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Elizabeth was afraid of meeting new people. One day, she was approached at lunch by someone she'd never met before. Elizabeth was terrified at first, but managed to say hello. She then had a conversation with the person she just met. Elizabeth made a new friend that day. |
Jackson always thought eggs were slimy and weird. He tells his mother that he will never eat an egg. Finally his mother tells him that many foods, like cake, have eggs. Jackson decides that he actually likes eggs. He no longer thinks that eggs are slimy or weird. |
Tom loved to eat toast in the mornings. Every day he would eat two slices slathered with butter. He put his two pieces into the toaster, just like every morning. However, today he forgot to take them out in time! Tom's toast was burnt to a crisp! |
Ray loved to go hiking. One day, Ray twisted his ankle. He had a lot of trouble walking. Ray bought an ankle brace at the store. Ray was able to hike again with the help of the brace. |
Billy was a star basketball player. It was the last quarter of the game. Billy was open and his teammate passed the ball to him. Billy ran up to the hoop. He scored and helped the team win. |
Liza did not have enough money to buy a dress for the dance. She bought some shiny blue and green fabrics. She combined them into a dress she thought looked pretty good. At the dance all the girls raved about her dress. They had no idea it was homemade! |
Al brought his erasable pen to school. And he used it as his normal writing writing instrument. He used it so much that he stopped buying pencils. Without thinking, he used it on a multiple choice test. But the machine that graded it marked every answer as wrong. |
Tim fell while ice skating. He cut his face badly. He was afraid it would leave a nasty scar. But he tended the wound diligently. Luckily, it healed into a faint pink line. |
Ashley decided to go out to dinner one night. Her friends had invited her and she thought it seemed normal. When Ashley got there a guy was sitting at the table. She didn't know this guy and seemed confused. Ashley quickly realized that her friends set her up on a date. |
Susie saw a smoothie at the store. She was curious about it. It was a bright green color. So she took a sip of it. It was disgusting and she could not stomach it. |
Brody wanted to ask a girl to the dance. He didn't know how to ask. His sister told him to write a letter. He wrote her a note. He gave it to her. |
Jane had a brown cat. The brown cat was small. He like to play with a ball of yarn. One day, the cat lost his ball of yarn. Then Jane went to the shop to buy another one. |
Tom tried to make a grocery list. He couldn't remember what he needed. He looked in his refrigerator. Tom realized what was missing. He made a list and went to the grocery store. |
Herbert had missed his flight to Georgia. He had to arrange to take a train. He had never rode on a train before. He handed the porter his ticket to board the train. Herbert ended up enjoying the train ride. |
Edgar needed five more cents to buy a pack of gum. He looked under couch cushions and under beds. He even checked the pockets of all family members. Just when he had given up, he spotted a nickel on the sidewalk. Edgar happily went to the store for his pack of gum. |
Kate, Liz, and 2 friends were driving to Las Vegas. Originally it was supposed to be 2 people. Now there were four people in an economy sized vehicle. Kate realized she needed to pretend this wasn't a problem. She realized she needed try to be nice for the sake of the trip. |
Ryan is cleaning out his car one day. He cleans the inside and then the outside. He's about to put his seat back up into the sitting position. He catches a glimmer of green. Ryan finds a lost 100 dollar bill he lost years ago! |
My last hamster died one summer day. I was at work and did not come home until late. I looked into the cage and the hamster was dead. Maggots had eaten half of his face away. I threw the whole cage out. |
Tom always wanted to own a bar. He saved up for a while. Tom was able to finally open up his business. Unfortunately he wasn't too good at money. The bar folded within months. |
Ryan was at a grocery store. And he saw shelves filled with chocolate bars. He decided to buy tons of chocolate that he didn't need. But when he needed to buy food the next time, he was short on money. Ryan decided to only buy what he needed from then on. |
I went to my friends house. His mom cooked dinner for us. The food did not look good. I told my friend I already ate. Then I got a burger on the way home. |
Kathy had stayed up too late recently. Her mom ended up grounding her as a result. Kathy hated all of the rules. She decided to go on a hunger strike. It didn't last long because she got too hungry. |
My wife bought fresh fish last week. She picked up a bottle of tartar sauce. When she got home she checked and found the sauce had expired. She was too tired to go out and get an exchange. We made do without the sauce. |
Michael loved playing basketball with his friends. His friends thought he was extremely good at the game. They told him he should join the school team, but he was scared. `. The coach talked to him and granted him some courage. Michael joined the team and led them to victory. |
She received a week of detention. She decided not to go any of the days. She was called to the office. He asked why she didn't show up. She said she didn't care very flippantly. |
Boomer and Abby are my two puppies. They like to get into trouble. They are always trying to escape the backyard. One day I watched Boomer tunnel under the fence. He then ran to the front door and barked to let him in! |
Missy was going to be a flower girl in her cousin's wedding. She practiced at home how she would walk down the aisle. She used popcorn as pretend flower petals. The day of the wedding she was ready to go. She did a perfect job putting down petals for the bride. |
Gina was going to write a speech on dolphins for class. Her friends were all discussing their speeches. Gina's friend Mary was also writing a speech on dolphins. Gina wasn't sure if she would stick with dolphins. She was concerned Mary's speech would be better than her's. |
Pam was with her friends at lunch. They were all chatting and having fun. Some of the group left to get snacks. Then, Pam's friend let her know she had food in her teeth. Pam was so embarrassed and she went to clean her teeth. |
I got bullied by Jan again today. Instead of fighting back, I decided to remain relaxed. The next day, Jan came to school grumpy. He was grounded by his parents and his car caught a flat tire. I couldn't resist laughing at him. |
Dana loved his gold chain. The description on the box said it was 18k gold. But when he tried to pawn it, the pawn shop said it wasn't real gold. Dana was out of cash and needed $10 to catch the bus to work. He sold his $200 gold chain for $20 to a passerby. |
Julie usually takes her dog outside to potty before she goes to bed. She was preoccupied one night and forgot to take him out. Her dog had an accident on the floor. Julie slipped and fell into the mess. Julie vowed to never forget to take her dog out again. |
Sally's mouth hurt. She'd gone to the dentist to get her teeth whitened. It had hurt her gums a lot! Her dentist told her to brush gently for a few days. She was in a lot of pain! |
It was dinner time at Alex's house. His mother bought pizza. Alex wanted to eat pizza out of his Spiderman bowl. His mother told him he had to eat off a plate. Alex refused to eat until she put pizza in his Spiderman bowl. |
Kelly wanted a new hairstyle. It was time for a change. She went to the salon for a new cut. After the cut Kelly looked in the mirror. Her hair was all cut off. |
Sara was tired of being alone in her house. She went to the animal shelter to look around. After a little while she saw a kitten and fell in love. She filled out the paperwork and took the kitten home. After getting home she realized she would no longer be alone. |
Cody wanted to make herself some shoes to wear. She gathered some tape and some cardboard. As she was taping the shoes together, she thought they looked good. She wore the shoes every day until they wore out. When they broke, she couldn't have been more upset. |
I went to the lake for a fishing competition. I got in my boat and went out to the middle of the lake. I felt a tug on my fishing pole and started reeling the fish in. The fish was at least five feet long. I won the fishing competition. |
Fred went on a gameshow. He found it quite easy. He ended up winning. As a result he got a vacation. Fed was thrilled about that. |
Trish needed to get her tattoo done. Her sister recommended a place. So trish decided to try it. But unfortunately they messed up. Trish then had to get it removed. |
Will didn't make it home last night. His wife was extremely nervous so she called his phone a lot. He called her back and told her that his phone was dead for awhile. He said he would be home before tomorrow morning. Will's wife was extremely happy when he showed up back home. |
Marvin always told his friends that he wanted to be an accountant. When he got to college, he took a course in accounting. He thought he would like it, but he found it very boring. He transferred to a course in meteorology. He loved that class, and ended up becoming a weatherman. |
I went to my mom's house today. She said that she bought me an apple tv. She stated that she didn't like it. She told me I could have the apple tv. I the apple tv home to stream movies. |
Chester was a cartoonist for hire. He was hired by Fox to make a new cartoon. The cartoon was called Chester the Arrester. It was about a guy name Chester arresting people in unusual ways. The cartoon was praised for it's originality. |
Sue was eating ice cream at the park. It was a hot day outside. Her ice cream began to melt. It spilled all over her shirt. She had to clean it up with a napkin. |
John looked outside. He saw that it was cloudy. Knowing it would probably rain soon, he decided to leave for work now. He ended up getting rained on then. He regretted his decision to leave early. |
Kya was trying to start a campfire. She wanted to impress her kids. But she could not get the fire going! In the end, she had to resort to charcoal and lighter fluid. But Kya's kids were still impressed! |
We had pizza for dinner tonight. My wife likes the local pizza place down the street. They deliver, but she did not want to wait. She picked up a large half pepperoni pizza. My sister in law joined us as well. |
Andrew was in the middle of a morning run when he heard a noise. He stopped to look around. In a tied up bag, he found an injured dog. He immediately ran it to the vet. Andrew now has a new friend who will grow up and run with him. |
Rachael really wanted to have a slip and slide. So she bought one and set it up. No one was using it so her brother felt bad. He decided to go for a run on it. But when he slid the ground was so hard it cut his leg. |
Jonathan took his pet for a walk. He stood by the fire hydrant so the dog can urinate. After several seconds, it broke loose from the leash. Jonathan ended up running across the neighborhood. He ended up catching the dog five streets away. |
Rocky is eating tacos. Rocky starts feeling ill. He runs to the bathroom. He vomits his food up. Rocky got sick from the tacos. |
Gina's friend Drea was so angry she hung up on her. Gina caller back she didn't answer. After a week Gina called Drea again. She still didn't answer. Gina realized their friendship was over. |
I like to believe that I am a great dancer. I recently challenged my friend to a dance competition. My friend agreed to the competition. We danced for sixty minutes. She was better than me and won the competition. |
Jesse was nearly asleep when she heard the rustling. Thinking it was her imagination, she decided to ignore it. The noise happened again, louder and closer this time. Startled, Jesse sat upright in her bed and looked around. Her search revealed Fluffy, her cat, and a half-chewed paper ball. |
Emily was excited to watch her first soccer game. Her dad took her to the stadium to watch the game. The ate hot dogs and nachos. The seats were at field level. Emily had a great time. |
I wanted to see if i could save some money so I started using coupons. I collected coupons from the Sunday paper,emails and snail mail. I researched stores that doubled the value of the coupons I had saved. I clipped, tore and cut fifty coupons that were doubled in value. Now I am believer in coupons because I saved ten dollars last week |
Tiffany worked third shifts. She hardly went anywhere during the day. However, she decided to go to the mall to shop for clothes. Tiffany had forgotten how rude and nasty people could be. Tiffany decided to stick to shopping online from now on. |
Jane was in the basement. She heard water running. But there was no water on in the basement. She checked the kitchen and bathrooms and found no water. She realized it must have been outside. |
I was on my lunch break at work watching the news on the TV. I was very surprised to see my younger sister's face on the screen. Apparently, she and her boyfriend had been arrested the day before. The newscaster said that they had been busted for money laundering! My little sister went to prison for one year following her arrest. |
Courtney and Katie are dating. They have been dating for two Year's now. Kadie decides to propose to Courtney. Courtney says she will marry Kadie. They are both filled with joy. |
One night I felt really strange and couldn't relax. I got up to go to the bathroom and then everything went blank. My roommate found me on the floor having a seizure. Turns out, my cat started howling the second I fell. This alerted my roommate in time to get me help. |
John was tired of getting bullied. John wanted to learn self defense. John learned karate. John stood up the bully using his skills. The bully never bothered John again. |
Chel's prom was coming up, so she needed a dress. After looking at a dozen stores, Chel decided to shop online. One website had a fantastic and unusual pink and gold sparkly dress. Chel ordered the dress online, and it was shipped to her quickly. At the prom, Chel won the award for the most original dress. |
Liz had four kids, and they were all driving her crazy! She decided to take them all to the ice cream shoppe. They laughed and shouted, and dribbled ice cream everywhere. Liz bundled them into the car and counted heads. She realized she had almost left her youngest behind! |
Hank was a cowboy. He loved to wrangle up and turn in bad guys. One day he met the smartest man he had ever known. Later that day, that man had robbed a bank that was near Hank. That man outsmarted Hank and was the first to ever escape from him. |
Kyle had just broken up with his first girlfriend. He was devastated! But his dad assured him he'd soon get over it. Indeed, within a few weeks Kyle had a crush on a new girl. He had certainly gotten over his breakup quickly! |
Chris wanted to learn to rollerblade. He bought a pair of skates and strapped them on. Then he went outside to practice. At first he fell over and over. But soon Chris was skating just like an old pro! |
Fred bought a house next to his friend Mike. Fred often visited Mike at his house and vice versa. One day Mike got really sick. Fred helped to take care of him. Mike is forever grateful for his friend Fred. |
Jon went to Las Vegas. He decided to play blackjack. He won thousands of dollars on his first day there. He decided to play blackjack again the next day. He lost all of the money he won. |
Andy was a very clever boy who loves to play games One day Andy asked his friend to play sudoku with him His friend accepted the challenge and ended up winning Andy was very disappointed because usually he wins After a week of training Andy won against his friend |
Yolanda was a mess. She hired a therapist to help her fix her life. The therapist gave her lots of good advice. Yolanda's life started to improve. She knew she was on the right path. |
Jean was lactose intolerant. She still liked ice cream. Jean went to a party. She ate an ice cream cone. Jean got sick. |
Derek did not like baths. His mom fought with him all of the time about it. Derek hated getting wet. His dad decided to install a colorful rainfall shower. He showed Derek the shower and it made him like baths. |
George was a clown who enjoyed to make children smile and laugh. He would make the quirkiest of balloon animals and pass them around. Many families hired him to perform at their children's birthday party. George was grateful for his skills as a party clown. He loved to perform and would do it until the day he died. |
Tracy and Lee had a really big yard. It took Lee all day when he had to mow. It was hard work. For Lee's birthday Tracy surprised him with a riding mower. He was so happy! |
Horatio has never taken advantage of living in nearby a river. He decides he needs to enjoy nature while he is still young. Horatio takes a day off work to go fishing in the river. He catches a glorious salmon. Horatio is so happy he went fishing in the river. |
Sue has a science test tomorrow. She has studied all week. She decided to study just a little bit more. When Sue got to class, her teacher canceled the test. Sue could not have been any madder at her teacher. |
Erica loved to decorate her house. For every holiday, she bought lots of new decor items. She made lots of crafts to put around her house. She decided to funnel her energy into a design business. She had a knack for the business! |
Beth bought some new fabric. She was going to make new curtains. She sewed them quickly and hung them up. They looked great! Beth was proud of the work she'd done. |
Simon was dreading his dentist appointment. He hates needles and he gets very nervous and anxious around them. He had a chip in his tooth and knew he would need a filling. He was finally called back into the examining room. He got a filling and was pleasantly surprised it was so fast and easy! |
Lolly loved her mother more than anyone else in the world. One day, Lolly decided to give flowers to her mother to show her love. She picked daisies and petunias from a neighbor's garden. The neighbor was very angry and yelled at Lolly. Lolly told the neighbor why she was doing it and he forgave her. |
Marcie and Daryl went camping for a week. They hiked through tall grass near the campsite. First Marcie started itching, then Darrel. They went to bed still scratching their legs. In the morning they discovered ticks in their bedrolls. |
Ron loved pretending he was a magical wizard. He carried a stick in his pocket that acted as his magic wand. Sometimes he would point the stick and yell gibberish at people. When he pointed the stick at his mom, she pretended to fall over. She was a good sport about it. |
Kaiser loved the sunshine so much he never wanted it to rain. One day he woke up and it was raining so he cried. His mother explained that the grass and flowers need the rain to grow. The next day the sun was shining and Kaiser admired the flowers. Now he understood why we need both the sun and the rain. |
Tom was walking down the street. A couple of cops arrested him. At jail it turned out they were looking for someone else. Tom just happened to look like him. Tom was let go. |
On the way to school, Dan saw a dog running in the street. Dan called to the dog. The dog came to Dan, wagging its tail. Dan looked at the dog's collar to find out where it lived. Dan was able to return the lost dog to its owner. |
The kids heard a sound. They turned around and saw a badger walking towards them. They scrambled out of the woods. The badger began chasing them! They ran until they reached their front porch. |
Abby was a very experienced diver. Since Abby loved diving, Abby decided to open her own diving business. In addition, Abby would be teaching individuals how to dive. Abby was shocked to find over 100 people signed up for her class. Abby was glad she could share her passion of diving with others. |
The three friends had waited for about half an hour. They had gotten fed up with waiting Trish so they each called her. Frustration turned to worry when they hadn't received an answer. They got on their bikes and made their way to her home. Trish's brother said that Trish was asleep so they angrily left. |
Tom was driving on the highway. A car passed him really quickly. It got in front of him and stopped suddenly. Tom crashed into the back of the car. Tom was hurt badly. |
One day, a huge snow storm came through Pennsylvania. The crazy amount of snow led to my friends and I having no school. We sled all day and night. Once we got cold, we went inside and drank hot chocolate! After a fun day of activities, we all went to bed. |
Denise wanted to get a different style for her nails. Denise browsed the various colors that the store had. After looking for 20 minutes, Denise saw a color that caught her eye. Denise saw a color that represented real gold. Denise decided that she would purchase the fancy nail polish. |
Matt didn't know how to get out of an intricate lie he was in. He could come clean, but it would destroy his relationship. As he was reluctant to lose everything, he waited. Until the whole affair exploded. The lie got discovered and he his wife left him. |
I adopted a trio of rat brothers a while back. They were very cute and I decided to let them out to play. They ran all around my room, including under the dresser. There was no way to reach them so I had to wait for them. After that I made sure to block off access to tight hiding places. |
Jane noticed her tap water was brown. Nobody was able to resolve her problem. She wound up having to sue the city. Eventually the lawsuit came to fruition. Jane won and things were fixed. |
The cat jumped off the sofa. The cat broke it's leg. The owner rushed the cat to the hospital. The doctor gave the cat a leg cast. The cat was able to walk. |
I was at a picnic one day. Suddenly a bee stung me. My arm began to swell. A doctor said I was allergic to bees. I had not known that before. |
I climbed the steps into the bus. The driver gave me an index card to fill my information in. After filling it in, I decided to give it back. He ripped in in pieces and told me to get out. While I was confused, I decided to walk away. |
One day I couldn't find my dog. I looked everywhere in the house for him. I called his name but he didn't come. Then I heard barking and followed it into my bedroom. He was trapped in the closet! |
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