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"कुनै पनि अन्य सरकारी एजेन्सीले यो जानकारी प्रयोग गर्न सक्दैन, केन्द्रीय सरकार अन्तर्गतका कसैले कुनै पनि हालतमा यो जानकारी पाउँदैनन् र राज्यका अधिकारीहरूमा पनि स्वास्थ्य अधिकारीहरूले मात्र यसलाई प्रयोग गर्न सक्दछन्," उनले भने। | "No other government agency can use this information, no one in the commonwealth government at all, and in state authorities, only the health officer can use it. |
एउटा गीत प्ले गर्नुहोस्, जुन तपाईं चाहानुहुन्छ। | Pick a song which you want. |
तर, तपाईं उदास हुँदा चिढिएर अझ बढी रिसाउनुहुन्छ अनि पूरै संसार गलत छ भनेर सोच्नुहुन्छ भने, तपाईं पटमूर्ख हो। | But, when you get sad, if you are going to get irritable and angry, and that whole world is wrong, you are a fool. |
जिन्दगी भनेको कुनै चलचित्र होइन । | "Life is not a movie. |
त्यसपछि, म र उनीबीच केही दूरीको महसुस गरेँ। | Yet I felt there was a distance between me and him. |
बोन्डाउकाउ | Bondoukou |
यस सन्दर्भमा यहाँ के भन्नुहुन्छ ? | What do you refer to in this case? |
यस दिन धेरै देशहरुमा राष्ट्रिय अवकाशको घोषणा गरिन्छ। | This day is declared a national holiday in many countries. |
तर, उनले काम गर्न थालेको... | but he was working... |
तपाईँको सूचना परिवर्तन गर्नका लागि आफ्नो पासवर्ड प्रविष्ट गर्नुपर्दछ । | You must enter your password in order to change your information. |
ती सिपाहीहरूले तपाईंको पवित्र स्थान जलाए। तिनीहरूले त्यो मन्दिर जुन तपाईंको नाउँको सम्मानमा बनिएको थियो भूँईमा लडाए।
| They have burned your sanctuary to the ground. They have profaned the dwelling place of your Name.
'एरिक्सनले समाधान स्वीकारेको छ र यस योजनाको पुष्टि राष्ट्रिय र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विशेषज्ञहरु द्वारा गरिएको छ जसले समान उपचारको सिफारिस गर्छन् । | "Christian has accepted the solution and the plan has been confirmed by specialists nationally and internationally who all recommend the same treatment. |
तर आज हामीले तपाईंका लागि एउटा यस्तो वेबसाइटको कुरा गरिरहेका छौं, जसले तपाईंको फोटोको ब्याकग्राउण्डलाई थोरै समयमा सजिलै हटाइदिन सक्छ । | But today we are talking about a website for you, which can easily remove the background of your photo in a short time. |
म सधैं आफूले छानेका राजालाई प्रेम र सहयोग गर्नेछु। म उनलाई सधैं बलियो बनाउने छु।
| But my faithfulness and my loving kindness will be with him. In my name, his horn will be exalted.
अध्ययनहरूबाट थाहा हुन्छ कि यो एउटा गलत धारणा हो । | Research shows that this is a misconception. |
उनिहरुले के भोगीरहेका छन् भन्ने कुराको बारेमा तपाईलाई थाहा हूदैन; हरेक मानिसको फरक अनुभव हुन्छ। | You don't know what is going on in their heads; everyone's experience is different. |
हामी जनताकोबीचमा छौँ। | We are people in between. |
अब भने यो नियमलाई हटाउन थालिएको छ । | Now, this rule has been removed. |
तपाईंले मेरो भावना र विचारहरूको सार प्रस्तुत गर्नुभयो। | You have summed up my feelings and thoughts. |
साथै, भेडाका बगालहरू पनि कष्ट भोग्दैछन् । | The flocks of sheep are also suffering. |
उनले यो प्रतिकृया जापानबाट गरेका हुन्। | He did it from Japan. |
उनीहलाई विश्वासमा लिएर सहमत गराउन केही समय लाग्यो । | It took a bit of time to gain her trust. |
रऊ जन्मेपछि पेलेग अर्को दुइ सय नौ बर्षसम्म बाँचे अनि यस अवधिमा तिनका अरू छोरा-छोरीहरू पनि जन्मिए। | Peleg lived after the birth of Reu two hundred and nine years, and had other sons and daughters. |
तर, अहिले यो संख्यामा चार गुणाले बढेको छ । | This number has now increased by four times. |
हालसालै उनी लामो शर्ट लगाएर मुम्बईका सडकहरूमा हिंडिरहेका थिए। | Recently she was seen wandering on the streets of Mumbai. |
अनि ठीक सात दिनपछि पृथ्वीमा जल-प्रलयको पानी पर्नलाग्यो।
| It happened after the seven days, that the waters of the flood came on the earth.
कन्सोलमा त्रुटि सच्याइएका सन्देशहरू मुद्रण गर्दछ (१ देखि ६ बीचका तह)
| Prints user plane debug messages in the console (level between 1 and 4)
परमप्रभुको महिमा मन्दिरमा मूल-ढोकाबाट आयो जुन पूर्वमा खोलिएको थियो।
| The glory of Yahweh came into the house by the way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east.
कुनै पनि फाइल निर्दिष्ट गरिएको छैन
| No output file specified
एउटा चर्च भवनसमेत ध्वस्त भएको छ । | A church building was destroyed. |
र जबकि यो वर्ष विच्छिन्न सञ्चालनबाट कुनै नाफा भएन , गत वर्ष तिनीहरूले करपूर्व ३४ मिलियन योगदान गरे ।
| And while there was no profit this year from discontinued operations , last year they contributed # 34 million , before tax .
लेख सूची । | Articles list. |
यदि हो भने पुलिसलाई नै पक्रन चाहिँ कसलाई पठाउने ? | If it does happen, who will call the police? |
कतिपय स्थानमा मुअब्जा वितरणसमेत भएको छ । | In some areas cash is also distributed. |
यसलाई नोभेम्बर को सातौं थियो। | It was November 7th. |
फाइदाहरु : यस आसनले हातखुट्टा र कम्मरलाई लचिलो एवम् बलियो बनाउंछ र सुडौल पार्छ ।
| Benefits : This posture makes the hands and the waist flexible and strong.
यो अंग्रेजीको मात्रै कुरा होइन। | It is not just the English. |
`` बोका रेटनका सक्रीय ५५ वर्षीय व्यक्ति सिनियर ओलम्पिक खेलबारे चासो राख्न सक्छन् , जबकि पनामा शहरका ७५ वर्षीय स्वस्थ्य सेमिनारमा धेरै चासो राख्न सक्छन् , '' उहाँ भन्नुहुन्छ ।
| `` An active 55-year-old in Boca Raton may care more about Senior Olympic games , while a 75-year-old in Panama City may care more about a seminar on health , '' she says .
उनलाई सहयोग गर्नका लागि आसपासमा कोही पनि थिएनन् । | No one was around to help Him. |
मैले यो उमेरसम्म यस्तो अवस्थाको माछापुच्छ्रे देखेको थिइनँ । | I have never seen this species of fish before. |
सातौँँ योजनामा जन्म, मृत्यु तथा व्यक्तिगत घटना दर्ता प्रणाली कार्यक्रमको लागि रु. ६४,००,००० व्यवस्था गरिएको छ।
| For the registration programme of births, deaths and vital events, Rs 6.4 million has been allocated in the Seventh plan
पोर्ट नम्बर | Port Number |
विधेयकलाई समितिमा पठाउनु पर्थ्यो । | The bill has been sent to Committee. |
तर पीएसजीलाई लिएर एउटा समस्या छ । | But there is a problem for the GOP. |
यस २०१ वर्षमा उनले केवल १५ खेल जितेकी छिन्। | In 2013, he played only 15 games. |
उनका पछाडि दुई व्यक्ति उभिएको देखिन्छ। | There were two people standing behind them. |
धेरै जना प्रयासरत चाहिँ छन् । | A lot of people are making an effort. |
यसलाई सुधार गर्ने जिम्मा हामी सबैको हो । | We are all responsible to rectify it. |
यो सबै तथ्य बाहिर आइसकेको छ । | The facts are all coming out. |
परमेश्वरले तपाईंलाई प्रेम गर्नुहुन्छ, तपाईं जहाँ, जस्तो सुकै अवस्थामा भएपनि उहाँले तपाईलाई प्रेम गर्नुहुन्छ । | God loves you where you, as you are. |
युद्धमा थिएनौँ भनेका छौँ हामीले। | It said, We are not at war. |
ठूलो पार्टी बनाउन न भयो । | There was NO large party. |
अनुप्रयोग चयन गर्नुहोस् | Select an Application |
'दाङमा ५० प्रतिशत भन्दा धेरैले खानेपानीको अभाव झेल्नुपरेको छ' | 'Sindh is suffering from more than 50% water shortage' |
उनीहरूले आफू परिचय दिन्छन्। | They are presenting themselves. |
उनी तर्क गर्छन् , अर्को पक्षलाई थाहा छ गिउलियानी सधैँ छनौट पक्षपाती रहनुभएको छ यद्यपि उहाँका व्यक्तिगत शर्तहरू छन् ।
| '' The other side , he argues , `` knows Giuliani has always been pro-choice , even though he has personal reservations .
तपाईँ सबै प्रभाव ट्याबमा धेरै प्रभावहरू फेला पार्न सक्नुहुन्छ
| You can find more effects, as well as effect-specific settings, in the "All Effects" tab above.
उहाँको निधन मेरा लागि वैयक्तिक क्षति पनि हो । | His demise is also a personal loss to me. |
तथ्य थाहा पाउन जरुरी छ । | need to know the facts. |
सन् २०० मा यो प्रतिशत थियो । | It was three per cent in 2008. |
यसकारण तिनले प्रत्येकलाई एक एक थैलो पैसा दिए। तिनले भने, म फर्केर नआउन्जेल यो तिमीहरूले व्यापार गर्दै गर।
| He called ten servants of his, and gave them ten mina coins, and told them, 'Conduct business until I come.'
पहिले र अहिलेमा भिन्नता छ । | right now and before are different. |
तीस हजार मानिसमा गरिएको सर्वेक्षणले मार्च ११ मा महामारी पुष्टि भएयताको महिनामा कसरी विभिन्न देशहरूलाई असर पारेको छ भनेर हेरेको थियो। | The survey of nearly 30,000 people shows how different countries have been affected by the pandemic, six months after it was confirmed on 11 March. |
ट्रम्पले त्यसकै जवाफ दिएका हुन् । | Trump has responded to it. |
त्यसको अर्थ हो नेता । | It means chief. |
तिनीहरू मुख्यतया ठूलो आकार, गैर पोर्टेबल उपकरणका लागि प्रयोग गरिन्छ। | They are mainly used for the large sized, non-portable equipment. |
उनी गायिकाको रुपमा परिचित छिन् । | She is well-known as a singer. |
सर्भर स्थिति क्वेरी गर्दा त्रुटि । | Error while querying the server status. |
- दुवै बराबर छन्। | - They are both equal. |
खोजी रिडु गर्नुहोस् | Redo the search |
कोलेस्टेरोल जन्तुबाट उत्पादन हुने चिल्लो पदार्थमा मात्र पाइन्छ ।
| Only a small substance produced from cholesterol beasts is found.
दुलहीका बाबुआमालाई कोसेली पठाएर मञ्जूर गराए हुन्छ ।
| The bride's parents have been sent by Kossei.
अज्ञात प्रणाली | Unknown system |
उनले पहिलो सिनेमाबाटै अवार्ड जितेका थिए । | He won The Pictures first film prize. |
तपाईंको रचना राम्रो छ। | your creation is very good. |
साथै यो भवन होइन, मेरो लागि यो घर हो । | this building isn't my house, |
"यो वर्ष अवस्था एकदमै भिन्न छ," उनी भन्छन्। | This year is different," he said. |
फिक्री मात्र गरेर कसैले पनि आफ्नो आयुमा केही समय बढाउन सक्दैन।
| "Which of you, by being anxious, can add one moment to his lifespan?
चुनौती भने शुरु भएको छ । | The challenge has now started. |
अनुमति अस्वीकृत । | Permission denied. |
सब भन्दा साधारण तरीका भनेको शंकास्पद सीसाको ठूला सूचिहरू खरीद गर्नु हो र केही राम्रो सम्भाव्यहरू फेला पार्ने आशामा हो, तर यसको लागि धेरै समय र पैसा चाहिन्छ। | The most common approach is to buy large lists of questionable leads and hope to find a few good prospects, but this requires a lot of time and money. |
| Warehouses
मैले अपेक्षा गरेको नै उत्तर पाएँ । | The answers I was expecting. |
उनीहरुको बजार हिस्सा बढेको छ । | Their market share is on the rise. |
क्रिकेट विकासनिम्ति न्यूनतम पर्ूवाधारसमेत नहुने परिस्थितिमा सुधार ल्याउन जरुरी छ ।
| Cricket development is also necessary to improve the situation where there is no minimum cost.
कांग्रेस २००३ सालमा स्थापना भएको हो । | It was established by Congress in 2003. |
परिवर्तनहरू कागजातमा बचत गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ?
| Save changes to document ?
पवमेडका लागि खोजी गर्नुहोस्:
| Search PubMed for:
यसका लागि तपाईसित के हुनु पर्छ ? | What are you are to be with it? |
यसलाई समाजका विभिन्न पक्षमा देख्न सकिन्छ । | It can be seen in many aspects of society. |
रनलेभलमा नयाँ सेवा का लागि चयन गरिएको पाठ रङ छनोट गर्न चयन रङ संवाद बाकस प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् । नयाँ सेवा प्रविष्टि चयन गरेको बेलामा यो रङद्वारा छुट्ट्याइन्छन् । | Use the Select Color dialog box to pick a selected text color for services new to a runlevel. New service entries will be distinguished by this color while they are selected. |
र, मलाई लाग्छ यो वर्ष हामी फेरि गर्न सक्नेछौं । | So I hope we can do that again this year. |
प्रविष्टि चौडाइ: | Entry _width: |
पृष्ठभूमि | background |
यहाँ केहि चीजहरू छन् जुन मैले सुन्न जारी राखेको छुः | Here are some things I hear: |
“म तपाईं कहाँ आइरहेछु। तर जब सम्म म यस संसारमा हुनेछु म तिनीहरूका निम्ति प्रार्थना गर्नेछु। यी कुराहरू म भन्दछु ताकि तिनीहरूले मेरो आनन्द प्राप्त गरून्। म तिनीहरूले सबै मेरा आनन्द पाउन भन्दछु।
| But now I come to you, and I say these things in the world, that they may have my joy made full in themselves.
हे परमेश्वर, हाम्रा पुर्खाहरूले गरेको पापको निम्ति हामीलाई सजाय नदिनुहोस्। चाँडै आफ्नो कृपादृष्टि हामीलाई देखाउनु होस कारण हामीहरू असहाय अनि अभाव ग्रस्त छौं।
| Don't hold the iniquities of our forefathers against us. Let your tender mercies speedily meet us, for we are in desperate need.
अदुवा सर्वप्रथम चीनमा प्रयोग भएको थियो । | Spoon was first used in China. |
त्यसपछि फिरऊनले मोशा र हारूनलाई बोलाएर तिनीहरूलाई भने, “यही भूमिमा तिमीहरूले आफ्नो परमेश्वरलाई बलि चढाओ।”
| Pharaoh called for Moses and for Aaron, and said, "Go, sacrifice to your God in the land!"
मेरो जीवनकै लागि यो एउटा भयानक झट्का थियो । | This was a huge shock for my life. |
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