The project aims to enhance the knowledge base necessary to develop effective conservation and management options for high seas biodiversity. Two research expeditions of 40 days each will study five selected seamounts in the southern Indian Ocean. The first cruise will focus on the pelagic ecosystem, fishery resources and oceanography, and the second cruise on benthic ecosystems. They will help answer key scientific questions, including: - What is driving the seamount ecosystems and fisheries? - How diverse are seamount fishes, crustaceans and other invertebrates? - What are the benthic communities of the studied seamounts like? - Are the predictions of coral diversity based on global modelling studies accurate? - What are the impacts of past and current deep-sea fishing activities? - Do the benthic protected areas make a significant contribution to conservation of vulnerable seabed communities and do they benefit fishing? The scientific expeditions, planned for the end of 2009 and 2011 respectively, will comprise a multidisciplinary team of international scientists, paired with experts from the region. This will provide opportunities for capacity building, as well as expanding the global network of scientists interested in oceanography and deep-sea applied research and conservation. The major partners on this research cruise are IOZ/ZSL, FAO and its EAF-Nansen project, the ASCLME Project, ACEP, IMR and SIODFA. The work is funded by the Global Environment Facility, The Natural Environment Research Council, UK, and the FAO.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-15", "url": "https://cms.iucn.org/about/work/programmes/marine/marine_our_work/marine_governance/seamounts/about_/objectives/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-15/segments/1398223206118.10/warc/CC-MAIN-20140423032006-00248-ip-10-147-4-33.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9011425971984863, "token_count": 315, "score": 3.21875, "int_score": 3 }
Lightning strikes the United States millions of times each year. To keep your family safe, it is important to know what actions to take during a thunderstorm. - Listen to the forecast to know if there is a severe weather threat, and make sure you can get to a safe location if a thunderstorm develops. Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. It is a good idea to heed the advice of the National Weather Service, “When thunder roars, go indoors.” - There is no safe place from lightning when you are outside. Seek shelter indoors or in an enclosed metal-topped vehicle if a thunderstorm rolls in the area. A safe shelter should have a full roof, walls and a floor. Unsafe structures include covered patios, open garages, picnic shelters and tents. Unsafe vehicles include convertibles, motorcycles, golf carts and any open cab vehicle. - Even without a direct strike, lightning voltage can enter your home through phone lines, electrical wires, cables and plumbing. In fact, phone use is the leading cause of indoor lightning injuries in the U.S. Only use cordless or cell phones to make emergency calls during an electrical storm. Learn more at SafeElectricity.org.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "url": "https://cms1.qa.ameren.com/community-members/safety/lightning-safety", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676590199.42/warc/CC-MAIN-20180718135047-20180718155047-00070.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9138991236686707, "token_count": 262, "score": 3.265625, "int_score": 3 }
With lubricants, it’s all about control. This article captures the what, why and how of it. By Ken Bannister, Contributing Editor The old adage “oil is oil, so any old oil will do!” may have had merit a hundred years ago, but in today’s world of sophisticated machinery and demand for asset reliability, choosing the correct lubricant is now an important and informed decision. Whether in the form of a liquid, solid or gas, modern lubricants are pure liquid engineering. Through the blending of additives into a variety of base stocks, they can be designed to perform up to eight functions simultaneously in a host of different environments. Webster’s Dictionary defines a lubricant as “a substance (e.g. oil, grease or soap) that when introduced between solid surfaces which move over one another reduces resistance to movement, heat production and wear (i.e. friction and its effects) by forming a fluid film between the surfaces.” Essentially, a lubricant’s job is to control and minimize the sacrificial harmful effects of moving surfaces passing over one another under load and at speed. It does this in eight ways. Function 1: Control and minimize friction The primary function of any lubricant is to control and minimize the effects of friction. When two solid surfaces passing over one another are allowed to come into contact under load, they rub together and produce dry friction, requiring considerable energy to keep the surfaces moving. With no lubricant to separate the moving surfaces from one another, surfaces quickly degrade and can weld or lock together resulting in a “seize.” The indiscriminate sacrifice of wear surfaces produces rapid wear and loss of energy to heat, resulting in poor performance, reduced reliability and increased energy use. The introduction of a lubricating film between the two wear surfaces creates a fluid barrier that prevents surface contact. Although a small amount of fluid friction is still present in the film, the energy required to move the surfaces over one another is but a small fraction of that required to overcome surface-to-surface dry friction. Function 2: Control and minimize wear Knowing that a full lubricant film may not always be possible and that some metal-to-metal contact may occur under slow-moving, heavy-load, lubricant-loss conditions, additives that act as chemical “softening” agents on the metal surfaces can be blended into the lubricant. The lubricant coats the two surfaces with soft layers of metallic salts (sulfides and phosphate additives). As they slide over one another, alternating load cycles can cause the softened high points (asperities) on each surface to collide with one another due to reduced film thickness. When the unit loading exceeds the sulfur-phosphide film, a rupture occurs, creating a small area of metal-to-metal contact. Localized heat builds up, causing the two surfaces to weld and break, which leads to a small metal particulate or asperity release into the lubricant film. Many lubricants are designed to control wear by promoting minute surface degradation to allow asperity “tips” to be sacrificed easily without “tearing” the parent metal, thereby minimizing surface wear under varying lubricant-film conditions. Function 3: Control and minimize heat Whenever friction and wear levels are controlled and minimized, the amount of heat is also reduced. Excessive heat can “cook” the lubricant and cause it to oxidize, rendering it less effective; to combat this, an anti-oxidant additive is added to the lubricant base stock. Recirculating oil- and air/oil-system designs take advantage of a lubricant’s ability to transfer localized heat buildup at a bearing load point and prevent any thermal runaway at the bearing surfaces. To facilitate the heat transfer/cooling process, the oil may be pumped through a heat-exchange unit (oil cooler) and/or reservoir baffle system. Function 4: Control and minimize contamination As described above, a lubricant can become contaminated when wear asperities are introduced into it. Other forms of contamination, such as silica (dirt), can be introduced through the reservoir-filling process when proper storage, transfer and cleanliness practices are not observed, or through compromised sealing systems. To combat contaminant solids, lubricant additives can be used to coagulate particulate matter, making them heavy enough to “drop out” into the sump. Other additives can attach to asperities and stay colloidal, suspended in the lubricant so they can be extracted under pressure by an in-line system oil filter. Failure to refresh oil filters on a regular basis will cause the contaminated lubricant to act as a “lapping” paste and accelerate the wear process in bearing areas. In the case of water or glycol contamination, additives are added to facilitate release of moisture in the sump or filter. These additive types are more prevalent in automotive oils. Lubricants can also act to seal out contamination ingress around shafts. This is the case with a labyrinth type of seal that depends on grease to fill up a series of annular grooves cut into a non-moving shaft housing designed to act as a live shaft seal. Function 5: Control and minimize corrosion Oxygen may be a basic human life force, but it is a mortal enemy of lubricants. When present, it acts as catalyst to combine certain metals and organics that generate corrosive acids harmful to the bearing surfaces. If the wear surfaces are ferritic (iron-based), the acids attack the metal and form rust on the bearing surface. A lubricant is designed to cling to the metal surfaces and prevent moisture and oxygen from reacting with the surface. Given the fact that not all lubricants are created equal, if the bearing surfaces are iron-based, a lubricant with anti-corrosive additives must be employed. Function 6: Control and minimize shock Readers of this magazine are no doubt familiar with the quieting effect from adding lubricant to a gear train—wherein a lubricant acts as a hydraulic shock absorber between mating gears as they mesh. When they are poorly lubricated, those gears set up shock waves as they start to mesh, resulting in a “chattering” sound that can fracture the gear teeth. FYI: The very phrase “shock absorber” is synonymous with automobile suspension systems that employ hydraulic oil to dampen and absorb the effects of road shock on the vehicle. Function 7: Control and transmit power In a typical hydraulic system, oil is used to transmit force and motion from a single source (usually a pump) into multiple sources, pistons, accumulators, etc. Hydraulic oil is also used to transmit power in soft-start devices such as fluid couplings, automatic transmissions and torque converters. Function 8: Control and minimize energy consumption Effective lubrication practice dictates use of the Right lubricant, in the Right place, at the Right time, in the Right amount, using the Right method. Doing so will ensure that the lubricated equipment is using the least amount of energy in terms of moving parts. In studies conducted on behalf of various electric power companies,* effective use of lubricants, delivery systems and methods were shown to significantly reduce energy consumption of lubricated equipment: For example, an energy reduction of 7.3% was documented when a synthetic replaced a standard compressor oil, and a reduction of 17.92% was achieved on a stamping press when the automated oil delivery system was “tuned” and a more appropriate oil was chosen. The fluid film To combat friction and wear successfully, a lubricant film must be present at all times between the mating bearing surfaces. The degree of protection—and subsequent bearing surface life—is directly related to the lubricant’s working film thickness, load, speed and lubricant viscosity or “stiffness” (to be discussed in a later installment). The minimum working film thickness required to achieve full surface separation is also known as the lamda l thickness ratio. Because the degree of surface separation is dependent on the surface “roughness” (Ra), it must be determined by measuring the profile (peaks and valleys of the surface) of both mating surfaces and by defining a centerline through them so that the areas above and below the centerline are equal. The lamda ratio is then defined as the ratio of lubricating film thickness to surface roughness, which is a lubricant film thicker than the combined height of both surface asperities enough to completely separate both surfaces. Figure 1 shows the lamda l ratio thickness curve that depicts the relationship between the working film thickness and the resulting life expectancy of the lubricated component. Note that once the lamda ratio is thicker than four times, life expectancy remains constant. The figure also references the different film types—or stages—known as Boundary Layer, Mixed Film and Hydrodynamic Film. These important film types will be discussed relative to the different types of wear conditions in the next installment of this series. Ken Bannister is a certified Maintenance and Lubrication Management Consultant for ENGTECH Industries Inc. He is the author of the Machinery’s Handbook Lubrication chapters, as well as the best-selling Lubrication for Industry textbook recognized as part of the ICML and ISO’s Domain of Knowledge. Bannister also teaches numerous formal certification preparatory training courses for the ICML MLT/MLA and ISO LCAT certification programs. Telephone: (519) 469-9173; email: [email protected]. Recapping Lubrication Certification Opportunities Today, there are three lubrication certifying bodies: STLE (Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers); ICML (International Council of Machinery Lubrication); and ISO (International Organization for Standardization). Originally designed for engineers, STLE’s Certified Lubrication Specialist (CLS) program has been offered since 1993. ICML now offers two certifications for “hands-on” lubrication practitioners: the MLT (Machine Lubrication Technician) and MLA (Machine Lubrication Analyst) designations. A relative newcomer, ISO’s lubrication certification program has adopted the ICML model (and collaborated with that organization to use its domain of knowledge). Participants who attend the requisite preparatory formal training associated with ICML certification are also eligible to take corresponding ISO exams (upon payment of the appropriate examination fees). Of these three programs, ICML’s (currently offered in nine languages) has issued the most certifications around the world. For more information on this program, visit: www.lubecouncil.org.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-42", "url": "http://www.maintenancetechnology.com/2013/04/icml-certification-series-industrial-lubrication-fundamentals-functions-of-a-lubricant/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-42/segments/1414637900031.50/warc/CC-MAIN-20141030025820-00047-ip-10-16-133-185.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9268462657928467, "token_count": 2253, "score": 3.234375, "int_score": 3 }
Imagine if it was possible to drive a car without worrying about polluting the atmosphere, and what you were contributing to climate change. Imagine a country without gas stations, and without dependence on fossil fuels. Imagine more American jobs. Anyone who has made a commitment to living in an environmentally responsible manner has confronted the difficulty of everyday choices. As one of the first design professionals to embrace green design in the 1980s, I’ve seen huge changes in the building industry, and in the marketplace for sustainable goods and services. As a passionate environmentalist, I’m heartened by the number of manufacturers who are responding to the demands of their customers by making better, greener products available. I first wrote about electric cars in October, 2012. After highlighting a number of cars available at that time (the Chevrolet Volt, the Nissan Leaf, the Mitsubishi i-MIEV), I ended with a promise: that my next car would be an electric one. I’ve kept that promise. I’m now the owner of a new Tesla Model S. I made that choice for a few good reasons, most of them outlined in the first paragraph of this post. Like other writers on this topic have said, I never would have spent this much for a car without Tesla’s advanced technology. I’ve driven a Toyota Prius for some time, and appreciate that hybrid car for what it offers. My new Tesla takes electric technology to the next level. Here are a few things I considered in making my decision: 1. Zero Emissions and no fossil fuels: This car is 100% free of pollutants, and frees us from dependence on foreign oil sources. 2. Quick recharging capability: A Tesla can be 50% recharged in 20 minutes, and 80% recharged in 40 minutes. If you’re driving a long distance, you can recharge at a supercharger station in the amount of time it takes to grab a cup of coffee and take a comfort break. And with its extensive range (up to 300 miles), most recharging happens overnight. Other electric cars can take hours to charge. 3. It’s Extremely Safe: With all the weight in the floor where the batteries are, the car’s center of gravity is very low, making it safer than many other vehicles. 4. It’s Recyclable: The car’s battery and motor use no rare earth minerals, and the car frame and body are recyclable aluminum. The battery pack is recyclable, too: One of the criticisms of electric vehicles is that a battery pack, once exhausted, becomes waste. But there is a growing aftermarket for these batteries in static energy storage application. That will only grow in the months and years to come. 5. It’s Made in America: The Tesla Model S is made in Fremont, California, at a defunct plant once operated as a joint venture between Toyota and General Motors. At the time of my first post on electric cars, Tesla had 3,000 employees. Today, that number has grown to almost 6,000. I like knowing I’m supporting American jobs. It’s true that charging your car on the electric grid means that the environmental cost is transferred to the utility company. But battery powered cars are more efficient at converting energy into transportation. My Model S can travel almost 300 miles on a single charge of its battery, which equates to less than three gallons of gas. We may not have perfect solutions to all our automobile-based problems yet, but supporting new technology is one way to ensure that someone is working on the issues.
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Return of the Radium Hound Mayo Clinic, September 3, 1942. Sometime between 8:30 and 9:30 PM, three 50 mCi radium needles were accidentally flushed down a toilet. On the plus side, there were no NRC regulations at that time requiring that radioactive materials going into a sewer be soluble or readily dispersible. Unfortunately, the hospital authorities didn't know what had happened to their lost sources and an extensive search was mounted. Alas, the search was fruitless. It was clearly time to bring in the heavy hitters, and our old friend Prof J.W Buchta of the Physics Department of the University of Minnesota was contacted. In a possible attempt to repeat his earlier triumph in Sioux Falls (see In the Groove), Buchta searched the city hog farm to which the hospital garbage had been hauled. Finding nothing there, he correctly concluded that the sources must be somewhere in the sewer lines leaving the hospital. There was a problem though. The lines were 10 to 12 feet below street level. Too low for the sources to be detected from above ground. With considerable effort, a custom-built scraper was dragged though the sewer lines and two of the tubes were recovered. Two down. One to go. It seemed certain that the third tube was also in the sewer, but stuck. Before it could be dislodged it would be necessary to pinpoint its exact location. The first thought was to drag a GM through the sewer line but this was wartime and the necessary length of cable was unavailable. Another thought was to deploy a line of waterproofed dental film packets strung in a line, but the sewer was 2 miles long making this approach somewhat impractical. The next idea was to run 8 mm movie film along the sewer and develop this. Before this was attempted they decided to pull a Lauritsen electroscope through section of sewer and read it. The electroscope was waterproofed with what was described as a "rubber stocking" wrapped in felt and housed in a capped iron pipe about 1 foot long. By pulling or pushing the detector a short distance and checking the position of the fiber, they quickly traced the source to a section of sewer line approximately half a block from the point where the line left the building. The scraper was put back to work, and source recovered some 54 days after its loss. [This is the earliest situation that I am aware of in which a radiation detector was actually pulled through a sewer line.] Monroe, NC, winter 1935. The hospital safe was empty—the two 12.5 mCi radium needles that should have been inside weren’t. Time to call for the services of a radium hunter Robert Taft in Charleston. He quickly built a few extra hounds (electroscopes) performed a quick calibration and he and his assistant Ben Heyward, "sallied forth to Monroe". It was soon determined that the sources had probably made their way to the city dump. Gadzooks! North Carolina frowns on the disposal of radioactive materials at an undesignated site. So, bright and early the next morning, Taft, his assistant and their pack of radium hounds found themselves at the dump. With help from the city manager H.L Burdette, the probable location was narrowed down to a 40 by 200 foot area. Taft used little yellow flags into blocks 8 ft by 6 ft. The five electroscopes were charged, and placed at grid marks at one end of the gridded area five minute counts measurements were performed. The electroscopes were recharged and advanced to the next line of markers. The intrepid surveyors went up and down embankment, parts of which were afire and other parts covered with frozen puddles of water. Around fire, over ice, through brambles and scrap iron. At times the instruments had to be covered with tin cans to protect them from the ashes and dew. At one time a Chevrolet crankcase was scavenged to float the electroscope on the ice. Another time a high heel shoe was used to prop up the hound on a steep incline Then, quoting the Associated Press account, "At 11:30, one detector responded. Radium was near. All the detectors were brought into play. The ‘pack was in full cry.’ Then the searchers started to dig. Each scoopful was tested and finally one was ‘hot.’ It was sifted and at noon the first fragment of the precious substance was recovered." Amazing. All of this accomplished without the use of non-parametric, or any other kind of, statistics! The Associated Press account went on to comment that the first thing Taft did after finding the radium was to take a bath. Most of us who have done similar surveys know that this was unlikely. As Taft later admitted, the first thing he did was take a drink. [To my knowledge, the preceding is the earliest application of a grid system in a radiological survey.] - Taft, R.B. Radium—lost and found. Second ed. Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co.; 1946. - Williams, M.M.D. Recovery of radium tubes from sewer. Radiology 42: 478-482; 1943.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "https://orau.org/health-physics-museum/articles/return-radium-hound.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030337404.30/warc/CC-MAIN-20221003070342-20221003100342-00403.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.980125904083252, "token_count": 1091, "score": 2.671875, "int_score": 3 }
Production of Activated Char and Producer Gas Sewage Sludge Young Nam Chun According to the depletion of fossil fuel and global warming, energy conversion technology for waste has been considered as value added alternative energy source. Among the potential waste that can be converted into energy, waste sludge continues to be increased due to increased amount of waste water treatment facilities, resulting from industry development and population increase. Most of waste sludge was treated through landfill, incineration, and land spreading (Fullana et al, 2003; Inguanzo et al, 2002; Karayildirim et al, 2006). However, landfill requires the complete isolation between filling site and surrounding area due to leaching of hazardous substance in sludge, and has the limited space for filling site. Utilization of sludge as compost incurs soil contamination by increasing the content of heavy metal in soil, and causes air pollution problem due to spreading of hazardous component to atmosphere. Incineration has the benefits of effective volume reduction of waste sludge and energy recovery, but insufficient mixing of air could discharge hazardous organic pollutant especially in the condition of low oxygen region. In addition, significant amount of ashes with hazardous component will be created after incineration. As alternative technology for the previously described sludge treatment methods, researches on pyrolysis (Dominguez et al, 2006; Fullana et al, 2003; Karayildirim et al, 2006) and gasification treatment (Dogru et al, 2002; Phuphuakrat et al, 2010) have been conducted. Pyrolysis/gasification can produce gas, oil, and char that could be utilized as fuel, adsorber and feedstock for petrochemicals. In addition, heavy metal in sludge (excluding cadmium and mercury) can be safely enclosed. It is treated at the lower temperature than incineration so that amount of contaminant is lower in pyrolysis gasification gas due to no or less usage of air. Moreover, hazardous components, such as dioxin, are not generated. However utilization of producer gas from pyrolysis gasification into engine and gas turbine might cause the condensation of tar. In addition, aerosol and polymerization reaction could cause clogging of cooler, filter element, engine inlet, etc (Devi at el, 2005; Tippayawong & As the reduction methods of tar component, in-pyrolysis gasifier technology (IPGT) and technology after pyrolysis gasifier (TAPG) were suggested. Firstly, IPGT does not require the additional post-treatment facility for tar removal, and further development is required for operating condition and design of pyrolysis gasifier. Through these conditions and technical advancement, production of syngas with low tar content can be achievable, but cost and large scaled complex equipments are needed (Bergman et al, 2002; Devi et al, 2003). 136 Integrated Waste Management – Volume I Secondly, multi-faceted researches on TAPG, such as thermal cracking (Phuohuakrat et al, 2010; Zhang et al, 2009), catalysis (Pfeifer & Hofbauer, 2008), adsorption (Phuohuakrat et al, 2010), steam reforming (Hosokai et al, 2005; Onozaki et al, 2006; Phuohuakrat et al, 2010), partial oxidation (Onozaki et al, 2006; Phuohuakrat et al, 2010), plasma discharge (Du et al, 2007; Guo et al, 2008; Nair et al, 2003; Nair et al, 2005; Tippayawong & Inthasan, 2010; Yu et al, 2010; Yu et al, 2010), etc have been conducted. For thermal cracking, higher than 800°C is required for the reaction, and its energy consumption surpass the production benefit. Catalyst sensitively reacts with contaminants such as sulfur, chlorine, nitrogen compounds from biomass gasification. Also, catalyst can be de-activated due to cokes formation, and additional energy cost to maintain high temperature is needed. For adsorption, there were several researches utilizing char, commercial activated carbon, wood chip and synthetic porous cordierite for tar adsorption. In case of adsorbers having mesopore, adsorption performance of light PAH tars, such as naphthalene, anthracene, pyrene, etc excluding light aromatic hydrocarbon tar (benzene, toluene, etc) was superior. Tar reduction in steam reforming, partial oxidation and plasma discharge can produce syngas having major compounds of hydrogen and carbon monoxide through reforming and cracking reaction. The steam reforming has a good characteristic in high hydrogen yield. But it requires high temperature steam which consumes great deal of energy. In addition, longer holding time might require larger facility scale. On the contrary, partial oxidation reforming features less energy consumption, and has the benefit of heat recovery due to exothermic reaction. However, hydrogen yield is relatively small, and large amount of carbon dioxide discharge is the disadvantage. Researches on tar decomposition via plasma discharge were conducted in dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) (Guo et al, 2008), single phase DC gliding arc plasma (Du et al, 2007; Tippayawong & Inthasan, 2010; Yu et al, 2010), and pulsed plasma discharge (Nair et al, 2003). Compared to conventional thermal and catalytic cracking, the plasma discharge shows the higher removal efficiency due to the formation of radicals. However, high cost of preparation of power supply and short life cycle is the key for improvement. A 3-phase arc plasma applied for tar removal is easy to control the reaction, and has high decomposition efficiency along with high energy efficiency. That is to say; all the methods have limitation in the waste sludge treatment for producing products and removing tar in the producer gas. Therefore, the combination of both IPGT and TAPG should be accepted as a new alternative method for with feature of environment- In this study, thermal treatment system with pyrolysis gasifier, 3-phase gliding arc plasma reformer, and sludge char adsorber was developed for energy and resource utilization of waste sludge. A pyrolysis gasifier was combined as screw pyrolyzer and rotary carbonizer for sequential carbonization and steam activation, and it produced producer gas, sludge char, and tar. For the reduction of tar from the pyrolysis gasifier, a 3-phase gliding arc plasma reformer and a fixed adsorber bed with sludge char were implemented. System analysis in pyrolysis gasification characteristics and tar reduction from the thermal treatment system were achieved. 2. Experimental apparatus and methods 2.1 Sludge thermal treatment system A pyrolysis gasification system developed in this study was composed of pyrolysis gasifier, 3-phase gliding arc plasma reformer, and fixed bed adsorber, as shown in figure 1. Production of Activated Char and Producer Gas Sewage Sludge 137 A pyrolysis gasifier was designed to be a combined rig with a screw carbonizer for pyrolysis of dried sludge and a rotary activator for steam activation of carbonized material. The screw carbonizer was manufactured as feed screw type for carbonization of dried sludge. Feed screw controls the holding time of dried sludge at carbonizer according to motor revolution number. The screw carbonizer features dual pipe, and steam holes were installed at radial direction of external wall, and high pressure steam is discharged to activator radially. The rotary activator is composed of rotary drum with vane and pick-up flight, indirect heating jacket, pyrolysis gas outlet, gas sampling port, char outlet, etc. Retention time of activated sludge is controlled via number of rotation for a rotary drum. A sludge feeding device is for holding of dried sludge in a dried sludge hopper which is installed at inlet of the combined pyrolysis gasifier. A screw feeder is installed at the bottom of the hopper, and controls the input amount of dried sludge via revolution number. The feeder feeds the dried sludge into the screw carbonizer. A hot gas generator is for producing hot gas to heat a heating jacket and supplys hot steam into a rotary drum. It was composed of a combustor with burner and a steam generator. A 3-phase gliding arc plasma reformer was installed at downstream of outlet for the pyrolysis gasifier. The gliding arc plasma reformer utilized a quartz tube (55 mm in diameter, 200 mm in height) for insulation and monitoring purposes, and a ceramic connector (Al2O3, wt 96%) in electrode fixing was adopted for complete insulation between three electrodes. The three conical electrodes in 120° (95 mm in length) were installed, maintaining 3 mm gap. At the inlet of the plasma reformer, a orifice disc with 3 mm hole for injection of producer gas was installed. A 3-phase AC high voltage power supply unit (Unicon Tech., UAP-15K1A, Korea) was used for stable plasma discharge at the inside of the A sludge char adsorber was made of a fixed bed cylinder (76 mm in diameter, 160 mm in length), and installed at the rear section of the plasma reformer. To fix the packing material at an adsorber, a porous distributer in stainless steel (25-mesh) was installed at the upper part. The porous distributer was made in a honeycomb ceramic for preventing channeling effect of input producer gas. Fig. 1. Experimental setup of a pyrolysis gasification 138 Integrated Waste Management – Volume I Experiment was conducted at optimal condition for high quality porosity in sludge char and for the largest amount of combustible gas formation. The experimental conditions and each temperature condition were given in table 1. All the data in experiments were taken after stabilizing temperatures at each part, particularly the screw carbonizer and rotary activator. After finishing experiment by setting condition, sludge char in a char outlet is cooled up to room temperature by nitrogen passed the pyrolysis gasifier to protect the oxidation of the sludge char by air. Gas was sampled for 5 minutes in a stainless cylinder at the sampling ports of each pyrolysis gasifier, plasma reformer, and adsorber (Refer a gas sampling line in section 2.3.2). For tar sampling, it was conducted for 20 minutes by tar sampling method (as shown section 2.2), and total amount of gas was measured with a gas-flow meter. For a test, the gas and tar sampling were conducted 3 times during test time of 120 minutes stably, and the taken data were averaged. Adsorption capacity of sludge char was calculated from weight of adsorber before/after experiment divided by test time. Steam feed amount Moisture content of dried Retention time (min) (mL/min) sludge (%)1) Activator Carbonizer 10 9.8 30 30 Temperature (°②) in each part Combustor Carbonizer Activator Adsorber 1,010 450 820 450 400 35 1) Moisture content of dried sludge is average number Table 1. Detailed conditions in each section 2.2 Tar sampling and analysis methods Tar sampling and analysis were used by the method of biomass technology groups (BTGs) (Good et al, 2005; Neeft, 2005; Phuohuakrat et al, 2010; Son et al, 2009; Yamazaki et al, 2005). Wet sampling module was installed with 6 impingers (250 mL) in two separated isothermal baths for adsorption of tar and particles. At the first isothermal bath, 100 mL of isopropanol was filled into 4 impingers, respectively, along with 20°C of water. For the second bath, isopropanol was filled while it was maintained at -20°C using mechanical cooling device (ECS-30SS, Eyela Co., Japan). Among 2 impingers, 1 unit was filled with 100 mL of isopropanol, and the other was left as empty. In the series of impinger bottles, the first impinger bottle acts as a moisture and particle collector, in which water, tar and soot are condensed from the process gas by absorption in isopropanol. Other impinger bottles collect tars, and the empty bottle collects drop. Immediately after completing the sampling, the content of the impinger bottles were filtered through a filter paper (Model F-5B, Advantec Co., Japan). The filtered isopropanol solution was divided into two parts; the first was used to determine the gravimetric tar mass by means of solvent distillation and evaporation by evaporator (Model N-1000-SW, Eyela, Japan) in which temperature and steam pressure were 55~57°C and 230 hPa, respectively. The second was used to determine the concentrations of light tar compounds using GC-FID (Model 14B, Shimadzu, Japan). Quantitative tar analysis was performed on a GC system, using a RTX-5 (RESTEK) capillary column (30 m - 0.53 mm id, 0.5 μm film thickness) and an isothermal temperature profile at Production of Activated Char and Producer Gas Sewage Sludge 139 45°C for the first 2 min, followed by a 7 °C/min temperature gradient to 320°C and finally an isothermal period at 320°C for 10 min. Helium was used as a carrier gas. The temperature of the detector and injector were maintained at 340 and 250°C, respectively. Fig. 2. Tar sampling line system 2.3 Sludge char and gas analysis 2.3.1 Pore development in sludge char The structural characterization of the sewage sludge char was carried out by physical adsorption of N2 at -196°C. The adsorption isotherms were determined using nanoPOROSITY (Model nanoPOROSITY-XQ, MiraeSI Co. Ltd, Korea). The surface area was calculated using the BET (Brauner-Emmet-Teller) equation. Using BJH (Barret-Joyner- Halenda) equation, incremental pore volume and mean pore size was calculated. To compare pore development in sludge char, SEM (scanning electron microscopy; Model S- 4800, Hitachi Co., Japan) was used, and image was taken at 50,000X resolution for morphological analysis. Chemical properties and constituent components were analyzed via EDX (Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy; Model 7593-H, Horiba, UK). 2.3.2 Sampling and analysis producer gas The produced gas was sampled for 5 minutes in a stainless cylinder as sampling gas flow rate is 1 L/min. As can be seen in figure 2, a set of backup VOC adsorber was installed downstream of the series of impinger bottles to protect the column of the gas chromatography from the residual solvent or VOCs, which may have passed through the impinger train. The set of backup VOC adsorber consists of two cotton filters and an activated carbon filter connected in a series. Gas analysis was conducted with GC-TCD (Model CP-4900 Varian, Netherland). MolSieve 5A PLOT column for H2, CO, O2, and N2 and PoraPLOT Q column for CO2, CH4, C2H4, and C2H6 were used for simultaneous 3. Results and discussion 3.1 Dried sludge characteristics Sludge from a local wastewater treatment plant was dewatered by a centrifuging. And then the dewatered sludge was dried to less than 10% of moisture content using a rotary kiln type dryer developed by the corresponding researcher. The pyrolysis gasification is a 140 Integrated Waste Management – Volume I process of which heat is applied by external source or partial oxidation. Vaporization temperature of moisture is lower than thermal decomposition temperature for organic compound in sludge. Therefore, high moisture content in sewage sludge will show significant energy loss due to preemptive utilization of the heat for drying. In addition, delayed pyrolysis gasification will affect the producer via reaction with moisture and reactant. Therefore, less than 10% of moisture content in the dried sludge was taken for this study. Table 2 shows proximate analysis and ultimate analysis on the dried sludge. Proximate analysis (%) Moisture Volatile matter Fixed carbon Ash 9.7 51.7 6.1 32.5 Ultimate analysis (%) C H O N S 52.3 8.2 32.2 7.92 0.01 Table 2. Properties of the dried sludge 3.2 Thermal behavior analysis To determine pyrolysis temperature, TGA (thermo gravimetric analysis) and DTG (derived thermo-gravimetric) analysis was shown in figure 3. According to TGA and DTG results, the maximum weight loss temperature and final decomposition temperature, etc can be derived (Karayildirim et al, 2006). Rate of weight loss (%/sec) Weight loss (%) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Fig. 3. TGA and DTG for pyrolysis of the dried sewage sludge Thermal decomposition of the dried sludge showed weight loss after evaporation of small moisture content at 100~150°C as shown in DTG curve. This could be elucidated by two steps. First step (primary pyrolysis) is discharging of volatile component at 200~500°C, and the second step is decomposition of inorganic compound at over 500°C. First step for volatile component discharge displayed two peaks, and it can be explained as follows. The first peak might be due to decomposition and devolatilization of less complex organic Production of Activated Char and Producer Gas Sewage Sludge 141 structures which is a small fraction. The second peak was caused by decomposition of more complex organic structures corresponding to a larger fraction. Second step (secondary pyrolysis) is related to decomposition of inorganic compound as described before. In first step, TGA displayed 57% at 500°C, and 900°C for the second step was 46.2%. That is, 43% of moisture content and volatile component was discharged during the first step, and in second step 10.8% reduction (from first step) was corresponded to decomposing ash which is an inorganic component in dried sludge.Therefore, for the pyrolysis gasification experiment in purpose of improved yield of producer gas and higher adsorption rate, pyrolysis carbonization were maintained at 450°C which discharges the largest amount of volatile component, and steam activation was set to 850°C for increasing the porosity in the 3.3 Characteristics of a pyrolysis gasifier Figure 4 shows mass yield for char, tar, and gas from a pyrolysis gasifier. The product amount ordered was producer gas of 43.6%, sludge char of 35.4% and tar of 21%. As described before, the corresponding experiment setup was made to primary pyrolysis carbonization at screw carbonizer which is set to 450°C and post-activation at rotary kiln activator along with steam injection, which is set to 820°C. Producer gas was formed by decomposition and volatilization of organic compound in a screw carbonizer (refer first step description of DTG in figure 3), and gas formation was increased due to steam reforming of tar and char in a rotary kiln activator. Sludge char in mass was reduced by vaporization of volatile component during the passing of the carbonizer, and steam gasification and inorganic decomposition in the activator. Heavy tar was formed and then it was converted into producer gas and light tar at the activator. Mass yield (%) Char Tar Gas Fig. 4. Mass yield of the products 3.3.1 Characteristics of the sludge char Figure 5 compares incremental pore volume and SEM photos of the dried sludge and sludge 1982; Lu, 1995) i.e. micropores (<20 Å), mesopores (20∼500 Å) and macropores (>500 Å). Pore char. The pore size classification in this study follows the IUPAC classification (IUPAC, 142 Integrated Waste Management – Volume I dried sludge, and pore distribution was less than 500 Å, which is comprised of micropores of sludge char after carbonization activation showed significant increase compared to the and mesopores. The pyrolysis gasifier in this study had been designed as continuously combined type for carbonization of dried sludge at a screw carbonizer and steam activation at a rotary activator. The dried sludge experienced evaporating of moisture and decomposing of organic component for pore development through passing the screw carbonizer (Lu, 1995). And then carbonized material was exposed to steam at the rotary activator for the formation and development of micropoees and mesopores. For steam activation in developing micropores, steam should deeply penetrate into pores of the carbonized material for surface reaction. High temperature activation had the benefit of diffusion and penetration of the steam to develop micropore. On the other hand, it was blocked by tar in the carbonized material, resulted as well-developed mesopore. This is the reason that the sludge char from the carbonization activation had well-developed micrepores and mesopores. Sludge drying was made with a parallel flow rotary kiln drier with direct-hot gas application. Hot gas inflow in turbulent flow was directly contacted with the dewatered sludge in the dryer. Inside of the dryer was set to 255°C in average value. For dried sludge, small portion of micropore and mesopore was formed. It is considered to be formed due to discharging of volatile organic material and dehydroxlation of inorganic material from the dried sludge. Bagreev et al. proved that water released by the dehydroxylation of inorganic material could aid pore formation and moreover could act as an agent for creating micropores (Bagreev et al, 2001). In addition, Inguanzo et al. proposed that carbonization increases the porosity through unblocking many of the pores obscured by volatile matter (Inguanzo et al, 2001). Surface of the dried sludge from SEM photograph in 50,000 times of magnification shows smooth surface with less pores, but the sludge char presents overall formation of pores. Dried sludge Sludge char Incremental pore volume (cm /g A) 20 A 20 A 20 100 500 1000 Average pore diameter (A) Fig. 5. Incremental pore volume and SEM images of the dried sludge and sludge char Table 3 compares the results of the sludge char made from this study and 3 types adsorbent from the study of Thana Phuphuakrat etc (Phuphuakrat et al, 2010). For the sludge char, Production of Activated Char and Producer Gas Sewage Sludge 143 specific surface area and pore volume were smaller than commercial activated carbon, and mean pore size was larger. The sludge char displayed mesopore similar to wood chip and synthetic porous cordierite, but the activated carbon featured micropore. Adsorption capability of the sludge char was less than the one with wood chip, but larger than the one of activated carbon and synthetic porous cordierite. The adsorption experiment in this study was conducted by using benzene only. So the comparison in the adsorption capacity has difficulty because the study of Thana Phuphuakrat etc was achieved in a continuous test rig using Japanese cedar which produced pyrolysis gas including all tars and water. However, it might be considered that the wood chip adsorbed large amount of steam when compared to the sludge char, because of hydrophilic surface and mesoporous material favoring water adsorption. Although the test in non-condensable light aromatic hydrocarbon (e.g. benzene) was conducted in this study, it should be expected for the sludge char to adsorb well for the condensable light PAH (e.g. naphthalene, anthracene, pyrene) due to having mesopores as proved in the other study. Specific surface Mean pore size Pore volume area (m2/g) (Å) (cm3/g) Sludge char1) 98.1 63.49 0.2354 120.6 987.1 11.28 0.5569 97.5 Wood chip 1.072 100.77 0.0058 155.7 porous 6.045 27.43 0.0083 12.8 1) Sludge char from this study Table 3. Porous characteristics and adsorption capacity of the adsorbents from this study and other results (Phuohuakrat et al, 2010) A semi quantitative chemical analysis of dried sludge and sludge char, figure 6 and table 4, was obtained from the EDX analyzer coupled to SEM measurements. The results indicate that both samples present relatively high carbon content in addition to mineral components. The relative amount of carbon decreased after carbonization and activation, as expected considering the decomposition of the organic components. These atoms might be considered as the potential catalysts for pyrolysis reaction. For example, with Al, if existing in the form of Al2O3, it would be an acid catalyst for cracking reaction (Sinfelt & Rohrer, 1962); or with K, and Ca atoms, they were already reported as the catalyst for biomass pyrolysis in literature (Yaman, 2004). Figure 7 shows the N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm for the dried sludge and sludge char. According to the isothermal adsorption graphs, the dried sludge exhibited only a small amount of adsorption, but the sludge char displayed a larger amount of adsorption at lower nitrogen concentrations. As shown in figure 5, the sludge char exhibited well-developed micro- and meso-pore structures. The analysis on the adsorption isotherm provides an assessment for the pore size distribution. According to the IUPAC classification, the curve of the sludge char corresponds to Type V isotherm. A characteristic of the Type V isotherm is the hysteresis loop, which is associated with the capillary condensation in mesopores and limiting uptake at high relative pressure (Khalili et al, 2000). 144 Integrated Waste Management – Volume I 800 Sludge char S K Ca Cl Ti Ba Fe Zn 0 2 4 6 8 10 Fig. 6. EDX spectrums of dried sludge and sludge char Item C O Mg Al Si P S Cl K Ca Ti Fe Zn Ba sludge 53.65 44.62 0.06 0.23 0.45 0.55 0.03 0.01 0.06 0.07 0.01 0.24 0.02 0 char 47.65 44.83 0.14 1.21 5.34 0.46 0.03 0.02 0.09 0.11 0 0.21 0 0.01 Table 4. Elements content of dried sludge and sludge char 160 Dried sludge adsorption Dried sludge desorption Adsorbed amount of N2 (cm3/g) 140 Sludge char adsorption Sludge char desorption 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Relative pressure (P/Po) Fig. 7. Isothermal adsorption-desorption linear plot Production of Activated Char and Producer Gas Sewage Sludge 145 3.3.2 Tar characteristics for the pyrolysis gasification Results produced from the pyrolysis gasifier were shown in table 5. Representative tars for the corresponding benzene ring were selected to benzene (1 ring), naphthalene (2 ring), anthracene (3 ring) and pyrene (4 ring). And the representative tars with nitrogen for the sewage sludge (Fullana et al, 2003) were taken as benzonitrile and benzeneacetonitrile. Gravimetric tar was 26.3 g/Nm3. Total concentration of light tar was 10.9 g/Nm3, and its amount order was benzene, naphthalene, benzonitrile, benzeneacetonitrile, anthracene, and pyrene. Dried sludge formed sludge char, tar, and gas during pyrolysis at screw carbonizer, and then steam activation was achieved in rotary activator. The gravimetric tar is total amount of tar after passing carbonization and activation process. Benzene and naphthalene among light tar are products produced during secondary pyrolysis at carbonizer, and some part of both tars converts to gas during steam activation at activator. In addition, anthracene and pyrene were directly formed by primary pyrolysis from dried sludge at carbonizer. Both tars should be known as not affecting by carbonization-activation temperature and steam amount (Umeki, 2009). Gravimetric Benzo- Benzene- Benzene Naphthalene Anthracene Pyrene tar nitrile acetonitrile 26.3 6.31 2.97 0.87 0.12 0.61 0.11 Table 5. Tar concentrations from a pyrolysis gasifier (unit: g/Nm3) 3.3.3 Producer gas characteristics Table 6 shows producer gas concentration and higher heating value from a pyrolysis gasifier. Major components in gas were analyzed to be hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, and carbon dioxide along with trace amount of nitrogen and oxygen. The higher heating value was 13,400 kJ/Nm3 having half value of natural gas. H2 CO CH4 CO2 C2H4 C2H6 O2 N2 41.2 17.3 9.5 15.4 0 0 0.5 3.3 13,400 Table 6. Concentration of producer gas (dry vol. %) and higher heating value (kJ/Nm3) Hydrogen was produced by the cracking of the volatile matter generated by the pyrolysis gasification. Methane resulted from cracking and depolymerization reactions, while carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide were produced from decarboxylation and depolymerization or the secondary oxidation of carbon (Xiao et al, 2010). In addition, the presence of steam at high temperatures gave rise to in situ steam reforming of the volatile matters and partial gasification of the solid carbonaceous residue, as shown in the reactions of Eqs. (1) and (2). Non-condensable products may also undergo gas phase reactions with each other. For example, the CO and CH4 contents may be affected by the methane gasification and water gas shift reactions, as shown in Eqs. (3) and (4) (Domínguez et al, 2006). - Steam reforming reaction: Organics ( g ) H 2O ( g ) CO H 2 (1) - Steam gasification reaction: C ( s ) H 2O ( g ) CO H 2 , H 298 K 132kJ mol 1 (2) 146 Integrated Waste Management – Volume I - CH4 gasification reaction: CH 4 H 2O CO 3H 2 , H 298 K 206.1kJ mol 1 (3) - CO shift reaction: CO H 2O CO2 H 2 , H 298 K 41.5 kJ mol 1 (4) High temperatures were also responsible for the reduction of C2H4, C2H6 and C3H8. Some of the typical reactions are as follows (Zhang et al, 2010): C2 H 6 C2 H 4 H 2 (5) C2 H 4 CH 4 C (6) However, it should be noted that the gas composition may not exclusively be the result of tar cracking and the partial gasification of char due to the complicated interactions of the intermediate products, which would probably affect the final gas composition. 3.4 Plasma reformer and adsorber characteristics The plasma reformer was installed for converting produced tar from the pyrolysis gasifier into syngas via decomposition and steam reforming. In addition, the fixed bed adsorber was implemented for adsorption of by-passed tar from the plasma reformer. 3.4.1 Tar destruction performance Fig. 8 shows the results of tar sampling at the rear section of the pyrolysis gasifier, plasma reformer, and fixed bed adsorber. Gravimetric tar concentration at the outlet of carbonization activator was 26.3 g/Nm3, and it was reduced to 4.4 g/Nm3 at the reformer outlet. Decomposition efficiency of the corresponding gravimetric tar was 83.2%. For light tar, total amount of carbonization activator outlet was 10.9 g/Nm3. The concentration was reduced to 1.3 g/Nm3 at the outlet of reformer, and the destruction efficiency of the light tar was 87.9%. Each concentration of the light tars was found to be 0.62 g/Nm3 for benzene, 0.45 g/Nm3 for naphthalene, 0.14 g/Nm3 for anthracene, 0.021 g/Nm3 for pyrene, 0.08 g/Nm3 for benzonitrile, and 0.015 g/Nm3 for benzeneacetonitrile. Decomposition of heavy tar was happened due to plasma cracking and carbon formation in Eqs. (7) and (8) (Tippayawong & Inthasan, 2010). In addition, steam in producer gas from the pyrolysis gasifier formed excitation species as shown in Eq. (9), and the radicals reduced light tar and carbon black which produce by the reactions of plasma cracking and carbon formation (Guo et al, 2008). It is remarkable that the tars from the pyrolysis gasification should be decomposed significantly by the plasma reformer. - Plasma cracking: pCn H x qCm H y rH 2 (7) - Carbon formation: Cn H x nC ( x / 2) H 2 (8) Production of Activated Char and Producer Gas Sewage Sludge 147 - Water excitation: H 2O H , e eq , OH , H 2 , H 2O2 , H 3O , Oh (9) In Eq. (9), CnHx represents tar, such as the large molecular compounds, and CmHy represents a hydrocarbon with a smaller carbon number compared to that of CnHx.. Discharged residual tar from the plasma reformer was removed by the fixed bed adsorber filled with sludge char. Gravimetric tar at the adsorber outlet displayed 0.5 g/Nm3, which is 88.6% of removal efficiency. Total amount of light tar was 0.39 g/Nm3, which is corresponded to 40.5% of removal efficiency. The relevant concentration was 0.28 g/Nm3 for benzene, 0.09 g/Nm3 for naphthalene, 0.14 g/Nm3 for anthracene, 0.01 g/Nm3 for benzonitrile, and 0.003 g/Nm3 for benzeneacetonitrile. Among residual tar, heavy tar was mostly removed at adsorber, and non-condensed light tar that was not adsorbed was considered to be passed through the adsorber. For satisfactory IC engine operation, an acceptable particle content <50 mg/Nm3 and a tar content <100 mg/Nm3 is postulated (Milne et al, 1998). Therefore, 0.5 g/Nm3 of tar concentration in producer gas is sufficient for utilization. In addition, sampling analysis on particulate matter was not conducted in this study, but the carbon black was not formed due to steam reforming at the plasma reformer. Therefore, it is not considered to be problematic in the operation. Pyrolysis gasifier 7 25 6.31 Plasma reformer Gravimetric tar (g/Nm ) Light tar (g/Nm3) 5 0.62 0.45 0.87 0.12 0.61 0.11 0.5 0.28 0.09 0.14 0.02 0.08 0.01 1 0 0 0.01 0 Gravimetic Benzene Naph- Anthra- Pyrene Benzo- Benzene- tar thalene cene nitrile acetonitrile Fig. 8. Gravimetric tar and light tar concentrations 3.4.2 Gas formation characteristics Figure 9 shows the producer gas analysis sampled from the pyrolysis gasifier, plasma reformer, and fixed bed adsorber, respectively. At the outlet of plasma reformer, gas concentration was found to be 50.9% for H2, 22.3% for CO, 11% for CH4, 8.7% for CO2, 0.4% for C2H2, and 0.2% for C2H4. Concentration of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and light hydrocarbon (methane, ethylene, and ethane) were increased compared to the outlet concentration of pyrolysis gasifier. For hydrogen and carbon monoxide, it was increased 148 Integrated Waste Management – Volume I due to Eqs. (1) and (3), steam reforming and methane gasification reaction, respectively. Light hydrocarbon was converted from light tar using tar plasma cracking reaction (7) in portion and from chain reactions of Eqs. (5) and (6). In addition, decrease in carbon dioxide was considered to be dry reforming as shown in Eq. (10) (Devi et al, 2005). Cn H x nCO2 ( x / 2) H 2 2nCO (10) According to gas analysis results at adsorber outlet, 50.5% of H2, 21.9% of CO, 10.5% of CH4, 7.7% of CO2, and 0.1% of C2H2 were displayed. Compared to the results at plasma reformer outlet, the corresponding concentration was slightly decreased within measurement tolerance, but it was not almost adsorbed. Higher heating value calculated using the gases from each outlet. It was found to be 11,200 kJ/Nm3 for producer gas from the pyrolysis gasifier, 13,992 kJ/Nm3 for the plasma reformer and 13,482 kJ/Nm3 for the adsorber. The increase at the plasma reformer outlet is due to increased amount of combustible gases, particularly methane having high calorific value. Gas concentration (%) 9.5 10.5 8.7 10 0 0 0.5 1.8 0.4 0.2 0.8 2.5 0.1 0 0.9 H2 CO CH 4 CO2 C 2H 2 C2H 4 O2 N2 Fig. 9. Producer gas concentrations at exit of each part To utilize dried sewage sludge as energy and resource, pyrolysis gasifier, plasma reformer, and fixed bed adsorber system were established. From the pyrolysis gasifier, sludge char and pyrolysis gases were produced along with small amount of tar. To improve tar adsorption capability of sludge char, an integrated pyrolysis gasifier was developed for achieving in sequential carbonization and activation. In addition, for higher producer gas yield and tar reduction, a plasma reformer was installed at the rear section of the pyrolysis gasifier, and a fixed bed adsorber, which contains sludge char from the pyrolysis gasifier, Production of Activated Char and Producer Gas Sewage Sludge 149 was implemented for adsorption of residual tars. Sludge char from the pyrolysis gasifier displayed 98.1 m2/g of specific surface area and 63.49 Å of mean pore size, showing the distribution of mesopore and micropore with superior adsorption capability. Producer gas was mostly comprised of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, and carbon dioxide, and the corresponding higher heating value was 13,400 kJ/Nm3. Gravimetric tar was 26.3 g/Nm3, and total amount of light tar was 10.9 g/Nm3, which showed benzene, naphthalene, benzonitrile, and benzeneacetonitrile according to the concentration level. Plasma reformer featured tar cracking and steam reformation, and decomposition efficiency of gravimetric tar was 83.2%, which is corresponded to 4.4 g/Nm3. For light tar, total amount was 1.3 g/Nm3, which is 87.9% of decomposition efficiency. Hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane among the components of reforming gas were increased, having 13,992 kJ/Nm3 of higher heating value. Gravimetric tar at the adsorber outlet was 0.5 g/Nm3, which is 88.6% of decomposition efficiency. Total amount of light tar was 0.39 g/Nm3, and it was 40.5% of decomposition efficiency. 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Phuphuakrat, T., Nipattummakul, N., Namioka, T., Kerdsuwan, S. & Yoshikawa, K. (2010). Characterization of tar content in the syngas produced in a downdraft type fixed bed gasification system from dried sewage sludge, Fuel, Vol.89, No.9, pp. 2278- 2284, ISSN 0016-2361. Sinfelt, J. H. & Rohrer, J. C. (1962). Cracking of Hydrocarbons over a promoted Alumina Catalyst. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol.66, No.8, pp. 1559-1560, ISSN 0022- Son, Y. I., Sato, M., Namioka, T. & Yosikawa, K. (2009). A Study on Measurement of Light Tar Content in the Fuel Gas Produced in Small-Scale Gasification and Power Generation Systems for Solid Wastes, Journal of Environment and Engineering, Vol.4, No.1, pp. 12-23, ISSN 1880-988X Tippayawong, N. & Inthasan, P. (2010). Investigation of Light Tar Cracking in a Gliding Arc Plasma System, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, Vol.8, pp. 1-16, Umeki, K. (2009). Modeling and simulation of biomass gasification with high temperature steam in an updraft fixed-bed gasifier, Doctoral thesis, pp. 1-148. Xiao, R., Chen, X., Wang, F. & Yu, G. (2010). Pyrolysis pretreatment of biomass for entrained-flow gasification, Applied Energy, Vol.87, No.1, pp. 149-155, ISSN 0306- Yaman, S. (2004). Pyrolysis of biomass to produce fuels and chemical feedstocks, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.45, No.5, pp. 651-671, ISSN 0196-8904. Yamazaki, T., Kozu, H., Yamagata, S., Murao, N., Ohta, S., Shiva, S. & Ohba, T. (2005). Effect of Superficial Velocity on Tar from Downdraft Gasification of Biomass, Energy & Fuels, Vol.19, No.3, pp. 1186-1191, ISSN 0887-0624. Yu, L., Li, X. D., Tu, X., Wang, Y., Shengyong, L. & Jianhua, Y. (2010). Decomposition of Naphthalene by dc Gliding Arc Gas Discharge, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol.114, No.1, pp. 360-368, ISSN 1089-5639. Yu, L., Tu, X., Li, X., Wang, Y., Yong, C. & Jianhua, Y. (2010). Destruction of acenaphthene, fluorene, anthracene and pyrene by a dc gliding arc plasma reactor, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol.180, No.1-3, pp. 449-455, ISSN 0304-3894. Zhang, K., Li, H. T., Wu, Z. S. & Mi, T. (2009). The thermal cracking experiment research of tar model compound, International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology, ISBN 978-0-7695-3819-8, Guilin, China 16-18 October 2009. 152 Integrated Waste Management – Volume I Zhang, B., Xiong, S., Xiao, B., Dongke, Y. & Jia, X. (2010). Mechanism of wet sewage sludge pyrolysis in a tubular furnace, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy In Press, Corrected Proof, pp. 1-9, ISSN 0360-3199. Integrated Waste Management - Volume I Edited by Mr. Sunil Kumar Hard cover, 538 pages Published online 23, August, 2011 Published in print edition August, 2011 This book reports research on policy and legal issues, anaerobic digestion of solid waste under processing aspects, industrial waste, application of GIS and LCA in waste management, and a couple of research papers relating to leachate and odour management. How to reference In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following: Young Nam Chun (2011). Production of Activated Char and Producer Gas Sewage Sludge, Integrated Waste Management - Volume I, Mr. Sunil Kumar (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-469-6, InTech, Available from: InTech Europe InTech China University Campus STeP Ri Unit 405, Office Block, Hotel Equatorial Shanghai Slavka Krautzeka 83/A No.65, Yan An Road (West), Shanghai, 200040, China 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Phone: +385 (51) 770 447 Phone: +86-21-62489820 Fax: +385 (51) 686 166 Fax: +86-21-62489821
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An eco-map template is a template used to track emotional and physical family relationships. These types of maps are used to define family trees and map out specific connections of familial relationships.Continue Reading Eco-map templates allow an individual to add in all known family members and make connections between them, such as related activities or any outside entities. The user can also use the template to acknowledge the strength between each familial relationship, whether that is a strong connection between two people, a stressful connection or one that is uncertain. An eco-map template typically contains family members' names and ages in the center, with lines going outwards to signify how the individuals relate to one another. Connections designed on an eco-map include those known through court proceedings, such as if one family member had previously sued another, or through church, a business, friends or education. Different lines are drawn between family members and the specific places relating them to signify the strength of the connection. A double line can be used to show a strong connection, a line with a zigzag in the middle is often used to show a stressful connection, and a single, straight line represents an uncertain connection.Learn more about Environmental Science
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "url": "https://www.reference.com/science/eco-map-template-73286258976ca47", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676593586.54/warc/CC-MAIN-20180722194125-20180722214125-00309.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9617123603820801, "token_count": 242, "score": 3.09375, "int_score": 3 }
The outlook for Australia’s four remaining big brown coal generators looks bleak following the Victorian Labor government’s decision to set a 40% renewable energy target for 2025. At least one may be forced to close by 2020. The influx of another 5,400MW of mostly wind and solar capacity is sure to significantly reduce the amount of brown coal generation needed. But the impact could be even more dramatic because of the inherent inflexibility of the ageing brown coal power stations. These graphs from Dylan McConnell, from the Melbourne Energy Institute, illustrate the problem that brown coal will face. The first is the current state of the market, and the generation patterns of this past week. Brown coal remains supreme, untroubled by the relatively small contributions from wind energy. The second graph, however, tells a different story. It assumes that Victoria meets its 40% target in 2025, takes a best guess at the mix of wind and solar that gets the state there, and then shows what would have happened if that capacity had been in the system in the past week. As is clear, the supremacy of brown coal is severely challenge, and on windy days only around half the capacity is required, often much less. McConnell writes in The Conversation this week that an increase in market share of renewables, from roughly 14% today to 40% in 2025, will necessarily come at the expense of market share for existing power stations. And in Victoria that means brown coal, Australia’s most carbon-intensive power source. ‘The question now is can the brown coal generators collectively survive such a reduction in market share? And if they can’t, who drops out, and when? Or perhaps brown coal can be progressively phased out without too much pain.’ Market analysts are pointing the figure at Hazelwood, the most polluting power station in Australia and quite possibly the world. Hazelwood owner Engie signalled last month that it was a possibility, given the company is partly owned by the government, which is taking a leading role in enacting the Paris climate agreement. However, Macquarie analysts suggest that the generator could be closed by 2020. Writes analyst Ian Myles in a research note: ‘To achieve a 25% target (by 2020), simply Hazelwood needs to shut.’ AGL, meanwhile, has said only that its principal brown coal asset, the Loy Yang A power station, could stay operating until its anticipated phase out in 2048. McConnell says that if brown coal generators are shut down, it will be good news for Australia’s national climate change mitigation commitments. ‘At average Victorian emissions intensity, by the time the 2025 Victorian target is fulfilled, the new renewable generation in Victoria would be avoiding the emission of some 18 million tonnes of CO₂ per year.’ McConnell also noted that exporting brown coal to other states is not likely to be a winner. Links to Tasmania and South Australia are limited by capacity, and while both states are looking to build new links, this is primarily to export more renewable energy rather than import coal. NSW, however, may remain a key market. If you support renewables, don't support COAL-ition. Subscribe to IA for just $5.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-17", "url": "https://independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/brown-coals-bleak-future-as-victorian-labor-joins-other-labor-states-to-ramp-up-renewables,9124", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-17/segments/1524125946256.50/warc/CC-MAIN-20180423223408-20180424003408-00109.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9565351605415344, "token_count": 673, "score": 2.6875, "int_score": 3 }
Michigan State University Distinguished Professor William Schmidt today released key conclusions from his research detailing how the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for mathematics can potentially improve the performance of U.S. students if implemented appropriately. In an event co-sponsored by Achieve, Chiefs for Change and the Foundation for Excellence in Education, Schmidt presented a briefing on his work: Common Core State Standards Math: The Relationship Between High Standards, Systemic Implementation and Student Achievement. Schmidt explained during the event that the CCSS for mathematics strongly resemble the standards of the highest-achieving nations, and that they have more focus, coherence and rigor than most of the state standards they replaced. He also found states with standards most like the CCSS for mathematics have higher scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), demonstrating that standards – and implementing them well – matter. “What is clear in the research is that the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics are an important improvement over the state standards that they replaced and that to see their full potential realized, they must be implemented well,” said Schmidt. “Their consistency with the international benchmark set by top-achieving countries shows that the CCSS are coherent, focused and rigorous, key attributes of math standards from countries that outperform the U.S. on international assessments.” Schmidt used existing research on international mathematics standards that identified the key characteristics possessed by the world’s top performing “A+” countries. Research on the standards of the “A+” countries, whose eighth graders performed at the top of the international distribution, indicated three key features of strong mathematics standards: focus, coherence, and rigor. A statistical analysis of the CCSS for mathematics found a 90% overlap between the CCSS and the “A+” standards. Furthermore, Schmidt’s research reviewed all 50 states’ previous math standards and compared them to the focus and coherence found in the CCSS for mathematics. Read the full release from Achieve.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-18", "url": "http://edwp.educ.msu.edu/news/2012/schmidt-common-core-math-standards-can-improve-student-achievement/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-18/segments/1461860111809.10/warc/CC-MAIN-20160428161511-00199-ip-10-239-7-51.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9411754012107849, "token_count": 418, "score": 2.953125, "int_score": 3 }
The Maryland Zoo's 4-year-old elephant Samson's serious illness with herpes is one example of how zoo breeding programs put elephants at risk ("Young elephant recovering from virus," March 14). This frightening disease causes massive internal hemorrhaging, typically affects elephants under 10 years of age, and has an 85 percent mortality rate. It's responsible for more than half of all juvenile elephant deaths in North American facilities. Death from the herpes virus usually occurs within seven days after an acute onset of symptoms, which include lethargy, swelling of the head and limbs, and a blue discoloration of the tongue. Stress is believed to be a factor in the development of herpes because it can weaken the immune system, making an elephant susceptible to infectious diseases. Being on display in an entirely artificial environment clearly takes a toll on these keenly intelligent animals, who know they aren't where they are supposed to be. Instead of wasting money on costly and often unsuccessful attempts to breed more elephants to keep confined in cramped and unnatural spaces, zoos would serve the species more responsibly by funding efforts toward reducing the key factors of their decline — poaching and habitat loss. Jennifer O'Connor, Norfolk, Va. The writer is employed by the PETA Foundation.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-49", "url": "http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/readersrespond/bs-ed-elephant-letter-20130318-story.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-49/segments/1416931009777.87/warc/CC-MAIN-20141125155649-00210-ip-10-235-23-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.958053469657898, "token_count": 252, "score": 3.25, "int_score": 3 }
Significant Factors In Critical Analysis Of Literature – What’s Needed Immediate Varieties Synthesis: Students read several texts a couple of subject and create an argument that synthesizes at the least three of the sources to support their thesis. 18. Learn and observe using the language and performance of literature, poetry, and rhetoric. Plan and execute their utilization in your style, syntax, and art, and use the language when critiquing in workshops and discussing classics. Thanks for the tip from Jon A. from Arts and Communication Magnet Academy. The exam essay prompts are different for each courses. An essay prompt refers back to the specific topical article a scholar has to investigate and synthesize as a way to provide you with analytical pieces as one complete. It is very important remember the essay structure and essay grading rubric to succeed. Advice In essay samples Simplified Simple essay samples Programs – The Facts A central theme in Shakespeare’s Hamlet is madness, which is demonstrated through Hamlet himself and thru Ophelia. Hamlet’s madness is seemingly all an act he perpetuates to help him gain vengeance for his father, whereas Ophelia’s insanity is a real tragedy. In both cases, the actual and imagined cases of madness might be traced back to Hamlet’s relationships with his mom and stepfather, Gertrude and Claudius. It’s unimaginable to know whether or not Hamlet ever really descends into insanity, or if it by no means advances past his deliberate performance. Either possibility, although, is influenced most clearly by his relationships with Claudius and Gertrude. And the one definitive example of madness—Ophelia’s cracking—is also a result of these relationships. Madness ultimately shapes this play greater than any other theme, and the assorted forms of insanity on display all outcome from these two relationships of Hamlet. Your AP syllabus for my class is about eleven pages long with many writing prompts. We’ve to construct a robust literary background and learn to shortly assess and deeply analyze a wide variety of texts. If you do not already know MLA, you’ll learn it in my class. I will maintain you to the same requirements as a professor, and if you happen to turn in uncited work or poorly formatted work, it is not going to receive passing marks. Poorly put together or uncited papers will not even be scored for content by some English professors and TAs. Online educational help is a solution many college students use to save lots of their time, their place, and their grades. We successfully deal with any challenges it’s possible you’ll ask us to assist with, and there are numerous providers we provide to our students. On our web site, homework help implies greater gold symbolism than merely writing a paper from scratch. Your work will probably be totally checked to comprise no plagiarism and accompanied by reference and title pages. Whilst you pay for homework, we offer those options without cost. Moreover, you’ll be able to order editing and proofreading. Sample Responses Q3 Grade Distributions. What has made you develop as an individual. Examine and distinction essays begin with a prompt. Be careful to avoid the hero” essay — admissions offices are often overrun with essays in regards to the season-successful landing or good performance in the college play. Fourth, examine how your references display your understanding of the prompt, the text, and the weather of the textual content which you’ve discussed in your essay. Do you make any clever insights? Have you made a singular connection to or inference about the piece? If you’re confident that your response demonstrates your understanding of those key artifacts, you then’re probably looking at a 6 or 7 mark. 6. Prepare Early: The third free response query on the AP Literature examination is more open ended than the first two. You’ll be requested a question and you can be given the opportunity to answer it pertaining to a work of literature that you’ve read at school. It’s essential that you simply maintain this specific essay query in thoughts as you work throughout the semester. If a selected work of literature stands out to you, put together early to choose this because the piece to jot down about in your third essay.
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Q. I try very hard to keep abreast of current events, and was therefore disappointed that I did not answer one of the questions on your online political news quiz correctly. Question No. 11 asks: “On which of these activities does the U.S. government currently spend the most money?” Your answer is national defense. However, I am under the impression that we spend the most money on entitlement programs and on interest on national debt. How have I been so misled? Before we get to your question, please don’t feel disappointed by your test performance. When we asked this current set of news quiz questions to a national sample of adults in a November 2010 survey the average American answered less than half of them correctly. Furthermore, only 39% of Americans knew the right answer to this specific question about the federal budget. Having answered 11 of 12 questions correctly, you should certainly still consider yourself up to date with current events. As for the specific question you emailed about, question No. 11 of the online news quiz asks the quiz taker to select from among four possible programs (education, interest on the national debt, Medicare and national defense) the activity the U.S. government spends the most money on. To help answer this question, pasted below is a chart created by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in August 2009 for the 2010 budget which illustrates how the federal government spends its money. (The OMB chart has also been reproduced on the website of the New York Times). You are correct that the government spends more on entitlements (Social Security plus Medicare plus Medicaid plus other mandatory programs) than national defense, but remember, the question asked you to choose which among the four specific programs received the most money. Taken individually, none of the government’s mandatory-spending programs receives more money than national defense. Social Security is close, but that was not one of the answer options. Also, while interest on the debt is substantial — it accounts for nearly as much money as Medicaid — the spending on interest is still well below the amount allocated for national defense. The chart above, however, does not contain the most recent federal budget data released by the government. Pasted below is a similar chart from the most recent OMB report — Budget of the U.S. Government: Fiscal Year 2011 (PDF). You can find the chart in the section titled “Summary Tables,” and a host of other information about government spending in the full report. While this chart, unfortunately, does not contain the percentages of government spending by category, you can clearly see that the outlays for national defense (labeled “security discretionary”) are again clearly larger than the outlays for Medicare, net interest and all non-security discretionary spending (which includes a small slice for education). Richard C. Auxier, Researcher/Editorial Assistant, Pew Research Center
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-18", "url": "https://www.pewresearch.org/2011/01/24/your-online-news-quiz-says-defense-is-the-biggest-item-in-the-budget-that-right/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-18/segments/1555578526966.26/warc/CC-MAIN-20190419021416-20190419043416-00465.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9530255794525146, "token_count": 598, "score": 2.65625, "int_score": 3 }
“It wasn’t until I accepted myself, just as I was, that I was free to change.” – Carl Rogers How many times have you judged yourself harshly for failing to live up to your expectations? If you’re like most people, the number is probably too high to count. Self-criticism, self-judgment, self-shaming – these are among the common tools in most people’s self-improvement toolbox. Trouble is, they don’t work. In fact, studies have shown that self-criticism makes us less able to cope with failure, less likely to learn from our mistakes, and more insecure and stressed. Treating yourself with self-compassion, on the other hand, is proving to be one of the most effective ways to feel better and make a change. According to self-compassion researcher and author Dr. Kristin Neff, sustained change comes about when we’re kind to ourselves, rather than when we’re harsh. Additional benefits include increased resiliency and decreased anxiety and depression. What is self-compassion? Neff defines self-compassion as the practice of “being kind to ourselves when life goes awry or we notice something about ourselves we don’t like.” It also involves mindfulness and the acceptance of imperfection as part of the human condition. Chances are, you already practice compassion with others when they’re feeling down, by listening and gently reassuring them that they’re not alone. Imagine doing this for yourself! How do we practice self-compassion? Neff breaks it down into three parts: 1. Self-kindness vs. self-judgment, or being gentle rather than ignoring or criticizing yourself when you’re down. Research shows that the more we can accept that life brings challenges, that things don’t always go the way we want, the more sympathy and warmth we can bring to ourselves. 2. Common humanity vs. isolation, or remembering that you are not alone. All humans suffer, feel inadequate, and make mistakes. It can feel terribly lonely. But the more we are able to remember that we are not alone in our suffering, the less isolated we will feel. 3. Mindfulness vs. over-identification, or observing our thoughts and feelings in the present moment, without judgment. By bringing awareness to our thoughts and feelings, rather than getting swept up in them or ignoring them, we can find more balance and compassion. For example, Neff points out, “we can’t ignore our pain and feel compassion for it at the same.” Self-compassion does not mean letting yourself off the hook Concerned that self-compassion might be an excuse for being soft on yourself? If so, you’re not alone. Most of us equate being hard on ourselves with being strong. But research shows that self-compassion leads to more accountability and motivation, not less. Why? It turns out that telling yourself you’re worthless, or dwelling on the ways you’ve failed, actually increases your fear of failure. Such thoughts also increase your stress and anxiety levels and decrease your energy to make a change. Self-compassion can be learned For most of us, the habits of self-compassion don’t come easily. As Neff says. “You will encounter frustrations, losses will occur, you will make mistakes, bump up against your limitations, fall short of your ideals.” But all these challenges are part of what makes us human. And the more we practice saying yes to our essential humanness, the more we will be able to feel compassion for ourselves and for others. With practice, self-compassion can be learned! Getting the support you need Check out Dr. Neff’s website (http://self-compassion.org) for more information, resources, and videos about self-compassion. Additionally, if you’re having a hard time believing you’re worthy of self-compassion, or if you’d like help as you try out new ways of thinking about yourself, consider reaching out to us at Mindful Therapy Group. We have a wide range of providers available to support you at our Mountlake Terrace, Seattle, and Southcenter locations. -Dr. Kristin Neff: Self-Compassion Website -Meditation Teacher & Psychologist Tara Brach -Stanford Medicine Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education *Written by Laura Hirschfield, an MSW Intern at Mindful Therapy Group.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-22", "url": "https://www.mindfultherapygroup.com/blog/2018/3/20/self-compassion-can-change-your-life", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-22/segments/1558232257939.82/warc/CC-MAIN-20190525084658-20190525110658-00418.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9381446242332458, "token_count": 970, "score": 2.9375, "int_score": 3 }
Today many new techniques and methods are being used in the education field to help students increase their performance. One of which is writing Assignment which would help to develop your own identity in such a competitive world. An assignment is a task which is allocated to a person or students and also is a part of their work or education. Many people have a tendency that assigned is only for academics but they are wrong as one who is doing the job in any field is also required to pass through such work. Thus in every field, one has to write assignments and to make it perfect there are some tips to be followed.Source: MHR Writer UK – WordPress.com One of the most important factors, before you start writing, is to analyse the topic. It would help to come up with great ideas and would also increase self-estimation of the writer. There is a certain topic which is not your zone, and so it is better to discuss the topic with friends to get a complete idea on it. The assignment is being assigned by lecturers and so before starting it is better to consult with your lecturers and clarify every topic. This would help to come up with some best result and thus would help to get good grading in academics. Today online help is one of the best sources which can help to complete the assignment on time. No matter if you are a student, a programmer or a need accountant related queries as online sources are available for all. It will not only help to complete work on time but also would increase the level of students and make them more perfect. Once complete information on the topic is available through reference book or online help it is very important to think about how to write. The organized form is essential as there should be a smooth flow to make everyone understand regarding it. If you are writing some arguments, make sure there is enough evidence that proves whatever you have written is correct. It is very important to make the reader understand what you have written, and so it must be effective. Self-assessment is critical as it will help the writer itself to rectify problems and correct them before handling to instructors. Each and every assignment has some purpose, and so following this step would help to know whether the actual purpose is fulfilled or not. It is important and must follow step for all.Source: fiverrcdn.com It is very difficult to complete the assignment on deadlines as it requires a good amount of time to go for research and write in an organized way. One who is new in and doesn’t have good experience should follow above instruction as it would help to make their work easy and find it an easy task. This type of work is mainly to check your own potential and calibre and so don’t run away from it and give your 100% in writing it. So, it is advisable to all that they give enough time daily so that one can go through reference points and complete it on time.
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Hypnosis, also referred to as hypnotherapy or hypnotic suggestion is a process of collaborations between a therapist and an individual (referred as a client), in which the individual has heightened focus, concentration and suggestibility. It’s a collaborative process in which you allow yourself to follow the guidance of the therapist by using your imagination to evoke positive emotions and rehearse behaviour change. Hypnotic suggestion is a means of experiencing certain helpful ideas at a level profound enough to directly influence our emotions and behaviour. Psychological and emotional problems can be seen as the result of negative thinking, whereas hypnotherapy aims to encourage (“suggest”) positive ideas which lead to improvement. Verbal repetition and Mental images Hypnosis usually involves using verbal repetition and mental images. Hypnotic “trance” , so-called, is not scientifically proven. Clinical hypnotherapy focuses more on hypnosis as an increased ability to respond to positive suggestions, usually accompanied simply by relaxed attention to the ideas being suggested. Comedy stage hypnosis has very little to do with clinical hypnotherapy and has been shown to foster misconceptions which can prevent people from benefiting from treatment. Thousands of positive experimental and clinical research studies on hypnosis have been published. It was recognised as an effective treatment by the British Medical Association (BMA) and American Medical Association (AMA) in the 1950s and, more recently, by the American Psychological Association (for obesity) and NICE guidance (for IBS) used by the NHS. CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY FACTS Hypnotherapy can help you to find meaningful alternatives The aim of hypnotherapy is to assist the individuals in finding meaningful alternatives to their present unsatisfactory ways of thinking, feeling, or behaving. For example, by relaxing, thinking positively, and picturing your goals, hypnosis can help you to progressively improve your habitual feelings and behaviour. Short term therapy Unlike many other psychological therapies, hypnotherapy is generally considered to be a fairly short-term approach in which beneficial change. Hypnotherapy usually requires more than one session. However, it is probably one of the briefest forms of psychological therapy, and in clinical studies the average number of sessions is around 4-12. Hypnosis treatment has been used over the years and has shown a 77 percent success rate The list of problems which may be amenable to hypnotherapy is far too long and varied to catalog but certainly includes: anxiety, panic, phobias, unwanted habits, compulsive behaviour and addictions (e.g. smoking, overeating, alcoholism), disrupted sleep patterns, lack of confidence and low self-esteem, adverse childhood experiences and PTSD, fear of examinations and public speaking. It has proved of value within pain management and in the areas of both sporting and artistic performance enhancement. Hypnosis can also assist in helping to resolve relationship difficulties and be useful within anger management strategies therapies, hypnotherapy is generally considered to be a fairly short-term approach in which beneficial change. Unwanted habits (procrastination, nail biting) Addictions (smoking, alcohol, cocaine) Adverse Childhood Experiences EVIDENCE-BASED HYPNOTHERAPY FOR GOOD HEALTH & WELLBEING Galia has been a very understanding, patient and calming individual. Hypnotherapy with Galia has helped ease the anxious thoughts I have been experiencing but has also helped to reduce the physical ‘tense’ shoulder pains that come with being highly anxious. After each session, I feel much lighter, happier, relaxed and ready to tackle my anxious thoughts. I would highly recommend Galia’s service to all. I believe there’s plenty to gain by seeking out sessions. — Anisa, Client Rating: 5 out of 5. Galia is a very talented progressive minded hypnotherapist who deeply cares about people. I would highly recommend her to anyone. I wouldn’t be able to overcome my smoking addiction without her help. I am so glad I’ve found her. — Milena, Client Rating: 5 out of 5. Galia hypnotised me on Monday last week to help me overcome my addiction with chocolate and haribo sweets a week today and the thought of eating these makes me feel sick I’m totally off chocolate and haribo sweets for life now. I feel so much healthier and I’m loosing weight I can’t thank Galia enough for everything she has done. Such an amazing lovely lady thank you 😊 ever so much — Leanne, Client Our hypnotherapists carry full professional indemnity and public liability insurance and are registered with the following professional organisations: British Neuroscience Association Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (NHS approved)
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://hypnosisgoodhealth.global/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710710.91/warc/CC-MAIN-20221129164449-20221129194449-00580.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9413254261016846, "token_count": 1079, "score": 2.78125, "int_score": 3 }
Born: 1865, Sutton, Cambridgeshire. Died: 27th April 1901; age: 36; Died at Wonderfontein, Mpumalanga, South Africa. Residence: The Hill, Sutton, Cambridgeshire. Enlistment Location: 9th May 1898. Rank: Private; Service Number: 1913. Regiment: Suffolk Regiment, 1st Battalion, South Africa Field Force. 1871 The Hill, Sutton, Cambridgeshire. Tom was 5 years old and living with his parents & siblings. Robert Dunkling, 25, an Agricultural Labourer, born Sutton. Sarah Dunkling (nee Pearson), 24, born Ely, Cambridgeshire. Simeon Dunkling, 4, born Sutton. Hannah Elizabeth Dunkling, 2, born Sutton. Alfred James Dunkling, 3 months, born Sutton. 1881 The Hill, Sutton, Cambridgeshire. Tom was 15 years old, a Farm Labourer. He was living with his parents & siblings. Robert, 36, a Farm Labourer. Simeon, 13, a Farm Labourer. Charles Dunkling, 8, born Sutton. Ethel Dunkling, 6, born Sutton. Robert Dunkling, 4, born Sutton. Herbert Pearson Dunkling, 3, born Sutton. Frederick Dunkling, 1, born Sutton. Soldiers’ Effects to Robert Dunkling – father. One of the notable Battles with a large loss of Suffolk life was the “Battle of Suffolk hill” at Colesberg, Northern Cape 5th- 6th January 1900. The hill was originally called Red or Grassy Hill. The Suffolk regiment was ordered to make a night attack on a Boer position on the heights, four companies, 354 of all ranks, set out at midnight under the command of Col. Watson. The Suffolks were met by a storm of bullets. The Colonel was amongst the first to fall, and the party later retired with 11 officers and 150+ men killed, wounded or captured.
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Formal education is relatively new in the Sultanate of Oman. The first nationwide public education system did not come into existence until 1970, and the first university opened its doors in 1986. During this time, English has continued to play a central role in the sultanate’s schools, colleges, and universities. The language, which is taught as a subject in government schools and used as a dominant medium of instruction across many tertiary-level institutions, enjoys high levels of official support. This is due to the belief that English will remain the preeminent language of science, scholarship, and international business for the foreseeable future. Perhaps now more than ever, English education in Oman is at a critical juncture with the country seeking to better integrate into the international community by taking advantage of the access to global markets and academic and professional mobility that globalization allows while, at the same time, striving to maintain its culturally distinct identity. Within this context, a variety of perspectives and approaches highlighting the state of the art of English education in Oman and some of the most important challenges, opportunities, and potential ways forward are explored. - Al-Issa, A., & Al-Bulushi, A. (2010). Training English language student teachers to become effective teacher. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 35(4). https://doi.org/10.14221/ajte.2010v35n4.4 - Al-Mahrooqi, R., & Asante, C. (2010). Promoting autonomy by fostering a reading culture. In R. Al-Mahrooqi & V. Tuzlukova (Eds.), The Omani ELT symphony: Maintaining linguistic and socio-cultural equilibrium (pp. 477–494). Muscat, Oman: Sultan Qaboos University Academic Publication Board.Google Scholar - Al-Mahrooqi, R., Denman, C. J., & Ateeq, B. A. (2015). Adaptation and first-year university students in the Sultanate of Oman. In R. Al-Mahrooqi & C. J. Denman (Eds.), Issues in English education in the Arab world (pp. 60–82). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.Google Scholar - Ministry of Education. (2011). The evolution of Oman’s education history. Retrieved from http://home.moe.gov.om/arabic/showpage.php?CatID=6&ID=12 [authors’ translation]. - Moody, J. (2009). A neglected aspect of ELT in the Arabian Gulf: Who is communication between? In L. J. Zhang, R. Rubdy, & L. Alsagoff (Eds.), Englishes and literatures-in-English in a globalized world: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on English in Southeast Asia (pp. 99–119). Singapore, Singapore: National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University.Google Scholar - Oman Department of Information. (1974). Oman. Muscat: Author.Google Scholar - Renard, O. (2010). Towards a long-term strategic plan for Sultan Qaboos University: Proceedings of the international workshop (9–10 November 2010). Muscat, Oman: Sultan Qaboos University’s Academic Publications Board.Google Scholar
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "url": "https://rd.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-13-0265-7_1", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195526714.15/warc/CC-MAIN-20190720214645-20190721000645-00456.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8587513566017151, "token_count": 694, "score": 2.796875, "int_score": 3 }
| Toltec Fruit-eating Bats are similar in appearance and habits to Aztec Fruit-eating Bats, but are usually found at lower elevations. They are common to abundant in evergreen forest, clearings, and fruit groves. They roost in caves, buildings, and among the trunks of fig trees; they also use leaf-tents for shelter. Head and Body: 59-65 mm Saussure, M.H., 1860. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie Pure et Appliquée, Paris, ser. 2, 12:427. Mammal Species of the World Mammalian Species, American Society of Mammalogists' species account
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Campaign “STOP Trafficking in Children” is conducted with support of the European Union within the project “Strengthening of the Serbia-EU Civil Society Dialogue” and OAK Foundation. It is aimed at public awareness of the problem of trafficking in children. The problem of trafficking in human beings afflicts all societies. The differences relate to the way societies fight it. The problem is a complex one and involves the most severe violation of human rights, which is why its suppression requires effective criminal prosecution on one hand and on the other availability of adequate assistance with the potential for rehabilitation and (re)integration of victims. During the past few years we are witnessing a trend of increasing number of Serbian nationals identified as victims of human trafficking, as well as the fact that almost half of all identified victims are children. Average age of children for whom ASTRA provided assistance is 14.7 years. The children, as well as the adults are most frequently victims of sexual exploitation, forced begging and forced marriages but also labor exploitation. Almost all those children are Serbian nationals. The most serious deficiencies in the response of the society and the state relate to the fact that Republic of Serbia does not allocate any funds from its budget, with the exception of sporadic one-time allocations. Moreover, there is a problem of accommodation of children identified as (potential) victims of trafficking since in the existing anti-trafficking mechanism there is no specialized shelter for children victims or special programs for their (re)integration. Children are not offered any possibility to continue their lives out of the trafficking chain, which brings back focus to the question of root causes of human trafficking including poverty, social exclusion, family violence and similar phenomena. It is necessary to direct all efforts towards solving these issues. The state, but also the entire society are responsible for the efficiency of fight against trafficking in human beings. The state should pay special attention and deal with eradicating poverty as well as prioritize issues of existential issues and quality of life for children and youth. When it comes to assistance that victims of human trafficking have the right to receive according to the international conventions on combating human trafficking, which our country ratified, it is necessary to operationalize existing mechanisms and create systemic solutions for accommodation of and assistance for children victims of human trafficking. In this regard the role of the civil society is still not sufficiently recognized since the state institutions still only partially utilize available resources of the nongovernmental organizations. Materials produced for the campaign include TV spot, radio jingle, posters, billboards and various preventive and educational materials will be distributed throughout Serbia in the coming months.
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The following was a speech delivered at this year’s Class Day. “Five hundred years ago the printing press replaced pen and ink as the communications technology of Europe.” Instead of manuscripts artfully copied and produced by monks and scholars, where illustrations illuminated the language, word and image were separated for the first time by the printing press. Within decades millions of printed volumes flooded the western world, and these books not only changed how people communicated, they reshaped what they communicated, hence what they thought and what they taught.” Several years ago, the pixel replaced the type slug as the world’s communication technology of choice, and The World Wide Web joined the laser printer to restore the old balance of image and word that the medieval scribes had taken for granted. Being able to work with this marriage of image and word is essential in a highly technological world, which is without borders or boundaries. Among the many skills we can now give students is the ability, not only to read critically, but also the ability to process complex visual information. We are now accustomed to meshing words and images. For example, the verbal “crawler” at the bottom of the television screen occupies the same visual field as the visual footage of an entirely different news story. Viewers are asked to make sense of words and image that are unrelated. Looking at the connection between words and images leads to a number of questions. Do such media images act as supplements or “illustrations” to words, or vice versa? What relation lies between word and image, and how does it insert itself into our consciousness? Furthermore, does the blending of word and image lead to the same level of close reading and critical thinking that only a text would? How have words and texts changed the way we view the world of information? Two genres that by design combine word and image are comics and graphic novels, and their very form reinforces not only the written word but also the images that illustrate the words. Basically, a comic book is a series of words and pictures that are presented in a sequential manner to form a narrative that may or may not be humorous . Originating in the United States in the late 1800s, the comic book contains everyday language, slang, and idiom, as well as color and a sophisticated interplay between text and image. The history of comic books points out that “traditionally occupying the fringes of pop culture, the comic book is actually a valuable historical text that comments on how young people and adults alike identify with cultural and political issues.” The graphic novel genre is one of the most fascinating in literature, and it too occupies the combination of word and image space. Its positive qualities are impressive, especially when the topic is as difficult as the Holocaust, as in Art Speigelman’s Maus or Marjann Satrapi’s Persepolis. Both authors mesh the worlds of word and image so very well, thanks to their ability to “speak the unspeakable” and by using to perfection the popular maxim, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Persepolis, which many of you have read, is about the author’s coming of age in Tehran, living through part of the Islamic revolution in Iran and its aftermath; Satrapi draws very simple images, which somehow convey a great depth of emotion and graphic weight. The contrasts between light and dark are very effective in communicating the message of its words. Satrapi’s drawing style is bold and vivid. She paints a thick inky black-on-white, in an affectedly simple pastiche of East and West; there is also a degree of paranoia, for example, the child dwarfed by looming parents, would-be rescuers dwarfed by giant policemen guarding the locked doors to a movie theater that’s been set on fire — but when Satrapi depicts a schoolyard brawl, it’s straight from Persian miniature.” In both Maus and Persepolis, creativity and courage are intertwined, and each has underlying themes of what it means to be human, reinforced by the clever combination of the word supporting the image and vice versa. You, our students, need to have the visual literacy that comes with an educated mind and eye to know when you are being manipulated by the media and other forces that want to reduce everything to its lowest common denominator. You need the ability to read closely and critically, to discern the well-crafted, good image from the tawdry, and to develop the capacity for independent thinking, and clear, effective writing. You all need to pursue your educational choices with passion, perseverance and an open mind. Our world needs young people to think critically, to question assumptions, and pre-conceived ideas and fuzzy thinking. It is important for you to understand the word and the image, but mostly to be open and ready for other ways of seeing and other ways of thinking. This is the best use to which you can put your education and the best way to be in the new world. That’s what the faculty at Green Farms Academy are excited about and dedicated to imparting. And today we honor you and how well you have learned this lesson.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-13", "url": "https://headofschoolblog.gfacademy.org/2017/06/07/critical-thinking-in-times-of-distraction/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-13/segments/1521257647576.75/warc/CC-MAIN-20180321043531-20180321063531-00560.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9628978967666626, "token_count": 1088, "score": 3.5, "int_score": 4 }
HEALTH ADVISORY: Increased Interseasonal Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Activity in Texas June 16, 2021 The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is issuing this health advisory to notify clinicians and caregivers about increased interseasonal respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) activity across Texas. Due to this increased activity, DSHS encourages broader testing for RSV among patients presenting with acute respiratory illness who test negative for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. RSV can be associated with severe disease in young children and older adults. This health advisory also serves as a reminder to healthcare personnel, childcare providers, and staff of long-term care facilities to avoid reporting to work while acutely ill – even if they test negative for SARS-CoV-2. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a similar RSV health advisory alert on June 10, 2021, for parts of the southern United States. RSV is an RNA virus of the genus Orthopneumovirus, family Pneumoviridae, primarily spread via respiratory droplets when a person coughs or sneezes, and through direct contact with a contaminated surface. RSV is the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children under one year of age in the United States. Infants, young children, and older adults with chronic medical conditions are at risk of severe disease from RSV infection. In Texas, RSV infections occur primarily during the fall and winter cold and flu season. In April 2020, RSV activity decreased rapidly, likely due to the adoption of public health measures to reduce the spread of COVID-191. Compared with previous years, RSV activity remained relatively low from May 2020 to March 2021. However, since late March, DSHS has observed an increase in RSV detections reported to the National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS), a nationwide passive, laboratory-based surveillance network. DSHS noted increases in laboratory detections and in the overall percentages of positive detections for both antigen and PCR testing, with antigen tests spiking above the 10% positive threshold in mid-May and nearly again in early June and PCR tests above the 3% positive threshold since mid-May. Since this elevated interseasonal activity is a deviation in the typical circulation patterns for RSV, at this time it is not possible to anticipate the likely spread, peak, or duration of activity with any certainty. Health officials also identified increased interseasonal RSV circulation in parts of Australia during late 2020 and in South Africa in early 2021. Still, RSV did not reach seasonal peak levels in most regions or result in widespread circulation2-4. Due to reduced circulation of RSV during the winter months of 2020–2021, older infants and toddlers might now be at increased risk of severe RSV-associated illness since they have likely not had typical levels of exposure to RSV during the past 15 months. In infants younger than six months, RSV infection may result in symptoms of irritability, poor feeding, lethargy, and/or apnea with or without fever. In older infants and young children, rhinorrhea and decreased appetite may appear one to three days before cough, often followed by sneezing, fever, and sometimes wheezing. Symptoms in adults are typically consistent with upper respiratory tract infections, including rhinorrhea, pharyngitis, cough, headache, fatigue, and fever. There is no specific treatment for RSV infection other than symptom management. - Clinicians and caregivers should be aware of the typical clinical presentation of RSV for different age groups. - Clinicians should consider testing patients with a negative SARS-CoV-2 test and acute respiratory illness or the age-specific symptoms presented above for non-SARS-CoV-2 respiratory pathogens, such as RSV. Real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) is the preferred method for testing for respiratory viruses. - Clinicians should report laboratory-confirmed RSV cases and suspected clusters of severe respiratory illness to local and state health departments according to their routine reporting requirements. - Healthcare personnel, childcare providers, and staff of long-term care facilities should avoid reporting to work while acutely ill – even if they test negative for SARS-CoV-2. - Clinicians can review weekly updates to the NREVSS website and refer to surveillance data collected by local hospitals and health departments for information on RSV circulation trends in their area. For More Information - Texas DSHS - Respiratory Syncytial Virus - Texas RSV Data by Health Service Region, 2020-2021 Season, 06/08/21 Report 1Haddadin Z, Schuster JE, Spieker AJ, Rahman H, Blozinski A, Stewart L, Campbell AP, Lively JY, Michaels MG, Williams JV, Boom JA, Sahni LC, Staat M, McNeal M, Selvarangan R, Harrison CJ, Weinberg GA, Szilagyi PG, Englund JA, Klein EJ, Curns AT, Rha B, Langley GE, Hall AJ, Patel MM, Halasa NB. Acute Respiratory Illnesses in Children in the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: Prospective Multicenter Study. Pediatrics. 2021 May 13:e2021051462. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-051462. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33986150. 2Foley DA, Yeoh DK, Minney-Smith CA, Martin AC, Mace AO, Sikazwe CT, Le H, Levy A, Moore HC, Blyth CC. The Interseasonal Resurgence of Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Australian Children Following the Reduction of Coronavirus Disease 2019-Related Public Health Measures. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Feb 17:ciaa1906. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa1906. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33594407; PMCID: PMC7929151. 3Virus Watch, Week Ending 30 May 2021. Government of Western Australia, Department of Health. Accessed 6/7/2021. 4Weekly Respiratory Pathogens Surveillance Report, South Africa, Week 21, 2021. National Institute for Communicable Diseases, Division of the National Health Laboratory Service. Accessed 6/7/21.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-06", "url": "https://www.dshs.texas.gov/news-alerts/health-advisory-increased-interseasonal-respiratory-syncytial-virus-rsv-activity-texas", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499804.60/warc/CC-MAIN-20230130070411-20230130100411-00455.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9026454091072083, "token_count": 1374, "score": 2.625, "int_score": 3 }
From Natural WellBeing Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) Thyme herb (Thymus vulgaris) is a perennial plant with a fibrous root. The Thyme herb can grow to be between 4 and 8 inches in hight. It has narrow and greenish-grey leaves with numerous hard and branched stems. The Thyme herb is widely cultivated in Spain and in European countries found near the Mediterranean. Thyme is primarily used in cooking; adding a special flavor to dishes and it is an herb that preserves its natural flavors even after drying is done. History and Origin Thyme is a Greek word which basically means “to fumigate”. It was used as incense due to its odor. The Greek word “thumus” which means courage, may have also influenced the name of the Thyme herb; it also means to inspire courage owing to the invigorating effects of the herb during ancient times. Wild Thyme was meant to signify Republicanism in France and bits of Thyme were often included in invitations to meetings of Republican parties. During ancient times, it was the Egyptians that used the Thyme herb for embalming purposes. The Ancient Greeks were the first to use the Thyme to run baths and as the main sweet smelling ingredient in their handmade incense. In Europe, Thyme herbs were used to purify rooms and houses. It was also an important gift for knights and warriors as it symbolized both courage and good luck. In modern times, the Thyme herb was found to contain thymol which gives Thyme its strong, aromatic flavor and odor. Thymol is also considered to be an antiseptic and is a main ingredient in the commercial production of Listerine. It is also an ingredient in hand sanitizers and disinfectants. Thyme can also be used to medicate a wound before a bandage is applied to it. The Thyme herb is also effective in the treatment of fungal infections of toenails by killing the fungus on contact. Thyme herbal tea is used to treat cough, colds and other diseases of the upper respiratory system. It is very good in the treatment of oral sores, gum problems and as an oral antiseptic. Thyme and its extracts are widely used as an ingredient in perfumes and embalming procedures. It is an effective insect repellant that can be placed in linens and in articles of clothing when stored for a long time. Thyme herb may be used as a tea, as a tincture, a salve, in syrup form and even for steam inhalation to liquefy mucus in the lower respiratory tract. Thyme herb preparations can also be gargled and the decoction of leaves on boiled water can be used on wounds after it has cooled. There are no known side effects of the Thyme herb. It is well tolerated by adults and children. It is however contraindicated in very young children as well as in pregnant and nursing mothers. For external uses or for mouthwash use, there is no need to consult a medical personnel regarding the use. Tinctures and Thyme herb syrups however needs dosage formulation that may be dependent on the patients age and weight. It is therefore important to consult your doctor regarding the use of these Thyme Herb preparations.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-27", "url": "http://www.naturalwellbeing.com/learning-center/index.php?title=Thyme&oldid=97711", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-27/segments/1435375095346.56/warc/CC-MAIN-20150627031815-00290-ip-10-179-60-89.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9714129567146301, "token_count": 700, "score": 2.890625, "int_score": 3 }
Aim In this investigation, I am going to investigate how increasing the temperature of substance will help determine the Specific Heat Capacity of the substance. Specific Heat Capacity (C) is the energy that is required to raise the temperature of 1kg of a substance by 1 c or 1K. The three variables that affect the specific heat capacity of a substance are: Energy supplied (J) Mass (kg) Temperature change (K) or ( c) The equation that is used to determine the specific heat capacity of any substance is; Specific Heat Capacity = Energy Supplied ( Q) (C) Mass (kg ) Temperature Change ( ). Unit: Jkg- K- Each different substance have different specific heat capacity, this is because different substances require different amount of energy to change the to increase or decrease the temperature. As all substances have different Internal Energy, this explains why different substances require different amount of energy to change the temperature. Studies from A2 explain that Internal Energy (Thermal Energy) is the sum of the kinetic energy and the potential energy of the molecules in an object or substance. If the temperature of a substance increases so does the internal energy. Referring back to knowledge gained from A1 when a substance is at a liquid state it has more internal energy than a substance at solid state. This can be explained by the fact that at solid state particles are bonded together so the particles movement is restricted. At liquid state the particles are spaced out s they are able to move randomly so they have more internal energy than particles in a solid, which have their movements restricted. As particles in solids are bonded together this means that heat can be conducted from one particle to another easily. Conduction transfers thermal energy through the collision of neighbouring particles. Liquids are poor thermal conductors because their particles are not bonded together which makes it had for heat to be transferred from one particle to the other. The way heat is transferred in liquids is through convection. Convection is the heat transfer due to the current movement from warmer particles moving towards the section where cooler particles are and cooler particles moving towards the warmer section of a fluid, this is caused by different densities at different temperature. This explains why liquids tend to have higher rates of specific heat capacity compared to solids because heat is transferred much quicker through conduction than convection. If you compare the specific heat capacity of copper, (390Jkg- K- ) to the specific heat capacity of water, (4180Jkg- K- ) there is a significant difference. In general the specific heat capacity of a solid is significantly lower compared to most liquids expect from Mercury which has a specific heat capacity of 140Jkg- K- when is in a liquid state. This also explains why H O has a low specific heat capacity when it’s in solid state, ice(21 00Jkg- K- ) compared to when it’s in liquid state, water (4180Jkg- K- ) From my research I found out that there are two laws of Thermodynamics: The first law states that the net heat transfer ( Q) of a systems equal to the sum of the thermal energy. The second law states that the entropy of an isolated system never decreases. This means that heat cannot be 100% converted to useful energy because the heat released to entropy is never returned to the system. Entropy is like internal energy; it is a thermodynamic quantity that belongs to any system of objects. It is proportional to temperature. As the temperature increase, entropy increased. In a microscopic level, entropy measures the amount of disorder in a substance. When heat is added to the substance, the particles that make up the substance move faster in a random way. The greater the velocity of the particles this implies more disorder for the substance; therefore increasing its entropy. To voltage. Thus to work out energy we use this equation: Energy = current voltage time The substance that I will be trying to determine its Specific Heat Capacity is Ethanol. Ethanol, C2H5OH is the second member of the aliphatic alcohol series. Most of the ethanol used is a mixture of 5% water because pure ethanol known as absolute ethanol is too expensive. Ethanol is prepared by a 95% solution, which results from the fermentation of sugars. Ethanol used in industry is made by reaction of ethane and steam. C2H4 + H2O= C2H5OH Ethanol’s has a boiling point of 78. 3 degrees centigrade, which is lower than water’s boiling point. PREDICTION. I predict that the specific heat capacity of ethanol will be less than that of water, but greater than that of any solid. I’ve come up with this prediction because ethanol has a boiling point which is significantly lower than that of water but it’s still a liquid so it’s specific heat capacity should be between 2000-3000. I suggest this because it’s a liquid and from my research require much more energy to warm up, compared to solids but because it’s more dense than water and it’s particles are closer together than those of water, it would mean that it would require less heat compared to water. I predict that the results would produce a graph that would show the increase of energy as temperature increases. I predict that line produced by the results should be a straight line and should go through the origin but from my preliminary work I found this wouldn’t happen in the real world because there would be heat loss. Working out the gradient of the graph would produce the specific heat capacity of ethanol. From my preliminary work I learnt that some heat was used up to heat up equipment some was lost through radiation by the beaker, convection we taking place which meant temperature rise was less than should be. METHOD Equipment RV power pack Joule meter Weighting scale Stop clock Connecting wires Heatproof mat Immersion heat Beaker and Lid Wool Thermometer Ethanol (0. 3kg) The equipment will be set-up as shown in the diagram. As temperature will be variable, that will be controlled so the temperature should rise by at least 10 degrees to be able to plot a graph. I will do three observations to be able to work out an average to plot the graph. From the my preliminary work I learnt that I should use a smaller beaker, less liquid, smaller heater and the beaker should be wrapped by material to reduce heat loss. The thermometer and joule meter reading should be recorded after every 2 minutes. SAFETY As the experiment involves electricity and liquid, safety precautions will apply. The beaker should be placed on a heat proof mat, don’t touch the power pack or connecting wires with wet hands as this can give electric shock. The heater will be hot so one should be aware, it should be placed on the heatproof mat when removed from the beaker and, Spillages of liquid should be avoid as this makes the floor slippery. FAIR TEST. To be able to obtain accurate results other variable (mass) should be kept be kept the same through out all experiments. In all 3 experiments the same beaker should be used, same heater, thermometer, joule meter and power pack. All three experiments should be done in the same part of the room to avoid temperature variation. BIBLLIOGRAPHY Title Last Published Useful Information Dictionary Of Physics By Usborne Publishing Ltd 2000 I provided and explanation about Internal Energy Advanced Physics For You By Stanley Thomes Ltd 2000 Lots of information but important about thermodynamics.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-47", "url": "https://tolerantsystems.org/temperature-change-2/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-47/segments/1573496668765.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20191116204950-20191116232950-00435.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9365242719650269, "token_count": 1555, "score": 4.09375, "int_score": 4 }
Remember shop class? If you’re under 40, you might not. Ask your parents or grandparents about it, and you’re likely to hear nostalgic tales of band saws, welding goggles, and wobbly birdhouses. But vocational education back in the day earned another, less rosy reputation. High school teachers and counselors often encouraged — or even compelled — students of color to pursue this track, which excluded them from academic courses that might have prepared them for college or university education. Times are changing. Career and technical education now encompass a broad range of pathways, from agribusiness to coding. Job prospects for these students can vary widely, depending on which concentration they choose, and how many “stacked” (successively more challenging) courses they take in a given area. But there is another component to student success that is gaining widespread support — access to “earn while you learn” or “work-based-learning” opportunities. According to the National Skills Coalition, earn-while-you-learn programs are considered “best practice” for adult workforce development. Opportunities for high school students to take advantage of this approach have not been as prevalent, but that is changing. Cristo Rey Dallas is part of a network of high schools that have been demonstrating the power of incorporating work-based-learning into the curriculum for over 20 years. Students take college preparatory courses four days a week, and work at one of over 100 partner companies like EY and AT&T one day a week. Kelby Woodard, president of Cristo Rey Dallas, says his students receive a much broader education. Students not only earn their tuition through these placements, but they also gain even more valuable returns in the form of soft skills, references, and first-job experience. How can more students have access to these kinds of opportunities? With the help of their local school officials. In Texas, two bills that have bipartisan support would allow school districts and open-enrollment charter schools to reimburse employers who agree to create high quality, paid apprenticeships or internships for students. Two more bills would enable these same schools to use resources to develop career and technical education programs that are responsive to local, emerging workforce needs. In the past, a “vo-tech” path and a “college-bound” path were distinct. Research is clear that today’s career and technical education programs are cut from a different, and better, cloth. The Texas Workforce Investment Council cites an American Educational Research Association study demonstrating that “[s]tudents who complete career and technical education (CTE) courses during their junior and senior years are, on average, more likely to graduate on time and less likely to drop out than students who do not take CTE courses.” The National Skills Coalition predicts that 48 percent of jobs by 2024 will be middle-skill occupations. These jobs do not require a four-year degree, but do require some form of postsecondary certification, certificate, or credential. Employers are looking for individuals with technical skills and knowledge, and even more importantly, a grasp of soft skills, such as giving and receiving feedback. Cristo Rey’s students have a head start on developing those skills; their time in the working world put them ahead of many of their peers, who might never have answered to a supervisor or learned to adapt to a corporate culture. And Cristo Rey students gain these skills while still in high school. Leaving high school with work experience and even industry-based certifications puts young Americans in a much better position to make choices about whether and how to pursue their postsecondary education. Today’s high school students face a future in which they will need to be even more ready for change and adaptation in their careers than any generation before them. Expanding work-based learning in high schools will give students a head start on developing in-demand knowledge and skills.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://unlockhighered.com/expanding-access-to-work-based-learning/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710192.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20221127041342-20221127071342-00787.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9654578566551208, "token_count": 829, "score": 2.9375, "int_score": 3 }
|| Home. | Universe Galaxies And Stars Archives. | | || Universe | Big Bang | Galaxies | Stars | Solar System | Planets | Hubble Telescope | NASA | Search Engine || Mars Express released Beagle 2 lander. A new image released from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory shows a glowing shell of gas created by the explosion of a massive star. The supernova remnant is called N63A, and thought to be 2,000 to 5,000 years old; it's located in the Large Magellanic Cloud. A comparison of this image with optical and radio observations show that the shockwave of material is engulfing the entire cloud of material, heating it up to ten million degrees Celsius. The European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft successfully released the British-built Beagle 2 lander this morning, completing a major milestone on its trip to Mars. Mars Express fired a pyrotechnic device which slowly released a spring and separated the two spacecraft. Since Beagle 2 has no propulsion system, controllers have no way of fine-tuning the lander's flight path. If everything goes as planned, Beagle 2 will enter the planet's atmosphere on December 25. Although the universe is currently a beige colour overall, it used to be more blue, according to Astronomers with the European Southern Observatory. This was caused by the predominantly hot, young blue stars in the most distant Galaxies - Astronomers are seeing them when the universe was only 2.5 billion years old. The Astronomers worked out the distance and colour to 300 Galaxies which were contained within the Hubble Deep Sky survey, which took a deep look at a region of sky in the southern constellation of Tuscanae. Go To Print Article Universe - Galaxies and Stars: Links and Contacts || GNU License | Contact | Copyright | WebMaster | Terms | Disclaimer | Top Of Page. ||
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-17", "url": "http://www.universe-galaxies-stars.com/arc_470.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-17/segments/1492917118831.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20170423031158-00619-ip-10-145-167-34.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9197716116905212, "token_count": 391, "score": 2.78125, "int_score": 3 }
The toxicity of heavy metals depends on a number of factors. Specific symptomatology varies according to the metal in question, the total dose absorbed, and whether the exposure was acute or chronic. The age of the person can also influence toxicity. For example, young children are more susceptible to the effects of lead exposure because they absorb several times the percent ingested compared with adults and because their brains are more plastic and even brief exposures may influence developmental processes. The route of exposure is also important. Elemental mercury is relatively inert in the gastrointestinal tract and also poorly absorbed through intact skin, yet inhaled or injected elemental mercury may have disastrous effects. Some elements may have very different toxic profiles depending on their chemical form. For example, barium sulfate is basically nontoxic, whereas barium salts are rapidly absorbed and cause profound, potentially fatal hypokalemia. The toxicity of radioactive metals like polonium, which was discovered by Marie Curie but only recently brought to public attention after the 2006 murder of Russian dissident Alexander Litvinenko, relates more to their ability to emit particles than to their ability to bind cell proteins. Exposure to metals may occur through the diet, from medications, from the environment, or in the course of work or play. Where heavy metal toxicity is suspected, time taken to perform a thorough dietary, occupational, and recreational history is time well spent, since identification and removal of the source of exposure is frequently the only therapy required. A full dietary and lifestyle history may reveal hidden sources of metal exposure. Metals may be contaminants in dietary supplements, or they may leech into food and drink stores in metal containers like lead decanters. Persons intentionally taking colloidal metals for their purported health benefits may ultimately develop toxicity. Metal toxicity may complicate some forms of drug abuse. Beer drinker’s cardiomyopathy was diagnosed in alcoholics in Quebec, and later Minnesota, during a brief period in the 1970s when cobalt was added to beer on tap to stabilize the head. More recently, a parkinsonian syndrome among Latvian injection drug users of methcathinone has been linked to manganese toxicity. Classic examples of environmental contamination include the Minimata Bay disaster and the current epidemic of arsenic poisoning in South East Asia. In the 1950s, industrial effluent was consistently dumped into Japan’s Minimata Bay, and mercury bioaccumulated to exceedingly high concentrations in local fish. Although some adults did develop signs and symptoms of toxicity, the greatest impact was on the next generation, into which many were born with severe neurologic deficits. Ethiopia Addis Ababa Panama, Panama City, The Hague Netherlands Tempe Arizona USA
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "http://www.balancedhealthtoday.com/blog/2011/02/04/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030335059.43/warc/CC-MAIN-20220928020513-20220928050513-00233.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9373353123664856, "token_count": 607, "score": 3.296875, "int_score": 3 }
Belly breathing – Learning to use the belly - Sit or lie flat with with one hand on your belly right under your ribs and the other on your chest. - From this position, take one deep breath through your nose while letting your belly nudge your hand outward. Ensure your chest isn’t moving as this happens. - Next, with pursed lips, breathe out like you’re whistling. - As you feel the hand you’ve placed on your belly go in, use it to push out all the air. - Repeat this several more times. Why Belly Breathing? - The lower half of your lungs is the thickest and most closely compacted, which means more oxygen can enter the bloodstream. - Consciously breathing into the lower half of your lungs by engaging the diaphragm, literally allows you to ‘breath more life into’… you. - Oxygenated blood travels to the heart, where it’s pumped to the rest of the body via blood vessels that move into surrounding tissues. - Ultimately, oxygen reaches every cell that makes up the body. - If your upper chest is moving when you breathe then you’re not using the lower part of your lungs, which means you’re not breathing optimally. - Chest breathing engages only the top part of your lungs, and remember that the lower half of your lungs is the most oxygen-rich. - If you’re breathing with your chest and not your diaphragm/ belly you’ll likely overuse your neck and shoulder muscles, which are not meant to be breathing muscles. What are the benefits of belly breathing or diaphragmatic breathing? Diaphragmatic breathing has proven to: - Improve respiratory function, by relaxing tight chest muscles and by increasing lung capacity. Research suggests that diaphragmatic breathing can be especially helpful to those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. - Lower heart rate and blood pressure, and is even recognized by the FDA in the treatment and regulation of hypertension. It also improves circulatory system function by maximizing the delivery of oxygen to the bloodstream and to each of the trillions of cells in your body. - Maintain blood pH levels (the scale of alkalinity to acidity.) Blood acidity is neutralized with the release of carbon dioxide from the lungs. Deep, slow breathing helps the brain and lungs continuously optimize pH levels. - Engage your diaphragm internally which in turn massages your abdominal organs and glands, stimulating them and promoting their healthy and optimal function. - Boost the immune system because as the diaphragm massages the internal organs and glands it helps move lymph (fluid containing the immune system’s white blood cells) throughout the body to their targeted locations. - Detoxify the body. Controlled breathing stimulates lymphatic movement. One of the key functions of your lymphatic system is to flush toxins out of your body. Your lungs are also a major excretory organ. With every maximized exhale, you expel waste, toxins, and excess carbon dioxide from your system. - Maintain healthy digestive function and help ease upset tummies. The same diaphragmatic massaging motion that helps flush toxins also helps stimulate blood flow of your intestinal tract, ensuring your gut muscles keep on moving as they’re intended to. - Breathing deeply can help prevent acid reflux, bloating, hiatal hernia, and intestinal spasms. - Deep breathing also helps quell the stress response, which compromises digestion. It’s worthy to note here that multiple studies and research confirm a high correlation between digestive/ gastrointestinal issues (i.e.: IBS) and mental health imbalances such as anxiety and depression. - Increase theta brain waves. Theta brainwaves are associated with the state of deep relaxation and dreaming sleep, as well as increased creativity, super-learning, integrative experiences, and increased memory. - Be an effective relaxation technique. This is because your breath acts as a switching station for your nervous system, specifically between the two branches of your autonomic nervous system: the sympathetic nervous system (stress response), and the parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation response.) Deep, slow breathing relieves stress and relaxes you, and also engages your sympathetic in ways that work for you, not against you. In this way, deep breathing helps send your body signals of safety so that you can enter into a higher state of functioning – one that is healing, regenerating, and conducive to sustained fulfillment and thriving. - Be an effective option for treating emotional and mental health conditions such as stress, anxiety, and depression.
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Papua New Guinea The government generally respected the human rights of its citizens, but there were serious problems in some areas. Human rights abuses included arbitrary or unlawful killings by police; police abuse of detainees, including children; poor prison conditions; lengthy pretrial detention; infringement of citizens' privacy rights; government corruption; violence and discrimination against women and children; discrimination against persons with disabilities; and intertribal violence. RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Section 1 Respect for the Integrity of the Person, Including Freedom From: a. Arbitrary or Unlawful Deprivation of Life The government or its agents did not commit any politically motivated killings; however, police killed a number of persons during the year. According to police reports, most killings occurred during gunfights with criminal suspects who were resisting arrest. However, public concern about police violence continued. On March 21, police reportedly shot three persons suspected of armed robbery, killing one. On May 4, police shot and killed Jeffrey Kui, a fugitive in West Taraka who had escaped from custody; his relatives alleged police shot him repeatedly after he had already surrendered. On May 25, police reportedly shot three individuals suspected of car theft, killing two. The police officers involved in the March 21 and May 25 killings were suspended pending investigations, but no investigation results had been released by year's end. A coroner's court was reviewing the Kui killing at year's end. There were no further developments in the investigations into the alleged November 2006 police killing of a person in an exchange of gunfire at a Port Moresby hotel and a 2005 incident at the Porgera primary school in Enga Province in which police killed three persons and reportedly injured at least 20 others. There were no reports of politically motivated disappearances. c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment The constitution prohibits such practices; however, individual police members frequently beat and otherwise abused suspects during arrests, interrogations, and in pretrial detention. There were numerous press accounts of such abuses, particularly against young detainees. On August 23, an auxiliary police officer in Rabaul allegedly shot and wounded a high school student. Also on August 23, police reportedly beat a soldier in Port Moresby. At year's end no action had been taken against correction officers at Buimo Prison who beat and sexually abused young male detainees in January 2006, and the officers continued to work at the prison. Prison and Detention Center Conditions Prison conditions were poor, and the prison system suffered from serious underfunding. During most of the year, three of the country's 20 prisons remained closed because of life-threatening conditions. Neither prisons nor police detention centers had medical care facilities. In some police holding cells, detainees lacked bedding and sufficient food and water. Overcrowding in prisons and police cells was a serious problem. In rural areas infrequent court sessions and bail restrictions for certain crimes exacerbated overcrowding. Prison escapes were common, even from high-security installations. Male and female inmates usually were held separately, but some rural prisons lacked separate facilities, and there were reports of assaults on female prisoners. There were no separate facilities for juvenile offenders; however, in some prisons juveniles were provided with separate sleeping quarters. Foreign government donor agencies funded the operations of three new juvenile reception centers located in Port Moresby, Lae, and Goroka. Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported that juveniles routinely were held with adults in police detention cells, where in many cases they were assaulted by older detainees. Police denied juvenile court officers access to police cells. Pretrial detainees were not separated from convicted prisoners. The government permitted prison visits by human rights observers. d. Arbitrary Arrest or Detention The constitution prohibits arbitrary arrest and detention, and the government generally observed these prohibitions. Role of the Police and Security Apparatus A commissioner who reports to the minister for internal security heads the country's national police force, the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary. Internal divisions related to clan rivalries and a serious lack of resources negatively impacted police effectiveness throughout the year. Police corruption and impunity were serious problems. During the year some police officials were suspended for involvement in corruption or other criminal activity. On March 28, a group of police officers allegedly assaulted the director of police prosecutions in Port Moresby; however, as of year's end, no action was taken against the officers involved. Police shootings are investigated by the police department's Internal Affairs Office and reviewed by a coroner's court. If the court finds that the shooting was unjustifiable or due to negligence, the police officers involved are tried. Families of persons killed or injured by police may challenge the coroner's finding in the National Court, with the assistance of the Public Solicitor's Office. Cases of accidental shootings of bystanders by police during police operations are also investigated and reviewed by a coroner's court. Although the government continued to negotiate with Australia on implementation of a scaled-down version of the former Enhanced Cooperation Program, under which Australian federal police officers would work alongside the constabulary to improve police practices, no agreement was reached during the year. Arrest and Detention Under the law, to make an arrest police must have reason to believe that a crime was committed, is in the course of being committed, or will be committed. A warrant is not required, and police made the majority of arrests without one. Citizens may make arrests under the same standards as the police, but this was rare in practice. Police, prosecutors, and citizens may apply to a court for a warrant; however, police normally did so only if they believed it would assist them in carrying out an arrest. Only National or Supreme Court judges may grant bail to persons charged with willful murder or aggravated robbery. In all other cases, the police or magistrates may grant bail. Arrested suspects have the right to legal counsel, to be informed of the charges against them, and to have their arrests subjected to judicial review; however, the government did not always respect these rights. Detainees had access to counsel, and family members had access to detainees. There were reported instances of politicians directing or bribing police officials to arrest or intimidate individuals seen as political enemies or as possible whistle-blowers on corruption. Due to very limited police and judicial resources and a high crime rate, suspects often were held in pretrial detention for lengthy periods. Although pretrial detention is subject to strict judicial review through continuing pretrial consultations, the slow pace of police investigations and occasional political interference or police corruption frequently delayed cases for months. Additionally, circuit court sittings were infrequent because of a shortage of judges and travel funds. Some detainees were held in jail for more than two years because of the shortage of judges. e. Denial of Fair Public Trial The constitution provides for an independent judiciary, and the government generally respected judicial independence in practice. The Supreme Court is the final court of appeal and has original jurisdiction on constitutional matters. The National Court hears most cases and appeals from the lower district (provincial) courts. There also are village courts headed by lay persons (generally local chiefs, known as "big-men"), who judge minor offenses under both customary and statutory law. The legal system is based on English common law. The law provides for due process, including a public trial, and the court system generally enforced these provisions. Judges conduct trials and render verdicts; there are no juries. Defendants have the right to an attorney. The Public Solicitor's Office provides legal counsel for those accused of "serious offenses" (charges for which a sentence of two years or more is the norm) who are unable to afford counsel. Defendants and their attorneys may confront witnesses, present evidence, access government-held evidence, plead cases, and appeal convictions. The shortage of judges created delays in both the process of trials and the rendering of decisions. Political Prisoners and Detainees There were no reports of political prisoners or detainees. Civil Judicial Procedures and Remedies There is an independent and impartial judiciary in civil matters. District courts could order "good behavior bonds," commonly called "protection orders," in addition to ordering that compensation be paid for violation of human rights. However, courts had difficulty enforcing judgments. Additionally, many human rights matters were handled by village courts, which were largely unregulated. Village and district courts were often hesitant to interfere directly in domestic matters. Village courts regularly ordered compensation be paid to an abused spouse's family in cases of domestic abuse rather than issue a domestic court order. f. Arbitrary Interference with Privacy, Family, Home, or Correspondence The constitution prohibits such actions; however, there were instances of abuse. Police raids and searches of illegal squatter settlements and the homes of suspected criminals often were marked by a high level of violence and property destruction. Police units operating in highland regions sometimes used intimidation and destruction of property to suppress tribal fighting. Section 2 Respect for Civil Liberties, Including: a. Freedom of Speech and Press The constitution provides for freedom of speech and of the press, and the government generally respected these rights in practice. All newspapers included a variety of editorial viewpoints and reported on controversial topics. There was no evidence of officially sanctioned government censorship; however, newspaper editors complained of intimidation tactics aimed at influencing coverage. On May 29, armed men attacked the home of a reporter for the Post Courier newspaper; the newspaper alleged that the attack was in retaliation for stories the paper had published about official corruption. There were no government restrictions on access to the Internet or reports that the government monitored e-mail or Internet chat rooms. Individuals and groups could engage in the peaceful expression of views via the Internet, including by e-mail. In practice cost factors and lack of infrastructure limited public access to the Internet. Academic Freedom and Cultural Events There were no government restrictions on academic freedom or cultural events. b. Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association Freedom of Assembly The constitution provides for freedom of assembly; however, the government often limited this right in practice. Public demonstrations require police approval and 14 days' notice. In recent years police, asserting a fear of violence from unruly spectators, rarely gave approval. On August 10, police reportedly disapproved a protest march against formation of the new government coalition. However, various groups ignored the legal notice requirements and held meetings and rallies throughout the year. Groups also challenged the requirements, citing conflicts with the constitution. There were reports that police intimidated groups attempting to demonstrate during national conferences and events. Freedom of Association The constitution provides for freedom of association, and the government generally respected this right in practice. c. Freedom of Religion The constitution provides for freedom of religion, and the government generally respected this right in practice. Societal Abuses and Discrimination There were no reports of societal abuses or discrimination against religious groups, including anti-Semitic acts. There was no known Jewish community in the country. For a more detailed discussion, see the 2007 International Religious Freedom Report. d. Freedom of Movement, Internally Displaced Persons, Protection of Refugees, and Stateless Persons The constitution provides for freedom of movement within the country, foreign travel, emigration, and repatriation, and the government generally respected these rights in practice. The law prohibits forced exile, and the government did not use it. Protection of Refugees Although a party to the 1951 UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 protocol, the government has not enacted enabling legislation and has not established a system for providing protection to refugees. The government did not grant refugee status or asylum. In practice the government provided protection against refoulement, the return of persons to a country where there is reason to believe they feared persecution. In practice the government provided temporary protection to individuals who may not qualify as refugees under the 1951 convention or 1967 protocol. During the year, with support from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the government continued to provide protection to approximately 2,700 persons residing at the East Awin refugee settlement who fled the Indonesian province of Papua (formerly Irian Jaya). Approximately 5,000 additional refugees lived in villages adjacent to the border with Indonesia. The government cooperated with the Office of the UNHCR and other humanitarian organizations in assisting refugees and asylum seekers. Registered refugees residing in the East Awin refugee settlement were granted a residence permit that allowed them to travel freely within the country and, on a case-by-case basis, to travel abroad depending on the urgency of the business and a guarantee of financial support by sponsoring institutions. Section 3 Respect for Political Rights: The Right of Citizens to Change Their Government The constitution provides citizens the right to change their government peacefully, and citizens exercised this right in practice through periodic, free, and fair elections based on universal suffrage. Voters elect a unicameral parliament with 109 members from all 19 provinces and the National Capital District. Any citizen may stand for election; members of Parliament (MPs) must be at least 25 years of age. A new limited preferential voting system requires MPs to be elected by an absolute majority vote. Elections and Political Participation The most recent general election was held June 30 through July 10. Of the 109 seats in Parliament, 66 changed hands. Prime Minister Michael Somare formed a coalition government following the election. Bribery, voter intimidation, and undue influence were widespread in some parts of the country during the election. The law provides that a losing candidate may dispute an election result by filing a petition with the National Court. Such petitions may question actions of the winning candidate and his supporters or allege malfeasance by the election officials. The procedure is fair but time consuming and expensive both to initiate and to defend. The National Court registered 53 election petitions that alleged illegal practices. By year's end 16 petitions were dismissed, 13 were withdrawn, one was upheld and a by-election ordered, 20 were scheduled for court hearings, and three remained to be given a hearing date. Post-election violence was common in various parts of the country. In incidents reported, six persons were shot and killed, one was tortured and burned alive, and many others were injured. The underresourced police force focused on safeguarding key resource projects, government infrastructures, and businesses. Many voters who claimed to have registered were turned away from the polls. Local and international observer teams reported undue influences, inconsistencies in common rolls, and instances of bloc voting, in which all the members of a tribe or clan voted for the same candidate. There is no law limiting political participation by women, but the deeply rooted patriarchal culture impeded women's full participation in political life. There was one woman in the 109-seat Parliament. She served as minister of community development, the only cabinet position held by a woman. There was one female National Court justice and no female provincial governors. There were six minority (non-Melanesian) MPs. Of these, two were in the cabinet, and three were provincial governors. Government Corruption and Transparency The law provides criminal penalties for official corruption; however, the government did not implement the law effectively, and officials often engaged in corrupt practices with impunity. Corruption at all levels of government was a serious problem due to weak public institutions, lack of transparency, politicization of the bureaucracy, and the use of public resources to meet traditional clan obligations. A government minister reportedly confirmed the prevalence of corrupt practices and inappropriate deals within the Department of Foreign Affairs. Internal investigations were pending at year's end. A commission of inquiry conducted an investigation into allegations of large-scale fraudulent practices in the Finance Department but had not reported its findings by year's end. Approximately 75 percent of MPs failed to properly account for their expenditures of public funds over the past five years. The minister for national planning, who had been referred to the public prosecutor in 2006 for misconduct, retained his parliamentary seat and was reappointed to the cabinet. At year's end the Leadership Tribunal was reviewing the case. A provincial governor who was suspended from office in September 2006, following referral by the ombudsman to the Leadership Tribunal for alleged misuse of government funds, was found guilty and fined. During the year three MPs, including a provincial governor and a former senior cabinet minister, had their cases pending before the Leadership Tribunal for alleged corruption; however, none of the three was reelected, and as of year's end, the public prosecutor had not filed criminal charges against them. In October the defense minister rejected the findings of a Defense Board of Inquiry report that concluded Prime Minister Somare and other high-level government officials were involved in arranging for the 2006 flight of Julian Moti, an Australian citizen wanted in Australia on child sex molestation charges, to the Solomon Islands aboard a Papua New Guinea military plane. The defense minister stated that the report was biased and that the board was not legally constituted. Public officials are subject to financial disclosure laws as stipulated in the leadership code of conduct. The Ombudsman Commission, the Leadership Tribunal, and the Public Accounts Committee are key organizations responsible for combating government corruption. No law provides for public access to government information. The government published frequent public notices in national newspapers and occasional reports on specific topics facing the government; however, it generally was not responsive to individual requests, including media requests, for access to government information. Section 4 Governmental Attitude Regarding International and Nongovernmental Investigation of Alleged Violations of Human Rights A number of domestic and international human rights groups generally operated without government restriction, investigating and publishing their findings on human rights cases. Government officials were somewhat cooperative and responsive to their views. Section 5 Discrimination, Societal Abuses, and Trafficking in Persons The constitution provides for equal protection under the law irrespective of race, tribe, place of origin, color, or sex. Despite these provisions, women often faced discrimination. Geographic and cultural diversity prevented any one tribe or clan from dominating the country, and successive governments have consistently avoided favoring any group. Violence against women, including domestic violence and gang rape, was a serious and prevalent problem. In a March media release, the UN Population Fund office stated that violence against women and girls was widespread. Although rape, including spousal rape, is a crime punishable by imprisonment, and prison sentences were imposed on convicted assailants, few rapists were apprehended. The willingness of some communities to settle incidents of rape through material compensation rather than criminal prosecution made the crime difficult to combat. On August 15, a 20-year-old rape victim reportedly withdrew a case against four suspects. On August 13, the Supreme Court dismissed the appeal by former Madang provincial governor James Yali of his 2006 conviction for raping his sister-in-law. At year's end he was serving his sentence. Domestic violence was common and is a crime. However, since most communities viewed domestic violence as a private matter, few victims pressed charges, and prosecutions were rare. Widespread sexual violence committed by police and their unresponsiveness to complaints of sexual or domestic violence served as barriers to reporting by both women and men. Traditional village mores, which served as deterrents against violence, were weakening and were largely absent when youths moved from their villages to larger towns or to the capital. Violence committed against women by other women frequently stemmed from domestic disputes. In areas where polygyny was customary, an increasing number of women were charged with murdering one of their husband's other wives. According to HRW, 65 percent of women in prison had been convicted for attacking or killing another woman. Prostitution is illegal; however, the laws were not enforced, and the practice was widespread. There were no reports of sex tourism during the year. Sexual harassment is not illegal, and it was a widespread problem. The laws have provisions for extensive rights for women dealing with family, marriage, and property disputes. Some women have achieved senior positions in business, the professions, and the civil service; however, traditional discrimination against women persisted. Many women, even in urban areas, were considered second-class citizens. Women continued to face severe inequalities in all spheres of life: social, cultural, economic, and political. Village courts tended to impose jail terms on women found guilty of adultery while penalizing men lightly or not at all. By law a district court must endorse orders for imprisonment before the sentence is imposed, and circuit-riding National Court justices frequently annulled such village court sentences. Polygyny and the custom in many tribal cultures of paying a "bride price" tended to reinforce the view that women were property. In addition to the purchase of women as brides, women also sometimes were given as compensation to settle disputes between clans, although the courts have ruled that such settlements denied the women their constitutional rights. According to statistics published in the 2006 UN Development Program's human development report, women continued to lag behind men in literacy and education due to discrimination; 51 percent of women were literate, compared with 63 percent of men. The Ministry of Community Development was responsible for women's issues and had considerable influence over the government's policy toward women. Independent observers generally agreed that the government did not dedicate significant resources to protecting the rights and welfare of children. Religious and secular nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) operated programs to protect and develop youth and children. In the past children were well cared for within the family and under traditional clan and village controls; however, small-scale studies indicated that this situation has changed over the last decade, especially in areas where households have become isolated from the extended family support system and depend on the cash economy for a livelihood. Primary education was not free, compulsory, or universal. Substantial fees were charged and posed a significant barrier to children's education. According to a UN Children's Fund report (based on 2000-2005 data), the gross primary school enrollment rate was 80 percent for boys and 70 percent for girls. Many children did not progress further than primary school. Government-provided free medical care for citizens, including children, was no longer available due to budget cuts and deteriorating infrastructure, particularly in rural areas. Boys and girls had equal access to medical care, but many children did not have effective care. Many villages were geographically isolated, and malnutrition and infant mortality rates were very high. Sexual abuse of children was believed to be frequent. On September 18, a four-year-old and a 13-year-old were allegedly raped in Madang. At year's end a police reserve officer was free on bail awaiting trial for allegedly assaulting a six-year-old girl in Lae in 2006. On September 7, a man pleaded guilty to raping a four-year-old child in 2005 in Lae and at year's end was awaiting sentencing. Incest is a crime and reportedly increased in frequency. On March 9, a man was convicted of incest and sentenced to six years' imprisonment. On September 21, a father of six received a 20-year sentence for incest. There were cases of commercial sexual exploitation of children in urban areas, including children working in bars and nightclubs. HRW documented numerous instances of police abuse of children. Some children were forced to work long hours as domestic servants in private homes, often to repay a family debt to the "host" family. The legal age for marriage is 18 for boys and 16 for girls. There is a lower legal marriage age (16 for boys and 14 for girls) with parental and court consent. However, customary and traditional practices allow marriage of children as young as age 12, and child marriage was common in many traditional, isolated rural communities. Child brides frequently were taken as additional wives or given as brides to pay family debts and often were used as domestic servants. Child brides were particularly vulnerable to domestic abuse. Trafficking in Persons The law does not prohibit all forms of trafficking in persons, although trafficking in children for sexual exploitation is a crime. There were reports of trafficking of women and girls within the country for sexual exploitation and domestic servitude. Custom requires the family of the groom to pay a "bride price" to the family of the bride. While marriages were usually consensual, women and girls were sometimes sold against their will. There were also reports of Asian women being trafficked into the country to work in the sex industry. Transactional sex was common and often involved the sexual exploitation of children. The government investigated allegations of corruption among officials dealing with passport issuance and immigration. The allegations primarily involved the illegal issuance of residence and work permits for Chinese or South Asian nationals migrating to the country. Nevertheless, there was concern that the country may be have been used as a route for trafficking in persons to Australia. There were no government programs to assist trafficking victims. Persons with Disabilities The constitution prohibits discrimination against persons with physical and mental disabilities; however, persons with disabilities faced discrimination in education, training, and employment. Through the National Board for the Disabled, the government provided funds to a number of NGOs that provided services to persons with disabilities. The government provided free medical consultations and treatment for persons with mental disabilities, but such services were rarely available outside major cities. In several provinces, apart from the traditional clan and family system, services and health care for persons with disabilities did not exist. No legislation mandates accessibility to buildings. Most persons with disabilities did not find training or work outside the family structure. Centuries-old animosities among isolated tribes, a persistent cultural tradition of revenge for perceived wrongs, and the lack of police enforcement sometimes resulted in violent tribal conflict in the highland areas. In the last few years, the number of deaths resulting from such conflicts continued to rise due to the availability of modern weapons. Election results triggered tribal conflicts in parts of Enga and Chimbu provinces, and tribal fighting continued in Western Highlands Province. Other Societal Abuses and Discrimination Sodomy and acts of "gross indecency" between males are illegal, but there were no reports of prosecutions under this law during the year. There were no specific reports of societal violence or discrimination against homosexuals, but homosexuals were vulnerable to societal stigmatization. There were no reports of government discrimination against persons with HIV/AIDS; however, there was a strong societal stigma attached to HIV/AIDS infection that prevented some individuals from seeking HIV/AIDS related services, and there were reports that companies have dismissed HIV-positive employees after learning of their condition. Section 6 Worker Rights a. The Right of Association The law provides for the right to form and join labor unions, subject to registration by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations. The government did not use registration to control unions; however, an unregistered union has no legal standing and thus cannot operate effectively. An estimated half of the approximately 250,000 wage earners in the formal economy were members of approximately 50 trade unions. The Public Employees Association represented an estimated 18,000 persons employed by national, provincial, and municipal governments, or one-third of the public sector work force. The law prohibits antiunion discrimination by employers against union leaders, members, and organizers; however, it was enforced selectively. Unions were independent of the government and of political parties. b. The Right to Organize and Bargain Collectively The law provides for the right to organize and engage in collective bargaining, and workers exercised these rights in practice. Under the law the government has discretionary power to cancel arbitration awards or declare wage agreements void when they are contrary to government policy. The International Labor Organization has criticized this law. The Department of Labor and Industrial Relations and the courts are involved in dispute settlement. Wages above the minimum wage were set through negotiations between employers and employees or their respective industrial organizations. The law provides for the right to strike, although the government can and often does intervene in labor disputes to require arbitration before workers can legally strike. The law prohibits retaliation against strikers, but it was not always enforced. Employees of some government-owned enterprises went on strike on several occasions during the year, primarily to protest against privatization policies or in pay disputes. In most cases these strikes were brief and ineffective. At year's end no decision had been made regarding the legality of a December 2005 nurses' strike or the disciplinary actions taken against nurses who participated in the strike. There are no export processing zones. c. Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor The constitution prohibits forced or compulsory labor, including by children, and there were no reports that such practices occurred in the formal economy. Some children were obliged to work long hours as domestic servants in private homes. d. Prohibition of Child Labor and Minimum Age for Employment The law establishes the minimum working age as 16; for hazardous work, the minimum age is 18. However, children between the ages of 11 and 18 may be employed in a family business or enterprise provided they have parental permission, a medical clearance, and a work permit from a labor office. This type of employment was rare, except in subsistence agriculture. Work by children between the ages of 11 and 16 must not interfere with school attendance. Some children under 18 worked in bars and nightclubs and were vulnerable to commercial sexual exploitation. e. Acceptable Conditions of Work The Minimum Wage Board, a quasi-governmental body with labor and employer representatives, sets minimum wages for the private sector. The national youth wage, for new entrants into the labor force between 16 and 21 years of age, was set at 75 percent of the adult minimum wage. The minimum wage was $12.75 (37.50 kina) per week, and although it was above the national per capita income, it did not provide a decent standard of living for a worker and family who lived solely on the cash economy. The law regulates minimum wage levels, allowances, rest periods, holiday leave, and overtime. Although the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations and the courts attempted to enforce the minimum wage law, enforcement was not effective. The law limits the workweek to 42 hours per week in urban areas and 44 hours per week in rural areas and provides for premium pay for overtime work. The law provides for at least one rest period of 24 consecutive hours every week; however, enforcement was lax. The Department of Labor and Industrial Relations is responsible for enforcing the Industrial Health and Safety Law and related regulations. The law requires inspection of work sites on a regular basis; however, due to a shortage of inspectors, inspections took place only when requested by workers or unions. In February, after receiving complaints, the labor secretary visited the Ramu nickel mine in Madang Province, operated by a Chinese government-owned company, and concluded that conditions violated labor laws and regulations. Among the problems cited were extremely inadequate food, sanitary facilities, and housing. Reportedly the company subsequently made some improvements in workers' living conditions. Workers' ability to remove themselves from hazardous working conditions varied by workplace. Unionized workers had some measure of protection in such situations. The law protects legal foreign workers. The few illegal foreign workers lacked full legal protection.
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The earliest flight around the world was by two US Army Douglas DWC seaplanes in 57 "hops" between 6 April and 28 September 1924, beginning and ending at Seattle, Washington, USA. The Chicago was piloted by Lieutenant Lowell H. Smith and Lieutenant Leslie P. Arnold, and the New Orleans by Lieutenant Erik H. Nelson and Lieutenant John Harding (all USA). Their flying time for the 42,398-km (26,345-mile) trip was 371 hr 11 min. First circumnavigation by aircraft - Lieutenant Lowell H Smith and Lieutenant eslie P. Arnold, Lieutenant Erik H. Nelson and Lieutenant John Harding - 1924/04/06 - 1924/08/28 year(s), month(s), day(s) - USA Seattle,Washington
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We have the High Holy Days, Passover, Purim, and Chanukah… but perhaps the most important event in Jewish history, Moses’s discovery of the commandments on Har Sinai, is marked by the holiday of SHAVUOT! What do we do to mark this holiday that is compared to the sweetness of milk and honey under our tongues? The holiday where our kashrut customs came into play for the very first time? CHEESECAKE! Lots and lots of Cheesecake, ice cream, and other scrumptious dairy desserts… Oh, and LEARNING too! We have to thank God for giving us the gift of Torah by… Studying it! Our terrific Morah (teacher), Pam Poster, will be taking us on a learning journey for Shavuot. Curious? You’ll just have to show up! Your RSVP is appreciated, please contact the Temple office 702-733-6292.
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Saarbrucken is a port city located in the state of Saarland, Germany. The city covers a total area of approx 167,07 km2 (64,51 ml2) and has population of around 178,150 people (2015 census). - Saarbrucken is Saarland's capital and largest city, as well as its commercial, cultural and administrative centre. The city lies next to the French border, just at the heart of Saarland's metropolitan area. - The city was created in 1909 via the merger of 3 towns, St. Johann, Malstatt-Burbach and Saarbrucken. It used to be the transport and industrial centre of Saar coal basin with produce including iron and steel, beer, sugar, pottery, machinery, construction materials and optical instruments. - Historic landmarks in Saarbrucken include the stone bridge across Saar (built in 1546), the Gothic church of Saint Arnual, 18th-century Saarbrucken Castle, and the old part of the town, St.Johanner Markt (Saint John's Market). - Twice during the 20th century Saarbrucken was separated from Germany: in 1920–1935 as capital of Territory of the Saar Basin, as well as in 1947–1956 as capital of Saar Protectorate. - In modern German, Saarbrucken translates literally to "Saar bridges" (Brücken is plural of Brücke), and there are around a dozen bridges across Saar river. However, the name predates the oldest bridge in Saarbrucken's historic center of Saarbrücken, Alte Brucke, by at least 500 years. - "Saar" as a name stems from the Celtic "sara" (meaning "streaming water"), and the Roman for river, "saravus". Highlights: Stone Bridge, Saarbrücker Schloss Old Town The Saarbrucken cruise port map is interactive. It shows the port's exact location, along with the real-time cruise ship traffic (if any) in its vicinity - today, and right now. By zooming-out you can see other cruise ship ports located near Saarbrucken, Germany. If you lose the Saarbrucken location on the map, simply reload the page (also with F5 button). This feature is integrated with the CruiseMapper's cruise ship tracker tracking the vessels' current positions at sea and in ports. Port Saarbrucken cruise ship schedule shows timetable calendars of all arrival and departure dates by month. The port's schedule lists all ships (in links) with cruises going to or leaving from Saarbrucken, Germany. To see the full itineraries (ports of call dates and arrival / departure times) and their lowest rates – just follow the corresponding ship-link. |Day||Ships in port| 31 July, 2017
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "url": "http://www.cruisemapper.com/ports/saarbrucken-port-3396", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549424960.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20170725022300-20170725042300-00456.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9318962693214417, "token_count": 614, "score": 2.75, "int_score": 3 }
Microglia are the first line of immune defense in the central nervous system, which means microglial activation is an indicator of inflammation. Chronic activation of microglia can lead to excitotoxicity, a mechanism that has been previously proposed for both Gulf War Illness and Autism (Blaylock, "Chronic Microglial Activation and Excitotoxicity Secondary to Excessive Immune Stimulation: Possible Factors in Gulf War Illness and Autism”). The John Hopkins study acts as confirmation that excitotoxicity caused by chronic inflammation is central to autism. Excitotoxicity has been put forth as a mechanism of ME/CFS by a number of clinicians and researchers, including Drs. Paul Cheney, Jay Goldstein, Morris and Maes, Martin Pall, and, most recently, Jarred Younger. What are the implications of this study for ME/CFS? As many have stated, it is clear that there is a connection between neuro-inflammation and a number of illnesses that show CNS and immune abnormalities. This study provides anatomical proof of inflammation in the brains of one of the illnesses on the neuro-immune spectrum, which opens the door for badly needed autopsy studies on ME/CFS patients, particularly those with severe cases. Brain inflammation a hallmark of autism, large-scale analysis shows By Shawna Williams Press Release: Johns Hopkins, December 10, 2014. While many different combinations of genetic traits can cause autism, brains affected by autism share a pattern of ramped-up immune responses and related inflammation, an analysis of data from autopsied human brains reveals. The study, a collaborative effort between Johns Hopkins and the University of Alabama at Birmingham, included data from 72 autism and control brains. It was published online last week in the journal Nature Communications. "There are many different ways of getting autism, but we found that they all have the same downstream effect," says Dan Arking, an associate professor in the McKusick-Nathans Institute for Genetic Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. "What we don't know is whether this immune response is making things better in the short term and worse in the long term." The causes of autism, also known as autistic spectrum disorder, remain largely unknown and are a frequent research topic for geneticists and neuroscientists. But Arking had noticed that for autism, studies of whether and how much genes were being used—known as gene expression—had thus far involved too little data to draw many useful conclusions. That's because unlike a genetic test, which can be done using nearly any cells in the body, gene expression testing has to be performed on the specific tissue of interest—in this case, brains that could only be obtained through autopsies. To combat this problem, Arking and his colleagues analyzed gene expression in samples from two different tissue banks, comparing gene expression in people with autism to that in controls without the condition. All told, they analyzed data from 104 brain samples from 72 individuals, the largest data set so far for a study of gene expression in autism. Previous studies had identified autism-associated abnormalities in cells that support neurons in the brain and spinal cord. In this study, Arking says, the research team was able to narrow in on a specific type of support cell known as a microglial cell, which polices the brain for pathogens and other threats. In the autism brains, the microglia appeared to be perpetually activated, with their genes for inflammation responses turned on. "This type of inflammation is not well understood, but it highlights the lack of current understanding about how innate immunity controls neural circuits," says Andrew West, an associate professor of neurology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham who was involved in the study. Arking notes that, given the known genetic contributors to autism, inflammation is unlikely to be its root cause. Rather, he says, "This is a downstream consequence of upstream gene mutation." The next step, he says, would be to find out whether treating the inflammation could ameliorate symptoms of autism. Other authors on the study are Simone Gupta, Shannon E. Ellis, Foram N. Ashar, Anna Moes, Joel S. Bader, and Jianan Zhan, all of The Johns Hopkins University. The study was funded by the Simons Foundation and the National Institute of Mental Health. Journal Reference: Simone Gupta, Shannon E. Ellis, Foram N. Ashar, Anna Moes, Joel S. Bader, Jianan Zhan, Andrew B. West, Dan E. Arking. Transcriptome analysis reveals dysregulation of innate immune response genes and neuronal activity-dependent genes in autism. Nature Communications, 2014; 5: 5748 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6748
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-04", "url": "http://www.cfstreatmentguide.com/blog/large-scale-analysis-shows-brain-inflammation-is-a-hallmark-of-autism-parallels-with-mecfs", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-04/segments/1484560280761.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20170116095120-00231-ip-10-171-10-70.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9473452568054199, "token_count": 980, "score": 3.03125, "int_score": 3 }
Revealing What It Takes to be an Astronaut Wednesday, 18 April 2018 Dr Suzie Imber visited Bolton School to give a talk about her career, her varied interests beyond the world of science, and her experiences on BBC 2’s reality television programme Astronauts: Do You Have What It Takes? which she won last year. Dr Imber is an Associate Professor at the University of Leicester, specialising in the study of ‘space weather’ and the environments of the planets in our solar system, particularly Earth and Mercury. She gave a whirlwind overview of her life so far, from her schooldays to the present, beginning with the fact that she didn’t want to be a scientist or an astronaut when she was younger, but rather an explorer: a theme she returned to later while discussing her passion for high-altitude mountaineering. She talked about the extra-curricular activities she took part in at school, such as lacrosse and the cadet force, and the fact that she took advantage of all the opportunities offered to her. Throughout her scientific career, she has picked up several new sports, including wushu kung-fu, elite rowing and high-altitude mountaineering. Each of these sports helped her teamwork, communication, and a host of additional skills that she would not necessarily have worked on as part of her job. She highlighted the importance of looking for gaps in her skill set, across the board not just in science, and addressing them in order to improve. Dr Imber also discussed the scientific work she has been involved with, including her internship at NASA which gave her a first taste of real research and inspired her to complete a PhD in physics. After graduating, she worked at Goddard Space Flight Centre from 2008 to 2011, a time when the first ever spacecraft arrived in orbit around Mercury, meaning that she was the first person to analyse some of the data which was sent back! She also briefly explained her work on magnetospheres of terrestrial planets, and how explosions on the surface of the sun interact with the Earth’s magnetic field and cause severe effects known as ‘space weather’. She made this complex field of study really accessible, and pointed out that space weather can have a profound effect on technology and power sources and therefore on today’s society. She also explained why she studies Mercury and some of the research that will be carried out through the European Space Agency’s BepiColombo mission to the planet, which launches later this year and will arrive in 2025. In addition, Dr Imber talked extensively about her passion for high-altitude mountaineering and how it has intersected with her scientific studies. In her spare time, she used altitude data taken in 2002 from the space shuttle to map the mountains in the Andes, and found dozens of undiscovered peaks between 5,000 and 6,000 metres. She has since visited some of these and found Inca ruins. She has also been able to take field trips to these sites. Locations where there is no human contamination are important for studying climate change and also allowed her to collect extremophiles: life-forms which exist in extreme conditions, which can be used to test an instrument which will one day be sent to Mars to look for signs of life or past life. Finally, she talked about her experiences on the BBC 2 reality television programme Astronauts: Do You Have What It Takes? She said the programme has been described as “like Bake Off, but instead of Mary Berry we had Commander Chris Hadfield”, who has served as the commander of the International Space Station. All of the contestants had science degrees, but something additional as well, and Dr Imber pointed out that their science skills were never tested as part of the programme. She noted that they were not given preparation or feedback but had to deal with a range of physical, mental, practical and emotional tests with no contact with the outside world. Particularly interesting anecdotes were the first test, which she described as a “test of failure” to see how each participant responded, and the emotional resilience test, in which it wasn’t about the answers to the questions asked but the micro-expressions and reactions they had before speaking. She was also able to describe what it was like to feel G-forces while being spun in a centrifuge, visiting Aquarius, NASA’s training centre bolted to the bottom of the ocean, and experiencing weightlessness in a reduced-gravity aircraft. However, Dr Imber said that the best thing about Astronauts: Do You Have What It Takes? was the people, who she has stayed in touch with and wouldn’t have met if she hadn’t taken part. The event ended with a series of questions from the audience. When asked whether she had the opportunity to go into space, Dr Imber revealed that sadly Astronauts: Do You Have What It Takes? was “not that kind of TV show” and her prize was actually a letter of recommendation from Chris Hadfield for the next time the European Space Agency opens its astronaut training programme. However, the last time this happened was ten years ago and there is no guarantee of when it will open again. Nonetheless, she also said that her life has gone in a completely different direction as a result of the show, thanks to the outreach she now does and her involvement with helping companies come up with training programmes for commercial space flight, and she was glad to have done it. She was also asked about her high-altitude mountaineering and whether she named the mountains she discovered, and replied that she did, but had “learned from the mistakes of the past” and didn’t name them after herself! Instead, she uses other local features as inspiration. She also talked about her passion for climbing less well-known mountains where there are no other people. In terms of her research, she was asked if she had found any mountains on Mercury and revealed that there are not many, but instead there are lots of craters, and was also asked if she looks at any other planets. She talked about using the Hubble Space Telescope to look at Jupiter and Saturn, in order to get a better understanding of the dynamics of the whole solar system. Finally, she said that she had a few more high-altitude field trips planned this summer and winter, which will allow her to tackle some brutal technical peaks between 5,000 and 6,000 metres in height while simultaneously collecting scientific samples. Dr Imber’s talk formed the culmination of a day-long Festival of Science hosted by the school. Over 800 students from Bolton School and other local schools attended. Primary school children including Bolton School Junior Boys and Girls and Year 1 pupils from Beech House, Bolton School’s Infant School, experienced the fascinating Polestar Planetarium, which was set up in the Great Hall for the day. Girls’ Division pupils in Year 10 were also able to visit the Planetarium. Secondary school pupils in years 7 to 9 enjoyed an action-packed science presentation from Sam Gregson about ‘Finding the Higgs Particle’ and the work of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Sam also ran a competition prior to Dr Imber’s lecture, in which teams watched a simulation of what happens inside the LHC and had to identify when specific sets of particles were created. This was also the last Science event in the series of Arts and Sciences Enrichment Evenings hosted by the Girls’ Division. The final Arts event of the school year will be a Poetry Festival featuring pupils and acclaimed poet Simon Armitage, which will take place on 2 May. Share or bookmark with:
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Vision has traditionally been recognized as the main sense in about 80% of what children do in a classroom. Today, with the heavy reliance on text-based learning, especially that which presented on digital screens at near distances, we find that strong vision plays an even greater role. This is explained in much more detail in a recent collaboration between myself and Dr. Noella Piquette, an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Lethbridge. If you have not had your child’s vision checked, it’s time you do. If someone tells you it’s not important, take it as a sign they’re not interested in your child’s total health, and perhaps not fully equipped professionally. There are many possible visual impediments to learning, and most are not immediately visible to untrained eyes. Conditions such as Convergence Insufficiency (CI), where vision cannot bring both eyes onto near targets simultaneously, is one example of a visual impediment where children will at times show so-called ’20/20′ vision, but no other outwards signs of trouble with vision to the untrained eye. ‘CI’ affects some 5% of children. Difficulty in targeting near objects causes children to have trouble with reading in an orderly fashion, and the strain of near vision combined with frustration of ‘moving words and lines’ makes the child lose attention and become fidgety. There are very effective means of detecting and treating Convergence Insufficiency, but the great majority of affected children generally end up in psychological and medical testing and treatment that does little to no good at addressing the underlying causes. To be clear, medications will not help with Convergence Insufficiency but can often mask the problem while making functional vision more difficult. Regular readers will know that my particular area of interest, visual impediments to learning, stems from my background in neural science, education, and behavioral optometry. What I know is this: What we’re not doing for our children is harming them, and costing families and taxpayers millions each year. Some detractors maintain that it’s the optometrist’s job to sell glasses, so it’s not surprising that I would raise alarms about the role of vision in child development, learning, and behavior. Aside from being silly and truly ‘back woods’ thinking, such comments are frankly dangerous to those children who suffer but whose parents are convinced to follow ill-informed advice from inadequately educated professionals. When your family doctor requests blood work, it is not because he is simply trying to fill his appointment book, it’s because he has the expertise and good reason to look further. Such is the job of the developmental optometrist when it comes to your child’s vision. 10 years ago, I had no idea that vision was any more than eyeballs, or that it matters in a child’s life. I had the same simple view that most developmental professionals share today: Adquate ‘vision’ is a matter of being able to read an eye chart at 10-feet and not having pink-eye. It’s one of those things where when you learn more, you can never go back. Such is the case with Dr. Debbie Walhof, a US pediatrician who, with friend and colleague Dr. Len Press, very succinctly describes the role of vision in the appearance of conditions like ADHD and dyslexia related to Convergence Insufficiency in this article from the National Center for Learning Disabilities. As a pediatrician, I am quite sure Dr. Walhof has no direct interest in selling glasses, as are many of the researchers involved in the studies quoted in this post. Furthermore, the application of glasses is most often not a part of therapy for convergence insufficiency, though they can help in some cases. From the NCLD Article: Why do some doctors say vision therapy is controversial or that it lacks research? Even though there is a wealth of optometric research which proves that vision therapy works, there are some in the medical (ophthalmology and pediatric) community who have the misimpression that there is insufficient evidence. The fact is that vision therapy is an optometric specialty and therefore the bulk of the research is in the optometric journals, not the medical journals. Vision therapy is not new; it has been around for 85 years! In the end, it’s what is done for a child that counts. Guessing whether a child is troubled with vision concerns is not an appropriate clinical approach to health or education. The best part of child exams for me is when I get to review visual function with parents and watch their eyes open and smiles broaden as they learn things they never even knew about their children. Research and clinical experience shows vision is not only important, it’s critical. If you have not had your child’s vision checked, it’s time you do. If someone tells you it’s not important, take it as a sign they’re not interested in your child’s total health, and perhaps not fully equipped professionally. - Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trials: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18300086 - Notes on Vision and Dyslexia: https://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.covd.org/resource/resmgr/white_papers/7-_vision_and_dyslexia.pdf?hhSearchTerms=dyslexia
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During the divorce or separation of the parents, children tend to suffer by being placed in the middle of arguments and animosity. Quite often parents will use their children as a tool to gain revenge over the other parent and restrict the other parents contact with the child. Kabir Family Law have considered the impact on children of having contact with both parents and detail below the advantages of this on the children. Children feel values when they maintain contact with both parents When parents separate and children have access to both parents, the children are likely to benefit psychologically. Children appreciate that they are loved by both parents who want to be a part of their lives. This leads to children appreciating that their parents are making great efforts to jointly care for them despite their differences which lead them to separate. With the love and affection, a child receives from both parents they are more likely to be able to overcome the impact of their parents separating and are able to begin building a stable life. Children are emotionally better placed when in contact with both parents and are more likely to discuss their concerns and issues with the parents rather than suffering alone which could often lead to stress and cause children entering into bad habits. Children can secure a better future by having contact with both parents Where a child is restricted to having contact with one parent they are more likely to have behavioural issues, likely to run away and are more likely to engage in drug and alcohol abuse. Having contact with both parents can often be the solution to ensuring children secure their future and limit any behaviour which can damage them. When children are cared for by both parents following the separation, children will be required to spend time between two households. This will provide them with a sense of security. This also means that children will be spending more time with parents rather than spending time alone which is often the cause of children going astray. Studies have confirmed that where a child has contact with both parents they are more likely to have a better relationship with both mother and the father which could lead to a stable life. Children with the benefit of having access to both parents are likely to achieve better results at school, are better placed psychologically and socially, less likely to smoke and abuse drugs and alcohol as well as being less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety and stress related illnesses. Economic benefits having contact with both parents It is a known fact that children who live with one parent without having the other parent in their life are likely to suffer financially and are more likely to enter into poverty. Having both parents in a child’s life can ensure a financially stable childhood knowing that both parents will be co-operating to meet the needs of the child. Children are likely to receive better education to prepare them for a brighter future ahead where both parents are able to financially support the child during their childhood years. Quite often these children are able to focus on their education in order to ensure they are able to secure successful careers. Effective bonding with both parents can help nurture a child Children benefit from spending time with each of their parents. Whilst constructing relationship with both parents a child will understand the importance of long standing trust and friendship. With the influence of both parents in their lives children are more likely to be able to adopt a stable social network of family and friends and are less likely to remain isolated which could affect their mental health and wellbeing. Child contact with both parents can avoid parental alienation Allowing your child access to both parents can eliminate the issue of parental alienation. It is known that a child has a right to have contact and access to both parents. By restricting contact, you are more likely to cause parental alienation which can have damaging psychological and emotional effects on your child and the absent parent. By promoting access, you are ensuring that your child is not deprived of their relationship with the other parent and can benefit from the life experiences of the non-resident parent. This will allow your child to gain a better understanding of their other parent and utilise their life experiences. The law promotes shared parenting and access to both parents for a child It is widely recognised that it is in a child’s best interest to have access to both parents. Shared parenting offers the following advantages to a child: - Increased physical health - Psychological wellbeing - Emotional support from both parents - Financial support from both parents; and - A strong sense of love and affection from both parents which leads to a stronger family unit. Parents should therefore try and promote a child’s contact with the non resident parent. A child with access to only one parent can express their anger in subtle and direct ways. Such children are more anxious, depressed and withdrawn. Allowing a child with access to both parents reduces the sense of rejection and loss a child experiences when the parents separate. Allowing a child continued access to both parents often results in a positive atmosphere for the children which carries long terms benefits. Above all shared parenting promotes both parents roles in the child’s life. A child simply needs both of their parents which is their right.
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Senate Act, 1955 To make provision for the dissolution and the constitution of the Senate, to amend the South Africa Act, 1909, and the South-West Africa Affairs Amendment Act, 1949, and to provide for matters incidental thereto. (English text signed by the Governor-General.) (Assented to 20th June, 1955.) Preamble.Whereas it is by section twenty-five of the South Africa Act, 1909, provided that Parliament may provide for the manner in which the Senate shall be constituted after the expiration of a period of ten years from the establishment of the Union. And whereas provision is made in the said section twenty-five for the manner in which the Senate shall be constituted until Parliament otherwise provides: And whereas it is expedient to make provision for the constitution of the Senate in a manner other than that provided for in the said section twenty-five: And whereas it is expedient to make provision for matters incidental thereto: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate and the House of Assembly of the Union of South Africa, as follows:― and the Senate shall thereafter be constituted as provided in this Act. (2) The Senators referred to in paragraph (b) of sub-section (1) shall in the case of each province be elected jointly by the then sitting members of the House of Assembly and provincial councillors for that province other than the members elected under the Representation of Natives Act, 1936. 3. (1) The senators nominated by the Governor-General in terms of paragraph (a) of sub-section (1) of section two shall, subject to the provisions of section one of the Senate Act, 1926 (Act No. 54 of 1926), hold their seats for five years. (2) One-half of the senators so nominated shall be selected on the ground mainly of their thorough acquaintance by reason of their official experience or otherwise, with the reasonable wants and wishes of the coloured races in South Africa. (3) If the seat of a senator so nominated becomes vacant, the Governor-General shall nominate another person to hold the seat until the completion of the period for which the person in whose stead he is nominated would have held the seat. 4. (1) The senators elected under sub-section (2) of section two shall hold their seats for five years unless the Senate be sooner dissolved. (2) If the seat of an elected senator becomes vacant, the then sitting members of the House of Assembly and the provincial councillors for the province concerned (other than the members elected under the Representation of Natives Act, 1936), shall elect a person to hold the seat until the completion of the period for which the person in whose stead he is elected, would have held the seat. (3) Senators shall be elected by majority vote each voter having one non-transferable vote for each senator to be elected. (4) If two or more persons who are at any election of senators candidates for the same seat, receive the same number of votes, a re-election of a senator for that seat shall be held forthwith according to that principle of proportional representation according to which each voter has one transferable vote, and if at such a re-election the said persons again receive the same number of votes, one of the said persons to be determined by the drawing of lots shall be deemed to have been elected as a senator for that seat. (5) The Governor-General may make regulations in regard to the election of senators under this Act, including regulations in regard to the duties of returning officers in connection with such elections and in regard to the drawing of lots in the circumstances contemplated in sub-section (4). 5. Section twenty-six of the South Africa Act, 1909, is hereby amended by the deletion of paragraph (e) thereof and of the words “and property situated within” wherever they occur. 6. Section thirty of the South Africa Act, 1909, is hereby amended by the substitution for the word “twelve” of the word “fifteen”. 7. The following section is hereby substituted for section sixty-three of the South Africa Act, 1909: 8. Section one hundred and thirty-four of the South Africa Act, 1909, is hereby amended by the deletion of the words “of senators and” and the words “or, in the case of the first election of the Senate, the Governor-in-Council of each of the Colonies”. 10. Section thirty of the South-West Africa Affairs Amendment Act, 1949, is hereby amended― 11. Nothing in this Act contained shall derogate from the provisions of any law in which provision is made for the election or nomination of additional senators. 12. This Act shall be called the Senate Act, 1955.
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By now we all know what a distance of 2 metres looks like. It's been painted on pavements across the country and illustrated using broom sticks and very tall people. But are 2 metres really enough to keep you safe from catching the infection from someone else? What if you can't stay that far away from others because you are on a train or in a shop? And what if you're in an air conditioned room where the air you breathe is continually moving around? To answer these questions you need to know a lot about the flow of air and the movements of particles within it — you need to be a fluid dynamicist. "We build mathematical models of [the motion] of airborne materials which allow us to predict concentrations [of the material] at distances away from a source," explains Paul Linden, a fluid dynamicist at the University of Cambridge. "Mathematicians can also model how people move and calculate the statistics of the intersections of exhale and inhale breaths." Armed with their mathematical models of air flow and particle transport, and with statistical techniques, fluid dynamicists are ideally placed to calculate what distance is safe and how to minimise the risk of infection. This is why Linden, along with other researchers and technical staff at the Department for Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at Cambridge, have put aside their usual research to follow a call by the Royal Society to provide Rapid Assistance in Modelling the Pandemic (RAMP). Together with Chris Pain from Imperial College London, Linden leads a RAMP project comprising researchers in fluid mechanics who have volunteered their time and have expertise in a range of sub-areas, from the airborne transport of particles and droplets, to the ventilation of buildings and the evaporation of aerosols. Providing rapid assistance "There are two main purposes [of the project]: one is to quickly get a handle on what is known in [the various areas] and the other is to undertake long term research projects on questions that emerge from this initial review," says Linden. "Ideally we would like to come up with recommendations on how to ventilate buildings so that you minimise the risk of spreading the infection if someone in the building is infected." See here for all our coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular the project will address the kind of questions many of us will already have pondered ourselves. Where does someone's exhaled breath go as they walk between high shelves in a supermarket? How do droplets containing the virus deposit on surfaces and what's the risk of picking one up? And, in the light of the tragic death toll among bus drivers, what happens on public transport? "The answers to such questions are still pretty unclear," says Linden. "There have been studies of the airborne spread of influenza, but they are limited. We would like eventually to provide some assessment of, for example, the risk of walking past someone in a supermarket — I think it's probably a small risk but it is important to back this up with some proper evidence one way or the other." The mathematical models that will provide the answers to such questions need to be informed by experiments, which are hard to perform during a lockdown. But Linden and Pain have already been in discussions with a large supermarket chain and a large public transport network with a view of doing case studies on location. And as of last week Linden and postdoctoral researcher Rajesh Bhagat have been allowed back into the fluid dynamics lab at the Department for Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics in Cambridge to get experiments rolling. The project is still in the early stages: the first video call between its participants only took place very recently. But the hope is that the concerted effort of experts will soon lead to tangible results. "RAMP shows how many people are interested in helping on a voluntary basis and giving up their resources to do so," says Linden. Whatever the output, results are also likely to be useful in a (hopefully) post pandemic world. "[Such research] often leads to new insights into things that you never imagined before — so it's probably a win-win."
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During this time of good cheer, bright and colorful decorations, advertisements and commercials showing happy times seemingly enjoyed by all except for maybe you, makes being depressed all that more noticeable to others and to one’s self. Signs of holiday depression or sadness may bring comments like “Don’t be a Grinch,” or being called “Scrooge,” which certainly do not help cheer you up at all. Holidays Not Always A Happy Time The months of November and December may not be in reality so cheerful. The store window dressings, magazine decorating articles, food ads, and holiday shows belie what may really be going on in people’s lives. The end of the year is often extremely stressful trying to plan for the holidays with limited finances, end of year deadlines and responsibilities. In addition, social work events, poor eating and drinking habits, or dealing with increased family stress also occur. Add holiday stress on top of dealing with the loss of a loved one during increasingly cold and dark winter days, and holiday depression finds its way into thousands of lives. Sadness or Depression It can be normal to be sad or depressed at any time of the year. The stress of the holidays may trigger sadness or depression for many. Seeing others happy and cheerful, full of generous spirit, may make one feel there is something wrong with them if they do not feel that way. During the months of November and December the stress and anxiety experienced may cause those who are normally content with their lives to experience loneliness, a lack of fulfillment, sadness or depression. Signs of Holiday Depression The most common signs of depression are crying, loss of interest in usual activities, fatigue, social withdrawal, feelings of sadness, thoughts of being worthless; additionally, irritability, changes in sleep, weight, appetite, blaming oneself or feeling guilty about a situation or event are commonly seen. These symptoms can come and go during the year. If they become severe or last for more than a couple weeks, it may be more than the holidays causing this. It is time to get professional help, turn your life around letting some joy back into your life. Statistics of Holiday Depression Part of feeling depressed can come from being alone, or from having limited support of family and friends. In the U.S. 43% of adults are single and 27% live alone. With senior citizens 17% are single, divorced or widowed over the age of 65 often with health and mobility issues. Women have twice the risk as men for depression. After development of heart disease, depression is the next most debilitating illness for women, 10th for men. Holiday Depression Help Holidays are supposed to be a time of joy and celebration, but some people find them anything but happy times. Call the office for a confidential appointment to determine if you have seasonal affective depression, a bout of the blues, or are clinically depressed. Help is available. Call today.
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A valve actuator is used as the mechanism of opening and closing a valve in its operation. In different types of valve actuators presence, people may find difficult to select the appropriate one. So discussing the categories in brief which is actually depends on power type applied and movement type needed. You will get different types in this official company website namely blackhawksupply.com valve actuators and its sizes too. • Pneumatic and hydraulic actuators: These are versatile in nature. It is used when electric power is unavailable. It is reliable too. These actuators uses cylinder coupled along with a technique which converts linear motion produced in cylinder to quarter turn movement. This mechanism is intentionally needed for operating valves respectively. Here a multi turn output is needed in order to operate linear type valve like gate valves and fluid power actuators are enacted as a perfect solution. So if you use electric actuators for the valve types like pneumatic and hydraulic actuators are the options where you cannot find electricity in available state respectively. These actuators are widely offered in a consistent way by almost all the websites like blackhawksupply.com valve actuators essentially. • Electric actuators: These valve types is used very commonly today and it is known to be dependable valves. These are very quick in its operation in case of large valves which are very capable too. They are very capable in operating any kind of valves which are especially single or 3 phase electric motor which drives both integration of level gears and spurs respectively. These are very compactable and especially utilized commonly in small valves. As these electric actuators are having low power requirements. Even though, these actuators are configured along with power supply like battery for operating it safely without fail respectively. • Manual actuators – Manual actuators are the most commonly used actuators as it is very less cost expensive compared to the above discussed actuators. It utilized levers and wheels for facilitating movement respectively. It is completely different from automatic actuators. As we know that automatic actuators are having external power sources that offers force and motion required for operating valve automatically. These actuators are advancement for manual ones. Sometimes manual actuators are not an appropriate option for all the valves which are especially situated in harmful environments. Hence actuators or valve actuators are widely popular in all over the world. This is the reason why manual actuators are replaced with automatic actuators for securing issues during harmful environments. Moreover these actuators and types are defined clearly as discussed above.
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The holidays are officially here! This is our favorite time of year. Festive family gatherings, cookie decorating, work celebrations, get-togethers, school performances, and a plethora of parties – calendars fill up quickly during the holiday season. Along with the joy of celebration comes the fun of indulging in fine foods, decadent deserts, and sweet drinks…which can take a toll on your teeth and land you in the dentist’s seat. When the days are jam-packed, it’s easy to skip an evening brushing session or munch on sweets instead of healthy snacks. The occasional indulgence won’t harm your oral health, but there are a few ways to stay in a good oral health groove during the holidays. You don’t need to give up sweets to protect your teeth this holiday season. Simply employ the following tips. Try to enjoy sweets with a meal. If you’re going to indulge in some sugary sweets, do it with a meal instead of as a stand-alone snack. Eating other foods stimulates saliva, which helps wash harmful sugars and acids away from teeth and gums. Limit foods that stick to your teeth. Even nutritious foods such as raisins and dried cranberries can be very damaging to teeth. Avoid consuming large amounts of these foods; instead choose food that is more easily washed away. Limit between-meal snacks. It’s not just cakes and cookies that harm teeth – snacks like chips, crackers and pretzels all contain sugars and starches that can harm teeth. If you’re going to snack between meals, stick to veggies, nuts and cheeses. Drink more water, especially after enjoying sweets. Avoid cleansing your palate with sweet and sugary drinks. Water will wash away stray food particles in your mouth and keep you hydrated. Keep up good oral health habits. The holidays are usually a time of exhausting schedules, but don’t let that keep you from maintaining good oral health habits. Remember to brush twice a day for two minutes, and don’t forget to floss! Chew sugarless chewing gum. Chewing gum helps remove food particles from your teeth and stimulates saliva production helping to wash away sugars and acids. Be prepared. Planning ahead will set you up for success. It’s a good idea to keep a toothbrush, travel-sized toothpaste and floss handy when visiting friends and family. These tricks may help safeguard your teeth against decay. Couple them with a trip to your dentist for a thorough cleaning, and your smile will sparkle well into the new year!
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The following lesson was presented at Christ Presbyterian Church. There is a new Mel Gibson movie out in the theaters called, “Hacksaw Ridge.” I have not seen it yet. It is based on the true story of WWII American Army Medic Desmond T. Doss who served at Hacksaw Ridge on Okinawa, a small island off the coast of Japan. When Desmond was drafted into the military, he objected – not to serving, but to bearing arms. Desmond was a Seventh Day Adventist who believed he should preserve life rather than take life based upon his understanding and personal application of the Sixth Commandment. A defining moment in Desmond’s life that perhaps helped shape his attitude toward guns and violence happened when he was a boy. His father and uncle were drunk and got into a fight. His father pulled a gun on his uncle but his mother stepped in. She called the police and told Desmond to hide the gun. After doing so, young Desmond returned just in time to see his father being loaded into a police wagon in handcuffs. Desmond believed that his father would’ve killed his uncle if his mother hadn’t stepped in. Desmond vowed that would be the last time he ever touched a gun. His pacifist stance caused many of his fellow soldiers to distrust his loyalties and character. While praying at night, some of the guys would throw their shoes at him, making fun of him, calling him “Holy Jesus” and “Holy Joe.” His battalion commander wanted him transferred. One fellow soldier even told him that he was going to shoot him when they got in combat. Things changed however at the ridge. Desmond became a hero. On the ridge, the Americans were pushed back, with many of them retreating back down; leaving dozens of wounded soldiers behind to face death or capture at the hands of the Japanese. Desmond, without any weapons, stayed up top to help the wounded and would then lower them down by rope to safety. In the end, he saved about 75 lives; including the life of his commander. Desmond became the first “conscientious objector” to receive a Medal of Honor. The movie is getting fairly good reviews. And I’ll probably check it out when it hits Redbox. And I can understand why the story would be riveting; here’s a guy who wants to serve his country and fellow man in war, but doesn’t want to carry a gun. It’s amazing that he survived. It makes for a great story, and it seems a great movie. And you certainly have to respect a man who would stand by his convinction in such a terrific experience. The temptation to take up arms and defend himself on that ridge had to be incredible. I don’t know that I could have done it. Climbing that ridge, I would have been all confident….”I’m here to save lives, not take them!” And as soon as the first bullet buzzed by my ear, I would have been like, “uhhhhhh….hmmm….i wonder if ole Matthew Henry has a different take on this?” *buzzzzz* “Hey Jack, hand me that rifle, would ya?” I don’t want to minimize this man’s great courage and heroic efforts. He did save lives, after all. But there’s that nagging question though for any serious student of the Bible…does the Sixth Commandment teach pacifism? Thankfully, the Westminster Divines were not so careless with God’s Word. Such a position on the Sixth Commandment, while it may sound more spiritual and “deep,” in the end, is a mishandling of the Word of God. The answer they give in Question 68 of the Westminster Shorter Catechism clues us into the fact that the Divines treated this commandment with greater care and thought. Q: What is required in the sixth commandment? A: The sixth commandment requireth all lawful endeavours to preserve our own life, and the life of others. To even ask this question in the first place, demonstrates a totally different approach to the 10 Commandments than many of our friends have. After all, the command is simply asking us NOT to do something. Our friends are right in saying the command itself is telling us not to take life. So, why would we even ask about what this commandment REQUIRES us to do; that is, in the positive sense? How are we getting a positive out of a prohibition? And where did the tablets of stone say anything about “requiring all lawful endeavours to preserve our life, and the life of others?” Desmond Doss missed something. But why? Well, there are many issues we could get into, but don’t have the time. There are many problems with SDA theology and the New Covenant Theology leanings of, say, a John Piper. For the sake of time, however, I want to touch upon three principles for approaching the Ten Commandments rightly, using the Sixth Commandment as an example of how and why people get the Sixth Commandment wrong because they fail to understand these principles. The Ten Commandments, while containing the whole of God’s moral law, are NOT the full expression of that moral law. Notice what Question 41 of the Shorter Catechism says about the 10 Commandments: Q: Wherein is the moral law summarily comprehended? A: The moral law is summarily comprehended in the ten commandments. It does not ask, “Where is the moral law comprehended?” Rather, where is the moral law summarily comprehended. The Ten Commandments are a SUMMARY of God’s moral Law! John Calvin, before expositing the Ten Commandments in his institutes, states this: There is always more in the requirements and prohibitions of the Law than is expressed in words. This, however, must be understood so as not to convert it into a kind of Lesbian code; *1* and thus, by licentiously wresting the Scriptures, make them assume any meaning that we please. By taking this excessive liberty with Scripture, its authority is lowered with some, and all hope of understanding it abandoned by others. We must, therefore, if possible, discover some path which may conduct us with direct and firm step to the will of God. We must consider, I say, how far interpretation can be permitted to go beyond the literal meaning of the words, still making it apparent that no appendix of human glosses is added to the Divine Law, but that the pure and genuine meaning of the Lawgiver is faithfully exhibited. It is true that, in almost all the commandments, there are elliptical expressions, and that, therefore, any man would make himself ridiculous by attempting to restrict the spirit of the Law to the strict letter of the words. It is plain that a sober interpretation of the Law must go beyond these, but how far is doubtful, unless some rule be adopted. The best rule, in my opinion, would be, to be guided by the principle of the commandment, viz., to consider in the case of each what the purpose is for which it was given…in each of the commandments we must first look to the matter of which it treats, and then consider its end, until we discover what it properly is that the Lawgiver declares to be pleasing or displeasing to him. Only, we must reason from the precept to its contrary in this way: If this pleases God, its opposite displeases; if that displeases, its opposite pleases: if God commands this, he forbids the opposite; if he forbids that, he commands the opposite.” *2* With regard to prohibitions, and specifically the Sixth Commandment, Calvin goes on to state: There is no need of proving, that when good is ordered, the evil which is opposed to it is forbidden. This every one admits. It will also be admitted, without much difficulty, that when evil is forbidden, its opposite is enjoined. Indeed, it is a common saying, that censure of vice is commendation of virtue. We, however, demand somewhat more than is commonly understood by these expressions. When the particular virtue opposed to a particular vice is spoken of, all that is usually meant is abstinence from that vice. We maintain that it goes farther, and means opposite duties and positive acts. Hence the commandment, “Thou shalt not kill,” the generality of men will merely consider as an injunction to abstain from all injury, and all wish to inflict injury. I hold that it moreover means, that we are to aid our neighbour’s life by every means in our power. And not to assert without giving my reason, I prove it thus: God forbids us to injure or hurt a brother, because he would have his life to be dear and precious to us; and, therefore, when he so forbids, he, at the same time, demands all the offices of charity which can contribute to his preservation.” *3* We see now why the Divines ask and answer what they did in Question #68. It is simply not enough to just say, “Don’t Kill.” The moral principle, summarily expressed in the Sixth Commandment, also requires “all lawful endeavors to preserve our own life, and the life of others.” This next principle overlaps with the first in some respects and expands it: The Ten Commandments were never intended to be separated from the rest of His revelation. It is understandable that if you took the Sixth Commandment as written on the Tablet of Stone and ripped it out of the Bible, one could come to the same conclusion Desmond and others do. – “Don’t kill.” – Ok. Got it. I should never kill anyone under any circumstances. But…the two tablets were NOT the only thing God gave Moses and Israel. Listen to Deut. 4: he (God) declared to you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, that is, the Ten Commandments, and he wrote them on two tablets of stone. And the Lord commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and rules, that you might do them in the land that you are going over to possess.” God not only gave them the “Ten Words,” but he gave them “statutes and rules” which would teach God’s people how to apply the Ten Words. This additional material helps us to understand the original intent and meaning of the Ten Words. Think about this as you look at the first five commandments: Commandment 1 says, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” This commandment concerns itself with WHO is worshiped. Yet, nowhere in this commandment alone are we told what God is. God reveals this elsewhere in Scripture. Commandment 2 says, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of” God. This commandment concerns itself with the NATURE of worship. We are to worship in Spirit. This does not negate, however, the ordinances God does establish in worship, revealed elsewhere in Scripture. Commandment 3 says, “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain.” Here, the MANNER of worship is addressed. God is to be feared. God is to be revered. But like the previous commandments, the proper manner in approaching God is not exhausted in this commandment. Commandment 4 says, “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” This commandment addresses the WHEN of formal worship. And as we saw when studying that commandment, the day changed once Jesus resurrected. Could you get a change of day out of the mere commandment itself? No. Additional revelation informs us of that change. Commandment 5 says, “Honour thy father and thy mother.” But what does that honor look like? And are parents the only ones for whom this applies? Again, we saw that additional revelation reveals a broader, deeper understanding of the words “father and mother.” While the commandment primarily concerns the family, it extends to all of society; regulating God’s entire social order. One great way to look at it is this: Remember Calvin’s dilemma in the quote above? In seeking a deeper understanding of the Ten Commandments, how do we know when we are crossing the line…going too far…in adding, what he called “appendixes of human glosses” to Divine Law? This is where I believe the ceremonial and civil laws help us. The First Table of the Law, Commandments 1-4, concern our duties to God. The ceremonial law was added, as God’s appendix, to the First Table to guide us in proper understanding and application of the moral principles that are summarized in the First Table. Likewise, the Second Table of the Law, Commandments 5-10, concern our duties to neighbors. The civil law was then added, as God’s appendix, to this Second Table to guide us in a proper understanding and application of the moral principles summarized in that Second Table. In other words, the ceremonial and civil laws were given to fence, if you will, our understanding of the moral law. And without those appendixes, you increase the likelihood of distorting the original intent and meaning of the Ten Commandments. In understanding that the moral law is summarily comprehended in the Ten Commandments and that additional material is supplied by God to help us understand the original intent and meaning of the Ten Words, how does that guide our understanding of the Sixth Commandment in particular? Among other things, it would help us in understanding distinctions between unjust and just killing. It is simply not possible to take the Sixth Commandment and use it to argue a universal prohibition against the taking of any life under any circumstances. This is why people who argue on FB that a consistent “pro-life” position can not affirm death penalties or self-defense are wrong. Why do we know this? Because elsewhere in Scripture, God demanded people to kill in times of war. In regulating civil society, God issued death penalties for certain crimes. He also made provisions for self-defense. How is any of this possible with a pacifist understanding of the Sixth Commandment? Has God forgotten His moral code for Israel? Is He is contradicting Himself? Just Killing vs Unjust Killing Keep in mind, that the same God who said to Israel, “Thou Shalt Not Kill” is the same God who told King Saul through the Prophet Samuel the following: I have noted what Amalek did to Israel in opposing them on the way when they came up out of Egypt. Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’” Not only did God command them to kill, but when Saul would not utterly destroy them, having spared the King of the Amalekites and the best of the sheep and of the oxen and of the fattened calves and of the lambs – in essence, all that was good – for the purpose of SACRIFICING TO THE LORD, Samuel rebuked Saul saying: the Lord sent you on a mission and said, ‘Go, devote to destruction the sinners, the Amalekites, and fight against them until they are consumed.’ Why then did you not obey the voice of the Lord? Why did you pounce on the spoil and do what was evil in the sight of the Lord?” And Saul said to Samuel, “I have obeyed the voice of the Lord. I have gone on the mission on which the Lord sent me. I have brought Agag the king of Amalek, and I have devoted the Amalekites to destruction. But the people took of the spoil, sheep and oxen, the best of the things devoted to destruction, to sacrifice to the Lord your God in Gilgal.” And Samuel said, “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt-offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,and to listen than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has also rejected you from being king.” Wow. Obviously, this superficial handling of the Sixth Commandment that we see from pacifists would not have worked with God and Samuel. Later, Samuel asks for King Agag and as the King cheerfully comes to Samuel, thinking “whew, I made it. Surely the bitterness of death is past,” Samuel takes his sword and hacks Agag to pieces before the Lord! Was this a violation of the Sixth Commandment? No. The Lord also instituted death penalties for certain crimes. Listen to Lev. 24.16-17 Whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall stone him. The sojourner as well as the native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death.” And, next verse, “Whoever takes a human life shall surely be put to death.” From verse 17, we see that “killing” was a crime requiring capital punishment. But note that not all killing is wrong. In the immediately preceding verse, there were times in which “killing” was commanded and sanctioned. Blasphemers were to be killed. Likewise, in verse 17 itself, it commands that “Whoever kills any man shall surely be put to death.” Is verse 17 self-contradictory? No. Because God makes distinctions. There are distinctions between unjust killing and just killing. God also allows for self-defense. Listen to Exodus 22: If a man steals an ox or a sheep, and kills it or sells it, he shall repay five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep. If a thief is found breaking in and is struck so that he dies, there shall be no bloodguilt for him, but if the sun has risen on him, there shall be bloodguilt for him. He shall surely pay. If he has nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft. If the stolen beast is found alive in his possession, whether it is an ox or a donkey or a sheep, he shall pay double.” There are two cases here. In the first case, if someone breaks into your home at night, and you kill him, you are not held guilty of murder. You are not deserving of capital punishment. You do not need to flee to a city of refuge to preserve your life. The understanding is that at night, it is dark, and if someone has invaded your house, you may not be able to discern why they are there and what they are doing. God gives you the right to defend yourself and your family. In the second case, it says “if the sun has risen on him,” and you kill the intruder, you are guilty of his bloodshed. The understanding is that in daytime, there is light, and you can discern the intentions of the home invader. The distinctions between “night” and “day” are meant to draw out the reality that we may not always be able to discern what an intruder is doing. Again, God makes distinctions. We see qualifiers to the command “Thou shalt not kill.” And these qualifiers cannot be extracted from the mere words of the Sixth Commandment alone. To isolate the mere words of the Sixth Commandment from the Bible and to ignore everything else God has said is to not only distort the original intent and meaning of the Sixth Commandment, but it robs us of the very rich and practical wisdom that God gives us elsewhere, in applying the moral principle that is summarized in the Sixth Commandment. This is why I told the guy on Facebook that he was the one that was not consistently “pro-life.” To ignore these distinctions and to ignore everything else God says about “killing”, thus distorting the original commandment, is to NOT take a Biblical “pro-life” position. And quite frankly, it is arrogant. Because what you are essentially saying to God with such an approach is that “I know better than you do. I am wiser than you.” And you’ll find yourself in Saul’s position where now even your sacrifices to the Lord, your worship, is an abomination. Intentional vs. Unintentional Killing consequences There are also distinctions between premediated killing and accidental. Deut. 19 even gives us an example: Suppose you were out in the forest chopping wood, and as you swing the ax, the head of the ax slips from the handle, strikes your neighbor, and he dies. This was unintentional. You had no hatred in the past for your neighbor. Purely accidental on your part. But now, your neighbor’s friends and family will possibly get upset and seek your life. What does God say about this? Does He say, “Welp. Sorry. But, you have to die at their hands now.” No. Instead, God commands Israel to create three cities of refuge (more would be added as their territory was increased), wherein the manslayer may flee and save his life from avengers. God makes a distinction. And just in case you failed to make the distinction, God adds, “if anyone hates his neighbor and lies in wait for him and attacks him and strikes him fatally so that he dies, and he flees into one of these cities, the elders of the city are to take that man and hand him over to the avenger of blood, so that he may die. And you are not to pity that man.” Understand that the Ten Commandments “summarily comprehend” the moral law of God and with the ceremonial and civil law given as God’s appendixes, the moral law is to be understood in light of the WHOLE SCOPE of Scripture. The law of God is and always has been spiritual in nature. There is this impression by many that the Ten Commandments were only concerned with very limited, external issues of man. According to these people, the Sixth Commandment (as one example) did not originally deal with questions of the heart. It did not originally deal with issues of unjust anger, bitterness, and so on. They argue, for example, that in Matthew 5, Jesus is either annulling the Ten Commandments and replacing them with His law, which deals more so with the inner man and his thoughts then with the mere external – or – argue that Jesus is adding this “spiritual,” inner concern to the original Law. When Jesus says, for example, “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment…”; these people say, “aha. See? The sixth commandment was not enough! Jesus is now concerned with the heart; our thoughts.” This mistake in approaching the Law is going to leave you bewildered as to why the confessionally Reformed said there are proactive things required of us in keeping the Sixth Commandment, even though it is worded solely as a prohibition. The moral law of God had ALWAYS REQUIRED this inner, “spiritual,” take on the Sixth Commandment. To act as though the Sixth Commandment went no further than prohibiting the external, physical taking of life, is to not only misunderstand the Law in its original intent (which Jesus is preserving in Matthew 5) but to side with the error that many in His audience had of the Law! The irony here is that many of these people had the same faulty understanding of the Law that Dispensationalists and New Covenant Theologians have. Jesus was correcting them on that! Jesus was not annulling the moral law of God and replacing it! Jesus, in fact, was making clear that even unjust anger in your heart is a violation of the Sixth Commandment! Again, John Calvin notes the foolishness of such superficial understanding: We are not introducing a new interpretation of our own; we are following Christ, the best interpreter of the Law, (Matth. 5:22, 28, 44.) The Pharisees having instilled into the people the erroneous idea that the Law was fulfilled by every one who did not in external act do anything against the Law, he pronounces this a most dangerous delusion, and declares that an immodest look is adultery, and that hatred of a brother is murder. “Whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause, shall be in danger of the judgment;” whosoever by whispering or murmuring gives indication of being offended, “shall be in danger of the council;” whosoever by reproaches and evil-speaking gives way to open anger, “shall be in danger of hell-fire.” Those who have not perceived this, have pretended that Christ was only a second Moses, the giver of an Evangelical, to supply the deficiency of the Mosaic Law. Hence the common axiom as to the perfection of the Evangelical Law, and its great superiority to that of Moses. This idea is in many ways most pernicious. For it will appear from Moses himself, when we come to give a summary of his precepts, that great indignity is thus done to the Divine Law. It certainly insinuates, that the holiness of the fathers under the Law was little else than hypocrisy, and leads us away from that one unvarying rule of righteousness. It is very easy, however, to confute this error, which proceeds on the supposition that Christ added to the Law, whereas he only restored it to its integrity by maintaining and purifying it when obscured by the falsehood, and defiled by the leaven of the Pharisees.” *4* Wow, what an excellent and much-needed quote for today. The moral law of God was always concerned with the entirety of a person’s life: his intelligence and character, body and soul, public and private. The Law had always governed the understanding, will, desires, and all other powers of the soul. It has always been concerned with every thought, word, action, gesture, and relationship. And John Calvin explains why this is the case: At the outset, it was proved that in the Law human life is instructed not merely in outward decency, but in inward spiritual righteousness. Though none can deny this, yet very few duly attend to it, because they do not consider the Lawgiver, by whose character that of the Law must also be determined. Should a king issue an edict prohibiting murder, adultery, and theft, the penalty, I admit, will not be incurred by the man who has only felt a longing in his mind after these vices, but has not actually committed them. The reason is, that a human lawgiver does not extend his care beyond outward order, and, therefore, his injunctions are not violated without outward acts. But God, whose eye nothing escapes, and who regards not the outward appearance so much as purity of heart, under the prohibition of murder, adultery, and theft, includes wrath, hatred, lust, covetousness, and all other things of a similar nature. Being a spiritual Lawgiver, he speaks to the soul not less than the body. The murder which the soul commits is wrath and hatred; the theft, covetousness; and the adultery, lust. It may be alleged that human laws have respect to intentions and wishes, and not fortuitous events. I admit this, but then these must manifest themselves externally. They consider the animus with which the act was done, but do not scrutinize the secret thoughts. Accordingly, their demand is satisfied when the hand merely refrains from transgression. On the contrary, the law of heaven being enacted for our minds, the first thing necessary to a due observance of the Law is to put them under restraint. But the generality of men, even while they are most anxious to conceal their disregard of the Law, only frame their hands and feet and other parts of their body to some kind of observance, but in the meanwhile keep the heart utterly estranged from everything like obedience. They think it enough to have carefully concealed from man what they are doing in the sight of God. Hearing the commandments, “Thou shalt not kill,” “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” “Thou shalt not steal,” they do not unsheathe their sword for slaughter, nor defile their bodies with harlots, nor put forth their hands to other men’s goods. So far well; but with their whole soul they breathe out slaughter, boil with lust, cast a greedy eye at their neighbour’s property, and in wish devour it. Here the principal thing which the Law requires is wanting. Whence, then, this gross stupidity, but just because they lose sight of the Lawgiver, and form an idea of righteousness in accordance with their own disposition? Against this Paul strenuously protests, when he declares that the “law is spiritual,” (Rom. 7:14;) intimating that it not only demands the homage of the soul, and mind, and will, but requires an angelic purity, which, purified from all filthiness of the flesh, savours only of the Spirit.” *5* Again, a wonderful quote and much needed for today’s church. The Westminster Divines understood this. This is why when you read the Larger Catechism on what the Sixth Commandment requires, they get into issues of the heart. This is why they say that we are: to preserve the life of ourselves and others by resisting all thoughts and purposes, subduing all passions, and avoiding all occasions, temptations, and practices, which tend to the unjust taking away the life of any; by just defence thereof against violence, patient bearing of the hand of God, quietness of mind, cheerfulness of spirit; a sober use of meat, drink, physic, sleep, labour, and recreations; by charitable thoughts, love, compassion, meekness, gentleness, kindness; peaceable, mild and courteous speeches and behaviour; forbearance, readiness to be reconciled, patient bearing and forgiving of injuries, and requiting good for evil; comforting and succouring the distressed and protecting and defending the innocent.” You’ll notice, in most versions of this Catechism, that tons of Scripture references are given with each of these statements. This is rightly understanding the original intent and meaning of the Sixth Commandment, with the whole scope of Scripture guiding us. This is rightly understanding the spiritual nature of the Law. And this is rightly understanding that in the Ten Commandments, we do not have the full expression of the moral law, but summaries of the comprehensive moral demands God places on us. If one turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination.” – Prov 28.9 *1* “Ne sit nobis Lesbiæ regulæ,” omitted in the French. *2* John Calvin and Henry Beveridge, Institutes of the Christian Religion, vol. 1 (Edinburgh: The Calvin Translation Society, 1845), 436–438. *3* ibid, 438. *4* ibid, 436. *5* ibid, 434–436.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "url": "https://church.reformed.info/three-words-about-the-ten/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027321786.95/warc/CC-MAIN-20190824214845-20190825000845-00385.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9706664085388184, "token_count": 6716, "score": 2.71875, "int_score": 3 }
St. Nicholas Church in Leipzig is an open church for all. In 1989, it was viewed by many around the world as the starting point of a peaceful revolution, aimed at reunifying Germany. Nowadays it is a church for anybody looking to find strength in stillness – a church for peaceful coexistence. The story behind the construction of St. Nicholas Church is as eventful as the church's own history. Originally constructed in a Romanesque style in the 12th century (the crucifix in the chancel dates back to this period), it was converted into a late Gothic hall church at the start of the 16th century. The Luther pulpit, constructed in 1521, which was part of St. Nicholas Church long before the Reformation, is now located in the north chapel. The main tower and door are examples of Baroque architecture; the church interior was designed in a Neoclassical style at the end of the 18th century. The music at St. Nicholas Church became a talking point between 1723 and 1759, as the church appointed Johann Sebastian Bach as its "director musices". Many of his works were premiered at the church. It became an "open church" with the decade of peace in the 1980s, and the prayers for peace held every Monday since 1982. In autumn 1989, this turned into the peaceful Monday demonstrations, which made a significant contribution to Germany's reunification. The "Osterlichtbaum" candle holder in the church's central aisle, the Coventry Cross of Nails and the European Heritage Label remind visitors of this time, which is considered a "miracle of biblical proportions". Immersed in silence, it's almost as if you can still hear the shouting. Opening hours: Monday to Saturday, 10am to 6pm; Sunday, 9:30am service Nearest train station: Leipzig Accessible; there is a book table in the church, "Nikolaitreff" meeting in the youth church, Monday to Friday, 10am to 5/6pm; free tours of the church, paid tours of the organ and tower; Due utili combinazioni di tasti per zoomare nel browser: Per ulteriore assistenza fare clic sull'icona del fornitore del browser:
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-29", "url": "https://www.germany.travel/it/natura-sport-e-relax/spiritual-travel/sights/st-nicholas-church-leipzig.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-29/segments/1593655900335.76/warc/CC-MAIN-20200709131554-20200709161554-00042.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9703072309494019, "token_count": 477, "score": 2.765625, "int_score": 3 }
Отложено: 0 товаров Ваша корзина пуста. Нажмите кнопку "В корзину" на интересующих вас товарах. Лучшие товары раздела Лучшие книги недели Jazz Chants Old and New for Children (AudioCD) A delightful collection of chants, songs, and poems that focus on basic structures of American English. A collection of chants, songs and poems written especially for children, designed to practice basic language structures at beginner to intermediate level. The Student Book is made up of two-page units, with the chant on one page, reinforced by a motivating picture activity on the facing page. The Teacher's Edition offers step-by-step instructions for classroom presentation, reduced Student Book pages for easy reference, and an index to the structures taught. The Cassette/Audio CD features recordings by the author with a group of children.
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by EVSEY D. DOMAR Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors On November 30, 1945 the Federal debt reached 265 billion dollars, a magnitude without precedent in the history of this country. With the present interest rate structure, it involves an annual service charge of more than 5 billion dollars, an amount exceeded by only two peacetime Federal budgets until 1934.1 It is quite understandable that a debt of this magnitude should cause considerable apprehension, and that a policy of repaying at least a part of it should be advocated so often. It is true that our economy would be better off without so large a debt. But this does not mean that our position can be always improved by reducing the debt. The difficulty lies in the fact that the various components of our economy are interdependent, so that it is impossible to change one without affecting the others. In particular, the debt problem is more complex and difficult than it appears on the surface because changes in the debt exercise a powerful effect on the size of the national income. Effects of Debt Changes on Income. In general, when the debt increases, that is, when the Government borrows and spends, national income is above the level where it otherwise would be; when the debt is reduced, that is when tax yields exceed expenditures, the income level is depressed. This rule does not necessarily hold. Should the Government borrow funds which would be spent on goods and services anyhow, and use them for expenditures which do not create income, such as a purchase of land, national income would fall rather than rise. Similarly, a repayment of the debt does not always depress national income; if taxes come from idle funds which would not be used anyhow, while the bondholders whose bonds are redeemed use the proceeds for consumption or investment, national income will indeed rise. But with all these qualifications____________________
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-48", "url": "https://www.questia.com/read/3873363/public-finance-and-full-employment", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-48/segments/1448398444974.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20151124205404-00311-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.946880042552948, "token_count": 375, "score": 3.375, "int_score": 3 }
Prince of Wales Martello Tower Prince of Wales Tower Links and documents 1796/01/01 to 1799/01/01 Listed on the Canadian Register: Statement of Significance Description of Historic Place Standing in a spacious forest clearing, the Prince of Wales Martello Tower is a massively built, plain squat cylindrical tower of solid stone construction with a low profile. The tower is 72 feet in diameter at ground level. It has massive circular walls built of rubble masonry and its exterior wall inclines slightly inwards as it rises. The structure reaches 26 feet in height at the parapet. Near the top the wall is encircled by a stone cordon and above this four projecting galleries are evenly spaced around the Tower. Beneath each gallery are openings to the interior: on the north are wooden stairs to a door at the second level. The designation is confined to the footprint of the building. The Prince of Wales Martello Tower is a Classified Federal Heritage building because of its historical associations, and its architectural and environmental values. The Prince of Wales Martello Tower is one of the best examples of a structure associated with the defence of the British naval station of Halifax against possible French invasion. As the first Martello Tower in the British Empire, this structure was a pioneer in the development of standardized Martello tower design which was adopted by the British military in 1804. The Tower is also associated with the defence of the naval station against the possible American aggression as the result of the War of 1812. The building was also an integral part of the coastal defence system until 1906. Its construction, with the associated economic benefits and the subsequent influx of personnel had a significant impact on Halifax. The Prince of Wales Martello Tower is an excellent example of a functional 19th century military defence design. It testifies to the early development and perfection of the Martello tower design and construction whose simple massing is characterized by its squat cylindrical profile. The Prince of Wales Martello Tower displays the massive circular masonry walls, the parapet walls and the original interior divisions between the barracks and the powder magazine which were characteristic of the Martello towers. The building exhibits sound workmanship and care in the execution of its massive construction and its details. The Prince of Wales Martello Tower is located at the highest point within Point Pleasant Park where it once overlooked the sea and is now situated within a spacious clearing in the park forest. The structure reinforces the coastal defence setting of Halifax and is a landmark to both local people and visitors to Halifax. Rhona Goodspeed, Prince of Wales Martello Tower, Point Pleasant Park, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office Report 95-001. Prince of Wales Martello Tower, Point Pleasant Park, Halifax, Nova Scotia Heritage Character Statement 96-023. The character-defining elements of the Prince of Wales Martello Tower should be respected. Its functional military defence design and good quality materials and craftsmanship as evidenced in: -the simple geometric massing of the squat cylindrical tower of solid stone construction with a low profile; -the massive circular walls built of rubble masonry and its exterior wall which inclines slightly inwards as it rises; -the encircling stone cordon at the top the wall and above this the four projecting galleries which are evenly spaced around the tower; -the openings to the interior beneath each gallery and on the north the wooden stairs to a door at the second level. The manner in which the Prince of Wales Martello Tower reinforces the military character of the Halifax area Government of Canada Treasury Board Heritage Buildings Policy Classified Federal Heritage Building Theme - Category and Type Function - Category and Type - Military Defence Installation Architect / Designer Captain James Straton Location of Supporting Documentation National Historic Sites Directorate, Documentation Centre, 5th Floor, Room 89, 25 Eddy Street, Gatineau, Quebec Cross-Reference to Collection
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-40", "url": "http://www.historicplaces.ca/en/rep-reg/place-lieu.aspx?id=3175", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-40/segments/1474738660436.26/warc/CC-MAIN-20160924173740-00023-ip-10-143-35-109.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9102441668510437, "token_count": 819, "score": 3.109375, "int_score": 3 }
(1) There shall be a Supreme Court of India consisting of a Chief Justice of India and, until Parliament by law prescribes a larger number, of not more than seven other Judges. (2) Every Judge of the Supreme Court shall be appointed by the President by warrant under his hand and seal after consultation with such of the Judges of the Supreme Court and of the High Courts in the States as the President may deem necessary for the purpose and shall hold office until he attains the age of sixty-five years: Provided that in the case of appointment of a Judge other than the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice of India shall always be consulted: Provided further that — (a) a Judge may, by writing under his hand addressed to the President, resign his office; (b) a Judge may be removed from his office in the manner provided in clause (4). (2A) The age of a Judge of the Supreme Court shall be determined by such authority and in such manner as Parliament may by law provide. (3) A person shall not be qualified for appointment as a Judge of the Supreme Court unless he is a citizen of India and — (a) has been for at least five years a Judge of a High Court or of two or more such Courts in succession; or (b) has been for at least ten years an advocate of a High Court or of two or more such Courts in succession; or (c) is, in the opinion of the President, a distinguished jurist. Explanation I.—In this clause "High Court'' means a High Court which exercises, or which at any time before the commencement of this Constitution exercised, jurisdiction in any part of the territory of India. Explanation II.—In computing for the purpose of this clause the period during which a person has been an advocate, any period during which a person has held judicial office not inferior to that of a district judge after he became an advocate shall be included. (4) A Judge of the Supreme Court shall not be removed from his office except by an order of the President passed after an address by each House of Parliament supported by a majority of the total membership of that House and by a majority of not less than two - thirds of the members of that House present and voting has been presented to the President in the same session for such removal on the ground of proved misbehaviour or incapacity. (5) Parliament may by law regulate the procedure for the presentation of an address and for the investigation and proof of the misbehaviour or incapacity of a Judge under clause (4). (6) Every person appointed to be a Judge of the Supreme Court shall, before he enters upon his office, make and subscribe before the President, or some person appointed in that behalf by him, an oath or affirmation according to the form set out for the purpose in the Third Schedule. (7) No person who has held office as a Judge of the Supreme Court shall plead or act in any court or before any authority within the territory of India.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "url": "http://cadindia.clpr.org.in/constitution_of_india/the_union/articles/Article%20124", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676591543.63/warc/CC-MAIN-20180720061052-20180720081052-00615.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9738004803657532, "token_count": 631, "score": 2.640625, "int_score": 3 }
5G’s huge energy demand pushes telco companies to make energy efficiency top priority Society is always looking for the latest advancement, the next best thing. 5G network is one of the latest and greatest advancements in the cell phone world. It promises to give a better signal and internet connection that spans farther and connects faster. According to T-Mobile’s website, they plan to increase their 5G network 14x the current capacity over the next six years, with the goal of providing 99% of Americans with 5G service. However, there is an unexpected victim in this latest advancement… the environment. 5G networks consume twice as much energy Currently, 5G network bases require 70% more energy to operate than 2G, 3G and 4G bases. That is more than double the required energy to give consumers the fast signal they desire on their cell phones. Researchers anticipate that this will result in an increase in total network energy consumption by 150-170 percent by 2026. This huge jump in energy usage is having a negative impact on telecommunication companies bottom line. The result is these companies are rethinking the current efficiency of their product and pushing for more green, sustainable energy sources. 5G's environmental impact With the top three countries leading the world in energy consumption also leading in cell phone usage, this could quickly become an environmental issue if more renewable energy sources are not utilized. The primary fuel sources for electricity production are natural gas and petroleum, two resources that will run out eventually. A combination of renewable energy solutions will need to be implemented to meet with the growing demand for energy from this industry alone. Renewable energy options to help meet demand According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), renewable energy sources accounted for about 11% of total U.S. energy consumption and about 17% of electricity generation in 2019. A small percentage compared to the whopping 75% that is comprised of natural gas, petroleum and coal. This just shows how much room there is to grow and enhance our power sources. An array of tested and proven renewable energy technologies are already available including: - Wind Power - Solar Power Wind and solar are the most popular among energy company and are being implemented at a faster rate. But a great option that eliminates organic waste forms and creates electricity is gasification. A process that converts organic matter to a versatile gas, similar to natural gas. This gas known as syngas or producer gas can power generators to create combined heat and electricity. Gasification is currently being used to process coal with far fewer emissions. According to the EPA, “Gasification-based processes for power production characteristically result in much lower emissions of pollutants compared to conventional coal combustion.” However, the process’ ability to use a wide range of fuels means we can not stop with coal. Commitment to sustainable solutions There is no one solution to meeting our inevitable growth in energy consumption. However, it will take industries across the board to commit to sustainable solutions like gasification, wind, solar, etc. With that commitment, we can have our comforts and keep our world safe for future generations.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "url": "https://www.wastetoenergysystems.com/5gs-huge-energy-demand-pushes-telco-companies-to-make-energy-efficiency-top-priority/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662526009.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20220519074217-20220519104217-00207.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.939430832862854, "token_count": 653, "score": 2.8125, "int_score": 3 }
Related Programs & Web Sites US EPA Region 5 American Water Works Association Michigan Section of the American Water Works Association Association of State Drinking Water Administrators National Sanitation Foundation Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Information, Publications and Tools Value of Water Education Campaign and Toolkit: The Value of Water Coalition has launched a new education campaign and toolkit entitled, "What's the Value of Water?" The campaign aims to shine a light on water -- our most precious, but often invisible, resource. These education materials are available for free to any organization that is working to raise awareness about the importance of investment in water infrastructure and water resources. The toolkit includes: billboards; outdoor advertisements; print advertisements; bill stuffers; conference banners; a water fact sheet and message guide; and shareable social media graphics. To view and download the materials, visit the Value of Water Coalition Web site. Note: Please review usage guidelines before publishing any materials. Communicating the Value of Drinking Water Services: Using Campaigns and Community Engagement Efforts The “Tap Talks on Tuesdays” webinars in 2014 discussed the value of water. The collaborative dialogue shared strategies that effectively communicate the importance of clean and safe water delivery services. This document gives a snapshot of different outreach campaigns, community events, and other activities used to raise public awareness on the value of water services. When Every Drop Counts: Protecting Public Health During Drought Conditions - A Guide for Public Health Professionals CDC's National Center for Environmental Health developed this publication to assist public health officials, practitioners, and other stakeholders in their efforts to understand and prepare for drought in their communities. The document includes information about how drought affects public health, recommends steps to help mitigate the health effects of drought, identifies future needs for research and other drought-related activities, and provides a list of helpful resources and tools. Virtual Tour of A Drinking Water Plant This is "Water 101" training for decision makers and students. The Tour begins with source water, works its way through filtration and disinfection, and concludes with the distribution system. Includes additional information about quality and safety, cost, environment, a glossary of terms, exercises to test knowledge, and fun facts: 3500 years ago, King Tut drank water that had been “processed” with alum to coagulate the suspended sediments in the Nile, in 400 BC, Hippocrates, the Greek “father of medicine,” called for water to be boiled and strained through a cloth before serving. For the CD, call 800-490-9198 and request EPA publication number 816-C-06-002 or visit www.epa.gov/nscep/ to order the publication.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-49", "url": "https://origin-sl.michigan.gov/egle/0,9429,7-135-3313_3675_3691-9806--,00.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-49/segments/1637964358323.91/warc/CC-MAIN-20211127223710-20211128013710-00628.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9040236473083496, "token_count": 571, "score": 2.984375, "int_score": 3 }
Establishing plants as the foundations of your diet gives your body what it needs to keep growing strong, today and in the future. A plant-based diet can provide enough nutrients for a child to grow healthy and strong, an athlete to bulk up and give her competitors a run for their money, and even enough for a woman to grow a new life while still supporting herself. These are: Exercise is one of the most important factors in maintaining bone health. Some people find it hard to digest a lot of raw food, especially when you come from a diet that is very low in raw food. Cancer Cancer comes in many shapes and sizes. Remember, you are never stuck with a diet you chose years ago. The time of the day, your activity levels and the potential insulin resistance all play a role in determining your blood sugar levels. Without consumption of carbs, your body will instead start to take from other cells in the body, causing an acidic state known as diabetic ketoacidosis. Beef actually raises insulin more than pasta. The FDA does not allow a supplement to contain more than 99 mg. If you have diabetes, your health care provider may suggest sticking to the lower end of the range. Unprocessed whole foods like organic meat, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. But, it is important to understand that a plant-based diet can provide all the necessary nutrients you need, and even include some not available in meat. His insufficient carbohydrate consumption, combined with his excessive intake of protein and fat both of which require more energy to process and digestcould negatively impact his exercise program and whether or not he has the energy to train. I've heard that grains and pulses have these phytic acids that block absorption of nutrients, is that true? Experiment with adding different kinds of whole plant fats to your meals and see how you feel, do certain kinds break you out? It seems like every other person I meet in the raw food movement has issues with Candida. Complex Carbs Complex carbohydrates, including starch, are large-branched types of carbs that take longer for your body to digest. Animal protein also causes inflammation and raises cortisol levels. You will then evaluate them to find the average pre and post meal levels for the three separate meal categories breakfast, lunch and dinner. When you eat carbohydrates, your body metabolizes them into glucose, which is the simplest form of the nutrient. Written By Michael Greger M. Other sources of protein include legumes, soy products, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. How to Lose Weight One of the easiest ways to lose weight is to limit the amount of calories you consume.Fruit and vegetables should be an important part of your daily diet. They are naturally good and contain vitamins and minerals that can help to keep you healthy. They can also help protect against some diseases. Most Australians will benefit from eating more fruit and vegetables as part of a well. 11/12/ · But there are other methods based around one (or a group) of nutrient-rich fruits or vegetables that have cleansing and antioxidant properties. Mono-food detox diets work much the same way as juice fasting in that you can only choose that one vegetable or fruit, combinations are not allowed. How much is enough? Experts suggest that an average adult should get % of his or her daily energy requirement from carbohydrates, close to 25% from protein and the rest from fats. Your diet can work on a high-protein-low-carb model, in which case you must ensure that your protein intake does not go beyond 40% of your total dietary intake. There’s no doubt that embracing a plant-based diet and reducing your meat intake is one of the best things you can do for your health and the environment. A plant-based diet may seem challenging at first, but here's everything you need to know to get started. Here are five of the top benefits of eating vegetables. plant-based diet is a health-conscious decision that improves your metabolism, The daily recommendations, based on these factors, range anywhere from 1 to 2 cups of fruit, and 1 to 3 cups of vegetables. They recommend filling half of your plate with fruits and vegetables at every meal. 3/7/ · It’s important to understand that a vegan diet is not necessarily synonymous with a whole food plant-based diet, which instead focuses on unrefined grains, vegetables, fruits and plant proteins Author: Simon Hill.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-16", "url": "https://qyqenipaq.elbfrollein.com/how-much-energy-comes-from-fruits-in-daily-based-diet-23604ej.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-16/segments/1585370505359.23/warc/CC-MAIN-20200401003422-20200401033422-00264.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9548956751823425, "token_count": 913, "score": 2.734375, "int_score": 3 }
According to the International Energy Agency's World Energy Outlook report, the U.S. will be the leading energy producer in the world by 2020: Energy developments in the United States are profound and their effect will be felt well beyond North America – and the energy sector. The recent rebound in US oil and gas production, driven by upstream technologies that are unlocking light tight oil and shale gas resources, is spurring economic activity – with less expensive gas and electricity prices giving industry a competitive edge – and steadily changing the role of North America in global energy trade. By around 2020, the United States is projected to become the largest global oil producer (overtaking Saudi Arabia until the mid-2020s) and starts to see the impact of new fuel-efficiency measures in transport. The result is a continued fall in US oil imports, to the extent that North America becomes a net oil exporter around 2030.If true, the geopolitical consequences of this development are profound. Put simply: it will mean the death of the Carter Doctrine or the idea that the U.S. has to police the Persian Gulf for the sake of its own security. "Energy independence" is a chimera, but the increasing diversification of supply means that no single region can hold the world economy hostage like it used to. U.S. policy should be focused on magnifying this trend - through increased domestic production, greater efficiency and the development of alternative energy technologies. Not everyone is convinced that the future is so rosy, like Stuart Staniford: I am less persuaded myself that using a thousand oil rigs to generate an extra one million barrels per day of oil is necessarily a sign of a large and long-term sustainable increase in US oil production (as opposed to, say, frenzied scraping of the bottom of the barrel). But, still, I'm not certain beyond a reasonable doubt just how deep this particular barrel can be scraped.The greater challenge will be thinking long term: if the IEA is to be believed, Saudi Arabia will soon lose its "swing producer" status. Are they ready for that? And will the U.S. be similarly prepared when it own supplies eventually draw down?
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "url": "http://www.realclearworld.com/blog/2012/11/america_the_next_energy_superpower.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131297831.4/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172137-00154-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9329137206077576, "token_count": 443, "score": 2.546875, "int_score": 3 }
Banana fiber is naturally available fiber material in enormous amount which is having good mechanical properties. We can utilize those properties in mechanical field by making highly demanded hybrid composite materials. This work carries the investigation of the Hybrid composite material which is prepared by reinforcing S2 glass fiber, banana fiber using Epoxy resin and hardener. Two different samples are prepared, one of the sample is prepared with treating the banana fiber with NaOH solution and another sample were fabricated without chemical treatment, fabrication is carried out by hand layup technique. The sample is prepared by layer formation and by distributing uniform constant load. Finally, fabricated samples are tested in tensile and flexural strength as per ASTM standards to compare the property of two samples. Finally, the results proved that NaOH treated sample exhibit high tensile strength and high flexural strength. The morphological analysis of SEM images shows that NaOH treated composites have well fined bonding structure and can be used for Engineering Applications. © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/bync-nd/4.0) Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of ICAMMM 2020.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-40", "url": "https://research.vit.ac.in/publication/comparative-study-of-mechanical-and-morphological-analysis", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-40/segments/1695233510707.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20230930181852-20230930211852-00218.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9320066571235657, "token_count": 257, "score": 2.71875, "int_score": 3 }
Health, Safety & Risk Management Few youth organizations encompass the breadth, volume, and diversity of physical activity common to Scouting, and none enjoy a better safety record. The key to maintaining and improving this exemplary record is the conscientious and trained adult leader who is attentive to safety concerns. As an aid in the continuing effort to protect participants in a Scout activity, the BSA National Health and Safety Committee and the Council Services Division of the BSA National Council have developed the "Sweet Sixteen" of BSA safety procedures for physical activity. These 16 points, which embody good judgement and common sense, are applicable to all activities. Robert Baden-Powell once said the definition of the Scout motto "Be Prepared" is this: “A Scout must prepare himself by previous thinking out and practicing how to act on any accident or emergency so that he is never taken by surprise.” Baden-Powell also advocated that young people spend a lot of time learning in and about the out-of-doors, as he said, “The open-air is the real objective of Scouting and the key to its success.” However, we still need to be aware of our surroundings and their changing conditions, including what is happening with the weather. GUIDE TO SAFE SCOUTING All participants in official Scouting activities should become familiar with the Guide to Safe Scouting, applicable program literature or manuals, and be aware of state or local government regulations that supersede Boy Scouts of America practices, policies, and guidelines. The Guide to Safe Scouting is an overview of Scouting policies and procedures gleaned from a variety of sources. For some items, the policy statements are complete. Unit leaders are expected to review the additional reference material cited prior to conducting such activities.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://www.mountainwestcouncil.org/healthsafetyrisk", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296943698.79/warc/CC-MAIN-20230321131205-20230321161205-00408.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9509366750717163, "token_count": 363, "score": 3.375, "int_score": 3 }
Terms you need to know Gender-sensitive language is gender equality made manifest through language. Gender equality in language is attained when women and men – and those who do not conform to the binary gender system – are addressed through language as persons of equal value, dignity, integrity and respect. There are number of different ways gender relationships can be expressed with accuracy, such as avoiding the use of language that refers explicitly or implicitly to only one gender and ensuring, through inclusive alternatives, the use of gender-sensitive and inclusive language. Essentially, sexist language is the same as gender-discriminatory language. However there is a subtle difference in how people use the terms: sexist language is commonly seen as language that the user intends to be derogatory; gender-discriminatory language, on the other hand, also includes language people use without any sexist intention. Gender-discriminatory language is the opposite of gender-sensitive language. It includes words, phrases and/or other linguistic features that foster stereotypes, or demean or ignore women or men. At its most extreme it fails to treat the genders as equal in value, dignity, integrity and respect. Gender-biased language either implicitly or explicitly favours one gender over another and is a form of gender-discriminatory language. This is not gender-specific and considers people in general, with no reference to women or men. It is also called gender-blind language.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-10", "url": "https://eige.europa.eu/publications/gender-sensitive-communication/first-steps-towards-more-inclusive-language/terms-you-need-know?lang=it", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-10/segments/1614178351454.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20210225182552-20210225212552-00312.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9201470017433167, "token_count": 291, "score": 4.46875, "int_score": 4 }
A. Qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the following: 1. marked impairments in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviours such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction 2. failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level 3. a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people) 4. lack of social or emotional reciprocity B. Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behaviour, interests, and activities, as manifested by at least one of the following: 1. encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus 2. apparently inflexible adherence to specific, non-functional routines or rituals 3. stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body movements) 4. persistent preoccupation with parts of objects C. The disturbance causes clinically significant impairments in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. D. There is no clinically significant general delay in language (e.g., single words used by age 2 years, communicative phrases used by age 3 years). E. There is no clinically significant delay in cognitive development or in the development ofage-appropriate self-help skills, adaptive behaviour (other than social interaction), and curiosity about the environment in childhood. F. Criteria are not met for another specific Pervasive Developmental Disorder or Schizophrenia. © 2000 American Psychiatric Association. Was this article helpful? Autism is a developmental disorder that manifests itself in early childhood and affects the functioning of the brain, primarily in the areas of social interaction and communication. Children with autism look like other children but do not play or behave like other children. They must struggle daily to cope and connect with the world around them.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-47", "url": "https://www.lawandmotherhood.com/autistic-children/dsmiv-diagnostic-criteria-for-aspergers-disorder.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-47/segments/1573496669755.17/warc/CC-MAIN-20191118104047-20191118132047-00544.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9130936861038208, "token_count": 426, "score": 3.46875, "int_score": 3 }
10. Hemp benefits are denied. Hemp can be made into paper, paneling, plastics, clothing and thousands of other useful products. The highly nutritious seeds can be used to make flour, cooking oil and cattle feed. This environmentally friendly plant grows without herbicides, nourishes the soil, matures quickly and provides high yields. It’s the number-one biomass producer in the world – ten tons per acre in four months. It could be an excellent fuel-producing crop. Hemp, “nature’s perfect plant,” could bring a bonanza to hurting American farmers while greatly reducing America’s dependence on fossil fuels, which could significantly mitigate climate change. 9. Prohibition diverts billions from the needy. More than 50 government agencies feed at the drug war trough. Food stamps and other social programs are being slashed while billions are spent trying to stop adults from using marijuana. 8. Prohibition is clearly counterproductive. Guaranteeing massive profits to anyone on earth who can produce and deliver marijuana to our streets cannot do anything but assure that even more will be produced and delivered. 7. Criminalizing marijuana lacks moral justification. A real crime implies a victim and a perpetrator. Can you imagine being jailed for robbing yourself? As insane as this sounds, our government has done the equivalent by making adult use of marijuana a crime. Only a depraved, corrupt government could invent a crime you commit against yourself. 6. Marijuana users are not debased human beings. Cultures throughout history – and pre-history! – have altered their minds with a variety of drugs. Billions around the world derive positive benefits from mind-altering drugs (especially from alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and marijuana). Demonizing and criminalizing some drugs, while approving others without rational criteria, is clearly arbitrary and deceitful. Why are marijuana users criminals while alcohol and tobacco users are not? Why are marijuana dealers demonized, but alcohol and tobacco dealers are not? 5. Marijuana is effective medicine. There’s overwhelming evidence that marijuana can safely relieve pain, nausea and vomiting caused by various illnesses. In fact, marijuana is patently safer than many commonly prescribed drugs. 4. Promising medical research is thwarted. The discovery of naturally occurring marijuana-like substances in the human body that activate so-called cannabinoid receptors has opened up vast possibilities for new medicines derived from the 66 or so cannabinoids identified in marijuana. These receptors are not just in the brain, but also found in many other parts of the body including the immune, endocrine and reproductive systems. 3. Billions in potential taxes go to drug cartels. Our cash-strapped states are being cheated out of billions that could be obtained by taxing and regulating marijuana like alcohol. 2. Thousands of prohibition murders occur each year. Mexico is the world’s largest exporter of marijuana (most goes to the United States). There were at least 24,000 prohibition-related murders in Mexico since 2006. Thousands more died here, also a direct result of marijuana prohibition. 1. Prohibition denies our most basic human right. Prohibition takes away our right of sovereignty over our own bodies and gives this power to government. Does any other human right make sense if we don’t have sovereignty over our own bodies? There’s a word for people who don’t have sovereignty over their own bodies: slaves. The Glaring Truth About the Drug War The drug war is a blatantly dishonest, extremely expensive, highly destructive, grossly unjust, abject failure of our government. Despite 40 years and $1 trillion-plus of taxpayer money spent trying to stop – not robbery, not rape, not murder, not even shoplifting – but mostly trying to stop adults from using marijuana; despite draconian punishments; despite jailing millions of nonviolent Americans; despite thousands of prohibition-related murders each year, illegal drugs are cheaper, purer and more readily available than ever. This article originally appeared on: AlterNet
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-51", "url": "http://rinf.com/alt-news/latest-news/top-10-reasons-to-legalize-marijuana-now/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-51/segments/1575541301598.62/warc/CC-MAIN-20191215042926-20191215070926-00394.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9383418560028076, "token_count": 813, "score": 2.578125, "int_score": 3 }
In 1934, during the height of the Depression and one of the largest national strikes in history, 4 unarmed Rhode Island workers were killed by State Police and Militia Men called out by Governor TF Green to protect the Saylesville Bleachery in Lincoln, Rhode Island. It wasn’t a “strike,” he declared, but a “communist insurrection.” Whatever. Four workers were cut down in the street. You can still see the bullet holes in the gravestones from the high powered guns used against the strikers and each labor day some of us gather to remind the powers that be that we are not all dead and buried. This year Maureen Martin, Secretary-Treasurer of the Rhode Island AFL-CIO will deliver the address at the memorial to the martyrs created by the Rhode Island Labor History Society to memorialize what is known as The Battle of the Gravestones. The monument is located in Moshassuck Cemetery, 978 Lonsdale Avenue in Central Falls. If you like, you can see actual newsreel video of the street battle here. CIVIL WAR AT SAYLESVILLE
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "url": "http://www.rifuture.org/remember-the-battle-of-the-gravestones-in-saylesville-this-labor-day/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676589932.22/warc/CC-MAIN-20180717222930-20180718002930-00073.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.953589677810669, "token_count": 234, "score": 2.796875, "int_score": 3 }
Most antiquities scholars think that the New Testament gospels are mythologized history telling of a controversial first century Jewish rabbi named Yeshua ben Yosef who gathered a following that provided the seed that grew into Christianity. At the same time, these scholars acknowledge that many Bible stories like the virgin birth, miracles, resurrection, and women at the tomb borrow and rework mythic themes that were common in the Ancient Near East, much the way that screenwriters base new movies on old familiar tropes or plot elements. In this view, a “historical Jesus” became mythologized. For over 200 years, a wide ranging array of theologians and historians, most of them Christian, analyzed ancient texts, both those that made it into the Bible and those that didn’t, in attempts to excavate the man behind the myth. Several current or recent bestsellers take this approach, distilling the scholarship for a popular audience. Familiar titles include Zealot by Reza Aslan and How Jesus Became God by Bart Ehrman. But other scholars believe that the gospel stories are actually “historicized mythology.” In this view, those ancient mythic templates are themselves the kernel. They got filled in with names, places and other real world details as early sects of Jesus worship attempted to understand and defend the devotional traditions they had received. The notion that Jesus never existed is a minority position. For centuries all serious scholars of Christianity were Christians themselves, and modern secular scholars lean heavily on the groundwork that they laid in collecting, preserving, and analyzing ancient texts. Even today most secular scholars come out of a religious background, and many operate by default under historical presumptions of their former faith. Academic arguments in support of the Jesus Myth theory can be found in the writings of Richard Carrier and Robert Price. Carrier, who has a Ph.D. in ancient history uses the tools of his trade to show, among other things, how Christianity might have gotten off the ground without a miracle. Price, by contrast, writes from the perspective of a theologian whose biblical scholarship ultimately formed the basis for his skepticism. The arguments on both sides of this question, mythologized history or historicized mythology, fill volumes, and if anything the debate seems to be heating up rather than resolving. A growing number of scholars are openly questioning or actively arguing against Jesus’ historicity. Since many people, both Christian and not, find it surprising that this debate even exists, that credible scholars might think Jesus never existed, here are some of the key points that keep the doubts alive: 1. No first century secular evidence whatsoever exists to support the actuality of Yeshua ben Yosef. In the words of Bart Ehrman: “What sorts of things do pagan authors from the time of Jesus have to say about him? Nothing. As odd as it may seem, there is no mention of Jesus at all by any of his pagan contemporaries. There are no birth records, no trial transcripts, no death certificates; there are no expressions of interest, no heated slanders, no passing references, nothing. In fact, if we broaden our field of concern to the years after his death, even if we include the entire first century of the Common Era, there is not so much as a solitary reference to Jesus in any non-Christian, non-Jewish source of any kind. I should stress that we do have a large number of documents from the time, the writings of poets, philosophers, historians, scientists, and government officials, for example, not to mention the large collection of surviving inscriptions on stone and private letters and legal documents on papyrus. In none of this vast array of surviving writings is Jesus’ name ever so much as mentioned.” 2. The earliest New Testament writers seem ignorant of the details of Jesus’ life, which become more crystalized in later texts.Paul seems unaware of any virgin birth, for example. No wise men, no star in the east, no miracles. Historians have long puzzled over the “Silence of Paul” on the most basic biographical facts and teachings of Jesus. Paul fails to cite Jesus’ authority precisely when it would make his case. What’s more, he never calls the twelve apostles Jesus’ disciples; in fact, he never says Jesus HAD disciples, or a ministry, or did miracles, or gave teachings. He virtually refuses to disclose any other biographical detail, and the few cryptic hints he offers aren’t just vague, but contradict the gospels. The leaders of the early Christian movement in Jerusalem like Peter and James are supposedly Jesus’ own followers and family; but Paul dismisses them as nobodies and repeatedly opposes them for not being true Christians. Liberal theologian Marcus Borg suggests that people read the books of the New Testament in chronological order to see how early Christianity unfolded. “Placing the Gospels after Paul makes it clear that as written documents they are not the source of early Christianity but its product. The Gospels are the products of early Christian communities several decades after Jesus’ historical life and tell us how those communities saw his significance in their historical context.” 3. Even the New Testament stories don’t claim to be first-hand accounts. We now know that the four gospels were assigned the names of the apostles Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, not written by them. To make matters sketchier, the name designations happened sometime in second century, around 100 years or more after Christianity supposedly began. For a variety of reasons, the practice of pseudonymous writing was common at the time and many contemporary documents are “signed” by famous figures. The same is true of the New Testament epistles except for a handful of letters from Paul (6 out of 13) which are broadly thought to be genuine. But even the gospel stories don’t actually say, “I was there.” Rather, they claim the existence of other witnesses, a phenomenon familiar to anyone who has heard the phrase, my aunt knew someone who . . . . 4. The gospels, our only accounts of a historical Jesus, contradict each other. If you think you know the Jesus story pretty well, I suggest that you pause at this point to test yourself with the 20 question quiz at ExChristian.net. The gospel of Mark is thought to be the earliest existing “life of Jesus,” and linguistic analysis suggests that Luke and Matthew both simply reworked Mark and added their own corrections and new material. But they contradict each other and, to an even greater degree contradict the much later gospel of John, because they were written with different objectives for different audiences. The incompatible Easter stories offer one example of how much the stories disagree. 5. Modern scholars who claim to have uncovered the real historical Jesus depict wildly different persons. They include a cynic philosopher, charismatic Hasid, liberal Pharisee, conservative rabbi, Zealot revolutionary, nonviolent pacifist to borrow from a much longer list assembled by Price. In his words, “The historical Jesus (if there was one) might well have been a messianic king, or a progressive Pharisee, or a Galilean shaman, or a magus, or a Hellenistic sage. But he cannot very well have been all of them at the same time.” John Dominic Crossan of the Jesus Seminar grumbles that “the stunning diversity is an academic embarrassment.” These issues and more lead to a conclusion that seems inescapable: Jesus appears to be an effect, not a cause, of Christianity. Paul and the rest of the first generation of Christians searched the Septuagint translation of Hebrew scriptures to create a Mystery Faith for the Jews, complete with pagan rituals like a Lord’s Supper, Gnostic terms in his letters, and a personal savior god to rival those in their neighbors’ longstanding Egyptian, Persian, Hellenistic and Roman traditions. In a soon-to-be-released book, entitled Jesus: Mything in Action, the author argues that the many competing versions proposed by secular scholars are just as problematic as any “Jesus of Faith.” Even if one accepts that there was a real Jesus of Nazareth, the question has little practical meaning. Regardless of whether or not a first century rabbi called Yeshua ben Yosef lived, the “historical Jesus” figures so patiently excavated and re-assembled by secular scholars are themselves fictions. From her new CD, “Whsipers.” Sumer, or the ‘land of civilized kings’, flourished in Mesopotamia, now modern-day Iraq, around 4500 BC. Sumerians created an advanced civilization with its own system of elaborate language and writing, architecture and arts, astronomy and mathematics. Their religious system was a complex one comprised of hundreds of gods, rites and cosmology. According to the ancient texts, each Sumerian city was guarded by its own god; and while humans and gods used to live together, the humans were servants to the gods. The Sumerian creation myth can be found on a tablet in Nippur, an ancient Mesopotamian city founded in approximately 5000 BC. The creation of Earth (Enuma Elish) according to the Sumerian tablets begins like this: When in the height heaven was not named, And the earth beneath did not yet bear a name, And the primeval Apsu, who begat them, And chaos, Tiamut, the mother of them both Their waters were mingled together, And no field was formed, no marsh was to be seen; When of the gods none had been called into being, And none bore a name, and no destinies were ordained; Then were created the gods in the midst of heaven, Lahmu and Lahamu were called into being… It is interesting here to note that no one god is responsible for creation, as even gods are themselves part of the creation. Sumerian mythology claims that, in the beginning, human-like beings of extra-terrestrial origin ruled over Earth. Those beings, or gods, could travel through the sky in either round or rocket shaped vehicles. These beings toiled Earth’s soil, digging to make it habitable and mining its minerals. The texts mention that at some point the gods mutinied against their labor. When the gods like men Bore the work and suffered the toll The toil of the gods was great, The work was heavy, the distress was much. Anu, the god of gods, agreed that their labor was too great. His son Enki, or Ea, proposed to create man to bear the labor, and so, with the help of his half-sister Ninki, he did. A god was put to death, and his body and blood was mixed with clay. From that material the first human being was created, in likeness to the gods. You have slaughtered a god together With his personality I have removed your heavy work I have imposed your toil on man. … In the clay god and Man Shall be bound, To a unity brought together; So that to the end of days The Flesh and the Soul Which in a god have ripened That soul in a blood-kinship be bound. It is interesting here to note that the spirit is connected to the body, as is the case in many other religions and myths. This first man was created in Eden, a Sumerian word which means ‘flat terrain’. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Eden is mentioned as the garden of the gods and is located somewhere in Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Initially human beings were unable to reproduce on their own, but were later modified with the help of Enki and Ninki. Thus Adapa is created as a fully functional and independent human being. This ‘modification’ was done without the approval of Enki’s brother, Enlil, and a conflict between the gods begins. Enlil becomes the adversary of man, and the Sumerian tablet mentions that men served gods and went through much hardship and suffering. Although not the exact creation story involving two trees in Eden, Adapa, with the help of Enki, ascends to Anu where he fails to answer a question about ‘the bread and water of life’. Opinions vary on the similarities between these two creation stories, but one thing remains clear: immortality is meant for gods, not for men. The Sacred City of Caral in Peru is a 5,000-year-old metropolis which represents the oldest known civilization in the Americas, known as the Norte Chico. When it was first discovered, archaeologists had no idea of the extent of this great city, nor its age. It took some 90 years before researchers discovered its immense significance. While the inhabitants of Caral lacked ceramics and limited art, they built huge monuments, including pyramids, plazas, amphitheatres, temples, and residential areas, had extensive agriculture, ate a varied diet, developed the use of textiles, used a complex system for calculating and recording, built water supply, and developed an intricate irrigation system. They traded widely with neighbouring societies, reaching at least as far as the Amazon jungle, as evidenced by carvings of monkeys. Interestingly, no evidence of warfare has ever been found in Caral. No defensive structures, no weapons, and no bodies with violent injuries. Archaeologists believe the people of Caral were a peaceful culture who spent considerable time studying the heavens, practicing their religion and playing musical instruments. One of the most surprising findings at Caral was the discovery of 32 flutes made of condor and pelican bones, and 37 cornets (musical instrument like a small trumpet) made of deer and llama bones. The musical instruments, which date to around 2,200 BC, were discovered in the exterior of a circular plaza of a pyramid complex, an area where hundreds of people could gather for community events. The instruments are decorated with engraved figures, including monkeys, supernatural birds that combine features of some other creatures such as felines or monkeys, bird-faced snakes, a double head comprising a bird and a snake, and two anthropomorphic figures. They were played by blowing into the central hole and covering either the left or right hand holes. In 2001, researchers held the Archaeo-Musicological Research Workshop for the Flutes of Caral, in a bid to reproduce the sound of each one of them, just as the ancient dwellers might have heard them millennia ago. Another rare discovery that shed light on the civilization found at Caral and in the Supe Valley was a segment of knotted strings known as a quipu. Quipus, sometimes called ‘talking knots’, were recording devices that consisted of colored, spun, and plied thread or strings from llama or alpaca hair, or made of cotton cords. It is known that by the time of the Inca, the system aided in collecting data and keeping records, ranging from monitoring tax obligations, properly collecting census records, calendrical information, and military organization. The cords contained numeric and other values encoded by knots in a base ten positional system. Together, the type of wool, the colors, the knots and the joins held both statistical and narrative information that was once readable by several South American societies. In some villages, quipus were important items for the local community, and took on ritual rather than recording use. Until the discovery of the quipu in Caral, no other examples had been found that dated back earlier than 650 AD. So the significance of this finding was that it was now apparent that inhabitants of Andean South America were using this complex recording system thousands of years earlier than they initially thought. Across from the main staircase of one of the pyramids (platform mounds) in Caral is a solitary monolith known as ‘Huanca’ (the standing stone), which stands at 2.15 meters in height. Archaeologists believe that this monolith was used for astronomical and ceremonial purposes, and for determining the time of day. Measurements of the Huanca’s position in relation to the pyramids found that it sits exactly due north of one of the pyramids, known as ‘Huanca pyramid’. The angle of the stone to the top of the pyramid marks the of the summer and winter solstices. Very little is known about the religious beliefs and practices of the Norte Chico civilization which inhabited Caral. There is abundant evidence of drug use normally associated with Shamanism, which may provide some clues, but there is hardly any art in Caral, one of the key sources that archaeologists use to learn about the daily life and beliefs of ancient civilizations. Some scholars claim that the very few human remains found at Caral are sacrificial victims. However, in reality there is nothing to indicate that the individuals had been sacrificed as opposed to normal death. There is one artifact that may serve to shed light on the beliefs of the Norte Chicos. Etched onto the side of a gourd (a hard seed pod used for carrying water), which dates to 2280-2180 BC, is a depiction of a sharp-toothed, hat-wearing figure who holds a long stick or rod in each hand, which has been named the Staff God. Interestingly, the same image of the Staff God appears on pottery urns of the Wari and Tiwanaku cultures dating from 1,000 BC, all the way through to 1,000 AD, and the deity is figured prominently on the Gateway of the Sun at Tiwanaku near Lake Titicaca. Could beliefs in a Staff God have begun with the Norte Chico civilization in Caral nearly 5,000 years ago and dispersed outwards to influence later Mesoamerican civilizations? For an unknown reason, Caral was abandoned rapidly after a period of only 500 years. It is believed that climate changes forced the inhabitants to find a new location for their city, although where exactly they went is uncertain. However, the fact that the Staff God, and the use of the quipu is found some 2,000 years later in other locations throughout South America, suggests that the Norte Chicos took with them their rich culture, religion, technology, and practices, and came to influence some of the greatest civilizations of Mesoamerica that followed over the next 4,000 years. Tea is supposed to be a relaxing, refreshing, and healthy, but it could be one of the riskiest things people ingest. At least, that’s according to a new study released by Greenpeace earlier this month that found a number of popular tea brands contain high doses of pesticide residues. Some teas even tested positive for the long-banned DDT. Greenpeace published two reports looking at tea in China and in India. In both accounts, the levels of pesticide residues found in tea samples were disturbingly above the safe limits set by the World Health Organization. China and India are the first and second largest producers of tea, respectively, and a good deal of their tea is exported internationally. The United States imports almost all of its tea, and tea companies are required to produce documentation that proves their compliance before being approved by the FDA and customs. However, Greenpeace’s studies focused on China and India, which are the largest producers, as well as the largest consumers, of tea. Their food safety regulations differ wildly from those of the United States. In 49 Indian tea samples tested, nearly 60 percent contained at least one pesticide above the safety limits set by the European Union. In 18 samples, the quantity of pesticides were “50 percent more than the maximum level.” A whopping 33 samples contained DDT. In the report on China’s teas, nearly 67 percent of samples (18 total) contained pesticides that have been previously banned under the Stockholm Convention. “Richun’s Tieguanyin 803 tea [from China] showed up with 17 different kinds of pesticides!” reported Greenpeace. In total, 14 samples from China contained pesticides that are known to harm unborn children or cause genetic damage. Brands tested were from 8 of the 11 top tea brands such as Twinings, Tata Tea, Tetley, Brooke Bond, Golden Tips, Goodricke and surprisingly, the No. 1 tea brand: Lipton. In Greenpeace’s studies, three of four Lipton samples, “contained pesticides that are banned for use on tea plants and are highly toxic. Altogether 17 different kinds of pesticides were found on the four samples.” “As the world’s best-selling tea brand, Lipton is taking advantage of China’s loose pesticide control measures at the expense of its Chinese customers,” Wang Jing, Greenpeace food and agriculture campaigner, told Greenpeace East Asia. Pesticides found through the test included a number of pesticides that Greenpeace reports are a result of “complicated and confusing” regulations. For instance: “As of May 2014, a total 248 chemical pesticides have been registered under section 9(3) of the Insecticides Act (1968) for use in India, for all crops. However, the rationale for permitting these remains far from clear. For example, the list contains Endosulfan, which has been subject to a separate comprehensive ban by decision of the High Court as of 2011.” Pesticides found included methomyl, an insecticide known for harming the nervous system; dicofol, a chemical related to DDT; and endosulfan among many others. To the news of the findings, Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL), one of the largest companies reported in the study, said it complies with the law. “We have internal HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) processes for all our factories,” HUL told DNA India. “Samples of raw materials and finished products are regularly sent to third-party testing laboratories. Our data does not show the presence of any unapproved chemicals and we fully comply with the Indian foods regulations as stipulated by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).” HUL added it was looking to phase out pesticides with its suppliers by 2020. From the new Leonard Cohen album to be released in October.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-04", "url": "https://spydersden.wordpress.com/2014/08/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-04/segments/1547583688396.58/warc/CC-MAIN-20190120001524-20190120023524-00395.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9660906195640564, "token_count": 4671, "score": 2.75, "int_score": 3 }
Monument to those who lost their lives in the wreck of George III, 1928 (ALMFA, SLT) George III, convict ship of 394 tons, was wrecked on reefs at the south-eastern entrance to the D'Entrecasteaux Channel on 12 March 1835 near the end of a voyage from Woolwich to Hobart Town. While 133 of 220 male convicts on board lost their lives, only five of the 88 crew, guards and their families were drowned. Firearms had been discharged to keep the convicts below decks while the latter were being evacuated. The loss of the George III was the third worst shipping disaster confirmed in Tasmanian waters, after the Cataraqui and Neva. Further reading: M Roe, An imperial disaster: the wreck of George the Third, Hobart, 2006.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-17", "url": "http://www.utas.edu.au/library/companion_to_tasmanian_history/G/George%20III.htm", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-17/segments/1492917122726.55/warc/CC-MAIN-20170423031202-00126-ip-10-145-167-34.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9806836843490601, "token_count": 171, "score": 2.859375, "int_score": 3 }
Is there another way? Visibility in Beijing is sometimes so bad that the airport must be closed due to smog. In their rush to develop, many nations are making the same mistakes that the developed nations have already made. Can everyone find a more sustainable path? A topic generating a great deal of discussion these days is sustainable development . The goals of sustainable development are to: - help people out of poverty. - protect the environment. - use resources no faster than the rate at which they are regenerated. One of the most important steps to achieving a more sustainable future is to reduce human population growth. This has been happening in recent years. Studies have shown that the birth rate decreases as women become educated, because educated women tend to have fewer, and healthier, children. Science can be an important part of sustainable development. When scientists understand how Earth’s natural systems work, they can recognize how people are impacting them. Scientists can work to develop technologies that can be used to solve problems wisely. An example of a practice that can aid sustainable development is fish farming, as long as it is done in environmentally sound ways. Engineers can develop cleaner energy sources to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Citizens can change their behavior to reduce the impact they have on the planet by demanding products that are produced sustainably. When forests are logged, new trees should be planted. Mining should be done so that the landscape is not destroyed. People can consume less and think more about the impacts of what they do consume. And what of the waste products of society? Will producing all that we need to keep the population growing result in a planet so polluted that the quality of life will be greatly diminished? Will warming temperatures cause problems for human populations? The only answer to all of these questions is, time will tell. - Sustainable development tries to bring people up to certain minimum living conditions without doing further damage to the environment. - To develop sustainably, the human population must stabilize. - Resources must be developed and used consciously and in environmentally sound ways. 1. Why does the status of women help decrease population growth? 2. What is sustainable development? Do you think that it be achieved in your lifetime? 3. How can environmental protections be enacted and people be helped out of poverty at the same time? Are those goals conflicting?
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-41", "url": "http://www.ck12.org/earth-science/Sustainable-Development/lesson/user:James%20M.%20Doherty/Sustainable-Development/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-41/segments/1410657113000.87/warc/CC-MAIN-20140914011153-00319-ip-10-196-40-205.us-west-1.compute.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9510282278060913, "token_count": 480, "score": 3.84375, "int_score": 4 }
The many different qualities of glass make it a versatile and exciting medium to work with for artists. It can also be very challenging and unforgiving to achieve a flawless piece. Commercial decorative glass production throughout the late 19th and 20th century has led to a large number of collectable factories or designers, many employing their own signature trademark to their products. The many techniques to work the surface have been fully utilised, such as acid-etching and wheel-carving. Some have introduced multiple layers of glass, be it different colours or introducing opalescence or iridescence. And some have utilised a combination of such techniques and treatments to produce a stunning array of decorative glass ornaments, vessels, and lighting. Arising in the second half of the 20th century you see glass studios and individual glass artists coming to the forefront, employing new techniques and creating true works of art. A strong area of collecting in the North American, European, and Scandinavian markets, 20th century glass auctions in the UK have a far-reaching audience. The city of Nancy in the region of Lorraine in France was the home of two true powerhouses of late 19th and early 20th-century glass – Émile Gallé, and Daum. Between these two producers, the French Art Nouveau style was epitomised in glass, and both went on to have an impact on the Art Deco and Modernist styles. Both factories predominantly produced work in cameo glass – where multiple layers of different colour glass are fused together, and then the surface worked to reveal the different colours to heighten the effect of the design. Commercially, and still today, the more layers the piece had the more expensive it would be. The technique of acid-etching, when practised expertly, could enable mass-production of vessels to a very high-level finish. Both factories employed it well. Daum then applied coloured enamels onto the surface for some of their designs – such as landscape views. Both studios also produced work that was hand-finished, such as the wheel-carving or fire-polishing techniques. These pieces would have been reserved for the highest price-band in the markets, and today are the more sought after by collectors. Aside from cameo glass, the use of pâte de verre glass was also used by Daum, as well as other contemporaries such as the designer Almeric Walter. Here they take crushed glass that is then fused together in the kiln, resulting in a glass of denser appearance and not translucent. Both factories clearly signed their work and incorporated the regional symbol– the Cross of Lorraine - alongside their signature. These markings are sometimes cleverly intertwined in the designs of the cameo. But buyers beware! So desirable are the French originals, and potentially so expensive, they have for many years been targets for later copies. If you see a vase signed ‘Gallé Typ’, this is not a period vase, but a later 20th-century copy, produced in Bohemia. Arguably one of the most famous names to be connected with the world of glass is that of René Lalique. Originally a jewellery designer of high distinction, Lalique started producing glass designs in the early years of the 20th century. It was his connections from the jewellery and perfume industries that saw him first produce designs of perfume bottles for top-end perfume brands, such as Coty. Decorative ornaments for dressing tables such as powder boxes followed. Ultimately this led to a huge range of designs encompassing everything from vases to car mascots, tableware to the tables themselves. His career spanned the Art Nouveau and Art Deco movements, the latter being his most influential style. His profile was so high by 1925, his designs and glasswork adorned the grounds of the great 1925 Paris exhibition that gave Art Deco its name. As a glass producer, the Lalique factory concentrated on relatively mass-produced moulded designs. These were then finished either with treatment to the surface to introduce texture or depth, such as acid-etching, polishing, or colour staining. By and large, the glass itself was either clear, or had an opalescence introduced, although scarcer pieces may have been made with a colour, such as electric blue, radiant green, or soft butterscotch. Even though produced in large numbers, each piece carries with it the sense of being unique, and that allure sets it apart from being the luxurious brand it has become. There are unique examples of designs known as the cire perdue, or "lost wax", pieces. These really are the jewels in the crown of any Lalique collection and are extremely scarce. Lalique glass remains very popular at auction and has been since the dedicated Lalique auctions of the 1980s. As a collector's item, Lalique glass falls between two periods - pre-1945 and post-1945 production. The 1945 date is significant for a number of reasons, one being it is the year René died and the running of the business passed to his son, Marc. Another is the change in the chemical composition of the glass itself. To signify the changes, the signatures vary, so it is quite easy to determine a pre-1945 and post-1945 piece. Pre-1945 items are signed 'R. Lalique'; post-1945 pieces are simply signed 'Lalique', with more recent pieces also bearing a registration symbol. In the late 19th century, leading British producers such as Thomas Webb and Stevens and Williams were producing exquisite cameo glass items, alongside suites of tableware and cut crystal. Much the same as their ceramic industry contemporaries, the large glass firms employed some of the World’s leading designers to work for their studios. Master craftsmen, such as Joshua Hodgetts, could wheel-carve the finest cameo glass to fit the taste of the day. Designers such as Dr Christopher Dresser produced designs for factories working elsewhere in the British Isles, such as the ‘Clutha’ range for James Couper & Son of Glasgow. Monart glasswares of the 1930s drew inspiration from French Art Glass producers of the time. All are now well sought after at auction. British mass-scale glass production underwent a bit of a resurgence in the mid-20th century. Today collectors are particularly interested in pieces of Whitefriars glass at auction. The main studios of Whitefriars were headed by Geoffrey Baxter who joined the firm in 1954 and later introduced a series known as Textured Glass that would become iconic. Not only were the shapes innovative and open to novel names – such as the Drunken Bricklayer, Banjo, or even Calculator shapes – but the colour schemes were just as impacting. Kingfisher Blue, Tangerine, Aubergine, Forest Green, to name a few, are now instantly associated with this one firm and this period of the late 1960s/ early 1970s. Whitefriars at auction remains a very active area of collecting. The small islands of Murano just off the coast of Venice, Italy, have certainly left their mark on the world of glass. The furnaces have been burning there for centuries and the 20th century has certainly been no different. It has become almost a spiritual home for glassworkers the world over to pay pilgrimage to and to learn the techniques and skills required to be a master glassworker. There is a particular demand for items of Murano glass from the 1920s to the present day, depending on the artist behind them. The artist, studio, and age are the key factors in determining auction value for any Murano glass item. For example, you may have a vase after a design by one of the great designers such as Archimede Seguso, but unless it is by his factory correctly signed (or labelled) its value can be a fraction of an “original”. Names such as Paolo Venini, Carlo Scarpa, Dino Martens, and Barovier & Toso have been responsible for some of the most iconic pieces. In Italian art glass, you frequently see techniques employed such as Sommerso glass – where different coloured layers are fused without mixing – and more traditional techniques such as millefiori incorporated with a modern twist, such as the quirky Pulcino glass birds by Allesandro Pianon. The Italian Art Glass auction market is expansive, but one thing is for certain, you can certainly discover some striking works of art. Scandinavia is another hotspot for glass production, with Sweden, in particular, being well known for its innovative and inspiring productions. Mid-century glassware from Scandinavia is now highly prized at auction, with certain designs and examples reaching “iconic” status. But early 20th-century production paved the way for many avant-garde mid-century designers, and so examples from throughout the 20th century are equally desirable. As with most other countries, the market for Scandinavian art glass can be looked at in terms of the larger factories, and then the works of individual designers working for them. The two main powerhouses from Sweden are Kosta (or Kosta Boda) and Orrefors. The Danish factory of Holmgaard and the Finnish factory Iittala also employed key designers. Most Scandinavian glass designers were also designers across other mediums, such as ceramics, or furniture design. Some of the key designer names you may come across are Vicke Lindstrand, Evard Hald, Tapio Wirkkala, and Timo Sarpaneva. It is an area of collecting that can be very accessible by way of affordability, whilst also generating huge sums of money for the most impressive pieces. The production of decorative glass on a large scale dominates most established areas of collecting glass. However, throughout the 20th century, there has been an increasing trend towards individual or studio glass production. Glass artists learn the skills and techniques by apprenticeships and residencies at major centres – such as Murano – and then apply their hand to smaller-scale production either by their own or in a small workshop studio. Artists have embraced glass and its qualities and explored new techniques of working to produce highly contemporary works of art. Some artists have become world-renowned for installation sized commissions, such as Dale Chihuly. Others have established a strong following among collectors on a more local scale, such as John Ditchfield with his studio Glasform. Iridescent glass gifts from his workshop, such as lily pad paperweights are highly sought after when they appear at auction and prove very popular. Whether you are looking for an affordable piece as a gift or looking to make more of an investment, studio art glass at auction can be very diverse and rewarding. If you have an item of glass that you would like valued for auction it couldn’t be easier. You can submit an enquiry via our Valuations Form where you can upload images and details of your items. From these images, our Specialist will be able to give an initial guide into likely auction value. You can share multiple files by emailing our Specialist directly, or alternatively book an appointment to see us in person. As with any valuation, certain factors will be crucial in determining a more accurate and realistic auction estimate. The condition of an item is especially important to dedicated collectors in this field. Not until our Specialist has seen an item in person would the final auction advice be agreed.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "url": "https://www.gildings.co.uk/20th-century-glass/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107896778.71/warc/CC-MAIN-20201028044037-20201028074037-00228.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.969270646572113, "token_count": 2357, "score": 2.9375, "int_score": 3 }
- A team at New York City's Mount Sinai Health System has created an app that aims to track the spread of COVID-19 in the city. - Users complete an initial survey with questions about demographics, exposure and symptom history, followed by short daily surveys about their symptoms through text messages sent to their phones. - The logged data could alert health care providers about growing clusters of cases in the specific communities in the city. A team of data scientists, physicians and engineers at New York City's Mount Sinai Health System has created an app that aims to track the spread of COVID-19 in the city, considered the epicenter of the nation's outbreak. The hospital's patients and city residents will be able to monitor their symptoms through a web-based app, called STOP COVID NYC, Mount Sinai said in a press release. To sign up, the hospital is encouraging residents to text "COVID" to 64722. Users will need to complete an initial survey with questions about demographics, exposure and symptom history, followed by short daily surveys about their symptoms through text messages sent to their phones. The data could alert health care providers about growing clusters of cases in the specific communities in the city, which would help them better allocate resources throughout the five boroughs, the hospital said. The coronavirus has infected more than 76,000 people in New York, far more than any other state in the U.S. "To do this well, we need our whole city to help, not just those in hospitals or with access to health care. Everyone is included, and everyone can help. Capturing citywide coronavirus data from residents before, during, and after they become ill could help to reduce the pressure on medical resources and contribute to slowing the spread," said Laura Huckins, and assistant professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, in a press release. The Mount Sinai Health System is New York City's largest academic medical system, encompassing eight hospitals, a medical school and a vast network of ambulatory practices throughout the greater New York region. This is not the first time an app has been developed to help fight the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. In February, China launched an app that tracks people and alerts them if they have been in "close contact with someone infected" with the new coronavirus. In Singapore, the government rolled out an app called TraceTogether that uses Bluetooth signals between cellphones to see if potential carriers of the coronavirus have been in close contact with other people. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology also developed an app called "Private Kit: Safe Paths." The idea is that users can update information about themselves on the app and then declare if they have the coronavirus or not. However, apps like MIT's and Mount Sinai will require widespread use to be effective. "Most data used to guide clinical decisions for COVID-19 have been generated in China, but with New York City among the cities with the largest number of cases—a number that continues to grow—we see a critical and urgent need to understand more about the clinical course of the disease," said Girish Nadkarni, an assistant professor at the Icahn School at Mount Sinai, in a press release.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/01/mt-sinai-hospital-launches-coronavirus-app-to-track-outbreak-across-the-new-york-city.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100452.79/warc/CC-MAIN-20231202203800-20231202233800-00000.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9555100202560425, "token_count": 669, "score": 2.796875, "int_score": 3 }
Selfishness is behavior that is directed at furthering one's own interests, without regard to, or even at the expense of, others'. A selfish person might, for example, eat all of his cookies rather than offering one to a friend, if he has no reason to believe that friend will reciprocate. Economists generally distinguish between selfishness and rational self-interest. A person can engage in unselfish behavior out of rational self-interest because he believes he can gain greater satisfaction from devoting a given resource to improving others' circumstances than to improving his own circumstances. In any event, even if individuals are selfish, this does not mean that by pursuing their selfish ends, they necessarily harm society, or that government intervention would produce a better result than the outcome of people's selfishness. Distinction between true altruism and participation in a gift economy A selfish person may still behave in ways that could benefit others, if he believes that the benefits of doing so will outweigh the costs. For example, if he thinks that giving a cookie to his friend will lead to his friend returning the favor with interest later, he might share the cookie. Due to the law of diminishing marginal utility, he might be inclined to share his tenth chocolate chip cookie if he thinks that his friend will give him one oatmeal cookie later. Such situations may reflect more of a gift economy than true altruism, however. Meritoriousness, or lack thereof, of selfish behavior |“||Observe the indecency of what passes for moral judgments today. An industrialist who produces a fortune, and a gangster who robs a bank are regarded as equally immoral, since they both sought wealth for their own “selfish” benefit. A young man who gives up his career in order to support his parents and never rises beyond the rank of grocery clerk is regarded as morally superior to the young man who endures an excruciating struggle and achieves his personal ambition. A dictator is regarded as moral, since the unspeakable atrocities he committed were intended to benefit “the people,” not himself.||”| Libertarians would generally agree that the actions of the bank robber and the tyrannical dictator are unethical, because they violate the non-aggression principle. Not all libertarians would agree that the young man has a moral duty to put a career ahead of supporting his parents. It could be argued that the choice is for him to make; after all, he would not choose to remain a grocery clerk if he did not feel that helping his parents would make him happier than pursuing a different path in life. The acceptability of making personal sacrifices to help one's family is described in The Market for Liberty, a book inspired by both Rand and Murray Rothbard, among others: |“||If a mother goes without a new dress to buy a coat for her child whom she loves, that is not a sacrifice but a gain — her child's comfort was of more value to her than the dress. But if she deprives herself and the child by giving the money to the local charity drive so that people won't think she's 'selfish,' that is a sacrifice.||”| The Tannehills argue that sacrifice (the act of giving up a greater value for a lesser value) is destructive of the life and well-being of the sacrificing individual and can never benefit anyone because "It demoralizes both the giver, who has diminished his total store of value, and the recipient, who feels guilty about accepting the sacrifice and resentful because he feels he is morally bound to return the 'favor' by sacrificing some value of his own." This is similar to the sentiment expressed by Ludwig von Mises that charity "is a system that corrupts both givers and receivers. It makes the former self-righteous and the latter submissive and cringing." However, returning to the example of the mother who deprives herself and her child in order to give money to a local charity, it is worth considering why she would do that. It could be that she is so concerned about others' opinions that she wants to do what will ingratiate herself with them, even if it means that she and her child will experience more discomfort in other ways. She apparently deems the discomfort of social disapproval to be worse than the discomfort of not having the dress she wants, or the discomfort of seeing her child go without a coat. Is it not her choice to make, given that it is her money? Does her child have any claim to that money? Rothbardians would argue that the child does not. - Mises, Ludwig von. Human Action. http://mises.org/humanaction/chap18sec4.asp. "If action is primarily directed toward the improvement of other people's conditions and is therefore commonly called altruistic, the uneasiness the actor wants to remove is his own present dissatisfaction with the expected state of other people's affairs in various periods of the future. In taking care of other people he aims at alleviating his own dissatisfaction." - Mises, Ludwig von. "The Welfare Principle Versus the Market Principle". Human Action. http://mises.org/humanaction/chap35sec3.asp. "The welfare propagandist, it is true, raises two objections. First, that the individual's motive is selfishness, while the government is imbued with good intentions. Let us admit for the sake of argument that individuals are devilish and rulers angelic. But what counts in life and reality is — whatever Kant may have said — not good intentions, but accomplishments. What makes the existence and the evolution of society possible is precisely the fact that peaceful cooperation under the social division of labor in the long run best serves the selfish concerns of all individuals." - Tannehill, Morris and Linda. "Man and Society". The Market for Liberty. pp. 9. - "Children and Rights". The Ethics of Liberty. http://mises.org/rothbard/ethics/fourteen.asp. "should a parent have the right to allow a deformed baby to die (e.g., by not feeding it)? The answer is of course yes, following a fortiori from the larger right to allow any baby, whether deformed or not, to die."
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Tigers are the only predators known to regularly prey on adult bears. 2. Due to the high intelligence of the octopus, the United Kingdom has considered it an honorary vertebrate for the sake of animal cruelty laws. 3. Wolverines are being trained to find and rescue avalanche survivors because they are naturally inclined to sniff out animals 20 feet below the snow and eat them. 4. Rabbits are so delicate animals that they can die of just fright. Children younger than 12 should not have rabbits as pets. 5. The cone snail is considered to be one of the most venomous animals on the earth. Their specialized teeth work like a hypodermic needle and harpoon to skewer and can even pierce a wetsuit. The venom is being researched by scientists to create a painkiller that is 1000 times more powerful than morphine and less addictive. Latest FactRepublic Video: 15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History Dogs laugh. When a recording of a dog’s laugh is played to puppies, they instantly show signs of joy and the same sounds have a calming effect on dogs in an animal shelter. 7. A pit bull mix named Dosha, following being hit by a car was shot in the head by a police officer in order to stop the dog’s suffering. At an animal control center, her body was put in a freezer. Two hours later, she was found alive. Dosha was taken into surgery and survived the ordeal. 8. Guard llamas are a real thing and they can tear an animal apart with their teeth and sharp nails. They are used to protect farm animals from coyotes and foxes. Most llamas also have an innate dislike for canines and will chase and attack such intruders with "extreme prejudice". 9. Wild mice (and many other wild animals) will run on an exercise wheel, even when not in a cage, just because they like it. 10. Four-legged animals like horses and dogs don't have backward knees. Those joints are actually their ankles, which bend in the same direction as our ankles do. The Iron Snail lives in the Indian Ocean more than 2,500 meters deep. It is the only known gastropod with a suit of scale armor. The scales and the shell are mineralized with iron sulfide, essentially making a skeleton out of iron. It is the only animal so far known to do so. 12. Chipmunks and other small rodents have fast reaction time because they process light faster. They see the world in slow motion. 13. The panda's gut isn't suited to digesting bamboo and can only digest 17% of the bamboo it eats. Instead, it is more suited to eating meat, like other species of bears. 14. Reindeers have many adaptations to survive in the cold. Their hooves expand in summer when the ground is soft and shrink in winter when the ground is hard. Some subspecies have knees that make a clicking noise when they walk so that the animals can stay together in a blizzard. 15. Grape-Kun was a Humboldt penguin that lived in a zoo in Japan. He grew so attached to a cardboard cutout of an anime girl that he lived with it as his ‘waifu’ till his death. The sleepiest animal in the world is the koala, which sleeps 22 hours a day. The second is the sloth (20 hours), armadillo and opossum (tied at 19 hours each), lemur (16 hours), then hamster and squirrel (tied at 14 hours each). 17. Trichoplax is an animal with just a few thousand cells. It can regenerate from very small group of cells, and if the cells are split apart, they can find each other and join back together. 18. An elephant named Osama Bin Laden was responsible for at least 27 deaths. After a 2-year rampage, the elephant was eventually shot, but some were doubtful if the right animal was killed. 19. In 1926, a raccoon named Rebecca was sent to the White House to be served for Thanksgiving dinner, but the Coolidge family kept her as a pet instead. 20. A joey is born at a very immature stage when it is only about 2 cm long and weighs less than a gram. Immediately after birth it crawls up the mother's body and enters the pouch. The baby attaches its mouth to one of four teats, which then enlarges to hold the young animal in place. The Bush Baby gets its name from its distinctive call, that sounds like a wailing child. The call inspired a myth about an animal that would kidnap children who wandered outside at night. 22. The Malaysian pen-tailed tree shrew subsists on a diet roughly equivalent to 100% beer, drinking the fermented nectar of the flower buds of the bertam plant. This nectar can reach up to 3.8% alcohol content. Despite this, they don't appear to get drunk. 23. Miniature horses are considered service animals under The Americans with Disabilities Act and are used for people with a fear of dogs. 24. Some interesting facts about animals in winter: Hibernating woodchucks only breathe 10 times an hour. Owls store frozen voles and sit on them to thaw/eat. Arctic foxes are thermoneutral down to -112ºF. Polar bears have hollow hair that brings the sun’s heat to their black skin. Black bears lose 40% of the pre-dormancy weight. 25. The Tasmanian Devil will fly into a maniacal rage when threatened by a predator, fighting for a mate, or defending a meal. Early European settlers dubbed it a “devil” after witnessing such displays, which include teeth-baring, lunging, and an array of spine-chilling guttural growls. Raccoons can turn their back feet backwards and climb down trees face-first too.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://factrepublic.com/35-interesting-facts-about-animals/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296949958.54/warc/CC-MAIN-20230401094611-20230401124611-00698.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9588847756385803, "token_count": 1270, "score": 2.734375, "int_score": 3 }
10 Things Most People Don't Know About doctor of dental surgery salary Dental Care Tips That Can Aid You Out Keeping your teeth healthy is important to your overall well-being. If you don't deal with your teeth, your teeth won't be the only thing to suffer. With time invested each day, you can guarantee the health of your teeth for a lifetime! The adhering to write-up has assembled some great tips for you to try on dental treatment. Discovering a dental expert can be difficult specifically if you have just recently moved right into a new area. There are lots of websites readily available that give dental expert ratings. You might also find that your health care physician is a great resource for information on dental professionals found in your neighborhood. In addition, your insurance provider might be able to suggest a dental practitioner in your area. See to it you're flossing daily. Brushing and using oral rinses can do away with the majority of plaques, but it will not do away with every little thing. Flossing permits you to guarantee you're removing any kind of plaque that's gotten in between your teeth. These locations can't be gotten to by cleaning or washing so it is essential to floss. A healthy and balanced diet regimen is one of the very best things you can do to ensure your teeth remain healthy. Avoiding sweet drinks and foods is necessary to prevent harming the enamel of your teeth. Fresh vegetables and fruits are the best selections when it concerns promoting healthy teeth as well as periodontals. Declining gum tissue lines is understood to trigger a host of diseases. Brushing and also flossing is very important to your gum tissue health and wellness. Every person must floss and brush their teeth in the morning and also at going to bed as well as in between dishes to assist avoid gum tissue disease. Usage excellent brushing and flossing techniques to assist avoid future illness. Some dental problems are triggered by a vitamin deficiency. Raising vitamin B and calcium must be thought about if you have a mouth that is not as healthy as it ought to be. Dairy products contains a great deal of calcium. Consume alcohol low-fat milk. Fruits include vitamins that maintain your teeth healthy. Take your time when you comb. Brushing momentarily or much less is not enough time to completely clean your mouth. It is recommended that you brush for a minimum of two mins whenever you clean, but 3 mins is additionally great. Anything over that is also lengthy and also can be disadvantageous to your dental health. Dental professionals do not just keep your smile stunning, they can in fact conserve your life! Oral healthcare experts are trained to search for tell-tale indications of certain diseases like cancer cells, simply by analyzing your mouth. See your dental practitioner frequently for fast cleaning as well as a professional once-over that can how to become a dentist pay off huge for you. To maintain optimum dental health and wellness, you require to ensure you go to the dentist two times a year. This oral checkup will consist of a cleansing and also assessment by the dentist. They will certainly do any type of small job and also will help your mouth maintain maximum health. They will certainly have the ability to treat any kind of issues prior to they end up being major troubles. Eating cigarette as well as smoking cigarettes are 2 of the even worse things you can do for your teeth. These items will certainly trigger damages to your teeth or gums as well as increase your chances of establishing oral cancer as well as other tobacco-related diseases. If you utilize tobacco in any kind of type as well as notice an ulcer or plaque in your mouth, visit the dental practitioner right away to ensure it's not malignant. As you can see, oral treatment isn't that hard! Simply attempt the ideas you've checked out in this short article and also you will certainly see just how much happier you as well as your teeth will certainly be. A healthy and balanced smile depends on how well you take oral hygiene seriously. With a little bit of time and also effort, a life time of healthy and balanced smiles awaits.
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Kosher River Cruises will cruise the Mekong River of 2020, traveling through its bountiful waters on an all-inclusive exclusive kosher cruise that will visit the great locales of Vietnam and Cambodia. The birthplace of the Khmer Empire, the Mekong has influenced the march of human civilization in Mainland Southeast Asia. To this day, various historic sites and cities lay near its banks. One such place is a riverside city, situated where the Mekong meets the Tonle Sap and Bassac Rivers. This historic locale is known for both its magnificent history and the horrors that tried to define it. This is Phnom Penh, the Paris of the East. The Legend of Penh According to Khmer legend, the city of Phnom Penh was founded by a wealthy woman named Penh, who lived atop a hill near the banks of the river. One day, after a flood, a tree floated near the riverbank, and she organized its removal from the water. Inside its trunk were five statues (4 bronze Buddhas and 1 stone Vishnu). Penh took this for a sign of divine favor and enshrined these relics on a nearby mountain. Her own statue, standing within the European quarter of the city, can still be visited today. As Angkor Thom declined over the 14th century, Phnom Penh was chosen to become the capital of Cambodia. It stayed the capital of the nation for several decades but was abandoned for several centuries after that, the capital being moved to other cities at that time. It was not until King Norodom’s reign that the city became Cambodia’s capital again, experiencing modernization from the French colonial forces. It was also during Norodom’s reign when the Royal Palace was established. A Time of Killing For a time, Phnom Penh prospered, becoming a place of commerce and bounty. Near four waterways, it flourished greatly and was known as “The Paris of the East”, although it shared that epithet with other Asian cities. The Cambodian civil wars of the 1970s along with the rise of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge dampened this city’s rich history with blood. When Phnom Penh fell to the Rouge in 1975, they enacted cruel depredations against human life, turning Tuol Sleng High School into a vicious prison camp, torturing and killing innocent citizens. When the Vietnamese took the city from the Rouge in 1979, it was a shadow of its former self. Recovery from Pain It took several years, but the tragedy that befell Phnom Penh was overcome, but not forgotten. The city gradually rose again in prosperity in the 1980s, reopening its educational institutions and recovering its lessened population. Now, in the present day, Phnom Penh has regained its luster. There are many cities in Asia with the title of “Paris of the East” but there is only one Phnom Penh, with its historic joys and tragic sorrows. The Paris of Cambodia rose above its bloodied past, and this 2020, Kosher River Cruises will visit its historic streets, one of our many Kosher vacations around the world.
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What is happening here in Bellingham and Whatcom County to our wildlife, is happening all over the country and all over the planet, and it adds up to one big crisis. Whether deliberate or through neglect, we are destroying biodiversity (which refers to having abundant types and numbers of species and habitat, and a diverse genetic pool). Scientists have determined this is the biggest factor, among many other important factors, in preventing global collapse (which means the loss of adequate function in the collective ecosystems of the earth). (YES.. biodiversity has greater impact than climate change. Believe it.) Biodiversity keeps our planet healthy, and it keeps humans healthy. In fact, the human species can not survive without the free ecosystem services that are provided through biodiversity. Thinks about things like pollination by bees and the massive amount of insects eaten by bats, and the impact that returning the wolves to Yellowstone had on unexpected things like landscape vegetation and health water flows. We can not control the whole planet, but we can certainly control our own city and county. Right now, neither the city or county have any identified and protected habitat corridors, which are the primary factor in promoting biodiversity. And not doing so is a GMA violation. Additionally, under the city’s critical area ordinance, habitat corridors are a critical area, so they must be identified and protected as a matter of city law, in addition to state law. The city will tell you it has identified habitat corridors and it will show you a map with big sweeping arrows that lack any specificity. The Growth Management Hearings Board has held that habitat corridors must be specific so that the area involved can be identified. This is one of many tricks the city staff has up its sleeve. It will also tell you that it has a draft habitat restoration masterplan. That restoration masterplan only protects what has already been destroyed and it does not protect existing ecosystem functions. In fact, it does not even mention habitat conservation areas, the GMA or the no net loss standard. And it does not identify with any detail the wildlife that must be protected. Moreover, habitat only has value to the extent that there is connectivity, and this masterplan excludes the Lake Whatcom watershed, one of the most important watersheds in the entire city because it connect the marine water through Whatcom Creek to the fresh waters of Lake Whatcom, to the upland forests, including large acres of national forest lands. Stand up for wildlife and habitat and GMA compliance on Monday night and tell the city council that it should not approve the draft CAO update until the staff returns with habitat corridors identified and protected and reflected on city maps.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "url": "https://noisywatersnw.com/2015/11/08/how-the-city-avoids-its-obligation-to-protect-wildlife-facebook-post-whatcom-hawk-wendy-harrisomm/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400221980.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20200925021647-20200925051647-00118.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9419764280319214, "token_count": 536, "score": 2.84375, "int_score": 3 }
Diskspondylitis in Dogs Diskspondylitis is the inflammation of vertebral disks due to an infection caused by the invasion of bacteria or fungus. In dogs, as with other vertebrates, the vertebral column is composed of a series of vertebral bones. These bones maintain the structure of the body and protect the spinal cord, which is nested within the vertebral column. Between each vertebrae are structures called disks. These round, cartilaginous shock absorbers hold a nucleus of fibrous gel, which allows for normal movement of the vertebrae without the vertebral bones grinding against each other. The infections most commonly reach the intervertebral disks through the blood. Less common is infection due to fractures or local abscesses. Due to the proximity of the spinal cord many of the symptoms seen in affected animals are related to the nervous system. Large and giant breed dogs, including German shepherds and great Danes, are at higher risk than other breeds. In addition, males dogs have double the chances of developing this condition than female dogs. Symptoms and Types Paralysis may occur in some dogs, especially for those that have gone untreated. Other common symptoms seen in dogs suffering from diskspondylitis include: - Back pain - Difficulty in standing and jumping - Stiff gait - Uncoordinated walk - Weakness in limbs - Bacterial infections - Fungal infections - Bite wounds - Injury to back or spine - Abscess near site of inflammation Your veterinarian will perform a thorough physical exam on your dog, taking into account the background history of symptoms and possible incidents that might have led to this condition. After the initial physical examination, your veterinarian will order routine laboratory tests, including a complete blood count, biochemistry profile, and urinalysis. These tests can be of value in determining the presence of any infections that might be primary causes of this disease. Your veterinarian will also take blood and urine samples for laboratory culturing in order to identify the causative bacteria or fungus. Drug sensitivity testing may also help your veterinarian to select the most effective drug(s) for your dog so that the underlying infection is appropriately treated. Radiographic studies will help your veterinarian to determine the location of the inflamed disc, as well as the extent of the problem in your dog. Spinal X-rays will usually reveal damage to the vertebra and adjacent structures that have occurred due to infection. Displacement and collapse of intervertebral (between the vertebral bones) disks will also be evident in spinal X-rays. More specific radiographic studies, such as myelography, computed tomography (CT) scan, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used for a more detailed and concise evaluation. Myelography is a type of radiographic technique that uses an injectable substance that will contrast suitably on an X-ray device, in effect, "lighting" the internal area that is to be examined. This minimally invasive technique may allow your doctor to detect abnormalities of the spinal cord, making visible any compressions in the spinal cord, especially in those cases in which surgery may be required. Your veterinarian may also use CT or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans if normal X-rays and myelography imaging does not provide the needed details. Term used to refer to animals that have a spine or backbone, including fish and mammals A bone in the spinal column The study of the spine after dye has been injected The term used to describe the movement of an animal An in-depth examination of the properties of urine; used to determine the presence or absence of illness
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-26", "url": "http://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/musculoskeletal/c_dg_diskospondylitis", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-26/segments/1466783397562.76/warc/CC-MAIN-20160624154957-00074-ip-10-164-35-72.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9234952926635742, "token_count": 756, "score": 3.4375, "int_score": 3 }
Rich in vitamins, potassium and calcium, Haiti is promoting the moringa tree to address the country’s chronic malnutrition. The poorest country in the western hemisphere, 75% of Haiti’s population lives on less than $2 a day, half on less than $1 a day, according to the UN World Food Programme. It imports 80% of its rice and more than half of all its food, despite 60% of Haitians working in agriculture. An estimated 7 million of the 10 million population are food insecure and USAid estimates that up to 30% of children are chronically malnourished. USAid continues to roll out its $88m five-year Feed the Future North project that looks to expand farmers’ yields of primarily five key crops – corn, beans, rice, plantains and cocoa. Meanwhile, Haiti has rediscovered moringa oleifera, native to India but commonly found in sub-Saharan Africa, as the miracle crop under its very nose, after its forgotten introduction to the country a century ago. Locally known as doliv or benzoliv, moringa olifeira is rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E while containing minerals plus calcium, potassium and protein. The leaves can be eaten raw, sauteed with oil and garlic or added to rice and stews. As Haiti continues its reconstruction after the 2010 earthquake and 2012 hurricanes, the moringa tree could also provide shade for coffee plantations, according to Michel Chancy, the secretary of state for animal production. Coffee provides the main source of income for more than 100,000 farmers while crucially sustaining much of the remaining tree cover – less than 1.5% of land – according to the Clinton Foundation, which is redeveloping the role of coffee in Haiti’s economy. Chancy says the government’s moringa campaign has targeted 500 schools in recent months, including the use of nursery gardens to promote moringa’s benefits and cultivation. A National Moringa Day was held on 5 June. The tree’s nuts can be grilled and eaten like chocolate, while powdered moringa leaves are given to people with HIV and Aids, says Chancy. In Senegal and Mali, moringa is used to combat rickets. The plant is estimated to contain twice the protein and calcium content of milk, several times the potassium of bananas, more iron than spinach and several times the vitamin C of oranges. Moringa’s high vitamin A content, almost four times that of carrots, is recognised as a potent micronutrient source to achieve the 2015 millennium development goal to reduce child mortality by two-thirds. Worldwide, an estimated 670,000 children die annually from Vitamin A deficiency. In Haiti, moringa’s role could also be vital for rearing goats and chickens, increasing milk production, and for fish farming, said Chancy. Yet the government faces a challenge to increase the planting of moringa and is trying to provide risk capital to further develop moringa plantations. Timote Georges, of the Smallholder Farmers’ Alliance, says his members are crucial in cultivating moringa but need better processing techniques and market access for their products. guardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-04", "url": "http://marketspace.thinktosustain.com/2013/12/haiti-hopes-miracle-moringa-tree-can-help-to-combat-malnutrition/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-04/segments/1484560280425.43/warc/CC-MAIN-20170116095120-00566-ip-10-171-10-70.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9403330087661743, "token_count": 687, "score": 2.890625, "int_score": 3 }
Flynn’s Classification Video Single Instruction Single Data The original Von Neumann Architecture that does not employ any kind of parallelism. The sequential processor takes data from a single address in memory and performs a single instruction on the data. All single processor systems are SISD. - Older Computers - Low power requirements as only a single core - Simpler architecture than others therefore cheaper and easier to manufacture - Speed of the system limited due to it being a single core Single Instruction Multiple Data A single instruction is executed on multiple different data streams. These instructions can be performed sequentially, taking advantage of pipelining, or in parallel using multiple processors. Modern GPUs, containing Vector processors and array processors, are commonly SIMD systems. - Graphics Processing Units when performing vector and array operations. - Scientific processing - Very efficient where you need to perform the same instruction on large amounts of data. Multiple Instruction Single Data In this architecture multiple instructions are performed on a single data stream. An uncommon type commonly used for fault tolerance. Different systems perform operations on the data and all the results must agree. Used on flight control systems where fault detection is critical. - Not used commercially. - Some specific use systems (space flight control) - Excellent for situation where fault tolerance is critical Multiple Instruction Multiple Data Multiple autonomous processors perform operations on difference pieces of data, either independently or as part of shared memory space. - Most modern desktop / laptop / mobile processors are MIMD processors. - Great for situations where you need to perform a variety of processor and data intensive tasks (such as video editing, game rendering) Resources & Quiz
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-27", "url": "https://learnlearn.uk/alevelcs/sisd-simd-misd-mimd/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656103334753.21/warc/CC-MAIN-20220627134424-20220627164424-00279.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8649547100067139, "token_count": 398, "score": 3.484375, "int_score": 3 }
Did you know that the cameras astronauts use to take pictures in space utilize the same core technology as the camera in a smartphone? NASA-developed technology is all around us, integrated seamlessly into our lives. But what if it could also help you launch a new business? NASA’s Technology Transfer Office works to bring space-grade technologies out of the lab and into the hands of people who can commercialize them. FedTech, working collaboratively with NASA’s Technology Transfer Expansion (T2X) initiative, pairs entrepreneurs with NASA-developed technology and groups them into teams for a dynamic experiential training program designed to turn ambitious entrepreneurs into lean startup companies. FedTech kicked off their Summer Startup Studio in August 2021 with a twelve-team cohort, including 4 teams formed around NASA technologies. After a rigorous recruiting and application process, the selected entrepreneurs were grouped into technology teams and matched with mentors and coaches. Over the course of five months, the entrepreneurs work through a two-phase program designed to take them from early-stage ideation to validated commercialization. Phase one focuses on preparing entrepreneurs for the challenge of assessing technologies by developing a foundational knowledge of entrepreneurial skills. Entrepreneurs meet weekly for lectures and engage in group breakouts, pitching practice, and other skill and network development activities. Phase two guides the groups through the critical steps of forming early-stage companies. All of the entrepreneurs are working diligently with their coaches and mentors to identify novel use cases and conduct customer discovery interviews to test the viability of their ideas in a given industry. The teams evaluating the NASA-developed technologies have had the opportunity to describe their ideas to the NASA inventor and explain the rationale behind their alternate use cases. "This team has worked tirelessly to come up with new applications for this technology, which were completely different from their initial intended purpose.” Said Tracy L. Gibson, Ph.D. Professional and Technical Services at NASA Kennedy Space Center. These entrepreneurs were selected for their vision, determination, and experience, but adapting space-based technologies for terrestrial application is challenging. This specialized instruction helps combat these challenges by providing entrepreneurs with an environment to test their assumptions and conduct consumer research to validate their business use cases. The participants can iterate in real-time, pivoting when appropriate, until they have a viable business model. There is also a valuable community element here. “This is a way for federal inventors and entrepreneurs to interact with and evaluate the commercial potential of NASA’s inventions. While the inventor team at NASA is busy maturing a technology for aerospace use, entrepreneurs can consider licensing it and adapting it for an alternative industrial use.” Said L. Danielle Koch, M.S., P.E. Aerospace Engineer at NASA Glenn Research Center. The goal is to commercialize NASA-developed technology and inspire new tech-based startups. The FedTech Startup Studio is one of the ways that NASA advances this objective. Click Here to learn more about NASA’s Technology Transfer Program
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-49", "url": "https://technology.nasa.gov/fedtech-startup-studio-cohort", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-49/segments/1637964360803.6/warc/CC-MAIN-20211201143545-20211201173545-00238.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9428873658180237, "token_count": 607, "score": 2.765625, "int_score": 3 }
Posted by Eric » Add Comment » Late in Book 1 of In Rufinum, Claudian describes the Huns: Est genus extremos* Scythiae vergentis in ortus trans gelidum Tanain, quo non famosius ullum Arctos alit. turpes habitus obscaenaque visu corpora; mens duro numquam cessura labori; praeda cibus, vitanda Ceres… (1. 323-7) This reminded me of an ethnographic passage in Bellum Gallicum one of my Latin classes read earlier this semester, in which Caesar describes the Suebi, “the most warlike of all the Germans” (bellicosissima Germanorum omnium). The Suebi practice some agriculture, but that is not their main source of food: neque multum frumento, sed maximam partem lacte atque pecore vivunt multumque sunt in venationibus. quae res et cibi genere et cotidiana exercitatione et libertate vitae, quod a pueris nullo officio aut disciplina adsuefacti nihil omnino contra voluntatem faciunt, et vires alit et immani corporum magnitudine homines efficit. (BG 4.1) It is also reminiscent of a description of the Celts in Britain: interiores plerique frumenta non serunt, sed lacte et carne vivunt pellibusque sunt vestiti (5.14). These Celts are then identified as being rather horrible to look at in battle (similar to the unpleasant aspect presented by the Huns), because they paint themselves blue. In In Rufinum, shortly after the passage quoted above Justice prophesies that Rufinus will be defeated. Afterwards, there will be no more private property (tum tellus communis erit, 1.380)–also reminiscent of the passage in BG 4.1, where Caesar notes that the Suebi do not possess land as private property: sed privati ac separati agri apud eos nihil est. But in Claudian, the reason is that Stilicho’s victory will usher in a Golden Age (recalling Vergil, Ecl. 4. 37-45), in which crops grow of their own accord, lakes of wine and oil appear, fleeces dye themselves, and jewels fill the sea (1.381-7). I’m not suggesting an explicit connection between Claudian and the passages in Caesar; I was just reminded of one by the other. *The echo of 1.123 connects them to the far-off regions from which Megaera springs to trouble the Empire. Posted by Eric » 2 Comments » In his first book against Rufinus, Claudian places Odysseus’ meeting with the shades of the dead in Gaul–or, rather, shows that he is familiar with a tradition that places the event there (fertur): Est locus extremum pandit qua Gallia litus Oceani praetentus aquis, ubi fertur Ulixes sanguine libato populum movisse silentem. (In Rufinum 1.123-5) Does anyone know the antecedent for this tradition locating the event, not just at the edge of the world, but precisely in Gaul? I don’t recall coming across this before, but that presumably just shows my ignorance. Is this found anywhere in the mythographical tradition? Posted by Eric » Add Comment » After Aeneas has been revealed to Dido and has identified himself, she is in awe of the man, dumbstruck with wonder: Obstipuit primo aspectu Sidonia Dido, casu deinde viri tanto, et sic ore locuta est. (1.613-14) The first word of the line assimilates her to Aeneas, who, when he saw that many of his companions had survived, was described thus: Obstipuit simul ipse, simul percussus Achates laetitiaque metuque… (1.513-14) The similarity between the two passages is enhanced by what follows: in 517ff., a series of indirect questions (quae fortuna; quo litore; quid); in 615 ff., a series of direct questions (quis; quae vis; tune ille…). The assimilation, though, is unsettling, for that first word, obstipuit, and the further parallel of questioning make Dido and Aeneas seem much closer than they actually are: Aeneas was dumbfounded at the survival of his friends, men with whom he had been close for a long time. Dido has never seen Aeneas before, and thus has no real bond with him whatsoever, and the closeness she desires with him (signaled by the echo?) will prove to be her undoing. And indeed, it may be that Vergil alerts the reader to that very fact here. For, immediately after the echo of obstipuit, in the same line-initial position, the first words that follow in 613 are primo aspectu; Vergil reminds us that Dido has never laid eyes upon Aeneas before, and perhaps indicates that we should notice the inconcinnity of the two figures despite the verbal resemblance. Posted by Eric » Add Comment » After hearing the report of their Trojan companions, Achates impresses upon (compellat, 581) Aeneas that things stand as Venus had said, presumably because he believes it is time for them to be revealed (we know from 580-1 that they both were eager to become visible again). Here is what he says: “Nate dea, quae nunc animo sententia surgit? Omnia tuta vides, classem sociosque receptos. Unus abest medio in fluctu quem vidimus ipsi summersum; dictis respondent cetera matris.” (1.582-5) The words medio in fluctu are placed oddly: they belong in the relative clause introduced by quem, but they have been pulled out of it. Why? For one thing, it serves to draw added attention to the one man who has been lost, Orontes, as does the enjambed summersum in the next line. Both are, in a sense, displaced, as was poor Orontes. Also, the word-order allows Vergil to put the phrase for the “middle” (of the wave) in the middle of the line. The elision of medio with in is also effective to mimic aurally the drowning of the man. A couple of other notes: there is a nice contrast between line-initial omnia and unus in consecutive lines: “all are safe, one excepted.” The contrastive parallelism is accomplished also through the double use of videre: “you see all things safe [now], except for the one man we saw drowned [then]. Finally, there is a nice contrast between the quotation and its frame. The description of the death of Orontes has to do with concealing and disappearance (summersum). The quotation comes as a transition between the concealment of Aeneas and Acestes, who were already desiring to be revealed (jamdudum erumpere nubem/ardebant, 580-1), and their bursting into appearance from behind the cloud (repente/scindit se nubes et in aethera purgat apertum, 586-7). Within the quotation itself, the opinion of Aeneas “rises” (surgit) in contrast to Orontes, who sinks.
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What is Multiphonics? According to the Grove Music Online, multiphonics are "sounds generated by a normally monophonic instrument in which two or more pitches can be heard simultaneously". The term 'multiphonics' is normally used when referring to chords played on a woodwind or brass instrument. The woodwinds or brass instruments are monophonic instruments that can usually produce only one note. However, by altering the way of blowing, fingerings or by using voice, it is possible to produce more notes at the same time. These sounds are called multiphonics. Multiphonics has been in use since the eighteenth century when horn players would produce chords of three or four notes. This is done by simultaneously humming or singing another note above or below the note of the horn. If the sung note was strong enough, the two sound waves interfered with one another and two other notes can be noticed below and above the original notes. For example, by playing a G (sounding C) and humming G (actual sound) a fifth above, a C that is an octave below and an E that is sixth above the G should sound, creating a chord. This example is illustrated below. It is generally found that, of the two summation notes the lower is more prominent, although both are not likely to be heard above a mezzo forte dynamic level. To achieve optimum dynamics, the blown and hummed notes should be at a steady pitch, at the true interval and at approximately the same dynamic level. It also helps if the timbre of the voice matches the timbre of the horn as much as possible. If the interval between the notes is too small, the interference results in a rhythmic beating which breaks up the tone and pitch. If the notes are only a fraction of a tone apart, the produced beat is slow, and accelerates as the interval widens. An example of horn multiphonics can be found as early as 1806, in the Horn Concerto by Carl Maria von Weber with a slightly unearthly and rather startling effect, as illustrated below Ex.2 Cadenza from final movement, Carl Maria von Weber: Concertino for Horn and Orchestra listen to MP3 sample played by Wim van de Haak In general, the larger the bore of the instrument, the better the multiphonics work. Therefore it is easier to create multiphonics on the tuba or bass trombone than on a trumpet. A musical tone exists as a fundamental tone with its own series of overtones, as a part of the overtone series, and as a part of the tonal spectrum of the slide position or the fingering with which it is produced. For example, a trombone pitched in B flat has the following overtone series in the first position: Ex.3 Overtone series B flat When the trombone slide extends to the second position another overtone series is created, as illustrated in Ex.4: Ex.4 Overtone series A So when the trombone plays an F in the first position it has all the overtones of that pitch. At the same time, it has the third partial of the overtone series of B flat. If the same F would be to be played with the slide in sixth position, the F would be then the fourth partial of the overtone series based on F. Ex.5 Overtone series F Using these overtone series, a resulting multiphonic can be easily calculated as the sum of the relationship between the tone played and the tone sung. When playing the F and simultaneously singing a D above, the multiphonic will be B flat. The F is the third partial and the D is the fifth partial, so with the simple arrhythmic of equation 3+5=8, the B flat which is the eighth particle can be predicted. An occasional fourth note is then the subtraction of the two generating tones. In this case, 5-3=2 would be the second particle, or the low B flat. Ex.6 Chord 3+5=8 Multiphonics are relatively easier to play for the low brass instrument. , This makes it possible to create chords deliberately and extend the use of multiphonics to a chorale in full harmony with a single brass instrument as in the example below listen to MP3 sample played by Klaas van Slageren On a woodwind instrument multiphonics can also be achieved by splitting a tone played by regular fingerings in the low register. This is done by altering the embouchure so that a fundamental tone sounds simultaneously with a selection of its harmonics. Similarly, in the upper register, regular notes can be lipped down to produce the undertones. This results in harsh, electronic-sounding multiphonics. The example below is a chart of conventional fingerings for clarinet. Ex.8 Multiphonics using conventional fingerings for clarinet Another way to produce multiphonics on a woodwind is by choosing an unconventional fingering pattern for which the resonant modes of the air column are not harmonically related. The player may then be able to simultaneously sustain two inharmonically related tones, each based on one of the air column modes. The interaction with the sound generator (reed, air jet or lips) mixes the two tones, giving the additional sum and difference tones. The result is a rich complex of generally inharmonic partials. Such a sound may be perceived as a stable chord with several pitches, or as a tone cluster with periodically fluctuating loudness and timbre. Fingering systems for producing multiphonics have been developed for most wind instruments. The unconventional fingering multiphonics are used extensively in new music because of the accuracy with which the upper and lower notes can be pitched. The example below is a chart of uncoventional fingerings for clarinet. Ex.9 Multiphonics using unconventional fingerings for clarinet Books, dissertations and articles about clarinet multiphonics have been published since 1967. These works deal with fingerings, notations, analyses of specific compositions, and descriptions of various new techniques. More recently, there are works dealing with multiphonics in a pedagogical fashion and deal with the mastery of technique. Multiphonics have gained popularity along with other experimental techniques among composers and performers. The interest in new compositional devices, stemming from the collaboration of composers and performers during the late 1950s and early 1960s, resulted from a desire to expand the traditional resources of wind instruments to include unconventional elements alongside conventional elements. As composers continued to develop their art, adventurous performers explored the full potential of their instruments and opened up a vast area of formerly unused sounds. Multiphonics in itself is not such a sensational or a shocking idea because it is in our human nature to desire a fuller, richer and complex harmony. In general, monophonic instruments sought out ways to fulfil this desire on their own. In the early days this has been seen as a mere 'parlour trick'(qtd. In Gregory, 141) or later on as a "gimmick to add excitement to a solo or to achieve special sounds in conjunction with electronic effects." (Militello, 274) Nowadays it is widely used in all wind instruments featuring and functioning musically on diverse levels. It is also considered "a great stimulant for the imagination and creative sense, allowing the player a freedom and new avenue of expression". (Militello, 275) The phenomenon of multiphonics ha
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What You Need to Know about Economics George Buckley & Sumeet Desai: What You Need To Know About Economics Economics Matters. But with confusing things like GDP and interest rates, it’s often hard to get you head around. So What do you really need to know about economics? Find out: - What economic growth is and why it matters - How inflation happens - How jobs are created and lost - How the property market works - What central banks do and how it affects the rest of us - The impact of government spending on the economy What You Need to Know About Economics cuts through the theory to help you to do your job and understand the world around you better. Read More in the What You Need to Know Series and Ger Up to Speed on The Essentials… Fast. - Wiley, June 2011 - Download options: - EPUB 2 (Adobe DRM) You can read this item using any of the following Kobo apps and devices:
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Latest Space dust Stories Besides the planets, comets, and asteroids that orbit our Sun, there are belts of rock and ice. Within these belts are dust particles, some which are fractions of a millimeter in size. As scientists have studied the heavens, they have located such disks orbiting other stars. Astronomers writing in the journal Science say they have captured an image of a comet factory around a young star. The European Southern Observatory (ESO) has released a new image of the constellation of Orion showing part of the Orion Molecular Cloud. Using observations from an airborne observatory, NASA researchers have discovered new details on how massive stars form within a cloud of interstellar gas and dust. According to an aeronautics and astronautics professor at Stanford University, "space dust" is the likely culprit behind why most satellites fail. Dense clouds of cosmic gas and dust in space are the birthplaces of new stars. When viewing these in visible light, the dust is dark and obscuring, which helps to hide the stars. The European Southern Observatory (ESO) released a stunning new image of a dark cloud where new stars are forming, along with a cluster of brilliant stars that have already emerged from the stellar nursery. Astronomers are reaching out to the public and asking for a little help in a study to find holes in dust clouds. Astronomers using a telescope at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan have discovered a molecular cloud that has a peculiar helical structure. - A transitional zone between two communities containing the characteristic species of each.
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Of all the wiki sites that sprung up after the original, one of the most useful and positively cool is ScraperWiki. Scraper wiki is an attempt to liberate data from websites and pdfs and instead populate spreadsheets with them. There is a lot of data available on the net. But its value is severely limited by the fact that you cannot do much more than just browsing it. When you move data from a html page or a pdf file into a spreadsheet, suddenly the value of the data goes up many fold. Now you can analyze the data, sort it, look for trends and coax information out of it. ScraperWiki aids in the first step by scraping web pages and moving data into usable data sets. ScraperWiki is two things. First it is a web-based compiler and reusable libraries (in Python, Ruby or PHP) that allows you to write and run a scraper. Second, it is a wiki store of scrapers written by others that you can then update, reuse or just run to get data. There are quite a few interesting scrapers. This scraper collects data from weather stations across all of Germany, while this one collects the Location IDs from Weather.com URLs. Weather is not all scrapers do, this one for example collects basic info about all MLB players, while this one is an massive database of all soccer WorldCup matches. Of all the untold millions spent by governments and corporations on digitizing their data and making web pages, a decent portion that went towards making html tables out of data sets. ScraperWiki is an attempt to reverse that. Cheers to liberating data from the shackles of the web.
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Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work. The Hate U Give explores the relationship between race and identity as Starr struggles to navigate the primarily black world of Garden Heights and the primarily white world of Williamson Prep. Starr feels pulled between her Garden Heights self and Williamson Prep self, and she switches her speech, mannerisms, and behaviors to fit whichever circumstance she finds herself in. After Khalil’s shooting, Starr is reluctant to speak about his death for fear that her friends, Hailey and Maya, and boyfriend, Chris, will not understand everything that happens in her Garden Heights world. Starr feels simultaneously “too black” to talk about Khalil’s life and death with her school peers, but “too white” at home to stand up for Khalil, especially after Kenya accuses Starr of acting like a white person who thinks herself better than her neighbors. Starr’s identity conflict is evident in her father figures, Maverick and Uncle Carlos, who have different perspectives on authentic blackness. Maverick draws inspiration from the Black Power Movement and believes in a self-reliant blackness that uses existing structures within black neighborhoods to improve conditions. Maverick’s philosophy explains why, throughout most of the novel, Maverick refuses to move his family from Garden Heights to a safer neighborhood—he believes they should change their community from the inside. Uncle Carlos, with his job as a police officer and house in a gated community, represents assimilation into white culture. Uncle Carlos believes that he can support black communities by using white organizations like the police force to combat gang violence. The constant argument between Maverick and Uncle Carlos highlights how difficult it is for Starr to reconcile her two worlds and find a way to honor her whole self. The Hate U Give examines the way society uses stereotypes of black people to justify violence and racism against them. These stereotypes protect white communities, such as the students at Starr’s school, Williamson Prep, from reflecting upon systemic racism, which perpetuates discrimination. We see this prejudice most clearly in how One-Fifteen defends his murder of Khalil. One-Fifteen has no reason to think Khalil’s hairbrush is actually a gun other than One-Fifteen’s presumption that Khalil is violent because he is black. However, the news media and many white characters endorse One-Fifteen’s version of events because by protecting him, they protect law enforcement from accusations of racism. Uncle Carlos, Starr’s black uncle on the same police force as One-Fifteen, also initially defends One-Fifteen’s actions before realizing he wrongly tried to justify the shooting of Khalil. The media works to disguise the racism in One-Fifteen’s actions by portraying them as logical and hence justified. For example, news coverage emphasizes Khalil’s alleged gang connections, perpetuating stereotypes of black boys as violent and dangerous. Upon hearing these reports, Hailey, Starr’s Williamson Prep friend, concludes that Khalil was nothing more than a thug. The media circus surrounding Khalil’s death demonstrates how white media prioritizes protecting law enforcement and perpetuating stereotypes over black lives. Underlying the traumatic events of The Hate U Give is the cyclical nature of racialized poverty, which Maverick explains to Starr during their conversation about Tupac’s phrase “Thug Life.” According to Tupac, widespread racism keeps black communities from the opportunities and resources needed for financial prosperity, and poverty feeds on itself, affecting generations of black families. This cycle entraps many of The Hate U Give’s black characters into a situation where they cannot escape poverty without relying on the drug trade, which is then used to devalue them as people in both life and death. Maverick himself was born to a drug dealer and joined a gang to create some sense of security. Due to the burdens created by poverty, Khalil sold drugs to pay off his mother’s debt. DeVante explains to Starr—who is initially confused as to how Khalil could sell the same drugs ruining his mother’s life—that Khalil felt pressured to provide for his family and couldn’t find a better alternative. Through Starr’s deepening understanding of racialized poverty, we see how this intergenerational cycle is difficult to break because black communities, like Garden Heights, do not have adequate access to resources such as education, employment, and protection from police brutality.
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Epilepsy and the seizures associated with the condition can be terrifying to witness as a dog owner. If your dog receives an epilepsy diagnosis from a veterinarian, you are probably going to be unprepared for the care that your dog will need, but epilepsy is a manageable condition. When it comes to caring for a dog with epilepsy, you will need to be aware of the signs of a seizure, as well as other symptoms. Book First Walk Free! Signs Your Dog Has Epilepsy While epilepsy can affect all dog breeds, there are a few breeds that are more prone to the disease due to genetics. Border collies are just one of these breeds. Seizures are the most commonly reported symptom of epilepsy. This is due to the fact that epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes sudden and uncontrollable seizures. These seizures are often unannounced, but there may be some signs that your dog is about to have a seizure. You may notice that your dog seems dazed, afraid, or confused. Your dog may also have rigid muscles or be unable to control their bowel movements or urination. The seizures associated with epilepsy can be partial, generalized, or focal seizures, all of which can be terrifying for dog owners. Each of them has different signs and symptoms, however, and you may notice that your dog’s seizures are different from time to time. Generalized seizures can affect the entirety of your dog’s brain and cause jerking or twitching movement in your dog. During a generalized seizure, your dog may also lose consciousness. Partial and focal seizures tend to affect only small parts of the brain and can present in a couple of different ways. They may turn into generalized seizures, however. Partial and focal seizures may only affect one limb or one side of the body. They can be harder to diagnose and catch early. - Lethargy and fatigue - Muscle rigidity - Anxiety and stress - Fear and confusion History of Epilepsy in Dogs Epileptic dogs are nothing new. In fact, veterinarians have recognized the disease in dogs for decades. Epilepsy and the seizures it causes have led to a number of different studies and research projects by veterinarians around the world. These studies have found that anticonvulsants and other medications can be beneficial treatments for epileptic dogs. Some of the research into epilepsy in dogs has also discovered that epilepsy can develop from other conditions. Both kidney and liver disease can lead to seizures, as well as brain cancer, strokes, anemia, and head injuries. Seizures in dogs can also be caused by something unknown. In those cases, it is called idiopathic epilepsy and it generally occurs in dogs between six months and six years old. It has also been discovered that between one and six percent of purebred dogs have epilepsy, which appears to be genetic in these cases. At least 20 different breeds are more prone to hereditary epilepsy including Keeshond, Beagle, Collie, German Shepherd, Boxer, Poodle, and more. Mixed breed predispositions haven’t been able to be tracked by researchers. If your dog is one of the breeds that is more prone to epilepsy, you should speak to a veterinarian right away if you notice any common seizure symptoms. Science Behind Dog Seizures Medically speaking, epilepsy is characterized by seizures, but these seizures affect different parts of the brain and can last from a few seconds to a few minutes. Seizures cause abnormal electrical activity in the brain, which can cause the shaking of limbs, loss of consciousness, and full body convulsions. Dogs can experience grand mal seizures, which is a more generalized seizure that tends to affect more of the body. Focal seizures only affect one part of the brain, so seizures are localized to one part or side of the body. These focal seizures may only last for a few seconds before they become more generalized. Psychomotor seizures are different than what you probably think of as a seizure. These seizures may cause your dog to start attacking an imaginary object or chase its tail. No matter what your dog does, it will be the same during every seizure. Dealing with an Epilepsy Diagnosis in Your Dog It can be hard to hear that your dog has epilepsy, but with a treatment plan in place, it is possible for your dog to live a completely normal life. However, you need to know how to handle the seizures. If your dog has a seizure, you should be sure that they are away from any objects that could hurt them. Stairs and furniture could be very dangerous to a dog having a seizure. Just gently slide your dog away from these objects to protect them. It is also important that you stay away from your dog’s mouth. Unlike humans, dogs can’t swallow their own tongues, but they can bite you. You should try to time every seizure. If a seizure lasts more than just a couple of minutes, your dog could overheat, so you should turn a fan on your dog and put cold water on their paws. While you shouldn’t touch your dog, you can talk to them to make them feel better. Call your vet when the seizure ends. If the seizure lasts more than five minutes, you need to get your dog to a vet right away, as the heat produced during the seizure could lead to breathing problems and brain damage. Your veterinarian may also prescribe medication for your dog. Medications to prevent seizures can help your dog live a more normal life. For many dogs and their owners, these medications stabilize life and make things a little more normal, but they can lead to thyroid issues, so be sure that you speak to your veterinarian about possible medications. Safety Tips for Managing Your Dog's Epilepsy: Move your dog away from any objects that could hurt them. Work with your veterinarian to find a treatment that works.
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Development is a mover of human civilization. Everything in the world is continuously developing. So do the people. Child development is something that concerns everyone, everywhere and always. Speaking about child development, it is important to emphasize on different aspects of such change. It determines physical development, social, emotional and psychological development. These changes occur during the life, from the birth till the end of adolescence. What is more, each person has his/her individual development. Various factors influence the progress of mankind. Depending on personal qualities, every person reaches one or another level of progress. Among the main factors to influence the development are heredity, culture, nutrition, parental affection, environment, community of existence, school, friends, university and everything that takes about the person during his/her life. All these influences define the personality with its own characteristics. Though people have a lot in common, everyone is unique. “Development, it turns out, occurs through this process of progressively more complex exchange between a child and somebody else – especially somebody who’s crazy about that child”, said Urie Bronfenbrenner, Russian-American psychologist. It is really hard not to agree with him. Parents, and family at the whole, best friends, favorite teachers have the biggest influence on children. They worry about his/her child’s future and success, that’s why they take an active part in the life of this child. It is also important to mention people about whom the child is crazy. I mean, the closest people, idols whom they often try to copy not only in particular situations but also in everyday life. Buy Child Development Analysis essay paper online According to Teresa McDevitt and Jeane Elis Ormond, there are three main aspects of child development – physical development, cognitive development, and social-emotional development. Even though these spheres are meant to be different and independent from one another, in fact, they are closely connected and subordinate. It is because each aspect of development depends on another aspect; each aspect determines conditions of other sphere of development. In order to define and characterize physical development, it should be said that it means changes of child’s body, his/her brain and all biological changes. To this development belongs child’s ability to walk, run, control gestures, speak, hear, and feel. It means his/her physical growth. Cognitive development concerns changes in language, memory, concepts, reasoning. It depends on children’s environment, school and community. Speaking about social-emotional development, I must admit that it refers to the changes in self-concept, moral reasoning, behavior, emotions, and motivation. Such development occurs in the child’s inner world, his beliefs by influence of his interactions with others. Scientists that observe and learn child development find out all the facts and assumptions from their own experiences and practice. Though they believe that all children are developing in the same way, such factors as heredity, nutrition, parental affection and culture determine differences in the children’s growth. What is more, all these factors define changes when they are considered in connection. Heredity is meant to be the most distinct factor. Genes are different depending on family, their origin, nationality, biological characteristics and personal qualities. Moreover, both parents have differences in these peculiarities. Their child can get them partly or predominantly. It depends whether mother’s or father’s genes are dominant. There cases when children in one family have nothing in common or are almost the same, not to mention children of different origin. Heredity can determine physical characteristics of the child – the growth, weight, skin color, hair, eyes, and stature. It also forms the child’s abilities and skills; views on life and reasoning. Parents’ way of life greatly influences the child’s health. That’s why, it is rather important for parents to keep a healthy way of life. Taking into account this fact, it is consequentially to go to describing another reasonable factor which effects the child development. Nutrition. Painful topic even for adults. Nevertheless, children not of all ages are able to control their nutrition. Before characterizing this factor, it is important to define what nutrition is. It is the so-called combination of food to support life. People should try to eat properly and keep to healthy food avoiding a lot of sugar and salt, fats and junk food. Speaking about children, it should be mentioned that it provides good health, helps to keep fit, and prevents from diseases. At the early ages parents must provide their child with nutrition. They should keep up their child to eat properly when he/she grows up. Though it is so important influence, not all parents have the possibilities to follow such instructions. It depends on their financial status, the way of life and even beliefs. Child will grow up healthier and stronger if he/she eats healthy food. The child will be happier when there is always enough food at home. Vitamins influence child’s physical and mental development. Here again we can see the connection between various factors. One leads to another. With the help of nutrition it is possible for the child to grow up socially and emotionally. “Every child has an inner timetable for growth – a pattern unique to him… Growth is not steady, forward, upward progression. It is instead a switchback trail; three steps forward, two back, one around the bushes, and a few simply standing, before another forward leap”, said Dorothy Corkville Briggs, a teacher of both children and adults, dean of girls, school psychologist, and marriage, family and child counselor. And it is definitely true. Where have you seen a group in the kindergarten where children are the same weight, growth and other characteristics? Personal features are determined by above mentioned factors. Most of us has heard in the childhood from our parents that nutrition and healthy food would make us grow up better and faster. Child development is not only physical changes. Growing up is also becoming a personality with own beliefs, reasoning, behavior and temperament at whole. The most important factor that influences these features is culture. The word “culture” in this context means the country of existence along with traditions and customs, society, upbringing, and national stereotype. Culture is considered to be the most difficult factor to analyze as different regions has dissimilarities in their characteristic features. Society largely affects the child development at the early age. Children are like wire wools that absorb everything that is going around them. National stereotype is something that is ineradicable; it is determined on the reflex level. Scientists were able to define and distinguish different stereotype that made it easier to examine people’s behavior. The great impact on the child growth have their preferences in music, art, films and books. For instance, children who are fond of literature are considered to be more intelligent and comprehensively developed in the future. Reading books has always helped children to gain information and maturate. What is more, different kinds of music also influence children in different ways. It is proved that a portion of classical music per day has a positive effect on the child. At first, parents choose what their children would probably have to watch – animated cartoon, special films and programs for children. Later, their children grow up and they make such choices independently. It is important to decide properly what films to watch in order to avoid cruelty and violence. Culturally rich person will become in case when he/she impose himself/herself wish and love to visiting theaters, art galleries and other cultural events. Taking into account one individual, culture in this case means cultivation of his/her mind and soul. Child’s view on life, his/her attitude towards people, and perception of the world determine this child as a personality. “The idea of childhood must be seen as a particular cultural phrasing of the early part of the life course, historically and politically contingent and subject to change”, said Allison and Adrian James in their book. Cultural changes are determined by child’s knowledge of ethics, rules of conduct and politeness. Highly cultural developed child is better perceived in the civilization; it is easier for him/her to get along with others; moreover, such child is more successful in life as he/she has higher priorities than other children. At last, the fourth main factor that determines changes during child development is parental affection. Children who grow up in the loving families are considered to be with better character and more motivated. They will treat others the way their parents did. Without parental affection and attention children become cruel and ill-mannered. It means that such factor as parental affection influences others – culture and all correlated factors. In conclusion, it should be said that child development is the process of different stages accompanied by physical, mental, social, cultural and emotional changes. Every child overgoes such process in different way. “Children allowed to develop at their own speed will usually win the race of life”, said Fred O. Gosman, U.S author. It is really true, as the closest people and society may influence but not determine the way of development. The most important thing for child is to choose the right path in life.
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I’ve wondered is this a question of the 14th amendment. Given that Congress has appropriated funds, and passed laws requiring spending, but then said don’t borrow, doesn’t President have to violate some laws. As such, in choosing to violate the debt ceiling wouldn’t the President be acting in his executive role and consistent within separation of powers. President Barack Obama claims to have ruled out using the 14th amendment, and if you read the statements of his Press Secretary and the President’s own words, you’d be forgiven for believing that it’s not an option. However, in politics you never look at just what the principles are saying, you look at what they are doing, and the potential impact of what they say. For instance, President Obama clearly doesn’t want to invoke the 14th amendment. But if he threatened to do so, the left wing of the Democratic party would mount a concerted effort to stop any negotiated settlement that includes significant debt reduction in the Senate. Obama had to convince his own party that they did not have the 14th amendment as a fall back should negotiations fail. That would be necessary to get them to vote for a last minute compromise. This also suggests that Obama wanted to reach a “grand compromise” with significant budget cuts, and may still through back channels and secret talks be headed in that direction. His public schedule has been empty, but full of private and unpublicized meetings. Things are brewing, but we don’t know what. The 14th amendment reads in part: The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. The President could say that the constitution by stating that the validity of the public debt should not questioned, requires that it be paid. The only way to do that, and continue spending money the Congress voted to spend, is to raise the debt ceiling. The interpretation is plausible enough to not be “over the top,” even if weak. I do not think it is a winning argument. Article 1, Section 8 gives Congress the power to pay debts and borrow money. One could argue that Amendment 14 altered this by adding to the President’s power by saying the validity of the debt should not be questioned. An historical read of this amendment, however, clearly weakens that claim — it is focused on the Civil period and its aftermath. Nonetheless a literal interpretation (e.g., just the text, not historical context) at least creates an opening for that argument. Some people claim that President Truman invoked the 14th amendment to raise the debt ceiling. That isn’t true. He used the amendment to integrate the military, but during his Presidency there was no increase in the debt ceiling. In fact, since the debt ceiling was created in 1939 Truman is the only President not to have raised it. Most have raised it five to seven times, though Ronald Reagan’s years brought 17 debt ceiling increases – not surprising since the Reagan years saw the biggest relative growth in debt in US history. But for politics the issue becomes murky. First, President Obama knows the constitution well, having taught it. He may believe that it is his duty not to violate the interpretation he believes correct, and thus he may have already completely ruled out using the 14th amendment. That would make him a politician of rare integrity, since for most the question of legality gets replaced by one of political realism — will it work, and can I get away with it. To the latter, despite Republican calls for impeachment should he go that route (something that might actually help Obama in 2012), he can get away with it legally. The Senate will never convict him if impeached, and at least until the Supreme Court rules, he could do it. Could it hurt him in 2012? That’s harder to say, and separate from the legal issue. The President would frame it as a matter of leadership and doing what is necessary to protect America from Republicans who would be accused of threatening to do more harm to the US than Osama Bin Laden did on 9-11. The Republicans would frame as a power grab by a leader who wanted to do things his way, regardless of the rules. If the country believes the President, he’d win in 2012. If the GOP convince the public he was out of line, he loses. The GOP position now is weak due to the reputation the House has of extremism and refusing to compromise. The GOP is in danger of looking as they did back in 1999 against Clinton when their over the top attacks backfired and helped the President increase popularity. Of course, Clinton had a booming economy going for him, something Obama lacks. If the Court ruled against him (something I would consider likely) that would aid the GOP argument and send a weakened Obama into the election. In fact, if things got that bad Obama might give an LBJ like shock speech, announcing he would not seek the nomination due to the divisiveness of economic battles, perhaps opening the door for Hillary. (That is not a scenario likely at this point!) However, looking at the possibilities, it comes down to this: how serious is the threat to the economy, and how well can the US handle either a default, government shut down (which would come from using the available money to avoid default — a huge chunk of the government could not be paid for), or downgrade in the bond rating. If the threat is serious, the President might decide that it’s worth risking his re-election on doing whatever possible to avoid that outcome. He could try to couple that with a renewed effort to get significant spending cuts passed to get a debt limit ceiling raised (for longer than six months — which would do no good, really). If that got passed before the court ruled, it would be worth it. But more things could go wrong for the President than right, under that scenario. On the other hand, new voices calling for invocation of the 14th amendment might have a political aim. If this option once again appears plausibly in the Presidents arsenal, House Republicans (especially moderate Republicans) would realize that their capacity to force the President to do their biding by holding the economy hostage declines. This would create a real push for an alternative deal that saves face for everyone and avoids clear winner/loser scenario. Politically, Speaker Boehner has staked everything on his plan, and the drama of getting his own party support it sends a message to the White House and Senate — this is as good as you can get, we had to work to get this! President Obama has vehemently opposed setting a rehashing of this chaos six months from now. If either one gets their way completely, one comes away wounded. Neither will accept that, making a stand off likely. However, if McConnell, Reid and other power brokers can figure out a face saving deal that can pass and cannot be seen as a clear victory for either side, that will resolve the crisis. So is the 14th amendment a serious option? Yes, but only as a last resort, and perhaps not even then. If it comes to that, it’ll be a very entertaining year in politics coming up, but that would not be good for the country. 14th Amendment a Serious Option? Thu, 28 Jul 2011 03:51:58 GMT
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Published this week in the journal Global Change Biology, the study was funded in part by the National Science Foundation, NCAR's sponsor. Other funders include WHOI; the French National Agency for Research (ANR) program on biodiversity; the ANR REMIGE program (Behavioral and Demographic Responses of Indian Ocean Marine Top Predators to Global Environmental Changes); the Zone Research Workshop for the Antarctic and Subantarctic Environment (ZATA); the Paul Emilie Victor Institute (IPEV); Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; Marie-Curie European Fellowship; and the U.S. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences visiting fellowship. -----Vulnerable emperors of the ice ----- At nearly four feet tall, emperors are the largest species of penguin. They are vulnerable to changes in sea ice, where they breed and raise their young almost exclusively. If that ice breaks up and disappears early in the breeding season, massive breeding failure may occur, Jenouvrier says. Disappearing sea ice may also affect the penguins' food sources. They feed primarily on fish, squid, and krill, a shrimplike animal that feeds on zooplankton and phytoplankton that grow on the underside of ice. If the ice goes, Jenouvrier says, so too will the plankton, causing a ripple effect through the food web that may starve the various species that penguins rely on as prey. To project how the extent of sea ice in the region will change this century, Holland and another co-author, Julienne Stroeve, a sea ice specialist from the National Snow and Ice Data Center, evaluated 20 of the world's leading computer-based climate models. They selected the five models that most closely reproduced changes in actual Antarctic sea ice cover during the 20th century. "When a computer simulation |Contact: David Hosansky| National Center for Atmospheric Research/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-35", "url": "http://www.bio-medicine.org/biology-news-1/Emperor-penguins-threatened-by-Antarctic-sea-ice-loss-25427-2/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-35/segments/1408500815756.79/warc/CC-MAIN-20140820021335-00056-ip-10-180-136-8.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8698103427886963, "token_count": 405, "score": 3.46875, "int_score": 3 }
Learn something new every day More Info... by email Ubiquinone, or coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), is generally found in most eukaryotic cells as a naturally-occurring substance, as well as in many foods. It is most abundant in the cell mitochondria of organs with high energy requirements, such as the heart, kidneys, and liver. CoQ10 plays an important role in aerobic cellular respiration, and its main function is to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), thus providing the cell with energy. In addition to the cell mitochondria, ubiquinone can also be found in other organelles, such as the endoplasmic reticulum, vesicles, lysosomes, and peroxisomes. As for food sources, beef, pork, and chicken hearts are generally the richest sources of CoQ10. Other good sources may include meats, fish, oil, nuts, and vegetables. Certain factors may affect the levels of ubiquinone in the body. These can include certain medications, sun exposure, and age. Statins, some beta-blockers, and certain blood pressure-lowering medications can all potentially reduce serum levels of CoQ10, while exposure to the sun's UV rays can often reduce levels in the skin. The body's natural ubiquinone synthesis usually decreases gradually beginning at age 21. The normal amount of ubiquinone found in the human body is generally around two grams. People should consume or produce approximately 0.5 grams per day since it has an average turnover rate of four days. Most of those who consume a Western diet take in less than 5 mg of CoQ10 per day. It may be necessary for the elderly, people with certain illnesses, those taking certain medications, and others who cannot synthesize enough ubiquinone to take CoQ10 supplements if they are to reach the recommended 0.5 grams per day. Ubiquinone plays important roles not only in the production of ATP, but also in maintaining the fluidity of cellular membranes and preventing oxidative damage by fighting free radicals. If free radicals cause oxidative damage to the DNA of cell mitochondria, the cell may no longer be able to function properly. This can potentially result in organ damage, including irreversible damage to the brain and heart. CoQ10 supplementation has been used to treat a variety of conditions, including stroke, heart disease, gum disease, migraines, Parkinson's disease, mitochondrial disorders, and cancer. Its efficacy in treating many of these conditions is not yet clear, however. There is good evidence showing that CoQ10 supplementation can be helpful in treating those with mitochondrial or metabolic disorders which result in CoQ10 deficiency, as well as in modestly lowering high blood pressure. Although some evidence suggests that supplementation may also be helpful for other conditions, more well-designed studies need to be done to prove these claims. Those who are considering taking ubiquinone supplements should generally alert their health care provider if they have allergies, especially to plants; are pregnant or nursing; are taking any medications or other supplements; or suffer from a blood platelet disorder or diabetes. Some people can experience allergic reactions to CoQ10 and should typically seek medical attention if they develop hives, experience difficulty breathing, or have swelling of the lips, tongue, face, or throat. CoQ10 can potentially interact with other medications or supplements, including diabetes and blood-thinning medications. It is not known whether CoQ10 can cause harm to unborn or nursing babies, and should generally be avoided by women who are pregnant or nursing. One of our editors will review your suggestion and make changes if warranted. Note that depending on the number of suggestions we receive, this can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Thank you for helping to improve wiseGEEK!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-32", "url": "http://www.wisegeekhealth.com/what-is-ubiquinone.htm", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-32/segments/1438042986423.95/warc/CC-MAIN-20150728002306-00014-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9452323913574219, "token_count": 789, "score": 3.171875, "int_score": 3 }
On the occasion of the World Goth Day on May 22, the Larva Society for Psychical Research will relocate temporarily to the Jerusalem Artists House. The Larva Society for Psychical Research was established in 2012 to explore Gothic imagery and language, their social and spiritualist aspects, and their Pop-like qualities. By means of pseudo-scientific research, it exposes romantic Gothic values concealed in works of art: emotion, kitsch, the grotesque body, lack of control, horror, love, torment, eternal life, spectres, popular science, science fiction, and alchemy. The Society is named after Larva, a young artist engaging in experimental cinema and installation. The word larva has several denotations: Larva’s research delves into local aspects of Gothicism vis-à-vis its global facets, juxtaposing images drawn directly from Gothic paraphernalia to Jewish and Israeli myths and culture. The interest in the Gothic is a fascination with the dark side of Western culture. Gothicism is the ghost of minorities, which comes back to haunt the establishment, serving as a black mirror which reflects innate evil and heartlessness. It introduces the gaze of the other, indicating the disintegration of the absolute and constant into the breached and fluid, subverting everything perceived as secure or stable. “’Gothic’ is an epithet with a strange history, evoking images of death, destruction, and decay.” Today, the term “gothic” is associated with adolescents dressed in black, with black make-up, who listen to dark music and worship demons, ghosts, vampires, and Satan. As a rich subculture which spans literature, theater, poetry, music, cinema, and fashion, however, Gothicism combines the rational and the emotional, the grotesque and the romantic sublime, touching upon the dark, mysterious, supernatural, and the future with all its technological advances. Decadent, escapist subcultures have emerged throughout modern history, thriving against the backdrop of global socio-political crises and overwhelming scientific breakthroughs. When fear of the unknown and the inexplicable rises, the turn to spiritualism and the occult, through rituals which connect one to the unknown and the spirit world, summons the strange and foreign, even if these cannot be rationally contained. Larva’s work mode relies on the literary and cinematic model of the undead—an intricate being that returns from the dead to haunt the living. It is a metamorphic entity that can emerge as either bodied or disembodied, corporeal—like zombies or vampires, or incorporeal—like poltergeists and phantoms. The undead’s nature and appearance have been characterized in various, ancient as well as modern, manuscripts. As opposed to the completed, clean, and rational modern human being, who sustains himself economically and socially, the undead emerges as a being emitted from the natural temporal cycle, indicating the presence of death in life. Modern man’s body is bounded and isolated from other bodies; its curvatures and protrusions are smoothed, concealing physical changes, presenting a uniform, hermetic façade. The undead body, on the other hand, is the unfinished, grotesque body, constantly undergoing a process of decay and rebirth. Death and life coexist in his figure, subject to perpetual change, accompanied by the prohibitions and torments associated with the 19th century idea of the modern man. Much like the undead, Larva refers directly to the human body. It empties in order to be able to contain additional corpora, thereby accentuating the difference between the private body and the universal body. The gaping mouth of the biting vampire, the creature’s oozing organs, the blood dripping all around, the werewolf’s shape-shifting body, the dibbuk, illness, loss of control, loss of ethics, and loss of sanity—all these are manifestations of the undead as a universal body, that embodies Western society’s deepest fears: fear of aging, cloning, and technological advancements; fear of epidemics, terrorism, fascism, world war, destruction of the planet, apocalypse; fear of the dissolution of modern utopias; a lessening trust in religion and science alike; fear of uttering the voice of minorities, of constant erosion of the meaning of existence, and the devaluation in the status of man, family, and society. The Larva Society for Psychical Research was established in 2012 by artists Maya Attoun and Meital Katz-Minervo. Their joint modus operandi gave rise to “Larva,” a super-model of a young artist engaging in experimental cinema and installation through the prism of the Gothic subculture. Larva functioned as a third body, a receptacle through which the two artists fused to form a single idea that led to praxis. Definition of their work mode by means of a separate limbo-like entity furnished hierarchical freedom and validated the multiple identities, voices, definitions, and inclinations. On the occasion of the World Goth Day on May 22, the Larva Society for Psychical Research will relocate temporarily to the Jerusalem Artists House—a historically significant building profoundly linked to the beginnings of Israeli art. located in a city which boasts numerous research centers. The Artists House will become a temporary, possessed body—a site still haunted by the ghosts of the past. Larva will operate on site for two and a half months, exploring the potential of the work of art as a medium for spiritualist activity. It will bring works by artists both living and dead together, transforming them into transmitters—objects which enable communication between matter (the work of art) and anti-matter (the spiritual world). Planted amid the leaves of a lush, overgrown bush, a shiny marble slab shows the word “undead” etched into it. Designating mythical beings existing in-between the worlds of the dead and the living, the expression “undead” was also at the basis of a whole class of characters in horror fiction from the 19th century on, among them Bram Stoker’s Dracula, which, described as “UnDead,” feeds off of human blood. The undead can assume myriad forms: at times they are present through a physical embodiment, like with the zombie or the vampire; other times they are devoid of physicality and appear as a ghost, a phantom or a poltergeist. With the fine polish a fetishized object, the marble slab traverses realms of life and death, reality and fantasy, lending a parodic-theatrical tone to the inventory of objects related to the horror genre. At the same time, it stands as a monument to so many of these ghastly-looking liminal creatures, whose rotting, disintegrating bodies are the antithesis to the sound, normative and rational countenance expected in the capitalist society of our time. Set in a clinic, the video shows a therapist giving a therapy session to a child patient. The two are seen as they cut a wax doll to pieces and then recombine it, with the child following through the actions of the adult. Based on separate actions the patient is supposed to imitate, the type of therapy they are engaged in, known as Applied Behavior Analysis, was developed after the behaviorist theories of B.F. Skinner to achieve progress with patients on the autism spectrum. The set of actions they perform, however, tie together two fundamental myths related to father-son relationships: the Binding of Isaac in the Old Testament, which marks a trial of faith; and the modern myth of Frankenstein and the monster, where God the maker is challenged by a scientist who tries to take his place. Gideon Gechtman frequently delved into the gap between an object and its photographic representation, and the material and conceptual tension between the real and the counterfeit, imitation, distorted scale, and trompe l’oeil. Almost all of his objects were larger than the original, but in the case of this pair of hospital beds, he chose to shrink them to one quarter of their original size. It is easy to mistake them for a readymade, but in fact they were commissioned and custom made. The beds, always presented as a pair (a father and son) were preceded by two photographs: the artist’s child, Yotam (who passed away from a blood disease in 1998), lying in an adult sized hospital bed, and the hospital bed to which Gechtman the father was ridden during one of his hospitalizations. Years later, he reduced the photograph, copied it and placed it in a wooden box with partitions between the five beds. A “holy trinity” is created between the photographic object and the pair of deathbeds. The Hebrew word ruach (רוח) has two contradictory meanings: on the one hand, vanity, a mirage, and on the other—the essential life of the spirit. Ghosts are reminders from the past, mediating between the world of the living and the world of the dead, between matter and spirit. They signify the penetration of the past into the present via a battle between external forces and imaginary forces, the human need to revive personal or collective memory. Uninvited guests, ghosts raise questions about the meaning of life and the essence of death, but the human instinct is to expel them. A pop-art neon sign fusing the Hebrew words ruach (ghost) and i-ruach (אירוח; g-host), summons ghosts to visit the here-and-now, thereby embodying the absent-present body and the gap between the corporeal and the spiritual. Propped up like two small gravestones, the two lithographic limestones laid on a vitrine carry the portrait of a handsome youth whose face is adorned with thorns. Etched into the stones, the face seen in the portrait is a hybrid being, part androgyny part spiky cactus plant. The two sources that inspired this work both date back to the 19th century: “The Cactus Man” (1882) by symbolist Odilon Redon, a charcoal drawing showing the head of an African native implanted in a pot and growing thorns; and the poem “The Sensitive Plant” (1820) by Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, which tells of the tragic amorous ties developing between a sensitive plant and the garden’s mistress. The combination of the two breeds a representation that crosses genders, giving voice and validation to those whose otherness, tied to the pole of abjection and transgression, challenges societal norms. Emanuele Napolitano and Zaelia Bishop’s short film, They Left Us, presents the tragic, prosaic daily routine of heroine dealers and prostitutes, exploring the religious theme of labour in a human reality surrounded by death and nature. The protagonist’s dark journey appears like an illusion detached from time and place, which takes place in a universe where human beings and animals share the same destiny. Desertion and loss are at the core of a never-ending quest for personal nightmares and ghosts. The two artists address the link between image and vision, and the way in which images affect social conduct. They create surrealism touched by horror, reveling in an aesthetic, cinematic experience that sweeps the viewer into a fragmentary stream of images, words, and sounds which simulates a dreamy, nightmarish, or illusive realm. A cross between fitness gym, Pilates studio and yoga center, the type of environment simulated in the installation connotes grooming and the cultivation of body and soul. An escapist refuge from the daily grind, it holds a promise for health, well-being, and balance, but begins to betray, at the same time, an obsession with the body and a relentless struggle against the ravages of time. A shelf at the far end of a mirror hold a selection of objects laid out in the style of a still life – an ashtray containing cigarette butts tainted with red lipstick, a can of Cherry Cola with the words “call me” in mirror writing, and the furry slough of a tarantula. Echoing the Vanitas genre, the arrangement points to the conceit inherent in self-grooming, while the mirrors, which cover the wall throughout, force the viewer to an encounter with their own reflection, making them an accomplice to this conceit whether they like it or not. Uri Katzenstein frequently addressed the affinities between body and violence, and between image and sound. The Hebrew word “erech” (ערך; value) is punctured on the body of a military padded Doobon coat by means of pistol bullets, appearing and disappearing intermittently like a ghost; a single word with multiple meanings, which encapsulates the artist’s private post-trauma: the value of life, a moral value, an ethical value, the value of goods, the value of the object. The tension between self-restraint and loss of control is embodied in a sterile, uncanny image. The coat becomes a shooting range target, allowing the penetration of its hypodermic space. The violent potential concealed in the act of shooting is present, yet muted. The shooting clicks cutting through the body and piercing the word are only heard in the viewer’s mind, while the artist’s performative act is embodied in the envelope of the coat. Three years ago, on his way to the studio, the artist picked up a stone from the ground and drew it in the studio, in graphite on a small sheet of white paper. What began as a warm-up exercise to start the day’s work, became a daily ritual, which he still practices. The stone portraits have accumulated; over time, many of them acquired names, such as Perla, Eva, Evelyn, and Marcel—all of them women in the artist’s extended family, whose names appeared in his early paintings, and still emerge in his works as a graffiti inscription, a tattoo or a scar, as a part of the painted scenery, or as a substitute for the artist’s signature. The link between stone and name, deeply rooted in the religious and cultural spheres, echoes both the stone placed on a grave and the violent potential inherent in it, at the same time. At the center of this metaphysical-surrealist vision is a skull suspended mid-air, possessed by a trance-like stream of elocution emitted from its mouth. Located at an inner courtyard at the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum in Jerusalem, the scene likewise includes a jet of water shot from the roof, and, inserted through the eye cavity of the skull, spilling into a decorative water basin. Intermittently, a second skull appears, emerging from the murky waters of the pond, only to disappear in them again. Shaken into speech by the intensity of the jet, the skull moves its jaws, spouting fragments of words that represent its situation. The video’s unique aesthetic of black-and-white was achieved using a thermal camera (which translates the view in front of it according to the heat emitted from objects and surfaces), further exacerbating a sense of alienation immanent to the scene. In the past five years Avigail Talmor has operated under the brand For Those who Pray, referring to the class distinction prevalent in the Middle Ages: those who pray and those who work and fight. Alluding to those who pray, Talmor appropriates multi-cultural, ritualistic, and fetishistic qualities for the wearable objects she creates, qualities which are reinforced by the use of leftover black leather. Talmor has gathered these leftovers—items sewn and unstitched, parts of used leather coats and bags—over the years. Now she stitches them together to make a single body—a grotesque, dystopian hybrid, patched and scarred, a-la Frankenstein. The work’s title was borrowed from a song by the British Bauhaus group (the first Gothic rock band), which, in itself, is a combination of sentences extracted from works by American artist Barbara Kruger. Jenifer Bar Lev creates her sewn paintings as a type of collagist séance which fuses painting, patterns, myths, superstitions, black magic, folklore, fashion, and mysticism. She connects old and new, biographical memories and cultural anecdotes, dresses and fabric leftovers, cultural heroes, movie stars, and literary protagonists, text and music. Dresses without bodies, hanging like ghosts or like a spiritualist voodoo object. Some of them she inherited, others were purchased in the market or found on the street. They appeared in her dreams and recounted their stories: Sarah, who hosted the most highly esteemed Jewish intellectuals of the Weimar period around her table; Abigail, the daughter of the Wright brothers’ test pilot; and Jamila, who never stops seeking her children, everywhere. Maya Shimony’s series of paintings is based on class photos of the Skull and Bones, a secret student society active at Yale since 1832. The class photo taken by its members every year since the mid-19th century adheres almost religiously to the rigid symmetrical staging and “props” that include a grandfather clock, a real skull (used as a ballot box), and a table covered by a tablecloth bearing the society’s emblems. What at first looks like a somewhat theatrical image is subverted as we come to learn the identity of the participants, who went on to hold top positions in the American “power elite” – among them several US presidents. And so, the seemingly innocent group photo comes to map the center of power bred in the famous ivy league university. With the painting treatment of these images, the artist points to the complex relationship between the obscure symbolism (which served a fertile ground for the abundant conspiracy theories that surrounded the society), and the hidden network of ties whose impact on reality is, in fact, very real. The portrait of a young woman is embalmed in a bubble pendant. Her decadent beauty is carried in the air, suspended on a gold chain. Her face is imbued with romantic delicacy suffused with Victorian melancholy. The grayish turbidity of her hair up and the rosy blush of the background suck the blood out of her translucent facial skin. She hovers between earth and heaven like a blimp, hanging between life and death. Her solitude is silent, her gaze is turned away, her brown eyes are possible glaring, possibly dead. A flat, blood-chilling beauty. Emptied of its contents, a bare book cover is propped on a bronze pedestal, shielded under a glass bell that gives it the aura of a rarefied object in need of safekeeping; an object of veneration now intended only for the gaze, but at the same time the ghost or shell of a body that, now emptied, must be set aside and quarantined. The cover features an embossed ornament and the drawing of a women with a snake entangled in her abundant hair, with the combination of the two forming a decorative pattern that, covering the woman’s pubic area, spreads out to dominate the entire cover. The work drew its inspiration from “Stories of Strange Women” and its art-nouveau style graphic. Published in London in 1906 under the pseudonym J.Y. Cooke, the book brings a collection of stories from diverse literary sources around women who challenge social conventions. Courtesy of Dr. Guy Morag Tzepelewitz Assi Meshullam’s engagement with rituals, folklore, religious beliefs, and esotericism has given rise to a private lexicon of religious-secular iconography which fuses biblical and Christian symbolism with pagan symbolism, challenging religious and cultural boundaries and undermining the dichotomy between sanctified and profane. Basin and Candlestick are ritual appurtenances that embody the hybrid element found in many of Meshullam’s works; semi-human, semi-bestial objects, seeking to regard the hybrid as a whole entity. The monster becomes the thing itself. Sculpture represents a form of ritual worship, therefore the presence of the body and hands in the raw material is meaningful. Basin was featured in the exhibition “Baal Ha’Loa”l (Ha’Hanut Gallery, Tel Aviv, 2012), which was met with rage and protest by passersby, and was closed following an arson attempt. Candlestick was featured in the synagogue/church of the “Order of the Unclean” in the exhibition “Lexicon of Principles” (Julie M. Gallery, Tel Aviv, 2010). a Trash, Glam, and Pop culture, cinema and television, all cultivate the image of the all-American middle-class suburb that conceals dark secrets and dissected bodies behind decent façades and manicured lawns. Lali Fruheling places still life on a shelf—two decapitated heads of cheerleaders turn their backs on us, brushed blond hair flowing onto the shelf, a crown is skewered to its top, inlaid with Swarovski diamond-like crystals. It is a readymade whose sweet-violent beauty is blood-chilling, reeking of ill will, horror, and style alike. On the one hand, blond cheerleaders dance and cheer to the victory of male power; on the other hand, perverse grotesqueness simmers under suburbia’s sleepy, pastoral façade. Fruheling objectifies everything—the stereotype, the object, the ironic distortion produced by culture, and our pining gaze vis-à-vis the shells of beauty, the hollow blond headpieces. Aporia is an irresolvable internal contradiction (from Latin: poros=passage; aporos= impassable); a no-man’s land whose impassability fixes the inability to mark boundaries or transitional apertures in it, hovering between reality and illusion, between dream and memory. Masha Yozefpolsky’s painting/object is a detail from an installation that cannot be discussed. As a fractal of a confidential whole, it indicated its identity while concealing it; a dark, mysterious, private space which blocks the gaze at it. Are we observing an urban or other landscape from the edge of the roof, or a closed walled-in and delimited space? Will an image be imprinted on the retina—an image of engraving, scar, course, the cobwebs of an intoxicated spider, ripples of air, some topographic sign? Or, will the signs prance like codes changing indecisively, to themselves, in themselves, in the absence of a spectator to notice them in the first place? The connection between The Founder and The Body is reminiscent of the relationship between a person and his totem in primitive cultures; a reciprocal system of mundane rituals, intimate as well as public. The gender and periodic biography of the two characters remains vague. The Founder has accompanied Ohad Fishof since 1999: his figure is always present in the room; a prehistoric man of sorts, experimenting, getting lost. The shack and the phonograph stand for the manual and analogue, while extension of the act of lowering the needle onto the first record track is filled with pathos. The body, a literary device which sets the plot in motion, represents the enigma—a sculpture which magnetizes the gaze, becoming an image that haunts you in the dark. The vapor billowing from the dead body’s naval indicates the present living-dead state, an impossible form in which life and death co-exist. Upholstery fabric that looks like a cross between an army blanket and a domestic blanket drew the artist’s attention. Upon impulsive intuition, he decided to sew it into a gigantic, purposeless pocket, a receptacle for nothing. Its function in the world amounts only to the movement of the textile and the way in which its pleats fall. The sack will never be filled, or sustain pressure. The current sack is adapted in volume to a family of four. The artist personifies an object whose functionality is far-fetched, rendering the inanimate intimidating and uncanny. The weight of the absent body, the weight of the souls, burdens the empty sack, which now carries only its own specific gravity. The work originated from an attempt to sculpt with smoke and light – an absurd undertaking given that these are near-impossible to manipulate, let alone shape into a predetermined form. Yet the temptation remains, compelled by the amorphous formations we see when light hits billowing smoke, triggering the imagination to find meaning in them – a basic urge related to the human instinct of finding logic and meaning in mysterious visions, most notably in nature. In Greek mythology, undulating smoke is associated with the Pythia, the high priestess at the Oracle in Delphi who advised worshipers and gave predictions by divine inspiration. She is depicted in a trance, a subliminal state from which she answers the questions addressed to her with enigmatic riddles. The smoke formations, which hark to the binary nature of the sign, place the viewer in the position of an unwitting interpreter. In two collage photographs from the series “Terms”, the artist cut chairs out of an auction house catalogue, duplicated and reattached them to make a sculptural installation of six chairs hovering in a white space. Their perfect overlapping complements the limbs missing in some of the chairs. The collage technique enables Kormosh to toy with the tension between depth and flattening, embalming and death, animate and inanimate. The image produces a secret society of empty chairs that cannot carry the body’s weight. Kormosh generates a supernatural event, a ritual of sorts which introduces an encounter between the living and the dead, between body and spirit. The homely and familiar (heimlich) becomes an intangible memory, a morbid image which freezes the beauty of the “anxiety embodied in the details that make up perfection” (Adam Baruch, Maariv, 2001 [Hebrew]). The photographs in the series show the front covers of popular thrillers, but seen from the backside. Purchased by the artist at a used books store in Allenby Street in Tel Aviv, the books feature a typical repertoire of trashy elements on their embossed covers: a haunted house, a predatory animal or a vampiric mouth dripping with blood. Seen from their backside, however, they look more like hollowed-out, ghostly images taken out of context; when looked at from behind, they are exposed as a mere imprint into the monochromatic void of the paper, a marking of some sort or a scar tissue. Haunting us through their myriad representations in contemporary culture, these ghostly images channel their primeval dread all the better when shown from behind. In his experiments using a water clock and a ball, which he rolled down an inclined plane, Galileo reaffirmed the principle whereby the gravitational acceleration changes in accordance with the mass of the planet. The regularity theory of the falling object’s gravitational acceleration is illustrated in different sources as a basketball. Stained glass is identified with medieval Gothicism as a dramatic means to inspire a mystical ambiance. The work is made primarily from black glass which prevents the penetration of light. Another, organic, human and emotional reality thus infiltrates the world’s coordinates. The Cartesian coordinate system leaks, and the orange basketballs resemble skulls buried under ground. A young astronaut wanders about, eyes covered, in vast fantastical subterranean cavities, views that bring to mind the innards of a particles accelerator or an intergalactic spaceship. As he examines this futuristic-kaleidoscopic maze, he happens upon an astonishing discovery of what could be the remains of the Third Temple. Taking its title from an ancient Egyptian name for the city of Jerusalem, the work merges fiction and reality, symbolism, mysticism and science fiction in its journey into the subterranean layers of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, among the holiest sites to Islam and Judaism – and one of the most volatile among them, too. Cutting across eras, the images immortalize Jerusalem, one of the most ancient cities in the world, as a near-universal site of worship, a yearned-for dominion but likewise a place of bewilderment and charged conflict. An open music notebook is hung on the wall, with one loose page. An industrial fan, scattering air and making the page tremble and the sounds vibrate, faces it. It is a closed electric circuit between two readymades, which spawns a simple, moving harmony of two. The notes stand for the musical potential of the work which is not played, whereas the industrial sound of the air emitted from the fan conceals the distance, both physical and metaphoric, between the two. When the fan’s motion stops, a static notebook will remain. Using a simple gesture which does not conceal its mechanism, Abutbul generates a poetic dependence between two inanimate objects. It is a single ongoing chord which articulates the human need for love via lo-tech means. “We’re a generation of men raised by women,” this is Tyler Durden’s motto in the film Fight Club. Modern society has given rise to lost men who grew up without a role model. Uri Radovan’s series of portraits erects a monument to a haunted, flawed, desperate manhood. In a quick, associative, dense drawing, the artist directs his gaze at a castrated male weakness, at men who were raised by the establishment or among wolves, but their madness, genius, creativity, and ambition have left an imprint on history. They are tragic heroes whose emotional incapacity has prevented them from becoming popular cultural icons, pushing them to the margins, to the shadows. These figures include: Ole Kirk Christiansen, a Danish carpenter who invented the wooden blocks that later became Lego; Fritz Haber, a German-Jewish chemist who developed Zyklon B gas; the scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz; Doug McClure, lead actor in the American TV Western series The Virginian; and so on. The female character of an artist-medium is accompanied by Dr. Harry Price (1881–1948), a researcher of paranormal phenomena and amateur conjurer, as they join the members of the Society of Psychical Research at a séance in what looks like a studio or library. Price, who was known for his exposure of fraudulent psychics, is tasked with measuring the artist’s supernatural powers. Soon an “ectoplasmic” tissue – the material manifestation of a medium’s putative powers, often in the form of a gauze-like fabric excreted from a body orifice – begins to emanate from her mouth, growing in size to cover both her and Price – an image that echoes Magritte’s Lovers (1928). The video is set in a decorative wooden frame fashioned after the great library at Strawberry Hill, a Middlesex mansion considered among the first examples of Gothic Revival style. With a visual language of graphic arts and a decorative flair, the painting brings to mind the stationary paper of bygone times, yet here the naïve-saccharine motifs were blown out of size. A closer look reveals a tragic-romantic dimension, with symbolic references planted throughout. The center of the composition is dominated by a rectangular plate carrying the words “I’m in my bed. I’m dying” – a quote from Hole, the American grunge band; carnations entwined around the rectangle, as well as a song bird looming above it, complete the composition. Despite the sentimentality of its presentation, the painting doesn’t shy away from private emotions, doing so with an intimacy while showing pathos. By telling of growing pains, of loneliness and of heart ache, it turns itself into a kind of monument, an empty grave or a letter of farewell. The dark landscape of a wood at dusk, strewn with what looks like the severed heads of humans, turns out to be more disturbing still as the camera moves sideways and back, revealing by its movement the backside of this landscape – a vertical wooden structure locking in the half-naked bodies belonging to the heads seen from the front. 12 in all, they are trapped and unable to move, locked in place in an awkward position that challenges the limits of human endurance. No less cruel than the pillory that served it as reference, the video offers a grotesque group interpretation to the medieval penal device, where the victim’s head and hands were fastened to the frame as a form of public humiliation. The ongoing video loop traps the victims in an infinite limbo of eternal suffering, while the wooden structure that serves it as a projection screen manifests the horror even more vividly. The art of stained glass culminated with the birth of Gothic architecture, which used it to emphasize the mystical quality of light. Assi Meshullam intervenes in the façade of a historical building, inserting a stained glass painting which intertwines with the top windows’ grid—two snakes coiled around each other to become a single, two-headed serpent. The image of the serpent, with its primordial cultural baggage, manifests itself in Meshullam’s oeuvre in various ways: from the biblical serpent (signifying rejection of the divine command, and conveying knowledge to mankind), through chaos, Satan, death and life, sexuality, etc. The self-cuddling embracing serpent alludes to paintings of creatures copulating, wrestling, or devouring themselves, used by alchemists to describe a diffuse relationship between two substances. In 2012 Meshullam presented a monumental stained glass painting on the windows of the Genia Schreiber University Art Gallery at Tel Aviv University. Its protagonist was also a serpent.
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Having broken out of my Romeo and Juliet-induced enervation, I approached King John with a sense of excitement bolstered by my positive experiences with the Henry VI plays. Unusually, maybe impatiently, I skipped my Arden’s introduction and got stuck in after finding these hopeful signs elsewhere: “a neglected play about a flawed king” [a] “King John has all the beauties of language and all the richness of the imagination to relieve the painfulness of the subject.” [b] Studying a History play? Look for the playwright’s sources … My Marxist critical inclinations – that a text can’t be read in isolation from the contextual crucible that created it – get pretty much free reign when it comes to teaching Edward II. For the OCR A Level course, my students need to compare Marlowe’s drama to Tennyson‘s monodrama, ‘Maud‘ and, get this, 50% of the mark is context (that’s AO3, troops). What, exactly, is context? I’d suggest that for both texts, maybe all texts, context is usually a mix of two things: Hot ice and wondrous strange snow: the appetite for articulation … Frequently, I ask my class to step into the time machine and join me back in 1592. Conveniently, it’s as close as we can get to dating both Richard III and Edward II, my Key Stage 5 texts. The other plays I teach at the moment – Much Ado About Nothing and Macbeth – follow on from here. This period was a crucible in which Drama as we know it was being born, alchemically transmuted from the didactic Morality Plays into something fresh and exciting. With my Marxist critical hat on, if we can understand the contextual elements poured into that cauldron, we can better appreciate and analyse the resultant heady brew. Ponytail Shakespeare read-through: Romeo and Juliet, Act I, scene i Regular readers will understand my complex relationship with the notion of ‘England’. The catchy simplicity of Three Lions (It’s Coming Home) turned from pleasantly nostalgic ‘earworm‘ – I well remember the song’s release for Euro ’96 – to a cankerous ‘worm ‘i the bud‘ [a] long before Wednesday’s almost inevitable defeat to Croatia. The entire nation, it seemed, had been reduced to a vocabulary of just three words – a mantra which was unchallengeable, a self-evident truth destroyed in just 120 minutes (if only Brexit could fall as quickly.) As I watched people (including several students) spill out of The Sun – opposite where I was drinking – in a numbed state of shock after the match, I was glad I wouldn’t hear it for a while. Having ‘sat like Patience’ I was now, almost, ‘smiling at grief’. To no avail: by 11am the next day – no lie – I was hearing “World Cup 2022: It’s Coming Home” in the corridors of ‘C’ Block … sigh. Has this anything to do with Romeo and Juliet? Of course. Maybe it’s ironic to quote an author I haven’t read – apart from a single short story in a SF anthology (‘The Way of the Cross and the Dragon’ (1978), if anyone’s interested) – but this is the second time I’ve used GRR Martin‘s quotation (and indeed this image): ‘A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.’ ‘Everyone‘ says I would love Martin’s work if I could find the time to read it, by the way. It’s not even close to reaching the slopes of Mount Tsundoku at the moment. If Marxist literary criticism were renamed, say Contextual Critical Theory, I wonder if it would be taken more seriously by the uninitiated … like rebranding Labour as ‘New Labour’ in the UK helped Tony Bliar (intentional misspelling) come to power in 1997 … How can we possibly dissociate a text from the society in which it was created, or indeed from the intertextual cauldron that formed the author’s views? ‘Why would I bother watching Titanic, when I know how it ends?’ Silence … Ponytail Shakespeare read-through. Romeo and Juliet: Prologue As a trainee, I remember ‘inheriting’ R&J from the usual teacher on placements. Twice. And I vividly remember teaching the Prologue to a top set of smart, welcoming, wonderful students. This was the class that christened Romeo the ‘pervy monkey boy‘ after watching Zeffirelli‘s interpretation of the balcony scene. Thanks, Hannah – I will never forget that. They’re also the bunch that did the ‘Mean Girls‘ recreation of Act III, scene v. They made ‘fetch’ happen! So much for ‘Two households, both alike in dignity‘ … Despite the brilliant memories, I wonder if it’s significant that I have never, since, opted to teach the play, now that I am largely in charge of my own destiny? And for PTS purposes, what can we, can I, pull out of these fourteen lines that hasn’t been said before over the last 400-years? Not, repeat NOT, Shakespeare in disguise, thanks very much … First things first – we need to be clear whichFrancis Bacon we are talking about! Perhaps reluctantly, we need to steer clear of the 20th Century Irish Existentialist artist whose ‘screaming popes’*, amongst other works, are so disturbingly brilliant.That Francis is part of our ‘cultural capital’ too, but less useful for your studies. Instead, let’s turn to the man perhaps best known as the ‘father of the scientific method’.In other, crazier, circles, it’s also muttered that he was, in fact, the ‘real’ William Shakespeare.Try to avoid those people – they also tend to wear tin foil hats, believe that the world is flat, and that climate change is a myth …
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During the twentieth century, the U.S. both saw the development of a social welfare system to serve nonelderly families and a subsequent dramatic overhaul of the cash welfare part of that system. The first part of the course considers the development of the American welfare state over time. It analyzes the evolution from 1965 to 1996 of the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program and other social welfare programs and policies that shaped the social safety net for the non-elderly. We will examine the different and changing philosophies that have influenced the development of social welfare policy in the U.S., with a strong focus on understanding the ways in which notions concerning race and gender have shaped policies. The section concludes with a discussion of the passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996. The second part of the course considers the legacy of the 1996 reform and the operation and effects of the new cash welfare program, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). In this section, we will examine the implementation and administration of the program and its effects on current and former recipients. Since TANF caseloads are currently so small, we will examine other programs and policies (or the lack thereof) that can or could assist low-income families. The final part of the course takes a comparative view and a look toward the future. We will examine social welfare programs and policies in other advanced industrial nations. Particular attention will be paid to analyzing a wide range of social policy reform options that might be implemented within the U.S. to reduce poverty.
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by Mark S. Thorne and John M. Harper Livestock grazing is one of the most widespread and important uses of rangelands. Renewable plant resources provide forage for ruminant livestock like cattle, sheep, and goats; and the ruminant animals subsequently provide food and fiber for people. This method of harvesting solar energy requires relatively low inputs of petroleum products for agricultural production. Rangeland livestock, however, must be managed properly to ensure the long-term sustainability of the soil-plant-animal resource base.
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Sample expository essay the 1770s was a period of considerable uncertainty for the colony of quebec the war of independence or the american revolution saw. Quebec/the quiet revolution an 8 page research paper that discusses and analyzes four articles that pertain to the historical nature and. The ideals of the revolution multimedia: myths of the american revolution essay: the road to revolution product: #63 tarring and feathering, 1774. The quiet revolution the purpose of this paper is to analyze the aspects of the quiet revolution on quebec the quiet revolution essay. Essay revolution quiet in quebec easy scholarships for high school seniors 2014 no essay questions cambridge igcse literature coursework mark scheme salary. Introduction the quite revolution signified the period in the history of quebec from 1960 to 1966 this period corresponded with the office tenure of liber. The quebec act of 1774 was meant to improve the quebec act: definition & summary but it had limited success and ultimately hastened the american revolution. Battle of quebec: (december 31, 1775), in the american revolution, unsuccessful american attack on the british stronghold in the winter of 1775–76, american. Quebec essay quebec who resorted to acts of terrorism consequently stimulated anger and fear in quebec if the quiet revolution had not occurred and. Since the 1960s, these changes have included the secularism and other traits associated with the quiet revolution an essay on quebec nationalism. Canada: the quiet revolution in quebec the english-french relations have not always been easy each is always arguing and accusing the other of wrong doings. About us we value excellent academic writing and strive to provide outstanding essay writing services each and every time you place an order. Causes of the french revolution dbq this task is based on the accompanying documents 5 write a well-organized essay proving your thesis. Essay the english-french relations have not always been easy each is always arguing and accusing the other of wrong doings all this hatred and differences started. Quiet revolution in quebec essay persuasive essay love at first sight upload dissertation committee thank you letter officials, guide to writing research papers apa. Quebec revolution quiet essays my dad offered me for motivation to do an essay i ve never written a better essay in my life masters dissertation due sept th at. Essay about the quiet revolution essay founded in 1963, these anarchists who struggle for not only for the political independence of quebec, but a total revolution. Quebec’s quiet revolution: summary one was to improve economic and social standards for the people of quebec i think this is essay is derived from. A collection of 13 essays written between 1900 and 1908, published in 1910 the lead essay, revolution, outlines how and why london renounced capitalism as a failed. Francophone nationalism in thecanadianencyclopediaca/en/article/nationalisme-francophone-au-quebec/ (accessed an essay on quebec nationalism. Also during the time of the quiet revolution, quebec experienced a large drop in the total fertility rate (known as tfr. Reliable essay writing service llc elijah: october 29, 2017 scholarship essay writers should share personal details to stand out from the crowd. Quebec's quiet revolution: what is it how has it changed quebec's society how has it affected confederation the english-french relations have not always been easy. Essay structure year 10 months persuasive essay introduction graphic organizer job essay writing template pdf kindle fire essay para sa temang wika ng pagkakaisa watch. Montreal is quebec’s largest city, has always been renowned for its many churches and basilicas, earning it the nickname la ville aux cents clochers.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-22", "url": "http://osessayvlkc.comment-changer-de-banque.info/quebec-revolution-essay.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-22/segments/1526794870771.86/warc/CC-MAIN-20180528024807-20180528044807-00114.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9151784181594849, "token_count": 792, "score": 2.734375, "int_score": 3 }
Zamora (Spanish pronunciation: [θaˈmoɾa]) is a city in Castile and León, Spain, the capital of the province of Zamora. It lies on a rocky hill in the northwest, near the frontier with Portugal and crossed by the Duero river, which is some 50 km downstream as it reaches the Portuguese frontier. With its 24 characteristic Romanesque style churches of the 12th and 13th centuries it has been called a "museum of Romanesque art". Zamora is the city with the most Romanesque churches in all of Europe. After the Roman victory over the Lusitanian hero Viriathus the settlement was named by the Romans, Occelum Durii or Ocellodurum (literally, "Eye of the Duero"). During Roman rule it was in the hands of the Vaccaei, and was incorporated into the Roman province of Hispania Tarraconensis. It was on the road from Emerita (modern Mérida) to Asturica Augusta (modern Astorga). (Ant. Itin. pp. 434, 439). Two coins from the reign of the Visigothic king, Sisebuto, show that it was known at the time as "Semure". During the period of Moorish rule the settlement became known by the names of "Semurah" or "Azemur". After the establishment of the Christian Kingdom of Asturias, the settlement became a strategic frontier post and was the scene of many fierce military engagements between the Muslims and Christians. Control of the town shifted between the two sides a number of times from the early eighth century to the late eleventh centuriy. During this period it became heavily fortified. Henry IV granted Zamora the epithet of "most noble and most loyal city". Dome of the Cathedral Romanesque entrance to the Cathedral (12th century) San Vicente Church The most notable historic episode in Zamora was the assassination outside the city walls of the king Sancho II of Castile in 1072. Some decades before, king Ferdinand I of León had divided his kingdoms between his three sons. To his daughter, Doña Urraca, he had bequeathed the "well fortified city of Zamora" (or "la bien cercada" in Spanish). All three sons warred among themselves, till the ultimate winner, Sancho, was left victorious. Zamora, under his sister who was allied with Leonese nobles, resisted. Sancho II of Castile, assisted by El Cid, lay siege to Zamora. King Sancho II was murdered by a duplicitous noble of Zamora, Bellido Dolfos, who tricked the king into a private meeting. After the death of Sancho, Castile reverted to his deposed brother Alfonso VI of León. The event was commemorated by the Portillo de la Traición (Treason Gate). Zamora was also the scene of fierce fighting in the fifteenth century, during the conflict between the supporters of Isabella the Catholic and Juana la Beltraneja. The Spanish proverb, No se ganó Zamora en una hora, literally, Zamora wasn't won in an hour, is a reference to these battles. It is the Spanish equivalent of the English proverb "Rome wasn't built in a day." During the 12th century, the city was extraordinarily important for its strategic position in the wars between the Kingdom of León and Arabs to conquer the Iberian Peninsula. As a result, the city preserves many churches and buildings from that time. In the next centuries, the city lost its political and economic relevance and suffered emigration, especially to South America (where many other cities called Zamora were founded).
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Variation in DNA sequence contributes to individual differences in quantitative traits, but in humans the specific sequence variants are known for very few traits. We characterized variation in gene expression in cells from individuals belonging to three major population groups. This quantitative phenotype differs significantly between European-derived and Asian-derived populations for 1,097 of 4,197 genes tested. For the phenotypes with the strongest evidence of cis determinants, most of the variation is due to allele frequency differences at cis-linked regulators. The results show that specific genetic variation among populations contributes appreciably to differences in gene expression phenotypes. Populations differ in prevalence of many complex genetic diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. As some of these are probably influenced by the level of gene expression, our results suggest that allele frequency differences at regulatory polymorphisms also account for some population differences in prevalence of complex diseases. [ hide abstract ]
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What Are Larder Beetles? June 26, 2017 Ants, spiders, rodents, and mosquitoes: these are all pests that most homeowners are familiar with and that most people have a general idea of what they look like and why you don’t want them living in your home. But, what about other, less familiar pests? Take, for instance, the larder beetle. Do you know what the larder beetle is, what it looks like, and why you don’t want them invading your home? If not, that is okay. Many people don’t, but lucky for you, the pest professionals at Quik-Kill Pest Eliminators can provide you with the information you need about this pantry pest! Let’s first begin with the big question - what the heck is a larder beetle? Larder beetles are pests that invade stored food products. Their name originates from the fact that they prefer to feed on dried, cured meats and other types of food that are high in protein. However, we are now living in modern times which means there is a refrigerator in most every home. People (except avid bulk store shoppers) buy meat in small quantities, and most people do not home cure their own meat. What this means is that today, while larder beetles can still be found invading some meat products including hams, larder beetles are usually found laying their eggs on items including dry pet food, hides, and items made from animal fur or feathers. Once the eggs hatch, the larvae will feed on these products; and, if given the chance, they will also feed on items found stored in the pantry. It is important to know that larder beetles will lay their eggs on dead insects found trapped behind your walls, in your crawl spaces, or in your attic spaces too. Now, let’s talk about what these pantry pests look like. Knowing what they look like can help you to get help for an infestation in your home sooner rather than later. Adult larder beetles have an oval body and are dark brown to black with a light colored, usually yellow, band running across it. You will also notice dark markings (spots) within the light colored band. They are fairly small, growing to about 1/4 to 1/3 of an inch in length. The larvae have a tapered worm-like body that is covered in stiff hairs. They are larger than the adults growing to about 1/2 an inch in length. Now, to answer that final question - why you don't want these pests living in your home? Many times an infestation begins when adults enter your home through small cracks and crevices in exterior walls and around doors and windows because they are attracted to dead bugs or animal nests that are trapped behind your walls. Once in your home, they will travel from behind your home’s walls to contaminate food sources in your kitchen. The professionals here at Quik-Kill know how expensive groceries can be, and the last thing you want is to have to throw out food because larder beetles have decided to take up residence in it! Also, larder beetles can cause damage to personal items that you have in your home as they chew holes through items made from animal products such as rugs, clothing, and more! If larder beetles have found their way into your home or if you would like to make sure that they don’t ever get the chance to invade your home, contact the pest professionals at Quik-Kill Pest Eliminators. At Quik-Kill, we won’t just make sure larder beetles are “controlled”; we will make sure they are completely eliminated! Our year-round pest control services won’t just eliminate a larder beetle infestation from your home, but they will also get rid of the insects that are attracting them, and keep them all from being able to infiltrate your home in the future! Let the Quad City pest control professionals at Quik-Kill Pest Eliminators start protecting your home from larder beetles and other pests today!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-22", "url": "https://www.quikkill.com/blog/post/what-are-larder-beetles", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-22/segments/1558232256184.17/warc/CC-MAIN-20190521002106-20190521024106-00238.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9698812961578369, "token_count": 858, "score": 2.671875, "int_score": 3 }
Will the next animal you sit next to at East Side Animal Hospital be buzzing? New FDA law mandates that only veterinarians can prescribe antibiotics for honeybees in NYC. Honeybee Considered a ‘Food Animal’ A 2017 law now classifies the honeybee as a ‘food animal’ and limits the prescribing of any antibiotic used to treat the insect to licensed veterinarians. The effort is a broad and bold attempt by the FDA to limit a rising antibiotic resistance in bacteria that threatens the health of all humans and animals. Why All The Fuss? Antibiotic Resistance Is A Big Deal Antibiotic resistance occurs in two ways. The first is when human and animal care providers administer sub therapeutic levels of antibiotics to patients. You probably remember East Side Animal Hospital veterinarians insisting that you give your pet all the antibiotics that we prescribe even though your pet is feeling and acting wholly cured. The reason is that the bacteria that the antibiotics target are not killed off at once, but in stages, throughout the course of the administration of the antibiotic. The bacteria most sensitive to the antibiotic die off first, followed by the bacteria that are more resistant, followed by even more resistant bacteria, and so forth until the entire population is killed off. When humans or animal care providers fail to administer the entire course of antibiotics, a level proven to be sufficient to kill off even the most resistant of bacteria, you leave a pool of the most resistant bacteria alive in the patient. This population may regrow, making the patient sick again, but be more resistant to treatment. Furthermore, if this person or animal should infect anyone at this stage, they too would be infected by a bacterium more resistant to treatment. Overtime, sloppy antibiotic treatment practices lead to pools of bacteria in the animal and human population that are increasingly resistant to standard treatment. The second method of resistance is creepier. Bacteria have an ability to exchange genetic material with other bacteria without reproduction. The process is called conjugation. During conjugation, bacteria that have superior genetic traits, like antibiotic resistance, are able to link to other bacteria of the same species in the environment and inject them with the genes they need to also be superior. Enter the honeybee You may have heard of colony collapse disorder, right? Even after years of research, no one is quite sure why 35% of all honeybee hives worldwide die off every year. Experts suspect varoa mites, other invasive viruses and bacteria, increased use of pesticides, monoculture farming practices, or all of the above. To combat CCD, beekeepers have been administering increasingly higher doses of antibiotics to hives, in some cases to treat existing disease, but most often to treat the hive prophylactically…in other words to prevent the hive from becoming sick in the first place. Therein lies the problem. As we mentioned above, antibiotics given at non-therapeutic doses kill off the weakest bacteria and leave the strongest alive to reproduce and re-infect, but in the case of honeybees the problem is exacerbated by this business of conjugation. Bees infected with resistant bacteria can visit hundreds of flowers, trees, water sources, and other hives within a three-mile radius of their home. Every point of contact is another opportunity for the resistant bacteria on the bee to come in contact with nonresistant bacteria in the environment and through the process of conjugation, pass of the traits of antibiotic resistance. In this case, the bee isn’t just pollinating flowers; it’s pollinating the world with antibiotic resistance. Veterinary Oversight Protects Everyone The FDA believes that antibiotic prescription and administration is best left to licensed doctors of veterinary medicine. From now on, throughout the country, veterinarians must have a Client Patient Relationship with beekeepers in need of antibiotics to treat their hives. Whatever illness is at hand must be diagnosed and treated according to standard treatment plan. Veterinary colleges across the U.S., especially NY State’s Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine, are stepping up their efforts to equip veterinarians with the education that they need to work with bees, inspect hives, diagnose illness, and come up with ways to deliver care to beekeepers that is helpful and affordable. Beekeeping in NYC Were you aware that there are more than 300 active healthy hives living throughout NYC? It’s true. Beekeepers have hives on buildings in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx… all sorts of places. Mostly they are installed on the rooftops of building. In fact, it is believed that the hive on the 76th floor of the Residence Inn near Central Park is the highest hive in the world. NYC gov even has a section of their website dedicated to people who want to keep bee hives in the city. You can use this link to take a look at the information that they have there and even review a beehive permit! Favorite At Farmer’s Market in Union Square If you’ve been to the farmers market at Union Square, you may have passed one stand that sells honey exclusively made by NYC honeybees. You can even buy it by the neighborhood. Unlike the types of honey you see marketed in other regions of the country that are labeled with the flower nectar that predominantly went into the honey’s production, the NYC honey is labeled by neighborhood like East Village, Tribeca, even LIC. More than 20 restaurants, including the prestigious Union Square Café, only use locally produced NYC in their recipes like honey sorbet and so forth. Just Another Beautiful Addition of Diversity To Our City! Beekeeping in NYC is part of larger trend of everyone paying closer attention to the other animals and insects that share the world with us. As a species we’re learning to be better stewards of the environment and better roommates in a world filled with other fantastic people and creatures. In one brief summer, a single hive can produce more than 100 lbs. of honey for human consumption and produce an additional 30 pounds or so to sustain it through 6 months of cold NYC weather. Forging closer relationships with the other plants, insects and animals in the world is a pathway to abundance and more enriched existence.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "url": "http://eastsideanimalhospital.com/honeybees-in-nyc-now-under-veterinary-supervision/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221217354.65/warc/CC-MAIN-20180820215248-20180820235248-00641.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9332921504974365, "token_count": 1272, "score": 2.8125, "int_score": 3 }
Men Without Work America’s Invisible Crisis By one reading, things look pretty good for Americans today: the country is richer than ever before and the unemployment rate is down by half since the Great Recession—lower today, in fact, than for most of the postwar era. But a closer look shows that something is going seriously wrong. This is the collapse of work—most especially among America’s men. Nicholas Eberstadt, a political economist who holds the Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy at the American Enterprise Institute, shows that while “unemployment” has gone down, America’s work rate is also lower today than a generation ago—and that the work rate for US men has been spiraling downward for half a century. Astonishingly, the work rate for American males aged twenty-five to fifty-four—or “men of prime working age”—was actually slightly lower in 2015 than it had been in 1940: before the War, and at the tail end of the Great Depression. Today, nearly one in six prime working age men has no paid work at all—and nearly one in eight is out of the labor force entirely, neither working nor even looking for work. This new normal of “men without work,” argues Eberstadt, is “America’s invisible crisis.” So who are these men? How did they get there? What are they doing with their time? And what are the implications of this exit from work for American society? Nicholas Eberstadt lays out the issue and Jared Bernstein from the left and Henry Olsen from the right offer their responses to this national crisis. Men without Work is part of the New Threats to Freedom Series, which you can learn more about at newthreatstofreedom.com. Acknowledgments / ix Introduction / 3 Part 1: Men Without Work 1: The Collapse of Work in the Second Gilded Age / 9 2: Hiding in Plain Sight: An Army of Jobless Men, Lost in an Overlooked Depression / 18 3: Postwar America’s Great Male Flight from Work / 32 4: America’s Great Male Flight from Work in Historical and International Perspective / 47 5: Who Is He? A Statistical Portrait of the Un-Working American Man / 61 6: Idle Hands: Time Use, Social Participation, and the Male Flight from Work / 78 7: Long-Term Structural Forces and the Decline of Work for American Men? / 97 8: Dependence, Disability, and Living Standards for Un-working Men / 110 9: Criminality and the Decline of Work for American Men / 129 10: What Is to Be Done? / 149 Part 2: Dissenting Points of View 11: Title to Come by Henry Olsen / 159 12: Title to Come by Jared Bernstein / 168 Epilogue: Reply to Jared Bernstein and Henry Olsen / 179 Notes / 187 About the Contributors / 205 The Ellsworth American (Opinion Section)–December 21, 2016 “If you’re trying to understand why so many Americans voted for Trump, three books will help you out: Hillbilly Elegy by JD Vance, Men Without Work: America’s Invisible Crisis by Nicholas Eberstadt and Coming Apart by Charles Murray.” CNS News–February 9, 2017 “[Eberstadt] doesn’t usually cover American domestic issues, but anyone interested in social trends has to take him very seriously.” National Review–January 23, 2017 “Nicholas Eberstadt has become one of our highest-impact socioeconomic and demographic analysts, rivaling his American Enterprise Institute colleague Charles Murray. In Men without Work, he alerts us to a new ‘invisible national crisis.’ “Eberstadt is thus pointing to a fatal flaw—a sexual suicide in an American polity where women outvote men and prefer socialism and stasis over progress and prosperity, where they choose dependency on government over collaboration with husbands and family.” Philanthropy Magazine–Winter 2017 “Too many Americans today are unemployed or lack the skills to thrive in our modern economy. Many of these individuals rely on welfare or disability payments instead of earned income. Nicholas Eberstadt’s Men Without Work reveals the depth of this problem, and warns that the pattern of prime-age males fleeing work can no longer safely be ignored.” The Stream–December 7, 2016 “[A] masterful study.” New York Times The Globe and Mail–October 15, 2016 “Men Without Work: America’s Invisible Crisis is essential reading for this election cycle.” "[A] valuable addition to our understanding of very important trends in US labor markets and I highly recommend it to anyone who is seeking a clear and very accessible treatment of the issues and their potential causes."
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-21", "url": "https://www.templetonpress.org/books/men-without-work", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-21/segments/1620243988696.23/warc/CC-MAIN-20210505203909-20210505233909-00231.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9255131483078003, "token_count": 1040, "score": 2.53125, "int_score": 3 }
Often times people give up on weight loss programs because there is a sense of little or no control of results. Even with the odds against us, there are a select few who manage to take complete control of their weight and health. Instead of understanding how and why they achieved success, they are usually envied and the internal story of why it won't work for you starts spinning constantly inside your mind. Although it may seem counterintuitive, pregnancy is a fantabulous opportunity to take full control of your and your child's health. Charles Duhigg states in his book titled Smarter, Faster, Better, "Figure out how this task is connected to something you care about. Explain to yourself why this chore will help you get closer to a meaningful goal. Explain why this matters and then you'll find it easier to start." If you connect the importance of working out to the health of your unborn child, this can help in making decisions around your health and fitness in a deliberate way easier. Envision a stronger, healthier, leaner child with a parent (you) who is strong, is a healthy weight, feels good in their clothes, and is happier. Then envision the opposite, declining strength, weight gain, muscle and bone degeneration, increased risk for heart disease, etc. Duhigg explains that seeing the bigger goal can help us to take action now. In our instant gratification culture, this practice can be challenging, but perhaps not as difficult when considering the health of your unborn child. The placenta, which is a temporary organ, transfers oxygen and nutrients from mom to baby. The demands of regular exercise cause the placenta to grow larger, making it better at delivering oxygen and nutrients to the baby. Exercise makes your baby stronger and leaner. No better time to start exposing your child to physical activity. Natalie Digate Muth, MD, reported, "Few behaviors more significantly influence child health than physical activity," in an article titled, To Grow Healthier, Happier Adults, Raise Fit Kids. Waiting till your child has a weight or health issue to begin an active lifestyle is a huge disservice and is less likely to become a regular part of your child's life. Exercising while pregnant is highly beneficial and encouraged by ACOG. Exercise has multiple benefits for mom and baby. There are certain guidelines to follow so working with a professional who is certified in pre/post-natal fitness instruction is important. If given the go ahead by your doctor, you can begin an exercise program, even if you are starting when pregnant. If you are a woman who has struggled with losing weight and/or committing to an exercise program, pregnancy is a prime opportunity to consider how you will address weight and health issues with your child. Set your new baby up with good health right away with the added bonus of improving your health and fitness too!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-09", "url": "https://mind-to-size.com/blog/how-women-can-use-pregnancy-to-improve-health-and-fitness", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-09/segments/1550249406966.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20190222220601-20190223002601-00000.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.95560222864151, "token_count": 583, "score": 2.53125, "int_score": 3 }
Sperm to both male and female partners Males of the humboldt squid are generous with their sperm cells; male-to-male mating is as common as male-to-female mating, Henk-Jan Hoving and colleagues discovered. The mating of the humboldt squid or jumbo squid, Dosidicus gigas, is peculiar. Males produce spermatophores, long narrow capsules in which sperm cells are packed, and deposit them around a partner’s beak, which is between the eight arms and two tentacles. Each spermatophore then turns itself inside out to form a so-called spermatangium, which attaches itself to the skin. If the partner is a female, the sperm cells will be needed. When she is spawning, she will use the sperm cells to fertilize the eggs. But the males transfer their sperm packets not only to females, but also to other males, according to Henk-Jan Hoving and colleagues. And males can’t use them. It is not possible for researchers to directly observe the mating behaviour of the squid, which occurs in the eastern Pacific Ocean, because the animals live at a depth of several hundred meters. Instead, in order to learn something about that behaviour, the team examined the buccal area of captive specimens, both males and females, and counted the implanted spermatangia. They found sperm packets attached to both females’ and males’ buccal tissues, the same number in both sexes. The motto of mating males seems to be: ‘deposit your spermatophores anywhere you can’. The question is why they don’t distinguish between male and female partners, as sperm cells transferred to a male are wasted. The authors offer an explanation. The animals live in large mixed schools, in which they encounter many females and males. External morphological differences between the sexes are small, and a male that is about to mate has little time to check whether the individual in front of him is female. If he doesn’t manage to deliver his spermatophores quickly between the other squid’s arms and tentacles, he is in danger to be attacked. The humboldt squid is a predator; the suckers on its tentacles are lined with sharp teeth and its mouth has sharp edges. Cannibalism occurs. That is why a male prefers a partner that is not larger, but of similar size. Because males are on average smaller than females, he will often deposit his spermatophores on a female that is not yet sexually mature. That is okay; she will store it until she needs it. But there is a chance that he accidentally transfers his sperm to a male. Because of this strategy – be fast and stay safe – a humboldt squid male admittedly will waste sperm. But that is not a serious drawback. A male has hundreds of spermatophores available, and no more than 80 are transferred per mating. Even if he often mistakenly chooses a same-sex partner, he can still mate many females. A female has dozens of sperm-storage organs in the buccal membrane, the seminal receptacles. Sperm cells leave the spermatangium after mating and migrate over the female skin to those storage organs, which apparently secrete an attractant. When spawning, a female releases millions of eggs, held together in a gelatinous spherical mass. When that mass of eggs passes her mouth, the sperm cells will leave the storage organs, swim to the egg mass and fertilize the eggs. Willy van Strien Hoving, H-J.T. Fernández‑Álvarez, F.Á., E.J. Portner & W.F. Gilly, 2019. Same‑sex sexual behaviour in an oceanic ommastrephid squid, Dosidicus gigas (Humboldt squid). Marine Biology 166: 33. Doi: 10.1007/s00227-019-3476-6 Fernández-Álvarez, F.Á., R. Villanueva, H-J.T. Hoving & W.F. Gilly, 2018. The journey of squid sperm. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 28: 191-199. Doi: 10.1007/s11160-017-9498-6
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-34", "url": "https://blog.willyvanstrien.nl/2019/03/13/humboldt-squid-doesnt-discriminate/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-34/segments/1596439738015.38/warc/CC-MAIN-20200808165417-20200808195417-00400.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9343281388282776, "token_count": 917, "score": 3.765625, "int_score": 4 }
About this artwork “One instant, one aspect of nature contains it all,” said Claude Monet, referring to his late masterpieces, the water landscapes that he produced at his home in Giverny between 1897 and his death in 1926. These works replaced the varied contemporary subjects he had painted from the 1870s through the 1890s with a single, timeless motif—water lilies. The focal point of these paintings was the artist’s beloved flower garden, which featured a water garden and a smaller pond spanned by a Japanese footbridge. In his first water-lily series (1897–99), Monet painted the pond environment, with its plants, bridge, and trees neatly divided by a fixed horizon. Over time, the artist became less and less concerned with conventional pictorial space. By the time he painted Water Lilies, which comes from his third group of these works, he had dispensed with the horizon line altogether. In this spatially ambiguous canvas, the artist looked down, focusing solely on the surface of the pond, with its cluster of vegetation floating amid the reflection of sky and trees. Monet thus created the image of a horizontal surface on a vertical one. - Claude Monet - Water Lilies - Oil on canvas - Inscribed at lower right: Claude Monet 1906 - 89.9 × 94.1 cm (35 3/8 × 37 1/16 in.) - Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Ryerson Collection
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-51", "url": "https://www.artic.edu/artworks/16568/water-lilies?style_ids=Impressionism&%3Bartist_ids=Winslow%20Homer&%3Bsort_by=title", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-51/segments/1575540543850.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20191212130009-20191212154009-00469.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9609527587890625, "token_count": 318, "score": 2.90625, "int_score": 3 }
The Franco-Russian Alliance was a military alliance between the French Third Republic and the Russian Empire that ran from 1892 to 1917. The alliance ended the diplomatic isolation of France and undermined the supremacy of the German Empire in Europe. France would remain the principal ally of Russia until 1917, from an economic, financial and military point of view. The 1882 Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy had left Russia vulnerable, while France had been diplomatically isolated since its defeat in the 1871 Franco-Prussian War and the subsequent policies of Otto von Bismarck. Despite the political differences between France, a republic, and Russia, an absolute monarchy, relations between the two countries rapidly improved. From 1888, Russia was provided with cheap loans floated on the Paris Bourse, essential to rebuild the technologically deficient Russian military and to build strategic railways that could bring the troops to the German front. In 1891, the French Fleet visited the Russian naval base at Kronstadt and was warmly welcomed by Tsar Alexander III. This visit marked the first time La Marseillaise was played on an official occasion in Russia; to play it previously had been a criminal offence. The new German Emperor Wilhelm II, after dismissing Bismarck, oversaw a change in the direction of German foreign policy. The secret Reinsurance Treaty with Russia was allowed to expire in 1890, despite Russian requests to renew it. The German Chancellor Caprivi advised Wilhelm II not to renew the treaty, because by this treaty Germany promised to remain neutral if Russia were to occupy the Straits (i.e. Constantinople). Such a treaty, if made public, would enrage both the British and the Ottoman empire. After extensive negotiations, the Franco-Russian alliance was drafted August 17, 1892. It became final on January 4, 1894. The alliance was to remain in place as long as the Triple Alliance existed. The secret treaty between France and Russia stipulated that if one of the countries of the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy) attacked France or Russia, its ally would attack the aggressor in question, and that if a Triple Alliance country mobilized its army, France and Russia would mobilize. France would engage 1.300.000 troops and Russia 700.000 - 800.000. This treaty formed a crucial step towards the First World War. As opposed to treaties and alliances that were meant to solve conflicts of interest between the countries party to the treaty, the Franco-Russian alliance was an alliance directed against another country, Germany. In this regard, it presented a countervailing force against the Dual Alliance (1879) of Germany and Austria-Hungary, which provided for mutual aid against an attack by Russia and mutual neutrality in the event of attack by another power (such as France). The Franco-Russian Alliance, along with the Anglo-Russian Entente and the Entente Cordiale formed the so-called Triple Entente between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, France and Russia. - Mansergh 1949, p. 35. - Andriessen, 1999, De andere waarheid, page 273 - Andriessen, De andere waarheid, 1999, page 20 - Christopher Clark, 2012, The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914, page 131: "By contrast with the earlier alliances of the European system, such as the Dual and Triple Alliances and the League of the Three Emperors, this one came into life as a military convention, whose terms stipulated the combined deployment of land forces against a common enemy.... The aim was no longer to "manage adversarial relations" between alliance partners, but to meet and balance the threat from a competing coalition." - Mansergh, Nicholas (1949). The Coming of the First World War. London: Longmans Green and Co.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-23", "url": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franco-Russian_Alliance", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-23/segments/1405997900573.25/warc/CC-MAIN-20140722025820-00206-ip-10-33-131-23.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9546940922737122, "token_count": 792, "score": 3.90625, "int_score": 4 }
5 Common Myths About Tooth Cavities Oral Health and Oral Hygiene Cavities are a problem that plagues millions of adults and children across the world. Understanding why they occur and how to prevent them is the key to maintaining healthy teeth and overall oral health. There are a couple of myths floating around about tooth cavities, which can be misleading when it comes to oral care. For the best results, you should visit your local dental office in Westborough to determine the best at-home regimen for your situation. Eating Less Sugar Can Prevent Cavities Although it’s true that sugar can lead to cavities, it’s not the primary cause. Simply staying away from sugar doesn’t mean that you’re safe from tooth decay. Also, ridding candy and chocolate from your diet isn’t going to do the trick, especially since many other everyday foods contain sugars, even healthy ones like fruits and vegetables. Carbohydrates are another candidate that can lead to cavities. Carbs like rice, potatoes and bread can also develop tooth decay. This is why it’s recommended by Westborough dentists to brush and floss after you eat. Kids Are More Prone to Cavities than Adults While in the past we’ve seen a lot of kids developing cavities, it doesn’t remain true today that kids are more prone to having tooth decay than adults. Thanks to advances in the dental field, the use of sealants, preventive care and fluoride water have helped to cut back childhood cavities by nearly 50% in the last two decades. There has however been an increase in tooth decay in senior citizens. Some professionals speculate that this could be due to certain medications that can create dry mouth symptoms. Saliva is very important for neutralizing acids and washing away food and bacteria that sticks to your teeth. Placing Aspirin Near Aching Teeth Helps Pain Tooth aches can be a real pain and a lot of people are spreading the myth that placing aspirin pills next to throbbing teeth will alleviate the pain. Because aspirin is acidic, it can burn the gum tissue and lead to the formation of abscesses. Fillings Have to be Replaced Eventually Composite fillings or amalgam fillings only have to be replaced when they deteriorate, the tooth breaks or cavities form around it. If nothing of these things happen, then the filling can remain in your tooth for a lifetime. Drinking Fluoride Water Will Prevent Cavities Drinking fluoride water has helped to decrease caries in Americans by nearly 50% over the past ten years, but this isn’t a cure all. It’s important to include other oral health remedies like brushing and flossing three times daily, not sipping on sugary drinks throughout the day and going to a Westborough dental office regularly. No one wants to deal with the onset of tooth decay and cavities. However, if you’re looking to prevent them, you will need to first educate yourself. Make sure to visit your local Westborough dentist to see how he or she can help keep your teeth healthy. Dentist Westborough, MA: Oral Health and Oral Hygiene NEW PATIENT OFFER* valued at $400+ Includes: cleaning, all necessary x-rays, exam, treatment plan Additional treatment and fees may be required. If other treatment is required, your cleaning (prophylaxis) may be scheduled for a future date and/or may be applied to a service of equal or greater value. May not be used more than once and cannot be combined with other offers or discounted fees. May not be valid on emergency visits. Requires payment at first visit. No cash value. 76 Otis Street, Westborough MA 01581
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-51", "url": "https://www.alldentals.com/oral-health-oral-hygiene-cat-5/myths-about-tooth-cavities", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-51/segments/1575540482038.36/warc/CC-MAIN-20191205190939-20191205214939-00320.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9336627721786499, "token_count": 790, "score": 2.78125, "int_score": 3 }
In the Information Age, media is everywhere. This course will help you make sense of it all, providing insight into the structure of media firms, the nature of their products and how they make money. Is media biased? Is consolidation of media companies bad for consumers? This course will address those questions as well as how the government effects the structure of media through policies such as net neutrality, copyright, TV regulation and spectrum allocation. This course will provide a general background on the research from economists on media and journalism. There will be a lot of economics and not too much math. If you pass the final exam, you will earn our “Economics of the Media” certificate on your profile. - Basic economics of media - Media bias - Media and government - Media and economic development Instructor: Alex Tabarrok and Tyler Cowen
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-06", "url": "https://www.bestonlinecourses.info/economics-of-the-media-mruniversity/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499634.11/warc/CC-MAIN-20230128121809-20230128151809-00717.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9172122478485107, "token_count": 183, "score": 2.71875, "int_score": 3 }
First things first: Sherlock Holmes' birthday is celebrated by most people in the world on January 6th. Almost everyone agrees that Sherlock Holmes was born in the year 1854. So, his actual date of birth is: Now, when I first heard about that date, I was curious. And why January 6th? Is this date mentioned in the original Sherlock Holmes stories? I dug as deep as I could and researched the heck out of every source I could find - to find out why Sherlock Holmes' birthday is on January 6th, 1854. Here's what I dug up... The year's fairly easy. Here's how a disguised Sherlock Holmes is described in the story, His Last Bow (set in August, 1914): Now, clearly, if in 1914, Sherlock Holmes was sixty years old, he must have been born 60 years earlier in 1854. That's it! Simple. Sherlock Holmes was born in 1854. Now, we come to the difficult part. Why, in the name of god is January 6th Sherlock Holmes' birthday? That's not mentioned anywhere in the original Sherlock Holmes stories and novels. The crux is that this is because of a famous journalist and novelist called Christopher Morley. This person was one of the founders of the Baker Street Irregulars. The Baker Street Irregulars is one of the largest and oldest Sherlock Holmes societies in the world. So, if I had to condense everything I know about January 6th, I'd say this: Christopher Morley liked that date. He founded one of the oldest and most prestigious Sherlockian groups in the world. So the date spread - and that's Holmes' birthday today! I can hear you say: is that it? He liked it, and that's it? Well, not exactly. Yes, the main reason is that Morley recommended the date. But he did give some reasons - though they were a bit vague if you ask me. Here's what Christopher Morley wrote in a US magazine called Saturday Review of Literature published on January 6, 1933. The very next year, Christopher Morley organized a small get-together on January 6th, 1934 - to celebrate Sherlock Holmes' birthday. Some famous Sherlock Holmes fans were there including writer Vincent Starret and actor William Gillette. And that's it, things took off from there! I can again hear you say: so astrology was the reason? Well, not the only one. Later, Christopher Morley offered one more explanation, a more logical one. He wrote in the Baker Street Journal that Sherlock Holmes quotes only one literary work twice: Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. So, January 6th - the twelfth night after Christmas - should be his birthday date. Mmm...I don't quite get that. I mean, I'm not denying what he says. Sherlock Holmes does say: ...twice in the stories - once in The Empty House and again in The Red Circle. And yes, that's almost exactly what Shakespeare writes in his play Twelfth Night. Yes, it is the only Shakesperian quote that appears twice in the stories. BUT, why would that make the Twelfth Night according to some Christians - January 6th - Sherlock Holmes' birthday? As Sherlock Holmes says... Anyway, that was the accepted explanation till 1957. In 1957, a member of the Baker Street Irregulars - called Nathan Bengis - wrote an article in the Baker Street Journal. In this article, he said that Sherlock Holmes appears a bit moody and out of sorts at the start of novel - The Valley of Fear. This is what happens at the start of the novel: Now, Nathan Bengis' idea was that this is because Sherlock Holmes has a hangover on that day. That day is mentioned as January 7th in The Valley of Fear. So Nathan Bengis said: He basically said that Sherlock Holmes was in a bad mood because he'd drunk a lot the previous night - which must have been his birthday. Hence proved: January 6th is Sherlock Holmes' birthday! Now I know this is not again as logical as Holmes would like - but hey - it makes some sense at least.These Twelfth Night and hangover explanations were repeated by William Baring-Gould, the famous writer of the book - Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street, in 1962. That made the theories even more popular and... ...the date got cemented. If you've read this far and you're saying, "Is that all?" then well, the truth is - yes. OK, there's one more tiny titbit: January 6th was also Christopher Morley's brother Felix's birthday. That might just have helped him choose January 6th? And yet another one: Sherlock Holmes' qualities match a lot with that of Capricorns and January 6th falls under the sun-sign Capricorn... There: I've put forth all the arguments for why Sherlock Holmes' birthday is on January 6th. The crux is: there had to be a date to celebrate our good old Holmes' birthday, right? Christopher Morley suggested a date. There was some intriguing trivia that made the date interesting. And voila - Sherlock Holmes' birthday was born! I know the logic isn't sound. But then as Sherlock Holmes would say: ...And Sherlockians around the world had to do just that! They had to figure out this birthday business without Conan Doyle providing any data. I'd say they've done their best. And come on: does the exact day really matter? If people who love Sherlock Holmes come together and celebrate his existence, any date's just as good. :-) The grandest, most important celebration of Sherlock Holmes' birthday has been happening almost every year in New York since 1934. This celebration is called the BSI weekend. BSI stands for Baker Street Irregulars - it's one of the oldest Sherlock Holmes societies. Hundreds of Sherlockians attend this weekend. So, when exactly does this celebration take place? It takes place during the extended weekend near January 6th every alternate year. Every other alternate year, the Sherlock Holmes Society of London reserves its birthday celebration weekend. So in those alternate years, the BSI celebrations are held on the weekend after the nearest weekend to January 6th. The celebration begins with a dinner hosted by another friendly Sherlock Holmes society called The Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes (ASH) on Wednesday. From Wednesday to Saturday, there are plenty of fun events. There's a Christopher Morley walk where Sherlockians visit places associated with Morley. (Yup, this is the same Christopher Morley who gave Sherlock Holmes his birthday.) There's a distinguished speaker lecture, lots of parties, quizzes, a 'mysterious bookshop' visit and lots of fun-stuff at a bar called O'Lunney's. There's also poem recitation - Sherlockians recite the emotional poem by Vincent Starrett called 221b. (That's one of my favourite poems.) And yes - there are also plenty of awards to be given: the Morley-Montgomery Award, the Intrepid Irregular award and the Two Shilling award! The highlight of this celebration is the BSI dinner in Yale Club on Friday - which is an invitation only dinner. Thanks to Scott Monty from I Hear of Sherlock for this one! This means that only BSI investitures can attend this dinner. Every year or so, the investiture of new members takes place during this dinner. These new members get a cool 'name' from the original Sherlock Holmes stories and a shilling. The other Sherlock Holmes fans who aren't a part of the BSI dinner, have fun at another ball called The Gaslight Gala on Friday night. And yes, I haven't mentioned it yet but the dress code is: as Victorian as possible! I have never attended a BSI weekend yet, but I'd LOVE to be there one day soon! Now, the BSI's celebrations in the US are the grandest BUT - the Sherlock Holmes Society of London's birthday celebrations are unique in their own way too! These celebrations have been held since 1952. The celebratory dinner is held on Saturday night. There's the Toney Howlett award that's given to a cool Sherlockian, there's a star guest speaker and there's a sumptuous meal at... ...The House of Commons (the lower house of the UK Parliament!) There's also a Sunday morning get-together where Sherlockians interact a bit more informally. Now here's a fun fact: just in case you were taking that 'guest speaker lecture' on Saturday night lightly, let me tell you that these guys below have all given lectures during the SHSL weekend: Thanks to this site for this picture of Mark Gatiss. In fact, a funny thing happened when Mark Gatiss spoke at the weekend in 2006. He bumped into BBC's Afghanistan correspondent John Simpson and said, "You have been in Afghanistan I perceive...". If you're not aware, this is Sherlock Holmes' first line to Watson in the original stories. Yes, Latvia is another place where Sherlock Holmes' birthday is being celebrated in a big way since 2012. Now, these are not the largest celebrations in the world - but it's a beginning. These celebrations in Riga, Latvia take place on the weekend near January 6th. People dress up as Sherlock Holmes and carry out a procession, there's a retro photo-shoot, there are plenty of detective games and there's even a dog breeds parade! Take a peek at the Sherlock Holmes Birthday Procession in 2013 below: Thanks to CNTV.cn for this picture. There are a total of more than 250 active Sherlock Holmes societies throughout the world. That's a big number. These societies celebrate Sherlock Holmes' birthday in different fun ways. There are fascinating toasts raised - toasts to the virtues of Mrs. Hudson, to Watson's second wife, to brother Mycroft and even to Moriarty! There are quizzes and expert speeches, real mysteries are debated, cakes are cut, and presentations are given. People dress up as Sherlock Holmes too... Take a peek at this picture of the birthday cake cut by the Criterion Bar Association in Illinois, USA in 2015: Thanks to the Criterion Bar Association for this picture. Since Sherlock Holmes' birthday is on January 6th, his sun-sign is Capricorn. Now normally, I don't really believe what sun-signs have to say, but I thought it would be fun to ask: How many typical Capricorn qualities does Sherlock Holmes have?Here's a fun comparison of Capricorn's qualities mentioned in the famous book - Linda Goodman's Sun Signs - and Sherlock Holmes' qualities in the books... When I learnt about Sherlock Holmes' birthday being on January 6th, a question that popped up was: What else is cool about Jan 6? Well, my research showed me quite a few things! For instance, the telegraph was first demonstrated in public on January 6th and the first boxing match in the world was held on that day... Here's more info: When are the birthdays of famous actors who have played Sherlock Holmes? I think that's a good question to ask. Well, here's when 6 famous actors' birthdays fall: Thanks RanZag on Wikipedia for Cumberbatch's picture. Well, that's it for now. :-) If you're still reading: hope you enjoyed this post! Do tell me anything that's on your mind in the comments.
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New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards Technology in the 21st Century Technology is uniquely positioned to transform learning, to foster critical thinking, creativity, and innovation, and to prepare students to thrive in the global economy. As engaged digital learners, students are able to acquire and apply content knowledge and skills through active exploration, interaction, and collaboration with others across the globe, challenging them to design the future as envisioned in the statements that follow: Mission: Technology enables students to solve real world problems, enhance life, and extend human capability as they meet the challenges of a dynamic global society. Vision: The systematic integration of technology across the curriculum and in the teaching and learning process fosters a population that leverages 21st century resources to: · Apply information-literacy skills to access, manage, and communicate information using a range of emerging technological tools. · Think critically and creatively to solve problems, synthesize and create new knowledge, and make informed decisions that affect individuals, the world community, and the environment. · Gain enhanced understanding of global interdependencies as well as multiple cultural perspectives, differing points of view, and diverse values. · Employ a systemic approach to understand the design process, the designed world, and the interrelationship and impact of technologies. · Model digital citizenship. Intent and Spirit of the Technology Standards All students acquire content area knowledge and skills in: (1) Visual and Performing Arts, (2) Comprehensive Health and Physical Education, (3) Language Arts Literacy, (4) Mathematics, (5) Science, (6) Social Studies, (7) World Languages, (8) Educational Technology, Technology Education, Engineering, and Design, and (9) 21st Century Life and Careers. As they do so, they are supported by the ongoing, transparent, and systematic integration of technology from preschool to grade 12 in preparation for postsecondary education and the workplace. In Preschool, technology offers versatile learning tools that can support children’s development in all domains. For example, electronic storybooks can “read” stories to children in multiple languages; adventure games foster problem-solving skills; story-making programs encourage literacy and creativity; math-related games can help children count and classify; and science activities promote inquiry and an understanding of the world through the eyes of a child. When preschoolers are encouraged to work together with electronic devices and computers, social skills are tapped as children negotiate turn-taking. However, technology should not replace the concrete, real-life experiences that are critical to a young child’s learning; it must always be used in balance with other meaningful activities and routines. Technology should be embedded into children’s learning centers and should enhance their learning and development during choice time as well as in small-group experiences. In grades K-2, students are formally introduced to the basic features and functions of computers and demonstrate understanding that technology enables them to communicate beyond the classroom on a variety of topics. K-2 students are also exposed to elements of the design process, design systems, and a variety of technology resources, and understand the importance of safety when using technological tools. In grades 3-4, students understand the purpose of, and are able to use, various computer applications. They continue to develop information-literacy skills and increasingly use technology to communicate with others in support of learning, while also recognizing the need for cyber safety and acceptable use policies. Students in grades 3-4 also investigate the impact of technology systems, understand the design process, and use it for problem solving. In grades 5-8, students expand their capacity to use operations and applications, apply information-literacy skills, and select the appropriate tools and resources to accomplish a variety of tasks, as they develop digital citizenship. As students participate in online learning communities, collaborating in the design of products that address local and global issues across the curriculum, they build understanding of the perspectives of learners from other countries. Students at this level can apply the design process in the development of products; understand impact constraints, trade-offs, and resource selection; and solve a design challenge and/or build a prototype using the design process. Students can explain why human-designed systems, products, and environments need to be monitored, maintained, and improved, and they recognize the interdependence of subsystems as parts of a system.
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Social stress leads to changes in gut bacteria, study finds GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY ATLANTA-Exposure to psychological stress in the form of social conflict alters gut bacteria in Syrian hamsters, according to a new study by Georgia State University. It has long been said that humans have "gut feelings" about things, but how the gut might communicate those "feelings" to the brain was not known. It has been shown that gut microbiota, the complex community of microorganisms that live in the digestive tracts of humans and other animals, can send signals to the brain and vice versa. In addition, recent data have indicated that stress can alter the gut microbiota. The most common stress experienced by humans and other animals is social stress, and this stress can trigger or worsen mental illness in humans. Researchers at Georgia State have examined whether mild social stress alters the gut microbiota in Syrian hamsters, and if so, whether this response is different in animals that "win" compared to those that "lose" in conflict situations. Hamsters are ideal to study social stress because they rapidly form dominance hierarchies when paired with other animals. In this study, pairs of adult males were placed together and they quickly began to compete, resulting in dominant (winner) and subordinate (loser) animals that maintained this status throughout the experiment. Their gut microbes were sampled before and after the first encounter as well as after nine interactions. Sampling was also done in a control group of hamsters that were never paired and thus had no social stress. The researchers' findings are published in the journal Behavioural Brain Research. "We found that even a single exposure to social stress causes a change in the gut microbiota, similar to what is seen following other, much more severe physical stressors, and this change gets bigger following repeated exposures," said Dr. Kim Huhman, Distinguished University Professor of Neuroscience at Georgia State. "Because 'losers' show much more stress hormone release than do 'winners,' we initially hypothesized that the microbial changes would be more pronounced in animals that lost than in animals that won." "Interestingly, we found that social stress, regardless of who won, led to similar overall changes in the microbiota, although the particular bacteria that were impacted were somewhat different in winners and losers. It might be that the impact of social stress was somewhat greater for the subordinate animals, but we can't say that strongly." Another unique finding came from samples that were taken before the animals were ever paired, which were used to determine if any of the preexisting bacteria seemed to correlate with whether an animal turned out to be the winner or loser. "It's an intriguing finding that there were some bacteria that seemed to predict whether an animal would become a winner or a loser," Huhman said. "These findings suggest that bi-directional communication is occurring, with stress impacting the microbiota, and on the other hand, with some specific bacteria in turn impacting the response to stress," said Dr. Benoit Chassaing, assistant professor in the Neuroscience Institute at Georgia State. This is an exciting possibility that builds on evidence that gut microbiota can regulate social behavior and is being investigated by Huhman and Chassaing. Co-authors of the study include Drs. Andrew T. Gewirtz, Katharine E. McCann, Linda Q. Beach and Katherine A. Partrick of Georgia State. The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health, the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation and the Kenneth Rainin Foundation.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-39", "url": "https://www.nyrealestatelawblog.com/manhattan-litigation-blog/2018/march/social-stress-hits-you-in-the-gut/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-39/segments/1568514575515.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20190922135356-20190922161356-00176.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9652236104011536, "token_count": 724, "score": 3.4375, "int_score": 3 }