LAURA: Oh, so you can listen to it in the morning
and watch it live at night. If you have a lot of
free time. Or a really long drive, maybe.
SAM: An extra eight hours to spend every
MATT: To be fair, you guys would have about as
much free time on a Thursday as I would. Cool, so
look forward to that. Comic book, issue four of
Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins, Liam, when
does that come out?
LIAM: It is coming out on the 24th of this month.
TRAVIS: Oh, make it sooner!
LIAM: I’ve read it. It’s so good, it’s real good,
it’s so good. You guys, Vox Machina’s story ended
at this table, but it is going to live on and on
and on– at least for three more issues.
MATT: Thank you very much.
TRAVIS: Check it out everywhere.
LIAM: Yeah, on Zune, on PalmPilot. Darkhorse app,
Comixology, Limewire, finally.
MARISHA: Napster.
LAURA: I’m going to throw up.
MATT: That’s okay, guys, we’ve got a couple more
things left. Thank you for hanging in there. As
far as con appearances go, I actually fly tomorrow
to Miami, Florida for Paradise City Comic Con.
I’ll be there tomorrow until Sunday. If you guys
are in the area, come say hi at the convention. It
should be fun. I have panels and signings and
stuff. Hopefully see you there. Also, I’ll be at
Lexington Comic and Toy Con in Lexington,
Kentucky, March 9-11, Otafest in Calgary, May
18-20, and A-Kon in Texas, June 7-10.
ASHLEY: Jeez Louise, Matt.
LAURA: We have Emerald City Comic Con, me and
TRAVIS: First weekend of March.
MATT: Badass. Cool. All right, so. Paring it down,
finishing it up here. Thank you for your patience.
With the new campaign, I want to renew our
appreciation for and make sure that we push to you
guys that we, from the very beginning, have been
supporting a really amazing charity called 826,
826LA being our local chapter. They have 826
groups all over the United States that they do
after-school creative writing, and a lot of great
creative classes for children who are either
underprivileged or don’t have opportunities to go
to these types of classes. They do wonderful,
wonderful work, and we’ve been supporting them
from the very beginning, and we’re just doubling
down on that for this new campaign. You guys as a
community have been fantastic in supporting them,
and all the charities that we’ve supported from
the very beginning. Critmas every year has been a
very prime example of that, so I just wanted to
continue to push that forward, share the love, and
a big thank-you to 826 for being such an amazing
source of creative drive for so many young kids
who normally wouldn’t have that opportunity. So
you guys are amazing, and show them your
appreciation if you can.