import re |
import json, time, random, torch |
from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader |
from transformers import BertTokenizer, AutoTokenizer |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import jieba |
from importlib import import_module |
import pickle as pkl |
import time |
from datetime import timedelta |
MAX_VOCAB_SIZE = 10000 |
UNK, PAD = '<UNK>', '<PAD>' |
def token_to_index(token, config): |
vocab = pkl.load(open(config.vocab_path, 'rb')) |
words_line = [] |
if len(token) < config.pad_size: |
token.extend([PAD] * (config.pad_size - len(token))) |
else: |
token = token[:config.pad_size] |
for word in token: |
words_line.append(vocab.get(word, vocab.get(UNK))) |
return words_line |
def get_dirty_words(path): |
with open(path, 'r') as f: |
data = json.load(f) |
dirty_words = list(data.values()) |
return dirty_words |
def get_all_dirty_words(base_path): |
all_dirty_words = [] |
paths = ["general.json", "LGBT.json", "region.json", "sexism.json", "racism.json"] |
for i in paths: |
all_dirty_words.append(get_dirty_words(base_path + i)) |
return all_dirty_words |
def get_toxic_id(text_idx, toxic_ids, dirty_words, toxic_index): |
for dirty_word in dirty_words: |
for index, token in enumerate(text_idx): |
if token == 0: |
break |
if token != dirty_word[0]: |
continue |
else: |
flag = 1 |
start_index = index |
end_index = index+1 |
for i in range(len(dirty_word[1:])): |
if end_index >= len(text_idx): |
flag = 0 |
break |
if text_idx[end_index] != dirty_word[1+i]: |
flag = 0 |
break |
end_index += 1 |
if flag: |
for dirty_index in range(start_index, end_index): |
toxic_ids[dirty_index] = toxic_index |
return toxic_ids |
def get_all_toxic_id(pad_size, text_idx, all_dirty_words): |
toxic_ids = [0 for i in range(pad_size)] |
for toxic_index, dirty_words in enumerate(all_dirty_words): |
toxic_ids = get_toxic_id(text_idx, toxic_ids, dirty_words, toxic_index+1) |
return toxic_ids |
class Datasets(Dataset): |
''' |
The dataset based on Bert. |
''' |
def __init__(self, kwargs, data_name, add_special_tokens=True, not_test=True): |
self.kwargs = kwargs |
self.not_test = not_test |
self.data_name = data_name |
self.lexicon_base_path = kwargs.lexicon_path |
self.max_tok_len = kwargs.pad_size |
self.add_special_tokens = add_special_tokens |
self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(kwargs.model_name) |
with open(data_name, 'r') as f: |
self.data_file = json.load(f) |
self.preprocess_data() |
def preprocess_data(self): |
print('Preprocessing Data {} ...'.format(self.data_name)) |
data_time_start=time.time() |
all_dirty_words = get_all_dirty_words(self.lexicon_base_path) |
for row in tqdm(self.data_file): |
ori_text = row['content'] |
text = self.tokenizer(ori_text, add_special_tokens=self.add_special_tokens, |
max_length=int(self.max_tok_len), padding='max_length', truncation=True) |
row['text_idx'] = text['input_ids'] |
row['text_ids'] = text['token_type_ids'] |
row['text_mask'] = text['attention_mask'] |
row['toxic_ids'] = get_all_toxic_id(self.max_tok_len, row['text_idx'], all_dirty_words) |
data_time_end = time.time() |
print("... finished preprocessing cost {} ".format(data_time_end-data_time_start)) |
def __len__(self): |
return len(self.data_file) |
def __getitem__(self, idx, corpus=None): |
row = self.data_file[idx] |
sample = { |
'text_idx': row['text_idx'], 'text_ids': row['text_ids'], 'text_mask': row['text_mask'], 'toxic_ids': row['toxic_ids'], |
'toxic': row["toxic_one_hot"], 'toxic_type': row["toxic_type_one_hot"], 'expression': row["expression_one_hot"], 'target': row["target"] |
} |
return sample |
class Dataloader(DataLoader): |
''' |
A batch sampler of a dataset. |
''' |
def __init__(self, data, batch_size, shuffle=True, SEED=0): |
self.data = data |
self.batch_size = batch_size |
self.shuffle = shuffle |
self.SEED = SEED |
random.seed(self.SEED) |
self.indices = list(range(len(data))) |
if shuffle: |
random.shuffle(self.indices) |
self.batch_num = 0 |
def __len__(self): |
return int(len(self.data) / float(self.batch_size)) |
def num_batches(self): |
return len(self.data) / float(self.batch_size) |
def __iter__(self): |
self.indices = list(range(len(self.data))) |
if self.shuffle: |
random.shuffle(self.indices) |
return self |
def __next__(self): |
if self.indices != []: |
idxs = self.indices[:self.batch_size] |
batch = [self.data.__getitem__(i) for i in idxs] |
self.indices = self.indices[self.batch_size:] |
return batch |
else: |
raise StopIteration |
def get(self): |
self.reset() |
return self.__next__() |
def reset(self): |
self.indices = list(range(len(self.data))) |
if self.shuffle: random.shuffle(self.indices) |
def to_tensor(batch): |
''' |
Convert a batch data into tensor |
''' |
args = {} |
args['text_idx'] = torch.tensor([b['text_idx'] for b in batch]) |
args['text_ids'] = torch.tensor([b['text_ids'] for b in batch]) |
args['text_mask'] = torch.tensor([b['text_mask'] for b in batch]) |
args['toxic_ids'] = torch.tensor([b['toxic_ids'] for b in batch]) |
args['toxic'] = torch.tensor([b['toxic'] for b in batch]) |
args['toxic_type'] = torch.tensor([b['toxic_type'] for b in batch]) |
args['expression'] = torch.tensor([b['expression'] for b in batch]) |
args['target'] = torch.tensor([b['target'] for b in batch]) |
return args |
def get_time_dif(start_time): |
"""获取已使用时间""" |
end_time = time.time() |
time_dif = end_time - start_time |
return timedelta(seconds=int(round(time_dif))) |
def convert_onehot(config, label): |
onehot_label = [0 for i in range(config.num_classes)] |
onehot_label[int(label)] = 1 |
return onehot_label |