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I put on my jogging clothes and shoes. I walked outside to begin my run. I happily ran down the street for a few minutes. Suddenly, I felt myself lose my balance. I fell face first into the cement sidewalk. |
Nelly walked into the office and tried to make herself appear calm. She knew she was qualified, but despite that she still felt worried. Her interviewer, Ally, approached her with a smile. During the interview, Ally and Nelly really connected. Nelly walked out of the interview feeling confident and proud. |
Val started experimenting with drugs at an early age. By her early twenties, she was an addict. She stole from her mom and lied every time she spoke. By thirty, she was living in an abandoned house with other addicts. She died there, surrounded by trash. |
Tom hated his job so much that he quit today. Tom went home, scared, he didn't know how he would pay for rent. He got online and looked how to make money. He read an article about freelance work and building websites. One week later he now has his own website design business. |
Lisa was at the grocery store. She was heavily pregnant and her breath was short. While waiting in line, she began feeling light headed. Suddenly, she fainted in the store. They took her to the hospital and luckily she was okay. |
Ava took up knitting. She decided to knit her mom a blanket. She worked hard on it for weeks. Then she presented it to her mom. Her mom teared up at the thoughtful gift! |
Kenny recently graduated from high school. He was ready to be an adult. Kenny didn't want to go to college. Instead he found a job and apartment. He moved out and started his new life. |
Sam was going out with friends. He tried to put on his favorite pair of pants. He struggled a lot to button them. He was uncomfortable throughout the night. Sam decided it was time to lose weight. |
Tom was unhappy in his relationship. He decided to cheat. His girlfriend noticed a message on his facebook. She figured out what he was doing. They broke up soon after. |
Tammy was pregnant. She was talking with her doctor about various concerns. Then, her doctor let her know that cat litter wasn't safe for her. She went home and told her husband, but he didn't believe her. They looked it up and finally he agreed to take over that chore. |
Last night I dreamed about jeans. I dreamed I was very skinny. I could fit into a very thin pair of jeans. I woke up to my overweight body. I thought it was a nice dream. |
Emma was watching fireworks over the city. One of the fireworks appeared to explode. A giant orange fireball flew into the air. When it landed, it sparked a huge fire. Luckily the city was able to contain it. |
Garth has a chicken farm. Each morning he must wake up and gather eggs. Yesterday morning there were 33 eggs! After gathering the eggs, he feeds the chickens. Finally he gets to eat breakfast, and go to school. |
My husband complained that he was always tired. We discussed the options. Even energy drinks weren't helping him. We decided to improve his diet. He said he is now going to cut out all fried foods. |
Eve is a chef. One time she was invited to a tv cooking show. People really liked her recipes and tricks. She became really famous. She now has her own tv show. |
Silvia had to give a big speech at work. She asked her friend Albert to listen to it and give his opinion. Albert listened to the speech but wasn't convinced it was good. Despite his own dislike for the speech, he complimented Silvia. Silvia made her speech and looked like a fool without knowing why. |
The Turner family goes on a camping trip every year. This year they decided to camp in the mountains. Unfortunately, Mr Turner was called into work for a business meeting. The camping trip was delayed for a day. However, the camping trip was successfully despite the delay. |
It was night time as Tim walked to his car in the parking lot. He was halfway through putting things away when he heard it. A loud scream echoed through the parking lot. Tim ran to the source of the noise to check up on it. He found a flustered girl who seemed embarrassed. |
The man rolled the dice. He won five dollars. He rolled the dice again. He lost twenty dollars. He asked his friend for more money. |
The man wrote an editorial. The paper published it. Many people disagreed. One of them wrote a rebuttal. The paper published the rebuttal. |
My workplace had a fire in 1984. It was a wallpaper warehouse. Much of the stock was ruined. We were out of work for a week. The company went bankrupt in 1986. |
John had just made some rice in the microwave. His girlfriend needed to use the microwave next. She went to put her dish in and saw a huge mess. The thing was full of water and mashed rice. She yelled at John until he came and cleaned it up. |
Jerry was in the theater club. One night after rehearsal, the kids decided to go out to eat. Jerry ended up arriving home late. When he came inside, his parents were angry. They grounded him for a week. |
Tina had bought two bunches of bananas on sale. But her family was unable to finish them fast enough. The bananas were rapidly browning! Rather than waste them, Tina baked them into a cake. The overripe bananas made a perfectly moist, yummy cake! |
We just ate at our building's summer party. The caterer limited the amount of food given out. Each person could get only one hot dog per trip. On our last trip my wife tried to get a hot dog. To her dismay, the person in front of her took the last dog. |
My friend Sal kept calling me. Knowing him, he probably needed help with something. I consistently denied his calls. He posted several pictures on Instagram. It turns out that he gave his basketball tickets to another friend. |
Ben was playing sports. He tripped on a big rock. He took the rock and put it in his pocket. He won the game easily! He saved the lucky rock forever! |
My dog, Annabelle, was looking a bit shaggy. I decided I would give her a haircut. I plugged in the clippers, but they wouldn't seem to work. I tried a different outlet, but to no avail. Unfortunately, I had to finish the entire haircut using scissors. |
Tom rented a movie. Unfortunately he broke the disk. He called customer service. They charged him a small fee. Tom paid it gladly. |
Today I bought a new door for my house. I installed the door myself so I could save money. I put the door in the wrong way. I had to call a professional to help me with the installation. The door came out perfect and I decided not to install things myself. |
My friends and I went on a cruise. We had been gone for three days when the engine quit. We were stuck out on the ocean for a week. They finally got the engines fixed. We were very glad to get back home. |
Sally asked her parents if they could get a family pet. The family decided to visit a shelter to choose a pet. At the shelter, they looked at puppies and older dogs. A spotted puppy caught their attention by jumping up and down. Sally and her family chose the puppy to bring home. |
Andy wanted some candy. His wallet is empty. Andy has to steal a candy bar from the gas station. The attendant saw him do it. Now Andy has to pay a big fine. |
Vivian arrived at the beach very late. The sunset had attracted a lot of people. She joined them and saw the sun disappear. When everyone left, she went for a swim. And then, she saw the moon climb in the sky where it shined. |
Max was sitting in his living room. He began to notice a foul smell. He walked around the house trying to find the source. For some reason, he couldn't locate it. Finally, he discovered an old plate of food under the couch. |
Cynthia stepped on stage in front of her school. Her act was to sing and play the piano. After performing her piece, the audience applauded loudly. The judges appeared very impressed. She won first prize in the talent show. |
My dad gave my brother and I his old metal boat to play with. We turned it over on the grass. We filled it with water from a hose. We stripped down to our underwear and played in the boat water. Eventually we got tired of it and started putting goldfish in it. |
In today's class, the teacher asked the kids to share their dreams. Little Suzy told the class she dreamt she grew up to be an astronaut. Tubby round Gordon said he dreamt of all the cake in the world. Tom told the class he dreamt he shot them all and defiled the corpses. The teacher broke the silence with a polite cough and moved on to Ana. |
Simpson loved to play many sports. One day, he broke his hand. It hurt a lot but Simpson did not cry. After many months, his hand stopped hurting. Now, Simpson does not play any sports. |
A man was fixing his flat tire atop a tall hill. A pretty girl walked by and he became distracted. As a result he lost grip on his tire and it rolled away. The tire rammed into the pretty girl and she was sent flying. The man apologized and they both had a good laugh over the event. |
The school group went to a pizza restaurant. They all ordered the pepperoni. That night, they all got very sick. They couldn't travel back to the school that day. THey all swore never to eat at that restaurant again! |
Stephanie had been preparing for her piano recital for months. She was nervous as she got on stage. Her fingers trembled as she began to play her piece. Stephanie began to forget the song in the middle of her performance. She skipped that portion and successfully finished the song. |
Randall was excited about spending the day at the amusement park. He and his family rode on many rides. Soon it was time for lunch, but Randall felt sick. They decided no more big rides for a while. Randall soon felt better and wanted to ride the roller coaster again. |
Robbie extorted the rich banker for millions. He thought he'd gotten away with it, too. He learned he was very sadly mistaken. A host of ninjas jumped out of the darkness and attacked him. Suddenly, the director yelled at everyone to take five. |
Allen grew up and moved out of his childhood home. He had never cooked or chopped before. He had no idea how to buy and cook inexpensive and nutritious food. He ate out for almost every meal. Soon his food budget and his health were in poor condition. |
I was sitting on a bench outside the library today. I was approached by a man holding a cooler. He asked me if I was just sitting there or if I was homeless. I told him that I am homeless. He opened his cooler and gave me a 6 pack of Diet Pepsi. |
Jackson had always wanted to learn to speak Spanish. His friend tells him to try using a language learning software. Jackson tries the software but he wants more practice. He takes a part time job at a local taqueria to practice Spanish more. Soon Jackson finds that his Spanish is getting very good. |
Jane loaned Parker her favorite pair of sunshades. Parker never returned the sunshades. Jane confronted Parker about the sunshades. Parker admitted to losing the sunshades. Jane made Parker buy her a new pair of sunshades. |
Suzie decided to go on a vacation. She didn't know where to go, so she looked to Pinterest for ideas. After an hour of browsing, Suzie made her decision. She had determined to go to Glacier National Park. That afternoon, she booked her flight. |
The Jones family had long desired to move to a larger home. They had outgrown their small mid-century ranch many times over. One day, the Joneses called a realtor and started looking at houses. After a long search, they finally found and bought the perfect one. Everyone fell in love with it, and they lived there for two decades. |
Dean's teacher began grading him on behavior weekly. Dean promptly dropped the behavioral grading slips in the garbage. Dean's parents never saw them. Dean's parents were asked about them at a parent-teacher conference. When Dean's parents got home, they were livid with Dean. |
Melany was born to be a performer. She could sing full songs at the age of 5. Placed 1st in her county's beauty pageant. When she reached 19 she had a record deal as a singer. She was a massive pop icon by the age of 25. |
Sue wanted to work on her golf swing. She knew it would impress her boyfriend. She finally decided to hire a pro. During her lessons, she got better. Her boyfriend was happy she could finally play. |
Anna quit eating sweets to lose weight. At first the cravings were tough. But as time passed they got easier. Soon she barely desired sweets. And the best part was, she lost 25 pounds! |
Tom ordered some items online. He would wait for them to arrive. Every time a delivery truck drove by he would get really excited. After a while all the letdowns became frustrating. Tom eventually got the right truck, though. |
Tom had never been to the beach. He planned a trip to the closest one. Once he got there he was really disappointed. The beach was really dirty and full of people. Tom didn't bother to go back to the beach for years. |
I had to go to the dentist yesterday. I brushed my teeth vigorously right before the appointment. The dentist said my teeth looked clean, but I had a cavity. I got a filling and the cavity is fixed. I cannot eat anything for 3 hours until the filling is settled. |
The man learned about finance. He picked some stocks. The stocks went up. He told his friends. His friends wanted the man's advice about stocks. |
Jake had a new toy Spiderman silly string web slinger. He knocked on his brother Dan's door to show him the toy. When Dan opened the door Jake began to spray him with silly string. Dan ran from the room with Jake giving chase. Dan's mother posted photo's on Facebook of Dan covered in silly string |
I was at the circus with my friend. A clown came out on the stage. My friend put her hands on her face. I asked her why she was doing that. She told me she was scared of clowns. |
Dee is allergic to peaches. One day, her friend unknowingly gave her a peach pie. Dee ate the pie very quickly. She had a terrible allergic reaction. Now she is recovering in the hospital. |
William was a cobbler. He made shoes. One day, a woman came into his shoe store asking for a pastry. William kindly informed her that a cobbler does not make cobblers. He pointed her to the bakery next door, for which she thanked him. |
Jenna was going sun tanning at the beach. She read a book while catching the sun. She fell asleep halfway through the book. She slept for a couple of hours before she woke up. Her entire body was sore from being sun burnt. |
I wanted to learn a blue collar trade. I decided to apprentice in HVAC. I was accepted as an apprentice to a HVAC union! Alas, on my second day I broke my leg. I had to drop out of the apprenticeship. |
Davy was taking a very hard math test. He was sweating and breathing very hard at the end. Davy raised his hand to ask a question and feinted. The whole class was shocked and rushed to help him. Davy woke up embarrassed but otherwise fine. |
My son woke up feeling ill. He had no appetite and didn't feel happy. He laid in bed all day long. He vomited and had diarrhea. We said we would take him to the doctor soon. |
Kara wanted to go swimming. She went to the lake. There, she dove into the water. She swam for almost an hour! After, she felt refreshed and happy. |
Jose is a 16 year old boy. He isn't like most boys his age. He prefers to play with dolls and girl stuff. Jose eventually tells his parents he is gay. Jose is unique just the way he is. |
When I was pregnant, I started craving peaches. One day, I ate a large fresh peach. The juice dribbled, and it was delicious. When I was done, my stomach started hurting. I was in pain for at least an hour. |
Ken worked a lot for charities. He would volunteer his spare time rather than be paid. He got huge satisfaction from helping people. He also enjoyed looking at the donations before anyone else. He usually got the best items for himself. |
Samantha lived by herself in a studio apartment. She got a bill in the mail saying her rent would be increased. Her rent would be increased from $800 a month to $1600. Samantha couldn't afford the rent increase. Samantha had to move to a cheaper apartment. |
Heather lived at the top of a mountain. Weather reports predicted heavy mudslides from an upcoming storm. To be safe, Heather checked into a hotel in the flat part of town. That night, Heather's home slid clear off the mountain in the storm. Heather was grateful she decided to stay at the hotel. |
I dropped my son off with grandma so I could go to a party. I got to the party and my friend came to the door to let me in. I went inside and saw a boy from behind I thought was my son. Startled, I asked how he got there. He turned around and I saw it was not my son, only a look-alike. |
I went to Texas last week. It was very fun. We had bbq food. It tasted very good. I wanted to go back. |
Hillary was bored in class. She decided to draw in her notebook. She drew a funny picture of her teacher. Her teacher saw the picture that she drew when he walked by her desk. Sam got detention for a week. |
Kyra had an email from a strange address. She decided to open the email. Kyra saw there was an attachment to the email and had gibberish text. She didn't download the attachment. She deleted the email in it's entirety. |
Brie was named after a cheese. Yet she hesitated to try it. Finally she gave her namesake a nibble. But she was in for a shock. Brie ended up loving brie cheese! |
Hazel was proud of her new velvet couch. One evening after a party, Hazel found a tiny stain on the couch. She dabbed at the stain, but it seemed to spread. She kept dabbing until the stain was as big as her hand. Hazel's husband awoke to find her still scrubbing the stain. |
There was a dog who loved when his owner took him to the beach. One sunny day he called Spray to the beach. They drove over, and the dog jumped out of the car. It ran straight into the water. The dog was very happy to have a trip to the beach. |
Wallace one day ate some very bad cheese. He didn't realize it, and was fine until halfway through work. He started to hallucinate though and had bad sweats. Wallace's work lost him, and no one could find Wallace for hours. At the end of the work day, he finally came back, with a new dog. |
I went with my family to the horse track. My son found a horse in the 2nd race that he really liked. We put a bet down for that horse to win. We watched the race and screamed the whole time. Our horse won. |
Aiden and Riley went to the toy store. They both picked out the same stuffed bear. Aiden and Riley could not tell their bears apart. When they got home their mom found a permanent marker. She wrote each child's initial on each bear's tag to tell them apart. |
James wanted to buy a new house. He hired a realtor to help him. The realtor showed him lots of different houses. James narrowed his choices to two houses. He bought the single level house because he didn't like stairs. |
Stephen was worried that he couldn't get home to see his family. Because he had so little money he knew he couldn't fly. Someone suggested he take a bus so he looked into it. He found out the bus was half the cost of an airplane! Though it took a little longer, he could go see his family on the bus. |
Justin had recently become homeless. He was learning that it was very dangerous on the street. He decided to get a dog. He found one at a pound. From then on he felt a lot less uncomfortable. |
The company reduced its emissions. Their was a cost associated. Two board members requested a report. The report said they would make the money back. The report suggested carbon credits to do this. |
I decided to make oatmeal for breakfast. I put the package of oats in a bowl. I added a cup of boiling water to it. I let it sit for 5 minutes. And finally, I got to eat it. |
Allie and her friends were watching a very funny show. All the sudden Allie laughed so hard. She laughed so hard, she spilled milk. It went all over her dress, She then had to clean it up. |
I went to the craft store to buy some canvas and paint. I spent the whole night making abstract art. I posted all of the pieces I made on an auction website. Many people bid on them and drove up the prices. All of the paintings were sold in a few weeks. |
Blaine was tired from studying for his big exam. He decided to take a break and get some coffee with his friends. After his break he felt energized and refreshed. He went back to his dorm and studied for four more hours. When test day came he felt well prepared and at ease. |
Jeremy was writing at his desk. He heard some kind of animal shuffling around in the attic. He got up to go see what it was. In the hallway he heard a very loud thump. He went back to his desk to call an exterminator. |
Karen was cooking a pizza. She bought everything to make the dough. As she was cooking, she dropped the can of spices. She tried scooping them up but it didn't help. The pizza was ruined. |
Trudy wanted some cake. She bought mix at the store. She mixed the ingredients. She put it in the oven. It came out just perfect! |
My buddies and I went to our local bar. These two big guys were arguing about a girl. The bartender tried to break it up, but he made it worse. Soon the two big guys started fighting and breaking chairs. We just left and didn't want to be a part of it. |
Larry and Michelle were getting married. They asked a friend to perform the ceremony. The friend went online and got a license to wed the two. The ceremony was unique and wonderful. They definitely won't be forgetting it anytime soon! |
Randy loves to shoot the basketball. He is very good from a long range. One day he challenged the new kids at school to a game. Randy beat them so badly their feelings were hurt. Randy couldn't be beaten on the court. |
Tom worked very hard all day. By the end of the day he was famished. He went home and asked his wife to cook dinner. His wife cooked dinner. Tom was ate dinner and satiated his appetite. |
Carrie decided she wanted to try out for the high school swim team. She went to the open try outs. She swam freestyle and breaststroke. The coach told her she was very fast. She was offered a spot on the varsity team. |
Sam loved astronomy. He was always looking up at the sky. Unfortunately there's too much light in his city. Same drove outside of town for an hour. Once there he could see all the stars in his sky. |
Sam loved to sail his boat. He decided to sail to his friends in a different state. He began his trip but soon came upon a storm! He took shelter from the storm under the deck! When he came back up, his sail had been torn to shreds! |
Subsets and Splits