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When the roads cleared slightly, I made it down the street to a lot. I went inside the big chain store. I purchased a comforter. I went back to my car and tried to get some sleep. I woke up when an employee told me to leave. |
Amy was not getting along with her dorm mate Sue. She was excited to hear she could move to a new room. After a week of waiting she hadn't heard anything. Amy checked to find out when she could move. Amy was heartbroken to find out she couldn't move after all. |
Allie loved Tiffany's. But she could not afford it. She was surprised on Christmas. Her parents got her a bracelet. She was so thankful. |
Ed had finally gotten an interview for his dream job. He prepared carefully for it, researching and practicing questions. He felt confident the day of the interview. When he met the woman he was interviewing with, he knew it was bad. It was a woman he had dumped three years ago after a few dates. |
I bought a chocolate easter bunny. I took it home with me. My husband laughed and said I couldn't eat the entire thing. I told him I had no intention to. I sat down and ate the ears only, leaving the rest behind. |
Kelly wanted to look for a new job. She looked endlessly online for jobs. Finally she found one she liked. She sent her resume over. To her delight she was called for an interview. |
I went to the grocery last sunday. I got some vegetables, fruits and some drinks. At the counter, i can't find my wallet. Customer's at my back stared at me and i felt ashamed. Luckily, I saw James and he paid for my stuff. |
Me and my girlfriend decided to go on a road trip! When we were on the road trip we were both very tired. Since she doesn't drive I was the only one driving. It ended up being very short because of that. However, we both enjoyed it a lot. |
I was driving my wife's car home because of snow. I had forgotten her inspection was expired. Next thing I know I got pulled over. The cop gave me a ticket for the infraction. I'll remember from now on to pay attention to it |
It was Mick and his wife's anniversary weekend. He was going to take her on a beach getaway. On the way to the beach his engine seized up. When they were dealing with a mechanic somebody stole his bad. Even after the most expensive anniversary ever he was still the happy. |
Johnny always wished he could make better pie than his grandmother's. He worked on his pie recipe day and night to improve it. However, it was never better than his grandmother's pie. One day Johnny and his grandmother decided to make pie together. He found that working together made the best pie he had ever tasted. |
Tom's passenger side window was broken. Tom couldn't afford to get it fixed. He duct taped a bag over the hole instead. It was unsafe and looked ghetto. Tom had to drive that way for months. |
Amy was sure her crush Ray would call her tonight. She waited near the phone just like she had before. By 12 AM it was clear he wasn't going to call. Amy couldn't understand why he wouldn't call her. Amy resolved to simply forget all about Ray. |
Tom worked for a factory. He started getting sick after a while. Tom went to a doctor. The doctor told him it was due to chemicals at the factory. Tom couldn't afford to quit, though. |
Charles was excited to see what was for lunch. The lunch lady handed him a huge cookie. He was thrilled! The school's cookies were the best. He wondered what would be for lunch tomorrow, too. |
Clark makes a bet with his friend Tom The bet is to see if Clark can stay awake all night It's around 3 am and clark pinches himself to stay awake He has to make it to 8 am to win the bet and has a cup of coffee. The coffee kept him up all night and he won the bet. |
Today is Ed's birthday. Ed's aunt gave him a gift. He hoped it would be a pair of new rollerblades. He opened the gift and it was a pair of socks. Ed smiled and told her it was a great gift even though he was sad. |
Hannah was babysitting her three nieces. It was a beautiful day out. She took them outside to ride on her horse Captain. She let them pet her donkey and chase the chickens. They had such a fun day playing on the farm. |
One day Max and his friends were over after school. Max was feeling hungry. He decided to make a frozen pizza. Max was busy playing video games with his friends. Max forgot about the pizza and burnt it to a crisp. |
Tom wanted to give his girlfriend a gift. He was good at carving things. He decided to carve her a ring. It took him a while but it came out very nice. Tom's girlfriend was extremely grateful. |
Brad can never find the remote in his house. Whenever I go over there to watch a game we search for hours looking. I told him to get a beeper to put on it so he can find it. He never listens to anything I say so he won't do that. Next time I'm there I'm just going to bring a remote. |
Ben didn't want his parents to get divorced. But his parents were always fighting. After every fight, Ben begged them to stay together. Somehow he always convinced them to stay together. They were very unhappy for many years. |
Lisa has a lot of homework to do tonight. But she would really like to go to the football game. Lisa started her homework as soon as she got home, so now she can go. The football game lasted longer than expected and Lisa got home late. It was a good thing she did her homework early. |
Bankim moved to the United States not knowing any English. He had difficulty in school conversing. Bankim began to see a tutor, who taught him every weekend. Over a month, Bankim began to know conversational English. Today, Bankim now tutors other people in how to speak English. |
Kelly was bored in class. She got out a stick of gum and started chewing. Her teacher got upset. She threw Kelly out of the room. Kelly got a detention. |
Jack was walking home from school alone. A large Rottweiler stepped on the sidewalk and looked at him. Jack froze and hoped the dog would keep walking. The dog turned and ran straight at Jack. Jack ran faster than he ever had all the way home. |
Benny kept winning money at the casino. Overall, he had $3000 in winnings. Someone offered a match of blackjack. Since they decided to bet with all of their money, he did the same. They ended up winning, taking the $3000. |
Donald and Sharon were good friends. They wanted to start a band together. Donald wanted to play classical music. Sharon wanted to play rock and roll. They compromised by fusing the genres to great effect. |
Last weekend, Katherine decided to go shopping. She figured the mall would be the best place to start. One of her favorite stores was having a one day sale! She spent two hours trying on all kinds of clothing. At the end of the day, she went home with three bags full of clothes. |
Tyler is in war. He is serving his country the best he can. While rescuing a group of women in a town he gets shot. He is shot in the leg. Tyler is carried to camp to have his leg amputated. |
The rains had not stopped for weeks. The water could not wash away fast enough. The river rose higher and higher. The people in the nearby town had to abandon their homes. There was so much water that eventually you couldn't see a town. |
After coming in from outside one of my dogs was very sick. He was constantly coughing and I felt really bad. I tried waiting a few days to take him to the vet to see how he was. He started coughing more and more so I took him to the vet. The vet diagnosed him and gave him some medication as well. |
Gina went to the store to buy bottled water. She pushed her cart to the water aisle. She filled her cart and went to the checkout. She paid for her water and headed to the parking lot. Gina loaded her water into the car one gallon at a time. |
Kyla had been dating Ron for three years. One night he took her out to dinner. After eating, he got on one knee and proposed to her! Kyla was ecstatic and agreed at once! She and Ron were both so happy, they almost cried! |
The city shook with a huge boom. A bomb had exploded in the city's center. The citizens fled the area. They all took cover in their homes. It had been a very scary day for them. |
Charles did not like Mat, the new call center manager. First, Mat called a mandatory meeting on Saturday. In the meeting, Mat performed harangues on two innocent girls. Then he held an inappropriate meeting with two employees. Charles told human resources and they fired Mat. |
Dan was able to anything he tried. He baked a cake on his first try. He even got straight A's on his first report card. One day he failed at playing chess. He kept practicing until he was good at that too. |
On Saturday we went to Chinatown for dim sum. After dim sum we went to a grocery store next door. We bought items needed for the upcoming Ching Ming festival. We bought incense, candles, and paper money for the April 4th event. We left the items in the car, away from home - a Chinese practice. |
Chad had just planted his garden. A storm passed over his region. It rained a lot on Chad's property. His garden held a lot of water. Chad had to replant his garden. |
Tom wanted to take his girlfriend out to eat. He tried to take her to a fancy dinner. He grew up poor and didn't know what that was, though. Tom took her to what was actually a mid level place. Tom's girlfriend was not impressed. |
Tom was getting married. His wife and him had a favorite song. The dj was supposed to play it for their first dance. Unfortunately he messed it up and got a different song. Tom talked to him and had hid dance later. |
Tom usually did well in school. He rarely studied for class. He had a bit test coming up. Tom decided to study a bit. He got the highest grade in class. |
Maurice has begun arriving at work late and shirking his duties. His boss tells him to improve or there will be consequences. Maurice ignores the warning from his boss. The next day Maurice arrives at work very late. His boss tells him that he is fired. |
It had been raining all day. Even though there was no school, the boys could not go outside. Normally, they would be outside playing in the yard. The boys sat indoors and watched television. As it got dark, the rain ceased, to the dismay of the boys. |
Mike was to star in a broadway play on Saturday. He had the flu but planned on performing regardless. He was rehearsing prior to the show when he fainted. The ambulance had to take him to the hospital. The play has been rescheduled for next week. |
Sue loves comic books. She likes old comic books just as much as new ones. One day her daddy found his comic book collection in the attic. He gave it to Sue and she spent a week reading them all. Now Sue goes to garage sales with her Dad hunting for old comics. |
Melissa was camping in a tent. She told her kids that they could have no food in their tent. One night she thought she heard chewing. She realized that her son had a secret snack stash. She scolded him and explained that bears could get him. |
Bobby woke up with a stomachache. His mom took Bobby's temperature. Bobby had a bad fever. She called Bobby in sick from school. Bobby was happy to not go to school today. |
At the local bank they had an elevator. One day the power went out. The bank was on the third floor. So everyone had to go up the stairs. It made it a good workout for all the customers. |
Eli was getting distracted by the files in his download directory. He'd finally had enough! Eli stopped what he was doing and backed up the software. He then moved the files to a proper archive directory. Now Eli isn't as distracted by his messy filesystem. |
Angie was curious about her religion. She did not know what she believed. She went to her local church to seek guidance. The pastor talked with her about the importance of God. She accepted Jesus and knew that was what she believed in now. |
Steve was eating at a diner on his lunch break. He spilled tomato sauce on his shirt. Steve was unable to get the sauce off his shirt. He returned to work. Steve changed into a spare shirt. |
I spread out all of the computer parts for my new build. Then I started assembling the new PC. After assembly, I pushed the power button. The computer came to life. Finally, I started loading the Operating System and software. |
Mila was not sleeping well. She had a lot on her mind, She decided to take a sleeping pill. Before she knew it, she was asleep. She woke very refreshed. |
Ben tried to talk to a girl at the bar. He sat on same table. She became disgusted when he was trying to flirt with her. Therefore, she got up and left. Ben simply placed his head down. |
My school is a big football school and my friends and I are fans. When they had a game out of time, we all decided to go. It was freezing but we were hoping it'd be worth it. We froze the whole game and finally we lost. We thought twice in the future about going to out of town games. |
Joe was working late one night. He worked security and was very bored. Joe was feeling very sleepy. He decided to close his eyes and fell asleep. Only to be awoken by his boss to yell you're fired to him. |
Trina, 12, wanted to be a swimming champion. But she wasn't winning any races. A friend of her family's decided to coach her in swimming. She told Trina her weakness was in her take off, not her swimming. Trina worked on her takeoff and by summer she was winning races. |
Yesterday I felt very sick. I lay in bed and watched television but I was hungry. I made myself some chicken soup. The soup was delicious. When I tasted the soup it made me feel slightly better. |
Rachel was walking through a hotel with her suitcase. She was walking along an indoor pond area. Suddenly, she tripped. Her suitcase fell into the pond. She checked and saw that everything was wet and ruined. |
Ivan walked through a park and found an old camera. There were still 6 shots left on the roll. Ivan took a few landscapes and some of himself. He put the camera back where he found it. Ivan thought the owner will enjoy his addition. |
Kelli got called in to go to work. Her babysitter wasn't able to watch her son. Kelli asked her sister if she could watch her son. Kelli brought her son to her sister's house. Kelli went in to work. |
Mina was washing her hair. The water pump went out. Mina wasn't able to rinse her hair. She wrapped it in a towel. Mina drove to a friend's to finish washing her hair. |
Isaac was invited to a party at a stranger's house. He was bored and decided to go. He got talked into drinking alcohol. And Isaac ended up getting into a terrible fight. Before the police arrived, Isaac quickly went home. |
Gina had snapped her windshield wiper blade. She could see the blade hanging from the track. She looked it over to see how bad it really was. She pushed everything back in place and sat it back on the window. She figured it would have to do until she could replace it. |
Adelaide had saved fifty years of National Geographics in her cellar. She thought they would be worth a lot of money. Her kids were too kind to point out all the mildew on them. Adelaide proudly divided up the National Geographics in her will. After she died, her children were sad to throw them in the dumpster. |
John just signed up to be in my English class. I hope he likes it. The professor is a little boring. I like the subject a lot. It will be fun to have him in class with me. |
Hester has always wanted to perform in her community theater. She is afraid to audition because she may not get a part. Finally she decides to audition for a play. Hester is given the lead role! She is very happy that she decided to audition. |
My daughter visited her friends in Boston this weekend. She grew up in Boston but lives in NYC. One of her friends had an old dog. He was blind and could not walk. The dog was put down yesterday. |
Kevin fell asleep one night but woke to a nightmare. Flames were all around him, everywhere! Suddenly a fireman pushed into the room and picked him up. He carried Kevin out of the house and dumped him on the lawn. The fireman had saved Kevin's life and extinguished the fire. |
Two parents were scared of their child ending up a serial killer. They noticed he had certain tendencies. He would kill animals. He also had no friends because he would hurt them. They sent him off to a private school. |
Chuck wanted to get ahead in his new job. He knew what he would have to and hated it. He would have to become the new pet for his boss. He started doing everything for the boss and really kissing up. The boss started pulling away because he didn't Chuck's brown nose. |
Anna poured some milk into her cereal. She was very hungry and eager to eat. But then she smelled a yucky odor. She realized that the milk had spoiled. Sadly, Anna dumped the cereal into the toilet. |
My friend Rachael took me to the store to buy a coffee table. While the store had a lot of furniture, none of it was right for me. Rachael told me about an antique store in her home town. We decided to give it a shot. To my pleasure, I found the perfect coffee table! |
Tommy was sleeping. He then woke up and he saw something. It looked like a ghost. He blinked his eyes and it disappeared. He then woke up again. |
Jerold wanted to go to a party with his bigger brother. His brother told him he couldn't go. He begged his brother. His brother let him go. Jerold just sat at the party quietly. |
Faye was learning how to drive. Her father refused to take her because she was a horrible driver. Her grandma agreed to take her. They went down by the lake. Faye hit the gas instead of the brake and drove the car into the lake. |
Kim was excited about her spring break. She was going to a Mexican beach. She had saved for a while. When the time came she got really sick. She had to cancel her plans. |
Fried was tired of being a youth minister. He packed up his family. He went to California. He was a pastor of a small church. He later moved back to Alabama. |
He wanted to ask the girl out. He walked over to her locker and smiled. She stared back at him coldly. He asked if she would go out with him. She rolled her eyes and walked away. |
Learning to play the piano has been a dream for Josie. Her mother played and she was very good at it. Her mother died last year and now nobody uses the piano. Josie moved the piano to her home and called a teacher. She now takes lessons in her home twice a week. |
Kate and Liz were going on a road trip. It was supposed to be just the two of them. But Liz decided to bring a friend. Who also brought a friend. Kate was not pleased by this surprise. |
My grandmother made key lime pie. She placed some of the pie on the table. I decided to eat some of it. It tasted good until I found out that there were several hairs in it. I went to the bathroom to spit it out. |
Miles was a soccer player. During a really intense game, it began to rainy. Miles tried using the rainy to his advantage by sliding. Miles scored the winning goal for his team but injured himself. His leg was wounded but he felt proud of himself! |
Sue has a big German exam coming up. She has been studying for weeks. She still feels unsure. She decided to pull an all-nighter. However, she fell asleep and slept through her exam. |
I recently attended a technology conference for the first time. I decided to pack light and casual with jeans and t-shirts. Many of the booths and the conference gave away free t-shirts. I got so many shirts that I had a hard time closing my luggage. Next time I will just pack one t-shirt and wear all the free t-shirts. |
Luigi loved meat. Pepperoni was his favorite. He put it on all his pizzas and pastas. He even put it on sandwiches. Luigi decided to open a restaurant that only served pepperoni. |
Dan was overweight by about fifty pounds. He wanted to make a change and get healthy. He read a bunch of fitness books. He then went out and bought some workout equipment. He got to work and immediately started to feel better. |
Bette was the founder of a beauty product line. Her products sold very well with affluent women. But when she visited her own labs, she was appalled. Animals were stacked three per cages. She redesigned her whole line removing all animal testing. |
Felix was very good at math but his nephew wasn't. As his nephew had many problems at school, he went to see Felix. Felix helped his nephew every day after class for a full month. When his nephew had a math test, he successfully passed it. Felix was very proud of him and gave him a calculator as a reward. |
Carlos always loved being near the water. His friend invited him to go sailing one day. Carlos and his friend spent the entire day sailing. It was a great day. Carlos was happy that he had spent the day on the water. |
The grass in the front yard is dying. It gets too much sun throughout the day. We need to plant a tree so that the grass doesn't die. I think we will look to get a maple tree. We get in the car and head to get the tree. |
I play 3 minute speed chess online. My opponent is usually an old friend. He makes unorthodox moves. Last week I started recording his moves and consulting a chess program. This has improved my games. |
I had been out of the hospital for a week. While there a scratch near my leg had gotten infected. Trying to avoid the hospital again I tried taking care of it myself. It continued to get worse so I went back to the hospital. It was worse than I thought and I needed emergency surgery. |
Craig was excited to go shopping. He bought a frozen pizza. At the register he gave them a coupon that halved the price. Unfortunately it was turned down by the cashier. Craig realized the coupon was expired. |
Keith was a scientist. He studied some bacteria under the microscope. He noticed something peculiar. He zoomed in saw a mutation he had never observed before. This microscope had led to a new, amazing discovery! |
Howard panted, lungs gasping. Sweat dripped from his grey hair. People said eighty-year-olds couldn't run races, but it wasn't true. He could see the finish line of his first marathon ahead. Then there were cheers and hugs and he knew he had really done it. |
I went to my mom's house tonight. She asked me if I was hungry. I went to the kitchen to make a sandwich. Her dog was begging for food. I gave the dog a piece of bread. |
Louis was drunk that night when he was watching TV. When an infomercial started he was unusually interested. He sat straight on the couch and watched it all for thirty minutes. He sobered up the next day and forgot about it. A week later, he received lady face products in the mail. |
Tom and I went to Chipotle Chicken for lunch. I had the chicken burrito while he had the chicken salad. A couple of days after that, I got a severe stomach ache. I went to the hospital and saw that Tom was there. We were both treated for food poisoning. |
Subsets and Splits