3 values
3 values
Zukunftsorientierte Energie in Afrika Energy Futures Africa Zukunftsorientierte Energie in Afrika Energy Futures Africa Die Afrikabüros der HBS arbeiten darauf hin nationale Energiepolitiken in Afrika sozialinklusiv, gendergerecht und nachhaltig zu gestalten. Aktivitäten finden in den Ländern Südafrika, Kenia, Nigeria, Tansania, Südsudan, Uganda und einem noch zu bestimmenden Büro in Westafrika. Schwerpunkt der Arbeit des Büros der Stiftung in Washington, DC, sind internationale Klimafinanzierungsinstrumente, die Integration von Geschlechterfragen und die Implementierung in Empfängerländern. The offices in Africa of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung aim at creating energy policies more socially inclusive, gender democratic and sustainable. Activities take place in South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, South Sudan, Uganda and a still to be openend office in Westafrica. The focus of the office in Washington DC are instruments of international climate funds and the integration of gender issues as well as their implementation in the relevant countries.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Funding for Anti-Malarial treatments as pilot programme is integrated into Global Fund This activity (Funding for Anti-Malarial treatments as pilot programme is integrated into Global Fund) is a component of Affordable Medicine Facility for Malaria reported by FCDO and a budget of £64,000,000.This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified.And works in the following sector(s): Malaria control.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Do pasto ao prato - a step-change in transparency of the domestic meat market in Brazil: TRASE This project will dramatically increase transparency in the Brazilian domestic market for meat products, by building a unique, crowd-sourced database identifying which companies commercialise meat products linked to deforestation and other unsustainable practices.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Wasser- und Sanitärversorgung zum Schutz der Biodiversität Lake Nakuru Biodiversity Conservation Project Der Lake-Nakuru-Nationalpark (LNNP) ist einer der über 60 staatlich verwalteten Nationalparks und Reservate in Kenia. Neben global gefährdeten Tierarten, wie dem Spitzmaulnashorn und der Rothschild Giraffe, beheimatet der LNNP auch seltene und bedrohte Vogelarten. Der durch die Ramsar Konvention geschützte Nakuru See bildet das zentrale Ökosystem des Nationalparks und ist Grundlage für dessen einzigartige Biodiversität. Seit 2011 gehört der See als Teil des Kenianischen Seensystems im Great Rift Valley zum UNESCO-Weltnaturerbe.Die Stadt Nakuru, Hauptstadt des gleichnamigen Bezirkes, grenzt direkt an das Nordufer des Sees. Die Bevölkerungszahl der viertgrößten Stadt Kenias wird sich (von knapp 400.000 Einwohnern in 2017) bis 2045 voraussichtlich verdoppeln. Daraus resultiert ein steigender Siedlungsdruck nicht nur im Stadtgebiet, sondern im ganzen Bezirk, der die einzigartige Flora und Fauna des LNNP massiv gefährdet.Die Verschmutzung des sensiblen Ökosystems Nakuru See durch Abwässer der Stadt Nakuru, die ungeklärt oder unzureichend geklärt in den alkalischen See fließen, stellt kurzfristig die größte Bedrohung dar. Der nachhaltige Schutz der Biodiversität im Lake Nakuru Nationalpark geht in diesem Vorhaben Hand in Hand mit Maßnahmen zur Stadtentwicklung in Nakuru. Im Rahmen des Vorhabens wird durch den Umbau und die technologische Aufwertung der Kläranlage Njoro sichergestellt, dass städtische Abwässer künftig dem kenianischen Standard entsprechend gereinigt werden. Zudem wird das Kanalsystem in Nakuru Stadt rehabilitiert und ausgebaut, um mehr Bewohnern die Möglichkeit zu geben sich an das Abwassernetz anzuschließen. Die Gesamtkosten des Vorhabens betragen ca. 50,6 Millionen Euro Lake Nakuru Biodiversity Conservation Project Schutz der Biodiversität vor der Verunreinigung durch Abwässer mittels eines verbesserten Abwassermanagements Lake Nakuru Biodiversity Conservation Project
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Tropical Timber Trade Facility - Promoting trade in legal resp. sustainable tropical timber and timber products along the supply chain Tropical Timber Trade Facility Cooperation between member states of the Central African Forestry Commission and the People's Republic of China in improving the framework for legality verification and traceability of tropical timber exports to the PR of China has been strengthened. Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Mitgliedsstaaten der Zentralafrikanischen Waldkommission und der Volksrepublik China bei der Verbesserung der Rahmenbedingungen für die Legalitätsprüfung und Rückverfolgbarkeit von Tropenholzexporten in die Volksrepublik China ist gestärkt. Cooperation between member states of the Central African Forestry Commission and the People's Republic of China in improving the framework for legality verification and traceability of tropical timber exports to the PR of China has been strengthened. Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Mitgliedsstaaten der Zentralafrikanischen Waldkommission und der Volksrepublik China bei der Verbesserung der Rahmenbedingungen für die Legalitätsprüfung und Rückverfolgbarkeit von Tropenholzexporten in die Volksrepublik China ist gestärkt.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
FOCUS Fisherfolk Empowerment for Climate Resilience and Sustainability in Central Java Indonesia The Project FOCUS (Fisherfolk Empowerment for Climate Resilience and Sustainability in Central Java Indonesia), will strive to achieve stronger participation of coastal populations in target areas in Central Java in decision-making on coastal resource planning, provide advocacy to promote a more sustainable balance between the use and conservation of marine resources, and activities to improve local value-chains at local level. Hivos has three implementing partners, WALHI, the Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies of the University of Bogor, and KIARA. The project is based on an integrated approach and will support local communities to better manage coastal resources, climate & disasterrisks, as well as local livelihoods. Gender equality will be in focus during the implemenation of the project.The project will. if relevant, coordinate with the bilateral OCEAN programme in Indonesia.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
FLC: Community based model of technological measure application to respond to climate change (IAE) PYM: Paikallisen malli perustava teknillinen hanke jolla voidaan ilmastonmuutoksen riskeja vähentää ja parantaa sopeutumiskykyä Project overall objective is to contribute to minimizing vulnerability and enhance adaptability to droughts and typhoons in Minh Chau and Ngoc Vung communes. The project has 3 specific objectives: 1) raise awareness and enhance adaptability of local commun ities to climate change and its impacts on socio-economic activities and local environment; 2) experimental implementation of the model of preventing deterioration of household garden and forest soil conserving and using local floral genetic resources in r esponse to droughts wind and storms; 3) evaluate results learn techniques and draw experience from the models disseminate project results and propose policy-related recommendations for localities.It has 4 expected results: 1) Awareness of local people and officers in Minh Chau commune Ngoc Vung commune and Van Don district on impacts of climate change improved and adaptation measures are implemented by local people and officers; 2) Management of plant resources in home-based gardens forests in the two commu nes strengthened; 3) Two models of advanced technical application to reduce impacts of droughts wind and typhoons which based on the approved design successfully implemented; 4) Local capacity of soil deterioration and drought impact control strengthened Project overall objective is to contribute to minimizing vulnerability and enhance adaptability to droughts and typhoons in Minh Chau and Ngoc Vung communes. The project has 3 specific objectives: 1) raise awareness and enhance adaptability of local commun ities to climate change and its impacts on socio-economic activities and local environment; 2) experimental implementation of the model of preventing deterioration of household garden and forest soil conserving and using local floral genetic resources in r esponse to droughts wind and storms; 3) evaluate results learn techniques and draw experience from the models disseminate project results and propose policy-related recommendations for localities.It has 4 expected results: 1) Awareness of local people and officers in Minh Chau commune Ngoc Vung commune and Van Don district on impacts of climate change improved and adaptation measures are implemented by local people and officers; 2) Management of plant resources in home-based gardens forests in the two comm unes strengthened; 3) Two models of advanced technical application to reduce impacts of droughts wind and typhoons which based on the approved design successfully implemented; 4) Local capacity of soil deterioration and drought impact control strengthened
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Renforcement des capacit¿s de promotion et protection des droits des peuples autochtones de la Bouenza, Phase II Contract related to: Renforcement des capacit¿s de promotion et protection des droits des peuples autochtones de la Bouenza, Phase II - Human rights and democracy are founding values of the EU. Protecting and promoting HR&D is therefore a key priority of the EU¿s external action. It is also a precondition for sustainable development and for building more inclusive, open and resilient societies.Yet, recent data show that globally, most countries are far from having acceptable human rights and democracy track records. In this context, worsened by the COVID crisis, the EU re-affirmed its commitment to support human rights and democracy worldwide by adopting the `Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024¿. The Action Plan identifies priorities and key actions, to ensure that the EU plays a greater role in promoting and defending human rights and democracy throughout its external action. The Regulation (EU) 2021/947 (Global Europe) establishes the legal basis for the human rights and democracy actions. Particularly, its annex III details the areas of intervention for human rights and democracy.The overall objective of the present action is to contribute to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law worldwide. The action will achieve this objective by supporting and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy activists and human-rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy issues in non-EU countries. It may also cover, where relevant, the promotion of international humanitarian law. Consequently, it will contribute to the 5 priorities of the Multiannual Indicative programme 2021-2027 as well as the specific priorities set out for the additional funding coming from the cushion.This action will mainly be implemented by EU Delegations in-country so as to: (i) better respond to the country-specific contexts; (ii) be as close as possible to the needs of the rights holders; and (iii) promote a sense of `ownership¿ of the action among local actors. The actions financed at country level will be in line with: (i) the EU action plan for human rights and democracy; (ii) EU guidelines on human rights; and (iii) the respective Human Rights and Democracy country strategies or priorities under the EU accession process. All actions will follow a human rights based approach putting people at the centre of actions and also focusing on promoting gender equality.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Ausbau der Netzinfrastruktur im Kontext des West African Power Pool - Umspannstation Infrastructure WAPP - Poste transformateur Im Rahmen der Weiterentwicklung des westafrikanischen Stromverbunds (WAPP) soll eine Hochspannungsleitung von Nigeria über Benin, Togo und Ghana zur Elfenbeinküste errichtet beziehungsweise ausgebaut werden. Als Teil dieses grenzüberschreitenden Vorhabens soll in Togo eine FZ-finanzierte Umspannstation errichtet werden. Projektträger ist die für Energieversorgung sowohl in Togo wie in Benin zuständige zweistaatliche Communauté Electrique du Bénin (CEB) mit Sitz in Lomé. Die Maßnahme wird in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem WAPP umgesetzt.Die Gesamtkosten der Maßnahme belaufen sich auf bis zu EUR 18 Mio. Die Maßnahme soll durch einen FZ-Zuschuss in Höhe von EUR 17,5 Mio. finanziert werden. Infrastructure WAPP - Poste transformateur Ziel der FZ-Maßnahme ist, im Rahmen des regionalen Verbundsystems WAPP einen Beitrag zur Sicherung und Stabilisierung der Stromversorgung im Großraum Lomé zu leisten. Über eine verbesserte qualitative und quantitative Versorgungssicherheit werden die ökonomische Entwicklung in der Projektregion Großraum Lomé und die regionale Kooperation gestärkt. Infrastructure WAPP - Poste transformateur
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Unterstützung zur wirtschaftlichen Diversifikation und Nachhaltigkeit der Politik in Timor Leste Supporting policies of economic diversification and sustainability in Timor Leste Unterstützung zur wirtschaftlichen Diversifikation und Nachhaltigkeit der Politik in Timor Leste Supporting policies of economic diversification and sustainability in Timor Leste Unterstützung zur wirtschaftlichen Diversifikation und Nachhaltigkeit der Politik in Timor Leste Supporting policies of economic diversification and sustainability in Timor Leste
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Support to the development of NWARA capacity in large scale irrigation design and groundwater management To improve the capacity of the NWARA on technical designs in irrigation sector and sustainable groundwater planning.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Ausbildung in ökologischer Landwirtschaft in der Westregion Kameruns, Fortführung Vocational training in organic agriculture, continuation Ausbildung in ökologischer Landwirtschaft in der Westregion Kameruns, Fortführung Vocational training in organic agriculture, continuation Berufsbildung in ökologischer Landwirtschaft und Unterstützung junger Erwachsener beim Aufbau landwirtschaftlicher Kleinbetriebe. Vocational training in organic farming and support for young adults in the construction of small farm business.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
IT und Solarausstattung für einen kirchlichen entwicklungspolitischen Träger Information Technology Facilities and power back up system IT und Solarausstattung für einen kirchlichen entwicklungspolitischen Träger Information Technology Facilities and power back up system Im Rahmen des Projekts geht es um die Verbesserung der Organisationskapazität durch die Schaffung von Informationstechnologieeinrichtungen und eines Stromversorgungssystems. The project is about enhancing organization capacity through creation of Information Technology Facilities and power back up system.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Support to the capacity of the Office of the Quartet: increasing Palestinian economic and institutional development and empowerment. Contract related to: Support to the capacity of the Office of the Quartet: increasing Palestinian economic and institutional development and empowerment. - The PEGASE programme aims at contributing to democratic governance, effective and accountable institutions as well as improved well-being of the Palestinian population. The specific objectives are: (1) improved access to social public services for all; (2) improved inclusiveness, effectiveness, efficiency and transparency in policy making and budgeting. The action's objectives and policy related outputs (indirect outputs) are underpinned by the following direct outputs: eased financing for social public services; enhanced administrative and technical capacity of the Palestinian Authority (PA) institutions; improved coordination with government, development partners and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) for enhanced policy dialogue at global and sector level; public oversight towards reforms implementation.  The overall contribution of the EU amounts to EUR 145.35 million. Key components of this Action are: a contribution to the payments of the salaries and pensions of civil servants (Civil Servants and Pensioners, CSP, EUR 55 million), part of which is conditioned upon the fulfilment of the defined targets related to the agreed reforms in the areas of Public Finance Management (PFM), governance incl. education, energy and water; a contribution to the social allowances to vulnerable families (cash transfers programme ¿ CTP, EUR 50 million); and a contribution to the payment for the referrals to the East Jerusalem Hospitals (EJH, EUR 13 million). In view of the needs arising from the COVID-19 pandemic the EU accords exceptionally an additional EUR 20 million to contribute to the purchase of European Medicines Agency (EMA) authorized COVID-19 vaccines. EUR 10 million from the Food and Resilience Facility will be added to the CTP (social protection for vulnerable families) component which will therefore amount to EUR 50 million in total. This additional support will aim to address the consequences of rising prices of food and commodities in Palestine, thus helping mitigate the impact of Russia¿s war against Ukraine. The present Action Document (AD) introduces some elements of innovation compared to past PEGASE programmes, such as a.) an increased and gradual weight of the incentive based component to stimulate reforms, b.) a more stringent governance system to enhance policy dialogue and monitoring of implementation through the setting up of a dedicated Steering Committee, c.) a more solid assessment of the reform process and its achievements through a system of external oversight, and d.) strengthening the synergies with complementary capacity development activities. Pegase¿s exceptionally strong safeguard system of controls will be maintained. 
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Mebala Youth Studios Botswana goes green, goes solar Mebala Youth Studios Botswana wird grün durch Solarenergie Mebala Youth Studios, a training center for youth, uses eletricity from the main grid, both expensive and unreliable. The project will enable the organization to go green and be independent from high-cost and unreliable supply in Botswana. Die Mebala Youth Studios, ein Trainingszentrum für Jugendliche, wird derzeit noch Strom aus dem Hauptnetz (Kohlestrom und teuer im Einkauf) betrieben und durch das Projekt grüner und unabhängig von Kosten und der unzuverlässigen Stromversorgung in Bostuana.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Malthe Winje AS risk premium support hydropower project in Rwanda Malthe Winje is developing av small hydro power plant in Rwanda and was awarded Norad support to subsidize the risk premium in the bank loan to finance the construction of the plant, under the new Norad guarantee and risk premium support scheme for renewable energy projects in 2020 included in the Enterprise Development for Jobs program.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Scaling Genomic Selection Across the Indian Smallholder Dairy Sector to provide small scale dairy farmers across India access to highly-productive and well-adapted cows and buffaloes to increase their income
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Enhancing Farmers Information System for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) in Agriculture and Fisheries To improve the capacities of the agriculture sector on data collection and information management that would enable timely, critical, and efficient decision-making and delivery of interventions to improve the management of crops and farm lots.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
FAO Flexible Voluntary Contributions (FVC) FAO Flexible Voluntray Contribution is a mechanism for flexible funding to FAO for fullfillment of FAO strategic framework 2022-2031. The impact goal: More efficient, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable agri-food systems for better production, better nutrition, better environment, and better life, leaving no one behind. Expected outcome of the contribution: Sufficient flexible pooled financial resources available from multi-partners to strengthen key priorities within the FAO’s strategic framework to achieving relevant functional and strategic objectives and contribute to SDGs targets. The Theory of Change (ToC) is fully aligned with FAO’s Strategic Framework 2022-31. The FVC programmes, and subprogrammes will be aligned and contribute to results-chain of the 20 Programme Priority Areas (PPAs). However, the FVC Subprogrammes are not equivalent to the PPAs. The FVC’s results-chain will be directly aligned to the Four Betters and PPAs results-chain.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Sustainable Rural livelihoods for vulnerable community Increased food and nutrition security, climate adaptation and livelihood of women and marginalized groups.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Assistance to Ukraine in the process of implementation of energy sector reform in line with Ukraine`s international commitments The contract shall provide assistance to the Ministry of Energy and other relevant stakeholders in the process of implementation of Energy Community Treaty and energy provisions of the Association Agreement
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Armutsreduzierung und Resilienz im städtischen Kontext von Bangladesch Enhancing poverty reduction and resilience of the urban poor in Dhaka Armutsreduzierung und Resilienz im städtischen Kontext von Bangladesch Enhancing poverty reduction and resilience of the urban poor in Dhaka Armutsreduzierung und Resilienz im städtischen Kontext von Bangladesch Enhancing poverty reduction and resilience of the urban poor in Dhaka
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
The Agro-Biodiversity Initiative (TABI) Maintaining high biodiversity in agro-ecosystems contributes to poverty reduction in rural livelihood. Better knowledge, tools and institutional arrangements are needed to support poverty alleviation and preserve biodiversity. Considering the current development context in Lao PDR, TABI supports the conservation and sustainable economic use of agro-biodiversity (ABD) in multifunctional landscapes, aiming at improving the livelihood of uplands farmers.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Contract C40 Implementation Models C40 member cities will be expected to develop and begin implementing a climate action plan (or series of plans) before the end of 2020. The implementation will deliver action consistent with the ambitions of the Paris Agreement addressing both the need to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Further, it will outline the wider social, environmental and economic benefits derived from implementing the plan and set out how the city will approach implementation of the plan in an inclusive manner using available powers, resources and partners. The basis of C40’s accelerated implementation strategy is to support cities where C40 has strong value to add and work alongside external organisations that work on climate change and urban development and/or with cities when necessary.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Adapt Environmental and Climate Resilience in Sudan To increase understanding and integration of climate resilience and environmental management into delivery, plans and policy in Sudan. 100% ICF Funding
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
EU Support to IEA Data for an Affordable and Sustainable Energy System for sub-Saharan Africa This Action forms part of the Action ''Identification and support of financially sustainable business models in the energy-digital nexus for financial inclusion, job creation and growth'' and is based on the financing decision CRIS 2018/041-119. It designed to support energy access for all sub-Saharan African citizens and the wider sustainable development agenda in line with the 2030 goals and the Paris Agreement. The Action will comprise interventions designed to increase support by policy- and decision-makers, energy authorities and other relevant stakeholders for evidence-based and data-driven policies in the sustainable energy sector. Furthermore, it proposes clear methods to build synergies and networks in Africa.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Regional Solid Waste Management Project in Nepal The purpose of the project is to establish a sustainable, regional solid waste management system in the area of Sunsari and Morang districts in Nepal. This is achieved through an institutionalised cooperation between the municipalities of the two districts providing services also to the surrounding VDCs.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Verbreitung der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft in bäuerlichen Gemeinden im Mündungsgebiet des Flusses Lempa Extension of sustainable agriculture in smallholder farmer communities in the Lempa delta, El Salvador Verbreitung der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft in bäuerlichen Gemeinden im Mündungsgebiet des Flusses Lempa Extension of sustainable agriculture in smallholder farmer communities in the Lempa delta, El Salvador Verbreitung der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft in bäuerlichen Gemeinden im Mündungsgebiet des Flusses Lempa Extension of sustainable agriculture in smallholder farmer communities in the Lempa delta, El Salvador
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Rights-based rainforest solutions at scale - Peru Rights-based sustainable management of large, contiguous rainforest areas in the Peruvian Amazon, including local sustainable management, improvement of policy and legal frameworks on forest and rights, and the engagement of commercial actors, to stop or reduce deforestation; together with civil society patners. indigenous peoples and local communities in Peru. Partners tentatively include FENAMAD, ORPIO, ORAU, DAR, CORPI and IDL, in addition to Peru Equidad.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Water Supply and Sanitation Programme Adriatic Coast V Wasserversorgung und Abwasserentsorgung (Adriaküste V) Water Supply and Sanitation Programme Adriatic Coast V Der Wassersektor ist seit 1999 Schwerpunkt der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit mit Montenegro. Im Rahmen des Gesamtprogramms Wasserversorgung und Abwasserentsorgung Adriaküste werden die Trinkwasserver- und Abwasserentsorgung von vor allem fünf mon-tenegrinischen Küstengemeinden verbessert. Dazu sind der Ausbau, die Erneuerung und der Neubau der kommunalen Infrastruktur in mehreren Phasen vorgesehen. Das Gesamtprogramm gliedert sich in verschiedene Einzelprojekte und beinhaltet sowohl Sachinvestitionen als auch Maßnahmen zur personellen Unterstützung. Ziel des Gesamtprogramms ist die Gewährleistung einer ganzjährigen Trinkwasserversorgung der Bevölkerung, Verbesserung der Abwasserent-sorgung sowie die Deckung der touristischen Nachfragespitze in den Sommermonaten. Damit soll ein Beitrag zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung des Landes durch die Förderung des Tourismus, sowie zum Umwelt- und Ressourcenschutz und zu einer nachhaltigen Struktur in der Was-serversorgung in der Küstenregion Montenegros geleistet werden. Dabei wird auch der EU-Beitrittsprozess Montenegros unterstützt. Das Programm Adriaküste V zielt vor allem auf eine substanzielle Verbesserung der Trinkwasserver- und in geringerem Maße Abwasserentsorgung in der südlichsten Küstengemeinde Ulcinj sowie durch die anteilige Finanzierung von Investitionen in Bar (Kanalnetz und Kläranlage) und Tivat (Kläranlage Tivat/Kotor) auf eine substanzielle Verbesserung der Abwasserentsorgung entlang der Adriaküste. In Bar wurden im Einvernehmen mit der Stadt nur kleine Restinvestitionen durchgeführt. Damit können umfangreichere Investitionen in Tivat und Ulcinj realisiert werden. Weitere vorratsgeprüfte Einzelvorhaben wie die Kläranlage in Ulcinj, die Erweiterung des Kanalnetzes in Stoliv/Kotor und das Abwassersystem Risan-Perast werden aus Folgeprogrammen finanziert. Water Supply and Sanitation Programme Adriatic Coast V Verbesserung der Wasserver- und Abwasserentsorgung an der Küste Montenegros
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Collaboration with InsuResilience on `Absorb pillar of the UN Climate Resilience (A2R) The project addresses the climate key capacity to ?Absorb? climate shocks and stresses focuses in promoting innovative approaches for the implementation of climate risk insurance and social protection to build climate resilience
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Better Extension Training Transforming Economic Returns (BETTER) This project aims at improving agricultural services in Malawi using the Farmer Field School (FFS) approach
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Youth Action on Climate Change The action aims to build the capacity of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Egypt to assist young people and marginalised households in Egypt to make a positive contribution to resilience and environmental sustainability.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Management and protection of groundwater resources II Management und Schutz von Grundwasserressourcen in Burundi II The project contributes to improved protection and management of water resources in Burundi. The population's access to a drinking water supply of good quality will be increased in the intervention areas. In Burundi, a large part of the population still has no access to safe drinking water. The project strengthens the Ministry MEEATU (Ministère de l'Eau, de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement du Territoire et de l'Urbanisme) and IGEBU (Institut Géographique du Burundi) in a technically appropriate establishment of water protection zones. Hydrogeological field work will be used to assess the impact of increased groundwater use and to survey the available quantity and quality of groundwater resources. The technical authority IGEBU is supported in recording hydrogeological data with modern technical means, processing them in an appropriate system and making the information obtained available to actors in the water sector. Mit dem Vorhaben werden Beiträge zum verbesserten Schutz und Management der Wasserressourcen in Burundi geleistet. Der Zugang der Bevölkerung zu einer Trinkwasserversorgung mit guter Qualität wird in den Interventionsgebieten erhöht. In Burundi hat bis heute ein großer Teil der Bevölkerung keinen Zugang zu unbedenklichem Trinkwasser. Das Vorhaben stärkt das Ministerium MEEATU (Ministère de l'Eau, de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement du Territoire et de l'Urbanisme) und IGEBU (Institut Géographique du Burundi) bei einer fachlich angemessenen Einrichtung von Wasserschutzzonen. Über hydrogeologische Feldarbeiten werden die Auswirkungen einer verstärkten Grundwassernutzung bewertet sowie die verfügbare Menge und Qualität der Grundwasserressourcen erhoben. Die Fachbehörde IGEBU wird dabei unterstützt, hydrogeologische Daten mit modernen technischen Mitteln aufzunehmen, sie in einem angemessenen System zu verarbeiten und die daraus gewonnenen Informationen Akteuren im Wassersektor zur Verfügung zu stellen. The project contributes to improved protection and management of water resources in Burundi. The population's access to a drinking water supply of good quality will be increased in the intervention areas. In Burundi, a large part of the population still has no access to safe drinking water. The project strengthens the Ministry MEEATU (Ministère de l'Eau, de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement du Territoire et de l'Urbanisme) and IGEBU (Institut Géographique du Burundi) in a technically appropriate establishment of water protection zones. Hydrogeological field work will be used to assess the impact of increased groundwater use and to survey the available quantity and quality of groundwater resources. The technical authority IGEBU is supported in recording hydrogeological data with modern technical means, processing them in an appropriate system and making the information obtained available to actors in the water sector. Die Kenntnis der Verfügbarkeit und Qualität an Grundwasserressourcen und die Kapazitäten der Akteure führen zu einem besseren Schutz und Management von Wasserressourcen und einer nachhaltigen Trinkwasserversorgung.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Verbreitung der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft zur Verbesserung der Ernährungssituation in ländlichen Munizipien des Departements Chalatenango Intensifying sustainable agriculture to improve food security in rural municipalities of Chalatenango Department Verbreitung der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft zur Verbesserung der Ernährungssituation in ländlichen Munizipien des Departements Chalatenango Intensifying sustainable agriculture to improve food security in rural municipalities of Chalatenango Department Verbreitung der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft zur Verbesserung der Ernährungssituation in ländlichen Munizipien des Departements Chalatenango Intensifying sustainable agriculture to improve food security in rural municipalities of Chalatenango Department
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Verbesserung des Wassermanagements und der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion bei Kleinbauernfamilien (Fortführung) Improved water management and agricultural production in smallholder families Verbesserung des Wassermanagements und der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion bei Kleinbauernfamilien (Fortführung) Improved water management and agricultural production in smallholder families Fortführung Das Projekt leistet mit Strategievorschlägen und Massnahmen zur Stärkung kleinbäuerlicher Organisationen sowie der Entwicklung von Fachkompetenz der lokalen Akteur/innen in Umweltmanagement, ökologischer Landwirtschaft und Bürgerbeteiligung einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen von 1.140 Kleinbauernfamilien in den Regionen Ancash und Ayacucho. Continuation With policy proposals, measures to strengthen small farmers organizations and capacity building of local actors in environment management, ecological agriculture and citizen participation, the project contributes to improve the living conditions of 1.140 families of small farmers in the regions of Ancash and Ayacucho.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Web-Based Natural Dam-Burst Flood Hazard Assessment and ForeCasting SysTem (WeACT) Research grant – developing novel webbased hazard assessment and forecasting technologies to improve community risk awareness and preparedness for natural damburst floods (NDBFs) in the Sun Koshi basin, Nepal. Benefitting at risk communities in the case study site area, and local/regional stakeholders in disaster risk mitigation. SDGs: 8, 9, 13. Research and development activity contributing to the UK’s strategy to address key development challenges.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
European Joint Support to Area C The European Joint Support to Area C Programme (EU contribution of EUR 8 million out of a total of EUR 11.61 million) aims to contribute to resilience of Palestinians living in Area C by ensuring that they are better equipped and better served to protect their physical, economic and social assets and rights. It should contribute to preserve Area C as part of a future Palestinian State, which is a sine qua non condition to a transfer of responsibilities to the Palestinian Authority, in fulfilment of the Oslo Accords. With regard to planning and mapping of land rights, this intervention will contribute to better plan social and economic development and protect housing, land and property rights which are a pre-condition to sustainable socio-economic development (Output 1 & 2).With regards to access to essential social and public infrastructure in Area C, this intervention aims to improve access to basic services (such as water, electricity, roads, education) through investment in social and public infrastructure, necessary for the sustainable and inclusive development of vulnerable local communities (Output 3 & 4).Under this intervention, enhanced data collection, knowledge generation, monitoring, research and analytics on Area C will complement programme implementation (Output 5). The EU has opted for a policy of non-confrontation with the Israeli authorities to proceed with the implementation of infrastructure projects within the master plans approved or tacitly approved by Israeli Civil Authorities.The same implementation modalities are to be applied to the present action. Nevertheless, Building lessons learnt from previous actions, the proposed approach increases its scale and ambition in rethreading communities in Areas A-B-and C to one another, away from fragmentation, using wider spatial planning opportunities (the so-called geo-cluster approach[1]), to improve efficiency in service delivery by the Palestinian duty-bearers. In doing so, the action also serves to reconfirm the Palestinian Authority¿s institutional continuity and reach across Areas A, B, and C, and therefore its legitimacy across the territory as a whole. At the same time the programme will capitalise on enhanced nexus programming opportunities in Area C, complementing the humanitarian response, accelerating development, and where possible, protecting the prospects for peace. [1] Should the proposed approach fail to materialize, the programme¿s flexibility allows to implement the action along the lines of the previous projects.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Projet d`urgence de securite alimentaire et de protection des moyens d`existence des populations refugies et h tes dans le Sud du Tchad Prevenir la situation alimentaire des populations affectees par la crise de la RCA, le renforcement de la resilience de leurs moyens de subsistence est necessaire. Etant donne le manque de perspectives immediat cause de leur deplacement, il est prevu d'apporter des solutions durables pour soulager leur souffrances travers des activites socio-economiques (agriculture, elevage, AGR et autres) afin d'assurer leur independance par l'autosuffisance alimentaire et des moyens de subsistance adequats.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
INFLOW: improved anticipation of floods on the White Nile Meilleure anticipation des inondations sur le Nil blanc (INFLOW) South Sudan is facing a complex humanitarian emergency, with one-fifth of its people living at the intersection of extreme poverty and flood risk. Anticipatory humanitarian action has the potential to provide targeted, timely support in advance of a disaster. However, anticipatory action is limited in environments where people are affected by conflict, violence and displacement. Furthermore, anticipatory action relies on accurate hydrological forecast models, which are insufficient in the White Nile River catchment. This project aims to improve early warning capacity in the White Nile River catchment and increase the capacity of humanitarian organizations equipped to act on new information. Research will be undertaken by a transdisciplinary team of mandated government agencies, regional forecasting bodies, academic institutions and humanitarian partners. It will examine how recent flooding is represented in existing hydrological models and how the flooding impacts people, particularly women and children, in conflict-affected communities. The new knowledge will be integrated into existing models. This project is part of the Climate Adaptation and Resilience (CLARE) initiative co-funded by the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and IDRC. CLARE is a five-year, CAD120-million initiative that aims to enable inclusive and sustainable action to build resilience to climate change and natural hazards for people across Africa and the Asia-Pacific region. Le Soudan du Sud est confronté à une situation d’urgence humanitaire complexe, un cinquième de sa population vivant à la croisée de l’extrême pauvreté et du risque d’inondation. L’action humanitaire anticipée permet de fournir une aide ciblée et opportune avant une catastrophe. Cependant, l’action anticipative est limitée dans les environnements où les personnes sont touchées par des conflits, des violences et des déplacements. En outre, les mesures d’anticipation reposent sur des modèles de prévision hydrologique précis, qui sont insuffisants dans le bassin hydrographique du Nil blanc. Ce projet vise à améliorer la capacité d’alerte précoce dans le bassin versant du Nil blanc et à renforcer la capacité des organisations humanitaires à agir sur la base de nouveaux renseignements. La recherche sera entreprise par une équipe transdisciplinaire composée d’agences gouvernementales mandatées, d’organismes de prévision régionaux, d’établissements universitaires et de partenaires humanitaires. Elle examinera comment les inondations récentes sont représentées dans les modèles hydrologiques existants et analysera quelles sont les répercussions de ces inondations sur les populations, en particulier les femmes et les enfants, dans les communautés touchées par le conflit. Les nouvelles connaissances seront intégrées dans les modèles existants. Ce projet fait partie de l’initiative Adaptation aux changements climatiques et résilience (CLARE) cofinancée par le Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office du Royaume-Uni et le CRDI. CLARE est une initiative quinquennale dotée de 120 millions de dollars canadiens visant à permettre une action durable et socialement inclusive en vue de renforcer la résilience face aux changements climatiques et aux risques naturels pour les pays d’Afrique et de la région Asie-Pacifique.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Swaziland Agricultural Development Project (SADP) b Overall /B increased equitable economic national growth and development br br b Specific objective: /b Improved smallholder production, and marketing systems which lead to sustainable food security and an improved quality of life for rural households.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Activity under preparation Last Mile Electrification Support project: Pre- / Feasibility Study and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Contract related to: Last Mile Electrification Support project: Pre- / Feasibility Study and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment - The Green Support Facility supports the further development of the interventions under MIP 2021-2027 in the areas of Smart green cities as part Priority Area 1 (Green and Climate Transition) and sustainable investments, economic enablers and connectivity as part of Priority Area 2 (Sustainable and Inclusive Growth and Jobs), require appropriate levels of identification, formulation, scoping/feasibility and/or any other preparatory studies of relevance.The Green Support Facility specifically aimes at pre-feasibility, feasibility studies and any other preparatory study to support a pipeline of investments in sustainable infrastructure, through blending and EFSD+ mechanisms. The thematic areas contemplated include tentatively: digitalisation, renewable energy, green industrialisation, smart mining, sustainable mobility, natural resources management, waste management and water & sanitation, environmental sustainability and climate action.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Tracking uptake of validated traits into breeding programs To deploy markers to track and trace the effective uptake of genetic variants for nutritious, climate resilient crops into breeding programs and the seed value chain
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
TOP UP 3MEUR Contract related to: TOP UP 3MEUR - The general objective of the programme is to contribute to environmentally sustainable and more climate-resilient development of Latin America, particularly where it affects living conditions of the most vulnerable populations.The programme does this through promoting policy dialogue as well as through technical and financial support to the development and implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation policies in the Latin America region.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
CCAP for participation in meetings for developing countries. - CCAP for participation in meetings for developing Center for Clean Air Policy CCAP för u-länders deltagande Contribution to Center for Clean Air Policy CCAP. Participation for developing countries at meetings with Center for Clean Air Policy. Contribution to Center for Clean Air Policy CCAP. Participation for developing countries at meetings with Center for Clean Air Policy.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Prêt d'Etat à Etat - Kenya - Projet d'électrification rurale dans la région de Sondu-Rangwe-Kissie Projet d'électrification rurale dans la région de Sondu-Rangwe-Kissie Le projet porte sur l’amélioration de l’électrification rurale dans la province West de Nyanza. Le réseau en provenance de la centrale Hydro-électrique de 60 MW de Sondu vers Rangwe sera renforcé. Le nombre de raccordement sera ainsi accru et la perte sur le réseau diminuée. Dans cette région, seul 5% de la population avaient accès à l’électricité en 2007. Le Kenia désire qu’à moyen terme 20% de la population aient un accès l’électricité. Le projet porte sur l’amélioration de l’électrification rurale dans la province West de Nyanza. Le réseau en provenance de la centrale Hydro-électrique de 60 MW de Sondu vers Rangwe sera renforcé. Le nombre de raccordement sera ainsi accru et la perte sur le réseau diminuée. Dans cette région, seul 5% de la population avaient accès à l’électricité en 2007. Le Kenia désire qu’à moyen terme 20% de la population aient un accès l’électricité. La possibilité de disposer de l’électricité : - Offre de nouvelles possibilités économique sur le plan de l’agriculture, de la pèche et autres secteurs; - Permet d’améliorer l’offre de service en matière d’enseignement et de soins de santé; - Rend la population moins dépendante de l’utilisation de bois de chauffage et de charbon. Cela permet de réduire les émission en CO2, prévenir l’érosion et le déboisement et cela améliore la qualité de vie des femmes et des enfants qui veillent traditionnellement à leur approvisionnement; - Ralenti la fuite des campagnes. Le projet prévoit : - La construction d’une ligne de transmission de 132 KV de Sondu vers Rangwe; - La construction à Sondu et dans l’ouest de Rangwe , d’une sous-station de 23 MVA pour la transformation 132/33 KV avec connexion aux nouvelles lignes de distribution de 33 KV; - La construction d’une nouvelle station intermédiaire à Kisii pour le renforcement du réseau de distribution de 33 KV existant.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Global Climate Change Alliance Plus Trinidad and Tobago Support to the implementation of Trinidad and Tobago's Nationally Determined Contribution Project aims at installing small scale systems in public utilities and remote communities, support for the national renewable energy and energy efficiency policy and regulatory framework, as well as addressing public awareness related to energy efficiency, energy pricing and renewable energy.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Livestock Investment Coordination System (LICS) to enable coordination of livestock investments for improved collaboration, efficiency, and progress tracking
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Supervision of the rehabilitation for Tororo to Gulu railway line Financing of the supervision (resident engineer) of the rehabilitation of the railway line between Tororo and Gulu in Uganda
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Asian Development Bank – Ninth Replenishment of the Asian Development Fund Banque asiatique de développement - neuvième reconstitution du Fonds asiatique de développement This contribution represents Canada’s institutional support to the ninth replenishment of the Asian Development Fund (ADF), of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Established in 1973, the Asian Development Fund provides low interest rate loans and grants to the poorest countries in the Asia-Pacific region. For the period 2009-2012, these funds were used for infrastructure, policy support and reform, health and education, environmentally sustainable investments, good governance and capacity building for development management, and regional cooperation. Canada is the 5th largest non-borrowing shareholder of the Asian Development Bank (as of December 2011) and is the 6th largest contributor overall to the Asian Development Fund. Cette contribution représente le soutien institutionnel offert par le Canada dans le cadre de la neuvième reconstitution des ressources du Fonds asiatique de développement de la Banque asiatique de développement (BAsD). Créé en 1973, ce fonds accorde des prêts à faible taux d'intérêt et des dons aux pays les plus pauvres de la région de l'Asie-Pacifique. Pour la période allant de 2009 à 2012, ce financement a été utilisé dans les domaines suivants : infrastructures, soutien et réforme des politiques, santé et éducation, investissements durables sur le plan de l’environnement, bonne gouvernance et renforcement des capacités en matière de gestion du développement, et coopération régionale. Le Canada est le cinquième actionnaire non emprunteur de la BAsD (en date de décembre 2011) et le sixième donateur du Fonds asiatique de développement.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
GLA-PoV-Cameroon Cameroon boasts a huge variety of flora and fauna, spread over about 20 million hectares of tropical rainforest. About four million people live in and around these forests, including a large percentage of indigenous people such as the Baka and Bagyeli. The forest is part of the second largest rainforest in the world, through which the great Congo River flows. It plays a key role in combating dangerous climate change. But the forests in Cameroon are under severe threat. Investments in logging, industrial agriculture and mining are increasing as well as deforestation. By 2020, Cameroon lost 100,000one hundred thousand hectares of rainforest. Land rights of indigenous and local communities are not formally recognized. Land grabbing and other human rights violations by large corporations in the timber or agriculture sectors are commonplace. Forest activists who stand up for these rights are subject to intimidation, threats or violence. Over the past five years we have put a halt to new plantations and logging permits. For example, the Ebo forest was protected from logging, saving 130 hectares of rainforest. In the coming years, Cameroon’s GLA program aims to increase and strengthen the influence and rights of indigenous peoples and local communities. We advocate for a methodology to represent them in corporate and political processes that deal with land and natural resources. The base is proper monitoring by local forest-, and human rights activists to document violations. On top of this, we will continue to campaign nationally and internationally for greater recognition and protection for indigenous and local people, and engage in resistance or use grievance procedures for redress in cases of (human) rights violations and deforestation.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Facility for Action for Climate Empowerment to achieve Nationally Determined Contributions FACE-NDC Project will develop the global mechanisms to support the development of the formal and non formal education and capacity building mechanisms to achieve the NDCs.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Verbesserung der Ernährungs- und Einkommenssicherheit in der Diözese Mutare Improved food and income security and to potable water in Mutare Diocese Verbesserung der Ernährungs- und Einkommenssicherheit in der Diözese Mutare Improved food and income security and to potable water in Mutare Diocese Verbesserung der Ernährungs- und Einkommenssicherheit in der Diözese Mutare Improved food and income security and to potable water in Mutare Diocese
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Nachhaltige Wasser-und Sanitärversorgungslösungen zur Stärkung der Resilienz im südlichen Äthiopien Durable WASH Solutions to strengthen the Resilience in Southern Ethiopia (Drought Resilience V) Ziel des Vorhabens ist es, einen Beitrag zur Stärkung der Resilienz gegenüber künftigen Extremwetterereignissen in ausgewählten dürregefährdeten Gemeinden in Afar, Somali und Oromia zu leisten.Wesentliche Outputs:1. Verbesserung des langfristigen Zugangs zur Wasser- und Sanitärversorgung in ausgewählten Projektstandorten in Oromia und Somali durch den Bau von nachhaltigen Wasserversorgungssystemen, 2. Ausstattung von Bildungs- und Gesundheitseinrichtungen im Einzugsgebiet des zuständigen Wasserversorgers mit adäquaten Wasser- und Sanitärversorgungseinrichtungen,3. Ausweitung strukturbildender Basisgesundheitsdienstleistungen in entlegene Gebiete sowie Stärkung des existierenden äthiopischen Gesundheitssystems in Hinblick auf die präventive Vermeidung von Krankheiten (Fokus insbesondere auf Mütter und Kinder) durch die Unterstützung von bis zu 44 Mobilen Krankenstationen an ausgewählten Projektstandorten in Afar und Somali, Zielgruppe: Trinkwasser-/Sanitärversorgung: Etwa 150.000 Personen in den Regionen Oromia und Somali (darunter Kinder, Binnenvertriebene und Aufnahmegemeinschaften). Gesundheitsbezogene Maßnahmen: Etwa 542.000 gefährdete Personen (darunter Kinder, Frauen und Binnen-vertriebene) in Afar und Somali The aim of the project is to help strengthen resilience to future extreme weather events in selected drought-prone communities in Afar, Somali and Oromia.Main outputs:1. improving long-term access to water and sanitation in selected project sites in Oromia and Somali by building sustainable water supply systems,2. equipping education and health facilities in the catchment area of the responsible water supplier with adequate water and sanitation facilities,3. Extending basic structural health services to remote areas and strengthening Ethiopia's existing health system to prevent disease (focussing in particular on mothers and children) by supporting up to 44 mobile clinics at selected project sites in Afar and Somali,Target group: Drinking water/sanitation: About 150,000 people in the Oromia and Somali regions (including children, internally displaced persons and host communities). Health-related interventions: Approximately 542,000 vulnerable persons (including children, women and internally displaced persons) in Afar and Somali Ziel des Vorhabens ist es, einen Beitrag zur Stärkung der Resilienz gegenüber künftigen Extremwetterereignissen in ausgewählten Dürre-gefährdeten Gemeinden in Oromia, Afar und Somali in den Sektoren Wasser- und Sanitärversorgung sowie Gesundheit zu leisten. The aim of the project is to help strengthen resilience to future extreme weather events in selected drought-prone communities in Afar, Somali and Oromia.Main outputs:1. improving long-term access to water and sanitation in selected project sites in Oromia and Somali by building sustainable water supply systems,2. equipping education and health facilities in the catchment area of the responsible water supplier with adequate water and sanitation facilities,3. Extending basic structural health services to remote areas and strengthening Ethiopia's existing health system to prevent disease (focussing in particular on mothers and children) by supporting up to 44 mobile clinics at selected project sites in Afar and Somali,Target group: Drinking water/sanitation: About 150,000 people in the Oromia and Somali regions (including children, internally displaced persons and host communities). Health-related interventions: Approximately 542,000 vulnerable persons (including children, women and internally displaced persons) in Afar and Somali
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Strengthening agro-ecosystems adaptive to climate change in Lake Chad Basin (Lac, Kanem, Bahr El Ghazal, and part of the Hadjer-Lamis region) (PPG) The full-Size Project "Sytrengthening agro-ecosystemsadaptive capacity to climete change in the Lake Chad Basin (Lac,Kanem, Bahr El Gazal, and part of the Hadjer-Lamis Probince", aims to increase the resilience of agricultural and agro-pastoral production systems in the Lake Chad region against Climate threats,particulary climate variability and droughts.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Annual Action Plan in favour of Serbia for 2021 Windows 3/4 - IMBC par Contract inherited from multiple actions, related to: Annual Action Plan in favour of Serbia for 2021 Windows 3/4 - IMBC par - The Government remains committed to EU membership as its strategic goal. Serbia has opened 18 negotiation chapters of the acquis5 and two chapters (25 and 26) were provisionally closed so far. Serbia has a good level of preparation in the areas of company law, research and development and intellectual property law. It is moderately prepared in the areas of free movement of goods, right of establishment and freedom to provide services, competition policy, information society and media, enterprise and industrial policy, a s well as consumer and health protection6. Serbia has some level of preparation in agriculture and rural development.The Action is implementing the Government¿s strategic goals and strategic commitment to EU accession. The Action will contribute to strengthening of competitiveness and inclusive growth of Serbia by reaching two outcomes: Strengthening private sector development, trade, research and innovation and strengthening legislative and institutional capacities for fulfilling the requirements of EU membership in agriculture and rural development.Firstly, the Action will focus on improving market integrity and environment conducive to market operators by strengthening capacities of relevant stakeholders in the areas of Service Directive, market surveillance, intellectual property rights, state aid, competition policy and e-commerce. The Action will administer necessary policy and institutional adjustments market as well as market organisation and structural support in fisheries. It will improve enforcement of the agricultural land policies and animal health status in Serbia and surrounding countries.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
F.a: TUNDANDOTO TANZANIA PROGRAMME SUSTAINABLY TRANSFORMED CHILDHOODS The main beneficiaries of the Programme are Tanzanian children and youth. Children, youth with disabilities, and girls are the special target groups. The Programme has 23 530 direct and 68 840 indirect beneficiaries. The activities are carried out in 6 dif ferent geographical areas that act either as a demo project for the other sites or in which a special set of barriers obstructing the fulfilment of childrens rights have been identified. The main problem in the society is the lack of knowledge on childrens rights for both rights holders and duty bearers. For this reason, civil society and authorities do not pay so much attention to the wellbeing and development of children. The Programme will be implemented by a Tanzanian partner, Free Pentecostal Church of Tanzania which is a remarkable influence in the Tanzanian civil society. In addition to its approximately 800 000 members, FPCT has an extensive network of local and government actors within its realm of cooperation and influence. The Programme seeks to s trengthen the advocacy roles of different civil society actors and FPCT regarding childrens rights. The Programme theme, right to health is addressed in different levels through a knowledge increase regarding nutrition and preventive health, care takers ab ility to respond to health challenges of children with disabilities, and sexual and reproductive health and rights. In the latter the Programme especially targets menstruation management, hygiene and psychosocial support for traumatized children. That the beneficiaries organize into civil society groups that promote the right to health is among the main activities. The theme right to education is addressed in the Programme through multiple activities: by empowering caretakers to realize childrens right to e ducation, by providing support for better school performance and self-esteem development through childrens clubs, by sensitizing communities on the importance of education and strengthening participatory methods in education. Regarding the theme right to a dequate standard of living, the activities include introducing initiatives that strengthen family livelihood, improved food security, improved living environment, and life and entrepreneurship skills especially among women and PWD. #The quality of the part ners advocacy work is strengthened through developing platforms, where the voice of children with and without disabilities can be heard by the wider public.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
INT/Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) The LDCF is a voluntary trust fund established under the UNFCCC and managed by the GEF to address the special needs of the 48 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) that are especially vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change. Specifically the LDCF wa s tasked with financing the preparation and implementation of National Adaptation Programs of Action (NAPAs). NAPAs use existing information to identify a country?s priorities for adaptation actions. The LDCF is the only existing fund whose mandate is to f inance the preparation and implementation of the NAPAs. As of October 1 2012 a total of 47 NAPAs have been completed. To date the fund has 25 donors: Australia Austria Belgium Canada Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Hungary Iceland Ireland Ita ly Japan Luxembourg the Netherlands New Zealand Norway Portugal Romania Spain Sweden Switzerland the United Kingdom and the United States.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Strengthening Local Communities Resilience to Climate Change in North Darfur, Sudan Contract related to: Strengthening Local Communities Resilience to Climate Change in North Darfur, Sudan - The overall objective of the project is to improve the adoption of sustainable livelihoods and to increase the resilience of local communities to the climate change shocks The specific objective is to contribute to prevent and compact desertificati
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Stärkung von kleinbäuerlicher Produktion und Familieneinkommen von Kleinbauernfamilien mit dem Ziel der Ernährungssicherung Food security and income generation through sustainable agriculture for small scale farmer groups in four communities Stärkung von kleinbäuerlicher Produktion und Familieneinkommen von Kleinbauernfamilien mit dem Ziel der Ernährungssicherung Food security and income generation through sustainable agriculture for small scale farmer groups in four communities Stärkung von kleinbäuerlicher Produktion und Familieneinkommen von Kleinbauernfamilien mit dem Ziel der Ernährungssicherung Food security and income generation through sustainable agriculture for small scale farmer groups in four communities
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Scaling-up climate actions to enhance Nationally Determined Contributions and climate and livestock Contribute towards enhanced mitigation and adaptation programmes in the livestock sector to support climate resilience, food security, livelihoods and to achieve the Paris Agreement.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Community-based Climate Change Action Grants The Community-based Climate Change Action Grants support community-based adaptation and mitigation activities in developing countries in partnership with non-government organisations. The objectives of the program are to: increase the resilience of communities in developing countries to the unavoidable impacts of climate change; and reduce or avoid greenhouse gas emissions while also contributing to development priorities in the target communities. The total value of this multi-country initiative is $16.9 million over three years, starting 2011-12.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Foundation seed partnership to catalyze hybrid staple crops in W. Africa to address systemic failures in foundation seed availability that limit SME seed companies' ability to reach scale and farmers access to newer, better performing, climate resilient seed developed through global public goods investments
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Oslo Tropical Forest Forum Webinar Fete Typer Fete Typer is responsible for the production of the visual design elements used in the OTFF webinar.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Ministry of Water and Environment Water Management Zone, Lira To green NURI (Jan - Jun 2023) as recommended by the mid term review and carry out its administrative closure
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
EPTATF Ukraine contribution - EPTAFT Ukraine contribution EPTATF Ukraina Insatsen avser svenskt bidrag via Sida till Eastern Partnership Technical Assistance Trust Fund, EPTATF, för tekniskt bistånd i projekt som finansieras av Europeiska Investeringsbanken, EIB, inom ramen för EIBs verksamhet i Ukraina. Det tekniska biståndet skall användas för EIBs ökande deltagande i the Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership,E5P. The contribution concerns Swedish assistance to the Eastern Partnership Technical Assistance Trust Fund, EPTATF, for technical assistance in project financed in the framework of the European Investment Bank, EIB, activities in Ukraine. The technical assistance shall be used for EIBs increased cooperation with The Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership,E5P.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
UNICEF Sustainable WASH Innovation Hub The UNICEF Sustainable WASH Innovation Hub in the UN City builds, accelerates, and scales transformational climate resilient solutions for a WASH secure future of universal and equitable access to services, addressing the full ambition of the SDG6.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Agricultural Mechanisation and Technology for Smallholder Productivity Erhöhung der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion durch Innovation, inklusive Mechanisierung, in Äthiopien Innovations in agricultural mechanisation and technology have contributed to improved smallholder productivity and income. Innovationen der landwirtschaftlichen Mechanisierung und Agrartechnologie haben zu erhöhter Produktivität und Einkommen kleinbäuerlicher Betriebe beigetragen. Innovations in agricultural mechanisation and technology have contributed to improved smallholder productivity and income. Innovationen der landwirtschaftlichen Mechanisierung und Agrartechnologie haben zu erhöhter Produktivität und Einkommen kleinbäuerlicher Betriebe beigetragen.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
TCPF: Asistencia tecnica para desarrollar la fase de inicio del proceso de preparaci n REDD+ Fortalecer las capacidades institucionales del Ministerio de Agricultura, Recursos Naturales, de las Oficinas de Planificaci n y de las Instituciones descentralizadas del Sector Agropecuario y de Desarrollo Rural en la preparaci n de los requerimientos para acceder a incentivos positivos a traves de la implementaci n de acciones de mitigaci n en el sector forestal (REDD+).
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
CommonSensing: Remote [Common] Sensing for Climate Resilience Small island nations located in the Pacific are exposed to the damaging effects of climate change. Such changes in the climate system have direct effects on the livelihoods, the economy, overall development and the very existence of many small island nations. Urgent action to build capacity for climate resilience is therefore required. The overall aim of CommonSensing is to use satellite remote sensing applications to support three Commonwealth countries: Fiji, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu achieve their goal of improved national resilience to climate change. The project’s main output is to provide evidence and data needed for these island states to be able to apply to climate funding in collaboration with the Commonwealth Climate Finance Access hub with a much higher degree of success than presently. This will allow these island states to obtain the funding they need to protect critical infrastructure and build resilience into their economy to combat the growing effects of climate change. CommonSensing will deliver impact in two main areas: • In terms of Earth Observation (EO) derived services, CommonSensing will use EO data to provide partners with access to vital information regarding disaster and climate risks to inform planning, food security needs and impact on the environment. This information will be readily available to users through easily accessible services. • In terms of sustainability and capacity development, partners aim to contribute to national and regional technical capabilities to inform policy and secure funding for climate change resilience programmes beyond the three-year project. In addition, CommonSensing consortium partners are committed to supporting the long-term sustainability of the information services they develop with the three partner countries. The overall aim of CommonSensing is to improve resilience towards climate change, including disaster risk reduction, and contribute to sustainable development in three selected Commonwealth Small Island Developing States (SIDS): Fiji, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. The project will combine earth observation data to provide stakeholders with access to important information regarding disaster risks (including disaster risk planning, food security, climate risk and other environmental concerns). This information will be accessible to beneficiaries through a web portal and mobile applications.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
ITP 261a Climate Change 07,08,09,10,11,12 ITP 261a Climate Change 07,08,09,10,11,12 - 261a 10-11 Climate Change Internationellt utbildningsprogram (ITP): "Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation". Klimatförändringar motverka och anpassa. International Training Programme (ITP): "Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation".
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Climate change adaptation for marginalised rural communities Increased food and nutrition security, income and resilience of women and marginalized families, including rebuilding after 2015 earthquake. Seed and climate policy work
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Stärkung zivilgesellschaftlicher Partizipation im Clean Development Mechanism des Emissionshandels in Indien und weiteren südasiatischen Staaten Participation of civil society in India at the Clean Development Mechanism Stärkung zivilgesellschaftlicher Partizipation im Clean Development Mechanism des Emissionshandels in Indien und weiteren südasiatischen Staaten Participation of civil society in India at the Clean Development Mechanism Stärkung zivilgesellschaftlicher Partizipation im Clean Development Mechanism des Emissionshandels in Indien und weiteren südasiatischen Staaten Participation of civil society in India at the Clean Development Mechanism
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Stärkung der Resilienz von (Agro-)Pastoralisten in Kajiado und Narok Counties, KeniaSEWOH Strengthening Resilience of Agro-Pastoralists and Pastoralists in Kajiado and Narok Counties, Kenya Stärkung der Resilienz von (Agro-)Pastoralisten in Kajiado und Narok Counties, KeniaSEWOH Strengthening Resilience of Agro-Pastoralists and Pastoralists in Kajiado and Narok Counties, Kenya Stärkung der Resilienz von (Agro-)Pastoralisten in Kajiado und Narok Counties, KeniaSEWOH Strengthening Resilience of Agro-Pastoralists and Pastoralists in Kajiado and Narok Counties, Kenya
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Adaptation for Smallholder Agricultural Programme (ASAP) To provide knowledge and best practices to help over 6 million smallholder farmers in up to 43 countries adapt to climate change. Grants will be made to: build small scale water-harvesting, water storage and irrigation systems for farmers; provide farmers with improved seeds that are drought tolerant; help farmers access markets to sell their crops; to plant trees on farms and introduce soil and water conservation practices; and, enable farmers to access daily and seasonal weather forecasts (e.g. using text messages) so they know when best to plant and harvest crops.”
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Increase the use of the Accountability Framework initiative (AFi) to reduce deforestation In phase 1, the Rainforest Alliance received support to develop the AFi framework to assess the deforestation risk in priority value chains (originating in rainforest countries). Now, in phase 2, the Alliance has received support to increase the use of the AFi framework.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
RECEIVED SIPRI Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. Support for enhanced controll of exports in Russia
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Gemeinwesenorganisation u. rechtsbasierte Arbeit bei benachteiligten Dalits u. anderen Bevöl.gruppe A project on sustainable livelihood through ensuring rights and dignity of dalits. Gemeinwesenorganisation u. rechtsbasierte Arbeit bei benachteiligten Dalits u. anderen Bevöl.gruppe A project on sustainable livelihood through ensuring rights and dignity of dalits. Gemeinwesenorganisation u. rechtsbasierte Arbeit bei benachteiligten Dalits u. anderen Bevöl.gruppe A project on sustainable livelihood through ensuring rights and dignity of dalits.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Konsolidierung von Entwicklungsprozessen in nachhaltiger Landsicherung und Organisationsförderung mit Paí Tavytera Guaraní-Gemeinschaften in Amambay Integrated rural and sustainable development with emphasis on land rights and civic participation of indigenous Pai Tavytera comunities at Amambay Konsolidierung von Entwicklungsprozessen in nachhaltiger Landsicherung und Organisationsförderung mit Paí Tavytera Guaraní-Gemeinschaften in Amambay Integrated rural and sustainable development with emphasis on land rights and civic participation of indigenous Pai Tavytera comunities at Amambay Konsolidierung von Entwicklungsprozessen in nachhaltiger Landsicherung und Organisationsförderung mit Paí Tavytera Guaraní-Gemeinschaften in Amambay Integrated rural and sustainable development with emphasis on land rights and civic participation of indigenous Pai Tavytera comunities at Amambay
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Greshk Electricity Services Improvement Project (GESIP) The project is mainly focused on the rehablitation and distribution network of Ghereshk Hydro Power Plant.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Germay-Australia 1.5 Track Dialogue 2018 Deutsch-Australischer 1.5 Track Dialog 2018 Implementation of the recommendations of the Australia-Germany Advisory Group, development of new ideas and initiatives for bilateral cooperation in the fields of regional security in the indo-pacific region as well as transnational topics such as drug and people smuggling, maritime security, climate change (in particular in the pacific islands states), securing energy, migration and refugee issues. Only share for ODA-eligible countries in the Pacific region. Umsetzung der Empfehlungen der Deutsch-Australischen Beratergruppe, Entwickeln neuer Denkanstöße und Initiativen zur bilateralen Kooperation in den Bereichen regionale Sicherheit in der indo-pazifischen Region sowie übergreifende Themen Drogen- und Menschenschmuggel, maritime Sicherheit, Klimawandel (insbesondere pazifische Inselstaaten), Energiesicherheit, Migration, Flüchtlingsfragen. Nur Anteil für ODA-Länder in der Region Pazifik.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Charting the protein modifications systems that underpin submergence tolerance in rice Currently flooding affects rice cultivation across 20 million hectares in Asia. To stabilize crop yields it is imperative to increase the capacity of cereal and vegetable crops to endure partial to complete submergence. This project will provide greater resilience to submergence in rice production systems with climatic variability. Research and development activity contributing to the UK’s strategy to address key development challenges.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Danish support for the multi stakeholder coalition on climate friendly cooling: "Cool Coalition" The objective of this development cooperation is that government in developing countries and industry with significant presence in developing countries take, or firmly commit to taking, action to meet demands for cooling in a comprehensive manner, which is linked to the national determined contributions (NDC’s) enhancement and – implementation and are in line with the Paris Agreement, SDG 7, and the Kigali Amendment.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
LDCF 2023 Core contribution to Least Developed Countries Fund LDCF 2023 Kärnstöd till fonden för de minst utvecklade länderna Core support LDCF 2023 Kärnstöd LDCF 2023 (beslutas i regleringsbrev varje år)
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Energy Propulsion Systems Energieeffiziente Antriebssysteme im Urbanen Kontext The preconditions for a disseminated use of energy eficiente propulsion systems are improved. Die Voraussetzungen für eine breitenwirksame Nutzung energieeffizienter Antriebssysteme sind verbessert. The preconditions for a disseminated use of energy eficiente propulsion systems are improved. Die Voraussetzungen für eine breitenwirksame Nutzung energieeffizienter Antriebssysteme sind verbessert.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Circular Economy - Promotion of sustainable production and consumption patterns in Ukraine Contract related to: Circular Economy - Promotion of sustainable production and consumption patterns in Ukraine - The Action will contribute to the development and implementation of policies supporting the transition to climate neutral, clean, resource efficient energy supply and consumption, circular economy and containment of GHG emissions
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
2022 Finished nOPV2 Supply to support management of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s oral polio vaccine supply
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Contribution to the Swiss NGO Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Platform, 2017-2018 The Swiss NGO DRR Platform is a network of NGO professionals dedicated to increase the resilience of women and men, communities and governments to all aspects of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA). The Platform strengthens and professionalizes the Swiss NGO’s work related to DRR and CCA through exchange and learning, conceptual support and technical advice and advocacy work at the national and international level.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Renforcement de la résilience communautaire au Niger La résilience des communautés, des ménages et des personnes les plus vulnérables (femmes, jeunes, PH) de 15 villages dans deux communes rurales dans les régions de Dosso et de Maradi face aux vulnérabilités sous-jacentes et au changement climatique est améliorée. L’objectif visé par ce programme 22-26 est de contribuer au renforcement de la résilience des communautés, ménages et personnes vulnérables dans 10 (nouveaux) villages dans le département de Doutchi (région de Dosso) et dans 5 villages dans le département de Dakoro (Maradi) face aux changements climatiques et aux vulnérabilités sous-jacentes. Ce programme contribue aux cibles 1, 2 et 3 du CSC Niger et aux ODD. Basée sur une analyse participative et inclusive des besoins, le programme permettra à la Croix-Rouge nigérienne (CRN), avec l’appui de la CRB, de CI.be et autres synergies, d’accompagner les communautés bénéficiaires, de leur donner les moyens (mat, fin et tech) d’agir et de les connecter afin d’atténuer les impacts des vulnérabilités. Le programme vise à renforcer : (1) la connaissance des risques et la planification de façon inclusive et participative de mesures communautaires adaptées à travers des plans de mitigation de risques; (2) la sécurité alimentaire, nutritionnel...(+7 characters extra in FundHub text) (1) Les communautés, les ménages et les groupes de personnes ayant des besoins spécifiques (femmes, jeunes, personnes en situation de handicap) des 15 villages de la zone d’intervention; (2) Les leaders communautaires, les élus locaux et les services techniques décentralisées ; (3) CRN siégé et décentralisé (niveau régional, départemental et villageois); (4) Organisations communautaires
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Integriertes ländliches Entwicklungsprogramm, Phase 1 Integrated rural development programme, Phase 1 Integriertes ländliches Entwicklungsprogramm, Phase 1 Integrated rural development programme, Phase 1 Das integrierte ländliche Entwicklungsprogramm mit Fokus auf Ernährungssicherung und Klimawandelanpassung sowie Gesundheitsverbesserung wird in sieben Dörfern im Misungwi Distrikt in der Mwanza Region im Nordwesten Tansanias umgesetzt. The integrated rural development programm focusing on food security and climate change adaptation and health promotion will be implemented in seven villages of Misungwi District in Mwanza Region in the northwest of Tansania.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Master Plan Papua Lowland Development Master Plan for Lowlands in Papua Province
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Wasser und Energie für eine nachhaltige Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft Water and Energy for Food (WE4F) Die Verbreitung von klimafreundlichen, energie- und wassereffizienten Innovationen für eine produktivere und ökologisch nachhaltigere Lebensmittelproduktion ist gestärkt. The upscaling of climate friendly, energy and water efficient innovations for a more productive and ecological sustainable food production is strengthened. Die Verbreitung von klimafreundlichen, energie- und wassereffizienten Innovationen für eine produktivere und ökologisch nachhaltigere Lebensmittelproduktion ist gestärkt. The upscaling of climate friendly, energy and water efficient innovations for a more productive and ecological sustainable food production is strengthened.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
SEWOH: Verbesserung der Ernährungssicherheit und Einkommenssteigerung von Kleinbauern durch klimaangepasste Subsistenzlandwirtschaft in Gedo, Somalia und Mandera, Kenia SEWOH: Improving food security and increasing income of small scale farmers through climate smart subsistence agriculture in Gedo, Somalia and Mandera, Kenya SEWOH: Verbesserung der Ernährungssicherheit und Einkommenssteigerung von Kleinbauern durch klimaangepasste Subsistenzlandwirtschaft in Gedo, Somalia und Mandera, Kenia SEWOH: Improving food security and increasing income of small scale farmers through climate smart subsistence agriculture in Gedo, Somalia and Mandera, Kenya SEWOH: Verbesserung der Ernährungssicherheit und Einkommenssteigerung von Kleinbauern durch klimaangepasste Subsistenzlandwirtschaft in Gedo, Somalia und Mandera, Kenia SEWOH: Improving food security and increasing income of small scale farmers through climate smart subsistence agriculture in Gedo, Somalia and Mandera, Kenya
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
IWGIA 2013-2015: Climate change partnership with indiginous peoples in South- and Southeast Asia - pro-poor REDD The objective of this final phase of the project is to consolidate achievements so far in pursuance of full and effective participation of indigenous peoples in preparation and implem. of UNFCCC REDD+ projects
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Nationales Abfallwirtschaftsprogramm National solid waste management programme Auf nationaler, regionaler und lokaler Ebene sind Rahmenbedingungen für die Umsetzung des nationalen strategischen Plans für integrierte Abfallwirtschaft unter Einbeziehung der Privatwirtschaft verbessert. At the national, regional and local levels, framework conditions for the implementation of the national strategic plan for integrated waste management with the involvement of the private sector have been improved. Auf nationaler, regionaler und lokaler Ebene sind Rahmenbedingungen für die Umsetzung des nationalen strategischen Plans für integrierte Abfallwirtschaft unter Einbeziehung der Privatwirtschaft verbessert. At the national, regional and local levels, framework conditions for the implementation of the national strategic plan for integrated waste management with the involvement of the private sector have been improved.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Promouvoir l'Economie verte au Bénin : investir pour l'énergie propre et durable (PREVER) Engagement de 30 MEUR du PIN 11ème FED dans l'AfIF pour les investissements en blending dans l'énergie : i) production à base de renouvelables ; ii) accès ; iii) efficacité énergétique.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Emergency Assistance to Desert Locust monitoring and Control operations in Kenya Crops, livestock feeds, food and forest cover losses due to Desert Locust hopper bands and swarms effectively prevented
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Einflussnahme sozialer Basisorganisationen auf staatliche Agrarpolitik und Landverteilung zugunsten kleinbäuerlicher Landwirtschaft (Fortführung) Influence of social grassroots organizations on state agricultural policy and land distribution in favor of small-scale family farming (continuation). Einflussnahme sozialer Basisorganisationen auf staatliche Agrarpolitik und Landverteilung zugunsten kleinbäuerlicher Landwirtschaft (Fortführung) Influence of social grassroots organizations on state agricultural policy and land distribution in favor of small-scale family farming (continuation). Einflussnahme sozialer Basisorganisationen auf staatliche Agrarpolitik und Landverteilung zugunsten kleinbäuerlicher Landwirtschaft (Fortführung) Influence of social grassroots organizations on state agricultural policy and land distribution in favor of small-scale family farming (continuation).
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Switch to Solar This action is funded by SWITCH ASIA funds, and implemented by PIN, SEVEA, and Energy Lab Limited. Its specific objective is improved consumption patterns and behaviours in rural areas in Cambodia by supporting Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises to switch from unsustainable energy to solar energy sources.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective