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000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | MVSOPHILVS 85 Befides, fome viperous Criticke may bereaue Th'opinion of thy worth for fome defect, And get more reputation of his wit, By, but controlling of fome word or fence, Then thou (halt honour for contriuhig it, With all thytrauell, care and diligence, Being Learning nowenough to contradict^ And cenfure others with bold infolence. Befides, fo many fo confufedly fing, Whofe diuerfe difcords haue the Muficke mar'd, And in contempt that myflerie doth bring, That he muft fing alowd that will be heard : And the rcceiu'd opinion of the thing, For fome vnhallowed firing thatvildely iar'd, Hath fo vnfeafon'd now the eares of men, That who doftitoueh the tenout of that vaiae, Is held but vamejund his vnreckned pen The titje but of Leuitie doth gaine. A poore light gaine, to recompence their toyle, That thought to get Eternitic the while. And therefore, leaue the left and out-worne courier Of vnregarded wayes, and labour how To fit the times with what is moll in force, Be new with mens affections that are new : Sriue not to runne an idle counter-courfe, Out from the fcent of humours, men allow. lor not difcreetly to compofe our partes Vnto the frame of men (which we muft be) Is to put off our felues, and make our Artcs Rebels to Nature and Societie, Whereby we come to burie our defaif s, In th'obfcure gtaue of Singularitie. Mufo- | 335 | 0.453 | 0.148 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | mvsophilvs.; 86 Mufpbilm. DOc not prophane the workc of doing well, Seduced man, that canft notlooke fo hie From out that mill of earth, as thou canft tdl The wayes of Right, which Vertue doth defcrie, That ouer-lookes the bafe contemptibly, And low-laid follies of Mortalitie : Nor mete out Truth and right-difceruing Praife, By that wrong meafure of Coufufion, The vulgar foote, that neuer takes his wayes By Reafon, but by Imitation, Rowling on with the reft, and neuer weighs The courfe which he fhould goc, but what is gone. Well were it with Mankinde, if, what the moft Did like, were beft, But Ignorancewill liue By others fquarc, as by example loft : And man to man muft th'hand of Errour giue That none can fall alone, at their owne colt, A nd all, becaufe men iudge not, but belceue. For what poore bounds haue they , whom but th earth bounds, What is their end whereto their care attaines, When the thing got, relieucs not, but confounds, Hauing but trautll to fiicceede their piincs ? What ioy hath he of liuing, that propounds Affliction but his end, and Gricfe his gaines ? Gath'ring, incroching, \v reding, loyning to, Dcdroying, building, decking, furnifhing, Repayring, altring, and fomuchadoe, To his ioulcs toyle,and bodies trauelling: And all ihisdoth he, little knowing who Fortune ordaines to haue th'mheriting. And his faiie houfe rais'd hie in Enuics cic, Whofc Pillars rear'd (perhaps) onbloudand wrong, The fpoylcs and pillage of Iniquitic, Who | 336 | 0.536 | 0.192 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | MVSOPHILVS. 87 Who can affurc icto continue long ? If Rage lpar'd not the walles of Pictie, Shall the prophaned pyles of finne keepc drong ? How many proud afpiriag Pal laces Haue weknowne,made the prey of wrath and pride, Leuell'd with th'earth, kft to forgctfukieire, Whilft titlers their pretendied rights decide, Or ciuill tumults, or an orderlcfie Order, pretending change of fome drong fide ? Then where is that proud Title of thy name, Written in yce of melting vanitie > Where is thine hcire left to poffeffe the fame ? Perhaps, not fo well as in begganc. Something may rife to be beyond the fhame Of vile and vnregarded Pouertie, Which I confeffe, although I often ftriue To clothe in the beft habit of my skill* In all the fair e ft colours I can giue : Yet for all that, mcthinkes the lookes but ill, I cannot brooke that face, which dead-ahuc Shewes a quicke body, but a buried wilk Yet oft wc fee the bancs of this reftraint Holdes goodneffe in,which loofe wealth would let flie, And fruitlcfle riches barriner then want, Brings forth fmall worth from idle Libertie : Which when Difordcrs fhall againe make fcant, It muft refetcb her ftate from Pouertie. But yet in all this interchange of all, Vertue we fee, with her faire grace, ftands faft : For what high races hath there come to fall, With low difgrace, quite vanifhed and pafti Since Chaucer Jiu'd , who yet liues, and yet fhall, Though (which I grieuc to fay) but in his lad. Yet what a time hath he wrefted from Time, And wonne vpon the mighty wade of dayes, Vnto th'immortall honour of our dime, That | 337 | 0.501 | 0.19 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | MVSOPHILVS. 88 That by hismeanescamefirft adorn'd with BayeS* Vnto the facrcd Relickes of whofc rime, We yet arc bound in z ealc to offer praifc ? And, could our lines, begotten in this age, Obtaine but fuch a blcffed hand of yeares, And fcape the fury of thatthreatning rage. Which in confufed cloudes gadly appeares, Who would not tlrainc his trauels toingage, When fuch true g'ory fhould fiicccedc his cares? But whereas he came planted in the Spring, And had the Sunnc, before him, of Refpcdt : J We, fet in th'Autumne, in the withering And fullen feafon of a cold defect, Muft tade thofe few re diftafts the times do bring Vpon the fulneffe of a cloy'd Neglect, Although the ftrongcr conftitutions fhall We are out th'infectionof diftempred dayes, A nd come with glory to out-liue this fall, Recouring f another fpringing of Praife, CJeer'd from th'opprefing humours wherewithal T he Idle multitude furchargc their laics. Whenas (perhaps) the words thou fcorneft now May hue, the fpeaking picture of the minde. The etxractof the foule, that laboured, how To leaue the Image of hcrfelfe behinde, Wherein Poftentic, that loue to know The iuft proportion of our Spirits, may findc. For thefe Lines are the vcincs, the arteries, A nd vndecaying life-firings of thofc harts Th at ftill fhali pant, and ftilt fhall exercize The motion, fpiritand Nature both imparts, And foall, with thofc aliHcfofympathize, As,n o urifht with their powers, inioy their parts. O bleffc d Letters, that combine in one, Ad A ges pad, and make one liuc with all ; By you, we doe confene with who are gone And | 338 | 0.538 | 0.19 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | MVSOPHILVS 89 And, the dead-liuing vnto Councellcallr By you, th'vnborne fhall haue communion Of what we feele, and what doth vs befall. Soulc of the wotld, Knowledge, without thee, What hath tl*c Earth, that truly glorious is ? Why fhould our pride make fuch a ftirre to be, To be forgot ? What good is like to this, To doe worthy the writing, and to write Worthy the reading, and the worlds delight ? And let th'vnnaturall and wayward Race, Borne of one wombe with vs, but to our fhame, That neuer read t'obferue, but to difgrace, Raife all the tempeft of their powrc, to blame That puffc of folly neuer can deface, The workc a happy Genius tooke to frame. Yet why fhould ciuill Learning feeke to wound And mangle her owne members with ddpight ? Prodigious wits, that ftudy to confound The life of wit, to feeme to know aright, As if themfelues had fortunately found Some ftand fronvofF the earth beyond our lighr, Whence,ouer-looking all as from aboue, Their grace is not to worke, but to reptoue. But how came they plac'd in fo high degree Aboue the reach and compatTe of the reft ? Who hath admitted them oncly to be Frec-denizonsof skill, to iudgc the beft ? From whom the world as yet could neuer fee The warrant of their wit fbundly expreft. T'acquaint our times with that perfection Of high conceidt, which onely they potTeffe, That we might haue things exquifitely done, Meafiir'd with all their ltri<t obferuances : Such would (I know) feorne a Tranfl.uion, Or bring but others labours to the Pr.ffe : Yet, oft thefe monlter-breeding mountaines will Bring forth fmall Mice of great expected skill. Pre- | 339 | 0.572 | 0.172 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | po MVSOPHILVS Pi efumption cuer fulleft of defects, the dot lg, to performc her part: And I haue knowne proud c words and pcwre^iftccts^ Of fuch i idecde as doc condenane this Arte : But let them reft, it eucr hath beene knowne, They others vermes feorne, that doubt their owne. And for the diuers difegreeing cordes Of inter-iangling Ignorance, that fill The dainty eares, and lcaue noroomc for words. The worthier mindes neglect, or pardon will : Knowing the beft he hath, he frankely foordes, And fcornes to be a niggard of his skill. And that the rather, fince this fhort-liu'd race, Being fatally the for ncs but of one day, That now with all their powre plie it apace* To hold out with the grcareft might they may, Againft Cant" u lion, t hat hath all in chace, To make of all, an vniuerfail pray. For now great Nature hath laid downe at laft That mighty birth, wherewith folong fhe went, And oucr-weatthetimes of ages paft, Here to lye in, vpon our foft content, Where fruitfullfhc.hath multiplycd fo&ft, That all fhe hath, on thefe times leem'd thine fpent. A 11 that which might haue many ages grae'd, Is borne in one, to makeone doy'd with all, Where Plenty hath imprcd a deepediftaft, Of beft and wor ft, and all in gcueraJl : That Goodneffc formes Goodnefle tohaue defac't, And Verrue hath to Vertutgiuen the fall. For Emulation, that proudenurle of Wit, Scorning to ftay below or come behind e, Labours vpon that narrow top to fit Of fole Perfection in the higheft kinde : Enuy and Wonder looking after it, Thruft Jikcwifejon the fekefeme bliflc tofinde : And | 340 | 0.503 | 0.189 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | MVSOPHILVS. 9x And fo, long Arming, till they can no more, Doe ftuffe the place, or others hopes fhut our, Who, doubting to ouertake thofe gone before, Giue vp their care, and caft no more about : And lb in fcorne, leaue altos fore poffcft, And will be none, wher#they may not be beft. Eu'n like fome empty Creeke, that long hath Iaine, Left or neglected of the Riuer by, Whofe fearching fides,pleas'd with a wandring v aine, Finding fome little way that clofe did lie, Steale in at firft, then other flreames againe Second the firft, then more then all fupply , Till all the mighty maine hath borne, at laft, The glory of his chiefeft powre that way, Plying this newfound pleafant roome fo faft, Till all be full, and all be at a flay : And then about, and backe againe doth caft, Leauing that full to fall another way : So fares this hum'rous world, that euermore Rapt with the current of a prefent courfe, Runncs into that which lay contemn'd before : Then glutted, leaucs the fame, and falles t'a worfe : Now Zeale holdes all, no life but to adore, Then cold in fpirit, and faith is of no force. Strait, all that holy was, vnhollowcd lies, The feattred carcaffes of ruin'd vowes^ Then Truth is falfe, and now hath Blindneffc dcs, Then Zeale trufts all, now fcarcely what it knowes %■ That euermore, to foolilhor to wife, It fatall is to be fedue'd with fhowes. Sacred Religion, mother of Forme and Feare, How gorgeoufly fometimes doft thou fit deckt r* What pompous vefturcs doe we make thee weare ? What {lately piles we prodigall erect ?, How fweet pertum'd thou art, how fhining dcarc ? How folemnelyobferud, with what refpect? G Anoth« | 341 | 0.568 | 0.185 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 9t MVSOPH1LV5. Another time, all plaine, all quite thread-bare, Thou muft haue all within, and nought without, Sit poorely without light, difrob'd, no care Of outward grace. ,to amuzethe pooredeuour, Powrclefte, vnfollowed, fcarcdy men can fpare The neceffary rites to fet thee ouK Either Truth, GoodnelTe, Vertuc are not ftill The felfeiame w hich they are, and alwayes eae. But alter to the proiect of our will, Or we, our actions make them waite vpon. Putting them in the liuery of our skill, And caft them off againc when wc haue done. You mightie Lords, that with refpected grace Doe at the flernt of faire example ftand, And all the body of this populace. Guide with the turning of your hand, Keepe a right courfe, beare vp from all difgrace, Obferue the poynt of glory to oar land : Hold vp difgraced knowledge from theground, Keepe Vertue inrequeft, giue Worth her due, Let not Neglect with barbarous meanes confound So farre a good, to bring in night anew. Be not, O be not acceffary found Vnto her death,that rmift giue life to you. Where will you haue your vertuous name fate latde? In gorgeous Tombes, m facred Cels fecure ? Doe you not fee thofe proftrate heapesbctraide Your fathers bones,and could not keep them fure? And will you truft deceitfull Hones faire laide, And think c they will be to your honour trccr ? No, no, vnfparing Time will prou dly fend A warrant vnto Wrath, that with one frownc Will all thefe mock'ries of Vaine-glory rend, And make them/as before, vngrae'd , vnknowne, Poore idle honours that can ill defend Your memories rhat cannot ker pe thefr ownc. And | 342 | 0.539 | 0.172 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | MVSOPHILVS 93 And whereto feme that wondrous Tropkei now, That on the goodly Plaine ncere w tit on ftands ? That huge clumbe heape,that cannot tell vs how, Nor what,nor whence it is,nor with whofe hands, Not for whofe glory, it was fet to fhew How much our pride mocks that of other lands > Whereon, when as the gazing paffenger Hath greedy lookt with admiration, And faine would know his birth,and what he were. How there erected, and how longagonc : Enquires, and askes his fellow traueller, What he hath heard , and his opinion : And he knowes nothing. Then he turnes againe, And lookes,and fighs, and then admires afrerti, And in himfelfe with forrow doth complaine The mifery of darke ForgetfuInefTe : Angry with Time that nothing fhould remaine, Our greateft wonders wonder to exprdle. Then Ignorance, with fabulous difcourfe, Robbing faire Arte and Cunning of their right, Tds, how thofe ftones, were by the Deuils force, From Ajfrilre brought to Ireland in a night, And thence, to Britamtie, by Magickc courfe, From Gyants hands redeem' d by Merhnt Height. And then nee re Ambri plac'd, in memorie Of all thofe noble Britons murthered there, By Hengtft and his SiXon t rccheri e, Comming to parlee in peace at vna ware. ■ With this old Legend then Credulitie Holdes her content, and dofes vp her care e But is Antiquitie fo great a liar ? Or, doe her yongerfonnes her age abufe, Seeing after-commers ftill, fo apt t'admire The graue authoritie that fhe doth vfe, That reuerence and Refpect dares not require Proofc of her decdes, or once her words refufe ? G» Yet | 343 | 0.547 | 0.191 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | P4 MVSOPHILVS Yet wrong they did prefume fo far, Vpon our eafie credit and delight : For, once found falfe, they ftrait became to mar Out faith, and their ownc reputation quite, That now her truths hardly beleeued are : And though fh'auouch the right, fhe fcarce hath right. And as for thee, thou huge and mighty frame, That ftands corrupted fo with times dcfpight, And giu'ft falfe euidcnce, againft their fame That fet thee there, to teflifie their right, And art become a Traitour to their name That trufled thee with all the beft they might. Thou fhalt Hand ftill belidc, and flaundered, The ondy gazing-ftockeof Ignorance, And by thy guile, the wife admonifhed, Shall neuer more dcfire fuch haepes t'aduance* Nor truft their Iiuing glory with the dead That cannot fpeake, but leaue thrir fame to Chance : Confidering in how fmall a roome doe lie, And yet he fafe, as frefh as if aliucj All thofe great worthies of antiquitie, Which long foreliu'd thee, and fhall long furuiue, Who ftronger tombes found for Eterni tie, Then could the powres of all the earth contriue. Where they remaine thefe trifles toobraid Out of the reach of Spoyle, and way of Rage, Though Time with all his power of yceres hath laid Long batterie, back'd with vndermining Age, Yet they make head, onely with their owneaide And warre, with his all-conqueiing forces, wage. Pleading the Heau'ns prefcription to be free, And t'haue a grant, tindare as long as Tbifc | 344 | 0.554 | 0.184 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | MVSOPHILVS. 95 Thilocofmtis. BEholde how euery man, drawne with delight Of what he doth, flatters him in his way, Striuing to make his courfe feeme onely right Doth his owne reft, and his owne thoughts betray s Imagination bringing brauely dight, Her pleating Images inbeft aray, With flattering glaffes that muft (hew him faire. And others foule : his skill and wit beft, Others feduc'd.deceiu'd and wrong in their : His knowledge right, all ignorant the reft. Not feeing how thefe Minions in the aire Prefent a face of things falfely expreft, And that the glimmering of thefc errours Ihowne, Are but a light, to let him fee his owne, Alas poorc Fame,in what a narrow roome, As an incaged Parrot art thou pent Here amongft vs, where, euen as good be domba As fpeake,and to be heard with no attcne ? How can you promife of the time to come, When as the prefent are fo negligent ? Is this the walke of all your wide renowne, This litle Point, this fcarce difcerned lie, Thruft from the world, with whom our foeech vnknow Madeneuer any tratfike of our Stile. And in this All, where all this care is fhowne, T'inchant your fame to laft fo long a while ? And for that happier tongues haue wonne fo much, Thinke you to make your barbarous language fuch ? Poore narrow limits forfb mightie paines, That cannot promife any forraine vent : And yet, if here, to all your wondrous vaines Were generally knowne, it might content : But loe, how many reades not, or difdaines The labour of the chiefe and excellent / G 3 How | 345 | 0.522 | 0.184 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | MVSOPHILVS 96 How many thoufands neuer heard the name Of Sidney, or of Spencer, or their Bookcs ? And yet brauc fellowes, and prefume of Fame, And feeme to bearc downe all the world withlookcs ? What then fhall they exped of meaner frame, On whofe indcuours few or none fcarce lookes ? Doc you not fee thefc Pamphlets, Libels and Rymes, Thefe ftrange confu fed tumults of the minde, Are growne to be the fickneffe of thefc times, The great difcafe inflicted on mankindc ? Your Vermes by your Follies made your crimes, Haue iflue with your indifcretion ioyn'd. Schooles, Artcs, Profeffions, all in fb great (lore, Pafle the proportion of the prefent ftate, Where, being as great a number as before, And fewer roomes them to accommodate t: It cannot be but they muft throng the more, And kick, and thruft, and fhoulder with Debate. For when the greater wits cannot attainc Th'expected good, which they account their right, - And yet perceiue others to reape that gaine Of farrc inferiour vertucs in their light : They prefent, with the fharpeof Enuie, ftraine To wound them with reproches and defpight : And for thefe cannot haue as well as they, They icorne their faith fhould deignc to looke that way. Hence, difeontented'Sccts and Schifmes arife, Hence mterwouiidrngControuerdes fori rig. That feedc the Simple, and offend the Wife, Who know the confequence of candling Difgrace, that thefe to others doe deuife : Contempt and Scorneo.i all in th'cnd doth bring, Like feolding wiues, reckning each others fault, Make danders-by imagine both arc naught. For when to thefe rare dainties, time admks All commers, all complexions, all that will, Where. | 346 | 0.538 | 0.179 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | MVSOPHILVS. 97 Where none fhould be let in but choifeft wits, Whofe milde difcretion could comport with skill, For when the place their humour neither fits, Nor they the place, who can expect but ill ? For being vnapt for what they tooke in hand. And for aught els whereto they fhall b'addrcit, They eu'n become th'incumbrance of the land, As out of ranke, difordring all the reft : This grace of theirs, to feeme to vndcrftand, Marrcs all their grace, todoc, without their reft. Men finde, that action is another thing, Then what they in difcourfing papers reade : The worlds affaires require in managing, More Artes then thofe wherein you Clerkes proceede, Whilft timorous Knowledge (lands confidering, Audacious Ignorance hath done the deede, For who knowes moft, the more he knowes to doubt. The lead difcourie is commonly mod ftout, This fweet inchaunting Knowledge tnrnes you cleene Out from the fields of natural! delight, And makes you hide, vn willing to be feene In th'open concourfc of a publike fight : This skill, wherewith you hauefo cunning beene, Vnfinues all your po w res, vnmans you quite. Publike focietie and commerce of men Require another grace, another port : This Eloquence, thefe Rymes, thefe Phrafes then, Begot in (hades, doe feme vs in no fort, Th'vnmateriall fwelling of your Pen Touch not the fpirit that action doth import : A manly flile, fitted to manly cares Belt grecs with wit, not that which goes fo gay, And commonly the gawdy liu'ry weares Of nice Corruptions, which the times doefway, And waitcs on th'humour of his pulfe that beares His paffr'ons fet to fuch a pleafinc kay : G 4 Such | 347 | 0.557 | 0.182 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | S>8 MVSOPHILVS Such dainties ferue onely for ftomackes weake, For men doc fowleft, when they fined fpeake. Yet doe I not diflike that in fomc wife Be fiing, the great heroicall deferts, Of braue renowned fpirits, whofe excrcife Of worthy deeds may call vp others hearts, Andferucamodcllforpofteritics, To fafhion them fit for like glorious parts : But fo, that all our fpirits may tend hereto, To make it, not our grace, to fay, but do. Mufopbtlut. MVch thou haft faid, and willingly I hearc, As one that am not lb pofTeft with Loue Of what I doc, but that I rather bcare An eare to learnc, then a tongue to diforoue : I know menmuft, as carried in their fpheare, According to their proper motions, moue. And that courfe likes them beft which they are on, Ye: Truth harm certaine bounds, but Fallhood none* I doeronfeffe our limits are but fmall, Compar'd with all the whofe vaftc earth befide, AH which, againe rated to that great All, Is likewife as a poynt, fcarcely defcride : So that in thefe refpects, we may this call, A poy nt but of a poynt, where we abide. But if we fhall defcend from that high dand Of ouer-locking Contemplation, And cad our thoughts, but to, and not beyond This fpacious circuit which wc tread vpon, Wc then may edimateour mighty land, A world, wuhina world (landing alone. Where, if our fame confind cannot get out. What, fliall wc imagine it is pen'd, ' That | 348 | 0.558 | 0.177 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | MVSOPHILVS 99 That hath fb great a world ro walke about, Whofe bounds, with her reports haue both ore end? Why fhall we not rather edeeme her flout, That farther then her owne fcorne to extend * Where being fo large a roome, both to doe well, And eke toheare th'applaufe of things well done, That farrher, if men fhall our vermes tell, We hauc more mouthes, but not more merit won. It doth not greater make that which is laudable. The flame is bigger blowne, the fire all one. And for the few that onely lend their eare, That few, is all the World, which with a few Doe euer liue, and moue, and worke, and ltirre. This is the heart doth feele and onely know The reft of all, that onely bodies beare, Rowle vp and downe, and fill vp but the row. • And ferues as others members, not their owne, The inftruments of thofe that doe diredt. Then what difgrace is this, not to be knowiie To f hofe know not to gi ue them fel ucs refpect ? And though they fwell with pompe of folly blowne,, They liue vngrae'd, and die but in Neglect* And for my part, if ondy one allow The care my labouring fpirits take in this, He is to me a Theater large enow, And his applaufe onely fufficient is : All my refpect is bent but to his brow, That is my All, and all I am, is his. And if fome worthy fpirits be pleafed too, 1: fhall more comfort breede, but not more will, But what if none ? It cannot yet vndoo The loue I beare vnto this holy skill: This is the thing that I was borne to doo, This is my Scene, this part muft I fulfill. Let thofe that know not breath, efteeme of winde, And fet t a vulgar ayre their fctuile fong, ' Rating | 349 | 0.548 | 0.187 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | xoo MVSOPHILVS Rating their goodneffe by the praife they find, Making their worth on others fits belong, As Vertue were the hireling of the mindc, And could not liue if Fame had ne'r a tong. Hath that all-knowing powre that holdes within The goodly profpe6tiue of all this frame, (Where, whatfocueris, or what hath bin, Reflects a certaine image of the fame) No inward plcafures to delight her in, But (he mull gad to fecke an almesof Fame ? Mud fhe, like to a wanton Curtezan, Op en her brefts for fhew, to winne her praifc, And blaze her faire bright beauty vnto man As if (he were cnamour'd of his wayes, And knew not WeakendTc, nor could rightly fcan To what defects his hum'rous breath obayes ? She that can tell, how proud Ambition Is but a Beggar, and hath nought at all* But what is giu'n of mecre Deuotioi : Fot which,how much it fweat s,how much it's thrall ? What toyle it takes, and yet, when all is done, Th'endes in expectation neuer fall, Shall Ihe ioync hands with fuch a ferude mate. And prodratc her faire body, to commit Folly with earth, and to defile that ftate Of clccrcnetTe, for fo groffe a benefit ? Hauing Reward dwelling within her gate. And Glory of her ownc tofumifh it : Her felfe, a recompense fufficient Vnto her felfc, to giuc her owne content, I'd not enough, that fhe hath rais'd fo hie, Thofe that be hers, that they may fit and fee The eartli below them, and this All to lie Vndcr their view, taking the true degree Of the iuft height of fwolne Mortalitie, Right as it is, not as it fecmes to be ? And | 350 | 0.556 | 0.186 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | MVSOPHILVS ioi And vndecciued with the Paralax Of a miftaking eye of paffion, know By thefe mask'd outfides what the inward lackes, Mcas'ring man by himfelfe, not by his fhow, Wondering not at their rich and gol den backcs, That haue poore mindes and little elfe to diew ; Nor taking that for them which Well they fee Is not of them, but rather is their loade : The lies of Fortune, wherewithal! men be Deemed within, when they be all abroade: Whofc ground, whofe grade, whofe earth haue cap and Which they fuppole, is on themfelues beftow'd. (knee And thinkc like Ifis Affe, all Honours are Giucn vnto them alone, the which are done Vnto the painted Idol! which they beare, That onely mikes the n to be gazed on : For takeaway tthirpacVc, and (hew them bare, Andfee what bed t' i- ;-?o."->ur tides vpon. Hath Knowledge 'ent to ners the priuy kay, To let them in vnto the higheft Stage Of Caufes, Secrets, Counfels, to furuay The wits of men, their hearts, thrir coids, their rage, That build, deftroy, praife, hate, fay and gainefay, Beleeue and vnbeleeue, all in one age. And fliall we truft goodneffe as it proceeded From that vnconftant mouth, which with one breath Will make it bad againe vnleflc it feedes The prefent humour that it fauoureth ? * Shall we efteemc and reckon how it heedes Our workes, that his ownevowes vnhallowcth ? Then whereto femes it to haue bin inlarg'd With this free manumifiibn of the mind, If for all that, wc ftill continue charg'd With thofc difcou'fed errors which we finde ? As if our knowledge onely were difeharg'd. Yet we out felues (laid in a feruile kinde. That | 351 | 0.537 | 0.17 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | xoa MVSOPHILVS That Vertue muft be out of countenance, If this groffe fpirit, or that weake (hallow braine Or this nice wit, or that diftemperance, Neglect, diftaftc, vncomprchend, difdaine: When fuch ficke eyes can neuer caft a glance, But through the colours of their proper flaine. Though, I muft needes confelTc, the fmall refpect, That thefe great-feemingbcft of men doc giue, (Whofe brow begets th'inferior forts neglect,) Might moue the weake irrefolute togrieuc : But ftronger, fee how iudly this defect Hath ouertooke the times wherrin we liue : That Learning needs mud runnethc common fate Of all things elfe, thrud on by her owne weight, Comporting not her felfe in her cdatc Vnder this burthen of a felfe conceit : Our owne diftentious hands opening the gate Vnto Contempt* that onour quarrels waite, Difcou'red haue our inward gouernement, And let in hard opinion to Difgrace The gencrall, for fome wcake impotent That beare out their difeafe with a ftolne face, Who (filly foules) the more wit they haue focnt, The leffe they fhcw'd, not bettring their bad cafe. And fee how foone this rowling world can take Aduantage for her ditfolution, Faine to get loofe fro n this withholding flake Of ciuill Science and Difcretion : How glad it would runne wildc, that it might make One formclelfc forme of one condition ? Like tyrant Ottomans blindefoldcd itate, Which mult know nothing more, but to obay : For this, feekes greedy Ignorance t'abate Our number, order, Tiuing, forme and fway : For this, it practifes.todiifipate Th'vnlheltred troupes, till all be made away. For | 352 | 0.541 | 0.169 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | MVSOPHILVS 103 For, fince our Fathers finnes pull'd firfi to ground The pale of their diffeuered dignitie, And ouerthrew that holy reuerent bound That parted learning and the Laicty, And laid all flat in common, to confound The honour and refpect of Pictie : It did fo much in vile the edimate Of th'opened and inuulgar'd myfteries, Which now reduc'd vnto the bafcft rate, Muft waite vpon the Norman fubtilties, ' Who (being mounted vp intotheir date) Doc beft with wrangling rudeneffc fympathizc. And yet, though now fet quite behindethc traine Of vulgar fway (and light of powre weigh'd light) Yet would this giddy ibneuation faine Downe with it lower, to abafe it quite : And thofe poore remnants that doe yet remaine The Ipoyled markes of their diuided right : They wholly would deface to leaue no face Of reuerent Diftinction and Degree, As if they weigh'd no diffrence in this cafe, Betwixt Religions Age and Infancie : Where th'one muft creepe, th'other ftand with grace, Left turn'd to a child it ouerturncd be. Though to pull backe th'on-running date of things, (Gath'ring corruption, as it gathers dayes) Vhto theforme of their fird orderings, Is the bed meanes that diflblutionftayes, And to goe forward, backward, right, men brings, T'obferue the line from whence they tooke theit waves, Yet being once gone wide, and the right way Not leuell to the times condition : To alter courfe, may bring men more afiray : And leauing what was knowne to light on none, Since eu'ry change thereuerence doth decay, Of that whichalway fhould continue one, For | 353 | 0.495 | 0.168 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 164 MVSOPHILVS. For this is that clofe kept TaHadium Which once remoou'd, brings mine euermore : This dir'd, makes men forc-fetled, to become Curious, to know what was beleeu'd before : Whilft Faith difputcs that vfed to be dombe. And more men ftriue to talke, thai to adore. For neuer head-ftrong Reformation will Reft, till to th'extteame oppofitcit runne, And ouer-runnc the mcane dtftruftcd ftill, As being too neare of kinne, to that men fhunne : For good , and bad, and all, muft be one ill, When once rhere is another truth begurme. So bard it is an euen hand to beare, In temp'ring with fuch maladies as thefe, Left that our forward paffions launce too neare, And make thecure proue worfe then the difcafe : For with the worft we will not fpare the beft, Becaufe it growes with that , which doth difpleafe: And faults arc ealier lookt in, then redreft : Men running with (uch eager violence, At the firft view of errours ftefh in qucft, As they, to rid an inconucnience, Sticke not to rarfc a mifehiere in the fteed, Which after mocks their weake improuidence : And therefore doe make not your owne fides bleed To pricke at others : you that would amend By pulling downe, and thinke you can proceed, By going backc vnto the farther end, Let fraud that little Coucrt left bchinde, Whereon your fuccours and refpects depend. And bring not downe the prizes of the minde, With vnder-rating of your felues fo bate : You that the mighties doores doe crboching find, To fell your felucs to buy a little grace, Or waitc whole months to out-bid Syntonic, For that, which bring got, is not your place ' For | 354 | 0.54 | 0.171 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | MVSOPHILVS. 105 For if it were, what needed you to buy What was your due, your thirfling fhewcs your fnift, And little wotth that feckes iniurioufly A worthier from his lawfull roomc to hit ? We cannot fay, that you were then prefer'd, Butthat your money was, or fome worfe gift. 0 feattringgath'rers, that without regard OftirnXs to come, will to be made, vndo » As if you were the laft of men, prepar'd To bury in your graues all other to. Dare you prophane that holy portion Which neuer facrilegious hand durft do ? 1 Didforme-cftablifhingDeuotion, To maintaine a refpectiue reucrence Extend her bountifull prouifion, With fuch a charitable prouidence, For your deforming hands todiffipate, And make Gods due, your impious expence ? No maruell then, though th'ouerpeftred State Want roome for goodnefle, if our little hold Be lefhed vnto fuch a narrow rate, That Reuerence cannot fit, fit as it fhould : And yet what necde we thus for roomes complaine, That fhall not want voyde roomes if this courle hold ? And more then will be fiH'd, for who will ftraine To get an empty title, to betray His hopes, and trauell for an honour vaine, And gaine a Port, without fiipport or flay ? What neede hath Enuy to maligne their ftate, That will themfelues, fo kind, giue it away ? This makes indeed e our number paffe the rate Of our prouifions : which, if dealt aright. Would yeeld f iifficient roome taccom.nodate, More then we hau -in places rcquilite. The ill difpofing onely doth vs fet In qifaray , and. out of order quite. Whiles | 355 | 0.575 | 0.186 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | MVSOPHILVS 106 That Whiles other guifts then of the minde fhall get Vuder our colours, that which is our dues, And to our traucls, neither benefit, Nor grace, nor honour, nor refpedt accre wes : The ficknefie of the States foule, Leaning, then The bodies great didemprature infues. For if that Learnings roomes to learned meia Were as- their hcretage diftributed, All this difordred thruft would ceafe : for when The fit were call'd, th'vnworthy fruftrated, Thefe would b'affum'd to feekc, thofe tob'vnfought, And (lay 'ng their turne, were fure they fhould be fped. Then would our drooping Academics, brought Againe in heart, regaine that reuerend hand Of loft Opinion, and no more be thought, Th'vnneceflary tumifh of the land, Nor difcourag'd with thdr fmall efteeme, Confus'd, irrefolute and wauering ftand : Caring not to become profound, but feemc Contented with a fuperficiall skill, Which for afleight reward enough they deeme, When th'one fuccecdes as well as th'other will : Seeing (hotter wayes lcade fooner to their eed, And others longer trauds thriue fo ill. Then would they onely labour to extend Their now vnfearcnmg foirit beyond thefe bounds Of others powres, wherrin they mud be peud, As if there were beiidcs, no other grounds : And fet their bohePlus vltra farre without The pilfers of thofe Axioms Agepropounds $ Difcou'nng daily more and more about, In that immenfe and boundlefle Ocean Of Natures riches, neuer yet found out, Norfore-clos'd, with the wit of any man. So fane beyond the ordinary xourfe, That other vniuduftrious A ges ran, | 356 | 0.525 | 0.186 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | MVSOPHILVS. 107 That thefe more curious time*, they might diuorce From the opinion they are Iinckt vnto Of our difable and vnactiue force, To fhew true knowledge can both fpeake and do : Arm'd for the fharpe, which in thefe dayes they finde, With all prouifions that belong thereto : That their Experience may not come behinde The times conceipt, but leading in their place, May make mea fee the weapons of the minde Are States beft ftrengths,and kingdomes chiefeft grace, And roomes of charge, charg'd full with worth and praife, Makes Maieftie appeare with her foil face, , Shining with all her ooames, with all her raics, Vnfcanted of her parts, vnlhadowed In any darkened poynt, which ftill bewrayes The wane of Po wre, when powr's vnfurnifhed, And hadT not all thofe inure complements Wherewith the State fhould for her ftate be fped. And though the fortune of fome age confents Vnto a thoufand errour s groffcly wrought, Whkh^floiirifht ouer with their fairc euents, Haui paft for currant, and good courfes thought : The leaft whereof, in other times againe Moft dang*rous iuconucnienccs haue brought, Whilfl to the times, not to mens wits pertainc, The good fucccffcs of ill manag'd deedes : Though th'ignorantdecciu'd with colours yaine, MilTe of the caufcs whence this lueke ptoceedes. Forraine defects giuing home-faults the way, Make eu'a that wcakeneffe fometimes well fucccedes. I grant, that fbme vnlettred practique may (Lcauing beyond the Alpes, Faith and Refpect To God and man) with impious cunning, fway The courfes fore-begunne with like effect, And without flop, maintaine the turning on, And hauc his crrours dcem'd without defect : H But | 357 | 0.399 | 0.131 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | io8 MVSOPHILVS. But when fome powrcfull oppefition, Sha'I, with a found incountringfliocke, difioyrtt The fore-contriued frame, and thereupon, Th'experience of the prefent difappoy tit, And other flirring fpirits, and other hearts Built-hugc, for action, meeting in a poynt s Shall driue the world to tbmmon all their Artes, And a 1 too little for fo reall might, When no aduantages of weaker parts Shall beare out (hallow councels from the light : And this fence-opening action (which doth bate Vnmanly craft) (hall looke tohaue her right. Who then holdes vp the glory of the State (Which lctrcd armes, and armed letters woo) Who fhaJl be fitteft to negotiate, Contemn'd Iuftmian, orelfe Littleton I When it fhall not be held wifedome to be Priuately made, and publikely vndone : Dut found defignes that Judgement fhall decree Out of a true difceme, of the deer e wayes That lie direct, with fafe-going Equitic, Imbroyling not their owne and others dayes. Extending forth their prouidence, beyond The circuit of their owne particular : That eu'a the ignorant may vnderftand. How that decdt is but a cauillar, A nd trae vnto k felfe can neuer ftaud, But ftill muft with her owne coDclufions warre. Can Truth and Honeftie, wherein confifts The right rcpofe on earth, the fiireft ground Of Truft, come weaker arm'd into the lids, Then Fraud or Vice, that doth it fejfe confound t Or (hall Prefumption that doth what it lifts, Not what it ought, carry her courfes found ? Then, what fafe place out of contufion Hath plainc proceeding Honeftic to dwell ? What | 358 | 0.495 | 0.191 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | MVSOPHILVS 109 What fute of grace hath Vettue to put on, If Vice fhall weare as good, and doe as well ? If Wrong, if Craft,if Indifcretion, Act as faire parts, with ends as laudable ? Which all this mighty volume of euents, The world, the vniucrfall map of dcedes Srongly controwles, and proues from all difcents. That the directed courfes beft fucccedes When Craft, wrapt ftill in many cornbcrmentj With all her cunning thnucs not, though itfpeedes. For, fhouldnot graue and learn'd Experience That lookes with th'eyes of all the world befide, And with all ages holdcs intelligence, Goe fafer then Deceit without a guide r* Which in the by-paths of her diffidence Croffing the waies of Right.fiill runs more wide: Who will not grant ? aad therefore this obferuc, No ftate ftands fure, but on the grounds of Right, OfVertuc, Knowledge, Iudgcmcnt to preferuc, Aad all the powres of Learning requifite : Though other fhifrs a prefent turne may fcrue, Yet in the tryall they will weigh too light. And doe not thou contemne this (welling tide And ftreame of words, that now doth rife fo hie Aboue the vfuall bankes, and fp reads fo wide Oucr the borders of Antiquitie: Which I confcffe comes euer amplifide With th'aboundjig humours that doe multiplie: And is with that fame hand of happinefle Inlarg'd, as vices are out of theit bands : Yet fo, as if let out but to redreffe, And calm e, and fway th'affections it comma nds : Which as it ftirres, it doth a game reprcffe And brings in,th'out-gone malice that withftands. Powrc aboue powres,0 heauenfy Eloquence, That with the drone rcine of commanding words, Ha Doft | 359 | 0.432 | 0.144 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | too MVSOPHILVS Dod manage, guide, and mafter th'eminence Of mens sffcctions, more then all their fwords : Shall we not offer to thy Excellence, The richcft treafure that our wit affords ? Thou thatcanft doe much more with onepoore pea Then all the powres of Princes can effect ; And draw, diuert,dilpofe and fafhion men- Better then force or rigour can direct ? Should we this ornament of Glory then As tffvnmateriall fruits of fhades, neglect? Or fhould we careleffe, come bchinde the reft In powre of words, that goe before in worth, When as our accents equsdl to thebeft, Is able greater wonders to bring forth : When all that euer hotter fpirits cXpreft, Comes bettred by thepatienceoftheNortru . And who, in time, knowes whither we may vent The treafure of ourtongue,to what ftrange fhorcs This gaine of our beft glory fhall be fent, T'inrich vnknowing Nations with our (lores ? What worlds in th'y et vnformed Occident . May come refin'd with th'accents that are ours ? Or, who can tdl for what great worke in hand The greatnefle of our llile is now ordain'd ? What powrs it fhall bring in, what fpirits command, Whar thoughts let out, what humours keepe rcdrain'd, What mifchiefe it may powrefully withilandi And what fairc ends may thereby be attained. And as for Poefie (mother of this force) That,breedes, brings forth, and nourifhes this mighty Teachingit in a loofe, yet meafured courfe, With comely motions how togocvpright : And fodring it wkh bountifoll etifcourfe, Adornes it thus in fafhions of delight, What fhould I Uy ? iiuce it is well approu'd Thefpeethotjieauen, with whom they haue com merte, That | 360 | 0.426 | 0.147 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | MVSOPHILVS 111 That onely feemc out of themfelues rcmou'd, And doe with more then humane skills conuerfe : Thofe numbers wherewith heau'n and earth are mou'd, Shew, weakcnefle fpcakes in Profe, but powrc in Verfc. Wherein thou likewife feemeft to allow, That th'acts of worthy men (hould be preferu'd : As in the holieft Tombes we can befto w Vpon their glory that haue well deferu'd, Wherein thou doft no other Vertuc fhow, Then what moft barbrous Countries haue obfcru'd : When all the happieft Nations hitherto Did with no leffcr glory fpeake, then do. Now to what elfc thy malice (hall obiect, For Schooles, and Artes,and their ncccffitie : When from my Lord, whofe iudgement muft direct* And forme, and fafhion my abilitie, I (hall haue cot more ftrength; thou (halt expect Out of my better leafure, my reply. / Fl^CJS. Hj | 361 | 0.537 | 0.18 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE COMPLAINT OF ROSAMOND. | 363 | 0.555 | 0.113 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | "5 THE COMPLAINT OF 'Rpjamond. rffiznSSk Vt from the horror of infernall deepes, f/i^wjlj My poore afflicted ghoft comes here to plain it, IwftjSiM A trended with my fhame that neuer flecpes, w^JfiJr xhe fpot wherewi th my kind and youth did ftaine My body found a graue where to containe it : (it, A (heete could hide my face, but not my fin, For Fame findes neuer Tombe t'ihdefe it in. And which is worfe, my foule is now denied, Her tranfport to the fweet Elifian reft, The ioyfull bliffe for Ghofts repurified, The euer-fpringing Gardens of thebleft : Caron denies me waftage with the reft. And faies my foule can neuer paffe tbe Rlucr, Till Louers fighs on earth fhall itddiuer. So fhall I neuer pafte; for how fhould I Procure this facrifice amongft the liuing? Time hatli long fince worne out the memorie Both of my life, and liues vniuft deprhiing, Sorrow for me is dead for aye reuiuing. "Rgfamond hath little left her but her name, And that difgrat'd, for time hath wrong'd the fame. No | 365 | 0.519 | 0.2 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE COMPLAINT 116 No Mufe fuggefts the pitty of my cafe, Each Pen doth ouerpafle my iufl complaint, Whilfi others are prefer'd, though farre more bafe; Shores wife is grac'd, and pafles for a Saint ; Her Legend iuftifies her foule attaint. Her well told talc did fuch compafTion finde, That (he is pafe'd, and I am left bchinde. Which feene with griefe, my miferable Ghoft* (Whilome inucfted in fo faire a vaile, Which whilft itliu'd.was honoured of the moft. And being dead, giues matter to bewaile,) Comes to follicite thee, (whilft others faile) To take this taske, and in thy wofull fbng To forme my cafe and regifter my wrong. Althoug I know thy iuft lamenting Mufe, Toill'd in th'affcctionof thine owne didreffe, In others cares hath little time to vfe, And therefore maid eftceme of mine the lefle : Yet as thy hopes attend happy redrefle, The ioyes depending on a womans grace, So mouc thy minde a wofull womans cafe. Delia may hap to deigne to reade our Story, And offer vp her fighs among the reft, Whofe merit would fufficefor both our glory, Whereby thou might'fl be grac/d and I be bled; That indulgence would profit mc the beft. Such powre fhe hath by whom thy youth is led, To ioy the liuing, and to bkff e the dead. So | 366 | 0.535 | 0.187 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF ROSAMOND. 117 Sol (through beauty) made the wofull'ft wight, By beauty might haue comfort after death : That dying faired, by the faireft might Findc life aboue on earth, and reft beneath. She that can bleffc vs with one happy breath, Giue comfort to thy Mufe to doe her beft, That thereby thou mayft ioy, and I might reft. Thus faid : forthwith mou'd with a tender care, And pitty (which my felfe could neucr find,) What fhedefir'd,myMufc deign'd to declare, And therefore, will'd her boldly tell her mind. And I (more willing) teoke this charge aflign d, Becaufe her griefes were worthy to be knownc. And telling hers, might hap forget mine owne. Then write (quoth fhe) the ruine of my youth, Report the downe-fall of my fiippry flate, Of all my life reucale the fimple truth, To teach to others what I learnt too late; Exemplifie my frailtic, tell how Fate Keepes in eternall darke our fortunes hidden, And ere they come to know them tis forbidden. For whild the Sun-fhine of my fortune lafted, I ioy'd the happicft warmth, the fweeteft heate That euer yet imperious beauty tafted, I had what glory euer fledi could get : But this faire morning had a fhamefull fet. Difgrace dark'd honour, finne did cloude my brow, As note the fequell, and ilctell thechow. The | 367 | 0.556 | 0.17 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE COMPLAINT 118 The bbud I (lain d, was good and of the beft* My birth had honour, and my beauty fame : Nature and Fortune ioyn'd to make me breft. Had I had grace t'hauc knowne to vfe the fame. My education fhcw'd from whence I came, And all concurr'd to make me happy furft. That fo great hope might make me more accurft. Happy Iiu'd I whilft parents eye did guide The indifcretion of my feeble wayes, And Countrey-ho'Bc kept me from being dde, Where beft vnknowne I (pent my fweeteft daies : Till that my friends mine honour fought roraife To higher place, which greater credit yeelds, Deeming fuch beauty was vnfit for fields. From Countrey then to Court I was prerer*d From calmc to ftormes, from fhore into the deepes : There where I perifh'd, where my youth firft err'd, There where I loft the floure which honour keepes, There where the worfer thriues, the better weepes ; Ah me (poore wench) on this vnhappy fhdfc, I grounded me and caft away my fclre. There where asfraile and tender beauty (lands, With all c (faulting powres inuironcd; Hauingbut prayers and weakefeeblc hands To hold their honours Fort vnuanquifhed ; There where to ftand, and be vneonquered, Is to b'aboue the nature of our kindc, That cannot long for pitty be vnkinde. For | 368 | 0.529 | 0.204 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF ROSAMOND. 119 For thither com'd, when yeercs had arm'd my youth, With rareft proofe of beauty euer feenc : When my reuiuing eic had learn t the truth, That it had powre to make the winter greene. And floure affections whereas none had beene ; Soone couldl teach my brow to tyrannizey And make the world doe homage to mine eyes. For agel (aw (though yeeres with cold conceit, . \ Congeal'd their thoughts againft a warme dciirc,) Yet figh their want, and Iookc at fucha bake ; 1 faw how youth was waxc before the fire ; Jfaw by Health, I firam'd my looke a lyre. Yet well perceitfd, how Fortune made me then y^ The eauie of my fcxe, and wonder vnto men. Look how a Comet at the firft appearing, Drawes all mens eyes with wonder to bebpldit; Or as the faddefttaleatfudden hearing, ;o'ic5i"i Makes filent littning vnto him that told it, So did my I peechw hen Rubies did v nfold it ; So did the blazing of my blufh appeare, Tanaazetae world,. thatholdes fuch fights k>d<XKbjai\ Ah beauty Syren, faire enchaunting good. 9 Sweet filent Rhetorique of perfwading eyes j Dombe Eloquence, whofe powre doth moue the blond , More then the words or wifedome of the wife , Still harmony, whofe Diapafbn lyes Wkhin a brow, the key w hich paflions mour, To rawfh fence, and play a world infouc. What | 369 | 0.46 | 0.189 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE COMPLAINT 120 What might I then not doe whofe powre was fuch ? What cannot women doe that know their powre? What women knowes it not (1 fcare too much) How bliffe or bale lyes in their laugh or lowre-f Whilft they inioy their happy blooming flowre, Whilft Nature decks them in their beft attires Of youth and beauty, which the world admires. Such one was I, my beauty was mine owne, No borrowed blufh which bank-rot beauties feeke : That new-found fhamc, a finne to vs vnkaowne, Th'adulterate beauty of a failed checke : Vilde dame to honour, and to women ecke, Scdng that time our fading muft detect. Thus with defect to couer our defect. Impietic of times, Chaftities abator, Falfhood, wherein thy fdfe thy fdfc denied : Treafon to counterfeit the feale of Nature, The ftampe of bcauen, impreftcd by the higheft. Difgrace vnto the world, to whom thou lieft. Idoll vnto th v fdfe, fhamc to the wile, And all that honour thee Idolatrife. Farre was that finac from ts whofe age was pure, When fimple beauty was accounted beft, The time when women had no other lure But modeftie, pure cheekes, a vertuous bred, This was the pompe wherewith my youth was blcft. Thefe were the weapons which mine honour wonne, la all the conflicts which mine eyes begunne. Which | 370 | 0.5 | 0.194 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF ROSAMOND. 121 VVhich were not fmall, I wrought on no meat*? obiect, A Crowne was at my feete, Scepters obey* a me, V Vhom Fortune made my King, Loue made my Subiect, VVho did command the Land, mod humbly pray'd me, Henry the fecond, that (o highly weigh'd me, Found well (by proofe) thepriuilcdge of beauty, That it had powre to counter-maund all duty. For after all his victories in Trttnee, And all the triumphs of his honour wonne : Vnmatcht by fword, was vanquifht by a glance, And hotter warreswithin his bread begunnc. VVarres, whom whole legions of defires drew on : Againft all which,my chaftitie contends With forceof honour, which my (name defends. No Armour might be found that could defend, Tranfp earring raies of criftall poyntcd eyes : No ftratagern, no reafon could amend, No not his age; (yet old men fhould be wife) But fhe wes deceiue, outward appearance lies. Let none for ftemtng fo, thinke Saintsof others, For all are men, and all haue fuckc their mothers. Who would haue thought a Monarch would haue eiicr Obey'd his hand-maide of fo meanc edate ; Vulture ambition feeding on his liuer, Age hauing worne his pleafures out of date, But hap comes neuer, ot it comes too late. For fuch a dainty which his youthfound net* Vnto his feeble age did chaunce a lot. Ah | 371 | 0.531 | 0.201 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE COMPLAINT 122 Ah Fortune, neucr abfolutely good, For that fomc croffe ft Jl counter-checks our luckc ; As here behold th'incompatible blood, Of age and youth was that whereon we ftucke : Vyhofe lothing, we fro u Natures breafts doe fucke, As oppofite to what our bloud lequires, For cquall age, doth equall like defires. But mighty men, in higheft honour fitting, Nought butapplaufeand pleafure can behold : Sooth'd in their hking, carcleffe what is fitting, May not be fuffted once to thinke the are old : Not trufting what they fee, but what is told. Miferablefortune to forget fb fartc The ftate of flefh, and what our frailties are. Yet muft I needs excufe Co great defect For drinking of the Lethe of minceies, H'is forc'd forget himfelfc, and allrefpect Of maiefty, whereon his ftatc relies: And now of loucs and pleafures muft deuife. For thus reuiu'd againe die fcrucs and fu'th, And feekes all meanes to vndermiae my youth. Which neucr by affault he could recouer, So well incamp'd in ftrength of chafte defires : My clcane-arm'd thoughts rcpell'd an vnchaftc louer. The Crowne that could command what it requires, I lefferpriz'd then Chaftities attires. Th'vnftained vaile, which innocents adornes, Th vngathrcd Rofc, defended with the thorncs. And | 372 | 0.388 | 0.13 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF ROSAMOND. 123 And fafe mine honor fteod, till that in truth, One of my Sexc.of placeand nature bad, Was fit in ambufh to intrap my youtha One in the habit of hkefraUrie clad. One who the liu'ry of Hkcweakeneffe had. A feeming Matron, yet a finfiill Monfter, As by her words the Chaftcr fort may confter. She fet vpon me with the (mootheft fpeech That Court and age could cunningly deuife.: Th'oneauthcntique,made her fit to teach, The other leam'c her how to fubtihfe. Both were enough to circumuent the wife. A document that well might teach the fage* That there's no truft in youth, nor hope in age. Daughter (faid (he) behold thy happy chance, That haft the lot caft downe into thy lap, Whereby thou may'ft thy honor great aduance, Whilft thou (vnhappy) wilt not fee thy hap : Such fond" refpect thy youth doth fom wrap, T'oppofe thy felfe againft thine ! owne good fortune, That poynts thee out, and fecmes thee to importune, Dooft thou not fee, how that thy King (thy lone) Lightens forth glory on thy darke eftate : And fhowers downe gold and treafure from aboue, Whilft thou dooft (hut thy lap againft thy Fate ? Fie Fondling fie, thou wilt repent too late The error of thy youth; that canft not fee What is the Fortune that doth follow thee. I Thou | 373 | 0.531 | 0.192 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE COMPLAINT 124 Thou mid not '.hiike thy fiSwer can alwiycs flourifh, And that thy bciuty will be did ad nired ; B'K that thofe rates which all thefe flimes doc nouri(hr Carw.ll'd with Time, will hauc their date expired, And men will (cornc what now is fo defircd. Ojr frailties doome is written in the flowers, Which fiouriih now, aud fade ere many howers. Readc in my face theruinesof my youth, The wrackc of yeeres vpoa my aged broW ; I haue becne faire (I muft confefle the truth4) And dood vpon as nice refoects as thou ; I loft my time, and I repent it now. But were I to beginne my youth againe* I would redcemc the time I (pent in vaine. But thou haft yeeres andpriuiledge to vfe them. Thy priuiledge doth bearc Beauties great fealc ; Befides, the Law of Nature doth excufe them, To w hom thy youth may haue a iuft appealc. Edeeme not Fame more then thou daft thy weaJe. Fame (whereof the world Uxmes to make fuch choice) Is but an Eccho, and an idle voice. Then why fhouW this refpect of honor bound tj, In th'imaginane lids of Reputation? Titles which cold feueritie hath found vs, Breath of the vulgar, foe to recreation : Melancholies opinion, Giftomcs relation ; Pleafures pi ague, beauties fcourge, hell to the faire, To leauc the fwect for Caftlcs m the aire. Pleafurc | 374 | 0.442 | 0.202 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | €>V ROSAMOND. 125 plealure Is felt, opinion but conceau'd, Honor, a thing without vs, not our owne : Whereof we fee how many are bereau'd, Which (hould haue reap'd the glory they had fowne r And many haue it, yet vnworthy, knowne. So breathes his blaft this many-headed beaft. Whereof the wifeft haue eftcemed leaft. The fubtill City-women, better learned, Efteeme them chafte enough that bed feeme fo : Who though they fport, it (hall not be difcerncd, Their face bewraies not what their bodies de ; Tis warie walking that doth faflyeftgo. With (hew of Venue, as the cunning knowes, Babes are beguild with fwects, and men with fhowes. Then vfc thy tallenr, youth fhall be thy warrant, And let not honor from thy (ports detract : Thou muft not fondly thinke thy felfc tranfparant, Than thofe who fee thy face can iudge thy fact, Let her haue du me that cannot dofely act. And lecmc the chaftc, which is the chicteft arte, For what we feeme each fee, none knowes our hart. What, dooft thou ftand on this, that he is old ? Thy beau tic hath the more to worke vpon, Thy pleafures want fhall be fupplide with gold, Cold age dotes moft when heate of youth is gone : Enticing words preuaile with fuch a one. Alluring fhe wes moftdeepe impreflionftrikes, For age is prone to credit what it likes. Here I a | 375 | 0.511 | 0.188 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE COMPLAINT 126 Here interrupt, fhe leaues me in a doubt, When loe beganne the cumbat in my blood Seeing my youth inuiron d round about, The ground vnccrtaine where my reafons ftood ; Small my defence to make my party good, Againft fuchpowers which were fo furely laid* To ouerthrow a poore vmkilfull Maide. Treafon was in my bones, my felfe confpiring, To fell my felfc to lufh my foule to fin : Purc-blufhing fhame was euen in retiring* Leauing the (acred hold it glori'd in. . Honor lay prodrate for my flefh to win, When cleaner thoughts my weakenefle gan vpbray Againft my fclfe, and fhame did force me fay; Ah T^famond, whatdoth thy flefh prepare ? Deftrudtion to thy dayes, death to thy fame ; Wilt thou betray that honor held with care, T'entombe with blackc reproch a fpottcd name? Lcauing thy blufh the colours of thy fhame? Opening thy feete to finne, thy foule to luft, Gracelcac to lay thy glory inthe dull ? Nay firft let th'earth gape wide to fwallow thee^ And fhut thee vp in bofbme with her dead, Etc Serpent tempt thee tafte forbidden Tree, Or feele the warmth of an vnlawfull bed ; Suffring thy (elfe by lud to be milled ; So to dilgrace thy felfe and gricue thine heires, That Cliffords racefhould fee? nc thee one of theirs^ Neuej | 376 | 0.508 | 0.213 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF ROSAMOND. 127 Neuer wifh longer to enioy the Aire, Then that thou breath'ft the breath of Chaftitie : Longer then thou preferu'ft thy foule as faire As is thy face, free from impuritie. Thy facd that makes th'admir'd in cuery cie, Where Natures care liich raritjes inroule* Which vs'd amifle.may feruc to damne thy foule. |hit what ? he is my King, and may conftraire me, Whether I yedd or not, I liuedefamed. . The World will thinke A.uthontie did gaine me, I fhall be iudg'd bis Loue, and fo be foamed, We fee the faire condea)vi*d,:hatneucr gamed. And it I yeeld, us hpoerable flume, If not, I hue iiilgiac'd,yct thought the fame. What way is left thee then (vnhanr y %f aide) Whereby thy fpotltife foote may wander out This dreadfiJJ danger, which thou feeli is laidc, » Wherein thy fhame doth compafle thee about ?* Thy fimplcyceres cannot refoluc this doubt. Thy Youth can neuer guide thy foote fo euen, But (in defpite) fome fcandall will be giuen. Thus ftood Iballanc'd equally predze, Till my fraile flefh did weigh me downe to fin; Till world and pleafure made me partialize* And glittering pompe my vanitiedid win, When to excufe my fault my lulls begin. And impious thoughts allcdg'd this wanton claufc, That though I fion'd* my finne had honed caufe. I* So | 377 | 0.497 | 0.206 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE COMPLAINT 128 So well the golden balks cad downe before me, Could cntertaine my courfe, hinder my way : Whereat my wretchleife youth dooping to llore me, Lod me the Goale, the Glory and the Day. Pieafute had fet my well fchool'd thoughts to play, And bade me vie the vcrtye of mineeies, For fwcedy it fits the dure to wantonife. Thus wrought to (inne, foone was I train'd from Court, T'a follitarie Grange, there to attend The time the King fhould thither make refort, Where he Loues longvdcfircd workc fhould end. Thither he daily mefliges doth fend , With cofily Jewels (Orators of Loue,) Which ( ah, too wdl men know) doc women moue. The day before the night of my defeature, He gieetes me with a Casket richly wrought ; So rare, that Arte did fecme to driue with Nature, Texprelfe the cunning Worke-mans curious thought ; The myderie whereofl prying fought, And found engraucn on the lid aboue, Amymone, how lhe with Neptune llroue. Amymone, old 'Danaus faired Daughter, As (he was fetching water all alone At Lerna : w hercas Neptune came and caught her, From whom die driu'J and ftriggled to be gone, Bathing the ar: with cries an.l piteous mone; But all in vainc, with him die's fore'd to go, Tis (haine that men fhould vfe poore maidens fo. There | 378 | 0.541 | 0.2 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF ROSAMOND. 129 There might I fee deferibed how fhe lay, At thofe proude feete,not latisfide with prayer : Wayling her heauy hap, curfing the day, In actfopitioustoexpreffe defpaire. And by ho w much more grieu'd , fo much more faire. Her wares vpon he r chcekes (poore caretull Gerle J Did feeme againft the Sunne Chnftall and Pearle : Whofe pure dcere ftreames (which lo fo faire appeares) Wrought hotter flames (O miracle of Loue) That kindles fire in water, heate in tearcs, And makes neglected beauty mightier proue. Teaching afflicted eyes affects to mouc ; To (hew that nothi ng ill becomes the faire, But cruelty , which yeelds vato no prayer. This hauing view'd, and therewith fomcthing moued, Figured I findc within theothet (quares, Transformed lo, lottos deerely loued, In her affliction how fhe ftrangely fares. Strangely diftrefs'd (O beauty, borne to cares) Tum'd to a Heifrer, kept with iealous eyes, Al wayes in danger of her hatcfull fpics. Thefe prefidents prefentcd to my view, Wherein the prefage of my fall was fhowne, Might haue fore-Warn'd me well what would enfue, And others harmes haue made me ftflin rriine ownc. But Fate is not preuentcd, though foreknowne. For that mull hap, decreed by heauenly powers, Who workc our fall, yet make the fault ftill ours. Witneffe 14 | 379 | 0.56 | 0.179 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE COMPLAINT 130 Witneffe the world ,whcrein is nothing rifer, Then miferics vnkcnd befote they come : Whokan the Characters of chaunce decipher, Written in cloudes of our concealed dome ? Which though perhaps haue beene reueal'd to fome, Yet that fo doubtfull(as fuccefle did proue them) That men muft know they haue the Heau'ns aboue them. I faw the finne wherein my foote was entring, >l I faw how that difhonor did attend it, I faw the fhame whereon my flefh was ventring, Yet had I not the power for to defend it. So weakc is fence, when error hath conderun-d it. We fee what's good, and thereto we confer*, But yet we choofe the word, and foone repent; A nd now I come to tell the worft of ilnelfe, Now dra wes the d ate of mine affliction neere. Now when the darke had wrapt vp all in dilneffc, And dreadfull blacke had difpoflcft the deere*. Com'd was the Night (mother of fleepeand feare) Who with her fable-mantle friendly couers The fweet-ftolnc fport of ioy full meeting Loucrs. When lo, I ioy'd my Louer, not my Loue, And felt the hand of luft moft vndefired : Enforc'd th' vnprooued bitter fwcet to proue, Which yeddes nonaturall plcafure when tis hired Loue s not conftrain'd, nor yet of due required. ludge they who are vnfortunatdy wed, What tis to come vnto a loathed bed. But | 380 | 0.568 | 0.198 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF ROSAMO ND. 131 But foonc his 3ge receiu'd his diort contenting, And fleepe feal'd vp his languifhing defires : When he turnes to his red, I to repenting, Into my felfe my waking thought retires : My nakedncffe had prou'd my fences liers. Now opned were mine eyes to looke therein, For firll we tade.the fruit, then fee our fin. Now did I my felfe vnparadis'd, From thofe pure fields of my to cleane beginning/. Now I percciu'dhow ill I was aduis'd, My flefh gan loathe the new-felt touch of finning, Shame leaues vsby degrees, not at fitft. winning. For Nature checks a new offence with loathing, But vfe of finnc.dotb fecme as nothing. And vfe of finne did worke in me a boldncffc, And loue in him, incorporates fuch Male, Thatiealoufie increas'd with ages coldneffe, Fearing to loofe the ioy of all his weale, Or doubting time his Health might elfe reueale, His driuen to deuife fome&btill way, How he might fafelyeft kcepe fo rich a pray. A (lately Pallace he forthwith did baild, Whofe intricate innumerable wayes With fuch confufederrours, fo beguilde Th'vnguided Entrers, with vncertaine ftrayes, And doubtfull turnings, kept them inddayes* With boo telefle labor leading them about, Abletofindeno way,norb, aor out. Within. | 381 | 0.545 | 0.191 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE COMPLAINT 132 Within the clofedbofomc of which frame. That feruM a Centre to that goodly Round : Were lodgings, with a Garden to the fame, With fweetefi flowers that eu'r adorn'd the ground, And all the pleafurcs that delight hath found, T'entertainc the fenfe of wanton eies, Fucll of Louc, from whence luflsflames arifc. Here I inclos'd from all the world afunder, The Minotaure of fharae kept for difgrace, The Monfler of Fortune, and the worlds woader, Liu'd doidred in fo defolate a cafe : None but the King might come into the place, With certainc Maides.that did attend my neede, And he hunfelfe came guided by a threed. O Iealoufic, daughter of Enuie and Loue, Mod wayward iffue of a gentle Sire ; Fodred with feares, thy fathers ioyes t'improue, Minh-marring Monder, bome a fubtill lier ; Hatefoll vato thy felfe, flying thine ownc defire : Feeding vpon fuipect that doth renue thee, Happy were Louers if they ncuer knew thee. Thouhada thoufand Gates thou entered by, Condemning trembling paffions to our hart j Hundred ey'd Argn*, euer waking Spic, Pale Hagge, infernal! furie, pleaiures fmart, Enuious Obferuer, prying in eucry part ; Sufpicious, feareruil, gaziog dill about thee, O would to God that loue could be without thee. Thou | 382 | 0.436 | 0.168 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF ROSAMOND. 133 Thou didd depriue (through falfe fuggedihg feare) Him of content, and me of libertie : The ondy good that women hold fo deerc, And turnd my fieedome to captiuitie, Fird made a prifoncr, ere an enemie. Enioyn'dtheranfomeof my bodies fhame, Which though I paid, could not redeeme the fame. What greater torment euer could haue bccnc, Then to inforcc the faire to liue rctir'd ? For what is beauty if it bee not fecne ? Or what is't to be feene if not admir'd ? And though admir'd, vnlefle in loue defir'd ? Neuer were cheekesof Rofes, locks of Amber, Ordain'd toliueimprifon'din a Chamber. Nature created beauty for the view., (Like as the Fire for heate, the Sunnefor light :) The faire doe hold this priuilcdge as due By ancient Charter, to Hue mod in fight, And the that is debar*d it, hath not right. In vaine our friends from this, doe vs dehort, For Beauty will be where is mod refbrt. Witncfie the faireft ftrectes that Thames doth vifit, The wondrous concourfe of the giittring Faire : For what rare woman deckt with beauty is it, That thither couets not to make repaire ? The follitary Countrey may not ftay her. Here is the centre of all beattics bed, Excepting Delea, left t'adorne the Wed. ' Within | 383 | 0.507 | 0.172 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE COMPLAINT 134 Here doth tbe curious with iudidali cies, Contemplate Beauty glorioufly attired : And herein all our chicfed glory lies, To hue where we arepnds'd and mod defired. O how wc ioy to fee our felues admired , Whild niggardly our fauours we difcouer: We louc to be belou'd, yet fcornc the Louer. Yet would to God my foote had neuer mou'd From Countrey-fafety, from the fields of reft : To know the danger to be highly lou'd , And liue in pompe to braue among the beft, Happy for mc, better had I becne bled, If I vnluckily had neuer ftraide, But liu'd at home a happy Countrey Maide. Whcfe vnaffected innocence thinkes No guilcfull fraude, as doth the Courtly liuer : Shee's deckt with truth, the Riucr where fhe drinkes Doth fcrue her for her glade, her CounfeU-giuer ; She loucs fincerely, ahd is loued euer. Her dayes are peace,and fo (he endes her breath, (Truelifc that knowes not what's to die till death.) So fhould I neuer haue beene regiftred, 1 1 the blackc bookc of the vnfortunatc : Nor had my name inrol'd with maides milled, W hih bought thdr pleafures at fb hie a rate. Nor hail 1 taught, (through my vnhapy fate) This I cite., (which my felfc lcarn't with expencc) How mod it hurts, that moft delights the fence. Shame | 384 | 0.476 | 0.204 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF ROSAMOND. 135 Shame followes finne, difgraceis duelygiucn, Impietie will out, neuer fo clofely done : No walks can hide vs from the eye of Heauen, For fhame muft end what wickednefle begun ; Forth breakes reproch when weleaft thinke thereon, And this is eucr proper vnro Courts, That nothing can be done,but Fame reports. Fame doth explore what lies moft fecret hidden, Entring the Clofet of thePallace dweller : Abroadc rcucaling what is moft forbidden. Of truth and falfhood both an equall teller* Tis not a guard can feme for to expdl her. The Sword of Iuftice cannot cut her Wings, Nor flop her mouth from vtt'ring fecret things'. And this our dearth fhe could not long conceale, From her whom fuch a forfeit moft concerned : The wronged Quecne, who could fb clofely deale, That (he the whole of all our praiftife learned, And watcht a time when feaft it wasdiftcmed, In abfencc of the King to wreake her wroBg, With fuch rcuenge as fhe defired long. The Labyrinth ftieentred by that Thrcedr Tnat feru'd a conduct to my abfent Lord, Left there by chance, referu'd for fuch a deed, Where fhe furptiz'd me whom (he fo abhor'd. Enrag'd with madneffci fearcefhe fpeakes a word, But flies with eager furieto my face, Of&ing me moft vn womanly difgrace, Looke | 385 | 0.538 | 0.197 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE COMPLAINT 136 Lookc how a Tygreffe that hath loft her Whelpe, Rutmes fiercely ranging through the Woods aftray : And feeing her fclfe depriu'd ot hope or hclpe, FuriouflyatTaults what's in her way, To fetisfie her wrath, (not for a pray) So fell fhe on me in outragious wife, As could Difdaine and Icaloufic deuife. And after ?11 her vile rcproches vfde, She fore'd mc take the Poyfon fhe had brought, To end the lnc th?t had her foabufde, And free her fcaie: . and cafe her iealous thought. No cruelty her wrath could leaue vawrought. No (pitefull act that t^ Reuenge « common ; (No bead being fiercer then a iealous woman.) Here take (faith fhe) thou impudent vncleane, Bafe gracelcffe Strumpet, take this next your heart ; Your Louc-ficke heart, that oucr-charg'd hath beene With Pleafures furfeit, muft be purg'd with Art. This potion hath a power that will conuart To naught, thofe humors that opprefle you fa And (Gerle) lie fee you take ic ere I go. What.dand you now amaz'd, retire you backe? Tremble you (Minion ? ) come, difpaich w ith fpeed ; There is no hc!pc,your Champion now mem la eke, And all thefe rcares you fhed will nothing deed ; Thofe dainty fingers necdes mud doc the deed. Take it, or I will drench you elfe by force, And trifle not, Idt that I vfeyou wotfe. Hauing | 386 | 0.507 | 0.208 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF ROSAMOND. 137 Hailing this bloudy doome fromhellifh breath. My wofull eyes on cuery fide I caft : Rigor about me . in my hand my death, Picfenting me the horror of my lad : All hope of pitty and of comfort pafL No meanes, no power ;no forces to contend, My trembling hands muft giue my fdfe my end. Thofe hands that beauties miniftcrs had bin, They muft giuc death, that meadc* a'd of late. That mouth that newly gaue conlcn; to fin, Muft now receiue deftruction in thereat. That body which my Iuft did violate, Muft facrifice it felfe i'appeafe the wrong. (So fhort ts pleafure, glory lads not Jong) And (he no (boner faw I had it taken, But forth (he rufhes (proud with victorie) And leaues m*alor*e*of all the world forfaken, Ecept of Death, which fhe had left with mc. (Death and m y felfe alone together be.) To whom fhe did her full reuengc refer. Oh poore weake conqueft both for him and her. Then ftraight my Confcience fummons vp my finne, T'appeare before mc inahidcous face ; Now doth the terror of my foule bcginne, When cu'ry comer of that hatefull place Dictates mins error, and reueales difgrace; Whilft I remaine oppreft in eucry part, Death in my body, Horror at my hart. Dowce | 387 | 0.455 | 0.202 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE COMPLAINT 138 Downe on my bed my loathfome fdfe I caft* The bed that likewifegiuet incuidence A gaiiid my foule, and tds I was vnchaft, Teh I was wanton, tels I followed fence, And therefore call , by guilt of mine offence, Mud here the right of Heauenneedesfatisfie, And where I wanton lay, muft wretched die* Here I begarme to waile my hard mifhap, My fudden, ftrange vnlookt formifery. Accufing them that did my youth intrap. To giuc me fuch a fall of infamy. And poore diftrcflcd Rofomond (faid I) Is th;s thy glory got, to dieforlorae In Ddartswhacrre care can hearc thee rrxjumcr Nor any eye of pitty to behold The wofull end of my fad traged ie ; But that thy wrongs vnfeene, thy tale vntold, Muft here in fecret (ilence buried lie. And with thee, thineexcufe together die. Thy finae reueal'd, but thy repentance hid. Thy (hame-aliue, but dead what thy death did. Yet breathe out to thefc Walks the breath of mone. Tell th' Aaire thy plaints, fince men thou eanft not tell. And though thou perifh defolate alone* Tdl yet thy felfe, what thy felfc knowes too well : Vtter thy griefe wherewith thy fbulc doth (well. And let thy heart pitty thy hearts remorfe, And be thy fdfe the mourner and the corfc. Condole | 388 | 0.523 | 0.197 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF ROSAMOND. 139 Condole thee here, clad allin blacke difpaire, With filence enely, and a dying bed ; Thou that of late, fo flourifliing, fo faire, Did'ft glorious liue, admir'd aad honored : And now from friends, from feccour hither led, Art made a fpoyle to Iuft, to wrath, to death, And in difgtace, forc'd here to yeeld thy breath. Did Nature (for this good) ingeniate, To (hew in thee the glory of herbeftj Framing thine eye the ftarre of thy ill fate, Making thy face the foe to fpoyle the reft? O Beautie thou an encmie profeft To Chaftitie and vs that loue thee moft, Without thee, how w'are loath'd, and with thee! oft ? You, you that proude with libertie and beautie, (Aad well may you be proude that yoube Co) Glitter in Court, lou'd arid obferuM of datie ; Would God I might to you but ere I goe Speake what I feele,to warae you by my woe,' To keepe y6ur fcete in cleanly paths of fhamei That no taking may diuert the fame. S etfng how againft your tendet weakeneffe ftill, The ftrength of wit, and gold, and all is bent;- fobwri i.nd all th'atTaults that euer might or skill, Can giue againft a chafte and dearie intent : Ah let not greatriefle worke you to confent. The (pot is foule, though by a Monarch made Kings cannot priuilcdge what Godtorbadc. Looke K | 389 | 0.455 | 0.199 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE COMPLAINT 140 Locke vp therefore Ae treafiire of your loue, Vndcr the fureft kcyes of fcare aad fhame : And let no powershaue power chaftc thoughts to moue To make a lawleffe entry on your feme. Open to thofe the comfort of your flame, Whofc equall loue fhall march with equall pace, In thofe pure way cs that leade to no diigrace. For fee how many difcontented beds, Our owne afpiring, or our Parents pride Haue caus'd, whilft that ambition vainely weds Wealth and not loue, honor and nought befidc : Whilft married but to titles, we abide As wedded Widowes, wanting what we haue, When fhadowes cannot giue vs what weiraue. Or whilft we fpend the frefheft oC our time, The fweet of youth inplottiag in the ayrc j Alas, how oft we fall, hoping to clinic ; Or whither as vnprofitably fiure, Whilft thofe decayes which arc without repaire, Make vs neglected, fcorned and reprou'd. (And O what are we, if wcbe not Iou'd?) Paden therefore vpon occafions fit, Left this, or that, or like difgrace as mine, Doe oucr-takcyctux youth or ruine it, And cloude withinftwifcyour beauties fhine : Seeing how many feeketo vndemiine The treafuriethot's vflpofleft of any : . And hard tis kept that is defircd of many. An* | 390 | 0.372 | 0.177 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF ROSAMOND. 141 And Hie (O flie) thefc Bed-brokers vndeane, (The Monfters of our Scxe) that make a pray Of their owne kindc, by an vnkinddy mcane ; And cuen (like Vipers) eating out a way Through th'wombe of their ownc (hame, accurfed they Liue by the death of Fame, the gaine of fin, The filth of luft, vncleannefle walio wes in, As if t'were not inough that we (pooie we) Haue weakeneiTe, beautie, gold and men our foes. Bat we muft haue fome of our felues to be Traitors vnto our felues, to loyne with thofe ? Such as our feeble forces doe d lfclofe, And ftill betray our cauic, our fhame, our youth, To luft, to folly, and to mens vntruth ? Hatefull confounders both of bloud and lawes, Vilde Orators of fhame, that pleade delight : Vneracious agents in a wicked caufe, Factors for darkeneffe, meffettgers of night. Serpents of gude, Deuils, that doc inuite The wanton tafte of that forbidden tree* Whofe fruit once pluckt, will fhew how foule we bee. You in the habite of a graue afpect, (In credit by the truft of yeeres) can fhoe The cunning wayes of luft, and can direct The faire and wilie wantons how to goc, Hauing (your Iothefome felues) your youth fpent lb. And in vndeanneffe euer haue beene fed, By the reuenue of a wanton bed, K a By | 391 | 0.53 | 0.224 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | TH# COMPLAIN^ 142 Iudge By you haue bcene the innocent betraide, The blufhing fearefulh boldned vnto fin, The wife made fubtill,fubtill made the maide, The husband fcornd, difhonorcd the kin : Parents d ifgrac'd, children infamous bin. Confus'd out race, and falfified our blood', Whilfl fathers fonnes poflefle wrong fathers good. This, and much more, I would haue vttered then, A teftament to be recorded dill, Sign'd with my bloud, fubfcribM with Confeiencc Pen, To warne the faire andbcautifull from ill. Though I could wifh (by th'example of my will) I had not left this note vnto thefaire, But dide inteftate to haue had no heire. But now, the poyfon fpread through all my vaines, Gan difpoffeffe my Uuing fences quite : •And nought refpecting death (the lad of paines)" Plac'd his pale colours (th'eufigne of his might) Vpon his new-got fpfcyte beforc-his right ; Thence chae'd my foule, fctring my dayerenoone, When I lead thought my ioyes could end fo foonc. And as conuaide t vntimery funerals. My fcarce cold corfe not itifrred longer day, Behold, the King (by chance) returning, fals T'incounter with the fame vpon the way, As he rcpair'd to fee his deareft ioy. Not thinking fuch a meeting could hauebcene, To fee his Louc, and feeing bin Ynfcene, | 392 | 0.455 | 0.189 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF ROSAMOND. 143 ludge thofe whom chance dept iues of fweeteft treafure, What tis to Iofe a thing we hold fo deere : The beft delight, wherein our foule takes plcafure, The fweet of life, that penetrates fo nccre. What paffions fceles that heart, inforc'd to beare The deepe impreflion of foftrange a fight, Thatouerwhelmes vs,ot confounds vs quite ? Amaz'd he ftands, nor voice nor body ftearcs, Words had no paffagc, teares no ifTue found, For fbrrow (hut vp words, wrath kept in teares, Confus'd affects each other doe confound : Oppreft with griefe, his patfions had no bound . - Striuing to tell his woes, words would not come ; For light cares fpcakc, when mightie grides ate dembe. At length, extremitie breakes out a way, | ;!dT Through which, th'impnfoncd voice with teares attended,; Wailes out a found that forrowes doe bewray, With armes a-croffe, and eyes to heauen bended, Vaporing out fighs that to the skies afcended. Sighs (the poore eafe calamine affords) ;iV Which fetue for fpeech when forrow wasted) words.. 0 Heauens (quoth he), why doe aline eyes behold The hatefull raies of this vnhappy Sunne ? Why haue I light to fee my fianes controld, With bloud of mineownc fhamc thus vildely done ? How can my fight endure to looke thereon? Why doth not blacke etet nail darkeneffe hide, That from mine eyes; my heart cannot abide? K j What | 393 | 0.487 | 0.203 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE COMPLAINT 144 What faw my life wherein my foule might ioy; What had my dayes whom troubles dill afflicted, But onely this, to counterpoize annoy ? This ioy, this hope, which Death hath interdicted ; Thi J fweet, whofe loffe hath all diftreffe inflicted ; This, that did feafon all my fowre of life, Vext fill! at home with broiles, abroade in ftrife. Vext dill at home with broile?, abroade in ftrife, D ffenfion in my blond, iarres in my bed : Diftrud atboord, fufpectingfttll my life, Spending the night in horror, dares-m dread ; (Such life hath Tyrants, aud this life I led.) Thde miferies goe maik'd in glittering fhowes/ Which wife men fee, tbe vulgar little kaowes* Thus as thefe paffions doe him ouerwherrne, He drawes him neere my body to beh«Id it. And as the Vine married vnto the Elrae With ftrict imbraces, fo doth he infold it : And as he in his carefoll armes doth hold ir, Viewing the face that euen death commends, On fencderTc lippes, millions of kifles fpends. Pittifull mouth (faith he) that Kuinggaueft The fleeted comfort that my foule could with : O be it lawful! now, that dead thou hatred, This farrowing ftrewdl of a dying kiffe, And you faite eyes, containers of my bliffe, Moriuesof Lone, borne to be nwtched neuer, Entomb'd inyour fwcer circ!es,fteepe for euer. Ai | 394 | 0.464 | 0.186 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF ROSAMOND. 145 Ah, how me thinkes I fee Death dallying fcekes, To entertaine it felfe in Loucs fweet place ; Decayed Rofes of difcoloured checkes, Doc yet rctaine decrc notes of former grace : And vgly Death fits faire within her face ; Sweet remnants refting of Vcrmillian red, ThatDeath it felfe doubts whether fhe be dead. Wonder of beautie, oh receiuc thefe plaints, Thefe obfequies, the laft that I fhall make thee r For loe, my foule that now akeady faints, That lou'd thee liuing, dead will not forfake thee) Haftens her fpeedy courfe tooumtake thee. lie meete my death.andfree myfelre thereby, For (ah) what can he doc that cannot die ? Yet ere I die, thus much my foule doth vow, Reuenge fhall fweeten death with eafcof nrinde : And I will caufe Pofterity ftiall know, how faire thou were aboue all women kindc, And after-Ages Monuments fhall finde. Shewing thy beauties title, not thy name, Rofeof the world, that fweetned fathe fame. This faid, though more defirous yet to fay, (r*or lorrow is vnwilling to giue ouer) He doth repreffe whatgnefc would elfe bewray, Left hctiob much his paflions fhould difcoucr, ' And yet refpect fearce bridles fuch a Louer, So farre tranfported that he knowes not whither, For Loucand Maicftfe dwell it! togithcr. K4 Then | 395 | 0.5 | 0.171 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE COMPLAINT 146 Then were my Funerals not long deferred, But done with all the rites pompe could deuifcj At Godflow, w here my body was interred, And richly tomfrdin honorable wife, Where yet as now featcc any note defcries Vnto thefe times, the memory of me, Marble and B ralfc Co little lafting be. For thofe waUeswhichthe credulous deuoue, And apt-beleeuingignonntdkl found j A With willing zeale^hat neaer call'd in doubt, That time their workes fhould euer fb confound^ Lie like confofed heapes as.vnder-grcHind. And what their ignorance edeerri'd Co holy, ; The wifer ages doe account as folly; ■■ ' 5"w And were it not thy fauoursbfe lines Re-edified thewrackcof mydecayes, And that thy accents willingly affignes Some farther date, and giue me longer daies, Few in this age had knowne my beauties praife. But thus renew'd, my fame redeemes fbme time.. Till other ages fhali neglect thy Rime. Then when ConfufioB in her eourfe (hall bring Sad defolation on the times to come : When mirthldfc Thtmes fhillhaiie no Swanne to fing, All Muficke filent, and the Mules dombc ., -, <- ,•),, And yetcuen theuit mud be knowneto lome, Thatonsethcy fl ourifht, though not chcri.lit fb, And Thames had SWahnCs as well as eucr Ft* Put | 396 | 0.338 | 0.153 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF ROSAMOND. 147 But here an end, I may no longer day, I mud returne t'attend at Stygtan flood : Yet ere I goe, this one word more I pray, Tell Delia, now her figh may doe mc good, And will her note the frailtie of our blood. And if I paffc vnto thofc happy bankes, Then (he mud haue her praife, thy Pen her thankes. So vanquifht fhe, and left me to returne To profccute the tenor ©f my woes : Etemall matter for my Mule to mourne, But (yet) the world hath heard too much of thofe, My youth fuch errors muft no more dtfelofe. lie hide the reft, and grieue for what hath bcene, Who made me knowne, moft make me liue vnfeene. FIWJS, | 397 | 0.539 | 0.179 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | TO DELIA. SONNET. I. SJSjIO the bnundlefTe Ocean of thy beautie, MvymI? Runnes this poore Riuer, charg'd with dreames of ■ritVffif Returning thee the tribute of my dutie, (zeale, Which here my Ioue,my youth,my plaints tcueale Here I vnclafpe the Booke of my charg'd foule, Where I haue caft th'accounts of all my care : Here hauc 1 fumm'd my fighs, here I inrole How they were fpent for thee, looke what they are : Looke on the dcere expences of my youth, And fee how iuft I reckon with thine eies : Examine well thy beautie with my truth, And croffe my cares ere greater fommes arife. Reade it (fweet maide) though it be done but fleightly, Who can (hew all his loue, doth lout but lightly. SONNET. II. GOe wailing Vcrfe, the Infants of my loue, Mmerua-hVe, brought foorth without a mother : Prefent the Image of the cares I proue, Witneffe your Fathers gricfe exceedes all other. Sigh out a Storie of her cruell deedes, With interrupted accents of defpaire : A Monument that whofoeuer reedes* May iuftly praife, and blame my Iouelcffe Faire. Say her difdaine hath dryed vp my blood, And ftarued you, in fuccours dill denying : Preffetoher eyes, importune mc fome good, Waken her fleeping pitty with your crying, Knocke at her hard hart, begge till yee haue mou'd her, Aad tell th*vnkinde how deardy I haue Iou'd her. If | 399 | 0.535 | 0.203 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA. 150 SONNET. HI. IF fo it hap , this of- fp ring of my care, Thefe fatall Anthcames, lamentable Songs : Come to their view.who like afflicted are ; Let them figh for their owne, and mone my wrongs. But vntoucht hearts, with vuaffected eie, Approach not to behold my heauineffc : Cleere-fighted you, foone note what is awrie, Whild blinded foules mine errours neuer geffe, You blinded fbulcs«whom youth and errour leadc, You out-cad Eaglets, dazeled with your Sunne : Doe you , and none but you my forrowes reade, You bed can iudge the wrongs that fhe hath dope. That fhe hath done, the motiue of my paine, Who whild I loue, doth kill me with difdaine. SONNET. J HI. T Thefe plaintiue Vcrfe, the Poftes of my defire, . Which hafte for fuccour to her flow regard, .' Bearcnot report of any flender fire, Forging a gnefc to winne a fames reward. Nor arc my paffions limnd for autward hew, , For that no colours can depaint my forrowes : Delta her fclfc, and all the world may view Bed in my face, where cares haue did dcepe forrowes. No Bayes liecke to decke my mourning brow, O cleere-eyde Rector of the holy Hill : My humble accents beare the Oliue bough, Of interceffion but to moue her will. Thefe lines I vfc, t'vnburthen mine owne hart ; My loue affects no fame, nor Accrues of Art. ' ' Thofc | 400 | 0.415 | 0.157 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA. 151 SONNET. V. X 7 X7 Hild youth and error led my wandring minde, Y V And fet my thoughts in heedleffc wayes to range : AH vna wares, a Goddcffc chafle I findc , (Dixna-hk:) to worke my fudden change. For her no fooner had mine eyes bewraid, But with difdaine to fee mc in that place ; With faired hand, the fwcet vnkinded Maid, Caft water-cold Difdainc vpon my face. Which turn'd my fport into a Harts drfpa'tre, Which ftill ischae'd, while I haue any breath, By mine ownc thoughts, fet on mc by my Faire : My thoughts (kke Houndcs) purfue me to my death. Thofc that I foftred of mine owne accord, Are made by her to murther thus their Lord. SONNET. VI. FAire is my Loue, and cruell as dies faire ; Her brow-fhades frownes, although her eyes are funny, Her fmiles are lightning, though her pride defpaire ; And her difdaines are Gall, her fauours Hunny. A modeft Maide, deckt with a blufh of honor, Wbofe fcete doe tread greene paths of youth and loue, The wonder of all eyes that looke vpon her : Sacred on earth, defign d a Saint aboue. Ghaftitic and Beautie, which were deadly foes, Liue reconciled friends within her brow : And had (he pitty toconioyne with thofe, Then who had heard the plaints I ytter now r- For had fhe not beene faire and thus vnkinde, My Mufe had flept, and none had knowncmy minde. For | 401 | 0.53 | 0.199 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA. 152 sonnet, rn. FOr had (he not beene faire and thus vnkinde, Then had no finger pointed at my Iightaeffe: The world had ncuer knowne what I doe finde, And cloud cs obfcure had (haded dill her brightneffe, Then had no Cenfbrs eye thefe lines furuaid, Nor grauer browes haue iudg'd my Mufe fo vaine ; No Sunne my blufh and error had bewraid, Nor yet the world haue heard of fuch difdaine. Then had I walkt with bold erected face, No downc-cad looke had fignified my aide : But my degraded hopes, with fuch difgrace Did force me grone out griefes, and vtter this. For bring full, fhould I not then haue fpoken, My fence opprefs'd, had faild , and heart had broken. SONNET. VI It. THou poore heart (acrifiz'd vntothe taireft. Had tent the incenfe of thy fighs to heauen : And dill againft her frownes frefh vowes repaired. And made thy paffions with her beautie euen. And you mine eyes, the agents of nay hart Tolde the dumbe meflagc of my hidden griefe : And oft with carefull turnes, with filent Art* Did treate the cruel! faire to yedd rdiefc And you my Verfe, the Aduocatcs of Loue, Haue followed hard the Procefle of my cafe : And vrg'd that title which doth plaindy proue, My faith fho Id win, if Iuftice might haue place. Yet though I fee, that nought we doe, can moue, Tis not difdaine muft make me ccafe to louc. If | 402 | 0.556 | 0.194 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA 153 SONNET. IX. IF this be loue, to draw a wearie breath, Paint on floods, till the fliore crie to th'aire : With downeward lookes, ftill reading on the earth Thefe fad memorials of my Ioucs difpaire: If this be loue to warrc againft my foule, Lie downe to waile, rife vp to figh and grieue, The neuer-refting done of Care to route, Still to complaine my gricfes, whilft none relieue. If this be loue to cloathe me with d arkc thoughts , Haunting vntrodden paths to waile apart ; My pleafurcs horror, Muficke tragicke notes, Teares in mine eyes, and forrow at my hart. If this be loue, to hue a liuing death. Then doe I loue and draw this wearie breath. SONNET. X. THen doe I loue, and draw this wearie breath, For ber the audi Faire, wkhin whofe br ow, I written finde the fentcnce of my death, In vnkind e Letters ; wrote fhe cares not how. Thou powre that rul'ft the confines of the night, Laughter louing Goddeflc,worldly pleafiites Queene, Intencrat that heart that fets (b light, The trued loue that euer yet was fcenc. And caufe her Icaue to triumph in this wife, Vpon the proftrttc fpoyle of that poore hart That femes a Trophey to her conquering eies,: And muft their glory to the world impart. Once let her know, (h'hath done enough to proue me, And let her pitte if (he cannot loue me. Teares | 403 | 0.519 | 0.194 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA 154 SONNET XI. TEares, vowcs, and prayers, winne the hardcft hart, Tcares.vowes, and prayers haue I fpentin vainc ; Teares cannot foften flint, nor vowes conuart. Prayers prcuaiie not with a quaint difdaine. I lofe my tearcs where I hauc loft my loue, I vow my faith, where faith is not regarded ; I pray in vaine, a mctciletfe to moue : So rare a faith ought better be rewarded. Yet, though I (iannot winne her will with ceares, Though my foulcs Idoll fcorneth all my vowcs ; Though all my prayers be to fo deafe cares, No fauour though the cm ell faire allowes, Yet will I weepe, vow, ptay to cruell (hee : Flint, froft, difdaine, wcares, meltes, and yecldes we fee. SONNET XI I. MY fpodeffc loue houers with pureft wings, About the Temple of the proud eft frame ? Wrherc blaze thofe lights faircft of earthly things. Which dccre our clouded world with brighter! flame. M'ambitious thoughts confined in her face, AfTecl no honor but what fhe can giue : My hopes doe reft in limits of her grace, I weigh no comfort vnleffc die relieuc. For fhe that can my heart imparadizc, • Holdes in her faired hand what deareft is, My fortunes w heeles the circle of her eies, Whole rowling grace deigne once a tumeef Wis. All my liues fwcet confids in her alone, So much I loue the mod vnlouing one. Behold | 404 | 0.464 | 0.199 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA 155 SOT^NBTfXUI. BEhold what hap Pigmalton had to frame And carue his proper griefe vpon a done ; My heauy fortune is much like the fame, I worke on flint,and thats the caufe I mone. For hapltffe loe euen with mine owne defires, I figurde on the table of mine hart, The faired foime/hat all the world admires> And fo did perifli by my proper art. And dill I toy change the Marble breft Of her.whofe fweeteft grace I do adore, Yet cannot findc her breathe vnto my reft, Hard is her harr,and woe is me therefore. But happy he that ioy'd his ftonc and art, Ynhappy I, to lpue a ftony harr. SONNET. XI I H. THofe fnary lecks,are thoft famenets (my Deere) Wherewith my liberty thou didft furprize; Loue was the flame that fired me fo neere, The Dart tranlpearfiag.were thofe Chriftalleies'. Strong is the net, and ferucnt is the flame; Deepe is the wound my fighes can well report : Yet do I louc,adore,and prayfe the fame, That hold s , that burnes,that wounds me in this fort. And lift not feeke to breake,to quench,to heale, The bond , the flame,the wound that feftreth fo, By krrffejby liquor ,or by falue to deale : So much I plcafe to pcrifh in wy woe. Yet lead long trauailes be aboue my ftrength, Good Delia lqfe, quench Jieale me now at length. It | 405 | 0.448 | 0.177 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 156 DELIA. SONNET. XV. -f F that a loyall hart and faith vnfained, If a fwect languifh with a chad dcfire, If hunger-daruen thoughts fo long retained, Fed but with fmok>,and cherifht but with fire : And if a brow with cares characters painted, Bewraies my loue,with broken words halfe fpoken To her that fits in my thoughts Tempfe fainted, Andlaiesto view my Vultar-gnawnc hart open: If I haue done due homage to her eyes, And had my fighes ftill tending on her name; If on her loue my life and honour lye*-, And fhe (th'vnkinded maid) dill (corns the fame Let this luftice, that all the world may fee The fault is hers,though mine the hurt muft be. SONNET. XVL. HAppy in deepe, waking content to languifh, Imbracrng clouds by night,in day time mourne, My ioyes but fhadowes, touch of truth, my angui#i Giiefes eucr lpringtng.comforts neuer borne. And dill expecting when (he will relent, Growne hoarce with crying mercy, mercy giue, So many vowcs, andpraiers hauingfpent, That weary of my Itfe, I loath to hue. And yet the Hydra of my cares renucs Still new borne forrowes of hct f refh difoaine : And dill my hope the Sommer windes purfucs, FinJing no end nor period of my paine. This is my date, my griefes do touch fo needy, And thus I hue becaufe I loue her deerly , Why | 406 | 0.534 | 0.201 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA. 157 SONNET. XVII. \7\7Hy fhould I fing in verfc.why fhould I frame Thcfe fad negl • ted notes for her deare fake ? Why fliould I offer vp vnto her name, The fweeteft facrifice my youth can make ? Why fhould I ftriyc to make her hue for euer, That neuer deignes to giue me ioy to liue ? Why fhould m'afflictcd Mufe fo much endeuour, Such honour vnto cruelty to giuc ? I her defects haue purchaft her this fame, What fhould her vertues do, her fmiles,her loue? If this her worft,how fhould her beft inflame ? What paffions would her milder fauours moue? Fauours (I thinke) would fence quite ouerceme, And that makes happy Louers euer dombe. SONNET. XVI J I. Since the firft looke that led me to this error, To this thoughts-maze, to my confufion tending: Still haue I hud in griefc,in hope,ih terror, The circle of my forrowes neuer ending. Yet cannot leaue her loue that holds me hatefuH, Her eyes exact it, though her hart difd aines mej See what reward he hath that femes the vngratefull, So true and loyall loue no fauour gaines me. Still muft I whet my yong defires abated, Vpon the flint of fuch a hart rebdhng ; And all in vaine,her pride is fo innated, She yeelds no place at all for pitties dwelling. Oft haue I told her that my foule did loue her, (And that with tcarcs)ytt all this wilinot mouc her. L * Rcftorc | 407 | 0.556 | 0.193 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 158 DELIA. SO If NET XIX. REftore thy trefles to thegolden Ore, Yeeld Cithereas fonne thofe \i - -s of loue; Bequeath the heauens the darres tnat I adore, And to th'Oricnt do chy Pearles rcmoiie, Yeeld thy hands pride vnto th'Iuory white, T' tArabian odors giue thy breathing fweete •* Redore thy blufh vnto Aurora bright, To Thetts giue the honour of thy fecte. Let Venus haue thy graces,her refign'd, And thy fwect voice giue back vnto the Sphnaras : But yet reftore thy fierce and cruel! mind, To HyrcanTygres,znd to ruthles Beares. Yeeld to the Marble thy hard hart againe; So (halt thou ceafe to plague,and I to paine. SONNET XX. W Hat it is to breathe and liue without hfe: How to be pale with angui(h,red with featC T'hauc peace abroad,and nought within but ftrife : Wifh to be prefent,and yet flaun t'appearc : How to be bold far off,and bafhfiiH naare : How to thinke much, and haue no words to fpeake : To crauc redrcffe, yet hold affliction deare : To haue affection llrong.sho Jy weakc : Neuer to finde,and eacrmore to feekc : And feeke that which I dare not hope tofindc: T'atfect this lifc,and yet this life dideeke : my felfc vnkinde. This crucll knowledge of thefc contraries, Delia my hart hath learnd out of thofe eyes. if | 408 | 0.506 | 0.195 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA. 159 SONNET XXI. IF beauty thus be dowded with a ftowne, That pitty (nines no comfort to my blis, And vapours of difdaine fb ouergrowne That my hues light wholy in-darkned is. Why (hould I more moled the world with cries ? The ayre with fighes,the earth below with tcares? Sith I liuehatefull to thofe ruthlefle cies, Vexing with vntun'd moaneher dainty cares. If I haue lou'd her dearer then my breath, My breath that calls the heauens to witnes it : And dill mud hold her deare till after death, And that all this mooucs not her thoughts a whir Yet fure fhe cannot but mud thinke a part, She doth me wrong,to grieue fb true a heart. SONNET XXII. COmeTime the anchor-hold ef my defire, My lad Rcibrt whereto my hopes appeale, Caufe once the date of her difdainet'expires Make her the fentence of her wrath repeale. Rob her faire Brow,breake in on Beauty, ftcale Powre from thofe eyes, which pitty cannot fpare: Deale with thofe dainty cheekes as fhe doth deale With this poorc heart confumed with difpaire. This heart made now the profpectiue of care, By louing her, the cruelft Faire that liues The cruelft Fayre that fees I pine for her, And ncuer mercy to thy merit giues. Let her not dill triumph ouer the prize * Of mine affections taken by her eies. Time | 409 | 0.488 | 0.194 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA. 160 SONNET. XX HI. Time, cruell time, come and fubduc that Brow Which conquers all but thee,and thee too daies As if fhe were exempt from Syeth or Bow, From loue or ycares vnfiibiect to decaies. Or art thou growne in league with thofe faire eies That they may helpc thee to confume our d'aies? Or dod thou fparc her for her cruelties, Being mcrcilcs like thee that no man weies? And yet thou feed thy powre fhe difbbayes, Cares not for thee, but lets thee wade in vaine, And prodigall of howcrs and yeares bctraies Beauty and youth t'opinion and difdaine. Yet fparc her time, let her exempted be, She may become more kinde to thee or me. SONNET. XX II 1 1. THcfe forrowing fighes, the fmoake of mine annoy* Thefe tcarcs which heate of facicd flame di(ttlsJ Are thofe due tributes that my faith doth pay Vnto the tyrant.whofe vnkindnes kils. I facrifife my youth,and blooming yeares At her proud feete.and (Ire tefpects not it t My flower vntimely's withrcd with my teares: And Winter woes, for fpring of youth vnfit. She thinkes a looke may recompeoce my care, And fo with lookes,prolongs my long Iookt cafe, As flrort that bliffe, fo is the comfort rare, Yet mud that blilfe my hungry thoughts appeafe. Thus die returncs my hopes fo fruitlcfleeuer, Once let her loue indced,o; els lookc neuer. Falfe | 410 | 0.571 | 0.189 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA 161 SONNET. XXV. FAIfe Hope prolongs my euer certalne griefe, Traitour to ine, andfafthfull to my Loue : A thoufand times it promif'd me reliefc, Yet ncuer any rrue effect I proue. Oft when I finde in her no truth at all, I banifh her, and blame her trechcry, Yet foone againe I muft her backe recall,. As one that dies without her company. Thus often as I chafe my hope from me, Straight-way (he hafts her vnto Delias eies, Fed with fomepleafing lookc there fhall fhe be, Ana (b lent backe,and thus my fortune lies. Lookes feed my Hope,Hope foders me in vaine, Hopes are ynfure,when certaine is my paine. SONNET. XXVI. LOoke in my griefes, and blame me not to mourne, From care to care that leades a life fo bad; Th'Orphan of Fortune, borne to be her feorne, Whofe clouded brow doth make my daies lb fad, Long arc their nights whofe cares do ncuer flcepe, Lothiomc their daies, whom no fun euer ioyd, Th'impreffion of her eyes do pearce fo decpe, That thus I liue both day and night annoy d . Bat fince the fweeteft roote yeelds fruite fo fowre, Her praife from my complaint I may not part: I loue th'effect the caufe being of this powre, He praife her face,ane blame her flinty heart. Whilft we both make the world admire at ys, Her for difdame3and me for louing thus. L4 Raigne | 411 | 0.563 | 0.192 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 162 DELIA. SONNET XXVI I. RAigne in my thoughts faire hand,fweete eye,rarc voice, PoffelTe mc whole,my hearts triumvirate : Yet heauy heart to make fo hard achoife, Of fuch as fpoile thy poore afflicted ftate. For whild they (triue which (hall be Lord of all, All my poore life by them is troden downe; They all erect their Trophies on my fall, And yeeld me nought that giues them their renowne. When backc I looke, I figh my frecdome pad, And waile the date wherein I prefent ftand : And lee my fortune euer like to lad, Finding me rain'd with fuch a hcauy hand. What can I do but yeeld? and y celd I doo, And ferue all three,and yet they fpoile me too. SONNET. XXV 1 1 1. tyiludtng to the Sparrow purfued by a Hawkejthat flew into the befome of Zenocrates. WHild by thy eies purfu'd, my poorc 'heart flew Into the facred Refuge of thy bred : Thy rigor in that Sanctuary flew That which thy fuccring mercy fhould haue bled. No priuiledge »f faith couldit protect, Faith being with blood, and fiue yeares witnes fign'd, Wherein no fhew gaue caufe of lead fufpeet, For well thou faw'd my loue and howlpin'd. Yet no mild comfort would thy Brow reueale, No lightning lookes which falling hopes erect : What bootes to lawes of Succor to appeale ? Ladies and Tyrants, neuer lawes relpect. Then there I die from whence my life fhould come, And by that hand whom fuch deeds ill bec.ome. Still | 412 | 0.562 | 0.206 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA. 163 SONNET. XXIX. STilI in the trace of one perplexed thought, My ceafles cares continually run on i Seeking in vainc what I haue eucr fought, Oneinmylouc, and her hard hart dill one. I who did neuer ioy in other Sun, And haue no dars but thofe, that mud fulfill The worke of rigor, fatally begun Vpon this heart,whom cruelty will kill. Iniurious Delia yet I loue thee dill, And will whift I fhall draw this breath of mine, He tell the world that I deferu'd but ill, And blame my felfc t'excufe that heart of thine. See then who finnes the greater of vs twaine, I in my loue,ot thou in thy difdaine. ' SONNET. XXX. OFt do I marueil, whether Delias eies, Are eyes, or els two radiant darres that fnine : For how could Nature cuer thus deuife, Of earth on earth a fiibdance fo diuine. Starres fure they are,whofe motions rule defires, Andcalme and temped follow dieir aipeits : Their fweet appearing dill fuch power infpires, That makes the world admire lb ftrange effects, Yet whether fixt or wandring llarresare they, Whofe influence rule the Orbe of my poore hart? Fixt fiire they are, but wandring make me dray, Inendleserrors,whenceI cannot part. Starres then.not eyes, moue you with a milder view, Your fweet afpeft on him that honours you. The | 413 | 0.509 | 0.18 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 164 DELIA. SONNET. XXXI. "FHe Starreof my mifhap impos'd this painc To fpend the Aprillof my yearcs in griefe : Finding my fortune cucr in the waine With dill frefh cares, fiipplidc with no reliefe. Yet thee I blame not, though for thee tis done, But thefe wcake wirings prefuming to afpirc, Which now are melted by thiDC eyes bright fun, That makes me fall from off my hie defire. And in my fall I crye for hdpe with fpeede, No pittying eye lookes backe vpon my feares « No fuccour finde I now when mod I neede, My heates mutt drownctsth'Ocean of my teares. Which Hill mud bearc the title of my wrong, Caus'd by thofe cruell beames that were lb ftrong. SONNET. XXXI I. ANd yet I cannot reprehend the flight, Or blame th attempt prcfuming fo to fore; The mounting venter for a high delight, Did make the honour of the fall the more. For who gets wealth that puts not from the fhore? Danger hath honor,g:eat deiignes their fame, Glory doth follow ,courage goes before. And though th'eucnt oft anfwers not the fame, Suffice that high attempts haue neuer fhame. The mcanc obferuer (whom bate fafety keeps) Liucs withou t honour.dics without a name, And in ctcrnall darkneife euerflccps. A nd therefore D e l i a, tis to mc no blot, To hatie attempted,though attaind thee not. Railing | 414 | 0.507 | 0.199 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA. 165 SONNET. XXXII I, R Ailing my hopes on hills of high defire , Thinking to feale the heauen of heT hart, My flender meancs prefum'd too high a part; Her thunder of difdaine ford me to retire. And threw me downe to paine in all this fire, Where lee I languilh in fo heauy (mart, Becaufe th'attempt was farrc abouc my art: Her pride brook'd not poorc foules (hould fo afpire. Yet I proted my high defiling will Was not to difpofleffe her of her right : Her foueraignty fhould hauc remained dill, I onely fought the bliffe to hauc her fight. Her fight contented thus to fee me fpill, Fram'd my defires fit for her eyes to kill. SONNET. XXXI 1 1 1. WHy dooft thou Delia credit fo thy glaflc, Gazing thy beauty deign'd thee by the skies : And doeft not rather looke on him (alas) Whofe date bed fhewes the force of nmdering eies ? The broken tops of lofty trees declare Thefury of a mercy -wanting dorme; And of what force thy wounding graces are, Vpon my felfe thou beft may ft finde the form:. Then leaue thy glade, and gaze thy felfe on me, That Mirror fhewes what power is in thy face : To view your forme coo much, miy danger bee, Narcifus chang'd t'a flower in fiich a cafe. And you are chang'd, but not t' a Hiacint; I feare your eye hath turnd your heart to flint. I | 415 | 0.497 | 0.19 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 166 DELIA, SONNET. XXXV. IOjicemay fee when ycares fhall wreck my wrong. When golden haires diall change to filuer wier : And thofe bright raies that kindle all this fire, Shall faile in force, their working not fb ftrong, Then beauty (now the burthen of my fong) VVhofe glorious blaze the world doth fo admire, MuftyccJd vp all to tyrant Times defire; Then fade thofe flowers that deckt her pride folong. When, if die gricuc to gaze her in herglatfc, Which, then prcfents her winter-withered hew, Goe you my vcrie,gotcll hct what fhe was ; For what foe was, die beft lhall find in you. Your firy hcatc lets not her glory paffe, But ( Pha:rtix-Iike) diall make her liuc anew. SONNET. XX XVI J Ooke Delia how w'edeeme the halfe blownc Rofe, -*^_/The image of thy blufh and Sommers honor : Whtlft yet her tender bud doth vndifelofe That full of beauty, time beftowes vpon her. No looner iprcads her glory in the ayre, Butftraight her wide blownc pomp comes to decline; She then is fcomd that late adornd the Fayrej So fade the Rofes of thofe cheeks of thine. No Aprillcan rcuiuc thy withered flowres, Whole fpringing grace adorns the glory now r Swift fpecdy Timc,feathred with flying houres, Diffolues the beauty of the faired brow. Then ilo not thou fuch trcafure wall in vaine, But loue now whiiitthou maiftbe lou'dagaine. But | 416 | 0.504 | 0.2 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA. 167 SONNET. XXXVII. BVt loue whild that thou maid be lou'd aga'jie, Now whild thy May hath fild thy lap with dowers, Now whild thy beauty bcares without a flaine ; Now vfe the Sommer finilcs, ere Wmtcr lowers. And whilft thou fpreadft vnto the riling funne, The faired flowre thit cuer law the light, Now ioy thy time before thy thy tweet be don:. And (Delia) thinke thy morning mud haue night, And that thy brightnes fets at length to Wed, When thou wilt clofe vp that which now thou ftiow'ft, And thinke the fame becomes thy fading bed, Which then (hall moft inuaile and fludow mod. Men da not wey the dalke for that it was* When once they find he r flowre her glory pas. SONNET. XXX VI 1 1. \7\7 mCn **n<* '^ fl°wer>my glory pafte* y V And thou with carefull brow fitting alone: Reoeiued had this menage from thy g'alTe, That tells the trnth,and fa yes that all is gone ; Frefh fhalt thou fee in me the wounds thou madd, Though fpmt thy flame,in me the heat remaining, I that haue lou'd thee thus before thou fadd, My faith fhall waxe,when thou art in thy waining. The world fhall finde this rnyracle in me, That fire canburne when all the matter's (pent : Then what my faith hath bene thy felfc fliail fee, And that thou wad vnkinde,thou maylt repent. Thou maid repent that thou had fcornd my tcarcs, ; Whet winter fnowes vpoa thy fable haires. When | 417 | 0.463 | 0.187 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 168 DELIA. SONNET. XXXVI 1 1 1. T7T 7 Hen winter foowes vpon thy fable haires, V V And frod of age hath nipt thy beauties neere, When i,;.v.e fhall feeme thy day that neuer cleares, And all lies withred that was held fo dccre. Then take this pic^Hre which I here prefent thee, Limmed with a Pcnfill not all vnworthy : Here fee the gifts that God and nature lent thee. Here read thy lelfe,and what I fuffred for thee. This may remaine thy lafting monument, Which happily pofterity may cherrifh, Thefe colours with thy fading are not fpent, Thefe may remaine when thou and I fhall perifh. If they remaine.then thou (halt liue thereby, They will rcmaine,and fb thou cand not die. SONNET. XL. THou cand not die whild any zeale abound In fediug hearts that can concduc thefe lines; Though thou a Laurahaft no Pttracb found, In bale attire yet cleerly Beauty fhines. And I (though borne within a colder clime,) feele mine inward heat as great (I know it,) He neucr had more faith, although more rime, I loueas wdl,though he could better (how \t. But I may adde one feather to thy fame, To helpc her flight throughout the faired lie. And if my pen could more enlarge thy name, Then diouldd thou line in an immortall (tile. For though that Laura better limned be, Suffkc,tbou fhalt be lou'd as well as fhee. Be | 418 | 0.478 | 0.198 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA, 169 SONNET. XL I. BE not dilplead that thefe my papers fhould Bewray vnto the world how faire thou art : Or that my wits hauc fhewed the bed they could. (The chaded flame that euer warmed hart) Thinke not (fwcct Delia) this fhall be thy diamc, My Mufe fhould found thy praife with mournful! waf 1 How many liue,the glory of whofe name Shall red in Ife, when thine is grau'd in Marble. Thou maift in after ages liue cfteem'd, Vnburied in thefc lines referu'd in purenes ; Thefe (hall intpmbe thofe eies,that haue redeem'd Me from the vulgar, thee from all obfeurenes. Although my carefull accents neucr moou'd thee, Yet count it no difgrace that I haue lou'd thee. SONNET. XL 1 1. DEI. I a, thefe eyes that fo admireth thine, Haue feeneithofe walls which proud ambition rcar'd To check the world Jiow they intomb'd haue lien Within themfelues; and on them ploughs haueear'd. Yet neuer found that barbarous hand Tfie fpoyle of fame deferu d by Yertuous men ■ Whofe glorious actions luckily had gaind . Th'eternall Annals of a happy pen. And therefore grieue not if thy beauties die, Though rime do fpoyle thee of the faired vaile That euer yet couered mortality, And mud initarre the Needle,an J the Raile. ThatGrace which doth more then in woman thee, liues in my lincs,and mud eternall bee. Motl | 419 | 0.516 | 0.179 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA. 170 SONNET. XL 1 11. MOd fairc and louely Maidejookcftom thefhore, See thy Lear.der dnuing in thefe vvaues : Poore foule quite fpent.whofe force can do no more, Now fend forth hope, for now calme pitty faues. And wad him to thee with thafe louety eies, A happy conuoy to a holy Land : Now (hew thy power.and where thy venue lies, To fauc thine owne,drctch out the faircft hand. Stretchtoutthefairedhand.apledge of peace; That hand that darts fo right and neuer miffes: I fhall forget old wrongs,mygriefe«fhallceafej And thatwhichgauemewounds,Ilegiueitlriffes Once let the Ocean of my cares findc fhore, That thou he pleas'd ,and I may ugh ao more. SONNET. XL II 1 1. REad in my face a volume of dilpaires, The wailing Iliads of my tragic ke woe: Drawne w ith my blood,and painted with my cares, Wrought by her hand that I haue honour'd fo. Who whilft I burne,fhc tings at my foulcs wrack, Looking aleft from turretof her pride: .There my foules tyrant ioyes her, in the fack Of her owne featCjwhereof I made herguida, There do thefe fmoakes that from affliction rife, Seme as an incenfe to a cruell Dame : A facrificc thrice-gratefull to her eies, Becaufe their power ferue to exact the fame. Thus ruines fhe (to fatisfie her will J The temple where her name was honour'd ftill. My | 420 | 0.519 | 0.204 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA. 171 SONNET. XLV. MY Delia hath the waters of mine cies, Thereadyhandmaydson her grace t'attcnd : That neuer fall to ebbe,but euet dries, For to their flow (he neuer grants an end. Th'Oeean neucr did attend more duly Vpon his fouereignes coufe.the nights pale Queene, Nor payd the impoft of his waues more truly, Then mine vntoher cruelty hath beene. Yet nought the rocke of that hard heart can moue, Where beat their teares with zeale.and fury driues j And yet I rather languifh for her loue, Then I would ioy the faired fbe that liues. And if I findc fuch pleafure to complaine, What (hould I do then, if I fhould obtaine ? SONNET, XLV I. HOw long (hall I in mine affliction moutne t A burden to my felfe,di fired in minde : When fhall my interdicted hopes rcturne, From out difpaire.w herein they liue confinde ? When (ha! her troubled brow charg'd with difdaine lteueale the treafure which her (miles impart ? When fhall my faith the happinesattainc, To breake the Ife that hath congeald het heart ? Vnto her fdfe Jrer felfe my loue doth Common, (If lone inner hath any povm to naouc,) And let her tell me as the is a woman, Whether my faith hath not deferu'd her loue ? I know her heart cannot but iudgc with me, Although her eyes my aduerfaries be. M Beauty | 421 | 0.478 | 0.209 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA. 172 SONNET. XLVll. BEautie (fwcet Loue) is like the morning dew, , Whofe fhort refrefh vpon the tender greene : Cheeres for a time, but till the Sunne doth fhcw, And firaight tis gone as it had neuer beene. Soone doth it fade that makes the faired florifh, Short is the glory of the blufhing Rofe : The hew which thou Co carefully dod norifh, Yet which at length thou muft be fore'd to lofe. When thou furcharg'd with burthen of thy yeercsy Shalt bend thy wrinddes homeward to the earth, And that in Beauties lcafe expirM, appeares The date of Age, th: Kalends of our death. But ah ! no more, this muft not be foretold, For women grieue ro thinke they muft be oM. i SONNET. XLV 1 1 1. IMud not grieue my Loue,whofe eies would reede Lines of delight, whereon her youth might fmik; Flowers haue time before they come to feede, And fhe is yong, and no w mud (port the while- And (port (fweet Maide) in feafon of thefe yeares, And learne to gather flowers befrre they wither : And where the fwcetcfl bloffomes firft appcares, Let loue and youthconduct thy plcafures thither. Lighten foorth (miles to cleere the clouded aire, And calme the temped winch my fighsdooraife, Pitty and (miles doe belt become tlx faire, Pitty and finiles mud c nely yecld thee praife. Make me to fay, when all my giiefes are gone, Happy the heart that figh'd for fuch a one. And | 422 | 0.378 | 0.149 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA. 173 SONNET. XL IX. ANd whither (poore forfaken) wilt thou goe, To goe frpm forrow, and thine owne did reflc ? When cucry place pre ten ts like face of woe, And no remoue can make thy forrowes Ieffe ? Yet goe (forfaken) lcaue thefe Woods,thcfc plaines, Leaue her and all, and all for her that leaues Thee and thy Loue forlome, and both difdaines : And of both, wrongfull deemes.and ill conceiucs. Seeke out fome place, and fee if any place Can giue the lead releafe vnto thy griefe : Conuay thee from tbe thought of thy difgrace, Stealc from thy felfe,and be thy cares owne thicfe But yet, what comforts fhall I hereby gaine ? Bearing the wound, I oeedes muft fecle the paine. SONNET. L. DRawnewithth'atractiuevertueof her eyes, My toucht heart turnes it to that happy cod : My ioyfull North, where all my fortune lies, The leuell of my hopes defired mod, There were my Delia fairer then the Sunne, Deckt with her youth whereon the world doth fmile, Ioyes in that honor which her eyes haue wonne, Th eternail wonder of our happy He. Florifh faire Albion, glory of the North, Neptune s bed darling, held betweene his arme : Diuidcd from the world, as better worth, Kept for himfelfe, defended from all harmes. Still let difarmed peace decke her and thee: And Mufe-foc cJWkrj , abroad farrefoftred bee. M a Care- | 423 | 0.492 | 0.196 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA. 174 SONNET. LI. C Are-charmer Sleepe.fonne of the (able night, Brother filent darknes borne : Rclieue my languifh .and redore the light, With darke forgetting of my care returne. And let the day be time enought to mottrne The fhipwracke of my ill aduentred youth r Let waking eyes fuffice to waile their fcorne, Without the torment of the nights vntrutk Ceafe drcameSjth'Imagesof day defires, - To modell forth the paffions of the morrow : Neuer let riling Sunne approue you Iters, To adde more griefe to aggrauate my forrow. Still let me fieepe,imbracing clouds in vaine, And neuer wake to feele the dayes difdaine. SONNET. LI I. LEt others fiiig of Knights and Palladhaes; In aged aceents,and vntimely words : Paint fhadowes inimaginary lines, Which well the reach of their high wits records j But I mud fing of thec,and thofe faire eies, Autentique fhall my verfeintimetocome, When yet th'vnbornc (hall fay,Lo where (he lies, Whofe beauty made him fpeakc that elfe was dombe. Thefe arc the Arkes,the Trophies I erect, That fonifie thy name againd old age '• And theft thy facrcd vertues mud protect,' Againd the darke and times confuming rage. Though th' error of my youth in them appcarc, Su(nce,they fticw I hu'd and Iou-d thcedeare. A* | 424 | 0.443 | 0.184 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA. 175 SONNET. LIU. AS to the Roman that would free his Land, His error was his honour and renowne : And moreriie fame of his midakinq hand, Then if he had the tyrant ouer-thro wnc. Jo D e l i a, hath mine error made me knowne, And my decciud attempt.deferu'd more fame; Then if I had the victory mine owne : And thy hard heart had yeeldcd vp the fame. And fo likcwife,reuowraed is thy blame, Thy cruelty ,thy glory; O drange cafe That errors fhould be grae'd that merit fhame, And finne of ftownes bring honour to the face. Yet happy D e l i a that thou waft vnkind, Though happier far if thou wouldft change thy mind. SONNET. LI I II. Like as the Lute delights or els diflikes, .. — _ As is his art that playes vpon the fame : So founds my Mule according as fhe drikes On my heart-firings high tun'd vnto her fame. Her touch doth caufethe warble of the found, Which here I yedd in lamentable Wife : A wayling dcfcant on the fweeted ground, Whole due reports giue honor to her eyes. Elfe harfh my ftile,vntunable my Mufe, Hoarce founds the voyce that prayfcth not her name : If any pleafing relifh here I vfe, Then iudgethc world her beauty giues the fame. For no ground els could make the M ufickc filch, Nor other hand could giue Co true a touch. M 3 None | 425 | 0.461 | 0.189 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA- 176 SONNET. LVo. NOne other fame mine vnambitious Mule, Affected euer, but t*eternize thee : Allother honors doe my hopes refute. Which meaner pnz'd and momentary bet. For God forbid I fhould my Papers blot, With mercenary lines, with feruile Pen : Praifing vertucs in them that haue them not, Bafely attending on the hopes of men. No, no, my Verfe rcfpccts nor Thames nor Tbe*tert, Nor feekes it to be knowne vnto the Great, But Auom poore in fame, and poore in watcra, Shall haue my Song, where Delta hath her feat* Auon fhall be my Thames, and fhe my Song, No other prouder Brookes fhall hcarc my wrong. SONNET. LVto VNhappy Pen, and ill- accepted lines That intimate in vaine my chadedefire : My chade defire, which from darke forrow fhincs, Inicindledby her eyes celediall fire. Celefhal. fire, and vnrcfpccting powres Which pitty not the wounds made by their might, Shew'd in thefc lines , rhe workc of careful! houres, Tne faenfice here offred to her fight. But fincc (he weighs them not, this retls for me, lie monc my felfe, and hide the wrong I haue : A nd (b content mc that her frownes fhould be To m infant ftilcthe Cradle, and the Graue. What though my Mufe no honor get thereby, Each Bird hogs to het fdfe, and lb will L Lo | 426 | 0.469 | 0.191 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA. 177 SONNET. LVU LO here tha impoft of a faith eatire Which loue doth pay, and her di Ida ine extorts : Behold the meffage of achaft defire Which tells the world how much my gricfe imports, Thefe tributary paffions.beauties due, I fend thofe eyes the cabinets o loue : That Cruelty her felfc might grieue to view Th'atfliction her vnkind difdame doth moue. Andihow I hue caft downe from off all myrth, Penfiue al<ne,cnely but with Difpaire : My ioyes abortiue,perifh in their byrth, My gricfei long liu'd,and care luce ceding care. This is my ftate,and Delias heart is iucft, I lay no more, I fcare I fayd too much. *4n Ode. NO W each creature ioyes the other, p-ffing happy dayes and howers, One Bird reports vnto another, in the fall of fiber (Lowers, Whild the earth (our common mother) hath hct bofome deckt with flowers. Whilft the greateft Torch of heauen, with bright rayes warmes Floras lap, Making nights and dayes both euen, cheating plants with frefher fap : My field of flowers quite bereuen, wants refrefh of better hap. I c c h o , daughter of the A ire, (babling gucft of Rocks and hils,) M 4 Kaowes | 427 | 0.48 | 0.195 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA. 178 Knows the name of my fierce Faire, and founds the accents of my ils. . Each thing pittics my difpaire, whilft that (he bet Louer kils. VVhiMl that fhe (O cruel! Mayd) doth me and my loue defpife, My hues florifh is decayed, that depended on her eyes : But her will muft be obeyed, and well he ends for loue who dies. vtTafloral O Happy golden Age, Not for that Riuersranne With ftrcames of milke,and hunny dropt from trees, Not that the earth did gage Vnto the husband-rsan Her voluntary fruites,free without Cecs : Not for no cold did freeze, w»* Nor any cloud beguile, [ T X Th'eternillflowring Spring .iulanO Wherein Iiu'd cuery thing, '"» And whereon tb'heauens perpetually did fmile, No: for no fhip had brought From forrainc fhores,or warres or wares ill fought. But onely for that name, • flW That Idle name of wind : • That Idoll of deceit,tbat empty (bund Call'd Honor, which became Thy tyran of the minde : 4 And fo torments our Nature without ground, Was not yet vainly found : Nor yet fad griefts imparts Amidft the fwect delights Of | 428 | 0.441 | 0.198 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | DELIA. no Of ioyfull amorous wights. Nor were his hard lawes knowne to free-borne hearts. But golden lawes like thefe Which nature wrote. That's lawfuM which doth pleafe. Thenamongft flow res and fprings Making delightfiill (port, Sate Louets without conflict.without flame, And Nymphs and fhephcards lings Mixing in wanton fort Whifp 'rings with Songs.tben kifTes with the fame Which from affection came : The naked virgin then HerRofes frefh reueales, Which now her vaile concealcs. The tender Apples in her bofome feene, And oftinRiuers cleere The Louers with their Loues conforting were. Honor, thou fird didd clofe The fpring of all delight : — — — - ~fr Denying water to the amorous thirft Thou taught'ft faire eyes to lofe The glory of their light. Reftrain'dfrommcn,and onthemfelues reuerft. Thou in a lawne didft firft Thofe golden haircs incafe. Late fpred vnto the wind; Thou mad'd loofe grace vnkind, Gau'd bridle to their words,art to their pace. O Honour it is thou That mak'd that Health, which loue doth free allbw. It is thy worke that brings Our gricfes,and torments thus : But thou fierce Lord of Nature and of Loue, The quallifkr of Kings, What doed thou here with vs That are below thy power,fhut from aboue? Goe | 429 | 0.468 | 0.169 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | i8o DELIA. Goe and from vs remoue, Trouble the mighties flcepe, Let vs neglected,bafe, Liuc ftill without thy grace, And th' v fe of th'ancienr happy ages keepe, Let's loue.t his life of ours Can make no truce with time that all deuours. Let's loue, the fun doth fet .and rife againe. But when as our fhort light Comet oace to let ji makes etcmail sight. Ji | 430 | 0.456 | 0.182 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | tA 'Defcription of 'Beauty, tranflated out of Marino. i l^S^I Beauty (beames, nay flame nif-^)/! " :^at S1**1 'amPe ot" I'ght) K^|2g>4 That fliines a while.with fame, But prefently makes night : Like Winters fhort-liu'd bright, Or Summers fuddainegleames, How much more dearc, to much Ioffe-lafting beames. s Wing'd Loue away doth flye, And with it time doth beare, And both take luddainly Thefweate,thefaine thedearet A fhining day , and deare Succeedes aa obfeene night, And forrow is the hcwe of fwcct delight. With what then doft thou fwell, Oyouth of new-borne day ? ' Wherein doth thy pride dwell O beauty made of day ? Not with to fwift away The headlong corranr flyes, As do the lprakling rayes of two faire eyes. 4 Dr) not thy felfe hetray VVith waniomzing yeares: l O beauty tray u/rs gay, Thy | 431 | 0.413 | 0.205 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | Thy meltingtifethat weares, Appearing,difappeares, And with thy flying dayes, Ends all thy good of ptice,thy fitire of ptayfe, s Trufl not,vaine creditor Thy apt decehed view, In thy falfccouiitellor, That ueuer tcls thee true : Thy forme,and flattred hew, Whi ch fhall fo foone tranfpaffe, Is farrc mot e fairc,thea is thy bolting-glade. 6 Inioy thy Aprill now, Whilft it doth fredy fhiae, This Ughtning flafli and (how, With that clcarc lpirit of thine, Will fuddainly decline ; And thou faire murthering eyes Shalbeloues tombcs, where now his cradle lyes. Old trembling age will come, With wrinkled cheekes,and dairies, With motion troublefome, With skinne and bloodlefle weaues, Thatliuely vifageteauen, And made deform'd and old, Hates fight of glafl"c,it lou'd fo to behold. 8 Thygold.and " arlct fhall Pale filucr co : ou t bee, Thy rowe of pcarles (hall fall Like withred leaues from tree ; And thou fhalt lhortly fee, Thy faceaod haire to grow All plough'd with furrowcs,oucr-fwone withfnow. That | 432 | 0.491 | 0.19 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 9 That which on Fiords breft, All frcfh and flourifhing, newly dreft, Saw in her dawning fpring, Quite dry and languishing Depriu'd of honour quite, Day-doling Hefferm beholds at night. 10 Faire is the L illy ,faire flowers the eye; Beth wither in the ay re. Their beautious colours die; And (b at length fhall lye Depriu'd of former grace, TkclUuerof thy brefts, the rofes of thy face. II What then wilt it auaile, O youth aduifed ill, In lap of beauty trade Tonurfe a way- ward will, Like (hake in funne-warme hill ? Plucke,plucke, berime thy flower, That fp rings and parchcth in one (hort howre. To | 433 | 0.48 | 0.205 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | To aAngell Spirit of tbe mofl ex- cellent, Sr. Phillip Sidney 25?£§pip the pure Spirit, to thee alone addreft J§3 this loynt worke,by double iotrift thiae, g&r^ToThineby this owneand what is done of mine Infpir'd by thec,thy fecret powre impreft. «. My Mufe with felfe dar'd to combine A s mortall flaffc with that which is dhrine : Let thy faire beames giue lufitcr to the r eft. That Ifraels King may daygne his owne transform'd Infubdancc no.but fuperficialltirc: - And Englifh guis'd in fome fort may afpire To better grace thee what the vulgar form'd i His facred Tones, age, after age admire Nations grow great in pride,aind pure defire Sotoexcellinholyritesperform'd. •u<T O had that foule which honour brought to reft To foonc not leaft.and reaft the world of all. What man could fhew,which wc perfectian call, This precious pcece had fortcd with the bed. But ah ! wide fedred wounds that neuer fhall Nor mudbeclos'd,vnto frefh bleeding fall, Ah memory,what needs this new arrift. Yet blcffed griefe.that fwectnes can impart Since thou art bled. Wrongly do I complaine, What euer weights my heauy thoughts fuftainc Deere fecles my foule for thee. I know ray part Nor | 434 | 0.495 | 0.203 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | O Nor be my weaknes to thy rites a ftairre Rites to aright,life,bIoud would not refraine i Aflift me then,that life what thine did part. Time may bring forth,what time hath yet fuppreft la whom,tby loffehath layd to vtter waft The wracke of time,vntimely all defac't, Remayning as the tombe of life difceafl : Where, in my heart the higheft roome thou haft There.truly there.thy earthly being is plac't Triumph of death : in life bow more then bled. Behold,0 that thou were now to behold, This finifht long perfection s part b egun The red but peic*d,as leaft by thee vod one, Pardon blcft foule,prefpmptionouerbold : If loue and zealc hath to this error run Tis zealous lousilouethwhath neuer dan, •' '{«* Norcaneoough.thai^hiuftly herccomrould. °^£k* ■- But finceithath Soother fcope to go, Nor other purpofe but to honour thee, That thine may fhine, where all the graces be ; And that my thoughts ( like fmalled dreames' that ffow Pay to their fea,their tributary fee) Dodriue,yethaue no meanes to quit nor free, That mighty debt of infinits I owe. _^^_ To thy great worth which time to times inroule ▼Vonder of men.fole borne.foule of thy kind Compleat in all.but heauenly wasthy mind, For wifdom^goodnes/weetnes/aireft foule' : To good to (aire for earth,rcfin'd For Heaucn,w here all rrue glory reds confined; And where but there no life withouttrontrou lei | 435 | 0.447 | 0.178 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 0 when from this accompt .this caft-vp fomme, - This reckning made the Audit of my woo, S ->me time of rate my fwelling paffions know, How work my thoughts, my ftriken dombe That would the more thai words could euer (hew ; Whic hall fall (hort. Whoknew thee beft do know There hues no wit that may thy prayer become. And reft faire monuments of thy fair c fame, Though not com pic te.Nor can we reach,in thought, What on that goodly peece,time would haue wrought. Had diuers lb lpar'd that life (but life) to frame The reft : alas fuch lofic the world hath nought Can equall it.nor O more grieuance brought. Yet what remaiaes muft euer cio wnc thy name Receiue thefe Hiras, theft obfcquies receiue, (If aay marke of thy lccret fpint thou beare) M ade only thine,and no nanac els awil wcare. I caa uo more deare fouled! take ray leaue, My forro w ftriucs to no unt the highcft Sphere. u | 436 | 0.413 | 0.196 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | zA Letter written to a worthy CountclTe. Madame: •W^JftM^ Know the worthy comforts you hauegiueB S3g (HOt t0 m3ny m tnc'r afflictions , make many now VjrJ &fo in yours, to returns thofe thankfull offices of IjMjl^K confolation, as befits your fadnefle; and I •J£&fc»>«A> know your owne vndertlanding heart, hauino- lb long conuers'd with thofe diuine comforts of the euer- lafting Word, knowes what can be fayd to forrow , and the miferics of this fife : Yet let me tell you fomething out of thedifeourfes of thofe ancient fecretarics of nature (who no doubt had fomc thing of grace , or might be , as vncertaine ecchoes of that etcrnall yoyce Of truth) to fhew you what they applied,out of the vndcrdanding of man to fiich wounds af afflictionjas are yours. They could tcH thofe that demaund why fo much ill happens to the good, that no ill can happen to the good: for contraries cannot be intermixt, and good men turnc all to good that happens vnto them. They cfleemed all aduerfities to be but exercifes; and they fay what man of honour defires not imployment and labour, euen to the hazard of himfelfe to do worthily. Virtue lan- guifhes that hath not an enemy. It then appear es what it is, and how much it weighes when by patience it fhewes her patience. Fathers,fay they, treat their children in another fa- (hien,then do mothers, they command them to dudy to la- bour to exercife, they will not indurethem to be idle, no not on fcdiue,they expofe them to the fun, and to the dud : but mothers rctaine them in the (hadew, cocker them by th e N fire, | 437 | 0.511 | 0.19 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
Subsets and Splits