stringlengths 24
| audio
audioduration (s) 1.54
| text_indo
stringlengths 5
| text_en
stringlengths 3
common_voice_id_19192633 | Tidak ada tuhan selain Allah. Muhammad adalah utusan Allah. | There is no God but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of God. |
common_voice_id_19371122 | Tom berkata dia sibuk hari ini. | Tom said he was busy today. |
common_voice_id_19704822 | Saya ingin pergi minum. | I want to go drink. |
common_voice_id_19059664 | Mari kita selesaikan segera. | Let's finish soon. |
common_voice_id_19508550 | Dia tinggal di sebelah rumah saya. | He lives next to my house. |
common_voice_id_19193175 | Saya tidak mencari apa apa | I'm not looking for anything |
common_voice_id_19192877 | Biarkan rasa yang memilih. | Let the taste choose. |
common_voice_id_19778221 | Tolong tunggu sebentar. | Please wait a moment. |
common_voice_id_19312248 | Meja ini terlalu berat untuk diangkat. | This table is too heavy to lift. |
common_voice_id_19487426 | Sudah lama sejak saya mengunjungi nenek saya | It’s been a long time since I visited my grandmother |
common_voice_id_19785590 | Kamu mau pergi ke mana duluan? | Where do you want to go first? |
common_voice_id_19802038 | Apakah ada kamar yang tersedia untuk malam ini? | Are there rooms available for tonight? |
common_voice_id_19424189 | Dia mengajak Tom pergi memancing. | He invites Tom to go fishing. |
common_voice_id_19338468 | Tunggu sebentar! | Hold on a minute! |
common_voice_id_19338482 | Uang kami habis. | We run out of money. |
common_voice_id_19338528 | Bundarkan tepinya sedikit. | Round the edges a little. |
common_voice_id_19059482 | Pasangan itu telah berpisah, tidak pernah bertemu lagi. | The couple have separated, never meeting again. |
common_voice_id_19761263 | Karena saya ingin pergi ke seberang sungai, saya menyeberang jembatan. | Because I wanted to go across the river, I crossed the bridge. |
common_voice_id_19704848 | Sore ini kami akan memberikan wawancara. | This afternoon we will hold an interview. |
common_voice_id_19495366 | Perempuan itu membeli daging ayam. | The woman bought chicken. |
common_voice_id_19258285 | Berapa harga wortelnya? | How much is the carrot? |
common_voice_id_19802347 | Sekarang kedua orang tua saya ada di luar negeri. | Now my parents are abroad. |
common_voice_id_19800540 | Adik perempuan Pak Yamada badannya pendek dan imut. | Mr. Yamada's younger sister is short and cute. |
common_voice_id_19192855 | Dia telah berjanji akan memberi tahu kita. | He has promised to tell us. |
common_voice_id_19508551 | Kalau begitu, sampai jumpa lagi. | All right then, see you again. |
common_voice_id_19647961 | Hari ini saya makan malam di restoran. | I have dinner at the restaurant today. |
common_voice_id_19362870 | Ketika saya sampai stasiun, keretanya telah berangkat. | When I reached the station, the train had departed. |
common_voice_id_19809487 | Tom datang kemari sendirian. | Tom came here alone. |
common_voice_id_19778224 | Rumahku dekat sekali dengan taman. | My house is very close to the park. |
common_voice_id_19338655 | Mohon tunggu sebentar. | Please wait a moment. |
common_voice_id_19305360 | Saya tidak tahu kapan dia akan muncul. | I don't know when he will appear. |
common_voice_id_19276288 | Jembatan Golden Gate terbuat dari besi. | The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron. |
common_voice_id_19316587 | Saya minum air satu gelas lagi. | I am drinking one more glass of water. |
common_voice_id_19487330 | Besok aku berencana untuk bepergian ke Hokkaido. | I plan to travel to Hokkaido tomorrow. |
common_voice_id_19487442 | Saya ingin menolongnya, tetapi saya tidak tahu bagaimana caranya. | I want to help her, but I don’t know how. |
common_voice_id_19648007 | Aku kenal anak yang duduk paling dekat dengan pintu. | I know the child who sits closest to the door. |
common_voice_id_19338465 | Jangan lupa pekerjaan rumah. | Don't forget your homework. |
common_voice_id_19115413 | PLN, merupakan akronim dari Perusahaan Listrik Negara | PLN is an acronym for State Electricity Company |
common_voice_id_19192629 | Aku akan di rumah. | I will be at home. |
common_voice_id_19059292 | Kita memiliki pekerjaan penting yang harus dilakukan. | We have important work to do. |
common_voice_id_19312247 | Dia memiliki seekor kucing berwarna putih. | He has a white cat. |
common_voice_id_19305380 | Pulau itu pernah diperintah Prancis. | The island was once ruled by France. |
common_voice_id_19258407 | Sepeda saya telah dicuri semalam. | My bike was stolen last night. |
common_voice_id_19338340 | Kamu kelas berapa? | What grade are you? |
common_voice_id_19338304 | Buku saya amat berat. | My book is very heavy. |
common_voice_id_19338301 | Masakan buatan ibu sangat enak. | Mom's cooking is really good. |
common_voice_id_19523005 | Dia meninggal sebagai seorang wanita yang bahagia. | She died as a happy woman. |
common_voice_id_19499750 | Ini cinta pertama saya. | This is my first love. |
common_voice_id_19402664 | Tolong lepas topi anda di ruangan ini. | Please take off your hat in this room. |
common_voice_id_19761121 | Tom menyadari Mary tidak sedang bercanda. | Tom realized Mary was not joking. |
common_voice_id_19647935 | Anjing itu dibuat agar menggonggong kepada orang asing. | The dog was trained to bark at strangers. |
common_voice_id_19059623 | Hobiku menulis cerita. | My hobby is writing stories. |
common_voice_id_19344406 | Ini masalah yang harus kamu selesaikan sendiri. | This is a problem that you have to solve yourself. |
common_voice_id_19493228 | Kita harus tetap di sini sampai Tom kembali. | We have to stay here until Tom returns. |
common_voice_id_19078430 | Mereka mengajukan kasus itu ke pengadilan. | They submitted the case to the court. |
common_voice_id_19059666 | Makanan kesukaan Anda apa. | What is your favorite food? |
common_voice_id_19080214 | Saya bisa makan yang ini? | Can I eat this one? |
common_voice_id_19059475 | Kalimat manakah yang dia pilih? | Which sentence did he choose? |
common_voice_id_19059451 | Penglihatannya sangat buruk. | His eyesight is very bad. |
common_voice_id_19338514 | Saya berandai-andai apakah Tom masih mengingat bagaimana cara untuk melakukannya. | I wonder if Tom still remembers how to do it. |
common_voice_id_19404384 | Brazil adalah negara yang sepak bolanya sangat kuat. | Brazil is a country whose football is very strong. |
common_voice_id_19270604 | Bagaimana kalau kita tunda besok saja..? | How about we delay it tomorrow...? |
common_voice_id_19508516 | Saya tahu dia tidak dapat bekerja lagi. | I know he can’t work anymore. |
common_voice_id_19704662 | Inilah pen saya. | This is my pen. |
common_voice_id_19115416 | Tom melanjutkan menyapu lantai. | Tom continued sweeping the floor. |
common_voice_id_19376936 | Kamu mengambil kunci yang salah. | You took the wrong key. |
common_voice_id_19761414 | Pagi ini karena ada waktu, saya keluar rumah setelah membaca koran. | This morning because there was time, I left home after reading the newspaper. |
common_voice_id_19061999 | Kaki saya lelah karena banyak berjalan. | My legs are tired from walking a lot. |
common_voice_id_19305385 | Karena malam hari dingin, saya keluar membawa mantel. | Because it's cold at night, I come out carrying a coat. |
common_voice_id_19404376 | Kalau penghangat dinyalakan, udara akan hangat. | If the heater is turned on, the air will be warm. |
common_voice_id_19059550 | Mengapa aku harus menolong Tom? | Why should I help Tom? |
common_voice_id_19499768 | Saya sekarang tidak ada uang. | I have no money now. |
common_voice_id_19364518 | Hari ini lebih berawan dari kemarin. | Today is more cloudy than yesterday. |
common_voice_id_19162554 | Anak perempuan itu melompat. | The girl is jumping. |
common_voice_id_19376341 | Minyak wangi itu memiliki aroma menenangkan. | The fragrance has a calming aroma. |
common_voice_id_19192747 | Dave adalah perenang tercepat dari semua teman sekelasku. | Dave is the fastest swimmer of all my classmates. |
common_voice_id_19258313 | """Michael"" adalah nama laki-laki, tetapi ""Michelle"" adalah nama perempuan." | "Michael" is a male name, but "Michelle" is a female name. |
common_voice_id_19338560 | Tom kehilangan rasa tertarik dalam belajar bahasa Perancis. | Tom lost his interest in learning French. |
common_voice_id_19392494 | Ayahnya memanggilnya Tom. | His father called him Tom. |
common_voice_id_19062340 | Pukulannya tidak bisa begitu jauh karena ada angin yang melawan arah. | His hit can't be that far because there is wind against the direction. |
common_voice_id_19056664 | Setiap hari sibuk tetapi sangat menyenangkan. | It is busy every day but very pleasant. |
common_voice_id_19338365 | Apakah kamu menyukai baseball, Bin? | Do you like baseball, Bin? |
common_voice_id_19338432 | Saya pergi ke pos polisi karena kehilangan dompet. | I went to the police post because I lost my wallet. |
common_voice_id_19115456 | Tom pernah memiliki sekompleks tanah ini. | Tom once owned this cluster land. |
common_voice_id_19338558 | Ujian kemarin sangat sulit. | Yesterday’s test was very difficult. |
common_voice_id_19827649 | Dia pria pertama yang saya wawancarai untuk pekerjaan. | He was the first man I interviewed for a job. |
common_voice_id_19059405 | Aku tinggal di sebuah kota. | I live in a city. |
common_voice_id_19338430 | Walau mau bicara apapun, saya sudah tidak bisa mempercayaimu. | Even want to say anything, I can't trust you anymore. |
common_voice_id_19061988 | Saya pikir itulah masalahnya. | I think that's the problem. |
common_voice_id_19653087 | Orang itu kakinya kurus dan panjang. | That person has long and thin legs. |
common_voice_id_19192704 | Dia bisa berbicara empat bahasa. | He can speak four languages. |
common_voice_id_19338540 | Dia selalu melihatmu. Dia pasti jatuh cinta kepadamu. | He always sees you. He must fall in love with you. |
common_voice_id_19878659 | Anak-anak suka menonton televisi. | Children love watching television. |
common_voice_id_19761216 | Anak laki-lakiku membuatku kecewa. | My son makes me disappointed. |
common_voice_id_19376363 | Di sekolah setiap hari ada ujian kanji. | There is a kanji examination every day at school. |
common_voice_id_19059380 | Apakah kamu pernah ke Jepang? | Have you ever been to Japan? |
common_voice_id_19338644 | Anak-anak belajar untuk merespon suara yang berima sejak usia kecil. | Children learn to respond to rhyming sounds from a young age. |
common_voice_id_19059422 | Bepergian ke Okinawa naik pesawat berapa lama? | How long does it take to travel to Okinawa? |
common_voice_id_19802435 | Saya akan mengirim surat kepada Pak Tanaka. | I will send a letter to Mr. Tanaka. |
common_voice_id_19270621 | Saya gemar berenang dan bermain bola basket. | I love to swim and play basketball. |
End of preview. Expand
in Dataset Viewer.
Dataset Details
This is the Indonesia-to-English dataset for Speech Translation task. This dataset is acquired from CoVoST. CoVoST2 is end-to-end speech-to-text translation. The dataset is based on using Mozillas open-source Common Voice database of crowdsourced voice recordings. CoVoST2 is covering several languages, one of which is Indonesia. The Indonesian data has 2879 utterances and approximately 2 hours and 58 minutes of audio data.
Processing Steps
Before the Fleurs dataset is extracted, there are some preprocessing steps to the data:
- Remove some unused columns.
- Switch the
column position into the first column. - Rename the
column totext_indo
column totext_en
. - Cast the audio column into Audio object.
- Split into Train and Validation.
Dataset Structure
train: Dataset({
features: ['id', 'audio', 'text_indo', 'text_en'],
num_rows: 2892
validation: Dataset({
features: ['id', 'audio', 'text_indo', 'text_en'],
num_rows: 724
title={CoVoST 2: A Massively Multilingual Speech-to-Text Translation Corpus},
author={Changhan Wang and Anne Wu and Juan Pino},
Huge thanks to Yasmin Moslem for mentoring me.
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