Greg stood near the monkey enclosure at the zoo. He looked at his zoo map. Suddenly, a strong wind blew the map out of his hands. The map landed in the monkey enclosure. Several curious monkeys began reading the map.
John went to meet some friends at the park. They were going to meet at 5pm. They had planned a baseball game together. John showed up a little late. The game was fun.
Jim was tasked with cutting a branch from a tree. He was told to use a ladder to reach it. He decided not to, since he could reach it with the saw. When the branch came free, it hit Jim in the head. Jim now uses ladders to saw branches, even if he can just reach them.
Michael went outside. The temperature was really hot. He got permission to go in the pool. Michael had a great time swimming. The water also cooled him off.
Frank wanted to go hunting with his best friend Garry. Frank called Gary and invited him to go hunting. Garry accepted Frank's invitation to go hunting. Garry and Frank met up at their usual hunting spot. Frank was glad that he got the opportunity to go hunting with Gary.
Tom is a great ping pong player. He has grown up playing ping pong with his dad. His dad always beats him though by a great margin. Tom practiced very hard for a week. Finally Tom was able to beat his dad at ping pong.
Dana and Amanda were married and didn't keep secrets. But, Amanda noticed Dana kept a shoe-box at his mother's house. Amanda asked Dana what was in the shoe-box. Dana said old pictures but she couldn't see them. She went by her mother-in-law's home and the photos were nude selfies.
Jane went for a walk in the woods. She was gone for three hours. Her parents called the cops. They searched the woods thoroughly for Jane. A man volunteering in the search, found Jane.
Neil was in Sofia, Bulgaria. He was enjoying a trip backpacking through Europe. He loved all his stops, but Sophia was his favorite. He thought the food and culture in Sofia were the best. Neil never wanted to leave Bulgaria!
Ava was building a house. She couldn't decide on what kind of windows to use. She decided to go with big windows that would let in lots of light. Ava knew her new house would be full of natural light. She couldn't wait for the home to be done!
It was a hot summer night. Jane and her friends had nothing to do. They all decided to go swimming. They went to a river and the water was cold. Jane and her friends felt refreshed.
I wanted to win a cash prize for my art. I entered a photography contest. I bought a fancy camera. It took a long time to learn how to use it. I missed the deadline for the contest.
Ed and Lee were trying to have a baby. They decided to try in vitro fertilization. Lee had several rounds of painful shots. Two weeks later, they went to the doctor for their results. The doctor informed Lee and Ed that Lee had conceived a child!
Gina was getting on the highway. She could see the traffic was barely moving. And as she approached the on-ramp signal stood red. Gina sat at the red light for 2 minutes before getting a green one. Finally she was able to get on the highway to drive home.
Felipe loves playing trumpet but he wants to play with other people. One day his friend recommends he join the marching band. Felipe diligently practices playing while marching. Finally he is able to join the marching band. Felipe is very happy that he can play trumpet with others.
James liked adventure. He decided to live in a bus. He could drive anywhere he wanted. He decorated the bus and put a bed in it. He was ready to take an adventure.
Jack and Jill were hungry one night. They decided to go to the cafe down the street. They went in and sat down and looked over the menu. They decided to split a pizza. The pizza was good and they went home, full and happy.
I loved cooking fried food for my family. I cooked fried chicken and french fries. Then I read an article about how unhealthy fried foods are. I decided to bake my food from now on. It took longer but it was healthier.
Lisa was opening her first restaurant. The idea excited her. She decided to have a party to celebrate. She got all her friends together at her restaurant. The night was a blast.
My daughter is so accident prone. She falls all the time. If there is something she can bump into she does. She fell off the school bus the other day. She broke her ankle.
Justin was enjoying himself on a beach in Mexico. He forgot to reapply sunscreen every two hours. He got terrible sunburn on that left him with huge yellow blisters. A doctor at the hospital told him he had second degree burns. He finally felt better after days of pain medicine and burn cream.
The lifting contest began. Jerry and Kane was able to lift their weights for several minutes. However, Jerry started to get exhausted and moved slower. He ended up passing out because of his tiredness. While Kane was announced the winner, the medics took care of Jimmy.
Don was asked to work in an unfamiliar area one night at work. He did his best and was about to finish the shift. He only had to remove one part of the machine and shut it down. The part accidentally went into the machine while it was still on. Don was written up because of the damage to the machine.
Steven needed new furniture. He went to the local store with his family to look. I saw them at the store and said hi, but they were busy. He eventually decided on a blue couch for his room. Steven brought the couch home and set it up.
The little town of Hastings had seen its fair share of turmoil. Nothing could quite compare though to the drought that had come. For years the sun had withered away its chances of survival. Right when it seemed all hope was lost, it all changed with a drop. The end of the drought started with a single drop of rain.
Eric had a new sled that he couldn't wait to try out. Only there wasn't any snow yet. Finally on Saturday morning he woke up and it had snowed. He called his friend John to meet him on the hill by the school. They took turns riding down the hill on Eric's new sled.
Carly got lost as she traveled from Vermont to New York. She reached for her GPS but realized she hadn't brought it. She pulled over a gas station and bought a road map. She got into her car and determined her route. She began to drive again, continuing her journey to New York.
I always wanted a pet. I finally decided to get one. I went to the pet store. I saw a pretty kitten. I decided to buy the kitten!
A girl had a job as a desk worker at the local gym. She met many people through her job, and saw many people she knew. One morning, she saw her teacher come to work out. She discovered that he loved to play basketball. She watched his basketball game that morning.
Cate saw that she had a new neighbor. She baked a pie to welcome him. She went next door with the pie and introduced herself. He was very gracious and kind! Cate liked her new neighbor very much.
Sam loved trains He grew up to work at a railroad. It was a dangerous job. Sam almost got injured twice. His love of trains made up for his fears.
Gina visited a preschool class as a volunteer. She brought fruit-flavored cereal to string on yarn necklaces. Gina was disappointed to see the kids eating the cereal. The teacher told Gina the kids often came to school hungry. Now Gina brings food baskets whenever she volunteers.
Chris wanted to make his own ice cream sundae at home. He found a bowl and scooped up two scoops of vanilla ice cream. He poured caramel syrup over the top of the ice cream. Chris topped that with nuts, whipped cream and a cherry. He ate the entire sundae and he thought it was delicious!
Sandy worked hard at her job. Her boss gave Sandy lots of extra work. Sandy did everything she could to please her boss. One day, Sandy heard her name followed by laughter. She rounded the corner to see her boss, who looked away.
The candy cane salesman was tired to selling just canes. This year he rolled our new shapes like rings, pretzels and zigzags. The only shape that sold well were the zigzags. He felt like he really shook up the candy world. The next year he tried even more designs.
The man consulted his lawyer. The lawyer gave him advice. The man followed the advice. Later there was a lawsuit. The lawyer's advice protected the man.
Tom bought a television a while back. It broke after he could return it to the store. Tom called the company. It was still under warranty and they offered a way to fix it. It wasn't the best option but Tom agreed.
Joe wanted to take Sue to the big concert. But when he went to buy the tickets, they were all sold out! Sue suggested that they go to the venue and get scalped tickets. They found someone outside who sold them tickets. Joe and Sue had a great time at the concert.
Mac invited Jessie to the movies with him. Both teenagers were shy but sweet. To Mac's surprise, Jessie agreed to a date. During the movie, and then at dinner, they chatted nonstop. At the end of the night, Jessie asked him for a second date!
I was sitting on the bench last month. Our building bench is in front of a driveway. A taxi was parked in the driveway, and the driver looked angry. An old man came out and the driver said he was 30 minutes late. The old man only smiled at the glaring taxi driver.
Lola and Adam wanted to show off at their wedding. Neither knew how to dance, so they signed up for lessons. In a few weeks they were great at a lot of dances. Sure enough, they wowed the whole audience at their wedding! Everyone loved their impressive dancing!
Goldie was a model known for her temperamental nature. Her violent behavior was affecting her ability to get jobs. She finally scored a shoot at an asylum. She thought she'd done very well. The staff agreed and forcefully invited her to stay with them.
Tom wanted a way to interact with his crush. Tom decided to ask her to play a game. Tom suggested Connect Four. She agreed. Tom played connect four with this new friend.
Gracie wanted to become an actress. She moved to New York City to pursue an acting career. When she was accepted to star in a commercial she was excited. After that she had no work. Gracie became a waitress to support herself.
My experience as an Uber driver was very interesting. I met all sorts of people in different walks of life. Most riders I transported were very friendly and talkative. There were only a few people that didn't want to conversate. Overall I feel Uber is an excellent way to network with people.
Max saw a bike that he wanted in a store window. Because his family was poor they could not get Max the bike. So Max decided to get a job as a paperboy. He saved all of his money that he earned daily. Eventually Max was able to purchase the bike for himself.
At night the campers could hear the wolves howl in the distance. One night the campers thought the wolves sounded closer to the camp. They started to feel like they were being watched. The wolf hunting party came out of the shadows staring at the campers. The wolves looked at the terrified campers and walked away.
The family went to a restaurant for dinner. Each of us decided to split the bill after we're done eating. The waitress served several plates on the table. After Jim finished, he got out of his seat. Although he thought that he went to the bathroom, we actually left.
Scout wanted to make herself a new PC. She did a lot of planning and budgeting. Having it capable of gaming in high quality was important. Assembling the parts was a huge hassle. The machine ran great for many Years when she got it together.
A cardboard box fell out of the sky and onto Kyle's head. The box fell out of a window, three stories above him. Kyle was going to return the box but was bitter about the event. He opened the box to see what was inside. It was a helmet.
Ella needed a foundation to cover her acne. She tried many shades, but none matched her skin. Then she asked a counter girl for help. The girl matched Ella's fair skin to a perfect foundation. Elated, Ella left with the perfect acne-hiding foundation!
Josh was working as a server at a restaurant. A family sat down and Josh walked over to greet them. He took their orders and brought them to the chefs. As he brought the food to them, he spilled a drink on the mom. Josh freaked out and brought his manager over to handle the mess.
My brother ran into the house with his hand over his eye. My mother panicked and asked what was wrong. He told her it was nothing. He went into the bathroom. Then he told us he needed to go to the emergency room.
Josie was a straight A student. She was about to graduate but she had gotten a B in one class. She was so upset she begged her teacher to change it. The teacher offered a make up project and Josie happily took it. Luckily she fixed her grade and graduated with all A's.
Kia wrote a computer program for her mom. The program offered pop-up help for a lot of other programs. It helped Kia's mom understand her modern computer easily. She tried to show her mom how she'd written the program. But her mom laughed and said Kia was too smart for her!
Dan and Ashley had been secretive for a week. They finally arranged to have their friends over for dinner. While at dinner they brought out a special cake. The cake was decorated with baby items. They announced to their friends they were pregnant.
Jack could not wait to see the moon tonight. He set up his telescope on the front porch. The sky began to get cloudy. It was difficult to see the moon for a few minutes. The sky soon cleared for Jack to enjoy the moon.
Shelly supplements her income by working online. She found a few sites that pay her to take surveys and data entry. She does not get paid a lot but the work is steady. She like the flexibility of working that way. She saves the money she makes to use at Christmas every year.
Sara went to the fair. She loves it and goes every year. This year, she got stuck for over an hour on the Sky Line. It scared her being up there alone all that time. Sara didn't go back to the fair for the rest of this year.
I was on a plane last week and it had bad dips. I felt like I was going to be sick. I closed my eyes to try not to think about it. I was very close to throwing up. Thankfully we landed and I did not get sick at all.
I went to the mall to look for a pair of jeans. Most of the jeans were out of my price range. I decided to walk into a store that sold discount Jeans. I walked straight to the clearance section. I ended up purchasing a beautiful pair of jeans for ten dollars.
I saw a crow above my head. He was sitting on a branch of the tree beside me. I did my best to imitate a caw. The rest of the people on the patio started staring. Finally, one woman in the back joined in.
At the store, yesterday, I saw a little kid running around alone. I watched him for a minute and determined he was lost. At about the same time, he noticed he didn't know where his mom was. He started crying, and I went over. I took him to the service desk so they could page his mom.
Annie had to babysit her friend's nephew. She never babysat before. The nephew was 5 years old and seemed well behaved. Annie put her to bed early. Everything went better than expected.
Gordon had just raked up a big pile of leaves. He went into the house to get a glass of water. Gordon's daughter jumped into the leaves, spreading them out. Gordon returned outside and saw the leaves. He made his daughter rake the pile back up.
I was feeling lonely and decided to go out for a walk. I grabbed my jacket and my walkman and put on my shoes. I then walked out the door and began walking down the street. After walking for no more than fifteen minutes, I dropped my walkman. I broke it into a few pieces and then had to go back home.
Eric went to town in his car like normal. Not paying attention he ran a red light. He ended up hitting another car. It was not a fatal accident. Eric is a better driver now days
Sam's mom was waited for her in the school parking lot. Sam was late. Sam's mom got out of the car. She walked around the building. She found Sam waiting for her in a different parking lot.
Jim had to get ready for school. As he began getting dressed he realized he had no clean clothes. He frantically searched every drawer and closet but could find none. He sulked as he realized he would miss the school bus. Sadly, he gave up and went back to bed.
Allie dug a hole in the dirt. She placed the tiny seed at the bottom and covered it up. She watered it every day. One day a tiny green leaf broke through the dirt. Allie eventually picked the flower that grew from her seed.
Adam lost his dog last week. He posted posters all over his neighborhood hoping someone found it. A call came in a month later. Someone found his dog and put him in the pound! Adam rushed to the pound to reunite with his dear friend.
I was on vacation in Florida. I decided to go to an orange farm. The farmer there gave me a nice tour. At the end of the tour he gave me an orange. I ate it but realized afterwards that it was moldy so I fell sick.
The friends all gathered their kayaks and coolers. They hit the river for a day on the water. They paddled until it was time to eat. They ate their sandwiches on the river bank. Then they got back in their kayaks and paddled some more.
Mina was studying for her final exam. Her roommate was making too much noise. Mina asked her roommate to be a little quieter. Mina's roommate got confrontational with Mina. Mina and her roommate got into a fight.
Matt purchased a fresh pair of shoes from the store. He placed the shoes on before leaving the place. Someone bumped into Matt while he was walking. He ended up falling into a fountain. His shoes got soaked.
Cindy's mom brought home sacks of candy for Halloween. She told Cindy the candy was off-limits. Cindy snuck some candy and stashed the wrappers in her dresser. In the morning, Cindy heard the sound of spraying. Her mom was spraying a trail of ants that led to Cindy's dresser.
Neville loves playing soccer for his high school. In the last game of the season, he has the ball and is about to score. However, he slips on the soccer ball and falls down. He has sprained his ankle. Although his sprain is painful, he hasn't stopped his love of soccer.
Virginia learned to shoot rifles from her father. Every day after school, he would take her to the firing range. When she turned 18, she went to college on a rifle scholarship. She tried out for the Olympics right away and made the team. Practice paid off and she won the first gold at the Rio Olympics.
My girlfriend and I were hungry one day, so I used Chipotle's app. Not thinking anything of it, I used the saved credit card on file. When I went to pick up the food, the employees stared at me weirdly. One asked me to wait while she called the police. Turns out I had used the credit card my girlfriend reported stolen.
Sam was going to ride a bike for the first time. He was a bit afraid. When he first tried he fell over. He hurt his knee pretty badly. It made him give up trying.
Mary's office was a mess of papers and files. She decided to clear off her desk and tidy up. Mary filed papers alphabetically and threw out unnecessary documents. She dusted drawers and organized office supplies. After several hours, Mary finally had a clean work area.
Mary begged her mom for tickets to the concert that weekend. Her mom agreed to buy the tickets if Mary could clean the whole house. So Mary scrubbed, polished, dusted and wiped. When she finished, her mom handed her the concert tickets. Mary loved it all the more because she truly earned it!
Kevin streams his favorite radio station from the internet. One day Kevin's internet went down. He couldn't listen to his favorite station. He looked around and found an old classic radio. He turned it on and found the FM frequency for his favorite station.
Helen wanted to play baseball like her big brother. Her parents said yes, but the baseball team was for boys only. She wrote letters to the city counsel about how it was unfair. The city counsel had a meeting and they agreed with Helen. Now Helen and any girl can play baseball with the boys!
Lyra was addicted to drugs. She tried to quit frequently, but she always failed. Finally she decided to check into an intense rehab. There, she learned tips and tricks for staying sober. After leaving rehab, Lyra finally got clean for good!
Tony realized that he needed to learn to learn to cook. He was confused as to where he started. It dawned on him to ask his mother for help. He invited her over to teach him. She cooked for him but gave him knowledge on the basics along the way.
Ben jumped up and across the tables in the library. He dodged the grasping hands of the librarians. Screaming at the top of his lungs, he got everyone's attention. Ben made an exaggerated theatrical gesture towards the patrons. He then gleefully showed them the decapitated gingerbread heads.
Tom was out bowling with friends. They were having a close game. Tom was slowly catching up. At the last minute the power went out. It cleared their scores and ruined the game.
Dustin was great at creating web pages. He would work around the clock to make beautiful pages for clients. One client demanded a page with just a 24 hour turnaround. Dustin was so swamped, he stole a website from another client. The clients both found out and fired him.
Jenny bought a new house with a big yard. She loved her yard and wanted to show it off. She decided to have a garden housewarming party. She invited all of her family and friends. Her guests were impressed with her beautiful yard and garden.
The kids went fishing. As one cast his line, the line snapped. The pole went flying across the pond. The kid jumped in the pond after it. He came back with his pole and a fish attached.
Tanya was on a fishing trip. She never usually caught anything but enjoyed it regardless. This day she felt a nibble quickly. She reeled in the catch and was amazed to see a huge fish. She fried it up for dinner that night and ate proudly.
Kate was going to Target to buy home supplies. She saw the dollar section and decided to browse. She found toys and things for kids to enjoy. She decided to buy a pair of the sunglasses for niece and nephew. Kate was certain the kids would love them.
Grandma loved her gravy. She would make it all the time. During the holidays she would put extra care into it. But this year she ran out of a special ingredient. Nobody liked her gravy this year.
Tom was at home. He heard shots going off. It scared him at first. After a while he realized it was a car backfiring. It made Tom laugh.
Shemecka needed a new place to stay. She asked her new boyfriend to lease a house for her. Because he was an ex convict he couldn't do too much to help her. Shemecka moved in with some friends and used their car to go to work. Because she was so depressed, she cried every night.
What was this? Cathy could see a trail of cookie crumbs leading out of the kitchen. She decided to investigate. The crumbs went down the hallway and into the back bedroom. There she found her niece happily munching a huge handful of oreos.
Tom hadn't heard his upstairs neighbor move in a long time. He hadn't seen him outside either. After a while he went to knock but nobody answered. He called the authorities just to make sure. Tom's neighbor had moved out without telling anyone.
Kayla wanted a new shirt. The one she wanted was too expensive. She decided to save up. When she finally had enough, the shirt she wanted was gone. Kayla was disappointed.
Fred was paranoid. So he installed a security camera outside. But his friend convinced him it was unnecessary. So he decided to remove it. But the next night, someone stole money from Fred's car.