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C | there was a man who lives in a (title) and on the 13th floor. he goes to work every day and he hates the stairs. when it is raining he goes to the 13th floor; when it is sunny he goes to the 8th floor and takes the stairs. Why is that??? Choices: A: room; B: mission; C: he is short; D: dislike stairs; E: lawyers | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | a man left home. he took a right, another right and a final right. when he got back he saw two masked men. Who were they? Choices: A: ejaculator; B: equity; C: backcatcher and umpire; D: guardian; E: clinch | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | How many vampires does it take to screw in a light bulb? Choices: A: lighting; B: birds; C: shaft; D: none vampires like the dark; E: screws | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | A man walked into a bar called Tom and asked for a glass of water the bar man took out a gun and pointed it at Tom. Tom walked away happy with out the glass of water Why? Choices: A: proposition; B: completion; C: because he had the hiccups; D: twelve; E: umpire | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | A man is 20 years old but has only had 5 birthdays. How is that possible? Choices: A: his birthday is leap year; B: hill; C: messenger; D: senior; E: he was born febuary 29th | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | I am a key but i open no door I will never fit into any lock I help to play music but only with others of my own kind I can not do my job alone, What am I? Choices: A: instrumental music; B: piano key; C: polyphony; D: folk music; E: cornet | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | A man and his family are going for a drive, when they run out of gas. They are three miles from the nearest gas station, so the man has to walk there to get gas. He knows that they are in a bad area, so before leaving he tells his family to roll up their windows and shut their doors, which they do. When he gets back, all his family are shot dead. None of the family are homicidal or suicidal. How did they die? Choices: A: kick; B: car is a convertible; C: run out of fuel; D: xi; E: free | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | The police arrived at a crime scene, there is a car parked on the side of the road, there is a man inside with 2 gun shot to the heart and one to the head, the windows are up, the doors are lock and the car is still running. There is no bullet holes anywhere on the car and no puddle of blood outside the car. The police found no gun in the car. How is it possible that the man got killed? Choices: A: car is a convertible; B: slope; C: entree; D: pigeons; E: screw | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | When the child place his school books on the television after he returned from school what was his plan? Choices: A: resource; B: place; C: play video games; D: to watch payperview; E: dimension | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | what do you get when you combine roller skates & a rocking chair. Choices: A: pop music; B: armchair; C: rocking horse; D: put; E: rock n roll | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | A dying king told his two sons that the one's whose horse got to Mecca last would inherit his kingdom. At first the two boy's tried to ride as slowly as possible towards Mecca. That night they stayed at the local inn. They told the innkeeper their dilemna and he spoke two words to them. The next morning the boy's were racing as fast as they could to Mecca. What had the innkeeper told them? Remember: two words! Choices: A: clippers; B: boy; C: switch horses ; D: sequence; E: finish race | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | there is a guy who is going around the store trying to find green olives. he runs into two girls that look excatly alike and he asks them if they were twins. they say no but mention that they have the same birth parnets and were born on the same day and year. how is that possible? Choices: A: fancy; B: brief; C: they are tripplets; D: salvation; E: grizzly bear | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | I go where you go ! but i don't make a sound. I'm loud when i need to be . And silent when you put me down . In any given day you can have up to ten those can be your ememy can also be your friend what i'm i ? Choices: A: sit quietly; B: cell phone; C: drum; D: speaking; E: relative | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | A runner ran a distance and turnned left. He ran the same distance and made another left. He ran the same distance again and made a left. When he came home there were two masked men. Who were the masked men? Choices: A: chapel; B: finish line; C: bondman; D: cater and umpire; E: leap | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | My first is a number, my second another, And each, I assure you, wil rhyme with the other. My first you will find is one-fifth of my second, And trly my whole a long period reckoned. Yet my first and my seond(nay, think not I cozen), When added together will make but two dozen. How many am I? Choices: A: two and one; B: phonebook; C: four score; D: crowd; E: interval | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | You have a barrel full of water that weighs 30 pounds. What do you add to it to make it weigh 20 pounds? Choices: A: aquatic birds; B: you add holes; C: cool off; D: make pot; E: thin it out | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | You in a grocery store with only a table and mirror. How do you get out? Choices: A: pets; B: looking glass; C: walk out the front door; D: compare prices; E: record | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | I am a three digit number. My tens digit is five more than my ones digit. My hundreds digit is eight less than my tens digit. What number am I? Choices: A: route; B: Integer; C: number 194; D: butanone; E: equations | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | A cowboy rode into town on Friday. He spent three days (72 hours) in town, and rode home on Friday. How can this be? Choices: A: cowboys horses name was friday; B: tile; C: period; D: performer; E: roper | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | a man named pete and a man named repeat where in a boat pete fell out who was left Choices: A: plunge; B: press; C: synonym; D: repeat then repat the question; E: tarzan | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | imagine if you were in a sinking boat 50 miles out in the indian ocean. there was lots of shaks around the sinnking boat and there was no large items in the boat to block the hole up . how would you get out of it? Choices: A: message; B: monument; C: stop imaginig; D: horse; E: stop imagining | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | What question can you never anwser yes to. Choices: A: are you alseep yet; B: affirmative; C: probe; D: nay; E: answers | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | light as a feather yet no man can hold it for long. what is it? Choices: A: ones breath; B: lover; C: sexist; D: sister; E: hero | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | I am purple, pink, blue, and yellow what am i Choices: A: navy blue; B: blueberry; C: Questions; D: purple gallinule; E: somthing weird | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | There is a boat attached to a dock by a rope. Hanging from the boat is a ladder. The ladder has three bars on it. Each bar is a foot long. There is a foot and a half between each bar. Three bars are visible above the water. When the tide rises 3 feet how many bars will be visible? Choices: A: level; B: fisher; C: three boats float; D: hush; E: lagoon | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | you choose when i make a sound, how i make a sound and how loud it will be. i move but i dont what am i Choices: A: alert; B: clap; C: gargle; D: t v; E: phenomenon | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | I have a house there in nothing in it but a rocking chair it goes back and foward how does it move? Choices: A: it never moved; B: twist; C: it goes back and forth; D: it was there; E: halt | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | A jumper of ditches, A leaper of thorns, A little grey man with two leathe horns. Choices: A: judge; B: beatles; C: jack; D: hare; E: brocket | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | A basketball drops from nowhere and nobody is around. So how does the ball get there? Choices: A: effect; B: it doesnt fall; C: passing; D: being; E: bowl | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | If normal monkeys eat bananas what do special monkeys eat? Choices: A: chew; B: tundra; C: prague; D: also bananas; E: zoological gardens | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | thers 3 kindergarten kids walking down the street black blonde and brunttte who most pretty? Choices: A: black because she is 17; B: olive; C: soot; D: blonde because she is blonde; E: pothole | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | What's held in a case, takes flight and spirals through the air, but never moves? Choices: A: staircase; B: housing; C: lodge; D: ventilation system; E: dust | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | what goes up and down but dosent move Choices: A: review; B: staircase; C: progress; D: give; E: ride | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | What type of case can you not carry? Choices: A: capital; B: secret; C: iron; D: staircase; E: set | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | I have a flame but i'm not a fire pit I use gas and i'm usually black sometimes right on your patio what am I? Choices: A: flame thrower; B: grill; C: property; D: cut; E: cover | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | What type of cat can also be a type of weed? Choices: A: dandylion; B: clowder; C: blood group; D: cell; E: brand | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | What's wide at the bottom, narrow at the top, and has ears? Choices: A: oceans; B: representation; C: mountain with mountainears; D: provincial; E: prosimian | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | I go around in circles But always straight ahead, Never complain No matter where I am led. Choices: A: technology; B: return; C: plane; D: bone; E: wagon wheel | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | If fish lived on land, where would they live? Choices: A: coast; B: in finland; C: pike; D: maritime museum; E: farmland | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | if you eat something that you can find outside and you won't die from it. what is it? Choices: A: gazelle; B: spring forth; C: turn into stone; D: answer is a snowflake; E: opinion | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | A man and his son are going for a drive, and the car crashes. The father is killed, and the son is rushed to hospital in critical condition. He is just about to be operated on, when the chief surgeon says, "I can't operate on him. He is my son. " How is this possible? Choices: A: doctors; B: fatherhood; C: chief surgeon is his mother; D: dads; E: healing | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | there were 4 men on a boat. the boat sank and not a singel man got wet, what happened? Choices: A: all the men were married; B: founder; C: go swimming; D: make sex; E: mount a horse | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | I can crunch in your mouth I can also melt in your mouth at the same time What am I?????? Choices: A: see; B: crunch bar; C: winter; D: purpose; E: track record | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | When i go fast you cannot see me when i go slow you cannot see me who i am ????????????????????? Choices: A: deep; B: bullet; C: ans air wind ; D: crash; E: liveliness | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | Knock Know. Who's there? Kowse. kowse who? Choices: A: open door; B: antiknock; C: tell; D: kowse moo; E: mow | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | You don't want me, although I keep coming back. You make me, but then get rid of me like that. What am I? Choices: A: drop; B: port; C: coin; D: stranglehold; E: garbage | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | canyouname three consective days with out using Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Choices: A: commencement day; B: speech day; C: sun set; D: today tomorrow yesterday; E: nanosecond | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | Ok. Imagine You Was Driving A Bus, You Had 10 Passengers You Dropped Off 5 You Picked Up 100 You Dropped Off 15 Then You Picked Up 10. . . . What Was The Drivers Name? Choices: A: you your name lol; B: ice pick; C: test drive; D: golf stroke; E: elect | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | what has an arch a roof and no windows? Choices: A: out; B: chinese; C: surface; D: room; E: dog kennel | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | I will scare your animals, and steal the dark. I come and go making my mark. I am hot to the touch, but men say i am cool. I cannot be harnessed, i am no man's tool. What am I? Choices: A: picket; B: i an a lightning bolt; C: malevolent; D: club; E: low | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | There was a man walking on the street and did not have feet how can he move if he does not have feet?? Choices: A: his feet hit the ground; B: sewing machine; C: passageway; D: he is flying; E: marmoset | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | i will dance , i will sing , but i do no have life . How am i ????????????????????????????????? Choices: A: fireside; B: caller; C: jump around; D: answer t v; E: being | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | What is the difference between a new 20 dollar bill and an old one? Choices: A: banks; B: duckbill; C: cents; D: 19 dollars; E: cash | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | whats black and white, black and white, black and white and green? Choices: A: horse; B: three eyes; C: vegetables; D: three penguins and a pickle; E: seal | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | What do you do when a 200 pound cat is chasing you? Choices: A: way; B: run; C: javanese; D: swimming; E: bluepoint | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | What did the p. e teacher say to the fat kid? Choices: A: kiddy; B: take bus; C: caprylic acid; D: run; E: baste | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | I am round like a disc, I am rough, but I am flat. If you lose me, it's hard to win me back. What am I? Choices: A: bullet; B: loser; C: surface; D: poker chip ; E: file | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | A City in which we cant Enter Choices: A: high crime; B: guangzhou; C: electracity; D: semarang; E: account | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | Why did the hot dog run a lot? Choices: A: come; B: dare; C: dachshund; D: he was a wiener; E: bouviers des flandres | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | You cannot read me but a dvd can. You can write on me and the computer can write in me. Wath am I? Choices: A: cddvd; B: speechwriter; C: looking; D: interrupt; E: entertainment | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | You buy a parrot and the seller says it repeats every thing it hears but then he spoke to it for two weeks and never said anything and the seller said he did not lie. Who is this? Choices: A: listening; B: mad; C: parrot's mouth; D: parrot is deaf; E: cousin's house | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | i have four sides im the most common shape but im skinnier than a rectangle what am I? Choices: A: cone; B: line; C: intersection; D: cue; E: pair | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | A child and his dad were going down the road and they had a car crash two ambalunce came they went in one each they went to different hospitals and the docter came in to operate on the child and he said no thats my son Choices: A: it was is mother; B: instruction; C: fatherland; D: fathers; E: primary care | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | why didn't the oyster share its pearl? Choices: A: white; B: social insect; C: because it was shelfish; D: speck; E: holding company | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | I have no fangs, yet I constantly bite. I have no scales, yet I slither through you. What am I? Choices: A: great; B: snakes; C: slide; D: venom; E: tray | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | I am black and white all over with red! what am I? Choices: A: creature; B: ambergris; C: bloody penguin; D: shark; E: black tie | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | When does 10+12 ever equal 10? Choices: A: coordination; B: club; C: on a clock; D: peer; E: sum | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | I run with him beside my side. For those who try to take my pride . i go with him in side the dark but this thing does not bark . He should be a woman's best friend. He gives anyone a very bad taste. what am I? Choices: A: artifact; B: pepper spray; C: creek; D: sign; E: Labrador | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | There is a fork in the road, one path leads to liarsville(where they always lie) and one path leads to truthville (where they alway's tell the truth). There are no signs but a man in the middle of the fork and you don't know if he from truth or liar ville. What Question could you ask him to go to truthville? Choices: A: mayor; B: lie detector; C: take me to your hometown; D: place; E: axe | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | There is a green monster and a red monster in your town and you have to kill them. The red monster will die after being shot 1 time and the green will die after being shot 2 times. You only have 2 bullets. How do you kill them both? Choices: A: marble; B: discharge; C: dunk; D: buy more bullets; E: kilt | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | Where were your parents when the lights went off? Choices: A: visual signal; B: act; C: flame; D: ultraviolet; E: in the dark | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | where was the mummy when the light went off Choices: A: in the dark; B: spotlight; C: photo; D: mummy exhibit; E: jacklight | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | Why did the chicken cross the lake of acid infested with mutant aliens breed to devour chickens? Choices: A: looks better; B: beats me ; C: comes home; D: looks pretty; E: is more flavorful | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | What's the world's saddest animal? Choices: A: cryote; B: flea; C: vertebrate; D: marmoset; E: sideline | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | Jerry went out to the hardware store to buy some needed supplies. He spent half of what he had plus $2. 00 in the first store; half of what he had left plus $1. 00 in the second store; half of what he had left plus $1. 00 in the third store; and in the last store , half of all he had. Three dollars were left over. How much money did he start with Choices: A: pin money; B: money order; C: 64 00 dollars; D: silver; E: folding money | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | My initials are PQRS. I am always above a star and i never get burned. Who/What am I? Choices: A: character; B: varsity letter; C: number 7 on a telephone; D: syllable; E: symbol | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | what happens to the dog when it stands infront of the hot sun Choices: A: king charles spaniel; B: dog becomes hotdog; C: stroke; D: set; E: white | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | what can you through it off a clif and it wont pop. when you use a forek it pops. what am i?????? Choices: A: usefulness; B: wash; C: free will; D: nerf sword; E: boloon | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | what is a person feeling while eating a " KELA " Choices: A: akela; B: swill; C: woody allen; D: misfit; E: ruth benedict | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | i snap but i am not a twig . ihave armor but i am not a knight. i have a mobile home but i dont live in a trailer park . i am hard but soft at the same time i am sharp. like a teacher but i am stupid. i am as fast as a rock rolling up a hill. i am a lover staring at a rock but notin love. i see air but i can not hear it. Choices: A: snaping turtle; B: defense system; C: snapdragon; D: fireplace; E: tree branch | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | 30 dogs 28 sheep how many did not? Choices: A: chief; B: dogcart; C: has; D: dog hook; E: 10 | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | A cowboy had to go to a business trip in Florida for 4 days. He left on Sunday and returned on Tuesday. How is that possible? Choices: A: his horses name was tuesday; B: tampa bay; C: tallahassee; D: beaches; E: pensacola | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | what can be seen during the day, but is lost in the night? Choices: A: Creativity; B: shadow ; C: illumination; D: color; E: time of day | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | There is a list of number from 1-1000. How many times does the number "3" appear? Choices: A: 301 times; B: month; C: counter; D: nanosecond; E: end well | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | i can be a quarter , i can be a half, i can be full, but the other side of me you'll never know. What am i ?! Choices: A: moon ; B: shade; C: season; D: room; E: orientation | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | a guy walks into a bar and says ouch!!why'd he say ouch? Choices: A: hewalked into a pole; B: counter; C: punch him; D: punch someone; E: vermouth | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | a man got shot in a car, the windows were up the doors were locked he was alone and he did'nt shoot himself. no glass was broke. how did he get shot? Choices: A: ponce; B: discharge; C: remove; D: he was in a convertiable; E: louvered window | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | what time does a dentist get up to leave for work Choices: A: exodontist; B: silver; C: shots; D: reign; E: tooth hurrty | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | How do you stop a blonde tank? Choices: A: brake; B: advantage; C: big gun; D: tracks; E: shoot the people pushing it | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | If you are an american in the living room than what are you in the bathroom? Choices: A: eurapean; B: skunkweed; C: barroom; D: workroom; E: cubicle | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | What has a head and a tail but no body? Is that possible? Choices: A: spark plug; B: take; C: quater; D: wiggle; E: standing order | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | i dont have head i dont have hand i have different colors who i am? Choices: A: shirts; B: collection; C: middle; D: side; E: gloves | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | beach,paper,and bath-what do these items have in common? Choices: A: reams; B: napkin; C: composition; D: international; E: beachtowel papertowel bathtowel | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | whats musical and likes kids? Choices: A: michael jackson; B: horse; C: blood brother; D: machine; E: vapour | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | I have an amusement park in my back yard. I wear white gloves. I love children. . . alot. I am black with a white face. Who am I? Choices: A: beaver; B: apple tree; C: clowns; D: heifer; E: michael jackson | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | Once you hear me come from someone you may run, some people may stop breathing, and others may hurt the one who pocesses me. But the one who pocesses me does not mind me at all. Choices: A: coding; B: multitude; C: fart hehe; D: criminals; E: pit stop | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | 4_4_4_4=20 in the above equationyoucan see that there are 3 blank spaces between four(4's)youhave to insert signs(+,-,*,/) between them in such a manner that the result equals "20". Choices: A: 444420; B: resolution; C: inch; D: interstellar space; E: necessity | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | Fred and Bob were dead on the floor with shattered glass and water all around them. The door was locked from both the inside and the outside. The window curtain was left blowing. How did they die? Choices: A: water polo; B: chemical; C: watering hole; D: pepsi; E: they were fish | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | if someone said theyd go to your house and order chicken wings and pay for them, what are you likely gonna do while eating them? Choices: A: sit down inless your wierd ; B: yard; C: den; D: beanbag; E: digest | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | A team won one to zero but not one man crssed homeplate. How is this possible. Choices: A: a girl; B: it was a women; C: master; D: he; E: godfather | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
Subsets and Splits