Eddie was in the kitchen trying to make the next great wing sauce. He took out all the food he had and lined it on his counter. Edit just stood back and waited for inspiration. Outside, the sun was setting and the light shone through the window. The sunlight fell upon the mayo and Eddie found his inspiration.
Tory's baby daughter was very pretty. People always complimented Tory on her pretty baby. Tory saw an advertisement for a baby contest. She decided to enter her baby in the contest. When her baby did not win the contest, she was very disappointed.
I found some old mix tapes. These mix tapes were created by my parents. I started to listen to it. Some of the music is okay, but most of it was bad. I did find it funny however knowing what music my parents like.
Regan decided to get a cat. After doing research she found the perfect cat for her. She went to the local pet shop to adopt the kitten. The owner of the store helped her get all the supplies she would need. Regan was excited to raise her new kitten.
Lana wanted to submit artwork for the yearbook cover. She was really hopeful that she would win. When she was submitting it, she noticed someone with great artwork. She became nervous that her's wouldn't be chosen. Luckily, her art was chosen for the cover.
The Whitehead family went to the zoo. They packed a picnic lunch to take with them. They parked a long way away so it didn't cost anything extra. In the zoo the kids were mesmerized by it all. Their favorite part was the penguin exhibit.
One day I was in the kitchen washing dishes. I looked out the window and saw a rat sitting on the wall, looking in. I ran to grab my phone to take a picture, but the battery was dead. I went back to the rat to see if it was still on the wall. As I got to the window the rat jumped down and ran off.
John was working on his computer. He got a Facebook message from a friend. John read the message. He then responded to the message. He then continued with his work.
The teacher mentioned to the class that some his stuff was stolen. Since it occurred in the classroom, he asked if anyone took it. No one in the class responded. As a result, he suspended everyone in the class. They couldn't go to school until next week.
Keith was expected to cut the grass. He lived in a duplex. Him and the neighbor decided to take turns. Keith decided to let the grass grow and hoped his neighbor would cut. The did not and now Keith has to cut and rake the yard.
I was not sure where to hang my new picture so I called for help. My friend came over to help me make the decision. We decided to put it by the fireplace. I like the location of the picture. I am glad I called my friend for help.
The teacher gave the class a writing assignment. John felt lazy and barely wrote a couple of sentences. The teacher walked to his desk and took his paper. When she read it, she had a weird grin on her face. John felt embarrassed.
Jeff went to his boss to ask for his paycheck. The boss opened up the store safe and took it out. Jeff took the check and put it into his pocket. Later that day Jeff reached into his pocket to get his check. The check was nowhere to be found.
Jake was making a sandwich. He had all the ingredients ready. He put everything together. Right before taking a bit he noticed the moldy bread. Jake had to throw away the sandwich.
Once a boy got a piece of corn stuck up his nose. He kept trying to get it out with his finger. When that didn't work his parents took him to the doctor. The doctor removed it with a pair of tweezers. The boy promised to be more careful in the future.
Todd was trying to grill some burgers one day. His grill was cheap and was producing a ton of smoke. Soon his neighbors came out complaining about the smell. Todd reluctantly put out the flame on his grill. He decided he'd have to wait until he had a better grill.
Justin was good at everything. He was a great student and artist and athlete. Everyone was very jealous of him. Justin's one failure was when he fell during a pole vault. His friends felt guilty that this made them feel better.
Dale gathered wood for a campfire. He put the wood on the ground. His friend chopped the wood. Then his friend told Dale to start the fire. Dave started the fire for everyone.
Adam felt that he was out of shape. Adam decided he would start a healthy routine. For starters, Adam started to make healthier food choices. In addition, Adam started a new exercise routine. Adam's hard work was paying off, as he had lost 10 pounds.
Beth had practiced very hard. She was ready, but very nervous. She got on stage and gave it her all. She played all of her music. Everyone agreed that she played beautifully that day.
Shelly's room was very messy. Shelly's mom wanted to figure out what to do. There were cd's everywhere in Shelly's room. Shelly's mom got her a cd case. Shelly's room was never messy again.
I love my cat very much. One day, she started sniffling and sneezing. I didn't have any money to pay for a vet appointment. The vet's office offered me a payment plan. My cat got the antibiotics she needed.
Lary planted a lemon tree. Lary thought the tree would be small. The tree grew to be over twenty feet tall! Lary had more lemons than he could use! Now Lary gives out lemons to everybody in town!
When I went to take my driving test my brother had me drive there. I did fine up until parking by the DMV. I accidentally side-swiped an old car while parking. My brother got very mad and had me stop. He told me that he would drive me home and we'd try again later.
Bob bought a high-powered flashlight. He decided to shine it in his wife's eyes. His wife got angry. She scolded him and hit him. Bob had to sleep on the couch that night.
I recently got a new dog. He seemed to itch a lot. I decided to try a monthly pill to get rid of the fleas. I administered the pill to my new dog. He no longer suffers from flea bites.
The family had moved into a new house. They wanted a new tv for their new family room. They went to the electronics store and found a huge 70" tv. They brought it home and hooked it up right away. It was great to watch the game on!
Anna wanted to invite her crush Peter to the Sadie Hawkins dance. But Peter was very cute and popular. Anna feared her was far out of her league. She summoned her courage and asked him, expecting a rejection. But to her joy, Peter happily agreed to be her date!
Nina wanted to do something bold with her look. She had her long blonde hair cut short. Then she dyed it pink. Her friends all complimented her. Secretly they thought it was a bit much.
Carter has had an obsession with dinosaurs since he was very little. His mom decided to take him to a dinosaur exhibit. Carter was so excited he could barely stand still in line. He inspected each and every dinosaur at the exhibit. Carter thought this day was the best in his entire life.
My wife gotta work today at 8 am. She texted me that the power was out in her area. She waited with her coworkers in the dark all morning. Everybody went home at 1 pm, as the power was still out. She got home and we had coffee.
Abbey had been asking her mom for a cool toy all year. When her birthday arrived, her mom said she had two choices. She could get the toy, or she could do something fun with her friends. She really wanted the toy but she decided to go with fun instead. Luckily, she was happy with her choice.
Pablo had a family with a loving wife. One day his wife had to leave to help her sister give birth. Pablo pleaded for her sister to come to them but she wouldn't. So his wife left to go help. The next day his wife surprised him by bringing her sister to them!
Lacy was dancing in the ballet. She watched the crowd's admiration. She got distracted and slipped and fell. She broke her ankle. The crowd gasped in shock.
Tom never really drank coffee. One morning he was feeling especially lethargic. A friend offered him a cup of coffee. Tom drank it too fast. It gave him energy but also made him feel sick.
Sam live in an old apartment building. He decided to get renter's insurance. One day there was an electrical fire. The wiring was old and burned into a wall. Sam was happy he got insurance.
I was preparing for a dance competition. I needed new shoes so I would look my best. My friend agreed to buy shoes for me. I was shocked when he brought home boring grey shoes. To my surprise, the audience loved the grey shoes.
Anna wanted to go to space camp. She sent in her application. They invited her in for an interview. She was personable and friendly. Then they offered her a spot at space camp!
Nancy was picking up her son from school. Her son wasn't at school. The school said he hadn't attended. Nancy went home. She found out her son had played hookey.
Harry wanted all new stainless steel appliances for his kitchen. He didn't have the money to get them though. He went to a bank. He borrowed money. He bought himself the new appliances.
Amy was hosting Thanksgiving dinner for her parents and inlaws. She planned everything very carefully. But she forgot to thaw the turkey! The stores were all closed so she had to improvise. All the traditional Thanksgiving sides were accompanied by hamburgers.
There was two nails to go in the birdhouse Jim was building. He reached for his hammed but could not find it. He looked all around the table but alas it was nowhere. Jim picked up a heavy steel wrench and used it like a hammer. The end result was satisfactory.
Sheila loved playing pranks, and she used to do it everyday. She didn't mind whether the person was old, or sick, or not in mood. Once, while playing her prank, she fell off a high cupboard. She was rushed to the hospital, and got stitches in her leg. She learnt a lesson, the hard way.
I like to drink craft beers. On Monday we we went out to dinner. I had a local IPA. IPA is short for India Pale Ale. My drink was good but so strong I had only half.
Brody is allergic to peanuts. He is travelling on an airplane with his sisters. The flight attendant brings everyone a bag of peanuts. Brody gives his bag to his sister Faith. Faith eats all his peanuts.
Shelby is driving to the beach with her friends. They love that she finally has a car now. Shelby isn't paying enough attention and she crashes into a ditch. Everyone survives, but Shelby gets a ticket. Her parents take her car away and Shelby is depressed.
I was preparing food for an Easter potluck event. I prepared glazed bunny marshmallows. I added several sprinkles to it as well. When my friends tasted the food, they were amazed. They told me to make it again next year.
Sam was driving down the road. The car in front of him slammed on his brakes. Sam slammed into the back of him. There wasn't much damage but Sam's insurance went up. He learned to not tailgate as much.
Steve wanted to buy a new lawn mower but he didn't have enough money. He went on his computer to see if there were any coupons. Alas, Steve didn't find any that were for enough money. Steve opened up photoshop and made his own coupon. The clerk at the hardware store was fooled by Steve's coupon.
Eric was reading a travel brochure. He then realized he had a myopic view of the world. Eric booked a month long trip to Europe and left the week after. All of the new experiences Eric had there were educational and fun. Eric returned to the US feeling fulfilled and with a new perspective.
Laney was making toast. She put some in the toaster and started watching television. The toast got stuck and started to burn. Laney was too invested in tv to notice. Eventually the smoke alarm had to alert her.
Joe has a test tomorrow. He also has a soccer game tonight. Joe has not studied for his test at all. Joe decided to pull an all-nighter. When he got to class, he was so tired that he failed.
He almost crashed. He slammed on the breaks. No one would let him over. He needed to take an exit. My dad was driving in Atlanta.
The elections were coming up. Fred couldn't believe a reality star had made it. As a result he started a boycott. Pretty soon he won the elections. Fred was surprised he could not make an impact!
Lisa was working late. She had forgotten to call her mother. Her mother was worried about her. Lisa's mother showed up at the store to see about her. Lisa was embarrassed.
Ann had what she thought was a decent grade in math class. She had a b grade. Later she found out it was not good enough. Her teacher said she needed above a 90. Ann realized she had to try better next year.
He told himself to go up to her and go for it. He went over and made some small talk first. Then he asked if she wanted to go out the next weekend. She told him she would but she was already seeing someone. He told her that did him no good and they both laughed.
Martha arrived home from the store. She realized that her husband had left the door locked. She had no key, and was locked out. She decided to call the landlord. Soon, he came and let Martha inside.
Fiona didn't like eating at McDonald's. As she had no choice that day, she ordered a plain hamburger. She new it would be fresh but would take longer to make. She waited for ten minutes to no avail. The employee had forgotten her rare order.
Greg needed to get away from the city life. He wanted to do something new. A friend told him he should go camping. Greg agreed to give it a shot. Greg enjoyed being outdoors and decided camping was awesome.
Allie was hungry. She decided to get some fast food. She went to the new one. Allie ordered a burger. She ate it in ten minutes.
Last summer my friends and I were going to a Brad Paisley concert. On the way to the concert a drunk driver crashed into our vehicle. The driver fled his car. Police arrived and closed the road. No one was seriously injured but we missed the concert .
Tom was a high school student. He noticed that he was annoyed with tying his shoes every day. He decided to buy laceless shoes. He loved not having to tie his shoes. He never bought shoes with laces again.
I took my young daughter to the animal shelter. We got to the shelter and looked at all the dogs there. I told my daughter that we were only here to look around. But soon an adorable dog caught our attention. We adopted the dog and happily took it home.
My friend ask me to tell him a story. I struggled to come up with something to tell him. He glared at me impatiently, like I was wasting his time. I told him that wasn't fair because he'd come to me for one. As he stomped off, I thought I should reconsider our friendship.
A mom and son walked through Bryant Park. The little boy saw the carousel. He wanted to ride! His mom paid the fare. He rode and rode the rest of the afternoon.
My wife had a day off. We went to a local barber so I could get a haircut. Then we went to a local coffee shop. My wife posted photos on Facebook. It was a nice day.
Emily had been a cheerleader her whole life. Now that she was an adult, she didn't know what to do for work. She was so passionate about cheerleading, she called her old friend. Her friend suggested she start her own child cheerleading team. She formed her own cheer group from her fellow friends and family.
Kia begged her parents to let her watch a scary movie. They reluctantly agreed. Kia felt very adult and mature! But that night she had several terrifying nightmares. She wished she hadn't watched the movie after all!
Benjamin was a ferocious turker, he amassed thousands of hits. At the least he would still turn in 300 hits daily with ease. He started making more money than he ever knew he could from home. By his 5th year he was vacationing in Mexico and still turking. Benjamin is the happiest he has ever been all thanks to turking.
Russell was on a cruise with his family. Things appeared to be going well, at first. A few hours in, however, Russell felt queasy. He spent some time leaning over the edge of the boat. The rest of the night was spent lying in bed.
It was a cold and brisk morning. Mike rushed to get to work on time. The roads were slippery as he was driving. He lost control of his car near an intersection. Luckily, his car was able to come to a slow stop safety.
Mike had forgotten to study for his vocabulary quiz that day. Quickly, at the start of class, he made a cheat sheet. During the test, he used it carefully. He was not careful enough though, and his teacher caught him. Mike got kicked out of the school and became a failure.
Ivan had always wanted to visit the desert. His family went on a road trip through Las Vegas. Ivan loved those wide open vistas. He was really enjoying himself. Ivan was sad when they stopped to stay in the center of Las Vegas.
Barry was on his computer all day long. He worked writing a blog for a local newspaper. When Barry would have breaks he would smoke cigarettes. Barry tried to quit one day and struggled immensely. He was finally able to stop by substituting snacks for cigarettes.
Candy was unloading her dishwasher. She was just finishing up with a stack of plates when she tripped. Her plates flew to the ground, making a loud crunch. To her relief, only one of the plates had cracked. Still she was sad that she had lost one of them.
Jack and his dad were going to the movies. Jack was excited because he was able to choose the movie. Jack chose to watch Spiderman. He was amazed by the action scenes in the movie. Jack loved the movie so much he begged for a Spiderman poster.
James had a recipe for spaghetti sauce. He had never tried it before. He bought all the ingredients. He followed it step by step. When he tasted it, it was the best ever.
My son Kevin loves toy cars. One day, he was naughty and he got his cars taken away as punishment. He wanted his toys back really badly. I told him he needed to apologise to get his cars back. He told me sorry and I returned his cars.
Ana didn't know what to cook for dinner. She had a lot of odd leftovers, so she had an idea. She put them all together into a casserole. Then she baked everything under a layer of cheese. Ana's family loved her "leftover casserole"!
Last month I entered a poker tournament. I did well at the beginning. The middle of the tournament was slow and boring. Near the end I was still in, but I got greedy. I ended in 7th place because I bluffed the wrong person.
Ethan had cucumbers growing in his garden. He decided to make pickles with them. He chopped them and soaked them in vinegar. He added a few herbs, too. The pickles were delicious!
I helped my friend Have move out of his home. I helped sell his stuff on eBay. While cleaning, he found condoms in his teenage daughter's room. He had an argument with her. I left the house while they were fighting.
Tom received his phone bill. It was magnitudes higher than he expected. Tom couldn't figure out why. He then looked at his data. He had been wasting it when he thought he was using wifi.
Jessie and Dana were watching TV until she started feeling different. Dana went to the bathroom and started feeling pain. She then discovers her water broke. Jessie helps Dana to the car and rush to the hospital. Later that night, Dana delivers a healthy baby boy.
Jane wanted to be a nurse. She enrolled in all the prerequisites at school. She took her entrance exam. Jane sent in her application to nursing school. Jane was accepted and extremely excited.
Haley hated grocery shopping. Her friend Hannah loved to grocery shop. They decided to grocery shop together. During their trip, they got stuck behind a lady with many kids. Now they both dislike grocery shopping.
The little girl broke a vase. Her mom asked what happened. She said her little brother broke it. Her brother was grounded. She never got in trouble.
In 6th grade I had a boyfriend I liked very much. I went out of town on a family vacation. While I was gone, I bought him a nice souvenir with my own money. When I got back, I found out he didn't like me any more. I kept the souvenir for myself.
Today I had a history test. I arrived just in time. I sat down to take my test. I realized I didn't remember anything on the test. I tried my best, but I think I failed.
There was a woman I saw every day at the coffee shop. She worked there in the mornings. I wanted to ask her out on a date. I finally got the courage to ask her. Unfortunately, I asked her right in front of her husband.
Peter was going to see a movie. He got to the movie theatre. The movie he wanted to see wasn't at that theatre. Peter chose a different movie to watch. He saw the movie he wanted to see at another theatre later.
Tom had recently moved to a desert climate from Florida. He rather liked the lack of rain at first. But as the days turned to months, he missed the rain. One evening he saw a news story that mentioned rain. The following day, it rained all day - Tom smiled.
James wanted to be a weatherman when he grew up. Every night he pretended to do a weather forecast for his parents. His mother encouraged him. His father rolled his eyes and told James to stop being a girl. Eventually, James stopped his weather forecasts.
Anthony responded to the job ad in the paper. He showed up for the interview. He was so nervous he forgot his resume in the car. He settled down and completed the interview. The next week, he received a job offer.
Don sat on the bench worried his team would lose the final. His job was to encourage the bad baseball players to perform well. One of the worst team members was up to bat. Don yelled out words of encouragement to support him. The team member then swung his bat and won the game for his team.
Brady was the guest of honor at a going away party. He will be moving to another state in a week. Brady drank far too much alcohol for his own good. He did not have a designated driver when he left. Brady did not move because of his pending DUI charges.
George was cooking for his girlfriend. He decided to make her chicken. The chicken came out a little dry. George's girlfriend ate the food. She told him she was grateful he tried.
Joe was at school when he was told that santa isn't real. He was confused and sad. He went home and asked his mom about it. She told him if he really believed then santa would stop at their house. Joe woke up christmas morning too a bunch of presents from santa.
Amy's mom had a Polaroid camera. Her mom took pictures at her aunt's graduation. Amy asked if she could take pictures. Her mother told her she was too young. She felt left out and began to cry.