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Smoking for years had left him with a terrible chronic cough. He woke up this morning coughing very hard. He could barely breathe as he sat upright. He said he needed to stop smoking soon. I agreed with him and offered to start buying e-cigs. |
Jimmy rode around his block in his shiny new SUV. He honked his horn as he passed his friends playing basketball. They all stood there in awe at his new prize. Then he looked in his mirror and saw red and blue lights flashing. Jimmy opened the door and jumped out and started running. |
Allie was in a relationship. Her only issue was that her boyfriend never replied to her messages. She sent him one today about wanting to see him. He completely ignored her. So she decided she would break it off. |
Linda was very afraid of cyclones. She knew the moved very fast. One day, she went outside. Right outside of her house was a cyclone. Linda had to run away with as much as she could carry. |
Donny wanted to make some potato chips. He grabbed some potatoes from his fridge and started slicing. After setting them in the oven, he began reading to pass the time. While taste-testing his chips, he realized he had cut them too thick. Donny decided to save his chips for a stew. |
Allie had a cat she had for a few years. But she was getting sick. They had to put the cat down. Allie was so sad she couldn't stop crying. She felt so attached to the cat. |
Mary and her family decided to have a picnic on the beach. They set up the basket and blanket on the sand. Mary started passing around the food to everyone. Seagulls came and started chasing them away! Mary was sad the birds ruined her beach picnic. |
Linda thought she would never be good at drawing. But she noticed that other artists spent more time drawing than she. Linda decided to draw more often. And she became more confident in her drawing ability. Years later, Linda was glad her persistence paid off. |
Shelly loved to bake. Shelly's work was having a party. So Shelly decided she wanted to bake cookies for the party. She got all the ingredients from the store for chocolate chip cookies. She baked them and took them to her work. |
Molly decided to visit her friend. She knocked on her door. The door was opened. She entered the house. She found her friend unconscious on the floor. |
We tried to find a school with a suitable special needs program. We went from place to place, interviewing teachers. We felt like we were pushing too hard, but instincts kicked in. I didn't want my son attending the school closest by. My instincts were right when the teacher was arrested that year. |
Tim walked across campus in order to get to his class. Since the class was far, he took several minutes. At some point along the way, he passed out for a minute. One of the school teachers picked him up. He tried to make Tim conscious again by giving him water. |
Laura was telling a story to her friend Walter. It was a scary story, and Walter got scared. Walter tried to hide in Laura's arms, but they weren't that close. She told him he was being a bit creepy. Walter said he didn't know Laura could be so cold. |
The Hemming family took a trip up in the mountains with their truck. As Josh Hemming was driving he felt something buzzing against his arm. Josh jumped out of the truck and hurriedly took his shirt off. As he shook his shirt out, a bee came buzzing from the sleeve. Josh had escaped this bee encounter without being stung. |
Justin was a chef. He was a chef at one of the top restaurants in town. Justin loved being a chef. Being a chef allowed him to do what he loved. What Justin also loved was the amount of money he made. |
Kelly could not wait to get the newest cell phone. She had pre-ordered hers. When she went to the store to pick it up, no one could find it. She waited and waited. Then she got the bad news that it had been sold. |
The man broke his glasses. He did not have a spare. He called his friend for help. His friend took him to the mall. The man got new glasses. |
The pastor delivered his sermon at church today. Afterwards, a family approached him. He was talking to them. Eventually, he started to curse at them. They felt offended. |
Bob drew an inappropriate doodle of his Physics professor. His professor saw what he'd drew in the notebook. She wasn't amused and sent him to see the Dean. The Dean told Bob he had some real talent. He helped Bob enroll in an art class to nurture it. |
Donna had woken up and gone for a jog early in the morning. When she got home, her husband had laid out a large breakfast for her. She began to eat, waiting for her husband so she could thank him. Her husband finally appeared, with presents and a bouquet of flowers. It was then Donna remembered today was her birthday. |
Shaun was a conman. He ran into an older woman at the grocery store. He convinced her that he was her grandson. The woman ended up giving Shaun a thousand dollars. Shaun was arrested and went to jail. |
The class was on a field trip. They went to the history museum. They learned about the dinosaurs and the Civil War. When they were finished, they went back to the bus. They talked about what they'd seen all day. |
Alex had problems breathing on day. He decided that he should go to the doctor. The doctor told him he was having an anxiety attack. Alex then knew he had to work on his anxiety problems. Alex is better since he goes to therapy. |
Jeff came into class angry from his car accident. However, his teacher handed his test from last week. Since he passed the exam, he was completely happy. He couldn't stop talking about it to his friends. His family also heard of it. |
Colt wanted to help his father paint the walls in the house. His father told him he wasn't old enough to help with the painting. Colt waited until his father left the room. He tried to use the paintbrush, but made a mess instead. Colt's father fussed at him. |
Sam was hungry but had no money. He decided to steal some food at the grocery store. An employee noticed. Sam tried to run away but was stopped. He got into big trouble and now has a record. |
Tom was laid off from work. It was the early afternoon and he was bored. He decided to drink some beer. Before he knew it he was drunk. The next day he decided to stop drinking. |
Wendell was nervous about his audition. He had been acting for years, but this was for a major production. During the audition, he forgot one of his lines. Wendell was devastated, and certain that he would not get the part. He was overjoyed when the producer called to tell him he got the role. |
Kim left her house to go to the pool. She met up with some close friends. They played some water volleyball. Then Kim went off the high dive. She ended her pool trip with an ice cream cone. |
Gina was annoyed at the new boy on her school bus. She walked behind him as he entered the school. He went to the main office to find his classroom. Gina continued on to her classroom. She was just happy to be rid of the annoying boy. |
Tim and Lucy have been dating for six months. One day, Tim took her to the park. He led her on a walk around the lake. As they got to the gazebo, he got down on one knee. He proposed to her and she said yes. |
Andy loved playing with his cowboy toys. As Andy got older, he grew tired of them. He became more interested in electronics. Andy's mom asked him if he wanted to sell anything at a garage sale. Andy said he'd be happy to get rid of his cowboy toys. |
Our condo had an outdoor storage shed. The super stored lawn and snow removal equipment there. One day a tenant threw a cigarette off her porch. The cigarette caused a fire in the shed. The firefighters put the fire out but the shed was ruined. |
Melanie played guitar her whole life. She had always played blues or country music. She wanted to branch out and play something heavier. She went out and bought a bunch of heavy metal albums for research. She found that she was very fond of it and joined a metal band. |
Joseph was on the tee box ready to hit his shot. He approached the ball and set his sights on it. He did a few practice swings. He swung and struck the ball. The ball bounced on the green a few times then into the hole. |
Two boys got into a fight at school. The teacher sent them to the principal so make them behave. The principal decided to have them talk to one another. The first boy was just frustrated about his family life. The second boy was the same, and they talked about it together. |
The fair was in town and Martha had saved up money to go. She went that night with her friend Kim. Kim and Martha went into the gypsy tent to have their futures told. The gypsy told Kim she would have a baby soon. Kim was shocked because she was only fifteen and not dating. |
Andrew thought he was a good golfer. He challenged his friend Dylan to see who was better. Dylan accepted the challenge and worked hard to prepare. Andrew was winning out of the gate, but things would soon change. Dylan ended up winning the next few holes and the match. |
Louise loved boogie boarding but her boyfriend did not. She took him to the beach to show him boogie boarding was fun. They went out into the water before noticing the waves were so large. Louise's boyfriend got caught in the waves and tumbled around. He never went boogie boarding with her again. |
A girl played in the school orchestra. Before a concert her violin went missing. She was very worried her parents would have to pay for it. The teacher asked the class if anyone had seen the violin. A classmate brought the violin back to the teacher. |
Kate was an intern with a documentary film company. She completed a major editing project ahead of schedule. Her boss called her into his office the next day. He offered her a full-time paid position with the company. She accepted the position to become a professional editor. |
The ship took off from the port. Thousands of passengers were on board. During the night, the ship can into a glacier. Several officials evacuated everyone out of the ship. Everyone managed to escape before the ship sunk. |
Ross was the manager of a restaurant. He treated the workers rudely. The workers began to quit working at the restaurant. After a while, the restaurant was short on workers. The owner of the restaurant realized Ross was a bad manager. |
Mandy made some chocolate. She then put it in molds. She ended up giving it to friends. They liked it. But it melted too easily. |
Igor loved watching programs on the public broadcasting system. He felt that they were one of the few bastions of unbiased journalism. He supported them monetarily during their pledge drive. Igor hoped more than anything to procure a PBS tote bag. He was informed that they had discontinued the tote bag. |
Wendy was calling Drew several names. They exchanged jokes for a few minutes. Mina stood in the middle of the conversation. When Drew made fun of Wendy's teeth, Mina became mad. Since she doesn't like her teeth, she felt embarrassed. |
Blaine is working. Blaine needs extra cash. He decides to take some from his job. When leaving the store he gets caught. He is fired on the spot. |
Randy tried to use the toaster for the first time. He placed one slice of bread in the small slot. While the bread was heating, the temperature was on high. Unfortunately, Randy didn't notice this. The toast turned to a crisp a few minutes later. |
Chloe was a new mom. She was trying to find a good app for tracking her breastfeeding. One night she got a great idea. She wanted to create the perfect app for new moms. The next day she contacted some people and got the app started. |
We moved quite a bit when I was a kid. This made it hard to make friends. I didn't mind because I had my favorite stuffed toy. It was a twenty-six inch tall plush monster I'd had since I was four. When I was seven and we moved my parents made me leave it behind. |
Ava's friends set er up on a date with a man they found online. Ava was hesitant. She thought the date would be a failure. She agreed to go anyways. To her surprise, she really liked the man they'd picked! |
James was an awful teenager. He stole everything he could. He spent a lot of time in juvenile detention. They he grew up and joined the Navy. He straighten up and now has a good job and family. |
A man approached my coworker looking for a particular item. That item happened to be organic salt. The man would not believe that such a thing does not exist. My coworker eventually got him to go away at least. I wish that man all the luck in finding the mysterious organic salt. |
Mary saw a new product at Costco. It was pudding in squeezable pouches. On a whim, she decided to buy it for her children. Her kids thought the pudding pouches were disgusting. Mary took the product back to the store for refund. |
Kim's favorite holiday is Christmas. She wanted to buy a new tree this year, but her husband said no. Her husband was not very fond of Christmas. Kim decided to get the new tree anyway. Once it was set up and decorated, her husband loved it and wasn't mad. |
Dave has a pet bird. He takes it everywhere with him. Dave pet bird flew away one day. Dave became very upset. The bird has since returned and Dave is very happy again. |
Craig had a large family network. He had 9 brothers. Each of them had at least 1 child. Craig felt like the black sheep of the family, as he had no kids. Despite this, he was a very supportive uncle. |
Terry is driving home. He runs over a piece of glass. His car runs off the road. He gets out to look at the damage. Terry sits and looks at his flat tire waiting for help. |
Oliver was excited about his birthday gifts. He needed to wait, but he was impatient. He snuck into his parents closet. There, he found his gifts and checked them all out. Unfortunately, it made it a lot less fun to open them later. |
Stacy was excited to be going to the state fair. She planned her day to take in every attraction. Then, Stacy smelled the aroma of deep-fried goodies. She stopped at each vendor to sample the wares. Two hours later, Stacy was back at the car with a belly ache. |
Tess was feeling quite glum this week. On Saturday, she decided to go to the mall. At the mall, she spotted a nice ring that she could not afford. Tess stole the ring and put it in her purse. Tess walked out of the mall, feeling a bit less glum. |
Daniel started to get furious. He tried to talk to his girlfriend on their date. She barely responded to his comments and mostly talked about herself. Daniel made up an excuse saying that a family emergency came and left. His girlfriend texted him the next day and he didn't respond. |
It was my first year of college. I was driving to class from out of town. The traffic was backed up for quite a ways. I turned on the radio. It was the day of the Jonesboro shooting, and I was in the traffic. |
Gary knew that there was an eclipse that evening. He wanted to take his girlfriend on a date to see it. He planned a romantic picnic outside of the city. On their blanket, they had a great view of the sky. His girlfriend enjoyed the date and loved the eclipse. |
Sue recently moved and has to start at a new school. She is nervous and tells her parents that she doesn't want to go. She tries to fake being sick but they still make her go. Sue soon makes friends in the math club after school. Sue then likes going to school to see her friends. |
I learned to bowl when I was 11. My dad took me bowling when he was in town. I wasn't very good but kept trying. After a while, I got my own ball and played on junior leagues. I kept bowling for 50 years. |
Paul orders a soda for lunch. He is given a straw with the soda. Paul drinks the soda using the straw. Once it is over he pays his bill. Paul enjoyed the soda. |
Ann's women's group wanted to do something chivalrous. They decided they would send care packages to soldiers. Ann was assigned a soldier, and she sent him a lovely care package. A few weeks later she received a thank-you note. The soldier told Ann that her gift had truly touched his heart. |
This morning I finished a nice morning jog. I made a mixed green smoothie to refuel my body. My phone started ringing so I left my smoothie on the counter. I heard a loud crash. I ran in to see a trail of tiny cat prints leading from my smoothie. |
One time it snowed quite a bit which is rare for Alabama. My sister and I took advantage and built a snowman. Long after the snow had melted, the snowman remained. After a few days it started to get creepy. We thus decided to take it upon ourselves to destroy him. |
A killer was on the loose in Simonstown. Jenny and Jessica were out past curfew one night. While walking down a dark street, the killer attacked! Jenny and Jessica ran, but Jenny tripped and fell. Jessica got away, Jenny got added to the body count. |
The artist picked up the microphone. His set was about to begin and he mentally prepared. Finally, it was time to enter the stage and he did. The curtains rose revealing an active and loud audience. The artist began his set amidst excited cheers. |
Lindy was excited to restore her old barn. The barn had been on her property when she bought the house. It had peeling paint and some rotting boards. She worked hard on it for years. When it was finished, it was a thing of beauty! |
I went to a wedding last weekend. The bride is my cousin. She wore a beautiful, long, white gown. The ceremony was perfect. The couple looked so happy together. |
Kyle was feeling lonely. He had just recently broken up with his girlfriend of 2 Year's. He decided to go bowling with some friends. Kyle rolled 3 strikes in a row. Kyle was so happy spending his evening with friends. |
Terry works seventy hours a week. He came home one day and was exhausted from working so hard. Terry looked outside and saw his lawn was very long. He groaned and went outside to get the lawnmower. As he was mowing Terry decided to move to an apartment. |
Nancy is a helpful friend. She always helps us in any way. One day she is the one who needs help. Because she'd been a good friend to us, we helped her. Then we realized, friends helps each other like family. |
The couple got in an argument. The man was wrong. He refused to admit it. The woman became very frustrated. She stormed out of the house. |
Kate was cleaning the house. She had just mopped the floor. Her son came running through the room. He slipped on the wet floor. Kate's son broke his arm on the wet floor. |
Greg loved gold mining. He went to California every Summer to mine for fun. While at the mine, he discovered two gold nuggets. Greg was so happy that he jumped for joy. Unfortunately his gold nuggets fell and he could not find it. |
A little girl saw a green light out the window. She got up and saw an alien spaceship! Aliens walked out of the spaceship. The aliens invited the little girl to ride with them. The little girl went into space with the aliens. |
Jan awoke with a start. Her alarm clock had failed to go off again! She ran around the house frantically getting ready. She glanced at the calendar on her way out the door. That is when she realized it was Saturday! |
Tim had recently lost his job. He had become homeless due to his poor financial situation. He went to a local homeless shelter to sleep at night. He went around town applying for jobs in the day time. He was finally able to find a job after a few months of searching. |
Our cat is good with the litter box. She poops on the floor on rare occasion. Last night she pooped on the bedroom carpet. Luckily it was a dry stool. My wife yelled at the cat. |
Jim left work early to beat the holiday traffic. It seems like everyone else had the same idea. Jim was stuck in traffic as soon as he got on the freeway. He probably saw over 5 accidents within 30 minutes of driving. Jim finally got home 2 hours later. |
I wanted to travel. I decided to go to Tanzania. I stayed near Lake Victoria. I realized what a beautiful place it was. I decided to retire there. |
Horace decided he wanted to buy a nice ring. He found one he liked at a small shop. From that day on, Horace wore it every day. His friends loved his new ring. Horace was happy he had bought a ring. |
I hated oatmeal. My friend suggested I try them with blueberries. I hated blueberries, too. Nevertheless, I gave it a try. Actually, blueberries with oatmeal was delicious! |
Jana has decided she wants to move to a different town. Jana begins to read about towns on the coast. Jana narrows down her target towns to two in particular. Jana looks at real estate listings online in these two towns. Jana makes an appointment with a realtor to look at homes. |
Ron dreamed of winning the lottery. He bought lottery tickets every day for years. Ron's dad told him he was wasting money. Deciding to stop buying tickets, Ron bought one last ticket. Ron won the lottery for 5 million dollars. |
Tina moved into the new apartment complex. She had just finished unpacking when she heard some noise. She then saw a mouse scurrying to hide in the bathroom. Tina promptly called the landlord. The landlord called the exterminators to fumigate the unit. |
Carol went as usual to practice at the indoor gymnasium. She saw a new girl practicing under the guidance of her trainer. She felt irritated, because she wasn't informed about her. The trainer came to her and introduced her to the girl. She couldn't believe that the girl was her childhood friend. |
Gary spilled his lunch plate on Rachel's lap. She verbally abused him and said that he's always slow. Gary apologized and decided to walk away. He also failed his quiz at the end of class. When he got home, his mother was complaining about his room. |
One morning while at work, Bills chest began to ache. As the day went on, Bill's chest hurt more and more with each breath. Bill left work when the pain got too bad and he was short of breath. Bill called his doctor, but he had to wait until 3pm to get seen. Instead of waiting to see his doctor, Bill went to urgent care. |
The man waited in line. He tried to talk to the lady in front of him. She did not want to talk. The man felt uncomfortable after that. He got out of line to go home. |
A young black lab would always follow Joan whenever she went jogging. If Joan tried to approach the dog, it would always run away. Joan felt sorry for the dog and began putting out food for it. The dog started trusting Joan and would stop running away. Finally Joan legally adopted the Dog and now they're friends for life. |
I had been craving chocolate for days. After almost a week, I gave in. I found some halloween candy. I unwrapped three pieces, savoring each one. I refused to feel guilty about my indulgence. |
Gina walked into a wall when not paying attention. An hour later her shoulder still hurt. It was also tender to the touch. She looked at her shoulder in a mirror. There she saw a dark and large bruise. |
James was just released from prison. He served twenty years for committing a robbery. He was still a hot head. He robbed someone else and ended up killing them. He vowed he was not going back to jail so he killed himself. |
Ollie was hunting for Easter eggs. He ran around finding every egg he could. Time was running out. Ollie wanted to find one more egg. Luckily, he found one in the knick of time. |
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