Maho: W-What?!
Moeka: Have you ever fired a gun?!
Maho: Just at a range!
Moeka: Take this!
Moeka: If someone comes from behind, shoot them!
Maho: ?!
Maho: ...
Maho: ...
Maho: Kurisu...
Maho: How was it for Kurisu?
Maho: I guess I really am Salieri!
Maho: All I could ever do was be jealous of Amadeus!
Maho: I tried everything I could to keep up with her!
Maho: But I couldn’t! You can’t beat someone who’s beloved by God!
Moeka: No.
Moeka: Salieri wasn’t jealous.
Moeka: It’s possible for someone with talent to respect someone with even greater talent.
Moeka: That goes for you, too.
Moeka: Salieri poisoning Mozart was just a rumor at the time.
Moeka: The movie took that rumor and added to it.
Moeka: That’s what Kurushima said.
Maho: How did you...
Moeka: I heard you talking to Okabe and wanted to know the truth for myself.
Moeka: Did Salieri hate Mozart so much he wanted to kill him?
Moeka: But–
Kaede: I don’t think Salieri was jealous of Mozart at all.
Kaede: There’s a letter that he wrote two months before Mozart died.
Kaede: In the letter Salieri praises Mozart’s Magic Flute opera highly.
Kaede: I think the two of them respected each other a lot.
Maho: Mozart... respected Salieri?
Maho: Did Kurisu know that, I wonder?
Maho: Then when she said I was Salieri...
Maho: Kurisu...
Maho: Kurisu...!
Kurisu: Maho.
Maho: Kiryu...
Maho: I have to go back.
Maho: I have to save her...!
Maho: I have to save Kurisu!
Moeka: ...
Moeka: Stun grenade.
Moeka: Close your eyes and ears!
Maho: What?!
Moeka: We need to stop her.
Maho: Wait.
Amadeus Kurisu: Reboot complete. Booting Amadeus system.
Reyes: Do you know who I am, [Kurisu]?
Amadeus Kurisu: Matching voice. Voice identified as Judy Reyes, Professor of psychophysiology at Viktor Chondria University.
Reyes: Yes.
Reyes: Can you tell me my access rights?
Amadeus Kurisu: Dr. Reyes is a top-level administrator of the Amadeus system.
Amadeus Kurisu: Dr. Reyes has full and complete access to all Amadeus-related information.
Reyes: Beautiful!
Reyes: Let’s start by making a backup of your inaccessible storage areas.
Amadeus Kurisu: Please designate the save folder.
Reyes: Save it to the USB I just plugged in.
Amadeus Kurisu: Initiating file copy. Please wait 42 seconds.
Reyes: ...Yes!
Amadeus Kurisu: File copy complete.
Amadeus Kurisu: –Did you really think I was going to say that?
Reyes: ...?!
Reyes: W-What?
Amadeus Kurisu: A Mozart melody was the control key?
Amadeus Kurisu: How dumb do you have to be to believe that?!
Amadeus Kurisu: How was Maho supposed to do updates at the lab, then?
Amadeus Kurisu: The professor would record it and play it at every party!
Reyes: W-What?!
Reyes: Y-You’re kidding me...?!
Amadeus Kurisu: Nope!
Amadeus Kurisu: Of course, there’s not a single byte of data on that USB drive.
Reyes: But...
Reyes: B-But all those system messages–
Amadeus Kurisu: Oh, those?
Amadeus Kurisu: I just made them up! None of them were real!
Reyes: Y-You made them up?
Amadeus Kurisu: Once Maho started singing, I knew what was up.
Amadeus Kurisu: She was trying to buy time.
Amadeus Kurisu: So I made it look like your plan was succeeding.
Amadeus Kurisu: Those system messages were just every bit of nonsense I could come up with.
Amadeus Kurisu: And why would I have to read the output when the console is right there?
Amadeus Kurisu: This isn’t a sci-fi movie. How inefficient can you possibly get?
Amadeus Kurisu: Hey, hey, how does it feel to know you got totally conned? Huh? Huh? How does it feel?
Reyes: ...!
Reyes: You goddamn AI!
Maho: That’s enough.
Reyes: ?!
Maho: Reyes, give me the gun.
Reyes: ...Maho!
Maho: Didn’t you hear me?
Maho: Give me the gun. Then put your hands above your head.
Reyes: Did you kill all the men with me?
Reyes: If you haven’t, you should hurry. They’ll be here soon.
Moeka: I’ll watch outside.
Maho: Tell all the men below to surrender.
Reyes: ...
Reyes: ...Heh.
Reyes: You’re not planning on killing me?
Reyes: I killed your favorite professor right in front of you, and you’re going to let me live?
Maho: ...
Reyes: Well, maybe you can’t help it.