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EU Support to clean air in Kosovo Annual Programme for Kosovo 2018 objective 2 - 2018 / 041 246-EU Support to clean air in Kosovo | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Nachhaltiges Klärschlammmanagement Sustainable Sludge Management Die ökologische und ökonomische Nachhaltigkeit des Klärschlammmanagements in Jordanien ist verbessert. The ecological and economical sustainability of sludge management in Jordan is improved. Die ökologische und ökonomische Nachhaltigkeit des Klärschlammmanagements in Jordanien ist verbessert. The ecological and economical sustainability of sludge management in Jordan is improved. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Human Rights Monitoring Project This activity (Human Rights Monitoring Project) is a component of Strategic Influencing Fund reported by FCDO and a budget of £64,009.This project benefits UGANDA.And works in the following sector(s): Democratic participation and civil society, Human rights. | No climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Power Market Reforms TA Expert cooperation on the ongoing national electricity sector reforms.Key objectives of the reforms is to increase efficiency, enhance integration of renewable generation and reduce the overall cost of electricity generation | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Support of the Forest Climate Leaders‘ Partnership Unterstützung der Forest Climate Leaders‘ Partnership The Forest Climate Leaders Partnership (FCLP) aims to support developing countries in translating the global goal of halting deforestation by 2030 into political action (e.g., setting priorities, defining activities, mobilizing financing) at the national level. The German contribution supports the FCLP Secretariat in ensuring effective and efficient work in the partnership and supporting the participating developing countries. Support for the Forest Climate Leaders Partnership
Die Forest Climate Leaders Partnership (FCLP) soll Entwicklungsländer dabei unterstützen, das globale Ziel, Entwaldung bis 2030 zu stoppen, in politisches Handeln (z.B. Prioritäten setzen, Aktivitäten definieren, Finanzierung mobilisieren) auf nationaler Ebene zu übersetzen. Der deutsche Beitrag unterstützt das FCLP Sekretariat, das effektives und effizientes Arbeiten in der Partnerschaft und Unterstützung der beteiligten Entwicklungsländer sicherstellen soll. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Strengthening agricultural education in Tunisia by teaching trainers on climate smart horticulture & entrepreneurship OKP-TMT.21/00036 | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Fund to promote Public Private Partnerships for Water Safety and Security II Fund to promote Public Private Partnership in sustainable water II | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Strategic Adaptation Forum To scope the need for a global forum for donors, developing countries and development practitioners that meet regularly to develop a joint vision of what is successful and cost effective adaptation through reviews of good practice evaluations and targeted research and think pieces and support establishment of a global forum if the need is identified | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Impact assessment for the establishment of a regional ETS in Energy Community Contracting Parties <p>The general objective of this contract is to assess and compare different design options for a regional ETS for the Western Balkans, Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine, including the economic, environmental and social impacts. </p><p>This will encompass four main scenarios (ETS for electricity, ETS for all CBAM sectors, full linkage with EU ETS by 2030, development of national carbon pricing systems). These 4 scenarios will be compared to a `no action scenario¿. </p><p>Furthermore, legal and technical feasibility of options should also be assessed. Based on these, recommendations should be made on the best design for an ETS system for the energy community contracting parties and presented to the informal Ministerial Council of the Energy Community in June 2024.</p> | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
PST R - Measuring the Impact and Value for Money (VFM) of Governance and Conflict Programmes This activity (PST R - Measuring the Impact and Value for Money (VFM) of Governance and Conflict Programmes) is a component of PST R - Measuring the Impact and Value for Money (VFM) of Governance & Conflict Programmes reported by FCDO and a budget of £63,875.This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified.And works in the following sector(s): Research/scientific institutions. | No climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Mining useful alleles for climate change adaptation from CGIAR gene banks to find heat-and drought-adaptive alleles in genebanks and deploy them in varieties for small-scale producers in SSA and SA, maintaining genetic gains from plant breeding in the face of climate change | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Norec, FK Norway, personnell exchange Feasibility study: The design of environmentally friendly hydropower projects Nepal, Ethiopia, Norway | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Targeted support to the Climate and Land Use Alliance 2018-22 strategy In Brazil and Indonesia CLUA aims to contribute to acheiving massive emission reductions from deforestation and forest degradation. CLUA also aims to contribute to maintain and increase the role of forest carbon sinks (Natural Carbon Capture) and to contribute to a shift in protein consumption in Brazil, China and Central Africa. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Angepasster Landbau, wirtschaftliche Landsicherung, Vermarktung und Organisation traditioneller Gemeinwesen im Norden von Minas Gerais Appropriate and sustainable agriculture with emphasis on land rights and use of common properties of small farmer groups Angepasster Landbau, wirtschaftliche Landsicherung, Vermarktung und Organisation traditioneller Gemeinwesen im Norden von Minas Gerais Appropriate and sustainable agriculture with emphasis on land rights and use of common properties of small farmer groups Angepasster Landbau, wirtschaftliche Landsicherung, Vermarktung und Organisation traditioneller Gemeinwesen im Norden von Minas Gerais Appropriate and sustainable agriculture with emphasis on land rights and use of common properties of small farmer groups | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Landrechte-Programm für KleinbäuerInnen, Fortführung Land rights program for small scale farmers in Southern Mozambique - Continuation Landrechte-Programm für KleinbäuerInnen, Fortführung Land rights program for small scale farmers in Southern Mozambique - Continuation Landrechte-Programm für KleinbäuerInnen, Fortführung Land rights program for small scale farmers in Southern Mozambique - Continuation | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Verbesserung der Ernährungssicherheit durch nachhaltige kleinbäuerliche Landwirtschaft im Munizip Pasorapa, Bolivien Improving food security and promoting sustainable agriculture for small scale farming households in Pasorapa municipality Verbesserung der Ernährungssicherheit durch nachhaltige kleinbäuerliche Landwirtschaft im Munizip Pasorapa, Bolivien Improving food security and promoting sustainable agriculture for small scale farming households in Pasorapa municipality Verbesserung der Ernährungssicherheit durch nachhaltige kleinbäuerliche Landwirtschaft im Munizip Pasorapa, Bolivien Improving food security and promoting sustainable agriculture for small scale farming households in Pasorapa municipality | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Assignment for Holland Circular Hotspot The Circular Economy program is a digital event that lasts two days. It showcases the Netherlands' best practices in plastics, e-waste, and circular agriculture. The objective is to inspire people from seven African countries: Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, and South Africa. The program aims to encourage circular business models in plastics, electronics, and agriculture. It addresses challenges in legislation, regulations, technology, and knowledge. Dutch companies and organizations offer opportunities for knowledge transfer and matchmaking to help achieve this goal. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Climate Change Scoping Phase Climate Change Scoping Phase | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
UNDP IOM 2023-2026: Climate, peace and security in central Mali - Climate security and mobility UNDP and IOM UNDP IOM 2023-2026: Klimat, fred och säkerhet i centrala Mali Det gemensamma UNDP-IOM-programmet "Klimatsäkerhet och förvaltning av naturresurser för att skydda mänsklig rörlighet och fredlig samexistens i norra och centrala Mali"
Målet med detta gemensamma projekt är att förbättra den fredliga förvaltningen av naturresurser och att bättre förstå och ta itu med utmaningarna med mänsklig rörlighet (påtvingad migration och orörlighet) i ett sammanhang av osäkerhet och klimatrisker. Detta kommer att uppnås genom att stärka inkluderingen av lokala förvaltningsstrukturer och genom att genomföra klimatåtgärder med konfliktdrabbade samhällen i centrala Mali, särskilt med ungdomar och kvinnor. The joint UNDP-IOM programme "Climate security and natural resourcees managment to safeguard human mobility and peaceful co-existence in the Northern and Central Mali"
The objective of this joint project is to improve the peaceful management of natural resources and to better understand and address the challenges of human mobility (forced migration and immobility) in a context of insecurity and climate hazards. This will be achieved by strengthening the inclusiveness of local governance structures and by conducting climate actions with conflict-affected communities in central Mali, particularly with youth and women. Objective
The main objective of this joint project is to improve the peaceful management of natural resources and to better understand and address the challenges of human mobility (forced migration and immobility) in a context of insecurity and climate hazards. This will be achieved by strengthening the inclusiveness of local governance structures and by conducting climate actions with conflict-affected communities in central Mali, particularly with youth and women.
Based on an analysis of available data on climate-related security risks, mapping of ongoing and planned interventions by UNDP, IOM, and other development partners, technical services and in alignment with various planning frameworks a preliminary targeting of intervention zones has been conducted.
The zones of interventions of this project covers six "communes" in the cercles of Douentza and Koro districts located in the Liptako-Gourma zone of central Mali. More specifically, the project will be implemented in the communes of Douentza, Koubel Koundi, and Dianwaly in Douentza and Dougoutènè I, Koporo Pen, and Koro in Koro cercle . | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
SLEEK - Emissions Estimation System in Kenya This investment is the System for Land-based Emisssions Estimation in Kenya (SLEEK). Funding under this initiative assists the Government of Kenya by building a national carbon accounting system (NCAS) that will compile information from Kenya's forestry and agricultural sectors. The system will have capacity for measurement, reporting and verification of greenhouse gases. It will support Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in developing countries (REDD+) readiness activities and reporting requirements. This will assist Kenya to receive benefits for reducing emissions from their forest sector, and can also support the Government of Kenya's broader capacity for land-use planning and policy decision making, which can benefit food and water security and efforts to build climate resilience. The total value of this initiative is $13.0 million over 5 years, starting 2011-12. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
South African Development Community Multi-Country Agricultural Productivity Programme (SADC/MAPP) Pre Implementation Phase TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF A MULTI-COUNTRY AGRICULTURE PRODUCTIVITY PROGRAMME IN SOUTHERN AFRICA | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Protection of Environment and Biodiversity in Jordan II Schutz der Umwelt und Biodiversität The steering and planning capacities of the Ministry of Environment are improved. Die Politikgestaltungs- und Steuerungsfähigkeit des Umweltministeriums ist gestärkt. The steering and planning capacities of the Ministry of Environment are improved. Die Politikgestaltungs- und Steuerungsfähigkeit des Umweltministeriums ist gestärkt. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Förderung des Energiesektors im Kosovo (Inv.) (VP) Prom. Energie Sector Kosovo (Inv.) (VP) Förderung des Energiesektors im Kosovo (Inv.) (VP) Prom. Energie Sector Kosovo (Inv.) (VP) Förderung des Energiesektors im Kosovo (Inv.) (VP) Prom. Energie Sector Kosovo (Inv.) (VP) | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Activity under preparation Supporting cultural initiatives as a mean to promote freedom of expression, dialogue, tolerance and fight against discrimination <p>To support cultural initiatives as a means to promote freedom of expression, dialogue, tolerance, fight against discrimination and promotion of individual liberties. It will promote confidence-building in Turkey through support to cultural initiatives from civil society organisations and cultural institutes for widening the cultural horizon, the promotion of social cohesion, sustainable peace as well as fight against all forms of violence. The activity will allow target groups to better understand the root-cause of ethnic, social and political polarisations while initiating actions at local and central levels to overcome them such as civic education, intercultural and inter-religious dialogue, dialogue for peace, awareness raising campaigns, etc</p> | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
VIET/Forest Sector Cooperation Sustainable forestry management and development to increase economic growth reduce poverty ans protect environment | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
OCEANIA UNSPECIFIED/Adapting to climate change in Oceania/S-E Asia Ilmastoyhteistyö Oseaniassa/Kaakkois-Aasiassa Overall objective of the project is to reduce vulnerability of the Pacific Island Countries' livelihoods to the effects of Climate Change. Purpose of the project is to develope in participatory way sustainable and integrated disaster risk management and cl
imate change adaptation plans and early warning weather and climate services for the villages in Pacific Island Countries. Hankkeessa vahvistetaan Tyynenmeren alueen saarivaltioiden ilmatieteen laitosten kapasiteettia ja autetaan saarten paikallisyhteisöitä varautumaan erilaisiin vaikeisiin sääolosuhteisiin. Ilmastonmuutos ja sen seurauksena lisääntyneet sään ääri-il
miöt rajoittavat yhteisöjen elinmahdollisuuksia ja uhkaavat toimeentuloa. Hankkeen päätavoite on vähentää 14 Tyynenmeren maan ja niiden väestön haavoittuvuutta äärimmäisissä sääilmiöissä ja ilmastonmuutoksessa. Paikallisia ilmatieteenlaito
ksia autetaan tuottamaan korkealaatuisia sääpalveluita kansalaisilleen. Palveluiden tulee olla paikallisille asukkaille helposti ymmärrettävässä ja käytettävässä muodossa jotta he pystyvät varautumaan äärimmäisiin sääilmiöihin ja tietäv
ät miten toimia vaikeissa sääolosuhteissa. Varautumissuunnitelmat tehdään yhdessä paikallishallinnon kansalaisjärjestöjen ja paikallisyhteisöjen kanssa.Hanketta koordinoi Tyynenmeren alueen ympäristöohjelman sihteeristö SPREP (Secretariat of th
e Pacific Region Environmental Programme). Tyynenmeren maiden Ilmatieteen laitosten edustajat olivat hankkeen valmistelussa mukana ja hyväksyivät sen Marshall-saarilla elokuussa 2011 pidetyssä Maailman ilmatieteen järjestön kokouksessa. Kokoukseen osa
llistuivat kaikki alueen ilmatieteen laitosten pääjohtajat. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
TCPF: Promotion of Climate Smart Livestock Production in Antigua and Barbuda To build resilience in livestock production and support the development of sustainable livestock production systems within the context of climate change.
To improve farm level productivity and efficiency by incorporating the different elements of climate smart livestock production
To fill the knowledge gap and develop guidelines and recommendations for climate smart livestock production techniques applicable to Antigua and Barbuda with a focus on small ruminants, poultry and pigs.
To build national and institutional capacity in climate smart livestock production techniques and best practices. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Climate Action Platform - Africa (CAP-A) CAP-A will catalyse climate action across the continent through 3 integrated components:
(i) Supporting national-level policy processes in two pioneer countries (Kenya and Gabon).
(ii) Enabling early-stage landmark climate action transactions.
(iii) Tackling the information gaps which directly constrain policy action and investment. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Energieeffizienz in der netzgebundenen Energieversorgung Energy efficiency in the grid-connected energy supply Öffentliche Institutionen und Unternehmen erzielen Energieeinsparungen. Public institutions and companies achieve energy savings. Öffentliche Institutionen und Unternehmen erzielen Energieeinsparungen. Public institutions and companies achieve energy savings. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Integrale ländliche Entwicklung zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität kleinbäuerlicher Familien in ländlichen Gemeinden des Munizips Montería <![CDATA[Integrated and sustainable rural development with focus on livelihood improvement for small scale farmers' families in remote rural communities]]> Integrale ländliche Entwicklung zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität kleinbäuerlicher Familien in ländlichen Gemeinden des Munizips Montería Integrated and sustainable rural development with focus on livelihood improvement for small scale farmers' families in remote rural communities Integrale ländliche Entwicklung zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität kleinbäuerlicher Familien in ländlichen Gemeinden des Munizips Montería Integrated and sustainable rural development with focus on livelihood improvement for small scale farmers' families in remote rural communities | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Improving Accountability, Transparency and Sustainability of the WASH Sector in Upper Egypt 2021-2023 VNGi is proposing to support the WASH component Support WASH Sector in Upper Egypt | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Projet d'interconnexion ligne HT Maneah Linsan et Electrification rurale <p class="ql-align-justify">a) Construction d¿une ligne double terne aérienne en technique 225 kV entre le poste de Manéah (existant) et le poste de Linsan (extension 225 kV en cours de construction). Il est estimé un tracé de 146 km avec un couloir de 40 m. Le tracé est parallèle à une ligne HT existante en 110 kV avec quelques tronçons qui se dévient de cette parallèle pour contourner certaines zones d¿habitation (notamment à la sortie de Conakry, autour de la ville de Coyah). Cette ligne est essentielle pour intégrer la Guinée dans le marché régional des échanges électriques (notamment via les projets d¿interconnexion Guinée-Mali et Côte d¿Ivoire-Libéria-Sierra Leone-Guinée) et acheminera de l¿électricité pouvant alimenter environ 174 000 foyers dans les villes du pays, soit 870 000 personnes.</p><p class="ql-align-justify"> </p><p class="ql-align-justify">b) Composante d¿électrification rurale : La ligne haute tension traversera 80 localités qui ne sont pas encore raccordées au réseau. Ces 80 localités traversées représentent environ 83 000 personnes. Les opérations d¿électrification consisteront à construire les réseaux Moyenne Tension, Basse Tension, et déployer de l¿éclairage public afin de faciliter l¿accès aux populations à l¿électricité. Une estimation de l¿étude financée par l¿UE a permis de définir comme première cible potentielle de l¿électrification rurale 5 districts avec environ 30 localités, soit une population bénéficiaire estimée environ de 25 000 personnes.</p><p class="ql-align-justify"> </p> | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Building Resilience through CirculArity: Green Innovations in Host Communities and Azraq Refugee Camp BRCA <p>to decrease the vulnerability of both Syrian refugees and host communities through providing a set of green scalable actions underpinned by the circular economy principles. The acronym (BR ¿CkA) is an Arabic word that refers to the ability of having more with less resources. </p> | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
TCPF: Programme Development for Climate Change Adaptation The objective of this TCPF is to develop program for Green Climate Fund and GEF 7 Cycle | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Stärkung der Resilienz durch nachhaltige landwirtschaftliche Produktion in der Diözese Corocoro, Bolivien <![CDATA[Strengthening resilience of small scale farmers' communities through integrated sustainable agriculture in Corocoro diocese, Bolivia]]> Stärkung der Resilienz durch nachhaltige landwirtschaftliche Produktion in der Diözese Corocoro, Bolivien Strengthening resilience of small scale farmers' communities through integrated sustainable agriculture in Corocoro diocese, Bolivia Stärkung der Resilienz durch nachhaltige landwirtschaftliche Produktion in der Diözese Corocoro, Bolivien Strengthening resilience of small scale farmers' communities through integrated sustainable agriculture in Corocoro diocese, Bolivia | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Tonga Village Network Upgrade Project Stage 2 and 3 Stages 2 and 3 of the Tonga Village Network Upgrade Project (TVNUP) will install new power distribution networks including new poles, low voltage (LV) and high voltage (HV) lines, HV transformers, underground, tamper-proof metered connections to dwellings, and pre-paid electricity metering to approximately 33 villages across Tongatapu over 5 years. This Activity built on Stage 1 which upgraded the network in 17 villages in Tongatapu. | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Anpassung landwirtschaftlicher Anbaumethoden an den Klimawandel und Stabilisierung der Lebensgrundlagen,Südsudan Adaption of agricultural cultivation methods to climate change and stabilization of livelihoods Die Resilienz ausgewählter Gemeinden ist verbessert, die Lebensgrundlagen gestärkt The resilience of selected households in Western Bar el Ghazal is improved and livelihoods are stabilized through the efficient use of existing natural resources and measures for climate change adaptation. Die Resilienz ausgewählter Gemeinden ist verbessert, die Lebensgrundlagen gestärkt The resilience of selected households in Western Bar el Ghazal is improved and livelihoods are stabilized through the efficient use of existing natural resources and measures for climate change adaptation. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Administration Agreement - EU Support for the Palestinian Economy and Resilience II (ESPERE II) <p>to increase economic opportunities for IT service firms in the West Bank and Gaza, through: human capital improvement stipends, advisory services on managerial capabilities; IT and gender needs assessment and engagement; seeds grants to stimulate private investments in the IT service ecosystem; grants for shared R&D hubs/labs; grants for IT business infrastructures; improving market access and increasing demand and investments;</p> | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Enhancing Capacities for Climate-Resilient Water Management To support the development of a methodology and enhanced awareness among different stakeholders on the importance of Nature-based Solutions (NbS), agricultural resilience, and the value of natural capital in water management for climate change adaptation and improved livelihoods is developed | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Programm für Erneuerbare Energien, Energieeffizienz und Umweltschutz II (ECOCASA II) Programa SHF Vivienda Sustentable II (ECOCASA II) Ziel des EcoCasa-Programms ist es, einen Beitrag zu den Bemühungen der mexikanischen Regierung zur Minderung von CO2-Emissionen im Neubausektor zu leisten (Ziel der FZ-Maßnahme). Das Vorhaben umfasst die Bereitstellung verschiedener Finanzierungsmechanismen zur Förderung besonders energieeffizienter Eigentumswohnungen/ Häuser (Komponente 1) und Mietwohnungen (Komponente 2). Die Senkung des Energieverbrauchs der schnell wachsenden mexikanischen Bevölkerung leistet einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Erhöhung der Nachhaltigkeit des Energiesystems in Mexiko (EZ-Programmziel). Direkte Begünstigte des Programms sind Haushalte niedrigen und mittleren Einkommens in Mexiko (Zielgruppe). Kreditnehmer und Programmträger ist die staatliche Entwicklungsbank Sociedad Hipotecaria Federal (SHF).Das EcoCasa-Programm wird im Rahmen des Supported NAMA für energieeffiziente Wohngebäude (Neubau) umgesetzt, ein durch die TZ über das Mexikanisch-Deutsche NAMA-Programm (BMUB-IKI) begleitetes Vorhaben, das anlässlich der COP 17 der Klimarahmenkonvention gestartet wurde. Wie in Teil A der gemeinsamen Berichterstat-tung zum Schwerpunkt Energie dargestellt, fördert das BMZ bereits durch die TZ einige der im NAMA-Konzept formulierten Aktivitäten. Damit unterstützt die Bundesregierung als eine der ersten Regierungen weltweit finanziell die Umsetzung eines Supported NAMA im Wohnungsbausektor. Die FZ-Maßnahme baut auf das bestehende TZ-Engagement im Sektor auf.Bei dem hier vorgeschlagenen FZ-Modul handelt es sich um eine Anschlussfinanzierung zu dem Entwicklungskredit Programm für Erneuerbare Energien, Energieeffizienz und Umweltschutz (EcoCasa) (BMZ-Nr. 2011 66 164) in Höhe von 80 Mio. EUR in USD Gegenwert, der im Juli 2013 unterschrieben und Ende Mai 2014 voll ausgezahlt wurde. Programa SHF Vivienda Sustentable II (ECOCASA II) Ziel des Ecocasa-Programms ist es, einen Beitrag zu den Bemühungen der mexikanischen Regierung zur Minderung von CO2-Emissionen im Neubausektor für niedrige und mittlere Einkommensgruppen zu leisten. Programa SHF Vivienda Sustentable II (ECOCASA II) | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
TNS MELCA IGA Support 2015-2016 TNS MELCA IGA Support 2015-2016 This intervention is designed to strengthen delivery of the Alternative Income Generating activities area in the MELCA Majang programme 51080114. While strengthening pre-existing cooperative development and results, preparations are made for expanding operation more deeply into the two highest potential value chains identified to date, honey and coffee. Denna insats syftar till att med hjälp av marknadsexperter hos TechnoServe stärka arbete och resultat inom inkomstgenererande aktiviteter i befintlig insats med MELCA i Majang, 5108014. Insatsen som är av pilotkaraktär beräknas att uppgå till 3,8 MSEK under ett år. Medan befintligt arbete skall stärkas kring utvecklingen av kooperativ och deras affärsförutsättningar, läggs också grunden för en expansion inom de värdekedjor som hittills demonstrerat mest potential; honung och kaffe.
Om goda resultat uppnås under pilotfasen så beräknas det finnas goda möjligheter för en effektiv uppskalning av pågående arbete med gröna inkomstmöjligheter och biosfäretableing i Gambella; en ömsesidigt förstärkande kombination av resultat som beräknas ligga i centrum för den nya biståndsstrateg som för närvarande skrivs för Etiopien. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Intensivierung landwirtschaftlicher Produktion und Schutz natürlicher Ressourcen Sustainable agriculture and food security in Kissidougou Intensivierung landwirtschaftlicher Produktion und Schutz natürlicher Ressourcen Sustainable agriculture and food security in Kissidougou Intensivierung landwirtschaftlicher Produktion und Schutz natürlicher Ressourcen Sustainable agriculture and food security in Kissidougou | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
A hidden crisis: unravelling current failures for future success in rural groundwater supply This project aims to build a robust, multi-country evidence base on the causes of the unacceptably high rates of groundwater system and service failure and use this knowledge to deliver a step-change in future functionality. The project takes an interdisciplinary approach using the latest thinking and techniques in both natural and social science and applies them to three African countries (Uganda, Ethiopia & Malawi) that have struggled for decades with water service sustainability. Research and development activity contributing to the UK’s strategy to address key development challenges. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Forest for People People for Forest - PNG The PNG programme focuses on combatting forest crime by using the PNG’s legal system, and to ensure that banks and investors avoid funding that allows forest crimes and violations of humanrights of IPLCs. Tackeling forest crime contribute to reduced deforestation and biodiversity loss in PNG. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
PF 8-529 Agriculture, Dairy and Economic Development in Emali, Kenya Building more resilient and economically profitable farming households in two communities in Emali, Kenya - especially for women and youth. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
MERCIM - Melhorando a Resiliência Climática em Mozambique + Mozambique is a petri dish of climate change. It is a large, growing, resource- and biodiversity-rich country where magnitude and impact of climate shocks have become so enormous over last few decades to make any further hesitations or delay of decisive interventions untenable. The increasingly frequent and devastating cyclones, the longer and more extensive droughts, recurrent floods and erratic rain patterns are marring Mozambique¿s development potential and raise every year the obstacle that most of the population - especially vulnerable groups - have to overcome in their strive out of poverty. As the first of a multi-annual set of interventions intended to contribute to tackle these challenges, gearing the new cycle of EU support towards Green Deal principles and commitments, it will deliver on the EU¿s commitment to step up international action for climate resilience as laid down in the EU Adaptation Strategy adopted in February 2021. This Action aims at addressing selected bottlenecks hampering Mozambique¿s capacity to adapt efficiently to climate change, while supporting the expansion of concrete adaptation interventions on the ground. MERCIM + is a climate change adaptation specific programme essentially targeted towards increasing adaptive capacity and resilience of the population, in line with the national commitments stated in the updated NDC. First, on the institutional front, capacities would receive a boost on two main strategic functions: strengthening inter-ministerial coordination structures and processes (for a genuine whole-of-economy approach to climate change) and - most importantly - building state of the art Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) capacities. The latter are essential to ground policies and interventions on solid data and - critically - to provide the country with the necessary tools to engage in the global climate architecture and access dedicated, badly-needed financial resources. Secondly, the action intends to expand and reinforce the EU flagship MERCIM[1] intervention, financing adaptation investments in selected Districts, strengthening resilience of communities through a participatory model which develops in parallel local authorities¿ knowledge and capacities. Finally, the Programme would engage local communities and civil society on emergency response and coping strategies, while supporting the dissemination and enactment of sustainable and climate-resilient solutions aimed at reinforcing their livelihoods. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
FLEXI FUND : Supporting polling in DRC This activity (FLEXI FUND : Supporting polling in DRC) is a component of Public Financial Management and Accountability in the Democratic Republic of Congo reported by FCDO and a budget of £694,868.This project benefits CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC).And works in the following sector(s): Research/scientific institutions, Elections, Democratic participation and civil society. | No climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Oxfam Transboundary Rivers of South Asia TROSA II 2023-2027 - TROSA II transboundary water resource governance Oxfam Transboundary Rivers of South Asia TROSA II 2023-2027 Det övergripande målet för programmet är förbättrat samarbete för att förvalta delade
vattenresurser, stärka motståndskraften mot klimatförändringar hos samhällen längs de
gränsöverskridande flodområdena Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) i Indien, Bangladesh, Nepal och Bhutan med följande
fyra delmål;
1) Stärka försörjningsmöjligheter som är motståndskraftiga mot klimatförändringar hos
samhällen som lever i de gränsöverskridande GBM- områdena.
2) Förbättrad och inkluderande förvaltning av gränsöverskridande flodekosystem och
skydd av den biologiska mångfalden i GBM- flodområdena.
3) Stärkt ledarskap hos det civila samhället, särskilt bland kvinnor, ursprungsbefolkningar
och ungdomar för att påverka och den privata sektorn inom vattenförvaltningen i
gränsöverskridande GBM-flodområdena.
4) Stärkt samarbete och ansvarsskyldighet över och mellan de gränsöverskridande GBM flodområdena. The overarching goal of the programme is improved cooperation in governing shared
water resources, strengthening resilience to climate change of riparian communities in
the transboundary Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) river basins including the countries India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan with the following four sub-goals;
1) Strengthening climate-resilient livelihoods of communities living in the transboundary
GBM basins.
2) Improved and inclusive management of transboundary river ecosystems and
protection of biodiversity across the GBM river basins.
3) Strengthened leadership of civil society, especially women, indigenous people, and
youth to influence government and private sector on water governance across and
between the transboundary GBM basins.
4) Strengthened cooperation, collaboration and accountability across and between the
transboundary GBM river basins. The objective of the five months inception phase is to arrange resources for the programme, assure that procedures, systems, roles, responsibilities, strategies and needed resources are clear, agreed and in place for the implementation of TROSA II. Since there are many partners involved in implementing the programme, it is important to ensure alignment. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
400 kV Übertragungsleitung Albanien Mazedonien 400 kV Transmission Line Albania - Macedonia Im Rahmen der FZ-Maßnahme 400 kV Stromübertragungsleitung Albanien - Mazedonien soll eine dritte grenzüberschreitende Stromübertragungsleitung in Albanien gebaut und so die letzte Lücke im Übertragungsnetz mit seinen Nachbarländern geschlossen werden. Die vorgesehenen Investitionen haben eine große regionale Bedeutung, da die geplante Stromübertragungsleitung einen wichtigen Baustein im regionalen Netz darstellt und eine wichtige Voraussetzung für den regionalen Stromaustausch darstellt. Zudem trägt die neue Leitung zu einer Verbesserung der Versorgungssicherheit und -qualität im Stromübertragungssystem Albaniens und der Region bei. Nutznießer des Projektes sind daher alle am albanischen Stromnetz angeschlossenen Verbraucher. Unter dem Programm sollen die zwei Teilleitungen (i) Übertragungsleitung Elbasan - Fier und (ii) Übertragungsleitung Elbasan - Qafe Thane gebaut werden. Außerdem ist der Neubau der 400/220 kV Schaltanlage 'Elbasan 3' sowie die Rehabilitierung der 400/220 kV Schaltanlage 'Fier' vorgesehen. Der Leitungsteil auf mazedonischer Seite wird komplementär durch die mazedonische Stromübertragungsgesellschaft MEPSO errichtet und durch ein Darlehen der EBRD finanziert.Darlehensnehmer und Programmträger ist die albanische Stromübertragungsgesellschaft Operatori i Sistemit te Transmetimit (OST sh.a.). Das Programm soll im Wesentlichen durch Entwicklungskredite von bis zu 50,0 Mio. EUR und einen Investitionszuschuss des WBIF i.H.v. 14,0 Mio. EUR finanziert werden. Der Eigenbeitrag des Trägers OST wird 5 Mio. EUR betragen. 400 kV Transmission Line Albania - Macedonia Bau einer 400 kV Stromübertragungsleitung von Fier über Elbasan zur alb./maz. Grenze sowie Bau der dazugehörigen Umspannwerke. 400 kV Transmission Line Albania - Macedonia | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Adaptation to climate change in North-East Kenya Anpassung an den Klimawandel im Nord-Osten Kenias Selected target groups (pastoralists, agro-pastoralists and settled population) in the arid and semi-arid Noth make sustainable use of the natural resources relevant to food security. Ausgewählte Zielgruppen (Pastoralisten, Agro-Pastoralisten, Sesshafte) im ariden und semi-ariden Norden bewirtschaften die natürlichen, für die Ernährungssicherheit relevanten Ressourcen nachhaltig und klimaresilient. Selected target groups (pastoralists, agro-pastoralists and settled population) in the arid and semi-arid Noth make sustainable use of the natural resources relevant to food security. Ausgewählte Zielgruppen (Pastoralisten, Agro-Pastoralisten, Sesshafte) im ariden und semi-ariden Norden bewirtschaften die natürlichen, für die Ernährungssicherheit relevanten Ressourcen nachhaltig und klimaresilient. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Frame agreement with NGO (Siemenpuu) Being the world?s biggest paper consumer, China holds big responsibility for the environmental impacts of paper and pulp industry. Indonesian government has confirmed that the pulp and paper industry is one of the two main causes (the other being palm oil
industry) of Indonesian rainforest damage, biodiversity decline, soil erosion and greenhouse gas emissions. Currently Indonesia's forest protection programs are growing fast and the influence of China's market behaviour cannot be ignored. The local enviro
nmental paper network needs support from Chinese environmental protection activists. In this project CEPN will make a case study on APP and APRIL?s factories in China and their suppliers? production conditions and environmental impacts, to convey informati
on to Chinese consumers, printing industry and the media. Indonesian rainforest protection is striven to be achieved through regional cooperation e.g. by exchanging information and experiences between Chinese and Indonesian environmental groups. The projec
t also aims to carry out workshops, where the information and conceptions obtained in a study tour to Indonesian logged areas will be shared with the CEPN member organizations. Furthermore, the overall aim is to engage Chinese banks in environmental dialog
ue, and to actively discuss with them the possibilities to make changes in the financing criteria of their investments to better meet the environmental requirements.CEPN receives advisory support for their project from the North American and European Envir
onmental Paper Networks that have a broader experience in the field. Green Camel Bell is (GCB) an organization established in 2004 to protect the environment and restore the ecological system in West China. It acts as a legal holder and financial coordinat
or for the China Environmental Paper Network (CEPN), which will be implementing the project. Since its founding, the GCB has played an active role in combating environmental crisis, carrying out public environmental education, promoting environmental activ
ities in schools and training environmental volunteers etc. especially in Gansu, the home province of the organization. The CEPN network, which was established in 2010 with Siemenpuu's support, focuses on environmental impacts of pulp and paper industry. I
t encourages consumers to put pressure with their choices on the paper companies for more sustainable operation. It also ambitiously aims to change the position and financial policy of Chinese ban | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Laikipia, Isiolo, Samburu Transtorming the Environment through Nexus Project The Laikipia, Isiolo, Samburu Transforming the Environment through Nexus (LISTEN) project seeks to contribute to the goal of enhancing resilience of food, nutrition and water security in the three selected Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) counties. This Euro 3.6 million project will be undertaken over a period of three and a half years by a consortium comprising Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC), Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and SNV Netherlands Development Organisation with SNV as the lead agency. Each organisation brings their own specialisation to the table and will combined their capacity to achieve four key outcomes: 1. Outcome 1: Improved institutional capacities and programming frameworks for inclusive climate resilience at the county level. 2. Outcome 2: Improved water and livelihood resource management at Landscape level in the Ewaso Nyiro River Basin Ecosystem. 3. Outcome 3: Increased production and income through adoption of Good Agricultural Practice (GAP), good management and efficient waterpractices technologies and innovations in selected crop and livestock value chains, including fodder and for age 4. Outcome 4: Use of Knowledge and Innovation management increased in ASALs. The project is anchored on the county governments for owner ship and scale and will work at the county, and landscape community and farmer level. It is designed to support the three selected county governments in identifying initiatives and increasing the adoption and upscaling of climate resilient practices and innovations leading to an increase in resilience of food, nutrition and water security in the counties in spite of climate change. It will use a Nexus approach to development, recognising and leveraging on ongoing and complementary activities and agencies across the different sectors, drawing in community and ward level initiatives with implementation and service delivery carried out through the private sector where possible. SNV's Climate and Business Product model and AGRA's Village Based Agents approach will be used for scale-up and increased private sector involvement. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
WFP Scaling up Anticipatory Action phase II The World Food Programme (WFP) has been implementing the “Multi-Country Programme (MCP) for Scaling-up drought anticipatory actions for food security in Africa” (MCP-AA4FS) in Madagascar, Mozambique, Niger and Zimbabwe with support from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) since 2020. The proposed interventions build on the achievements of the MCP-AA4FS phase I implemented in Madagascar, Mozambique, Niger and Zimbabwe, by further strengthening existing capacities at national and local levels to deliver anticipatory actions (AAs) ahead of climate shocks and expanding the programme to Burkina Faso, Malawi and Tanzania. While the previous phase was focused on drought only, this next phase will also include other hazards such as floods and cyclones. As part of the programme, WFP commits to continuing to generate rigorous evidence on AA for multiple hazards and contexts, which will contribute to stronger programme design, institutionalization and scale up of this innovative approach. WFP will carry out gender role analyzes in all country contexts with the aim that the intervention should meet the needs of women, men, girls and boys to an equal extent, and contribute to increased equality. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Appui au processus de réforme du système de distribution des intrants agricoles subventionnés Contract related to: Appui au processus de réforme du système de distribution des intrants agricoles subventionnés - Programme d'AB (incluant enveloppe AT) pour le renforcement de la protection sociale en lien avec la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Climate Change and Adaptation Initiative The scope of the Climate Change Adaptation Initiative is climate change impact assessment and adaptation plans is improved and implemented at various levels and in priority locations throughout the Lower Mekong Basin. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Support to the Agriculture Fast Track Fund Support to the Agriculture Fast Track Fund to contribute to the reduction of poverty by mitigating the infrastructure deficiency in the agriculture sector in Africa. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Sustainable Tilapia Value Chain Development" in Tamatave, Madagascar The expected impact of the programme is improved food security in Tamatave and Antananarivo on Madagascar. This will be achieved by increased healthy fish proteins in the form of fresh tilapia on ice, sold by TDE and their contractors at market outlets and by resellers, wholesalers and others who will increase their income from tilapia sales due to increased production by TDE. The programme seek to address gender imbalances, by particular focus on empowerment and capacity building of women. In Tamatave where TDE is based, the farmers are affected by climate change. In addition, the province is one of the most cyclone-prone areas of Madagascar, a situation which might also increase in the years to come. This intervention will ensure sustainable climate smart fish farming. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Strengthening Action Against Electoral Violence in Nigeria This activity (Strengthening Action Against Electoral Violence in Nigeria) is a component of Strengthening Action Against Electoral Violence in Nigeria reported by FCDO and a budget of £209,150.This project benefits NIGERIA.And works in the following sector(s): Civilian peace-building, conflict prevention and resolution. | No climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Activity under preparation Better Governance and Business Environment Connecting priority 1 and 3 of the MIP, Green Inclusive Growth and Governance, the objective of the action will be to support Pakistan¿s business environment and competitiveness via greening business transformation, value-addition and export diversification of its SMEs, as well as strengthen public-private dialogues to promote a better governance approach and collaboration for all. This support will leverage compliance to the GSP+ related conventions (in particular those related to environmental standards) while preparing export oriented SMEs for the plethora of EU green directives in various stages of preparation that will affect these SMEs (eg. the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CD3D) ), EU Sustainable Product Initiative, EU Digital Product Passport and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)). | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Programme d'Appui au Développement Durable du Secteur Agricole (PADDSA) Amélioraton de façon durable des performances de l'agriculture béninoise et contribuer à la souveraineté alimentaire et à l'amélioration de la situation nutritionnelle des population | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
THE COMMISSION FOR LEGAL EMPOWERMENT OF THE POOR Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. Launching of the final report on the Commission for Legal Empowerment of the Poor | No climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
South Africa - Weather and Climate Science for Service Partnership (WCSSP) - Met Office Collaborative project between meteorological services in South Africa and UK focusing on capacity building for improved weather and climate services, enabling mitigation of risk from extreme weather events. This includes development of modelling capability for enhanced early weather warnings and a capacity building training programme for severe weather forecasting. To strengthen the capacity of South Africa and the UK to translate science into weather and climate services. Acceleration of the development and use of high resolution modelling for the provision of severe weather forecasts; joint training development and knowledge sharing; partnership development of operational severe weather, disaster risk reduction and climate resilience services across South Africa
o £300-400k for 3-5 years to deliver (1) A stronger strategic partnership (2) High resolution modelling for the provision of severe weather forecasts (3) Capacity Building and Knowledge Exchange in the meteorology training centres (4) Regional High Impact Weather Forecasting and Services (5) Enabling Applied Services including those for the renewable (solar and wind) energy sector | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Windpark Tanger II Parc Eolien de Tanger II Das Vorhaben sieht den Bau des Windparks Tanger (140 MW), die erforderlichen Anbindungs-und Erschliessungsmassnahmen sowie Consultingleistungen zur Planung und Durchführung des Vorhabens vor. Das Oberziel des Vorhabens ist ein Beitrag zum globalen Klimaschutz. Das Projektziel ist ein Beitrag zur gesamtwirtschaftlich effizienten und ökologisch verträglichen Bereitstellung elektrischer Energie und deren Einspeisung in das nationale Verbundnetz. Die Zielgruppe des Vorhabens ist die Gesamtheit der Stromverbraucher im marokkanischen Verbundnetz. Die Gesamtkosten des Vorhabens betragen rd. 216 Mio EUR. Für die Finanzierung des Vorhabens wird ein lieferungebundener FZ-Verbundkredit in Höhe von 50 Mio EUR zur Verfügung gestellt, davon jeweils 25 Mio EUR Haushalts-und Marktmittel. Das Vorhaben wird in Kofinanzierung mit einem Darlehen der Europäischen Investitionsbank (EIB) in Höhe von 80 Mio EUR und einem zinsgünstigen spanischen Darlehen in Höhe von 100 Mio EUR durchgeführt. Die Finanzierung des marokkanischen Anteils wird durch Eigenmittel des Office National de l'Electricité (ONE) aufgebracht. Parc Eolien de Tanger II Gesamtwirtschaftlich effiziente und ökologisch verträgliche Erzeugung von jährlich durchschnittlich 500 GWh elektrischer Energie und deren Einspeisung in das nationale Verbundnetz. Parc Eolien de Tanger II | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Reinforsement of Nairobi Distribution System Sähköverkon rehabilitointi The purpose of the Project known commonly as the Juja Road Substation Renewal is to reinforce the 132 kV and 66 kV distribution systems of Nairobi City and the greater Nairobi area by upgrading the Juja Road substation. This would help assure adequate and
reliable energy to the area. The entire population of Nairobi is 31 million approximately with some 800000 in the Juja Division. The Project will become part of and help fully realize the advantages of an on-going Distribution Upgrading Project by effectiv
ely supplying the 66/11 kV primary substations which supply the commercial and industrial parts of the city and areas inhabited by extremely poor communities such as the Mathare Valley Kibera Makuri and other slums around Nairobi city. The Project cost is
24 millions euros. Hankkeen tarkoituksena on Nairobin kaupungin ja suur-Nairobin alueen sähkönjakelujärjestelmän vahvistaminen Juja Roadin sähkönjakelukeskuksen parannustöillä mikä takaa tasaisen ja luotettavan sähkönsaannin alueella. Nairobin 31 miljoonan asukka
asta noin 800.000 asuu alueella. Juja Roadin sähkönjakelukeskukset tuottavat sähköä kaupungin teollisuusosiin sekä sen köyhimmille alueille kuten Mathare Valleyn Kiberan ja Mukurun slummeihin. Hankkeella on merkittäviä maan energiahuoltoon liitty
viä kehitysvaikutuksia. Nykyisellään Juja Roadin sähköjakelukeskukset ovat kapasiteetiltaan liian pieniä ja epäluotettavia mikä johtaa sähköntoimitusten rajoituksiin jolloin 50 % asukkaista jää ilman sähköä. Sähkönjakelun parantamises
ta hyötyvät slummialueiden asukkaiden lisäksi sairaalat koulut vesihuolto ja Nairobin ympäristön maanviljelysalueet. Hankkeen arvo on 24 miljoona euroa. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Klimafreundliche integrierte Abfall- und Kreislaufwirtschaft Climate-friendly integrated Waste- and Recyclingmanagement Das Abfallwirtschaftssystem ist unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Klima-Aspekten verbessert. Albanian waste-management is improved, due regard been given to climate-aspects of waste-management. Das Abfallwirtschaftssystem ist unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Klima-Aspekten verbessert. Albanian waste-management is improved, due regard been given to climate-aspects of waste-management. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
ZMB Community Improvement ZMB Community Improvement Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. Support to an informal settlement called Chaisa in Lusaka, Zambia. The project is managed by CARE Internationl Zambia. | No climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
23-0000548_Creating impactful visual stories about agriculture in the time of a climate crisis 23-0000548_The NOOR intensive professional programme, led by NOOR mentors and a second professional mentor selected in the region, will enable a limited selection of early-stage photojournalists and image makers to develop their journalistic, investigative skills and visual mastery to produce impactful visual stories around the climate crisis with a particular attention to agricultural practices, challenges, issues and probable solutions within the regional context. The photojournalistic work produced by the candidates will be showcased during the SARA conference (biggest agricultural conference in West Africa taking place in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire) for which the Netherlands is country of honor this years’ 6th edition. Moreover, a final closing event showcasing the works will act as a platform for further discussion, and provides a valuable context for various policy makers to discuss the challenges presented with the photojournalistic work. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Sector Programme on Environment and Climate Change 2013 National Programme Albania (centralized management)-Sector Programme on Environment and Climate Change | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Transformative Governance for Blue Economy Contract related to: Transformative Governance for Blue Economy - Blue Economy encompasses all sectors related to oceans, seas and coasts whether based in the marine environment or on land. Tanzania and the EU have a strong common interest in promoting a Blue Economy aiming at the sustainable use of ocean and coastal resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods and jobs creation. Unlocking the potential of the ocean and coastal economies (e.g. in fisheries/mariculture, forestry, renewable energies and eco-tourism sectors) while preserving the environment and biodiversity for climate and disaster resilience will help (i) meet the objective of fostering jobs and growth, (ii) deliver on Tanzania's climate change commitments and (iii) comply with EU priorities and interests in the region. In order to have a maximum impact, this programme will focus on specific cities and ecosytems[1] covering the ¿Swahili coast¿ (i.e. the East of Tanzania from Kenya¿s to Mozambique¿s borders) and the islands in the country¿s Economic Exclusive Zone, including the Zanzibar archipelago.The Overall Objective of the Action is to contribute to green job creation through a climate resilient Blue Economy (¿Blue Jobs¿). It will focus on (i) the environmental protection and a climate-resilient sustainable management of coastal ecosystems, (ii) the support to sustainable and job-intensive businesses in blue economy, including productive uses of the marine and coastal ecosystems, and (iii) a transformative governance and policy reforms.It is aligned with the Global Europe instrument targets and goals on climate change action, inclusive economic growth and human development, and with the Global Gateway priorities on climate, energy, education and research. The action will involve EU Member States/ Development Finance Institutions (France, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands and the European Investment Bank), and will make use of various modalities such as budget support and blending/guarantees operations. It is therefore both (i) a flagship, directly contributing to the EU top initiative for ¿Green and Blue Jobs¿ and (ii) a Team Europe initiative, as was the Green Cities flagship (AAP 2021), both being supported by three main enabler: digitalisation (AAP 2021), gender (2021) and access to finance (2022). The gender perspective is taken into account through a preliminary gender analysis[2] that has identified key areas of progress such as access to education, finance, skills development, land and natural/productive resources. With a focus on climate change adaptation, such an action also aims at limiting future climate-related forced displacement. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
AguaNorte-This Action will contribute to improve the living conditions of the population through increased access to basic services, reduction of inequalities, economic recovery and peacebuilding. It aims to increase access to sustainable safe water and sanitation services for approximately 60,000 people from selected towns in three Northern provinces of Mozambique. It encompasses the construction, rehabilitation, and/or expansion of water supply systems, the creation of demand and local market development for sanitation and hygiene services and products. The action will include the construction of gender sensitive WASH infrastructures in schools and healthcare facilities, as well as support the establishment of management modalities for sustainable WASH services. The towns of Memba (Nampula), Namuno (Cabo Delgado) and Marrupa (Niassa) were pre identified for this action after consultation with the authorities based on the numerous deprivations, lack of support by other programmes and partners and given the poor situation of the existing water systems. Complementarity with other programmes, such as nutrition and rural WASH programmes, was also a selecting factor to increase the impact on the ground. Namuno and Marrupa districts were considered as high priority by the Mozambican Water and Sanitation Infrastructure Administration (AIAS) during consultation. This Action will contribute to improve the living conditions of the population through increased access to basic services, reduction of inequalities, economic recovery and peacebuilding. It aims to increase access to sustainable safe water and sanitation services for approximately 60,000 people from selected towns in three Northern provinces of Mozambique. It encompasses the construction, rehabilitation, and/or expansion of water supply systems, the creation of demand and local market development for sanitation and hygiene services and products. The action will include the construction of gender sensitive WASH infrastructures in schools and healthcare facilities, as well as support the establishment of management modalities for sustainable WASH services. The towns of Memba (Nampula), Namuno (Cabo Delgado) and Marrupa (Niassa) were pre identified for this action after consultation with the authorities based on the numerous deprivations, lack of support by other programmes and partners and given the poor situation of the existing water systems. Complementarity with other programmes, such as nutrition and rural WASH programmes, was also a selecting factor to increase the impact on the ground. Namuno and Marrupa districts were considered as high priority by the Mozambican Water and Sanitation Infrastructure Administration (AIAS) during consultation. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Direct grant to CDEMA The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to the reduction of the vulnerability and sustainable development of the CARIFORUM States to disaster risks | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture and Agricultural Biodiversity in Upper and Lower Egypt Promouvoir une agriculture intelligente face au climat et la biodiversité en Haute et Basse-Égypte This project seeks to promote gender equality and the economic empowerment of rural women and men by increasing the adaptive capacities of poor and vulnerable rural populations to climate change, including landless, unemployed, under or seasonally employed individuals, in the Aswan, Beheira and Kafr El Sheikh Governorates of Egypt. The project seeks to develop and implement nature-based and climate-resilient agricultural practices that promote the sustainable use of natural resources, increase agricultural productivity, and improve livelihoods and food security. Project activities include: (1) providing need-based environment and agriculture training to smallholder famers and stakeholders; (2) providing micro- and small- entrepreneurs with technical and financial services; and (3) strengthening the connectivity of agricultural value chain; and 4) advocating for smallholder food production at the municipal, governorate and national level. Ce projet vise à promouvoir l'égalité des genres et l'autonomisation économique des femmes et des hommes en milieu rural en augmentant les capacités d'adaptation au changement climatique des populations rurales pauvres et vulnérables des gouvernorats égyptiens de Aswan, Beheira et Kafr El Sheikh. Le projet vise à développer et à mettre en œuvre des pratiques agricoles fondées sur la nature et résistantes au climat qui favorisent l'utilisation durable des ressources naturelles, une augmentation de la productivité agricole et une amélioration des moyens de subsistance et de la sécurité alimentaire. Les activités du projet comprennent : 1) fournir une formation environnementale et agricole adaptée aux besoins des petits agriculteurs et des parties prenantes; 2) fournir des services techniques et financiers aux micro et petits entrepreneurs; 3) renforcer la connectivité de la chaîne de valeur agricole; 4) plaider en faveur de la production alimentaire des petits agriculteurs au niveau municipal, du gouvernorat et national. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Energieeffizienz in der ländlichen Stromversorgung (Begleitmaßnahme) Energy Efficiency in Rural Power Supply - Accompanying Measures Ziel des Projekts ist eine energieeffiziente, umwelt- und klimafreundlichere ländliche Stromversorgung durch Investitionen in das Stromübertragungs- und -verteilungssystem. Damit soll ein Beitrag zur Erreichung der Klimaminderungsziele Kambodschas geleistet werden. Energy Efficiency in Rural Power Supply - Accompanying Measures Ziel des Projekts ist eine energieeffiziente, umwelt- und klimafreundlichere ländliche Stromversorgung durch Investitionen in das Stromübertragungs- und -verteilungssystem. Damit soll ein Beitrag zur Erreichung der Klimaminderungsziele Kambodschas geleistet werden. Energy Efficiency in Rural Power Supply - Accompanying Measures | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Payment to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Finlands contribution to the Environment Fund in 2021 YK:n ympäristöohjelma (UNEP); Suomen tuki Ympäristörahastolle 2021 The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations
system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. UNEP?s work encompasses assessing global regional and national environmental conditions and trends developing international and national environmental instruments and strengthenin
g institutions for the wise management of the environment.UNEP supports the implementation of Finland?s development policy in particular the priority area IV related to promoting climate sustainability access to sustainable energy and energy efficiency as
well as good environmental governance. Payment of 25 million euros is proposed to the UNEP's Environment Fund in 2021. YK:n ympäristöohjelman (UNEP) tehtävänä on edistää ympäristöllisesti kestävää kehitystä YK-järjestelmässä sekä toimia ympäristön tilan puolestapuhujana ja globaalin ympäristöagendan asettajana. UNEP:n työohjelma tavoittelee siirtymist
ä vähäpäästöiseen resurssitehokkaaseen ja tasa-arvoiseen kehitykseen mikä pohjautuu ekosysteemipalvelujen suojelulle ja kestävälle käytölle vahvistuneelle ympäristöhallinnolle ja ympäristöriskien vähentämiselle. Pohjimmaisena tavoitteena o
n nykyisten ja tulevien sukupolvien hyvinvoinnin turvaaminen. UNEP tukee erityisesti Suomen kehityspolitiikan painopistealue IV:n toteutusta.Suomen tueksi UNEP:n ympäristörahastolle 2021 ehdotetaan 25 miljoonaa euroa. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Strengthening Quality Infrastructure for renewable energies and energy efficiency Stärkung der Qualitätsinfrastruktur für erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz in Brasilien The creation of a secure, demand-oriented and sustainable supply of energy, its distribution as well as its efficient use are among the greatest scientific and technical challenges that humanity has to face today and in the coming decades. The effective implementation of national energy policies requires functioning national quality infrastructure (QI) institutions that have the capacity to measure, test, standardise, accredit and certify: reliable measurement of energy quantity and quality, accreditation of testing laboratories in determining the energy consumption of electrical equipment, and testing and certification of energy generation equipment are just a few examples of the demanded services. In the developing country of Brazil, the energy system is in a state of upheaval. New energy sources are finding widespread use. The vast power grid is being expanded and should become more intelligent, more efficient, more robust and also usable for data transmission. More and more products have to be fitted with energy consumption labels that provide consumers with information on energy efficiency and safety. The quality infrastructure required for this is currently not yet fully developed in Brazil, insufficiently interconnected nationally and internationally, and the overview of international experience and good practices in these areas is expandable (core problem). Die Schaffung einer sicheren, bedarfsgerechten und nachhaltigen Versorgung mit Energie, ihre Verteilung sowie die effiziente Nutzung gehören zu den größten wissenschaftlich-technischen Herausforderungen, die die Menschheit heute und in den kommenden Jahrzehnten zu bewältigen hat. Die wirkungsvolle Umsetzung nationaler Energiepolitiken erfordert funktionsfähige Institutionen einer nationalen Qualitätsinfrastruktur (QI) mit Mess-, Prüf-, Normungs-, Akkreditierungs- und Zertifizierungskapazitäten: das zuverlässige Messen von Energiemengen und -qualität, die Akkreditierung von Prüf- und Testlaboratorien bei der Bestimmung des Energieverbrauchs elektrischer Geräte und die Prüfung und Zertifizierung von Anlagen zur Energiegewinnung sind dabei nur einige Beispiele der nachgefragten Dienstleistungen. Im globalen Entwicklungspartnerland Brasilien befindet sich das Energiesystem im Umbruch. Neue Energiequellen finden verbreitet Einsatz. Das riesige Stromnetz wird ausgebaut und soll intelligenter werden, effizienter, robuster und auch zur Datenübertragung nutzbar. Immer mehr Produkte müssen Energieverbrauchskennzeichen tragen, die den Verbrauchern zu Energieeffizienz und Sicherheit Informationen liefern. Die hierfür erforderliche Qualitätsinfrastruktur ist aktuell in Brasilien noch nicht vollständig ausgebildet, unzureichend national und international vernetzt und der Überblick über internationale Erfahrungen und Good Practices auf diesen Gebieten ist ausbaufähig (Kernproblem). The national quality infrastructure (QI) for renewable energy development and energy efficiency improvement is strengthened. Die nationale Qualitätsinfrastruktur (QI) für die Entwicklung der erneuer¬baren Energien und die Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz ist gestärkt. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Promoting sustainable urbanisation through promoting the development of Smart Cities. Using expertise from Bristol, the first European Green Capital from the UK, the project aims to have Smart City policies, approaches and technologies adopted in Guangzhou city. This work will serve as a demonstration to other cities in China of the benefits of green urbanisation. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
<![CDATA[Integrated rural and sustainable agriculture for small farmer groups with emphasis on women's ecconomic empowerment, Diocese of Mbeya]]> Integrierte und nachhaltige Förderung der kleinbäuerlichen Landwirtschaft und wirtschaftliche Stärkung von Frauen in der Diözese Mbeya Integrated rural and sustainable agriculture for small farmer groups with emphasis on women's ecconomic empowerment, Diocese of Mbeya Integrierte und nachhaltige Förderung der kleinbäuerlichen Landwirtschaft und wirtschaftliche Stärkung von Frauen in der Diözese Mbeya Integrated rural and sustainable agriculture for small farmer groups with emphasis on women's ecconomic empowerment, Diocese of Mbeya Integrierte und nachhaltige Förderung der kleinbäuerlichen Landwirtschaft und wirtschaftliche Stärkung von Frauen in der Diözese Mbeya | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Integrated basic services and livelihoods for refugees and host communities in Gambella regional state <p>The context within Gambella Regional State (GRS) and in the refugee camps remains fragile. Interventions that emphasize humanitarian and development nexus programming are pivotal to ensure sustainable and inclusive support to vulnerable groups. This action will contribute towards enhancing access to livelihoods and productive assets, mitigate poor Water, Sanitation, and Hygienic (WASH) practices and improve health and nutritional status of the refugee population and surrounding host communities. This action through an integrated and multi-sector approach seeks to address the WASH, health and food security needs of refugees and host communities in GRS. This intervention responds to problems identified including food insecurity, limited access to livelihoods, reduced water access, poor sanitation and hygiene, limited access to basic services, and insufficient access to basic healthcare. This will be addressed with a particular focus on women, as their work burden, vulnerability and protection risks have disproportionately increased. Activities will focus on improving health, access to safe WASH, agricultural production to improve access to food, animal products and market access. In the project design, gender- and age-related vulnerabilities have been, and will continue to be, identified along with protection issues. ZOA and Action Against Hunger (ACF) will implement the `do no harm¿ principles throughout the project cycle. </p> | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Miljö&Klimatlånefond i EBRD EBRD Environment & Climate Loan Fund - Co-financing w EBRD Co-financing between EBRD and Sida (environmental loans) in municipal infrastructure projects in Eastern Europe and Western Balkans. Samfinansiering mellan Sida (miljölån) och EBRD av kommunal infrastruktur i östra Europa o västra Balkan. The first Sida-EBRD Municipal Environment and Climate Programme (SWME) contribution agreement was signed in 2009 for the period 2009-2014. The second Sida-EBRD Municipal Environment and Climate Programme Account II (SWM2) agreement was signed in 2014 for the period of 20152020. The overall objective of the funds are to promote sustainable use of natural resources, to protect the environment and to improve municipal public services for the benefit of citizens in EaP and WB. The programme also supports the countries in their EUapproximation process respectively. The SWME fund has provided EUR 26 309 378 of funding for 42 technical cooperation projects and eight investment grants since establishment. The SWM2 fund has provided EUR 20 008 543 of funding for 40 technical cooperation projects and six investment grants since establishment.
The two funds together provide assistance to the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine. The projects are also expected to reduce pollution and improve energy and other natural resource efficiency, although no specific combined targets were set for these results. Upgrading the services to EU standard will help the countries in their EU-approximation process. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Amazonienfonds Fundo Amazônia Der Fundo Amazônia wurde 2008 von der brasilianischen Regierung und der brasilianischen Entwicklungsbank BNDES eingerichtet, um zusätzliche Finanzmittel für die Entwaldungsbekämpfung und Emissionsminderung in Amazonien zu mobilisieren. Der Fonds soll dazu beitragen, die in der Nationalen Klimawandelpolitik festgelegten Emissionsminderungsziele, die eine Reduzierung der jährlichen Entwaldung in Amazonien um 80 % zwischen 2005 und 2020 vorsehen, umzusetzen. Hierzu wirbt der Fonds finanzielle Beiträge ein und setzt diese für Projekte u. a. in den Themenfeldern Schutzgebiete, nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung, Umweltkontrolle und Landtitulierung ein. Begünstigte sind Bevölkerungsgruppen, die Nutzen aus dem Tropenwalderhalt ziehen, darunter Indigene, traditionelle Bevölkerungsgruppen und Kleinbauern. Mit dem Fonds wird ein innovativer Mechanismus für umweltbasierte Transferzahlungen aus den Industrieländern an Heimatländer global bedeutender Umweltressourcen etabliert und ein Beitrag zu einem globalen umweltpolitischen Prozess geleistet, der zu einer angemessenen Lastenverteilung von Umweltkosten und -nutzen führen soll. Als erstes Land hat Norwegen einen Beitrag von bis zu USD 1,0 Mrd. bis 2015 für den Fundo Amazônia in Aussicht gestellt. Im Rahmen des Vorhabens Amazonienfonds (2008 668 30) beteiligt sich die KfW Entwicklungsbank mit EUR 18,0 Mio. EUR an dem Fonds. Fundo Amazônia Ziel ist, zur Entwaldungsbekämpfung sowie zum Schutz und zur nachhaltigen Nutzung in Amazonien beizutragen. Fundo Amazônia | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Cambodia - Livelihoods & Integrated Farming Enterprises Working with HOPENZ this Activity aims to increase the incomes and improve the livelihoods of 1,175 rural families in Cambodia; through the establishment of self-sufficient and sustainable family farms and community-level agricultural infrastructure, such as seed and animal banks. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Advancing Inclusive Rural & Agriculture Digital Ecosystems (AIRADE) To accelerate inclusive smallholder agriculture ecosystems in Ethiopia, leveraging digital innovation - to improve access to financial services that support increased productivity, incomes and resilience for SSPs. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
SPREP Support - Climate Change The activity will provide funding to bolster core climate and environment functions of SPREP, as well as provision for key personnel and digital upgrades to support its operations. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Top-up of decision ENERGY/2014/37651 from the Transfer Agreement signed with Italy Non Substantial modification to C(2015)9276 and annex, related to Annual Action Programme 2015 for Sustainable Energy under the Global Public Goods and Challenges Thematic Program- Rural Electrification/Rural Development projects - Ares(2019)1379256 | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Additional Sanitation and Water for All Secretariat (support 2020) Additional support to the SWA secretariat contributes to the attainment of SDG 6.1 and 6.2 by improving political prioritization for WASH, strengthening government-led national processes, developing and promoting use of a strong evidence base for decision making, strengthening regional, national and local human and institutional capacity and follow up and review progress made in implementing the SDGs. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Watershed Kenya (WP2) General Description
We have to get the next five years right, if we’re to meet the target of universal access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) by 2030. Watershed will take up the challenge by putting lobby and advocacy as one of the key pillars to achieve faster results. Watershed is a strategic partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and IRC, Simavi, Wetlands International and Akvo. Sustainability of WASH services is a critical Watershed goal. Over the next five years, the Watershed strategic partnership will deliver improvements in the governance and management of water, sanitation and hygiene services as well as of the water resources on which they draw. Good WASH governance requires the active and meaningful involvement of users (particularly women) of WASH services, service providers, water resource users and polluters. A strong civil society is essential to ensure that the voices of users are heard by service providers and government, and that government, service providers and the private sector are effectively held to account. The programme will be active at international level and in six countries: Kenya, Uganda, Mali, Ghana, Bangladesh, India. What we want to see: • Proven interventions funnelling knowledge and lessons upwards to influence governance and policy at national, regional and international levels. • Global civil society demanding fulfilment of the right to water and sanitation and equitable, sustainable allocation of water resources. • New partners investing in other countries based on Watershed results and approach. • International donors integrating environmental sustainability and climate change resilience into their WASH frameworks and practices. Simavi will be active at international level and Dutch level and in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana and Bangladesh.
Objectives Description
Long-term objective: ‘improved governance of the WASH sector, responsive to the interests of marginalised groups’. Overall outcomes: 1 In the countries where we work: competent CSOs and their networks lobby effectively for the realisation of the human right to water and sanitation and the reduction of inequalities in access to WASH/IWRM services. 2 Communities and citizens become capacitated and organise to demand their rights to water and sanitation and participate in WASH planning and budgeting. 3 In the global WASH/IWRM arena: global civil society effectively demands fulfilment of the human right to water and sanitation and equitable and sustainable allocation of water resources.
Target Groups Description
The ultimate target group for which we want improvements are the marginalised or people at risk of being marginalised in WASH governance: the poor; people who are excluded by reason of ethnicity or caste; and those who are hardest to reach due to location. The Watershed programme will work through strengthening civil society organization and governments. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Reduction of greenhouse gases from deforestation and forest degradation in Central America and the Dominican Republic Umsetzung von Kompensationsmechanismen zur Minderung von Emissionen aus Entwaldung und Walddegradierung (REDD III) The Member States of the Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD) have consolidated financing mechanisms for the implementation and monitoring of forestry and forest management measures with robust quality standards Die Mitgliedsländer der Zentralamerikanischen Kommission für Umwelt und Entwicklung (Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo - CCAD) haben Finanzierungsmechanismen zur Forstwirtschaft und Waldbewirtschaftung mit robusten Qualitätsstandards konsolidiert. The Member States of the Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD) have consolidated financing mechanisms for the implementation and monitoring of forestry and forest management measures with robust quality standards Die Mitgliedsländer der Zentralamerikanischen Kommission für Umwelt und Entwicklung (Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo - CCAD) haben Finanzierungsmechanismen zur Forstwirtschaft und Waldbewirtschaftung mit robusten Qualitätsstandards konsolidiert. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen durch gemeindebasierte Initiativen in der Dan Chu Gemeinde, Hoa An Distrikt, Cao Bang Provinz, Vietnam Sustainable development through people-led initiatives for poor people in Dan Chu Commune, Hoa An District, Cao Bang Province, Vietnam Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen durch gemeindebasierte Initiativen in der Dan Chu Gemeinde, Hoa An Distrikt, Cao Bang Provinz, Vietnam Sustainable development through people-led initiatives for poor people in Dan Chu Commune, Hoa An District, Cao Bang Province, Vietnam Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen durch gemeindebasierte Initiativen in der Dan Chu Gemeinde, Hoa An Distrikt, Cao Bang Provinz, Vietnam Sustainable development through people-led initiatives for poor people in Dan Chu Commune, Hoa An District, Cao Bang Province, Vietnam | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Bench Marks Foundation : CSR Bench Marks Foundation : CSR Institutionell partnerskap mellan BMF, North-West University, Stockholm School of Economics & Diakonia om företagens sociala ansvar i gruvsektorn i SA, bland annat för att undersöka betydelsen av gruvdriftföretagens CSR-metoder för att (i) bidra till initiativ fattigdomsbekämpning, (ii ) främja lokal ekonomisk utveckling (socialt entreprenörskap), och (iii) skydda miljön. Institutional partnership between BMF, North-West University, Stockholm School of Economics & Diakonia on CSR in the mining sector of SA, inter alia, to explore the role of mining corporations' CSR practices to (i) contribute to poverty alleviation initiatives,(ii) promote local economic development (social entrepreneurship),and (iii) protect the environment. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Wiederherstellung der Lebensgrundlagen vulnerabler agro-pastoraler Haushalte in der westlichen Sahelzone Rebuilding of livelihoods of vulnerable agro-pastoral households in the western Sahel zone Wiederherstellung der Lebensgrundlagen vulnerabler agro-pastoraler Haushalte in der westlichen Sahelzone Rebuilding of livelihoods of vulnerable agro-pastoral households in the western Sahel zone Die Resilienz vulnerabler agropastoraler Haushalte ist durch verbesserte Ernährungssicherheit und Einkommensmöglichkeiten bei gleichzeitiger Anpassung an den Klimawandel gestärkt. The resilience of vulnerable agropastoral households is strengthened by improved food security and income opportunities, while at the same time adapting to climate change. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Förderung nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft und Nahrungsvielfalt zur Ernährungssicherung und Widerstandsfähigkeit für Haushalte in Hochlandgemeinden Advancing Sustainable Farming and Livelihood Diversification for Food Security and Resiliency Among Households in Upland Communities Förderung nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft und Nahrungsvielfalt zur Ernährungssicherung und Widerstandsfähigkeit für Haushalte in Hochlandgemeinden Advancing Sustainable Farming and Livelihood Diversification for Food Security and Resiliency Among Households in Upland Communities Förderung nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft und Nahrungsvielfalt zur Ernährungssicherung und Widerstandsfähigkeit für Haushalte in Hochlandgemeinden Advancing Sustainable Farming and Livelihood Diversification for Food Security and Resiliency Among Households in Upland Communities | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
UNDP CAR 2006 UNDP CAR 2006 Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. Support to UNDP projects in the framework of the UN consolidated appeal (CAP) for CAR 2006. | No climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Enhancing Climate-Resilient Agriculture in Southern Iraq Adapting rural households in Southern Iraq to water scarcity induced by climate change by empowering women as agents for transformation and addressing the food-energy-water nexus | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
GLoBe Nicaragua - strong local governments develop and implement an inclusive policy to strengthen local economy with a focus on sustainable food security Strong local governments develop and implement an inclusive policy to strengthen the local economy with a focus on sustainable food security VVSG’s program ‘GLoBe’ (Goed Lokaal Bestuur) is committed to good local governance for sustainable and coherent policies. Local governments can play an important role as duty bearers to contribute to safeguarding the human rights of their populations, to contribute to the realization of the SDGs and to improve living conditions for the population. In Nicaragua, GLoBe supports local governments developing qualitative and inclusive policies for local (food) economy. By developing this policy, the programme contributes to improved living conditions for small (food) producers and small (often female) entrepreneurs who process and sell food, both particularly vulnerable in the chain of food production, processing and sales. For the population, the program contributes to improved access to quality and affordable food. The commitment to agro-ecological production methods ensures environmental protection as an integral part of the entire program.
GLoBe is in line with the global movement for decentralization in which authorities and resources are transferred from central to local governments. Nicaragua is a highly polarized society with unstable political and socio-economic context. This poses additional challenges to develop good local governance including strong service delivery for the population. Challenges such as the need to strengthen legitimacy, develop and professionalize the local administration, install result-oriented participatory mechanisms, and create a political culture aimed at strong service delivery to the entire population. In Nicaragua, GLoBe contributes to the necessary capacity building of local administrations for the purpose of a strengthened service delivery by partnering Nicaraguan local governments with Flemish local governments. Santo Tomás - Mol and Ciudad Darío – Lommel will exchange experiences mutually and share them on national and international platforms so they can reach out to all Nicaraguan local governments. The program directly targets local politicians, civil servants and key persons of organizations of local farmers and traders (181 men/188 women). They will play a facilitating role for good local governance that contributes to improved living conditions for the most vulnerable. The beneficiaries are the inhabitants of both municipalities (9.451 men and 9.978 women in Santo Tomás; 28044 men and 26956 women in Ciudad Dario), with special attention to the most vulnerable. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Unterstützung zu Landerhalt und Entwicklung für ethnische Minderheiten in der Diözese Mymensingh Land retention and development for ethnic minorities in Bangladesh Unterstützung zu Landerhalt und Entwicklung für ethnische Minderheiten in der Diözese Mymensingh Land retention and development for ethnic minorities in Bangladesh Unterstützung zu Landerhalt und Entwicklung für ethnische Minderheiten in der Diözese Mymensingh Land retention and development for ethnic minorities in Bangladesh | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Plan Sverige EU-El Salvador 2014-2015 Plan Sweden EU-El Salvador 2014-2015 - Plan Sweden EU El Salvador 2014-2015 Projektet syftar till att öka motståndskraften mot naturkatastrofer bland befolkningen i fyra kommuner i El Salvador. Increase the resilience among the inhabitants of four municpalities in El Salvador, to prevent and mitigate disasters through strategies that build capacity, promote coordination and disseminate proven best practices in Disaster Risk Management. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
F.a: Capacity building of coffee farmers Overall goal: The poverty of women and men that are members of Tierra Nueva and their families has decreased.Purpose: The production systems of the small coffee farmers have the capacity to ensure a decent living of the families. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Förderung von Energieeffizienz in Wohngebäuden BM (Zinsverbilligung im Eigenrisiko) Energy Efficient New Residential Ho (BM) Förderung der Energieeffizienz in Wohngebäuden über Finanzinstitutionen Energy Efficient New Residential Ho (BM) Förderung der Energieeffizienz in Wohngebäuden über Finanzinstitutionen Energy Efficient New Residential Ho (BM) | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Strengthening One-Health Programme in the Asia Pacific Region To strengthen One-Health Programme in the Asia Pacific Region and to generate concrete evidence on improved collaboration for solving problems with multiple facets such as pesticide residues in food, the lack of food safety and hygiene leading to malnutrition and environmental pollution and other risks affecting plant health, animal health and the safety of the food that is produced through these value chains. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Upscaling EnDEV Ethiopia - Access to Energy Through Off-grid Renewable Energy Solutions The overall objective is to increase access to modern energy supply targeting the un-served, low income households, social facilities, and small and medium sized enterprises. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Subsets and Splits