所以 (suǒ yǐ)你 (nǐ)才 (cái)會 (huì)割 (gē)去 (qù)受害者 (shòu hài zhě)的 (de)生殖器 (shēng zhí qì) 來奪 (lái duó)回 (huí)你 (nǐ)自己 (zì jǐ)的 (de)力量 (lì liàng) (せいしょくき) (n) genital organ; genitalia; sexual organ; reproductive organ [EDICT] (shēng zhí qì, ㄕㄥ ㄓˊ ㄑㄧˋ) reproductive organ; genitals [CE-DICT-Simplified]
森林采伐; 气候变化; 粮食产量 fore st har vesting ; clima te dive rsification ; cro p y ield P461.7
春天来临,省吾的毕业礼也将到来,这是一场特殊的毕业礼,因为整个毕业礼上,只有他一个学生。但是想要打卡每条线路二次元黑发少女图片只要跌破买入价 更新 - update n. v. /??p\'det/警察劝说的时候,男孩带着哭腔要求和妈妈见面,民警立刻拨通了电话,趁机把小男孩救了下来。拥有能及时兑现承诺的父母的孩子,真的很幸福。主播楠楠手机在线观看 头发渐变色搭配2018马上过年了,是否还在愁过年吃什么菜?今天推荐大家一道适合过年吃的菜――蒸藕盒子。一听到藕盒,许多人会想到炸藕盒这种做法,炸藕盒是吃起来是不错,可是炸的东西吃多了太容易上火了,所以今儿就改蒸着吃,香香的肉馅中夹着脆脆的藕,简单,好吃,蒸的不上火,适合一家老小,招待客人都有面子,做法很简单!喜欢吃的朋友们不要错过哦,快来瞧瞧吧!准备好食材 浪迹天涯,行步晚霞
110-821 首尔市钟路区世宗路1-68 光化门广场 #K-POP #2019首尔音乐节 #光化门 # smuf #seoul music festival #首尔欢迎周 #韩流 #seoul #THE SHOW
标签: NicolasCage 2000s 2010-04-16 / 亚伦·泰勒-约翰逊 / 科洛·莫瑞兹 / 尼古拉斯·凯奇 / 克里斯托夫·梅兹-普莱瑟 / 马克·斯特朗 / 琳德西·冯塞卡 / 埃文·彼得斯 / 克拉克·杜克 / 黛博拉·特维斯 / 苏菲·吴 / 塔梅尔·哈桑 / 迈克尔·里斯波利 / 克里·约翰逊 / 兰道尔·巴蒂尼科夫 / 加勒特·布朗 / 蒂姆· 普莱斯特 / 克雷格·费格森 / 欧玛瑞·哈德威克 / 斯图·莱利 / 伊丽莎白·麦戈文 / Kirk Tingblad / Max White / 杰森·弗莱明 / 杨茜·巴特勒 / 德克斯特·弗莱彻 / 山德·贝克利 / 美国 / 英国 / 马修·沃恩 / 117 分钟 / 海扁王 / 喜剧 / 动作 / 犯罪 / Jane Goldman / Matthew Vaughn / 英语 标签: NicolasCage 2010s
《黑色奥菲斯》(Black Orpheus)思路[1080P]... 黑色奥菲斯英文名: Black Orpheus别名: 黑人奥菲尔,黑人赛尔菲,Orfeu Negro资源格式: 1080P版本: 思路发行日期: 1959年导演: Marcel Camus演员: Maria Alice ....Elizeth Cardoso ....Aurino Cassiano .... ZecaAlexandro Constantino .... HermesAdemar Da Silva ...... 《曝光/上帝的女儿》【720P高清英语中英双字】...尔·克鲁兹 / Big Daddy Kane / 布里安娜·伯克森 / 梅丽莎·梅赛德斯·卡德罗类型: 剧情制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2016-01-22(美国)片长: 102分钟又名: 上帝的女儿 / Daughter of God / Wisdom上帝的 【魔境仙踪/奥兹大帝】【TS-RMVB/中字】...境仙踪导演: 山姆·雷米编剧: 米切尔·卡普勒/大卫·林赛-阿贝尔/李曼·法兰克·鲍姆主演: 米拉·库妮丝/詹姆斯·弗兰科/蕾切尔·薇兹/米歇尔·威廉姆斯/阿比盖尔·斯宾赛/布鲁斯·坎贝尔/扎克·布拉夫/乔伊·金/比尔·考布斯类...
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iaw5l7kejche經濟部工業局推動台灣製家電產品MIT微笑標章及其品質認驗證制度,截至1月8日止,已有94家家電業者通過審核,共519... iaw5l7kejche紐約, 2014年1月24日 /美通社-PR Newswire/ -- Transparency Market Research(透明度市場研究)最新發... iaw5l7kejche埋線拉皮頗受歡迎,不過整形外科醫師王祥亞提醒,民眾若要進行埋線拉皮,要注意醫師技術與埋線品質,臨...
lit. one knife to cut two segments (idiom); fig. to make a clean break, firm resolution to break off a relation 一刀兩斷|一刀两断 [yī dāo liǎng duàn] ► lit. one knife to cut two segments (idiom); fig. to make a clean break ► firm resolution to break off a relation 一刀兩斷 — (一刀兩斷, 一刀两断) 比喻堅決地斷絕關係。 《朱子語類》卷四四: “觀此可見克己者是從根源上一刀兩斷, 便斬絕了。 更不復萌。” 《二刻拍案驚奇》卷十一: “成親已久, 負他不得, 須辭了 朱 家之婚, 一刀兩斷。” 老舍 《駱駝祥子》六: “他得馬上離開 人和廠 , 跟他們一刀兩斷。”亦作“ ”。 《張子語錄後錄下》: “聖人發憤忘食, 樂以忘憂, 發憤便忘食, 樂便忘憂, 直是一刀兩段, 千了百當。” 《續傳燈錄‧智圓禪師》: “ 陽 ( 汾 陽和尚 )來日送出三門, 乃問:… … Big Chineese Encyclopedy
周二,零售商塔吉特(Target)的股价下跌超过10%,原因是担心成本上升――从工资上涨到面临关税的中国商品价格上涨――可能继续压低利润。投资者还抛售了柯尔(Kohl’s)和T.J. Maxx公司的所有者TJX的股票,两家公司都面临运费成本侵蚀利润。 Apple continued its slide on worries about softening demand. The tech giant tumbled nearly 5 percent, after Goldman Sachs equity analysts cut their price target citing deteriorating demand, especially in China. 由于担心需求疲软,苹果股价继续下滑。在高盛(Goldman Sachs)股票分析师因需求恶化(尤其是在中国)下调其价格目标后,这家科技股大跌近5%。
索马里海盗 / The Pirates of Somalia / 逃离索马里 / Dabka 2017-12-08(美国) / 阿尔·帕西诺 / 埃文·彼得斯 / 梅兰尼·格里菲斯 / 巴克德·阿巴蒂 / 罗素·普斯勒 / 罗伯特·霍布斯 / 菲利普·埃丁格 / Edward Gelbinovich / 美国 / 南非 / 肯尼亚 / 索马里 / 苏丹 / 布莱恩·巴克利 / 116分钟 / 索马里海盗 / 剧情 / 传记 / 布莱恩·巴克利 Bryan Buckley / Jay Bahadur / 英语 樊灵芝LizFan
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检验检测机构; 实验室; 智能化; 数字化 inspection and testing institution; laboratory; intellectualization; digitalization 10.19459/j.cnki.61-1500/te.2019.04.022
遗传算法; 变电站; 电压; 无功控制 genetic algorithm; substat ion; voltage; react ive pow er cont rol 该文介绍了变电站无功补偿分析与计算方法 ,考虑了变压器分接头的变化以及电容器组的投切对无功和电压的影响 ,将传统的变电站电压无功控制方法―――九区图 ,与遗传算法相结合 ,根据变电站的运行状态 ,由遗传算法给出相应的控制策略 ,以某地区 35kV变电站为例进行分析和控制。
... 演 马修·帕克希尔 Matthew Parkhill◎主 演 斯蒂芬·莫耶 Stephen Moyer ... ...导 演 马修·帕克希尔 Matthew Parkhill◎主 演 斯蒂芬·莫耶 Stephen Moyer ... John Guidi雷切尔·洛弗热 Rachell 《来访者》(The Caller)2011.DVDRip.XviD-IGUANA ...导 演 马修·帕克希尔 Matthew Parkhill◎主 演 斯蒂芬·莫耶 Stephen Moyer ... John Guidi雷切尔·洛弗热 Rachelle Lefev ...·姆巴塔-劳,亚历克·鲍德温,马修·维利希,卢克·威尔逊,史蒂芬·莫耶,阿德沃尔·阿吉纽依-艾格拜吉,保罗·雷瑟,大卫·摩斯,埃迪·马森,艾伯特·布鲁克斯,理查德·琼斯,希尔·哈勃,迈克·奥麦利,艾利斯·霍华德◎豆瓣评分:0.0◎语 ...
2016-11-05 08:00:11 using System;using System.Data;using System.Data.OleDb;  /// <summary> /// 通过OleDb查询Oracle存储过程 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static DataTable getTodoList(string id) { string connString1 = "provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;User ID=test;Password=test;Data Source=(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST= (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)));Persist Security Info=True;Extended Properties='PLSQLRSet=1';";//'PLSQLRSet=1'很重要 DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connString1); OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("getTodoList", conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; try { conn.Open(); OleDbParameter[] parms = { new OleDbParameter("id1", OleDbType .VarChar) }; parms[0].Value = id; parms[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; foreach (OleDbParameter parm in parms) { cmd.Parameters.Add(parm); } OleDbDataAdapter oda = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd); oda.Fill(ds); } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { cmd.Dispose(); conn.Close(); } return ds.Tables[0]; } 张家界旅游线路大全、 什么时候去张家界旅游最好、 张家界跟团旅游报价多少、 张家界旅游必去的地方是、 张家界旅游必去景点排名、 三亚椰子大观园门票是怎样个情况? 福建旗山飞越丛林门票价格是多少呢? 海南椰子大观园好玩吗? 福建旗山飞越丛林怎么去最快?? 深圳欢乐谷晚上进去还能玩什么? 深圳海岸城溜冰场门票多少钱? 深圳出发3天,到哪个城市玩好? 深圳东部华侨城大峡谷好玩还是珠海神秘岛? 去清远漂流要注意些什么,准备些什么? 清远老虎谷漂流门票多少钱啊? 有团体票么? 清远有什么好玩的? 广东漂流哪里好玩? 厦门灌口传统美食有哪些? 2015年元旦去海南蜈支洲岛旅游好不好? 三亚落笔洞在哪?怎么去? 丽江古城到玉龙雪山有多远? MAX120EWGLF Datasheet MAX120EWGLF Datasheet MAX120WEG Datasheet MAX120WEG Datasheet MAX121 Datasheet MAX121 Datasheet 到江西旅游价格 到江西旅游价格 到江西旅游价格 江西旅游 线路 江西旅游 线路 江西旅游 线路 去江西旅游的线路 去江西旅游的线路 去江西旅游的线路 标签: ·C#通过OleDb查询Oracle存储过程 ·.NetCore~Linux环境下部署 ·初识android中的动画 ·多功能旋转木马轮播实例 ·SendMessage wMsg常量值参考 ·九宫格的计算思路 ·c# 图片 与 BASE64 字符串 互相转换。 ·链式编程和函数式编程 ·HTML5 上传图片 到ASP.NET MVC ·linux移植问题汇总(一) ·uboot 2014.04 运行过程记录 ·Resharper的配置和使用 ·关于Access restriction: The type Application is not API (restriction on required library) ·正则表达式快速入门 ·函数的四种调用模式 ·JavaScript模块化思想之入门篇 ·关于cnpm的一点小bug ·angular学习之angular ·Angular通过XHR加载模板而限制使用file://(解决方案) ·用面向对象解决 输入用户名自动显示邮箱后缀列表的方法 Copyright © 1998 - 2020 郑少群个人网 版权所有
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香港导游总工会理事长黄嘉毅曾在媒体采访中透露,2019年12月,每天访问香港的旅行团数量跌幅达九成,而香港旅发局的数据显示,2019年11月访港旅客约260万人次,同比减少56%。 In December 2019, the number of tour groups visiting Hong Kong on a daily basis fell by 90 per cent, while Hong Kong Tourism Board data showed that there were about 2.6 million visitors in November 2019, a 56 per cent decrease. 香港酒店业主联会执行总干事李汉城则在媒体报道中称,在当前香港酒店业的遇冷情况下,酒店主要通过员工清假、放无薪假和减少兼职员工等方式来节流。
香港旅游业遇冷也影响到当地酒店和旅游公司。凯悦集团今年三季度财报显示,2019年三季度,集团在香港的收入下降36%,10月份的降幅更是超过50%。此前界面新闻报道,据酒店产权网整理数据,今年自7月开始,香港酒店的客房出租率降低了20个百分点。 Local hotels and travel companies are also affected by the unanticipated tourism industry in Hong Kong. Hyatt Group's third-quarter earnings report showed its revenues in Hong Kong fell 36 per cent in the third quarter of 2019 and more than 50 per cent in October. Previously, according to the hotel's property rights network, the hotel's occupancy rate in hong kong has fallen by 20 percentage points since july. 2019年11月,美国迪士尼公司公布了2019财年第四季度(即2019年7月至9月)财报,其中香港迪士尼乐园该季度的营业收入较去年下降了近5500万美元,迪士尼预计下一季度该乐园营业收入将同比下降8000万美元左右,如果该趋势延续,会导致迪士尼全年营业收入减少亿美元左右。不过根据财报内容,香港迪士尼业绩的下降被巴黎及上海迪士尼乐园业绩增长有所抵消。
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《飞屋环游记》(Up)[1080P]...·彼德森 Bob Peterson ....(co-director)演员: 爱德华·阿斯纳 Edward Asner....Carl Fredricksen (voice)乔丹·长井 Jordan Nagai....Russell (voice)克里斯托弗·普卢默 Christopher Plummer....Charles Muntz (voice)戴尔里·林多 Delroy 《秘书》(Secretary)CHD联盟[1080P]...博格 Steven Shainberg演员: 詹姆斯·斯派德 James Spader ... E Edward Grey玛吉·吉伦哈尔 Maggie Gyllenhaal ... Lee Holloway杰瑞米·戴维斯 Jeremy Davies ... Peter史蒂芬·麦克哈蒂 Stephen McHattie ... Burt Holloway帕特里克· 《暮色2:新月》(New Moon)[BDRip]...特 Kristen Stewart....Bella Swan罗伯特·帕丁森 Robert Pattinson....Edward Cullen泰勒·洛特纳 Taylor Lautner....Jacob BlackChristi
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A vial (21×70 mm, 4 drum) equipped with a magnetic stirring bar and a nitrogen/vacuum adaptor was charged with 5.0 grams (5.269 mmol hydroxyl group) of polyethylene-block-poly(ethylene glycol), having a number average molecular weight Mn of about 875 and containing 21% by weight of ethylene oxide units, and 0.669 grams (2.634 mmol Sn) of dibutyltin oxide. The vial was then immersed into an oil bath at 190° C. Upon melting, the liquid was heated for one hour while under vacuum to remove water. At the end of the reaction, as monitored by the distillation of butyl alcohol, vacuum was released with nitrogen, and the vial was taken out and cooled. The liquid solidified upon cooling. 5.6 grams of a white solid was recovered, corresponding to a yield of 99.9% of the theoretical maximum. The white solid has a melting temperature of 106° C. The product contains the compound, di-butyl-bis-[poly(ethylene)-block-poly(ethylene glycol)] stannoxane, having the following formula: Polymerization of Macrocyclic Oligoesters Using Polymer-Containing Titanate Catalysts Patent CitationsCited PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitleUS2628171Mar 14, 1951Feb 10, 1953Du PontSolvent-soluble water-repellency compositionsUS3018272Nov 19, 1956Jan 23, 1962Du PontSulfonate containing polyesters dyeable with basic dyesUS3090753Aug 2, 1960May 21, 1963Exxon Research Engineering CoEster oil compositions containing acid anhydrideUS3786067Feb 18, 1972Jan 15, 1974Ashland Oil IncCyclic organometallic compoundsUS3979354Jan 31, 1974Sep 7, 1976The United States Of America As Represented By The Secretary Of The NavyNon-polluting, antifouling composition and methodUS4012460Feb 24, 1975Mar 15, 1977Hooker Chemicals & Plastics CorporationMethod of polymerizing vinyl chloride with olefin-acrylic ester copolymers and composition thereofUS4075319Jun 24, 1976Feb 21, 1978The United States Of America As Represented By The Secretary Of The NavyLow leaching antifouling organometallic polyvinylsUS4082709Jun 24, 1976Apr 4, 1978The United States Of America As Represented By The Secretary Of The NavyLow leaching antifouling organometallic polyestersUS4232087Aug 3, 1978Nov 4, 1980Albany International Corp.Method of coating organic fibers with polytetrafluoroethyleneUS4478963May 31, 1983Oct 23, 1984The B. 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US7224317B2 (en) 2005-10-31 2007-05-29 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Wireless communication device, information-processing apparatus using the device, and method for assembling the apparatus CN100530033C (en) * 2006-05-26 2009-08-19 鸿富锦精密工业(深圳)有限公司;鸿海精密工业股份有限公司 Replacing apparatus JPH04321157A (en) * 1991-04-22 1992-11-11 Toshiba Corp Electronic notebook
Chambord is the largest castle in the Loire Valley, but was built to serve only as a hunting lodge for François I, who maintained his royal residences at Château de Blois and at Château d'Amboise. The original design of the Château de Chambord is attributed, though with several doubts, to Domenico da Cortona, whose wooden model for the design survived long enough to be drawn by André Félibien in the seventeenth century. Some authors, though, claim that the French Renaissance architect Philibert Delorme had a considerable role in the Château's design. Chambord was altered considerably during the twenty years of its construction (1519[4] ‑ 1547), during which it was overseen on-site by Pierre Nepveu. In 1913 Marcel Reymond first suggested that Leonardo da Vinci, a guest of King François at Clos Lucé near Amboise, was responsible for the original design, which reflects Leonardo's plans for a château at Romorantin for the King's mother, and his interests in central planning and double helical staircases; the discussion has not yet concluded. Nearing completion, King François showed off his enormous symbol of wealth and power by hosting his old arch nemesis, Emperor Charles V at Chambord. 香波爾城堡位於法國羅亞爾-謝爾省的香波爾地區(Chambord),是世界上的城堡中最容易辨認其中一個,因為它是融合了傳統法國中古時代的形式與古典義大利的法國文藝復興建築。 香波爾堡是羅亞爾河流域城堡群中最大的城堡,所費不貲,耗費數百年的光陰才完成。西元1519年,由瓦盧瓦王朝的弗朗索瓦一世始建,其1574年去世時也才完成主塔以及一座側翼。接下來的亨利二世雖有繼續興建,卻也在不久之後就荒廢了。最後,是由波旁王朝的路易十四於1684年完成。
Hubei Key Laboratory of Natural Products Research and Development, CTGU, China | Institution outputs | Nature Index 三峡大学天然产物研究与利用湖北省重点实验室 Principal institution: College of Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, CTGU
北京卓然泰瑞科技发展有限公司 ・ Beijing Zhuoran Terui Technology Development Co., Ltd. 杭州虹谱光电科技有限公司 ・ Hangzhou Hongpu Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. 上海里度电子科技有限公司 ・ Shanghai Lidu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 北京博芮思光电技术有限公司 ・ Beijing Boris Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. Cai Kang Optical Instrument
4 miles to The Big E, 5.5 miles to 6 Flags, 6 miles/15 min to Spfld, Basketball Hall of Fame & area hospitals, 20 min to Hartford International Airport, 30 min to Htfd & 45 min to 5 college areaEnjoy your separate 1 Br suite attached to my home, equipped with a living room-kitchen combo, refrigerator, stove/oven, washer and dryer, toaster, coffee/tea machine, microwave, Wii w-Netflix, individually regulated electric baseboard heat, air conditioner, & fans as needed. There is also a screened in porch with seating overlooking the farm and Provin Mountain.Our home is exactly 1 mile from the center of Feeding Hills. There are gas stations, a Dunkin Donuts, Subway, a breakfast/lunch spot, a convenience store with Keno, a liquor store, large grocery store/Stop&Shop and a few other interesting places all at the center. We are about 2 miles from the back entrance to Robinson State Park and Suffield, CT in opposing directions.Nancy and her family were wonderful hosts - greeted us upon our arrival which was a nice touch! The views are great, and it's fun to visit with the various animals on the farm. It's a quick and easy trip to/from Springfield for those; we took in all the museums on our weekend getaway. It was a perfect, cozy, pleasant getaway spot!Christine2017-01-16T00:00:00ZWhat a lovely little place and Nancy and her husband are super nice. The space is spotless clean and very scenic. Seosamh2017-05-16T00:00:00ZWe first met Nancy's husband, Jeff, and then she arrived in a few minutes and they both walked us in a told us where everything was located. We didn't expect to find such a neat "farm like" experience in a picturesque neighborhood but so enjoyed watching and listening to the animals and hearing their wake up call in the mornings. Nancy responded quickly to any of our email questions, and she provided extra essentials in the event we had forgotten anything. We appreciated being able to wash a load of clothes before re packing our suitcase and because Nancy had also provided a few groceries, we were able to eat a quick bite before leaving for our early flight. On another note, despite the cool temperatures, the apartment was well insulated and stayed comfortable without using the heaters or blankets. Our only regret is that we didn't get any close up photos of the horses which will just have to wait until next time!Debbie2016-10-12T00:00:00ZNancy was nice her place was beautiful. We enjoyed the stay. Cileimar2016-06-20T00:00:00ZNancy's place was a cozy space with a great view! We stopped here for one day on our way to a wedding and found everything suited our needs. I would definitely stay here again.Prerna2016-08-29T00:00:00Znice place to stay that isn't the traditional hotel experience. peaceful,quiet and lots of space. we had a very quick trip but definitely will return again! thank you!!Peggy2016-08-29T00:00:00ZBeautiful place. Wish we could've stayed longer.Evette2016-09-04T00:00:00ZNancy is a great hostess, and the accommodations were wonderful! We had two dogs with us, and we were able to take them for long walks, good for them and good for us. Having a full kitchen was super, and Nancy even left us fresh eggs from her chickens for breakfast, along with waffles and frozen fresh picked blueberries. Being in a quiet rural setting was just right for us, and looking out the window to see the horses grazing was fun. Everything was clean and fresh, and we're hoping to return for many other stays! Frances2017-04-09T00:00:00ZTipo di stanzaIntera casa/aptTipo di sistemazioneAppartamentoPuò ospitare5Camere da lettoAgawam, Massachusetts, Stati UnitiAgawam In-Law Suite - The Big E, 6 Flags, airportPrezzo63€ Agawam In-Law Suite - The Big E, 6 Flags, airportIntera casa/apt · 3 letti · Completamente rimborsabile64 recensioniHome is Colonial Revival, located in Forest Park Heights section of Springfield. Quiet neighborhood, short walk to park, less than a mile from the Basketball Hall of Fame, within close proximity of numerous colleges, restaurants and historic sites. Only 2 minutes from Interstate 91.It was a very nice colonial style home. Very warm and cozy. Quiet neighborhood. This seems to be the best area in Springfield. You need to be cautious in the city of Springfield, because a quarter mile in either direction it can get sketchy. Overall, it was a very nice place to stay and the host and hostess are very friendly people. I most likely won't be passing through Springfield often, but if I ever do, I would definitely stay here again!Jeff2017-05-26T00:00:00ZTom and Marianne were wonderful. They welcomed me with open arms! The guest area was well kept and they provided all the amenities that you would find at a hotel. The best part were the genuine conversations that we had, as if I were at a friend's house. Kelvin2016-06-15T00:00:00ZGreat place to stay in the area. Entire floor to yourselves with full bathroom and bedroom.Jason2016-10-22T00:00:00ZThis is a wonderful place to stay!Shannon2017-04-02T00:00:00ZThis was a great find and wonderful place to stay the night before my interview at Baystate Medical Center. I felt very comfortable and welcome. Thomas and Marianne were accommodating to my busy professional schedule and made my stay as hassle-free as possible.Katie2016-12-01T00:00:00ZMy host was waiting on the front porch and welcomed me so happily! The neighborhood is beautiful; each older home different from the next. Hlary2016-09-07T00:00:00ZThomas and Maryann were the perfect hosts! So nice and ready to help, making sure my stay was everything a needed it to be. Maryann welcomed me with a small basket... So thoughtful ❤️ . And the house is beautiful... The room where I stayed was perfect, with the den just outside and the bathroom... Very private and quiet, just what I needed.Melanie2016-09-13T00:00:00ZOne of, if not probably the best AirBnB's I've stayed at. Clean and comfortable and all updated with attention to all the details. Very comfortable bed and very quiet neighborhood A beautiful home and very friendly hosts! Loved it. Curtis2017-05-17T00:00:00ZTipo di stanzaStanza privataTipo di sistemazioneCasaPuò ospitare4Camere da lettoSpringfield, Massachusetts, Stati UnitiPrivate Suite - 3rd floor bedroom, den & bath.Prezzo45€ Private Suite - 3rd floor bedroom, den & bath.Stanza privata · 2 letti · Completamente rimborsabile81 recensioniEntire top floor of historic rowhouse: Bedroom (twin beds), sitting room (with fridge and microwave) and private bathroom.**Please ask any questions/introduce yourself before booking and let me know what time you plan to arrive so I can arrange my schedule to meet you. Check in is between 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM. Check out time is by 8:00 AM ** I've had some guests (usually people who don't live in cities) say they thought the area around here was sketchy. This is a diverse, urban neighborhood. There are lots of poor people and people of color who live here. It is also a very safe and friendly neighborhood. I have lived here for 15 years and I love it. If you are uncomfortable in a city and being around poor people and/or people of color, maybe this isn't the best place for you to stay.Right next door to Springfield Museums complex. Close to Marriott, Sheraton, and MassMutual Center.Erica was a perfectly gracious host. The room was clean and in order. The bathroom had heated towel racks, which are always a plus. The two cats were friendly. She even let me use her home printer for a document I needed to present at a conference. Overall I would say five out of five stars.Gregory2014-04-27T00:00:00ZEla foi realmente útil. Ela se ofereceu para me dar um passeio pela manhã, se eu não poderia encontrar um táxi. Seu lugar era muito bonito e eu tive uma estadia confortável.Ann2014-11-24T00:00:00ZWe just stayed for 1 night after a long day at the fair. Erica was willing to meet us in the morning to show us around and hand off the key. She has a parking permit so you can street park right outside the house. The house and street are beautiful, though the surrounding neighborhood seems a little rough. Overall, it was a great stay, and she has several adorable animals you can visit with if you like. Von2012-09-17T00:00:00ZFantastic host! The place is awesome very near to the city center. Super clean, very cozy and private. Erica is very friendly and did everything to make me feel comfortable. 5 stars!Louizos Alexandros 2016-04-05T00:00:00ZErica的租金是太棒了!我有整层楼给自己。她的家乡是美丽的。非常舒适的客厅和卧室。浴室是干净的,现代的,宽敞的。 一个伟大的讨价还价,看到这么多的斯普林菲尔德市中心,也是如此。 埃里卡是非常有益的和友好的。强烈推荐!James2015-08-02T00:00:00ZErica is a great hostess, for this true New England experience. Thank you Erica, I'll see you again. Charles2017-05-28T00:00:00ZMy daughter and I were passing through Springfield and I wanted to show her the Dr. Seuss garden (which is very near Erica's place). We planned on arriving at 7, got in a little early and had dinner in town, and met Erica a little after 7. She greeted us, and visited for a short while, and was a delightful host. I just wish I could have spent more time with her, because she seems like a kind and fascinating person. The pictures don't do the place justice. We were on the third floor, had a private bedroom, bath, and a gorgeous private sitting area. I would love to come back with my wife and spend a few nights here. Highly recommend it to anyone visiting Springfield.Kenneth2016-10-28T00:00:00ZPerfect place to stay if you're interviewing at Baystate Medical Center. Erica was an amazing host. Her home is on a very safe and very charming road. I had no trouble finding parking right in front of her town house. I had the entire floor of her home to myself including a microwave and fridge. Erica is very use to medical students staying with her. Many of her neighbors are attendings and residents from Baystate. Erica even had a few interview tips! She was more than understanding when I had to rush off to a preinterview dinner and when I had to check out early the next morning. It was literally a 7 minute drive to the hospital the next morning. Ryan2016-11-28T00:00:00ZTipo di stanzaStanza privataTipo di sistemazioneCasaPuò ospitare2Camere da lettoSpringfield, Massachusetts, Stati Uniti2 room suite/private bathroom/twin bedsPrezzo45€ 2 room suite/private bathroom/twin bedsStanza privata · 2 letti · Completamente rimborsabile203 recensioniStunning views of the Pioneer Valley await you in this elegant 2 room Historic apartment complex. Quiet neighborhood, short walk to park, half mile from the Basketball Hall of Fame, within close proximity of numerous colleges, restaurants and historic sites. Relax by the fireplace in the spacious living room or entertain yourself in the formal dining room by the kitchen. Spend some casual time in the family room or in the cozy eat-in kitchen. Shared apartment-I am sharing one BR .My Condo is five min away from Hall of Fame and same from downtown Springfield and Bus/Train stations.Its safe and quiet place.La place de Mohammad est propre et proche de tout. L'enregistrement a été facile. Je resterai certainement encore si je suis dans la région.Mohamed 2017-05-10T00:00:00ZEndroit très confortable et calme. Très accueillant. Hôte répond rapidement. Je resterai à nouveauEmmanuel2017-05-04T00:00:00ZNice place, good environment, close to downtown, close to public transportation, My friend and I, we are very grateful for Mahammad hospitality , Thank you so much.Silvana2017-02-05T00:00:00ZMohammed was friendly & accommodating to our very late check-in. Apartment is not really set up for Airbnb though, it felt more like staying at a friend's apartment.Terri2017-02-18T00:00:00ZMohammad is a great host,willing to everything .Really good place.i would recommand it.Maxime2017-04-04T00:00:00ZGreat spot to lay your head!Ramond2017-04-20T00:00:00ZL'hôte annulé cette réservation 2 jours avant l'arrivée. Ceci est un affichage automatique.Anthony2017-05-11T00:00:00ZMohammad home is a great and comfortable place, is very close to downtown, it's has close transportation, is very quiet and warmer. Silvana2017-03-05T00:00:00ZTipo di stanzaStanza privataTipo di sistemazioneAppartamentoPuò ospitare2Camere da lettoSpringfield, Massachusetts, Stati UnitiNice Springfield, MA retreat.(Shared apartment)Prezzo40€ Nice Springfield, MA retreat.(Shared apartment)Stanza privata · 1 letto17 recensioniUnwind on this Sprawling estate nestled on 15 acres abutting beautiful fields woods and walking trails and ponds waterfalls horse stable warming log cabin breathe beautiful pine air relax in the great room with floor-to-ceiling FireplaceTipo di stanzaStanza privataTipo di sistemazioneCasaPuò ospitare3Camere da lettoAgawam, Massachusetts, Stati UnitiOn 15acres,horse estatePrezzo89€ On 15acres,horse estateStanza privata · 3 letti · Completamente rimborsabileNUOVOBeautiful home in a desirable neighborhood. This listing is a shared sizable room to be shared. Perfect for a young professional or student in need of quietness and comfort.Tipo di stanzaStanza privataTipo di sistemazioneCasaPuò ospitare2Camere da lettoSpringfield, Massachusetts, Stati UnitiRoom at Alden VillaPrezzo40€ Room at Alden VillaStanza privata · 1 letto · Completamente rimborsabileNUOVO1 recensioneFurnished basement w/ bathroom and mini kitchen/dining room + parking and private entrance from the backyard.If your looking visit the Big Eastern States Expo the walk is only 5 minutes awayQuiet and safe neighborhoodIrene and her family were really nice, warm and non intrusive. They were flexible about check in and check out timings. Their place is basically the basement of their house. It has its own separate entrance from the outside and had a separate dining area as well. It was extremely cozy and private. Irene was nice enough to leave some juice and crackers for me, which I appreciated. A word of caution for people who are really tall because the ceilings are pretty low but it suited me perfectly. I would love to come back again. Prarthna2016-07-06T00:00:00ZMy husband and son had a great stay in Irene's basement. The neighborhood was fine and the location was convenient too. They were warmly welcomed and slept well. We would book there again as a stop on our way from Maine to NJ.Shirley2016-02-20T00:00:00ZIrene's place was perfect! Clean and private, with parking behind the house and a private entrance. We only stayed one night but we loved her place! Would highly recommend! Nina2016-07-31T00:00:00Z上市是严格按描述。我们的主人是善良,可爱和展示我们身边彻底。她还提示在应对我们所需要的任何设施。空间大私人浴室。厨房和卧室空间被一块门隔开,所以我早早的起床,而不会干扰我的丈夫。这里提供了一个茶壶,果汁和水。此外,全尺寸冰箱,微波炉和餐桌。干净的毛巾和沐浴肥皂,洗发水等,我们只花了短短的一夜之间,但它很安静,并提供我们所需要的快速,安全之旅的一切信息。我们觉得很舒服那里。步行距离之内的大E和一对夫妇的餐厅。蒙特卡洛是优秀的!您将享受您的住宿与艾琳:)Margo2016-03-08T00:00:00ZIrene and family was accommodating and friendly. Only downside was the air conditioning was not on prior to arriving (it was a 95 degree day in Ma). I did mention it to Irene after checking out and she did advise it was being repaired. She is quick to respond to messages and I would stay again. Very comfortable setting. Stephen2016-07-24T00:00:00ZThe space was exactly as described in the advertisement. Clean, tidy, fully stocked; only thing missing was a tv. Host's mother gave me the tour and was a very friendly woman. Felt welcomed and safe in the space. Reasonable walk to the Big E was the primary reason for staying here. Would recommend to others.Debra2016-11-11T00:00:00ZComfortable and private. Have a refrigerator and microwave in the basement. It's nice that Irene provided bottles of juices and water. Michelle2017-04-09T00:00:00ZThis little apartment was so cozy and clean. I did not expect so much room. The kitchen has a full- size refrigerator and it was very sweet for Irene's mom to supply water, juice and half and half. The heat was perfect and I asked if in the sumgmer the apartment had AC. Indeed it does. The off street parking was another treat! I did not tell anyone where I was staying. I want to keep this gem to myself. Thank you so much for having me!Tracey2016-10-30T00:00:00ZTipo di stanzaStanza privataTipo di sistemazioneCasaPuò ospitare2Camere da lettoWest Springfield, Massachusetts, Stati UnitiCozy, fully furnished basement!Prezzo45€ Cozy, fully furnished basement!Stanza privata · 1 letto · Completamente rimborsabile62 recensioniRoom in apartment, Queen size Bed, Air Condition, private bath, next to park, 4minutes from Interstate 91, 3 miles from the Basketball Hall of Fame, quiet neighborhood on Springfield Boarder I Live in the next room, use of Kitchen and living roomTipo di stanzaStanza privataTipo di sistemazioneAppartamentoPuò ospitare2Camere da lettoLongmeadow, Massachusetts, Stati UnitiModern clean fresh and brightPrezzo36€ Modern clean fresh and brightStanza privata · 1 letto · Completamente rimborsabileNUOVO1 recensioneOur house is close to the city center, parks, art and culture, great views, and restaurants and dining.. You’ll love my place because of the neighborhood, the kitchen, and the friendly, relaxed atmosphere.. Our house is good for couples, solo adventurers, business travelers, families (with kids), big groups, and furry friends (pets). Discount available for booking multiple rooms.Carol and Neville were gracious hosts. The house is beautiful on a street with well maintained older houses. A quiet stay but near to restaurants and the Big E. We felt welcomed from check in to check out.Dean2017-02-26T00:00:00ZTo put it simply, if you are staying in Springfield there is no better place. Carols house is top notch and she is as well. I would recommend to anyone no matter there background! Can't go wrong with choosing this house.Ben2016-10-21T00:00:00ZCarol was welcoming and on top of the booking which made for great communication. The place was as described with toiletries and breakfast provided. A great stay! Marie2016-12-02T00:00:00ZGreat location and the park is right across the street if you need a nice walk. Carol is a great host and very accommodating. This is an older home that come with lots of character which can include some doors that don't close, sticky windows, floor pops. The stairwells are traditionally narrow but again that is part of the charm of this era. The pets are very people friendly. Carol is happy to provide morning espresso to save you time/money to a corner coffee shop. Super fast internet and streaming in your own room was not an issue.Mike2016-09-07T00:00:00ZNeighborhood was peaceful and quiet, and Carol was a wonderful host! One of the best experiences on airbnb so far. Very clean and comfortable, and the coffee/snacks were wonderful Tina2016-12-19T00:00:00ZCarol was very accommodating and gracious host. The house an old Victorian is beautiful Michael2016-09-14T00:00:00ZAlways such a great time! Celsea2017-04-20T00:00:00ZUnreal hospitality and great location. Breakfast was also beyond any I've had through AirBnB. Don't miss it! Magnus2017-04-05T00:00:00ZTipo di stanzaStanza privataTipo di sistemazioneCasaPuò ospitare2Camere da lettoSpringfield, Massachusetts, Stati Uniti3rd Floor room (2 of 3) in lovely Victorian homePrezzo58€ 3rd Floor room (2 of 3) in lovely Victorian homeStanza privata · 1 letto · Completamente rimborsabile37 recensioni Questo Loft camera è bella con TEMPUR letto matrimoniale, Amazon TV, bar completo, 100 "Teatro, TV via cavo, sala da pranzo, di calore, AC, a piedi, il punteggio del 85%. Homemade Spanish Cuisine o asiatica disponibile se chiesto in anticipo. Tranquillità, serenità, e la comodità non sarà possibile ottenere da un soggiorno in albergo. You are one block from Elms college a quiet, safe area. Many restaurants of interest located walking distance. Come enjoy 4th of July fireworks.
Patent US5908333 - Connector with integral transmission line bus - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inAdvanced Patent SearchPatentsA socket (14) includes a first bus conductor (22a) having two or more contact regions (24) and a second bus conductor (22b) arranged substantially parallel to the first bus conductor and having two or more contact regions (24). The first and second bus conductors are spaced relative to one another so... US5908333 - Connector with integral transmission line busAdvanced Patent SearchPublication numberUS5908333 APublication typeGrantApplication numberUS 08/897,788Publication dateJun 1, 1999Filing dateJul 21, 1997Priority dateJul 21, 1997Fee statusPaidAlso published asUSRE39153, WO1999004457A1Publication number08897788, 897788, US 5908333 A, US 5908333A, US-A-5908333, US5908333 A, US5908333AInventorsJohn Bradly Dillon, deceased, James Anthony Gasbarro, Donald Victor PerinoOriginal AssigneeRambus, Inc.Export CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefManPatent Citations (11), Referenced by (80), Classifications (12), Legal Events (3) External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, EspacenetConnector with integral transmission line busUS 5908333 AAbstract A socket (14) includes a first bus conductor (22a) having two or more contact regions (24) and a second bus conductor (22b) arranged substantially parallel to the first bus conductor and having two or more contact regions (24). The first and second bus conductors are spaced relative to one another so as to provide a predetermined electrical impedance and may be arranged to carry electrical signals as transmission lines. A dielectric spacer (36) may be disposed between the first and second bus conductors to provide the spacing. Contact regions (24) of the first and second conductors (22a, 22b) may provide compliant coupling regions for the socket (14). The contact regions (24) of the first bus conductor (22a) may be positioned within the socket (14) so as to contact a lead disposed on a first side of a circuit element (16) and the contact regions (24) of the second bus conductor (22b) may be positioned within the socket (14) so as to contact the lead disposed on the second side of the circuit element (16). 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Investigative Report on Harvesting Organ from Live Falun Gong Practitioners all over China | English Version of 追查迫害法轮功国际组织 Investigative Report on Harvesting Organ from Live Falun Gong Practitioners all over China
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 heap leaching with quartz ore good quality OperationsHistoryGeologyManagementUsageIntroductionResultsFormationDetailsScopeChemistryPropertiesSafetyMechanismExampleAdvantagesPreparationEffectsHeap leaching of gold and silver ores is conducted at approximately 120 mines worldwide. Heap leaching is one of several alternative process methods for treating precious metal ores, and is selected primarily to take advantage of its low capital cost relative to other methods. Thirty-seven different heap leach operations with a total production of 198 tonnes of gold per year (6,150,000 ounces/yr.) were surveyed to dete查看有关911metallurgist的更多信息 TYPE OF ORE Heap leach recovery is very dependent on the type of ore being processed. Some typical examples ... sometimes containing gold in quartz veinlets. Silver is usually absent. These ores show the highest ... the dam might be ten meters high and the heap 50 meters high. A good example of a Valley Fill heap leach is Rochester, Nevada ...
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Barry Sautman is a professor who studies China’s ethnic policies at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.says that going after security officials is more difficult in Xinjiang because doing so might raise questions about the party’s approach to maintaining stability. (香港科技大学研究中国民族政策的学者巴里•沙伯力说,这使得追究新疆公安人员的责任更加困难,因为那将影响中共的维稳努力。 他说:“我认为很可能,比如说,在中国某些地区,可以对公安等各安全部门的人员进行处置。而考虑到当地的安全局面和民众所起的作用,(在新疆)这样做则会比较困难。”)
The insert 816, bayonet device 818 and washer 824 can all be designed to facilitate venting, however, it has been found during experimental use that even small micro cracks through or between these components is satisfactory for venting the spray bottle without purposely designing venting features in these components. For example, the through hole 828 in the insert 816, shown in FIG. 28, can be slightly oversized relative to the outer diameter of the downtube 804 providing a liquid and/or air passageway. The washer 820 of the bayonet device 818 can have various designs, for example, like those shown in FIGS. 41-43. In the embodiment shown in FIG. 41, the through hole 820a has an inner diameter slightly less than the outer diameter of the downtube 804 to provide a slight interference fit between the washer 820a and the downtube 804. Thus, little if any venting can occur between the washer 820 and the downtube 804. However, even with this embodiment, it has been found that sufficient venting occurs through micro cracks in use. In all improved embodiment shown in FIG. 42, the washer 820" again is provided with a through hole 820a" having an inner diameter slightly less than the outer diameter of the downtube 804 providing a slight interference fit therebetween. However, a partial circular groove or slot 820b" is provided substantially at the same radius as the location of the bayonet 822". Thus, after the initial reservoir has been ruptured and the bayonet device has been rotated 90�, 180� or 270�, the partial circular groove 820b" is aligned with and overlaps the puncture holes in the sealing membrane 822 previously made by the bayonet 822. Since the previous reservoirs are also punctured at the bottom wall portion of the insert 816, a completed liquid and/or gas passageway is provided through that particular reservoir of the insert. In a further alternative embodiment, the washer 820'" is provided with a square through hole 820a'". The width of the square through hole 820a'" is slightly less than the outer diameter of the downtube 804 to provide a slight interference fit therebetween. The corners of the square through hole 820a'" serve as four (4) vents between the upper and lower surfaces of the washer 820'". Thus, a clear passageway for liquid and/or gas is established through the bayonet device 818 and insert 816 along the sides of the downtube 804. The washer 824 shown in FIG. 27, can also be provided with the same or similar design to the washer 820 of the bayonet device 818 to also facilitate venting of gas and/or liquid from the spray head into the spray bottle. Various other designs and configurations of the bayonet device 818 and washer 824 can be designed and adapted for various applications. Due to the many variables affecting venting, all designs should be tested to ensure that adequate venting occurs between the spray head and spray bottle. Again, only very small micro cracks between components or through components are necessary to provide sufficient venting. Further, in the application of a two-neck bottle, additional venting can occur between the cap 814 and second neck portion 812 in the spray bottle shown in FIG. 27. 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3.1 Tropical Palm Garden The Hong Kong Golden Jubilee Jamborette (香港金禧大露營), was held between 1961-12-27 and 1962-01-02, celebrating the Golden jubilee (50 year anniversary) of Hong Kong Scouting with theme One World (天下一家). At Kowloon Tsai, now named Morse Park, the Jamboree hosted 2,732 Scouts in the challenging winter with heavy rain.[2] The park site was a former rifle range. The park was known as Takwuling Park before it opened.[3] The first phase of Morse Park was opened in October 1967 by G.M. Tingle, the Director of Urban Services.[3]
Patent US5387228 - Cardiac pacemaker with programmable output pulse amplitude and method - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inPatentsAn implantable cardiac pacemaker having programmable stimulating pulse amplitudes selectable by means of an external programming unit. The pacemaker includes charge pump circuitry for developing a stimulating pulse voltage on an output capacitor. The output capacitor is charged to a selected level identified... US5387228 - Cardiac pacemaker with programmable output pulse amplitude and methodAdvanced Patent SearchPublication numberUS5387228 APublication typeGrantApplication numberUS 08/081,911Publication dateFeb 7, 1995Filing dateJun 22, 1993Priority dateJun 22, 1993Fee statusPaidAlso published asCA2165681A1, DE69401279D1, DE69401279T2, EP0705118A1, EP0705118B1, WO1995000203A1Publication number08081911, 081911, US 5387228 A, US 5387228A, US-A-5387228, US5387228 A, US5387228AInventorsMichael B. 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Efficiency of loan loss provision means the effectiveness of banking executives in making decisions on loan loss provision,e. g. 贷款损失准备效率是指银行管理者对银行贷款损失准备决策的有效性,即实际设置的贷款损失准备与其有效边界的偏离程度。 查询“loss provision”译词为用户自定义的双语例句
Patent US4991635 - Decap dispensing system for water cooler bottles - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inPatentsA system for supplying liquid in large bottles from a point where they are filled to a dispenser having a reservoir for receiving the liquid. The bottles each have a neck which carries a cap unit for closing the spout thereof. Each cap unit has an outlet valve that is normally closed. The reservoir has... US4991635 - Decap dispensing system for water cooler bottlesAdvanced Patent SearchTry the new Google Patents, with machine-classified Google Scholar results, and Japanese and South Korean patents.Publication numberUS4991635 APublication typeGrantApplication numberUS 07/391,186Publication dateFeb 12, 1991Filing dateAug 9, 1989Priority dateSep 30, 1988Fee statusLapsedPublication number07391186, 391186, US 4991635 A, US 4991635A, US-A-4991635, US4991635 A, US4991635AInventorsJohn G. UlmOriginal AssigneeLiqui-Box CorporationExport CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefManPatent Citations (24), Referenced by (118), Classifications (19), Legal Events (4) External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, EspacenetDecap dispensing system for water cooler bottles Patent CitationsCited PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitleUS488473 *May 22, 1891Dec 20, 1892 Water-coolerUS497896 *Jul 7, 1892May 23, 1893 The morris petxss coUS738712 *Feb 11, 1903Sep 8, 1903Consumers CompanyWater-cooler equipment.US757170 *Dec 3, 1902Apr 12, 1904Ernest A YoungValve attachment for oil-cans.US996127 *Jun 9, 1910Jun 27, 1911 Liquid-cooler.US1018924 *Jun 9, 1910Feb 27, 1912Atwood L BoggsLiquid-cooler.US1215310 *Mar 27, 1916Feb 6, 1917William G MccreaFruit-juice-dispensing device.US1228836 *Dec 2, 1915Jun 5, 1917Safety First Filter Company IncWater-cooler.US1337206 *Apr 5, 1915Apr 20, 1920Doering Jr CharlesLiquid cooling and dispensing apparatusUS1538483 *Oct 15, 1924May 19, 1925Grantham Frederic CharlesLiquid-cooling dispensing deviceUS1931973 *Nov 9, 1929Oct 24, 1933Alemite CorpGrease-feeding deviceUS1976007 *Sep 2, 1932Oct 9, 1934Alfred F PillsburyWater coolerUS3343718 *Apr 6, 1965Sep 26, 1967Capitol Packaging CoMethod of forming and dispensing aerosol dispensible polymerizable compositionsUS3476507 *Jul 10, 1967Nov 4, 1969Leeds Harry RMedical sterilization apparatusUS3871422 *Feb 14, 1973Mar 18, 1975Automatic Helium Balloon SysteDual balloon valveUS4253501 *Nov 9, 1979Mar 3, 1981Ims LimitedTransfer systemUS4356848 *May 30, 1980Nov 2, 1982Spies Henry JDispenser assemblyUS4391308 *Apr 16, 1981Jul 5, 1983Steiner CorporationSoap dispensing systemUS4421146 *Mar 8, 1982Dec 20, 1983Liqui-Box CorporationQuick-disconnect service-line connector and valve assemblyUS4445551 *Nov 9, 1981May 1, 1984Bond Curtis JQuick-disconnect coupling and valve assemblyUS4717051 *Sep 2, 1986Jan 5, 1988Guy LeclercCheck valve for water dispenser bottleUS4815493 *Sep 17, 1987Mar 28, 1989Parker-Hannifin CorporationCartridge bypass valveUS4874023 *Sep 30, 1988Oct 17, 1989Liqui-Box CorporationDecap dispensing system for water cooler bottlesUSRE32354 *Mar 4, 1985Feb 17, 1987Scholle CorporationContainer for holding and dispensing fluid* Cited by examinerReferenced byCiting PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitleUS5031676 *Jun 11, 1990Jul 16, 1991Liqui-Box CorporationDecap dispensing system for water cooler bottlesUS5080259 *Jan 3, 1991Jan 14, 1992Robert HadleyPortable container with automatic discharge capabilityUS5095962 *Aug 9, 1990Mar 17, 1992Scholle CorporationBeverage dispenser couplingUS5121778 *Apr 12, 1991Jun 16, 1992Elkay Manufacturing CompanyLiquid container support and hygienic liquid dispensing systemUS5170694 *May 7, 1990Dec 15, 1992Melitta Haushaltsprodukte Gmbh & Co. 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(FR) L’invention a pour objet de fournir un nouveau procédé de fabrication de composé difluorométhylène. Plus précisément, l’invention concerne un procédé de fabrication d’un composé difluorométhylène qui possède une partie -CF2-. Ce procédé de fabrication inclut une étape (A) au cours de laquelle sont mélangés a) un composé carbonyle possédant une partie -C(O)-, b) si souhaité, une amine, c) un fluorure représenté par la formule : MF (Dans la formule, M représente un élément du premier groupe du tableau périodique.), d) un composé fluor halogéné représenté par la formule : XFn (dans la formule, X représente un chlore, un brome ou une iode, et n représente un entier naturel de 1 à 5.), et e) un chlorure de soufre. (JA) 本発明は、新たなジフルオロメチレン化合物の製造方法を提供することを課題とする。 前記課題は、 -CF2-部を有するジフルオロメチレン化合物の製造方法であって、 a)-C(O)-部を有するカルボニル化合物、 b)所望により、アミン、 c)式:MF(当該式中、Mは、周期表1族元素を表す。)で表されるフッ化物、 d)式:XFn(当該式中、Xは、塩素、臭素、又はヨウ素であり、及びnは、1~5の自然数である。)で表されるハロゲン化フッ素化合物、及び e)塩化硫黄 を混合する工程Aを含む 製造方法 によって解決される。
Patent US6054032 - Capillary electrophoresis array - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inPatentsA capillary electrophoresis array that includes: (a) a plurality of capillary tubes arranged adjacent each other in a generally longitudinal orientation, each of the tubes having an inlet end, and outlet end, and an internal diameter no greater than about 1000 microns; and (b) a registration assembly... US6054032 - Capillary electrophoresis arrayAdvanced Patent SearchTry the new Google Patents, with machine-classified Google Scholar results, and Japanese and South Korean patents.Publication numberUS6054032 APublication typeGrantApplication numberUS 09/013,817Publication dateApr 25, 2000Filing dateJan 27, 1998Priority dateJan 27, 1998Fee statusLapsedAlso published asCA2317541A1, EP1051611A1, WO1999038005A1Publication number013817, 09013817, US 6054032 A, US 6054032A, US-A-6054032, US6054032 A, US6054032AInventorsLouis C. Haddad, Nicholas A. 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The Cathedral of Toledo is one of the three Gothic cathedrals in Spain , which begun construction in the 13th century. It is marvelous and it sometimes described as 'magnum opus'. . The walled city of Toledo is famous for it's Arab, Christian and Jewish structures that date back to medieval time. . . . . #longweekends #visitspain #madrid #toledo #traveller #travelogue #travelblogger #travelphotography #travelgram #travelblog #indianblogger #indiantravelblogger #beautifuldestinations #wandergirl #lonelyplanet #adventurer #wanderer #storiesofamoonchild #AdventuresofPP #globetrotter #passionpassport #instadaily #instagramer #dubaiblogger #travelbug #travelholics #abudhabiblogger #blogger #abudhabi #spain 吉隆坡文華東方酒店的洗衣服務,衣服送回來時,如選擇摺疊好,是這樣的。That’s how laundry is sent back to my room at Mandarin Oriental Kuala Lumpur. #Malaysia #🇲🇾 #penang #travel #travelgram #travelling #fanofmo #mandarinoriental #mandarinorientalkl #luxuryhotel #luxurytravel #yuyatyiu_photography #yuyatyiu_travel #yuyatyiu_kualalumpur #hotelservice #goodservice #laundry #hotelstay #staycation #hotellaundry Heavy n rich #travel #food #foodpic #foodies #foodporn #foodgasm #foodstagram #foodstyling #foodstreet #foodforthought #foodoftheday #foodtrip #foodcravings #foodcrazy #phototravel #photography #foodphotography #foodphoto #photooftheday #photogrid #photoshoot #traveler #travelling #travelerphoto #travelnow #instafoodie #power #travelgram #flatlay
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Patent US6272499 - Linked lists of transfer descriptors scheduled at intervals - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inAdvanced Patent SearchPatentsA computer system including a serial bus host controller and host controller driver. The host controller driver providing data structures for the host controller to operate on. The data structures having a linking mechanism for processing lists of descriptors, and alternate buffer configurations for... US6272499 - Linked lists of transfer descriptors scheduled at intervalsAdvanced Patent SearchPublication numberUS6272499 B1Publication typeGrantApplication numberUS 09/542,754Publication dateAug 7, 2001Filing dateApr 4, 2000Priority dateSep 5, 1995Fee statusPaidAlso published asUS5832492, US6061687Publication number09542754, 542754, US 6272499 B1, US 6272499B1, US-B1-6272499, US6272499 B1, US6272499B1InventorsDavid R. WootenOriginal AssigneeCompaq Computer CorporationExport CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefManPatent Citations (10), Non-Patent Citations (2), Referenced by (25), Classifications (14), Legal Events (5) External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, EspacenetLinked lists of transfer descriptors scheduled at intervalsUS 6272499 B1Abstract A computer system including a serial bus host controller and host controller driver. The host controller driver providing data structures for the host controller to operate on. The data structures having a linking mechanism for processing lists of descriptors, and alternate buffer configurations for receiving data from the serial bus devices. 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Of course, many modifications are possible to the package 110 described above, including the modifications suggested above in conjunction with the package 10. In addition, any suitable attaching mechanism can be used to secure the anchor panel 136 in place to the end panel or the frame 114, including a wide variety of adhesives, fasteners, and mechanical interlocking arrangements. If desired, the product 50 may be enclosed in a protective layer or structure before it is placed on the flexible sheet 22. For example, bubble pack or even a suspension package can be used to provide another layer of protection for an extremely fragile product. 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Patent US5077142 - Electroluminescent devices - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inPatentsDisclosed herein an electroluminescent device for converting an energy of an electric field applied directly to a light energy and capable of producing surface luminescent for a large area different from conventional incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps or light emitting diodes.... US5077142 - Electroluminescent devicesAdvanced Patent SearchTry the new Google Patents, with machine-classified Google Scholar results, and Japanese and South Korean patents.Publication numberUS5077142 APublication typeGrantApplication numberUS 07/511,407Publication dateDec 31, 1991Filing dateApr 19, 1990Priority dateApr 20, 1989Fee statusPaidPublication number07511407, 511407, US 5077142 A, US 5077142A, US-A-5077142, US5077142 A, US5077142AInventorsYohta Sakon, Teruyuki Ohnuma, Mitsuru Hashimoto, Shogo Saito, Tetsuo Tsutsui, Chihaya AdachiOriginal AssigneeRicoh Company, Ltd.Export CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefManPatent Citations (2), Referenced by (244), Classifications (13), Legal Events (6) External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, EspacenetElectroluminescent devices Patent CitationsCited PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitleUS4741976 *Feb 27, 1987May 3, 1988Canon Kabushiki KaishaElectroluminescent deviceUS4769292 *Oct 14, 1987Sep 6, 1988Eastman Kodak 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29.3*17cm Certificate Funny Silicone Cake mold Silicone Product Factory Cake Baking Mold食品级硅胶蛋糕模 蛋糕模东莞厂商厂家 蛋糕模加工 * Indicated required fieldInquire: Owl-shaped Silicone Cake Pan94Owl-shaped Silicone Cake Pan,Silicone Product Factory, Cake Baking Pan TrayRabbit Shape Silicone Cake moulds101Rabbit-shaped Funny Silicone Cake mold,Silicone Product Factory, Cake Baking MoldHeart-shaped Silicone Cake Pan87Heart-shaped Silicone Cake Pan,Silicone Product Factory, Cake Baking Pan TrayButterfly-shaped Silicone Cake Mold83Butterfly-shaped Funny Silicone Cake mold,Silicone Product Factory, Cake Baking Mold
生煎锅贴的英文怎么说 生煎锅贴的英文:Guotie Stuffed with Porkstuffed是什么意思:adj. 填料的The cook stuffed the tomato with the shrimp.大厨把虾肉塞入西红柿内。A pillow stuffed with feathers.枕头里塞满了羽毛。The cupboard was stuffed with o 生煎饱的英文怎么说 生煎饱的英文:pan fried pork bunpan是什么意思:n. 平底锅;秤盘;牧羊神v. 严厉批评,抨击;淘洗,淘金This is a scale pan.这是个秤盘。What's the size of the pan?这秤盘的尺寸多大?They panned off the sand and dirt. 他们用淘金盘淘去砂泥。fried是什么意 生计问题的英文怎么说
January 31, 2018 By 美麗牧師 Leave a Comment 美麗牧師講道題目:「求主開我的眼睛 !」;主題經文:詩篇 119:18, 27, 107;使徒行傳 17: 10 -11;提摩太後書 2:13;約翰福音 16:12-13;信息筆記按此下載。 Pastor Mei Li’s sermon entitled: “Open My Eyes That I May See!”; theme scripture: Psalm 119:18, 27, 107;Acts 17: 10 -11;2 Timothy 2:13;John 16:12-13.
1. A tag for use in an electronic article surveillance system, the tag comprising: a housing, a detectable marker held by the housing, means for attaching the housing to an article to be protected, wherein the marker includes a resonant circuit including an inductor and a capacitor, wherein the inductor is comprised of a solenoid type winding defining a winding opening, wherein the circuit has a Performance Factor P of at least 1�106 in the equation P=QA1.5, wherein Q is equal to the circuit Q, and wherein A is equal to the area of the winding opening in square millimeters. 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Fr2.58 NICOLE DIARY Nail Stamping Plate Rectangle Skull Patterns Flower Nail Art Image Templates 099 - '); } container.find('ul').html(pagehtml); var int = getInterval(; for (var i=int.start;i<=int.end;i++) { container.find('ul li[data-idx='+i+']').show(); if (i>midRange) { container.find('li.ellipse').eq(0).show(); } if (i<= 0) val = 1; qty.val(val); }) function add_cart(el, cb){ var params = {}; params['id'] = $('#cart_form').find('input[name=id]').val(); params['action'] = $('#cart_form').find('input[name=action]').val(); params['qty'] = $('#cart_form').find('input[name=qty]').val(); if (params['qty'] < 1 || isNaN(params['qty'])) { alert("Quantity must be a valid number!"); return false; }else{ params['qty'] = parseInt(params['qty']); } var emptyAttr = false; var hasAttr = $('.attrsSelector').length > 0; $('.attrsSelector').each(function(){ var attrName = $(this).find('li').attr("data-attrname"); var selectedAttr = $(this).find(""); if (selectedAttr.length === 1) { var opkey = selectedAttr.attr('data-key'); 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- Jinjiang Inn Beijing Fangzhuang Branch Jinjiang Inn Beijing Fangzhuang Branch No.210, Guanjia Keng, Chengshou Si Road Middle Street, Fengtai District(北京市丰台区成寿寺路中街关家坑210号) Search Room Rates: Jinjiang Inn Beijing Fangzhuang Branch
z = cr 2 1 + 1 - ( 1 + k ) c 2 r 2 + ∑ i = 1 8 α i r 2 i , wherein z represents a sag amount which is defined as a distance from a point on the aspheric surface to a tangential plane of the aspheric surface vertex, c is a paraxial curvature, r is a height of a point on the aspheric surface with respect to the optical axis, k is a conic constant, and αi is the ith-order aspheric coefficient. Patent CitationsCited PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitleUS5677798 *Oct 28, 1994Oct 14, 1997Asahi Kogaku Kogyo Kabushiki KaishaImage forming lens systemCN1517738AJan 20, 2004Aug 4, 2004里程碑株式会社Lens for camera shootingCN1837883AMar 24, 2005Sep 27, 2006富士能株式会社Single-focus lensJP2001183578A * Title not available* Cited by examinerReferenced byCiting PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitleUS7995291 *Aug 9, 2011Fujinon CorporationImage reading lens system and image reading apparatusUS20090219630 *Jan 29, 2009Sep 3, 2009Yoko YamamotoImage reading lens system and image reading apparatus* Cited by examinerClassifications U.S. Classification359/794, 359/717International ClassificationG02B13/18, G02B3/02, G02B9/06Cooperative ClassificationG02B13/003, G02B9/06European ClassificationG02B13/00M1A2, G02B9/06Legal EventsDateCodeEventDescriptionFeb 5, 2008ASAssignmentOwner name: GENIUS ELECTRONIC OPTICAL CO., LTD., TAIWANFree format text: ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNORS:CHEN, SHIH-HAN;GAO, GUO-FEI;LI, LIE-HONG;REEL/FRAME:020464/0227Effective date: 20080125Sep 11, 2012FPAYFee paymentYear of fee payment: 4RotateOriginal ImageGoogle Home - Sitemap - USPTO Bulk Downloads - Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - About Google Patents - Send FeedbackData provided by IFI CLAIMS Patent Services
Xi'an China International Horticultural Exposition 2011 西安世界园艺览会 2011 - SkyscraperPage Forum Xi'an China International Horticultural Exposition 2011 西安世界园艺览会 2011 Posted Apr 29, 2011, 4:05 PM
Shanxi province, with plans for “comprehensive deepening of digital integration and application, and transforming the digital economy into a new engine for economic growth;” The launch of the Xinjiang Gaoxin Digital Industry Park (新疆高新数字产业园) by Xinjiang province on 8 August to attract leading digital economy companies and resources within China. The park includes the creation of a “5G edge computing application scenario lab.” Zhejiang province has executed major cooperative contracts for 28 digital economy areas including integrated circuits, artificial intelligence and the industrial internet, worth total investment of 30.335 billion yuan. Zhejiang province is also involved in the implementation of 100 “major digitization projects,” 5000 “AI technology upgrade projects,” and the creation of 100 “unmanned workshops” and “unmanned factories.”
We had dinner at Flounder's Chowder House. It's an interesting place with a beautiful view of the bay. We had been outside all day and my husband didn't want to sit outside so we were seated inside. The inside, while interesting, is very dark, depressing, and dated. All the ladies must take a trip to the ladies' room and be... 正在更新清单... 查看过Flounder's Chowder House的旅行者还看了 Florida Panhandle彭萨科拉海滩 The Grand Marlin of Pensacola Beach
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1 hour later, we were at Har ki Pairi… From here, we took turn into market for Hotel and after some search-research we found a good budget hotel which was near to Har ki Pairi as well. By the time we entered in to the room, it was almost 4 P.M. After freshen up we ordered for lunch, which was not at all a good food… We were badly exhausted so decide to take some rest first and then will go to Har ki pairi for Arti… Hounslow Heath in West London. 伦敦西部的豪恩斯洛希斯。 Hounslow Heath di London Barat. 西ロンドンのハウンズロー・ヒース。 It can be quite noisy here since it is very close to Heathrow... [image: Hôtel Novotel Paris Tour Eiffel (hôtel Nikko), quai de Grenelle, Front de Seine (Beaugrenelle), Quartier de Grenelle, Paris]
There is a pleasant 1-mile route to the Patuxent river at the end of the plan, through woods, and passing fields with barns and horses. Bicycles are available.You have to match Zoes place and your expectations. If you are looking for a place that is like staying with a relative and her pets as I understood it to be, you will love it. If you need a place that's quiet, immaculate, and you never see your host, not for you. Sandee2016-06-27T00:00:00ZArt der UnterkunftPrivatzimmerObjekttypHausUnterkunft für2SchlafzimmerMechanicsville, Maryland, Vereinigte StaatenBedroom & Bathroom in Leafy LocationPreis46€ Bedroom & Bathroom in Leafy LocationPrivatzimmer · 1 Bett1 BewertungMy place is close to public transport, family-friendly activities, and nightlife. My place is good for couples and business travelers.Art der UnterkunftPrivatzimmerObjekttypHausUnterkunft für4SchlafzimmerWaldorf, Maryland, Vereinigte StaatenLacey APreis72€ Lacey APrivatzimmer · 2 Betten · Voll erstattungsfähigOur home is close to Regency Furniture Stadium (home of the MD Blue Crabs Baseball Team) and St. Charles Mall, restaurants and dining. Solos and couples are welcome. We are 25-30 mins. from National Harbor and Tanger Outlet Mall and 40 minutes to Downtown DC. Depending on our schedule, we may be able to transport you into the city for a nominal fee of $20 each way.Christol is a fantastic hostess! The space is terrific, and very conducive to resting for your next day. Very close to so many things to do and restaurants to enjoy. I love staying at Christol's home!Megan2017-05-13T00:00:00ZChristol was a fantastic host, accommodating my later check in and leaving a bottle of water and chocolates on the bed. And that bed! So comfortable! I do not think I moved at all while sleeping! The bathroom door is just outside the bedroom door, so very convenient. She made sure I had everything I needed, in case I forgot anything (like toothbrush/paste, lotion). And when I left crazy early in the morning (before 5:30!), Christol had kindly left a bag of healthy breakfast/snacks for the day - which was so thoughtful and very appreciated. And Mr. Kitty, who is very soft, saw me off in the morning, mostly by watching me from the stairs. Megan2016-11-05T00:00:00ZArt der UnterkunftPrivatzimmerObjekttypHausUnterkunft für2SchlafzimmerWaldorf, Maryland, Vereinigte StaatenBright and Comfortable 1 Bedroom w/ Full BathPreis72€ Bright and Comfortable 1 Bedroom w/ Full BathPrivatzimmer · 1 Bett · Voll erstattungsfähig1 BewertungAdventurous décor and monthly Wine Tasting Events.Privately owned large home tucked away on 7+ acres wooded area in scenic semi-secluded neighborhood in La Plata, located in Southern Maryland about 30 miles southeast of Washington, DC, 60 miles south of Baltimore, and 45 miles southwest of Annapolis. With only about 30 min to public transportation, Metro system makes it a great way to explore and travel between locations. Transportation to Metro is available for pick up and drop off for a fee. Host can also accommodate transportation from/to Airport for a fee. Access to several military bases in MD Andrews AFB, U.S. Naval Academy, Patuxent River NAS, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Coast Guard Yard, Fort Richie, Fort Meade, Fort Derrick, Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Also near The Pentagon, Ft. Belvoir, Ft Eustis, Ft. Lee, Fort A.P Hill and of course with its impressive monuments and museums, government buildings and Mansions-Washington DC. Host is fluent in German and welcomes international travelers!!!! Amenities include Master bedroom w/ private bath, Queen-size bed, Large Outdoor Pool, Cable TV, Internet, Phone, Parking, Washer/Dryer, Kitchen privileges, small Breakfast Bar (coffee, milk, juice, cereal, fruits, toast), suitable property for events (please contact me for more details) Multiple Rooms/space are available-please contact host for availability.Very clean, very quite, extremely good host! Gemma 2017-02-14T00:00:00ZThis stay was fantastic! Facilities were great, the host was very friendly and accommodating. I had a wonderful and relaxing stay. I recommend this place 100%M2016-09-09T00:00:00ZOk, first off let me just say, Danny was an awesome host! I had a pool party for my husbands birthday and she was so helpful, providing service above and beyond what I paid for! She always checked on us to make sure there wasn't anything we needed! The room we stayed in after was very comfortable with private bath! I highly recommend this host and location! You will not be disappointed! thanks again Danny, I'm sure I'll be back in the near future!yvette2016-07-31T00:00:00ZI fully enjoyed my time at Daniela's place, she was a wonderful host. Gemma 2017-02-01T00:00:00ZArt der UnterkunftPrivatzimmerObjekttypHausUnterkunft für2SchlafzimmerLa Plata, Maryland, Vereinigte StaatenPrivate & Spacious "Travelers Room"Preis49€ Private & Spacious "Travelers Room"Privatzimmer · 1 Bett4 BewertungenWarm cozy feel. This will be your home away from home. Property is close to 301 south and blue crab stadium. The MGM is 35 minutes away. You will be 41 minutes from DC without the DC noise.Ekemini was very nice and the house was great. I would definitely recommend staying here.Jeff2017-05-05T00:00:00ZEkemini is super friendly and helped and answered any questions I had. The bed was very comfortable, only thing was the room got hot sometimes. Highly recommend staying here!Kade2017-04-14T00:00:00ZShe is owesome!!! Fatmata2017-05-13T00:00:00ZArt der UnterkunftPrivatzimmerObjekttypHausUnterkunft für2SchlafzimmerWaldorf, Maryland, Vereinigte StaatenGorgeous Cozy room in Southern MDPreis58€ Gorgeous Cozy room in Southern MDPrivatzimmer · 1 Bett · Voll erstattungsfähig4 BewertungenCome share my 5 bedroom 2 bath single family home with me and Gizmo-my Chow Chow.The bedroom is very spacious, with a Queen sized bed and dresser. There is also a shared bath, with a stand-up shower, and full-sized washer and dryer. The bedroom is located in the basement "man-cave area" and has a sitting area with a large flat-screen TV and free Premium HD cable. Guests also have free wireless internet.The neighborhood is very family friendly, there is a local park and swimming pool.大卫是一个伟大的主机。我们以实际的日期和时间,我们将到达,大卫还行这种非常不确定。他只是要求我们让他在循环,以便他能回家迎接我们。 他的邻居都非常愉快和有益的。 我们喜欢我们的空间。虽然浴室是共享的,我们是他唯一的客人,只有大卫和只在他需要做的洗衣时间分享。 他检查与我们,以确保一切都很好。我们必须获得他的厨房,无线网络和有线电视。看着他的怪物电视是一个额外的好处。 如果我们需要住宿在未来的区域,我们会再留在大卫。Tiffany2015-08-26T00:00:00Z大卫是伟大的!我们几乎晚了两个小时办理登机手续,因为交通,但我们发短信给大卫和他非常理解,并告诉我们要小心驾驶!当我们遇见大卫,他是如此的漂亮和包容! 房子: 房子是可爱的!整个书房是自己(这是在夏天的时候惊人的!)。卧室是巨大的,舒适的,我们接触到的私人浴室,共用客厅,(虽然大卫每次我们输入的时间给我们空间)访问厨房楼上一些水!大卫也给了我们访问了WiFi马上这是伟大的!大卫给了我们访问了Netflix和所有的媒体对他巨大的电视在客厅!大卫也有利于在给我们吃饭,事情在该地区做选择! 邻里: 你需要一辆车来这里!大卫的房子位于附近的一堆购物广场和商场(5-10分钟内驾车一切),所以你什么事是不远处!Louissa2015-07-26T00:00:00ZWe had to coordinate our stay on short notice and David had everything ready for us when we moved in. It was a pleasure staying here and would recommend it to anyone else in the future.mike2015-07-22T00:00:00Z大卫是一位出色的主持人。他远远偏离以确保一切都是完美的。我会留每当机会出现。David2016-08-14T00:00:00ZRoom was spotless and very comfortable. Very good first stay with airbnb!Ian2017-04-23T00:00:00Z大卫是伟大的!我们与电视访问整个书房,我们有wifi的!厨房是美丽的,我们被允许使用它时。我们有自己的空间,它是美丽的。肯定会留!Michael2016-07-04T00:00:00ZArt der UnterkunftPrivatzimmerObjekttypHausUnterkunft für2SchlafzimmerWaldorf, Maryland, Vereinigte StaatenSpacious Bedroom in DC SuburbPreis58€ Spacious Bedroom in DC SuburbPrivatzimmer · 1 Bett · Voll erstattungsfähig5 BewertungenCozy, clean, brand new suite available in quiet suburb of DC. Only 35 mins from the brand new MGM grand. 15-20 mins from Andrews AFB and 45 mins from all that DC has to offer without the high price tag or noise.Naja's place was very clean and comfortable. Naja was a great host she even made dinner one night for me. If you are worried about her dog, Dutchess don't be! I barely even noticed that she was there and never heard her bark once. There are plenty of places nearby to go out to eat and shop as well.Nicholas2017-05-19T00:00:00ZNaja is a fantastic host, great personality. Everything she describes is accurate. Great location close to everything you might need in the area. Very positive energy. She is very responsive offered suggestions on places to eat etc. near by. Very easy check in. Felt like home. Better than being in a hotel.Terry2017-05-22T00:00:00ZMy experience at Naja's place was fantastic. The accommodations were extremely CLEAN and comfortable. I felt at home in a environment that had everything I needed. I was pleased to find that the home was in a nice neighborhood, with excellent security. It was definitely a pleasure staying there for the time I did and I would do it again. I highly recommend anyone who is thinking of staying with Naja to do so. Adam2017-05-08T00:00:00ZArt der UnterkunftPrivatzimmerObjekttypHausUnterkunft für2SchlafzimmerWaldorf, Maryland, Vereinigte StaatenBEAUTIFUL, CLEAN, BRAND-NEW, PRIVATE GUEST SUITE!Preis58€ BEAUTIFUL, CLEAN, BRAND-NEW, PRIVATE GUEST SUITE!Privatzimmer · 1 Bett · Voll erstattungsfähig7 BewertungenA true home away from home, this single family home pampers you so much, you'll never stay in a hotel again! With all the space and amenities you need, you'll enjoy feeling that you haven't lost a beat, in your home away from home..Much love and attention has gone into this home to make it show like a travelers are also welcome.Conveniently located in a suburban community 19 miles south of the District of Columbia. The neighborhood is close to shopping, has biking/walking trails, two man-made lakes, and a lovely pool and clubhouse.The house was large and worked well for our big group. We had 12 people, but I would recommend no more than 9-10. The space was very comfortable with many separate areas for conversation, watching television, etc. The master bedroom has a super comfortable mattress and awesome pillows! In addition, the neighborhood was quite and parking was no problem, since there was a driveway. The Metro is an easy 20-25 minute drive away. It was a great location to be close to Washington DC, but with the comforts of the suburbs. Amelia 2017-01-22T00:00:00Z家庭是绝对惊艳与超市整洁,装饰是一流的,我的客户和我真的很喜欢家庭。Ebony2017-02-27T00:00:00ZThis Suburban Affair is amazing! Host David and Angela were awesome - such a great experience. Great communication and accommodations. They really provide top notch customer service and peace of mind! Neighborhood is great and the home is spacious and wonderfully designed! If you are looking for a great getaway with the feeling of home, you are in the right place. We had a couple questions around a few things as this was our first experience using Air BNB, David took all of my calls leading up to our stay and thereafter. Angela is amazing! So sweet and helpful as well. She has an awesome Spa business as well and her products work wonders (I asked her for her services for our girlfriends spa day we are planning)! Their son also great. He met me when I arrived and gave me a walk through, he answered every question and showed me how to work all the cool gadgets. So many amenities and areas so that you won't feel crammed. You are definitely going to be pleased with this place. We surely were - plenty of beds and space.JUANITA2017-05-21T00:00:00ZDavid and his wife are awesome, they have a beautiful and comfortable home. It is beautifully decorated and spacious. They made sure we had everything we needed and made the whole process smooth and easy. Hind2017-01-01T00:00:00Z美好的住宿。漂亮的房子。已经计划我们的下逗留。alexandria2016-11-20T00:00:00ZArt der UnterkunftGanze UnterkunftObjekttypHausUnterkunft für12SchlafzimmerWaldorf, Maryland, Vereinigte StaatenA Suburban Affair...Preis250€ A Suburban Affair...Ganze Unterkunft · 9 Betten6 BewertungenEnjoy your privacy with a Q BR, private bath, kitchen and living area.Quiet farm setting.This is a rural, farm setting.Dies ist einer meiner besten Airbnb Erfahrungen. Es war mit Abstand der beste Wert. Die Einrichtungen waren geräumig und einfach. Wir haben den Pool Tisch - versuchen, dass in einem Hotel in einer Suite der Zimmer zu bekommen. Ich hasse es zu viel auf diesem Platz zu prahlen, wie ich auf jeden Fall wieder kommen will, wenn es Zeit ist, den Wein zu setzen - aus Angst, dass andere Reisende, den Platz bis buchen werden. Die Gastgeber waren freundlich und hätten nicht hilfsbereiter sein können. Sehr empfehlenswert.Charles2017-03-31T00:00:00Z아름다운 가정 아직 모든 가까운 국가 생활의 느낌. 나는 그들의를 가져 와서 우리와 함께 가져온 DVD 플레이어의 리모컨을 잊었 때 우리를 도와 그들의 방법 갔다.Elise2017-04-16T00:00:00ZArt der UnterkunftGanze UnterkunftObjekttypHausUnterkunft für2SchlafzimmerCharlotte Hall, Maryland, Vereinigte StaatenCozy countryPreis47€ Cozy countryGanze Unterkunft · 1 Bett · Voll erstattungsfähig5 BewertungenPrivate Room with Private Bath. We are 2 Miles from the Hospital & 4 Miles from the Court House. Discount for weekly and monthly rates. $700 monthly rate. There is a Smart TV, with Netflix, but no Cable TV. There is also Wireless Internet.This room is at the top of the stairs & is separate from the rest of the bedrooms for privacy. You have a private bath, but it is not attached to the bedroom. We recently added a desk to the room. In the summer we put a window AC Unit in. There is central AC, but this room tends to get warmer than the rest of the house.Houses in our neighborhood are well spaced on three plus acres with lots of trees for privacy.Barbara was very welcoming and the room was exactly as described. I felt comfortable staying here and Barbara was very accommodating. It is in a perfect location for commuting to the local hospital. I definitely recommend booking this room!Sarah2016-01-09T00:00:00ZI was immediately greeted and offered help with my bags. I received an in depth intro to the house, facilities, including use of electronics and the kitchen - I even was offered cherry pie & ice cream! Christine2016-07-04T00:00:00ZBarbara and Tom welcomed me into their beautiful home and were very hospitable and kind. The room was perfect for my needs. The neighborhood is in the quiet countryside but still close to town. I stayed one month with no complaints. I would definitely stay here again if the opportunity arises. Bryan2016-10-11T00:00:00ZVery nice people. The room is beautiful and quiet. I loved the house and the quiet countryside it was built in. I would stay here again.Melissa2016-07-11T00:00:00ZGreat.Nick2017-04-27T00:00:00ZBarbara and her husband were gracious hosts and their home was comfortable for a restful night's sleep.Tarron2017-03-31T00:00:00ZBarbara's neighborhood is in a secluded, woodsy area, but it's only a few minutes away from the center of Prince Frederick. It felt very safe and peaceful there, and I think it's a wonderful alternative to staying in any of the nearby hotels. I was warmly greeted when I arrived. As promised, the room was separate from the other rooms upstairs, and there is a private bath as well. The room is well appointed, clean, and comfortable. There is an A/C window unit, which looks like a new addition since the photos were taken for the Airbnb listing. Barbara provided me with a towel and washcloth, and left a new bar of soap in the bathroom for me. WiFi connection was easy and fast. She gave me as much privacy as I wanted, but did bring a slice of cake up to my room. (It was delicious!) I told her that I would be leaving very early in the morning, as I was driving to Ohio the next day. I was concerned about disrupting any morning routines, but she assured me that it was absolutely not a problem. So I was able to leave shortly after 6 (not quietly, I fear, though I tried). She does have pets (as mentioned), but they stayed downstairs, so I didn't see them much during my stay. I have two dogs myself, so pets are not an issue for me. Karyn2016-06-16T00:00:00ZBarbara was a kind & gracious host. Her guest room was perfectly kept & clean, very comfortable, & well decorated. I had a lot of privacy & enjoyed the quiet, peaceful ambiance of her home. Additionally, it was a 2-minute drive to restaurants, coffee, & grocery stores, as well as a quick, gorgeous 20 minute drive to North Beach, where I was visiting. Highly recommended!Lisa2017-01-22T00:00:00ZArt der UnterkunftPrivatzimmerObjekttypHausUnterkunft für1SchlafzimmerPrince Frederick, Maryland, Vereinigte StaatenPrivate Room in our HomePreis36€ Private Room in our HomePrivatzimmer · 1 Bett · Voll erstattungsfähig11 Bewertungenone level rambler 4bedroomArt der UnterkunftPrivatzimmerObjekttypHausUnterkunft für2SchlafzimmerWaldorf, Maryland, Vereinigte StaatenPeaceful RamblerPreis89€ Peaceful RamblerPrivatzimmer · 2 Betten · Voll erstattungsfähig Our beautiful country home & farm sits on 13+ acres; 7 wooded and 6 a working vegetable farm. Newly renovated country house, set on 13 1/2 acres and less than an hour's drive from downtown Washington DC. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathroom home welcomes you and your family or friends to relax, enjoy the beautiful setting in La Plata, MD. Home has multiple outdoor spaces, full living room and dine seating for 10 as well as a huge den/family room. Bonus outdoor shower. Flat screens in almost every room, 5 in total and High speed wireless. There is a comfortable sofa bed in den that can sleep two for a total of 10 people. The property has it's own fresh, deep water well and is completely solar powered but also on grid. We are also pet friendly. The house has all hardwood floors and natural tile in the baths. No messy carpets. The house is centrally Air conditioned and has ceiling fans throughout. Hair dryer in master bath.There are 2 outdoor grills.The neighborhood is part residential, part farm land, part wooded areas. Our entire property is fenced in and very private thanks to the large trees and 7 wooded acres. There are two small ponds and a stream on the property as well as wooded trails. Shopping is nearby as well as small towns, many farms and all the outdoor activities Southern Maryland has to offer including flea markets, farmer's markets, hunting, fishing, local sports and the great outdoors.A bunch of us were in La Plata for a wedding nearby and this house exceeded our expectations! The house was really comfortable and luxurious. We loved getting to spend a few days staying here. If we're ever in the La Plata area again this will undoubtedly be our top choice!Alex2016-09-19T00:00:00ZThis is a great place to stay and David and crew were great hosts. If you are looking for a ton of room and great furnishings take a look at this listing. David went above and beyond by providing household amenities to make our stay even better. A must revisit. Ben and Jamie2015-07-09T00:00:00ZThe listing description was spot on. The farmhouse was beautiful and more than I expected. The neighborhood was also aligned to how it was described. David was a great host and made things very easy for us. I appreciated his thoroughness as a host. Eugene2015-07-13T00:00:00ZThe farm was absolutely lovely. Beautifully decorated, rustic-modern, with all the amenities to make us feel pampered during our stay! Everything was perfect 3Tahirih2016-03-30T00:00:00ZThe house was lovely. Wonderfully furnished, cozy, but not at all fussy. Everything we needed to have a comfortable stay. And the neighborhood was so quiet, and yet it was an easy drive to restaurants and grocery stores. We loved our trip to the "big farmhouse."Andrew & Hope2014-11-29T00:00:00ZBeautiful, spacious home! Very clean. Hosts were very responsive to questions. Katie2016-07-12T00:00:00ZI spent a great New Years Eve trip here with a group of 8 friends! The interior is perfect... huge gourmet kitchen, den, big dining room table, very comfortable bedrooms, and fireplaces. Any appreciator of great interior design will love this house. Even though it was cold out we still hung out on the porches. The house is also conveniently stocked with all the basic cooking utensils/ingredients and paper products. We enjoyed a brief chat with Farmer Erica & she pointed out what we could pick and cook (turnips, bok choy, arugula) and showed us how to access the big field out back. Once our dog learned what areas were off limits, he had a blast playing fetch in the huge yard & field. The property is directly behind and within site of two other houses; however with the large fence it still felt private. La Plata isn't a destination in and of itself, but the house makes up for it. We took a quick trip to Historic Port Tobacco which is teeny but a nice trip just to get out for the afternoon. Kate2015-01-03T00:00:00ZWe could not have been happier with David's gorgeous house! The interior was spotless and impeccable and we loved the way it was decor'd. All the bedrooms were large and had fantastic bedding and all the bathrooms were beautifully appointed with plenty of fresh towels and amenities. The fridge and pantry were stocked and was one of my favorite kitchens to cook in, it was huge and had everything one could need! In addition, the kitchen dining table was perfect for our group of 9 plus 2 children. We were able to enjoy the farm with nice walks and even got to chat with the farmer, Erica. Oh and the fireplace added just the touch for our vacation! If I ever find myself near or around the area again I would certainly stay there in a heartbeat!Vanessa2016-01-03T00:00:00ZArt der UnterkunftGanze UnterkunftObjekttypHausUnterkunft für10SchlafzimmerLa Plata, Maryland, Vereinigte StaatenBeautiful Country House 4BD/3BTHPreis268€ Beautiful Country House 4BD/3BTHGanze Unterkunft · 5 Betten · Voll erstattungsfähig15 BewertungenPrivate master bedroom with private bath, king size bed, wifi and cable TV in room. Fully equipped gourmet kitchen, large living room, sun room, fireplace, and garage parking in quiet neighborhood. Wooded lot surrounds swimming pool. All linens.We stayed one night at Mary's place and we had a pleasant evening with her. She was very helpful. The room was spacious and clean. I would recommend her place.Mariëlla2016-06-05T00:00:00ZArt der UnterkunftPrivatzimmerObjekttypHausUnterkunft für2SchlafzimmerLa Plata, Maryland, Vereinigte StaatenX large master bdrm-king bed, tvPreis80€ X large master bdrm-king bed, tvPrivatzimmer · 1 Bett · Voll erstattungsfähig1 BewertungClean quiet bedroom in extremely convenient part of Center City. Access to all major transportation, restaurants, bars, shops, museums and theaters.Clean quiet bedroom in extremely convenient part of Center City. Access to all major transportation, restaurants, bars, shops, museums and theaters.Art der UnterkunftGemeinsames ZimmerObjekttypHausUnterkunft für2SchlafzimmerWaldorf, Maryland, Vereinigte Staatena wonderful shared roomPreis9€ a wonderful shared roomGemeinsames Zimmer · 1 Bett · Voll erstattungsfähigEnjoy a quiet stay in our lovely home only 20 min from Washington, DC, MGM & National Harbor.Art der UnterkunftPrivatzimmerObjekttypHausUnterkunft für2SchlafzimmerBrandywine, Maryland, Vereinigte StaatenBEAUTIFUL HOME-20 MIN FROM MGM-FREE SHUTTLE RIDEPreis89€ BEAUTIFUL HOME-20 MIN FROM MGM-FREE SHUTTLE RIDEPrivatzimmer · 2 Betten · Voll erstattungsfähig12121 – 18 von 26 FerienhausvermietungenDurchschnittlich 4.83 von 5 Sternen aus 66 Gäste-BewertungenGib deine Reisedaten ein, um den Gesamtpreis pro Nacht zu sehen.Vereinigte Staaten>Maryland>HughesvilleIslands in WashingtonFerienwohnungen in BaltimoreFerienwohnungen in NederlandFerienwohnungen in CharlottesvilleFerienwohnungen in AlexandriaFerienwohnungen in BethesdaPacific GroveLas CrucesAuroraNorth CharlestonArlingtonAnnapolisInserierenKarteFilterNutzungsbedingungenDatenschutzSitemapAirbnbmag
Patent US5634074 - Serial I/O device identifies itself to a computer through a serial interface ... - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inPatentsA self-configuring startup procedure for communications devices, including telecommunications adapters, provides unambiguous identification of the telecommunications adapter, or other communications device, connected to a serial port. The procedure does not interfere with the operation of other existing... US5634074 - Serial I/O device identifies itself to a computer through a serial interface during power on reset then it is being configured by the computerAdvanced Patent SearchPublication numberUS5634074 APublication typeGrantApplication numberUS 08/059,598Publication dateMay 27, 1997Filing dateMay 7, 1993Priority dateMay 7, 1993Fee statusPaidAlso published asWO1994027223A1Publication number059598, 08059598, US 5634074 A, US 5634074A, US-A-5634074, US5634074 A, US5634074AInventorsMark Devon, John Lynch, James B. NicholsOriginal AssigneeApple Computer, Inc.Export CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefManPatent Citations (14), Non-Patent Citations (2), Referenced by (67), Classifications (14), Legal Events (7) External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, EspacenetSerial I/O device identifies itself to a computer through a serial interface during power on reset then it is being configured by the computer Patent CitationsCited PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitleUS4660141 *Dec 6, 1983Apr 21, 1987Tri Sigma CorporationSelf configuring computer network with automatic bus exchange of module identification numbers and processor assigned module numbersUS4689786 *Mar 21, 1985Aug 25, 1987Apple Computer, Inc.Local area network with self assigned address methodUS4750136 *Jan 10, 1986Jun 7, 1988American Telephone And Telegraph, At&T Information Systems Inc.Communication system having automatic circuit board initialization capabilityUS4773005 *Sep 17, 1987Sep 20, 1988Tektronix, Inc.Dynamic address assignment systemUS4787028 *Sep 3, 1985Nov 22, 1988Ncr CorporationMulticommunication protocol controllerUS5038320 *Jan 6, 1989Aug 6, 1991International Business Machines Corp.Computer system with automatic initialization of pluggable option cardsUS5204669 *Aug 30, 1990Apr 20, 1993Datacard CorporationAutomatic station identification where function modules automatically initializeUS5226040 *Oct 3, 1991Jul 6, 1993Compaq Computer CorporationData concentration interface for configuration of multiple TTY devicesUS5379296 *Dec 31, 1992Jan 3, 1995Unisys CorporationMethod and apparatus for interfacing a workstation to a plurality of computer platformsUS5452420 *May 6, 1992Sep 19, 1995Allen-Bradley Company, Inc.Intelligent network interface circuit for establishing communication link between protocol machine and host processor employing counter proposal set parameter negotiation schemeEP0410314A2 *Jul 20, 1990Jan 30, 1991Allen-Bradley Company, Inc.Intelligent network interface circuitGB2255877A * Title not availableJPH02113742A * Title not availableWO1987001484A1 *Aug 13, 1986Mar 12, 1987Ncr CorporationCommunication protocol selection for data processing system* Cited by examinerNon-Patent CitationsReference1 *Comer, Douglas E., Internetworking with TCP/IP vol. 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Patent US7417256 - Display device and manufacturing method thereof - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inAdvanced Patent SearchPatentsIt is an object of the present invention to prevent an influence of voltage drop due to wiring resistance, trouble in writing of a signal into a pixel, and trouble in gray scales, and provide a display device with higher definition, represented by an EL display device and a liquid crystal display device.... US7417256 - Display device and manufacturing method thereofAdvanced Patent SearchPublication numberUS7417256 B2Publication typeGrantApplication numberUS 11/511,453Publication dateAug 26, 2008Filing dateAug 29, 2006Priority dateSep 20, 2002Fee statusPaidAlso published asCN1682259A, CN100578573C, US7102231, US7781772, US7897973, US8450851, US20040056855, US20060289889, US20080315205, US20100276695, US20110140134, US20130256892, WO2004027740A1Publication number11511453, 511453, US 7417256 B2, US 7417256B2, US-B2-7417256, US7417256 B2, US7417256B2InventorsShunpei Yamazaki, Mitsuaki OsameOriginal AssigneeSemiconductor Energy Laboratory Co., Ltd.Export CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefManPatent Citations (73), Non-Patent Citations (7), Referenced by (1), Classifications (25), Legal Events (1) External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, EspacenetDisplay device and manufacturing method thereofUS 7417256 B2Abstract It is an object of the present invention to prevent an influence of voltage drop due to wiring resistance, trouble in writing of a signal into a pixel, and trouble in gray scales, and provide a display device with higher definition, represented by an EL display device and a liquid crystal display device. In the present invention, a wiring including Cu is provided as an electrode or a wiring used for the display device represented by the EL display device and the liquid crystal display device. Besides, sputtering is performed with a mask to form the wiring including Cu. With such structure, it is possible to reduce the voltage drop and a deadened signal. 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Patent US5493339 - System and method for transmitting a plurality of digital services including ... - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inAdvanced Patent SearchPatentsA video system for processing compressed video data into composite video data, the composite video data corresponding to a standard composite video signal type selected from a plurality of standard types, the plurality of standard types including at least one of an NTSC composite video signal type and... 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Patent US6193537 - Hermaphroditic contact - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inPatentsA connector having a hermaphroditic contact is disclosed. Such hermaphroditic contact extends longitudinally and is formed as a unitary body from a conductive material. The contact has a base residing in a plane and extending longitudinally and traversely in the plane, a blade arm extending longitudinally... US6193537 - Hermaphroditic contactAdvanced Patent SearchTry the new Google Patents, with machine-classified Google Scholar results, and Japanese and South Korean patents.Publication numberUS6193537 B1Publication typeGrantApplication numberUS 09/317,559Publication dateFeb 27, 2001Filing dateMay 24, 1999Priority dateMay 24, 1999Fee statusPaidPublication number09317559, 317559, US 6193537 B1, US 6193537B1, US-B1-6193537, US6193537 B1, US6193537B1InventorsDonald K. Harper, Jr., Lewis R. JohnsonOriginal AssigneeBerg Technology, Inc.Export CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefManPatent Citations (12), Referenced by (93), Classifications (6), Legal Events (10) External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, EspacenetHermaphroditic contact Patent CitationsCited PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitleUS3115379Nov 29, 1961Dec 24, 1963United Carr Fastener CorpElectrical connectorUS3259869Mar 12, 1964Jul 5, 1966Batcheller Kent JElectric connector memberUS4820182Dec 18, 1987Apr 11, 1989Molex IncorporatedHermaphroditic L. I. 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Doonagore Farmhouse_杜林酒店 - TripAdvisor(猫途鹰) 在53家杜林家庭式酒店/旅馆中排名第32 Cliffs of Moher Road | Doonagore, Doolin, Ireland 以当地语言显示的名称/地址 Doonagore Farmhouse Cliffs of Moher Road | Doonagore, Doolin, Ireland 110条点评 | 排名第 32 (共 53 名) 为了让您可以更轻松地游览杜林,以下是此酒店的当地语言版本名称和地址
Patent US6334847 - Enhanced image processing for a three-dimensional imaging system - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inAdvanced Patent SearchPatentsA depth-limited image processor employed in combination with a three-dimensional ultrasonographic system whereby, from a model representing at least a portion of a three-dimensional volumetric array, a user selecta a ray-depth from at least one face of the model thereby forming a �thick-plane� region... US6334847 - Enhanced image processing for a three-dimensional imaging systemAdvanced Patent SearchPublication numberUS6334847 B1Publication typeGrantApplication numberUS 09/297,361PCT numberPCT/CA1997/000907Publication dateJan 1, 2002Filing dateNov 28, 1997Priority dateNov 29, 1996Fee statusPaidAlso published asCA2267981A1, CA2267981C, DE69737720D1, DE69737720T2, EP0941521A1, EP0941521B1, WO1998024058A1Publication number09297361, 297361, PCT/1997/907, PCT/CA/1997/000907, PCT/CA/1997/00907, PCT/CA/97/000907, PCT/CA/97/00907, PCT/CA1997/000907, PCT/CA1997/00907, PCT/CA1997000907, PCT/CA199700907, PCT/CA97/000907, PCT/CA97/00907, PCT/CA97000907, PCT/CA9700907, US 6334847 B1, US 6334847B1, US-B1-6334847, US6334847 B1, US6334847B1InventorsAaron Fenster, Shane DunneOriginal AssigneeLife Imaging Systems Inc.Export CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefManPatent Citations (4), Referenced by (50), Classifications (11), Legal Events (4) External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, EspacenetEnhanced image processing for a three-dimensional imaging systemUS 6334847 B1Abstract A depth-limited image processor employed in combination with a three-dimensional ultrasonographic system whereby, from a model representing at least a portion of a three-dimensional volumetric array, a user selecta a ray-depth from at least one face of the model thereby forming a �thick-plane� region of interest. All voxels within the �thick-plane� are processed successively according to a user selected imaging technique along the depth of the ray. The results of the processing are projected onto corresponding screen pixels to produce an enhanced three-dimensional image. In another embodiment, an adaptive depth-limited image processing means is employed whereby voxels are first checked against a user selected condition. voxels meeting this condition are then processed as above to produce an enhanced three-dimensional image. The user selected imaging technique may include, but is not limited to, Texture Mapping, Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP), Conditional MIP (CMIP) and/or Ray Summation (Raysum). 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Patent US7398043 - Image forming apparatus free of defect due to substances bleeding from ... - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inPatentsAn image forming apparatus includes an image bearing member for carrying a toner image; a toner image developing device for forming a toner image on the image bearing member; a transfer roller for contacting the image bearing member to form a nip therebetween and for being supplied with a voltage to... US7398043 - Image forming apparatus free of defect due to substances bleeding from transferring memberAdvanced Patent SearchPublication numberUS7398043 B2Publication typeGrantApplication numberUS 11/234,234Publication dateJul 8, 2008Filing dateSep 26, 2005Priority dateSep 29, 2004Fee statusPaidAlso published asCN1755547A, CN100533302C, DE602005007825D1, EP1643318A1, EP1643318B1, US20060067729Publication number11234234, 234234, US 7398043 B2, US 7398043B2, US-B2-7398043, US7398043 B2, US7398043B2InventorsYuichi Ikeda, Jun TomineOriginal AssigneeCanon Kabushiki KaishaExport CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefManPatent Citations (30), Non-Patent Citations (4), Referenced by (1), Classifications (7), Legal Events (4) External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, EspacenetImage forming apparatus free of defect due to substances bleeding from transferring member Patent CitationsCited PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitleUS5862447 *Apr 9, 1997Jan 19, 1999Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.Image forming apparatus, and paper feed members thereofUS6061533Nov 17, 1998May 9, 2000Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.Gamma correction for apparatus using pre and post transfer image densityUS6173135 *Jul 9, 1999Jan 9, 2001Canon Kabushiki KaishaImage forming apparatus with a bias control featureUS6243544 *May 2, 2000Jun 5, 2001Toshiba Tec Kabushiki KaishaMethod and apparatus for forming imageUS6341205Jul 27, 2000Jan 22, 2002Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.Image forming apparatus with cleaning bias featureUS6459865 *Feb 7, 2001Oct 1, 2002Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.Liquid-developing electro-photographic printer photosensitive body cleaning methodUS6654570Oct 30, 2001Nov 25, 2003Canon Kabushiki KaishaImage forming apparatus with various voltage levels applied to transferring memberUS6823152 *Sep 13, 2002Nov 23, 2004Sharp Kabushiki KaishaImage forming apparatus with transferring deviceUS6898393 *Apr 11, 2003May 24, 2005Canon Kabushiki KaishaImage forming apparatus with transfer member and charging member cleaning featureUS6941085 *Jun 4, 2003Sep 6, 2005Sharp Kabushiki KaishaTransfer member cleaning method and image forming apparatusUS20010014230Feb 7, 2001Aug 16, 2001Nec CorporationLiquid-developing electro- photographic printer photosensitive body cleaning methodUS20050201775Mar 10, 2005Sep 15, 2005Canon Kabushiki KaishaMethod for removing toner on an image-bearing memberUS20050281570Jun 10, 2005Dec 22, 2005Canon Kabushiki KaishaImage forming apparatus which can optimize cleaning time of transfer member contacting inter-image area of image bearing memberCN1223390ADec 1, 1998Jul 21, 1999松下电器产业株式会社Image forming apparatusEP1202130A2Oct 29, 2001May 2, 2002Canon Kabushiki KaishaImage forming apparatusEP1607805A1Jun 14, 2005Dec 21, 2005Canon Kabushiki KaishaImage forming apparatus which can optimize cleaning time of transfer member contacting inter-image area of image bearing memberJP2000010364A * Title not availableJP2000147849A Title not availableJP2002031967A Title not availableJP2002099148A Title not availableJP2002202672A Title not availableJP2004117597A Title not availableJP2004126506A Title not availableJPH0635279A Title not availableJPH0720726A Title not availableJPH0962057A * Title not availableJPH1031375A * Title not availableJPH04253073A * Title not availableJPH11160926A Title not availableJPS55157753A * Title not available* Cited by examinerNon-Patent CitationsReference1English-language of an Office Action, i.e., Notification of First Office Action, dated Nov. 2, 2007, issued in Chinese counterpart Application No. 200510106962.6.2Office Action, dated Feb. 6, 2008, issued in European counterpart Application No.: 05 020 822.2-2225.3Patent Abstracts of Japan, Publication No. 2002031967, Jan. 31, 2002.4Patent Abstracts of Japan, Publication No. 2003248361, Sep. 5, 2003.Referenced byCiting PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitleUS20150093130 *Sep 27, 2014Apr 2, 2015Kyocera Document Solutions Inc.Image Forming Apparatus Ensuring Reduced Initial Bleeding Phenomenon* Cited by examinerClassifications U.S. Classification399/313, 399/101International ClassificationG03G15/20Cooperative ClassificationG03G15/1675, G03G15/168European ClassificationG03G15/16F1B, G03G15/16F1CLegal EventsDateCodeEventDescriptionNov 18, 2005ASAssignmentOwner name: CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA, JAPANFree format text: ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNORS:IKEDA, YUICHI;TOMINE, JUN;REEL/FRAME:017234/0356Effective date: 20051028Apr 28, 2009CCCertificate of correctionDec 7, 2011FPAYFee paymentYear of fee payment: 4Dec 23, 2015FPAYFee paymentYear of fee payment: 8RotateOriginal ImageGoogle Home - Sitemap - USPTO Bulk Downloads - Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - About Google Patents - Send FeedbackData provided by IFI CLAIMS Patent Services
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