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000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | fire, will not haue themgrieued with any labour. God is a Father to good men, loues them more mafculindy. He tor ments them with fbrrowcsJoffes,and the end to ftrengthen,and cxercift their forces. They fay that fat-fed bodies , thorow an idle weakencffe, faint vnder the burthen of their ownc waite; and that felicity that had neuer any blow can neuer indure a fhocke, the more torment the more honour. Valour and worth are not knowne butbyaduerfity. Wedifcerne not his conftancy againftrc proach.contempt, and infamy , whoeuer hues applauded of all , and attended with a perpetuall toothing , his calamity muft be the occafion to fhew his venue. And they can tell vs, that whom God loues he ayes,!* viGts and exereifes,thou whom he fparcs he referues to be the cow-heards of affliction. To thou that aske why God afflicts the bed men with loffcs,fickneffe,and all incominodities,they fay : why do they inacampeimploy the mod couragious and valiant menia actions of the mod hazard ? Why doth the Gencrall fend his choyfed fbuldiers to giuc a Camdado to the enemy , to dif couer,andtofurprizcanaduaiit3ge, and yet none of them (ay, myGencrall hath done m; wrong.but rather edeemesk a great honour vnto them. The like ought they fay, who by the pleafiire of God, endure thole mifcries, for which the co ward and the effeminate weepe. We arc hapr>y that we haue feem'd wotthy that God would try in v-i how muchhumairte nature could differ. Is it not better to injure a continuall vn happinefTc that kecpes min in their fenles then to be perpe tually dry-drunke , with profperky, and be ncuer in their right witts? And therefore,fay they ,God vies good men , as maiden do their fchollers,who giuc more labour, and longer leflons to uwk of grcateft hope. Do you thinke the Licedtmwians did hate their children when th:y tryed their nature euen to the whipping of them in publiquc whilft theythemfelues exhorted them to indurc couragioufly their miferable cor- rection : | 438 | 0.413 | 0.175 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | rection : What meruaile is it then that God treats mod hard ly the raoft generous fpirits? To be continually in danger makes men not to account of danger. There is no tree To ftrong and folide,but that which the wind ordinarily beates,and thofe continual llormcs makes him take furer roote. Thefe and infinite other fuch reccits Madam did they mi niftcr vnto aducrfity to keepc the heart of forrow from being fhaken with thofe afflictions that now affault you,and whcrof you haue had fo great a part in this life,as it feemes God hath fct you as a marke of tryal! , that you may be numbred a moneft the examples of patience and fubftaacy to other ages; and that it may be hereafter your felicity to haue had fo little to do with felicity. To ■*C* | 439 | 0.404 | 0.137 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | To the 'Right 'Reuerend Father in Cjodt tames Montague , Lord Biftiop of W incbefiery Dane of the Chape 11 , s»d one of hit AiAtefi'tss moll Honorable Priuy Councell. £?&&$ Ltliough you haue out of your proper ftorc f/W\§ The btft munition that may fortifie A Noble heart as no man may baue more Againd the batteries of mortality : Yet reuerend Lord voutfafe me lcaue to bring One weapon more vnto your furnifhment That you the AfTaults of this dole vanquifhing, And fecret wafting ficknffe may preucnt : For that my felfe haue ftruggled with it too, And know the word of all that it can do; And let me tell you this you neuer could Hauc found a gentler warring enemy, And one that with more faire proceeding would Encounter you without extremity, .Not giuc more time to make rcfiflances And to rcpairc your breaches then will this. For*whereas other ficknefles fiirprize, Our fpirits at vnawares dif vcopning fodainely, Allftnft of vndctftandirrg in fuch wife, As that they lay vs dead before we die, Or fire vs out of our inflamed fore, .... With tailing Phrenfics in a fearefu'l fort. This comes and (leaks vs be degrees away ; And yet not that without our priuity They rap vs hence,as Vultures do their pray, Con- | 440 | 0.473 | 0.196 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | Confounding vs with tortures indantly This fairely kills,they fowly murther vs Trippe vp our hecles before we can difecrne, This giues vs time of treaty to difeus - Our fuffring and the caufe thereof to Iearne. Befides therewith we oftentimes haue truce For many months,fometimes for many yeares, And are permitted to inioy the vfe Of ftudy and although ourbody weares, Our wit remaines,our fpeach,our memory Faile not,or come before our felues to die. We part together and we take our leaue Of friends, of kindred.we difpofe our ftate, And yeeld vp faircly what we did receiue And all our bu fined es accomodate : So that we cannot fay we were thruft out, But we depart from hence in quiet fort, The foe with whom we haue the battaile fought, Hath not fubdu'd vs but got our Fort, And this difeafe is held moft incident To the beft natures and moft innocent. And therefore reucrend Lord,there cannot be A gentler paffagc then there is hereby, Vnto that port wherein we fhall be free From all the ft ormes of worldly mi fery. And though it fhow vs dayly in our glade, Our fading leafe turn'd to a yellow hue, Anct how it withers as the fap doth patre, And what we may exfpect is to infue. Yet that I know difquiets not your mind, Who knowes the brittle mcttaile of mankind,. And haue all comforts vertue can beget, And mod the confeienceof well acted Jayes, Which all thofe monuments which you hauc fet On holy ground to your perpecuall praife, (As things bed fttj mult euer tedifie, N 3 And | 441 | 0.492 | 0.184 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | And fhew the worth of Noble LMontagu* And fo long as the Walls of Piety Stand ,fo long fhall ftand the memory of you And Bath,and Wells,and Winchcftcr fhall (how Their faire repaires to all Poftcrity; A nd ho w much bleft and fortunate they were That euer Gracious hand did plant you there haue not only built vp walls But alfo (worthier edifices) men * By whom you (hall haue the memorialls And cuerlading honor of the pen That whenfoeuer you fhall come to make Your Exit from this Scene wherein you haue, Perform'd fo noble parts you then (nail take Your leaue with honor haue a glorious graue. " For when can men go better to their reft " Then when they are eftcem'd and lowed beft. Sam. Dakiil. | 442 | 0.521 | 0.19 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE TRAGEDY Of PHILOTAS By Sam. Daniel. LONDON, Printed by Nic not a* Ousfe Simon W.ATiitioif. I 62$> | 445 | 0.438 | 0.148 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | To the Prince. Oyou moft hope full Prince, not asyoft are, But as you may be, doe I giue thefe lines .v That when your judgement fhall arritse fo far re, As t'ouer-look.e th intricate deftgnes Of vncontented man :you maybehelde With what encounters greateft fortunes clofe, What dangers , what attempts, what manifolde Incumbrances ambition vnergoes How hardly men digeft felicitie ; How to tb'mtemprate, to theprodtgall, To wantonneffe, and vnto luxurie, Many things want, but to ambition all. And you fhall finde thegreateft enemie That man can haue, is hit profperitte. Herejhaftyoufeehow men difguife their ends, tAnd plant bad courfes vnder plcnfingjhewcs. How wettprefumpttons broken wayes defends, IVhich cleere-eyed Iudgemtnt grauely doth difcloji. Here fhall you (fee how tb'eafte multitude Tranfported,takethepartteofdiftreffe; %Aud onely out ofpafftons doe conclude, Not out of tudgement ; of mcnspraftifes ; How pow'rs are thought to wrongs that wrongs debar t And Kings not held in danger, though they are. Thefe ancient reprefentments of times paft Tellvs that men haue, doe, and atwayes runne The felfc fame line of aUiony and doe caft Their courfe alike, audnothingcan be done, Aa 2 Whilft | 447 | 0.517 | 0.2 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | Tmi Epistlh. fVhilfi they, their ends, andnature are the fame . But wtHbe wrought vpon the f elf e fame frame. Thie benefit, mofl noble prince, dothyeeU The fur e records of Eookes, tn which we finde The tenure of our State, how it was held By oil our Ancefhrs ,andinwhat kmde We holde the fame, and likpvife how in the end Th f fratie pofjefwn of felicitte, Shall to our late poflerirte de fiend By the fame Patent ef lilte definite. In them we find that nothing can accrew To man, and his condition that is new. Which images here figured tnthi* wife I leaue vnto your more mature furuart Amongft the vowes that others facrtfice Vnto the hope of 'you, that you one day _ Will gtue grace to this kmde of Harmonic . For know, great Prince, when you fhali come to knew Hew that it u the faire} Ornament Of worthy times, to haue thofe which may /hew The dtedes of power, andtittely reprefint The afltonr of a glorious G otter. tement. iAndis no leffir honor to a Crown* Thaue Writers then h*ue Aiders of renowne. And though you hone* Swannet »f yottr owne, Within the bankcs of D ouen meditates Sweet Dotes t'd you; and vntoyour renowne The glory of his Muficke dedicates, tAndtn a lofty tune u fit to four.d The dcepe reports of fullers Tragedies : Vet may this lafl of me be i%wtfi found Awongft the vowes that others facrifice Vnto th.- hope of you, that you one day May grace t :ts now neglected Harmonic, Which fit vnto your glorious adtons, may Record the fame to all fofterttie Though | 448 | 0.324 | 0.139 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | Thi Epistxs. / Though I the remnant of another time Am neuer like to fee that happineffe , Tetfer the z.eale that I haue borne to rime And to the Mufes,wifh that good fucceffe To others trauell, that in better place, And better comfort, they maybe mcheerd Who fhall deferue, andwbofhallhaue the grace To haue a Mufe helaworthy to be heard. AndJenowJweet Prince ,when you fhall come to knew, That tis not in the pow'r of Kings to raife Afpirttfor Verfe that is not borne thereto, Nor are they borne tn euery Princes dayes : For late Eliza's raigne gauc birth to more Tkenaftthe Kmg* of England did before. And it may be. the Geniits of that time Would leaue to her the glory in that kind, And that the vtmofi powers of Engbfi Rime Should be within bet peacefuUraigne confih'd; For fince that tm,e our Songs could neuer tbrtue, But iatne as ifforlome ; thuugh tn the prime Of this new raijing feafin, we dtdftnue To bring the beft we could vnto the time. And I although among the latter traine, Andleaft of thofe that funo vnto this land, Haue borne my part, though in an humble ftraine, And plea/A the gentler that did vnder ftand: And neuer had my harmelejfepen at all Dt/tain'd with any loofe tmmodefiie, Nor euer noted to be touebt with gat, To aggrauate the worft mans tnftmie. Butftillhaue done thefaire/l offices To vertuejtnd the time, yet naugh preuailes, And aft our labours are without fuccejfe, Eorettherfauour or our vertue fades. And therefore fince I haue out-lm'dthe date Of former grate, acceptance and delight, A*3 / | 449 | 0.552 | 0.229 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | i8«5 Ttta Eoisfti. I would my lines late-borne beyond the fate Of herfpent line, had neuer cowte to light So bad 1 not beene tax'd for wifinng weU, Nor now miftalten by the cenfmring Stage Nor, in my fame and reputation fri, Which I efteeme more then what all the age Or th' earth cangtm. But yeeres hath done tbitwrong, To make me write too much, andltue too long. Andyot Igrteuefor that vnfintfht frame , Which thorn deare Mufe didft vow to faerifiee, Vnto the bed of Peace, amdm the fame Defigne our happineffc to memorize, Muft, at it is, remaine, though atttu It /ball to after-times relate my x^a/e To Kings and vnto right, tutuittneffc, %Andto the vnion of the Common-woale. But this may now feeme a fmperptous vow, We bane this peace; tmdthomhaft fmog turn, •And m»re then wtSbe beard, and then a* go** %df »»t to write, at not be vndtrftood. Sam. Dam. | 450 | 0.533 | 0.226 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 187 THE ARGVMENT. :■■* JJjJjVMg HUotat the Sonne of , was a man of Plutarch in the Q E^9 £pSFCac eftimation, among the life of Alts. C^ SaSPyBl anc^ ncxt vnt0 J^^eXMi^er > ncld to be the mod- W? I !»€*>? va^ant °^ Oreekes : patient of traueil , ex- •ffegjj^j^ cccdiag bouiuifull , and one that loued his men and friends better then any Nobk-man cf the Camper butotherwife, noted of vaine-glory and prodigalitie , info- much , as his father ( hauing notice of his carriage ) warned him to make himfclfc !e(fe then he was, to' auoide the cnuie of the Canape, and the diflike of the King , who grew (ufpidous of him, in refpect of the great nefte of his father, and: bis owne popularitie, and by hauing intelligence of ccrtaine vaunts of his , vfed to Antigonaa fairc Cuitizan, borne in the City of Vidua ; with whom being in loue, hee let tall many braue Words and boafts of a Souldier , to aduancehis owne actions and his fathers, terming Alexander at cuery word , The yong nan. Which (peeches Antigona reuealing to a Companion of hers, were at length brought to Cratertu , who with the wo- man, carried them to Alexander ; whereby Pbtlotat lay open to all the advantages that might workc hiiouerthrow : and in lib. 6. the end , concealing a confpiradc (which was reucaled vnto him) intended againft the Kng, was thereby fufpected to hauc beene a party in the plot : but brought before tAlcxander, he fo defended himfelfe , that hee obtained his pardon for that time,fupped with the King thatnight , and yet the next day, ■ iotwithdanding , was arraigned for the fame fact , which hee floudy denying, was afteward put to torture , and then confrft his treafon. And indcede, Alexanders drawing a Pedegree from Heauen , with afiuming the Ter/ian magnificence , was A a 4 the | 451 | 0.483 | 0.201 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | i88 THE ARGVMENT. theeaufe that withdrew many the hearts of the Nobilitie and people from him , and by the confiffion of Philotas was that, which gaue a purpofe to him and his father to haue fubucrtcd the King as foone as hec had cftabhfhed tAfia , and freed them from other feares, which bring by Epbefttou and £ra terus, two the mod efpcciall Councdlers of Alexander,graue ly and prouidently difcerncd, was profecuted in that manner as became their neereneffe and dcereneffe with their Lord and Madcr, and fitting to the fafety of the State , in the cafe of fo great an Afpirer ; who, no doubt, had he not beene preuented (howfoeuer popularly in the Army it might be otherwife dee med) hee had turned the courfc of gouernemerrt vponhis/a ther himldfe, or els by his imbroilemews made it a monfter of many heads, as it afterward proued vpoB the death of Alexan der. The Chorus confifting of three Graeians ( as of three e ftates of a Kingdome) and one Terfian, reprcfenting the multi- tude and body of a People , who vulgarly ( according to their affections , carried rather with compaflion ori Grear-mens misfortunes , then with the con- {{deration of the caufe) frame their ima- ginations by that iquare, and cen- furc what is done. Tbi | 452 | 0.533 | 0.19 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | *f« The Names of the A&ors. ThiUtM. Chaltjlhenet. Alexander. Efhefiitn. Craterm. Thai* a Curtezan. tAntigona , fome- timesone of die Concubines of Dorms. Aitarrae. SoflratHi, Cberm. Cebalmm. Ttlidamas. Nicbtwuubm. Metrtm. Cittm. Ptrdict*. I Three GrteutttuA zFtrfim. To | 454 | 0.336 | 0.103 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 191 THE TRAGEDY OF Tbilotas. Ac TVs- X Tkilotas. Chaltfthenes. +bilotat reading his fathers Letter. thy ftlfe lelTe Philet m then thou art. What meanes my father thus to write tome? Lefle then I am ? In what ? How can that be ? Muft I be then let vndernearh my hart ? Shall I let goe the hold I haue of grace, Gain'd with fo hard adue nture of my blood, And differ others mount into my place, And from below, looke vp to where I flood ? Shall I degrade th'eptnion of my worth ? By putting off impfoyment; asvndone In fpirit or grace : whilft other men fet forth To get that dart of action I haue wonnc } As if fuch men as I,had any place, To ftay betwixt their mine and their 'grace. Can any goe beyond me, but they will Goe ouer me, and trample on my date, And make their fortunes good vpon my ill, Whilft feare hath powre to wound me worfe then hate? Choi. Philotae, you dccriue your felfc in this, Your father meancs not you fhould yecld in place, But | 455 | 0.374 | 0.15 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | ioz THE TRAGEDY Butinyour popular dependences : Your emertainements, gifts and publike grace, That doth in icalous Kings, didafte the Peeres, And makes you not the greater but in feares. Phi. Alas, what popular dependences Doe I rctainc ? Can I fhake off the zeale Of fuch as doc out of their kindnefte Follow my fortunes in the Common-weale? Cha. Indeed Phtlotas therein you fay true : They follow doe your fortunes, and not you/ Phi. Yea, but I find their loue to me fincere. Cha. Eueu fuch as to the Woolfc the Fox doth beare, That vifits him but to partake his pray, And feeing his hopes deceiu'd, turnes to betray. 'Phi. I know they wonld, if I in danger Itood, Runne vnto me with hazzard of their blood. Cha. Yes, like as men to burning houfes rua. Not to lend aide, but to be lookers on. Phi. But I with bountie and with gifts haue tide Their hearts fo fore, I know they will not Aide. Cha. Bountie and gifts left more then they doe fiode, Where many looke for good, few haue their minde ; Each thinkes he merits more then that he hath ; And fo gifts laidcfor loue, doe catch men wrath. 'Phi. But many meerely out of loue attend. Cha. Yea, thoft that loue and haue no other end. Thinkc you that men can loue you when they know You hauc them not forfriendfhip, but for (how ? And as yon are ingag'd in your affaires, And hauc your ends,thinke likewift they haue theirs, Phi. But I doe truly from my heart affedl Vemie and worth where I doe find it let : Befides, my foes doe force me in effect To mike my party of opinion great, And I mud arme me thus againd their fcornes : Men mud be (hod that goc amongft the thornes. Ota. | 456 | 0.461 | 0.17 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHlLqfAS. ;■;.■ m Chut. Ah,good*P/&//tfr4ar,youy6i3rrdftbeg^iIi Tis not the way to quench the fire with Oilc : The meekc and humble Lambe with fmall adco Suckes his owne damme, we fee, and others too. In Courts men longed liuc, and kecpe their rankes, By taking iniuries, and giuing thankes; Phi. And is it fo? Thcpfteuerarethefehaires Like to attaine that foberhew cf gray, I cannot plader and difguifem'affaircs In other colours then nry heart doth lay. Nor can I patiently endure this fond - And drange proceeding of authoritie, That hath ingrod vp all into their hand By ldol-liuing feeble Maieitie, And impioufly doc labour all they can To make the King forget he is a man, Whilft they diuidethc fpoyfes , and pray for powre, And none at all refpe$ the publikegood : Thoft hands that guard and get vs what is our, The Solderie ingag'd to vent their blood, ' In worfccafe feeme then 'TaSiu old-grow'n Moile Th* Athenians foftred at their publike coil, For thefe poore foules confum'd with tedious toile, Remaine neglected, hauing donetheir moft, And nothing fhall bring home of all theft warres, v But empty age, and bodies charg'd wirh fcarres. Cha. T^/wr^aHthispsblikecarejIfeare, Isbutfoti.epriu'ate touch of your diflike, Who feeing your owne defignes not ftand to fquare With your defires, no others courfes like. The griefeyou take things afe not ordered well, Is, that you feele your ftlfe, 1 feare, not well ; But when your fortunes fhall ftand parabell With thoft you enuienow, all will be well': For you Gre at-men, I fee, are richer rri ore, Youi end attain'd, the fame you were before, Ycu | 457 | 0.386 | 0.143 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | to4. THE TRAGEDY You with a finger can point out the dairies Of others errours now, and now condem The trainc of ftate, whil'ft your delirc remaincs Without. But once got in, you iumpe with them, And intcrleaguc yee with iniquitie, And with a like neglect doc temporize And onely feme your ownc.commoditie : Your fortune then viewes things with other eyes. For cither grcatneffe doth transforme the hart In t'other fhapes of thoughts, or certainely This vulgar honeftie doth dwell apart From pow'r, and is fome priuate quality. Or rather thofe faire parts which weeftccme In fuch as you, arc not the fame they feeme : You double with your felucs or els with vs. And therefore now , Phtlotas, euen as good T'imbracc the times, as fwell and doe no good. Phi. Alas, Chalifthenes, you hauc not laid True leuell to my nature, but are wide From what I am within : all you haue laid Shall neuer make me of another fide Then that I am, and I doe Iconic to clime By fhaking hands with this vn worthy rime. Cha. The time, Thtlotat, then will breake thy necke. Phi. They dare not, friend, my father will keepe ray necke, My fcruice to the State hath caufioned So furely for mine honor, as it fhall Make good the place my deedes haue parchaied* With danger, in the loue and hearts of all. Cha. Thofc feruices will ferue as weights to charge And preffc you vnto death, if your foot faile Neuer fb little vnderneath your charge, And will be dcem'd, done for your owne auaile. And who haue fpirits to doe the greatdl good, May doc mofl hurt, if they rcmainc not good. Phi. Tufh, they cannot want my feruicc in the State. fba | 458 | 0.555 | 0.183 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHIL OTA S. 19} Chit. Thefe times want not men to fupply the State. Phi. I fcarc not whilft Parmentos forces ftand. Cha. Water farre off quenches not fire necre hand. You may be faire difpatcht, ere he can hcare, Or if he heard, before he could be here. Awl therefore doc not build vpon fuch 'find, It will deceiue your hopes when all is done, For though you were the Minion of the Land, If you brcake out, be furc you are vndonc. Whenrunning with the current of the State, Were you the weakeft man of men aliue, And in Conuentions and in Counfcll fate, And did but fleepe ornod, yet fhall you thriue, Thefe motiue fpirits are neuer fit to rife, And tis a danger to be held fo wife. Phi. What call you running with the State ? Shall! Combine with thofe that doeabufethe State ? Whofe want of Judgement, wit and honefty, o lam afham'd to fee, and feeing hate. (ha. Tufh, tufh, my Lord, thinke not of what were fit : The world is gouern'd more by forme, then wit. He that will fret at Lords, and at the raine, Is but a foole, and gtieues himfelfe in vaine, Cannot you Great-men fufferothers to Haue part in rule, but mud haue all to do. Now good my Lord confbrme you to the red, Let not your wings be greater then your ned. Phi. foists. Seehow theft vaine diftourfme Book-men talke, Out of thofe fhadowes of their ayrie powers And doe not fee how much they mud defalke Of their accounts, to make them gree with ours. They little know to what neceflhies - Our courfes dand allied, or how we are Ingag'd in reputation otherwile, To be our felucs in our particular. They thinke we can command our harts to lie Out | 459 | 0.423 | 0.146 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | j 9* THE TRAGEDY Out of their place ; and dill they preach to vs Pack-bearing Patience, that baft propertie, And filly gift of th'all enduring Affe. But lcrthemtalke their fill, it is but winde, I mud fayle by the CompafTe of my minde. Enters a Meffinger. My Lord, the King call's for you, come my Lord away. Phi. Well, then I know diet's forar new ftratagem In hand, to be confulted on to day, That I am fern for, with fuch fpeede, to him, Whofe youth and fortune cannot brooke delay. But her's a filter (lands t'impeich my hafte : I would I had gone vp the priuie way, Whereby we efcape th'attending multitude, Though, I conftffe, that in humanity Tis better to dcnie, then to delude. & • Enters Cebalintu. My Lord Phdotat, I am come with newes Of great importance, that concerno vs all, And well hath my good fortune met with you, Who beft can hearc, and beft difcharge my care. Phi. Say what it is, and pray-thee friend be briefe. Ceb. The cafe requ ires your patienc c, good my Lord, And therefore I muft craueyour eatc a while. Phi. I cannot now be long from Alexander. Ceb. Nor will be long with vs, Vnlellc you heare : and therefore know, the newes 1 bring, concemes his life ; and this it is : There is one Dymmu here within the Campe, Whoft low edate, and high affections, Seeme to haue thru ft him int'outragious wayes. This man, affecting one Ntchomachut, A youth, my brother, whom ore day h' allures Int'a Temple, wheie being both alone, He | 460 | 0.358 | 0.142 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTAS. 197 He fereakes out in this fort '.Nichomactu, 4weet louely youth; ah, fhould I not impart To thee the deeped fccrets of my heart; My heart that hath no locke fhut againd thee, Would let it out fometimcs vnwarcs of mc; But as it ilfucs from my faithful! loue, So dofe it vp in thine,and keepc it faft. Sweare to be fccret,deare Nichomactu, Sweare by the facred God-head of this place, To keepe my counlell.and I will reucale A matter of thegreateftconfequence That euer man imparted to his friend. Youth and defire drawne with a loue to know. Swore to be fecret,aiid to keepe it dole. Then Dymnttt tcls him, That within three dayes There (hould b'eftceted a confpiracy. On Alexanders perfba, by his meaner And diuers more of the Nobility, To free their labours ,aad redeem e them home. Which when Ntehomacttt my brother heard : Is this your tale ? fayth he, O God forbid Mine oath fliould tie my tongue to keepe in this ! This ougly finne of treafon, which to tell Mine oath compels me; faith againft my faith Muft not be kept. My falfhood here is truth. And I muft tell. Friend or friend not,f 1 tell. Dymnus amaz'd,hearing beyond conceit »,u sd I The fclfc-will'd youth vow to reucale their plot, Stands flaring on him, drawing backe his breath, Or els his breath confounded with his thoughts Bulied with death and horror,could not Worke* Not hauing leafure now to thinke what was, But what would be, his feares were runnc before, And at miifort une ere (Ire came to him. At length yet,whcn his rcafon had redue'd His flying thoughts backe to fome ccrtaine ftand, Bb Percd- | 461 | 0.515 | 0.196 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | t«8 THE TRAGEDY Perceiuingyet fome diftance was betwixt Death and his feares, which gauc hiai time to worke, With his returning fpirits he drew his fword, Puts it t'his owne then to nay brothers throat, Thenlaies it downe,then wrings his hands,thenkneeies, Then fled faft lookes,thcn takes him in his armes, Weeps on his word,but.O wilt thou ? Wilt thou,be the deftruction of vs all? And finding no relenting in the yaixh, His miftries grew furious.aad againe He takes his fword,and fweares to facrifice To filence and their cauft,his deareft bloud. The boy amaz'd3fceing noother way, Was faine to vow, and promife fecrecy ; And as if woon fallow and takethat part. Prayes him tcll,who were hit complices. Which.though perplext with grietefor what was dane, Yet thinking now t*haue gain'd him to his fide, Dymmu replies:No woric than Loeem, 'Demetrius of the priuy Chamber,and 1Sicanor,Amy»tM, and Archelopu, *Droceniu, Atkebetm, L*vc*Uw, Shall be th'affociats of Niehomacm. This when my brother once had vnderftoad, And after much adee had got away, He comes and tells me all the whole difcourfe. Which here I haue related vnto you, And here will I attend t'auouch the fame, Or bring my brother to cowfirme as much, Whom now I leftbchindejell the coitfpirators Seeing him here vmifirig to this place, Sufptctuig t'b'appeach*d,might (hi ft sway. Phil. WeIlfellow,I hauc heard thy ftrange report, And will finde time t'acquaint the King therewith. S-CENA | 462 | 0.369 | 0.142 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OFPHILOTASi 199 ScENA SECVNDA. Antigona, and Thais. WHat can a free eftate aftoord mc more Than my incaptiu'd fortune dothallow^ Was I bdou'd,inrich'd,and grac'd before? Am I not lou'd,inrich*d,and graced now ? Tha. Yea,but before thou wert a Kings delight. tAnt. Imightbchis.althoughhewasnotmine. Tha. His grcatnes made thee greater in mens fight. tA»t. More great perhaps w ithout,but net within My loue was then aboue me : I am now Abouc my loue. Dartm then had thoufands more : thtlotas hath but me as I do know, Nor none els w ill he haue,and fo he fwore. Tha. Nay .then you may belecue him.if he (wore. Alt*,poore foule,fhe ncuer came to know Norlibery,nor louers penuries. Ant. Stand I not better with a meaner loue, That is alone to me.than with thefe powres, Who out of all proportion muft b'aboue And haue vs theirs.but they will not be ours* And Thais although thou be a Grecian, And I a Perfian,do not enuy are, That I embrace the ondy gallant man I 'Perfid.ot Greece, or all the world can fee. Tbou,who art cntertdn'd and grac'd by all The flowre of honour els,do not defpife, That vato me , poore captiue*fhould befall So great a grace in (iich a worthies eyes. Tha. Antigma, I enuy not thy loue, But thinke thee bleft t'enioy him in that fort. But tell me truly ,Didft thou euer proue Whether he lou'd in earned or in (port? Bb a An\ | 463 | 0.531 | 0.194 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | ao» THE TRAGEDY. Ant. Thais, let m'a little glory in my grace, Out of the pafiion of the ioy I fcclc, And tell the a ftcret,but in any cafe, As y'are a woman,do not it reuealc. One day,as I was fitting all alone, In comes Philetat. from a victory \ All blood and duft.yet iolly hailing wonne The glory of the day moft gallantly : And warm'd with honour of his good fucceae, Relates to me the dangers he was in : Whereat I wondnng,bhm'd his forwardneffe. Faith wench,fayes fie,thus muft we fightjtoyle, win, To make that yong-man proud : thus is he borne Vpon the wings of our dcfetts; our blood Sets him aboue himftlfe,and makes him fcorae His owne,his country, and the authors of his goad. My father was the firft that out from Greece Shew'd him the way of tAfia, fet him or>, And by his proiect rais'd thegreateft pecce Of this proud worke which now he treads vpon. Parmenfo without Alexander much hath wrought, Without Parmenio, Alexander hath done nought. But let him vie his fortune whilft he may Times haue their change,we muft not ftill be led. And fweet nAntigona thoa may ft one day Yct,bleffc the houret'haue knowne 'Phtlotas bed ; Wherewith he fwcetly kift me. And now deeme, If that fb great,fo wife,fo rare a man Would,if he held me not in dearc cfiecme, Haue vttred this t'a captiue Perfian. But That's I may no longer llay.for feare My Lord returne,and find me not within, Whoft eyes yet ncuer faw me any where But inhischamber.wherellhouldhauebcen, And therefore Thais farewell . Thit. Farewell A»tigona. Now | 464 | 0.401 | 0.139 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTAS. 201 Beger/; Now haue I that.which I dcfired long, Layd in my lap by this fond woman heere, And meancs t'auenge me of a fecret wrong That doth concerne my reputation necre . This gallant man.whom this foole in this wife Vants to be hers, I mud confeffe t'hauc lou'd, And vs'd all th'cngins of thefe conquering eyes, Affections in his hic-built heart t'haue mou'd, Yet neuer could : for what my labour feckes I fee is lod vpon vaine ignorance, Whil'ft he that is the glory of theGreekes, Virtues vpholder, honours countenance. Out of this garnifh of his worthy parts - Is fall'n vpon this foolifh Pcrfian, To whom his (ccrets grauely he imparts, Which (lie as wifely keepe and goucrne can. Tis ftrange to fee the humour of rhefe men, Thefc great afpiring fpirits,that fhould be wife, We women fhall know all: for now and then, Out of the humour of their iolli ties, The fmoakc of their ambition muft haue vent, And out it comes what racks (hould not rcueale : For this her humour hath fo much of winde, ' That it will burft it felfe if too clofe pent ; And none more fit than vs their wifdomes finde, Who will for louc or want of wit concealc. For being the nature of great fpirits,to loue To be where they may be moft eminent; And rating of themfelues fo farre aboue Vsinconceitjwith whom they do frequent, Imagine how we wonder and efteeme All that they do or fay; which makes them ftriue To make our admiration more extreme : Which they fuppofe they cannot Jeffe they giue Notice of their extreme and higheftthoughts: And then the opinion,that we loue them too, Bb 3 | 465 | 0.565 | 0.183 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | io2 THE TRAGEDY Begets a confidence of fccrecy ; Whereby what euer they intend to doo, We fhall be fure to know it prefcmly. But faith,! fcorne that fuch a one as fhe, A filly wittied wench ,(hould haue this grace To bepiefcrr'd and honor 'd before me, Hauing but only beauty ,and a face. I that was euer courted by the great And gallant'd Peercs and Princes of the Eaft, Whom Alexander in thegreateft flare The earth did euer lee him.made his gueft. There where this tongue obtained for her ment Eternitv of Fame : there where there hands Did write in fire the glory of my fpirit, And fet a trophey that for euer Hands. Thais action with theGrecian acts (trail be Inregidred alike. Thais , fhe that fir'd The (latch e(l palace thcarth did racr -fir, Darius houfe that to the clouds afpn*d, She is put backe behind c Antrgona. But foone Pbilot-atfbaTl bismoi fee, Who thinkes that beauty beft, mens pamons fits', For that they vfe our bodres,T>ot our wits : And vnto Crater ut will I prefenrly, And him acquaint vrith all this whole difcourfc, Who,! am fure, will take it well of vs : For thefe great Minions,who with eairioaj ere Looke on each others greatncffc,w31 be glad, In fuch a cafe of this importancy, To haue th'aduantage thatmaybtrcbe had. CHORVS. WE at the Chor'rn ofthe^itlgar,ftjnd Spe8ators heercjo fee thefe great men play Their | 466 | 0.479 | 0.196 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OFPHILOTAS. 203 Their parts both of obedience and command, And cenfure all they do , and all they fay. For though we be efteem'd but ignorant, Tetarewe capable of truth, and know Where they do we/l,and where their aEttons want The grace that makes them proue tbe beft infhow. And though we know not what they do within, Where they at tire, their myfteries of State : Tetknow we by th'euents, what plots haue besne, tAndhow they all without doperfonate, We fee who well a meauerpart became, Faile in a greater and difgrace the fame. We fee fome worthy of aduancement deem'd, Saue when they haue it : fome agasne bane got Good reputation, and beene wet efteem'd In place of greatneffe , which before were not. We fee affiiUton aU a better fcane Than proffer out fortune which bath marrd it cleane. We fee that a H which we haue praifd m fome, Haue only beene their fortune jitt defart : Some warre haue grac'd, whom peace doth ill become,. And lu/tfull eafe bath blemifht all their part. We fee Philotas aUs hU goodneffe tS, And makes hispafiont to report of him Worfethanbe is : andwedo fearehewiU Brmg hie free nature to b'intrapt by them. For fure there is fome engm clofely laid Againft his grace and greatneffe with the King : And that vnleffe his humors proue moreftaid, We fooneftall fee hU vtter ruining. And his affu&ton our eompaffton drawes, Which ft tU looke s on mens fortunes, not the caufe. Actvs. Aa 4 | 467 | 0.555 | 0.232 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE TRAGEDY. 204 ActvsII. ScenaL Alexander, Epheftion, Craterut. Alexander. E Theft ion, thou doed eAlexauder loue, Craterus,tho\i the King : yet both you meet In on fclfe point of loyalty and loue, And both I find like caref iilldike difcrcet, Therefore my faithfull'd Counfellers,to you I mud a weighty accident impart, Which lies fo heauy,asItellyoutrue I finde the burthen much t'oppreffe my hart. Ingratitude and dubburne carriage, In one of whom my louedeftru'd refpecti Is that which moues my paffion into rage, And is a thing I ought not to neglect. You fee how I Philotas raifed haue Aboue his ranke.his Pecrcs,beyond his terme; You fte the place, the offices I gaue, As rh'earned of my loue to bindc his firme : Butall,he deeming rather his defarts, ; Than the effects of my grace any way, Beginnes to play mod peremtory parts, x As fitter to controule than to obay. And I hauebeene inform'd, he fofters too- The faction of that home- bent cowardize, That would run backe from glory ,and vndoo All the whole wonder of our enterprize ; And one day to our felfe prefumes ro write, (Seeming our (lile and title to abrai I, Which th'orades themfelues bekl requifite, And which no: I, but men on mc haue laid) And fayd he pitied thoft who vnder him fhould Hue, Who held himfelft the fonne of Iuptter. Alas good man,as though what breath could giae Could | 468 | 0.438 | 0.169 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTAS. 205 Could make mine owne thoughts other than they arc ! I that am Arbitrer betwixt my heart And their opinion,know how it (lands within, And finde that my infirmities take part Of that fame frailty other men line in. And yet, what if I were difpos'd to winkc At th'cntertain'd opinion fpred fo farre, And rather was content the world fhould thinke Vs other than we are,that what we are. In doing which,I know I am not gone Beyond example,feeing that maicfty Needs all the props of admiration That may be got, to beare it vp on hie ; And much more mine,which but eu'nnow begun By miracles of fortune, and our worth, Needs all the complements to reft vpon That reu'rence and opinion can bring forth, Which this wife man conceiucs not,and yet takes Vpon him to inftruct vs what to do. But thefe are but the ftourifhes he makes Of greater malice he is bent vnto: Forfurc,me thinkest view within his face The map of change and innouation : I fee his pride contented with no place, Vnleffe it be the throne I fit vpon. Epheft. Had I not heard this from your facred tongue. Deare Souereigne, I would neuer haue beleeued Philotas folly would hauedone that wrong To his owne worth and th'honours he recciued : And yet methought,of late,his carriage In fuch exceeding pompe and gallantry, And fuch a world of followers,did prefage That he affefted popularity, - Efpecially,fince for his feruice done He was adiudg'd to haue the fecond place In honour with tAntigonus : which wonne To | 469 | 0.547 | 0.184 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | ■»« zo$ THE TRAGEDY To fome th'opinion ro be high in grace ; Then his lall acliondeading the right wing, And th'ouerthrow he gauc,miglit hap in large Th'opinion of himfelfe.confidering Th'cfpcciall grace and honour of his charge, Whereby perhaps in rating his owne worth, His pride might vnder-value that great, grace From whence it grcw,and that which put him forth, And made his fotune futing to the place. But yet I thinke he is not fo vnwifc, Although his fortune.youth,and iollity Makes him thus mad,as he will enterprift Ought againft courft, his faith, and loyalry : And thcrefote,if your Grace did but withdraw Thofe beames of fauour, which do daze his wits, He would be (bone reduc"d t'his rankeof aw, And know 1 imielfe,and bcatchimas befits. Alex. Withdraw our grace^nd how can that be done, Without lorrc fudiuation to enfue ! Can he be fafe brought in,being fo farre gone ? I hold i t not. Say Crater tu, W hat thtnkc you ? Cra. Souereigne, I know the man : I finde his fpirit ; A nd malice fhall not make me (I proted) Speake other than I know his pride doth merit : And what I for your intereft, Which long ere this I would haue vttered, But that I fear'd your Maicfty would take, That from fome pnuatc grudge it rather bred, Than out of care,foryour dearcfifters fake; Or rather/hat I fought to croffc your Grace, Or, to confine your rauour within bounds \ And find ing him to hold fo high a place In that diuine conceit which ours confounds, I thought the fafed way to Jet it red, Tn hope.that time fbrne paffage open would, To let in thole deere lookes into that bred That | 470 | 0.466 | 0.195 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTAS. 207 That doth but malice and confufion hold. And now I fee you haue difcern'd the man Whom (Iproteft)Ihold mofl dangerous. And that you ought,with all the fpcede you «an, Workc to repreffe a foiritfo mutinous : For cu'n already he is fwolfn fb hie, That his affections oucrflow the brim Of his ownc pow'rs.not able to deny Paflage vnto the thoughts thatgouernc him : For but eu'n now I heard a ftrange report, Of (peaches het(houid vfet'bisCurtizan, Vanting what he had done, and in w hat fort He labour d toaduance that proud yong man, (So terming of your (acred Maiefty) With other fuch extrauaganr dHcourfe, Whereof we fhall attaine more certeinry (I doubt not) fhortly ,and difcry his courre. Meane whilc,about your perfon (I adurfe) Your Grace fhould call a more fufficient guard And on his actions fet fuch wary eyes , As may thereof take fpeciall good regard; And note what perfons chiefly he frequents, And who to him haue the mod free acceffe, How he bedowes his time,whcre heprerents The large reuenueof hishounteoufneffe. And for his wench that Iks betwixt his acmes, And knowes his heart, I will about wkhher, She fhalhe wrought t'apply her vfliaJl charraes. And I will make her my diicouerer. Alex. This-GOUHfelif^ra*er#j)wedw well allow. And giuc thee many thankes for thy great care : But yet we mull beaie faire,led he fhouid know That we fufpect what his affc.'rions are : For that you fee he holds a fide of pow'r, Which might perhaps call vp fome mutiny. His father, old Tarmenio^x. this ho wre Rules | 471 | 0.509 | 0.202 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE TRAGEDY. 208 Rules Medea with no leffer pow'rs than I; fee ,gallandy followed, Holds next to vs a fpeciall gouernment ; j Canus, that with his fider married, Hath vnder him againe commandement; Amentas and Symanus,h\s deare friends, With both their honourable offices ; And then the priuatc traine that on them tends, With all particular dependences, Are motiues to aduifc vs how to deale. Crat. Your Grace faies true,but yet thefe douds of fraokc Vanidi before the fun of that refpect Whereon mens long-inur'd affections looke With fuch a natiue zeale,and fo affect, As that the vaine and (hallow practifes Of no fuch giddy traytour ('if the thing Be tooke in time with due aduifedneffe) Shall the lead diew of any fearing bring. Alex. Well,then to theef deare Craterm)! refer Th efperiall care of this great bufinetTe. SCENA SECVNDA. Pbiletat, CebaUmm, Setuus. Cebalbntu. MY Lord, I here haue long attendance made, Expecting to be call'drtuouch my newes. Phi. In troth (my friend; I haue net found the King At any leafure yet to hcarc the fame. Ceb. No,not at leafure to preuent his death ! And is the matter of no more import ? I'l try another. Yet mc thinkes fiich men As are the eyes and earcs of Princes, fhould Not weigh fo light fuch an intelligence. Ser. My Lord,thc fumme you willed me to giijc The captainc that did vifit you to day, To | 472 | 0.563 | 0.202 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OFPHILOT AS. 209 To tell you plaine,your coffers yeeld it not . Phi. How if they yeeld it not? Haue I not then AppareII,plate, lewds? Why fell them, And go your way ,difpatch,and giue it him. Phil*' as alone. Methinkes I find the King much chang'd of late, And vnto me his graces not (b great : Although they fcemc in drew all of one rate, Yet by the touch, I find them, counterfet : For when I (peake,although I haac his care, Yet do I fee his mind is other where ; And when he (peakes to me,I fee he driues To giae a colour vnto what is not : For he muft think , that we, who dates, whofe liues Depend vpon his Grace,learne not by rote T'abferue his actions, and to know his trym. And though indeed Princes be manifold, Yet haue they ftill fuch eyes to wait on them, As arc too piercing ,tbat they can behold And penetrate the inwards of the heart, That no deuice can fet fo clofe a doore Betwixt thrit fhew and thoughts,but that their art Of (badowing it, makes it appeare the more. Butmany.malicing my ftate of grace, I know no worke,with all the power they haue Vpon that eafie nature,to difplace My fortuncs,and my actions to depraue". . And though I know they feeke t'inclofe him in, Andfaine would locke him vp and chamber him, Yet will I neucr ftpppe,and feeke to win My way by thern,that came not in by them; And fcorne to Hand on any other feet Than thefe of mine owne worth;.and what my plaine And open actions cannot fairely get, Bafeneffe and finoothing them, (hall neuer gainc. And yet,I know,my prcfence and accede Plutarch in the life of Alex ander. Cleeres | 473 | 0.533 | 0.194 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | jio THE TRAGEDY Cleeres all thefc mifls which they haue rais'd before, Though.with my backe,ftraight turnes that happinefle, And they againe blow vp as muchor more. Thus do we roule the (lone of our owne toyle, And men fuppofe our hdl.a heauen the while. Scena III. (fraterut, Antigtma. Cratemt. ANtigona, there b no remedy, You needs muft iuftifie the fpeech you held With Thais, who will your COTfrence verifie, And therefore now it can not be conceaTd. Ant. O ,my good Lord.I pray you vr ge me not : Thais only of a cunning enuious wit, Scorning a firanger fhould haue fuch a lot, Hath out of her inucnti on forged it. Crat. Why then,(hall racks and tortures force thee fl»W Both this and other matters which we know ? Thinke thereforc,if 't were not a wifer part T'accept of red,rewards,prefcrraeat,grace. And being perhaps,fo beautious as thou art, Of faire eledlionfor a neercr place, To tell the truth.than to be obdipare, And fall with the misfortuneof a man, - - * Who,in his dangerous andconcuffed date. No good to thee but ruine reader can. Refolue thee of this choice, and let me know Thy minde at fu!I,at my returning backe. ■ Ant. What fhall I do-all I betray my Loue, Or diedifgrae'd? What,do I make a doubt ! Betray my Loue ! O heauenly pow'rs aboue Forbid that fuch a thought fhould iffucout Of this confufed brcft : Nay rather firft Let tortureSjdcath and honor do their worft. But | 474 | 0.515 | 0.188 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OFPHILOT AS 211 But out alas.this inconliderate tongue, Without my hearts content and priuity, Hath done already this vnwilling wrong, And now it is no wifdomc to deny. No wifdome to deny ! Yes,yes,that tongue That thus hath beene the tray tout to my heart, Shall either pow'rfully redceme that wrong , Or aeuer more (hall words of breath impart. Yet,what can my deniall profit him, Whom they perhaps,whether I tell or not, Are purpos'd, vpon matters knowne to them, To ruinate on fome difeouetcd plot ? Let them do what they will. Let not thy heart Seeme tobe acccflary in a thought, To giue theleaft aduantage of thy part, To haue a part of fhame in what is wrought. O this were well.if that my dangers could Redeeme his perill,and his grace reftore; For which,I vow,my life 1 render would, If this poore life could fatisfic therefore. But tis not for thy honour to forfake Thy Lone for death, that lou d thee in this fort. A,las,what notice will the werld take Of fuchrefpeas in women of my fort ! This aft may yet put on fo faire a coate Vpon my foule profdfion, as it may Not blufh t'appeare with thofe of cleaned note, And haue as hie a place with tame as they. . What do 1 talke of fame? Do I not fee This fiction of my flefh,my feares*njy youth Already entrcd ; and haue bent zt mc, The ioyes of life, to batter downe my truth ? Omy fubdued thoughts .'what haue you dore? To let in feare falfhooJ to my heart. Whom tl .ough they haue furpr.z'd,they haue not won ; For Hill my loue fhall hold the dcareil Pau. Crat. | 475 | 0.465 | 0.198 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 2ti THE TRAGEDY. Crat. Antigona,Wbat,are you yet refolu'd ? Ant. Rcfolu'd ,mv Lord, t'endure all mifery > Crat. And fo be iiire you fhall, if thatb'yout choice, jeAnt. What will you haue roc do any Lord.I am Content to fay what you will hauc me fay. Crat. Then comcgo with roe to Alexander. CHORVS. HO w doft thou wear e, and weary out thy dayes, Reflleffe ambition neuer at an end I Whofe trauels no Herculean ptHarftayes, But ftiS beyond tbyreft thy labours tend, J Aboue good fortune thou thy hopes doft raife, Still cltmtng/tnd yet neuer canft afcend : For when thou haft attaind vnto tbe top Of thy dtfiresjtb'H haft net yet got vf. That height of fortune either ts control J ' By fome more pow'rfutt ouerleokjng eye, (That doth the fulneffe of thy grace withhold) Or count er-checkt with fome concurrency, TJiat it doth coftfarre more ado to hold The height attain' d,than wot to get fo hie, Where ftand thou canfl not, but with carefudl telle, Nor loofi thy hold without thy vtter fpoite. There doff thou ftntggle with thine owne diftruft, And others iealeufies, their counterplot, Agatnft fome vnder-working pride, that muft Supplanted be,or els thou ftandeft not, There wrong is playd witbwrong, and he that thrufti others, comes himfelfe to haue that lot. The fame concur ffion doth afflict" his breft That others P>ooke, eppreffion is oppreft. That ethetr bapptneffe dwells not fo bie, Or els aboue, whereto pride cannot rife : And that the b*gbft of mans f elicit j, But | 476 | 0.467 | 0.212 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OFPHILOTAS. 213 But in the region of affiittion lies : tAnd that we climbe butvp to mifery. High fortunes are but high calamities. It is not in that Sphere, where peace doth motte; "B^ft dweWs below it, bappineffe aboue. For in this height of fortune are imbred Thofe thundring fragors that affright the earth : From thence haue all diftemp'ratures their bead, That brings forth defolatton, famine, dearth : There certaine order is difbrdered: And there it is confufion hath her birth. It is that height of fortune doth vndoo Both her owne quietneffe and others too. Actvs Tertivs. Alexander, Metron, (febattinus, Cratertu, 'Per die cos t Epheftton. Alexander. COme,Metron fay,of whom haft thou recciued Th'intelligeaceof this confpiracy, Contriu'd againft our perfbn,as thou fayft, By Dymnus and fome other of the Campc ? Is't not fome vaine report borne without caufe. That enuy or imagination drawes From priuate end s,to breed a publike feare, T'amuze the world with things that neucr were? Met. Here,may it pleafe your Highnefleis the man, One CebaHmus, that brought me the newes. Ceb. 0,-r4/tfje<i»<»Vr.'Ihauefau'dthylife; I am the man that haue reueal'd their plot. Alex. A nd how cam'ft thou to be inform'd thereof ? Ceb. By mine owne brother,one Nichomacus, Whom Dymnui,chiefe of the confpiratours, Acquainted with the whole of their intents. Alex. How lone fince is it,this was told to thee ? Cc - c*- | 477 | 0.574 | 0.207 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | »i4 THE TRAGEDY (fob. About fome three dayes,my foucreignc Lord. iAlc x. What.thrce dayes fince ! and haft thou folong The thing conceal'd from vs.bdng of that weight ? (kept Gviard.Take and lay him prefently in hold. Ceb. 0,may it plcafcyour Grace,I did notkeep- The thing conceal'd one houre.but prefently Ran to acquaint 'Pbilotas therewithal!, Suppofing him a ncerc in place, Would beft refpect a cafe that toucht fo neere ; And on him hauc I waited thefc two dayes, Expecting t'hauc beene brought vnto yout Grace; And feeing him weigh it light.pretending that Your Graces leafure feru'd not fit to heare, I to the Mafter of your armoury Addrcft my fclfc Metron here Who.without making any more delay, Prcft in vnto your Grace being in your bath, Locking me vp the white in th'armoury : And all what I could drew reuealed hath. Alex. If this be fo then,fdlow,I confdTe, Thy loyall care of vs was more than theirs, Who had more reafon theirs fhould haue bin more. Caufe Dymnut to be prefendy brought forth.. And call Pbilotat ftreight,w ho,now I fee, Hath not deceiu'd me,in deceiuing me. Who would haue thought one, whom I hdd fo necie, Would from my fafety haue hcenc lb farre off, When mpft it fhould and ought import his care, And wherein his allcgeance might make proofe Of thofc effects my fau ours haddeferu'd. And ought t'haue daim'd more duty at his hands Than any of the reft? But thus w'arcferu'd, When priuatc grace out of proportion flauds, And that we call vp men from of below, From th'clcment of bafer property. And fet them where they may behold and know The, | 478 | 0.538 | 0.19 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTAS. iij The way of might,and worke of maiefty; Where fce'ng thofe rayes.which being fent far off, Reflect a heate of wonder and refpect, To fade neerc hand.and not to (hew that proofe, (The obiect only working that effect) Thinkeffering themfe!ues,though by our fauour.fct Within the (dfe fame orbe of rule with vs) Their light would fhine aloncif ours were fet; And fo prefiime t'obfeure or fhadow vs. But he (hall know, although his neereneffc hath Not felt our hcat.that we can burnc him too; And grace that fhines,can kindle vnto wrath ; And and the King are two. But here they bring vs Dymntu,m whofe face I fee is guilt,defpaire,borror,and death. C*<*r .Yca,death indced,for ere he could b'attach'd He fiabb'd himfelfe fo deadly to the heart, As tis impoflible that he (honld liue. Alex. Say Dymnut, what haue I deferud of thee, That thou (houldft thinke worthier to be thy King, Pbilotat, than our felfe? holc,ho!d,he finks ; Guard keepe him vp,gct himto anfwer vs. Guar. He hath (poke his laft,hi* wil neuer anfwer more. tAlex. Sorry I am for that/or now hath death Shut vs deane out from knowing him within, And lock t vp in his bred all the others hearts. But yet this deed argues the truth in grode, Though we be barr'd it in particular. Philetat,ate you come? Looke herc.this man, This (febaBinm fhould haac (iiffred death, Could it but haue beene prou'd he had conceal'd Th'intendcd trcafon from vs fhefe two dayes ; Wherewith (he (ayes) he ftreight acquainted thee. Thinke.the more neerc thou art about our felfe, The greater is the fhame of thine offence : And which had beciie IeiTe foule in him than thee. Cc : Phi. | 479 | 0.524 | 0.188 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 216* THE TRAGEDY Thil. Renowmed Prince, for that my heart is clcere, Amazement cannot ouercaft my face, And I muft boldly with th'aflured cheere Of my vnguilty confidence tell your Grace, That this offence (thus hapning) was not made By any the lead thought of ill in me ; And that the keeping of it vnbewrai'd, Was,that I held the rumour vaine to be, Confidering fome, who were accus'd,wereknowtK Your ancient and mod loyall ftruitours, And fuch,as rather would let out their owne Heart blood,I know,than once indanger yours. And for me thcn.vpon no cer taine note, But on the brabble of two wanton youthcs, Thane tolde an idle tale, that would haue wrought In you diftrud.and wrong toothers truths, And to no end,but only ro haue made My felfe a fcorne,and odious vnto all. (For which I rather tooke the bait was layd, Than els for any treachery at all.) I mud confede, I thought the fafed way To fmoothcr it a whilc^to th'erui I might, If fuch a thing could be,fbme proofes bewray, That might yeeld probability oi right ; mineownc vnlpotted thought A like beloefe of others truth did breed, Iudging no impiouiwrctch couid hau,e bin wrought T'imagine fuch a deteflable dee4. And thcrefore,0 dread Souet eigue,do not way Pbtlotjj faith by this his oucriighc, But by his actions pall,ai>d only lay I Error t'his charge,r.ot nuiiccitoracfpight. Alex. Wcll,Ioe,thou haft a fauourable Iudgc, When,though thou had not pow'r toclcere thy blame, Yet hath he pow'r to pardon thee the lain: ; Which takenot asrhy right,batas his- grace, Since | 480 | 0.439 | 0.194 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTA5, 217 Since here the pcrfon alters not the cafe. And hexe,Philotas, I forgiuc the offence, And to confirme the fameJoc here's my hand. Phi. O facrcd hand.tbc witnede of my life ! By thee I hold my fafety as fecure As is my confciencc free from treachery, Alex. W.clljgo t'your charge,and looke to our affaires, For we to morrow purpofe to rcmoue. Exit. Alex: In troth I know not what to iudge herein, Me thinkes that man feemes furely clcere in this,. How euer other wife his hopes hauc beene Tranfported by his vnaduifednefle: It cannot be, a guilty confeience fhould Put on fo fure a brow; or els by art His lookes dand newtrall,feeming not to hold Refpondency of int'reft with his heart. Sure/or my part,he hathdiffolud the knot Of my fufpition.with foclecre a hand, As that I thinke in this (what euer plot Of mifehiefe it may be) he hath no hand. Crat. My Lord.the greater confidence he fhewes, Who is fufpcctcdjfhould be fear'd the more : For danger from weake natures neuer growes; Who muft difturbe the world,are built therefore* He more is to be fear'd /bat nothing feares, Andmaltce moft effects, that leaft appear es. Prefumption of mens pow'rs as well may breed Affuredncffe, as innocency may ; And mifchiefe feldome but by truft doth (peed. Who Kings betray ,firft their beleefe betray. I would.your Grace had firft conferr'd with vs, Since you would needs fuch clemency haue (how's, That we might yet haue aduis'd you thus, That he his danger neuer might hauc know'n. In faults wherein an after-fhame wiUlme, Tis better a conceale,than to forgiue • Cc 5 For | 481 | 0.557 | 0.197 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | n8 THE TRAGEDY For who are brought vnto thcblocke of death, Thinkc rather on the perill they haue paft, Than on the grace which hath prcferu'd their breath; And more their fuffrings than their mercy tad : He now to plot your danger ftill may liue, But you his guilt not al waves to forgiue. Know,that a man fo fwoH'n with difcontent, No grace can curc,nor pardon can reftorc; He knowes how thofe who once hath mercy fpent, Can neuer hope to haue it any more. But fay.that through remorfc he calmer proue, Will great Parmenio fo attended on With that braue army, foftred in his loue, Be thank full for this grace you do bis forme ? Some benefits are odious,fo is this, Where men are dill afhamed to confeffe To haue fo done,as to deferue to die; And euer do defire,that men fhould geffe They rather had receiu'd an iniury Than life; fince life they know in fuch a cafe May be reftor'd to all, but not to grace. Perd. And for my ptrt,my liege, I hold this rninde, That fure, he would not haue fo much fuppreft The notice of a treafon in that kiude, Vnleffe he were a parry wrrh the reft. Can it be thought that great Parmenios forme, The gencrall comrmnder of the horfe, The minion of the campe.the only one Of fecret counfelLand of free recourfe, Should not in threcdayes fpaec haucfotjnd the King At lcafurc t'heare three words of that import; Whil'ft he hi.Tifelrcmidfe hurdling Did thoufands fpend t'adaance his ownc report ? Crat. And if he gaue no credit to the youth, Why did hctwodayes fpace delay him then? As if he had bclceu'd it for a truth, To | 482 | 0.496 | 0.195 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTAS. 219 To hinder bis addreffe to ether men. If he had held it but a vainc conceit, I pray why had he not difmift him ftreight ? Men in their priuate dangers may be (lout, But in th'occafions and the fearcs of Kings We ought not to be credulous ,but doubt The intimation of the vaineft things. Alex. Well, howfoeucr.we will yet this night Difport and banquet in vnufuall wife, That it may feeme , wfc weigh this practife light, How cuer heauy,here,witbink lies. Kings may not know diftruft,and though they feare* They mud not take acquaintance of their f care. Scena II. tAntigona, Thais. OY'are afecretcounfell-keeper, Thais : la troth I little thought you fuch a one. Tha. And why, Anttgena, what haue I done? tAnt. You know ful-well,yeur conftience ytto beWrafcj. Tha, Alas good (oule.would you haue me conceale Tbat.w hich your felfe could not but needs reuealc? Thioke you .another can be more to you, ' In what concerees them not, than you can be Whom it imports? Will others hold them true, When you proue falfe to your one fecrecy ? But yet this is no wonder : for we fee Wifer than we do lay their heads to gage For riotous cxpenccs of their tongues, Although it be a property belongs Efpecially to vs,and cuery age Can fhew ftrange prcftdems what we haue been In cafes of the greateft plots of men ; And t'is the Scene oft this worlds Ri^t we play, Whofe reuolution vW wkh nsmccMuert, Bb 4 And | 483 | 0.409 | 0.182 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 22o THE TRAGEDY A nd are to act our part as well as they, Though commody the weakeft,yet a-part. For this great motion of a State we fee Doth turne on many wheeles,and lbme(chogh final) Do yet the greater moue, who in degree Stirre thofe who likewiftturnc the great'ft of alk For rhough we are not wife,we fee the wife By vs are made.or make vs parties dill In actions of the greatcft qualities That they can manage , be they good or iH. Ant. I cannot tell .- but you haue made me doo That which muft euermore afflict my heart. And if this be my wofull parr, t'vndoo My dearell Louc, would I had had no part, How haue I filly woman lifted been, Examin'd,trid,flatt'red,terrifi'd, By Craterusythe cunningeft of men, That neuer left me till I had defend What euer of 'Philatas I had known ! Tha. What,is that all? Perhaps I haue thereby Done the more good than tbou canft apprehend. - .vV^, Ant. Such good I rather you fhould get than I, If that canbe a good t'accuft my friend. Th*. Alas.thy accufation did but quote The margin of lbme text of greater note. Ant. But that is more then thou or I can tell. Tha. Ycs,yes, Antigona,\ know it we 11. For be thou fure,that alwayes thoft who feekej Tattacke the prouide,that dill Their toylcs be (iich,as that he lhallnot ftape To turnc his rage on thole that wrought his ill.. Philotas neither was fo flrong nor hie, But malice ouedookt him,and difende Where he lay weake,\vherc was his vanity,. And bui't her countermounts vpon that fide,. In fuch fortes they would be furc to race His | 484 | 0.413 | 0.168 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OFPHILOTAS. His fortunes with theengins of diforace. And now mayd thou}pcrhaps,comegreat hereby1 And gracious with hisgreated enemy : Y' \3Sfe r h"™,?*!** no full fucces, Vnlefle they l.kewifegamc the midrelTes Of thofe they mader, and fuccced the place Andfortuncsof their (ones with equall grace Ant Loucs I Out alas | Loue fuch a one a's he rA t tn,v"dooLmy Loue,a.,d in him me ? «ru Tu^,outmsfortunes3'oue his date hisolace Whaceuergreatneffe doth,it mud haue grace 'P' Tha Wet n°^tne&rl ™* Plclfc <*■ Tha. Th eye nothing fairer fees than dignity. But what is dignity without our W > /\ LIT h,aucthat>we ™™ want our loue. Ant. Why,thatgiuesbuttheout-(ideof delight: Thedaytimeioy,whatcomforthaththcnight> g Tha. If pow'r procure not that.what can it do ? fint. I know not how that can b'attain'd vnco. Tba. Norwilll teach thee, if thou know'ft it not: Tisrainc.IfectoIearneanAfianwit. Ex}u Ant. If this be thatgreatwit,that learned skill, ' ' You Greeks profdfe, let mebe foolifh ftill, So I be faithful!. And now,being here alone, Let me record the heauy notes of mone. • sirrg lo: Schna in, wlfiw Crater us, Epheftion, ait us, efrc. Craierits. MY Lords, you fee the flexible conceit Of ourindangcredfoutreigneiand you know How much his perHl, and Pbdotas pride, Imports the State and V&i and therefore now We | 485 | 0.406 | 0.158 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 2si THE TRAGEDY We rither muft oppofe againft deceit, Or be vndone : for now hath time difctide An open paffage to hisfartheft ends ; From whcncc,if negligence now put vs backe, Returne we neuer can without our wracke. And.good my Lords, fince you conceiue as much, And that we ftand alike.make not me profecute The caufe alone, as if itdidbuttouch Only my felft; and that I did both breed And vrge theft doubts out of a ptiuate griefe. Indeed,! know, I might with much moreeafe Sit ftill like others; and if dangers come, Might thinke to fhift for well as they : But yet the faith,the duty,*fid refpeft We owe both to our fouereigne and the State, My Lords, 1 hold .requires another care. Eph. My Lord.affure you we wiH take a time To vrge a ftrictef count of Dymnru death. Crat. My Lords,I fay.vnlefTe this be the time, You will apply your phyficke after death. You fee the King inuited hath this night PrWof<«withtheteft,and entertaines Him with as kinde an vlage (to our fight) As cuer : and you fee the cunning ftrarnes Of fweet infinuation, that are vs'd T' affuce the care of grace with falfe reports : So that all this willcometobecxcus'd With one remouc; one action quite tranfports The Kings affections ouer to his hopes, And fets him fo beyond the due regard Of his ownc (afety,as one cnterprize. Kiay feme their turne,and may vs all furprize. (flit. B ut no w,fince rhings thus of thrmfehies break* out, We haue aduantage to preucnt the Worft, And eu'ry day will yceld vs morc,no doubt ; For they arc fau'd,that thus are warned frrft. Crat, | 486 | 0.343 | 0.148 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OFPHILOTAS. **3 Crat. So,my Lord Chtus,are they likewife warn'd T'accdetate their plot,being thus bewrai'd. CU. But that they cannot now,it is too late : For treafon taken ere the birth, doth come Abortiue,andher wombe is made her tombe. . Crat. You do not know how farre it hath put forch The force of malicc,nor how farre is fpred Already the contagion of this ill. (flit. Why then there may fome one be tortured Of thofe whom CebaUtnu* hath rcueal'd, Whereby the reft may be difcoucrcd. Crat. That one muft be Thilot at, from whofe head All this corruption do wes; take him, take all. Clit. Thilotat is not nam'd, and therefore may Perhaps not be acquainted with this plot. Crat. Tbat,his concealing of the plot bewraies: And if we do not caft to find him firft, His wit (be fure) hath layd fo good a ground, As he will be the laft that will be found. Clit. But if he be not tound,then is this cafe We do him more,by injuring his grace, (rat. If that he be not found t'haue dealt in this, Yet this will force ou t fome fuch thoughts of his, As will vndoo him : for you feldome fee Such men arraign'd.that cuer quitted be. Eph. Wdl, my Lord Craterwpie will mpue his Grace (Though it be late) before he take his reft, That fome courfe may be taken in this cafe . And God orda'ine,it may be for the beft. Exeunt. CHORVS. | 487 | 0.519 | 0.181 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE TRAGEDY 224 CHORVS. SE how thefe great men cloath their priuate hate In thofe fatre colours of the publike good; And to effetl their ends Ypret end the State, As if the State by their affeclions ftood: And arm' dwith pow'r and Princes iealoufiest Will put tbe leaft conceit of dtf content Into the greate/t rankf of treacheries. That no one aciion fhaU feeme innocent : Tea, vtlourjjonour, bounty, fhaR be made As acccffartes vnto ends vniuft : And euen the feruice of the State muft lade The needfuWft vr.dertakingswith dtftruft. So that bafe vtleneffe,tdle luxury Seeme fafer farre, than to do worthily. Sufpition full of eyes,and full of cares, T>oth tborew the ttnfture of her owne conceit See all things in the colours of her feares, And truth it felfe muft looke like to deceit, That what way t'euer the fufpeBed take, Still enuy wi'J moft cunningly forelay Th: ambufh of their ruine,or will make Their humors of them ft lues to take that IM7. But this is fttHthe fate of thofe that are By nature or their fortunes eminent, Who either carried in conceit too farre, T) ■) way b\e their owne or others dtfconteut, Or els are deemed fit to befuppreft, Not f. r they are put that they may be iB, Smce States haue euer had far more vnreft By fptrits of wortb,tben men of meaner skill', And fivd,tbat thofe do alwayes better prone, Whore c quail to imployment,»ot aboue. For felfe-optnion wouldbe feene more wife, Than | 488 | 0.578 | 0.22 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTAS. 225 Tht Than prefent counfels,cuftomes, orders, lawes . And to the end to haue them otherwtfe, The Common-wealth into combuftton drawcs, As ifordaind t'tmbrotle the world with wit, As weUas grofneffe,to difhonour it. ACTVS IIII. SCENA I. Attar as, Softratus. Soflratta. CAn there be fuch a fudden change in Court As you report? Is it to be beleeu'd, That great Philotas, whom we ail beheld In grace laft night,fhouJd be arraign'd to day? Att. It can be : and it is as I report : For dates of grace arc no fure holds in Court. Soft. But yet tis ftrangethcy fhould be ouerthrow'n Before their certeine forfeitures were known. Att. Tufh,it was breeding long though fuddenly Thisthunder-cracke comes but to breake out now. Soft. The time Iwaited,and I waited long, Vntill Philotas, with fome other Lords, Depart the Prefence,and as I concriu'd, I ncuer faw the King in better mood, Noryet Philotas euer in more grace. Can fuch ftomies gtow,and yet no<louds appeare ? grow,when skies there feeme It was about the deeped of the (aighr, (moll ckare Theblackefthoureof darkneffeand of fleepe, When,wirh fo:ne other Lords,comes Cratems, Fades downe before the Ktng,intreates,impbres, Coniures his GtjM^i^fiiaethe would looke i To faue his perlon and the State from fpoile, Now to preucnt Philotas practifes, Whom they had plainly found to be the man Had plotted the deftruclion of them all. | 489 | 0.489 | 0.191 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | THE TRAGEDY 226 The King woufd fainc hauc put them oft" to time And farther day .till better proofes were knowne : Which they perceiuing,prdl him ftill the more, A nd reinfore'd his dangers and their owne ; And neuc.- left him till they had obtain'd Commiffion t'apprehend Philotas (freight. No w,to make fearc looke with more hideous face, Or els.but to beget it out of forme, And carefull preparations of diftruft, About the Palace men in armour watch, In armour men about the King attend, All paflages and iflues wereforelayd With horfe.t'interrupt what euer newes Should hence breake out into Parmenios campe. I, with three hundred men in armour charg'd, Had warrant to attach and to commit The perfbn of Philota* prefendy : And comming to his lodging where he lay, Found him imburied in the (oundeft (Icepe That euer man could be; where neither noyfc Of clattering weapons.or our rufhing in With rude and trampling rumour, could dtfTolue The heauy humours of that drowfie brow, Which held perhaps his fences now more (aft* As loth to Ieauc.becaufc it was the laft. Soft. Attar as, what can treafon fleepe fo found? Will that lowd hand of Horror that ftill beats Vpon the guilty conference of diftruft Permit it t'hauc fo refolute a reft -f Att. I cannot tell : but thus we found him there, Nor could we (I affure you) waken him, Till thrice I call'd himby his name,and thrice Had diookc him hard; and then at length he wakes : A nd looking on mc with a fctled chcere, Dearc friend Attarat, what's the newes? (fayd he) What vp fo fbonc.t© hadcn>the remoue, 9* | 490 | 0.55 | 0.182 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTAS* Orrais'd by fome alarmeor fomcdidrud? I tola him that the King had fomc diflrull, VVhy,what will Nabar^anes play (fay th he) The vi laine with the he hath done Already with his miferable Lord ? I feeing he would not or did not vnderftand His owne diftrefle.told him the charge I had : Wherewith herofe,and rifing vs'd thefc Words; O Alexander ! now I fee my foes Haue got abpue thy goodnefTe,and preuail'd Againd my irmocency and thy word. And as wc then inchain'd and fcttred him,- Looking on that bafe furniture of fhame, Poore body (fayd he) hath fo many alarme Rais'd thee to blood and danger from thy reft,- Tinueftthce with this armour now at laft ? - Is this the firuice I am call'd to now ? But we,that were not to attend his plaints, Couering his head with a difgraccfull weed, Tooke and conuai'd him fuddenly toward ; From whence he (halbe inftantly brought forth, Here to b'arraign'd before the King, whafits (According to the Macedonian vfe) In cafes capitalljhimfclfe as Iudge. Soft. Well,thenIfee,whoarefohighabOue, Arc necrc to lightning,that are neere to. lone. **7 i SCENA SECVNDA. Alexander, with aHhis Councell, the dead body ofDymntu, tbe Reuealers of tbeconfpiracy, Pbilotas. THe hainous treafonof fome few had like T'hauc rent me from you, worthy foaldicrs, But by the mercy of th'immortall Gods I kue,aqd ioy your f>ht,your reucrend fight, Which | 491 | 0.524 | 0.19 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | a28 THE TRAGEDY Which makes me more t'abhor thofe paricides, Not for mine owne rc(pect,but for the wrong You had rcceiued,if their defignc had flood, - . Since 1 defirc but life to do you good. Butho w will you be mou'd,when you fhallknow Who were the men that did attempt this fhame ! When I fhall (how that which I grieue to fhow, And name luch,as would God Icould not name ! But that the foulneffe of their practife now Blots out all memory of what they were : And though I would fupprefTe thcm,yet I know This fhame of theirs will neuer but appeare. Parmenio is the man,a man (you fee) . Bound by fo many-merits both to me And to my fath'er,and our ancient friend, A man of yecres,experience,grauity, Whofe wicked minider Phtlotas is, Who here Dtmetrius, Lueulata,znd This Dymnus,Vr/hoCc dead body heere you fee, With others,hath fuborn'd to daughter me. And here comes Metron with Nichomacus, To whom rhis murdred wretch at firft reueal'd The proiect of this whole confpiracy, T'auere as much as was difclos'd to him. N'C 'jomac its, Looke heere,aduife thee well, What,dod thou know this man that here lies dead ? Ntc. My Souereigne Lordjknow him very welk It is one Dymnw, who did three dayes fince Bewray to me a treafon practiftd By him and others,to haue flaine your Grace. Alex. Where or by whom,or when did hcreport, This wicked act (liould"beaccomplidied ? Nic. He fayd,wichin three daies your Maiefty Should be within your chamber murdered By fpeciall men of the Nobility ; Of whom he many nam'd,and they were thefe: L&SKS, | 492 | 0.409 | 0.157 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTAS.1 »:* Locetu J) emetriue, tnd Archelopit, Nicanor,and Amentas,Luculeus, Droceas, with nAphcbatut, and himfelfe. Mat. Thus much his brother Cebalknus did Reueale to me from out this youths report. (eb. Andfomuch.withthe circumdanceof all. Did I vnto Phttotas intimate. Alex. Then,what bath been his mind, who did fuppreflc Theinformation of fo foule a trainc, Your felues,my worthy fouldiers,well may gefle, With Ttymnut death declares not to be vaine. Peore Ceballmm not a moment flayes To rcdifcharge himfelfe of fuch a weight ; Philotas carelclTe,fearelefle,nothtng wrighes, i Nor ought rcueales. His filence fhewes deceit, And tds he was content it fhould be done : Which, though he were no party ,makes him one. For he that knew vpon what pow'r he. ftood, And few his fathers greatnefie and his owne, Saw nothing in the way, which now withdood His vad defires,but only this my crowne, Which in refpect that lam iffuleffe, He thinkes the rather cade to b'attain'd. But yet Philotas is decdu'd in this, U I haue who fhall inherit all I gain d. In you I hauc both children,kindred,friends; You are the hcires of all my purchafes, And whil'ft you hue I am noft iffuleffe. And that thefe are not fhadowes of my fcares, (For I fcare nought but want of enemies) . See what this intercepted lettet beares, And how Parmenio <4oth his fonnes aduife. This fhewes their ends, Hold, reade it Crater us. Crat. reads it. My fomes,firfthaueafpecialicare vnto your - Then vnto thofe which do depend on you: . (felnes, So fhall yon do what you intend to do. 1 J D d 4fcx>. | 493 | 0.51 | 0.187 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | \ **_o THE TRAGEDY cAlex. See but how clofe he writes,that if thefe lin Should come vnto his they are rent, They might incourage them in their defignes ; If enterpriz'd}might mocke the ignorant. But now you lee what was the thing was meant, You fee the fathers care,the formes intent. And what if he,as a confpirator, Was not by T)jmnus nam'd among the reft ? That fhewes not his innocency,but his pow'r, Whom they account too great to be fuppred, And rather will accufe themfchres than him : For that whiPd he fhall liue, there's hope for them. And how h'hath borne himfelfc in priuate fort, I will not ftand to vrgeat's too well knowne ; Nor what hath beene his arrogant report, T'imbaft my actions,and to brag his ownc; Nor how he mockt my fetter which I wrote : To fhew him of the dile bedow'd on me, Byth'Oracleof loue. Thefe things I thought But weakneffes.and words of vanity, (Yet words that read the vlcers of his heart) Which I fuppred,and neuer cead to yceld The chiefe rewards of worth,and ftill compart The bed degrees and honors of the field, In hope to win his louc,yet now at length, There haue I danger where I look t for flrength, I would to God my blood had rathct beene Powr'd out,the offring of an enemy, Than practiz'd to be (lied by one of mine, That one of mine fhould haue this infamy. Hauc I beene fo refcru'd from fcares, to fall There where I ought not to hauc fear'd at all ! Haue you fo oft aduis'd me toregard The fafety which you faw me running from, When with fomc hotc purfute I preffed hard My foes abroad: to penfh thus at home 1 But | 494 | 0.461 | 0.178 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTAS. 231 But now.that fafety only reds in you, Which you fo oft haue wifht me looke vnto : And now vnto your bofbmes mud I flye, Without whofc will I will not wifh to liue : And with your wils I caunot,leffc I giue Due punifhmcnt vnto this treachery. Amin. Attaraufctmg the hatefull prifoner forth, This trayter.which hath fought t'vndoo vs all, To giue vs vp to flaugher,and to make Our blood a fcorne,here in this barbarous land, That none of vs fhould haue returned backc, Vnro our natiue country ,to our wiues, Our aged parcnts,kindred, and our friends : To make the body of this glorious hoft A mod deformed trunke without a head, Without the life or foulc to guide the fame, Cai*. O thou baft tray tor.impious paridde, Who mak'ft me loath the blood that matcht with thine j And if I might but haue my will,I vow, Thou fhould ft not d ie by other hand than mine. Alex. Fie,Ce»/0,what a barbarous courfe is this: He firft mud to his accufation plead, And haue his trialldbrmall to our lawes, And let him make the bed of hisbadcaufe. Phiktaifrete the Macedonians are, To iudge your fact,what language wilt thou vfe ? Phi. The Pcrfian language.if it pleafe your Graces For thatjbefide the Macedonians, here Are many that will better vnder ftand* If I fhall vfe the fpeech your grace hath vs'd ; Which was J hold,vnto no other end, But that the moft men here might vnderftand. Alex. See how his natiue language he difdaines ! But let him fpeake at large,as he defires ; So long as you remember he doth hate, Befides the fpecch,our glory and the State. Exit, Dd » *rhh | 495 | 0.47 | 0.184 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | a32 THE TRAGEDY Phi, Blackc arc the colours laydvponthe crime, Wherewith my faith ftands charg'd,my worthy Lords, That as behind in fortune fo in time, I come too late to cleere the fame with words : My condemnation is gone out before My innocency and my iud defence, And takes vp all your hearts.and leaucs nodoore For mine excufc to hauc anenterauce ; That deditute of all compaffion,now, Betwixt an vpright confciencc of defart And an vniull dngraccj know not how To fatisfie the time,and mine owne heart. Authority lookes with fo dcrne an eye Vpon this wofull bar,and mud haue ftill Such an aduantage oucr mifery, As that it will make good all that it will. He who fhould onely iudge my gone; And why he would not day ,1 do not fee, Since when my caufe were heard.his pow'r alone As well might then condemnc as fetmefree. Nor can I by his abfencenow beclcar'd, Whofe prefence hath condemn'd mc thus vnheard. And though the grieuance of a prifbners toong May both fuperftuous and difgracefullfecme, Which doth not fue,but fhewes the Iudge his wrong : Yet pardon me,I mud not difedeeme My rightfull caufe for bring defpb'd,normud Forfake my felfe,though I 'am left of all. Feaie cannot make my innocency vniuft Vnto it fclfe,to giuc my truth the fall. And [ had rather (feeing how my fortune drawes) My words fhould be deformed than my caufc. I know that nothing is more delicate Than is the fehfe and feeling of a State : The clap,thc bruit ,the fez re but of a hurt In Kings behalf Sjthrufts with that Violence Th | 496 | 0.53 | 0.197 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTAS. 233 The fubiectswil!,toprofecute report, As they condemne ere they difceme th'ofrenee. £ph. Phi/otas,you decduc your felfe in this, That thinke to win companion and bcliefe B'impugning iufticc,and to make menrgeffe Wc do you wrong out of our heat of gricfq Or that our place or paffion did lay more On your miffortune,thenyourowne defert ; Or haue not well difcern'd your fact before ; Or would wihout due proofs your date fubuert, Thefe are the vfuall theames oftraytors tongues, Whopraaife mifchiefs, and complaincof wrongs, Your treafons are too manifdlly knowne, To maske in other liuery then thdr owne. Crat. Thinke not,that we are let to charge you here With bare fulpitions, but with open fact, And with a treafon that appeares as cleare As is the fun,and know'n to be your act. Phi. What is this treafon?who accufes me? Crat. The procefle of the whole confoiracy. Phi. But where's the man that names me to be one ? Cr4t- Here.this dead tray tor fhewes you to be one. Phi. How can he, dead,accufc me of the fame, Whom Jiuing,he nor did/ior yet could name ? Crat. But we can other teftimony (how, From thofc who were your chiefeft complices. Phi. I am not to b'adiudg'd in law, you know, By teftimony.butby witneffes. Let them be here produe'd vnto my face, That can auouch m'a party in this cafe. My Lords,and fellow Sou!diers,if of thofe Whom Dymntts nominated,any one Out of his tortures will a worddifclofe To (hew I was a p arty, I haue done. Thinke not fo great a number euer will Endure their torments,aad themfelues accufe. Xonteflimmiji fiat teftibus. *>d 5 And | 497 | 0.556 | 0.187 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 2j4 THE TRAGEDY. And leauc me out; fince men in fuch a cafe.dill Will rather dander others thanexcufe, Calamity malignant is,and he That differs iuftly for his guiltindfe, Eafes his owne affliclionbut to fee Others tormented in the fame dillrefle. And yet I fcare not whatfocucr they By rackes and torturres can be forft to fey. Had I beene one.wju Id Dymnut haue conceal'* My name,being held to the principall ? Would he not for his glory hauc reueal'd The beft to him,to whom he muft tell all ? Nay, if he faldy then had nam d me one, To grace himfelfc,mull I of force beone ? Alas,if Cebaktnut had not come to me, And giucn me note of this confpiracy, I had not dood here now,but betne as free From quedion,as I am treadiery : Tnat is the only clou! that thundereth On my difgracc. Which had I deemed true, Or could but haue diuin'd of Dymnut death, Thilotas had, my Lords.fat there with you. My faut was,tohiue bcene coo credulous : Wherein I fhewd my weakneflcj confeffe. Crat. Pbilt>tattwhai,a Monarch, and confeffa Your imperfections,and your weaknelfc ? 'Phi. O Crater ut,do no: infulc vpon calamity* It is a barberous grof icffc,to lay cm The weight of lcorne,where heauy inifery Too much already weighs m:ns fortunes downc : For if the caufe be ill I vndergo, The liw,and net reproch.mud make it fo. Can. There's no renroch can euer be too much To lay on traytors.whofe deferts are luch. Phi. Men vie the moll rcproches,where they fcare The caufe will better proue than they defire. Can. | 498 | 0.522 | 0.197 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTAS. 235 Can. But fir,a traytors caufe that is fo cleare A* this of yours,will neucr neede that feare. Phi. I am no tray tor,but fufpected one For not belceuing a confpiraey t And meerc fufpe6t,by law.condemneth none; They areare approued factsfor which men die. Crat. The Iaw,in treafoas,doth the wiU correct With like feuerenede as it doth tfVeffect ; Th'affection is the effence of th'offence ; The execution only but the acridencc ; "To haue but will'd it,is to haue done the fame. 'Phi. I did not erre in w ill,but in bcliefe : And if that be array tOr,then am I the chide. Crat. Yea,but your will made your beliefe confent To hide the practife till th'accomplifhment. Phi. Beliefe turnes not by motions of our will, And it was but the euent that made that ill. Some facts men may excufe.though not defend, Where will and fortune haue a diuers end. Th'example of my father made me feare To be too forward to relate things heard, Who writing to the King.wifht him forbeare The portion his Phyfitian had prepar'd : For that he heard T>ariut tempted had His faith, with many talents, to be vntrue : And yet his drugs in th'end not prouing bad, Did make my fathers care fceme more than due : For oft, by an vntimdy diligence, A bufie faith may giue a Prince offence. So that.what fhall we do? If we reueale We are defpis'd; fiifpected if conceale. And as for this,where euer now thou be, O Alexander, 'Axon haft pardon'd me : Thou haft already giuen me thy hand, The earned of thy reconciled heart ; And therefore now O let thy good ntfle ftand Dd 4 Vnto | 499 | 0.568 | 0.203 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | For a36* THE TRAGEDY Vnto thy word,and be thou as'thou wert. If thou bdeeu'dd me,then I am abfolu'd ; If pardon'd me,my fetters are diflblu'd. What haue I els deferu'd fincc yefier night ; When at thy table I fuch grace did find, What hainous crime hath fince bcene brought to light, To wrong my faith,and to diuert thy mind ? Thatfromarcdfull, quiet, mod profound Sleeping,in my misfortunes made fecure Both by thy hand and by a confcicnce found, 1 mud be wak't for giues, for robes impure ; For all difgracc that on me wrath could lay, And fee the word of fhame,ere I faw day, When I leaft thought that others cruelty Should haue wrought more than thiae owne clemency ? Crat. Tbtlotas, vihatfoeuer glofle you lay Vpon your rotten is in vaine ; Your pridc,your carriage,euer did bewray Yourdifcontent,yourmalice,and difdaine : You cannot palliat michiefe.but it will Th'row all the faired couerings of deceit Be alwayesfecac. We know thofe ftreames of ill Flow'd from that head that fed them with conceit. You foder malecontents,you entertaine All humors,you all factions mud embrace ; You vaunt your owne exp!oyts,and you difdaine The Kings proccedings.and his dilc difgrace p You promife mountaines, and you draw men on With hopes of greater good than hath been feene; You bragg'd of late.thatfomething would be done Whereby your Concubine fhould be a Queene. And now we fee the thing that fhould be done; But,God be praif d, wc fee you firfi vndone., Phi. Ah,do not make my nature if it had So pliable a demc of dilpofition, To turnctocuery kindneffejto be bad, | 500 | 0.556 | 0.205 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTAS. 237 For doing good to men of all condition. Make not your charity to interpret all Is done for be donefor (how. And that we,in our bounties prodigall, Vpon ourends,not on mens needs bedow. Let not my one dayes errour make you tell, That all my life-time I did neuer well ;• And that becaufe this falles out to be ill, That what I did,did tend vnto this ill . It is vniud to ioync t'a prefent fact More of time paft,than it hath euer had Before to do withal^as if it lackt Sufficient matter els to make it bad . I doconfefte indeed I wrote fomething Againft this title of the fonne of loue, And that not of the King.but to the Kin" I freely vs'd thefe words out of my loue : And thereby hath that dangerous liberty Of (peaking truth, with truft on former grace3 Betrai'd my meaning vnto enmity, And drawn an argument of my difgrace : So that Ifee,though I foeake what I ought, It was not in that manner as I ought. And God forbid.thateucr fouldiers word* Should be made liable vnto mifdeeds, When fainting in their march,tir'd in the fight, Sicke in their tcnt,ftopping their wounds that bleeds. Or haue and iolly after conqueft got, They fhall out of their heate vfe words vnkinde ; Their deeds haue them rather thought The paffion of the feafon,than their mind e : For fouldiers ioy,or wrath,is meafurelefl'e, Rapt with an inftant motion : and wcblame, We hate,wc praylc.we pity in excelfe, According as our prefent paffions framv Sometimes to paflc the Ocean we would faine, Some- | 501 | 0.571 | 0.186 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | M8 THE TRAGEDY. Sometimes toother worlds,and fometimes flacke An<l idle,with our conqucds,entertainc A fullcn humor of returning backe : All which conceits one trumpets found doth end, And each man running to his ranke, doth lofe What in our tents dvdikt vs,and we fpend All that conceiued wrath vpon our foes. And wordSjif they proceede of Ieuity, Are to be fcorn'd; of madneffe,pitied; If out of malice or of iniury, To be remifs'd or vnacknowkdged : For of themfclues.thcy vanifh by difdaine, But if purfude.they will be thought not vaiue. Crat. But words.according to the petfon way, If his defignes are are they : They are the tinder of feditiondill, Wherewith you kindle fires inflame mens will. Phi. Craterus,yow haue th'aduantage of the day, The law is youis, to fay what you will fay : And yet doth all your gloffe but beare the fence Only of my misf"ortune,not offence. Had I pretended mifchicfc to the King, Could not I haue effected it without T>ymnus? Did not my free accefle bring Continuall mcanes t'haue brought the fame about ? Was not I, fince I heard the thing difcride, Alonc,and ann'd,in priuatc with his Grace ? What hindred mc,that then I had not tride T'hauc done that mifchicfe, hauing time and place? Crat. Tbilotas,eucn the Prouidence aboue, Protcctrefle of the facrcd date of Kings, That ncuer differs treachery to haue Good counfell.ncuer in this cafe but brings Confufion to the aitors, did vndo Your hearts in what you went about to do. 'Phi. But yet ddpaire.we fee,doth thruft men on, Se'ing | 502 | 0.551 | 0.191 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTAS. 230 Sc'ing no way els,t'vndo ere be vndon. Crat. That fame defpaire doth likcwife let me fall In that amaze,they can do nought at all. : Phi. Well,wcll,my Lords,my ftruice hath made kno w'n The faith I owe my Soucrcigne,and the State, ThilotasCorvrididmfff: hath euer fhow'n Vnto all natibns,at how high a rate I priz'd my King.and at how low my blood, To do him honour and my country good. Epb. We blame not what y'hauc been.but what you are; We accuft not here your valour,but yeur fact, Not to haue beene a leader in die warre, But an ill fubiect in a wicked act ; . Although weknow,thruft rather with thelouc Of your owne glory.than with duty lead, You hauc done much ; yet all your courfes proue You tide ftill your atchieuements to the head Of your owne honour,when it hath beene m ct You had them layd downe at your Soucreignes feet. God eiues to Kings the honour to command, Tofubiedts all their glory to obay, Who ought in time of war as rampiers ftand, In peace as th'ornaments of S tate aray. The King hath recompens'd yonr f eruiccs With better loue than you (hew thankfulneffe. By grace he made yeu greater than you were By nature he; you receiu'd that which he was not tide To giue to you : his gift was far more deere Than all you making you imployd. But fay your feruice hath deferu-'d it all, This one offence hath made it odious all : And therefore here in vaine you vfe that meane, To plead for life, which you haue cancell'd deane. Tbi. My Lord,you far midake me,if you decme I plead for life,that poore weake blad of breath, From which fo I ran with light ctteeme, And | 503 | 0.453 | 0.157 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | i4o THE TRAGEDY And fo well haue acquainted me with death : No, no, my is not that I fearc, It is mine honour that I feekc to clcare ; And which.if my difgraced caufc would let The language of my heart be vnderftood, Is all which I haue euer fought to get, And which,0 lcauc me now,and take my blood Let not your enuy go beyond the boand Of what you feeke : my life ftands in your way, That is your ayme,takc it; and do not wound My reputatioa with that wrong,I pray. If I muft needs be made the facrifice Of enuy,and that no oblatioa will The wrath of Kings,but only blood, fuffice, Yet let me haue fome thing left that is not ill. Is there no way to get vnto our liues, But firft to haue our honour ouerthrowne ? Alas,though grace of Kings all greatneflc giues, It cannot giue vs vertue,that's our owne. Though all be theirs our hearts and hands can do, Yet that by which we do is only ours. The trophecs that our blood erects vato Their memory, to glorifie their pow'rs. Let them enioy : yet onely oo haue done Worthy of grace,let not that be vndone ; Let that high fwclling riuer of thdr fame Lcauc humble flrcames*that feed them yet thdr name. O my deare father,didftthou bring that fpirit, Thofe hands of vallour,that fo much haue done In this great workc of Afiajchis to merit, By doing worthily,to be vndone ? And haft thou made this purchafc of thy fword, To get fb great an Empire for thy Lord, And fo difgrae'd a graue for thee and thine, T'cxtinguidi by thy feruice all thy line ? One of thy lonnes by being too valourous, But | 504 | 0.554 | 0.187 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTAS. 241 But fiue dayes fince.yct O welI,lod his breath ; Thy deare Ntcanor th'halfe arch of thy houfe ; And here now the other at the barrc of death, Stands ouercharg'd with wrath in far worfc cafe, And is to be confounded with; Thy felfe mud giue th'acquitance of thy blood, For others debts,to whom thou had done good : Which,if they would a little time afford, Death would haue taken it without a fword. Such the rewards of great imployments are, Hate killcs in peace,whom Fortune fpares in watre. And this is that high grace of Kings we feeke, Whofc fauour and whofc wrath confumes alike. Epb. Lohere the mifery of Kings,whofe caufe How euer iud it be.ho w euer drong, Yet in refpect they may,their greatneffe dra wes The world to thinkc they euer do the wrong. But this foule fact of yours,you dand vpon 7hilotas,(hall, befide th'apparcncy Which all the world fees plaine,erc we haue done, By your owne mouth be made to iatisfic The mod diffe partialid that will not fee. rPhi. My mouth will neuerproue fofalfe(I trud) Vnto my diew it felfe vniud ; And what I here do fpeakej know,my Lords , Ifpeakc with mine owne mouth, but other where What may be fayd,I fay, may be thejvords Not ef my breath,but fame that oft doth erre, Let th'oracle of Ammon be inquir'd s. About this fact,who,if it dialf be true, Will neuer fitter thofe who haue confpir'd Agakiil I ones fonne,t'efcape without their due : But will reuealc the truth : or if this diall Notfeeme tonuenient, why then lay on all Tbe tortures that may force a tongue to tell Tiielecre ' ' !iojght that could imigine ill. Bet. | 505 | 0.53 | 0.196 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 34» THE TRAGEDY Bel. What need wc fend to know more than we know ? That were to giuc you time to acquant your friends With your eftate,till fome combuftion grow Within the campe to haften on your ends, And that the gold and all the treafury Committed to your fathers cuflody In Medea, now might armc his defp'rat troups To come vpon vs,and to cut our throats. What, fhall wc aske of /»«<?,that which he hath Reucal'd already? But let's fend to giue Thanks,that by him the King hath fcap't the wrath Of thce,difloyall traytor.and doth liue. Guar. Let's teare the wretch in pieces, let vs rend] With our owne hands thetraytors paricide. Alex. Peace 2>V/tf»,filcnce louing fouldiers. You Lords,out of your judgements graue. That all excufcs fickly colours haue, And he that hath thus falfe aad faithleffc bcene Mud find out other gods and other men Whom to forfweare,and whom he may decriue; No words of his can make vs more bcleeue His impudence : and therefore, feeing tis late, We,till motning,do difmiffe the Court. Act vs. V- Chorvs. Grzrian and Pcrfian. Perfian. T7\ ~JEU,then 1 fee there is fmall difference V V Betwixt your ftate and ours, jouctutU Greeks, Tou great contriuers of free gouerumentt, Whofe skiH the world from out all countries feeks, Thofe whom you call your Kings, are but the fame As are our Souer eigne tyrants of the Eaft', I fee they only differ but in name, The | 506 | 0.576 | 0.207 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 243 OF PHILOTAS. The effetls they fi>ew,agree, or neere at lea ft, Tour great men here, m our great Satrapaes, I fee laydproftrate are with bafeft fhame, Vpon the kaftfuffeEt oriealonfies Tour Kings concetue,or others enutes frame ; Only herein they differ, That your Prince Proceeds by forme of law t'effea his end ; Our 'Per fan Monarch makes bis frowne conuince Theftrongefi truth :bis fword the proceffe ends With prefent death, and makes no more ado : He neuer ftands to giue a gloffe vnto His violence, to make it to appear e In other hew than that it ought to beare, Wherein plaine dealing beft his courfe commends : For more h' offends who by the law offends. What need bath Alexander fo toftriue By all thefe fhewes of forme,to find this mar. Guilty of treafon,when he doth contrme Tohauehimfoadiudg'd? Do wbathecan, He muft not be acquit, though he be cleere, Tti offender pot th 'offence, is pmifht heere. Andwbat auailes the fore-condemn' d to fpeake ? How euer ftrong his caufejm ftate is weake. Grar. Ahjntt. it fatisfies tbe world,andw* Thinkj that well done which done by law we fee. Per. Andyetyour law femes but your priuate ends, And to the compaffe of your pow'r extends : But is it for the maiefty of Kings, To fit in iudgement thus themfelues , with you ? Grae. To do men iufticeds the thing that brings. The greateft maiefty on earth to Kings., Per. That, by their fubalternate minifters May be per form' das welfand with more grace: For fo command it to be done, infers More glory, than to do. It doth imbafe Th' opinion of a pow'r t'mvHlgar fo Thai | 507 | 0.578 | 0.232 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | a,4 THE TRAGEDY. That fscred pre fence -which jhould neuer go, Neuer be feene,but euen as gods, b slow, Like to our Perfian King inglorious ft'ow ; And who,as (larres affixed to their fpheare, May not de fiend to be from what they are. (men. Grar. where Kings are fi like gods , there fab teEl rare not Per. Tour king begins this conrfe^ndwhat willyoube then? Gcx. Indeed fince pre fpero its fortune gaue the rame To bead ftrongptw'r and lufl.I muft confeffi, We Graxians bane left deeply by our gaine, nA»d this our great neffe makes vs much the ieffe : For by th'acceffion of thefi m'ghty States, Which Alexander wonderoufy hath got, He hath forgot himfilfe and vs,and rates His (late aboue mankind, and ours at nought a This hath thy pompe (O feeble Alia) wrought, Thy bafi hath transferm'dthe King Into thatfnape of pride, as he is brought Out of hU wits, out of acknowledging From whence the glory of his greatneffe fprings, And that it was ourfwords that wrought thefi things. How well were we wit bin the narrow bounds Of our fuffictent yeeldtng Maccdon, Before our King! mlarg'd them with our wounds, Andmade thefe falhes of ambitionl Before they came to giue the regafllaw To thtfe free States which kept their crownes in aw \ Thty by thefe large dominions are made more, But we be come far weaker than before. What get we now by wmning,but wide minds Andweary bodies, with th'expence of blood? Whxt fhould ill dt^fince happy fortune findes But mfiry,andis not good though good? AUton begets fttllaflionjtnd retatnes Our hopes beyond our wifhes, drawing on A neuer ending circle of orr fames, That | 508 | 0.311 | 0.104 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | ©F PHILOTAS. 245 That makes vs not haue done, when we haue done. What can giue bounds to Alexanders ends, r Who counts the world but fmalljthat call's htm great', tAnd his defires beyond his pray dtftends, Like beaftsjthat mwder more than they can eat? Whet fliall we looks his trauets will be done, That tends beyond the Ocean and the Sunne ? What difeontentments will there ftill anfe In fuch a Campe of Kings, to inter-fhocke Each others greatneffe^tndwhat mutinies Wit put htm from his comforts ,andwitimocke His hopes,and neuer fuffer htm to haste .That which he hath of aS which Fortune gaue ? And from Philotas blood (O worthy man) Whofe body now rent on tbe torture ties, WtSfiow that vaine of ' frefh confpiracies, As ouetfiow him wiB/io what he can : For cruelty doth not imbetter men, But them more wary makes than they haue been. Per. Are not your great men free from tortures then, Mnft they be ltk$wifc racks ** other men ? Grar. Treafon offoords a priuiledge to none, Wht like offends bath punifhment all one. Snena II. 'PoltJLmas, Softratut. 'Polidamoi. FRiend Sofhatmfomejnaue you euer know'a Such a diffracted face of Court,as now ; Such a didruftfull eye,as menaregrow'n To feare themfdues and all; and do not know Where is the fide that fliakes-not; who lookes beft In this foule'oppreflor or th opprcft? What pollkigjwhat difpatches,what aduicc I E e What | 509 | 0.534 | 0.215 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 24,6 THE TRAGEDY' What fearch.what rurming.what difcoueries ! What rumors,what fuggeftions,what deuice To deere the King,pleafe pcople.hold the wife, Rctaine therude, crufh the fufpectcd fort At vnawarcs.ere they difccrne th'are hurt ! So much the fall of fuch a wrighty Peere Doth fhake the State,and with him tumble downe All whom his beames of fauours did vpbeare, All who to red vpon his bafe were knownc : And none,that did but touch vpon his loue, Arefree from feare to perifli with his loue. My felf(whom all the world haue know'a t'imbrace Parmenio in th'intireneffe of my heart, And euer in all battcls.euery chace Of danger.fought dill next him on that part) Was feazed on this lad nighr date in my bed, And brought vnto the prefencc of the King, To pay (I thought) the tribute of my head : But O 'twas for a more abhorred thing ! I mud redeememy danger with the blood Of this deare friendjthis deare Parmenio s blood; His life mud pay for minejthefe hands mud gore That worthy heart from whom they fought before. Soft. What,hath the King commanded fuch a deed, To make the hearts of all his fubiects bleed ? Mud that old worthy man Parmenio die ? Pol. O Softratus,he hath his doome to die, And we mud yedd vntonecedity. For comming to the Kmg,and there recciu'd With vncxpected grace,he thus began : Tolidamas, weboth haue beene deceiu'd, In holding fricndlhip with that faiihleffe man Parmenio, who f or zU his glozingmine, Thou feed hath fought to cut my thtoat and thine; And thou mud worke rcuenge for thec and me : And therefore had to Media lpecdily, Take | 510 | 0.548 | 0.2 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTAS. a47 Take thefe two letters here,the one from me Vnto my fure and trudy feruants there, The other figned with Philotas feale, As if the fame t'his father written were : Carry them both,effect what I haue fayd, Theonc will giue th'acceffe, the other ayd. 1 tookc the letters, vow'd t'effcot the fame : And here I go the indrument of fhame. Soft. But will you charge your honor with this fhaaie ? Pol. Imud,orbevndone,withallmyname : For I haue left all th'adamantiue ties Of blood and nature,that can hold a heart Chain'd to the word,my brethren and allies, The hodages to caution for my part: And for their liucs mud I difhonour mine; Els fhould the King rather haue turn'd this fword Vpon my heart,than ford it impioufly, (Hauing done all faire feruice to his Lord, Now to be imploy 'd in this foule villany.) Thus muft we do who are inthrall'd to Kings, Whether they will iuft or vnlawfull things. But now 'Parmeuio-, thinkes I fee Thee walking in th'at tificiall groue Of pleafant Sufis, when I come to thee, And thou rcmembring all our ancient loue, Hafies to imbrace me,faying,0 my friend, My deare Polidamat, welcome my friend* Well art thou come,that we may fit and chat Of all the old aduentures we haue run. Tis long Polidamat fince we two met, How doth my fouerdgne Lord,how doth my (on ? When I vile wretch, wruTft m'anfwere he attends, With this hand giue the letter,this hand ends His (peaking ioy,and (labb's him to the heart. And thus Parmenio thou rewarded art For all thy feruice : thou that didft agree E e 2 For | 511 | 0.56 | 0.182 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | aio THE TRAGEDY For Alexander to kill Attains, For Alexander I mud now kill thee. Such are the judgements of the heauenly pow'rs Wc others ruines workc,and others ours. Cho. P. Why this is right, now Alexander takes T e courfc of pow'r; this is a Perfian tricke. This is our publike triall makes No donbtfu.ll noife, bat buries clamor quicke. Gra. Indeed now Perfia hath no caufe to rue, Foi you haue vs vndonc,who vndid you. NVNCIVS. THis workj is done she fad Cataftrophe Of this great all of blood is finifht now, Philotas ended hath the Tragedy. Cho. Now my good friend,! pray thee tellvs bow. Nu n. tAs willing to relate ,as you to beare : A full-cbarg'd heart is glad to find an eare. The CounceS being dfmifsd from hence,andgone, 5f///Cratcrus plies the KingfttUin his eare, Still whifpering to htm priuatly alone, Vrgtng (it feem'd) a quicks difpatch of feare : For they who fpealee but priuatly to Kings, Do feldome fpeakftbe beft a»d fit t eft things. Some would haue had bint forthwith (Ion d to death, According to the Macedonian courfe, But yet that would not fitisfie the breath Of bufie rumour, but would argue force: There muft be foms confeifions made within. That mift abroad more fatisfafiton win, Ctaterus,wttb Cxnus,**^ Ephedion, Do mainly vrge to h vie him tortured; Whereto tbe King con fents, aid thereupon They three are fent to fee't accomplished. T^ackf , irons, fires,thc grifeh torturers And bidioufly prepar'd before bit fate. Philotas | 512 | 0.583 | 0.194 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTAS. 249 Philotas at vnmeu'd,vnchang'dappeares, tAs if be woulddeaths ougltefl brow out-face, And fcorn'dtbe worft of force, and askt them, why Thenftat'dto torture the Kings enemy ? Cho. That part was ailed well, God grant we heare No worfe a Scene than this ,and all goes cleare : So fbouldworth act,andtheywho dire to fight Againft corrupted times ,fhould die vpright ; Such hearts Kings may dtffolue jbut not defeat. A great man where he falles he (hojdcfite great, Whofe ruine,liks the facred car cafes Offcattred Temples wh'ch ft it 'reuerent lie, tAnd tbe religious honour them no leffe Than if they ftood with all their gallantry > But on with thy report. Nun. Straight were hot irons appltd to fere hisfiefh, Then wreftiKg racks his comly bodyftraine. Then iron whtps,and then the racks afrefh, Then fire againe, and then the whips cgmne j Which he endures with fo refolu'd a looke, tAs if bis mind were of another fide Than of his body. and bf fenfe forfooke The part of nature, to be wholy tide To honour, that h e would not once con font So much at with a figh t'his punifhment. Cho. Tet doth be hkf himfelfe,yet atis wet, This argument no tyrant can refett; This plea of refolufion winnes his caufe More right than all /nor e admiration drawes : For we loue nothing more, than to renowne Men ft out ly miferable Jnghly downe. Nun. But now? Cho. We feare that But. 0,if he ought defcend, Leaue here, and let the Tragedy here end. Let not the leaft alt now of his, at laft, Marre all hie ati of life and glory paft. Ee 3 Nun. | 513 | 0.6 | 0.224 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | a5o THE TRAGEDY Nun. I muft tellat/tnd therefore gine nte leaue. Srvoll'n with raw tumors, vlcered with the ierkj Of iron whips .that flefh from bone hadrazfd, And no part free from wounds, it erks His foule to fee the houfe fo foule defaft, Wherein his life bad dwelt fo long time cleane, And therefore cranes be, they would now difmiffe His grieuous tortures ,and he would begin To open at wherein h'had done amiffe. Str eight were his tortures ceaft : and after they Hadlet htm to recouer fenfe,he fayd, Now Craterus,S<*7 what you will bane me fay • Wherewith, as if deluded or delaid, Craterus in wrath c allot prefently againe To haue the tortures to be reapplied. When, what foener fecret of his heart Which had beene fore- concern' dbut in athougbt, What friend foeuer had but tookf his part In common lone h'accus'd; and fo frrgot Himfelfe , that now he was more forward to Confcffeshat they to vrge him thereunto, Whether affiilf ton bad hat fpirits vndone, Or feeing,to hide or vtter,aflwxs ene; Both wayes lay death : and therefore he would vie Now to be fure tf fly enough to die, And then began his fortiiie. todsylore. Humbly be fought tbtm whom be fcorn'd before ; That Alexander (where he flood, behind A Trautrs,out of fight) was heard to fpeake : I neuer tho-ight,a mat that had a mind T'attempt fo muchjoad had a heart fo wealj ! There be con fe ft, that one Hegelochu ;, When firft the King proc/aim'd himfelfe Ioucs fonne, In cens'dhis fathers heart atr.v.tftbim thus, By telling bim,Tbat now we were v~,done, If we endm'dfhat hephich did difdaine Te | 514 | 0.545 | 0.228 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OF PHILOTAS, 251 To bane beeneVhilips fonne,fbould liue and raigne. He that aboue the ftate of man witftrame His ftiU,and wttnot be that which we are, Not only vs contemnes,but doth dtfdatne Thegodt them • felues, with whom be would compare. Wehaue loft Alexander , loft ( find he ) The Kmg,and faWn 0)7 pride and vanity ; And we haue made a god of our owne blood, That glorifies bimfelfe,neg/eRs our good. Intolerable is this impious deed To gods, whom he would match, to men he wouldexceed. Thus hauing ouer night Hegelochus, Dtfcours'dpny father fends next dty For me to beare the fame : and there to vs All he had fayd to him he made him re fay, Suppofing,eut of wine fhe night before, Hemtght but idly raue. when he againe, Far more inrag'd,in heat andpaffion more, Vrg'd vs to cleere the State of fuch a ftaine, Coniur'd vs to redeeme the Common-weale, And do liks men, or els at men conceale. Parmenio thought, whd ft yet Darius flood, This courfe was out of feafon/indthereby Th'extinguifhing of Alexanders blood Would not profit vsjbut th 'others pow'rs Might make all th Orient and atAfa. ours, That conrfe we Uf£tfo that our counfet ftands, Thereto we tide our oaths andgaue our hands. And ax for this, be faid,for Xiyrnnusplot, Though he were cleere, yet now he cleer'd him not . And yet the force of racks at laft coulddo So much with btm,as he confeffthat too, And fay d,t hat fearing Bactra would detaine The King too longjoe baftnedon hit ends, Left that his father ,Lord of fuch a trame Ee 4 And | 515 | 0.588 | 0.227 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | But *53 THE TRAGEDY. Arid fuch a wealth, on whom the whole depends, Sboulafi tig aged, by his death prtuent Thefe his defignes ,*nd fruflrate his iitent. . . Cho. O won. d we ha i not beard his latter iarre: This all his former ftraines of worth doth mane. Before this laft his fpirits commends, But now he is vrp.tied of his friends. \ Na-\.Tken was Demetrius likewife brought inplace, Aidp'tt to torture, who denies the deed. Phil t s h: auerres it to his face. Demetrius fttll denies. Then he efpide A youth fine Calin/fe.if was ftandmg by, Ca\\n,fayd he biw lo g wilt thou abide Demetrius vainly te auouchalie ? The youth. that neuer had beene nam'd before In all his tortures gaue them caufe togeffe Philotas car'dnot now tovttermore Than had bee '.e priuy to his praclifes. And feeing they had at much as they defir d, They with Demetrius ftowdbtm vnto death : Andallwhom Dy mnus nam'dto haue confpir'di With grtenous tortures now muftlofe their breath .* And all that were alli'd which could not flie, Are in the hands of tuft tee now to die. Cho . what, muft the puntjhment arrtue beyond Th offence ! not with tho fender make an end \ Nun. They all mufl die who may be feard in time- To be the heires vnto their kindreds crime. All oihtr punifhment s endwith our breath, But treafon is purfu'd beyond our death. O i >. The wrath of Kt gs doth feldome meafure keepe, Seeking to cure bad parts they lance too deepe. U'h. n panifyment like Lightning Ihould appear e To few me'is hurt but vnto all mens feare, G e/ef hints and lions murder leaft, Tb'ignoble beaft *» the moft cruellbeaft. | 516 | 0.524 | 0.216 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | OFPHTLOTAS. 253 But atiswell,if by the mighty fall Of this great man, tbe King be fafely freed : But if this Hydra of ambition fhall Haue other beads to fpring vp tn his (teed, Then bath he made but way for them to rife, Who will affault him with frefh treacheries. The which may teach vs to obferue thisftraine, To admire high hill'sjbut liue within the plain c. The Apology. |H E wrong application, and mifconceiuing of this Tragedy of Thi/otas , vrges me worthy Readers,to anfwere for mine innocency , both 1 in the choice of the fubiect , and the motiues that long fince induced me to write it, which wcrcfirli the delight I tooke in the Hifiory it felfe as it lay, and then the aptnefle, I faw it had to fall eafily into act, with- out interlacing other inuention, then it properly yeeldedin the ownecircumdances,we were fufficient for the worke, and a lawfull reprefenting cf a Tragedy. Befides aboue eight yeares lince , meeting with my deare friend D. Lateware, (whofe memory I reuerence) in his Lards Chamber, and mine, I told him the purpofe I had for Philotas,who fayd that himfdfe had written the fame argument, and caufedittobe prefented in Sc. lohns Colledge in Oxford , w here as I after heaid, it was worthily and with great applnufe performed. And though, I layd, he had therein prcnented me , yet I would not dcfill , whenfocucrmy Fortunes would giue me peace, | 517 | 0.581 | 0.186 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | The Apology. 254 peace, to try what I could doe in the fame fubiect, where vnto both hee , and who were prefent , incouraged me as • '. a example worthy of note. And liuing in the Country, a jout fourc yeares fince, and ncere halfe a ycarc before the late Tragedy of ours, ( whereuntothis is now mofligno* rantly refembleJ) vnfortunately fell out heere in England, I began the fame, and wrote three Acts thereof, as many to whom 1 then (hewed it can witneffe , purpoiing to hauc had it prcfented in Bath by certaine Gentlemens fonnes , as apriuate recreation forthcChndmas,befbre the Shrouetide of that vnhappy difordcr.Butby reafon of fome occafionthen falling out, and being called vpon by my Printer for a new impreffion of my workes.with fomc additions to theciuill Warrcs , 1 intermitted this other fubiect. Which now lying by mee, and driuen by neceffity to make vfe of my pen , and the Stage to bee the mouth of my lines , which before were neucr heard to foeake but in filence, I thought the reprcfenting fo true a Hidory , in the ancient forme of a Tragedy, could not but hauc had an vnreproueabfc paf fagc with the time , and the better fort of men , feeing with what idle fictions , and groflc follies , the Stage at this day abufed mens recreations. And withall taking a fubiect that lay (as I thought , fo farrcfrom the time , and fo remote a dranger from rhe climate of our prcfent courfes, I could not imagine that Enuy or ignorance could poffibly haue made it, to take any particular acquaintance with vs, but as it hath a gencrall alliance to the frailty of gveatnefle , and thevfuall workings of ambition, the perpetuall fubie&sof bookes and Tragedies. And for Thtlotos , itisplaine.thathis fathers greatHeffe opened firll the way to fuipition and the enuy of thcNobil ty , and ihcn his owne vanting with difpiling the new title conferred by the Oracle of Amman. Vpon the King, begat and notion of his didike of the State; andin deede Alexanders drawing a pedegree from Heauen , with affu- | 518 | 0.537 | 0.19 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | TheApo/cgy. 2*^ alTuming the Perfian magnificence, was the caufe that withdrew many , the hearts of the Nobility and people from him; and by Phtlotas ownc confeifion, was that which gaueapurpofeto him and his father to haue fubuerted the King , when he had cftablifhed <AJia , and freed them from /"btherfeares. And this concealing of the treafon reuealed vnto him, howfoeuerheexcufedit, diewed how much his heart was alienated from his allegiancy. Which being by Epheftion, and Craterus , two the mod graue and worthy Councel- lotsof e/^/*v4»^rprouidently difcerned, was profecuted in that manner, as became their ncerenede , and deerenede with their Lord and Maider, and fitting the fafetyof the State, in the cafe of fo great an afpirer : Who , had he not beene preucnted (howfoeuer popularly in the Army it might beothcrwife deemed) hehad no doubt turned the courfe of the gou eminent vpon his father or himfelfe, or clfc imbroy - ling it , made it mondrous body with many heads , as it af- terwards proued vpon the death of Alexander. For though theaffcclion of the multitude (whom he did mignion) and who, as I fayd, lookes dill vpoa mens fortunes not the caufe, difcerned not his ends , nor peraduenture himfelfc, that knew not how large they might be,nor how much his hearc would hold, nor of what capacity would be his ambition, if otca- fion were offered : Yet'fome more cleere- fighted, as if rayfed by a diuine prouidence to put off that State , till the full pe- riod of d iff oluti on, (which after fol'owed was come) law well , to how hie a daine he had fet his hopes by his affected carriage. And Craterut,vihofo wifely purfued this bufincflc is deemed to haue beene one of the moil honed men that euer followed Alexander in all his actions, and one that was true vnto him euen after his death. And for any relemblance, that thorough the ignorance of the Hidory may be applied to the late Earle of Effex. It can hold in no proportion but only in his weakneffes , which I would wilh all that loue his me- mory | 519 | 0.508 | 0.182 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | a 5©" The Apology. morynot torcuiue. And for mine owne parts hauing beene perticularly beholding to his bounty, I would to God his er rors and difobcdicncc to his Soucreigne, might by fodecpe buried vnderneath the earth, and in fo lowatombe from his other parts , that hee might lieuer be re- membred among the examples of difloyalty in this Kingdome , or paraleld with Forreine Confpirators. » » . Sam. Danibl. Fl^sfJS. | 520 | 0.482 | 0.199 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | HYMENS TRIVMPH. (iS Tafiorall T'ragicomtfdie Prefcntcd at the Qiceses Court in the Strandjtt her Maiefties magnificent enter- tenement of the Kings nto(l excellent Maiefty , being at the Nuptials of the Lord Roxbirough. By Samvkl Daniel. LONDON, Printed by Nicholas OiBsfor Simon Watbeson. 16*23- | 521 | 0.442 | 0.187 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 259 TO THE MOST EXCEL-. lent iVi aiefty of the Higheft>borne Princejfe ,Anne of Denmarke^eene of England, Scotland , France, And Ireland. Ere,what yaur facred influence begat (Moft lou'd,and moftrcfpedted Maiefty) With humble heart,and hand,I confecrate Vnto the glory of your memory : As being a piece of that fblemnity, Which your Magnificence did celebrate In hallowing of thofe roofesfyou rear'd of late ) With fires and chcarefoll hofpitality Whereby ,and by your fplendent Worthines, Your name fhall longer Iiue then fhall your walls: For,tbat faire ftructuregoodnefle finifhes, Bearesoff all change of times,and neuer falls. And that is it hath let you in (0 farre Into the heart of England a s you a re. And worthily ,for neuer yet was Queene That more a peoples loue haue merited By all good graccs,and by hauing becne The meanes our State ftands fall edabliihed And bled by your bled wombe,who are this day The highcd-borne Queene of Europe,zx\d alone Haue brought this land more bleffiags cuery way, Then all the daughters of ilrangc Kings haue done. For, | 523 | 0.434 | 0.153 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 1 60 The Eptftle Dedicatory. For.we by you no quarrclls haue No betraying of" affaires : You do Hot fpend our blood ,nor dates, but faue : You drength vs by alliaiKe,and your liaircs. Not like thole fatall marriages of France, For whom this Kingdomc hath fodearely paid, Which oncly our afflictions did aduance : And brought vs farre moremiferies,thcnaid. Renowned Denmarkc, that had furnifhed The world with Princes,how much do we owe To thee for this great good than didd bellow, Whereby we are both bled,and honoured ? Thou didd not fo much hurt vs heretofore, But now thou had rewarded vs farre more. But what do I on this high fubiecr fall Herein the front of this low Padorall i This a moregraue,and fpacious roome requires To (hew your glary.and my decpe defires. Torn- Moiefties moft Humble Seruont, Sam. Daniel, THE | 524 | 0.512 | 0.195 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 261 The Prologue. Hymen oppofid by Auarice , Enuy , and lealoufie, the difturbers of quiet marriagc,j?r/? enters. Hymen. ijS^JP N this dtfguife and Paft or all attire, Hil ns$ Without my faffron robe, without my torch, BSmfsfc Or other enfignes of my duty : I Hymen am come hither fecret ly, To make A rcadia fee a worke of glory, That fhatdeferueaneuerlafting ftory. Here JhaU I bring you two tbe moft entire Andconftant loners that were euer feene, From out the great eft fuffrings of anoy That fortune could infill, to their full toy : Wherein no wild, no rude, no antique fp*rt, But tender pafftoris^motions foft^tndgraue, The ftit ffie&ators muft expect to haue. Per, tbefe are onely Cynthia* recreattues Made vnto Phoebus,****/ are feminine ; And therefore muft be gentle like to her, Whofe fweet affections mtldely mooue and ftirre. And bere,witb this white wand,wit 1 effete As muehjts with my flaming torch of Loue: And with tbe power thereof, affections mooue l» tbefe faire nympbes, and jhtpheards round about. Enuy. Stayrlytnen,ftay, youjhall not baue the day Of this great glory, as you make account: We wit herein ,at we were euer wont, Oppofe yen in the matches you addreffe, Andvndermine them with difturbances. Hym. Ff | 525 | 0.56 | 0.229 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 2©*s The Prologue, Hym. New4»tbjw3rft,bafc Enuyjtbou canft do. Thou fhalt not difappomt my purpofes. A uarice. Then will /.Hymen/* defpite of thee, 1 wit make Tarents croffe defires of loue, With thofe refpeUsof wealth ju fhall diffolue Theftrongefl knots ofkindeft fatthfulneffe. Hym. Heneegrcedy Auarice; I knew thou art A baggejhat do' ft bewitch the mindes of men : Jet fhall thou haue no at all herein. lea I . Then will /, Hy mcn,do thou what thou canft ; / will fleale cllofely into linked hearts ; And fhaks t^>c,r veincs with cold diftruftfulneffe , And euer keepe them waking in their feares, With fpirits, which their imagination rcarcs, Hym. T)ifijuiet \ea\o\if\e,vtle fury, thou That art the ouglymonfter of the mmd, zAuant , be gone , thou fhalt baue nought to do In this faire worke of ours, nor euermore Canft enter there, where honour keepes the doer e. tAnd therefore hideous furies, get you hence, This place is facred to integrity, And cleane defires : jour fight moft loath fome it Vnto fo welldifpos'da company. Therefore begone, I charge you by my powre, We muft baue nothing in Arcadia, fopre. Enuy. Hymen,* 60* canft not chafi vs fo away, For, looks how long at thou mal0 marriages, So long wtllwe product incumbrances. And we will in the fame dfgmfe,^ thou, Mixe vs among/} the jhephearAs ,th..t we may Effefl our worke the betterjieiiigvnknowne'. For, tils fiiew other faces then their owne. THE | 526 | 0.561 | 0.222 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 264 The Speakers. Thirfis. ePalamon, friend to Thh-fis. Clarindojilnia difguifed,the beloucd of Thirfis, fuppofed to be flaine by wild beads. Clorit , a Nymph whom Clarindo foiled , and in loue with Thirfis. Thitisjn loue with fclarindo. Montanus,m loue with Phitis. lydia^mfeto Phillu. Dorcas. ? Sduamtt.yonettevs- Medorut, father to Siluia. Cbarinut, father to Tbtrfis. Chorus of Shepheards. ACT VS. | 528 | 0.611 | 0.185 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | u% ACTVS. I. SCENA. L Thirfis, Talamon. ® co re^ or* a^ tne 'oves °^ ttfej Am How is it poffible Palamon, I |||^Sr\4|§ Should euer more a thought retaine T^ilvwW h®T t'ie com^ort vPon carm againe W&^&w No,I would hate this heart, that hath receiu'd So deepc a wound ,if it fhould euer come To be recur*d,or would permit a roome To let in any other thing then griefc. Pal. But Thirfis you mud tell me what is the caufe ? Thi. Thinke but what caufc I haue; when hauing pafs'd The hcates,the colds,the trembling agonies - Of feares.and hopes,and all the drange aflaults Of paflion,that a tender heart could feck In the attempt,and purfiiite of his loue. And then to be vndone,when all was done, To pcrifh in the haucn.aftcr all Thofe Ocean fuffrings,and euen then to haue My hopcfull Nuptiall bed,turn'd to a graue. Pal. Good Thirfis by what mcanes,I pray thee tell Thi. Tell thee? alas Pal*mon,how can I tell And liuc? doeft thou not fee thefe fields haue loft Their glory ,fince that time Siluia was loft ? Siluia,th3t onely deckt,that onely made lArcaeli* fhine; Siluta who was (ah woe the while) So miferable rent from off the world. Ff 3 So | 529 | 0.472 | 0.187 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | \6$ HYMENS TRIVMPH. So rapt away, as that no figne of her, No peece was left to tell vs by what meanes : Safe oncly this poorc remnant of her vaile, All tome,and this deere locke of her rent haire ; Which hcly rdiques here I keepe with me, The fad memorialls of her difmall fate. Who fure d«uourcd was vpon the fhore By rauenousbeads,as fhe was walking there Alone,it feemes; perhaps infteking me Or els retir'd to meditate apart The (lory of our lou«,and heauy imart. 'Pal. This is no newes, you ve.W,oC Sdutat death. That was long ftnce:why fhould you waile her now? Tht. Long fince Palamen? thinke you any length Of time can euer haue a po wre to make A heart of flefh not mournc,not grieue,not pine ? That knows.t hat feels,that things as much as mine. Pal. But Thirfis, you know how her father meant To match her with A lexu ,and a day To celebrate the nuptials was prefixt, Tht. True.hc had fuch a purpoft,bu t in vaine, As oh it was beft knowne vnto vs twaiae. And hence it grew t hat gauevs both our feares. That made our meeting (lealth.our parting wares. Hence was 1 1, t hat with many a fecret wile, Werob'dourlookes th'onlookers to beguile. This was the caufe, oh mi Terabit caufe, That made her by her felfc to dray alone, Which els God know s, fhe ncuer fhould haue done. For had our liberty as open becne, As was our \owes,Sduia had not becne fecne V Vithout her Tbtrfit,neaei had we gone But hand in hand, nor euer bad mifchance Tooke vsafunder; (he had aJ wayes had My body intcrpos'd betwixt ail harmes And | 530 | 0.38 | 0.156 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | HYMENS TRIVMPH. %67 And her. But ah we had our liberty Layd faft in prifon when our loues were free. Pal. But how knowft thou her foue was fuch to thee ? Tbi. How dol know the Sun, thcday from night? Pal. Womeos affccTions do like flafhes proue, They oft (hew paffion when they feele fin all louc. Thi. Ah do not fo prophane that precious fixe. Which I muft euer rcucrcncc for her fake, Who was the glory of her kind; wliofe heart In all her actions fo tr anfparant was As I might fee it clcere and wboly mine, Alwayes obferuing truth in one right line. How oft hath fhe beenc vrg'd by fathers threats, By friends pcrfwafions.and tAlexts fighs, And teares and prayers,to adroit his loue, Yet neuer could be wonne? how oft haue I Beheld the braucft heardsmen of thefe plaines, (As what braue heard s.nan was there in the plaines Of all Arcadsaxhat had not his heart Warm'd with her beames) to feeke to win her loue. Ah I remember well (and how can I But cuer more remember well) when firft Our name began,when fcarce we knew what was The flame we fcjt.whcn as we fate and figh'd And look'd vpon each other, and concciu'd Not what we ay ld,yet fomething we did ayle. And yet were wcll.and yet we were not well, And what was our difcale we could not tell. Then would we khTe*then figh, then looket and thus In that firft garden of our fimplencffc We (pent our child-hood : but when yeeres began To reape the fruite of knowledge; ah how then Would (he with grauerlooks,with fweet ftern brow Check my prefumption and my forwardnes, Yet ftill would giue me flowers,ftil would me (hew Ff^ What | 531 | 0.53 | 0.192 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | .26*8 HYMENS TRIVMPH. What die would haue me,yet not haue me know. Pal. Alas with what poore Coyne arelouers paid, And taken with the (mailed baytc is laid ? Thi. And when in (port with other company, Of Nimphes and fheohcards we haue met abroade How would (he deaic a looke:and watch mine eye Which way it went? and when at Barley breake It camevntomy turnetorefcue-her, With what an earned,fwift,and nimble pace Would her affection make her feet to run And farther run then to my hand? her race Had no dop but my bofomc where no end. And when We were tobreake againe, how lare And loath her trembling hand wold part with mine, And with how dow a pace would (he fet forth ■"■ To meet the 'ncountring party, who contends T'attainc her,fcarce affording him her fingers ends ? Pal. Fie Thirfts, with what fond remembrances Doed thou thefe idle palTiom entertairre ? For (hame leaue off to vtifk your youth in vaine, And feedc on fhadowes : make your choice anew. You other Nimphcs fhall fin J,no doubt will b; As louely,arrd as faire; and fweete as (lie. Thi. As faire and fweete as fhe? 'Pafamon peace : Ah what can piitu es be vnto the life, WharfweetneS can be found in Image* ? • ?w«dw Ml| Which all Nimphes tfs belidc^her feemes to me. i»»A She only was a rcall creature, '"he, Whole memory mud take vp all of me. Should I another loue.thcn mufti I haue, •' 'H »rb nl Another heart/ot this is full of her, And cuer;iiore (hall be : here i? (he dra wue At length,and whoIc,and more.this table is A (lory,and is all of her; and all Wrought in the liuclicft colouts of my blood :• t'rt And | 532 | 0.439 | 0.184 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | H/YMEWS TRIVMPH. 269 And can there be a roome for ethers hcrre ? 'uuw.wuyjsdT Should I disfigure fuch a pecce.and blot The perftclft wormanihip that lone eucr wrought. Palamon no,ah no,it cod too deere, It mud remaine intire whild life remaincs, - The monument of her and of my paines. Pal. Thou maiedbefuch a fond Idolater To die for loue ; though that were very Aran^e. Louc hath few Saints,but many confeflors. And time no doubt will raze out all thefe notes, And leaue a roome at length for other thoughts. Tht-Ycs when there is no fpring,no trec,no grouc In all Artmdia to record our loue : And tell me where we were (the time we were) How we did meete together ,what wefaid ; Where we did ioy,and where wc fat difmai'd. Andtfien I may forget her,not before. Till then I mud remember one fo deere, When euery thing I fee tells me of her. And you decre-Rekques of that martred Saint, My heart adores, you the perpetual! bookes [ - Whereon when tcaresperriiit,minc \ yes ftill looks : 1 3d"T Ah you were with her lad,and til! my lad You mud remaine with mej,!yeu were rcteru'd To tell me die was Iod,but yet alas, You cannot tell me how:! would you could? (hood. White fpotlcffe vaile , cleans, like -her woman-* Which whilomecouerdd thembft louely face That cuer eye beheId;Was there no meiTige fent From her by thee ? Ah yes,%here feernesit Was ; Here is a 9" made with her bloodyis if ttaT Shee would haue written,' Tbirfit-, I am daine K In feeking thee; fiire fo k fiioul A haue beene, And fo I reade it,and dull euer fo. And thou fweet remnant of the faired haire, * That | 533 | 0.444 | 0.191 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | To »7o HYMENS TRIVMPH. That eucr wau'd widi winie. Ah thee I found When her I hop'd to findc, wrapt, in a round. Like tc an O.the character of woe ; As if to fay, O Thirfis, I die thine. This much you tell me yet,durnbc meflengers, Of her lad minde ; and what you cannot tell That I mud thinkc.which is tbe moft extreame Of wofulnclfe.that any heart can tbinke. Pal. There is no dealing with this man,I &c. This humour mud be let to fpend it felfc Vnto a leffer fiibftance.ere that we Can any way apply a remedy. But I lament his caft.and fo I knew . Do all that fee him in this wofull plight : And therefore will I leauc him to hirafelfe. For fbrrow that is full, hate others fight. Tbtr. Cortieboy,vs«hjJftIcoi«ea^UtetheferernaJnes Of my loft loue, vnder this myrtle tree, Record the dolef ull'ft fong,the fighingft notes, That muficke hath to eutertainc bad thoughts. Let it be all at flats pay boy, all graue, The tone that beft befits the gricfc I haue. The Song. Had f err em tier fitter flaet T*aS hit part, Them it- my heart, Where it takes vp all the fttcc t Where terns vetne Toentertatme A thought that weares am ether fate, Normtilfttrrewetterkem, There'm te be, But onely thee. | 534 | 0.412 | 0.194 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 271 HYMENS TRIVMPH. To whom I futipeffeffiongauc : Thou in thy name Muft bolde the fame, Vntit thou bring it to tbe graue. 'Pal. So boy,now leaoe me to my felfe,that I May be alone togriefc,entire toraifery. SCEN. II. CUrit. Clartudo. NOw gende boy Clarindo,haR thou brought My flockes into the field? Cta. Miftris I haue. Clo. And haft thou told them ? Cla. Yes. Clo. And are there all? , ®" Cla. All. Clo. And haft thou left them (afe my boy ? Cla. Safe. C/#.Then whilft they tedtjClarmd*,! muft vfe ; Thy feruice in a ierious bufineffe. But thou muft doe it well my boy. CI*. The beft I can. Qa. Do'ft thou know Tmrftt} Cla. Yes. C/#. But known him well ? Cla. I haue good reafow to know Thrfis Well. Clo. What reafon boy ? Cla. I ought haue fecne the man. Clo. Why then he knowes thee too ? Cta. Yes I fuppofc.vnieffe he hath forgotten me of late. Clo. Bat hath he heard thee fing my boy ? Cta. He hath. Clo. Thcndoubtles be doth well remember thee. Well, | 535 | 0.473 | 0.207 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | aya HYMENS TRIVMPH. WelljVnto him thou mud a meffagedo From thy fad miftres Cloris;h\u thou mud \ I) t cxicfJy well.with thy beft grace, Bed choice of language,and bed countenance. I kn^ v thou canll doc well, and had a fpeech Ami fafhion plealing to performe thefamc. Nor can I haue a fitter meffenger In this impbyment then thy fclfe my boy. For furcmethinkes,notingthy forme and grace. That thou had much of SthHa'm thy face: Which if he di.dlpcrceiue as well as I, i Surc,he will giuc thee audience willinglie. And for her l"ake,ifnotforniine,heareout jjj,-juV, -f >J Jt Thy mcfl*3ge;for he dill (though fhe be dead; /" Holds fparkles ofher vnextinguifhed. . xj- And that is dcarii to me : for though (bmetime* Silwa and I mod deere companions were. Yet when I fa w he did fo much preferrc Her before me, I deadly hate'd her ; v^ A nd was not lorry for her deadi,and yet 1 ' y* Was fbrry fhe fhould come to (uch a death. But to the purpoft goe to Tbirfts,hoy : Say, thou art QerU fcruant.ftnt to be T\ e meflenger ofher didreffed teares : Who languilhes for him,and neuer fhall Haue comfort more,vnIcffe he giuc it her. Cla. I will. Qo. Naybutdayboy.ther'sfomethiHgelfe. .A' 1 dl him,his cruelty makes mevndoe My modedy,aHd to put on that pirt Which appertaincs to him, that is to wooe: Arid -o di(grace my fhew my heart. Which no trundle could haue had powre to doe. And that vnleffe he doe rellore mc backe Vmo my ftlfe,by his like loue to me. U "S Icannotliue. CI** | 536 | 0.372 | 0.155 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | HYMENS TRIVMPH. 273 Q*- AJl this I'lc tell him too. Clo. Nay but day boy .there is yet more : Tell him,it will no honour be to him, When euer it fhall come to be made knowac, That he hath bcene her death that was his owne. And how hislouc hath fatall bcenc to two Didrefled Nymphes. Cla. This will I tell him too* Cle. Nay but day boy, wilt thou fay norhmg elfe? As of thy felfe,to waken vp his loue? Thou mayd fay fomething which I may not fay, And tell him how thou holdd mc full as faire, Yea and more faire, morelouely,morecompleate Then euer Siluia was. More wifc,morc fiai'd, How fhee was but a light and wauering maid. Cla. Nay there I Jeauc you.that I cannot fay. Clo. What fayd thou boy? Cla, Nothing.but that I will Endeauour all I can to worke his loue. Qo. Doe good my boy : but thoH mud yet adde more, As from thy felfe,and fay, what an vnkind And barbarous part it is to differ thus So beauteous and fo rare a Nymph to pine And perifh for his loue;and fuch a one, Asif fhee would haue doop'd to others flame, Hath had the gallantfl heardfmen of thefe fields Fall at her fecte : all w hi ch fhe hath defp i f d , Hauing her heart before by thee furpriz' d. And now doth nothing clfe, but fit and mourne: Spcake Thirfis, weepc Thirfis, figh Thirfis, and Slcepe Thirfis when (he deepes,which is but rare. Befides, good boy thou mud not llicke to fweare, Thou oft hah feene me fowne,and finke to ground In thefe deepe paffions, vghercin I abound. For fbmething thou maid fay beyond the truth, By reafon of my louc, and of thy youth. Doe | 537 | 0.581 | 0.182 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | HYMENS TRIVMPH. 274 Doe, good Clarindo fweare.and vow thus much. But do'd thou now remember all I fay, Do'd thou forget no parcell of my fpcech, Shall I repcate the fume againe to thee? Or els w ilt thou rehearfe it vnto mce ? That I may know thou had it perte£t,boy. Qa. It fliall not need : be fure I will report, What you cnioy oe me,in mod earned fort. Clo. Ah doe good boy. Although I feare it will, Auaile mc little : for I doubt his heart Is repoffeffed with another loue. Cla. Another leue ? Who may that be,I pray? Clo. With Amaritis,l hauc heard : for they Are thought, will in the end make vp a match. Cla. With Amarillts ? Well.yet will I goe, And try his humour whether it be fo ? Clo. Goe good ffarindo, b\\t thou muft not faile To worke effectually for my auaile. And doc not ftay, returne w ith fpecd good boy. My paffions are to great.t'tnd ure delay. ACT. I. SCEN. III. Clarindo folut. THtrfis in loue with Anutritist then In what a cafe am I ? what doth auaile, Thisaltrcd habitc.that belies my Stxe ? Whar boots it tTiaue efcap'd from Pirats hands And with fuch wiles to hauc decciu'd their wills, If I rcturnc to fall on worfcr ills ? In louc with AmaritU ? is that fo? Is Siluta then forgot ? that I ath endur'd So much for him ? doe all thefe mifbr ies (Cauf d by his meanes) deferuc no better hire ? Was it thegrcateft comfort of my life, To | 538 | 0.536 | 0.204 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | HYMENS TRIVMPH. 275 Tohauereturn'djthat I might comfort him ? And am I welcom'd thus? ah did mine eyes Take neuer reft,after I was arriu'd Till I had fecne him,though vnknowne to him ? Being hidden thus, and couer'd with difguife And riiafculineattirc,to temporize Vntill Alexis mariage day be pad, Which fhortly as I hcare will be-.and which VVould free me wholly from my fathers feare : Who if he knew I were return d,would yet Vndoe I doubt that match,to match me there. Which would be more then all my fuffrings were. Indeed mc thought. when I beheld the face Of my dcere Thirfis, I beheld a face Confounded all with pa(fion,which did much Affli t my heart : but yet I hrtle thought It could hauebcene for any others loue. I did fuppofethe memory of me, And of my rapture.had podeft him fo, As made him fhew that countenance of woe. And much adoe had I then to forbeare From cadingme into his armes,and yeild What comfort my poore felfe could yeild,but that I thought our ioyes would not haue bin complete. But might haue ycilded vs anoyes as great, Vnlefle I could come wholly his,and cleer'd From all thofe former dangers which we fear'd : Which now a little day (though any day Be death to me) would wholly takeaway. And therefore I refolu'd my felfe to beare This burthen of our fufferings yet a while, And to become a feruant in this guile, To her I would haue fcorned otherwife : And b; at all commaBdi,to goe,and come* To trudge into the fields,early, and late. Which though I kiio w,it misbecomes my date : Yet | 539 | 0.545 | 0.189 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | My i-,6 HYMENS TRIVMPH. Yet it becomes my fortune, which is that, Net PhilUt whom I feme : but fince I feme, I will doe what I doe mod faithfully. But Thirfis js it pofliblcthat thou Shouldd fo forget me.and forgoe thy vow ? Or is it but a flying vaine report, That danders thine affechon in this fort ? It may be fo.and God gran: it may be fo : I fhall foone finde if thou be falfe or no : But ah here comes my Fury,I mud flic. ACT. I. SCEN. IIII. Phtllis. Clarindo. AH cruell youth,whither away fo faft ? Cla. Good Phttis do not ftay me,I haue haft. Phi. What haft dioudd thou haue but to comfort me, Who hath no other comfort but in thee ? Cla. Alas thou do'ft but trouble me in vaine, I cannot hclpc thee: t' is not in my powre. Phil. Not in thy powre Clarindo ? ah if thou Hadd any thing of manlines,thou wouldft. Cla. But if I haue not, what doth it auaile In this (brt to torment thy (elfc and me? And therefore pre-thee Phtllis let mc goe. Phil. Ah whither canft thou go.where thou fhalt be More deercly lou'd and cherifht then with me ? Cla. But that my purpofe cannot fatisfie, I mud be gonc,therc is no remedie. Phi. O cruell youth,will thy heart nothing moue? Shew me yet pittie,if thou (hew not louc. Cta. Bclccue me Thilbs I do pittic thee; And ruorejament thy crror/o farewell. Phi. And art thou gone hard-hearted youth ? had thou Thus difippointcd my dcfircs.iand let | 540 | 0.591 | 0.201 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | HYMENS TRIVMPH. 277 My fhame t'afflifl me worfcr then my louc ? Now in what cafe am I, that neither can Recall my modefiic.'or thee againe ? Ah were ir now to do againe,my padions fliould Haue fmothred me to death.bcfore I would Haue fhew V. the fmalled fparkle of my dame. But it is done,and I am now vndone. Ah hadft thou beene a man,and had that part Of vnderdandingofa womans heart, My words had beene vnborne,onely mine eies Had beene a tcnguc enough to one were wife. But this it is, to loue a boy,whofe ycares. Couceiues not his owne good,nor wcighes my teares But this difgrace I iudly haue defcru'd. SCEN. V. Lidta Phtllis. CO Pbitis haue you.and /are rightly feru'd. Haue you difdain'd the galland Forreftrs, And braueft heardfmen all Arcadia hath, And now in louc with one is not a man ? Affure your felfe this is a iuft reucnge Loue takes, for your mifprifion of his powre. I told you often there would come a time, When you would fure be plagu'd for fuch a crime : But ycu would laugh at me.asone you thought Conceiu'd not of what mettall you were wrought. Is this you, who would wonder any uimphes Could euer be fo foolifh as to loue ? Who is fo foolifh now ? Phil. Peace Luhajpeace, Adde not more griefe t'a heart that hath too much, Do not infulc vpon her mifery, Whofe da me, God wot,necds water^nd not oyle Thou feeft I am vndone,caught in the toyle Cg Of | 541 | 0.557 | 0.211 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | 278 HYMENS TRIVMPH. Of an intangling mifchiefe : tejl me how I may recouer, and vnwinde mc now. Ltd. That doth require more time,wc wil apart Confult thereof, be you but rul'd by me, And you (hall finde, I, yet, will fet you free. Exeunt. The fong of the firft Chorus. Loue is a ftckneffe full of wees, All remedies refufing : A plant that with moft cutting gr tiles, Moft barren with beft vfing. Whyfo? tjfore we enity it, more it dyes, If not entoy'd, it fi'bing cries, Hcfho. Loue is a torment of tbe minde, A temp eft euer laft ing ; And hue bath made it of a kfudc. Not Wet, nor full nor faftmg. Why fo? More we emey it, more it dies, If not enioyd,it Ughmgcries , Hey ho. ACT. IL SCEN. I. Sduanus. Dercat. Meutanm. IN what a meane regard are we now held. We acYrueaad laborious forrefrers ? Who though our liuingrurall be and rough, Yet heretofore were wc for valour prir'd, And well efteem'd in all good companies : Nor wouldthe daintieft nymphs that valfyts haunt Or fialds inhabite,cucr hauc ddpis'd Gift | 542 | 0.527 | 0.223 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
000860480 | 1623-01-01T00:00:00 | 1623 | The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie | London | false | HYMENS TRIVMPH. t79 Our filuane fongs, nor yet our plainc difcourfc; But gracefully accepted of our skill, And often of our loues, when they haue feene How faithfull and how condant wc haue becne. Dor. It's true Siluanut, but you fee the times Are altred now, and they fo dainty growne, By being ador'd,and woo'd, and followed fo Of thofc vnfino wed amorous hcardfrnc^who By reafon of their rich and mighty dockes. Supply their pleafurcs with that plentcoufneffe, As they difdaine our plainnefle,and do fcorne Our company .as men rude and ill borne. Sit. they doe, but Dorcas if you raarke How oft they doe milcarry in their loue, And how difloyall there fine hcardfmen prooue ; You (hall perceiue how their aboundant florc Payes not their expe£tation,nor defires. Witneffe thefe groues wherein they oft deplore The miferable paffions they f iidaine ; And how perfidious, way ward.and vnkinde, T hey finde their loues to be; which wc,who are The eyes, and cares of woods, oft fee and hcare. For hither to tbefe groues they muft refort, And here one way les apart the vfage hard Of her difordred, wUde, and wilfull mate : There mournes another her vnhappy ftate, Held euer in reftraint, and in fufpect : Another to her trufty confident, Laments how die is matcht to fuch a one As cannot giue a woman her content. Another gneucs how fhee hath got a foole, Whole bcd.although (he loath, fhe muft endure. And thus they all vnhappy by that meanes Which they accompt would bring all happineflc; Moft wcalthely areplagu'd,with richdiftrefle. Dor. And fo they arc,but yet this was not wont Gg a To | 543 | 0.552 | 0.18 | Daniel, Samuel | Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619 [person] | Nicholas Okes ; Simon Waterson | England | England | 2 parts (4°) | English | null | null | null | false |
Subsets and Splits