She planted seed in the winter. The seeds grew and grew. When spring came she planted them outside. They kept on growing until they were as tall as the house. Then they were ripe with seeds and the birds had a feast.
When i was a child i really believed in Santa Claus. I used to be excited about getting to sleep on Christmas eve. As i got older, i was told the truth by my parents about Santa Claus. My parents had a hard time convincing me with the truth. That day was one of the saddest days of of my life.
Jimmy woke up early. As he ate breakfast, he read the note from him mom to mow the yard. It was already getting hot so he went into the garage for the mower. After gassing it up, he mowed the backyard quickly. He got to have a treat for finishing his chore.
David was listening to music when he adjusted his headphones. He heard a loud sound and then they fell apart. He attempted to fix them, but they wouldn't work. That night, David's dad saw them and started to fix them. The next morning David woke up to find his headphones fixed!
Amy heard a new song on the radio and loved it. She listened to the song every time it played. After 3 months she was sick of the song. Her friends were enjoying the song when she turned the radio off. Her friends were upset, but she couldn't bare to hear that song again.
It was two weeks before Prom Day and Tom still hasn't acquired a date. Tom couldn't stand thinking of attending prom alone so he opted out. Suddenly, a storm crept by the city and the school was in lockdown. Tom heard that a tornado has swept by the prom location! Tom started to smile as school officials announced prom was canceled.
Jenny loved books. She bought a new book every time she went to the store. Jenny had hundreds of books. One day she noticed her shelves were all full. Jenny decided she still wanted to buy more books.
Jen and Abigail were big fans of Taylor Swift. They decided to see her live in concert. They paid a good amount of money for the tickets. They got VIP treatment because of the price. They both got to meet Taylor Swift and shake her hand.
Every Halloween my mother would carve an elaborate jack o' lantern. One Halloween a couple of kids smashed the jack o' lantern. My mother had seen the kids do it and chased them down the street. She caught one of the kids and the kid was scared and began to cry. She then smiled and told him to go home.
Carol wanted an adventure. She decided to go bungee jumping. It was scary and exciting. When the day came she almost chickened out. Carol went through with it and loved it.
Paul parked his bicycle in front of the coffee shop. After he ordered his coffee, he noticed his bike was gone. He asked if anyone saw his bicycle, but had no luck. Disappointed, Paul walked home. He wished he bought a bicycle lock.
Carly was excited to swim at the local pool. When she arrived, she found that it was empty. Carly went to the store and bought a small inflatable pool. She inflated the pool in her front yard and filled it up. Carly's pool is now the envy of all her neighbors.
Gina had cracked one of her shell earrings. But she loved them, so she kept wearing them. She tried to be gentle. She looked at herself in the mirror at work. She found her left earring had broken, and only half of it remained.
Jane had a favorite pair of earrings. One night she was out with friends. The next morning she couldn't find one of the earrings anywhere. She tried calling all the places she went to. None of them saw it and Jane never found it.
Dwight believes he can't get sick. He likes to brag about his immune system. Dwight doesn't wash his hands or worry about germs. He says they make you stronger. Today, Dwight missed work because he got the flu.
One evening while coming home from a nice dinner with her husband. Lyndie sees a man on the street begging. She stops her car and rolls her window down. She proceeds to give the man a twenty dollar bill. The homeless man thanked Lyndie and she drove off.
Maggie was angry that her neighbor captured a herd of wild horses. The neighbor was new to the area and didn't know they were wild. She thought they belonged to someone who wasn't caring for them. Maggie tried to explain that the horses belonged to the community. Unfortunately, the woman called a government agency to pick them up.
Sam was looking for his trumpet. He asked his parents where it was. His parents admitted what they did. They took it away because he was too loud. He asked for it back but they refused.
Mary wanted to make banana muffins. She realized she didn't have enough eggs. She called her neighbor Carmela to ask if she could borrow some eggs. Her Carmela brought two eggs over. When they were ready, Mary shared the muffins with Carmela.
Bill worked hard in order to buy a car. When he had enough saved, he bought a red convertible. He drove the car a lot, and sometimes raced with it. One day, during a race he got gashes on the side of the car. He took the car to get it painted, and the shop painted it blue!
Mark was on the basketball team. He was supposed to play the play off, but he had to pass a test first. The test was his midterm for geometry. He took the test early one morning, hoping he did alright. Luckily, he did pass his test and he was able to play.
Oscar went on a walk today with his dog. They took the usual route through the park. There was a couple of dogs that got into a fight. Oscar's dog then broke his leash and tried to join the fray. Oscar has yet to find his dog.
Tina and her friends got together for a girls night. They were around the table when they heard voices. The voices were coming from outside. The girls freaked. Then to their surprise they saw it was just their boyfriends.
Martin went to camp with his friends. Martin and his friends found a nice camping spot. Suddenly, everyone discovered they had forgotten food. Martin was a skilled fisherman. Martin caught many fish so that everyone could eat.
Charles hated driving home from the park. The cars in front of him turned left too fast. He has had many close calls. Today he didn't pull off when the light turned green. An officer pulled him over for driver overly cautious.
I have yet to have a child of my own. I often fantasize about how I would be as a parent, however. I'd like to think that I'd be great at it. Having a much younger sibling helps, I think. But I won't truly know until I start my own family.
Barbara was invited to go dancing at a club. However, she was well aware of the fact that she could not dance. She struggled in the hours before leaving to learn. Once at the club, she tried out the moves she had practiced. While dancing, she realized that she wasn't so bad after all.
Cathy had left a bunch of bananas on the counter. Her two year old pulled them down. He took the bananas into his room. He tried to open them but could not get them. Instead he just smashed them into the carpet.
Robert had a nose bleed. He held a tissue to his nose. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers. He leaned forward and waited. After ten minutes, Robert was happy that the bleeding had stopped.
Tanya had just turned sixteen. Her mom would never let her dye her hair before she was this old. She already knew what color she wanted and everything. Yet at the last moment she had her doubts. She decided to give her own natural hair color a chance.
I was playing guitar on my couch one day with a capo. When I was done playing with the capo, I put it down next to me. After a while of playing without the capo, I wanted the capo back. When I looked around for the capo, I couldn't find it anywhere. I eventually found it under the couch and resumed playing.
Nina needed to access her phone as quickly as possible. She was about to make an urgent call when something popped up. Suddenly dozens of apps began updating themselves. By the time the downloading stopped it was too late. Nina had to find a different phone to make her call.
Westin lived in the woods. Westin wanted to build a log cabin. He spent days chopping trees and piling logs. He laid the logs and wedged them into place. Westin had completed his new log cabin!
My father called me to his side on his deathbed. He was barely able to speak. Sometimes he didn't even know where he was. He asked me to do take care of myself. Just before his final breath he said he was sorry.
Tom wanted to prank his principal. He decided to make a fake news story about him. They replaced his real newspaper with the fake one. The principal was amused. Tom thought it was funny too.
Gina's family didn't have an air conditioner. And it was the hottest day of the year. She walked to the store and bought an ice cream treat. She walked home eating the treat. Half of the ice cream melted before she could eat it.
Gil was ready for his first day at being a nurse. He got to the hospital on time and eagerly asked for some work. The head nurse smiled warmly and held up a bed pan. She instructed Gil to start making the rounds, changing them. Gil lost his eagerness just a minute into his job.
Jim went out to the bar with his friends Tuesday night. He drank seven beers and three shots in two hours. He immediately felt sick after getting home and removing his shoes. Making his way to the bathroom, he jammed his foot into the wall. He broke two toes and had to use crutches for a month.
Jane woke up one morning and felt like her skin was too pale. So she packed up her beach bag and drove to the beach. She laid out her towel on the sand and laid down under the sun. However, she was so comfortable that she fell asleep. When she woke up, instead of being tanned, she was burnt to a crisp!
Ashley was upset that her DVD player no longer worked. Every time she turned it on, it made an odd grinding noise. She tried to fix it on numerous occasions, without any luck. Her friend came to stay at her house that weekend. To her surprise, the friend played a DVD in it on the first try!
Jan and her class were on a field trip. They were whale watching on a boat. But the constant rocking of the boat made her feel sick. Two whales then jumped out of the ocean. And they made Jaan forget about her sea sickness.
Jake sprained his ankle while playing soccer. He yelled in pain. He feared that he wouldn't be able to play next week. The trainer told him the sprain was very minor. Jake sighed in relief.
Bob went to the beach. He ran into the ocean. He splashed around and swam in the cool water. Suddenly he saw a fin coming toward him. Bob was attacked by a shark but lived to tell the tale.
Limbo Jackson was an entertainer. He had insurance on his voice. One day he had a sore throat. His voice changed forever. Now he's poor.
Ric went on vacation to Hawaii. They presented him a lie when he arrived. At first Ric felt silly wearing it. Then he saw that everyone else wore one too! Ric wore his lei with pride after that.
Dina's daughter came home from daycare, crying. Some of the kids had teased her about her hair. Dina sobbed that she wished she had straight, blonde hair. Dina showed her daughter pictures of girls with different hair. Dina's daughter decided that she liked her hair after all.
Chase and his friend were sleeping outside in their yard. They were feeling a bit cold. Chase told his friend to wait a second. He went inside and came back with some warm bags. The bags were full of microwaved corn that kept them warm.
Sammy was in line for Black Friday. She wanted to get a new TV. She waited for hours. She was able to buy a 4K TV for $500. She watched the football game on her new TV later that night.
At the busy restaurant, all the tablecloths were used. When a bus boy went to change a dirty table cloth, he found no more. To fix this, he tried taking the dirty one to the kitchen to clean. Despite his best efforts, he was not able to wash it in the sink. He took the now wet table cloth and tossed in the hamper.
Marley checked in at the construction site for his shift. He strolled in confidently and waved to his co-workers. His supervisor, Harry asked him if he was forgetting anything. Marley smiled and shook his head. Harry then handed Marley his hard hat.
Eddie was just a local boy from Georgia. One day he heard there was a movie being filmed. Eddie was lucky to become an extra. He sat in the stands behind a speaker in the movie. Eddie gloated to all his friends he was a movie star.
Rachel had just moved into a new house. She had her own washer and dryer for the first time. She had built up a lot of laundry at her old place. As soon as she was moved in, she started washing the clothes. It took hours but she was finally able to clean all of her stuff.
Tori thought samurai were really cool. She wanted to learn more about them. She went to the library and checked out every book on samurai. She took them home and read them all. Now, she knows a lot about samurai!
Jack needed a new shirt. He did not want to go shopping. He sent his sister instead. When she came back, she had bought him a pink shirt. Jack learned to never trust his sister with shopping.
My parents smoke tobacco. I never liked the smell of it. I try avoiding my parents when they smoke it. Avoiding my parents was extremely hard. I ended up getting use to the smell.
Last week I went to the doctor. I drove all the way there and thought I was on time. When I got there I was told I was a week late. I tried to make a new appointment but they were booked for a month. I was really upset.
Priya was used to being the best at everything. She always made the best grade. When she got to middle school, she was faced with challenges. She learned quickly that school was harder. Priya made her first "B" and was devastated.
Sam heard a noise in his yard. He looked out the window and saw a bear. It was going through his trash can. Sam went to the door and turned on the lights. He also made noises that scared the bear away.
My sister was my best friend. One day she got sick and we took her to the hospital. We found out she had diabetes. She started taking her medicine soon after. Today is she healthy and strong.
Valerie and her mother decided to make blueberry pie. They went to a local farm. They picked a lot of blueberries. They worked hard to make the pie. It was delicious.
Bob smelled something foul. He realized it was coming from his kitchen. He opened the cabinet under the sink. He realized the garbage can was the source of the smell. He took out the garbage and the house smelled normal again.
Kayla was camping with her friends, and they were making s'mores. But they got to chatting about scary stories and were distracted. Then Kayla smelled something burning. It was their s'mores! Everyone was disappointed that that'd burned their tasty snack!
Tom bought a new pair of shoes. They were incredibly comfortable to wear. Tom realized that they were really ugly. He tried to not wear them in public often. Every time he did someone made fun of him.
Jon's grandma showed him her gingerbread creation. Jon was wide-eyed and wanted to taste it. Jon's grandma said the gingerbread house was just for looks. That night, Jon snuck a piece of the gingerbread house. He spit it out, discovering it was assembled with real glue.
I used to work from home. Then I got an office job. I hated the office job. I realized working from home was better. I quit the job and went back to working from home.
When she bought the bananas, they were still green. She left them on the counter for two days. They suddenly turned dark and started getting old. She needed to use them somehow. She decided to make banana bread.
Neil took a flight to Japan. There, he admired all the modern technology. He tried to buy souvenirs. But everything was so expensive! He decided to remember his trip with photos instead.
Alexander had to see the dentist. He was very nervous about the visit. He had to get x-rays to see inside his teeth. The dentist used a special toothbrush to tickle his teeth. Lucky for Alex he didn't have any cavities!
Lisa had a beautiful snowy white dress for prom. She was barely there ten minutes when someone spilled punch. It splashed all over the dress. Now it had an interesting pink pattern on it. It was definitely different than anyone else's dress that night.
Jimmy could not fall asleep. He felt restless and fidgety in his bed. Jimmy took some over the counter sleeping medication. He slept like a baby that night. When it was morning, Jimmy ended up oversleeping for work.
Addison loves to go to Target. She spends a lot of money there. She decided to make a Target budget. Now she goes to Target with a list. She has a lot more money now!
It is important to pay bills on time. That is why I like to set up automatic payments. I tell my bank which bills to pay. When the money is due my bank pays the bill for me. I love the convenience of this service.
Diana was new in town and wanted to explore the city. She started downtown and made her way through the little shops. As she looked through the shops she saw things for her new apartment. After traveling through the city she wanted a drink. She ended her tour at the local coffee shop and read the newspaper.
Neil had just arrived in Amsterdam. He couldn't wait to see the Dutch city! He explored the tea houses and art galleries. He bought lots of souvenirs and postcards. Neil thought the Netherlands were beautiful!
Our family went to funeral in November. The host had a reception in a restaurant afterward. I was using the restroom. I saw a young man doing coke in the restroom. He looked guilty as he left.
Calla had to lose fifty pounds in six months. She wanted to look great in her bridesmaids' dress. She dieted diligently and fought off temptation. After six months, Calla weighed herself. She was thrilled to see she had lost fifty-one pounds!
Dana got her kids ready for school and put them on the bus. Then Dana realized that she forgot to pack their lunches. Dana called the secretary and told her she was bringing their lunches. Next, Dana got in her car and drove to the school. Dana got to the school and delivered the lunches to the front desk.
Katelan had always wanted to run a 5k. Katelan was out of shape. Katelan couldn't finish a whole 5k race. Katelan practiced for months. Katelan was able to run the entire 5k after practicing.
Tim was trick or treating during Halloween. There was one house that looked dark and spooky. Tim ran up to ring the doorbell and knock. Eventually someone came out and told him to leave. The people living there didn't celebrate that holiday.
I went to a Michigan football game tailgate. We had a few beers before the game. As we went to our seats, I stopped at the bathroom. I managed to shut my finger in the bathroom door. I spent the game getting stitches in the first aid area.
One day, Gary found a dark spot on his shoulder. He had never seen the mole before and he grew worried. Gary went to the doctor and had it checked. The doctor told him that mole was just a dark freckle. Gary was very happy and relieved.
Jeff picked out a vanity mirror. He thought it was very attractive. When he decided to put it up he was disappointed. It was not the right size at all. He would have to return it.
Gary was excited to be leaving for college. In fact, today was the official move in day. Gary's parents helped in move in to his new dorm. In addition, Gary's friends helped him move as well. Gary was glad that he had his family's support on move in day.
The smith family had a very round pug named Doggo. Doggo was a sausage of a dog. So one day he got stuck in a pipe, and started squawking. The Smiths heard Doggo under their house and got him out. Doggo was so excited to be released that he ran into a wall and slept.
Stacy came home that day and was surprised. Her mom had a new cat. Stacy was so excited. They played with the cat all day that day. Stacy would never forget that day.
Roger was hiking in the mountains. He came upon a flock of birds. The flock of birds chased Roger to the edge of the mountain. Luckily, Roger evaded the birds before he had to jump off the cliff. Roger decided to never go back to that mountain.
Bill loved tomatoes. He planted a seed long ago. And it grew into a tomato plant. After a long and warm summer, a tomato appeared. Bill ate the tomato he grew.
Tom drove over twenty thousand miles per year. Tom put a lot of miles on his car. Tom saw many interesting sights on the road. Tom told his friends about his best experiences. Tom's friends enjoyed Tom's stories.
Kate was going to visit her family out of town. She thought it would be fun to spend the summer with them. But she grew tired of them rather quickly. She had only intended to stay 2 and a half months. To her horror it ended up being closer to four months.
Jackson was in class listening to his teacher's lesson. Their new assignment was a report on their favorite animal. Jackson immediately knew he wanted to cover tigers. He spent all weekend researching tigers and even visited the zoo. His paper got a fantastic grade and entertained all of his classmates.
Pat had been moved to tears. The songs in the musical were so powerful and amazing. She had seen this musical five times and each time was more special. She sang along in her head as she knew all the lyrics. When it was over, she stood and clapped loudly.
Mallory was an ordained priest and she could marry anyone. She started doing local weddings for her gay friends and co-workers. She started to believe she was a real priest and began wearing robes. She kept doing weddings and acting like a priest on her off time. The Church thought she was doing so well she was invited.
I turned over when the alarm clock went off. My dreams were so real and so perfect I didn't want to wake up. I pulled the covers over my head and stretched. It was too late! I was awake and my dream was gone like mist in the sun.
Charlie got a new transformer toy for his birthday. But his sister continued to take the toy from him. At last, Charlie's parents got his sister a new toy. Now both kids have toys that they can play with. The fighting has ceased, and they are playing quietly.
Andy went out to play. His mom told him he better not get dirty. Andy found a mud puddle. He jumped in the puddle. His mom was very angry.
Bobo was a black dog. He liked to dig a hole under the fence and get out of the yard. He would then run to the neighbor's house and eat their chickens. Bobo's owner got a shovel and filled in all the holes Bobo had dug. Now Bobo stays in his yard.
Tyler was always arguing with his father. His father was a know it all, stern, stereotypical alpha male. On the way to the beach Tyler told his dad they were missing the exit. After missing the exit his dad angrily flipped around. As Tyler was saying no U turn, they were hit by an oncoming truck.
Ana was nervous about her wedding night. She changed into her nightgown and crept into bed. Then she turned cautiously to her new husband. She couldn't believe what she saw. Her new husband had fallen asleep!
Dan was shopping with his wife at Walmart. Dan decided that he wanted to buy new sheets for his day bed. After finding the sheet aisle, he found a sheet set in a blue tone. Dan decided to purchase the sheet set for the bed immediately. Dan could not wait to put the new sheets on his day bed.
I decided to go on a road trip to Utah to Mount Zion. My friend showed interest, so I invited him to go with me. When the day finally arrived, I drove to go pick up my friend. Happy and waiting with his luggage, he jumped inside and off we went. Two friends with nothing but the road ahead and smiles to be shared.