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Förderung eines lokal betriebenen Strom- und Wasserversorgungssystems im Dorf Danao, Provinz Davao del Sur, Mindanao, Philippinen Integrated regional development with emphasis on community-based renewable energy and water supply in rural villages of Mindanao Förderung eines lokal betriebenen Strom- und Wasserversorgungssystems im Dorf Danao, Provinz Davao del Sur, Mindanao, Philippinen Integrated regional development with emphasis on community-based renewable energy and water supply in rural villages of Mindanao Förderung eines lokal betriebenen Strom- und Wasserversorgungssystems im Dorf Danao, Provinz Davao del Sur, Mindanao, Philippinen Integrated regional development with emphasis on community-based renewable energy and water supply in rural villages of Mindanao | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
TEI-Govt Capacity Building CSOs, Media and The Access Initiative, 2011-2015 - TEI-Govt Capacity Building CSOs, Media and TAI TEI-Govt Capacity Building CSOs, Media and The Access Initiative, 2011-2015 Two projects whereby the one focusses on capacity-building of CSOs and massmedia on communication of environmental issues and environmental governance and the other on capacity-building of CSOs in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region on water issues and climate change adaptation. Två projekt varav det ena fokuserar på CSOs kapacitet i samverkan med massmedia för att stärka kommunikation om miljöfrågor brett samt att utvärdera beslutsprocesser angående miljöfrågor och det andra på Mekongområdet och CSOs kapacitet i hanteringen av vattenresurser och anpassning till klimateffekter. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Programm Nachhaltige Agrarlieferketten und Standards Programme Sustainability and Standards in global Agriculture Value Chains In globalen Agrarlieferketten nutzen ausgewählte Akteure aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft Lösungsansätze, um die Nachhaltigkeit zu erhöhen. In global agricultural supply chains, selected actors from politics, business and civil society use approaches to solutions to increase sustainability. In globalen Agrarlieferketten nutzen ausgewählte Akteure aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft Lösungsansätze, um die Nachhaltigkeit zu erhöhen. In global agricultural supply chains, selected actors from politics, business and civil society use approaches to solutions to increase sustainability. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
ZANZIBAR Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. External Audit | No climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Incoming Delegation Namibia for the World Hydrogen Summit The Green Hydrogen combi-track aims to accelerate the development of green hydrogen economies in Namibia. A previously commissioned study has identified the water-green hydrogen connection as a key area for collaboration. Several Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) have been signed between Dutch and Namibian organizations in this field.The World Hydrogen Summit, held in Rotterdam, presents an ideal platform to showcase the Dutch sector and allow companies to present their latest advancements. By inviting high-level delegates from Namibian organizations involved in the green hydrogen sector, the project aims to facilitate deeper cooperation between public and private entities from both countries. This serves the following objectives:- Positioning the Netherlands as a significant partner in the transition towards a green economy and ecosystem, thereby creating opportunities for Dutch businesses and innovations across the entire value chain, while also advancing development, sustainability, and climate agendas.- Collaborating with South Africa and Namibia to address their challenges and enhance the implementation of their plans regarding green hydrogen.- Enhancing skills development initiatives through Dutch knowledge and technology transfer.In September, a follow-up mission to Namibia will be arranged, during which Dutch businesses and organizations will participate in the Global African Hydrogen Summit and engage in networking opportunities with local counterparts. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Activity under preparation Projet d'appui à la stratégie régionale de stockage de sécurité alimentaire en Afrique de l'Ouest L¿objectif général (impact) de l¿Action est d¿Améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle des populations d¿Afrique de l¿Ouest et du Sahel et la résilience et la durabilité des systèmes alimentaires. L¿objectif spécifique 1 (effet) : La mise en ¿uvre, intégrée et coordonnée, de la stratégie régionale de stockage de la CEDEAO est améliorée.L¿objectif spécifique 2 (effet) : La gouvernance régionale de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle des acteurs du Club du Sahel et de l¿Afrique de l¿Ouest est renforcée, y compris l'articulation entre la prévention et gestion des crises. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
EU-EBRD Sustainable Growth4All Programme Contract related to: EU-EBRD Sustainable Growth4All Programme - The Neighbourhood Investment Platform (NIP) is a blending facility, combining European Union grant contributions or financial instruments, with other public and private sector resources such as loans and equity in order to leverage additional non-grant financing. It forms part of the European Fund for Sustainable Development Plus (EFSD+) as foreseen in Article 32 of the NDICI ¿ Global Europe Regulation[1].The key objective of the NIP is, within the framework of the NDICI ¿ Global Europe Regulation, the EuroMed partnership and the Eastern Partnership, to contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), creating sustainable jobs and infrastructures, and addressing some root causes of migration. To achieve this objective, vital capital investments must be made to rehabilitate, modernise or build essential infrastructures needed for safe and efficient transport of goods and people; enhance food security and resilience to shocks; safe production, transport and consumption of energy; effective environmental protection (in particular to ensure the quality of air, water and soil); sustainable waste management; climate change-related issues, and digital transformation of societies. In addition, capital is need for the provision of basic social services such as health and education; as well as economic growth through the support to private sector development, in particular micro, small, and medium size enterprises (MSMEs). The projects financed in the framework of the NIP shall greatly contribute to key Flagships identified in the Economic and Investment Plan[2] annexed to the Joint Communication of the Commission and the High Representative on a Renewed partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
CC NEPAD Conservation Agric - NEPAD Conservation Agric CC NEPAD Conservation Agric The purpose is to develop a solid knowledge and partnership base for effective continent-wide up-scaling of agroforestry based conservation agriculture among smallholder farmers in sub Saharan Africa Projektet syftar till att skapa en relevant kunskapsbas för effektiv spridning av jordbrukssystem baserade på markvård och agroforestry bland småskalliga jordbrukare i Afrika Söder om Sahara | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
EUROCLIMA+2022 Reducción Riesgo Climático CIDES Panamá EUROCLIMA+2022 Reducción Riesgo Climático CIDES Panamá Fortalecimiento de capacidades nacionales y locales para la reducción del riesgo climático y resiliencia en los asentamientos humano s en el Distrito de Kusapin, Comarca Ngäbe Bublé | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Rwanda Agriculture sector delivery grant To increase agriculture productivity in view to reduce poverty through Economy-wide growth led by the agricultural sector | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Schaffung von Lebensperspektiven durch Zugang zu Land und Schutz natürlicher Ressourcen Enhancing perspectives for food production through increasing access to land and protecting natural resources Schaffung von Lebensperspektiven durch Zugang zu Land und Schutz natürlicher Ressourcen Enhancing perspectives for food production through increasing access to land and protecting natural resources Schaffung von Lebensperspektiven durch Zugang zu Land und Schutz natürlicher Ressourcen Enhancing perspectives for food production through increasing access to land and protecting natural resources | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Capacity-building to establish an integrated and enhanced transparency framework in Uzbekistan to track the national climate actions and support measures received (MSP) (FSP) To enhance Uzbekistan's institutional and technical capacities to ensure monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of NDC climate actions and support received for complying with enhanced Transparency Framework of Paris Agreement | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Enhancement of Regional energy market in the ESA IO region Program to create a harmonised regulatory framework in the region conducive for investment, especially in clean energy | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Förderung von Resilenz , Ernährungssicherung und nachhaltiger Entwicklung in den Distrikten Chemba und Caia in der Diözese Beira, Mosambik Promotion of resilence, food security and sustainable Development in the districts Chemba and Caia in the diocese of Beira, Mozambique Förderung von Resilenz , Ernährungssicherung und nachhaltiger Entwicklung in den Distrikten Chemba und Caia in der Diözese Beira, Mosambik Promotion of resilence, food security and sustainable Development in the districts Chemba and Caia in the diocese of Beira, Mozambique Stärkung der Resilienz der im Projektgebiet ansässigen Bevölkerung
gegenüber Wetterextremen, die dauerhafte Ernährungssicherung und die Einleitung eines nachhaltigen Entwicklungsprozesses in der Region. Strengthening the resilience of the local population in the project area
to extreme weather events, lasting food security and the introduction of a sustainable development process in the region. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Teilnahme von NDCP an der COP25 mit einem Pavillion Participation of NDCP at the COP 25 with a Pavilion Teilnahme von NDCP an der COP25 mit einem Pavillion Participation of NDCP at the COP 25 with a Pavilion Eine Plattform zum Austausch hinsichtlich der Umsetzung von Klimazielen wird geschaffen A Platform for information exchange regarding climate targets is created | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Ensure protection of livelihoods and acceptable food consumption of vulnerable populations at risk of extreme food insecurity due to drought. Ensure protection of livelihoods and acceptable food consumption of vulnerable populations at risk of extreme food insecurity due to drought. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Stärkung der Existenzgrundlagen von Bauernfamilien in Mandasta, Munizip Curaren Consolidation of Livelihood for small-scale farmers families in Mandasta, Curaren Municipality, Honduras Stärkung der Existenzgrundlagen von Bauernfamilien in Mandasta, Munizip Curaren Consolidation of Livelihood for small-scale farmers families in Mandasta, Curaren Municipality, Honduras Stärkung der Existenzgrundlagen von Bauernfamilien in Mandasta, Munizip Curaren Consolidation of Livelihood for small-scale farmers families in Mandasta, Curaren Municipality, Honduras | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Contribution to the World Bank Trust Fund for the Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme -ESMAP Contributo al fondo fiduciario per la Banca Mondiale per il programma di assistenza allo sviluppo del settore energia This proposal aims to establishing a contribution to a multilateral World Bank Trust Fund in support to a worldwide energy assistance sector program (Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme –ESMAP).The program aims to provide support to low and middle income countries to achieve environmentally sustainable energy sector development for poverty reduction and economic growth. The ESMAP is providing a multi-year funding support to implement analytical work, advisory services, technical assistance, supporting capacity building and knowledge. La presente proposta mira a creare un contributo a un Fondo multilaterale di fiducia della Banca mondiale a sostegno di un programma mondiale nel settore dell'assistenza energetica (Programma di Assistenza per la gestione del settore energetico - ESMAP). Il programma mira a fornire sostegno ai paesi a basso e medio reddito per conseguire energie sostenibili dal punto di vista ambientale lo sviluppo del settore per la riduzione della povertà e la crescita economica. L'ESMAP sta fornendo un supporto finanziario pluriennale per l'attuazione del lavoro analitico, dei servizi di consulenza, dell'assistenza tecnica, della capacità di supporto e della conoscenza. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Sustainable Agriculture Kigoma Regional Project SAKiRP Projet régional à Kigoma dans l'agriculture durable SAKiRP This project aims to support agricultural development in Kigoma through a pro-poor value chain approach. The project will
facilitate value chain development through organizing and empowering smallholders and linking them with traders, facilitating value chain financing, strengthening value chain service provision, market intelligence and multi stakeholder processes. Gender equity in the development of value chains will be of great importance. This project aims to support agricultural development in Kigoma through a pro-poor value chain approach. The project will
facilitate value chain development through organizing and empowering smallholders and linking them with traders, facilitating value chain financing, strengthening value chain service provision, market intelligence and multi stakeholder processes. Gender equity in the development of value chains will be of great importance. The value chains of cassava and beans show the highest potential for pro-poor value chain development if one looks at the market potential, the potential for the promotion of gender equity and women empowerment, the contribution to household food security, the income potential and the overall outreach of the chain in Kigoma. Therefore these two value chains are selected as priority chains for the start of the project. Indirectly other value chains will also benefit from the project. Agriculture is the main economic activity in Kigoma Region, employing over 70% of the population, dominated by small-scale farmers, especially women. The major crops are maize, beans, cassava, rice, bananas, oil palm, coffee, tobacco and various fruits and vegetables. Recently sunflower has been introduced in the region.
The agriculture in Kigoma region is characterized by low crop production and productivity, poor service delivery, lack of farmers' organization, poor market access, weak linkages between actors and the lack of active search for supporting each other and achieving a win-win collaboration. Local economic development and wellbeing of smallholders is improved in Kigoma Region through sustainable agriculture development. Smallholders' income is increased and diversified in Kigoma Region, especially for women, through pro-poor chains development. R1. Value chains management and coordination mechanisms are installed and steer cassava and beans value chain development.
R2. Sound financial mechanisms are developed and financial organizations are strenghtened to support value chain development.
R3. Public and private chain supporters provide effective services to value chain actors.
R4. Stronger position of smallholders, especially women, in the value chain through improved integration and empowerment.
R5. Improved market access and sustainable trade. The direct beneficiaries of the project are the smallholders, especially women and other chain actors
of the cassava and beans value chains. Secondary beneficiaries will be the local chain supporters,
including the Region and the Districts. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
ODA equity through Finnfund Developes sustainable plantation forestry projects in several East-African countries, produces various wood products. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Agricultural Development Programme Programm Landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung The value chains for maniok, sesam, rice and small garden products which are supported in the framework of the project have been improved in regard to their efficiency at national level Die geförderten Wertschöpfungsketten von Maniok, Sesam, Reis und Gartenbauprodukten sind auf nationaler Ebene leistungsfähiger. The value chains for maniok, sesam, rice and small garden products which are supported in the framework of the project have been improved in regard to their efficiency at national level Die geförderten Wertschöpfungsketten von Maniok, Sesam, Reis und Gartenbauprodukten sind auf nationaler Ebene leistungsfähiger. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
INTERNATIONAL MEDIA SUPPORT AFGHANISTAN Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. Protection of afghan journalists and advocacy for freedom of press | No climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Improving Preparedness to Agro-Climatic Extremes in Malawi (IPACE-Malawi) Research grant – investigating the impacts of extreme weather events on agricultural systems, and improving the forecasting and delivery of agriculturespecific weather information, in Malawi. Benefitting Malawian communities through enhanced early warning systems which increase resilience to and preparedness for extreme climate events. SDGs: 13. Research and development activity contributing to the UK’s strategy to address key development challenges. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
GLO: Climate&Gender Investment WG - small action credit Les crédits globaux pour petites actions permettent le financement d’opérations ponctuelles, peu coûteuses, significatives en termes de développement, à composantes diverses (techniques, sociales, organisationnelles et de gestion, politique, économique, informative, etc.) | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Support of an integrated and dynamic agriculture according to the integral life principles of the Alto Beni region, La Paz, Bolivia Förderungsprogramm einer integrierten und dynamischen Agrarwirtschaft nach den Lebensprinzipien in der Region Alto Beni, La Paz, Bolivien Support of an integrated and dynamic agriculture according to the integral life principles of the Alto Beni region, La Paz, Bolivia Förderungsprogramm einer integrierten und dynamischen Agrarwirtschaft nach den Lebensprinzipien in der Region Alto Beni, La Paz, Bolivien Support of an integrated and dynamic agriculture according to the integral life principles of the Alto Beni region, La Paz, Bolivia Förderungsprogramm einer integrierten und dynamischen Agrarwirtschaft nach den Lebensprinzipien in der Region Alto Beni, La Paz, Bolivien | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
TSU for Bangladesh ATP to support the Government of Bangladesh's Agricultural Transformation Programme (ATP) investments and implementation | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
GCF - Green Climate Fund The GCF is founded as a financial mechanism to support programmes and projects in developing and middle income countries in order to counter climate change. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Integrating Climate Resilience into Agricultural and Agropastoral Production Systems through Soil Fertility Management in key Productive and Vulnerable Areas using the Farmers Field Schook Approach Contribute to improved climate resilience through soil fertility management and territorial management into agricultural and agropastoral production systems for food security in key productive and vulnerable areas through the Farmers Field School (FFS) approach | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
WP9: Operational water management for droughts This work package will focus on capacity building and further development of the national drought early warning and forecasting system | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Supporting sustainable agriculture, alternative medicine and drinking water supply in Manica district, Mozambique Förderung nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft, alternativer Medizin und Trinkwasserversorgung im Distrikt Manica Supporting sustainable agriculture, alternative medicine and drinking water supply in Manica district, Mozambique Förderung nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft, alternativer Medizin und Trinkwasserversorgung im Distrikt Manica Supporting sustainable agriculture, alternative medicine and drinking water supply in Manica district, Mozambique Förderung nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft, alternativer Medizin und Trinkwasserversorgung im Distrikt Manica | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Disaster Risk Management Training to ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance (AHA) Centre Officials Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) officials from ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance (AHA) Centre participate in one of three 2-week training courses in New Zealand. The University of Canterbury’s Centre for Risk, Resilience & Renewal provides participants with strategic crisis leadership training and an introduction to emergency exercise science including scenario training to test plans. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
COVID-19 IAT Policy Modeling to provide ex-ante modeling and other data analysis to inform the identification of policies and public investments for addressing covid-19 related impacts on inclusive agricultural transformation | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Kapazitätsbildung im Aufforstungsbereich. Capacitybuilding in Forestry Kapazitätsbildung im Aufforstungsbereich. Capacitybuilding in Forestry Kapazitätsbildung im Aufforstungsbereich. Capacitybuilding in Forestry | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Higher Income in the South Caucasus Thanks to Competitive Agricultural Products Livestock farming is an important source of income for a large part of the rural population in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. But many farmers live from subsistence farming and produce just enough food for their own needs. The aims of the project are to strengthen smallholder farms and to provide them with access to markets. This way, farmers can sell their honey, meat, cheese and wool products, and sustainably increase their incomes. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Nachhaltige Verbesserung der Ernährungssituation und Lebensgrundlagen durch gesteigerte Produktion, Resilienz und Gesundheitsleistungen Sustainable improvement of food security, nutrition an livelihoods through increased production, resilience and health services Nachhaltige Verbesserung der Ernährungssituation und Lebensgrundlagen durch gesteigerte Produktion, Resilienz und Gesundheitsleistungen Sustainable improvement of food security, nutrition an livelihoods through increased production, resilience and health services Die Ernährungssicherheit, die Existenzgrundlagen sowie der Ernährungs- und Gesundheitszustand von 20.212 ruralen Haushalten aus Rückkehrergemeinschaften und lokalen Gemeinschaften in 15 ausgewählten Dörfern der Ortschaften Mukjar und Um Dukhun in Zentraldarfur sind nachhaltig verbessert. The food security, livelihoods and nutritional and health status of 20,212 rural households from returnee communities and local communities in 15 selected villages in the villages of Mukjar and Um Dukhun in Central Darfur have been sustainably improved. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Mobilizing deforestation free coffee markets in the US Solidaridad North America will be jointly responsible for market activities in the USA in close coordination with Solidaridad Europe and with the inputs from Solidaridad Colombia. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Sicherung und Institutionalisierung von Landrechten marginalisierter Gemeinschaften, Fortführung Asserting the land rights of the marginalized communities Sicherung und Institutionalisierung von Landrechten marginalisierter Gemeinschaften, Fortführung Asserting the land rights of the marginalized communities Sicherung und Institutionalisierung von Landrechten marginalisierter Gemeinschaften, Fortführung Asserting the land rights of the marginalized communities | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Enhancing soil health provision of ecosystem services by soils through RECSOIL and Soil Doctors The outcome of this project will be the strengthening of national and regional capacities in sustainable soil management and its effective implementation on the ground via the RECSOIL, and in the generation and use of soil information for better decision-making. This will contribute to achieving the overall objectives of the mandate and mission of the Global Soil Partnership. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Post-Hurricanes Irma and Maria: Regional Resilience Building Facility The Regional Resilience Building Facility is organised around the three following components: A Regional TA facility for resilience mainstreaming (EUR 4 million)An adaptation facility for infrastructure vulnerability reduction (EUR 10 million)Expansion of CCRIF and other risk financing measures (EUR 13.2 million) | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Biodiversitätserhalt und nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung Biodiversity conservation and sustainable forest management in the Democratic Republi of Congo Die Bevölkerung in den Randegebieten der Nationalparks Kahuzi-Biega und Lomami hat von der nachhaltigen Inwertsetzung der Biodiversität und The population in the peripheal areas of Kahuzi-Biega and Lomami Nationalpark have benefited from the sustainable human rights-based violation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Die Bevölkerung in den Randegebieten der Nationalparks Kahuzi-Biega und Lomami hat von der nachhaltigen Inwertsetzung der Biodiversität und The population in the peripheal areas of Kahuzi-Biega and Lomami Nationalpark have benefited from the sustainable human rights-based violation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
AI-driven Smart Beekeeping for Women Förderung von KI-gesteuerter, klimagerechter Imkerei von Frauen Women beekeepers in the respective regions in Ethiopia and Uzbekistan are strengthened in their productivity and supported in pursuing a low-threshold, independet and climate-sensitive economic activity. This will strengthen their ability to adapt to changing climate conditions. Imkerinnen in den jeweiligen Regionen in Äthiopien und Usbekistan sollen sich besser vernetzen, in ihrer Produktivität gestärkt werden und so dabei unterstützt werden einer niedrigschwelligen, unabhängigen und klimaresilienten wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeit nachzugehen. Dadurch soll ihre Anpassungsfähigkeit an sich ändernde klimatische Bedingungen gestärkt werden. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Inovagro Private Sector Led Rural Growth Inovagro aims at increasing the incomes of poor farmers in Northern Mozambique, through ‘pro-poor’ private sector development. It improves farmers’ access to inputs and markets through local private, public and civil society partners. Phase III will consolidate the work of previous phases and focus on scale-up and replicability of successful interventions. There will also be a stronger focus on women inclusion, risk reduction, communication and knowledge sharing based on lessons learnt over the past years. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Climate protection through forest conservation Klimaschutz durch Walderhalt in Zentralamerika, Sondervermögen: Energie- und Klimafonds der Bundesrepublik Compensaition mechanisms for climate protection through forest conservation are effectively implemented on subnational level in four countries of Central America Maßnahmen für die effektive Umsetzung nachhaltiger Kompensationsmechanismen für den Klimaschutz durch Walderhalt sind auf subnationaler Ebene in bis zu vier Ländern Zentralamerikas implementiert Compensaition mechanisms for climate protection through forest conservation are effectively implemented on subnational level in four countries of Central America Maßnahmen für die effektive Umsetzung nachhaltiger Kompensationsmechanismen für den Klimaschutz durch Walderhalt sind auf subnationaler Ebene in bis zu vier Ländern Zentralamerikas implementiert | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Transformational Energy Use for Sierra Leone - Phase 1 (TEUSL 1) <p>TEUSL 1 will promote the productive use of energy be households and MSME not connected to the national electric grid. Thus, targets group are people living in off grid areas and electricity will be mainly provided by solar minigrids or stand alone sytems (pico solar systems or home solar systems) in areas hard to reach by minigrids. TEUSL 1 is a pilot action, which will be extanded by a second phase to develop the results of the pilot taken into account the lessons learnt.</p> | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
GCCA+ Support for enhancing communities' resilience to climate change and related disasters planning/financing resilience related actions at community level; mainstreaming climate change-disaster risk solutions into local governments planning/financing systems; supporting policy developement in CCA-DRR. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Technical support for the establishment of an Agricultural Economic Zone (AEZ) in Lanao del Sur To assist the MinDA in the conduct of a technical support study to determine key features and preconditions that will contribute to the success of the establishment of an AEZ. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
E-JUST and VTT capacity building project on developing the knowhow of green technology in ecological urban planning Egypt-Japan University for Science and Technology and VTT (Technical Research center of Finland) aim to develop the knowhow of E-JUST on the use green technology in ecological urban planning. E-JUST is situated in New Borg El-Arab City which is one of the
largest industrial and residential areas in Alexandria. Area will be the pilot target in this ICI project which also aims to create an ecocity roadmap for Egypt and and feasibility study on how to turn New Borg El-Arab City into an ecocity. One of the aim
s is to raise the ecological awareness of the local stakeholders through co-operation with local schools non-governmental organizations and inhabitants. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Inclusive Digital Transformation in Agriculture for Sri Lanka to develop a digital backbone in the Agriculture sector of Sri Lanka and provide a platform for data driven decision making and farmer advisory services. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
F.a: Dialogues on Sustainable Alternatives SADED Nepal promotes grassroots democracy and ecologically sustainable society, using mainly the methodology of dialogues. The dialogues on sustainable alternatives will be carried out in particular on the following themes: youth and migration, biodiversit
y and farming, and sustainable rebuilding. The dialogues are facilitated on different levels. On a village level in Nuwakot, Rasuwa, Dhading, Sindhupalchowk, Dolakha, Dhankuta and Sankhuwakhabha districts the dialogues seek to be an impetus for a lasting e
mpowering platform. On a district or regional level dialogues take place between villagers and policy makers (wanting to challenge the usual top down policy making process), whilst the dialogues in the centre, in Kathmandu will reach out to students and na
tional policy and opinion makers. The dialogues are also continued at the Social Forum process and the dialogues will in total be feeding into a policy alternatives building process (forming national consortium for policy alternatives) between different ac
tors besides SADED, as trade unions and various youth groups, which will meet at regular intervals around the main themes of the dialogues. The outcomes of the dialogues, the ideas around sustainable alternatives, will be published and disseminated in the
interconnected dialogue processes via newsletters, newspaper items, SADED's website (http://sadednepal.org.np) a journal and books. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Renewable energy development and energy efficiency improvements in IOC member countries The programme aims at resolving barriers to the development of renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) and boosting initiatives from decision makers in each country. Specific objective is to establish the conditions for the development, investment and sustainable management of renewable energy and improvements in the efficiency of energy use in the IOC region. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Increasing climate change resilience in remote coastal communities of the Macuata province The overall objective of the action is to to increase resilience of forest and marine ecosystems to the adverse impacts of climate change in remote coastal communities of Macuata province. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Begleitmaßnahme Wasserkraftwerk Harpo in Gilgit-Baltistan Accompanying measure Hydroelectric power plant Harpo in Gilgit-Baltistan Die vorliegende Begleitmaßnahme (BM) soll den lokalen Netzbetreiber Gilgit-Baltistan Water and Power Department (GBWPD) befähigen, das FZ-finanzierte Wasserkraftwerk (WKW) Harpo am gleichnamigen Nebenfluss des Indus River (zugehörige Hauptmaßnahme) eigenständig und ordnungsgemäß zu betreiben sowie langfristig instand zu halten. Das genannte Laufwasserkraftwerk Harpo (34,5 MW) befindet sich derzeit noch in Planung, soll aber mittelfristig nach seiner Fertigstellung und einem vorübergehenden Betrieb durch den nationalen Versorger Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) an das GBWPD übergeben werden.Ferner sind im Rahmen dieser BM begleitende soziale Investitionsmaßnahmen zugunsten der lokalen Bevölkerung geplant, die im unmittelbaren Einzugsgebiet der Hauptmaßnahme lebt.Der zuständige Projektträger ist das GBWPD, das sowohl direkter Nutznießer der BM ist als auch die geplanten Sozialinvestitionen in Absprache mit der Regierung Gilgit-Baltistans umsetzen wird. Die Gesamtkosten dieser BM werden auf 1,5 Mio. EUR geschätzt und sollen durch die KfW mit einem Haushaltsmittelzuschuss finanziert werden. Mögliche Kostensteigerungen sollen von der Partnerseite getragen werden. The present accompanying measure (BM) is intended to enable the local grid operator Gilgit-Baltistan Water and Power Department (GBWPD) to operate the FZ-financed hydropower plant (WKW) Harpo on the eponymous tributary of the Indus River (corresponding main measure) independently and properly and to maintain it for the long term. The aforementioned Harpo run-of-the-river power plant (34.5 MW) is still in the planning stage, but is to be transferred to the GBWPD in the medium term after its completion and temporary operation by the national utility Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA).In addition, this OM foresees accompanying social investment measures for the local population living in the immediate catchment area of the main measure.The project promoter will be the GBWPD, which will be a direct beneficiary of the BMW as well as implement the planned social investments in consultation with the Gilgit-Baltistan Government. The total cost of this OM is estimated at €1.5 million. and are to be financed by KfW with a budgetary grant. Possible cost increases should be borne by the partner side. EZ-Programmziel: Die Grundversorgung der Bevölkerung und von Unternehmen mit bedarfsgerechter Erneuerbarer Energie, deren Finanzierung sowie die Energieeffizienz sind verbessert und tragen zu nachhaltigem Wirtschaftswachstum und zum globalen Klimaschutz bei.Modulziel: Wirtschaftlich effiziente sowie umwelt- und klimafreundliche Erzeugung von Strom aus Wasserkraft und deren Einspeisung in das regionale Stromnetz Gilgit-Baltistans. The aim of the development cooperation programme is to improve the basic provision of needs-based renewable energy for the population and businesses, improve its financing and improve energy efficiency, thereby contributing to sustainable economic growth and global climate protection.Modular objective: Economically efficient and environmentally and climate-friendly production of hydroelectric power and its integration into the Gilgit-Baltistan regional electricity grid. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Program on integrated local finances for sustainable urban development in the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area - PIFUD The objective of the Action is to promote an integrated urban development of the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA) through multi-level governance and peer-to-peer cooperation. The Action addresses political, institutional, economic and social inter-linkages between Kampala city and main secondary cities from the GKMA to tackle common urban development challenges, with focus on local economic development. It relies on the expertise of other cities and of other, diversified members engaged in urban development. Activities developed during the Action will lead to following results: Strengthened enabling environment for local finance Up-scaled local finance to foster innovation and investment in sustainable and inclusive solutionsEnhanced investments for safe, affordable, smart and low-carbon services and infrastructures through robust efficient smart solutions. | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Interessenvertretung und Stärkung der Widerstandsfähigkeit durch LANN+: Verknüpfung von Landwirtschaft und Bewirtschaftung natürlicher Ressourcen zur Ernährungssicherheit in Nepal Advocacy and resilience Strengthening through LANN+: Linking agriculture, resource management and nutrition in Nepal Interessenvertretung und Stärkung der Widerstandsfähigkeit durch LANN+: Verknüpfung von Landwirtschaft und Bewirtschaftung natürlicher Ressourcen zur Ernährungssicherheit in Nepal Advocacy and resilience Strengthening through LANN+: Linking agriculture, resource management and nutrition in Nepal Interessenvertretung und Stärkung der Widerstandsfähigkeit durch LANN+: Verknüpfung von Landwirtschaft und Bewirtschaftung natürlicher Ressourcen zur Ernährungssicherheit in Nepal Advocacy and resilience Strengthening through LANN+: Linking agriculture, resource management and nutrition in Nepal | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Verbreitung von Energieeffizienz Promotion of energy efficiency in Tunisia Die Voraussetzungen für die Verbreitung von Dienstleistungen und Technologien zur effizienteren Nutzung von Energie in Tunesien sind unter Berücksichtigung der Zielsetzungen der nationalen Strategie für Energieeffizienz verbessert. The prerequisites for the dissemination of services and technologies for a more efficient use of energy in Tunisia are improved, taking into account the objectives of the national strategy for energy efficiency. Die Voraussetzungen für die Verbreitung von Dienstleistungen und Technologien zur effizienteren Nutzung von Energie in Tunesien sind unter Berücksichtigung der Zielsetzungen der nationalen Strategie für Energieeffizienz verbessert. The prerequisites for the dissemination of services and technologies for a more efficient use of energy in Tunisia are improved, taking into account the objectives of the national strategy for energy efficiency. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Katastrophen- u. Bodenschutz, Ernährungssicherung u. Einkommensschaffung in El Salvador Disaster control, soil conservation, food security and income generation, El Salvador Katastrophen- u. Bodenschutz, Ernährungssicherung u. Einkommensschaffung in El Salvador Disaster control, soil conservation, food security and income generation, El Salvador Katastrophen- u. Bodenschutz, Ernährungssicherung u. Einkommensschaffung in El Salvador Disaster control, soil conservation, food security and income generation, El Salvador | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Adressing the drivers of deforestation in Peru The project aims at enhancing the participation of civil society and indiginous peoples in REDD+ in the region of San Martin in Peru. The project will also collaborate with the regional authorities, CSO and private sector to develop an REDD+ action plan and economic development plan. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Sustainable Energy for C¿te d'Ivoire : 30MWp Solar Power Plant in the context of the West African Power Pool Construction d'une centrale solaire d'au moins 30MW dans le nord de la Côte d'Ivoire | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Oxfam PNG El Nino Response in Simbu Province Provides immediate support to affected communities in Simbu Province affected by a prolonged drought caused by El Nino weather conditions in PNG. Oxfam will work with partners to provide safe water, sanitation and training in safe hygiene practices for communities. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Piloting Electric Vehicle Systems and Developing a Green Transportation Investment Roadmap for Bali, Indonesia The objective of this project is to support the preparation, enabling, financing, and roll-out of green transportation in Bali, beginning with the design of an electric vehicle (EV) pilot initiative. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Monitoring & Evaluation of the UfM Ministerial Declaration on Energy & Climate Contract related to: Monitoring & Evaluation of the UfM Ministerial Declaration on Energy & Climate - The Neighbourhood South Global Allocation for 2021-2023 is a support measure giving the European Commission the possibility to finance small-scale measures and activities that are needed for the achievement of the objectives of the Southern dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy and its operational and policy priorities. The Global Allocation will finance project cycle management (feasibility, evaluation, audits, etc.) and communication activities. It will contribute to enhance the quality of the programmes as well as to better understanding of the European Union reputation, policies and programmes to the audience in the Southern Neighbourhood.The Overall Objective (Impact) of this action is to ensure a swift preparation of actions and projects, while enabling the European Commission to act with flexibility by means of an instrument which is capable of adapting itself to evolving circumstances and/or dealing with unforeseen situations. Besides, this action will help the European Commission explain and communicate on its activities to the Southern Neighbourhood citizens¿ audience.The Specifics Objectives (Outcomes) of this action are: 1. to allow analysis and preparatory studies to help elaborating relevant and impactful programmes as well as evaluation and audits for lessons learnt and ex-ante control purposes2. to contribute to better understanding of the European Union¿s reputation, policies and programmes to the audience in the Southern Neighbourhood. Outputs to be delivered by this action contributing to the corresponding Specific Objectives (Outcomes) are:1.1 contributing to Outcome 1 (or Specific Objective 1): Number of PCM contracts.2.1 contributing to Outcome 2 (or Specific Objective 2): Number of Communication contracts and meetings. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Förderung und Stärkung der Rahmenbedingungen für eine nachhaltige ländliche Entwicklung in 16 Gemeinden im Munizip Guaymango Integrated rural development to sustain small scale agriculture, Dt.Guaymango Förderung und Stärkung der Rahmenbedingungen für eine nachhaltige ländliche Entwicklung in 16 Gemeinden im Munizip Guaymango Integrated rural development to sustain small scale agriculture, Dt.Guaymango Förderung und Stärkung der Rahmenbedingungen für eine nachhaltige ländliche Entwicklung in 16 Gemeinden im Munizip Guaymango Integrated rural development to sustain small scale agriculture, Dt.Guaymango | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Econ of Adapt to climate Ch To develop and test effective approaches for managing, priortising and costing climate change adaptation at local, national and supra national level. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Clean Cooking in Slum Communities Promotion of clean cooking for the urban poor in cities mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa and build the resilience of communities and contribute to improved health and climate change mitigation. | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel in vulnerablen Gebieten Boliviens und Perus Sustainable Agriculture for adaptation to climate change in vulnerable regions of Bolivia and Peru Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel in vulnerablen Gebieten Boliviens und Perus Sustainable Agriculture for adaptation to climate change in vulnerable regions of Bolivia and Peru Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel in vulnerablen Gebieten Boliviens und Perus Sustainable Agriculture for adaptation to climate change in vulnerable regions of Bolivia and Peru | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Jämställdhets kompetens utveckling 2013 Gender equality capacity dev 2013 - Social sustainable dev - Gender capacity development INTEM/JMDS has a mandate to build up capacity and knowledge around Sida and the Embassies gender equality work. Within this work are tasks of more external character, such as, 'Sida's Development Talks seminars,the production and printing of literature for both external and internal dissemination, as well as externally procured method support for the operationalisation of development cooperation. INTEM/JMDS har ett mandat att bygga upp kapacitet och kunskap kring Sida och UMs jämställdhetsarbete. Inom arbetet finns vissa uppgifter av mer extern karaktär såsom 'Sida Development Talks' seminarium, framtagande och publikation av litteratur for både extern och intern spridning, samt visst externt upphandlat metodstöd avseende operationaliseringen av biståndet. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Sustainable Colombia Facility The Sustainable Colombia Facility is a multi-donor trust fund s aimed at maximizing the environmental, economic and social dividends of peace in Colombia, primarily in territories affected by the armed conflict. The Facility’s expected long-term impact is the improvement of the wellbeing and living conditions of targeted communities and the sustainability of their territories, and support to the implementation of UN COP21 NDCs for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Schutz und nachhaltiges Management von Ökosystemen in den Anden Protection and sustainable management of ecosystems in the Andes Eine nachhaltige Renaturierung der andinen Bergökosysteme wurde initiiert. A sustainable renaturation of the Andean mountain ecosystems was initiated. Eine nachhaltige Renaturierung der andinen Bergökosysteme wurde initiiert. A sustainable renaturation of the Andean mountain ecosystems was initiated. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Strengthening integrated water and agriculture management To improve capacity at local levels to cope with increasing water challenges in the changing climate and vulnerable and unsustainable agriculture. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Agrarökologie, Strategien der Anpassung an den Klimawandel und Risikoprävention in Pfarreien der Region Nippes Agroecology, adaption to climate change and risk prevention strategies in Nippes, Haiti Agrarökologie, Strategien der Anpassung an den Klimawandel und Risikoprävention in Pfarreien der Region Nippes Agroecology, adaption to climate change and risk prevention strategies in Nippes, Haiti Agrarökologie, Strategien der Anpassung an den Klimawandel und Risikoprävention in Pfarreien der Region Nippes Agroecology, adaption to climate change and risk prevention strategies in Nippes, Haiti | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Advisory services to energy efficiency in Montenegro Beratung zur Energieffizienz Conditions are more favourable for wider use of selected energy-saving technologies in Montenegro. Die Voraussetzungen für eine Verbreitung ausgewählter energiesparender Technologien in Montenegro sind verbessert Conditions are more favourable for wider use of selected energy-saving technologies in Montenegro. Die Voraussetzungen für eine Verbreitung ausgewählter energiesparender Technologien in Montenegro sind verbessert | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Unterstützung der Plattform für landwirtschaftliches Risikomanagement in Afrika (PARM) Support to the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management in Africa (PARM) Durch das Vorhaben wird die Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) unterstützt, konkret die Umsetzung des PARM-Prozesses in Mitgliedsländern der New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD). Im Rahmen der PARM Initiative werden geeignete Risikomana-gementstrategien im landwirtschaftlichen Bereich und konkrete Instrumente in derzeit acht Pilot-ländern identifiziert. Ziel des FZ-Vorhabens ist die erfolgreiche Umsetzung von Pilotmaßnahmen, um die durch PARM identifizierten Risikomanagementinstrumente in die Praxis umzusetzen und replizierbare Modelle für weitere Finanzierungen durch Geber und Mitgliedsländer zu schaffen. Das Vorhaben finanziert daher pilothaft die Umsetzung von Pilotmaßnahmen sowie unterstützende Consultingmaßnahmen. Als Träger fungiert die Afrikanische Union vertreten durch die African Union Development Agency (AUDA)-NEPAD. Die Gesamtkosten betragen rd. 5,7 Mio. EUR (FZ-Zuschuss 5 Mio. EUR). Die Zielgruppen umfassen Kleinbauern und Kleinbäuerinnen, Verbände, Agribusiness, Großproduzenten und nationale Regierungen bzw. Regionalorganisationen. The project aims to support the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM). It should foster the implementation of the PARM-process in member states of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) . PARM has been set up to support the development of eligible risk management strategies in agriculture and to identify concrete instruments to implement those strategies in nine pilot countries. By showing the efficiency of agricultural risk management and by creating replicable strategies further sources to finance the Platform for agricultural risk management, such as other donors and member states, can be generated. By supporting the pilot project, KfW is financing pilot measures and a supporting consultant. Implementing partner of the project is the African Union represented by NEPAD. The total financial volume is 5,7 Mio. EUR (FC-Grant: 5 Mio. EUR). Target groups are small scale farmers, cooperations, agribusinesses, large producers, and national governments and RECs. Ziel des FZ-Vorhabens ist die erfolgreiche Umsetzung von Pilotmaßnahmen, um die durch PARM identifizierten Risikomanagementinstrumente in die Praxis umzusetzen und replizierbare Modelle für weitere Finanzierungen durch Geber und Mitgliedsländer zu schaffen. The project aims to support the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM). It should foster the implementation of the PARM-process in member states of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) . PARM has been set up to support the development of eligible risk management strategies in agriculture and to identify concrete instruments to implement those strategies in nine pilot countries. By showing the efficiency of agricultural risk management and by creating replicable strategies further sources to finance the Platform for agricultural risk management, such as other donors and member states, can be generated. By supporting the pilot project, KfW is financing pilot measures and a supporting consultant. Implementing partner of the project is the African Union represented by NEPAD. The total financial volume is 5,7 Mio. EUR (FC-Grant: 5 Mio. EUR). Target groups are small scale farmers, cooperations, agribusinesses, large producers, and national governments and RECs. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Support to the organization of the Team Europe Initiative ''Our forest, our future'' launch even <p>The Overall Objective of the contract is to support the organisation of the 9 May event</p> | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Reducing GHG emissions in Honduras The project reduces greenhouse gas emissions by introducing more efficient cook stoves for households and small businesses in Honduras. Firewood burns more efficiently in cook stoves, which improves air quality and lessens the need to cut down local forest
s for firewood. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Infrastrukturvorhaben in Verbindung mit einer Landreform IV Programme for Communal Land Development (PCLD) IV Das FZ-Vorhaben stellt die vierte Phase der Unterstützung des namibischen Programms zur Umsetzung der Landreform in Kommunalgebieten dar. Das umfassende nationale Programme for Communal Land Development (PCLD) greift die Prioritäten für die Entwicklung der Kommunalgebiete auf, die in den Strategieplänen und dem zugrunde liegenden Landreform Action Plan des zuständigen Fachministeriums Ministry of Land Reform (MLR) definiert wurden. Eine fünfte Phase wurde im Rahmen einer Vorratsprüfung geprüft. Die FZ Maßnahme soll dazu beitragen, die Lebensbedingungen der ländlichen Bevölkerung zu verbessern durch die Entwicklung der Kommunalgebiete und eine bessere Einbindung in den formalen Wirtschaftskreislauf Namibias (Oberziel). Der FZ-Beitrag zielt auf der Sicherung der Landrechte für die ländliche Bevölkerung in den Kommunalgebieten, der Einführung nachhaltiger Landnutzungspraktiken, der Steigerung der Produktivität und Marktorientierung der Landwirtschaft durch Infrastrukturinvestitionen, sowie der Verbesserung des Zugangs zu Beratungsleistungen (Modulziel des PCLD). Zielgruppe des Vorhabens ist die ländliche Bevölkerung in den Kommunalgebieten. Mit einem zusätzlichen FZ-Beitrag in Höhe von 10 Mio. EUR (Vorratsprüfung fünfte Phase 10 Mio. EUR) in die Korbfinanzierung des PCLD soll das MLR bei der Ausweitung des PCLD insbesondere auf die Kunene-Region unterstützt werden. Die Gesamtkosten für die vierte Phase betragen rd. 10,12 Mio. EUR, einschließlich des namibischen Eigenbeitrags in Höhe von 0,12 Mio. EUR (Vorratsprüfung 1,78 Mio. EUR).Das laufende Vorhaben setzt sich aus folgenden Phasen zusammen: -Phase I (2001.66.124), Phase II (2007.66.311), Phase II BM (2010.70.424): Entwicklung der Kommunalgebiete und Schaffung gesicherter Bodenbesitzverhältnisse gemäß dem Communal Land Act von 2002.-Phase III (2011.65.711), Phase IV (2017.67.698): Die ländliche Bevölkerung in den Kommunalgebieten sichert ihre Landrechte, führt nachhaltige Landnutzungspraktiken ein und steigert die Produktivität und Marktorientierung der Landwirtschaft durch Infrastrukturinvestitionen und besseren Zugang zu Beratungsleistungen. Programme for Communal Land Development (PCLD) IV Entwicklungspolitisches Ziel der FZ-Maßnahme Unterstützung der Landreform. Ziel der FZ-Maßnahme ist es, die Kommunalgebiete zu entwickeln und gesicherte Bodenbesitzverhältnisse gemäß dem Communal Land Act von 2002 zu schaffen. Programme for Communal Land Development (PCLD) IV | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Contribution Arrangement with respect to the European Western Balkans Joint Fund under the Western Balkans Investment Framework - Allocation 2022 for Technical Assistance Contract related to: Contribution Arrangement with respect to the European Western Balkans Joint Fund under the Western Balkans Investment Framework - Allocation 2022 for Technical Assistance - In October 2020 the European Commission adopted a comprehensive Economic and Investment Plan (EIP) for the Western Balkans, which aims to spur the long-term economic recovery of the region, support a green and digital transition, foster regional integration and convergence with the European Union.The EIP is accompanied by the Guidelines for implementing the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (GAWB), which further detail investments and actions that can foster the green transition in the region under the EIP and beyond. With the EIP, the Western Balkans Agenda on Innovation, Research, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport and the Green Agenda, the EU provides strong support for economic recovery and reform for a modern, greener and more prosperous Western Balkans delivering better to their citizens on the road to the EU.The EIP also offers a path for a successful regional economic integration to help accelerate convergence with the EU and close the development gap between EU Member States and the Western Balkans region. The EIP will increase the competitiveness of the Western Balkans. Its implementation will have to be accompanied with the relevant reform measures.The Western Balkans Investment Framework members include the European Commission, member states, bilateral donors, financial institutions who altogether in partnership share the objectives of the Economic and Investment Plan for Western Balkans and together contribute to achieve common goals to spur the socio-economic cohesion of the region. In this context, the Western Balkans Investment Framework contributes to support the Team Europe Initiative.To achieve the aforementioned goals this action offers significant EU funding for the preparation and implementation of investment flagships in the areas of sustainable transport, clean energy, environment and climate, digital, innovation, competitiveness and private sector.The action includes 4 components:- Blending and technical assistance:1. EU4 Green and Digital Transition2. EU4 Green Growth3. EU4 Competitiveness and Innovation- Budgetary guarantee:4. Western Balkans Guarantee Facility (EFSD+ Guarantee and legacy ELM) in support of the 3 above components, the Sustainable Transport Connectivity action, and cutting across windows 3 and 4 of IPA III. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
DKTI – Integrated and Sustainable Urban Transport Systems for Smart Cities in India DKTI - Integrierte nachhaltige Stadtverkehrssysteme für Smart Cities in Indien Planning and implementation of sustainable urban transport are improved in selected cities of India Planung und Umsetzung eines nachhaltigen Stadtverkehrs sind in ausgewählten Städten Indiens verbessert Planning and implementation of sustainable urban transport are improved in selected cities of India Planung und Umsetzung eines nachhaltigen Stadtverkehrs sind in ausgewählten Städten Indiens verbessert | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
PFM systems PFM systems Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. Pilot case studies to be carried out in Malawi and Burkina Faso. The main focus of the case studies will be to investigate whether the application of aid effectiveness principles in the design and implementation of PFM reform makes a difference to the achievement of results, or whether other domestic contextual factors carry more weight. | No climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Stärkung der Dürre-Resilienz und Verbesserung der Lebensgrundlagen von Pastoralisten in der Afar-Provinz Strengthening of drought resilience and improvement of livelihood systems for pastoralists in the Afar-Region after the 2010/2011 drought in the Horn of Africa Stärkung der Dürre-Resilienz und Verbesserung der Lebensgrundlagen von Pastoralisten in der Afar-Provinz Strengthening of drought resilience and improvement of livelihood systems for pastoralists in the Afar-Region after the 2010/2011 drought in the Horn of Africa Stärkung der Dürre-Resilienz und Verbesserung der Lebensgrundlagen von Pastoralisten in der Afar-Provinz Strengthening of drought resilience and improvement of livelihood systems for pastoralists in the Afar-Region after the 2010/2011 drought in the Horn of Africa | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Miljö- och hälsokonsekvensbedömning för insatsen Kaffe och Klimat Environmental and Health Impact Assessment for Coffee & Climate - Environmental and Health Impact Assessment Coffee & Climate Insatsen syftar till att genomföra en miljö- och hälsokonsekvensbedömning (MHKB) av insatsen "Kaffe och Klimat - International Coffee Partners (54110067)" för att bedöma miljö- och hälsoeffekter av kemikalieanvändning inom kaffeodlingen, med särskilt fokus på användningen av bekämpningsmedel.
Målsättningen med en MHKB är att se till att undvika och/eller reducera negativa miljömässiga och hälsokonsekvenser samt att föreslå lämpliga åtgärder för att insatsens utformning tar hänsyn till eventuella negativa konsekvenser. Principen är att förebygga och reducera eventuella skador på miljö och människor genom att införliva miljö- och hälsoaspekter som en naturlig del av insatsen.
Uppdragsbeskrivningen/Terms of reference har tagits fram av Sida och granskats av upphandlingsrådgivaren. Environmental and Health Impact Assessment for Coffee and Climate | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
RedR Australia Partnership 2010/11 - 2017/18 Funding under this investment represents Australia's contribution to RedR Australia to provide emergency assistance to communities devastated by conflict or major natural disasters through the selection, training and provision of competent and effective personnel to humanitarian relief programs worldwide as a United Nations Standby Partner and to international and national non-government organisations. The total value of this investment is $39.9 million over 8 years, starting 2010-11. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Integriertes Katastrophenvorsorgeprojekt in Krankenhäusern zur Stärkung der Resilienz von Gesundheitseinrichtungen, Notfalldiensten und Gemeinden Integrated Hospital Disaster Preparedness Project For more resilient health facilities, emergency institutions and communities, affected by disasters Integriertes Katastrophenvorsorgeprojekt in Krankenhäusern zur Stärkung der Resilienz von Gesundheitseinrichtungen, Notfalldiensten und Gemeinden Integrated Hospital Disaster Preparedness Project For more resilient health facilities, emergency institutions and communities, affected by disasters Verbesserung der Resilienz der Gemeinden durch Katastrophenvorsorge und -management in Krankenhäusern, Ausbau der Koordinierungsmechanismen und Stärkung der Gemeinden zur Gewährleistung einer kontinuierlichen, inklusiven Versorgung der von Katastrophen betroffenen Bevölkerung. Improving the resilience of communities through disaster risk reduction and management in hospitals, expansion of coordination mechanisms and strengthening of the communities to ensure continuous, inclusive care for the population affected by disasters. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
EU4Energy Phase II+ <p class="ql-align-justify">The overall objective<strong> </strong>of the EU4Energy Governance Project Phase II+ is: the clean energy transition, increase energy security in three Eastern partner countries (Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) is achieved and access to energy to the distressed population in Ukraine to mitigate the impact of the war facilitated.</p> | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Costal Adaptation (CBACC) Afforestation The overall goal of the project is to promote climate-resilient development in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. The objective of the project is to reduce the vulnerability of coastal communities to the impact of climate-change inudced risks in four upazilas in coastal districts of Bangladesh. The impact logic of the project can be stated as follows: If coastal communities are aware of climate risks, have access to adapted and productive alternative livelihood systems, have established protective greenbelts, and are capable of effectively protecting and managing resources at local level, they will be better able to protect their livelihood and to resist climate challenges, coastal communities with more than 85’000 inhabitants will therefore be more productive, increase their income and reduce the risk of losses. Therefore, one of the key indicators to measure achievement of the project’s objectives is the number of households with sustainable livelihood strategies that directly contribute to the long-term maintenance and safeguarding of protecting natural systems in the four project areas. Project outcomes will include livelihood diversification of and higher income for more than 9’400 coastal households, increased carbon sink capacity of over 600’000 tons of carbon over project’s life, increased coastal protection through siltation along more than 25 km of coastline (4% of Bangladesh’s total coast line). | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
IOM: Generating Renewable and Innovative Designs for Displacement (GRID) Provide proven and scalable climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies for resource-contrained and vulnerable communities. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Renforcement de capacités des praticiens de la biodiversité, des scientifiques et des décideurs politiques pour la gestion durable des aires protégées et des écosystèmes forestiers dAfrique Contract related to: Renforcement de capacités des praticiens de la biodiversité, des scientifiques et des décideurs politiques pour la gestion durable des aires protégées et des écosystèmes forestiers dAfrique - The objective of the action is to enhance the contribution of natural ecosystems to poverty alleviation and to stability. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Supporting UK Overseas Territories Engagement in International Climate Change Negotiations To enable UK Overseas Territories to make informed contributions to developing the UK position in climate change negotions | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
F.a: Sumak Kawsay - Path to good life Approximately 50% of the Bolivias 11 million inhabitants belong to indigenous peoples. Their societal status, nutrition and health conditions are low. Family violence and violence against women is common and living conditions in rural areas, but also in th
e metropolitan region of La Paz-El Alto, are difficult. The project advances the social status and living conditions of the indigenous peoples of Bolivia in the Andean highlands through community-based solutions. Expected results are: improved food securit
y through kitchen gardens suitable for the harsh climate and environmental conditions in rural and urban areas. Improved access to clean water in villages by constructing water systems and wells. Womens artisan organization members have better administrati
ve, design, production and marketing skills and they are able to run the organisation and generate income. Project communities as well as decision makers and authorities have increased awareness of womens and childrens rights and the rights are realized be
tter. Domestic and gender-based violence has decreased and women participate in decision making in the community and wider society. Beneficiaries of the project are the indigenous Aymara and Quechua communities on the Andean highlands. Implementing partner
is Bolivian Evangelical Lutheran Church (IELB). IELB is the biggest indigenous church in Latin America. It works holistically emphasizing human rights and social justice. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
2019//ACDE/0813 Sistema de Información Hídrica Local para la reducción del riesgo sequía y la gobernanza del agua con 2019//ACDE/0813 Sistema de Información Hídrica Local para la reducción del riesgo sequía y la gobernanza del agua con | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Community based forestry Maintenance and improvement of the existing forest cover of MOngolia in order to ensure the sustainable livelihoods of the population | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Umweltbildung in peri-urbanen Siedlungen in Angola Environmental education in peri-urban settlements in Angola Umweltbildung in peri-urbanen Siedlungen in Angola Environmental education in peri-urban settlements in Angola Das Projekt trägt durch umweltbildende Maßnahmen und konkrete Verbesserungen des Lebensraumes in periurbanen Siedlungen Angolas in den Bereichen Müllmanagement, Zugang zu Trinkwasser und Abwassermanagement zu einem verbesserten Umweltmanagement bei. The project contributes to improved environmental management through activities in environmental education as well as improvements in peri-urban settlements in Angola in the areas of waste management, access to drinking water and sanitation. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Stärkung von kleinbäuerlichen Gemeinden zur Förderung einer ökologisch und ökonomisch tragfähigen Entwicklung im brasilianischen Bundesstaat Piauí Strengthening small scale farmer households to defend their land rights and to improve their sustainable agriculture production in Piauí Stärkung von kleinbäuerlichen Gemeinden zur Förderung einer ökologisch und ökonomisch tragfähigen Entwicklung im brasilianischen Bundesstaat Piauí Strengthening small scale farmer households to defend their land rights and to improve their sustainable agriculture production in Piauí Stärkung von kleinbäuerlichen Gemeinden zur Förderung einer ökologisch und ökonomisch tragfähigen Entwicklung im brasilianischen Bundesstaat Piauí Strengthening small scale farmer households to defend their land rights and to improve their sustainable agriculture production in Piauí | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Living with Floods 2.0 In Mozambique, NLRC is supporting together with local partners and civil society organizations the identification of flood-related risks and the joint development of locally appropriate flood risk reduction measures in the city of Beira (e.g., cleaning storm drains). Vulnerable peri-urban communities in Beira, are dealing with recurring flood risks on a yearly basis. Unfortunately, due to climate change, flood risks and extreme weather events like cyclone Idai are an increasing reality in this low-laying, (peri-) urban area in Central Mozambique. The project, through local partners makes an effort to build community resilience and supporting communities to learn to ‘live with floods’. The project aims to strengthen community capacity in local (water-related) risk management and provide local partners and communities with the means and skills to identify, test, and validate local flood protection measures. As a door-opener, NLRC aims to help communities, local and global partners build partnerships and support viable approaches to water risk management, ensuring that flood-affected communities and local actors are at the center. Central to the approach is the creation of a platform for local stakeholders and communities to open dialogue, facilitate learning, and most importantly, initiate local flood risk reduction actions that are also supported by global actors. The platform is present in the local context, however more on a formal/city level Communities living within Beira (e.g. Munhave Matope) City of Beira, Mozambique | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Least Developed Countries Fund - Institutional Support 2020-2024 Fonds pour les pays les moins avancés - Appui institutionnel 2020-2024 This grant represents Canada's long-term institutional support to the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF). The LDCF uses these funds, along with other donors’ funding, to achieve its mandate: to adress the urgent and immediate adaptation needs of the poorest and most vulnerable countries. The LDCF provides support to least developed countries for the preparation and implementation of National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). Consistent with the needs of recipient countries, the LDCF focuses on reducing the vulnerability of the sectors and resources that are central to development and livelihoods, notably: agriculture and food security; health; water; disaster risk management and prevention; infrastructure; and fragile ecosystems. The LDCF is mandated under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Operating under the Global Environment Facility, it addresses the needs of the 47 least developed countries that are especially vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change. Cette subvention constitue l'appui institutionnel à long terme du Canada au Fonds pour les pays les moins avancés (FPMA). Le FPMA utilise ces fonds, ainsi que ceux d’autres donateurs, pour la réalisation de son mandat : de répondre aux besoins urgents et immédiats en matière d’adaptation des pays les plus pauvres et les plus vulnérables. Le FPMA soutient les pays les moins avancés en vue de l’élaboration et de la mise en œuvre de leurs propres programmes d’action nationaux aux fins de l’adaptation (PANA) et. En tenant compte des besoins des pays bénéficiaires, le FPMA met l’accent sur la réduction de la vulnérabilité des secteurs et des ressources essentiels pour le développement et les moyens de subsistance, à savoir : l’agriculture et la sécurité alimentaire; la santé; l’eau; la gestion et la réduction des risques liés aux catastrophes; l’infrastructure; et les écosystèmes fragiles. Le FPMA relève de la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques (CCNUCC). Géré dans le cadre du Fonds pour l’environnement mondial, le FPMA répond aux besoins des 47 pays les moins développés qui sont particulièrement vulnérables aux effets néfastes des changements climatiques. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
AGRI3 Fund Contribution to the AGRI3 Fund, which aims to stimulate banks,other financial institutions and agribusinesses to develop business models that include (acceleration of) forest protection and reforestation and implementation of innovative agricultural solutions,whilst improving the living standards of local farmers and smallholders. The Fund will provide guarantees and technical assistance, parallel to private loans from commercial banks, in order to mitigate the risks of investing in sustainable agriculture and re-forestation in developing countries by providing long-term loans (beyond 7 years) | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Strengthening National Systems to Improve Management and Response to Natural Disasters Renforcer les systèmes nationaux pour améliorer la gestion et la réponse aux catastrophes naturelles This initiative seeks to strengthen national systems in Haiti to better manage and respond to natural disasters. Haiti is one of the countries most vulnerable to natural disasters and climate change. It is hit by hurricanes on a regular basis. This initiative supports current recovery and rebuilding efforts in various communities that are most vulnerable. In part, it supports Haitian officials at the central, departmental and communal levels so that they can develop and implement communal recovery plans that will prioritize activities in the wake of a disaster. The initiative also pays special attention to the inclusion and participation of women, as socio economic actors and agents of change, in making their communities more resilient in the face of natural disasters. Ce projet vise à renforcer les systèmes nationaux en Haïti afin de mieux gérer et répondre aux désastres naturels. Haïti est l’un des pays les plus vulnérables aux désastres naturels et aux changements climatiques. Il est frappé, de manière récurrente, par des ouragans. Ce projet soutient les efforts de relèvement et de reconstruction en cours dans les différentes communautés les plus vulnérables. Il appuie notamment les autorités haïtiennes, aux niveaux central, départemental et communal, afin qu’elles développent et mettent en œuvre des plans communaux de relèvement permettant ainsi de prioriser les activités suite à un désastre. Le projet accorde aussi une attention particulière à l’inclusion et la participation des femmes, en tant qu'actrices socio-économiques et agentes de changement, pour rendre leurs communautés plus résilientes face aux catastrophes naturelles. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Capacity building Min of Econ & EE Agency - Short term consultancy services Kapacitetsutv Min of Economy & Energimyndigheten TA to support capacity for strategic planning and coordination of reforms for increased energy efficiency and use of renewable energy resources as part of Moldova's EU approximation in the energy sector. Includes support to a revision of Moldova's Energy Strategy, national action plans for energy efficiency and renewables, and capacity building to for sector planning, coordination, implementation, monito Stöd till Moldaviens kapacitet till strategisk planering och koordinering av reformer inom energisektorn i linje med EU acquis. Innehåller stöd till uppdatering av energistrategi, nationella handlingsplaner, kapacitetsuppbyggnad för av Myndigheten för energieffektivisering. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Tenure Facility projects supported in Peru Projects supported by the International Land and Forest Tenure Facility to enhance land reform and strengthen tenure rights of indigenous peoples and local communities in Peru. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Sponsorship of the 2023 Adaptation Futures Conference To support the Adaptation Futures Conference 2023. of Sponsorship of the 2023 Adaptation Futures Conference from 09/08/2023 to 11/01/2023. Grantee name: Ouranos. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Kigoma Joint Programme Phase II (KJP II) - Enhancing resilience and livelihoods of communities in Kigoma Region Improve development and human security of the communities living in Kigoma Region. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Subsets and Splits