5 values
1 value
I can be created by humans, but they cannot control me. I suck on wood, paper and flesh alike. I can be more of a hindrance than help. To my creators, I seem to be everywhere at once. What am I? Choices: A: machine; B: independent; C: baby; D: material; E: album
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What goes in like water and comes out like rock? what am I? Choices: A: water bed; B: achromatism; C: rocker; D: machine; E: baby
Given the following question, answer carefully.
My mom has just had a baby but is not my brother or sister. Who am I? Choices: A: older; B: bairn; C: umbilical cord; D: baby; E: son
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I soar without wings, I see without eyes. I've traveled the universe to and fro. I've conquered the world, yet I've never been anywhere but home. Who am I? Choices: A: im your imagination; B: looking; C: explore; D: village; E: world record
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A white dove flew down by the castle. Along came a king and picked it up handless, ate it up toothless, and carried it away wingless. Choices: A: remove; B: white lie; C: snow melted by the sun; D: dove's nest; E: white book
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I'm not really more than holes tied to more holes; I'm strong as good steel, though not as stiff as a pole. What am I? Choices: A: support; B: colour; C: cars; D: steel chain; E: linen
Given the following question, answer carefully.
a cat goes to the top of a 50 story building and jumpsout but doesnt die or get hurt and doesnt land on any thing,what happened Choices: A: set; B: cat jumped off first floor; C: dogs; D: clip; E: throw
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is the color of the vest's sleeves ? . . . Choices: A: bulging; B: vests dont have sleeves; C: cotton; D: cuff; E: motley
Given the following question, answer carefully.
what has six legs but olny walks with 4? Choices: A: transport; B: wax; C: horse and his rider; D: cut; E: movement
Given the following question, answer carefully.
a man and his son were driving to meet there mom when they got in a car wreck. on the way to the ER the man past away. the surgeon said i cant operate on this boy he is my son. how ca n this be? Choices: A: species; B: son of man; C: son of a bitch; D: dad; E: surgeon is mom
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A girl is twice as old as her brother and half as old as her father. In 50 years, her brother will be half as old as his father. How old is the daughter now? Choices: A: 50 years old; B: days; C: seasonal; D: doll; E: quarter
Given the following question, answer carefully.
The higher I climb, the hotter I engage, I can not escape my crystal cage. What am I? Choices: A: crystal meth lab; B: genius; C: silver chloride; D: mercury in a thermometer; E: chipped
Given the following question, answer carefully.
When I am young I am tall. When I am old I am short. What can I be? Choices: A: village; B: fire a candle; C: antique; D: look; E: lime
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What kind of can never needs a can-opener? Choices: A: pelican; B: office desk; C: crackers; D: kindliness; E: structure
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Why did the Indian chief wear so many feathers? Choices: A: amerind; B: to keep his wigwam; C: plumage; D: matai; E: brief
Given the following question, answer carefully.
if you stack thousands of pizza pies on top of eachother what would you get? Choices: A: piece; B: crust; C: leaning tower of pizza; D: pizza box; E: apple pie
Given the following question, answer carefully.
There was a buss with 26 people in it. Then, they decided to cross the Golden Gate Bridge. When they crossed the bridge, there was no single person left. Also, no one got out from the bus. What happened? Choices: A: stand; B: step; C: en; D: they all got married; E: noose
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A kind man comes across a dirty box, a voice says to him "Coconuts, $5 a dozen" With his lightning quick arithmetic he calculates that if he sold those same coconuts to the coconut air assault team for the accepted rate of $3 per dozen that in no time at all he would be a millionaire. What's with this guy, assuming his math is accurate? Choices: A: flavor; B: coconut oil; C: he was a billionaire; D: plane; E: place
Given the following question, answer carefully.
They can trickle down, They can tickle too. Or make you sneeze, Or comfort you. Their rustling sound, you've rarely heard, Unless you're a pillow or a bird! What are they? Choices: A: connect; B: frogmouth; C: plumes; D: threskiornithidae; E: they are feathers
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I am a perching barrel, filled with meat, Taking hits from leaps and dives. Look inside, but do not eat, The meat in there is still alive! Choices: A: bore; B: thimble on finger; C: rub; D: contact; E: roast
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is it that everyone requires, everyone gives, everyone asks and that very few take? Choices: A: massacre; B: tip; C: advise; D: platform; E: supply
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Scarcely was the father in this world when the son could be found sitting on the roof. Choices: A: look; B: fire and smoke; C: roofs; D: pops; E: frisbee
Given the following question, answer carefully.
what sheds water, and prevent diease? Choices: A: forestay; B: camel; C: waxy leathery leaves; D: flush; E: making
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A farmer has 17 sheep and all but 9 die. How many are left alive? Choices: A: lives; B: 9 all but nine die; C: bush; D: growing; E: tabby cat
Given the following question, answer carefully.
There's a boy and his dad they got in a severe car accident. They were rushed to the hospital where they were separated into separate rooms. The Doctor went into the boys room and said "I can not operate on him he is my son". How can this be? Choices: A: doctor was sons mom; B: son was born; C: daughter is his daughter; D: daughter is his wife; E: tool
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Susan has invited her family to Thanksgiving Dinner. As her plates are not the best, Susan wants to buy new plates, one for each person at her Thanksgiving Dinner. There'll be a grandfather, a grandmother, two fathers, two mothers, four children, three grandchildren, one brother, two sisters, two sons, two daughters, one father-in-law, one mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law. At least how many plates does Susan need to buy? Choices: A: buffet; B: macaroni; C: knives; D: grandmas house; E: 7 plates
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Peater piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,if peater piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,how many pickled peppers did Peater piper pick? Choices: A: sneezing; B: pluck; C: preserve; D: shaker; E: peck of pickeld peppers
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A dad and his son are driving around, suddenly the car crashes and the dad instinly the son is rushed to the hospital, when the son is in the emergency/operation room the doctor says i can't opeterate on him, he's my son. Who was the doctor? Choices: A: his mom; B: fatherland; C: patients; D: expert; E: pace car
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A business man decides to take his son to see his office one day. Unfortunately when they arrive, a fire breaks out and the father passes out. The young boy screams out the window to the firefighters below for help. One of the firefighters looks up and yells "That's My son!" but the boy's dad is already inside, feignted, who's the firefighter below? Choices: A: wellness center; B: pater; C: his mom; D: great grandfather; E: father christmas
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What happens to a green rock when you throw it in the Red Sea? Choices: A: it gets wet; B: reflection; C: seal; D: gets softer; E: It will get colder
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I'm a word that's hardly there. Take away my start, and I'm an herbal flair. What am I? Choices: A: activity; B: menarche; C: root; D: sparsley no s parsley; E: herbal medicine
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A pair of monkeys sit in each corner of a square cage. they are all looking at each other. how many monkeys can say they are looking at another monkey? Choices: A: stand; B: sloth; C: none monkeys cant talk; D: come; E: amazon
Given the following question, answer carefully.
How many bricks does it take to complete a brick building? Choices: A: baltimore maryland; B: a pile of bricks; C: good repair; D: finishing touch; E: one brick
Given the following question, answer carefully.
what is black and white and black and white and black and white and black and white and black and white and black and white and black and white? Choices: A: rap; B: white; C: cloth; D: penguin rolling down hill; E: record
Given the following question, answer carefully.
i am one everynight with out light but make two during the day who am i? Choices: A: emission; B: milky way; C: scene; D: light bulb; E: shawdow
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A man, exausted from his long journey decides to go to sleep. . he shuts off all the lights and goes to sleep. . when he wakes up he has already killed 365 people. he does not sleep walk and slept all night like a baby. . how is this possible? Choices: A: poison; B: intersection; C: laser; D: neon; E: he lives in a lighthouse
Given the following question, answer carefully.
whats blue and is in the air it is not a cloud nor the sky. what am i Choices: A: blue airplane; B: rain cloud; C: brown water; D: dust; E: flying
Given the following question, answer carefully.
eight and five last name and given, we are one six six six even, first in the cow, last in the oxen, three in damsel, three in vixen. what are we called Choices: A: poison; B: roman numerals; C: colony; D: brie; E: agglutinin
Given the following question, answer carefully.
How do you take 1 from 19 to equal 20, without using negatives???? Choices: A: chinese tea room; B: minus; C: roman numerals; D: sixth; E: reducer
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Prove that half of twelve is seven and half of thirteen is eight. Choices: A: sixpence; B: sevener; C: thirteenth; D: roman numerals; E: must
Given the following question, answer carefully.
When is it acceptable to put a pickle in a car? Choices: A: first gear; B: stairs; C: mobility; D: gear; E: when the car is ajar
Given the following question, answer carefully.
what happen when a lion roars 3 times? Choices: A: pass; B: find the way; C: schedule; D: find the answer; E: counting
Given the following question, answer carefully.
One day I sat on a mat, I looked up and saw a big bat, As it swooped down from the air it got caught in my hair, Finnally it just took my rat. What kind of riddle is it? Choices: A: linerick; B: nature reserve; C: twister; D: have; E: bobby pin
Given the following question, answer carefully.
My life can be measured in hours, I serve by being devoured. Thin, I am quick, Fat, I am slow, Wind is my foe. What am I? Choices: A: wax of a candle; B: scale; C: opportunity; D: worship; E: sound
Given the following question, answer carefully.
in me there is a place 4 everything, and everything is in its place WHAT AM I???? Choices: A: place of business; B: place name; C: fishery; D: institution; E: file
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A man was going to New York. Along the way he met a man with seven wives. Each wife had seven children. Each child had seven cats. Each cat had seven kittens. Kittens, cats, children, wives. How many people are going to New York? Choices: A: characteristic; B: cabin boy; C: one man; D: orphan; E: he
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Where do you go to become an ice cream man? Choices: A: species; B: skate; C: sundae school; D: son; E: area
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I have 4 legs. I am faster than the other animals. I always win at cards? Choices: A: roan; B: equid; C: cheetah; D: category; E: hunger strike
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Sometimes I am loud, and viewed with distaste. Poke out my eye, then I'm on the front of your face. What word am I? Choices: A: headroom; B: appear purple; C: blinking; D: noise attribute eye to i; E: speaker
Given the following question, answer carefully.
if Adam and Eve were in a room with no windows nor doors. Their dead along with a broken glass of water. How did they die? Choices: A: water gas; B: freezing; C: their fish; D: water right; E: greenstick fracture
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A woman went to visit her bank manager and she took her young daughter with her. The bank manager said that the woman's daughter could stay with his secretary during the meeting. When the woman and her daughter left, the secretary turned to the other secretary and said to her, "That little girl was my daughter. " How could that be? Choices: A: secretary was girls father; B: thing; C: innocence; D: debutante; E: servant
Given the following question, answer carefully.
There is a dead man in the center of a field. He carried with him an unopened package. As he neared the center of the field, he knew he was going to die. How did he know he was going to die? Choices: A: living thing; B: mans parachute did not open; C: device; D: his death; E: caveman
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is the smartest kind of bee? Choices: A: literate; B: apple tree; C: spelling bee; D: photo; E: herb garden
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is more amazing than a talking dog? Choices: A: dogs; B: spelling bee; C: cut; D: music; E: hot dogs
Given the following question, answer carefully.
There is a clerk at the butcher shop, he is five feet ten inches tall, and he wears size 13 sneakers. He has a wife and 2 kids. What does he weigh? Choices: A: serve customers; B: butcher weighs meat; C: sell food; D: slush; E: buy
Given the following question, answer carefully.
When your mom says, "Say the magic word". What should you say? Choices: A: determiner; B: magic word; C: alchemist; D: thesaurus; E: illusions
Given the following question, answer carefully.
So, a man was walking through the woods and he comes across a cabin. There were two people in the cabin but they were both dead and there was nobody/nothing around. How did they die? Choices: A: aped; B: spring forth; C: face south; D: forests; E: plain crashed
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Name 3 things that have eyes, yet cannot see. Choices: A: lacrimal vein; B: needle storm potato; C: mechanism; D: device; E: tool
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What do you call a computer super hero? Choices: A: knight; B: portable computer; C: entertainment; D: screen saver; E: connect
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What do you call cheese that is not yours? Choices: A: cheese store; B: holes; C: nacho cheese; D: fill; E: pesto
Given the following question, answer carefully.
what kind of flowers do you smell under your nose Choices: A: flowering; B: bush; C: clover; D: tulips because two lips; E: orifice
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Flat as a leaf, round as a ring; Has two eyes, can't see a thing. What is it? Choices: A: button; B: mouse; C: travel; D: pin; E: aperture
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What book was once owned by only the wealthy, but now everyone can have it? You can't buy it in a bookstore or take it from a library. Choices: A: beaver; B: pamphlets; C: telephone book; D: sign; E: customers
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I'm 51 feet tall. I can blow marshmellows out of my mouth. I can fly. Who am I? Choices: A: insect repellent; B: blowjob; C: winding; D: im in your imgination; E: leg
Given the following question, answer carefully.
In what year did Christmas Day and New Year's Day fall in the same year? Choices: A: anniversary; B: january; C: it happens every year; D: week; E: religious holiday
Given the following question, answer carefully.
a man was walking his dog the man rode yet walked what was the dogs name? Choices: A: dog biscuit; B: dogs name was yet; C: chow; D: dogfish; E: newfoundland
Given the following question, answer carefully.
There were three girls going to school. They were sharing 1 umbrella. How come all the girls did not get wet? Choices: A: sports equipment; B: being cold; C: marsh; D: because it was not raining; E: umbrellabelt
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What will happen if you dial"666"on the phone? Choices: A: police will come upside down; B: probable; C: trip; D: happening; E: captain
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Mr. Smith and his son are driving in a car, They get into an accident, Mr. Smith Dies and his Son is rushed to the hospital, and the sergan says "I can't operate on him because he is my SON. " How is that possible? Choices: A: dads; B: surgeon was his mother; C: son of a british barber; D: daughter of farmer; E: syringe
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is shaped like a boot, What has the best spaghetti, What is famous for their capital, What starts with an I an ends with a y Choices: A: sydney; B: italy; C: bootleg; D: horse; E: hill
Given the following question, answer carefully.
There was a tornado. The power went out and the man went to his basement to take cover. As he was carrying the candles down the old, wooden stairs, he tripped and the candles dropped on the stairs. Why didn't the stairs catch fire? Choices: A: pliers; B: candles werent lit; C: down; D: patch; E: lemon
Given the following question, answer carefully.
look at these numbers:11,33,69 what are common about them? Choices: A: chow; B: community; C: downcast; D: theyre symmetrical; E: fellow
Given the following question, answer carefully.
sign . . . . Choices: A: indication; B: rectangle; C: draw a picture; D: syndrome; E: sign on the dotted line
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is the most common candy handed out at Halloween?? Choices: A: collection; B: place; C: sweets; D: candy corn; E: pliers
Given the following question, answer carefully.
The title of this book has been put into very fancy language. Can you name the book? ?The objects, or people, have been removed from their previous localities through the power of a naturally moving phenomenon. ? Choices: A: library of eden; B: gone with the wind; C: movables; D: traveler; E: area
Given the following question, answer carefully.
If you have 3 apples and you take 2 away, how many do you have? Choices: A: cooking apple; B: 2 you took them remember; C: native american; D: souring; E: dixieland
Given the following question, answer carefully.
WHAT DO YOU HAVE WHEN YOUR HEAD IS HOT, YOUR FEET ARE COLD, AND YOU SEE SPOTS IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES? Choices: A: oxygen tank; B: double boiler; C: fill in the blunderbuss; D: electric fan; E: polkdot sock on your head
Given the following question, answer carefully.
there was once a boi hes name was troy he lives in the new world what am i Choices: A: mimesis; B: immortal; C: troy; D: svedberg; E: real time
Given the following question, answer carefully.
The ancient giant from the east Was slain by man and by beast And laid to rest upon his pyre To feed a ravenous desire He'd swallowed a woman whole Then, feeling hungry still, he tried To swallow a horse and thus he died Choices: A: dangling; B: avestan; C: company; D: troy; E: cavalry
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is so fragile that when you say it's name you break it? Choices: A: dj; B: actress; C: listen silence; D: be quiet; E: brittleness
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Empty as space , Scary as a ghost, I appear every night What am I ? Choices: A: black; B: interstellar space; C: da; D: interplanetary space; E: small hours
Given the following question, answer carefully.
red, white, and blue what color is the word after the period. red Choices: A: black; B: dog star; C: blood cells; D: cobalt; E: coloring
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What do you have but people use it more than you do? Choices: A: anus; B: tell story; C: joint; D: initials; E: everybody has one your name
Given the following question, answer carefully.
at yung i am tall,at old i am short. what am i? Choices: A: wise; B: glory; C: candel; D: must; E: old testament
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Tall I am young Short I am old While with light I do glow What am I? Choices: A: kettle; B: linkboy; C: small person; D: candel; E: octogenarian
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What clothing does a house wear? Choices: A: maisonette; B: dogs; C: dress address get it; D: chamber; E: wearer
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What can be seen, but cannot be touched, and when put in a barrel, will make the barrel lighter? Choices: A: reflection; B: dip; C: birds; D: floor lamp; E: beam of light
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Ryan wuz braggin bout his skool's hockey team " In the last game, we managed to win without one man gettin a goal" . Since the final score was 3 to 1 , how is this possible? Choices: A: it wuz a gurlz team ; B: playoff; C: colonel; D: dugout; E: we were good
Given the following question, answer carefully.
The man who makes me never uses me, but the man who uses me never sees me. I am made of wood, and burried beneath ground. What am I? Choices: A: become food; B: ground glass; C: dead mans coffin; D: ground squirrel; E: bull
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Which game teaches us that roses have rings? Choices: A: set; B: thorn; C: bells; D: remind us of place; E: ringa ringa roses
Given the following question, answer carefully.
If you were locked inside a car and you had a hammer how would you get out? Choices: A: unlock the car door; B: repair a window; C: find a way out; D: wire; E: high gear
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Rich people need it, so does the poor, a man loves it more than life, and a woman loves it more than her husband. What is it? Choices: A: jews; B: master; C: jesus christ; D: place; E: being
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Three eye's have I, all in a row. When red, all freeze. What am I? Choices: A: shade; B: portal; C: stoplight; D: scull; E: private eye
Given the following question, answer carefully.
My timpani play a rhythmic song, With hammer on anvil I play along. Down my canal no ship sets course, And I have a stirrup that fits no horse. What am I? Choices: A: obviously ear; B: general; C: dogs; D: percussion instrument; E: product
Given the following question, answer carefully.
live in the underground, and also live in Grasslands. Choices: A: marmoset; B: bugs; C: see; D: prairie dogs; E: Disclosure
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Round I start, yet no shape have I. Allow me to breathe, and my life will die. The older I grow, the more sought after I become. You will feel much better when I am done. What am I? Choices: A: cds; B: bottle of wine; C: dose; D: beginning to decay; E: water hole
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What has six faces, But does not wear makeup. It also has twenty-one eyes, But cannot see? Choices: A: single; B: exhaust; C: machine; D: die dice; E: cover
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is one thing that all wise men, regardless of their politics or religion, agree is between heaven and earth? Choices: A: van allen belt; B: hydrosphere; C: gospel; D: damned; E: word and
Given the following question, answer carefully.
babies are born on the same day by the same mother at the same time but yet they are noy twins how is this possible Choices: A: they are triplets; B: inauguration day; C: motherfucker; D: embryo; E: idea
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Mr. Jones and his son, David, were driving down the busy freeway. They crashed with another car. Mr Jones died and David was rushed to the hospital. David needed an opperation. The surgen came in and truthfully stated, "I cannot opperatate on this boy, for he is my son. " How could this be? Choices: A: pumpkin; B: massachusetts; C: surgen was davids mother; D: primary care; E: fathers
Given the following question, answer carefully.