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PRO-GB: Programme pour la résilience et opportunités économiques en Guinée-Bissau Programme social d'urgence pour la population de Guinée-Bissau: renforcer les services de base et accès à ceux-ci, ainsi que la sécurité alimentaire et les opportunités économiques basées sur la filière agricole | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
PROG 2017-2021_BURUNDI_OUTCOME 2_Les profanes, le personnel et les volontaires Croix-Rouge possedent les attitudes, capacités et connaissances adéquates, à jour et evidence-based pour donner les premiers secours à ceux qui en ont besoin, et ce, d'ici 2021. De telle facon, ils augmentent le niveau de résilience de la communauté et la capacité de soins d'urgence. La Croix-Rouge de Belgique Flandres (CRB-FL) travaille au Burundi depuis 2007, principalement dans les domaines Premiers Secours et WASH, et toujours avec son partenaire préférentiel, la Société Nationale de Croix-Rouge du Burundi (CRB). Entre 2017 et 2021, la coopération continuera à se concentrer sur les formations aux Premiers Secours et prestations de services (eau et assainissement). La CRB-FL se concentre sur ces deux domaines d’intervention afin d’être capable de donner une valeur ajoutée réelle au partenariat. Les PS constituent une activité prioritaire dans toutes les sociétés Croix-Rouge au monde et est particulièrement pertinente au Burundi pour plusieurs raisons. Une de ces raisons est la vulnérabilité aux catastrophes liées au changement climatique (sécheresse, érosion…) qui menacent la population et surtout la population la plus vulnérable. D’autres raisons sont la défaillance des soins de santé primaires et la violence politique liée à l’instabilité politique continuelle. Ces éléments soulignent le besoin de volontaires Premiers Secours compétents. L’éducation aux Premiers Secours forme une intervention très efficace, avec un coût de 8 $ par ‘DALY’7. évité (disability-adjusted life year, c’est-à-dire : AVCI, nombre d’années de vie corrigé du facteur d’incapacité). Ceci rend la formation aux PS un des moyens les moins chers pour améliorer la santé publique dans les pays en cours de développement. La CRB-FLa une vaste expérience en formation aux PS qui assure que ce qui est enseigné est conforme aux données scientifiques probantes les plus récentes. Ainsi 11.787 personnes bénéficieront directement de l’intervention Premiers Secours et grâce au grand effet de cascade, 66.135 bénéficiaires indirects seront atteints. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
International Climate Change Negotiations Support Programme (NSP) The Negotiations Support Programme works with countries with the aim to develop the capacity of country negotiators to participate in and influence the outcomes of negotiations. This principally involves the provision of legal and technical support to developing country negotiators by third party experts, as well as the provision of logistical support to enable sufficient representation at key events. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Civil works for the rehabitation of the Tororo Gulu Railway line Rehabilitation of the railway line between Tororo and Gulu.-Civil works for the rehabitation of the Tororo Gulu Railway line | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Enhancing climate resilience in agriculture for improved food and nutrition security through research, innovation and training in the Republic of Mauritius The overall objective of the action is to strengthen the capacity of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mauritius in research and training to promote sustainable agriculture for improved food security in response to climate change. The specific objectives of the action are: 1) To use molecular methods for pest and disease characterisation to identify their geographical distribution, seasonality and temporal prevalence and measure their impact on production; 2) To develop a package of climate-smart agriculture technologies for agriculture; 3) To develop the necessary competences for innovative transformation of raw materials from the agricultural sectors into high-value products that fulfil customer and international food safety requirements; 4) To increase the marketed supply of quality and wholesome milk from smallholder dairy farmers for the local market and as input for the local agroindustry; 5) To empower the human capital in Rodrigues through agricultural education for improved resilience to climate change | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Improved fisheries management for sustainable use of marine living resources in the face of changing systems Improved fisheries management for sustainable use of marine living resources in the face of changing systems | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Co-Dx: hr-HPV POC Dx assay development to support TxV to develop an instrument and disposable cartridge for the detection of human papilloma virus (HPV) at low cost for deployment into low- and middle-income countries to support the HPV therapeutic vaccine. | No climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
HIGH LEVEL MEETING EAA AND CORAID Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. Participation by LDC i High Level Meeting in NL March 2010 | No climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Tonga: Tropic Twilight 2016 Tropic Twilight, an annual New Zealand Defence Force-led multilateral Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief exercise in the South Pacific, will be conducted in Tonga in July 2016.
The focus will be to improve water collection in five of the larger villages in the Ha'apai island group (installation of water tanks) and reconstruct the fish market severely damaged in 2014 by Tropical Cyclone Ian. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Ending Drought Emergencies: Climate Proofed Infrastructures for improved water supply and sanitation in ASAL The programme will support EDE Pillar II - Climate-proofed Infrastructure by providing a 20 Million Euro grant to Water Sector Trust Fund to implement medium sized water projects in ASAL counties and promote a pilot project PPP within the water sector. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Desfluorización y reutilización de residuos mediante recursos naturales en el Valle del Rift: RiFaWater (COVID-19) | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Agricultura sostenible adaptada al clima para la gesti n integral de riesgo de desastres como respuesta al COVID-19 Agricultores, comunidades y ecosistemas son m s resilientes al cambio clim tico, amenazas y crisis bajo un enfoque de sistemas alimentarios | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Integriertes Projekt zur ländlichen Entwicklung (Fortführung) Integrated Rural Development Project - continuation Integriertes Projekt zur ländlichen Entwicklung (Fortführung) Integrated Rural Development Project - continuation ACAT bietet existentielle Alternativen in einer der ärmsten Regionen des Landes. Das Integrierte Ländliche Entwicklungsprojekt (IRDP) begleitet sichere Ernährungssicherungsaktivitäten und Einkommen schaffende Maßnahmen. Spar- und Kreditgruppen werden erfolgreich etabliert und sichern nachhaltige wirtschaftliche Aktivitäten für die Gruppenmitglieder. ACAT offers existential alternatives in one of the poorest regions of the country. The Integrated Rural Development Project (IRDP) accompanies secure food security activities and income generating activities. Saving and credit groups are successfully established and secure sustainable economic activities for the group members. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Verbesserung der sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Lebensbedingungen von traditionellen Kleinbauernfamilien sowie der Ernährungsqualität, Minas Gerais Strengthening sustainable agriculture and a economy based on solidarity in Vale do Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais Verbesserung der sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Lebensbedingungen von traditionellen Kleinbauernfamilien sowie der Ernährungsqualität, Minas Gerais Strengthening sustainable agriculture and a economy based on solidarity in Vale do Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais Verbesserung der sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Lebensbedingungen von traditionellen Kleinbauernfamilien sowie der Ernährungsqualität, Minas Gerais Strengthening sustainable agriculture and a economy based on solidarity in Vale do Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Observatoire Pilote des Paysages et des Dynamiques Agricoles du B¿nin (Zones Nord et Centre) Lobjectif général du projet est de mettre en place un observatoire pilote des systèmes agraires et des paysages, sous la forme dune plateforme de services dédiés à la capitalisation dinformations spatialisées (cartes, images satellitaires, enquêtes), à la production dindicateurs (réguliers et peu coûteux) et à la cartographie des dynamiques des systèmes agraires et des paysages du Centre et du Nord Bénin. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Capacity Development for Strengthened Drought Resilience in the Ethiopian Lowlands (CDSDR) Stärkung der Dürreresilienz d. pastoralen u. agropastoralen Bevölkerung i.d. äthiopischen ariden u. semi-ariden Gebieten Institutional actors use improved new management, cooperation and networking instruments to enhance drought resilience in the Afar and Somali regions. Institutionelle Akteure wenden verbesserte Management-, Kooperations- und Netzwerkinstrumente zur Dürreresilienz in den Regionen Afar und Somali an. Institutional actors use improved new management, cooperation and networking instruments to enhance drought resilience in the Afar and Somali regions. Institutionelle Akteure wenden verbesserte Management-, Kooperations- und Netzwerkinstrumente zur Dürreresilienz in den Regionen Afar und Somali an. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Peru ACA - NICFI 2021-25 Amazon Conservation Association aims to establish illegal deforestation monitoring systems and improve enforcement laws in Peru and Ecuador. The project will strengthen ACA’s ongoing work in Peru, where they have provided real-time deforestation information, using satellite information in their Monitoring of the Andean Amazon Project (MAAP), for civil society and the government to engage more effectively to stop illegal deforestation at the national, regional and local level. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Prevention of Violence against Women and Girls through Football This activity (Prevention of Violence against Women and Girls through Football) is a component of Prevention of Violence against Women and Girls through Football reported by FCDO and a budget of £193,494.This project benefits KENYA.And works in the following sector(s): Ending violence against women and girls. | No climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Climate Envelope 2013: CCAC - Climate and Clean Air Coalition Fast action to reduce short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) can have a direct impact on global warming, with the potential to reduce the warming expected by 2050 by up to 0.5°C. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
F.a: Strengthening forest management capacities of local people and improving its conservation values of the forest Strengthening forest management capacities of local people and improving its conservation values of the forest | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Bet. a. d. madag. Stiftung für die nachhaltige Absich. v. Naturschutzgeb. (VP) Nachhalt. Abs. v. Naturschutzgeb. (VP) Das Vorhaben soll dazu beitragen die Bewirtschaftung der natürlichen Ressourcen Madagaskars nachhaltig zu sichern (Oberziel des deutschen Programms). Durch die Beteiligung an der finanziellen Ausstattung einer Umweltstiftung soll das Vorhaben einen Beitrag zur nachhaltigen finanziellen Absicherung des madagassischen Nationalparksystems leisten (Projektziel). Die Zinserträge aus dem Stiftungsvermögen sollen für ausgewählte Infrastrukturmaßnahmen und zur Deckung eines Teils der laufenden Kosten der Parks verwendet werden. Dies erfolgt auf der Basis jährlicher Arbeitsplanungen der einzelnen madagassischen Parks, die über ANGAP der Stiftung vorgelegt werden. Träger des Vorhabens ist die madagassische Stiftung für Naturschutzgebiete und Biodiversität. Unmittelbar begünstigt ist das madagassische Nationalparksystem, repräsentiert durch ANGAP als prioritär Zuwendungsberechtigter der Stiftungserträge. The project is to contribute to the sustainable management of Madagascar's natural resources (overall objective of the German program). By participating in the financial endowment of an environmental foundation, the project is to contribute to the sustainable financial security of Madagascar's national park system (project objective). The interest income from the foundation's assets is to be used for selected infrastructure measures and to cover part of the parks' running costs. This is done on the basis of annual work plans of the individual Malagasy parks, which are submitted to the foundation via ANGAP. The executing agency of the project is the Malagasy Foundation for Nature Reserves and Biodiversity. The direct beneficiary is the Malagasy national park system, represented by ANGAP as the priority beneficiary of the foundation's income. Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Finanzierung des madagassischen Nationalparksystems leisten und zur Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen und der Erhöhung des Einkommens der Randzonenbevölkerung des Parks The project is to contribute to the sustainable management of Madagascar's natural resources (overall objective of the German program). By participating in the financial endowment of an environmental foundation, the project is to contribute to the sustainable financial security of Madagascar's national park system (project objective). The interest income from the foundation's assets is to be used for selected infrastructure measures and to cover part of the parks' running costs. This is done on the basis of annual work plans of the individual Malagasy parks, which are submitted to the foundation via ANGAP. The executing agency of the project is the Malagasy Foundation for Nature Reserves and Biodiversity. The direct beneficiary is the Malagasy national park system, represented by ANGAP as the priority beneficiary of the foundation's income. | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Kommunales nachhaltiges Management von Wald- und Feuchtgebieten Diagn Chiefdom Community Empowerment for sustainable forest and wetlands management Kommunales nachhaltiges Management von Wald- und Feuchtgebieten Diagn Chiefdom Community Empowerment for sustainable forest and wetlands management Das Projekt trägt auf Gemeindeebene zum Schutz des Ökosystems und der Biodiversität bei und trägt dabei den sozialen und kulturellen Werten der Bevölkerung Rechnung.MIttel bis langfristig soll eine umfassende Strategie zum Umwelt- und Ressourcenschutz es ermöglichen, Okölogie und Ökonomie in Einklang zu bringen. The project intends to engage communities to protect the ecosystem and the biodiversity in respect of their cultural and social values. In the mid- and longer term perspective, the project aims to both target ecological and economic challenges in a non confrontive way. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Ernährungssicherung von Kleinbauernfamilien in Las Maderas, Munizip Tipitapa, Managua National security for small scale farmers in Las Maderas, Tipitapa, Managua, Nicaragua Ernährungssicherung von Kleinbauernfamilien in Las Maderas, Munizip Tipitapa, Managua National security for small scale farmers in Las Maderas, Tipitapa, Managua, Nicaragua Ernährungssicherung von Kleinbauernfamilien in Las Maderas, Munizip Tipitapa, Managua National security for small scale farmers in Las Maderas, Tipitapa, Managua, Nicaragua | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
CICLASIA-The program CICLASIA aims at supporting the preparation phase of urban projects with climate co-benefits in a dozen cities between 2018 and 2022 in Asia. The program CICLASIA aims at supporting the preparation phase of urban projects with climate co-benefits in a dozen cities between 2018 and 2022 in Asia. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Pilot Program for Climate Resilience Programme pilote pour la résistance aux chocs climatiques The Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) aims to strengthen national climate resilience strategies in up to ten pilot countries chosen for their vulnerability to climate shocks; to integrate climate adaptation measures and approaches within national and sectoral development policies, plans and programs; and to capture important knowledge and lessons, including the identification of proven climate adaptation models for resource management and infrastructure programs. The PPCR consists of two phases: (i) a technical assistance phase to build the capacity of the host government to develop its climate resilient national development program and integrate it within national plans and budgets; and (ii) a program financing phase to provide financial resources for the implementation of climate resilient program activities. Activities are country-led and financed through grants from the World Bank, as Trustee, to one or a combination of multilateral development banks, selected by pilot countries as implementing partners. The participating multilateral development banks are the World Bank, the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the Inter-American Development Bank. Le Programme pilote pour la résistance aux chocs climatiques (PPRCC) vise à renforcer les stratégies nationales en matière de résistance aux chocs climatiques dans quelques « pays pilotes » (jusqu’à 10) choisis en raison de leur vulnérabilité aux chocs climatiques; à intégrer des approches et des mesures d’adaptation aux politiques, aux plans et aux programmes nationaux et sectoriels de développement; ainsi qu’à retenir des leçons et à acquérir des connaissances importantes, y compris le recensement des modèles d’adaptation au climat éprouvés sur le plan de la gestion des ressources et des programmes d’infrastructure. Le PPRCC a deux phases : i) la phase d’assistance technique pour renforcer la capacité du gouvernement hôte d’élaborer son programme de développement national de résistance aux chocs climatiques et de l’intégrer aux plans et aux budgets nationaux; ii) la phase de financement de programme pour apporter les ressources financières pour la mise en œuvre des activités du programme de résistance aux chocs climatiques. Les activités sont prises en charge par les pays et financées par l'entremise de subventions de la Banque mondiale, fiduciaire, ainsi que d’une ou de plusieurs banques multilatérales de développement que les pays visés par le projet pilote ont choisies comme partenaires d’exécution. Les banques multilatérales de développement participantes sont la Banque mondiale, la Banque africaine de développement, la Banque asiatique de développement et la Banque interaméricaine de développement. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Expert study about Renewable Energy Transition in Sub-Saharan Africa Studie über den Übergang zu erneuerbaren Energien in Sub-Sahara-Afrika Preparation of an expert study on opportunities and obstacles for renewable energies in the sub-Saharan Africa region, inventory of multilateral and regional programs and recommendations for action for the German federal government Erstellung einer Studie zu Chancen und Hindernissen für erneuerbare Energien in der Region Sub-Sahara-Afrika, Bestandsaufnahme multilateraler und regionaler Programme und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Bundesregierung | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Kosovo Energy Efficiency Projekt Kosovo Energieeffizienz Projekt (KEEP) The capacity of relevant actors for effective implementation of energy efficiency (EE) - measures are improved. Die Kapazitäten relevanter Akteure zur effizienten Umsetzung von Energieeffizienz (EE)- Maßnahmen sind verbessert. The capacity of relevant actors for effective implementation of energy efficiency (EE) - measures are improved. Die Kapazitäten relevanter Akteure zur effizienten Umsetzung von Energieeffizienz (EE)- Maßnahmen sind verbessert. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Förderung von umweltfreundlichen Praktiken und Grüner Schulen in Palästina Promoting Environmental Friendly Practices and Green Schools in Palestine Förderung von umweltfreundlichen Praktiken und Grüner Schulen in Palästina Promoting Environmental Friendly Practices and Green Schools in Palestine Förderung von umweltfreundlichen Praktiken und Grüner Schulen in Palästina Promoting Environmental Friendly Practices and Green Schools in Palestine | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
F.a: administration and development In 2016-2018 thematic advocacy priorities of Kehys will be institutional policy coherence, human development, security and development, and sustainable and green economy. The first two will be covered by support from the MFA, while the two latter will be i
mplemented with external project funding. | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
INT/Annual payment to the United nations Environment Programme (UNEP) YK:n ympäristöohjelma (UNEP); Suomen tuki Ympäristörahastolle 2021 The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations
system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. UNEP?s work encompasses assessing global regional and national environmental conditions and trends developing international and national environmental instruments and strengthening
institutions for the wise management of the environment.UNEP supports the implementation of Finland?s development policy in particular the priority area IV related to promoting climate sustainability access to sustainable energy and energy efficiency as w
ell as good environmental governance. Finland?s main goals in relation to UNEP are strengthening UNEP?s role as the leading environmental authority and increasing UNEP?s efficiency and results orientation.Annual payment of 15 million euros is proposed for
the UNEP's Environment Fund in 2018 to be used for funding UNEP's activities according to the work programme. YK:n ympäristöohjelman (UNEP) tehtävänä on edistää ympäristöllisesti kestävää kehitystä YK-järjestelmässä sekä toimia ympäristön tilan puolestapuhujana ja globaalin ympäristöagendan asettajana. UNEP:n työohjelma tavoittelee siirtymist
ä vähäpäästöiseen resurssitehokkaaseen ja tasa-arvoiseen kehitykseen mikä pohjautuu ekosysteemipalvelujen suojelulle ja kestävälle käytölle vahvistuneelle ympäristöhallinnolle ja ympäristöriskien vähentämiselle. Pohjimmaisena tavoitteena o
n nykyisten ja tulevien sukupolvien hyvinvoinnin turvaaminen. UNEP tukee erityisesti Suomen kehityspolitiikan painopistealue IV:n toteutusta.Suomen tueksi UNEP:n ympäristörahastolle 2021 ehdotetaan 25 miljoonaa euroa. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Access to markets - SME Innovation and Ecosystem Suppor Contract related to: Access to markets - SME Innovation and Ecosystem Suppor - Georgia and the European Union (EU) maintain a close relationship with a far-reaching Association Agreement, including a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA). The EU is the main trade partner of Georgia. Around 21% of its trade takes place with the EU. Following the year 2020 of pandemic-related contraction, the economy started to rebound strongly thanks to an overall increase in tourism and remittances inflows. This rebound is, however, impacted by the economic effects of Russia¿s war of aggression against Ukraine. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has revised its previously estimated 5.8% GDP growth to 3.2%, as at June 2022. The goal of this Action is the promotion of inclusive and sustainable growth in Georgia. This will lead to a thriving business sector, improved livelihoods and decent employment for the population. This is even more important now in view of the current geopolitical developments in the region. The Action contributes directly to the Economic and Investment Plan, in particular the Flagship 3 for Georgia on economic recovery (¿80.000 small and medium enterprises (SME) reap the full benefits of the DCFTA¿) but also Flagship 6 on energy efficiency. The Action will support the following priorities:1) Better Goods and Services: conformity assessments body development programme, promoting quality labels, support to Georgia¿s quality infrastructure, consumer protection;2) Export, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) internationalisation, innovation: facilitation of exports and trade, value chain and cluster support to selected industries with strong growth potential, support to logistics to lower shipping costs, incentives for innovation, start-ups and technology transfer;3) Green transition: promote eco-innovation and green finance, implementation of the Green Growth strategy, support to greening governmental programmes, awareness raising of SMEs; ensuring a just transition.4) Skills and Training; support to the new Skills Agency, sectoral partnerships by the private sector, strengthening employment support services;5) Coordination and institutional capacity: technical assistance to DCFTA implementation, policy advice, gender mainstreaming, women economic empowerment, awareness- raising and trainings to SME, monitoring.Georgia is a key partner of the EU in the region and has the ambition to further develop its relations with the EU, as proven by Georgia¿s recent EU membership application. On 23 June 2022, the European Council endorsed the European Commission opinion granting European Perspective to Georgia and recommending that Georgia be granted candidate status once a set of priorities will have been addressed. Georgian society continues to aspire to political and economic integration with the European Union. Overall, we have seen good progress in meeting the commitments of the AA. The Association Agenda for the next implementation period (2021-2027) has been agreed and has been publically available from May 2022, ahead of its formal adoption later in the year. This programme is furthermore rooted in the Multiannual Indicative Programming Document (MIP) 2021-2027, indicating priorities for EU financial support to the implementation of the AA for a resilient, sustainable and integrated economy. | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Kenya - Climate Envelope 2012: continuation of bilateral climate programme re. energy efficiency To increased efficiency in energy and resource use in the manufacturing sector in Kenya. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Preparation of the tender dossier and supervision services for the construction and equipment of the West African Power Pool (WAPP) Information and Coordination Centre in Calavi, Benin Contract related to: Preparation of the tender dossier and supervision services for the construction and equipment of the West African Power Pool (WAPP) Information and Coordination Centre in Calavi, Benin - The Project will establish the WAPP Information and Coordination Centre (ICC) in Benin to manage information from the SCADA equipment in fourteen ECOWAS countries. WAPP ICC will serve as the central monitoring and electricity trading hub. | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Building Resilient Environment and Sustainable Agriculture and Water in Oman To create enabling conditions for strengthened capacity of the NDA and relevant agriculture and water-sector stakeholders to design and implement climate change mitigation and adaptation projects and policies in line with national priorities and the GCF country programme. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Capacity Building for Collaborative Management of Coastal Wetlands in Soc Trang Schutzgebiet im Feuchtgebiet Soc Trang, Phase II Coastal Wetlands in the province Soc Trang are protected and used in a sustainable manner Die Feuchtgebiete der Küste in der Provinz Soc Trang werden erhalten und nachhaltig genutzt Coastal Wetlands in the province Soc Trang are protected and used in a sustainable manner Die Feuchtgebiete der Küste in der Provinz Soc Trang werden erhalten und nachhaltig genutzt | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
COL - Clima smart and deforestation free coffee Solidaridad Colombia will be responsible for designing and delivering climate smart coffee activities in Cauca and Risaralda as well as working with private and public actors in Colombia to achieve sector commitments that support the production of climate smart and deforestation free coffee. Colombia will also support the development of a market strategy to reach European and North American markets. Finally, regional monitoring and evaluation activities will be coordinated from Colombia. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Decision ENERGY/2019/42231 - Extension of the implementation period (OPSYS only) and integration of the second tranche of SIDA funds from the Addendum no 1 to the Transfer Agreement signed with SIDA - JAD.1203810 - ACT-D-42231-00 Top-up of decision ENERGY/2018/2018 / 41-039 from the Transfer Agreement signed with SIDA | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Aufbau einer Kleinbauernschule für die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität im Departement Caquetá Training and capacity building for small-scale farmers for livelihood improvement in Caquetá Department, Colombia Aufbau einer Kleinbauernschule für die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität im Departement Caquetá Training and capacity building for small-scale farmers for livelihood improvement in Caquetá Department, Colombia Aufbau einer Kleinbauernschule für die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität im Departement Caquetá Training and capacity building for small-scale farmers for livelihood improvement in Caquetá Department, Colombia | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Developing the Compost Value Chain in Jordan Supporting knowledge exchange on the compost value chain and building the skills involved in producing and using compost is the purpose of this project. The project consists of four phases: 1. In the first phase, start the project with a scoping mission that provides a baseline for developing the compost value chain. 2. In the second phase, a practical training program is developed based on the earlier needs assessment related to compost production, trade and application at different technology levels and sales. 3. In the third phase, it is time for the actual training courses to occur. This phase should also result in multimedia documentation of training steps and visualization of practices. 4. In the fourth phase, a practical digital guide to composting is delivered. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Integrated Sustainable Charcoal Value Chain Promotion Projec <p>Charcoal is a primary source of energy for cooking in Tanzania with 60.6% of urban households using it. Its value chain further provide employment to more than 380,000 people in rural and urban areas. In Dar es Salaam, it is responsible for 50-70% of the national consumption of charcoal. Over 2.3 million tonnes of charcoal were consumed in 2012, and this is expected to double by 2030. Challenges in the charcoal sector are also largely driven by inadequate law enforcement, policy and regulatory capacity, and poor technologies. Over a number of years, a good number of stakeholders have been playing a great role in sustainable forestry management. However, these initiatives have not succeeded in addressing the trio of livelihood options for the rural people, revenue demand and targets by District and Central Government, and sustainability of forest resources.</p><p>The Action will promote effective and efficient integrated approaches for improvement of sustainable forest management and charcoal production in rural areas of Pwani region with the view to increase environmental and charcoal value chain sustainability while promoting socio-economic development.</p> | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Programm ländliche Entwicklung III Rural Development Program Phase III Das Programm Ländliche Infrastruktur Phase III (Rural Infrastructure Programme Phase III) umfasst den schnell umsetzbaren und wirksamen Aufbau ländlicher Infrastruktur durch Ausbau ländlicher Wege, im südlichen Shan-Staat Myanmars. In der Phase I des Programms war im Distrikt Taunggyi begonnen worden. Nun soll das Programm auf die zwei anderen Distrikte des südlichen Shan-Staates ausgeweitet werden. Phase II und III werden parallel durchgeführt. Durch eine flankierende Begleitmaßnahme werden Themen wie Instandhaltung, Planungs- und Vergabeverfahren eingeübt werden. Eine Koordination mit den TZ-Maßnahmen ist vorgesehen.Ziel der Maßnahme ist die nachhaltige und ganzjährige Nutzung der ausgebauten ländlichen Wege und der anderen Infrastrukturmaßnahmen durch die Zielgruppe zur besseren Erreichbarkeit von Märkten, Schulen, Gesundheitseinrichtungen, Arbeitsstätten.Zielgruppe sind die verschiedenen Straßennutzer und die im Einzugsgebiet der Straßen lebende ländliche, oftmals arme Bevölkerung im Taunggyi-Distrikt und benachbarten Distrikten, die überwiegend ethnischen Minderheiten angehört. Das Vorhaben soll einen Beitrag zur langfristigen Erschließung ländlicher Räume leisten und den Zugang zu Märkten, beruflicher Qualifizierung, Finanzdienstleistungen, Kliniken und Bildungseinrichtungen verbessern. Durch die Förderung von Handel und Austausch können Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten und Einkommen geschaffen und damit die marktwirtschaftliche Entwicklung gefördert bzw. erst möglich gemacht werden. Indem ethnische Gruppen einen Zugang zu lokalen Wirtschaftszentren erhalten, wird ein Beitrag zu nationalen Aussöhnung und Friedenssicherung in Myanmar geleistet. Rural Development Program Phase III Ziel der Maßnahme ist die nachhaltige und ganzjährige Nutzung der ausgebauten ländlichen Wege und der anderen Infrastrukturmaßnahmen. Rural Development Program Phase III | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Terroirs - OKDB - Approche territoriale int¿gr¿e dans les communes rurales des provinces Sangui¿ et Boulkiemd¿ Contract related to: Terroirs - OKDB - Approche territoriale int¿gr¿e dans les communes rurales des provinces Sangui¿ et Boulkiemd¿ - Cette action vise à promouvoir la résilience économique de la population par le développement durable de l¿économie verte. La croissance des revenus des ménages et de la disponibilité alimentaire en résultant contribueront à la sécurité alimentaire de la population.L¿intervention est une contribution pragmatique à une approche territoriale intégrée incrémentale, ciblant en particulier le développement de l¿agroécologie rurale et périurbaine et des chaines de valeur ; la gestion durable des écosystèmes naturels (forêts) et des ressources en eau ; la formation professionnelle et le développement des marchés urbains. Des partenaires ayant la capacité de fournir un appui concret aux populations tout en se coordonnant étroitement avec les autres actions et acteurs extérieurs et en impliquant les autorités et les parties-prenantes locales seront mobilisés pour la mise en ¿uvre des activités.Le programme ciblera géographiquement le « triangle » OKDB (Ouagadougou - Koudougou ¿ Dédougou ¿ Bobo Dioulasso) couvrant une partie de trois régions (régions du Centre-Ouest, Boucle de Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins) à fort potentiel agricole et de ressources naturelles et la région Centre qui représente un marché final significatif. Cet espace central constitue le grenier du pays et par conséquent joue un rôle majeur pour en renforcer la sécurité alimentaire. Les territoires concernés, qui hébergent déjà environ 10 % des PDIs du pays et sur lesquels un afflux de plus en plus important de PDIs est anticipé, restent encore accessibles pour des activités de développement économique et social. La concentration d¿actions multisectorielles sur une zone géographique (approche territoriale) précise et limitée, doit permettre d¿obtenir plus d¿impact.Le programme sera mis en ¿uvre selon une approche intégrée humanitaire-développement-paix (nexus HDP) qui reposera sur une coordination stratégique entre les acteurs HDP. Les activités du programme chercheront à assurer la continuité et la durabilité des actions menées en urgence. Les expériences, leçons apprises et analyses de vulnérabilité de la communauté humanitaire contribueront à cibler les activités de l¿action. L¿expérience des États membres dans les zones ciblées sera également prise en compte.L¿action sera mise en ¿uvre principalement par des agences d¿exécution des États membres en gestion indirecte, dans une approche Team Europe. Des consortia d¿ONGs, en première ligne pour la mise en ¿uvre des actions sur le terrain, seront également impliqués dans l¿exécution de l¿intervention. L¿action représente une contribution au paquet d¿investissement « Global Gateway » de l¿UE en Afrique, en particulier sur le plan de l¿accélération de la transition écologique et de l¿accélération de la croissance durable et de la création d¿emplois décents. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
PROG2017-2021_OSS7_Droit à la protection sociale en Asie PROG2017-2021_OSS7_The right to social protection in Asia Contribution à la cible stratégique commune du Cadre stratégique commun (CSC) Travail décent: Promouvoir le travail décent pour un développement durable, équitable, solidaire et inclusif: créer des emplois, garantir les droits du travail, étendre la protection sociale et promouvoir le dialogue social pour toutes et pour tous En 2021, en Asie, les organisations de la société civile (OSC) partenaires renforcées auront diffusé et exigé le droit à la Protection Sociale auprès des décideurs politiques nationaux et continentaux et auront contribué à l‘amélioration de l’accès à la Protection Sociale via des services, pour des travailleurs informels vulnérables et formels précaires, spécialement les jeunes et les femmes. Travailleurs/travailleuses avec statut précaire de l'économie informelle et formelle | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Opportunities for Youth Employment (OYE) Inspired by aspects of the Swiss Vocational Skills Development model, the Opportunities for Youth Employment project aims to improve the livelihoods of young rural and peri-urban out-of-school women and men. In addition to building youths' skills-set and connecting them with existing markets for gainful selfemployment in agriculture and renewable energy, this project will also contribute to a more youth friendly and effective market system and policy environment Co-funding is provided by the private sector. | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Farmer-driven assessment of climate-resilient crop varieties and downstream impacts for improved food systems in Madagascar and Togo Évaluation des variétés de cultures résistantes au climat et des impacts pour l’amélioration des systèmes alimentaires à Madagascar et au Togo Based on experience in farmer participatory crop breeding and seed-delivery systems in Africa, this project will support national public crop-breeding teams to conduct crop-variety trials of a range of food crops on-station and on-farm, allowing for the best-suited crop varieties to be officially released for seed production and supply to farmers. It will also seek to determine, through socio-economic studies, which crops and crop-variety traits are most likely to deliver lasting benefits to women and men smallholder farmers and youth in rural communities. It will further measure the downstream impacts from the introduction of improved varieties into local farming systems.
The hypothesis is that properly introduced improved varieties will trigger a series of positive and sustainable changes in the existing farming systems. The project aims to both contribute to these changes and assess their trade-offs and implications at the socio-economic level among men and women farmers. The expected result of these activities is a scalable and replicable seed-system development model appropriate for meeting the needs of women and men farmers in Madagascar and Togo with strong buy-in from public institutions, farmers and the private sector. Sur la base de l’expérience acquise en matière de systèmes de sélection des cultures et de distribution des semences faisant appel à la participation des agriculteurs en Afrique, ce projet aidera les équipes publiques nationales de sélection des cultures à réaliser des essais sur une série de cultures vivrières en station et à la ferme, ce qui permettra d’autoriser officiellement les variétés les mieux adaptées à la production de semences et à leur distribution aux agriculteurs. Ce projet cherchera également à déterminer, par le biais d’études socio-économiques, quelles cultures et quels traits de variétés de cultures sont les plus susceptibles de procurer des avantages durables aux petits exploitants agricoles, hommes et femmes, et aux jeunes des communautés rurales. Il mesurera en outre les impacts en aval de l’introduction de variétés améliorées dans les systèmes agricoles locaux.
L’hypothèse est que des variétés améliorées correctement introduites déclencheront une série de changements positifs et durables dans les systèmes agricoles existants. Le projet vise à la fois à contribuer à ces changements et à évaluer leurs compromis et leurs implications sur le plan socio-économique chez les agriculteurs et les agricultrices. Le résultat attendu de ces activités est un modèle de développement de système de semences évolutif et reproductible approprié pour répondre aux besoins des femmes et des hommes agriculteurs à Madagascar et au Togo avec une forte adhésion des institutions publiques, des agriculteurs et du secteur privé. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Nachhaltige Existenzbildung u. Gemeinwesenstsärkung, Fortführung Sustainable Livelihood Nachhaltige Existenzbildung u. Gemeinwesenstsärkung, Fortführung Sustainable Livelihood Nachhaltige Existenzbildung u. Gemeinwesenstsärkung, Fortführung Sustainable Livelihood | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
EFFECTIVE COMPETION REGIMES IN WEST AFRICA/MALI Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. Strengthening basis for improved competion legislation and implementation thereof. | No climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
F.a: Community Based Health and Safe Households An integrated community project based on the model household concept with ten objectives aimed at promoting good health, education, hygiene and sanitation, nutrition, environmental protection and community solidarity. The concept is based on the training o
f Red Cross volunteers to promote behavioral change and thus to prevent key health problems. To support change, the Red Cross builds toilets in schools, drinking water in villages, and builds houses for the poorest families. Burundi Red Cross is a long ter
m partner and a key humanitarian actor in the country. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Employment promotion for youth Jugendbeschäftigungsförderung durch lokale Wirtschaftsentwicklung The employment and income situation of youth in agricultural value chains and SME is improved. Die Beschäftigungs- und Einkommenssituation von Jugendlichen in der Landwirtschaft und in Kleinst- und Kleinunternehmen ist nachhaltig verbessert. The employment and income situation of youth in agricultural value chains and SME is improved. Die Beschäftigungs- und Einkommenssituation von Jugendlichen in der Landwirtschaft und in Kleinst- und Kleinunternehmen ist nachhaltig verbessert. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Development of an effective governance framework for the implementation of the Ecuador`s NDC Strengthen governance and its institutional frameworks through comprehensive capacity strengthening programs, management manuals, technical tools to mainstream climate change in public policies and communication strategies to disseminate information and exchange the knowledge generated, making it possible to integrate and achieve health, food security and water sectors goals, as defined in the NDC implementation plan. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Improve access to Energy in Maluku (NZMATES): Energy This Activity will support the uptake of affordable, reliable, and renewable energy in off-grid and grid-connected areas in Seram and surrounding islands in Eastern Indonesia. Delivered in partnership with the Government of Indonesia, support will result in financed and operational renewable energy projects and strengthened capability of renewable energy partners. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Unterstützung der marokkanischen Energiepolitik Support of the Moroccan Energy Policy Die Kapazitäten und Rahmenbedingungen zur Planung, Regulierung und Anwendung Erneuerbarer Energien (RE) im Rahmen der marokkanischen Energie- und Klimapolitik sind verbessert. Capacities and framework conditions to plan, regulate and apply renewable energies in the framework of the Moroccan energy and climate policies are improved. Die Kapazitäten und Rahmenbedingungen zur Planung, Regulierung und Anwendung Erneuerbarer Energien (RE) im Rahmen der marokkanischen Energie- und Klimapolitik sind verbessert. Capacities and framework conditions to plan, regulate and apply renewable energies in the framework of the Moroccan energy and climate policies are improved. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Sustainable development of metropolitan regions Sektorvorhaben Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Metropolregionen The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the German Development Cooperation integrate implementation oriented strategies and concepts for sustainable development of metropolitan regions in their development policies. Das Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) und die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit integrieren umsetzungsorientierte Strategien und Konzepte zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Metropolregionen in ihr entwicklungspolitisches Handeln. The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the German Development Cooperation integrate implementation oriented strategies and concepts for sustainable development of metropolitan regions in their development policies. Das Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) und die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit integrieren umsetzungsorientierte Strategien und Konzepte zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Metropolregionen in ihr entwicklungspolitisches Handeln. | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Caribbean Comprehensive Disaster Management Harmonised Implementation Programme To enhance institutional support and community resilience to mitigate, respond to and recover from the adverse effects of climate variability and change and disasters. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Assessed Contribution- United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification 2021 Contribution statutaire-la Convention des Nations Unies sur la lutte contre la désertification 2021 This assessed contribution represents Canada’s annual support to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). The UNCCD uses these funds and other members’ funding to achieve its mandate. The UNCCD is the sole international legally binding framework addressing desertification, land degradation, and drought (DLDD). The UNCCD aims to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought in countries experiencing severe drought and desertification, particularly in Africa, through practical actions at all levels. The Convention seeks to improve the living conditions of people in drylands, lessen the impacts of drought, and promote sustainable land management. Le versement de cette quote-part représente le soutien annuel du Canada à la Convention des Nations Unies sur la lutte contre la désertification (CNULCD). Ces fonds et ceux fournis par les autres membres sont utilisés pour remplir le mandat de la Convention. La CNULCD est le seul cadre international juridiquement contraignant en matière de lutte contre la désertification, la dégradation des terres et la sécheresse. Par une action concrète à tous les niveaux, la Convention vise à lutter contre la désertification et à atténuer les effets de la sécheresse dans les pays gravement touchés par celles-ci, en particulier en Afrique. La Convention vise à améliorer les conditions de vie des populations dans les zones arides, à atténuer les effets de la sécheresse et à favoriser la gestion durable des terres. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Reducing Vulnerability of Agriculture to Climate Change Increased institutional capacity of Government and other entities to assess climate change impacts and identify adaptation options and provide improved extension and education materials to farmers. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Climate and Development Knowledge Network To improve access for developing countries to high quality research and information in designing climate change policies and programmes by 2015. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Humanitarian assistance; Core contribution to UNDRR Humanitaarinen apu; Yleistuki UNDRR:lle Core funding to the ODA eligible activities of the UNDRR (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction). UNDRR (formerly UNISDR) is the United Nations focal point for disaster risk reduction. UNDRR oversees the implementation of the Sendai Framework f
or Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 supporting countries in its implementation and monitoring. The objective of the Sendai Framework is to reduce the human and economic impacts of disasters to prevent the creation of new risk reduce existing risk and incr
ease resilience. The work of UNDRR also aims at linking disaster risk reduction Agenda 2030 and climate agenda. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of biological risks and the impact of crises in health economy and the whole society. With
Finland?s funding UNDRR will for example support least developed countries and small island developing states to prepare and implement their national disaster risk reduction strategies. Konfliktien ja luonnononnettomuuksien aiheuttamat menetykset ovat merkittävä kehityksen este. Ennalta varautumalla voidaan kuitenkin huomattavasti estää tuhojen laajuutta ja säästää ihmishenkiä. Koronaviruspandemia on nostanut aiempaa voimakkaammi
n esille biologiset riskit sekä kriisien terveydellisten taloudellisten ja yhteiskunnallisten seurausten väliset kytkökset. UNDRR (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction) koordinoi YK-järjestelmän toimia katastrofiriskien vähentämiseksi j
a tukee vuonna 2015 Japanin Sendaissa hyväksytyn Sendain viitekehyksen toimeenpanoa ja seurantaa. Viitekehyksen tavoitteena on mm. vähentää katastrofien inhimillisiä ja taloudellisia vaikutuksia ja parantaa riskeihin varautumista vuoteen 2030 menness
ä. Toiminnalla edistetään myös katastrofiriskien vähentämisen kestävän kehityksen Agenda 2030:n ja ilmastotavoitteiden yhteensovittamista. Suomen rahoituksella tuetaan muun muassa vähiten kehittyneitä maita ja pieniä saarivaltioita laatimaan ja
toimeenpanemaan omia kansallisia katastrofiriskien vähentämisstrategioitaan. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Danish Support to CIF ACT During COP26 in Glasgow, Demark pledged a contribution of 100 mill DKK to ACT. The support should be seen in the context of the development policy / strategy "The World We share" and the Global Strategy on Climate "A Green and Sustainable World". It is furthermore to be guided by internal MFA How to Notes outlining how the development policy will be implemented, especially the two notes on reduction & energy, and on jobs, respectively. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Green Recovery in Agri-food Chains through Sustainable Energy Interventions in Zambia To improve energy-use efficiency in selected agricultural value chains in Zambia, through the use of recommended green energy solutions. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Accelerating the clean energy transition for a greener and fairer economic recovery in the Southern Neighbourhood This action aims at contributing to a greener and fairer post-COVID socioeconomic recovery, and enhance energy security in the partner countries through an accelerated clean energy transition at regional level. It will propose a collaborative partnership between countries¿ governments and national agencies, by sharing best practices in designing and implementing evidence-based energy policies and measures. The private sector and international financing institutions will be closely associated to its implementation. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Making it Happen Ph2 - Training health professionals to expand and improve emergency obstetric care services This activity (Making it Happen Ph2 - Training health professionals to expand and improve emergency obstetric care services) is a component of Making it Happen Ph2 - Training health professionals to expand and improve emergency obstetric care services reported by FCDO and a budget of £15,862,728.This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified.And works in the following sector(s): Medical research, Reproductive health care, Health personnel development, Health policy and administrative management. | No climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Boosting Rural and Rurban Economy in Times of Crisis and Beyond (BOOST) Mitigate the impacts of the 2018 crisis on food production and consumption in targeted areas of the country; specifically, promote sustainable agri-food systems in rural and rurban areas, addressing the effects of crisis in targeted areas of Nicaragu | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Strengthening Resilience of Agro-Pastoralists in Sindh (SRAS) Increased food security and resilience to climatic and economic shocks of smallholder farming households in Tharparkar and Umerkot districts of Sindh province | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Support to Business Friendly and Inclusive National and Regional Policies, and Strengthening Productive Capabilities and Value Chains in ACP countries
AAP 2017 'Business environment PAGODA with UNIDO <p>Meso-level: capabilities of intermediary organizations and business networks are strengthen to promote investments and provide support to business. </p> | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Community Forestry in the Departments of Caquetá and Guaviare, towards the sustainable management of forests in the Colombian Amazon The project aims to contribute to the sustainable management of forests and the reduction of deforestation in the area of influence of the Chiribiquete National Park in the Amazonian Region of Colombia. The initiative will support local peasant communities in the implementation of small community forestry and tourism projects. FCDS will promote the development of legal, market and technical conditions with local institutions, to favour the implementation of instruments such as agreements, contracts, concessions, associations or others to favour sustainable forest management with community organizations. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
DP croisi¿re R¿gion SAVA Le programme AFAFI-Nord région SAVA (AFAFI-SAVA) est une composante intégrante du programme AFAFI-Nord. Lobjectif général de lAFAFI-Nord SAVA est identique à celui de lAFAFI-Nord qui est de « PROMOUVOIR UN SECTEUR AGRICOLE DURABLE, INCLUSIF ET PERFORMANT DANS LE NORD DE MADAGASCAR ». Le programme AFAFI-Nord, dont la période de mise en uvre se termine le 13/07/2023, concentrera ses actions pour la région SAVA sur 3 districts et plus précisément 6 communes à travers une approche territoriale | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Technical Facility on Deforestation-free Value Chains Contract related to: Technical Facility on Deforestation-free Value Chains - The Green Deal Knowledge Hub part III ¿ Farm-to-Fork | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Regionale Initiative zu Saatgutsouveränität und traditionellem Wissen, Fortführung Improved food security in participating farming communities through resilient farmer-led seed systems and agroecology by 2023, continuation. Regionale Initiative zu Saatgutsouveränität und traditionellem Wissen, Fortführung Improved food security in participating farming communities through resilient farmer-led seed systems and agroecology by 2023, continuation. Der Aufbau von lokalen Saatgutbanken und der Tausch von Saatgut sind wichtige Pfeiler der Agrarökologie. Das Projekt stellt sich dem wachsenden Druck des Agrobusiness und der Einführung von Patenten auf Saatgut entgegen. Agrarökologische Ansätze stärken bäuerliche Saatgut- und Wissenssysteme sowie die Resilienz ländlicher Gemeinden. Agriculture, food and nutrition security, biodiversity and environmental health are closely linked. Farmers rely on a healthy ecosystem for water conservation, crop pollination, soil health and a myriad of other functions to produce food, fibre, fuel and fodder. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) The Origination Facility - SNV Climate change poses an unprecedented threat to humanity in the 21st century. With notable shortfalls in funding and a dominant focus on climate mitigation by global financing parties to date, the Netherlands based consortium will (i) provide finance and Technical Assistance (TA) to projects with a focus on climate change adaptation; (ii) mobilize external private sector funding at scale; and (iii) align directly with DFCD Theory of Change (ToC). A substantial allocation of investments will be reserved for OECD DAC Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and other Netherlands development cooperation priority countries (collectively, ‘the focus countries’). Investments made by the consortium parties will seek to improve the wellbeing, economic prospects and livelihoods of vulnerable groups – particularly women and children – and, enhance the health of critical ecosystems – from water basins to rivers, tropical rainforests, marshland and mangroves. The consortium’s activities will also help protect communities and cities from the increasing frequency of extreme weather events and benefit depleting biodiversity in areas that provide people with water, food, medicine and economic opportunity. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Supporting Women Groups to Improve Resilience and Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change in South West Uganda, Continuation Nutzung von Regenwasser und Verbesserung der sanitären Einrichtungen durch Frauengruppen, Fortführung Supporting Women Groups to Improve Resilience and Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change in South West Uganda, Continuation Nutzung von Regenwasser und Verbesserung der sanitären Einrichtungen durch Frauengruppen, Fortführung Supporting Women Groups to Improve Resilience and Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change in South West Uganda, Continuation Nutzung von Regenwasser und Verbesserung der sanitären Einrichtungen durch Frauengruppen, Fortführung | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Modernisierung der Betriebsleitzentrale von Vietnam Railways (BLZ) Operations Control Center Viet. Railways Mit dem Vorhaben soll ein Beitrag zur Aufrechterhaltung und ggf. Ausweitung der Verkehrsleistung des umweltfreundlichen Verkehrsträgers Bahn geleistet werden. Dies trägt zur Förderung des Wirtschaftswachstums und zu einer Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz im Verkehrssektor bei. Das Vorhaben beinhaltet in einer ersten Phase die Einrichtung eines computergestützten Systems von Betriebsleitzentralen sowie die Ausrüstung von Stationen entlang der Strecke und von Lokomotiven. Hierdurch soll eine verbesserte Disposition, Betriebsplanung und Steuerung des rollenden Materials und des Personals erreicht werden. Die Einrichtung der modernen Betriebsleitzentralen wird es ermöglichen, die Planung, Überwachung und Lenkung des Eisenbahnbetriebes flexibel, zuverlässig und leistungsfähig durchzuführen. Die beschränkten Kapazitäten im Streckennetz, bei rollendem Material und Personal können so besser ausgenutzt werden. Das Vorhaben steht im Einklang mit dem sozioökonomischen Entwicklungsplan der vietnamesischen Regierung. Es schafft bessere Vorrausetzungen für Güteraustausch, Mobilität und Wirtschaftswachstum und trägt somit zu Beschäftigung und Armutsminderung bei. Der Schienenverkehr weist im Vergleich zum Straßenverkehr eine höhere Energieeffizienz auf. Dies führt zu einem geringeren Energieverbrauch, geringeren CO2-Emissionen und somit zu einer geringeren Umweltbelastung, so dass das Vorhaben zum Umweltschutz beiträgt. Operations Control Center Viet. Railways Verbesserte Disposition, Betriebsplanung und Steuerung von rollendem Material und Personal der vietnamesischen Eisenbahn. Operations Control Center Viet. Railways | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Gesellschaftspolitische Stabilisierung durch integrierte ländliche Entwicklung und Förderung von Selbsthilfe für Kleinbauerngruppen in Mali Political Stabilisation by integrated measures for small farmer families and regional support fund in Mali Gesellschaftspolitische Stabilisierung durch integrierte ländliche Entwicklung und Förderung von Selbsthilfe für Kleinbauerngruppen in Mali Political Stabilisation by integrated measures for small farmer families and regional support fund in Mali Gesellschaftspolitische Stabilisierung durch integrierte ländliche Entwicklung und Förderung von Selbsthilfe für Kleinbauerngruppen in Mali Political Stabilisation by integrated measures for small farmer families and regional support fund in Mali | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Ländliche Märkte und Straßen III (RIIP III) (BM) Rural Infrastructure Improvement Project (RIIP III) The accompanying measure is intended to secure the sustainability of the investments carried out under RIIP III and strengthen local governance by providing advice and training at the local level. The focus is on the planning and execution by LGED of maintenance work on rural roads and other infrastructure, and on the organisation of local markets, especially women's market sections. Advice on how to adapt to the impacts of climate change will play an important role in all measures. Rural Infrastructure Improvement Project (RIIP III) Entwicklung Ländliche Infrastruktur Rural Infrastructure Improvement Project (RIIP III) | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Nachhaltige Wasserversorgung und Hygiene im Bundesstaat Red Sea, Sudan Sustainable water and hygiene in Red Sea State, Sudan Nachhaltige Wasserversorgung und Hygiene im Bundesstaat Red Sea, Sudan Sustainable water and hygiene in Red Sea State, Sudan Nachhaltige Wasserversorgung und Hygiene im Bundesstaat Red Sea, Sudan Sustainable water and hygiene in Red Sea State, Sudan | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Resiliencia clim tica en los programas para el desarrollo agr cola y rural en America Latina y el Caribe Apoyar a los gobiernos en aplicar criterios de resilencia clim tica en sus programas nacionales para el desarrollo agricola y rural | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Reducing the demand for deforestation-causing biofuels in Western Markets The aim of this project is to reduce and eliminate the demand for deforestation-causing biofuels in the EU, Norway, the United States and Canada by changing the policies that have led to this state. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Tropenwaldschutz und Wassereinzugsgebietsverwaltung in der Region Trifinio Tropical Forest Protection und Water Shed Management in the Trifinio Region Die Koordination und Kooperation der relevanten Akteure im nachhaltigen Naturressourcenmanagement in der Region Trifinio ist verbessert The coordination and cooperation of relevant actors in sustainable resource management and value chains in the Trifinio region has improved under the leadership of the CTPT Die Koordination und Kooperation der relevanten Akteure im nachhaltigen Naturressourcenmanagement in der Region Trifinio ist verbessert The coordination and cooperation of relevant actors in sustainable resource management and value chains in the Trifinio region has improved under the leadership of the CTPT | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
EU Partnership for Sustainable Energy Practices in Industry The Garment, footwear and Travel Goods (GFT) sector is a key driver of Cambodia¿s economy, being the biggest employer of mainly women workers and currently accounting for two thirds of merchandise exports. In order to contribute to the country¿s green growth and decent jobs creation, it has the potential to transform into a greener and more competitive productive sector, meeting higher sustainability standards required by key international markets such as the EU. Cambodia has taken initiatives to facilitate a green transition in the industry, as is evidenced by the recent adoption of the Garment, footwear and Travel Goods Strategy and National Energy Efficiency Policy. This action will support this green transition by unlocking investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy (including sustainable biomass and solar photovoltaic rooftops) in an integrated approach that also improves skills and safer working environment for the workers (targeting energy related aspects such as heat stress, lighting, noise pollution and inadequate ventilation). It has a strong link to skills development under the EU Education programme and to trade related assistance under the EU GATE programme, both under the Annual Action Plan 2023 together with this action. The action aims to build a successful pilot model within the GFT sector, which could be applied in other industrial sectors to support diversification of Cambodia¿s economy. Key intervention areas include energy audits and factory training with impact on safer working environment, building national energy talents (i.e. train relevant government officials, and support national certification programmes for energy managers and auditors for the long term sustainability), and addressing unsustainable fuelwood consumption in the industry with application of digital technologies. The expected impact of this action is: improved competitiveness, environmental sustainability and working conditions in the GFT sector, and the Specific Objective (Outcome) of this action is: adoption of sustainable energy practices in the GFT sector. This action contributes to TEI2 on Green Energy and Industrial Value Chains, and the regional TEI (EU-ASEAN Green Initiative), particularly on ¿clean, affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy¿ component. The action consists of 3 outputs:1. System strengthening: Strengthened regulatory framework for sustainable energy practices in the GFT industry2. Energy audits and their implementation: Improved industry awareness and capacity to adopt sustainable energy, including safer and gender sensitive working environment practices3. Access to financial support services: Built technical and financial expertise to facilitate increased adoption of sustainable energy practices | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Integrierte Selbsthilfe von Kleinbäuerinnen in Kenia (Wasser, Kleintiere, Gemüsegärten) Integrated empowerment for farmers in Kenya (Water, Livestock, Gardens) Integrierte Selbsthilfe von Kleinbäuerinnen in Kenia (Wasser, Kleintiere, Gemüsegärten) Integrated empowerment for farmers in Kenya (Water, Livestock, Gardens) Integrierte Selbsthilfe von Kleinbäuerinnen in Kenia (Wasser, Kleintiere, Gemüsegärten) Integrated empowerment for farmers in Kenya (Water, Livestock, Gardens) | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
IWRM Akhouryan River, Projektphase 2 (BM) IWRM Akhouryan River, Phase 2 (BM) Die Maßnahme begleitet das Investitionsvorhaben IWRM/ Akhouryan River bestehend aus den Phasen 1 und 2. Im Rahmen des Vorhabens Integriertes Wasserressourcenmanagement (IWRM) Akhouryan Fluss soll in Armenien das in der Provinz Shirak gelegene Bewässerungssystem am Akhouryan Fluss ausgebaut, effizienter gestaltet und in ein nachhaltiges, auf das Flusseinzugsgebiet und seine Nutzergruppen zugeschnittenes Wassernutzungskonzept eingebettet werden. Träger der Begleitmaßnahme (BM) ist das SCWE über seine Durchführungseinheit WSPIU, welche sich bei der Implementierung eng mit den jeweils relevanten Untereinheiten des Umwelt- und des Landwirtschaftsministeriums abstimmen soll. Ziel der Begleitmaßnahme ist es die Water Supply Agency (WSA) und die Water User Association (WUA) zu befähigen die neu zu bauende Bewässerungsinfrastruktur nachhaltig zu betreiben und zu warten. Außerdem soll die Shirak Water User Association (WUA) in die Lage versetzt werden ihren Mitgliedern als zentrale Beratungs- und Schulungsstelle zu dienen, damit die Bauern die neue Infrastruktur sowie die geförderten Bewässerungssysteme für produktivere und höherwertigere Anbaumethoden nutzen können. Die WSPIU soll in die Lage versetzt werden, die für die Überwachung des Wasserwirtschaftsplans zu installierenden Systeme (SCADA) nachhaltig zu betreiben, damit die Daten dauerhaft online zur Verfügung gestellt werden können. Im Umweltministerium sowie in der Akhouryan Basin Management Organisation, die für das Management und die Überwachung der Wasserressourcen zuständig ist, sollen die Kapazitäten gestärkt werden, um so die Interpretation und Überwachung der Daten sicherzustellen.Die Gesamtkosten der Begleitmaßnahme belaufen sich auf EUR 2,0 Mio. und werden als FZ- Zuschuss aus Haushaltsmitteln finanziert. IWRM Akhouryan River, Phase 2 (BM) Im Rahmen des Vorhabens Integriertes Wasserressourcenmanagement (IWRM) / Akhouryan River soll in Armenien das in der Provinz Shirak gelegene Bewässerungssystem am Akhouryan Fluss ausgebaut, effizienter gestaltet und in ein nachhaltiges, auf das Flusseinzugsgebiet und seine Nutzergruppen zugeschnittenes Wassernutzungskonzept eingebettet werden. IWRM Akhouryan River, Phase 2 (BM) | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Sustainable rural development with focus on promoting self-help approaches by small farmer communities Stärkung und Ausweitung des Prozesses einer nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft zur Ernährungssicherung und -souveränität in Acajutla, Santa Isabel Sustainable rural development with focus on promoting self-help approaches by small farmer communities Stärkung und Ausweitung des Prozesses einer nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft zur Ernährungssicherung und -souveränität in Acajutla, Santa Isabel Sustainable rural development with focus on promoting self-help approaches by small farmer communities Stärkung und Ausweitung des Prozesses einer nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft zur Ernährungssicherung und -souveränität in Acajutla, Santa Isabel | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Stärkung der Widerstandsfähigkeit und gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe von Dalit und Tribals in dürrebedrohten Distrikten in West Rajasthan, Distrikte Jodhpur und Barmer, Indien (NFMR) Strengthening community resilience and social inclusion of marginalized Dalit and Tribal communities in drought prone districts of Western Rajasthan, India Stärkung der Widerstandsfähigkeit und gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe von Dalit und Tribals in dürrebedrohten Distrikten in West Rajasthan, Distrikte Jodhpur und Barmer, Indien (NFMR) Strengthening community resilience and social inclusion of marginalized Dalit and Tribal communities in drought prone districts of Western Rajasthan, India Stärkung der Widerstandsfähigkeit und gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe von Dalit und Tribals in dürrebedrohten Distrikten in West Rajasthan, Distrikte Jodhpur und Barmer, Indien (NFMR) Strengthening community resilience and social inclusion of marginalized Dalit and Tribal communities in drought prone districts of Western Rajasthan, India | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Reso Climat Mali Phase 2 Reso Climat Phase 2 Insatsen syftar till att förbättra levnadsvillkoren för samhällen på landsbygden i Mali genom att 1) stärka deras motståndskraft och 2) förbättra arbetet med motståndskraft i de kommuner som täcks av programmet.
Mali-Folkecenter Nyetaa (MFC) kommer genomföra insatsen tillsammans med Reso Climat Malis (RCM) medlemsorganisationer.
Mali-Folkecenter har för Reso Climat:s räkning inkommit med en ansökan till ambassaden gällande en finansiering om 42,5 MSEK för att genomföra "Local sustainable adaptation initiatives to the effects of climate change for vulnerable rural communities in Mali (PIL-ADCC)” under perioden 2015-2018.
Av insatsens totala budget om 44,8 MSEK, kommer ambassaden att kvarhålla 2,3 MSEK för en uppföljningskonsult (max 1,2 MSEK), en systemrevision (max 100 000 SEK) och en slututvärdering (1 MSEK). Insatsen finansieras helt av Sverige och MFC planerar att vidareförmedla medel till Reso Climat Malis medlemmar. Mali-Folkecenter on behalf of Reso Climat has applied to the Embassy's for funding of 42,5 MSEK to carry-out the project "Local Sustainable Adaptation Initiatives to the effects of climate change for vulnerable rural communities in Mali Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives (PIL-ADCC)" during the period 2015-2018.
The intervention aims at improving the living conditions of rural communities in Mali by 1) strengthening
the resilience of rural communities and 2) better supporting resilience issues in the municipalities covered by the programme. Mali-Folkecenter Nyetaa (MFC) will implement the intervention together with the members of Reso Climat Mali (RCM).
Of the total budget of 44,8 MSEK, the Embassy will withhold 2,3 MSEK for the monitoring consultant (maximum 1,2 MSEK), a sytem-based audit (maximum 100 000 SEK) and a final external evaluation (1 MSEK). 42,5 MSEK will be forwarded to the cooperation partner. The intervention is supported solely by Sweden and it is planned that MFC will forward funds to the members of Reso Climat Mali upon call for proposals and a selection process according to the project document. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Making agriculture part of the solution to climate change-Building Climate change in agriculture and facilitate their moving towards climate smart agricultural systems while improving food security and increasing resilience of farming systems. The project implementation is divided into five modules: 1) Better knowledge su
pport 2) Increased awareness participation and partnerships, 3) Strengthened technical consultative processes, 4) developed communities of practices and 5) Development and advice on options. The duration of the project is five years (2010-2014). The target
contribution of the component financed by Finland is 636 million euros. So far Finland has supported the project with 251 million euros | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Beyond the Grid Fund for Africa - Zambia Over 600 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa live today without access to electricity. The Beyond the Grid Fund for Africa (BGFA) aims to reduce this gap by stimulating and accelerating the emergency of new business models to incentivise the private sector to offer affordable and clean energy access at scale to people living in rural and peri-urban areas. The BGFA programme aims at actively promoting, incentivising and transferring best practices regarding gender equality in BGFA target countries. BGFA does this through requiring awardees (energy service providers) to offer equal opportunities for men and women
Beyond the Grid Fund for Africa forms part of the ‘Power Africa’ initiative launched by former President Barack Obama and contributes to the Sustainable Development Goal 7 as well as the Paris Agreement on Climate. The planned period of implementation is in total six years. The BGFA programme aims, with so far four funding rounds, to establish up to 1.45 million energy connections by 2028, benefiting more than 6.5 million people in Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Mozambique, Uganda and Zambia | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Promotion of alternative technologies for reducing effects of climate change in semi-arid zones of Paraíba Förderung von alternativen Technologien zur Minderung der negativen Auswirkungen in vom Klimawandel gefährdeten Gebieten im semiariden Paraíba Promotion of alternative technologies for reducing effects of climate change in semi-arid zones of Paraíba Förderung von alternativen Technologien zur Minderung der negativen Auswirkungen in vom Klimawandel gefährdeten Gebieten im semiariden Paraíba Promotion of alternative technologies for reducing effects of climate change in semi-arid zones of Paraíba Förderung von alternativen Technologien zur Minderung der negativen Auswirkungen in vom Klimawandel gefährdeten Gebieten im semiariden Paraíba | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
SEWOH - Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen der armen Bevölkerung in 7 Dörfern in Guassa durch eine Steigerung der Ernährungssicherheit und ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit Improving the living conditions of the poor in 7 villages in Guassa by harmonizing efforts for food security and environmental sustainability SEWOH - Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen der armen Bevölkerung in 7 Dörfern in Guassa durch eine Steigerung der Ernährungssicherheit und ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit Improving the living conditions of the poor in 7 villages in Guassa by harmonizing efforts for food security and environmental sustainability SEWOH - Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen der armen Bevölkerung in 7 Dörfern in Guassa durch eine Steigerung der Ernährungssicherheit und ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit Improving the living conditions of the poor in 7 villages in Guassa by harmonizing efforts for food security and environmental sustainability | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
World Economic Forum 2019-2020 Green Growth and Sustainable Development in Developing Countries With strengthened capacity WEF can support a broader group of developing countries in enhancing public-private collaboration for inclusive sustainable growth and green transition | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Promotion in Tunisia Förderung regenerativer Energien und der Energieeffizienz Renewable energy use and energy efficiency have improved as part of a newly developed, long-term strategy for sustainable development in the Tunisian energy sector. Der Einsatz von regenerativen Energien (RE) und die Energieeffizienz (EE) sind im Rahmen einer neu entwickelten, langfristigen Strategie zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung des tunesischen Energiesektors verbessert. Renewable energy use and energy efficiency have improved as part of a newly developed, long-term strategy for sustainable development in the Tunisian energy sector. Der Einsatz von regenerativen Energien (RE) und die Energieeffizienz (EE) sind im Rahmen einer neu entwickelten, langfristigen Strategie zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung des tunesischen Energiesektors verbessert. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Förderung von Solarstrom in Schulen und Gemeinden in Palästina Towards Sustainable Green Energy Production in Palestine Förderung von Solarstrom in Schulen und Gemeinden in Palästina Towards Sustainable Green Energy Production in Palestine Förderung von Solarstrom in Schulen und Gemeinden in Palästina Towards Sustainable Green energy Production in Palestine | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Solidaridad China Solidaridad China is responsible for engaging the Chinese market in souring deforestation free volumes from Brazil and supporting major Chinese companies on the development of sustainable sourcing policies. This would be achieved through a comprehensive engagement strategy including the creation of spaces to bring the industry together (sector platform) and providing guidance on sustainability policies and metrics for the industry to adopt. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Strategic Sector Cooperation on green transition of energy sector in Indonesia phase 1 The Danish Energy Agency cooperation with relevant Indonesian agencies and service providers in the energy sector | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Empower New Energy: Pilot Project- solar minigrid and battery, Cameroon Empower New Energy has conducted feasibility studies for 15 projects in Cameroon, Permits have been obtained and PPA's concluded with the government. This grant will be used for support of capex as a pilot (maximum 15 pst according to the grant scheeme). The support gives the company flexibility to accept a certain numbers of no-paying customers without increasing the tariff. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
KMU Fonds für naturschutzrelevante Privatinvestitionen eco.business Fund Die Region Lateinamerika und Karibik (LAK) ist reich an biologischer Vielfalt und natürlichen Ressourcen, die jedoch durch menschliche Aktivitäten bedroht sind. Die Hauptursachen für die Degradierung sind Landnutzungsänderungen, Abholzung, Wasserverschmutzung sowie nicht nachhaltige Praktiken in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Fischerei und im Tourismus. Um dem entgegenzuwirken, ist ein Wandel hin zu einer Green Economy erforderlich. Der Finanzsektor spielt dabei eine entscheidende Rolle, indem er Kapital in ausreichendem Maße für eine ökologische Transformation in Schlüsselsektoren zur Verfügung stellt. Übergeordnetes entwicklungspolitisches Ziel ist der Erhalt natürlicher Ressourcen und der Schutz der Biodiversität durch die effiziente Bereitstellung von Kapital für biodiversitätsfreundliche Produktionsformen in der Land-, Forst- und Fischereiwirtschaft, sowie im naturnahen Tourismus. FZ-Modulziel ist die erfolgreiche Einführung eines neuen Finanzproduktes zur Förderung ressourceneffizienter und biodiversitätsfreundlicher Praktiken in Lateinamerika und der Karibik. Der von der KfW, Conservation Internatinal (CI) und Finance in Motion (FiM) gegründete Eco-Business Fund leitet das Vorhaben und richtet sich an lokale Partnerfinanzinstitutionen, Unternehmen in den genannten Sektoren und private Investoren. Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is rich in biodiversity and natural resources, but these are threatened by human activities. The main causes of degradation are land-use change, deforestation, water pollution and unsustainable practices in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and tourism. A shift towards a 'green economy' is needed to counteract this. The financial sector plays a crucial role in supporting this transition by providing sufficient capital and targeting it towards environmental transformation in key sectors. The overarching development policy objective is to conserve natural resources and protect biodiversity by efficiently providing capital for biodiversity-friendly forms of production in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and nature base tourism. The Financial Cooperation (FC) module aims to successfully introduce a new financial product promoting resource-efficient and biodiversity-friendly practices in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Eco-Business Fund, set up by KfW, Conservation International (CI), and Finance in Motion (FiM), manages the programme and targets local partner financial institutions, companies in the above sectors, and private investors. Steigerung privater Investitionen in Ressourcen- und Naturschutz Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is rich in biodiversity and natural resources, but these are threatened by human activities. The main causes of degradation are land-use change, deforestation, water pollution and unsustainable practices in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and tourism. A shift towards a 'green economy' is needed to counteract this. The financial sector plays a crucial role in supporting this transition by providing sufficient capital and targeting it towards environmental transformation in key sectors. The overarching development policy objective is to conserve natural resources and protect biodiversity by efficiently providing capital for biodiversity-friendly forms of production in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and nature base tourism. The Financial Cooperation (FC) module aims to successfully introduce a new financial product promoting resource-efficient and biodiversity-friendly practices in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Eco-Business Fund, set up by KfW, Conservation International (CI), and Finance in Motion (FiM), manages the programme and targets local partner financial institutions, companies in the above sectors, and private investors. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
FLC: Climate Change Adaptation Initiative: Advancing Community - Based Climate Change Adaptation The principal objective of the Climate Change Adaptation Pemba project is to work with target communities to continue piloting new technologies and sustainable natural resource management techniques in order to help vulnerable communities in Zanzibar adapt
to the adverse affects of climate change. the measurable objectives of this project include: increasing community capacity for agriculture and forestry production methods; mobilising Pemban household's sustainable natural resource management capacity and
build ing capacity to adapt to climate change. The proposed activities include agroforestry tree-planting beekeeping kitchen gardening charcoal substitute (briquette) production and improved cook stove production. the project continues to pilot technologie
s natural resource management techniques in order to formulate best practices which will be shared with the greater Tanzanian and East African development community. The primary beneficieries of the Climate Change Adaptation Initiative are women rural farm
ers and associate households in the particularly vulnerable communities targeted in this initiative. the measurable changes expected in this project are: 5 Demonstration sites for beekeeping kitchen gardens agroforestry and tree nursery management created
at CFP's Rural Innovation Campus; 150 000 trees grown and planted by 250 smallholder farmers; 20 hectares of agroforestry systems implemented by 30 smallholder farmers; 50 beehives and train 30 community members on beekeeping techniques and best practices;
60 small scale kitchen gardens established; 50 individuals trained in fuel briquette production and 10 briquette machines and related equipment distributed; 200 fuel efficient cook stoves produced and 75 individuals trained on site. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Comprehensive Programme on Spatial Planning and Low Carbon Development in Papua Strengthened spatial and development plans and government supported actions on low carbon investment which will contribute towards ensuring environmental sustainability (MDG 7) and improved awareness among civil society about LCD and spatial planning. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Emergency Response to South Fly Floods (PNG) Torrential rain in Western Province has resulted in floods in South Fly District, from Daru along the west coast to the Indonesian border. It is estimated that 26,000 people have been affected. Provincial Authorities are reporting contamination of local water supplies, submersion of food gardens and some structural damage to houses. No reported outbreak of disease, deaths or displacement of population. Funding under this initiative supports the deployment of an assessment team to review and initiative/coordinate emergency response, should it be required. The total value of this initiative is $150,000 over 2 years, starting 2011-12. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Emergency Relief to Victims of Flooding in Sudan to provide humanitarian assistance to victims of flooding in Sudan of Emergency Relief to Victims of Flooding in Sudan from 09/16/2020 to 09/30/2021. Grantee name: CARE. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Cultivating Audience Resilience through Amplification of Vibrant and Authentic Narratives (CARAVAN) <p class="ql-align-justify">CARAVAN will contribute to the emergence of an information environment in Central Asia that is more resilient to foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI), other types of disinformation, and hate speech by working towards the following specific objectives (SO):</p><p class="ql-align-justify"><strong>SO1: </strong>To improve the quality and scope of content that acts as a credible counterbalance to foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI), disinformation and hate speech in Central Asia.</p><p class="ql-align-justify"><strong>SO2: </strong>To foster the development of national media spaces where both audiences and practitioners are more resilient to external interference and disinformation.</p><p class="ql-align-justify"><strong>SO3: </strong>To enhance regional cooperation between media in Central Asian countries and beyond.</p> | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Subsets and Splits