SAM: And, when we get canceled, this is going to
be a great dining room table.
MATT: This is true! Thank you guys, Wyrmwood. If
you aren’t familiar with any of their stuff, go to
wyrmwoodgaming.com, that’s W-Y-R-M-wood Gaming
dot com. They do awesome work. It’s really super
high-quality, it’s great. So thank you guys. All
right, so. Let’s see. Updates we can get through.
Laura, do you have an update for merch stuff in
the new year?
LAURA: (yells) Okay. Yes, I do. It’s a new
campaign, new us, new merch. I don’t know which
camera I’m looking at.
SAM: That one.
LAURA: So we released our teaser on socials, and
everybody was like, “I want that as a poster!” So
we listened to you, and we made it a poster!
SAM: It’s a real poster?
LAURA: It’s a real poster!
SAM: Oh, wow!
LAURA: Look at this lameness that you could have
on your wall! So yeah. It’s in the store right
now, you guys, and we printed a small amount, so
those ones will be shipped faster, and then after
that it’ll just be pre-order, but I think it’s all
listed as pre-order, so just so you know.
SAM: Can you photoshop out my crotch region?
TALIESIN: That would be a lot of photoshop, man.
MATT: None of us have that much talent in post,
LAURA: But let’s just talk about this Matthew
MATT: Let’s not talk about what I– when I put
that outfit on, I did not consider quite the
permeation in my life it would become. So there’s
LAURA: So we can be with you always. Matt can
stare at you while you sleep.
LIAM: That’s actually how Purvon dressed.
MATT: God damn it.
TALIESIN: Hey, first throwback! Well done.
LAURA: Oh yeah. We’ve got to be careful, guys,
because we have a lot of people that haven’t
watched the last campaign, or haven’t finished the
last campaign, so no spoilers for last campaign.
SAM: I don’t really remember it.
TRAVIS: Well, we all died, so.
MATT: That’s true, yeah. Okay, next announcements:
the Critical Role podcast we have currently up to
date. All of Vox Machina’s story, the whole first
campaign, is now on the podcast. You can find it
where the finest podcasts are downloaded. And do
we have an update as far as the release schedule
for this podcast?
MARISHA: Yes, we do. They will be releasing one
week after we are live. We’ll be one week behind.
SAM: On a Thursday?
MARISHA: They will be releasing on Thursdays the
week after.