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Renewable Lesotho - GET.pro Country Window Lesotho <p>The overall objective of this programme is to ensure energy security by reducing imported electricity in Lesotho, and improve energy access to reliable and affordable clean energy and promote green growth.Contribution Agreement with GIZ/Get.pro to implement this Action.</p>
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Lebensraumschutz und nachhaltige Entwicklung für indigene Völker in der Prälatur Lábrea Protection livelihood and sustainable rural development enhancing basic rights of indigenous peoples Lebensraumschutz und nachhaltige Entwicklung für indigene Völker in der Prälatur Lábrea Protection livelihood and sustainable rural development enhancing basic rights of indigenous peoples Lebensraumschutz und nachhaltige Entwicklung für indigene Völker in der Prälatur Lábrea Protection livelihood and sustainable rural development enhancing basic rights of indigenous peoples
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Nachhaltige Kommunale Entwicklung mit Schwerpunkt Friedensarbeit durch Motivatorenprogramm, Fortführung Sustainable Community Development with focus on Peace by Motivator Program, continuation Nachhaltige Kommunale Entwicklung mit Schwerpunkt Friedensarbeit durch Motivatorenprogramm, Fortführung Sustainable Community Development with focus on Peace by Motivator Program, continuation Nachhaltige Kommunale Entwicklung mit Schwerpunkt Friedensarbeit durch Motivatorenprogramm, Fortführung Sustainable Community Development with focus on Peace by Motivator Program, continuation
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
EAHRI 2005 EAHR 2005 Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. Supported to publish the East African Journal of Democracy and Human Rights including a yearly State of Democracy (in East Africa) report.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Vanuatu Rural Electification Project The Project meets an escalating consumer demand for affordable electricity solutions in remote off-grid areas. The Project will support the Department of Energy to establish a robust private sector business model that meets this demand, and strengthens government capacity for planning and regulating product/vendor supply standards. The Project will provide energy to 50% of off-grid rural households; and, 90% of off-grid medical aid posts and community halls.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Resilienzstärkung vulnerabler Bevölkerung in Nord-, West- und Ost-Bangladesch durch einen Netzwerkansatz von 5 Partnerorganisationen Resilience strengthening of vulnerable populations in northern, western and eastern Bangladesh through a network approach of 5 partner organisations Resilienzstärkung vulnerabler Bevölkerung in Nord-, West- und Ost-Bangladesch durch einen Netzwerkansatz von 5 Partnerorganisationen Resilience strengthening of vulnerable populations in northern, western and eastern Bangladesh through a network approach of 5 partner organisations Resilienzstärkung vulnerabler Bevölkerung in Nord-, West- und Ost-Bangladesch durch einen Netzwerkansatz von 5 Partnerorganisationen Resilience strengthening of vulnerable populations in northern, western and eastern Bangladesh through a network approach of 5 partner organisations
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Verbesserung der gemeindeorientierten Katastrophenvorsorge und Katastrophen-Management-Kapazitäten für küstennahe Gemeinden in Ost Samar Advancing Local Empowerment for Resiliency through Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Management in Eastern Samar Verbesserung der gemeindeorientierten Katastrophenvorsorge und Katastrophen-Management-Kapazitäten für küstennahe Gemeinden in Ost Samar Advancing Local Empowerment for Resiliency through Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Management in Eastern Samar Verbesserung der gemeindeorientierten Katastrophenvorsorge und Katastrophen-Management-Kapazitäten für küstennahe Gemeinden in Ost Samar Advancing Local Empowerment for Resiliency through Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Management in Eastern Samar
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Mobilising Finance for Forests (MFF) Mobilising Finance for Forests (MFF) will use a blended finance investment approach to combat deforestation and other environmentally unsustainable land use practices in tropical forest regions that are contributing to global climate change.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Sustainable climate change mitigation measures through natural resource management and agriculture development at Kolar, Bhopal Förderung der Anpassung von indischen Kleinbauern in Kolar an den Klimawandel durch nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung der natürlichen Ressourcen und landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung Sustainable climate change mitigation measures through natural resource management and agriculture development at Kolar, Bhopal Förderung der Anpassung von indischen Kleinbauern in Kolar an den Klimawandel durch nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung der natürlichen Ressourcen und landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung Sustainable climate change mitigation measures through natural resource management and agriculture development at Kolar, Bhopal Förderung der Anpassung von indischen Kleinbauern in Kolar an den Klimawandel durch nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung der natürlichen Ressourcen und landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Building agricultural resilience to natural disasters: Country case studies To contribute to strengthening the capacities of countries (globally) in preparedness for early action in response to early warnings on climate shocks (mainly drought, flood and storm), high-impact diseases emerging health threats and conflicts to better protect agriculture livelihoods.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Strengthening Disaster Recovery and Resilience in the Caribbean The programme will help protect poor and vulnerable people, ensuring action is gender responsive and inclusive, save lives and assist countries to get back on their feet more quickly after a disaster, by working with ODA-eligible Caribbean governments to strengthen preparedness and public financial investment, speed up recovery and reconstruction, as well as deliver more cost-effective, rapid and reliable response to emergencies. This programme is part of a £19m package of support to the Caribbean region following the devastating impacts of 2017 hurricane season which collectively will strengthen resilience of the region to future disaster events and climate change.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Climate Change, Fisheries and Aquaculture: testing a suite of methods for understanding vulnerability, improving adaptability and enabling mitigation As a start in addressing the issues described above, this project comprises four components: br UL LI understanding vulnerability and increasing adaptability in marine fisheries and aquaculture dependent communities; br LI fisheries and aquaculture contributions to climate change mitigation ? energy saving strategies and opportunities LI developing monitoring systems for water consumption and competition by users in the inland fisheries and aquaculture sectors; LI continuing support to facilitating coordination and cooperation amongst international organizations and agencies addressing climate change impacts on fisheries and aquaculture through the Global Partnership for Climate, Fisheries and Aquaculture. /UL
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Aufbau von resilienten Gemeinden in Yogyakarta, Ost-Aceh, Sabu und Mentawai, Fortführung Building Resilient Communities in East Aceh, Sabu, Mentawai and Yogyakarta, Continuation Aufbau von resilienten Gemeinden in Yogyakarta, Ost-Aceh, Sabu und Mentawai, Fortführung Building Resilient Communities in East Aceh, Sabu, Mentawai and Yogyakarta, Continuation Aufbau von resilienten Gemeinden in Yogyakarta, Ost-Aceh, Sabu und Mentawai, Fortführung Building Resilient Communities in East Aceh, Sabu, Mentawai and Yogyakarta, Continuation
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
High value Opportunity - Malaysia, Energy renovation The project is to expand a project with Malacca State Government on improving energy effiency in 9 state buildings.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Thematic Programme Green Growth & Employment - Kenya CP 2016-2020 energy for all
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Stärkung der Strukturen des Katastrophenrisikomanagements (KRM) und der Hilfskapazität in Bangladesch und Myanmar Strengthening the disaster risk management (DRM) structures and capacities in Bangladesh and Myanmar Stärkung der Strukturen des Katastrophenrisikomanagements (KRM) und der Hilfskapazität in Bangladesch und Myanmar Strengthening the disaster risk management (DRM) structures and capacities in Bangladesh and Myanmar Gestärkte KRM-Kapazitäten der nationalen Gesellschaften BORGS und MRCS stärken Selbsthilfekapazitäten der Zielgemeinden in Bangladesch und in Myanmar. Auf Mikroebene profitieren Projektgemeinden und Projektschulen von verbesserten Dienstleistungen der nationalen Gesellschaften. Auf Mesoebene werden Kapazitäten und Strukturen der nationalen Gesellschaften verbessert. Auf Makroebene tragen BORGS und MRCS durch Advocacy- und Lobbyarbeit auf Regierungsebene im Interesse bedürftiger Bevölkerungsgruppen zu verbesseilen KRM-Rahmenbedingungen ihrer Länder bei. Strengthened DRM capacities of the National Societies BORGS and MRCS will strengthen self-help capacities of the target communities in Bangladesh and Myanmar. At micro level, project communities and project schools benefit from improved services provided by the National Societies. At meso level, the capacities and structures of the National Societies are improved. At the macro level, BORGS and MRCS contribute to improving the DRM framework conditions in their countries through advocacy and lobbying work at government level in the interests of vulnerable population groups.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Africa Energy Transition - Tanzania The programme aims to drive a just transition from coal and charcoal to renewable energy and clean cooking solutions in three African countries, by: • Addressing national policy and regulatory frameworks for energy • Accelerating regional cross-border trade in renewable energy on and off grid • Facilitating the divestment of African and Chinese financial institutions from coal fired power plants and increasing financial flows to renewable energy, including women-led renewable energy enterprise
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Annual Action Programme for Montenegro 2019 Objective 2 Transport and Environment - Cancelled - Support to COVID 19 crisis response in Montenegro - SRBC
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
North West Climate-Peace Hubs: A Climate Security Approach to Conflict Prevention To foster resilience against climate and security risks, this project will through a conflict-sensitive manner contribute towards: 1. Improved access to data supporting decision-making for anticipatory actions to climate and conflict risks 2. Increased access conflict sensitive and climate resilient livelihoods and green jobs 3. Strengthened systems and practices for communal management of natural resources
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
GFDRR. Multiannual contribution The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) is a global partnership that helps developing countries better understand and reduce their vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change. GFDRR contributes to the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction by helping countries to integrate disaster risk management and climate change adaptation into development strategies and investment programs and recover from disasters quickly and effectively.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Adaptive livelihoods for food security and climate resilience of vulnerable communities in Vietnam Stärkung der Resilienz von Bevölkerungsgruppen, die besonders von Klimawandel und Nahrungsmittelunsicherheit betroffen sind Adaptive livelihoods for food security and climate resilience of vulnerable communities in Vietnam Stärkung der Resilienz von Bevölkerungsgruppen, die besonders von Klimawandel und Nahrungsmittelunsicherheit betroffen sind Adaptive livelihoods for food security and climate resilience of vulnerable communities in Vietnam Stärkung der Resilienz von Bevölkerungsgruppen, die besonders von Klimawandel und Nahrungsmittelunsicherheit betroffen sind
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Unterstützung und Kapazitätsbildung von Basisbewegungen zum Aufbau alternativer Lebensgrundlagen als Reaktion auf die Klimakrise Movement building alternative livelihoods in response to climate crisis Unterstützung und Kapazitätsbildung von Basisbewegungen zum Aufbau alternativer Lebensgrundlagen als Reaktion auf die Klimakrise Movement building alternative livelihoods in response to climate crisis Das Projekt arbeitet mit ländlichen Bewegungen und stärkt v.a. Frauengruppierungen darin, ihre Ernährungsunsicherheit, die angesichts des Klimawandels noch weiter gefährdet ist, zu reduzieren. Hierbei setzt er einen rechtebasierten Ansatz an. The project works with rural movements and strengthens women's groups in particular to reduce their food insecurity, which is even more at risk in the face of climate change. It uses a rights-based approach to achieve this.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Generic AS-PY FDC development and WHO pre-qualification at KPC To reduce the cost of antimalarial drugs and improve antimalarial drug supply in LMIC pandemic regions.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
SUNREF India Housing The Action aims at reducing the negative impact on the environment caused by the rapid growth of the housing industry in India by supporting the development of affordable green housing. It consists of two compenents: a credit and loan facility for green housing, and a Project Management Unit that is in charge of running it.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Appui l`initiative Grande Muraille Verte au Senegal pour la resilience des communautes et des ecosyst mes aux changements climatiques Le projet d'Appui l'ASERGMV pour renforcer la resilience des ecosyst mes et des communautes face au Changement climatique, d?une duree de cinq ans, s'inscrit dans la reduction de la vulnerabilite au changement climatique dans les zones d'intervention de la Grande Muraille verte. Il a pour objet d'appuyer les nouvelles orientations que le Gouvernement a donnees l'ASERGMV pour ameliorer son intervention sur le terrain et notamment par rapport aux limites accusees dans le cadre de l'adoption de la Gestion Durable des Terres (GDT) entreprise dans le cadre de la Grande Muraille Verte en rapport : (i) l?environnement juridique peu favorable pour l?utilisation des pratiques de GDT ; (ii) la non prise en compte des objectifs economiques, sociaux et environnementaux dans l?allocation et la gestion des terres, d?o plusieurs activites agrosylvopastorales en concurrence avec les objectifs environnementaux ; (iii) le manque de donnees fiables et actualisees sur l?etat de la degradation des terres ; (iv) un regime foncier defavorable et l?absence d?incitations directes ou indirectes qui facilitent l? adoption des technologies et des pratiques de GDT ; (v) l?absence d?une demarche inclusive et holistique ; (vi) une implication faible et inadaptee des acteurs locaux notamment des femmes et des jeunes dans la gestion des ressources naturelles ; et (vii) le choix de technologies qui ne so
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
MYA/Support to Democratic development and Rule of Law building in Myanmar MYA/Myanmarin demokratia- ja oikeusvaltiokehityksen tuki UNDP's Myanmar country programme's objective is to reduce poverty and promote sustainable development that is human rights based gender sensitive and equitable by strengthening central and local governance. The country programme also promotes climate susta inability and aid effectiveness. The programme is implemented through three pillars: 1. Local Governance and Local Development; 2. Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction and 3. Democratic Governance. As a result of the support civil society's and private sector's possibilities to participate in the development have improved and basis for parlamentary and justice sector reforms has been laid.Finland has supported pillar III since 2013. The programme extension will last two years (2016-2017). Finland's contr ibution is 4 million euros. UNDP:n Myanmarin maaohjelman päätavoitteena on tukea köyhyyden vähentämistä ja kestävää kehitystä joka on oikeusperustaista sukupuolten tasa-arvoa vahvistavaa ja oikeudenmukaista vahvistamalla keskus- ja paikallishallinnon ja muiden toimijoiden i nstitutionaalista kapasiteettia. Keskus- ja paikallishallinnon kehittämisen lisäksi maaohjelma keskittyy ilmastokestävyyteen ja avun tuloksellisuuteen. Ohjelma toteutetaan kolmen pilarin kautta: 1.Tehokas paikallishallinto kestävän ja inklusiivisen ke hityksen edistämiseksi; 2. Ilmastonmuutos ympäristö energia ja katastrofivalmius; ja 3. Demokraattinen (keskustason) hallinto ja avun tuloksellisuus. Yhteistyön tuloksena kansalaisyhteiskunnan ja yksityissektorin mahdollisuudet osallistua kehitysyhteis työhön ovat vahvistuneet ja yhteistyö on luonut pohjaa parlamentaarisen ja oikeussektorin reformeihin.Suomi on tukenut ohjelman pilaria III vuodesta 2013 asti nyt rahoitettava jatkokausi kestää kaksi vuotta (2016-2017). Suomen rahoitusosuus on 4 miljo onaa euroa.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
230000427 Global Energy Transformation Programme (GET.pro). Delivering on Energy and Climate Goals. Ambitious international agreements on Climate and Energy (Paris Agreement and the SDG7 Global Roadmap aiming for universal access to energy) as well as the Dutch policy goal to secure access to energy for 100 million people by 2030 require significant investments. And in order to accelerate progress further alignment. There is no shortage of finance opportunities for renewable energy. However bankable projects are scarce and local market development is erratic. The objective of GET.pro is multifold. GET.pro is a European multi-donor platform delivering on energy and climate targets. Get.pro includes a module focusing on the private sector (Get.invest), a module on the public sector (Get.transform) and will provide support to the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP).
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH): Engagement pour un programme de cacao belge durable (2019 - 2022) The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH): Phase 2 d'engagement pour un programme de cacao belge durable (3 ans) The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) mettra en oeuvre pour une durée de 3 ans le partenariat belge pour le cacao durable, appelé "Beyond Chocolate". Le financement de 2,5 millions euros servira à: 1° Coordonner et rationnaliser les activités et les contributions des différents partenaires, y compris la gestion du cofinancement des projets pilotes et des projets d'innovation au sein des chaînes de valeur du caco (appels à projets), 2° Mesurer les progrès réalisés et les effets en fonction d'indicateurs à déterminer (NB: pour le 5/12/2019), 3° Communiquer sur l'engagement et les résultats des différentes activités et des contributions des partenaires. The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) mettra en oeuvre pour une durée de 3 ans le partenariat belge pour le cacao durable, appelé "Beyond Chocolate". Le financement de 2,5 millions euros servira à: 1° Coordonner et rationnaliser les activités et les contributions des différents partenaires, y compris la gestion du cofinancement des projets pilotes et des projets d'innovation au sein des chaînes de valeur du caco (appels à projets), 2° Mesurer les progrès réalisés et les effets en fonction d'indicateurs à déterminer (NB: pour le 5/12/2019), 3° Communiquer sur l'engagement et les résultats des différentes activités et des contributions des partenaires. The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) mettra en oeuvre pour une durée de 3 ans le partenariat belge pour le cacao durable, appelé "Beyond Chocolate". Le financement de 2,5 millions euros servira à: 1° Coordonner et rationnaliser les activités et les contributions des différents partenaires, y compris la gestion du cofinancement des projets pilotes et des projets d'innovation au sein des chaînes de valeur du caco (appels à projets), 2° Mesurer les progrès réalisés et les effets en fonction d'indicateurs à déterminer (NB: pour le 5/12/2019), 3° Communiquer sur l'engagement et les résultats des différentes activités et des contributions des partenaires.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
TCPF: Project Formulation for mainstreaming sustainable land development and management in Guyana To provide technical assistance for the formulation of a Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund (GRIF) funded project in support of mainstreaming sustainable land development and management in Guyana.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Support for the food consumption and micro-nutrient assessment and child health weeks programme This activity (Support for the food consumption and micro-nutrient assessment and child health weeks programme) is a component of Tackling Maternal and Child Undernutrition in Zambia reported by FCDO and a budget of £796,648.This project benefits ZAMBIA.And works in the following sector(s): Reproductive health care, Basic nutrition.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Capacity for a Successful Implementation of the Renewable Energy Act (C-SIREA) Beratung zur Umsetzung des Gesetzes über erneuerbare Energien For the integration of renewable energy into the national grid, technical and institutional capacities of partner institutions in the energy sector are improved. Die fachlichen und institutionellen Kapazitäten der Partnerinstitutionen zur Integration der erneuerbaren Energien in das nationale Stromnetz sind verbessert. For the integration of renewable energy into the national grid, technical and institutional capacities of partner institutions in the energy sector are improved. Die fachlichen und institutionellen Kapazitäten der Partnerinstitutionen zur Integration der erneuerbaren Energien in das nationale Stromnetz sind verbessert.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Green Banyuwangi - handling waste management To support 41 cities in handling waste management so that it can reduce leakage marine debris in the ocean
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
PROAGRO 3 Bolivia - PROAGRO 3 PROAGRO 3 Bolivia GIZ has applied to Sida for funding of 25 million SEK to carry out "Phase 3 of the Sustainable Agricultural Development Programme, PROAGRO" in Bolivia during the period 2014-2017. The objective of the programme is to promote climate-adapted agriculture that contributes to food production and improved living conditions in dry areas of Bolivia. PROAGRO is expected to contribute to improved public services for actors in production and Integrated Water Resource Management, who want to implement projects, systems, technologies that will improve resilience to climate change and improve climate adapted agriculture under irrigation. Secondly the program supports the Bolivian systems for continuous training within climate adapted sustainable agriculture. Thirdly, the program aims at better use of and better access to technologies and innovations for sustainable use of water resources and more efficient and profitable. Fourthly, PROAGRO contributes to better services from public, private and cooperative entities will be offered to small-scale producers in the river basins where climate change has affected water resources and other production means.The technical assistance provided by the PROAGRO is closely linked to the activities implemented through the National Sector Plan for River Basin Management (in Spanish: Plan Nacional de Cuencas - PNC), which is financially supported by a donor basket fund including Sweden). The intervention’s total budget is 115 million SEK (12,6 million Euro), out of which GIZ’s own funding is approximately 91 million SEK (10 million Euro) and the remaining 24 million SEK (2,6 million Euro) is contributed by Sida. Continuation of the climate adaptation programme, PROAGRO. The resilience to climate change of the agricultural systems with irrigation has improved.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Renewable Energy Space Analytics Tool (RE-SAT) The RE-SAT project is delivering an energy analytics platform to equip Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) with appropriate information, products and modelling tools to support their transition from fossil fuel electricity generation to renewables. For SIDS, the economic imperative is to mitigate the financial risk of over reliance on fossil fuels. The RE-SAT platform provides advanced data analytics to help energy planners and investors where to locate renewable energy assets in order to optimise the amount of renewable energy generated, minimise their environmental impact and maximise the return on investment. SIDS have enormous potential to be energyindependent due to their natural renewable energy (RE) resources. To date however, many SIDS have insufficient in-situ environmental data and rely on incomplete records or limited time-series data to plan their RE strategy. This leads to overly conservative estimates of the available renewable potential and a greater reliance on traditional (fossil fuel) generation mechanisms to meet demand. To overcome this data gap and to support SIDS to improve their strategic RE planning, RE-SAT is using earth observations and other sources of environmental data to support decision-making regarding the feasibility and location of RE systems. RE-SAT is offering SIDS a powerful software application that will: • Improve RE strategic planning though high resolution power estimates; • Support the siting of new RE assets, taking into account environmental variables and historic weather patterns; • Save money on redundant infrastructure by sizing schemes more accurately; • Increase productivity through smarter working using the online data repository to share relevant energy documentation with key stakeholders; and • Increase the chance of investment in new renewable energy infrastructure through more accurate energy projections. RE-SAT has already delivered a successful proof-ofconcept energy-planning platform in collaboration with the Government of Seychelles and is working with Mauritius, St Lucia, Montserrat, Tonga, Vanuatu and Palau to scale-up the concept. To develop a proof-of-concept demonstrator of reusable and extendable analytics tools for planners and technical specialists developing options and strategies for SIDS that: Assist in quantifying weather related risks and opportunities for renewable energy. Exploit existing EO, weather model and other environmental data sources. Allow the capture of methodologies, results and insights from studies for a specific country to aid planning in other SIDS
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Enabling Environment for Sustainable Energy in Georgia Capacity development of energy authorities, tools for long-term energy system planning and modelling and better forecasting and integration of wind energy, improved secondary legislation and the use of experience in energy savings obligation schemes as well as strengthening the enabling environment for implementation of Georgia’s green energy transition and related investments.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Beratung von Selbsthilfeorganisationen für innovative Ansätze und Erhalt natürlicher Ressourcen für Kleinbauerngruppen in Burkina Faso (DIOBASS) Promotion of local innovation in agriculture and natural resource management for small farmer groups Beratung von Selbsthilfeorganisationen für innovative Ansätze und Erhalt natürlicher Ressourcen für Kleinbauerngruppen in Burkina Faso (DIOBASS) Promotion of local innovation in agriculture and natural resource management for small farmer groups Beratung von Selbsthilfeorganisationen für innovative Ansätze und Erhalt natürlicher Ressourcen für Kleinbauerngruppen in Burkina Faso (DIOBASS) Promotion of local innovation in agriculture and natural resource management for small farmer groups
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
SIANI 2 - Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative - Siani Phase II SIANI 2 - Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative The Swedish International Agricultural Network - SIANI - is a Swedish agricultural network with a global perspective. The network was formed on the initiative of Sida in 2008 to strengthen the implementation of PGD in the agricultural sector. This effort includes support for the second phase of the network - SIANI 2. Swedish International Agricultural Network - SIANI - är ett svenskt jordbruksnätverk med ett globalt perspektiv. Nätverket bildades på initiativ av Sida 2008 för att stärka genomförandet av PGU:n inom jordbrukssektorn. Den här insatsen innefattar stöd till nätverkets andra fas - SIANI 2.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Strengthening Food Security in the Poorest Municipalities Renforcer la sécurité alimentaire dans les municipalités les plus pauvres The project provides support for the Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO) Special Program for Food Security. It aims to improve the food security of vulnerable households in the poorest municipalities in Honduras by promoting their access to food, health and nutrition. It also focuses on improving family consumption and utilization of nutritional food, and strengthening government and non-government institutions working in the food security and nutrition sectors. Key activities include: providing farmers with best practices and improved technologies for integrated soil and water management; training farmers in diversifying agricultural production to improve family diet; promoting fair access to market opportunities for the poorest farmers; incorporating food and nutrition education into the education system; and strengthening the capacities of food security and nutrition institutions in diagnosis, development and implementation of policies and programs, as well as in the establishment of information and early warning systems for natural disasters that could impact farmers at municipal levels. Le projet fournit un appui au Programme spécial pour la sécurité alimentaire de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO). Il vise à améliorer la sécurité alimentaire des ménages vulnérables dans les municipalités les plus pauvres au Honduras en favorisant l'accès à la nourriture, la santé et la nutrition. Il met également l'accent sur l'amélioration de la consommation et l'utilisation d'aliments nutritionnels et sur le renforcement d'institutions gouvernementales et non gouvernementales qui travaillent dans le secteur de la sécurité alimentaire et de la nutrition. Les principales activités comprennent : fournir aux fermiers de meilleures pratiques et de nouvelles technologies en matière de gestion des terres et des eaux; former les fermiers dans la diversification de la production agricole afin d'améliorer la nutrition des familles; promouvoir un accès équitable aux opportunités de marchés agricoles pour les plus démunis; incorporer l'éducation sur l'alimentation et la nutrition dans le système d'éducation; renforcer les capacités des institutions du secteur de la sécurité alimentaire et de la nutrition pour l'établissement de diagnostiques, le développement et l'implantation de directives et de programmes, ainsi que dans l'établissement de systèmes d'information et d'avertissement d'urgences en cas de désastres naturels qui pourraient avoir un impact sur les fermiers au niveau municpal.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Sector Project Agriculture Sektorvorhaben Landwirtschaft Advising BMZ means that-experiences, positions and concepts of German Development Cooperation to promote sustainable agriculture are incorporated into national and international process and agenda setting is supported Durch die Beratung des BMZ sind Erfahrungen, Positionen und Konzepte der deutschen EZ zur Förderung einer nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft in nationale und internationale Prozesse eingebracht und das Agenda - Setting unterstützt Advising BMZ means that-experiences, positions and concepts of German Development Cooperation to promote sustainable agriculture are incorporated into national and international process and agenda setting is supported Durch die Beratung des BMZ sind Erfahrungen, Positionen und Konzepte der deutschen EZ zur Förderung einer nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft in nationale und internationale Prozesse eingebracht und das Agenda - Setting unterstützt
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Support for the Niger Basin Authority (NBA) / Autorité du Bassin du Fleuve Niger (ABN) Niger Flussbehörde (ABN) The steering of sustainable management and development of the transboundary water resources of the Niger River Basin by the ABN on the basis of common principles and strategies is improved. Die Steuerung einer nachhaltigen Bewirtschaftung und Entwicklung der grenzüberschreitenden Wasserressourcen des Nigerbeckens durch die ABN auf der Grundlage gemeinsamer Prinzipien und Strategien ist verbessert. The steering of sustainable management and development of the transboundary water resources of the Niger River Basin by the ABN on the basis of common principles and strategies is improved. Die Steuerung einer nachhaltigen Bewirtschaftung und Entwicklung der grenzüberschreitenden Wasserressourcen des Nigerbeckens durch die ABN auf der Grundlage gemeinsamer Prinzipien und Strategien ist verbessert.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Agriculture intelligente face au climat et sensible au genre au Nicaragua Gender-Responsive Climate-Smart Agriculture in Nicaragua The project aims to improve the resilience of women, men, girls and boys to climate change-related food insecurity, especially addressing its gendered impacts. It seeks to: (1) increase the practice of gender-responsive climate-smart agriculture, thus increasing peoples’ access to diverse foods; and (2) increase women’s participation in decision-making at the local level. The project supports vulnerable women-headed households who are reliant on subsistence farming. Project activities include: (1) promoting gender-responsive climate-smart agriculture technologies, the use of drought-resistant varieties of beans and maize, community seed banks, and community garden planting to help increase women’s incomes; (2) providing training on entrepreneurship and financial management, market links, gender equality, women’s rights and leadership to women’s groups; and (3) conducting gender sensitization sessions for women and men leaders, youth, and male family members to increase community support for women to participate in decision-making. The project aims to directly impact 3,345 direct beneficiaries (of which 1,750 women and girls) and 6,500 indirect beneficiaries for a total of nearly 10,000 people reached. The project is implemented by Casa-Pueblito with partners including Gloria Quintanilla Women’s Cooperative, UCA Tierra y Agua, Community of Jiñocua, and Hogar Luceros del Amanecer. Le projet a pour but de renforcer la résilience des femmes, des hommes, des filles et des garçons à l'insécurité alimentaire liée aux changements climatiques, particulièrement par l’atténuation de ses répercussions sexospécifiques. Il vise à faire ce qui suit : (1) favoriser la pratique de l’agriculture intelligente face au climat et adaptée à la sexospécificité, de manière à accroître l’accès des populations à des aliments diversifiés; (2) accroître la participation des femmes à la prise de décisions à l’échelon local. Le projet appuie les ménages vulnérables dirigés par des femmes qui dépendent d’une agriculture de subsistance. Les activités de ce projet comprennent : (1) promouvoir les technologies de l’agriculture intelligente face au climat et adaptée à la sexospécificité, l’utilisation de variétés de haricot et de maïs résistantes à la sécheresse, les banques de semences communautaires et les plantations communautaires pour contribuer à accroître le revenu des femmes; (2) offrir de la formation aux groupes de femmes sur l’entrepreneuriat et la gestion financière, les liens avec le marché, l’égalité entre les sexes, les droits des femmes et le leadership; (3) présenter des séances de sensibilisation à l'égalité des sexes pour les hommes et les femmes leaders, les jeunes, et les membres masculins des familles, dans le but d’accroître le soutien de la collectivité à l’égard de la participation des femmes à la prise de décisions. Le projet vise à toucher directement 3 345 bénéficiaires directs (dont 1 750 femmes et filles) et 6 500 bénéficiaires indirects pour un total de près de 10 000 personnes touchées. Le projet est mis en œuvre par Casa-Pueblito avec l’aide de partenaires, notamment Gloria Quintanilla Women’s Cooperative, UCA Tierra y Agua, Community of Jiñocua et Hogar Luceros del Amanecer.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Health: Toward Ending Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Africa and Beyond – External Review This activity (Health: Toward Ending Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Africa and Beyond – External Review) is a component of Health: Toward Ending Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Africa and Beyond reported by FCDO and a budget of £33,448.This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified.And works in the following sector(s): Health education, Human rights, Women's rights organisations and movements, and government institutions, Reproductive health care.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Open Regional Fund for Southeast Europe - Energy Efficiency Offener Regionalfonds für Südosteuropa - Energieeffizienz (ORF-EE) The relevant political and civil society actors in South Eastern Europe increasingly take advantage of regional networks for the implementation of EU standards in the field of climate protection. Relevante politische und zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure der Länder Südosteuropas nutzen im Prozess der Umsetzung klimaschutzrelevanter Vorgaben der Europäischen Union (EU) zunehmend regionale Netzwerke. The relevant political and civil society actors in South Eastern Europe increasingly take advantage of regional networks for the implementation of EU standards in the field of climate protection. Relevante politische und zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure der Länder Südosteuropas nutzen im Prozess der Umsetzung klimaschutzrelevanter Vorgaben der Europäischen Union (EU) zunehmend regionale Netzwerke.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Aufbau von Resilienz in der Sahelzone Building Resilience in Sahel Aufbau von Resilienz in der Sahelzone Building Resilience in Sahel multisektorale Resilienzstärkung multisectoral resilience enhancement
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Creation of a training unit in Tabarka, Tunisia Schaffung einer Schulungseinheit in Tabarka, Tunesien Creation of a training unit in refrigeration and air conditioning, as well as training and awareness-raising of relevant actors to master the new technologies of the refrigeration and air conditioning sector. Schaffung einer Schulungseinheit in der Kälte- und Klimatechnik, sowie Schulungen und Sensibilisierung der relevanten Akteure zur Beherrschung der neuen Technologien des Sektors Kälte- und Klimatechnik
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Stärkung von sechs vulnerablen Gemeinden der Provinz Agusan del Sur, Philippinen, in ihrer friedlichen und nachhaltigen Entwicklung Strengthening a peaceful and sustainable community development in six vulnerable communities in the province of Agusan del Sur, Philippines Stärkung von sechs vulnerablen Gemeinden der Provinz Agusan del Sur, Philippinen, in ihrer friedlichen und nachhaltigen Entwicklung Strengthening a peaceful and sustainable community development in six vulnerable communities in the province of Agusan del Sur, Philippines Stärkung von sechs vulnerablen Gemeinden der Provinz Agusan del Sur, Philippinen, in ihrer friedlichen und nachhaltigen Entwicklung Strengthening a peaceful and sustainable community development in six vulnerable communities in the province of Agusan del Sur, Philippines
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
STREAM Mongolia: SusTainable Resilient Ecosystem and Agriculture Management in Mongolia Overall Objective: Mongolian communities have increased capacity to implement innovative and sustainable long-term landscape management to address food system challenges and climate stresses
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Climate Change Supporting Tanzania’s voice in the negotiations as part of the Africa group to ensure they get an ambitious but fair and equitable deal.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Support to Education Cannot Wait (ECW) which is a global fund dedicated to education for children and youth affecetd by emergenices. The support will be for the implementation of ECW's strategic plan for 2023-2026. ECW plans to reach 20 million children and adolescents including IDPs and refugees with education services in this strategic period. Support to girls' education and gender equality as well as inclusion of children with disabilities are some of the areas that will be prioritised. ECW will also strengthen its work to respond to the climate crisis including providing support to children and adoelscents affected by climate related disasters as well as support to risk management and buidling climate resilient education systems. A total of 41 countries have received support in the period 2020 - 2023. Countries where the Multi-Year Resilience Programmes are expected to continue are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Uganda and Ukraine.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Capacity building and communication, 1-year agreement Contribute to increased autonomy for indigenous associations in the management of their projects in the states of MT and AM, and increased political influence. 7 indigenous associations are contemplated: Federação dos Povos e Organizações Indígenas do Mato Grosso (Fepoimt), Organização das Mulheres Indígenas Takiná, Associação Indígena Kolimace (Kolimace), Associação Thutalinansu, Associação do Povo Deni do Rio Xeruã (Aspodex), Associação Indígena do Povo das Águas (AIPA), Associação dos Produtores Indígenas da Terra Caititu (APITC). Out of the 7 indigenous associations receiving capacity-building through this project, 2 are formed by indigenous women. The gender aspect is a explicit component also in the other 5 associations.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Ländliche Basiselektrifizierung - Photovoltaikanlagen II (ZV) (4E) Electrification rurale solaire II Das Vorhaben ist eine Erweiterung des Projektes Ländliche Basiselektrifizierung durch Photovoltaikanlagen (1997 65 389) und soll die dort erfolgreich erarbeitete Projektkonzeption auf 20 weitere Provinzen Marokkos erweitern. Das Oberziel des Vorhabens ist, durch die nachhaltige Nutzung erneuerbarer Energiequellen Beiträge zur Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen der in abgelegenen ländlichen Regionen lebenden, überwiegend ärmeren Landbewohner sowie zur Reduzierung von Umweltbelastungen zu leisten. Das Projektziel ist die zuverlässige, kosteneffiziente und umweltfreundliche Basis-Elektrifizitätsversorgung durch Photovoltaik-Haussysteme (Solar Home Systems-SHS). Durch die Basis-Elektrizitätsversorgung sollen die Lebensbedingungen von rd.300 000 Menschen verbessert werden, die ausserhalb der Reichweite der Elektrifizierung durch Netzanschluss leben (Zielgruppe). Sie gehören damit überwiegend zu den ärmeren Bevölkerungskreisen Marokkos. Die Gesamtkosten werden auf 22.3 Mio EUR geschätzt. Die Finanzierung soll durch ein zinsverbilligtes FZ- Entwicklungsdarlehen der Sonderfazilität für Erneuerbare Energie und Energieeffizienz von 6.5 Mio. EUR erfolgen. Die französische AfD stellt ein Darlehen in Höhe von 5 Mio. EUR bei. Die Finanzierung des marokkanischen Anteils von rd.10.8 Mio.EUR wird durch Zahlungen der Nutzer und Mittel des Office National de l'Electricité (ONE) aufgebracht. Electrification rurale solaire II Zuverlässige, kosteneffiziente und umweltfreundliche Basis-Elektrizitätsversorgung durch Photovoltaik-Haussysteme (Solar Home Systems-SHS). Electrification rurale solaire II
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Support to the Global Climate Change Alliance under the 10th EDF Intra-ACP financial framework The focus of the Global Climate Change Alliance 10th EDF Intra-ACP programme will be to support activities initially identified in the political declarations on climate change agreed between the EU and respectively the ACP in 2008
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Sicherung der Lebensgrundlagen vulnerabler Bevölkerung in 42 Dörfern in Süd-Bangladesch, Fortführung Strengthening Livelihood Security of Climate Change Vulnerable People Sicherung der Lebensgrundlagen vulnerabler Bevölkerung in 42 Dörfern in Süd-Bangladesch, Fortführung Strengthening Livelihood Security of Climate Change Vulnerable People Die Widerstandsfähigkeit der betroffenen Bevölkerung in der Küstenregion von Bangladesch gegenüber dem Klimawandel wird erhöht. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Stärkung der besonders gefährdeten Zielbevölkerung. Schulungen, Austauschtreffen zu bewährten Verfahren und kulturelle Veranstaltungen sind die Grundlage für gemeinsame Aktionen. The resilience to climate change of the affected population in the coastal region of Bangladesh is increased. The focus is on strengthening the particularly vulnerable target population. Training, exchange meetings on good practice and cultural events are the basis for joint actions.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Activity under preparation Promoting a development approach towards internal displacement and human mobility induced by disasters, climate change and environmental degradation There is growing evidence that disasters, climate change and environmental degradation have a vast and increasing effect on human mobility trends worldwide, and more specifically on internal displacement and internal migration. Most persons displaced by disasters, climate change and environmental degradation degradation (predominantly women and children) remain within the borders of their homeland and are hence considered Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) or internal (environmental) migrants. Whereas humanitarian support is essential but has its limits, initiatives addressing the long-term collective developmental challenges of this matter are often lagging behind. This action promotes a development-oriented approach in addressing human mobility induced by disasters, climate change and environmental degradation. It aims to build resilience and to take preventive action, effectively manage flows, adapt to and mitigate negative consequences on people¿s rights realization.The action is implemented through 3 parallel measures. The first two measures aim to strengthen the development-oriented approach in relevant global partnerships and processes, by supporting: ·&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The activities of the Geneva intergovernmental Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD) which the EU will chair for 18 months as of July 2022. This support will allow the EU to better protect those (at risk of being) displaced by disasters and the adverse effects of climate change through global advocacy, policy and normative development, exchange of best practices and capacity building in a selection of countries. ·&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The implementation of the multilateral UN Secretary General Action Agenda on Solutions for Internally Displaced People. This Action Agenda promotes a development-oriented approach in addressing IDPs situations through increased support at country-level in a selection of countries, engagement with International Financial Institutions (IFI) and improved global coordination. It aims to step up actions to find solutions for IDPs, including through climate change adaptation and resilience. The third measure aims at supporting selected partner countries and regional organizations to increase the understanding of the drivers, patterns, impacts and risks of human mobility, and in particular internal displacement, induced by disaster, climate change and environmental degradation. This will be done through data collection, data analysis and research. Moreover, this will allow to strengthen the capacity of selected partner countries and regional organizations to monitor, prevent, mitigate the impact and help manage the consequences of the issue at stake, with the aim to promote them at global level.&nbsp;
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
RtF – SOS Sahel Sudan In their RtF project, SOS Sahel Sudan, for the first time puts communities at the heart of the programme in handling the issues of water insecurity and adaptation to climate change impacts. This approach is highly needed and relevant for vulnerable communities, at Bara landscape in North Kordofan State, who are struggling to survive despite the rapid environmental degradation and extension of deserts towards southern parts of the landscape without significant attention to their concerns from powerholders at local and state level.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Renforcement de manière inclusive et durable des CVA ciblées et leur positionnement sur le marché, en œuvrant à répondre aux goulots d’étranglement clés de celle-ci et à la professionnalisation des agri-entrepreneurs y impliqués. - RCVA Renforcement de manière inclusive et durable des CVA ciblées et leur positionnement sur le marché, en œuvrant à répondre aux goulots d’étranglement clés de celle-ci et à la professionnalisation des agri-entrepreneurs y impliqués. - RCVA Objectif spécifique du Pilier 1 : Renforcer de manière inclusive et durable les CVA ciblées et leur positionnement sur le marché, en œuvrant à répondre aux goulots d’étranglement clés de celle-ci et à la professionnalisation des agri-entrepreneurs y impliqués. L’intervention contribuera à la mise en œuvre et à la réalisation des objectifs du Programme National de Développement de la Filière Ananas (PNDFA), élaboré en janvier 2018 à l’initiative du gouvernement béninois. Ce programme servira de référence pour définir les actions à mener, en complémentarité aux autres partenaires d’appui. L’intervention ciblera plus spécifiquement (mais pas exclusivement) deux chaînes de valeur, en regard de leur potentiel de création de valeur ajoutée et de création d’emplois :  Les chaînes de valeur « Jus et sirop d’ananas » et « Ananasséché » (conventionnel et biologique)  Les chaînes de valeur d’ananas frais (conventionnel et biologique) vers l’exportation, inclut les marchés vers l’Europe, le Moyen Orient et la sous-région L’intervention est une composante du programme-cadre de la coopération bénino-belge dans le secteur agricole. Elle a pour ambition d'améliorer et de sécuriser les revenus agricoles des acteurs (producteurs, transformateurs, commerçants, exportateurs) des chaînes de valeurs de la filière ananas. Objectif spécifique du Pilier 1 : Renforcer de manière inclusive et durable les CVA ciblées et leur positionnement sur le marché, en œuvrant à répondre aux goulots d’étranglement clés de celle-ci et à la professionnalisation des agri-entrepreneurs y impliqués. Résultat 1 : Des clusters inclusifs et fonctionnels associent des producteurs organisés, des entreprises en lien avec les marchés et des entreprises de service dans des transactions sécurisées et mutuellement profitables Résultat 2 : la compétitivité des CVA est améliorée par une amélioration des marges aux différents maillons Résultat 3 : les parts de marché des opérateurs béninois sur les marchés existants et potentiels sont augmentées Résultat 4 : les entreprises ont accès à des services financiers et non financiers adaptés à leurs besoins Résultat 5 : l’environnement des affaires est amélioré pour le développement de la filière ananas
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
F.a: Communications Communications is essential part of our work. In Finland, WWF is the biggest NGO that communicates about the connection between humans and nature from the development cooperation perspective. Through the Engaging Finnish Society component, the Programme wi ll engage public on issues regarding the huge negative environmental and social impact that Finnish production and consumption has on developing countries.##We will communicate success stories from the field, about endangered species as indicators of the s tate of the environment, about the state of the planet and overshoot day. We communicate about environmental issues by addressing their social, economic and political causes and effects. WWF also combines the messages about promoting human welfare with con servation of endangered species, as these species often are indicators of the healthy environment. This gives an asset to reach a wider audience than what could be reached by communicating development cooperation only on human perspective. Our biggest comm unication campaign for 2018-2019 will be a prime time 8-episode television series on biodiversity and flagship species. WWFs Global Living Planet -report is published every 2 years.##WWF Finland has a wide number of communication channels, and we will cont inue active dialogue with the public. WWF reaches audiences directly through social media, WWFs website, events, magazine, publications, newsletters and indirectly through the media. Cooperation with large media companies, such as MTV3 and YLE, gives WWF e xcellent channels to reach a significant wider audience. To get its message heard with added impact, WWF cooperates and communicates together with the authorities, research institutes, public influencers such as bloggers and vloggers, celebrities and peopl e with a great number of social media followers, and other NGOs in Finland and abroad. To engage people, we must better understand the different target groups, their behaviour, needs and motives to act. By targeting and tailoring our messages we get better results in our advocacy work. This work will be a crucial part of our engagement approach.##Communication in the programme contributes to the overall communication strategy of WWF Finland: To engage hundreds of thousands of Finns to share our issues and c auses, to adopt sustainable ways of living and to support us financially and to convince political and organisational leaders about the importance of a healthy environment. Only costs related to t
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
CIVILIAN PEACE-BUILDING, CONFLICT PREVENTION AND RESOLUTION UN Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force´s work on respect for human rights Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
JBA ProWaS SSN Lakes Programma voor het ontwikkelen en beheren van water voor productief gebruik en WASH
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Stärkung der Widerstandsfähigkeit von Gemeinden im Umgang mit Naturkatastrophen, Fortführung Strengthening the resilience of communities in dealing with natural disasters - continuation Stärkung der Widerstandsfähigkeit von Gemeinden im Umgang mit Naturkatastrophen, Fortführung Strengthening the resilience of communities in dealing with natural disasters - continuation Stärkung der Widerstandsfähigkeit von Gemeinden im Umgang mit Naturkatastrophen, Fortführung Strengthening the resilience of communities in dealing with natural disasters - continuation
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Protéger et conserver l'eau pour une meilleure résilience socio-écologique en Ituri, RD Congo Les communautés locales urbano-rurales de la ville de Bunia, des territoires de Djugu et d’Irumu améliorent leur résilience socio-écologique vis-à-vis des changements de leur cadre de vie pour un accès durable aux services écosystémiques de production et de régulation liés aux ressources en eau La province d’Ituri, RDC, est dotée de ressources en eau, mais est également vulnérable aux risques liés à l'eau, tels que les sécheresses et les intempéries, qui risquent de s'aggraver en raison du changement climatique, de l'urbanisation croissante, de la croissance démographique et économique et de la demande en eau. Pour mieux protéger, conserver et gérer les ressources en eau et atténuer les effets du changement climatique, il existe un besoin crucial d'actions ciblées ainsi que de bonnes données pour soutenir les actions. C'est particulièrement le cas pour la ville de Bunia et les territoires d’Irumu et de Djugu. Pour maintenir les services écosystémiques au bénéfice des communautés, un équilibre entre l'utilisation durable et la protection et conservation nécessaire est essentiel, pour ainsi renforcer la résilience socio-écologique des populations vis-à-vis des changements de leur cadre de vie. Il faut pour cela améliorer les conditions de vie des communautés, par l'accès ...(+13 characters extra in FundHub text) - Eau potable: 22.000 pers. - Irrigation: 375 pers. - Agroforesterie, lutte antiérosive: 250 pers. - Pisciculture: 300 pers. - Elevage: 600 pers. - Coopératives, associations: 14 structures - Ecoles bleues: 1.450 élèves, profs - Comité de gestion de l’eau: 14 comités - Cadre de concertation PCRE: 1 cadre - Autorités locales de Bunia, Irumu, Djugu: 55 pers.
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Significant climate mitigation objective
REEP Plus - Regional Energy Efficiency Programme for the Western Balkans (2016MCP) Multi-country Action Programme for 2016 - part NEAR-REEP Plus - Regional Energy Efficiency Programme for the Western Balkans (2016MCP)
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Gender Sensitive Resilience Index Funding under this proposal supports the development of a Gender Sensitive Resilience Index will builds on the ActionAid International Federation’s community based reliance work to develop both a comprehensive a reliance framework and reliance index that is applicable to different risk contexts in South Asia. The framework and index will consolidate data on community resilience to provide a useful baseline and policy analysis to inform governments and civil society to make well informed funding and policy decisions. Gender analysis will be central to the resilience framework, which has been historically weak in resilience discussions, but a crucial component to developing accurate measures of reliance and capturing innovative lessons and solutions. The total value of this initiative is $0.5 million over 3 years, starting 2012-13.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Electrification Niassa El: Niassa Mecanhelas - Delegerade norska medel Projektet är högprioriterat i EDMs investeringsplan. Syftet är att tillhandahålla nödvändig infrastruktur för utveckling av jordbruk, industri och handel. Uppstart görs meddelst byggande av en ny substation i Cuamba. 1700 ny kunder förväntas ansluta sig direkt till nätet. The project belongs to the 1st priority grid extension projects in EdM's investment plan. The objective is to develop infrastucture needed for the develoment of the agricultural, industrial and commercial potential in the region. Starting point for the project is a new substation in Cuamba. The proposed electrification will allow about 1700 customers to be connected to the grid.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Catalysing Climate Resilience BFA Global’s Catalyst Fund, an inclusive tech accelerator with a strong track record of success, is proposing to establish a climate resilience accelerator and investment facility to support the development of novel, sustainable and scalable solutions to climate change to increase the climate resilience and enhance the livelihoods of low-income people, including in Africa. (Catalyst Fund – Accelerating innovations in digital finance for climate resilience)
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Sozioökologische und produktive Transformation indigener, bäuerlicher und periurbaner Gemeinden in Bolivien Socio-ecological and productive transformation of indigenous, peasant and peri-urban communities in Bolivia Sozioökologische und produktive Transformation indigener, bäuerlicher und periurbaner Gemeinden in Bolivien Socio-ecological and productive transformation of indigenous, peasant and peri-urban communities in Bolivia In ländlichen und randstäditschen Gemeinden ist die Bevölkerung besonders von negativen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels betroffen. Frauen, junge Menschen, Erzeuger*innen und Führungspersonen aus indigenen, kleinbäuerlichen Gemeinden und Stadtrandvierteln sollen zu einer Verbesserung der Ernährung und wirtschaftlichen Situation der lokalen Bevölkerung, Abschwächung der Effekte des Klimawandels und zum sozialökologischen Wandel beigetragen. Dies soll u. a. durch Ausbildung von Promotor*innen, Erfahrungsaustausche, Workshops zu Agrarökologie, Wassermanagement erreicht werden. In rural and peri-urban communities, the population is particularly affected by the negative impacts of climate change. Women, young people, producers and leaders from indigenous, smallholder and peri-urban communities shall contribute to improving the nutrition and economic situation of the local population, mitigating the effects of climate change and contributing to socio-ecological change. This is to be achieved through training of promoters, exchange of experiences, workshops on agroecology and water management.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Ernährungssicherung und Klimaanpassung Food Security and Climate Change Adaptation Ernährungssicherung und Klimaanpassung Food Security and Climate Change Adaptation Integrierte Maßnahmen zur Klimaanpassung und Ernährungssicherung erhöhen die Resilienz der Bevölkerung in besonders betroffenen Gebieten. Aufeinander abgestimmte Maßnahmen zum Wasser- und Ressourcenschutz, standortgerechter Anbau und Rehabilitation von degradierten Flächen stabilisieren die produktive Lebensgrundlage der Menschen. Integrated climate adaptation and food security measures increase the resilience of the population in particularly affected areas. Coordinated measures for water and resource conservation, site-appropriate cultivation and rehabilitation of degraded land stabilize the productive livelihood of the people.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
UK Support to Access to Finance Rwanda (AFR) Phase II Operations (2016-2020) To support a deeper and more inclusive financial sector that supports the livelihoods and well-being of low income people in Rwanda. This will be done by: (1)Supporting the capacity and systems development of financial service providers that serve the poor, with a specific focus on automating the operations of Rwanda’s Umurenge Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) and their connectivity to microfinancial institutions and commercial banks; (2) Supporting the flow of financial services to the agriculture sector; (3) Supporting the development of pensions for informal sector workers to promote long term savings; and (4) Supporting improved resilience to shocks whilst reducing the risks associated with productive investments through the utilisation of microinsurance. AFR targets to enhance livelihood opportunities for 1,670,000 poor women and men during the period 2016-2020.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Action to Strengthen Partnerships for Inclusion Resilience and Education Learners in hard-to-reach rural areas in Eastern Equatoria, Upper Nile and Central Equatoria of South Sudan, will have access, participate in and learn in quality primary schools. ASPIRE will promote gender equality and peaceful coexistence. It will offer mental health support to girls, children with disabilities, IDPs, refugee returnees, and host communities. It will provide quality teaching and teacher well-being in harsh environments though professional development and CSO strengthening.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Unterstützg. in humanitärer Krisensituation u. Stärkung der Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Nahrungsmittelunsicherheit in Äth Responding to Humanitarian Crisis and Enhancing Resilience to Food Insecurity Ziel der FZ-Maßnahme ist es, einen weiteren Beitrag zur Linderung der Auswirkungen der andauernden Ernährungskrise in Äthiopien zu leisten und dabei sowohl zur Bekämpfung von Unterernährung als auch zum Aufbau von produktiven Lebensgrundlagen zur Absicherung gegenüber zukünftigen Krisen beizutragen. Dabei soll kurzfristig signifikant die Ernährungssituation der unter den Auswirkungen der Nahrungsmittelknappheit leidenden Bevölkerung in Äthiopien verbessert werden. Aufgrund der besonderen Eilbedürftigkeit der Maßnahme wird der deutsche Beitrag als Kofinanzierung eines laufenden WEP-Programms eingesetzt. Konkret handelt es sich hierbei um die PRRO 200290 Unterstützung in humanitärer Krisensituation und Stärkung der Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Nahrungsmittelunsicherheit. Die PRRO 200290 läuft von Januar 2012 bis Dezember 2013 und ist die Nachfolgeoperation von PRRO 106650 (Laufzeit 2008 - 2011), die von der Bundesregierung im Jahr 2011 unterstützt wurde. Sie beinhaltet die drei Komponenten allgemeine Nahrungsmittelnothilfe (Relief), Schaffung von Sozialstrukturen für verbesserte Ernährungssicherheit/Sicherheitsnetze (Productive Safety Net Programme - PSNP) und gezielte Verteilung angereicherter/ergänzender Nahrungsmittel (Targeted Supplementary Feeding - TSF). Responding to Humanitarian Crisis and Enhancing Resilience to Food Insecurity Ziel der FZ-Maßnahme ist es, einen Beitrag zur Linderung der Auswirkungen der andauernden Ernährungskrise in Äthiopien zu leisten. Dabei soll erstens signifikant die Ernährungssituation der Haushalte verbessert werden, die unmittelbar von einer Notsituation betroffen sind. Zweitens soll über die Stärkung von Sozialstrukturen zukünftige Ernährungssicherheit, Resilienz und Wiederaufbau der Lebensgrundlagen nach klimatisch be-dingten Krisen ermöglicht werden. Schließlich soll moderate akute Mangele Responding to Humanitarian Crisis and Enhancing Resilience to Food Insecurity
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Amul-Valid programme resource spend on capacity building This activity (Amul-Valid programme resource spend on capacity building) is a component of Stimulating global markets for Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods (Amul - Valid Nutrition) reported by FCDO and a budget of £658,837.This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified.And works in the following sector(s): Basic nutrition.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Sector Study Solar Renewable Energy Nigeria The aimed market study will map the solar renewable energy sector – focussing on B2B solar power solutions – in Nigeria, its key public-private actors and linkages, trends, issues, challenges and (business) opportunities. The outcome will:(i) Provide to-the-point details for Dutch companies and institutes active in the solar market value chain to elevate the solar energy sector of Nigeria through investments, knowledge and technology; (ii) Provide further insight and pave ways for interventions to support relevant supervisory, facilitating and regulatory bodies and key chain actors and businesses in Nigeria;(iii) Incentives and opportunities available to attract foreign (Dutch) investment in Nigeria;(iv) List of important laws, regulations and policies for foreign investors.The overall purpose is to realise the growth and development of the Nigerian solar energy sector to support its energy transition and private sector development and increase trade and investment sustainably and responsibly.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
B2B Konserve Consult Ltd and Energimidt A/S To establish a commercial business by promoting the efficient utilization of energy and renewable energy solutions. The benefits will include reduced operational costs for the customers and improved environment.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
ACCOMPAGNEMENT DU PRODEL POUR MESURER LES CO-BENEFICES EN MATIERE DE CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE To provide technical support and capacity building to the World Project PRODEL on livestock development on the topic of low carbon and resilient livestock, including for using the GLEAM-i tool for GHG assessments
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
F.a: Climate Change Advocacy The project will build the capacity of the Latin American and the Caribbean network of small Fairtrade producers (CLAC) and its member networks to advocate on climate change issues. It will strengthen the national Fairtrade networks’ relations with natio nal governments and improve their capacities to design public policy proposals to mitigate climate change effects. The project is continuation to Fairtrade Finland’s previous programme, where CLAC prepared its first continental Advocacy Strategy. Climate change is one of the main concerns for small producers in Latin America and the Caribbean. Its negative effects are already evident in the quality and productivity of their crops, decreasing water sources, changes in rainfall patterns, average temperature increase, droughts, and the spread of new pests and damaged crops proliferation. Small producers’ organizations are left quite alone with their adaptation struggles. Latin American countries are not well prepared to respond to the climate crisis, and th eir national development plans don’t include necessary measures of climate change adaptation, especially for the smaller and most disadvantaged agricultural producers. The project will increase the leadership skills and advocacy capacities of CLAC’s me mbers, especially youth, so that they are capable of advocating on climate change issues. Support is given in designing and implementing national advocacy plans, to influence decision making processes and development plans, and raising awareness about the negative effects of global warming on small scale agriculture. Apart from communicating about the challenges, the producers’ will be promoted as the key agents for change. The goal of the project is increased awareness and empowerment of Latin American c ivil society to contribute to the climate change adaptation and mitigation. The purpose is strengthened capacities to advocate for social actions and public policies that promote climate change adaptation. Target countries in the region are El Salvador, Bo livia, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Ecuador. Direct beneficiaries are the 100 representatives of the national producer networks who participate in the core activities of the project. Ultimately the project is expected to benefit up to 30 000 producers. Impleme nting partner organizations are Latin American and the Caribbean network of small Fairtrade producers, CLAC and its national producer networks in the five target countries. http://clac-comerciojusto.org/
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
TCPF: Support for Development of the Implementation Plan for Agricultural Water Management Aspects of the National Water Policy To adopt agriculture water management implementation plan.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Fiji Evacuation Centres Upgrade Project This project builds on NZ's assistance that helped restore/repair key infrasrtructure after the severe flood of Jan 2009. The project includes the design of a proto-type evacuation centre that are structurally sound, safe and accessible for vulnerable groups and has basic services, The design has been approved the Fiji.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Sicherstellung der Ernährungs-und lebensgrundlagen von Gemeinden mit besonders hoher Katastrophenanfälligkeit in der DVRK (Nordkorea) Community- based Food Security Programme in DPRK Sicherstellung der Ernährungs-und lebensgrundlagen von Gemeinden mit besonders hoher Katastrophenanfälligkeit in der DVRK (Nordkorea) Community- based Food Security Programme in DPRK Mit dem Projekt soll die ausreichende und gesunde Ernährung der Bevölkerung des Zielgebietes nachhaltig sichergestellt und damit ein Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Lebensgrundlagen und Stärkung der Widerstandsfähigkeit besonders riskoanfälliger Bevölkerungsgruppen Nordkoreas gegenüber akuten und chronischen Notständen geleistet werden. With the project the adequate and healthy nutrition of the population of the target area is secured on a sustainable and thus contribute to improving the livelihood and strengthening the resilience particularly Risk vulnerable populations of North Korea be made against acute and chronic emergencies.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Anpassung an den Klimawandel durch Stärkung der natürlichen Widerstandsfähigkeit (Resilienz), Philippinen Adaption to climate change by strengthening natural resilience, Philippinen Anpassung an den Klimawandel durch Stärkung der natürlichen Widerstandsfähigkeit (Resilienz), Philippinen Adaption to climate change by strengthening natural resilience, Philippinen Anpassung an den Klimawandel durch Stärkung der natürlichen Widerstandsfähigkeit (Resilienz), Philippinen Adaption to climate change by strengthening natural resilience, Philippinen
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Verbessertes Ökosystemmanagement für widerstandsfähige lokale Lebensgrundlagen und nachhaltige Entwicklung Improved Ecosystem Governance for Resilient Local Livelihoods and Sustainable Development Verbessertes Ökosystemmanagement für widerstandsfähige lokale Lebensgrundlagen und nachhaltige Entwicklung Improved Ecosystem Governance for Resilient Local Livelihoods and Sustainable Development Das Projekt arbeitet mit Indigenen, hier vor allem armen Frauen und arbeitslosen Jugendlichen in abgelegenen Bergregionen. Das Projekt trägt dazu bei, die lokalen Wälder sowie die biologische Vielfalt zu erhalten und zu schützen. Durch die Festschreibung von langfristigen Landnutzungsrechten, insbesondere für Frauen, soll nicht nur deren Position gestärkt werden, sondern auch ein Ausverkauf an Unternehmen und den Staat verhindert sowie Konflikte um Land vermieden werden. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt stellt den rechtebasierten Zugang zu staatlichen Leistungen dar. The project works with indigenous people, here mainly poor women and unemployed youth in remote mountain regions. The project helps to preserve and protect local forests and biodiversity. By establishing long-term land use rights, especially for women, the project aims not only to strengthen their position, but also to prevent sellouts to companies and the state and to avoid conflicts over land. Another focus is rights-based access to government schemes and services.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
WASH Joint Monitoring Program Joint Monitoring Program is the official United Nations mechanism tasking UNICEF and World Health Organisation with monitoring progress towards the SDGs related to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene. Its objective is to produce reliable estimates of national, regional and global progress on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) progress to inform decision making by governments, donors and civil society organisations. Australia contributes funding for improved monitoring of WASH in the Indo-Pacific region.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Well and water reservoir for vegetable production in Nicaragua Brunnen und Wasserspeicher für Gemüseproduktion in Nicaragua More than 400 members of the cooperative in Sacacli are primarily dedicated to vegetable cultivation. The project area is located in the dry corridor in the north of Nicaragua. The project intends to guarantee the annual water supply and to ensure the production of vegetables. It also helps to improve the subsistence of the cooperative's members and their families. A well will be built, also a water storage reservoir and a pump will be installed. A sprinkler system will be installed in two of the greenhouses to irrigate the seedlings. Die mehr als 400 Mitglieder der Genossenschaft in Sacacli widmen sich vor allem dem Gemüseanbeu. Das Projektgebiet liegt im Trockenkorridor im Norden Nicaraguas. Durch das Projekt soll ganzjähriger Zugang zu Wasser garantiert werden, um die Produktion von Gemüse und damit den Lebensunterhalt der Genossenschaftsmitglieder und ihrer Familien zu gewährleisten. Es soll ein Brunnen ausgeschachtet und eine Pumpe installiert werden, zur Wasserspeicherung soll ein Becken gebaut werden. Für die Berieselung der Setzlinge soll ein Sprühsystem in zwei der Gewächshäuser installiert werden.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
F.a: Advancing gender equality through enhancing women's sustainable livelihoods and economic empowerment in Palabek Ogili, Uganda Northern Uganda has suffered from the consequences of a civil war during two decades. The poverty rates in the area are double compared to the rest of the country and the food insecurity is severe. Now the situation has calmed down in the area and the peop le have been able to return back to their homelands. Insecurity caused by the civil war and people’s flight from their lands made the agricultural production in the area to collapse. The purpose of the project is to support the recovery of the possibilit ies of making a living of the communities that are returning to the area. The aim is to use natural resources in a sustainable way by improving the water resource management and productivity of the soil. The project improves agricultural productivity and s upports households with new forms of making a living. In addition the project deals with promoting gender equality, mitigating the consequences of HIV/AIDS and reducing disputes over land. Beneficiaries, purpose and expected results of the project will be specified during the planning phase that precedes the project implementation phase. The project is implemented by ISF’s local partner organization Women and Rural Development Network (WORUDET).
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Angkor Governance Support This activity supports the development of the Angkor Park Landscape Management Strategy for this World Heritage site and its indigenous communities. The Strategy aims to enhance the Park’s sustainable development while mitigating the impacts of tourism on the Park and its communities.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Secondment Senior Operations Officer, Blue Carbon Team, World Bank Secondment to the Blue Carbon Team, World Bank
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
GLO: GLECOP The Global Energy Efficiency and Construction Outreach Programme (GLECOP) contributes to low emission, energy-efficient and resilient development of the building sector at a global scale. It supports two initiatives, the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction and the Energy Efficiency in Emerging Economies Programme. With its support, Switzerland aims to leverage successful practices from its bilateral projects at the global level to strengthen energy efficiency policies in the buildings sector.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Regional Energy Savings Insurance and Risk Management Program The objective of the ESI-LAC is to promote investments in energy saving measures by SMEs in five countries in the LAC region: Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Mexico, and Peru by addressing existing financial and non-financial barriers related to both demand and supply of financing for energy savings projects by private sector companies. The ESI-LAC program is implemented via the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The project will support the development and strengthening of markets for energy efficiency services by conducting market analysis and developing financing strategies, identify energy efficiency project opportunities, providing credit lines and build trust and confidence among market actors. The program builds on partnerships with national development banks, international insurance companies and verification entities and aims at strengthening the capacity to address the barriers to climate finance in the local context. Key elements of the risk management and financing strategies include a standardized contract; the insurance instrument; and a validation and verification mechanisms. The ESI-LAC program is expected to mobilize credit lines of the IDB of USD 100 million, and additional private investment, resulting in reduced energy consumption and associated GHG reductions in various, targeted sectors.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Emergency livelihood support through home gardening for improved income and nutrition in Herat and Farah To improve the food security and nutrition status of vulnerable smallholder farming and landless labour-wage dependant households and strengthen the resilience at communities level.in Farah and Herat provinces.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Viet Nam Disaster Risk Management, Education & Prevention This project introduces activities at the commune level focused on Disaster Risk Management, Water Sanitation and Hygiene, and Livelihoods Adaptation through the Ben Tre Department of Agriculture and Rural Development as well as Oxfam.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
UN Water 2011-2014 - UN Water 2011-2013 UN Water 2011-2014 UN-Water (UNW) är en mellanstatlig mekanism. UNW fungerar som ett organ för samordning och informationsutbyte mellan 28 olika FN-organ, organisationer och program som arbetar med frågor som rör vattenresurser, dricksvatten och sanit. Genom att stödja gemensamma insatser och synergier mellan ytterligare 24 icke-FN-partner är ett mervärde t genomförandet av pågående o/e planerade FN-progr/projekt. UN-Water(UNW) is an inter-agency mechanism. UNW functions as a body for coordinating and information sharing among 28 different UN agencies, organisations and programmes working with issues related to water resources, drinking water & sanit. By supporting joint efforts and synergies between an additional 24 non-UN partners, added value is made to implem. of ongoing and/or planned UN programs/projects.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Integriertes Programm zum Schutz von Tigerlebensräumen in Asien Integrated Tiger Habitat Conservation Programme Asia Wild lebende Tiger bilden die Spitze der ökologischen Pyramide in weiten Teilen asiatischer Naturräume. Überlebensfähige Tigerpopulationen sind damit ein zentraler Indikator für intakte Ökosysteme. In den letzten 100 Jahren hat sich die Anzahl wilder Tiger jedoch von geschätzten 100.000 auf rd. 3.200 dramatisch reduziert. Tigerlebensräume sind gleichzeitig Gebiete, in denen ein Großteil der dortigen Bevölkerung in Armut lebt oder von Armut bedroht ist. Tigerlebensräume erbringen eine Vielzahl von Ökosystemleistungen für die lokale Bevölkerung. Die Zerstörung dieser Lebensräume hat damit auch für sie gravierende Folgen. Das Ziel des Vorhabens ist die Verbesserung des Schutzgebietsmanagement von Tigerlebensräumen und der Schutz von Tigerpopulationen unter aktiver Partizipation der lokalen Bevölkerung. Das Vorhaben wird als Offenes Programm im Antragsprinzip umgesetzt. Die International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) ist Empfänger des Finanzierungsbei-trags und Träger des Vorhabens und damit für die Umsetzung des Vorhabens zuständig. Ein Programme Council, das sich aus einem Vertreter der Bundesregierung (vertreten durch die KfW), von IUCN und ggf. zukünftig weiterer Geber zusammensetzt, wird über die Finanzierung von vorgeschlagenen Einzelmaßnahmen einstimmig entscheiden. Die voraussichtlichen Gesamtkosten liegen bei rund 23 Mio. EUR. Zur Finanzierung des Vorhabens wird ein Zuschuss i. H. v. 20 Mio. EUR aus dem Haushaltstitel FZ mit Regionen (Titel 896-01, VE 2013) vorgeschlagen. Integrated Tiger Habitat Conservation Programme Asia Das Ziel des Vorhabens ist die Verbesserung des Schutzgebietsmanagements von Tigerlebensräumen und der Schutz von Tigerpopulationen unter aktiver Partizipation der lokalen Bevölkerung Integrated Tiger Habitat Conservation Programme Asia
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Land is life Empowering local forest communities in order to let them regain control over the pace and direction of their own development process
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Vorbeugung von Hungerkrisen und Stärkung von Selbsthilfekräften ländlicher Haushalte in der Landgemeinde Kalfou, Region Tahoua Reducing hunger and strengthening the resilience of rural households in Tahoua region Vorbeugung von Hungerkrisen und Stärkung von Selbsthilfekräften ländlicher Haushalte in der Landgemeinde Kalfou, Region Tahoua Reducing hunger and strengthening the resilience of rural households in Tahoua region Vorbeugung von Hungerkrisen und Stärkung von Selbsthilfekräften ländlicher Haushalte in der Landgemeinde Kalfou, Region Tahoua Reducing hunger and strengthening the resilience of rural households in Tahoua region
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Enhancing capacity of developing countries to undertake climate action The broad objectives of the programme is to strengthen the capacity of developing countries at two levels: 1. At the national level, to assist developing countries to build the institutional capacity to develop climate action programmes, and to develop act ion plans and programmes for climate mitigation and adaptation, including a national institutional architecture for climate action and sector-based plans and policies. 2. At the international level, to assist developing countries to engage constructively a nd effectively in developing the international policy framework of cooperation in addressing the global climate crisis, which importantly includes establishing mechanisms for financing and technology transfer.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Regional Consultation Workshops - Guidelines for Forest Concessions in the context of Agenda 2030 xxx
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
NZ - Young Enterprise Scheme Award The Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) links real world learning with the academic understanding of business concepts by providing teaching resources, a managed risk environment and a support structure, including connections to business mentors. Students come up with a business idea, form a company, prepare a business plan, make and market a product or service, prepare an annual report, distribute their profit and have the option of completing qualification pathways.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Energy Policy Consulting Projects (Establishment of Indonesia e-vehicle Master Plan Using Solar Power Utilization) ㅇ Establishment of Cambodia's e-Mobility action plan ㅇ Policy Consultation and Capacity building for GHG mitigation
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Activity under preparation Implementation of the Solar power plant in Greenville Contract related to: Implementation of the Solar power plant in Greenville - Amendment of Rural Electrification prioritizing the S-E of Liberia to include Supply modality and to change Solar Home System in Barclayville to Solar Mini-grid and Home systems
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Three Diseases Fund for HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria To resource a countrywide programme of activities to reduce transmission and enhance provision of treatment and care for HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria for the most in need populations
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Unterstützung für integrierte NDC-Umsetzung in Südafrika Integrated NDC Implementation Support in South Africa Unterstützung für integrierte NDC-Umsetzung in Südafrika Integrated NDC Implementation Support in South Africa Unterstützung Südafrikas bei der Umsetzung ihrer nattionalen Treibhausminderungsziele, der Reform des Stromsektors und einem sozialverträglichen Kohleausstieg Support to South Africa for its NDC implementation, reform of the power sector and a just transtition out of coal industry to renewables
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective