5 values
1 value
WHy do people like to stare at orange juice containers all day? Choices: A: because it says concentrated; B: type; C: beings; D: neighbour; E: camp
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I am slim and tall, Many find me desirable and appealing. They touch me and I give a false good feeling. Once I shine in splendor, But only once and then no more. For many I am "to die for". What am I? Choices: A: making; B: feeler; C: im a cigarette; D: snuff; E: looking
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A man rode out of town on sunday, he stayed a whole night at a hotel and rode back to town the next day on sunday, how is this possible?? Choices: A: skating; B: act; C: his horse was called sunday; D: piggyback; E: worm
Given the following question, answer carefully.
what did the mother bee say to the baby bee? Choices: A: woman; B: outdoors; C: potter bee; D: beehive yourself; E: photo
Given the following question, answer carefully.
My first is twice in apple but not once in tart. My second is in liver but not in heart. My third is in giant and also in ghost. Whole I'm best when I am roast. What am I? Choices: A: common sense; B: word pig; C: scrabble; D: leviathan; E: merit
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Brothers and sisters have I none, But that man's father is my father's son. Who is "that man"? Choices: A: potential son; B: cousin; C: potential brother; D: son of speaker; E: lawyer
Given the following question, answer carefully.
there is a man standing on a bridge and there is no cars coming and nothing abnormal is happening . hejumps off. why did this man suddenly jump off the bridge Choices: A: skipping rope; B: he was a bungee jumper; C: the sky is blue; D: nothing is wrong; E: nothing is happening
Given the following question, answer carefully.
what is the best way to raise strawberries? Choices: A: course; B: sign; C: side; D: with a spoon; E: praise
Given the following question, answer carefully.
In whaty ear did christmas and new year's come in the same year? Choices: A: every year; B: rank; C: century; D: minute; E: days
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A girl is twice as old as her brother and half as old as her father. In 22 years, her brother will be half as old as his father. How old is the daughter now? Choices: A: 22 years old; B: seasonal; C: teenager; D: young lady; E: modern
Given the following question, answer carefully.
what is an animal, also used for computers, and can be any colour? Choices: A: spider; B: computers; C: hamster; D: mouse; E: robot
Given the following question, answer carefully.
My tail is long, my coat is brown, I like the country, I like the town. I can live in a house or live in a shed, And I come out to play when you are in bed. What am I? Choices: A: quarter; B: mouse; C: process; D: region; E: egg
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I am hated by people. People are scared of me. I am hated by worms and I always have a worm following me. But the worm is never eaten by birds and other predators. I sometimes live in a house but I am seldom seen. I am alive. I can breathe. And I can eat What am I? Choices: A: photograph; B: mouse; C: entryway; D: Disclosure; E: crop
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Push it once it takes a while push it twice it opens a window . what am i? Choices: A: reach; B: mouse; C: jolt; D: roll; E: double
Given the following question, answer carefully.
if you are n. i. t. you are E. Choices: A: chit; B: simple machine; C: furniture; D: fly to the moon; E: rajivia
Given the following question, answer carefully.
IF U R NIT U R E WHAT ARE YOU? Choices: A: read; B: fool; C: ees; D: l; E: furniture
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Why did the coach give his players lighters? Choices: A: draft; B: they lost all their matches; C: device; D: lighters; E: guild
Given the following question, answer carefully.
the person who invented it does not need it. the person who brought it does not want it. the person who needs it doesen't know it what is it? Choices: A: savant; B: ethel barrymore; C: coffen; D: essor; E: winker
Given the following question, answer carefully.
As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with 7 wives Each wife had 7 sacks, each sack had 7 cats Each cat had 7 kits Kits, cats, sacks, and wives, How many wheren't going to St. Ives? Choices: A: 2401 i said werent; B: dirigible; C: reading; D: litter; E: fit
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Which word is the odd one out: First Second Third Forth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Choices: A: he; B: quote; C: letters; D: forth incorrectly spelled; E: symbol
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I am as light as a feather, big as an elephant, but wheighs nothing. What am I? Choices: A: complaints; B: color; C: lampshade; D: ultraviolet; E: elephants shadow
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I am one with eight to spare, lest I lose my one. I'm not a number. What am I? Choices: A: count; B: roman; C: hold; D: cat nine lives ; E: contents
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What runs wistels but can't talk? Choices: A: pass; B: travel; C: hear people; D: answera train; E: sport
Given the following question, answer carefully.
a dead man is found i the middle of a field dead. with nothing but a backpack. he has not been murdered drowned or suffocated. nobody has seen him for 48 hours and he died 24 houra ago how did he die Choices: A: aeroplane jump was a failure; B: die of starvation; C: chips; D: botch; E: bouncer
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is 123451232 divided by the number of american presidents,then add the amount of russian service men,and you will get what? Choices: A: theanthropism; B: winnie the pooh; C: mileage; D: soul brother; E: duck sauce
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Why does a dragon sleep all day? Choices: A: seventh; B: so it can hunt knights; C: entertainment; D: drake; E: has
Given the following question, answer carefully.
harry and his son steve were driving to the beach when a car crashed into them and harry was killed instantly and steve was rushed to the emergency room and when he got there the doctor said i can't operate on him he's my son who is the doctor? Choices: A: i'm sick; B: player; C: let me down; D: doctor is steves mother; E: setting
Given the following question, answer carefully.
imagine your on a boat in the middle of an ocean surrounded by sharks. how do you escape? Choices: A: quit imagining; B: groove; C: encompassment; D: vision; E: card shark
Given the following question, answer carefully.
The one who makes sells it The one who buys it doesn't use it The one who is using doesn't know he's using it What is it???????? Choices: A: hold; B: casket; C: accounting; D: usage; E: maker
Given the following question, answer carefully.
whats bigger than a match box size of a truck every body buys it but dont really use it hint: think outside of the box Choices: A: lid; B: keepsakes; C: toys; D: casket; E: mouse
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What do the dead eat, that the living would die if they ate it? Choices: A: radiobiology; B: deceased; C: ossuary; D: ectoplasm; E: absolutely nothing
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A man moves his car to the bank then suddenly becomes bankrupt, how is this possible? Choices: A: attainment; B: scrabble; C: stores; D: he is playing monopoly; E: rich person's house
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A man pushes a car up to a hotel pays $800 and pushes it away. Why? Choices: A: he is playing monopoly; B: towels; C: silencer; D: resentment; E: approach
Given the following question, answer carefully.
i am 3 colors im kinda tallpeople can throw me but i will burn down the place and i will burn Choices: A: steel wool; B: 3 scented candle; C: motel; D: gallery; E: friction
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What animal drops from the clouds Choices: A: charged with murder; B: capric acid; C: bottomless pit; D: bee eater; E: raindeer
Given the following question, answer carefully.
mike and june were found dead of natural causes. the only thing in the room was broken glass and water. their were no marks on the body's and they did not drown. their was no electricity in the room and it was ventalated how did they die Choices: A: their throats were cut; B: algae; C: wisp; D: spring water; E: mike and june were fish
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What has six legs, two heads, four ears, two hands, but walks on four feet? Choices: A: wit; B: anatomical structure; C: gem; D: passageway; E: horse and rider
Given the following question, answer carefully.
There is a man in jail. You want to visit him but you must be related to him. You tell the police officer, "Okay, but you will figure this out. . . " Here is the riddle: Brothers and sisters, I have none. But this man's father Is my Father's son. Can you figure out how he is related to him? Choices: A: company man; B: barman; C: you are his son; D: descendent; E: he is the mans father
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Oh, what a surprise! Oh, what a miracle! It sprouted without a seed, It stood without a trunk. Choices: A: supply; B: wash; C: world; D: friends; E: full
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What has no 5 common sences, but know what's happening everywhere? Choices: A: elite; B: world; C: salt; D: mainstream; E: peasant
Given the following question, answer carefully.
all of a sudden when you look up you see a mettal cloud. it poors alot of rain ou so fast that you will catch 5. 3 in your mout wen you get out f that big rain shower ur all soaked and clean. . . . . What am i??? Choices: A: wash; B: canal; C: rgular shower answer; D: remove; E: household
Given the following question, answer carefully.
there was a happy train going to a cave. He carried many ppl. but there were three caves. wich one will he goto? Choices: A: happy cave; B: means; C: pass; D: bid; E: bats
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Why will be Snowhite be the best judge on the land? Choices: A: example; B: expatriation; C: queen of iceland; D: because she is the fairestofall; E: reward
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is the frist thing you do each morning? Choices: A: general; B: wake up; C: creature; D: time period; E: dress
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is the first thing you do every morning? Choices: A: good morning; B: preference; C: mornings; D: wake up; E: manana
Given the following question, answer carefully.
When do elephants have 8 feet? Choices: A: when thaey are two; B: tusk; C: support; D: store room; E: shoehorn
Given the following question, answer carefully.
If there is a Yellow house on Bluebird Lane, a Green house on Orange Street, a Pink house on Kitten Road, a Black house on Hhitehorse Pike and a Purple house on Firebird hill, where's the White house? Choices: A: highway; B: gully; C: washington d c; D: plain; E: white
Given the following question, answer carefully.
The green house is in Ohio. The blue house is in Texas. Where is the white house? Choices: A: house in england; B: washington d c; C: roan; D: utah; E: ontario
Given the following question, answer carefully.
theres a red house a white house and a blue house were is the white house located Choices: A: room; B: housing; C: washington d c; D: louisiana; E: suburban neighborhood
Given the following question, answer carefully.
The blue house was located on elm street. The red house was located on 31st street. Where is the white house located? Choices: A: trailer; B: housing; C: single; D: washington d c; E: louisiana
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What runs around a city but never moves? What am I? Choices: A: fountain; B: city wall; C: freeman; D: insects; E: nation
Given the following question, answer carefully.
The hand sows, the eyes harvest? Choices: A: place; B: paw; C: pair of eyes; D: pair of hands; E: to read and to write
Given the following question, answer carefully.
There are two monkeys on a tree and one jumps off. why does the other monkey jump too? Choices: A: eat fruit; B: group; C: patas; D: presents; E: monkey see monkey do
Given the following question, answer carefully.
In olden days, the student of logic was given this problem: If half of 5 were 3, what would one-third of 10 be? Choices: A: decisions; B: demise; C: bookman; D: more; E: it would be 4
Given the following question, answer carefully.
We dwell in cottages of straw, And labour much for little gains; Sweet food from us our masters draw, And then with death reward our pains. Choices: A: misery; B: sideboard; C: item; D: go; E: bee hive
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Superman is flying at 100km/h. If Superman flew for 10 and 1 quater hours how far has he flown? Choices: A: person hour; B: 17 083333 minutes; C: extreme; D: man hour; E: hour circle
Given the following question, answer carefully.
how do you make the number 7 and even number without addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division? Choices: A: arity; B: wedge; C: drop the s; D: doubling; E: naval unit
Given the following question, answer carefully.
WHAT'S WORSE THAN RAINNING CATS AND DOGS? Choices: A: thunder; B: dog shit; C: dust; D: hailing taxis; E: houses
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A boy walks downstairs on christmas morning in his foster parents house(the foster parents are rich). They have a 50 foot christmas tree outside, and the floor is an ocean of presents. There is a gold-platinum-diamond statue of Jesus, and huge exspensive Christmas decor. The foster parents spent all of their holiday money on Christmas presents, decor, tree, lights and much more. Why was the kid upset? Choices: A: black; B: female child; C: meaningful; D: boy was jewish; E: attendant
Given the following question, answer carefully.
imagine you are in a box, it is sealed and made out of metal. there is no locks windows or small holes in the box. youbrought nothing and it is hardly able to get out. but how can you get out? Choices: A: can't get into; B: saw; C: stop imaginating; D: cork; E: capital
Given the following question, answer carefully.
you have to get ten cows into these train caridges. [ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ] there is only one cow allowed in each caridge you are NOT alowed to leave or kill any cows. Choices: A: hindu; B: milk sickness; C: cease; D: tencows toote toote ; E: croak
Given the following question, answer carefully.
a men and a women were in a car the man stoped and locked all the doors and went to a store when he came bac the women was dead and a person tat he never saw before was there. What happened to the women? Choices: A: women had a baby; B: draughts; C: new car; D: stairs; E: cut
Given the following question, answer carefully.
you leave town on friday, you leave the next town on friday you go home on friday. How is this possible? Choices: A: state; B: bookshop; C: Fridays are bad; D: go to sleep on Friday; E: you named your horse friday
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A man while looking at a photograph said, "Brothers and sisters have I none. That man's father is my father's son. " Who was the person in the photograph? Choices: A: my father's house; B: wonder boy; C: bull; D: caveman; E: that mans son
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A dusty old cowboy rode into town on Tuesday. He stayed at the Inn for three days and three nights, then rode out again on Tuesday. How is this possible? Choices: A: horses name is tuesday; B: midway; C: cordage; D: western; E: wednesday
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A man wants to travel to new york from miami on horse, this travel would normally take about seven days, but yet he left on tuesday and arrived on tuesday, how can this be Choices: A: motorway; B: pen; C: horses name is tuesday; D: cano; E: horsefly
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A father and a son were in the same car and got into a car crash. They were both injured so they were taken to the hospital, but the father went into a hospital in a different city and the son went to a hospital a few minutes away. The son needed surgery, so the surgeon walked in and said I cant give him surgery he is my son. Who was the doctor? Choices: A: daughters; B: signature; C: fathers; D: mother; E: fatherhood
Given the following question, answer carefully.
There is a big indian and a little indian. The little indian is the big indians son but the big indian is not the little indians father. What is the big indian? Choices: A: mother; B: dads; C: fatherliness; D: fathers; E: great grandfather
Given the following question, answer carefully.
why does the teacher wear sun glasses when she comes to the class. Choices: A: because the students are bright; B: junior class; C: to help them learn; D: ciliata; E: prophet
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What's the word inside the riddle? Choices: A: regionalism; B: logomach; C: language unit; D: catchword; E: iddl
Given the following question, answer carefully.
One gate which we Cant Enter Choices: A: rubber; B: record; C: colgate paste; D: file; E: forests
Given the following question, answer carefully.
what goes oh oh oh Choices: A: angel's ark; B: pass; C: come; D: santa walking backward; E: function
Given the following question, answer carefully.
i am a big rectangular box and you may come to me when a grumblng noise sounds Choices: A: heavy; B: coming; C: im a fridge; D: card; E: advertisement
Given the following question, answer carefully.
i have a green nose, three red mouths, and four purple ears. what am i Choices: A: lip service; B: chromatic color; C: touch; D: ugly; E: snub
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What do you call something that is slimy, has ten heads and warts? Choices: A: parts; B: ugly; C: has; D: mastermind; E: showerhead
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What insect does a blacksmith manufacture? Choices: A: flame; B: he makes the firefly; C: flesh fly; D: machine; E: air sac
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Who smells, is cute, and is good at what they do? Choices: A: interesting story; B: soccer player; C: use; D: grace; E: cuteness
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I am used to bat with, yet I never get a hit. I am near a ball, yet it is never thrown. What am I? Choices: A: batsman; B: hurling; C: your eyelashes; D: albatross; E: belfry
Given the following question, answer carefully.
To open the door to be let in. You need this good breathing apparatus. Choices: A: respirator; B: cradle; C: bell cat; D: optimization; E: improvement
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I cannot be felt, seen or touched; Yet I can be found in everybody; My existence is always in debate; Yet I have my own style of music. What Am I? Choices: A: entertainment; B: rock and roll; C: im a soul; D: night club; E: stravinsky
Given the following question, answer carefully.
forever foe to what is wrong, men rage if i be lost by theft; i am what justice works to bring, And all you have when nothings left Choices: A: put; B: civil wrong; C: rights; D: free; E: chairs
Given the following question, answer carefully.
what kind of shoes don't go on your feet? Choices: A: accessory; B: garment; C: print; D: tissues; E: pad
Given the following question, answer carefully.
how many dwarfs are ther in the fairy tale story of Sleeping Beauty? Choices: A: thunderdome; B: creature; C: blockhouse; D: sloth; E: none only snowhite has dwarfs
Given the following question, answer carefully.
No matter how small is the compadre He can climb a coconut tree. Choices: A: site; B: ant; C: kid; D: apple tree; E: shade
Given the following question, answer carefully.
How many animals did Moses take on his ark? Choices: A: nonenoah build the ark; B: shaft; C: griffin; D: basket star; E: mouse
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What did the pizza slice say to the other one to move? Choices: A: steak; B: mozzarella; C: pizza hut; D: pizza parlor; E: olive
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Look at the Roman Numeral IX. Add a symbol to it to make the number 6. Choices: A: batting average; B: sixarmed; C: operator; D: sixsix; E: multiple
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I wear a suspender that comes from above, while most of my clients wear boots and wear gloves. I thrive in the white, be it man made or not, but I don't get much use when the wheather gets hot. What am I? Choices: A: hand luggage; B: mustard; C: put; D: whitewash; E: im a ski lift
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I act like a lamp, but i have the sound of a bee. What am I? Choices: A: flash; B: bright; C: illumination; D: oil; E: outdoors
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Little Nanny Etticoat, in a white petticoat, and a red nose; the longer she stands, the shorter she grows. What is she? Choices: A: novel; B: she is a candle; C: SHE is fat; D: dormitory; E: lectern
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A GIRL A HORSE AND A DOG CAME TO A BRIDGE. THE GIRL RODE HER HORSE ACROSS THE BRIDGE,YET WALKED. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? Choices: A: dogs name is yet; B: doggie; C: slide; D: attack dog; E: hunting dog
Given the following question, answer carefully.
We are a pair, We can dart here and there, Though we always stay in one place. We can smile or shed tears, Show our pleasure or fears, And you'll find us on everyone's face. What are we? Choices: A: edge; B: a head; C: remove; D: maine; E: two eyes
Given the following question, answer carefully.
i like honey and i dont like bee's, im am yellow-brown , what am i? Choices: A: far east; B: carpenter bee; C: broil; D: winnie the pooh ; E: puce
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Death and Decay A room with no windows or doors Walks in the night, grows in a day, Is found where there is death and decay. Choices: A: milky way; B: dust; C: mushrooms; D: preserve; E: growing pains
Given the following question, answer carefully.
When you are wrong Im not right When your turn left I go right I know what your feeling I know when you been bad I may have no arms But I carry just as much as you can What am I? Choices: A: feel; B: ulnar nerve; C: turner; D: nerve; E: your brain
Given the following question, answer carefully.
ok your thhe bus driver there were 20 kids on the bus the first stop 2 kids get on but 5 kids get off. the second stop 3 kids get off but 1 gets on the third stop 8 kids get off but only 3 kids get off. whos the bus driver? Choices: A: give; B: you are the bus driver; C: bus conductor; D: the bus stops; E: company
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What do you call a chicken with bad sunburn? Choices: A: burgers; B: fried chicken; C: game bird; D: bone; E: egg yolk
Given the following question, answer carefully.
My author's uncertain yet my title's the same, I contain random text yet order's my aim. Read me one day and see my pages are totally bare. Try again another day and the words will be there. I'm not a book of magic although it may sound, I can predict the future, and inside, your life can be found. Move my eye, I become involved in lactic extraction. But that's just a clue , a minor distraction. What am I? Choices: A: diary; B: educational materials; C: book of stories; D: marker; E: secretary
Given the following question, answer carefully.
what is a girls book thet a boy can never read Choices: A: clock; B: diary; C: marker; D: dance hall; E: worker
Given the following question, answer carefully.