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Do you actually have input into the sports curriculum at an individual school level |
Ah at the same time however, ah most of the ah curriculum side of things is usually handled within each education department from their curriculum branches |
Now how would you compare the way sport is played in the co in the community with the way it's ah taught and s played at school |
Ah usually the equipment is provided by the school, the the coaching is free, and there are few very few costs other than the occasional bus fare to get from venue to venue, whereas ah in many community sporting activities, ah for children to participate there is usually some form of registration fee, ah the participants usually have to buy their own equipment in many cases a and ah things like that |
Ah Henny are you happy with the level of participation at school, ah in sporting activities, and ah would you like to see an extension of the kinds of er sporting activities that are offered |
I think that's very important, but certainly never at the expense of all children being able to have access to such a program |
Now, can you give me an outline of what Aussie Sports is all about, and the thinking behind it |
And that's very important to young people |
So in ah promoting though modified versions of of adult games, I guess that that helps to reduce injuries as well |
So I think that's the sort of modification that reduces that risk of injury as well |
Are you in favour of that approach though for the adolescent years, because in recent times there there's been quite a few horrific instances where boys have become paraplegics or quadraplegics as a result of playing school football |
And I think that's a very vexed question that ah is probably, needs to be addressed by the National Sports itself |
Um, are you in favour of modifying adult games to reduce sports injuries |
Ah, so they're the sports that w or they're the age groups we have to look at more closely I think |
So it's at the top end of the secondary school that the the main problem occurs |
Well, what are some of the more common sports injuries though, across the age ranges, that ah a as a sports medicine person you're likely to see |
Um, quite often at school sport we do get the problem where um people are thrown into a position of being a coach because they're one of the school teachers rather than an appropriately qualified person |
Steve Kayland, could I ask you to comment here because I understand the Sports Council is particularly concerned to upgrade the standard of coaching in schools |
But ah in relation to to sporting injuries, I do believe that now more than ever before, there is ah in the school system at least ah ah the a greater awareness of the fact that um ah there have been certain instances in the past that um have made ah you know public headlines with regard to sports injuries and I think ah teachers not only ah make sure that ah they can try and avoid these circumstances, but at the same time I think there has been a somewhat negative effect in that it has discouraged teachers from getting themselves involved in sports coaching, because of the fear that ah one of their charges may perhaps be be injured ah in in a ga in a sporting competition |
Any other apologies |
Um uh Mr and Mrs Shields from Rock Farm |
Are there any other people who haven't been to a previous meeting |
Couple up the back there |
Uh have you signed our attendance book |
Mister S S Schulberger is it from Adderton Road |
What part of Adderton Road are you from the top end |
Half way towards Carlingford |
You been to o one of our meetings before |
I didn't know whether you were |
Yeah that's Steve Millard |
Were you at that the first meeting |
Oh I didn't realise you'd been to one of our meetings you know |
Um can I ask for the secretary to read the minutes of the last annual general meeting |
But we can stay on the present account provided we keep a balance of a minimum of two hundred and fifty dollars |
So we're retaining the present account |
Someone like to move the report be received |
Any questions for the treasurer |
Beg your pardon |
And I I'm unfortunately there's not too many of them here tonight |
who's going to take over the chair for the election of office bearers and um I think she's gonna take over for Area Coordinator Deputy Area Coordinator Area Secretary and Area Treasurer |
Uh do you want me to record this as it goes along or |
I'll second it |
sorry what was that |
And was seconded by |
Any further nominations |
Do I have to |
That's a good question |
Do it for another year |
Do we have a nomination |
So I'll nominate him |
Can I just say Milton |
Who was the first seconder |
Your name sir |
Any other nominations |
Everybody agree with that nomination |
What was your name sir |
And who was the gentleman up the back that sort of seconded |
Any other nominations for Secretary |
Are you willing to keep going |
I thought you said second that was all |
You got your Cluster Coordinators |
I think I know where they are |
Alright that's fine |
That was a easy one |
Um the way we've got our area divided up now with the new area |
didja have a good time last night |
I didn't like the band though |
Um badloves or something I |
No the first band |
The first yeah badloves |
just a caterpillar |
Don't do that |
what time did you get home last night |
ah five to twelve |
Five to twelve |
I thought it was the fastest way to get home |
not after what he drank last night |
I just went straight home |
Oh yeah I know I know |
Yeah I took that road |
would've been at Ashfield straight away |
five to ten minutes |
was really worried yesterday |
Such pretty birds |
Um don't you think people just take nature for granted these days |
Don't you think people take nature for granted these days |
It's pretty horrid |
I want it to rain |
it when it rains |
Yeah people will be tempted to go |
What're you going to do this weekend |
and give it in on Monday |
It's like five hundred words are not enough to write like to answer the question |
Well they are |
What subjects are you gonna do next year |
One and three |
I think I I'll do politics and history |
What kind of history |
It's not boring |
Well then who gives a shit what happened thirty years ago or forty years ago |