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SAM: And, when we get canceled, this is going to |
be a great dining room table. |
MATT: This is true! Thank you guys, Wyrmwood. If |
you aren’t familiar with any of their stuff, go to |
wyrmwoodgaming.com, that’s W-Y-R-M-wood Gaming |
dot com. They do awesome work. It’s really super |
high-quality, it’s great. So thank you guys. All |
right, so. Let’s see. Updates we can get through. |
Laura, do you have an update for merch stuff in |
the new year? |
LAURA: (yells) Okay. Yes, I do. It’s a new |
campaign, new us, new merch. I don’t know which |
camera I’m looking at. |
SAM: That one. |
LAURA: So we released our teaser on socials, and |
everybody was like, “I want that as a poster!” So |
we listened to you, and we made it a poster! |
(cheering) |
SAM: It’s a real poster? |
LAURA: It’s a real poster! |
SAM: Oh, wow! |
LAURA: Look at this lameness that you could have |
on your wall! So yeah. It’s in the store right |
now, you guys, and we printed a small amount, so |
those ones will be shipped faster, and then after |
that it’ll just be pre-order, but I think it’s all |
listed as pre-order, so just so you know. |
SAM: Can you photoshop out my crotch region? |
LAURA: No. |
TALIESIN: That would be a lot of photoshop, man. |
MATT: None of us have that much talent in post, |
Sam. |
LAURA: But let’s just talk about this Matthew |
Mercer. |
MATT: Let’s not talk about what I– when I put |
that outfit on, I did not consider quite the |
permeation in my life it would become. So there’s |
that. |
LAURA: So we can be with you always. Matt can |
stare at you while you sleep. |
LIAM: That’s actually how Purvon dressed. |
MATT: God damn it. |
TALIESIN: Hey, first throwback! Well done. |
LAURA: Oh yeah. We’ve got to be careful, guys, |
because we have a lot of people that haven’t |
watched the last campaign, or haven’t finished the |
last campaign, so no spoilers for last campaign. |
SAM: I don’t really remember it. |
TRAVIS: Well, we all died, so. |
MATT: That’s true, yeah. Okay, next announcements: |
the Critical Role podcast we have currently up to |
date. All of Vox Machina’s story, the whole first |
campaign, is now on the podcast. You can find it |
where the finest podcasts are downloaded. And do |
we have an update as far as the release schedule |
for this podcast? |
MARISHA: Yes, we do. They will be releasing one |
week after we are live. We’ll be one week behind. |
SAM: On a Thursday? |
MARISHA: They will be releasing on Thursdays the |
week after. |
Subsets and Splits