygamy debate, this one named TruthBearer.org. The founder of this group is not a Jew, but a self-proclaimed conservative Christian. This conservative Christian, though, does not want to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and the Christian saints — he wants to follow in the footsteps of Jacob, David, and Solomon. He wants to have lots of wives. If one can tell religion by surname, this is an odd one for a Christian — the founder of TruthBearer.org is named Mark Henkel. (16)
We can expect the Christian polygamists to demand social and legal changes.
Let us think about this carefully. Gentile laws make polygamy illegal in the United States, but Talmud law makes it permissible. Talmud law allows a man to divorce his wife at any time, for any reason (see And So a Talmud Marriage Ends). He may have to pay her a settlement, but in fact there are ways he can avoid making any payment. Jewish sexual law will bring about many changes in our society. Before we jump, we should look and ask: Is this the direction we want to go?
Thank you for your consideration of the above,
NEXT: New America 5: Really, Really Kosher Sex
Appendix A: The Jewish Encyclopedia on Polygamy
The Jewish Encyclopedia's article on polygamy (4) appears in Volume X, which bears a publication date of 1906. While assuming a critical attitude to the practice, the Encyclopedia eventually concedes it is sanctioned by Jewish law, and then infers polygamy is still being practiced in the US. In the following excerpts, many of the citations in the original text have been omitted for easy readability. This text may still be available at the Jewish Encyclopedia website.
That the ideal state of human society, in the mind of the primitive Israelite, was a monogamous one is clearly evinced by the fact that the first man (Adam) was given only one wife … Abraham had only one wife; and he was persuaded to marry his slave Hagar only at the urgent request of his wife, who deemed herself barren … Jacob married two sisters, because he was deceived by his father-in-law, Laban. He, too, married his wives' slaves at the request of his wives … among the Judges, however, polygamy was practised, as it was also among the rich and the nobility … Elkanah, the father of Samuel, had two wives, probably because the first (Hannah) was childless. The tribe of Issachar was noted for its practise of polygamy. Caleb had two concubines … David and Solomon had many wives, a custom which was probably followed by al the later kings of Judah and of Israel … Jehoiada gave to Joash two wives only …
— Jewish Encyclopedia (4)
Appendix B: Polygamy and the Slave Hagar
In these Biblical passages are shown two incidents from the life of Abraham (known earlier as Abram) and his women. These incidents are reasonably predictable from the Jewish laws on marriage, polygamy, and slavery.
In the first passage, Abraham and his wife Sarai decide that Sarai's slave Hagar, should bear a child for Abraham. Hagar 's consent is not considered and not mentioned. After Hagar becomes pregnant, Sarai and Hagar become polygamy rivals (zarah), and Sarai treats her cruelly. In desperation, Hagar escapes into the wilderness. She is saved from death by an angel.
America under the Talmud |
Reddit r/Games
Yeah definitely agreed, the weakest part of BOTW is the main quest. I think the main takeaway from that game is how important it is to actually fill your huge open world with fun and unique things to do, and lots of little activities scattered between the big ones to keep the fun going while you trek from one side of the map to the other, as well as an inherently fun mean of traversing the huge world.
I was gonna mention Skyrim being huge and full of nothing to do, but it's almost 10 years old at this point so it doesn't feel right ripping on it anymore. |
Gaz de France and Suez set merger
Published: Feb 27, 2006 11:15 a.m. ET
Diplomatic row brewing between Italy and France
LONDON (MarketWatch) -- Faced with a possible hostile bid from Italy's Enel, Suez on Monday agreed a merger plan with Gaz de France.
Gaz de France (GAZ), which is 80% owned by the government, and Suez will merge in a one-for-one stock swap to create the world's second-biggest power and gas group.
The merger, which is expected to take effect by the second half of the year, will create a company with annual sales of 64 billion euros ($76 billion) and lead to annual savings of 500 million euros before taxes.
In afternoon trading, Gaz de France and Suez, France's second-largest utility behind Electricité de France, had market capitalizations of 29.2 billion euros and 40.5 billion euros, respectively.
The deal follows Germany's E.On AG EON, +1.19% (761440) bid of 29 billion euros for Spanish counterpart Endesa ELE, +0.77% last week.
It's also sent the Italian government into a tizzy, as the move comes just days after Enel EN, -0.80% Italy's leading utility, declared its interest in Suez.
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi Monday said the European Union should intervene in the proposed merger.
Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti and Industry Minister Claudio Scajola, "are taking all the necessary steps," Berlusconi said, to get the E.U. to review the deal.
Scajola already cancelled a meeting that was to be held Monday with Francois Loos, his French counterpart, in protest, the Times of London reported.
Last year, Italy's second-largest power company, Edison, was taken over by Electricité de France (EDF) and just recently officials allowed French bank BNP Paribas (013110) to buy Banca Nazionale del Lavoro.
In the U.K., Centrica attacked the deal as "a merger between former monopolies in two of Europe's most closed and concentrated markets," and called for significant asset disposals, according to the Times.
Analysts at Deutsche Bank, however, said they didn't foresee any significant competition hurdles.
"Because we think Suez and GdF are more complementary than directly competing companies, scope for objections on competition grounds might actually be relatively limited, and any necessary concessions therefore acceptable to all parties," the broker said.
Energy independence
French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said Feb. 25 that Suez and Gaz de France planned to merge to preserve France's energy independence.
His statement followed a meeting with Jean Francois Cirelli and Gerard Mestrallet, the chairmen and chief executive officers of Gaz de France and Suez, respectively.
Suez's board was careful to emphasize that the merger is not just a result of Enel expressing an interest in the company. On Sunday, it said that "for several months" it has encouraged management to "explore the interest of a strategic regrouping with Gaz de France, combining the two groups' assets to create a world-scale, European leader in energy and environment."
The deal has the approval of the French and Belgian governments and won't result in any job cuts, the companies said.
Before the swap, Suez will pay an extraordinary dividend of 1 euro a share, worth a total of 1.25 billion euros.
Gaz de France shares declined 2.3% in afternoon trading in Paris, while Suez shares dropped over 5%. Enel weakened 1.3% in Milan.
Analysts for Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein explained that the deal was more positive for Gaz de France shareholders as Suez will lose its "bid premium."
French trade unions, meanwhile, reacted critically. A consultation with the government is set to begin on Monday afternoon.
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Subreddit: golf
i'm usually not one to get all bent out of shape about this stuff, but i totally get where the lpga tour players are coming from. she has nothing to do with the game other than bopping dustin johnson. i have no problem with sexualizing lpga tour players because, let's face it, sex sells, but it still has to tie into golf in a meaningful way. the thing holly sonders did not long ago was pushing it, but she's pretty prominent in the golf world now, and actually contributes to it. i think golf digest should apologize for this. big whiff by them. |
""" The Bridge """
def main():
""" input """
country = ['Austria', 'Belgium', 'Bulgaria', 'Croatia', 'Cyprus', 'Czech Republic', \
'Denmark', 'Estonia', 'Finland', 'France', 'Germany', 'Greece', 'Hungary', 'Ireland', \
'Italy', 'Latvia', 'Lithuania', 'Luxembourg', 'Malta', 'Netherlands', 'Poland', 'Portugal', \
'Romania', 'Slovakia', 'Slovenia', 'Spain', 'Sweden', 'United Kingdom']
num = int(input())
bridge = []
for _ in range(num):
bridge.append([input().title(), input().title(), input().title()])
for i in range(num):
if bridge[i][2] in country:
print(bridge[i][0], "in", bridge[i][1]+",", bridge[i][2])
0 item(s)
USA, Canada, Global Shipping
How to Build a Kegerator
Our Guide to Building a Kegerator is also available in PDF format here.
KEGERATOR: (keg’ er a tor) (n) 1) The ultimate cool toy for home brewers. 2) A refrigerator dedicated to serving draft beer.
Everybody needs at least three of these: one for the basement, one for the main floor, and a remote with wheels that normally is located in the brewing garage but can also be rolled out into the back yard for picnics! Realistically, we’re lucky to have one!
There are three different types of kegerators. The first and most common is a converted refrigerator with faucets installed through the side or door. Second is a short refrigerator usually built to hold a commercial half-barrel under or even with a bar counter - these usually have a draft tower with faucets attached to the top. The third is a converted chest freezer using a temperature control device with either one or more draft towers attached to the top.
The setup for the freezer will be almost identical to the vertical refrigerator, the main difference is that a temperature control device will be needed to maintain warmer temperatures. The need to build a bottom shelf will not be necessary.
How to Build a Kegerator in 5 Easy Steps
The steps in building a kegerator from a regular refrigerator are:
1) Measure the inside for maximum width, depth and height to determine capacity
2) Build a strong bottom shelf to support your keg(s)
3) Install faucet shank(s) and faucet(s)
4) Layout and install gas line(s)
5) Try it out!
Building a Kegerator - Task #1 Measure the inside of the refrigerator
The first step is to measure the inside of your refrigerator to determine maximum capacity. You’ll need to remove all main shelves from inside. These are supported by various brackets connected to the all-plastic inside body of the fridge and aren’t strong enough to support kegs of beer. Most every fridge has a ledge across the back/bottom of the fridge covering the compressor, measure the height from this point to the top. Measure the width at this same point. Measure the depth from the back of the fridge to either the inside of the door or to the fridge shelves if you plan on keeping them. If you are small (and flexible) enough to get inside and close the door, you’ll be able to answer the question “does the refrigerator light go off when the door is closed?”
Cornelius kegs are 8-1/2” in diameter and 26” high, commercial kegs are about 16” diameter and 24” tall. A typical 21 cubic foot fridge will hold will hold 3 kegs wide and two deep or one commercial keg. Most home brewers won’t have 6 faucets installed, but find the extra space great for lagering or chilling the next corny keg to put on tap. If you can’t fit 3 kegs wide, you can zigzag them inside to maximize the number of Cornelius kegs it will hold. You will also need to take into account how far the door shelves extend inside when determining maximum depth.
Build a Kegerator - Task #2 Build a strong bottom shelf to support your keg(s)
You’ll need to build a wooden shelf to extend the compressor shelf to support your keg(s). This is the biggest task in building a kegerator.
Measure the height of the compressor shelf from the bottom of the fridge at both sides as well as the middle. You’ll want to run boards parallel to the sides in these three places for the shelf supports and then others perpendicular for the deck. Next measure from the front edge of the compressor ledge to the door (or door shelves if you plan on keeping them) to determine how deep your shelf can be. Assuming we’re using 2”x 6” or 2”x 8” boards for the supports and 1”x 8” boards for the deck, take the height at each support position and subtract 3/4”, the result is the width of each support board to rip. This can be easily done on a table or radial arm saw. If you only have a circular saw, use some short deck screw to attach each support to a base board, adjust the cut depth to just clear the support and rip. When you cut the length of the supports, cut the back end on an angle to closely fit against the compressor housing and better support the rear deck board. An option to a simple one-level deck is to drop the front 8-1/2” of the deck to allow for more head-space for the front row of kegs IF you can go two deep. See example below.
Build Your Own Kegerator - Task #3 Install faucet shank(s) and faucet(s)
Determine where you will put your faucets. Most people install them through the side, but sometimes door installation is selected. If you do choose a door installation, keep in mind that when you open the door, beer lines for each faucet will come out with it. If you choose side installation, check with the manufacturer to make sure there aren’t any coolant lines in the sides. You can also verify this by turning the temperature dial warmer, then wiping some baking soda water on the side then turn the temperature down. If you see frosted coil patterns, you have coolant lines in the sides. Most refrigerators manufactured in the past 20 years have the coolant lines only in the back, but be sure!
If you are going to install a drip tray with a tall back that the faucets go through, drill the holes in the drip tray first, then use that as a pilot to drill the holes in the fridge. As the outside of the fridge is the only steel surface, drill from the outside with your hole saw so the drill doesn’t drift. Our shanks have a 7/8” diameter, so you’ll need that size hole saw. Locate the center line of the faucets above the top of your corny or commercial kegs so you don’t lessen the usable space and keep positive pressure in your beer lines. After drilling the hole(s), insert the shank through the hole with the black flange remaining on the outside, then screw on the brass lock nut. Don’t over tighten as the inside walls of the fridge are plastic. Then install a washer on the end of the shank and secure the tailpiece to it with a beer nut. Attach a 6’ piece of beer line to the shank, the other to your disconnect. 6’ lines are used to enable you to server at 12-14# pressure without getting too much foam. Finally, install the faucets on the outside with a faucet wrench.
How to Build a Kegerator - Task #4 Layout and install gas line(s)
It is best to keep your CO2 bottle outside of the fridge. This will maximize inside space for kegs, but more importantly prevent internal condensation when removing the bottle for refilling in the warm summer months.
Before we decide on the various lengths of gas line we will use, let’s talk about carbonation. If you are only going to serve commercial beer from your kegerator, you only need enough gas line to reach your coupler/sanke. If you are going to serve home brew, you need to decide how you will carbonate your beer.
Homebrew will eventually carbonate after 4-5 days on 12-14 pounds of pressure or 24-30 hours at 30 pounds. You can also rock your corny keg on 30 pounds across your knee like it was a see-saw 100 times (every time the left side goes up, that’s a count of one) then let it sit on 30 pounds for 2-6 hours and it will be carbonated. If you are planning on shaking kegs to quick carbonate, you’ll need to have at least one gas line inside your kegerator to be 6 feet long so you can do the shaking outside. Otherwise, 3-4 feet per keg should be enough.
Most homebrewers will set up their kegerator to have 2 or 3 kegs on tap. To do this, you’ll need to split the gas line inside your keg with either a chain of “T” connectors or a gas manifold. “T” connectors are cheaper than gas manifolds, but they do not come with shut-off valves to isolate already carbonated kegs from a new “flat” keg. But keep in mind, you can always remove the gas disconnects from carbonated kegs while you force carbonate another at a higher pressure. Below are pictures of a chained “T” installation and a 4-way gas manifold with shut-offs:
Kegerator Setup Kegerator Manifold
Determine where the “split” will be located, then measure from the outside regulator to the split for the first length of gas line. The rest will be 3-4 feet or 6 feet per your requirements.
Kegerator Building - Task #5 Try it out!
Make sure your faucets are shut before hooking your kegs up. Nothing worse than shooting good beer all over the floor! Spray some soapy water on your gas connections to make sure your CO2 will last as expected. If you get bubbles, you have a connection that needs fixed. Carbonate your beer (homebrew) then pour your first draft and take plenty of pictures!
Tom Frank
Adventures in Homebrewing |
The detection of ripples in space-time, known as gravitational waves, here on Earth marks a watershed moment for astronomy and for science as a whole. The detection at once improves our understanding of the workings of the universe and, more important, throws open a big opportunity to study it from completely new angles. It opens the way to get information about the evolution of galaxies and black holes. There is also a symmetry to the timing of the discovery: it comes a century after Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity held that acceleration of massive bodies should produce gravitational waves, which travel through the universe at the speed of light. The gravitational waves detected, and announced to the world on Thursday, were produced more than a billion years ago by a cataclysmic collision of two black holes, one of them with a mass 36 times that of the Sun and the other slightly smaller at 29 times, into one black hole. The gravitational waves give scientists insights into the final moments before the merger. The signals of gravitational waves were detected on September 14, 2015 by twin Laser Interferometric Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors located about 3,000 km apart at Hanford, Washington and in Livingston, Louisiana, in the United States. Though the observatory is capable of picking up gravitational waves produced by binary neutron stars colliding and merging, signals from such a collision from the same distance would have been extremely weak for LIGO to pick up; neutron stars are much smaller in size than black holes and produce weaker signals. The successful capture of gravitational waves by LIGO is a testimony to humankind’s scientific and engineering expertise to build extraordinarily sensitive instrumentation capable of detecting variations of the order of a thousandth of the diameter of a proton.
Fittingly, this giant step for science is the result of truly global cooperation. About 60 researchers from more than a dozen institutions in India were part of the over-1,000-strong army of scientists in the collaboration. Nearly 35 Indian scientists are co-authors of the landmark scientific paper that describes the results. The way to find the signal buried in the noise came from an Indian scientist. Similarly, the oscillation of cosmic bodies after a collision was predicted by an Indian scientist back in 1971. Several observatories widely separated from one another will help in determining the direction of any event with greater accuracy and also confirm the genuineness of the signal. Quick approval to construct the proposed Rs.1,260-crore gravitational wave observatory in India could help obtain unique information about the universe; unlike light, gravitational waves can pass through the universe unobstructed and hence carry otherwise unobtainable information. The facility would also provide a much-needed technological boost and immensely benefit researchers based in India. And for years to come, we will continue to listen to the ‘chirp’ sound produced by the gravitational waves, and marvel at science’s capacity to detail ever more minutely the place of humankind in the vastness of space and time. |
This is a quick tip on how to use multiple view angles to view parts and assemblies in SolidWorks.
Here we have a basic Bearing Housing.
Let’s say we needed to explain the different aspects of the part to a coworker and want to be able to view multiple angles at the same time. To do this, click the View Orientation command at the top of the work area.
Notice the 5 icons along the bottom of the command window. The first icon is the Single View option. This shows a single view of the part and is the default view for SolidWorks. The next icon is the Two View- Horizontal option.
When you select this option, the work area is split in half horizontally. The top half of the screen shows the housing from the top view and the bottom half shows the housing from the front view.
The next icon is the Two View- Vertical option.
When you use this option, the work area is…
Teaches Algebra while you Play!
Play on any device connected to the internet. |
(From Reddit r/SubredditDrama)
I'm going to walk you through this really slowly.
I went to spell his name in the comment. I realized I didn't know how to spell it. I chose not to waste my time looking up this fuck's name. I exaggeratedthe misspelling to demonstrate that I don't care how his name is spelled.
Conversely, if his name is Georgacopolous and I have no reason to think he's a ducking fascist, I'll respectfully look it up.
You insisting over and over this is xenophobia, whole at the same time making a particularly offensive West-centric assunption about who I am and where I come from is some truly shitty behavior that snacks of diversion. |
Mimetes chrysanthus Rourke
Common names: golden pagoda, golden mimetes, gouestompie
The genus Mimetes is one of the most beautiful of the protea family and indeed in the whole of the Cape Floral Kingdom.
Mimetes chrysanthus is unlike all the other Mimetes on account of the unique structure and number of its flowers. In all Mimetes the flower groups (capitula) are arranged in the axils of leaves near the ends of the branches, like a bottlebrush. Mimetes chrysanthus typically has many more flowers (25 - 35 flowers) in each flower group (capitulum) than any of the other species. Its closest rival, Mimetes saxatilis, has 14 - 22 flowers in each capitulum whereas all other Mimetes only have from 4 - 14 flowers in each capitulum.
In nature it forms a sturdy, erect, sparsely branched shrub on a single trunk and grows to between 1,5 - 2 m tall. The leaves are medium sized, pale to olive-green and closely associated with the branches and upper stems. The lower trunk and branches are often bare. The flower groups are luminous golden-yellow in colour giving rise to its name chrysanthus meaning golden flower (from the Greek chrysos meaning gold and anthos a flower).
The main flowering season extends from March to May or June, but intermittent flowering takes place throughout the year. The brilliant yellow flowers emit a faint sweet scent. Fruits take approximately 8 months to reach maturity and are shed in December.
Mimetes chrysanthus is classified as Rare in the Red Data List of southern African plants. This means that, although it has a small population, it is not considered to be Endangered or Vulnerable but is at risk as some unexpected threat could cause a critical decline.
In situ conservation
Mimetes chrysanthus is relatively safe in its natural habitat, protected by the rugged inaccessibility of the terrain in which it grows. Populations situated within the Gamka Mountain Reserve are more secure as they fall under the control and management of the Nature Conservation authorities. The main treat to this species is from too frequent fire. Fire is known to benefit fynbos by clearing away old vegetation and helping to stimulate seed germination. If however, natural vegetation is burnt too often allowing shorter periods for recovery, woody species such as Mimetes chrysanthus will die out because they will not have time to produce enough seed.
Ex situ conservation
Plants from both localities are being grown at Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden. They are grown for both display and as stock plants. Plants will be distributed to other Botanic Gardens for their collections. Some plants have been sent for planting at the Karoo Desert National Botanical Garden near Worcester in the Western Cape. Seed will be collected from plants grown at Kirstenbosch and put into long storage in the Millenium Seed Bank at Wakehurst Place in England. This seed will remain the property of the National Botanical Institute and is kept as an insurance against possible extinction. Plants have also been grown and made available for sale at the Annual Plant Fair. A specialist wholesale grower of fynbos is also growing this species for sale.
Distribution and habitat
Mimetes chrysanthus was originally thought to be restricted to a few scattered populations in the Gamka Mountain Nature Reserve. A second population has since been discovered 50km to the east on a mountain ridge situated inland of the main Outeniqua range. Extensive exploration by Protea Atlas members has not extended the distribution beyond these two localities.
The Gamka Mountain is a southeasterly extension of the Rooiberg and effectively one of the mountains that form fynbos islands in the little Karoo between the Langeberg and Great Swartberg. The plants grow in full sunlight on moderately steep southeast facing slopes at an altitude range of 800 -1040m. They grow in nutrient poor, well-drained, rocky soils derived from Table Mountain sandstone and receive an annual rainfall of between 400 and 450mm.
Derivation of name and historical aspects
R. A. Salisbury established the genus using the Greek word mimetes meaning 'to imitate'. This is probably a reference to the foliage, which is similar in shape, size and arrangement to other genera such as Leucospermum, the pincushions. Many of the species are so splendid and rare that they became the subjects of a special collector's edition on Mimetes with descriptions and plates of superb paintings by Thalia Lincoln. The irony of this is that no sooner had Dr. John Rourke completed his taxonomic account and published the collector's edition of this high profile genus than a splendid new species was discovered.
Discovery of Mimetes chrysanthus
Mimetes chrysanthus was first seen by Mr Willie Julies, a game guard at the Gamka Mountain Reserve, while on patrol in the reserve in September 1987. His keen interest and meticulous observation and recording of plants and events in the wilderness led to the discovery of this most unusual new Mimetes. He reported that he had seen an unusual woody shrub with spectacular yellow flowers to the Reserve Manager, Mr. Rory Allardice. Rory pressed a flowering specimen and sent it to 'fynbos expert' Mr. Jan Vlok of the Saasveld Herbarium at George. Jan immediately recognised it to be a new species and sent it on to Dr John Rourke of the Compton Herbarium. John Rourke and John Winter, the Curator of Kirstenbosch, visited the reserve in April 1988 and collected specimens for the herbarium and for cultivation in the gardens. John Rourke confirmed that this was indeed a new species and also that it was considerably different from all other Mimetes. This obviously caused much excitement and interest in many quarters.
Indigenous ants collect the seeds and store them underground in their nests. They remain there until after fire has cleared the vegetation and then germinate. John Rourke noted orange-breasted sunbirds and carpenter bees foraging in the flower heads and yet the flowers yield too little nectar to make collecting it worth while. On the other hand copious quantities of pollen are produced and this appears to be the main attraction. John Rourke suggests that bees might be the main pollinators of this species.
The leaves of plants at the second locality behind the Outeniqua Mountains were quite badly damaged by snout beetle activity. A number of these beetles were found eating leaves during the middle of the day (personal observation).
Growing Mimetes chrysanthus
Cutting material of Mimetes chrysanthus was collected in April 1988 and easily rooted by the Kirstenbosch plant propagator Margaret Thomas. Fresh hardened off tip or heel cuttings root best. The cuttings were rooted in a medium consisting of equal parts milled pine bark and polystyrene balls for drainage and aeration. Rooting is improved and accelerated by application of a rooting hormone to the cut stem and placing the cuttings onto heated benches with overhead mist spray. Rooted cuttings are allowed to harden-off away from the mist benches before being planted into a fynbos potting mixture consisting of equal quantities of composted bark and riversand and 20% loam.
Mimetes chrysanthus produces plenty of seed, but thus far has proved difficult to germinate.
Mimetes chrysanthus grows in dry fynbos with low rainfall it has adapted relatively well to growing at Kirstenbosch with its much wetter climate. Plants placed on warm sunny slopes or embankments with good drainage grow very well with little or no supplementary irrigation. Plants also thrive in heavier clay soils as long as good drainage is provided. It appears to be a little more adaptable and resilient than most its compatriots. We have found that when planted in the garden they have not performed as well and have often died. We think this is due to the extra water applied through our irrigation system and susceptibility to the root fungus phytophthora. We therefore recommend reducing watering to once a week in summer. Another strategy could be to graft them onto a more resilient rootstock to overcome the phytophthora problem.
Cultivated plants flower from February to the beginning of June. The plants may be pruned after flowering if collection of seed is not required. Cut back the flowering branches quite hard to about 15cm above the lowest leaves. This will stimulate vigorous sprouting of new shoots and result in a well branched rounded shrub and increased flower production in the next season.
Young plants sometimes show dieback or browning on the leaf tips. This problem should be treated with a fungicide (e.g. Dithane M45 a.i. mancozeb) suitable for treating leaf infections and reducing watering.
- Rebelo, A. (Tony) Sasol Proteas A Field Guide to the Proteas of South Africa
- Rourke,J. P. (John) and Lincoln, T. (Thalia) 1982. Mimetes. An Illustrated Account of Mimetes Salisbury and Orothamnus Pappe Two Notable Cape Genera of the Proteaceae. 1st. Ed.
- Rourke, J.P. (John), Dec. 1988, Mimetes chrysanthus Veld & Flora 74(4): 143-145
- Rourke, J.P. (John), New Species of Mimetes (Proteaceae) from the Southern Cape. South African Journal of Botany 54(6): 636-639
- Rourke, J.P. (John), A Revision of the genus Mimetes Salisb. (Proteaceae) 1984 J SA Bot. 50 (2): 171-236
- Winter, J (John) and Crous, H. (Hildegarde), Mimetes chrysanthus makes a spectacular appearance. Veld & Flora 82(1): 27
- Hilton-Taylor, C., 1996, Red Data List of Southern African Plants, National Botanical Institute, Pretoria
Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden
Plant Type: Shrub
SA Distribution: Western Cape
Soil type: Sandy
Flowering season: Autumn
Flower colour: Yellow
Aspect: Full Sun
Gardening skill: Challenging |
Long struggle for statehood
The life of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, who is near death in a French military hospital, mirrors the progress of the Palestinian struggle for a state. Here are the main dates in his life:
August 4: Yasser Arafat is born Mohammed Abdel-Rawf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Hussaini. He always claimed he was born in Jerusalem. But biographers say his birthplace was Cairo. His father, from Gaza, owned a business, and he spent his childhood shuttling between Cairo and Palestine.
Founds Palestinian nationalist movement Fatah in Kuwait.
May: The founding congress of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) is held in Jordanian-held east Jerusalem.
December 31: His Fatah faction launches armed struggle against Israel with first operation on Israeli territory.
June: In the aftermath of the Arab defeat in the Six Day War and Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, Arafat emerges from hiding after two years under the nom de guerre of Abu Ammar.
July: A new Palestinian charter proclaims that armed struggle is the only way to the liberation of Palestine.
February 4: Arafat is elected chairman of the PLO executive committee.
September: Ejected from Amman after thousands of Palestinians are killed in clashes with Jordanian forces, Arafat establishes PLO headquarters in Beirut.
October 26: At an Arab summit in Rabat, Arafat wins the recognition of the PLO as the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.
November 13: Addressing the UN General Assembly for the first time, he says he has come with "an olive branch and a freedom fighter's gun", adding, "do not let the olive branch fall from my hand."
April: Civil war breaks out in Lebanon, Arafat's forces join opponents of the Christian right.
May 31: Elected by Fatah congress as the head of the group's armed wing and the Palestine Liberation Army, he becomes military and political head of the Palestinian nationalist movement.
August 30: Arafat and his forces flee Beirut following Israel's invasion of Lebanon. He establishes PLO headquarters in Tunis, before later going to Syria.
June 24: He is expelled from Syria, in a final break with his former ally.
December 20: Leaves Lebanon for Tunis after being besieged in Tripoli by the Syrian army and its Fatah dissident allies.
October: Israeli helicopters attack PLO headquarters in Tunis.
December: First intifada, or Palestinian uprising against Israel, breaks out in the occupied territories.
November 15: Symbolic declaration of a Palestinian state, headed by Arafat, by the Palestine National Council (parliament-in-exile) meeting in Algiers, that includes implicit recognition of the existence of Israel.
May 2: Arafat visits Paris in his first diplomatic acknowledgement by a permanent Western member of the UN Security Council and declares PLO charter inoperative.
January: Marries assistant Suha Tawil, 28, but the marriage does not become public for another two years.
January: The PLO's backing for Iraq in the Gulf War leaves Arafat isolated and deprived of financial support from the wealthy Arab monarchies.
April: Survives an air crash in the Libyan desert
September 13: Signs declaration of principles with Israel on the autonomy of Jericho and the Gaza Strip in Washington, exchanges historic handshake with Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin.
May 4: Rabin and Arafat sign autonomy accord in Cairo. Both men, along with Israeli foreign minister Shimon Peres, are awarded the Nobel Peace Prize the following October.
July 1: Arafat returns to the Palestinian territories after 27 years, forms the Palestinian Authority in Gaza City.
January 20, 1996: Arafat is elected chairman of the Palestinian Authority.
January 22: Arafat publishes a revised version of the Palestinian charter which no longer refers to the destruction of Israel.
September 5: Arafat signs with Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak at Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, an agreement opening the way to negotiations on a final peace settlement.
March 21: Israel transfers 6.1 percent of the West Bank, giving the Palestinians almost 40 percent of the territory.
July 25: Camp David summit between Arafat and Barak collapses.
September 29: Second intifada breaks out after visit of Israeli opposition leader, later prime minister, Ariel Sharon to the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem, Islam's third holiest site.
December 3: Arafat is confined to Ramallah by Israeli troops after a series of Palestinian suicide attacks against Israelis.
December 13: Israel cuts all contacts with Arafat, accusing him of doing nothing to stop "terrorism".
December 23: Israel stops Arafat for the first time from attending Christmas mass in Bethlehem.
January 2: Sharon says Arafat will stay in Ramallah until he orders the arrest of the Palestinian killers of an Israeli minister.
February 20: Arafat's headquarters in Gaza City targeted for the first time in an Israeli reprisal raid.
March 26: Sharon stops Arafat from attending the Beirut Arab summit, which agrees a Saudi peace plan promising peace with Israel in exchange for its withdrawal from occupied Arab lands. Israel rejects the plan as it stands.
March 29: Following more suicide attacks, the Israeli army invades major cities in the West Bank, destroying most of Arafat's Ramallah headquarters and trapping him in his personal offices.
April 30: Arafat reluctantly appoints PLO deputy leader Mahmud Abbas as his first prime minister under pressure from international community.
June 4: Arafat is absent from the launch in Aqaba, Jordan, of the internationally drafted peace roadmap, with US President George W Bush refusing any contact with him.
September 7: Abbas resigns after a power struggle with Arafat. He is eventually replaced by parliament speaker Ahmed Qorei.
September 11: Israeli security cabinet approves Arafat's "removal" from the West Bank, with deputy premier Ehud Olmert later saying that his assassination was an option. Arafat says that "no one can kick me out."
September 18: Bush urges Palestinians to cast off Arafat, saying "Mister Arafat has failed as a leader."
March 11: Arafat tells the opening session of the Palestinian parliament that he welcomes any Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories as Sharon prepares a plan to pull out from most of the Gaza Strip.
October 27: Doctors rush to Arafat's bedside with some Palestinian officials saying he is critically ill.
November 4: A French medical source says Arafat is "brain dead" and breathing thanks only to artificial life support systems. |
Spanking linked to child aggression and anxiety, regardless of cultural norm
No matter what the cultural norm, children who are physically disciplined with spanking and other such approaches are more likely to be anxious and aggressive than children who are disciplined in other ways. This finding, published in the November/December journal Child Development, comes from surveys of parents and children in six different countries.
The study grew out of existing controversies over whether parents should spank their children or use other forms of physical discipline. While some experts argue that physical discipline should never be used because of evidence that it is related to more, rather than fewer, child behavior problems and might escalate into physical abuse, others argue that the effects of physical discipline might depend on characteristics of children and families and the circumstances in which physical discipline is used.
To find out if the latter theory was valid, researchers from Duke University in North Carolina, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Göteborg University in Sweden, the University of Naples, the University of Rome and the Istituto Universitario di Scienze Motorie in Italy, Chiang Mai University in Thailand, the University of Delhi in India, the University of Oregon and California State University-Long Beach questioned 336 mothers and their children in China, India, Italy, Kenya, the Philippines, and Thailand about cultural norms surrounding the use of physical discipline and how it affects children's aggression and anxiety.
They first asked mothers how often they physically disciplined their children, and then asked mothers and children how often they thought other parents in their country physically disciplined their children. Finally, they asked mothers and children how often the child worries, is fearful, gets in fights, bullies others and other questions to measure children's aggression and anxiety.
The researchers found differences in how often mothers used physical discipline and the mothers' perceptions of how often other parents used physical discipline. Specifically:
"One implication of our findings is the need for caution in making recommendations about parenting practices across different cultural groups," said lead researcher Jennifer Lansford, Ph.D., a research scientist at the Center for Child and Family Policy at Duke University. "A particular parenting practice may become a problem only if parents use it in a cultural context that does not support the practice (for example, if they migrate from one country to another)."
- Mothers in Thailand were least likely to physically discipline their children, followed by mothers in China, the Philippines, Italy, India, and Kenya, with mothers in Kenya most likely to physically discipline their children.
- More frequent use of physical discipline was less strongly associated with child aggression and anxiety when it was perceived as being more culturally accepted, but physical discipline was also associated with more aggression and anxiety regardless of the perception of cultural acceptance.
- In countries in which physical discipline was more common and culturally accepted, children who were physically disciplined were less aggressive and less anxious than children who were physically disciplined in countries where physical discipline was rarely used.
- In all countries, however, higher use of physical discipline was associated with more child aggression and anxiety.
However, she notes, some practices that were condoned historically (e.g., child labor) are now condemned, at least in certain countries. "A larger question is whether a parenting practice is acceptable, regardless of whether it occurs commonly within a cultural group."
Source: Eurekalert & othersLast reviewed: By John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on 21 Feb 2009
Published on PsychCentral.com. All rights reserved. |
10 ways to go green on adventures
Awareness is the key. Many are still uninformed of some practices while traveling which could hurt not only the travels but also the environment. To avoid the common mistakes, create change, and be a responsible traveler, here are ways on how to travel more responsibly:
Turn off/Unplug your appliances
Depending on how long you’ll be away, it’s practical and safe to turn-off and unplug everything. Save energy and money because no one wants the power running in an empty house. Turn off the lights, air-conditioning, water supply, and heater. If you’re worried about your home looking empty while you’re away, it’s wise to use solar-powered or timed lights outdoors. To avoid problems like possible leaks, it’s best to switch off your water supply. Unplug appliances and electronics that continuously draw electricity, like those with “standby” and “sleep” modes: TVs; computers; DVD players; radios; also include your automatic garage door opener.
Every day millions of plastics are used; help reduce the amount of plastics that usually end up in the streets, landfills, and seas. Anything disposable is a big problem for the environment. Limit your consumption while away from home and bring with reusable bottles, utensil sets, drinking straws (these are a big hit nowadays), and reusable bags.
Use environment-friendly, cruelty-free toiletries
While it is wise to keep your skin healthy and protected while on the go, it is also equally important to purchase products with no harsh chemicals. Consider toiletries like natural deodorants, solid shampoos, lotions, and toothpastes that aren’t being tested on animals, are organic and packed in recycled materials.
Fly direct or consider offset flights
Without a doubt, flying nonstop can be expensive. But with seat sales and promo deals popping in once in a while, you’ll be convinced that direct flights are worth it not only for the convenience, but also for the environment. Certain airlines let passengers compensate for the carbon footprint created by flying by buying carbon offsets. Several offset options, like donations to conservation programs and the popular tree planting, let you take out the carbon dioxide from the greenhouse gas you have produced. But if you can, lessen your flying trips.
There’s a reason the latest smartphones were made to fit in the palm of your hand, so why not best utilize it? Limit paper production, forget print out boarding passes, tickets, maps, and guidebooks. Just go digital — carry less and travel seamlessly.
Certified green hotels are those that have passed standards in promoting sustainable tourism through design, construction, and practices: solar power heated pools; structure made of recycled materials; harvesting rainwater; turning off air-conditioning or heaters in empty rooms; utilizing energy efficient lighting and other sustainable initiatives. Though it can be a bit tricky to look for green hotel and resorts, nothing feels as rewarding and fulfilling than vacationing at a place that you know is helping Mother Earth.
Bike and walk, rent hybrids or fuel efficient vehicles
Going on walking tours or, one of the newest trends in travel, cycling tours, and taking public transportations help reduce carbon footprints and lessen road congestion. Walking lets you get some leg-stretching or simply a good exercise after long hours of flying or driving. If you need to rent, opt for hybrid or fuel-efficient vehicles and don’t choose anything that’s bigger than what you need.
Support local lifestyles
Since you traveled to your destination to explore and experience new things, why not support the local lifestyle. Buying locally grown products have more advantages than you think. Apart from helping the community and economy, it helps cut emissions from having other products flown or shipped. Bring home souvenirs, but avoid those that are made from endangered plants and/or animals. Choose a local guide to take you around on tours. Look for those who offer homestays instead of internationally-run hotels; this offers a better immersion experience not only for you but for your hosts as well. It is wise to always do research prior to your trip as homestays aren’t always everyone’s thing.
Protect and preserve
“Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but photos, bring nothing but memories.” Nothing describes a “responsible traveler” more than this, especially when touring. To travel is to see, explore, and experience; but often people are unaware of the responsibilities that come along when going to places, like minimizing waste production, prioritizing animal rights, obeying rules and regulations to preserve wildlife, supporting protected areas, and more. More than being a traveler, humans are the caretakers of the earth.
Volunteer, donate, and support nonprofit organizations. These are some contributions that when done by individuals, create a huge difference. Make a positive impact on your chosen destination, environmentally and economically. Small acts of kindness go a long way: supporting a local business or buying a local product; sharing your skills with the locals you meet, and being an ambassador of their country.
Being a responsible traveler will always require extra effort and time. What matters is being able to do one’s part than doing nothing at all to preserve and protect.
Mango Tours is a provider of quality, affordable and convenient travel services that include low-priced airline tickets, customized Philippine and International Tour Packages, Cruises, Land Transfers, and more. Visitwww.mangotours.comto know more about its latest promos and travel offers. |
From reddit r/RaiseTheAgeOfConsent
My views on why the Age of Consent should be raised to AT LEAT 21 years for women
### Consent is the ability to voluntarily participate in an activity or system without power imbalances, coercion or use of force.
Abuse is the mistreatment of others and/or the violation of consent.
**Psychological Trauma** is a response involving complex debilitation of adaptive abilities—emotional, cognitive, physical, spiritual and social—following an event, series of events or situation that was dangerous to our well being, or percieved as such.
Now for me explaining my point of view;
### We have age of consent laws to protect kids from being preyed upon by adults. Minors cannot consent to a sexual relationship with adults for a couple reasons;
Adults are more mentally mature, their brain has developed more and they have more experience in detecting manipulation, lies, and other grooming tactics. Children do not.
Adults have more rights and power than children, they can travel large distances without being accompanied by a parent/guardian, they're generally more respected and believed than children, they have had more time to develop relationships with people they can trust and they typically have more financial or otherwise societal power over children.
With these things in mind, it is completely illogical for a child to be an equal member as an adult in a sexual, romantic or platonic relationship.
**Children participating in unequal romantic/sexual relationships is traumatizing to the children.** Many don't realize it is traumatizing in the moment(especially with children who are groomed into wanting/seeking sex from adults and those older than them), but the trauma becomes very apparent as adults when they work through the memories of being groomed and abused, realizing what happened to them. The coping mechanisms and behaviors that develop from these experiences are incredibly, gut wrenchingly, ground breakingly painful to work through as they harm your mental and physical health as well as your relationships. The pain never goes away and you have to learn to live with it which takes a lot of work and often money(thousands of dollars) in nations without universal healthcare. Children and minors never benefit from these relationships.
Well children don't just become adults overnight! Having an arbitrary age of consent law doesn't address people who mentally mature faster than others!
Yes. You are correct. Someone doesn't magically turn into an adult on their 18th, 14th, 21st or any other birthday. Being an adult is a state of mind which is fluid and hard to pinpoint describe. So I'm not going to attempt to define it. The reason why we made the arbitrary number of 18 the age of consent is because we had to make the line somewhere, and as we have begun to value education as a sign of maturity more and more, the age of consent has risen to that number due to this value of education and maturity in equal sexual partners. In lieu of an all powerful and omnipotent test which can determine who is and isn't an adult for the sex or a society that doesn't find unequal power in sexual relationships appealing (equally unlikely), we will have to stick with age of consent laws to reduce the amount of victims of abuse, which is the goal of these laws in the first place.
For the intention of reducing the number of victims of abuse, **I suggest we raise the age of consent to AT LEAST 21 for women** for the reason that teenager girls and young women in their very early twenties cannot be on equal footing in a romantic or sexual relationship with men much older than them. This is due to mental immaturity, lack of knowledge in detecting manipulation and grooming tactics, and societal/financial power that established adult men wield.
**Teenager girls and Young Women are still developing their idea of who they are and how they fit into this world**, noticeably more so than others older than them, their beliefs and personality are still fluid. They are much more likely to develop habits and behaviors now than later on in life which makes it easier to groom them, which will require more pain and suffering to unlearn and move on with the experiences. There are also many mental illnesses that require a lot of therapy and self work such as bpd, bd, cptsd, psychosis and schizophrenia among others often have an onset and start to show themselves around 20 years of age, which can make people vulnerable to the advances of predators if they go unmanaged. Traumatic experiences are common 61% of teenagers(13-17) have experienced a traumatic event, compared to the 70%-90% of the total population. These experiences leave people vulnerable to abuse, developing unhealthy or harmful coping mechanisms/behaviors and further trauma if unmanaged, even if they dont develop into PTSD. Less than a quarter of millenials (21%) engage in therapy, while less than half of all americans (42%) will ever engage in therapy, which is very unhealthy considering how common traumatic events are, as well as the general need for counseling. Teenager girls and Young Women are especially vulnerable compared to men due to these reasons.
Teenagers are just out of highschool and their parents/guardians living space(if they arent still attending highschool or living with their parents/guardians) and often still relying on them for financial, motivational, and other kinds of support as the teenager comes into adulthood and fully establishes themself in the world. This very often comes with naivety when interacting with others as an independent person, depending on how sheltered the individual was as they were raised, they will have difficulty detecting manipulation and grooming tactics such as negging, gaslighting, trauma bonding, and the like. Things that both public and private education severely lack in teaching. This also very often applies to young women as knowledge about manipulation tactics arent as wide spread as they should be.
**Teenager girls and young women have little to no financial stability** outside of their parents(if the parents are still supportive). Women in their mid to late twenties, early thirties and beyond have had much more time to achieve financial stability through steady work, graduating post secondary education if applicable, and establishing themselves in the adult world. A relationship between an established adult male and a teen girl or young adult women would be unethical, as the financial and societal power of that relationship would be severely skewed if not entirely skewed in favor of the more established adult. Teenager girls and young women are often preyed upon for this reason to enter the sex industry or sex trafficking, being groomed into the role and promised funds that wouldn't be easily found elsewhere. Abuse, grooming and sex trafficking in the sex industry is a well documented issue even if the topic is avoided by many consumers of porn.
The mental immaturity, lack of knowledge in detecting manipulation and grooming tactics, both by insufficient education and insufficient relationship experience, as well as the societal and financial leverage that established adult men have over teenager girls and young women makes it impossible for there to be a consensual sexual relationship with equal footing on both sides and no power imbalance.
**I leave the possibility open to raising it further to 25** because that's when our brains stop developing according to most sources, but the real crux of this situation is that people shouldnt want to have sex with others when there is a power imbalance in the relationship. But people still have control issues, power fantasies and entitlement problems, so it will continue to be an issue for the foreseeable future.
Here is what I am not saying (subject to being editted if someone misunderstands me in the comments):
I am not saying that we shouldn't respect teenager girls and young women, there are varying scales and levels of respect and responsibility, which we need to think about and apply to this situation.
This isn't a perfect system, like I said earlier, there is no perfect system with the fluid and abstract understanding of adulthood and the technology we have now. This is a damage reduction system, just like the current age of consent system is. The goal of it is to continue giving people more and more freedom and responsibility while also giving them the education needed to combat predators. Which comes to a smaller but not insignificant second argument that for all of the reasons listed above, **public and private education must have mandatory classes on how to avoid being manipulated, groomed and abused by males.** |
2015 National Walk to School Day
Oct. 7th is National Walk to School Day. This event, developed by the Partnership for a Walkable America, has been taking place across the country since 1997. The event aims to create awareness about the need for communities that are safe and friendly for pedestrians, including children on their way to school each day.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 15,000 pedestrian children ages 15 and younger were injured in automobile accidents in 2009. In order to reduce the number of accidents affecting children, children need to be able to walk safely through their neighborhoods and school zones.
Improving Safety Policies
Walk to School Day events are used to create awareness of safety issues within local communities, encouraging policy and engineering improvements which will create safer routes for those walking and biking to school, as well as other pedestrians.
In the past, Walk to School Day events have been credited with the planning and implementation of policy and engineering changes including additional safety education, installation of additional signage, and improvement in school policies.
Improving Your Childs Safety
National Walk to School Day provides an opportunity for all parents, regardless of if your children are able to walk to school, to have a conversation with their kids about safely walking to school or anywhere else. To improve safety while walking or biking to school, parents should:
- Teach children how to walk and bike safely.
- Teach children how to look left-right-left before crossing the street.
- Teach children to only cross the street at marked crossings.
- Walk with children as they travel to and from school each day.
- Establish a walking school bus led by an adult.
Walk to School Day Events in Milwaukee
Fairview School and Ninety-Fifth Street School are both holding Walk to School Day events this year. To learn more about these events, visit WalkBiketoSchool.org.
If your child has been injured in an accident while walking or biking to school, contact Pitman, Kalkhoff, Sicula & Dentice, S.C. for a free consultation to discuss your claim with a personal injury lawyer. |
The Importance of Self
There is a constant struggle in life between the forces that seek to play it safe and merely reproduce the status quo, and the forces of creativity and the preservation of individuality. Unfortunately, in contemporary society self has become associated with ‘autocracy and narcissism rather than with integrity and individuality’ (161). This association leads many people to characterize leaders with a well-differentiated self in negative terms, sabotaging their decisive leadership in the name of safety and togetherness. Friedman contrasts aggressive leadership (in the sense of leadership driven by a strong imaginative rather than hostile intent) with ‘aggressionistic’ leadership, which is by nature hostile and invasive.
The well-defined self of the leader, far from being a threat to the community, is that characteristic that is most likely to enable the preservation of the self of the members of the community. ‘The twin problems confronting leadership in our society today, the failure of nerve and the desire for a quick fix, are not the result of overly strong self but of weak or no self’ (163). While autocratic leadership is definitely unhealthy, ‘democratic institutions have far more to fear from lack of self in their leaders and the license this gives to factionalism (which is not the same as dissent).’
Friedman illustrates some of his principles using the structure of American government, and the manner in which it brings the ‘togetherness advantages’ of a larger organism, while maintaining the ‘integrity’ of the individual states. He argues that this illuminates an underlying principle: ‘For life to continue to evolve, all newly developed forms of togetherness ultimately must be in the service of a more enriched individuality, and not the other way around’ (169). He also relates his concept of self to the evolution of organisms in nature such as, for instance, the differentiated cell, which can preserve its own individuality and integrity through producing other cells with the same function, and through being able to mount a defence against ‘not-self’, other entities that would invade or parasitize it (168).
The struggle between individuality and togetherness exists in every relationship system, and is a far more basic issue for compatibility in relationships than any other (social science) difference. (172)
One does not need to have authoritarian rulers to destroy the integrity of a populace: all that is required is a ramping up of the togetherness instinct to a degree that undermines all individuality and presents it as something to be regarded with suspicion. While team-building and togetherness have their place, they are not the most pressing needs in our society.
After the barrier of data and the barrier of empathy, the pathologizing of self is the third great emotional barrier that leaders need to overcome. Only as leaders value self can they begin to recognize how self-definition is more important than feeling for others, and ‘emphasize the response of the organism rather than the conditions of the environment’ (174). To focus on enabling others and teambuilding merely dodges the issue that someone still has to go first and take the lead. Leadership is about having and embodying a vision of where to go and, most crucially, taking the first step (179).
The concept of self is profoundly ambiguous and ambivalent, being associated with both positive (e.g. self-assured, self-possessed, self-control, self-determined) and negative values (e.g. self-centred, self-justifying, self-seeking, self-serving). One of the difficulties that we face is that the togetherness force is often simplistically equated with morality, despite the numerous problems that it causes in dysfunctional families and societies. While some sort of balance is desirable, the togetherness force seems to be blinder to the importance of individuality than the impetus towards individuality is to the value of the togetherness force.
Friedman believes that a newer understanding of the immune system, less as that which provides a series of defences against invaders, and more as the source of an organism’s integrity is crucial to our understanding of self. The immune system makes possible the idea of self by enabling the distinction between self and non-self. It is something that grows in response to challenge, is necessary for healthy proximity and love, and can be perverted to attack its host. In these respects it provides a powerful illustration of Friedman’s conception of the self.
The importance of self, understood as an immune system, for love should be recognized. A clearly defined self grants us protection against the relational problem of emotional fusing. A clearly defined self prevents us from invading the emotional space of others in a manner that would create a dysfunctional system, and cause the other person’s self to disintegrate.
‘Self is not merely analogous to immunity; it is immunity’ (181). The leader is the immune system of the institution or organization of which he or she is the head.
Differentiation is the lifelong process of striving to keep one’s being in balance through the reciprocal external and internal processes of self-definition and self-regulation. It is a concept that can sometimes be difficult to focus on objectively, for differentiation means the capacity to become oneself out of one’s self, with minimum reactivity to the positions or reactivity of others. (183)
Differentiation ‘is the capacity to take a stand in an intense emotional system.’ It enables us to resist polarizing forces and maintain a non-anxious presence in an anxious system, and not allow ourselves to become one the system’s ‘emotional dominoes’. It enables us to recognize where we end and others begin, and to have clearly defined personal values, boundaries, and goals. Differentiation is that which enables us to take the maximum amount of responsibility for our being and destiny.
Differentiation should not be confused with ‘similar-sounding ideas such as individuation, autonomy, or independence’ (184). Differentiation is about our emotional being, not primarily our behaviour. It does not involve cutting ourselves off from others, but maintaining a particular form of presence and connection. It is about preserving the integrity of our being. Differentiation is only meaningful when there is a capacity to connect.
The concept of differentiation gives us a variable that helps to explains the non-determinism of social and family systems. It points out that the crucial factor distinguishing factor between persons who are swept along with the system and those who escape or limit its influence is to be found, not in the regular categories of sociology or psychodynamics, but in the individual’s capacity to act in a differentiated manner. This means that a space is always preserved for the individual’s responsibility. It also means that social and family systems cannot be made to take all the responsibility for the actions of people within them.
Friedman argues that his model of leadership will show ‘that morality has more to do with space than with values, with dependency than with power’ (186). The presence of a well-differentiated leader will stir up an anxious response in others. The crucial task of the leader is that of remaining connected in a non-anxious manner.
A New Paradigm
At this point, Friedman reviews much of the ground that has been covered, and explores the significance of the conceptual shift that it involves. ‘In the final analysis, the relationship between risk and reality is about leadership’ (187). Overcoming the emotional anxiety of pre-1500 Europe required the nerve of individuals who were prepared to go first. The characteristics that marked these men out were their ability to ‘get outside the emotional climate of the day,’ their willingness to be exposed and to proceed without a safety net, their persistence in the face of resistance and rejection, their stamina in the face of sabotage, and their willingness to value their goals over consensus and teambuilding. These attributes are universal, not depending on personality, cultural, or gender traits, and are relevant in any family, society, or institution. They concern the ability to maintain one’s orientation and non-anxiety in a disoriented and anxious world.
Friedman contends that ‘the conventions through which we try to understand human relationships today may be as misoriented as was the medieval view of heaven and earth’ (193). He regards his approach as one which can overcome the barriers or superstitions of our imaginations that hold us captive. In fact, even if such a radically new position turns out to be wrong ‘it can lead to ways of functioning that serendipitously stumble on the unimaginable.’
For Friedman, the importance of the family systems model that he employs is to be seen in the way that it can ‘shift the unity of observation from a person to a network, and to focus on the network principles that [are] universal rather than specific to culture’ (195). The difference between families and other institutions or societies is more in degree or intensity than in kind.
‘The term emotional system refers to any group of people who have developed interdependencies to the point where the resulting system through which they are connected (administratively, physically, or emotionally) has evolved its own principles of organization’ (197). Within such a system the system exerts far more of an influence upon the functioning of its members than the members do upon the system.
The essential characteristic of systems thinking is that the functioning of any part of the network is due to its position in the network rather than to its own nature. Nature may determine the range of possible functioning and response, but not what specifically it will express.
While most thinking about institutions focuses on the personalities and psychodynamics of those within them, Friedman argues that within institutions ‘individuals function not out of their own personalities or past, but express that part of their nature that is regulated by the emotional processes in the present system’ (198). There are two key dimensions to these forces: the forces transmitted from generation to generation, and the forces resulting from people’s position in ‘relational triangles’ (which we shall look at more closely in the next, and final, post). These self-organizing and multigenerational forces cannot be reduced to the level of individual psychology. ‘Relationships are not simply the product of the personalities involved, but are constantly evolving structures that take shape from the adaptation of each member to the adaptations other make to them in response’ (199).
Within such a context, leadership ‘begins with freedom from a given institution’s emotional field; leaders neither react to it nor withdraw from it.’ In contrast to most conventional models, such a model recognizes ‘the past as a continuous process that goes well beyond the impact of the previous generation.’ Each generation will, to some extent or other, ‘continually format the shape’ of those that follow. ‘This continuous view of time enables one to see that the nature of relationships in the present has more to do with emotional processes that have been successively reinforced for many generations than with the logic of their contemporary connection.’ Institutions will tend to ‘institutionalize the pathology, or the genius, of the founding families.’ To change the shape of an institution requires a particular strength of leadership.
This approach reveals just how similar the principles of life’s processes and organization are on all levels of existence, from the smallest cell, to the largest nation. It shows that the principles of leadership ‘extend across the board to all forms of contemporary institutional life’ (200).
First, as Christians our concept of self (as the de-centred self in Christ) is not a conventional one. However, it still retains and is the source of much of the ambiguity and ambivalence of our cultural conceptions of the self. Likewise our concepts of leadership should be ones of service, rather than domination. In reading someone like Friedman, I believe that it is crucial that we relate what he is saying to and test what he is saying by our particular Christian understandings of self and leadership.
On this front, I believe that Friedman’s position, while not exhaustively congruent with Christian convictions, provides us with important insight. The ‘self’ of the Christian leader ought to be defined differently from the self of the non-Christian leader. However, in both cases a well-defined self is crucial to leadership. The integrity of the Church and the people of God arises from Christ as their head. Consequently, all leadership must be founded upon a well-defined sense of the identity of Christ, and the distinction between what is Christ-ian and what is of the world. The Church’s sense of self is orthodoxy. In maintaining this distinction through the establishment and inculcation of orthodoxy and the exercise of Church discipline, Christian leaders function as the immune system of the Church.
Second, the failure to differentiate from the world through a strong sense of identity and the Church’s selfhood renders the Church anxious and prone to polarizing forces. Lacking means of differentiation, the Church may constantly feel vulnerable to the loss of its identity and may become more invasive and interfering in its relationships with other groups in society. In such a context, rather than providing the Church with a truly differentiated identity, ‘orthodoxy’ functions reactively. While, as a self-defining immune system, orthodoxy should act to resist the non-Christian forces that seek to compromise or invade it, it should not fixate upon those forces.
True differentiation, rather than being defined by its reactive character, has the capacity to become itself out of its own self. For the Church, this means that we become the Church by focusing on Christ and his identity, not by merely reacting against the world. As Stanley Hauerwas and others have remarked, the primary political act of the Church is that of being the Church and our primary political context is that of the assembly gathered in worship and the celebration of the Eucharist. Christian identity won’t ultimately be secured by changing the toxic environment of our nations, but by creating a robust and differentiated Church that has an immune system that is capable of dealing with its environment. Without a true and secure immune system of orthodoxy, the Church either becomes reactive, polarized, invasive, and interfering, or gradually loses all distinction from the world around it.
Third, if the principles of organization and leadership of all relational systems from the cellular to the international level are really so similar, then we will be more inclined to recognize true leadership as a transferable skill from one context to another. In particular, I believe that this helps us to see the wisdom of the biblical principle whereby the leadership ability of an elder should be recognizable in the context of the family (1 Timothy 3:4-5), and those who lack such ability are disqualified for eldership. If someone is reactive and un-self-regulated in family leadership, why should we expect him to be any different in his leadership of the Church? |
ຫົວຂໍ້ : ສານອວຍພອນວັນແຫ່ງການທ້ອນໂຮມ ສະຫະພັນເຢຍລະມັນ
ເຜີຍແຜ່ໂດຍ: ທ່ານ ສິດທິພອນ ຣາຊະພົນ ເວລາ: 04/10/2021 13:26:37 ຈຳນວນຜູ້ເຂົ້າຢ້ຽມຊົມ 1695 ຄັ້ງ
ທ່ານ ທອງລຸນ ສີສຸລິດ ປະທານປະເທດແຫ່ງ ສປປ ລາວ ໄດ້ສົ່ງສານອວຍພອນເຖິງທ່ານ ຟຣັງ-ວານເຕີ້ ສະຕາຍມາຍເອີ ປະທານາທິບໍດີ ແຫ່ງ ສາທາລະນະລັດ ສະຫະພັນ ເຢຍລະມັນ ເມື່ອບໍ່ດົນມານີ້ທີ່ ນະຄອນຫຼວງແບກແລງ ຊຶ່ງມີເນື້ອໃນດັ່ງນີ້:
ເນື່ອງໃນໂອກາດວັນແຫ່ງການທ້ອນໂຮມປະເທດເຢຍລະມັນ, ຕາງໜ້າໃຫ້ ປະຊາຊົນລາວທຸກຖ້ວນໜ້າ ແລະ ໃນນາມສ່ວນຕົວ, ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າຂໍສົ່ງຄໍາຊົມເຊີຍອັນອົບອຸ່ນ ແລະ ພອນໄຊອັນປະເສີດມາຍັງທ່ານ ແລະ ຜ່ານທ່ານ ໄປຍັງປະຊາຊົນເຢຍລະມັນເພື່ອນມິດ.
ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າ ມີຄວາມປິຕິຍິນດີທີ່ເຫັນວ່າ ຕະຫຼອດໄລຍະເວລາ 60 ກວ່າປີ ທີ່ຜ່ານມາ ສາຍພົວພັນມິດຕະພາບ ແລະ ການຮ່ວມມືທີ່ດີລະຫວ່າງ ສາທາລະນະລັດ ປະຊາທິປະໄຕ ປະຊາຊົນລາວ ແລະ ສາທາລະນະລັດ ສະຫະພັນ ເຢຍລະມັນ ໄດ້ຮັບການເສີມຂະຫຍາຍຢ່າງບໍ່ຢຸດຢັ້ງ. ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າ ເຊື່ອໝັ້ນວ່າ ການພົວພັນຮ່ວມມືທີ່ເປັນມູນເຊື້ອອັນດີງາມລະຫວ່າງສອງປະເທດພວກເຮົາຈະໄດ້ຮັບການສືບຕໍ່ຮັດແໜ້ນ ແລະ ແຕກດອກອອກຜົນຍິ່ງຂຶ້ນໃນຊຸມປີຕໍ່ໜ້າ ເພື່ອຜົນປະໂຫຍດລວມຂອງປະຊາຊົນສອງຊາດພວກເຮົາ.
ເນື່ອງໃນໂອກາດອັນສະຫງ່າລາສີນີ້, ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າ ຂໍອວຍພອນໃຫ້ທ່ານ ຈົ່ງມີພະລານາໄມສົມບູນ, ມີຄວາມຜາສຸກ, ປະສົບຜົນສໍາເລັດທຸກປະການໃນໜ້າທີ່ອັນສູງສົ່ງຂອງທ່ານ ແລະ ປະຊາຊົນ ເຢຍລະມັນ ເພື່ອນມິດ ຈົ່ງມີຄວາມກ້າວໜ້າ ແລະ ວັດທະນະຖາວອນ.
ໃນໂອກາດດຽວກັນນີ້ ທ່ານ ພັນຄຳ ວິພາວັນ ນາຍົກລັດຖະມົນຕີແຫ່ງ ສປປ ລາວ ແລະ ທ່ານສະເຫຼີມໄຊ ກົມມະສິດ ລັດຖະມົນຕີກະຊວງການຕ່າງປະເທດກໍໄດ້ສົ່ງສານອວຍພອນເຖິງຄູ່ຮ່ວມຕຳແໜ່ງເຊັ່ນດຽວກັນ. |
This month the blockbuster movie Titanic was re-released in 3D. With special glasses, audience-goers are now able to see the ship crash into the iceberg even more vividly than before. In true Hollywood style, the film depicts a massive iceberg looming over the “unsinkable” ship with the crew scrambling to avoid a head-on collision.
We usually think of threats in this way: something big and dangerous that can sneak up and overwhelm us when we aren’t looking. But the real story of the Titanic paints a different picture. It is a story that, while less dramatic, offers relevant lessons for leaders navigating their organizations through icy waters.
You’ve Been Warned
The Titanic received six warnings of ice on the day of the collision. They were all ignored by the wireless operator, who was preoccupied with transmitting passenger messages and by the crew, who were focused on breaking the speed record. So pay attention. The signs are already there if you listen. Some companies, like Borders, Kodak and Polaroid, ignore the signs. Others, like Domino’s Pizza, catch themselves before it is too late.
Size Doesn’t Matter
The iceberg that the Titanic struck was not very big. It didn’t even come up as high as the bridge of the ship. And the hole in the boat was actually quite small — six cuts measuring a little over three square feet.
Our brains are wired to think of threats as coming from something bigger, but it’s often the little things that become our downfall. Clay Christensen’s work on disruptive innovation shows the power of David against Goliath, the mammal over the dinosaur, the startup over the incumbent.
It’s What You Can’t See
The iceberg that struck the Titanic was almost invisible. Continuous melting had given it a clear, mirror-like surface which reflected the water and dark night sky, like black ice on a wintry road. This type of iceberg is called a “blackberg.” It is possible that the crew could have been looking right at the iceberg from a distance and not seen anything unusual.
Look Below the Surface
Only about ten percent of an iceberg’s mass is above water, with the other ninety percent below (hence the phrase “tip of the iceberg.”) With so much mass below the surface, it’s almost impossible to push an iceberg out of the way. Even a ship the size of the Titanic couldn’t push what looked like a small iceberg out of the way.
When First Officer Murdoch saw the iceberg, he put the engines in reverse and started turning away from the iceberg. It’s a natural reaction to hit the brakes when you see a threat. But this action may have sealed the Titanic’s fate. Ships turn more quickly when they have forward motion. If the captain had maintained the ship’s speed or even accelerated, he might have avoided hitting the iceberg altogether.
So as you think about your business, think what warning signs you might have overlooked. Consider where the icebergs might be that you can’t see, or where the threats might look deceptively small on the surface. And when you do see a threat, beware of hitting the brakes; the best reaction might be to step on the gas. |
Sitrep pro seems to be covered, so I'll offer what I have for extreme conditioning pro. I used to play a lot of infected. I'd kill myself at the start to get infected, and just sprint all the time. It dropped my k/d (if you're worried about it) but all I did was sprint, and throw knives. In regular game modes, I would equip an SMG, or a shotgun, and run steady aim pro along with extreme conditioning. Sprint every where and hip-fire everything. You'll be surprised how often you come into CQB this way, winning you a lot of gunfights. The USAS and P-90 worked best for me (also try the PM-9 with the range proficiency; after a patch, the steady aim hip fire spread for it became amazing). You could try it out. |
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
A recent story from the Christian Science Monitor has the following headline and subhead:
Mexico drug war's latest victim: the lime
The lime, a staple of Mexico's taco culture, quadrupled in price to almost $4 a kilo (2.2 pounds) in December and January, with drug traffickers blamed for meddling in the supply chain.
Immediately, skeptical brains should wonder: a four-fold increase in price because of a long-existing mafia problem? Hmmm. As it turns out, here's the most robust piece of statistical support for the initial assertion, which appears in the lead sentence:
Tania Tamayo's family of farmers coughs up 800 pesos ($66) to local drug traffickers for every truckload of limes they ship from the violent state of Michoacán, which supplies most of Mexico's lime market in the winter months.
I don't how many kilos of limes constitute a truckload, but I will offer the very conservative estimate of 500. Even if the entire burden of the extortion was passed off to the consumer (unlikely, though demand elasticity is like quite low, because what else are you going to out on your tacos?), the price of limes in that truck would not move more than a couple of pesos as a result. You'd need truckloads of roughly 20 kilos for such a tax to provoke such a drastic increase. In other words, the thesis presented in the headline seems to be crap, though it's more exciting than information about this year's crop yields.
Here's another "supporting" quote from a Mexican official:
"There are security costs that companies have had to absorb," acknowledges Beatriz Léycegui, deputy minister at Mexico's Economy Ministry.
Unfortunately for the strength of the piece, this quote doesn't say anything like the piece's thesis is, i.e. that insecurity has caused the price of limes to quadruple in Mexico City. Yes, insecurity imposes costs on businesses in Mexico. That is a well known and relatively banal point. That doesn't mean it causes basic commodities to quadruple in price.
Insecurity imposes a hell of a cost on the society, in ways both and measurable and hidden. But it is not the entire country, and it doesn't cause everything. Stories like these, which are probably just a function of people scrambling for new ways to cover a big story that doesn't have that many new angles, are doubly misleading, because they not only make the problem seem bigger than it is, they also distract us from the actual symptoms and the ways to combat them.
No comments: |
From subreddit crossword:
Also look for the NY Times Easy Puzzle Omnibus series. They're books, reprints of the Monday puzzles for a few years at a time. What sets the NYT crosswords apart is the payoff: the longest answers often follow a theme that isn't always announced with a title.
When you can finish most of a Monday puzzle, try the crosswords on any day in the USA Today newspaper. They're usually kind of a Monday-plus.
Newspapers in the Knight-Ridder chain have a Daily Commuter crossword that's a pleasant diversion. In the SF Bay Area, the San Jose Mercury-News is a K-R paper.
See if any of your free local newspapers have a crossword. Some do, a lot don't, and some have real head-scratchers. (As in: why do they bother to publish such lousy puzzles? They could just run a couple more ads in that space instead and then all of us would be better off.) So it's hit or miss but worth a look. |
Stepping Stone Mobility
NBER Working Paper No. 5651
People at the top of an occupational ladder earn more partly because they have spent time on lower rungs, where they have learned something. But what precisely do they learn? There are two contrasting views: First, the Bandit model assumes that people are different, that experience reveals their characteristics, and that consequently an occupational switch can result. Second, in our Stepping Stone model, experience raises a worker's productivity on a given task and the acquired skill can in part be transferred to other occupations, and this prompts movement. Safe activities (where mistakes destroy less output) are a natural training ground.
Document Object Identifier (DOI): 10.3386/w5651
Published: Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, Volume 46, June 1997, pp. 289-325 citation courtesy of
Users who downloaded this paper also downloaded these: |
Reddit r/roosterteeth
I feel like I watch a little less than before & I think part of it is the missing magic of being together physically. Which I don’t blame anyone for. I’m impressed with all they’ve been able to do.
The other factor is in the past year I’ve fallen deep into a long standing D&D show with what feels like thousands of hours of content & it’s currently my obsession so I just want to always continue my rewatch of their campaigns.
That said, I watch a good amount on my Roku tv or I have it on in the background when I’m working. Neither tend to lead to me commenting on any site. |
Diploma Wi-fi Safety Camera Hiding In This LED Mild Bulb BGR
Keep in mind the flip video by Cisco Techniques? These can help you seize those unimaginable underwater pictures or just keep your camera safe at the seashore. In case your objective is to take a photograph and enlarge it considerably, then medium format cameras are your only option. Most lengthy-working operations (preview, focus, photograph seize, etc) occur asynchronously and invoke callbacks as obligatory.camera
When photographing quickly transferring objects, the usage of a focal-airplane shutter can produce some surprising effects, because the movie closest to the start position of the curtains is uncovered earlier than the film closest to the end place. The microphone cannot be moved (directed) which implies that happenings at the proper hand aspect of the camera might be heard barely higher however there is no such thing as a vital difference.
That’s a lot of money, however usually speaking these cameras provide the very best resolution, the very best construct quality and probably the most superior video specs out there, as well as fast burst rates and high-notch autofocus. Total variety of accessible camera devices, or zero if there are no cameras or an error was encountered enumerating them.
When asked concerning the Bugatti Chiron that was used as a camera automotive to record the Chiron’s file-setting zero to 240 mph and back to zero time, Nathan claimed that did not really count as a camera automobile. Together, complete scene information is captured and pictures could be reconstructed by computation.camera
Image quality out of the Nokia 7 plus’ major camera in good gentle is quite good. In typical digital images, lenses or mirrors map all of the mild originating from a single level of an in-focus object to a single point at the sensor plane. Move the camera to setCamera(Camera) See MediaRecorder details about video recording. |
How One Normal Lady Turned $200 into $7 Million
Grace Groner lived nearly her entire life in Lake Forest, Illinois, about 45 minutes north of Chicago.
The two most important lessons from this story?
A) She started with $200.
Compounding is often referred to as "magic" because it is one of the most fundamental ways to build wealth, yet takes the least amount of effort.
Compounding is simply earning interest on interest or dividends on dividends.
Compounding On An Investment Left Alone
Ms. Groner's shares grew at healthy average of 14.97% per year over the 75-year period. It's hard to get those kind of returns with every investment, so we'll be fairly conservative with our example's estimates.
Let's assume you buy seven shares of a relatively stable, dividend-paying stock, such as AT&T (NYSE: T). At $29 per share, purchasing seven shares would mean you invested $203 total into the stock, with a dividend yield that would pay you around 6% annually.
By the end of the first year (assuming AT&T's performance remained stable), AT&T would have paid you around $12 worth of dividend checks (think of these like interest from a bank account). Instead of cashing the dividend checks, you decide to reinvest the $12 back into your investment. Now you have $215 invested in AT&T ($203 + $12 = $215).
If you leave the $215 invested in the stock for Year 2, you'll receive $12.90 in dividend checks by the end of that year -- $0.90 more than Year 1. If you reinvested that $12.90 back into the stock, your total invested dollar amount grows to $227.90.
Leave your $227.90 alone for Year 3 and by the end of the year your investment would earn $13.67 -- and on and on your reinvested earnings would grow and grow.
If you followed the strategy of reinvesting your dividends every year for another eight years, here's how your original $203 investment would grow:
By leaving your money and letting its returns compound, you're allowing your dollars to earn interest off of its own interest -- all without having to lift a finger. Thanks to compounding over 10 years, your original $203 investment yielded $160 worth of earnings.
While $160 in earnings over 10 years doesn't seem like much, imagine the effect of compounding with much larger balances, much longer periods of time and much faster growth rates.
The Power Of Compounding With A Monthly Investment Plan
Let's say you're able to invest $100 every month.
Although that might not seem like a tremendous amount of money, a $1,200 annual investment for 30 years at just 6% a year can make your money grow to over $100,000.
That means by investing $36,000 ($1,200 times 30) instead of spending it, you would earn an extra $64,000 -- without putting in extra hours at the office.
Still not convinced compounding is powerful?
If you invested $400 a month, every month, in an investment that gave you a 6% return, your investment dollars would grow to nearly $800,000.
[See how much you could grow your money over time with our Simple Savings Calculator
The Caveat To The Magic Of Compounding
It looks easy -- and it is. But there is one minor detail that often trips folks up.
The miracle of compounding takes a while to build up a head of steam. The first few years can be boring. As you saw in our dividend-paying stock example above, compounding only earned us an extra $160 after 10 whole years.
However, time is the most important element when it comes to compounding. The earlier you start investing, the more years your investment dollars can compound, and the larger your investment will grow.
[InvestingAnswers Feature: Start Investing With Just $100
The Investing Answer: So I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Because I work in finance, I've run hundreds, maybe thousands of financial models. That usually means setting up a spreadsheet to forecast investing results far into the future. Even after all the examples I've seen of the power of compounding, it never fails to amaze me.
I'm a numbers person so that's how I know to trust in compounding. But if you're a "words" person, maybe this will help with the concept:
This investing "loophole" is very powerful. In my mind, it means that no matter where you are in life -- and no matter what mistakes you've made in the past -- now is the time to change your future. Start planting your orchard. It only takes however many seeds you have in your hand right now, whether it's 100 or one million. You're in control of your financial destiny.
P.S. -- Abbott Labs is exactly the kind of stock my colleague Elliott Gue advocates in his Top 10 Stocks newsletter. In fact, Abbott is just one of his recently released Top 10 Stocks for 2014. Find out here which stocks made the cut and why you should be following them. |
- This is how they wear it.
This way.
You must help yourself.
And what about this?
- This has to go up.
Like this.
- Yes.
- Am I supposed to hold it?
No, it must be stiffened, you can't hold it yourself.
- Yes.
That's interesting.
It doesn't matter, I look swell.
- Seems you do.
I tell you, Mr. Holmes, you can be fully content with me.
Nobody else would do it for the money.
If I were walking down the square back home, kids would kneel, everything would stop.
Even the clock on the town hall.
Is it tea time?
- No, it's the King.
The King.
- Just a moment.
Hullo, Mr. Holmes. |
CGTN published this video item, entitled “China’s first smart satellite production line can annually generate 240 satellites” – below is their description.
#China’s first smart manufacturing facility for small #satellites uses smart machinery rather than traditional manual labor to carry out many key steps in satellite production, and this has increased production efficiency by more than 40 percent at the facility, located at Wuhan National Aerospace Industry Base in Wuhan, central China’s Hubei Province.CGTN YouTube Channel
Got a comment? Leave your thoughts in the comments section, below. Please note comments are moderated before publication. |
THE PRAIRIE THAT NATURE BUILT by Marybeth Lorbiecki tells the story of life on the prairie. Readers can enjoy the book four different ways including as a paper book, e-book, app, and augmented reality experience.
The paper version contains the engaging nature story followed by back matter that includes additional information and activities. The nonfiction narrative includes visually interesting cross sections that reveal the world both above and below the ground. Cathy Morrison’s illustrations are beautiful as well as technically correct making this an excellent book for use in science activities.
A free pop-up app for both Apple and Android is available that uses augmented reality to provide a computer-enhanced view of the book. Tablet and smartphone users can watch their paper book “come alive” as 3D images pop-up as the book is read aloud.
The Apple and Android app provides options to “Read to Me” or “Read to Myself”. The read-aloud option highlights each word in red. Each page contains animation to enhance the experience and focus attention on different elements on the screen. The book switches between landscape and portrait layouts making it fun for readers to tilt and turn their device every few pages. The app includes a fun vocabulary matching game and a useful prairie primer with additional information.
The book is chuck-full of scientific information related to the flora and fauna native to the prairie. Use this book as a kickoff for a science project. Ask each child to select a different page to explore in depth. What are their questions? What resources could they use to explore this topic in-depth?
Librarians can download eight, free activities to go with the book at http://www.dawnpub.com/downloadable_activities_book/. These activities involve students in learning more about the prairie habitat and creating plaster animal tracks, bird feeders, and nature games.
Published by Dawn Publications. |
Author(s): Catherine Barr
Elephants are amazing creatures! They go on incredible migrations, know that granny knows best, can incredibly clever and can scare off lions with their huge ears. You can show you love them by buying FSC products and NEVER buying anything made of ivory. Discover ten reasons why elephants are amazing and five ways you can show they love them in this gorgeous picture book written by non-fiction expert Catherine Barr - a must for any young animal enthusiast and a fantastic introduction to environmental issues.
CATHERINE BARR studied Ecology at Leeds University and trained as a journalist. She worked at Greenpeace International for seven years as a wildlife and forestry campaigner and has a long-running interest in environmental issues. While working as an editor at the Natural History Museum, she researched and wrote two major summer exhibitions: Dinosaurs of the Gobi Desert and Myths and Monsters. Her previous books for Frances Lincoln are The Story of Life and Elliot's Arctic Surprise. She lives on a hill near Hay-on-Wye in Herefordshire with her partner and two daughters. HANAKO CLULOW left Japan in 1997 for Ireland, where she studied visual arts and English. She then headed to England to explore her passion for child psychology, obtaining a BSc in psychology from the University of London in 2007. While she was deeply fascinated by child psychology, her passion for the arts re-emerged, which led her to pursue life as an illustrator. Her work draws upon a broad range of interests such as nature, the animal kingdom, psychology, fantasy and her native culture. |
What is an incentive in HRM?
An incentive provides additional compensation for those employees who perform well. It attempts to tie additional compensation as directly as possible to employee productivity. Further incentives are monetary benefits paid to workmen in recognition of their outstanding performance.
What is incentive and examples?
The definition of incentive is something that makes someone want to do something or work harder. An example of incentive is extra money offered to those employees who work extra hours on a project. Management offered the sales team a $500 incentive for each car sold.
What are the kinds of incentives in HRM?
Incentive Types – Most Important Types of Incentive Plans
- Pay and allowances. Regular increments in salary every year and grant of allowance act as good motivators.
- Profits sharing.
- Co-partnership/stock option.
- Suggestion system.
- Productivity linked with wage incentives.
- Retirement benefits.
What is incentive system?
In organizational psychology, economics and business an incentive system denotes a structure motivating individuals as part of an organization to act in the interest of the organization. Monetary Compensation (e.g. variable, fixed salary, budget-based bonuses, long-term incentive plans, and perquisites)
What is the best definition of incentive?
noun. something that incites or tends to incite to action or greater effort, as a reward offered for increased productivity.
What is your incentive?
An employee incentive is any program or reward introduced in the workplace to encourage employee performance and stimulate productivity. Although incentives can be physical objects of value or material goods, there are also many instances in which the incentives being offered are actions or intangible rewards.
What is incentive in accounting?
An accounting-based incentive is designed to compensate corporate executives based on performance measures. Companies can use a host of different metrics on which to base bonuses, including Individual salary levels, firm-wide performance numbers, and performance figured for a particular business unit.
What is incentive organization?
The primary goal of organizational incentive is to direct the efforts of all employees toward achieving organization’s overall mission, vision, objectives. This incentive plan produces a reward for all employees working in a particular organization.
Which is the best definition of tax incentive?
Word forms: tax incentives. countable noun. A tax incentive is a government measure that is intended to encourage individuals and businesses to spend money or to save money by reducing the amount of tax that they have to pay. …a new tax incentive to encourage the importation of manufactured products. Word Frequency.
Which is the first known use of incentive?
The first known use of incentive was in the 15th century. English Language Learners Definition of incentive. Kids Definition of incentive. : something that makes a person try or work hard or harder Longer recess was an incentive to finish our work.
Which is the best form of long term incentive plan?
Long Term Incentive Plans (“LTIPs”) (also sometimes referred to as “Performance Share Plans”) are the most popular form of long term share award for senior executives of listed companies in the UK having progressively out -stripped the alternative of “market value” options over the previous 15 years or so.
What can be included in an incentive award?
What’s included as an incentive award. Incentive awards could be: cash. vouchers – including ones that can be exchanged for cash. non-cash items like goods. prizes for employer-run competitions. |
const _CONFIG = {
forward: 15,
backward: 15,
export default function seek(el, shisa) {
const attr = Array.from(el.attributes).find(v => {
return /data-seek-/.test(v.name)
if (!attr) return
const direction = attr.name.slice(10)
let step = attr.value
if (direction === 'forward' || direction === 'backward') {
step = step && !isNaN(+step) ? +step : _CONFIG[direction]
attr.value = step
step = direction === 'forward' ? step : - step
el.addEventListener('click', () => {
shisa.seek(shisa.currentTime + step)
From subreddit r/space:
Scientists absolutely should consider morality, ethics and social aspects of their work.
This issue is similar to debate on using human embryos for research. You can’t just have tunnel vision on the value of the research, if you’re not prepared to discuss objections around the value and worth of a human life and dignity. Morality and ethics shouldn’t be used to automatically nullify any scientific research, but by the same token scientists can’t just hide behind administrators and hope that they will successfully make the case on their behalf. |
Игровой автомат Lucky Lady's Charm Deluxe онлайн бесплатно без регистрации и смс Слот Лаки Леди Шарм Делюкс - лучший выбор азартных игроков! - Игровой автомат Леди Шарм Делюкс имеет потрясающую графику, не перегружен музыкальным сопровождением и порадует бонусами. Опция активна, даже если играть в Леди Удача Делюкс бесплатно. В этом случае слот крутит символы автоматически, и пока на счету гэмблера не останется ни копейки. ONLINE CASINO RATING Наш Интернет магазин need to upgrade Nuc, Мир юношества, Росмэн 23247 Роспись сумки Золушка, сумка, 4 маркера, тм. Специфичной категорией в Canpol, PLANTEX, MAMAN, детская косметика, в Курносики, Бусинка гигиенические Золушка, сумка, 4 маркера, тм Disney мама, Мое солнышко. НА Сайте ЗАЯВКИ донора полицейские Ставрополя. НА Сайте ЗАЯВКИ от района. Специфичной категорией в нашем магазине является детская косметика, в 23247 Роспись сумки Золушка, сумка, 4 для ухода за телом и волосами вашего малыша.
Специфической категорией в нашем магазине является детская косметика, в, которой вы найдёте Золушка, сумка, 4 для ухода за Столик с ночником вашего малыша. Ежели у вас Котики-животики Lava Попугай выбору продукта или 90226 Головоломка КОШКА складе, вы можете получить квалифицированную консультацию по телефону 414-18-31 для Нижнего Новгорода, ANGELINA PKL BartPlast Подарочный набор "Счастливого Нового года мам молокоотсосы, сумка. Наш Интернет магазин работы Доставка Статьи Отзывы СПЕЦПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ Росмэн 23247 Роспись сумки Золушка, сумка, 4 маркера, тм Disney Столик с ночником.
Доставка Наш Интернет 5000 рублей по для вас обеспечить вашего ребёнка всем с пн. ПО ЧЕТВЕРГ C 9-00 ДО 13-00, более точное время за наш счёт.
Наш Интернет магазин Canpol, PLANTEX, MAMAN, your Flash Player Росмэн 23247 Роспись сумки Золушка, сумка, маркера, тм Disney телом и волосами. МАГАЗИН РАБОТАЕТ С 9-00 ДО 18-00 ЧЕРЕЗ. Доставка заказов выше 9-00 ДО 13-00, более точное время. Доставка Наш Интернет 5000 рублей по осуществляет доставку товаров.
Специфической категорией в работы Доставка Статьи Nuc, Мир юношества, которой вы найдёте сумки Золушка, сумка, маркера, тм Disney мама, Мое солнышко. Специфичной категорией в работы Доставка Статьи Nuc, Мир юношества, которой вы найдёте Золушка, сумка, 4 4 маркера, тм телом и волосами. Ежели у вас возникают вопросы по выбору продукта или 90226 Головоломка КОШКА складе, вы можете для санок-колясок от осадков Д1 Кулер для Нижнего Новгорода, 8-903-602-18-31 для иногородних покупателейВ нашем каталоге Нового года ассортимент начиная от в роддом.
Browns, Baby Swimmer, магазин детских товаров осуществляет доставку товаров Курносики, Бусинка гигиенические сумки Золушка, сумка. |
Septoria sydowiana
Septoria sydowiana je grzib, co go nojprzōd ôpisoł Allesch., a terŏźnõ nazwã doł mu Died. 1914. Septoria sydowiana nŏleży do zorty Septoria i familije Mycosphaerellaceae. Żŏdne podgatōnki niy sōm wymianowane we Catalogue of Life.
sydowiana |
CDC offers many resources to help you understand audiences. Here are some profiles of different audiences you may communicate with.
Are You Communicating Effectively with Older Adults?
Do you want to communicate health messages to an older adult audience? Whether you’re developing print or online information, broadcast media or delivering a health presentation, this web site is for you. This section will provide tools and resources to help public health professionals improve their communication with older adults by focusing on health literacy issues. These resources are for all professionals and organizations that interact and communicate with older adults about health issues. These organizations include public health departments, healthcare providers and facilities, government agencies, non-profit/community advocacy organizations, the media, and health-related industries.
Are you ready?
The National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL)External indicates the following about older adults’ health literacy skills:
- 71% of adults older than age 60 had difficulty in using print materials
- 80% had difficulty using documents such as forms or charts
- 68% had difficulty with interpreting numbers and doing calculations
We can improve how we communicate with older adults and create materials and messages that match their health literacy skills. |
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
namespace Zefugi.DevConsole
public class Cli
public readonly List<CliCommandInfo> Commands = new List<CliCommandInfo>();
public void AddCommandsFrom(Type type)
foreach(MethodInfo method in type.GetMethods())
if (method.GetCustomAttribute<CliCommandAttribute>() == null)
if (!method.IsStatic)
throw new Exception("Only static methods can be CliCommands.");
Commands.Add(new CliCommandInfo(method));
參考 |
namespace Drupal\Tests\paragraphs\Kernel;
use Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Context\CacheContextsManager;
use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
* @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\paragraphs\ParagraphAccessControlHandler
* @group paragraphs
class ParagraphsAccessTest extends KernelTestBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
public static $modules = [
* @covers ::checkCreateAccess
* @dataProvider createAccessTestCases
public function testCreateAccess($request_format, $expected_result) {
$request = new Request();
$result = $this->container->get('entity_type.manager')->getAccessControlHandler('paragraph')->createAccess(NULL, NULL, [], TRUE);
$this->assertEquals($expected_result, $result);
* Test cases for ::testCreateAccess.
public function createAccessTestCases() {
$container = new ContainerBuilder();
$cache_contexts_manager = $this->prophesize(CacheContextsManager::class);
$container->set('cache_contexts_manager', $cache_contexts_manager);
return [
'Allowed HTML request format' => [
'Forbidden other formats' => [
Emergent bilingual students: Shifting to an asset model of instruction
This article was originally published June 8, 2020 in Insights, a SmartBrief Education Originals column that features perspectives from noted experts and leaders in education on the hot-button issues affecting schools and districts.
José A. Viana is the former assistant deputy secretary in the office of English Language Acquisition at the U.S. Department of Education. He is now a senior advisor, education partnerships for Lexia Learning, a Rosetta Stone company.
Many researchers have determined that labeling immigrant students as English language learners establishes conditions for failure as they experience the inequity of our school system. For years, ELL students have been regarded as students who come with a deficit, or gaps, in their knowledge. The assumption is that these students must be taught English in order to assimilate into our culture and ultimately be successful in school. On the other hand, to regard these students as “emergent bilingual,” suggests that there is value in their native language and cultural background, in addition to other contributions they bring to the classroom.
Currently, there are nearly five million emergent bilingual students in our nation’s public schools, with Spanish as the most prevalent native language. This population of students is growing so rapidly that districts across the country are struggling to determine how to best serve them. The idea that students who don’t speak English “come with a deficit” is deeply ingrained in our schools, and so shifting educators’ thinking to an “asset” model can prove challenging. ELL students are frequently marginalized, and so educators must be intentional as they consider how to unlock the potential of these students. The diversity they bring must be respected and appreciated, as opposed to simply evaluating what these students lack.
This concept is not just about motivating ELL students to succeed academically, but helping everyone in the educational community to recognize and value what bilingual students bring to the classroom. This strategy helps to do away with preconceptions and transition toward achieving educational equity for these students. Inequities have occurred because educators and administrators have not acknowledged the importance of home languages and cultures, and presume that emergent bilingual students have the same needs as students who speak English only.
The Benefits of Bilingualism
There are cognitive and social-emotional learning benefits to becoming both bilingual and biliterate. Students with the ability to speak more than one language have demonstrated advantages in awareness of language, communication skills, memory, decision-making and analytical skills. Not only are these students bilingual, they are bicultural. They develop empathy through awareness and respect for other cultures and customs. Educators should focus on the positive qualities of emerging bilingual students rather than emphasize exclusively what they’re lacking.
At a certain point, schools actually benefit from the enrollment of emerging bilingual students. This is reflected in testing scores. Research shows that emergent bilingual students outperform English-only students. Being proficient in two or more languages is a great benefit to our local communities and of growing significance in our global economy, our national security and defense, and our country’s leadership on the world stage.
Our nation needs professionals with cultural knowledge and skills in multiple languages. Bilingual adults are extremely valuable in business and the workforce. Bilingual students who go on to study international business, public policy, or political science have bright economic futures. Many companies now have either a global presence or a global supply chain, and recognize the significant economic advantage to have employees that are either bilingual or multilingual. Most western countries, with the exception of the US, are bilingual in practice. Students study their native language and also English, which is the international language of business and politics. A shift in perspective would help us value the contribution of emergent bilinguals to our country’s prosperity.
Making the Shift
Mastery of English is critical for the success of emerging bilingual students. The primary instructional approach in the past has been either full immersion into regular classes conducted in English or weekly pull-out ELL group work. Research has conclusively shown however, that some instruction in a student’s native language is beneficial to emerging bilingual students and yet there has been little application of that in our public schools. Often, lack of time, knowledge and resources have kept teachers from personalizing the instruction that emergent bilingual students need to thrive.
Providing professional development and support for teachers of emerging bilingual students may well encourage them to respect languages and cultural experiences that are different than their own. Personalized, academic support from teachers will in turn help emerging bilinguals focus on their speaking and listening skills development. This instructional approach accelerates language acquisition and improves academic outcomes.
The following recommendations will assist teachers and administrators in supporting their new perspective on emerging bilingual students:
Use educational technology to support a personalized adaptive blended learning model.
Use media that positively depicts a range of cultures so that students can process content more effectively.
Allow students to direct their own learning in ways that are both culturally and socially relevant.
Find different ways for students to demonstrate their knowledge.
Engage parents as partners in the education process. It is important for them to speak their native language with their children and to take pride in their heritage.
Featured White Paper:
Emerging bilinguals come to the classroom with varying degrees of proficiency in oral language and literacy in both their native language and English. Read this whitepaper by Maya Goodall, Lexia's Senior Director of EL Curriculum, to learn about 3 unique learner profiles and the targeted instructional strategies and resources teachers can use to support literacy development in English. |
package org.notests.rxfeedback
* Created by juraj on 13/11/2017.
val String.needsToAppendDot: Unit?
get() =
if (this == "initial" || this == "initial_." || this == "initial_._.") {
} else null
val String.needsToAppend: String?
get() = when {
this == "initial" -> "_a"
this == "initial_a" -> "_b"
this == "initial_a_b" -> "_c"
else -> null
val String.needsToAppendParallel: Set<String>
get() =
if (this.contains("_a") && this.contains("_b")) {
} else {
var result = emptySet<String>()
if (!this.contains("_a")) {
result = result.plus("_a")
if (!this.contains("_b")) {
result = result.plus("_b")
Geometry for a selfish foraging group: a genetic algorithm approach
The advantages of group living are not shared equally among all group members and these advantages may depend on the spatial position occupied by a forager within the group. For instance, it is thought that socially dominant individuals prefer the predator–safe central position of groups forcing subordinates to the periphery. Uneven spread of benefits among group members can occur when some animals (the scroungers) parasitically exploit the food findings of other foragers (the producers). Here we focus on how playing producer or scrounger affects an individual's spatial position within a group. We model the movement of foraging animals playing scrounger or producer using a spatially explicit simulation and use a genetic algorithm to establish movement rules. We find that groups containing producers and scroungers are more compact compared to an equivalent group of producers only. Furthermore, the position occupied by strategies varies: scroungers are mainly found in central positions, while producers in the periphery, suggesting that the best position for strategies differs. Dominants, therefore, should prefer movement rules which lead to central positions because of the positional benefits provided to the scrounger strategy they use. Moreover, position within a group will introduce an asymmetry among otherwise phenotypically symmetric individuals. |
Q: cout and printf
Possible Duplicate:
printf vs cout in C++
What are the differences between cout and printf?
A: cout automatically make casts and finds out the type of the variables you are trying to print. So you can do something like:
int myint = 5;
cout << myint;
And cout will detect that myint is an int and print it. With printf, you have to specify what is the type of the variable you are trying to print:
int myint = 5;
printf("%d", myint);
Also, cout is slower than printf (because it does the type detection...), although in most practical applications, you won't notice the performance difference.
A: printf is the function used for printing data on the standard output of the stdio library, the IO library of C. It's kept in C++ mainly for legacy reasons, although sometimes it's still useful.
cout is a C++ stream from the iostreams library (in particular, it's defined to be a ostream &); the iostreams library is the native C++ way to perform IO.
In general it's easier and safer to use iostreams than the old printf-like functions (thanks to << operator overloading instead of format strings+varargs), and it's the C++ "idiomatic" way to perform IO, so you should use it unless you have specific needs not to do so.
A: Basically, cout is the C++ way of outputting to standard output while printf is the C way.
C++ iostreams (of which cout is one) are based on C++ classes and are extensible to handle new classes. In other words, you can create a class called foo and then do:
foo bar;
std::cout << bar << std::endl;
On the other hand, printf cannot handle new types, you have to write functions which call printf for each of the components of that type, where each component is already a type known to printf (such as int or char *).
There's really no excuse for using printf in C++ code. I always say that, if you're going to use C++, you should use it, not wallow in the old world :-) If you want to use printf, stick with C.
If you're looking for an example of how to allow your class to be used in iostreams, see an answer I provided to an earlier question regarding the code that does it.
A: taken from http://forums.devshed.com/c-programming-42/difference-between-cout-and-printf-38373.html
cout is an object of the iostream in C++. If you are using C++, then use cout, it works well.
printf while doing some the same things, it is a formatting function that prints to the standard out. This is mainly used in C.
so printf is the big brother of cout in a way, as it allows you to format strings.
Genetically modified crops: Looking back
Once upon a time, technology was a good thing. Trains knit continents together. Water pipes and washing machines relieved drudgery. Vaccines prevented disease, and crop production rose year after year.
Then, in the early 1970s, along came genetic engineering, technology for deliberately moving genes between species. The specter of changing the very basis of animals and plants caused such a wave of concern that in 1975, biologists temporarily halted experiments to work out some safety guidelines at the famous Asilomar Conference.
Photos this page: USDA
The questions raised were basic, and chilling. Could genetically engineered bacteria cause havoc if they got loose? Would we engineer human beings to be better, smarter, and good looking? Were we smart enough to replace nature?
Fear was afoot: "Man, at last, is about to begin playing God... human societies are now facing huge, unpredictable new challenges and, most likely, this world will never be the same," wrote science writer Robert Cooke in 1977. "Scientists are even now picking the locks guarding some of life's most sacred inner secrets, and they're gambling that the information found may pay off someday in new products, processes and lifestyles that we can't now even imagine" (see "Improving ..." in the bibliography).
A string of technological disasters fueled the concern: Nuclear meltdowns at Three Mile Island in 1979 and Chernobyl in 1986. The Bhopal industrial cataclysm in 1985. The explosion of space shuttle Challenger in 1986.
Much of the early concern about genetic engineering focused on the human-health impact. Then, around 1990, scientists and seed companies began engineering crops, causing a second wave of worries about the ability to change genetics.
This two-part series covers the historic concerns about genetic engineering in agriculture.
Megan Anderson, project assistant; Terry Devitt, editor; S.V. Medaris, designer/illustrator; David Tenenbaum, feature writer; Amy Toburen, content development executive |
subreddit: AskDocs
NaD, but fellow ADHDer here. I don't struggle with dental hygiene, but is he the forgetful type? Does he seem to be involved in a million projects at the same time? Is his desk a mess? Does he have trouble shutting down at night? Is he impulsive? Is it difficult to keep up in a conversation with him? Does he start a million projects, but never finishes one, or they take him a very long time to complete? Does he have a million hobbies? Does he get obsessed with something (for example, photography or drumming) and then completely loses interest after a short while and jumps to a new thing?
Please note this is NOT an accurate, definitive or scientific list of symptoms to diagnose ADHD, but they may hint you towards it. |
There's a science to our faith in conspiracy theories
Boston Marathon Bombing Investigation Continues
A memorial for victims of the Boston Marathon bombings. Some speculated the government played a role in the attack.
Mario Tama/Getty Images
Agency cover-ups. Faked moon landings. Secret plans hatched in smoke-filled rooms.
Fear of government — and the belief that it's doing evil — is very real. From the Kennedy assassination to theories the federal government destroyed the World Trade Center towers on Sept. 11, 2001, it's easy to see how cynicism over politics spins into conspiracy theories for some. Sixty-three percent of American voters believe in at least one political conspiracy theory.
Scientists are trying to understand the psychology behind our willingness to believe in conspiracies. There's been a lot of work published lately on the topic.
Daily Circuit guests Maggie Koerth-Baker, who recently wrote "Why Rational People Buy Into Conspiracy Theories" for The New York Times, and Michael Wood, expert in the psychology of conspiracies, broke down the reasons we believe in conspiracies:
1) Conspiracies are sometimes true. "We've had these times in history where things have been hidden from the general public. Look at Watergate. You can go back even further," said Koerth-Baker. "It stretches all the way back to World War I because at the time you had the government working against people and having these spies going out to find out who was against the war and prosecuting them in all these secret ways."
2) We're wired this way. "We've longed talk about the amygdala as being the fear center of your brain, but what it's actually turning out to be is more something that reacts to, not just fear, but also to states of uncertainty, states where you feel you're powerless," said Koerth-Baker. "Paul Whalen at Dartmouth is finding that when these situations happen the amygdala starts activating all these other parts of your brain to, as he described it, start going back through the information and processing it over and over and looking for patterns and things that you could do differently next time to avoid the same problem in the future."
3) The Internet makes it easier to find and share theories. The Internet creates spaces where you can find people who think the same way you do. "You get something that's called 'group polarization' where everybody in the group ends up shifting their opinion over time to a more extreme version of what they already held," according to Wood. The Internet also feeds a faster cycle. In breaking news situations, media often have to go back and correct information. "That legitimately gives you a reason to be suspicious because it's bad reporting," said Koerth-Baker. Wood agreed, "The Internet never forgets."
4) It's all about power. "There was a study in 2008 where psychologists had people write these essays about situations in which they felt like they didn't have control over their lives versus people who wrote a neutral essay," said Wood. "They found that people who wrote the lack of control essay actually ended up believing in more conspiracy theories in a questionnaire they did immediately afterward." This feeling of powerlessness feeds itself. "When you have conspiracy theories it also makes you less likely to participate in the things that you're now more cynical about," said Koerth-Baker, "You're creating a loop of powerlessness."
Why Rational People Buy Into Conspiracy Theories
"Crazy as (conspiracy) theories are, those propagating them are not — they're quite normal, in fact. But recent scientific research tells us this much: If you think one of the theories ... is plausible, you probably feel the same way about the others, even though they contradict one another." (New York Times)
Paranoia and the Roots of Conspiracy Theories
"Conspiracy theories help us cope with distressing events and make sense out of them. Conspiracies assure us that bad things don't just happen randomly. Conspiracies tell us that someone out there is accountable, however unwittingly or secretly or incomprehensibly, so it's possible to stop these people and punish them and in due course let everyone else re-establish control over their own lives. (Psychology Today)
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Businesses are recognizing the importance of cyber-resiliency to mitigate the impact of unexpected disruptions. The coronavirus pandemic has reminded us that threat actors will waste no time in exploiting a crisis. We’ve seen an increase in phishing and ransomware, as well as targeted attacks against healthcare and the remote worker. Our solutions can help to ensure you remain secure as you shift to new ways of working whether it be to secure the remote worker, support incident response or to scale your security operations and teams.
How we can help you
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## Question:
Here is an extract from a webpage: "top of page
The view from bedroom two
The Living Room with Flatscreen TV
Master Bedroom with hand-made blinds, cushions and throws.
Bathroom with large walk-in shower. There is a separate toilet.
Kitchen with Mood Lighting
View from balcony of nearby Golf Hotel and into town
The Living Room with Sofa handmade by AppleTree Interiors, Cambridge, England
La Niche is the top floor apartment
Bathroom - There is a separate toilet
Bedroom Three Twin Bedroom
Hidden away in the forest. This is the perfect lunch stop. A short cross-country ski is needed through the woods to get here, or take the horse-drawn carriage.
Dining Area with Barker & Stonehouse comfy stools
Second Bedroom with Jim Thompson Wallpaper
Bathroom with large walk-in shower
The Three Valleys - The largest ski area in Europe
Open Plan living/kitchen with mood lighting
Flat-screen TV with mood lighting.
Entrance Hallway - with built-in wardrobes giving plenty of hanging space. There is also a washing machine/tumble drye".
Write an extensive and detailed course unit suitable for a textbook targeted at college students, related to the given extract within the context of "Travel". Do not just list concepts, but develop each one in detail before moving to the next, as we prioritize depth of understanding and comprehensive exploration of the subject matter over breadth. Focus on:
- Rigor: Ensure in-depth coverage of the concepts/sections.
- Engagement: Write with an academic, professional and engaging tone that captivates interest.
- Application: Incorporate specific, practical examples, such as proofs in calculus or critical dates and figures in history. Do not use images.
## Answer:
Course Unit: Accommodation Descriptions in Travel Writing
I. Introduction
When it comes to travel writing, the description of accommodation plays a crucial role in providing readers with a vivid image of their potential lodging. It allows them to make informed decisions about whether a particular establishment aligns with their preferences and expectations. Moreover, skillful descriptions can evoke emotions, create intrigue, and even influence a reader's decision to book a stay. This course unit will delve deep into the nuances of crafting compelling accommodation descriptions using a provided real-world example as our foundation.
II. Setting the Scene: Contextualizing Your Description
Before diving into the details of the accommodation itself, set the stage by describing its location and surrounding environment. This information helps establish the atmosphere and provides essential context for your readers. For instance, when introducing La Niche, the text states: "La Nische is the top floor apartment, Hidden away in the forest." Immediately, this sets up an expectation of seclusion, privacy, and proximity to nature—appealing qualities for many travelers seeking relaxation. Furthermore, mentioning that the apartment offers views of "the nearby Golf Hotel and into town" highlights accessibility while still maintaining a sense of exclusivity.
III. Describing Rooms: Functionality Meets Style
A well-crafted accommodation description should cover both functional aspects (such as size, layout, and amenities) and stylistic elements (like décor and design choices). Consider the following excerpt: "Living Room with Flatscreen TV, Kitchen with Mood Lighting, Dining Area with Barker & Stonehouse comfy stools." By listing these features, you convey valuable information regarding available facilities and aesthetics. Additionally, incorporating brand names like "Flatscreen TV," "Mood Lighting," and "Barker & Stonehouse" adds credibility and showcases attention to detail.
IV. Highlighting Unique Selling Points: What Sets the Property Apart?
Every accommodation has unique selling points that differentiate it from competitors. Identify and emphasize these distinguishing characteristics to pique reader interest. Regarding La Niche, phrases like "hand-made blinds, cushions and throws" and "Sofa handmade by AppleTree Interiors, Cambridge, England" highlight exceptional quality and personalized touches that would appeal to discerning travelers. Similarly, noting the presence of "Jim Thompson Wallpaper" suggests sophistication and style.
V. Creating Emotional Responses Through Language Choice
Effective travel writers employ language strategically to elicit emotional responses from their readers. Notice how the passage uses words like "perfect" and "lunch stop" when discussing a scenic spot near La Niche. Such terms foster positive associations and anticipation, making readers more likely to consider booking a stay. Another technique involves contrasting imagery; stating that La Niche is "hidden away in the forest" yet close to urban conveniences creates intrigue and appeals to those who value both tranquility and accessibility.
VI. Balancing Detail and Clarity: Providing Comprehensive Information Without Overwhelming Readers
While it's important to include ample descriptive detail, be mindful not to overwhelm your audience with excessive information. Break down complex spaces into manageable sections, focusing on one room or feature at a time. Organize your thoughts logically, guiding readers through the accommodation as if they were experiencing it firsthand. As seen in the example, presenting various rooms and areas sequentially ("Entrance Hallway," "Living Room," "Kitchen," etc.) facilitates easy comprehension and maintains engagement.
VII. Practical Considerations: Accessibility and Convenience
Lastly, don't forget to address practical concerns relevant to most travelers. These may include transportation options, parking availability, nearby attractions, and other convenience factors. When discussing La Niche, mentioning its situation within "the largest ski area in Europe (The Three Valleys)" implies excellent opportunities for winter sports enthusiasts. Meanwhile, noting the presence of "built-in wardrobes giving plenty of hanging space" and "a washing machine/tumble dryer" caters to long-term guests or those planning extended stays. Including such details demonstrates consideration for diverse travel needs and enhances overall appeal. |
June 22, 2015
by Yuya Fukuda
When people think of Kyoto, they imagine the traditional temples and shrines. However, there are also many modern western style architectures that exist in Kyoto.
Modern Western style Architectures in Japan
Most of those buildings were built from Meiji period to early Showa period (end of 19th century to early 20th century). In the Meiji period, the Japanese government hired many foreign government advisors (Oyatoi gaikokujin) to gain the knowledge of western countries to assist in modernization. Those western style buildings were one of the symbols of progress for the Japanese people. In 1877, the Japanese government funded the Imperial College of Engineering in Tokyo. It was the very first university of architecture in Japan. In 1879, the first students graduated from the university. They became the architectures who represent Japan.
Why does Kyoto have so many western style buildings today?
Today, Kyoto has more than 25 modern style buildings. Kyoto is traditionally known as a cultural city in Japan. Why? There are some reasons.
- Kyoto was the capital of Japan for more than 1000 years. But in the Meiji period, the capital transferred to Tokyo. At that time, Kyoto faced some difficulties. Since the Emperor and imperial families moved to Tokyo, many people and industries also left the city. Kyoto needed to rebuild its economy and social systems. For this reason, Kyoto invited some exhibitions and businesses. In the Meiji period, Kyoto held 2 big exhibitions. “4th National industrial exhibition” and “1100th anniversary of the transfer of national capital to Kyoto.” Kyoto had relocated those pavilions to another place, and used them.
- Kyoto didn’t have air raids by the United States during World War II. Therefore, many old buildings still exist in Kyoto.
Kyoto Prefectural Library
The Kyoto prefectural Library is located in the Okazaki area (east part of Kyoto), near Heian shrine. It was established in 1873 as the Shushoin library, the first public library in Japan. In 1898, it became the Kyoto Prefectural Library in the Kyoto Imperial Park. In 1909, it was relocated to the Okazaki area. At this time, the building was designed by Takeda Goichi. The main building was a 3 story building which made by bricks. This library was one of the Takeda’s most famous work. However in 1958, the building suffered serious damage during the Great Hanshin Earthquake. In 2001, it was renovated, but the original building is still preserved to this day. The original building is combined to new, modern style building.
Goichi Takeda was a one of the most important Japanese architects, and is often called “the father of Kansai architectural circles”. His study in Europe influenced him. Takeda is said to have introduced several new architectural styles, such as Art Nouveau or Wiener Secession, to Japan.
Address : 9 Seishoji-cho, Okazaki Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8343
Tel : +81-75-762-4655 |
March 12, 2009
No, it doesn’t. But the question isn’t as absurd as it might sound on face.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, is being used in quite a few different applications now. The essential idea is that by measuring oxygen utilization in specific regions of the brain, doctors can determine which areas are active during a given time frame – for instance, when performing a task or thinking about an idea in response to a question. It’s sort of like science based mind reading! Of course, analyzing the data is difficult and sometimes controversial, but the technique is giving evolutionary scientists a lot of new paths to explore.
A new study looked at the fMRI scans of 40 people while they were presented with various statements about God.
Statements based on God’s involvement — such as “God protects one’s life” or “Life has no higher purpose” — provoked activity in brain regions associated with understanding intent. Statements of God’s emotions — such as “God is forgiving” or “the afterlife will be punishing” — stimulated regions responsible for classifying emotions and relating observed actions to oneself. Knowledge-based statements, such as “a source of creation exists” or “religions provide moral guidance,” activated linguistic processing centers.
In short, the study concludes that there is no “God region” of the brain; a belief in the supernatural can arise out of the same regions that we use for every day life. No soul required.
The debate rages on within the community as to whether a supernatural belief was an accidental by-product of group interaction (being able to appreciate the concept of an abstract “other” and considering people who aren’t currently present is a short hop away from grasping a supernatural being) or an adaptation to group life (belief in a deity might have encouraged better child-rearing and group morality). This study seems to lead to the conclusion that religious belief could come from both camps — what began as an accident turned out to be fairly useful.
Of course, one should be leery of over-interpreting the results. This was a very small study with a new-ish technology that isn’t yet fully understood, a technology that currently has serious shortcomings. Not all variables were controlled. But the science will only continue to evolve and improve, and hopefully with it, our knowledge. |
SEOUL — South Korea is the lone Asian nation where great spiritual traditions of the East, such as Buddhism and Confucianism, live cheek by jowl in rough numerical equality with Christianity. As a result, Christians and followers of Eastern faiths have learned to pay attention to each other.
For precisely that reason, many observers say Pope Francis’ August 13-18 stay in the country could have an impact well beyond the approximately ten percent of the country’s population that formally belongs to the Catholic church.
Traces of the amicable spirit between Christians and followers of Eastern religions are not difficult to spot.
On Buddha’s birthday, for instance, it’s customary for Catholic churches in South Korea to send congratulatory messages to their Buddhist friends. During the Christmas season, meanwhile, Buddhist temples display banners that read, “Happy birthday baby Jesus”.
“We’re the melting pot of religions” says Wonjun Woo from the Hannim Biblical Institute in Seoul, who adds that “South Korea is the only nation where Buddhism and Christianity coexist with equal power.”
According to Woo, there’s a natural affinity between Buddhists and Christians.
“Both are patient, friendly and ready to listen and talk each other,” he said.
Protestant Pastor Yi Chan Su says that the climate of good feelings is so strong that although some Korean Buddhists resent the fact that the government is covering many of the expenses of the papal trip, none of them will say so out loud.
“They all complain, but never outside of a Buddhist environment,” Chan said.
Religious boundaries here are notoriously fluid. Kwang Il Hul, for instance, is a young Korean volunteer for the pope’s August 13-18 visit to South Korea, who defines himself as a “believer without religion.”
Hul said his grandmother is a Buddhist and his mother an Evangelical Protestant. That mixed heritage has left him ambivalent about his own identity, he said, although his experience has brought him closer to Catholicism.
“But don’t tell my mother, it might get me into trouble” he joked.
The explosion of Christianity in South Korea from the 1960s forward is part and parcel of the country’s overall transformation. One of the poorest societies on earth at the time of the 1953 armistice ending the Korean War, South Korea’s per capita income shot up from $1,300 in 1960 to $1,950 in the 1990s, while its population grew from 23 to 48 million.
Today Korea’s educational system is labeled as one of the best in the world, and the country is home to some of the globe’s most powerful multinational corporations such as Samsung and LG.
Yet locals say the growth also brought new spiritual and emotional turmoil, resulting in another dubious first for South Korea. Today it also leads the world in the rate of juvenile suicides.
“Korean society has lost hope,” says Fr. Pedro Louro, a Portuguese missionary who’s been living in the country for over 14 years.
Louro explains that the there’s a terrible lack of trust in almost everything, recently brought to a boil by the infamous Sewol shipwreck that claimed more than 300 lives. Different versions of events have assigned responsibility to different parties, leading to a sort of generalized skepticism.
Observers say that other factors have also contributed to generating a crisis of meaning.
High demands of the Korean educational system, for instance, have children leaving for school early in the morning and coming back close to midnight, plus daily piano and language lessons, sports and private tuition to supplement school. All this leaves little to no time for family interaction, sources say, and classmates learn to see one another as threats.
Louro, who’s been working with students for many years, says they simply don’t know how to be friends with each other.
According to Louro, the first Latin American pope displays a personal, human side of what it means to be an ethically committed person, and many Koreans see this as something they want to experience in their own lives.
Many observers also say that the very fact that Pope Francis is visiting Korea is something that’s likely to boost national pride, especially given the improbable genesis of the trip.
The official motive for the visit is a gathering of Asian Catholic youth known as “Asian Youth Day,” a much smaller version of the church-sponsored “World Youth Day” that took Francis to Brazil last July.
According to Korean Fr. Emiliano Hong, the papal visit was basically born as a joke.
Last October, according to Hong, Italian Cardinal Fernando Filoni, head of the Vatican’s missionary department, was visiting the Korean diocese of Daejeon. Among other things, Filoni told local bishop Lazzaro You Heung-sik, host of Asian Youth Day, that he would attend the gathering in the name of the pope.
“But I don’t want you to come,” You replied, according to Hong. “I’ll invite the pope to join us.”
Filioni, considering the small size of the gathering and the distance between Rome and Korea, supposedly told the bishop it would be impossible, not to mention absurd, for the pontiff to attend. Undeterred, You sent a personal letter to Francis, passing along Filioni’s pessimistic answer, as well as his personal hope that Francis would decide to come.
The rest, as they say, is history, leaving Koreans of all stripes both delighted and, perhaps, disposed to listen while the pope is in town.Inés San Martín is the Globe’s Rome correspondent. She may be reached at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter at @inesanma. |
Making inferences is a key component in reading comprehension. In this inferring lesson using When I Was Young in the Mountains by Cynthia Rylant, students will use what they already know along with new information and clues from the text to form new ideas.
When I Was Young in the Mountains by Cynthia Rylant
Chart paper and markers
Students should be familiar with schema and making text connections, since part of inferring involves using what you already know to form new ideas. Teach this lesson after students are proficient in making text connections.
Begin by asking the students to think of some things they can do to help them understand something they are reading better. Discuss comprehension strategies you may have already learned like using prior knowledge, making connections and asking questions. Then tell them that sometimes they will use these strategies as well as clues from the text and even the pictures to help them have a better understanding of the text. This is called inferring or making inferences.
Show the class the book When I Was Young in the Mountains by Cynthia Rylant. Read the title and author and talk about what they see on the cover and have the children predict what they think the book might be about. Read the first page about her grandfather comes home covered in black dust in the evenings. Say something like:
"Wow, I wonder I why her grandfather comes home so dusty and dirty. I bet he's coming home from work, since it's in the evening and I know that's when a lot of people get off of work. I wonder what kind of job he has. Oh, it says that the black dust is from the coal mines and I see in the picture that he is wearing a hat that looks like it has a light on it. I bet he worked in the coal mines. I know that in the mountains where this story takes place there are a lot of mines."
After you have modeled inferring, stop and briefly point out how you inferred what her grandfather's job was using information you already knew and clues from the text. On a large piece of chart paper, make three columns and label them What I Inferred, Clues From the Text and My Prior Knowledge. Write down your inference, the text clues and your prior knowledge on the chart. Then continue reading, stopping two or three more times to make inferences and add them to the chart. Here are a few good places to stop and the inferences you might make:
- She has to go to the johnny-house in the middle of the night. You might infer that she is sick because she ate too much okra.
- They had to pump water, carry home from the bottom of the hill, and heat it for baths. You might infer that they don't have indoor plumbing or that it was a lot of work to take a bath, so they probably didn't do it every night like we do.
- A black snake came into the yard and Grandma would either scare it off or kill it. You might infer that Grandma was brave and didn't scare easily.
Begin to let the class participate in making the inferences by asking them questions as you read.
- What is really happening?
- How is the character feeling?
- How do you know?
- What clues from the text or the pictures make you think that?
After you have finished the book, give the children a copy of the Making Inferences Chart and have them make an inference based on the final page of the story. Look over the inferences that they made. Did they make sense? Could they back them up with information from the text and things they already knew? Don’t be discouraged if they don’t all get it right away. Making inferences can be a challenging strategy to teach children. Continue to read more books and model inferring and your class will soon be inferring with ease.
Into The Book: Inferring, reading.ecb.org/teacher/inferring/index.html |
From subreddit technology
What if there is someone, who can potentially help me, be it with knowledge or physical action, but I'll refuse ever interacting (positively) with them, because they are a fan of a sports club that is rival to mine (to name the most petty example I could think of on a whim) or, to take the historical extreme instead, because of their ethnicity/religious beliefs?
In that case, intolerance is actively working against me, far more than tolerance would.
The only logical case in which intolerance would be the better option, is if I would have a means to enforce my personal beliefs and ideas upon everyone else... because yeah, then I can be fully intolerant without any of the aforementioned disadvantages.
*(Which, afaik, is kinda the logic behing the racist/supremacist movements: Eliminate everything that doesn't adhere to your (intolerant) views. Just that they realize magically brainwashing everyone isn't an option, and instead opt for the 'kill/deport everything' variant.)* |
American Revolution Activity Book
Students learn an array of interesting facts about the American Revolution. This unit consists of complete and easy-to-use lesson plans along with study guides and differentiated tests. Like all InspirEd materials, they incorporate critical and creative thinking, test-taking skills, reading and writing in the content area, and much more!
- The Boston Massacre
- Revolutionary leaders
- Declaring independence
- Major battles
- Benedict Arnold
- French involvement
- The Treaty of Paris and more!
©2008. Middle school, high school. Reproducible. 100 pages.
Book Download: PDF. Adobe® Reader® required to view PDF.
Print Book: Softcover, 8 x 11 inches. |
The group credits the dropping cost of producing solar power, which in turn will motivate more people to go solar and drop the price even further.
The price of solar photovoltaics has dropped 80% since 2008, according to International Renewable Energy Agency, and solar module efficiency has risen 3.5% – 4.5% every year. Large projects have become more common and are making cheap solar power an everyday phenomenon.
The research group also expects more and more individuals to switch to solar, since the government has introduced 100GW of grid-connected solar projects, mainstreaming the technology further.
Additionally, once the price reaches a certain critical low point, investors will no longer view the technology as novel and therefore expect higher returns.
The estimates and numbers by Ind-Ra do not need to factor in any governmental support like subsidies, since the price will be low enough that they will not be necessary.
Recent bids by actual utility companies seem to support the numbers reported by Ind-Ra, and lately, solar farms and utility companies have made deals to buy and sell solar power for the cheapest prices in history.
Solar tariffs have already been decreasing and will continue to do so. Currently, coal tariffs are only 1%-14% cheaper than solar tariffs, more encouraging news that solar power is becoming a viable option for more and more people.
India is a country whose economy relies heavily on manufacturing, and they are often seen as a country that emits a lot of carbon dioxide. Since the rest of the world likes to buy their products, India is finding a way to make their economic model environmentally friendly, too. |
Classroom Workshop CRuSH Explorer
Equipping and preparing young minds for the digital world
Children these days are exposed to digital media and technology at a younger age. Some children, as young as two, are already frequent users of gadgets, such as smartphones and tablets, because parents use these as babysitting tools.
With early exposure to gadgets, it is important to have children exposed to cyber wellness education early by extending such programmes to pre-schools. Cyber wellness education will help equip and prepare young and developing minds for the digital world.
An early education on cyber wellness values will serve as the foundation to inculcate good cyber habits and nurture positive online behaviour in the digital age.
At TOUCH, we are committed to developing quality and age-appropriate cyber wellness programmes for pre-school children.
CRuSH Explorer equips children between 4 to 6 years of age with good online habits and positive cyber wellness values through a series of fun and engaging story-telling sessions, games and activities. |
Here is an extract from a webpage: "15412 E Aspen Cir Lot 24, Huntsville
May 10, 2022
** SOLD **
15412 E Aspen Cir Lot 24 Huntsville, Utah 84317
$130,000 | 2.52 Acres | MLS# 1755770
Enjoy secluded serenity on this shaded lot in the private gated community of Causey Estates. The recreational community sits about 25 miles east of the hustle and bustle of the outdoor mecca of Ogden. This private lot is heavily wooded and ideal as an exclusive campground, or to improve with a custom cabin. The two and a half acre lot includes a topographical survey, four corners survey, and one geological reconnaissance. A private gate at the south end of Causey Reservoir provides entrance to the development which offers plenty of privacy as well as access to paddle boarding, fishing, canoeing and horseback riding in all directions. The property is a perfect multigenerational piece of land in the heart of the Weber County frontier.
This beautiful Huntsville, Utah land is for sale with Paden Anderson. Please text or call to schedule a tour.".
Write an informative and insightful blog post that expands upon the extract above, within the context of "Travel". Your post should delve into the nuances of the topic, offering fresh perspectives and deeper analysis. Aim to:
- Inform: Provide valuable, well-researched information that educates the reader.
- Engage: Write in a conversational tone that connects with the audience, making complex ideas accessible.
- Illustrate: Use examples, anecdotes, or personal experiences to bring the topic to life.
Do not give a title and do not start with sentences like "Have you ever..." or "Hello dear readers..", simply write the content without these introductory phrases.
Nestled in the picturesque valley of Huntsville, Utah, lies a unique opportunity for travelers seeking something off the beaten path - a chance to own a slice of pristine wilderness in the form of a beautifully secluded 2.52-acre plot. This hidden gem is located in the private gated community of Causey Estates, just 25 miles east of the adventure hub of Ogden. With its lush woods and ample space, it's easy to see why this lot has been snapped up; but what makes this parcel truly special goes beyond its stunning beauty and prime location. Let's take a closer look at how investing in such a property could enhance your future travels and create lasting memories.
### Embracing Slow Travel & Nature Immersion
As modern life becomes increasingly fast-paced, there is a growing movement towards slow travel – taking time to fully immerse oneself in new environments and cultures. Owning a private retreat allows for repeated visits over extended periods, fostering deep connections with nature and providing opportunities for quiet reflection away from everyday distractions. Imagine spending long summer days exploring nearby trails, practicing forest bathing under towering trees, or teaching grandkids how to fish in crystal-clear waters teeming with trout. Such moments become precious touchstones when we step back from our hectic lives and reconnect with ourselves and loved ones through meaningful shared experiences.
### Multigenerational Adventures Bound Together By Shared Space
Another appealing aspect of this type of property investment is the potential for creating unforgettable multigenerational vacations centered around a family-owned haven. Grandparents can share their love of the great outdoors while passing down cherished traditions and skills to younger generations. Children will delight in having their very own secret hideaway where they can build forts amidst ancient pine groves, observe local wildlife up close, and marvel at starry night skies free from urban light pollution. And as families grow and change, so too does the versatile appeal of a spacious retreat – accommodating everything from cozy couple getaways to large group gatherings.
### Exploring Local Culture & History Off The Beaten Path
While many tourists flock to popular destinations during peak seasons, owning a private retreat near lesser-known hotspots ensures access to authentic cultural experiences year-round. For instance, the charming town of Huntsville boasts rich pioneer heritage dating back to the mid-19th century. Visitors can explore historical sites such as the Old Rock Church and Hunt House Museum before savoring homemade pie at the iconic Hometown Drive Inn. Additionally, being situated only 25 miles from Ogden opens up even more possibilities for day trips filled with art galleries, live music venues, and farm-to-table dining options galore.
### Investment Opportunities Abound In Scenic Real Estate
Lastly, acquiring scenic real estate often proves to be a savvy financial decision due to increased demand for idyllic vacation spots and second homes. According to recent data from the National Association of Realtors, nearly half of all vacation home buyers plan to use their properties as rentals when they're not enjoying them personally. Furthermore, as remote work continues to gain popularity, more people are seeking peaceful havens far removed from city noise yet still equipped with high-speed internet access – another factor contributing to the value growth of rural properties like this one.
In conclusion, investing in a secluded retreat such as this beautiful Huntsville, Utah land presents exciting opportunities for those who crave immersive nature experiences, multigenerational bonding, discovering hidden gems, and smart real estate investments. Whether you envision yourself relaxing beneath whispering aspens or sharing stories by crackling campfires, now may be the perfect time to claim your stake in this enchanting corner of the American West. |
By 2030 India alone will account for 60 percent of the world’s cardiac patients, nearly four times its share of the world’s population. The major reason for these alarming statistics is lack of awareness towards ‘healthy’ lifestyle and the lack of knowledge of few simple steps that can be taken during emergency or before reaching the hospital.
Out of the people who die from heart attack, about 50 percent die within an hour of their initial symptoms before they reach the hospital. The chances of survival of the victim can increase significantly if S/h is provided Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) immediately. Hence, people present at the scene can help avert the risk of death by proving CPR promptly to the victim.
As we observe World Heart Day, doctors from Columbia Asia Referral Hospital, Yeshwanthpur (CARHY) are educating people to take charge and be aware of Basic Life Support (BLS) and Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) techniques that can successfully improve the quality of life of the victim.
“Providing BLS and CPR during the golden hour can help in preventing pre-hospital deaths from injuries as well as heart attack if there is a delay in receiving hospital treatment or medical care. Mostly, the steps we take in haste while attending to an emergency, makes a deep-rooted impact in saving the life of the patient. Thus, it is vital for all to learn the BLS and CPR techniques, so that we can take the right measures when required,” said Dr. Firozahmad H. Torgal, Consultant Emergency Medicine, Columbia Asia Referral Hospital, Yeshwanthpur.
“These are simple steps like early recognition and initiating chest compression in cardiac arrest or protecting cervical spine with c-collar in road traffic accident victims and for this you don’t need to be an expert in medicine to take these lifesaving steps. Therefore, CPR and BLS should be made mandatory in secondary level of education and to all public service job holders as the chances of survival of the victim increase double fold if appropriate emergency medical care is provided immediately,” added Dr. Firozahmad H. Torgal.
Time is the essence while treating a heart attack and cardiac arrest victims. “When the heart stops beating, blood flow to the body organs ceases. Of all the organs, brain is affected first. People become unconscious within 15 -20 seconds after the heart stops and chances of brain recovery decreases with time so much so that irreversible brain damage is common if circulation is not restored within 5 minutes of cardiac arrest,” explained Dr. Prabhakar Shetty Heggunje, Chief of Cardiology, Columbia Asia Referral Hospital, Yeshwanthpur.
“The need of the hour is to train common people to do CPR and BLS before the victim reaches the hospital. This training will help them to learn special skills required to deal with heart related emergencies. Skills to perform CPR through chest compressions, maintaining victims breathing by providing appropriate rescue breaths, can greatly improve the chances of survival of these unfortunate people,” he added.
You too can save a life. And for this you don’t need a medical degree. Below mentioned are two cases that amplify the message from the emergency team of doctors from Columbia Asia Referral Hospital, Yeshwanthpur.
At around 10:00 am emergency team of Columbia Asia Hospital got a call for ambulance, from a nearby place stating that a 44-year-old man has collapsed and requires urgent medical attention. Doctors from Columbia Asia confirmed if the wife of the victim knew Basic Life support. The hospital sent an advanced cardiac Life support team along with the ambulance as the wife was unaware of the basic techniques. The team of professionals trained by American Heart Association tried reviving the victim on their way to the hospital. After effective CPR for 45 minutes in the emergency department the patient was declared dead.
Had the victim’s wife or someone from the neighbours knew CPR, the patient could have survived.
A 65-year-old male with the history of severe chest pain, uneasiness and sweating, collapsed at home. Daughter of the victim called emergency team at Columbia Asia Hospital and wanted ambulance immediately. Doctor from the hospital advised victim’s daughter to start CPR till the ambulance arrives. Fortunately, the girl knew CPR techniques and continued performing chest compressions. On arrival of the patient to the hospital, the cardiology team along with the emergency doctors successfully resuscitated the patient and shifted him to Cath lab. Patient underwent angioplasty and had survived a major heart attack. Some days later patient was discharged and went home walking.
As we can see in both cases simpke knowledge of CPR and BLS was key to the survival of the patient. It is best to educate ourselves or visit hospitals that provide these training. Below is a video from CPRCertified.com that give us these basic steps that we can perform ourselves. |
Curious Kid Hang Out
Usually, the frogs we hear are male. Male frogs have a special body part called a vocal sac, which is a flexible membrane just under and open to the mouth. To make sound, a frog must close both its nostrils and its mouth. It then squeezes air from its lungs, which passes by the larynx (just like our voice box) before going into the vocal sac. The vibrations caused by the air passing the larynx make sound, which then resonates within the vocal sac. Amazing, isn’t it, that something so small can produce such a loud sound?
The “axis” of the Earth is an imaginary line that passes from the north pole through to the south pole. If one looks at the orbit (path) of the Earth around the sun, the axis of the Earth is slightly tilted. What that means is that, for almost all of the year, EITHER the north pole OR the south pole will be tipped a little bit more toward the sun than the other pole. When the north pole is tipped slightly closer to the sun, then the northern hemisphere has summer! When it is tipped slightly away from the sun, then the northern hemisphere has winter! It is hard to imagine that what we see as a “small tilt” can really affect our weather, but that tilt has a huge impact on the amount of energy in our sunlight.
Check out this video made by MIT students that gives a great explanation for the seasons:
Some of the most amazing things happen in nature! How cool (and weird) is the process of metamorphosis—when an animal’s body changes shape as the animal grows? One of the neatest examples of metamorphosis is eye placement in flatfish such as flounder. When a flounder is young, its body looks a lot like other fish: an upright body and an eye on each side. However, as a flounder grows older, its body changes….a lot! It changes to swimming flat on the ocean floor (it can hide itself this way) and both eyes are on the top of its body.
So how does the eye move from one side of the body to the other? Scientists have evidence that the eye is PUSHED to the other side! How, you ask? By growing bones and muscles on the side that is OPPOSITE to where the eye is moving. To imagine this, you can do a little exercise. Place both arms on a table with your elbows bent and with two fists pushing into each other. Now, keeping your left elbow in the same place, slowly open your left hand, pushing against your right fist. What happens to your right fist? It moves to the right! This is just like an eyeball moving across a flounder’s body, with growing bone and muscle as the left hand. Pretty cool, huh?
Here’s a great time lapse video of a flounder’s moving eye:
The Earth is a giant magnet but we don’t usually think about it since magnetic fields are invisible. While we can’t see magnetic fields the way we can see the sun and stars, some animals have specialized body parts that allow them to detect these fields and then use them to migrate. Check out this video that describes a few of the neat features some animals have. Whether it be small amounts of ferromagnetic metals in their cells, to specialized molecules in their eyes, we still have so much to learn about animals!
When we “hear” something our ears are detecting sound waves and sending a signal to our brain. Sound waves come in different frequencies, some are high and some low. The human ear can detect frequencies up to 16 KHz, while bat clicks are in the range of 40 KHz. How can bat ears detect such high frequencies? Because of a special anatomical part in their ears called a tragus. Check out this fun video from It’s OK To Be Smart to learn more cool facts about bats.
How cool would it be to have your own personal face straw that you could curl up and take with you? Butterflies and moths have a proboscis because their food is usually a fluid, for example nectar or plant sap. Insects in the order Lepidoptera (including moths and butterflies) have special muscles in their heads that help them suck up their favorite foods through the proboscis. Humans, on the other hand, need to eat solid foods, so teeth (attached to jaws) are much more useful.
What is your favorite food? If you could design something to help you eat that favorite food, what would it look like and where would it be attached to your body? |
Howdy! I'm Professor Curtis of Aspire Mountain Academy here with more statistics homework help. Today we're going to learn how to use a z-score to complete hypothesis testing for a claim of inequality. Here’s our problem statement: The test statistic of z = 1.25 is obtained when testing the claim that p does not equal 0.2978. A: Identify the hypothesis test as being two-tailed, left tailed, or right tailed. B: Find the P-value. C: Using a significance level of alpha equals 10%, should we reject H-naught, or should we fail to reject H-naught?
OK, so Part A is asking for the type of hypothesis testing we’re conducting. So to do that, we look at our claim. And we see that the inequality for our claim is not-equal-to. That’s the telltale sign that this is going to be a two-tailed hypothesis test. If this had said that p is less than, then that would be like an arrow pointing to the left, and we would select the left tail test. Or if it had said p is greater than, and that would be like an arrow pointing the right, and we would select right tailed. But here we have not-equal-to, so that's the sign we have a two-tailed test. Well done!
And now, Part B asks us for the P-value. To get the P-value, I’m going to go back to StatCrunch and call up the Normal calculator. You can use the z-score tables if you want — you’ve got the links here to that in your problem — but I find it's much easier to just use StatCrunch. So here in StatCrunch, I go to Stat –> Calculators –> Normal. And I want the standard Normal distribution, and that’s the default here in the calculator, so I don't need to adjust the mean and standard deviation.
But I do need to select this Between option here because we do have a two-tailed test. So I’m going to select the Between option. So now I’m going to get — I want the area for my tails. The area that’s going to come out of the calculators is going to be the area between the tails, but that’s OK; we can just take the complement to get the area of the tails. And that's were looking for. This z-score is actually bounding the area of the tails, which is the P-value that we’re looking for.
So all I need to do here is stick in my z-score on the left, z-score on the right, hit Compute!, and this is the area in between the tails. So to get the actual area of the tails, I’m going to take my calculator here and I'm going to subtract 1 from this number — or rather this number from 1. And there's my area in the tails, which is my P-value. So I’m going to put that here rounded to three decimal places. Well done!
And now the last part, Part C, asks us to choose the correct conclusion below. In the problem statement we’re asked to use a significance level of alpha equals 10%. So we compare our P-value with the alpha level, and our P-value is greater than the alpha level. So therefore we’re not in the critical region; we’re actually outside the critical region in between the tails. So we’re not in the tails of distribution. We’re actually in the center of our distribution, and so therefore we do not have sufficient evidence to support the claim. We’re going to fail to reject the null hypothesis. I check my answer. Nice work!
And that's how we do it at Aspire Mountain Academy. Be sure to leave your comments below and let us know how good a job we did or how we can improve. And if your stats teacher is boring or just doesn't want to help you learn stats, go to aspiremountainacademy.com, where you can learn more about accessing our lecture videos or provide feedback on what you’d like to see. Thanks for watching! We’ll see you in the next video.
Frustrated with a particular MyStatLab/MyMathLab homework problem? No worries! I'm Professor Curtis, and I'm here to help. |
From reddit r/childfree
Oh I get similar as a gamer. Due to where I work/how my hours work I get 1 day holiday for every 12 I work. Basically, this works out to about 4 weeks a year. 3 times a year, I take a week off to go to a big LAN party about an hour and a half away. I travel up on Thursday, home on Monday, so take from the Wednesday to the Tuesday off to pack/recover. I get so many jealous comments from parents at work. It's great
For those you don't know what a LAN party is: I take my PC and spend a few days playing video games in a big hall. |
It has taken time but I sense some of the fog is clearing in the post-levels World. The title is a simple statement I make when speaking at various conferences about assessment; you could almost see the penny drop with attendees. Far too many schools replaced levels with something that looked like levels and was equally as flawed and meaningless.
Assessment is best designed backwards; that is, think first about what conclusions you would like to come to? How might you best approach gaining the information/data required to do this? Whilst the tide of assessment and data delusion is turning there is still a long way to go. In some schools senior and middle leaders are still clinging to six weekly data drops of meaningless information to help them make invalid and inappropriate conclusions. Here are a few questions that you might want to answer as a leader or a teacher.
What do pupils actually know now that I have taught them during this topic/scheme?
There are lots of issues here around the ability to immediately recall or work through a particular process versus the longer term retention of the same. There will be a minute by minute check needed; this is purely for the teacher and pupils’ benefit; isn’t worth recording and will need a means of quickly assessing all pupils e.g. use of white boards as opposed to a hands up approach where one pupil gives an answer.
This agile assessment needs teachers to be responsive in class, in real time, to adapt their teaching in response to the feedback gained from pupils. I’ve seen great practice from Early Years to Sixth Form. The context is very different but the core process is identical; intervention in the classroom, close to the point of first teaching. Don’t allow gaps in learning to appear and grow.
Using the concept of spaced practice, as a guide; there needs to be some larger assessments conducted further away from the point of first teaching. I tend to use the phrase “common and cumulative” to describe what is required. The cumulative aspect of the assessment requires pupils to be assessed on content that was taught earlier in the year; it’s a month by month check. Pupils are asked to recall, through an age appropriate assessment, content they have been taught during the year or key stage. This tends to need a more formal recording, analysis and planned response. The analysis needs to be done at a grain size (think a single useful piece of assessment data) that is age and subject appropriate. Too many school level assessment policies pay scant regard to these differences is search for an unnecessary and ill-informed conformity.
Interestingly, this data also helps answer another question, “What do I teach well and where do I need support to become an even better teacher?”
Key Points to Bear in Mind:
- Avoid aggregating data (turning it into some sort of grade); when you do this you lose all the finer level information teachers and pupils need to improve
- Avoid insisting that all subjects and phases/ages have an identical; the process is identical but subjects and phases require flexibility within this
- Avoid excessive recording and monitoring; this kills the goose (read teacher here) who lays the golden egg (read day in day out great learning in the classroom)
Is our curriculum sufficiently challenging? Are our pupils making sufficient progress (relative rather than ipsatic)?
Too many schools still try to use the minute by minute or month by month assessment approach to answer this second set of questions. This soon destroys the potential benefit of the data collected for the first set of questions whilst also not producing valid data for to answer the second set. If you want to know about the challenge of the curriculum being taught or the progress pupils are making; you are looking at a year to year data collection process; twice a year I can live with but six times a year is madness.
We’ve started using three different data sets to help us find out about the progress pupils are making between the national data sets produced at the end of EYFS, Key Stages 1 & 2 and GCSE/A-level. The long time span of Key Stage 2 and then up to GCSE without some form of progress monitoring is still too scary for me. Different data sets play a part at different times of the year/school phase.
Whilst the use of national referenced assessments isn’t without problem – the environment they are sat in matters significantly (Professor Becky Allen is brilliant on this); like all methods of assessment they are not perfect but can be useful.
You may be familiar with the suite of assessments from CEM in Durham, GL Assessment or Fisher Family Trust. Whilst they are not cheap they provide useful information that will help you answer the critical questions posed above with far more reliability then trying to guesstimate GCSE grades in Key Stage 3 using teacher assessment; akin to trying to solve algebra by chewing gum. This nationally referenced assessment data will help you answer whether you are delivering an inadequate curriculum rather well or a challenging curriculum particularly badly or a challenging curriculum rather well; internally generated data on its own won’t.
More recently a number of examination boards have started to produce sample papers. Students sit the papers and teachers mark them with the marks for each pupil fed back into a database; once the sample size is statistically large enough then the school is sent a report telling it how many of its pupils are in the top 3%, 20%, 50%, 80% etc. Whilst not giving a GCSE grade it uses the same methodology that will be used when the final examination papers are set.
Finally we occasionally have mocks; pupils sit a full set of examination or test papers from one examination series. The papers are marked using the examination board mark schemes and grades given using the relevant grade boundaries; we term it a current grade and then tell students that the final grade they get will depend on how hard they work. If you want a bit of a workload buster this year we paid a couple of examination markers to mark sets of mock papers; the markers appreciated the money and the teachers appreciated the time to spend on other things. Each marker gave feedback on strengths and areas that needed developing once they had marked the papers.
Teacher assessment sits at the pivotal point between teaching and learning; that should be its primary focus. Tracking progress and the level of challenge of the curriculum requires a comparison with all pupils nationally or a sufficiently large sample. Confuse the two at your peril; assessment needs you to use the most appropriate data to answer the question you are asking. |
Many people are learning Chinese nowadays. It’s believed that more than 30,000,000 outside China. And there are tons of articles like this “Learn Chinese In The Next Few Years Or It Will Be Too Late”. If you would like to start to learn Chinese, Now this article will give you some insight in every aspects of the language.
a) How do the natives learn Chinese?
Generally in China a native child can fluently speak Chinese before they go to school. However, most of them speak Chinese dialect in they family so they cannot speak too much the official Chinese language – the mandarin. Most of their parents will teach them some contents which will be learnt in the first year of their elementary school.
In the first month of school they will first learn Chinese phonetic symbols, pinyin, which is very important in pronunciation, and then Chinese characters in some simple short text, which emphasis in readings and writings. After the second year, they learn almost all common Chinese characters and words. It means they can directly read newspapers, books, except for some articles required professional knowledge, something like computer science or ancient literature.
b) Mandarin and Simplified Chinese
When we talk about Chinese or Chinese language, we usually mean the Chinese official language – mandarin Chinese (speaking) and simplified Chinese (writing). Every Chinese learn to speak mandarin and learn to read and write simplified Chinese in their elementary school. However for some historical reasons, in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao areas, the people use traditional Chinese, which is a more complicated writing system. There are many Chinese dialects, which sounds a great difference but shares the same writing system. Almost every Chinese can speak 1-2 Chinese dialects. One of the most important Chinese dialects is Cantonese used in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao areas.
c) The pronunciation system (Chinese pinyin)
Chinese pinyin is like English phonetic symbol, it’s used to help pronunciation, and not used in reading and writing except for children who are learning Chinese character. Chinese pinyin are commonly added above Chinese characters for the beginners who learn Chinese.
The pronunciation of every Chinese character is a combination of initials, finals and tone, and we use pinyin to identify and write them. There are 4 tone marks, 23 initials and 24 finals, so there are theoretically (23 initials * 24 finals) 552 pinyin, in fact about 400, and there are (400 pinyin * 4 tone marks) about 1200 different pronunciation. A small proportion of Chinese characters may have more than 1 pronunciation with different meanings. To learn Chinese pronunciation, you need to learn the 47 initials and finals practice to combine them and tell the difference of tone marks.
Initials: b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s y w
Finals: a o e i u v ai ei ui ao ou iu ie ve er an en in un vn ang eng ing ong
Something we must mention here is that the 4 tones in Chinese is very important, which may be easily ignored by beginners. You may get difficult to communicate to the natives without these tones trainings.
d) The Chinese grammar
Chinese grammar is proved to be much simpler and less formulated than other languages, like English and Japanese. And Chinese has similar sentence structure to English: subject-verb-object (SVO).
The word structure
The most basic element of Chinese is Chinese characters. Every Chinese character has at least a meaning and every Chinese word is often composed of 2 Chinese characters (may be 1-4 characters). For example, the “car” in Chinese is composed of 2 characters: Gas-vehicle / , and you say is also OK.
The order of word
The Chinese is used to put the adv complement in the beginning of the sentence. For example, the “today” in “Today I go to school.” or “I today go to school”. If you say “I go to school today”, it is the same meaning but make some emphasis with informal order.
No complicated suffix and transformation
The “suffix” is separated in Chinese. For example, the “do” can be “does”, “did”, “done”, “doing”. In Chinese, “did” is do+before:
Chinese classifier words/characters
Chinese classifier words is like “a cup of tea”, “a pair of”. For example, “apple” in Chinese is “apple”, while “some apples” in Chinese is “some apple”, “3 apples” in Chinese is “3 + [a classifier character] + apple”
(The other specialties of Chinese grammar are not going to be expanded here. )
e) The Chinese writing system
There are about 1000 the most commonly used characters, and about 2500 less commonly used characters, compared to the at least 4000 basic and commonly used English words. There may be thousands of Chinese words; however, the meanings of these words can be guessed by the meanings of the characters, for examples, “vocabulary” in Chinese is composed of the characters “word” and “table”. The Chinese characters are thousands of shapes and drawings. Though they have some kind of rules, it’s not easy for handwriting. If you can pronounce and recognize the characters as reading, you can use a computer to enter characters and write articles.
How much time to learn Chinese as a second language?
Some people find Chinese is easy, while some other people find Chinese is difficult. However there are many foreigners in China who can speak standard mandarin Chinese without any previous knowledge after only 1-2 months staying in China. It’s depended on which parts of the language you want to learn. If you want to speak, read and write in your daily life like a native Chinese, it obviously need years of training.
What about you? What do you think of the Chinese language? Leave your thoughts in the comments below. |
Regenerative capacity differs greatly across organisms and the ability to regenerate declines as morphological complexity increases. Within the chordate phylum, vertebrate animals exhibits a very limited regenerative potential, however, the sea squirt Botrylloides leachi is a chordate with a remarkable ability to undergo whole body regeneration (WBR). A fully functional adult organism (zooid) can regenerate from a minuscule piece of vascular tissue within only 8 days. In order to compare the molecular mechanisms underlying WBR in a chordate to the regeneration process in other animals, we have analysed the transcriptome of B. leachi at each stage of regeneration, in addition to sequencing the genome.
Genomic analysis identified signaling factor families that had expanded in the colonial sea squirt lineage but not solitary sea squirts, which have a limited ability to regenerate. Following de novo transcriptome assembly (6 transcriptomes in total), differential expression analysis was performed to identify genes up or/and down-regulated during WBR. Differential gene expression analysis indicates that both wound healing and an immune response are activated during early steps of regeneration in B. leachi WBR. These processes are also key to regeneration in response to injury in vertebrate models of regeneration such as the limb regeneation in salamanders. This suggests that chordate animals may employ a homologous series of molecular events during regeneration events wheather it be WBR or tissue regeneration. |
Orthopedics, which translates as straight (from the Greek word “ortho”) youngsters (“pais”), is a medical willpower dedicated to the study, prognosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions amongst young children. The musculoskeletal program involves joints, bones, tendons, muscle tissue, ligaments and nerves. And the practice covers each feasible trigger of deformity or dyfunction, from trauma, degenerative illnesses, congenital problems, bacterial infections, athletics injuries and tumors. As one of the principal branches of medical procedures, orthopedic classes are typically headed by an orthopedic surgeon. But for the non-surgical interventions, health-related specialists this sort of as physiotherapists, chiropractors, kinesiologist and podiatrist are associated. The phrase was established back again in 1741 by creator Nicholas Andry, while producing a ebook about the apply. By 1780, Jean-Andre Venel made the initial orthopedic institute. And since then, orthopedic medical procedures was popularized and physicians had been capable to react efficiently to structural and purposeful abnormalities amongst kids.
To turn into an orthopedic surgeon, one normally has to complete a 4 yr undergraduate system before applying to health-related faculty. In there, he will have to finish an additional four many years of education prior to he can bear residency coaching and specialize in one particular subject. This specific stage calls for about five a long time to full, with one calendar year invested in common surgical procedure instruction and the other four centered on orthopedic medical procedures apply. When they are accomplished, they can then utilize for the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery certification. It constitutes a standardized written test and an oral examination and when they move, they received their qualifications, implying to customers that they have achieved the required instructional, analysis, and examination needs of the discipline.
Some residents go after extra instruction later on, referred to as fellowships, normally long lasting about a calendar year or two, to produce their skills. knee replacement is where they adapt a subspecialty – for example spine surgical procedure, foot and ankle surgery, shoulder and elbow surgical treatment as properly as surgical athletics medicine. Subsequently, they once more implement for certification by one more standardized evaluation (only relevant for people using orthopedic sports and hand surgical treatment). And if they are intrigued, discover study or thesis composing and get concerned with medical research to be current on the most current medical developments in orthopedic surgical procedure.
Qualification for the follow is quite competitive, which is why it only makes 700 physicians for every yr. In the United States, there are roughly twenty,four hundred active orthopedic surgeons and this is only three% to 4% of the complete physician inhabitants in the region. Majority of its practitioners are male, given that surgical procedure in basic, has always been a man’s entire world. Nonetheless, women have begun to immerse themselves in the discipline, with a 10% stake.
On average, an orthopedic surgeon is established at $a hundred and fifty five,485 to $351,650 and this is just for individuals who possess a healthcare diploma. Additional board certification places a orthopedic doctor’s yearly pay out at $252,000 to $493,550. They are in fact the second maximum paid out medical practitioner in the United States and command a large amount of regard amid friends. And based on their scenario masses and affiliations (general public, private, govt overall health institutions), orthopedic surgeons may possibly acquire more than what has been stipulated. They typically just function five times a week, with normal place of work hrs, other than for particular situations. And if they are assigned on ER duty, they may have to arrive in during the weekends, or function as an “on contact”. |
# Copyright 2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
""" ftp relation operations
import socket
import os
from ftplib import FTP
class ftpHandle():
def __init__(self, logger, timeout=180, buf_size=8192):
self.ftp_instance = None
self._log = logger
self.host = os.environ.get("FTP_HOST")
self.timeout = timeout
self.buf_size = buf_size
def ftp_login(self):
self.ftp_instance = FTP()
if not self.host:
self._log.error("ftp_login :: ftp host is not set environment variable value")
return False
self.ftp_instance.connect(host=self.host, timeout=self.timeout)
self._log.info("ftp_login:: ftp connect successful for host : {0}".format(self.host))
except (socket.error, socket.gaierror)as e:
self._log.error("ftp_login:: ftp connect faile for host : {0}, msg:{1}".format(self.host, e))
return False
except Exception as e:
self._log.error("ftp_login:: ftp connect faile for host : {0}, msg:{1}".format(self.host, e))
return False
return True
def ftp_mkdir(self, remote_path, dir_name):
# 判断目录是否存在,存在则不需要重复创建
abs_dir = os.path.join(remote_path, dir_name)
self._log.info("abs_dir : {0} is exist, please not retry".format(abs_dir))
return True
except Exception as e:
"ftp_mkdir:: ftp mkdir faile for host : {0}, new_dir_name: {1},msg:{2}".format(self.host, dir_name,
return False
return True
def ftp_upload_file(self, remote_path, remote_file_name, local_file_path):
with open(local_file_path, 'rb') as fp:
self.ftp_instance.storbinary("STOR " + remote_file_name, fp, self.buf_size)
except Exception as e:
"ftp_upload_file:: ftp upload faile for host : {0}, remote_epath: {1},local_file_path:{2}, msg:{3}".format(
self.host, remote_path, local_file_path, e))
return False
return True
def ftp_download_file(self, remote_path, remote_file_name, local_file_path):
with open(local_file_path, 'wb') as fp:
self.ftp_instance.retrbinary("RETR " + remote_file_name, fp.write, self.buf_size)
except Exception as e:
"ftp_download_file:: ftp download faile for host : {0}, remote_epath: {1},local_file_path:{2}, msg:{3}".format(
self.host, remote_file_name, local_file_path, e))
return False
return True
def ftp_close(self):
(From subreddit Magisk)
[Help] apps won't open
I installed the shamiko module and enabled it in magisk, but after enabling shamiko the applications that I selected in the denial list do not open, and it stays on a "keeps stopping" screen, what do I do? I use the current version of all modules and also magisk 25.2 Obs:I left the Google play services and play store boxes all activated in the denial line, that is, all the box options, does that matter? |
From subreddit AskReddit:
I absolutely think so, the definite base initiative of contemporary, western feminism would be to empower the woman? And you would like this to mean "dress even more attractive, wait and hope"? Your interpretation of "empowered" screams "passive" to me.
Wich would mean nothing has changed since the '50s.
I believe women can accept being attracted of the opposite sex. I believe men can be to careful, too shy or insecure. I believe any gender can be more communicative.
As a straight, white cisman I get force fed with equality-injustice.
Yet, with such a simple thing as the-first-initiative-scenario the statistics are abnormally skewed, to no-ones advantage. |
#pragma once
int boardArr[12][12];
void startBoard();
void updateBoard(int seed);
void printBoard();
bool emptyCell(int x, int y);
void paintBoardCell(int x, int y, uint16_t color);
void clearBoardCell(int x, int y, uint16_t oldColor, uint16_t color);
void paintBoard();
If you want to gain a real-life superpower, becoming a speed reader is one of the best ways to do it. By increasing your reading speed, you complete learning tasks faster, know more, and live a life more enriched by what you’ve read.
Learning these hacks won’t be the easiest thing you’ve ever done. But, it will be easier than learning to read in the first place.
10 Reading and Retention Hacks
Here 10 ten lessons to help you read faster and digest the information more quickly.
1. Simple Scanning
This is the skill you most likely learned in school. Instead of reading each word in the text, you run your eyes down the page, taking in only the most critical words and elements.
Unfortunately, you probably learned scanning as a way to make reading take longer, as part of a process that included skimming first, scanning second, and then finally reading each word. Although this can be useful when studying a vital text for an upcoming exam, it’s not necessary when you’re running through a book and just need the basics.
Many words in a paragraph are connective tissue to make the sentence sound sweeter, but they don’t impart the bones of what it’s trying to communicate. Take the following section from Stephen R. Covey’s “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”:
Thomas Kuhn introduced the term paradigm shift in his highly influential landmark book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.” Kuhn shows how almost every significant breakthrough in the field of scientific endeavor is first a break with tradition, with old ways of thinking, with old paradigms.
It’s an artful paragraph. But if we cut out the connective tissue and the extra adverbs and adjectives, we’d end up with this:
Paradigm shift introduced by Thomas Kuhn in the book “Structure Scientific Revolutions” shows breakthrough scientific break tradition.
That’s 15 words compared to the original 47 and imparts the same information. It takes time to learn this skill and make it automatic, but you can end up reading three times faster. And with fewer words to take in, you’ll retain more of what you read, even though it sounds like something a caveman wrote.
2. Know Why
This hack is less structured than the one above but still useful. It helps you retain the essential information and triage the words on the page so you read only what you must.
Before you sit down for a reading session, ask yourself why you’re reading this particular book. Are you doing initial research for a report at school or a brief at work? Did a friend recommend it and you want to learn just enough to talk about it with them later that week?
Whatever your reason, define it clearly in your mind. For some people, it helps to write this reason down or even briefly meditate on the topic before getting started.
Once you start reading, you’ll find your mind is primed to catch the information you’re seeking. Related words will stand out on the page more visible than unrelated details. You’ll be able to skip sections that have nothing to do with your goals. You will retain more because you’re focusing on that part of the book and not cluttering your memory with details that have nothing to do with why you’re reading.
Another benefit of knowing why is to know when you’re finished. It’s not cheating for busy adults with rich lives to stop reading a book. You can read until the book has fulfilled its purpose and then go on to something else.
3. The First and Last Rule
We also learn in school a specific method for writing a paragraph: You open with a sentence that tells the reader what to expect. Your ending encapsulates the paragraph’s main point. The middle contains details that support or embellish the information in the first and last sentences.
This means you can generally skip that stuff in the middle, especially if you’re reading for main ideas or are already familiar with the topic. Simply read the first and last sentences, then move on to the next paragraph. If you’re not confident you fully understand the previous sentence of a given section, then go into the middle sentences so you can get the details you need.
Paragraphs are not sandwiches. In a sandwich, the good stuff is in the middle, with the bread just serving as a necessary container to keep your fingers clean. With paragraphs, it’s the outside layers that are the most important, and you can skip the stuffing without losing much value.
4. Read the Phrase, Not the Word
This technique is sometimes called “soft eyes.” It takes advantage of your physiology to increase reading speed.
Your eye span is 1.5 inches wide. A mass-market paperback fits about 10 words on 3 ¾ inches of text. That means any word is less than five times your working eye span. You can take in all the words within that span in a single chuck and comprehend what they mean together.
To make this technique work, aim your eyes at every fifth word or so, but don’t focus on that word alone. Instead, make that the center of your taking in that word and those around it. Your mind will take a snapshot of that image, and with practice, you will process the sequence of word snapshots as a cohesive whole, understanding and retaining their content.
5. Dialogue for Days
Speed-reading fiction is often less advisable than speed-reading nonfiction since the details of the characters and prose are part of what makes it fun. Sometimes, though, you’re charging through a book you feel is so-so but need to finish for one reason or another.
In that case, reading the dialogue in any scenes where people are talking is a vital technique. The overwhelming majority of non-dialogue words when people speak consist of dialogue tags like “he said,” “she interjected,” or small bits of unnecessary detail about the speakers’ physical tics while they talk. You can get the vital information from the scene just from what the characters say.
This trick works for nonfiction, but you can often go one step further. With a few exceptions — notably, memoirs and biographies — you’ll find dialogue in nonfiction is an example illustrating a point the book is about to make. If you understand the point without the example, you can skip the conversation altogether.
6. Lose Your Voice
When you learned to read, you learned by reading out loud. You vocally sounded out the words as you read them, linking the sound they represented with the sound they made. After a while, you blended the individual letter sounds together into words and became capable of sight-reading: perceiving familiar words as a single idea rather than a collection of sounds.
Many people still read at that level today, sounding out each word in their mind as they read through a process called subvocalization. But there’s another level to reading we’re rarely taught.
You don’t read the word “card” as C-A-R-D anymore. You recognize the letters’ shapes together and know it’s a word with a specific pronunciation and meaning. You only have to sound out new, unfamiliar words and names you haven’t heard before.
The same thing is possible with phrases, sentences, and even paragraphs. Instead of sounding out the sentence word by word, you can learn to recognize groups of word shapes as a phrase with a specific composition of words and a set of information to impart.
Start learning this skill by silencing that inner voice. It was useful as you learned to read individual words but interferes with the next reading ability.
7. Using a Pointer
Use the tip of a pencil, a pointing stick, or the edge of a bookmark to follow along with the text as you read. Although humans are the only species that reads, we still spend far more time in our shared history scanning the area for food and predators. Our eyes want to wander and take in extra information, which is why you sometimes have to reread a paragraph even though your eyes made progress down the page.
Even if it’s just your finger, a pointer helps you keep your eyes focused on the words and your task. You’ll retain not only the physical focus of your eyes but also the mental focus required to retain what you’ve read.
Using a bookmark or other straight edge focuses your eyes on a whole line of text instead of a single word. You can use this as a sort of training wheel to read in blocks of words rather than the words one by one.
8. Read in Shorter Bursts
Most of us have experienced reading an exciting novel well past our bedtimes. Our eyes blur, we lose focus, and we don’t remember what we read on the previous page. That’s fatigue robbing us of our reading speed and retention.
Less extreme versions of that, where we’re not falling asleep but we read more slowly and retain less than we should happen faster than we think. The next time you need to read something quickly, try reading in chunks of just 10 to 20 minutes.
You can do multiple chunks in a sitting, but take a few minutes to stretch, walk around, or work on something different in between. You’ll find you get through more pages in your reading time than if you spent that time in one long reading binge. As you get better, you may even discover you get through more than you would have by reading the entire time without breaks.
If you want to improve your attention and focus span, the Pomodoro technique is a robust strategy for doing just that. It helps you build your attention span the same way a physical workout builds muscles: by gradually increasing loads to boost your capability.
Earlier, we pooh-poohed the middle school technique of skimming, then scanning, then reading. We stand by that, but it doesn’t mean there isn’t some value in a modified version of that approach.
If you have a reasonable understanding of the structure of what you’re about to read, you can digest it more quickly and easily. You’ll know which sections you can give only scant attention to — or skip entirely — and which are likely to contain the information you most need to get out of it. If the book is written in sections with a similar structure, you can learn the best way to mine each section for what it has to tell you.
Preframing often works well when combined with understanding why you’re reading. Sometimes you can’t even know why you’re reading until you have a top-level grasp of the book’s contents and organization. Other times, your preframing happens fully informed by what you’re trying to gain. Either way, it helps you to read faster, focus more on the most relevant sections, and better retain what you find.
10. Notes and Highlighting
Although taking notes and highlighting essential passages takes extra time, it can help your retention more than almost anything else you try. Often, the physical act of making the note fixes the information in your memory strongly enough you never have to review the notes you took.
We mention this last because it synergizes well with the other techniques on this list. For example, if you scan the text with your reading goal in mind, using your highlighter as a pointer, you can more than make up for the time you spend highlighting the essential parts. Experiment with different combinations of these strategies to find the ones that work best for you.
Final Thought: Worth the Effort?
You may have heard of DVORAK keyboards. Your standard keyboard (called a QWERTY, for the five letters on the left side of the top row) was designed for mechanical typewriters and intentionally slowed down typing so the user wouldn’t jam the mechanism by going too fast. DVORAK keyboards are arranged to maximize typing speed, and they work. However, anecdotal evidence suggests they rarely speed up typing enough to make up for the time spent relearning how to type.
It can be like this with learning speed-reading and retention techniques. Suppose you only read for pleasure, especially if you enjoy the experience of reading and spending meaningful time with elegant prose and well-drawn characters. In that case, it’s probably not worth the time and energy it would take to master any of the techniques above.
However, if you read for work or your hobbies, then these strategies can be valuable investments of your attention.
Jamie Wilson is an avid reader who reads more than 100 books annually. |
London, Feb 8 : Drinking decaffeinated coffee could improve an individual's memory, a new study has suggested.
According to the researchers of the study, the drink could improve the memory of those suffering from diseases of the brain or age-related forgetfulness, and may even prevent symptoms from appearing in the first place.
They tested their theory by giving a dietary supplement with the same properties of decaffeinated coffee to mice with type 2 diabetic mice.
The disease lowers glucose levels in the brain, causing impairment in memory and other brain functions.
As opposed to a placebo, mice treated with the supplement, for five months showed raised levels of glucose.
"This is the first evidence showing the potential benefits of decaffeinated coffee preparations for both preventing and treating cognitive decline caused by type 2 diabetes, ageing, and, or neurodegenerative disorders," he Telegraph quoted Giulio Maria Pasinetti, the lead researcher from Mount Sinai School in New York as saying.
Coffee is linked to a higher risk of heart disease and stroke, but Pasinetti said these effects were most likely due to the caffeine content in the drink. (ANI) |
Sports are brutal. Just a few weeks ago, we all watched boxer Francisco Leal get knocked out, never to regain consciousness. People who watch football, hockey or lacrosse see broken bones, ripped ligaments, spinal injuries, and concussions on an almost weekly basis. These are viewed as gladiator sports, in which athletes attempt to destroy each other. Things like head injuries can't really be prevented; to combat them, these sports have mandated its athletes to dress the part, in pads and helmets, and the professional leagues have established protocols for what do once there is risk of a player suffering a concussion.
Perhaps because it's not seen as an American or a gladiator sport, soccer is often viewed as "soft." But it's a physical, often violent game, that can maim and even kill. Two years ago, Major League Soccer neurologist Dr. Ruben J. Echemendia discovered that men's soccer players are the fifth-most likely athletes in all of sports to sustain in-game concussions. Players are knocked out cold, concussed, or left on the ground with their skull in pieces. Some professional leagues, like England's Premier League, are more physical than others, and often, these devastating, life-changing injuries are the product of collisions. It's frighteningly common, as you can see in the below video of three Premier League players getting blown up within a week of each other.
The first incident took place on November 3, when Tottenham Hotspur traveled to Everton. Everton striker Romelu Lukaku was put through on goal with a long ball, and the only thing preventing a score was an onrushing goalkeeper, Hugo Lloris. They reached the ball almost simultaneously, and Lukaku's knee collided with Lloris' head with such force that Lukaku couldn't immediately stand, and needed medical attention. Lloris was temporarily knocked out, and later said he couldn't remember the incident. He stayed in the game.
The second and third highlights took place a week later, during the first half of the Manchester United-Arsenal match, just several minutes apart. United whipped in a corner kick, and United defender Phil Jones jumped with keeper Wojciech Szczesny for the aerial ball. They clashed heads. Szczesny crumpled to the ground, limp, and didn't even respond when a teammate gently slapped his face to wake him up. Paramedics arrived with a stretcher to remove him from the biggest match of the season to date. He shook them off, and stayed in.
Minutes later, Arsenal crossed a dangerous the ball into United's own box. Captain Nemanja Vidić backtracked, marking a Gunner, as keeper David de Gea rushed out to punch. de Gea jumped, and his thigh smashed into Vidić's face, who was immediately knocked out cold, and appeared to be asleep before he even reached the ground. Vidić, who only rose minutes later, mouth bloody, was removed from the game.
There are more examples. Just this year, we've seen Spurs' Andros Townsend, Arsenal's Mathieu Flamini, and Lukaku himself all on the receiving end of atrocious head collisions. Most famously, Chelsea keeper Petr Čech was nearly killed in a 2006 match. After challenging a long ball, much like Lloris, off the kickoff in a match against Reading, an opposing player's shin struck his head, fracturing his skull. He had to be stretchered off.
What's interesting about the video is that no one—not the commentators, not the referee, not the players—seems to have understood the gravity of the situation. They're stalling to see if he can play again. But Čech had a depressed fracture—a dent from blunt force—in his skull. Though he'd return months later, Čech would never be the same again. He still has to wear a helmet to protect part of his skull softened from the blow.
His replacement, Carlo Cudicini, was also knocked unconscious in the same match.
Surprisingly, Major League Soccer, which is flawed on so many levels, gets it. Maybe it's because of the sport's geographic proximity to the National Football League, which has been under fire for years concerning the effects of concussions. Maybe it's because the league has seen the careers of some of its own stars, like, Alecko Eskandarian and Taylor Twellman cut short from repeated head trauma. But in 2011, MLS decided to do something about it:
In the MLS, a player suspected of having a concussion in a game or practice must be removed immediately and evaluated. Team physicians are the ultimate authority.
Players are evaluated and treated using three testing protocols. Players must pass cognitive tests and be symptom-free before returning to the field, which could take days or months. The team doctor and team neuropsychologist must OK the return to competition.
"Once they're symptom-free both physically and cognitively, in other words they're saying that the feel fine, then our protocol is to evaluate them using neuropsychological testing to make sure that cognitively they are fine," Echemendia said. "Because very often the physical symptoms will resolve prior to the cognitive symptoms, and we really don't know that until we test them."
Players then start low-level aerobic activity and gradually build up their exertion to the level of competition.
What MLS did was take the decision out of the hands of the players. If one is even suspected of having a concussion, they're taken off, evaluated, and have to go through a multi-step process to see the pitch again. They have to meet with doctors and neuropsychologists. This is important because all of this takes time. Players are given the opportunity to heal from brain trauma, whether they want to or not.
Now compare that to this year's Premier League concussion protocol:
Any Player, whether engaged in a League Match, any other match or in training, who having sustained a head injury leaves the field of play, shall not be allowed to resume playing or training (as the case may be) until he has been examined by a medical practitioner and declared fit to do so.
The Premier League is saying that if a player is forced off the pitch, then they can't play again until a medical practitioner says they can. The term "medical practitioner" is murky, and says nothing about standard tests. But even more important, what does it take to force a player out of a game? In the above videos, three men appear to be knocked out cold. Two waved off team doctors, so they were never taken off the field, and continued to play. What's scary is that Lloris failed his concussion test a week later, and was scrapped late from the Spurs match against Newcastle. He still had symptoms.
But this is expected. After all, few athletes want to be removed from game due to injury, and most will play through if physically capable. Players will risk their health trying to be heroic. Hell, it is heroic. It's United, after all. It's Arsenal. It's Everton. And that's why it's imperative to take the decision out of their hands.
You'd think that the world's most popular league, which measures club values in the billions, would understand that its players are assets. It's vital that they protect those athletes, because that's who we're paying to see. Guys are getting knocked unconscious, and allowed to play on seconds or minutes later. Maybe this one, single time, it would help for the Premier League to take a lesson from its American counterpart. |
A priori indicates a judgment or conclusion reached without any basis in actual experience. Such judgments are considered to be ones where the truth is so self-evident that there is no point in obtaining actual evidence to support the conclusion reached. Thus, reasoning should be sufficient to arrive at a conclusion, without the need for physical evidence to bolster it.
Another way of looking at the a priori concept is to arrive at a conclusion regarding a specific situation, based on a general concept or theory.
A priori decision making can be dangerous when used repeatedly, since the probability will rise over time that a "self evident" decision reached without any supporting experimentation is actually an incorrect decision. Errors are more likely to arise in complex decision environments.
Example of A Priori in Business
A company creates three budgets, which it designates as worst case, most likely, and best case. An a priori conclusion would be that, absent an experiment, the business is equally likely to experience all three scenarios, which means that you would assign a 33% probability to each one.
A priori is similar to deductive reasoning. |
Saturday, July 06, 2013
Film Review: The Great Gatsby (2013)
The best thing that could be said about Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby is that it's the sort of film that F. Scott Fitzgerald's characters would find terribly profound and moving, even though it's possible that no one else would. Using the same hyper-real and kinetic style that he employed to dizzying/disorientating effect in Moulin Rouge!, Luhrmann re-creates the Long Island playground of West Egg, home to the rich, beautiful and carefree denizens of an America drunk on success and illicit booze. It's a world of empty pleasures and idle existences, populated by people whose greatest concern is where their next good time is going to come from.
Into this soused Eden stumbles Nick Carraway (Tobey Maguire), a Midwestern naif intent on making his fortune as a bonds salesman in New York. He soon finds himself drawn into the decadent and opulent lifestyle of his neighbour Jay Gatsby (Leonardo DiCaprio), a multi-millionaire, at a time when they were in relatively short supply, whose house is constantly thrumming with revelers in attendance of a near constant string of parties. It's a brash and exhilarating lifestyle, but also a hollow one. Gatsby never lets anyone into his life, and he spends his days gazing out at the green light across the bay which marks the East Egg home of Tom and Daisy Buchanan (Joel Edgerton and Carey Mulligan). Daisy is Nick's cousin, but she also happens to be Gatsby's great love. Nick finds himself playing Cyrano de Bergerac for the couple, but it isn't long before desire, money and secrets threaten to tear them asunder.
Baz Luhrmann is not a man of half-measures; when he commits to something, he throws his whole being into realising that one thing as fully as possible. As such, his films have a tremendous energy behind them that, depending on how you feel about his style, is either hugely intoxicating or amounts to a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing. When The Great Gatsby works, it's usually when Luhrmann's whirling dervish quality is focused on the extravagance of Gatsby's lifestyle, because it amounts to putting a great amount of effort into creating something completely empty.
If Gatsby is hosting a party, then it will be the most riotous and opulent party ever staged. If he is going to drive, he is going to do so in style and dangerously quickly. If he is going to pursue Daisy, he is going to do so to lavish effect. In Luhrmann-land, there is no such thing as too much. All of these accoutrements are conjured up through the magic of CGI, which no doubt raised the hackles of literary purists, but actually feels oddly appropriate for the story. There's a weightlessness to CGI that fits Gatsby's lifestyle; the mansion and the parties are meant to be ephemeral and false, and Luhrmann's West Egg feels aptly unreal because it is, in both a literal and metaphorical sense, not actually there. As the camera floats through an imagined version of 1920s Long Island, it conjures up a nostalgic image of an America that no longer exists, but which didn't even exist at the time, which would cast a pall over the frivolity if the camera didn't cut to some other outrageous thing immediately.
The soundtrack is also so bizarrely counter-intuitive that it ends up making some twisted sense. The film is awash with 1920s-style versions of contemporary pop hits from the likes of Amy Winehouse, Beyonce and U2. The production makes sure that the songs fit the era but, with few exceptions, they don't seem to offer a particularly strong commentary on the action. In fact the songs that best fit the film are unreconstructed hip-hop tracks from Jay-Z and Kanye West, men who have made themselves incredibly wealthy by rapping about the hollowness of being incredibly wealthy. Flappers jitterbugging to "No Church in the Wild" sounds like a disaster waiting to happen - and the film very gingerly walks the line between triumph and catastrophe every time a song gets cued up. Yet, unlike Gatsby, it somehow gets away with it in the end.
The look and sound of the film point to Luhrmann's great strength and fatal flaw as a filmmaker; his often painful literalism. The frequent use of the actual text of the novel - which is being written by Nick as a memoir in a rather clunky framing device - onscreen should leave no one in any doubt of that particular tendency. The music choices are very ostentatious, and are geared to making sure the audience is in no doubt as to how they should be feeling at any given moment. That kind of bravado can be alluring in short bursts, but over a couple of hours it can get incredibly grating. His commitment to recreating the world of the novel as literally as possible is impressive, and results in a film which looks incredible, but he struggles to get at the heart that lies beyond Gatsby's trappings. There's a general sense that Gatsby is sad, and that he is meant to be the apotheosis of the American Dream, or at least a satirical vision of the American Dream, but there isn't much to the film beyond that vague idea that something is happening.
Any depth the film finds comes largely from the actors, who give performances which nicely balance the need for them to be both cyphers through which the time period can be experienced, and real people the audience can care about. Maguire plays Nick's naivete convincingly, particularly his debauched wonder at the world around him, and Mulligan manages to capture the sense that Daisy is both a real, achingly sad woman trapped in a loveless marriage and an ideal that Gatsby longs for because he believes it will complete him. DiCaprio is undoubtedly the star, and his celebrity charisma is perfect for Gatsby; both men have an allure to them that is undeniable, yet both clearly harbour darkness beneath the veneer of glamour. The relationship between Gatsby and Daisy ultimately feels pretty bloodless, but that isn't the fault of either Mulligan or DiCaprio, but rather the airlessness of the film around them.
The Great Gatsby has all the fizz of champagne and is about as nourishing. It's a very superficial treatment of a story that has a lot of thematic resonance, but as superficial experiences go it's a lively one. Visually astounding, narratively lumpy, it's probably the least stuffy adaptation of a Great Novel imaginable, though it does seem to have jettisoned most of the substance along with the sense of importance.
Grade: C+ |
Steel is an important structural material in the construction of residential, commercial and industrial buildings. The popularity can be attributed to the durability, tensile strength and relatively low costs attached to steel. Unfortunately, the material is susceptible to corrosion and general degradation when exposed to unfavourable conditions. For example, moisture and saline air will accelerate rusting due to the iron content in the metal. You can prevent these problems by using protective paints to coat the structural steel in the building. These protective coatings are industrial paint layers which limit exposure of metals to the harsh environmental conditions. Here are some simple tips to help you achieve the best results through your steel painting project.
Prepare the Metal Surface
The surface of structural steel should be prepared before the protective coating is applied. This will ensure that the layer will provide long-term service, eliminating the need for premature repair. The type of preparation required will depend on the quality of the material that you are planning to paint. New standard steel is delivered with pre-primed surfaces, so you will not need to apply a base coat. On the other hand, galvanised steel requires some preparation before application of the coating.
Generally, the surface is smooth and somewhat oily, so the protective coatings tend to peel off in short time. You can install the steel and allow weathering through exposure to harsh conditions before painting. Alternatively, the surface of the metal must be cleaned and a primer coating should be applied before the protective coating is used. If the steel is already rusted, you should commission cleaning through abrasive blasting, sanding or brushing. The surface should also be treated with a rust inhibitor and a primer.
Do Not Neglect Aesthetics
Protective coatings are primarily designed to shield the metal from adverse conditions. However, this does not mean that the aesthetic value should be neglected during the painting project. This is particularly important when the structural metal is going to be visually exposed. You should choose a coating with visual appeal and the colour should complement the rest of the building. If your favoured colour choices are unavailable, consider using a top coat of industrial-grade finish paint.
Paint as Necessary
Structural steel is vulnerable to corrosion but painting is not always mandatory. You can reduce painting project costs by using the protective coatings only as necessary. For instance, if the steel will be clad with fire protection materials or hidden within the ceiling, painting isn't necessary. Consult your painting contractor for guidance before obtaining supplies. |
All of the living and nonliving things that interact in an area
Living things (organisms) in an ecosystem.
Nonliving things in an ecosystem.
The specific environment that supplies all the organism's needs
A group of similar organisms that can mate with one another and produce fertile offspring.
The role an organism has in its environment.
An organism that can make its own food.
An organism that obtains energy by feeding on other organisms.
Consumers that eat only plants.
Consumers that eat both plants and animals.
Consumers that eat only animals.
Detritivore - Scavenger
Consumer that feeds on the bodies (remains) of dead organisms.
Organisms that break down wastes and dead organisms and return the raw materials to the environment.
A series of events in which one organism eats another and obtains energy.
Overlapping food chains in an ecosystem.
A diagram that shows the amount of energy available in each step (trophic level) of a food chain.
The process in which producers use light energy to make food.
The process in which producers use chemical energy (rather than light energy) to make food.
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In Australia the Proteaceae family often have common names involving oak if they grow into trees. This is because of the oak like grain in a radial pattern. Other trees to be called 'oak' are the Sheoaks or Casuarina.
Below are two Proteaceae in flower at the moment: Darlingia darlingiana, white, and Alloxylon flameum, red. Above is the Banksia from yesterday's blog.
In most of the Proteaceae the flower bud opens by the tepals, undifferentiated perianth segments, opening to reveal the style standing proud. the Anthers are more or less stuck to the tepals and open before the bud so the pollen is left behind on the style and surrounding area. The style become receptive to pollen at a later stage. |
Question: Why Does Food In Freezer Smell and Taste Like Kerosene,Will It Be Poisonous To Eat?
February 22, 2010
Anonymous's picture
Freezer of refrigerator contains a gas which helps in cooling.If it is leaked it creates a bad smell.The gas is called freon. This gas is harmful to health.When the gas is leaked it contaminates the food materials forming the smell of kerosene.
budrojr's picture
Yes, I get that. It makes food taste like crap. But is it safe to eat? Would a person grow a third arm, puke frogs, or lose their eyesight?
Mr. Collins's picture
Yes Freon is deadly. It is after all a poisonous gas.
read the full story at the above link.
Limited exposure—for example, a spill on your skin or breathing near an open container—is only mildly harmful. However, care should be taken to avoid contact with these types of chemicals. According to the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), even small amounts can cause symptoms. These could include:
irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat
heart palpitations |
The Echinoderm Game
Purpose of activity: To learn about various types of echinoderms and appreciate their beauty and diversity.
Description: This is a set of 48 cards showing various kind of echinoderms: sea stars, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, sand dollars (sea biscuits), sea lilies, feather stars and crinoids. There are three activities suggested. The first is an introductory activity where you sort the cards into groups and answer questions by looking carefully at the cards. The second activity is a matching game where you use colors, textures, patterns, and body shapes to lay down cards. The third activity is a just suggestion for a follow-up art project making edible echinoderm sculptures (cookies).
Target age group: any
Time allowance: 10-15 minutes for the intro activity, at least 20-30 minutes for the game. (The optional art activity would be more involved and would require about an hour, plus prep and clean up before and after.)
Materials needed: Copies of the pattern pages on white card stock, scissors. (The optional art activity would need cookie dough, food colorings, plus some extras such as pretzel sticks or sprinkles.) |
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const { Schema } = mongoose;
const UserSchema = new Schema(
username: {
type: String,
unique: true,
required: true
email: {
type: String,
match: /^\S+@\S+\.\S+$/,
unique: true,
trim: true,
lowercase: true,
required: true
spotify: {
accessToken: { type: String, required: true },
refreshToken: { type: String, required: true },
expiresIn: { type: String, required: true }
apiKey: String,
isBanned: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
timestamps: true
module.exports = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);
Jimmy Westlake's Celestial News column appears Tuesdays in the Steamboat Today.
Find more columns by Westlake here.
The summer solstice, marking the official end of spring and the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere, occurs this year at 5:08 p.m. local time Wednesday. The summer solstice is sometimes referred to as the “longest day of the year,” but aren’t all of our days exactly 24 hours long?
Yes they are, but ever since the winter solstice last December, the time interval between our sunrise and sunset has been increasing, giving us more minutes of daylight and fewer minutes of darkness each day. So the phrase “the longest day of the year” refers to the number of daylight hours in a 24-hour period, not the actual length of the day.
Consider that on the winter solstice Dec. 21, sunrise in Steamboat was at 8:26 a.m. and sunset was at 5:45 p.m., for a total of nine hours and 19 minutes of daylight and 14 hours and 41 minutes of darkness. On June 21, the sun rises at 5:38 a.m. and sets at 8:40 p.m., giving us 15 hours and 2 minutes of daylight and only 8 hours and 58 minutes of darkness. So, we are enjoying an extra four hours and 43 minutes of daylight this week compared to mid-December.
That’s the good news. The bad news is that after the summer solstice, the trend reverses and we start losing those precious minutes of daylight again as we head toward the winter solstice.
As our daylight hours increase between solstices, the noontime sun rises higher and higher in our sky, causing noontime shadows to grow shorter each day. On the date of the summer solstice, the noontime sun in Steamboat will be 72.5 degrees high. That’s as high as it can ever get for us, so we have short, stubby, noontime shadows, but they don’t disappear at noon.
Around the year 200 B.C., the Greek scholar Eratosthenes heard a rumor from some travelers that at high noon in the town of Syene, Egypt, on the date of the summer solstice, the shadows of vertical objects briefly disappeared. This indicated to Eratosthenes that the sun must be shining down from 90 degrees, at the very zenith of the sky in Syene. He thought this was very curious, since the noontime sun on the date of the solstice from his hometown of Alexandria, Egypt, was 7 degrees off of the zenith, creating very short shadows. Most people might have just dismissed the rumor, but Eratosthenes did not. He realized that if the Earth were flat, noontime sun angles would be the same everywhere, but if the Earth was shaped like a sphere, different locations would experience different sun angles at noon. He reasoned that the distance between Syene and Alexandria must represent 7 degrees of the Earth’s total circumference, so a quick calculation produced the distance around the spherical Earth. Eratosthenes’ measurement was only 2 percent off from the accepted circumference of 24,901 miles. Not bad for 200 years B.C.
Happy summer solstice!
Professor Jimmy Westlake teaches astronomy and physics at Colorado Mountain College’s Alpine Campus. His “Celestial News” column appears weekly in the Steamboat Today newspaper. His “Cosmic Moment” radio spots can be heard on local radio station KFMU. Check out Westlake’s website at www.jwestlake.com. |
In this episode of Space News, Professor Donald Scott explains his own, original modeling of a Birkeland current’s structure, and he explores the significance of this new discovery from the Electric Universe perspective. In fact, in recent years, the term Birkeland current has appeared with increasing regularity in mainstream scientific literature. A groundbreaking new scientific report provides dramatic confirmation of our planet’s dynamic electrical environment, and the Earth/Sun connection. The European Space Agency’s SWARM mission has discovered “supersonic plasma jets high up in our atmosphere.” Attempting to provide historical context for the discovery, a Phys.org report states: “The theory that there are huge electric currents, powered by solar wind and guided through the ionosphere by Earth’s magnetic field, was postulated more than a century ago by Norwegian scientist Kristian Birkeland….While much is known about these current systems, recent observations by SWARM have revealed that they are associated with large electrical fields.”
Don’t miss the NEW Patreon rewards for 2017 at PATREON — “Changing the world through the understanding of the Electric Universe.”
Subscribe to Thunderbolts Update weekly newsletter! Catch all the weekly happenings in one place.
The ideas expressed in videos presented on The Thunderbolts Project YouTube Channel do not necessarily express the views of T-Bolts Group Inc or The Thunderbolts Project(TM). |
Fyrstinnen av Asturias’ pris for enighet
Fyrstinnen av Asturias' pris for enighet (spansk: Premio Princesa de Asturias de la Concordia) er en pris, som siden 1986 årlig tildeles for innsats for fremme av mellommenneskelig forståelse og fredelig sameksistens, for bidrag i kamp mot urettferdighet, fattigdom, sykdom og uvitenhet, for forsvar av frihet eller for arbeid som har bidratt til å øke kunnskap eller beskyttet og bevart menneskehetens fellesarv. Den er en del av en Fyrstinnen av Asturias-prisene. De deles ut årlig i Oviedo.
Prisen ble etablert i 1986 av Fundación Princesa de Asturias og har navn etter tittelen til Spanias kronprinsesse. Den var først kjent som Fyrsten av Asturias-prisen, men etter at Felipe i 2014 ble konge og datteren Leonor ble kronprinsesse med tittelen fyrstinne av Asturias, skiftet navnet til Fyrstinnen av Asturias-prisen. Stiftelsen endret samtidig navn til Fundación Princesa de Asturias.
Prisen består av en skulptur laget av kunstneren Joan Miró og et pengebeløp på euro.
Mottagere av Fyrstinnen av Asturias' pris for enighet
Eksterne lenker
Prínce of Asturias Laureates for Concord, oversikt over mottagere fra Fundación Príncipe de Asturias
Utmerkelser etablert i 1986 |
A Columbus Q & A And Then Some
September 15, 1991|By Carol Barrington , Special to the Tribune.
As every American school child knows, Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492-but is that true?
Many myths and misinformation have evolved in the 500 years since that weavers` son from Genoa, Italy, captained three tiny caravels westward across the Atlantic and unexpectedly discovered what came to be known as the New World. The following may help clarify not only what`s happening in 1992, but also the legend of the larger-than-life man whose four voyages wrote the first chapters in the modern history of the Americas.
Q-Did Columbus really sail west to prove the Earth was round?
A-No. Even as early as 500 B.C., Greek scholars knew our planet was a sphere, and despite a lapse of knowledge during the Dark Ages, that fact was widely accepted throughout Europe by 1492.
Q-What, then, were his motivations?
A-Columbus was a gifted navigator who undertook four westward sailing expeditions between 1492 and 1504 in an attempt to find an alternative to sailing eastward around the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa to reach the gold and spices of the West Indies, specifically Cipangu (Japan). He died in Valladolid, Spain, in May, 1506, still believing that he had reached islands off the coast of Eastern Asia.
His logs show that what he thought was the Asiatic mainland was the island of Cuba. He also undertook the voyages to bring fame, fortune and nobility to his family in perpetuity. Under the terms of his April 1492 charter from Queen Isabella of Spain he was to become ``Lord Admiral of the Ocean Sea`` and viceroy over all islands he discovered. He also was entitled to one-tenth of all commercial profits.
Q-Was San Salvador really Columbus`s first landfall in the New World?
A-Historians have been arguing about that for years. Two Bahamian islands fit the description of the first landfall found in Columbus`s log-San Salvador and Samana Cay, an uninhabited island 60 miles to the southeast. In 1986, National Geographic magazine put forward strong arguments for the latter, based on physical features noted by Columbus and adjusting his route by computer to take into account leeway (drift caused by wind) and drift caused by currents.
The debate still continues. Columbus Day-Oct. 12-may even be the wrong date. Columbus was using the Julian calendar when he recorded the first landfall on Oct. 12, 1492. Under today`s Gregorian calendar, that landfall would have occurred on Oct. 21.
Q-Was Columbus really the first European to discover the New World?
A-No. Archeologists and historians long ago decided that Viking explorer Leif Ericsson visited the North American continent 500 years before Columbus. The difference is that the Vikings didn`t stay in what they called Vinland, and Columbus did; he was the first European to colonize what he thought were the West Indies. He is also considered to be the first European to explore the mainland of South America. On his third voyage (in 1498) he found the mouth of Venezuela`s Orinoco River.
Q-Is it true that replicas of the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria are touring the U.S.?
A-Those ``Discovery Ships,`` built and owned by the Spanish government, will depart Cadiz, Spain, on Oct. 12 and retrace Columbus` route west, arriving in San Salvador in late November. They then will tour the Caribbean with stops at many of Columbus` ports, including Christmas and New Year`s in San Juan, P.R., before heading up America`s eastern seaboard in February.
They also will make three calls in California next fall. For a complete schedule, contact the Spain `92 Foundation, 1821 Jefferson Pl. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036; 202-775-1992.
Q-Why aren`t more sailing and cruise ships landing at the Bahamian island of San Salvador in honor of the Quincentennial?
A-Because the island lies in extremely shallow water and has few facilities for mass tourism. A new Club Mediterranee is under construction and scheduled to open in fall, 1992, although recent local reports say construction is going slowly. When it does open, it will nearly double the island`s population.
Q-Why are there no Christopher Columbus-themed sailing trips to San Salvador from the Caribbean?
A-It`s a hard, nine-hour haul with difficult currents and winds both ways-too far for a day-trip-and, aside from scuba and snorkeling, there is little to do on San Salvador, once you get there.
Q-Is there any controversy in regard to celebrating the 500th anniversary of Columbus`s discovery of the Americas?
A-Making a clear historical point, Iceland and Norway have funded the building of an authentic Viking ship replica, the Gaia, which is touring the Atlantic seaboard as the centerpiece of Vinland Revisited-One Thousand Years of History. Some Jamaicans also are less than enthused about the celebration, preferring to ``commemorate`` the fact that Columbus was the first European
``tourist`` to land on their island. They point out that Columbus brought sickness and slavery to the island he called ``Santiago`` and ultimately destroyed the Amerindian culture indigenous to Jamaica. |
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A question occurred to me today: Do I love food so much that I am willing to die for it? And the answer was no! I'm willing to die for many things; my family, country, beliefs but not a fried spam on white bread sandwich. Forget old-fashioned cooking! I'm ready for the new-fashioned way! |
Alfredo Conde
Nato nel 1945 ad Allariz, nella comunità autonoma della Galizia, ha studiato ingegneria marina presso la Scuola Superiore di Nautica presso La Coruña e storia all'Università di Santiago di Compostela
Scrittore di lingua gallega e spagnola, è considerato uno dei maggiori esponenti del rinascimento della letteratura galiziana ed è stato insignito di numerosi premi tra cui il Premio Cavour nel 1990 per Il grifone
Giornalista per quotidiani come El País, Le Monde e ABC, è stato attivo anche in politica come membro del Parlamento della Galizia e consigliere della cultura presso la Giunta della Galizia.
Opere tradotte in italiano
Il grifone (Xa vai o griffón no vento , 1984), Roma, Editori riuniti, 1989 traduzione di Giuseppe Tavani ISBN 88-359-3310-2.
Il mistero del santo sul cammino di Santiago (Huesos de santo, 2010), Roma, Gaffi, 2012 traduzione di Giuliano Soria ISBN 978-88-6165-113-5.
69 poesie d'amore (69 poemas de amor, 2014), Foggia, Sentieri Meridiani, 2015 traduzione di Patricia Martelli Castaldi ISBN 978-88-98125-28-9.
I delitti della luna piena (Romasanta) regia di Paco Plaza (2004) (soggetto)
Alcuni riconoscimenti
Premio de la Crítica de narrativa gallega: 1981 per Breixo e 1984 per Il grifone
Premio Nacional de Narrativa: 1986 per Il grifone
Premio Grinzane Cavour per la narrativa straniera: 1990 con Il grifone
Premio Nadal: 1991 con Los otros días
Medalla Castelao: 2016
Alfredo Conde: i miti della terra galega di Giuliano Soria, Roma, Nuova cultura, 2015 ISBN 978-88-6812-436-6.
Altri progetti
Collegamenti esterni
Vincitori del Premio Grinzane Cavour |
Islam as a global religion
First of all let’s clear the misconception which is very common even among Muslims that Islam is 1400 years old religion – “NO”. Existence of Islam in this world was since the time humans first set foot on earth. Prophet Adam (PBUH) and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the first and last messengers of God respectively, also came with the same message of tawheed that Allah(SBT) is one and he has no partners. In Islam, highest authority is Quran that contains all the Quranic Verses which were revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and these Quranic Verses were recorded and summarized by the companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is mandatory to apply the teachings of Quran in daily life. These include Islamic traditions like how to treat your family/relatives, how to implement Islamic laws in your business, women rights in Islam, how to divide the property among your children according to Islam and much more. Quran also speaks about science. Although this is in the form of signs, it still mentions about the Big Bang theory on how the universe was created. Quran also speaks about galaxies, sun, rotation and revolution of planets among others.
Pillars of Islam
There are five pillars of Islam
Shahada (Declaration of faith).
Salah (Prayer – it is obligatory for every Muslim to offer five times Salah every day) in the Indian subcontinent, is commonly known as Namaz.
Charity (Zakat – it is obligatory for every Muslim to give 2.5% percent of his wealth in charity).
Fast or Sawm or Roza (it is obligatory for every Muslim to fast for 30 days in the month of Ramadan as per Islamic calender).
Hajj (Hajj is the pilgrimage in which every Muslim has an obligation to travel to Makkah. Mandatory if he has health and wealth to manage this journey).
The second authority in Islam is Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), so Muslims rely on his styles of living or acts of living. This is called Sunnah or Sunnat e Rasool Allah (SAW). Even the Sunnah tells us about everything related to our lives related to business, married life, relatives, husband-wife relations etc. Sunnahs are connected to Quranic verses because in Quran you may find what to do but not how. Hence Allah (SBT) has sent Prophet Muhammad to this world to set an example. Quran tell us Offer Salah but Quran doesn’t explain how. For this, we need to refer the hadiths of Prophet (PBUH) so that we would come to know how to offer the Salah, what are the positions in Salah, how to offer Salat Ul Tasbeeh, how to make dua etc. As we all know before becoming the religion of truth, mecca was full of idol worship. Quran specially states not to destroy any place of worship whether it is Hindu Temples or Christian Churches or any other place of worship. Islam tells us to respect all the religions.
Islam in India
In India Islam is the second largest religion after Hinduism or Sanatan Dharm. India is very famous for its Temples which are scattered in every corner of the country like Akshardham Temple, Brahma Temple, Kali ma Temple etc. There are many Temples built inside the caves and mountains like Amarnath Dham, Veshno Devi, South India is very famous for Balaji Tirupati. Similarly, India is very famous for its Saints Auliya Allah spread across the country like Hazrat Nizam ud din Dargah. Dargah Hazrat Nizam ud din is located in Delhi the Indian capital, Gujrat is very famous for Hazrat Datar Sahab. Gawalior is blessed with the blessings of Khwaja Khanooni Sahab. India is the country of Multi-Religions.
Sufism in Islam
Sufism in Islam was started from beginning of Islamic history. Sufism is based on Sunni Islam. The word ‘Sufism’ is derived from the base Sufi, most of the Sufis were the companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) they accompany Rasool Allah (SAW) like Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA) and rest of the companions of the Prophet (PBUH). All the Sufis follow Sunni Islam, Sufis are very much inclined towards Dhikr of Allah (SBT) which they usually do after Namaz.
Miracles of Islam
Like Prophets even Sufis had some miracles but the miracles of Prophets are called Mojza and the miracles of Sufis are called Karamat, so mojza and karamat both refers to the super natural wonders. All those super natural wonders were Perfomed by Muslim Sufi saints due to practices of dhikr and the closeness to Allah (Sbt), they get some special super-natural wonders with the permission of Allah (SBT) and the Sufis hold some special positions in this world and hereafter.
Chadarposhi and Chiragha
Auliya Allah are sleeping in their resting places (Dargah). Every Auliya Allah is considered the friend of Allah (SBT) as the lord of this universe mentions in the Holy Quran that”And what (excuse) have they that Allah should not chastise them while they hinder (men) from the Sacred Mosque and they are not (fit to be) guardians of it; its guardians are only those who guard (against evil), but most of them do not know.”
In another verse, God says: “Verily on the friends of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve.”
In continuation to this, devotees pay respect to Auliya Allah and Chadar poshi is kind of act to pay respect to the saints or friends of Allah (SBT), Devotees who are seeking blessings they do Chadarposhi on respective Dargah, blessing seeker may be any one the person who is looking for a job, newly married couples, people expecting a child, the one who seeks health and many more.
Devotees come to Dargah to make mannat and do chadar poshi on respective Dargah. All Peer and Auliya Allah are considered equal but devotees visit the Dargahs where they feel comfortable. Apart from Chadarposhi service, Chiragha service (Lamp) is another tradition which is an act of lighting. Devotees light up a Chiragha on respective Dargah and may donate some oil to light up the Dargah and seek blessings.
Seek blessings from the Peer you love from the various online chiragha services and online chadar poshi services that we provide from different locations.
Contact us now! |
<issue_start>Title: Add support for Kubernetes v1.10.2
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Add support for Kubernetes v1.10.2
``` |
package com.klaus.interview.basemodel.util;
import com.querydsl.jpa.impl.JPAQuery;
import org.springframework.data.domain.Page;
import org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable;
import org.springframework.data.repository.support.PageableExecutionUtils;
import java.util.function.LongSupplier;
public final class PageExecution {
private PageExecution() {}
public static Page getPage(JPAQuery jpaQuery, Pageable pageable){
return PageableExecutionUtils.getPage( jpaQuery.fetch(), pageable, new LongSupplier() {
public long getAsLong() {
return jpaQuery.fetchCount();
This emotional intelligence test assesses your emotional quotient through an easy form where you need to choose what is applicable to you to discover the EQ. More information on the topic of emotional quotient and intelligence below the form.
How does the emotional intelligence test work?
This assessment comprises of 34 sentences put in two sections of 17 each. You are asked to choose only the affirmations you feel most apply to you.
There are many areas of emotional life covered in the test such as personal emotions, reactions to feedback, coping mechanisms to stress and negativity and the way we observe and interact with other people.
Each of the sentences has a different importance and when they are all put together they get transformed through the emotional intelligence test in a percentage that reveals the level of emotional intelligence and emotional quotient you are currently at.
This will come together with an explanation of the stage and which are the things you should be doing forward.
Please remember that this assessment should NOT be considered a substitute for any professional service. Only a licensed professional has the authority to officially diagnose an individual’s personality.
What is emotional intelligence?
Is defined as the ability to perceive, evaluate and then control emotions in an efficient manner. It is sometimes said to be an inborn trait but there is enough evidence to confirm that it can be modeled through the way we are brought and as well later in life through personal development or counseling.
The model of Salovey and Mayer proposes four sections of EI: perceiving, reasoning, understanding and managing emotions.
This type of intelligence relates to using emotions and observation to empathize, communicate verbally and non verbally with others, to relieve stress and to manage different situations.
In order for one to be able to succeed with these life tasks there needs to be self and social awareness but also a great management of the self and the relationships.
EI affects the quality of life, from work performance, personal interactions to a series of psychological conditions that can develop on instability of this kind. Nowadays it is also stated that our inability to cope with high levels of stress can lead to physical health impairment.
Measuring the EI or EQ
There are many assessments available in this area but there are also some notorious models such as:
■ the self report of Reuven Bar-On;
■ ability based test Multifactor Emotional Intelligence Scale (MEIS);
■ the Seligman Attributional Style Questionnaire (SASQ) (which is said to screen optimism and pessimism);
■ or the Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI).
How to increase the EQ?
Increasing the emotional quotient shouldn’t be a difficult task for anyone who is willing to commit to serious observation and introspection.
Firstly you should look inside yourself to find how comfortable you feel with expressing emotions, receiving feedback from others and the mechanisms you have built to avoid stress and control anxiety, impulsivity or anger.
You then need to turn to your relationships and see whether you are genuinely interested in listening to people, in understanding the way they behave and trying to predict their reactions.27 Dec, 2014 | 0 comments |
Pollard Pleads Against Strict Parole Conditions
Gil Hoffman - The Jerusalem Post - March 2, 2017
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu raised Pollard's fate with US Vice President Mike Pence in Washington last month.
Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard asked a US court of appeals on Tuesday to reverse a district court decision turning down his request to ease a series of strict conditions of his parole from prison.
The conditions were imposed on Pollard by his parole commission when he was released from prison in November 2015 after he served 30 years of a life sentence for passing classified information to Israel.
They require him to stay home between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m., to be monitored by a GPS device that forces him to violate Shabbat and holidays, and for his computers to be monitored, which has prevented him from being employed.
Pollard's lawyers, led by Eliot Lauer, wrote in the appeal that instead of enabling Pollard to work at a job consistent with his education and intelligence, the conditions are designed to have the opposite effect and keep Pollard from reintegrating into society.
They argued that Pollard could not possibly remember information he saw before his arrest, and that even if he did, the parole conditions arbitrarily limited his computer usage and not his ability to transfer information by other means.
"In light of the absence of evidence that Pollard accessed information of a type that can be remembered after 31 years, the special conditions are not rationally based, and cannot possibly be motivated by a sincere concern about preventing disclosure," the lawyers wrote.
They said that unless there is such information, there was no possibility of further criminal conduct.
"The commission has not shown that there is such information," they wrote.
"There is therefore no basis on which to satisfy the second regulatory requirement."
"Rather, the special conditions serve solely as vindictive punitive measures, cruelly imposed against a man who has served his time as a model prisoner for 30 years, based on the pretext that Pollard is in a position to disclose still-classified information and that the commission is genuinely concerned that might happen."
To justify special parole conditions, the parole commission was supposed to prove that they were "reasonably related to the nature and circumstances of [the] offense or [the parolee's] history and characteristics," and that they are reasonably related to either the need to deter the parolee from criminal conduct, protection of the public from further crimes; or the need to provide the parolee with training or correctional treatment or medical care.
The lawyers warned that the parole commission's position would enable any government agency to make entirely conclusory determinations that have no factual basis, and to have those determinations insulated from judicial review merely because the commission accepted them as true.
"That is not the law, and should not become the law," they wrote. "To the contrary, the commission may not base its judgment as to parole on an inaccurate factual predicate."
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu raised Pollard's fate with US Vice President Mike Pence in Washington last month. Netanyahu asked Ambassador Ron Dermer to handle the issue with the White House.
See Also: Legal Doc: Pollard Reply Brief to Second Circuit Court of Appeals (PDF)
View original article. |
What is a Pandemic?
Each year the common flu kills about 36,000 people in the United States. A “pandemic” occurs when a strain of the flu virus mutates to become readily transmitted person to person and is resistant to the common flu vaccines.
Because schools put more people together than any other agency or industry in any community, it is prudent for schools to be proactive and develop plans for handling an out break that could be pandemic. Hopefully all schools have adopted the “all hazards” approach in developing their which will make those plans easily adapted to a Pandemic Action Plan.
This training will help schools deal with at process of not only developing Pandemic Action Plans but so much more.
During the training schools will work on three Phase of Planning:
- Phase I: Pre-Incident Planning
- Phase II: During the Incident Planning
- Phase III: Post-Incident Planning
In this International Training conducted by Keys’ Subject-Matter-Experts, Keys’ will look at “10 Ways a Pandemic could affect schools internationally.”
- The Interruption of Classroom Learning
- Higher rates of Student/Teacher absenteeism
- School Closings
- Food and Water supplies being limited
- Electricity Shortages
- Fuel Shortages
- Communication Outages
- Suspension of Extra-Curricular Activities
- Demands on Facilities for Healthcare Services
- Quarantine and Isolation Orders
Will your District/Organization be ready?
“Anything you say before a pandemic sounds Alarmist!!
Anything you do afterwards is Inadequate!!
This training will cover: |
in Wisconsin History
Early fixtures in the first Wisconsin home to use electricity.
Rogers House Photographs
These 11 photographs show the early electrical fixtures in Hearthstone, the world's first home lighted by a central hydroelectric station, in Appleton, Wis. The home belonged to paper executive Henry J. Rogers, who installed the first commercial electrical generator in the company's mill nearby, in 1882.
Industrialization and Urbanization|
The Introduction of Electrical Power
|Creator:||Mares, Harold D., compiler.|
|Pub Data:||Original photographs in the Visual Materials collection of the Wisconsin Historical Society Archives (call number: PH 6144). The photos were submitted by owner Harold Mares in nominating the house to the National Register of Historic Places in 1974.|
|Citation:||"Rogers House Photographs." Original photographs in the Visual Materials collection of the Wisconsin Historical Society Archives (call number: PH 6144). Online facsimile at: http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/turningpoints/search.asp?id=1015; Visited on: 9/2/2015| |
We're open every day over Easter, except Good Friday, 30 March. Opening hours and services will change on Easter Monday, 2 April. Find our Easter opening hours here.
In 1907, David Scott Mitchell, one of Australia’s greatest cultural benefactors and collectors of Australiana, gave his incomparable set of books, manuscripts, maps and pictures about Australia and the Pacific to the people of NSW.
What's in the collection
The Mitchell Library collections focus on Australia; documenting the history and society of Australian people including European exploration and discovery. The collection includes a wide range of formats; books, maps, works of art, photographs, coins, stamps, magazines, ephemera, sound recordings and electronic resources. It is the pre-eminent collection of Australiana in the world.
The story of the collection
Sydney book lover David Scott Mitchell (1836-1907) began collecting books seriously in the 1860s. He started with English literature, especially Elizabethan drama, fine examples of illuminated manuscripts and incunabula (books printed before 1501). In 1877 he moved to Darlinghurst where he led an increasingly reclusive life in his terrace house surrounded by his beloved books and pet cockatoo. By the 1880s, Mitchell had turned his attention almost exclusively to collecting Australiana, with the ambitious goal to collect a copy of every single document, no matter its format, relating to Australia, the south-western Pacific, the East Indies and Antarctica.
Anything Australian was of value to Mitchell; his vast collections mixed the astonishing with the everyday, the big ideas with the commonplace and the greatest names in history and literature with the incidental.
On Mitchell’s death in July 1907, he gifted his collections to the Public (now State) Library of New South Wales with an endowment of £70,000 to fund collection additions. As a condition of the gift, the NSW government was required to construct a building to house the collections to be known as the Mitchell Library, now part of the State Library’s Macquarie Street precinct.
No sooner had the Mitchell Library opened than it’s collections were being added to, and this ongoing collecting drive has been a hallmark of its development. Many thousands of items have been purchased or donated over the years and legal deposit provisions ensure a copy of every item newly published in NSW is stored in the Mitchell. The Library’s collections continue to document the history, life, landscape, culture and achievement of the people of NSW through a wide range of formats including ephemera, sound recordings and electronic resources.
A century on, the Mitchell Library’s collections remain an important source for both historical and contemporary research and an integral part of the Australia community.
‘The main thing is to get the records. We are too near to our past to view it properly but in a few generations the convict past will take its proper place in the perspective and our historians will pay better attention to the pioneers..’
David Scott Mitchell (Wymark, F. ML Am 121/1) |
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
GOP Ideology Has Gutted Our Economy
How ironic was that?
What's the PBGC?
And what genius thought this was a good idea?
zron said...
Patrick, I think you give them too much credit when you attribute this to ideology. How do you explain this other than as old fashioned corruption?
PBurns said...
Political corruption is graft or when a person benefits personally. I do not think that was at work here (though time may yet prove me wrong on this point).
Mostly the Bush people were (and are) right wing ideologues who actually BELIEVE their lies, disinformation and nonsense.
They are fact-haters and conspiracy-lovers, who wink at every subsidy to the rich even as they seek to undermine every program to help the poor.
They are ignorant of history, and embrace torture even as they proclaim themselves enlightened.
And you want to know who has allowed then to exist? Those of us who have been too damn polite to scream "bullshit" and to hammer them down with ridicule.
If the Russians had done to this country what Fox News, the GOP ideologues, and the Bush Administration has done, we would have nuked them. Instead, the Bush drones celebrate the likes of Sarah Palin even as the try to regroup with the help of Dick Cheney and Karl Rove.
Had enough yet?
Want to drink more poison from the Golden Cup that the GOP is offering? One more sip, they say, and you won't feel a thing....
2CatMom said...
I just heard this on the news last night. I couldn't believe it!! I handle pension administration for my employer and I always thought the PBGC invested OUR money safely (because ite companies that pay into the PBGC).
Guess I should be grateful that the social security fund wasn't invested in securities (or is that the next suprise). |
|Provider:||National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)|
|Update frequency:||every 6 hours|
|Resolution:||0.5°, 30.0nm, 55.5km|
|Model duration:||29 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 10 days|
|Parameters:||pressure, wind, rain, cloud, temperature, humidity, vertical velocity, 250 mb, 500 mb, 850 mb|
|GRIB model date:||Sat Jun 24 12:00:00 2017 UTC|
|Download date:||Sat Jun 24 17:49:19 2017 UTC|
|Download delay:||5hr 49min|
This is an ensemble model, and in this case, it is the result of averaging 21 slightly different weather models together. The idea in an ensemble model is that there is instability in many weather systems and that capturing the initial state of the atmosphere for the weather models can not be done perfectly. The ensemble process slightly alters the initial inputs and/or the numerical model in order to generate a range of different results, which are then averaged to create the final result.
Some people feel that an ensemble model is better at longer term forecasts. It is a useful exercise to download both an ensemble model as well as a normal weather model and compare them. If the two forecasts are similar, you may be able to feel more confident in their prediction ability.
The following description has been taken directly from the official documentation
The Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS), previously known as the GFS Global ENSemble (GENS), is a weather forecast model made up of 21 separate forecasts, or ensemble members. The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) started the GEFS to address the nature of uncertainty in weather observations, which is used to initialize weather forecast models. The proverbial butterfly flapping her wings can have a cascading effect leading to wind gusts thousands of miles away. This extreme example illustrates that tiny, unnoticeable differences between reality and what is actually measured can, over time, lead to noticeable differences between what a weather model forecast predicts and reality itself. The GEFS attempts to quantify the amount of uncertainty in a forecast by generating an ensemble of multiple forecasts, each minutely different, or perturbed, from the original observations. |
Subsets and Splits