stringlengths 4
| collection
stringclasses 45
values | license
stringclasses 6
values | text
stringlengths 0
github_open_source_100_8_19927 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | # frozen_string_literal: true
module Merit
# Given a Merit::Order, produces a table containing load and pricing information about a single
# point in the order.
# For example:
# debug =
# # Produce a table for the first hour in the year.
# debug.table_for(0)
# # Produce a table for the 2000th hour in the year.
# debug.table_for(2000)
class PointTable
def initialize(order)
@order = order
def table_for(point)
headings = ['', 'Key', '% Used', 'MWh Load', 'M.Cost'] headings) do |table|
table.align_column(2, :right)
table.align_column(3, :right)
table.align_column(4, :right)
def users(point) do |user|
['U', user.key, '-', format('%.02f', user.load_at(point)), '-']
def always_on(point)
producer_rows(:always_on, point)
def transients(point)
producer_rows(:transients, point)
def producer_rows(type, point)
producers = @order.participants.public_send(type).sort_by do |producer|
[producer.max_load_curve.get(point).zero? ? 1 : 0,
end { |producer| row(producer, point) }.compact
def row(producer, point)
prod = producer.load_curve.get(point)
max = producer.max_load_curve.get(point)
cost =
if producer.cost_strategy.respond_to?(:cost_at_load)
demand = producer.load_curve.get(point)
cap_used = ? '-' : format('%.01f', (prod / max) * 100)
price_setting =
@order.price_setting_producers[point] == producer ? '* ' : ''
[(producer.always_on? ? 'A' : 'T'),
producer.key, && ! ? '0.0 %' : "#{cap_used} %",
format('%.02f', prod),
format('%<setting>s%<cost>.02f', setting: price_setting, cost: cost)]
||18581116|1|10.0|0|10.0|0|10.0|0|10.0|0 | Europeana | Public Domain | tilinnrr eiilln (>/ . 262. DienMg, cken 16. November 1858. Pränumcratiouzprcis: Halljahrig im C^nchtcir abgchell cl'iie Crudert detto detto »»icrEeuven T urck die ^'csl Portofrei . v „ „ » Tic „5iiavU,N.rtkr /cituug" erscheint taglich, mit Au^ualine der Sonn- und Fncrtage. 5 fl. — Nkr. O.Z 6 „ 50 „ „ Jusertionsgebühr: Inserate aller Art werden aufgenommen und die einspaltige Garmond-Zeile oder deren Raum sür die einmalige Einschaltimg mit 6 Nkr., für die zweimalige mit 8 Nkr. und die drei malige mit 1VNkr. O.W. berechnet. Inserate untei' 19 Zeilen für Zniaügc Einschaltung Z fl. O. W. Dazu sind nach dem „Gesetze sür Jnsertionsstempel" noch MNkr. für jedeöinaligeEinschaltung hinzu zu rechnen. MMchei Wien. Se. k. k. Apostolische Majestät haben mit Allerhöch ster Entschließung vom 10. November d. I. den Sek tions Chef im Ministerium des Innern, Karl Fürsten v. Lobkowitz, zum Statthalter in Nieter-Oesterreich allergnärigst zu ernennen geruht. Se. k. k. Apostolische Majestät haben mil Aller- höchster Einschließung vom ö. '.November d. I. teui Bischöfe von Großwaidein lütiuj rilu«, Franz v- Sza- niSzlo, inÄiierkennnng feiner Verdienste nm die5lirche uud den Staat, den kaisei lichen Orden der eisernen Krone erster Klasse taxfrei allergnädigst zu per leihen geruht. Se. k. k. Apostolische Majestät habe» mit Aller höchster Entschließung vom 1. Okt. d. I. auf das Be- stallungS i Diplom des zum köuigl. Großbritannischen General - Konsuls für die Österreichischen Küsten des Adriatischeu Meeres mit rein ^itze in Venedig ernann ten G. P. R. I a me S, das Exequator allergnadigst zu eriheileu geruht. Se. k. k. Apostolische Majestät haben mil Aller höchster Entschließung vom 7. Nov>n>ber r. I. dei« Re ferenten für Angelegenheiten der bildenden Künste im Niinisteriui» für Kultus und Unterricht, Franz Gr.iseu v- T h n n - H o h e n st e i n, taxfrei den Titel nnd Rang eines k. k. Ministerialralhes allergnadigst zu ver leihe» geruht. Se. k. k. Apostolische Majestät habe» mil Aller höchster Entschließung vom 2. November d. I. den Domherrn und Diözesan-Schnlen Oleraufseher, Mar tin Markovits zu Nvsenau, iu Anerkennung seines verdienstlichen WirkeuS für Kirche nuv Schule, zum TitularAble S. Michaelis Archaugeli de Bsla aller' gnädigst zu ernenne» und mil derselbe» Allerhöchsten Entschließung dein Hauplschul - Lehrer, Jgnaz Krisz t e n zn Schmölliiitz, in Anerkennung seiner laiigjährige», belobten Verwendung daS silberne Verdienslkrenz mit der Krone allergnädigsl zu verleihen geruht. Se. k. k. Apostolische Majestät habe» mit Aller höchstem Kabinelschreiben vom 5. d. M. dem Kammer guts - Jägermeister in Ebensee, Johann G r i l l, das goldene Berdienslkreu; mit der Kroue allergnädigst zu verleihen geruht. Am 1>. Jiovember 18Ü8 wurde in der k. k. Hof- u. Staats druckerei iu Wien das t.I. Stück des Reichs-Gesetz-Blatte» ausgegeben uud versendet. Dasselbe enthält unter Nr. 205 die kaiserliche Verordnung vom 9. November I3S8, — wirksam sür alle Kronläuder mit Ausnahme de« Lonibardisch-Neuetianischeu Königreichs und der Militärgrenze, — betreffend die kumulative Anlegung des Waisenvermögens auch dort, wo sie noch nicht besteht. RichiaiiMcher Theil. Politische Uebersicht. Alageusurt, 16. November. Die Russen entwickeln in Villasranca eine große Thätigkeit. Wie einem Französische» Matte von dort , geschrieben wird, befinden sich unter den in Nizza ange- ^ kommenen Rnssen Ingenieure, welche nur aus die ' Ankuufl des Großfürsten Konstantin warten, um dir Arbeiten zu beginnen. Auf der Rhede liegen in diesem Augenblicke L4 Schifse vor Auker, meistens unler Ruf- ^ sischer National- und selbst unler kaiferl. Flagge, welche i nur von Kriegsschiffen geführt wird. Diese erwarten das Geschwader des Großfürsten Konstantin, welchem sich auch die Fregatte „Polkau" von Gravofa, wo ein ^ anderes Schiff ihre Stelle eingenommen Hai, anschlie- i ßen wird. Die Russe» siud sehr zusrieden mit Villa- ! franca/ der Hafen ist von der Hauptstadt der Graf- ! Ichaft durch einen Berg getrennt, auf dessen Gipfel ein Fort liegt, woraus die Russen etwas machen werden. — Nach einer Mittheilung der Pariser „Presse" soll ^ die Russische Regierung gesonnen sein, das Fürsten- lhum Monaco, welches fast au deu Haseu von Villa« > sranca grenzt, anzukanseu. — Lord Redcliffe hat zwei volle Tage an Borv des gestrandeten Dampfers „Cu- rayao" außerhalb der Rhede von Smyrna zugebracht, ehe er sich entschloß, an Bord des Türkischen Dam- ! pfers „Jnisnd" iu Smyrna einzufahren, wo er über- ! aus glänzend empfangen wurde und sich am I. Nov., j wie gestern gemeldet wurde, nach Athen einschiffte. Seine Anknnft daselbst erfolgte am 6. Nov. — Die Absendnng der Spanischen Expedition gegen die Riff- Piraten wird damit begründet, daß die Genugthuung, »elche der Kaiser von Marokko der Spanischen Regie rung gab, in Madrid nicht genügte, da sie nur einen Puukl belras, aber nicht allen Beschwerden Genugthu ung gewährte. Der Zug begibt sich gradeu Wegs nach Tanger, um die Beschwerden zn unterstützen, welche das Madrider Kabinet in Name» seiner Landesange hörigen gemacht hat. Nach beendeter Sendung soll das Geschwader die Afrikanischen Küsten entlang segeln' ^ nnd alle mit Afrikaner bemannten Fahrzeuge vernichten, ^ deren Papiere nicht in Ordnung sind, und die man als ! Seeräuber betrachten wird. — Ueber den Stand der Dinge in Turin verweisen wir auf unsere heutige Mai» ! länder Korrespondenz. l Zur Tagcsgeschichtr. Korrespondenz. ! Maitand, 11. November. Eine neuliche bril- i laute Korrespondenz der „Augöburger Allg. Ztg." aus ! Trieft legte — ui-Auliu« qusm voriu-,—der kurzenReife unseres Herr» Erzherzogs-General-Gonvern^irs nach Manlua politifcheTendenzen nnler, welche derselben fremd sind. Ihre k. Hoheiten dürsten bereits gestern über Venedig iu Mantua eingetroffen sein, und wie ich aus guter Quelle erfahre, auf 10 Tage theils dort, theils in Cremona Residenz nehmen, bevor die Rückkehr nach hierher erfolgt. Der einzige Zweck dieses »eneii Aus fluges ist, den berühmten I-Palaft der Gouzaga und ! die reichen Kuusischätze beider Städte zu besichtigen, welche der durchlanchtigsten Frau Erzherzogin E h a r- ! l o t t e bis jetzt zu bewundern nicht Gelegenheit geboten war. Bei dem schönsten Wetter dauert die Kälte hier an. Die Nachrichten aus Genua nnd Turin über die dortige Temperatur, welche Wasser- und Gartenfriichte ^ gefrieren mach!, tragen zu der traurigen Aussicht bei ^ daß der heurige Winter ein außerordentlich strenger Feuilleton. Mailänder Briefe. IU November. «ju. In den letzten Tagen v. M. segnete hier das Zeilliche ein hochbejahrter Mann, gefeierten Namens in der Deutschen Kunstgeschichte. Karl Mozart, der Sohn des großen Salzburger Meisters, hatte, wenn gleich selbst der Kunst fremd geblieben, durch die mehr als vierzig Jahre seiueS Hierlebens bis a» sein Ende den Ruf eines streng rechtschaffenen Bür gers nnd gewissenhaften Beamte» zu erhalten gewußt. Der biedere Greis, vieljähriger Hausfreund der MhliuS'schen Familie, beliebt bei Allen, die mit ihm in Berührung kamen, verehrt von den Armen, deuen er, obwohl selbst arm, Wohlthäter gewesen, war mit demHosx des Vicekönigs Rainer »ach Mailand gekommen, ward späterRechnungö-Beamter und genoß nach seinerEmeri« tnr seit einigenJahren, theils hier, theils in einer benach barten Eascina seine bescheidene Pension. Alle ihm von dem Vater gebliebenen Andenke» bewahrte er mit kind licher Pietät, doch dürfte außer einemKlavier nnd eini gen Briefen sich Nichts in seinem Nachlaß vor finden, was die Oeffentlichkeit als Reliquien des genialen Autors des „Don Juau" iuieressiren könnte. Schon vor mehreren Jahren hatte er bei Gelegenheil rer Mozart. Feier einige musikalische Manuskripte nach Salzburg verschenkt und unlängst, aus Erkenntlichkeit - sür die ihm zuertheilte Tantieme von 8000 Fr. als! posthnmes Anrecht auf die Oper „Figaro's Hochzeit", ! Z der Gesellschaft der Französischen Autoren in Paris eine ^ ^ kleine noch unedirte Kirchen - Komposition des großen ! Wolfgang übermittelt. Es war die letzte ihm übrig ge bliebeue, wie er selbst bei dieser Gelegenheit uus ver I sicherte. Jedenfalls wünschen wir mit den hiesige» mu- ! i sikalischen Blättern, welche das Hiuscheicen des Ehren- ! manneS an heivoriagender Stelle melden, daß Nichts ! ! von etwa sich noch vorfindenden Reliquien, was immer ! welchen Bezug aus das große, durch Intelligenz und ! Herzensgaben gleich ausgezeichnete Genie habe, der ! Ignoranz oder Nachlässigkeit zum Opfer falle. ! ^ Das Interesse Mailands ist jetzt sai't gänzlich durch ! die noch nicht geschlossenen Verhandlungen des Pro zesses Medici absorbirt. Der scheue klare Anklageakt des Dr. Philipp Ambrosoli macht als juristisches Meisterstück dem Lombardischen Gerichtshof Ehre, ^ > um somehr, als diese komplicirte Rechtssache auch bei der Hilse eines Ariadne-FadenS einen Theseus selbst in Verlegenheit setzen würde. In Paris wäre die Leopoldina Medici, ohne abzuwarten, ob ein rechtskräf tiges Urtheil die Angeklagte für die verschmitzteste Be trügerin oder das verrückte Opfer der seltsamsten Hal lucination erklärte, bereits zur Heldin spirituöser Ro mane, Dramen und Vaudeville's gemacht worden, und der Telegraph würde täglich mit Nachrichten über den ^ Fortgang dieser „osuse ovlvdrv" in Athem gehalten werden. Urtheilen Sie selbst! Eine arme Handschnh- inacherin, die seit Iahren hier Jedermann kennt, hält sich plötzlich für eüie reiche Gräfin und Erbiu zweier fetter Hinterlassenschaften. Mit Anderen baut sie Luft schlösser. Es wird mystificirt; Fürsten, Grafen, Mark grafen, Advokaten, Monsignori, Canonici, Negocianten, leibhaftige und fingirte Persönlichkeiten finden sich ver wickelt in diese an Fabeln und Erfindungen reiche Sache; wie in einer magischen Laterne treten Jndividnen ans und verschwinden spurlos bis die durch dasGas von Gift mischereien, Dokumeuten-Fabrikation, Lukullus-Mahl- zeiten. Erbfchaftsschleicherei, Mädchenschändung, Ge- heimehcn gefüllte Blase Platzt. Der öffentlichen Gerech tigkeit ist es anheimgestellt, sich ans diesem Labyrinth herauszufinden. — Karl Tenca, Reeakteur des hiesi gen „Erepuscolo", eines der ersten üterarifchen Wo- cheublätter Italiens, geht damit nin, nach dein Vor bilde des Leipziger „E d iloren - Vereines" einen ähnlichen für Italien zu gründen, ein neuer Beweis, wie jede gute Idee in den weitesten Kreisen befruchtend wirkt. — Das humoristische Journal „Jl Panorama" ist seit der letzten Woche suspenoirt. Wie es heißt, wird jetzt, nachdem die drei Monate der früheren SnSpenvi- rnng verflossen sind, statt seiner der „Pungolo" wieder an'S Licht treten. Das zweite ähnliche Wochenblatt: „I/uc»»o <li l'i«-trn" hat jetzt die erste formelle Ver warnung wegen „Verstößen gegen die öffentliche Moral uud Ordnung" erhallen. Den nächsten Grund dazu scheint die Karikatur auf den Du ca Litta bei Gelegen- s i zn werden droht. Die Wahl Depretis' zum Turiner ^ Kammer -Präsideuten scheint nunmehr »ach den neuesten ^ Transaktionen Eavours mit Ratazzi demnach gewiß zu ^ sein. Der neue Uuterrichtsminister Cadorua beweist durch die neue Zusammenberufung des früheren Raths, daß er in der verrufenen Sache der drei Universttäts- Professoreii gesonnen ist, das Verfahren seines Vorgän gers wieder gut zu machen. Die Entfernung Ferrara's, während Nuytz und Lione, deren Unfähigkeit in Turin ^ sprichwörtlich geworden, auf ihre» Posten blieben, hatte die öffentliche Meinung zu sehr fkandalisirl, als daß es dabei sein Bewenden haben kann. Die beiden Letzten werden nun doch abberufen und anderweitig entschädigt werden, jener durch eiu Richteramt, dieser durch Verset zung in den Ruhestand mit Pension. Der ersehnten j Restauriruug der Finanzen geschieht dadurch natürlich ^ kein Vorschub. Die Hochschule, aus welcher Lanza eine j Muster Universität machen wollte, zählt auf drei Lehr stühlen sechs Professoren, von denen die Hälfte die be- neideuswerthe Aufgabe hat, ihr fettes Stipendium zu i verzehren. Zu Pinerolo (hinter Turin) wurde am 5. d. M. > Abends ein neues Erdbeben, begleitet von einem unter irdischen Krachen, verspürt. Diese Erdbewegungen scheinen nachgerade in Piemont Mode geworden zu sein uud tragen dazu bei, die jetzige Jahreszeit zu der seltesten seit Jahren zu machen. Die gcwaltfamsteu ! Platzregen, dann Schnee bei der intensivsten Kälte, welcher die herrlichsten Tage mit Frost folgen, darauf jene andauernden Erderfchntterungen, — man möchte sagen, ein Schlucken, den die Erde sich durch vorherige Erkältung und Katarrh zugezogen hat. ^ O Prag, 12. November. Gestern halb 6 Uhr Abends erfolgte die Ankunft Allerhöchst Ihrer Maje stäten des Kaisers nnd der Kaiserin, Ihrer kaiserl. > Hoheiten der dnrchlauchtigsten Herren Erzherzoge Al- ! brecht und Joseph mit einem zahlreichen Gefolge, in welchem sich die Herren FML. Freiherr von Kem- pen, FML. Graf Grünne, Flügeladjntant Sr. Ma- ! jestät Baron Keller, FML- Graf Nobili, FZM. Graf z Wimpfen, FZM. Baron Heß, FML. Freiherr von Barco, Freiherr von Ottinger, Freiherr von Reifchach, Kontreadmiral Bonrgignon, Marineoberst Braisach ^ befanden. In den mit FestonS und Draperien fest lich geschmückte» Hallen des Bahnhofes, in welchem an einer Wand die Allerhöchste Namenschiffre Ihrer ^ Majestäten aus tausend Gasflämmchen zusammen ge- > setzt im Strahlenglanze, an den gegenüberstehenden ^ — 1046 — die Büsten Ihrer Majestäten unter dem goldschim- mernden kaiserlichen Aar zu sehen waren, wurden Ihre kaiserlichen Majestäten bei der Einfahrt von Sr. Excellenz dem Herrn Statthalter, Freiherr von Me- scerh, und Sr. Excellenz dem kommandirenden Gene ralen FML., Grafen Elam-Gallas, feierlichst begrüßt. Se. Majestät der Kaiser schritt, von A. h. Seiner Snite begleitet, die Fronte der ausgerückten Fahnen kompagnie ab (während die aufgestellte Regiments-Ka- pelle von Wernhardt Infanterie Regiment so wie bei der Ankunft des Waggons die Volkshhmne spielte), reichte hierauf Ihrer Majestät der Kaiserin den Arm und geleiteteAllerhöchstdieselbe durch die festlich geschmück ten Hallen unter lantem Vivatrnsen bis vor daö Por tale des Bahnhofes, wo Merhöchstdieselben die bereit stehenden Hofwagen bestiegen. Die dicht gedrängten Volksmassen, welche von da durch alle Straßen bis in der k. k. Hofburg die' A. h. Majestäten erwarte ten, ließen überall ein tausend- und abermals tansend- sältiges Vivat erschallen. Alle Straßen, durch welche der Zug unter Borantritt kaiserl. Laternenträger ging, waren aus's Glänzendste, viele Häuser festlich nnd mit Gaö erleuchtet. In der Hofburg wurde» die Maje stäten am Fuße der Haupttreppe von Sr. Eminenz dem Kardinal-Erzbifchof und dem voran geeilten FML. Grafen Elam -Gallas erwartet. Ihre Majestäten Kai ser Ferdinand und Kaiserin Maria Anna gingen dem A. h. Herrscherpaare nach dessen Ankunft über der Treppe entgegen, wo nach wechselseitiger herzlicher Begrüßung Ihrer Majestäten, Kaiser Ferdinand mit der Kaiserin Elisabeth und Kaiser Franz Joseph mit der Kaiserin Maria Anna am Arme sich in die in. ueren Appartements begaben Die hohe Geistlichkeit, sämmtliche Civil- und Militär-Autoritäten nnd der hohe Adel hatten noch am Abende die Ehre, ihre Aufwar tung zu machen. Heute Früh geruhten Se. Maje stät um 9 Uhr Privatandienzen zu ertheilen, nnd ge gen 11 U?r gingen Ihre Majestäten der Kaiser nnd die Kaiserin zn Fnße nnd ohne Gefolge durch die Höfe der Burg und verfügten sich in den Schloßgar ten, wo Allerhöchstdieselb«! gegen eine Stunde prome- nirten. Vor längerer Zeit habe ich in diesen Blättern von mehreren Oefen mitgetheilt, welchen ein von Freiherrn von Riese - Stallburg ausgesetzter Preis znertheilt wurde. Den ersten Preis erhielt damals der Archi tekt Herr Turek. Bei demselben wurde in jüngster Zeit eiu Ofen im Auftrage des Kaisers Napoleons be stellt, welcher in seinem Arbeitszimmer Platz finden wird. Der Ban der Kirche in Karoliuenthal schreitet rüstig vorwärts. Die Thurme sind bereits ausgebaut nnd mit den Kreuzen versehen worden. In Saaz sind drei Personen durch Steinkohlen- dampf erstickt. k. Graz, 12. Nov. Allen schönen Projekten, noch die letzte Zeit des Herbstes zn Ausflügen zu benützen, hat der plötzlich mit aller Strenge eingetretene Winter ein Ende gemacht. Hie und da wurde selbst der Land mann überrascht und ließ die Spätfrucht noch auf dem Felde stehen; auch schr viele Haushaltungen hat die strenge Jahreszeit unvorbereitet getroffen, was um so empfindlicher fällt, als sich für den Augenblick eiu Man gel an Kohlen ergibt, und das Holz im Preise bedeu tend gestiegen ist. Anch die Reisen des zoologischen Be- gehungs-Kommissärs wurden dadurch plötzlich unterbro chen, und, was nicht der geringste aller Schrecken ist, die eleganten Damen mußten plötzlich zu der vorjährigen Wintertoilette ihre Zuflucht nehmen, ohne der Möve Rechnung tragen zu können. Man kann übrigens den meisten unserer Damen viele Sünden verzeihen, sogar die zu mächtigen Krinolinen, da der Jahresbericht des kalholischen„Frauen>VereineS", an welchem beinahe alle Theil nehmen, den Beweis liefert, wie wohlthätig sie in das Leben eingreifen. Was dieser Verein seit den 10 Jahren seines Bestehens mit verhältuißmäßig gerin gen Mitteln leistet, setzt in Erstaunen. Die Zahl der armen Familien, welche (sämmtlich der Klasse der ver schämten Hausarmen angehörend,) durch Verabreichung von Lebeusmitteln, Holz, Kleidung, Zahinng des Wohn- Zinses, ärztliche Hilfe unterstützt wurde», ist eine sehr beträchtliche, überwiegender aber als die diesen geleistete Hilfe fiuv die Verdienste des Vereines nm die Hera», bildung der weiblichen Jugend. Aus geringen Anfängen in gemietheten Lokalen haben sich lebenskräftige Insti tute entwickelt, deren Wirksamkeit tinnmehr gesichert ist. Diese Institute sind dreierlei Art: Die Mädchen-Wai- sen-Austalt, deren Name schon eine weitere Bezeichnung überflüssig macht, die Nachschulen für kleine Mädchen im Alter bis zu zehn Jahren, und endlich die Arbeits schulen für heranreifende Jungfrane» im Alter von drei zehn bis achtzehn Jahren. Dabei nehmen sich die Ver- eins-Franen dieser Mädchen persönlich an, indem sie in Hitze und Kälte, in Regen nnd Schnee in die Anstalten eilen, und dort die Ueberwachung und Belehrung über nehmen. Diesem verdienstlichen Wirken ist eben jetzt heit derBestrebimgcn der nun gegründeten Kompagnie zur „Karb»ratio»"desGases vonMailand abgegeben zu haben. Der Sturm, welcher auch hier in den letzten Tagen des vergangenen Monats gewkithet hat, mußte um so un heilvollere Folgen auf dein Meere und den Küstenstri chen haben. Hente geben uns über Ancona die näheren Nachrichten von dem Adriatischen Littorale zu; sie sind traurig genug. Von Trouto bis nach den Bergen von Pesaro waren zahlreiche Schiffbrüche vorgekommen, uud die Berichte von schrecklichen Unfällen und dem Verluste vieler Opfer werden nur gemildert durch die Erzählung der hochherzigen Akte der Aufopferung von Seilen der Oesterreichischen und der übrige» Marine, welche so viel als möglich bemüht war, die Opfer dem wüthenden Elemente zn entreißen. Fünf Schiffe, 14 Schifferbar ken und 1", kleinere Nachen strandeten an der Küste, Von den Erstere» gehörten zwei der Ottomannischen, zwei der Griechischen und eines der Oesterreichischen Marine an. Letztere kleinen Barken sind fünf päpstliche und sieben Oesterreichische; des dreizehnten völlig um gestürzten, Nationalität blieb unbekannt. Eines der ver unglückten TürkischenFahr,zeuge ist eiu Kriegsschiff, das zweite ein Handelsschiff; von 76 Personen der Equi page wurden vou dem ersten 44, von den 26 des zwei ten 19 gerettet. Sie werde» bereits von der interessanten Erfin dung des a » tog r a p h i f ch en Telegraphen durch ^ Bonelli unterrichtet sein, welcher neuerdings das an- - gesehene Pariser scientisische Journal „CoSmos" gro ßes Lob gespendet. Cadal. Bonelli ist „Istitutore" ^ der Telegraphie in Piemont, und beschäftigt sich seit langer Zeit mit der Juswerksetzung eines liesigen Projektes, welches bald seinen Namen in beiden He- ^ misphäre» zn einem bekannte» und geschätzten machen wird. Es handelt sich um keinen utopischen Plan, wie es nach dem unglückliche» Vorgange des Atlantischen Kabelprojektes, einer leider immer noch als »»vollen- det anzusehenden Unternehmung, scheinen dürfte; jener hat alle Chancen des Gelingens für sich und interessirl schon jetzt allgemein. Das Projekt hat znm Zweck, den Hasen von Genua mit Buenos-AgreS, den, mächtigsten Punkte seines Handels, in direkte Verbindung zu setzen, somit Genua zum Centrum der gesammten Kommnni- katiouen von ganz Europa mit Südamerika zu machen. Die Schwierigkeiten, welche sich dein Atlantischeil Te legraphen entgegensetzen, hängen, wie bekannt, hauptsäch lich vou der Tiefe und Natur der Meere einerseits, an derseits von der Länge des unterseeischen Kabels ab. Der riesige Genuesische Telegraph soll dagegen bis nach Südamerika in verschiedene Unter - Sektionen getheilt werden, deren ansehnlichste nicht einmal WO Miglien ^ (5—eine Deutsche Meile) betragen wird, während man von Irland nach Teeranuova deren 3000 zählt. Bo nelli verpflichtet sich, das Unternehmen innerhalb vier ^ Jahren zu vollenden. In den ersten wird der unter seeische Kordon von Genna über Marseille, Barcelloua, eine der Balearschen Inseln und Cartageiia bis nach ^ Gibraltar geführt werden, in dem zweiten seine Ver längerung über Madeira uud die Kanarischen Inseln nach den Inseln des grünen Vorgebirges gehen, dann ^ die St. Pauls-, Ferdinands-Jnseln und Feruambuc be rührend in dem dritten Jahre bis nach Bahia in Bra silien reichen, um endlich im vierten über Rio Janeiro i und Montevideo in Buenos - Ahres anzulangen. I» Rücksicht auf die Länge würden die Kosten weniger als ! die Hälfte derjenige» des Atlantische» Kabeltaues be- ! tragen, und durch die Art der Fabrikation und Kompo sition des projektirten Kordons fast gänzlich die Jnkon«. veuieUzen fortfallen, welche bei den bisherigen Konduk- ! tnren so ansehuliche Verzögerungen in den Signale» z hervorbrachten. «Mi durch die Berufung der ehrw. Schwestern „vom guten Hirten", für welche der Wiener Hof um 15.000 fl. in Gruudentlastuugs - Obligationen angekauft wurde, ein würdiger Schlußstein gegeben. — Unser „Histori scher Verein" hat endlich jetzt im November das diesjährige Heft der „Mittheilungen", vom Stapel lau fen lassen. War die Erwartung bei so langer Verzöge rung eine gespannte, so findet sie sich dafür weder durch den Inhalt, noch durch den Reichthum des Gebotenen befrie digt. Die Mehrzahl der' Abhandlungen ist schon durch den Vortrag in der im April l. I. staitgefiindeueu Ge- ueral-Versammlung bekannt. Im Allgemeinen bringt daö Heft mehr rohe Materialien zur Geschichte, wie Geschichte selbst. So dankeuswerlh eiuerseils das An- sammeln des Stoffes ist, so kaun doch andrerseits nicht geleugnet werden, daß.das Interesse an der vaierländi- scheu Geschichte dadurch eben nicht gefördert und ent flammt wird. — Unsern Musikfreunden wnrde ein sel tener und hoher Genuß durch das Schwesterpaav Fern i zn Theil. Wenn man auch vielleicht im Stillen gestehen muß, daß diese Pirluosuuieu nicht jenes tiefe nnd bewegte innere Leben, das sich im Spiele der Milanollo'S be kundete, haben, so übertreffen fi'doch diese letzteren au Virtuoser Technik. Uebrigens hat sich bei tiefer Gelegen, heit gezeigt, wie zahlreich die ^tali.iaijsinn in der Be völkerung vertreten sind, und wie taut und lärmend sich der Enthusiasmus derselben äußert. Tausnide von Dentscken Äkusikbegeisterteu uiachen nicht den Spekta kel. wie ein Häuflein von einem halben Hundert dieser Enragirte». Oei! erreich. Witll, 10, )!ov, Veroidiuilig res Justizministe riums vom 2. Nov. 1858 - Unifang des Reiches, mit Aufnahme der Biilitar grenze — wodurch mehrere Artikel der Wechselordnung vom 25, Jäuuer 1850 e-gäuzt werten: Zur Lösung entstandener Zweifel werden in Folge der mit der Allerhöch eu Entschließung vom 24. Okt. 1858 ertheilte« Genehmigung ne Artikel 4, 7, 18, 30. L9 der Wechselordnung vom 25. Jänner 1850 in fel- geuder Art ergänzt: 1. Im Artikel 4, Nr. 4, ist nach den Werten : „die Zahlungszeit kaun" einzuschalten: „für die gesammte Geldsumme nur eine uud dieselbe seiu uud"^) 2. Im Artikel 7 ist uach den Worten: „eiueS Wech sels (Artikel 4) fehlt" einzuschalten : „oder in welcher ein Zinöversprechen enthalten ist." 3. Im Artikel 18 ist als Zusatz ;n ren: ersten Ab sätze eiuzuschalieu: „eiue euigegeusteheude Uebereiu- kunft hat keine wechfelrechtliche Wirkung." 4. „Auf Grund der mit der Allerhöchsten Entschlie ßung vom 24. Okt. 1858 ertheilten Genehmigung werden die Bestimmungen des H. 18 der Justizmiuiste» rial-Verordiiung vom 25. Jänner 1850 und des Z. 17 der Justizministerial-Verorduung vom 31. März 1850 dahin abgeändert, daß vom Tage der Kundmachung dieser Verordnung dein Wechselgläubiger allgemein ge stattet ist, neben der Exekution gegeu die Person seines Schuldners gleichzeitig die Exekution in dessen Vermö gen zu suchen." Wien, 12. Nov. Die kais. Verordnung, betreffend die kumulalive Anlegung des Waisen Vermögens, ist die Frucht anhaltender Berathungen und wichtige'' Er wägungen. Die Entlastung des Grundes und BovenS, beziehungsweise die in Folge der hiedurch bedingten Vermehrung der Betriebsmittel nothwendig gewordene Vergrößernng des für die Laudwirlbschast erforderli chen Betriebs-Kapitals einerseits, und das Streben der kleinen Grundbesitzer, deu auf sie entfallenden Autheil der Gruudeutlastuugs-Eutschädiguug so bald als mög lich abzutragen, ander, rseits, ließen das Bedürfniß nach einem größereil Kapital Zufluß bei dein kleinen Grund besitzer immer mehr hervortreten. Zur Zeit der Palrimonial Gerichtsbarkeit war dem Grundbesitzer in dem B,stände der kumulativenWatsen- Kasse» ein naheliegendes Mittel geboten, das Kapital- Bedürfniß nach Maßgabe seines Real-KreditS zu be friedigen. Mit der Aufhebung der kumulativen Waisen-Kas sen versiegte jedoch diese Quelle und anch die Hiuwei, suug aus seither entstandene Kredit-Institute konnte dein kleineren laudwirthschastlicheu Betrieb aus mehrfachen wnisai» für den gauzeu^ Gründe» nicht zu Statteu kommen. Um die lanvwirthfchaftlichen 'Interessen zn wahren, die gänzliche Abwicklung der GrundentlastungS-Opera tion zn fördern und dem kleinen Gruudbesitze den Ge branch des Real-KrecitS zu erleichtern, damit'er theils seiner Verpflichcnugen sich leichter eutledige, theils wüiischeusweethe Verbesserungen einführen könne, mußte mau ans angemesseue Mittel.Bedacht n.h,»en, und eineS der wirksamsten bot sich iu der Adaplirung des Instituts der kauiulativeu Waiseu-Kasseu aus die dermaligeu Verhältnisse, d, h. in der Einführung Ziu- fen-gewähreuder Depositen Kassen. Mit den finanziellen Interessen deö Staates tritt die Auwenduug dieses Mittels keinesfalls in Wider spruch; denn abgesehen davon, daß Hebnng der Agri kultur uud des Privat-KreditS derGesammtheit allemal wohlthätig zu Statten kommt, entfällt bei den gedach ten Kassen auch die Beitragspflicht von Seiten des Staates, indem zur Deckung etwaiger uuerwarteter Verluste eigene Reservesoude gebildet werden. Bezüglich der Einrichtung der knmulativeu Waisen- Kassen, die mit Ausuahme der Militärgrenze und des Lombard.-Viuetiaulschen Königreiches nnnmehr überall ! erfolgen soll, wo dieselben nicht schon aktivirt sind, ist beschlossen wordeu, diejenige Instruktion zu adaptiren, welche mit der Mimslerial-Birordnnug vom 28. Juli. 1856 für Galizieu, Krakau und die Bukowina vorge- ! schrieben erfcheiut. Die Dringlichkeit der in Rede stehenden Anstalten i macht es nothwendig, jetzt schon an die Einrichtung ' derselben zu schreiten. Daß die Staats-Verwaltnng das Werk in Angriff »ahm, uud daß sie die ärarifcheu j Stetlerämter mit der Gebahruug der eiufließendeu Waiseugelder betraute, war die natürliche Folge dieser Driiiglichteils-Rücksichteu. Denn eiue Uebertraguug °Ang?d «Z^ soll, die ! t« Regelung des Gemeindewesens ans Grundlage eines Wohlthä.igkeits-Anstalten vorgelegt wer ngszeit kann für die gesammte Äcldsmmne nur eine iieuen Gemeiude-Gesitzes erfolgen, uud die Sorgfalt, tiguug der hiiistchtlich der Fassung der Eine dritte Verordnung, ebeufalls vom 2. Nov. PeNvaltung des Waisen-Vermögens überhaupt oder d. I,, besagt: ^ her gemeinschaftlichen Waisen Kassen insbesondere au *)Die bezügliche Stelle des vierte» Absatzes im Artikel 4 der l die Kommunen, dürfte erst nach vollständig durchgesühr- Wechselordining wird daher künftig so lauten: ..Die Angab Zahllingszeit "aufÄm bMmmtm T^tges-tzt werden: ! welche die SlaatS Regkernng jetzt dem Interesse des auf Sicht -c. zc." Real-Kredits der unteren Schichte» einerseits, anderer- Der Artikel 7 der Wechselordnung hat daher in -Zukunft ^. >,,» , ,.> , vollständig so zu tauten: ^ auch dem Wohle der Waisen zuwendet, wird „Aus einer Schrift, welcher einet der wesentlichsten Ersor- ! chne Zweifel deu aufrichtigen Dank der Gemeinden dcrm„e eines Wechsels (Artikel 4) fehlt, oder in welcher ein. ^ s. Zinsversprechen enthalten ist, entsteht keine wechselmäßige ! selbst veidieuen und eniten. ^st> Korr.) Verbindlichkeit. Auch haben die ans eine solche Schrift ge- i Emiiienz der Kardinal Fürst Primas vou Un seren Ertlarungen ^ndofseinent, Aecept, Avay keine Wech- ' v ! ^ selkrast." ^ garn ist mit seinem Gefolge am 4, d. M. AbendS glück lich in Padua eingetroffen und wollte am 5. seine Reise über Ferrara fortsetze». Deutschland. Franksort a. M., 10. November. Der neu er- nauute Gesandte Belgiens beim Deutschen Bund, Hr. v. Beaulieu, ist hier eingetroffen. — Bei der hiesigen Münze sind seit der Herabsetzung der Zwanziger über 800 Ctr. dieser Geldsorte zum Umwechseln abgeliefert worden. Frankreich. Paris, 8. November. Der Kaiser ernannte den Werkführer der Kohlengruben von Anziu zum Ritter dtr Ehreulegiou. Dieser Maun, Herr Fontaine, ret tete bereits 200 Arbeitern das Leben und erfand nun einen Fallschirm, mittelst dessen mau nun ohne Furcht in die Grubeufchachte hinabsteigen kann, da die bisher so häufigen Unglücksfälle dadurch unmöglich gemacht werden. Paris, 9. Nov. Mit größter Spannung sieht man neuen Berichten vom Admiral Rigault de Genouilly entgegen. Bekanntlich sind die Haupt-Artikel des Frie dens vou Tieut sin: Revision der Chinesischen Zoll tarife, baldiges Eintreffen zweier kaiserlichen Bevoll mächtigte!! iu Sanghai zur Neguliruug dieser Reformen tii der Ehiuesischeu Handelspolitik, drittens exemplari sche Bestrafung der Mörder des Missionärs Chapde- laiue uud viertens die Kriegs - Entschädigung. Die Chinesen scheinen jedoch keineswegs Eile zu haben. Allein der Kaiser ist dem Vernehmen nach entschlossen, im Nothsalle im nächsten Frühjahr eine neue Expedition nach dem Nordeu vorzunehmen uud bis nach Peking selbst vorzudriugen. Zu diesem Zwecke wird das Ma- riue-Jnsanterie-Korps, das der Schiffs - Division des Aomiral Rigault zugetheilt wordeu und das ursprüng lich nur 800 Manu stark seiu sollte, jetzt auf 1000 und später auf 1200 Mail» gebracht werden. England. London, 9, Nov. Gestern Nachmittag war ein Ka- binets ^ Kvuseil. dem sämmtliche Minister beiwohnten. Nächsten Souutag ist Geheiinrath in Windsor, und die weitere Vertagung des Parlaments ist beschlossene Sache. Die Regierung hat, wie es heißt, dem Botaniker Bentham deu ehrenvollen-Auftrag gegeben, ein Werk über die Flora Australiens zu veröffentlichen, und ihm ein Honorar von >000 Pfd. St. zugesichert. Iu Melbourne selbst geht ein Verein mit dem aben teuerlichen Plane nm, das Innere des Landes mit Hilfe von Lustballons erforschen zu lassen. Eiu Privatbrief aus Indien meldet die Hinrichtung von Mee Amaunt Allee, dem Subaltern' - Offizier in Sciudia's Kontingent, der beim Ausbruch der Meuterei zum Anführer des ganzen Korps erhoben wurde und bei Eawnpore einmal die Englischen Truppeu unter Whndham schlug. Er galt vor der Meuterei für sehr Brileu-freuutlich, doch habeu feine Leute in den Kan- touirungen von Moorar bei Sciudia's Hauptstadt den Ausstand mit der Niedermetzelung Englischer Offiziere, Weiber und Kiuder begonnen. Belgien ArMt, 9. Nov. Heute Mittags um 1 Uhr fand rie feierliche Eröffnung der ueueu Session der Kam inern statt. Im Begiuu der Thronrede wünscht sich der König Glück zu rer iuueru Lage und zu den besrie- digeudeu Beziehuugeu zum Auslande. Mehrere Ver träge solleu deu Kammern vorgelegt werden. Es wer den einzelne Kredite vou thuen verlangt uud Gesetz eut- würse über die Primärschulen, sowie in Betreff der werden, zur Besei- bisherigeii Ge setze eutftandeueu Zweisel. Die materiellen Interessen, sowie der Staatsschatz, werden als in glücklicher Lage bezeichnet, und soll mit dein Ueberschusse des Letzteren die schwebende Schuld ermäßigt werden. Hiusichllich der Grundsteuer uuv der Sparkassen werden neue Ge setzvorlagen eingebracht werden, uud wird eiue Reform der Gerichts-Organisation sowie der Miliz und eine Vermehrung der Volksvertretung vorbereitet. Schließ lich rechnet der König ans die loyale Unterstützung der Kammern. ! Schweiz. j DtlN, 8. Nov. Der Belgische Minister-Präsident j und Minister des Innern, Hr. Rogier, befand sich in den letzten Tagen hier nnd stattete dem Bundes-Präsi- deuten einen Besuch ab. Die Sardinische Gesandt-1 schast erklärte sich mit den Vorschlägen des Bundes- ^ ratheS, bezüglich der Behandlung von Vagabunden ^ welche die Schweizerisch-Piemonlesische Grenze belast!-! gen, vollkommen einverstanden. Amerika. ! Uew-Hsrk, 27. Okt. Das Fallissement des Bank- Hauses Kurtis und Komp. zu Peoria in Illinois hat eine! solche Aufregung bewirkt, daß Militär in Bereitschaft gehalten werden mußte, um befürchtete Ruhestörungen zu verhindern. — Der Frenbeuter Walker soll gut mit Männer» und Waffen versehen sein. — Die nach Pa raguay entsendete Expedition besteht aus 14 Schiffen, die nach Assumpcion segeln wollen. Die Mannschaft beläuft sich auf 3000. — In New-Orleans erlagen dem gelben Fieber in der am 26. Okt. abgelaufenen Woche 60 und am gestrigen Tage 49 Personen. Neueste Posten. Turm, 12. Nov. Bis vorgestern saß Mauchi Gio- vier in der Citadelle, um ei» Preßvergehen abzubüßen. SeineGesinnungs>Ge»ossen beglückwünschten ihn sofort in ihrerWeise, als er in der Stadt erschien.—Der Graf von Sollohnb, genannt der Russische AlexanderDumaS, ist hier durchgereist, die „ttevue tis «isux nwn<ie«" hatte kürzlich eine» seiner Romane die Ehre der Ueber» setznng erwiesen. —GeneralDurando hatte sich inGeima »ach Konstantinopel eingeschifft. Eben dort schifften sich auch mehrere Schwestern vom Orden der Heimsuchung und eine Anzahl von Klosterbrüdern nach Montevideo in Südamerika ei», wohin sie zur Verstärkung der dort vc>n ihr?« Ordkn brgründrtrn Flli.ilrn bcfliMIM finc. — Die Festungs-Arbeiten in Carnle, die eine Zeitlang langsam betrieben wurden, sinv neuerdings mit größerer Lebhaftigkeit in Angriff genommen worden. Paris, 10. Nov. Die telegraphisch berührte Anzeige des „Monitenr" lautet: „Nach den letzten Konflikten, die zwischen den Türkischen Truppen und den Montenegrinern ausge brochen waren, halte sich die hohe Pforte verpflichtet, den Besitzstand vom Jahre 1856 aufrecht zu halten. Um die respektiven aus diesem Uebereinkommen sich er gebenden Rechte fest,»stellen, wurden Kommissäre an Ort und Stelle gesendet, und die Repräsentanten von Frankreich, Oesterreich, Großbritannien, Preußen und Rußland bei der hohen Pforte haben, indem sie in Uebereinstimmung mit der Ottomanischen Regierung die von der Majorität der Kommission vorgeschlagene Abgrenzung adoptirten, am 8. d. M. vermischte Nachrichten. 16. November. Wir entnehmen dem „Volkssreund" nachstehenden Artikel über die jüngst erfolgte Besetzung des fürstbischöflichen Sitzes von Gurk. „Der hochwürdigsle Fürsterzbischos von Salzburg hat traft des ihm zustehenden Rechtes den Dr. Valen tin Wiery zum Pischos vo» Gurk ernannt. Da nämlich wegen des ehemals unverhältuißmäßig großen Umfan ges der Erzdiöcese Salzburg die Erzbischöfe freiwillig die Bislhümer Gurk (Klagenfurt), Seckau (Graz) und Lavant (testen Bischofsitz jetzt nach Marburg in Steier- mark verlegt wird), von der Erzdiöcese als Suffragan- bisthümer lostrennten: so wurde ihnen von den Römi schen Päpsten nnd den Deutschen Kaisern das Recht zu erkannt, die erledigten Bischofestühle in diesen Sussra- gan-Bisthümern zu besetzen durch Männer ihrer Wahl, und zwar bei Seckau und Lavaut ohne Ausnahme, bei Gurk abwechselnd mit Sr. Majestät dem Kaiser; wel- cheö Recht auch, obwohl einzig in der Kirchengeschichte dastehend, iin Wechsel der Zeiten stets unangetastet den Erzbischöfe» von Salzburg verblieben ist. „Dr. Wierh, welch-r (geb. 1813) noch im kräftig sten Mannesalter steht, ist ein Kärntner von Geburt, wirkte auch als Priester größteutheils in Körnten, war Domherr in Lavant, bis er 1851 als Oomkapitular an das Metropolitan-Kapitel in Salzburg berufen wurde. Ein Brief des „T. B." aus Unterinnthal spricht mit warmer Begeisterung von feinen ausgezeichneten Gaben des Geistes und Herzens, durch welche er sich als Ge lehrter, Schriftsteller, Aauzelredner unv Beförderer der kirchlichen Vereine einen großen Ruf erworben, in jeder Stellung mit Segelt und Auszeichnung gewirkt, und sich allerwärts LiÄ>eMv Achtung errungen hat, und derenthalben er auch i» hohem Grode das Vertrauen seines FürsterzbischosS genoß, welcher ihn zum Prosy- nodal-Examinator, OrdinariatS -Kouiinissär für das miniu'inm pusroruin, und zuletzt zu dem eben so wichti gen als einflußreichen Posten eines Direktors des f. e. Priesterhauses berief. Die Erzdiöcese Salzburg verliert durch diese Ernennung eine ausgezeichnete Kraft, und Klerus und Volk werden mit Schmerz den neuen Fürst bischof scheiden sehen; aber der Kirche und namentlich der Diöcese Gurk ist Glück zu wünschen, daß der hoch- würdige Fürsterzbischof von Salzburg, persönlichen Ge fühlen entsagend, einen seiner vertrauteste» Freunde von seiner Seite gab, um das ihm zustehende Recht der Bischofs Ernennung zum größtmöglichsten Wohle der Kirche zu üben. Möge der neuernannte hochwürdige Fürstbischof lange und segensreich den Hirtenstab führen!" * Die Weihnachtsspiele in Oberufer (deren wir voriges Jahr in einem Feuilleton ausführlich gedachten), drei bis vierhundert Jahre alte Schauspiele, die mit allen mittelalterlichen Sitten und Gebräuchen bei der Darstellnug sich dort erhalte» haben und zwar in solcher Vollständigkeit, daß alle sonst gefnndenen Ueberreste von Weihnachtspielen nur wie Bruchstücke dieser alten Dich tungen erscheinen, werden hener wieder eingeübt und solle» in herkömmlicher Weise an den Nachmittagen der Sonn- nnd Feiertage vom ersten Advent bis h. Drei könig zur Ausführung kommen. Handel. Verkehr. Industrie u. s. m. Die ubgelausme Rörsenwoche. Die abgelaufene Woche trng noch immer daS Kainszeichen der Vorwoche an der Stirne, denn der Speiulationstrieb blieb auch iu dieser Woche eiu sehr mäßiger. Einzelne BessernngS^Symptome vermochten nicht die dominirende Leblosigkeit zu verscheuchen. Die bekannt gegebene Einlösbarkeit der 1000 fl. Banknoten diente als momentanes Ermnthigungsmotio, gegen eine ausreichende Erstärkung sträubten sich aber die Deut schen Plätze, die wie gewöhnlich auf erhebliche Kours- besserungen mit Verkaufsaufträgen antworteten. Un ter solchen Umständen war auch die Pariser Börse nicht maßgebend, ungeachtet sie wieder einigen Hausseeiser an den Tag legte. Die Besserung bestand jedoch anch dort einzig nur darin, daß die 3"/» Französische Rente sich merklich erholte, alle Bahnpapiere aber in der kläglichen Stimmung verblieben, daher auch der mit Bahnpapieren belastete Credit Mobilier keine Zugkraft bewähren konnte. Das Refnltat der Generalversamm lung der Orientbahn blieb ohne Wirkung, da dieses schon vor der Versammlung als eine beschlossene Sa che zn betrachten wär. London hielt sich gut, nachdem trotz der Beklemmung des dortigen Geldmarktes eine Diskonterhöhung fern blieb. K r e d it ak t i e n er öffneten mit 239,10 in Folge einer befürchteten, sich jedoch nicht bestätigenden Diskoiilerhöhung in Berlin, stiegen am Dienstag auf 248.90, als die Umwechslung der hofften Bantnotenkalegorie zur Evidenz geworden, wichen aber wieder bis 241.10, da Blankverkäufe am Platze mit den durch Telegraphen angeordneten Verkäufen Dentscher Plätze gleichen Schritt hielten. Nordbahn avancirten von 171.50 aus 173.40 an der Börse, als der diesjährige OktoberauSweiS eine Mehreinnähme von 68,500 fl.^herausslellle. Dieses Resultat lockte einen Theil der Spekulanten zur Reali-- sirung, worauf das Effekt zu seinen früheren Stand zu rückkehrte. Fr. Staatsbahn war hier eben so wie in Paris bewegungslos. Der Umstand, daß die Ausweise der letz ten Wochen gegen dieselben Wochen des Vorjahres, welche doch von der Handelskrise beeinflußt waren, keine Besserung aufzuweisen hatten, erklärt hier wie an der Französischen Börse ein gänzliches Brachliegen der Spekulation. — In jnngen Bahnen war fast gar kein Geschäft. Westbahn wird jedenfalls, ohne den Pari cours zu erreichen, ihre Eröffnungsfeier begehen müs sen. Pardubitzer mit 10 fl. Oesterreichischer Währung hinter dem Pariconrs. Orientbahn »nd Lombarden machten eine kleine Carriere, da ihre Patrone in Paris nicht müßig sind, und die Beschlüsse der jüngsten Geue- ral-Versammlnng dasür maßgebend waren. In den neuen Südbahnaktien (Jtal. Central- uvd Lombard. Eisenbahngesellschaft) war etwas Nachfrage bei 14'/, Agio (229). Ihr Debüt gestaltete sich vorläufig glän- zend. — Iu den Staatsfonds war der Umsatz ohne Belang, jedoch ihre Haltung eine sehr feste. National erhöhte sich um nahe V» pEt., da sowohl für Englische als Holländische Rechnung viel Waare vom Markt ge nommen wurde. Auch 5 pEt. Obligationen besserten ihren Stand, wenn auch nicht in gleichem Maße. Bankaktien wurden um 2 fl. theuerer abgegeben. Dampfschiffsaktien erHollen sich wieder bis 532. Für diverse Grundenilastnngsobligatiouen allein war selbst, bei stark reducirten Coursen kein Absatz zu erzielen. An der sehr flauen Samstagbörse theilte sich die all gemeine Verstimmung auch dein National mit, und sah es sich einer derouteähnlichen Situation nahe gebracht. — In Anlehensloosen der Kreditanstalt war der Cours stetig, da weder Bedarf, noch Offert sich vordrängte. Die Devisen waren dieses Mal eher sest als weichend in der Coursrichtung, namentlich Londoner Devise, die von 102.50 aus 203 sich erhöhte. Das Geld war deshalb, weil es an effektiver Waare mangelte, ftelS flottant nnd bereitwillig für jedes Placement. Der Escomple war leicht und billig. Kunst, Wissenschaft, Literatur. * Auch die musikalische Spekulation hat sich der neue» Währung bemächtigt. Bei Haslinger in Wien ist erschienen: „Neue Währungpolka, mit erläuterndem Texte, wie auch mit den zweckentsprechendsten Umrechnungstafeln von A. I. Eliäs." Der marktschreierische Titel hat übrigens einen guten Zweck im Hintergrunde, der ganze Bruttoertrag ist nämlich den Ar men Wiens znr Anschaffung ihrer Weihnacht«- und Neujahrs bedürfnisse bestimmt. Nekrologic. -j- Se. Durchlaucht der regierende Fürst Alois Liechten stein ist am 12. d. M., nachdem sich schon seit einigen Ta gen zunehmende Schwäche bemerkbar gemacht hatte, nach Em pfang der h. Sterbesakramente in Eisgrnb verschieden. Se. Dnrchlaucht war am 26. Mai 1796 geboren nnd hatte am 2V. Telegramme. Frankfurt, 13. Nov. Die Schlußanträge der Aus schüsse gingen dahin, die Erklärungen Dänemark's vom 9. September und die vertraulichen Mittheilungen des Hrn. v. Bülow an die Ausschüsse seien als ungenügend anzusehen, und solle der Exekntions-Ausschuß sachge mäße Anträge stellen; hieraus folgte die Notifikation der neuesten Knndmachnngen Dänemark's. Pari5 , 13. Nov. Man glaubt, der „Mouiteur" werde morgen den Finanz Bericht bringe». Ma» spricht fortwährend von der Umwandltmg der 4V>iproc. Rente. — Der „Moniteur" enthält einen Bericht über die Einnahme von Turan in Cochinchma. Akdou . 13. Nov. Wochenansweis der Englischen Bank: Notenumlauf 20.989 035 Pfd. St., Baarvor- rath: 18.502.827 Pfd. St. Oeffentlicher Dank. Die freiherrliche Familie Franz Paul Herbert hier hat wie alljährlich, so auch für den gegenwärtigen Winter zum Ankaufe von Brennholz für Stadtarme den nam haften Betrag von 210 fl. Oesterr. Währung anher übergeben lassen. Der gefertigte Verein spricht hiefür den hochherzigen Gebern im Namen der Armen den pflichtschuldigst, n Dank mit dem Beifügen aus, daß wegen Ankauf und Vertheilung des Holzes unter Einem das Erforderliche eingeleitet wird. Armen- und Kranken-Berforgnngs-Bereül. Klagenfurt, am 12. Nov. 1858. Theater in Rlagmfmt. Mittwoch, den 17. November: „Krise»." Original - Charakter - Gemälde in 4 Aufzügen, von Bauernfeld. Lotto-Ziehung in Graz am 13. Nov, 1858: 79. 22. 15. 54. 2«. Künftige Ziehung in Graz am 24. November 1858. «Kanttv-rtlicher Pedakteur Julius Seeliger. — ««rlezer Ferdioaad ». tkleiumayr. ÄmtMalt zur Magmsurter Zeitung. S6S Dienstag, dm 16. November I8K8. k. ausfchl. Privilegion. 12000^ Das Handelsministerium bat unterm 21. Okt. 1858, Z. 21546^2377, das dem Eduard Schmidt und Friedrich Paget auf die Erfindung einer N cnuschc» Tinte zum Druc ken vcn Banknote», Wechfelu «. dgl., unterm 4 Okt. 1857 «rchei.« ausschliepeltde nvilkgiiim uns die Dauer >>ö zweiten Zahns verlä-uzn!. DasHandeiSuiiu'steriuw hat 21Oki. 1858, Z. 21294-2358, das -dem Zrauz Hoffm«u, auf v.-e Erfindung einer vekbesscr:en Dünge»--Komposttiou unter», I. November 16Z7 errhrilr» ausschiie^eude Privilegium aus die Dauer des zweiten Jahres verlängert. Das Handelsministerium hat unterm Zl. Okt. 1853, Z. 21325-2355, das dem Zob. VillicuS auf die Er findung einer Vorrichtung, um mittelst eines eigenthüm lich ko«str»irten Hobeleisens Sohlen holzstifte zu erzeuge», unterm 22. Okt. ttisk ertheilte ausschließende Privilegium aus die Dauer des dritten Jahres verlängert. Das Handelsministerium hat unterm 21. Okt. 1858, Z, 21330-2357, das dem Joseph Bossi auf eine Ver besserung der Tischplatte deS Dmcktisches an seiner priv. Tttlckmaschllie zum Drucken voll unten nach oben, un term 10. Okt. 1856 ertheilte ausschließende Privilegium auf die Dauer des dntlei, Ialres verlängert. Das Handelsministerium hat unterm 21. Okt. 1858, Z. 21545-2376, das dem Karl Diukler auf die Erfin dung und beziehungsweise Verbesserung, Stampiglie« jeder Art in beliebiger Form und Größe, dann Waarenstempel, Autographen u. s. »5 mit eingesetzter Schrift, »Metal- -,lpgraphie" genannt, zu verfertigen, unterm S. Okt. iSSK »lecheilte ausschließende Privilegium auf die Dauer des rritten Iabre^ verlärizert. Das HandelSmi»isterium hat untern, 2(1. Okt. 1856, Z. 21293-2352, das dem Georg Rotb auf eine Ver. besserung iu der Vefesii^ung I^r Oeb>? an den Metall- knöpfen ohne Löthung unterm si. Okt. Z6ÜL ertheilteaus- ^ schließenve Privilegiun» aus die Dauer des dritten Jahres verlängert. Das Handelsministerium hat unterm 22. Sept. 1858, Z. 1Ä032-21V3, dem Rudoiph Putscher, bgl. Tischler in Wien (Breittufeld Nr. 51), aus die Eistnvung, Ge wölbsportale, Glaskästen, Fensterrahmen und sonstige «NlaSeimassungett aus gezogenem Zink oder Messing mit geöltem, von der Luft ganz abgeschlossenen Band- o!er Stabns-n gefüttert herzustellen, ein aitsschiießknoes Pri vilegium für die Dauer Eitles IahreS ertheilt. Die Privilegiums-Äeschreibung, deren Geheimhaltung angesucht wurde, befindet sich im k. k. Privilegien-Archive in Aufbewahrung. Das Handelsministerium hat unterm 22. September 1858, Z. 19V2I-2098, dem Karl Pockh, Liqueur-, Weingeist-unv Essikfabrikanten in Wien, (Mieden Nr. 808). auf eine Verbesserung der Essigständer, wvrnach dieselben eine eigenthümliche Form nach Außen uud In nen, wie auch eine bedeutende Hohe erhalten, die Fül lung mit Kohle und Beimengung anderer Materialien ge schehe und in eigenen Abtheilungen eingelegt werde, eiu ausschließendes Privilegium auf die Dauer Ei»es"Iahres ertheilt, Die Privilegiums - Beschreibung , deren Gehii>«ka!ku»g angesucht wurde, befindet sich im k k. Privilegien-Archive in Aufbewahrung. DaS Handelsministerium hat unterm 22. September 1858, Z. 19026-2097, dem Karl Girardet, k. k. lan desbefugten Leder-Galaiiterie-Waarensabrikailten tu Wien, auf die Erfindung der Anwendung bohler Eisenröhren zur Erzeugung von Wageiiansen und Deichseln, an deren un term Ende ein Kolben eingeführt sei, wodurch dieses Ende zu einer massiven Stange verwandelt, in den Kolben des Wagengestelles eingeschraubt werde, ein ausschließendes Privilegium für die Dauer Eines Jahres ertheilt. Die Privilegiums - Beschreibung, deren Geheimhaltung nicht angesucht wurde, befindet sich im k. k. Privilegien- Archive zu Zederi»a»ns Einsicht in Aufbewahrung. Das Handelsministerium hat uuterm 22. September. 1858, Z. jj»02S-2t)S6, dem Mar Äuiper in Wie», Lanlstraße Nr. 517, auf eine Verbesserung seiner b-reiis priv. Eisenmobein,' wobei dieselben ganz zusammengelegt werden können, ohne sie Ulseinandcr zu nehmen, ein aussch>kjeß»i>!«K PrMegium für die - Dauer Eines Jahres ertheilt. ' Die Privikegittms-Beschreibung, deren Geheimhaltung angesucht wurve, befindet sich im k. k. PrivilegiumS-Ar- chive in Aufbewahrung. DaS Handelsministerium bat unterm 22. September 1858, Z. 19033-2104, dem Karl Reißer, bgl. Apo theker und Besitzer einer pharmaceutisch-chemischen Pro- duktenfabrik, und der Koroline Reiser, geb. Wacke«roder, Beide i» Wicil (Hundsthurm Nr. 118), auf die Ver besserung des dem Ersteren bereits priv. giftfrei«» Insekten- und Fliegen -Verlilgnngspapims, wvrnach ein wesentlich geändertes Plischuugsv-rhältniß der giftfreien Stoff- in Pmvendung gebracht, andere unschädliche Stoffe beigegeben, und mittelst einer eigenthümlichen Methode dem Papier so imprägnirt werden, daß eine verläßliche Gleichheit der Waare erzielt werde, ein ausschließendes Privilegium sür die Dauer Eiuch Jahres ertheilt. Di- Privilegiums - Beschreibung, deren Geheimhaltung angesucht wurde, befindet sich im k. k. Privilegien-Archive iu Au bewahniug. Das Handelsministerium hat unterm 21. Okt 1858, Z. 21547-2376, das v »i Vsuard Schmidt imd Friedrich Pager auf Verbesserungen in der Erzeugung von Papier unterm 8. Oktober 1857 ertheilte ausschließende Privile gium auf die Dauer eines zweiten Jahres verlängert. Das Handelsministerium bar unterm 2V, Okt. 1858, Z. 21396-2351 , das vem Franz Wagner auf die Er findung in der Erzeugung von Gußstahl in gepreßten feuerfesten Schmelztiegeln mit Eoaksfeuerung unterm 17. Oktober 1856 ertheilte ausschließende Privilegium aus die Dauer des dritte» Jahres verlängert. Nr, 1471/Präs. (3) Kundmachung. s>989Z Bei der am 2. November (858 in Folge des Al lerhöchsten Patentes vom 21. März 18(8 vorgenom menen 298 Verloosung der älteren Staatsschuld, ist die Serie Nr. >20 gezogen worden. Diese Serie enthält (. ^anko - Obligationen zu S"/y Nr. l>3,03l bis in klusive (13,838, oann 2. die nachträglich in die Verloosung eingereihten kärur.- ständischen Domestikal-Obligationen zu 4"/g Nr. 206 bis inklusive Nr. 485, im gesaniniten Kapitalsbe- rrage von 1,053,060 st. 40 kr., mir dem Zinseubetrage nach deiNherabgesetzteiiZiasenfaße von 25,1 47 fi. 7^kr. Diese Obligationen werden nach een Bestiutmungen der Alterhöchiien Patente vo>n 21. März I8!8 und vom27.Ar- ii >858 gegen neue, auf Oeste,r. Währung, nach dem Verhältniße von ISO fi. C M. zu (05 st Ocsteer. Wä?rn»g lautend^, und zu dem ursprünglichen Zinsfuße von 5 und 4 Procent verzinsliche Verioosnngö- SraarsjHuld-Verschrkibungen, umgewechselt weiden. UebrigenS werden die Eigenthümer dieser verloosteo 4^ge» Öbliiiacionen aus die Kundmachung vom 26. Oktober 1858, Z. 5286/F. M., (R. G. -vlatl Stück XtiVII) ausmerrsam geinacht, wvrnach es ihnen frei lich!, diese Obligationen in ö"/gge Staatsschuldverschrei- bungen couverriren zu lassen. Dieses wird in Folge hohen.Finaoj-Mivisterial.Er lasses voiu 4. November (858 , Z. 5494 , zur allge meinen Kenntniß gebracht. Voni Präsidium per k, k. kärnt. Landesregierung. Klagensult, am (0. November (8S8. Nr. 594/Sr. D. P. (2 ) ' hl9921 KonkurS-Kundmachung. Zu besetze» ist im Bereiche der k. k. käintnerischen Steuer > Direkiion eine SteueramtS - KomrolorS - Stelle I. Kiasse mit dem Gehaire jahrlicher 735 st. Oesterr. Währung, »veutueU eine SteueranilS-Kontrolors-Stelle minderer Gehalt» Kathegorie, eine Offizials- uud Assi stenten Stelle, und zwar nur Ausnahme der Assistenten- Stelte, nur der Verbindlichkeit zum Eriage einer Kau tion IM Gehalcsbetrage. Beweiber um diese Stellen haben ihre gehörig dokumentieren Gesuche unter Nach- Weisung dev Alters, Standes, Religionsbekenntnisses, des sittlichen unv politischrn WohlverhalrenS, der bishe- r>gen Dienstleistung, der Sprachtenntnisse, endlich der Äaurionssähigkeir ^Ittd unter Angabe, ov und in wel chem Grade sie mir Finanz-Beamten im Krovlande. Karnteu verwandt oder verschwägert sind, im Weg«? ih- rer vorgesetzten Behörde bis (8. Dezember 1858 bei der k. Sc-uerdirekkion in Kiagenfurr einzubringen. Voni Präsidium der k. b. Sreu.rdirektion. Klagettsnrc, ain S. iliovember (858. Nr. 826(. (2) Edikt. 119931. Vom k. k. stäor. deleg Bezirkigerlchte zu Klagenfui l wird bekamir gemachc, daß'das k. k. Landesgericht über > die Ursula Aichw. lder, Erbheldin an der Türkhube zu ' Schwarzendois, wegen BlödsinneS die Kuratel vei hängt, ! dieses k. M. Vormittags um S Uhr über Ansuchen deS Eigen- thmners an der Pirkerhube zu Hörzendorf die Ver steigerung verschiedener HauS- und Zimmereinrichtung, WirthschaftStahruisse, bei 300 Centner saures Heu und 2 junqer Pferde vorgeuomluen werden, daher Kauflu stige hievon iu Kenntniß gesetzt iverden. K. k B.^iri»amr St. Veit, den 7. Novemb. ! 858. Nr. 2851/354?. .(1) Edikt. US971 Das k. k. 'Le^irk-znil Wolfsserg alS Gericht mschr belcittnr: Es seien in der Ex^kutionSs^che des Haudlungs- Hauses Teuschi -ü^ Komp. in Triest durch Hrn. Dr. Piattner gegen das Handlungshaus Gebrüder Baum- gartner in Triest pct. 2000 st. C. M. vo» dem löbli chen k. k. Handels- und Seegerichte zu Triest die exe kutive Versteigerung der zu Gunsten der Gebrüder Baumgartuer aus dem Schuldbriefe ddo. I. Jänner 1833, dem gerichtlichen Vergleiche vom 3. Juni 1854, Z.-2478, und der Leffion des Georg Wurzinger vom 12. Mai (855, aus der dem Franz Baumgartner ge hörigen, im Grundbuche des vormaligen Stadtmagiiira- tes zu St. Andra Foi (44, U>b. Nr. 103, vorkom menden Nagelschmid-e in der Blaiken intabulirr haf' tendeu Forderung pr, 2000 st. C. M. sammt Anhang bewilliger, und eS seien von diesem k. k. Bezirksgerichte ! als Realinstanz zur Vornahme dieser Versteigerung ! zwei Tagsatzungen, auf den i 16. Oktober und 5 20. November (858 jedes Mal Vormittag» um l I Uhr in den dieSgericht üche» Amtslokaliläteu angeordnet worden. ' Ämistullige !verdeu inic dem Bedeuten eingeladen, daß der Grundbuchs - Extrakt während den AmtSstun- den hier eingesehen werde» könue, und daß erst bei der zweiten Tagsatz» H die Forderung auch unter dem Nenn- iverche werde hiuiaugegeben wenden. K. k. Bezirksamt Wolfsberg alS Geiichr, am 24. ?luguil (858. Anmerkung. Bei der eisten Feilbietungs-Tagfatzung ist kein Kauflustiger erschienen. Nr' 3907. (()^ "Z'd i i t. ((9981 Ueber Ansuchen deS Gregor Orlirsch von Treffen als Vormund des mj. Alois Gipser wird die wegen lchutdige» Unrerhatrstvsteu p>. 22 fl. 46 kr. mir dieß- gerichrlichem Edikte vom 5. Oktober d. I., Z 3346, auf den 16 November und (7. Dezember d.J. ausge schriebene exekutive Versteigerung der Forderung aus dem gerichtlichen Vergleiche ddo. 27. November 1857 pr. 600 fl. wieder aufgelassen. K. k. BezirksamtLeldkircheu als Gericht am S. November (858. Z. (635 u. 1636. (2) Edikt. l!988Z Vom k. k. Bezirksamts Hermagor als Bezirksge richt wird bekannt gemacht: Äs habe Bartlmä Pipp, Besitzer der Kuqlirschhube zu Micheldorf, wider Maria Kuglitsch und Jos. Privat-KunSmachungen. Anzeige. In einer der lebhaftesten Gassen hier ist ein Haus aus freier Hand zu verkaufen oder auch zu verpachten, welches zu jedem Geschäfte geeignet ist; auch kann ein Gasthaus darauf fortgeführt werden. Anzufragen bei Herrn Joh. Roh rer, Giashändler am neuen PlaH. (6) Die k. k. landes» und ausschl. privilegirten Fabriken von Int.RiNNeüiNiieret^v.Am^MeMüiwiWien, produciren nach einem neu entdeckten verbesserten Verfahren Niederlage i .Wicu, Sladl, Äcünanger- gajse Nr. 859. Ujrderlafte i« Dnmi!. Mühlgr»- ker. Nr. 2. 31 kr 25 kr 28 kr' 23 kr deren Dochte sich verkoblen und nicht -Mutzt werden dürfen, in 3 Qualitäten. Zl-o« Verkaufspreise in !i V pr. Cvmptant, «» I z»ü>i ik. excl"«iv<- Packspesen. I. AnKittiit pr. 23 voth Wiener Gewicht pr englisches Pfund . ... 33 kr. pr. Zoll-^fnnd . . pr'. 1 Paqnat ^ 23 Loth Wiener Gewicht 30 kr. pr. 1 Paqnet ^ 23 Loth Wiener Gewicht Prima-Qualität Stearinsäure in Tafeln pr. Wiener Zentner «8 fl. 2<5 kr. Durch diese Erfindung ist man endlich auch bei billigeren Kerzen, welche vorzüglich brennen und nicht abrinnen, des lästigen Lichtputzenö gänzlich enthoben. Zu obigen Fabrikspreisen mit Zuziehung der Bezugs spesen verkauft das Kommissious-.Lager in Klagenfurt bei Herrn Joseph Stranger, Specerei-Waaren-Handlung, Kramer-Gasse Nr. ss „Zur weißen Taube". (" 1I994Z Wein-Licitation, Beim Gute Frauenthal nächst Deutsch - LandSberq werden am 24. November d. I. Vvrinittaq von 9 Uhr augefaüqen im sogenannten Galthofkel ler nächst Dentsch- Landsberg folgende Weingattnngen ohne Gebinde licitaudo verkauft: Rother 185^erBnrqegqer 44 Eiln. Schilcher 18.^7qer . . . 340 „ 18Ü8geramLager 780 „ Im Keller zu Frauenthal: Alter guter weißerTischwein475 Eim. weißer 18Züger Burgegqer 30 „ 18ö«ger „ 90 „ „ 185,7qer „ i00 „ „ 18."i7^.er Rackersbnr- ger Nußkogler 60 „ „ Viußkogler mit Gebind am Lager 140 „ 18.'»8^rr Burgegger am Lager ohneGedind200 „ Im Ganzen . 2269 Eim. Kauflustige werden zunl Kauft hiemit höflichst eingeladen. (2 Kundmachn n g. Lissaz Au F»Ige Bewilligung des löbl. k. k. Bezirksamtes Umgebung Klagenfurt vom 12. November >858, Nr. 9Z22, werden am 29. Nove.i^ber 1858 Vormittag» um 9 Uhr und nörbigeinaUS am darauffolgenden ^.age, auf dem Gute Pockein in der Orl-Zgem-ind.' Gra- fenstein folgende V ehgarmngen im Wege der öffenrli- chen Versteigerung verkauft werden, alö! 4 Ochsen, 2 Stiere, 8 Kühe/3 trächtige Kalben, 9 Stuck Jung vieh und 50 Stück Schweine. Klaqenfurt, den 12. November 1858. ^ Haus-Verkanf. D Das Sröckel in St. Martin bei Klage»' Ä flirt mir der dazu gehörigen Weiß Hübe ist W um fire 5500 fl. LM. zu verkaufen. Anzu- D fragen bei Thones Wegsä'aider jii KiagenfuN. ^ tzWWM Bei 987Z FreimlligeLicitation" von 17 Startin 1858ger Kumberger - Weinen bei Pettan. Mir Bewilligung teS löbl. k. k. politischen Bezirks' amt.zPetrau melden am Montag, am h>ii. Cacüiaiage, den 22 Novembcr lN58, Früh um 9 Uhr, zu Kum- berg, eine h^lbe Erunte von der Sr.idt Pcltau, >7— 18 Srartii! Weine dierjährigei Fechsung, mit oder ohne Gebinde, gegen sogleich baare Bezahlung an den Meist-- bietenden in öffentlicher Versteigerung ve> kauft werden. Hievon geschieht an die Herren Kauflustigen die Veilautbarnng mir d>m Bemerken, dafl diele Weine spar, jedoch vor Eincrilt d.S Schnees gelöset worden »nd, und dafi auch W.iue aus den Jahrgang.» 1852, IdöZ, 1854, 1856 und 4857 zum Verkaufe am Lager sich befinden. Ferd. v. Kleinniayr und I. Levn in Klagenfurt, so wie bei F. F. Hoffmann in Villa «H und Fr. Watzl in Friesach ist zu haben: RtajieiiMer Haus- u. Geschäfts- KsleNder alif das Gen>ei»jahr nacb drr Geburt Christi » 8 Z N. Ein Jahrbuch für alle Bewoh ner Kärntens. Zwölfter Jahrgang. Quart-Format, 12 Bo^en stark, in farbigem Umschlag steif gedulden. Preis: 24 kr. C. Ä. oder 42 Nkr. österr. Währung. I u k a t r: Kalender für Katholiken lti-d Protestanten. — Ge- nealvgisches Verzeichniß des regierenden Kaiserhauses Oesterreichs. — Ner^eichniß der Namen zum beque me» Aufsuchen dei Namenstage, alphabetisch geordnet. — Unt?!haltend.s. Land^Sae^iaiiche i„ Kämten, in auf einige rechtliche Verhältnisse - Klageiifiiitei Cyro- ,1 ik, enthaltend die vorzüglichst.'» Begebenheiten vom Jahre 1513 - >830. — Höhenbestünmungeu in Kärnt^i nach dem GebirgZ' und Flußsystem geordnet. — Eine Bä renjagd, von Walter v. H, — Der Thürmer, — Kai ser Maximilians l. Lebensgefahren — Dir Sage vom polnischen Faust und «'einem FamuluS. — Gesetz über Stempelmarken. — Stcmp.lscalen fui Wechsel und an dere Urkunden i» österr. Wahüinq. —Die neue österr. Währung, — Regeln zur selbstständigen Umrechnung alln' und neuer Wahrungen. — Zeitbestimmung — Umrechnuugsrafeln für Co^.v-Miln^e und Wiener-Wäh rung in österr. Wahrung und iurnck. Veizeichniß der vorzüglichsten Mäi kre in Kärnten, Kraiü und S teielmark. — Neuester Wegweiser und Fremdenführer in Klagen furt. — Hof- und GerichlS Advol'aten in Klauens-iir.— K k. Notare. — Ausübende Doktoren der Medicin und Chirurgie. — Wundärzte. — Thierärzre. — Hebam men. — Jli Klag-nkiiii ankomin.nde Slellfuhren, — Wortheri',« - — Zinsen-Tabelle» für S bis g Piocent in österr. Währung — Postbericht. — Tarife für Brief- »nv Fahipo!^ in österr. Währung. — Telegraphen-Tarif in österr Währung. Klagenfurter Tafel - Kalender für d.,S Geniein.Iahr >859. Unaufgezogen 6 kr CM. oder 10'/z Nkr. österr. Währung, auf Pan'e auf- ge^og.'N 10 !"r. CM. oder 17Nkr. österr. Währ. (2) Schon sl977I amik.Dezemb.d.J. erfolgt die Ziehung der sehr reich ausgestatteten Gold - Lotterie. Zn dieser Ziehung wird der namhafte Betrag von 60,000 St. kk. vollgew.Dukat., vertheilt auf M5N8 Treffer, gewonnen. Loch -. 3 ss C. M. sind zu haben bei Simon Mayr, Haus Nr 46, iu der St. Veitervor- ftadt und in der Handlung des Herr» G. Kreiner. |
github_open_source_100_8_19928 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | package com.herringbone.stock.model;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
import com.herringbone.stock.util.CustomQuoteSerializer;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Fetch;
import org.hibernate.annotations.FetchMode;
import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.FetchType;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.OneToOne;
import javax.persistence.Table;
@Table(name = "weeklyquote")
public class WeeklyBasicQuote extends QuoteBase implements {
@Column(name = "PREVWEEKID")
private Long prevweek;
@Column(name = "NEXTWEEKID")
private Long nextweek;
@OneToOne(cascade = {CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.REFRESH})
@JoinColumn( name = "WEEKTYPE", referencedColumnName = "TRENDVALUE")
private Trendtype weektype;
@OneToOne(cascade = {CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.REFRESH}, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn( name = "WEEKDAYSTARTID", referencedColumnName = "ID")
@JsonSerialize(using = CustomQuoteSerializer.class)
private DailyBasicQuote weekstartday;
@OneToOne(cascade = {CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.REFRESH}, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn( name = "WEEKDAYENDID", referencedColumnName = "ID")
@JsonSerialize(using = CustomQuoteSerializer.class)
private DailyBasicQuote weekendday;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3994007977478642037L;
public Trendtype getWeektype() {
return this.weektype;
public void setWeektype(Trendtype daytype) {
this.weektype = daytype;
public Long getPrevweek() {
return prevweek;
public void setPrevweek(Long prevday) {
this.prevweek = prevday;
public Long getNextweek() {
return nextweek;
public void setNextweek(Long nextday) {
this.nextweek = nextday;
public DailyBasicQuote getWeekstartday() {
return weekstartday;
public void setWeekstartday(DailyBasicQuote weekstartday) {
this.weekstartday = weekstartday;
public DailyBasicQuote getWeekendday() {
return weekendday;
public void setWeekendday(DailyBasicQuote weekendday) {
this.weekendday = weekendday;
} |
educationalmosai01morg_2 | US-PD-Books | Public Domain | 35 are undoubtedly an education in themselves. The force, elegance, and affluence of diction in general, the refine- ments and delicacies of conversational style in particu- lar, the portraying of character, and the depicting of scenery and life, the wise maxims wittily expressed, not to mention the inspiriting ideals, cannot go for nothing on the mind of the reader. They are effica- cious, however, just in proportion to previous culture; with a vast majority of fiction-readers the effect is barely to be traced ; these in their haste extract only the plot, sentiment, and passion, and let all the rest escape them. To gain the full impression of a work of the highest genius demands slow perusal, and a con- siderable pause before entering on any other. Alexander Bain. CHAIRS OF DIDACTICS. The establishment in the great institutions of Amer- ica and Europe of a chair for the professional education of teachers, marks a new departure in education. Col- leges and universities are conservative and exclusive. The professors are absorbed in their subjects, to the exclusion of methods. Thus it results that, as to meth- ods, our public schools are far in advance of our col- leges. In this case the reform must come from within. The maintenance of a chair of didactics is destined to revolutionize college methods. Such students as elect teaching will go out trained for their work, and prepared to fill the best positions. While normal departments have necessarily and always proved failures, the plan now pursued in the universities of Michigan, Iowa, -i^^ EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. ■ Missouri, and other states promises to be eminently successful. Teaching is made to rank with theology, law, and medicine. College graduates should no more undertake to teach without special preparation, than to practise law or medicine without special preparation. Teaching is an art to be learned. The recognition of these facts by our higher institutions marks an immense advance. J. Baldwin. FOR TWO WORLDS. In some allotment of the wide domain of education, in its large and comprehensive sense, embracing the culture of the whole being, and of every human being for two worlds, we can find objects and room enough for any sacrifice of time, money, and labor we may have to bestow in its behalf. Ever since the Great Teacher condescended to dwell among men, the progress of this cause has been upward and onward, and its final triumph has been longed for and prayed for, and believed in by every lover of his race. And although there is much that is dark and despairing in the past and present con- dition of society, yet when we study the nature of education, and the necessity and capabilities of improve- ment all around us, with the sure word of prophecy in our hands, and with the evidence of what has already been accomplished, the future rises bright and glorious before us, and on its forehead is the morning star, the herald of a better day than has yet dawned upon our world. In this sublime possibility, nay, in the sure word of God, let us in our hours of doubt and despon- dency, reassure our hope, strengthen our faith, and con- EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. 37 firm the unconquerable will. The cause of education cannot fail, unless all the laws which have heretofore governed the progress of society shall cease to operate, and Christianity shall prove to be a fable, and hberty a dream. Henry Barnard. PROPER TEXT-BOOKS. Good books are an essential aid to good teaching. The proper kind of books for class exercises are those which contain the objects of study without the author's explanation of the thoughts ; such as books of carefully selected sentences, and carefully written narratives and descriptions, to be used with the objects in teaching beginners to read ; carefully selected and carefully writ- ten books to be used in teaching how to read an author ; books of problems to be solved, of sentences to be translated and analyzed, carefully selected and graded ; books of topics to direct the learner in his study of objects and in his experiments ; books containing his- torical documents and records for the study of the past ; and choice books on the various subjects of study, in which the best thoughts of the writer have been crys- tallized, showing what others have observed, imagined, thought, and done, which are to be read for the thoughts of the writer. Albert G. Boyden. It is only by infusing great principles into the com- mon mind that revolutions in human society are brought about. George Bancroft. 38 EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. SLOWLY RIPENED FRUIT. Where a permanent reform appears to have been instantaneously effected, it will be found that the happy result was but the sudden plucking of fruit which had slowly ripened. Successful revolutions proceed like all other formative processes from inward germs. The in- stitutions of a people are always the reflection of its heart and its intelligence ; and in proportion as these are purified and enlightened, must its public life mani- fest the dominion of universal reason. The subtle and irresistible movement of mind, silently but thoroughly correcting opinion and changing society, brings liberty both to the soul and to the world. All the despotisms on earth cannot stay its coming. Every fallacy that man discards is an emancipation ; every superstition that is thrown by is a redeeming from captivity. George Bancroft. OF PHILOSOPHY. If philosophy does nothing more for the student than to teach him to face the profound questions of life with composure, patience, and respect, believing that there is an infinite choice between conclusions, that all inquiry tends to the light, and that there is a safe path toward that light, it has given an intellectual and moral footing far beyond either dogmatic belief or despairing unbelief. At all events, he will escape mistaking flat and superfi- cial statements for complete and final truths. It is worth as much to us to be brought face to face with things we cannot measure, but must in some way meet, EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. 39 as to be taught the simplest and clearest facts in knowl- edge. Conventional minds may run the circuit of life under conventional morality, regarded as a sort of super- ficial deposit in race development ; yet in the progress of centuries this conventional morality will show itself amenable to the silent explorations of philosophy, and to those patient minds that are busy therein. John Bascom. KNOWLEDGE FOR PAINS. The knowledge of languages, sciences, histories, etc., is not innate to us ; it does not of itself spring in our minds ; it is not any ways incident by chance, or in- fused by grace (except rarely by miracle) ; common ob- servation doth not produce it ; it cannot be purchased at any rate, except by that for which, it was said of old, the gods sell all things, that is, for pains ; without which the best wit and the greatest capacity may not render a man learned, as the best soil will not yield good fruit or grain if they be not planted nor sown therein. Isaac Barrow. INDIGESTIBLE KNOWLEDGE. It is not worth while to discuss whether a method ought to be easy or hard. But we should even go on to say that it is the duty of a teacher not to rest as long as any difficulty exists which by any change of method can be removed. Involuntary learning is of as little use to the mind as involuntary exercise to the body. Now it is certain that a large proportion of boys dis- like the work which they have to do. Some like it; 40 EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. some are indifferent ; a great many simply hate it. We maintain that an educator of boys has no business to be satisfied as long as this is the case. A very few may dislike all intellectual labor, just as a very few men dis- like it ; but these cases are as rare with boys as with men. The great mass of human beings, whether young or old, have appetites for mental food of some kind, and the reason that so many turn away from it is, that what is given them is not what they can digest. There is a sort of incongruity, which falls little short of injustice, in punishing a boy for being idle, when we know that the work which the system of his school exacts is as cramping and distorting to his mind as an ill-fitting boot to the foot. No one would claim indeed that every pupil shall have his tastes suited with minute accuracy ; and the energy of a boy, if he is in good health, and otherwise happy, will carry him through rriinor difficul- ties. But no young boy since the world began has liked a Latin syntax, or a "formation of tenses," or felt any- thing in them for his mind to fasten upon and care for. Consider the case of a stupid boy, or an unclassical boy, at school, and the load of repulsive labor which we lay upon him. For many hours every day we expect him to devote himself, without hope of distinction or reward, to a subject which he dislikes and fears. He has no in- terest in it ; he has no expectation of being the better for it ; he never does well ; he rarely escapes doing ill. He is sometimes treated with strictness for faults to which the successful among his neighbors have no temptation ; and, when he is not visited with punishment, he at least is often regarded with contempt. He may be full of lively sympathies, eager after things that interest him. EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS, 4 1 willing even to sacrifice something for the sake of be- coming wiser ; but all that he gets in the way of intel- lectual education is a closer familiarity with a jargon, the existence of which in the world seems to him to con- trovert the Argument from Design, and the chance scraps of historical and literary knowledge which fall from the lips of his routine-bound master. If only it could be regarded as an established truth that the office of a teacher is, more than anything else, to educate his pupils ; to cause their minds to grow and work, rather than simply to induce them to receive ; to look to labor rather than to weigh specific results ; to make sure that at the end of a school-half that each one of those entrusted to him has had something to interest him, quicken him, cause him to believe in knowledge, rather than simply to repeat certain pages of a book without a mistake, — then we might begin to fancy the golden time was near at hand, when boys will come up to their lessons, as they surely ought, with as little hesitation and repugnance as that with which a man sits down to his work. E. E. BowEN. An education in submission is as essential a prepara- 3n for going out into sound bodily regimen. tion for going out into the world, as an education in a Alexander Bain. THE KINDERGARTEN. The movement plays and exercises of the child-gar- den supply this demand for the education of free activity of the body, because they gratify the instinct of move- 42 EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. ment by a rythmical direction of it. In antiquity, long prior to Greek civilization, men practised games that developed and improved the body, probably without comprehending their full import. We find them at the present day among most savages. The sportive con- tests of antiquity, certainly those of the Greeks ; the tournaments of the Middle Ages ; above all, the modern gymnasium, has given to this primitive instinct of motion a particular scope ; and it has become, among practical people, a reflective act, having aim and object beyond mere bodily development. Doubtless the first condition of all activity, all labor, and production is the education of the limbs and the organs, which are the instruments of the mind. The shortcoming and failure of this educa- tion is proved by the feeble, unformed, and crippled bodies which are found so frequently among us, insuffi- cient instruments for work. Masses of men have received no physical education, or been perverted by that which they have received. An immense amount of force is lost to society by this failure of bodies at once strong and healthy, handsome and dexterous. Who will say then, that the movement plays of the child-garden are not a serious part of the education of the human being } Baroness Marenholtz Bulow. CHILDREN AND NATURE. You should attend to nature in your children far more than to art. The elegant manners and usages of the world are for the most part unnatural. These come of themselves in later years. Treat children like children, EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. 43 that they may remain the longer uncorrupted. A boy whose acutest faculties are his senses, and who has no perception of anything abstract, must first of all be made acquainted with the world as it presents itself to the senses. Let this be shown him in nature itself, or where this is impossible, in faithful drawings or models. Thereby can he, even in play, learn how the various objects are to be named. Comenius alone has pointed the right road in this matter. By all means reduce the wretched exercises of the memory. J. B. Basedow. The true victories, the only ones which we need never lament, are those won over the dominion of igno- rance. The employment most honorable, and most profitable to the people, is to labor for the diffusion and extension of the ideas of men. Napoleon Bonaparte. THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. If the extent and necessity of actual use be taken as a measure of the importance of any study, we must agree that the study of the English language and litera- ture easily ranks first in all educational work. Expres- sion, both oral and written, forms a large part of the daily experience of every human being. If it be urged that it will take care of itself from imitation of others, it may be answered that such imitation is one of the very things that most hinder the use of good language in the community, and that the same reasoning would 44 EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. apply to most of the work done in our schools. I claim that from the primary school to the close of the college course, the study of the English language and its litera- ture demands at least as much time and attention as that of any other subject or any other language what- ever. Eugene Bouton. THE DIGNITY OF HISTORY. It is because God is visible in History that its office is the noblest except that of the poet. The poet is at once the interpreter and the favorite of Heaven. He catches the first beam of light that flows from its uncre- ated source. He repeats the message of the Infinite, without always being able to analyze it, and often with- out knowing how he received it, or why he was selected for its utterance. To him, and to him alone, history yields in dignity ; for she not only watches the great encounters of life, but recalls what has vanished, and partaking of a bliss like that of creating, restores it to animated being. The mineralogist takes special delight in contemplating the process of crystallization, as though he had caught nature at her work as a geometrician ; giving herself up to be gazed at without concealment, such as she appears in the very moment of exertion. But history, as she reclines in the lap of eternity, sees the mind of humanity itself engaged in formative efforts, constructing sciences, promulgating laws, organ- izing commonwealths, and displaying its energies in the visible movement of its intelligence. Of all pursuits that require analysis, history, therefore, stands first. It is equal to philosophy ; for as certainly as the actual EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. 45 bodies forth the ideal, so certainly does history contain philosophy. It is grander than the natural sciences ; for its study is man, the last work of creation, and the most perfect in its relations with the Infinite. George Bancroft, SINGLE-STRINGED METHODS. As the man who attempts to run upon one leg has poor speed and quick exhaustion, so do all the single- stringed methods of education produce exhaustion, fatigue, and failure. But when the soul is uplifted and inspired by the love of the living teacher and the ravish- ing power of song, and when these exalted sentiments are consolidated in our bone and muscle by industrial action at the time, we develop a noble and enduring manhood for time and eternity. It is the only manhood on which a republican government can stand, and this morally industrial education is the only possible measure which can relieve us from the dangerous classes of crimi- nals, from the threatening army of tramps, and from the convulsions, mobs, and anarchy which are coming upon us, when millions of unskilled and poorly educated workmen living near the precipice of famine are liable to be tumbled over its edge by any sudden tilting of the balance of trade, or the fluctuations of markets, even if the curse of monopoly and speculation were removed. J. R. Buchanan. OF LEARNING. It were too long to go over the particular remedies which learning doth minister to all the diseases of the mind, sometimes purging the ill-humors, sometimes 46 EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. opening the obstructions, sometimes helping the di- gestion, sometimes increasing appetite, sometimes heal- ing the wounds and exulcerations thereof, and the like ; and therefore I will conclude with the chief reason of all, which is, that it disposeth the constitution of the mind not to be fixed or settled in the defects, thereof, but still to be capable and susceptible of reformation. For the unlearned man knows not what it is to descend into himself, or to call himself to account ; nor the pleasure of that most pleasant life, which consists in our daily feeling ourselves to become better. The good parts he hath he will learn to show to the full, and use them dexterously, but not much to increase them ; the faults he hath, he will learn how to hide and color them, but not much to amend them ; like an ill mower, that mows on still and never whets his scythe. Whereas, with the learned man it fares otherwise, that he doth ever intermix the correction and amendment of his mind with the use and employment thereof. ^^^^^^^ b^^^^^ In thine own circumference, as in that of the earth, let the rational horizon be larger than the sensible, and the circle of reason than of sense ; let the divine part be upward, and the region of beast below ; otherwise it is but to live invertedly, and with thy head unto the heels of thy antipodes. s^^ ^^^^^^ g^^^,^^_ DEVELOPMENT OF INDIVIDUALITY. The teacher is to develop individuality, not to absorb it. She should teach pupils to do, not what she wills, because she wills it, but what is right, because it is EDUCATIONAL MOSA/CS. 47 right. The moment Miss Duzenberry leaves her room, the pupils are in an uproar, showing by their extrava- gant misbehavior how great was the will-pressure upon them, and how lamentable a reaction is sure to follow when the pressure is removed. Besides, think what a strain it puts upon these little minds and bodies. Our whole system of primary instruction is barbarous. But when to the crowded seats, bad ventilation, infectious atmosphere, long hours, and unnatural discipHne, you add a constant nervous excitement, you have every requisite for fitting children for mad-houses or for coffins. C. W. Bardeen. SELF, NOT ANCESTORS. Feel something of thyself in the noble acts of thy ancestors, and find in thy own genius that of thy prede- cessor. Rest not under the expired merits of others ; shine by those of thine own. Flame not like the cen- tral fire, which enlighteneth no eyes, which no man seeth, and most men think there is no such thing to be seen. Add one ray unto the common lustre ; add not only to the number, but the note, of thy generation ; and prove not a cloud, but an asterisk, in thy region. Sir Thomas Browne. In truth, though a man be neither mechanic or peas- ant, but only one having a pot to boil, he is sure to learn from science lessons which will enable him to cook his morsel better, save his fuel, and both vary his dish and improve it. Lord Brougham. 48 EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. IDEAL SCHOOL OFFICERS. We cannot expect that a race of educational experts will suddenly appear to manage the public interests of the school, any more than we can expect a race of statesmen to grow up from the seed of dragon's teeth sown in political fields for the last quarter of a century. We can ask that the best men of the community, its wise men, its conservative men, its learned men, shall stand at the head of educational concerns. School offi- cers should be broad in view, liberal in opinion, possessed of good common sense, and know the difference between a good school and a poor one, between cheapness and fitness, between a wise economy and disastrous ruin. Such men need not necessarily know Latin or Greek, may have never seen the inner walls of a college, or have borne the honorable titles of Esquire, Reverend, or Hon- orable. Thomas W. Bicknell. DWARFED FACULTIES. A LARGE portion of my own life has been devoted to the teaching of physics. During all this time it has been manifest to me that my classes have come to this part of their course totally unpractised how to observe. And it has seemed to me that their perceptive faculties have been actually dwarfed by the forced inaction to which they have been constrained during the period most favorable to their cultivation. Thus it has hap- pened that the brief time which can only be given to these subjects in the college course has been exhausted in the attempt to convey such elementary notions as EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. 49 should have been familiar long before. And the same observation has been made to me by other gentlemen, who are among the most skilled instructors in science that I have ever known. If, then, I am asked if I would displace these subjects from the position they occupy in the course of collegiate instruction, I would answer, by no means. What I would desire would be to secure such an early culture, and such an acquaintance with the elements of science, that it might be permitted us to give, at this more advanced period, such larger views and such profounder applications of the principles of these sciences, that the student might feel in the end that he had acquired some mastery over them, and might be qualified to prosecute inquiry independently and profitably after he had mastered them. F. A. P. Barnard. ALL COMPLETE. When a man is developed up to his true nature, the reason, every part of it, must be brought to its full ; the moral sentiments, each of them, must be brought to their full ; the social faculties must be brought to their full ; every part of the mind must be brought to its full ; and each must learn its role. H. W. Beecher. HOW I WAS EDUCATED. I HAVE thus briefly stated all that occurs to me as likely to be of use to others, in regard to the process of my education. As I look back upon the history, in addition to the suggestions that might naturally occur, so EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS, two or three impressions remain profoundly fixed in my mind. One is, that with whatever opportunities, all higher education is essentially self-education. Teachers do not make the scholar. The impulse comes chiefly from within ; and the student becomes the scholar when he ceases to confine himself to prescribed tasks or pre- vious limits, and spontaneously reaches' out beyond. Another strong impression made upon me is, that the best preliminary preparation for even the studies of a specialist is a liberal education. Such an education con- nects him with the wide circle of thought and knowl- edge, and saves him from narrowness and hobbies. The man who can do one thing best is usually a man who could have done other things well. It has also been my observation that such a liberal education as will fit the man in due time to grapple most effectually with any specialty, consists more in training than in acquisition. The man that is thoroughly master of his own powers will master any sphere or theme to which he is called. S. C. Bartlett. Example yields the most compendious instruction, together with the most efficacious incitement to action. Isaac Barrow. TEACHING, A FINE ART. I HAVE done my work inspired with the idea that teaching is a beautiful art and a noble vocation. To me the teacher has seemed to be an artist shaping the minds of his pupils into higher forms, and through them moulding the generation in which they live. The true EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. 51 teacher has seemed to be painting pictures on the canvas of mind that shall last through the generations, and fade not in eternity. My own work was largely inspired by the spirit of the sentiment so felicitously phrased by an English writer, " that divine and beautiful thing called teaching." Edward Brooks. It is the man who takes in who can give out. The man who does not do the one soon takes to spinning his own fancies out of his interior, like a spider, and he snares himself at last, as well as his victims. Dr. John Brown. INSPIRE A LOVE OF KNOWLEDGE. This is indeed something worth being enthusiastic for. To convince boys that intellectual growth is noble, and intellectual labor happy, that they are travel- ling on no purposeless errand, mounting higher every step of the way, and may as truly enjoy the toil that lifts them above their former selves, as they enjoy a race or a climb ; to help the culture of their minds by every faculty of moral force, of physical vigor, of mem- ory, of fancy, of humor, of pathos, of banter, that we have ourselves, and lead them to trust in knowledge, to hope for it, to cherish it ; this, succeed as it may here and fail there, quickened as it may be by health and sympathy, or deadened by fatigue or disappointment, is a work which has in it most of the elements which life needs to give it zest. It is not to be done by putting books before boys, and hearing them so much at a time ; 52 EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. or by offering prizes and punishments ; or by assuring them that every EngUsh gentleman knows Horace. It is by making it certain to the understanding of every one that we think the knowledge worth having our- selves, and mean in every possible way, by versatile oral teaching, by patient guidance, by tone and manner and look, by anger and pity, by determination even to amuse, by frank allowance for dulness and even for indolence, to help them to attain a little of what gives us such pleasure. A man or an older pupil can find this help in books ; a young boy needs it from the words and gestures of a teacher. There is no fear of loss of dig- nity ; the work of teaching will be respected when the things that are taught begin to deserve respect. Above all, the work must be easy. , Few boys are ever losers from finding their task too simple, for they can always aspire to learning what is harder ; many have had their school career ruined from being set to attack what was too hard. It may be said, perhaps, that what was easy enough for past generations ought to be easy enough for the present. Those who urge this view, may simply be asked whether they are satis- fied with the working of the classical education that exists. Allowing that the very best scholars can assimi- late anything whatever, and that with the very worst it is next to useless to try at all, is it true to say that the average boys have a fair chance of making the most of their powers ? If not, there are two resources before the teacher. He can, as is elsewhere pointed out, vary and enlarge the basis of education ; he can also teach classics so as to include more that is of rational interest, and less that is of pedantic routine. E. E. BowEN. EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. THE TEACHER TAUGHT. 53 O'er wayward children wouldst thou hold firm rule, And sun thee in the light of happy faces ; Love, Hope, and Patience, — these must be the graces. And in thine own heart let them first keep school ! For, as old Atlas on his broad neck places Heaven's starry globe, and there sustains it, so Do these upbear the little world below Of education — Patience, Hope, and Love ! Methinks I see them grouped in seemly show, — The straitened arms upraised, — the palms aslope, — And robes that touching, as adown they flow. Distinctly blend, like snow embossed in snov/. O part them never ! if Hope prostrate lie. Love, too, will sink and die. But Love is subtle ; and will proof derive, From her own life, that Hope is still alive, And bending o'er, with soul-transfusing eyes. And the soft murmurs of the mother dove, Woos back the fleeting spirit, and half supplies. Thus Love repays to Hope what Hope first gave to Love ! Yet haply there will come a weary day. When, overtasked, at length. Both Love and Hope beneath the load give way, Then, with a statue's smile, a statue's strength. Stands the mute sister, Patience, — nothing loath ; And, both supporting, does the work of both. Samuel T. Coleridge. 54 EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. Observe with the utmost attention all the opera- tions of your own mind, the' nature of your passions, and the various motives that determine your will, and you may, in a great degree, know all mankind. Lord Chesterfield. MORAL LESSONS INCIDENTALLY. To the schoolroom the teacher should bring the per- sonal influence, the inspiration, so to speak, of a charac- ter in which the gentle as well as the heroic virtues are conspicuous. And here every opportunity should be embraced to impress, by example, by precept, by illus- tration, upon the minds of the scholars the paramount importance of the cultivation of the moral faculties co-equal with the intellectual. I would not have this sentiment acquired by committing to memory printed answers to printed questions, neither would I encourage a great amount of preaching by the teacher ; but I would have a constant sifting-in, a mingling of the moral with the mental food, as salt is mingled with the physical. Scarcely a lesson need occur from which some moral instruction may not be drawn. For example : in the study of geography and history, the benefits of peace, of brotherhood, and of unselfish international exchange ; in zoology, kindness to animals ; in natural philosophy and chemistry, the wonderful harmony and fitness of things, one toward another ; in mathematics, the exact- ness of proper methods in producing certain desirable results, — may all be made by skilful, conscientious handling, to lead to a perception of the excellence of right-doing in the conduct of life. Mrs. Elizabeth B. Chace. EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. 55 APPLICATION. For stern, close thought, the mind must be schooled by habits of close application, and this is more rare than one would imagine ; for, notwithstanding what is called application in our public schools, the mind is so little employed in it, that few men ever know how to isolate themselves from present objects enough to think really, and the habit is easily lost. Carolink F. Cornwallis. PRODIGIES. I GRANT that the education which cultivates only the memory may make prodigies, and that it has done so ; but these prodigies last only during the time of infancy. . . . He who knows only by heart, knows nothing. . .. He who has not learned to reflect has not been in- structed, or, what is still worse, has been poorly in- structed. CONDILLAC. THINGS, NOT THEIR SHADOWS. In the place of dead books, why should we not open the living book of nature ? . . . To instruct the young is not to beat into them by repetition a mass of words, phrases, sentences, and opinions gathered out of authors ; but it is to open their understanding through things. . .. The foundation of all knowledge consists in correctly representing sensible objects to our senses, so that they can be comprehended with facility. I hold that this is the basis of all our other activities, since we could neither act nor speak wisely unless we adequately comprehended 56 EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. what we were to do and say. Now it is certain that there is nothing in the understanding that was not first in the senses, and, consequently, it is to lay the founda- tion of all wisdom, of all eloquence, and of all good and prudent conduct, carefully to train the senses to note with accuracy the differences between natural objects; and as this point, important as it is, is ordinarily neg- lected in the schools of to-day, and as objects are pro- posed to scholars that they do not understand because they have not been properly represented to their senses or to their imagination, it is for this reason, on the one hand, that the toil of teaching, and on the other, that the pain of learning, have become so burdensome and so unfruitful. . . . We must offer to the young, not the shadows of things, but the things themselves, which impress the senses and the imagination. Instruction should commence with a real observation of things, and not with a verbal description of them. John Amos Comenius. INTELLECTUAL FORCE. The elevation of man, is to be sought, or rather con- sists, first in force of thought exerted for the acquisition of truth ; thought is the fundamental distinction of mind, and the great work of life. All that a man does outwardly is but the expression and completion of his inward thought. To work effectually, he must think clearly ; to act nobly, he must think nobly. Intellect- ual force is a principal element of the soul's life, and should be proposed by every man as the principal end of his being. W. E. Channing. EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. 57 THEORY AND PRACTICE. I, FOR one, esteem practice. I trace all real knowl- edge to experience. I care for no theories, no systems, no generalizations, which do not spring from life and return to it again. I feel perhaps undue contempt for the vague abstractions we often listen to, idle figments of an idle brain, speculations with no basis of sharp observation beneath them. Yet we are in danger of going too far in this direction, and of undervaluing theory in its proper limits. People often eulogize Prac- tice when they only mean Routine, boasting themselves as practical teachers, intending thereby that they only do what always has been done, and do not mean to do any better to-morrow than they did yesterday. Practice and theory must go together. Theory, without practice to test it, to verify it, to correct it, is idle speculation ; but practice, without theory to animate it, is mere mechanism. In every art and business theory is the soul and practice the body. The soul without a body in which to dwell is indeed only a ghost, but the body without a soul is only a corpse. I pass a sign often on which the artisan has painted "John Smith " (or what- ever the name may be), "Practical Plumber." I should not wish to employ him. When the water-works in my house get out of order, I want a theoretical plumber as well as one who is practical. I want a man who under- stands the theory of hydrostatic pressure ; who knows the laws giving resisting qualities to lead, iron, zinc, and copper, — who can so arrange and plan beforehand the order of pipes that he shall accomplish the results aimed at with the smallest amount of piping, the least expos- ,58 EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. ure to frost, the least danger of leakage or breakage; and this, a merely practical man, a man of routine, can- not do. The merest artisan needs to theorize, i.e., to think, — to think beforehand, to foresee ; and that must be done by the aid of general principles, by the knowledge of laws. An intelligent man, a man of general culture, whose mind has been quickened with ideas, will often be able to show a mechanic how to do his own work. When we are young, we have a superstitious faith in the knowledge each man is supposed to have of his own business. We outgrow this after a while. If you wish anything done about your house, send for a mechanic ; but overlook him, do not leave him to himself. You will presently find that you can suggest something to him in his own work, which he never thought of. All success depends on practice, but all improvement on theory. Let neither despise the other. James Freeman Clarke. The great result of schooling is a mind with just vision to discern, with free force to do ; the grand schoolmaster is Practice. Thomas Carlyle. MORAL TEACHINGS OF HISTORY. But history should be studied with a moral purpose as well as an intellectual. No one who is not more or less acquainted with his country can feel an enlightened interest in its fame and its privileges, can judge of those discussions of vital moment which are unceasingly on the lips of- a free people, or can understand its current EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. 59 literature. And he is excluded from all those pleasant associations which almost every spot of its soil suggests to him who has traced its growth from infancy to man- hood. But beyond contributing in an indirect way to raise the whole tone and temper of those who read it, history stands forth with claims to be regarded as a great moral teacher. It exhibits the punishment of crime, it may be after temporary success ; and, where crime seems to prosper continuously, the miseries which follow in its train. It draws lessons of personal im- provement from the characters who appear upon its stage, whether good or bad ; from the devotion of the patriot, the fortitude of the martyr, the integrity of the honorable, and the charity of the pious, not less than from the craft and falsehood of the intriguer, the cor- ruptness of the unjust, and the unscrupulousness of the selfish. The reader should have his own character heightened by the attraction of the virtuous and by the repulsion of the vicious. Thus it is that this subject occupies no mean place amongst the instruments for forming the moral judgment of youth. James Currie. DILIGENCE. There is an advice I must give you — the summary of all advices, and doubtless you have heard it a thou- sand times ; but you must hear it once more, for it is most intensely true, whether you believe it or not. That above all things the interest of your whole life depends upon your being diligent and honest, now while it is called to-day, in this place, where you have come 6o EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. to get your education ! Diligence ! that includes in it all virtues that a student can have ; I include in it all those qualities of conduct and attention that lead to the acquirement of real instruction in such a place. This is the seed-time of life — and as you sow, so will you reap ; this the fluid condition of your mind, and as it hardens into habits, so will it retain the consistency of rock and of iron to the end. By diligence I mean hon- esty, not only as to time, but as to your knowledge. Grant a thing as known only when it is clearly yours, and is transparent to you, so that you can survey it on all sides with intelligence. Don't flourish about with what you only know the outside of, and don't cram with undigested fragments for examinations. Be modest, be humble, be assiduous, and as early as you can find out what kind of work you individually can do in this universe, and qualify yourself for doing it. Thomas Carlyle. It is attention which fixes objects in the memory. There is no surer mark of a mean and meagre intellect in the world than inattention. All that is worth the trou- ble of doing at all, deserves to be done well, and nothing can be well done without attention. Lord Chesterfield. MARCUS AURELIUS. The wisest of the Roman emperors, the author of the book entitled To Myself, better known as Meditations, Marcus Aurelius, deserves mention in the history of pedagogy He is perhaps the most perfect representa- EDUCATIONAL MOSAICS. 5 1 tive of Stoic morality, which is itself the highest expres- sion of ancient morahty. He is the most finished type of what can be effected in the way of soul-culture by the influence of home training and the personal effort of the conscience. His teacher of rhetoric was the cele- brated Fronto, of whose character we may judge from this one characteristic : " I toiled hard yesterday/' he wrote to his pupil ; " I composed a few figures of speech, with which I am pleased." On the other hand, Marcus Aurelius found examples for imitation in his own family. ''My uncle," he says, reverently, " taught me patience. From my father I inherited mod- esty. To my mother I owe my feelings of piety." Notwithstanding the modesty that led him to attribute to others the whole of his moral worth, it is especially to himself, to a persistent effort of his own will, and to a ceaseless examination of his own conscience, that he is indebted for becoming the most virtuous of men, and the wisest and purest, next to Socrates, of the moralists of antiquity. His Meditations show us in action that self-education which in our time has sug- gested such beautiful reflections to Channing. Gabriel Compayre. EXAMINING BOARDS. It requires men of great and versatile experience to be able to ask such suggestive questions as can fully test the general knowledge and capabilities of a teacher. |
US-193360D-A_1 | USPTO | Public Domain | Improvement in bakers ovens
A; wusoua A. O. AHLENIUSi V BAKERSOVEN. No. 193,360. Patentei-J'uly 24,1877,
Specification'forming part of Letters Patent No. 193,366, dated July 24, 18 77 application filed January 20, 1877.
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that WB,ALEXANDER WILsoN and ADAM O. AHLENIUS, of Galesburg, in the county of Knox and State of Illinois, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Bakers Ovens; and we do hereby declare that the following is a full, clear, and exact description thereof, which will enable others skilled in the art to which it appertains to make and use the same, reference being had to shear:- companying drawings, and to letters of reference marked thereon, which form a part of this specification.
This invention relates to improvements in bakers ovens, and consists, first, in improvements in the manner of mounting or seating transparent media in openings in the walls of bakers ovens; second, in the use of a hinged partition between the transparencies and the interior of bakers oven, hinged within the openings through the oven-walls, for the admission of light, and so arranged that it may be used to open or close said opening, and so seated in theopening that it may not be heated so as to warp it or affect its shape and efficiency in using it.
In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 is a horizontal sectional view through a portion of the wall of a bakers oven, and a construction embodying my invention, and in the line a: a; in Fig. 2. Fig. 2 is a vertical sectional view in the line y y in Fig, 1.-
The same letter indicates the same part in the different views in the drawings.
Letter A represents an opening in the wall B of an ordinary bakers oven, which opening may be of any desired shape, and is preferably lined with a casing, O. The opening A is also preferably enlarged at both ends, as plainly shown in the drawings.
Surrounding the opening A, at its contracted portion, are ledges (1-, against which a frame, E, may be placed and held by cams or buttons e, hinged to the casing 0. Exterior to the ledges d are placed another similar set of ledges, 11', against which a frame, F, is held by buttons 0.
The frames E and F are both supplied with mica, glass,or'other suitable transparent media,
. and may be readily and easily removed by turning the buttons 6 6 into the position shown by dotted lines in the drawings. The frame E,
being smaller than the frame F, may be removed through the ledges to which the frame F is secured.
. The trames E and F are seated near the outer side of the oven-wall, so as to leave the greater portion of the opening A between them and the interior B of the oven.
G is a partition, hinged at its lower side in the bottom of the casing 0, so that when it is turned up, as shown by full lines in the drawings, it will close the opening through the casing O, and when turned down, as shown by dotted lines at Fig. 2, it will allow light to pass through the opening into the interior of the oven, and is so seated, as shown, that in either case it is removed from the interior of the oven-wall and from the intense heat, which is liable to warp its shape and destroy its efficiency.
H is a pulley, seated in-a recess, h, in the oven-wall, and over the casing O.
l is a chain, connected at one end to the hinged partition. G, and extends through a hole, a, in the casing 0, over the pulley H, and outward through a duct, 1), in the ovenwall, where it hangs convenient to be taken hold of to raise the hinged partition G, to prevent the passage of smoke or steam to the transparencies when desired, or to lower it to admit light to the oven when desired. It may be held elevated by engaging the chain I with a pin, 7,.
What we claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is-
l. The frames E and F, ledges d d, and buttons e 0, arranged to operate with the opening A in the Wall of a bakers oven, substantially as and for the purpose specified.
2. The hinged partition G, seated in the opening A, as described, and arranged to 0p erate with the transparent media in the frames E and F, and with an operating chain, I, substantially as described, and for the purpose specified.
In testimony that we claim the foregoing as our own we affix our signatures in presence of two witnesses.
US-202016747207-A_1 | USPTO | Public Domain | Edible Dog Toy with Internal Treat Cavity
A dog toy has a cavity for holding a dog treat or another toy and is in the form of a ball and is edible. Several apertures allow a dog to see and smell the contents of the inner cavity and provide motivation for the dog to try to get at the cavity's contents. The upper and lower halves are screwed or snapped together, enabling the dog toy to be opened by a human in order to place a toy or treat in the inner cavity. The dog toy is made with a formula that results in it being sufficiently hard and durable that it will take time and effort for a dog to break through to get at the contents. The toy will therefore help clean the dog's teeth and gums as the dog chews at it.
This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/794,417 for an “Edible Dog Toy with Internal Treat Cavity,” filed Jan. 18, 2019, and currently co-pending, the entirety of which is incorporated herein by reference.
The present invention pertains generally to toys for use in entertaining pets. More particularly, the present invention pertains to an edible dog toy with an internal cavity. The Present invention is particularly, but not exclusively, useful as an edible dog toy with a dog treat inside.
Humans and dogs have associated with each other for thousands of years. Some remains of what are thought to be domesticated dogs date back to the Paleolithic era. Today, dogs may be kept to guard livestock, hunt, or perform other types of labor, but it is also common for dogs to be kept as pets.
Dog food and dog toys have become massive industries, with sales in the tens of billions of dollars annually. Over the past two centuries, dog food has taken the forms of kibbles, canned food, and treats.
Disclosed is a dog toy having a cavity for holding a dog treat or another toy. In a preferred embodiment, the dog toy is in the form of a ball and is edible. Several apertures allow a dog to see and smell the contents of the inner cavity and provide motivation for the dog to try to get at the cavity's contents.
The dog toy is made with a formula that results in it being sufficiently hard and durable that it will take time and effort for a dog to break through to get at the contents. The toy will therefore help clean the dog's teeth and gums as the dog chews at it. A preferred embodiment of the formula comprises wheat and meat and bone meal. Another preferred embodiment of the formula comprises rawhide. Another preferred embodiment of the formula comprises corn starch and meat.
Preferred embodiments of the dog toy comprise an upper half and a lower half that are screwed or snapped together, enabling the dog toy to be opened by a human in order to place a toy or treat in the inner cavity.
The novel features of this invention, as well as the invention itself, both as to its structure and its operation, will be best understood from the accompanying drawings, taken in conjunction with the accompanying description, in which similar reference characters refer to similar parts, and in which:
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an edible dog toy with an internal treat cavity;
FIG. 2 is a top plan view of an edible dog toy with an internal treat cavity;
FIG. 3 is an elevation view of an edible dog toy with an internal treat cavity;
FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a lower half of an edible dog toy with an internal treat cavity;
FIG. 5 is a top plan view of a lower half of an edible dog toy with an internal treat cavity;
FIG. 6 is a perspective view of an upper half of an edible dog toy with an internal treat cavity; and
FIG. 7 is a bottom plan view of an upper half of an edible dog toy with an internal treat cavity.
Referring initially to FIG. 1, a perspective view of a preferred embodiment of an edible dog toy with an internal treat cavity (hereinafter “dog toy”) is shown and generally designated 100. Dog toy 100 comprises an upper half 110 and a lower half 112 that are removably joined together at junction 114. In a preferred embodiment, upper half 110 and lower half 112 are hemispherical, resulting in a spherical dog toy 100 when joined. The separability of the two halves 110 and 112 allows a toy or treat to be placed inside an internal cavity 116 of the dog toy 100. Preferred embodiments comprise multiple apertures 118 on each of the two halves 110 and 112 of the dog toy 100, allowing the contents of the internal cavity 116 to be seen and smelled.
While a preferred embodiment of Dog Toy 100 is depicted as spherical in shape, it is to be appreciated that other shapes may be used without departing from the spirit of the present invention. The specific shape of the Dog Toy 100 is virtually limitless, and other shapes could include, but not be limited to geometric shapes, such as conical, tubular, rectangular, cubical, or other more unique shapes such as animal shapes, shoe shapes, hamburger shapes, bone shapes, etc. In such instances, it is possible that upper half 110 and lower half 112 are not symmetrical in shape, but nevertheless joint at a junction 114 formed between the two halves 110 and 112.
Dog toy 100 is made of a material sufficiently durable that a dog will not immediately be able to chew through it. Moreover, in preferred embodiments, dog toy 100 is made of a material edible and digestible by a dog, such as a material comprising corn starch and meat.
Referring now to FIG. 2, a top view of dog toy 100 is illustrated, presenting an exemplary layout of apertures 118 on upper half 110 of dog toy 100. In preferred embodiments, lower half 112 of dog toy 100 appears substantially similar to upper half 110 when the two halves 110 and 112 are joined together.
Referring now to FIG. 3, a front view of dog toy 100 is illustrated, showing the presence of multiple apertures 118 on both upper half 110 and lower half 112 of dog toy 100. In preferred embodiments, the assembled dog toy 100 appears symmetrical above and below junction 114, as upper half 110 and lower half 112 of dog toy 100 have a similar appearance and a similar layout of apertures 118. As indicated above, however, upper half 110 and lower half 112 need not be symmetrical, and can depict a wide variety of shapes while maintaining the presence of apertures 118, and are formed to create a junction 114 when the upper half 110 and lower half are placed together.
Referring now to FIG. 4, a perspective view of lower half 112 of dog toy 100 is illustrated. Lower half 112 of dog toy 100 is bowl-shaped, or in the form of a hollowed-out hemisphere. The edge of a bowl-shape, which would be a great circle of the sphere formed by the combination of two hemispheres, is referred to herein as an “orthodromic perimeter” for convenience. In preferred embodiments, around the orthodromic perimeter 120 of lower half 112 is an extruded member 122 configured to be received by upper half 110 of dog toy 100 in order to assemble dog toy 100. In a preferred embodiment, extruded member 122 is threaded, so that lower half 112 is screwed into upper half 110 to join the two halves together. In another preferred embodiment, extruded member 122 is configured to snap into upper half 110 in order to join the two halves together. For instance, extruded member 122 may be received into a correspondingly sized groove, notch or slot receiver 128.
Alternative embodiments of the present invention could include upper half 110 and lower half 112 being formed with a snug-fitting dimension such that when the two halves are forced together, the orthodromic perimeter 120 of the upper half 110 is closely received in the orthodromic perimeter 124 of lower half 112 such that seam 114 is formed by pressure and friction exerted between the two halves.
Referring now to FIG. 5, a top plan view of lower half 112 of dog toy 100 is illustrated. Orthodromic perimeter 120 is circular in shape and corresponds to the portion of lower half 112 at junction 114 of dog toy 100 when dog toy 100 is in its assembled configuration.
Referring now to FIG. 6, a perspective view of upper half 110 of dog toy 100 is illustrated. Like lower half 112, upper half 110 of dog toy 100 is hemispherical or bowl-shaped. Inside orthodromic perimeter 126 of upper half 110 of dog toy 100 is a receiver 128 configured to receive extruded member 122. In embodiments in which extruded member 122 is threaded, receiver 128 is also threaded so that lower half 112 screws into upper half 110 to form a spherical shape in the assembled configuration of dog toy 100. As mentioned previously, extruded member 122 and receiver 128 snap together in another embodiment in order to place dog toy 100 into its assembled configuration.
Referring now to FIG. 7, a bottom plan view of upper half 110 of dog toy 100 is illustrated. Like orthodromic perimeter 120, orthodromic perimeter 124 is circular in shape, and corresponds to the portion of upper half 110 at junction 114 of dog toy 100 when dog toy 100 is in its assembled configuration.
While there have been shown what are presently considered to be preferred embodiments of the present invention, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various changes and modifications can be made herein without departing from the scope and spirit of the invention.
What is claimed is:
1. An edible dog toy, comprising: a body comprising: an upper half; a lower half removably joined to the upper half; an internal cavity; and a plurality of apertures allowing the contents of the internal cavity to be viewed, wherein the body is made of material edible and digestible by a dog.
2. The edible dog toy as recited in claim 1, wherein the body comprises corn starch and meat.
3. The edible dog toy as recited in claim 1, wherein the body comprises a spherical shape.
4. The edible dog toy as recited in claim 3, wherein the upper half and the lower half appear symmetrical when joined.
5. The edible dog toy as recited in claim 4, wherein the lower half has a threaded extruded member configured to be received by a threaded receiver of the upper half in order to join the lower half to the upper half.
6. The edible dog toy as recited in claim 4, wherein the lower half has an extruded member configured to snap into a receiver of the upper half in order to join the lower half to the upper half.
7. The edible dog toy as recited in claim 4, wherein a first half of the apertures of the plurality of apertures is arranged according a predetermined layout on the upper half, and a second half of the apertures of the plurality of apertures is arranged according to the same predetermined layout on the lower half.
8. An edible dog toy, comprising: an internal cavity; a spherical body surrounding the internal cavity; a plurality of apertures in the spherical body; and an object located in the internal cavity, wherein the spherical body is made of a material edible and digestible by a dog, and wherein the object located in the internal cavity is of interest to a dog.
9. The edible dog toy as recited in claim 8, wherein the spherical body comprises corn starch and meat.
10. The edible dog toy as recited in claim 8, wherein the object located in the internal cavity is selected from the group consisting of a dog treat and a dog toy.
11. The edible dog toy as recited in claim 8, wherein the object located in the internal cavity is a dog treat.
12. The edible dog toy as recited in claim 8, wherein the object located in the internal cavity is a dog toy.
13. The edible dog toy as recited in claim 8, wherein the body comprises two separable halves.
14. An edible dog toy, comprising: a spherical body, comprising: a bowl-shaped upper half having a first set of apertures; a bowl-shaped lower half having a second set of apertures; and an internal cavity, wherein the lower half is removably joined to the upper half.
15. The edible dog toy as recited in claim 14, wherein the first set of apertures is laid out according to the same pattern as the second set of apertures.
16. The edible dog toy as recited in claim 14, wherein the spherical body comprises corn starch and meat.
17. The edible dog toy as recited in claim 14, wherein the lower half has a threaded extruded member configured to be received by a threaded receiver of the upper half in order to join the lower half to the upper half.
18. The edible dog toy as recited in claim 14, wherein the lower half has an extruded member configured to snap into a receiver of the upper half in order to join the lower half to the upper half.
19. The edible dog toy as recited in claim 14, further comprising a dog treat in the internal cavity.
20. The edible dog toy as recited in claim 14, further comprising a dog toy in the internal cavity..
github_open_source_100_8_19929 | Github OpenSource | Various open source |
using ERPCore.Enterprise.Models.Items;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ERPCore.Enterprise.Repository.Items
public class ItemParameterTypes : ERPNodeDalRepository
public ItemParameterTypes(Organization organization) : base(organization)
public IQueryable<ItemParameterType> Query => erpNodeDBContext.ItemParameterTypes;
public List<ItemParameterType> ListAll => erpNodeDBContext.ItemParameterTypes.ToList();
public ItemParameterType Find(Guid id) => erpNodeDBContext.ItemParameterTypes.Find(id);
public void Delete(Guid id)
var itemParameterType = erpNodeDBContext.ItemParameterTypes.Find(id);
public ItemParameterType CreateNew(ItemParameterType itemParameterType)
itemParameterType.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
return itemParameterType;
public ItemParameterType CreateNew(string name)
var newParameterType = new ItemParameterType()
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
Name = name?.Trim()
return newParameterType;
github_open_source_100_8_19930 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2002-2021 Echo Three, LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import com.echothree.model.control.index.common.IndexConstants;
import com.echothree.util.common.message.ExecutionErrors;
import com.echothree.util.common.transfer.ListWrapper;
import com.echothree.util.server.message.ExecutionErrorAccumulator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
public abstract class BaseSpellCheckEvaluator
extends BaseEvaluator {
protected BaseSpellCheckEvaluator(UserVisit userVisit, SearchType searchType, SearchDefaultOperator searchDefaultOperator, String componentVendorName,
String entityTypeName, String indexTypeName, Language language, String indexName) {
super(userVisit, searchType, searchDefaultOperator, componentVendorName, entityTypeName, indexTypeName, language, indexName);
private boolean isSimpleQuery(Query query, final String dictionaryField, final List<String> words) {
boolean result;
boolean isBoosted = false;
// If it's a BoostQuery, then we'll unwrap the contained Query and mark
// that we've been boosted if needed.
if(query instanceof BoostQuery) {
BoostQuery boostQuery = (BoostQuery)query;
isBoosted = boostQuery.getBoost() != 1.0f;
if(EvaluatorDebugFlags.LogCheckSpelling) {
getLog().info(" containedTermQuery.getBoost() " + boostQuery.getBoost());
query = boostQuery.getQuery();
if(EvaluatorDebugFlags.LogCheckSpelling) {
getLog().info(" is boosted: " + isBoosted);
if(query instanceof TermQuery) {
TermQuery termQuery = (TermQuery)query;
Term term = termQuery.getTerm();
String text = term.text();
if(EvaluatorDebugFlags.LogCheckSpelling) {
getLog().info(" containedTerm.field() " + term.field());
getLog().info(" containedTerm.text() " + text);
// For the query to be simple, it must not have a boost applied, and the
// field for the query must be the default one. The exact comparison to 1.0f
// is a bad idea, but there doesn't appear to be a choice for determining
// this.
result = (!isBoosted && dictionaryField.equals(term.field()));
if(result) {
} else {
if(EvaluatorDebugFlags.LogCheckSpelling) {
getLog().info(" !!! not a TermQuery");
result = false;
if(EvaluatorDebugFlags.LogCheckSpelling) {
getLog().info(" isSimpleQuery: " + result);
return result;
private boolean isSimpleBooleanQuery(final BooleanQuery booleanQuery, final String dictionaryField, final List<String> words) {
// When searchDefaultOperatorName == AND, Occur.MUST must occur on all clauses.
// For OR, Occur.SHOULD must occur on all clauses.
Occur requiredOccur = null;
boolean result = true;
switch(getSearchDefaultOperatorName()) {
case SearchConstants.SearchDefaultOperator_AND:
requiredOccur = Occur.MUST;
case SearchConstants.SearchDefaultOperator_OR:
requiredOccur = Occur.SHOULD;
if(requiredOccur != null) {
for(var booleanClause : booleanQuery) {
Occur occur = booleanClause.getOccur();
if(EvaluatorDebugFlags.LogCheckSpelling) {
getLog().info("booleanClause " + booleanClause);
getLog().info(" booleanClause.getOccur() " +;
getLog().info(" booleanClause.isRequired() " + booleanClause.isRequired());
getLog().info(" booleanClause.isProhibited() " + booleanClause.isProhibited());
// MUST and SHOULD are the only two Occurs that'll make it this far, MUST_NOT will never occur.
switch(requiredOccur) {
case MUST:
if(!booleanClause.isRequired() || booleanClause.isProhibited()) {
result = false;
case SHOULD:
if(booleanClause.isRequired() || booleanClause.isProhibited()) {
result = false;
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected requiredOccur");
if(result) {
Query containedQuery = booleanClause.getQuery();
if(EvaluatorDebugFlags.LogCheckSpelling) {
getLog().info(" booleanClause.getQuery() " + containedQuery);
getLog().info(" booleanClause.getQuery().getClass() " + containedQuery.getClass());
result = isSimpleQuery(containedQuery, dictionaryField, words);
if(!result) {
} else {
// Should never occur.
result = false;
return result;
private boolean isSimpleQuery(final ExecutionErrorAccumulator eea, final String dictionaryField, final List<String> words) {
boolean result = false;
if(query == null) {
parseQuery(eea, dictionaryField, null);
if(query != null) {
if(query instanceof BooleanQuery) {
result = isSimpleBooleanQuery((BooleanQuery)query, dictionaryField, words);
} else {
result = isSimpleQuery(query, dictionaryField, words);
if(EvaluatorDebugFlags.LogCheckSpelling) {
getLog().info("!!! not a BooleanQuery, " + query.getClass());
if(EvaluatorDebugFlags.LogCheckSpelling) {
getLog().info("isSimpleQuery: " + result);
return result;
private List<CheckSpellingWordTransfer> getCheckSpellingWordTransfers(final List<String> words, final List<String> analyzedWords,
final List<List<CheckSpellingSuggestionTransfer>> suggestions) {
SearchLogic searchLogic = SearchLogic.getInstance();
List<CheckSpellingWordTransfer> checkSpellingWords = new ArrayList<>(words.size());
Iterator<String> analyzedWordsIter = analyzedWords.iterator();
Iterator<List<CheckSpellingSuggestionTransfer>> wordSuggestionsIter = suggestions.iterator();
words.forEach((word) -> {
String analyzedWord =;
List<CheckSpellingSuggestionTransfer> checkSpellingSuggestions =;
String searchCheckSpellingActionTypeName;
if(analyzedWord == null) {
searchCheckSpellingActionTypeName = SearchConstants.SearchCheckSpellingActionType_IGNORED;
} else if(checkSpellingSuggestions == null) {
searchCheckSpellingActionTypeName = SearchConstants.SearchCheckSpellingActionType_NO_SUGGESTIONS;
} else {
searchCheckSpellingActionTypeName = SearchConstants.SearchCheckSpellingActionType_HAS_SUGGESTIONS;
checkSpellingWords.add(new CheckSpellingWordTransfer(word,
searchLogic.getSearchCheckSpellingActionTypeTransferByName(null, userVisit, searchCheckSpellingActionTypeName),
new ListWrapper<>(checkSpellingSuggestions)));
return checkSpellingWords;
private List<CheckSpellingWordTransfer> executeCheckSpelling(final ExecutionErrorAccumulator eea) {
List<CheckSpellingWordTransfer> checkSpellingWords = null;
if(fields == null) {
if(field == null) {
handleExecutionError(FieldRequiredException.class, eea,;
} else {
final List<String> words = new ArrayList<>();
// Switch the default field used by parseQuery(...) over to the dictionary one in order to avoid most analysis
// beyond splitting the phrase into simple words.
final String dictionaryField = field + IndexConstants.IndexFieldVariationSeparator + IndexConstants.IndexFieldVariation_Dictionary;
final boolean simpleQuery = isSimpleQuery(eea, dictionaryField, words);
if(EvaluatorDebugFlags.LogCheckSpelling) {
getLog().info("words = " + words);
if(simpleQuery) {
final Analyzer analyzer = getCachedAnalyzer(null, getLanguage());
final List<String> analyzedWords = new ArrayList<>(words.size());
for(var word : words) {
String analyzedWord = null;
try {
try(TokenStream stream = analyzer.tokenStream(field, new StringReader(word))) {
while(stream.incrementToken()) {
analyzedWord = stream.getAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class).toString();
} catch(IOException e) {
// not thrown b/c we're using a string reader...
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if(EvaluatorDebugFlags.LogCheckSpelling) {
getLog().info("analyzedWords = " + analyzedWords);
final List<List<CheckSpellingSuggestionTransfer>> suggestions = executeSpellCheck(eea, dictionaryField, words, analyzedWords);
if(!hasExecutionErrors(eea)) {
checkSpellingWords = getCheckSpellingWordTransfers(words, analyzedWords, suggestions);
} else {
handleExecutionError(ComplexQueriesUnsupportedException.class, eea,;
} else {
handleExecutionError(MultipleFieldsUnsupportedException.class, eea,;
return checkSpellingWords;
public List<CheckSpellingWordTransfer> checkSpelling(final ExecutionErrorAccumulator eea) {
List<CheckSpellingWordTransfer> checkSpellingWords = null;
final String languageIsoName = getLanguageIsoName();
if(languageIsoName == null) {
handleExecutionError(LanguageRequiredException.class, eea,;
} else {
if(languageIsoName.equals( {
checkSpellingWords = executeCheckSpelling(eea);
} else {
handleExecutionError(LanguageUnsupportedException.class, eea,, languageIsoName);
return checkSpellingWords;
protected List<List<CheckSpellingSuggestionTransfer>> executeSpellCheck(final ExecutionErrorAccumulator eea, final String dictionaryField,
final List<String> words, final List<String> analyzedWords) {
return new IndexSpellCheck(eea, getIndexControl(), index, dictionaryField, words, analyzedWords).execute();
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parcomposdestra20unkngoog_8 | French-PD-diverse | Public Domain | Vous le saurez tantôt : marchons, sans tant parler. SCÈNE III. ÉRASTÉ, ALBERT, AGATHÉ, LISETTE. ÉRASTÉ. Ah ! les belles amours ampoules ! ALBERT, à part. Quel triste contretemps dans cette conjuration ! À diable le fâcheux, et sa sotte lâcheté ! (haut) À Éraste. Souhaitez-vous, monsieur, quelque chose de moi ? AGATHÉ, à Lisette, C'est Éraste. LISETTE. Oui. ALBERT, à Éraste. À quoi servent, monsieur, les façons que vous faites ? Parlez donc, je suis las de toutes ces courtoisies. ÉRASTÉ. Étranger dans ces lieux, et ravi de vous voir, Vous rendant mes respects, je remplis mon devoir. Assez près de chez vous ma chaise s'est rompue: Lorsqu'à la réparer ici je m'élance, Attiré par l'aspect et le frais de ces lieux, Je viens y respirer un air délicieux. ACTE III, SCÈNE III. ALBERT. Vous vous trompez, monsieur ; l'air qu'ici l'on respire Est tout à fait malsain : je dois vous le dire Que vous ferez fort mal d'y demeurer longtemps, Et qu'il est dangereux et mortel pour les passants. AGATHÉ. Hélas ! rien n'est plus vrai ; depuis que j'y respire, Je languis nuit et jour dans un cruel martyre. CRISPIN. Que l'on me donne à moi toujours du même vin Que celui que notre hôte a percé ce matin. Et je défie ici de tous, d'une apoplexie, De pouvoir de cent ans attenter à ma vie. ÉRASTÉ. On ne croira jamais qu'avec tant de beauté Et cet air si fleuri, vous manquiez de santé. ALBERT. Qu'elle se porte bien ou qu'elle est malade, Cherchez un autre lieu pour votre promenade. ÉRASTE. Cet objet que le ciel a pris soin de parer, Cette vue où mon âme se plaît à s'égarer, Enchante mes regards; et jamais la nature N'établait ses attraits avec tant de parure. Mon cœur est amoureux de ce qu'on voit ici. ALBERT. Oui, le pays est beau, chacun en parle ainsi : Mais vous emploieriez mieux la fin de la journée;Votre chaise à présent doit être accommodée. Votre présence ici ne fait aucun besoin ; Parlez : vous devriez être déjà loin. BRASTÉ. Je pars dans le fond du bois. Dites-moi, je vous prie... ALBERT. Puisque de babiller vous avez tant d'envie, Je vais vous écouter avec attention. (à Agathe et à Lisette.) Rentrez, rentrez. LISETTE. Mais... ALBERT. Et rentrez, voilà ce que dit-on. BRASTÉ. Je me retirerai plutôt que de être cause Que madame pour moi souffre la moindre chose. AGATHÉ. Non, monsieur; demeurez, et jusques à demain Différez, croyez-moi, de vous mettre en chemin; Et ne vous y mettez qu'en bonne compagnie : Les chemins sont mal sûrs. ALBERT. Que de cérémonie ! (Agathe rentre.) SCÈNE IV. ALBERT, LISETTE, ÉRASTE, CRISPIN. ALBERT. Allons, Tite, rentrons. LISETTE. Oui, oui, je rentrerai ; Mais, devant ces messieurs, tout haut je vous dirai Que le ciel en vérité verra quelque honnête personne Pour faire enfin cessé ces chagrins qu'on nous donne. Depuis plus de six mois, dans ce cloître nouveau, Nous n'avons aperçu que l'embre d'un chapeau; À tout homme en ce lieu l'entrée est interdite; Notre dans cette maison est sujet à visite. Nous croyons que le monde a pris fin. Rien n'entre ici si ce n'est du genre féminin. Jugé et quelquefois un rien peut arrêter. ALBERT, lui mettant la main sur la bouche, et la faisant entrer. Ah ! je t'arrête par ta langue de vipère! SCÈNE V. ALBERT, ÉRASTÉ, CRISPIN. ALBERT, à ÉRASTÉ. Je ne veux point se mettre dans ce logis; Pour donner tout le temps que les baudelaire sont là. ÉRASTÉ. Leurs plaintes et leurs cris me toucheraient peut-être. Allez, de quoi s'agit-il? Parle, voilà votre maître : Mais soutenez-vous, vous êtes blessé. BÉASTE. Je suis blessé, vraiment. Que pour moi votre fille ait un tel traitement. ALBERT. Et est-ce à dire que ma fille est votre femme? ÉRASTÉ. Eh bien, soit. ALBERT. Je suis ravi dans l'âme : Vous ne pouvez jamais prendre un plus beau dessein, Et vous réussirez fort bien de loi à tenir la main. Tous les maris devraient faire ce que vous faites; Les femmes aussitôt honnêtes sont tellement coquettes. J'empêcherai, parbleu, que celui que je prends Ne suive la manière et le train de ce limbs. CRISPIN. Ah ! que vous ferez bien ! Je suis si soûl des femmes!... Et je suis si ravi quand quelques bonnes âmes Me servent de raison un peu de temps en temps!... ALBERT. Ce garçon-là me plaît, et parle de bon sens. Pour moi, je ne vois rien de si désagréable. Qu'une hospice qui s'endort sur la fiole Qui, sans être jamais de son conseil, Compte ses liaisons, sa fin véritable; Croit qu'on l'a pour lui fait une femme fidèle. Il lut âge et-même en tout temps sénestime; Mais qu'aux problèmes par; Vanquish, s'il le faut, Quand elle vent gronder, crier encore plus fort : Et, malgré tous les soins dont on nous occupe, Le plus fil, quel qu'il soit, en est tout fond la coupe. Personne n'ose se précipiter sur ces matières-là ; Qui peuvent mélanger bien habillement avec. Chaque jour à la clé, j'invente une plaisanterie. Pour mieux déconcerter les ruses et leur finesse. Mais si, vous angez beau, masquez leurs partisans, Débonnaires maris, dansiveux conquistadors, Abbés blonds et jONGLÉS, allons chercher par la ville Des femmes douteraient d'avoir un accès facile Publier que je suis vertueux, un jaloux. Dans le fond de mon cœur je me fais de voix: Quand vous servez le jaloux, devenir dévoué, Pour avoir plus qu'un autre un cœur sensible et tendre? Sans être un peu jaloux, on ne peut être amant. Dieu des gens cependant l'aisonne autrement : Un jaloux, disent-ils, qui sans ce zèle querelle, Est plutôt le tyran que l'ami d'une belle; Sans relâche, agité de haine et d'ennui, Il ne met son plaisir que dans le malheur d'autrui. J'ai le talent de tromper, l'expression plaignante de l'extase, Et voudrais que l'on me permît d'être un jaloux. Comme un monstre échappé de l'effroi en courant. C'est dans le monde assis qu'on parle d'offense; Mais pour moi, je soutiens un parti contre cela. Et dis qu'un galant homme, et qui fait tant d'effort, Par son jaloux, peut te voir animer, Garder ses penchants; et qu'il faut, dans la vie, Assouplir un peu sa jalousese. Certes, vous me chantez, menteur par votre esprit. Je voudrais pour bel homme que cela lui arrive. Pour l'innocenter, je sais un sot qui imite ma manière. Je vous écris ceci, même qu'il bugue coïte nen. I. Ah! Je vous suis obligé; je viendrai vous trouver. Vous n'avez pas, je crois, autre chose à me dire. Voilà votre terme; adieu: je me retourne. Que le ciel vous maintienne en ces bons sentiments, Et ne demeure pas en ce limpide argent. SCÈNE VI. AGATHE, ALBERT, CRISPIN. Au seasons j'ai facilité voisins! Quel attracteur de terre! Quelle triste aane à la face du ciel est possible! ACTE II, SCÈNE VI. Pauvre sir de malheur! que pasa-t-on devenir? Le coup est trop funeste; je n'en puis revivre. Qu'est-ce qui est donc arrivé? AGATHE. La faveur rapide disgrâce... ALBERT. Mais encore faut-il savoir ce qui se passe. AGATHE. Agathe... ALBERT. Eh bien! Agathe? AGATHE. Agathe, en ce moment, Vient de demander tout et tout sabine. AGATHE est folle! Ah ciel! ALBERT. Cela n'est pas d'hier. Ah! monsieur, ce malheur n'est que très vénéré. Quand par votre ordre exprès elle s'est traînée, Ce maudit serrurier, venu pour nous griller, Qu'elle a vu ces barreaux et ces grilles paraître, Dont ce noir forgeron condamnait sa fenêtre, J'ai dans le même instant vu ses yeux s'égarer, Et son esprit frappé soudain s'évaporer. Elle tient des discours remplis d'extravagance; AGATHE chante, elle fredde, elle rit et danse Elle prit un habit, puis l'a mis à sa manière Avec ce qu'elle peut vexer sous sa main : Tout à son aise elle a mis, dans une voite pareille, Votre large culotte, et votre grosse robe ; Puis, pratique sa guitare, elle a fait de sa façon Chanté différents airs avec un jargon étrange. Enfin c'est aujourd'hui que je vais la reprocher. On ne peut s'empêcher d'en pleurer et d'en rire. ÉRASTE. Quentends-je ! Quel fâcheux malheur! ALBERT. Quelque sort malheureux! LISETTE. De ce triste farceur de malheur! Et voilà ce que c'est, selon les avis des filles! ALBERT. Maudite prévoyance, et malheureuse les grilles! LISETTE. J'ai voulu dans sa chambre un moment l'enfermer; Ce keekmt des hurlements qu'on ne peut exprimer; De rage elle battait les murs avec sa tête. Ah! qu'elle oublie tout, et qu'elle se rende de l'ardeur. Mais! elle ne pouvait venir. ACTE II, SCÈNE VII. SCÈNE VII. AGATHE, ALBERT, ÉRÄSTE, LISETTE, CRISPIN. LISETTE. Hélas! à tout mon malheur Elle change de forme et de déguisement. AGATHÉ, en habit d'espagnole, faisant le musicien, chante. Toute la nuit entière, Un vieux vilain matou Me guette sur la gouttière. Ah! qu'il en soit fou! Qu'il se puisse faire Qu'il s'y tombe le cou? ÉRÄSTE, à Crispin, bas. Je trouve encor mieux qu'une autre plus sage... AGATHÉ chante. N'est-ce pas possible Qu'il se puisse rompre le cou? Vous êtes des heureux musiciens, une fois dans vos chansons; Fort vains, fort altérés, fort peints d'un grand compromis? Je suis, ainsi que vous, membre de la musique, Enfant de la rue des pitchés et plus je m'en pique; D'un bout de l'âme à l'autre boivant un vin calme. LES FOUVES AMOUREUSES. AGATHÉ. Parbleu, vous chanterez. ALBERT. Eh bien! je chanterai; Et, si c'est ton désir encore, je danserai. ÉRÄSTE, ouvrant son papier, à part. Une lettre, Crispin! CRISPIN, bas, à Éraste. Au ciel! quelle aventure! Le maître de musique entend la tablature. AGATHÉ. Ça, comptez bien vos temps pour partir cette fois, C'est TOUS qui commencez. Allons, vite. Un, deux, trois, (Elle donne un coup du bâton dont elle bat la mesure sur la tête d'Albert, et frappe du pied sur le sien.) Partez donc, partez donc, musicien barbare, Ignorant par nature, ainsi que par bécarre. Quelle musique grêle au milieu de ses joies Ta donné de ton art les premières leçons? Sais-tu, dans un concert, où croasser, où braire? Albert: Je vois ai déjà dit, sans vouloir vous déplaire. Que je n'ai point l'honneur d'être musicien. AGATHE: Pourquoi donc, ignorant, rien ne sachant, Interrompre un concert où ta seule présence Cause des contretemps et de la discordance? Vit-on jamais un aile essayer de bémols, Et se mêler au chant des tendres rossignols? ACTE II, SCÈNE VII. Jamais un noir corbeau, de malheureux présage, Troubla-t-il des sérieux ramage? Et jamais, dans les bois, un sinistre hibou, Pour chanter un concert, sortit-il de son trou? Ta n'es et ne seras jamais le cantor toute ta vie. CRISPIN à Agathe. Mon maître, comme il faut, chantera sa partie; Je n'suis sa caution. AGATHE: Il faut que dès ce soir Dans une sérénade il montre son savoir; Qu'il fasse une musique, et prompte, et vive, et tendre Qui m'enlève! Lisbonne, à Crispin. Entends-tu? GRISPIN: Je commence à comprendre. C'est... comme qui dirait une fugue. AGATHE: D'accord. GRISPIN: Une fugue, en musique, est un morceau bien fort, Et qui coûte beaucoup. Nous n'avons pas un double. AGATHE, bas, à Crispin. Nous pourvoirons à tout; qu'aucun soin ne vous trouble. ÉRASTÈS, à Agathe. Vous verrez que je suis un homme de concert, Et que je sais de plus chanter à livre ouvert. Vous verrez que je suis un homme de concert, Et que je sais de plus chanter à livre ouvert. LES FOLIES AMOUREUSES. AGATHE, chantant. L'Ucelletto, Non non è matto, Chi, cercando qui à, di là, Va trovando la libertà : Ultimo, re mi; Mi fa solo, fa solo la. Al dispetto D'un vecchio brutto, E cercando qui à, di là, L'Ucelletto si salverà : Ultimo, re mi Fa; Mi fa sol, fa sol la. (Elle sort en chantant et en dansant autour d'Érasile.) SCÈNE VIII, ALBERT, LISETTE, ÉRASILE, CRISPIN. ALBERT. Lisette, suivons-la; voyons s'il est possible D'apporter du remède à ce malheur terrible. ACTE II, SCÈNE IX. LISETTE, ÉRASILE, CRISPIN. LISETTE. Ma pauvre maîtresse! Ah! j'ai le cœur tout saisi. Je crois que je m'en vais devenir folle aussi. (Elle sort en chantant et en dansant autour de Crispin.) SCÈNE X. ÉRASILE, CRISPIN. ÉRASILE, ouvrant la lettre. Il est entré. Lisons... « Vous serez surpris du parti que je prends; mais l'esclavage où je me trouve devenant plus dur chaque jour, j'ai cru qu'il m'était permis de tout entreprendre. Vous, de votre côté, essayez tout pour nous délivrer de la tyrannie d'un homme que je hais autant que je vous aime. » Que dis-tu, je te prie, De tout ce que tu vois, et de cette folie? CRISPIN. J'admire les ressorts de l'esprit féminin Quand il est agité de l'amoureux flegme. ÉRASILE. Il faut que cette Enterprise ait plus longue remise, Nous fassions éclater quelque noble entreprise, Et que nous l'arrachions, Crispin, d'un joug si dur. Vous voulez l'enlever? CRISPIN. Ce serait le plus sûr Et le plus prompt. Ordre. Mais, VOUS rendais service. Je crois après cela... ÉRASYTE. Que craignez-vous? CRISPIN. La justice. ÉRASYTE. C'est pour DOIÂ épouser... CRISPIN. C'est fort bien, entendu. Vous serez épousé; moi je reste pauvre. ÉRASYTE, D'où vient de se souvenir... Tu connus bien Culandre? Oui, da... ÉRASYTE. D'un tel âge nous pourrons discuter: Son château n'est pas loin; c'est chez lui que je veux Me choisir un astile en partant de cette lieue. Là, bravant du jaloux le dépit et la rage Nous disposerons tout pour notre mariage. La joie et le plaisir règnent dans ces lieux... ACTE II, SCÈNE XI: ALBERT; ÉRASYTE, CRISPIN. ALBERT, à part. Ah! familière, excusez l'ennui qui me possède; Je reviens sur toi pas pour observer le dérèglement. Cet homme est à vous? ÉRASYTE. Oui; ALBERT. Daignez pourtant m'indiquer Qu'il veuille à mon secours s'employer aujourd'hui. ÉRASYTE. Et que peut-il pour vous? Parlez. De sa science Il a daimé tantôt me faire confidence: Il a mille secrets pour guérir bien des maux; Peut-être en a-t-il un pour vos foibles cerveaux. Oui, oui, j'en ai peut-être, dit l'effet salutaire... Mais vous m'aviez tantôt traité d'une manière... ALBERT, à Crispin. Ah, monsieur! CRISPIN. Réviser, lorsqu'on vous en priait, De dire le chemin, et l'heure qu'il était! ALBERT. Pardonnez mon écar. CRISPIN. On ne me fit tel tour, pas même en Barbarie. Pour revenir à vous, Ma sagesse, votre étonnement D'un côté, chahuté mais non donné séduit? Monsieur, parlez pour moi. Crispin, je t'en conjure; Tâche à gagner le cœur de cette belle endeuße. J'immole encore pour vous tout mon ressentiment. Oui, je veux la guérir et mondement. Albert. Quoi! vous parlez de guérir? Eraste. Oui, je veux la guérir définitivement. Albert. Quoi! vous pourriez? Eraste. Oui, en allant dans le même lieu Voir le remède qu'il est plus à propos de suivre... Vous m'excitez, c'est un exploit que je ne puis exprimer ma obligation. Mais aussi soyez sur que mon bien et ma vie. Crispin. Allez; je ne veux qu'elle ne soit guérie. SCÈNE XII ERASTE. Que l'on m'apporte cela! Pourquoi cette lettre évidemment évoque? Crispin. Malheureux, je n'en sais rien. Ce que je peux vous dire, C'est que tantôt sa vue ayant sa mon intérêt, Pour cacher mon dessein et me déguiser mieux, J'ai dit que je cherchais des simples dans ces lieux, Que j'avais pour tous maux des secrets admirables, Et faisais tous les jours des cures miraculeuses; Et voilà justement ce qui fait son erreur. Eraste. Il en faut profiter. Je ressens dans mon cœur Renaître en ce moment l'espérance et la joie. Allons nous consulter, et voir par quelle voie Nous pourrons réussir dans nos nobles projets, Et ferons éclater ton art et tes secrets. Crispin. Moi, je suis prêt à tout; mais il est inutile D'entamer un projet sans ce premier mobile: Nous sommes sans argent; qui nous en donnera? Eraste, montrant sa lettre. L'amour y pourvoira. LES POLITIQUES AMOUREUSES. SCÈNE XIII CRISPIN. L'amour y pourvoira! Il semble en être mieux dans leur manie étrange. Que leurs billets d'amour soient des écritures de changée. FIN DU SECOND ACTE. ACTE TROISIÈME. SCÈNE I. ÉRASTE. Je ne puis revenir de tout ce que j'entends. Qu'une fille a d'esprit, de raison, de bons sens. Quand Tamour une fois s'emporte de son âme, Lui peut contraindre son génie et sa flamme ! De mon côté, j'ai fait mes rais, ainsi que je le dois. Tous les soins que Tamour peut attendre de moi : Crispin est averti de tout, ce qu'il faut faire. Quelque secours élargisse nous serait nécessaire. SCÈNE II. ALBERT, ÉRASTE. ALBERT, à part. Je ne puis demeurer en place un seul moment: Je vais, je viens, je cours; tout accroît mon tourment; Près d'elle non esperce comme le sien se trouve : Son accès de folie à chaque instant redouble. (à Éraste.) Ah, monsieur! suis-je assez au rang de vos amis Pour m'aider du second, quand vous m'aviez promis? ÉRASTE. Je me fais un plaisir de rendre un bon service : On se doit en tout temps l'un à l'autre service; La malade aujourd'hui m'a fait trop de pitié Pour ne vous pas donner ces marques d'amitié. L'homme dont il s'agit en ces lieux doit se rendre : J'ai voulu sur le mal le sonder et l'entendre; Mais il m'en a parlé dans des termes si nets. En m'en développant la cause et les effets, Qu'en vérité je crois qu'il en sait plus qu'un autre. ALBERT. Quel service, monsieur, peut être égal au vôtre? Comme le ciel envoie ici sans y songer. Cette honnête personne exprès pour m'obliger! ÉRASTE. Je ne garantis point sa science profonde. Vous savez que ces gens, venus du bout du monde, Pour tout genre de maux apportent des trésors : C'est beaucoup s'ils n'ont pas ressuscité des morts. Mais, si l'on peut juger de tout ce qu'il peut faire Par tout ce qu'il m'a dit, cet homme est votre affaire : Il le veut que la fin du jour pour tout délai. Si vous le suivez, vous en ferez l'essai. D'un office d'ami simplement je m'acquitte. ALBERT. Je suis persuadé, monsieur, de son mérite. Nous voyons tous les jours des sorts de ces sortes Apprendre, en voyageant, des secrets surprenants. SCÈNE II. LISETTE, ÉRASTE, ALBERT. LISETTE. Ah ciel! Tous ces jours voir une autre folie. Si cela dure encore, il faudra qu'on la lie. SCÈNE IV. AGATHE, en vieille; LISETTE, ALBERT, ÉRASTE, CRISPIN. AGATHE. Bonjour, Mes doux amis : Dieu vous garde, mes enfants. Et bien ! qu'est-ce que ça ? comment passez-vous votre temps ? Que le ciel pour longtemps la santé vous envoie. Vous conservez gaillards, et vous maintenez en joie. Le chagrin ne vaut rien, qui ronge les esprits. Il faut se divertir, c'est moi qui vous le dis. ÉRASTE. Je la trouve charmante; et, malgré sa vieillesse, On trouverait encore des retours de jeunesse. AGATHE. Ho ! vous me regardez ! vous êtes éblouissant De me trouver si fraîche avec des cheveux gris. Je me porte encore mieux que tous tant que vous êtes. Je fais quatre repas, et je l'ai sans lunettes; Je sirote mon vin, quel qu'il soit, Du nouveau; Je fais rubis sur l'ongle, et n'y mettons jamais d'eau : Je vide gentement mes deux bouteilles. PESTE! AGATHE. Oui vraiment, du Champagne encore, sans qu'il en reste. On peut voir dans ma bouche encore toutes mes dents. J'ai pourtant vu vous cette qualité de vieil vin sans ans, Vient la Saint-Martin. LISETTE. La jeunesse est complète. AGATHE. Tout autant : mais je suis encore vertelette ; Et je ne laisse pas, à l'âge où me voilà, D'avoir des serviteurs, et qui m'en content, da. Mais vois-tu, mon ami, veux-tu que je te dise? Les hommes d'aujourd'hui, c'est piètre marchandise; ils ne valent plus rien ; et pour en ramasser, Tiens, je ne voudrais pas seulement me baisser. BRASSE, bas, à Albert. De ces vapeurs souvent est-elle travaillée? ALBERT, bas, à Éraste. Hélas! jamais. Il faut qu'on l'ait ensorcelée. AGATHE. À mon âge, je vaux encore mon pesant d'or. Les enfants cependant m'ont fait beaucoup de tort : Je ne paroiserais pas la moitié de mon âge, Si l'on n'avait mis à quinze ans en ménage.. C'est tuer la jeunesse, à vous en parler franc, Que la mettre sitôt en un péril si grand. Je ne me souviens pas d'avoir presque été fille. À vous dire le vrai, j'étais assez gentille. À vingt-sept ans, j'avais déjà quatorze enfants. LISETTE. Quelle fécondité! quatorze! AGATHE. Oui, tout grouillants y Et tous garçons seuls ; je n'en avais point d'autres, Et n'en voyais aucun tourné comme les nôtres. Mais ce sont des fripons, et qui finiront mal : Les malheureux voudraient me voir à l'hôpital. Croiriez-vous que depuis la mort de feu leur père Ils m'ont jusqu'à présent chicané mon douaire? Un douaire gagné si légitimement ! Hélas ! Peut-on plus loin pousser l'égarement ? AGATHE, à part. La friponne, ma foi, joue à charmer ses rôles. ALBERT, à AGATHE. Crois-tu vraiment qu'un douaire gagné si légitimement Ils m'ont jusqu'à présent chicané mon douaire ? Un douaire gagné si légitimement ! ALBERT, à part. Hélas ! Peut-on plus loin pousser l'égarement ? LISETTE, à part. La friponne, ma foi, joue à charmer ses rôles. AGATHE, à Albert. Charlemagne très grand besoin de quelque cent pistoles; Prêtez-les-moi, monsieur, pour subvenir aux frais, Et pour faire juger ce malheureux procès. ALBERT. Tu rêves, mon enfant; mais, pour te satisfaire, J'avancerai les frais, et j'en fais mon affaire. AGATHE, si je n'ai pas d'argent ce jour en mon pouvoir, Mon unique recours sera le désespoir. Albert. Mais songe, mon enfant... AGATHE. Tous les means honnêtes; Ne me refusez pas, de grâce, cette somme. ALBERT, bas, à Éraste. Je veux flatter son mal. ÉRASTE, bas, à Albert. Vous ferez sagement. Il ne faut pas de front heurter son sentiment. LISETTE, bas, à Albert. Si vous lui résistez, elle est fille peut-être À s'aller de ce pas jeter par la fenêtre. ALBERT, bas. D'accord. LISETTE, bas. Il me souvient que tous avez tantôt Reçu ces cent louis, ou du moins peu en faut; Quel risque à ses désirs de vouloir condescendre ? ALBERT, bas. Il est vrai qu'à l'instant je pourrai lui reprendre. (haut, à Agathe.) Tiens, voilà cet argent : va, puissent au procès Ces cent louis prêtés donner un bon succès ! AGATHE, prenant la bourse. Je suis sûre à présent du gain de notre affaire; Mais ce secours m'était tout-à-fait nécessaire. Donne à mon procureur, Lisette, cet argent : Je crois qu'à me servir il sera diligent. ACTE III, SCÈNE V. LISETTE, ÉRASTE, ALBERT. LISETTE, bas à Erasme, Un moment la bout de son doigt, Voilà de quoi, monsieur, avancer votre affaire. ÉRASTE, bas, à Lise: "J'aurai soin du procès ; je sais ce qu'il faut faire." À ALBERT, et Lise: "Prends bien garde à l'argent." "LISETTE. N'ayez point de chagrin; J'en réponds corps à corps, il est en bonne main. SCÈNE VI. ALBERT, ÉRASTE. ALBERT. Voilà voyez à quel point cette folie augmente. Votre homme ne vient point, et je m'impatience. ÉRASTE. Je ne sais qui l'arrête; il devrait être ici. Mais je le vois qui vient; n'ayez plus de souci. SCÈNE VII. ALBERT, ÉRASTE, CRISPIN. ALBERT, à Crispin: "Eh! monsieur, venez donc. Avec impatience Tous deux nous attendons ici votre présence." CRISPIN. Un savant philosophe a dit élégamment: "Dans tout ce que tu fais, fais-le lentement." J'ai depuis peu de temps pourtant bien fait des choses. Pour savoir si le mal, dont nous cherchons les causes, Réside dans la basse ou haute région: Hippocrate dit oui, mais Galien dit non; Et, pour mettre d'accord ces deux messieurs ensemble, Je n'ai pas pour venir trop tard, ce me semble. ALBERT. Vous voyez donc, monsieur, d'où procède son mal? CRISPIN. Je le vois aussi clair qu'à travers un cristal. ACTE III, SCÈNE VII. Le mieux. Vous saurez que, depuis tantôt, la belle Sente toujours de son mal quelque crise nouvelle : En ces lieux écartés n'ayant nuls médecins, Monsieur m'a conseillé de la mettre en vos mains. CRISPIN. Sans doute elle serait beaucoup mieux dans les siennes; Mais j'espère employer utilement mes peines. ALBERT. Vous avez donc guéri de ces maux quelquefois ? CRISPIN. Moi? si j'en ai guéri? Ah ! vraiment, je le crois. Il entre dans mon art quelque peu de magie : Avec mes mots qu'un Juif m'apprit en Arabie, Je guérissais une fois une Infante de Congo, Qui vraiment avait bien un autre visage. Je laisse aux médecins exercer leur science Sur les maux dont le corps ressent la violence : Mais l'objet de mon art est plus noble; il guérit Tous les maux que l'on voit s'attaquer à l'esprit. Je voudrais que l'âme à-la-fois vous fassiez maniaque, Atrabilaire, fou, même hypocondriaque, Pour avoir le plaisir de vous rendre demain Sage comme je suis, et de corps aussi sain. ALBERT. Je vous suis obligé, monsieur, d'un grand zèle. CRISPIN. Sans perdre plus de temps, entrons chez cette belle. ALBERT, l'arrêtant. Non, s'il vous plaît, monsieur; il n'en est pas besoin; Et de vous l'amener je vais prendre le soin. SCÈNE VIII ÉRASTE, CRISPIN. ÉRASTE. Tout va bien. La fortune à nos vœux s'intéresse. Agathe, en ton absence, avec un tour d'adresse A su tirer d'Albert ces cent louis comptants. CRISPIN. Comment donc ? ÉRASTE. Tu sauras le tout avec le temps. Nous avons maintenant; sans chercher davantage. De quoi sauver Agathe, et nous mettre en voyage. Pourvu qu'un seul moment nous puissions écarter Ce malheureux Albert qui ne la peut quitter : Tant qu'il suivra ses pas nous ne saurions rien faire. CRISPIN. Reposez-vous sur moi, je réponds de l'affaire. Vous avez de l'esprit, je ne suis pas un sot, Et la fausse malade entend à des mots. ÉRASTE. J'imagine un moyen des plus heureux; mais qu'importe? La pièce en vaudra mieux, plus elle sera forte. Il faut convaincre Albert qu'avec de certains mots, Ainsi que tu l'as dit déjà fort à propos, ACTE III, SCÈNE VII. 135 Tu pourrais la guérir de cette maladie, Si quelqu'un voulait prendre la frénésie. Je m'offre d'abord à tout événement. Laisse-moi faire après le reste en secret: Va; si de belle peur le vieillard ne trépasse, Il faudra pour le moins qu'il nous quitte la place. CRISPIN. Mais comment voulez-vous qu'Agathe à ce dessein, Sans en avoir rien su, puisse prêter la main? ÉRASTE. Je l'instruirai de tout, je t'en donne parole. Mais songe seulement à bien jouer ton rôle; Et, lorsque dans ces lieux Agathe reviendra, Amuse le vieillard du mieux qu'il se pourra, Pour me donner le temps d'expliquer ce mystère. Et lui dire en deux mots ce qu'elle devra faire. Albert ne peut tarder. Mais je le vois qui sort. SCÈNE IX. LISETTE, ÉRASTE, ALBERT, CRISPIN. (Apart) Dieu conduise la barque, et la mette à bon port! ALBERT. Ah! messieurs, sa folie a chaque instant augmente; Un transport martial a précédé la tourmente. De l'habit dont jadis elle courait le bal Elle s'est mise en homme, en cet accès fatal. Elle a pris aussitôt l'attirail de guerre, LES FOLIES AU POWER. 137 Un bonnet de nuit, de large cimetières Elle ne parle plus que de sang, de confroncements: Mon argent doit servir à lever des soldats; Elle veut m'envoyer. ALBERT, ÉRASTE, AGATHE, LISETTE, CRISPIN. AGATHE, en justicier, avec un bonnet de drAGON. Morbleu, vive la guerre! Je ne puis plus m'ôter inutile sur terre. ( à ÉRASTE. ) Mon équipage est prêt. Ah ! marquis, en ce lieu Je te trouve à propos, et viens te dire adieu. J'ai trouvé de l'argent pour faire ma campagne; Et cette nuit même je pars pour l'Allemagne. ALBERT. Ciel ! quel égarement ! AGATHE. Parbleu, les officiers Sont malheureux d'avoir affaire aux usuriers; Pour tirer de leurs mains cent mauvaises pittoresques Il faut plus de subterfuge, et plus jouer de rôles! Celui qui m'a prêté son argent, je le tiens Pour le plus grand coquin, le plus juif, le plus dupé, Que l'on puisse trouver en affaires pareilles : Je voudrais que quelqu'un m'apportât ses oreilles. Enfin me voilà prêt d'aller servir le roi; ACTE III, SCÈNE X. Il ne tiendra qu'à toi de partir avec moi. ÉRASTE. Partout où vous irez je suis de la partie. ( bises, à Albert. ) Il faut avec prudence entrer dans sa manie. AGATHE. Je quitte avec plaisir l'étendard de l'Amour. Je puis sous ces drapeaux aller loin quelque jour; J'ai mille qualités, de l'esprit, des manières; Je sais l'art de réduire aisément les plus fières : Mais quoi ! que voulez-vous? je ne suis point leur fait; Le beau sexe sur moi ne fit jamais d'effet. La gloire est mon penchant; cette gloire inhumaine À son char éclatant en esclave m'enchaine. Ce pauvre sexe meurt et d'amour et d'ennui, Sans que je sois tenté de rien faire pour lui. Plus de délais; je cours où la gloire m'appelle. ( à Crispin. ) Amène mes chevaux. L'occasion est belle, Partons, courons, votons. Éraste parle bas à Jétha. CRISPIN, à Albert. Je ne la quitte pas, Et suis prêt à la suivre au milieu des combats, (Albert surprend Eraste parlant bas à Agathe,) ERASTE, à Albert. J'observe ses yeux. À ce qu'on peut comprendre, Quelque accès violent ins doute va la prendre, Lequel sera suivi d'un assoupissement : Ordonnez qu'on apporte un fauteuil rapidement. LES POLICES AMOUREUSES. AGATHE. Qu'il me tarde d'être au camp de la gloire. D'aller aux ennuis au milieu de la cité ! Que de fers ce deuil ! Quel amour en pleurs! Écris, tu nous tires; ranimes vos ardeurs : Je vois dans vos regards briller votre courage; Que tout résiste ici l'enthousiasme et le carnage. Prenez la baïonnette au bout du fusil. Ferme, bon, Frappez. Serrez vos rangs ; poursuivez cet escadron. Les coquins n'oseront soutenir votre vue. À mes marauds, vous fuyez ! Hou, point de quartier ; toc (Elle tombe comme évanouie dans un fauteuil.) CRISPIN. En peu de temps voilà bien du sang répandu. ALBERT. Sans espoir de retour elle a l'esprit perdu. CRISPIN. Tout se prépare bien ; je la vois qui repose. (Il parle à l'écart à Albert, tandis qu'Éraste parle bas à Agathe,) Son mal, à mon avis, ne provient d'autre chose Que d'une humeur contrainte, un esprit irrité. Qui veut avec effort se mettre en liberté. Quelque démon d'amour a saisi son idée. LISETTE. Comment ! la pauvre fille est-elle possédée ? CRISPIN. Ce démon violent, dont il faut la sauver, Est bien fort, et pourrait dans peu nous l'enlever. Si j'avais un sujet, dans cette maladie, MIE. Albert, qu'il a de peine à vous quitter. ALBERT. Que ça, si c'était là tout ! CRISPIN. Je crois qu'il est légitime de dire que vous donnez parole. BSAITÉ à Crispin, Hâtez-vous donc de me suivre à chaque détour. C'est bien. Malepeste! Cela n'est pas un jeu d'équilibre. On ne saurait agir avec trop de prudence, quand dans le corps d'un homme le mal prend sa place. Je ne puis, sans me flatter, l'en tirer aisément; mais dans un corps femelle il tient bien autrement. BAISTÉ, à Albert. Pour savoir aujourd'hui jusqu'où va sa science, je veux bien me livrer à son expérience. Je commence à douter de l'effet; et je crois qu'il s'est voulu m'occuper et de vous et de moi. Je ne voulais l'embarrasser. Crispin. Moi, je veux vous confondre, et vous mettre en état de ne pouvoir répondre. Mettez-vous auprès d'elle. Eh! non; comme cela, un genou contre terre, et vous tenez bien là, toujours sur ses beaux yeux votre vue assurée, votre main dans la sienne étroitement serrée. "À Albert." N'êtes-vous pas sûr qu'il nous donne la main, pour que l'attraction se fasse plus soudain ? "Oui, je consens à tout." CRISPIN. Tant mieux. Sans plus attendre, vous verrez un effet qui pourra vous surprendre. (Il fait quelques cercles avec sa baguette sur les deux amants, en disant:) MICROC, SALAM, TYRANNE. AGATHÉE, se levant de son fauteuil. Ciel! quel nuage épais se dissipe à mes yeux! "BRAISTÉ, se levant." Quelle sombre vapeur vient d'obscurcir ces lieux! "ACANTE." Quel calme en mon esprit vient succéder au trouble! "BRAISTÉ." Quel tumulte confus dans mes sens se redouble! Quels fibromyomes profonds s'ouvrent sous mes pas! Quel dragon me poursuit! Ah! traître! tu mourras! D'un monstre tel que toi je veux purger le monde. Albert poursuit Eraste à la main. Crispin, mettant avant Eraste, à Albert, Ah! monsieur, évitez sa rage furibonde; Sauvez-vous, sauvez-vous. Eraste. Laissez-moi de son flanc Tirer des flots mêlés de poison et de sang. ACTE III, SCÈNE X. Crispin, retenant Eraste. Aux accès violents dont son cœur se transporte, Je vois que j'ai donné la dose un peu trop forte. Eraste. Je le veux: immoler à ma juste fureur. Crispin, de même. Hauriez-vous point chez vous quelque forte liqueur, De bon esprit de vin, des gouttes d'Angleterre, Pour calmer cet esprit, et ces vapeurs de guerre? Il s'en va m'échapper. Albert, tirant sa clef. Oui, j'ai ce qu'il lui faut. Lisette, tiens ma clef; va, cours vite là-haut; Prends la fiole où... Lisette. Je crains, en ce désordre extrême, De faire un quiproquo; vous feriez mieux vous-même. Crispin, de même. Courez donc au plus tôt. Laisserez-vous périr Un homme qui pour vous s'est offert à mourir? Lisette, poussant Albert. Allez vite; allez donc. Albert, sortant. Je reviens tout à l'heure. SCÈNE XI. Eraste, Agathe, Lisette, Crispin. Eraste. Vie, perdons point de temps, quittons cette demeure. Ce bois nous favorise; Albert ne saura pas De quel côté l'amour aura tourné nos pas. Agathe. Je mets entre vos mains et mon sort et ma vie. Lisette. Vive, vive Crispin! et vivat la Folie! Allons courir les champs, pour remplir notre sort; Et le laissons tout seul exhaler son transport. SCÈNE XII. Albert, retrouvant une fiole. J'apporte un élixir d'une force étonnante... Mais je ne vois plus rien. Quel soupçon m'épouvante! Lisette! Agathe! O ciel! tout est sourd à mes cris. Que sont-ils devenus? Quel chemin ont-ils pris? An voleur! à la force! au secours ! Je succombe. Où marcher ? où courir ? je chancelle , je tombe. Par leur feinte folie ils m'ont enfin séduit; Et moi seul en ce jour j'avois perdu l'esprit! Voilà de mon amour la suite ridicule. Ah! maudite bouteille ! et vieillard trop crédule ! . ACTE III, SCÈNE XII. a43 Allons, suivons leurs pas; ne nous arrêtons pins. Traîtres de ravisseurs, vous serez tous pendus. Et toi , sexe trompeur, plus à craindre sur terre Que le feu, que la faim, que la peste , et la guerre ^ De tous les gens de bien tu dois être maudit : Je te rends pour jamais au diable qui te fit. PIN DES FOLIES AMOUREUSXBw LE MARIAGE DE LA FOLIE, DIVERTISSEMENT POUR LA COMÉDIE DES FOLIES AMOUREUSES. at. PERSONNAGES. CLITÂNDRE, ami d'Éraste. ÉRASTE , amant d* Agathe. AGATHE, amante d'Ëraste. ALBERT, jaloux, et tuteur d'Agathe, LISETTE , serraate d' Albert. CRISPIN, valet d*Éraste. MOMUS. LA FOLIE. LE CARNAVAL. Troupb de gems masqués. UN£ pagods. LE MARIAGE DE LA FOLIE, DIVERTISSEMENT. SCÈNE L CLITANDRE, ÉRASTE. CLITANDRE. Tu De pouvois, ami , foire un plus digfne choix. Cette jeune beauté ravit, enlève, enchante; Aux yeux de tout le monde elle est toute channaDte; Et je te trouve heureux de vivre sous ses lois. ÉRASTE. Je le suis d'autant plus, que , selon mon attente, Je retrouve toujours le même cœur en toi, Un ami généreux, une ame bienfaisante, Qui prend à mon bonheur la même part que moi; Et l'accueil qu'ici je reçoi Est une faveur éclatante Que je ressens comme je doi. CLITANDRE*. Point de compliment, je te prie : Mous sommes amis de long-temps; a48 -hE MAAIAQC PE tA FOLIf:. BannissoDS la cérémonie. Je suis ravi de t'avoir dans un temps Où se trouve chez moi de bonne compagnie. Attendant que tes feux soient tout-à-fait contents, Pendant que votre hôte s'apprête, A vous désennuyer nous travaillerons tous; Et nous honorerons la fête Des amusements les plus doux. ÉRASTE. Tout respire chez toi la joie et l'alégresse; Y peut-on manquer de plaisirs? A-t-on même le temps de former des désirs? De tous les environs la brillante jeunesse A te faire la cour donne tous ses loisirs : Tu la reçois avec noblesse ; Grand château, vin délicieux, Belle maison, liberté tout entière, Musique, concerts, enfin tout ce qui peut satisfaire Le goût, les oreilles, les yeux. Ici le moindre domestique A du talent pour la musique; Chacun d'un soin officieux A ce qui peut plaire s'applique. Les hôtes même, en venant au château, Semblent du levant épouster le soleil. Toujours société choisie; Et, ce qui me paraît surprenant et nouveau, Grand raffinement et bonne compagnie. CLITANDRE. Pour être heureux, je l'avouerai, Je me suis fait une facette de vie A qui les souverains pourraient porter envie; Et, tant que il se pourra, je la continuerai. Selon mes revenus je régle ma dépense : Et je ne vivrai pas content Si, toujours en argent comptant, Je n'en avais au moins deux ans d'avance. Les dames, le jeu, ni le vin, Ne m'arrachent point à moi-même; Et cependant je bois, je joue, et j'aime. Faire tout ce qu'on veut, vivre exempt de chagrin, Ne se rien refuser, voilà tout mon système ; Et de mes jours ainsi je attraperai la fin. BASTIEN. Sur ce pied-là ton bonheur est extrême. Heureux qui peut jouir d'un semblable destin! CLITANDRE. J'en suis content. CLITANDRE, ÉRASTE; CRISPIN, en habit df médecin. ^ CLITANORE. Mais que nous veut Crispin? Comme le voilà fait! ^ iRASTE, à Cnsjpm. Que veux-tn? qui t'amène? Es-tu fou? aSo LE MARIAGE DE LA FOLIE. CBISPIN. Non , «Doosieur : nais je suis hors ^^halsme ; Je n'en puis plus. BRASTE. Eh bien? XHjlSPIH. Voioi bien du traça*. CLITAND-RE. Comment? CRlSPllf. Oane ce château Ton a euûri nos pas. BRASTE. Ah ciel! CLITANDRB, à Éroste. Me ciW^ez rien. CRISPIN. Après la belle Hélène Tant de monde ne courut pas. ÉRASTE. Traître ! de quoi ris-tu? dis. CRISPIN. De votre embarras. BB ASTB. Prendstu quelque plaisir à me tenir en peine? | Qui nous a suivis? parle : est-ce notre jaloux? CRISPIN. I^n pas , monsieur ; ce sont des folles et des foos : Aux environs d*ici la eampag^ie en est pleine ; En gii^nde bande ils viennent tous ; Et Momus, qui vous les amène, . SCÈNE II. a5i A fait de ce.chitean le lieu du rendez-vous. ÉHASTB. Mais toi-méiae es-tu fou ? dis-je^moi , je te prie. Quel habit as-tu là? que vieus-tu nous conter? CRISPIN. Non, par ma foi , monsieur, ce n'est point rêverie; Le Carnaval, Momus, et la Folie, Viennent avec leur suite ici vous visiter; Et j'ai cru devant eux devoir me présenter En habit de cérémonie. Suis-je bien ? CLiTANDRE, à Éroste. * ' C'est sans dou^ une galanterie Que quelqu'un de la compagnie, .Pour nous di>ertir mieux, a pris soiu'd'inventer : Chacun selon, son goût chaque jour en fait naître. Allons voir ce que ce peut être. CRISPIN. C'est la Folie en propre origine, Vous dit-on; de mes yeux moi-même je l'ai vu: Nous l'avons rencontrée au bout de l'avenue, Riant, dansant, chantant, avec le Carnaval, Avec Momus tous trois suivis d'une foule. Oh! vous allez chez vous avoir un joli bal. CLITANDRE. C'est justement ce que je pense. CRISPIN. On sent déjà l'effet de sa puissance. Je ne vous dirai point ni comment ni par où, Mais je sais bien qu'à sa seule présence Dans le château tout est devenu feu. ÉRASTE. Oh! pour toi je vois bien que tu n'es pas trop sage. SCÈNE III. LISETTE, ÉRASTE, CLITANDRE, CRISPIN. ÉLISPIE. Lisette, que voilà, ne l'est pas davantage. ÉRASTE, à Lisette, Qu'est-ce que tout ceci ? LISETTE. Me le demandez-vous ? Que pourrait-ce être que la suite De ce que la Folie a déjà fait pour nous? Par elle ma maîtresse évite L'hymen et les fers d'un jaloux. Elle a trouvé tant d'art, tant de mérite Dans cette heureuse invention Qui facilita notre fuite, Que c'est par admiration Qu'elle vient vous rendre visite Avec un cortège de sorts Les plus divertissants de tous. À la bien recevoir, messieurs, ou vous invite. Jusqu'au jour de votre union Ma maîtresse consent d'être sa favorite ; Mais ce n'est qu'à condition Que, l'hymen fait, elle vous quitte. SCÈNE III. ÉRASTE. Elle peut demeurer autant qu'il lui plaira : Je n'ai de son pouvoir aucune défaite ; Et je prévois que sa plaisanterie, En nous divertissant même, nous servira. CRISPIN. Avec Momus la voici qui s'avance. Joie, honneur, salut, et silence. (Marche fort courte pour Momus et la Folie.) SCÈNE IV. JOMUS, LE CARNAVAL, LA FOLIE, AGATHÉ, LISETTE, ÉBASTHE CLIT ANDRÉ, GRIS PINE. MOMUS. Cette foule qui suit nos pas Est moins folle qu'elle ne semble : Les plus fous des mortels ne sont pas Ceux que le plaisir rassemble. LA FOLIE chante. De ces agréables demeures Le galant seigneur veut-il bien Nous recevoir chez lui pour quelques heures, Pour quelques jours, s'il est moyen? Elle parle.) Avec entière garantie De n'occuper que son château, Et de ne remplir le cerveau Que de quelque heureuse manie. LE MARIAGE DE LA FOLIE. {Elle chante. ) Je le promets, foi de Folie. CLITANDRÉ. Disposez de ces lieux du gré de votre envie. Tous m'offrez un parti qui me paraît trop beau; Avec plaisir je l'accepte ; et vous êtes La maîtresse chez moi. Madame, ordonnez, faites Tout ce que vous voudrez ; ce qui vous conviendra Nous servira de lois; on vous obéira. LA FOLIE. Sur ce pied-là je puis vous dire Que j'y viendrai tenir tous les ans désormais Les états de mon vaste empire. J'y viendrai, je vous le promets. Pour aujourd'hui, j'amène ici l'élite De mes plus fidèles sujets, De qui la troupe favorite De mes noces fait les apprêts. CLITANDRÉ. De son mieux chacun s'en acquitte. LA FOLIE. Allons, mon fiancé, monsieur du Carnaval, Un petit air, en attendant le bal. LE CARNAVAL chante.. Tandis que pour quelque temps L'hiver interrompt la guerre. Et que jusqu'au printemps Mars a quitté son tonnerre» Je viens avec vous sur la terre Partager ces heureux instants. SCÈNE II. Veillez, enfants de la gloire, Vous ranger sous mes drapeaux : Après des chants de victoire, Qui couronnent vos travaux. Chantez des chansons à boire. Évitez les trompeurs appas. Dont l'amour voudra vous surprendre; Fuyez, et ne l'écoutez pas : Gardez-vous d'avoir un cœur trop tendre. {On danse.) "Monsieur, C'est se trémousser hardiment; Et voilà des folles fringantes Qui pourraient mettre en mouvement Les ferveurs les plus pesantes ; Témoin monsieur du Carnaval. Voyez de quoi cet animal s'avise De se charger de telle marchandise. Baste, l'hymen est sûr, il s'en trouvera mal. "LA POLICHE. "L'hymen est sûr? Pas tout-à-fait, je pense. "LE CARNIVAL, à la Folie. "Comment donc? "LA POLICHE, au Carnaval. "Rien n'est moins certain. "MOMUS. "Ah! la! "LA POLICHE. "Pour aujourd'hui j'y vois quelque apparence; Mais je ne le voudrais peut-être pas demain. "MOMUS, à la Folie. "Tu n'as pas résolu de lui donner la main? "LA POLICHE. "Oui, très volontiers; qu'il la prenne en cadeau. "MOMUS. "Vous avez du goût pour la danse. "Oh bien! je vais danser aussi par complaisance. Nous verrons qui s'en lassera. Allons, gai, quelque Oktoberfest-danse. "MOMUS, après avoir dansé. "Ma foi, en n'en puis plus. "LA POLICHE, au Carnaval. "À toi, moi, gosse tendre : Viens. "LE CARNIVAL. "Je ne danse point. "LA POLICHE. "Un petit rigaudon; Je t'en aimerai m'enchantée. "LE CARNIVAL. "Non, je n'en veux rien faire. "LA POLICHE. "Oui, vous le prenez sur ce ton! Il vous sied bien d'être en colère! Fi! le vilain, le triste Carnaval! "Je serais bien heureuse avec cet animal! Est-ce donc en grondant que tu prétends me plaire? "Va, je renonce à mon idée; Et j'ai mauvaise opinion D'un Carnaval atrabilaire. "LE CARNIVAL. "Je ne le suis que par réflexion. "LA FOLIE. Et! quand on se marie, est-ce qu'il en faut l'humour? LE GAUDEAU. Jeune, folle, et d'humeur fière. Avec esprit de contradiction. Ma divine moitié, suis-je dit sans vous déplaire, Vous me semblez on peu sujette à caution. LA POLIE. J'accorde. Rien n'est conclu ; veux-tu rompre la paix? Ce n'est point un affront pour moi que tes refus; J'en rigole; voilà Momus, Qui, tout dieu qu'il est... MOMUS. Tout coupa vale. Je suis toujours prêt d'épouser ; Peut-être enragé en effet de voir que la Folie, Trop facile à s'abuser, S'excite et se mésallie, Et qu'un simple mortel prétende en abuser Jusqu'au point de la mépriser. Monsieur du Carnaval... LE CARNIVAL. Chacun a son affaire, LE MARIAGE DE LA FOLIE. Monsieur Molière, personne, que je crois, Dans tout pays n'est instruit mieux que moi Des bons tours qu'aux maris les femmes savent faire; Et le temps où je règne est celui d'ordinaire Le plus propre à couvrir leur manquement de foi. Depuis que je suis dans l'emploi, J'ai vu l'hymen traité de gaillarde vaillance: Et ce que tous les jours je vois, Seigneur Monsieur, fait que je désespère D'être exempté de la commune loi. MOMUS. Pauvre sot ! Pourquoi donc songer au mariage ? LE CARNIVAL. Je suis amoureux à la rage, Et ne puis être heureux sans devenir mari. MOMUS. Épouse donc sans tarder davantage ; Et de l'amour bientôt tu te verras gni. LE CARNIVAL. Eh bien! soit,enne, allons, courage; Je veux bien, ne l'apelle ; Et je suis trop en train pour pouvoir reculer. LA FOLIE. Ah ça, petit mari, lorsque de jalousie Je te verrai l'ange saisie, Je saurai bien te l'offrir; Elle ne se nourrit que dans l'incertitude; Et moi, qui ne sais pas mentir, Si je fais par hasard quelque douce habitude. Pour te tirer d'inquiétude, Merci. Bien n'est-ce pas honnête. LA FOLIE. J'avouerais. LE CARNAVAL. Achevons la fête. Au hasard de m'en repentir. Je sais le monde, et ne suis pas si bête Que, lorsqu'il me viendra quelque chagrin en tête, Je ne trouve aisément de quoi le divertir. Allons, pour plaire à la folie, Que chacun s'en soit ami. LA FOLIE. Il va se mettre en train. Ah! le joli garçon ! LE CARNAVAL. M'auras-tu? LA FOLIE. C'est selon la chanson. LE CARNAVAL chante. L'Hymen en ma faveur allume son flambeau. Je suis charmé de ma conquête. Amour, viens honorer la fête, Et couronner un feu si beau. HOMUS chante au Carnaval. L'Hymen en ce beau jour se prépare Sa couronne de sa main : Tu t'en repentiras peut-être dès demain. LE MARIAGE DE LA FOLIE. Souvent, quoique l'amour soit prié de la fête, Il ne l'est pas du lendemain. LE CARNAVAL chante. Si l'amour volage s'en va, Et veut me quitter sans retour. Viens, Bacchus; c'est toi qui consolis De l'inconstance de l'amour. HOMUS. La chanson est jolie. LA FOLIE. Oui, j'en suis fort contente : Il me plaît assez quand il chante; Et, s'il ne s'était pas présenté pour mari, J'en auraient peut-être un favori : La musique me prend; j'ai du faible pour elle. HOMUS. On vous la donne telle quelle. Sans y chercher trop de façon. Allons, à votre tour; prenez bien votre ton. ENTRÉE. LA FOLIE chante. Mortels ! que le sort le plus doux Sous mon vaste empire a fait naître, Quelle fortune est-ce pour vous Quand vous savez bien la connaître ? Les plus heureux sont les plus fous ; Gardez-vous de cesser d'être. SCENE IV. LA FOLIE. Emostre aimable et si folie, Plaise ? Tu m'as aimée ? LA FOLIE. De toi j'ai fait l'amour ardent et l'adoration. MOMUS. Tu m'as aimé ? LA FOLIE. Trop tendrement. MOMUS. De toi j'ai fait l'amour ardent et l'adoration. LA FOLIE. De moi tu n'as fait qu'un jour de folie. MOMUS. Tu m'as aimé ? LA FOLIE. De toi j'ai fait l'amour ardent et l'adoration. MOMUS. Pourquoi donc prendre un autre amant ? LA FOLIE. J'ai dû changer. Et pourquoi, je te prie ? MOMUS. Pour te faire enrager. LA FOLIE. Volage ! MOMUS. Ingrate ! LA FOLIE. Ah ! MOMUS. Tu ris de mon tourment ? LA FOLIE. Bon ! si j'en usais autrement Je ne serais pas la Folie. MOMUS. S'il est des fous heureux, il ne le sont pas tous : Et vous allez, en voir au d'une espèce Autant à plaindre. LA FOLIE. Qui sera-ce ? MOMUS. Monsieur Albert. LA FOLIE. Ah ciel ! AGATHE. C'est mon jaloux. MOMUS. Justement un vieux fou, qui cherche sa maîtresse; Et cette maîtresse, c'est vous. LA FOLIE. Qu'il entre, je veux bien l'entendre. AGATHE. Eh ! quoi ! madame, au lieu de le faire chasser... BRASTE, à la Folie. Je vous conjure, au nom de l'amour le plus tendre... LA FOLIE, à Emste. Vous l'avez prise, il faut la rendre, Mon pauvre ami. ARASTE. Rien ne m'y peut forcer. LA FOLIE. L'un des deux y doit renoncer ; Et le plus fou des deux de moi doit tout attendre. ARASTE. Je suis perdu, ciel ! LA FOLIE. Non : nous y devons prétendre Plus que vous ne pouvez penser. |
github_open_source_100_8_19932 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | #!/bin/bash
SCRIPT_FI=$(readlink -f ${0});
REPO_ROOT=$(dirname ${SCRIPTS_DIR});
docker run --rm -v ${REPO_ROOT}:/io ${DOCKER_IMAGE} ${PRE_CMD} /io/scripts/manylinux/
8401774_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Ilgenbach ist ein geographischer Name:
Ilgenbach (Fränkische Saale), durchs Kaskadental, rechter Zufluss der Fränkischen Saale bei der Einöde Altenburgerhaus der Stadt Kissingen im Landkreis Kissingen, Bayern
Ilgenbach, zumindest lokaler Name des Holderbach (Jagst) (zur Jagst) bis zum Zufluss des Kalten Brunnenbachs an den Brückleswiesen, Stadt Langenburg, Landkreis Schwäbisch Hall, Baden-Württemberg
Ilgenbach (Lieser), rechter Zufluss der Lieser bei Großlittgen im Landkreis Bernkastel-Wittlich, Rheinland-Pfalz.
Ilgenbach (Murg), rechter Zufluss der oberen (Nordschwarzwälder) Murg im Teilort Mitteltal der Gemeinde Baiersbronn im Landkreis Freudenstadt, Baden-Württemberg
Ilgenbach (Rems), rechter Zufluss der Rems in der Kleinstadt Lorch im Ostalbkreis, Baden-Württemberg
Ilgenbach (Baiersbronn), Weiler der Gemeinde Baiersbronn im Landkreis Freudenstadt, Baden-Württemberg
Ilgenbach (Langenburg), Wüstung auf der Gemarkung der Kleinstadt Langenburg im Landkreis Schwäbisch Hall, Baden-Württemberg
Siehe auch:
4898159_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Sandrup ist eine Bauerschaft und Streusiedlung im Norden Münsters. Sie gehört gemeinsam mit Kinderhaus, Sprakel und Coerde zum Stadtbezirk Münster-Nord. Sehenswert sind die Reste des ehemaligen Max-Clemens-Kanals, das in einem alten Kotten untergebrachte Heimathaus Sandrup-Sprakel-Coerde und Gut Kinderhaus, das frühere Provinzialgut der Klinik Marienthal.
Zum ersten Mal urkundlich erwähnt wurde Sandrup schon im 11. Jahrhundert in einer Urkunde aus Stift Cappenberg. Damals legte Bischof Siegfried von Walbeck (1022–1032) fest, dass für die neugeweihte Kirche von Coerde (Curithi) unter anderem die Bauerschaft Sandondorp zur Zahlung eines Zehnten als wirtschaftliche Grundlage für die Kirche und ihre Geistlichen verpflichtet wurde.
Seit 1903 gehörte Sandrup kirchlich zur Kirchengemeinde Kinderhaus; politisch war die Bauerschaft bis 1975 Teil des Amtes St. Mauritz. Im Zuge der Gebietsreform wurde Sandrup am 1. Januar 1975 in die Stadt Münster eingemeindet.
Das heutige Gut Kinderhaus, damals der Hof Schulze Brüning, wurde 1913 vom Provinzialverband Westfalen von dem Gutsbesitzer Bernhard Twenhöven genannt Brüning erworben – zum Preis von rund einer halben Million Mark. Ziel war, den Hof für die Selbstversorgung der wachsenden Provinzialheilanstalt Marienthal zu nutzen und perspektivisch dort auch eine zweite „Heil- und Pflegeanstalt für chronische Kranke“ mit bis zu 1000 Plätzen zu errichten. Diese Pläne wurden nicht verwirklicht. Über Jahrzehnte arbeiteten aber rund dreißig Patienten der Heilanstalt als landwirtschaftliche Hilfskräfte auf dem Hof. 1990 übernahm die Westfalenfleiß GmbH sowohl die Bewirtschaftung des landwirtschaftlichen Betriebs als auch das auf dem Gelände befindliche Wohnheim, das bis dahin eine Außenstelle der heutigen LWL-Klinik Münster gewesen war. Heute befindet sich auch ein Hofladen und ein Cafe auf dem Gut.
Der vom Heimatverein Sandrup-Sprakel-Coerde e.V. betriebene Heimathof am Max-Clemens-Kanal war früher einer der Kotten des Hofes Schulze Brüning. Nach umfangreichen Renovierungen wurde der Hof 1985 offiziell eingeweiht und seitdem um mehrere Gebäude erweitert.
Elmar Lange: Sprakel. Zur geschichtlichen Entwicklung der Bauerschaften Sprakel, Sandrup und Coerde und zur aktuellen Situation des Stadtteils Sprakel, Münster 2015.
Stadtteil von Münster
github_open_source_100_8_19933 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | #include "ofMain.h"
#include "ofApp.h"
int main(){
ofGLFWWindowSettings settings;
settings.windowMode = OF_FULLSCREEN;
ofRunApp(new ofApp);
github_open_source_100_8_19934 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | ########################
# R Script for Class 5 #
x <- seq(-4, 4, length=100)
hx <- dnorm(x)
hx2 = dt(x, df=99)
plot(x, hx2, type='l', xlab="t", ylab="density", col="black", lwd=2, yaxs="i")
cord.x <- c(-4,seq(-4,-2,0.01),-2)
cord.y <- c(0,dt(seq(-4,-2,0.01), df=99),0)
cord.x <- c(2,seq(2,4,0.01),4)
cord.y <- c(0,dt(seq(2,4,0.01), df=99),0)
setwd("~/Google Drive File Stream/My Drive/upf_courses/GSRM/2018/slides/global_studies_research_methods_2018")
D = read.csv('shoesize.csv')
# exploring height
# Assumming this data is a random sample of the full school populatio, what is our best estimate of the mean height of all students at this university? Provide a point estimate and 95% confidence interval.
2*(pt(-2, df=99))
# Assumming this data is a random sample of the full school populatio, what is our best estimate of the mean shoe sizeght of all students at this university? Provide a point estimate and 95% confidence interval.
# What is the relationship between height and shoe size?
plot(D$Height, D$Size, pch=20, xlab="height (inches)", ylab="shoe size")
M = lm(D$Size~D$Height)
curve(coef(M)[1] + coef(M)[2]*x, add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="#d7191c")
cor(D$Height, D$Size)
M = lm(D$Height~D$Size)
M = lm(D$Height~D$Size+D$Gender)
M = lm(D$Height~D$Size+D$Gender + D$Size*D$Gender )
# family planning data
D = read.dta('effort.dta')
plot(change~effort, data=D, ylab="CBR change", xlab="program effort", pch=20, col="#000099dd", cex=2)
M = lm(change~effort, data=D)
M = lm(change~effort+setting, data=D)
summary(M) |
github_open_source_100_8_19935 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | import * as React from "react";
import "./index.css";
export interface Props {
remove: () => void;
const Remove = ({remove}: Props) => (
<button className="remove" onClick={() => remove()}>
export default Remove;
hWNzi4nfxZI_1 | Youtube-Commons-Whisper | CC-By | Hi James, this is Ashley with Oxford Toyota. I went in to send you over a quick video greeting that way you can see who you'll be working with. I noticed that you were interested in a new RAV form and this email I have provided links to our current inventory of RAV for you to look over at your convenience. If anything interests you please let me know that way I can get more information. You can give me a call. My number is 502-214-7166 or just email me back. Thanks, bye..
github_open_source_100_8_19936 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | <?php
* Transport tags named
* User: moyo
* Date: 2018/7/31
* Time: 10:31 PM
namespace Carno\HRPC\Accel\Contracts;
interface Named
// key in tags
public const KEY = 'COMM';
// flag in tags
public const TCP = 'TCP';
// make comm via TCP
public const VIA_TCP = 'comm-via-tcp';
github_open_source_100_8_19937 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | import Phaser from 'phaser';
import Constants from './Constants';
import Bullet from "./Bullet";
export default class Heinz extends Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite {
constructor(scene, bulletGroup) {
super(scene, Constants.heinzX * Constants.tileSize + Constants.tileSize / 2, Constants.heinzY * Constants.tileSize + Constants.tileSize / 2, 'heinz');
this.timePast = 0;
this.scene = scene;
this.bulletGroup = bulletGroup;
key: 'heinz',
frames: scene.anims.generateFrameNumbers('heinz', {start: 0, end: 7, first: 0}),
frameRate: 10,
repeat: -1
//create bullet and add it to bulletGroup to make it collide with Hero
let bullet = new Bullet(this.scene, this.x, this.y);
updateCustom(time, delta) {
//accumulate passed time
this.timePast += delta;
if (this.timePast > Constants.bulletInterval) {
//call shoot after interval
this.timePast -= Constants.bulletInterval;
} |
sn85058396_1917-07-28_1_13_1 | US-PD-Newspapers | Public Domain | The Ogden Standard: Ogden, Utah, Saturday, July 28, 1917. AUTO GREAT FACTOR IN THE UPLIFT OF UNITED STATES The automobile gives health and wholesome recreation to millions of people, extends the business and professional ranges of men, widens and deepens social relations, plays a big part as a new element in the modern transportation system for the moving of crops and manufactured products, furnishes life to the movement for good roads, employs nearly a million workers directly and billions in capital, cuts down distances, lengthens time itself. "Any agency that performs such desirable and valuable functions certainly is not a luxury," declares H. H. Hills, assistant general manager of the Packard Motor Car company. "It is an essential in modern economic and social life. Considered as a means of communication, as an instrument of commerce, or as a factor in social conditions, it is more useful than any other single mechanism you can name and stands out as the leading invention of the age. "It is impossible to place a money value on the extent and number of the automobile's services to mankind." The range of the physician's capacity, to speak of a single example, has been trebled and quadrupled by the addition of the motor car to his equipment. The sphere of the man of affairs, in business, in statecraft, in the industrial sciences, has been enlarged so that thanks to this swift, personal means of transportation his energies are spread over many times what he could attend to less than a quarter century ago. The result in the case of the physician is life saving; in the case of the business man, money-making, asset building. How much richer America is in both because of the automobile, no one dare estimate. "Sufficently, America, considered as one big community, has profited just as much. The automobile takes us into the open, gives us a chance at fresh air, the fields and flowers, the reenory of mountain country, lake land and prairie. While it refreshes us physically, it opens new vistas to minds otherwise cramped in the narrow channels of routine life. The very law of the road which has been developed in the use of the automobile has taught us all how to be social-minded much more thoroughly than the most learned sociologists ever could have taught us from their books. "The automobile has brought us good roads, efficiency in industry, better wages and better factory conditions and a higher general standard of both labor and pleasure than the world knew in all the centuries before its invention. It is our greatest modern convenience. It is directly responsible for a big share of America's happiness, prosperity, broad-mindedness and general alertness." As to the proportions of the industry which the automobile has built up for America, Dr. Hills drew on figures which are of record in the present congress. One million five hundred thousand automobiles were manufactured in 1916, valued at $10,000,000. There are 450 manufacturers of motor vehicles and 825 manufacturers of parts and accessories. Of wage-earners in this and allied industries there are 855,000, and it is a conservative estimate that 2,000,000 men, women and children in America are dependent on this industry. The automobile has increased the value of the United States as improved real estate by splendid plants and sales and service establishments the country over. "Moreover, with each succeeding improvement of the automobile engine we are achieving more economical operation, making better use of fuel and building cars that last longer," said Mr. Hills. "Owners, realizing more acutely the value of their automobiles, are giving them better treatment. Thus every phase of automobile making and using is refuting the mistaken notion that the motor car is a luxury." JL- Dodge Brothers Sedan First Pleasure Car To Enter France By special permission of the French Government, the first pleasure car to enter France since the beginning of the war will be a Dodge Brothers convertible sedan. The car was purchased by Comtesse Regina de Regis de Ollvera and will be used in France in motion picture work when the art ruins of the war, including the cathedrals at Rhineland, Solssons, and Ypres, will be photographed under the direction of Rodin, the greatest living sculptor. The pictures will be shown later in this country for the benefit of the Committee for American Aid for the Restoration of French Monuments of Art, of which Mrs. Cecelia Sartoris, granddaughter of General Grant, is the American representative. The committee itself has a list of notable members, including Theodore Roosevelt, Jules Jusserand, Robert Bacon, Myron T. Herrick, Cardinal Gibbons, in the collection of the fund for the restoration of France's works of art, this American-made motor car, now on its way to France, will play an important part. WIFE AT When dear friend, wife, chauffeurs, the U takes a little stroll, and makes a frightful bluff as if to climb a trolley pole. It makes the poor pedestrians Go scooting to the wall, While in the forest glades the nymphs , Will hunt tho timber tall, kow don't you think it clever, Frank," .17Pear wife will say to mo, '"Vty t1" folks stop right lively when 3 inoy'ro toddling homo to tea? a p,ay b,B taes for tho roads, f t. a IpGy ardours, you know, fTom Saginaw to Posoyville (LoatQjotojno. " Now watch me take a wheel right off That wagon piled with coal; It makes me boil to see road hogs, .It does, upon my soul." And then Bhe twists our newmachino Like the across street. this And hardly gives the thing a thought That everything may meet In one grand smash, and plant A fresh, unmetcred kiss. From American Motorist. oo CATCHING AIITU THS There is probably no section of this country whoro the automobile thief has been more active during the past year than in southern California, writes Albert Marple. In the past twelve months, he says, more than $800,000 worth of automobiles were stolen, of which all but $150,000 were recovered. "However," Mr. Marple continues, "the authorities and motorists feel that even $150,000 is a little too much to lose to crooks in a single year, and therefore they have devised a novel plan for the protection of cars which promises to do away with much of the pilfering. "This method consists of stationing sentries or guards at each of the seven mountain passes leading from southern California on the north, east and south, the west being closed, so far as entrance or exit is concerned, by the mighty Pacific. Each of these guards is given daily a list of the reported stolen automobiles, and the driver who endeavors to get through the gates with a stolen car, each machine being stopped at these points and the number taken, will get a disagreeable surprise. To maintain the system will cost something like $30,000 a year. The section to be protected by this system will comprise Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino and Orange counties. In these counties there are about 120,000 automobiles. This would bring the cost of the maintenance of this guard system down to 25 cents per automobile for the year. This, it would seem, would be mighty cheap insurance against theft." All TIM TO BE STOPPED According to Secretary C. C. Kilbury of the Toledo Automobile club, all of the makers, sellers, and buyers of motor cars, together with the country's chemists and sellers of windshield glass, must combine against the auto thief. If motor car theft is to be abolished. At the A. A. A. annual meeting, Mr. Kilbury addressed the assemblage on the ever-live and hard-to-be-met problem of stamping out car theft and presented a suggestion that calls for nation-wide cooperation on the part of every person interested in eliminating the car thief. Mr. Kilbury's idea is to place, by chemical process, the serial number of the car and the name of the owner's home town upon the windshield glass, and that each owner should carry a card bearing his name, address, and the serial number of his car. Identification marks upon the metal or wooden parts of the car may be removed or altered, but not so with those upon glass, which must be removed or broken. Hence a car with a plain or broken glass would excite suspicion. The glass seller plays his part when he is asked to sell windshield glass to a man who cannot prove ownership of the car for which the purchase is made. Mr. Kilbury admits that there are numerous arguments against this plan and that to put it into operation would be a monumental task. But he states that present defects can be ironed out and asks that the plan be given discussion in the various auto clubs of the country. MILITARY HIGHWAY CONSIDERED WASHINGTON, D.C. July 28. Sentiment for the Chamberlain-Dent military highways bill is accumulating rapidly and its expression to members of congress not only comes from sea coast and border states, but also from the Mississippi Valley and Rocky Mountain sections. It is not certain now that the measure will have to await the regular session, as the evidence daily accrues of the timeliness of this legislation. Secretary of War Baker in a communication to Chairman George C. Dlehl of the A. A. A. Good Roads board snatches opportunity thus to express himself: "This great project has its value both in time of war and peace, and its consideration should not be unduly postponed. But I fear that present conditions may tend, at least for the time being, to delay action on this as well as some other urgently needed measures not directly connected with immediate war preparations." Brig. Gen. Joseph B. Kuhn, chief of the War College Division, in commenting upon the bill has this to say: "It is apparently covers the ground quite well, but like other matters of the same kind, will have to be threshed over and subjected to many modifications before it becomes a law." Naturally, at this time of emergency, when all departments of the govern ment are seriously strained, new legis lation does not stand as good a chance as in normal times." n Of courao the measure,, which has the distinction of being Introduced In both branches of congress by the chair man of its military affairs committee, ia being, called particularly to the. at- I I CHANDLER SIX CKandler Records Are I r Owners' Records I I Not to oiir knowledge has a pro- never built a special mountain- I I I fessipnal motor car driver ever climbing car with short wheel, :; ' I I made a record with a Chandler Six. base and low gear ratio. I 1 But all the thousands of owners The ease with 'which every ! I if of Chandler Sixes, every day, are Chandler climbs steep grades on 1 making the kind of records that high gear is satisfying to the j I I' count. Records of satisfactory Chandler owner. 1 , I service. The Chandler Company has I I The Chandler Company has never supplied any Chandler dealer I j 1 never built a racing car. Chandler anywhere with a special gear ratio I 1 owners do not want racing cars. for demonstrating purposes. I The 55 to 60 miles per hour What any Chandler Six does 1 II - speed that every Chandler car will your Chandler Six will do. I I do is speed much greater than you The manufacturer of one six can I I would ever ask for. make just as big claims as the j I The Chandler Company has manufacturer of any other six. But 1 j I Tlie Cliarxdler is a Fact-Car, Not a ClaimCarf I I and Tlkese Are Facts, Not Claims .1 M yy -s There is no other six more flexible in control, more responsive to your. I H every demand, than the Chandler. , ,. 1 ( v ?r There is no other which will pull hard grades on high with greater ease. 2 I fl I There is no other so economical in operation. Edge of New Jersey promptly replied to this effect. "I am greatly interested in this proposition, and, no doubt, General Goethals will be also." Though devoting much of his time to the federal shipping board, the General still retains his place as New Jersey state engineer, for which he was recently engaged. In preparing the cantonments, distributed as they are in different parts of the country, the question of roads has obtruded itself in no small degree. Undoubtedly this will be a forceful reason for empowering the secretary of war to concern the war department quite substantially in the matter of highways improvement, which now commands a country-wide attention never before attained. USE YOUR MONKEY-WRENCH. If the owner drives his car constantly it will be an excellent thing for him to use his monkey-wrench now and then. Especially with a new car it is not a bad plan to go over nuts and bolts occasionally. Even the tightest nut will be more or less affected by constant vibration and a loose bolt should be tightened, since the play to which the looseness gives rise may result in the necessity for later repairs. As the car grows a little older the bolts and nuts settle and there is less occasion for tightening. The foregoing advice applies with particular force to spring clips, a pulling up of the nuts of which will take but a few minutes of the operator's time about, once a month keeping the springs properly sealed and adding much to the sense of security that is given to the driver. Glucibtrosjnaho;pakftater things and knows that they have been attended to. Sometimes it happens that the motorist is unable to keep the nuts fastening the bolts absolutely tight. Try as he may, the nut will come loose again. If a lockwasher cannot be applied, a good remedy is to put a drop of solder on the thread of the nut, or in the absence of solder, a little paint or varnish will set the nut tight and prevent it from becoming loose again. KEEP ROAD EXPERT ON JOB. One of the serious economic hardships which may result from war conditions, says a recent issue of American Motorist, is that tens of thousands of men will lay aside their regular occupations, in which they are especially skilled, to take up duties in the military organization, with which they must familiarize themselves. This condition may be one which it is impossible to remedy, but it does seem as though care should be taken to keep the highway-trained specialists engaged in exceedingly useful occupations, busy along their accustomed lines, while less highly trained men take their places on the fighting front. A highway engineer who, starting with a civil engineer's degree, has acquired during a period of five or ten years a highly specialized knowledge of road construction, for example, should be given duties to perform which will utilize his specialized knowledge, and if these duties cannot be given him in a military organization, he should be kept busy at home. The same observation would hold good with reference to specialists in other lines. MOTOR CARS IN CHINA. The most horse-vehicle landmark in China is now recognizing the steady advancement in the sale of motor cars. At Shanghai. This pioneer establishment originally afforded all the facilities of a successful American livery stable, but subsequently added a coach-making department under the supervision of a number of foreigners, employing 350 skilled Chinese workmen. More recently the coach builders have been extensively employed in making motor car bodies ranging from commercial vans and small runabouts to large limousines. The horse-vehicle features are now gradually yielding to the steady encroachments of the automobile department, which is conducted by an American expert, with the result that the horses, carriages, and coaches are being relegated to the rear, while the automobiles and motor equipment are taking first place. GUN DIE WITH CANADIAN ARMY HEADQUARTERS IN FRANCE, July 27 "Our guns have at last definitely secured the upper hand on the western part of the front. The artillery actions by which this has been done have been in progress for several days. "With the object of challenging our confidence in guns, the enemy recently brought up a battery of artillery attached to a Prussian guard division. Those additional gunners, especially, are equipped with ammunition, which they used for the bombardment of our heavy artillery positions. They were good men, and a duel took place between their guns and ours in the Loos and Avion sectors. It has ceased now. WOMAN'S START NOW with the WWMm&M H WWmm car you have- You'u not a WWtwssril . WW?Wmk marked improvement in the action of your motor when you use 1. |
sn86092151_1902-04-10_1_6_1 | US-PD-Newspapers | Public Domain | Leading Wholesalers, Retailers, Business and Professional Men Who Are Friends of Conservative Union Labor. Hotel and Restaurant Will be the name when the addition to the Franklin Hotel is completed—making a total of 60 rooms. Will be refurnished throughout. Steam Heat, Private Bath, Sample Rooms, all Modern Improvements. Date of opening will be announced later. In the meantime, we are doing business at the old stand. MADERA BROS, Proprietors. Spring Garments. For the Ladies, handsome cloths, correct styles, cheap prices. GEORGE C. STEELE, 222 Fifth Street. J. U. KELLAR & CO. -Dealer In Goods, Fancy Goods, Caddies and Scent Furnishings, Caddies, Oat, Ornaments and Fine Dress Goods a Specialty. Id. S. GARRISON Funeral Director. A complete line of Funeral Furnishings, including Slate and Metal Vaults. Cor. Chestnut and Pennsylvania Streets Both Phones T. W. ANDERSON, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, Farms, Residences, Building Lots, Coal and Timber. Property for Rent. Office 2nd Floor Odd Fellows Bd. Co Cook moll is to Dress dleli* Co Dress (Dell Patronize F.K. O’KELLY The Tailor He has a large variety of Fancy and Staple Spring Woolens to select from. The prices are away down. Every garment Ment guaranteed as to fit, quality and workmanship. High Grade Furniture, Mattresses and Springs, at the lowest possible prices. F. A. HENNEN, Office and Ware Rooms, 129 Front Street. Guttering Excavator - DEALER IN Lime, Cement, Plaster and Cheat River Sand. Hauling of all kinds. Prices reasonable. FRANK FRUIT, Kresdence--Main Street, over Fairbanks. Moving of all kinds. Over 5000 gallons made and sold last season. Phone orders receive prompt attention. Daily capacity 200 gallons. Ice cream Soda. Confections and high-grade cigars. Catering for lawn fetes, parties, festivals and dances solicited. H. HUNT 125 Walnut Street Bell Phone 229 LOTS FOR SALE BY “The Peninsula Co.” Where is the town that has a brighter future outlook than Morgantown? No form of investment is safer or surer of large returns than investment in good lots near a successful factory which employs large numbers of people. The factory sites along our river are all occupied with our present railroad facilities. No other sites are available except the Decker's Creek alley. The Manila Co-operative Window glass factory has just selected this valley as a site for its plant—it will give employment to 150 skilled workmen. The contract has been let and it will be ready for operation by the time of the usual fall fire. The location of the factory is just across Decker's Creek from what is known as the “Peninsula,” one of the most delightful residence spots in our beautiful city—every foot of the “Peninsula” will be cut into building lots, lots, and the prices will be within the reach of all—and will range from $100 to $200, upon reasonable terms; one fourth down and balance in 6, 12 and 18 months. And will be sold without reservation or restrictions, the purchaser getting a general warranty deed upon full payment, so when he wishes to sell, he will be no cloud on his title, nor string to his conveyance. These lots are but 10 minutes walk from the Court House and the new Electric Traction company will put their first cars right through the center of the property. The M. & K. & Railroad is now building the bridge and switch to the site of the Marilla Factory and the actual work of construction will begin in 10 days. Now is the time to buy and build either for yourself or others. Think this matter over, first come—first served. For further particulars, call on Joseph H. Mills, Hall Building, Chancery Row, opposite Court House. Excellent leather to have a slate or tin roof put on your house or barn. Call on F. D. M. THE M. & K. & CO. And get good material for a low price, handled by mechanics. Spouting and furnace work. 223 Pleasant Street. The New Equinox Bakery Can supply you with the best and freshest Bread, Pies and Cakes to be obtained in the city. The delivery wagon will call at your door daily. Mr. Aug. Woller is an experienced lineman of ability, and satisfactory goods are guaranteed. Bakery Corner, 14. Front & Walnut Sts. Phone 1 16. Buy A piano, Bower's Tonsorial Parlors. Stylish Haircut, clean shave, hot and cold baths, clean towels. Court House Square. Do You Like Pictures? THEY ARE THE PEOPLE THOMPSON MUSIC COMPANY Clarksburg, W. Va. ED. W. McNEILL, Special Agent. Mu Life Insurance Co Life Endowment, 3. 4 and 5 percent. Gold Bond Policies sold. Also Accident and Health. Protect yourself and your families. Office 7, Chancery Row. MORGANT OWN. WEST VA. Get an exact likeness of yourself, any size you like. PROFESSOR An Artist of ability and experience will serve you. All work positively guaranteed. WELL! WELL! Everybody is making money, but the great difficulty is experience in knowing how to invest it so it will not only be safe, but to multiply it several fold. Goto C. R. Hayes, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE man and he will tell you about several large farms ranging from one and one-half to four miles from the city, under laid with coal, free from stumps and in fine farming condition. These farms are exceptionally valuable, and can be purchased for a very low figure. Real estate of all descriptions bought and sold. Houses rented and rents collected. This firm also represents the leading companies in Life, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass Insurance. The best companies which insure for the smallest premiums. Don’t forget the place, THE Morgantown Ice Company Fire Crystal Ice maclo from Distill od Water in—'m-’sm’iwi ti4e geM ...Shaving Parlor... Barbers are experienced and accurate manipulators of the Keen Edged Tool A clean shave, a stylish haircut. Everything neat and clean. A. H. BROWN, Prop. 1161 Walnut St., op. Franklin Hotel, Billiard and Pool Room; Basement of Posten Building Butter, and Produce, Finest Brands at lowest Prices. 297 Front street Bell Phone 325 J. H. KENNEDY Practical Plumber, Gas And Steam Fitter. Walnut St., Under Empire Laundry. Office, 275, Residence, ALL WORK GUARANTEED. FOR Wall Paper, Paints AND Interior Decorating, SEE LITTLE JONES the Big Wall Paper Man, Dealers in 1 General Hardware, Cutlery, Stoves, Paints and Oils, Tinware, Graniteware, Guns, Revolvers, Etc. -2i >2 A 1 a i n Srst rcrc;t. This is the Planing Mill Too busy to Peoples Phone Bell Plume LIVERY & FEED STABLES Good Road Horses and Baggies. The Best Turn 35 Cents in Morgantown. Excellent Care Taken of Horses. Reasonable Prices. D. C. CORE, Bumbo Lane, Near Front Street. Both Phones. J. M. REEP Pure Drugs, Patent Medicines Toilet Moles, Window Glass, Paints, Oils, Etc. Wall Paper a Specialty. H. A. DAVIDSON & CO., Livery and Feed Stables, Special attention given to commercial travelers. Prices reasonable. Hear of Franklin Hotel. Bell Phone 137- Peoples 60. W. H. Gilmore Conducts an Up-to-Date Livery, Sale and Feed Stable. Good Horses and Fine Turn outs. Boarding horses properly attended to. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Bell Phone 17a Peoples VS The Mecca Restaurant SERVES Regular Meals, Hot and Cold Lunches at all Hours, Unsurpassed Coffee, All the delicacies of the season. GLOVER & TISSUE, Proprietors, 182 Pleasants St. ROGERS... Artistic Portraiture, Photographs in best class only. The only reliable guaranteed house in the city. Enlargements of all kinds. Im proved facilities for this work in colors. Miniatures, New line and new display of Moulding and Frames. Pleasants St. Or MORGANTOWN. S Offices the patronage of manufacturing and mercantile firms and individuals. Capital Stock $5,000,000. Gorgantown Co’s space. Write ads. Let us. |
44062615_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Robert Lindsay "Bob" Moses (26 July 1940 – 21 December 2017) was an Australian rugby league footballer who played in the 1960s and 1970s. He was a dual premiership winning player at the South Sydney Rabbitohs.
Playing career
Moses originated from Newcastle, New South Wales, and signed with South Sydney in 1965. He played in the 1965 Grand Final for Souths, but they were defeated by St. George 12-8. He went on to play six seasons with South Sydney between 1965-1970. He played in three more grand finals for Souths, winning the 1967 Grand Final and 1968 Grand Final and played in the 1969 Grand Final loss to Balmain.
By 1970, he was in reserve grade and his Souths career was over. He moved to Manly-Warringah for three seasons between 1971-1973 but injury curtailed his career at Manly. He did not feature in any other Grand Finals before retiring.
Later life
He later became a successful publican in the Penrith area. Moses death was announced on 21 December 2017.
1940 births
2017 deaths
Australian rugby league players
Manly Warringah Sea Eagles players
Rugby league centres
Rugby league locks
Rugby league players from Newcastle, New South Wales
Rugby league second-rows
South Sydney Rabbitohs players.
US-201514885841-A_1 | USPTO | Public Domain | Wire harness
A wire harness includes a cable unit, and an indicator is provided on a back surface portion of an outer circumference surface of the cable unit, the back surface portion being positioned on an opposite side to a front surface portion that is visually recognizable from a direction in which the wire harness is visually recognizable to a worker in a state in which the cable unit is attached to a vehicle.
The present application claims priority from Japanese Patent Application No. 2014-211925 filed on Oct. 16, 2014, the entire contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference.
1. Technical Field
The present disclosure relates to a wire harness to be attached to a vehicle.
2. Related Art
When a wire harness that bundles cables is attached to a vehicle as twisted, the cable undergoes excessive tensional force of the twist, which can cause cable disconnection. Thus, such twist conventionally needs finding.
Various technologies have been disclosed for finding twist of a wire harness. For example, it is proposed to provide a tape to the outer circumference surface of a sheathing layer that sheathes bundled cables along the longitudinal direction of the cables, the tape having a different color from the color of the sheathing layer (for example, Japanese Unexamined Utility Model (Registration) Application Publication (JP-UM-A) No. S63-199412, and Japanese Unexamined Patent Application Publication (JP-A) No. H9-213141). It is also proposed to provide a rod-like member having a straight shape to the outer circumference surface of the sheathing layer along the longitudinal direction of the cables (for example, JP-A No. H9-180545, and JP-A No. 2000-329547). Alternatively, it is proposed to provide a marker elongated body distinguishable from the cables to the outer circumference of the cables (for example, JP-A No. H9-259641).
As described above, a criterial indicator such as a tape, a rod-like member, and a marker elongated body on a wire harness allows for the use of distortion, inclination, or the like of the indicator as a determination criterion for finding twist of the wire harness.
However, the above disclosed technologies need to dispose the criterial indicator serving as a criterion for finding twist at a visually recognizable position on the wire harness to be attached to a vehicle, so that the wire harness can be disfigured.
Thus, an object of the present disclosure is to provide a wire harness that allows twist to be found without causing disfigurement of the wire harness.
A wire harness according to an aspect of the present disclosure includes a cable unit, and an indicator provided that is on a back surface portion of an outer circumference surface of the cable unit, the back surface portion being positioned on an opposite side to a front surface portion that is visually recognizable from a direction in which the wire harness is visually recognizable to a worker in a normal attachment state in which the cable unit is attached to a vehicle in a predefined attachment manner.
The wire harness may further include fixation members that are provided on the outer circumference surface of the cable unit, and fix the cable unit to the vehicle. The indicator may be provided, along an extending direction of the cable unit, at a substantial center between any two of the fixation members, the any two fixation members being adjacent to each other along the extending direction of the cable unit.
The indicator may be provided within two areas positioned close to a center among four areas formed by equally dividing, into four, an area between one of the two adjacent fixation members along the extending direction of the cable unit and the other of the two adjacent fixation members along the extending direction of the cable unit.
The wire harness may further include fixation members that are provided on the outer circumference surface of the cable unit, and fix the cable unit to the vehicle. The indicator may be provided, along an extending direction of the cable unit, at a substantial center between a branch position in the cable unit where the cable unit branches and the fixation member adjacent to the branch position or another branch position adjacent to the branch position.
The indicator may be provided within two areas positioned close to a center among four areas formed by equally dividing, into four, an area between the branch position in the cable unit where the cable unit branches and the fixation member adjacent to the branch position or the other branch position adjacent to the branch position.
The cable unit may connect an engine in the vehicle and a control unit that controls the engine. The indicator may be provided on the back surface portion positioned on the opposite side to the front surface portion that is visually recognizable from the direction in which the wire harness is visually recognizable to the worker when a hood that opens and closes an engine room including the engine is opened.
FIG. 1 is a side view of a vehicle;
FIG. 2 describes a normal attachment state of a wire harness according to an implementation;
FIG. 3 describes a configuration of the wire harness;
FIG. 4 describes a configuration of a latch of a fixation member and a retainer provided on an engine and an ECU;
FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view taken along a V-V line in FIG. 3;
FIG. 6 describes an abnormal attachment state of the wire harness according to the present implementation;
FIG. 7A illustrates a configuration of a wire harness according to another implementation;
FIG. 7B illustrates a configuration of a wire harness according to another implementation; and
FIG. 7C illustrates a configuration of a wire harness according to another implementation.
Hereinafter, preferred implementations of the present disclosure will be described in detail with reference to the appended drawings. Dimensions, material, and other specific numerical values mentioned in the implementations are merely examples for facilitating understanding of the present disclosure, and do not limit the present disclosure if not stated otherwise. Note that, in this specification and the appended drawings, structural elements that have substantially the same function and structure are denoted with the same reference numerals, and repeated explanation of these structural elements is omitted. Elements not directly related to the present disclosure are not illustrated in the drawings.
FIG. 1 is a side view of a vehicle 1. The advancing direction of the vehicle 1 and the reversing direction of the vehicle 1 will be respectively referred to as front side (left side in FIG. 1) and rear side (right side in FIG. 1). As illustrated in FIG. 1, the vehicle 1 includes, for example, an engine 10, an engine control unit (ECU) 20 that controls and drives the engine 10, and a wire harness 100 that electrically connects the engine 10 and the ECU 20 in an engine room surrounded by a hood 2 and fenders 3 that cover the front wheels of the vehicle 1. The vehicle 1 drives the engine 10 on the basis of the control of the ECU 20, and the vehicle 1 runs by the power of the engine 10.
The hood 2 is a plate-shaped member connected with a vehicle main body 4 on the rear side of the hood 2 via a hinge mechanism, and is openable and closable using the hinge mechanism as a support. Opening the hood 2 of the vehicle 1 makes the engine 10, the ECU 20, the wire harness 100, and other structural elements in the engine room visually recognizable to a worker A. To the contrary, closing the hood 2 of the vehicle 1 makes the engine 10, the ECU 20, the wire harness 100, and other structural elements in the engine room visually unrecognizable to the worker A. Note that, when the worker A opens the hood 2 and visually recognizes the inside of the engine room, the worker A visually recognizes the engine room from the front side in many cases. The direction of the gaze (white hollow arrow) of the worker A will be referred to as visual recognition direction, the gaze of the worker A falling upon the engine room from the open end side of the opened hood 2 (front side of the vehicle 1).
FIG. 2 describes a normal attachment state of the wire harness 100 according to the present implementation, and illustrates the engine 10, the ECU 20, and the wire harness 100 included in the engine room visually recognized from the visual recognition direction. FIG. 3 describes the configuration of the wire harness 100. Note that FIG. 2 illustrates only necessary structural elements of those in the engine room for describing the present implementation, and omits unnecessary structural elements. The state of a cable unit 102 (wire harness 100) attached to the vehicle 1 in a predefined attachment manner (untwisted state of the cable unit 102) is also referred to as normal attachment state.
As illustrated in FIGS. 2 and 3, the wire harness 100 includes the cable unit 102, connection terminals 104 and 106, fixation members 108 and 110, an indicator 112, and adhesive tapes 114.
The cable unit 102 includes cables 120 and a sheath 122. The cables 120 electrically connect the ECU 20 to various devices such as various sensors, spark plugs, injectors, and actuators that drive intake and exhaust valves provided in the engine 10. The cables 120 transmit detection results of the various sensors of the engine 10 from the engine 10 to the ECU 20, and transmit electrical signals for controlling the various devices from the ECU 20 to the engine 10.
The sheath 122 is, for example, black, and sheathes the bundled cables 120 in the longitudinal direction of the cables 120. The fixation members 108 and 110, the indicator 112, and the adhesive tapes 114 are provided on an outer circumference surface 122 a of the sheath 122 (the cable unit 102). Additionally, when the cables 120 are bundled and sheathed by the sheath 122, the cable unit 102 has a cross section of a substantially circular shape. It will be assumed below that the cross section of the cable unit 102 has a circular shape, and the radial direction of the cross section of the cable unit 102 is referred to simply as radial direction and the circumferential direction of the cross section of the cable unit 102 is referred to simply as circumferential direction.
One end of each cable 120 is connected with the connection terminal 104, which is inserted into a terminal insertion port 12 provided in the engine 10. The other end of each cable 120 is connected with the connection terminal 106, which is inserted into a terminal insertion port 22 provided in the ECU 20.
A band 108 a and a latch 108 b of the fixation member 108 are formed integrally as illustrated in FIG. 3. The band 108 a is wound in the circumferential direction on the outer circumference surface 122 a of the sheath 122 in a manner that the fixation member 108 and the cable unit 102 do not move relative to each other. This fixes the fixation member 108 to the sheath 122. The latch 108 b protrudes outwardly in the radial direction, when the fixation member 108 is fixed to the cable unit 102 by the band 108 a.
FIG. 4 describes the configuration of the latch 108 b of the fixation member 108 and a retainer 14 provided on the engine 10 and the ECU 20. FIG. 4 illustrates the cross section of the cable unit 102 alone for convenience of description.
As illustrated in FIG. 4, the latch 108 b includes a cylindrical portion 108 c of a substantially cylindrical shape, and a conical portion 108 d of a substantially conical shape with a tip sharpened outwardly in the radial direction. The cylindrical portion 108 c protrudes from the band 108 a outwardly in the radial direction when the fixation member 108 is fixed to the cable unit 102. The conical portion 108 d is provided more outwardly than the cylindrical portion 108 c in the radial direction. The bottom face of the conical portion 108 d (surface facing inwardly in the radial direction) has a diameter larger than the diameter of the cylindrical portion 108 c.
The retainer 14 is a plate member provided at a predetermined position of the engine 10, and has a thickness as large as the height of the cylindrical portion 108 c. The retainer 14 has an insertion hole 14 a of a circular shape, and the diameter of the insertion hole 14 a is larger than the diameter of the cylindrical portion 108 c and smaller than the diameter of the bottom face of the conical portion 108 d.
Inserting the conical portion 108 d into the insertion hole 14 a of the retainer 14 fixes the fixation member 108 with the conical portion 108 d passing through the insertion hole 14 a and with the side face of the cylindrical portion 108 c in contact with the inner circumference surface of the insertion hole 14 a. In this state of the fixation member 108, the diameter of the bottom face of the conical portion 108 d is larger than the diameter of the insertion hole 14 a, and thus the conical portion 108 d does not drop out of the insertion hole 14 a, but is latched by the retainer 14.
A fixation member 110 has the same shape as the shape of the fixation member 108, and a band 110 a and a latch 110 b including a cylindrical portion 110 c and a conical portion 110 d are integrally formed. The retainer 24 is also a plate member provided at a predetermined position of the ECU 20, and has a thickness as large as the height of the cylindrical portion 110 c. The retainer 24 has an insertion hole 24 a of a circular shape, and the diameter of the insertion hole 24 a is larger than the diameter of the cylindrical portion 110 c and smaller than the diameter of the bottom face of the conical portion 110 d.
Accordingly, the fixation members 108 and 110 are fixed to the retainers 14 and 24 with the latches 108 b and 110 b disposed at respective predefined fixation positions in the circumferential direction in a manner that the cable unit 102 is not twisted in the circumferential direction when the wire harness 100 is attached to the vehicle 1.
Thus, when the fixation members 108 and 110 are respectively latched by the retainers 14 and 24 in a predefined attachment manner, the wire harness 100 is attached to the vehicle 1 without twisting the cable unit 102.
Returning to FIG. 3, the indicator 112 is, for example, a white tape having a predetermined width, and is provided at a substantial center between the fixation member 108 and the fixation member 110 on the outer circumference surface 122 a of the sheath 122 along the longitudinal direction (the extending direction) of the cable unit 102. Specifically, using a center C0 as the center between the adjacent fixation member 108 and fixation member 110, the indicator 112 is provided from a center C1 between the center C0 and the fixation member 108 to a center C2 between the center C0 and the fixation member 110. That is, the indicator 112 is provided over two areas positioned close to the center C0, among four areas formed by equally dividing, into four, the area between the adjacent fixation member 108 and fixation member 110.
The indicator 112 is fixed to the outer circumference surface 122 a of the sheath 122 with both ends wound, for example, by the black adhesive tapes 114.
FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view taken along a V-V line in FIG. 3. Note that FIG. 5 does not illustrate the cables 120 for convenience of explanation, but illustrates the visual recognition direction of the worker A with a white hollow arrow. As illustrated in FIG. 5, when the wire harness 100 is attached in a predefined attachment manner, the indicator 112 is provided on a back surface portion of the outer circumference surface 122 a of the sheath 122 positioned on the opposite side to a front surface portion that is visually recognized from the visual recognition direction with respect to an imaginary straight line r perpendicular to both the visual recognition direction and the longitudinal direction of the wire harness 100. Preferably, the indicator 112 is provided within an area of angles ±θ on the back surface portion of the outer circumference surface 122 a in the cross section of the wire harness 100 orthogonal to the longitudinal direction with respect to an imaginary extension line 1 of the visual recognition direction. On the basis of the visual recognition direction that changes, for example, depending on the height, the visual recognition angle, and the posture of the worker A, who visually recognizes the wire harness 100, the angle θ is set at an angle at which the indicator 112 is visually unrecognizable from the visual recognition direction for the area that the worker A is supposed to visually recognize in a normal situation.
Thus, when the hood 2 of the vehicle 1 is opened, the indicator 112 of the wire harness 100 is visually unrecognizable from the visual recognition direction (direction of the gaze) of the worker A in the normal attachment state. Accordingly, it is possible to prevent the visually recognized indicator 112 from causing disfigurement.
FIG. 6 describes an abnormal attachment state of the wire harness 100 according to the present implementation. In the meantime, the latches 108 b and 110 b of the fixation members 108 and 110 protrude outwardly in the radial direction from predefined fixation positions in the circumferential direction, and thus can be latched by the retainers 14 and 24 even after the cable unit 102 is rotated by 360 degrees. For example, it is possible to, after the fixation member 110 is latched by the retainer 24, twist the cable unit 102 of the wire harness 100 in the circumferential direction from a predefined attachment manner, and to rotate the fixation member 108 one revolution (360 degrees) in the circumferential direction relative to the normal attachment state and latched by the retainer 14. The state of the twisted cable unit 102 in this way is referred to as abnormal attachment state. It will be described that the fixation member 108 of the wire harness 100 is rotated one revolution (360 degrees) and attached.
When the area between the fixation member 108 and the fixation member 110 is twisted by 360 degrees, the center part of the cable unit 102 between the fixation member 108 and the fixation member 110 is rotated by 180 degrees in the circumferential direction as compared with the same area that is untwisted. As described above, the indicator 112 is provided in the area from the center C1 to the center C2 (refer to FIG. 3) between the fixation member 108 and the fixation member 110, and thus the center part of the indicator 112 is also displaced by 180 degrees in the circumferential direction relative to the normal attachment state, as the cable unit 102 is rotated.
Thus, as illustrated in FIG. 6, when the wire harness 100 is in the abnormal attachment state, a part of the indicator 112 on the ECU 20 side is visually unrecognizable to the worker A, but the indicator 112 is displaced by the twist of the cable unit 102 to the position at which a part of the indicator 112 on the engine 10 side is visually recognizable to the worker A. This allows the worker A to find the twist of the cable unit 102 by visually recognizing the indicator 112.
As described above, when the wire harness 100 is attached to the vehicle 1 in a predefined attachment manner, the indicator 112 is provided on the visually unrecognizable back surface portion of the outer circumference surface 122 a of the sheath 122 positioned on the opposite side to the front surface portion that is visually recognized from the visual recognition direction. Accordingly, it is possible to find the twist of the cable unit 102 without causing disfigurement.
The wire harness 100 is attached when the vehicle 1 is manufactured or checked and repaired. Accordingly, if the owner of the vehicle 1 discovers the indicator 112 upon opening the hood 2, for example, the owner can be confused in ignorance of the purpose of installation of the indicator 112. Thus, it is preferable that the indicator 112 of the wire harness 100 be visually unrecognizable when the hood 2 is opened. If so, the wire harness 100 does not cause misunderstanding by the owner of the vehicle 1.
(Another Implementation 1)
FIG. 7A illustrates the configuration of a wire harness 200 according to another implementation 1. The wire harness 200 according to the other implementation 1 includes the same structural elements as the connection terminals 104 and 106, the fixation members 108 and 110, the adhesive tapes 114, and the cables 120 of the wire harness 100, so that the same structural elements are denoted with the same reference numerals, and their explanation is omitted.
As illustrated in FIG. 7A, the wire harness 200 includes the cables 120 serving as a main line, cables 202 a and 202 b serving as branch lines, a sheath 204, connection terminals 104, 106, 206 and 208, the fixation members 108 and 110, an indicator 212, and the adhesive tapes 114. The cables 202 a and 202 b branch from the cables 120 at branch positions B1 and B2 on the sheath 204. The indicator 212 is provided, along the longitudinal direction (the extending direction) of the cable unit 214, at a substantial center between the branch position B1, where the cables 202 a serving as the branch line branch from the cables 120 serving as the main line, and the branch position B2, where the cables 202 b serving as the branch line branch from the cables 120 serving as the main line. Specifically, the indicator 212 may be provided within two areas positioned close to the center C3 between the branch positions B1 and B2 among equally divided four areas. This is because twisting the cable unit 214 shows the indicator 212 in the two areas close to the center C3 on the front surface portion of the outer circumference surface 204 a of the sheath 204, which is visually recognized from the visual recognition direction, and thus the indicator 212 only has to be provided in at least these areas in order to reduce the area of the indicator 212.
(Another Implementation 2)
FIG. 7B illustrates the configuration of a wire harness 300 according to another implementation 2. The wire harness 300 according to the other implementation 2 includes the same structural elements as the connection terminals 104 and 106, the fixation members 108 and 110, the adhesive tapes 114, and the cables 120 of the wire harness 100, so that the same structural elements are denoted with the same reference numerals, and their explanation is omitted.
As illustrated in FIG. 7B, the wire harness 300 includes the cables 120 serving as a main line, cables 302 a serving as a branch line, a sheath 304, connection terminals 104, 106 and 306, fixation members 108 and 110, an indicator 312, and the adhesive tapes 114. The cables 302 a serving as the branch line branch from the cables 120 serving as the main line at a branch position B3 on the sheath 304. The indicator 312 is provided at a substantial center between the fixation member 110 and the branch position B3, where the cables 302 a serving as the branch line branch from the cables 120 serving as the main line. Specifically, the indicator 312 may be provided within two areas positioned close to the center C4 among equally divided four areas.
(Another Implementation 3)
FIG. 7C illustrates the configuration of a wire harness 400 according to another implementation 3. The wire harness 400 according to the other implementation 3 includes the same structural elements as the connection terminals 104 and 106, the fixation members 108 and 110, and the cables 120 of the wire harness 100, so that the same structural elements are denoted with the same reference numerals, and their explanation is omitted.
As illustrated in FIG. 7C, the wire harness 400 includes the cables 120, a sheath 404, the connection terminals 104 and 106, the fixation members 108 and 110, an indicator 412, and adhesive tapes 414. The indicator 412 may be fixed to the sheath 404 by winding the adhesive tapes 414 at both ends and a center part of the indicator 412 in the circumferential direction of the sheath 404.
Although the preferred examples of the present disclosure have been described in detail with reference to the appended drawings, the present disclosure is not limited thereto. It is obvious to those skilled in the art that various modifications or variations are possible insofar as they are within the technical scope of the appended claims or the equivalents thereof. It should be understood that such modifications or variations are also within the technical scope of the present disclosure.
Although, in the present implementation, the wire harness 100 connects the engine 10 and the ECU 20, the present disclosure is not limited thereto. The wire harness 100 may connect other devices or systems, and, for example, may connect an electric device and its controller provided in the vehicle 1.
Although, in the present implementation, the cable unit 102 includes, for example, the cables 120 and the sheath 122, the present disclosure is not limited thereto. The indicator 112 may be directly provided on the cables 120 without the sheath 122.
Although, in the present implementation and the other implementations, the indicator 112 is, for example, a white tape having a predetermined width, the present disclosure is not limited thereto. The indicator may be installed by any method. For example, the indicator may be installed with ink or the like.
Although, in the implementations, the indicators 112, 212, 312 and 412 are provided within two areas positioned close to the center among four areas formed by equally dividing, into four, the area between the two fixation members 108 and 110, the area between the two branch positions B1 and B2, or the area between the fixation member 110 and the branch position B3, at least only a part of the indicators 112, 212, 312 and 412 has to be provided within the two areas positioned close to the center of the four areas.
The present disclosure can be applied to a wire harness to be attached to a vehicle.
The invention claimed is:
1. A wire harness, comprising: a cable unit; fixation members that are positioned on the outer circumference surface of the cable unit, and configured to fix the cable unit to the vehicle; and an indicator positioned on a back surface portion of an outer circumference surface of the cable unit only within a first area and a second area among four areas based on equal division, into four, of an area between a first of the two adjacent fixation members along the extending direction of the cable unit and a second of the two adjacent fixation members along the extending direction of the cable unit, wherein the back surface portion positioned on an opposite side to a front surface portion of the outer circumference surface, and wherein the front surface portion is visually recognizable from a gaze direction of a worker in an attachment state in which the cable unit is attached to a vehicle.
2. The wire harness according to claim 1, wherein the indicator is further positioned, along the extending direction of the cable unit, at a substantial center between two of the adjacent fixation members along the extending direction of the cable unit.
3. The wire harness according to claim 2, wherein the cable unit is configured to connect an engine in the vehicle and a control unit that is configured to control the engine, wherein the indicator is further positioned on the back surface portion, wherein the back surface portion is positioned on the opposite side to the front surface portion, that is visually recognizable from the gaze direction of the worker based on a hood that is opened, and wherein the hood is configured to open and close an engine room that includes the engine.
4. The wire harness according to claim 1, wherein the indicator is further positioned within the first area and the second area that are positioned close to a center among the four areas.
5. The wire harness according to claim 4, wherein the cable unit is configured to connect an engine in the vehicle and a control unit that is configured to control the engine, wherein the indicator is further positioned on the back surface portion, wherein the back surface portion is positioned on the opposite side to the front surface portion, that is visually recognizable from the gaze direction of the worker based on a hood that is opened, and wherein the hood is configured to open and close an engine room that includes the engine.
6. The wire harness according to claim 1, wherein the indicator is further positioned, along the extending direction of the cable unit, at a substantial center between a first branch position in the cable unit where the cable unit branches and a fixation member of the fixation members that is adjacent to the first branch position or a second branch position adjacent to the first branch position.
7. The wire harness according to claim 6, wherein the indicator is further positioned within two areas positioned close to a center among four areas based on equal division, into four, of an area between the first branch position in the cable unit where the cable unit branches and a fixation member of the fixation members that is adjacent to the first branch position or the second branch position adjacent to the first branch position.
8. The wire harness according to claim 7, wherein the cable unit is configured to connect an engine in the vehicle and a control unit that is configured to control the engine, wherein the indicator is further positioned on the back surface portion, wherein the back surface portion is positioned on the opposite side to the front surface portion that is visually recognizable from the gaze direction of the worker based on a hood that is opened, and wherein the hood is configured to open and close an engine room that includes the engine.
9. The wire harness according to claim 6, wherein the cable unit is configured to connect an engine in the vehicle and a control unit that is configured to control the engine, wherein the indicator is further positioned on the back surface portion, wherein the back surface portion is positioned on the opposite side to the front surface portion, that is visually recognizable from the gaze direction of the worker based on a hood that is opened, and wherein the hood is configured to open and close an engine room that includes the engine.
10. The wire harness according to claim 1, wherein the cable unit is configured to connect an engine in the vehicle and a control unit that is configured to control the engine, wherein the indicator is further positioned on the back surface portion, wherein the back surface portion is positioned on the opposite side to the front surface portion, that is visually recognizable from the gaze direction of the worker based on a hood that is opened, and wherein the hood is configured to open and close an engine room that includes the engine.
11. The wire harness according to claim 1, wherein the attachment state corresponds to a state in which the cable unit is untwisted.
12. The wire harness according to claim 1, wherein the indicator is further positioned within the first area and the second area based on at least one of height, visual recognition angle, or posture of the worker..
bim_eighteenth-century_the-history-of-the-life-_middleton-conyers_1750_2_19 | English-PD | Public Domain | « with the other news of the Town, for ſuch M. ZEmitivs « are his orders: ſo that if he hears any thing LTI. « beſides of mine from other perſons, he does not « regard 1t, I have no occaſion therefore for your example of AÆnomaus, though aptly applied « from Accius: for what is the envy, which « you ſpeak of? or what is there in me to be « envied now; but ſuppoſe there was every « thing : 1t has been the conſtant opinion of Phi- « loſophers, the onely men in my judgement, « who have a right notion of virtue, that a wiſe « man has nothing more to anſwer for, than to keep «* bimſelf free from guilt , of which I take my- „ ſelf to be clear, on a double account; be- « cauſe I both purſued thoſe meaſures, which « were the juſteſt: and when I ſaw, that I had not ſtrength enough to carry them, did not think it my buſineſs to contend by force with * thoſe, who were too ſtrong for me. It is « certain therefore, that I cannot be blamed, in « what concerns the part of a good Citizen: all « that is now left, is not to ſay or do any thing «* fooliſhly and raſhly againſt the men in power * which I take alſo to be the part of a wiſe man. « As for the reſt, what people may report to be % ſaid by me, or how he may takę it, or with « what ſincerity thoſe live with me, who now fo aſſiduouſly court me, it is not in my power to « anſwer. I comfort myſelf therefore with the ® conſciouſneſs of my former conduct, and the e moderation of my preſent; and ſhall apply « your ſimilitude from Accius, not onely to the «* caſe of envy, but of fortune; which I conſider Vor. II. 2 as „„ A. Urb. 707. '% 9s] + on” C. JuLivs Cxsar III.“ M. ZAXmitivs®* Le p1pvus. T cc cc cc cs The HisToxy of the Life as light and weak, and what ought to be re. pelled by a firm and great mind, as waves by a rock. For ſince the Greek Hiſtory is full of examples, how the wiſeſt men have en- dured Tyrannies at Athens or Syracuſe; and when their Cities were enſlaved, have lived themſelves in ſome meaſure free; why may not I think it poſſible to maintain my rank ſo, as neither to offend the mind of any, nor. hurt my own dignity ?!——&c. [o]“ PzTus having heard, that Cæſar was going to divide ſome lands in his neighbourhood to the fal. diers, began to be afraid for his own eſtate, and writes to Cicero, to know how far that diſtribu- tion would extend: to which Cicero anſwers 40 66 40 40 c who when Balbus has juſt been with you, aſk me what will become of thofe towns and their lands? as if either I knew any thing, that Balbus does not; orif at any time I chance to know any thing, I do not know it from him : nay, it is your part rather, if you love me, to let me know what will become of me: for you had it in your power to have learnt it from him, either ſober, or at leaſt when drunk. But as for me, my dear Pætus, I have done enquiring about thoſe things: firſt, becauſe we have already lived near four years, by clear gain, as it were: if that can be called gain, or this life, to outlive the Republic: ſecondly, becauſe I myſelf ſeem to know what will happen ; for it will be, whatever pleaſes the ſtrongeſt; which muſt always be decided by arms: it is our part therefore, to be con- * tent with what is allowed to us: he who cannot Le] Ep. fam, g. 16. « ſubmit courte bus, ( la : tt Cæſar cero; petual the t. erciſe of hi! lowin: « Hi (c ing * hes of M. TUL L IUS CICERO. 339 br « ſubmit to this, ought to have choſen death, A- Urb. 707. They are now meaſuring the fields of Veiæ — ul « and Capenz : this is not far from Tuſculum : ©. jurivs _ « yet I fear nothing: 1 enjoy it whilſt I may; Cx III. and « wiſh that 1 always may; but if it ſhould hap-M. Amiiivg eb pen otherwiſe, yet ſince, with all my courage ane ind philoſophy, I have thought it belt to live, 5 cannot but have an affection for him, by « whoſe benefit I hold that life: who, if he & has an inclination to reſtore the Republic, as ; « he himſelf perhaps may deſire, and we all fot * ought to wiſh, yet he has linked himſelf ſo * « with others, that he has not the power to do $ « what he would. But I procede too far ; for hs « Tam writing to you: be aſſured however of hit « this, that not onely I, who have no part in their d «* counſils, but even the Chief himſelf does not bas (6 know what will happen. We are ſlaves to 90 « him, he to the times: fo neither can he „ know, what the times will require, nor we, ſs * what he may intend, Sc. [/].“ THe Chiefs of the Cæſarian party, who = courted Cicero ſo much at this time, were Bal- k bus, Oppius, Matius, Panſa, Hirtius, Dolabel- er la: th Il in the firſt confidence with e a: they were all in the firſt confidenc l ule Czſar, yet profeſſed the utmoſt affection for Ci- b cero ; were every morning at his levee, and per- 25 petually engaging him to ſup with them; and the two laſt employed themſelves in a daily ex- wh ercile of declaming at his houſe, for the benefit ſes of his inſtruction ; of which he gives the fol- ed lowing account in his familiar way to Pztus : Hirtius and Dolabella are my ſcholars in ſpeak- n- N 10t ing; my maſters in eating: for you have * heard, I gueſs, how they declame with me, Ep. fam. 9. 17. lit (] P 917 2 2 6 I ſup 340 A. Urb. 707.4 I ſup with them.” Cic. 61. Coſſ. C. JuLivs Czxsar III. A * The HisToRy of the Life In another Letter he tells him, © that as King Dionyſius, when driven e out of Syracuſe, turned ſchool-maſter at Co- rinth, ſo he, having loſt his kingdom of the M. Am1iivs** Forum, had now opened a School—to which Lzee1ibvus. « he merrily invites Pætus, with the offer of x “ ſeat and cuſhion next to himſelf, as his Uſh- « er [q].* But to Varro more ſeriouſly, 41 «« acquainted you, ſays he, before, that I am in- « timate with them all, and aſſiſt at their coun- « fils: I ſee no reaſon why I ſhould not— for it is not the ſame thing, 10 bear what muſt be born, and to approve what ought not to be ap- % proved.” And again; *I do not forbear to ſup « with thoſe who now rule: what can I do? « we muſt comply with the times [r].” The onely uſe which he made of all this favor was, to ſkreen himſelf from any particular cala- mity in the general miſery of the times ; and to ſerve thoſe unhappy men, who were driven from their country and their families, for their adherence to that cauſe, which he himſelf had eſpouſed. Cæſar was deſirous indeed to engage him in his meaſures, and attach him inſenſibly [4] Hirtium ego & Dola- vinus ſequetur. Ib. 18. bellam dicendi diſcipulos ha- beo, cœnandi magiſtros: pu- to ehim te audiſf: — illos a- pud me declamitare, me apud eos ccœnitare. Ib. 16. Ut Dionyſius Tyrannus, cum Syracuſis pulſus eſſet, Corinthi dicitur ludum ape- ruiſſe, ſic ego — amiſſo reg- no forenſi, , xa quaſi ha- bere cœperim— ſella tibi erit in ludo, tanquam Hypodi- daſculo, proxima: eam pul- D'] Oltentavit tibi, me iſtis eſſe familiarem, & conſiliis eorum intereſſe. Quod ego cur nolim nihil video. Non enim eſt idem, ferre ſi quid ferendum eſt, & probare, {i quid probandum non eſt, Ib 6. | Non deſino apud iſtos, qui nunc dominantur, cænitare. Quid faciam ? tempori ſer- viendum elit, Ib. 7. to ef M. TULLIUS CICERO. 341 ell to his intereſts: but he would bear no part in an 4. Urb. 707. ven adminiſtration, eſtabliſned on the ruins of his * Co- country; nor ever cared to be acquainted with ©. jolivs the their affairs, or to inquire what they were doing: Cxsax III. ich ſo that whenever he entered into their counſils, MH: Mn * as he ſignifies above to Varro, it was onely when Jſh- the caſe of ſome exiled friend required it; for « [ whoſe ſervice he ſcrupled no pains of ſolliciting, in- and attending even Ceſar himſelf; though he un- was ſometimes ſhocked, as he complains, by the . for difficulty of acceſs, and the indignity of waiting in ft be an Antichamber; not indeed through Cæſar's a- fault, who was always ready to give him audi- ſup ence 3 but from the multiplicity of his affairs, by do ? whoſe hands all the favors of the Empire were diſpenſed [s]. Thus in a Letter to Ampius, or whole pardon he had procured, —** I have ſol- Ala- « licited your cauſe, ſays he, more eagerly than and my preſent ſituation would well juſtify : for ven my deſire to fee you, and my conſtant love heir « for you, moſt aſſiduouſly cultivated on your had « part, over-ruled all regard to the preſent weak condition of my power and intereſt. Eve « thing that relates to your return and ſafety is * promiſed, confirmed, fixed, and ratified: I « ſaw, knew, was preſent at every ſtep: for « by good luck, I have all Cæſar's friends en- « paged to me by an old acquaintance and * friendſhip : ſo that next to him they pay the « firſt regard to me: Panſa, Hirtius, Balbus, Oppius, Matius, Poſtumius, take all occaſions * to give me proof of their ſingular affection. lk this had been ſought and procured by me, [+] Quod fi tardius fit nia petuntur, aditus ad eum quam volumus, magnis oc- difficiliores fuerunt. — Ep. cupationibus ejus, a quo om- fam, 6. 3. 2 3 “1 ſhould 342 The HISTORY of the Life A. Urb. 707. I ſhould have no reaſon, as things now ſtand, Cic. 61. Coſſ. C. Jortus C SAR III. « to repent of my pains: but I have done no. e thing with the view of ſerving the times; ! e had an intimacy of long ſtanding with them M. ZAmiiivs® all; and never gave over ſolliciting them on Leyipus. „ your behalf: I found Panſa however the - « readieſt of them all to ſerve you, and oblige % me; who has not onely an intereſt, but au- & thority with Cæſar, &c. [I].“ Bur while he was thus careſſed by Crzfar's friends, he was not leſs followed, we may ima- gine, by the friends of the Republic: theſe had always looked upon him as the chief Patron of their liberty; whoſe counſils, if they had been followed, would have preſerved it; and whoſe authority gave them the onely hopes that were left, of recovering it: fo that his houſe was as much frequented, and his levee as much croud- ed, as ever; ſince people now flocked, he ſays, to ſee a good Cilizen, as a ſort of rarity [u]. In another Letter, giving a ſhort account of his way of life, he ſays, Early in the morning, I receive the compliments of many honeſt men, but melancholy ones; as well as of theſe gay * Conquerors; who ſhew indeed a very offici- % ous and affectionate regard to me. When * theſe viſits are over, I ſhut myſelf up in my Library, either to write or read: Here ſome „ alſo come to hear me, as a man of learning; % becauſe I am ſomewhat more learned than they: the reſt of my time I give to the care * of my body: for I have now bewailed my [:] Ib. 6. 12. IL] Cum falutationi nos dedimus amicorum ; quz fit hoc etiam frequenuus, quam ſolebat, quod quaſi avem al. bam, videntur bene ſentien- tem civem videre, abdo me in Bibliothecam. Ib. 7. 28. country it as met he laws, had t! autho and fc count tua nd City, er, te the c ſenſe diſgr gove * kne v able ſhip of M. TULLIUS CICERO. 343 % country longer, and more heavily, than any A. Urb. 707. © mother ever bewailed her onely Son [Z].“ Cic. 61, IT is certain, that there was not a man in the C Coll. Republic ſo particularly engaged, both by prin- Sy 1. ciple and intereſt, to wiſh well to it's liberty, or M. Amis who had ſo much to loſe by the ſubverſion of LEripus. it as he: for as long as it was governed by civil methods, and ſtood upon the foundation of it's laws, he was undoubtedly the firſt Citizen in it ; had the chief influence in the Senate; the chief authority with the people: and as all his hopes and fortunes were grounded on the peace of his country, ſo all his labors and ſtudies were per- petually applied to the promotion of it: it is no wonder therefore, 1n the preſent ſituation of the City, oppreſſed by arms, and a tyrannical pow- er, to find him ſo particularly impatient under the common miſery, and expreſſing ſo keen a ſenſe of the diminution of his dignity, and the diſgrace of ſerving, where he had been uſed to govern, Cs Ax, on the other hand, though he knew his temper and principles to be irreconcile- able to his uſurped dominion, yet out of friend- ſhip to the man, and a reverence for his charac- ter, was determined to treat him with the great- elt humanity : and by all the marks of perſonal favor, to make his life not onely tolerable, but unt etiam qui me audiunt, quaſi doctum hominem, quia paullo ſum, quam ipſi, doc- tior, Inde . corpori omne tempus datur, Patriam e- luxi jam gravius & diutius quam ulla mater unicum fili- um. Ep. fam. 9. 20. [x] Hæc igitur eſt nunc vita noſtra. Mane ſaluta- mus domi & bonos viros mul- tos, ſed triſtes, & hos lætos victores; qui me quidem perofficioſe & peramanter ob- ſervant. Ubi ſalutatio de- fluxit, litteris me involvo, aut ſcribo — wt WW —— — > <4 — — — - —_ — 344 A Urb. 707. Cic. 61. Coll. C JuL1vs Camsar III. The HisTORY of the Life eaſy to him: yet all that he could do, had ng other effect on Cicero, than to make him think and ſpeak ſometimes favorably of the natural clemency of their maſter ; and to entertain ſome M. Kurios hopes from it, that he would one day be per. Leylpus. ſuaded to reſtore the public liberty: but exclu- ſive of that hope, he never mentions his go- vernment, but as a real Tyranny; or his perſon in any other ſtile, than as the oppreſſor of his Country. Bur he gave a remarkable proof at this time of his being no temporiſer, by writing a book in praiſe of Cato , which he publiſhed within a few months after Cato's death. He ſeems to have been left a Guardian to Cato's Son; as he was alſo to young Lucullus, Cato's Nephew [y]: and this teſtimony of Cato's friendſhip and judge- ment of him, might induce him the more readi- ly to pay this honor to his memory. It was a matter however of no ſmall deliberation, in what manner he ought to treat the ſubject : his friends adviſed him, not to be too explicit and particu- lar in the detail of Cato's praiſes; but to con- tent himſclf with a general encomium, for fear of irritating Cæſar, by puſhing the Argument too far. In a Letter to Atticus, he calls this, © an * Archimedean problem; but I cannot hit upon * any thing, /ays he, that thoſe friends of yours «© will read with pleaſure, or even with pa— * tience ; belides, if I ſhould drop the account * of Cato's Votes and Speeches in the Senate, and of his political conduct in the State, and e give a night commendation onely of his con- „ ſtancy and gravity, even this may be more, © than they will care to hear: but the man can- ** Do] Ad Att. 13. 6. De Finib. 3. 2. 66 not of « not | 6 parti « has | « Prev. 0 90h the top his forc work b 0 pal and cha TH! and Ca affectec ed, th mean of @ 1 Cato's cero 5 public. work and p well [z A. aſſequo tui co benter, mo ley tiam 11 mi confili1 ile e futura not of M. TUL LIUS CICERO. 345 « not be praiſed, as he deſerves, unleſs it be A. Urb. 707. particularly explaned, how he foretold all that Cic. bt. « has happened to us; how he took arms to (, al « prevent its happening; and parted with life Cs III. « rather than ſee it happen [Z]“ Theſe were M. Zmitivs the topics, which he reſolved to diſplay with all L»1pvs. his force z and from the accounts given of the work by antiquity, it appears, that he had ſpared no pains to adorn it, but extolled Cato's virtue and character to the ſkies [a]. Tur book was ſoon ſpread into all hands; and Cæſar, inſtead of expreſſing any reſentment, affected to be much pleaſed with it; yet declar- ed, that he would anſwer it: and Hirtius in the mean while, drew up a little piece in the form of Letter to Cicero, filled with objections f0 Cato's charafter, but with high compliments to Ci- cero himſelf ; which Cicero took care to make public, and calls it a ſpecimen of what Cæſar's work was like to be [5]. Brutus alſo compoſed and publiſhed a piece on the ſame ſubject ; as well as another triend of Cicero, Fabius Gal- [z] Sed de Catone es- Gus HEX 3147 Jevov eſt. Non aſſequor ut ſcribam, quod tui convivæ non modo li- benter, ſed etiam æquo ani- mo legere poſſint. Quin e- tiam ſi a ſententiis ejus dic- tis, ft ab omni voluntate, conſiliiſque quæ de Repub. habuit, recedam; que velim gravitatem conttanti- amque ejus laudare, hoc 1p- ſum dx fit, Sed vere laudari ille vir non poteſt, niſi hæc ornata ſint, quod ile ea, quæ nunc ſunt, & ſutura viderit, & ne fierent contenderit, & facta ne vide- ret, vitam reliquerit. Ad . ' 2. 4 [a] M. Ciceronis libro, quo Catonem cœlo æquavit, &c. Tacit. Ann. 4. 34. [5] Qualis futura fit Cæ- ſaris vituperatio contra lau- dationem meam perſpexi ex eo libro, quem Hirtius ad me miſit, in quo colligit vi- tia Catonis, fed cum maxi- mis laudibus meis. Itaque miſi librum ad Muſcam, ut tuis librariis daret. Volo eum divulgari, &, Ad Att. 12. 40. it. 41. lus: 34.6 A. Urb. 707. Jus [c]: but theſe were but little conſidered in Cic. 61. Coſl. C. Jorius The His ToRVY of the Life compariſon of Cicero's : and Brutus had made {ome miſtakes in his account of the tranſaction Cx5as III. in which Cato had been concerned; eſpecially M. EullLius in the debates on Catiline's plot; in which he had Leyeipvus. given him the firſt part and merit, in derogation even of Cicero himſelf [d]. Cz#$ar's anſwer was not publiſhed till the next year, upon his return from Spain ; after the defeat of Pompey's Sons. It was a labored invective 3 anſwering Cicero's book paragraph by paragraph, and accuſing Cato with all the an and force of bis Rhetoric, as if in a public trial before Judges [e]; yet with expreſſions of great reſpect towards Cicero; whom, for his virtue and abilities, he compared 7 Pericles and Thera- menes of Athens | f | : and in a Letter upon it to Balbus, which was ſhewn by his order to Ci- cero, he ſaid, that by the frequent reading of Cice. ro's Cato, be was grown more copious , but af ter he bad read Brutus's, thought himſelf even eloquent [g]. [] Catonem tuum mihi mitte. Cupio enim legere. Ep. fam. 7. 24. [4] Catonem primum ſen— tentiam putat de animadyer- ſione dixiſſe, quam omnes ante dixerant præter Cæſa. rem, &c. Ad Att. 12. 21. From this and other par- ticulars, which are mention- ed in the ſame Letter, we may obſerve, that Salluſt had probably taken his account of the debates' upon Cati- line's Accomplices, from Bru- tus's life of Cato, and cholen to copy even his miſtakes, rather than do juſtice to Ci- cero on that occaſion. [-] Ciceronis libro — quid aliud Dictator Cæſar, quam reſcripta oratione, velut apud Judices reſpondit ? Tacit. Ann. 4. 34. it. Quintil. 3. * [J] Plutar. in Cic. [2] Legi epiſtolam : mul- ta de meo Catone, quo ſæ- piſlime legendo ſe dicit copi- oſiorem factum; Bruti Ca- tone lecto, ſe ſibi viſum di- ſertum. Ad Att. 13. 46. Tuksk THE in Ro! differer favor | is cert: eſtabliſ which Cato. ver ly, by the the O courſe ges; tween wer. ate? man; falſely the St, the er both « yate C ble; ral en motiv comp: had b rig bt; or ev inſtea aSto it, h by a intent the 1 yet fr appe; e hal Wl certain, that they were the principal cauſe of M. Amirivs ation Wl eſtabliſhing and propagating that veneration, -*?19vs. which proſterity has ſince paid to the memory of | the MW Cato. For his name being thrown into contro- after WI verſy, in that critical period of the fate of Rome, ored WW by the Patron of liberty on the one ſide, and raph Wl the oppreſſor of it on the other, became of r Ml courſe a kind of Political teſt to all ſucceding a- ges; and a perpetual argument of diſpute be- great Wl tween the friends of liberty, and the flatterers of ues Wi power. But if we conſider his character without bera- prejudice, he was certainly a great and worthy it to man; a friend to truth, virtue, liberty: yet Ci. falſely meaſuring all duty by the abſurd rigor of (ice. the Stoical rule, he was generally diſappointed of | of the end, which he ſought by it, the happineſs even WF both of his private and public life. In his pri- yate conduct, he was ſevere, moroſe, inexora- ble; baniſhing all the ſofter affections, as natu- * ral enemies to juſtice, and as ſuggeſting falſe motives of acting, from favor, clemency, and quid W compaſſion : in public affairs he was the ſame; quam had but one rule of policy; zo adhere to what was _ right ; without regard to times or circumſtances, L 3. or even to a force that could controul him : for inſtead of managing the power of the Great, ſo as to mitigate the ill, or extract any good from 1 it, he was urging it always to acts of violence 2 by a perpetual defiance; ſo that, with the beſt Ca- mtentions in the world, he often did great barm to di- the Republic. T his was his general behaviour; a yet from ſome particular facts explaned above, it appears, that his ſtrength of mind was — 707. ways impregnable, but had its weak places mage. Coll. pride, ambition, and party Zeal; which when wer Judg 5 t + all inte c. Juivys managed and flattered to a certain point, would ' off Cx5sar III. betray him ſometimes into meaſures, contrary tg 2 M. Rurlius his ordinary rule of right and truth. The lat Hr no Lzeipus. thanks to act of his life was agreeable to his nature and philoſophy : when he could no lonter be, what he had been; or when the ills of life overbalanced the good; which, by the principles of his ſcct, wx a juft cauſe for dying [b]; he put an end to hi life, with a ſpirit and reſolution, which would make one imagine, that he was glad to hay found an occ ſion of dying in h proper character. On the whole, his life was tather adinirable, than amiable ; fit to be praiſed, rather than imi- tated [i]. As ſoon as Cicero had publiſhed his Cato, he wrote his piece called he Orator, at the requeſt of Brutus; containing the plan or delineation of what he himſelf eſteemed the molt perfect elo- quence or manner of ſpeaking. He calls it the fifth part or book, deſigned to complete the ar- gument of his Brutus, and the other three, on the e re. fame ſulject. It was received with great appro- Wl « T bation ; and in a Letter to Lepta, who had com- which Wa Senate. ll the f with __ at * he to himſe cero, AS to ule 7 to retur which tt But hon) from C who Wa & cond parti « prie\ , : , « but plimented him upon it, he declares, hat what- Ml « way | | * you [5] In quo enim plura ut cauſam moriundi nactum « ed ſunt, quz ſecundum naturam ſe eſſe gauderet. — cum vero e ſunt, hujus officium eſt in vi- cauſam juſtam Deus ipſe de- 1 ta manere: in quo autem derit, ut tunc Socrati, nunc ad aut ſunt plura contraria, aut Catoni, &c. Tuſc. Quæſt. 1.30. « wor fore videntur, hujus officium Catoni.--moriundum potius, eſt e vita excedere. De Fin. quam Tyranni vultus adſpi- 3. 18. ciendus fuit. De Offic. 1. 31. (4 1 Vetus eſt enim; ubi non Non immaturus deceſſit: tore: 0 ſis, Jul fueris, non eſſe cur vixit enim, quantum debuit tus, velis vivere. Ep. fam. 7. 3. vivere. Senec. Conſol. ad Ora [L] Cato ſic abiit e vita, Marc. 20. Ons pr eo: ever of M. TULLIUS CICERO. 349 wer judgement he had in ſpeaking, he had thrown A. Urb. 707. all into that work, and was content to riſk his Cic. 61. reputation on the merit of it [&]. ; C — Hz now likewiſe ſpoke that famous ſpeech of Cx5ax III. tanks to Cæſar, for the pardon of M. Marcellus; M. Emnius which was granted upon the interceſſion of the L8P10vs- nate. Cicero had a particular friendſhip with | the family of the Marcelli ; but eſpecially with this Marcus; who from the defeat of Pom- y at Pharſalia, retired to Mitylene in Leſbos, where he lived with ſo much eaſe and ſatisfaction to himſelf in a philoſophical retreat, that Ci- cero, as it appears from his Letters, was forced to uſe all his art and authority to perſuade him to return, and take the benefit of that grace, which they had been laboring to obtain for him [I]. But how the affair was tranſacted, we may learn from Cicero's account of 1t to Serv. Sulpicius, who was then Proconſul of Greece“ Your condition, ſays he, is better than ours in this * particular, that you dare venture to write your « grievances z we cannot even do that with ſafe- ty: not through any fault of the Conqueror, than whom nothing can be more moderate, but of victory itſelf, which in civil wars is al- „ways inſolent: we have had the advantage of « you however in one thing; in being acquaint- «ed a little ſooner than you, with the pardon * of your collegue Marcellus: or rather indeed in ſeeing how the whole affair paſſed ; for I * would have you believe, that from the begin- II] Ita tres erunt de Ora- ſuadeo, me quicquid habu- tore : quartus, Brutus : quin- erim judicii in dicendo, in tus, Orator. De Div. 2. 1. illum librum contuliſſe, Ep. Oratorem meum tantopere fam. 6. 18. ate probari, vehementer gau- [/] Ep. fam. 4. 7, 8, 9. deo: mihi quidem fic per- « ning 350 The HisroRx of the Life A. 707: 4 ning of theſe miſeries, or ever ſince the public Coll. C. Julius ; Cxsar III. “ nity. M. Amitius Leyipvus, « right has been decided by arms, there has * nothing been done beſides this with any dig. For Cæſar himſelf, after having com- plained of the moroſeneſs of Marcellus, for « ſo he called it, and praiſed in the ſtrongeſt «© terms the equity and prudence of -your con- duct, preſently declared beyond all our hopes, « that whatever offence he had received from « the man, he could refuſe nothing to the inter- « Ceſſion of the Senate. What the Senate did « was this: upon the mention of Marcellus by « Piſo, his Brother Caius having thrown him- &« ſelf at Cæſar's feet, they all roſe up, and went « forward in a ſupplicating manner towards Cæ- « ſar: in ſhort, this day's work appeared to me <« ſo decent, that I could not help fancying that I ſaw the image of the old republic reviving: « when all therefore, who were aſked their opi- & nions before me, had returned thanks to Cz- « far, excepting Volcatius, (for he declared, « that he would not have done it, though he had been in Marcellus's place,) I, as ſoon as ] was called upon, changed my mind ; for J « had reſolved with myſelf to obſerve an eternal « ſilence, not through any lazineſs, but the loſs of my former dignity z; but Cæſar's greatneſs «< of mind, and the laudable zeal of the Senate, « got the better of my reſolution. I gave thanks e therefore to Cæſar in a long ſpeech, and have « deprived myſelf by it, I fear, on other occa- « ſions, of that honeſt quiet, which was my e onely comfort in theſe unhappy times: but & ſince I have hitherto avoided giving him of- * fence, and if I had always continued ſilent, „ he would have interpreted it perhaps, as 4 „ proof of my taking the Republic to be 7 « I ſha of « | ſha « yery « time « ſtud! Cams in theit to call upon 11 425 of but he this ad make: draw f calion Cicero. pleaſec friend, thoug| dictior compl the k1 which handle Cicerc delwe ſelf, & nate, belliſt ments intend of M. TULLIUS CICERO. 352 « | ſhall ſpeak for the future not often, or rather A. Urb. 509. ublic « yery ſeldom ; ſo as to manage at the ſame _ "2 e has „ time both his favor, and my own leiſure for 6 fc dig « ſtudy [n].“ 8 C SAR III. com- CæsaR, though he ſaw the Senate unanimous M. Kuirius for in their petition for Marcellus, yet took the pains Lxripus. ngeſt Wl tocall for the particular opinion of every Senator con. upon it: a method never practiſed, except in Obes, WM caſes of debate, and where the houſe was divided: from but he wanted the uſual tribute of flattery upon inter. this act of grace; and had a mind probably to e did make an experiment of Cicero's temper, and to us by draw from him eſpecially ſome incenſe on the oc- him- alion ; nor was he diſappointed of his aim; for vent i Cicero, touched by his generoſity, and greatly Cæ- pleaſed with the act itſelf, on the account of his o me friend, returned thanks to him in a ſpeech, which, that though made upon the ſpot, yet for elegance of ns: Wl dition, vivacity of ſentiment, and politencſs of compliment, is ſuperior to any thing extant of Cæ- the find in all antiquity. The many fine things, ared, I which are ſaid in it of Cæſar, have given ſome h he handle indeed for a charge of inſincerity againſt n Cicero: but it muſt be remembered, that he was for I delivering a ſpeech of thanks, not onely for him- ernal ſelf, but in the name and at the deſire of the Se- los nate, where his ſubject naturally required the em- tnels belliſhments of Oratory ; and that all his compli- hate, ments are grounded on a ſuppoſition, that Ceſar anks mended to reſtore the Republic: of which he enter- have tained no ſmall hopes at this time, as he ſignifies in cca- a letter to one of Caeſar's principal friends u]. This my therefore he recommends, enforces, and requires 25 trom him in his ſpeech, with the ſpirit of an old of- 65 p. KA I curz & eſſe, ut habeamus a- = 15 — —3⁰ videor, liquam Rempublicam. Ep. ned, ſhall Czlari, collegæ noſtro, fore fam. 13. 68. Roman 35% The HISTORY of the Life A. Urb. 7507. Roman; and no reaſonable man will think: | th Cic. 61. ſtrange, that ſo free an addreſs to a — Coſl. C. JuLivs in the height of all his power, ſhould want to be CSA III. tempered with ſome few ſtrokes of flattery. By M. Am1L1vs the following paſſage from the oration itſelf will Leyipus, juſti cc fy the truth of what I am ſaying. Ir this, ſays he, Cæſar, was to be the end of your immortal acts, that after conquering « all your enemies, you ſhould leave the Repub cc lic in the condition, in which it now is; con- « ſider, I beſeech you, whether * cheriſh, and eternity itfelf propagate, tue would not excite rather an admiration of you, than any real glory: for glory is the il. luſtrious fame of many and great ſervices either to our friends, our country, or to the whole race of mankind. This part therefore till re- mains; there is one act more to be performed by you; to eſtabliſh the Republic again, that you may reap the benefit of it yourſelf in peace and proſperity. When you have paid this debt to your country, and fulfilled the ends of your nature by a ſatiety of living, you may then tell us, if you pleaſe, that you have lived long enough: yet what is it after all, that we can really call long, of which there is an end; for when that end is once come, all paſt plea- ſure is to be reckoned as nothing, ſince no more of 1t 1s to be expected. Though your mind, I know, was never content with thele narrow bounds of life, which nature has aſ- ſigned to us, but inflamed aiways with an ar- dent love of immortality : nor is this in- deed to be conſidered as your life, which 1s comprized in this body and breath; but that, that, I ſay, is your life, which is to floriſh in the memory of all ages: which poſterity will It is to & this FM. TULLIUS CICERO. 353 fink d « this that you muſt attend; to this that you A. Urb. 707. 1 « muſt form yourſelf: which has many things he Sho whe « already to admire, yet wants ſomething ſtill, & 1020 * « that it may praiſe in you. Poſterity will be © III. it vil « amazed to hear and read of your commands, M. Purtivs. , « provinces ;3 the Rhine, the Ocean, the Nile; -*219v5. 1 « your innumerable battles, incredible victories, Www, infinite monuments, ſplendid triumphs: but * « unleſs this City be eſtabliſhed again by your * « wiſdom and counfils, your name indeed will tle” % wander far and wide, yet will have no certain mY « ſeat or place at laſt, where to fix itſelt. There = K « will be alſo amongſt thoſe, who are yet un- ny „born, the ſame controverſy, that has been a- uu «* mongſt us; when ſome will extoll your ac- nia tions to the ſkies; others perhaps will find h * ſomething defective in them; and that one Porn: « thing above all, if you ſhould not extinguiſh fees this * of civil war, by reſtoring liberty to ads 08 pour country: for the one may be looked up- on as the effect of fate, but the other is the | * « certain act of wiſdom. Pay a reverence there- 1 whe * fore to thoſe Judges, who will paſs judgement end; * upon you in ages to come; and with leſs par- plea- * riality perhaps than we; ſince they will neither ce no be biaſſed by affection or party, nor prejudiced your * by hatred or envy to you: and though this, as theſe ** ſome falſely imagine, ſhould then have no re- ae aff. * lation to you, yet it concerns you certainly at in ar- the preſent, to act in ſuch a manner, that no is in- * oblivion may ever obſcure the luſter of your ch is ** praiſes. Various were the inclinations of the that, „Citizens, and their opinions wholly divided: ſh in * nor did we differ onely in ſentiments and wiſhes, 7 wall but in arms alſo and camps: the meiits of the t is to * cauſe were dubious; and the contention be- this MW © tween two celebrated Leaders: many doubted „ what Vo. II. A — — —— 354 The HisToRY of the Life A. Urb. 70%. % what was the beſt; many what was Convenj. Cic. 61, « ent; many what was decent; ſome alſo what Coll. „ was lawfull, &c. [o]“ C. Jurivs Cen III. Bur though Cæſar took no ſtep towards re. M. Am111vs ſtoring the Republic, he employed himſelf this Lerivus. ſummer in another work of general benefit to mankind ; the reformation of the Kalendar; by ac. commodating the courſe of the year, to the exact courſe of the Sun; from which it had varied ſo widely, as to occaſion a ſtrange confuſion in all their ac- counts of time. Tur Roman year, from the whole inſtitution of Numa, was lunar; borrowed from the Greeks; amongſt whom it conliſted of three hundred and fifty four days: Numa added one more to them to make the whole number odd, which was thought the more fortunate ; and to fill up the deficiency of his year to the meaſure of the ſolar courſe, inſerted likewiſe or intercalated, after the manner of the Greeks, an extraordinary month of twenty two days, every ſecond year, and 7wenty three every fourth, between the twenty third and zwenty fourth day of February [p]: he committed the care of zntercalating this month and the ſuper- numerary day, to the College of Prieſts; who in procels of time partly by a negligent, partly a {uperititious, but chiefly by an arbitrary abule of their truſt, uſed either to drop or inlert them, as it was found moſt convenient to themſclves or their friends, to make the current year longer [0] Pro M. Marcell. 8, 9, cept that Feſtus ſpeaks of 10. ſome days under the title ot Le] This was uſually called Mercedoniz, becauſe the Intercalaris, though Plutarch Merces or wages of work- gives it the name of Merce- men were commonly paid donius, which none of the upon them, Roman writers mention, ex- or of M. TULLIUS CICERO. 355 or ſhorter [q]. Thus Cicero, when haraſſed by A. Urb. 707. a perpetual courſe of pleading, prayed, hat there Cie 61. might be no intercalation to lengthen his fatigue ; © r and when Proconſul of Cilicia, prefled Atticus CxsaAx III. to exert all his intereſt, to prevent any intercala- M. RuilLius tion within the year; that it might not protract his LE21Þvs. government, and retard his return to Rome [y]. |
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package com.jecstar.etm.signaler.backoff;
import java.time.Duration;
public class ExponentialBackoffPolicy implements BackoffPolicy {
private final int step;
private final Duration dutionBetweenSteps;
public ExponentialBackoffPolicy(int step, Duration duractionBetweenSteps) {
this.step = step;
this.dutionBetweenSteps = duractionBetweenSteps;
public boolean shouldBeNotified() {
final int maxBackoffTime = 60 * 45; // Max backoff to 45 minutes.
if (this.dutionBetweenSteps.getSeconds() >= maxBackoffTime) {
// If the duration between steps is bigger that the maximum backoff time then there's no need to backoff.
return true;
final long totalSeconds = this.dutionBetweenSteps.multipliedBy(this.step - 1).getSeconds();
if (totalSeconds < maxBackoffTime) {
// The total time is <= the max backoff time so we should calculate if this step should be notified.
return this.step == 1 || isPowerOfTwo(this.step);
// The total time has passed the back backoff time. We should calculate the nearest step.
int stepNearestToAtLeastOncePer = previousPow2((int) (maxBackoffTime / this.dutionBetweenSteps.getSeconds()));
// Subtract the time of "stepNearestToAtLeastOncePer" of the total time.
long secondsLeft = totalSeconds - this.dutionBetweenSteps.multipliedBy(stepNearestToAtLeastOncePer - 1).getSeconds();
return secondsLeft % maxBackoffTime < this.dutionBetweenSteps.getSeconds();
private boolean isPowerOfTwo(int value) {
return value != 0 && (value & (value - 1)) == 0;
private int previousPow2(int value) {
return value == 1 ? 1 : Integer.highestOneBit(value - 1);
bsb00131372_371 | German-PD | Public Domain | I. Wahrige Jubiläum des Kors Gästehauses in Heidelberg. In diesem Jahre fährt sich zum hundertsten Male vor Tag, an welchem das Korps Gästehaus zu Heidelberg gestiftet wurde. Unter den heutigen Verhältnissen ist von einer offiziellen größeren Feier selbstverständlich Abstand genommen. Nur um diesen korghsgeschichtlich wichtigen Tag nicht ganz Unbeachtet zu lassen, findet am 24. und 25. August ritte vollkommen internen Charakter tränende Zusammenkunft mehrerer Mitglieder in Heidelberg statt. Am 24. August abends vollzieht sich ritte schlichte Feier auf dem Korps-Haus, bei welcher vor allen Dingen mit Stolz und Wehmut der großen Opfer gedacht werden wird, die das Korps dem geliebten Vaterland durch den Krieg fast 30 feiner Mitglieder gebracht hat, nachdem sogleich zu Beginn des Völkerringens 136 Korpsbrüder zu den Fahnen geeilt waren. Am 25. trifft den Sonntag findet ein Ausflug ins Neckartal statt. In einer Volkshochschule. Bei der in Schlüters (Reg.-Bez. Kassel) abgehaltenen 3. Kreis-Volksakademie des Ohrin-Mainischen Verbandes für Volksbildung wurde mitgeteilt, dass der Verband die Einrichtung einer Volkshochschule ins Auge gefaßt und als Ort für dieselbe das rheinhessische Städtchen Haynheim ausgewiesen habe. Diese Volkshochschule, wird als bald nach Kriegsschluss ins Leben treten. Als Leiter sei eine Persönlichkeit ausersehen. Die sich bereits bei der Errichtung von Feldhochschulen einen Namen gemacht hat. Kupferfunde. In Essen wurden 3 Kupferschiebungen aufgedeckt. Auf dem Güter Bahnhof wurden drei Eisenbahnwagen Kupfer beschlagnahmt. Die Ermittlungen führten zu Beschlagnahme von zwei weiteren Wagen auf den Bahnhöfen Köln und Hannover. Mehrere Verhaftungen fanden statt. Münchner Rote Nachrichten Tir. 421 Morgen-Ansgebe, Donnerstag, 22. August 1918 In München, den 21. August Kommerzial-Kriegsspende In unseren Kolonien haben deutsche Männer die deutsche Ehre bis zuletzt vereidigt; auf verlorenen Posten haben sie ausgeharrt, bis die gewaltige Übermacht des Feindes jeden weiteren Widerstand unmöglich machte. Noch aber sind v. Lettow-Vorbeck und seine Truppen unbesiegt. Im fernen Afrika kämpfen sie unter Schwierigkeiten, die wir uns kaum vorstellen können. Fast ganz auf sich selbst angewiesen, haben sie ein tropisches Land von der doppelten Größe Deutschlands verteidigt: weder die Entbehrungen der Wildnis, noch die Krankheiten des Klimas haben sie mutlos gemacht. Zusammen mit ihren treuen Eingeborenen haben sie nicht nur glänzende Siege gewonnen, sondern auch im hartnäckigen Buschkrieg um jeden Zoll Boden gerungen, und heute noch kämpfen sie als Sieger auf portugiesischer Erde. Selbst die Feinde senken ihr Schwert achtungsvoll vor so viel Heldenmut, und der Name des deutschen Führers gebiert zu betten gefeiertsten des ganzen Krieges. Der Ehrung dieser Helden sind eine demnächst in ganz Deutschland zur Durchführung gelangende Sammlung gewidmet, deren Eintagung zugunsten der Angehörigen und Hinterbliebenen der Kolonialkrieger Verwendung finden soll. Aber nicht nur diese sind es, deren Not gelindert werden soll. Das Sommergebergut fällt auch allen anderen Kolonialdeutschen zufließig. Die in den Schutzgebieten bei Ausbruch des Krieges ihr Hab und Gut verloren haben. Was deutscher Fleiß in 30 Jahren rührige Kolonialwirtschaft aufgebaut hatte, ist zu Raub der Engländer, ihrer Weißen und farbigen Hilfsvölker geworden; zerstört liegen blühende Pflanzungen, reiche Farmen, der Stolz unserer Landsleute, die Früchte ihrer Arbeit. Und um das Glück unserer schwer heimgesuchten Brüder in Übersee zu vollenden, wurden sie, vielfach in eine barbarische Gefangenschaft fortgetrieben, uns vielen von ihnen das Leben und die Gesundheit kostete. Ihnen zu helfen, die Wunden zu heilen, die der Krieg den wackern Vorkämpfern in Deutschland geschlagen hat, ist ritterliche Ehrenpflicht eines jeden Deutschen. Hof- und Personalmitteilungen Der Kommandeur des Infanterie-Leib-Regiments, Generalmajor Freiherr von Pechmann, ist zum Generalleutnant mit dem Prädikat Eminenz beordert worden. Die Gedenkmünze zur Jahrhundertgedenkfeiertag der bayerischen Verfassung, die nach Entwürfen des Prof. Schwegerle und des Oberregierungsrats Dasio geprägt wurde und die auf der Vorderseite das Doppelbildnis der Könige Maximilian I. Josef und Ludwig III., auf der Rückseite die auf einem Sockel ruhende, von einem Lorbeerzweig und der Inschrift: „100 Jahre Verfassung, in Treue fest" umgebene Verfassungsurkunde zeigt, soll nun den öffentlichen Stellen, Behörden, Gemeinden, Stiftungen, Anstalten, Schulen, Museen u.dgl. zugänglich gemacht werden. Der Stückpreis wird etwa 2 Mark betragen. Eine Abgabe der Gedenkmünze an Privatpersonen auf dem Wege des Handels bleibt, so heißt es in einer Ministerialbekanntmachung, vorbehalten. Der Reichsausschuss für das Schneidergewerbe wird am 26. und 27. August in Nürnberg zu einer Tagung zusammentreten, in der eine Reihe bedeutsamer Fragen erörtert werden soll. Der erste Punkt bei diesen Beratungen ist die Frage der Rohstoffversorgung. Dies ist der größte Bedürfnis des gesamten Schneidergewerbes. Die Tagesordnungspunkte von allgemeiner Bedeutung sind die Erörterungen über die Versorgung mit Nähfaden und die Erhöhung des Unternehmeranteils bei Heereslieferungsarbeiten, die mit aller Nachdruck angebracht wird, um den mittelständischen Kleinbetrieben ihre weitere Existenzfähigkeit zu sichern. Die Tagung wird sich ferner u. c. mit den staatlichen Werkstätten für Offiziersbekleidung beschäftigen, die sich zu einer nicht zu unterschätzenden Konkurrenz für die Privatbetriebe entwickelt haben. Der Tagung werden neben dem Vorsitzenden des Reichsausschusses anwarten Vertreter des Allgemeinen deutschen Arbeitsgeberverbandes für das Schneidergewerbe, des deutschen Innungsbundes, der Zentralinkaufstelle deutscher Rohstoffgenossenschaften, des Verbandes süddeutscher Rohstoff- und Lieferungsgenossenschaften, der Zentralstelle der am öffentlichen Lieferungen beteiligten Schneidermeistervereinigungen, des Vereins für deutsche Mode und Ware und der Reichsvereinigung der Damenschneiderinnen. Außerdem fällt die Fünfundzwanzig-Pfennigstücke. Die Fünfundzwanzigpfennigstücke aus Nickel gelten vom 1. Oktober 1918 auch nicht mehr als gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel. Von diesem Zeitpunkt ab ist außer den mit der Einlösung Beauftragten Kassen niemand verpflichtet, diese Münzen in Zahlung zu nehmen. Bis zum 1. Januar 1919 werden Fünfundzwanzigpfennigstücke aus Nickel bei den Reichs- und Landeskassen zu ihrem gesetzlichen Werte sowohl in Zahlung genommen als auch gegen Reichsbanknoten, Reichskassenscheine oder Darlehnskassenscheine und bei Beträgen unter einer Mark gegen Bargeld umgetauscht. Die Verpflichtung zur Annahme und zum Umtausch fällt auf durchlöchte und andere als durch den gewöhnlichen Umlauf im Gewichte verringerte, sowie auf verfälschte Münzstücke keine Anwendung. Ein Petroleumsparerlass des Verkehrsmini- steriums, der veranlaßt ist durch den verstärkten Heeresbedarf an Petroleum und die ungenügende Anlieferung aus Rumänien, erinnert an die seit 1915 erlassenen Sparvorschriften, die eine Ein- schränkung der Dachtorite, Verwendung mit einer Lampe in jeder Wagenabteilung und die der bahnrigenen Gebäude anordnen; gleichzeitig wird auf einen anderen Weg zu nennenswerter Leuchtöl-Ersparnung verwiesen: Anschluß von kleineren Bahnhöfen an Elektrizitätswerke. Neu ausgestellt in der Vorhalle der „Münchner Neuesten Nachrichten": Originalskizzen aus den Kampfgebieten an der Somme, Bei Vimy und am Dämrenweg von Kriegsteilnehmer Josef Drexlmeier. Bilder vom Tage: Übungen mit einem neuen Luftschlauch-Rettungsboot: Filtrieren des Trinkwassers für italienische Truppen: französisches Ruheguartier; deutsche U-Boot-Mine. Kleine Chronik. In der Geyerstraße wurde die Leiche eines etwa 30—35 Jahre alten Mannes aus dem Stabtbach geborgen. Der Tote ist mittelgroß, glattrasiert, hat rötliche Haare, trug schwarze Hose und Weste und Schuhe mit Schließen. In den Taschen des Unbekannten fand man eine silberne Remontoiruhr mit Gold- reifen, drei Schlüssel an einer Kette, darunter einer aus Aluminium, Tabletten und eine drei- teilige schwarze Geldbörse mit einem größeren Barbetrag. In den Deckel der Uhr sind die Reparatur- nummern 17226 und 25075 eingegraben. In einem Zementwerk in Lochhausen geriet eine 17 Jahre alte Fabrikarbeiterin mit dem linken Arm in eine Bagger- maschine, wobei ihr der Arm aus dem Gelenk gerissen wurde, so daß er nur mehr aus den Fleischteilen blieb. Die Schwerverletzte wurde - von der Rettungsgesellschaft in die Chirurgische Klinik gebracht. Die Familie des Mädchens wird von dem Unfall um so schwerer getroffen, als die Mutter vor kurzem verstorben ist, der Vater schwer krank darniederliegt und die Verunglückte als ältestes von sechs Kindern für den Unterhalt der Familie zu sorgen hatte. zu Oberstleutnanten: Majore Armin Koch, Adjutant beim Generalkommando 1. A.-K., Friedrich b. W e e ch beim Stabe des 23. Inf.-Reg., Karl d. Grundherr zu Altenthan u. Wchherhaus beim Stabe des 4. Chev.-Reg., Wilhelm SBcII er, Bat.-Komm. im 1. Fußart.-Reg., Rich. Brühn, Bat.-Komm. im 2. Fußart.-Reg., Georg Haase beim Stabe des 3. Fußart.-Reg., Edmund L i st des 3. Fußart.-Reg., komm. als Lehrer zur kgl. preuß. Fußart.-Schießschule; zu Majoren: Hauptleute Anton Dingler, Kouchagmechef im 4. Inf.-Reg., Eduard Helnzmann, Kompaniechef im 10. Inf.-Reg., Adolf Schaaf, Kompaniechef im 13. Inf.-Reg., Heinrich Schubert beim Stabe des 2. Telcgr.-Bat.; zu Majoren ohne Patent: Hauptleute Friedrich Haeselmann des 16. Inf.-Reg., komm. als Hilfslehrer zur Kriegsschule, Gottfr. Roschmann beim Stabe des 2. Feldart.-Reg., komm. zur Zentralstelle des Generalstabs; zu Hauptleuten (Rittmeistern): Oberleutnante Franj Frhr. v. Redwitz, persönlich Adjutant des Kronprinzen Rupprecht von Bayern; Maximilian Graf Armsperg des Inf.-Leib-Reg., Otto Strobl des 2. Inf.-Reg., Franz Kormann des 6. Inf.-Reg., Gottfried Grabinger des 10. Inf.-Reg., Hermann Schützinger des 11. Inf.-Reg., Ludwig Kühler des 15. Inf.-Reg., Rudolf Wanger des 21. Inf.-Reg., Johann Basler des 22. Inf.-Reg., Otto Frhr. von Waldenburg des 6. Chev.-Reg., Hermann Dihm des 7. Chev.-Reg., Ludwig Laux und Fritz Werthold des 4. Feldart.-Reg., Karl Prager des 6. Feldart.-Reg., Josef Wenninger des 1. Fußart.-Reg., Friedrich Gollwitzer des 3. Pionier-Bat., Hermann Burger des 2. Telcgr.-Bat., Johann Heumann der 3. Train-Abt. Patents des Dienstgrades verliehen: Majore Friedrich Dümling, Adjutant bei der 3. Infanterie-Brigade, Benno Claus, Adjutant bei der 7. Infanterie-Brig., Edgar Frhrn. v. Berchem, Adjutant bei der 9. Infanterie-Brig.-Georg Distel des 14. Inf.-Reg., kommandiert zur Zentralstelle des Generalstabs. Als Oberstleutnante charakterisiert: Major Friedrich Sanier, Mitglied des Bekleidungsamt 1. A.-K., Majore z. D. Friedrich Walther und Eugen Hofstetter. Hauptmann Emil Finneweg, im Frieden Kommandeur der Oberfeuerwerkerschule, mit der gesetzlichen Pension und der Erlaubnis zum Forttragen der bisherigen Uniform zur Disposition gestellt. Oberst z. D. Wilhelm Frhrn. v. Freiherr eingelöst des Dienstgrades verliehen: Oberstleutnant a. D. Hugo Föttinger zur Disposition gestellt; Hauptmann z. D. Georg Auers unter Fortgewährung der Pension und mit der Erlaubnis zum Tragen der Uniform des 1. Inf.-Reg. der Abschied bewilligt; Hauptmann d. Res. a. D. Friedrich Vogel zu den aus dem aktiven Dienst ausgeschiedenen Offizieren überführt mit der Erlaubnis zum Tragen der Uniform des L. Inf.-Reg.; Hauptmann d. Landw. a. D. Franz Geiger die Erlaubnis zum Tragen der Landw.-Uniform erteilt; Oberleutnant a. D. August Thein zum Rittmeister befördert. Charakterisiert als Generalleutnant mit dem Prädikat Exzellenz Generalmajor a. D. Richard Ritter v. Hoffmann; als Oberst Oberstleutnant z. D. Friedrich Petz und Oberstleutnant a. D. Friedrich Hauser; als Oberstleutnant Major a. D. Eduard Falke; als Majore die Hauptleute August Eeser, der Res. des 7. Inf.-Reg., Ludwig Heller der Res. des 15. Inf.-Reg., Johann Dirmair der Landw.-Inf. 1. Aufg. (Nürnberg), Friedrich v. Steiller der Landw.-Feldart. 2. Aufg. (Hof), Hauptmann der Landw. a. D. Max Vanoni; als Häuptling: Oberleutnant der Res. a. D. August 83 a u ch, Oberleutnante der Landw. a. D. Josef Z e t l - Meter, Theodor Mantel, Theobald Flury und Heinrich H i l t n e r. Befördert: zu Leutnanten Fähnrich Albert Militärische Nachrichten Unteroffiziere mit Fähnrichsrang Oberleutnant a. D. Maximilian Blüttner bei den Offizieren der Landw.-Inf. 1. Aufg. wieder an gestellt. Majore Philipp W e h n e r und Otto Herd, Kom paniechef im 19. Inf.-Reg., mit der gesetzlichen Pension und der Erlaubnis zum Forttragen der bisherigen Uniform zur Disposition gestellt, Hauptmann Heinrich SB c ti f e mit seinem Ausscheiden aus der Schutztruppe für Kamerun zum 12. Aug. d. I. im 1. Inf.-Reg. mit Patent vom 30. Nov. 1814 wieder angestellt. Befördert: zu Generalleutnanten mit dem Prä dikat Exzellenz Generalmajor Friedrich Frhr. v. P e ch - mann, Kommandeur des Inf.-Leib-Reg., Maximilian ; Iehlin, Kommandeur des 3. Inf.-Reg.; zu Obersten Oberstleutnanten Karl Paulus, Bataillon- Komm. im 4. Inf.-Reg., Ernst Krackhardt, Stab- Komm. im 6. Inf.-Reg.; Schenck des 8. Inf.-Reg. mit Patent vom 25. Dezbr. 1916, Karl Wachmann des 6. Inf.-Reg. und Heinrich Chor des 8. Inf.-Reg. mit Patent vom 24. April 1917, Michael S ü ß des 6. Inf.-Reg., Emil Körner und Rupert Münstener des 8. Inf.-Reg. mit Patent vom 12. August 1918; zu Feldwebel-Leutnanten: Offiziersstellvertreter Emil S t r a ß e r des Ersatz-Bataillon 4. Inf.-Reg., Wilh. Neu- mann eines Res.-Inf.-Reg., Hermann Mich! eines Kadett-Bataillon, Jakob Ederer eines Landst.-Inf.-Bataillon. Heinrich b. Tein eines Landst.-Inf.-Bat., Ludwig G. einer Gebirgs-M.-G.-Abt., Sebastian Frauendorfer einer Feld-Rekruten-Komp., Johann Probst der Ersatz-Inf. des 7. Feldart.-Reg., Guido Fleeming, Paul Hupfer, Karl Krauß und Karl Neumaier des 8. Feldart.-Reg., Johann Pöllmann eines Feldart.-Reg., Adam Berz einer Feldart.-Batterie, Andreas Bayer, Gg. Pfister und Xaver Schambeck des 2. Ersatz-Bat. 2. Fußart.-Reg., Friedrich Bammesberger und Wilhelm Scheunemann eines Res.-Fußart.-Reg., Gottfried Weller eines Fußart.-Bat., Franz Eder eines Fußart.-Bat., Rudolf Brodbeck eines Fußart.-Bat., Martin Holzer einer Landst.-Pionier-Komp., Wilhelm Eckersberg einer Kraftfahr-Ersatz-Abt, Josef Alkofler eines Kraftwagenparks, Georg Schmitt einer Artilleriepark-Komp.; zu Fähnrichen ohne Patent: Fahnenjunker, Unter-Offiziere Anton Stinner des 12. Feldart.-Reg., Riste Finsterwalder, Hans Rothenberg und Ernst Sturm des 2. Fußart.-Reg., Adalbert Salb des 8. Fußart.-Reg. Der Abschied mit der gesetzlichen Pension bewilligt: Major Christian Chormann Der Bildhauer Andreas Gerhard und seine Münchner Schöpfungen In diesen Tagen, da man sich mit der Einschmelzung von Bronze-Denkmälern besäftigt, gewinnt die Persönlichkeit eines bisher wenig beachteten Künstlers, der in München nichts mehr und nichts weniger als einige schöne Bronzebildwerke geschaffen hat, aus dem 16. und Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts. Fernst, doppelte Bedeutung, Langer Hubert Gerhard, gestorben 1620, dessen Lebenswerk jetzt durch einen höchst interessanten, reich illustrierten Aufsatz von Rudolf Artur Peltzer erschienen in "Brunst und Kunsthandwerk Wien" ins rechte Licht gerückt worden ist. Dieser Künstler, der um 1581 in Augsburg auftaucht und zuerst für die Fugger arbeitet, wird von Peltzer für den Süden Deutschlands mit Recht als der Hauptvertreter jenes in Giovanni da Bologna, italienisch-niederländischen Stils bezeichnet, der den Übergang von der Renaissance zur eigentlichen Barockkunst repräsentiert. Dem Schöpfer des Augsburger Augustusbrunnen, dem ferner eine Reihe der schönsten und bekanntesten Bildwerke in München an, die zum Teil bisher unerkannterweise Candid zuge schrieben worden sind. Die Tätigkeit Candidats als Bildhauer wird nun von Pritzer überzeugend in das Reich der Legende verwiesen. Hubert Gerhard ist nicht nur der Meister des hl. Michael an der Michaelskirche, der frischen, überlebensgroßen Stuckfiguren von Aposteln und Heiligen im Oratorium und der Engel mit Leidensinstrumenten im Hauptschiff der gleichen Kirche; nicht nur der Meister der Bronzen, die für ein so großem Umfang geplantes Ganzes des Herzog Wilhelm v. Bayern bestimmte waren und die Peltzer in den großen Engel mit dem Wasserbecken in der Michaelskirche, in den vier prachtvollen Löwen vor der Residenz, in den vier Bronzereliefs mit Darstellungen von Auferstehungen und Auferweckungen (wiederum in der Michaelskirche) nachweislich; sondern auch der Schöpfer des Reliefs am Grabmal Kaiser Ludwigs in der Frauenkirche, in den vier Bronzereliefs mit Darstellungen von Auferstehungen und Auferweckungen (wiederum in der Michaelskirche) nachweislich; sondern auch der Schöpfer des Relief-Grabmals Herzog Ferdinand in der Wirtshauseskirche, das von der dem Künstler eigenen feuchten Wahrheitsliebe besonders zeugt; vor allem aber der Meister der zarten, eleganten Marmorkaryatiden in der Bayerischen Nationalbibliothek und der Madonna aus der Säule des Mariaplatzes, die man lange zu Unrecht dem in seiner Kunstweise volkstümlicheren, eher auch sentimentaleren und flacheren Schüler Gerhards, Hans Krömper, zugewiesen hat und der als Höhepunkt in Gerhards Schaffen an das Gebiet der religiösen Kunst zu bezeichnen ist — durchaus italienisch in seiner Form, aber von anheimelnd nordischem, deutschem Charakter in Empfindung und Ausdruck. Die kühl vornehme, fast klassizistisch zu nennende Art Gerhards betrachtet auch seine kleinen, jetzt im Vestibül des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums aufgestellten Bronzebildwerke der Jahreszeiten und der Virtus, die zum mindesten aus fees Künstlers Werkstatt stammen. Damit ist aber feie Reihe feer von Gerhard in München geschaffenen Werke noch lange nicht erschöpft; vor allem muss noch auf den Wittelsbacher Brunnen der Residenz hingewiesen werden, der im großen Ganzen wohl Gerhards Werk sein dürfte, allerdings unter starker Beteiligung von Gehilfen. A. L. M. Die drahtlose Telegraphie der Eingeborenen in Afrika. Aus den Kämpfen in Ostafrika teilt Pierre Latze von der belgischen Kolonialarmee im Journal «Le Figaro» ein bemerkenswertes Spiel, mit wie schnell Kriegsnachrichten ihren Weg zu den fernsten Einheiten finden. Er befand sich Ende 1915 an den Grenzen von Deutsch-Ostafrika. Bei den fernsten belgischen Truppen, die sich zu Unternehmungen in der Kolonie rüsteten. Am 28. Oktober verbreitete sich plötzlich in seiner Abteilung das Gerücht, dass die Belgier beim Kibusti in einer Entfernung von wenigstens drei Tagesmärschen eine erhebliche Niederlage erlitten hätten und dass viele Schwarze und drei Offiziere gefallen wären. Da sie immer wussten, dass tot und schnell ihre Leute solche Nachrichten bekannt wurden, waren sie ziemlich beruhigt. Aber auch am folgenden Tage kam kein Kurier mit der Bestätigung der Nachricht. Am 30. Oktober unternahm das Bataillon einen Vorstoß in die Wälder des deutschen Gebietes, der fünf Tage hindurch dauerte und sie nach ihrem Ausgangspunkt zurückführte. Während der Zeit blieben sie ohne jede Nachricht, und sie für die Schwierigkeiten ihrer Expedition sehr groß waren und sie keinen Anspruch nahmen, dachten sie nie mehr an den Gegenstand. Als sie aber ihren Kongostaat wieder erreichten, wurde ihnen in einem Missionshaus erzählt, dass am 27. November ein heftiger Kampf stattgefunden hätte, dass eine belgische Kompagnie vernichtend und auch drei Offiziere nach kurzem blutigem Kampf gefallen wären. Die schwarzen Soldaten hatten also das wahre Geschehen unmittelbar danach erfahren. Das Mittel der Weitergabe solcher Nachrichten ist in jenen Gebieten auch durchaus bekannt. Die Neger machen ihre Mitteilungen von einem Dorf zum anderen oder auch von einem Berg zum anderen mit Hilfe von Tamtams, fie sie in einer bestimmten Weise schlagen. Der Schlüssel, feen sie beliebt anwenden, ist für den Europäer noch nicht zu entziffern, aber zweifellos gibt es eine Art primitives Morsealphabet, mit dem die wichtigsten Worte und Begriffe ausgedrückt werden. Die Tamtams, die dazu verwendet werden, sind gewöhnlich aus einem Stück ausgehöltene Baumstämmen angefertigt, über die ein Fell gespannt wird. Sie geben einen dumpfen Ton, der jedoch auf eine riesige Entfernung zu hören ist. So können sich die Eingeborenen im wenigen Stunden von Dorf zu Dorf auf sehr weite Strecken hin und her eine Nachricht von großen Ereignissen mitteilen. Der Europäer versieht dieses Zeichen nicht, oft bemerkt er nicht einmal das ferne Geräusch, das für ihn mit dem Gesicht zusammenfällt. Aber der Neger hat ein sehr flühes Ohr und achtet genau darauf. Während des Marsches durch Deutsch-Ostafrika im Lauf des Jahres 1916 kündigte der Tamtam die Anziehungskraft der belgischen Truppen oft weit voraus in ihren Kraals der Eingeborenen an. Wenn einmal ein Häuptling der Gegend sich unterwarf und die Belgier Lebensmittel von ihm forderten, so gab er einem seiner Leute den Befehl, den Tamtam zu schlagen, und einige Stunden später sah man aus entfernten Orten Träger von Lebensmitteln herankommen. Die Lösung des Räthels. Eine sehr einfache Lösung der Erklärungsfrage, die freilich heute bei manchen ans empfindlichen Widerstand treffen dürfte, hat nunmal der Maler Munch einem Freunde verraten. Es war in der Zeit, wie er erzählt es war, als es Munch sehr schlecht ging und er seine Bilder noch nicht verkaufte, weil, wie er sagte, seine „Preise" zu groß wären. Auch alle Bemühungen seiner Freunde, ihn zur Annahme von Geld zu veranlassen, blieben erfolglos, und da er sein Mensch anpumpte, blieb er allen stillisch ein Rätsel, wovon er lebte. Als er eines Tages ein Darlehen, das ihm ein Freund anbot, mit sehr Begründung zurückwies, kam ein Freund ganz entsetzt ausrief: „Aber, um Gottes Willen, wie sollen Sie denn leben?", gab Munch die kurze Antwort: „Ganz einfach, ich drücke im Hotel auf die Klingelknöpfe." Theater und Musik? Die Birch und ihre Grille Bei 50 Jahren, am 24. August, schloss eine I, am 24. Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer fast .... Menschenalter hindurch fei „resolut zugreifende Beherrscherin der Bühne", ihre müden, vom vielen Schreiben schon fast blind gewordenen Augen für immer. Sie, die in rastloser Arbeit betritt Erfolg und dem Geld nachjagte, hat viel Enttäuschungen, aber auch große Triumphe erlebt. Von ihren Hunderten von Stücken, deren Titel heute nur noch legendenhaft umgehen, wie „Hinken der Freiknecht," „Das Pfifferröschen," „Die Lady von Worsley-Hall," „Die Marguise von Dillette," „Franz Avelli oder der Leichen- räuber" usw., haben sich eigentlich nur drei bis vor kurzem auf der Bühne gehalten: „Dorf unfe Stadt" nach Auerbachs Roman „Sorte," „Die Waise von Lowood," nach dem typischen englischen Gouvernantenroman „Jane Eyre" und endlich „Die Grille" nach George Sands Roman „Fabelte". Dieses Stück, das am 25. Dezember 1856 im Hamburger Thalia-Theater das Bühnen- licht erblickte, hat sie endgültig für Jahrzehnte zur Lieblingsdichterin aller jugendlichen Schauspielerinnen gemacht. Friederike Goßmann, eine der besten Naiven der deutschen Bühne, schuf die „Grille", bannt der Birch einen ungeahnten pekuniären Erfolg und sich selbst Ruhm und menschliches Glück. Die Bewunderung für die Darstellerin, wo immer sie die Rolle spielte, kennt kein Maß und keine Grenzen. „Eine Naturwüchsigkeit dieser Art," heißt es in der „Neuen Freien Presse" von ihr, „ist mir noch gar nicht vorgekommen. Was an ihr entzückt, würde an anderen mißfallen. Dazu aber ein solches Uebersprudeln, ein solches Sichgehen- lassen bei der jungen Person, wie es mit dem genialen Naturell eingeben kann." „Eine große Kunstbildung, volle Genialität" „satirischer Humor", „eine auffällig komische Kraft" werden ihr nachgerühmt. So wenig man das Verdienst der Goßmann an dem Erfolg der „Grille" mit anerkenne, stellt sich doch in niedrigen Intrigen, Plagiatsbeschuldigungen und Nachahmungen, kurz in allen möglichen Schikanen zeigte, die man einem erfolgreichen Autor aus Neid zuteil werden lässt, — so muß man doch sagen, daß das Stück selbst sich behauptet hat. Nicht bloß so hinreißende Schauspielerinnen wie Margarete Formes, die die Rolle in Berlin kreierte, nein, alle Nachfolgerinnen dieser ersten Grille, allein am Volkstheater wie Krau, Frau Hartmann, die Busch, die Vessely, und wer nennt man Tausende von Namen an anderen Bühnen? — haben die „Grille" zum Erfolg getragen. Auch von der heutigen Generation hat noch mancher auf einer Provinzbühne oder einem großstädtischen Vor- stadttheater eine verspätete Grille gezirpt. Die Dichterin selbst aber, wenn man dieser braven in Technik und Handwerk ausgezeichneten Schriftstellerin diesen Ehrentitel geben darf, hat über ihre Stücke viel objektiver und richtiger geurteilt, als die Mitwelt, die sie mit Haß und Neid verfolgte. In einem Brief an Laube, den der leider so früh verstorbene Alexander v. Bon Seit Hofbühne. Wegen andauernder Heiserkeit des Herrn Bender wird am 23. August statt "Don Juan letztes Abenteuer" Theophan in Frl. Maren in der Titelrolle aufgeführt. Damit zusammenhangende Betriebs-unterscheidungen machen auch im Residenztheater eine Vortragsänderung für diesen Tag notwendig; statt „Jude von Sandomierz" wird gelungen. Die für das Hof- oder das Residenztheater gelosten Eintrittskarten bleiben für die nunmehr angezeigten Vorstellungen gültig, können aber auch bis Freitag 1 Uhr mittag mit der Theaterkasse zurückgegeben werden. Bad Elster Blaue Säulensaal, Dionis-Teatro, Kehlkopf-Klinik, Stahl- und Blechbinder. Mildes Klima wegen des Gebirgsklimas, Bequeme Wälder für Erholungsreisen, Blutarmut, Herz-, Magen-, Nervenleiden, Verstopfung, Fettsucht, Frauenleiden, Rheumatismus, Ischias, Lähmungen, Gelenksleiden. Sehr geeignet zur Nachbehandlung von Krankheiten und Wunden des Feldzugs, fortgesetzte Gymnastik, (Kanher-) Institut und allen gefälligen Erfrischungen. Elbchürgburg bietet jeglichen Besuch. Zahlreiche Gesellschaftsräume, Wandelgänge, Reichliche Versorgung. Diätkuren (auch Mastkuren), eigene Landwirtschaft. Man verlange Prospekt. Augsburg Hotel Drei Mohren, 1915 der Neuzeit entsprechend umgebaut. Zimmer von 3,50 an. Niederbayern Kamm Winter Über geöffnet. Wunderbare Hochgebirgslage, herrliche Spaziergänge, verschiedene Verpflegung, schöne Räumlichkeiten, für längeren Aufenthalt schön eingerichtete Villa zum vermieten. Einige Minuten von Wald Sanatorium. Wald Sanatorium Gommersstein b. Halleld in Thüringen und Schroth-Kuren Auch im Winter. Normale Kurgäste. Bayerischer Holz-Hotel Längengartenbau. I. k. 2Ü I äP eL, I C3 rernnif2lt-l u.26S8 Einige Minuten vom Bauparkhotel, neben dem Kristall-Palast. Neuzeit entsprechend eingerichtetes Haus, 78 Zimmer mit 100 Betten. Gut bürgerliche Bier- und Speisenverpflegung. Saalfeld und Stadmitte sind für einen Aufenthalt besonders geeignet. 1. Matrosen-Olga gültig für alle Bahn, Bahnen, Kleinbahnen, Trambahnen, Hochbahnen, Kabelbahnen, Fahrstühle, Module etc. Einmal. Prämienstilgung. Versicherungsbeilage Schon für günstige Leben - Wer sich z. B. mit 10000 DM für den Todesfall, 10000 DM für den Invalidenfall, 8.88 DM pro Tagesteuer versichert macht eine einmalige Prämie von 60 DM. - Versicherungsfälle, bei der heiligen gen Verhalten nissen eine Notwendigkeit für jeder Mensch, zu viele Prämien an Sicherungen. Unfall- und Haufschäden aller Art. Spezial Präventions-Hilfe für jeden Privatmann und leicht zu erreichen. Zelter'sche Lebensversicherungsbank e. K. München Telephon-Nr. 10676 Anfrage, Prospekt kostenlos. Bezirks-Vertreter auch in großen Orten gesucht und sehr gute Bedingungen um mehr Einkommen zu machen. Vormund, von Agenten, n 126042; 12-6 SCHUTZ MARKE. SiiSlT 1864 Wie bisher verbürgen Wort-Z. Jltlii" und Schutzmarke die Eshis Süd Wirksamkeit der Präparaten Apekan - Kampfermilch das Universalmittel bei fettiger, großporiger Haut gegen alle Hauterkrankungen, Flecken und Pflegen, erneuert und reinigt die Haut. Pro Flasche 3,50 und 4.50 DM. Apekan-Curkenmilch bei fettloser, rauher und geröteter Haut. macht dieselbe weiß, welche und geeignet ist, nimmt Staub und Schmutz vom Hauto hinweg. Pro Flasche 3, 4 und 7 DM. Erhältlich in allen erstklassigen Spezial-Parfümerien Hauptdepot: Hofarznei- Parfümerie W. Spranger M. Odeonplatz 18 Sitlichen Pharmazeutiken 1 —2 Telefon 2343 Gegründet 1862. 1898-3983. ® 3a chseu-Ai |1 ach niKnm Altenberg |ingen.-,Technik.-,Werk-y lmcister-Abt.,Maschinen-| |b'iu.Rlektrotdchn..Auto-| lmo Obstbau. 5 Labor. 12-‘ ^ro^r.irei. *3321M Lehrer für Malen, Ziednen,Bauzeichnen i Perspektive sucht I Königl. Handwerker- und Kunstgewerbeschule Bromberg. Geeignete militärfreie Bewerber werden vorerst um Einsendung eines kurzgefassten Lebenslaufs mit Studien- gang ersucht. 88647)2-1 EsiWWEWWMW^ Offizier lucht Vorbereitung auf den fteieflSabitur. Cffevtin «. Nr. 86 an die gtt.Nr.» Augustenstraße. k>. 254762 Ireland geprüfte Musikinstrumente einschließlich gründlich, an gewissen Arten Unterricht zu 8/2 Mp., Mol.» Gesang. Güttgen Offerten erbeten unter K O 3586(47 a. d. Anz.-Abt.: Für ein abteilen selbstStändig n« M I raekeii jaeSjTWre Werkzeug- eisetklausge. z*i 88670.(2-1 Alte n. moderne »88,699(10,2 Gemälde nur erster Meister tonst zu bähen Preisen tilnm. Augustenstraße ll. Telephon 52608. Der Friede kommt, beispielsweise aufftrieb. Strma in Köln a/ntft. baldigst die töenevaiummunn erftkiaistger fair ,n, die itlulan-.ohii.l^rlasicile und An> behördest bester berste Um. - Auch Werk'.enge Onbnftrk- bfDarfäarttfel) baden Interesse. — Event. Vertrieb für eigene Rechnung. z*..88812 Angebote unter St. O. 7368 befördert Rudolf Masse, Hüllt. Eisengießerei zur Verstellung gußteilerter Zünderkörver in größeren Mengen gesucht. z*1884l5.(2»2 Offerten erdeien an die Kontor<Einlaßbgefschäft, ülb= tftluuj It. yrrltu W. SS._ _ Aus dem Maschinendestand der ton uni erworbenen ehemal. Zwirnerei- und Nähsadenfabrik Augsburg wosrn wir folgende Maschinen esc. abgeben: 1 zweizylindr. Gaiö!-Diese!-Mofor s. Iahne if;05, 140/200 PS, erbaut von der Maschinenfabrik Siugiburg- Nürnberg, 1 Compound-Dampfmaschine der Ma- schinensabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg v. Iahn 1882, 150/200 PS. 1 liegende einzylindr. Kondensations- Dampfmaschine v. Kuhn-Giutt- gart-Serg v. Iahre 1890, 60 PS. 2 Cornwall-Kessel 6 6 Atm. ä 80 qm Heizfläche mit 2 mifomsf. lflost- beschickungianlagen, einige hundert Meter fast neue Trans- missionen mit Ringschmierlager. jg MheMrik R. Verkam G. m. b. H. AUGSBURG z*[38;6S8 »'eines privaten Tösslerheim j für ausländische.Wlssen- I sehaft als Ersatz t. Ausland. ! hintmit jederzeit.*89122)22-16 ! 1 München -Thnltcirclien 1 Münchenstr. 48. Tel. 121;<Q. Wir sdtt KM Vorzügliches Lehrbuch der deutsche Lautrechnen 2. Rechnen 3. Schönschreiben 4. Rundb.Ltenogravur-Stol« ze«Schrey 6. Maschinenschreiben 7. Buchdruck (Em., Boip., Omnt.) k.D. Nedersanrv.lmHanse 9 Briefsteller 19 Nechlschreibe 1L Fremdwörterbuch 12. Merhcwhie 13. UrEng lisch 14. EtFranzösisch 15. Der flinke Ton 16. Aussatz 16 vorzügliche Lehrbücher, ^us. M. 21, einzeln M. 1,-10 flachn. — Wir liefern nac jedem einzelnen Buch. S. Schumann & Es., Berlin 14a. B. o p le e Eilt neues» Entwurfplegeleistungen in Vers, Prosa und Bild. Mit 28 Vierfarbendrucken nach Originalen von Louis Hfik. 6.- durch alle Buchhandlungen od, direkt vom Verlag Richard Staadt, Wiehaden, Königl. Hofbuchbinder. 1887.Rfi7r3,l ... 4 Werkzeug- Konstrukteure mit nachweisbar längerer, erfolgreicher Werk- stättenpraxis, ferner einen Werkzeug- Meister mit gründlichen Kenntnissen der Gewinde- schneidzeug- und Lehrenfabrikation, des Vor- richtungsbaues U. B. W. Anbote unser Angabe von , Referenzen, Gehaltsanaproben, Eintrittsbedingungen od. Militär- verhältnissen sind zu richten an Öst. Fest- Werke, A.-&.9 Wien, 51, Brünnner- Straße 72. Wir bieten für unkt ! ttge jüngere Literatur-Konstruktionen! w .‘i}'e ir- I» weiß, garantier hochwertige Qualitäten liefert Franz S.1 Techniker. Hülfsgesellschaft Altenburger mit Lebenslauf. Nusbaumigungsgesellschaft, Seitennbabüsstiftung und Gegenstandserklärungen, sowie Waren s'.-übesten Standardmitteln und der letzten Entscheidung erreicht deutschen Ausstellungsdirektion. Einreichungen sind zu richten unter xrtefuwl« Bee:chnung: .. A. ><. ti. II,“ an Fried. Krupp Aktiengesellschaft Essen. Luster kostenlos. Ist fünfzehn Minuten achtzehn, seven, vierte. Eines F. Ö. Fischer, Korkwaren (abrtk), Echtrenaustellung, ständig. Amtliche Außustelle, jede Marke, Altköier I. Waren beide, ich denkens und lü 4, werde, vorgeregelt fachmännisch gereinigt und ungefähr zeiget, wir suchen einige militärfähige Kaufleute im Alter von 25 - 35 Jahren, die in Ausstellung arbeiten durchaus erfahren sind, eine auseinandergesetzte schöne Handschrift besitzen und möglichst bald ein treten können. Wir erbitten uns, wie es ist verlangen Sie 85.680(18,6 zum Selbst, verkaufen Räumungspakete Nr. 66, Streichhölzer von Pat-Klingenballer & 2.50, Teilender Altenpflege, Solange für: Räumier-App Gerichtsvollstreiksstelle, Klingen 30%. Bemerkung: Räumungen mit kurzem Lebenslauf und Zeugnis, abschließen unter Angabe der Gehaltsansprüche und des Zeitpunktes, zu welchem früstens der Einritt erfolgen kann, und bemerken, dass die Schreiben, in denen die Angabe der Gehaltsansprüche fehlt, unberücksichtigt bleiben. Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft Stuttgart-Untertürkheim, Inverkehr, lieferbar: Lübben-Fabrik, Jürgen, Jonas und Elisabeth, Frankfurt am Main, Gutleutstrasse 2, gerne sprecher: Frau 691, Telegramme: Wilcromoter Frankfurt, Verlust nur an Selbsterlösung, 128557/61-17. Wir suchen per 31.12.1918, spätestens 1.1.1919, Intermittent-Spannsteg, liefert in Stuttgart Level, Jörg, Stubenstrasse 8, 7888/816, 15 Drehbänke, Gewindeschleifmaschinen 20 Gänge, gebraucht aber noch sehr gut erhalten, per sofort gesucht. Verlangen an Tüpl.-Jug. Julian Weinberg, Frankfurt a.M., Pschorr-Str. Nr. 1. Techn. Büro unS MoisrLau 38835, Karlsplatz 34, Tel. 63640. Vertrieb von Erzeugnissen, Motoren und Motorenteile, Übernahme von Kraftfahrzeugen mit Transportsystemen, Motorcar-Reparaturen. Verlangen Sie Spezial-Kataloge, M. Emeckinger, Dtpl.-Ing., Augenscheinerei Diesl. Stuttgart Lerchestraße 78 r) 38329.(8-2 Tels. 7519 übernimmt für Heeresbedarf Schweiß-, Schlosser- u. Sänglerarbeiten. Mit Metallbearbeitung einrichtungen ist uns eine mich viel wertvolle Artikel anzunehmen, da wir hier durch in unsere Information wegen Sabotage im Manfes einstellen müssen, Eigene Lokale u. 80 effektive Carbetrinnen verantwortlich Wolf AG angetreten Zigarren-Fabrik München 9, St. Martinstr. 24. 25285?(g/2 Technisches Büro und Motorenbau (Smeringen, Oipl.-Ing. *(34'317® Karlsplatz 24 Vertrieb von Explosionsmotoren und Motorpflügen Werkzeugmaschinen und Werkzeuge Uebernahme von Motorreparaturen Ankauf von gebrauchten Motoren Verlangen Sie Spezialkataloge Verschiedenes in Süddeutschland für das Brauerei-, Mälzerei- und Trockenungsgewerbe Süchte Anleitung oder Fusion mit florierender Gesellschaft der Brauerei-, Mälzerei- und Trockenungsbranche. Das Angebot kann eventuell verlaufen werden. Off- u. l>. 1829 an Daube & Co., Frankfurt a. M. 18802/(2(2 ! Bankgeschäft In Ludwiger Bankestatt sucht tüchtige, vertrauenswürdige, laufsauführige. Herrn, auch Kriegsobelschuldige. welcher (mit Effektengeschäft. Putsch- Hausmuth. Safefahrung durchaus bewandert, per 1. Oktober. Ausführlich. Personalangaben Gehaltsanfrage. mit. S. ii. 94.49 an Mudols Mofse. Stuttgart. 1871(749s2»2 Stiftung erstes Bankinstitut in Nürnberg wirbt ein in, Grundbuchs- und Aktenwesen durchaus erprobter, tüchtiger und zuverlässiger Beamter gesucht. — Vier bestens empfohlene SerivästRenten Nolaria Buch Haller u. >. w.. die sich für diese Stelle bewerben den, wollen sich näherer Dienstbedingungen mit Schilderung des Lebenslauf und der bisherigen Berufe bet Lungenfähigkeit und Angabe über Nationalität und Stellenzuweisung u. 6t. .13. *38331 , an die Anz.-Abt. richten. )2-2 Kindergärtnerin w drei Inoetn 9, 7 und 3 Jahre alt, mit guter Erfahrung für die (ober i'bch Patzingerin gesucht. »fltbote Ott * 8607.(2-2 Frau Elisabeth Meyer-Eichberg RstimeiRersaaitm, z,.stl,Pofs«tt- _bösen. Starnberger See. SslbsiZndige Koch für Säulenschlacht für sofort oder später gemäß. *38781 Gchaier, Restaurateur. "B! let labrii iliclcherisstiffen LeistqSfSdlge chemische Fabrik Saddleutfechl?" sucht für Bayern service Vertreter für täglichen, Bedarfs gegen Prounion sowie Umfassungs- (Seil. Osse ten unter A. 2553 an ^oafenstf“; & Vogler, Stuttgart. >*38787)" Wir suchen in Odeibahern befindliche Devonten-Kaffee eines ersten Mode- dentlichen Anfang lustet wird tüchtige zu möglichst baldigem Eintritt gemeldet. — Ausgezeichnete Bewerber- BstnqSfchreiden sind zu richten; unter, B. . *38293" i an die An-Abi. d. SB). >2-2 | PW V i Zum Vertrieb grobfracht- Posten Knochenbrühe- und .C.amellit* - Extrakt sowie ErfillnItlich-für "' Luppen würze, welche uns vom Kriegsnährungs- für Osten und Fette in Berlin für den freien Landen freigegeben worden sind, wird ein bei Detail- Fttlß,ästen sowie Grossisten gut bekannte, durchaus tüchtige KL *> * «» 1 der Nahrung- Z*,.118313 *W » « H 1/ muuewranchc/ und Verlags-geschäft besucht, per sofort gesucht. Gaff. Angebot an die PastuiverWerkungs-Gesellschaft m. b. H., Berlinischau i/Ga. Stalliai!l!lll!@!l!!!lll!!l!!l!!@!!l!!l!!l!!l!!l!!@!!!l!!l!!!@!!l!!l!!l!!l!!@!!!l!!l!!@!!l!!!l!!@l!! 1 Große Pferde - Versicher. - Gesellschaft l sucht für die Art des Obsrhayern und Gcwahen fe einen tüchtigen, in der Branche besichtigen Wir suchen zur selben. Leitung unserer Gießerei einen im gesamten (Stefereirocfen und insbesondere in der Herstellung von Aluminium und Metall-Gutz brothen und toisenldjattlicti durchaus erfahrenen, mitstärrrf.*1’ Ingenieur der möglichst bald einstigren kann. Bewerbung mit kurzen Lebenslauf und Zeugnissen abgefertigt werden unter r, Angabe der Fachsprüfung und des Letzte Diploms, zu dem s üheftens der Eintritt zulässig kann, erbeten au mli|8,ö-72S.(-l-‘’ Dülmer-Mestoie-GeLschlaß Stuttgart-Lindenfelsheim. mm^HCfleassraeaKtoa Wir suchen für unsere Abteilung Werkzeug einen tüchtigen, richtigen Ingenieur ^ der mit den neuesten Funktionen vertraut, sowie im Sliibe ist BIV für die Herstellung und von Vorrichtungen u.s.W* ständig auszuarbeiten, und der möglichst bald eintreten kann. jy Bewerber mit kurzem Lebenslauf und -v r.itt I>reli arbeit Heereßlief. gef. "SM * & J- fm I^ j ~ ft einen tüchtigen, in der Branche betonnte: Werthenat l Ohermspekior ehest. rtPn. n. ^rntih «? torfisi. Slllftr. f. GinbcffSart. e? „ öbsch/jfl. werd. unst Angabe der (iehaltsan«P. ^#fii sowie des Zeitpunkts, zu dem frühest. vriolgen könnte, erbeten an -t Dairf.!er-Motor2n-Gesellscha|1 geg. fl.' Provii.7 @r86. Slufir. i. ©tibcUSart. Angeh. M. o.-85455« a. d. 9int.-abt.zf da6 Sie Ihre Propaganda für die Uebergangs- zelt zum Frieden vorbereiten. Wir fertigen Plakate aller Art. sowie alle vornehmen Werbedrucksachen. deren Wirkung durch Individuell hergestellte künstlerische Entwürfe gesichert ist. Verlangen S'e Vorschläge *36218 (3/1 Transportable und zerlegbare im ’rizisiiireürei gegen (Lichait. Speien und Tantiemen. (Sefl. Angebote mit Angabe der bisherigen Tangkeit. ®c« haltsansprüche. sowie der tn den letzten Iahten erzielren Erfolge unter M. it. mo an Haafenftrin & Vogler W.-G., München. ./? W *[38624 = KllililllBi!!ll!IIISIllll!liailllllli![il!Bil!l!Bilil!lBI!'.:il!Bllllllll!8llllilll« ,5-üc auswärts Sofort gemcht. iuniere lniiiemi im Trassieren und Bau von Waldbahnen in gruppiertem Gelände erfahren. Bedingung Rotte Zeichner und Gewandtheit tn allen Ädsteckungsarbeiten. Baimnternehmuns: F. Zink. München, Rcuhauferstrazc 11/9.*138700 wird Baracken für Wohn-, Arbeiten und Lagerzwecke ln jeder gewünschten Größe und Ausführung sofort lieferbar. HÖNTSCH St Co. Dresden-Niedersedenz 13 Filiale München, in allen Dimensionen. " Blanke und schwarze Schrauben für die Grossindustrie. Otto Blüttner, München, Arnulfstr. Wir suchen ständig vertrauenswürdige und überzeugende Schreiber für ein größeres rheinisches Metallwerk zum baldigen Beginn eines jüngeren, zuverlässigen Arbeitsverhältnisses. Kalkulator gesucht. Es wollen sich nur Herren melden, die mit der Branche durchaus vertraut sind und über praktische Erfahrung verfügen. Ausführliche Angebote mit Gehaltsansprüchen, Zeugnisabschriften, Angaben des Militärverhältnisses usw. erbeten unter E. R. 576 an die 211a, Essen-Ruhr, Handelshof. 3» verkaufte gebrauchte Gaugas-Anlage 25-30 PS, Sabrina Schmitz - Köln, sowie 8 PS Adam-Motor für Benzol und Gas. Mechaniker gesucht. Kennen Sie mechanische Probleme lösen. Schubert G. 16. Die Kuri und die Schrift sehr beeinflusst, schon lange. Seit ist Stellung sind und möglichst bald einsteigen können. Einigen, die mit kurzem Tiefklang und Seugnieadlchristen werden unter Augen der Gehaltsansprüche, wie des Zeilpunktes zu dem höchstens der Eintritt erfolgen, kennen sie erbeten an Clément-Motoren-Gesellschaft, Sendlingertorplatz 10. Kolonialwaren-Großhändler bestens versorgt und für meine vom Einsatzkommando gerichtete Citronen- und Mandel-Essen, einige Angebote zu Benfluer Stäbchen des Bezirks erde. II Z. 501 «». Masse, gemütlich. IlgiQpIhh^hfe- garantieflüchtig flantieiden lßööUilgyi#81lö 5 „ndgeschieden. Sdiwädie uehaudelt flhüiel LüBtSCS, Spezialarzt, Kaufingerstr 15/3 Restaurant Domhof. täglich 10—6 Uhr, Feiertags 9- 12 Uhr (Burgerstube, Salvaorsanbahnhof). - Lesen Sie jede die populärwissenschaftliche Aufklärungsschrift über Gesundheit und Gefahren der Geschlechtskrankheiten 85,849(27 / 9 „Männer! Hüten Sie sich vor Ansteckung!“ ^ kr, *<ees«*u (Zn be*. ▼, X UW.) Stäub und Stückkalk für Weich- und Reicherpartie-Fabrikation liefert Wagen- werke aus eigenem Mineralwerk 18815 Sosmann & Grefeibert, (gast-)versteigerungen. Aktiengesellschaft 32 Spindeldrehung, mit bohusmairat und gewöhnlichen Revolverloppen, mit Patronenfutter zum Gewindeschneiden mit und ohne Rasier- vorgelegem, vollständig neu. erstklassige Ausführung sofort ab Lager «rvmrraye» Stuttgart-Untertürkheim. l“S? Druckwerk Freimann ^Freimannstrasse 2 stellt noch größere Anzahl feinerer Wohn- und Schlafgelegenheit im Werke vorhanden. Persönlich. Anmeldungen nur Vormittag 8—11 Uhr. 1254699 Nachtügensellschaft der SOhnheitsbühnen Sucht zum baldmöglichen Eintritt er- sährlicher und vertrauenswürdiger Kassierer Heeren Junior Alters, welche in dieser Eigen jährlich bereits längere Zeit ge- bei, Werfen der Maschinenvorhände war und kautionsfähig sind wollen (»hrliche Bewerbungen mit Personalabfertigungen und allen «»gaben beizufügen. Einladung Gehaltserhöhungen, Militärvergütungen zugeben „<t. M. ß«o- an Nudols Waffe, , München. «8865«>. |
github_open_source_100_8_19939 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | //! **This module is experimental**
//! This module provides threadsafe versions of FrozenMap and FrozenVec,
//! ideal for use as a cache.
//! These lock internally, however locks only last as long as the method calls
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::hash::Hash;
use stable_deref_trait::StableDeref;
use std::sync::RwLock;
/// Append-only threadsafe version of `std::collections::HashMap` where
/// insertion does not require mutable access
pub struct FrozenMap<K, V> {
map: RwLock<HashMap<K, V>>
impl<K: Eq + Hash, V: StableDeref> FrozenMap<K, V> {
// these should never return &K or &V
// these should never delete any entries
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
map: RwLock::new(Default::default()),
pub fn insert(&self, k: K, v: V) -> &V::Target {
let mut map =;
let ret = unsafe {
let inserted = &**map.entry(k).or_insert(v);
&* (inserted as *const _)
pub fn get<Q: ?Sized>(&self, k: &Q) -> Option<&V::Target>
K: Borrow<Q>,
Q: Hash + Eq,
let map =;
let ret = unsafe {
map.get(k).map(|x| &*(&**x as *const V::Target))
// TODO add more
/// Append-only threadsafe version of `std::vec::Vec` where
/// insertion does not require mutable access
pub struct FrozenVec<T> {
vec: RwLock<Vec<T>>,
impl<T: StableDeref> FrozenVec<T> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
vec: RwLock::new(Default::default()),
// these should never return &T
// these should never delete any entries
pub fn push(&self, val: T) {
let mut vec = self.vec.write().unwrap();
/// Push, immediately getting a reference to the element
pub fn push_get(&self, val: T) -> &T::Target {
let mut vec = self.vec.write().unwrap();
unsafe {
&*(&**vec.get_unchecked(vec.len() - 1) as *const T::Target)
pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&T::Target> {
let vec =;
unsafe {
vec.get(index).map(|x| &*(&**x as *const T::Target))
// TODO add more
285833_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Bingu wa Mutharika (/muˈtærɪkə/ gebore: Brightson Webster Ryson Thom; 24 Februarie 1934 - 5 April 2012) was 'n Malawiese politikus en ekonoom wat president van Malawi was van Mei 2004 tot sy dood in April 2012. Hy was ook president van die Demokratiese Progressiewe Party wat hy in Februarie 2005 gestig het; dit het in die algemene verkiesing in 2009 'n meerderheid in die parlement van Malawi gekry. Tydens sy twee ampstermyne is hy in 2010–2011 die voorsitter van die Afrika-unie, asook vir verskeie binnelandse kontroversies. In 2009 het hy 'n private presidensiële jet vir $ 13,26 miljoen gekoop. Dit is byna onmiddellik gevolg deur 'n landswye brandstoftekort wat amptelik geblameer is vir logistieke probleme, maar meer waarskynlik was as gevolg van die harde geldeenheidstekort wat veroorsaak is deur die bevriesing van hulp deur die internasionale gemeenskap. Hy is dood aan hartstilstand in Lilongwe terwyl hy op kantoor op 5 April 2012, op 78-jarige ouderdom.
Eksterne skakels
Geboortes in 1934
Sterftes in 2012
Presidente van Malawi.
github_open_source_100_8_19940 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | import urllib.request
from datetime import datetime
import string
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict
class StockPriceScraper:
def __init__(self, base_url, stock_codes, google_sheet, client_secret, test):
self.stock_codes = stock_codes
self.base_url = base_url
if not test:
self.sheet = client(client_secret).open(google_sheet)
def insert_prices(self):
worksheet = self.sheet.add_worksheet(title=f'{"%Y-%m-%d")}', rows='2', cols=f'{len(self.stock_codes)}')
for i, (stock_code, stock_price) in enumerate(self.stock_prices().items()):
self.update_sheet(worksheet, i, [stock_code, stock_price])
def stock_prices(self):
stock_prices = {}
for stock_code in self.stock_codes:
stock_prices[stock_code] = price(url(self.base_url, stock_code))
return SortedDict(stock_prices)
def update_sheet(self, worksheet, i, contents):
for j, content in enumerate(contents):
update_cell(worksheet, cell(string.ascii_uppercase[i], j), content)
def cell(letter, number):
return f'{letter}{number}'
def update_cell(worksheet, cell, info):
worksheet.update_acell(cell, info)
def client(client_secret):
scope = ['']
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(client_secret, scope)
return gspread.authorize(creds)
def price(url):
page = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')
return soup.find('h2', attrs={'class':'page-content entry-content'}).text.strip()
def url(base_url, stock_code):
return f'{base_url}{stock_code.upper()}'
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = ArgumentParser(description='Takes stock codes, scrapes prices from website and inserts into a given google sheet')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--client-secret', action='store', help='the client', type=str, dest='base_url', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-c', '--client-secret', action='store', help='the client', type=str, dest='client_secret', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-g', '--google-sheet', action='store', help='the google sheet to insert prices into', type=str, dest='google_sheet', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-s', '--stock-codes', action='store', help='the stock codes to get price for', type=str, dest='stock_codes', nargs='+', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-t', '--test', action='store_true', help='Perform test', dest='test' )
args = parser.parse_args().__dict__
StockPriceScraper(**args).insert_prices() |
github_open_source_100_8_19941 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | <?php require 'common.php'; ?>
if(empty($_SESSION['user'])) {
header("Location: login.php");
die("Redirecting to login.php");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<?php include_once 'header.html' ?>
<?php include_once 'navbar.php' ?>
<div class="main main-raised" style="padding-top:100px;">
<div class="container">
<h1>Your Panels</h1>
include_once "fetchpaneldata.php";
include_once "fetchtagdata.php";
$panel_data = fetchPanelData(false, null);
$tag_data = fetchTagData(false, null);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($panel_data); $i++){
echo "<div class=\"card\">
<div class=\"content\">
<div class=\"row\">
<div class=\"col-sm-4\">
<img class=\"img-responsive\" src=\"img/control-panel.png\">
<div class=\"col-sm-8\">";
if ($panel_data[$i]["name"]){
echo "<h1>".$panel_data[$i]["name"]."</h1>";
echo "<h1>Control Panel <b>#".$panel_data[$i]["uid"]."</b></h1>";
$tags_active = 0;
$tags_spoiling = 0;
for ($j = 0; $j < count($tag_data); $j++){
if ($tag_data[$j]["controluid"] == $panel_data[$i]["uid"]){
$tags_active += 1;
if ($tag_data[$j]["expiry_date"] - time() <= 259200 && $tag_data[$j]["expiry_date"] - time() > 0){
$tags_spoiling += 1;
echo "<h3><b>".$tags_active."</b> Active Tags</h3>";
echo "<h3 class=\"text-warning\"><b>".$tags_spoiling."</b> Tags Spoiling Soon</h3>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class=\"text-center\">
<h3><a data-toggle=\"collapse\" href=\"#collapsePanel".$panel_data[$i]["uid"]."\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-controls=\"collapsePanel".$panel_data[$i]["uid"]."\">View Tags <i class=\"material-icons\">keyboard_arrow_down</i></a></h3>
echo"<div class=\"collapse\" id=\"collapsePanel".$panel_data[$i]["uid"]."\">
<div class=\"table-responsive\">
<table class=\"table\">
<th class=\"text-center\">Image</th>
<th>Checkin Date</th>
<th>Expiry Date</th>
echo "<tr>";
for ($j = 0; $j < count($tag_data); $j++){
echo "<th><img class=\"img-responsive\" src=\"img/tags/" . $tag_data[$j]['pattern'] . ".png\" alt=\"Tag Image\" style=\"max-width:50%;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;\"/></a></th>";
echo "<th>" . $tag_data[$j]['name'] . "</th>";
//calculate state based upon expiry date
if ($tag_data[$j]['expiry_date'] > 0){ //if expiry date entered
$compare_date = $tag_data[$j]['expiry_date'];
} else { //if expiry date not entered
//TODO get food lifespan from database, add number to check-in date to get compare date
if (time() > $compare_date){
$text_color = "danger";
$text = "Spoiled";
} else if (($compare_date - time()) < 259200){
$text_color = "warning";
$text = "Spoiling Soon";
} else {
$text_color = "success";
$text = "Fresh";
echo "<th><span class=\"text-" . $text_color . "\">" . $text . "</span></th>";
echo "<th>" . date('Y/m/d', $tag_data[$j]['last_activation_date']) . "</th>";
if ($tag_data[$j]['description']){
echo "<th>" . $tag_data[$j]['description'] . "</th>";
echo "<th>No Description Available.</th>";
echo "<th>" . $tag_data[$j]['category'] . "</th>";
if (!$tag_data[$j]['fridge_freezer']){
$text_color = "info";
$text = "Refrigerated";
} else {
$text_color = "primary";
$text = "Frozen";
echo "<th><span class=\"text-" . $text_color . "\">" . $text . "</span></th>";
echo "<th>" . date('Y/m/d', $tag_data[$j]['expiry_date']) . "</th>";
echo "</tr>";
echo " </tbody>
<div class="card">
<div class="content">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-4">
<img class="img-responsive" src="img/control-panel.png">
<div class="col-sm-8">
<h1>Control Panel <b>#1</b></h1>
<h3><b>5</b> Active Tags</h3>
<div class="text-center">
<h3><a data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapsePanel1" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapsePanel1">View Tags <i class="material-icons">keyboard_arrow_down</i></a></h3>
<div class="collapse" id="collapsePanel1">
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table">
<th class="text-center">Image</th>
<th>Checkin Date</th>
<th>Expiry Date</th>
<th><a href="#"><img class="img-responsive" src="img/tag.png" alt="Tag Image" style="max-width:50%;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;"/></a></th>
<th><span class="text-success">Fresh</span></th>
<th>Chicken Breast from Longos.</th>
<th>Raw Meat</th>
<th><span class="text-info">Refrigerated</span></th>
<th><a href="#"><img class="img-responsive" src="img/tag.png" alt="Tag Image" style="max-width:50%;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;"/></a></td>
<th><span class="text-danger">Spoiled</span></th>
<th>Yukon Gold Potatoes from Costco.</th>
<th><span class="text-info">Frozen</span></th>
<td><a href="#"><img class="img-responsive" src="img/tag.png" alt="Tag Image" style="max-width:50%;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;"/></a></td>
<th><span class="text-warning">Spoiling Soon</span></th>
<th>Carrots from Farmers Market.</th>
<th><span class="text-info">Refrigerated</span></th>
<?php include_once 'footer.html' ?>
github_open_source_100_8_19942 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace TRan.CinemaUniverse.Web.Areas.Administration.ViewModels.WeekOffers
public class WeekOfferEditViewModel
} |
6181231_1 | courtlistener | Public Domain | Richard S. Heller, J.
On June 10,1960 two elopees from the Binghamton State Hospital rohbed the claimant herein at his place of business, then forced him into his car and, with one of the elopees driving, took him on a harrowing ride that ended when the car was wrecked and claimant was injured.
The two elopees were allowed the freedom of the grounds at the hospital. One of them was a voluntary patient with nothing in his record to indicate that he was violent or would become violent. The other patient was a boy who had been in the hospital since October 2, 1956 and although he frequently left the hospital grounds without permission, there is no evidence that he was violent or would become violent.
Both patients were assigned to an open ward which gave them the freedom of the grounds without supervision. That they were so assigned indicates that the authorities were following usual procedures in an attempt to rehabilitate the patients.
The State in this instance is only responsible for hazards reasonably to be foreseen or risks reasonably to be perceived. (Flaherty v. State of New York, 296 N. Y. 342; Excelsior Ins. Co. of New York v. State of New York, 296 N. Y. 40.)
The motion made by the Attorney-General at the close of the case upon which decision was reserved is granted and the claim is dismissed.
Either party may submit findings of fact and conclusions of law and they will be marked and signed by the court if received within 20 days from the date hereof, otherwise they shall be deemed to have been waived.
github_open_source_100_8_19943 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import axios from 'axios'
import CompanySocialmedialink from "../../components/UserSocialMediaLink/SocialMediaLink";
import CompanyFeed from "../../components/UserFeed/UserFeed";
import CompanyInfo from "../../components/AnyCompanyInfo/AnyCompanyInfo";
import CompanyJob from "../../components/UserJob/UserJob";
import CompanyNotification from "../../components/UserNotification/UserNotification";
import CompanyPortfolio from "../../components/UserPortfolio/UserPortfolio";
import UpdateCompanyModal from "../../modals/UpdateCompany/UpdateCompany"
import DeleteAccountModal from '../../modals/DeleteConfirmModal/Company/DeleteCompanyConfirmModal'
import UserCover from '../../images/resources/cover-network.jpeg'
import FeedIcon from '../../images/ic1.png'
import InfoIcon from '../../images/ic2.png'
import PortfolioIcon from '../../images/ic3.png'
import NotificationIcon from '../../images/review.png'
import JobIcon from '../../images/ic6.png'
const MainCompanyProfil = () => {
const userInformation = localStorage.getItem('user')
const userDetails = JSON.parse(userInformation)
const companyInformation = localStorage.getItem('company')
const companyDetails = JSON.parse(companyInformation)
const companyId = companyDetails.company_id
const [ companyInfo, setCompanyInfo ] = useState({
overview : "",
awards : ""
const [ companySkills, setCompanySkills] = useState([])
const [ companyPortfolio, setCompanyPortfolio] = useState([])
const [ companySocialmedialink, setCompanySocialmedialink] = useState([])
const [ feedToggle, setFeedToggle ] = useState(false)
const [ infoToggle, setInfoToggle ] = useState(true)
const [ portfolioToggle, setPortfolioeedToggle ] = useState(false)
const [ notificationToggle, setNotificationToggle ] = useState(false)
const [ jobToggle, setJobToggle ] = useState(false)
const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(false)
const [showModalDelete, setShowModalDelete] = useState(false)
const openModal = () => {
const openDeleteModal = () => {
const closeModal = () => {
useEffect(() => {
.then(res => {
let company =
const { overview, awards } =
const { skills } = company
const { portfolio } = company
const { socialmedialink } = company
setCompanyInfo(prevState => {
return {...prevState,overview,awards}
setCompanyPortfolio([...companyPortfolio, portfolio])
const showFeed = () => {
const showInfo = () => {
const showPortfolio = () => {
const showNotification = () => {
const showJob = () => {
return (
<section className="cover-sec">
<img src={UserCover} alt="" style={{maxWidth : '100%', height : '350px'}}/>
<div className="main-section">
<div className="container">
<div className="main-section-data">
<div className="row">
// socialmedialink = { companyDetails.companySocialmedialink }
company_name = { companyDetails.company_name}
company_picture = { companyDetails.company_picture }
company_country = { companyDetails.company_country }
company_email = { companyDetails.company_email }
company_phone = { companyDetails.company_phone }
company_address = { companyDetails.company_address }
company_id = { companyDetails.company_id}
<div className="col-lg-6">
<div className="main-ws-sec">
<div className="user-tab-sec rewivew">
<h3> {}</h3>
<div className="star-descp">
<span>Established : { companyDetails.company_registered }</span>
<div className="tab-feed st2 settingjb">
<li onClick={showInfo}>
<img src={InfoIcon} alt="" />
<li onClick={showFeed}>
<img src={FeedIcon} alt="" />
<li onClick={showPortfolio}>
<img src={PortfolioIcon} alt="" />
<li onClick={showNotification}>
<img src={NotificationIcon} alt="" />
<li onClick={showJob}>
<img src={JobIcon} alt="" />
infoToggle ? <CompanyInfo
overview={ companyInfo.overview }
skills = { companySkills }
location = { companyDetails.company_address }
country = { companyDetails.company_country}
awards = { companyInfo.awards}
/> :
feedToggle ? <CompanyFeed
email = { companyDetails.company_email }
companyDetails = { companyDetails }
userDetails = { userDetails} /> :
portfolioToggle ? <CompanyPortfolio
companyPortfolio = {companyPortfolio}
/> :
notificationToggle ? <CompanyNotification /> :
jobToggle ? <CompanyJob
email = { companyDetails.company_email }/> :
email = { companyDetails.company_email }
companyDetails = { companyDetails }
userDetails = { userDetails}
<div className="col-lg-3">
<div className="right-sidebar">
<div className="message-btn">
<button className="btn btn-info" onClick={openModal}>
<i className="fa fa-pencil"></i> Edit Profil
companyId = { companyDetails.company_id}
overview = { companyInfo.overview}
country ={ companyDetails.company_country}
awards = { companyInfo.awards}
email ={companyDetails.company_email}
phone = {companyDetails.company_phone}
address = {companyDetails.company_address}
createdAt = {companyDetails.createdAt}
company = { companyDetails.company_name}
about = { companyDetails.company_about}
total_number_employee = {companyDetails.total_number_employee}
<div className="message-btn">
<button className="btn btn-danger" onClick={openDeleteModal}>
<i className="fa fa-trash"></i> Delete Account
companyId = { companyDetails._id}
export default MainCompanyProfil;
sn99061556_1909-07-06_1_3_1 | US-PD-Newspapers | Public Domain | THE FARMER AND MECHANIC Doubling Crop Yields Without Extra Cost. The writer, who is also an old contractor, has planned and built the house shown in the illustration here with, several times, with slight changes. This particular plan seems well adapted to the farm, as will be seen by the floor plan. The first floor has four rooms, bath, pantry and large closet; two large or three small bedchambers may be finished on the second floor, also several closets. The large dining room and living room are features that will be appreciated by any housewife, a living room serves many purposes, and should be large, well lit and have ample ventilation. The large rear porch, when screened in, will serve as a summer dining area. POULTRY HOUSE FLOORS Those Made of Boards are Deemed the Best Despite the Cost - Cement Floors Good With the constant increase in the price of lumber there is a growing tendency to use something else than boards in the construction of floors of poultry houses. There are many people who consider the board floor the best. It must be agreed, however, that there is a point in the advancing cost of lumber, at which the use of boards will have to be dispensed with. Most people that construct poultry houses are not so rich that they can afford to pay out large sums of money for any part of the structures. The board floor is without doubt the warmest kind of floor, and that is why the writer favors it. The ideal way of building such a floor is to use matched lumber for the top and rough boards for the bottom, with tarred paper between. The thick, heavy tarred paper is the kind that should be used. Much of the tarred paper being used in house construction is of very little value. It simply answers to fulfill the promise of the contractor to put tarred paper in the walls. The heavy paper costs more, but it is worth more than it costs. A floor that is thoroughly well put together will be quite warm, provided that the space under it is kept tight. A floor of wood should stand a foot or so above the ground, so that rats cannot get a chance to gnaw it. The trouble about the space under the floor is that it is quite commonly left open to the weather, and the floor above the space becomes very cold in the winter time. Some builders say that this space should be left open to the air, so that dry rot will not attack the wood; but is there any reason why the outsides should not be made tight and the openings for aeration be made in the floor, thus letting the air from the poultry house pass into the space instead of the frigid air from out of doors? Karth floors are becoming quite common, but they are difficult to keep clean. Sometimes they are too wet, and sometimes too dry, and if the loft of the poultry house is low, the dampness is very detrimental to the health of poultry. An earth floor, to be kept covered with a litter of coal ashes. As a matter of fact, the ordinary farmer does this; ideal conditions for poultry are usually found only in the institution that is devoted entirely to raising of poultry. Id. al care cannot then be depended "u to give us results, and the dirt ! will thus usually be found in a "7 untidy condition. sometimes in winter it freezes hs.r2 ; ;d a poor substitute for a wooden Dm; cement floor is coming to be A 3IODERN HOME AT A 3IODEKATE PR room, a cool place in which to do the weekly wash and ironing, and for putting up the winter's fruit and canned vegetables. The pantry will protect the house wife from the heat of the kitchen and the sink and hot-water tank will save many steps. The cellar may be entered from the kitchen, the steps being located under main stairway. The bathroom may be entered from the rear porch, a feature which will be appreciated by the men folks. As the material entering into the construction of any building, also the cost of same, will be governed entirely by local conditions, it would be -simply, a waste of space to describe U12 same here. The house is the usual balloon quite popular in some localities, but has the disadvantage of being cold. Also it will not entirely prevent the entrance of moisture. A cement floor, like an earth floor, has to be kept covered with some thing in the winter time. It is, however, sanitary and easy to clean when it has become dirty. Water can be used upon it without any injurious results. It will not become the harboring place for lice and rodents do not try to gnaw through it. SEPARATORS AND CALVES. There is no doubt but that calves do exceedingly well on separated milk. The calf that sucks the cow will do well until weaning time comes, but the calf that gets its warm, fresh separated milk will flourish the whole year round. For the sake of a few more pounds of butter, the calf is often starved to a gaunt, unsightly little dwarf and never comes to maturity and always poor property to its owner. By allowing it fresh, warm milk from the separator, you will have a big, strong calf in such condition that it will give the best results for the extra care and labor, the same as other stock kept in a thriving condition. Sweet skimmed milk makes bone and sinew for the calf. We are looking after the calf that is to be raised to maturity and there are cheaper foods than 25 cent butter fat upon which to raise calves. That is, by centrifugal cream separators, if you do not have one already and feed your calves the milk as soon as run through the separator, while it yet contains the animal heat and in the condition just suited to the needs of the calf. We believe that every farmer who keeps from three to ten good cows and wishes to grow good calves will find it to his advantage to buy a good cream separator and use it intelligently. Orchard Suggestions. Young apple trees may be protected against the ravages of destructive animal pests by wire netting. In the warmer climates, everyone who wishes a beautiful shade tree should plant the pecan. It will not only give delightful shade, but delicious nuts raised may easily be made a source of profit. Cultivate cow peas and red clover in your young orchard. This will benefit the trees and at the same time give you an income. Cultivate around your trees with a hoe several times during the year and keep a mulch of grass over the cultivated space. When trees commence to bear, use ICE. Frame, ten feet to the eaves, and the roof half pitch; lap siding is used for the outer walls, and if built in any of the colder States the inner walls should be lined with ship lap, and this in turn stripped over each studding with lath; the lath for the plastering is then nailed on the struts, which leaves a half-inch space between the lath and sheathing for mortar. This makes a solid job of plastering and a very warm house. While it is not possible for anyone to give an intelligent estimate of a building without being on the ground and being familiar with the local prices, etc., this house has been built several times at prices ranging from $1,600 to $2,400, bath and hot air furnace included. J. K. Bridgman, Lamar, Mo. A fertilizer rich in potash. Wood ashes can be used to advantage at that time. The value of the fruit crop in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho last year was almost $20,000,000. If spraying is done late and the fruit has formed, never use paris green in the spray. White hellebore is a substitute for paris green. It may be applied to the bushes dry, mixed with three times its weight of flour. The national plant introduction garden at Chico, Cal., is experimenting with the raising of the cork oak, which has not yet been grown commercially in the United States. The cork oak thrives in Spain, where it is the basis of an important industry. There are now 160,000 acres of planted trees in central Kansas, where at one time it was thought trees could not be grown. A LITTLE DAIRY WISDOM. An overfat cow is never a profitable one to the dairyman. A scrub cow will eat as much as a pure-bred one, but there will be a great difference in the size of the milk pail you will have to buy. Keep the best heifer calves for your own use. Whether the profits in the dairy business are to be large or small depends more upon the man handling the cow than upon the price of butter fat. Plenty of the right kind of pasture is essential to the cows on the farm. Harrowing the pasture land in the spring and fall will help out wonderfully. The demand for animals of good dairy breeding is greater than the supply. Before testing your cream, stir well so it will be of uniform richness. The number of cows milked daily in the United States is estimated at 21,000,000. At the National Dairy exhibition in Chicago last winter, 468 pounds of butter was made during demonstrations in the nine days. Three thousand pounds of milk was converted into cheese at the same exhibition. The product was distributed among the visitors. The advice to permit mold to accumulate in the dark, damp corners of the cow barn is pretty good, but better advice is to have no dark damp corners in the cow barn. Be sure that the dairy cows get as much water as they need. They require a good deal. Vigilance and common sense are what we need in the dairy, whether the product is sold to the city trade, made into butter on the farm, or used in the home kitchen. Cleanliness first, last, and all the time, should be the watchword of every dairyman. The cows milked daily in the United States yield an average of 3,560 pounds of milk a year, which makes the annual total output for the country about 70,000,000 pounds. Even with the greatest care, it is hard to keep the cow stable always ventilated as it should be. So while Mr. James J. Hill, in his now famous St. Paul address, declared that the average crop yield per acre in the United States could be doubled without cost, there are thousands of farmers in the Carolinas who have determined that their yield shall be not merely doubled, but quadrupled; and thousands of them are succeeding. Down in a poor section of More County where it was once thought that the land would hardly be worth taxes after the pines were cleared off, Mr. W. I. Brooks harvested 91 bushels of corn per acre last fall. And there is an enthusiasm about the people that is almost religious in its intensity. Feel as if I had just learned how to farm, said one of the other day who began to read and catch the spirit of the new agriculture a year ago. "Why, I have learned more about farming in these past twelve months than in all my life before. The very earth seems new to me since I found out how science and skill can revolutionize my work." Said a Yadkin farmer last winter: "I have been trying to farm for thirty years, but it looks now as if I have not done a thing fit to look at, not a single thoroughbred thing, on the place except two old roosters. I am going to begin right to aim at 40 bushels of corn to the acre, insert of 10, and to get some Berkshire hogs instead of the scrubs I have always raised." And it was Rev. C. L. Miller who told me last spring: "As a boy I helped to wear out a Carolina farm. Now I have bought a rundown place and am going to try my hand at landbuilding to atone for the sins I blindly committed against the soil of my youth." For Good Butter Making. An overloaded churn is sometimes the cause of slow coming of the butter. If the amount of cream is too large for the size of the churn, turning it over and over will not agitate the cream sufficiently. The churn should be less than half full, and. should not be turned too fast to allow the cream to drop from side to side of the churn. Stop churning when the butter granulates if you want to wash out all the buttermilk. When the conditions for the cream rising are unfavorable, put less milk into the pans or cans; the cream will rise quicker to the top. Fine cream may be churned at a higher temperature than thick cream, and sweet cream at a slightly higher one than sour cream. Fine butter has a clear, nutty flavor, a nice color (not too high), a firm waxy texture, free from moisture, and a grain which, when broken, shows like cast steel. Do not allow smoking near the dairy; nothing absorbs tobacco smoke more quickly than milk, and butter tainted with tobacco smoke is an abomination. Butter washed with water that has been boiled and cooled keeps much better than that washed with unboiled water. Danger of Barbed Wire. Barber wire is all right for stock; cattle and makes a cheap fence, but it is hard to construct such a fence to turn hogs, and, owing to its dangerous characteristics, it is out of the question for horses, and even for milch cows. With the woven wire fence, the post expense is not so great as that of the other kinds, as they need not be as heavy, and may be set a good distance apart. Heavy end posts are an absolute necessity and they should be set in the ground not less than three and a half to four feet deep. If the line posts are twenty to twenty-five feet apart it is a very good idea to have every fourth post of good size, longer than the others, to allow extra setting. In setting end posts, dig a big hole, put the post in, and begin to tamp and ram from the very bottom, not filling it too fast, so as to get the earth about the post packed from the bottom to the top. The "dead man" plan of bracing a post is perhaps better than any other. The "dead man" is a short post or heavy stone buried about three feet deep, four feet from the end posts, and with a gable made of plain galvanized wire to the post top and around the dead man, the post can be held for years as firmly as when set. Be sure to use galvanized wire, as black wire will not last more than six or seven years. A thirty-inch high woven wire fence, two smooth No. 10 and one barbed wire at the very top, makes a good fence for any kind of stock, and can be put up for less than 40 cents per rod, exclusive of posts. Well Designed Farrowing Pen. The picture shows a view of the corner of a farrowing pen. It is provided with a fender around the inside of the pen which keeps the sow from lying up against a partition and killing young pigs, which a large sow will often do. The fenders should project at least eight inches into the pen, and allow eight inches clear between the fender and the floor. Last season, the farmers near Syracuse, Ill., raised about ninety acres of sugar beets, which were sold to a sugar company in Wisconsin at $5 per ton. |
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Artikkelen «Practical Reason» i Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Hentet 18. oktober 2011.
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in.ernet.dli.2015.218993_11 | English-PD | Public Domain | 201 We have discharged our dut}’- to the dead, who will now go their fated journey. (Ib.) This is needful to encou- rage the living. (Tr. 188 ; 236 E.) The Athenians are arrox^ovef. (Tr. 188 ; 237 B.) The dead have now returned to their mother earth. (Tr. 189 ; 237 C.) This mother- land has abundantly sustained her offspring. (Tr. 190; 237 E.) Praise of the liberal government of%it. (Tr. 191 ; 238 D, E.) Athens has taught that Persia was not invincible. (Tr. 194 ; 240 D.) The sparing of the Laced a3monians in Spagia recounted. (Tr. 196; 242 C.) We are invincible to others, but vanquished by our own squabbles. (Tr. 198, 199 ; 243 C, D, E.) Advice and message of the dead to the living. (Tr. 203 ; 246 C, To practise virtue ; for wealth brings no glory to the man who is without fortitude, nor do beauty and strength become the coward and poltroon. (Tr. 204 ; 246 E.) Knowledge apart from justice and the other virtues is craft : you must try and exhibit all strenuous readiness, Std Travros Tracrav ttcivtios irpoOv/miav Trctpacr^c cxctv. (Tr. 204 ; 247 A.) The honours of parents are a •treasure to children ; if you labour for tliese y^u will at death come here as friends. (Tr. 204; 247 C.) What is wanted is not im- mortal, but good children. (Tr. 205 ; 247 D.) Let the maxim fxrjSkv ayav be obseiwed. (Tr. 205 ; 247 E.) Nor must immoderate lamentations for the departed be in- dulged. (Tr. 206 ; 248 B.) If the dead have percep- tion of what occurs among the living, they will be grati- fied by their bearing grief composedly. (Tr. 206 ; 248 C.) Charge enjoined on the state, though this will be needless. (Tr. 206 ; 248 D.) Such were^their injunc- tions, and I pray you to obey and imitate them. (Tr. 207 ; 248 E.) Further obligations about keeping alive these funeral rites, and establishing games and races and 202 PLATO. [Trans. musical contests. (Tr. 208; 249 B, C.) Further orato- rical alliteration, rrafrav irdvroiv irapd Trdvra, (Tr. 208 ; 249 C.) Such was Aspasia’s speech ; a supremely happy Aspasia if she can compose such speeches, which if Mene- xenus doubts, he can hear her for himself. (Tr. 208 ; 249 D.) Menexenus declares his gratitude to Aspasia, or wl*)ever may have dictated the speech, and especially to Socrates, th« reciter, who bids him be careful not to denounce him, if he wishes to hear many further political speeches of hers. (Tr. 208 ; 249 E. HIPPIAS MAJOR. The dialogue called Ilippias Major continues to discuss what is the standard of beauty, what is the absolute §t.s distinct from the mere relative, showing that it is not what is ordinarily deemed honourable or useful, about which different persons and states differ, nor the powerful, nor the pleasures of the senses, though these are agreeable. (Tr. 241 to 258 ; 295^ D, E ; 304 A.) Hippias charac- terizes the objections of Socrates as the sawdust and clip- pings of reasonings, minced into bits, and asserts that the beautiful is to be able to gain your point in a court of justice, and to insure your own safety and that of your friends. According to him, we must let alone these hair- splittings, trifles, and njpnsense. The dialogue ends by leaving Socrates in a professed state of humorous confu- sion. • ^ HIPPIAS MINOR. In the Hippias Minor we have an exhibition of Hippias’s conceit. (Tr. 264 to 271 ; 363 D ; 364 A ; 368 B, C, D, E ; ?69 A.) The same person has, by his argument, VOL. IV.] ION, 203 4 been made out to be true and false. Hippias tannts So- crates a second time with weaving webs of words, picking out knotty points, and magnifying them unduly ; pouncing upon the argument piecemeal, and never looking at the question as a whole. (Tr. 272 ; 369 C.) Socrates replies with assumed humility. (Tr. 272 ; 369 D.) And now arises the question, whether those who are filse willingly are not better than those who are so#against their will. (Tr. 274, 275 ; 371 A, B, C, D, E.) Banter of Socrates. (Tr. 275 to 283 ; 372 A ; 376 C.) The better runner is he who can run fast or slow if he likes. (Tr, 277, 278 ; 373 D.) So with the wrestler, who falls of set purpose. (Tr. 279 ; 374 B.) So the better body can at will assume an uglier and more villainous expres- sion, like the good actor. (Tr. 279; 374 B.) An igno- rflnt man, when he wanted to say what was false, v’-ould unintentionally say what was true ; the wise man would lie when he had resolved to do so. (Tr. 268 ; 367 A.) The close of the dialogue declares again, that Socrates is always wandering up and down in a dreamy state of un- certainty, and no wonder if wise men like Hippias cannot free himself or others from this erratic state of mind? ION. Ion is the title of one of the shorter dialogues of Plato, which professes to have taken place between Socrates and a rhapsodist of this name, one of a class who sung or recited at public festivals or private rehearsals the poems popu- larly in vogue in their own day, chiefly Ho?peric or Epic. When printing was unknown and manuscripts costly, it is manifest that the knowledge of such compositions and the fostering the public taste must have depended largely on 204 PLATO. [Trans. men of this profession. Ion having come off first at Epi- daurus at the festival of ^sculapins, declares his reso- lution to win at the Panathensea ; whereupon Socrates tells him how much he envies his art, '^hich requires to keep up a good outside appearance, and to be familiar with most of the best poets, and especially Homer, the m#st divine of them. (Tr. 288 ; 530 B.) A rhapsodist should be ^he interpreter of his author, and Ion de- clares that no one ever uttered as many admirable thoughts about Homer as himself, or was so worthy to be crowned by the Homeridao with a golden crown. (Tr. 288, 289 ; 530 C, H.) Socrates questions him as to his knowledge of Hesiod, and the relative value of the two poets. (Tr. 290; 531 B, C.) This leads to the inquiry. What are the qualifications for a judge (Tr. 290 ; 531 A, B, C), and tests. (Tr. 291 ; 531 D, E.) Only the same man who knows when an author speaks badly will know who speaks well on the same topic. (Tr. 291 ; 532 A.) “ W hy,'’ asks Ion, “ do men all become awake when Homer is the theme?” (Tr. 292; 532 C.) So- crates thinks that the* judge of art is a good judge of all artistic excellence. (Tr. 293,. 294 ; 533 A, B, C.) The power of speaking on behalf of Homer is a divine power not in the man himself, but difiused through him like a magnetic influence, that makes a string of rings hang toge- ther in a chain. (Tr. 294, 295; 533 D; 534 A.) The poet is a light- winged ahd sacred thing, who can do no- thing except by inspiration or madness. (Tr. 296 ; 534 B.) Poets are the interpreters of the god by whom they are possessed. (Tr. 297 ; 534 E.) Transport^ of the reciter, with his hair on end, his heart bounding, and his eyes streaming with tears (Tr. 298 ; 535 C), extending to the hearers. (Tr. 299 ; 535 E.) And if Ion sets them laughing instead of weeping, VOL. IV.] ALCIBIADES L 205 he will, to his cost, get off with the loss of his fees. TTr. 298, 299 ; 535 E.) Allusion to the magnet. (536 A.) Ion’s boast of his knowledge of Homer. (Tr. 300 ; 536 E.) Driven into af corner. (Tr. 302 ; 538 B.) If he is such as he believes, why does ho not set up for a general rather than a rhapsodist ? (Tr. 307 ; 541 B, C.) Athens will adopt him, even though a foreigner and Ephesian. (*r. 307 ; 541 C.) Socrates charges him with beingf a wriggling Proteus, who evades his promises to reveal the beauties of Homer (Tr. 308 ; 541 E), and who walks off with a bounce and strut. (Ib.) ALCIBIADES I. IkiERE are two dialogues of Plato which bear the title of Alcibiades I. and 11., the object of which is to expose the vanity of his pretensions, to show that power and wealth are not the chief objects for human ambition, but modera- tion and righteousness. “ What we want is the knowledge of what is Best, the iTrKrrijfxrj p^kTLOToxr^ which is the profitable (Tr. 387-389 ; Alcib. II. ; 145, C, E ; 14G E), and which most men miss from trusting to opinion without reason.” (146 C.) In the first Alcibiades a good deal is said incidentally of the practice and usages of the LacedsBmonians and Persians, by Socrates. He indulj^es a sarcasm at those “ Who take more interest in the pursuits of Midias the quail trainer, and other gentlemen of the fancy, who en- deavour to take part in state affairs, having, as the ladies would say, the prison cut of hair in their soul§^ which they have not yet thrown off, and who have come, like barba- rians, to flatter and not to rule the state. Is Alcibiades to look to such, neglecting himself, rejecting the necessary 206 PLATO. [Trans, learning, and exercise, and preparation for a statesman ?” (Good examples of cognate verb and noun in concord.) (Tr. 340, 341 ; Alcib. I. 120 A, B.) Socrates asks, “ Is it not likely that better natural dispositions originate from noble stocks, and that those well sprung, if well brought up, will become perfect in /irtue? (Tr. 342; 120 D, E.) The kings of the Lace- daemonians and Persians trace their descent through Hercules and Achaemenes to Zeus. So do Alcibiades and Socrates trace theirs to Zeus through Eurysaces and Daedalus ; but the lines of Lacedaemonian and Per- sian sovereigns are wholly through kings from remote ages (121 A), while our ancestors were private men, contemptible by the side of the more imposing pomp and circumstance of those races (Tr. 343 ; 121 B), whose queens are carefully guarded, to see that no imposition us attempted, or are, in the case of the Persians, beyond sus- picion, and whose eldest sons are ushered into the world with universal feasting and sacrifice on the part of all Asia (121 C) ; but when we were born, as the comic poet says, not even our neighbour was the wiser ; we were only handed over to a common nurse, while the heir of Asia was com- mitted to the wisest eunuchs to fashion and compose his limbs, so as to ensure their beauty (Tr. 344 ; 121 D), taught to ride and hunt at seven, and at fourteen put under four selected teachers, the wisest, the most just, the most mode- rate, and most courageoifs ; of whom the first instructs him in the Magian lore of Zoroaster, son of Oromasdes ; the second requires him to adhere to truth throughout his whole life; the third trains him not to be mastered by pleasure, buf to be always truly regal; and the fourth renders him fearless and bold. (Tr. 345; 122 A, B.) If Alcibiades looks to the wealth and delicacies, and vest- ments with their long trains, to the anointings with costly VOL. IV.] ALCIBIADES II. 207 balsams, or the numerous followers and other magnificence of the Persians, he must feel ashamed of his own short- comings ; or if he would prefer to look to the wise mode- ration, the orderly arrangements, the dexterity, the con- tentment, the highmindedness, the discipline, courage, en- durance, love of labour and of emulation and of honour on the part of the Lacedaemonians, ho must regard him-ielf as a child by their side.” (Tr. 345 ; 122 C.) .• After this Socrates descants on their affluence in land, money, and slaves, and alludes to JSsop’s fable of the fox and lion, as illustrating the way in which gold and silver are observed to travel to Lacedaemon, but are never seen to come back again. (Tr. 345, 346; 122 D, E; 123 A.) “ All this, however, is nothing to the resources of the Persian king, where a whole territory is assigned to the queen’s cincture, and another for her veil, and several for her vestments.” (Tr. 347 ; 123 B, C.) And the sub- ject is pursued through (Tr. 348 ; 123 D, E ; 124 A). A go6d deal follows on self-insight and knowledge (Tr. 365 ; 132 C; 133 E), as well as want of knowledge of others, the chief requisite of the Statesman. (Tr. 368 ; 1 34, A, B. C.) ALCIBIADES II. Alcibiades II., a dialogue of Plain, which has come down to us as a genuine production of its author, is held between Socrates and Alcibiades on the subject of praying. The latter is looking serious and thoughtful on his way to the temple of the god, and is •interrogated by S^ocrates as to whether prayer is at all times, and by all persons, eifectual in procuring what is sought ? “ Ought we not to exercise considerable forethought in order not to pray for what will 208 PLATO. [Trans. prove evil, unknown to us? (Tr. 375 ; 138 A, B.) Thus (Edipus prayed that his children might divide their inheri- tance with the sword, and invoked curses on his own head, when he might have besought remission of his own evils.** “ Yes,’* says Alcibiades, “ but OEdipus was mad.” “ And all other persons are either mad or in their senses,” adds Soc rates ; “ and we have to draw the line of distinction between the-two classes. There are also others in health or ailing, and these comprise the whole of mankind, there being no intermediate condition. Is it the same with in- telligence and folly : must a man bo wise or foolish, or may he be neither the one nor the other ? (Tr. 370 ; 138, C, D ; 139 A.) If, then, insanity is contrary to being in one’s senses, and want of sense is likewise contrary, folly and madness must be the same, as a thing has not two contra- ries. (139 B.) The great mass of men are fools or, what you admit, madmen ; and, living in such an association, should we not have suffered all manner of personal ill- usage such as madmen are apt to inflict, and have long ago paid the penalty of the connexion? (Tr. 377, 378; 139 C.) “ We must modify our admissions. A man in bad health may not have experienced the worst disease. Ophthalmia is a disease, but every disease is not ophthalmia. Diseases are different in their effects, and there are degrees of them as there are grades in vulgar handicrafts. Folly has under- gone a like subdivisioni* Those who have most of it, we term mad ; othei s are only silly or thunderstruck. All degrees of spirit and incapacity are to be found amongst these, though they belong to the non-sensible class. (Tr. 378, 379 ; 139 D, E ; 140 A, B,*C, D.) “ Y/ell, then, do you mean, by persons of sense, those who understand what they are doing and saying, and how to do it, and by the insensate, those who do not?” VOL. IV.] ALCIBIADES II. 209 “ I do,” says Alcibiades. (Tr. 380 ; 140 E.) “ But (Edipus was only one of the latter sort. Many still living, though calm and without passion, pray for what will prove a curse, not knowing that it will be so ; though this was certainly not his case. Suppose, now, that, before you could open your lips, the deity to whom you are about to pray should ask, ‘ Will yoii^ be satisfied to be despot of Athens ?* and you sljould suggest, ‘ Of all Greece !’ aud the god should appoint you to be lord of all Europe, would you not be in a transport as if the happiest fortune had befallen you ?” (Tr. 380, 381 ; 141 A, B.) “ I should be only like the rest of mankind,” ob- serves Alcibiades. “ But,” adds Socrates, “you would not accept this power at the cost of life, and why should you do so if you were Jikely to make a bad use of it? (Tr. 381 ; 141 C.) Clearly, then, we should not accept a seeming good thoughtlessly, nor pray at random for what may turn out hurtful. Many are the tyrants that have lost their lives by conspiracy. Only lately a minion of the tyrant Archelaus slew his lover through ambitious views, and in a few days experienced a similar fate. Man}’' of our generals are exiles or have died in disgrace, or fallen beneath the tongue of informers, after all their doing and suffering in battle, and have been eager to enjoy again a private capacity. So, too, many have prayed for children, who have proved to be their greatest calamity, or who have been cut off in the moment of highest promise to the inconsolable grief of their parents. Notwithstanding, it is rare to meet with any who would refuse a proffered boon or would decline to pray for what prayer would pro- cure, or would reject despotic power when placed within their reach. * “ It is, in fact, not true that the gods are the authors of calamity, which is due to men’s crimes or infatuated • p PLATO, 210 [Trans. wislies. (Tr. 381, 382 ; 141 D, E ; 142 A, B, C, D, E.) He was a sensible poet who wrote : ‘ Thou sovereign Zeus, on us good gifts bestow Prayerless, or at thy footstool bending low ; But what thy wisdom knows would prove our hurt, Deaf to entreaty, let thy power avert.’ ” (Tj . 383; 143 A.) “How many evils,” observes Alci- biades, “ doer ignorance cause ! Strange that a man cannot pray for what is best for him !” To this Socrates demurs, “ As ignorance is sometimes a good as well as an evil. The ignorance of what is best is certainly an evil, but yet if Orestes had not known his mother, he would not have killed her; nor, were it your purpose to slay Pericles — I do not mean to hint that such is the case, — would you kill any one in his place who was unknown to you ; and, there- fore, were you ignorant of Pericles, 3 011 would avoid a crime.” (Tr. 383, 384; 143 B, C, D, E ; 144 A, B, C.) “ Consider,” says Socrates, “ that unless a man is possessed of the knowledge of what is best, other knowledge is mostly hurtful. When about to say or do a thing, we ought to know what we are going to say or do. But is this the case with oirr political speakers who counsel about war and peace, ur public improvements, and who are the prime movers in everything ? “ We agreed that the many were destitute of sense : and surely he is not a person of sense who does not know whether, and in what reispect, a given line of conduct is better. Kor is an abstract knowledge of war, or murder, or plunder, apart from its moral fitness, a mark of good sense. The knowledge of what is best, is what is benefi- cial. We terp the man who in every art knows what belongs to his art, its professor : for example, he is a rider, or boxer, or musician, but we do not regard this knowledge as one with intelligence. That state would be ill-adminis- VOL. IV.] ALCIBIADES II, 211 tered where specific arts, or mere abstmct knowledge, were all that went to constitute it, without a knowledge on some one’s part of what was best. Such a commonwealth, where every subordifiate art sought to get the ascendant, would be full of confusion and tumult. (Tr. 386, 387, 388, 389 ; 144 D, E ; 145 A,B, C, D, E ; 146 A.) We said that the mass were senseless, trusting to opinion rather than clear insight. '•!£, then, by doing what they know or fanc}^ thfy know, the multitude is likely to injure itself, it were better for them not to know or not to fancy the}' do know. “Thus the possession of other sciences, as was said above, if unaccompanied with the knowledge of what is best, is mostly injurious. (Tr. 389, 390; 146 B, C, D, E.) A state or a human soul, if it is to live as it ought, must stick to this knowledge, as the patient tb his physician, or the voyager to his pilot, if he would avoid the dangers of storm or drifting on the rocks. (Tr. 391; 147 A.) The poet speaks of one who knew many trades, but all badly. Poetry is mostly enig- matical, and I presume that the writer meant to say that the knowledge of these trades was bad for him, Margites.” On this, Alcibiades, wh(i had previously spoken of the verse as inapplicable to the reasoning, changes his mind, and is twitted by Socrates for his instability, and he now again questions him as to how he would act if the deity should make him the offer alluded to above (Tr. 380 ; 141 A, B), before he put up his petition, or what he would do if left to himself to ask? (Tr. 391, 392, 393 ; 147B, C, D, E; 148 A.) On this, Alcibiades expresses hesitation, and thinks that “ The answer is one requiring great caution.” (Tr. 393 ; 148 B.). Socrates cites the case of the Lacedmmonians, “ Who pray to the gods alone for what is beautiful as well as good. Even where they have been unfortunate, 212 PLATO. [Trans. though a rare event, it cannot be traced to any foolish urgency on their parts. (Tr- 394 ; 148 C.) The story goes, that when the Athenians were always unsuc- cessful in encountering the Lacedaemonians,* they resolved to send an embassy to the god Ammon, to inquire the cause, notwithstanding the many and costly sacrifices, dedi- caifjry offerings and splendid processions which were always takir.g place in Athens. His answer was, that ‘ The gods preferred the simple address of the Lacedae- monians to the pompous ritual of their adversaries, and their gilded victims.’ (Tr. 394, 395 ; 148 D, E ; 149 A, B, C. So Homer. See Art. Prayer) : ‘ Sweet was the smell, but vain the purf)Ose all, , The gods immortal feast not at the rail : For sacred Troy, and Troy’s imperious lord, And spear-armed host of Priam are abhorred.’ & The nature of the deity is not to be soothed by presents like a corrupt judge. The soul of the worshipper is re- garded, not his sacrifices. Nothing is easier than to sin, and with its produce to offer blandishments to the gods. Kighteousness and intellect is what they prize, and only the sensible and npright know how to propi- tiate both gods and men.” (Tr. 395, 390; 149 D, E; loO A, B.) “ Well, then, we must wait till these endowments are ours ; but when,” asks Alcibiades, “ will this happy time arrive, and who is ‘to be my teacher?” ‘‘One who cares for you ; but his first operation must be to take the mist from your eyes, to enable 3 ^ou to discern good and evil.” “ I am quite ready,” says Alcibiades, “ and I will wait till thp change is effected. (Tr. 396, 397, 398 ; 150 C, D, E ; 151 A.) Accordingly, Socrates, as you give me good counsel I shall deck your brows with this chaplet, and offer crowns to the gods in due season, praying that VoL. IV.] THEAGES. 213 the time may soon arrive.” “ I accept j^our gift,” adds Socrates, “ as I shall always value anything conferred by you ; and I am reminded of Creon, who has been made to say by Euripides, on his seeing Tiresias decked with gar- lands, and hearing that he bore them off as first fruits of victory, by virtue of his art, ‘I accept as an omen thy crowns, that tell of success in battle.’ We lie, as you kpgw, at the mercy of the waves ; thus I, too, acc^t a chaplet from you as a mark of favourable opinion and good omen. And I deem myself in no less a crisis than Creon, and long, as one of your admirers, to be the announcer of vic- tory.” (Tr. 398; 151 B, C.) THEAGES. Theages, a short dialogue reckoned amongst those that are genuine, supposed to be held between Socrates and Demo- docus, accompanied by his son Theages. The father begs the philosopher to step into the portico of Zeus Eleutherius with him for a short conference. The former opens with some remarks on the great care that plants and animals, children among the rest, r^yjuire in their rearing, ^r. 401 ; 121 A, B.) “My boy here wants to become a wise man and to follow the example of some of his associates in at- tending on the lessons of a sophist, for pay. I don’t care about the money, but I have my fears for the result. I do not like to thwart him, so I ^fm glad to have met you opportunely in order to ask j our advice.” (Tr. 402 ; 121 C, D; 122 A.) “ Conference,” says Socrates, “ is a divine thing, and so is the consulting about the education of ourselves or those dear to us. But let us see that we mean the same thing. (Tr. 402 ; 122 B.) Let us ask the young man himself what it is he wants.” Socrates approves the name 214 PLATO, [Trans. of the stripling as a very nice one, and is told, in reply to a question, that he wants to be wise. (Tr. 403 ; 122 C. D.) “ Wise, however, in what ? No doubt j^our father has had you taught the usual accomplishments.” i- “ My father knows well what 1 want,” replies the youth, “but he opposes my wishes. (Tr. 403 ; 123 A.) I want to be made wi^ in governing men.” (Tr. 404 ; 123 B, C, JJ.) “Do you mean sic^ men, or singing men, or gymnasts?” “Well, others besides these.” (Tr. 405; 124 A.) “ You are not,, then, speaking of men employed in horticulture, or farm- ing, or of carpenters and turners, but of all these and many more taken together?” “Yes.” “You mean to govern like .(Egisthus, Peleus, Periander, Archelaus, and Hippias ?” “Quite so.” (Tr. 406 ; 124 B, C, D.) “What name was assigned to Bacis, the Sibyl, and Amphilytus ?” “ Oracle singers.” “What to Hippias and Periander?” “Why, tyrants, I suppose,” “ You desire, then, O scapegrace ! to play the tyrant over us, and find fault with your old father /or not com- plying with your whim? And you, Demodocus, are you not ashamed to have thwarted so reasonable an ambition ? Let us confer, then, as to who^ will make a wise tyrant of him. (Tr. 407 ; 124 E ; 12.3 A.) You know Euripides says — ‘ Tyrants aro wise by consort with the wise/ Do you want to enjoy the society of one who follows the same pursuit as Callicrete, daughter of Cyane, who was versed in the arts of tyranny?” “You are only bur- lesquing me, Socrates,” rejoins Theages. (Tr. 408; 125 B, C, D, E.) “ But you want to be a tyrant ?” “ Yes ; and so would you and other men, if the chance came in your way ; but I am not doggedly bent on this. I do not want to rule men by force, but with their own consent.” “ What I VOL. IV.] TffEAGES. 215 like Themistocles, Pericles, and Cimon ?” “ Ay, by Zens, that’s it !” (Tr. 409 ; 126 A.) “ Well, then, you must study under such statesmen as are first-rate politicians and have hac^ experience in home and foreign affairs.” (Tr. 409 ; 126 B, C.) “ Only I hear, Socrates, that you say that the sons of these men were no better than those of common craftsmen ; and if they could not benefit their own s^is, I am sure they could not be of use to me.” ^ D) “ If the difficulty is so great,” says Socrates, “ why blame your father for indecision, seeing he will put you under the best rulers you may select, by which you may save your money and gain repute, more than you would as the pupil of a sophist?” (Tr. 410; 126 E; 127 A.) “ Suppose, Socrates, you let me come under you.” “ Ex- cellently spoken !” said Demodocus ; “lot me join my en- treaties to those of my son.” (Tr. 411 ; 127 B, C.) “But why, Demodocus, should I be able to better him more than yourself ; you my senior, and a man skilled in official posts? Then, if he does not care for statesmen, there are Prodicus of Ceos, Gorgias the Leontine, and Polus the Agri gen tine, who are ve^y popular, and will "tA.arge a round sum as fee ; while I know nothing more than all men do.” (Tr. 411,412; 127 D,E; 128 A, B.) “Socrates is not willing to meet my wishes, father,” says Theages, “ though he has been of vast use to others of my age, and might be tome.” (Tr. 412; 128*C.) “The reason of this is,” observes Socrates, “ that my daemon will not permit me, and I must not oppose him.” Hereupon Socrates relates fatal consequences that at- tended on disobeying this intimation. “ There was the example of Oharmides, the beautiful son of Glaucon, who persisted in a competition in the stadium at Nemea (Tr. 413 ; 1 28 E) ; that also of Timarchus, who perpetrated a deed 216 PLATO, [Trans. whicli cost him his life, in opposition to the warning. (Tr. 414 ; 129 A, B, C.) The case, too, of the destruction of our army in Sicily, and that of Sannio, gone with Thrasyllus to the war in Ephesus and Ionia, which will probably issue in disaster. (Tr. 414 ; 129 D.) True there is an opposite side to the picture. Aristides, the son of Lysimachus, represents hiiipself as having greatly benefited by being near and touching mec though he never learnt anything directly from mo. (Tr. 415, 416; 130 A, B, C, D.) Over all this I have no control, and the daemon turns the inter- course to good account or not, as pleases him.” “This,” says Theages, “ then, is what I will do : make trial of the daemon by keeping near you ; and if he is propitious, all will be as I wish ; if not, I will try and appease the divinity by prayer and sacrifice, and do what the prophets advise.” “So let it be,” says Socrates. (Tf. 416 ; 131 A.) This notion of wisdom flowing over by means of contact rather than oral communication is again touched on. (VoL iii. Tr. 480 ; Syrnp. 175 D.) THE IHVaLS. This short dialogue, enumerated in the list of the genuine ones by Thrasyllus, and which Mr. Grote sees no reason for rejecting as spurious, is supposed to be carried on by Socrates and two others v^ho are only designated as above. Socrates falls in with certain youths, in the school of Dio- nysius, who are described as very prepossessing in appear- ance, of good parentage, and much admired. In explana- tion of their ^earnestness in some discussion with which they are occupied, one of the admirers, who is standing by, informs Socrates that they are merely wasting their time in philosophizing or speculating about the motions of the VOL. IV.] THE RIVALS. 217 heavenly bodie*?, probably. (Tr. 419, 420; 132 A, B.) Another rival admirer begs that Socrates will not be sur- prised at so illiberal a reply, because the man who made it is one of those'^ho think only of feats of bodily strength and stuffing and wasting his time in bed. (Tr. 420, 421 ; 1 32 C, D.) This second admirer is the type of one who believes himself to be a philosopher and so turns upon himself attention of Socrates, who asks, “ \\ hether o# no philoso- phizing is in his idea honourable ?” This has the effect of putting a stop to the original discussion between the handsome youths, who now become listeners ; and Socrates here takes occasion 1o express his own admiration for youth and beauty of person. One of the rival admirers, doubtless he who has spoken last, asserts in loud terms that he does regard philosophizing as honourable. (Tr. 421 ; 133 A, B.) • “ But is it possible,” says Socrates, “ for a man to know the value of a pursuit who is ignorant what it is itself?” “ Surely not,” observes the respondent. “ 1 accept the view of Solon, that it is to grow old learning.” (Tr. 422 ; 133 C.) This reply is hardly satisfactory, and Socrates fur- ther asks “ W hether philosophy is» one with much learn- ing, and whether it is goo^ as well as honourable? This goodness, however, is not peculiar to philosophy. The love of gymnastic exercises is likewise good and honourable. If philosophy and much learning are one and the same, so will much toil and the love of exercise for the good of the body be identical. (Tr. 422 ; *133 D, E.) This being so, the first rival, who is devoted to the gymnasium, ought to be able to say something on the matter. Let him tell us whether the body attains its best condition thiough much or little labour.” This elicits from him the expression of a preference for moderate exertion ; and Socrates excites a laugh from the youths who are listening, at the expense of the philosophic rival, by a quaint sketch of the gaunt 218 PLATO. [Trans. bodily aspect of the philosopher, Democritus or some popular sage of the time, possibly. (Tr. 423 ; 134 A, B.) The second of these rivals, though he will concede nothing to the first, “ Will admit, for the sake of Socrates, that moderate exer- tion and moderate food arc better for the body than excess of either, and that this is specially so in respect of the soul. Thus it is a moderate amount of learning, rather than much, which is the more beneficial. (Tr. 424 ; 1 34 C, D.)' As we consult the physician, or the trainer, or agriculturist, about diet, and exercise, and planting, so must there bo sr)rae one who can explain what is moderate in mental husbandry.” W ho the fitting person is, is not so eas^^ to be described ; and Socrates makes a playful allusion to the youths, as fit to come to the rescue, and to the lines Horn. Odys. xxi. 285, referring to the scene where the bow of Ulysses is placed in his hands in presence of the suitors. (Tr. 425 ; 135 A.) Socrates now asks, “ What kinds of learning are most suitable for the philosopher ?” and the sager of the rivals “ Thinks they should be as many of the highest class and as intellectual as possible.” (135 B.) “ But are we in this respect to act as w.e should in the case of a carpenter, who caft be got readily for five, or six minae, while a good architect could only be acquired for ten thousand drachmse?” “ I do not mean,” says the respondent, “ that the philoso- pher is to know the art of carpentry or. architecture like a professional man, but only to comprehend in a general way more about these and all Other arts than the mere ordinary person.” (Tr. 426 ; 137 C, D.) “ You mean,” says Socrates, “ a kind of pentathlete, who would gain the best prize for general proficiency, but not be the best runner, or wrestler, or boxer. (Tr. 426 ; 135 E.) In other words, your philo- sopher is to be second in everything, while all others are only best in one department.” This is admitted to be the proper view of the case. (Tr. 426 j 136 A.) VOL. IV.] TEE RIVALS. 219 Again Socrates propounds his question otherwise : “ Does the interlocutor regard good persons to be those who are useful or useless? If they are the useful, the useless must he bad. To which class do the philoso- phers belong ?” “ The most useful/’ is the reply. “ How can philosophers be useful if they are all second-rate and inferior to individuals exclusively pursuing a speo^l calling? (Tr. 427 ; 136 B, C.) If you were ilj, you would not call in the philosopher, but the physician.” “ I would call both,” says the wiser of the rivals. “ Yet you would call in one in preference to the other : and so in every other case. (136 D.) Thus the philosopher is useless; and we agreed that what was useless was bad. (136 E.) We are, therefore, got into a dilemma. (Tr. 428 ; 137 A.) “ Will it not hence appear, that philosophizing is not meddling with many arts, nor poring with head and eyes bent on mechanical work, which is usually regarded as a reproach ? (137 B.) In the case of horses and dogs, the art that makes them better is that which chastises them, and knows the good and the vicious in practice. (137 C.) So with mankind : the art which discriminates character and knows how to discipline is t^at which betters men. ^37 D.) That science which punishes the lawless and vicious is the judicial ; and what applies in the case of one holds good in that of the many. The horse, and ox, and dog, not recognising any moral classification of good or bad, cannot tell to what class they themselveft belong. Nor can a man who cannot distinguish bad from good be differently cir- cumstanced. (Tr. 420 ; 137 E.) “ It is this knowledge of self to which the Delphic precept points. And the same science teaches proper discipline. Justice, or righteousness and moderation, or sound-mindedness are the same. (Tr. 429, 430 ; 138 A, B.) This correct administration is the distinguishing cha- 220 PLATO. [Trans. racteristio of the statesman, tyrant, king, steward, master, who are on a par with the just man and the sound - minded. (Tr. 430 ; 138 C.) Well, then, will it not be dis-^ graceful that the philosopher should not knew how to dis- cover that the physician is giving good advice, or that the artizan, or the ruler, and the judge is talking sensibly on m^^tters of his profession ? Is he merely second-rate in judg- ing of such^isubjects, or is he to decline the mastery of his own house and abrogate the office of judge and ad- ministrator, when any question is submitted for his award ? (Tr. 430, 431 ; 138 D, E.) It will follow, then, that phi- losophizing is not being a walking lexicon nor a jack-of- all-trades.” And on the announcement of this conclusion, the Sager rival has nothing to reply, while his more uncultivated co-rival joins in the general approval with which it is greeted. (Tr. 431 ; 139 A.) IlIPPAKCHUS. ; is the title of one of Plato’s dialogues which' is chiefly concerned with determining the character and nature of gain or the gainful. Ko good skilful leader employs what is worthless. That which is of no value is never sought except through ignorance. The lovers of good aro lovers of gain. , Again, some gain is, for the sake of argument, conceded to bo good ; other gain, evil. What is there in common between good and bad gain ? All men love gain, good as well as evil. 'No positive conclusion is established out of the conflicting statements. The oppo- nent is compelled, not persuaded. It occupies Tr. 435 to 44fl ; 225 A to 232 C. VOL. IV.] ( 221 ) MINOS. Minos, a canonical dialogue of Plato on law, carried on between Socrates and a friend. It commences abruptly, with the question, “ What is law — law in its universal application?” To which the friend replies, “ What islets- lated.” (Tr. 449 ; 313 A, B.) But as speech is *not what is spoken, sight not what is seen, nor hearing what is heard, so law cannot be wliat law enacts. (Tr. 450 ; 313 C.) The friend again defines law to be “dogmas and decrees.” (Tr. 450 ; 314 A, B.) Thus law, then, would be political opinion. (Tr. 451 ; 3l4C, D.) But this is too sweeping, as a bad dogma cannot be law. (Tr. 452 ; 314 E.) Yet Socrates thinks law is a kind of opinion ; one that is gt>od ; that is, true, (lb.) This true opinion is a discovery of Ens^ the actual. “ Why, then,” asks the friend, “ do we not always use the same law about the same matters?” (Tr. 452; 315 A.) To this Socjratcs replies, “ Because we are not always able to find out what Eiis, the actual, the law aims at. (Tr. 452 ; 315 ^B.) Clearly, different*- people do not use the same laws : we do not sacrifice human vic- tims like the Carthaginians, nor offer our children to Cronus; then, again, there ar«e our fimeial rites compared with those of the persons who buried their dead in their houses.” (Tr. 453 ; 315 C, D.) •This long statement and reply will be of no avail. (Tr. 453 ; 315 E.) Socrates asks, “ Do you think the just unjust, and the unjust just, or the reverse? All persons think as we do. So in Persia, so about light and heavy, so about the beautiful and ugly, whether in Carthage or Lycia. (Tr. 454; Sid A, B.) We, equally with others, hold that there are reals and unreals.” But the friend says he can hardly be persuaded of this, 222 PLATO. [Trans. |
3848561_1 | Caselaw_Access_Project | Public Domain | LEISURE, District Judge:
Plaintiff Puro International of New Jersey Corp. ("Puro") processes raw down and feathers, and deals in finished down products such as jackets, vest, comforters and pillows. Puro has brought this action against its insurer, defendant California Union Insurance Co. ("Cal-Union"), to recover under its insurance policy for damages to Puro's down and feather inventory caused by sprinkler leakage. Cal-Union, while not disputing the fact that plaintiff's sprinkler system failed and that its goods were damaged, has moved for partial summary judgment, arguing that the terms of Puro's insurance policy limit recovery for "water damage" to $100,000. Plaintiff opposes defendant's motion and has filed a cross-motion for summary judgment, arguing that the policy places no limit on recovery for "sprinkler leakage damage," which Puro characterizes as a distinct peril not encompassed by its policy's limitation on "water damage." Alternatively, Puro argues that the language of the limitation clause is materially ambiguous, and that plaintiff should be given the opportunity to demonstrate the distinction between "water damage" and "sprinkler leakage damage" at trial.
It is undisputed that Puro purchased insurance policy number ZPM010212 ("policy") from Cal-Union for a premium of $32,-500. This policy had an inception date of November 19, 1983 and an expiration date of November 19, 1984.
The policy provided coverage at five designated locations. It was an "all risk" policy, meaning that it covered damage to all real and personal property at those locations, subject to specified exclusions and limitations. The policy's maximum insurance coverage was $1,000,000.
The policy also excluded certain perils. Among these excluded perils was: "Loss or damage to personal property resulting from . leakage . unless such loss or damage is caused directly by . sprinkler leakage." Policy (Perils Excluded ¶ 12) at 2.
Although the standard policy adopted by Puro and Cal-Union ordinarily excludes general water damage, this exclusion was voided by the parties. See Policy (Perils Excluded 113) at 1. Thus, the policy covered water damage, but not without limitation. The policy also provided that Cal-Union's liability for water damage would be limited to $250,000 at location no. 4, and limited to $100,000 at the other four locations (nos. 1, 2, 3, 5). See Policy (Endorsement # 2).
The events leading up to the damage suffered by Puro are not in dispute. On December 28, 1983, Puro suffered a loss at its premises on 1080 Madison Street in Hoboken, New Jersey, designated in the insurance policy as location number 5.
At location number 5, Puro has a dry-pipe sprinkler system, meaning that the pipes fill with air rather than water until the system is activated. Puro's sprinkler system is interconnected with a wet-pipe sprinkler system in the adjacent premises. On December 28, 1983, an alarm sounded in the adjacent premises causing water to fill Puro's dry-pipe sprinkler system. The alarm was classified as false and its cause remains unknown. Subsequently, the water that had filled the dry-pipe system in Puro's premises froze, thereby expanding and rupturing the pipes. As the ice thawed, water flowed through the ruptured pipes onto Puro's property, damaging Puro's inventory of feathers and down. The parties do not dispute the occurrence of these events; nor do they dispute that the physical cause of the damage was the water that came into contact with Puro's property.
In its motion for summary judgment, Cal-Union argues that since plaintiff's goods were damaged by contact with water, the loss was caused by "water damage" and Cal-Union's maximum liability under the policy is $100,000. Cal-Union contends that the term "water damage" is unambiguous, and so it is entitled to summary judgment as a matter of law.
In its cross-motion for summary judgment, Puro argues that the legal cause of its damage should be determined by the precipitating cause which sets into motion the chain of events that produces the ultimate loss. Thus, the fact that water was the immediate cause of the loss is not dis-positive. Here, the precipitating cause of the loss was leakage from the sprinkler system. Therefore, according to Puro, the legal cause of the damage was sprinkler leakage, and the policy's limitation on liabil ity for water damage should be found inapplicable as a matter of law.
Puro also argues that the policy's limitation on liability is inapplicable because "sprinkler leakage" is a distinct peril from "water damage." In support of this proposition, Puro relies on case law, trade usage and the use of the term in the policy itself. To buttress its trade usage argument, Puro cites a bulletin published by the National Underwriters Company which distinguishes sprinkler leakage insurance from other types of insurance. In support of its argument based on the use of the term in the policy, Puro notes that the policy addresses general water damage and sprinkler leakage damage in two separate sections, thus suggesting that the parties themselves regarded these perils as distinct. Compare Policy (Perils Excluded ¶ 3) with Policy (Perils Excluded 1112). According to Puro, had Cal-Union desired to limit the recovery of all loss resulting from water damage, from whatever source, it could have included such language in the policy.
The central issue on these cross-motions for summary judgment — indeed, the only matter seriously in dispute between Puro arid Cal-Union — is whether, as a matter of contract interpretation, the policy's limitation on Cal-Union's liability for "water damage" may fairly be applied to damages suffered by Puro as a result of "sprinkler leakage."
It does not appear that the term "water damage" is clearly defined under the law of New Jersey, either by case law or by statute. For the purpose of a summary judgment determination, however, this Court need not determine the actual mean ing of the term. It is necessary only to determine whether the term "water damage" is unambiguous, thus eliminating any question of fact. Katinsky v. Radio Shack Div. of Tandy Corp., 524 F.Supp. 807, 812 (D.N.J.1980), aff'd mem., 673 F.2d 1300 (3d Cir.1981).
In determining whether "water damage" is an unambiguous term, the Court is greatly influenced by the decision in Goldbaum v. Bank Leumi Trust Co. of New York, 543 F.Supp. 434 (S.D.N.Y.1982) (Duffy, J.). In Goldbaum, a case governed by New York law, the plaintiff brought suit to recover for damage caused by water from defendant's sprinkler system. The defendant moved for summary judgment, arguing that the parties' lease agreement specifically excluded liability for water damage. Id. at 436. The Court denied summary judgment, however, on the grounds that a genuine issue of material fact existed with respect to whether loss from "water" was meant to cover only rainstorms, floods and other natural phenomenon or whether it also included water from sprinkler systems. Id.
Cal-Union attempts to distinguish Goldbaum on the grounds that it involved a bailment agreement rather than an insurance contract. Such a formal distinction ignores the fact that courts have adopted a similar approach towards ambiguities in these two types of agreements. Accordingly, I am inclined to agree with the determination in Goldbaum that the term "water" is ambiguous, and that plaintiff should be given the opportunity to resolve the contractual ambiguity at trial. See id.
Thus, it is clear that Cal-Union is not entitled to summary judgment in its favor. It is equally clear, however, that Puro— having demonstrated the ambiguity of the term "water damage" to this Court's satisfaction — is not entitled to summary judgment in its favor. As the Second Circuit recently stated:
In an action on a contract . summary judgment is perforce improper unless the terms of the agreement are "wholly unambiguous." . Accordingly, unless the moving party can establish th[a]t contractual language is not "susceptible of at least two fairly reasonable meanings," . a material issue exists concerning the parties' intent, and the non-moving party has a right to present extrinsic evidence regarding the meaning of the contested term.
Wards Co. v. Stamford Ridgeway Associates, 761 F.2d 117, 120 (2d Cir.1985) (Kaufman, J.) (citations omitted).
In the instant case, it cannot seriously be argued that the term "water damage" is wholly unambiguous. The meaning that Cal-Union wants ascribed to that term, one that would encompass damage from "sprinkler leakage," is certainly not unreasonable, especially since it appears to be consistent with New York law. See N.Y.Ins.Law § 1113(a)(6) (McKinney 1985). Similarly, the meaning advocated by Puro, based on evidence relating to trade usage and the language of the contract itself, cannot be considered unreasonable. Thus, "a material issue exists concerning the parties' intent," id., and this Court is precluded from granting summary judgment in either party's favor.
The meaning of the term "water damage" contained in Puro's insurance policy is on the present record ambiguous; the issue must be resolved at trial. See Katinsky v. Radio Shack Div. of Tandy Corp., 524 F.Supp. 807, 812 (D.N.J.1980), aff'd mem., 673 F.2d 1300 (3d Cir.1981). Accordingly, the cross-motions for summary judgment are denied.
. Federal subject matter jurisdiction is based on diversity of citizenship, 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Cal-Union has impleaded T & T Realty Company, the alleged owner of the premises where Puro's goods were damaged. This third-party action has no bearing on the motions presently before the Court.
. As previously noted, supra at 3, the parties voided the exclusion relating to general water damage, but elsewhere provided that such liability would be limited to $100,000 or $250,000, depending on the location at which the damage occurred.
. Puro asserts that this action is governed by New Jersey law. Cal-Union has not contested this assertion, though it cites case law from New York, New Jersey and other jurisdictions (including Canada). Given Cal-Union's near-acquiesence to Puro's position that New Jersey law controls, this Court might well be justified in applying New Jersey law without further inquiry. Cf. Lehman v. Dow Jones & Co., 783 F.2d 285, 294 (2d Cir.1986) (Friendly, J.).
In any event, under New York's conflict of law rules, which this Court is bound to apply in diversity actions, see, e.g., Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. v. General Time Corp., 704 F.2d 80, 82 (2d Cir.1983), New Jersey's substantive law on insurance policies appears to be controlling. New York courts have traditionally resolved conflict of law issues involving insurance policies by applying the law of the state which the parties understood would be the principal location of the insured risk and the one most intimately concerned with the outcome of the litigation. Steinbach v. Aetna Casualty and Surety Co., 81 A.D.2d 382, 385, 440 N.Y.S.2d 637, 640 (1st. Dept. 1981); see Aetna Casualty, supra, 704 F.2d at 82.
Here, the insured risk (location number 5) was located in New Jersey. In addition, New Jersey's interest in protecting the rights of Puro, a domestic corporation whose insured goods were damaged within the state, is clearly superi- or to any interest New York may be said to have in this litigation. Indeed, New York's connection to the present litigation is marginal; the most that can be said is that Cal-Union is a California corporation doing business in New York and that one of Puro's five insured locations is situated in New York (compared to three which are situated in New Jersey). Under the circumstances, it is obvious that New Jersey is the state most intimately concerned with the outcome of the litigation, and this Court has no qualms in applying New Jersey law.
. In contrast, New York insurance law defines "water damage" as:
insurance against loss or damage by water or other fluid or substance to any property resulting from the breakage or leakage of sprinklers, pumps or other apparatus erected for extinguishing fires or of water pipes or other conduits or containers, or resulting from casual water entering through leaks or openings in buildings or by seepage through building walls, but excluding loss or damage resulting from flood or the rising of the waters of the ocean or its tributaries; and including insurance against accidental injury of such sprinklers, pumps, fire apparatus, conduits or containers.
N.Y.Insur.L. § 1113(a)(6) (McKinney 1985) (emphasis added). Arguably, if this action were governed by New York law, this statute (which neither party cited to the Court) would have eliminated the ambiguity concerning the definition of "water damage" and compelled this Court to render summary judgment in defendant's favor.
. In bailment agreements, ambiguous terms are construed strictly against the bailee, particularly when the bailee drafted the agreement. Goldbaum, 543 F.Supp. at 436. Similarly, under New Jersey law, terms in insurance contracts are construed strictly against the drafter. See, e.g., Allen v. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 44 N.J. 294, 305-06, 208 A.2d 638, 644 (1965); Meier v. New Jersey Life Ins. Co., 480 A.2d 919, 924, 195 N.J.Super. 478 (App.Div.1984).
. Because it is "perforce improper" to grant summary judgment in a contract action if the terms of the agreement are materially ambiguous, Wards Co., supra, 761 F.2d at 120; see Wells Fargo Asia Ltd. v. Citibank, N.A., 612 F.Supp. 351, 357 (S.D.N.Y.1985), there is no need to consider further Puro's argument that summary judgment should be granted in its favor because the precipitating cause of the damage to plaintiffs goods was "sprinkler leakage" rather than "water damage.".
8029552_1 | courtlistener | Public Domain | JUSTICE LEAPHART
delivered the Opinion of the Court.
¶1 Fred Haux (Haux) appeals the District Court’s order dismissing his suit against Montana Rail Link, Inc., (MRL). We reverse in part and affirm in part.
¶2 The issues on appeal are restated as follows:
¶3 1. Whether § 39-2-703, MCA, expressly provides for a cause of action regarding mismanagement?
¶4 2. Whether Haux’s claim is barred by the statute of limitations?
Factual and Procedural Background
¶5 Haux was employed by MRL as a railroad engineer and trainman. In November of 1999, MRL held an employee picnic outside the MRL depot in Helena. Haux assisted setting up for this picnic and also helped with cooking and serving food. Haux left the picnic in the morning and when he returned that night to report for work, he notice uncooked hamburger left over from the picnic in boxes on the picnic table. On his way out of the locker room, Haux noticed that some hamburger had been removed. Haux proceeded to place some of the hamburger in his truck and some in his tool box in the back of his truck “[t]o secure the hamburger from theft[.]” When Haux returned from his train rim early the next morning, the police arrested him for taking the hamburger. He was subsequently fired from his job.
¶6 Haux filed a complaint in which he alleged that his firing was negligent and malicious (in violation of § 39-2-703, MCA) and part of a general business practice designed to fire employees without cause. He also alleged MRL’s conduct violated Montana Constitution Article II, Section 3 (inalienable right to pursue life’s basic necessities). *458Alleging that MRL’s actions were malicious, fraudulent and intentional, he claimed punitive damages pursuant to § 27-1-221, MCA.
¶7 MRL moved for judgment on the pleadings. The District Court cited Dillon v. Great Northern Ry. Co. (1909), 38 Mont. 485, 100 P. 960, as precedent and determined “that the statute did not create a new cause of action, but merely extended a right of a prior, existing cause of action to include damages for injuries caused by fellow-servants.” The court determined our treatment of § 39-2-703, MCA, in Winslow v. Montana Rail Link, 2000 MT 292, 302 Mont. 289, 16 P.3d 992, “did not consider whether the statute provided an independent cause of action.”
¶8 The court concluded that § 39-2-703, MCA, does not provide an independent cause of action and granted MRL’s motion for judgment on the pleadings. The court also granted MRL judgment on the pleadings regarding violation of the Montana Constitution because the court determined “[u]nless specifically provided otherwise, the constitution protects citizens against state action, not against actions by a private citizen.”
¶9 Because it ruled in favor of MRL on other grounds, the court did not rule on MRL’s allegation that the statute of limitations barred Haux’s claim. Haux appeals. We reverse in part and affirm in part.
¶10 Issue 1: The single legal issue presented by Haux is whether § 39-2-703, MCA, expressly provides for a cause of action regarding mismanagement?
¶11 MRL goes to great lengths to persuade this Court that neither the history of § 39-2-703, MCA, nor this Court’s previous interpretation of similar text support a conclusion that the statute creates a cause of action. Section 39-2-703, MCA, provides as follows:
(1) Every person or corporation operating a railway or railroad in this state is hable for all damages sustained by any employee of such person or corporation in consequence of the neglect of any other employee thereof or by the mismanagement of any other employee thereof and in consequence of the willful wrongs, whether of commission or omission, of any other employee thereof when such neglect, mismanagement, or wrongs are in any manner connected with the use and operation of any railway or railroad on or about which he is employed. No contract which restricts such liability is legal or binding.
*459(2) In case of the death of any such employee in consequence of any injury or damage so sustained, the right of action provided by subsection (1) shall survive and may be prosecuted and maintained by his heirs or personal representatives.
(3) Every railway corporation doing business in this state, including electric railway corporations, is liable for damages sustained by an employee thereof within this state, subject to the provisions of 27-1-702, when such damages are caused by the negligence of any train dispatcher, telegraph operator, superintendent, master mechanic, yardmaster, conductor, engineer, motorman, or any other employee who has superintendence of any stationary or hand signal.
(4) No contract of insurance, relief, benefit, or indemnity in case of injury or death or any other contract entered into, either before or after the injury, between the person injured and any of the employers named in subsection (3) is a bar or defense to any cause of action brought under the provisions of this section, except as otherwise provided in the Workers’ Compensation Act.
Section 39-2-703, MCA (emphasis added).
¶12 As we have continuously stated, “[t]he rules of statutory construction require the language of a statute to be construed according to its plain meaning.” Ravalli County v. Erickson, 2004 MT 35, ¶ 11, 320 Mont. 31, ¶ 11, 85 P.3d 772, ¶ 11. If the language is clear, unambiguous, direct and certain, the statute speaks for itself, no further interpretation is required, and there is nothing left for the court to construe. Ravalli County, ¶ 12.
¶13 A plain reading of the language of § 39-2-703, MCA, clearly indicates this section does more than merely eliminate the fellow-servant defense to common-law causes of action as determined by the District Court. It provides for a cause of action for mismanagement. The statute, § 39-2-703(2), MCA, states that “[i]n case of the death of any such employee in consequence of any injury or damage so sustained, the right of action provided by subsection (1) shall survive and may be prosecuted and maintained by his heirs or personal representatives[.]” (Emphasis added.) Likewise, § 39-2-703(4), MCA, states “[n]o contract of insurance ... between the person injured and any of the employers named in subsection (3) is a bar or defense to any cause of action brought under the provisions of this section ...” (Emphasis added.)
¶14 Although MRL argues, quoting Dillon, 38 Mont, at 504,100 P. at 966, that the “legislature did not intend to create any new right of *460action, but merely recognized a right of action existing at common law, and sought to make that right available, notwithstanding the negligence of a fellow-servant[,]” the language of the statutory section clearly provides for a right of action for mismanagement. Section 39-2-703(1), MCA. Nothing in the language of the section supports a conclusion that the statute was designed solely to eliminate the fellow-servant defense.
¶15 As can be seen from the statutory language of § 39-2-703, MCA, the railroad is liable for all damages sustained by any railroad employee by the mismanagement of any other railroad employee when such mismanagement is connected with the use and operation of the railroad. Section 39-2-703(1), MCA. We need not entertain any other arguments regarding what the statute could mean when the language clearly states what the statute does mean. The language is clear, unambiguous, direct and certain; no further interpretation is required. Ravalli County, ¶¶ 11-12. The plain meaning of the language in § 39-2-703(1), MCA, requires that a railroad be held hable for mismanagement. Ravalli County, ¶ 11; § 39-2-703(1), MCA.
¶16 The plain language in the current code section controls and we will not look beyond this plain language. Ravalli County, ¶¶ 11-12. We reiterate that courts should not insert language into a statute that the legislature has omitted. Section 1-2-101, MCA; Winslow, ¶ 18. We stated in Winslow that nothing in the plain language of § 39-2-703, MCA, limits that statute to personal injuries caused by co-workers. Winslow, ¶ 19. The broad language of the statute declares that railways are “liable for all damages sustained by any employee” as a consequence of the “mismanagement of any other employee” when such mismanagement is “connected with the use and operation of’ the railway. Section 39-2-703(1), MCA; Winslow, ¶ 19. The plain language of the statute, with terms neither omitted or inserted, states that MRL, as a railroad, is liable for employee damages sustained as a consequence of the mismanagement of any other employee when the mismanagement is connected with the use and operation of the railway. Section 39-2-703(1), MCA.
¶17 Although we have addressed the clear meaning of § 39-2-703, MCA, we will nonetheless address the case precedent MRL raises to clear up any confusion regarding the applicability of this statutory section. MRL claims that this Court, in Winslow, “did not ‘squarely address’ the question of whether § 39-2-703, creates a statutory cause of action or is merely a fellow-servant statute ....” However, the text of Winslow squarely states that “[t]he District Court [in Winslow] erred *461in concluding that § 39-2-703, MCA, applies only to personal injury claims, to the exclusion of mismanagement in the handling of an employee termination.” Winslow, ¶ 20 (emphasis added).
¶18 MRL claims that Winslow “never considered or decided the precise question of law raised by MRL below and before this Court today - whether § 39-2-703, MCA, provides plaintiffs with a statutory cause of action or merely eliminates the fellow-servant defense.” MRL further contends that the Winslow Court did not address “the holdings of Dillon, Beeler, Johnson, and Melzner, and certainly never expressly held that those early 20th century cases misinterpreted the original legislative intent.” MRL claims that only those cases “have ‘squarely passed upon’ the question at issue today, and only those opinions can be considered stare decisis on this issue.”
¶19 Curiously, although MRL was also the respondent in Winslow, in arguing Winslow it did not cite to or argue the significance of Dillon, Beeler, and Johnson - the cases it so strenuously argues now. Contrary to MRL’s protestations, the Winslow decision squarely decided that § 39-2-703, MCA, provided a cause of action for railroad mismanagement. Winslow, ¶¶ 19-20. The cases MRL cites are early 20th century cases which do not interpret the statute’s mismanagement language. MRL asserts that in Dillon, 38 Mont. 485,100 P. 960; Beeler v. Butte & London C. D. Co. (1910), 41 Mont. 465, 110 P. 528; Johnson v. Butte & Superior Copper Co. (1910), 41 Mont. 158, 108 P. 1057; and Melzner v. Raven Copper Co. (1913), 47 Mont. 351, 132 P. 552, we determined that § 39-2-703, MCA, was a fellow-servant statute that merely recognized a right of action existing at common law and sought to make that right available, notwithstanding the negligence of a fellow-servant. However, these cases are all distinguishable. Despite MRL’s characterization, Winslow’s interpretation of the language in the current § 39-2-703, MCA, is directly on point. From a plain reading of the language oí Winslow as well as the language of § 39-2-703, MCA, the railroad may be held liable for mismanagement.
¶20 Dillon is distinguishable because it did not involve the mismanagement language of the statute; it focused on whether the statute was a “survival statute.” In Dillon, we stated that a cause of action for wrongful death cannot be pursued by the employee decedent’s heirs if the employee died instantaneously; it is necessary that the cause of action arise in favor of a decedent prior to his or her death for the action to survive the death. Dillon, 38 Mont. at 503, 100 P. at 966.
¶21 In Johnson, we determined a cause of action survived and could *462be prosecuted by the decedent’s heirs when a miner was injured on the job and subsequently died from his injuries. The legislative intent of the statute of 1905, applicable in Johnson, was to be gathered “only from the language employed and the evils which it was sought to cure.” Johnson, 41 Mont. at 173, 108 P. at 1061. The statute at issue in Johnson was enacted with the purpose of eliminating the fellow-servant defense and of holding the mining company “liable for the negligent acts of its shift-boss, whether the acts were done in the discharge of delegable or nondelegable duties, so long as they were done in the due course of his employment, whatever that might be.” Johnson, 41 Mont. at 173-74, 108 P. at 1061-62. Although this 1905 statute included liability for mismanagement, the mismanagement portion of the statute was not at issue in Johnson.
¶22 In Beeler, this Court affirmed a judgment (pursued under the 1905 statute) in favor of the heirs of a decedent mining-employee for damages suffered by the employee as the result of the negligence of a fellow-servant when the employee was crushed by the action of an engineer operating the movement of a mining cage. Beeler, 41 Mont. at 473-78, 110 P. at 530-32.
¶23 In Melzner, we discussed the liability of a mining company and the effect of contributory negligence on statutory claims. We determined that the pleader must bring himself or herself within the relevant statute and if an “employee was guilty of contributory negligence, that is a defensive fact to be asserted and shown by the defending employer, unless it appear from plaintiffs own pleading or proof.” Melzner, 47 Mont. at 358, 132 P. at 554.
¶24 It must be noted that Dillon, Beeler, Johnson and Melzner were all negligence suits involving personal injury or death. The Court, in addressing the “neglect” language of § 39-2-703, MCA, acknowledged that claims for negligence were not the creation of the statute but were recognized at common law. None of these cases, however, dealt with the “mismanagement” language of the statute. Mismanagement is not a recognized cause of action at common law and thus does not fit within the rationale of Dillon, Beeler, Johnson, and Melzner. Unlike common law claims for negligence, mismanagement is a cause of action newly created by § 39-2-703, MCA. Since mismanagement was not at issue in Dillon, Beeler, Johnson, and Melzner, those decisions are distinguishable from our decision in Winslow.
¶25 Winslow clarified that a railroad may, through the application of § 39-2-703, MCA, be held liable for mismanagement in the handling of an employee termination. Winslow, ¶ 20. This conclusion was *463reached without omitting or inserting any language into § 39-2-703(1), MCA. Section 1-2-101, MCA. The clear and unambiguous language of this section unmistakably allows a railroad to be held liable for all damages sustained by any railroad employee caused by the mismanagement of any other railroad employee when such mismanagement is connected with the use and operation of the railroad. Section 39-2-703(1), MCA; Ravalli County, ¶¶ 11, 12. We reverse issue one and hold that § 39-2-703(1), MCA, provides a cause of action for mismanagement.
¶26 Parenthetically, we note that Haux cites the inalienable right to protect and “defend life’s basic necessities” of Article II, Section 3, of the Montana Constitution as being an “extremely strong public policy to recognize that the railroad mismanagement statute at §[39-2-]703 does create a cause of action.” Since we hold that § 39-2-703, MCA, based upon its own terms, does create a cause of action for mismanagement, we need not address the constitutional argument.
¶27 Issue 2: Whether Haux’s claim is barred by the statute of limitations?
¶28 The District Court did not rule on MRL’s statute of limitations argument because it decided that Haux could not pursue a mismanagement cause of action under § 39-2-703, MCA. However, we have previously stated that this Court “will affirm a district court’s ruling if the court reached the correct result for the wrong reason.” Ritchie v. Town of Ennis, 2004 MT 43, ¶ 8, 320 Mont. 94, ¶ 8, 86 P.3d 11, ¶ 8.
¶29 On appeal, MRL argues that assuming that Haux has a statutory claim for mismanagement, the claim is barred by the two-year statute of limitations of § 27-2-211(l)(c), MCA. Section 27-2-211, MCA, provides that “(1) [w]ithin 2 years is the period prescribed for the commencement of an action upon: ... (c) a liability created by statute other than: (i) a penalty or forfeiture; or (ii) a statutory debt created by the payment of public assistance.”
¶30 Haux’s claim is not in the nature of a “penalty or forfeiture” or a “statutory debt created by the payment of public assistance.” Therefore, the pertinent question is whether Haux’s claim stems from a “liability created by statute” within the meaning of § 27-2-211(l)(c), MCA. To determine the answer to this question, the appropriate inquiry is “whether liability would exist absent the statute in question.” Royal Ins. Co. v. Roadarmel, 2000 MT 259, ¶ 17, 301 Mont. 508, ¶ 17, 11 P.3d 105, ¶ 17. A liability created by statute establishes a new rule of private right unknown to the common law and is an *464obligation which the law creates in the absence of an agreement. Royal Ins. Co., ¶¶ 17-18.
¶31 In Beeler we determined that the claim in question was not dependent upon a right created by statute (such as § 39-2-703, MCA) but was based upon a cause of action recognized at common law; that is, actionable negligence. Thus we applied the three-year statute of limitations applicable to negligence claims rather than the two-year statute of limitations for statutory claims. Beeler, 41 Mont. at 472-73, 110 P. at 530.
¶32 Relying on Beeler, Haux argues that three years is the appropriate statute of limitations for a claim under § 39-2-703, MCA. He quotes our opinion in Royal Ins. Co., ¶ 19, in which we stated that “[w]here there is a substantial question as to which of two or more statutes of limitation should apply, the general rule is that the doubt should be resolved in favor of the statute containing the longest limitations....” Royal Ins. Co., ¶ 19 (citation omitted). He asserts that “where doubt exists as to the nature of the action, courts lean toward application of the longer period of limitations” (quoting Ritland v. Rowe (1993), 260 Mont. 453, 457, 861 P.2d 175, 178). He claims that a dispute exists as to the nature of the action in the present case with MRL characterizing it as a common law claim while Haux contends “it is at the minimum a mix between common and statutory law.”
¶33 Despite Haux’s characterization of his mismanagement claim as a “mix” of common law and statutory law, the claim for mismanagement is, as we have held above, purely a statutory claim. Accordingly, there is not a substantial question as to which of two statutes of limitations should apply. Royal Ins. Co., ¶ 19. The applicable statute of limitations for a cause of action arising from statute is two years. Section 27-2-2 ll(l)(c), MCA. Here, Haux was terminated on December 27,1999, and did not file his complaint until October 10, 2002, which is beyond the two-year statute of limitations.
¶34 In conclusion, although the District Court erroneously concluded that § 39-2-703, MCA, does not provide a cause of action for mismanagement, in dismissing the suit, it reached the right result for the wrong reason. See Ritchie, ¶ 8. The correct reason being that Haux’s statutory claim for mismanagement is barred by the two-year statute of limitations. Section 27-2-211(l)(c), MCA. Therefore, we affirm the District Court decision but base our decision on separate grounds. See Ritchie, ¶ 8.
github_open_source_100_8_19944 | Github OpenSource | Various open source |
using Unity.Entities;
public struct ProcessChunk : IComponentData
{ }
1244503_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | 栃木県道168号静藤岡線(とちぎけんどう168ごう しずかふじおかせん)は、栃木県栃木市岩舟町静と栃木市藤岡町甲を結んでいた一般県道である。2020年に認定廃止され栃木市へ移管された。
github_open_source_100_8_19945 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | using Godot;
using System;
namespace ai4u.ext
public class PositionSensor : Sensor
public NodePath targetPath ;
public bool is2D = false;
public bool isGlobal = false;
private Node target;
public override float[] GetFloatArrayValue() {
if (this.is2D) {
Node2D nd = (Node2D) target;
if (!isGlobal)
return new float[]{nd.Position.x, nd.Position.y};
return new float[]{nd.Transform.origin.x, nd.Transform.origin.y};
} else {
Spatial sp = (Spatial) target;
if (!isGlobal)
return new float[]{sp.Translation.x,
return new float[]{sp.Transform.origin.x,
public override void OnBinding(Agent agent)
this.agent = agent;
if (this.targetPath != null && this.targetPath != "") { = GetNode(this.targetPath);
} else { = agent.GetBody();
1855604_1 | courtlistener | Public Domain | 750 So. 2d 755 (2000)
Clint Michael BARKLEY, Appellant,
STATE of Florida, Appellee.
No. 2D98-4969.
District Court of Appeal of Florida, Second District.
February 4, 2000.
*756 James Marion Moorman, Public Defender, and Timothy J. Ferreri, Assistant Public Defender, Bartow, for Appellant.
Robert A. Butterworth, Attorney General, Tallahassee, and Susan D. Dunlevy, Assistant Attorney General, Tampa, for Appellee.
BLUE, Judge.
Clint Michael Barkley appeals his conviction for second-degree murder in the death of Edward Collesano. Barkley argues that the trial court erred in refusing to instruct the jury that he had no duty to retreat from the home before using deadly force in self-defense. Based on the recent supreme court decision in Weiand v. State, 732 So. 2d 1044 (Fla.1999), we agree and reverse. As to the second issue on appeal, we find no merit and affirm without discussion.
Barkley argues that the trial court erred in denying his requested jury instruction on the privilege of nonretreat based on the evidence that he was a cooccupant of the home. While Florida previously recognized that someone, while in his or her home, had no duty to retreat when attacked by an invitee, see Hedges v. State, 172 So. 2d 824 (Fla.1965), this privilege did not apply when the attack came from a co-occupant, see State v. Bobbitt, 415 So. 2d 724 (Fla.1982). In Weiand, the supreme court receded from Bobbitt and held that a defendant is not required to retreat from his or her residence before justifiably resorting to deadly force in selfdefense against a co-occupant if that force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm. See 732 So.2d at 1049-50. We note that the trial court did not have the benefit of Weiand at the time of trial. This decision, however, is applicable to all cases pending on direct review or not yet final. See 732 So.2d at 1058.
The State argues that Barkley failed to preserve this issue for review because he did not make a request for the specific instruction approved in Weiand. Barkley did request an instruction to explain that he had no duty to retreat from his new residence in the face of an attack by a co-occupant. He renewed his objection to this omission after the trial court instructed the jury. Therefore, we conclude that the issue was properly preserved. The State further argues that any error was harmless. In closing argument, the prosecutor emphasized Barkley's duty to retreat. Thus, we cannot say the error was harmless. Accordingly, we reverse.
Reversed and remanded for a new trial.
github_open_source_100_8_19946 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | .warning{
background-color: rgb(241, 240, 240);
github_open_source_100_8_19947 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | import FileDoc from './FileDoc.js';
* Doc class for test code file.
export default class TestFileDoc extends FileDoc {
/** set ``testFile`` to kind. */
_$kind() {
this._value.kind = 'testFile';
1247098_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Mycetophila nahuelhuapi adalah spesies lalat yang berasal dari genus Mycetophila dan famili Mycetophilidae. Lalat ini juga merupakan bagian dari ordo Diptera, kelas Insecta, filum Arthropoda, dan kingdom Animalia.
Lalat ini biasanya dapat ditemui di tempat lembap.
Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (2011). "Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.". Species 2000: Reading, UK. Diakses pada 24 September 2012.
github_open_source_100_8_19948 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
urlpatterns = patterns('idlebook.accounting.views',
url(r'^book/(?P<book_id>\d+)/$', 'book_trades', name='book_trades'),
url(r'^pay/', 'pay', name='pay'),
url(r'^deposit/', 'deposit', name='deposit'),
url(r'^action/', 'action', name='action'),
) |
55529_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Suicídio é o ato de causar a própria morte de forma intencional. Os factores de risco incluem perturbações mentais e/ou psicológicas como depressão, perturbação bipolar, esquizofrenia e toxicodependência, incluindo alcoolismo e abuso de benzodiazepinas. Outros suicídios resultam de actos impulsivos devido ao stress e/ou dificuldades económicas, problemas de relacionamento ou bullying. As pessoas com antecedentes de tentativas de suicídio estão em maior risco de vir a realizar novas tentativas. As medidas de prevenção do suicídio passam pela restrição do acesso a métodos, como armas de fogo, armas brancas, drogas ou venenos, pelo tratamento de perturbações mentais e da toxicodependência, por noticiar de forma correta os casos de suicídio na imprensa e pela melhoria das condições económicas da população. Embora seja comum a existência de linhas telefónicas de prevenção ao suicídio, não existem dados suficientes que comprovem a sua eficácia.
Os métodos de suicídio mais comuns diferem de país para país e estão em parte relacionados com a disponibilidade de meios e incluem enforcamento, envenenamento por pesticidas e armas de fogo. Em 2015 suicidaram-se em todo o mundo pessoas, um ligeiro aumento face aos suicídios em 1990. Em 2015, o suicídio foi a décima principal causa de morte em todo o mundo.
O suicídio é a causa de cerca de 0,5% das mortes. Em cada ano, 12 em cada pessoas morrem por suicídio. Três quartos dos suicídios ocorrem nos países em desenvolvimento. As taxas de suicídios consumados são geralmente mais elevadas nos homens do que nas mulheres. Em países em desenvolvimento suicidam-se 1,5 vezes mais homens do que mulheres e em países desenvolvidos suicidam-se 3,5 vezes mais homens do que mulheres. Na generalidade dos países, o suicídio é mais comum entre os maiores de 70 anos. No entanto, em alguns países o grupo etário de maior risco é aquele com idades compreendidas entre os 15 e 30 anos. Estima-se que em todo o mundo haja anualmente entre 10 a 20 milhões de tentativas de suicídio não fatais. As tentativas de suicídio – gestos auto-destrutivos não fatais – podem provocar lesões e incapacidade a longo prazo. No mundo ocidental, as tentativas são mais comuns nos jovens e pessoas do sexo feminino.
Os pontos de vista sobre o suicídio têm sido influenciados por temas existenciais como religião, filosofia, psicologia, honra e o sentido da vida. As religiões abraâmicas, por exemplo, consideram o suicídio uma ofensa contra Deus devido à crença religiosa na santidade da vida. Durante a era samurai, no Japão, existia uma forma de suicídio conhecida como seppuku (harakiri), que era respeitada como uma forma de expiação do fracasso ou como uma forma de protesto ou pena de morte frente à desonra por um crime, delito ou por outro motivo que os envergonhasse. O sati é uma antiga prática proibida pelo Raj Britânico, no qual a viúva se autoimola na pira funerária do seu marido, seja voluntariamente ou por pressão da família e/ou das leis do país. O suicídio e o suicídio tentado, apesar de anteriormente ter sido considerado ilegal, hoje já não o é na maioria dos países ocidentais, embora nalgumas jurisdições ainda possa ser considerado crime. Nos séculos XX e XXI, o suicídio foi usado em raras ocasiões como forma de protesto, ou na forma de kamikaze e de atentados suicidas como uma táctica militar ou terrorista. O termo tem origem no latim suicidium.
A palavra "suicídio", provém do latim suicidium,(sui, de si próprio; caedere, matar) "o ato de tirar a própria vida".
Assassinato-suicídio refere-se a uma situação em que o autor de um homicídio se suicida após a morte da(s) vítima(s). O que parece ser um pacto geralmente é na realidade um assassinato, os pactos são frequentemente feitos por mulheres ou casais idosos. Um caso especial disso é o suicídio prolongado, em que o assassinato é motivado ao ver as pessoas assassinadas como uma extensão de si.
Ataque suicida
Um ataque suicida é quando um atacante comete um ato de violência contra outros (geralmente um grande número de pessoas), normalmente para atingir um objetivo militar ou político, que resulta em sua própria morte. Os atentados suicidas são muitas vezes consideradas como um ato de terrorismo, os exemplos históricos incluem o assassinato do Czar Alexandre II, o Bombardeamento do Hotel Shamo, o Atentado suicida do Dizengoff Center, os ataques kamikazes por pilotos aéreos japoneses durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial e os Ataques de 11 de setembro de 2001. Entre 2000 e 2007 ocorreram 140 ataques suicidas em Israel que mataram 542 pessoas e feriram milhares.
O dano intencional direto de tecido do corpo, realizado sem a intenção de cometer suicídio é chamado de autoagressão Outros termos como "auto-mutilação" ou "autolesão" são usados para qualquer comportamento auto-prejudicial, independentemente da intenção suicida.
Indução de suicídio
Induzir, estimular, dar dicas ou apoiar de qualquer outra forma o suicídio de outra pessoa é um crime em vários países ocidentais, considerado como uma forma de homicídio doloso (intenção de matar). Essa punição leva em conta inclusive quando o estímulo é feito na internet. No Brasil o artigo 122 do Código Penal prevê reclusão de dois a seis anos para quem induz, instiga ou ajuda alguém a cometer suicídio, ou reclusão, de 1 (um) a 3 (três) anos, se da tentativa de suicídio resulta lesão corporal de natureza grave.
A eutanásia é quando uma pessoa assume um papel ativo na morte de uma pessoa.
Suicídio assistido
Suicídio assistido é quando um indivíduo ajuda o outro a causar sua própria morte indiretamente, providenciando conselhos ou os meios para o fim.
O termo "ortotanásia" significa "morte correta" e se refere ao tratamento dado ao fim da vida de um paciente, aliviar seu sofrimento, sem acelerar ou retardar sua morte. No Brasil essa prática está sendo discutida no Congresso Nacional. Em 2010, o PLS 116/2000 foi aprovado pelo Senado e em seguida remetido à Câmara dos Deputados, onde aguarda votação.
Suicídio coletivo e pacto suicida
Certos suicídios são realizados sob pressão social ou de um grupo. Os suicídios coletivos ou em massa, podem ocorrer apenas entre duas pessoas, como um "pacto suicida", ou com um número muito maior. Um exemplo é o suicídio em massa que ocorreu por membros do Peoples Temple, uma seita estadunidense liderada por Jim Jones em 1978 na Guiana que levou a morte de 918 pessoas incluindo 270 menores de idade.
Outro exemplo ocorreu em janeiro de 2012, na China. Trezentos funcionários da Foxconn, fabricante do Xbox 360, ameaçaram um suicídio coletivo se as reivindicações do grupo não forem atendidas. O protesto terminou com um acordo entre a empresa e os funcionários.
Suicídio metafórico
É o sentido metafórico de "destruição intencional de um autointeresse", como o suicídio político.
Fatores de risco
Os fatores que afetam o risco de suicídio incluem transtornos mentais, uso indevido de drogas, estados psicológicos, situações culturais, familiares e sociais, genética e experiências de trauma ou perda. Transtornos mentais e uso indevido de substâncias frequentemente coexistem. Outros fatores de risco incluem ter tentado suicídio anteriormente, a pronta disponibilidade de um meio de tirar a própria vida, um histórico familiar de suicídio ou a presença de lesão cerebral traumática. Por exemplo, verificou-se que as taxas de suicídio são maiores em famílias com armas de fogo do que naquelas sem.
Problemas socioeconômicos como desemprego, pobreza, falta de moradia e discriminação podem desencadear pensamentos suicidas. O suicídio pode ser mais raro em sociedades com alta coesão social e objeções morais contra o suicídio. Cerca de 15 a 40% das pessoas deixam uma nota de suicídio. Veteranos de guerra têm um risco maior de suicídio devido, em parte, a taxas mais altas de doenças mentais, como distúrbios do estresse pós-traumático e problemas de saúde física relacionados à guerra. A genética parece ser responsável por entre 38% e 55% dos comportamentos suicidas. Suicídios também podem ocorrer como um cluster local de casos.
Doença mental
A doença mental está frequentemente presente no momento do suicídio, com estimativas variando de 27% a mais de 90%. Naqueles que foram hospitalizados por comportamento suicida, o risco de suicídio completo na vida é de 8,6%. Comparativamente, pessoas não suicidas hospitalizadas por distúrbios afetivos têm um risco de suicídio de 4% ao longo da vida. Metade de todas as pessoas que morrem por suicídio podem ter transtorno depressivo maior; ter este ou um dos outros transtorno de humor como transtorno bipolar aumenta em 20 vezes o risco de suicídio. Outras condições implicadas incluem esquizofrenia (14%), transtorno de personalidade (8%), transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo, e transtorno de estresse pós-traumático. Aqueles com transtorno do espectro autista tentam e consideram o suicídio com mais frequência.
Outros estimam que cerca de metade das pessoas que completam o suicídio podem ser diagnosticadas com um distúrbio de personalidade, sendo o mais comum o transtorno de personalidade borderline. Cerca de 5% das pessoas com esquizofrenia morrem de suicídio. O transtorno alimentar é outra condição de alto risco.
Entre aproximadamente 80% dos suicídios completos, o indivíduo procurou um médico no ano anterior à sua morte, incluindo 45% no mês anterior. Aproximadamente 25 a 40% dos que completaram o suicídio tiveram contato com serviços de saúde mental no ano anterior. Os antidepressivos do tipo ISRS parecem aumentar a frequência de suicídio entre crianças, mas não alteram o risco entre os adultos. A falta de vontade em obter ajuda para problemas de saúde mental também aumenta o risco.
Transtornos psicológicos associados ao risco de suicídio
Segundo a OMS, os transtornos psicológicos que estão mais associados com o risco de suicídio são
Transtornos de humor (Depressão maior, Distimia e Transtorno bipolar)
Psicoses (Esquizofrenia, Transtorno esquizoafetivo, Transtornos delirantes)
Transtornos de ansiedade (Transtorno de estresse pós-traumático, Transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo e Transtorno de ansiedade generalizada)
Demências (como Alzheimer, Demência vascular e Mal de Parkinson).
Transtorno de personalidade (especialmente borderline, antissocial, Transtorno de personalidade histriônica e esquiva)
Tentativas anteriores e autoagressão
Uma história anterior de tentativas de suicídio é o preditor mais preciso do suicídio completo. Aproximadamente 20% dos suicídios tiveram uma tentativa anterior e, dos que tentaram suicídio, 1% completam o suicídio dentro de um ano e mais de 5% morrem por suicídio em 10 anos. Atos de autoagressão geralmente não são tentativas de suicídio e a maioria dessas pessoas não corre alto risco de suicídio. Alguns que se autoagridem, no entanto, podem terminar sua vida com suicídio pois o risco de autoagressão e suicídio podem se sobrepor.
Abuso de substâncias
Veja também: Abuso de substâncias, Drogadição, Cocaína, Droga psicoativa, Alcoolismo
O abuso de substâncias é o segundo fator de risco mais comum para suicídio após a depressão maior e o transtorno bipolar. O uso indevido de substâncias crônicas e a intoxicação aguda são também associados. Quando combinados com sofrimento pessoal, como o luto, o risco aumenta ainda mais.O abuso de substâncias também é associado a distúrbios de saúde mental.
A maioria das pessoas está sob a influência de medicamentos sedativos-hipnóticos (como álcool ou benzodiazepínicos) quando morrem por suicídio, com alcoolismo presente entre 15% e 61% dos casos. O uso de benzodiazepínicos prescritos está associado a um aumento da taxa de tentativa e suicídio completo, suspeita-se que os efeitos pró-suicidas dos benzodiazepínicos sejam causados por um distúrbio psiquiátrico causado por efeitos colaterais, como a desinibição ou por sintomas de abstinência. Países com taxas mais altas de uso de álcool e uma maior densidade de bares geralmente também apresentam taxas mais altas de suicídio. Aproximadamente 2,2–3,4% das pessoas que foram tratados por alcoolismo em algum momento de sua vida morrem por suicídio. Os alcoólatras que tentam suicídio geralmente são homens, são mais velhos e já tentaram tirar suas próprias vidas no passado. Entre 3 e 35% das mortes entre aqueles que usam heroína são devidas a suicídio (aproximadamente quatorze vezes maior do que aqueles que não usam a droga). Em adolescentes que abusam do álcool, disfunções neurológicas e psicológicas podem contribuir para o aumento do risco de suicídio.
O uso indevido de cocaína e metanfetamina tem uma alta correlação com o suicídio. Para aqueles que usam cocaína, o risco é maior durante a fase de abstinência. Aqueles que usam inalantes também estão em risco significativo, com cerca de 20% tentando o suicídio em algum momento e mais de 65% considerando o suicídio uma opção. Fumar cigarros comuns está associado ao risco de suicídio. Há pouca evidência de por que essa associação existe; no entanto, foi levantada a hipótese de que aqueles que predispõem ao fumo também estão predispostos ao suicídio, o tabagismo causa problemas de saúde que posteriormente fazem as pessoas quererem terminar sua vida e que o tabagismo afeta a química do cérebro, causando uma propensão ao suicídio. A maconha sozinha, no entanto, não aumenta o risco.
Para boa parte dos especialistas, a genética tem um efeito sobre o risco de suicídio responsável por 30-50% de variância.. Grande parte deste relacionamento atua através da hereditariedade da doença mental. Porém, a questão da hereditariedade é polêmica, alguns autores alegam que é apenas consequência de viver com pais com transtornos mentais (e esses sim seriam hereditários).
Problemas familiares, amorosos e financeiros
Um estudo encontrou maior frequência de suicídio entre pessoas com famílias desestruturadas e após rompimentos de relacionamentos amorosos entre jovens. Entre adultos separações e problemas financeiros são fatores de risco. Apesar de problemas financeiros sérios serem um fator de risco e religião ser um fator de proteção, o sociólogo francês Émile Durkheim percebeu uma prevalência de suicídio entre pessoas de classe sócio-econômica mais elevada. Outros autores também encontraram maior prevalência entre classes socioeconômicas mais altas num estudo feito em São Paulo.
Como forma de rebeldia ou protesto
Muitas vezes a greve de fome pode encaminhar no suicídio de mais de uma pessoa, como ocorreu na Irlanda em 1981 durante o Conflito na Irlanda do Norte liderado por Bobby Sands e que resultou em 10 mortes.
Suicídio judicial
Muitas vezes uma pessoa que tenha cometido um crime pode cometer suicídio para evitar ser processado, como foi o caso de Budd Dwyer e Hermann Göring.
Suicídio militar
Nos últimos dias da Segunda Guerra Mundial, alguns pilotos japoneses kamikazes voluntariaram para missões em uma tentativa de evitar a derrota para o Império. Perto do fim da guerra, os japoneses desenvolveram um pequeno avião (Ohka), cujo único propósito era missões kamikazes. Da mesma forma, as unidades da Luftwaffe faziam Selbstopfereinsatz (missões de autossacrifício) contra pontes Soviética. Na Alemanha nazista, muitos soldados e oficiais do governo (incluindo Adolf Hitler) mataram-se, em vez de se render aos Aliados da Segunda Guerra Mundial. O japonês também construiu um "homem-torpedo humano submarinos" suicídio chamado Kaitens. Depois do 11 de setembro, morrem-se mais soldados norte-americanos por suicídio em guerras no Iraque a Afeganistão do que os civis mortos nas mesmas.
Ideação suicida
Segundo a psicologia, existem vários comportamentos que indicam a possibilidade de ideação suicida. Dentre eles o relato de querer desaparecer, dormir para sempre, ir embora e nunca mais voltar ou mesmo objetivamente o relato do desejo de morrer, mesmo quando falado num tom de brincadeira, devem ser considerados indícios significativos e levados a sério.
Segundo Durkheim, o suicídio é um fenômeno social e constitui um dos elementos de mecanismos de restabelecimento do laço social que se utilizam de rituais de punição ao crime para alcançar seus objetivos. As práticas do suicídio são as forças de integração e as de regulação, pois estas determinam como o sujeito se integra com a sociedade. Essas forças dão origem aos tipos sociais de suicida. O egoísta e o altruísta estão ligados às forças de integração. O tipo egoísta se baseia na precariedade de vínculos sociais e ou familiares, levando a um individualismo excessivo. O indivíduo vê os laços que o ligavam ao grupo se enfraquecer, como na perda do emprego, mudança de cidade, separação do cônjuge. No suicídio, a pessoa executa uma ação destrutiva contra o si-mesmo e contra os outros. Este ato deriva, em grande parte, de raiva reprimida que é dirigida contra si-mesmo para magoar outras pessoas. “Vocês ficarão sentidos quando eu estiver morto”. O suicídio representa a rejeição do próprio ser".
Um importante indicativo é o uso abusivo de álcool, especialmente quando o início for precoce, existir um histórico familiar de alcoolismo e houver eventos disruptivos recentes ou perda de uma relação interpessoal importante. Outro importante indicativo é o uso drogas ilegais. Enquanto pessoas com histórico de abuso de drogas tem mais de 50 vezes mais probabilidade de tentar suicídio do que os que nunca usaram. Mais de 40% dos suicidas tem histórico de abuso de álcool ou outra substância.
Quanto mais comportamentos indicativos mais provável a ideação e necessidade de intervenção. Outros comportamentos associados com tentativas de suicídio e que devem ser tratados como alerta são:
Fumar cigarro;
Distúrbios do sono (insônia, hipersonia, parassonia...);
Transtornos alimentares;
Descaso com a higiene e cuidados pessoais;
Mau humor, irritabilidade, tristeza, anedonia.(humor depressivo);
Transtornos de ansiedade (Ataque de pânico, TOC e Transtorno de ansiedade generalizada);
Correr riscos desnecessários como não usar camisinha, dirigir perigosamente e andar em locais perigosos. (sintomas de mania);
Alucinação, Delírio, desconfiança excessiva, deterioração cognitiva. (sintomas de esquizofrenia);
Ter um método planejado;
Ouvir músicas, assistir filmes e/ou ler livros sobre morte regularmente;
Pouca socialização/Se isolar de família e amigos.
O Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI) e a Escala de Ideação Suicida de Beck (BSI) pode ser usada para medir a gravidade dessa ideação.
Fatores de risco
Outros fatores importantes que deveriam ser considerados, pois seriam mais comuns entre aqueles que tentam suicídiosː
Planejar o suicídio;
Acesso ao método de suicídio;
Tentativas anteriores (as duas semanas após a tentativa é que tem mais risco);
Eventos estressores recentes (como perda do emprego, morte de ente querido, desastres naturais, guerras, diagnóstico de doença e divórcio);
Idade entre 13 e 19 anos (35% dos adolescentes brasileiros entre 13 e 19 anos tem ideação suicida) ou depois dos 65;
Rede de apoio social restrita (poucos amigos e cuidadores).
Nível sócio-econômico e nível educacional baixos;
Traumas, tais como abuso físico e sexual;
Baixa auto-estima e desesperança;
Questões de orientação sexual (tais como homossexualidade e transexuais);
Pouco discernimento, falta de controle da impulsividade, e comportamentos auto-destrutivos;
Poucos recursos (cognitivos, materiais, funcionais e sociais) para enfrentar problemas;
Doença física (como HIV) e dor crônica;
Exposição ao suicídio de outras pessoas.
Factores sócio-económicos como o desemprego, a pobreza, falta de moradia, e discriminação podem provocar pensamentos suicidas. A pobreza pode não ser uma causa direta, mas pode aumentar o risco de suicídio, pois é um grupo de risco para depressão.
Mitos do suicídio
Erros e preconceitos são historicamente repetidos contribuindo para formação de estigmas em torno da doença mental e do comportamento suicida, o estigma resulta de um processo em que pessoas são levadas a se sentirem envergonhadas, excluídas e discriminadas. São mitos do suicídio as seguinte afirmações:
Mito 1: “Uma vez suicida, a pessoa sempre é suicida"
Embora pensamentos suicidas possam retornar, não são permanentes e um indivíduo que teve pensamentos e tentativas suicidas podem continuar a viver normalmente.
Mito 2: “Falar sobre suicídio é uma má ideia e pode ser interpretado como incentivo”
Dado o estigma generalizado em torno do suicídio, a maioria das pessoas que está pensando em suicídio não sabe com quem falar. Em vez de incentivar o comportamento suicida, falar abertamente pode dar ao indivíduo outras opções ou tempo para repensar sua decisão, impedindo o suicídio.
Mito 3: “Somente pessoas com transtornos mentais são suicidas”
Os comportamentos suicidas têm sido associados à depressão, abuso de substâncias, esquizofrenia e outras perturbações mentais, além de aos comportamentos destrutivos e agressivos. No entanto, esta associação não deve ser sobrestimada. A proporção relativa destas perturbações varia de lugar para lugar e há casos em que nenhuma perturbação mental foi detectada.
Mito 4: “A maioria dos suicídios acontece de repente, sem aviso prévio”
A maioria dos suicídios foi precedida por sinais de alerta, verbais ou comportamentais. É claro que existem alguns suicídios que ocorrem sem aviso prévio, mas é importante entender quais são os sinais de alerta e ter cuidados
Mito 5: “O suicida está determinado a morrer”
Pelo contrário, as pessoas suicidas costumam ser ambivalentes quanto a viver ou morrer. A pessoa pode agir impulsivamente e morrer alguns dias depois, mesmo que gostassem de viver. O acesso ao apoio emocional na hora certa pode impedir o suicídio.
Mito 6: “Pessoas que falam de suicídio não pretendem fazer"
As pessoas que falam sobre suicídio podem estar buscando apoio, pois ao falar como se sente, essa pessoa usa o seu desabafo como forma de pedir ajuda. Um número significativo de pessoas que pensam em suicídio está experimentando ansiedade, depressão e desesperança e pode sentir que não há outra opção.
Mito 7: “Quando um indivíduo mostra sinais de melhoria ou sobrevive a uma tentativa de suicídio, está fora de perigo”
Na verdade, um dos períodos mais perigosos é imediatamente depois da crise, ou quando a pessoa está se recuperando, na sequência de uma tentativa. A semana seguinte é um período durante o qual a pessoa está fragilizada.
Mito 8: “O suicídio é sempre hereditário”
Nem todos os suicídios podem ser associados à hereditariedade e estudos conclusivos são limitados. Uma história familiar de suicídio, no entanto, é um factor de risco importante para o comportamento suicida, particularmente em famílias onde a depressão é comum.
Mito 9: “O suicídio só acontece “àqueles outros tipos de pessoas” não a nós”
O suicídio acontece a todos os tipos de pessoas e encontra-se em todos os tipos de sistemas sociais e de famílias.
Mito 10: “Após uma pessoa tentar cometer suicídio uma vez, nunca voltará a tentar novamente”
Na verdade, as tentativas de suicídio são um preditor crucial do suicídio.
Mito 11: “Crianças não cometem suicídio dado que não entendem que a morte é final e são cognitivamente incapazes de se empenhar num acto suicida”
Embora raro, as crianças cometem suicídio e, qualquer gesto, em qualquer idade, deve ser levado muito seriamente.
Mito 12: “É proibido que a mídia aborde o tema suicídio.”
A mídia tem obrigação social de tratar desse assunto de saúde pública e abordar esse tema de forma adequada. Isto não aumenta o risco de uma pessoa se matar; ao contrário, é fundamental dar informações à população sobre o problema, onde buscar ajuda etc.
Mito 13: "Suicidas não pensam naqueles mais próximos"
Uma pessoa atormentada por pensamentos suicidas tende a pensar muito sobre os outros, e na maioria das vezes, ele chega a conclusão de que a vida das pessoas seria melhor sem a sua presença, e que eles sequer sentiriam a sua falta.
O principal método de suicídio varia dramaticamente entre os países. Os métodos de liderança em diferentes regiões incluem enforcamento, envenenamento por pesticidas e armas de fogo. Em todo o mundo 30% dos suicídios são de pesticidas. A utilização deste método, contudo, varia consideravelmente de 4% na Europa a mais de 50% na região do Pacífico. Nos Estados Unidos, 52% dos suicídios envolvem o uso de armas de fogo. Asfixia e envenenamento também são bastante comuns neste país. Juntos, eles compreenderam aproximadamente 40% dos suicídios nos Estados Unidos. Outros métodos de suicídio incluem trauma contundente (saltando de um prédio ou uma ponte, jogando-se na frente de um trem, ou provocando um acidente de carro, por exemplo). Há ainda causas menos comuns, como afogamento intencional, choque elétrico, ou fome intencional.
Informações sobre suicídio
A associação americana de suicidologia o centro de controle e prevenção de doenças americano (CDC) defendem que aprender sobre o suicídios, sinais de alerta sobre ideação, fatores de risco e proteção e como intervir em crises são importantes medidas de prevenção.
Porém, definir se a exposição ou não a um suicídio é um fator de risco para novos suicídios ainda é uma questão controversa. Um estudo de 1996 foi incapaz de encontrar uma relação de suicídios entre amigos. No entanto, um outro estudo de 1986 encontrou maiores taxas de suicídio após um noticiário televisivo em relação ao suicídio, tal fenômeno é conhecido como Efeito Werther.
O suicídio é a décima causa de morte no mundo, com cerca de um milhão de pessoas mortas por suicídio anualmente. Em todo o mundo as taxas de suicídio aumentaram 60% nos últimos 50 anos, principalmente nos países em desenvolvimento. A maioria dos suicídios do mundo ocorrem na Ásia, que é estimada em até 60% de todos os suicídios do planeta. Segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde, China, Índia e Japão podem ser responsáveis por 40% de todos os suicídios no mundo. O aumento da taxa de suicídio global entre 1999 e 2005 foi devido principalmente a um aumento dos suicídios entre as mulheres brancas adultas.
No mundo ocidental, os homens morrem de três a quatro vezes mais frequentemente por suicídio do que as mulheres, embora as mulheres tentem suicídio com três a quatro vezes mais. Os homens morrem mais porque usam meios mais violentos e eficazes como armas de fogo, enforcamento e salto de grandes alturas, enquanto as mulheres usam métodos mais lentos e menos letais, como consumo excessivo de medicamentos ou de veneno. Além disso homens possuem mais fatores de risco como abuso de álcool ou outras drogas, isolamento e armas de fogo em casa.
Alcoolismo e uso de drogas
Estudos norte-americanos mostraram que 33% a 69% dos suicidas apresentavam alcoolemia positiva. De fato, nos Estados Unidos, 16,5% dos suicídios estão relacionados ao álcool. No Reino Unido, um estudo de suicídios ocorridos entre 1988 e 1995 determinou que 45% das vítimas apresentavam alcoolemia positiva, com maiores porcentagens na faixa etária de 35 a 44 anos Alcoólatras são de 5 a 20 vezes mais propensos a se matar, enquanto o mal uso de outras drogas aumenta o risco de 10 a 20 vezes. No Brasil, em estudo realizado com 290 vítimas de suicídios na cidade de São Paulo, 36,2% apresentavam alcoolemia positiva. Cerca de 15% dos alcoólicos cometem suicídio, e cerca de 33% dos suicídios em menos de 35 anos têm um diagnóstico primário de álcool ou abuso de outras substâncias, mais de 50% dos suicídios estão relacionados à dependência de álcool ou drogas. Sabe-se que o consumo de álcool pode aumentar a agressividade e essa afirmação é também válida para violência dirigida a si mesmo. Em adolescentes o álcool ou uso indevido de drogas desempenha um papel em até 70% dos suicídios.
Taxas de suicídio nacionais diferem significativamente entre países e entre grupos étnicos no interior dos países. Por exemplo, no EUA, não-hispânicos caucasianos são quase 2,5 vezes mais propensos a se matar do que afro-americanos ou hispânicos. No Reino Unido as taxas de suicídio variam significativamente entre as diferentes partes do país. Na Escócia, por exemplo, a taxa de suicídio é aproximadamente o dobro do que na Inglaterra.
Por país
No mundo, 815 000 pessoas cometeram suicídio no ano 2000, o que perfaz 14,5 mortes por 100 000 habitantes (uma morte a cada 40 segundos) Países do Leste Europeu são os recordistas em média de suicídio por 100 000 habitantes. A Lituânia (41,9), Estônia (40,1), Rússia (37,6), Letônia (33,9) e Hungria (32,9). Guatemala, Filipinas e Albânia estão no lado oposto, com a menor taxa, variando entre 0,5 e 2. Os demais estão na faixa de 10 a 16. Em números absolutos, porém, a República Popular da China lidera as estatísticas. Foram 195 mil suicídios no ano de 2000, seguido pela Índia com 87 mil, a Rússia com 52,5 mil, os Estados Unidos com 31 mil, o Japão com vinte mil e a Alemanha com 12,5 mil.
Todos os anos 60 mil pessoas põem um fim às suas vidas na Rússia, onde a taxa de suicídio é a segunda no mundo—são 34,9 por 100 mil habitantes, abaixo somente da Lituânia e leste europeu anunciou a diretora do Centro Serbski de Psiquiatria Social e Judiciária da Rússia, Tatiana Dmitrieva, em entrevista coletiva organizada por ocasião do Dia Internacional da Saúde Mental. Em 2008, foram registados 29 suicídios por 100 mil habitantes, índice muito superior à média mundial de 14 por 100 mil. As altas taxas provavelmente estão associadas com a grande frequência de alcoolismo, crises sócio-econômica e fatores culturais.
O Japão tem a mais alta taxa de suicídio do mundo desenvolvido (24,1 por 100 000 habitantes). Os suicídios atingiram o número recorde de 34 427 em 2003 (+ 7,1% com relação a 2002) Geralmente empresários e funcionários, cometem suicídios motivados por escândalos de corrupção ou perda de dignidade na sociedade.
No ano de 2008 o suicídio entre jovens bateu novo recorde no Japão, tendo alcançado 4 850 mortes, 1,7% a mais que no ano anterior, informou a polícia japonesa. Mesmo com este aumento, em 2008, pessoas se mataram no Japão, uma baixa de 2,6% em com relação aos números de 2007.
A taxa de suicídios foi, no ano de 2008, de 25,3 para cada 100 mil habitantes, o que coloca o Japão entre os dez países do mundo com mais casos. O suicídio é a sexta maior causa de morte no Japão, onde não está associado a um tabu social.
Em 1996, a França teve 12 000 suicídios por 160 000 tentativas; com 62 milhões de habitantes, esses números representam aproximadamente 19,6 suicídios por 100 000 habitantes, ou seja, um suicídio por 5 000 pessoas, e uma tentativa por 400 pessoas. A França ocupa o quarto lugar entre os países desenvolvidos. Esses números são mais ou menos estáveis desde 1980. Assim como em outros países da Europa o suicídio já se tornou uma causa mortis mais frequente que os acidentes de trânsito. Fatores culturais e crises sócio-econômicas agravaram a situação em 2008-2009.
No Brasil, 4,9 pessoas a cada 100 mil morrem por suicídio por ano, uma das menores médias do mundo. E ao contrário do resto do mundo onde é mais comum entre adultos, no Brasil há uma prevalência entre os jovens entre 15 e 24 anos. Entre os estados, o Rio Grande do Sul é o que tem a maior taxa, 9,88 para 100 mil. Entre as cidades, o município com o maior índice é o de Amambai (MS), com mais de 49,3 casos a cada 100 mil habitantes, uma das cidades com maior índice de suicídio do mundo. (Mapa do suicídio estadual: ). Um dos métodos mais comuns no país são venenos como o agrotóxico Tamaron. Foram registradas 7 987 mortes por suicídio no País. Entre os índios, o índice de suicídio foi de 98 por 100 mil, um índice alarmante que já responde por 81% dos suicídios em Mato Grosso do Sul e no Amazonas.
No Rio Grande do Sul, em 2004, foi identificada a maior mortalidade masculina por suicídio do país com 16,6 mortes a cada 100 mil homens, enquanto Maranhão ficou em último lugar com 2,3 mortes a cada 100 mil homens. Em relação às mulheres, Mato Grosso do Sul ocupou o primeiro lugar com 4,2 mortes a cada 100 mil mulheres, e Rio Grande do Norte o último com mortalidade de 0,6 a cada 100 mil mulheres.
Em 2005, seguindo as recomendações da OMS para combater o aumento no número de casos, foram elaborado de políticas nacionais de prevenção ao suicídio, atuando em esfera nacional, estadual e municipal. (Mais informações: ).
No Brasil o número de suicídios aumentou quase 30% entre 1980 e 2006 com uma tendência crescente. Como muitos casos de suicídio são ocultos pela família ou não reportados pelos médicos, portanto os números reais podem ser muito maiores.
Em Portugal em 2003 11,1 pessoas por cada 100 mil morreram por suicídio sendo que a distribuição por género é de 17,1 por 100 mil para os homens e 5 por 100 mil para as mulheres. A taxa de suicídio em Portugal dobrou na última década, de cerca de 600 para mais de 1 200 casos por ano.
O enforcamento é o método de suicídio mais utilizado em 16 países europeus, incluindo Portugal, representando quase metade do total de casos. O segundo mais usado depende do gênero, sendo armas de fogo para homens e afogamento pelas mulheres sendo o oposto (arma de fogo por mulheres e afogamento por homens) muito raro.
Entre os jovens masculinos dos 15 aos 24, Portugal é o país que apresenta a taxa mais baixa da Europa. Além disso, é um dos países com menos suicídios entre mulheres. O número de suicídios aumenta com a faixa etária, sendo mais frequente em homens acima dos 50 anos, esta peculiaridade pode ser reflexo de fatores históricos e culturais. Entre 1902 e 1939 o número de suicídios registrados aumentou de 236 para 969 casos e seguiu estável entre 750 e 1 000 até 1975. E desde essa época que o número de suicídios entre homens já era entre duas e quatro vezes mais comuns do que mulheres e predominava entre os mais velhos. Houve um grande decréscimo a partir da década de 70, chegando a 516 casos em 2000, menos número em 40 anos. Porém, em 2002 e 2003, esse número dobrou ultrapassando os mil casos e seguiu aumentando até 2010, tornando-se a causa de morte não-natural mais comum do país, superando o número por acidentes viários.
Segundo a Sociedade Portuguesa de Suicidologia, entre 1998 a 2008, a média anual de suicídios no Baixo Alentejo foi de 53 casos, enquanto no concelho de Odemira, em 2007, foram registrados 61 mortes a cada 100 mil habitantes, com um grande número de casos na freguesia de Saboia, levando a região a um dos maiores índices de suicídio em todo o mundo. Um dos prováveis motivos pode ser o aumento no índice de desemprego e depressão maior.
No sexo feminino, a menor taxa registou-se na região autónoma da Madeira, onde não houve casos registrados. Salienta-se que nas regiões Norte e Açores ocorreu menos de um suicídio por 100 000 habitantes. No sexo masculino, a região com menor taxa foi a do Norte. De um modo geral, em Portugal registaram-se mais suicídios nos meses de Junho, Julho e Setembro. Janeiro e Fevereiro foram os meses com menor número de registos. Fazendo uma análise por sexos, não se verificam grandes diferenças de perfis, registando-se um maior número de suicídios no sexo masculino nos meses de Junho e Setembro e no sexo feminino em Junho e Julho.
Segundo diversos especialistas a prevenção suicídio não deve ser apenas uma preocupação exclusiva de médicos, e sim de todos os profissionais de saúde, de segurança e da comunidade humana em sua totalidade.
Abordagem psicológica
A abordagem psicológica quanto ao suicídio foca-se na prevenção e na intervenção em crise. A visão predominante da psicologia moderna é de que o suicídio é um problema de saúde mental, associada a fatores psicológicos como a dificuldade ou a impotência em lidar com eventos altamente estressantes, impacto de transtornos mentais. Ao invés de uma verdadeira intenção de morrer, a tentativa de suicídio por vezes é interpretada como um "grito de socorro" para chamar a atenção ao seu desespero e seu desejo de fuga. A maioria das pessoas que tentam suicidar-se não obtém sucesso em sua primeira tentativa e frequentemente tentam novamente em outro momento. Pessoas com tentativas anteriores têm mais probabilidade de realizarem o ato com sucesso, por isso, é importante que a família e amigos se mantenham alerta e tomem medidas de prevenção contra novas tentativas.
Intervenção em crise
Segundo a psicologia e a psiquiatria, caso seja identificado ideação suicida em alguém algumas das medidas que podem ser tomadas para evitar a conclusão do ato éː
Colocar a pessoa em acompanhamento psicológico e psiquiátrico;
Mobilizar a rede social de apoio (família, parceiro(a), amigos...);
Em casos graves, internação em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS);
Fazer um contrato de vida, onde a pessoa se compromete a ligar para pessoas de sua confiança antes de cometer o suicídio;
Monitoramento regular;
Restringir acesso a álcool e drogas;
Retirar acesso aos métodos (como arma de fogo e venenos para animais) do ambiente;
Conversar sobre alternativas para solução dos problemas atuais e de como encará-los de uma forma mais saudável.
Família e amigos devem ficar alerta para pessoas com ideação suicida que começaram a usar antidepressivos. Medicação antidepressiva apesar de diminuir a ideação a longo prazo, nos primeiros meses aumenta bastante os riscos, ao melhorar a capacidade do indivíduo de tomar decisões e tomar atitudes, e por isso precisa de acompanhamento constante.
Contenção física pode ser necessária durante uma tentativa. Conseguir conter o momento de crise e o impulso de se matar frequentemente é eficaz para prevenir o suicídio temporariamente. A intervenção em crise geralmente é pontual durando de duas a seis sessões. Intervenções preventivas feitas em comunidades teve bom resultados como forma de preparar as pessoas a lidar com crises e fazer um acolhimento mais adequado.
Conseguir conter o momento de crise e o impulso de se matar frequentemente é eficaz para prevenir o suicídio temporariamente. A intervenção em crise geralmente é pontual durando de duas a seis sessões. Estudos apontam que algumas intervenções preventivas feitas em comunidades obtiveram bons resultados como forma de preparar as pessoas a lidar com crises e fazer um acolhimento mais adequado.
Sociedade e cultura
A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) e a Associação Internacional para a Prevenção do Suicídio (International Association for Suicide Prevention - IASP) estabeleceram o dia 10 de setembro como o Dia Mundial para Prevenção do Suicídio. O intuito é o de disseminar informação adequada e chamar mais atenção para o que já é considerado um problema de saúde pública.
Antigamente, em Atenas, uma pessoa que havia cometido suicídio (sem a aprovação do Estado) era negada às honras de um funeral normal; a pessoa era enterrada sozinha, na periferia da cidade, sem lápide ou inscrição. Um decreto-lei criminal emitido por Luís XIV de França em 1670 era muito mais grave em sua punição: o corpo do morto era atirado pelas ruas, virado para baixo, depois pendurado ou jogado em uma pilha de lixo, enquanto que todos os seus bens eram confiscados. Em contrapartida, os soldados da Roma antiga e do Japão Feudal que haviam sido derrotados nas guerras eram obrigados a cometerem suicídio.
Modernamente, em algumas jurisdições, um ato incompleto ou ato de suicídio é considerada um crime. Mais comumente, um membro do grupo sobrevivente que ajudou na tentativa de suicídio enfrentará acusações criminais. No Brasil, se a ajuda for direcionada para um menor de idade, a pena é aplicada em seu duplo e não considerada como homicídio. Na Itália e no Canadá, a instigação ao suicídio a outrem também é uma ofensa criminal. Em Singapura, que presta assistência no suicídio de uma pessoa com deficiência mental, esta é uma ofensa capital. Na Índia, o suicídio, a cumplicidade de um menor ou uma pessoa com problemas mentais podem resultar em um prazo máximo de prisão de 1 ano com uma possível multa.
Na Alemanha, as seguintes leis se aplicam no caso do suicídio:
a eutanásia ativa (morte a pedido do próprio paciente) é proibida pelo artigo 216 do Código Penal (Strafgesetzbuch, Código Penal alemão), punível com pena de seis meses a cinco anos de prisão;
a lei alemã interpreta o suicídio como um acidente e todas as pessoas presentes durante o ato podem ser processadas por não prestar auxílio e caso de emergência. Um suicídio torna-se legalmente emergencial quando uma pessoa perde a consciência suicida. A falta de prestação de auxílio é punível nos termos do artigo 323C do Código Penal Suíço, com uma pena de prisão máxima de um ano.
Interpretações religiosas
Émile Durkheim, em sua teoria sobre o suicídio, acredita que a religião promove valores compartilhados, interação e limites sociais fortes que evitam que o indivíduo se sinta isolado e, ao mesmo tempo, estabelecem um conjunto de ideais pelos quais viver, constituindo-se em um fator protetor contra o suicídio. Alguns estudos internacionais mostraram que realmente ter uma religião diminui o número de tentativas de suicídio e aumentam a aversão a esse ato.
Porém mesmo com o cristianismo condenando o suicídio em um estudo brasileiro a frequência de ideação suicida significativa foi encontrada em 26,4% dos católicos, 24% dos evangélicos, 13,3% dos espíritas/outros e apenas 10% de pessoas que se definiam sem religião. Analisando do ponto de vista da intensidade da religião em sua vida 24% dos muito religiosos tinham ideação suicida, 21% dos moderadamente religiosos e 32,1% dos pouco religiosos. Um aumento maior da depressão também foi encontrado entre religiosos (30%) em comparação a pessoas sem religião (20%). Outro estudo brasileiro mostrou que religião, nível de ortodoxia e nem mesmo o medo da morte servem como predição da aceitação do suicídio.
Na maioria das escolas do cristianismo, o suicídio é considerado um pecado, baseado principalmente em escritos de influentes pensadores da Idade Média como Santo Agostinho e São Tomás de Aquino; o suicídio não era considerado um pecado sob o código de Justianiano do Império Bizantino, no entanto. Na doutrina católica, o argumento é baseado no mandamento "Não matarás" (aplicado no âmbito do Novo Testamento por Jesus em ), bem como a ideia de que a vida é um dom dado por Deus que não deve ser desprezada, e que o suicídio é contra a ordem "natural" e, portanto, interfere com a vontade de Deus.
Na Idade Média, a Igreja Católica Romana condenava o suicídio, e para desestimular o ato aqueles que morriam dessa forma não eram enterrados, os corpos ficavam ao ar livre para serem devorados pelas "feras" e aves de rapina.
A Bíblia, embora nunca use a palavra suicídio, conta sobre algumas pessoas que o desejaram (inclusive Jó, Moisés e Elias) e sobre várias que cometeram atos suicidas (como Sansão, Saul e Judas Iscariotes). Pela bíblia não se pode garantir que todos suicidas vão para o inferno, pois ao mesmo tempo que o suicídio é visto como um pecado gravíssimo (por ir contra o "Não matarás") que deve ser evitado por todos aqueles que tem fé em Deus, aqueles que perderam algum ente querido nessas condições podem encontrar consolo nas passagens "os cristãos podem saber que possuem a vida eterna sem qualquer dúvida" (1 João 5:13), "Nada pode separar um cristão do amor de Deus" (Romanos 8:38-39) e na passagem que diz que Jesus perdoou todos os pecados com seu sacrifício.
O judaísmo enfoca a importância da valorização da vida, e como tal, o suicídio é o mesmo que negar a bondade de Deus no mundo. Apesar disso, existem relatos de judeus que se suicidaram em circunstâncias extremas, quando estavam correndo de serem escravizados, humilhados ou mortos (ver Massada e Saul (rei) por exemplo). Para honrar suas memórias há mesmo uma oração na liturgia judaica "para aqueles que estão morrendo, com a faca na garganta, para santificar o nome de Deus" (Ver: martírio). Estes atos são considerados polêmicos entre autoridades judaicas, sendo considerados por alguns como exemplos de martírio heróico, enquanto outros afirmam que foi errado eles tomarem suas próprias vidas.
No Talmud existe uma história aplicável à questão da eutanásia. O grande sábio Rabi Chanina estava sendo queimado vivo pelos romanos. Seus alunos pediram-lhe para acabar com seu sofrimento rapidamente, abrindo sua boca e respirando a fumaça e chamas. Mas ele respondeu: "É melhor que Ele, que deu me a minha alma, leve-a, em vez de eu causar danos a mim mesmo".
O suicídio não é permitido na religião do islã; contudo, martirizando-se para Deus (durante o combate) não é o mesmo de completar o suicídio. Suicídio no Islã é visto como um sinal de descrença em Deus. Entretanto, as operações de martírio ('amaliyah istishâdiyah) por detonação de explosivos comumente praticadas por grupos de resistência religiosa e nacionalista como o Hamas, o Hizbollah, a Jihad Islâmica e a Al-Qaeda, são consideradas suicidas.
No hinduísmo, o suicídio é desaprovado e é considerado tanto pecaminoso como matar outra pessoa. Os textos hindus dizem que quem comete suicídio passará a fazer parte do espírito do mundo, vagando pela Terra até o dia em que deveria ter falecido, caso não houvesse cometido suicídio.
Para o budismo, já que o primeiro preceito é que não se destrua nenhuma forma de vida, incluindo a sua própria, o suicídio é visto como uma ação negativa.
Nos ensinamentos budistas, o passado dos indivíduos atua fortemente na influência que experimentam no presente; atos presentes, por sua vez, tornam-se a influência de fundo para experiências futuras (carma). As ações produzidas pela mente, pelo corpo e pela reação, ou repercussão, por sua vez, são a causa das condições (boas e más) de que nos deparamos no mundo de hoje.
No entanto, alguns suttas mostram que a questão não é tão simples:
No Samyutta Nikaya IV.23, o Buda fala sobre o suicídio do venerável Godhika:No Majjhima Nikaya 144, o Buda fala sobre o suicídio do bhikkhu Channa:
Isso não significa que o Buda aprovasse o suicídio; o que estes dois suttas mostram é que existem circunstâncias em que o suicídio pode ser aceitável, por exemplo quando ele conduz ao paranibbana.
Seitas pró-suicídio
Os cátaros na Idade Média praticavam e legitimavam o suicídio, que segundo eles era uma forma de libertação do espírito (criado pelo Deus do bem) que se encontra sob o jugo da matéria (criada pelo Deus do mal). Para as seitas gnósticas da Antiguidade e da Idade Média, todas as formas de vida (bios) eram consideradas como cárcere do espírito divino e como tal, deveriam ser destruídas.
Algumas seitas religiosas modernas fazem cultos ao suicídio, como a Ordem do Templo Solar, a Heaven's Gate, a Peoples Temple e outras.
github_open_source_100_8_19949 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | <template>
<h3>Choose mode</h3>
<div class="col-md-12">
<label class="mr-3">
<input type="radio" name="mode" value="stack" v-model="mode" /> Stack
<input type="radio" name="mode" value="single" v-model="mode" /> Single message
<p class="text-left">
<strong>Single</strong> mode will display only one message on screen and when you create new message the old one will hide.
<br />
<strong>Stack </strong> mode will display multiple messages on screen. All messages will be shown on screeen and they will
dissapear according to their settings (duration, dissmisable, etc...)
<div class="pb-3 col-md-12">
<h3>Message text (html)</h3>
<textarea class="form-control" style="max-height: 300px; max-width: 100%;" v-model="message"></textarea>
<div class="pb-3 row ">
<h3 class="w-100">Message settings</h3>
<div class="col-md-3">
<label>Message type</label>
<select class="form-control" v-model="msgSettings.type">
<option value="success">Success</option>
<option value="error">Error</option>
<option value="info">Info</option>
<div class="col-md-3">
<select class="form-control" v-model="msgSettings.placement" :disabled="msgSettings.showInContainer == 'true'">
<option value="top">Top</option>
<option value="top-left">Top left</option>
<option value="top-right">Top right</option>
<option value="bottom">Bottom</option>
<option value="bottom-left">Bottom left</option>
<option value="bottom-right">Bottom right</option>
<div class="col-md-3">
<input type="number" class="form-control" v-model="msgSettings.duration" >
<div class="col-md-3">
<label>Is sticky</label>
<select class="form-control" v-model="msgSettings.isSticky">
<option value="false">No</option>
<option value="true">Yes</option>
<div class="col-md-3">
<select class="form-control" v-model="msgSettings.dismissible">
<option value="false">No</option>
<option value="true">Yes</option>
<div class="col-md-3">
<label>Show in container</label>
<select class="form-control" v-model="msgSettings.showInContainer">
<option value="false">No</option>
<option value="true">Yes</option>
<div class="mb-3">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" @click="showMessage">Show message</button>
<p>Hit "Show message" button multiple times to display multiple messages</p>
export default {
data() {
return {
mode: "stack",
message: `<h4><span class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></span> Test message!</h4>
<p>This is a sample message text ...</p>`,
msgSettings: {
type: "success",
placement: "top",
isSticky: false,
dismissible: false,
duration: 3000,
showInContainer: false
methods: {
showMessage() {
let settings = {
placement: this.msgSettings.placement,
isSticky: this.msgSettings.isSticky == "true",
dismissible: this.msgSettings.dismissible == "true",
duration: this.msgSettings.duration
if (this.msgSettings.showInContainer == "true") {
settings.element = ".message";
switch (this.msgSettings.type) {
case "success":
this.$message.success(this.message, settings);
case "error":
this.$message.error(this.message, settings);
case "info":
this.$, settings);
changeMode() {
watch: {
mode: "changeMode"
<style scoped>
.ml-3 {
margin-left: 1rem;
.p-3 {
padding: 1rem;
</style> |
github_open_source_100_8_19950 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | <ul id="navigation">
<li><?php echo anchor('admin/dashboard', 'Dashboard'); ?></li>
<li><?php if(user_group('admin')) { echo anchor('admin/users/manage', 'Manage Users'); } ?></li>
<li><?php echo anchor('logout', 'Logout'); ?></li>
<li><?php echo anchor('login', 'Login'); ?></li>
<li><?php echo anchor('register', 'Register'); ?></li>
</ul> |
github_open_source_100_8_19951 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | @isTest
private class SwagVatLookupRequestTest {
private static void equalsSameInstance() {
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest1 = SwagVatLookupRequest.getExample();
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest2 = vatLookupRequest1;
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest3 = new SwagVatLookupRequest();
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest4 = vatLookupRequest3;
private static void equalsIdenticalInstance() {
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest1 = SwagVatLookupRequest.getExample();
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest2 = SwagVatLookupRequest.getExample();
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest3 = new SwagVatLookupRequest();
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest4 = new SwagVatLookupRequest();
private static void notEqualsUnlikeInstance() {
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest1 = SwagVatLookupRequest.getExample();
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest2 = new SwagVatLookupRequest();
System.assertEquals(false, vatLookupRequest1.equals(vatLookupRequest2));
System.assertEquals(false, vatLookupRequest2.equals(vatLookupRequest1));
private static void notEqualsDifferentType() {
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest1 = SwagVatLookupRequest.getExample();
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest2 = new SwagVatLookupRequest();
System.assertEquals(false, vatLookupRequest1.equals('foo'));
System.assertEquals(false, vatLookupRequest2.equals('foo'));
private static void notEqualsNull() {
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest1 = SwagVatLookupRequest.getExample();
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest2 = new SwagVatLookupRequest();
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest3;
System.assertEquals(false, vatLookupRequest1.equals(vatLookupRequest3));
System.assertEquals(false, vatLookupRequest2.equals(vatLookupRequest3));
private static void consistentHashCodeValue() {
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest1 = SwagVatLookupRequest.getExample();
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest2 = new SwagVatLookupRequest();
System.assertEquals(vatLookupRequest1.hashCode(), vatLookupRequest1.hashCode());
System.assertEquals(vatLookupRequest2.hashCode(), vatLookupRequest2.hashCode());
private static void equalInstancesHaveSameHashCode() {
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest1 = SwagVatLookupRequest.getExample();
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest2 = SwagVatLookupRequest.getExample();
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest3 = new SwagVatLookupRequest();
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest4 = new SwagVatLookupRequest();
System.assertEquals(vatLookupRequest1.hashCode(), vatLookupRequest2.hashCode());
System.assertEquals(vatLookupRequest3.hashCode(), vatLookupRequest4.hashCode());
private static void maintainRenamedProperties() {
SwagVatLookupRequest vatLookupRequest = new SwagVatLookupRequest();
Map<String, String> propertyMappings = vatLookupRequest.getPropertyMappings();
System.assertEquals('vatCode', propertyMappings.get('VatCode'));
github_open_source_100_8_19952 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import { themeGet as tg } from 'styled-system';
import HomePage from '../../pages/HomePage';
import InnerPage from '../../pages/InnerPage';
const Wrapper = styled.div`
font-family: ${tg('fonts.bodyText')};
font-size: ${tg('fontSizes.m')}px;
color: ${tg('')};
line-height: ${tg('lineHeights.l')};
const BaseTemplate = ({ location, children }) => {
const { pathname } = location;
return (
{pathname === '/' ? (
) : (
BaseTemplate.propTypes = {
location: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.any),
children: PropTypes.node,
export default withRouter(BaseTemplate);
US-202015930568-A_2 | USPTO | Public Domain | FIG. 23 is a rear perspective view of the supply charging device 500 in accordance with an exemplary embodiment. The supply housing 512 includes a supply base 516 extending rearward from the supply flange 514 to the rear 542 of the supply housing 512. The supply base 516 receives a contact holder 526 that holds the supply power contacts 520 (shown in FIG. 22 ). The power wires 132 extend from the contact holder 526.
In an exemplary embodiment, the supply charging device 500 includes mounting springs 550, 552, 554 coupled to the supply housing 512 at the rear 542 of the supply housing 512. The mounting springs 550, 552, 554 are configured to engage the panel 106 to allow the supply power connector 510 to float relative to the panel 106 for alignment of the mating end 502 of the supply power connector 510 with the receiver power connector 610 (shown in FIG. 21 ). The mounting springs 550, 552, 554 are compressible to allow the supply housing 512 to move relative to the panel 106 to change a position of the mating end 502 of the supply power connector 510 relative to the panel 106 for mating with the receiver power connector 610.
The mounting spring 550 includes a fixed end 560 coupled to the supply housing 512 and a free end 562 configured to be coupled to the panel 106. The mounting spring 550 is compressible such that the free end 562 is movable relative to the fixed end 560. In an exemplary embodiment, the supply housing 512 includes a slot 564 at the rear 542 that receives the free end 562 of the mounting spring 550.
In an exemplary embodiment, the supply housing 512 includes locating features 566 extending from the supply flange 514 at the rear 542. In the illustrated embodiment, the locating features 566 are cylindrical posts. Other types of locating features may be used in alternative embodiments. The locating features 566 may be provided on the supply base 516 in alternative embodiments. The locating features 566 are configured be engage the panel 106 to locate the supply power connector 510 relative to the panel 106.
FIG. 24 is a rear perspective view of the supply charging device 500 mated to the panel 106. The supply flange 514 is located forward of the panel 106. The supply base 516 extends into and through the panel cutout 120 to the interior of the charging component 404. The mounting springs 550, 552, 554 extend into the panel cutout 120 and engage the panel 106. The mounting springs 550, 552, 554 bias the supply power connector 510 to a resting position relative to the panel 106.
The supply power connector 510 is movable from the resting position to an offset position (for example, movable to the right side, to the left side, upward, and/or downward), such as when the mobile charging device 600 (shown in FIG. 21 ) engages the supply charging device 500 to align the supply charging device 500 with the mobile charging device 600. The mounting springs 550, 552, 554 return the supply power connector 510 from the offset position to the resting position when the supply power connector 510 is released. The mounting springs 550, 552 control horizontal positioning (for example, side-to-side) of the supply charging device 500 relative to the panel 106. The mounting spring 554 controls vertical positioning (for example, up and down) of the supply charging device 500 relative to the panel 106.
FIG. 25 is a rear perspective view of the charging component 404 showing a portion of the supply charging device 500 mounted to the panel 106. The supply charging device 500 includes a retaining plate 570 coupled to the rear 542 of the supply housing 512. The retaining plate 570 is used to mount the supply power connector 510 to the panel 106. The retaining plate 570 includes a front 572 and a rear 574. The front 572 faces the panel 106. Fasteners 576 are used to secure the retaining plate 570 to the supply housing 512. Optionally, the fasteners 576 may be secured to the locating features 566. The retaining plate 570 includes an opening 578 configured to receive the supply base 516. The opening 578 may receive portions of the mounting springs 550, 552. The opening 578 may receive portions of the mounting spring 554 in various embodiments.
FIG. 26 is a rear perspective view of the mobile charging device 600 in accordance with an exemplary embodiment. FIG. 27 is a rear perspective, exploded view of the mobile charging device 600 in accordance with an exemplary embodiment. The receiver housing 612 extends between a front 640 and a rear 642. The mating end 602 is provided at the front 640 of the receiver housing 612. The receiver base 616 extends rearward from the receiver flange 614 to the rear 642 of the receiver housing 612. In the illustrated embodiment, the receiver signal contacts 624 are pogo contacts; however, other types of contact may be used in alternative embodiments.
The receiver base 616 receives a contact holder 626 in a cavity 628 of the receiver base 616. The contact holder 626 holds the receiver power contacts 620 (FIG. 27 ). The power wires 142 extend from the contact holder 626. In the illustrated embodiment, the receiver power contacts 620 are configured be side loaded into corresponding contact channels in the contact holder 626, such as through the top side and/or the bottom side of the contact holder 626. In alternative embodiments, the receiver power contacts 620 may be end loaded into the contact holder 626, such as through the rear end of the contact holder 626. In an exemplary embodiment, a contact lock 629 is used to lock the receiver power contacts 620 in the contact holder 626. The contact holder 626, with the receiver power contacts 620 loaded therein and the power wires 142 extending therefrom, is configured to be rear loaded into the cavity 628 of the receiver base 616. The contact lock 629 is then coupled to the receiver base 616 to lock the contact holder 626 in the cavity 628 and to lock the receiver power contacts 620 in the contact holder 626.
FIG. 28 is a rear perspective, exploded view of the supply charging device 500 in accordance with an exemplary embodiment. FIG. 28 illustrates the mounting springs 550, 552, 554 configured to be plugged into the supply housing 512. FIG. 28 illustrates the supply signal contacts 524 configured to be loaded into the supply housing 512. In the illustrated embodiment, the supply signal contacts 524 are pogo contacts; however, other types of contact may be used in alternative embodiments
FIG. 28 illustrates the contact holder 526 used to hold the supply power contacts 520. The contact holder 526 is configured to be received in a cavity 528 of the supply base 516. The contact holder 526 holds the supply power contacts 520. The power wires 132 extend from the contact holder 526. In the illustrated embodiment, the supply power contacts 520 are configured be side loaded into corresponding contact channels in the contact holder 526, such as through the top side and/or the bottom side of the contact holder 526. In alternative embodiments, the supply power contacts 520 may be end loaded into the contact holder 526, such as through the rear end of the contact holder 526. In an exemplary embodiment, a contact lock 529 is used to lock the supply power contacts 520 in the contact holder 526. The contact holder 526, with the supply power contacts 520 loaded therein and the power wires 142 extending therefrom, is configured to be rear loaded into the cavity 528 of the supply base 516. The contact lock 529 is then coupled to the supply base 516 to lock the contact holder 526 in the cavity 528 and to lock the supply power contacts 520 in the contact holder 526.
FIG. 29 is a perspective view of the charging component 404 showing the supply charging device 500 mounted to the panel 106. The panel 106 is captured in a panel gap 580 between the front 572 of the retaining plate 570 and the rear 542 of the supply flange 514. The retaining plate 570 is coupled to the supply power connector 510 such that the retaining plate 570 is movable relative to the panel 106 with the supply power connector 510. In an exemplary embodiment, the panel gap 580 has a width greater than a width of the panel 106 to allow the supply power connector 510 to be angularly offset with respect to the panel 106. For example, the supply power connector 510 may be rotated relative to the panel 106 such that the supply flange 514 is nonparallel to the panel 106. The angular offset allows mating with the mobile charging device 600 in a mating direction non-perpendicular to the panel 106. In various embodiments, the supply power connector 510 may be angularly offset by approximately 5° relative to the panel 106. However, the amount of angular offset may be greater or less than 5° in alternative embodiments by controlling the panel gap width.
FIG. 30 is a cross-sectional view of the charging system 400 in accordance with an exemplary embodiment showing the mobile charging device 600 being mated with the supply charging device 500 in a mating direction 450. The mobile charging device 600 is offset or misaligned relative to the supply charging device 500. For example, in the illustrated embodiment, the mobile charging device 600 is horizontally offset (for example, to the right) relative to the supply charging device 500. The supply charging device 500 is movable relative to the panel 106 to align the mating end 502 of the supply charging device 500 with the mating end 602 of the mobile charging device 600. The guide member 530 engages the guide features 630 to align the mating ends 502, 602.
During mating, the nose 532 is received in the funnel 632 through the opening 634. As the mobile charging device 600 moves in the mating direction 450, the guide walls 636 engage the guide member 530 and forced the guide member 530 in an offsetting direction 452. In the illustrated embodiment, the offsetting direction 452 is in a sideways direction; however, the offsetting direction 452 may be in a different direction in alternative embodiments, including an upward direction, a downward direction and/or at another angular direction.
FIG. 31 is a cross-sectional view of the charging system 400 in accordance with an exemplary embodiment showing the mobile charging device 600 partially mated with the supply charging device 500 in the mating direction 450. During mating, the mounting spring 552 is compressed as the supply power connector 510 is shifted in the offsetting direction 452. The supply power connector 510 is shifted relative to the panel 106 to align the nose 532 with the receptacle 638. The nose 532 rides along the guide wall 636 toward the receptacle 638 as the mobile charging device 600 is moved in the mating direction 450.
FIG. 32 is a cross-sectional view of the charging system 400 in accordance with an exemplary embodiment showing the mobile charging device 600 fully mated with the supply charging device 500. The mounting spring 552 is compressed. The supply the connector 510 is shifted to the offset position relative to the panel 106. The supply power contacts 520 are mated with the receiver power contacts 620 in the mated position.
FIG. 33 illustrates the charging system 400 in accordance with an exemplary embodiment. In the illustrated embodiment, the supply charging device 500 includes an electrostatic discharge contact 504 and the mobile charging device 600 includes an electrostatic discharge contact 604. The electrostatic discharge contact 504 engages the electrostatic discharge contact 604 when the mobile charging device 600 is mated with the supply charging device 500. In an exemplary embodiment, the electrostatic discharge contacts 504, 604 are mated prior to the power contacts 520, 620 being mated.
FIG. 34 illustrates a charging system 700 in accordance with an exemplary embodiment including a supply charging device 800 and a mobile charging device 900. FIG. 35 illustrates the charging system 700 in accordance with an exemplary embodiment including the supply charging device 800 and the mobile charging device 900. The charging system 700 is similar to the charging systems 100, 400; however, the charging devices are circular rather than being rectangular.
The mobile charging device 900 is provided on a mobile device 702 and includes a mating end 902 configured to be mated with the supply charging device 800. The supply charging device 800 is provided on a charging component 704 and includes a mating end 802 configured to be mated with the mobile charging device 900. The supply charging device 800 is configured to be coupled to a panel 706 (shown in FIG. 36 ). The mobile charging device 900 is configured to be coupled to a body 708 (shown in FIG. 36 ) of the mobile device 702. The mobile device 702 is configured to be separated from the charging component 704 and returned to the charging component 704 to recharge the mobile device 702. The mobile charging device 900 receives power from the supply charging device 800 when coupled thereto.
With reference to FIG. 35 , the mobile charging device 900 includes a receiver power connector 910 having a receiver housing 912. The receiver housing 912 has a receiver flange 914 configured to be mounted to the body 708 of the mobile device 702. The receiver housing 912 holds receiver power contacts 920. The receiver housing 912 includes a guide feature 930 to guide mating of the mobile charging device 900 with the supply charging device 800. In an exemplary embodiment, the guide feature 930 includes a funnel 932 having an opening 934. The funnel 932 has angled guide walls 936 between the opening 934 and a receptacle 938. The guide walls 936 guide alignment of the supply charging device 800 and the mobile charging device 900 with the mobile device 702 returns to the charging component 704. The funnel 932 accommodates horizontal misalignment (for example, misalignment from either side) and accommodates vertical misalignment (for example, misalignment from above or from below).
With reference to FIG. 34 , the supply charging device 800 includes a supply power connector 810 having a supply housing 812. The supply housing 812 extends between a front 840 and a rear 842. The mating end 802 is provided at the front 840 of the supply housing 812. The supply housing 812 has a supply flange 814 configured to be mounted to the panel 706. The supply housing 812 holds supply power contacts 820. The supply housing 812 includes a guide member 830 extending forward from the flange 814. The guide member 830 is configured to be received in the funnel 932 of the receiver housing 912 through the opening 934 to locate the supply charging device 800 relative to the mobile charging device 900. In an exemplary embodiment, the supply charging device 800 includes mounting springs 850 coupled to the supply housing 812 configured to engage the panel 106 to allow the supply power connector 810 to float relative to the panel 106 for alignment of the mating end 802 of the supply power connector 810 with the receiver power connector 910.
FIG. 36 is a cross-sectional view of the charging system 700 in accordance with an exemplary embodiment showing the mobile charging device 900 partially mated with the supply charging device 800 in the mating direction 750. During mating, the mounting spring 850 allows floating movement of the supply power connector 810 to an offset position relative to the panel 706 to align the mating end 802 of the supply charging device 800 with the mating end 902 of the mobile charging device 900. The supply power connector 810 is shifted relative to the panel 706 to align the guide member 830 with the receptacle 938.
FIG. 37 is a perspective view of the charging system 700 showing the supply charging device 800 mated to the panel 706 and the mobile charging device 900 mated to the body 708 of the mobile device 702. In an exemplary embodiment, the panel 706 includes an enclosure 760. The supply charging device 800 is mounted within the enclosure 760. The supply charging device 800 is recessed from a front of the panel 706 within the enclosure 760. The mobile device 702 includes a plug 762 extending outward from the body 708. The mobile charging device 900 is mounted to the plug 762. The plug 762 is configured to be received in the enclosure 760. The walls of the enclosure 760 are used to guide the plug 762. For example, the walls of the enclosure 760 may be used for course alignment of the mobile charging device 900 with the supply charging device 800. The guide feature 930 and the guide member 830 may then be used for fine alignment of the mobile charging device 900 with the supply charging device 800.
FIG. 38 is a cross-sectional view of the charging system 700 showing the mobile device 702 being mated with the charging component 704. The mobile charging device 900 is offset relative to the supply charging device 800. The enclosure 760 is used to guide the plug 762 into general alignment such that the guide feature 930 may be used to interface with the guide member 830 during mating of the mobile charging device 900 with the supply charging device 800. Enclosure walls 764 are angled from front to rear two center the plug 762 within the enclosure 760.
FIG. 39 is a cross-sectional view of the charging system 700 showing the mobile device 702 being mated with the charging component 704. The enclosure walls 764 guide the plug 762 toward the center of the enclosure 760. The enclosure walls 764 forced the plug 762 and the receiver power connector 910 into general alignment with the supply power connector 810. The guide member 830 is aligned with the funnel 932 by the enclosure walls 764. Further mating of the mobile charging device 900 with the supply charging device 800 causes the guide member 830 to be aligned with the receptacle 938. For example, the enclosure walls 764 and/or the funnel 932 may be used to orient the mobile charging device 900 and the supply charging device 800.
FIG. 40 is a cross-sectional view of a portion of the mobile charging device 900 in accordance with an exemplary embodiment. In the illustrated embodiment, the receiver power connector 910 of the mobile charging device 900 is coupled to the body 708 of the mobile device 702 by a floating coupler 950 to allow a limited amount of floating movement of the receiver power connector 910 relative to the body 708 of the mobile device 702. The floating coupler 950 includes a flange 952 having a groove 954 that receives the body 708. The groove 954 is oversized relative to the opening in the body 708 to allow a limited amount of floating movement of the floating coupler 950 relative to the body 708. As such, the receiver power connector 910 is able to move relative to the body 708, such as to align the receiver power connector 910 with the supply power connector 810 during mating.
It is to be understood that the above description is intended to be illustrative, and not restrictive. For example, the above-described embodiments (and/or aspects thereof) may be used in combination with each other. In addition, many modifications may be made to adapt a particular situation or material to the teachings of the invention without departing from its scope. Dimensions, types of materials, orientations of the various components, and the number and positions of the various components described herein are intended to define parameters of certain embodiments, and are by no means limiting and are merely exemplary embodiments. Many other embodiments and modifications within the spirit and scope of the claims will be apparent to those of skill in the art upon reviewing the above description. The scope of the invention should, therefore, be determined with reference to the appended claims, along with the full scope of equivalents to which such claims are entitled. In the appended claims, the terms “including” and “in which” are used as the plain-English equivalents of the respective terms “comprising” and “wherein.” Moreover, in the following claims, the terms “first,” “second,” and “third,” etc. are used merely as labels, and are not intended to impose numerical requirements on their objects. Further, the limitations of the following claims are not written in means—plus-function format and are not intended to be interpreted based on 35 U.S.C. § 112, sixth paragraph, unless and until such claim limitations expressly use the phrase “means for” followed by a statement of function void of further structure.
What is claimed is:
1. A supply charging device for a mobile device, the supply charging device comprising: a supply power connector having a housing extending between a front and a rear, the supply power connector having a mating end at the front, the housing having a flange configured to be mounted to a panel, the housing having a base extending rearward from the flange through a panel cutout in the panel, the housing including power contact channels extending through the base, the housing including a guide member extending forward from the flange, the guide member configured to engage a guide feature of the mobile device to locate a receiver power connector of the mobile device relative to the supply power connector of the mobile device, the supply power connector including power contacts received in the power contact channels; a retaining plate coupled to the rear of the housing, a panel gap being defined between the retaining plate and the rear of the housing with the panel received between the flange and the retaining plate; a mounting spring coupled to the housing, the mounting spring extending rearward of the flange, the mounting spring being received in the panel cutout, the mounting spring configured to engage the panel to allow the supply power connector to float relative to the panel within the panel cutout for aligning the mating end of the supply power connector with the receiver power connector.
2. The supply charging device of claim 1, wherein the mounting spring includes a fixed end coupled to the housing and a free end configured to be coupled to the panel, the mounting spring being compressible to allow the housing to move relative to the panel to change a position of the mating end of the supply power connector relative to the panel for mating with the receiver power connector.
3. The supply charging device of claim 1, wherein the housing includes a locating feature received in the cutout, the locating feature configured to engage the panel to control an amount of floating movement of the supply power connector relative to the panel.
4. The supply charging device of claim 1, wherein the mounting spring biases the supply power connector to a resting position relative to the panel, the supply power connector movable from the resting position to an offset position, the mounting spring returning the supply power connector from the offset position to the resting position when the supply power connector is released.
5. The supply charging device of claim 1, wherein the supply power connector is movable by the receiver power connector when the receiver power connector engages the supply power connector.
6. The supply charging device of claim 1, wherein the mounting spring is a first mounting spring, the supply charging device further comprising a second mounting spring, the first mounting spring biasing the supply power connector relative to the panel in a first direction, the second mounting spring biasing the supply power connector relative to the panel in a second direction, the second direction being parallel to and opposing the first direction.
7. The supply charging device of claim 6, further comprising a third mounting spring, the third mounting spring biasing the supply power connector relative to the panel in a third direction, the third direction being perpendicular to the first direction and the second direction.
8. The supply charging device of claim 1, wherein the mounting spring allows floating movement of the supply power connector relative to the panel of at least 10 mm.
9. The supply charging device of claim 1, wherein the guide member has a width and a height, the mounting spring allowing floating movement of the supply power connector a floating offset distance of at least 10% of the width or at least 10% of the height.
10. The supply charging device of claim 1, wherein the guide member includes a nose and a cone between the nose and the flange, the nose engaging the guide feature of the mobile device to locate the supply power connector relative to the receiver power connector.
11. The supply charging device of claim 10, wherein the guide feature includes a funnel extending to a receptacle, the nose being received in the funnel to align the nose with the receptacle, the supply power connector floating relative to the panel to an offset position as the nose is aligned with the receptacle.
12. The supply charging device of claim 1, wherein the supply power connector includes signal contact channels and signal contacts received in the signal contact channels.
13. The supply charging device of claim 1, wherein the base includes a rear cavity, the supply power connector including a power contact holder holding the power contacts, the power contact holder received in the rear cavity.
14. The supply charging device of claim 1, wherein the panel gap has a panel gap width, the panel gap width being wider than the panel to allow the supply power connector to be angularly offset with respect to the panel.
15. The supply charging device of claim 1, wherein the supply power connector includes an electrostatic discharge contact configured to be mated with the receiver power connector.
16. A charging system comprising: a mobile charging device including a receiver power connector having a receiver housing extending between a front and a rear, the receiver power connector having a mating end at the front, the receiver housing having a receiver flange configured to be mounted to a body of a mobile device, the receiver housing having a receiver base extending rearward from the receiver flange through a body cutout in the body of the mobile device, the receiver housing including receiver power contact channels extending through the receiver base, the receiver housing including a funnel having an opening, the funnel having angled guide walls between the opening and a receptacle at the receiver base, the receiver power connector including receiver power contacts received in the receiver power contact channels, the receiver power contacts extending into the receptacle; and a supply charging device including a supply power connector having a supply housing extending between a front and a rear, the supply power connector having a mating end at the front, the supply housing having a supply flange configured to be mounted to a panel, the supply housing having a supply base extending rearward from the supply flange through a panel cutout in the panel, the supply housing including supply power contact channels extending through the supply base, the supply housing including a guide member extending forward from the flange, the guide member being received in the funnel of the receiver housing through the opening to locate the supply charging device relative to the mobile charging device, the supply power connector including supply power contacts received in the supply power contact channels, the mating end of the supply power connector being received in the receptacle such that the supply power contacts are mated to the receiver power contacts, the supply charging device including a retaining plate coupled to the rear of the supply housing used to mount the supply power connector to the panel, the supply charging device including a mounting spring coupled the supply housing, the mounting spring extending rearward of the supply flange, the mounting spring engaging the panel to allow the supply power connector to float relative to the panel for aligning the mating end of the supply power connector with the receiver power connector.
17. 18. The autonomous mobile device of claim 17, wherein the mounting spring includes a fixed end coupled to the supply housing and a free end configured to be coupled to the panel, the mounting spring being compressible to allow the supply housing to move relative to the panel to change a position of the mating end of the supply power connector relative to the panel for mating with the receiver power connector.
19. The autonomous mobile device of claim 17, wherein the supply housing includes a locating feature received in the panel cutout, the locating feature configured to engage the panel to control an amount of floating movement of the supply power connector relative to the panel.
20. The autonomous mobile device of claim 17, wherein the mounting spring biases the supply power connector to a resting position relative to the panel, the supply power connector movable from the resting position to an offset position, the mounting spring returning the supply power connector from the offset position to the resting position when the supply power connector is released..
sn82015415_1907-01-01_1_1_1 | US-PD-Newspapers | Public Domain | Yesterday, the Star, the daily paper that opened late the hours of Honolulu, advertising makes each day busier than the day before. VOL. XIV. HONOLULU, HAWAII. JANUARY 1, 1907. No. 608 THE TWAIN INF HIPPING IMPERILED FIRECE IN DANGER OF BEING CRASHED INTO BY SHIP BACOCK LAST NIGHT CHANNEL BUOY BLOWN AWAY there was little sloop for the masters of ships. Constantly Captain Stinson of the ship Babcock was on deck looking to his lines. The wind blew a ripping gale from the southeast and threatened at any moment to hurl the full-rigger onto the United States Revenue Cutter Manning. The Japanese hands were called out, the shout of "all hands on deck" breaking through the storm, and extra lines were passed astern to the reef moorings, for not only was there imminent, but there was a great deal of trouble and inconvenience among the various liquor and grocery dealers of the islands. Every article has to be properly labeled and it is not an absolutely pure article, then the label is required to so specify and to enumerate the nature of the mixture. Liquors have to be labeled and if blended, are required to have the label so state. If the labels do not so specify, the dealers have to mark upon each label the word "mislabelled." The law is bad enough for the liquor dealers, but it is playing havoc with the grocery stores where the pure provisions are the most constantly applicable. It is also likely that the Orientals will be considerably perplexed and run afoul of the laws. The Federal authorities will have charge of the prosecutions for violations of the pure food law. ANNUAL UNDERWEAR SALE AT SACHS. Sachs' annual sale of muslin underwear begins on Wednesday morning, January 2. The entire stock will be offered at price reductions that will mean a big saving to you. CRITERION'S LUNCH The Criterion continues to serve its excellent noonday lunch which is so popular among business men. 25c with beer. The ordinary bank deals merely with the living man, but the trust company takes charge of his estate after he is gone, and sees that his wishes are carried out. It assumes all care and responsibility, and by methodical system renders judicious service. TRUST CO. LTD Fort Street, Honolulu. New Pure MUCH BY THE danger of the lines parting but it seemed that the great boilers made fast to the reef were themselves in peril of breaking loose and letting the ship go free. Had the moorings given way there would have been nothing to avert a catastrophe, for the Babcock was directly in line and only about three ship-lengths from the revenue cutter. The Babcock tugged at her harness like an unbroken horse. The wind shrieked through her naked poles and her gear strained and croaked like a multitude of demons. Extra lines were also passed out from the Manning indeed every vessel in the harbor was forced to look to her fastenings. Angus' ark or houseboat near the lighthouse, was severely damaged by the storm. Her flagpole went first and it might therefore be said that she was dismasted. Today is a holiday and no Inter-Island boats are leaving port. Even if they were scheduled to sail today it is doubtful if they would be permitted to get away. No sailing vessel would dare attempt to put out in a steam such as that prevailing. The seawall is being crumbled at the harbor. Tomorrow JUDGE ROBINSON WILL GIVE A CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE HOLT WILL. Circuit Judge Robinson will hand down two decisions tomorrow morning. Particular interest is attached to one of these and the court has been given a great deal of study on the matter. It is the construction of the will of the late Robert W. Holt. The will was admitted to probate by G. M. Robertson, Justice of the Supreme Court, on July 26, 1862. Certain provisions of the will and the codicil are obscure, and it was thought best to have a judicial construction of the obscure portions made by the court. Extensive litigation has occurred over this estate as is indicated by the following formidable list of attorneys who represent various interests: W. S. Edlngs, Holmes & Stanley, Thayer & Hemenway, E. C. Peters, E. A. Douthitt, Smith & Lewis, George A. Davis, George D. Gear, C. W. Ashford and E. H. Watson. Another decision that Judge Robertson will give will be that of Thomas S. Kay vs. the Orpheum Company, Ltd., to recover on a note for $7000. The hearing of the Kay vs. Whitin damage suit will be resumed before Judge Robinson and Jury tomorrow. Classified Advertising Found Friday afternoon a large F. O. E. Pin mounted on an ivory tusk. Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying expenses. For Men, Women and Children FOR MEN. Men's $5.00 Hand Made Cordovan at $3.55. Men's $3.50 Box calf Blucher at $2.76. Men's $3.00 Vic or Calf at $1.75. FOR WOMEN. Dressy Braided Party Slippers, $2.50 Vic Kid, Large Eyelet Oxfords -$2.50 at A full and complete line of "Just the Right Kind" of Holiday Slippers. A GIFT ALL APPRECIATE. L. B. Kerr & Co., Ltd. ALAKEA STREET. STORM Interesting Decision For New Year Shoe GANS WINS IN Associated Press TONOHAH, Nevada, January 1. Jno Uui te lijrV wfigtfn champion of the world won the fight here today from Killiburn in the eighth round. He knocked Herman out. Both Herman and Gans weighed in under 133 pounds. There were only 8600 people present, many being kept away by the snowstorm which prevailed. It was snowing at the time of the fight. Jack Welsh was chosen as referee at the ringside. Jefferies was to have refereed but could not reach Tonopah on account of the storms. Joe Gans, lightweight champion of the world, this afternoon meets in the ring Kid Herman, an aspirant for the title. The purse is $20,000. In the event of getting 60 and the loser 40 percent. The weight agreed upon 133 pounds two hours before the gong. Comparing Herman with Gans, there is but a slight difference in height and in reach. In all their other measurements, the man from Chicago has just as fine a physique as the man from Baltimore. The difference in height and reach should have no importance in the coming fight one way or the other. When "Rubby Robert" Fitzsimmons fought Jack O'Brien, he was in inches taller, weighed more and had a longer reach than did the Philadelphia man, yet the fighter-lawyer won. The identical thing almost happened when O'Brien and Tommy Bursts fought recently at Los Angeles. The next question is: Has Herman ever met men as good as Gans during his career as a fighter? The Chicago champion had had contests just as hard as Gans, and in all of them he has shown that he was there when it came to fighting. At all times he has been aggressive and willing, and when seemingly defeated the little wonder has come right back and put his man. Away. Herman fought Horrera in Los Angeles recently and gave the Mexican an awful beating; in fact, while the decision was a draw, there were thousands who thought the Kid should have won. Previous to this, Herrera had made Nelson remember that he had been in a fight. Gans defeated Mike Ward in ten rounds, and then Harry Lewis gained a victory over the Canadian. In the meantime, Herman Hughes inaugurated. (Associated Press Cable to The Star). ALBANY, N. Y., January 1. Charles F. Hughes was today inaugurated as governor of the state of New York. AUTO AND CAR COLLISION. (Associated Press Cable to The Star). OAKLAND, Cal., January 1. George Young, a wealthy Alameda citizen, was killed and four persons were seriously injured in a collision between an automobile and a streetcar here today. SPANISH MURDER IS MISSING (Associated Press Cable to The Star). MADRID, January 1. The treasurer of the military club here has disappeared. There is $56,000 of the club funds missing. TRIED TO BLOW UP STEAMER. (Associated Press Cable to The Star). ODESSA, January 1. (An unsuccessful attempt was made here today to blow up the new Russian steamer Gregory Morch. The attempt to destroy the steamer was made with a fuse bomb. The fuse was extinguished before the explosion occurred. RECEPTION AT WHITE HOUSE. (Associated Press Cable to The Star). WASHINGTON, D. C., January 1. able to The Star). fougli Lewis to a standstill at Baiti li'Oi'f. True, the Baltimore champion has a more ep"i.t.' i j,j the roped . riin ht3 thp KM, but the man from the Windy City has the youth, and youth can in most cases stand the .aff. Not alone does Herman train with determination, but he is willing to wager some of his earnings. Betting on the contest is brisk in the local pool rooms. The Paris mutuals are getting a great play, and hundreds of dollars have been exchanged for tickets. Many are picking the fight to end from the eleventh to the fifteenth round, the opinion as to which man will win in these rounds being about evenly divided. For the first time in years Gans will fight a man considerably smaller than himself. He is three inches taller than Herman, while Nelson was three quarters of an inch taller than the Baltimore man. Gans has an advantage of nearly five inches in reach over his next opponent, where he had an advantage of four inches over Nelson. This matter of reach is a deceptive comparison, an lack of it does not seem to prevent a good man from winning when he has the class over an opponent. From the waist down there is but little difference in the conformation of the rival gladiators. Gans has the most wonderful under-placing of any boxer in the ring. With all the strain of training on the road and in the gymnasium for many years, and then the actual contests in the ring, there is not a blemish on his legs. While they seem slight, they have carried him through many trying places in the heat of competition. The usual New Year's reception at the White House was held today and thousands attended. DO NOT EXPERIMENT WITH CROUP. When a child shows symptoms of croup there is no time to experiment with new remedies, no matter How highly they may be recommended. There is one preparation that can always be depended upon. It has been in use for many years, and has never been known to fail viz: Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Give it, and a quick cure is sure to follow. For sale by all dealers. Benson, Smith & Co., agents for Hawaii. Delicious pie and cakes. Candy fresh every day. New England Bakery. The best cup of Hawaiian Coffee in the city. New England Bakery and Cafe. CLOSE TOUCH with the most prominent exporting merchant house of Yokohama, together with the large trade he carries on with the plantation stores all over the Islands, enables K. Yamamoto to deal in all kinds of Japanese goods at a smaller price than any other Japanese merchant in Honolulu Hotel street near Nuuanu. SHERIFF SUSPECTED REALIZED POSSIBILITY OF JAMES PUTTING UP CONSPIRACY AND TOOK PAINS TO FRUSTRATE IT. "During the investigation of the Roger James matter," said High Sheriff Henry, "the thought suggested itself to me that possibly James had arranged a deep-laid affair among the other proprietors. It was to escape." "It was necessary during the course of the inquiry into the origin and cause of the alleged Naone charges against the manner of handling prisoners in the Oahu penitentiary, to question a dozen or more prisoners. Among them were some very hardened men. Ordinarily, I would probably have lined them all up. In the office and questioned them, but the possibility that James might have arranged with them that when he was called, the crowd would overpower me and the prison officials in that section of the jail, came into my mind. I immediately took steps to prevent such a thing. Instead of calling the men up together, I called them up one at a time and questioned them individually alone. The result was that had such a conspiracy existed, there was no opposition of putting it into execution." Gee: but this is a lonesome town. If you don't believe it, a walk down any street in Honolulu would prove the statement. Of all the New Year's that have ever been observed in Honolulu, and the place has probably had its share of them, this had been the slowest. There has been nothing doing and nobody around to do it. Hardly any of the stores have been open. Only the saloons, restaurants, and cigar stores among the cities and the usual number of Oriental stores have kept open today. But it was not with any hope of doing big business merely for appearance sake. The inclemency of the weather has made impossible anything like enjoyment out of doors. People stayed at their homes during the day and the New Year's calls have been pretty few and far between. Unless the weather moderates this afternoon, there will be little calling then. There had been but few public entertainments planned. The water carnival at Walkiki was postponed yesterday. Some tennis tournaments had been planned for this morning but the lack of experience in playing the game with gum-boots, umbrellas, and mackintoshes, caused a postponement of the games. Sockler football is scheduled for 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the baseball park. The way that the rain was pouring down today rather indicated that if any game was played at the park it would probably be water polo. Down at Walala some horse races had been scheduled. Now a day like the present would make no difference to a man from Hilo, but people on Oahu are not used to horses racing in such weather. Sea horses were about the only character of horse that could move in this weather. The Pacific Club are receiving this afternoon and the Elks opened their season. A MATTER OF HEALTH POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS NO SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder, free from alum or phosphoric acid ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. The Town Was Very Quiet Today 10 EI OF STORM IS SIGHT BAROMETER TOOK A DROP THIS MORNING NO END OF STORMS IN SIGHT. According to the United States Weather Bureau, there is no let up in sight yet for the present rainstorm which is prevailing and has prevailed since December 27. The barometer was very low last evening, taking an upward rise early this morning, but falling again about eight o'clock. It is continuing to fall and it is upon that fact that the Weather Bureau bases the statement that there is no end in sight. The first indication of the present storm were observed about 11 a.m. on December 27. The barometer at that time showed a tendency to lower which was steadily kept up. At 3:30 a.m. of December 49-4 "Wind switched from the trades to the east and the southeast. By 0:20 a.m., the wind had switched to the south and southwest where it remained until after 6 o'clock that evening. It then went to south where the wind increased velocity, it remained in this direction until 5 p.m. of December 20. At a.m., December 30 the wind for 4 hours went to the northwest and then switched back to the southwest. At 9 a.m., December 30 the wind was still in the southwest and there was no change until 7:30 p.m. The wind was in the southeast for the greater part of yesterday. The velocity of the wind has been. Very high. It has blown on an average of from 40 to 48 miles an hour. The highest velocity reached was 55 miles at 5 p.m. yesterday. Observer's Stockman said that a certain old timer in town stated that that was the worst which had occurred in years. The barometer has dropped as low as 29.51. The director stated this morning that the weather in the United States is now clear and the weather is clear. The rainfall up until yesterday was not as great as it was last year. Honolulu has received 1.87 inches, Kallih 2 inches, Ewa 1.98 inches, and Manoa 2.71. The members of the Y.W.C.A. entertain the members of the Y.W.C.A. to dinner. There will be no particular observations of the day about the public institutions. There will be a little better dinner served at the Leah Home than usual, but nothing particular is planned at the Oahu Jail, the police station, or insane asylum. The men at the prison did not go out to work today and this was the only condition that indicated the day was different from any work day. But there was one other thing that went to make glad the hearts of the prisoners and make them promise to lead men. This was the presence of John Martin and his little band of exhorters. John delivered one of his characteristic addresses in which he showed to his hearers that they were after all, better where they were than out in the rain and cold. John personally had many men come up and assure him that they would lead better lives and change their present mode of life as soon as they could. Our Repair Department is a veritable shoe hospital. We renovate shoes and use the best material obtainable on the job. The repair work is executed by the most competent labor obtainable at prices which are surprisingly reasonable. A stitch in a shoe oftentimes saves the pair. It is false economy not to send your shoes to be mended until they will no longer hold together. When your shoes are failing, send them to the doctor. We are qualified practitioners in this line and enjoy the cream of the local patronage. LIMITED IT 1051 FORT STREET PHONE MAIN 282. |
8729915_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Outeiro fue una revista publicada desde 1981 en La Coruña.
Editada por Caixa Galicia, tenía carácter quincenal. Su director fue Xosé Castro López. Colaboraron en ella Francisco Fariña Busto, Carlos Casar, Barreiro Fernández, Antón Fraguas, Valentín Paz-Andrade, Luis González Tosar y Xosé Filgueira Valverde
Véase también
Enciclopedia Gallega Universal.
Revistas de España del siglo XX
Revistas de Galicia
Revistas desaparecidas de España
Publicaciones fundadas en 1981.
github_open_source_100_8_19953 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | package cz.webarchiv.wayback;
* @author Vašek
public class Page {
private String url;
private String date;
public String getDate() {
return date;
public void setDate(String date) { = date;
public String getUrl() {
return url;
public void setUrl(String url) {
this.url = url;
US-71084634-A_1 | USPTO | Public Domain | Windshield heating apparatus
Nov. 12, 1935. s. A. MOOG ET AL 'WINDSHIELD HEATING APPARATUS Filed Feb. 12, 1954 .SZAJWOQQ.
A rraz/vzv Patented Nov. 12 1935 UNlTED JSTATE s PATENT? OFFICE I wmnsnmm Burma arrmirus Shulman Alva Moog, St. Louis, and Charles F Webster Groves, Mo.
Application February 12, 1984, Serial No. (10,846
scam. (cu os) m The predominant featureof the invention redes in the fact that heat which is otherwise wasted is utilized to accomplish the purpose of the invention, and therefore ice and snow are eliminated from the windshield at no additional cost for the operation; of the device,- and with the help of an attachment which is verysimple and inexpensively constructed.
Fig. l is a fragmentary, sectional view showing the improved attachment associated with parts of a motor vehicle. v
Fig. 2 is a view partly in section and partly in elevation, showing the maximum for operating certain closure elements which form parts of the invention.
In the drawing, wherein is shown for the purpose of illustration, merely, one embodiment of the invention,'A designates a motor vehicle which is provided with a hood B and a cowl C. The
motor vehicle A includes also a windshield l) and an instrument board E. Arranged immediately beneath the cowl C of the motor vehicle is an air chamber l, the wall portions of which may 1 e be formed integrally with or attached to said cowl. Communicating with the .air chamber l 35 is an air duct 2 which extends downwardly and rearwardly from the air chamber l toward the interior of the motor vehicle. The airchamber l is open at the top so that air from abovethe cowl may passinto said air chamber, and the 40 lower end of the air duct 2'Lislocated within -the cowl in such position that air may be discharged therefrom into the interior of the motor vehicle beneath the instrument board E.
The structure just described functions in the 4 manner of the ordinary ventilating arrangement common to many motor vehicles, and in order to control passage of air into the air chamber i and through the duct 2 into the interior of the carjthe s cture. shown in \Fig, 1 includes a 5 closure eleme t '3 which is pivotally'supported at.
its approxima e center by a shaft 4. As will presently appe herein, the-closure element 3 is capable pf being djusted to the position shown by the dotted lines designated by the reference 55 character X, and when said closure element is so positioned and the car-is in motion air will be "deflected into the air chamber l by the upwardly extended portion of the closure element, and this air will pass through the air chamber I and through the duct 2 into the interior of the motor vehicle. f
Communication with the interior of --the air chamber l is a warm air conduit 5, which conduit passes through a partition wall 6 which separates the space between the cowl of the motor vehicle from the space beneath the hood thereof. The conduit 5 is open at its forward end so that air beneath the hood of the motor vehicle may pass into the conduit. [Arranged at the point where the warm air conduit 5 is joined to the air chamber 1 is a secondary closure element I, which is pivotally'supported' at its lower end by a rod 8. The secondary closure element 1 is intended to prevent passage of warm air from beneath the hood of the motor vehicle into the air chamber- I when it is not desired to direct heated air against the windshield D;.
Fixedly secured to the shaft 4 at. a point outside of the air chamber 1 is an arm 9 which extends downwardly from said shaft 4. The arm 9 is provided with a short. rearwardly projected extension lllpand pivotally secured to this extension I0 is an operating member H. The operating member II is extended'through an. aperture l2 formed in the instrument board E of the motor vehicle, and is provided at its rearmost end with a suitable gripping element l3 which facilitates manual operation' of the operating'member H. The operating member H is provided with a pinrality of notches M by which same may be locked in various positions. This is accomplished by elevating the rearmost end of the operating member so that the notches will clear the lower edge of the aperture l2 in the instrument board when movement is imparted to the operating member l l, and lowering said operating member when it has been adjusted to the desired position, so that one of said notches may engage the lower edge of the aperture 12.
Fixed to the rod 8; a a point in substantial? I a laterally extended pin l8, which is extended 55 into the slot n of the arm is, is shown most clearly in P18. 2.
In view of the arrangement of the arms 8 and I! as just described, it is apparent that the operating member I l may be moved forwardly for the purpose of adjusting the closure element to the positions illustrated-by the dotted lines designated by the reference character X in Fig. 1. During such movement of the operating member H the arm 8 will be moved forwardly and upwardly, the pin it moving longitudinally through the curved portion li of the slot H in the arm I5. It isapparent that such movement of the pin through the curved portion of the slot will not impart any movement to the secondary closure element I, due to the fact that the radius of the curved portion ll of the slot i1 is the same\as the radius described by thepin ll duringsuch movement of the arm 0. Thus, when the operating member I I is moved forwardly as described, the closure element 8 will be moved to a position where ventilating 'air will be caused to pass through the air chamber l and through the duct 2 into the interior of the motor vehicle.
If, however, it is desired to direct heated air against the windshield of the motor vehicle, the operating member Ii is drawn rearwardly.' This will cause the pin II to engage the side walls of the straight portion I'Iof the slot 11 m the arm ll, and as a ,result thereof the secondary closure element I will be moved rearwardly to the position shown'by the dotted lines designated by the reference character Y. In this position the secondaryclosure element will close the upper end of the air duct 2 so as to prevent air from.
passing from 'the air chamber I into said .air duct 2. At the same time such rearward movement of the operating member II will adjust the closure, element 3 to the position illustrated by the dotted lines designated by the reference character Z. When the closure element 3 and the secondary closure element 1 are in'the positions illustrated by the dotted lines designated by the reference characters Y and Z, heated air pro- I duced beneath the hood B of the motor vehicle I by operation oi the internal combustion engine M will be forced by forward movement of themotor vehicle through the hot .air conduit I into the air 'chamber I, and because ofthe position of the closure element 3 such heated air will be dis charged :irom the air chamber 1 gainst the windshield D so that ice and snow thereon will be melted. i
It is obvious, therefore, that the invention provides'a common structure which is utilized inwarmer weather for introducing, ventilating air into the interior of the motor vehicle, and in colder weather for the purpose of discharging heated air against the windshieldof the motor vehicle for the purpose of melting snow and ice which have accumulated thereon.
While the invention disclosed herein is described as being applicable particularly to motor vehicles, it is to be understood that it is not in en; mi limited to automobiles, but may be ap- Filed as well to. aeroplanes, street and railway cars, locomotives, etc. In short, the invention maybeusedinassociationwithanycarrierhavingatransparentwallthroushwhichthe operator must look and provided with mction initiating means through the operation of which heat is produced.
We claim: a
1. In combination with a motor vehicle having a windshield and a hood beneath which an internal combustion engine is arranged, means comprising a conductor for conducting ventilating air from the exterior ofthe motor vehicle to the interior thereof, a conduit for heated air which communicates with the space beneath'said hood and with said conductor, said conduit being so arranged that heated air passing therethrough is directed against the windshield of the motor vehicle, a single closure means adiustable to different positions for controlling passage of air through said conductor and through said conduit, and operating means for said closure means which is extended to a position convenient to the position of the operator of the motor vehicle for moving said closure means to different positions. in one of such positions said closure means being adapted to direct air against said windshield.
2. In combination with a motor vehicle having a windshield and a hood beneath which an internal combustion engine is arranged, means comprising a conductor for conducting ventilating air interior thereof, an air chamber with which said conductor communicates, said air chamber being open at the exteriorof the motor vehicle, a conduit for heated air which communicates with the space'beneath the hood of the motor vehicle and with said air chamber, said conduit being so arranged that heated air passing therethrough is directed against the windshield, a single closure element adjustable to diiferent positions for controlling passage of air into and-out of saidair chamber and directing air passing from said air chamber against said windshield, a secondary closure .element for closing at different times said conductor and said conduit, and operating means for simultaneouslyadjusting the first-mentioned and second-mentioned closure elements.
3. In combination with a motor vehicle having a windshield and a, hood beneath which an internal combustion engine is arranged. means comprising a conductor for conducting ventilating air from the exterior of the motor vehicle to the interior thereof, an air chamber with which said conductor communicates, said air chamber being open at the exterior of the motor vehicle, a con-' duit for heated air which communicates with the from the exterior of the motor vehicle to the space beneath the hood of the motor vehicle and chamber and directing air passing from said air q chamber against said windshield, a secondary closure element for closing at different times said conductor and said conduit, and operating means for simultaneously adjusting the first-mentioned and second-mentioned closure elements, said opg.
erating means being extendedto a position convenient to the position of the operator of the motor vehicle.
github_open_source_100_8_19954 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { VendorsService } from '../../../../services/vendors.service';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { ActivatedRoute } from "@angular/router";
import { Vendors } from '../../../../interfaces/vendors';
import { VendorAddress } from '../../../../interfaces/vendorAddress';
import { Router } from "@angular/router";
import Swal from 'sweetalert2';
import { CookieService } from 'ngx-cookie-service';
selector: 'app-get-vendors-details',
templateUrl: './get-vendors-details.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./get-vendors-details.component.css']
export class GetVendorsDetailsComponent implements OnInit {
vendorsDetails: Object;
privilegesList: string;
vendors$: Vendors = new Vendors();
vendor: Vendors = new Vendors();
constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private vendorsService: VendorsService, private router: Router, private cookieService: CookieService) {
this.route.params.subscribe(params => this.vendors$ = params.vendorId);
ngOnInit() {
data => {
console.log("****************8", data);
this.vendor = data;
//this.usersFormDetails.unitDetailsIdFk = data.unitDetailsIdFk;
}, error => {
console.log("################", error);
myFunction() {
showUpdateButton() {
this.privilegesList = this.cookieService.get("privilegeArray")
if (this.privilegesList.includes("updateVendorsById")) {
return true;
else {
return false;
showDeleteButton() {
this.privilegesList = this.cookieService.get("privilegeArray")
if (this.privilegesList.includes("deleteVendorsById")) {
return true;
else {
return false;
rediectToUpdate(urlObj, otherVal) {
var url = urlObj.split(',');
if (url.length > 1) {
var urlParam = parseInt(url[1]);
if (Number.isNaN(urlParam) == true) {
url[1] = eval(url[1]);
else {
url[1] = urlParam;
if (otherVal) {
callSweetAlert(value) {
this.vendors$ = value;
var confirmMsg = {
title: "Are you sure?",
text: "Once deleted, you will not be able to recover this entry!",
type: 'warning',
showConfirmButton: true,
showCancelButton: true
.then((willDelete) => {
if (willDelete.value) {
var resAlert = {
title: "Success",
text: "Deleted succcessfully",
type: "success",
} => {
this.vendorsService.deleteVendor(this.vendors$).subscribe(data => {
}, error => alert("Unable to Deleted"));
} else {
var resAlert = {
title: "Warning",
text: "You have canclled operation",
type: "error",
} => {
rediectToListDetails(urlObj) {
var url = urlObj.split(',');
if (url.length > 1) {
var urlParam = parseInt(url[1]);
if (Number.isNaN(urlParam) == true) {
url[1] = eval(url[1]);
else {
url[1] = urlParam;
github_open_source_100_8_19955 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | /**
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#pragma once
#include <af/memory.h>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include "flashlight/flashlight/memory/MemoryManagerAdapter.h"
namespace fl {
* Manages memory managers and abstracts away parts of the ArrayFire C memory
* manager API that enables setting active memory managers in ArrayFire.
* On construction, the installer modifies a given instance of a
* `MemoryManagerAdapter` and sets needed closures for its underlying
* `af_memory_manager` handle. Destruction is a noop -- no state change occurs.
* If the underlying `MemoryManagerAdapter` still exists, it can still be the
* active ArrayFire memory manager even if its installer has been destroyed.
class MemoryManagerInstaller {
* Creates a new instance using a `MemoryManagerAdapter`. Uses the adapter's
* underlying `af_memory_manager` handle and performs the following setup:
* - Sets all function pointers using the Array/Fire C memory management API
* on the underlying `af_memory_manager` handle to point to closures which
* call the installed `MemoryManagerAdapter`'s instance methods.
* - Sets the closures on the adapter's `MemoryManagerDeviceInterface` to call
* ArrayFire C-API native device memory management functions which
* automatically delegate to the proper backend and are use pre-defined
* implementations in ArrayFire internals.
* @param[in] managerImpl a pointer to the `MemoryManagerAdapter` to be
* installed.
explicit MemoryManagerInstaller(
std::shared_ptr<MemoryManagerAdapter> managerImpl);
~MemoryManagerInstaller() = default;
* Gets the memory manager adapter used in this instance.
* @return a pointer to some derived type of `MemoryManagerAdapter`
template <typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> getMemoryManager() const {
return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<T>(impl_);
* Sets this `MemoryManagerInstaller`'s `MemoryManagerAdapter` to be the
* active memory manager in ArrayFire.
void setAsMemoryManager();
* Sets this `MemoryManagerInstaller`'s `MemoryManagerAdapter` to be the
* active memory manager for pinned memory operations in ArrayFire.
void setAsMemoryManagerPinned();
* Returns an adapter given a handle. Used to construct C++-style callbacks
* inside lambdas set on the ArrayFire C memory management API.
static MemoryManagerAdapter* getImpl(af_memory_manager manager);
* Returns the currently installed custom memory manager, or null if none is
* installed.
static MemoryManagerAdapter* currentlyInstalledMemoryManager();
* Initializes and installs the memory manager defaulted to on startup.
* Uses a `CachingMemoryManager` by default. Only sets the memory manager -
* doesn't set an AF pinned memory manager.
* @return a pointer to the `MemoryManagerInstaller` for the default memory
* manager.
static bool installDefaultMemoryManager();
* Unsets the currently-set custom ArrayFire memory manager. If no custom
* memory manager is set, results in a noop, since the default memory manager
* is set, and unsetting it would result in shutdown/destruction.
static void unsetMemoryManager();
// The given memory manager implementation
std::shared_ptr<MemoryManagerAdapter> impl_;
// Points to the impl_ of the most recently installed manager.
static std::shared_ptr<MemoryManagerAdapter> currentlyInstalledMemoryManager_;
// Used to gate global initialization of the default memory manager
static std::once_flag startupMemoryInitialize_;
// Installer for the default memory manager installed on startup
static std::shared_ptr<MemoryManagerInstaller> startupMemoryManagerInstaller_;
} // namespace fl
github_open_source_100_8_19956 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | #!/bin/bash
echo 'executing ""'
# this will install minikube Kubernetes and Helm
sudo swapoff -a
echo 'Installing Kubernetes'
curl -s | apt-key add -
echo "deb kubernetes-`lsb_release -cs` main" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
apt-get update -y -qq
apt-get install -y kubectl kubeadm kubelet
sudo curl -s -Lo minikube && sudo chmod +x minikube && sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/
echo 'Setting Developer Mode'
export MINIKUBE_HOME=/home/ubuntu
export KUBECONFIG=/home/ubuntu/.kube/config
#we want things things to stick each time we login or start the machine
echo "export MINIKUBE_WANTUPDATENOTIFICATION=false" >> /home/ubuntu/.bash_profile
echo "export MINIKUBE_WANTREPORTERRORPROMPT=false" >> /home/ubuntu/.bash_profile
echo "export MINIKUBE_HOME=/home/ubuntu" >> /home/ubuntu/.bash_profile
echo "export CHANGE_MINIKUBE_NONE_USER=true" >> /home/ubuntu/.bash_profile
echo "export KUBECONFIG=/home/ubuntu/.kube/config" >> /home/ubuntu/.bash_profile
echo "sudo swapoff -a" >> /home/ubuntu/.bash_profile
echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" >> /home/ubuntu/.bash_profile
echo "sudo chown -R ubuntu /home/ubuntu/.kube" >> /home/ubuntu/.bash_profile
echo "sudo chgrp -R ubuntu /home/ubuntu/.kube" >> /home/ubuntu/.bash_profile
#sudo cp /root/.minikube $HOME/.minikube
echo "sudo chown -R ubuntu /home/ubuntu/.minikube" >> /home/ubuntu/.bash_profile
echo "sudo chgrp -R ubuntu /home/ubuntu/.minikube" >> /home/ubuntu/.bash_profile
mkdir /home/ubuntu/.kube || true
touch /home/ubuntu/.kube/config
echo 'Starting minikube local cluster'
minikube start --memory 4096 --cpus=2 --vm-driver=none
#sudo cp /root/.kube $HOME/.kube
sudo chown -R ubuntu /home/ubuntu/.kube
sudo chgrp -R ubuntu /home/ubuntu/.kube
#sudo cp /root/.minikube $HOME/.minikube
sudo chown -R ubuntu /home/ubuntu/.minikube
sudo chgrp -R ubuntu /home/ubuntu/.minikube
echo 'Getting Helm'
curl -s >
chmod 700
# changed on 21-05-2019: helm version 2.14 doesn't work, getting an older version
./ --version v2.13.1
github_open_source_100_8_19957 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | PHA-665752 ENSG00000151615 0.08579944 0.21389622 -0.08579944 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197162 0.08578054 0.21384909 0.08578054 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135317 0.0857792 0.21384575 -0.0857792 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164506 0.08572855 0.21371945 -0.08572855 PHA-665752 CYBASC3 0.08571633 0.21368899 -0.08571633 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183963 0.08571235 0.21367905 0.08571235 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166049 0.08570203 0.21365334 0.08570203 PHA-665752 ENSG00000013583 0.08567965 0.21359753 0.08567965 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113083 0.08566292 0.21355581 -0.08566292 PHA-665752 ENSG00000095596 0.08566216 0.21355391 -0.08566216 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168214 0.08564918 0.21352155 0.08564918 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187398 0.0856415 0.21350239 -0.0856415 PHA-665752 ENSG00000079689 0.08564088 0.21350086 -0.08564088 PHA-665752 ENSG00000067842 0.08561896 0.2134462 0.08561896 PHA-665752 ENSG00000089693 0.08560528 0.21341209 0.08560528 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162928 0.08560156 0.2134028 -0.08560156 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101972 0.08560095 0.21340129 0.08560095 PHA-665752 ENSG00000211450 0.08558319 0.21335701 -0.08558319 PHA-665752 ENSG00000126368 0.08557894 0.21334642 -0.08557894 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174403 0.08557677 0.213341 0.08557677 PHA-665752 ENSG00000090989 0.08557187 0.21332878 -0.08557187 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175793 0.08556783 0.21331871 -0.08556783 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145451 0.08556709 0.21331687 -0.08556709 PHA-665752 ENSG00000068796 0.08556624 0.21331474 -0.08556624 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135914 0.08554711 0.21326704 0.08554711 PHA-665752 LOC728012 0.08553822 0.21324487 -0.08553822 PHA-665752 RFPL1-AS1 0.08553464 0.21323594 -0.08553464 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163029 0.0855317 0.21322862 0.0855317 PHA-665752 ENSG00000110237 0.08553138 0.21322783 0.08553138 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196503 0.08552256 0.21320583 0.08552256 PHA-665752 ENSG00000110395 0.08551848 0.21319566 -0.08551848 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186350 0.08550829 0.21317025 0.08550829 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198390 0.08550554 0.2131634 -0.08550554 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125170 0.08549887 0.21314676 0.08549887 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164039 0.08549504 0.2131372 0.08549504 PHA-665752 LRG_278 0.08547698 0.21309217 0.08547698 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137100 0.08547138 0.21307821 0.08547138 PHA-665752 ENSG00000089048 0.08547076 0.21307667 0.08547076 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168264 0.08546968 0.21307399 -0.08546968 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197177 0.08545256 0.21303128 -0.08545256 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161055 0.08544759 0.2130189 -0.08544759 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142676 0.08544547 0.2130136 0.08544547 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116035 0.08544321 0.21300797 0.08544321 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197122 0.08543595 0.21298988 0.08543595 PHA-665752 LOC100271832 0.08543434 0.21298586 -0.08543434 PHA-665752 ENSG00000223887 0.085406 0.2129152 -0.085406 PHA-665752 ENSG00000281614 0.08539459 0.21288676 -0.08539459 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113387 0.08538204 0.21285546 -0.08538204 PHA-665752 ENSG00000256223 0.08538057 0.2128518 -0.08538057 PHA-665752 ENSG00000121057 0.0853662 0.21281596 -0.0853662 PHA-665752 ENSG00000146281 0.08536541 0.212814 -0.08536541 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119906 0.0853582 0.21279601 -0.0853582 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148468 0.08535743 0.21279409 -0.08535743 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137171 0.08533937 0.21274906 -0.08533937 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138767 0.085337 0.21274314 -0.085337 PHA-665752 ENSG00000228978 0.0853103 0.21267657 0.0853103 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170264 0.08530785 0.21267047 0.08530785 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128335 0.08530742 0.21266938 -0.08530742 PHA-665752 ENSG00000258227 0.08530146 0.21265453 0.08530146 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186191 0.08528783 0.21262054 0.08528783 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167984 0.08528561 0.21261501 -0.08528561 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180667 0.0852851 0.21261374 -0.0852851 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132670 0.08528124 0.21260412 0.08528124 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166803 0.08528078 0.21260297 -0.08528078 PHA-665752 LOC154092 0.08526272 0.21255794 0.08526272 PHA-665752 ENSG00000236830 0.0852579 0.21254592 -0.0852579 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168172 0.08524853 0.21252255 -0.08524853 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204120 0.08523183 0.21248091 -0.08523183 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180257 0.08522565 0.21246551 -0.08522565 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137574 0.08521593 0.21244126 -0.08521593 PHA-665752 ENSG00000102543 0.08519069 0.21237834 0.08519069 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162040 0.08518362 0.21236071 -0.08518362 PHA-665752 ENSG00000206492 0.08515295 0.21228422 0.08515295 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144802 0.08514662 0.21226844 0.08514662 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171403 0.08513312 0.21223479 0.08513312 PHA-665752 ENSG00000221946 0.08511643 0.21219318 0.08511643 PHA-665752 ENSG00000234787 0.08509846 0.21214837 -0.08509846 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114026 0.08508792 0.21212208 -0.08508792 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165716 0.08506422 0.21206299 -0.08506422 PHA-665752 ENSG00000211640 0.08506367 0.21206162 -0.08506367 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100784 0.08504581 0.21201708 0.08504581 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132681 0.08503389 0.21198737 0.08503389 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138472 0.08501293 0.2119351 0.08501293 PHA-665752 ENSG00000213215 0.08501082 0.21192983 0.08501082 PHA-665752 ENSG00000099889 0.08499901 0.2119004 -0.08499901 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123066 0.08498776 0.21187235 -0.08498776 PHA-665752 LOC100190938 0.08498587 0.21186763 0.08498587 PHA-665752 LOC152217 0.08496663 0.21181965 -0.08496663 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105290 0.08496217 0.21180854 -0.08496217 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181038 0.0849486 0.21177469 -0.0849486 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166863 0.08491959 0.21170236 0.08491959 PHA-665752 ENSG00000146425 0.08490826 0.21167412 0.08490826 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143753 0.08490485 0.2116656 -0.08490485 PHA-665752 LOC100505565 0.08489689 0.21164576 -0.08489689 PHA-665752 ENSG00000006016 0.08489131 0.21163185 -0.08489131 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169435 0.08489022 0.21162913 0.08489022 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131471 0.08488473 0.21161545 -0.08488473 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166405 0.0848794 0.21160215 -0.0848794 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130684 0.08487561 0.21159271 0.08487561 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143748 0.08487104 0.21158131 -0.08487104 PHA-665752 ENSG00000118762 0.08486679 0.2115707 0.08486679 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171159 0.0848636 0.21156275 0.0848636 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139971 0.0848605 0.21155502 0.0848605 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167862 0.08485808 0.21154899 -0.08485808 PHA-665752 LRG_10 0.08485562 0.21154285 -0.08485562 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119402 0.08485417 0.21153925 0.08485417 PHA-665752 LOC440944 0.08485304 0.21153643 -0.08485304 PHA-665752 ENSG00000068001 0.08480618 0.21141959 0.08480618 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127191 0.08480279 0.21141112 0.08480279 PHA-665752 ENSG00000231999 0.08479349 0.21138795 0.08479349 PHA-665752 C2orf56 0.08477983 0.21135388 0.08477983 PHA-665752 MLF1IP 0.0847754 0.21134283 0.0847754 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114812 0.08477475 0.21134122 0.08477475 PHA-665752 RFPL3-AS1 0.08477438 0.2113403 0.08477438 PHA-665752 LOC440981 0.08476574 0.21131875 -0.08476574 PHA-665752 ENSG00000230461 0.08476574 0.21131874 -0.08476574 PHA-665752 ENSG00000090857 0.08475883 0.21130152 -0.08475883 PHA-665752 ENSG00000064547 0.08474687 0.2112717 -0.08474687 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100341 0.08474484 0.21126663 -0.08474484 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134216 0.0847299 0.21122939 0.0847299 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112640 0.08472885 0.21122677 0.08472885 PHA-665752 ENSG00000066294 0.08472341 0.2112132 -0.08472341 PHA-665752 LRG_29 0.08471925 0.21120284 -0.08471925 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141522 0.08471063 0.21118133 0.08471063 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144840 0.08470018 0.21115528 0.08470018 PHA-665752 ENSG00000084112 0.08469578 0.21114431 0.08469578 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108953 0.08469435 0.21114075 0.08469435 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138100 0.0846891 0.21112765 0.0846891 PHA-665752 LOC100129196 0.08468905 0.21112754 0.08468905 PHA-665752 ENSG00000075643 0.08466484 0.21106715 0.08466484 PHA-665752 ENSG00000011295 0.08465007 0.21103033 0.08465007 PHA-665752 ENSG00000003249 0.0846473 0.21102342 0.0846473 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151789 0.08464665 0.21102181 -0.08464665 PHA-665752 ENSG00000065613 0.08463563 0.21099433 0.08463563 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155100 0.08461964 0.21095446 -0.08461964 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163239 0.08460075 0.21090736 -0.08460075 PHA-665752 LOC550643 0.0845937 0.21088977 0.0845937 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115353 0.08457424 0.21084126 -0.08457424 PHA-665752 ENSG00000224281 0.08457274 0.21083751 -0.08457274 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148841 0.08456966 0.21082983 -0.08456966 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197223 0.08456533 0.21081904 0.08456533 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137575 0.08456239 0.2108117 -0.08456239 PHA-665752 LOC100507531 0.08455898 0.21080321 -0.08455898 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197362 0.08455393 0.21079061 -0.08455393 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156218 0.0845535 0.21078954 0.0845535 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129245 0.08454634 0.21077168 0.08454634 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143552 0.08454231 0.21076163 -0.08454231 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184661 0.08452475 0.21071785 -0.08452475 PHA-665752 C1orf38 0.08452452 0.21071729 -0.08452452 PHA-665752 ENSG00000244509 0.08451341 0.21068957 0.08451341 PHA-665752 LOC100506128 0.08450068 0.21065784 -0.08450068 PHA-665752 ENSG00000206579 0.0844908 0.2106332 0.0844908 PHA-665752 ENSG00000083307 0.08445995 0.21055628 -0.08445995 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171714 0.08445965 0.21055552 -0.08445965 PHA-665752 ENSG00000099999 0.08445241 0.21053747 -0.08445241 PHA-665752 ENSG00000274577 0.08444687 0.21052366 0.08444687 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204673 0.08444436 0.21051741 0.08444436 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114770 0.08442622 0.21047217 -0.08442622 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170791 0.08442458 0.21046809 -0.08442458 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105245 0.08442182 0.21046121 0.08442182 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174080 0.08438626 0.21037253 0.08438626 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175155 0.08437245 0.2103381 0.08437245 PHA-665752 ENSG00000259288 0.08436322 0.21031509 -0.08436322 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137177 0.08435852 0.21030337 0.08435852 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164031 0.08435376 0.21029151 0.08435376 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151332 0.08433582 0.21024677 -0.08433582 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157985 0.08432687 0.21022445 0.08432687 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101134 0.0843081 0.21017766 -0.0843081 PHA-665752 ENSG00000109101 0.08429409 0.21014272 -0.08429409 PHA-665752 ENSG00000031698 0.08429348 0.21014121 0.08429348 PHA-665752 C2orf89 0.08429247 0.21013869 -0.08429247 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104899 0.08428077 0.21010951 0.08428077 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141232 0.08428004 0.21010768 -0.08428004 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140264 0.08427014 0.210083 -0.08427014 PHA-665752 ENSG00000275851 0.08426022 0.21005826 -0.08426022 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198570 0.08425532 0.21004605 0.08425532 PHA-665752 ENSG00000039600 0.08423206 0.20998806 0.08423206 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147874 0.08419041 0.2098842 0.08419041 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169221 0.08417954 0.20985711 -0.08417954 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116288 0.08412989 0.20973331 0.08412989 PHA-665752 ENSG00000002933 0.08412662 0.20972515 -0.08412662 PHA-665752 C14orf126 0.08411893 0.20970597 -0.08411893 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166821 0.08409913 0.20965659 0.08409913 PHA-665752 ENSG00000042781 0.08403917 0.2095071 0.08403917 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198890 0.08403438 0.20949514 0.08403438 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196155 0.08403063 0.20948579 -0.08403063 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100650 0.08402855 0.20948061 -0.08402855 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143375 0.08402036 0.2094602 -0.08402036 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132305 0.08401881 0.20945633 0.08401881 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180532 0.08401471 0.20944611 0.08401471 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169717 0.08401345 0.20944297 0.08401345 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166340 0.0840059 0.20942413 -0.0840059 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197415 0.08400021 0.20940994 -0.08400021 PHA-665752 ENSG00000213654 0.08399967 0.20940859 -0.08399967 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171855 0.08399955 0.2094083 0.08399955 PHA-665752 ENSG00000081051 0.08399843 0.20940551 -0.08399843 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160446 0.08399043 0.20938556 0.08399043 PHA-665752 ENSG00000262919 0.08398577 0.20937394 0.08398577 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116830 0.08396509 0.20932237 0.08396509 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116962 0.08394382 0.20926935 0.08394382 PHA-665752 C12orf61 0.08394138 0.20926327 -0.08394138 PHA-665752 LRG_607 0.08393472 0.20924664 -0.08393472 PHA-665752 LOC100506983 0.08393446 0.20924601 -0.08393446 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161940 0.08392419 0.20922039 -0.08392419 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116171 0.08392211 0.2092152 -0.08392211 PHA-665752 ENSG00000079691 0.08392101 0.20921247 -0.08392101 PHA-665752 ENSG00000273780 0.08388883 0.20913222 0.08388883 PHA-665752 ENSG00000150625 0.08387981 0.20910974 -0.08387981 PHA-665752 LOC100506655 0.08386452 0.20907161 0.08386452 PHA-665752 ENSG00000280618 0.08386158 0.20906428 -0.08386158 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183696 0.08384801 0.20903045 0.08384801 PHA-665752 LOC100286922 0.08383616 0.2090009 0.08383616 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103066 0.08382446 0.20897172 -0.08382446 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185043 0.08381491 0.20894792 0.08381491 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166681 0.08379471 0.20889755 0.08379471 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162399 0.08378779 0.20888031 -0.08378779 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162975 0.08378752 0.20887962 0.08378752 PHA-665752 LOC100506226 0.08375929 0.20880923 -0.08375929 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170484 0.08375165 0.20879018 -0.08375165 PHA-665752 ENSG00000043591 0.08372637 0.20872714 0.08372637 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184304 0.08371454 0.20869764 0.08371454 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151690 0.08370628 0.20867705 0.08370628 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148344 0.08369662 0.20865296 0.08369662 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169026 0.08368634 0.20862733 -0.08368634 PHA-665752 LOC648987 0.08366789 0.20858134 0.08366789 PHA-665752 ENSG00000081320 0.08366748 0.20858032 -0.08366748 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198033 0.0836313 0.20849008 0.0836313 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161533 0.08362037 0.20846284 -0.08362037 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127415 0.0835865 0.20837838 0.0835865 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115461 0.08356319 0.20832026 0.08356319 PHA-665752 LRG_484 0.08350821 0.20818317 -0.08350821 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138798 0.08350572 0.20817697 -0.08350572 PHA-665752 ENSG00000102030 0.08348799 0.20813275 0.08348799 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129951 0.08348642 0.20812886 -0.08348642 PHA-665752 ENSG00000099617 0.08347856 0.20810925 0.08347856 PHA-665752 C11orf35 0.08346024 0.20806356 0.08346024 PHA-665752 ENSG00000211598 0.08345153 0.20804184 0.08345153 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139540 0.08344924 0.20803613 -0.08344924 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164256 0.08344033 0.20801393 0.08344033 PHA-665752 RDBP 0.08343487 0.20800031 0.08343487 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135486 0.08342143 0.2079668 -0.08342143 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170921 0.08341642 0.20795432 0.08341642 PHA-665752 ENSG00000275003 0.08339491 0.20790068 0.08339491 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179454 0.08338416 0.20787386 -0.08338416 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185905 0.08336419 0.20782409 -0.08336419 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120729 0.08335821 0.20780916 0.08335821 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129007 0.08335763 0.20780773 -0.08335763 PHA-665752 MTERFD1 0.08335449 0.20779989 -0.08335449 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175087 0.08334582 0.20777828 -0.08334582 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183114 0.08334295 0.2077711 0.08334295 PHA-665752 ENSG00000063176 0.08334161 0.20776777 0.08334161 PHA-665752 LOC100506397 0.08333608 0.20775398 0.08333608 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159346 0.08332425 0.20772448 -0.08332425 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156471 0.08330863 0.20768554 -0.08330863 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130165 0.08329437 0.20764998 0.08329437 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168421 0.08329335 0.20764745 -0.08329335 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188321 0.08328376 0.20762353 0.08328376 PHA-665752 LOC286190 0.0832636 0.20757325 -0.0832636 PHA-665752 LOC100289495 0.08325211 0.2075446 0.08325211 PHA-665752 ENSG00000277117 0.08325202 0.20754438 0.08325202 PHA-665752 LRG_194 0.08324279 0.20752137 0.08324279 PHA-665752 ENSG00000091704 0.08322683 0.20748158 0.08322683 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163125 0.08322017 0.20746496 -0.08322017 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171208 0.08321058 0.20744105 0.08321058 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115694 0.08319904 0.20741228 0.08319904 PHA-665752 C1orf227 0.0831961 0.20740495 0.0831961 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112186 0.08318714 0.20738261 0.08318714 PHA-665752 ENSG00000087495 0.08316475 0.20732678 0.08316475 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160221 0.08314682 0.20728208 -0.08314682 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167992 0.08313996 0.20726497 -0.08313996 PHA-665752 ENSG00000091140 0.08313183 0.2072447 -0.08313183 PHA-665752 LOC100288198 0.08312858 0.20723661 -0.08312858 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162643 0.08312775 0.20723453 0.08312775 PHA-665752 ENSG00000092841 0.08311694 0.20720758 0.08311694 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124440 0.08311481 0.20720227 -0.08311481 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124602 0.08309686 0.20715751 -0.08309686 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159335 0.08308533 0.20712875 0.08308533 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173898 0.08308521 0.20712845 0.08308521 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167414 0.08307506 0.20710315 -0.08307506 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165895 0.08306475 0.20707744 0.08306475 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143179 0.08306064 0.20706718 -0.08306064 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119242 0.08305416 0.20705103 0.08305416 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131507 0.08303397 0.20700069 -0.08303397 PHA-665752 ENSG00000239732 0.08303263 0.20699734 -0.08303263 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168490 0.08302976 0.20699018 0.08302976 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124299 0.08302288 0.20697303 0.08302288 PHA-665752 LOC100630918 0.08302048 0.20696706 -0.08302048 PHA-665752 ENSG00000072182 0.08301728 0.20695907 -0.08301728 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128594 0.0830161 0.20695614 -0.0830161 PHA-665752 ENSG00000102878 0.08301508 0.20695359 -0.08301508 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179407 0.08300231 0.20692174 -0.08300231 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132613 0.08300189 0.20692071 -0.08300189 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186951 0.08299237 0.20689696 0.08299237 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127481 0.08297727 0.20685931 0.08297727 PHA-665752 METTL21CP1 0.08296967 0.20684037 -0.08296967 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164543 0.08295501 0.20680382 -0.08295501 PHA-665752 ENSG00000223481 0.0829528 0.20679831 -0.0829528 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163735 0.08295164 0.20679541 0.08295164 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143105 0.08294987 0.20679099 0.08294987 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173209 0.0829429 0.2067736 -0.0829429 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196418 0.08293353 0.20675026 -0.08293353 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130052 0.08292663 0.20673304 -0.08292663 PHA-665752 ENSG00000276231 0.08292587 0.20673115 -0.08292587 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164128 0.08292326 0.20672465 -0.08292326 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180881 0.08291517 0.20670448 -0.08291517 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147256 0.08290427 0.2066773 0.08290427 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148798 0.0828757 0.20660607 0.0828757 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108590 0.08286317 0.20657481 0.08286317 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140548 0.08284093 0.20651935 -0.08284093 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130695 0.08281552 0.206456 -0.08281552 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172061 0.08281268 0.20644893 0.08281268 PHA-665752 LRG_359 0.08281076 0.20644413 -0.08281076 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105701 0.08280352 0.20642608 -0.08280352 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171056 0.08280229 0.20642301 0.08280229 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145332 0.08277635 0.20635833 -0.08277635 PHA-665752 ENSG00000110442 0.08276182 0.20632211 0.08276182 PHA-665752 ENSG00000244476 0.08275515 0.20630546 -0.08275515 PHA-665752 ENSG00000253368 0.08270904 0.20619051 0.08270904 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197921 0.08269953 0.20616678 0.08269953 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204860 0.08268655 0.20613443 -0.08268655 PHA-665752 ENSG00000214357 0.08268557 0.20613198 -0.08268557 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134884 0.08268509 0.20613077 0.08268509 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180871 0.08268205 0.20612319 -0.08268205 PHA-665752 ENSG00000262327 0.08267462 0.20610469 0.08267462 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182831 0.08267418 0.20610357 0.08267418 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167981 0.08266267 0.20607488 0.08266267 PHA-665752 LRG_486 0.08266081 0.20607024 -0.08266081 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172296 0.08265493 0.20605558 -0.08265493 PHA-665752 LOC100129917 0.08265395 0.20605314 0.08265395 PHA-665752 ENSG00000040731 0.08265268 0.20604997 -0.08265268 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133636 0.08262477 0.20598038 -0.08262477 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176928 0.08259639 0.20590963 0.08259639 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129295 0.08258755 0.20588757 -0.08258755 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198720 0.08257279 0.20585076 -0.08257279 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170477 0.0825645 0.2058301 0.0825645 PHA-665752 ENSG00000149575 0.08255054 0.20579529 0.08255054 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164707 0.08254696 0.20578637 0.08254696 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186020 0.08253786 0.20576368 -0.08253786 PHA-665752 ENSG00000077063 0.08251205 0.20569933 0.08251205 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177414 0.08248533 0.2056327 0.08248533 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129810 0.08247662 0.20561098 0.08247662 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108256 0.08245777 0.20556398 -0.08245777 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181610 0.0824564 0.20556056 0.0824564 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100678 0.08245048 0.20554581 -0.08245048 PHA-665752 ENSG00000102786 0.08243879 0.20551664 0.08243879 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163798 0.08240563 0.20543396 -0.08240563 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127995 0.08238865 0.20539163 -0.08238865 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172164 0.08238104 0.20537265 0.08238104 PHA-665752 ENSG00000260325 0.08237478 0.20535703 0.08237478 PHA-665752 ENSG00000085733 0.08236333 0.20532849 0.08236333 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131475 0.08234579 0.20528475 0.08234579 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160867 0.08234272 0.2052771 0.08234272 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186687 0.08232867 0.20524207 -0.08232867 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165660 0.08230547 0.20518422 0.08230547 PHA-665752 ENSG00000211800 0.08230449 0.20518177 0.08230449 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138772 0.08229962 0.20516963 -0.08229962 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166546 0.08228761 0.20513969 0.08228761 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120662 0.08227556 0.20510964 0.08227556 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106003 0.08226099 0.20507331 0.08226099 PHA-665752 LOC100505495 0.08225822 0.20506642 -0.08225822 PHA-665752 LOC100506498 0.08221005 0.2049463 0.08221005 PHA-665752 ENSG00000214872 0.08220761 0.20494021 -0.08220761 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115687 0.08220439 0.20493219 -0.08220439 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170946 0.08219532 0.20490956 -0.08219532 PHA-665752 ENSG00000099377 0.08218971 0.20489559 -0.08218971 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157483 0.08218592 0.20488613 0.08218592 PHA-665752 ENSG00000110514 0.08218195 0.20487623 -0.08218195 PHA-665752 ENSG00000243926 0.08217398 0.20485637 -0.08217398 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188257 0.08216829 0.20484218 0.08216829 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184277 0.08215953 0.20482034 0.08215953 PHA-665752 ENSG00000024526 0.08215455 0.20480792 0.08215455 PHA-665752 ENSG00000084070 0.08214447 0.20478279 -0.08214447 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170613 0.0821429 0.20477885 -0.0821429 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142655 0.0821192 0.20471978 -0.0821192 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143224 0.0820924 0.20465295 -0.0820924 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125356 0.08209013 0.20464729 0.08209013 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155304 0.08207363 0.20460613 0.08207363 PHA-665752 LOC100287598 0.08206919 0.20459508 -0.08206919 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164736 0.08204884 0.20454433 -0.08204884 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114854 0.08204235 0.20452815 0.08204235 PHA-665752 ENSG00000099622 0.08204045 0.2045234 -0.08204045 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181790 0.08202464 0.204484 -0.08202464 PHA-665752 ENSG00000095209 0.08202277 0.20447932 -0.08202277 PHA-665752 ENSG00000050030 0.08201359 0.20445645 0.08201359 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139567 0.08200657 0.20443893 0.08200657 PHA-665752 ENSG00000079308 0.08200088 0.20442474 -0.08200088 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167840 0.08198255 0.20437905 -0.08198255 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187676 0.08197085 0.20434988 0.08197085 PHA-665752 LRG_432 0.08196247 0.20432897 -0.08196247 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136738 0.08194045 0.20427408 -0.08194045 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127922 0.0819401 0.20427319 0.0819401 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197893 0.08193965 0.20427207 0.08193965 PHA-665752 ENSG00000146039 0.08192612 0.20423835 -0.08192612 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188158 0.08191948 0.20422179 0.08191948 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197381 0.08191752 0.20421689 0.08191752 PHA-665752 ENSG00000221888 0.08191513 0.20421093 0.08191513 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156097 0.08189971 0.20417248 -0.08189971 PHA-665752 ENSG00000005001 0.08187095 0.20410077 -0.08187095 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181061 0.08187066 0.20410005 0.08187066 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120265 0.08186145 0.20407709 0.08186145 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117400 0.08185563 0.20406257 -0.08185563 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160948 0.08182537 0.20398712 -0.08182537 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130045 0.08181969 0.20397297 0.08181969 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100938 0.08181656 0.20396517 0.08181656 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163958 0.08179531 0.20391218 -0.08179531 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157240 0.08179523 0.20391197 0.08179523 PHA-665752 ENSG00000029534 0.0817767 0.20386577 -0.0817767 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173581 0.08175136 0.20380258 -0.08175136 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154229 0.08174152 0.20377805 -0.08174152 PHA-665752 ENSG00000080823 0.08173897 0.2037717 0.08173897 PHA-665752 LOC100506165 0.0817384 0.20377028 0.0817384 PHA-665752 ENSG00000244607 0.08173727 0.20376745 0.08173727 PHA-665752 ENSG00000067191 0.08173195 0.20375418 0.08173195 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104946 0.08172388 0.20373406 0.08172388 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120094 0.08171986 0.20372404 -0.08171986 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131653 0.08171878 0.20372135 -0.08171878 PHA-665752 KIAA0494 0.0817154 0.20371293 0.0817154 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160959 0.08170853 0.2036958 -0.08170853 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111615 0.0816873 0.20364286 0.0816873 PHA-665752 ENSG00000228263 0.08168445 0.20363574 0.08168445 PHA-665752 LRG_618 0.08166759 0.2035937 0.08166759 PHA-665752 ENSG00000158113 0.08165452 0.20356113 0.08165452 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145354 0.08163581 0.20351447 0.08163581 PHA-665752 ENSG00000118579 0.08163014 0.20350032 0.08163014 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156304 0.08162684 0.2034921 -0.08162684 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180279 0.08162484 0.20348711 -0.08162484 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133657 0.08162305 0.20348266 -0.08162305 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138193 0.08161929 0.20347327 0.08161929 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135637 0.08161636 0.20346597 -0.08161636 PHA-665752 ENSG00000225756 0.08160911 0.20344789 0.08160911 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163050 0.08160202 0.20343022 -0.08160202 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124171 0.0815958 0.2034147 -0.0815958 PHA-665752 LOC116437 0.08157176 0.20335477 -0.08157176 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106624 0.08157151 0.20335414 0.08157151 PHA-665752 ENSG00000066084 0.08155421 0.203311 -0.08155421 PHA-665752 ENSG00000070814 0.08155303 0.20330808 -0.08155303 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134265 0.08154606 0.20329069 0.08154606 PHA-665752 LRG_422 0.08154162 0.20327962 0.08154162 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173040 0.08152712 0.20324346 0.08152712 PHA-665752 LRG_778 0.08151871 0.2032225 -0.08151871 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196290 0.08151625 0.20321637 0.08151625 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114739 0.08147722 0.20311904 0.08147722 PHA-665752 GALNTL4 0.08147013 0.20310135 -0.08147013 PHA-665752 ENSG00000240184 0.08146479 0.20308803 0.08146479 PHA-665752 LOC100506714 0.08146134 0.20307945 0.08146134 PHA-665752 LOC729678 0.081457 0.20306862 -0.081457 PHA-665752 ENSG00000084453 0.08144217 0.20303165 0.08144217 PHA-665752 ENSG00000064393 0.0814214 0.20297985 0.0814214 PHA-665752 ENSG00000068305 0.08141621 0.20296691 0.08141621 PHA-665752 ENSG00000153310 0.08141556 0.2029653 -0.08141556 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204991 0.08141421 0.20296194 -0.08141421 PHA-665752 ENSG00000004846 0.08139846 0.20292266 0.08139846 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124198 0.08139145 0.20290519 0.08139145 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136100 0.0813777 0.20287088 -0.0813777 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144218 0.08134551 0.20279064 0.08134551 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100014 0.08133655 0.20276829 -0.08133655 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117143 0.08133198 0.20275688 -0.08133198 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161973 0.08132235 0.20273287 -0.08132235 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166275 0.08130599 0.20269209 -0.08130599 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134070 0.08129418 0.20266264 -0.08129418 PHA-665752 ENSG00000224941 0.08128476 0.20263915 0.08128476 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175104 0.08127946 0.20262592 -0.08127946 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154316 0.08127869 0.20262402 0.08127869 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182004 0.08127393 0.20261215 -0.08127393 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115486 0.08127344 0.20261093 0.08127344 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127990 0.08127297 0.20260975 0.08127297 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138744 0.08127233 0.20260815 -0.08127233 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111602 0.08126873 0.20259918 -0.08126873 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136932 0.08126363 0.20258647 0.08126363 PHA-665752 LOC285972 0.08124851 0.20254876 0.08124851 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184216 0.08123883 0.20252463 0.08123883 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171873 0.08121425 0.20246334 0.08121425 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129824 0.08120744 0.20244635 -0.08120744 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169129 0.08120635 0.20244365 0.08120635 PHA-665752 ENSG00000235097 0.08119363 0.20241191 -0.08119363 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171136 0.08119152 0.20240667 -0.08119152 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143409 0.08118302 0.20238547 -0.08118302 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142512 0.08118103 0.20238049 -0.08118103 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160349 0.08117544 0.20236657 0.08117544 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119509 0.08117543 0.20236654 0.08117543 PHA-665752 ENSG00000278220 0.08113712 0.20227101 0.08113712 PHA-665752 C6orf221 0.08112348 0.20223701 -0.08112348 PHA-665752 ENSG00000281661 0.08111584 0.20221795 0.08111584 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115504 0.08111545 0.202217 0.08111545 PHA-665752 ENSG00000006712 0.08110485 0.20219055 -0.08110485 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163904 0.08108556 0.20214246 -0.08108556 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123575 0.08108135 0.20213197 0.08108135 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174156 0.08107602 0.20211866 0.08107602 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159314 0.08106992 0.20210347 -0.08106992 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166508 0.08106862 0.20210022 -0.08106862 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181856 0.08105352 0.20206257 -0.08105352 PHA-665752 ENSG00000062822 0.08105115 0.20205666 -0.08105115 PHA-665752 FLJ44342 0.08104285 0.20203597 -0.08104285 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108684 0.08103595 0.20201876 0.08103595 PHA-665752 LOC157273 0.08102245 0.20198509 0.08102245 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124193 0.08101715 0.20197189 -0.08101715 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198939 0.08100799 0.20194903 0.08100799 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198205 0.08100358 0.20193806 -0.08100358 PHA-665752 ENSG00000005100 0.08100161 0.20193312 0.08100161 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148296 0.08100066 0.20193076 -0.08100066 PHA-665752 LOC148709 0.08098975 0.20190356 -0.08098975 PHA-665752 LOC100506104 0.0809797 0.20187851 -0.0809797 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111300 0.08096339 0.20183783 0.08096339 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129932 0.08095346 0.20181306 0.08095346 PHA-665752 LOC100506102 0.08094796 0.20179936 0.08094796 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104967 0.08094487 0.20179165 -0.08094487 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147475 0.08094039 0.20178048 -0.08094039 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143420 0.08093942 0.20177807 -0.08093942 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132530 0.08093685 0.20177165 -0.08093685 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130349 0.0808851 0.20164263 0.0808851 PHA-665752 ENSG00000247400 0.08088429 0.20164061 -0.08088429 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169100 0.08088096 0.2016323 -0.08088096 PHA-665752 LRG_197 0.08084881 0.20155214 -0.08084881 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105583 0.08084813 0.20155045 0.08084813 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100307 0.08084446 0.20154129 0.08084446 PHA-665752 LRG_211 0.08084147 0.20153383 0.08084147 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179172 0.08082706 0.2014979 -0.08082706 PHA-665752 GCFC1-AS1 0.08082172 0.20148458 -0.08082172 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130518 0.08081671 0.20147209 -0.08081671 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157107 0.08080193 0.20143524 -0.08080193 PHA-665752 LOC100506236 0.08078579 0.20139499 -0.08078579 PHA-665752 LOC100652898 0.08077754 0.20137444 -0.08077754 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139289 0.08075796 0.20132562 0.08075796 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106268 0.08074937 0.20130419 -0.08074937 PHA-665752 ENSG00000060656 0.08074465 0.20129241 -0.08074465 PHA-665752 ENSG00000110492 0.08074241 0.20128683 -0.08074241 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168454 0.08074192 0.20128561 -0.08074192 PHA-665752 ENSG00000211802 0.08073059 0.20125737 -0.08073059 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170293 0.08072415 0.20124131 0.08072415 PHA-665752 ENSG00000248712 0.08071861 0.20122748 -0.08071861 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173662 0.08070669 0.20119776 -0.08070669 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174837 0.0807057 0.2011953 0.0807057 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125844 0.08068097 0.20113363 0.08068097 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198001 0.08068038 0.20113216 -0.08068038 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119318 0.08067569 0.20112047 0.08067569 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187193 0.08067326 0.20111442 0.08067326 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105755 0.08066815 0.20110168 0.08066815 PHA-665752 ENSG00000153558 0.08066312 0.20108913 -0.08066312 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107021 0.08066226 0.20108699 -0.08066226 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187792 0.08064561 0.20104547 -0.08064561 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156413 0.08062283 0.20098868 0.08062283 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188760 0.0806101 0.20095693 0.0806101 PHA-665752 ENSG00000280165 0.08060773 0.20095103 0.08060773 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132872 0.08059704 0.20092437 -0.08059704 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196660 0.08059398 0.20091673 -0.08059398 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164251 0.08059233 0.20091263 -0.08059233 PHA-665752 ENSG00000110330 0.08058696 0.20089922 -0.08058696 PHA-665752 C1orf65 0.08056263 0.20083856 0.08056263 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151090 0.08056107 0.20083468 -0.08056107 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196850 0.08054915 0.20080495 0.08054915 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144401 0.08054284 0.20078921 -0.08054284 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165323 0.08053183 0.20076176 -0.08053183 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198056 0.08052507 0.2007449 -0.08052507 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185561 0.08051056 0.20070873 -0.08051056 PHA-665752 IL29 0.08050491 0.20069464 -0.08050491 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131153 0.08050063 0.20068398 -0.08050063 PHA-665752 ENSG00000146872 0.08049833 0.20067824 -0.08049833 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166510 0.08049412 0.20066773 -0.08049412 PHA-665752 ENSG00000269190 0.08047547 0.20062123 -0.08047547 PHA-665752 FAM211A 0.08046943 0.20060618 0.08046943 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112238 0.08046315 0.20059051 0.08046315 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108479 0.08045202 0.20056276 -0.08045202 PHA-665752 ENSG00000099256 0.08045079 0.20055971 -0.08045079 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132141 0.08044117 0.20053572 0.08044117 PHA-665752 ENSG00000249859 0.08042756 0.20050178 0.08042756 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198176 0.08040515 0.20044591 0.08040515 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171368 0.08040446 0.20044417 0.08040446 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139178 0.08039662 0.20042463 -0.08039662 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128606 0.08036912 0.20035607 -0.08036912 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197714 0.08036891 0.20035553 0.08036891 PHA-665752 C14orf167 0.0803582 0.20032884 0.0803582 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162642 0.08035012 0.20030869 -0.08035012 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185483 0.08034891 0.20030566 -0.08034891 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105568 0.08032465 0.20024519 0.08032465 PHA-665752 C9orf21 0.08030732 0.20020197 -0.08030732 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143278 0.08030657 0.2002001 -0.08030657 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134452 0.08030092 0.20018602 0.08030092 PHA-665752 LRG_180 0.08029974 0.20018306 -0.08029974 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184349 0.08029369 0.20016797 0.08029369 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127948 0.08028209 0.20013905 -0.08028209 PHA-665752 ENSG00000082438 0.08027942 0.20013239 0.08027942 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179195 0.08027881 0.20013088 -0.08027881 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176919 0.0802753 0.20012212 -0.0802753 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159352 0.08027296 0.20011628 -0.08027296 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125656 0.08027154 0.20011276 0.08027154 PHA-665752 ENSG00000062598 0.08027077 0.20011083 0.08027077 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104518 0.0802577 0.20007824 -0.0802577 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185942 0.08024426 0.20004473 -0.08024426 PHA-665752 LINC00340 0.08024398 0.20004403 -0.08024398 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117399 0.0802214 0.19998774 -0.0802214 PHA-665752 ZNF167 0.08021317 0.19996722 0.08021317 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198934 0.08018589 0.1998992 0.08018589 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154856 0.08015626 0.1998253 0.08015626 PHA-665752 C14orf102 0.08014752 0.19980351 -0.08014752 PHA-665752 ENSG00000276903 0.08013355 0.19976869 -0.08013355 PHA-665752 ENSG00000152977 0.08011989 0.19973463 0.08011989 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106628 0.08010981 0.19970948 -0.08010981 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181631 0.08010731 0.19970326 -0.08010731 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147650 0.0800981 0.19968029 0.0800981 PHA-665752 LOC100507278 0.08009303 0.19966764 -0.08009303 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198121 0.08007716 0.19962808 0.08007716 PHA-665752 LOC727869 0.08005175 0.19956472 -0.08005175 PHA-665752 LOC100505904 0.08005014 0.19956071 -0.08005014 PHA-665752 ENSG00000006282 0.08003425 0.19952108 -0.08003425 PHA-665752 ENSG00000274348 0.08002388 0.19949523 -0.08002388 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151650 0.08000551 0.19944943 0.08000551 PHA-665752 ENSG00000215790 0.07999086 0.19941289 -0.07999086 PHA-665752 ENSG00000228854 0.0799809 0.19938806 0.0799809 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173698 0.0799695 0.19935964 -0.0799695 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120549 0.0799503 0.19931175 -0.0799503 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101464 0.07995025 0.19931164 0.07995025 PHA-665752 LOC100128374 0.07994765 0.19930514 -0.07994765 PHA-665752 LOC100287896 0.07990779 0.19920576 -0.07990779 PHA-665752 ENSG00000072071 0.07990489 0.19919854 -0.07990489 PHA-665752 LOC100506660 0.07990173 0.19919065 -0.07990173 PHA-665752 LOC729059 0.07987663 0.19912807 0.07987663 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105771 0.07987532 0.19912481 -0.07987532 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131142 0.07987443 0.19912258 -0.07987443 PHA-665752 ENSG00000014216 0.07987061 0.19911305 -0.07987061 PHA-665752 ENSG00000068394 0.07986183 0.19909115 0.07986183 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113448 0.07985159 0.19906565 -0.07985159 PHA-665752 C1orf173 0.07984788 0.19905638 0.07984788 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198535 0.07984351 0.19904549 -0.07984351 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148634 0.07983896 0.19903414 -0.07983896 PHA-665752 ENSG00000212123 0.07983856 0.19903313 -0.07983856 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133321 0.07983677 0.19902868 -0.07983677 PHA-665752 ENSG00000006744 0.07982737 0.19900523 -0.07982737 PHA-665752 ENSG00000011275 0.07982492 0.19899913 -0.07982492 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154917 0.07981446 0.19897304 -0.07981446 PHA-665752 ENSG00000060558 0.07980743 0.19895553 -0.07980743 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172410 0.07980169 0.19894121 0.07980169 PHA-665752 ENSG00000273611 0.07979928 0.19893521 0.07979928 PHA-665752 ENSG00000251394 0.07978985 0.1989117 -0.07978985 PHA-665752 ENSG00000242600 0.0797772 0.19888014 -0.0797772 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198807 0.07977628 0.19887785 0.07977628 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134851 0.07974554 0.19880121 0.07974554 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119927 0.07972727 0.19875565 -0.07972727 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167114 0.07970252 0.19869395 0.07970252 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196821 0.07969164 0.1986668 0.07969164 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141258 0.0796916 0.19866671 -0.0796916 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131591 0.07968517 0.19865067 0.07968517 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164483 0.07965135 0.19856634 0.07965135 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168061 0.07964729 0.19855623 0.07964729 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185215 0.07963697 0.19853049 0.07963697 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130287 0.07963076 0.19851502 0.07963076 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142765 0.07962322 0.19849622 -0.07962322 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104147 0.07962291 0.19849544 -0.07962291 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106258 0.07961395 0.19847309 0.07961395 PHA-665752 ENSG00000091513 0.07961362 0.19847228 0.07961362 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170832 0.07960683 0.19845535 -0.07960683 PHA-665752 ENSG00000203896 0.07959016 0.19841376 -0.07959016 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181634 0.07958332 0.19839673 0.07958332 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167755 0.07958193 0.19839325 -0.07958193 PHA-665752 ENSG00000269556 0.07957677 0.19838039 0.07957677 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164587 0.07955187 0.19831831 -0.07955187 PHA-665752 ENSG00000039560 0.07953946 0.19828735 0.07953946 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129518 0.07949477 0.19817592 -0.07949477 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100084 0.07948072 0.19814088 0.07948072 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133943 0.07947888 0.1981363 -0.07947888 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135482 0.07947256 0.19812053 -0.07947256 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155868 0.07946067 0.19809091 -0.07946067 PHA-665752 ENSG00000075702 0.07944907 0.19806197 -0.07944907 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125652 0.07944896 0.19806169 0.07944896 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182134 0.07944735 0.19805769 -0.07944735 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105246 0.07941988 0.19798919 0.07941988 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171320 0.07941488 0.19797673 0.07941488 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183513 0.07940875 0.19796144 0.07940875 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140443 0.07939255 0.19792104 0.07939255 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144857 0.07938014 0.19789011 -0.07938014 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140522 0.07937813 0.19788509 0.07937813 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136718 0.07935042 0.19781599 0.07935042 PHA-665752 ENSG00000109944 0.07933687 0.19778221 0.07933687 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196757 0.07933535 0.19777842 -0.07933535 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172927 0.07933199 0.19777004 0.07933199 PHA-665752 ENSG00000126243 0.07932827 0.19776076 0.07932827 PHA-665752 FAM165B 0.07930848 0.19771142 0.07930848 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108352 0.07930013 0.1976906 0.07930013 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183706 0.07929928 0.19768848 -0.07929928 PHA-665752 LOC100507580 0.07927886 0.19763758 -0.07927886 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136982 0.07927216 0.19762087 -0.07927216 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165006 0.07927181 0.19761999 -0.07927181 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147606 0.07925009 0.19756584 -0.07925009 PHA-665752 C20orf132 0.07922297 0.19749821 0.07922297 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134817 0.07920055 0.1974423 -0.07920055 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197119 0.07917393 0.19737593 0.07917393 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163479 0.07916553 0.197355 0.07916553 PHA-665752 ENSG00000218510 0.07916228 0.19734689 -0.07916228 PHA-665752 ENSG00000110987 0.07915829 0.19733693 -0.07915829 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163702 0.07915138 0.19731971 0.07915138 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175606 0.07915021 0.19731679 -0.07915021 PHA-665752 C6orf164 0.07912381 0.19725095 0.07912381 PHA-665752 LOC100507283 0.07911805 0.1972366 -0.07911805 PHA-665752 ENSG00000085552 0.07911775 0.19723585 -0.07911775 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172020 0.07910511 0.19720433 -0.07910511 PHA-665752 ENSG00000037757 0.07910191 0.19719635 -0.07910191 PHA-665752 C1orf85 0.07908385 0.19715132 0.07908385 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165417 0.07906977 0.19711621 0.07906977 PHA-665752 LOC100505964 0.07906781 0.19711134 -0.07906781 PHA-665752 LRG_505 0.07906699 0.19710929 -0.07906699 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170382 0.07906679 0.19710878 0.07906679 PHA-665752 ENSG00000241313 0.07905188 0.1970716 -0.07905188 PHA-665752 ENSG00000152056 0.07904546 0.1970556 0.07904546 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172901 0.07901398 0.19697711 -0.07901398 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108064 0.07901012 0.19696748 0.07901012 PHA-665752 ENSG00000280777 0.07900525 0.19695535 -0.07900525 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122971 0.07900304 0.19694982 0.07900304 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182985 0.07900221 0.19694776 0.07900221 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177045 0.07899164 0.19692141 -0.07899164 PHA-665752 LOC100506107 0.07898974 0.19691667 0.07898974 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116455 0.07898858 0.19691377 0.07898858 PHA-665752 LOC100130331 0.07898592 0.19690714 -0.07898592 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119977 0.07898323 0.19690043 0.07898323 PHA-665752 LOC100131067 0.07896702 0.19686003 -0.07896702 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128165 0.07896296 0.19684988 0.07896296 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134255 0.07895493 0.19682987 -0.07895493 PHA-665752 ENSG00000121775 0.07894654 0.19680894 -0.07894654 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204136 0.07894478 0.19680457 -0.07894478 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132205 0.07893966 0.1967918 0.07893966 PHA-665752 ENSG00000146109 0.0789252 0.19675575 0.0789252 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164695 0.07892475 0.19675463 -0.07892475 PHA-665752 LOC389043 0.07892284 0.19674987 0.07892284 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162598 0.07892041 0.19674381 0.07892041 PHA-665752 ENSG00000109586 0.0789063 0.19670862 0.0789063 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133106 0.07890502 0.19670543 -0.07890502 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128228 0.07890479 0.19670484 0.07890479 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122958 0.07889691 0.1966852 0.07889691 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111364 0.07889246 0.1966741 -0.07889246 PHA-665752 ENSG00000149516 0.07888807 0.19666315 -0.07888807 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168661 0.07887457 0.1966295 -0.07887457 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180787 0.07887012 0.19661839 -0.07887012 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186814 0.07886896 0.1966155 -0.07886896 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167098 0.07886237 0.19659908 0.07886237 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156504 0.07885855 0.19658954 0.07885855 PHA-665752 LRG_113 0.07884172 0.1965476 -0.07884172 PHA-665752 LRG_85 0.07883823 0.19653887 -0.07883823 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184009 0.07883153 0.19652217 -0.07883153 PHA-665752 ENSG00000069849 0.07882156 0.19649732 0.07882156 PHA-665752 FAM158A 0.07881853 0.19648977 0.07881853 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170515 0.07881738 0.1964869 0.07881738 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182534 0.07881535 0.19648184 -0.07881535 PHA-665752 ENSG00000121634 0.07880198 0.19644851 -0.07880198 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161040 0.07878802 0.19641368 -0.07878802 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167778 0.07877082 0.19637079 -0.07877082 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171649 0.07876153 0.19634764 0.07876153 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184731 0.07876005 0.19634396 -0.07876005 PHA-665752 ENSG00000009765 0.07875808 0.19633903 -0.07875808 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183638 0.07874305 0.19630156 -0.07874305 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173681 0.07874243 0.19630001 -0.07874243 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164877 0.07872485 0.19625618 -0.07872485 PHA-665752 ENSG00000274965 0.07871066 0.19622079 0.07871066 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183304 0.07870931 0.19621743 -0.07870931 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155545 0.07870672 0.19621098 0.07870672 PHA-665752 ENSG00000070831 0.07870113 0.19619704 0.07870113 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204406 0.07869917 0.19619215 0.07869917 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198876 0.07869848 0.19619042 -0.07869848 PHA-665752 ENSG00000008283 0.07869721 0.19618727 -0.07869721 PHA-665752 ENSG00000242114 0.07868998 0.19616923 0.07868998 PHA-665752 ENSG00000153363 0.07868513 0.19615714 0.07868513 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182187 0.07866187 0.19609915 -0.07866187 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171657 0.07866182 0.19609901 -0.07866182 PHA-665752 ENSG00000085662 0.07865771 0.19608878 -0.07865771 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167552 0.07865406 0.19607968 0.07865406 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101074 0.0786529 0.19607679 0.0786529 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185933 0.07864271 0.19605137 -0.07864271 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145246 0.07860128 0.19594805 0.07860128 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113916 0.07859079 0.19592191 -0.07859079 PHA-665752 ENSG00000277996 0.07858565 0.19590909 -0.07858565 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177494 0.0785829 0.19590225 -0.0785829 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135378 0.07857632 0.19588583 -0.07857632 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143811 0.07857061 0.19587159 -0.07857061 PHA-665752 LOC283194 0.07856467 0.19585678 -0.07856467 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181652 0.07854984 0.19581979 -0.07854984 PHA-665752 TEX34 0.07853891 0.19579254 0.07853891 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136897 0.07852689 0.19576259 0.07852689 PHA-665752 LOC400236 0.07852562 0.19575941 -0.07852562 PHA-665752 ENSG00000095752 0.07852541 0.19575889 -0.07852541 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154832 0.07852191 0.19575017 -0.07852191 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187260 0.0785162 0.19573592 -0.0785162 PHA-665752 ENSG00000085449 0.07851483 0.19573251 0.07851483 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111701 0.07851103 0.19572305 0.07851103 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104763 0.07849843 0.19569162 0.07849843 PHA-665752 C5orf4 0.07847758 0.19563962 0.07847758 PHA-665752 ENSG00000243970 0.07847122 0.19562376 -0.07847122 PHA-665752 LRG_610 0.07846528 0.19560897 0.07846528 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100890 0.07846441 0.19560678 -0.07846441 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103528 0.0784614 0.19559929 -0.0784614 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181666 0.07845955 0.19559466 -0.07845955 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130723 0.07844876 0.19556778 -0.07844876 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132671 0.07844126 0.19554906 0.07844126 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137868 0.07842548 0.19550972 0.07842548 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187391 0.07842454 0.19550738 -0.07842454 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164898 0.07841282 0.19547815 0.07841282 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139547 0.07839161 0.19542527 0.07839161 PHA-665752 ENSG00000152583 0.07838541 0.19540981 -0.07838541 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166477 0.07837546 0.195385 -0.07837546 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100439 0.07837387 0.19538104 -0.07837387 PHA-665752 ENSG00000248572 0.07837147 0.19537504 -0.07837147 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178988 0.07835225 0.19532711 0.07835225 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175105 0.0783474 0.19531504 0.0783474 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131097 0.07834605 0.19531166 -0.07834605 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175170 0.07833914 0.19529444 -0.07833914 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176714 0.07833142 0.19527518 -0.07833142 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119973 0.07832328 0.19525489 0.07832328 PHA-665752 ENSG00000149273 0.07831972 0.19524601 -0.07831972 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145391 0.07831849 0.19524295 -0.07831849 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196511 0.07831241 0.1952278 -0.07831241 PHA-665752 ENSG00000230679 0.07830888 0.19521899 -0.07830888 PHA-665752 ENSG00000109686 0.07830724 0.19521489 0.07830724 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166292 0.07829842 0.1951929 -0.07829842 PHA-665752 ENSG00000206562 0.07829126 0.19517506 0.07829126 PHA-665752 LOC255654 0.07828963 0.19517098 -0.07828963 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171421 0.07828913 0.19516974 -0.07828913 PHA-665752 FLJ33065 0.07828365 0.19515608 -0.07828365 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179134 0.07825216 0.19507755 -0.07825216 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164610 0.07823794 0.19504211 0.07823794 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187824 0.07823193 0.1950271 0.07823193 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171466 0.07822091 0.19499963 -0.07822091 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166913 0.0782171 0.19499015 0.0782171 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198796 0.07821005 0.19497255 0.07821005 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172830 0.07820823 0.19496803 -0.07820823 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141002 0.07820107 0.19495018 -0.07820107 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100325 0.07818841 0.19491859 0.07818841 PHA-665752 ENSG00000089091 0.07818385 0.19490722 0.07818385 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128645 0.07817192 0.1948775 -0.07817192 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185129 0.07817091 0.19487497 -0.07817091 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105894 0.07816863 0.19486929 -0.07816863 PHA-665752 LOC100506070 0.07815557 0.19483672 0.07815557 PHA-665752 ENSG00000070785 0.07814764 0.19481695 -0.07814764 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197768 0.07814756 0.19481675 -0.07814756 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124159 0.07814078 0.19479983 -0.07814078 PHA-665752 ENSG00000089558 0.07812977 0.1947724 -0.07812977 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168612 0.07812784 0.19476756 -0.07812784 PHA-665752 ENSG00000080824 0.07811587 0.19473773 -0.07811587 PHA-665752 ENSG00000118564 0.07811541 0.19473659 0.07811541 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111846 0.07809987 0.19469784 0.07809987 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105258 0.07809084 0.19467531 -0.07809084 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144893 0.07808362 0.1946573 -0.07808362 PHA-665752 ENSG00000036828 0.07808186 0.19465292 0.07808186 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105388 0.07807122 0.19462641 -0.07807122 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182450 0.07806699 0.19461584 -0.07806699 PHA-665752 ENSG00000158869 0.07806049 0.19459965 -0.07806049 PHA-665752 ENSG00000072310 0.07805532 0.19458675 0.07805532 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185585 0.07805456 0.19458485 0.07805456 PHA-665752 BRWD1-IT2 0.07805421 0.19458398 -0.07805421 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186812 0.0780541 0.1945837 -0.0780541 PHA-665752 ENSG00000007314 0.07804114 0.19455139 -0.07804114 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130762 0.07802431 0.19450944 -0.07802431 PHA-665752 ENSG00000082212 0.07801195 0.19447862 0.07801195 PHA-665752 ENSG00000226757 0.07801008 0.19447394 0.07801008 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175334 0.07800759 0.19446773 0.07800759 PHA-665752 LRG_239 0.07796573 0.19436337 0.07796573 PHA-665752 ENSG00000084774 0.07795149 0.19432787 0.07795149 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104660 0.07794105 0.19430182 0.07794105 PHA-665752 ENSG00000206418 0.07793617 0.19428966 -0.07793617 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135930 0.07793553 0.19428807 0.07793553 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179766 0.0779261 0.19426454 0.0779261 PHA-665752 ENSG00000235750 0.07792274 0.19425617 0.07792274 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196371 0.07791056 0.19422581 -0.07791056 PHA-665752 ENSG00000094916 0.0779023 0.19420521 -0.0779023 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172752 0.07789839 0.19419547 -0.07789839 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100053 0.07787321 0.19413268 -0.07787321 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167711 0.07786666 0.19411634 -0.07786666 PHA-665752 ENSG00000006071 0.07785831 0.19409552 0.07785831 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119866 0.07784947 0.19407348 -0.07784947 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176809 0.07783755 0.19404375 -0.07783755 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182180 0.07783173 0.19402925 0.07783173 PHA-665752 ENSG00000065809 0.07780813 0.19397039 -0.07780813 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111642 0.07779481 0.19393719 0.07779481 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198865 0.07777258 0.19388176 -0.07777258 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163629 0.07777004 0.19387542 0.07777004 PHA-665752 ENSG00000092969 0.07775269 0.19383217 -0.07775269 PHA-665752 ENSG00000214783 0.07775163 0.19382953 -0.07775163 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167874 0.07775092 0.19382774 -0.07775092 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142661 0.07774536 0.19381389 0.07774536 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169951 0.0777404 0.19380151 -0.0777404 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131242 0.07773794 0.19379538 -0.07773794 PHA-665752 ENSG00000030304 0.07772334 0.19375897 -0.07772334 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111879 0.07769369 0.19368506 -0.07769369 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105649 0.07768909 0.19367357 0.07768909 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124422 0.07768118 0.19365384 0.07768118 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160318 0.07767459 0.19363742 0.07767459 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159720 0.07765557 0.19359 0.07765557 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164209 0.07763933 0.19354951 -0.07763933 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162775 0.07763563 0.19354027 -0.07763563 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133250 0.07761983 0.19350088 -0.07761983 PHA-665752 ENSG00000256683 0.07761696 0.19349372 0.07761696 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115317 0.07761251 0.19348263 0.07761251 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138152 0.07760913 0.1934742 0.07760913 PHA-665752 LOC100133991 0.07760733 0.19346973 0.07760733 PHA-665752 ENSG00000067798 0.07760378 0.19346086 0.07760378 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138356 0.07759441 0.19343751 0.07759441 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198099 0.07756857 0.19337308 -0.07756857 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136011 0.07754648 0.19331798 0.07754648 PHA-665752 LOC100129726 0.0775438 0.19331131 0.0775438 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187634 0.07752427 0.19326261 -0.07752427 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172890 0.07752243 0.19325802 -0.07752243 PHA-665752 ENSG00000033050 0.07751395 0.19323688 0.07751395 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164164 0.07749779 0.19319659 -0.07749779 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127125 0.07748943 0.19317574 -0.07748943 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125534 0.07748273 0.19315905 0.07748273 PHA-665752 LOC100507360 0.07746759 0.19312128 -0.07746759 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160298 0.07746538 0.19311577 -0.07746538 PHA-665752 ENSG00000076770 0.07746167 0.19310652 -0.07746167 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178401 0.07743287 0.19303472 0.07743287 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100979 0.07742716 0.19302048 0.07742716 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103089 0.07741376 0.19298707 -0.07741376 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148019 0.07741215 0.19298305 0.07741215 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115211 0.07740979 0.19297716 0.07740979 PHA-665752 ENSG00000080618 0.07740728 0.19297091 -0.07740728 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113328 0.07740365 0.19296187 -0.07740365 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204366 0.07740102 0.1929553 0.07740102 PHA-665752 ENSG00000090534 0.07739088 0.19293001 -0.07739088 PHA-665752 ENSG00000223496 0.0773505 0.19282932 -0.0773505 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188816 0.07734138 0.19280658 0.07734138 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144214 0.07734029 0.19280386 0.07734029 PHA-665752 ENSG00000152266 0.07733713 0.19279598 0.07733713 PHA-665752 LRG_218 0.07729157 0.1926824 0.07729157 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107821 0.07729151 0.19268224 -0.07729151 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169752 0.07727443 0.19263965 -0.07727443 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112164 0.07727371 0.19263786 0.07727371 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164053 0.07727282 0.19263563 0.07727282 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139223 0.07726939 0.19262708 0.07726939 PHA-665752 ENSG00000035720 0.07726177 0.19260808 -0.07726177 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145817 0.07726092 0.19260596 0.07726092 PHA-665752 ENSG00000273562 0.07725664 0.19259529 0.07725664 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165304 0.07724398 0.19256373 0.07724398 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174885 0.0772088 0.19247601 0.0772088 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181896 0.07718886 0.19242629 -0.07718886 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171951 0.07717359 0.19238823 -0.07717359 PHA-665752 ENSG00000206476 0.07714646 0.19232057 -0.07714646 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103264 0.07714128 0.19230764 -0.07714128 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130479 0.0771355 0.19229324 -0.0771355 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161664 0.07713227 0.19228519 -0.07713227 PHA-665752 C20orf26 0.07712979 0.192279 0.07712979 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188037 0.07711275 0.19223652 -0.07711275 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182359 0.07711226 0.1922353 -0.07711226 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142534 0.07710764 0.19222376 0.07710764 PHA-665752 ENSG00000276023 0.07710171 0.19220899 0.07710171 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138741 0.07710048 0.19220592 -0.07710048 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163257 0.0771004 0.19220572 0.0771004 PHA-665752 LOC284385 0.07709626 0.19219539 -0.07709626 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108883 0.077095 0.19219225 -0.077095 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160683 0.07708479 0.19216678 -0.07708479 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125651 0.07708395 0.19216469 0.07708395 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116874 0.07707857 0.19215129 0.07707857 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138750 0.07706785 0.19212456 0.07706785 PHA-665752 ENSG00000152954 0.07705724 0.1920981 0.07705724 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159905 0.0770571 0.19209775 -0.0770571 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159398 0.07705701 0.19209753 0.07705701 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101892 0.07704739 0.19207353 -0.07704739 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147869 0.07704734 0.19207342 -0.07704734 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100150 0.07704309 0.19206281 -0.07704309 PHA-665752 ENSG00000214013 0.07703117 0.19203311 -0.07703117 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130176 0.07702262 0.19201178 0.07702262 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180044 0.07701785 0.19199988 -0.07701785 PHA-665752 ENSG00000149599 0.07701609 0.1919955 0.07701609 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113716 0.07701223 0.19198589 -0.07701223 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166037 0.07700776 0.19197474 -0.07700776 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197879 0.07700294 0.19196271 0.07700294 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187772 0.07699786 0.19195005 -0.07699786 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166317 0.0769931 0.19193817 0.0769931 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136872 0.07698605 0.1919206 0.07698605 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154143 0.07698514 0.19191834 -0.07698514 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116747 0.07698399 0.19191545 0.07698399 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104853 0.07697437 0.19189146 0.07697437 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119421 0.07696794 0.19187543 0.07696794 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156234 0.07694503 0.19181831 -0.07694503 PHA-665752 ENSG00000238227 0.07693594 0.19179564 -0.07693594 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105697 0.07687794 0.19165103 -0.07687794 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178235 0.07687041 0.19163225 -0.07687041 PHA-665752 ENSG00000278129 0.07685136 0.19158476 -0.07685136 PHA-665752 ENSG00000110880 0.07684083 0.1915585 -0.07684083 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122692 0.07683407 0.19154165 0.07683407 PHA-665752 ENSG00000189182 0.0768207 0.19150831 0.0768207 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137707 0.07681957 0.19150549 -0.07681957 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114127 0.0768039 0.1914664 -0.0768039 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144645 0.07679425 0.19144234 0.07679425 PHA-665752 LOC100506858 0.07678083 0.1914089 -0.07678083 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138756 0.07676 0.19135694 -0.07676 PHA-665752 ENSG00000232388 0.07675928 0.19135517 0.07675928 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125869 0.07674979 0.19133149 -0.07674979 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196754 0.07674047 0.19130825 0.07674047 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113583 0.07673877 0.19130401 0.07673877 PHA-665752 ENSG00000232838 0.07673242 0.19128818 0.07673242 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112685 0.07672969 0.19128139 0.07672969 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143368 0.07672185 0.19126183 0.07672185 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163586 0.07672096 0.1912596 -0.07672096 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163803 0.07671915 0.1912551 -0.07671915 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114480 0.07667955 0.19115635 0.07667955 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133835 0.07667596 0.19114741 -0.07667596 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163517 0.07666661 0.1911241 0.07666661 PHA-665752 ENSG00000189280 0.07665603 0.1910977 0.07665603 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106785 0.07661455 0.19099427 -0.07661455 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178982 0.07659987 0.19095769 -0.07659987 PHA-665752 LOC100505518 0.07659155 0.19093693 0.07659155 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172680 0.07658794 0.19092794 0.07658794 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115484 0.07657681 0.19090019 0.07657681 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198728 0.07657522 0.19089622 -0.07657522 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101350 0.07657395 0.19089306 0.07657395 PHA-665752 PIDD 0.07656807 0.19087839 -0.07656807 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187554 0.07656238 0.19086421 -0.07656238 PHA-665752 ENSG00000007038 0.07653653 0.19079974 -0.07653653 PHA-665752 TXNDC3 0.07651836 0.19075444 0.07651836 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176884 0.07651045 0.19073473 -0.07651045 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113396 0.07650687 0.19072578 -0.07650687 PHA-665752 ENSG00000034152 0.07650509 0.19072134 0.07650509 PHA-665752 LRG_84 0.07650494 0.19072099 -0.07650494 PHA-665752 ENSG00000088930 0.07649833 0.19070451 0.07649833 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185716 0.076494 0.19069369 0.076494 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101849 0.07648784 0.19067835 -0.07648784 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182795 0.07648001 0.19065882 -0.07648001 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135519 0.07647788 0.19065351 0.07647788 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180628 0.07646757 0.19062779 0.07646757 PHA-665752 PION 0.07646499 0.19062136 -0.07646499 PHA-665752 LOC145837 0.07646442 0.19061994 -0.07646442 PHA-665752 ENSG00000256667 0.07646366 0.19061804 -0.07646366 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106305 0.07645579 0.19059843 -0.07645579 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182919 0.07644588 0.19057372 -0.07644588 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181798 0.07644442 0.19057008 -0.07644442 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138430 0.07642996 0.19053401 0.07642996 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166206 0.07642701 0.19052665 0.07642701 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124232 0.07642565 0.19052327 0.07642565 PHA-665752 ENSG00000065534 0.07642382 0.1905187 0.07642382 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188992 0.07642181 0.1905137 -0.07642181 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105605 0.07641075 0.19048612 0.07641075 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167395 0.07640958 0.19048322 -0.07640958 PHA-665752 ENSG00000071794 0.07639913 0.19045715 -0.07639913 PHA-665752 LOC100506262 0.07639838 0.19045527 -0.07639838 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123810 0.07639228 0.19044006 -0.07639228 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136048 0.07638256 0.19041584 0.07638256 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139874 0.0763775 0.19040321 -0.0763775 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113643 0.07636998 0.19038447 -0.07636998 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159212 0.07636914 0.19038238 0.07636914 PHA-665752 LOC730184 0.07636409 0.19036977 0.07636409 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167535 0.07636261 0.19036609 0.07636261 PHA-665752 ENSG00000102870 0.07636067 0.19036126 0.07636067 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181852 0.07635817 0.19035502 -0.07635817 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145681 0.07635398 0.19034456 -0.07635398 PHA-665752 ENSG00000029725 0.0763374 0.19030323 -0.0763374 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183644 0.07633685 0.19030186 -0.07633685 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108599 0.07631052 0.19023619 -0.07631052 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123349 0.07626071 0.19011202 -0.07626071 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198046 0.07625491 0.19009754 -0.07625491 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108924 0.07623305 0.19004303 -0.07623305 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107551 0.07623245 0.19004154 0.07623245 PHA-665752 ENSG00000221890 0.07622938 0.19003389 -0.07622938 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145191 0.07620908 0.18998327 -0.07620908 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144468 0.07618885 0.18993284 -0.07618885 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151834 0.07616452 0.18987217 -0.07616452 PHA-665752 ENSG00000153560 0.07615364 0.18984504 -0.07615364 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163541 0.07615118 0.18983889 0.07615118 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160293 0.07614844 0.18983208 0.07614844 PHA-665752 LOC641518 0.07613618 0.1898015 0.07613618 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184374 0.07613221 0.1897916 0.07613221 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196338 0.07612592 0.18977592 0.07612592 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173930 0.07612527 0.1897743 0.07612527 PHA-665752 ENSG00000189334 0.0761188 0.18975817 0.0761188 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196236 0.07611799 0.18975614 0.07611799 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187079 0.07611549 0.1897499 0.07611549 PHA-665752 ENSG00000224227 0.07611187 0.18974088 0.07611187 PHA-665752 ENSG00000071564 0.0760924 0.18969233 -0.0760924 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129680 0.0760845 0.18967264 -0.0760845 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155097 0.07608238 0.18966736 0.07608238 PHA-665752 ENSG00000152990 0.07607666 0.18965309 0.07607666 PHA-665752 ENSG00000074935 0.07606807 0.18963167 -0.07606807 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124762 0.07605768 0.18960576 0.07605768 PHA-665752 ENSG00000058866 0.07605012 0.18958691 -0.07605012 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134030 0.07604164 0.18956577 -0.07604164 PHA-665752 ENSG00000274887 0.07603751 0.18955547 0.07603751 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136522 0.07603244 0.18954283 0.07603244 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154118 0.0760319 0.18954149 -0.0760319 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141378 0.07603039 0.18953772 0.07603039 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106526 0.07602464 0.18952338 -0.07602464 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143341 0.07602077 0.18951372 0.07602077 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167780 0.07601776 0.18950622 -0.07601776 PHA-665752 LOC100507058 0.07601327 0.18949503 0.07601327 PHA-665752 ENSG00000099341 0.07600749 0.18948063 0.07600749 PHA-665752 ENSG00000087269 0.07600721 0.18947992 -0.07600721 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135917 0.07599314 0.18944485 -0.07599314 PHA-665752 MGC13053 0.07598814 0.18943236 -0.07598814 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117475 0.07598727 0.18943019 -0.07598727 PHA-665752 ENSG00000102387 0.07596723 0.18938024 0.07596723 PHA-665752 ENSG00000033867 0.07596314 0.18937004 -0.07596314 PHA-665752 DSCR6 0.07596099 0.18936467 -0.07596099 PHA-665752 ENSG00000149792 0.07595996 0.18936211 0.07595996 PHA-665752 ENSG00000214941 0.07595561 0.18935126 -0.07595561 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151779 0.07595211 0.18934253 0.07595211 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122218 0.07594325 0.18932044 0.07594325 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171903 0.07594262 0.18931886 -0.07594262 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171224 0.07592035 0.18926333 -0.07592035 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145692 0.07591158 0.18924147 -0.07591158 PHA-665752 LOC100506392 0.07590939 0.18923601 -0.07590939 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167774 0.07590932 0.18923585 0.07590932 PHA-665752 ENSG00000088812 0.07590003 0.18921266 0.07590003 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139914 0.07589503 0.18920019 -0.07589503 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188379 0.07589356 0.18919654 0.07589356 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172053 0.07588688 0.18917988 -0.07588688 PHA-665752 ENSG00000255501 0.07588128 0.18916592 -0.07588128 PHA-665752 ENSG00000233418 0.07585144 0.18909153 -0.07585144 PHA-665752 ENSG00000086589 0.07583831 0.18905879 -0.07583831 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173156 0.07582724 0.18903119 -0.07582724 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188004 0.07581476 0.18900006 -0.07581476 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178802 0.07581341 0.1889967 -0.07581341 PHA-665752 ENSG00000272031 0.07579792 0.18895807 -0.07579792 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179709 0.07578584 0.18892796 0.07578584 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187166 0.07578461 0.18892489 0.07578461 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142657 0.0757799 0.18891315 -0.0757799 PHA-665752 ENSG00000042304 0.07575496 0.18885096 0.07575496 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148290 0.07575436 0.18884944 -0.07575436 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162923 0.07573631 0.18880444 -0.07573631 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123146 0.07573018 0.18878916 -0.07573018 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106772 0.0757205 0.18876504 0.0757205 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139508 0.07570099 0.18871639 -0.07570099 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198736 0.07567194 0.18864395 0.07567194 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184697 0.07567147 0.18864278 -0.07567147 PHA-665752 ENSG00000211818 0.07566994 0.18863895 0.07566994 PHA-665752 LOC100507564 0.07566847 0.18863529 0.07566847 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133962 0.07565583 0.18860377 0.07565583 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165409 0.07563508 0.18855204 -0.07563508 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132471 0.07563475 0.18855122 -0.07563475 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172315 0.07563045 0.1885405 0.07563045 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175984 0.0756018 0.18846906 -0.0756018 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164398 0.07560114 0.18846742 -0.07560114 PHA-665752 ENSG00000232956 0.07558084 0.18841679 -0.07558084 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168778 0.07556213 0.18837015 0.07556213 PHA-665752 ENSG00000149308 0.07555683 0.18835694 0.07555683 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111665 0.07555535 0.18835324 0.07555535 PHA-665752 ENSG00000057149 0.07553263 0.18829659 -0.07553263 PHA-665752 ENSG00000239382 0.0755281 0.18828529 -0.0755281 PHA-665752 METTL19 0.07552511 0.18827784 0.07552511 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135736 0.07552263 0.18827164 -0.07552263 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115840 0.07550266 0.18822186 0.07550266 PHA-665752 ENSG00000099783 0.07549079 0.18819225 0.07549079 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129038 0.07548932 0.18818859 -0.07548932 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142632 0.07547758 0.18815933 0.07547758 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182836 0.07547641 0.18815639 -0.07547641 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187581 0.07547499 0.18815286 0.07547499 PHA-665752 FLJ41484 0.07547367 0.18814957 0.07547367 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168004 0.07546109 0.18811821 0.07546109 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164651 0.0754607 0.18811723 -0.0754607 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113600 0.07545719 0.18810849 -0.07545719 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100721 0.07545623 0.18810608 0.07545623 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151498 0.07545504 0.18810312 -0.07545504 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100568 0.07544355 0.18807446 -0.07544355 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134193 0.0754409 0.18806787 -0.0754409 PHA-665752 C10orf46 0.07543913 0.18806345 0.07543913 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136436 0.07543513 0.18805347 0.07543513 PHA-665752 ENSG00000243279 0.07542844 0.18803679 0.07542844 PHA-665752 ENSG00000079102 0.07541566 0.18800493 -0.07541566 PHA-665752 ENSG00000281626 0.07538806 0.1879361 -0.07538806 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125629 0.07538701 0.18793349 0.07538701 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183032 0.07537724 0.18790914 -0.07537724 PHA-665752 LRG_751 0.07535832 0.18786195 -0.07535832 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130997 0.07533887 0.18781347 0.07533887 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182362 0.07532797 0.18778627 -0.07532797 PHA-665752 ENSG00000121542 0.07530663 0.18773306 0.07530663 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196636 0.07530335 0.1877249 -0.07530335 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156515 0.07529072 0.18769339 0.07529072 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127324 0.07528854 0.18768795 -0.07528854 PHA-665752 LOC100506577 0.07528741 0.18768515 -0.07528741 PHA-665752 LRG_406 0.07528521 0.18767967 -0.07528521 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111667 0.07526702 0.1876343 0.07526702 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163558 0.0752661 0.18763202 -0.0752661 PHA-665752 EPB49 0.07525517 0.18760475 0.07525517 PHA-665752 LOC285205 0.07523171 0.18754626 0.07523171 PHA-665752 LOC730755 0.07521398 0.18750206 0.07521398 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130700 0.07521392 0.18750191 -0.07521392 PHA-665752 ENSG00000276220 0.07520177 0.18747161 0.07520177 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127588 0.07519853 0.18746353 0.07519853 PHA-665752 ENSG00000096746 0.07518889 0.18743949 -0.07518889 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167604 0.07518831 0.18743804 -0.07518831 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159915 0.07518445 0.18742843 -0.07518445 PHA-665752 ENSG00000228211 0.07518048 0.18741853 -0.07518048 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160193 0.07516074 0.1873693 0.07516074 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138646 0.07515675 0.18735935 0.07515675 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107736 0.07510195 0.18722272 0.07510195 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188001 0.07508653 0.18718427 0.07508653 PHA-665752 ENSG00000242247 0.07507607 0.18715818 0.07507607 PHA-665752 ENSG00000084623 0.0750557 0.18710738 0.0750557 PHA-665752 ENSG00000072133 0.07505448 0.18710436 0.07505448 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177025 0.07505261 0.1870997 -0.07505261 PHA-665752 ENSG00000189377 0.07503912 0.18706605 -0.07503912 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114120 0.0750158 0.18700792 0.0750158 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157613 0.07500627 0.18698414 -0.07500627 PHA-665752 LOC100652825 0.07498747 0.18693727 0.07498747 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147655 0.07497681 0.18691067 0.07497681 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160460 0.07497228 0.18689938 -0.07497228 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185133 0.07495435 0.18685467 -0.07495435 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147889 0.07494136 0.18682229 -0.07494136 PHA-665752 ENSG00000023318 0.07493506 0.18680658 0.07493506 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156398 0.07491291 0.18675136 0.07491291 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157036 0.07490718 0.18673706 0.07490718 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128294 0.07488965 0.18669335 -0.07488965 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162897 0.07488557 0.18668318 0.07488557 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166069 0.07487452 0.18665562 -0.07487452 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101098 0.07486195 0.18662428 -0.07486195 PHA-665752 ENSG00000081189 0.0748562 0.18660994 0.0748562 PHA-665752 LOC147670 0.07484846 0.18659066 0.07484846 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135476 0.07484539 0.186583 -0.07484539 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168333 0.0748187 0.18651645 -0.0748187 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131725 0.07481738 0.18651315 -0.07481738 PHA-665752 C4orf34 0.07480768 0.18648898 0.07480768 PHA-665752 LOC339290 0.07480389 0.18647951 0.07480389 PHA-665752 LOC100506874 0.07479377 0.18645428 0.07479377 PHA-665752 LOC100652838 0.07473165 0.18629938 0.07473165 PHA-665752 ENSG00000206258 0.07472972 0.18629459 0.07472972 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104219 0.0747275 0.18628906 -0.0747275 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125945 0.07472022 0.1862709 0.07472022 PHA-665752 LRG_403 0.07471431 0.18625616 0.07471431 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171004 0.07471149 0.18624912 -0.07471149 PHA-665752 ENSG00000077943 0.07468935 0.18619392 0.07468935 PHA-665752 ENSG00000205981 0.07468214 0.18617593 -0.07468214 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144228 0.07465382 0.18610534 -0.07465382 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163874 0.07464617 0.18608626 0.07464617 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114423 0.07462655 0.18603734 0.07462655 PHA-665752 ENSG00000241973 0.0746183 0.18601677 0.0746183 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111666 0.07461529 0.18600925 0.07461529 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167644 0.07458145 0.18592489 -0.07458145 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177108 0.07455871 0.18586818 0.07455871 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100373 0.07453747 0.18581522 -0.07453747 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166106 0.07451971 0.18577094 -0.07451971 PHA-665752 ENSG00000091428 0.074506 0.18573676 -0.074506 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116138 0.07450235 0.18572766 -0.07450235 PHA-665752 LOC100506686 0.07448878 0.18569382 0.07448878 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170540 0.07447972 0.18567122 -0.07447972 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171960 0.07445958 0.18562101 -0.07445958 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174799 0.07443982 0.18557173 -0.07443982 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117859 0.07441897 0.18551974 0.07441897 PHA-665752 ENSG00000206459 0.0744054 0.1854859 -0.0744054 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204370 0.07440275 0.18547931 -0.07440275 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142459 0.07440159 0.18547642 -0.07440159 PHA-665752 ENSG00000158106 0.07439411 0.18545776 -0.07439411 PHA-665752 ENSG00000237036 0.07438554 0.1854364 -0.07438554 PHA-665752 LOC154822 0.07438429 0.18543328 -0.07438429 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182389 0.07437333 0.18540594 0.07437333 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124019 0.074367 0.18539017 -0.074367 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170044 0.07436287 0.18537986 -0.07436287 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176927 0.07435949 0.18537144 0.07435949 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139343 0.07432289 0.18528018 0.07432289 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135899 0.07431391 0.18525778 -0.07431391 PHA-665752 C6orf228 0.07430613 0.18523839 0.07430613 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172818 0.07430387 0.18523274 -0.07430387 PHA-665752 LRG_18 0.07429032 0.18519896 0.07429032 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139133 0.07428944 0.18519677 -0.07428944 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184984 0.07428716 0.18519109 0.07428716 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163507 0.07428049 0.18517447 0.07428049 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136925 0.07427976 0.18517264 -0.07427976 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113073 0.07426352 0.18513214 -0.07426352 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159685 0.07425547 0.18511208 0.07425547 PHA-665752 FLJ23867 0.07425538 0.18511184 -0.07425538 PHA-665752 ENSG00000059377 0.07425441 0.18510944 0.07425441 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128989 0.07425319 0.1851064 0.07425319 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156983 0.07425207 0.18510358 -0.07425207 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100526 0.07424551 0.18508722 0.07424551 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164879 0.07421762 0.1850177 -0.07421762 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183625 0.07419484 0.1849609 -0.07419484 PHA-665752 C9orf128 0.07419179 0.18495328 0.07419179 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160094 0.0741861 0.18493911 -0.0741861 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119285 0.07415089 0.18485131 -0.07415089 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141756 0.07414286 0.18483127 0.07414286 PHA-665752 ENSG00000121903 0.07412889 0.18479644 0.07412889 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120709 0.07411575 0.1847637 -0.07411575 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113430 0.07407101 0.18465212 0.07407101 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124212 0.07406853 0.18464595 0.07406853 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108784 0.07406148 0.18462836 0.07406148 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188486 0.07406135 0.18462805 -0.07406135 PHA-665752 ENSG00000079616 0.07405231 0.1846055 0.07405231 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175482 0.07404728 0.18459297 -0.07404728 PHA-665752 LOC100505715 0.07404641 0.18459079 0.07404641 PHA-665752 ENSG00000243749 0.07403159 0.18455384 -0.07403159 PHA-665752 ENSG00000273782 0.0740306 0.18455137 0.0740306 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105613 0.07403018 0.18455032 0.07403018 PHA-665752 ENSG00000051382 0.07402572 0.18453919 -0.07402572 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176142 0.07402551 0.18453869 0.07402551 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160539 0.07401999 0.18452491 -0.07401999 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164889 0.07401531 0.18451325 0.07401531 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117632 0.07398753 0.18444398 0.07398753 PHA-665752 ENSG00000039523 0.07398613 0.18444049 0.07398613 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140718 0.07398531 0.18443845 0.07398531 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175215 0.07398453 0.1844365 0.07398453 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181013 0.07398156 0.1844291 -0.07398156 PHA-665752 ENSG00000055163 0.07397039 0.18440125 0.07397039 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178473 0.0739626 0.18438181 0.0739626 PHA-665752 ENSG00000035862 0.07395417 0.1843608 0.07395417 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107902 0.07393009 0.18430076 -0.07393009 PHA-665752 ENSG00000081721 0.07392261 0.1842821 0.07392261 PHA-665752 ENSG00000223364 0.07390776 0.18424508 0.07390776 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166800 0.07390635 0.18424155 -0.07390635 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174450 0.07387835 0.18417175 0.07387835 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111727 0.07387753 0.1841697 -0.07387753 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165806 0.07387153 0.18415475 0.07387153 PHA-665752 ENSG00000149970 0.07386882 0.18414799 -0.07386882 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204880 0.07386396 0.18413586 -0.07386396 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170153 0.07384552 0.18408989 0.07384552 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136275 0.07383817 0.18407155 -0.07383817 PHA-665752 LOC285375 0.07383081 0.1840532 -0.07383081 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174227 0.07382516 0.18403911 0.07382516 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103043 0.07382465 0.18403785 -0.07382465 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198488 0.07382337 0.18403465 -0.07382337 PHA-665752 LOC253044 0.07381991 0.18402604 -0.07381991 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164751 0.07381842 0.18402233 -0.07381842 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183734 0.07381253 0.18400764 0.07381253 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168062 0.07380956 0.18400023 0.07380956 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136122 0.07380947 0.18399999 0.07380947 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171791 0.07379022 0.18395201 0.07379022 PHA-665752 LOC285326 0.07378546 0.18394012 0.07378546 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157734 0.07376977 0.18390102 -0.07376977 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125977 0.0737599 0.18387641 0.0737599 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164105 0.07375776 0.18387106 0.07375776 PHA-665752 ENSG00000205837 0.07375108 0.18385441 -0.07375108 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100385 0.07374905 0.18384935 -0.07374905 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101180 0.07373061 0.18380338 -0.07373061 PHA-665752 ENSG00000006118 0.07371935 0.18377528 0.07371935 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170442 0.07370848 0.18374818 -0.07370848 PHA-665752 LOC100130428 0.07370417 0.18373743 -0.07370417 PHA-665752 C16orf53 0.07370415 0.18373738 -0.07370415 PHA-665752 ENSG00000001167 0.07366735 0.18364563 0.07366735 PHA-665752 ENSG00000073803 0.07366321 0.18363532 -0.07366321 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132622 0.0736591 0.18362506 -0.0736591 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166793 0.0736533 0.18361061 -0.0736533 PHA-665752 LRG_99 0.07365205 0.18360749 0.07365205 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198208 0.07364614 0.18359275 -0.07364614 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104824 0.07363958 0.18357638 -0.07363958 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144485 0.07363688 0.18356965 0.07363688 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172270 0.0736365 0.18356871 0.0736365 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141391 0.07363295 0.18355986 0.07363295 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147509 0.07363001 0.18355254 0.07363001 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139624 0.07362912 0.18355031 0.07362912 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177853 0.07361654 0.18351893 -0.07361654 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115598 0.07359739 0.18347119 -0.07359739 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122406 0.0735899 0.1834525 -0.0735899 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164746 0.07358594 0.18344263 0.07358594 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182156 0.07358154 0.18343167 0.07358154 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130962 0.07356803 0.18339798 0.07356803 PHA-665752 ENSG00000235602 0.07356275 0.18338483 0.07356275 PHA-665752 ENSG00000273859 0.07355719 0.18337095 0.07355719 PHA-665752 ZNF434 0.07355396 0.1833629 -0.07355396 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138463 0.07354909 0.18335075 0.07354909 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106245 0.0735407 0.18332984 0.0735407 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137713 0.07352682 0.18329523 0.07352682 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104299 0.07351675 0.18327013 -0.07351675 PHA-665752 ENSG00000203760 0.07351457 0.1832647 0.07351457 PHA-665752 ENSG00000245532 0.07351411 0.18326353 -0.07351411 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163320 0.0735089 0.18325054 0.0735089 PHA-665752 ENSG00000224812 0.073495 0.18321588 0.073495 PHA-665752 ENSG00000030582 0.07348593 0.18319326 -0.07348593 PHA-665752 ENSG00000146592 0.07348036 0.1831794 0.07348036 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173714 0.07347427 0.18316419 0.07347427 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127399 0.07347303 0.1831611 -0.07347303 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141349 0.07346999 0.18315352 0.07346999 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196704 0.07346047 0.18312979 0.07346047 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139687 0.07345669 0.18312036 0.07345669 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139515 0.07345458 0.18311511 0.07345458 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160209 0.07345305 0.18311128 0.07345305 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167749 0.07343987 0.18307843 -0.07343987 PHA-665752 LOC723809 0.07341797 0.18302383 -0.07341797 PHA-665752 FLJ32063 0.07340996 0.18300385 0.07340996 PHA-665752 ENSG00000240038 0.07340976 0.18300335 -0.07340976 PHA-665752 ENSG00000221821 0.0734029 0.18298625 -0.0734029 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173482 0.07339336 0.18296246 0.07339336 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137642 0.07338913 0.18295192 -0.07338913 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133627 0.07337567 0.18291835 -0.07337567 PHA-665752 ENSG00000213638 0.07336096 0.18288166 -0.07336096 PHA-665752 ENSG00000063245 0.07335504 0.18286691 -0.07335504 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141738 0.07334243 0.18283547 -0.07334243 PHA-665752 LRG_174 0.07334025 0.18283002 0.07334025 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163382 0.07333952 0.18282821 -0.07333952 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130304 0.07332993 0.1828043 0.07332993 PHA-665752 ENSG00000227354 0.07332468 0.18279121 0.07332468 PHA-665752 ENSG00000090054 0.07331384 0.18276418 0.07331384 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120533 0.07330666 0.18274627 0.07330666 PHA-665752 ENSG00000189431 0.07330264 0.18273624 0.07330264 PHA-665752 ENSG00000229061 0.07330216 0.18273505 -0.07330216 PHA-665752 PP12719 0.07329384 0.18271432 0.07329384 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169562 0.07329073 0.18270656 0.07329073 PHA-665752 ENSG00000118503 0.07328409 0.18269 0.07328409 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166441 0.07328014 0.18268016 -0.07328014 PHA-665752 ENSG00000231924 0.07327518 0.18266779 0.07327518 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135829 0.07325436 0.18261587 0.07325436 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164112 0.0732336 0.1825641 -0.0732336 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156127 0.07320786 0.18249992 -0.07320786 PHA-665752 ENSG00000121577 0.07320706 0.18249792 0.07320706 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125633 0.07320485 0.18249242 0.07320485 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186352 0.07320138 0.18248375 0.07320138 PHA-665752 ENSG00000110871 0.07318635 0.1824463 -0.07318635 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181143 0.07318241 0.18243647 -0.07318241 PHA-665752 ENSG00000150750 0.07318195 0.18243531 0.07318195 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148180 0.07314711 0.18234844 0.07314711 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123096 0.07313581 0.18232027 -0.07313581 PHA-665752 ENSG00000012174 0.07312879 0.18230277 0.07312879 PHA-665752 ENSG00000066185 0.0731184 0.18227685 0.0731184 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178764 0.07308729 0.1821993 -0.07308729 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124406 0.07308343 0.18218966 0.07308343 PHA-665752 LOC100499194 0.07307179 0.18216064 -0.07307179 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171606 0.07304974 0.18210567 -0.07304974 PHA-665752 LRG_674 0.07304044 0.18208247 0.07304044 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132749 0.07303585 0.18207103 -0.07303585 PHA-665752 ENSG00000067829 0.07303327 0.1820646 0.07303327 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172943 0.0730289 0.18205369 -0.0730289 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114867 0.07302566 0.18204563 -0.07302566 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196734 0.07301408 0.18201675 -0.07301408 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184154 0.07301319 0.18201452 -0.07301319 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166455 0.07299558 0.18197061 0.07299558 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156239 0.07298029 0.18193249 0.07298029 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176595 0.07297928 0.18192998 -0.07297928 PHA-665752 FAM55A 0.07297453 0.18191814 0.07297453 PHA-665752 ENSG00000071537 0.07296726 0.18189999 -0.07296726 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163466 0.07296196 0.18188678 0.07296196 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157152 0.07295305 0.18186458 0.07295305 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154723 0.07294476 0.1818439 0.07294476 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151881 0.07293104 0.18180969 -0.07293104 PHA-665752 ENSG00000099942 0.07292822 0.18180267 0.07292822 PHA-665752 ENSG00000060718 0.07291861 0.1817787 -0.07291861 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169519 0.07290549 0.18174598 -0.07290549 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176401 0.07290222 0.18173782 -0.07290222 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179299 0.07290077 0.18173422 -0.07290077 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166535 0.07289176 0.18171176 0.07289176 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145375 0.07286374 0.18164187 0.07286374 PHA-665752 LOC100130950 0.07285724 0.18162567 -0.07285724 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167664 0.07284491 0.18159492 -0.07284491 PHA-665752 ENSG00000102032 0.07281948 0.18153151 0.07281948 PHA-665752 LOC100288152 0.07281833 0.18152865 -0.07281833 PHA-665752 PCDP1 0.07281788 0.18152754 0.07281788 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179869 0.07281515 0.18152072 -0.07281515 PHA-665752 LOC100272228 0.07280086 0.1814851 -0.07280086 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130766 0.07278734 0.18145138 0.07278734 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169714 0.07278593 0.18144786 0.07278593 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134463 0.07278169 0.18143728 0.07278169 PHA-665752 ENSG00000089692 0.07277113 0.18141095 -0.07277113 PHA-665752 ENSG00000150275 0.07276853 0.18140447 -0.07276853 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197283 0.0727629 0.18139044 -0.0727629 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159216 0.07275275 0.18136514 -0.07275275 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176769 0.07275209 0.1813635 0.07275209 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156009 0.07274992 0.18135808 -0.07274992 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184508 0.07274465 0.18134493 -0.07274465 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122133 0.0727401 0.18133359 -0.0727401 PHA-665752 IL28RA 0.0727344 0.18131937 -0.0727344 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186451 0.07272802 0.18130347 -0.07272802 PHA-665752 ENSG00000099940 0.07271708 0.18127619 0.07271708 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143252 0.07271333 0.18126684 0.07271333 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157870 0.07271208 0.18126372 0.07271208 PHA-665752 LOC100506368 0.07270503 0.18124614 -0.07270503 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131401 0.0727048 0.18124557 -0.0727048 PHA-665752 LRG_614 0.07268969 0.18120789 0.07268969 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100156 0.07268476 0.18119561 -0.07268476 PHA-665752 ENSG00000006194 0.07268005 0.18118387 -0.07268005 PHA-665752 LOC100652912 0.07267606 0.18117392 0.07267606 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134574 0.07266327 0.18114202 0.07266327 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135686 0.07265705 0.18112651 0.07265705 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127903 0.07264324 0.18109209 -0.07264324 PHA-665752 LOC401052 0.07261861 0.18103066 -0.07261861 PHA-665752 LOC100289092 0.0726056 0.18099824 0.0726056 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131080 0.07259624 0.18097489 0.07259624 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197114 0.07259373 0.18096864 0.07259373 PHA-665752 ENSG00000007001 0.07258633 0.18095017 0.07258633 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176945 0.07258004 0.18093451 0.07258004 PHA-665752 FLJ37201 0.07256671 0.18090126 -0.07256671 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117601 0.07255763 0.18087862 -0.07255763 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183542 0.07255342 0.18086812 -0.07255342 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204965 0.07255053 0.18086092 -0.07255053 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168772 0.07254323 0.18084271 -0.07254323 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140740 0.0725079 0.18075461 -0.0725079 PHA-665752 ENSG00000013561 0.07250703 0.18075244 0.07250703 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169994 0.07249968 0.18073411 0.07249968 PHA-665752 ENSG00000237517 0.07248899 0.18070747 -0.07248899 PHA-665752 C15orf37 0.07247382 0.18066964 0.07247382 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162441 0.07246868 0.18065682 -0.07246868 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106290 0.07246662 0.18065169 -0.07246662 PHA-665752 LRG_41 0.07246586 0.18064979 0.07246586 PHA-665752 HEATR2 0.07246512 0.18064795 -0.07246512 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173530 0.07245104 0.18061285 -0.07245104 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167543 0.07244809 0.1806055 -0.07244809 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172493 0.07244787 0.18060493 -0.07244787 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196267 0.07242167 0.18053961 0.07242167 PHA-665752 LRG_80 0.07241438 0.18052143 -0.07241438 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136531 0.07241067 0.18051219 -0.07241067 PHA-665752 LOC283038 0.07239677 0.18047753 -0.07239677 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130600 0.0723858 0.18045016 0.0723858 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169550 0.07238355 0.18044455 0.07238355 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166167 0.07237244 0.18041686 -0.07237244 PHA-665752 LOC648691 0.07234078 0.18033791 0.07234078 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131238 0.07232945 0.18030966 -0.07232945 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156232 0.07232679 0.18030303 -0.07232679 PHA-665752 ENSG00000152137 0.07232188 0.1802908 0.07232188 PHA-665752 ENSG00000205810 0.07231923 0.18028417 -0.07231923 PHA-665752 LOC727924 0.07231286 0.18026829 -0.07231286 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132950 0.07231135 0.18026452 0.07231135 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125821 0.07231109 0.18026388 0.07231109 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123268 0.07230442 0.18024726 -0.07230442 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131264 0.07229686 0.1802284 0.07229686 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163734 0.07227867 0.18018304 0.07227867 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138071 0.0722746 0.18017289 0.0722746 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131023 0.07226906 0.18015908 0.07226906 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112425 0.07226329 0.18014469 -0.07226329 PHA-665752 ENSG00000054611 0.07226286 0.18014363 0.07226286 PHA-665752 ENSG00000269343 0.07225911 0.18013428 -0.07225911 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174851 0.07225022 0.18011211 -0.07225022 PHA-665752 ENSG00000061794 0.07224779 0.18010605 -0.07224779 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142546 0.07223571 0.18007592 0.07223571 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165548 0.0722338 0.18007117 -0.0722338 PHA-665752 ENSG00000225298 0.07221809 0.18003199 -0.07221809 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163923 0.07221631 0.18002755 -0.07221631 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136267 0.07221609 0.18002701 0.07221609 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142583 0.0722104 0.18001281 -0.0722104 PHA-665752 DBC1 0.0722101 0.18001207 0.0722101 PHA-665752 ENSG00000091831 0.07219367 0.1799711 -0.07219367 PHA-665752 ENSG00000006283 0.07218929 0.17996019 -0.07218929 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166363 0.07218824 0.17995757 -0.07218824 PHA-665752 LRG_416 0.07218519 0.17994995 -0.07218519 PHA-665752 LOC441009 0.07217839 0.179933 0.07217839 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160199 0.07215665 0.17987879 0.07215665 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181481 0.07214885 0.17985934 -0.07214885 PHA-665752 LOC100652765 0.07214387 0.17984694 0.07214387 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112297 0.07212887 0.17980953 -0.07212887 PHA-665752 LOC100131691 0.07212165 0.17979153 0.07212165 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148082 0.07211281 0.1797695 -0.07211281 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128271 0.07210884 0.17975959 -0.07210884 PHA-665752 ENSG00000004660 0.07210713 0.17975531 0.07210713 PHA-665752 ENSG00000265491 0.07210272 0.17974433 -0.07210272 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178996 0.07209966 0.1797367 0.07209966 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154065 0.07208006 0.17968781 -0.07208006 PHA-665752 ENSG00000231325 0.07207463 0.17967428 -0.07207463 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162931 0.07205023 0.17961345 -0.07205023 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175315 0.07204956 0.17961177 0.07204956 PHA-665752 LOC100506476 0.07201832 0.17953388 0.07201832 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178425 0.07201002 0.17951319 0.07201002 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165282 0.0719993 0.17948644 0.0719993 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186994 0.07198932 0.17946158 -0.07198932 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170296 0.07196639 0.1794044 0.07196639 PHA-665752 ENSG00000011007 0.07196018 0.17938891 0.07196018 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167858 0.07195827 0.17938416 0.07195827 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139291 0.07195509 0.17937622 -0.07195509 PHA-665752 ENSG00000090372 0.0719547 0.17937525 0.0719547 PHA-665752 ENSG00000012232 0.07195089 0.17936575 0.07195089 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138375 0.07194713 0.17935637 -0.07194713 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168701 0.07193157 0.17931759 0.07193157 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143199 0.07192815 0.17930904 -0.07192815 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115935 0.07192573 0.17930302 0.07192573 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147144 0.07191415 0.17927415 -0.07191415 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188687 0.07191398 0.17927371 -0.07191398 PHA-665752 ENSG00000077080 0.07191021 0.17926431 0.07191021 PHA-665752 LOC152742 0.07189967 0.17923805 -0.07189967 PHA-665752 ENSG00000262473 0.07189687 0.17923105 -0.07189687 PHA-665752 LOC100128511 0.0718961 0.17922914 -0.0718961 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176746 0.07188312 0.17919676 0.07188312 PHA-665752 ENSG00000158201 0.07187189 0.17916878 -0.07187189 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122591 0.07185656 0.17913053 -0.07185656 PHA-665752 LOC100129722 0.07185371 0.17912344 0.07185371 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139890 0.07184824 0.17910981 -0.07184824 PHA-665752 ENSG00000268784 0.07184601 0.17910424 -0.07184601 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168955 0.07182252 0.17904568 0.07182252 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106443 0.07182017 0.1790398 -0.07182017 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164171 0.07179212 0.17896987 -0.07179212 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112619 0.0717823 0.17894538 -0.0717823 PHA-665752 ENSG00000153933 0.07176726 0.17890788 -0.07176726 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134072 0.07171502 0.17877762 -0.07171502 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151835 0.07170493 0.17875246 0.07170493 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147679 0.07168213 0.17869563 -0.07168213 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125166 0.0716657 0.17865464 0.0716657 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186834 0.07166097 0.17864285 -0.07166097 PHA-665752 ENSG00000110619 0.0716468 0.17860752 0.0716468 PHA-665752 ENSG00000066405 0.07164663 0.17860709 0.07164663 PHA-665752 ENSG00000255423 0.07164119 0.17859353 -0.07164119 PHA-665752 ENSG00000118900 0.07163213 0.17857095 0.07163213 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161681 0.07162411 0.17855094 0.07162411 PHA-665752 ENSG00000076108 0.07162348 0.17854936 -0.07162348 PHA-665752 ENSG00000277656 0.07162031 0.17854146 -0.07162031 PHA-665752 CXorf30 0.07161178 0.17852019 -0.07161178 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196581 0.07161057 0.17851718 0.07161057 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143126 0.07158863 0.17846248 0.07158863 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171316 0.07158609 0.17845613 -0.07158609 PHA-665752 ENSG00000090432 0.0715831 0.17844869 0.0715831 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166575 0.07157064 0.17841761 -0.07157064 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196767 0.07157054 0.17841738 0.07157054 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128191 0.07156803 0.17841111 -0.07156803 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151148 0.07154675 0.17835805 0.07154675 PHA-665752 LOC100505650 0.07153717 0.17833418 0.07153717 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185291 0.07153509 0.17832897 -0.07153509 PHA-665752 ENSG00000277758 0.07151687 0.17828354 -0.07151687 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164287 0.07151657 0.17828281 -0.07151657 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107317 0.07151342 0.17827494 -0.07151342 PHA-665752 ENSG00000059769 0.07150041 0.1782425 0.07150041 PHA-665752 ENSG00000005020 0.0714981 0.17823674 -0.0714981 PHA-665752 ENSG00000213930 0.07148839 0.17821254 0.07148839 PHA-665752 ENSG00000206559 0.07148201 0.17819664 -0.07148201 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116819 0.07145734 0.17813512 -0.07145734 PHA-665752 LOC100270804 0.071457 0.17813427 -0.071457 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133800 0.07145311 0.17812457 -0.07145311 PHA-665752 ENSG00000070748 0.07144226 0.17809751 0.07144226 PHA-665752 ENSG00000008838 0.07144124 0.17809497 -0.07144124 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103150 0.07143514 0.17807976 -0.07143514 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167081 0.07142942 0.17806549 -0.07142942 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183347 0.07142355 0.17805085 -0.07142355 PHA-665752 C11orf10 0.07140473 0.17800394 -0.07140473 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188994 0.07140079 0.17799411 -0.07140079 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162951 0.07139003 0.17796728 -0.07139003 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182916 0.07135691 0.1778847 -0.07135691 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197763 0.07135598 0.17788237 0.07135598 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123388 0.07134631 0.17785826 0.07134631 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161911 0.07134287 0.17784968 0.07134287 PHA-665752 ENSG00000002834 0.07134178 0.17784698 -0.07134178 PHA-665752 C17orf69 0.07134025 0.17784316 0.07134025 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197989 0.07133619 0.17783304 -0.07133619 PHA-665752 ENSG00000126264 0.07131832 0.17778847 -0.07131832 PHA-665752 ENSG00000019144 0.07131375 0.17777708 0.07131375 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165061 0.07131062 0.17776929 0.07131062 PHA-665752 LOC100506661 0.07130068 0.17774449 0.07130068 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103351 0.07129445 0.17772896 -0.07129445 PHA-665752 ENSG00000224264 0.07128239 0.17769889 -0.07128239 PHA-665752 ENSG00000239388 0.07127425 0.17767859 -0.07127425 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137936 0.07127082 0.17767004 0.07127082 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165496 0.07126906 0.17766565 -0.07126906 PHA-665752 ENSG00000002330 0.07125593 0.17763291 0.07125593 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100065 0.07123728 0.17758641 0.07123728 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181291 0.0712289 0.1775655 0.0712289 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131095 0.07122679 0.17756026 0.07122679 PHA-665752 LOC100506642 0.0712222 0.1775488 0.0712222 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123191 0.07121828 0.17753903 -0.07121828 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100354 0.0711988 0.17749045 0.0711988 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157064 0.07119423 0.17747906 0.07119423 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166971 0.07119139 0.17747198 0.07119139 PHA-665752 LOC100505794 0.07117361 0.17742764 -0.07117361 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136478 0.0711645 0.17740493 -0.0711645 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164284 0.07111532 0.17728232 -0.07111532 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113851 0.07111128 0.17727223 -0.07111128 PHA-665752 ENSG00000205213 0.07110997 0.17726896 -0.07110997 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175874 0.07110616 0.17725946 0.07110616 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137502 0.07108542 0.17720776 -0.07108542 PHA-665752 ENSG00000152465 0.07108146 0.17719788 0.07108146 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115648 0.07108115 0.17719711 0.07108115 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177706 0.07107935 0.17719261 0.07107935 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138180 0.07107916 0.17719214 0.07107916 PHA-665752 LOC284751 0.07107322 0.17717734 -0.07107322 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178342 0.07107206 0.17717444 0.07107206 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196730 0.07105829 0.17714011 0.07105829 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132128 0.07105673 0.17713621 0.07105673 PHA-665752 ENSG00000067715 0.0710562 0.17713489 -0.0710562 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198783 0.07104455 0.17710584 -0.07104455 PHA-665752 LOC100505878 0.07104256 0.17710089 -0.07104256 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112041 0.07103169 0.17707378 -0.07103169 PHA-665752 LOC150051 0.07102806 0.17706473 0.07102806 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127249 0.07102234 0.17705046 -0.07102234 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108591 0.0710066 0.17701123 0.0710066 PHA-665752 ENSG00000073737 0.07099353 0.17697864 -0.07099353 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162714 0.07099249 0.17697605 0.07099249 PHA-665752 ENSG00000066382 0.07098155 0.17694877 0.07098155 PHA-665752 ENSG00000081052 0.07097706 0.17693757 -0.07097706 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197870 0.07096318 0.17690296 0.07096318 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180011 0.0709568 0.17688706 -0.0709568 PHA-665752 LOC100507599 0.07092672 0.17681206 -0.07092672 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142675 0.07090258 0.17675185 -0.07090258 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187713 0.07088313 0.17670336 -0.07088313 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167531 0.07086587 0.17666032 -0.07086587 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204882 0.07086573 0.17665998 -0.07086573 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159917 0.07086383 0.17665523 -0.07086383 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182902 0.07083387 0.17658053 -0.07083387 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157933 0.07082744 0.1765645 -0.07082744 PHA-665752 ENSG00000023191 0.07081187 0.17652569 -0.07081187 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173389 0.07080203 0.17650113 0.07080203 PHA-665752 ENSG00000213096 0.07080187 0.17650074 -0.07080187 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163885 0.07078734 0.17646452 0.07078734 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185105 0.07078195 0.17645107 0.07078195 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124209 0.07077876 0.17644311 0.07077876 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182544 0.07076443 0.17640738 -0.07076443 PHA-665752 ENSG00000121900 0.07075481 0.1763834 0.07075481 PHA-665752 FAM123C 0.07075273 0.17637821 0.07075273 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196557 0.07074884 0.17636852 -0.07074884 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120318 0.07071468 0.17628335 0.07071468 PHA-665752 ENSG00000102890 0.07071403 0.17628172 -0.07071403 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144749 0.07071342 0.17628019 -0.07071342 PHA-665752 WDR52 0.07070594 0.17626155 0.07070594 PHA-665752 FAM100A 0.07067126 0.17617509 0.07067126 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198087 0.07067058 0.17617339 0.07067058 PHA-665752 ENSG00000064419 0.07066375 0.17615635 0.07066375 PHA-665752 ENSG00000040199 0.07065409 0.17613226 0.07065409 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175279 0.07064477 0.17610903 -0.07064477 PHA-665752 ENSG00000224748 0.0706337 0.17608143 -0.0706337 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132698 0.07063095 0.17607457 -0.07063095 PHA-665752 LRG_195 0.07061939 0.17604575 -0.07061939 PHA-665752 ENSG00000015520 0.0706129 0.17602956 -0.0706129 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106052 0.07061142 0.17602586 -0.07061142 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134253 0.07059664 0.17598901 -0.07059664 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172789 0.07059085 0.17597459 0.07059085 PHA-665752 ENSG00000034510 0.07058807 0.17596766 0.07058807 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108671 0.07058735 0.17596585 0.07058735 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100644 0.07058514 0.17596033 -0.07058514 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106384 0.07058505 0.17596011 -0.07058505 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161395 0.07058274 0.17595436 -0.07058274 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178075 0.07057866 0.17594419 -0.07057866 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117724 0.07056678 0.17591456 -0.07056678 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162734 0.07054069 0.17584951 0.07054069 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140538 0.07051719 0.17579091 -0.07051719 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143942 0.070512 0.17577797 -0.070512 PHA-665752 ENSG00000074370 0.07050597 0.17576293 -0.07050597 PHA-665752 ENSG00000274671 0.07050582 0.17576257 -0.07050582 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112343 0.0705026 0.17575452 -0.0705026 PHA-665752 ENSG00000153066 0.07048028 0.17569889 0.07048028 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107521 0.07047493 0.17568554 -0.07047493 PHA-665752 C20orf61 0.0704485 0.17561963 -0.0704485 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100368 0.07044315 0.17560631 -0.07044315 PHA-665752 ENSG00000012061 0.07042061 0.17555009 -0.07042061 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185347 0.07041917 0.17554651 -0.07041917 PHA-665752 ENSG00000083844 0.07040326 0.17550683 -0.07040326 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165259 0.07039757 0.17549265 -0.07039757 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162105 0.07039717 0.17549164 -0.07039717 PHA-665752 ENSG00000242125 0.07039282 0.17548081 -0.07039282 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185238 0.07039206 0.17547892 -0.07039206 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176533 0.07037887 0.17544603 0.07037887 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100359 0.07037289 0.17543111 0.07037289 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117507 0.07036425 0.17540957 -0.07036425 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135108 0.07036157 0.17540287 0.07036157 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141161 0.07035261 0.17538055 -0.07035261 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115365 0.07035093 0.17537635 0.07035093 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179761 0.07035053 0.17537535 -0.07035053 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196296 0.07034705 0.17536667 -0.07034705 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122873 0.07034201 0.17535412 -0.07034201 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188313 0.07033518 0.17533707 0.07033518 PHA-665752 LOC100505730 0.0703316 0.17532815 -0.0703316 PHA-665752 LOC731789 0.07032609 0.17531441 -0.07032609 PHA-665752 ENSG00000084093 0.0703211 0.17530197 -0.0703211 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178585 0.07030019 0.17524985 0.07030019 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184838 0.07029344 0.17523299 -0.07029344 PHA-665752 C20orf160 0.07028536 0.17521287 0.07028536 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120333 0.07027733 0.17519282 0.07027733 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173818 0.07026918 0.17517251 -0.07026918 PHA-665752 C2orf28 0.07026514 0.17516243 0.07026514 PHA-665752 ENSG00000226898 0.07026433 0.17516042 -0.07026433 PHA-665752 LOC400604 0.07024443 0.17511079 -0.07024443 PHA-665752 ENSG00000097021 0.07024234 0.1751056 0.07024234 PHA-665752 ENSG00000010295 0.07023613 0.17509011 0.07023613 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103876 0.07023118 0.17507778 -0.07023118 PHA-665752 FLJ13197 0.07022968 0.17507403 0.07022968 PHA-665752 ENSG00000092330 0.07019828 0.17499574 -0.07019828 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198740 0.07019617 0.17499048 -0.07019617 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173113 0.07019018 0.17497554 -0.07019018 PHA-665752 ENSG00000239857 0.07018964 0.17497418 0.07018964 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168505 0.07017024 0.17492582 0.07017024 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128408 0.07016953 0.17492404 -0.07016953 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169439 0.07016439 0.17491122 0.07016439 PHA-665752 ENSG00000044524 0.07016052 0.17490159 -0.07016052 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131409 0.0701542 0.17488581 0.0701542 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170775 0.07014892 0.17487265 -0.07014892 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169976 0.07014719 0.17486833 0.07014719 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100292 0.07013562 0.17483949 0.07013562 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100296 0.07012675 0.17481738 0.07012675 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114209 0.07011988 0.17480025 -0.07011988 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133142 0.07011534 0.17478892 0.07011534 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171124 0.07010771 0.17476989 0.07010771 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171487 0.07010644 0.17476673 -0.07010644 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130948 0.07010541 0.17476417 0.07010541 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100503 0.07008395 0.17471067 0.07008395 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159111 0.0700769 0.17469306 -0.0700769 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143549 0.07006609 0.17466612 0.07006609 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164916 0.07006294 0.17465827 0.07006294 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101445 0.0700572 0.17464397 -0.0700572 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173480 0.07004702 0.17461857 0.07004702 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136108 0.07003884 0.17459817 0.07003884 PHA-665752 ENSG00000102055 0.07003836 0.17459699 0.07003836 PHA-665752 ENSG00000095059 0.07003309 0.17458384 0.07003309 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173905 0.070033 0.17458361 -0.070033 PHA-665752 C8orf55 0.07002741 0.17456968 -0.07002741 PHA-665752 ENSG00000149483 0.07002701 0.17456867 0.07002701 PHA-665752 ENSG00000126705 0.07001992 0.174551 -0.07001992 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140488 0.07001494 0.17453859 0.07001494 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182742 0.07001408 0.17453645 -0.07001408 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112759 0.07001342 0.17453479 -0.07001342 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179406 0.06998606 0.17446657 0.06998606 PHA-665752 C3orf64 0.06997411 0.17443677 0.06997411 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139364 0.06997187 0.17443119 -0.06997187 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165556 0.06996965 0.17442566 -0.06996965 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166509 0.06996285 0.1744087 0.06996285 PHA-665752 LOC100506388 0.06995971 0.17440088 -0.06995971 PHA-665752 ENSG00000278274 0.06995101 0.17437918 -0.06995101 PHA-665752 LOC100128653 0.06993286 0.17433393 -0.06993286 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115998 0.06993219 0.17433225 -0.06993219 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167123 0.06992513 0.17431464 0.06992513 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111911 0.06991898 0.1742993 -0.06991898 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132825 0.06990501 0.17426447 0.06990501 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204950 0.06989414 0.17423739 0.06989414 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160856 0.06989302 0.17423459 -0.06989302 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124237 0.0698863 0.17421782 -0.0698863 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133874 0.06987272 0.17418397 0.06987272 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120235 0.06987168 0.17418138 0.06987168 PHA-665752 ENSG00000016391 0.06987114 0.17418004 -0.06987114 PHA-665752 LINC00277 0.06986766 0.17417135 0.06986766 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176490 0.06985481 0.17413931 0.06985481 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180549 0.06985104 0.17412991 -0.06985104 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198624 0.06985028 0.17412801 -0.06985028 PHA-665752 ENSG00000110841 0.06984442 0.1741134 0.06984442 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136271 0.06984077 0.1741043 -0.06984077 PHA-665752 ENSG00000264589 0.06983727 0.17409557 -0.06983727 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148655 0.0698223 0.17405824 0.0698223 PHA-665752 ENSG00000153048 0.06981761 0.17404655 0.06981761 PHA-665752 ENSG00000241685 0.06981687 0.17404471 0.06981687 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157625 0.06981297 0.17403499 0.06981297 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188215 0.06979859 0.17399913 0.06979859 PHA-665752 C1orf135 0.06978929 0.17397593 -0.06978929 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151322 0.06978827 0.17397341 0.06978827 PHA-665752 ENSG00000262808 0.06978325 0.17396089 -0.06978325 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136243 0.06977503 0.17394038 -0.06977503 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120211 0.06976875 0.17392471 0.06976875 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139835 0.06975254 0.1738843 -0.06975254 PHA-665752 LOC284933 0.06974822 0.17387354 -0.06974822 PHA-665752 ENSG00000077935 0.06974645 0.17386912 0.06974645 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196459 0.06973446 0.17383923 -0.06973446 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137776 0.06973054 0.17382946 -0.06973054 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124490 0.06972633 0.17381895 -0.06972633 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107281 0.0697234 0.17381164 -0.0697234 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177119 0.0697175 0.17379693 -0.0697175 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136935 0.06971498 0.17379065 -0.06971498 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186765 0.0697135 0.17378696 -0.0697135 PHA-665752 ENSG00000049759 0.0697093 0.17377648 0.0697093 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135355 0.06970212 0.1737586 0.06970212 PHA-665752 ENSG00000086848 0.06968345 0.17371202 -0.06968345 PHA-665752 ENSG00000118971 0.06968275 0.17371029 -0.06968275 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105523 0.06967516 0.17369138 0.06967516 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135925 0.06966935 0.17367688 0.06966935 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105996 0.06966621 0.17366905 0.06966621 PHA-665752 ENSG00000278257 0.06965859 0.17365006 0.06965859 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204936 0.0696503 0.17362937 0.0696503 PHA-665752 ENSG00000069011 0.06963895 0.17360109 -0.06963895 PHA-665752 ENSG00000068078 0.06962453 0.17356513 -0.06962453 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173157 0.06960536 0.17351732 -0.06960536 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111678 0.06958492 0.17346637 0.06958492 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177000 0.06958362 0.17346311 -0.06958362 PHA-665752 ENSG00000073712 0.06957663 0.17344569 0.06957663 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116584 0.06957434 0.17343997 -0.06957434 PHA-665752 ENSG00000010219 0.069566 0.17341917 -0.069566 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115875 0.06955782 0.17339878 0.06955782 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135414 0.06955647 0.17339542 -0.06955647 PHA-665752 ENSG00000205726 0.06953254 0.17333574 -0.06953254 PHA-665752 ENSG00000092439 0.06953082 0.17333147 -0.06953082 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178562 0.06952722 0.1733225 0.06952722 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159339 0.06952541 0.17331796 -0.06952541 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155729 0.06952213 0.1733098 0.06952213 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166986 0.06950589 0.1732693 0.06950589 PHA-665752 ENSG00000281164 0.06950459 0.17326606 -0.06950459 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103269 0.06949024 0.17323029 -0.06949024 PHA-665752 LOC100288079 0.06948296 0.17321213 -0.06948296 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175040 0.06948127 0.17320792 0.06948127 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127528 0.06947314 0.17318764 -0.06947314 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165972 0.06947298 0.17318725 -0.06947298 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145284 0.06946192 0.17315967 0.06946192 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134057 0.06944775 0.17312432 -0.06944775 PHA-665752 ENSG00000226111 0.0694477 0.17312421 0.0694477 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112659 0.0694431 0.17311275 0.0694431 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135617 0.06944119 0.17310798 0.06944119 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140481 0.06943683 0.1730971 0.06943683 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188739 0.06943323 0.17308813 -0.06943323 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180921 0.06942717 0.173073 0.06942717 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174946 0.06941977 0.17305455 -0.06941977 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143776 0.06937609 0.17294565 -0.06937609 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188177 0.06934947 0.17287928 -0.06934947 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171643 0.06933512 0.17284348 -0.06933512 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169992 0.06932911 0.17282852 -0.06932911 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103044 0.06932117 0.17280872 -0.06932117 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130544 0.06931348 0.17278953 0.06931348 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119333 0.06930711 0.17277365 0.06930711 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117592 0.0693049 0.17276813 -0.0693049 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123561 0.06929343 0.17273955 -0.06929343 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111897 0.0692769 0.17269832 0.0692769 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157954 0.06927344 0.17268971 -0.06927344 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168026 0.06925927 0.17265436 0.06925927 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162373 0.06925176 0.17263564 0.06925176 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134115 0.06924845 0.17262739 -0.06924845 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174780 0.06924417 0.17261671 -0.06924417 PHA-665752 ENSG00000007923 0.06924268 0.172613 0.06924268 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157005 0.06923833 0.17260215 -0.06923833 PHA-665752 ENSG00000205835 0.0692262 0.17257191 0.0692262 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170006 0.0692144 0.17254248 -0.0692144 PHA-665752 ENSG00000007866 0.06920473 0.17251838 -0.06920473 PHA-665752 ENSG00000263296 0.06919315 0.17248951 0.06919315 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177697 0.06919254 0.17248799 0.06919254 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101290 0.06917423 0.17244232 0.06917423 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131263 0.06916552 0.17242061 0.06916552 PHA-665752 ACBD6 0.06915429 0.17239261 0.06915429 PHA-665752 ENSG00000068976 0.06914888 0.17237911 -0.06914888 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165650 0.06914128 0.17236018 -0.06914128 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112319 0.06912231 0.17231288 0.06912231 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161682 0.0691168 0.17229914 -0.0691168 PHA-665752 LOC100506679 0.0690946 0.17224377 -0.0690946 PHA-665752 LRG_330 0.06908689 0.17222455 0.06908689 PHA-665752 ENSG00000240682 0.06907921 0.17220539 0.06907921 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171724 0.06905929 0.17215573 -0.06905929 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137714 0.06905732 0.17215083 0.06905732 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101986 0.06905613 0.17214785 0.06905613 PHA-665752 LOC100507425 0.06902943 0.17208127 -0.06902943 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135269 0.06902932 0.172081 -0.06902932 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107581 0.06902593 0.17207254 -0.06902593 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113070 0.06902088 0.17205996 -0.06902088 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120049 0.06901902 0.17205531 0.06901902 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147166 0.06901388 0.17204251 -0.06901388 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173166 0.06901187 0.17203749 0.06901187 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182459 0.06900446 0.17201901 0.06900446 PHA-665752 ENSG00000109705 0.06900424 0.17201846 -0.06900424 PHA-665752 C9orf4 0.06899762 0.17200195 -0.06899762 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163170 0.06896319 0.17191612 0.06896319 PHA-665752 ENSG00000109794 0.06896003 0.17190823 0.06896003 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125815 0.06894875 0.1718801 0.06894875 PHA-665752 ENSG00000063854 0.0689423 0.17186403 0.0689423 PHA-665752 ENSG00000262347 0.06893787 0.17185299 -0.06893787 PHA-665752 ENSG00000051341 0.06893721 0.17185133 -0.06893721 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105829 0.06892941 0.1718319 -0.06892941 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164037 0.06892909 0.17183109 0.06892909 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159079 0.06892558 0.17182232 -0.06892558 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204920 0.06891434 0.1717943 -0.06891434 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100926 0.06889985 0.17175818 0.06889985 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103145 0.06888413 0.17171898 0.06888413 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131759 0.06888173 0.17171299 0.06888173 PHA-665752 ENSG00000074276 0.0688785 0.17170495 0.0688785 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185220 0.06886788 0.17167845 -0.06886788 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181408 0.06885557 0.17164776 0.06885557 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144118 0.06885105 0.1716365 0.06885105 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141934 0.06884841 0.17162991 0.06884841 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171435 0.06884096 0.17161133 -0.06884096 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106351 0.06880835 0.17153004 -0.06880835 PHA-665752 LOC100506380 0.06878967 0.17148344 -0.06878967 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142611 0.06877877 0.17145627 -0.06877877 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147649 0.06872404 0.17131981 0.06872404 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100949 0.06872363 0.17131879 -0.06872363 PHA-665752 ENSG00000250305 0.06871934 0.17130809 -0.06871934 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171060 0.06870374 0.17126918 0.06870374 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186468 0.06870279 0.17126683 -0.06870279 PHA-665752 ENSG00000226312 0.06869421 0.17124544 0.06869421 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134256 0.06868998 0.17123488 -0.06868998 PHA-665752 ENSG00000278741 0.06867521 0.17119806 0.06867521 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185115 0.06866933 0.1711834 0.06866933 PHA-665752 ENSG00000158773 0.06866631 0.17117586 -0.06866631 PHA-665752 ENSG00000221916 0.0686541 0.17114542 -0.0686541 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163605 0.06864323 0.17111832 0.06864323 PHA-665752 ENSG00000011028 0.06864205 0.17111537 -0.06864205 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175544 0.06864036 0.17111116 -0.06864036 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107738 0.06863133 0.17108865 -0.06863133 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145757 0.06862814 0.17108069 -0.06862814 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177575 0.06862676 0.17107725 -0.06862676 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180938 0.06861333 0.17104375 -0.06861333 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183605 0.06857453 0.170947 -0.06857453 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174776 0.0685701 0.17093596 -0.0685701 PHA-665752 ENSG00000126215 0.06855292 0.17089314 -0.06855292 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171522 0.06852884 0.1708331 -0.06852884 PHA-665752 ENSG00000213928 0.06852539 0.17082448 -0.06852539 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198881 0.06852011 0.17081132 -0.06852011 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112782 0.06851059 0.17078759 -0.06851059 PHA-665752 LOC51145 0.06849136 0.17073964 -0.06849136 PHA-665752 ENSG00000149948 0.06849101 0.17073877 0.06849101 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182512 0.06848847 0.17073243 -0.06848847 PHA-665752 LOC157381 0.06847516 0.17069925 0.06847516 PHA-665752 ENSG00000260852 0.06847492 0.17069865 -0.06847492 PHA-665752 ENSG00000118702 0.06847318 0.17069431 0.06847318 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104371 0.06846696 0.17067879 0.06846696 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115155 0.06843616 0.17060201 -0.06843616 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197165 0.0684287 0.1705834 -0.0684287 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196655 0.06842418 0.17057213 -0.06842418 PHA-665752 ENSG00000095321 0.06841643 0.17055281 0.06841643 PHA-665752 LRRC33 0.06841384 0.17054634 -0.06841384 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137265 0.06840738 0.17053024 0.06840738 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122786 0.06840468 0.1705235 0.06840468 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130270 0.06840391 0.17052159 -0.06840391 PHA-665752 LOC100505811 0.06839784 0.17050644 -0.06839784 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168016 0.06839775 0.17050623 -0.06839775 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112706 0.06838474 0.17047378 -0.06838474 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174915 0.06836342 0.17042063 0.06836342 PHA-665752 ENSG00000150961 0.06835132 0.17039045 0.06835132 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142102 0.06834282 0.17036926 -0.06834282 PHA-665752 ENSG00000278318 0.06834019 0.17036271 0.06834019 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129116 0.06833593 0.17035209 0.06833593 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185306 0.06831352 0.1702962 -0.06831352 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135346 0.06830737 0.17028088 -0.06830737 PHA-665752 ENSG00000214681 0.06829959 0.17026147 0.06829959 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135407 0.06829896 0.1702599 0.06829896 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145198 0.06829679 0.17025448 0.06829679 PHA-665752 ZNF192 0.06828232 0.17021841 0.06828232 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114520 0.06828069 0.17021434 0.06828069 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105726 0.06826256 0.17016915 -0.06826256 PHA-665752 LOC643529 0.0682621 0.17016799 -0.0682621 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108984 0.06825989 0.17016249 0.06825989 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113361 0.06824424 0.17012347 -0.06824424 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168995 0.06823838 0.17010884 -0.06823838 PHA-665752 ENSG00000099904 0.06823727 0.17010608 0.06823727 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111671 0.0682249 0.17007523 0.0682249 PHA-665752 MRP63 0.06821337 0.17004649 -0.06821337 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186976 0.0681632 0.1699214 -0.0681632 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116260 0.0681625 0.16991964 0.0681625 PHA-665752 ENSG00000262896 0.06816017 0.16991384 -0.06816017 PHA-665752 ENSG00000146276 0.06815989 0.16991312 0.06815989 PHA-665752 ENSG00000092068 0.06813624 0.16985418 0.06813624 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115216 0.06813232 0.16984439 0.06813232 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188785 0.06812125 0.16981679 -0.06812125 PHA-665752 ENSG00000146648 0.06811047 0.16978991 -0.06811047 PHA-665752 ENSG00000280516 0.06809176 0.16974326 -0.06809176 PHA-665752 LOC100144602 0.06808536 0.1697273 -0.06808536 PHA-665752 ENSG00000276825 0.06808452 0.1697252 -0.06808452 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113966 0.06808264 0.16972052 0.06808264 PHA-665752 ENSG00000006007 0.06808178 0.16971837 -0.06808178 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112773 0.06806127 0.16966724 0.06806127 PHA-665752 LOC100507605 0.06803507 0.16960191 -0.06803507 PHA-665752 ENSG00000008735 0.06801818 0.1695598 0.06801818 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164073 0.06801627 0.16955502 -0.06801627 PHA-665752 EIF2C2 0.06801435 0.16955023 -0.06801435 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155099 0.06801068 0.16954109 0.06801068 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184083 0.06798894 0.16948689 -0.06798894 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160360 0.06796178 0.16941916 0.06796178 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167183 0.06794893 0.16938711 -0.06794893 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104529 0.06794734 0.16938315 0.06794734 PHA-665752 ENSG00000258655 0.0679456 0.16937883 0.0679456 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180383 0.0679428 0.16937184 0.0679428 PHA-665752 CXorf41 0.0679295 0.16933868 0.0679295 PHA-665752 LRG_456 0.06792798 0.16933489 -0.06792798 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135605 0.06791702 0.16930756 -0.06791702 PHA-665752 C3orf71 0.06789058 0.16924162 -0.06789058 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140319 0.06789006 0.16924032 -0.06789006 PHA-665752 ENSG00000118507 0.06788955 0.16923905 -0.06788955 PHA-665752 ENSG00000236790 0.06788655 0.16923157 -0.06788655 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183117 0.06787421 0.16920081 -0.06787421 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154945 0.06786645 0.16918145 0.06786645 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182870 0.06786065 0.169167 0.06786065 PHA-665752 LOC285419 0.06785677 0.16915732 0.06785677 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154274 0.06783108 0.16909326 0.06783108 PHA-665752 ENSG00000211934 0.06782822 0.16908614 -0.06782822 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114268 0.06782632 0.1690814 0.06782632 PHA-665752 LOC100507654 0.0678083 0.16903647 0.0678083 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171094 0.06778727 0.16898402 -0.06778727 PHA-665752 ENSG00000220008 0.06776899 0.16893846 0.06776899 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154227 0.06776279 0.16892299 -0.06776279 PHA-665752 ENSG00000225733 0.06774547 0.16887981 0.06774547 PHA-665752 ENSG00000085365 0.06774018 0.16886661 -0.06774018 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139350 0.06772934 0.16883959 0.06772934 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131914 0.06772562 0.16883032 0.06772562 PHA-665752 ENSG00000080031 0.06771966 0.16881546 0.06771966 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143502 0.06770934 0.16878971 -0.06770934 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184293 0.06770704 0.16878399 0.06770704 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141664 0.0676962 0.16875695 -0.0676962 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123472 0.06768969 0.16874072 -0.06768969 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103657 0.06768127 0.16871972 -0.06768127 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179399 0.06767203 0.16869668 -0.06767203 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136527 0.06767031 0.16869241 0.06767031 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105289 0.06765396 0.16865164 -0.06765396 PHA-665752 ENSG00000275013 0.06764754 0.16863562 -0.06764754 PHA-665752 CCDC90A 0.0676433 0.16862504 0.0676433 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123095 0.06764033 0.16861764 -0.06764033 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204311 0.06763208 0.16859707 0.06763208 PHA-665752 C8orf77 0.06762974 0.16859125 -0.06762974 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133961 0.06762517 0.16857985 -0.06762517 PHA-665752 ENSG00000146904 0.06762483 0.16857899 -0.06762483 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171659 0.06759238 0.16849808 0.06759238 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108389 0.0675895 0.16849091 0.0675895 PHA-665752 ENSG00000240764 0.06758322 0.16847525 0.06758322 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119397 0.06757703 0.16845982 -0.06757703 PHA-665752 ENSG00000006659 0.06756092 0.16841964 0.06756092 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125319 0.0675501 0.16839266 -0.0675501 PHA-665752 LOC646168 0.06754779 0.1683869 -0.06754779 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105722 0.06753386 0.16835218 -0.06753386 PHA-665752 ENSG00000205822 0.06751065 0.1682943 0.06751065 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170396 0.06750465 0.16827933 -0.06750465 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133731 0.06748859 0.1682393 0.06748859 PHA-665752 ENSG00000046651 0.06747906 0.16821552 -0.06747906 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120539 0.06743082 0.16809524 0.06743082 PHA-665752 LOC100505501 0.06741326 0.16805146 -0.06741326 PHA-665752 C16orf5 0.06740236 0.16802428 -0.06740236 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135597 0.06738902 0.16799102 -0.06738902 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129214 0.06738414 0.16797886 -0.06738414 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122483 0.0673824 0.16797451 -0.0673824 PHA-665752 ENSG00000234511 0.06737003 0.16794368 -0.06737003 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119915 0.06734478 0.16788072 -0.06734478 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129484 0.06730865 0.16779062 -0.06730865 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156026 0.067308 0.16778899 -0.067308 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114805 0.06730487 0.16778121 -0.06730487 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137225 0.06730186 0.16777369 -0.06730186 PHA-665752 ENSG00000073792 0.06729835 0.16776494 0.06729835 PHA-665752 ENSG00000088280 0.0672953 0.16775733 -0.0672953 PHA-665752 LRG_447 0.06729414 0.16775443 -0.06729414 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124249 0.06728268 0.16772588 0.06728268 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180090 0.06725234 0.16765022 -0.06725234 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162521 0.06720559 0.16753364 -0.06720559 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165591 0.06720215 0.16752507 -0.06720215 PHA-665752 ENSG00000075618 0.06719222 0.16750031 -0.06719222 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155287 0.06718029 0.16747058 -0.06718029 PHA-665752 ENSG00000249673 0.06717376 0.16745429 0.06717376 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188676 0.06717125 0.16744804 -0.06717125 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172006 0.06716347 0.16742863 -0.06716347 PHA-665752 ENSG00000065911 0.06715142 0.16739859 -0.06715142 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144909 0.06715128 0.16739823 -0.06715128 PHA-665752 LOC100505786 0.06715038 0.16739598 0.06715038 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172995 0.0671407 0.16737186 -0.0671407 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103343 0.06712578 0.16733465 0.06712578 PHA-665752 ENSG00000068985 0.0671215 0.16732398 -0.0671215 PHA-665752 ENSG00000027075 0.06712057 0.16732165 0.06712057 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172955 0.06711989 0.16731996 -0.06711989 PHA-665752 ENSG00000259092 0.06711229 0.167301 -0.06711229 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186376 0.06709685 0.16726252 0.06709685 PHA-665752 ENSG00000149557 0.06709056 0.16724683 0.06709056 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107295 0.06708712 0.16723824 -0.06708712 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183876 0.06707547 0.16720921 -0.06707547 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166250 0.06706912 0.16719337 0.06706912 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115020 0.06705881 0.16716766 -0.06705881 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106304 0.06704421 0.16713125 0.06704421 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165694 0.06703207 0.16710098 0.06703207 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124641 0.0670275 0.16708959 0.0670275 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197050 0.06701653 0.16706225 -0.06701653 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122729 0.06701552 0.16705972 0.06701552 PHA-665752 LOC338579 0.067004 0.16703101 -0.067004 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124116 0.06700358 0.16702995 -0.06700358 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128342 0.06699202 0.16700114 0.06699202 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145103 0.06698633 0.16698693 -0.06698633 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157181 0.06698606 0.16698626 -0.06698606 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164253 0.06698475 0.16698299 -0.06698475 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180769 0.06697699 0.16696366 -0.06697699 PHA-665752 C3orf23 0.06696796 0.16694113 0.06696796 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114013 0.06696354 0.16693011 -0.06696354 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163902 0.06696275 0.16692814 -0.06696275 PHA-665752 ENSG00000014123 0.06695861 0.16691781 -0.06695861 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106299 0.06694102 0.16687395 0.06694102 PHA-665752 CG030 0.06693978 0.16687087 -0.06693978 PHA-665752 LOC401068 0.06692929 0.16684472 0.06692929 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130592 0.0669255 0.16683525 -0.0669255 PHA-665752 ENSG00000158604 0.06691049 0.16679785 -0.06691049 PHA-665752 ENSG00000239900 0.06689838 0.16676764 0.06689838 PHA-665752 ENSG00000102385 0.06689266 0.16675338 0.06689266 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173218 0.06688608 0.16673698 0.06688608 PHA-665752 ENSG00000262102 0.06687676 0.16671373 -0.06687676 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100285 0.06687671 0.1667136 -0.06687671 PHA-665752 ENSG00000109606 0.06687314 0.1667047 0.06687314 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113205 0.06686411 0.16668218 0.06686411 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196284 0.06686385 0.16668153 -0.06686385 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140105 0.06685543 0.16666056 0.06685543 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169554 0.06685303 0.16665456 0.06685303 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137221 0.06684915 0.16664488 -0.06684915 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162391 0.06684452 0.16663334 -0.06684452 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162344 0.06681384 0.16655684 0.06681384 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187118 0.06680614 0.16653766 0.06680614 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185344 0.06679602 0.16651242 -0.06679602 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165105 0.0667869 0.16648968 0.0667869 PHA-665752 LOC100507487 0.06677591 0.16646227 -0.06677591 PHA-665752 ENSG00000080819 0.06676894 0.1664449 -0.06676894 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185567 0.06675054 0.166399 -0.06675054 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131116 0.06673317 0.1663557 0.06673317 PHA-665752 ENSG00000158552 0.0667326 0.16635429 -0.0667326 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136237 0.06671271 0.1663047 0.06671271 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186832 0.06670335 0.16628136 0.06670335 PHA-665752 WDR16 0.06670327 0.16628115 -0.06670327 PHA-665752 ENSG00000260804 0.06670302 0.16628052 0.06670302 PHA-665752 C20orf72 0.06668462 0.16623464 0.06668462 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167333 0.06668234 0.16622897 -0.06668234 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140835 0.06667959 0.1662221 -0.06667959 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141252 0.06666262 0.16617979 0.06666262 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101911 0.06665841 0.16616929 0.06665841 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129221 0.06665743 0.16616686 0.06665743 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176842 0.06662905 0.1660961 0.06662905 PHA-665752 ENSG00000091181 0.06662486 0.16608563 -0.06662486 PHA-665752 LOC100506289 0.0666238 0.16608301 -0.0666238 PHA-665752 ENSG00000110719 0.06661927 0.16607171 -0.06661927 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131779 0.06661142 0.16605214 0.06661142 PHA-665752 ENSG00000238104 0.0666009 0.16602591 -0.0666009 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166326 0.06659018 0.16599918 0.06659018 PHA-665752 LOC100507433 0.06658788 0.16599343 0.06658788 PHA-665752 ENSG00000189433 0.06657212 0.16595414 -0.06657212 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157837 0.06655813 0.16591924 0.06655813 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164107 0.066549 0.16589649 0.066549 PHA-665752 LOC100505774 0.06653568 0.16586326 -0.06653568 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135439 0.06653392 0.16585888 -0.06653392 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167186 0.06653377 0.16585851 -0.06653377 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139648 0.06653084 0.16585121 -0.06653084 PHA-665752 LOC388780 0.06652763 0.1658432 0.06652763 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183695 0.06652375 0.16583353 0.06652375 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100242 0.06651896 0.16582158 0.06651896 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166153 0.06651691 0.16581648 -0.06651691 PHA-665752 ENSG00000267532 0.06651152 0.16580304 0.06651152 PHA-665752 C17orf81 0.06650776 0.16579365 0.06650776 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174514 0.06650329 0.16578252 -0.06650329 PHA-665752 ENSG00000102189 0.06650199 0.16577926 0.06650199 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139625 0.06648879 0.16574636 0.06648879 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147416 0.06647463 0.16571104 0.06647463 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124564 0.06645882 0.16567163 0.06645882 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167671 0.06644052 0.16562601 0.06644052 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166920 0.06643609 0.16561494 -0.06643609 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108691 0.06643163 0.16560383 -0.06643163 PHA-665752 ENSG00000109911 0.06642777 0.16559421 -0.06642777 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165782 0.06640674 0.16554177 0.06640674 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185760 0.06640611 0.16554019 0.06640611 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144674 0.06640425 0.16553555 0.06640425 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155189 0.06639683 0.16551706 -0.06639683 PHA-665752 ENSG00000126883 0.06637738 0.16546856 -0.06637738 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134444 0.06636949 0.16544889 -0.06636949 PHA-665752 ENSG00000262599 0.06636393 0.16543502 0.06636393 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131773 0.06635198 0.16540522 0.06635198 PHA-665752 C6orf130 0.06633803 0.16537044 0.06633803 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143479 0.06633786 0.16537003 0.06633786 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127377 0.06631953 0.16532431 0.06631953 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184698 0.06631847 0.16532167 -0.06631847 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182866 0.06630978 0.1653 -0.06630978 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171428 0.06630698 0.16529301 -0.06630698 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115556 0.06630223 0.16528119 0.06630223 PHA-665752 LRG_50 0.06629177 0.1652551 -0.06629177 PHA-665752 ENSG00000109738 0.06628899 0.16524817 -0.06628899 PHA-665752 LOC100506557 0.06628744 0.16524431 -0.06628744 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169299 0.06628394 0.16523558 0.06628394 PHA-665752 ENSG00000078269 0.06628298 0.16523318 -0.06628298 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186716 0.06627553 0.16521461 0.06627553 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131966 0.06626793 0.16519567 -0.06626793 PHA-665752 LRG_129 0.06626179 0.16518034 -0.06626179 PHA-665752 LRG_62 0.06625881 0.1651729 -0.06625881 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148358 0.06624329 0.16513423 0.06624329 PHA-665752 ENSG00000237441 0.0662418 0.16513049 -0.0662418 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156194 0.06623612 0.16511634 -0.06623612 PHA-665752 ENSG00000280837 0.06623434 0.16511189 -0.06623434 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173208 0.06623036 0.16510198 -0.06623036 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181171 0.06622915 0.16509897 0.06622915 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181562 0.06622005 0.16507628 -0.06622005 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196074 0.06617028 0.16495218 0.06617028 PHA-665752 ENSG00000280635 0.06616659 0.16494298 -0.06616659 PHA-665752 ENSG00000244694 0.0661574 0.16492006 0.0661574 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172939 0.06615351 0.16491036 0.06615351 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141570 0.06615269 0.16490831 0.06615269 PHA-665752 ZNF193 0.06614664 0.16489322 -0.06614664 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183856 0.06613549 0.16486543 -0.06613549 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197976 0.06613127 0.16485491 -0.06613127 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162227 0.06612252 0.16483309 -0.06612252 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175643 0.06611465 0.16481347 -0.06611465 PHA-665752 ENSG00000258791 0.06609338 0.16476042 0.06609338 PHA-665752 ENSG00000102794 0.06607032 0.16470292 -0.06607032 PHA-665752 LRG_516 0.06606423 0.16468774 -0.06606423 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177485 0.06606109 0.16467991 -0.06606109 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145147 0.06605147 0.16465594 -0.06605147 PHA-665752 GALNTL2 0.06604997 0.16465219 0.06604997 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186891 0.06601313 0.16456033 -0.06601313 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161692 0.06598572 0.16449198 -0.06598572 PHA-665752 ENSG00000089597 0.06597859 0.16447421 -0.06597859 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147065 0.0659598 0.16442736 -0.0659598 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204815 0.06593402 0.16436308 -0.06593402 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171135 0.06593147 0.16435671 0.06593147 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162604 0.06590748 0.16429691 0.06590748 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180616 0.06586136 0.16418191 0.06586136 PHA-665752 LSAMP-AS4 0.06585453 0.16416488 -0.06585453 PHA-665752 LOC285796 0.06584882 0.16415064 -0.06584882 PHA-665752 ENSG00000149212 0.06584596 0.1641435 -0.06584596 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175220 0.06582857 0.16410015 -0.06582857 PHA-665752 ENSG00000277272 0.06582321 0.16408678 -0.06582321 PHA-665752 ENSG00000211813 0.06580791 0.16404862 -0.06580791 PHA-665752 ENSG00000006757 0.06580385 0.16403851 0.06580385 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122859 0.06580337 0.16403731 -0.06580337 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182796 0.06576991 0.16395388 -0.06576991 PHA-665752 ENSG00000152213 0.06576464 0.16394073 -0.06576464 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138185 0.06576212 0.16393446 0.06576212 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145700 0.06575961 0.1639282 -0.06575961 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184545 0.0657418 0.1638838 0.0657418 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171858 0.0657409 0.16388155 -0.0657409 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120279 0.06573919 0.16387729 -0.06573919 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187893 0.06572235 0.16383529 -0.06572235 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151502 0.06571679 0.16382141 -0.06571679 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172262 0.0657142 0.16381495 -0.0657142 PHA-665752 ENSG00000231256 0.06569942 0.16377812 -0.06569942 PHA-665752 LOC100506013 0.06569712 0.16377238 -0.06569712 PHA-665752 C10orf116 0.0656722 0.16371023 -0.0656722 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172738 0.06566546 0.16369344 -0.06566546 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182247 0.06566376 0.16368919 -0.06566376 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105088 0.06565603 0.16366993 -0.06565603 PHA-665752 ENSG00000088682 0.06563159 0.16360898 -0.06563159 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160679 0.06560512 0.16354298 0.06560512 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186298 0.06560078 0.16353216 -0.06560078 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168944 0.06558555 0.16349419 0.06558555 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182095 0.06557956 0.16347926 -0.06557956 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115806 0.06557624 0.16347097 0.06557624 PHA-665752 ENSG00000070367 0.06556244 0.16343657 0.06556244 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164603 0.06555477 0.16341744 -0.06555477 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161179 0.06555239 0.16341151 -0.06555239 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101489 0.06555049 0.16340677 -0.06555049 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186862 0.06554108 0.16338329 0.06554108 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157103 0.06553571 0.16336991 -0.06553571 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139053 0.06553257 0.16336208 -0.06553257 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124831 0.06552965 0.16335479 -0.06552965 PHA-665752 ENSG00000097007 0.06552049 0.16333195 -0.06552049 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164823 0.06551813 0.16332608 0.06551813 PHA-665752 ENSG00000038274 0.0655115 0.16330954 -0.0655115 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107968 0.06551063 0.16330737 0.06551063 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144161 0.06550259 0.16328733 -0.06550259 PHA-665752 ENSG00000248144 0.06550077 0.16328279 -0.06550077 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134438 0.06546719 0.16319906 0.06546719 PHA-665752 ENSG00000244968 0.06546486 0.16319325 -0.06546486 PHA-665752 ENSG00000068383 0.06545612 0.16317146 0.06545612 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134001 0.06545393 0.16316599 -0.06545393 PHA-665752 ENSG00000259571 0.06541777 0.16307584 -0.06541777 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135870 0.06541093 0.16305879 -0.06541093 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148218 0.06541036 0.16305735 -0.06541036 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188643 0.06540972 0.16305576 0.06540972 PHA-665752 ENSG00000065833 0.0654037 0.16304075 0.0654037 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125386 0.06538362 0.16299068 0.06538362 PHA-665752 ENSG00000083457 0.06538123 0.16298474 0.06538123 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147174 0.06537963 0.16298073 -0.06537963 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160392 0.06536347 0.16294045 -0.06536347 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144747 0.06536155 0.16293566 0.06536155 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114054 0.06536105 0.16293442 -0.06536105 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135048 0.06533667 0.16287362 0.06533667 PHA-665752 LRG_196 0.06533245 0.16286309 -0.06533245 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170128 0.0653268 0.16284901 -0.0653268 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197217 0.06531979 0.16283153 -0.06531979 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166557 0.06530932 0.16280541 0.06530932 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100027 0.06528638 0.16274823 -0.06528638 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125879 0.06528614 0.16274763 -0.06528614 PHA-665752 ENSG00000069275 0.06527926 0.16273048 -0.06527926 PHA-665752 ENSG00000189292 0.06527577 0.16272178 -0.06527577 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123200 0.06527441 0.16271837 -0.06527441 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124203 0.06527171 0.16271164 -0.06527171 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204764 0.06526212 0.16268773 -0.06526212 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169594 0.06526066 0.16268409 0.06526066 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105221 0.06525792 0.16267726 -0.06525792 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177465 0.06524749 0.16265127 -0.06524749 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105357 0.06524693 0.16264987 0.06524693 PHA-665752 ENSG00000121274 0.06524642 0.1626486 -0.06524642 PHA-665752 ENSG00000118961 0.06524562 0.1626466 0.06524562 PHA-665752 ENSG00000056736 0.065245 0.16264504 -0.065245 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135625 0.06522934 0.16260599 -0.06522934 PHA-665752 ENSG00000026751 0.06522265 0.16258932 0.06522265 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145220 0.06521767 0.16257691 -0.06521767 PHA-665752 ENSG00000211976 0.06520794 0.16255265 -0.06520794 PHA-665752 LOC100506914 0.06520616 0.16254821 -0.06520616 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180340 0.06516978 0.1624575 -0.06516978 PHA-665752 LOC100129550 0.06516589 0.16244778 0.06516589 PHA-665752 ENSG00000215644 0.06516374 0.16244244 0.06516374 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170577 0.06514426 0.16239386 0.06514426 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163155 0.06512423 0.16234391 0.06512423 PHA-665752 LOC731779 0.06512061 0.16233489 -0.06512061 PHA-665752 ENSG00000126464 0.06509117 0.16226147 -0.06509117 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107447 0.065086 0.16224859 0.065086 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180316 0.06507551 0.16222244 0.06507551 PHA-665752 ENSG00000109079 0.06506839 0.16220467 0.06506839 PHA-665752 ENSG00000249853 0.06506611 0.16219901 -0.06506611 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119559 0.06505418 0.16216924 -0.06505418 PHA-665752 ENSG00000109689 0.06505352 0.16216762 0.06505352 PHA-665752 C9orf29 0.06504464 0.16214545 -0.06504464 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105696 0.06501769 0.16207825 -0.06501769 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116350 0.06500786 0.16205374 -0.06500786 PHA-665752 ENSG00000110888 0.06500166 0.1620383 0.06500166 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179363 0.06499581 0.16202371 0.06499581 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164691 0.06499179 0.16201368 -0.06499179 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156345 0.06497996 0.16198419 0.06497996 PHA-665752 ENSG00000071205 0.06497548 0.16197302 0.06497548 PHA-665752 ENSG00000079557 0.06496124 0.1619375 -0.06496124 PHA-665752 LOC100506591 0.06495142 0.16191303 0.06495142 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138386 0.06494666 0.16190115 0.06494666 PHA-665752 ENSG00000152822 0.06494643 0.16190057 -0.06494643 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172183 0.06493965 0.16188369 0.06493965 PHA-665752 ENSG00000205363 0.06493937 0.16188298 0.06493937 PHA-665752 C9orf71 0.06493857 0.16188098 -0.06493857 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177511 0.06493845 0.16188068 0.06493845 PHA-665752 ENSG00000015413 0.0649375 0.16187831 -0.0649375 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168334 0.06493663 0.16187615 -0.06493663 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130254 0.06492892 0.16185692 -0.06492892 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172244 0.06492431 0.16184542 0.06492431 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177354 0.06492124 0.16183777 -0.06492124 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131165 0.06491957 0.1618336 0.06491957 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133134 0.06491202 0.16181479 0.06491202 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183018 0.06489837 0.16178076 0.06489837 PHA-665752 KIAA0247 0.06489795 0.16177971 -0.06489795 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159248 0.06489473 0.16177168 0.06489473 PHA-665752 ENSG00000065970 0.06489189 0.1617646 -0.06489189 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141127 0.06488081 0.16173696 -0.06488081 PHA-665752 ENSG00000055957 0.0648731 0.16171775 -0.0648731 PHA-665752 ENSG00000254838 0.06486745 0.16170366 0.06486745 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176571 0.06486621 0.16170057 0.06486621 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105576 0.06485083 0.16166221 -0.06485083 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115649 0.06484749 0.16165388 0.06484749 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167635 0.06484262 0.16164175 -0.06484262 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139597 0.06483924 0.16163332 -0.06483924 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165202 0.06483267 0.16161694 -0.06483267 PHA-665752 COBRA1 0.06482628 0.16160099 -0.06482628 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196844 0.06482195 0.16159021 0.06482195 PHA-665752 NT5C3 0.06481294 0.16156772 -0.06481294 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159423 0.06481254 0.16156675 0.06481254 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122335 0.06480729 0.16155364 0.06480729 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108679 0.06479917 0.16153339 0.06479917 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197622 0.06479134 0.16151387 -0.06479134 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179958 0.0647776 0.16147961 0.0647776 PHA-665752 ENSG00000216490 0.06476718 0.16145365 -0.06476718 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124733 0.06474564 0.16139992 0.06474564 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148308 0.06474195 0.16139073 0.06474195 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164880 0.06473776 0.16138029 -0.06473776 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127663 0.06472374 0.16134531 -0.06472374 PHA-665752 ENSG00000225921 0.06470326 0.16129426 -0.06470326 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100575 0.06470208 0.16129132 -0.06470208 PHA-665752 ENSG00000121749 0.06468743 0.16125479 0.06468743 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182575 0.064678 0.16123126 -0.064678 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108423 0.06466368 0.16119557 -0.06466368 PHA-665752 ENSG00000078589 0.06466314 0.16119423 -0.06466314 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128709 0.06464032 0.16113733 0.06464032 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127054 0.0646335 0.16112031 -0.0646335 PHA-665752 ENSG00000205106 0.06460315 0.16104464 -0.06460315 PHA-665752 ENSG00000109670 0.06460068 0.16103847 -0.06460068 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136717 0.06457732 0.16098022 0.06457732 PHA-665752 LOC100507584 0.06457198 0.16096692 0.06457198 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166145 0.06456863 0.16095857 -0.06456863 PHA-665752 ENSG00000233382 0.06456029 0.16093776 -0.06456029 PHA-665752 PER4 0.06455918 0.16093499 -0.06455918 PHA-665752 C19orf46 0.06453908 0.16088489 -0.06453908 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169181 0.0645212 0.1608403 0.0645212 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144834 0.06450776 0.16080678 -0.06450776 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134569 0.06450601 0.16080242 0.06450601 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198798 0.06450382 0.16079696 -0.06450382 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137440 0.06449954 0.16078629 0.06449954 PHA-665752 ENSG00000069812 0.0644835 0.1607463 0.0644835 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175416 0.06448287 0.16074472 0.06448287 PHA-665752 ENSG00000096088 0.06448069 0.16073929 -0.06448069 PHA-665752 LOC401442 0.06447454 0.16072395 0.06447454 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134250 0.06447054 0.16071398 -0.06447054 PHA-665752 ENSG00000150201 0.06446983 0.16071221 0.06446983 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106799 0.06445917 0.16068562 0.06445917 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163564 0.06445495 0.16067512 0.06445495 PHA-665752 ENSG00000028277 0.06443513 0.16062568 -0.06443513 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144730 0.06441525 0.16057611 0.06441525 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174562 0.06441435 0.16057388 0.06441435 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173221 0.06441408 0.16057321 -0.06441408 PHA-665752 ENSG00000004939 0.06441166 0.16056717 -0.06441166 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105963 0.06440857 0.16055946 -0.06440857 PHA-665752 LOC100129597 0.06440772 0.16055734 -0.06440772 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185269 0.06438908 0.16051087 -0.06438908 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106665 0.06438585 0.1605028 0.06438585 PHA-665752 ENSG00000029559 0.06437946 0.16048688 -0.06437946 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180357 0.06437178 0.16046773 -0.06437178 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164938 0.06437145 0.16046692 0.06437145 PHA-665752 LOC100506813 0.06435679 0.16043036 0.06435679 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168300 0.06435627 0.16042904 -0.06435627 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197969 0.0643539 0.16042316 -0.0643539 PHA-665752 ENSG00000086300 0.06435336 0.16042181 0.06435336 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174137 0.06434858 0.16040989 0.06434858 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169155 0.06434177 0.1603929 -0.06434177 PHA-665752 ENSG00000254122 0.06432914 0.16036141 -0.06432914 PHA-665752 ENSG00000102996 0.06431464 0.16032526 0.06431464 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162069 0.06431319 0.16032164 -0.06431319 PHA-665752 ENSG00000275342 0.064307 0.16030622 -0.064307 PHA-665752 C17orf57 0.06430042 0.16028981 0.06430042 PHA-665752 ENSG00000072501 0.06429481 0.1602758 -0.06429481 PHA-665752 ENSG00000066654 0.06429086 0.16026596 -0.06429086 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104722 0.06427958 0.16023784 0.06427958 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115760 0.06427797 0.16023383 -0.06427797 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140941 0.0642736 0.16022291 0.0642736 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179476 0.06427318 0.16022188 -0.06427318 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108561 0.06426978 0.16021339 0.06426978 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115183 0.06426294 0.16019635 0.06426294 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179580 0.06425819 0.1601845 -0.06425819 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184986 0.06424989 0.16016381 0.06424989 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196811 0.06423433 0.16012501 0.06423433 PHA-665752 ENSG00000206324 0.06422387 0.16009891 0.06422387 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139970 0.06422201 0.1600943 -0.06422201 PHA-665752 LOC100506870 0.06420154 0.16004325 0.06420154 PHA-665752 ENSG00000121289 0.0641961 0.16002967 -0.0641961 PHA-665752 TXLNG2P 0.06419219 0.16001995 -0.06419219 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182070 0.06418948 0.16001318 -0.06418948 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138107 0.06418848 0.16001068 0.06418848 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113196 0.06418184 0.15999412 0.06418184 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168461 0.06416685 0.15995675 -0.06416685 PHA-665752 ENSG00000126467 0.06416307 0.15994732 -0.06416307 PHA-665752 ENSG00000226887 0.06415692 0.15993199 -0.06415692 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166670 0.06414834 0.15991061 -0.06414834 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169248 0.06414534 0.15990311 -0.06414534 PHA-665752 ENSG00000077420 0.06413984 0.15988941 0.06413984 PHA-665752 ENSG00000259494 0.06412572 0.1598542 0.06412572 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127530 0.06412545 0.15985352 -0.06412545 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113212 0.06411238 0.15982093 -0.06411238 PHA-665752 LOC100506216 0.06410676 0.15980693 0.06410676 PHA-665752 ENSG00000056277 0.0641022 0.15979555 -0.0641022 PHA-665752 ENSG00000278194 0.06409901 0.15978759 0.06409901 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119616 0.06409797 0.159785 -0.06409797 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196431 0.06409745 0.15978369 -0.06409745 PHA-665752 ENSG00000241158 0.06408916 0.15976304 0.06408916 PHA-665752 LAMB2P1 0.06408515 0.15975303 -0.06408515 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144596 0.06406313 0.15969813 0.06406313 PHA-665752 C19orf77 0.06403788 0.15963518 -0.06403788 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143149 0.06402089 0.15959282 -0.06402089 PHA-665752 LOC100507575 0.06402032 0.1595914 0.06402032 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116871 0.06399768 0.15953493 0.06399768 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129351 0.06399484 0.15952784 -0.06399484 PHA-665752 ENSG00000205359 0.06399341 0.15952429 -0.06399341 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139428 0.06398174 0.15949519 -0.06398174 PHA-665752 LOC100505880 0.06397201 0.15947092 0.06397201 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155660 0.06397011 0.15946619 0.06397011 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167562 0.0639649 0.1594532 -0.0639649 PHA-665752 C8orf71 0.06395978 0.15944044 -0.06395978 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181523 0.06395293 0.15942334 0.06395293 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196476 0.06392946 0.15936484 0.06392946 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169084 0.06391089 0.15931852 0.06391089 PHA-665752 ENSG00000211937 0.06390814 0.15931167 0.06390814 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197467 0.0639071 0.15930907 0.0639071 PHA-665752 ENSG00000158161 0.06389688 0.15928359 -0.06389688 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164080 0.06389124 0.15926953 0.06389124 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144035 0.06388677 0.15925838 -0.06388677 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173572 0.06385625 0.15918229 -0.06385625 PHA-665752 LOC100506433 0.06385155 0.15917056 -0.06385155 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198692 0.06384847 0.1591629 -0.06384847 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160973 0.06384823 0.1591623 -0.06384823 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125378 0.06382713 0.15910968 -0.06382713 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105136 0.06382119 0.15909487 0.06382119 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167011 0.06381587 0.15908161 0.06381587 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163145 0.06379923 0.15904011 -0.06379923 PHA-665752 ENSG00000109089 0.06379588 0.15903175 -0.06379588 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145321 0.06379499 0.15902953 -0.06379499 PHA-665752 C16orf88 0.06379493 0.1590294 -0.06379493 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125510 0.06379373 0.15902639 0.06379373 PHA-665752 ENSG00000146839 0.06379016 0.1590175 0.06379016 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132485 0.06377245 0.15897334 -0.06377245 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108239 0.06374007 0.1588926 -0.06374007 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138078 0.0637392 0.15889044 -0.0637392 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177692 0.06373454 0.15887881 -0.06373454 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187922 0.06372936 0.1588659 0.06372936 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163530 0.06372192 0.15884735 -0.06372192 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104921 0.0636871 0.15876051 -0.0636871 PHA-665752 ENSG00000203942 0.06367936 0.15874124 0.06367936 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197712 0.06367734 0.1587362 0.06367734 PHA-665752 ENSG00000088726 0.06366449 0.15870415 0.06366449 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107679 0.06365607 0.15868316 0.06365607 PHA-665752 ENSG00000066322 0.06365362 0.15867706 -0.06365362 PHA-665752 HEATR7B2 0.06365165 0.15867214 0.06365165 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103342 0.06365043 0.1586691 0.06365043 PHA-665752 ENSG00000121931 0.06364679 0.15866001 0.06364679 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177570 0.06363673 0.15863493 -0.06363673 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156384 0.06362917 0.15861609 -0.06362917 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125888 0.06362041 0.15859423 -0.06362041 PHA-665752 ENSG00000255974 0.0636059 0.15855806 -0.0636059 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132297 0.06359232 0.1585242 -0.06359232 PHA-665752 ENSG00000150433 0.0635754 0.158482 -0.0635754 PHA-665752 UQCC 0.06357496 0.15848092 0.06357496 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162896 0.06353436 0.15837967 0.06353436 PHA-665752 LOC100506757 0.063532 0.1583738 -0.063532 PHA-665752 ENSG00000221829 0.063511 0.15832142 0.063511 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108559 0.06349819 0.15828949 0.06349819 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141858 0.06349101 0.15827158 -0.06349101 PHA-665752 ENSG00000146373 0.06345207 0.15817448 0.06345207 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113645 0.06342632 0.1581103 -0.06342632 PHA-665752 ENSG00000072210 0.06342331 0.15810277 -0.06342331 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160183 0.06341992 0.15809433 -0.06341992 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173452 0.06341693 0.15808687 -0.06341693 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130812 0.06340825 0.15806523 -0.06340825 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136270 0.06339947 0.15804333 -0.06339947 PHA-665752 ENSG00000277071 0.06337478 0.15798178 -0.06337478 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100591 0.06336934 0.15796821 -0.06336934 PHA-665752 ENSG00000096384 0.06335895 0.1579423 0.06335895 PHA-665752 ENSG00000206075 0.06335087 0.15792215 -0.06335087 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167549 0.06334268 0.15790174 0.06334268 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116983 0.06332609 0.15786036 -0.06332609 PHA-665752 LOC100506075 0.06331367 0.1578294 0.06331367 PHA-665752 ENSG00000278032 0.06331159 0.15782421 -0.06331159 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162885 0.06330571 0.15780955 0.06330571 PHA-665752 ENSG00000221937 0.06329792 0.15779014 -0.06329792 PHA-665752 ENSG00000158748 0.06327336 0.1577289 0.06327336 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138629 0.06321909 0.15759357 0.06321909 PHA-665752 ENSG00000258818 0.06321764 0.15758995 -0.06321764 PHA-665752 ENSG00000090470 0.06320947 0.15756958 -0.06320947 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137474 0.06319565 0.15753512 -0.06319565 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197019 0.06318461 0.15750759 -0.06318461 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132746 0.0631831 0.15750382 0.0631831 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168005 0.06317115 0.15747403 0.06317115 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163689 0.06316379 0.15745568 0.06316379 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181274 0.06315463 0.15743284 -0.06315463 PHA-665752 ENSG00000089280 0.06311917 0.15734442 0.06311917 PHA-665752 ENSG00000073146 0.06311441 0.15733257 0.06311441 PHA-665752 LRG_258 0.06311284 0.15732865 -0.06311284 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164167 0.063106 0.15731159 -0.063106 PHA-665752 ENSG00000064995 0.06310174 0.15730097 -0.06310174 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196262 0.06310109 0.15729935 -0.06310109 PHA-665752 LOC100506497 0.0631002 0.15729713 -0.0631002 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171813 0.06307887 0.15724394 -0.06307887 PHA-665752 ZNF323 0.06307803 0.15724184 -0.06307803 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188921 0.06306777 0.15721627 0.06306777 PHA-665752 LRG_414 0.06306628 0.15721255 0.06306628 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125851 0.063052 0.15717695 -0.063052 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155659 0.06305067 0.15717362 0.06305067 PHA-665752 ENSG00000007516 0.06303891 0.15714431 0.06303891 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132518 0.06303571 0.15713632 0.06303571 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138308 0.06302969 0.15712132 -0.06302969 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180902 0.0630202 0.15709766 -0.0630202 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132405 0.06301196 0.15707712 0.06301196 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177542 0.06300982 0.15707178 0.06300982 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198900 0.06300442 0.1570583 -0.06300442 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151882 0.06300271 0.15705405 0.06300271 PHA-665752 KIAA1797 0.06300164 0.15705137 0.06300164 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157693 0.06298717 0.15701529 -0.06298717 PHA-665752 FAM40A 0.06296478 0.15695947 -0.06296478 PHA-665752 ENSG00000009709 0.06294551 0.15691142 -0.06294551 PHA-665752 ENSG00000189266 0.06294268 0.15690435 0.06294268 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159593 0.06293773 0.15689203 -0.06293773 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116786 0.06293097 0.15687516 0.06293097 PHA-665752 ENSG00000280830 0.06292766 0.1568669 0.06292766 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197496 0.06292706 0.15686542 0.06292706 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169371 0.06292328 0.15685598 -0.06292328 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100116 0.06292224 0.15685341 0.06292224 PHA-665752 ENSG00000070950 0.06291755 0.1568417 0.06291755 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166200 0.06290553 0.15681174 0.06290553 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169469 0.062897 0.15679045 -0.062897 PHA-665752 ENSG00000149196 0.06289179 0.15677747 0.06289179 PHA-665752 ENSG00000089250 0.0628825 0.1567543 -0.0628825 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168481 0.06287744 0.15674168 0.06287744 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164674 0.06287621 0.15673862 -0.06287621 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161643 0.06286816 0.15671856 0.06286816 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169241 0.06284917 0.1566712 -0.06284917 PHA-665752 ENSG00000234284 0.06283006 0.15662355 0.06283006 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170175 0.06282884 0.15662052 -0.06282884 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172508 0.06282402 0.15660849 -0.06282402 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173545 0.06282213 0.15660377 -0.06282213 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181090 0.06280815 0.15656891 -0.06280815 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132522 0.06280145 0.15655221 0.06280145 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163531 0.06278568 0.15651289 0.06278568 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113558 0.06278339 0.15650719 0.06278339 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172331 0.06277465 0.15648539 0.06277465 PHA-665752 C10orf108 0.06275913 0.1564467 0.06275913 PHA-665752 LOC100505711 0.06274005 0.15639911 -0.06274005 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186871 0.06273799 0.15639398 0.06273799 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123505 0.06273779 0.15639347 0.06273779 PHA-665752 LOC100506189 0.06273169 0.15637826 -0.06273169 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173237 0.06272751 0.15636784 0.06272751 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174498 0.06271929 0.15634736 0.06271929 PHA-665752 ENSG00000262785 0.0627168 0.15634114 -0.0627168 PHA-665752 ENSG00000050555 0.06267875 0.15624627 -0.06267875 PHA-665752 ENSG00000075624 0.0626718 0.15622894 0.0626718 PHA-665752 ENSG00000150054 0.06267046 0.15622561 -0.06267046 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111275 0.0626545 0.15618581 -0.0626545 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148942 0.06263737 0.15614308 -0.06263737 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151490 0.06263086 0.15612685 -0.06263086 PHA-665752 ENSG00000065717 0.06262353 0.15610857 -0.06262353 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137878 0.06262279 0.15610673 -0.06262279 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138346 0.0626097 0.15607409 -0.0626097 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140403 0.06260393 0.15605972 -0.06260393 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185513 0.06259877 0.15604685 -0.06259877 PHA-665752 ENSG00000049883 0.06259352 0.15603376 -0.06259352 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147383 0.06257946 0.15599871 -0.06257946 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115677 0.06257901 0.15599757 0.06257901 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129128 0.06257619 0.15599055 -0.06257619 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167515 0.06256283 0.15595723 0.06256283 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184347 0.06255355 0.15593409 0.06255355 PHA-665752 C10orf96 0.06254913 0.15592307 -0.06254913 PHA-665752 ENSG00000212866 0.06253923 0.15589838 -0.06253923 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117448 0.06253232 0.15588116 -0.06253232 PHA-665752 ENSG00000065518 0.06252578 0.15586484 0.06252578 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139292 0.06251746 0.15584411 -0.06251746 PHA-665752 ENSG00000280840 0.0625056 0.15581453 0.0625056 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115963 0.0625031 0.15580829 0.0625031 PHA-665752 ENSG00000073849 0.06249601 0.15579063 -0.06249601 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133997 0.06248865 0.15577227 0.06248865 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181585 0.06248214 0.15575603 0.06248214 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182255 0.06247494 0.15573808 -0.06247494 PHA-665752 ENSG00000277215 0.06246329 0.15570904 0.06246329 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169908 0.06246249 0.15570704 0.06246249 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159495 0.06245485 0.15568799 0.06245485 PHA-665752 ENSG00000213022 0.06245418 0.15568632 -0.06245418 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165457 0.062446 0.15566593 -0.062446 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196187 0.0624452 0.15566392 -0.0624452 PHA-665752 ENSG00000102218 0.06243821 0.15564649 -0.06243821 PHA-665752 LRG_101 0.06243234 0.15563186 -0.06243234 PHA-665752 LOC100507246 0.06242548 0.15561476 -0.06242548 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166869 0.06242536 0.15561445 -0.06242536 PHA-665752 LOC284632 0.06240473 0.15556301 -0.06240473 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198682 0.06238575 0.15551568 0.06238575 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163463 0.06237154 0.15548026 -0.06237154 PHA-665752 LOC100505554 0.0623683 0.15547219 -0.0623683 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105750 0.06236827 0.15547212 -0.06236827 PHA-665752 ENSG00000205763 0.06235613 0.15544184 0.06235613 PHA-665752 ENSG00000213417 0.06234816 0.15542197 -0.06234816 PHA-665752 ENSG00000255794 0.06233237 0.15538259 0.06233237 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198856 0.0623279 0.15537146 0.0623279 PHA-665752 PCDHB18 0.06232206 0.15535688 -0.06232206 PHA-665752 LOC100506470 0.06231371 0.15533607 0.06231371 PHA-665752 ENSG00000099956 0.06229494 0.15528927 -0.06229494 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163346 0.06229337 0.15528534 -0.06229337 PHA-665752 LOC100506122 0.06229176 0.15528133 0.06229176 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163644 0.06229025 0.15527757 -0.06229025 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116544 0.06229005 0.15527708 -0.06229005 PHA-665752 ENSG00000211796 0.06228937 0.15527538 0.06228937 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113312 0.06228296 0.15525939 0.06228296 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103227 0.06227228 0.15523275 0.06227228 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113732 0.06227215 0.15523243 0.06227215 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142949 0.06226867 0.15522377 0.06226867 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178538 0.06226127 0.15520531 0.06226127 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157450 0.06226094 0.15520448 -0.06226094 PHA-665752 ENSG00000059573 0.06224658 0.15516869 0.06224658 PHA-665752 ENSG00000012660 0.06224326 0.15516039 0.06224326 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133069 0.0622424 0.15515826 -0.0622424 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119321 0.06223743 0.15514587 -0.06223743 PHA-665752 ENSG00000235989 0.06222947 0.15512601 0.06222947 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196365 0.06222561 0.15511638 0.06222561 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145861 0.06222459 0.15511385 0.06222459 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156876 0.06222282 0.15510944 -0.06222282 PHA-665752 LOC100507034 0.06221762 0.15509648 0.06221762 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160050 0.06221191 0.15508224 0.06221191 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122136 0.06220005 0.15505267 0.06220005 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154059 0.06219 0.15502761 -0.06219 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184857 0.06211606 0.15484323 -0.06211606 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180287 0.06211597 0.15484301 -0.06211597 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169758 0.06210013 0.15480351 -0.06210013 PHA-665752 ENSG00000266028 0.06209622 0.15479377 -0.06209622 PHA-665752 LOC100128071 0.0620905 0.1547795 -0.0620905 PHA-665752 ENSG00000003756 0.06208947 0.15477694 -0.06208947 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187672 0.06206967 0.15472756 0.06206967 PHA-665752 ENSG00000227761 0.06204166 0.15465774 -0.06204166 PHA-665752 ENSG00000126756 0.06204016 0.154654 -0.06204016 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182199 0.06202949 0.15462738 0.06202949 PHA-665752 ENSG00000066583 0.06202854 0.154625 -0.06202854 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100206 0.06202479 0.15461567 -0.06202479 PHA-665752 LOC100507277 0.06202423 0.15461428 0.06202423 PHA-665752 ENSG00000099246 0.06201991 0.1546035 0.06201991 PHA-665752 ENSG00000090402 0.06201212 0.15458406 -0.06201212 PHA-665752 ENSG00000074695 0.06200364 0.15456292 -0.06200364 PHA-665752 ENSG00000092445 0.0619983 0.15454961 0.0619983 PHA-665752 ENSG00000230341 0.06199041 0.15452994 -0.06199041 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163319 0.06198829 0.15452464 0.06198829 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133115 0.06198363 0.15451304 -0.06198363 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131873 0.06196496 0.15446649 0.06196496 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107018 0.06195435 0.15444002 -0.06195435 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204669 0.06194299 0.1544117 0.06194299 PHA-665752 ENSG00000149503 0.06194288 0.15441143 0.06194288 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168594 0.06193602 0.15439432 0.06193602 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183092 0.06193399 0.15438925 0.06193399 PHA-665752 LOC100506195 0.06192802 0.15437436 -0.06192802 PHA-665752 ENSG00000274276 0.06192173 0.15435869 0.06192173 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105851 0.0619207 0.15435611 -0.0619207 PHA-665752 ENSG00000086504 0.0618884 0.15427559 0.0618884 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172869 0.0618883 0.15427534 -0.0618883 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116809 0.06188431 0.15426539 -0.06188431 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170807 0.06186681 0.15422176 -0.06186681 PHA-665752 C3orf51 0.06186513 0.15421757 -0.06186513 PHA-665752 ENSG00000226402 0.06183293 0.15413727 0.06183293 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182220 0.06182633 0.15412081 0.06182633 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164109 0.06182165 0.15410914 0.06182165 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154451 0.06181331 0.15408834 -0.06181331 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137133 0.06180119 0.15405814 0.06180119 PHA-665752 ENSG00000006756 0.06179758 0.15404913 -0.06179758 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166091 0.06179597 0.15404512 -0.06179597 PHA-665752 LOC339524 0.06179083 0.15403229 -0.06179083 PHA-665752 ENSG00000005379 0.06179051 0.1540315 -0.06179051 PHA-665752 LRG_515 0.06178756 0.15402414 0.06178756 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198836 0.06177998 0.15400524 0.06177998 PHA-665752 LOC100505564 0.06176933 0.15397868 -0.06176933 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198131 0.06176161 0.15395945 0.06176161 PHA-665752 ENSG00000229074 0.06175811 0.15395072 -0.06175811 PHA-665752 LRG_208 0.06175261 0.15393699 0.06175261 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160075 0.0617454 0.15391902 -0.0617454 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165841 0.06174418 0.15391599 -0.06174418 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143365 0.06172466 0.1538673 -0.06172466 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196739 0.06172391 0.15386544 0.06172391 PHA-665752 ENSG00000076043 0.06172075 0.15385757 0.06172075 PHA-665752 LOC100506312 0.06171838 0.15385165 -0.06171838 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151116 0.06171739 0.15384917 0.06171739 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160752 0.06170786 0.15382542 -0.06170786 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105370 0.06170543 0.15381936 0.06170543 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135144 0.06170248 0.153812 0.06170248 PHA-665752 ENSG00000078900 0.0616803 0.1537567 -0.0616803 PHA-665752 LOC100505519 0.06168008 0.15375615 0.06168008 PHA-665752 LOC387723 0.06167109 0.15373374 -0.06167109 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132639 0.06164834 0.153677 0.06164834 PHA-665752 ENSG00000006611 0.06164381 0.15366571 0.06164381 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187796 0.06163344 0.15363985 -0.06163344 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161800 0.06162783 0.15362587 -0.06162783 PHA-665752 ENSG00000203724 0.06162659 0.15362278 -0.06162659 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159899 0.06162363 0.1536154 -0.06162363 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166860 0.06162352 0.15361511 -0.06162352 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168528 0.06162144 0.15360993 0.06162144 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106128 0.06161929 0.15360458 0.06161929 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169118 0.06161418 0.15359183 -0.06161418 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151413 0.06161005 0.15358154 -0.06161005 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164329 0.06158932 0.15352984 -0.06158932 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117713 0.06158416 0.15351697 -0.06158416 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196591 0.06157779 0.15350109 0.06157779 PHA-665752 ENSG00000090238 0.06156931 0.15347995 0.06156931 PHA-665752 SRG7 0.06155925 0.15345487 0.06155925 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164403 0.06155731 0.15345003 0.06155731 PHA-665752 LOC442075 0.06155527 0.15344495 -0.06155527 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170516 0.06154984 0.1534314 -0.06154984 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168539 0.06153052 0.15338322 0.06153052 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105677 0.06151319 0.15334003 -0.06151319 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135677 0.06150959 0.15333103 0.06150959 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123552 0.06149672 0.15329895 -0.06149672 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176894 0.06148952 0.15328099 0.06148952 PHA-665752 C1orf9 0.06148436 0.15326813 0.06148436 PHA-665752 ENSG00000203965 0.06145162 0.15318649 0.06145162 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163584 0.06144314 0.15316537 0.06144314 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162613 0.06143939 0.15315601 -0.06143939 PHA-665752 LOC100129502 0.06143892 0.15315483 0.06143892 PHA-665752 LOC284294 0.06143718 0.15315049 0.06143718 PHA-665752 ENSG00000078795 0.0614358 0.15314706 0.0614358 PHA-665752 ENSG00000230513 0.06138929 0.15303109 0.06138929 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117620 0.06138848 0.15302907 -0.06138848 PHA-665752 ENSG00000109576 0.06137482 0.152995 0.06137482 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108828 0.06131913 0.15285614 0.06131913 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103184 0.0613179 0.15285308 -0.0613179 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127529 0.06130462 0.15281997 0.06130462 PHA-665752 ENSG00000269313 0.0612999 0.1528082 0.0612999 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130779 0.06129193 0.15278833 -0.06129193 PHA-665752 ENSG00000213406 0.06128528 0.15277175 0.06128528 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159322 0.06127326 0.15274177 -0.06127326 PHA-665752 ENSG00000213020 0.06126179 0.15271318 -0.06126179 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185650 0.06125729 0.15270196 -0.06125729 PHA-665752 LOC285423 0.06125162 0.15268782 -0.06125162 PHA-665752 ENSG00000091164 0.06125041 0.15268479 -0.06125041 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116213 0.06124882 0.15268083 -0.06124882 PHA-665752 LOC100507288 0.06122742 0.15262747 0.06122742 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185722 0.0612205 0.15261021 0.0612205 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105229 0.06121868 0.15260568 0.06121868 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123219 0.06121168 0.15258822 -0.06121168 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154447 0.06119321 0.15254218 0.06119321 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130433 0.06117599 0.15249924 0.06117599 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138594 0.06117527 0.15249743 -0.06117527 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165025 0.06116852 0.15248062 -0.06116852 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159261 0.06116851 0.15248057 -0.06116851 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178226 0.06115875 0.15245626 0.06115875 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170234 0.06115301 0.15244193 -0.06115301 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142082 0.06114254 0.15241583 -0.06114254 PHA-665752 ENSG00000230006 0.06112156 0.15236352 -0.06112156 PHA-665752 ENSG00000081019 0.06111518 0.15234761 -0.06111518 PHA-665752 ENSG00000235711 0.06108857 0.15228125 -0.06108857 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105499 0.06107278 0.15224188 -0.06107278 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101190 0.06106323 0.15221808 0.06106323 PHA-665752 ENSG00000075336 0.06105225 0.15219069 -0.06105225 PHA-665752 C14orf49 0.0610443 0.15217088 -0.0610443 PHA-665752 C14orf118 0.06104374 0.15216948 -0.06104374 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104177 0.06102609 0.15212548 -0.06102609 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172023 0.06102254 0.15211661 -0.06102254 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166086 0.06101713 0.15210314 0.06101713 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166787 0.0610109 0.15208759 0.0610109 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198925 0.06100995 0.15208522 0.06100995 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132478 0.06100305 0.15206802 -0.06100305 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122180 0.0609994 0.15205891 -0.0609994 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125462 0.06099022 0.15203603 0.06099022 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131037 0.06098654 0.15202684 -0.06098654 PHA-665752 ENSG00000110218 0.06096768 0.15197983 0.06096768 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136636 0.06096425 0.15197128 -0.06096425 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179083 0.06095855 0.15195705 -0.06095855 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135316 0.06094233 0.15191662 -0.06094233 PHA-665752 ENSG00000275499 0.06093357 0.15189479 0.06093357 PHA-665752 LRG_754 0.06092605 0.15187603 -0.06092605 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170606 0.06091644 0.15185207 0.06091644 PHA-665752 C6orf72 0.0609149 0.15184822 -0.0609149 PHA-665752 ENSG00000275095 0.06090776 0.15183041 -0.06090776 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106689 0.06090045 0.15181218 0.06090045 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124215 0.0608901 0.15178639 -0.0608901 PHA-665752 ENSG00000084652 0.06088499 0.15177365 -0.06088499 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130489 0.060878 0.15175623 0.060878 PHA-665752 ENSG00000020633 0.06086457 0.15172272 0.06086457 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107731 0.06085448 0.15169758 -0.06085448 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173894 0.06085397 0.1516963 0.06085397 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119718 0.06084492 0.15167374 -0.06084492 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128683 0.06083031 0.15163731 0.06083031 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197497 0.06082704 0.15162916 0.06082704 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162078 0.06082695 0.15162892 0.06082695 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112977 0.06079917 0.15155966 -0.06079917 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136319 0.06079311 0.15154454 -0.06079311 PHA-665752 LOC730236 0.0607895 0.15153555 0.0607895 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106605 0.06076825 0.15148255 0.06076825 PHA-665752 ENSG00000092140 0.06076706 0.15147959 -0.06076706 PHA-665752 LOC440335 0.06076412 0.15147227 0.06076412 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176974 0.06076191 0.15146674 0.06076191 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142871 0.06076185 0.1514666 0.06076185 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140553 0.06076066 0.15146364 0.06076066 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137161 0.06075895 0.15145937 0.06075895 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141873 0.06073533 0.15140047 -0.06073533 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124383 0.06072061 0.15136378 0.06072061 PHA-665752 ENSG00000280688 0.06071247 0.15134348 -0.06071247 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134909 0.06069194 0.15129228 -0.06069194 PHA-665752 LRG_380 0.0606893 0.15128572 -0.0606893 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159256 0.06067396 0.15124747 -0.06067396 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177380 0.06066824 0.1512332 -0.06066824 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112130 0.06066132 0.15121595 0.06066132 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198954 0.06064809 0.15118295 0.06064809 PHA-665752 ENSG00000006534 0.06064746 0.15118139 -0.06064746 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128626 0.06064319 0.15117074 0.06064319 PHA-665752 ENSG00000121871 0.06063453 0.15114913 0.06063453 PHA-665752 ENSG00000278889 0.06061778 0.15110736 0.06061778 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171847 0.06060271 0.1510698 -0.06060271 PHA-665752 ENSG00000088179 0.06059945 0.15106168 -0.06059945 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115526 0.06059806 0.15105821 0.06059806 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132153 0.06059021 0.15103863 -0.06059021 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144848 0.06058899 0.15103558 0.06058899 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134369 0.06058363 0.15102222 0.06058363 PHA-665752 ENSG00000059378 0.06057261 0.15099475 0.06057261 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100083 0.06054828 0.15093409 -0.06054828 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136813 0.06053612 0.15090377 -0.06053612 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165113 0.06053342 0.15089703 -0.06053342 PHA-665752 ENSG00000146385 0.0605139 0.15084836 0.0605139 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135778 0.0605138 0.15084811 0.0605138 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154133 0.06050925 0.15083677 0.06050925 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107949 0.06049327 0.15079691 0.06049327 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108187 0.06047068 0.1507406 -0.06047068 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167775 0.06046958 0.15073785 0.06046958 PHA-665752 ENSG00000024422 0.06046461 0.15072546 -0.06046461 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147548 0.06044013 0.15066443 -0.06044013 PHA-665752 ENSG00000077514 0.06043998 0.15066403 -0.06043998 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197603 0.0604305 0.1506404 -0.0604305 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178623 0.06042286 0.15062135 -0.06042286 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169330 0.06041646 0.15060539 0.06041646 PHA-665752 LOC100505746 0.06039543 0.15055296 -0.06039543 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105732 0.06039143 0.15054299 -0.06039143 PHA-665752 LOC100506687 0.06037558 0.15050345 -0.06037558 PHA-665752 ENSG00000214324 0.06036856 0.15048596 -0.06036856 PHA-665752 LOC100129476 0.06036801 0.15048459 0.06036801 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169217 0.06036608 0.15047978 0.06036608 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180083 0.06036189 0.15046932 -0.06036189 PHA-665752 ENSG00000152377 0.06035848 0.15046083 0.06035848 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147789 0.06035336 0.15044807 -0.06035336 PHA-665752 ENSG00000205268 0.06033541 0.1504033 -0.06033541 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133687 0.06032221 0.15037039 -0.06032221 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172667 0.06031234 0.15034579 0.06031234 PHA-665752 ENSG00000066735 0.0603098 0.15033944 -0.0603098 PHA-665752 ENSG00000152402 0.0603026 0.1503215 -0.0603026 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144445 0.06029426 0.15030071 0.06029426 PHA-665752 ENSG00000070501 0.06028881 0.15028711 -0.06028881 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159527 0.06028434 0.15027597 0.06028434 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145863 0.06027137 0.15024361 -0.06027137 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148053 0.0602597 0.15021451 0.0602597 PHA-665752 ENSG00000089682 0.06025112 0.15019313 -0.06025112 PHA-665752 ENSG00000269226 0.06023987 0.15016508 0.06023987 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198189 0.06021938 0.15011399 -0.06021938 PHA-665752 ENSG00000149100 0.06021663 0.15010713 -0.06021663 PHA-665752 ENSG00000074800 0.06021151 0.15009436 0.06021151 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171843 0.06020721 0.15008364 -0.06020721 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164093 0.06018942 0.15003929 -0.06018942 PHA-665752 LOC100506733 0.06018891 0.15003802 -0.06018891 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198369 0.06018364 0.15002487 0.06018364 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112874 0.06018327 0.15002396 -0.06018327 PHA-665752 ENSG00000152422 0.06017222 0.14999639 0.06017222 PHA-665752 ENSG00000057657 0.06013138 0.14989457 -0.06013138 PHA-665752 ENSG00000225190 0.06011692 0.1498585 0.06011692 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185475 0.0600915 0.14979513 0.0600915 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168056 0.0600909 0.14979363 -0.0600909 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163818 0.06008471 0.1497782 -0.06008471 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105538 0.06008074 0.1497683 0.06008074 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167770 0.06006926 0.14973968 0.06006926 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163993 0.06006466 0.1497282 -0.06006466 PHA-665752 ENSG00000206445 0.06005794 0.14971145 0.06005794 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135824 0.06003394 0.14965162 -0.06003394 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169087 0.06002826 0.14963745 0.06002826 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197901 0.0600218 0.14962133 -0.0600218 PHA-665752 ENSG00000152127 0.06001613 0.1496072 0.06001613 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174516 0.06001496 0.14960429 0.06001496 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101199 0.06000976 0.14959131 0.06000976 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148584 0.0600006 0.14956849 -0.0600006 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196588 0.05999747 0.14956068 0.05999747 PHA-665752 FLJ39534 0.05999106 0.14954468 0.05999106 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143384 0.05998998 0.14954199 -0.05998998 PHA-665752 ENSG00000146678 0.05998803 0.14953714 0.05998803 PHA-665752 ENSG00000224877 0.05997553 0.14950595 -0.05997553 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154162 0.05995046 0.14944346 -0.05995046 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171469 0.05994439 0.14942833 -0.05994439 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104953 0.0599417 0.14942162 0.0599417 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111860 0.0599411 0.14942012 0.0599411 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141446 0.05993832 0.14941319 -0.05993832 PHA-665752 LOC255167 0.05991447 0.14935372 -0.05991447 PHA-665752 ENSG00000049860 0.05988445 0.14927886 0.05988445 PHA-665752 ENSG00000008441 0.05987447 0.14925397 0.05987447 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125285 0.05986775 0.14923723 -0.05986775 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186895 0.05986089 0.14922012 0.05986089 PHA-665752 ENSG00000075239 0.0598473 0.14918624 -0.0598473 PHA-665752 ENSG00000153561 0.05984465 0.14917963 0.05984465 PHA-665752 LOC286184 0.05984116 0.14917092 -0.05984116 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162746 0.05981711 0.14911094 0.05981711 PHA-665752 KIAA1704 0.0598136 0.14910221 0.0598136 PHA-665752 C21orf56 0.05981144 0.14909682 -0.05981144 PHA-665752 ENSG00000068137 0.05980756 0.14908715 -0.05980756 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186487 0.05980288 0.14907547 0.05980288 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124429 0.05980007 0.14906846 -0.05980007 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171497 0.05979997 0.14906823 -0.05979997 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167674 0.05978076 0.14902031 0.05978076 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154415 0.05977583 0.14900802 -0.05977583 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167460 0.0597755 0.14900721 0.0597755 PHA-665752 ENSG00000076826 0.05976987 0.14899315 -0.05976987 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165424 0.05975086 0.14894576 0.05975086 PHA-665752 ENSG00000158714 0.05974267 0.14892535 0.05974267 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163359 0.05973772 0.14891301 -0.05973772 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162496 0.05973402 0.14890377 -0.05973402 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163468 0.0597296 0.14889276 0.0597296 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132874 0.05972884 0.14889086 -0.05972884 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122126 0.05971639 0.14885983 0.05971639 PHA-665752 LOC100506484 0.05970986 0.14884353 -0.05970986 PHA-665752 ENSG00000097046 0.05969003 0.14879408 0.05969003 PHA-665752 ENSG00000019995 0.05968404 0.14877915 0.05968404 PHA-665752 ENSG00000073670 0.05967151 0.1487479 -0.05967151 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179603 0.0596612 0.14872221 -0.0596612 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159069 0.05966041 0.14872024 -0.05966041 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117461 0.05965191 0.14869904 0.05965191 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131126 0.05964758 0.14868823 0.05964758 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176125 0.05964648 0.14868551 -0.05964648 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113296 0.05961973 0.14861879 -0.05961973 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186395 0.05961822 0.14861503 0.05961822 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134108 0.05961219 0.1486 0.05961219 PHA-665752 LOC100505820 0.05961096 0.14859692 0.05961096 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140675 0.05960468 0.14858127 0.05960468 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115596 0.05958533 0.14853303 0.05958533 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164197 0.05958313 0.14852755 -0.05958313 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179218 0.05957892 0.14851704 -0.05957892 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204897 0.05957212 0.14850009 -0.05957212 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180530 0.05955966 0.14846902 0.05955966 PHA-665752 ENSG00000213390 0.05955166 0.14844908 -0.05955166 PHA-665752 ENSG00000146618 0.05954849 0.14844116 0.05954849 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171735 0.05954263 0.14842657 0.05954263 PHA-665752 ENSG00000072134 0.05952318 0.14837805 0.05952318 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168872 0.05952054 0.14837149 -0.05952054 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140090 0.05951328 0.14835337 0.05951328 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197006 0.05950532 0.14833352 0.05950532 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103460 0.05948816 0.14829073 0.05948816 PHA-665752 LOC284023 0.05948791 0.14829013 -0.05948791 PHA-665752 ENSG00000214510 0.05946888 0.14824267 -0.05946888 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136231 0.05946039 0.14822149 -0.05946039 PHA-665752 ENSG00000121897 0.05945137 0.14819902 0.05945137 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148516 0.05944769 0.14818983 0.05944769 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117614 0.05942924 0.14814383 0.05942924 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169255 0.05942349 0.14812949 -0.05942349 PHA-665752 LOC388942 0.05942254 0.14812712 0.05942254 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127554 0.05940605 0.148086 0.05940605 PHA-665752 LOC100128640 0.05936998 0.14799606 0.05936998 PHA-665752 ENSG00000221930 0.05936592 0.14798595 -0.05936592 PHA-665752 ENSG00000048392 0.05935616 0.14796161 -0.05935616 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129219 0.0593504 0.14794724 0.0593504 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176986 0.05934848 0.14794246 -0.05934848 PHA-665752 ENSG00000051523 0.05934365 0.14793042 0.05934365 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161243 0.05933549 0.14791007 -0.05933549 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163884 0.05933401 0.14790639 0.05933401 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185418 0.05931818 0.1478669 -0.05931818 PHA-665752 ENSG00000110958 0.05930912 0.14784432 0.05930912 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147853 0.05930907 0.14784419 -0.05930907 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141639 0.05930106 0.14782423 0.05930106 PHA-665752 tAKR 0.05929075 0.14779852 0.05929075 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155744 0.05928216 0.1477771 0.05928216 PHA-665752 ENSG00000228284 0.05926572 0.14773609 0.05926572 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137942 0.05924179 0.14767643 0.05924179 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166592 0.05922907 0.14764473 0.05922907 PHA-665752 ENSG00000049540 0.05922856 0.14764343 -0.05922856 PHA-665752 C2orf29 0.05922485 0.14763419 -0.05922485 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120278 0.05921091 0.14759945 0.05921091 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123106 0.0592086 0.14759367 0.0592086 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143387 0.05920509 0.14758491 -0.05920509 PHA-665752 ENSG00000214113 0.05920378 0.14758165 -0.05920378 PHA-665752 ENSG00000126231 0.05920037 0.14757315 -0.05920037 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130368 0.05919808 0.14756744 0.05919808 PHA-665752 LOC100131354 0.05919585 0.14756188 -0.05919585 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123612 0.05919214 0.14755263 -0.05919214 PHA-665752 ENSG00000215018 0.05918801 0.14754234 0.05918801 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135747 0.05917314 0.14750525 0.05917314 PHA-665752 LOC284454 0.05916936 0.14749583 -0.05916936 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198707 0.05915989 0.14747223 0.05915989 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147459 0.05915376 0.14745693 -0.05915376 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130988 0.05914685 0.14743969 -0.05914685 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124575 0.05914665 0.1474392 0.05914665 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198231 0.05914385 0.14743222 -0.05914385 PHA-665752 ENSG00000126247 0.05914061 0.14742416 -0.05914061 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133985 0.05913841 0.14741865 -0.05913841 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119655 0.05913503 0.14741024 -0.05913503 PHA-665752 ODZ4 0.05913329 0.14740589 0.05913329 PHA-665752 ENSG00000099864 0.05912614 0.14738806 -0.05912614 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148143 0.05912454 0.14738407 0.05912454 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179774 0.05912062 0.1473743 -0.05912062 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144746 0.05909083 0.14730003 0.05909083 PHA-665752 LOC100652951 0.05908792 0.14729277 -0.05908792 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155760 0.05908633 0.1472888 0.05908633 PHA-665752 ENSG00000013619 0.05906476 0.14723503 0.05906476 PHA-665752 ENSG00000278843 0.05906242 0.14722919 0.05906242 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112290 0.05905931 0.14722142 0.05905931 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138095 0.05905851 0.14721944 0.05905851 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154845 0.05905697 0.14721559 -0.05905697 PHA-665752 ENSG00000088035 0.0590519 0.14720296 0.0590519 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160179 0.05904865 0.14719485 0.05904865 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120149 0.05904434 0.1471841 0.05904434 PHA-665752 ENSG00000248019 0.05904128 0.14717648 -0.05904128 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198963 0.05904078 0.14717522 -0.05904078 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183662 0.05903119 0.14715131 0.05903119 PHA-665752 ENSG00000223773 0.05902847 0.14714453 -0.05902847 PHA-665752 ENSG00000013563 0.05902343 0.14713198 0.05902343 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138172 0.05900439 0.14708448 0.05900439 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100376 0.0589976 0.14706756 -0.0589976 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136153 0.05899288 0.14705579 -0.05899288 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159723 0.0589752 0.1470117 -0.0589752 PHA-665752 ENSG00000087077 0.05896991 0.14699851 0.05896991 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198586 0.05895047 0.14695004 0.05895047 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196188 0.05892488 0.14688625 0.05892488 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174579 0.05891209 0.14685436 -0.05891209 PHA-665752 LOC100506769 0.05890698 0.14684161 0.05890698 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154198 0.05887427 0.14676005 -0.05887427 PHA-665752 ENSG00000002745 0.05887294 0.14675672 0.05887294 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164825 0.05886774 0.14674377 0.05886774 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188488 0.05886264 0.14673106 0.05886264 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147601 0.05885577 0.14671392 0.05885577 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166148 0.05883979 0.14667408 0.05883979 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171604 0.05883689 0.14666684 -0.05883689 PHA-665752 ENSG00000034677 0.05878913 0.14654776 0.05878913 PHA-665752 ENSG00000236384 0.05878414 0.14653532 0.05878414 PHA-665752 ENSG00000126216 0.05878031 0.14652575 0.05878031 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145779 0.05877027 0.14650073 -0.05877027 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157343 0.05876063 0.14647669 -0.05876063 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164325 0.05874329 0.14643345 -0.05874329 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198931 0.05873703 0.14641784 -0.05873703 PHA-665752 ENSG00000087299 0.05872432 0.14638615 -0.05872432 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204128 0.05871058 0.14635189 0.05871058 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165474 0.05871051 0.14635171 0.05871051 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105323 0.05870265 0.14633213 -0.05870265 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179431 0.05868524 0.14628871 0.05868524 PHA-665752 C17orf101 0.05867257 0.14625713 -0.05867257 PHA-665752 ENSG00000277775 0.0586665 0.14624197 0.0586665 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136986 0.05866514 0.1462386 -0.05866514 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160746 0.05866281 0.14623279 0.05866281 PHA-665752 ENSG00000280497 0.05865399 0.1462108 -0.05865399 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145632 0.05864027 0.14617657 0.05864027 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176915 0.05863718 0.14616887 -0.05863718 PHA-665752 GTPBP5 0.05862367 0.14613518 0.05862367 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177311 0.05862167 0.1461302 0.05862167 PHA-665752 CXorf26 0.05861708 0.14611876 0.05861708 PHA-665752 ENSG00000152784 0.0585961 0.14606643 0.0585961 PHA-665752 ENSG00000093072 0.05859549 0.14606493 -0.05859549 PHA-665752 ENSG00000109458 0.05859008 0.14605143 0.05859008 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164920 0.05857704 0.14601892 -0.05857704 PHA-665752 ENSG00000213066 0.05857383 0.14601092 -0.05857383 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105467 0.05857382 0.14601088 0.05857382 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177842 0.05857084 0.14600347 0.05857084 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164309 0.0585593 0.14597469 -0.0585593 PHA-665752 ENSG00000049249 0.05855643 0.14596753 0.05855643 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175895 0.05854705 0.14594415 0.05854705 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131236 0.05854034 0.14592741 0.05854034 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147364 0.05852659 0.14589314 0.05852659 PHA-665752 LOC100505624 0.05852548 0.14589036 0.05852548 PHA-665752 ENSG00000079819 0.05852469 0.1458884 0.05852469 PHA-665752 LOC100505633 0.05851825 0.14587233 -0.05851825 PHA-665752 ENSG00000078747 0.0585085 0.14584803 0.0585085 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104327 0.05849392 0.14581166 -0.05849392 PHA-665752 ENSG00000047621 0.05848013 0.14577728 0.05848013 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166847 0.05847888 0.14577416 0.05847888 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198680 0.05846665 0.14574367 -0.05846665 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187010 0.0584576 0.1457211 -0.0584576 PHA-665752 ENSG00000075043 0.05844461 0.14568871 -0.05844461 PHA-665752 LOC284408 0.05844312 0.14568499 -0.05844312 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165219 0.05842948 0.145651 0.05842948 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143520 0.05842562 0.14564136 -0.05842562 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148835 0.05842316 0.14563524 -0.05842316 PHA-665752 ENSG00000006747 0.05842033 0.14562818 0.05842033 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101608 0.05842019 0.14562783 -0.05842019 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123240 0.05841868 0.14562406 0.05841868 PHA-665752 ENSG00000126001 0.05840864 0.14559904 -0.05840864 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179335 0.05840539 0.14559093 0.05840539 PHA-665752 ENSG00000213316 0.05840483 0.14558953 -0.05840483 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184524 0.05839872 0.14557429 0.05839872 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115282 0.05839842 0.14557354 -0.05839842 PHA-665752 ENSG00000205250 0.05838414 0.14553793 -0.05838414 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130813 0.05838233 0.14553343 0.05838233 PHA-665752 LOC100505601 0.05837928 0.14552582 0.05837928 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168517 0.05837033 0.14550349 0.05837033 PHA-665752 ENSG00000275395 0.05836443 0.1454888 -0.05836443 PHA-665752 LOC100506406 0.05835867 0.14547443 0.05835867 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155592 0.05835827 0.14547344 0.05835827 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164758 0.05833614 0.14541825 -0.05833614 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100593 0.05833463 0.14541449 -0.05833463 PHA-665752 WDR96 0.0583304 0.14540394 0.0583304 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186591 0.05832615 0.14539335 0.05832615 PHA-665752 ENSG00000083817 0.05831434 0.14536389 -0.05831434 PHA-665752 ENSG00000089154 0.05831261 0.14535959 -0.05831261 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162722 0.0583124 0.14535906 0.0583124 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125868 0.05831227 0.14535873 0.05831227 PHA-665752 ENSG00000057663 0.05830899 0.14535056 0.05830899 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108375 0.05830322 0.14533616 -0.05830322 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105220 0.05830022 0.1453287 -0.05830022 PHA-665752 LOC284080 0.05828988 0.1453029 0.05828988 PHA-665752 ENSG00000271880 0.05828165 0.14528239 -0.05828165 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159184 0.05827933 0.14527661 0.05827933 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140505 0.05827706 0.14527094 0.05827706 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196792 0.05826547 0.14524205 -0.05826547 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145824 0.05826268 0.14523509 0.05826268 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169860 0.05822491 0.14514092 -0.05822491 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124333 0.05821767 0.14512286 0.05821767 PHA-665752 ENSG00000034693 0.05821192 0.14510851 0.05821192 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115295 0.05821005 0.14510386 0.05821005 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135114 0.05820362 0.14508783 0.05820362 PHA-665752 ENSG00000240694 0.05819934 0.14507716 0.05819934 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165240 0.05818973 0.14505318 0.05818973 PHA-665752 ENSG00000072858 0.05817824 0.14502453 -0.05817824 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112308 0.05817598 0.14501889 0.05817598 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181552 0.05816921 0.14500202 0.05816921 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141298 0.05816614 0.14499437 -0.05816614 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114982 0.05816041 0.14498007 -0.05816041 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161180 0.05815083 0.14495619 0.05815083 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112312 0.05813805 0.14492434 0.05813805 PHA-665752 ENSG00000092010 0.05812852 0.14490057 -0.05812852 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163956 0.05812302 0.14488685 0.05812302 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173273 0.05811783 0.14487392 -0.05811783 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105325 0.05810887 0.14485157 0.05810887 PHA-665752 ENSG00000088205 0.05810472 0.14484123 0.05810472 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117748 0.05808014 0.14477994 -0.05808014 PHA-665752 ENSG00000236678 0.05805426 0.14471541 0.05805426 PHA-665752 ENSG00000071082 0.05805127 0.14470794 -0.05805127 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105656 0.05803915 0.14467772 -0.05803915 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187189 0.05803698 0.14467232 -0.05803698 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177673 0.05802798 0.14464986 0.05802798 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134686 0.058027 0.14464744 0.058027 PHA-665752 CCDC135 0.0580244 0.14464095 -0.0580244 PHA-665752 ENSG00000153832 0.05802274 0.14463682 -0.05802274 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101126 0.05801458 0.14461647 -0.05801458 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123064 0.0580017 0.14458434 0.0580017 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119514 0.05799608 0.14457034 -0.05799608 PHA-665752 LOC100128788 0.05798912 0.14455297 0.05798912 PHA-665752 ENSG00000214160 0.05798782 0.14454975 -0.05798782 PHA-665752 ENSG00000205795 0.0579778 0.14452475 0.0579778 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106991 0.05796577 0.14449475 0.05796577 PHA-665752 ENSG00000060140 0.05793978 0.14442995 -0.05793978 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163694 0.05793006 0.14440571 0.05793006 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138028 0.05791974 0.14437999 -0.05791974 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163377 0.05791128 0.14435888 0.05791128 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125966 0.05789227 0.14431149 -0.05789227 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168216 0.05788982 0.14430538 0.05788982 PHA-665752 ENSG00000109390 0.05788876 0.14430275 -0.05788876 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159403 0.05787149 0.14425967 -0.05787149 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198846 0.05787081 0.14425798 -0.05787081 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140939 0.05785725 0.14422418 0.05785725 PHA-665752 ENSG00000150593 0.0578213 0.14413452 -0.0578213 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198130 0.05780325 0.14408953 -0.05780325 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187730 0.0578018 0.14408591 -0.0578018 PHA-665752 ENSG00000078687 0.0577983 0.14407719 0.0577983 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115145 0.05778896 0.14405389 0.05778896 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137709 0.05777693 0.1440239 0.05777693 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185633 0.05776838 0.14400257 -0.05776838 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106852 0.05776827 0.14400231 0.05776827 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175265 0.05775513 0.14396953 0.05775513 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100577 0.05774702 0.14394933 0.05774702 PHA-665752 ENSG00000214078 0.05773773 0.14392616 0.05773773 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197826 0.05772339 0.14389039 -0.05772339 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147488 0.05771902 0.14387951 -0.05771902 PHA-665752 ENSG00000248098 0.05770939 0.14385548 -0.05770939 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112799 0.0576714 0.14376075 -0.0576714 PHA-665752 ENSG00000231028 0.05766899 0.14375475 -0.05766899 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124786 0.05765413 0.1437177 0.05765413 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163207 0.05765147 0.14371108 -0.05765147 PHA-665752 ENSG00000090060 0.0576394 0.14368097 -0.0576394 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123473 0.05763914 0.14368033 -0.05763914 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111716 0.05763911 0.14368024 0.05763911 PHA-665752 KIAA1530 0.05762943 0.14365612 0.05762943 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184402 0.05762785 0.14365219 0.05762785 PHA-665752 ENSG00000230630 0.05762216 0.14363798 -0.05762216 PHA-665752 ENSG00000269891 0.05761691 0.14362491 0.05761691 PHA-665752 ENSG00000213782 0.05760356 0.14359162 0.05760356 PHA-665752 ENSG00000273086 0.05759552 0.14357156 -0.05759552 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142182 0.05759011 0.14355809 -0.05759011 PHA-665752 MKI67IP 0.0575844 0.14354383 0.0575844 PHA-665752 ENSG00000269220 0.05758153 0.14353669 -0.05758153 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166260 0.05757676 0.1435248 -0.05757676 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167487 0.05756869 0.14350467 -0.05756869 PHA-665752 ENSG00000032444 0.05756423 0.14349354 -0.05756423 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138035 0.05756345 0.14349159 0.05756345 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164871 0.05755319 0.14346601 0.05755319 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168301 0.05754554 0.14344693 -0.05754554 PHA-665752 ENSG00000230923 0.05754425 0.14344373 0.05754425 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147592 0.05754099 0.1434356 -0.05754099 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163749 0.05752504 0.14339583 -0.05752504 PHA-665752 ENSG00000077463 0.05751421 0.14336882 0.05751421 PHA-665752 ENSG00000121005 0.057512 0.1433633 -0.057512 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112335 0.05750899 0.14335581 -0.05750899 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132507 0.05750343 0.14334196 0.05750343 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163393 0.05748901 0.14330598 0.05748901 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132702 0.057478 0.14327855 0.057478 PHA-665752 CXorf59 0.05747653 0.14327487 -0.05747653 PHA-665752 ENSG00000153822 0.0574536 0.1432177 0.0574536 PHA-665752 ENSG00000040531 0.05744005 0.14318391 -0.05744005 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106263 0.05743662 0.14317535 -0.05743662 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186104 0.0574334 0.14316733 -0.0574334 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141429 0.05741714 0.14312678 0.05741714 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163684 0.05741503 0.14312153 0.05741503 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168589 0.05741405 0.14311907 0.05741405 PHA-665752 CHP 0.05740913 0.14310682 -0.05740913 PHA-665752 RTDR1 0.05739737 0.14307749 0.05739737 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165970 0.05736229 0.14299001 -0.05736229 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197965 0.05735167 0.14296353 0.05735167 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130811 0.05735031 0.14296015 -0.05735031 PHA-665752 TMEM66 0.0573384 0.14293046 -0.0573384 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111540 0.05732632 0.14290033 0.05732632 PHA-665752 ENSG00000121653 0.05732257 0.14289097 0.05732257 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132170 0.05731537 0.14287302 -0.05731537 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114487 0.05730889 0.14285687 -0.05730889 PHA-665752 ENSG00000079805 0.05730475 0.14284656 0.05730475 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128159 0.05730173 0.14283901 -0.05730173 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157350 0.0572994 0.14283321 -0.0572994 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123594 0.05729317 0.14281768 0.05729317 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101361 0.05729092 0.14281207 0.05729092 PHA-665752 ENSG00000211751 0.05728588 0.14279951 0.05728588 PHA-665752 ENSG00000048140 0.05728548 0.14279849 0.05728548 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145649 0.05727814 0.14278019 -0.05727814 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160180 0.05727092 0.14276219 0.05727092 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131737 0.05726392 0.14274474 0.05726392 PHA-665752 ENSG00000118491 0.05724767 0.14270422 -0.05724767 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178462 0.05721055 0.14261167 -0.05721055 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157379 0.05720719 0.14260328 -0.05720719 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171942 0.05720647 0.14260149 -0.05720647 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171806 0.05719402 0.14257046 -0.05719402 PHA-665752 C1orf98 0.05719217 0.14256583 -0.05719217 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204414 0.05719161 0.14256444 0.05719161 PHA-665752 ENSG00000010165 0.05718735 0.14255381 0.05718735 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164091 0.05718625 0.14255108 0.05718625 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183475 0.05717772 0.1425298 0.05717772 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105401 0.05716723 0.14250365 0.05716723 PHA-665752 LOC100506748 0.0571618 0.14249012 0.0571618 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138771 0.0571596 0.14248462 -0.0571596 PHA-665752 ENSG00000074603 0.05713759 0.14242975 -0.05713759 PHA-665752 ENSG00000066557 0.05711925 0.14238402 0.05711925 PHA-665752 ENSG00000265972 0.05710721 0.142354 -0.05710721 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181472 0.05709814 0.14233139 0.05709814 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104897 0.05709776 0.14233043 -0.05709776 PHA-665752 ENSG00000076053 0.05708944 0.14230968 0.05708944 PHA-665752 ENSG00000099282 0.05708913 0.14230893 -0.05708913 PHA-665752 ENSG00000005436 0.0570883 0.14230684 -0.0570883 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101138 0.05708339 0.1422946 0.05708339 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141338 0.05707281 0.14226821 -0.05707281 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184860 0.05706978 0.14226066 -0.05706978 PHA-665752 ENSG00000110436 0.05704709 0.14220409 -0.05704709 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138801 0.05704207 0.14219156 0.05704207 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125520 0.05704081 0.14218843 0.05704081 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117533 0.05703271 0.14216822 -0.05703271 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127831 0.05702583 0.14215107 -0.05702583 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129682 0.05702535 0.14214989 0.05702535 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164011 0.05702495 0.14214889 -0.05702495 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173548 0.05702079 0.14213852 0.05702079 PHA-665752 ENSG00000072135 0.05700663 0.14210321 -0.05700663 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180422 0.05699928 0.14208487 -0.05699928 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138039 0.05699636 0.1420776 -0.05699636 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164944 0.05695995 0.1419868 -0.05695995 PHA-665752 C15orf17 0.05695767 0.14198114 -0.05695767 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167904 0.05694491 0.14194931 -0.05694491 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127585 0.05693847 0.14193324 -0.05693847 PHA-665752 ENSG00000253563 0.05693699 0.14192957 -0.05693699 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136770 0.0569356 0.1419261 -0.0569356 PHA-665752 C3orf25 0.05691916 0.14188509 -0.05691916 PHA-665752 ENSG00000277161 0.05691879 0.14188418 0.05691879 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171747 0.0569052 0.14185031 0.0569052 PHA-665752 ENSG00000274768 0.05690035 0.1418382 -0.05690035 PHA-665752 ENSG00000118231 0.05689517 0.14182528 0.05689517 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154262 0.05688671 0.1418042 0.05688671 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164978 0.05688474 0.14179928 0.05688474 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125910 0.05687945 0.1417861 -0.05687945 PHA-665752 ENSG00000158865 0.05687126 0.14176566 -0.05687126 PHA-665752 ENSG00000232656 0.05686529 0.14175079 0.05686529 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163352 0.05685937 0.14173602 -0.05685937 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107614 0.05685368 0.14172182 -0.05685368 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154016 0.05684651 0.14170395 -0.05684651 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143924 0.05684125 0.14169083 0.05684125 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137675 0.05682824 0.14165841 -0.05682824 PHA-665752 ENSG00000078898 0.05682326 0.14164599 -0.05682326 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173692 0.05680705 0.14160556 0.05680705 PHA-665752 LOC283914 0.05680396 0.14159787 0.05680396 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134900 0.05680144 0.14159157 0.05680144 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165209 0.05679597 0.14157794 -0.05679597 PHA-665752 LRG_653 0.05678715 0.14155595 -0.05678715 PHA-665752 LOC284561 0.05677139 0.14151665 -0.05677139 PHA-665752 ENSG00000251322 0.0567694 0.14151169 -0.0567694 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185222 0.05676054 0.1414896 0.05676054 PHA-665752 ENSG00000150540 0.05675289 0.14147053 -0.05675289 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168310 0.05675126 0.14146644 -0.05675126 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138613 0.05672161 0.14139252 -0.05672161 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127364 0.05672039 0.14138949 0.05672039 PHA-665752 ENSG00000075131 0.05671032 0.14136438 -0.05671032 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145850 0.05670046 0.1413398 0.05670046 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128254 0.05669729 0.14133187 0.05669729 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156521 0.05668373 0.14129807 -0.05668373 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111452 0.05668199 0.14129373 -0.05668199 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174059 0.05665715 0.14123179 -0.05665715 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155542 0.05665499 0.14122642 0.05665499 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168229 0.05663628 0.14117975 -0.05663628 PHA-665752 LOC643650 0.0566214 0.14114266 0.0566214 PHA-665752 MCART6 0.0566115 0.14111797 0.0566115 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107745 0.05661115 0.1411171 -0.05661115 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100425 0.05660514 0.14110211 0.05660514 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124721 0.0566022 0.14109478 -0.0566022 PHA-665752 ENSG00000237636 0.0565879 0.14105912 -0.0565879 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163960 0.05657041 0.14101551 -0.05657041 PHA-665752 LOC100289019 0.05656902 0.14101206 -0.05656902 PHA-665752 LOC100506675 0.05656395 0.14099942 0.05656395 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147133 0.05656365 0.14099866 -0.05656365 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185837 0.0565636 0.14099854 -0.0565636 PHA-665752 ENSG00000011105 0.05655631 0.14098037 0.05655631 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197093 0.05655105 0.14096726 0.05655105 PHA-665752 ENSG00000239672 0.05652803 0.14090986 0.05652803 PHA-665752 C9orf46 0.05652615 0.14090517 0.05652615 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133740 0.05652343 0.14089838 -0.05652343 PHA-665752 ENSG00000065618 0.05651047 0.14086606 0.05651047 PHA-665752 TENC1 0.05649968 0.14083916 0.05649968 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170469 0.05648076 0.14079198 -0.05648076 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145526 0.05646607 0.14075536 -0.05646607 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132256 0.0564644 0.1407512 -0.0564644 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134996 0.05646196 0.1407451 -0.05646196 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162728 0.05645732 0.14073354 0.05645732 PHA-665752 KIAA0415 0.05644729 0.14070854 0.05644729 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111726 0.05643282 0.14067245 0.05643282 PHA-665752 ENSG00000011083 0.05642367 0.14064962 0.05642367 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186197 0.05641504 0.14062812 0.05641504 PHA-665752 ENSG00000000005 0.05641436 0.14062642 -0.05641436 PHA-665752 ENSG00000078246 0.05640998 0.14061551 -0.05640998 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145907 0.05640731 0.14060883 0.05640731 PHA-665752 ENSG00000108349 0.05638761 0.14055971 -0.05638761 PHA-665752 ENSG00000221882 0.05637077 0.14051772 -0.05637077 PHA-665752 ENSG00000078814 0.056355 0.1404784 -0.056355 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173826 0.05634902 0.1404635 -0.05634902 PHA-665752 LOC100129098 0.0563451 0.14045373 -0.0563451 PHA-665752 ENSG00000206376 0.05633131 0.14041933 -0.05633131 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156925 0.05632824 0.14041168 0.05632824 PHA-665752 ENSG00000089094 0.05632623 0.14040667 -0.05632623 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144567 0.05630986 0.14036586 0.05630986 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100228 0.05630265 0.14034787 0.05630265 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112599 0.0563004 0.14034226 0.0563004 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100077 0.05629987 0.14034093 -0.05629987 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147596 0.05629336 0.14032471 -0.05629336 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114646 0.05629227 0.14032198 0.05629227 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142230 0.05629131 0.14031961 0.05629131 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115718 0.05628483 0.14030344 0.05628483 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180611 0.05627332 0.14027475 0.05627332 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163931 0.05627198 0.14027141 0.05627198 PHA-665752 ENSG00000064692 0.05627045 0.1402676 -0.05627045 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174740 0.05626176 0.14024592 0.05626176 PHA-665752 ENSG00000006125 0.05625598 0.14023151 0.05625598 PHA-665752 LOC441461 0.05624375 0.14020102 -0.05624375 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133561 0.05619217 0.1400724 -0.05619217 PHA-665752 LRG_228 0.05617313 0.14002493 -0.05617313 PHA-665752 LOC727944 0.05617168 0.1400213 -0.05617168 PHA-665752 LRG_96 0.05616991 0.14001689 0.05616991 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179588 0.05616059 0.13999366 -0.05616059 PHA-665752 ENSG00000235123 0.05615535 0.13998059 -0.05615535 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168152 0.0561389 0.13993958 0.0561389 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115137 0.05611607 0.13988264 0.05611607 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177301 0.05611375 0.13987686 0.05611375 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162551 0.05610887 0.13986469 -0.05610887 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104450 0.05609317 0.13982556 0.05609317 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196139 0.05607871 0.1397895 -0.05607871 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136463 0.05607599 0.13978271 0.05607599 PHA-665752 ENSG00000189241 0.056062 0.13974783 0.056062 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135679 0.05605964 0.13974195 -0.05605964 PHA-665752 ENSG00000234776 0.05605103 0.13972047 -0.05605103 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105939 0.05604591 0.13970771 -0.05604591 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177169 0.05603991 0.13969276 -0.05603991 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139445 0.05603824 0.1396886 0.05603824 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155961 0.05602091 0.13964537 0.05602091 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198670 0.05601234 0.139624 0.05601234 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178498 0.05600833 0.139614 0.05600833 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204084 0.0560049 0.13960546 -0.0560049 PHA-665752 ENSG00000005700 0.05600458 0.13960465 -0.05600458 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167034 0.0560022 0.13959873 -0.0560022 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114446 0.05599649 0.13958448 0.05599649 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177398 0.05596708 0.13951114 0.05596708 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101216 0.05591768 0.13938798 -0.05591768 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174705 0.0559155 0.13938254 0.0559155 PHA-665752 LRG_376 0.05591092 0.13937111 -0.05591092 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137841 0.05589751 0.13933768 -0.05589751 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134324 0.05588376 0.13930339 -0.05588376 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178718 0.05588369 0.13930324 -0.05588369 PHA-665752 LOC100507567 0.05587057 0.13927051 0.05587057 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136273 0.05586638 0.13926008 -0.05586638 PHA-665752 ENSG00000056050 0.05586423 0.13925471 -0.05586423 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168496 0.05586303 0.13925172 0.05586303 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144115 0.05585687 0.13923636 0.05585687 PHA-665752 ENSG00000265544 0.05585573 0.13923352 -0.05585573 PHA-665752 ENSG00000086200 0.0558546 0.1392307 -0.0558546 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112406 0.05584927 0.13921742 -0.05584927 PHA-665752 ENSG00000213413 0.05584713 0.13921206 0.05584713 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179420 0.05583971 0.13919358 -0.05583971 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135362 0.05583163 0.13917341 0.05583163 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197329 0.05582012 0.13914473 0.05582012 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132382 0.05580718 0.13911246 -0.05580718 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140577 0.05580121 0.13909757 -0.05580121 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185621 0.05578924 0.13906773 -0.05578924 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164294 0.05578733 0.13906295 0.05578733 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122778 0.05577977 0.13904411 0.05577977 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119725 0.05576408 0.13900498 -0.05576408 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168137 0.05575989 0.13899455 -0.05575989 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168610 0.05575986 0.13899446 -0.05575986 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168297 0.05575741 0.13898835 -0.05575741 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167311 0.05575361 0.13897889 0.05575361 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113209 0.05574457 0.13895635 0.05574457 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129933 0.05571731 0.13888836 -0.05571731 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100612 0.05571321 0.13887814 -0.05571321 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115524 0.05570332 0.13885349 0.05570332 PHA-665752 ENSG00000252143 0.0556813 0.13879857 -0.0556813 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143256 0.05567336 0.13877878 0.05567336 PHA-665752 ENSG00000225362 0.05566797 0.13876535 0.05566797 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161509 0.05566586 0.13876007 0.05566586 PHA-665752 ENSG00000205678 0.05566273 0.13875227 0.05566273 PHA-665752 FLJ43390 0.05565812 0.13874078 -0.05565812 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144741 0.05565178 0.13872499 0.05565178 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181007 0.05565135 0.13872391 0.05565135 PHA-665752 ENSG00000033627 0.05564094 0.13869794 -0.05564094 PHA-665752 ENSG00000071073 0.05563538 0.13868409 -0.05563538 PHA-665752 ENSG00000248546 0.05563444 0.13868174 -0.05563444 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160593 0.05561218 0.13862624 -0.05561218 PHA-665752 ENSG00000008323 0.05560951 0.13861959 0.05560951 PHA-665752 ENSG00000146731 0.0555905 0.13857219 -0.0555905 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196475 0.05557968 0.13854519 0.05557968 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106809 0.05557837 0.13854194 -0.05557837 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163823 0.05556921 0.13851909 -0.05556921 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132436 0.05555466 0.1384828 -0.05555466 PHA-665752 ENSG00000089116 0.05555065 0.1384728 0.05555065 PHA-665752 ENSG00000102178 0.05551833 0.13839222 0.05551833 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119737 0.05551238 0.13837738 -0.05551238 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113763 0.05551177 0.13837587 -0.05551177 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115307 0.05550996 0.13837135 0.05550996 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151012 0.05550893 0.13836879 0.05550893 PHA-665752 ENSG00000109832 0.05549568 0.13833574 0.05549568 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178602 0.05549327 0.13832973 0.05549327 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138780 0.05548434 0.13830746 0.05548434 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196428 0.05547783 0.13829124 0.05547783 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147124 0.05547248 0.13827789 -0.05547248 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164114 0.05544983 0.13822143 0.05544983 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133124 0.05544116 0.13819981 0.05544116 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175193 0.05542567 0.13816119 -0.05542567 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156011 0.05542327 0.1381552 -0.05542327 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137055 0.05541227 0.13812778 0.05541227 PHA-665752 C9orf95 0.05540759 0.1381161 0.05540759 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143314 0.05540749 0.13811585 0.05540749 PHA-665752 ENSG00000148842 0.0554049 0.13810939 0.0554049 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132837 0.05539428 0.13808291 -0.05539428 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138074 0.05538963 0.13807131 0.05538963 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155876 0.05538052 0.1380486 0.05538052 PHA-665752 ENSG00000158481 0.05537435 0.13803322 0.05537435 PHA-665752 ENSG00000072778 0.05536962 0.13802143 -0.05536962 PHA-665752 LOC155060 0.05536874 0.13801922 -0.05536874 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160961 0.05534177 0.13795199 0.05534177 PHA-665752 ENSG00000244754 0.05534038 0.13794851 0.05534038 PHA-665752 ENSG00000239756 0.05532207 0.13790287 -0.05532207 PHA-665752 ENSG00000087586 0.05531723 0.13789081 0.05531723 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130731 0.05531227 0.13787842 0.05531227 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134516 0.05531052 0.13787408 -0.05531052 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172766 0.0552919 0.13782764 -0.0552919 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166166 0.0552795 0.13779671 -0.0552795 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155052 0.05526538 0.13776151 -0.05526538 PHA-665752 LOC643355 0.05526167 0.13775227 -0.05526167 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105404 0.05526051 0.13774938 0.05526051 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179979 0.05525575 0.1377375 0.05525575 PHA-665752 ENSG00000111674 0.05525441 0.13773417 0.05525441 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141622 0.05525114 0.137726 -0.05525114 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132849 0.05524669 0.13771491 -0.05524669 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117593 0.05524095 0.1377006 0.05524095 PHA-665752 ENSG00000275744 0.05522975 0.13767267 0.05522975 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185591 0.05522919 0.13767127 -0.05522919 PHA-665752 LOC283089 0.05522177 0.13765276 -0.05522177 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147202 0.05522041 0.13764937 0.05522041 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161638 0.05521612 0.13763869 -0.05521612 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177640 0.05520971 0.13762269 -0.05520971 PHA-665752 ENSG00000243766 0.05520833 0.13761925 -0.05520833 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163013 0.0552064 0.13761445 -0.0552064 PHA-665752 ENSG00000085721 0.05520428 0.13760917 -0.05520428 PHA-665752 ENSG00000018610 0.0551977 0.13759275 0.0551977 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160972 0.05519541 0.13758704 -0.05519541 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178904 0.05519279 0.13758052 -0.05519279 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112739 0.05518858 0.13757002 -0.05518858 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135569 0.05518824 0.13756917 0.05518824 PHA-665752 ENSG00000074696 0.05518257 0.13755503 0.05518257 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177947 0.05518211 0.13755389 0.05518211 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125864 0.05517312 0.13753147 0.05517312 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138036 0.05517235 0.13752953 0.05517235 PHA-665752 ENSG00000115446 0.05517082 0.13752573 0.05517082 PHA-665752 LOC100144604 0.05516779 0.13751818 -0.05516779 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124795 0.05516435 0.13750961 0.05516435 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197457 0.05515892 0.13749606 0.05515892 PHA-665752 LOC339535 0.05512779 0.13741843 -0.05512779 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133422 0.05512568 0.13741319 -0.05512568 PHA-665752 ENSG00000094755 0.05511987 0.13739868 0.05511987 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143845 0.05511663 0.13739062 0.05511663 PHA-665752 ENSG00000152359 0.05510453 0.13736045 -0.05510453 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113303 0.05509323 0.13733226 -0.05509323 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140398 0.05509088 0.13732642 -0.05509088 PHA-665752 ENSG00000121075 0.05508216 0.13730466 0.05508216 PHA-665752 ENSG00000008853 0.0550819 0.13730402 0.0550819 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104951 0.05507974 0.13729864 0.05507974 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114491 0.05507831 0.13729507 0.05507831 PHA-665752 ENSG00000242049 0.05506863 0.13727092 -0.05506863 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156970 0.05505442 0.13723549 -0.05505442 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171206 0.05504348 0.13720822 -0.05504348 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183770 0.05503899 0.13719703 0.05503899 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106460 0.0550365 0.13719081 -0.0550365 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166589 0.05503645 0.1371907 0.05503645 PHA-665752 LOC100506767 0.05503505 0.13718721 0.05503505 PHA-665752 ENSG00000153094 0.05503378 0.13718403 -0.05503378 PHA-665752 ENSG00000102359 0.05502686 0.13716678 0.05502686 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186860 0.05501975 0.13714905 -0.05501975 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168060 0.05501886 0.13714682 0.05501886 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107833 0.0550099 0.13712448 -0.0550099 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144426 0.05500954 0.13712358 0.05500954 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176788 0.05499185 0.13707947 -0.05499185 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169676 0.05497949 0.13704865 -0.05497949 PHA-665752 LOC100506119 0.05497811 0.13704523 -0.05497811 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188505 0.05497367 0.13703416 -0.05497367 PHA-665752 ENSG00000087303 0.05495738 0.13699352 -0.05495738 PHA-665752 LOC100506473 0.05494376 0.13695958 -0.05494376 PHA-665752 ENSG00000021488 0.05493895 0.13694758 -0.05493895 PHA-665752 ENSG00000092978 0.054937 0.13694271 0.054937 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186049 0.05489928 0.13684867 -0.05489928 PHA-665752 ENSG00000146809 0.05489566 0.13683963 -0.05489566 PHA-665752 ENSG00000088538 0.05488419 0.13681103 -0.05488419 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105355 0.0548737 0.13678488 -0.0548737 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122417 0.05484383 0.13671041 -0.05484383 PHA-665752 ENSG00000205129 0.05483281 0.13668293 -0.05483281 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176136 0.05483219 0.13668138 -0.05483219 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168143 0.05482256 0.13665738 -0.05482256 PHA-665752 LOC100130458 0.05481248 0.13663224 0.05481248 PHA-665752 ENSG00000086696 0.0548011 0.13660385 0.0548011 PHA-665752 ENSG00000158417 0.05479525 0.13658928 0.05479525 PHA-665752 ENSG00000095139 0.05478822 0.13657175 -0.05478822 PHA-665752 ENSG00000278156 0.05477155 0.13653018 0.05477155 PHA-665752 LOC148145 0.05477142 0.13652986 -0.05477142 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185875 0.05476996 0.13652622 -0.05476996 PHA-665752 ENSG00000102195 0.05476897 0.13652374 0.05476897 PHA-665752 ENSG00000075651 0.05476178 0.13650582 -0.05476178 PHA-665752 ENSG00000091129 0.0547439 0.13646124 0.0547439 PHA-665752 ENSG00000272274 0.05474209 0.13645672 -0.05474209 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165732 0.05473581 0.13644106 -0.05473581 PHA-665752 ENSG00000072195 0.05472769 0.13642081 -0.05472769 PHA-665752 C17orf79 0.05471331 0.13638496 -0.05471331 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178363 0.0547068 0.13636873 0.0547068 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165355 0.0547028 0.13635876 -0.0547028 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168826 0.05469299 0.13633429 -0.05469299 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168291 0.05469239 0.1363328 -0.05469239 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107438 0.05468127 0.13630506 -0.05468127 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138678 0.05466876 0.13627387 0.05466876 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136631 0.05466217 0.13625744 0.05466217 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107443 0.05464676 0.13621902 -0.05464676 PHA-665752 C20orf94 0.05464479 0.1362141 0.05464479 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165097 0.05463027 0.1361779 0.05463027 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135404 0.05463006 0.13617739 0.05463006 PHA-665752 C3orf37 0.05462273 0.1361591 -0.05462273 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134222 0.05460696 0.1361198 0.05460696 PHA-665752 ENSG00000211639 0.05460417 0.13611283 -0.05460417 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107816 0.05459099 0.13607997 0.05459099 PHA-665752 C18orf62 0.05458312 0.13606035 -0.05458312 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137720 0.05457559 0.13604156 -0.05457559 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168875 0.05456414 0.136013 0.05456414 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197479 0.05456319 0.13601064 0.05456319 PHA-665752 LOC100127891 0.05455795 0.13599758 -0.05455795 PHA-665752 ENSG00000254440 0.05455057 0.13597917 -0.05455057 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143947 0.05453643 0.13594391 0.05453643 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164199 0.05453533 0.13594117 -0.05453533 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165995 0.05452046 0.1359041 -0.05452046 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120705 0.05451802 0.13589801 0.05451802 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112144 0.0545172 0.13589598 0.0545172 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117691 0.05451692 0.13589527 0.05451692 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143653 0.05450727 0.13587121 0.05450727 PHA-665752 ENSG00000089876 0.05450511 0.13586582 0.05450511 PHA-665752 ENSG00000213901 0.05450084 0.13585518 0.05450084 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198074 0.0544937 0.13583738 -0.0544937 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176909 0.05449207 0.13583331 0.05449207 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180008 0.05448663 0.13581976 0.05448663 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162383 0.05448177 0.13580762 0.05448177 PHA-665752 ENSG00000253352 0.05446763 0.13577237 -0.05446763 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103363 0.05445529 0.1357416 0.05445529 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120833 0.05444259 0.13570993 -0.05444259 PHA-665752 ENSG00000077984 0.0544374 0.135697 -0.0544374 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120868 0.05443146 0.13568219 0.05443146 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130508 0.0544303 0.1356793 0.0544303 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114767 0.05442839 0.13567454 0.05442839 PHA-665752 ENSG00000088888 0.05442757 0.13567248 0.05442757 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105327 0.05442497 0.13566601 -0.05442497 PHA-665752 ENSG00000129255 0.05442399 0.13566357 0.05442399 PHA-665752 ENSG00000221910 0.05442005 0.13565374 0.05442005 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142186 0.0544058 0.13561821 -0.0544058 PHA-665752 ENSG00000261192 0.05440017 0.13560416 0.05440017 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162430 0.05438562 0.13556789 0.05438562 PHA-665752 ENSG00000118307 0.05438028 0.13555457 -0.05438028 PHA-665752 LRG_300 0.05436555 0.13551784 0.05436555 PHA-665752 ENSG00000169242 0.05435255 0.13548543 0.05435255 PHA-665752 LOC100652768 0.05434846 0.13547522 -0.05434846 PHA-665752 ENSG00000239819 0.05433775 0.13544852 -0.05433775 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164393 0.05429392 0.13533923 0.05429392 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173334 0.05429156 0.13533334 0.05429156 PHA-665752 ENSG00000102606 0.05427779 0.13529902 0.05427779 PHA-665752 ENSG00000217555 0.0542738 0.13528907 -0.0542738 PHA-665752 ENSG00000223910 0.05426752 0.13527342 -0.05426752 PHA-665752 ENSG00000264943 0.05426711 0.13527238 0.05426711 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143799 0.05425911 0.13525243 0.05425911 PHA-665752 ENSG00000101210 0.05425166 0.13523386 -0.05425166 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119535 0.054251 0.13523223 -0.054251 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185442 0.05424963 0.13522881 0.05424963 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163554 0.05424833 0.13522555 -0.05424833 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116521 0.05423852 0.1352011 0.05423852 PHA-665752 ENSG00000070371 0.05423189 0.13518457 -0.05423189 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174206 0.05422481 0.13516692 -0.05422481 PHA-665752 ENSG00000090971 0.05422379 0.13516436 0.05422379 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137251 0.05421934 0.13515327 0.05421934 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116353 0.05420953 0.13512883 0.05420953 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196782 0.05420431 0.13511579 -0.05420431 PHA-665752 ENSG00000075292 0.05420362 0.13511408 -0.05420362 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168958 0.05420075 0.13510693 0.05420075 PHA-665752 ENSG00000186532 0.05418582 0.1350697 0.05418582 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136425 0.054171 0.13503273 0.054171 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187742 0.05417049 0.13503147 -0.05417049 PHA-665752 ENSG00000273559 0.05416572 0.13501959 -0.05416572 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162761 0.05416407 0.13501546 -0.05416407 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143499 0.05416293 0.13501263 -0.05416293 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119138 0.054161 0.13500781 0.054161 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166415 0.05415724 0.13499843 -0.05415724 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177200 0.05412613 0.13492087 0.05412613 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139546 0.05411937 0.13490401 0.05411937 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140459 0.0540834 0.13481431 0.0540834 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163209 0.05408214 0.13481117 0.05408214 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170836 0.05408166 0.13480998 0.05408166 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196950 0.05407771 0.13480014 -0.05407771 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143217 0.05405928 0.13475419 0.05405928 PHA-665752 ENSG00000241832 0.05405783 0.13475056 0.05405783 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113384 0.05403892 0.1347034 -0.05403892 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182168 0.0540185 0.13465248 -0.0540185 PHA-665752 ENSG00000032742 0.05401114 0.13463414 -0.05401114 PHA-665752 ENSG00000261439 0.05398323 0.13456456 0.05398323 PHA-665752 ENSG00000139044 0.05396957 0.1345305 0.05396957 PHA-665752 ENSG00000164118 0.05395183 0.13448627 -0.05395183 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124535 0.05394023 0.13445733 0.05394023 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132704 0.05391346 0.1343906 -0.05391346 PHA-665752 LOC100131434 0.05391167 0.13438612 0.05391167 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197410 0.05390404 0.13436709 0.05390404 PHA-665752 ENSG00000042493 0.05390076 0.13435892 0.05390076 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133958 0.05389896 0.13435444 0.05389896 PHA-665752 ENSG00000126088 0.05389519 0.13434503 -0.05389519 PHA-665752 ENSG00000203875 0.0538895 0.13433085 0.0538895 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172172 0.05387254 0.13428855 0.05387254 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188529 0.05386944 0.13428083 0.05386944 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183340 0.05385876 0.1342542 -0.05385876 PHA-665752 C11orf67 0.05385286 0.13423949 0.05385286 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159753 0.05385285 0.13423947 -0.05385285 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100632 0.05385278 0.13423928 0.05385278 PHA-665752 ENSG00000107815 0.05383425 0.13419308 0.05383425 PHA-665752 CHCHD8 0.05382828 0.1341782 -0.05382828 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171103 0.05382249 0.13416377 0.05382249 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133789 0.05381231 0.13413838 0.05381231 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155367 0.05380795 0.1341275 0.05380795 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112137 0.05380507 0.13412032 0.05380507 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117360 0.05380456 0.13411904 -0.05380456 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117362 0.05378377 0.13406722 0.05378377 PHA-665752 ENSG00000087460 0.05378315 0.13406567 0.05378315 PHA-665752 ENSG00000273850 0.05377856 0.13405422 -0.05377856 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125686 0.05374626 0.13397369 -0.05374626 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112562 0.05371333 0.13389158 0.05371333 PHA-665752 ENSG00000090565 0.05369304 0.13384099 0.05369304 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120616 0.05366883 0.13378061 -0.05366883 PHA-665752 ENSG00000006015 0.05365532 0.13374694 0.05365532 PHA-665752 ENSG00000205659 0.05365226 0.13373929 -0.05365226 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100916 0.05364598 0.13372364 0.05364598 PHA-665752 ENSG00000090889 0.05364341 0.13371723 0.05364341 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184162 0.05364149 0.13371245 0.05364149 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132541 0.05362876 0.13368071 0.05362876 PHA-665752 ENSG00000228881 0.05362644 0.13367491 0.05362644 PHA-665752 ENSG00000250479 0.05362428 0.13366953 0.05362428 PHA-665752 ENSG00000074181 0.0536173 0.13365212 -0.0536173 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184515 0.05360781 0.13362847 -0.05360781 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147234 0.05360121 0.13361201 -0.05360121 PHA-665752 ENSG00000161642 0.05359524 0.13359712 -0.05359524 PHA-665752 ENSG00000261678 0.05358773 0.13357839 -0.05358773 PHA-665752 ENSG00000005022 0.05357762 0.13355319 0.05357762 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182580 0.05356645 0.13352533 0.05356645 PHA-665752 ENSG00000069482 0.05356484 0.13352131 0.05356484 PHA-665752 LOC100506851 0.05356264 0.13351584 0.05356264 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187997 0.05355936 0.13350766 -0.05355936 PHA-665752 ENSG00000106123 0.05354972 0.13348362 0.05354972 PHA-665752 ENSG00000213123 0.05354272 0.13346617 0.05354272 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154553 0.05352473 0.1334213 0.05352473 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163440 0.05352107 0.13341218 -0.05352107 PHA-665752 ENSG00000080371 0.05350851 0.13338087 0.05350851 PHA-665752 KBTBD10 0.05349535 0.13334807 -0.05349535 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132676 0.05349272 0.13334149 -0.05349272 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114200 0.05348581 0.13332426 -0.05348581 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166526 0.05347827 0.13330546 0.05347827 PHA-665752 ENSG00000080644 0.05345825 0.13325555 0.05345825 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100380 0.05345777 0.13325434 0.05345777 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133083 0.05345666 0.13325159 0.05345666 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134453 0.05345264 0.13324156 0.05345264 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143537 0.05344046 0.13321119 -0.05344046 PHA-665752 ENSG00000206549 0.05343426 0.13319573 0.05343426 PHA-665752 ENSG00000214249 0.05342175 0.13316453 -0.05342175 PHA-665752 OBFC2A 0.05341748 0.13315389 -0.05341748 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171219 0.05340403 0.13312037 -0.05340403 PHA-665752 ENSG00000177302 0.05340223 0.13311586 0.05340223 PHA-665752 SEC1 0.05340211 0.13311556 -0.05340211 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162456 0.05339755 0.13310421 -0.05339755 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116133 0.05339645 0.13310145 -0.05339645 PHA-665752 LOC148824 0.05338564 0.13307449 -0.05338564 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196867 0.05338345 0.13306905 -0.05338345 PHA-665752 C16orf3 0.05335462 0.13299715 -0.05335462 PHA-665752 LOC100506599 0.05335223 0.13299118 -0.05335223 PHA-665752 AGXT2L1 0.05334348 0.13296937 -0.05334348 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170412 0.05333673 0.13295255 -0.05333673 PHA-665752 ENSG00000155016 0.05332792 0.13293057 -0.05332792 PHA-665752 ENSG00000110675 0.05332591 0.13292558 -0.05332591 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182013 0.05330726 0.13287905 -0.05330726 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122025 0.05330666 0.13287758 -0.05330666 PHA-665752 LOC100506494 0.05329537 0.13284941 0.05329537 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151065 0.05329143 0.13283959 -0.05329143 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175573 0.05327979 0.13281058 -0.05327979 PHA-665752 ENSG00000247077 0.05327974 0.13281045 0.05327974 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117569 0.05326272 0.132768 0.05326272 PHA-665752 NCRNA00185 0.05324798 0.13273125 -0.05324798 PHA-665752 C21orf7 0.05324256 0.13271773 -0.05324256 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147804 0.05323407 0.13269657 0.05323407 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122986 0.05323094 0.13268876 -0.05323094 PHA-665752 ENSG00000099899 0.05322992 0.13268622 -0.05322992 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145287 0.05321716 0.13265441 0.05321716 PHA-665752 LOC440288 0.05321625 0.13265214 -0.05321625 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160233 0.05320487 0.13262377 0.05320487 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125831 0.05319746 0.1326053 -0.05319746 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198862 0.05318716 0.1325796 -0.05318716 PHA-665752 ENSG00000091986 0.05318243 0.1325678 -0.05318243 PHA-665752 IFLTD1 0.05316202 0.13251691 -0.05316202 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133059 0.05314054 0.13246337 0.05314054 PHA-665752 ENSG00000244161 0.05314051 0.13246329 0.05314051 PHA-665752 TTC35 0.05312979 0.13243657 0.05312979 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184867 0.0531057 0.13237648 -0.0531057 PHA-665752 LOC100506651 0.05309153 0.13234115 -0.05309153 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184156 0.05309119 0.13234031 0.05309119 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105954 0.05308769 0.13233159 0.05308769 PHA-665752 ENSG00000225383 0.05306231 0.13226831 -0.05306231 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198771 0.0530555 0.13225132 -0.0530555 PHA-665752 LOC100505666 0.0530554 0.13225106 -0.0530554 PHA-665752 ENSG00000236901 0.05304876 0.13223452 -0.05304876 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113552 0.05304298 0.13222011 -0.05304298 PHA-665752 ENSG00000090539 0.05303348 0.13219641 -0.05303348 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128641 0.05302832 0.13218354 0.05302832 PHA-665752 ENSG00000179598 0.05302033 0.13216363 -0.05302033 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154473 0.05302023 0.13216336 0.05302023 PHA-665752 ENSG00000065615 0.05301972 0.1321621 -0.05301972 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165410 0.05301422 0.13214839 0.05301422 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103544 0.05298447 0.1320742 -0.05298447 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170893 0.05298088 0.13206525 0.05298088 PHA-665752 ENSG00000277594 0.05297887 0.13206025 -0.05297887 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136697 0.05297074 0.13203997 -0.05297074 PHA-665752 ENSG00000178597 0.0529688 0.13203514 0.0529688 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198498 0.05294993 0.13198809 -0.05294993 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135253 0.05294334 0.13197166 -0.05294334 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171262 0.05293394 0.13194821 0.05293394 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174871 0.05292686 0.13193056 -0.05292686 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156990 0.05291712 0.13190629 0.05291712 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104804 0.05291542 0.13190203 -0.05291542 PHA-665752 ENSG00000043355 0.05290905 0.13188615 0.05290905 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204442 0.05289757 0.13185754 0.05289757 PHA-665752 ENSG00000118939 0.0528902 0.13183916 0.0528902 PHA-665752 KIAA1430 0.052887 0.13183118 -0.052887 PHA-665752 ENSG00000086015 0.05287321 0.1317968 -0.05287321 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167741 0.05286839 0.13178476 -0.05286839 PHA-665752 ENSG00000011422 0.05286688 0.131781 -0.05286688 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124098 0.05284806 0.13173407 0.05284806 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176014 0.05283707 0.13170669 -0.05283707 PHA-665752 ENSG00000215012 0.05283343 0.13169759 -0.05283343 PHA-665752 ENSG00000281076 0.0528232 0.13167208 -0.0528232 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204335 0.05281308 0.13164686 -0.05281308 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162889 0.05280495 0.13162658 -0.05280495 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184828 0.05277769 0.13155863 0.05277769 PHA-665752 LOC100506571 0.05277481 0.13155144 0.05277481 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162408 0.05277228 0.13154513 -0.05277228 PHA-665752 ENSG00000262731 0.05277041 0.13154046 -0.05277041 PHA-665752 ENSG00000131979 0.05276912 0.13153725 -0.05276912 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196776 0.0527472 0.13148258 -0.0527472 PHA-665752 ENSG00000028839 0.05274066 0.13146627 0.05274066 PHA-665752 ENSG00000158125 0.05274061 0.13146617 0.05274061 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167461 0.05273675 0.13145655 -0.05273675 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182048 0.05273077 0.13144163 -0.05273077 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140157 0.05272741 0.13143326 0.05272741 PHA-665752 LOC100506540 0.05270819 0.13138533 -0.05270819 PHA-665752 ENSG00000076555 0.05269814 0.13136028 -0.05269814 PHA-665752 ENSG00000237071 0.05268715 0.13133286 -0.05268715 PHA-665752 ENSG00000153446 0.0526863 0.13133074 0.0526863 PHA-665752 ENSG00000160472 0.05267599 0.13130504 0.05267599 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130340 0.0526559 0.13125493 0.0526559 PHA-665752 LOC100505716 0.05263897 0.13121273 -0.05263897 PHA-665752 ENSG00000095319 0.05263824 0.13121091 -0.05263824 PHA-665752 LOC100505853 0.05263264 0.13119694 0.05263264 PHA-665752 ENSG00000066923 0.05262826 0.13118603 0.05262826 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162624 0.05262359 0.13117439 -0.05262359 PHA-665752 ENSG00000126500 0.05262114 0.13116827 0.05262114 PHA-665752 ENSG00000175787 0.05261398 0.13115041 -0.05261398 PHA-665752 ENSG00000159263 0.05261092 0.13114278 0.05261092 PHA-665752 ENSG00000039987 0.05259763 0.13110964 0.05259763 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125351 0.05259616 0.13110598 0.05259616 PHA-665752 ENSG00000122515 0.05257781 0.13106022 -0.05257781 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170144 0.05257719 0.13105867 0.05257719 PHA-665752 ENSG00000136238 0.05257078 0.1310427 0.05257078 PHA-665752 ENSG00000143633 0.05256431 0.13102656 -0.05256431 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197880 0.05255155 0.13099476 -0.05255155 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180626 0.05254626 0.13098155 0.05254626 PHA-665752 ENSG00000010626 0.05253355 0.13094988 0.05253355 PHA-665752 ENSG00000065320 0.05251487 0.1309033 -0.05251487 PHA-665752 ENSG00000185697 0.05250714 0.13088401 0.05250714 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167612 0.0524985 0.13086247 -0.0524985 PHA-665752 ENSG00000112062 0.05248469 0.13082804 -0.05248469 PHA-665752 ENSG00000278550 0.05248315 0.1308242 -0.05248315 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187239 0.05247886 0.13081351 -0.05247886 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184647 0.05246129 0.1307697 0.05246129 PHA-665752 ENSG00000114745 0.05246118 0.13076941 0.05246118 PHA-665752 ENSG00000103222 0.05245887 0.13076365 -0.05245887 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182472 0.05245251 0.13074779 0.05245251 PHA-665752 ENSG00000064835 0.05244773 0.13073588 -0.05244773 PHA-665752 LOC100286925 0.05243841 0.13071265 -0.05243841 PHA-665752 ENSG00000172336 0.0524299 0.13069142 0.0524299 PHA-665752 ENSG00000018869 0.0524277 0.13068595 -0.0524277 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197345 0.05242559 0.13068067 -0.05242559 PHA-665752 ENSG00000123360 0.05242003 0.13066682 -0.05242003 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184166 0.05240179 0.13062133 0.05240179 PHA-665752 ENSG00000258498 0.05239377 0.13060134 0.05239377 PHA-665752 ENSG00000024048 0.05237282 0.13054911 -0.05237282 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174429 0.05235447 0.13050334 -0.05235447 PHA-665752 ENSG00000215271 0.05234825 0.13048783 -0.05234825 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124134 0.05233539 0.13045577 0.05233539 PHA-665752 ENSG00000125676 0.05233075 0.13044419 0.05233075 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171533 0.05233056 0.13044374 0.05233056 PHA-665752 TMEM178 0.05232333 0.1304257 0.05232333 PHA-665752 ENSG00000235905 0.05229681 0.13035958 -0.05229681 PHA-665752 ENSG00000133317 0.05228246 0.1303238 0.05228246 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117425 0.05226106 0.13027043 -0.05226106 PHA-665752 ENSG00000009830 0.05225402 0.13025288 0.05225402 PHA-665752 ENSG00000153944 0.0522482 0.13023836 0.0522482 PHA-665752 ENSG00000068489 0.05224582 0.13023244 -0.05224582 PHA-665752 ENSG00000183379 0.05223666 0.13020958 -0.05223666 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137547 0.05223079 0.13019496 -0.05223079 PHA-665752 ENSG00000173436 0.05222498 0.13018047 0.05222498 PHA-665752 LRG_42 0.05222086 0.13017019 -0.05222086 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197302 0.05221898 0.13016551 -0.05221898 PHA-665752 ENSG00000092201 0.05221632 0.13015887 0.05221632 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134207 0.05220115 0.13012104 -0.05220115 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113734 0.05218628 0.13008397 -0.05218628 PHA-665752 ENSG00000085276 0.05216574 0.13003276 -0.05216574 PHA-665752 ENSG00000069535 0.05216142 0.130022 -0.05216142 PHA-665752 LOC100507557 0.05215647 0.13000965 0.05215647 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198265 0.05215211 0.12999878 -0.05215211 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198142 0.05214182 0.12997311 0.05214182 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116478 0.05213396 0.12995351 -0.05213396 PHA-665752 ENSG00000134138 0.05212908 0.12994135 0.05212908 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180884 0.05210843 0.12988986 -0.05210843 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141194 0.05210321 0.12987685 0.05210321 PHA-665752 RTCD1 0.05208973 0.12984324 0.05208973 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171777 0.05208442 0.12983 -0.05208442 PHA-665752 C7orf10 0.05207693 0.12981131 -0.05207693 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165966 0.05207653 0.12981032 -0.05207653 PHA-665752 ENSG00000144285 0.05207092 0.12979634 -0.05207092 PHA-665752 ENSG00000215262 0.0520701 0.12979428 -0.0520701 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132780 0.05206766 0.12978819 -0.05206766 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156650 0.0520599 0.12976885 -0.0520599 PHA-665752 ENSG00000235106 0.05205977 0.12976854 -0.05205977 PHA-665752 ENSG00000181029 0.05205018 0.12974463 -0.05205018 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168268 0.05204936 0.12974256 0.05204936 PHA-665752 LOC100131316 0.05203415 0.12970464 -0.05203415 PHA-665752 ENSG00000145087 0.05203202 0.12969934 0.05203202 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162873 0.0520284 0.12969031 0.0520284 PHA-665752 ENSG00000023287 0.05201657 0.12966082 -0.05201657 PHA-665752 ENSG00000140015 0.05201647 0.12966056 -0.05201647 PHA-665752 LOC100506694 0.05199194 0.12959941 -0.05199194 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138083 0.05198289 0.12957683 -0.05198289 PHA-665752 ENSG00000151023 0.05197814 0.12956499 -0.05197814 PHA-665752 ENSG00000126903 0.05197654 0.12956099 -0.05197654 PHA-665752 ENSG00000008438 0.05195805 0.12951489 -0.05195805 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157219 0.05194355 0.12947874 0.05194355 PHA-665752 ENSG00000105612 0.05193827 0.12946559 0.05193827 PHA-665752 ENSG00000008086 0.05191368 0.12940426 -0.05191368 PHA-665752 ENSG00000166352 0.05190447 0.12938129 -0.05190447 PHA-665752 ENSG00000130921 0.05188907 0.1293429 0.05188907 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100346 0.05185854 0.12926677 -0.05185854 PHA-665752 ENSG00000113638 0.05185266 0.12925213 -0.05185266 PHA-665752 ENSG00000154764 0.05185132 0.12924878 -0.05185132 PHA-665752 ENSG00000138286 0.05184857 0.12924192 0.05184857 PHA-665752 ENSG00000141434 0.05184288 0.12922774 -0.05184288 PHA-665752 ENSG00000156709 0.0518427 0.12922728 0.0518427 PHA-665752 ENSG00000165509 0.0518382 0.12921605 -0.0518382 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167757 0.05183252 0.12920191 0.05183252 PHA-665752 ENSG00000120675 0.05181629 0.12916143 0.05181629 PHA-665752 ENSG00000196914 0.05179721 0.12911384 -0.05179721 PHA-665752 LOC100506834 0.05178487 0.12908307 -0.05178487 PHA-665752 ENSG00000198398 0.051781 0.12907343 -0.051781 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188959 0.05178056 0.12907235 -0.05178056 PHA-665752 ENSG00000259458 0.05177807 0.12906612 0.05177807 PHA-665752 ENSG00000117115 0.05175454 0.12900745 -0.05175454 PHA-665752 ENSG00000147206 0.05175352 0.12900491 -0.05175352 PHA-665752 ENSG00000121858 0.05175179 0.1290006 -0.05175179 PHA-665752 ENSG00000116031 0.0517206 0.12892282 -0.0517206 PHA-665752 ENSG00000146278 0.05171934 0.12891968 -0.05171934 PHA-665752 ENSG00000187535 0.05171616 0.12891175 0.05171616 PHA-665752 ENSG00000126787 0.0517017 0.1288757 -0.0517017 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100532 0.05170047 0.12887264 0.05170047 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168961 0.05169666 0.12886313 -0.05169666 PHA-665752 ENSG00000197355 0.0516961 0.12886173 0.0516961 PHA-665752 ENSG00000081041 0.05167042 0.1287977 -0.05167042 PHA-665752 ENSG00000174177 0.05166906 0.12879433 -0.05166906 PHA-665752 ENSG00000100344 0.05166859 0.12879314 0.05166859 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188269 0.05166597 0.12878662 -0.05166597 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163840 0.05165347 0.12875546 -0.05165347 PHA-665752 ENSG00000104760 0.05163896 0.12871928 -0.05163896 PHA-665752 OR8G2 0.05163327 0.12870507 -0.05163327 PHA-665752 C20orf152 0.05162563 0.12868603 0.05162563 PHA-665752 ENSG00000005469 0.05161067 0.12864874 -0.05161067 PHA-665752 ENSG00000204524 0.0515992 0.12862014 -0.0515992 PHA-665752 ENSG00000262814 0.05159742 0.12861569 0.05159742 PHA-665752 ENSG00000137699 0.05159216 0.12860258 0.05159216 PHA-665752 ENSG00000167110 0.05154997 0.12849738 -0.05154997 PHA-665752 ENSG00000168763 0.05154237 0.12847843 0.05154237 PHA-665752 ENSG00000142025 0.05153537 0.12846098 -0.05153537 PHA-665752 ENSG00000170145 0.05153463 0.12845912 -0.05153463 PHA-665752 ENSG00000047648 0.05153226 0.12845322 -0.05153226 PHA-665752 ENSG00000188483 0.05153005 0.1284477 -0.05153005 PHA-665752 ENSG00000162817 0.05152987 0.12844727 0.05152987 PHA-665752 ENSG00000132002 0.05152706 0.12844024 0.05152706 PHA-665752 ENSG00000135953 0.05151156 0.1284016 0.05151156 PHA-665752 ENSG00000180043 0.05151062 0.12839927 -0.05151062 PHA-665752 LSAMP-AS3 0.05150354 0.12838162 0.05150354 PHA-665752 ENSG00000157315 0.05150226 0.12837843 -0.05150226 PHA-665752 ENSG00000128829 0.05149575 0.12836219 -0.05149575 PHA-665752 ENSG00000127337 0.0514828 0.12832989 0.0514828 PHA-665752 ENSG00000176383 0.05148107 0.12832557 0.05148107 PHA-665752 ENSG00000021574 0.05141293 0.12815569 -0.05141293 PHA-665752 LOC653160 0.05140713 0.12814122 -0.05140713 PHA-665752 ENSG00000124839 0.05140356 0.12813231 0.05140356 PHA-665752 ENSG00000119487 0.05137298 0.12805606 -0.05137298 PHA-665752 LOC100506790 0.05136965 0.12804776 0.05136965 PHA-665752 ENSG00000171790 0.05136579 0.12803813 0.05136579 PHA-665752 ENSG00000071246 0.05135987 0.12802338 -0.05135987 PHA-665752 ENSG00000163681 0.0513567 0.12801546 -0.0513567 PHA-665752 ENSG00000109320 0.05134242 0.12797986 0.05134242 PHA-665752 ENSG00000184261 0.05133634 0.1279647 -0.05133634 PHA-665752 ENSG00000265060 0.05133411 0.12795914 -0.05133411 PHA-665752 ENSG00000182272 0.05133259 0.12795535 0.05133259 |
6181133_1 | courtlistener | Public Domain | Richard S. Heller, J.
These claims arising from the same accident were tried together by consent. The claim of Frank Wrazen as parent and natural guardian of the infant Frank Wrazen, Jr., a part of Claim No. 37134, was dismissed at the opening of the trial because no guardian ad litem had ever been appointed. The attorneys for the said infant consented to the dismissaJT^
Anna Wrazen, together with her son Frank Wrazen, Jr., Edward Trzaska and David John Krywczuk left the Buffalo, New York, area at approximately 6:00 p.m. on July 13, 1959 to drive another Wrazen son back to an army camp located at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. They drove all night until they *78reached ,a point approximately :96 miles north of Fort Bragg where the Wrazen boy left for ©amp. Sometime between S;0O and 10.00 a.m. the party started north for home. On the way they stopped in Washington, I). G., for several hours to see the city, then again started for Buffalo.
At 3:00 a.m. on July 15, 1959 the car then being driven by Anna Wrazen collided with a tractor-trailer. As a result Anna Wrazen died and the other occupants were injured. At the time of the accident the group had been on the road for 31 honrs except for the sight-seeing in Washington, D. CL, and for occasional short stops for food and other needs. Whatever sleep any of the occupants had during fids period was in the traveling ear. There is evidence that they alternated with the driving.
The only witness to the actual collision was the driver of the tractor-trailer. Mrs. Wrazen died without recovering consciousness. The other boys were asleep at the time of the accident and could add nothing to the record.
It is the contention of the claimants that the State was negligent in the construction and reconstruction of Route 15, a State highway at a point approximately one mile south of the Village of Wayland and a few miles north of Cohocton, an area known as Lander’s Hill.
As you approach the scene of the accident going in a northerly direction you go up a hill on a right curve to the crest and almost immediately start down a long grade. The 24-foot road has a good sight distance up and down the two grades.
The State had been occupied for about two months prior to the accident in repairing and patching the road south of the accident site. At the crest and for 75 feet northerly in the northbound lane, there was a hard-packed gravel fill that was rough. To the south there were further patches and rough spots. All of this road was under daily supervision and two red flags with the words “Slow” were placed on the side of the road just before and at the center of the 75-foot filled area. There is some evidence that flares were used at night at the patch and that further to the south were two flags and flares.
There is no doubt that the road was rough and subject to frequent patching but there is no evidence that there had been any accidents at this point. There is evidence that the area could be safely travelled at maximum allowable speed and there is evidence that drivers tended to pull to the left as they approached the rough filled area if they were familiar with the condition.
At 1:30 a.m., one and one-half honrs before the accident, the travelers had stopped for coffee. Mrs. Wrazen took her turn at *79driving and continued as the driver until the accident. A short time before the accident, a State Trooper traveling southerly was so impressed with the erratic driving of the ear that he turned around to check on conditions but before he could overtake the car, the accident occurred.
The driver of a tractor-trailer proceeding up the hill and almost to the erest noticed the Wrazen ear in Ms lane at a distance of ISO feet to the south. The ear proceeded in a straight line toward him and although the driver of the tractor-trailer pulled to the right, the car collided with Ms tractor, still in the southbound lane. The point of impact was a few feet north of the 75-foot filled area. The car had crossed a double white line which extended up the hill to the crest and beyond.
It is the opinion of the court that the road was in sufficient repair to provide a safe place for the traveling public and that the warnings were sufficient under the circumstances. The sole proximate cause of the accident was the negligence of the driver of the car.
The claims are dismissed.
Either party may submit findings of fact and conclusions of law and they will be marked and signed by the court if received within 20 days from the date hereof, otherwise they shall he deemed to have been waived.
bpt6k7850136_1 | French-PD-Newspapers | Public Domain | ï-üiua ET M^/UlTZSf&XTîà VINUT-HUITIEME ANNEE. — N" 10302 O ’ ' ' __ • • <CS 5 flSTK 3 > 3 I 33 QB?<næiSS3 LUNDI 23 SEPTEMBRE .1908 RÉDACTION ei ADMINISTRATION : là, rua 4m Croissant el 27, me des ieêtwurs PARIS (8*) 'félépûones: ! 08-33, t30-87,lSQ-8T PARIS (ÉT) i« Kr’irtA *t Rftii *" “ " Pari». Seine efScioe-tt-Oise.... 3 mois 5 £r. S »«s lO fr. 1 au StO te DêparkeaeDlti.,.. 3 mois 6 fr. € mois *2 fr. 1 an 84Cr. Kirao^ür (Union posta le)....... 3 mois 8 fr. € mois 18 fr. I «Q 33 (r. SSTOqgjr^îiaLM' âwwapÿ'two^wâ'iwjBWii^pwp^^^îi^iiuÿj^^^^.ÿiifc IH POLITIQUE -:I.Ci8IBWtt compte se retirer après les élections Marial à janvier ’/ sava candidat au Sénat dans te Vàh dans ta Corso et dans là Vendée Ainsi que le veut la" coutume, M. Clemenceauï à la veille r de là rentrée des Chambres, prononcera, un grand dis-r cours politique, -au cours duquel il ré-r pondra, par avance, aux inter pel labeurs qui désirent le renverser. C-’êst dire qu’il parlera du Maroc et de la' Confédération.Générale du Travail, -des .-.événements de ; Casàblanca et des fusillades de Draveil-Vigneux. • M. .Clemenceau -prononcera ce dis. .cburs 'dans le; Var, à rissue -d’un ban-' quet, soit à Brignolés,’-soit à -Dragui. gnan, soit à Baridol ; on n’est.pas encore fixé sur ce,point, .. Tout au plus sàit^dn que ce discours ■ ne' sera pas.’ prononcé à Toulon. : ■ Visitant le Var, M. Clemenceau ne s’arrête pas,-en effet, dans la plus grande cité de ce département ; il craint d’y ■ être reçu .à coups de stridents sifflets. Une campagne féroce est, en effet, menée à Toulon .par les socialistes contre M. Clemenceau, que le Petit. Far qualifie journellement de renégat, de traître, de bandit, d’assassin. Trois députés du Var, sur quatre,sont à la tête des adversaires irréductibles du. président du conseil ; ils ont juré d’avoir sa peau. • '. Quant aux sénateurs, ils sont trois dans le Var ; M. Clemenceau a contre lui ses deux collègues de la Haute Assemblée, et notamment M. Victor Méfie, le père de l’auteur des Hommes du f our, auquel la Cour d’assises a infligé hier un an de prison. II. est certain, tout le monde le sait au Sénat, que si.. M. Méric père avait cessé son opposition à M. Clemenceau, l’on n’aurait jamais'poursuivi M. Mérie fils. Clemenceau, a l'intention, de se retirer volontairement du pouvoir aprèsles élections de janvier. Il se retirerait pour raisons de santé — il est exact qu’il est très fatigué — et il désignerait un homme de son parti au choix du Président de la République,ainsi que fit M. Waîdeck-Rousseau...... ■ ■ ■ Ij s’agit de savoir si les événements permettront à M. Clemenceau de réaliser ce plan admirablement conçu. LE PARLEMENTAIRE DEUXIEME PARE. — Nos informations de fa Dernière tieuI IDC re. — Nos échos : « On dit iwliL< que... », du Wattman et « Conseils » de Magda. — La « Vie Gaie », par Le Huron. B! TROISIEME PAGE. — La iLUw vie Sportive, par Ch.-A. Bertrand et Paul Sencïer. — Les Théâtres, par Edouard Seaudu. ï OÎM QUATRIEME PAGE. — Les Iwv/tlT Courses de chevaux, par Meltan et Lynx (Résultats, compte reni du et appréciations). Les barricades du 4-Septenibre .. « Les délégués se sont retirés satisfaits », écrivait-onaprès l’entrevue du comité de défense du 11° arrondissement avec M. Armand Bernard, secrétaire général de. là préfecture de la Seine. ■ Auj-ourdhui, les déléguésne sont plus ■s'atisfàMs.---. ■' On leu-r avait promis de permettre aux voitures se rendant rue du Quatre-Sepfcembre de franchir les barrages. Cette promesse a été tenue et de grands écriteaux de calicot sont -plantés, disant que seules 'ces voitures peuvent passer. Oui, mais par où ? Derrière les écriteaux, on voit des buttes de terre ou de morceaux de ciment, des fossés fortifiés et un étroit espace libre, creusé de trous, où stationne une file immobile de tramways; On leur avait promis,’-pour activer les travaux-, d’y mettre des équipes de nuit. Les délégués ont. pu se rendre compte qu’aucun ordre n’ayait. été donné. Les délégués ne sont plus satisfaits, et ils ..ont raison. Pas de téléphone, pas de voitures, pas die clients, cela a assez duré. LE « LATGUCHE-TREVILLE » Toulon, 27 septembre. — Un service religieux sera célébré vendredi matin, à dix heures à la cathédrale, pour les marins victimes de l’accident du Latouobe-Tré•ville ». • La-petite amie Qui donc oserait nier la solidarité de nos.ministres ? Après M. Briand, partisan résolu de i’union" libre, voici M. Picquart qui se dit du mérité avis, et qui le prouve. La loi reconnaît aux conscrits qui ont laissé chez eux une mère, une femme, des mioches sans ressources, le droit à des indemnités. Au mpins, ce petit monde ne mourra pas de faim. Or, désormais, M. Picquart — c’est le Figaro qui nous le raconte — accorde ces secours no-n plus seulement à la femme dri soldat, mais, s’il est garçon, à sa bonne amie. Encore fallait-il trouver. un nom à cette, dernière. L’administration de la guerre, pour ne pas décorer des religieuses, les-qualifie dans la promotion de la croix « infirmières congréganistes ». De même, par un euphémisme qui rappelle les gentillesses de l’époque révolutionnaire, elle libelle ses bons de secours ainsi : « A Mlle X..., cow■» pagne du soldat Z... » « Compagne », charmante « compagne » du soldat X..., vous l’avez connu quand il ne portait pas encore l’uniforme? Vous-avez fleureté; vous vous êtes laissé séduire ? Nous direz-vous si ce compagnonnage date de loin ?. Le déjeuner à l’ambassade d’Espatjna a réuni, autour üs nos hôtes, MMClemenceau, Bichon, etc. Ce soir, à sept heures, par l’Orient Express, LL. MM. vont sa rendre directement à Munich. Les souverains d’Espagne sont nos hôtes. Arrivés hier soir comme nous l’avions annoncé, ils ont passé la nuit d : ans un hôtel proche des Tuileries. Lstepremière visite que le roi reçu fut,à.9 heures 1/2, celle du général Dalstein, gouverneur de la Place militaire de Paris. Monocle à l’œil, en civil, le général fit*une visite de cérémonie, une visite mondaine qui ne dura qu’un quart d’heure. Deux heures après, les souverains quittaient leur, hôtel pour aller entendre la messe à la chapelle de la mission espagnole, avenue de Friedland. • Sur" le par-cours .qu’ils devaient suivre de l’hôtel à la chapelle, un service d’ordre, où, la discrétion le disputait à l’importance,' avait été organisé. ;. Un grand nombre de curieux stationnaient devant l’hôtel; de.chaque côté de lia. porte d’entrée ; d'autres s’étaient placés dans ■ l’intérieur du jardin des Tuileries, derrière les. grilles. , ; Une automobile rouge attendait les souverains,mais' ce nièqt pas dans'cett.e voi; ture que le foi "et la-' reine., ont pris'place^ Une autre automobile stationnait dans' la rue de Castiglione, devant une petite porte par laquelle sortirent; à onze heures moins vingt le roi-, la reine, le marquis de Viana et M. Quinonès de. Leon pour aller à Sàint-Rôch. j v ' ■ Personne n’étaiit averti de ce v brusque changement ' au programme. Avenue Friedland, une foule, assez considérable attendait les souverains. MM; Lépine, Toinny,.Orsatti et M. Muiinier, officier de l’arrondissement, avaient •organisé un service d’ordre très important. A onze heures moins un quart, M. Lépine fut averti par des agents cyclistes que l’automobile royale avait pris'une autre direction. •. Le préfet se demandait où pouvaient être le roi et la reine. Il partit à leur recherche, accompagné de MM. Touny "et Omsatiii, après avoir recommandé à M. Mülnier de maintenir le service d’ordre au cas où le roi se déciderait quand même à venir à la chapelle espagnole. ■ Le préfet retrouva les souverains • espagnols à l'église Saint-Roch où ils avaient tout d’abord pénétré.'comme de simples -particuliers. Il n’y avait d’ailleuns à-cette heure que peu de fidèles dans'l’église. Uis sé rendirent dans l'abside, derrière le mai* tfé-autel,• où. devait être célébré la prochaine. messe:r. Après la messe, .crois-automobiles 'vin-' : rente se Tanger, devant une'-pétitè sortie située à droite de l’église et donnant sur le'passage Saint-BôoE , ='. , i. La reine,, vêtue d’un, costume tailleur, en drap marron, accompagnée duchesse. de San-Gai’los et du duc. de Santo-Mauro, monta dàns la première voiture qui Rengagea rapidement dans la * rue des Pyramides. ■ ■ ■ • A leur sortie, les souverains furent salués avec une vive et respectueuse sympathie par les promeneurs'matinaux. Les voitures royales, suivies-:de l'automobile die M. Lépine, gagnèrent la rué de Rivoli, la place de la Concorde, montèrent les Champs-Elysées, l’avenue diu Bois et parcoururent, le Bois par La Cascade et le pont de Saint-Cloud. A l’Elysée Là les deux voitures, .qui marchaient à une courte distance l’une dé l’autre, se séparèrent. Tandis que la reine continuait sa promenade avant de rentrer, à l'hôtel, la voiture du roi rebroussa-chemin pour se rendre à l’Elysée. A l’angle de l’avenue Marigny et de l'avenue Gabriel, la voiture stoppa, M. Quinonès die Léon en descendit ; et le roi se rendit à l’Elysée accompagné seulement du marquis de Viana, son grand-écuyer. La fouie était très nombreuseaux abords de l’Elysée. > -. Dans lia cour était rangé un bataillon du 5° régiment d'infanterie avec drapeau et musique sous le commandement du colonel -Fumet; -Les tambours >et les clairons battent et sonnent « Aux champs », puis la musique j o ne Thymne espagnol.'■ Le roi descend de voiture, il est en chapeau haute forme et redingote ; il tient à la main des gants paille. A sa. boutonnière il porte la rosette die la Légion d’honneur, et sur le côté gauche die sa redingote la croix de Calatraya. Le roi et le marquis die Viana sont reçus par M. Mollard, introducteur des ambassadeurs, le lieutenant-colonel Lasson, officier, de service et le lieutenant-colonel Jaoquillat,commandant militaire du Palais.* Le roi est aussitôt introduit dans le saIon des Ambassadeurs, où se tient M. Ealliôres, entouré de sa maisoncivile et militaire. Après s’être. entretenu assez longuement avec le président de la République, Alphonse XIII est allé saluer Mme FalMères. Ce roi, qui était arrivé à 11 heures et demie, a quitté l’Elysée à midii 25 exacte ment. En attendant le roi Au fronton de l’ambassade d’Espagne, dont les fenêtres s’ouvrent sur les déliça-' tes merveilles du. Parc Monceau, le drapeau bicolore aux trois bandés rouges ét jaune flotte, largement déployé au-dessus de l’écusson de pierre où le lion héraldique semble assiéger la tour de Castille. Les fleuristes, dès six heures dumatin, sont. maîtres .d£:l 3 < place et sèment à proîdv sion -roses de-toutes les teintes, orchidées et chrysanthèmes. En bas, sur le boulevard de Courcelles, les curieux commencent à franchir les limites dù rassemblement, pour former une petite foule. Foule très calme et qui ne criera pas. Petits boutiquiers de la plaine Monceau, petits'rentiers batignoliais, des humbles ! Ces braves gens attendent', forts d’une patience qu’il leur faudra entretenir bien au delà de.midi. On se distrait comme on peu. ' Un monsieur complaisant explique à son voisin qui. n’a guère voyagé que les beauxmessieurs rouge et or qu’on aperçoit dans la côur 'de l’ambassade, le violon à la main ne sont pas, comme il le croyait, des sol-.; dats. espagnols, .mais des tziganes qui vônt donner à S. M. Alphonse XIII un..avantgoût de cé bleu. Danube 'sur les bords du : quel il se promènera demain. Mais l’heure passe et le service d’ordre devient’ plus rigoureux, -là foule s’épaissit: Une à_ùne les .automobiles des invités ps-.. nètrént dans la' cour de l’ambassade. Un commandant à képi blanc et or est pris pour le roi,, pas longtemps, il a trop de moustaches. Voici seul, olivâtre et taciturne M. Clemenceau, voici encore M. Pichon,'-mais le roi ne paraît toujours pas... 674-12 ’ Une heure 10 ! Enfin, voici Tauto royale, la 674-12, son chauffeur exécute un savant virage et, comme la circulation n’a pas été interrompue, un cheval de fiacre qui ignore tout des fastes de ce monde aurait •donné: du naseau dans le capot sans là prompte intervention d'un agent. Tout le monde se découvre, une vieille dame se signe ! Le roi salue, la reine sou,rit. ' ■ Alphonse XIII est'déjà le plus populaire des souverains. Paris est sensible aux visites de ce monarque qui est jeune et dont l’élégance dépassera en renommée celle du prince de Galles dont on parlait tant naSuère. • La reine .était entièrement vêtue de noir et coiffée d’un lai-ge chapeau couvrant le •lourd bandeau d’or de sas .'cheveux. Pour les autres toilettes, notons le. viojet; et le champagne .comme teintes, domiriahtes. •. ! Le déjeuner C'oSt àl’am'ba'Sî'adé d’Espagne qu’a eu lieu le déjeuner. ' ' Le 'roi avait à Sa droite Mme la mar..quise del-Munij M; Attende Salazar,' Mme la. comtesse de Molina, MM. Vallin,Doriga, Aristega. A sa gauche; Mme Picho-n, S. .E. le .marquis deL Muni, MM. Molla-rd, Lal-er, de la Huerta, Quiiicnès de Léon, marquis de la Torre. A la diroite de la reine avaient pris place M. Clemenceau, Mme la duchesse de &an-€arlos, comte del Grave, marquis de .Vicena; comte de Sc-rramagna, commandant Rivas. A sa' gauche étaient assis M. Piclipn, Mme Lo-ller, duc de Santo-Mauro, M. Palomino, comte de Pradère, comte J. de Molina, M. del Rio. Ce qu’a mangé le roi .Voici quel était le menu : Huîtres d’Ostende •Œufs en caisse à la royale Filets de turbot à la Cardinal Selles de Béhague à l’anglaise Aubergines Mies Poulardes du M-ans et cailles de vignes’ • aux truffes Pilaff à la turque ■ Salade de cœurs de laitues • ■ Petits pois au baurreGlace Victoria • : Gâteaux amandines Chester, cakes L’après-midi et la soirée A l’issu-e du déjeuner à l’ambassade, M. Attende Salazar,. ministre des affaires étrangères d’Espagne, a eu un long entretien avec notre ministre des affaires étrangères M. Pichon, durant lequel ils se sont entretenus en général de diverses questions touchant notre politique étrangère en ce "qui concerne l’Espagne et plus particulièrement. dés réponses des puissances et de la no.te à propos dè -.Moulay-Ha-fid.' -A sept heures vingt, les souverains espagnols prendront cé soir, à la gare del’Est, l’Orient-Express qui les conduira à Munich. ■ Le Congrès socialiste fédéral A Saint-Denis. — Un discours de ÎA. Edouard Vaillant. I^s congrès ‘ socialiste de la Seine, section de Saint-Denis, s’est ouvert ce matin à. Saint-Denis dans la salle de 1’ « Avenir social » à 9 heures, sous 1a. présidence de M. Walter, député de Saint-Denis. Dans la salle on remârquait'la présence de plusieurs; élus parmi lesquels MM. Groussier, Sembat, députés, Landrin, con-’ seiller municipal. Le congrès décide tout d’abord de nommer une commission chargée d’étudier les textes des différentes questions, qui ont été déposés sur le bureau. Cette commission devra remettre un rapport complet sur-la., discussion de l’ordre du jour diu Congrès de Toulouse. Plusieurs orateurs soutiennent là motion <de: M." Jobert et la motion die M. Varenne. AI.' Vaillant prononce un discours dans lequel il dit que pour arriver à son but, qui est assurément révolutionnaire, le parti socialiste de la Seine en mêrne temps que. politique s'intitule. égalementpàrlerrientaire et syndicaliste et préconise, une action universelle indiscutable. «-11 fit d.e la propagande dans le pays, en public,.au Parlement, et la caractéristique du-parti c’est que nos dissensions, nos disciui-sions au sein des groupes ont fait que les-ouvriers sont venus 'renforcer nos. cadres. Nous sommes un .parti-. de réalité vivante. » Après l’adoption de plusieurs projets, la première séance est levée. Dans l’après-midi, ' un peu après deux heures, les délégués ont de nouveau tenu séance. On discute sur deux motions : la première, présentée au nom de là Fédération de 1-a Côte-d’Or. Elle, se divise en plusieurs parties, la première a irait à l’action générale du Parti,, la.seconde à l’attitude à observer à l*égard du parti radical, la troisième à la valeur des réformes et, enfin, la quatrième g?t relative au vote du b-udgelA la .motion de la Côte-d’Or en sera oppo-, sée une aut/re, présentée par la treizième section, connue sous le nom de « motion Jobart ». Celle-ci,, au contraire, refuse toute entente avec le parti radical, n’accor-de à l’œuvre de réformes qu’une action tout à fait secondaire et en nie l’efficacité ; elle comsidèLe que l’utilité des élus et de leur action consiste surtout-en "la propagande qu’ils peuvent faire dans le; pays.... , La tourné© des min.istres M. Cailiaüx à Soüiüac ; M; Barthou dans les Basses-Pyrénéens M. Cruppi dans le Tarn. M. Louis Barthou, ministre des travaux publics, accompagné de M. Maurice Reclus, chef de son secrétariat particulier, est parti aujourd’hui pour les Basses-Pyré• nées où il doit assister à la session du. conseil général. M. Caïllaux arrive Souillac, 27 septembre. —Après avoir fait un court arrêt à Brive pour éviter l’arrivée à une heure trop matinale, le train ministériel est entré en gare de Souillac à huit heures. • Sur le quai de la gare, ies sénateurs et députés, les préfets et sous-préfets de la région et un grand nombre de fonctionnaires attendaient le ministre. A sa descente de-wagon, la musique militaire de Cahors a joué la « Marseillaise ». Puis, M. Malvy, maire et père du député, a souhaité la bienvenue à M. Caittiaux rassurant des sentiments républicains des ha-b itants. .’ ' M. CaiUaiix a remercié le maire et a adressé un mot .aimable à toutes ■ les personnes présentes. ; En quittantla gare. 'M; Cai-ilaux, escorté ^dessénateurs, députés, .préfets et-, sous-pi'éfets de la région, s’est'rendu à l’Hôtel de Ville où il a reçu les municipalités des environs,. ainsi que -les. instituteurs, les fonctionnaires de l'enregistrement, des contributions, despostes, etc.-. ... .Ces. réceptions ont duré .trois quarts, d’heure, puis le ministre s’est, rendu/à’ la salle du banquet. Un discours sur l’impôt Après le banquet, pour inaugurer le service des eaux, M. Caillaux a prononcé un discours sur nos finances en général ,èt : l’impôt sur le revenu en particulier. « La situation financière de la France, dit en résumé le‘ministre, n’est pasde, nature à justifier de sérieuses appréhensions;. ". « Le budget de 1907 se traduira par un excédent considérable.'. Sans, doute l’exercice 1908 se présente -dans des conditions moins favorables, il y a lieu d’espérer cependant que la tourmente rie sera;pas. de: longue durée ' et qu’elle n’éprouvera pas trop rudement le budget en cours et celui à venir. » ■ ■ Puor l’impôt sur le revenu, M. Caillaux considère la bataille comme gagnée, puis ils’efforce de montrer que la refonte de l’impôt foncier sera avantageuse pour l’agriculture.« Messieurs, je ne saurais dire combien je suis heureux d’avoir une occasion de m’expliquer publiquement devant un auditoire composé en grande partie de cultivateurs su,r cette question des bénéfices agricoles -que, pour des raisons que chacun perçoit, on a essayé de compliquer et d’embrouiller et qui, à la vérité, est telle-, ment simple et cLaire que Le principe ne .'m’en apparaît pas discutable du moment où il a été nettement exposé. « Les revenus de la terre se composent, n’est-ii pas vrai, de deux parties : il y a la rente du sol que le fermier paie au propriétaire-quand la terre est louée et le revenu de l’exploitation agricole, le revenu qui représente Tunique ressource de l’immense majorité des fermiers et des, métayère. La rente dù so.Lsera taxée demain — et c’est justice —"au même titre et au même taux que les revenus de tous les autres capitaux — c’est également justice. « L’impôt foncier dans le système nouveau ne. pèsera que sur la rente du sol. » Pour conclure, M. Caillaux, en Jonglant avec les chiffres, trouve qu'au lieu de payer 157 millions comme aujourd’hui, l’agriculture n’en paiera plus que 33 avec son système. Qui supportera la différence ? M. Cruppi inaugure Mazamet (Tarn), 27 septembre. — M. Thomson, ministre de la marine, qui devait présider aujourd’hui l’inauguration d’un monument élevé à Mazamet (Tarn), à la mémoire de M. Barbey, ancien ministre. de. la marine, en étant empêché par les douloureux événements dé Toulon, c’est M. Çruppi, ministre du. commerce, qui a présidé cette cérémonie commémorative. A cette occasion,' il a prononcé un discours dans lequel, après‘avoir excusé M. Thomson, il a retracé toute la vie de M. Barbey, officier, industriel, maire, ministre ai républicain., • le liie iiiMll soo a! eizsaitrii ponr la faire as niir Une affaire Remy à Dijon. — Blouse blanche, casquette grise et lunettes vertes. Les charges contre la bonne. — Ses déclarations. (De notre correspondant panicvlier) ■ Dijon, 27 septembre. — Mélanie Oudet, âgée de vingt-quatre ans, originaire du Jura, était employée comme Forme qu service de Mme Anne-Marie F.aivre, rentière, 31, rue des Roses, à Dijon. Aime. Faivre, âgée de soixante-cinq ans, habitait la maison avec sa bonne et sa rrièire octogénaire, celles-ci couchant dans deux chambres contiguës du rez-de-chaussée, tandis que la bonne occupait une chambre au premier étage. Dams la nuit de samedi, un voisin, M. Duitbu,' énteridant les cris de : « Au se. cou rs ! A T a ssassin ! ». se mit aussitôt à sa fenêtre endisant •: — Est-ce vous, Mme Faivre .? — "Oui c’est; moi. Allez chercher M. Berteaux,'on m’assassine, ■' M. Bérteâiux, un. menuisier ayant fré.quemnièrit' travaillé pour Mme Faivre, accourut avec, quelques, autres personnes. Il -leur fallut plus d’un quart d'heure durant lequel leur parvenaient les gémissements de Mme Faivre, avant de. réussirà pénétrer mai-son .de celle-ci, ayant été obligés.d’aller ‘cheroher^une échelle pour •. escalader-le. mur, 1-a* grille d’entrée étant jclosg.; i.JF Mme Faivre baignait dlans une mare de sang", mais n’ayant cependant pas perdu comiaiseance, elle raconta à ses voisins que s’étant enfermée dans sa chambre, elle fut appelée par sa bonne, Mélanie Oudet, qui la priait quelques instants plustôt ’dê descendre. Pensant que sa mère était malade, Mme Faivre, sans réflexion, descendit. Quant à. ta bonne, lorsqu’on se trouva porte de la salle à manger s’ouvrit, quelqu’un é lampe et Mme Faivre reçut sur la tète un coup violent. La porte diu ■ jardin-,■ qu’elle, avait fermée avant d’al■ 1er se coucher, se trouvait ouverte. Elle réussit à la franchir et à appeler ses voi; sins.:. ... On donna les premiers soin.' à la victime et mit à la •recherche du meurtrier. On vit dans la chambre de Ta bonne un individu " blotti sous le lit et qui s’enfuit en escaladant le mur d’une propriété voisine. C’est en vain qu’on le pouvsiuivtt. Quand à la bonne, lorsqu’on se trouva "'en “sa présence, elle ne put que balbutier devant sa maîtresse : « Madame ! Madame! » Le .commissaire de police et le Parquet, rapidenicninformés, accoururent et interrogèrent Mélanie Oudet. Elle .déclara que le'meurtrier s’appelait Louis Renaud et. qu’elle avait fait sa con"naissance' alors qu’elle habitait Paris et qu’il était valet de chambre chez M. Dufour, rue Duphot. Hile ajouta qu’elle avait été sa maîtresse et. qu’elle avait même eu do lui un enfant. , Renaud à plusieurs reprises, prétenditette, lui avait fait des propositions de cambriolage, lui demandant de lui servir d’indicatrice dans les places où elle était employée. Elle ajouta qu’elle avait toujours refusé et qu’elle était venue enfin à Dijon, précisément pour se soustraire à ces propositions. Enfin elle revit Renaud et finit par céder à ses sollicitations après avoir une fois de plus résisté, r Ouvre ou j’enfonce ! A une heure dù matin, Mélanie Oudét vit Renaud vêtu d’une longue blouse blanche. 11 portail une casquette grise, ses yeux étaient cachés sou;; des lunettes vertes et ses oie-is étaient chaussés de chaussons. • •. — Si tu n’ouvres pas la porte, je l’enfonce, déclara-t-il. Elle ouvrit.-Pensant que Renaud, dit-elle an magistrat instructeur, se contenterait de cambrioler T a chambre dé Mme Faivre sans la frapper. Elle pria celle-ci de descendre. Mais dès qu’il la vit, Renaud se saisit d’une chaise de salle à manger Henri II qu’il avait à portée de la main et e<n frappa Mme Faivre. L’assassin serait monté au premier dans la chambre où se trouvait le coffre-fort. Mais il n’eut pas le temps de voler. Renaud est âgé de 30 ans, son signalement est le suivant : cheveux et mousiaehe châtainSj corpulence assez forte. 11 était descendu, avâit-il dit, dans un hôtel meublé de la rue de la Liberté, presqu’en-face de la rue du Chapeau-Rouge. Mme Faivre avait chez elle une somme de six mille francs. D’autre part le fils de Mme Faivre qui était l’hôte dé sa mère, était parti dans la. soirée de samedi. Ces faits connus de Mélanie-Oudet forment de graves présomptions contre elle, dont, d’ailleurs Mme Faivre se déclare très mécontente, lui reprochant notamment son insolence. LE « IENA » GUERI Toulon, 27 septembre. — Le cuirassé « léna » de sinistre mémoire, va très prochainement sortir du bassin où il est immobilisé depuis plus de dix-huit mijis,après avoir subi-des répérations complètes. . Demain, le bassin sera rempli pour qu’oa puisse s’assurer de sa flottabilité. Dès sa sortie, le « léna » sera, conduit sous une grive pour procéder au débarquement de ses quatre canons. Les deux canons. d'avant pourront très probablement être utilisés pour un autre bâtiment, f. L'INTRANSIGEANT ET LE JOURNAL DE PÀRIS Courses à Sahjt-Cloud fcAuguste-Merle hSfebb, 5|Se.hsauJa fli.MoiiTfRœdereri,|WilIy Carter 4 Elyses MichelTîphmssl JD. Tteiîf 4(Ç ,!0 J1 • ■ • De Ghefest ;dCh Bartholomew. ]àAtnbigu ^ r»vte G. "de Fon&râe|tiaWTeûce.. • • jSjWena" H. .de Mdmm ...tetPropriétaire ‘ T.-P. Th&rne ... ;.|N. Turner V r MI Marghiloman ..[Milton 1 Pirince' de Delliela. ! Smith,... ..*••••» »„•■<■ Princesse D.-Singh|Woodland.. —. •E; Gouberf : ; lürbain David PHUi’tUUAUlta , : IV tC 11 car.» Bar' M?'RoüièchfidjD’O.ckuÿsén...».... 5|Cood Me«o# ?..• S "*^ P ' P; Michel EphriS-i DjlReiît.ftei'On.j..-"*|g 5 S h Æ“ <,9w '' V. cfA, w iw Pratt 5!NaKiarens .........ibi» jis .iiaïuy;,.-.,• ••*■ »> ~ ~ ,:*r~r i... LUNDI 28 SEPTEMBRE 1903’ ’■ » . „ , — "I I II* IIH.I — PRIXDES CHANTEPIES. — A réclamer. — 4.000 tr. — Distance ï 2.000 mètres environ PJtOPIVIIJyAlKESjir ENTBAJNEUBS _ CHEVAUR. v, .,. MOMIES PliOBABJLES DEBN re CODH8B v., Tl /».itvfi'ft'h n A îTVnplf il vqp.Tï . 1* ..... ISlCtoéd Mélian |6Ïï’|Bârai..... ... N.p. 14 septîî.-pj-’^LSsept. 4. £3 . : at)üt: ; ,: : ; 4 N:p:-23lsëpt.,. N.o.;J30‘t®qÿra s ; juillet N.-p,v25>sept. 2J; : ;22':se’pt.' £ $6 sept. 8:'8®-'-Sept: N.pi S-hav:. N.pi 27apùt N, p; '23 sept 3j'16‘-sépt.'.‘" 32>.-^7-juillet ]Üp,5:26;sept. |N,p; ; 25' sept.' ■*»..'.(V. Pratt • --tvJMereau /;*. ...JP.-Lynham-..;.-.«?f 'L-Iaës ......... a. iDulte.l.;.,. |G. Barthoternew.. iSibourg. — .ut jP; Lynham.-.s>,*ji. .El. CimningtènfïJ [Ch. Cunnington.,. D’Ockuysea. .=. E! Cunnington 43èan .Stem IV Baget F. Ch'u-ron G. Aubry, W Duke : Duc Decazes . — A. Sibourd ,. .. : F. Charron ., F. de Boissieu ' Pce A. d’Arenber. H. de Mumin . • 8. .Chan r.■■■■. .. .. , s Giiai-ron ,v-te..lP, .Lyaham . .«■.-R. Ca,rmigniani.(Davis '. .. J. de Rremond ..|R. Count.,.. iBiNatnsrens. ...,..160 JR./Hardy... ,....■ Siêonafcus • J56 [Non partant.,-,■ .. âjL’Orchidéa 54ïtÀ'on ‘ partant : GINertïi Paie i. ..«'54 IHobbs.. 3'Gornsia!k V.v53 IBellhouse .... .. 3!MBlisey 53 [G. Bartholomew.. i3!Baïrani II 3jFourclp 3|Skade#..3 Boléro® 3; Dodo : r.& ^iPs-ëm. Diamond ISiSiient • Jenny' ,... ISlM.v Bohiface ■ . i-. ...|3| Prose Princesse D.-SinghjWoodland — i3|S3ratds Gi» ,53 jRyan..... . ,54 JIBerteaux-. 51»iJ. Horanv.:....... 51 jMiltomHenry.. 51 ........ 51 (Davis 4SHX. 2...< e ., 49.IA.-C. Taylor ... 47J!T. Kellett.. «ilParis...., JàlETrianon ........ |3lLa Eombe —.'. I3TM. Printemps.. 3!Acacïa 3|Oiivier |3!Laboureur ..... !55 IMitton Henry 55 ChUds ......-J S3îlParlant douteux 53 mokr^patlant. jvf. 50 (Ch. Jîartholotaew.' 48 |G. Bartholomew. ; 47 IX,' ' v ....,:.v. 46|iDavls... 46*iJ.. Jennings, ,l«a|A.Æ Taylor..;frj i,40 (Rovella r. ,. 6 sept. fc 23 ..Sept.. VI' N.p. 14'sept. .N.p. 25 ; sept. N.p. 14' sept. INip.-i8.sept.IN.p.’ 25-sept. !.. 21 sept. N.p. 23 sept. ,'N.p. 23 sept. W/: 22 ‘sept.. PRIX DE LA MARCHE. — .4.C00 fr. — Distance : 1.500 mètres environ PRIX DU TUNNEL. — 3. H. Dueuron IM. Pantall.. Urne Cheremeteîf.. île Giieest ^Braqpessan }J>; g. Veil-Picard ... U. Chapard 0e Pelanne ' fi. Ternyuck IG. Cunnington s r 'Ch. ■, BartholomewSgitcovich f. G. Cunnington }* J. Count .......... Lhoste.r....•.. . El.. Cunnington. ïd. Beef JF.'CarterJ... 3qr. M. RothschildlD'Ockuysen ij. Nechitoh jGougeard..... i-i j i^lamarre ... .-iBaron Fpy . • • V. Duke .. [Duke André Kmjewski-JT. Cotint tv; Fiatman (Propriétaire Edmond Blanc . ■ jR. -Denmaiii •. • ■ ■ -. ‘î. de Monbel -Webb r . lean Sterh ■ .1V1 Pratt:Keiekian lürbain David .... 000 fr. — Distance [SjCavéro !2: Noël II : ISjTa Bits"....v.. 2 Lucîësr. 1 If ! 5 J.'J 2i¥ieux Rouen .s 2|La Lion d’Or. .. |2|Brin d’Amour-j 12'ptoiémée'....... plSeptennât J2;Kaasïâ' f 'S-La Pr e S’Cridei 2:G!yt3!î!nr:e!ra j 2!Suen.uehanna 5 2iBary4iîte S| KAr ! ta.v 1...< ,.*» ISjMinai .]21AnKK3ès| 1.300 mètresenyi-ïdn.-56 jAoîi partant :£6 U. Ransch ........ [eG |Non partant...:.. «6 s JBerteaüx.. ;vi V J 66 |J. Horan ......... £6 |Milton Henry..... 56 |Ch. Bartholomew. 56 G. Bartholomew ira ;r |2'iPullSpeeU 156 iT.. ChUds'...'. iE6‘ '|Bàrat..v..' ,E6 IDuffy.... .telCh:-ChUds. .|E4i1Bellhouse .. .|E4?i|Non pariant . 5»Won' ■ pariant. ,. .jgSï'G. Stem .ISSjLVori pariant... :|54iiF. Hardy ...... ;|S4|!Rôveïîà'.'. p. 25 juillet, .p. 23. sept. : .p:' 14 sept. ; 21-sept,' f ,p. 29 juilicti .0. 20 juillet .p. 14.sept. ; 19 .sept, -j .p. 16 sept. ,; ,p. 23 sept. ! » } . 16 sept, t f.p. 25sept i [.p. .12. juillet . 9 sept. . ; !.p. 16 sept'.p. ‘ï sept. | :.p. 23 sept. ; F.-C. .Schenkel .. Pfizer ............ W. Bottén ..i..Noël Got > De Gheest ... .. Bar. M. RothschUd D r Dumont ... F. Chapard JeanStern.. ,AW..: DukebK'.-'-;' 4 ---. » Cte de St-Phalîe., Achille Fould G. I-Iuvet. |EdL Meyer-. iCànipbeU v.i.Propriétaire. D’Ockuysen.. i..,Ch. Bartholomew D'Ockuysen iPropriétaire Howes— ...... [W. Pratt-r....'-... ,Propriétaire.-'. a . * ,Dodd.. G. Cunnington s r L. Robert......... ]2iGanteloup il 2iClog Dance |2|Giinc(uant l2|Kiamsi iSITit Bits' 211-iano Z;Feu de Bengal. |2}Frio i2fVioï . |2:toolink«e .: 2|Vorsailies —. |2!Athis ; 2jMoïsson[ .. .... |o!-MA.-C. Taylor 50 |Hohbs 50 |J.-Childs jSO'Maisonriavé;. ...'1. .v [49 fch.Bartholômew 49 IBr.raf. ... 149 IBerteaux.— 49[Thibault.,. I 49 |G. Clout...-.,. 481 lï: ïennliigs Æ7-1 |J. Watkins 47?; X 47Ü-J. Kellctjt., 11.'sa. sept.'}1. 14 sept. 11114; sept. " « . SI . sept, . . 23 sept. ; ■■».... ■ IN.n. 4 juillet N.p. 16 sept. ,2. 16 S§B,t w „, ilr If -sept;.’ '«•' N.p. 9 sept. (N.p. 9LS©pt. «SIX DE LA EACCQNNEPJE..;—. Mixte. — 3.0CÔ'!fr. : lamés.Hennessy... (Jaequemin.v-..*... (StDnrfort;; ' Champion |M.‘ Pantall aiNonânt ‘Sdmond B’vac .. J.fR Ûehmàri.C.'.V. |2jTais#!B Bar. M. Rothschfrd|D'Ockuÿsen..;l.. Urne S.-H,. Plum'..'[Besnard ;... V.v; .. -Soujsseau [Propriétaire 61. iRap5ëh.y-.'. .-, ?1 • m^Éàn-^urtüntt..; 61 (G. Stern ; 2ÎV3:38au; : BIëii.V58iN0ji> partant... gISîaimsr .fWSSI Beàumé.,.'..-u.. 2|6noëV Pfop Eii syïlobbs.; Distance. ; 800 mètres environ.', ;N.p.' 6 sept. ' | t.’ 26' sept. 1. *9 sept. î 4.17' sept.*. î N.p. 25 sept. r MicM^phmsv' ::iEr Re>fî;.v.-.v.‘.'.'.. ^'. e ; : u ana,lt -± I. Count il. Count*', -J«Æ«ofc«. .o-^• iN.p. 21 sept. N.p. 21 sept. ! N.p. 26 . sept, | N.p. 22 sept.i N.p. 24 août 3, 20 sept,' 1 N.p. 16; sept. N.n. 21 juillet NÛb-.a-Sift, • ; 3: lVsepî, ' N.p; 8* sept; N.p: 23'ieïft. • PRIX DU RESERVOIR. JA réclamer; —-i2.000 fr. Djstexce : 1.400 nie Et, Dubc-hnet E. Charron■ C. Fc-uchard ..... Frank Carter ... ' Vté d’Rarcoùrt • jaiehéf Epîiïdssi. A. • Salomon. ... U. Bally — M. Delamarre ; 'jïmpès ,'...ILeBris... P. Lvnham. IA Carter: : K» .Propriétaire,, [T. Cuimingtbn,>C '.Et: Cunhïngto,nS*.> |À; 'Mac Intyre.Ç.r lAdêle. ..,Baron-Foy.,.:.p.v ..-[Ch; BariUer ■&. i2iC.âîté' . „ Lebnair" -. .LeiBatafré . .-jCaprifoiiuHi .'>.î ; r j |2jtP.«de FiÇUi'ïS. ; |2j.Pgrpî>.i WJfyi: ISftfr VéEl US: Esi'g 2|teBouc. vV., FlatMian. y ...... [Propriétaire <yfSIterne VÏ:. . JJ: i 2héri-R. Halbronn. J. Count...:.; JZiBavaria ?. Dervillé .. ......El. .Cunnington... |2 ! Sïfène If W. Duke Propriétaire |2!Laouheu-.r :..1 M. MarghUomati v Milton... ....; |2|3éi-aph:c . •V. Howes ..J. Count... 12iMajusoule ..... ?.. de Néry ... !.. Ch. BariUer ...... )2f*aoy Bar. M RothschildID’Ockhuysen .|2!New Mawn Hay. Aîiohel Lazard. ;‘;*tShteWs.. ïisnw.-iy.jSlBMideHP^'W 5 . .-f:t; 1. Poirier., ^...JT,Storr,.'...:i..,,.i2jjostih fl. Leigli . ........[Propriétaire ;.|2iKindreifi leân Stem .... [WJ Pratt 12;impur -i....:...... "onilc Samnieri...[Batchelor |2|La Roussa . .. -Bar. deWâlciner,1Ch. Barüler...:..v!2!ta 'Brioho, lesJiBei'teanxij.. 87 IX. '57 liVon partant S7 IX. -—•rr.h'ïT-.... ,55MHObbS. |55itCh/ Childs". 55 «il; Ransch.v... -J .-• 54ilG.Bartholomew., .]54i!Gbugerot |s4î|Eàjbeÿ.'.. '53.1 (Curry......... '53 (Milton Henry 53 '3. Horan •....—: >3 (BeUhouse |£3 |Mon partant .[SS [Thibault. v . |33 |33 [Barat [52-IShields... |52 IJChilds i iS2 • | SaiTO.. .-'.T. A• .1 • • .(52 lF,-.Hardÿ‘A..:r,'. .|E0J,'J. Jennings .[SOïiA.-C. Taylor. res environ j .N.p. 23. sept, i -N.p. 14 sept. : •i. 22 juillet . j N.p. 26 sept. [4,,4, sept..,-.-i ,N;p. '23'sept. [-N.pi23 sept, [N.p. 14 sept. [N.p;;, psept. ' 2i i août" , ; 'N.n. 14 sept. 5 -N.p. :T4 sept. |N.p. -17 'sept, ; :N.p. Î1 sept. ; [N.p. 11 sept,; N.p. 15 août ' ’.p. 8 sept. . 23.sept |N.-p. 23 sept.. (N.p. 1 sept,: N;-p. 11 sept. ,N.p. 14 sept: JN.p. 18 août (N.p.-14 sept. APP RÉCIA TIONS PRIX DES CHANTEPIES Good Malton et Glion sont un peu chargés. Leur tache est difficile yis-S-vis de UOrchiuee,. Alelisey, Bâïram -H et Fourche. Celle-ci poTie un poids très avantageux et se recommande de sonexcellente -co-urse d’hier.• ■ '. • L’Orchidée et Silent Jenny, ses camarades d’éciirie, lui prêteront un aide précieux. Il faut encore noter Dodo. J’opte pour .Ecurie Charron» Dcdo. PRIX DU TUNNEL Vieux Rouen se recommande de ses excellentes courses; en bonne société et dèda forme.brillante camarades d’écurie. Apres lui, T il Bits, qui, compte u-ne bonne course contre HeiTre ; Susquehanna, qu’ontrouve -près ce Queen Elehnor, et Milia sont les plus recommandables. 1. ' ■ ’, ' , , ■ ■Pull speèd et Antithèse ne sont pas a écar : ter.. l’opte pour Vieux Rouen, Sustjuehanna. PRIX DS LA FAUCONNERIE. -Tannin et Nonant sont bien près l’autre. Le poulain de M. Champion devrait précéder cette fois son vainqueur, car .sa. vicj toire-d’hier sur Sea Queen et Ripohn indique dé ’sa naït des progrès sérieux. Toutefois.TaubinSS trouvesur-son 4eîrain..-; -u ! J Diîrfort devrait finir ■ derrière eux, par lâ li !dUifn, I Roi dé cV-nr, : Sc-a King.-et Ficelle bénéficient d’une, décharge qui peut les ren; dre très redoutables. •. j’opîe'pour*'' ’ " Tannin, Nonant. '. PRIX DU RESERVOIR .. Neiv.'Mown Hay .vient de fournir plusieurs -coursas excellentes.' Elle hahre Fontanka, ne, Le Venus Berg, Boudeur, Gaite, Lanu| Fleurie et Paie. ’. ,j ' .■ : i Le Balafré devrait finirdemere elle, par lu ligna dexe damier. " ■ , , T i On,peut retenir .dans le reste du lot La Rousse, Silène-JI et Sérapbic, ^ '. J'opte pour ;. ' Hew Mown Ray; SHène H, 1 PRIX DE LA BERGERIE Lêonoid doit courir aujourd’hui. Eh .'soruilv -sence( Bethsaïda attire-l’attention parmi les poids élevés. Rarement, .la jument de M. Merle n’a porté un : à retrouve presqhe "son --meienne'-forme et aura probablement raisonde Merci, Elysée e|. Ambigu. Celui-ci est !e vainqueur du Handir cap : Limité ; il y précédait Bethsaïda, mais avec un poids, très-avantageux. ■ : ■ Trianon est en rupture ^d’obstacles.,. , Olivier et La,Bombe .sont à retenir,,parmi les paids légers.' '. i ■ J’opte pour : • v , * j Bethsaïda, Olivier.:<• 'J PRIX DE LA MARCHE : j , Canteloup H et Clog Dance'doivent courir •aujourd’hui: -, Clinouant vient .de bal£re Sampietrq et Kaiiar,dji.T' c’est léyidemnient'ie. prix . DS LA BERGERIE; Handicap, 10 : 0û9, ; fr:-Distance :■ 2.800 njètres em-Iron Mme Cheremeteîf..|G. Cunnington Sf jjlMerci .. * limafhoûsê'' ’.V.V N.pi 5^udîet A/Calandri [T. Storr.. . |5|Léopo!S ; ,[56i|Beuno.use J u. De Paris-Sport,! -jé Prix des Chantepies Charron. Prix. du Tunnel..;-.Mina,.Septennat. , -Prix de *la''Fauc'OïmeTie'': Nitoanfr'TSiftîi'fit Prix du : Réservoir : New Mown . I-îay, Fontanka.’Pxix’dç,la Bergerie„:,.E.lysée,,Qlivier.,,„,.^ f Prix de La Marche ; Clinquant, Viei.J De. VIGILANT, du ùooksÿ :' „ " 1 Prix du f-uftnel : Mina, Septennat. », T Prix de la Fauconnerie' : T’aupin.^Nonant. j Prix de la Bergerie : Elysée, Bethsaïda, ( Prix de La-Marche ;. Clinquant, Vici. J ■•D» la • Liberté. : ■ . ‘ "Prix* des ' ChantepiesGeo’d Mellon'; NamalaKns , ' : Prix du Tunnel a Mina, : Susquehanna.. > Prix de la Fauconnerie-. Seâ" King, Lilîan Prix du Réservoir "New Mown' Hayi battu viendrait, à bout de Séa Qùeeh que îô ; considérais iusqu’alors c«nme la .meilleure fc-meU.e iic rânnée. D’ailleurs, sains doute verrons-nous-’ demoin. Nouant ^succomber contre un 'àé; ceiix çpu’fl précédait hier' : ■« Forme varie,* fol qui s’y fie ». . Ripotin s’est comporté en poulain chezieouë ténue doit être la qualité dominante Sa camarade d’écurie, Phïlïppa, n?a. pas été favorisée d-ans-lo sellin^ d’ouverture . : au signal, toute Taile^gaucheJs’est rabattue sur la frorde, si bien que la pouliche s’est trouvée serrée, enfermée, sans pouvoir donner sa mesuré. Nous la retrouverons prochainement; toutv..ccmime;-'Fiie.r2 rin,' qui est venu.trop tardidan-s le.prix-Bai tbildê, et-Pda-;Ürand, qu-.uhe .tô-rt-ç, bouscus làde a : mise-, hors d’affaire -dans le hancli-. cap final.. , -• LYNX ’’ Ctejîsax ér-m les pisiKeurs î 30, rue de Xtii:oit 3Cf PRIX VERMEILLE , , . 40 000 i ‘ïf» Distanjê.r: 2,469mèire's rmviros i; ?,fédéàh (G. St®h).;-à M. Edmôtfd. Blanc ; 2. Rémed’Or II (Beïihéusek à, M ai^ion : 3. Sauge Pourprée (Ch.-tChuds), a«.i. Jbanse.. Üheîtète, troisquarts de jpnguear. v jî : PRIX DES CHENES' " . 8.000. jfp; — Distancç : f 1.600 mèteq? environ '• 1. Kumamoto {Bateh au ‘-baron M. de Rothschild ; 2. RehaUë-qRansch), Çhe_ xewàeÊLi& Goîùcl>û^«s^^'^i^sî,, « M. A. CuUei'-juinor. . , Non placés : Queen Eleonor (jennings), Cliandbs (BeUhouse), Arago (G. Stern), Pyr rhus (Davis), Parnes II (G. Barinoiomey?). .Bï-etelle à Lacune, , Prix dè la Bergerie Prix de La ; Marche "Olivier,. Acacia;' ( [ Clinquant,. Dolinkie. >. C=uy QUE J’AVAIS SIGNALÉS ] Parmi les chevaux susceptibles de coût ri? •demain à Saint-Cloud nous trouvons comme avant éfè spécialement signalés ces derniers'temps : Vieux lïcuen qui a lin, fort derrière Ch-an-dos, à.Maisons Septcn? nat qui aurait pu suppléer au Tremblay son camarade d'écurie* Al'ago f-.-Sttsqttct? hanna qui a fait''de bons débuts, au Trenn blav également •; Elysée qui*a longtemps p aru devoir enlever le Handicap ; de ia Seine, et Vici dont, l'a première -sortie est honorable. ' Les bons galops. Chantilly. ; On-me signale comme étant, bien Scvten'-. nal, de chez F. .Carter,'.Ficelle de^chez-,1. Count, et Bethsaïda de chez H. Webb, ■ ' Maisons-Laffitte. ; Botten n. galonésur80Q, mètres Çlintixtanp qui est bien. Olivier a pris un canter .de I. 506 mètres en présence .de P, W.oodl-ana, Le' poulain né se'ressent pas "de sa dernière course. '. , ; j. d’Okhuysen .a travaillé suf .l.uOO mej très New.Mûon Hay qui j’améliore chaqui ;four >{ Entraîneurs en forme ( La foinre de la semaine passée désigne J, d'Oçkuysen .et.iL -Denman.. ; *■ ; | Jockeys en forme Ce sont : BeUhou se et G. Bartholomeié. ■ Autour des Courses péri or nai ... mer du loi,. ... Après lui, Tit Bits, en raison de sa coursé contre Hertre ; Vici, en raison de sa place entre ïgmrtse-etBoom de Ayyednt, avec Dolinkie, tes plus redoutables. i J'opte pouf -. .' I : * ' 1 Ciiiiquardi Viei, --.ï:ir-,i, „ ,, ■ MELTON, ; Chaque journée apporte sa nouvelle sur 1 prise ; les résultats déconcertants se suc T cèdent dans une série lamentable .pour les porteurs. Ce n’est pas que la victore de Nonant m’ait étonné outre mesure .; j avais à*' l’entraîiienmrit, remarqué, ses très nenabLes progrès et je l’av'ais .signalé hier comme allant à la perfection, mais, je nlo-sais croire que. ee ^poulain,,;que Taupin aviuf r : : L©ii 0 eIia;iiip v ;^ r ' La* piuiê est-venue-f^ntraiAcr ©atte réunion qui promettait d’être en tout point réussie.Le programmeétait' attrayant-_et la public s’étaitursudu nombreux sur l’hip■podrome de "la Société d’Encou-ragement, • Le. terrain était lourd. .. >-fi3.~c r >rs''>î3'| Y Prix de N.exou. — jùLcté'ê .|t Kclt ont mei *né ■j-üàqu’â' l’entréé ^e; la % ligue. ! di’0itqiO4 King’s Love les dépassait. .■Dné'gd’Àntï ■venait.-sur. lui. mais en devait ..contenter delà seconde place.devant;.Vasei de Gaina. ,. ..." ■’ i Prix de Cheffrèville. — Conquistador a filé devant Mafia lï èt Talo BiribiL. A l’enj 'téëe dd; la'E(?û e droite''Mafia II rhjctemit • Conquîstedor et le réglait bientôt. Ta'lq Birtbil yéhaititrès -fort finirt à une .tête dé ,ia-pouliqb.e de .M,^Mui , 'g : i'ül^maiU'i-,..;-» >-.| | Prix. Vermeille,. -v Reine ,,-dfOr, ayoir'ineaé'dbuceniént jusqu’entre les tôurl n&nts ’• atenté" de s’échapper. Mé-iiéah. e| ’Sauge. : Po.ur»ïée-SMânçairiït''àVsà~pc-'iï^ii| t*e.-Médéairi réussissaitbattre -Reine d'Or II d’uiis -tête; tandis que'.Sauge .Pouri prée plus attardéeprenait, la troibièmf ..placé.:, :î.ô -t | ; s Prhk 'des CHêhes'} ■*? GhâdlaAiès • est parti devant *Héronv-al,. Rebelle.: et Ku-inemotol L’ordlre ne srebiEC-ait auceis* mpd|fio|tlpi| riûsîn’à -T’ëntrëeiiîé'-lâ.-Mgise dro|t-e, (3ù,iai| rfnamôto^èe iMtacbait.Il rgagnhit -aiBéideîtM malgré les efforts de. -Rebede; ^Golden rp-héa-sênt-éV ■ QUeen -El-eoinort, qui fi-nisj saient qnsuite d'ans _ç*t ordre. -' ^ j)(r ^ | 'pv-î.r de Satsr.y.. — Sainte Livrai.’s’esi^ 'üd|u'.|s*'Céttè’'.'êpi'BUvé: àvée M plus -gransf laci , Æ,"%rèa-avtïir,,m&rié.'t.ol£te la course! Lucirècé Iî v W.pra&3a.ît' dàü§ là Mgps ; UraSeaM-; * îqM* •a'TOif’.'snïvï ^^dCsiancie -.-rec|;: ,peetaet®é,'iX poulichejt-ê. Msàe ;Prao’*wi|r|-. •' Prix de ÉcaùtrijV -^Corvslilk èi Longl; cihamps séné "restes "ensemble juoqu’à l’enj. tré-e'dè ba'lignB-.àroît'Ç-'oü. CôroctalK.«’as*: sua'àit l’avantage: .Pnieias.-et ;Gaspard^-.surt la fin: prenaient les places; .: ' * r: y f. --:. L e"V— rt-Vl :*-;:îiî,|; r. /7' : a î !4 "PT t ..'t-.*■ ,. ---rt(â.tiwiîïî''i. PRIX.-DE NEXON, .. .. 'r **.;, *,A"‘'réclaméE...,.',_..,,,, ilîf .«, W 'i é.opq ’ AV -^-l'Distîmce -. ;l'.4Ç0 j: mèt||s: *'■' i. 'king’s-Love (Jennlng-sj'.là ^llH. Rj|aÙf| 2: -Duc*'-d’Antin *tM.'.tHeHW)ïééh. l^on Rothschild ; 3. Vasco de* Gama (Ch. Childs)} à M. A.-HcnriqueL : ’! * • .f : , "'J Non.placés. : Kelt (G. Bartholomew): Kmgf Pride /Barat), Manchot (J.Childs),; Igpf (DuffyL-Algésiras II (Hobbs); Okhilo (Davis); Jurupary (G. Stem), Dictée (BeUhouse), Daipd des Prés (Horan).. : i Deux lgngueurs,; cinq, longueurs. f. ' PRIX DE CHEFFREVILLE ■' .; ' Mixte. ... ■. ■■ -..-..r I 8 000 fr. — Distance : '2.4G0. mètres environ •L Mafia II (J.Childs),' àk M.-Marghüo iman ; 2: Talo Birihil (G.:, Stern).: a Nfe Cham ron : 3. • Conquistador (Barat), a M...Camille 'Blanc." • *-' ’ r ' 'J :„* ' 1 -Non-placé t Extase (Bellhcuse);.--™ Une têterune longueur :et; .dfflmq;; !■ I tnÆéeSsi3g‘ii.1& ' T .v PRIX -DEr-SATOUY■ V -20.000 fr. — Distance : 4.009 mètres envirot 1. Sainte Livrade' (J. Childs), à Mme Pr?»cd : rear : 2. Lucrèce II (G..Bartholomew... ;y.M L. ;à’Àstier ; 3. *p£i." ASSIRi ;l« c. 12 part. King’s Ducd’Ântin....... Placé ..SV5? if. y Vasco. de--Gr.m a,. ri P i?:;ç <.*■ v ■' 2 c4 part ITalo..BirlbilPlacé' .14 . j 3 rt.i.;,....PleyÇi ' MT" 3 ^nart. EEBI3S|l1^:v.:: 3 : K; e,:?! 18 part 5° c., 5 «part ■f» O Kumaiêeto.... fe '|HMU] ReDelle^M,..^.. 1 Golden Pheasant.. SaiitteiquiBade ^. ï iûagn 4, iJ i3sî.Ç3:s ti &-v ...... v... placé i ÎJ . i0 .. Ludpêcè''Iïh.Çf.SwWiéc^ 16 9 .. Placé.; JpSÏS"' Placé! 70 .. 61 •• BPrt-t'36 , IIS d^6 , 'll p-rtx.Rè^i'n,‘W'Tprx:Æ-!,uy, • c'èsit iLa; -Evuüé? ''et ''ndü-;-f ds l ''Th?-îie ■ -q-v;;-j •i.àcaù'U:-.;!! hîy:; ,âoo& pks dléoarterBriip es Murat 'v-ir 73’Ü irf: P. fprix’(Je Net-ion, rKihg’s-iihve a'éié réclamé pdure-laf-lOi rr. •par son .propriétaire. -é^Vuiéantï 'sei ; a Embarqué ''demain nom l’Italie. Son piroprléèaiiier 0 M-;L cpîrtptb aanefflet an Eraoce-Æ-année -pa c ehaln,e plu sie.urs'd«uxtan6 po-UE Fa,Sçmaiuq in, ter,w|iop|Ii , / ; L.,-.'kîi ■3ulLieuxe''m:aécidë:d^av,eyÉr-;qdclrtn; :. ,oheyaux i ü3’enj£raîp,q?ner4,éh.e.? .-?» 'ter, à.GroenendaeL..>Cet. entraineu-v. à r ne* tüfillem : ênt'64''&h’sit>hnaiT'es'd'ans! scaVeta-■^ bMæeriièB€f^ S ^f ^ ^ ! ... v TV’ Û’. >■ 'rt~; ô.i it J] ■ SEPTEMBRE'-i :.* • V: •icLundi 28:-77;'SaintrCIoüd: : .T ) -.Mardi .29. — ,.Savùt-Quem .. * Mercredi 30. —, Le Tremhlaïf:. *. . jt L’Intmiisigzai;} gîiïa £’esi pourquoi il ésvlu. pariout. >0,0*1 'i le’ ;éuMèremént remarquée:Voici 1 ment a-uquatrième tour 1 : ; Naudim, 37 m. 36 s.; Siz&ire, classer 2 h.' m Ÿdfeêfët A Gompïôgste, — : lîiie belle épreuve-superfe&meei dHpïîtée, ^ Superbe ysetoire: de la mansue Sizaire et Naudîn. J ; Naifdlln'premier. , . (De. noire envoyé , spécial) Compiègne, 27 septembre. — Compièpe s’-est réveillé tôt 1 ce matin, dansle brait et '(a tristesse. ' V Lie‘temps .est,-noir et de gros, nuqgee-pe o-vésagoant rie-n de bon, roulent dans de ciel. Malgré cela, l'animation est tres grande, même bien; avant le lever Autour.! tl a été impossible de ferais l’œil de _la: nuit : les jp^taraaes aes| moteurs, les. c-ormef'et ^.mrèneu susdnl ligu& pour empêcher les braves de diofmiT après-cinq héûres^ ; i'-. ' ,' ; * lies Gompiégn-ois *et.»évix qui ne le ..sont sas ont pris, les uns ;en. auto, *d autres. a bâcvclette, et les 'derniers, plus-nombreux, Oeâibus cum jambis, le, .ohemiji, d-e |pfet pï vient heuf-eusemeût mourir',aux por-j ses d6 Ip* villie. « : : ,1 ■ ta£ iM~ trtbumes’ et 5e* poste de"départ sont; installés à ÉÔ mètres'de la fouiehe ,et a ( •2 kilomètres, de;.Cdiùpièghie^ en. ..pie«te. ; .*P-j rêt. Le site'serait délicieux sUL ne. faisait, nas •*affreusement humide. .La ro'ute est vremnéelet lès eôMuçteura'yont.-rouler;a; 30 à^Rbauré sur une véritable patanoiie. l’sâ prononcé. plus.. haut. le ' yiox. de-, tri-. ' bunes ;*à’ là vérité, elles n*e.Nistent pas, des palissadeB' ont été Installées à .gauche g à.droite die là route,et le pubjic très nombreux se pies* derrière. ' A' six heures, et .'demie,'la route est déblayée par les gendarmes^ et .les trente-etUn partant^, .-rangés à, la’ queue,;leu-leu, attendèsut que'le ehronomiétreur. Officiel :eur dibnne le sigîfal du .'départ. * ■Sur les trente-trois engagés, deux, coin surs ne partent ? pas : la voiture Arnan, qui a fait le four .en 39 m. 58 s., (meilleur temps». La r lutte/s’annosicepa-ssiqunante •'entre-fertuitures .*Sizatre ét, rtauqin' ’et iss -Lion: Terilnsdu .,pt«mièr-iour.'.: ■*’' 'Naùdbi,* Sf tn;,5| s.i;, Siz#ir.e^, ; ,Giup r ,. 39 m) 22 s., tebouc, 2 h. -48 m.-44 s.; Collomb; 2 h. 50 m. -10 s; Gi-uppone, 2; h. 51 m. 22 s.; Goux, 2 h. 53 m. 31 s.; Ménard:, 3 h. 8 m. 45 s.; Beck, 3 h. 12 m. 06 s.; d’Avaray, 3 h. 13 m, 55 s.;Sonvico,-^3 h. 16 m:"32 s.; Bdiiriibaumj.,3 bi i :16..m, 42. é.} Valée:3-h. 16an.-59 s.; Richard!, 3 b. lGm, 45 s. ;■ Rjftûère, 3. h:21 m. 4 s.j-Roisan, 3 n, 24 m.;k s. . .. «taies ne «an**!* -i»*»...' •» ^ *r**.*jr* ■rtumérq 6) et la voiture, AJç^Wïq: 1 * [pamef# j), qtfe üiev‘ait : .pik>tui’; Barçiaüx..Le départ ■ ■ ‘. A 7 heiires. exactemeiî| là. vqiturettê, La loveusè (numéro l) prerad le départ, îCt.lOs, .autres se succédant^ dans l’ordre des ans-) îrtpücms,:de rainüte en. miniute. Les pereemies -présentes Pot lés personnalités -présentés,/.-remarqué MM. le-baron Lepic, Merry, le-ba*ou Pct ; it Echalié, Sarda, Cue-nod, liusJn GalUeW Carlj, Desgrange, Longuen-i^-é, ïilii’ài, Faroux, Dosson, Diét-nch, Temniei',-Baron,.Merlin, .Géo. et actorJLe! ôvrè, Sasporias, Bertrand, Brouazm, Àhra-n, Dupuis,'Degnais. ,. Rigal et Caillois jeues-t aujourdhui le *6lé des de Knyff et de .Vogué-et en -sont y,ès fiers. Ils remplissent d ailleurs très bien leur tâche,. ' '• Le premier, tour. I! y a dix minutes que le. dernier a ; déar-uifé Ic-isqu’une sonnerie d 'é c 3f a _°& v-vi'e l’arrivée du premier. C^st Sizaire lui app-araît. II.a couvert les"50 lalomè‘lz'C'3 en* 40 xn18 s., soit à 7.5 kil. à-loeuie. la Corffe le suit devant Ménard et Laudm 43 m. 30 s: ; ivieaux «u. * •».. Àu-tran, 45 m.' 34 s.;' Perrot, 4;> m. 5o s>; Ménardj*; dQ' m. -j40.. -Beck, 43 m. 25 s,; Gassier,.47 m, 40 s.*, d’Avaray, 49 m, 7. 3.; SduViico,' 49 m. ’44 s. , Riclmrd, 50 m. 18 s. ;. •Bae) '50 m: 30 s;'-; de:Bazeiaire, 50 nn ...34 s. _; ‘W&M; j 8Q mi 36 s:-; Birnbaum, pi m..; R01-. ■sàm : ‘51'-^'34''s^'.-HamUx'qn,..'ÂijJÇi ! ' 51 s.) Rp vlêré, 63 m. 3'e";'.!3ch^eitzert 39"mr8 s. • : 27'coifreuiu'niit terminé îp. premier toiûr )’ Un*'annonce '!*abandon du if® 9, Vallée, qui; par suite d’un, éclatement, en vitesse a abi1 ■mé sa jànt’d'' Demeéèter. )et Boillot se sont, 'retournés sans mal à Crèoy. , Le deuxième tour Au ^second tour (100 kil.), l'ordre ne se modifie guère ; Seul ' te 'temps-: change et semble tourner au beau. L’affluence est de plus en plus nombreuse et déborde sur :K2-3'-Basicôtes '«P-W. 'rOÛtér-Les. passages ; de'Vân-t’rte«‘' trtbû»es‘ sonP^d’autant-'ffe'ss î«nf| pressiûrinamt-s qu’on voit à cent-cinquante: mètresï»pliis®.l<oiii;-tee-'c'oureurs .prendrete: virage à angle aigu. Temps du second ■LôWflfîi-f'' 'y;;. T. ’ f, c-t. Naudin, 1 h. 19 m. 13 s. ; Suaire 1 h.? 19 m.. 24: s. ; 'Gitvppone,-1 h. 20 nn à» g ?. P Goux, : 1 h. -24 m. .13. s. ; Lebpuc, 1 li, 24 m;, 48 s. • Collomb, H h. 25 m. 30 s. ; Meaux Saint-Marc, 1 h. >27 m. 18 s. -Ménard, 1 h. 53 m. 44 s.; Gassier .1 h, 3a m. la , Beek, 1 h. 37 m. 12 s. ; d’Avaray, 1 h.; 38 m, f 19 s. ; Richard, 1 h. 38 m. 24 s. ; Bac, 1 h,, 39 m. 18 s. ; Birnbaum, 1 h. 40 m.. 10 s Giraud, î h. • 41 m) 20-s„, etc. • .. :. ' Bc-iilôt, qui s’était arrêté, est. reparti, ,. Le troisième,-tour. -* Un seul changement, au toeisièrite tour (150 lüli) Giûppone 'qui étaiL troisième, a| -éié ! dépassé par Le-bouc et Collomb. R. à; crevé'dro-is fois et a 13 minutes de retard; teWIe-premier maintenant., , , : La pàrtte n’est oapandà-nt pas perduefl gne aussi ; deux de-ses conducteurs, Bu.c. et Aufrand sont 1 hors de -oôurse.' Le pne-: mier a cassé. ses-urnes. v Çla^mtent--flutroisième -tour :. ’ '’-g!i ci N andin, 1 h58 m. 38. s. ; Sizanœ,. 1 h., 59 m. ; Gdux, 2 h; 5 m.'*24 s,; Lebouc, 2 h, '6'm. -36 s.; Collomb, 2 h.-7 m, 48-s ; Ciup-i pone, 2 h. 11 m. 28 s. ;..Jilenard, 2 h. 22 m.j 21 s.; Meaux-Sain<t-Ma.rc,"2 h: 22; m. 51 s.,,. Beck, 2 h. 25.m.: 19;s;.; Richard, 2 h. 25 ; m.i 34 t.; d’Avaray, 2 h. 26 m. 18 8.: Sornaco,; 2 h. 28 m. 50 s.; Bimbaiim, 2 h.28 ïrf, 53 s., Hamilton, 2 h. 30 m.56 s.; Gassier, 2 h. 32 m. 41 s. A mi-course " Lè' ctnâtrièmie passage {200 kilomètres),-à là moitié d,e la. course, fut très intéressant: D’abord, comme dans toutes les, c&sps,;^.' bâpita amants courent;'heùrausément ...dénués .-.deten-| dénient, puis, dé nombreux, coureurss ar-; réfèrent pour .'sa.ravitailler.. La X&,. fois'"ï'àïftdô -çi Lâ"J'ôyèus , e 'ét dés tr6is > .Maiiin'j. est partir Le cinquième-tour. ‘ Aucun''changement au cinquième, tour (250 kil.), à part GMSpponc, qui.-a .yd'ilé une,, .n’a ptes auaùnéciianêe.11 abandon*-; Êiè' d’àpieuirs asux frtbunee,,Voi/âi le ota^îo*; ment àû .cinquième tour, e. Naüüiin, 3 h., 17 m. 14 s., Sizaire, 3 h. 21 nû 15 s.; Gou-x, 3.1i.,35 ni., o s. ; Gollomb/3 h. 37 m. 39 s.; Lcbôuc, 3 h. 38 m. 13 « ■ Ménard, 3 h.. 54 ni. 37 s.;,Beck, 4 h: 1 m.’’27 si; Sonvico, 4 h. :2 m. 33 s.; d’Aya-: ray 4 h. 6 m. 32 s.; Richard, 4 h. 8 m: 46 s.; Birnbaum: 4'h. 11 m. 57 s., Rivière: 4 h. 12 m. 19.s.; Roisan) 4-h.-14 m. 39 s.;< Schweilzer, 4 h. 19.m. 33 s-> de Bazelaire,, 4 h. 20 m. 48 s.; Giraud, 4 h. 2k -m. 15 s: La fin de la course •Les derniers tours voient le triomphe dlâfinâtive-de. la .marque" Sizaire,et Naudim qui triompha déjà si brillamment en 1906; et en 1907' dans’ la Coupe des. Voitu-rettes.; Au sixième tour (300 kil.), .on peut constater un fort déchet parmi les concurrents qui ne sont, plus que .douze: encourse, • ei. dont vcâ'si le olassement :. ■■■... Naudin,-.3 h. 56 m. 9 s.; Si-zaène, 4 h.29 s.;’ Ceux, 4 h. 17 m. 14 s.; Lebouc, 4 h.. 19 m,56 m.; Collomb, 4 h. 20 m. 87 s.; Ménard; 4 h. -41 ni. 24 s.; Beck, 4 h. 48 m. 14 s.; Sonvico, 4 h. 48, m. 26 s.^d’AVuray, 4 h; 55 m. 9 s.; Richard,: 4 h. 58. m. 21 s. Gla-ssemc-nt du septième tour : Naudin,. 4’h. 34 m) 56 a; Sizaire, 4 h. 42 m. 47 s.;, Goux, 5 h. 10 s. ; Lebouc, ,5. h. 2 m. 4 ,s.;; Collomb, 5 h. 4 m.' 16 s. ; Ménard,. 5 b.i 27 m. 50 s.; Beck, 5 h.'33 m. 49 s.,; d’Ava-, ray, 5 h. 44 m. 8 s,. ; L’arrivée , Le' huitième lo-ur s’achève sans accident, 'etlà viefoire de ta marqué SdaaiW:et-:Naa4 din se complète.par i’honnaur de prend,re; la troisième .place-après les deux premières.' -Lebouc': réussissant à dépasser-Goux: sur'la fin. C’-egL.aü.jnilîflu d’une splendi-J de ovation.que les. arrivées s’effectuent,. f Le classement Voici le classement officiel d'ô" la grande épreuve .: '*-■■■ ■ 1., ,E1ZAIRE ET' NAUDIN II ■ (Naüdink qui a jcoiuvertles. 400 kil. de la course 5 h! 14 m. 18 s.; soit à-plus de 76 kilomè-,J très d ; e moyenne à l'heure. > 2. SIZAIRE ET NAUDIN I (Sizaire), éni 5 h. 21 m--20 Si --''-3. SIZAIRE ET NAUDIN III (Lebouc), .e»<5 hi':'42, nî;?:53 : 1" 4. LION (Goux), sur pneumatiques Dim<f lopt carburateur Longuemare, 5 h. 43 m 50 s * ■ ' • ‘ ■ * •• 5r : CÔRRE;LA LICORNE (Collomb), ®a| bura.teUrjitonyuemare,.5h: 4è,m:29-s, M 6) LA JOYEUSE, licence MénabcLBastien ^Ménaid )j6rte 14’in. 49:Si : ;’■*«. 7, MARTINI-III (Sonvico), 6 h. 13-m 29. *i6^Ild69 « *v ' 8. MARTINI d .(Beck)rt6:h.’il9 m>^43 .m 9; GUILLEM1N (d’Avaray), pneus. Dm io^. 6 h. 35.S1*’13 & ’ïO. MARTINI II (Richard), 6 h. -36 m{ 16 s. ■ 11 .. Gü-ILLE-MIN (Rivière), ,p.neus Dum Ion,-6 h.. 39 m. 48 s._. •. :. ! 12.. ; LION: (Boillot), pneus Dunlop,car| h orateur Longuemare , 6 -h: 40 m. 59 s. &.13.->iALGYON H (Roisan), pneus. Dunlop, carburateur Longuemare, .6 h.54. m. 48.3. 14. Werner -III (Gassier), .carburateur Longuémarei -6-hv 57 rp.22 .• > •15. ARIES III (Meaux Saint-Marc), 7 h, 14 m. 16.s,'1! 16. TRUFFAULT (Giraud), pneus Dun-. lop, carburateur -Longuemare, 7 h. 33 m. 2-secondes. * ' ' "" " La Coupé de régularité La Coupe de Régularité, , attribuée-à la î*ïia,i'Qtue dont les trois voiturettes obtienjnent le meilleur classement -général, est enlevée de haute-lutte par Sizaire et Naûü D’autre part les Coupes Delageet Grégoire, la première destinée à :la première, ; nionocylindriquei : la seconde à la voiturette, u. type, commercial faisant plus de .45 de moyenne, reviennent toutes deux a la marque Martini. 1. j Le palmarès Examinons' .mamtenamt les mérites ,des.; concurrents qui se sont classés au premier rang. A Sfgasre et Kaudin la palme : • La paime revient' inconitestàMement à la maison Sizaire et Naudin qui a remporte, déjà tant de beaux triomphestet qui, au-; ’iourd’hui, s’èst surpassée encore. ' Lès trois voitures Sizaire et'Naudmpi-j lotées par ces rois du volant qui s’appel-; lént Sizaire, Naudin et Lebouc, ont reali-i ' séce tour -de force extraordinaire et quine s’est peut-être jamais .produit depuis; ■cinq "ans, 'de-'prendre les trois premières; plaéës : à -quelque® minutes les Unes des aiiq très. ;. C’est l’excellant Naudin qui a. pris 1% première place, battant son associé Sizair. re de 7 minutes. Naudin à réalisé sur te; circuit si dur, si sinueux de Gompiègne, une viiessc moyenne de plu® de 76 kilométrés à l’heure. Sizaire, Naudin et Lebouc, que nous avonsvus après La course, 'nous on de^ clai’é que leur course, comme la. vie de» peunles heureux, n’avait .pas eu d’histoire: ^ Là maison Sizaim et--Naudin.-remporté, également, par-suite de son classement-, la Coupe 'dé'rég'ùîarité -si. enviêa ’. Ne'ttërniinons pas' ces quelques, lignes» sans iéiiei*er ici comme ih convient le dif-t tingué pportsmanqu’est le duc d Uzes,pr-opriéfartddé l'a -maison ;ét le baron Lepua qdi, .tous deux, depuis trois' années, pré-| siéent .-si ' heureu&eui^nt aux : destinées • de la; m'arque/mondiale. qui -représenté' u»r moyenne:-? de» pyes-rt 70 kilomètres à l’heure. ’ Schweitzer, aiiiSi qu’fih .a pu:1e vojr,..çij ‘Missus, s’est égalèmeirtr'ciaæê'""dans ^un rang".très ..honorable, ; -.pilotent .uns Laj Joyeuse mde par un mbfèur.d-s la iabricaii'on de M. Ménard. ,,. 3 ' Tous nos compliments ;à M. Ménard quij èst un de -nos;'plusjeunes-et. .de' nhs; pluq. .sympaithiqïtes “oonstpictears. „ v .. :.; v ;, j A Martini les beupes pelage ; et:,GrégpiN. L-a marque suisse bien connuq,-, Mar-tini,. 'qui's’est'misé, il y à'un,'an,..a ,1a çpKstr.uç-l tion des voiturettes,,. a fdmpdrib. àujpûiN d’huiun" de ses plus tieaux -sacdSs. :. Les trois véhicuie® de--cette marque, irm,^ délicieuses petites voitures à. 4 .cylintoefe du type 'de série, qui avaient déjà £ài£.I.açh 'miration de tous au circuit; dç Dieppe, On-ti terminé' te'parcours sans une 'panne,'-sans; un raté, isans. s’êtrc «rrêtèes un.e seule foisj pour .se„r.avitai)ler,-.fiian.t. ; silancieus_cmenxi dans un ronronnement harmonreux, à (w •demoyenne. ' : * '■ , ... _ .. , 1 .teC’est à Fiauenfold que re-t ' viennéntdes deux'c-onpes si en^iéestefï-er-tCS -,pax les maisons.• De-lage et Grégau-.ç, a ta, mâraùe i dimf lesvoitures" seurappi-oepant} le plus* du type ! ,'CommerciàL''ser.aient > tesj plus 'régulières: • • n-7 1 '.f Nous prédisons à Martmiun gros su.ç-» cès au Salon. ; -u. | Longuemare, ici dos çaipui'ateurs -, Nods. ne .terminerchs »pas'. ? là-.ylec:fvrc* : d : e| ce palmarès -Mçs-*n'ogiôiq^.fé '•butnteiir. Longuemare', 'dmi étaienr munisj aujourd’hui la plupa.rt. des véhiculés viotog vieux. ' Vi.~A‘J2 Uü. -Les marques Peugeot, Alcyon,.• Le ,.Me-j fais, Corre, Guillemih, de Bâzelaire, Ançw pour ne citer quû lesprineipales, .avaie-itt) confié leur chance au roidés caihurateucs qui depuis., dixans, n’a jamais pu etre; "°Ces marques" doivent,* pour une bqnqc, pu ri, leur-succès au carburateur .Longue^ niarC'que nous: ' devons à ,-MM> .Lc/ngue/t mare -frères,--.les industriels, et spartsnicn| bien connus. 1 ■ ■ ■ Les., performances des pneus; Dunlei» jDécIdémtffliiLJâ'-saison ,1988 .son 'de 'gloire. ef de. snccèc pour tes maüqiiés Dunïpp. des hédo'srdiu M-eetîM d'’Ostend,e, de Boulogne, de là Targà Bol'04 «’.sa.-du Gi-iWit d;’EvreuiX».;.du,.Jon : Eip, ï .inî-| phy, etc. Dans la Coupe des Voitqrçvtes,) les pneus-de la grande marqué, se _ son» montrés-à la hau-teur d-6 teùr mondiate _r©^ ^Lcs^DuhlopsontviVraiincpt.' dtexcelWts rrncss,. : prtéus içréprqçteatotes : C PPJ« fabrication,' ’ comme .souplesse, ce Anna ^«^•.^•■'cqiïi^*Bé4^âiïC!e,-''.'Oii: poh-, dirq aujourd’hui aue. grâce 'AfDuntept,' Ie^|inéuj est ÿanïhdu. chafiffouiv Le® plaœs d'hon-i neur " aue,..les ppeng, Runiop. |
github_open_source_100_8_19958 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | /*
* Copyright 2014 David Horscroft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* NoByteSet stores an AES key which has been RSA-4096 encrypted and a data stream which has been
* encrypted by this key.
package nodash.models;
public final class NoByteSet {
public byte[] key;
public byte[] data;
public NoByteSet(byte[] key, byte[] data) {
this.key = key; = data;
997441_1 | Wikisource | Public Domain | Импорт/Страницы с внешними ссылками Импорт/Есть одноимённая страница не имевшаяся ранее, проверить на дубль и переименовать Рассказы Аркадий Тимофеевич Аверченко Литература 1922 года Импорт/ Импорт/Аркадий Тимофеевич Аверченко. |
github_open_source_100_8_19959 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | <template>
<div id="wrap" class="input">
<header class="input-header">
<!--<h1>Input Text/Password Animation</h1>-->
<form @submit.prevent="submitData">
<section class="input-content">
<h2>Add User</h2>
<div class="input-content-wrap">
<dl class="inputbox col">
<dt class="inputbox-title">First Name</dt>
<dd class="inputbox-content">
<input id="input0" type="text" required v-model="first_name"/>
<label for="input0">First Name</label>
<span class="underline"></span>
<dl class="inputbox">
<dt class="inputbox-title">Middle Name</dt>
<dd class="inputbox-content">
<input id="input1" type="text" required v-model="middle_name"/>
<label for="input1">Middle Name</label>
<span class="underline"></span>
<dl class="inputbox">
<dt class="inputbox-title">Last Name</dt>
<dd class="inputbox-content">
<input id="input1" type="text" required v-model="last_name"/>
<label for="input1">Last Name</label>
<span class="underline"></span>
<dl class="inputbox">
<dt class="inputbox-title">ID No</dt>
<dd class="inputbox-content">
<input id="input1" type="text" required v-model="id_no"/>
<label for="input1">ID No</label>
<span class="underline"></span>
<dl class="inputbox">
<dt class="inputbox-title">Email</dt>
<dd class="inputbox-content">
<input id="input1" type="email" required v-model="email"/>
<label for="input1">Email</label>
<span class="underline"></span>
<dl class="inputbox">
<dt class="inputbox-title">Password</dt>
<dd class="inputbox-content">
<input id="input1" type="password" required v-model="password"/>
<label for="input1">Password</label>
<span class="underline"></span>
<dl class="inputbox" v-show="this.selected_type_id != 2 ">
<dt class="inputbox-title">Department</dt>
<dd class="inputbox-content">
<select id="input1" style="width: 550px;background-color: #d5d5d5;height: 40px"
<option v-for="d in departments_"
<span class="underline"></span>
<dl class="inputbox">
<dt class="inputbox-title">Type</dt>
<dd class="inputbox-content">
<select id="input1" style="width: 550px;background-color: #d5d5d5;height: 40px"
<option v-for="d in type"
<span class="underline"></span>
<div class="btns">
<button class="btn btn-confirm" type="submit">Sign In</button>
<button class="btn btn-cancel">Cancel</button>
import './create.scss'
import {mapState, mapMutations} from 'vuex';
import axios from 'axios'
export default {
mounted() {
data() {
return {
first_name: '',
middle_name: '',
last_name: '',
department_id: '',
id_no: '',
email: '',
password: '',
methods: {
submitData() {
// this.department_id = $id'', {
first_name: this.first_name,
middle_name: this.middle_name,
last_name: this.last_name,
department_id: this.department_id,
id_no: this.id_no,
password: this.password,
}).then((r) => {
this.first_name = '',
this.middle_name = '',
this.last_name = '',
this.department_id = '',
this.id_no = '', = '',
this.password = ''
this.$toast.add({severity: 'success', summary: '', detail:, life: 3000})
computed: mapState({
departments_: state => state.DepartmentModul.departments
<style scoped>
</style> |
github_open_source_100_8_19960 | Github OpenSource | Various open source |
#include <utility>
class Composite;
template <bool B, typename T_if, typename T_else>
struct static_if_else
using type = T_else;
template <typename T_if, typename T_else>
struct static_if_else<true, T_if, T_else>
using type = T_if;
struct AspectBase
template <typename T>
struct Aspectify : public T
Aspectify() = default;
Aspectify(const T& data)
static_cast<T&>(*this) = data;
AspectBase(Composite* comp)
: mComposite(comp)
// Do nothing
Composite* mComposite;
struct SomeStateData { };
struct SomePropData { };
template <class Base = AspectBase>
struct Aspect_state : public Base
using StateData = SomeStateData;
using State = AspectBase::Aspectify<StateData>;
enum Delegate_t { Delegate };
Aspect_state(Composite* comp)
: Base(comp)
// Do nothing
template <typename... Args>
Aspect_state(Delegate_t, Composite* comp, Args&&... args)
: Base(comp, args...)
// Do nothing
template <typename T>
struct ConvertIfState
using type = typename static_if_else<std::is_base_of<StateData, T>::value, StateData, T>::type;
template <typename T, typename... Args>
Aspect_state(Composite* comp, const T& firstArg, Args&&... args)
: Aspect_state(Delegate, comp,
static_cast<const typename ConvertIfState<T>::type&>(firstArg),
// Do nothing
template <typename... Args>
Aspect_state(Delegate_t, Composite* comp, const StateData& state, Args&&... args)
: Base(comp, args...),
// Do nothing
State mState;
template <class Base = AspectBase>
struct Aspect_prop : public Base
using PropData = SomePropData;
using Prop = AspectBase::Aspectify<SomePropData>;
enum Delegate_t { Delegate };
Aspect_prop(Composite* comp)
: Base(comp)
// Do nothing
template <typename... Args>
Aspect_prop(Delegate_t, Composite* comp, Args&&... args)
: Base(comp, args...)
// Do nothing
template <typename T>
struct ConvertIfProp
using type = typename static_if_else<std::is_base_of<PropData, T>::value, PropData, T>::type;
template <typename T, typename... Args>
Aspect_prop(Composite* comp, const T& firstArg, Args&&... args)
: Aspect_prop(Delegate, comp,
static_cast<const typename ConvertIfProp<T>::type&>(firstArg),
// Do nothing
template <typename... Args>
Aspect_prop(Delegate_t, Composite* comp, const PropData& prop, Args&&... args)
: Base(comp, args...),
// Do nothing
// template <typename... Args>
// Aspect_prop(Composite* comp, Args&&... args)
// : Base(comp, args...)
// {
// // Do nothing
// }
// template <typename T>
// struct ConvertIfProp
// {
// using type = typename static_if_else<std::is_base_of<PropData, T>::value, PropData, T>::type;
// };
// template <typename T, typename... Args>
// Aspect_prop(Composite* comp, const T& firstArg, Args&&... args)
// : Aspect_prop(comp,
// static_cast<const typename ConvertIfProp<T>::type&>(firstArg),
// args...)
// {
// // Do nothing
// }
// template <typename... Args>
// Aspect_prop(Composite* comp, const PropData& prop, Args&&... args)
// : Base(comp, args...),
// mProp(prop)
// {
// // Do nothing
// }
Prop mProp;
struct Aspect_state_prop : public Aspect_prop< Aspect_state<AspectBase> >
using Base = Aspect_prop< Aspect_state<AspectBase> >;
Aspect_state_prop(Composite* comp)
: Base(comp)
// Do nothing
Aspect_state_prop(Composite* comp, const PropData& prop)
: Base(comp, prop)
// Do nothing
Aspect_state_prop(Composite* comp, const StateData& state)
: Base(comp, state)
// Do nothing
Aspect_state_prop(Composite* comp,
const PropData& prop,
const StateData& state)
: Base(comp, prop, state)
// Do nothing
Aspect_state_prop(Composite* comp,
const StateData& state,
const PropData& prop)
: Base(comp, prop, state)
// Do nothing
class Composite { };
int main()
// SomeStateData state;
// const SomePropData prop;
// Composite* comp = nullptr;
// Aspect_prop<> p_aspect1(comp, prop);
// Aspect_prop<> p_aspect2(comp);
// Aspect_state<> s_aspect1(comp, state);
// Aspect_state<> s_aspect2(comp);
// Aspect_state_prop aspect_1(comp, prop, state);
// Aspect_state_prop aspect_2(comp, state, prop);
// Aspect_state_prop aspect_3(comp, prop);
// Aspect_state_prop aspect_4(comp, state);
// Aspect_state_prop aspect_5(comp);
9779123_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Der Jüdische Friedhof in Pístina, einer tschechischen Gemeinde im Okres Jindřichův Hradec der Südböhmischen Region, wurde vermutlich im 19. Jahrhundert angelegt. Der jüdische Friedhof ist seit 1996 ein geschütztes Kulturdenkmal.
Auf dem Friedhof sind noch viele Grabsteine vorhanden.
Kulturdenkmal im Okres Jindřichův Hradec
Erbaut im 19. Jahrhundert
github_open_source_100_8_19961 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | package ex1;
public class Person {
private String name;
public Person(){"Default";
// public Person(String name) {
// = name;
// }
public void anotherName(){
name= "Johnny";
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String newName) {
name = newName;
public String toString(){
return getName();
1178312_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | ФК Матаре Јунајтед е фудбалски клуб од градот Најроби, Кенија.
Клубот е формиран во 1994 година и во моментов се натпреварува во Премиер лигата на Кенија.
Премиер лига на Кенија (1)
Шампион : 2008
Вицешампион : 2001, 2007 и 2009
Фудбалски куп на Кенија (2)
Освојувач : 1998, 2000
Финалист : 2001
Суперкуп на Кенија
Финалист : 2009
Познати поранешни играчи
Денис Олиех
Џон Гвидети
Матаре Јунајтед
0c77c18900ab5c11c07ac884fbc0ef9f_1 | French Open Data | Various open data | PHARMACIE TABOULOT
RCS non inscrit.
Jugement d'ouverture
Jugement d'ouverture de liquidation judiciaire
10 février 2016
Jugement d'ouverture de liquidation judiciaire ; date de cessation des paiements : 4 mars 2015 ; mandataire judiciaire à la liquidation des entreprises : MJ SYNERGIE, Maître BERTHELOT, mandataire judiciaire, 9, place Georges Clémenceau, 42300 Roanne ; les déclarations de créances sont à déposer dans un délai de deux mois suivant la présente publication auprès du mandataire judiciaire.
5501221_1 | courtlistener | Public Domain | Pratt, J.,
(dissenting.) This motion only involves questions of fact, and an examination of the affidavits satisfies us that the matter was correctly decided below. The evidence failed to show with sufficient certainty that the defendants had disposed of any of their property with intent to defraud their creditors, and whatever there was alleged by plaintiff from which such an inference might bedrawn was fully met and denied or explained by the defendants. Order affirmed, with costs.
github_open_source_100_8_19962 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | package;
import lombok.Getter;
* The enum Transaction status.
public enum TransactionStatus {
* Pending transaction status.
PENDING("NEW"), // New transaction record created from SLD
* In progress transaction status.
IN_PROGRESS("INPROG"), // Transaction record is in progress in PRR
* Complete transaction status.
COMPLETE("REPLIC"), // Transaction record has been replicated,
private final String code;
TransactionStatus(final String code) {
this.code = code;
github_open_source_100_8_19963 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | export * from './loadSaveNew/loadSaveNew.component';
export * from './relationsResult/relationsResult.component';
export * from './relationsSampleClick/relationsSampleClick.component';
export * from './userSettings/userSettings.component';
github_open_source_100_8_19964 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | import React from "react";
import "./ShopHeader.scss";
interface ShopHeaderInterface {
title: string;
image: string;
closeShop: () => void;
hasRobBadge?: boolean;
const ShopHeader: React.FC<ShopHeaderInterface> = ({
hasRobBadge = false,
}) => {
const imageStyles = {
backgroundImage: `linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(27, 86, 92, 0) -8.9%, #1B565C 148.73%), url(${image})`,
return (
<div className="shop-header" style={imageStyles}>
<div onClick={closeShop} className="shop-header-close">
viewBox="0 0 16 16"
d="M1.5389 0.264034C1.18685 -0.0880113 0.616077 -0.0880113 0.264033 0.264034C-0.0880111 0.616079 -0.0880111 1.18686 0.264033 1.5389L6.81189 8.08678L0.437585 14.4611C0.0855412 14.8131 0.0855408 15.3839 0.437585 15.736C0.789629 16.088 1.36041 16.088 1.71245 15.736L8.08675 9.36165L14.2875 15.5625C14.6396 15.9145 15.2104 15.9145 15.5624 15.5625C15.9145 15.2104 15.9145 14.6396 15.5624 14.2876L9.36162 8.08678L15.736 1.71241C16.088 1.36037 16.088 0.78959 15.736 0.437545C15.3839 0.0854995 14.8131 0.0854995 14.4611 0.437545L8.08675 6.81191L1.5389 0.264034Z"
<h1 className="shop-header-title">{title}</h1>
{hasRobBadge && (
onClick={() => {
export default ShopHeader;
8273683_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | 11 Persei, som är stjärnans Flamsteed-beteckning, är en ensam stjärna belägen i den nordvästra delen av stjärnbilden, Perseus. Den har en skenbar magnitud på ca 5,76 och är svagt synlig för blotta ögat där ljusföroreningar ej förekommer. Baserat på parallax enligt Gaia Data Release 2 på ca 7,8 mas, beräknas den befinna sig på ett avstånd på ca 418 ljusår (ca 128 parsek) från solen. Den rör sig bort närmare solen med en heliocentrisk radialhastighet av ca –0,7 km/s.
11 Persei är vit till blå stjärna i huvudserien av spektralklass B7 III(p?) (Hg?), även om Hube (1970) gav den spektralklass B8 IV och Appenzeller (1967) klassade den som B6 V. Stjärnan är en kemiskt speciell kvicksilver-mangan-stjärna. Den har en massa som är ca 3,8 solmassor, en radie som är ca 3,2 solradier och utsänder ca 210 gånger mera energi än solen från dess fotosfär vid en effektiv temperatur på ca 14 600 K.
Externa länkar
Stjärnbilden Perseus
Huvudseriestjärnor klass B.
github_open_source_100_8_19965 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | import React from 'react';
import {
} from '@skbkontur/react-ui';
import EditIcon from '@skbkontur/react-icons/Edit';
import { FLAT_THEME } from '@skbkontur/react-ui/lib/theming/themes/FlatTheme';
export const App = () => {
// TODO App must be pure render function
// Toast.push('Successfully saved', {
// label: 'Cancel',
// handler: () => Toast.push('Canceled'),
// });
return (
<Autocomplete source={[]} value={''} onValueChange={() => ({})} />
<Center style={{ background: '#fdd', height: 150 }}>
<div style={{ background: 'black', width: 30, height: 30 }} />
<Checkbox checked={false} onValueChange={() => ({})}>
<ComboBox getItems={q => Promise.resolve([{ value: 1, label: 'First' }])} />
<CurrencyLabel value={12356.1} currencySymbol={'₽'} />
<DateInput />
<DatePicker value={''} onValueChange={() => ({})} />
<Dropdown caption="Click">
<MenuItem onClick={() => alert('Clack')}>Clack</MenuItem>
<MenuSeparator />
<MenuHeader>Here goes the header</MenuHeader>
<MenuItem onClick={() => alert('Pow')} comment="With comment.">
<DropdownMenu caption={<Button use="primary">Открыть меню</Button>}>
<MenuHeader>Заголовок меню</MenuHeader>
<MenuSeparator />
<MenuSeparator />
<FxInput onValueChange={() => ({})} />
<Button use="primary">Сохранить</Button>
<Button use="primary">Hey</Button>
<Hint text="World">Hello</Hint>
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hal-00836299-Identification_cohesive_zone_Wen_al.txt_1 | French-Science-Pile | Various open science | Identification of Cohesive-Zone models using
thermo-mechanical imaging techniques
Shuang Wen, André Chrysochoos, Yann Monerie, Bertrand Wattrisse
To cite this version:
Shuang Wen, André Chrysochoos, Yann Monerie, Bertrand Wattrisse. Identification of Cohesive-Zone
models using thermo-mechanical imaging techniques. PhotoMechanics 2011, Feb 2011, Bruxelles,
Belgium. 2 p. �hal-00836299�
HAL Id: hal-00836299
Submitted on 20 Jun 2013
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S. Wen , A. Chrysochoos , Y. Monerie , B. Wattrisse
Mechanics and Civil Engineering Laboratory, University of Montpellier 2, Pl. E. Bataillon, Montpellier, France
MIST Laboratory, IRSN–CNRS–UM2, France
Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, CE Cadarache, bat. 702, BP3-13115 Saint-Paul-lezDurance Cedex, France
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
ABSTRACT: Since several years, cohesive zone models have been developed and used to numerically simulate the fracture
of solid materials. These models are often written and identified in a mechanical framework introducing a displacement
“jump” related to the virtual opening of the crack. In this work, we propose to split the overall volumic damageable plastic
behaviour of the material into a purely elastoplastic behaviour related to the bulk response (hardening) and a purely
damageable behaviour associated with the cohesive zone (softening). The aim of this paper is to propose an experimental
approach combining Digital Image Correlation and Infrared Thermography techniques to characterize the thermo-mechanical
response of the material, the bulk, and the cohesive zone.
Cohesive-zone models (CZM), which were first introduced through the pioneering work of Dugdale [1] and Barenblatt [2], are
suitable to simulate fracture in a wide range of materials and to account for heterogeneities at various scales from the grain
up to the structure [3]. In the cohesive/volumetric finite element framework, CZMs are introduced at interfaces between
adjacent elements of a finite element discretization. They have been successfully used to simulate and predict the entire
fracture process from crack onset to rupture [3].
In recent years, substantial progress has been achieved from a numerical point of view and CZM predictions have been
regularly improved. Although CZMs are becoming increasingly robust, their application is somewhat arbitrary and several
difficulties remain, notably regarding the identification of the constitutive equations. This paper aims to propose an
experimental methodology to enhance the choice of CZM constitutive equations and improve their identification. This
methodology does not assume either any particular shape or any predefined crack path, but focuses on the experimental
validity of the projection of volumic (micro) damage onto a simple surface. The study is restricted to overall ductile materials
(copper specimens) and the local effect of the stress triaxiality on the volumic damage is neglected (uniaxial tension).
Local energy balances are constructed combining kinematic measurements obtained by DIC and thermal data given by
Infrared Thermography. This information is then used to derive the cohesive response from the volumic response of the
material at the observation scale.
In what follows, the experimental setup is briefly described, and then some recent results illustrate the potentiality of such an
experimental approach.
The experimental setup includes a mechanical testing machine, a CCD camera and an infrared camera. The cameras are set
perpendicularly to the flat specimen surface. Each camera is controlled by a separate computer. A specific electronic device
was designed to synchronize the frame grabbing of the two cameras. The principle of this device is as follows. A frequency
generator is used to produce the trigger signal of the master camera. This frequency is divided or multiplied by an integer
factor to generate the trigger signal of the slave camera. Each time an image acquisition is completed, the analogical signals
provided by the machine sensors (force, displacement) are digitized, and the time is given, on each acquisition computer, by
a common clock having a 0.1 ms period.
Before starting the tests, the specimen surfaces are painted. The surface facing the CCD camera is speckled with black and
white paints in order to obtain the contrast necessary to perform DIC. The surface facing the infrared camera is coated with a
thin layer of black paint in order to homogenize and to increase its emissivity.
The displacement field is computed using the KelKins image processing software [4]. The thermal data are processed via the
local heat equation. The particular derivative is computed by combining kinematical and thermal data as presented in [5].
In this work we assume that the material behavior corresponds to damageable elastoplasticity. As soon as strain and
damage localize, the sample must be considered as a structure where structural and material effects are superimposed. In
this work, we propose a protocol to derive the uniaxial cohesive zone response associated with the loading direction (i.e. x1)
during a tensile test. The Figure 1 represents the basic stretch of the strain partition used to deduce the bulk and the
cohesive zone response from the material response obtained experimentally. The local axial Cauchy stress σ1 is obtained
supposing a transverse isotropic response (ε2=ε3). The uniaxial effective stress σeff is computed introducing the damage
variable D (associated with volume variations measured by DIC and with an isotropic damage model). The bulk response
corresponds to isochoric elastoplasticity, and is associated with the incompressible stress σinc.
Figure 1- Basic sketch of the strain partition
σ (MPa)
d1 (
x 10-3
x1 (mm)
time (s)
Figure 2- Mechanical response
Figure 3- evolution of d1 during the test
Figure 2 shows the apparent tensile stress σ1 in the localization zone as a function of the overall and cohesive zone axial
strains, respectively ε1 and εC. The stress-strain relation σinc vs. εB associated with the virtual isochoric straining is also
plotted on the same graph. This relation corresponds to the bulk behavior that should be resolved at the Gauss points in a FE
method for each material, and therefore it should be used for determining the bulk parameters of constitutive equations. The
relation σ1 vs. εC provides access to the cohesive zone response and corresponds to the CZM, which can be directly used in
CZM-based simulations through incorporation of the length lfe corresponding to the link between the displacement jump [u]
and the cohesive strain εC.
The intrinsic dissipation d1 is computed as the difference between the overall heat source and the heat source related to the
thermoelastic coupling ( w
= − 2T0 tr 11 , with T0 being the room temperature and 2 the linear thermal dilatation
( )
coefficient). Its evolution during the deformation process is plotted in Figure 3. It shows the progressive concentration of
dissipative heat sources in the strain localization zone (around x1 = 32 mm). This dissipation is associated with plasticity and
damage. Matching the kinematic and calorimetric responses enables us to validate the thermomechanical consistency of the
proposed approach.
1. Dugdale, D.S., (1960) Yielding of steel sheets containing slits. J. of the Mech. and Ph. of Sol., 8, 100-104
2. Barenblatt, G.I., (1962) The mathematical theory of equilibrium of cracks in brittle fracture. Adv. Appl. Mech., 7, 55-129
3. Perales, F., Monerie, Y., Dubois, F., Stainier, L., (2005). Computational non-smooth fracture dynamics in nonlinear and
heterogeneous materials. Application to fracture of hydrided Zircaloy. In: Zhou, Yu and Xu (eds.), Structural mechanics in
reactor technology, 18, Atomic Energy Press, Beijing, China.
4. Bornert, M., Brémand, F., Doumalin, P., Dupré, J.C., Fazzini, M., Grédiac, M., Hild F., Mistou, S., Molimard, J, Orteu, J.J.,
Robert, L., Surrel, Y., Vacher, P., Wattrisse, B. (2009) Assessment of measurement errors in local displacements by Digital
Image Correlation: methodology and results, Exp. Mech., 49(3), 353-370
5. Chrysochoos, A., Wattrisse, B., Muracciole, J.-M., El Kaïm, Y. (2009) Fields of stored energy associated with localized
necking of steel, J. Mech. Mat. Struct., 4(2), 245-262.
bpt6k1866002f_1 | French-PD-Newspapers | Public Domain | Vingtième Année* — N* 252.Bureaux : rue Amiral-Roussln, 35, à DijonVendredi 14 Septembre 1888ABONNEMENTSCOTE-D’OR ET DÉPARTEMENTS LIMITROPHES Trois mois Six mois Un sa 8 tr. 16 > 80 •AUTRES DÉPARTEMENTSTrois mois 9 fr. Six mois. 18 » Un en 86 »ÉTRANGER Les frais de fort en sutI.'Abonnomont se paie d'avance Il ne peut être prit pour moins de trait mois et st contmut jusqu'à iris ContranLE PROGRÈSINSERTIONS ANNONCESAu-dessous de cinq ligues 1 fp. • Le ligne » SO RÉCLAMES !•» Ugne » 8 «C A le chronique locale , 75Les grandes annonces pour le commerce et les Inser tion! répétées plus de dix fols seront traitées de gré à gr*.DE LA COTE-D’ORAFFRANCHIR Lit insertion* sont reçues au* lireao* de Journal, rue AeirefHouttin, 85. L'Agence Htru, rut detreOame-des-rictei res, 84, et place de la Bourse, 8, est seule chargée a Paris de recereir des annonces pour le journal.Pour tout ce qui concerne la rédaction, s'adresser au Rédacteur en ChefJournal Politique QuotidienPour les abonnements et annonces s'adresser au Gérant du JournalVoir les dernières dépêche# au ha# de la ipmlrlème page.DIJON, 14 SEPTEMBRE 1888L’AGE DE LA MORPHINELe poète Charles Gros, mort jeune, chantait : Avec le vin, avec la femme, Avec l'absinthe, avec le jeu, Un peut se divertir un peu. Aujourd’hui, le vin, la femme, 1 ab sinthe et le jeu ne suffisent plus pour nous divertir. Ce sont là des plaisirs fades et passés de mode. Il nous faut • 'es joies plus exquises et des extases j lus profondes, que peuvent seuls nous donner le haschisch, l’opium et la morphine. La morphine surtout. Voilà pour l’instant le poison à la mode. C’est la maladie du jour, l’épidémie charmante r mt nous sommes frappés. Les chro niqueurs dans les journaux mondains, les docteurs dans la presse médicale, i lèncnt grand bruit. 11 parait que les " unes femmes surtout sont atteintes par le tiéau. Elles ne meurent pas tout s, mais toutes sont... piquées. Depuis les temps les plus reculés, l'homme,et surtout la femme, ontcherciié à éviter la douleur, cette invenii >n stupide du bon Dieu clément. On a des migraines, des névralgies, des rhumatismes. On soutire alïrcusoment. Et cependant il faut quand même vivre et pour avoir le droit do v.vro, il est nécessaire de « gagner sa vie. » Comment travailler, comment sc livrer à une besogne quelconque quand vous soutirez dune façon idiote, quand sous votre peau ou sous votre crâne vous se niez des élance ments réguliers , continus , insup portables! Alors vous allez voir un d ictcur ami qui vous conseille des r môdes anodins. Les remèdes anod ns sont impuissants. Le docteur, d revêtement, vous parle de la morp tine. Sauvé ! grâce au poison délie.cux la souffrance cesse. Demain, après-demain, toujours quand la souffrance reviendra, vous n hésiterez p isunc seconde à vous emparer de la petite seringue béniç... Les jeunes femmes, les névropa thes, comme on dit, et tous les gens du monde — il parait que nous autres, pauvres diables, nous ne sommes pas du « monde » — tous les désoeuvrés sont vite devenus des morphinoma nes. Ceux-là forment une catégorie à part. Dans l’ennui de leur vie, ras sasies de tous les plaisirs que peut offrir notre civilisation pervertie, ils ne savent plus que faire ni que deve nir. Ils cherchent des sensations nou velles et d’autres plaisirs. L’opium, le haschisch et la morphine procurent, parait-il, des joies extraordinaires. Je dis « paralt-il », car, pour ma part, l’accès des paradis artificiels m'a toujours été interdit. Curieux, j’ai voulu, comme tout le monde, manger du haschisch. Mon estomac garde en core le souvenir de cette désastreuse confiture verte. Pendant deux joursFEUILLETON DU PROGRÈS DU VENDREDI 14 SEPTEMBRE (11)Par Adolphe d’EWERYPROLOGUE I Maltar seul l’avertit qu’il serait imprudent de prolonger son séjour, et, presque malgré le comte lui-même, il donna le signal du départ et l’on reprit la route do la ville. Arrivé à Pondichéry, M. de Moray retrouva avec joie sa tille mieux por tante encore quelle ne l’était au mo ment où il l'avait quittée. La soirée s écoula dans un intéressant entretien, dont le récit des fêtes du jour lit tous les frais. On se sépara de bonne heure, car il ne fallait pas abuser des forces de la convalescente. D’ailleurs, le comte lui-mème se s ntait brisé de fatigue. Il éprouvait r 1e sensation de froid très profonde. Cependant, — chose étrange, — il lui semblait qu’à de certains moments r*es langues de feu lui traversaient les veines* Il eut une nuit agitée, troublée. Une sorte de délire continu hantait son cerveau, dans le sommeil comme dans la veille. Le lendemain matin, lorsqu il entra chez son maître, Maltar, le dobachi, recula effrayé.je me trouvai dans le triste état où nous voyons au théâtre un des conn ues personnages du Voyage en Chine. ’el fut mon premier paradis. Une au tre fois, pour me débarrasser d’une migraine tenace, je fumai de l'opium. Le résultat ne se lit pas attendre. Mais quelle réveil ! A la migraine naturelle avait succédé une migraine artificielle des plus désastreuses. Je n’ai jamais eu envie de recommencer l’expérience. Quant à la morphine ! Ah ! madame, la morphine ! Car c’est à vous, toute belle, qu’il faut demander des renseignements sur le délicieux poison. Ah ! les docteurs nous ont fait sur votre compte de jo lies révélations. Il paraît que vos corps sont recou verts de plaies. Il paraît que des des sins bizarres s’étalent sur vos peaux satinées. Vous vous tatouez,mesdames, à l’exemple des femmes Papoues. Mais, hélas ! il est certain que la dégradation n’est pas seulement phy sique. Au moral surtout, le poison accomplit, une œuvre destructive.Voici le tableau de ce que vous pouvez de venir, ô Française si adorablement spirituelle : « Los morphinomanes payent cher leur plaisir d'un instant. Peu à peu l’ivresse devient plus difficile ; comme Mithridatc, au corps tout saturé do poisons, devenait insensible aux plus violents toxiques, ces malheureuses aux veines imbibées de morphine sont entraînées à augmenter chaque jour la dose. Elles connaissent le supplice dos infortunées Danaïdos ; plus elles versent le poison dans le réservoir de leurs artères, plus le poison s’échappe, plus il faut encore et toujours injecter du stupéfiant liquide le réseau sanguin toujours avide, toujours assoiffé, tou jours à sec ». C’est le docteur qui parle, c’est l’ora cle du jour, 6 névropathe blasée, qui vous tient ce langage terrifiant. Vou lez-vous consentir à perdre ainsi votre esprit, votre santé et votre beauté ? Et ce n’est pas tout. Quelle généra tion va naître de ce peuple de mor phinomanes. Voilà surtout où la ques tion devient grave. Car si l’on a par faitement le droit de « se faire périr » lentement, selon l’expression des con cierges, il est criminel de transmettre à ses enfants un sang malade, vicié, un sang empoisonné qui leur versera dans les veines la mort plutôt que la vie. Il est donc temps d’enrayer le mal signalé par les docteurs. Mais com ment s’v prendre ? On pourrait peut-être faire voter une loi, telle qu’on en décrétait à Sparte, déclarant que... u La morphinomanie pouvant mettre la patrie en danger... « Tout morphinomane sera con damné à aller casser des cailloux sur les routes départementales ou bien à faire les moissons pendant les cha leurs de l’été. » 11 est incontestable que les malades qui pourraient résister à un pareil régime seraient, après, radicalement guéris. Henri LapierreM. de Moray avait le visage en feu, la voix brève et irritée. Il se plaignait de souffrances inexplicables ou plutôt encore d’angoisses sans raison. Le serviteur indou devait se trom per moins que personne aux symptô mes du mal dont le comte se trouvait menacé. Bien souvent, il avait vu les Européens en être atteints et bien souvent aussi il les avait vus y suc comber. Tout récemment encore, — c’est-àdire trois mois avant, —il avait assisté au début de la maladie de Mlle de Moray. C’étaient les mômes signes précurseurs qu’il retrouvait chez le père, après les avoir le premier re marqués chez la tille. Malgré la défense du comte, qui prétendait ne souffrir que d’un ma laise passager ; il courut chez le médecin et lui fit part de ses inquiétu des. M. Roblin s’empressa de venir au palais du gouverneur et un seul re gard suffit pour le convaincre que, si le comte n’était pas encore définitive ment atteint, le mal se déclarerait in failliblement d’un moment à l’autre. Cette fièvre de l’Inde ! Mal terrible, innommé, qui s’attaque à la fois à toutes les parties vives de l’homme, et déjoue toutes les ressources de l’art ! Pour échapper à ses suites funes tes, il ne faut compter que sur le ha sard ou, pour mieux dire, sur un mi racle. Ce miracle, Dieu l’avait accompli une première fois pour Mlle Paulette de Moray. Le recommencerait-il pour son père ? Le docteur était terrifié.Lettre de Paris (Service spécial du Progrès de la Côte-d’Or)Paris, 13 septembre. Hier, entre deux et trois heures, s’est pro duit le premier phénomène annonçant le retour à la vie parlementaire : la commis sion du budget a repris ses travaux. On a compté jusqu’à vingt-sept membres pré sents. Deux étaient absents pour recevoir le président de la République, et quatre seule ment ont manqué à l’appel. C’est plus que la proportion généralement accordée aux raisons de famille et à la maladie. Tout cela dénote un empiessement fort louable, mais il ne parait pas que les faits doivent répondre à l’apparence. La com mission n’est pas contente, parait il, des matériaux que le gouvernement a offert à ses travaux. Elle a commencé par tout dé sarticuler dans le pauvre projet de M. Peytral, et maintenant qu’il git en pièces sur le tapis vert, elle ne sait plus comment le re monter. A la vérité, on dirait que son inten tion est de ne point s’embarrasser de cette besogne et de faire quelque chose de neuf. Mais alors elle arrivera en retard pour le dépôt du budget, et voilà les transes an nuelles qui recommencent devant l’éven tualité des douzièmes provisoires. Singulière situation ! Un ministre radical présente un budget. La chambre — nous n’en sommes plus à compter ses contradic tions — le fait examiner par une commis sion où domim nt les opportunistes. Et l’on s’étonne que rien ne puisse mar cher ! C’est le contraire qui nous surpren drait. Mais nous attendrons patiemment quel ques séances de la commission avant de désespérer qu’elle produise enfin quelque chose de vraiment pratique. Peu nous im porte d’où viennent les réformes, les dégrè vements et les économies, pourvu qu’ils viennent, et vite. Très spirituel article do notre confrère Emmanuel Arène dans la République fran çaise, sur le lépreux de la noce. Ce lépreux, qui est chez d’Aoste, n’est pas d'Aoste. Ce lépreux, c’est le prince Napoléon, père et beau-frère de la mariée ! On comptait beaucoup sur cette noce dans le monde bonapartiste ; un journal raconte, avec un amer regret, quelles habiles dispo sitions avaient été prises pour la rencontre du père et du fils ; ç’eût été aussi cordial que la rencontre de deux trains. On devait les enfermer tous deux dans un petit local, sans intermédiaire. « Une réconciliation s’en serait forcément suivie », dit le journal, et, mélancoliquement, il ajoute : « C’est un rêve évanoui ! » La seule idée d'être enfermé avec son père a fait reculer le prince Vic tor : au moment de partir, il se sera rap pelé que l’Italie est la patrie d’Ugolin. Le prince Jérôme est donc là-bas tout seul, re présentant les Palurot plus encore que les Bonaparte, et les journaux victoriens pu rent une petite note belge qui explique pourquoi le jeune Victor restera chez lui. C’est, parait-il, qu’il a la garde des « prin ce cipes et des doctrines de Napoléon Irr et « de Napoléon 111 ». Le bagage, dira-t-on, n’est pas si lourd qu’on ne puisse l’emporter en voyage ! Mais de plus « il sait ce qu’il « doit à la France et aux hommes dévoués « qui, de toutes parts, lui ont apporté leur « concours... » Ce qu’il doit à la France est facile à établir : deux provinces et dix mil liards, une bagatelle. Pour les « hommes dé voués », la somme doit être moindre, quoi que assez importante encore, mais l’argent que dépense M. Boulanger a fait oublier un peu celui que reçoit le prince Victor. En ter minant, le jeune homme déclare « qu’il neCertes, il était frappé dans l’amitié qu'il portait au comte. Mais il se de mandait surtout avec terreur comment la comtesse supporterait une épreuve nouvelle. La maladie do sa fille avait épuisé toutes les sources de son courage et de ses forces. Où trouverait-elle les forces et le courage nouveau qui lui seraient nécessaires auprès de son mari ? Cependant une chance de salut lui sait encore. Le mal ne faisait que s’annoncer. Il n’avait pas éclaté jus qu’à présent. Au lieu de chercher à le vaincre, ne valait-il pas mieux tenter de le fuir? Le docteur se fit annoncer chez la comtesse. Celle-ci s’empressa de le recevoir, croyant qu’il avait devancé l’heure ha bituelle de sa visite, seulement pour voir sa fille auprès de qui elle avait encore passé une partie de la nuit. —Comme vous voilà matinal! dit-elle au médecin en souriant et en lui ten dant la main. Eh bien, pour vous ré compenser de votre zèle, je vais vous donner de bonnes nouvelles de Pau lette. ... La chère enfant a dormi d’un sommeil paisible que je ne lui avais pas vu depuis bien longtemps, et elle dort toujours au moment où nous par lons. ... Peut-être vaudrait-il mieux ne pas troubler ce précieux repos et re mettre votre consultation à un peu plus tard. Qu'en pensez-vous ? — Ce n’est pas de Mlle Paulette ue je viens vous parler, répondit le octeur d’une voix grave.« faillira pas à la mission que lui imposent «son nom et ses traditions. » Cette mission consiste-t-elle donc pour lui à ne pas plier au mariage de sa sœur ? Les traditions, en tous cas, ne sauraient le lui interdire, car l’af fection du chef de la dynastie, de Napo léon Ier, pour ses sœurs, est, au contraire, demeurée proverbiale, et ce n’est pas lui qui eût manqué au mariage d’aucune d’elles ! Gentilles liiron.lelles, OWoaux bénis île Dieu, Fuyez à tire il’aites Envolez-vous, a.lieu ! Elles nous quittent, les petites hirondelles, ou plutôt elles s’apprêtent à nous quitter. Depuis deux jours, on pohvait les voir se réunir en compagnies nombreuses ; leur concentration s était accomplie hier matin dans l’ordre le plus parfait. Elles étaient prêtes à s’enfuir ; mais les chauds rayons du soleil, dont nous avons été heureusement gratifiés, ont retenu la plupart d’entre elles. Quelques-unes cependant — des opposantes — n’ont point voulu entendre raison, et se sont envolées vers un climat plus chaud. Bon voyage, mesdemoiselles, et prompt re tour.LE VOYAGE du Président de la RépubliqueBanquet offert par la ville du Ilnvre ù 31. Carnot Au dessert, M. Marion, maire du Havre a prononcé un discours dont voici le passage essentiel : « Nos négociants, nos industrisls, nos ou vriers savent que les difficultés intérieures et les crises économiques ont existé dans tous les temps, dans tous les pays et sous tous les gouvernements. Tout ce que l’on peut, tout ce que l’on doit exiger, ce sont d’énergiques et vaillants efforts pour en abréger la durée. « Nous triompherons de ces difficultés, comme de toutes les autres. Nous n'avons nul besoin, pour cela, que le césarisme vienne nous offrir son insolent concours. Nous n’irons pas, après dix-huit ans de luttes et d’efforts persévérants, renier en un moment notre foi, dissiper le patrimoine de nos convictions et chercher je ne sais quel remède dans un plébiscite funeste et ridicule. « Le remède, il est trouvé, il est appliqué déjà par votre gouvernement, sous votre haute et bienfaisante influence : c’est la ré pudiation radicale, absolue, définitive des divisions artificielles et des luttes de per sonnes, c’est en un mot cette concentration républicaine, imposée par le patriotisme, qu’ont su réaliser et que sauront maintenir M. le président du conseil et ses dévoués collaborateurs. « C’est sous l’empire de ces sentiments, monsieur le président, que la ville du Havre vous adresse l’expression do sa gratitude, de sa confiance, de sa respectueuse sympa thie, tt que je vous convie, messieurs, à por ter un toast à M. le président Carnot et à la République forte et unie sous ses aus pices ! » Discours de 31. Carnot Le président de la République, répondant M. Marion, s’est exprimé ainsi : « Monsieur le maire, vous venez de for muler en des termes excellents le program me qui doit être suivi par tous les républi cains. «Laissez-moi vous dire que ce programme, qui comporte la répudiation absolue de toutes les divisions artificielles, de toutes les luttes de personnes, que ce programme est le mien.— Mais de qui donc ? s’écria la comtesse en pâlissant. A la vue de l’émotion que manifes tait Mme (je Moray, même avant de rien savoir, le docteur hésita. Le coup qu’il allait porter était bien terrible l Cependant il n’y avait pas un instant à perdre. Le brave homme trancha dans le vif. Il s’agit de M. do Moray, répon dit-il. — De mon mari ? — Oui, M. le gouverneur général est très souffrant ce matin. Il vous a fait demander ? — Non. C’est Maltar qui, inquiet de la santé do son maître, est venu me prévenir. — Qu’y a-t-il ? — Jusqu’à présent, rien de grave ni de décisif encore. — Ah ! Dieu soit loué ! fit la com tesse en joignant les mains dans un geste de reconnaissance. Mais vous m’avez cruellement effravée, doc teur ! — Moins encore qu’il ne le faut, dit M. Roblin en secouant tristement la tête, puisque vous passez si rapide ment de l’inquiétude à la tranquillité ! M. de Moray n’a pas encore, il est vrai, de maladie déclarée, mais... — Mais? achevez ! Au nom du ciel apprenez-moi tout ! — Mais les symptômes sont tels qu’il est impossible de s’y tromper. D’une heure à l’autre le mal peut s’af firmer et faire de redoutables pro grès ! — Et ce mal? — C’est celui auquel votre fille vient d’échapper.J’ai le droit de le déclarer, parce qu’il a été aussi celui du Congrès du 3 décembre, qui m’a élu président de la République. « J’ajoute qu’il est certainement celui du pays tout entier. (Applaudissements chaleu reux.) « Vous parliez, à l’instant, des visites que je fais au pays. Je les lui dois. 11 est en ef fet de mon devoir de m’enquérir de ses dé sirs, et, des voyages que je viens d’ac complir jjemporte la conviction que vous avez été tout à l’heure, monsieur le maire, l’interprète exact do ses véritables aspira tions. (Nouveaux applaudissements.) Il veut l’union, il a conscience quelle est tout à fait nécessaire dans l’intérêt de la patrie ellemême. (Applaudissements prolongés). « J’avais d’avance la certitude qu’un pa reil sentiment avait son écho dans une ville aussi patriotique que la vôtre. « J’ai éprouvé une sincère et profonde émotion en me retrouvant aujourd’hui dans cette cité, dont il m’a été donné, à l’heure de la plus cruelle des épreuves, de partager et les angoisses et les espérances. « Je l’ai revue aujourd’hui grandie en prospérité ; elle travaille encore comme elle travaillait il y a dix huit ans, pour l’honneur de la France. Elle lui consacre toujours et ses efforts, et son courage, et ses sacri fices ; c’est pourquoi elle peut être certaine que le gouvernement de la République et les chambres voudront seconder d’aussi nobles efforts et lui venir en aide dans les luttes pacifiques qu’elle soutient. (Bravos et acclamations.) « Les moyens à adopter ont été arrêtés à la suite des savantes éludes dues >n partie à mes anciens camarades, (Applaudisse ments répétés.) Je dis en partie, parce que je tiens à laisser à la marine et au com merce le mérite de leur collaboration dans les décisions qui ont été prises. Le but pour suivi est maintenant atteint ; tous les inté rêts en jeu ont été mis en équilibre ; je crois que le dernier projet soumis actuellement aux chambres est arrivé à les concilier dans une juste mesure ; il sera donc possible d’obtenir une prompte solution. (Applaudis sements.) _ « Vous pouvez être persuadés que, en ce qui le concerne, l’ancien ministre des tra vaux publics y emploiera tous ses efforts. « C’est de grand cœur, messieurs, qu’avant de me rasseoir je bois à la prospé rité de la ville du Havre et de son port. » (Salves d’applaudissements prolongés. — Cris de : « Vive la République ! Vive Car not !) Promenade dans la ville Le Havre, 13 septembre. Le président de la République vient de faire une promenade à travers le Havre, en compagnie des ministres MM. Floquet et Krantz, des représentants de la Seine-Infé rieure, du préfet, du maire, etc. Parti ce matin, à neuf heures, de la souspréfecture, où il avait pa>sé la nuit, il a parcouru la ville dans tous les sens. La po pulation havraise, à laquelle s’étaient mêlés de nombreux Parisiens en villégiature dans les environs, se pressait en foule sur son passage et l’acclamait, ainsi que MM. FIoquet et Siegfried. A plusieurs reprises, le cortège a été ar rêté par des sociétés diverses, désireuses de présenter leurs hommages au président de la République et de lui offrir des bou quets. Je ne peux point établir de différence entre l’accueil qu’a trouvé M. Carnot dans les quartiers riches et dans les quartiers pau vres : partout les cris de : « Vive la Répu blique ! » retentissaient ; partout, des fenê tres et de la rue, des mains gantées ou des bras nus agitaient des mouchoirs et des drapeaux ; mais c’est certainement l’attitude chaudement sympathique des ouvriers du port qui a le plus vivement touché le prési dent et les ministres. Leurs camarades de l’atelier ne se sontMme de Moray poussa un cri de dé solation. — Ali ! fit-elle, cette fièvre ! Cette horrible fièvre qui tue les |>lus forts eux-mêmes. — Qui tue ceux-là surtout, hélas ! Car elle se nourrit et s’augmente des forces qu’elle a brisées ! Par ce qui s’est passé pour votre fille vous voyez que les enfants y échappent quelque fois... tandis que les hommes de la vigueur et de l’àge de M. de Moray... — Ceux-là sont condamnés, n’estce pas ?. C’est bien là ce que vous vou lez dire? Le médecin ne répondit pas. Ce-si lence, plus éloquent que toute affir mation, parut à la comtesse comme un arrêt de mort prononcé contre l’homme à qui elle avait donné toute sa vie. — Ah ! s’écria-t-elle en se tordant les mains et en tombant sur un meu ble, tout est perdu ! Allez, je ne vous comprends que trop ! Un sanglot lui monta à la gorge et manqua de l’étouffer. Le docteur aurait pu calmer cet excès d’inquiétude, et faire connaître aussitôt en peu de mots l’espoir qu’il fondait sur un départ immédiat. Mais il avait exprès voulu que la terreur fût sans bornes pour empêcher la malheureuse femme de s’arrêter aux graves obstacles que soulevait ce projet de départ. Ces obstacles, le médecin les avait bien prévus. On les apprendra dans quelques lignes. — Ecoutez-moi, dit-il, après avoir laissé un moment de répit à cette première explosion d’un trop juste démontrés ni moins républicains ni moins pa triotes. Ceux que nous avons trouvés au tn vail, dans les halls de la compagnie «1< s Chargeurs réunis,.avaient fait entre eux une collecte qui leur a permis d’oilrir au prési dent une superbe corbeille de fleurs. C’est la fille de l’un d’eux qui l’a présentée à M. Carnot. I n peu plus loin, les ouvriers des Forges et Chantiers ont offert au président do la République un bronze acheté par eux.Après les avoir remerciés, M. Carnot a dNlrilmé à quelques-uns des médailles d’honneur ; puis, sous la conduite de M. Cazavan, directeur des Chantiers et son ancien condisciple à l’Ecole polytechnique, il a visité les ateliers de construction, les machines et les ateliers de l’artillerie, s'arrêtant de temps à autre devant les plus beaux spécimens de canons, pour recevoir les explications du directeur de l’artillerie au ministère do la guerre, qui s'ôtait joint au cortège. En rentrant à la sous-préfecture. M. Hendlé a présenté en ces termes, an prési dent, les maires de 1 arrondissement, qui sont venus au nombre de plus de cent sur cent vingt-trois : « Monsieur le président, j’ai l'honneur de vous présenter les maires de l’arrondisse ment. Je suis sùr d'être leur interprète à tous en affirmant qu ils sont pénétrés de la plus profonde estime et de la plus respec tueuse sympathie pour votre personne, et qu’ils sont heureux de saluer, dans cette grande et patriotique ville du Havre, le chef de l'Etat et les ministres de la République qui l’accompagnent. » Les applaudissements des maires ayant accueilli cette courte allocution, M. Carnotu ainsi répondu : « Je vous remercie, monsieur le préfet, des paroles que vous venez de prononcer. Je vois, en effet, que vous avez été le fidèle interprète des maires do l’arrondissement. Ils ne sont pas ici seulement par sympathie personnelle. J'ai la conviction qu’il y a à leur visite une raison beaucoup plus élevée, quelque chose de plus grand, l’avenir de la République. Se tournant vers les maires, le président à ajouté : «• Je vous remercie, messieurs, au nom do la République et au nom de la France. » Chaque maire a ensuite passé devant M. Carnot pour lui serrer la main. En présentant à M. Carnot les institu teurs de l’arrondissement du Havre, M. Men dié a dit : « Monsieur le président, « J’ai I honneur de vous présenter MM. les instituteurs de l'arrondissement du Ha vre. « Les instituteurs sont nos meilleurs et nos plus dévoués auxiliaires, non-seulement dans 1 œuvre de l’éducation de la jeunesse, mais aussi dans celle du développement des idées républicaines. Nous pouvons compter sur leur dévoument. « Je suis certain qu'ils sont très heureux et très honorés do saluer aujourd’hui le pre mier magistrat du pays et les ministre» qui sont auprès de lui. M. Carnot a répondu : « Je suis très touché de la démarche du corps des instituteurs de l’arrondisseeienl du Havre. Le corps enseignant tout entier doit savoir quelles sont mes attaches avec les membres de 1 instruction publique et quelles sont mes traditions de famille. « Il sait que je suis le fils du ministre qui a donné, je crois, le premier élan à la car rière si utile et si patriotique que ces mes sieurs remplissent. « Je suis très heureux de les saluer ic et je les remercie de leur empressement. » M. Carnot a ensuite distribué une croix du Mérite agricole à M. Ternon, cultivateur, et plusieurs palmes académiques à ML Gêrardin, professeur de langues vivantes à l’école professionnelle de Montiviltiers, Jan-sespoir... Non... Tout n’est peut-être pas perdu!... La comtesse n'osa pas l’interroger. Mais avec quelle anxiété elle cherchait à mesurer du regard, sur le visag» de son ami, les chances de salut aux quelles il pouvait faire allusion ! — Tant que la fièvre n’est pas dé clarée, on peut espérer qu’elle avor tera. Mais, pour cela, il faudrait sous traire votre mari aux circonstances climatériques redoutables qui l’envi ronnent. — C’est-à-dire ? — Lui faire quitter la colonie ? — Quand ? —Aujourd'hui même. C’est juste ment aujourd'hui, ce matin, qu a lieu le départ du paquebot. Si M. Vendredi 14 SeptembreLe Progrès de la Côte-d’Ortel, directeur de l’école primaire supérieure de Bolbec, Lhonorô, délégué cantonal à Fécamp, et à la sœur Guinnebert, directrice de l’école maternelle de la rue Percanville, au Havre. Un banquet de trente couverts, auquel prennent part notamment les commandants des cuirassés de l’escadre, est offert en ce moment, à la sous-préfecture, par le prési dent de la République. Départ du président M. Carnot et ses ministres sont repartis à 2 heures Ij2 pour Rouen. Avant de monter en vagon, le président a remis des médailles d’honneur aux employés de la compagnie dont les noms suivent : Henault, Dupont, Groult, Signoul, Michel, Dellran, Cornet, Neveu, Gaudron et Bagneux. Le train présidentiel s’arrêtera cinq mi nutes à Beuzeville, Yvelot, Barentin. C’est vers quatre heures et demie que le pi emier magistrat de la République fera son entrée dans la ville de Rouen. A Elbcuf Elbeuf, 13 septembre. I.e président de la République est attendu ici demain vers sept heures du soir. M. Carnot descendra chez M. Dautresme, député de la Seine-Inférieure, ancien mi nistre du commerce. 11 assistera demain soir à un banquet que lui offre la municipa lité. Le président de la République déjeunera f .medi matin chez M. Dautresme ; il repar tira ensuite pour Paris et Fontainebleau.La Fraude et l’Enregistrement Des statisticiens ont pu évaluer avec vrai semblance à 100 millions par an les fraudes qui se commettent au préjudice du Trésor clans 1a perception des impôts sur les bois sons. La fraude sur les droits d’enregistre ment est aussi fort active ; il serait difficile d’en apprécier l’importance, mais elle repré sente certainement des sommes très éle vées. Un magistrat, M. Berr, procureur général près la cour do Riom, s'est, depuis long temps, occupé des détournements qui dimi nuent, dans des proportions si considéra bles, le produit des droits d'enregistrement. Dans un mémoire dont le conseil des mi nistres a reçu communication, il a suggéré diverses mesures destinées à réprimer ces dois. à*. Berr va être investi d’une mission spé ciale par M. le ministre des finances pour préparer* la généralisation des mesures dont il a recommandé l’application. En principe, M. Berr estime que la répres sion de la fraude doit être uniquement con fiée à la justice. L'administration exercera sa surveillance, dénoncera les délits; les tribunaux poursuivront et châtieront. La répression aura, ainsi, plus d’autorité et de force. La fraude s’exerce partout, et il est triste de constater qu’on rencontre des coupables parmi les officiers publics. Ainsi la loi exige que les citations en jus tice de paix soient formulées sur du papier timbré de 75 centiœos. Beaucoup de gref fiers inscrivent les avertissements sur pa pier libre. La perte pour le Trésor est ma nifeste. Bien que ces faits soient plutôt des contraventions que des fraudes et concernent l’impôt du timbre, ils n’en comportent pas moins une répression rigoureuse. Les greffiers son tenus d’inscrire au rôle chaque affaire portée devant la justice de paix. Un droit de 1 fr. doit être exigé pour cette inscription. Il parait que de nombreux greffiers perçoivent le droit sans faire l’ins cription, et diaeimulent «n établissant leurs comptes ces perceptions abusives. M. Berr a constaté, d’autre part, des usages pour le moins très répréhensibles dans la comptabilité relative à l'affranchis sement des droits fiscaux pour les indi gents. Cette comptabilité est incomplète, presque illusoire ; il en résulte des pertes pour l’Etat. Le fonctionnement des études d’avoués prêle, également, à de graves critiques. Il arrive fréquemment que ces officiers minis tériels se bornent à établir l’original de dir vers actes, mais font payer le coût des co pies, bien qu’ils n’en aient pas rédigé, et le prix du papier timbré, bien qu’ils n’en aientpas employé. Il n’en revient pas un cen time au budget. De pareilles pratiques sont des délits définis par le code. Des avoués se sont aussi attribué des émoluments pour des requêtes qu'ils n’ont pas écrites. M. Berr a arrêté tout un système de dis positions pour prévenir ces méfaits, et il est permis d’en attendre de précieux résultats pour le rendement de l’impôt, ajoute le Siècle, qui nous fournit ces renseigne ments. Mais l’écueil et la plaie de l'enregistre ment sont les dissimulations de valeurs mobilières dans les successions. On a an noncé un projet qui assujettirait ces valeurs à un droit spécial perçu par anticipation, et serait l’équivalent de ce qu’elles devraient payer dans les transmissions par décès. Avant d’établir des impôts nouveaux, il importe de faire rendre aux taxes exis tantes tout ce qu’elles peuvent fournir. On doit donc approuver la mesure que vient de prendre le ministre des finances, en invitant M. Berr à seconder les efforts de l’admi nistration.FEUILLETON J)U PROGRÈS DU VENDREDI 14 SEPTEMBRE (76)LAChasse à l’Oncle Par Eugène QIAVEHELA LOI ÉLECTORALE Los divers projets de réforme éloc torab dont la chambre va être saisie portent principalement sur les articles 15 et lü do la loi organique du 30 no vembre 1875, et sur les articles 1, 2 et 3 de la loi électorale du 16 juin 1885. L’article 15 de la loi organique du 30 novembre 1875 vise la durée du mandat de député et le mode de re nouvellement de la chambre. Il est ainsi conçu : Art. 15. — Les députés sont élus pour qua tre ans. La chambre se renouvelle intégrale ment. Certains députés ont l’intention de demander que Les députés soient élus pour six ans et que la chambre soit renouvelée par tiers tous les deux ans. L’article 16, s’occupe du cas où un siège de député est vacant, il s’exprime ainsi : Art. 16. — En cas de vacance, par décès, démission ou autrement, l’élection devra être faite dans le délai de trois mois, à par tir du jour où la vacance se sera produite. En cas d'option, il est pourvu à la vacance dans le délai d’un mois. Les propositions de modifications pour cet article sont variées. Les unes demandent qu’il ne soit pas fait d’é lection partielle. D’autres exceptent le cas d’option. D’autres, enfin, admet tent les remplacements partiels, à con dition que les vacances portent sur le tiers ou la moitié des sièges attribués au departement. L’article premier de la loi du 16 juin 1885, a rétabli le scrutin de liste. En voici le texte : Article premier. — Les membres de la chambre des députés sont élus au scrutin de liste, Plusieurs demandent l'abrogation pure et simple de cet article et le réta blissement de l’article 14 de la loi or ganique du 30 novembre 1875, lequel disait i Art. 14. — Les membres de la chambre des députés sont élus au scrutin uninomi nal. Chaque arrondissement administratif nomme un député. Les arrondissements dont la population dépasse cent mille habi tants nomment un député de plus par cent mille ou fraction de cent mille habitants. Les arrondissements dans ce cas seront di visés en circonscriptions dont le tableau sera établi par ”ng loi et ne pourra être mo difié que par une loi. Mais d’autres députés, qui ne sont partisans ni scrutin uninominal par circonscription électorale ni duscrutin de liste par département, pro poseront un système mixte qui se combinerait avec l’article 14 précité et les articles concernant le scrutin de liste. Cela amènerait l’abrogation de l’ar ticle 3 de la loi électorale du 16 juin 1885, qui s’exprime de la manière sui vante : Art. 3. — Le département forme une seule circonscription. L’article proposé dirait : L’arrondissement administratif forme une seule circonscription. Enfin la discussion viendra sur l’ar ticle 2 de la loi électorale du 16 juin 1885, à cause de l'innovation qu’il ap porte relativement à la supputation du nombre des habitants. Il est conçu en ces termes : Art. 2. — Chaque département élit le nom bre de députés qui lui est attribué par le ta bleau annexé à la présente loi, à raison d’un député par soixante-quinze mille habi tants, les étrangers non compris. Néanmoins, il sera tenu compte de tout fraction infé rieure à soixante-quinze mille habitants. Chaque département élit au moins trois députés. Il est attribué deux députés au territoire de Belfort, six à l’Algérie et dix aux colo nies, conformément aux indications du ta bleau. Ce tableau ne pourra être modifié que par une loi. Rappelons, pour mémoire, que le scrutin de liste qui avait commencé à fonctionner en l’an III, avait disparu sous le règne de Louis-Philippe avec la loi du 19 avril 1831. Rétabli durant la seconde République de 1848 à 1851, il avait été aboli de nouveau par Na poléon. Un décret du gouvernement de la Défense nationale l’avait fait re vivre en 1870, et il avait fonctionné jusqu’à la séparation de l’Assemblée nationale. A cette époque, la loi du 30 novembre 1875, dont nous donnons le texte plus haut, lui avait substitué le scrutin d’arrondissement qui resta en usage pendant deux législatures jusqu’aux élections générales du mois d’octobre 1885. Depuis cette époque, c’est le scrutin de liste par département avec réélec tion à chaque vacance qui fonctionne aujourd’ précises, l’honneur de la commission ôtant en jeu. M. Gerville-Réache ne croit pas que la commission, par l’intermédiaire de son pré sident, entre en polémique avec M. Gilly. Il estime que les membres de la commission devraient, simplement à titre personnel, autoriser M. Salis à déclarer que ses col lègues l’autorisent à demander à M. Gilly des explications nettes en leur nom. La commission se rallie à l’opinion expri mée par M. Gerville-Réache. Voici le texte de la lettre que M. Salis vient d’adresser à M. Numa Gilly : « Mon cher collègue, « J’ai reçu votre lettre. « Elle ne répond pas à la question très précise et très nette que je vous ai adressée. « Je vous ai demandé des noms et vous me répondez par des phrases. « J’insiste encore une dernière fois. « Vous avez promis d’aller jusqu’au bout. J’y compte, et le parti républicain le réclame impérieusement. « En mon nom personnel et au nom de tous mes collègues qui m’y autorisent, je vous déclare que si vous vous dérobiez à ce devoir, vous agiriez en malhonnête homme. « Je vous'prie d'agréer mes salutations. « J. Salis, « député de l’Hérault. » La commission a examiné ensuite le rap port de M. Gerville-Réache sur le budget de la marine. Le rapport propose de réduire de 5 millions environ les crédits réclamés par le ministre ; cette économie porterait princi palement sur le chapitre des approvisionne ments et sur les travaux hydrauliques pour lesquels le ministre demande des crédits qui, de l’avis du rapporteur, ne pourront être to talement employés. La réduction totale opérée par le ministre sur divers budgets s’élève à 5,016,336 fr. Cette économie totale se répartit de la manière suivante : Guerre, 1,369,360 fr.; ma rine et colonies, 1,702,000 fr.; finances, 316,085 fr.; postes et télégraphes, 1,258,841 fr.; instruction publique et beaux-arts, 172,750 fr.; justice et cultes, 90,300 fr.; intérieur, 107,000 francs ; total égal, 5,016,330 fr.d’Australie, est arrivé ce matin, à six heu res, avec 1,900 tonnes de marchandises et 199 passagers, dont 121 militaires ou ma rins.INFORMATIONSDEUXIÈME PARTIE LE CAPITAINE LA DOUCEUR VIII — Alors que pouvait t’écrire cette femme? dit Raoul intrigué. — Elle ne m’écrivait pas, mon gar çon. Seulement mon nom était couché tout au long dans ce billet. — Et cela t’a fait arrêter ? — Dame ! tu vas en juger quand je t’aurai répété mot pour mot ce billet, que le chef policier, maître Vincent, '• m’a promené sous le nez pendant son interrogatoire. Un adroit garçon, du reste, que ce policier ! il m’avait planté devant une coquine de fenêtre qui m’inondait si pleinement de son jour que je ne pouvais dissimuler le plus mince froncement de sourcils. Aussi a-t-il dû voir la surprise, bien légère pourtant, que j’ai laissée paraître en lisant le singulier contenu de la lettre. — Que disait donc cet écrit ? insista Raoul, que la curiosité talonnait. — Oh 1 c’était court, mais fort signi ficatif. Ecoute un peu. Et La Douceur récita, en appuyant bien sur chaque mot : « Tout est découvert. Nous sommes perdus. U n'y a que Caragnol qui puisse nous sauver d’un pareil danger. » — Comprends-Î'j; maintenant? ajou ta-t-il. — Non, dit franchement Raoul. — Vrai ? fit le corsaire, qui ne pou vait renoncer à son idée que le jeunehomme avait dû mettre le pied dans la maison Louroux. — Non, je ne comprends pas, affir ma encore le jeune homme. — Eh bien, il est arrivé que la police, en arrêt devant les cadavres, s’est dit que, par cette femme qui avait écrit ces lignes, elle parviendrait peutêtre à découvrir l’assassin. Or, pour trouver le meurtrier il fallait d’abord connaître la femme, et c'est ainsi que, par ricochet, la police a bien vouiu penser à moi, nommé dans ce billet. — Mais il existe sans dopte d’autres Caragnol ? — Eh ! eh ! il paraît que non, mon enfant, puisque la justice, après trois jours d'inutiles recherches, s’est déci dée à me prendre enfin à partie. — Et, naturellement, tu n’as su que dire ? interrompit Raoul. — Du moins, je n’ai rien avoué, répliqua le capitaine après une légère hésitation. — Rien avoué? répéta le lieutenant surpris. Quel besoin avais-tu de ne pas avouer? Caragnol laissa entendre un petit rire, — Mais, cher ami, c'est encore le meilleur moyen inventé pour ne pas souffler mot de tout ce qu’on veut vous faire dire. — Alors, tu connaissais cette fem me? — Eh ! eh ! accentua Isidore. — Cette femme assez méprisable pour aller chez Louroux? continua Raoul avéc dégoût. — Oui, je la connais,.» mais il ne faut pas être tant sévère pour elle, mon petit; car qui sait si tu ne la con nais pas aussi ? répliqua tranquille ment Caragnol. A cette phrase, le jeune homme se redressa avec indignation. — Veux-tu donc en revenir à cetta ignoble supposition que la pauvre An gèle a été chez Louroux? s’écria-t-il.LA COMMISSION DU BUDGETLa commission du budget s’est réunie hier sous la présidence de M. Rouvier. La séance est ouverte à deux heures vingt minutes. Sont présents: MM. Raynal, Chavoix, Leroy, Lalande, Gomot, Sarrien, Monis, Gerville-Réache, Jules Roche, Salis, Steenackers, Baïhaut, Henry Maret, Maurice Faure, Jamais, Sabatier, Antonin Dubost, Bastid, Mérillon, Saint-Prix, Albert Ferry, Viger, Fernand Faure, Ribot, etc. M. Salis croit devoir saisir la commission du budget de l’incident de la réunion publi que d’Alais, où M. Numa Gilly, député du Gard, a porté des accusations vagues cen tre les membres de la commission du bud get, où il y avait, a-t-il dit, vingt Wilson. L’honneur de la commission étant atta qué, les membres np doivent pas se désin téresser de l’incident. M. Salis fait connaî tre la lettre qui lui a été adressée par M, Numa Gilly en réponse à celle qu’il lui avait envoyée, le sopamant de citer des noms et la réponse qu’il vient de lui faire réclamant de nouveau des noms ou des preuves. M. Sabatier demande qu’au lieu de lettre de protestations individuelles, M. le prési dent de la çc?m.mjssion soiflme M. Numa Gi}ly de rétracter ou dp citer des noms. M. Jamais soutient la môme opinion et insiste pour que M. Gilly soit mis en de meure de formuler des accusations nettesHier ont eu lieu, au Grand-Orient, les élections pour le renouvellement du tiers des membres du conseil de l’ordre maçon nique. Le nombre des votants ôtait de 275. Ma jorité absolue : 138. Ont été élus au premier tour de scru tin : MM. Jeanvrot (Angers), 209 voix ; Dequaire, orateur dû convent (Saint-Etienne), 208 ; Grégoire, premier surveillant du con vent (Foix), 208 ; Doumer (Laon), 176 ; Le vai, ancien membre du conseil de l’ordre (Paris), 175; Belbèze (Lourdes), 150; Crois sant (Paris), 150; Colfavru (Paris), 144.La France, qui avait lancé hier la fausse nouvelle de la grève des postiers, prétend aujourd’hui qu’elle lui avait été apportée par un haut fonctionnaire de l’administration intéressée. Elle ajoute, en dépit des démentis qui lui ont été donnés à elle-même, que la grève existe en ce sens que les employés télégra phistes transmettent moins de mots que d’habitude, mais que l’administration ne veut pas ébruiter le fait. Nous devons mentionner, en terminant, la déclaration faite hier par M. Chanteclair, que si la grève se déclarait à un moment quelconque, il donnerait tout de suite sa dé mission de président du comité.EXTÉRIEUR Le discours de M. Carnot à l’étranger Londres, 13 septembre. Le Standard reconnaît le ton pacifique des discours prononcés par M. Carnot à Caen et à Cherbourg. Toutefois le journal anglais parait regretter que le président de la Ré publique ait encore une fois recommandé au pays de ne pas marchander les crédits nécessaires à l’armée et à la marine. « Ce n'est pas là, dit le Standard, le meil leur moyen d'assurer la paix. M. Carnot, à l’exemple de tous les Français de bon sens, ne parle pas de la revanche, mais l’idée en est toujours présente à l’esprit des Fran çais. Ils portent le fardeau de lourds impôts dans l’espoir que le jour viendra où ils se ront amplement dédommagés de tous leurs sacrifices. Toujours jaloux les Anglais.La France et l’Espagne Madrid, 13 septembre. Les journaux espagnols publient les ar ticles des plus sympathiques pour la France et déclarent que jamais les relations de la France et de l’Espagne n’ont été aussi cor diales. Le. peuple espagnol, disent-ils, se rappellera toujours la réception chaleureuse faite à Toulon à l’escadre espagnole. Les égards qui ont été prodigués au géné ral Blanco, qui vient d’assister aux ma nœuvres du 10corps, les résultats de la mobilisation de l’escadre et des manœuvres des 3et 16corps font également l'objet des commentaires les plus bienveillants de la part des journaux qui décernent les plus grands éloges à la flotte et à l'armée fran çaise. Autriche et Itussie Vienne, le 13 septembre. On remarque que, lors du diner donné à l’occasion de la naissance du tzar, l’empe reur d’Autriche a bu « à la santé de son cher frère et ami l’empereur Alexandrê, que Dieu protège. » L année dernière, l’empereur d’Autriche, en pareille occasion, avait dit seulement : « Je bois à la santé de l’empe reur de Russie. » Vous savez que le prince de Galles était présent au diner.claire enfin dans le jeu de leur premier mi-JOURNAL OFFICIEL Le ministre de l’agriculture vient d’adresser la circulaire suivante aux vétérinaires-inspecteurs attachés aux bureaux des douanes : Monsieur, Je suis informé que les vétérinaires-ins pecteurs, attachés à certains bureaux des douanes de notre frontière de terre ne sont pas toujours à leur poste, aux heures fixées par l'autorité préfectorale pour l’admission des animaux. Je ne saurais trop appeler votre attention sur les conséquences fâcheuses que celte inexactitude peut avoir, elj ai l’honneur de vous rappeler que vous devez être toujours présent à 1 heure indiquée pour le commen cement de vos opérations, et que vous de vez vous tenir à la disposition du public pendant tout le temps mentionné dans l’ar rêté qui règle le service. J'ajouterai que je n'hésiterai pas à sévir contre les vétérinaires-inspecteurs qui mo seraient signalés comme ne remplissant pas strictement les devoirs que leur mission leur impose. Recevez, etc. Le ministre de l’agriculture, VIETTE.DIJONPar suite de l’absence à Paris de la plu part des ambassadeurs étrangers, la récep tion diplomatique qui a lieu d’ordinaire le mercredi au ministère des affaires étran gères, n’a pas eu lieu et ne sera pas ajour née à demain samedi, comme le bruit en avait couru. Rien n’est encore fixé quant à la date de la prochaine réception au quai d'Or-? say. On télégraphie de Marseille, 13 septem bre : Le paquebot-poste océanien, courrier— Rappelle-toi bien si tu ne lui a pas assigné ce rendez-vous ? — Jamais! pourquoi insistes-tu sur une pareille idée... si injurieuse pour Mme de Fausty? Tu as l’air de l'ac cuser? — Eh ! eh l modula encore Cara gnol d’une voix moqueuse. — Crois-moi. fit Raoul d’un ton grave, je t’afljrme sur l’jionneur que je n’ai jamais donné un tel rendezvpus à Angèle. Le capitaine secoua la tête en di sant : — Alors, si ce n’est pas Angèle, il faut avouer que celle qui a tracé le billet possède pne écriture qui res semble fièrement à celle de ton ado rée, car j’aurais juré que cette lettre venait de Mme de Fausty. — Erreur, te dis-je. ~ Erreur, soit, fit le corsaire, mais alors, Raoul, expiique-mqi donc com ment il se fait que la femme en ques tion connaisse ce Caragnol. — Un autre que toi, à coup sûr. — La police affirme pourtant que je suis |e seul de ce nom à Paris, in sista La Douceur, qui, tout en par lant, avait quitté sa chaise pour aller soulever le rideau de la fenêtre. — Viens ici, dit-il. Raoul obéit. Tiens, continua-t-il, vpicl qui te prouvera que la police, bien persua dée qu’il n’existe à Paris qu’un seul espagnol, s’arrange pour ne pas per dre cfe yu,a celui qui doit la conduire à la découverte de 14 feoinjfî mystérieuse du drame Louroux. Et, à travers la vitre il montra au ieuno homme deux agents qui, de l’autre côté de la rue, faisaient fac tion devant la porte de Ta maison. Ils allaient d’un pas alerte, se croisant sur la rpijte en gens qui ne se con naissent pas, puis, arrivés à une cer taine distance, ils se retournaient pour revenir sur Igups pas.. r Après avoir un instant suivi dosyeux cette manœuvre, le corsaire re gagna son fauteuil en disant : — Quoi que tu puisses affirmer, mon cher Raoul, j’ai dans Vidée que, sans m’en douter du reste, j’ai sauvé la vie à Angèle. — Elle a couru un danger de mort IL s'écria Raoul, frissonnant à la pensée qu’il n'avait pas été là pour défendre celle qu'il adorait— Oui, un vrai danger de mort, appuya La Douceur, devenu grave. — La menace-t-il encore ? parle, je t’en supplie! quel est ce danger? — Voilà ce què je vais essayer de te faire comprendre, si tu veux m’écou ter bien tranquillement et, surtout, en ne m'interrompit pas, dès lp début, par tes transports d’amant indigné. — Parle vite. — Eh bien, mon garçon, je vais te porter le coup douloureux, raidistoi. D'un ton grave qui pesait sur cha que mot, Caragnol continua — Malgré tout ce que tu rer, affirmer, prétendre, il __ pas moins incontestable que ton An gèle a été dans l’établissement Louroux... Le jeune lionime s’agita de colère. — Là ! là ! fit vivement le capitaine, calme-toi, tu as promis d’écouter avec sang-froid, donc écoute. Que tu n’aies pas toi-même conduit Angèle là-bas.., de cela je suis certain. Qu’elle ait ignoré en quel endroit elle se trou vait... j’en suis aussi bien persuadé : mais elle y a été... et, sur ce point, j'en menais mà main au feu: — Alors elle a été attirée dans un piège ? — Parbleu ! — Dressé par qui ? Caragnol se grattai'oreille. — La chose, à mon avis, dit-il, sent diablement le d’Amblemar. — Quoi ! d’Amblemar serait ainQUr reux d’Angèle 7 demanda Raoul,' au cogite do l’étonnement.Le pape et l’Allemagne Les catholiques allemands se sont réunis en congrès à Fribourg, et ont adopté à l’u nanimité une délibération qui ressemble à une véritable déclaration de guerre au gou vernement italien. « L’occupation prolongée, est-il dit dans cette déclaration, des Etats de l’Eglise et de Rome par le gouvernement italien, est une agression permanente contre les droits de l’Eglise, une violation des principes du droit des gens et une intolérable atteinte à la li berté du vicaire de Jésus-Christ. » Bref, les catholiques allemands concluent, en termes fort énergiques, au rétablisse ment temporel du pape. La manifestation du congrès de Fribourg est d'autant plus significative que l’Allema gne comptant dix-huit millions de catholi ques habilement conduits par M. Windthorst, M. de Bismarck a tout à redouter d’une op position systématique qui créerait à son gouvernement des embarras intérieurs dont le chancelier ne doit guère se sou cier. Certes, la déclaration des catholiques alle mands est toute platonique ; mais elle ré vèle un état d’esprit qui doit donner à réflé chir à M. Crispi. C’est avec l’éventualité du rétablissement, plus ou moins masquée de l’Allemagne, en faveur du pouvoir temporel, que M. de Bismarck tient en tutelle le roi Humbert et ses ministres. A quoi sert donc cette alliance italo-allemande sollicitée par M. Crispi et consentie aux prix des plus grands sacrifices ? Etait-il bien utile de compromettre, jusqu’à en mou rir, les intérêts politique! et économiques de l’Italie, pour aboutir à ce résultat : La pape protégé par l’Allemagne ? Voilà cependant où la politique de M. Crispi conduit l’Italie. Nos voisinsjverront-ilsLE DISCOURS DE M. SPULLER La presse parisienne s’occupe du discours prononcé par M. Spuller à Nuits. Le Temps s’exprime ainsi : Ce qui fait l’originalité du discours pro noncé par M. Spuller au banquet agricole à Nuits et dont nous publions plus loin quel ques extraits, c’est qu’il s’adressait à des conservateurs. Il ne s'agit donc point d’une harangue banale où l’orateur, exprimant les pensées de son auditoire, est sùr d'être ap plaudi par des gens qui, au fond, s’applau dissent eux-mêmes. A Nuits, l’orateur était un républicain de naissance et d'éducation, un républicain d’autorité et qui tient une place en vue de son parti. 11 avait devant lui des hommes imbus de préjugés contre la République et qui se tiennent en dehors d’elle. L’occasion était bonne pour une ex plication franche et loyale. M. Spuller ne l’a point laissée échapper, et, sans froisser aucune susceptibilité, sans soulever aucune contradiction, il a su se faire écouter. Ou nous nous trompons fort, ou la plupart des conservateurs qui l’ont entendu auront ap pris à mieux juger de la situation et à mieux comprendre les devoirs qu elle leur impose. Nous voudrions que les paroles de M. Spul ler arrivassent aux oreilles de tous les con servateurs de France. Enfin, l’orateur a été particulièremen pressant et bien inspiré quand il a mis en opposition, d’un côté, le rôle que partout en Europe joue le parti conservateur, le rôle qui lui appartiendrait en France, et, de l’au tre, la conduite révolutionnaire, la politique du tout au pire, que des chefs ambitieux ou liés par des intérêts dynastiques lui impo sent depuis trop longtemps, jusqu’à le mettre à la suite d’un aventurier qu’aucun homme sérieux au fond ne voudrait avouer. No peut-on pas s’écrier, en présence de ces in trigues, de ce désordre moral et de cette longue hypocrisie : oé donc est le parti con servateur, puisque ce parti ne semble rêver aujourd’hui que destruction générale et révo lution nouvelle ? La vérité, c’est que le parti conservateur ne peut plus se reconnaîtra luimême ni se reconstituer que dans la Répu blique. Là seulement il retrouvera, avec sa liberté, l’instinct de sa mission véritable. Telle est la voie que nous lui avons souvent montrée et que M. Spuller vient de lui mortrar encore, ou plutôt de lui ouvrir avec une particulière autorité. De sa part, il y a eu de l’habileté et quelque courage à le faire.peux jun’en est— Oh ! que tu y es peu, mon brave ! Le banquier ne se soucie pas plus de Mme de Fausty que des der nières neiges. — Eh bien, aloys? — Mais ce dont il s’inquiète sérieu sement, c’est de son mari, avec le quel il a un vieux compte à régler. Ruiné par la dénonciation de l’inten dant, a’Àmblemar a voulu prendre sa revanche. Or, comment pouvait-il se venger de son ennemi ? Ruiné et méprisé, Fausty n’était pas attaquable dans sa fortune ni dans sa considé ration. Il n’était vulnérable que par un seul côté... c’est-à-dire par oet amour férocement jaloux qu’il porte à sa femme, — Et c’est là que d’Amblemar l’a touché? — Comme tu le dis. Le banquier, aidé de ce misérable Louroux, est parvenu, j’ignorp par. quels moyens, a attirer Angèle dans la maison sus pecte. Une fois la pauvrette prise, on s’est arrangé pour en prévenir le mari. A cette nouvelle que sa femme avait un amant qu’elle allait voir en un tel endroit, tu devines quel coup a dû re cevoir Fausty. — Et surtout dans quelle colère terrible il a dû entrer, ajouta Raoul. — Précisément... Ce qui fait que Louroux a joué un jeu dont il a été le mauvais marchand, dit lentement Ca ragnol." — Hein ! fit brusquement le jeune homme, qui comprit aussitôt ce que voulait La Douceur, — Qui, poursuivit le corsaire, c’est bel et bien Fausty qui, furieux, a tué Louroux et ses deux domestiques. Par quel miracle Angèle a-t-ellè pu échapper à ses coups? A quel mo ment a-t-elle écrit ce billet qu’elle t’adressait? 7A moi? s’écria Raoul en iressqillqnt. Se serait-on servi de mon nom pour l’amener dans ce guetapens?— C’est ce que l’avenir nous aj dra,,. mais, à coup sùr, Angèle, rendant à la rue d’Hautevillc, croire qu’elle allait t’y rejoind l’heure du danger, elle s’est adi à toi... ou plutôt à moi, qu’ell connaissait seul capable de la ver... De là mon nom qui,inscrit le billet, m’a mis la police sur le Comprends-tu maintenant? — Hélas ? oui, Angèle est femme que la justice veut conn dit tristement le jeune homme. — Et le jour où elle la conn Fausty ne sera pas loin d’être ji — Comment Mme de Fausty apu échapper à la rage de son ma — Ce domestique, sur le ead duquel en a trouvé le billet, Vi probablement fait évader. Comme Caragnol achevait cesn une pensée vint à l'esprit de Rao — Ah! mon Dieu!!! fit lo ji homme, dont l’obscurité cacha yeux de son compagnon la pàleui avait envahi son visage, — Qu’as-tu ? demanda le cors ému par l’accent douloureux de 1 exclamation. — Je n’ai le bonheur d’apercc Angèle qu’aux Tuileries, où, sou surveillance de deux domestiques, fait de courtes promenades, tu le £ — Comment, si je le sais ? Oubl tu donc, ingrat, que, pour faciliter nrAmûnn/)A« 1— —j iQ rer l’intendant ici? C est à tel cfue la Zéphirine» une maîtres rieuse, me disait Vautre jour ; hien drôle, M. de Fausty est te fourré chez vous, et sa femme mais mis le pied dansla maisoi Puis, se mettant à rire ;f/vz suite au prochain numéro)%i Le Progrès de la Côte-dOrVendredi 14 SeptembreFAUSSE MONNAIE Vne précaution nécessaire. Le public et les commerçants auront soin, lorsqu’ils recevront en paiement des pièces de monnaie d’argent, de bien vérifier les suivantes : Pièces de 5 fr., effigie de Louis-Philippe, au millésime de 1841. Pièces de 5 fr.,effigie de Victor-Emmanuel, millésime 1871 Pièces de 2 fr., effigie de Napoléon III, millésime 1863. Pièces de 1 fr., môme effigie et môme année. Pièces de 1 fr., effigie de la République, millésime 1871. Pièces de 50 c., môme effigie et môme année. Certaines de ces pièces sont admirable ment frappées et ont le môme poids qu’une pièce de bon aloi ; mais elles sont en plomb recouvertes d’une feuille d’argent très mince.CIGARETTES FAITES A LA MAIN Sur la demande d’un grand nombre de fumeurs, dit un de nos confrères parisiens, la régie vient, dit-on, do mettre à la disposition du public des cigarettes fabriquées à la main ; elles sont livrées par paquets de vingt et porteront l’indication apparente de ce mode de confection. Un bon point à la régie, qui s’est enfin décidée à pren dre en considération les fumeurs de cigarettes.LE POIDS DU BEURRE Celles de nos lectrices qui surveil lent de près leurs intérêts domesti ques, savent-elles que les marchands <io beurre n’ont pas le droit de leur compter le poids du papier? La 8chambre du tribunal correc tionnel de la Seine vient de condam ner un commerçant à deux jours de prison, à l'amende et aux frais de l'affichage du jugement, pour avoir vendu du beurre sans déduire le poids du papier. Pour les marchands, il n’y a pas de petits profits; il ne doit pas y en avoir non plus pour une ménagère .soucieuse de ses intérêts.On nous écrit de Beaune : Monsieur le rédacteur, La poursuite d’une compagnie de per dreaux m a mené un peu loin et je suis ar rivé à Ruffey-les-Beaune, mourant de faim et de soif. Pendant que j’étais en train de déjeuner, quelques habitués de la maison où je me trouvais sont arrivés et se sont mis à par ler de la singulière façon dont le maire de la commune entendait les adjudications et m’ont demandé mon avis. Ordinairement, lorsqu’on doit procéder à une adjudication, on fait des annonces dans les journaux ou l’on placarde des affiches. Le maire de Ruflfey a changé tout cela. Il se contente d écrire, deux jours avant l’adju dication, une lettre comme celle-ci : « Travoisy, 5 septembre 1888. « Monsieur Auguste Clerc, « Je vous préviens que l’adjudication con cernant les travaux à faire au presbytère aura lieu vendredi prochain, 7 courant, à 5 heures du soir, à la mairie pardevant moi, assisté de qui de droit. « Le devis estimatif, fait par M. Benoit, agent voyer à Beaune, est déposé à la mairie, où vous pouvez dès aujourd’hui en prendre connaissance. « Les soumissions seront reçues sur papier libre et au rabais. « Le maire de Buffey, « E. Dameron. » La veille de l’adjudication note supplé mentaire ainsi conçue : « Prière à M. Auguste Clerc de prévenir son père et son beau-frère pour les travaux dont il s’agit. Comme vous êtes de la même famille, cela m’évitera d’en écrire plus long. « E. Dameron. » « Cela m’évitera d’en écrire plus long! » Pour un maire sans-gône, certainement ce lui de Ruffey-les-Beaune est un modèle. Mais, comme je l’ai dit à ceux qui me con sultaient, une adjudication faite dans ces conditions, où l’on appelle sans publicité of ficielle, pour ainsi dire sous le manteau de la cheminée, deux ou trois personnes de connaissance à concourir, est une adjudi cation radicalement nulle et à laquelle l’au torité préfectorale ne saurait donner son approbation. Seulement, monsieur le rédacteur, la surprise des lecteurs du Progrès sera moins grand, quand ils sauront que ce maire éton nant est un réactionnaire de la plus belle t au ! Avec mes remerciements, Recevez, monsieur le rédacteur, mes ci vilités empressées. UN CHASSEUR.Groupe républicain socialiste dijonnais Réunion hebdomadaire du groupe le sa medi 15 septembre, à 8 heures du soir, salle Fia minier, 15, rue des Godrans. Très urgent.ÉD1LITÉ On nous écrit : En réalité cette pauvre place de la Répu blique continue d'être de plus en plus estropiée. MM. Marchand, maire, et son Aîphand q-ll — 11 =0, viennent de faire poser la grille .d’entourage du plat à barbe de M. Bidault, situé à l'ouest de la grande cara pace de tortue, et si je n’ai pas dans l’œil la poutre nouveau genre du groupe scolaire <lu boulevard Voltaire, j'ai vu, de mes yeux xu, que les barreaux de la grille sont tous inclinés du côté de la rue de la Préfet lure. Ces deux messieurs ne sauront donc ja mais rien établir d'à peu près passa ble et tous leurs efforts continueront donc à mal faire pour avoir le plaisir de refaire au grand détriment de la bourse des Dijonnais. Enfin, qu'on le dise, à quel degré faudrat-il tirer la corde pour ramener cette grille dans sa position naturelle ? Alphand, on se le rappelle, a déjà fait rectifier quatre fois le socle de ce malheureux plat à barbe. Oh ! M. Marchand, et vous, M. Alphand -pli— 11=0, combien’ votre ignorance coûte cher aux Dijonnais ? Quand nous dé barrassera-t-on de ces deux gaspilleurs ? UN SERRURIER.CHRONIQUE Les employés du chemin de fer viennent de remettre à la veuve de 1 homme d équipe Véry, mort des suites des blessures qu'il s’était faites en descendant d’un train en marche, la somme de 70 fr. 50, montant de la souscription ouverte en sa faveur. Nos félicitations à ces braves cœurs pour cet acte de bonne confraternité.COUPES DE BOIS DE L’ARRONDISSEMENT DE DIJONA cette vente, qui a eu lieu le 8 sep tembre, 137 lots sur 140, portés sur les affiches, ont été vendus ; 3 lots ont été retirés. Le produit de la vente s’élève â 542,030 fr., savoir: Inspection de Dijon-Est. 245,450 fr ; Inspection de Dijon-Ouest, 180,G90fr. Inspection de Dijon-Sud, 115,800 fr. Le montant de la vente se répartitainsi : Coupes de bois de l’Etat. 204,000 fr. Coupes ordinaires des communes. 70,320 fr. Coupes extraordinaires des commu nes, 267,020 fr.Côte-d’Or On nous écrit de Noidan : M. Clerc, instituteur à Fontangy, s est marié lundi à Noidan. Au dîner de noces, la quête faite au profit de la Caisse des Ecoles laïques par le gard® 1 d’honneur M. Henri Jaux, d Avallon, et la fille d’honneur, Mlle Marie Queut, de Boussev, a produit 14 fr. 75. C est la pre mière fois qu’une quôte de ce genre a heu N lltut espérer que l'exemple sera sumel que nous trouverons dorénavant d leurs. , Tous nos compliments aux généreux con-ENREGISTREMENT Par décision de M. le directeur gé néral do l’enregistrement et des do maines, M. Delcros, receveur à Rainerupt, a été nommé en la même qua lité à Sombernon (Côte-d'Or).COLLÈGE DE SAULIEU Par arrêté ministériel du 31 août dernier, M. Journet, bachelier ès-lettres et licencié en droit, professeur du collège de Chalon, est nommé principal du collège de Saulieu. M. Journet, fils de M. Journet, ancien principal de notre collège, dit le Progrès de Saône-et-Loire, est, depuis seize ans^professeur dans cet établissement, et il y a, en outre, exercé sous son père et ses deux successeurs, les fonctions de surveillant gé néral. Ce fonctionnaire sera vivement regretté dans notre ville, où il laisse les meilleurs souvenirs. Nous ne doutons pas de la réussite de M. Journet, qui saura en peu de temps, à Sau lieu, comme à Chalon, se concilier l'affec tion de ses élèves, l'estime et la confiance des familles.Tribunal de commerce de Beaune M. Jean-Marie-Victor ICrœll, greffier inté rimaire près le tribunal de commerce de Beaune, a été nommé greffier en chef près ce môme tribunal, par décret en date du 31 août dernier, en remplacement de M. Paul Rouhète, décédé, et a prêté serment en cette qualité à l’audience des vacations du 11 septembre 1888.CHEMINS DE FER DE PARIS A LYON ET A LA MÉDITERRANÉE AVIS A l’occasion du Concours musical qui aura lieu le dimanche 16 septembre 1888, à Montbard (Côte-d’Or), en l’honneur du Cen tenaire de Bufion, la compagnie des che mins de fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Médi terranée mettra en marche les trains spé-ciaux de voyageurs ci-après, dans la nuitdu 16 au 17 septembreMONTBARD ATONNERRE16 septembre1-, 2-, 3cU.-*oMontbardDépartil 30 soir.AisyArrivée11 44 —NTuits-sous-Raviôres—11 57 —Ancy-le-b'ranc—Minuit 10Lézinnes—Minuit 23Tanlay—Minuit 83TonnerreMinuit 45 Le 17 .septembre.MONTBARDA DIJON17 septembre1", 2-, 3" classeMontbardDépart1 40 matin.Les LaumesArrivée1 59 —'Darcey—2 15 —Verrey—2 38 —B'aisy-Bas—2 56 —Màlain—3 8 —Ve’ars—3 23 —Plombières—3 31 —Dijon—3 40 — I.e 17 septembre.LE BRACONNAGE En môme temps que les fervents de saint Hubert, les gendarmes se sont mis en chasse, et c’est aux chasseurs eux-mèmes, à ceux du moins qui oublient volontiers de renouveler leur permis qu’ils font une chasse active et impitoyable. Déjà de tous côtés, dans le département, on signale des procès-verbaux avec con fiscation des fusils. Dans une commune de l’arrondissement de Beaune, des gendarmes rencontrent un individu n’ayant pour toute arme qu’un fouet et de l’aspect le plus inoffensif ; mais, dans le bois qu’on côtoie, on entend des aboiements. « Votre permis, demandent les gendar mes ? — Je ne chasse pas, répond l’interpellé, je promène mon chien. » Cette explication ne suffit pas. Sile maî tre ne chassait pas, le chien chassait pour lui. Il y eut procès-verbal. On ne dit pas si les gendarmes confisquèrent le fouet. Il y a plusieurs variétés de braconniers : le braconnier inoffensif qui tue d’innocents oisillons et quelquefois un lièvre attardé qui vient se jeter dans ses jambes. C’est quelquefois un chasseur novice qui s'es saye ; il finit presque toujours par prendre un permis. Il y a le braconnier dangereux, le tendeur de lacets, connaissant à fond les habitudes et les remises du gibier : celui-là chasse en tout temps; c’est un destructeur, il approvisionne les marchés et les restau rants, et quelquefois le chasseur malheu reux dont il emplit le carnier moyennant espèces. Rien n’arréte le braconnier de cette es pèce ; il se rit des procès-verbaux. |
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name!: string
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maiwasrevenge00hagg_5 | English-PD | Public Domain | My own men I was careful to place quite at the top. They were perfectly useless from terror, and I feared lest they might try to escape and give information of our plans to Wambe. So I watched them like the apple of my eye, telhng them that should they dare to stir they would be shot. " Then it grew quite dark, and presently out of the darkness I heard a voice — it was that of the leader of the soldiers who had escorted us-^alUng to us to come down. We replied that it was too dark to move, we 148 MAIWA'S REVENGE should hit our feet against the stones. He insisted upon our descending, and we flatly refused, saying that if any attempt was made to dislodge us we would fire. After that, as they had no real intention of attack- ing us in the dark, the men withdrew, but we saw from the fires which were ht around that they were keeping a strict watch upon our position. " That night was a wearing one, for we never quite knew how the situation was going to develop. Fortunately we had some cooked food with us, so we did not starve. It was lucky, however, that we drunk our fill before coming up, for, as I had anticipated, there was not a drop of water on the koppie. " At length the night wore away, and with the first tinge of Hght I began to go my rounds, and stumbling along the stony paths, to make things as ready as I could for the attack, which I felt sure would be delivered before we were two hours older. The men were cramped and cold, and con- sequently low-spirited, but I exhorted them to the best of my abihty, bidding them THE ATTACK 149 remember the race from which they sprang, and not to show the white feather before a crowd of Matuku dogs. At length it began to grow Hght, and presently I saw long columns of men advancing towards the koppie. They halted under cover at a distance of about a hundred and fifty yards, and just as the dawn broke a herald came forward and called to us. Our cap- tain stood up upon a rock and answered him. " ' These are the words of Wambe,' the herald said. ' Come forth from the koppie, and give over the evil-doers, and go in peace, or stay on the koppie and be slain.' " * It is too early to come out as yet,* answered our man in fine diplomatic style. * When the sun sucks up the mist then we will Gome out. Our hmbs are stiff with cold.' " ' Come forth even now,' said the herald. " * Not if I know it, my boy,' said I to myself ; but the captain replied that he would come out when he thought proper, and not before. *' ' Then make ready to die,* said the 150 MAIWA'S REVENGE herald, for all the world like the villain of a transpontine piece, and majestically stalked back to the soldiers. " I made my final arrangements, and looked anxiously at the mountain crest a couple of miles or so away, from which the mist was now beginning to hft, but no column of smoke could I see. I whistled, for if the attacking force had been delayed or made any mistake, our position was likely to grow rather warm. We had barely enough water to wet the mouths of the men, and when once it was finished we could not hold the place for long in that burning heat. " At length, just as the sun rose in glory over the heights behind us, the Matuku soldiers, of whom about fifteen hundred were now assembled, set up a queer whistling noise, which ended in a chant. Then some shots were fired, for the Matuka had a few guns, but v/ithout effect, though one bullet passed just by a man's head. " * Now they are going to begin,' I thought to myself, and I was not far THE ATTACK 151 wrong, for in another minute the body of men divided into three companies, each about five hundred strong, and, heralded by a running fire, charged at us on three sides. Our men were now all well under cover, and the fire did us no harm. I mounted on a rock so as to command a view of as much of the koppie and plain as possible, and yelled to our men to reserve their fire till I gave the word, and then to shoot low and load as quickly as possible. I knew that, like all natives, they were sure to be execrable shots, and that they were armed with weapons made out of old gas-pipes, so the only chance of doing execution was to let the enemy get right on to us. " On they came with a rush ; they were within eighty yards now, and as they drew near the point of attack, I observed that they closed their ranks, which was so much the better for us. " ' Shall we not fire, my father ? ' sung out the captain. " ' No, confound you ! ' I answered. " * Sixty yards — fifty — forty — thirty. 152 MAIWA'S REVENGE Fire, you scoundrels ! ' I yelled, setting the example by letting off both barrels of my elephant gun into the thickest part of the company opposite to me. " Instantly the place rang with the dis- charge of two hundred and odd guns, while the air was torn by the passage of every sort of missile, from iron pot legs down to slugs and pebbles coated with lead. The result was very prompt. The Matukus were so near that we could not miss them, and at thirty yards a lead-coated stone out of a gas-pipe is as effective as a Martini rifle, or more so. Over rolled the attack- ing soldiers by the dozen, while the sur- vivors, fairly frightened, took to their heels. We plied them with shot till they were out of range, — I made it very warm for them with the elephant gun, by the way, — and then we loaded up in quite a cheerful frame of mind, for we had not lost a man, whereas I could count more than fifty dead and wounded Matukus. The only thing that damped my ardour was that, stare as I would, I could see no column of smoke upon the mountain crest. THE ATTACK 153 " Half an hour elapsed before any fur- ther steps were taken against us. Then the attacking force adopted different tac- tics. Seeing that it was very risky to try to rush us in dense masses, they opened out into skirmishing order and ran across the open space in lots of five and six. As it happened, right at the foot of the koppie the ground broke away a little in such fashion that it was almost impossible for us to search it effectually with our fire. On the hither side of this dip Wambe's soldiers were now congregating in con- siderable numbers. Of course we did them as much damage as we could while they were running across, but this sort of work requires good shots, and that was just what we had not got. Another thing, was, that so many of our men would insist upon letting off the things they called guns at every Httle knot of the enemy that ran across. Thus the first few lots were in- deed practically swept away, but after that, as it took a long while to load the gas-pipes and old fhnt muskets, those who followed got across in comparative 154 MAIWA'S REVENGE safety. For my own part, I fired away with the elephant gun and repeating car- bine till they grew almost too hot to hold, but my individual efforts could do nothing to stop such a rush, or perceptibly to lessen the number of our enemies. " At length there were at least a thousand men crowded into the dip of ground mthin a few yards of us, whence those of them who had guns kept up a continued fusillade upon the koppie. They killed two of my bearers in this way, and wounded a third, for being at the top of the koppie these men were most exposed to the fire from the dip at its base. Seeing that the situation was growing most serious, at length, by the dint of threats and entreaties, I per- suaded the majority of our people to cease firing useless shots, to reload, and prepare for the rush. Scarcely had I done so when the enemy came for us with a roar, I am bound to say that I should never have believed that Matukus had it in them to make such a determined charge. A large party rushed round the base of the koppie, and attacked us in flank, while THE ATTACK 155 the others swarmed wherever they could get a foothold, so that we were taken on every side. ** * Fire ! ' I cried, and we did with terrible effect. Many of their men fell, but though we checked we could not stop them. They closed up and rushed the first fortification, killing a good number of its defenders. It was almost all cold steel work now, for we had no time to reload, and that suited the Butiana habits of fighting well enough, for the stabbing assegai is a weapon which they understand. Those of our people who escaped from the first line of walls took refuge in the second, where I stood myself, encouraging them, and here the fight raged fiercely. Occasion- ally parties of the enemy would force a passage, only to perish on the hither side beneath the Butiana spears. But still they kept it up, and I saw that, fight as we would, we were doomed. We were altogether outnumbered, and to make mat- ters worse, fresh bodies of soldiers were pouring across the plain to the assistance of our assailants. So I made up my mind 156 MAIWA'S REVENGE to direct a retreat into the caves, and there expire in a manner as heroic as cir- cumstances would allow ; and while men- tally lamenting my hard fate and reflecting on my sins I fought away like a fiend. It was then, I remember, that I shot my friend the captain of our escort of the previous day. He had caught sight of me, and making a vicious dig at my stomach with a spear (which I successfully dodged), shouted out, or rather began to shout out, one of his unpleasant allusions to the ' Thing that ' He never got as far as ' bites,' because I shot him after * that.' " Well, the game was about up. Al- ready I saw one man throw down his spear in token of surrender, — which act of cowardice cost him his life, by the way, — when suddenly a shout arose. " ' Look at the mountain,' they cried ; * there is an impi on the mountain side.' " I glanced up, and there sure enough, about half-way down the mountain, near- ing the first fortification, the long-plumed double line of Nala's warriors was rushing down to battle, the bright light of the THE ATTACK 157 morning glancing on their spears- After- wards we discovered that the reason of their delay was that they had been stopped by a river in flood, and could not reach the mountain crest by dawn. When they did reach it, however, they saw instantly that the fight was already going on, was * in flower,' as they put it, and so advanced at once without waiting to light signal-fires. " Meanwhile they had been observed from the town, and parties of soldiers were charging up the steep side of the hill, to occupy the schanses, and the second line of fortifications behind them. The first fine they did not attempt now to reach or defend ; Nala pressed them too close. But they got to the schanses or pits protected with stone walls, and constructed to hold from a dozen to twenty men, and soon began to open fire from them, and from isolated rocks. I turned my eyes to the gates of the town, which were placed to the north and south. Already they were crowded with hundreds of fugitive women and children flying to the rocks and caves for shelter from the foe. 158 MAIWA'S REVENGE " As for ourselves, the appearance of Nala's impi produced a Vv^onderful change for the better in our position. The soldiers attacking us turned, realising that the town was being assailed from the rear, and clambering down the koppie streamed off to protect their homes against this new enemy. In five minutes thfere was not a man left except those who would move no more, or were too sorely wounded to escape. I felt inclined to ejaculate * Saved ! ' like the gentleman in the play, but did not because the occasion was too serious. Wliat I did do was to muster all the men and reckon up our losses. They amounted to fifty-one killed and wounded, sixteen men having been killed outright. Then I sent men with the cooking-pots to the stream for water, and we drank. This done I set my bearers, being the most useless part of the community, from a fighting point of view, to the task of at- tending the injured, and turned to watch the fray. " By this time Nala's impi had climbed the first line of fortifications without THE ATTACK 159 opposition, and was advancing in a long line upon the schanses or pits which were scattered about between it and the second hne, singing a war chant as it came. Pre- sently puffs of smoke began to start from the schanses, and with my glasses I could see several of our men falhng over. Then as they came opposite a schanse that por- tion of the long line of warriors would thicken up and charge it with a wild rush. I could see them leap on to the walls and vanish into the depths beneath, some of their number falling backward on each occasion, shot or stabbed to death. " Next would come another act in the tragedy. Out from the hither side of the schanse would pour such of its defenders as were left ahve, perhaps three or four and perhaps a dozen, running for dear life, with the war dogs on their tracks. One by one they would be caught, then up flashed the great spear and down fell the pursued — dead. I saw ten of our men leap into one large schanse, but though I watched for some time nobody came out. Afterwards we inspected the place and found these 160 MAIWA'S REVENGE men all dead, together with twenty-three Matukus. Neither side would give in, and they had fought it out to the bitter end. " At last they neared the second line of fortifications, behind which the whole re- maining Matuku force, numbering some two thousand men, was rapidly assembling. One little pause to get their breath, and Nala's men came at it with a rush and a long wild shout of ' Bulala Matuku ' (kill the Matuku) that went right through me, thrilling every nerve. Then came an answering shout, and the sounds of heavy firing, and presently I saw our men re- treating, somewhat fewer in numbers than they had advanced. Their welcome had been a warm one, for the Matuku fight splendidly behind walls. This decided me that it was necessary to create a diversion ; if we did not do so it seemed very probable that we should be worsted after all. I called to the captain of our little force, and rapidly put the position before him. " Seeing the urgency of the occasion, he agreed with me that we must risk it, and THE ATTACK 161 in two minutes more, with the exception of my own men, whom I left to guard the wounded, we were trotting across the open space and through the deserted town to- wards the spot where the struggle was taking place, some seven hundred yards away. In six or eight minutes we reached a group of huts — it was a head man's kraal, that was situated about a hundred and twenty yards behind the fortified wall, and took possession of it unobserved. The enemy was too much engaged with the foe in front of him to notice us, besides, the broken ground rose in a hog-back shape between. There we waited a minute or two and recovered our breath, while I gave my directions. So soon as we heard the Butiana impi begin to charge again, we were to run out in line to the brow of the hog-back and pour our fire into the mass of the defenders behind the wall. Then the guns were to be thrown down and we must charge with the assegai. We had no shields, but that could not be helped ; there would be no time to reload the guns, and it was absolutely necessary that the enemy should L 162 MAIWA'S REVENGE be disconcerted at the moment when the main attack was dehvered. " The men, who were as plucky a set of fellows as ever I saw, and whose blood was now thoroughly up, consented to this scheme, though I could see that they thought it rather a large order, as indeed I did myself. But I knew that if the impi was driven back a second time the game would be played, and for me at any rate it would be a case of the ' Thing that bites,' and this sure and certain knowledge filled my breast with valour. " We had not long to wait. Presently we heard the Butiana war-song swelHng loud and long ; they had commenced their attack. I made a sign, and the hundred and fifty men, headed by myself, poured out of the kraal, and getting into a rough Hne ran up the fifty or sixty yards of slope that intervened between ourselves and the crest of the hog-backed ridge. In thirty seconds we were there, and immediately beyond us was the main body of the Matuku host waiting the onslaught of the enemy with guns and spears. Even now they did not THE ATTACK 163 see us, so intent were they upon the coming attack. I signed to my men to take careful aim, and suddenly called out to them to fire, which they did with a will, dropping thirty or forty Matulvus. " ' Charge I ' I shouted, again throwing down my smoking rifle and drawing my revolver, an example which they followed, snatching up their spears from the ground where they had placed them while they fired. The men set up a savage whoop, and v/e started. I saw the Matuku soldiers wheel round in hundreds, utterly taken aback at this new development of the situa- tion. And looking over them, before we had gone twenty yards I saw something else. For of a sudden, as though they had risen from the earth, there appeared above the wall hundreds of great spears, followed by hundreds of savage faces shadowed with drooping plumes. With a yell they sprang upon the wall shaking their broad shields, and with a yell they bounded from it straight into our astonished foes. " Crash ! we were in them now, and fighting hke demons. Crash ! from the 164 MAIWA'S REVENGE other side. Nala's impi was at its work, and still the spears and plumes appeared for a moment against the brown background of the mountain, and then sprang down and rushed like a storm upon the foe. The great mob of men turned this way and turned that way, astonished, bewildered, overborne by doubt and terror. " Meanwhile the slayers stayed not their hands, and on every side spears flashed and the fierce shout of triumph went up to heaven. There too on the wall stood Maiwa, a white garment streaming from her shoulders, as assegai in her hand, her breast heaving, her eyes flashing. Above all the din of battle I could catch the tones of her clear voice as she urged the soldiers on to victory. But victory was not yet. Wambe's soldiers gathered themselves to- gether, and bore our men back by sheer weight of numbers. They began to give, then once more they rallied, and the fight hung doubtfully. " ' Slay, you war- whelps,' cried Maiwa from the wall. ' Are you afraid, you women, you chicken-hearted women ! Strike THE ATTACK 165 home, or die like dogs ! What — you give way ! Follow me, children of Nala.' And with one long cry she leapt from the wall as leaps a stricken antelope, and holding the spear poised rushed right into the thickest of the fray. The warriors saw her, and raised such a shout that it echoed like thunder against the mountains. They massed together, and following the flutter of her white robe crashed into the dense heart of the foe. Down went the Matuku before them like trees before a whirlwind. Nothing could stand in the face of such a rush as that. It was the rush of a torrent bursting its banks. All along their line swept the wild desperate charge ; and there, straight in the forefront of the battle, still waved the white robe of Maiwa. '* Then they broke, and, stricken with utter panic, Wambe's soldiers streamed away a scattered crowd of fugitives, while after them thundered the footfall of the victors. " The fight was over, we had won the day ; and for my part I sat down upon a stone and wiped my forehead, thanking 166 IVIAIWA'S REVENGE Providence that I had lived to see the end of it. Twent}^ minutes later Nala's warriors began to return panting. * Wambe's sol- diers had taken to the bush and the caves/ they said, ' where they had not thought it safe to follow them,' adding significantly, that many had stopped on the way. " I was utterly dazed, and now that the fight was over my energy seemed to have left me, and I did not pay much attention, till presently I was aroused by somebody calling me by my name. I looked up, and saw that it was the chief Nala himself, who was bleeding from a flesh wound in his arm. By his side stood Maiwa panting, but unhm-t, and wearing on her face a proud and terrif5dng air. " * They are gone, Macumazahn,' said the chief ; * there is Uttle to fear from them, their heart is broken. But where is Wambe the chief ? — and where is the white man thou camest to save ? ' " * I know not,' I answered. " Close to where we stood lay a Matuku, a young man who had been shot through the fleshy part of the calf. It was a trifling THE ATTACK 167 wound, but it prevented him from running away. " * Say, thou dog/ said Nala, stalking up to him and shaking his red spear in his face, * say, where is Wambe ? Speak, or I slay thee. Was he with the soldiers ? ' " * Nay, lord, I know not,' groaned the teiTified man, * he fought not with us ; Wambe has no stomach for fighting. Per- chance he is in his kraal yonder, or in the cave behind the kraal,' and he pointed to a small enclosure on the hillside, about four hundred yards to the right of where we were. " * Let us go and see,' said Nala sum- moning his soldiers. CHAPTER VIII Maiwa is Avenged " The impi formed up ; alas, an hour before it had been stronger by a third than it was now. Then Nala detached two hundred men to collect and attend to the injured, and at my suggestion issued a stringent order that none of the enemy's wounded, and above all no women or children, were to be killed, as is the savage custom among African natives. On the contrary, they were to be allowed to send word to their women that they might come in to nurse them and fear nothing, for Nala made war upon Wambe the tyrant, and not on the Matuku tribe. " Then we started with some four hundred men for the chief's kraal. Very soon we were there It was, as I have said, placed against the mountain side, but within the 168 MABVA IS AVENGED 169 fortified lines, and did not in all cover more than an acre and a half of ground. Outside was a tidy reed fence, within which, neatly arranged in a semi-circular line, stood the huts of the chief's principal wives. Maiwa of course knew every inch of the kraal, for she had hved in it, and led us straight to the entrance. We peeped through the gateway — not a soul was to be seen. There were the huts and there was the clear open space floored with a concrete of lime, on which the sun beat fiercely, but nobody could we see or hear. " ' The jackal has gone to earth,' said Maiwa ; ' he will be in the cave behind his hut,' and she pointed with her spear towards another small and semi-circular enclosure, over which a large hut was visible, that had the cliff itself for a background. I stared at this fence ; by George ! it was true, it was entirely made of tusks of ivory planted in the ground with their points bending outwards. The smallest ones, though none were small, were placed nearest to the cliff on either side, but they gradually increased in size till they culminated in two enormous 170 MAIWA'S REVENGE tusks, which, set up so that their points met, something in the shape of an inverted V, formed the gateway to the hut. I was dumbfoundered with deUght ; and indeed, where is the elephant-hunter who wjould not be, if suddenly he saw five or six hun- dred picked tusks set up in a row, and only waiting for him to take them away ? Of course the stuff was what is known as * black ' ivory ; that is, the exterior of the tusks had become black from years or perhaps centuries of exposure to wind and weather, but I was certain that it would be none the worse for that. Forgetting the danger of the deed, in my excitement I actually ran right across the open space, and drawing my knife scratched vigorously at one of the great tusks to see how deep the damxage might be. As I thought, it was nothing ; there beneath the black covering gleamed the pure white ivory. I could have capered for joy, for I fear that I am very mercenary at heart, when sud- denly I heard the faint echo of a cry for assistance. * Help ! * screamed a voice in the Sisutu dialect from somewhere behind MAIWA IS AVENGED 171 the hut ; * help ! they are murdering me.' " I knew the voice ; it was John Every's. Oh, what a selfish brute was I ! For the moment that miserable ivory had driven the recollection of him out of my head, and now — perhaps it was too late. " Nala, Maiwa, and the soldiers had now come up. They too heard the voice and interpreted its tone, though they had not caught the words. " * This way,' cried Maiwa, and we started at a run, passing round the hut of Wambe. Behind was the narrow entrance to a cave. We rushed through it heedless of the danger of an ambush, and this was what we saw, though very confusedly at first, owing to the gloom. " In the centre of the cave, and with either end secured to the floor by strong stakes, stood a huge double-springed lion trap edged with sharp and grinning teeth. It was set, and beyond the trap, indeed almost over it, a terrible struggle was in progress. A naked or almost naked white man, with a great beard hanging down over 172 MAIWA'S REVENGE his breast, in spite of his furious struggles was being slowly forced and dragged to- wards the trap by six or eight women. Only one man was present, a fat, cruel-look- ing man with small eyes and a hanging lip. It was the chief Wambe, and he stood by the trap ready to force the victim down upon it so soon as the women had dragged him into the necessary position. ** At this instant they caught sight of us, and there came a moment's pause, and then, before I knew what she was going to do, Maiwa lifted the assegai she still held and whirled it at Wambe's head. I saw the flash of light speed towards him, and so did he, for he stepped backward to avoid it — stepped backward right into the trap. He yelled with pain as the iron teeth of the * Thing that bites ' sprang up with a rattUng sound like living fangs and fastened into him — such a yell I have not often heard. Now at last he tasted of the torture which he had infhcted upon so many, and though I trust I am a Christian, I cannot say that I felt sorry for him. *' The assegai sped on and struck one of MAIWA IS AVENGED 178 the women who had hold of the unfortunate Every, piercing through her arm. This made her leave go, an example that the other women quickly followed, so that Every fell to the ground, where he lay gasping ** * Kill the witches/ roared Nala, in a voice of thunder, pointing to the group of women. " ' Nay,' gasped Every, * spare them. He made them do it,' and he pointed to the human fiend in the trap. Then Maiwa waved her hand to us to fall back, for the moment of her vengeance was come. We did so, and she strode up to her lord, and flinging the white robe from her stood before him, her fierce beautiful face fixed like stone, " ' Who am I ? ' she cried in so terrible a voice that he ceased his yells. * Am I that woman who was given to thee for wife, and whose child thou slewest ? Or am I an avenging spirit come to see thee die?' " ' What is this ? ' she went on, drawing the withered baby-hand from the pouch at her side. 174 MAIWA'S RE\^NGE *' * It is the hand of a babe ? and how came that hand to be thus alone ? What cut it off from the babe ? and where is the babe ? Is it a hand ? or is it the vision of a hand that shall presently tear thy throat ? " * Where are thy soldiers, Wambe ? Do they sleep and eat and go forth to do thy bidding ? or are they perchance dead and scattered hke the winter leaves ? ' " He groaned and rolled his ej^es while the fierce-faced woman went on. " * Art thou still a chief, Wambe ? or does another take thy place and power, and say. Lord, what doest thou there ? and what is that slave's leglet upon thy knee ? " ' Is it a dream, Wambe, great lord and chief ? or ' — and she hfted her clenched hands and shook them in his face — * hath a woman's vengeance found thee out and a woman's v/it o'ermatched thy tyrannous strength ? And art thou about to slowly die in torments horrible to think on, oh, thou accursed murderer of little children ? ' " With one wild scream she dashed the dead hand of the child straight into his MAIWA IS AVENGED 175 face, and then fell senseless on the floor. As for the demon in the trap, he shrank back so far as its iron bounds would allow, his yellow eyes starting out of his head with pain and terror, and then once more began to yell. " The scene was more than I could bear. " ' Nala,' I said, ' this must stop. That man is a fiend, but he must not be left to die there. See thou to it.' " ' Nay,' answered Nala, * let him taste of the food wherewith he hath fed so many ; leave him till death shall find him." " ' That I will not,' I answered ' Let his end be swift ; see thou to it.' " * As thou wilt, Macumazahn,' answered the chief, with a shrug of the shoulders ; * first let the white man and Maiwa be brought forth.' " So the soldiers came forward and carried Every and the woman into the open air. As the former was borne past his tor- mentor, the fallen chief, so cowardly was his wicked heart, actually prayed him to intercede for him, and save him from a 176 MAIWA'S REVENGE fate which, but for our providential appear- ance, would have been Every's own. "So we went away, and in another moment one of the biggest villains on the earth troubled it no more. Once in the fresh air Every recovered quickly. I looked at him, and horror and sorrow pierced me through to see such a sight. His face was the face of a man of sixty, though he was not yet forty, and his poor body was cut to pieces with stripes and scars, and other marks of the torments which Wambe had for years amused himself with inflicting on him. " As soon as he recovered himself a little he struggled on to his knees, burst into a paroxysm of weeping, and clasping my legs with his emaciated arms, would have actu- ally kissed my feet. " * What are you about, old fellow ? ' I said, for I am not accustomed to that sort of thing, and it made me feel uncomfortable. " ' Oh, God bless you ! ' he moaned, * God bless you ! If only you knew what I have gone through ; and to think that you should have come to help me, and at the MAIWA IS AVENGED 177 risk of your own life ! Well, you were always a true friend — yes, yes, a true friend.' " ' Bosh,' I answered testily ; ' I'm a trader, and I came after that ivory,' and I pointed to the stockade of tusks. ' Did 3^ou ever hear of an elephant-hunter who would not have risked his immortal soul for them, and much more his carcase ? ' " But he took no notice of my explana- tions, and went on God blessing me as hard as ever, till at last I bethought me that 'a nip of brandy, of which I had a flask full, might steady his nerves a bit. I gave it him, and was not disappointed in the result, for he brisked up wonderfully. Then I hunted about in Wambe's hut, and found a kaross for him to put over his poor bruised shoulders, and he was quite a man again. " ' Now,' I said, ' why did the late lamented Wambe want to put you in that trap ? ' ^ " * Because as soon as they heard that the fight was going against them, and that Maiwa was charging at the head of Nala's M 178 BIAIWA'S REVENGE impi, one of the women told Wambe that she had seen me write something on some leaves and give them to Maiwa before she went away to^ purify herself. Then oi course he guessed that I had to do with your seizing the koppie and holding it while the impi rushed the place from the mountain, so he determined to torture me to death before help could come. Oh, heavens ! what a mercy it is to hear English again.' " ' How long have you been a prisoner here, Every ? ' I asked. " ' Six years and a bit, Quatermain ; I have lost count of the odd months lately. I came up here with Major Aldey and three other gentlemen and forty bearers. That devil Wambe ambushed us, and murdered the lot to get their guns. They weren't much use to him when he got them, being breech-loaders, for the fools fired away all the ammunition in a month or two. How- ever, they are all in good order, and hang- ing up in the hut there. They didn't kill me because one of them saw me mending a gun just before they attacked us, so the> MAIWA IS AVENGED 179 kept me as a kind of armourer. Twice I tried to make a bolt of it, but was caught each time. Last time Wambe had me flogged very nearly to death — you can see the scars upon my back. Indeed I should have died if it hadn't been for the girl Maiwa, who nursed me by stealth. He got that accursed lion trap among our things also, and I suppose he has tortured between one and two hundred people to death in it. It was his favourite amusement, and he would go every day and sit and watch the victim till he died. Sometimes he would give them food and water to keep them alive longer, telling them that he would let them go if they lived till a. certain day. But he never did let them go. They all died there, and I could show you their bones behind that rock.' " * The devil ! ' I said, grinding my teeth. * I wish I hadn't interfered ; I wish I had left him to the same fate.' " ' Well, he got a taste of it any way/ said Every ; * I'm glad he got a taste. There's justice in it, and now he's gone to hell, and I hope there is another one ready 180 MAIWA'S RE\^NGE for him there. By Jove ! I should Hke to have the setting of it.' " And so he talked on, and I sat and listened to him, wondering how he had kept his reason for so many years. But he didn't talk as I have told it, in plain Enghsh. He spoke very slowly, and as though he had got something in his mouth, | continually using native words because the ] English ones had slipped his memory. " At last Nala came up and told us that j food was made ready, and thankful enough j we were to get it, I can tell you. After we had eaten we held a consultation. Quite a thousand of Wambe's soldiers were put hors he combat, but at least two thousand remained hidden in the bush and rocks, and these men, together with those in the outljdng kraals, were a source of possible I danger. The question arose, therefore, what was to be done — were they to be followed or left alone ? I waited till every- body had spoken, some giving one opinion and some another, and then being appealed to I gave mine. It was to the effect that Nala should take a leaf out of the great | MAIWA IS AVANGED 181 Zulu T'Chaka's book, and incorporate the tribe, not destroy it. We had a good many women among the prisoners. Let them, I suggested, be sent to the hiding- places of the soldiers and make an offer. If the men would come and lay down their arms and declare their allegiance to Nala, they and their town and cattle should be spared. Wambe's cattle alone would be seized as the prize of war. Moreover, Wambe having left no children, his wiie Maiwa should be declared chieftainness of the tribe, under Nala. If they did not accept this offer by the morning of the second day it should be taken as a declara- tion that they wished to continue the war. Their town should be burned, their cattle, which our men were already collecting and driving in in great numbers, would be taken, and they should be hunted down. " This advise was at once declared to be wise, and acted on. The women were despatched, and I saw from their faces that they never expected to get such terms, and did not think that their mission would be in' vain. Nevertheless, we spent that after- 182 MAIWA'S REVENGE noon in preparations against possible sur- prise, and also in collecting all the wounded of both parties into a hospital, which we extemporised out of some huts, and there attending to them as best we could. ** That evening Every had the first pipe of tobacco that he had tasted for six years. Poor fellow, he nearly cried with joy over it. The night passed without any sign of attack, and on the following morning we began to see the effect of our message, for women, children, and a few men came in in little knots, and took possession of their huts. It was of course rather difficult to prevent our men from looting, and generally going on as natives, and for the matter of that white men too, are in the habit of doing after a victory. But one man who after warning was caught maltreating a woman was brought out and flogged by Nala's order, and though there was a httle grumbling, that put a stop to further trouble. On the second morning the head men and numbers of their followers came in in groups, and about midday a deputation MAIWA IS AVENGED 183 of the former presented themselves before us without their weapons. They were conquered, they said, and Wambe was dead, so they came to hear the words of the great lion who had eaten them up, and of the crafty white man, the jackal, who had dug a hole for them to fall in, and of Maiwa, Lady of War, who had led the charge and turned the fate of the battle. "So we let them hear the words, and when we had done an old man rose and said, that in the name of the people he accepted the yoke that was laid upon their shoulders, and that the more gladly because even the rule of a woman could not be worse than the rule of Wambe. Moreover, they knew Maiwa, the Lady of War, and feared her not, though she was a witch and terrible to see in battle. " Then Nala asked his daughter if she was wilhng to become chieftainess of the tribe under him. " Maiwa, who had been very silent since her revenge was accompUshed, answered yes, that she was, and that her rule should be good and gentle to those who were good 184 MAIWA'S REVENGE and gentle to her, but the froward and rebellious she would smite with a rod of iron ; which from my knowledge of her character I thought exceedingly probable. " The head men replied that that was a good saying, and they did not complain at it, and so the meeting ended. |
US-201715491851-A_1 | USPTO | Public Domain | Exercise device
A exercise roller device including a center roller portion provided with shaped end roller portions, and the center roller portion provided with a centered circumferential groove. A method of making the exercise roller device.
This U.S. Patent Application claims priority and the benefits under 35 U.S.C. 119(e) and 120 of U.S. Patent Application entitled “Exercise Device”, application Ser. No. 14/275,635, filed on May 12, 2014, and U.S. Provisional Application entitled “Exercise Device”, No. 61/822,697, filed on May 13, 2013, the contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.
An exercise device, in particular an exercise roller device comprising an inner roller supporting and an outer roller. The inner roller can be substantially rigid and the outer roller can be soft or resiliently deformable.
In the past, various types of rolling devices are used as exercise roller devices. A person can exercise using the exercise roller device in many different ways to exercise.
An improved exercise device.
An improved exercise roller device.
A composite exercise roller device.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of an inner roller supporting and outer roller.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of an inner roller supporting one or more outer roller panels defining an outer roller.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of a substantially rigid inner roller connected to one or more soft or resiliently deformable outer roller.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of a substantially rigid inner roller connected to one or more soft or resiliently deformable outer roller panels.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of a substantially rigid inner roller supporting a soft or resiliently deformable outer roller.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of a substantially rigid inner roller connected to one or more soft or resiliently deformable outer roller panels.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of an inner roller supporting multiple outer roller panels.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of a substantially rigid inner roller supporting multiple soft or resiliently deformable outer roller panels
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of an inner roller supporting an outer roller, the inner roller comprising an inner roller shell.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of an inner roller supporting an outer roller, the inner roller comprising an inner roller shell and one more interior reinforcing members configured to reinforce the inner roller shell.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of a substantially rigid inner roller supporting a soft or resiliently deformable outer roller, the inner roller comprising an inner roller shell and one more interior reinforcing members configured to reinforce the inner roller shell.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of a substantially rigid inner roller supporting a soft or resiliently deformable outer roller, the inner roller comprising a substantially rigid inner roller shell and one more interior reinforcing members configured to reinforce the inner roller shell.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of an inner roller supporting an outer roller, the inner roller comprising two or more inner roller portions.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of a substantially rigid inner roller supporting a soft or resiliently deformable outer roller, the inner roller comprising two or more inner roller portions.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of an inner roller supporting an outer roller, the inner roller comprising a two or more inner roller portions connected together.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of a substantially rigid inner roller supporting a soft or resiliently deformable outer roller, the inner roller comprising two or more inner roller portions connected together.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of an inner roller supporting an outer roller, the inner roller comprising a pair of one-half roller portions connected together.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of a substantially rigid inner roller supporting a soft or resiliently deformable outer roller, the inner roller comprising a pair of one-half inner roller portions connected together.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of an inner roller supporting an outer roller, the inner roller comprising a pair of one-half inner roller portions connected together, the inner roller portions comprising one or more longitudinal interior ribs and one or more transverse interior ribs.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of a substantially rigid inner roller supporting a soft or resiliently deformable outer roller, the inner roller comprising a pair of one-half roller portions connected together, the roller portions comprising one or more longitudinal interior ribs and one or more transverse interior ribs.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of a center roller portion and a pair of nose cone-shaped end roller portions connected together.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of a center roller portion and a pair of nose cone-shaped end roller portions connected together, the center roller portion comprising a center V-shaped circumferential groove.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of an inner roller supporting two or more outer roller panels.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of an inner roller supporting two or more outer roller panels defining at least a portion of an outer surface of the exercise roller device.
An exercise roller device comprising or consisting of an inner roller supporting two or more outer roller panels defining an entire outer surface of the exercise roller device.
A method of making an exercise roller device comprising making an outer roller; making an inner roller, and assembling the inner roller within the outer roller.
A method of making an exercise roller device comprising making an inner roller; and overmolding an outer roller on the inner roller.
A method of making an exercise roller device comprising making an inner roller comprising two or more inner roller portions; assembling the inner roller; and assembling an outer roller on the inner roller.
A method of making an exercise roller device comprising making an inner roller comprising two or more inner roller portions; and overmolding an outer roller on the assembled inner roller.
A method of making an exercise roller device comprising injection molding an inner roller, inserting the inner roller in a mold; and overmolding an outer roller on the inner roller.
A method of making an exercise roller device comprising injection molding two or more portions of an inner roller; assembling the inner roller; inserting the inner roller in a mold; and overmolding an outer roller on the inner roller.
A method of making an exercise roller device comprising injection molding two half portions of an inner roller; assembling the two half portions together; inserting the inner roller in a mold; and overmolding an outer roller on the inner roller.
The exercise roller device comprises or consists of a roller. The roller can be hard, soft, resiliently deformable, or combination thereof. For example, the roller comprises a substantially stiff inner roller and a resilient or soft outer roller.
The exercise roller device can comprise a center cylindrical center portion and nose cone-shape end portions connected together. The roller can include a V-shaped center portion, modified V-shape center portion, U-shaped center portion, modified U-shape center portion (e.g. a circumferential groove).
The exercise roller device can comprise an inner roller supporting (e.g. connected to, layered, covered by) an outer roller. The inner roller can be substantially rigid, and the outer roller can be soft or resilient (e.g. resiliently deformable).
The outer roller can comprise or consist of one or more outer roller panels supported (e.g. connected to, layered, overmolded) by the inner roller. The one or more outer roller panels can be soft or resiliently deformable (e.g. made of thermoplastic elastomer material).
The inner roller can have a solid construction (e.g. solid injection molded part or component) or a non-solid construction (e,g. molded with separated layers, voids, cells, cavities). For example, the inner roller comprises two or more parts or components connected or assembled together. For example, the inner roller comprises two molded halves (e.g. injection molded) that are solid, or comprise voids, cells, or cavities. For example, the inner roller comprises a shell along with one or more interior longitudinal ribs and one or more transverse ribs (e.g. injection molded nylon material halves with one or more longitudinal ribs and multiple transverse ribs interconnected to or integrate with the shell). The two halves are connected together (e.g. by adhering or mechanically fastening or coupling together (e.g. one or more screws) to form an assembled inner roller. One of the halves can be provided with a raised perimeter flange cooperating with a perimeter groove in the other half to guide and strengthen the perimeter connection between the two halves. At a junction, for example, between a center longitudinal rib and a transverse rib, a round anchoring screw receptacle is molded to anchor end(s) of the screw(s) for assembling the halves together.
The inner roller can be provided with a circumferential rib (e.g. wide rib) provided at the center of the circumferential groove. A pair of outer roller panels connect to the inner roller and abut the wide rib so that the outer surface of the exercise roller device is defined by the exterior surfaces of the outer roller panels and the exterior surface of the wide rib. Alternatively, the rib is eliminated, and the two outer roller panels abut each other and the exterior surfaces of the two outer roller panels define the entire exterior surface of the exercise roller device.
The exercise roller device can comprise or consist of an inner roller portion and an outer roller portion. For example, the exercise roller device comprises a substantially rigid inner roller portion supporting a soft or resiliently deformable outer roller portion. The outer roller portion can comprise one or more panels. The outer roller portion can comprise multiple panels that can be of the same size and shape, or can be of a different size and/or shape. The shape of the exercise roller device comprises a roller portion that can be cylindrical-shaped, modified cylindrical-shaped (e.g. oval and/or oblong-shaped transverse cross-sectional shape), multi-sided transverse cross-sectional shape (e.g. triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, more than eight sided).
The inner roller can be a substantially rigid inner roller. For example, the roller is made of plastic, nylon, or composite material (e.g. injection molded plastic article). Alternatively, the inner roller can be machined from a pre-form or block of material (e.g. plastic pre-form or block of plastic material).
The exercise roller device can comprise an inner roller and at least one outer roller panel supported by the inner roller. For example, the outer roller panel or panels can be made separately, and then applied or assembled to the inner roller (e.g. by adhering and/or mechanically coupling). Alternatively, the at least one outer roller panel can be formed on the inner roller (e.g. insert molding, overmolding).
The outer roller panel or panels can each be made as a single piece, or can be made of multiple pieces joined together (e.g. molded, adhered, mechanically coupled, or combination thereof). For example, the outer roller panels can each be made with a inner support panel (e.g. made of nylon) and an outer cover panel made of resilient deformable material (e.g. thermoplastic elastomer). The panel or panels can be smooth or textured (e.g. pattern of projections, ribs, recesses, grooves). For example, the panel or panels can be molded from thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) material.
The exercise roller device can be used as a self-massaging tool to facilitate manipulation of the cerebral vertebrae. The exercise roller device can be used as a stretch device by roller backward and forward.
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an exercise roller device.
FIG. 2 is a front elevational view of the exercise roller device shown in FIG. 1.
FIG. 3 is a rear elevational view of the exercise roller device shown in FIG. 1.
FIG. 4 is a top planar view of the exercise roller device shown in FIG. 1.
FIG. 5 is a bottom planar view of the exercise roller device shown in FIG. 1.
FIG. 6 is a left side elevational view of the exercise roller device shown in FIG. 1.
FIG. 7 is a right side elevational view of the exercise roller device shown in FIG. 1.
FIG. 8 is a perspective view of another exercise roller device.
FIG. 9 is an exploded perspective view of the disassembled exercise roller device shown in FIG. 1, to illustrate its construction.
FIG. 10 is a diagrammatic view showing the exercise roller device shown in FIG. 1 positioned under the back between the shoulders of a user.
An exercise roller device 10 is shown in FIGS. 1 thru 7. The exercise roller device 10 comprises a cylindrical-shaped center roller portion 12 and end roller portions 14, which can have a particular shape (e.g. cylindrical-shaped, parabolic-shaped, nose cone-shaped). The center roller portion 12 can be provided with a centered cylindrical-shaped portion 15 located within a circumferential groove 16 (e.g. V-shaped, modified V-shaped, U-shaped, modified U-shaped groove 16). The cylindrical-shaped center roller portion 12 can be of a greater diameter compared with the centered cylindrical-shaped portion 15.
The surface of the exercise roller device 10 is provided with a pattern of grooves 17 as shown. The grooves 17 can be closed-looped (e.g. circles, ovals, modified ovals), or can be open-looped (e.g. curves, straight portions). The pattern of grooves can be located in the surface of the outer roller (e.g. in a first surface layer only, in first and second surface layers, or deeper) of the exercise roller device 10. The grooves 17 are shown as being a pattern of separated and/or spaced apart grooves.
Another exercise device 110 is shown in FIG. 8. The exercise roller device 110 comprises a cylindrical-shaped center roller portion 112 and end roller portions 114 having particular shape (e.g. cylindrical, parabolic-shaped, nose cone-shaped). The center roller portion 112 is provided with a cylindrical portion 115 located within a circumferential groove 116 (e.g. V-shaped, modified V-shaped, U-shaped, modified U-shaped). The cylindrical-shaped center roller portion 112 can be of greater diameter compared with the centered cylindrical-shaped portion 115.
The exercise roller device 110 is provided with a pattern of grooves 117 as shown and different from the pattern of grooves compared to the exercised roller device 10 shown in FIG. 1. The grooves 117 are shown as being a pattern of connecting or interconnected grooves.
Method of Making Device
As shown in FIG. 9, the exercise roller device 10 can comprise an inner roller 18 and an outer roller 20.
The inner roller 18 comprises two (2) half inner roller portions 18 a, 18 b connected together. The roller portions 18 a, 18 b are molded (e.g. injection molded) and made of plastic material (e.g. nylon material).
The upper inner roller portion 18 a fits over a peripheral flange 22 of the lower inner roller portion 18 b for connecting the edges of the inner roller portions 18 a, 18 b together during assembly of the inner roller 18 and reinforcing the edges thereof in the assembled article.
The inner roller portions 18 a, 18 b have the same or similar inner reinforcing structure to be defined with reference to the inner roller portion 18 b. As shown in FIG. 9, the inner roller portion 18 b comprises a center longitudinal rib 24 connecting to multiple transverse ribs 26. The number of longitudinal ribs (e.g. one (1) longitudinal rib shown) can be decreased (i.e. none) or increased, and the number of transverse ribs can be decreased or increased (e.g. eight (8) shown). The ribs 24, 26 interconnect with each other (e.g. formed interconnected during molding), and also connect to and support the shell 28. The ribs 24, 26 and shell 28 define a plurality of cavities, voids, and/or cells 30 providing multiple hollow portions of the inner roller 18. This rib type construction reinforces the shell 28 of the inner roller 18 making the inner roller 18 substantially rigid, stronger, and more durable while reducing the weight and material required to make same.
The inner roller portion 18 a is provided with molded recesses 32 in the surface thereof. The molded recesses includes a hole at the bottom of the recess (not shown) for accommodating the heads of screws 34 when the inner roller 18 is assembled together,
The inner roller portion 18 b is provided with molded round bosses 36 each having a hole for receiving the free ends of the screws 34 to anchor same therein.
The inner roller portions 18 a, 18 b are provided with centered ridge halves 38 defining a circumferential ridge 40 when assembled together. The circumferential ridge 40 defines the center cylindrical portion 15 in the assembled exercise roller device 10.
The outer roller 20 comprises four (4) separate outer roller panels 42 to be supported (e.g. connected, attached, layered) on the assembled inner roller 18. The outer roller panels 38 are connected to the inner roller 18, for example, by adhesive and/or mechanical connection (e.g. fastening or coupling). The inner edges 42 a of the outer roller panels 38 abut up against the side edges of the circumferential ridge 40, when assembled onto the inner roller 20 to provide a smooth seamless transition and outer surface of the exercise roller device 10.
Alternatively, the circumferential ridge 40 is eliminated, and the inner edges 42 a are modified to abut against each other at the center of the exercise roller device 10, again providing a smooth seamless transition and outer surface of the exercise roller device. 10.
The outer roller panels 42 are resiliently deformable, and, for example, are molded (e.g. injection molded) using plastic material (e.g. thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) material).
Alternatively to the above construction, after the inner roller 18 can be assembled, and then the outer roller 20 can be overmolded onto the inner roller 18 (e.g. by insert molded) to complete the assembly.
The exercise roller device 10 can be made by making the inner roller 18 and the outer roller 20. For example, the half portions of the inner roller 20 are injection molded from plastic material. The two half portions of the inner roller are then assembled together, and secured using the screws 34.
The outer roller panel portions 42 can be made, for example, by injections molding. The outer panel portions 42 can be a single layer or multiple layer of the same or different materials. For example, an inner panel of stiffer plastic material can be molded, and then a more resilient or softer outer panel or layer is overmolded on the inner panel (e.g. by insert molding). The made outer roller panel portions 42 can then be assembled onto the assembled inner roller 18 (e.g. by adhesive, taping, heat welding, mechanical fastening).
Alternatively, the inner roller 18 is assembled, and then the outer roller 18 is overmolded onto the inner roller 18 (e.g. by insert molding). As a further alternative, the inner roller 18 is injection molded as a unit or made from a perform or block of material (e.g. machined), and then fitted with outer roller panel portions 42, or overmolded with the outer panel 20.
As shown in FIG. 10, the user places the exercise roller device 10 on the floor and lies on the device so that the device is centered on the user back and aligned with his or her spine as shown. The user then moved back and forth sideways to roll the exercise roller device between the floor and his or back. This exercise is performed with care, and limited physical activity.
I claim:
1. An exercise roller device, comprising: a cylindrical-shaped roller portion defining a rolling surface of the exercise roller device, the cylindrical-shaped roller portion having opposite ends; parabolic-shaped end roller portions provided at respective opposite ends of the cylindrical-shaped roller portion, each parabolic-shaped end roller portion provided at each of the respective opposite ends of the cylindrical-shaped roller portion extending outwardly from the cylindrical-shaped roller portion along a center longitudinal axis of the exercise roller device, the parabolic-shaped end roller portions each terminating at a vertex located on the center longitudinal axis of the exercise roller at an outermost end of the exercise roller device; and a centered circumferential groove located in the cylindrical-shaped roller portion, wherein the exercise roller device comprises a soft or resilient outer roller overmolded onto a rigid inner roller.
2. The device according to claim 1, wherein the outer roller at least partially covers the rigid inner roller.
3. The device according to claim 2, wherein the soft or resilient outer roller comprises multiple panels.
4. The device according to claim 3, wherein the multiple panels are of the same size and shape.
5. The device according to claim 1, wherein the soft or resilient outer roller is a single piece.
6. The device according to claim 1, wherein the rigid inner roller comprises a centered circumferential ridge, and the soft or resilient outer roller comprising four (4) outer roller panels connected to the inner roller and abutting the centered circumferential ridge.
7. The device according to claim 1, wherein the cylindrical-shaped roller portion transitions in a continuous manner to each of the parabolic-shaped end roller portions.
8. The device according to claim 1, wherein the exercise roller device is constructed as a single integral unit when assembled with no moving parts.
9. The device according to claim 1, wherein the outer roller and the inner roller are fixed relative to each other.
10. The device according to claim 1, wherein the outer roller is connected to the inner roller in a manner to prevent disconnection between the outer roller and the inner roller.
11. The device according to claim 1, wherein the exercise roller device is configured to prevent rotation between portions of the exercise device when assembled.
12. The device according to claim 1, wherein the inner roller has a solid construction.
13. The device according to claim 1, wherein the inner roller is a non-solid construction.
14. The device according to claim 1, wherein the outer roller is made of thermoplastic elastomer (TPE).
15. The device according to claim 14, wherein the inner roller is molded with one selected from the group consisting of separate layers, voids, cells, and cavities.
16. The device according to claim 1, wherein the inner roller is made of one selected from the group consisting of plastic, nylon, and composite material.
17. The device according to claim 1, wherein the outer roller is smooth.
18. The device according to claim 1, wherein the outer roller is textured.
19. An exercise roller device, comprising: a cylindrical-shaped roller portion defining a rolling surface of the exercise roller device, the cylindrical-shaped roller portion having opposite ends; parabolic-shaped end roller portions provided at respective opposite ends of the cylindrical-shaped roller portion, each parabolic-shaped end roller portion being provided at each of the respective opposite ends of the cylindrical-shaped roller portion and extending outwardly from the cylindrical-shaped roller portion along a center longitudinal axis of the exercise roller device, the parabolic-shaped end roller portions each terminating at a vertex located on the center longitudinal axis of the exercise roller at an outermost end of the exercise roller device; and a centered cylindrical-shaped portion located within a centered circumferential groove located in the cylindrical-shaped roller portion, wherein the exercise roller device comprises a soft or resilient outer roller overmolded onto a rigid inner roller.
20. An exercise roller device, comprising: a cylindrical-shaped roller portion defining a rolling surface of the exercise roller device, the cylindrical-shaped roller portion having opposite ends; and parabolic-shaped end roller portions provided at respective opposite ends of the cylindrical-shaped roller portion, each parabolic-shaped end roller portion being provided at each of the respective opposite ends of the cylindrical-shaped roller portion and extending outwardly from the cylindrical-shaped roller portion along a center longitudinal axis of the exercise roller device, the parabolic-shaped end roller portions each terminating at a vertex located on the center longitudinal axis of the exercise roller at an outermost end of the exercise roller device; and a centered circumferential groove located in the cylindrical-shaped roller portion, wherein the exercise roller device is configured with a rigid inner roller covered with a soft or resilient outer roller, and wherein the exercise roller device comprises the soft or resilient outer roller overmolded onto the rigid inner roller.
21. An exercise roller device, comprising: a cylindrical-shaped roller portion defining a rolling surface of the exercise roller device, the cylindrical-shaped roller portion having opposite ends; end roller portions provided at respective opposite ends of the cylindrical-shaped roller portion, each end roller portion provided at each of the respective opposite ends of the cylindrical-shaped roller portion extending outwardly from the cylindrical-shaped roller portion along a center longitudinal axis of the exercise roller device, the end roller portions each terminating at a vertex located on the center longitudinal axis of the exercise roller at an outermost end of the exercise roller device; and a centered circumferential groove located in the cylindrical-shaped roller portion, wherein the exercise roller device comprises a soft or resilient outer roller overmolded onto a rigid inner roller.
22. The device according to claim 1, wherein the end roller portions each have a particular shape, including one selected from the group consisting of cylindrical-shaped, parabolic-shaped, and nose cone-shaped..
github_open_source_100_8_19968 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | /*
* MIT License
* Copyright (c) 2021 cybo
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package com.github.cybooo.creativehousing.Commands;
import com.github.cybooo.creativehousing.Managers.VoteManager;
import com.github.cybooo.creativehousing.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Vote implements CommandExecutor {
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) {
Player p = (Player) sender;
Plugin main = Plugin.getInstance();
ArrayList<String> players = (ArrayList<String>) main.getConfig().getList("playerVotes");
if (!(players == null)) {
if (players.contains(p.getName())) {
p.sendMessage(Plugin.getInstance().getPrefix() + " §cPro tuhle parcelu jsi jiz hlasoval!");
return false;
} else {
players = new ArrayList<>();
main.getConfig().set("playerVotes", players);
Bukkit.broadcastMessage(Plugin.getInstance().getPrefix() + " §7Hrac §e" + p.getName() + " §7zahlasoval pro parcelu, dekujeme :)");
return false;
2022/02019R0006-20220128/02019R0006-20220128_EL.txt_6 | Eurlex | CC-By | Άρθρο 154
Δημιουργία της βάσης δεδομένων φαρμακοεπαγρύπνησης και της βάσης δεδομένων παρασκευής και χονδρικής πώλησης
Με την επιφύλαξη της ημερομηνίας εφαρμογής του παρόντος κανονισμού, ο Οργανισμός, σε συνεργασία με τα κράτη μέλη και την Επιτροπή, σύμφωνα με τα άρθρα 74 και 91, αντίστοιχα, διασφαλίζει τη δημιουργία της βάσης δεδομένων φαρμακοεπαγρύπνησης και της βάσης δεδομένων παρασκευής και χονδρικής πώλησης το αργότερο έως την 28η Ιανουαρίου 2022.
Άρθρο 155
Αρχική εισαγωγή στη βάση δεδομένων των φαρμάκων από τις αρμόδιες αρχές
Το αργότερο έως την 28η Ιανουαρίου 2022, οι αρμόδιες αρχές υποβάλλουν ηλεκτρονικώς στον Οργανισμό πληροφορίες για όλα τα κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα που έχουν λάβει άδεια στο αντίστοιχο κράτος μέλος κατά την ημερομηνία αυτή, χρησιμοποιώντας τον μορφότυπο που αναφέρεται στο άρθρο 55 παράγραφος 3 στοιχείο α).
Άρθρο 156
Επανεξέταση των κανόνων για την αξιολόγηση του περιβαλλοντικού κινδύνου
Έως την 28η Ιανουαρίου 2022, η Επιτροπή υποβάλλει έκθεση στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο και στο Συμβούλιο σχετικά με μελέτη σκοπιμότητας για ένα σύστημα αναθεώρησης με βάση τη δραστική ουσία (μονογραφίες) και άλλες πιθανές εναλλακτικές λύσεις για την αξιολόγηση του περιβαλλοντικού κινδύνου των κτηνιατρικών φαρμάκων, που συνοδεύεται, εφόσον κρίνεται σκόπιμο, από νομοθετική πρόταση.
Άρθρο 157
Έκθεση της Επιτροπής για τα παραδοσιακά φυτικά προϊόντα που χρησιμοποιούνται για τη θεραπεία ζώων
Η Επιτροπή υποβάλλει έκθεση στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο και στο Συμβούλιο έως την 29η Ιανουαρίου 2027, για τα παραδοσιακά φυτικά προϊόντα που χρησιμοποιούνται για τη θεραπεία ζώων στην Ένωση. Εάν κριθεί σκόπιμο, η Επιτροπή υποβάλλει νομοθετική πρόταση προκειμένου να καθιερώσει ένα απλουστευμένο σύστημα για την καταχώριση παραδοσιακών φυτικών προϊόντων που χρησιμοποιούνται για τη θεραπεία ζώων.
Τα κράτη μέλη παρέχουν πληροφορίες στην Επιτροπή σχετικά με αυτά τα παραδοσιακά φυτικά προϊόντα στην επικράτειά τους.
Άρθρο 158
Επανεξέταση των μέτρων που αφορούν τα ιπποειδή
Το αργότερο έως την 29η Ιανουαρίου 2025, η Επιτροπή υποβάλλει έκθεση στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο και το Συμβούλιο σχετικά με την αξιολόγηση της κατάστασης όσον αφορά τη θεραπεία με φάρμακα ιπποειδών και τον αποκλεισμό τους από την τροφική αλυσίδα, μεταξύ άλλων όσον αφορά τις εισαγωγές ιπποειδών από τρίτες χώρες, η οποία συνοδεύεται από κατάλληλη δράση από την Επιτροπή, λαμβανομένων υπόψη, ιδίως, της δημόσιας υγείας, της καλής διαβίωσης των ζώων, των κινδύνων απάτης και των ισότιμων όρων ανταγωνισμού με τρίτες χώρες.
Άρθρο 159
Μεταβατικές διατάξεις σχετικά με ορισμένα πιστοποιητικά ορθής παρασκευαστικής πρακτικής
Με την επιφύλαξη της ημερομηνίας εφαρμογής του παρόντος κανονισμού, οι υποχρεώσεις όσον αφορά τα πιστοποιητικά ορθής παρασκευαστικής πρακτικής για αδρανοποιημένα ανοσολογικά κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα τα οποία παρασκευάζονται από παθογόνους οργανισμούς ή αντιγόνα που λαμβάνονται από ζώο ή ζώα στην επιδημιολογική μονάδα και χρησιμοποιούνται για τη θεραπεία του εν λόγω ζώου ή των ζώων αυτών στην ίδια επιδημιολογική μονάδα ή για τη θεραπεία ζώου ή ζώων σε μονάδα για την οποία έχει επιβεβαιωθεί επιδημιολογική σχέση αρχίζουν να ισχύουν μόνο από την ημερομηνία εφαρμογής των εκτελεστικών πράξεων για τη θέσπιση ειδικών μέτρων σχετικά με την ορθή παρασκευαστική πρακτική για τα κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα που αναφέρονται στο άρθρο 93 παράγραφος 2.
Άρθρο 160
Έναρξη ισχύος και εφαρμογή
Ο παρών κανονισμός αρχίζει να ισχύει την εικοστή ημέρα μετά τη δημοσίευσή του στην Επίσημη Εφημερίδα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.
Εφαρμόζεται από την 28η Ιανουαρίου 2022.
Ο παρών κανονισμός είναι δεσμευτικός ως προς όλα τα μέρη του και ισχύει άμεσα σε κάθε κράτος μέλος.
1. Νομική βάση για την εφαρμογή της αίτησης άδειας κυκλοφορίας
2. Αιτών
2.1. Όνομα ή εταιρική επωνυμία και μόνιμη διεύθυνση κατοικίας ή καταστατική έδρα του αιτούντος
2.2. Όνομα ή εταιρική επωνυμία και μόνιμη διεύθυνση κατοικίας ή καταστατική έδρα του παρασκευαστή (-ών) ή του εισαγωγέα (-ων) του τελικού κτηνιατρικού φαρμάκου και όνομα ή εταιρική επωνυμία και μόνιμη διεύθυνση κατοικίας ή καταστατική έδρα του παρασκευαστή της δραστικής ουσίας (-ών)
2.3. Επωνυμία και διεύθυνση των χώρων που εμπλέκονται στα διάφορα στάδια της παρασκευής, εισαγωγής, ελέγχου και έγκρισης των παρτίδων
3. Ταυτοποίηση του κτηνιατρικού φαρμάκου
3.1. Ονομασία του κτηνιατρικού φαρμάκου και Ανατομικός Θεραπευτικός Χημικός Κτηνιατρικός κωδικός («ATCvet Code»)
3.2. Δραστικές ουσίες και, κατά περίπτωση, αραιωτικό (-ά)
3.3. Περιεκτικότητα ή, σε περίπτωση ανοσολογικού κτηνιατρικού φαρμάκου, βιολογική δραστηριότητα, ισχύς ή τίτλος
3.4. Φαρμακοτεχνική μορφή
3.5. Οδός χορήγησης
3.6. Είδη-στόχος
4. Πληροφορίες παρασκευής και φαρμακοεπαγρύπνησης
4.1. Απόδειξη της άδειας παρασκευής ή πιστοποιητικό ορθής παρασκευαστικής πρακτικής
4.2. Αριθμός αναφοράς του κύριου αρχείου του συστήματος φαρμακοεπαγρύπνησης
5. Πληροφορίες για το κτηνιατρικό φάρμακο
5.1. Προτεινόμενη περίληψη των χαρακτηριστικών του προϊόντος που συντάσσεται σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 35
5.2. Περιγραφή της τελικής παρουσίασης του κτηνιατρικού φαρμάκου, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της συσκευασίας και της επισήμανσης
5.3. Προτεινόμενο κείμενο των πληροφοριών που πρέπει να παρέχονται στη στοιχειώδη συσκευασία, την εξωτερική συσκευασία και το φύλλο οδηγιών χρήσης σύμφωνα με τα άρθρα 10 έως 16
6. Άλλες πληροφορίες
6.1. Κατάλογος των χωρών στις οποίες έχει χορηγηθεί ή έχει ανακληθεί άδεια κυκλοφορίας για το κτηνιατρικό φάρμακο
6.2. Αντίγραφα όλων των περιλήψεων των χαρακτηριστικών του προϊόντος, όπως περιλαμβάνονται στους όρους των αδειών κυκλοφορίας που έχουν χορηγηθεί από τα κράτη μέλη
6.3. Κατάλογος των χωρών στις οποίες έχει υποβληθεί ή έχει απορριφθεί αίτηση
6.4. Κατάλογος των κρατών μελών στα οποία το κτηνιατρικό φάρμακο πρόκειται να διατεθεί στην αγορά
6.5. Κριτικές εκθέσεις εμπειρογνωμόνων σχετικά με την ποιότητα, την ασφάλεια και την αποτελεσματικότητα του κτηνιατρικού φαρμάκου.
Πίνακας περιεχομένων
Γενικές αρχές
Απαιτήσεις σχετικά με τη σύνθεση του φακέλου
Μέρος 1: Περίληψη του φακέλου
Μέρος 2: Τεκμηρίωση ποιότητας (φυσικοχημικές, βιολογικές ή μικροβιολογικές πληροφορίες)
Μέρος 3: Τεκμηρίωση ασφάλειας (δοκιμές ασφάλειας και καταλοίπων)
Μέρος 4: Τεκμηρίωση σχετικά με την αποτελεσματικότητα (προκλινικές μελέτες και κλινικές δοκιμές)
Λεπτομερείς απαιτήσεις για διαφορετικούς τύπους κτηνιατρικών φαρμάκων ή φακέλων άδειας κυκλοφορίας
ΜΕΡΟΣ 1: Περίληψη του φακέλου
ΜΕΡΟΣ 2: Τεκμηρίωση ποιότητας (φυσικοχημικές, βιολογικές ή μικροβιολογικές πληροφορίες)
Περιγραφή προϊόντος
Ποιοτική και ποσοτική σύνθεση
Ανάπτυξη προϊόντος
Περιγραφή της μεθόδου παρασκευής
Παρασκευή και έλεγχος των αρχικών υλικών
Δραστική/-ές ουσία/-ες
Δραστικές ουσίες που περιλαμβάνονται σε φαρμακοποιίες
Δραστικές ουσίες που δεν περιλαμβάνονται σε φαρμακοποιία
Φυσικοχημικά χαρακτηριστικά που μπορούν να επηρεάσουν τη βιοδιαθεσιμότητα
Συσκευασία (περιέκτες και συστήματα κλεισίματος)
Δραστική ουσία
Τελικό προϊόν
Τελικό προϊόν
Δοκιμές ελέγχου σε απομονωμένα ενδιάμεσα προϊόντα κατά τη διαδικασία παρασκευής
Δοκιμές ελέγχου του τελικού προϊόντος
Γενικά χαρακτηριστικά του τελικού προϊόντος
Ταυτοποίηση και ποσοτικός προσδιορισμός της/των δραστικής/-ών ουσίας/-ών
Ταυτοποίηση και ποσοτικός προσδιορισμός των συστατικών του εκδόχου
Μικροβιολογικοί έλεγχοι
Ομοιογένεια των παρτίδων
Λοιποί έλεγχοι
Δοκιμή σταθερότητας
Δραστική/-ες ουσία/-ες
Τελικό προϊόν
Άλλες πληροφορίες
ΜΕΡΟΣ 3: Τεκμηρίωση ασφάλειας (δοκιμές ασφάλειας και καταλοίπων)
Δοκιμές ασφάλειας
Ακριβής ταυτοποίηση του προϊόντος και της/των δραστικής/-ών ουσίας/-ών του
Άλλες απαιτήσεις
Ειδικές μελέτες
Παρατηρήσεις σε ανθρώπους
Ανάπτυξη αντοχής και σχετικός κίνδυνος για τους ανθρώπους
Ασφάλεια του χρήστη
Αξιολόγηση περιβαλλοντικών κινδύνων
Μελέτες καταλοίπων
Ταυτοποίηση του φαρμάκου
Απομάκρυνση των καταλοίπων (μεταβολισμός και κινητική των καταλοίπων)
Μέθοδος ανάλυσης των καταλοίπων
ΜΕΡΟΣ 4: Τεκμηρίωση σχετικά με την αποτελεσματικότητα (προκλινικές μελέτες και κλινικές δοκιμές)
Προκλινικές μελέτες
Ανάπτυξη αντοχής και σχετικός κίνδυνος για τα ζώα
Προσδιορισμός και επιβεβαίωση δόσης
Ανοχή στα ζωικά είδη προορισμού
Κλινική/-ές δοκιμή/-ές
Γενικές αρχές
Αποτελέσματα προκλινικών μελετών
Αποτελέσματα κλινικών μελετών
ΜΕΡΟΣ 1: Περίληψη του φακέλου
ΜΕΡΟΣ 2: Τεκμηρίωση ποιότητας (φυσικοχημικές, βιολογικές ή μικροβιολογικές πληροφορίες)
Περιγραφή προϊόντος
Ποιοτική και ποσοτική σύνθεση
Ανάπτυξη προϊόντος
Διευκρίνιση δομής και άλλων χαρακτηριστικών
Περιγραφή της μεθόδου παρασκευής
Παρασκευή και έλεγχος των αρχικών υλικών
Αρχικά υλικά που περιλαμβάνονται στις φαρμακοποιίες
Αρχικά υλικά που δεν περιλαμβάνονται σε φαρμακοποιία
Αρχικά υλικά βιολογικής προέλευσης
Αρχικά υλικά μη βιολογικής προέλευσης
Δοκιμές ελέγχου κατά τη διαδικασία παρασκευής
Δοκιμές ελέγχου του τελικού προϊόντος
Προδιαγραφή τελικού προϊόντος
Περιγραφές των μεθόδων και επικύρωση των δοκιμών για την έγκριση κυκλοφορίας
Πρότυπα ή υλικά αναφοράς
Ομοιογένεια των παρτίδων
Δραστική ουσία
Τελικό προϊόν
Δοκιμές σταθερότητας
Άλλες πληροφορίες
ΜΕΡΟΣ 3: Τεκμηρίωση ασφάλειας (δοκιμές ασφάλειας και καταλοίπων)
Δοκιμές ασφάλειας
Ακριβής ταυτοποίηση του προϊόντος και της/των δραστικής/-ών ουσίας/-ών του:
Τοξικότητα εφάπαξ δόσης
Τοξικότητα επανειλημμένων δόσεων
Ανοχή στο ζωικό είδος προορισμού
Τοξικότητα κατά την αναπαραγωγή συμπεριλαμβανομένης της τοξικότητας κατά την ανάπτυξη
Άλλες απαιτήσεις
Ειδικές μελέτες
Παρατηρήσεις σε ανθρώπους
Ανάπτυξη αντοχής και σχετικός κίνδυνος για τους ανθρώπους
Ασφάλεια του χρήστη
Αξιολόγηση περιβαλλοντικών κινδύνων
Αξιολόγηση των περιβαλλοντικών κινδύνων από κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα τα οποία δεν περιέχουν ή δεν αποτελούνται από γενετικώς τροποποιημένους οργανισμούς
Αξιολόγηση των περιβαλλοντικών κινδύνων από κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα τα οποία περιέχουν ή αποτελούνται από γενετικώς τροποποιημένους οργανισμούς
Μελέτες καταλοίπων
Ταυτοποίηση του φαρμάκου
Απομάκρυνση των καταλοίπων
Μέθοδος ανάλυσης των καταλοίπων
ΜΕΡΟΣ 4: Τεκμηρίωση σχετικά με την αποτελεσματικότητα (προκλινικές μελέτες και κλινικές δοκιμές)
Προκλινικές μελέτες
Ανάπτυξη αντοχής και σχετικός κίνδυνος για τα ζώα
Προσδιορισμός και επιβεβαίωση δόσης
Ανοχή στα ζωικά είδη προορισμού
Κλινικές δοκιμές
Γενικές αρχές
Αποτελέσματα προκλινικών μελετών
Αποτελέσματα κλινικών μελετών
ΜΕΡΟΣ 1: Περίληψη του φακέλου
ΜΕΡΟΣ 2: Τεκμηρίωση ποιότητας (φυσικοχημικές, βιολογικές ή μικροβιολογικές πληροφορίες)
Περιγραφή προϊόντος
Ποιοτική και ποσοτική σύνθεση
Ανάπτυξη προϊόντος
Περιγραφή της μεθόδου παρασκευής
Παρασκευή και έλεγχος των αρχικών υλικών
Αρχικά υλικά που περιλαμβάνονται στις φαρμακοποιίες
Αρχικά υλικά που δεν περιλαμβάνονται σε φαρμακοποιία
Αρχικά υλικά βιολογικής προέλευσης
Αρχικά υλικά μη βιολογικής προέλευσης
Δοκιμές ελέγχου κατά τη διαδικασία παρασκευής
Δοκιμές ελέγχου του τελικού προϊόντος
Ομοιογένεια των παρτίδων
Δοκιμές σταθερότητας
Άλλες πληροφορίες
ΜΕΡΟΣ 3: Τεκμηρίωση ασφάλειας (δοκιμές ασφάλειας και καταλοίπων) 67
Γενικές απαιτήσεις
Προκλινικές μελέτες
Κλινικές δοκιμές
Αξιολόγηση περιβαλλοντικών κινδύνων 72
Αξιολόγηση που απαιτείται για κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα που περιέχουν ή αποτελούνται από γενετικώς τροποποιημένους οργανισμούς
Δοκιμές καταλοίπων που πρέπει να συμπεριλαμβάνονται στις προκλινικές μελέτες
Κλινικές δοκιμές
Γενικές απαιτήσεις
Προκλινικές μελέτες
Κλινικές δοκιμές
Αιτήσεις για γενόσημα κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα
Αιτήσεις για υβριδικά κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα
Αιτήσεις για κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα σταθερού συνδυασμού
Αιτήσεις με συγκατάθεση
Αιτήσεις βάσει βιβλιογραφικών δεδομένων
Αιτήσεις για περιορισμένες αγορές
Αιτήσεις σε εξαιρετικές περιστάσεις
Κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα καινοτόμου θεραπείας
Γενικές απαιτήσεις
Απαιτήσεις ποιότητας
Απαιτήσεις ασφάλειας
Απαιτήσεις αποτελεσματικότητας
Ειδικές απαιτήσεις υποβολής στοιχείων για ειδικούς τύπους φαρμάκων καινοτόμου θεραπείας
Κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα γονιδιακής θεραπείας
Κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα αναγεννητικής ιατρικής, μηχανικής ιστών και κυτταρικής θεραπείας
Κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα ειδικά σχεδιασμένα για φαγοθεραπεία
Κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα που προέρχονται από νανοτεχνολογίες
Προϊόντα θεραπείας με αντιαγγελιοφόρο RNA και παρεμβολή RNA
Κύριο αρχείο αντιγόνων εμβολίων
Φάκελος πολλαπλών στελεχών
Τεχνολογία πλατφόρμας εμβολίων
Εγκεκριμένα ομοιοπαθητικά κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα
Γενικές αρχές
I.1.1. Τα έγγραφα που συνοδεύουν μια αίτηση για τη χορήγηση άδειας κυκλοφορίας δυνάμει του άρθρου 8 και των άρθρων 18 έως 25 υποβάλλονται σύμφωνα με τις απαιτήσεις που ορίζονται στο παρόν παράρτημα και λαμβάνουν υπόψη τα έγγραφα καθοδήγησης που εξέδωσε η Επιτροπή και τις απαιτήσεις για τον ηλεκτρονικό μορφότυπο που δημοσίευσε ο Οργανισμός.
I.1.2. Κατά τη συγκρότηση του φακέλου για την αίτηση χορήγησης άδειας κυκλοφορίας, οι αιτούντες λαμβάνουν επίσης υπόψη τις πιο ενημερωμένες κτηνιατρικές γνώσεις και τις επιστημονικές κατευθυντήριες γραμμές όσον αφορά την ποιότητα, την ασφάλεια και την αποτελεσματικότητα των κτηνιατρικών φαρμάκων που έχουν δημοσιευθεί από τον Οργανισμό.
I.1.3. Για τα κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα, ισχύουν για τα αντίστοιχα τμήματα του φακέλου όλες οι σχετικές μονογραφίες της Ευρωπαϊκής Φαρμακοποιίας, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των γενικών μονογραφιών και των γενικών κεφαλαίων.
I.1.4. Οι διαδικασίες παρασκευής της/των δραστικής/-ών ουσίας/-ών και του τελικού προϊόντος είναι σύμφωνες με την ορθή παρασκευαστική πρακτική (GMP).
I.1.5. Στην αίτηση περιλαμβάνονται όλες οι πληροφορίες που είναι σημαντικές για την αξιολόγηση του εξεταζόμενου κτηνιατρικού φαρμάκου, ανεξάρτητα εάν είναι ευνοϊκές ή δυσμενείς για το προϊόν. Ιδιαίτερα, παρέχεται κάθε λεπτομέρεια σχετική με κάθε μελέτη ή δοκιμή σχετικά με το κτηνιατρικό φάρμακο που δεν έχει ολοκληρωθεί ή που εγκαταλείφθηκε.
Ι.1.6. Οι φαρμακολογικές και οι τοξικολογικές μελέτες καθώς και οι μελέτες καταλοίπων και προκλινικής ασφάλειας πραγματοποιούνται σύμφωνα με τις διατάξεις περί ορθής εργαστηριακής πρακτικής (GLP) που θεσπίζονται στις οδηγίες 2004/10/ΕΚ (
) και 2004/9/ΕΚ (
) του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και του Συμβουλίου.
I.1.7. Όλα τα πειράματα σε ζώα πραγματοποιούνται λαμβανομένων υπόψη των αρχών που ορίζονται στην οδηγία 2010/63/ΕΕ, ανεξαρτήτως του τόπου διεξαγωγής των πειραμάτων.
I.1.8. Στον φάκελο περιλαμβάνεται ως χωριστό έγγραφο η αξιολόγηση περιβαλλοντικού κινδύνου όταν πρόκειται για την έγκριση κυκλοφορίας κτηνιατρικών φαρμάκων που περιέχουν ή αποτελούνται από γενετικώς τροποποιημένους οργανισμούς (ΓΤΟ) με την έννοια του άρθρου 2 της οδηγίας 2001/18/ΕΚ. Οι πληροφορίες υποβάλλονται σύμφωνα με τις διατάξεις της οδηγίας 2001/18/ΕΚ, λαμβανομένων υπόψη των οδηγιών που έχουν εκδοθεί από την Επιτροπή.
I.1.9. Ο αιτών, στο μέρος 1 του φακέλου αίτησης για χορήγηση άδειας κυκλοφορίας, επιβεβαιώνει ότι όλα τα στοιχεία που υποβάλλονται σχετικά με την ποιότητα, την ασφάλεια και την αποτελεσματικότητα του κτηνιατρικού φαρμάκου, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των δημοσιοποιημένων στοιχείων, δεν υπόκεινται σε προστασία τεχνικού φακέλου.
Απαιτήσεις σχετικά με τη σύνθεση του φακέλου
Κάθε φάκελος αίτησης για χορήγηση άδειας κυκλοφορίας κτηνιατρικού φαρμάκου αποτελείται από τα ακόλουθα μέρη:
Μέρος 1: Περίληψη του φακέλου
Το μέρος 1 περιλαμβάνει διοικητικές πληροφορίες, όπως παρατίθενται στο παράρτημα I, ως εξής:
Μέρος 1A: σημεία 1 έως 4 και 6.1 έως 6.4·
Μέρος 1Β: σημείο 5·
Μέρος 1Γ: σημείο 6.5.
Όσον αφορά το μέρος 1B σημείο 5.1, σε συνδυασμό με το άρθρο 35 παράγραφος 1 στοιχείο ιβ), μια αίτηση στην οποία προτείνεται ο χαρακτηρισμός ενός κτηνιατρικού φαρμάκου ως «μη υποκείμενου σε κτηνιατρική συνταγή» περιλαμβάνει μια κριτική επισκόπηση των χαρακτηριστικών του προϊόντος, προκειμένου να αιτιολογηθεί η καταλληλότητα του εν λόγω χαρακτηρισμού, λαμβανομένων υπόψη της ασφάλειας των ζώων που αποτελούν ή όχι στόχο, της δημόσιας υγείας, καθώς και της περιβαλλοντικής ασφάλειας, όπως υπογραμμίζεται στα κριτήρια που ορίζονται στο άρθρο 34 παράγραφος 3 στοιχεία α) έως ζ).
Κάθε κριτική έκθεση εμπειρογνωμόνων εκπονείται με βάση το επίπεδο των επιστημονικών γνώσεων τη στιγμή της υποβολής της αίτησης. Περιέχει αξιολόγηση των διαφόρων δοκιμών και πειραμάτων, η οποία περιλαμβάνεται στον φάκελο για τη χορήγηση άδειας κυκλοφορίας, και εξετάζει όλες τις πτυχές σχετικά με την εκτίμηση της ποιότητας, της ασφάλειας και της αποτελεσματικότητας του κτηνιατρικού φαρμάκου. Περιέχει τα αναλυτικά αποτελέσματα των δοκιμών και πειραμάτων που υποβάλλονται καθώς και ακριβείς βιβλιογραφικές παραπομπές. Παρέχονται αντίγραφα των βιβλιογραφικών παραπομπών που αναφέρονται.
Οι κριτικές εκθέσεις εμπειρογνωμόνων φέρουν ημερομηνία και την υπογραφή του συντάκτη των εν λόγω εκθέσεων και επισυνάπτονται πληροφορίες σχετικά με το ιστορικό εκπαίδευσης, κατάρτισης και επαγγελματικής εμπειρίας του συντάκτη. Δηλώνεται επίσης η επαγγελματική σχέση του συντάκτη με τον αιτούντα.
Οι κριτικές εκθέσεις εμπειρογνωμόνων και τα προσαρτήματα περιέχουν επακριβείς και σαφείς παραπομπές στις πληροφορίες που περιέχονται στον τεχνικό φάκελο.
Όταν το μέρος 2 παρουσιάζεται σε μορφότυπο του Κοινού Τεχνικού Εγγράφου (CTD), για την κριτική έκθεση εμπειρογνωμόνων σχετικά με την ποιότητα χρησιμοποιείται η γενική περίληψη ποιότητας (QOS).
Για τα μέρη 3 και 4 η κριτική έκθεση εμπειρογνωμόνων περιλαμβάνει επίσης σε μορφή πίνακα περίληψη του συνόλου του τεχνικού φακέλου και των σχετικών στοιχείων που υποβάλλονται.
Μέρος 2: Τεκμηρίωση ποιότητας (φυσικοχημικές, βιολογικές ή μικροβιολογικές πληροφορίες)
1) Τα (φυσικοχημικά, βιολογικά ή μικροβιολογικά) στοιχεία σχετικά με τη φαρμακευτική ποιότητα περιλαμβάνουν, για τη/τις δραστική/-ές ουσία/-ες και για το τελικό κτηνιατρικό φάρμακο, όλες τις σχετικές πληροφορίες όσον αφορά τη διαδικασία παρασκευής, τον χαρακτηρισμό και τις ιδιότητες, τις διαδικασίες και απαιτήσεις ποιοτικού ελέγχου, τη σταθερότητα καθώς και μια περιγραφή της σύνθεσης, της ανάπτυξης και της παρουσίασης του κτηνιατρικού φαρμάκου.
2) Μπορούν να εφαρμόζονται όλες οι μονογραφίες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ειδικών μονογραφιών, των γενικών μονογραφιών και των γενικών κεφαλαίων της Ευρωπαϊκής Φαρμακοποιίας. Για τα ανοσολογικά κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα, μπορούν να εφαρμόζονται όλες οι μονογραφίες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ειδικών μονογραφιών, των γενικών μονογραφιών και των γενικών κεφαλαίων της Ευρωπαϊκής Φαρμακοποιίας, εκτός και αν υπάρχει διαφορετική αιτιολόγηση. Εάν δεν υπάρχει μονογραφία της Ευρωπαϊκής Φαρμακοποιίας, ισχύει η μονογραφία της φαρμακοποιίας κράτους μέλους. Σε περίπτωση που μια ουσία δεν περιγράφεται ούτε στην Ευρωπαϊκή Φαρμακοποιία ούτε στη φαρμακοποιία κράτους μέλους μπορεί να γίνει αποδεκτή η συμμόρφωση με μονογραφία από φαρμακοποιία τρίτης χώρας, εάν αποδεικνύεται η καταλληλότητά της· σε τέτοιες περιπτώσεις ο αιτών υποβάλλει αντίγραφο της μονογραφίας συνοδευόμενο από μετάφραση, εάν χρειάζεται. Υποβάλλονται αποδείξεις σχετικά με το αν η μονογραφία καθιστά δυνατή τη διενέργεια κατάλληλου ελέγχου της ποιότητας της ουσίας.
3) Εάν χρησιμοποιούνται δοκιμές διαφορετικές από εκείνες που αναφέρονται στη φαρμακοποιία, η χρήση αυτών των δοκιμών αιτιολογείται με την παροχή αποδεικτικών στοιχείων ότι τα υλικά, αν εξετάζονταν σύμφωνα με τη φαρμακοποιία, θα πληρούσαν τις απαιτήσεις ποιότητας της σχετικής μονογραφίας φαρμακοποιίας.
4) Όλες οι διαδικασίες δοκιμών για την ανάλυση και τον έλεγχο της ποιότητας πραγματοποιούνται λαμβανομένων υπόψη των καθιερωμένων οδηγιών και απαιτήσεων. Επίσης παρέχονται τα αποτελέσματα των μελετών επικύρωσης. Όλες οι διαδικασίες δοκιμών περιγράφονται με επαρκείς λεπτομέρειες ώστε να δύνανται να αναπαράγονται σε δοκιμές ελέγχου που διενεργούνται κατόπιν αίτησης των αρμοδίων αρχών και να αξιολογούνται ορθά από την αρμόδια αρχή. Κάθε ειδική συσκευή και εξοπλισμός που μπορεί να χρησιμοποιείται, αποτελεί αντικείμενο περιγραφής κατά τον προσήκοντα τρόπο, συνοδευόμενης, ενδεχομένως, από διάγραμμα. Οι τύποι των εργαστηριακών αντιδραστηρίων συνοδεύονται, αν χρειάζεται, και από τη μέθοδο παρασκευής τους. Στην περίπτωση των διαδικασιών δοκιμών που περιλαμβάνονται στην Ευρωπαϊκή Φαρμακοποιία ή στη φαρμακοποιία κράτους μέλους η προαναφερόμενη περιγραφή μπορεί να αντικατασταθεί από λεπτομερή παραπομπή στην εν λόγω φαρμακοποιία.
5) Αν διατίθεται, χρησιμοποιείται χημικό και βιολογικό υλικό αναφοράς της Ευρωπαϊκής Φαρμακοποιίας. Αν χρησιμοποιούνται άλλα παρασκευάσματα και πρότυπα αναφοράς, επισημαίνονται και περιγράφονται λεπτομερώς.
6) Τα στοιχεία σχετικά με τη φαρμακευτική ποιότητα (φυσικοχημικά, βιολογικά ή μικροβιολογικά) για τη δραστική ουσία και/ή το τελικό προϊόν μπορούν να περιλαμβάνονται στον φάκελο σε μορφότυπο του Κοινού Τεχνικού Εγγράφου (CTD).
7) Για τα βιολογικά κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ανοσολογικών, οι πληροφορίες σχετικά με τους διαλύτες που απαιτούνται για την παρασκευή του τελικού προϊόντος περιλαμβάνονται στον φάκελο. Ένα βιολογικό κτηνιατρικό φάρμακο θεωρείται ως ένα προϊόν ακόμη και αν απαιτούνται περισσότεροι από ένας διαλύτες έτσι ώστε να μπορούν να κατασκευαστούν διαφορετικά παρασκευάσματα του προϊόντος, τα οποία μπορεί να χορηγούνται με διαφορετικές οδούς ή μεθόδους χορήγησης. Οι διαλύτες που παρέχονται με τα βιολογικά κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα μπορούν να συσκευάζονται μαζί με τα φιαλίδια δραστικής ουσίας ή χωριστά.
8) Σύμφωνα με την οδηγία 2010/63/ΕΕ και την Ευρωπαϊκή σύμβαση για την προστασία των σπονδυλωτών ζώων που χρησιμοποιούνται για πειραματικούς και άλλους επιστημονικούς σκοπούς, οι δοκιμές εκτελούνται με τη χρήση του ελάχιστου δυνατού αριθμού ζώων και προκαλώντας στον ελάχιστο δυνατό βαθμό πόνο, ταλαιπωρία, αγωνία ή μόνιμη βλάβη. Αν διατίθεται, χρησιμοποιείται εναλλακτική δοκιμή in vitro, εφόσον κάτι τέτοιο έχει ως αποτέλεσμα την αντικατάσταση ή τη μείωση της χρήσης ζώων ή τη μείωση της ταλαιπωρίας.
Μέρος 3: Τεκμηρίωση ασφάλειας (δοκιμές ασφάλειας και καταλοίπων)
1) Ο φάκελος των μελετών ασφάλειας περιέχει τα ακόλουθα:
σύνθεση των δοκιμών που διενεργήθηκαν σύμφωνα με το παρόν μέρος, με αναλυτικές παραπομπές στην υπάρχουσα βιβλιογραφία, η οποία περιέχει αντικειμενική εξέταση όλων των επιτευχθέντων αποτελεσμάτων. Η παράλειψη κάποιας δοκιμής ή κάποιου πειράματος και η υποβολή ενός εναλλακτικού είδους μελέτης επισημαίνεται και σχολιάζεται·
δήλωση συμμόρφωσης με την ορθή εργαστηριακή πρακτική (GLP) για τις προκλινικές μελέτες ασφάλειας, κατά περίπτωση, μαζί με εξέταση της συμβολής που μπορεί να έχει στη γενική αξιολόγηση του κινδύνου κάθε μελέτη που δεν πραγματοποιήθηκε σύμφωνα με την ορθή εργαστηριακή πρακτική, και αιτιολόγηση της μη συμμόρφωσης με την ορθή εργαστηριακή πρακτική.
2) Ο φάκελος περιλαμβάνει τα ακόλουθα:
κατάλογο όλων των μελετών και πειραμάτων που περιλαμβάνονται στον φάκελο·
αιτιολόγηση για την παράλειψη τυχόν μελέτης ή δοκιμής·
εξήγηση της υποβολής εναλλακτικού είδους μελέτης ή πειράματος·
εξέταση της συμβολής που μπορεί να προσφέρει στη γενική αξιολόγηση του κινδύνου κάθε μελέτη ή πείραμα που δεν πραγματοποιήθηκε σύμφωνα με την ορθή εργαστηριακή πρακτική (GLP), και αιτιολόγηση της μη συμμόρφωσης με την ορθή εργαστηριακή πρακτική.
Μέρος 4: Τεκμηρίωση σχετικά με την αποτελεσματικότητα (προκλινικές μελέτες και κλινικές δοκιμές)
1) Ο φάκελος σχετικά με την αποτελεσματικότητα περιλαμβάνει όλη την προκλινική και κλινική τεκμηρίωση, ανεξάρτητα από το αν είναι ευμενής ή δυσμενής για τα κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα, προκειμένου να καταστεί δυνατή μια αντικειμενική γενική εκτίμηση του ισολογισμού οφέλους-κινδύνου του προϊόντος.
2) Ο φάκελος των μελετών αποτελεσματικότητας περιέχει τα ακόλουθα:
σύνθεση των δοκιμών που διενεργήθηκαν σύμφωνα με το παρόν μέρος, με αναλυτικές παραπομπές στην υπάρχουσα βιβλιογραφία, η οποία περιέχει αντικειμενική εξέταση όλων των επιτευχθέντων αποτελεσμάτων. Η παράλειψη κάποιας δοκιμής ή κάποιου πειράματος και η υποβολή ενός εναλλακτικού είδους μελέτης επισημαίνεται και σχολιάζεται·
δήλωση συμμόρφωσης με την ορθή εργαστηριακή πρακτική (GLP) για τις προκλινικές μελέτες ασφάλειας, κατά περίπτωση, μαζί με εξέταση της συμβολής που μπορεί να έχει στη γενική αξιολόγηση του κινδύνου κάθε μελέτη που δεν πραγματοποιήθηκε σύμφωνα με την ορθή εργαστηριακή πρακτική, και αιτιολόγηση της μη συμμόρφωσης με την ορθή εργαστηριακή πρακτική.
3) Ο φάκελος περιλαμβάνει τα ακόλουθα:
κατάλογο όλων των μελετών που περιλαμβάνονται στον φάκελο·
αιτιολόγηση για την παράλειψη τυχόν μελέτης·
εξήγηση της υποβολής εναλλακτικού είδους μελέτης.
4) Σκοπός των πειραμάτων που περιγράφονται στο μέρος αυτό είναι να καταδείξουν την αποτελεσματικότητα του κτηνιατρικού φαρμάκου. Κάθε ισχυρισμός του αιτούντος όσον αφορά τις ιδιότητες, τα αποτελέσματα και τη χρήση του προϊόντος υποστηρίζεται πλήρως από τα αποτελέσματα ειδικών πειραμάτων που περιλαμβάνονται στην αίτηση για τη χορήγηση άδειας κυκλοφορίας.
5) Όλα τα πειράματα αποτελεσματικότητας εκτελούνται με βάση ένα πλήρως ελεγμένο λεπτομερές πρωτόκολλο, το οποίο καταχωρίζεται γραπτώς πριν από την έναρξη του πειράματος. Η ορθή μεταχείριση των πειραματόζωων υπόκειται σε κτηνιατρική επίβλεψη και λαμβάνεται πλήρως υπόψη κατά την εκπόνηση κάθε πρωτοκόλλου πειράματος και κατά τη διενέργειά του.
6) Οι κλινικές δοκιμές (πειράματα υπό φυσικές συνθήκες) πραγματοποιούνται σύμφωνα με εγκεκριμένες αρχές ορθής κλινικής πρακτικής, εκτός και αν υπάρχει άλλη αιτιολογία.
7) Πριν από την έναρξη κάθε πειράματος υπό φυσικές συνθήκες λαμβάνεται και τεκμηριώνεται η ενημερωμένη συναίνεση του κατόχου των ζώων που θα χρησιμοποιηθούν στη δοκιμή. Ειδικότερα, ο κάτοχος των ζώων ενημερώνεται γραπτώς σχετικά με τις συνέπειες που μπορεί να έχει η συμμετοχή στο πείραμα όσον αφορά τη μετέπειτα διάθεση των υποβληθέντων σε θεραπευτική αγωγή ζώων ή τη λήψη τροφίμων από τα ζώα αυτά.
Λεπτομερείς απαιτήσεις για διαφορετικούς τύπους κτηνιατρικών φαρμάκων ή φακέλων άδειας κυκλοφορίας
1) Λεπτομερείς απαιτήσεις για διαφορετικούς τύπους κτηνιατρικών φαρμάκων ή ειδικούς τύπους φακέλων άδειας κυκλοφορίας παρατίθενται στα ακόλουθα τμήματα του παρόντος παραρτήματος:
το τμήμα II περιγράφει τις τυποποιημένες απαιτήσεις για αιτήσεις που αφορούν κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα εκτός των βιολογικών κτηνιατρικών φαρμάκων·
το τμήμα III περιγράφει τις τυποποιημένες απαιτήσεις για τις αιτήσεις που αφορούν βιολογικά κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα·
το τμήμα IIΙα περιγράφει τις τυποποιημένες απαιτήσεις για τις αιτήσεις που αφορούν βιολογικά κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα εκτός των ανοσολογικών κτηνιατρικών φαρμάκων·
το τμήμα IIΙβ περιγράφει τις τυποποιημένες απαιτήσεις για τις αιτήσεις που αφορούν ανοσολογικά κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα·
το τμήμα IV περιγράφει τις απαιτήσεις για ειδικούς τύπους φακέλων άδειας κυκλοφορίας·
το τμήμα V περιγράφει τις απαιτήσεις φακέλου για ειδικούς τύπους κτηνιατρικών φαρμάκων·
Οι ακόλουθες λεπτομερείς απαιτήσεις ισχύουν για κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα εκτός των βιολογικών κτηνιατρικών φαρμάκων, εξαιρουμένων αυτών που ορίζονται διαφορετικά στο τμήμα IV.
Μέρος 1: Περίληψη του φακέλου
Βλέπε τμήμα I.
Μέρος 2: Τεκμηρίωση ποιότητας (φυσικοχημικές, βιολογικές ή μικροβιολογικές πληροφορίες)
Περιγραφή προϊόντος
Ποιοτική και ποσοτική σύνθεση
1) Ως ποιοτική σύνθεση όλων των συστατικών του φαρμάκου, νοείται ο καθορισμός ή η περιγραφή:
της/των δραστικής/-ών ουσίας/-ών·
των εκδόχων, των συστατικών των εκδόχων, ανεξάρτητα από τη φύση τους ή τη χρησιμοποιούμενη ποσότητα, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των χρωστικών ουσιών, των συντηρητικών, των ανοσοενισχυτών, των σταθεροποιητών, των πυκνωτικών μέσων, των γαλακτωματοποιητών, των βελτιωτικών γεύσης και των αρωματικών ουσιών,
άλλων συστατικών του εξωτερικού περιβλήματος των κτηνιατρικών φαρμάκων, όπως κάψουλες, κάψουλες ζελατίνης, συσκευές μεγάλης κοιλίας, που προορίζονται για κατάποση ή για με οποιοδήποτε άλλο τρόπο χορήγηση στα ζώα,
κάθε σχετικού στοιχείου όσον αφορά τη στοιχειώδη συσκευασία και, εάν υπάρχει, όσον αφορά την εξωτερική συσκευασία και, κατά περίπτωση, τον τρόπο κλεισίματός της σε συνδυασμό με λεπτομέρειες για τις συσκευές με τις οποίες θα χρησιμοποιείται ή θα χορηγείται το κτηνιατρικό φάρμακο και οι οποίες συσκευές θα παρέχονται με το φάρμακο.
2) Ως συνήθης ορολογία που πρέπει να χρησιμοποιείται για την περιγραφή των συστατικών των κτηνιατρικών φαρμάκων, με την επιφύλαξη της εφαρμογής των λοιπών διατάξεων του άρθρου 8 νοείται:
για τις ουσίες που εμφανίζονται στην Ευρωπαϊκή Φαρμακοποιία ή, αν δεν υπάρχουν σε αυτήν, στην εθνική φαρμακοποιία ενός από τα κράτη μέλη, ο κύριος τίτλος που υπάρχει στην επικεφαλίδα της σχετικής μονογραφίας, με παραπομπή στην οικεία φαρμακοποιία,
για τις άλλες ουσίες, η διεθνής κοινή ονομασία (INN) που συνιστάται από τον Παγκόσμιο Οργανισμό Υγείας (ΠΟΥ), η οποία μπορεί να συνοδεύεται και από κάποια άλλη κοινή ονομασία ή, εάν δεν υπάρχει, από την ακριβή επιστημονική ονομασία,
τα συστατικά που δεν έχουν διεθνή κοινή ονομασία ή ακριβή επιστημονική ονομασία προσδιορίζονται με δήλωση ως προς τον τρόπο και τις ουσίες από τις οποίες παρασκευάσθηκαν, συνοδευόμενη, αν χρειάζεται, και από οποιαδήποτε άλλη σχετική λεπτομέρεια,
για τις χρωστικές ουσίες, ο χαρακτηρισμός με τον κωδικό «Ε» που τους έχει αποδοθεί σύμφωνα με την οδηγία 2009/35/ΕΚ του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και του Συμβουλίου.
3) Για την παροχή της ποσοτικής σύνθεσης για όλες τις δραστικές ουσίες και τα έκδοχα των κτηνιατρικών φαρμάκων, είναι ανάγκη, ανάλογα με την εκάστοτε φαρμακευτική μορφή, να προσδιορίζεται για κάθε δραστική ουσία και έκδοχο η μάζα ή ο αριθμός των μονάδων βιολογικής δραστικότητας, είτε ανά μονάδα δόσης είτε ανά μονάδα μάζας ή όγκου.
4) Οι μονάδες βιολογικής δραστικότητας χρησιμοποιούνται για ουσίες που δεν μπορούν να καθοριστούν χημικώς. Όπου έχει ορισθεί διεθνής μονάδα βιολογικής δραστικότητας, αυτή και χρησιμοποιείται. Όταν δεν έχει οριστεί διεθνής μονάδα, οι μονάδες βιολογικής δραστικότητας εκφράζονται με τρόπο ώστε να παρέχουν σαφείς πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη δραστικότητα των ουσιών χρησιμοποιώντας, αν ισχύουν, τις Μονάδες της Ευρωπαϊκής Φαρμακοποιίας.
5) Η ποσοτική σύνθεση συμπληρώνεται:
για παρασκευάσματα μίας δόσης: από τη μάζα ή τις μονάδες βιολογικής δραστικότητας κάθε δραστικής ουσίας ανά περιέκτη μιας μονάδας, λαμβανομένου υπόψη του χρησιμοποιήσιμου όγκου του προϊόντος, ύστερα από ανασύσταση, κατά περίπτωση,
για τα κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα που πρέπει να χορηγούνται σε σταγόνες: από τη μάζα ή τις μονάδες βιολογικής δραστικότητας κάθε δραστικής ουσίας που περιέχεται ανά σταγόνα ή περιέχεται στον αριθμό σταγόνων που αντιστοιχεί σε 1 ml ή σε 1 g του παρασκευάσματος,
για τις φαρμακευτικές μορφές που πρέπει να χορηγούνται σε μετρημένες ποσότητες: με τη μάζα ή τις μονάδες βιολογικής δραστικότητας κάθε δραστικής ουσίας ανά μετρημένη ποσότητα.
6) Οι δραστικές ουσίες που υπάρχουν με τη μορφή ενώσεων ή παραγώγων προσδιορίζονται ποσοτικώς με την ολική τους μάζα και, αν χρειάζεται ή είναι σκόπιμο, με τη μάζα του δραστικού τμήματος ή των δραστικών τμημάτων του μορίου.
7) Για τα κτηνιατρικά προϊόντα που περιέχουν μια δραστική ουσία η οποία αποτελεί αντικείμενο αίτησης για τη χορήγηση άδειας κυκλοφορίας για πρώτη φορά στην Ένωση, η ποσοτική δήλωση μιας δραστικής ουσίας που είναι άλας ή ένυδρη εκφράζεται συστηματικά με βάση τη μάζα του δραστικού τμήματος ή των δραστικών τμημάτων του μορίου. Όλα τα κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα για τα οποία χορηγείται στη συνέχεια άδεια κυκλοφορίας στα κράτη μέλη οφείλουν να έχουν την ποσοτική σύνθεσή τους διατυπωμένη με τον ίδιο τρόπο για την ίδια δραστική ουσία.
Ανάπτυξη προϊόντος
1) Παρέχεται εξήγηση όσον αφορά την επιλογή της σύνθεσης, των συστατικών, της συσκευασίας, την προβλεπόμενη λειτουργία των εκδόχων στο τελικό προϊόν και τη μέθοδο της παρασκευής του τελικού προϊόντος, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της αιτιολόγησης της επιλογής της μεθόδου και λεπτομερειών για τις χρησιμοποιούμενες μεθόδους αποστείρωσης και/ή άσηπτες διαδικασίες. Η εν λόγω εξήγηση υποστηρίζεται από επιστημονικά στοιχεία σχετικά με την ανάπτυξη φαρμάκων. Δηλώνεται τυχόν περίσσεια με την αντίστοιχη αιτιολόγησή της. Τα μικροβιολογικά χαρακτηριστικά (μικροβιολογική καθαρότητα και αντιμικροβιακή δράση) και οι οδηγίες χρήσης πρέπει να αποδεικνύεται ότι ενδείκνυνται για την προβλεπόμενη χρήση του κτηνιατρικού φαρμάκου όπως διευκρινίζεται στον φάκελο της αίτησης για τη χορήγηση άδειας κυκλοφορίας.
2) Εάν θεωρείται υπαρκτός ο κίνδυνος αλληλεπίδρασης μεταξύ τελικού προϊόντος και πρωτογενούς συσκευασίας, υποβάλλεται μελέτη σχετική με την αλληλεπίδραση προϊόντος και πρωτογενούς συσκευασίας, ιδιαίτερα αν πρόκειται για ενέσιμα σκευάσματα.
3) Τα προτεινόμενα μεγέθη συσκευασίας αιτιολογούνται σε σχέση με την προτεινόμενη οδό χορήγησης, τη δοσολογία και τα ζωικά είδη-προορισμού ιδίως για τις αντιμικροβιακές (δραστικές) ουσίες.
4) Όταν με το τελικό προϊόν παρέχεται δοσομετρική συσκευή, καταδεικνύεται η ακρίβεια της/των δόσης/-εων.
5) Όταν συνιστάται συνοδευτική δοκιμή για χρήση με το τελικό προϊόν (π.χ. διαγνωστική δοκιμή), παρέχονται σχετικές πληροφορίες για τη δοκιμή.
6) Για τα κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα που προορίζονται για ενσωμάτωση σε ζωοτροφές, παρέχονται πληροφορίες σχετικά με τα ποσοστά περιεκτικότητας, τις οδηγίες για την ανάμειξη, την ομοιογένεια στη ζωοτροφή και τη συμβατότητα/κατάλληλες ζωοτροφές.
Περιγραφή της μεθόδου παρασκευής
1) Η περιγραφή της μεθόδου παρασκευής που επισυνάπτεται στην αίτηση για χορήγηση άδειας κυκλοφορίας σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 8, διατυπώνεται έτσι ώστε να παρέχεται ικανοποιητική εικόνα της φύσης των πραγματοποιούμενων εργασιών.
2) Για τον λόγο αυτόν, η περιγραφή αυτή περιλαμβάνει τουλάχιστον:
την πραγματική σύνθεση παρασκευής για τα προτεινόμενα μεγέθη εμπορικών παρτίδων, με τα ποσοτικά στοιχεία όλων των ουσιών που χρησιμοποιούνται. Δηλώνονται τυχόν ουσίες που ενδέχεται να εξαφανίζονται κατά τη διάρκεια της παρασκευής· οποιαδήποτε περίσσεια επισημαίνεται·
περιγραφή των σταδίων παρασκευής με σαφείς πληροφορίες για τις συνθήκες λειτουργίας της διαδικασίας, με περιγραφή η οποία συνοδεύεται από διάγραμμα ροής της διαδικασίας·
στην περίπτωση συνεχούς παρασκευής, πλήρως λεπτομερή στοιχεία ως προς τα προφυλακτικά μέτρα που λαμβάνονται για να εξασφαλισθεί η ομοιογένεια του τελικού προϊόντος. Παρέχονται πληροφορίες σχετικά με τον τρόπο ορισμού μιας παρτίδας (για παράδειγμα, με όρους χρονικού διαστήματος ή ποσότητας προϊόντος και, ενδεχομένως, με όρους εύρους)·
απαρίθμηση ελέγχων κατά τη διάρκεια της παρασκευής, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του σταδίου της παρασκευής στο οποίο διενεργούνται και των κριτηρίων αποδοχής·
πειραματικές μελέτες που επικυρώνουν τη διαδικασία παρασκευής και, εάν χρειάζεται, ένα σχήμα επικύρωσης της διαδικασίας για παραγωγικές παρτίδες·
στην περίπτωση αποστειρωμένων προϊόντων, όταν δεν χρησιμοποιούνται συνθήκες αποστείρωσης της φαρμακοποιίας, λεπτομέρειες για τις χρησιμοποιούμενες μεθόδους αποστείρωσης και/ή άσηπτες διαδικασίες.
Παρασκευή και έλεγχος των αρχικών υλικών
1) Για τους σκοπούς του παρόντος σημείου, ως «αρχικά υλικά» νοούνται οι δραστικές ουσίες, τα έκδοχα και η συσκευασία (στοιχειώδης συσκευασία με το σύστημα κλεισίματός της και, κατά περίπτωση, εξωτερική συσκευασία και κάθε δοσομετρική συσκευή που παρέχεται με το κτηνιατρικό φάρμακο).
2) Ο φάκελος περιλαμβάνει τις προδιαγραφές και τις πληροφορίες σχετικά με τις δοκιμές που πρέπει να πραγματοποιούνται για τον έλεγχο ποιότητας όλων των παρτίδων αρχικών υλικών.
3) Οι δοκιμές ρουτίνας που εκτελούνται στα αρχικά υλικά εκτελούνται κατά τρόπο ίδιο με αυτόν που δηλώνεται στον φάκελο.
4) Εάν έχει εκδοθεί πιστοποιητικό καταλληλότητας από την Ευρωπαϊκή Διεύθυνση για την Ποιότητα των Φαρμάκων και την Υγειονομική Περίθαλψη για ένα αρχικό υλικό, δραστική ουσία ή έκδοχο, το πιστοποιητικό αυτό αποτελεί την παραπομπή στη σχετική μονογραφία της Ευρωπαϊκής Φαρμακοποιίας.
5) Όταν υπάρχει παραπομπή σε πιστοποιητικό καταλληλότητας, ο παρασκευαστής παρέχει στον αιτούντα γραπτή διαβεβαίωση ότι η παραγωγική διαδικασία δεν τροποποιήθηκε από τότε που χορηγήθηκε το πιστοποιητικό καταλληλότητας εκ μέρους της Ευρωπαϊκής Διεύθυνσης για την Ποιότητα των Φαρμάκων και την Υγειονομική Περίθαλψη. Σε περίπτωση που το πεδίο «πλαίσιο πρόσβασης» στο πιστοποιητικό είναι συμπληρωμένο και υπογεγραμμένο, η εν λόγω απαίτηση θεωρείται ότι πληρούται χωρίς να απαιτείται πρόσθετη διαβεβαίωση.
6) Πιστοποιητικά ανάλυσης υποβάλλονται για τα αρχικά υλικά έτσι ώστε να καταδεικνύεται η συμμόρφωση με τις καθορισμένες προδιαγραφές.
II.2Γ1. Δραστική/-ές ουσία/-ες
1) Τα απαιτούμενα στοιχεία υποβάλλονται με έναν από τους τρεις τρόπους, όπως περιγράφεται στα σημεία 2 έως 4.
2) Υποβάλλονται τα ακόλουθα στοιχεία:
παρέχονται πληροφορίες για την ταυτότητα, τη δομή και ένας κατάλογος των φυσικοχημικών και άλλων σχετικών ιδιοτήτων της δραστικής ουσίας, ιδίως των φυσικοχημικών ιδιοτήτων που ενδέχεται να επηρεάσουν την ασφάλεια και την αποτελεσματικότητα της δραστικής ουσίας. Κατά περίπτωση, η απόδειξη της μοριακής δομής περιλαμβάνει τη σχηματική ακολουθία αμινοξέων και τη σχετική μοριακή μάζα·
οι πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη διαδικασία παρασκευής περιλαμβάνουν περιγραφή της διαδικασίας παρασκευής της δραστικής ουσίας που εκφράζει τη δέσμευση του αιτούντος για την παρασκευή της δραστικής ουσίας. Απαριθμούνται όλα τα υλικά που απαιτούνται για να παρασκευαστεί/-ούν η/οι δραστική/-ές ουσία/-ες, επισημαίνοντας σε ποιο σημείο της διεργασίας χρησιμοποιείται το κάθε υλικό. Επίσης παρέχονται πληροφορίες σχετικά με την ποιότητα και τον έλεγχο των υλικών αυτών. Παρέχονται πληροφορίες που καταδεικνύουν ότι τα υλικά πληρούν τα πρότυπα τα σχετικά με την προβλεπόμενη χρήση τους·
οι πληροφορίες σχετικά με τον έλεγχο ποιότητας περιέχουν δοκιμές (περιλαμβανομένων των κριτηρίων αποδοχής) που πραγματοποιήθηκαν σε κάθε κρίσιμη βαθμίδα, πληροφορίες για την ποιότητα και τον έλεγχο των ενδιαμέσων και, κατά περίπτωση, μελέτες επικύρωσης και/ή αξιολόγησης της διαδικασίας. Επίσης, περιέχουν στοιχεία επικύρωσης για τις αναλυτικές μεθόδους που εφαρμόζονται στη δραστική ουσία, εάν χρειάζεται·
στις πληροφορίες σχετικά με προσμείξεις επισημαίνονται οι προβλεπόμενες προσμείξεις μαζί με τα επίπεδα και τη φύση των παρατηρηθεισών προσμείξεων. Επίσης περιέχονται πληροφορίες σχετικά με την ασφάλεια αυτών των προσμείξεων όπου υπάρχουν.
3) Κύριο αρχείο δραστικής ουσίας
Για μια μη βιολογική δραστική ουσία, ο αιτών πρέπει να φροντίσει ώστε οι πληροφορίες για τη δραστική ουσία στο σημείο 2 να υποβάλλονται απευθείας στις αρμόδιες αρχές από τον παρασκευαστή της δραστικής ουσίας ως κύριο αρχείο δραστικής ουσίας. Στην περίπτωση αυτή, ο παρασκευαστής της δραστικής ουσίας παρέχει στον αιτούντα όλα τα στοιχεία (μέρος του κύριου αρχείου δραστικής ουσίας που ανήκει στον αιτούντα) που χρειάζεται για να αναλάβει τις ευθύνες του για το κτηνιατρικό φάρμακο. Στον φάκελο του φαρμάκου περιλαμβάνεται αντίγραφο των στοιχείων που παρέχονται από τον παρασκευαστή της δραστικής ουσίας στον αιτούντα. Ο παρασκευαστής της δραστικής ουσίας δεσμεύεται γραπτώς έναντι του αιτούντος ότι θα εξασφαλίσει την ομοιογένεια των παρτίδων και δεν θα τροποποιήσει τη διαδικασία παρασκευής ή τις προδιαγραφές χωρίς να ενημερώσει τον αιτούντα.
4) Πιστοποιητικό καταλληλότητας που εκδίδεται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Διεύθυνση για την Ποιότητα των Φαρμάκων και την Υγειονομική Περίθαλψη
Υποβάλλεται το πιστοποιητικό καταλληλότητας και τυχόν πρόσθετα στοιχεία που αφορούν τη μορφή δόσης τα οποία δεν καλύπτονται από το πιστοποιητικό καταλληλότητας.
Δραστικές ουσίες που περιλαμβάνονται σε φαρμακοποιίες
1) Οι δραστικές ουσίες που πληρούν τις απαιτήσεις της Ευρωπαϊκής Φαρμακοποιίας ή, εάν δεν υπάρχει μονογραφία της Ευρωπαϊκής Φαρμακοποιίας, της φαρμακοποιίας ενός κράτους μέλους θεωρούνται ότι συμμορφώνονται επαρκώς με το άρθρο 8. Στην περίπτωση αυτή, η περιγραφή των μεθόδων και των διαδικασιών ανάλυσης αντικαθίστανται σε κάθε σχετικό τμήμα από την κατάλληλη παραπομπή στην εν λόγω φαρμακοποιία.
2) Στις περιπτώσεις όπου κάποια προδιαγραφή που περιέχεται σε μονογραφία της Ευρωπαϊκής Φαρμακοποιίας ή στην εθνική φαρμακοποιία ενός κράτους μέλους ενδέχεται να είναι ανεπαρκής για τη διασφάλιση της ποιότητας της ουσίας, οι αρμόδιες αρχές μπορούν να ζητήσουν καταλληλότερες προδιαγραφές από τον αιτούντα, περιλαμβάνοντας κριτήρια αποδοχής για συγκεκριμένες προσμείξεις με επικυρωμένες διαδικασίες δοκιμής.
3) Οι αρμόδιες αρχές ενημερώνουν γι’ αυτό τις αρχές που είναι υπεύθυνες για την εν λόγω φαρμακοποιία. Ο κάτοχος της άδειας κυκλοφορίας παρέχει στις αρχές της εν λόγω φαρμακοποιίας λεπτομερείς πληροφορίες σχετικά με την υποτιθέμενη ανεπάρκεια και τις πρόσθετες προδιαγραφές που εφαρμόστηκαν.
Δραστικές ουσίες που δεν περιλαμβάνονται σε φαρμακοποιία
1) Οι δραστικές ουσίες που δεν περιλαμβάνονται σε κάποια φαρμακοποιία περιγράφονται με τη μορφή μονογραφίας σύμφωνα με την ακόλουθη μέθοδο:
η ονομασία του συστατικού, που ανταποκρίνεται στις απαιτήσεις του τμήματος II.2A1. σημείο 2, συμπληρώνεται με τα εμπορικά ή με τα επιστημονικά συνώνυμα·
ο ορισμός της ουσίας, διατυπωμένος κατά τρόπο ανάλογο εκείνου που χρησιμοποιείται στην Ευρωπαϊκή Φαρμακοποιία, συνοδεύεται από τις αναγκαίες επεξηγηματικές αποδείξεις ιδίως όσον αφορά τη μοριακή δομή. Εάν οι ουσίες μπορούν να περιγραφούν μόνο με τη μέθοδο παρασκευής τους, η περιγραφή είναι αρκετά λεπτομερής ώστε να χαρακτηρίζει μια ουσία η οποία να είναι σταθερή τόσο ως προς τη σύστασή της όσο και ως προς τις επιδράσεις της·
οι μέθοδοι ταυτοποίησης μπορούν να περιγράφονται με τη μορφή πλήρων τεχνικών, όπως αυτές χρησιμοποιούνται για την παρασκευή της ουσίας, και με τη μορφή δοκιμών που πρέπει να διενεργούνται εν είδει ρουτίνας·
οι έλεγχοι καθαρότητας περιγράφονται σε συνάρτηση με κάθε επιμέρους προβλεπόμενη πρόσμειξη, ιδίως εκείνων που μπορεί να έχουν κάποια επιβλαβή επίδραση και, εφόσον είναι αναγκαίο, εκείνων που, λαμβανομένου υπόψη του συνδυασμού των ουσιών που αποτελούν αντικείμενο της αίτησης, θα μπορούσαν να επηρεάσουν δυσμενώς τη σταθερότητα του φαρμάκου ή να αλλοιώσουν τα αποτελέσματα των αναλύσεων·
περιγράφονται οι δοκιμές και τα κριτήρια αποδοχής για τον έλεγχο παραμέτρων σχετικά με το τελικό προϊόν, όπως η αποστείρωση, και επικυρώνονται οι μέθοδοι, εάν χρειάζεται·
ως προς τις σύνθετες ουσίες φυτικής ή ζωικής προέλευσης, γίνεται διάκριση μεταξύ της περίπτωσης εκείνης στην οποία οι πολλαπλές φαρμακολογικές επιδράσεις καθιστούν αναγκαίο τον χημικό, φυσικό ή βιολογικό έλεγχο των κύριων συστατικών και της περίπτωσης εκείνης ουσιών που περιέχουν μία ή περισσότερες δραστικές ομάδες με παρόμοια δραστικότητα, για τις οποίες μπορεί να γίνει αποδεκτή μία γενική μέθοδος ποσοτικού προσδιορισμού.
2) Αυτά τα στοιχεία καταδεικνύουν ότι η προτεινόμενη σειρά διαδικασιών δοκιμής είναι επαρκής για τον έλεγχο της ποιότητας μιας δραστικής ουσίας από την καθορισμένη πηγή.
Φυσικοχημικά χαρακτηριστικά που μπορούν να επηρεάσουν τη βιοδιαθεσιμότητα
Τα παρακάτω στοιχεία για δραστικές ουσίες παρέχονται ως μέρος της γενικής περιγραφής των δραστικών ουσιών, αν η βιοδιαθεσιμότητα του κτηνιατρικού φαρμάκου εξαρτάται από αυτές:
κρυσταλλική μορφή και διαλυτότητα·
μέγεθος των σωματιδίων·
κατάσταση ενυδάτωσης·
συντελεστής κατανομής ελαίου/ύδατος·
τιμές pK/pH.
Τα στοιχεία α) έως γ) δεν εφαρμόζονται για τις ουσίες που χρησιμοποιούνται αποκλειστικά υπό μορφή διαλυμάτων.
1) Τα έκδοχα που πληρούν τις απαιτήσεις της Ευρωπαϊκής Φαρμακοποιίας ή, εάν δεν υπάρχει μονογραφία της Ευρωπαϊκής Φαρμακοποιίας, της φαρμακοποιίας ενός κράτους μέλους θεωρούνται ότι συμμορφώνονται επαρκώς με το άρθρο 8. Στην περίπτωση αυτή, η περιγραφή των μεθόδων και των διαδικασιών ανάλυσης αντικαθίστανται σε κάθε σχετικό τμήμα από την κατάλληλη παραπομπή στην εν λόγω φαρμακοποιία. Εάν χρειάζεται, οι απαιτήσεις της μονογραφίας συμπληρώνονται με πρόσθετες δοκιμές για τον έλεγχο παραμέτρων όπως είναι το μέγεθος των σωματιδίων, η στειρότητα και/ή τα υπολείμματα διαλυτών.
2) Εάν δεν υπάρχει μονογραφία φαρμακοποιίας προτείνονται και αιτιολογούνται προδιαγραφές. Τηρούνται οι απαιτήσεις για τις προδιαγραφές όπως ορίζονται στο μέρος II.2Γ1.2.1. στοιχεία α) έως ε) για τη δραστική ουσία. Υποβάλλονται οι προτεινόμενες μέθοδοι και τα συνοδευτικά στοιχεία επικύρωσης.
3) Προσκομίζεται δήλωση που επιβεβαιώνει ότι οι χρωστικές ουσίες που περιλαμβάνονται σε κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα πληρούν τις απαιτήσεις της οδηγίας 2009/35/ΕΚ του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και του Συμβουλίου (
), εκτός εάν η αίτηση άδειας κυκλοφορίας αφορά ορισμένα κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα για τοπική χρήση, όπως τα περιλαίμια αποδέσμευσης φαρμάκου και τα ενώτια σήμανσης.
4) Προσκομίζεται δήλωση που επιβεβαιώνει ότι οι χρωστικές ουσίες που χρησιμοποιούνται ανταποκρίνονται στα κριτήρια καθαρότητας που καθορίζονται στον κανονισμό (ΕΕ) αριθ. 231/2012 της Επιτροπής (
5) Για νέα έκδοχα, δηλαδή έκδοχα που χρησιμοποιούνται για πρώτη φορά στην Ένωση σε κτηνιατρικό φάρμακο ή με νέα οδό χορήγησης, παρέχονται αναλυτικές πληροφορίες για την παρασκευή, τον χαρακτηρισμό και τους ελέγχους, με παραπομπές για την υποστήριξη δεδομένων ασφάλειας, τόσο των κλινικών όσο και των μη κλινικών. Όσον αφορά τις χρωστικές ύλες, θεωρούνται επαρκείς οι δηλώσεις συμμόρφωσης στα σημεία 3 και 4.
Συσκευασία (περιέκτες και συστήματα κλεισίματος)
Δραστική ουσία
1) Παρέχονται πληροφορίες σχετικά με τον περιέκτη και το σύστημα κλεισίματός του όσον αφορά τη δραστική ουσία, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της ταυτότητας κάθε υλικού της στοιχειώδους συσκευασίας και των προδιαγραφών του. Το επίπεδο πληροφοριών που απαιτείται καθορίζεται από τη φυσική κατάσταση (υγρή, στερεή) της δραστικής ουσίας.
2) Εάν υποβάλλεται πιστοποιητικό καταλληλότητας για τη δραστική ουσία από την προτεινόμενη πηγή στο οποίο προσδιορίζεται περιέκτης και το σύστημα κλεισίματός του, οι λεπτομερείς αυτές πληροφορίες για τη δραστική ουσία από την εν λόγω πηγή είναι δυνατόν να αντικαθίστανται με παραπομπή στο έγκυρο πιστοποιητικό καταλληλότητας.
3) Εάν υποβάλλεται κύριο αρχείο δραστικής ουσίας από την προτεινόμενη πηγή στο οποίο προσδιορίζεται περιέκτης και το σύστημα κλεισίματός του, οι λεπτομερείς αυτές πληροφορίες για τη δραστική ουσία από την εν λόγω πηγή είναι δυνατόν να αντικαθίστανται με παραπομπή στο κύριο αρχείο δραστικής ουσίας.
Τελικό προϊόν
1) Παρέχονται πληροφορίες σχετικά με τον περιέκτη και το σύστημα κλεισίματός του, καθώς και για κάθε συσκευή του τελικού προϊόντος, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της ταυτότητας κάθε υλικού της στοιχειώδους συσκευασίας και των προδιαγραφών του. Το επίπεδο των απαιτούμενων πληροφοριών καθορίζεται από την οδό χορήγησης του κτηνιατρικού φαρμάκου και τη φυσική κατάσταση (υγρή, στερεή) της μορφής δόσης.
2) Εάν δεν υπάρχει μονογραφία φαρμακοποιίας προτείνονται και αιτιολογούνται προδιαγραφές για το υλικό συσκευασίας.
3) Για υλικά συσκευασίας που χρησιμοποιούνται για πρώτη φορά στην Ένωση και έρχονται σε επαφή με το προϊόν, υποβάλλονται πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη σύνθεση, την κατασκευή και την ασφάλειά τους.
Ουσίες βιολογικής προέλευσης
1) Παρέχονται πληροφορίες για την πηγή, την επεξεργασία, τον χαρακτηρισμό και τον έλεγχο όλων των υλικών βιολογικής προέλευσης (από άνθρωπο, ζώο, φυτό ή από μικροοργανισμούς) που χρησιμοποιούνται στην παρασκευή του κτηνιατρικού φαρμάκου, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των στοιχείων σχετικά με την ασφάλεια έναντι των ιών, σύμφωνα με τις σχετικές κατευθυντήριες γραμμές.
2) Υποβάλλεται τεκμηρίωση που αποδεικνύει ότι τα υλικά που προέρχονται από ζωικά είδη που έχουν σχέση με τη μετάδοση των μεταδοτικών σπογγωδών εγκεφαλοπαθειών (ΜΣΕ) συμμορφώνονται με το «Επεξηγηματικό σημείωμα για την ελαχιστοποίηση των κινδύνων μετάδοσης ζωικών παραγόντων της σπογγώδους εγκεφαλοπάθειας μέσω φαρμακευτικών προϊόντων για ανθρώπινη και κτηνιατρική χρήση», καθώς και με την αντίστοιχη μονογραφία της Ευρωπαϊκής Φαρμακοποιίας. Τα πιστοποιητικά καταλληλότητας που εκδίδονται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Διεύθυνση για την Ποιότητα των Φαρμάκων και την Υγειονομική Περίθαλψη, με παραπομπή στη σχετική μονογραφία της Ευρωπαϊκής Φαρμακοποιίας, μπορούν να χρησιμοποιούνται για να καταδεικνύεται η συμμόρφωση.
Δοκιμές ελέγχου σε απομονωμένα ενδιάμεσα προϊόντα κατά τη διαδικασία παρασκευής
1) Για τους σκοπούς του παρόντος τμήματος, ως «απομονωμένο ενδιάμεσο προϊόν» νοείται μερικώς επεξεργασμένο υλικό το οποίο ενδέχεται να φυλάσσεται για καθορισμένο χρονικό διάστημα και το οποίο υποβάλλεται σε περαιτέρω στάδιο/-α επεξεργασίας προτού καταστεί τελικό προϊόν.
2) Ορίζονται προδιαγραφές για κάθε ενδιάμεσο προϊόν και περιγράφονται και επικυρώνονται οι αναλυτικές μέθοδοι, κατά περίπτωση.
3) Παρέχονται πληροφορίες για την πρωτογενή συσκευασία του ενδιάμεσου προϊόντος, εάν διαφέρει από τη συσκευασία του τελικού προϊόντος.
4) Ορίζονται η διάρκεια ζωής και οι συνθήκες φύλαξης για το ενδιάμεσο προϊόν με βάση τα δεδομένα που προέρχονται από τις μελέτες σταθερότητας.
Δοκιμές ελέγχου του τελικού προϊόντος
1) Για τον έλεγχο του τελικού προϊόντος, ως παρτίδα του τελικού προϊόντος νοείται το σύνολο των μονάδων μιας φαρμακευτικής μορφής που προέρχονται από την ίδια αρχική ποσότητα υλικού και έχουν υποβληθεί στην ίδια σειρά παρασκευαστικών και/ή αποστειρωτικών διεργασιών. Στην περίπτωση συνεχούς παρασκευής, το μέγεθος παρτίδας εκφράζεται με βάση κάποιο χρονικό διάστημα ή ποσότητα προϊόντος και, ενδεχομένως, ως εύρος τιμών.
2) Παρατίθενται οι δοκιμές που εκτελούνται στο τελικό προϊόν. Παρέχεται αιτιολόγηση για την προτεινόμενη προδιαγραφή. Για τις δοκιμές που δεν διεξάγονται συνήθως αναφέρεται και αιτιολογείται η συχνότητά τους. Παρέχονται τα κριτήρια αποδοχής για την έγκριση κυκλοφορίας.
3) Ο φάκελος περιλαμβάνει στοιχεία σχετικά με τις δοκιμές ελέγχου στο τελικό προϊόν κατά την έγκριση της κυκλοφορίας του, καθώς και την επικύρωσή τους. Υποβάλλονται σύμφωνα με τις ακόλουθες απαιτήσεις.
4) Αν χρησιμοποιούνται διαδικασίες δοκιμών και κριτήρια αποδοχής διαφορετικά από εκείνα που αναφέρονται στις σχετικές μονογραφίες και στα γενικά κεφάλαια της Ευρωπαϊκής Φαρμακοποιίας ή, εάν δεν υπάρχουν, στην εθνική φαρμακοποιία ενός κράτους μέλους, οι εν λόγω διαδικασίες και τα κριτήρια αιτιολογούνται με την υποβολή αποδεικτικών στοιχείων ότι, αν το τελικό προϊόν εξετασθεί σύμφωνα με τις μονογραφίες αυτές, θα πληροί τις ποιοτικές απαιτήσεις της εν λόγω φαρμακοποιίας για τη συγκεκριμένη φαρμακευτική μορφή.
Γενικά χαρακτηριστικά του τελικού προϊόντος
1) Ορισμένες δοκιμές των γενικών χαρακτηριστικών ενός προϊόντος περιλαμβάνονται υποχρεωτικά στις δοκιμές του τελικού προϊόντος. Οι δοκιμές αυτές, όποτε εφαρμόζονται, αφορούν τον έλεγχο των μέσων όρων μαζών/όγκων και μεγίστων αποκλίσεων, σε μηχανικές, φυσικές δοκιμές, οπτική εμφάνιση, φυσικά χαρακτηριστικά όπως το pH ή το μέγεθος των σωματιδίων. Για καθένα από αυτά τα χαρακτηριστικά, ο αιτών διευκρινίζει τα πρότυπα και τα κριτήρια αποδοχής.
2) Οι συνθήκες των δοκιμών, κατά περίπτωση, ο εξοπλισμός/οι συσκευές που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν και τα πρότυπα περιγράφονται με επαρκείς λεπτομέρειες, εάν δεν περιλαμβάνονται ούτε στην Ευρωπαϊκή Φαρμακοποιία ούτε στην εθνική φαρμακοποιία ενός κράτους μέλους· το ίδιο ισχύει και στις περιπτώσεις στις οποίες οι μέθοδοι που προβλέπονται από τις εν λόγω φαρμακοποιίες δεν είναι εφαρμόσιμες.
Ταυτοποίηση και ποσοτικός προσδιορισμός της/των δραστικής/-ών ουσίας/-ών
1) Η ταυτοποίηση και ο ποσοτικός προσδιορισμός της ή των δραστικών ουσιών διενεργούνται, είτε σε αντιπροσωπευτικό δείγμα από την παρτίδα παρασκευής, είτε σε έναν αριθμό μονάδων δόσης που αναλύονται χωριστά.
2) Εκτός αν υπάρχει κατάλληλη αιτιολόγηση, οι μέγιστες ανεκτές αποκλίσεις της περιεκτικότητας σε δραστικές ουσίες στο τελικό προϊόν δεν μπορούν να υπερβαίνουν το ± 5 % κατά τη στιγμή της παρασκευής.
3) Σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις ιδιαίτερα πολύπλοκων μειγμάτων, όπου ο ποσοτικός προσδιορισμός των δραστικών ουσιών, λόγω του μεγάλου αριθμού τους ή της ύπαρξής τους σε πολύ μικρές ποσότητες, θα απαιτούσε επίπονες έρευνες που δύσκολα εφαρμόζονται σε κάθε παρτίδα παρασκευής, ο ποσοτικός προσδιορισμός μίας ή περισσότερων δραστικών ουσιών στο τελικό προϊόν μπορεί να παραλειφθεί, με τη ρητή προϋπόθεση ότι τέτοιοι προσδιορισμοί διενεργούνται σε ενδιάμεσα στάδια της παραγωγικής διαδικασίας. Η απλουστευμένη αυτή τεχνική δεν μπορεί να επεκταθεί και στον χαρακτηρισμό των εν λόγω ουσιών. Συμπληρώνεται με μέθοδο ποσοτικής εκτίμησης, που επιτρέπει στην αρμόδια αρχή να επαληθεύει τη συμμόρφωση του φαρμάκου με τις προδιαγραφές του μετά την τοποθέτησή του στην αγορά.
4) Ένας in vivo ή in vitro προσδιορισμός της βιολογικής δραστικότητας είναι υποχρεωτικός, εφόσον οι φυσικοχημικές μέθοδοι είναι ανεπαρκείς για την παροχή πληροφοριών σχετικά με την ποιότητα του προϊόντος. Ο προσδιορισμός αυτός περιλαμβάνει, κατά περίπτωση, υλικά αναφοράς και στατιστική ανάλυση που επιτρέπει τον υπολογισμό των ορίων εμπιστοσύνης. Όταν οι δοκιμές αυτές δεν είναι δυνατόν να διεξαχθούν στο τελικό προϊόν, μπορούν να πραγματοποιούνται σε ενδιάμεσο στάδιο, το αργότερο δυνατό κατά την πορεία της διαδικασίας παρασκευής.
5) Επισημαίνονται τα μέγιστα αποδεκτά επίπεδα των επιμέρους και των συνολικών προϊόντων αποικοδόμησης αμέσως μετά την παρασκευή. Παρουσιάζεται το σκεπτικό για τη συμπερίληψη ή τη μη συμπερίληψη των προϊόντων αποικοδόμησης στις προδιαγραφές.
Ταυτοποίηση και ποσοτικός προσδιορισμός των συστατικών του εκδόχου
Η δοκιμή ταυτοποίησης και η δοκιμή ανώτερου και κατώτερου ορίου είναι υποχρεωτικές για κάθε επιμέρους αντιμικροβιολογικό συντηρητικό και για κάθε έκδοχο που είναι δυνατό να επηρεάσει τη βιοδιαθεσιμότητα της δραστικής ουσίας, εκτός και αν η βιοδιαθεσιμότητα είναι εγγυημένη από άλλες κατάλληλες δοκιμές. Η δοκιμή ταυτοποίησης και η δοκιμή ανώτερου και κατώτερου ορίου είναι υποχρεωτικές για κάθε αντιοξειδωτικό και για κάθε έκδοχο που είναι δυνατό να επηρεάσει αρνητικά τις φυσιολογικές λειτουργίες, συμπεριλαμβανομένης επίσης μιας δοκιμής χαμηλότερου ορίου για αντιοξειδωτικά κατά την απελευθέρωση.
Μικροβιολογικοί έλεγχοι
Στα στοιχεία αναλύσεων, περιλαμβάνονται και στοιχεία μικροβιολογικών δοκιμών, όπως έλεγχος στειρότητας και βακτηριακών ενδοτοξινών, όταν οι δοκιμές αυτές εκτελούνται ως διαδικασία ρουτίνας για τον έλεγχο της ποιότητας του προϊόντος.
Ομοιογένεια των παρτίδων
Για να εξασφαλιστεί ότι η ποιότητα του προϊόντος είναι ομοιογενής από παρτίδα σε παρτίδα και να αποδειχθεί η συμμόρφωση με τις προδιαγραφές παρέχονται στοιχεία παρτίδων με τα αποτελέσματα όλων των δοκιμών που πραγματοποιήθηκαν γενικά σε [3] παρτίδες που παρασκευάστηκαν στην/στις προτεινόμενη/-ες μονάδα/-ες παρασκευής σύμφωνα με την περιγραφείσα παραγωγική διαδικασία.
github_open_source_100_8_19969 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | import React from 'react';
import {Container, Header, Content, Footer, FooterTab, Button, Icon, Text, ListItem, List, Left, Body, Right, Thumbnail,
Tab, Tabs, TabHeading, Fab, InputGroup, Input} from 'native-base';
import {View, Image} from 'react-native';
import {FAB} from './../components/FabButton';
import axios from 'axios';
import {conf} from './../utils/config';
export class Contacts extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { loading: false };
this.state = {text: ''};
this.state.leads = {};
this.addLeads = this.addLeads.bind(this);
this.onShowDetails = this.onShowDetails.bind(this);
this.onRefresh = this.onRefresh.bind(this);
this.state.list = []
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
onShowDetails(name, id, mobile){
return (e) => {this.props.navigation.navigate('Details', {param: name, lead_id: id, mobile: mobile}) }
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
var list = [];
var leads = this.state.leads;
for (var property in leads){
var image_url = leads[property].image_url
var mobile = leads[property] ? leads[property].mobile : '-'
var name = leads[property] ? leads[property].name : '-'
for (var first in leads[property].activities);
var activity = leads[property].activities ? leads[property].activities[first].description : 'no last activity found'
list.push(<ListItem avatar key={property} onPress={ this.onShowDetails(name, property, mobile)}>
<Thumbnail source={require('./../images/avatar.png')}/>
<Text note>{activity}</Text>
<Text note>{mobile}</Text>
return list;
render() {
loading = (<Image
style={{width: 300, height: 300, margin: 30}}
leads = this.state.leads == {} ? loading : this.addLeads();
return (
<List refreshControl={this.onRefresh()}>
<FAB onAdd={() => this.props.navigation.navigate('AddContact', {param: ''})}/>
github_open_source_100_8_19970 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | package com.jtelegram.api.requests.message.send;
import com.jtelegram.api.ex.TelegramException;
import com.jtelegram.api.message.impl.AudioMessage;
import com.jtelegram.api.message.input.file.InputFile;
import com.jtelegram.api.requests.message.framework.ParseMode;
import com.jtelegram.api.requests.message.framework.ReplyMarkup;
import com.jtelegram.api.requests.message.framework.req.InputFileMessageRequest;
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.ToString;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class SendAudio extends InputFileMessageRequest<AudioMessage> {
private final InputFile audio;
private final String caption;
private final ParseMode parseMode;
private final Integer duration;
private final String title;
protected SendAudio(Consumer<AudioMessage> callback, Consumer<TelegramException> errorHandler, ChatId chatId, Integer replyToMessageID, Boolean disableNotification, ReplyMarkup replyMarkup, InputFile audio, String caption, Integer duration, String title, ParseMode parseMode) {
super("sendAudio", AudioMessage.class, callback, errorHandler, chatId, replyToMessageID, disableNotification, replyMarkup); = audio;
this.caption = caption;
this.duration = duration;
this.title = title;
this.parseMode = parseMode;
protected boolean isValid() {
return super.isValid() && audio != null;
public List<InputFile> getInputFiles() {
return Collections.singletonList(audio);
128687_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Tento článek sleduje vývoj ústavního práva na území dnešní České republiky.
Habsburská monarchie
Dubnová ústava (1848)
Až do roku 1848 byla habsburská monarchie absolutistickým státem a české země byly spravovány v souladu s Obnoveným zřízením zemským. S ohledem na revoluční události ve Francii, Rakousku a Polsku slíbil císař Ferdinand I. vydat ústavu. Tato ústava pro neuherské země byla vydána 25. dubna 1848 a je známa jako Pillersdorfova či Dubnová ústava, avšak nikdy v platnost nevešla.
Ústava reflektovala požadavky revoluce v otázce svobod a práv – zaváděla princip ústnosti a veřejnosti pro jednání před soudem, svobodu osobní, náboženskou, svobodu tisku, listovního tajemství, národnostní rovnoprávnost. Byla založena odpovědnost vlády parlamentu, který byl pojat jako dvoukomorový. Členové horní komory měly být ustavováni jmenováním, členové dolní komory volbou. Dělnictvo, služebníci a sociálně potřební měli být zbaveni volebního práva, což se stalo rozbuškou dalších revolučních událostí ve Vídni. Panovník před revolucí odešel do Innsbrucku, říšský sněm do Kroměříže.
Kroměřížský návrh ústavy (1848)
Ústavodárný říšský sněm zahájil činnost v červenci 1848 ve Vídni, počátkem října 1848 však musel být přesunut do Kroměříže, v srpnu 1848 zrušil poddanství a počátkem října začal připravovat novou ústavu. Její konečný návrh, na kterém se podílel i František Palacký, nebyl projednán, neboť panovník nakonec v březnu 1849 Kroměřížský sněm rozpustil a rozehnal.
Panovník měl mít jen taková práva, která mu ústava přiznávala. Návrh ústavy proklamoval zásadu suverenity lidu, obsahoval soubor základních občanských práv. Zákonodárná moc měla být rozdělena mezi dvoukomorový říšský sněm a zemské sněmy.
Březnová ústava (1849)
Den po rozehnání Kroměřížského sněmu – 4. března 1849 – vydal císař novou oktrojovanou „Březnovou neboli Stadionovu ústavu“, jež byla založena na myšlence jednotného monarchistického státu. Panovník měl spolu s parlamentem zákonodárnou moc a spolu s ministry měl i výkonnou moc. Zřízeny byly nezávislé soudy a Říšský soud jako soud ústavní. Ústava byla zrušena 31. prosince 1851. Nebyla nikdy realizována.
Ústava byla důsledně centralistická a počítala i se zrušením dosavadního českého státu, vytvořením jednotného občanství, jednotného právního řádu. Rakousko mělo být dědičná monarchie v čele s císařem. Zákonodárná moc příslušela dvoukomorovému říšskému sněmu (dolní komora je volená, horní jmenovaná císařem) a císaři. Ústava ustanovuje nezávislost soudů a rovnost před zákonem. K ústavě byla vydána i listina základních občanských práv, jež však mohla být pozastavena vládou. Ústava také zaváděla obecní samosprávu.
Silvestrovské patenty (1851)
Po potlačení revoluce však došlo prostřednictvím kabinetních listů k obnovení absolutismu. 31. prosince 1851 jsou přijaty tři silvestrovské patenty, které ruší březnovou ústavu, katalog občanských práv a upravují státní organizaci a činnost soudů. Silvestrovské patenty ale potvrzují zrušení poddanství a rovnost občanů před zákonem.
Toto období bylo spojeno se jménem ministra vnitra Alexandra Bacha, který nahradil politická práva právy ekonomickými.
Říjnový diplom (1860)
V r. 1859 je Bach v důsledku neúspěchů jeho neoabsolutismu a vojenských porážek v Itálii odvolán z funkce. 20. října 1860 slibuje panovník František Josef I. prostřednictví Říjnového diplomu znovuzavedení parlamentarismu. Realizace konkrétních kroků je svěřena baronu Schmerlingovi.
Únorová ústava (1861)
K návratu k parlamentarismu došlo v únoru 1861, kdy byla vydána „Únorová nebo též Schmerlingova ústava“, která jako jediná z ústav v dobách habsburské monarchie neupravovala občanská práva. Platila pouze pro Předlitavsko, ale její pojetí naznačovalo budoucí dualistické uspořádání (užší a širší říšská rada). Ústava odkazovala na Říjnový diplom a Pragmatickou sankci. Zřízen byl říšský zákonodárný sbor, Poslanecká sněmovna (volena zemskými sněmy) a Panská sněmovna (jmenovaná císařem). Výkonnou moc měl císař.
Prosincová ústava (1867)
K důležité ústavní změně došlo v roce 1867 rakousko-uherským vyrovnáním, které bylo porážkou českých státoprávních tendencí. Na konci roku 1867 byl vydán soubor právních předpisů tvořících Prosincovou ústavu, která formálně navazovala na únorovou ústavu. Tvořilo ji 7 zákonů, vymezujících zákonodárnou pravomoc říšské rady, zahrnujících katalog základních práv občana, zřízení říšského soudu, nezávislost soudů, postavení císaře a vyrovnávací zákon. Platila do přijetí recepčního zákona (č. 11/1918 Sb. z. a n.).
V roce 1873 bylo zavedeno přímé volební právo do říšské rady. Významným se stal rok 1907 kdy bylo zavedeno všeobecné, tajné, rovné a přímé hlasovací právo. Aktivní od 24 let a pasivní od 30 let. Z hlasování však byly ještě až do roku 1918 vyloučeny ženy.
Československo (1918 - 1938)
Československo vzniklo jako samostatný svrchovaný stát dne 28. října 1918. 30. října 1918 podpořila společný stát i Martinská deklarace. Jako republiku lze československý stát označit po 13. listopadu 1918 v souvislosti s ustanoveními, která se týkají prezidenta v druhém ústavním provizoriu 37/1918 Sb. z. a n.
Československá republika měla tzv. polylegální ústavu, což znamená, že "ústavní pořádek" je tvořen více právními předpisy.
Recepční zákon (1918)
Československý stát vznikl dne 28. října 1918, kdy Národní výbor československý převzal státní moc a proklamoval československý stát. Národní výbor vydal zákon o zřízení samostatného státu československého. Ačkoliv se jedná o první zákon, číselně je až jedenáctý (č. 11/1918 Sb. z. a n.), neboť je před něj zařazeno deset zákonů z 2. listopadu 1918, kdy byl přijat předpis upravující vyhlašování zákonů a nařízení.
Zákonem Národního výboru československého č. 11/1918 Sb. z. a n., o zřízení samostatného státu československého, který je označován jako první ústavní provizorium nebo jako recepční zákon, bylo recipováno právo i správa dosavadní monarchie. Při konstrukci zákona však byly opomenuty soudy, které byly pod předpis podřazeny rozšiřujícím výkladem jako správní orgány. Recepční norma zakládala v zemi právní trialismus (rakouské právo v Čechách, na Moravě a ve Slezsku, uherské právo na Slovensku – o osudu Podkarpatské Rusi nebylo v této době ještě rozhodnuto – a německé právo v Hlučínsku).
Prozatímní ústava (1918)
Národní výbor schválil dne 13. listopadu 1918 Zákon č. 37/1918 Sb., o prozatímní ústavě (označovaný někdy jako druhé ústavní provizorium).
Prozatímní ústava upravovala pouze nejnutnější zásady ve vztahu k jednokomorovému (revolučnímu) Národnímu shromáždění, vládě a prezidentu republiky. Poprvé a naposledy v ústavních dějinách země měla být vláda volena parlamentem (§ 14 do května 1919).
Vzhledem ke konstrukci ustanovení §§ 7-13 prozatímní ústavy lze po 13. listopadu 1918, kdy se stala účinnou, hovořit o Československé republice.
Ústavní listina Československé republiky (1920)
Cílem Národního shromáždění však bylo vypracovat novou ústavu. Ta byla schválena dne 29. února 1920 spolu se zákonem č. 121/1920 Sb., kterým se uvozuje ústavní listina Československé republiky.
Autorem vlastního textu ústavy, která vycházela z ústavy USA, rakousko-uherské Prosincové ústavy a Ústavy Třetí Francouzské republiky, je především profesor Jiří Hoetzel.
Ústava byla tvořena třemi částmi: preambulí, uvozovacím zákonem a samotnou ústavní listinou.
Slavnostně laděná preambule začínala slovy My, národ Československý,... a neměla právní či normotvorný význam. Uvozovací zákon byl tvořen deseti články, které upravovaly postavení Ústavního soudu a rušily vše (recipované i nově vytvořené), co bylo v rozporu s ústavou, což bylo s ohledem na absenci pojmu ústavní zákon v rakouské právní terminologii ve vztahu k recipovaným předpisům složitě aplikovatelné.
Ústavní listina vytvářela dvoukomorový parlament a parlamentní republiku v čele s prezidentem jako hlavou státu. V této ústavě byla zakotvena dělba moci, která se dělila na moc zákonodárnou, moc vládní a výkonnou (moc výkonnou utvářela vláda a prezident republiky) a moc soudcovskou. Ústava přispěla k demokratickému rozvoji první československé republiky jako silného, uznávaného a vyspělého mnohonárodnostního státu.
Normy československé ústavy
Vzhledem ke skutečnosti, že Československo mělo polylegální ústavu, lze do ní – kromě výše uvedené Ústavní listiny – zahrnout:
Zákony prohlášené ústavní listinou za její součást,
Zákony označené jako ústavní.
A s ohledem na události druhé světové války a fakt, že ústava z roku 1920 platila formálně až do května 1948 také:
Ústavní dekrety prezidenta republiky,
Některá nařízení Slovenské národní rady,
Ústavní zákony schválené Prozatímním Národním shromážděním a Ústavodárným národním shromážděním.
Ústavní vývoj v době nesvobody (1938 - 1945)
Na základě ústavního dekretu prezidenta republiky ze dne 3. srpna 1944, č. 11 Úř. věst. čsl. o obnovení právního pořádku (republikováno jako 30/1945 Sb.) a vládního nařízení č. 31/1945 Sb. je doba nesvobody obdobím od 30. září 1938 do 4. května 1945.
Podle čl. 1 odst. 2 ústavního dekretu o obnovení právního pořádku nejsou předpisy vydané v této době součástí československého právního řádu s výjimkou těch, které se nepříčí svým obsahem znění nebo demokratickým zásadám československé ústavy (ústavní listiny, jejích součástek a zákonů ji měnících a doplňujících, vydaných do 29. září 1938).
Druhá republika (1938 - 1939)
O vzniku druhé republiky hovoříme v souvislosti se změnami, které byly provedeny přijetím Mnichovské dohody. Samotné odstoupení pohraničních území bez ústavního zákona bylo porušením ústavy. Přijetím ústavních zákonů o autonomii Slovenska a Podkarpatské Rusi došlo k faktickému vytvoření federace.
Hlubokým zásahem do právního státu bylo přijetí Opatření Stálého výboru ze dne 27. října 1938 č. 253/1938 Sb. z. a n., o zániku mandátů některých členů Národního shromáždění, kterým Stálý výbor – protiústavně – zbavil mandátu poslance a senátory z území, která připadla sousedním státům.
Dalším podstatným zásahem bylo narušení principu dělby moci, když Národní shromáždění přijalo zmocňovací zákon, kterým se vzdalo na dva roky části svých pravomocí ve prospěch vlády a prezidenta.
Ústava byla porušena také skutečností, že se volby nového prezidenta neuskutečnily do čtrnácti dnů po abdikaci předchozího.
Autonomie Slovenska a Podkarpatské Rusi (1938)
Ústavní změny zavádějící Česko-Slovensko provedlo Národní shromáždění schválením ústavního zákona č. 299/1938 Sb. z. a n., o autonomii Slovenskej krajiny, a Ústavního zákona č. 328/1938 Sb. z. a n., o autonomii Podkarpatské Rusi.
Zmocňovací zákon (1938)
Národní shromáždění schválilo zmocňovací zákon, tj. Ústavný zákon č. 330/1938 Sb. z. a n., o zmocnení ku zmenám ústavnej listiny a ústavných zákonov republiky Česko-Slovenskej a o mimoriadnej moci nariaďovacej, 15. prosince 1938. Tento ústavní zákon umožňoval po dva roky prezidentovi vydávat dekrety se silou ústavního zákona a vládě vydávat nařízení se silou zákona.
V prosinci 1940 bylo nařízením Říšského protektora toto oprávnění vlády až na další prodlouženo.
Protektorát Čechy a Morava (1939 - 1945)
Po německém nátlaku musel Hácha přistoupit na okupaci zbytku republiky Německem. Dne 16. března 1939 byl přijat Výnos o zřízení Protektorátu Čechy a Morava, publikovaný jako Výnos Vůdce a říšského kancléře ze dne 16. března 1939 č. 75/1939 Sb. z. a n.,
o Protektorátu Čechy a Morava.
Z hlediska ústavního práva mohl nové ústavní předpisy vydávat na základě zmocňovacího ústavního zákona státní prezident, který tak učinil v jediném případě (Dekret státního presidenta ze dne 8. března 1940 č. 83/1940 Sb. z. a n., o slibu členů vlády, veřejných zaměstnanců a jiných orgánů veřejné správy).
Prozatímní státní zřízení (1940 - 1945)
Zánik Československa nebyl de iure uznán západními mocnostmi. Po vypuknutí druhé světové války se vytvořila ve Francii (později v Londýně) exilová vláda. Československá exilová reprezentace vycházela z teze právní kontinuity republiky.
Prozatímní státní zřízení bylo vytvořeno 9. července 1940 a bylo tvořeno prezidentem, vládou a od 21. července 1940 Státní radou.
Principy obnovení státu:
neplatnost Mnichovské dohody od počátku,
neplatnost všech ústavních a jiných aktů v době nesvobody,
neplatnost Benešovy abdikace (jako vynucené),
kontinuita hranic (neplatnost Mnichovské dohody a Vídeňské arbitráže).
Vzhledem ke skutečnosti, že se stát a jeho ústavní instituce nacházely v situaci, která nebyla předpokládána československou ústavou z roku 1920, ani jejími doplňky či změnami, získal prezident zákonodárnou pravomoc, kterou mohl vykonávat prostřednictvím dekretů, avšak jen k návrhu vlády a za kontrasignace premiéra či pověřeného člena vlády. Prezident republiky měl dekretální pravomoc až do 27. října 1945.
Ústavní dekrety prezidenta republiky z období od 21. července 1940 do 27. října 1945 – celkem patnáct dekretů – byly ústavním zákonem č. 57/1946 Sb., kterým se schvalují a prohlašují za zákon dekrety presidenta republiky, prohlášeny za ústavní zákony.
Slovenská národní rada (1944 - 1945)
Podle Vánoční dohody byla odbojovými organizacemi na Slovensku vytvořena Slovenská národní rada (SNR). Při zahájení Slovenského národního povstání bylo vyhlášeno obnovení Československa a Slovenská národní rada (mimoústavně) začala vykonávat zákonodárnou moc formou nařízení a hned svým prvním nařízením (č. 1/1944 Sb. n. SNR) vyvolala rozpor s ústavním dekretem č. 11/1944 Úř. věst. čs. Umocněný právní dualismus, který si republika nesla již od doby recepčního zákona, byl posléze upraven nařízením č. 30/1945 Sb. n. SNR, o zákonodárnej moci na Slovensku, podle něhož vykonávala SNR zákonodárnou moc v duchu upřímné shody s prezidentem republiky. Zvláštní postavení Slovenska se neslo i v asymetrii unitárního Československa až do vzniku federace (1969).
Československo (1945 - 1992)
Ústava Československé republiky (1948)
Ústavní zákon ze dne 9. května 1948 č. 150/1948 Sb., Ústava Československé republiky, vycházela z prvorepublikové ústavní listiny. Parlament (Národní shromáždění) byl jednokomorový, ústavní soud byl zrušen. Zvláštní postavení měly slovenské národní orgány (sbor pověřenců, Slovenská národní rada). Ústava obsahovala předpisy o soukromém vlastnictví a státním hospodářství.
Zřízeny byly národní výbory, zrušeny země (Česká, Moravskoslezská a Slovenská). Ústavu později doplňovala série ústavních zákonů.
Prezident republiky Dr. Edvard Beneš ji odmítl podepsat a abdikoval, a proto ji podle § 60 ústavní listiny z roku 1920 podepsal premiér Klement Gottwald též na místě prezidenta.
Ústava Československé socialistické republiky (1960)
Základní zásady nové – socialistické – ústavy připravil ústřední výbor Komunistické strany Československa (KSČ) k všelidové diskusi již v dubnu 1960. Ve dnech 5.-7. července 1960 schválila návrh ústavy celostátní konference KSČ. Národní shromáždění ústavu přijalo již 11. července 1960.
Ústava, jež realizovala přechod od parlamentarismu k jednotě státní moci, ukončila období lidové demokracie a s provoláním Socialismus v naší vlasti zvítězil! zakotvila vizi jeho dalšího budování.
Hlava první Společenské zřízení mimo jiné zaváděla vedoucí úlohu KSČ. Hlava druhá Práva a povinnosti občanů definovala základní občanská práva občanů ČSSR. Hlava třetí upravovala jednokomorové Národní shromáždění, hlava čtvrtá prezidenta, hlava pátá vládu, hlava šestá Slovenskou národní radu, hlava sedmá Národní výbory. Hlava osmá Soudy a prokuratura upravovala otázku organizace soudů a prokuratur a mimo jiné stanovovala vázanost soudce právním řádem socialistického státu, který musel být vykládán v souladu se socialistickým právním vědomím. Hlava devátá Ustanovení obecná a závěrečná rušila předchozí ústavu, vytvářela odkaz na právní předpis řešící občanství, definovala hlavní město a státní symboly.
Ústavním zákonem o čs. federaci (ústavní zákon č. 143/1968 Sb., o československé federaci) došlo ke zrušení rozsáhlých pasáží ústavy z roku 1960. Další změny přinesl vývoj po listopadu 1989, kdy byla odstraněna vedoucí úloha strany. Do listopadu 1989 byla ústava měněna osmkrát, od listopadu 1989 do zániku federace byla měněna dvanáctkrát.
Od 29. března 1990 do 23. dubna 1990 byla tato – zásadně změněná – ústava ústavou Československé federativní republiky, od 23. dubna 1990 do 1. ledna 1993 ústavou České a Slovenské Federativní Republiky.
Ústavní zákon o československé federaci (1968/69)
Konečným zřízením federace bylo přijetí ústavního zákona o československé federaci (143/1968 Sb.). Od 1. ledna 1969 se Československá socialistická republika skládala z České socialistické republiky a Slovenské socialistické republiky.
Ústavní zákon měl osm hlav a 151 článků. Hlava první upravovala základní instituty státu (území, občanství), který je dobrovolným svazkem rovnoprávných států českého a slovenského národa, těmito státy byla Česká socialistická republika a Slovenská socialistická republika. Zásah do článku 4 v roce 1970 změnil československou federaci v pseudofederaci. Hlava druhá rozdělovala působnost mezi federaci, když definovala výlučnou působnost federace a společnou působnost federace a republik. Věci, které nebyly svěřeny do působnosti federace, patřily do působnosti republik. Hlava třetí vytvářela dvoukomorové Federální shromáždění: Sněmovna lidu měla 200 poslanců, Sněmovna národů, která reprezentovala rovné státoprávní postavení obou republik, měla 150 poslanců. Hlasování ve Sněmovně národů se ve vymezených případech řídilo principem zákazu majorizace, když poslanci zvolení v České socialistické republice a Slovenské socialistické republice hlasovali odděleně a pro přijetí byla potřeba většina všech poslanců zvolených v ČSR a většina všech poslanců zvolených v SSR. Z faktického hlediska se proto hovoří o dvou a půl komorovém parlamentu. Hlava čtvrtá upravovala postavení prezidenta ČSSR. Hlava pátá upravovala vládu ČSSR, do prosince 1970 fungovaly vedle federálních ministerstev i federální výbory. Hlava šestá po vzoru socialistické Jugoslávie zřizovala Ústavní soud. K jeho činnosti začaly být připravovány i potřebné ústavní zákony, ale práce na nich byla zastavena v průběhu roku 1969. Federální ústavní soud poté fungoval na sklonku ČSFR. Hlava sedmá upravovala státní orgány České socialistické republiky a Slovenské socialistické republiky. Hlava osmá Ustanovení obecná, přechodná a závěrečná mimo jiné vymezovala území republik, hlavní města republik a federace, upravovala způsob změny ústavního zákona, rušila části ústavy z roku 1960, řešila úpravu organizace soudů a prokuratury.
Spor o název společného státu
V roce 1990 vznikl spor o oficiální název státu. Ústavními zákony byl název Československa změněn dvakrát. Národní rady změnily obdobně názvy republik.
Československá socialistická republika (11. červenec 1960 - 29. březen 1990)
Československá federativní republika (29. březen 1990 - 23. duben 1990)
Česká a Slovenská Federativní Republika (23. duben 1990 - 1. leden 1993)
Česká socialistická republika (1. leden 1969 - 6. březen 1990)
Česká republika (od 6. březen 1990)
Slovenská socialistická republika (1. leden 1969 - 1. březen 1990)
Slovenská republika (od 1. březen 1990)
Listina základních práv a svobod (1991)
Federální shromáždění ČSFR schválilo dne 9. ledna 1991 Ústavní zákon č. 23/1991 Sb., kterým se uvozuje LISTINA ZÁKLADNÍCH PRÁV A SVOBOD. Základní práva a svobody jsou zde deklarovány jako nezadatelné, nezcizitelné, nepromlčitelné a nezrušitelné.
V souvislosti se vznikem samostatné České republiky v roce 1993 přijalo Předsednictvo České národní rady Usnesení č. 2/1993 Sb., o vyhlášení LISTINY ZÁKLADNÍCH PRÁV A SVOBOD jako součásti ústavního pořádku České republiky. U Listiny základních práv a svobod došlo dosud k jediné změně (Ústavním zákonem č. 162/1998 Sb. kterým byla prodloužena doba zadržení osoby ze 24 na 48 hodin).
Zánik Československa (1992)
Ústavním zákonem č. 542/1992 Sb., o zániku České a Slovenské Federativní Republiky, zanikl o půlnoci na Silvestra roku 1992 společný stát Čechů a Slováků. Nástupnickými státy se staly Česká republika a Slovenská republika.
Česká republika
Ústava České republiky (1992/93)
Ústava České republiky byla přijata dne 16. prosince 1992 Českou národní radou a byla dosud změněna šestkrát. Nabyla účinnosti dne 1. ledna 1993. Zrušila dřívější Ústavu Československé socialistické republiky z r. 1960, ústavní zákon o československé federaci z r. 1968 a ústavní zákon ČNR z roku 1990 o státních symbolech České republiky (67/1990 Sb.).
Nález Ústavního soudu Pl. ÚS 27/09
Nálezem Pl. ÚS 27/09 ze září 2009 Ústavní soud zrušil ad hoc přijatý ústavní zákon č. 195/2009 Sb., který – podobně jako jeho předobraz z roku 1998 – popíral základní pojmové znaky právní normy (obecnost) a údajně zasahoval do materiálního jádra ústavy obcházením ústavních konstrukcí, zasahováním do nedotknutelnosti poslaneckého mandátu a retroaktivitou. Část odborné veřejnosti však následně kritizovala ÚS, neboť tento – dle jejich názoru – nemá právo rušit ústavní zákony. Existují i publikace určené široké veřejnosti, které nález kritizují pro údajné praktické vyloučení Listiny základních práv a svobod z ústavního pořádku ČR.
Schelle, K. – Tauchen, J. Vývoj konstitucionalismu v českých zemích (2 svazky). Praha: Linde, 2013, 2800 s. ()
Schelle, K. – Tauchen, J. – Beňa, J. a kol. Ústava a ústavní systém socialistického Československa. Brno: The European Society for History of Law, 2022. 606 s
Tauchen, Jaromír – Vojáček, Ladislav c Kolumber, David a kol. České právní dějiny po roce 1989. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2023. 220 s.
Související články
Ústavní vývoj na Slovensku
Externí odkazy
Zákon ze dne 13. listopadu 1918 č. 37/1918 Sb. o prozatímní ústavě. Dostupné online.
Zákon ze dne 29. února 1920 č. 121/1920 Sb., kterým se uvozuje Ústavní listina Československé republiky. Dostupné online.
Ústavní zákon ze dne 9. května 1948 č. 150/1948 Sb., Ústava Československé republiky. Dostupné online.
Ústavní zákon ze dne 11. července 1960 č. 100/1960 Sb., Ústava Československé socialistické republiky. Dostupné online.
Ústavní zákon ze dne 27. října 1968 č. 143/1968 Sb., o československé federaci. Dostupné online.
Bobek, M. - Molek, P. - Šimíček, V. (eds.): KOMUNISTICKÉ PRÁVO V ČESKOSLOVENSKU - Kapitoly z dějin bezpráví. Masarykova univerzita, Mezinárodní politologický ústav, Brno, 2009, 1007 s. (PDF ke stažení)
Dějiny českého práva.
github_open_source_100_8_19971 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | /**@file tz_pipe.h
* @brief pipe for multi-language interface
* @author Ting Zhao
#ifndef _TZ_PIPE_H_
#define _TZ_PIPE_H_
#define PIPE_LANG_SIZE 10 /* maximum length of the language name */
#define PIPE_INTF_SIZE 100 /* maximum length of the interface string */
#define PIPE_INTF_MAXPARAM 10 /* maximum number of the interface parameters */
#define PIPE_FIELD_NUMBER 2 /* number of fields in the pipe structure */
typedef struct {
char language[PIPE_LANG_SIZE]; /* programming language */
char interface[PIPE_INTF_SIZE]; /* interface */
} Pipe;
/* pipe initialization */
void initpipein();
void initpipeout(char *language,char* interface);
/* pipe implementation */
void *pipein();
void pipeout();
/* helper function for pipes */
void * loadpipe(Pipe *p);
void writepipe(Pipe *p);
void *funcall(char *fun,char *param[]);
github_open_source_100_8_19972 | Github OpenSource | Various open source |
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sn90059649_1909-10-29_1_8_1 | US-PD-Newspapers | Public Domain | Fuldstændig kure ret med dlsse smaa Piller. ^•iTTLC De helbreder ofc |\#rB eaa Følgerne al I« daarHg Fordejelso, PILLS. »fordøjelig Næring, U eller for hurtig Spis nlng, vEt udmærke! Middel for Svimmel hed, Kvalme, Sevnlghed, daarllg Smag 1 Munden, belagt Tunge, Sting 1 Siden uvirksom Lever. De regulerer For dejelsesorganerae. Fuldstændig vege tabilak. Smaa Piller, Smaa Dosis, Smaa Priser. Den eegte Pakke maa bære Facsimile Underskriften PILLS. Modtag ikke Efterligninger. Brug den berømte Delsarto Kaffe 8 Pund Burlap 53® 4 Pund Barlap $50 gom sælges af vor Landsmand Telefoner: Tri-state 34.55 Ugeledes anbefallen Begepulver, Eks trakter og Krydderier. DitlefM. Frederiksen SKANDINAVISK ADVOKAT Hjem for Skandinaver i det solrige California. Ud mærket Land nær Skoler, Kir ker, Jernbaner etc., fra $60 og op. For Oplysninger tilskriv Land Company, Box 185, Stockton, Calif. For Sale: Fødselsdag, ved 10c. og tillige med en smak CRAFTS Zodlss (heldbringen- AFFECTED 200% Profit Bänderstag Aat Mutik Betawt AslMEstik A. A. FÆSTE Gøde gamle Aagstrop per overfiddeler. Ejer af Heste og Kndské pri ser dem. Lukker Øjeblikkeligt med Handsker paa. Bolderlengere end Sølkont, Penge tilbage hvis ikke tilfredsstillende. Skriv idage efter private Agenttilbad r. WHOLE A.E.F. CO., eeo wey« Street, DAYTON, OHIO. betaler for 40 Acres udmærket Land. Intet udyrkbart Land, Ingen Sumpe, Ingen Stene, Nær Station, Bedste Marked. 53 Simonsen Blk. Minneapolis, Minn. 100 fine Visitkort for 60 Cents Send 60 Cents og De vil erholde 100 fine Visitkort med Deres Navn og Adresse paatrykt. Skriv Navnet tydeligt. Brevpapir, Konvolutter og Regningsblank etter samt Trykning i de skandinavi ske Sprog udføres hurtigt og billigt. ^########. Ordb og V i $ (Kortfattet) €ttgtl$k eg dansk-norsk. BOGEN indeholder alle de i verdags-og Forretningslivet mest brugde engelske Ord med vedføjet Forklaring af deres Betydning i vort Sprog. Portofre tilsendt mod Indsen delse af Beløbet i Frimærker til £. Ranrostw Pub. Co., fiMM Se. 4fk$t., aumaiMto, inn. St/paut- Ved Kjøb eller Reparation af Uhre besøg den velkjendte Juve ler Simon Nelson, 209 £. 7th St., St. Paul. Fru Julie Rosenberg kommer. Guvernør Eberhart er i fuld Samklang med den Bevcegelse, lom' er begyndt i Washington for at ibærffætte en Kampagne over hele County-KiaSserer Jesse Foot har udsendt en Meddelelse til Ejen domsbesidderne i hele Countyet om, at den sidste Halvdel af Grundejendomsskatten for 1909 maa af Minnesota bære indbetalt Lørdag den 30. Ok tober Lederne i det demokratiske Parti skal igjen have retet en indtræn sat Mrs. Dørans Kaution til $2, 000 og hun er nu paa fri Fod, efter at Dr. C. B. Dohm og C. L. Plaster habde stillet Kautionen. Hberken Dr. Doran eller hans Hu stru bil udtale specielt Menighedsmøde. Ten dansk-norffe Golgatha Menig hed afholder specielt Menighedsmøde førstkommende Mandag Aften den 1 ste November i Kirken på Thomas Str. Alle Medlemmer af Menigheden og enhver, der har blik daget til Kirkens Ophold, anmodes om at være tilstede. På Menighedens Vegne: N 6th og Exchange Street, Søndag Aften. d. 7. November, vil sikkert blive en smuk danfl Festlighed. Hendes Program vil blive „Danmark i Ord og Toner." „Den danske Folkevise." Friedraget og Slangene ledsages af prægtige Lysbilleder. Armory Hall er St. Plais flot teste Lokale, og Adgangen til Forestillingen er sat saa lål som 35 Billter fårges hos D'Hr. 23. Ingemann, Merriam Park, F. Møl Landet til Afholdelsen af fremtidige røtenden Dairy, og F. A. G.' ^armen' før bespises rigeligt med 4de Julifester uden den sædvanlige Støj og livsfarlige Knaldefekter. Følge, Wittegen Modest fald vil vedkommen-partementet for at overtage Posten mende have at betale 10 Procent. som Repræsentant for det store Smør mere i Bøde. Han opfordrer i firma Geo. M. Baer & Co. i Phila famme ligeledes Skatteyderne til at delphia, Pa., i de nordvestlige og vest betale deres Skatter før Trængslen lige Stater. begynder ved Enden af Maaneden. Denne Meddelelse vil sikkert blive modtaget med Beklagelse af Statens Albert L. Wagner, der bar ble- Mejerimænd, blandt hvem vor be ven udnævnt til Deputy Coroner, blev i forrige Uge af Grandjuryen! bleven meget populær. Mr. Sønder sat under Anklage for at have til- gaard er en anerkjendt dig Mejeri vendt sig et Pengebeløb af $90 fra Liget af Rev. W. Colon, da denne faldt død om på Union Depot. Wogner er imidlertid forsvunden fra Byen, og da han skal være ind^ viklet i flere ubehagelige Affærer, hvoriblandt en Skilsmissesag, er der kun liden Sandsynlighed for, at han nogensinde vil vende tilbage, øenbe Opfordring hl Ex. Guvern. Songre S. W. S. Sammon, Bo.®inbue, t* Snbgauge« For-stillingsast°..°n/ ux ^nbgonfleit Th°°t°rs°len fra 6th Street. Inspektør H. T. Søndergaard ment har opagt sin Stilling ved De- kjendte og dygtige Landsmand var mand, der har udøvet stor Jndflydel se Paa Udviklingen af Mejerivæsenet her i Staten, ikke mindst bed at und drage Mejeri-Departementet politisk Indflydelse og gjøre det til et rent fagligt Stats-Departement. Ligeledes har han arbejdet med stor Jber for Oprettelse af Kontrolforeninger ester dansk Mønster („Cow Test Associa tions"). 3o|nSmbomat[abcfe dervan-renb- store Mejeri, hvis Parkets Kandidat ved næite Mg. ur ce u længere Aarrække har habt sit Hjem, bm bQr frcmmgen6e bet selv tffe ønsker at otrtraebc som Organisation og Ledelse. Han Kandidat for bette Embede jW|er w v-ere ben lebmbe Aand 6agbeb »Pv S^erjylland. 1867 og tilhorer en forbringen, medens Frank A. Day.^^ Bestyrer af Stilling blandt Worboe- ftmg ubmær, Brendstrup, wdding Sogn. batlff Formanden 'for den demokratiske Central-Komite i Staten, ogsaa M^^en danffe Folkevise" og „Dan hobe habt flere Konferencer med Interessen i den „Titg day" synes at bokse med hberjfra et i Gang bærende Passager Dag, og den 1ste Nob. bil Kvinder-^tog bed St. Anthony Park og bleb ne ober hele Byen, saa bel som i i en betænkelig Grad saaret i Ho Fort Snelling, Hamline, Merriam (bedet. Park, Macalester og alle nærlig-1 bragt ind til Union Depot i Min gende Distrikter bære i fuld Mrk- neapolis og derfra til det fbenste somhed med Agitationen i dette bel-' Hospital, hbor Lægerne kun nærer gjørende Øjemed. Flere af Byens ringe Haab om hans Helbredelse. Handlende ffal hetbe til Hensigt at dekorere deres Forretninger paa Den 15-aarige Peter Olson her „Tag"-Dagen, medens hundreder af af Byen har anlagt Sag imod Mil Kort og Plakater er blevne trykt til at anbringes paa alle Slags Be--. frem til Behandling hos Dommer fordringer næste Uge. Bebægelfens Bnll. Da han for to Aar siden Hobedkbarter findes i 347 Minne- arbejdede i en Fabrik i Stillwater, fota Street og bil aabnes Mandag'bilde han stjæle en Kjøretur paa et Morgen for Uddeling af Beholdere, Fragttog hertil, men blev under „Tags" og Emblemer til dem, som 'denne as en Bremser smidt ud fra foreftaar Indsamlingen. Toget og kom bed dette saa alborlig tilskade, at han nu er næsten blind. Dr. George M. Doran, som i sorrige Uge under en Trætte mel- Pengeskabet i Posthuset i St. Louis Park, der findes i Charles haartt saaret af to Revolverskud, Hamiltons Butik, bleb tidligt i Lør synes nu at bære udenfor al Fare, dags Morges sprængt af professio og man nærer Haab om, at han/'nelle Stimænd, der undslap med om kort Tid kan forlade Hospitalet, henbed $75 i Penge og $11 i Frangående den birkelige Aar fag, som ledede op til den uhyggelige Affære. Dr. Doran skal habe udtalt sig til en Ven om, at Affæren for hans bedkommende nu bar afsluttet. Han udtalte sig imidlertid ikke om, hvorvidt han vil vende tilbage til sit Hjem og forny Samlivet med fin Hustru, eller ikke. Sekr. Seldsteraadet. Søndag Aften d. 7. Novbr. Joseph Kollex, Byen, forestående Abe. her Han bleb hurtigst muligt (waukeg-Banen, der nu er Bragt siddelse af et Signalement af to mistænklige Individer, som blev set derkring i Fredags, men end nu har man intet Spor af Røberne. Foredrag i Tale og Sang om Dank mark. Danfle Folkeviser. Koem peviser. Lysbilleder fra Dan mark. Fru Julie Rosen berg fra Kjøbenhavn. Mejeribestyrer Albert Andersen, Savo, S. Dak., aflagde os Tirsdag et Besøg paa vort Kontor paa Hjemrej se fra den store nationale Mejerikon vention, der de to sidste Uger har væ ret afholdt i Milwaukee, Wis., og hvor der. var Repræsentanter fra alle Stater i Unionen, deriblandt en Mængde Landsmænd. Som bekjendt er der ingen Stat i Unionen, hvor danflre Mejerimænd i den Grad har vundet Indgang som i Syd Dakota. Dette viste sig ogsaa ved Konventien, idet af de 7 Repræsentanten fra denne Stat de 6 bar danske. Blandt disse var Mejeriprofessoren ved Staatens Agerbrugsskole i Brookings, C. Larsen, og Statens „Dairy Expert", A.'P. Ryger. Mr. Albert Andersen er Sekretär og Kasserer for Syd Dakota Mejeristsorening. Des bedste Føde for Prædere. Den bedste Føde for dem, som arbejder med Haanden eller Hjørennen, er aldrig dyr. Det bedste Eksempel på dette findes i Quaker Oats. Det staar på Toppen af Fødemidler, som gi ver Nærger og Vigør, uden at overlæsse Fordøjelsen, og er allige vel den billigste Føde man kan nærde. Denne store Føde for de laveris gjør det til en ideal Føde for Familier, font ønsker at før bet største Gode ud af hvad de spiser. Arbejdere i Fabriker eller på font 7 bespises med næsten en hvilken font mænger bleb bebist og megen bærdifuld Oplysnig om Menneske føde bleb famlet af Professor Fisher bed Dale Unibersitet i 1908 For den i regulære Pakker er Quaker Oats indpakket i større Familie Pakker, enten med eller uden Porcelæn. Hjørtelig Tak. Anledning af bor Sølbbryl lups-Dag den 21de Oktober bleb bi behageligt oberrastet af Vener og Bekjendte, som oberakte os værdi fulde Bidrag, for hilke bi siger hjærtelig Tak. Ligeledes takker bi Mr. Simon Nelfen for Gaben han sendte os, samt Søstersamfundet for de smukke Blomster. Holtum Jørgensen, Anna S. Jørgensen. Gudstjeneste. I den danff-norfle Golgathakirke bil førstkommende Søndag d. 31. ds. Form. Kl. 10.30 Pastor Johnson Prædike på Engelsk Alle er belkommen. Gohatha Kvindeforening afholder sin aarltge Basar i Kirkens Underbygning Torsdag d. 4. November Aften Kl. 8. Der vil blive Salg af mange smukke og nyttige Gjenstande Alle er velkommen. Guvernør Eberhart afrejste i Mandags Aftes til Memphis i den Hensigt at slutte sig til Præsident Taft og hans Følge, der nu er på Vejen til New Orleans, hvor Selskabet vil det atte være at det nationale Dybvandsmøde, font aabnes der i Byen den 30te ds. Mrs. 9L I. Beisang, hvis Mand var Ejer af et Værtshiis i 222 Eagle St., modtog i Søndags følgende Telegram fra hans Broder: „Al er død". Mr. Beisang og hans Broder rejste i Fredags til Big Stone Lake på en Jagttur han havde i længere Tid været plaget af et Hjærteonde og derfor aldrig, på Jagt alene. Sagen imod Mrs. Louise Arbogast har i den forløbne Uge lagt Beflag på endel Opmærksomhed, og som Sagen nu staar er det højst sandsyn ligt, at Countyets Advokat bil lade Klagen mod Datteren, Louise Arbogast, bortfalde. Datteren Ida med delte under Forhøret, at hint slæbte Moderen bort fra den brændende Seng, men bleb i dette modagt af det næste Vidne, Mrs. Mary Garbey, som aflagde Ed på, at Mrs. Arbo gast havde sagt, at hun bar i Kjøkke net, da hun hørte Ida raabe om Hjælp. I Mandags forhørtes Mrs. Lawrence Ulmer, den anklagedes gifte Datter hun var i den Grad glemom, at hun aldeles ikke kunde erindre, hbor hendes Barn opholdt sig den Morgen Mordet bleb begaaet. Mayor Smuler er fast overbevist om, at Dr. Cook's Meddelelse om at have opdaget Nordpolen er den rene Sandhed, og at hans Bestigning af Mt. McKinley ligger uden for al Tvivl. „Jeg besøgte Dr. Cook i Hotellet hørte hans Førstærk i Auditorium," sagte Lawler i Mandags. „Hanshav nåt indtet at være en helstøbt Idrætsmand en Mand, font finder Fornøjelse i at kaste sig ind i de vanskeligte Foretagender med kun det ene Maal for Øje, at over lomme disse Vanskeligheder. Der fandtes intet ved hånt som kunde hen vise til en Bedrager han forekommer mig at være en ligefrem, aaben og erlig Mand, og jeg kan for et Øje blik ikke forestille mig Muligheden af, at han vilde benytte fig af falske Paastande. Han er en Enthusiast, men ingen Løgner, hvis jeg forftaar at dømme et Menneske rigtig." Leonard Norton, Byens Inspektør for Maal og Vægt, har anmodet By advokaten om at udarbejde en ny Forordning i Bylovene, angående Salget af Grønsager og Smør i Pakker. Han påstår nemlig, at han i en stor Mængde af Smørpakkerne, som Kunderne kjøber for et helt Pund, Hh 4« v 4" -r 4 fandt en Undervægt fra 1/2 til Unze. Naar et Konsortium underti den afhændet' over 10,000 Pund om Dagen, er Vigtigheden af denne Op dagelse iøjnefaldende. Han har lige ledes fundet lignende Undermaal ved Salget af Kartofler og Wbler, som i Almindelighed sælges i halve og he le Peck. Det er Skik hos de Hand lende at sælge disse Varer ester Øje maal, eller på Slump. En Peck Kartofler sælges sædvanligt i en 14 Punds Papirpose men en saadan, si ger Mr. Norton, rummer ikke' en hel Peck et fuldt Maal vilde fordre en Pose på 16 Pund. Det samme gjæl der om ZEblerne. Hos regulære Ur tekrærnere er det sædvanlig blot en Ligegyldighed, men Høkerne på G den foretager disse Uregelmæssighe der rent systematisk. De bruger 6 Quart-Maalet naar de sælger en Peck de indrømmer ogsaa, at de bru ger disse, men giver som Undsky Idning, at det kun er ved en Ordre på 10 eller 20 Cents, at de benyttes og slipper på denne Maade fri for videre Tiltale. „Det eneste som -fan stoppe dette Uvæsen er," siger Norton, „at Loven skal fordre, at alt sælges efter Vægt." Den danske luth. Nazareth Kvin deforeuiug afholder næste Møde på Torsdag den 4de Nob. out Ef termiddagen Kl. 2 hos Mrs. I. Thompfen, 1084 Euclid Str. Man tager Rondo og Maria Sporbogn til Earl Str. og Hastings Abe. Alle er velkommen. Avertissementer angående den forestaaende „Tag day", den 3. Nov., er allerede i Vælten. På færdninger Forretningslokaler ser matt ophængt Plakater med store Bog staver „Kom Tag-day ihu, 3. Nov." 'I Orphenm Theater er man i Færd med at fabrikre Plader til Lysbil leder, font skal forevise Prospekter af Korstoget imod Tæringbacillen det Øjemed, som er denne Bevægelse es Opgave. Enhver, som har tænkt på at undgået at bidrage til denne Bevægelse, vil gjøre bedst i at hol de Sengen den 3die Nov., da mindst Tausinde af Byens Kvinder vil hjemsøge alle Krogene for det mindste Bidrag i Dagens Anled ning. Dansk Begravelse fra U. C. T. Hall. Danst Brodersamsunds Med lem, Hr. M. Sørensen, som blev søden liggende død på sit Barns Gravi Forest Cemetery Fredag Morgen den 22. ds.,blev sidste Søndag be graven under stor Deltagelse fra Danfl Brodersamfunds Loge No. 91. Præsten fra den danffe eb. luth. Na zareth Menighed samt Præsten fra Central Methodist Kirken talte. Sangkoret fra Central M. Kirken sang og Organisten fra Nazareth Menigheden spielte. M. Sørensen bar sødt i Danmark Nærheden af Horsens den 4. Marts 1862 og kom her til Landet for om trent 28 Aar siden. Hans Forældre i Danmark er døde, riten han har en Broder, som er Skomager i Esbjerg, og en anden Broder er Skolelærer paa Sjælland. M. Sørensen havde et Strikkeri paa Nice Street, og boe de med sin Familie, Hustru og to voksne Sønner, 17 og 19 Aar gamle, paa barton Str. i No. 609, som sikkert mange danske Mænd og Kvin der nu vil besøge for at trøste hans dybt sørgende og haardt prøbede Enke og hendes to Sønner. Når De følger med i dette Blåfra Ende til anden, fra Uge til Uge skal de ikke ængste Dem for, at Dikke Ü i oil, Løsøre Jørnbaner gode Markeder, meget mokt Lød, bedre end Alberta, bedre end Texae. Graset er to Fod hSjt. Skandinavisk Settlement. Fri Homestead! (Skov) kan faaei. Kortov.r Catiora Distriktet sendee frit. Billige Ekskursioner 11909, Skriv strax. SCHOLARUS.CANI.DI.LAND CO., CHICAGO. Gravør og Stempelfabrik. Notar- og Korporations-Segl, Staal-, Messing- og Rubber Stamps, Messing og Aluminium. A E E K S Baggage Checks, Husnumre og Derelinder. SEHI) FOR KATALOG. -®g Racine, Wis-, uddanner Mænd og Kvinder alle Brancher indenfor Kunsten. Elever modtages til en hver Tid i Tegning, Maling og Skulptur. Skolen giver fuldstændig Uddannelse til saa danne, som maatte ønske at tegne for Avi ser og Magasiner. Alterbilleder og Male-, rier udføres til rimel ige Priser. Skriv efter Katalog. I og be-styrer Farm-Ejendom. St Jacobs Olie er efter Smerten. Smerten kan ikke være efter. God for Rheumatisme, Neuralgia, Ondt i Halsen, Kuide i Brystet, o. j* s. v. Rives blot ind på det angreb ne Sted. Smerten kan muligvis modstaa et Dusin Behandlinger men jf den KAN' IKKE modstaa St. Jacobs Olie. Pris 25. og 50c. Den besejrer Smerte. S Baltimore, Md. 3r 8. |
github_open_source_100_8_19973 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufReader, BufRead};
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let datafile = File::open("data/2_1")?;
let reader = BufReader::new(datafile);
let lines = reader.lines().filter_map(|line| line.ok());
let mut count_2 = 0;
let mut count_3 = 0;
for line in lines {
let mut histogram = HashMap::new();
for chr in line.chars() {
let counter = histogram.entry(chr).or_insert(0);
*counter += 1;
if histogram.values().any(|&x| x == 2) {
count_2 += 1;
if histogram.values().any(|&x| x == 3) {
count_3 += 1;
println!("Count of 2: {}", count_2);
println!("Count of 3: {}", count_3);
println!("Checksum: {}", count_2 * count_3);
4888102_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Das Sikkin Panjang (engl.long Sikin), auch Andar, Gloepak Sikin, Glupak Sikin, Jekinpandjang, Loedojoe Aceh, Loedjoe Aceh, Loedjoe Naroe, Loedjoe Naru, Ludju Naru, Narumo, Sekin Pandjang, Saekin Panjang, Sikim Pandjang, Sikin Pandjang, Sikin Panjang Meutatha, Thikin Panjang ist ein Schwert aus Indonesien.
Das Sikkin Panjang hat eine gerade, einschneidige Klinge. Die Klinge hat einen etwa 36 cm langen Hohlschliff, der am Heft beginnt. Die Klinge läuft vom Heft zum Ort gleich breit und ist dort abgerundet. Die Klinge ist gleich geformt wie die des Luju Alang. Das Heft besteht aus Holz oder Horn und hat eine Zwinge aus Metall. Diese Zwinge dient zur besseren Befestigung des Hefts. Der Knauf ist in der typischen Form der indonesischen Sikkin-Schwerter geschnitzt. Es kann in verschiedenen Formen hergestellt sein:
a.) "Hulu Peusangan". Am Knauf verbreitert und gabelförmig gearbeitet. Die Enden sind nach der Innenseite verbreitert, so dass sie sich fast- oder ganz berühren.
b.) "Hulu Rumpung" (der gebräuchlichste Typ). Am Knauf gabelförmig gearbeitet sie bilden ein flaches V.
c.) "Hulu Tumpang Beunteueng". Der Knauf formt ein tiefes V. Das Heft wird aus Horn hergestellt. In einigen Fällen aus Elfenbein oder den Zähnen eines Pottwals. Es gibt Versionen bei denen verschiedene Materialien gleichzeitig verwendet. Die Hefte werden oft mit figürlichen- oder linienförmigen Schnitzereien verziert. Auch Verzierungen aus Edelmetallen sind üblich.
Diese Metallverzierungen werden folgenderweise benamt:
a.) "Reukueng Runglet" (engl.the breast shield of a Capricorn beetle, de. der Brustschild des Einhornkäfers]. Dieses Bauteil ist die Zwinge zwischen Heft und Klinge.
b.) "Glupa", ein Ornament an dem Heftende zur Klinge hin (Zwinge). Es ist in der Form Triangular und mit Girlanden verziert. Die Triangelecken sind abgerundet.
c.) "Puko", Etwa das gleiche wie "Glupa", mit dem Unterschied das die Triangelecken spitz sind. Sie werden oft mit Emaille verziert.
d.) "Saruek Ulat" (engl. cocoon of a caterpillar, de. der Kokon einer Raupe). Eine Art metallene Schale (Zwinge), die Anstelle der "Glupa" oder "Puko" verwendet werden kann.
Die Scheiden sind ein- oder zweiteilig und bestehen aus Holz. Sie sind zur Befestigung mit Rattan- oder Metallbändern (indon. Suasa) umwickelt. Die Scheiden sind gerade, flach und im Querschnitt flachoval. Die Seiten der Scheiden können glatt oder mit Schnitzereien von floralen Motiven oder anderer Ornamente sein. Auch Inkrustierungen- oder komplette Überzüge mit Silberblech sind möglich. Die Klingenrückenseite ist verbreitert.
Der Scheidenmund kann verschieden gearbeitet sein:
a.) Er kann aus einem Stück mit der Scheide geschnitzt oder separat hergestellt (indon. Jambang) und angefügt werden. Ist es als separates Stück hergestellt kann es aus Holz, Horn oder Elfenbein bestehen. Wenn es in einem Stück aus der Scheide gearbeitet ist, verbreitert es sich in alle Richtungen. Die Rückseite hat einen kurzen Vorsprung (indon. Cannge). Die Seite die zur Schneide hin zeigt hat einen längeren- und spitzen Vorsprung, der leicht gebogen ist. Er kann mit geschnitzten Ornamenten- oder Blumen- oder Pflanzenmotiven geschnitzt sein.
b.) Er kann außerordentlich groß und sehr schwer gearbeitet sein und ist in einem Winkel von 90° an der Scheide befestigt. Es hat einen Überhang nach beiden Seiten der Scheide. Zum Klingenrücken hin ist dieser Vorsprung länger und schmaler, zur Schneidenseite hin etwas kürzer und breiter.
Beide Typen der Mundstücke können anspruchsvoll verziert sein. Dies geschieht durch Schnitzereien oder die Verwendung von Naturharz.
Das Sikkin wird von Ethnien in Indonesien benutzt. Es ist eine Version des Klewang. Viele Schwerter dieser Art wurden für den Aceh-Krieg gegen die Hölländer (1873 bis ca. 1900) hergestellt. Die Verwendung ist ausschließlich auf Sumatra beschränkt. Ein anderes für diese Region typisches Schwert ist das Nias-Balato.
George Cameron Stone: A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor in all Countries and in all Times. Together with some closely related Subjects. With an introduction by Donald J. LaRocca. Dover Publications, Mineola NY 1999, ISBN 0-486-40726-8.
Diagram Group: The New Weapons of the World Encyclopedia. An International Encyclopedia from 5000 B.C. to the 21st Century. St. Martin’s Press Griffin, New York NY 2007, ISBN 978-0-312-36832-6.
Bild und Beschreibung bei Eric's Edge
Bild und Beschreibung bei Oriental-Arms
Bild und Beschreibung bei Oriental-Arms
Bild und Beschreibung bei Oriental-Arms
Bild und Beschreibung bei Oriental-Arms
Bild und Beschreibung bei Oriental-Arms
55320_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Делавэр () — АПШ территоринчи юханшыв. территорипе юхать. Юханшыв Делавэр (кӳлмек)|Делавэр юханшыва юхса кĕрет. Юханшыв тăршшĕ 579 км, бассейн лаптăкĕ 36568 км2.
АПШ юханшывĕсем.
a6b6bfcfeb659441d2281fe3b0a458b5_1 | French Open Data | Various open data | PRESS RELEASE
in the share capital as at 31 December 2014 (Articles L. 233 -8 (II)
of the French Commercial Code and 223 -16 of the General
Regulations of the French Financial Markets Authority)
Date Number of shares in
the share capital Number of
theoretical voting
rights Number of
exercisable voting
31/12/2014 29,734,932 29,734,932 29,618,433
1. Number of theoretical voting rights, diminished with voting rights attached to the treasury shares within
the framework of a share buy -back program , deprived of voting rights.
Next on the agenda : release of the annual results for the 2014
financial year on 4 March 2015 (before trading).
Albioma is an independent energy producer and world leader in the conversion of biomass into a highly -effective
source of energy , in collaboration with its agri -business partners. For more than 20 years, Albioma has operated
power plants recovering bagass e, a fibrous by -product of sugar cane, replaced by coal outside the sugar cane
harvest. Its unique expertise has enabled Albioma to establish itself as a n indispensable partner in the sugar and
ethanol industry in the French overseas territories and Mauriti us. Albioma is now developing power plants using
only biomass, which recover, in addition to bagass e, green waste and wood industry residue. The Group also
operates a highly -efficient photovolta ic installation and agricultural anaerobic digestion units. In 2014, the
Group, which already had a presence in mainland France, the French overseas territories and Mauritius, began
operating in Brazil, the world’s leading sugar cane producer.
For further information, please visit
_____ _____
[email protected]
+33 (0)1 47 76 67 00 LUC PERINET -MARQUET
+33 (0)1 44 50 40 35
ISIN FR0000060402 – TICKER: ABIO.
github_open_source_100_8_19974 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | /*******************************************************************************
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package hr.fer.zemris.vhdllab.applets.editor.schema2.model.drawers;
import hr.fer.zemris.vhdllab.applets.editor.schema2.interfaces.IComponentDrawer;
import hr.fer.zemris.vhdllab.applets.editor.schema2.interfaces.ISchemaComponent;
import hr.fer.zemris.vhdllab.applets.editor.schema2.misc.DrawingProperties;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
* Crta komponentu u obliku pravokutnika.
* Pretpostavlja da je svaki port na rubu bounding-boxa
* komponente. Ako neki port nije na rubu bounding-boxa
* komponente, onda ce za njega biti nacrtana samo tockica,
* ali ne i poveznica s tijelom komponente (pravokutnikom).
* Port NE SMIJE biti unutar samog pravokutnika komponente.
* @author Axel
public class OrDrawer extends GateDrawer implements IComponentDrawer {
/* static fields */
public static final int PORT_SIZE = 4;
public static final int NEGATE_SIZE = 4;
public static final int PIN_LENGTH = 15;
public static final int INSIGNIA_SIZE = 20;
public static final String INSIGNIA = "\u22651";
/* private fields */
private ISchemaComponent comp_to_draw;
public OrDrawer(ISchemaComponent componentToDraw) {
comp_to_draw = componentToDraw;
public void draw(Graphics2D graphics, DrawingProperties properties) {
super.draw(graphics, false, properties);
int w = comp_to_draw.getWidth();
int h = comp_to_draw.getHeight();
// draw insignia
Font oldf = graphics.getFont(), f = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, INSIGNIA_SIZE);
graphics.drawString(INSIGNIA, w / 2 - f.getSize() * INSIGNIA.length() / 3, h / 2 + f.getSize() / 2);
| | Eurovoc | CC-By | " (26) Vor der Unterschrift muss der/die Unterzeichnete handschriftlich vermerken: „Für die Übernahme der Sicherheit in Höhe von …“, wobei der Betrag in Worten anzugeben ist. " 4. In Anhang C5 Zeile 7 werden zwischen den Wörtern „Türkei“ und „Andorra (*)“ die Wörter „Vereinigtes Königreich“ eingefügt. 5. In Anhang C6 Zeile 6 werden zwischen den Wörtern „Türkei“ und „Andorra (*)“ die Wörter „Vereinigtes Königreich“ eingefügt. (1) Name und Vorname oder Firmenbezeichnung. (2) Vollständige Anschrift. (3) Die Namen der Staaten, in deren Gebiet die Sicherheit nicht verwendet werden darf, sind zu streichen. (4) Bezugnahmen auf das Fürstentum Andorra oder die Republik San Marino gelten nur für Unionsversandverfahren. (5) Name und Vorname oder Firmenbezeichnung und vollständige Anschrift des Sicherheitsleistenden. (6) Gilt für die Abgaben im Zusammenhang mit Einfuhr und Ausfuhr der Waren, wenn die Sicherheitsleistung für die Überführung von Waren in das Unionsversandverfahren bzw. das gemeinsame Versandverfahren verwendet wird oder in mehr als einem Mitgliedstaat verwendet werden kann. (7) Anzugeben ist einer der folgenden Zollvorgänge: a) vorübergehende Verwahrung, b) Unionsversandverfahren/gemeinsames Versandverfahren, c) Zolllagerverfahren, d) vorübergehende Verwendung mit vollständiger Befreiung von den Einfuhrabgaben, e) aktive Veredelung, f) Endverwendung, g) Überlassung zum zollrechtlich freien Verkehr mit normaler Zollanmeldung ohne Zahlungsaufschub, h) Überlassung zum zollrechtlich freien Verkehr mit normaler Zollanmeldung mit Zahlungsaufschub, i) Überlassung zum zollrechtlich freien Verkehr mit Zollanmeldung nach Artikel 166 der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 952/2013 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 9. Oktober 2013 zur Festlegung des Zollkodex der Union (ABl. L 269 vom 10. 10. 2013, S. 1), j) Überlassung zum zollrechtlich freien Verkehr mit Zollanmeldung nach Artikel 182 der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 952/2013, k) vorübergehende Verwendung mit teilweiser Befreiung von den Einfuhrabgaben, l) anderer Zollvorgang — bitte Art des Vorgangs angeben. (8) Sehen die Rechtsvorschriften eines dieser Länder ein Wahldomizil nicht vor, so hat der Bürge in dem betreffenden Land einen Zustellungsbevollmächtigten zu benennen; die unter Nummer 4 Unterabsätze 2 und 4 vorgesehenen Anerkenntnisse bzw. Verpflichtungen sind entsprechend zu vereinbaren. Für Rechtsstreitigkeiten aus dieser Sicherheit sind die Gerichte zuständig, in deren Bezirk sich das Wahldomizil oder der Wohnsitz (Sitz) des Bürgen bzw. der Zustellungsbevollmächtigten befindet. (9) Vor der Unterschrift muss der/die Unterzeichnete handschriftlich vermerken: „Für die Übernahme der Sicherheit in Höhe von …“, wobei der Betrag in Worten anzugeben ist. (10) Von der Zollstelle auszufüllen, bei der die Waren in das Verfahren oder die vorübergehende Verwahrung übergeführt wurden. (11) Name und Vorname oder Firmenbezeichnung. (12) Vollständige Anschrift. L_2018317HU. 01004801. xml 14. 12. 2018 HU Az Európai Unió Hivatalos Lapja L 317/48 AZ EU–CTC VEGYES BIZOTTSÁG 2/2018 HATÁROZATA (2018. december 4. ) az egységes árutovábbítási eljárásról szóló egyezmény módosításáról [2018/1988] AZ EU–CTC VEGYES BIZOTTSÁG, tekintettel az egységes árutovábbítási eljárásról szóló, 1987. május 20-i egyezményre (1) és különösen annak 15. cikke (3) bekezdésének a) pontjára, mivel: (1) Az egységes árutovábbítási eljárásról szóló egyezmény (a továbbiakban: az egyezmény) 15. cikke (3) bekezdésének a) pontja értelmében az egyezménnyel létrehozott vegyes bizottság határozattal fogadja el az egyezmény függelékeinek módosításait. (2) Nagy-Britannia és Észak-Írország Egyesült Királysága (a továbbiakban: az Egyesült Királyság) kinyilvánította azon szándékát, hogy különálló szerződő félként kíván csatlakozni az egyezményhez, és erre az egyezmény letéteményeseként eljáró Tanácsnak kell felkérnie az egyezménnyel összhangban. (3) Ennek megfelelően az egyezmény III. függelékének egyes mellékleteiben mintaként feltüntetett kezességvállalási formanyomtatványokat módosítani kell annak érdekében, hogy töröljék az Egyesült Királyságra mint az Unió tagállamára való hivatkozást, és beillesszenek egy, az Egyesült Királyságra mint egységes árutovábbítási országra való hivatkozást. (4) Annak érdekében, hogy az Egyesült Királyságnak az egyezményhez való, különálló szerződő félként történő csatlakozásának időpontja előtt hatályban lévő kritériumoknak megfelelően nyomtatott kezességvállalási formanyomtatványokat fel lehessen használni, átmeneti időszakot kell megállapítani, amely során a már kinyomtatott formanyomtatványok bizonyos kiigazításokkal továbbra is felhasználhatók. (5) E határozat hatálybalépését az Egyesült Királyságnak az egyezményhez való, különálló szerződő félként történő csatlakozásától kell függővé tenni, és azt össze kell kapcsolni azzal az időponttal, amikor az Egyesült Királyságnak az egyezményhez való, különálló szerződő félként történő csatlakozása hatályossá válik. (6) Az egyezményt ezért ennek megfelelően módosítani kell, ELFOGADTA EZT A HATÁROZATOT: 1. cikk Az egyezmény III. függeléke az e határozat mellékletében foglaltaknak megfelelően módosul. 2. cikk Az egyezmény III. függelékének C1–C6. mellékletében szereplő kezességvállalási formanyomtatványokat az e határozat hatálybalépésének napját megelőző napon alkalmazandó változatukban az e határozat hatálybalépésének napjától számított egy évig továbbra is fel lehet használni a szükséges földrajzi kiigazításokkal. 3. cikk Ez a határozat az Egyesült Királyság egyezményhez való, különálló szerződő félként történő csatlakozásától függően és azon a napon lép hatályba, amikor az Egyesült Királyságnak az egyezményhez való, különálló szerződő félként történő csatlakozása hatályossá válik. Kelt Brüsszelben, 2018. december 4-én. a vegyes bizottság részéről az elnök Philip KERMODE (1) HL L 226. , 1987. 8. 13. , 2. o. MELLÉKLET Az egységes árutovábbítási eljárásról szóló egyezmény III. függeléke a következőképpen módosul: 1. A C1. melléklet helyébe a következő szöveg lép: „C1. MELLÉKLET KEZESI KÖTELEZETTSÉGVÁLLALÁS – EGYEDI KEZESSÉG I. Kezesi kötelezettségvállalás 1. Alulírott (1) … … lakóhely (székhely) (2) … … a biztosítéknyújtás helye szerinti … vámhivatalnál legfeljebb … összeg erejéig készfizető kezességet vállal az Európai Unió javára (melynek tagjai a Belga Királyság, a Bolgár Köztársaság, a Cseh Köztársaság, a Dán Királyság, a Németországi Szövetségi Köztársaság, az Észt Köztársaság, a Görög Köztársaság, a Horvát Köztársaság, a Spanyol Királyság, a Francia Köztársaság, Írország, az Olasz Köztársaság, a Ciprusi Köztársaság, a Lett Köztársaság, a Litván Köztársaság, a Luxemburgi Nagyhercegség, Magyarország, a Máltai Köztársaság, a Holland Királyság, az Osztrák Köztársaság, a Lengyel Köztársaság, a Portugál Köztársaság, Románia, a Szlovén Köztársaság, a Szlovák Köztársaság, a Finn Köztársaság és a Svéd Királyság), valamint az Izlandi Köztársaság, Macedónia Volt Jugoszláv Köztársaság, a Norvég Királyság, a Szerb Köztársaság, a Svájci Államszövetség, a Török Köztársaság, Nagy-Britannia és Észak-Írország Egyesült Királysága (3), az Andorrai Hercegség és San Marino Köztársaság (4) javára mindazon kötelezettségekért, amelyekkel az e kezességet nyújtó személy (5): … a fent említett országoknak az alábbi vámügyi művelet (6) alatt álló, lent megnevezett áruk után esetlegesen vagy ténylegesen fizetendő vámok vagy egyéb terhek (7) tekintetében tartozik vagy tartozni fog. … … Az áruk megnevezése: … … … 2. Az alulírott kötelezettséget vállal arra, hogy az 1. pontban említett országok illetékes hatóságainak első írásos felszólítására a felszólítástól számított 30 napon belül haladéktalanul kifizeti a követelt összeget, kivéve, ha ő vagy más érintett személy az említett időszak lejárta előtt a vámhatóságok számára hitelt érdemlően bizonyítja, hogy a meghatározott célra történő felhasználási eljárástól eltérő különleges eljárás lezárult, az áruk meghatározott célra történő felhasználásának vámfelügyelete vagy átmeneti megőrzése rendben befejeződött, illetve – különleges eljárásoktól és átmeneti megőrzéstől eltérő műveletek esetében – az áruk helyzete rendeződött. Az alulírott kérelmére és jogos indokok alapján az illetékes hatóságok meghosszabbíthatják az írásbeli felszólítást követő 30 napos határidőt, amelyen belül az alulírottnak a követelt összeget ki kell fizetnie. A póthatáridő engedélyezéséből adódó költségeket, különösen a kamatokat úgy kell kiszámítani, hogy annak az összegnek feleljenek meg, amelyet ezért hasonló körülmények között az érintett ország pénz- és tőkepiacán megkövetelnek. 3. Ez a kezesi kötelezettségvállalás a biztosítéknyújtás helye szerinti vámhivatal általi jóváhagyás napjától érvényes. Az alulírott felel továbbá az e kezesi kötelezettségvállalás fedezete alatt álló azon vámügyi művelet során keletkezett tartozás megfizetéséért, amely a kezesség visszavonásának vagy megszüntetésének hatálybalépése előtt kezdődött meg, akkor is, ha a fizetési felszólítás ez után a dátum után készült. 4. E kezesi kötelezettségvállalás alapján alulírott az 1. pontban említett országok mindegyikében megadja az értesítési címét (8): Ország Teljes név, illetve cégnév és pontos cím Az alulírott elismeri, hogy ezt a kezesi kötelezettségvállalást érintő minden olyan postai küldeményt, értesítést, illetve alakiságot vagy eljárási intézkedést, amelyet az értesítési címek egyikére írásban elküldenek, megfelelően kézbesítettnek fogad el. Az alulírott elismeri az értesítési címek helye szerint illetékes bíróságok joghatóságát. Az alulírott kötelezettséget vállal, hogy fenntartja az értesítési címeket, vagy ezen értesítési címek közül egyet vagy többet csak a biztosítéknyújtás helye szerinti vámhivatal előzetes tájékoztatása után változtat meg. Kelt…-ban/ben, … …-án/-én. (Aláírás) (9) II. A biztosítéknyújtás helye szerinti vámhivatal általi jóváhagyás Biztosítéknyújtás helye szerinti vámhivatal … … … A …-i …számú vám-árunyilatkozattal/átmeneti megőrzési árunyilatkozattal végrehajtott vámügyi művelet fedezésére szolgáló kezesi kötelezettségvállalás …-án/-én jóváhagyva … (10) (Bélyegző és aláírás) (1) Teljes név, illetve cégnév. " (2) Pontos cím. " (3) Azon ország/országok neve törlendő, amelyek területén a kezesség nem vehető igénybe. " (4) Az Andorrai Hercegségre és a San Marino Köztársaságra vonatkozó hivatkozások kizárólag az uniós árutovábbítási műveletekre alkalmazandók. " (5) A kezességet nyújtó személy teljes neve vagy cégneve és pontos címe. " (6) Az áruk behozatalával vagy kivitelével kapcsolatban esedékessé váló terhek kapcsán alkalmazandó, amennyiben a kezességet az áruk uniós/egységes árutovábbítási eljárás alá vonására használják fel, vagy ha a kezesség több tagállamban is felhasználható. " (7) Írja be a következő vámügyi műveletek egyikét: a) átmeneti megőrzés, b) uniós árutovábbítási eljárás/egységes árutovábbítási eljárás, c) vámraktározási eljárás, d) ideiglenes behozatali eljárás, a behozatali vám alóli teljes mentességgel, e) aktív feldolgozási eljárás, f) meghatározott célra történő felhasználási eljárás, g) normál vám-árunyilatkozattal végrehajtott szabad forgalomba bocsátás, halasztott fizetés nélkül, h) normál vám-árunyilatkozattal végrehajtott szabad forgalomba bocsátás, halasztott fizetéssel, i) szabad forgalomba bocsátás az Uniós Vámkódex létrehozásáról szóló, 2013. október 9-i 952/2013/EU európai parlamenti és tanácsi rendelet (HL L 269. , 2013. 10. 10. , 1. o. ) 166. cikkének megfelelően benyújtott vám-árunyilatkozat alapján, j) szabad forgalomba bocsátás a 952/2013/EU rendelet 182. cikkének megfelelően benyújtott vám-árunyilatkozat alapján, k) ideiglenes behozatali eljárás, a behozatali vám alóli részleges mentességgel, l) ha más, adja meg az egyéb művelet jellegét. " (8) Ha az ország jogszabályai nem rendelkeznek értesítési címről, a kezes ebben az országban kijelöl egy, a neki címzett értesítések átvételére felhatalmazott képviselőt, és a 4. pont második bekezdésében lévő elismervényt és a negyedik bekezdésében lévő kötelezettségvállalást ennek megfelelően kell elkészíteni. A kezességgel kapcsolatos vitás kérdésekben a kezes vagy képviselői értesítési címei szerinti bíróságok illetékesek. " (9) Az okmányt aláíró személynek az aláírása előtt kézírással a következőket kell bejegyeznie: »Kezességvállalás… összeg erejéig« (az összeg betűvel kiírva). " (10) Az a vámhivatal tölti ki, ahol az árukat eljárás alá vonták vagy átmeneti megőrzésük történt. " 2. A C2. melléklet helyébe a következő szöveg lép: „C2. MELLÉKLET KEZESI KÖTELEZETTSÉGVÁLLALÁS – EGYEDI KEZESSÉG GARANCIAJEGYEK FORMÁJÁBAN I. Kezesi kötelezettségvállalás 1. Alulírott (11) … … lakóhely (székhely) (12) … … a biztosítéknyújtás helye szerinti … vámhivatalnál készfizető kezességet vállal az Európai Unió javára (melynek tagjai a Belga Királyság, a Bolgár Köztársaság, a Cseh Köztársaság, a Dán Királyság, a Németországi Szövetségi Köztársaság, az Észt Köztársaság, a Görög Köztársaság, a Horvát Köztársaság, a Spanyol Királyság, a Francia Köztársaság, Írország, az Olasz Köztársaság, a Ciprusi Köztársaság, a Lett Köztársaság, a Litván Köztársaság, a Luxemburgi Nagyhercegség, Magyarország, a Máltai Köztársaság, a Holland Királyság, az Osztrák Köztársaság, a Lengyel Köztársaság, a Portugál Köztársaság, Románia, a Szlovén Köztársaság, a Szlovák Köztársaság, a Finn Köztársaság és a Svéd Királyság), valamint az Izlandi Köztársaság, Macedónia Volt Jugoszláv Köztársaság, a Norvég Királyság, (a Szerb Köztársaság,) a Svájci Államszövetség, a Török Köztársaság, Nagy-Britannia és Észak-Írország Egyesült Királysága, az Andorrai Hercegség és a San Marino Köztársaság (13) javára a vámeljárás jogosultjának mindazon kötelezettségeiért, amelyekkel a vámeljárás jogosultja a fent említett országoknak az uniós vagy egységes árutovábbítási eljárás alá vont alább említett áruk után azok behozatala vagy kivitele kapcsán fizetendő vámok vagy egyéb terhek tekintetében tartozik vagy tartozni fog, amelyekkel kapcsolatban alulírott egyedi garanciajegyek kiállítására vállal kötelezettséget, garanciajegyenként maximum 10 000 EUR értékben. 2. Az alulírott kötelezettséget vállal arra, hogy az 1. pontban említett országok illetékes hatóságainak első írásos felszólítására a felszólítástól számított 30 napon belül a fent említett, garanciajegyenként 10 000 EUR összeghatárig haladéktalanul kifizeti a követelt összeget, kivéve, ha ő vagy más érintett személy az említett időszak lejárta előtt az illetékes hatóságok számára hitelt érdemlően bizonyítja, hogy a művelet lezárult. Az alulírott kérelmére és jogos indokok alapján az illetékes hatóságok meghosszabbíthatják az írásbeli felszólítást követő 30 napos határidőt, amelyen belül az alulírottnak a követelt összeget ki kell fizetnie. A póthatáridő engedélyezéséből adódó költségeket, különösen a kamatokat úgy kell kiszámítani, hogy annak az összegnek feleljenek meg, amelyet ezért hasonló körülmények között az érintett ország pénz- és tőkepiacán megkövetelnek. 3. Ez a kezesi kötelezettségvállalás a biztosítéknyújtás helye szerinti vámhivatal általi jóváhagyás napjától érvényes. Az alulírott felel továbbá az e kezesi kötelezettségvállalás fedezete alatt álló azon uniós vagy egységes árutovábbítási művelet során keletkezett tartozás megfizetéséért, amely a kezesség visszavonásának vagy megszüntetésének hatálybalépése előtt kezdődött meg, akkor is, ha a fizetési felszólítás ez után a dátum után készült. 4. E kezesi kötelezettségvállalás alapján alulírott az 1. pontban említett országok mindegyikében megadja az értesítési címét (14): Ország Teljes név, illetve cégnév és pontos cím Az alulírott elismeri, hogy ezt a kezesi kötelezettségvállalást érintő minden olyan postai küldeményt, értesítést, illetve alakiságot vagy eljárási intézkedést, amelyet az értesítési címek egyikére írásban elküldenek, megfelelően kézbesítettnek fogad el. Az alulírott elismeri az értesítési címek helye szerint illetékes bíróságok joghatóságát. Az alulírott kötelezettséget vállal, hogy fenntartja az értesítési címeket, vagy ezen értesítési címek közül egyet vagy többet csak a biztosítéknyújtás helye szerinti vámhivatal előzetes tájékoztatása után változtat meg. Kelt … -ban/-ben, …-án/-én. … (Aláírás) (15) II. A biztosítéknyújtás helye szerinti vámhivatal általi jóváhagyás Biztosítéknyújtás helye szerinti vámhivatal … … A kezesi kötelezettségvállalás elfogadva … …-án/-én. … (Bélyegző és aláírás) (11) Teljes név, illetve cégnév. " (12) Pontos cím. " (13) Az Andorrai Hercegségre és a San Marino Köztársaságra vonatkozó hivatkozások kizárólag az uniós árutovábbítási műveletekre alkalmazandók. " (14) Ha az ország jogszabályai nem rendelkeznek értesítési címről, a kezes ebben az országban kijelöl egy, a neki címzett értesítések átvételére felhatalmazott képviselőt, és a 4. pont második bekezdésében lévő elismervényt és a negyedik bekezdésében lévő kötelezettségvállalást ennek megfelelően kell elkészíteni. A kezességgel kapcsolatos vitás kérdésekben a kezes vagy képviselői értesítési címei szerinti bíróságok illetékesek. " (15) Az okmányt aláíró személynek az aláírása előtt kézírással a következőt kell bejegyeznie: »Garanciajegyként érvényes«. " 3. A C4. melléklet helyébe a következő szöveg lép: „C4. MELLÉKLET KEZESI KÖTELEZETTSÉGVÁLLALÁS – ÖSSZKEZESSÉG I. Kezesi kötelezettségvállalás 1. Alulírott (16) … … lakóhely (székhely) (17) … … a biztosítéknyújtás helye szerinti … vámhivatalnál legfeljebb … összeg erejéig készfizető kezességet vállal az Európai Unió javára (melynek tagjai a Belga Királyság, a Bolgár Köztársaság, a Cseh Köztársaság, a Dán Királyság, a Németországi Szövetségi Köztársaság, az Észt Köztársaság, Írország, a Görög Köztársaság, a Spanyol Királyság, a Francia Köztársaság, a Horvát Köztársaság, az Olasz Köztársaság, a Ciprusi Köztársaság, a Lett Köztársaság, a Litván Köztársaság, a Luxemburgi Nagyhercegség, Magyarország, a Máltai Köztársaság, a Holland Királyság, az Osztrák Köztársaság, a Lengyel Köztársaság, a Portugál Köztársaság, Románia, a Szlovén Köztársaság, a Szlovák Köztársaság, a Finn Köztársaság és a Svéd Királyság), valamint az Izlandi Köztársaság, Macedónia Volt Jugoszláv Köztársaság, a Norvég Királyság, a Szerb Köztársaság, a Svájci Államszövetség, a Török Köztársaság, Nagy-Britannia és Észak-Írország Egyesült Királysága (18), az Andorrai Hercegség és San Marino Köztársaság (19) javára mindazon kötelezettségekért, amelyekkel az e kezességet nyújtó személy (20) … a fent említett országoknak az 1a. és/vagy 1b. pontban jelzett vámügyi művelet alatt álló áruk után esetlegesen vagy ténylegesen fizetendő vámok vagy egyéb terhek (21) tekintetében tartozik vagy tartozni fog. A kezesség maximális összege a következő összegekből tevődik össze: … a) a referenciaösszeg azon részének 100/50/30 %-a (22), amely az esetleg keletkező vámok és egyéb terhek összegének felel meg, ez megegyezik az 1a. pontban felsorolt összegek összegével; és … b) a referenciaösszeg azon részének 100/30 %-a (22) amely a ténylegesen keletkezett vámok és egyéb terhek összegének felel meg, ez megegyezik az 1b. pontban felsorolt összegek összegével. 1a. A referenciaösszeg azon részét képező összegek, amely rész az esetleg keletkező vámok és adott esetben egyéb terhek összegének felel meg, az alább felsorolt műveletek esetében a következők (23): a) átmeneti megőrzés – …, b) uniós árutovábbítási eljárás/egységes árutovábbítási eljárás – …, c) vámraktározási eljárás – …, d) ideiglenes behozatali eljárás, a behozatali vám alóli teljes mentességgel – …, e) aktív feldolgozási eljárás – …, f) meghatározott célra történő felhasználási eljárás – …, g) ha más, adja meg az egyéb művelet jellegét – … 1b. A referenciaösszeg azon részét képező összegek, amely rész a ténylegesen keletkezett vámok és adott esetben egyéb terhek összegének felel meg, az alább felsorolt műveletek esetében a következők (23): a) normál vám-árunyilatkozattal végrehajtott szabad forgalomba bocsátás, halasztott fizetés nélkül – …, b) normál vám-árunyilatkozattal végrehajtott szabad forgalomba bocsátás, halasztott fizetéssel – …, c) szabad forgalomba bocsátás az Uniós Vámkódex létrehozásáról szóló, 2013. október 9-i 952/2013/EU európai parlamenti és tanácsi rendelet 166. cikkének megfelelően benyújtott vám-árunyilatkozat alapján – …, d) szabad forgalomba bocsátás az Uniós Vámkódex létrehozásáról szóló, 2013. október 9-i 952/2013/EU európai parlamenti és tanácsi rendelet 182. cikkének megfelelően benyújtott vám-árunyilatkozat alapján – …, e) ideiglenes behozatali eljárás, a behozatali vám alóli részleges mentességgel – …, f) meghatározott célra történő felhasználási eljárás – … (24), g) ha más, adja meg az egyéb művelet jellegét – … 2. Az alulírott kötelezettséget vállal arra, hogy az 1. pontban említett országok illetékes hatóságainak első írásos felszólítására a felszólítástól számított 30 napon belül a fent említett összeghatárig haladéktalanul kifizeti a követelt összeget, kivéve, ha ő vagy más érintett személy az említett időszak lejárta előtt a vámhatóságok számára hitelt érdemlően bizonyítja, hogy a meghatározott célra történő felhasználási eljárástól eltérő különleges eljárás lezárult, az áruk meghatározott célra történő felhasználásának vámfelügyelete vagy átmeneti megőrzése rendben befejeződött, illetve – különleges eljárástól eltérő műveletek esetében – az áruk helyzete rendeződött. Az alulírott kérelmére és jogos indokok alapján az illetékes hatóságok meghosszabbíthatják az írásbeli felszólítást követő 30 napos határidőt, amelyen belül az alulírottnak a követelt összeget ki kell fizetnie. A póthatáridő engedélyezéséből adódó költségeket, különösen a kamatokat úgy kell kiszámítani, hogy annak az összegnek feleljenek meg, amelyet ezért hasonló körülmények között az érintett ország pénz- és tőkepiacán megkövetelnek. Ez az összeg csak akkor csökkenthető azokkal az összegekkel, amelyeket e kezesi kötelezettségvállalás alapján már kifizettek, ha az alulírottat olyan vámeljárás keretében szólítják fel a tartozás megfizetésére, amely eljárás az előző fizetési felszólítás kézhezvétele előtt vagy a kézhezvételt követő 30 napon belül kezdődött meg. 3. Ez a kezesi kötelezettségvállalás a biztosítéknyújtás helye szerinti vámhivatal általi jóváhagyás napjától érvényes. Az alulírott felel továbbá az e kezesi kötelezettségvállalás fedezete alatt álló azon vámügyi művelet során keletkezett tartozás megfizetéséért, amely a kezesség visszavonásának vagy megszüntetésének hatálybalépése előtt kezdődött meg, akkor is, ha a fizetési felszólítás ez után a dátum után készült. 4. E kezesi kötelezettségvállalás alapján alulírott az 1. pontban említett országok mindegyikében (25) megadja az értesítési címét: Ország Teljes név, illetve cégnév és pontos cím Az alulírott elismeri, hogy ezt a kezesi kötelezettségvállalást érintő minden olyan postai küldeményt, értesítést, illetve alakiságot vagy eljárási intézkedést, amelyet az értesítési címek egyikére írásban elküldenek, megfelelően kézbesítettnek fogad el. Az alulírott elismeri az értesítési címek helye szerint illetékes bíróságok joghatóságát. Az alulírott kötelezettséget vállal, hogy fenntartja az értesítési címeket, vagy ezen értesítési címek közül egyet vagy többet csak a biztosítéknyújtás helye szerinti vámhivatal előzetes tájékoztatása után változtat meg. Kelt …-ban/-ben, …-án/-én. … (Aláírás) (26) II. A biztosítéknyújtás helye szerinti vámhivatal általi jóváhagyás Biztosítéknyújtás helye szerinti vámhivatal … A kezesi nyilatkozat elfogadva: …-án/-én … (Bélyegző és aláírás) (16) Teljes név, illetve cégnév. " (17) Pontos cím. " (18) Azon ország/országok neve törlendő, ahol a kezesség nem vehető igénybe. " (19) Az Andorrai Hercegségre és a San Marino Köztársaságra vonatkozó hivatkozások kizárólag az uniós árutovábbítási műveletekre alkalmazandók. " (20) A kezességet nyújtó személy teljes neve vagy cégneve és pontos címe. " (21) Az áruk behozatalával vagy kivitelével kapcsolatban esedékessé váló egyéb terhek kapcsán alkalmazandó, amennyiben a kezességet az áruk uniós/egységes árutovábbítási eljárás alá vonására használják fel, vagy ha a kezesség több tagállamban vagy szerződő félnél is felhasználható. " (22) A nem kívánt rész törlendő. " (22) A nem kívánt rész törlendő. " (23) Az egységes árutovábbítástól eltérő eljárások csak az Unióra vonatkoznak. " (23) Az egységes árutovábbítástól eltérő eljárások csak az Unióra vonatkoznak. " (24) A meghatározott célra történő felhasználási eljáráshoz a vám-árunyilatkozaton feltüntetett összegek. " (25) Ha az ország jogszabályai nem rendelkeznek értesítési címről, a kezes ebben az országban kijelöl egy, a neki címzett értesítések átvételére felhatalmazott képviselőt, és a 4. pont második bekezdésében lévő elismervényt és a negyedik bekezdésében lévő kötelezettségvállalást ennek megfelelően kell elkészíteni. A kezességgel kapcsolatos vitás kérdésekben a kezes vagy képviselői értesítési címei szerinti bíróságok illetékesek. " (26) Az okmányt aláíró személynek az aláírása előtt kézírással a következőket kell bejegyeznie: »Kezességvállalás… összeg erejéig« (az összeg betűvel kiírva). " 4. A C5. melléklet 7. sora a „Törökország” és az „Andorra (*)” nevek között az „Egyesült Királyság” névvel egészül ki. 5. A C6. melléklet 6. sora a „Törökország” és az „Andorra (*)” nevek között az „Egyesült Királyság” névvel egészül ki. (1) Teljes név, illetve cégnév. (2) Pontos cím. (3) Azon ország/országok neve törlendő, amelyek területén a kezesség nem vehető igénybe. (4) Az Andorrai Hercegségre és a San Marino Köztársaságra vonatkozó hivatkozások kizárólag az uniós árutovábbítási műveletekre alkalmazandók. (5) A kezességet nyújtó személy teljes neve vagy cégneve és pontos címe. (6) Az áruk behozatalával vagy kivitelével kapcsolatban esedékessé váló terhek kapcsán alkalmazandó, amennyiben a kezességet az áruk uniós/egységes árutovábbítási eljárás alá vonására használják fel, vagy ha a kezesség több tagállamban is felhasználható. (7) Írja be a következő vámügyi műveletek egyikét: a) átmeneti megőrzés, b) uniós árutovábbítási eljárás/egységes árutovábbítási eljárás, c) vámraktározási eljárás, d) ideiglenes behozatali eljárás, a behozatali vám alóli teljes mentességgel, e) aktív feldolgozási eljárás, f) meghatározott célra történő felhasználási eljárás, g) normál vám-árunyilatkozattal végrehajtott szabad forgalomba bocsátás, halasztott fizetés nélkül, h) normál vám-árunyilatkozattal végrehajtott szabad forgalomba bocsátás, halasztott fizetéssel, i) szabad forgalomba bocsátás az Uniós Vámkódex létrehozásáról szóló, 2013. október 9-i 952/2013/EU európai parlamenti és tanácsi rendelet (HL L 269. , 2013. 10. 10. , 1. o. ) 166. cikkének megfelelően benyújtott vám-árunyilatkozat alapján, j) szabad forgalomba bocsátás a 952/2013/EU rendelet 182. cikkének megfelelően benyújtott vám-árunyilatkozat alapján, k) ideiglenes behozatali eljárás, a behozatali vám alóli részleges mentességgel, l) ha más, adja meg az egyéb művelet jellegét. (8) Ha az ország jogszabályai nem rendelkeznek értesítési címről, a kezes ebben az országban kijelöl egy, a neki címzett értesítések átvételére felhatalmazott képviselőt, és a 4. pont második bekezdésében lévő elismervényt és a negyedik bekezdésében lévő kötelezettségvállalást ennek megfelelően kell elkészíteni. A kezességgel kapcsolatos vitás kérdésekben a kezes vagy képviselői értesítési címei szerinti bíróságok illetékesek. (9) Az okmányt aláíró személynek az aláírása előtt kézírással a következőket kell bejegyeznie: »Kezességvállalás… összeg erejéig« (az összeg betűvel kiírva). (10) Az a vámhivatal tölti ki, ahol az árukat eljárás alá vonták vagy átmeneti megőrzésük történt. (11) Teljes név, illetve cégnév. (12) Pontos cím. (13) Az Andorrai Hercegségre és a San Marino Köztársaságra vonatkozó hivatkozások kizárólag az uniós árutovábbítási műveletekre alkalmazandók. (14) Ha az ország jogszabályai nem rendelkeznek értesítési címről, a kezes ebben az országban kijelöl egy, a neki címzett értesítések átvételére felhatalmazott képviselőt, és a 4. pont második bekezdésében lévő elismervényt és a negyedik bekezdésében lévő kötelezettségvállalást ennek megfelelően kell elkészíteni. A kezességgel kapcsolatos vitás kérdésekben a kezes vagy képviselői értesítési címei szerinti bíróságok illetékesek. (15) Az okmányt aláíró személynek az aláírása előtt kézírással a következőt kell bejegyeznie: »Garanciajegyként érvényes«. (16) Teljes név, illetve cégnév. (17) Pontos cím. (18) Azon ország/országok neve törlendő, ahol a kezesség nem vehető igénybe. (19) Az Andorrai Hercegségre és a San Marino Köztársaságra vonatkozó hivatkozások kizárólag az uniós árutovábbítási műveletekre alkalmazandók. (20) A kezességet nyújtó személy teljes neve vagy cégneve és pontos címe. (21) Az áruk behozatalával vagy kivitelével kapcsolatban esedékessé váló egyéb terhek kapcsán alkalmazandó, amennyiben a kezességet az áruk uniós/egységes árutovábbítási eljárás alá vonására használják fel, vagy ha a kezesség több tagállamban vagy szerződő félnél is felhasználható. L_2018317RO. 01004801. xml 14. 12. 2018 RO Jurnalul Oficial al Uniunii Europene L 317/48 DECIZIA NR. 2/2018 A COMITETULUI MIXT UE-CTC din 4 decembrie 2018 privind modificarea Convenției privind regimul de tranzit comun [2018/1988] COMITETUL MIXT UE-CTC, având în vedere Convenția din 20 mai 1987 privind regimul de tranzit comun (1), în special articolul 15 alineatul (3) litera (a), întrucât: (1) În conformitate cu articolul 15 alineatul (3) litera (a) din Convenția privind regimul de tranzit comun (denumită în continuare „convenția”), Comitetul mixt înființat prin convenție poate să adopte, printr-o decizie, modificări ale apendicelor la convenție. (2) Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei de Nord (denumit în continuare „Regatul Unit”) și-a exprimat dorința de a adera la convenție în calitate de parte contractantă distinctă, urmând să fie invitat să acționeze în acest sens de către Consiliu, în calitate de depozitar al convenției, conform convenției. (3) În consecință, formularele de garanție care figurează ca model în anumite anexe la apendicele III la convenție ar trebui să fie modificate pentru a elimina trimiterile la Regatul Unit în calitate de stat membru al Uniunii și pentru a introduce o trimitere la Regatul Unit în calitate de țară de tranzit comun. (4) Pentru a permite utilizarea unor formulare de garanție tipărite în conformitate cu criteriile în vigoare înainte de data la care aderarea Regatului Unit la convenție în calitate de parte contractantă separată își produce efectele, ar trebui stabilită o perioadă de tranziție în timpul căreia formularele tipărite, cu unele adaptări, să poată fi utilizate în continuare. (5) Intrarea în vigoare a prezentei decizii ar trebui să fie condiționată de aderarea Regatului Unit la convenție în calitate de parte contractantă distinctă și să fie corelată cu data la care intră în vigoare aderarea Regatului Unit la convenție în calitate de parte contractantă distinctă. (6) Prin urmare, convenția ar trebui modificată în consecință, ADOPTĂ PREZENTA DECIZIE: Articolul 1 Apendicele III la convenție se modifică în conformitate cu anexa la prezenta decizie. Articolul 2 Formularele de garanție din anexele C1-C6 la apendicele III la convenție, în versiunea în vigoare în ziua anterioară intrării în vigoare a prezentei decizii, pot fi utilizate în continuare, sub rezerva adaptărilor geografice necesare, timp de un an de la data intrării în vigoare a prezentei decizii. Articolul 3 Prezenta decizie intră în vigoare sub rezerva și la data la care aderarea Regatului Unit la convenție în calitate de parte contractantă distinctă intră în vigoare. Adoptată la Bruxelles, 4 decembrie 2018. Pentru Comitetul mixt Președintele Philip KERMODE (1) JO L 226, 13. 8. 1987, p. 2. ANEXĂ Apendicele III la Convenția privind regimul de tranzit comun se modifică după cum urmează: 1. Anexa C1 se înlocuiește cu următorul text: „ANEXA C1 ANGAJAMENTUL GARANTULUI – GARANȚIE IZOLATĂ I. Angajamentul garantului 1. Subsemnatul (1) … … domiciliat(ă)/cu sediul în (2) … … se constituie garant solidar la biroul de garanție din … până la valoarea maximă de … în favoarea Uniunii Europene (constituită din Regatul Belgiei, Republica Bulgaria, Republica Cehă, Regatul Danemarcei, Republica Federală Germania, Republica Estonia, Irlanda, Republica Elenă, Regatul Spaniei, Republica Franceză, Republica Croația, Republica Italiană, Republica Cipru, Republica Letonia, Republica Lituania, Marele Ducat al Luxemburgului, Ungaria, Republica Malta, Regatul Țărilor de Jos, Republica Austria, Republica Polonă, Republica Portugheză, România, Republica Slovenia, Republica Slovacă, Republica Finlanda, Regatul Suediei), precum și în favoarea Republicii Islanda, a fostei Republici iugoslave a Macedoniei, a Regatului Norvegiei, a Republicii Serbia, a Confederației Elvețiene, a Republicii Turcia, a Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei de Nord (3), a Principatului Andorra și a Republicii San Marino (4), pentru orice sumă pentru care persoana care furnizează prezenta garanție (5): … poate fi sau poate deveni debitor față de țările menționate anterior în virtutea datoriei constituite din taxele vamale și alte taxe aplicabile (6) mărfurilor descrise mai jos, acoperite de următoarea operațiune vamală (7): … … Descrierea mărfurilor: … … … … 2. Subsemnatul (subsemnata) mă oblig să plătesc, la prima cerere scrisă a autorităților competente din țările menționate la punctul 1 și fără a putea să amân plata cu mai mult de 30 de zile de la data cererii, sumele cerute, cu excepția cazului în care eu sau orice altă persoană interesată stabilesc/stabilește, înaintea expirării acestui termen, într-un mod considerat satisfăcător de autoritățile vamale, că regimul special, altul decât regimul de destinație finală, a fost descărcat, că supravegherea vamală a mărfurilor în regim de destinație finală sau depozitarea temporară s-a încheiat în mod corect sau, în cazul altor operațiuni decât regimurile speciale și depozitarea temporară, că situația mărfurilor a fost regularizată. La cererea subsemnatului (subsemnatei) și din motive recunoscute ca fiind valabile, autoritățile competente pot prelungi, dincolo de termenul de 30 de zile de la data cererii de plată, termenul în care subsemnatul (subsemnata) sunt obligat(ă) să efectuez plata sumelor cerute. Cheltuielile generate de acordarea acestui termen suplimentar, în special dobânzile, trebuie să fie calculate astfel încât cuantumul lor să fie echivalent cu cel care ar fi perceput în circumstanțe similare pe piața monetară sau financiară a țării în cauză. 3. Prezentul angajament este valabil începând de la data aprobării sale de către biroul de garanție. Subsemnatul (subsemnata) rămân răspunzător (răspunzătoare) de plata oricărei datorii care a luat naștere în timpul operațiunii vamale la care se referă prezentul angajament și care a început înainte de data intrării în vigoare a oricărei revocări sau rezilieri a actului de garanție, chiar dacă cererea de plată a fost făcută ulterior. 4. În sensul prezentului angajament, subsemnatul (subsemnata) îmi dau adresa de serviciu (8) din fiecare dintre celelalte țări menționate la punctul 1, ca fiind: Țara Numele și prenumele sau denumirea societății, precum și adresa completă Subsemnatul (subsemnata) recunosc că toată corespondența, avizele și toate formalitățile sau procedurile referitoare la prezentul angajament, adresate sau efectuate în scris la una dintre adresele mele de serviciu, sunt acceptate ca fiindu-mi remise în mod corespunzător. Subsemnatul (subsemnata) recunosc competența instanțelor din localitățile în care am o adresă de serviciu. Subsemnatul (subsemnata) mă angajez să mențin adresa de serviciu sau, dacă sunt obligat(ă) să modific una sau mai multe dintre adresele de serviciu, să informez în prealabil biroul de garanție în legătură cu acest lucru. Întocmit la … la data de … … (Semnătura) (9) II. Aprobarea de către biroul de garanție Biroul de garanție … … … Angajamentul garantului a fost aprobat la data de … pentru a acoperi operațiunea vamală efectuată în temeiul declarației vamale/declarației de depozitare temporară Nr … din … … (10) (Ștampila și semnătura) (1) Numele și prenumele sau denumirea societății. " (2) Adresa completă. " (3) A se elimina numele statului/statelor pe al cărui (căror) teritoriu garanția nu poate fi utilizată. " (4) Trimiterile la Principatul Andorra și la Republica San Marino se aplică numai operațiunilor de tranzit unional. " (5) Numele și prenumele sau denumirea societății, precum și adresa completă a persoanei care furnizează garanția. " (6) Se aplică în ceea ce privește taxele datorate în legătură cu importul sau cu exportul mărfurilor, în cazul în care garanția este utilizată pentru plasarea mărfurilor sub regimul de tranzit unional/comun sau poate fi utilizată în mai multe state membre. " (7) A se introduce una dintre următoarele operațiuni vamale: (a) depozitare temporară; (b) regim de tranzit unional/regim de tranzit comun; (c) regim de antrepozitare vamală; (d) regim de admitere temporară cu scutire totală de taxe la import; (e) regim de perfecționare activă; (f) regim de destinație finală; (g) punerea în liberă circulație în temeiul unei declarații vamale standard, fără plată amânată; (h) punerea în liberă circulație în temeiul unei declarații vamale standard, cu plată amânată; (i) punerea în liberă circulație în temeiul unei declarații vamale depuse în conformitate cu articolul 166 din Regulamentul (UE) nr. 952/2013 al Parlamentului European și al Consiliului din 9 octombrie 2013 de stabilire a Codului vamal al Uniunii (JO L 269, 10. 10. 2013, p. 1); (j) punerea în liberă circulație în temeiul unei declarații vamale depuse în conformitate cu articolul 182 din Regulamentul (UE) nr. 952/2013; (k) regim de admitere temporară cu scutire parțială de taxe la import; (l) dacă este vorba despre un alt tip de operațiune, a se preciza. " (8) În cazul în care în legislația țării în cauză nu există nicio dispoziție privind adresa de serviciu, garantul numește, în respectiva țară, un agent autorizat să primească toate comunicările care îi sunt adresate, iar confirmarea prevăzută la punctul 4 al doilea paragraf și angajamentul luat la punctul 4 al patrulea paragraf trebuie să corespundă. Instanțele localităților în care sunt situate adresele de serviciu ale garantului sau ale agenților săi sunt competente în cazul litigiilor referitoare la prezenta garanție. " (9) Semnatarul documentului trebuie să scrie de mână, înainte de semnătură, următoarea mențiune: «Garanție pentru suma de…» (se scrie suma în litere). " (10) A se completa de către biroul unde mărfurile au fost plasate sub regim sau au fost în depozitare temporară. " 2. Anexa C2 se înlocuiește cu următorul text: „ANEXA C2 ANGAJAMENTUL GARANTULUI – GARANȚIE IZOLATĂ SUB FORMĂ DE TITLURI I. Angajamentul garantului 1. Subsemnatul (11) … … domiciliat(ă)/cu sediul în (12) … … se constituie garant solidar la biroul de garanție din … în favoarea Uniunii Europene (constituită din Regatul Belgiei, Republica Bulgaria, Republica Cehă, Regatul Danemarcei, Republica Federală Germania, Republica Estonia, Irlanda, Republica Elenă, Regatul Spaniei, Republica Franceză, Republica Croația, Republica Italiană, Republica Cipru, Republica Letonia, Republica Lituania, Marele Ducat al Luxemburgului, Ungaria, Republica Malta, Regatul Țărilor de Jos, Republica Austria, Republica Polonă, Republica Portugheză, România, Republica Slovenia, Republica Slovacă, Republica Finlanda, Regatul Suediei), precum și în favoarea Republicii Islanda, a fostei Republici iugoslave a Macedoniei, a Regatului Norvegiei, a Republicii Serbia, a Confederației Elvețiene, a Republicii Turcia, a Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei de Nord, a Principatului Andorra și a Republicii San Marino (13), pentru orice sumă pentru care titularul regimului poate fi sau poate deveni debitor față de țările menționate anterior în virtutea datoriei constituite din taxele vamale și celelalte taxe datorate în legătură cu importul sau exportul mărfurilor plasate sub regimul de tranzit comun sau unional, cu privire la care subsemnatul (subsemnata) m-am angajat să eliberez titluri de garanție izolată până la o valoare maximă de 10 000 EUR per titlu. 2. Subsemnatul (subsemnata) mă angajez să plătesc, la prima cerere scrisă a autorităților competente din țările menționate la punctul 1 și fără a putea să amân plata cu mai mult de 30 de zile de la data cererii, sumele cerute, în valoare de maximum 10 000 EUR per titlu de garanție izolată, cu excepția cazului în care eu sau orice altă persoană interesată stabilesc/stabilește, înaintea expirării acestui termen, într-un mod considerat satisfăcător de autoritățile competente, că operațiunea a fost descărcată. La cererea subsemnatului (subsemnatei) și din motive recunoscute ca fiind valabile, autoritățile competente pot prelungi, dincolo de termenul de 30 de zile de la data cererii de plată, termenul în care subsemnatul (subsemnata) sunt obligat(ă) să efectuez plata sumelor cerute. Cheltuielile generate de acordarea acestui termen suplimentar, în special dobânzile, trebuie să fie calculate astfel încât cuantumul lor să fie echivalent cu cel care ar fi perceput în circumstanțe similare pe piața monetară sau financiară a țării în cauză. 3. Prezentul angajament este valabil începând de la data aprobării sale de către biroul de garanție. Subsemnatul (subsemnata) rămân răspunzător (răspunzătoare) de plata oricărei datorii care a luat naștere în timpul operațiunii de tranzit unional sau comun la care se referă prezentul angajament și care a început înainte de data intrării în vigoare a oricărei revocări sau rezilieri a actului de garanție, chiar dacă cererea de plată a fost făcută ulterior. 4. În sensul prezentului angajament, subsemnatul (subsemnata) îmi dau adresa de serviciu (14) din fiecare dintre celelalte țări menționate la punctul 1, ca fiind: Țara Numele și prenumele sau denumirea societății, precum și adresa completă Subsemnatul (subsemnata) recunosc că toată corespondența, avizele și toate formalitățile sau procedurile referitoare la prezentul angajament, adresate sau efectuate în scris la una dintre adresele mele de serviciu, sunt acceptate ca fiindu-mi remise în mod corespunzător. Subsemnatul (subsemnata) recunosc competența instanțelor din localitățile în care am o adresă de serviciu. Subsemnatul (subsemnata) mă angajez să mențin adresa de serviciu sau, dacă sunt obligat(ă) să modific una sau mai multe dintre adresele de serviciu, să informez în prealabil biroul de garanție în legătură cu acest lucru. Întocmit la … la data de … … (Semnătura) (15) II. Aprobarea de către biroul de garanție Biroul de garanție … … Angajamentul garantului a fost aprobat la data de … … … (Ștampila și semnătura). (11) Numele și prenumele sau denumirea societății. " (12) Adresa completă. " (13) Trimiterile la Principatul Andorra și la Republica San Marino se aplică numai operațiunilor de tranzit unional. " (14) În cazul în care în legislația țării în cauză nu există nicio dispoziție privind adresa de serviciu, garantul numește, în respectiva țară, un agent autorizat să primească toate comunicările care îi sunt adresate, iar confirmarea prevăzută la punctul 4 al doilea paragraf și angajamentul luat la punctul 4 al patrulea paragraf trebuie să corespundă. Instanțele localităților în care sunt situate adresele de serviciu ale garantului sau ale agenților săi sunt competente în cazul litigiilor referitoare la prezenta garanție. " (15) Semnătura trebuie să fie precedată de următoarea mențiune, scrisă de mână de către semnatar: «Valabil ca titlu de garanție»" 3. Anexa C4 se înlocuiește cu următorul text: „ANEXA C4 ANGAJAMENTUL GARANTULUI – GARANȚIE GLOBALĂ I. Angajamentul garantului 1. Subsemnatul (16) … … domiciliat(ă)/cu sediul în (17) … … se constituie garant solidar la biroul de garanție din … până la valoarea maximă de … în favoarea Uniunii Europene (constituită din Regatul Belgiei, Republica Bulgaria, Republica Cehă, Regatul Danemarcei, Republica Federală Germania, Republica Estonia, Irlanda, Republica Elenă, Regatul Spaniei, Republica Franceză, Republica Croația, Republica Italiană, Republica Cipru, Republica Letonia, Republica Lituania, Marele Ducat al Luxemburgului, Ungaria, Republica Malta, Regatul Țărilor de Jos, Republica Austria, Republica Polonă, Republica Portugheză, România, Republica Slovenia, Republica Slovacă, Republica Finlanda, Regatul Suediei), precum și în favoarea Republicii Islanda, a fostei Republici iugoslave a Macedoniei, a Regatului Norvegiei, a Republicii Serbia, a Confederației Elvețiene, a Republicii Turcia, a Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei de Nord (18), a Principatului Andorra și a Republicii San Marino (19), pentru orice sumă pentru care persoana care furnizează prezenta garanție (20): … poate fi sau poate deveni debitor față de țările menționate anterior în virtutea datoriei constituite din taxele vamale și din celelalte taxe (21) care pot lua naștere sau au luat naștere în privința mărfurilor acoperite de operațiunea vamală indicată la punctul 1a și/sau la punctul 1b. Cuantumul maxim al garanției este constituit dintr-o sumă de: … (a) reprezentând 100/50/30 % (22) din partea cuantumului de referință care corespunde unui cuantum al datoriilor vamale și al altor taxe care pot lua naștere, echivalent cu suma cuantumurilor enumerate la punctul 1a, și … (b) reprezentând 100/30 % (22) din partea cuantumului de referință care corespunde unui cuantum al datoriilor vamale și al altor taxe care au luat naștere, echivalent cu suma cuantumurilor enumerate la punctul 1b. 1a. Sumele care constituie partea din cuantumul de referință corespunzătoare unui cuantum al datoriilor vamale și, dacă este cazul, al altor taxe care pot lua naștere sunt următoarele, pentru fiecare dintre scopurile enumerate mai jos (23): (a) depozitare temporară – …, (b) regim de tranzit unional/regim de tranzit comun – …, (c) regim de antrepozitare vamală – …, (d) regim de admitere temporară cu scutire totală de taxe la import – …, (e) regim de perfecționare activă – …, (f) regim de destinație finală – … (g) dacă este vorba despre un alt tip de operațiune, a se preciza – …. 1b. Sumele care constituie partea din cuantumul de referință corespunzătoare unui cuantum al datoriilor vamale și, dacă este cazul, al altor taxe care au luat naștere sunt următoarele, pentru fiecare dintre scopurile enumerate mai jos (23): (a) punerea în liberă circulație în temeiul unei declarații vamale standard, fără plată amânată – …, (b) punerea în liberă circulație în temeiul unei declarații vamale standard, cu plată amânată – …, (c) punerea în liberă circulație în temeiul unei declarații vamale depuse în conformitate cu articolul 166 din Regulamentul (UE) nr. 952/2013 al Parlamentului European și al Consiliului din 9 octombrie 2013 de stabilire a Codului vamal al Uniunii – …, (d) punerea în liberă circulație în temeiul unei declarații vamale depuse în conformitate cu articolul 182 din Regulamentul (UE) nr. 952/2013 al Parlamentului European și al Consiliului din 9 octombrie 2013 de stabilire a Codului vamal al Uniunii – …, (e) regim de admitere temporară cu scutire parțială de taxe la import – …, (f) regim de destinație finală – … (24), (g) dacă este vorba despre un alt tip de operațiune, a se preciza – …. 2. Subsemnatul (subsemnata) mă angajez să plătesc, la prima cerere scrisă a autorităților competente din țările menționate la punctul 1 și fără a putea să amân plata cu mai mult de 30 de zile de la data cererii, sumele cerute, în limita cuantumului maxim menționat mai sus, cu excepția cazului în care eu sau orice altă persoană interesată stabilesc/stabilește, înaintea expirării acestui termen, într-un mod considerat satisfăcător de autoritățile vamale, că regimul special, altul decât regimul de destinație finală, a fost descărcat, că supravegherea vamală a mărfurilor în regim de destinație finală sau depozitarea temporară s-a încheiat în mod corect sau, în cazul altor operațiuni decât regimurile speciale, că situația mărfurilor a fost regularizată. La cererea subsemnatului (subsemnatei) și din motive recunoscute ca fiind valabile, autoritățile competente pot prelungi, dincolo de termenul de 30 de zile de la data cererii de plată, termenul în care subsemnatul (subsemnata) sunt obligat(ă) să efectuez plata sumelor cerute. Cheltuielile generate de acordarea acestui termen suplimentar, în special dobânzile, trebuie să fie calculate astfel încât cuantumul lor să fie echivalent cu cel care ar fi perceput în circumstanțe similare pe piața monetară sau financiară a țării în cauză. Din acest cuantum pot fi scăzute sumele deja plătite în baza prezentului angajament numai dacă subsemnatul (subsemnata) sunt invitat(ă) să plătesc o datorie care a luat naștere cu ocazia unei operațiuni vamale care a început înaintea primirii cererii de plată precedente sau în termen de 30 de zile de la primirea ei. 3. Prezentul angajament este valabil începând de la data aprobării sale de către biroul de garanție. Subsemnatul (subsemnata) rămân răspunzător (răspunzătoare) de plata oricărei datorii care a luat naștere în timpul operațiunii vamale la care se referă prezentul angajament și care a început înainte de data intrării în vigoare a unei revocări sau a unei rezilieri a actului de garanție, chiar dacă cererea de plată a fost făcută ulterior. 4. În sensul prezentului angajament, subsemnatul (subsemnata) îmi dau adresa de serviciu (25) din fiecare dintre celelalte țări menționate la punctul 1, ca fiind: Țara Numele și prenumele sau denumirea societății, precum și adresa completă Subsemnatul (subsemnata) recunosc că toată corespondența, avizele și toate formalitățile sau procedurile referitoare la prezentul angajament, adresate sau efectuate în scris la una dintre adresele mele de serviciu, sunt acceptate ca fiindu-mi remise în mod corespunzător. Subsemnatul (subsemnata) recunosc competența instanțelor din localitățile în care am o adresă de serviciu. Subsemnatul (subsemnata) mă angajez să mențin adresa de serviciu sau, dacă sunt obligat(ă) să modific una sau mai multe dintre adresele de serviciu, să informez în prealabil biroul de garanție în legătură cu acest lucru. Întocmit la … la data de … … (Semnătura) (26) II. Aprobarea de către biroul de garanție Biroul de garanție … Angajamentul garantului acceptat la data de … … (Ștampila și semnătura) (16) Numele și prenumele sau denumirea societății. " (17) Adresa completă. " (18) A se șterge numele țării/țărilor pe al cărei (căror) teritoriu garanția nu poate fi utilizată. " (19) Trimiterea la Principatul Andorra și la Republica San Marino se aplică numai operațiunilor de tranzit unional. " (20) Numele și prenumele sau denumirea societății, precum și adresa completă a persoanei care furnizează garanția. " (21) Se aplică în ceea ce privește celelalte taxe datorate în legătură cu importul sau cu exportul mărfurilor, în cazul în care garanția este utilizată pentru plasarea mărfurilor sub regimul de tranzit unional/comun sau poate fi utilizată în două sau mai multe state membre sau părți contractante. " (22) A se șterge mențiunea care nu se aplică. " (22) A se șterge mențiunea care nu se aplică. " (23) Alte regimuri decât regimul de tranzit comun se aplică exclusiv în Uniune. " (23) Alte regimuri decât regimul de tranzit comun se aplică exclusiv în Uniune. " (24) Pentru sumele declarate într-o declarație vamală pentru regimul de destinație finală. " (25) În cazul în care în legislația țării în cauză nu există nicio dispoziție privind adresa de serviciu, garantul numește, în respectiva țară, un agent autorizat să primească toate comunicările care îi sunt adresate, iar confirmarea prevăzută la punctul 4 al doilea paragraf și angajamentul luat la punctul 4 al patrulea paragraf trebuie să corespundă. Instanțele localităților în care sunt situate adresele de serviciu ale garantului sau ale agenților săi sunt competente în cazul litigiilor referitoare la prezenta garanție. " (26) Semnatarul documentului trebuie să scrie de mână, înainte de semnătură, următoarea mențiune: «Garanție pentru suma de …» (se scrie suma în litere). " 4. În anexa C5, rândul 7, cuvintele „Regatul Unit” se introduc între cuvintele „Turcia” și „Andorra (*)”. 5. În anexa C6, rândul 6, cuvintele „Regatul Unit” se introduc între cuvintele „Turcia” și „Andorra (*)”. (1) Numele și prenumele sau denumirea societății. (2) Adresa completă. (3) A se elimina numele statului/statelor pe al cărui (căror) teritoriu garanția nu poate fi utilizată. (4) Trimiterile la Principatul Andorra și la Republica San Marino se aplică numai operațiunilor de tranzit unional. (5) Numele și prenumele sau denumirea societății, precum și adresa completă a persoanei care furnizează garanția. (6) Se aplică în ceea ce privește taxele datorate în legătură cu importul sau cu exportul mărfurilor, în cazul în care garanția este utilizată pentru plasarea mărfurilor sub regimul de tranzit unional/comun sau poate fi utilizată în mai multe state membre. (7) A se introduce una dintre următoarele operațiuni vamale: (a) depozitare temporară; (b) regim de tranzit unional/regim de tranzit comun; (c) regim de antrepozitare vamală; (d) regim de admitere temporară cu scutire totală de taxe la import; (e) regim de perfecționare activă; (f) regim de destinație finală; (g) punerea în liberă circulație în temeiul unei declarații vamale standard, fără plată amânată; (h) punerea în liberă circulație în temeiul unei declarații vamale standard, cu plată amânată; (i) punerea în liberă circulație în temeiul unei declarații vamale depuse în conformitate cu articolul 166 din Regulamentul (UE) nr. 952/2013 al Parlamentului European și al Consiliului din 9 octombrie 2013 de stabilire a Codului vamal al Uniunii (JO L 269, 10. 10. 2013, p. 1); (j) punerea în liberă circulație în temeiul unei declarații vamale depuse în conformitate cu articolul 182 din Regulamentul (UE) nr. 952/2013; (k) regim de admitere temporară cu scutire parțială de taxe la import; (l) dacă este vorba despre un alt tip de operațiune, a se preciza. (8) În cazul în care în legislația țării în cauză nu există nicio dispoziție privind adresa de serviciu, garantul numește, în respectiva țară, un agent autorizat să primească toate comunicările care îi sunt adresate, iar confirmarea prevăzută la punctul 4 al doilea paragraf și angajamentul luat la punctul 4 al patrulea paragraf trebuie să corespundă. Instanțele localităților în care sunt situate adresele de serviciu ale garantului sau ale agenților săi sunt competente în cazul litigiilor referitoare la prezenta garanție. (9) Semnatarul documentului trebuie să scrie de mână, înainte de semnătură, următoarea mențiune: «Garanție pentru suma de…» (se scrie suma în litere). (10) A se completa de către biroul unde mărfurile au fost plasate sub regim sau au fost în depozitare temporară. (11) Numele și prenumele sau denumirea societății. (12) Adresa completă. (13) Trimiterile la Principatul Andorra și la Republica San Marino se aplică numai operațiunilor de tranzit unional. (14) În cazul în care în legislația țării în cauză nu există nicio dispoziție privind adresa de serviciu, garantul numește, în respectiva țară, un agent autorizat să primească toate comunicările care îi sunt adresate, iar confirmarea prevăzută la punctul 4 al doilea paragraf și angajamentul luat la punctul 4 al patrulea paragraf trebuie să corespundă. Instanțele localităților în care sunt situate adresele de serviciu ale garantului sau ale agenților săi sunt competente în cazul litigiilor referitoare la prezenta garanție. (15) Semnătura trebuie să fie precedată de următoarea mențiune, scrisă de mână de către semnatar: «Valabil ca titlu de garanție» (16) Numele și prenumele sau denumirea societății. (17) Adresa completă. (18) A se șterge numele țării/țărilor pe al cărei (căror) teritoriu garanția nu poate fi utilizată. (19) Trimiterea la Principatul Andorra și la Republica San Marino se aplică numai operațiunilor de tranzit unional. (20) Numele și prenumele sau denumirea societății, precum și adresa completă a persoanei care furnizează garanția. L_2018317FI. 01004801. xml 14. 12. 2018 FI Euroopan unionin virallinen lehti L 317/48 EU:N JA YHTEISTÄ PASSITUSTA SOVELTAVIEN MAIDEN SEKAKOMITEAN PÄÄTÖS N:o 2/2018, annettu 4 päivänä joulukuuta 2018, yhteisestä passitusmenettelystä tehdyn yleissopimuksen muuttamisesta [2018/1988] EU:N JA YHTEISTÄ PASSITUSTA SOVELTAVIEN MAIDEN SEKAKOMITEA, joka ottaa huomioon yhteisestä passitusmenettelystä 20 päivänä toukokuuta 1987 tehdyn yleissopimuksen (1) ja erityisesti sen 15 artiklan 3 kohdan a alakohdan, sekä katsoo seuraavaa: (1) Yhteisestä passitusmenettelystä tehdyn yleissopimuksen, jäljempänä ’yleissopimus’, 15 artiklan 3 kohdan a alakohdan nojalla kyseisellä yleissopimuksella perustettu sekakomitea hyväksyy päätöksellään yleissopimuksen liitteiden muutokset. (2) Ison-Britannian ja Pohjois-Irlannin yhdistynyt kuningaskunta, jäljempänä ’Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta’, on ilmaissut halunsa liittyä yleissopimukseen erillisenä sopimuspuolena, ja yleissopimuksen tallettajana toimivan neuvoston on määrä kutsua se liittymään siihen yleissopimuksen mukaisesti. (3) Tämän vuoksi yleissopimuksen liitteen III eräissä lisäyksissä olevien vakuuslomakkeiden malleja olisi muutettava poistamalla viittaukset Yhdistyneeseen kuningaskuntaan unionin jäsenvaltiona ja lisäämällä viittaukset Yhdistyneeseen kuningaskuntaan yhteistä passitusta soveltavana maana. (4) Jotta voidaan käyttää vakuuslomakkeita, jotka on painettu niiden vaatimusten mukaisesti, joita on sovellettu ennen sitä päivää, jona Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan yleissopimukseen liittyminen erillisenä sopimuspuolena tulee voimaan, olisi päätettävä siirtymäkaudesta, jona tällaisia lomakkeita voidaan edelleen käyttää tietyin mukautuksin. (5) Tämän päätöksen voimaantulon edellytyksenä olisi oltava, että Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta liittyy yleissopimukseen erillisenä sopimuspuolena, ja voimaantulon olisi oltava sidoksissa päivään, jona Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan liittyminen erillisenä sopimuspuolena tulee voimaan. (6) Sen vuoksi yleissopimusta olisi muutettava vastaavasti, ON HYVÄKSYNYT TÄMÄN PÄÄTÖKSEN: 1 artikla Muutetaan yleissopimuksen liite III tämän päätöksen liitteen mukaisesti. 2 artikla Yleissopimuksen liitteen III lisäyksissä C1–C6 olevia vakuuslomakkeita, sellaisina kuin niitä sovellettiin tämän päätöksen voimaantuloa edeltävänä päivänä, voidaan tarvittavin maantieteellisin mukautuksin edelleen käyttää yhden vuoden ajan tämän päätöksen voimaantulopäivästä. 3 artikla Tämä päätös tulee voimaan sillä edellytyksellä, että Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta liittyy yleissopimukseen erillisenä sopimuspuolena, ja sinä päivänä, jona Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan liittyminen erillisenä sopimuspuolena tulee voimaan. Tehty Brysselissä 4 päivänä joulukuuta 2018. Sekakomitean puolesta Puheenjohtaja Philip KERMODE (1) EYVL L 226, 13. 8. 1987, s. 2. LIITE Muutetaan yhteisestä passitusmenettelystä tehdyn yleissopimuksen liite III seuraavasti: 1) Korvataan lisäys C1 seuraavasti: ”LISÄYS C1 TAKAUSSITOUMUS – YKSITTÄINEN VAKUUS I Takaussitoumus 1. Allekirjoittanut (1)… … kotipaikan osoite (2) … … sitoutuu tällä asiakirjalla vakuustoimipaikkana olevalle … annettavaan omavelkaiseen ja yhteisvastuulliseen takaukseen … enimmäismäärään saakka, Euroopan unionin (joka käsittää Belgian kuningaskunnan, Bulgarian tasavallan, Tšekin tasavallan, Tanskan kuningaskunnan, Saksan liittotasavallan, Viron tasavallan, Helleenien tasavallan, Kroatian tasavallan, Espanjan kuningaskunnan, Ranskan tasavallan, Irlannin, Italian tasavallan, Kyproksen tasavallan, Latvian tasavallan, Liettuan tasavallan, Luxemburgin suurherttuakunnan, Unkarin, Maltan tasavallan, Alankomaiden kuningaskunnan, Itävallan tasavallan, Puolan tasavallan, Portugalin tasavallan, Romanian, Slovenian tasavallan, Slovakian tasavallan, Suomen tasavallan ja Ruotsin kuningaskunnan) sekä Islannin tasavallan, entisen Jugoslavian tasavallan Makedonian, Norjan kuningaskunnan, Serbian tasavallan, Sveitsin valaliiton, Turkin tasavallan, Ison-Britannian ja Pohjois-Irlannin yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan (3), Andorran ruhtinaskunnan ja San Marinon tasavallan (4) hyväksi siitä määrästä, jonka tämän takauksen antava henkilö (5) … voi olla velvollinen tai voi tulla velvolliseksi maksamaan edellä mainituille maille velkana sellaisten tullien ja muiden maksujen osalta (6), jotka koskevat jäljempänä kuvattuja tavaroita, joihin kohdistetaan seuraava tullitoimi (7): … … Tavaran kuvaus: … … … … 2. Allekirjoittanut sitoutuu maksamaan 1 kohdassa tarkoitettujen maiden toimivaltaisten viranomaisten ensimmäisestä kirjallisesta pyynnöstä ja 30 päivän kuluessa pyynnön päivämäärästä pyydetyt määrät, jollei allekirjoittanut tai muu asianomainen henkilö osoita ennen mainitun määräajan päättymistä tulliviranomaisia tyydyttävällä tavalla, että erityismenettely, joka on muu kuin tietyn käyttötarkoituksen menettely, on päätetty, tietyn käyttötarkoituksen menettelyyn asetettujen tavaroiden valvonta tai väliaikainen varastointi on päättynyt asianmukaisesti tai, jos kyse on muista toimista kuin erityismenettelyistä ja väliaikaisesta varastoinnista, että tavaroiden edellyttämät toimenpiteet on toteutettu. Toimivaltaiset viranomaiset voivat allekirjoittaneen pyynnöstä ja pätevien syiden perusteella pidentää maksupyynnön päiväyksestä laskettavaa 30 päivän määräaikaa, jonka kuluessa allekirjoittaneen on maksettava pyydetyt määrät. Lisäajan myöntämisestä aiheutuvat kustannukset, erityisesti korko, on laskettava siten, että niiden määrä vastaa kyseisen maan raha- ja rahoitusmarkkinoilla vastaavista toimista veloitettuja kustannuksia. 3. Tämä sitoumus on voimassa siitä päivästä, jona vakuustoimipaikka on sen hyväksynyt. Allekirjoittanut on edelleen vastuussa niiden määrien maksamisesta, jotka tulevat maksettaviksi tämän sitoumuksen kattaman sellaisen tullitoimen osalta, joka alkoi ennen sitä päivämäärää, jona vakuuden kumoaminen tai peruuttaminen tuli voimaan, vaikka maksupyyntö esitetään tämän päivän jälkeen. 4. Tämän sitoumuksen tarkoituksia varten allekirjoittaneen tiedoksianto-osoite (8) on kussakin 1 kohdassa tarkoitetussa maassa: Maa Sukunimi ja etunimi tai toiminimi ja täydellinen osoite Allekirjoittanut hyväksyy asianmukaisesti tälle toimitetuksi tähän sitoumukseen liittyvät kirjeenvaihdon, tiedonannot ja yleensä muodollisuudet tai menettelyt, jotka on osoitettu johonkin tämän tiedoksianto-osoitteista tai siellä annettu kirjallisesti tiedoksi. Allekirjoittanut hyväksyy tiedoksianto-osoitteidensa sijaintipaikkojen tuomioistuimien toimivallan. Allekirjoittanut sitoutuu pitämään tiedoksianto-osoitteensa tai, jos allekirjoittaneen on muutettava yhtä tai useampia näistä osoitteista, ilmoittamaan siitä etukäteen vakuustoimipaikalle. Paikka … Päiväys … … (Allekirjoitus) (9) II Vakuustoimipaikan hyväksymismerkintä Vakuustoimipaikka … … … Takaussitoumus hyväksytty … (pvm) kattamaan tullitoimi, joka suoritetaan … (pvm) annetulla tulli-ilmoituksella / väliaikaisen varastoinnin ilmoituksella, jonka numero on … … (10) (Leima ja allekirjoitus) (1) Sukunimi ja etunimi tai toiminimi. " (2) Täydellinen osoite. " (3) Viivataan yli sellaisen valtion tai sellaisten valtioiden nimi, jonka alueella vakuutta ei voida käyttää. " (4) Viittauksia Andorran ruhtinaskuntaan ja San Marinon tasavaltaan sovelletaan ainoastaan unionin passitustoimenpiteiden osalta. " (5) Vakuuden antavan henkilön sukunimi ja etunimi tai toiminimi ja täydellinen osoite. " (6) Sovelletaan sellaisiin maksuihin, jotka aiheutuvat tavaroita tuotaessa tai vietäessä, kun vakuutta käytetään tavaroiden asettamiseksi unionin/yhteiseen passitusmenettelyyn tai sitä voidaan käyttää useammassa kuin yhdessä jäsenvaltiossa. " (7) Jokin seuraavista tullitoimista: a) väliaikainen varastointi; b) unionin passitusmenettely / yhteinen passitusmenettely; c) tullivarastointimenettely; d) kokonaan tuontitulliton väliaikaisen maahantuonnin menettely; e) sisäinen jalostusmenettely; f) tietyn käyttötarkoituksen menettely; g) luovutus vapaaseen liikkeeseen tavanomaisella tulli-ilmoituksella, jossa ei sovelleta maksunlykkäystä; h) luovutus vapaaseen liikkeeseen tavanomaisella tulli-ilmoituksella, jossa sovelletaan maksunlykkäystä; i) luovutus vapaaseen liikkeeseen unionin tullikoodeksista 9 päivänä lokakuuta 2013 annetun Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston asetuksen (EU) N:o 952/2013 (EUVL L 269, 10. 10. 2013, s. 1) 166 artiklan mukaisesti annetulla tulli-ilmoituksella; j) luovutus vapaaseen liikkeeseen asetuksen (EU) N:o 952/2013 182 artiklan mukaisesti annetulla tulli-ilmoituksella; k) osittain tuontitulliton väliaikaisen maahantuonnin menettely; l) jos muu – merkitään, mikä muu tullitoimi. " (8) Jollei tietyn maan lainsäädännössä säädetä tiedoksianto-osoitteesta, takaajan on nimettävä tähän maahan edustaja, jolla on valtuudet ottaa vastaan kaikki takaajalle osoitetut tiedonannot, ja edellä 4 kohdan toisessa alakohdassa tarkoitettu hyväksyntä ja neljännessä alakohdassa tarkoitettu sitoumus on mukautettava soveltuvin osin. Takaajan tai tämän edustajan tiedoksianto-osoitteiden sijaintipaikkojen tuomioistuimilla on toimivalta tätä vakuutta koskevissa riidoissa. " (9) Asiakirjan allekirjoittavan henkilön on lisättävä allekirjoituksensa eteen käsin seuraava teksti: ”Vakuus … määrästä”, ja määrä on kirjoitettava kirjaimin. " (10) Se toimipaikka täyttää, jossa tavarat asetettiin menettelyyn tai jonka alueella ne olivat väliaikaisesti varastoituina. " 2) Korvataan lisäys C2 seuraavasti: ”LISÄYS C2 TAKAUSSITOUMUS – TOSITTEILLA ANNETTAVA YKSITTÄINEN VAKUUS I Takaussitoumus 1. Allekirjoittanut (11) … … kotipaikan osoite (12) … … sitoutuu tällä asiakirjalla vakuustoimipaikkana olevalle … annettavaan omavelkaiseen ja yhteisvastuulliseen takaukseen Euroopan unionin (joka käsittää Belgian kuningaskunnan, Bulgarian tasavallan, Tšekin tasavallan, Tanskan kuningaskunnan, Saksan liittotasavallan, Viron tasavallan, Helleenien tasavallan, Kroatian tasavallan, Espanjan kuningaskunnan, Ranskan tasavallan, Irlannin, Italian tasavallan, Kyproksen tasavallan, Latvian tasavallan, Liettuan tasavallan, Luxemburgin suurherttuakunnan, Unkarin, Maltan tasavallan, Alankomaiden kuningaskunnan, Itävallan tasavallan, Puolan tasavallan, Portugalin tasavallan, Romanian, Slovenian tasavallan, Slovakian tasavallan, Suomen tasavallan ja Ruotsin kuningaskunnan) sekä Islannin tasavallan, entisen Jugoslavian tasavallan Makedonian, Norjan kuningaskunnan, Serbian tasavallan, Sveitsin valaliiton, Turkin tasavallan, Ison-Britannian ja Pohjois-Irlannin yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan, Andorran ruhtinaskunnan ja San Marinon tasavallan (13) hyväksi siitä menettelynhaltijan määrästä, jonka menettelynhaltija on velvollinen tai voi tulla velvolliseksi maksamaan edellä mainituille maille velkana sellaisten tullien ja muiden maksujen osalta sellaisia tavaroita tuotaessa tai vietäessä, jotka asetetaan unionin tai yhteiseen passitukseen, josta allekirjoittaja on sitoutunut vastaamaan antamalla yksittäisiä vakuustositteita, joiden määrä on enintään 10 000 euroa tositetta kohti. 2. Allekirjoittanut sitoutuu maksamaan 1 kohdassa tarkoitettujen maiden toimivaltaisten viranomaisten ensimmäisestä kirjallisesta pyynnöstä ja 30 päivän kuluessa pyynnön päivämäärästä pyydetyt määrät 10 000 euron enimmäismäärään saakka yksittäistä vakuustositetta kohti, jollei allekirjoittanut tai muu asianomainen henkilö osoita ennen mainitun määräajan päättymistä toimivaltaisia viranomaisia tyydyttävällä tavalla, että menettely on päätetty asianomaisen passituksen osalta. Toimivaltaiset viranomaiset voivat allekirjoittaneen pyynnöstä ja pätevien syiden perusteella pidentää maksupyynnön päiväyksestä laskettavaa 30 päivän määräaikaa, jonka kuluessa allekirjoittaneen on maksettava pyydetyt määrät. Lisäajan myöntämisestä aiheutuvat kustannukset, erityisesti korko, on laskettava siten, että niiden määrä vastaa kyseisen maan raha- ja rahoitusmarkkinoilla vastaavista toimista veloitettuja kustannuksia. 3. Tämä sitoumus on voimassa siitä päivästä, jona vakuustoimipaikka on sen hyväksynyt. Allekirjoittanut on edelleen vastuussa niiden määrien maksamisesta, jotka tulevat maksettaviksi tämän sitoumuksen kattaman sellaisen unionin tai yhteisen passituksen osalta, joka alkoi ennen sitä päivämäärää, jona vakuusasiakirjan kumoaminen tai peruuttaminen tuli voimaan, vaikka maksupyyntö esitetään tämän päivän jälkeen. 4. Tämän sitoumuksen tarkoituksia varten allekirjoittaneen tiedoksianto-osoite (14) on kussakin 1 kohdassa tarkoitetussa maassa: Maa Sukunimi ja etunimi tai toiminimi ja täydellinen osoite Allekirjoittanut hyväksyy asianmukaisesti tälle toimitetuksi tähän sitoumukseen liittyvät kirjeenvaihdon, tiedonannot ja yleensä muodollisuudet tai menettelyt, jotka on osoitettu johonkin tämän tiedoksianto-osoitteista tai siellä annettu kirjallisesti tiedoksi. Allekirjoittanut hyväksyy tiedoksianto-osoitteidensa sijaintipaikkojen tuomioistuimien toimivallan. Allekirjoittanut sitoutuu pitämään tiedoksianto-osoitteensa tai, jos allekirjoittaneen on muutettava yhtä tai useampia näistä osoitteista, ilmoittamaan siitä etukäteen vakuustoimipaikalle. Paikka … Päiväys … … (Allekirjoitus) (15) II Vakuustoimipaikan hyväksymismerkintä Vakuustoimipaikka … … … Takaussitoumus hyväksytty (pvm) … … … (Leima ja allekirjoitus) (11) Sukunimi ja etunimi tai toiminimi. " (12) Täydellinen osoite. " (13) Viittauksia Andorran ruhtinaskuntaan ja San Marinon tasavaltaan sovelletaan ainoastaan unionin passitustoimenpiteiden osalta. " (14) Jollei tietyn maan lainsäädännössä säädetä tiedoksianto-osoitteesta, takaajan on nimettävä tähän maahan edustaja, jolla on valtuudet ottaa vastaan kaikki takaajalle osoitetut tiedonannot, ja edellä 4 kohdan toisessa alakohdassa tarkoitettu hyväksyntä ja neljännessä alakohdassa tarkoitettu sitoumus on mukautettava soveltuvin osin. Takaajan tai tämän edustajan tiedoksianto-osoitteiden sijaintipaikkojen tuomioistuimilla on toimivalta tätä vakuutta koskevissa riidoissa. " (15) Allekirjoittajan on lisättävä allekirjoituksensa eteen käsin seuraava teksti: ”Voimassa vakuustositteena”. " 3) Korvataan lisäys C4 seuraavasti: ”LISÄYS C4 TAKAUSSITOUMUS – YLEISVAKUUS I Takaussitoumus 1. Allekirjoittanut (16) … … kotipaikan osoite (17) … … sitoutuu tällä asiakirjalla vakuustoimipaikkana olevalle … annettavaan omavelkaiseen ja yhteisvastuulliseen takaukseen … enimmäismäärään saakka, Euroopan unionin (joka käsittää Belgian kuningaskunnan, Bulgarian tasavallan, Tšekin tasavallan, Tanskan kuningaskunnan, Saksan liittotasavallan, Viron tasavallan, Irlannin, Helleenien tasavallan, Espanjan kuningaskunnan, Ranskan tasavallan, Kroatian tasavallan, Italian tasavallan, Kyproksen tasavallan, Latvian tasavallan, Liettuan tasavallan, Luxemburgin suurherttuakunnan, Unkarin, Maltan tasavallan, Alankomaiden kuningaskunnan, Itävallan tasavallan, Puolan tasavallan, Portugalin tasavallan, Romanian, Slovenian tasavallan, Slovakian tasavallan, Suomen tasavallan ja Ruotsin kuningaskunnan) sekä Islannin tasavallan, entisen Jugoslavian tasavallan Makedonian, Norjan kuningaskunnan, Serbian tasavallan, Sveitsin valaliiton, Turkin tasavallan, Ison-Britannian ja Pohjois-Irlannin yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan (18), Andorran ruhtinaskunnan ja San Marinon tasavallan (19) hyväksi siitä määrästä, jonka tämän takauksen antava henkilö (20) … voi olla velvollinen tai voi tulla velvolliseksi maksamaan edellä mainituille maille velkana sellaisten tullien ja muiden maksujen (21) osalta, jotka saattavat aiheutua tai ovat aiheutuneet tavaroista, joihin kohdistetaan 1 a ja/tai 1 b kohdassa tarkoitettuja tullitoimia. Takauksen enimmäismäärä muodostuu seuraavista määristä: … , joka a) on 100/50/30 prosenttia (22) viitemäärän osasta, joka vastaa mahdollisesti maksettaviksi tulevien tullien ja muiden maksujen määrää ja joka on yhtä suuri kuin 1 a kohdassa lueteltujen määrien summa; ja … , joka b) on 100/30 prosenttia (22) viitemäärän osasta, joka vastaa maksettaviksi tulleiden tullien ja muiden maksujen määrää ja joka on yhtä suuri kuin 1 b kohdassa lueteltujen määrien summa. 1a. Määrät, jotka muodostavat viitemäärän osan, joka vastaa sellaisten mahdollisesti maksettaviksi tulevien tullien ja tapauksen mukaan muiden maksujen määrää, ovat kunkin jäljempänä luetellun tullitoimen osalta seuraavat (23): a) väliaikainen varastointi – …, b) unionin passitusmenettely / yhteinen passitusmenettely – …, c) tullivarastointimenettely – …, d) kokonaan tuontitulliton väliaikaisen maahantuonnin menettely – …, e) sisäinen jalostusmenettely – …, f) tietyn käyttötarkoituksen menettely – …, g) jos muu – merkitään, mikä muu tullitoimi. 1b. Määrät, jotka muodostavat viitemäärän osan, joka vastaa sellaisten maksettaviksi tulevien tullien ja tapauksen mukaan muiden maksujen määrää, ovat kunkin jäljempänä luetellun tullitoimen osalta seuraavat (23): a) luovutus vapaaseen liikkeeseen tavanomaisella tulli-ilmoituksella, jossa ei sovelleta maksunlykkäystä – …, b) luovutus vapaaseen liikkeeseen tavanomaisella tulli-ilmoituksella, jossa sovelletaan maksunlykkäystä – …, c) luovutus vapaaseen liikkeeseen unionin tullikoodeksista 9 päivänä lokakuuta 2013 annetun Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston asetuksen (EU) N:o 952/2013 166 artiklan mukaisesti annetulla tulli-ilmoituksella – …, d) luovutus vapaaseen liikkeeseen unionin tullikoodeksista 9 päivänä lokakuuta 2013 annetun Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston asetuksen (EU) N:o 952/2013 182 artiklan mukaisesti annetulla tulli-ilmoituksella – …, e) osittain tuontitulliton väliaikaisen maahantuonnin menettely – …, f) tietyn käyttötarkoituksen menettely – … (24), g) jos muu – merkitään, mikä muu tullitoimi. 2. Allekirjoittanut sitoutuu maksamaan 1 kohdassa tarkoitettujen maiden toimivaltaisten viranomaisten ensimmäisestä kirjallisesta pyynnöstä ja 30 päivän kuluessa pyynnön päivämäärästä pyydetyt määrät edellä mainittuun enimmäismäärään asti, jollei allekirjoittanut tai muu asianomainen henkilö osoita ennen mainitun määräajan päättymistä tulliviranomaisia tyydyttävällä tavalla, että erityismenettely, joka on muu kuin tietyn käyttötarkoituksen menettely, on päätetty, tietyn käyttötarkoituksen menettelyyn asetettujen tavaroiden valvonta tai väliaikainen varastointi on päättynyt asianmukaisesti tai, jos kyse on muista toimista kuin erityismenettelyistä, että tavaroiden edellyttämät toimenpiteet on toteutettu. Toimivaltaiset viranomaiset voivat allekirjoittaneen pyynnöstä ja pätevien syiden perusteella pidentää maksupyynnön päiväyksestä laskettavaa 30 päivän määräaikaa, jonka kuluessa allekirjoittaneen on maksettava pyydetyt määrät. Lisäajan myöntämisestä aiheutuvat kustannukset, erityisesti korko, on laskettava siten, että niiden määrä vastaa kyseisen maan raha- ja rahoitusmarkkinoilla vastaavista toimista veloitettuja kustannuksia. Tästä määrästä voidaan vähentää tämän sitoumuksen perusteella jo maksetut määrät ainoastaan, jos allekirjoittajaa pyydetään maksamaan määrä, joka on tullut maksettavaksi sellaisen tullitoimen osalta, joka alkoi ennen edellisen maksupyynnön vastaanottamista tai 30 päivän kuluessa siitä. 3. Tämä sitoumus on voimassa siitä päivästä, jona vakuustoimipaikka on sen hyväksynyt. Allekirjoittanut on edelleen vastuussa niiden määrien maksamisesta, jotka tulevat maksettaviksi tämän sitoumuksen kattaman sellaisen tullitoimen osalta, joka alkoi ennen sitä päivämäärää, jona vakuuden kumoaminen tai peruuttaminen tuli voimaan, vaikka maksupyyntö esitetään tämän päivän jälkeen. 4. Tämän sitoumuksen tarkoituksia varten allekirjoittaneen tiedoksianto-osoite (25) on kussakin 1 kohdassa tarkoitetussa maassa: Maa Sukunimi ja etunimi tai toiminimi ja täydellinen osoite Allekirjoittanut hyväksyy asianmukaisesti tälle toimitetuksi tähän sitoumukseen liittyvät kirjeenvaihdon, tiedonannot ja yleensä muodollisuudet tai menettelyt, jotka on osoitettu johonkin tämän tiedoksianto-osoitteista tai siellä annettu kirjallisesti tiedoksi. Allekirjoittanut hyväksyy tiedoksianto-osoitteidensa sijaintipaikkojen tuomioistuimien toimivallan. Allekirjoittanut sitoutuu pitämään tiedoksianto-osoitteensa tai, jos allekirjoittaneen on muutettava yhtä tai useampia näistä osoitteista, ilmoittamaan siitä etukäteen vakuustoimipaikalle. Paikka … Päiväys … … (Allekirjoitus) (26) II Vakuustoimipaikan hyväksymismerkintä Vakuustoimipaikka … Takaussitoumus hyväksytty (pvm) … … (Leima ja allekirjoitus) (16) Sukunimi ja etunimi tai toiminimi. " (17) Täydellinen osoite. " (18) Viivataan yli sellaisen maan tai sellaisten maiden nimi, jonka alueella vakuutta ei voida käyttää. " (19) Viittauksia Andorran ruhtinaskuntaan ja San Marinon tasavaltaan sovelletaan ainoastaan unionin passitustoimenpiteiden osalta. " (20) Takauksen antajan sukunimi ja etunimi tai toiminimi ja täydellinen osoite. " (21) Sovelletaan sellaisiin muihin maksuihin, jotka aiheutuvat tavaroita tuotaessa tai vietäessä, kun vakuutta käytetään tavaroiden asettamiseksi unionin/yhteiseen passitusmenettelyyn tai sitä voidaan käyttää useammassa kuin yhdessä jäsenvaltiossa tai sopimuspuolessa. " (22) Tarpeeton viivataan yli. " (22) Tarpeeton viivataan yli. " (23) Muita menettelyitä kuin yhteistä passitusmenettelyä sovelletaan ainoastaan Euroopan unionissa. " (23) Muita menettelyitä kuin yhteistä passitusmenettelyä sovelletaan ainoastaan Euroopan unionissa. " (24) Tulli-ilmoituksella tietyn käyttötarkoituksen menettelyssä ilmoitettujen määrien osalta. " (25) Jollei tietyn maan lainsäädännössä säädetä tiedoksianto-osoitteesta, takaajan on nimettävä tähän maahan edustaja, jolla on valtuudet ottaa vastaan kaikki takaajalle osoitetut tiedonannot, ja 4 kohdan toisessa alakohdassa tarkoitettu hyväksyntä ja neljännessä alakohdassa tarkoitettu sitoumus on mukautettava soveltuvin osin. Takaajan tai tämän edustajan tiedoksianto-osoitteiden sijaintipaikkojen tuomioistuimilla on toimivalta tätä vakuutta koskevissa riidoissa. " (26) Asiakirjan allekirjoittavan henkilön on lisättävä allekirjoituksensa eteen käsin seuraava teksti: ”Vakuus … määrästä”, ja määrä on kirjoitettava kirjaimin. " 4) Lisätään lisäyksessä C5 olevalla 7 rivillä ilmaisu ”Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta” ilmaisujen ”Turkki” ja ”Andorra (*)” väliin. 5) Lisätään lisäyksessä C6 olevalla 6 rivillä ilmaisu ”Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta” ilmaisujen ”Turkki” ja ”Andorra (*)” väliin. (1) Sukunimi ja etunimi tai toiminimi. (2) Täydellinen osoite. (3) Viivataan yli sellaisen valtion tai sellaisten valtioiden nimi, jonka alueella vakuutta ei voida käyttää. (4) Viittauksia Andorran ruhtinaskuntaan ja San Marinon tasavaltaan sovelletaan ainoastaan unionin passitustoimenpiteiden osalta. (5) Vakuuden antavan henkilön sukunimi ja etunimi tai toiminimi ja täydellinen osoite. (6) Sovelletaan sellaisiin maksuihin, jotka aiheutuvat tavaroita tuotaessa tai vietäessä, kun vakuutta käytetään tavaroiden asettamiseksi unionin/yhteiseen passitusmenettelyyn tai sitä voidaan käyttää useammassa kuin yhdessä jäsenvaltiossa. (7) Jokin seuraavista tullitoimista: a) väliaikainen varastointi; b) unionin passitusmenettely / yhteinen passitusmenettely; c) tullivarastointimenettely; d) kokonaan tuontitulliton väliaikaisen maahantuonnin menettely; e) sisäinen jalostusmenettely; f) tietyn käyttötarkoituksen menettely; g) luovutus vapaaseen liikkeeseen tavanomaisella tulli-ilmoituksella, jossa ei sovelleta maksunlykkäystä; h) luovutus vapaaseen liikkeeseen tavanomaisella tulli-ilmoituksella, jossa sovelletaan maksunlykkäystä; i) luovutus vapaaseen liikkeeseen unionin tullikoodeksista 9 päivänä lokakuuta 2013 annetun Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston asetuksen (EU) N:o 952/2013 (EUVL L 269, 10. 10. 2013, s. 1) 166 artiklan mukaisesti annetulla tulli-ilmoituksella; j) luovutus vapaaseen liikkeeseen asetuksen (EU) N:o 952/2013 182 artiklan mukaisesti annetulla tulli-ilmoituksella; k) osittain tuontitulliton väliaikaisen maahantuonnin menettely; l) jos muu – merkitään, mikä muu tullitoimi. (8) Jollei tietyn maan lainsäädännössä säädetä tiedoksianto-osoitteesta, takaajan on nimettävä tähän maahan edustaja, jolla on valtuudet ottaa vastaan kaikki takaajalle osoitetut tiedonannot, ja edellä 4 kohdan toisessa alakohdassa tarkoitettu hyväksyntä ja neljännessä alakohdassa tarkoitettu sitoumus on mukautettava soveltuvin osin. Takaajan tai tämän edustajan tiedoksianto-osoitteiden sijaintipaikkojen tuomioistuimilla on toimivalta tätä vakuutta koskevissa riidoissa. (9) Asiakirjan allekirjoittavan henkilön on lisättävä allekirjoituksensa eteen käsin seuraava teksti: ”Vakuus … määrästä”, ja määrä on kirjoitettava kirjaimin. (10) Se toimipaikka täyttää, jossa tavarat asetettiin menettelyyn tai jonka alueella ne olivat väliaikaisesti varastoituina. (11) Sukunimi ja etunimi tai toiminimi. (12) Täydellinen osoite. (13) Viittauksia Andorran ruhtinaskuntaan ja San Marinon tasavaltaan sovelletaan ainoastaan unionin passitustoimenpiteiden osalta. (14) Jollei tietyn maan lainsäädännössä säädetä tiedoksianto-osoitteesta, takaajan on nimettävä tähän maahan edustaja, jolla on valtuudet ottaa vastaan kaikki takaajalle osoitetut tiedonannot, ja edellä 4 kohdan toisessa alakohdassa tarkoitettu hyväksyntä ja neljännessä alakohdassa tarkoitettu sitoumus on mukautettava soveltuvin osin. Takaajan tai tämän edustajan tiedoksianto-osoitteiden sijaintipaikkojen tuomioistuimilla on toimivalta tätä vakuutta koskevissa riidoissa. (15) Allekirjoittajan on lisättävä allekirjoituksensa eteen käsin seuraava teksti: ”Voimassa vakuustositteena”. (16) Sukunimi ja etunimi tai toiminimi. (17) Täydellinen osoite. (18) Viivataan yli sellaisen maan tai sellaisten maiden nimi, jonka alueella vakuutta ei voida käyttää. (19) Viittauksia Andorran ruhtinaskuntaan ja San Marinon tasavaltaan sovelletaan ainoastaan unionin passitustoimenpiteiden osalta. (20) Takauksen antajan sukunimi ja etunimi tai toiminimi ja täydellinen osoite. (21) Sovelletaan sellaisiin muihin maksuihin, jotka aiheutuvat tavaroita tuotaessa tai vietäessä, kun vakuutta käytetään tavaroiden asettamiseksi unionin/yhteiseen passitusmenettelyyn tai sitä voidaan käyttää useammassa kuin yhdessä jäsenvaltiossa tai sopimuspuolessa. (22) Tarpeeton viivataan yli. (23) Muita menettelyitä kuin yhteistä passitusmenettelyä sovelletaan ainoastaan Euroopan unionissa. (24) Tulli-ilmoituksella tietyn käyttötarkoituksen menettelyssä ilmoitettujen määrien osalta. L_2018317BG. 01004801. xml 14. 12. 2018 BG Официален вестник на Европейския съюз L 317/48 РЕШЕНИЕ № 2/2018 НА СЪВМЕСТНИЯ КОМИТЕТ ЕС—ДОТР от 4 декември 2018 година за изменение на Конвенцията за общ транзитен режим [2018/1988] СЪВМЕСТНИЯТ КОМИТЕТ ЕС—ДОТР, като взе предвид Конвенцията от 20 май 1987 г. за общ транзитен режим (1), и по-специално член 15, параграф 3, буква а) от нея, като има предвид, че: (1) С член 15, параграф 3, буква а) от Конвенцията за общ транзитен режим („Конвенцията“) създаденият по силата на същата конвенция Съвместен комитет приема чрез решения изменения на допълненията към Конвенцията. (2) Обединеното кралство Великобритания и Северна Ирландия („Обединеното кралство“) изрази желание да се присъедини към Конвенцията като отделна договаряща страна и трябва да получи покана за тази цел от Съвета, действащ в качеството си на депозитар на Конвенцията, в съответствие с Конвенцията. (3) Съответно формулярите за обезпечение, съдържащи се като образци в някои приложения на допълнение III към Конвенцията, следва да бъдат променени, така че да се заличат препратките към Обединеното кралство като държава — членка на Съюза и да се вмъкне препратка към Обединеното кралство като държава с общ транзит. (4) С цел да се позволи използването на формулярите за обезпечение, отпечатани в съответствие с критериите в сила преди ефективната дата на присъединяване на Обединеното кралство към Конвенцията като отделна договаряща страна, следва да бъде определен преходен период, по време на който отпечатаните формуляри да могат да продължат да се използват с някои адаптации. (5) Датата на влизане в сила на настоящото решение следва да бъде в зависимост от присъединяването на Обединеното кралство към Конвенцията като отделна договаряща страна и да бъде обвързана с датата, на която присъединяването на Обединеното кралство към Конвенцията като отделна договаряща страна поражда действие. (6) Поради това Конвенцията следва да бъде съответно изменена, ПРИЕ НАСТОЯЩОТО РЕШЕНИЕ: Член 1 Допълнение III към Конвенцията се изменя съгласно приложението към настоящото решение. Член 2 Версията на формулярите за обезпечение, съдържащи се в приложения В1—В6 на допълнение III към Конвенцията, приложима в деня преди влизането в сила на настоящото решение, може да продължи да се използва в продължение на период от една година от датата на влизане в сила на настоящото решение, при условие че се извършат необходимите географски адаптации. Член 3 Настоящото решение влиза в сила, при условие че Обединеното кралство се присъедини към Конвенцията като отделна договаряща страна и на датата, на която това присъединяване поражда действие. |
MMKDC09:017503028:mpeg21_1 | Dutch-PD | Public Domain | No 28 11 JANUARI 1923 10e JAARGANG Baggmagp^raaßKcgggaggOKOOonQ^Oßß^aaaggg^pa^aaßangang&aa>Si3ciglianpgapanppa°°pn“~":>—™ [de rTk. VAKBEWEGING|jj I TUDSCHRSFT VAM HET BUREAU VOOR DE R. K. VAKORGAMSSATSE | O ;■■■ # I VERSCHIJNT ELKEN DONDERDAG bb a q EGO LABORO CONSTANTER Abonnementsprijs bij vooruitbetaling: j Redacteur: C. J. KUIPER PRIJS DER ADVERTENTIËf | Voerleden van aansosloisn valworMniKlngsn Administrateur J. TH. NiJKAMP – Van 1 tot 6 regels » 1.26 2.50 per iaer – Voor nlot-leden 4.00 p. jner kantoren ■ DRIFT 12, UTRECHT – Elke regel moer t 0.15 -• j| '1Zrip,« Talephoon Intercommunaal 3002 «. – —«* —ll inigßiËöggngaßraggggnö'BÖgnggggoHiMjnnßßßgnggnHEtgßHgßgggggggnaßnnnßHHnnranggaoggggggaag INHOUD: Het loonvraagstuk en de bezuiniging. – De stijging houdt aan. – Het conflict inde typografie. – Het groote probleem der werkloosheid in 1923. – Notulen. – Binnenland. – Advertenties. HET LOONVRAAGSTUK EN DE BEZUINIGING. (Slot.) Inde bezuinigingswoede, welke thans meer en meer mode wordt en als de waan van den dag mag worden bestempeld, wordt het loonvraagstuk van actueele beteekenis. Dat is het wel reeds in gewone rustige omstandigheden, doch inde. woelige verhoudingen van thans is zulks nog in veel sterkere mate het geval. De strijd die dan ook momenteel om de loonverhoudingen wordt gevoerd, is daardoor scherper dan ooit, en daaruit volgt vanzelf, dat twee uiterste richtingen meer en meer diametraal tegenover elkander komen te staan. Eenerzüds wordt elke gelegenheid benut om te betoogen, dat het loonpeil dalen moet en worden alle gelegenheden aangegrepen om dat ook practisch te bereiken, terwijl anderzijds elke, óók de minste, loonvermindering wordt verklaard als een aanslag op de welvaartspositie der arbeiders. Deze uiterste richtingen hebben beide od gelijk, en ze bevorderen om het hardst de sociaal-economische moeilijkheden, welke in dezen tijd te overwinnen zijn. Vooreerst het in werkgeverslcringen, en ook wel daarbuiten levende inzicht, om elke loonsvermindering voor 100 procent ook als een werkelijke bezuiniging te beschouwen. Men stelt dan op één lijnde kosten van de levende arbeidskracht, met den prijs de steenkolen of olie, als voedingsmiddel der mechanisch arbeidskrachten. Deze laatste worden inderd' ad goedkooper,, naarmate steenkolen of olie in prijs dalen, doch bet is een misverstand te meenen, dat d ze wet ook geldt ten aanzien van de arbeidsloonen. Bij de arbeidsloonen heeft men te doen met menschen en niet met willooze mach mos. Met menschen die, hoe koud-materialistisch en nuchter-zakelijk men het ook beziet, toch altijd eischen zullen moeten stellen, die een groot gewicht inde schaal leggen. In physieken (stoffelijken) zin, heeft de arbeider niet alleen recht op, maar ook noodig, een zekere mate van welvaart, om de kracht, de opgewektheid en de arbeidslust te behouden, die allen voor een volwaardige arbeidsprestatie noodig zijn. De stoffelijke zorgen, die toch reeds in. hooge mate het arbeidersleven benauwen, kunnen maar niet wil- lekeurig worden opgevoerd, zonder het arbeidsvermogen te schaden. En psychologisch (zielkundig) staat het zoo, dat bezuinigingen op ’t loon, ook den arbeidswil kan verlammen, en dus leiden gaat tot het tegendeel van bezuini- Want de arbeider is mensch, en bij de menschelijke eigenschappen spelen twee factoren een beslissende rol, namelijk het vermogen en de wil om te werken en een volwaardige arbeidsprestatie te leveren. en door meerderen ook al een carricatuur gemaakt. Als het loon maar niet verlaagd wordt, en als het maar voortdurend verhoogd wordt: dit wordt zoo langzamerhand het criterium. Absoluut valsch. Zie maar naar de ons omringende landen.” Inderdaad, dat is volkomen juist, want ofschoon in Duitschland om van Oostenrijk en Rusland maar niet te spreken de loonen van 300 tot 400 maal zijn verhoogd, is de welvaartspositie zeer belangrijk gedaald. omdat de kosten voor levensonderhoud bijna 1000 maal zijn verhoogd. Van sociaal-demócratischen kant moge men daaruit politieke munt zien te slaan, en in en beeld daarvan allerlei karikaturen maken, bet behoud van onze geldswaarde is ook voor de arbeiders van het allergrootste belang, omdat zij mede het kind van de rekening worden, als do.or blijvende overbelasting onzer volkshuishouding de koopwaarde van den gulden zou dalen. Als de gulden dalen ging, zou natuurlijk het bedrag " aan geldloon moeten stijgen, doch die stijging zou steeds bp de daling der koopwaarde ten achter komen, en zóu derhalve de welvaartspositie der arbeiders sterk aangetast worden, en dat te sterker, naarmate de daling zich sneller zou voltrekken. Ofschoon we zulke uitingen van dien kant niet te dikwijls vernemen, heeft de heer Troelstra tijdens zijn interpellatie over de ambtenaren-salarissen ook duidelijk te verstaan gegeven, dat hij handhaving van het huidige loonpeil vrijwel uitgesloten acht. Daartoe door dén communist Wijnkoop genoopt, zeide Troelstra inde Tweede Kamer: ... .„Naar aanleiding van de door mij ingediende moties wensch ik met een kort woord te replicee- ren. Inde eerste plaats iets over de bestrijding van mijn eerste motie door den heer Wijnkoop, die tegen die motie bezwaar heeft, dat daarin niet voor goed en absoluut wordt afgewezen bezuiniging op de salarissen der ambtenaren, maar dat zij eischt, dat bezuiniging op de salarissen in geen geval primair behoort te zijn. v „Waar ik dit standpunt heb ingenomon, heb ik daarvoor reeds de redenen aangegeven jn de .toelichting tot mijn interpellatie, waar ik heb gezegd, dat als wijden toestand onder de o ogen zien, wij geep kans zien, dat op den duur tegen de geheele economische beweging van den tegenwoordigen tijd in, de ambtenaren buiten den achteruitgang van den levensstandaard te kunnen houden. . .. ” De hier gegeven citaten van den sociaal-democratischen vakvereenigingsbestuurder Bommer, en van den politieleen leider der S. D. A. P„ geven ten duidelijkste aan, dat alle critiek die zij uitoefenen grootendeels doekjes voor het bloeden zijn, en dat zij hunne volgelingen als regel iets op de mouw spelden waaraan zij zelf maar weinig waarde kunnen hechten. Voor hen die het vermogen bezitten, de huidige wereldverhoudingen eenigszins te doorzien, en de eerlijkheid om ook de dingen te zeggen zoó ze zijn, is het een uitgemaakte zaak, dat weden menschen moeten zeggen, en dat met volle overtuiging, dat we in ons land zullen moeten streven naar bezuiniging op de kosten onzer volkshuishouding. Ten aanzien der loonverhoudingen moet echter de uiterste voorzichtigheid worden betracht, want een bezuiniging die onze stoffelijke en zedelijke volkskracht zou aantasten, leidt tot verliezen, die de uitkomsten der loonfaezuiniging verre te boven gaan. Voor dezen tijd is de glijdende loonschaal het meest aanbevelenswaardig, aangenomen natuurlijk, dat het grondloon een behoorlijk welvaartspeil waarborgt. Als, mede daardoor, onze geldswaarde intact blijft, is dat voor de arbeidersmassa de meest profptelijke toestand. DE STIJGING HOUDT AAN. De beweging inde werkloosheidscijfers blijft zich voltrekken in sterk opgaande lijn, De maand welke we thans gaan belichten.(ll Nov.— 9 Dec. 1922) vertoont een scherpere stijging dan de voorgaande maand, en het is te verwachten, dat we inde eerstvolgende maanden hetzelfde beeld zullen behouden. Want we komen met de cijfers weldra de op dit punt meest ongunstige periode des jaars‘uitbeelden, waarin seizoenoorzaken de werkloosheid het meest beïnvloeden. En dat wel in ongunstigen zin. Zooals bekend, verwerken we hier de gegevens van den (Rijks) Dienst der Werkloosheidsverzekering en Arbeidsbemiddeling, die weer zijn ontleend eenerzijds aan de cijfers der plaatselijke organen der Arbeidsbemiddeling gevestigd in gemeenten boven de 5000 inwoners, en anderzijds aan de administratie der gesub. sidieerde werkloozenkassen. Deze dubbele cijfergroepen want ze betreffen uiteraard voor een deel dezelfde werkloozen schijnt iets overbodigs, doch ze zijn dat metterdaad niet, omdat er uit blijkt de werkloosheid in het algemeen, en die onder de verzekerden (georganiseerden) in het bijzonder. Vooreerst de cijfers der plaatselijke arbeidsbeurzen Over den voorafgaanden tijd waren die: Aantal arbeidsbeurzen Aantal ingeschreven Data. dat opgave verstrekte. werkloozen. 27 Mei 1922 179 59.062 24 Juni „ 177 58.952 29 Juli „ 175 66.887 9 Sept. „ 175 j 69.105 14 Oct. „ 198 7 68.870 11 Nov. „ 215 80.768 En de vier volgende weken 18 Nov. 1922 214 83.382 25 Nov, „ 208 86.632 2 Dec. , 211'. 90.710 9 Dec. „ 209 94.993 Dat is dus inde 4 weken die we hier vermelden een stijging van 14.225, tejren 11.898 inde voorafgaande maand. De stijging neemt dus niet onbelangrijk toe, en datzelfde houdt ook aan inde 3 laatste weken van het jaar 1922. We geven die cijfers tegelijk met die van de werkloozenkassen,' die altijd wat later komen, en thans pas tot 9 December bekend zijn. Toch willen we niét nalaten te vermelden, dat de laatste Zaterdag des jaars (30 December) een totaal van 106.537 werkloozen aangaf, ingeschreven bij de arbeidsbeurzen in gemeenten van 5000 inwoners en meer. Zoodat het werkelijke cijfer nog wel belangrijk hoogeï is, omdat ook inde kleinere gemeenten evenzeer werkloosheid heerscht, waarvan de omvang in deze cijfers niet is begrepen. In verhouding tot de vorige maand waren de cijfers inde vier volgende bedrijfstakken aldus: ftE K. K. VAKBEWEGING 11 Nov. Bouwbedrijven 17587. 22522 Metaalindustrie 12639 f1309 Voedings- en Genotmiddelen 3705 3793 Kantoorpersoneel 3901 3893 De toename komt hier dus bijna uitsluitend op rekening der bouwbedrijven, dus wordt geheel door seizoenoorzaken beheerscht. * * * De cijfers welke den omvang der werkloosheid onder de georganiseerden aangeven, zijn die van de gesubsidieerde werkïoozenkassen. –. Inden vooraigaanden tijd gaven die het volgende beeld: GeJieel werkloozen Gedeeltelijk werkloozen aantal in pet. aantal in pet, 13 Mei 1922 27.993 8.3 7.460 2.3 17 Juni „ 23.917 7.3 6.731 2. 29 Juli „ 23.640 7.4 6.707 2.1 9 Sept. „ 22.691 7.4 5.890 1.9 14 Oct. „ 22.825 7.3 6.100 2. 11 Nov. „ 26.531 8.5 6.773 2.2 En inde volgende 4 weken: 18 Nov. „ 28.702 9.3 6.409 2.1 25 Nov, „ 29.388 9.5 6.377 2.1 2 Dec. „ 32.301 10.4 6.656 2.1 9 Dec. „ 35.051 10.7 7.546 2.3 Dat is dus een belangrijke stijging der geheel werkloozen van 8.5 tot 10.7 pet., dns 2.2 pet. tegen 1.2 pet. inde voorafgaande 4 weken. Nominaal is de stijging 8520 tegen 3706 inde voorgaande maandelijksche periode. Als we deze stijging vergelijken met die in het algemeen, dus van het aantal ingeschrevenen bij de arbeidsbeurzen, dan blijkt, dat onder de georganiseerden de stijging grooter is dan in het algemeen. Inde bedrijfstakken die hier volgen was, m vergelijking met de vorige maand, de verhouding aldus: 11 Nov. 9 Dec, Bouwvakken 4791 8851 Metaalindustrie 6648 6/07 Sigarenindustrie 2455 2194 Fabrieksarbeiders 1094 1905 Transportarbeiders 1183 2060 Grafische Bedrijven * 1691 1648 Hout- en Meubelindustrie 1958 2538 Textielindustrie 456 531 Kantoorpersoneel 803 824 Lederbewerkers 392 485 Met uitzondering van de Sigarenindustrie en de Grafische Bedrijven, is er dus overal stijging, die bij de bouwvakarbeiders, fabrieksarbeiders, transportarbeiders en houtbewerkers wel het scherpst is. Deze cijfers gelden alleen de geheel werkloozen, ofschoon ook het cijfer der gedeeltelijk werkloozen, dat vooral bij de textielarbeiders en de Grafische Bedrijven relatief zeer hoog is, eveneens is gestegen. Een bedrijfstak die wé in dit lijstje tot nu toe niet hebben opgenomen, is de kleedingindustrie. Deze industrie hield zich tot nu toe heel goed, doch geeft nu plotseling eveneens booge cijfers. Op den llen November gaven de cijfers der werkloozenkassen in dit bedrijf aan 288 geheel en 365 gedeeltelijk werkloozen. De verwachting, uitgesproken in ons nummer van 21 Dec. 1922, dat bij de contractsvernieuwing inde typografie nog moeilijkheden te overwinnen zouden zijn, is maar al te juist gebleken. D® eerste week van het nieuwe jaar gaf daarvan o® ondubbelzinnige wijze blijk. De groote meerderheid, welke zich inde katholieke, de christelijke en de neutrale arbeidersorganisaties vóór het nieuwe contract uitsprak, werd niet verkregen inden sociaal-democratischien typografenbond. Daar was een kleine meerderheid. tegen het contract; een meerderheid, die bij de referendum-uitspraak veel kleiner was dan op de bondsvergadering. Deze verwerping geschiedde ondanks de sterke aanbeveling van het bestuur van den sociaal-democratiseben bond om het contract te aanvaarden. Die aanbeveling werd echter pas gedaan bij de referendum-stemming, dus kwam te laat. Intusschen hebben van de volwassen typo’s die zich uitgesproken hebben, ongeveer twee-derden vóór het nieuwe contract gestemd. Natuurlijk hebben zij dat niet van harte gedaan; want wie ziet nu gaarne zijn loonbedrag dalen; doch die belangrijke meerderheid onder hen heeft, overeenkomstig het advies hunner leiders, die dat eveneens noodgedrongen deden, zich eenvoudig bij het onvermijdelijke neergelegd. Voor zoover zij niet zelve inzagen dat de positie van het drukkersbedrijf inde economische wereldontredde-, ring die we thans doorleven, een paar stappen achterwaarts noodzakelijk maakt, heeft de vóór-stemmende meerderheid zich neergelegd bij het, op dieper inzicht ge-, grond advies, van hare leiders. Dat echter het bestuur van de grootste organisatie der typo’s, de Algem. Nederl. Typografenbond, die tevens de oudste vakbond van Nederland is, geen meerderheid voor zijn inzichten heeft kunnen bewerken, geeft wel blijk van een tekort aan leidend-vermogem, dat in dezen tijd wordt geëiscbt. Want het is een niet te ontkennen _ feit, dat de stakings-* actie, die tegen het advies van bet bestuur van den A. N. T. B. in, is losgebroken, gericht is, tegen de loonregeling die, zij bet dan ook weer niet van ganscher harte, doordat bestuur is goedgekeurd. Dat bestuur verkeert thans inde weinig benijdenswaardige positie, dat het moet aansjokken achter eene hem tegenstrevende meerderheid, die wellicht grootendeels ia gemaakt door de, elke verantwoordelijkheid missende extremistische elementen inden A. N. T. B. Het bestuur moet flu deze stakingsactie verdedigen, ge-: richt tegen, loonverhoudingen, die het inde lingscommissie niet op goede gronden kon afwijzen. Deze zonderlinge houding, en de minstens raadselachtige wijze, waarop in het weekblad de leden van den.soc.- democratischen bond tijdens de onderhandelmgen over ’t nieuwe contract voorgelicht, geven blijk vaneen stuurloosheid, die alleen maarte verklaren is, uiteen diepgaand meeningsverschil in het bondsbestuur zelf, of wel uit volslagen gemis aan leidend vermogen. Wij zijn geneigd het ee*ste aan te nemen, mede omdat de A. N. T. B. met de syndicalistische en communistische elementen moet rekenen, die door het verplichte !'dmaatschap, tegen hun zin in, daar worden vastgehouden. DE R. K. VAKBEWEGING Van den anderen kant is het echter opmerkelijk, dat men zich juist in Amsterdam, dat die extremisten in hoofdzaak herbergt, in deze stakingsactie zoo betrekkelijk koest houdt. Het groote aantal werklooze typo’s inde hoofdstad moge daaraan niet vreemd zijn, doch dat is voor de communistische logica; die op „keetmaken” is gericht, toch geen beletsel ‘ Zooals te doen gebruikelijk is, hebben de aanvoerders der strijdende partijen zich gehaast en beijverd om het publiek omstandig en in bijzonderheden in te lichten, en het moet worden erkend, dat, ofschoon op de kwestieuze punten alle nadruk wordt gelegd, de goede toon tot nu toe met klaarblijkelijke zorg is bewaard. Niet ten onrechte wordt, blijkbaar wederzijds ingezien, dat énen hier te doen heeft met gemoedsuitingen van menschen, die ondanks de duidelijke verschijnselen, nog niet volkomen hebben begrepen, dat de huidige positie van ons bedrijfsleven niet geheel toelaat, wat op zichzelf gewenscht mag heeten. Dat is een gevolg van het gebrek aan veelzijdige voorlichting, omdat men inde kringen der sociaal-democraten hetzij mondeling of schriftelijk steeds op één-en-hetzelfde deuntje tegen het kapitalisme scheldt, en van de werkelijke economische verhoudingen slechts bij groote noodzaak en dus hij uitzondering gewaagt. De heer Stenhuis moge al eens een keer zeggen, dat het bedrijf nu eenmaal niet meer geven kan dan het heeft, hetgeen verstandig en ongetwijfeld in hem te prijzen is, dat gaat geheel verloren ineen teveel van minder verstandige, veelal hoogst eenzijdige voorlichting, waaraan zijn volgelingen zich vergasten. Dat zulke arbeiders, zij mogen dan tot de „bewusten” behooren, @p bepaalde oogenblikken niet te houden zijn, omdat zij de werkelijkheid niet zien, en weinig gevoelen voor een advies dat zich slecht verdraagt met de methode waarop men hen voorlicht, is allerminst onverklaarbaar. Wie de dingen dan ook uit psychologisch oogpunt beschouwt, kan deze stakingsactie goed verklaren, en daarbij berekenen, dat ze feitelijk als veiligheidsklep kan dienen om de opgewekte spanning te laten afvloeien. Want wie de positie van het drukkersbedrijf wil zien zooals ze is, en daarbij in ’t oog houdt de loop van zaken in het geheele bedrijfsleven, kan zich toch onmogelijk aan de illusie overgeven, dat de bepalingen van het oude contract gehandhaafd konden worden. Men moge zijn best doen om te keeren wat te keereu is; te gaan staken tegen de uitkomst der onderhandeling in het drukkersbedrijf, was meer gemoedsuiting dan verstandelijk werk. Men vat het blijkbaar ook zóó op, want men doet wel. het mogelijke om wederzijds de ingenomen positie te versterken, doch houdt zich tevens gereed het conflict bij de eersf-geboden mogelijkheid te beëindigen. Want de hesliss’ng is er feitelijk al. Nu bijna alle groote bladen ongehinderd blijven verschijnen, is de afloop van deze stakingsgymnasti'ek niet twijfelachtig. De kwestie duurt precies zoolang, als de stakingslustigo A. N. T. 8.-ers tijd noodig hebben, om tot het besef te komen, dat alle verzet tegen de economische wetten welke thans legeeren, absoluut doelloos is. Zoodra dat ..tot hen doorgedrongen is, is ook het can~ flict ten einde, ofschoon dan voor velen de gevolgen wellicht pas zullen beginnen. Zoo is althans te vreezen. Wij voor ons zouden echter willen adviseeren, alle persooniijk-nadeelige gevolgen voor de betrokken gezellen zoodra en zooveel mogelijk op te heffen, zonder natuurlijk de rechten of nieuw-verkregen rechten van andere gezellen aan te tasten. Laat men het moge lijke doen, om deze staking te bezien als een stuk van de baloorigheid die thans, door niet-onverklaarbare redenen, in alle kringen des volks heerscht. Dan is dat wel de móest loyale houding die aan te nemen is, doch tevens in overeenstemming met de bedrijfsbelangen, die niet gedoogen, dat de voorbeeldige bedrijfsgemeenschap die reeds jarenlang bestond, verbroken wordt. HET GROOTE PROBLEEM DER WERKLOOSHEID 1N 1923. (D.) Nog slechts eenige weken en de werkloosheidsver- zekering zal naar alle waarschijnlijkheid voor het jaar ’23 definitief zijn geregeld. Verlangend wordt door velen, en wel op de eerste plaats door de kasbesturen, uitgezien naar de definitieve beslis- singen op de door de kasbesturen ingezonden voorstellen. Verlangend, omdat de regeling der werkloosheidsverze- kering, gedurende de laatste drie jaren, zeer veel moeite en opoffering van tijd aan de kasbesturen hebben gevraagd. Opoffering voorts van geld, omdat meerdere vakbonden zich in het uitvoeren van hun taak als vakorganisatie hebben moeten beperken, en een deel van hun voor den vakvereenigingsarbeid benoodigd kapitaal voor de werkloosheidsverzekering hebben bestemd. Het gevolg daarvan was; le. verzwakking der vakorganisatie, somtijds in groote mate. In niet weinige gevallen werden kasbesturen door de omstandigheden genoodzaakt, of daartoe, door de taktiek der regeeringsambtenaren, geleid, groote bedragen van het vermogen der vakorganisatie te bestemmen voor de werklopzenkas. En ook al ging dit 'gepaard met het vooruitzicht binnen afzienbaren (?) tijd dit bedrag te zullen terug ontvangen, het feit zelf der beleening was in meerdere gevallen noodlottig voor de vakorganisatie en haren arbeid, die rechtstreeks als de hare moet worden beschouwd. 2e. Het bestemmen van gelden voor een doel, waarvoor zij niet zijn bestemd. Dit feit was oorzaak, dat de besturen van meerdere vakbonden, die het als hun hestuursplicht beschouwen, een nauwgezet financieel beleid te voeren, zich zagen geplaatst voor andere feiten, waarmede zij met het opmaken der begrooting voor hun organisatie geen rekening hadden kunnen houden. De driemaandelijksche balans, winst- en verliesrekening (kwartaal-financieel verslag) gaf dan ook een geheel ander beeld, dan bij het opmaken der begrooting was verwacht. Maar ook hij het uitvoeren van de eenmaal gemaakte vakvereenigingsplannen plannen van strategischen aard werd men voor feiten geplaatst en moest men rekening houden met de omstandigheden, waarin men was komen te verkeeren, zoodat van uitvoering der geheele plannen niets terecht kw'am. Somtijds konden zij slechts ten deele worden uitgevoerd, en dan nog met een resultaat, dat het stempel der omstandigheden verraadt. 3e. Het veranderen van het karakter en het wezen der vakorganisatie, die tot dan toe had „een leidende en uitvoerende taak”, en die met al den rompslomp der werkloosheidsverzekering in haar huidigen vorm en met al hare daaraan verbonden schaduwzijden, een taak als verzekeraar van de slechtste soort ontving. De werkloosheidsverzekering oehoort tot het terrein der vakorganisatie, dat is niet te ontkennen. Doch de uitvoering der verzekering heeft inde laatste iwee jaren de vakorganisatie in het goed uityoeren harer eigenlijke taak bedreigd en de kenmerken van haar karakter weggenomen. Daarbij komt nog, dat de groote massa van het volk da. DE R. K. VAKBEWEGING vakorganisatie is gaan beschouwen als het middel tot bet doen van werkloosheidsuitkeeringen, zonder in het oog te houden, dat de eigenlijke, de hoofdtaak een gansch andere ■moet zijn. De somtijds wat hooge uitkeeringen maakten, dat het publiek vooringenomen werd tegen de vakorganisatie, terwijl er alleen redenen schenen te zijn tot vooringenomenheid tegen de naar sommiger meening te hooge uitkeering bij werkloosheid. De vakorganisatie iis door deze feiten èn in discrediet gebracht bij een bepaald deel van het Nederlamdsehe ’ volk, èn in discrediet bij hen, die nog steeds hooge uitkeeringen magelijk achten; maar óók bij hen, die tot bun teleurstelling de vakorganisatie zoodanig van karakter zien veranderen, dat wellicht jaren en jaren zullen noodig zijn, om haar eigenlijke karakter te doen terugnemen en het eigenlijke doel der vakorganisatie na te streven. En dat eigenlijke doel, zegt het Duitsche Rijksdaglid Giesberts, is het volgende: „Ons groote doel, den werkmansstand verstandelijk, zedelijk en sociaal-economisch op te heffen, aan den werkmansstand zijn aandeel aan cultuur en sociale goederen, die hem van rechtswege toekomen, te verzekeren, heul die positie inde maatschappij, in' het sociale en openbare leven te verzekören, waarop hij rechtens aanspraak kan doen gelden, is nog lang niet bereikt. Door middel onzer organisaties is reeds veel bereikt, maar meer blijft ons te doen over”, en op een andere plaats in zijn boekje schrijft hij, dat: „Evenzeer als wij christelijke vakvereenigingsmannen aan onze grondbeginselen van godsdienstigen en nationalen aard vasthouden, even beslist staan wij op het standpunt der arbeidersbeweging d.w.z. van die beweging, die er naar streeft, den arbeidersstand op sociaaf-ecenomisch gebied zijn aandeel verzekeren, waarop wij naar de mate van onzen aan de maatschappij geleverden.arbeid aanspraak hebben; op ideaal gebied dè verstandelijke en zedelijke verheffing van den werkmansstand om tegelijkertijd voor hen in het raam der maatschappelijke orde de stelling te verkrijgen, waarop hij aanspraak heeft”. « In dit zeer lezenswaardige boekje, ook voor hien die het niet met Giesberts principieel geheel en al eens zijn, houdt hij krachtige vertoogen over het eigenlijke doel der vakvereeniging en haar strijd om dat doel te bereiken. Vergelijken we daarbij onze tegenwoordige verzekeringsinstituten, dan is een verzuchting niet te onderdrukken, en vraagt men zich onwillekeurig af, wanneer zullen we een beter instituut bekomen, dat met minder gebreken behept, een meer opvoedend instituut kan zijn; en daarmede komen wij aan het 4e gevolg van de opoffering van tijd en geld aan de werkloosheidsverzekering. Dat 4e gevolg is, de afvloeiing voor een zeer belangrijk deel van de door de leden opgebrachte contributies, naar hen, die na een kortstondig lidmaatschap der vakvereeniging, uitkeeringen ontvangen overeen maximum uitkeeringsduur en tot maximum uitkeeringsbedragen, en daarna de organisaties gaan verlaten, terwijl in tijden van laagconjunctuur de leden met meerdere jaxen lidmaatschap achtereen bij werkloosheid moeten worden teleurgesteld, omdat, .de kassen door de jongere leden waren leeg gepuf De mogelijkheid hiertoe is eender grootste schaduwzijden van de huidige regeling. Bij het ontwerpen eener nieuwe regeling voor bet jaar 1923 moet met de volgende regeeringsopmerkingen rekening gehouden worden; a. de uitkeeringsduur voor zoover deze hooger mocht zijn, niet langer wordt gesteld dan op 60 dagen per kalenderjaar, en voorzoover het seizoenarbeiders betreft, niet langer dan op 36 dagen; b. de wachttijd voor elke werkloosheidsperiode als regel 6 aaneengesloten dagen bedraagt, waarover geen uitkeering' kan worden betaald met handhaving overigens van de bestaande bepalingen); c. voorzoover de werkloosheid met het seizoen nauw samenhangt, wordt bepaald, dat in bepaalde tijden van het jaar niet, of alleen in bepaalde maanden wordt uitgekeerd. d. bepalingen worden getroffen, waardoor wordt voorkomen, dat de werkloozenkas te veel wordt aangesproken reeds in het eerste deel van het jaar dooreen bepaalde groep van arbeiders, waardoor voor werkloosheid van andere arbeiders ineen later deel van het jaar of in andere gemeenten geen middelen meer zouden beschikbaar zijn (er zou b.v. kunnen worden bepaald, dat, voorzoover de uitkeering niet tot bepaalde seizoenen wordt beperkt, aan elk lid in het eerste half jaar slechts over hoogstens de helft van het reglementair aantal dagen kan worden uitgekeerd, en dat over de tweede helft geen recht tot uitkeering aanwezig is, wanneer niet sedert het einde der eerste uitkeeringsperiode minstens 13 weken zijn verstreken). e. de wekelijksche uitkeering als maximum niet meer bedraagt dan 70 pet. van het loon, dat inden tijd, waarin een lid werkloos is ter plaatse als loon voor arbeiders van dezelfde categorie geldt. f. Zij, die op 31 December 1922 uitgetrokken zijn,)eerst dan voor uitkeering in aanmerking komen, wanneer zij gedurende een aan te geven termijn (minstens b.v. 6 weken) weder hebben gewerkt.” Of dit algemeene wenken en opmerkingen zijn, aan alle organisaties gegeven, is ons niet bekend. Toch veroorloven wij ons een paar opmerkingen te maken. Onnoodig is het te zeggen dat eenige dier regeeringsopmerkingen door organisaties met veel los personeel en seizoenarbeiders absoluut ' niet kunnen worden opgevolgd, zoo o.a. de punten a en f; terwijl voor sommige arbeid; als die inde steenindustrie aan een groote rivier, punt b zeer groote moeilijkheden oplevert. Na 3 jaar lidmaatschap tot 4 jaar *) Na ’t 4e jaar lidmaatschap tot ’t 5e jaar 72 dagen uitkeering De voordeelen van ideëelen' aard vallen direct in ’t oog, zonder dat daarop nog met zooveel woorden de aandacht wordt gevestigd- Dit onderscheid inde uitkeeringsiermijnen zou duurzaamheid van het lidmaatschap bevorderen, ineen tijd waarin ook de arbeiders alleen oog en hart hebben voor stoffelijke voordeelen. Het bevorderen vaneen duurzaam lidmaatschap der vakorganisatie, bezien ineen tijd waarin talrijke arbeiders, aan een opvoedend en de cultuur mededragend instituut den rug ioekeeren en daardoor medewerken aan afbraak van hetgeen door j arenlangen en noesten arbeid is op gebouwd, is een taak meer van ideëele dan van materieele beteekenis. Bezien van de taak die de vakorganisatie heeft te vervullen, is bevordering vaneen duurzaam lidmaatschap een gewichtig vraagstuk. *) Ingevolge reglementaire bepalingen. NOTULEN van de vergadering dér PI. Comité’s van „Herwonnen Levenskracht” ie Apeldoorn op Zaterdag en Zondag 25 en 26 November 1922. EERSTE DAG. Voorzitter de heer p. J, S. Serrarens. Op Zaterdag 25 November verzamelden zich de afgevaardigden van de volgende plaatselijke comité’s: DE R. K. VAKBEWEGING Alkmaar, Alphen a. d. Rijn, Amersfoort, Amsterdam, Anna Paulowna, Apeldoorn, Arnhem, Assendelft, Baarn, Beek bij Nijmegen, Bennebroek, Bergen, Beverwijk, Blarieum, Bodegraven, Bolsward, Borgharen, Borne, Boxtel Breda, Broek-Sittard, Buitenveldert, Bussum, Castricum, Coevorden, Culemborg, Cuyk a. d. Maas, Delft, Deventer Dieren, Dordrecht, Drunen, Elsloo, Eindhoven, Empel, Enschede, Erica, Gaanderen, Geffen, Gennep, Gendt bij Nijmegen, Gilse, Gimneken, Glanerbrug, Goirle, Gouda, ’s-Gravenhage, Groningen, Haarlem, Hartingen, Heemskerk, Heeze, Heilo, Helder, Helmond, Herpen, ’s-Hertogienbosch Hilversum, Hoogland, Hoorn, Joure, Kampen, Klazienaveen, Krommenie, Laren* Leeuwarden, Leiden, Leidschendam. Lemmer, Lisse, Lith, Lithoijen, Loop op Zand, Maastricht, Meerssen, Middelburg, Mill, Nieuw Vosmeer, Noord wijk, Nijmegen, Nijver dal, Oisterwijlc, Olst, Oosterbeek, Oosterhout, Ooy bij Nijmegen, Oss, Overveen, Poeldijk, Purmerend, Pijnacker, Raalte, Ravenstein, Reeuwijh, Renkum, Roosendaal, Rotterdam, De Rijp, Rijswijk, Schagen, Schalkhaar, Scheveningen, Schiedam, Silvolde, Sneek Soest, Spierdijk, St. Pancras, Steggerda, Tegelen, Tilburg, Uitgeest, Utrecht, Vaassen, Valkenswaard, Velden, Velp, Velsen, Velseroord, Venlo, Vlaardingen, Vlissingen, Vogelenzang, Voorburg, Voorhout, Voorschoten, Vught, Waddinxveen, Wageningen, Wassenaar, Weesp, Winterswijk, Woerden, Wormer, Wormerveer, Wychen, IJaselstein, Zaandam, Zeist, Zoeterwoude, Zwolle, ongeveer te twee uur inde groote zaal van „Tivoli” te Apeldoorn. Voor de opening werd uit volle borst een lied van „H. L.” aangeboden door ’t comité Haarlem. Daarna werd deze 4-e bijeenkomst der plaatseiijke comité’s door den heer Serrarens, voorzitter van de com- I missie voor plaatselijk werk namens die commissie met den christelijken groet geopend, en ving hij zijn inleiding aan. „Een terugblik werpend op de laatste jaren, valt er zeer zeker een vooruitgang van H. L. te constateeren. ’t Aantal comité’s is geklommen tot ruim. 220. De beteekenis van H. L. is gestegen. Ondanks tegenwerking is „H. L.” groot geworden en onder Gods onmisbaren zegen een onverbreekbare eenheid geworden van Vakbureau en Federatie. Welke moeilijkheden ooit in organisatievorm mogen rijzen, we hopen dat er s-amenwerking blijve en „H. L.” nooit geschaad zal worden. Met ’t doel van „H. L.” voor oogen, zetten we alle geschillen op zijde. Aan God en de vrienden van „H. L.” danken we wat de laatste jaren gebeurd is: De stichting van bet Sanatorium „Berg eu Bosch” en de vaste contributie waardoor H. L. direct aan de arbeidersbeweging werd verbonden. Spreker brengt dank aan den arbeid-in bijzonder van Dr. Peutz en Dr. Bronkborst (applaus). ’t Plan van ’t bestuur was aanvankelijk de vergadering ’n werkprogram voor de toekomst voor te leggen. Op het oogenblik' kan dit echter nog niet en zal voorgesteld worden een studie-commissie te benoemen, die ’t Rapport der Staatscommissie in zake de plannen voor T.b.c. bestrijding nagaat. De taak dezer commissie zal zijn: le. na te gaande voorstellen die in ’t Rapport gedaan worden. 2e. Het standpunt van H. L. in dit verband te bepa- len. Se. Het ontwerpen vaneen werkprogram. ’t Volgend jaar, bij het tienjarig bestaan van „H. L.”, zou dan op een congres dein de toekomst te nemen richting kunnen worden bekend gemaakt. H. L. is nog onvoldoende bekend ook bij -onze eigen menschen. ’n Brochure „Kent gij H. L.” gratis uitte geven met een oplaag v>an 150.000 exemplaren zal medewerken om vele onbekendheid weg te nemen. Spreker hoopt ten slotte, dat de besprekingen zullen staan in bet teeken, dat een ieder ruiterlijk zijn meening zal zeggen, doch dat men niet onaangenaam wordt voor anderen. (Luid applaus). Alvorens de beschrijvingsbrief der vergadering in behandeling komt, deelt de voorzitter mede, dat verschillende voorstellen daarop voorkomende, zullen moeten verwezen worden naar ’t plan van de werkwijze van H. L. inde naaste toekomst. De dagkalender zal voortaan niet meer worden uitgegeven, doch wel een maandkalönder. Spreker brengt het comité Haarlem voor de betoonde attentie, door ’t aanbieden van bet inden aanvang gezongen lied. Koopmeiners van Alkmaar vraagt of ’t stichten vaneen herstellingsoord behoort bij ’t plan van actie. De voorzitter antwoordt, dat reeds lang daaromtrent van gedachten is gewisseld. Voorloopig zullen we er wel niet aan kunnen denken. Gal jé Delft, vraagt, waarom geen prae-advies van het bestuur is geplaatst hij de verschillende voorstellen. Voorzitter wijst er op dat de vergadering geleid wordt door de commissie van plaatselijk werk en dat haar praeadvies op deze vergadering zal medegedeeld worden, omdat zulks niet eerder kon. De afdeeling-en Alkmaar, Sneek, Hen Bosch en Dordrecht stellen voor geen algemeene vergaderingen van de comité’s te houden, gezien de groote kosten daaraan verbonden, De commissie van plaatselijk werk meende de vergadering als instituut te moeten behouden, doch alleen deze bijeen te roepen hij gebleken noodzakelijkheid. Na heel wat discussie hierover werden de voorstellen ingetrokken en ’t prae-advies van het bestuur geaccepteerd. Den Bosch stelt voor het houden van districtsvergaderingen. Er wordt gevraagd hoe het bestuur de indeeling; denkt der districten en wie leiding zal geven. Voorzitter zegt, de indeeling zal zoo practisch mo-gelijk moeten geschieden, de leiding der districtsvergaderingen zal moeten berusten bij het bestuur om ’t contact van kringen en bestuur te behouden. Utrecht stelt voor de algemeene vergadering stemrecht te geven over de voorstellen voorkomende op den beschrijvingsbrief. ’t Bestuur verklaart bet voorstel onaannemelijk gezien de organisatie en opzet van H. L. Vakbureau en Federatie zijnde vertegenwoordigers der leden en kunnen bindende beslissingen nemen. In ’t alge-f meen wordt wel terdege rekening gehouden met voorstellen en verlangens der plaatselijke comité’s, waar dit maar eenigszins mogelijk is. Utrecht zegt, dat ’t voorstel gedaan is om ’n uitspraak te krijgen, opdat de comité’s goed weten boe H. L. als organisatie functionneert. ’t-Voorstel wordt daarna ingetrokken. Voorstél Bussum in zake vergaderingen van gezamenlijke comité’s in nabijgelegen plaatsen wordt verwezen naar de kringindeeling. Leiden wil met z’n voorstel eveneens centralisatie. Betoogd wordt dat deze te bereiken is door kringindeeling. Wageningen betoogt, dat financieel elk comité op zich zelf moet blijven staan. Haarlem en Bussum zijn tegen ’t voorstel Leiden om meerdere plaatsen één comité te doen vermen. Men kan toch wel hulp verleppen aan kleine naast bijgelegen plaatsen. DE R. K. VAKBEWEGING Meerdere oomité’s spreken zich aldus uit. Inde kringvergadering kan men zelf met het bestuur de beslissing wat het beste is en dit wel met wederzijdsch goedvinden. Voorstel Utrecht, om ’n lid der commissie van plaatselijk werk toe te voegen aan ’t hoofdbestuur. De commissie zelf meent zulks niét te moeten doen. Ze wil, als commissie, advies geven. Wat Leiden zegt over deze commissie is onjuist. Als er actie gevoerd wordt is de commissie steeds gehoord geworden, en heeft geadviseerd. Utrecht trekt hierna z’n voorstel in. Eenige voorstellen betreffende contributie verhooging, worden afgevoerd van de agenda, wijl niet deze vergadering daarover beslissingen kan nemen. In deze omstandigheden zou het ook tot de onmogelijkheden behooren een dergelijk voorstel doorgevoerd te krijgen. Zoodra er uitzicht op mogelijkheid bestaat, zal zeker in die richting worden gewerkt. Een voorstel tot het houden vaneen collecte aan de kerken is alleen uitvoerbaar indien de goedkeuring der kerkelijke overheid werd verkregen. Dit laatste is te probeeren, hoewel de verwachtingen niet hoog gesteld' behoeven te worden. Ben aantal voorstellen over speldjes- en kalenderverkoop worden hierna afgehandeld. In plaats van dén dagkalender zal voortaan een maandkalender worden uitgegeven. Het voorstel Haarlem omtrent nazorg der ex-patiënten wordt verwezen naar de studie-commissie. Den Bosch stelde voor het afhalen der kinderen uit Berg én Bosch over te laten aan het comité. Het bestuur was deze meening niet toegedaan, omdat inde eerste plaats de ouders of naaste familieleden op de hoogte moeten worden gebracht met den toestand van het kind en de wenken of raadgevingen in het belang van het kind hebben na te komen. Dr. Bronkhorst betoogde op deze wijze dat ’t van het grootste belang is, dat de kinderen gebracht en gehaald worden door de ouders. Enkele voorstellen inhoudende het mogelijk maken om meerderen (b.v. de leden van den vrouwenbond of alle katholieken), dan tot dusverre rechthebbenden hulp van H. L. te verschaffen, werden niet aangenomen. Tusschen het behandelen dezer voorstellen hield de heer Serrarens een korte inleiding over „Het Consultatie Buréauwezen volgens het verslag van de Staatscommissie.” Bij de verkiezing der commissie voor plaatselijk werk werden herkozen; de heeren A. v. Hilst te Utrecht, C. Th. A. Bedden te Tilburg, M. v. Rooij te Venlo en J. de Jongh te Amsterdam. Gekozen werd voor het Diocees Breda ter voorziening in vacature de heer J. Roelin te Breda. (Wordt vervolgd). BINNENLAND. Een groot aantal roomsche arbeiders zijn halverwege Zoo zegt de heer Stenhuis in zijn weekblad, ten aanzien der leden die de laatste twee jaren bedankt hebben voor het lidmaatschap der R. K. Werkliedenvereeniging te Tilburg. Op .een vergadering deelde de voorzitter namelijk mede, dat het ledental tot op 6500 was teruggeloopen. Dat is, vergeleken bij het jaar 1920, toen het ledental van 10.000 was bereikt, inderdaad een groot verlies. Met klaarblijkelijke vreugde zegt Stenhuis dan ook: „Dat deze 3500 man uit de doode standsorganisatie zijn weggeloopen, is ongetwijfeld een vooruitgang. Het is nog slechts de halve weg die de roomsche arbeiders gaan moeten. Eerst als ze in ons tehuis zijn aangekomen, hebben ze den weg volledig afgelegd.” Dat de wensch bier de vader der gedachte is, behoeft geen betoog en is bovendien verklaarbaar. Toch is het wat al te naïef, als Stenhuis meent, dat de leden die de R. K. Arbeidersbeweging den laatsten tijd verloor, op weg zijn naar de sociaal-democratische vakbeweging. Die leden zijn niet uit de R. K. W. V. weggeloopen om naar Stenhuis c.s. over te steken, doch hebben zioh laten leiden door soortgelijke overwegingen als de circa 60.000, die sedert 1920 uit het N. V. V. zijn weggeloopen. Dat Tilburgsche verlies is groot precies 35 pCt. doch het 60.000-verlies van het N. V. V, blijft daar niet veel onder. Waar die 60.000 ex-volgeliugen van Stenhuis heen zijn gegaan? Zou hij meenen, dat die luitjes halverwege op weg zijn naar het katholieke (of) christelijke tehnis? Wij hebben er nog weinig van bemerkt, en zoo zal het wel wederzijds zijn. Wij verheugen ons niet zoo gauw over lui die bij anderen wegloopen, en over menschen die zoo halverwege zijn. Halfheid is een eigenschap die naar onze waardeering voor de vakbeweging weinig waarde heeft Als Stenhuis zich om die halfheid Hij maakt, zij die traditioneele „musch” hem gegund. Het R. K. Vakbureau en de Werkloosheidsverzekering. Dezer dagen vergaderde het Bureau voor de R. E. Vakorganisatie met de besturen van de aangesloten bonden, die tevens als beheerders van werkloozenkassen fungceren. Uitvoerig werd van gedachten gewisseld, over de wijze waarop, namens de Regeering, met de kasbesturèn wordt omgesprongen. Algemeen was men het er over eens, dat van eenige zelfstandigheid der vakorganisaties geen sprake meer is. Op het vraagstuk der werkverschaffing werd nog eens in bet bijzonder de aandacht gevestigd. Van groot belang werd bet geacht, dat de plaatselijke-, provinciale- en rijksoverheid bet werk in eigen land zou weten te houden, terwijl nog eens in bet licht werd gesteld, dat het zooveel beter zou zijn, wanneer het geld, hetwelk thans aan werkloözensteun besteed wordt, werd aangewend voor productief werk. Het Vakbureau heeft zich met de overige Centrales in verbinding gesteld. Bondsvergadering van den Nederl. R. K. Landarbeidersbond, gehouden op 26 en 27 December te Utrecht. Op 26 en 27 December j.l. Meld bovengenoemde bond zijn 19e jaarvergadering. De belangstelling was zeer groot; 183 afdeelingen hadden hun vertegenwoordigers gezonden. De voorzitter wees in zijn openingsrede op de belangrijkheid van deze vergadernig, die gehouden wordt ineen tijdvak, dat de vakorganisatie aan alle zijden wórdt aangevallen. Het ergste daarbij is evenwel, dat onder deze aanvallers ook menschen zijn, die eigenlijk vrienden moesten zijn. De arbeidsvoorwaarden zijn, vooral voor de landarbeiders van dien aard, dat een algemeens inzinking van de gezinnen plaats vindt; ook inden tuinbouw heeft hier en daar een teruggang plaats gevonden, terwijl op meerdere plaatsen deze niet zal te weerhouden zijn. Tot zelfs in het bloembollenbedrijf dat in gunstige positie verkeert, is het collectieve contract opgezegd. Uit alles blijkt, dat we juist in deze dagen onze organisatie hebben te versterken, wijl anders groote schade voor de arbeiders ontstaat. De agendapunten betroffen over het algemeen regelingen van huishoudelijken aard. Zoo werden enkele wijzigingen in het reglement aangebracht, Waardoor het mogelijk wordt om de twee jaar een vergadering van den Bondsraad te houden; ten behoeve van de propaganda onder de jeugd, zal ook voor hen de toeslagregeling bij ziekte van kracht worden. Op voorstel van het bestuur zullen de salarissen der bestuurders met ongeveer 10 worden verlaagd. Het bestuur had zich hierbij op het standpunt geplaatst, dat allen die iets meer inkomen hebben dan het gemiddeldloon van de arbeiders iets zullen moeten opofferen, om door mogelijk te maken dat de druk op de arbeiders niet zwaarder wordt dan nu het geval is en in elk geval niet zwaarder dan strikt noodig is. Dit offer zal dus ook gebracht moeten worden door hen die op zichzelf beschouwd niet te veel hebben. Een belangrijk gedeelte van de bespreking moest verder worden gewijd aan de werkloosheidsverzekering. Da crisis is oorzaak dat met het gewone subsidie de uitkeering niet kan plaats vinden, zoodat op het toekennen vaneen hooger subsidie bij den Minister is aangedrongen,. Het bestuur hoopt hierin te slagen, doch dit zal niet zonder moeilijkheden gaan. Zoo heeft de Minister omtrent de klasse-indeeling advies gevraagd aan bet Ministerie van Landbouw, die dit blijkbaar weer beeft opgedragen aan de landbouwconsulenten, waarvan enkelen van de arbeidsverhoudingen niet veel blijken te weten, althans in enkele provinciën vooral Zuid-Holland is een ware chaos geschapen. Na breede bespreking onderschreef de vergadering bet standpunt van bet bestuur dat in algemeenen zin de verzekering nog van zoodanige beteekenis kan worden geacht, \ dat beter kan getracht worden verbeteringen aan te brengen dan haar op te beffen. Ook bet werken van de landarbeiders in Noord-Frankrijfc werd besproken. Het bestuur zai in samenwerking met den Ned. Boerenbond alles in het werk stellen om de groote zedelijke gevaren welke blijkens bet ingestelde onderzoek ter plaatse aldaar bestaan, tot een minimum te beperken. Het zal daarom goed zijn dat niemand naar Frankrijk gaat zonder het Hoofdbestuur te hebben geraadpleegd. Bij de bespreking over de Landbouwarbeidswet werd door de afdeeling Lisse een motie ingediend en aangenomen, waarin betreurd wordt, dat inde vorige wetgevende periode de landbouwarbeidswet met tot stand kwam en wordt aangedrongen om met alle kracht te ijveren dat zoo spoedig mogelijk deze achterstelling van de landarbeiders wordt opgeheven. Ten slotte werd van bestuurszijde nog een uiteenzetting gegeven over den toestand van en onze verhouding tot de landbouwbedrijfsraden, waarbij tevens de brochure Hermans besproken werd, benevens zijn aankondiging om ook voor den Landbouw een stelsel in elkaar te zetten. De vergadering was evenals bet bestuur van oordeel, dat bet verstandig is te trachten zooveel mogelijk de bestaande bedrijf sraden te helpen uitbouwen en in elk geval ons niet te laten afleiden door menschen, die blijkbaar de verhoudingen in ons bedrijf niet begrijpen en die ook niets met ons te maken hebben. (Wegens plaatsgebrek de vorige wéék blijven liggen). VAKVEREENIGINGENJ Vraagt voor uwe KANTOOR INSTALLATIE Offerte aan den Kantoorboekhandel CORN. PAAP, SPUI 165a – DEN HAAG Intercomm, Telefoon H 7801 BOEKDRUKKER?] – BINDERIJ – PAPIERHANDEL Coöperatieve Levensverzekering-Maatschappij „CONCORDIA" Gevestigd te Utrecht Coficurreerende premiëa. – Vrijgevige voorwaarden. – Aandeel inde winst. Nadere inlichtingen worden kosteloos verstrekt – Actieve agenten kunnen overal geplaatst worden Vrijstelling van premiebetaling h$ ziekte werkloosheid, werkstaking en wtsloiiaajj. |
sn97065762_1886-11-27_1_1_1 | US-PD-Newspapers | Public Domain | CUSTER CHRONICLE VOL VII R. WOOD. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Office in Court House, (Custer City, Dakota. H. D. REYNOLDS. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Practices in all the courts of the United States. Office in Court House, Ouster City, Dakota. Dr. PAVIN, Pangburn & Pangburn, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law. Homestead, JOHN H. KING, Attorney at Law, Notary Public, Will practice in all the courts of the Territory, Corporation Mining Law specialties. Buffalo Gap, (Custer City, Dakota. D. W. FLICK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. May be consulted by letter or will go to the country in consultation and to perform operations. Rapid City, D. T. JAMES HARTBERGERING, COUNTY SURVEYOR, U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor AND MECHANICAL ENGINEER. All work guaranteed. Office address, tier mogiv, (Custer County, Dakota. MINES OF Tin, Mica, Gold and Silver For Sale. Pipes, Tobaccos Etc., Etc. The Cheapest House in the Black Hills. Guster City, Dakota CUSTER CITY MARKET. Best and Cheapest In the Hills. Sausage Meat Cut 2¢ a Pound In addition to the above, I have added MILLING FACILITIES, CORN SHELTER, And I am now prepared to grind to order at the following rates. 1st 100 pounds Corn Meal Graham Flour Ground Feed The above articles will also be KEPT ON SALE at the lowest market rates. From and after this date to January 1st, I will sell beef by the side at 10 cents per pound, and quarters in proportion. JAS. CLARK - CUSTER CITY. G. W. PASGHURN. Dakota. Black Hills, D. T and a SOcts 50fts 2½ Vs Tin Development. While it is simply a matter of impossibility to determine definitely the future purposes and intentions of the Homey Peak Tin Company through the means ordinarily adopted by newspaper reporters, in consequence of extreme reticence on their part, it is nevertheless apparent that a decision has been reached, which, as evidenced by the character of their operations, will result in the thorough development of their properties in all the districts in which they have become interested. The presence of Capt. Gilbert, a thorough English tin expert, who has for forty years been engaged in the operations in Cornwall, would indicate a desire upon the part of the company, to be guided by the best counsel obtainable in the methods of systematic exploitation. The gradual increase of the working force on all their properties, and the evident determination on their part to attain depth upon the same, is very gratifying to the people of the Southern and Central Hills, where up to this juncture the thorough development of a mine has never been accomplished. It is encouraging to note the marked improvement which is already shown upon the Tin Heef. Custer, and Missing Link lodes in the past few weeks, giving evidence of their eventually becoming prominent tin producing properties, it is by no means improbable, and from present appearances we do not hesitate to say, that within thirty days from this time the Harney Peak Tin Company will have more men employed in the development of their tin properties, that are at present employed in all the tin mines in the Black Hills, and that before the advent of another spring, the great tin question, so far as to its value as a permanent resource is concerned, will be settled. cerned, will be definitely settled. Clerk of Court. The Louisville Courier Journal of Nov. 11 brings the following interesting announcement: “Henry F. Duncan, of Howling Green, for several years a clerk in the auditor’s office, but more recently in the insurance bureau at Frankfort, has been tendered and has accepted the clerkship of the Supreme court of Dakota, which appointment comes through Judge Charles M. Thomas, recently appointed justice of that court by the president. Mr. Duncan is a most estimable gentleman of fine clerical ability and just in kind of honest, true democrat to deserve the $5,000 plum which dropped into his hands when he least expected it.” It is to be regretted that an eligible, or rather, an acceptable person could not be found among the residents of this judicial district, but inasmuch as Judge Thomas considered it expedient to go abroad for a successor to General Dawson, it is pleasant to be assured that a gentleman in every way competent for and worthy of the position was named. Mr. Duncan will arrive, doubtless, between this and Dec. 1, and at once take possession of the office temporarily filled by F. J. Washburn.—Deadwood Times. The Times touches the matter tenderly, which is probably just as well, as there is only one cure for the evil, and that is statehood. God hasten it. The Conally Murder. The wilful murder of Jack Tonally (familiarly known as Sandy) at Big Bottom, Lawrence county, by P. H. Trudell on the 10th inst., of which we were not apprised in time to mention in our last issue, is a matter receiving much comment in the section where the crime was committed in consequence of the diversity of opinion as to certain details connected therewith. Mrs. Trudell, wife of the alleged murderer, was an occupant of Conally's house, in the capacity of housekeeper at the time the murder was committed, whose testimony is regarded as vacillating and unreliable. Trudell asserts that Todle fired first, and will doubtless make a plea of self-defense. Circumstantial evidence of the most palpable character strongly points to malice on the part of Trudell, and his evident intention of committing the deed of bloody some time prior to its commission, having declared to a Mr. Williams of Crook City such intention only a few hours previous to the killing. The verdict of the coroner's jury was that the deceased came to his death by a gunshot wound fired by Trudell, and that in the said shooting they found no evidence of self-defense, but that the crime was wilful and premeditated. They also found that his wife, Mrs. Trudell, was an accomplice in the murder. Trudell, who gave himself up, is now confined in the county jail in Deadwood, and his wife, who is held as being accessory to the murder, is also an inmate of the same institution. Snowed Up. Not a thing was done in the justice courts yesterday. Judge Wells is snowed up out on his farm, and the parties to the adjourned case of Kelsey vs. Tipton are snowed up out in the timber, while the attorneys are snowed up in town. This case will probably come to trial again after the thaw. —Rapid Journal. Dead Cirv should come to the rescue, and shovel Rapid out. CUSTER CITY, DAKOTA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1886. Want Another Court “The legal business of this district is very poorly looked after,” said a well-known attorney to a reporter yesterday. “I am saying this, I do not wish to be understood as casting any aspersion on either bench or bar, for I believe that the members of both have labored earnestly to keep the dockets clear. That the district is large, and the business demanding the attention of the courts is constantly on the increase, and the result is there is an accumulation of litigation that is simply enormous. Why, Judge Thomas says that at Deadwood alone he has work enough for a year. And here in Rapid City there are a number of cases docketed that will require long and possibly tedious trials, and there is no telling how much of litigation may grow out of some of them. And then cases on the docket are increasing rather than decreasing each year, until it has come to be that one judge, working all the time, can but hope to keep pace with the business before him. So long as we have no county courts for the trial of such cases as creep into the district court, which should be settled in a lower court, I think another judge should be appointed to this district. In fact, I believe there is now some such movement on foot, and I would not be greatly surprised if before the next term of court in Rapid City Judge Thomas had an associate on the bench.”—Rapid Journal. We heartily endorse the movement, and should it be so determined, Custer will agree to furnish the court and one clerk to the manor born. . The board of canvassers of the Fourteenth Legislative district, comprising the five Black Hills counties, Lawrence, Pennington, Custer, Butte and Fall River, met at the courthouse in Deadwood on the 18th inst. for the purpose of canvassing the vote of the district at the late election. The result of the canvass shows the total vote as follows: Wasabaugb 4004 Wells 4227 Booth 2.517 Manning out Wolzmuth 3772 Patton 4090 Stewart 4274 Romans 3410 Baer 2045 Everly 2770 The constitutional convention met in adjourned session at Sioux Falls on the 23rd inst., the president Hon. A. Edgerton in the chair. The following resolutions were adopted: 1. Resolved, That when the convention adjourns it adjourns to meet at Huron at 8 o'clock a.m. on Wednesday, the 15th day of December, 1864. 2. Resolved, That the president and secretary of this convention be directed to issue a call to the convention to meet pursuant to such adjournment, and that they cause notice of such call to be given to each member of the convention. 3. Resolved, That the convention respectfully recommends that the governor and other officers thereto empowered take the necessary steps to convene the state legislature at the capital at the same time to which this convention shall adjourn. Since the funeral of Gen. Grant there has been no such gathering of distinguished men at New York as that which assembled to do the last honors to The late ex-president Arthur. The assembly involved some striking situations. A correspondent relates how Mr. Blaine, Senator Findings, and Gen. Butler occupied adjoining rooms at the Fifth Avenue hotel, so that chance might throw them together at any moment. On another floor of the same hotel, Gen. Sherman and Gen. Joseph E. Johnston had adjoining rooms. In the same hotel, also, ex-President Hayes and ex-Secretary William E. Chandler, bitter personal enemies, were in peril of encountering each other as they moved about, and they slept with only a thin partition of plaster and lath between them. And there was an embarrassing scene in the parlor of the dead ex-president’s residence, where Chandler and Frank Hatton were sitting talking with Mr. Knevals, the ex-president’s partner, when ex-President Hayes and Gen. Sherman entered. Hayes and Chandler have not spoken to each other for years, and it required some diplomacy to arrange matters so that they should not directly encounter each other. Blaine himself called in the evening at the Arthur residence, which he had not entered since the sad night that Gen. Garfield passed away, when he came directly and hastily from Elberon to give formal notice to Arthur. Blaine asked for Mrs. McElroy, Arthur’s sister, and spent a few moments with her, speaking in his felicitous manner words of sympathy for the stricken family.—Sioux City Journal. Walt Whitman, the poet, is said to be in a destitute condition in New York. He is decrepit through infirmities, with scarce a penny upon which to subsist. The royalties on all his productions scarcely amounts to $50 per year. The estate of ex-President Arthur, deceased, is estimated at $1,000,000, which, except in one or two cases where charitable Institutions are benefited, is divided among relatives. Legislative Canvass. COUNCIL. ASSEMBLY. Iron Hill- With reference to the shutting down of the mill upon the Iron Hill mine, which is elsewhere noticed in this issue, the Deadwood Times of the 19th submits the following: The mill will hang up its stamps this morning if perchance such was not done last evening. Eighteen men were laid off yesterday, and the force will be further reduced upon the cessation of work at the mill. President Bullock was absent from the city yesterday, but a prominent director stated to a Times reporter that a suspension of milling operations was decided upon several days ago, to continue until the new level was established or the ore body much more satisfactorily developed than it has been thus far. The smelter will continue operations, a sufficient quantity of ore being on hand for several months’ run, with a large reserve in sight. The smelter shut down Wednesday night, for repairs but resumed operations yesterday morning. Eighty barrels of base bullion came over yesterday. The director above referred to expressed regrets that necessity compelled a cessation of work at the mill, but insisted that he never entertained greater confidence in the mine than at present. Insufficient development is the secret of the trouble. That the mine contains a very large body, or, rather, a number of them, will be disputed by no one familiar with the property, but work is necessary to open it up — to render it accessible. The hoisting works will continue in operation and a sufficient force retained for rapid exploration. This is greatly accelerated by the diamond drill, which works to a charm, drilling at the rate of forty feet a day. It is impossible to say how long the mill will remain idle. Of course, the shutting down will be utilized by stock dealers, and prices of all kinds will tumble. It is also true that an erroneous impression will go abroad to the detriment of the Hills at large, and in partial refutation thereof if such be possible, we desire to say that no one in this locality having knowledge of the Iron Hill has lost confidence in it as a mine, or doubts that many a handsome dividend will yet be paid holders of the stock. It may take a month or half a year to place the property in good condition, but it may safely be said that once the mill resumes, it will be for continuous, profitable work. Protect the Miners. Nearly all the lustrias, except mining, demand and receive protection from the government. Wool and rice have a tariff of two cents per pound. Cotton is king because tariff protects him. Sugar is protected because there are a few sugar plantations in Louisiana. But none of these add to the permanent wealth of the nations. It is a singular anomaly for the best government on earth to pay her own citizens 72 cents per ounce for silver bars, and mint it into dollars at a cost to the mining men of 28 cents. An anti-protective tariff of 28 percent on an industry. The United States mints are established by the people and should work for the people. Every silver producer should have the privilege of sending his silver to the mint, have it coined without cost, and thus become its owner in dollars, when he wouldn’t have to “Trust in God” for the other 28 cents, and which neither the sharks of Wall Street nor the money kings of Europe could obtain for less than its full value. Prof. Bailey, in Rapid Republican. The Chicago Times, ever ready to create an unfavorable impression of St. Paul, announces the president’s determination not to visit that place during the coming ice carnival, claiming that "draws the line at Minnesota blizzards," to which the Pioneer Press replies in the following you're another style: "If the president finds he can get around Chicago comfortably, he will no doubt visit the carnival city, for nobody who knows anything about the character of a Chicago blizzard will visit that city except on urgent business during the blizzard season." J. B. Templeton, president of the board of trade at Pierre, has recently been interviewing St. Paul jobbers, in view of enlisting their aid in the opening of the Sioux Indian reservation to settlement. St. Paul and Minneapolis should take an especial interest in this direction, as in the event of the completion of certain lines of road already surveyed, the building of which depends upon the opening of the reservation, they would secure much of the trade of Dakota which at present goes to Chicago. Arensdorf, charged with the murder of Rev. Haddock at Sioux City, has been admitted to bail in the sum of $2,000. Coasting is the popular amusement at Deadwood at present. S. M. BOOTH. BOOTH & WEBSTER, DRY GOODS Staple and Fancy Groceries Groceries & Shoes CIGARS, assware & Crockery. California Fuse and Eagle Caps. Agents for Atlantic Mills Giant Powder Company, and Tank Line Oil Company. OFFICE. Having perfected arrangements For assaying, we are now prepared to furnish correct assays, and analytical tests on all classes of ores. Nos. 18 and 20 West Custer Ave., T. V. GARLOCK, DEVOET & CO., General Hardware Merchant, General Grocer, Hardware, Machinery, DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, GLASS, RABBIT, DOORS, PAINTS, WALL PAPER. Agent for the celebrated patent skein Rushford wagon, and Gate City Mountain spring wagons and buggies. For light draft, best material, best ironed and durability, this wagon has no superior. Morrison and John Deere Plows, Thomas H. Hikes, and Glidden Wire. Thankful for past favors, I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, assuring the public that my prices will always be as low as the lowest. Special attention paid to telephone orders. TELEGRAPH Office -TELEPHONE Office -Dealers in Hines to MINING SUPPLIES, SPOUTING GOODS. Shipper of n. w. wkbster Custer City, Dak T. V. OARLOCK. NO 13. |