Jenny was moving. She found a great apartment downtown. She hired a moving company and started the process. She couldn't wait to be settled. Her view was amazing!
I wanted to learn computer science. I decided to start with python. It was easy at first. Then, it became extremely hard. I realized programming wasn't for me and I quit.
Ruil moved to the US from mexico. He wasn't too good with English at first. He has been here for about 20 years now. He has improved well. He has acquired a good knowledge of English.
Robert found a toad. He tried to capture the toad with his hands. The toads evaded capture. Robert bought a net. He caught a lot of toads with the net.
Jane woke up on Tuesday and realized she was late for work. She quickly got ready, and rushed out of her house. On the way to work she was speeding. She eventually ran a red light, and saw police sirens behind her. She ended up getting a ticket, which was definitely not worth it!
Kayla was graduating from high school. Her family thought education was of the devil. Kayla didn't think they'd show up to the secular institution. She was the first person in her family to graduate high school. Her parents were so proud of her they came despite their beliefs.
Carl and Pablo were playing video games. But they only had one controller because their 2nd one broke. They had to take turns playing. But Carl was getting impatient. Their only controller left became broken too.
I had a crush when i am in college. One day he sat beside me. We began to talk to each other and became friends. Since then, we often go out together. Until he proposed to me and we became couples.
I'd never tried Japanese food. I decided to go to the sushi bar to try it. Everything on the menu looked scary. I ordered some Philadelphia rolls. They were disgusting!
After her run, Maria was very sweaty. She decided she needed to get a shower. She took off her clothes and put them into the dirty laundry. Maria got into the shower and quickly washed herself. Maria stepped out of the shower and dried off.
Dan's grandfather recently had a major stroke. Dan rushed to the hospital, thinking the worse had happened. However, Dan saw his grandfather alive, but not moving. After talking to the doctors, they told Dan he was paralyzed. Dan was heartbroken to hear his grandfather was in such a state.
Greg was feeling depressed. He had always wanted a family but he was still alone. He decided to make his dream a reality. He began dating and found an amazing woman. Within a couple of years they were married with a baby on the way.
Our teacher gave us a class assignment. We were all supposed to confess one secret we have. Daina went first. She told everyone that she ran over a deer. After that, everyone remained silent.
Wendy wanted to be a professional gamer. She knew she would have to join a team and play competitively. Wendy trained at her chosen FPS every day after school. When she joined a competitive crew, they found her skills lacking. Wendy was discouraged, but sought another crew to join.
My friend Freya never got married. She always dated the wrong man. Her latest boyfriend seemed a good catch and they lived together. In 2013, he caught him cheating on her and threw him out. She has not had a boyfriend since.
Rick was tired of washing his dishes by hand. So he wanted to buy a dishwasher. He spent his money very carefully for a few weeks. And soon, he was able to afford a dishwasher. Rick was happy he no longer had to wash dishes by hand.
Fred went to a seafood restaurant. When he got there he ordered gumbo. It looked delicious, He wasn't sure if it would be good. But he loved it.
Tom's business decided to buy a franchised hotel. Tom decided that the design and layout of the hotel was inefficient. The business hired a team of architects and engineers for help. Tom oversaw the the development and implementation of the upgrades. The hotel profit grew and the business gave Tom huge bonus pay.
Tom was in the local park one afternoon. He saw a rather disobedient dog in the distance. The dog's owner through a frisbee in Tom's direction. Unfortunately, the dog decided to pounce on Tom instead. The dog's owner didn't even apologize.
My wife and I are fairly wealthy. The local zoo contacted us seeking a contribution. We gave what we thought was a sizable sum. We later learned they put our name on a bench. We couldn't imagine how much other donors must have given.
I needed to get a new pet for my house! After doing some searching around, I decided on a lab. I went to look at a little puppy in another town. I loved him! It wasn't long before I had him home!
Stan hated his new job. He joined the company for the money but couldn't stand the people. His contract said if he quit within a year he'd lose his hiring bonus. Stan started misbehaving to get the company to fire him. He got to keep his bonus and find a job that better suited him.
The drink was large. She took a taste tentatively. She laughed, saying it tasted like lasers. He smiled knowingly and hugged her. Together, they drank their energy drinks and went to work.
Jim was sitting in class. But he kept imagining being somewhere else. When his teacher asked him a question, Jim shrugged his shoulders. And he was sent to the principal's office. While in the principal's office, Jim imagined being somewhere else.
Mavis turned up her music really loud. Her neighbors were having an argument outside. No matter how loud she turned up the music she could hear them. Mavis beat on the walls telling them to shut up. They told her she didn't have to be so rude.
When Kelly go home from school she smelled something bad. She went upstairs and realized her parents were painting the room. Kelly immediately ran to get a mask. Unfortunately that did not help. Kelly had to just sit outside.
Pretty though she may be, Sally had a dark secret. Sally had her unborn twin growing inside of her. One day, the twin popped out. It started singing and dancing, and Sally screamed. The twin grew quickly, and soon took over Sally's identity.
Frank wanted to play a trick on the town so he buried bones in yard. A month later he dug them up and pretended to have found a dinosaur. Team of scientists came in to examine Frank's discovery. All the scientists did not know what to make of this discovery. They concluded he found a new species called Frankosaur.
Ben came home from school. He threw his backpack on the floor in his room. He didn't empty his lunchbox. The dirty lunchbox stayed in his room all weekend. By the time he brought it into the kitchen, it smelled horrible.
Donald just wanted some ice cream. Donald saw Mary crying in the park. Donald asked Mary what's wrong. Mary had two ice cream cone and no one to share with. Donald took an ice cream cone and Mary became happy!
Kim checked into her resort and went to her room. She hung around the room for a while and went to take a walk She ran into a loose tiger in the hallway and screamed. Someone called the front desk for help. The front desk called animal control, who confiscated the tiger.
Johnson had always wanted a pet cactus. The only issue was they were very expensive. Johnson then decided to travel to a desert. Johnson got on an airplane and flew to the Sahara Desert. After that, Johnson picked out his favorite cactus.
The man wanted pizza. He found a deal online. He ordered his pizza. He waited to receive it. The pizza never came.
The kitten was very tiny. It looked up at me with perfectly round eyes. It was very cute. It meowed pitifully at my door. I couldn't resist letting it come inside.
Larry spent most of his day job peeling potatoes. He got so good at it, he could peel a full potatoes in a few seconds. One day Larry challenged a friend of his to a potato peeling contest. Larry's friend Joe was hesitant but eventually agreed. Larry peeled three times as many potatoes as his friend.
A group of friends set out to make a farm. It was hard at the start to get going and planting. They had animals to look after and spent many hours working hard. After many months and a lot of work, they established their farm. They lived there happily for the rest of their lives.
Mark wanted to give his living room a new look. He decided to move the furniture around. He lifted one end of his sofa and dragged it to a new location. He switched paintings on his walls. When he was done the room looked very changed.
Leo is walking home. He sees a dog stuck in a tree. He frees the dog from the tree. The dog runs off. Leo saved the dog's life.
When my husband and I moved to Florida last year, we knew noone. After being here a year, I began to feel lonely for friends. I put an ad on craigslist, describing the things that I like to do. I had several people answer the ad, all strange birds in my opinion. There was one lady who told me that she goes dumpster diving for fun!
Adam was playing ball in his yard. Suddenly his baseball accidentally smashed a window! He was terrified and ran inside. The neighbor came over and spoke to his mom about the incident. Adam was forced to pay for the window himself.
Vernon was a self-proclaimed audiophile. He touted his expensive headphones. His friends grew tired of it and devised a prank. They replaced his headphones with similar-looking knockoffs. Vernon, to his ultimate shame, did not notice the swap.
The hail woke Karen out of a deep sleep. It was pelting the metal roof with great force. She jumped out of bed to look out the window. Just then the thunder crashed so loud that it hurt her ears. She hurried back into bed and threw the covers over her head.
Fran just landed in Thailand for her grand one month trip abroad. As she stepped outside of the airport, it was very rainy. Fran had come during the monsoon season. She got out her raincoat and looked excited for her adventure. Fran surged forward and explored the streets of Bangkok.
I saw The Sting in 1973. When I was in the lobby I saw a high school classmate was the usher. He let me in for free but I had to go in just as the movie was ending. Thus, I saw the surprise ending first. I still liked the movie.
We moved to the mountains to get away from the heat. Our first year here, last year, it barely got above 80 degrees. Our first winter here was very mild. The spring started out slowly. But this summer it is above 80 nearly every day!
Alexis won tickets to see her favorite band. She found out the tickets included a meet and greet. So the night of the concert she took extra long to get ready. She was ready to meet her future husbands. When she got there she realized how ugly they were in person and left.
Liz hadn't met her neighbors from India until their house caught fire. Seeing the fire engines, Liz rushed next door to offer help. Despite a language barrier, Liz saw the shock and fear in their eyes. Wordlessly, she ushered them to her home, bringing Kleenex and water. Hugs, support, and simple comforts brought these neighbors together.
Fred had a stomach ache at school. But he didn't want to miss out on anything important. But as the day went on, his stomach ache got worse. In Fred's last class, he threw up. And he regret forcing himself to stay at school.
Gage wanted to build a snowman with his son. The two males went outside all bundled up and ready. But they could not manage to roll any snow together! Their project was a total failure! Defeated, they went in for hot chocolate and warm soup!
Shannon was terrified of eating food that had gone bad. She was always double checking expiration dates. One day when she was in a hurry she threw some bread in the toaster. When it popped up she grabbed it and took a bite. She never even realized the bread was covered in fuzzy green mold.
In 1996, my son's school friend Tom had a birthday party. Tom was turning 7. Tom wanted to go to Castle Island and see the Civil War fort there. Tom was fascinated by the military. When Tom turned 18 he joined the army.
Cliff still lived with his parents. He had been partying a lot lately. Cliff would stay out until three in the morning. Cliff's parents were tired of him coming in so late. They told him he needed to move out.
Max hated board games. He thought they were boring. His family made him participate in family game night every week. This week he had to play Monopoly. Three hours in and Max still hates board games.
The family started to gather their plates at the buffet. They ate a lot since the food was food. When the waiter handed the bill, everyone was silent. No one did anything until my aunt took out her checkbook. She felt angry since no person offered to split the bill.
The bases were all loaded. It was the last bat of the game. The slugger strolled up to the plate. He got in the box and readied himself. The pitch came in and he crushed it, a grand slam.
One of our neighbors complains constantly. Larry is a retired professor who is bored. He complains about the air conditioning and the heat. Last week he yelled at the concierge to lower the ac in the club room. The concierge refused, and Larry stormed off.
Grandpa was driving Lucy home. He told a story which cheered the girl up. He continued telling her of his childhood. She shared stories of her own. They rode home laughing and sharing stories with each other.
It was Halloween day. My friends and I were all 18. We decided to go trick-or-treating one last time. A woman said we were too old to be trick-or-treating. We sadly went home after that.
Seth loves video games. He plays them most days after school. His favorite video game is Little Big Planet. In the game he builds his own levels. He has fun playing those levels with his brothers.
Fran loved her earbuds but they just broke. She needed something more durable. She looked online and found some headphones she liked. She ordered it online. The headphones ended up being amazing in quality.
Tom was trying to cook dinner for his girlfriend. He decided to make a classic pasta dish. Unfortunately he left the pasta boiling too long. It came out really gross. Tom decided to just take his girlfriend out to a restaurant instead.
Tim's parents adopted a kid. He was a bit older. Tim and the other kid never got along. He would get into a lot of trouble. Tim's parents eventually gave up on him.
Phil loved to smoke cigarettes everyday. Phil smoked for several years, and developed a hard cough. The cough was so annoying, one day Phil went to his doctor. The doctor told Phil he should stop smoking, or have more problems. Phil decided to quit smoking cigarettes.
Michelle is walking home from the club. While walking she feels someone grab her arm. They turn her around and point a gun at her. They demanded her purse. She gives them her purse and is robbed.
Michelle's birthday was her favorite day of the year. This year though, she was not looking forward to it. Her boyfriend had to work that day, so Michelle would be alone. On the day of her birthday, her boyfriend surprised her at her house. Michelle ended up not being alone for her birthday and was very happy.
Gina's brother had moved out of the house. That meant his room was available. Gina was sure her parents would give her the room. She was shocked when they turned it into a TV room. Gina was so angry she didn't speak to them for a week.
The teacher gave each student an individual assignment. I was assigned Adolf Hitler. I did my research, by going to the library and browsing the web. I put together my thesis on the German diplomat. The teacher gave me an A.
Erica was excited to graduate high school. She had worked hard in all her classes. She received all A's like usual. She was excited when she got her diploma. She graduated valedictorian of her class.
Gary saw an attractive girl sitting across the cafeteria. He glanced for a short moment. After staring at her again, she noticed. She walked to Gary with a mean face. Gary got into a fight with the girl.
Mike woke up with a really bad stomach ache one Sunday morning. He immediately went to the hospital as the pain was that bad. When he got there he fainted and did not wake up until several hours. When he awoke the doctor told him that he was lucky, he had a tumor. The operation was successful and Mike was able to live until very old.
Bill's kids were excited when it snowed Christmas eve. His wife said they had to go to mass. Bill insisted on letting the kids play in the snow instead. Later, his wife looked out the window. She saw Bill and the kids had built a nativity in the snow.
Janet saw a plate of icing on the kitchen counter. She tried to eat a piece of it. However, she spit the peace out and threw up. Her dad got furious when he saw the icing in the trash. He told Janet that she ate cement instead of icing.
Tina went to the supermarket with her baby. He kept crying since he was hungry. Tina became mad and slapped her child. He continued to cry but was more loud. Tina didn't care at all and continued to purchase groceries.
Tyler was constantly late for work. His boss would get angry about his tardiness. Because Tyler was a great worker, his boss did not want to fire him. The boss decided to buy Tyler a watch. Tyler was never late for work again.
I was waiting on line to pay for my Christmas gifts at Toys R Us. I saw someone approaching the counter with a video camera. He was video taping the next lady on line, without her noticing it. When she was about to pay for her items, the man behind her stepped in He smiled and said Merry Christmas, your gifts are on me.
One day Kevin went outside to check his mail. He opened his mailbox and saw a strange package. He brought it in and was very suspicious of it. He eventually decided to open it, although he was wary. When he opened it, he saw that it was a gift from his mother.
Kelly and her family were about to put up the Christmas Tree. Her father got a fake tree and the three of them put it up. Kelly got excited to put the cute ornaments on the tree. Looking from a distance, the tree looked amazing. Kelly took a picture that would last a long time.
The woman was speeding on the highway. It got time for her to get to her exit. She proceeded to the exit. She went too fast around the circling exit. She flipped her car off the curb and died.
Sadie had just had her pregnancy glucose test done. To her dismay she learned that she had diabetes. At first she thought she could never adopt the lifestyle. To her surprise though she managed it very well. Luckily the diabetes went away when her baby was born.
James wanted to buy his wife a nice anniversary gift. He asked his boss if he could work some overtime to pay for it. James ended up working six days a week for three weeks straight. He was very happy when he saw his paycheck with the overtime on it. James went to the store and bought his wife a diamond necklace.
Andrew hid an engagement ring in his pocket. His girlfriend, Nicolette was unaware of his plan. He took her to the zoo. After an entire day of fun he asked her to marry him. She said yes.
Alarm goes off at six in the morning . I roll out of bed and stretched my back. Put my work cloths on and grab some coffee. Take the keys off the hook and start up my car. Drive to work singing rock songs on the radio.
To make some extra money a man began to sell off some of his things. He made so much money that he kept the sale going. He eventually sold all the belongings he owned. A businessman heard of his success of selling things. The businessman offered the man a salesman job which was accepted.
Sam was trying to sleep. His upstairs neighbors were being loud. He sent them a text asking if they could stop. They apologized and obliged. Sam was able to fall asleep.
Otis walked outside to find his car was missing. He quickly called the cops to file a report. The police officer showed up at Otis's home. Otis gave a statement to the officer. The officer drove away and filed the report.
I am overweight, but wanted to compete in a 5k race. I hike regularly with my dog, but didn't think I could do it. I was nervous, but signed up for one that allowed my dog. Once there, I was able to see the many different types of people. I ended up completing the 5k and left with more confidence in myself.
Mike recently bought a car from a dealership. He thought the car looked good and it was affordable. He drove the car for about a month. Everything was working great until the car stopped working one day. The car refuse to start and the car isn't covered under warranty.
David was making a frozen pizza. It was time to take the pizza out of the oven. David tried to quickly take the pizza out without gloves on. He burned himself and dropped the pizza on the floor. David learned his lesson to always wear gloves from now on.
Martha had just finished a romantic beach walk with her boyfriend. She was very happy except for one thing. Her shoes were full of sand. She didn't want to look silly taking her shoes off. Instead she ignored the sand until she was home.
Dan got cut from the football team his junior year. The coach said he was too slow and he needs fast people. Dan was very upset but motivated to be better. He spent all offseason working on his speed. He dropped twenty pounds and made the team the next year.
Charlie was having a lot of trouble getting a good night's sleep. His daytime productivity was starting to suffer severely. His doctor recommended some sleeping pills. Charlie tried the pills for a couple days. Charlie was happy to discover they helped him a lot.
Liz was excited that she was babysitting for a new family. They were paying twice what she normally made. After the parents left she found out why. The kids were terrible and wouldn't listen. She vowed she would not watch them again for any amount of money.
There were five of us that summer, and we decided to start a club. Our names were Chere, Heather, Adrienne, MiMi and Paula. It seemed only natural to use our first letters and go with "CHAMP." CHAMP met daily in a tree house in an oak tree in the woods nearby. That summer was one of secrets, games and adventures because of CHAMP.
Roy's neck was hurting all day. But he had to go to basketball practice. He didn't want to complain to his coach. So he struggled through the exhausting practice session. But the next day, his neck hurt too badly to play.
Anna could not afford an air conditioner, but wanted one. Then one summer, temperatures rose to over 100 degrees! Anna was forced to rearrange her budget. Then she went to the store with her limited cash. There, she finally bought her long-desired air conditioner!
In 1971 i ate my first bagel. My family is Chinese and did not eat Western food much. We lived near a Jewish deli. My brother bought a toasted bagel and gave me half. I was hooked on bagels, and eat them all the time.
John was working at the office. He suddenly realized he has not had water in a long time. He got up to go to the watercooler. He filled his cup with water. He drank the water.
Joey's mom was having a baby girl. He begged his mom and dad to name her LuLu. It was his very favorite name but they didn't sound convinced. It was an exciting day when his mom went to the hospital to have her. And when they told him her name was LuLu he was even happier.
Every day on his way to the office, Bryce took the elevator upstairs. He often chatted with coworkers while in the elevator. One day, the elevator got stuck between floors. Bryce and his coworkers were stuck for almost 15 hours. Bryce now only takes the stairs.
Today I went swimming. I love to swim. The water was very cold. The water made my teeth chatter. The water was so cold, I had to get out.