Tom loved dancing. He went to a salsa club. He met an amazing woman there. She was from Mexico. They eventually married and had kids together.
I decided to get a video game console. I need to make the money myself because my parents won't pay. I decided to apply for many jobs. I am also working online to make some extra money. I hope I make the money soon.
One day Rochelle went to Times Square. First she shopped for a while. Then she got lunch. Finally she went back to her hotel. She had a great day.
I went to get fast food for lunch today. The line was very long. I waited and waited until it was my turn. When I got the counter, they were out of the item I wanted. I was very disappointed.
My class was sent to the office. The nurses did physical checkups on us. We had to take off our shoes and stand still. She took our vitals, weight and height. Afterwards, we returned to class.
I just arrived in America. My friend said I should try a hamburger. I was skeptical but I agreed. We went to a diner and bought two hamburgers. They were delicious and I ordered another one!
Amy and her friend went riding when Amy got a new bike. They rode for hours without paying attention to the time. It was dusk before they realized it was time to go home. They were farther than they thought they had ridden. Amy's wasn't able to ride for a week as punishment for being late.
Bart was riding his motorcycle. He wasn't wearing his helmet. Bart was pulled over by a police officer. He was given a ticket for not wearing his helmet. Bart began to always wear his helmet.
Becky was excited because her cat was ready to have kittens. She made a special spot for the soon-to-be mama cat to give birth. That night, Becky heard the unmistakable sound of new kittens. She couldn't find the mama and babies in the special spot she made. Becky followed the sound to find the kitties in the bathtub.
Shawn was obsessed with flying. He built a contraption with wings he believed would fly. Shawn went to the top of his barn and took off in the contraption. Unexpectedly, he flew up into the air like a bird. Shawn flew up and away, never to return to Kansas.
My wife saw a photo of our granddaughter on Instagram. I said I did not see it. She said Instagram displays photos by time. I do not look at Instagram much. Later we found the photo on my app.
Kim loved ice cream. She loved it so much that she wanted to become a vendor. Kim saved up a lot of money to buy an ice cream truck. When she got it, she quickly began serving ice cream for very cheap. Kim was in it for sharing ice cream, not for the money.
She was showing her son old photos. Pictures of her family, her childhood, the boy as a baby. Afterwards she was sitting thoughtfully. "Look towards the future mommy, not towards the past" the boy said. "The past will take you to the dark side like Darth Vadar."
Nancy was trying to lose weight. She counted each calorie she ate. Soon, she was down ten pounds. Nancy was determined to keep going. By the end of the year, she had lost another ten!
John loved hot air balloons. He noticed a flyer advertising a local hot air balloon festival. A few days later he went to the festival. There was probably 100 hot air balloons there! John had a really great time.
Kim was headed to Miami for the weekend. But she needed a new bikini. So she went to a clothing store. She found the nicest bikini. She bought and wore it to Miami.
Some of my favorite childhood memories stem from going to the beach. One of best beaches I love going to is on Martha's Vineyard. Martha's Vineyard has some of the most beautiful beaches. When I went last year the water was beautiful and crystal clear. I cannot wait to go back.
Mr Sweeney was the high school principal. He was walking down the hallway when he noticed someone running. He told the student no running in the hall. The student laughed and threw Mr Sweeney in a locker. Mr Sweeney started crying at how mean students were.
Tom and Becky recently began a relationship together. They were both adept at sustaining a fulfilling relationship. Tom asked Becky what the purpose of life was. Becky said life can be so serious, so having fun is the purpose. Tom lightened up in his life, and began having more fun.
Jennifer was throwing an elegant evening party. She was very busy making preparations. First, she went to the florist and the baker. Then she came home and prepared dinner and the appetizers. When the first guest arrived she was ready to have a great time.
Barb likes to watch the show Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones comes on tomorrow night. The television stopped working today. She tried to fix it but it's still broken. Tammy, Barb's friend invited her over to watch the show with her.
Eli was part of a misfit group of kids with no place to go. They'd been kicked out of the library and arcade alike. Eli finally found a perfect place for them to hang out. It was an old swimming pool on the edge of town. Eli and the other kids made it into their own private skatepark.
Ray bought a new hat online. He had it shipped to his house. He put the hat on once he arrived. The hat was so big it fell over his eyes. Ray boxed the hat back up and shipped it back.
Sue hired a wedding planner. She needed help with her design. She explained she wanted something simple. The planner helped her with all the details. The wedding turned out to be perfect.
Raj was doing a human intelligent task on Mechanical Turk. His task was to create a video acting out a script provided by others. The script called for a vacuum cleaner to be repaired. Raj didn't own a vacuum cleaner. He filmed himself sucking on a tube in front of his sink instead.
My hair was becoming very shaggy. I decided to go and get it cut. I went to the local barbershop. I went inside and got a nice haircut. When it was over, I looked much nicer.
Tom was going to high-school for the first time. He decided to reinvent himself. He created a whole new style for himself. All the other students thought he looked goofy. Tom was picked on alot after that.
Scott didn't understand American football. He thought it was boring and didn't have enough action. His friends decided to take him to the park and play football. Scott scored a touchdown, but also sprained his shoulder. He gained a whole new respect for football that day.
An old man got sick. The doctors put him in hospice because of his age. Someone donated a liver. The doctors discovered he could live. They took him out of hospice and did surgery that same hour.
John is waiting for a package. He hears the mail truck arrive. John rushes to the door. His package was placed by the door. John opens his package with excitement.
Tim's parents moved him to a new house. It was in a new neighborhood where he had no friends. Tim really hated it at first. After a while he started making friends. He liked it a lot more.
Transcribing seemed like an easy way to make money. Turns out I was wrong! I first attempted transcribing audio clips on mturk. The first one I did took me over 3 hours for an hour audio. I decided the pay wasn't worth it, and went to other things.
The man put his dog on a leash. The dog knew it was time for a walk. The dog got excited. The dog peed on the floor. The next time the man put the leash on outside.
The couple built a house in the country. It was on a peaceful pond. They liked to sit on their deck and watch the sun set on the water. They were so grateful for their beautiful home. They couldn't imagine living anywhere else!
Amy really loved to dress up for Halloween. Every year she hand-made her Halloween costume. This year, she wanted to make a Wilma Flintstone costume. She spent two weeks sewing and putting it all together. The costume was so good, she won first place in a costume contest!
Nate was in the city. He went into an alleyway. Suddenly 3 people came to him. They robbed him. They left him behind 1 dollar.
Georgina realized no one was in the house. She laid down on her bed and took off her pants. She turned on some sexy music. Georgina slid her hand down her panties. Then she fell asleep because she was too exhausted from work.
Gina had been waiting to see her crush Jamie all day long. Finally it was time for recess. She looked all over the playground for him. He was no where to be seen. Gina realized he was not at school that day.
Jeff has always been a hard worker. In a meeting today with his boss he gets some news. Jeff gets told he is getting a promotion. Jeff can hardly contain his excitement and jumps out of his chair. Jeff skips and screams around the office talking about his promotion.
Allie was exhausted. She realized she needed a normal bed time. She settled for eight. When she woke up she felt so refreshed. She never wanted to stay up again.
Gina drank a specific brand of bottled water. Each week she went to the store and bought enough for 5-7 days. But the stores near her house were always running out of the water. Gina often had to visit 2 stores to get enough. It was inconvenient, but Gina felt it was worth it.
Bob and Laura took their dog for a hike one beautiful, warm day. They hiked up a rugged trail, carrying plenty of water with them. They noticed that the trail was uprooted all around the campground. Suddenly, they saw a wild black hog in the distance. The hog snorted at them as they backed away.
Ryan realizes that he has become very fat over the last two Year's. He decides that he needs to lose weight quickly. Ryan stops eating meat and starts to jog every day. After 6 months he starts to lose weight. Ryan is happy that he has finally started to become less fat.
Arthur was painting a girl's portrait. She sat quietly and smiled. When he finished, he showed her the portrait. She did not like it. She did not want to pay him any money.
Sophie loved her work at the local library. She was surrounded by books all day. She created a book club for kids. She also read to them on weekends. And when she went back home, she always had a good book to read.
Adam was having a great night out. He went to dinner and later a movie. He proceeded to ready his wallet to pay. He touched his back pocket again and again. It wasn't there he had lost his wallet!
It was a beautiful day in the park when Lily was walking with Joe. The two took a break from walking and sat on the bench. Joe looked into Lily's eyes and stroked her hair. He told her how beautiful she was and that he liked her. The two then leaned in and shared their first kiss.
Uncle Jock couldn't believe he was rich. He'd just won the lottery, and after taxes, was totally loaded. Jock went down to the Apple store and bought a new laptop. He also bought an expensive car, and a slushy at 7-11. Jock lived the good life for a whole year, until he was poor again.
Tim was suffering from back pain as of late. He went to the doctor to find out the cause. His doctor said his posture was causing his back pain. The doctor recommended that he wear a posture brace. Tim's managed to rid himself of his back pain.
Hector was always the least adventurous of his friends. While his friends were off riding bikes, Hector would stay home. One day Hector decided to change his ways. He went out with his friends and climbed to the top of a tree. From that day forward, Hector began his adventurous lifestyle.
Frank wanted to grill a supper for his buddies. He loved summer and outdoor cooking! But he couldn't afford pricey meats like ribs and chicken breasts. So Frank bought a big bag of hot dogs and grilled them up. His buddies all agreed it was an excellent grilled supper!
The couple took a trip to Las Vegas. They didn't know how to gamble but thought they'd give it a go. They put $100 on the roulette table. The casino employee spun the wheel. The couple won $200!
Amy was driving to work one day. Out of the blue her tire went flat. She pulled over and call triple A for assistance. The repairman arrived and changed the tire. Amy happily thanked the repair man, and drove to work.
I had a morning meeting at work today. My boss asked me to comment on our latest project. I had a lot to say. My coworkers felt my comments were helpful. I was happy my contributions were well received.
My daughter's high school friend may be on cocaine. She has been acting high after breaking up with her boyfriend. A mutual friend offered to help her get into rehab. She listened one day, then denied taking drugs the next. The mutual friend has not talked to her since.
My new upstairs neighbors were being very noisy. They would make loud noises at all hours of the day and night. I finally worked up the courage to ask them what was going on. It turns out that my neighbors are tap dancers. They agreed to only practice during the day from now on.
Halloween was Amber's favorite holiday. She just turned thirteen this year. She was disappointed to find out she couldn't trick or treat this year She could still hand out candy to other kids though. She was still happy she could enjoy the holiday.
Linda is always getting abused by her boyfriend. Her boyfriend does nothing all day but drink and hit her. Linda tells her boyfriend that their time is over. She breaks up with him and leaves. Linda's boyfriend begs for her back but she moves on with her life.
My friend and I were seated. The roller coaster started to move. My friend started to freak out after a few seconds. The roller coaster went down a large incline. I remained quiet unlike my friend who started to shout.
Howard gave his friend some money as a loan. His friend was supposed to pay him back days ago. Howard confronted his friend about it. His friend made excuses. Howard decided to stop lending him money.
John had poor facial skin tone. He did not know what was causing it. He asked his parents about it. They took him to see a dermatologist. The dermatologist diagnosed him with eczema.
I wanted to go to the movies with my friends. When I checked my wallet, I did not have any money. I was sad because I would miss the movie. My friends had a good idea. We all decided to stay home and tell cool stories instead.
Mavis was mowing the yard one April day. She got close to a large rock in her yard. One she approached it, hornets came flying out of the ground. They stung Mavis on her shin repeatedly. Mavis ran inside screaming, and never mowed her yard.
Sal liked to play games. His family was really into board games. He always won at chutes and ladders. But today was different because his brother practiced. Sal lost the first game to his brother today.
Leo hated going to school. Leo never did his homework and was always getting into trouble. As a result, Leo dropped out of school at 17. He started his own business making furniture by hand. Leo became very successful and famous for his work.
I was at the gym on Tuesday. I was playing basketball. All of a sudden the lights shut off. A worker came in and told me I had to leave. I guess a storm knocked the power out!
Edgar sat in the park alone. He had a bag of seeds that he was feeding to the pigeons. He felt sad that he was so alone. Then a raven landed nearby, also wanting some seeds. Edgar did not feel alone anymore, seeing the raven stand out.
Dennis decides he wants more hours at work. He decides he doesn't want to ask his boss for more hours. So, instead he just dawdles at night before he clocks out. But his boss is taking notice and tells him to stop. Dennis decides to ask his boss for more hours.
John was a fourth grader in California. John and his class took a field trip to a nearby beach. The kids began to play in the sand. John got to swim in the ocean and eat ice cream. The kids got back on the bus and went home later.
Jim had always wanted to become a lawyer. He grew up watching crime shows. All he had left was to pass the bar exam. He was confident that all his studying would pay off. He got a great score!
Bob had a tiny 20 inch TV. He wanted to buy a better one for black friday. He saved up for weeks. He bought a 60 inch plasma on black friday. Bob watched football on his new tv later that night.
When Benjamin was in Kindergarten he was having a hard time at home. He fought a lot with his siblings who were older than him. Sometimes he started the fights but most times he just got picked on. Benjamin would go to school and take his anger out on his classmates. He was mean and bullied everyone so they called Benjamin the Bully.
Kelly really wanted a new cat. She begged her parents over and over for one. Unfortunately they said no. Luckily however on her birthday, they gave in. Kelly was finally able to get a cat.
Randy was going on a cruise with his friends. He had just gotten a brand new stereo system in his car. He played his tunes on full blast. All of a sudden, he got pulled over by the police. The police officer gave him a warning for playing his music too loud.
Laura had a birthday. Her husband handed her a present. It was a beautiful diamond necklace! Laura put it on immediately. She couldn't wait to show it off to everyone!
Throughout Peter's math class, he had a bad headache. Although it was hard for him to pay attention, he tried to be calm. However, he had to leave 45 minutes before the end of class. His friend decided to look for him. He found peter, throwing up in the bathroom.
Brian and his dog always went for a walk around the block. He would wave at his neighbors and they would wave back. One morning Brian woke up late and couldn't walk his dog. Brian called his friend to walk the dog. Brian felt bad for waking up late.
The great fire moved too quickly. It consumed all that it touched and showed no mercy. The castle slowly fell away around the battling armies. Smoke filled their lungs and fire touched their clothes. Those who were not slain by each other died from the fire.
The sink had a slow drip. Water fell into the sink that was already backed up. After days of neglect the sink overflowed with water. The water soaked the floor and ruined the wood. The owner had to replace everything when he noticed.
A few weeks ago I had to teach all my friends how to sing a song. It was a song about how much fun we had at camp this year. All my friends are terrible singers though. We worked on the song all week. At the end of the week, my friends still were not good singers.
Tom had a friend with new electronics. He offered to sell some to tom. Tom turned down the offer. The friend was soon arrested for stealing. Tom felt lucky he didn't involve himself.
Tom lived in a nice apartment. Tom had long hair. Tom clogged his drain with his hair. Tom bought a chemical drain unclogging product. Tom used the product to successfully unclog the drain.
Fred had a bad sleeping schedule. He wanted to sleep earlier. He began to sleep 5 hours later each night. After grueling nights, he accomplished this. He was able to get his sleep schedule back on track.
Derek loved to go fast on his motorcycle. He wanted to win the upcoming motorcycle race. Derek knew that he would win the race if he practiced hard. He woke up early every morning to practice his runs on the course. On the day of the race, Derek won it by a long shot!
Our building manager told us about a new traffic practice. Our city is now ticketing cars parked in the same spot for 24 hours. There are many cars parked overnight across the street. I asked the concierge why this is happening. He said the law had been on the books but was not enforced before.
Jane was trying to make a sandwich. Unfortunately she realized the cheese was expired. It had gotten mold on it. Jane was forced to throw it out. She made her sandwich without it.
Jenna spilled soda on her sister's new dress. Her sister was furious and told her she would never forgive her. Jenna worked hard to clean the stain out of the dress. She even took it to the dry cleaners but the stain wouldn't come out. She bought her sister a new dress, but her sister still held a grudge.
Laura had a really old chair. She wanted to fix it up. She bought paint from the hardware store. She sprayed paint all over the chair. The chair looked sparkling new afterwards.
I had a task to do. It was very complicated. I could not focus on the task. I drank a cup of coffee to help. I was able to work on the task.
Karina eats fruit daily. Karina likes apples, oranges, kiwi, and berries. Today Karina ate an apple. Karina's apple was red and very sweet. Karina ate a waffle after she ate her apple.
Lucy decided to cook cheese sticks. She had never made them from scratch. She bought all the ingredients. She followed her recipe. They turned out great.
Lucy and John were a couple. Ann liked John a lot. She asked him to go out with her. John agreed behind Lucy's back. Lucy found out later and broke up with John.
Mary had a big family with nine brothers and sisters. She was tired of never having any time alone. Sometimes Mary wished she was an only child! When she got older, she realized that it was good to not be alone. She would always have nine best friends to be there for her.
Jane never bought a lottery ticket, but today she felt lucky. She stopped at the corner store and got a scratch off ticket. She got in her car and used a quarter in the console to scratch it. She matched the numbers correctly and was amazed she had won. She went back in the store to claim her $1000 prize.
Ann got a summer job at the movie theater. She hated working during the weekend. But then she found out about the perks of her job. Every month she could see a free movie! Ann was pleased with her benefit!
One day the Acker family decided to go stargazing on the hill outside. They found the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper, and Orion's Belt. They even saw some shooting stars! It was a truly beautiful night. Everyone had fun.
Sarah always dreamed of becoming a mother. Sarah and her husband decided to have kids. She got pregnant and was excited to meet her new baby. It turned out Sarah was expecting twins. Sarah's hands and heart and now full with children.
Tom was trying to get some water to drink. He didn't grab the glass properly. It slipped and fell to the flour. Water went everywhere. He had to clean it all back up.
Jan and Ed took their seats as the bull riding was announced. Ed had never attended a rodeo. He was interested to see why Jan thought it was exciting. As the chute door opened, a large bull shot out. Ed began to realize the lure of the rodeo.
Last week my dad took me to the shooting range. He let me pick out a gun. I got to fire it for ten dollars worth of ammunition. My aim was terrible but kept getting better. It was fun and taught me a lot.