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बेलिज | Belize |
हरेक १० वर्षमा हुने जनगणनाले नै त्यसलाई पुष्टि गर्छ। | This is determined by the census that is taken every 10 years. |
अन्य परिवारका सदस्यले पनि त्यसै भन्नुभएको थियो। | Other family members said the same thing. |
यस्तो कसैले गरिरहेको छ भने त्यो बन्द गर्नुपर्छ । | If anyone has been doing that, they need to stop. |
यदि तपाईंसँग यो छैन भने, अन्तमा हामी तपाईंलाई यो डाउनलोड गर्ने तरिका देखाउनेछौं। | If you don't have it, at the end we will show you how to download it. |
सिधा समस्यामा जानुहोस् र तपाईंको चिन्ताको बारेमा लेख्नुहोस्। | Go straight to the problem and write about your worries. |
कुञ्जीरिंग भित्र कुञ्जीहरू आयात गरियो
| Imported key into keyring
यस्तो छ मौसमको पूर्वानुमान | This is the weather forecast. |
जुन यहाँ हामी तपाईंलाई सिकाउँदै छौं । | That's what we teach you here. |
अब, समय जटिलता लाईन लाई कम गरिएको छ। | Now, the time complexity has been reduced to linear. |
कानून सबैलाई थाहा छ । | everyone knows the law. |
हे भाइहरू हो, तिमीहरूका लागि परमेश्वरलाई सधैं धन्यवाद चढाउन हामीलाई करै लागेको छ र यो उपयुक्त छ, किनकि तिमीहरूको विश्वास झन्-झन् बढ्दैछ र एक-अर्काप्रति तिमीहरू हरेकको अनि सबैको प्रेम बढ्दैछ। | 1 We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing. |
उनी अहिले कम्पनीका अध्यक्ष हुन्। | Now he is the president of the company. |
यो अवधि हाम्रो लागि सजिलो बाटो थिएन । | It was not an easy time for us. |
यो तपाईँहरूले यतिका वर्षसम्म गरेको संघर्षको फल हो। | This is the result of the hard work which you put in over the years. |
यो सब मात्र तिम्रो कारणले सम्भव भएको छ । | All this was possible because of you. |
उनीहरूलाई घरभित्र पस्न अनुमति थिएन। | They were not allowed in the home. |
वाडेना | Wadena |
तपाईं एउटा जांच गर्दै गर्दा, कृपया हामीलाई तपाईंले चाहेको मात्रा थाहा दिनुहोस्। | When you are making an inquiry, please let me know the quantity you want. |
मैले १२ वर्षको उमेर देखि लागुऔषध प्रयोग गर्न थालेको थिए। | I started using drugs when I was 12. |
जुन यहाँबाट पढ्न सकिन्न । | Can't read it from here. |
मरारी परिवार समूहका मानिसहरूको अगुवाले अबीहेलको छोरा सूरीएलले पवित्र पालको उत्तर तिर तिनीहरूका पालहरू लगाए।
| The prince of the fathers' house of the families of Merari was Zuriel the son of Abihail. They shall encamp on the north side of the tabernacle.
जब सबै अनुष्ठानहरू पूर्ण भए । | when all phases are completed. |
केही सामान्य उदाहरणहरूलाई हेरौं न । | Take a look at some common examples. |
यसको मतलब हामी चुप लागेर बसेका छौँ भन्ने पनि होइन। | It does not mean we are silent. |
तपाईं मेरो मुटुमा धेरै विशेष स्थान राख्नुहुन्छ। | You have special places in my heart. |
राजाको क्रोध सिंहको गर्जन झैं हो, जसले उसलाई क्रोधित बनाउँछ आफ्नो जीवनलाई खतरामा पार्छ। | 2The terror of a king is like the roar of a lion; He who provokes his anger risks his life. |
तब तिनीहरूले उहाँलाई फेरि पक्रन खोजे तर उहाँ तिनीहरूको हातबाट उम्कनुभयो। | Then they again sought to take Him; but He escaped out of their hands, |
गाउँमा त्यस्तो अवस्था छैन । | That was not the case in this village. |
एक व्यक्तिले हासिल गरेको र उसले प्राप्त गर्न असफल रहेको सबै कुरा उसको आफ्नै विचारहरूको प्रत्यक्ष परिणाम हो। | that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts. |
एउटा प्रसङ्ग छ - | There is a point - |
युकेमा रोजगारीका लागि खोजी गर्नुहोस् यदि तपाईं युकेमा रोजगार खोज्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने, हामी तपाईंलाई . . . | Search for jobs in UK If you want to search for jobs in the UK, we have provided you with the... |
देशको आर्थिक तथा सामाजिक विकास गर्न सिंचार्य सुविधा, विद्युतीकरण, सडक निर्माण तथा औद्योगिकरण अति आवश्यक हुन्छन् तर यी कार्यहरुबाट प्राकृतिकस्रोतमा प्रत्यक्ष तथा परोक्षरुपमा चाप बढ्दै गइरहेकेा र हावा, पानी तथा ध्वनी प्रदुषण पनि क्रमशः बढ ् न थालिरहेकेा पाइन्छ
| Irrigation facilities, electrification, roads construction and industrialisation are essential for economic and social development of the country but these activities are increasing the pressure, directly or indirectly, to the national resource base and air, water and sound pollution is continuously increasing.
यो सबैभन्दा सन्तोषको विषय छ । | This is the most gratifying. |
१ काठ, दाउरामाथिको अत्यधिक निर्भरता
| 1. Excessive Reliance on Timber and Fuelwood:
एक दशकको लेखन पछि, त्यो त्यस्तो प्रकारको हो जसले मलाई बौलाहा बनाउँदछ - लेखन मात्र एउटा अंश हो | After a decade of writing, that's the kind of thing that drives me crazy - writing is simply a part of |
यो त रातको कुरा भयो। | That's what happened to night. |
कार्य नीति
| Working Policy
आगो लाई नियन्त्रण गर्न धेरै कठिनाई भयेको थियो । | It is very hard to control fire. |
कहिलेकाही अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय संस्थाको सहयोगमा र कहिले आफ्नै लगानीमा यहाँका व्यवसायी तथा व्यक्तिहरूले देशको वायु, सौर्य तथा जलश्रोतका संभावना रहेका कैयन नौला परियोजनाहरूको शुरुवात गरेका छन्
| Sometimes supported by international organizations, other times self-funded, both local businesses and individuals have started implementing a number of innovative projects tapping the country's wind, solar and hydro potential.
यसलाई चन्द्रमाको अँध्यारो हिस्सा अर्थात डार्क साइड पनि भनिन्छ । | It is also referred to as the dark side of the moon. |
यसबाट तीन हजारभन्दा बढी मानिस संक्रमित भएको तर कसैको पनि मृत्यु नभएको बताइएको छ । | More than 3,000 people were infected with the disease and no deaths were reported so far. |
पहिलो ब्लग यहाँ मा पढ्न सक्नुहुन्छ र दोस्रो ब्लग यहाँ मा पढ्न सक्नुहुन्छ । | You can read the first article here, and the second article here. |
लाई मा पठाइयो
| processed at / s
संगै यो धार्मिक महोत्सव पनि हो । | It is also a religious event as well. |
यो साइटबाट अनुरोध नगरिएका पपअप सञ्झ्याल देखाउनुहोस् वा लुकाउनुहोस्
| Show or hide unrequested popup windows from this site
: अनि तुरुन्तै, पछि आफ्नो जाल र आफ्ना बुबालाई छोडेर, तिनीहरू उहाँको पछि लागे. | 4:22 Immediately they left the boat and their father, and followed Him. |
प्रति फोल्डर पूर्वावोलोकन लुकाउँदछ र चयन हटाउँदछ
| Hides the per-folder preview and removes the selection
उनलाई न्याय पाउने अधिकार छैन ? | Don't they have a right to justice? |
उनीहरु केवल नम्बरबाट परिचित हुन्थे । | They were known only by their number. |
त्यहाँका मानिसहरूका लागि कि कुनै राम्रो स्वास्थ्य समस्याको साथ धेरै उत्कृष्ट भाग्यको साथ धन्यवादी छन् र धेरै पैसा भएको परिवारको साथ विवाह गर्नु पक्कै पनि धेरै आभारी हुनु पर्छ किनकि उनीहरूसँग वास्तवमा गुनासो गर्न कुनै कारण हुनुपर्दैन हामीमध्ये धेरैजना त्यो भाग्यशाली छैनौं, यद्यपि तपाई मध्ये धेरैले धेरै जवान विवाह गरेका छन जुन तपाईहरु मध्ये धेरै छन् जुन आज पनि एक साथ छन्. | Well for the people out there that have been BLESSED with very Excellent luck with NO health problems at all and being married with a family with a lot of money certainly have so much to be very thankful for since they really should have NO reason to complain when many of us are NOT that lucky at all even though many of you did get married too young which there are a lot of you that are still together today. |
त्यहाँ एउटा युवक थिए । | there was a young man. |
त्यसोभए किन उनीहरूलाई बिदाइ दिनुहोस् जब पानीमा तिनीहरूको भूमिका अब व्यावहारिक हुँदैन? | So why say goodbye to them when their function in the water is no longer viable? |
उनले आफ्नो जीवनकालमा १ लाख ० हजार किताब पढेको पनि भन्ने गरिन्छ । | He said he has read about 10,000 books in his life. |
यसले पछि भविष्यमा पनि समस्या ल्याउँछ । | It will lead to problems in the future. |
यसले आँखाको तेज बढाउँछ । | It increases the eye sight. |
फोल्डरको रूपमा ट्याबहरू थप्नुहोस् | Add Tabs As Folder |
यी साक्षीहरुसित, तिनीहरुले अगमवाणी गरिरहेको समयमा आकाशलाई वृष्टि गराउनुबाट रोक्ने शक्ति छ। तिनीहरुसित पानीलाई रगत तुल्याउने शक्ति छ। तिनीहरुसित हरेक किसिमका कष्ट पृथ्वीमा पठाउने शक्ति छ। तिनीहरुले जति पल्ट यसो गर्न चाहन्छन् गर्न सक्छन्।
| These have the power to shut up the sky, that it may not rain during the days of their prophecy. They have power over the waters, to turn them into blood, and to strike the earth with every plague, as often as they desire.
यो अक्सर गर्भवती रोगहरू र प्रवाह को यस्तो रूप मा छ। | It is in such a form of often pregnant diseases and flows. |
बुबा ले सोध्नु भयो को हुनुहुन्छ उहाहरु। | My dad asked me who he was. |
उत्तर देखि दक्षिण सम्म, युरोप बच्चाहरूसँग यात्रा गर्नको लागि सिफारिश गरिएको ठाउँ हो किनकि यसले शिक्षाको साथ रमाईलो मिलाउँदछ, जुन साना यात्रीहरूका लागि धेरै मनोरञ्जनात्मक हुन सक्छ। | From north to south, Europe is a highly recommended place to travel with children as it mixes fun with education, which can be very entertaining for little travelers. |
मेटाइएको सन्देशहरू तिनीहरू मार्फत हरफसँग प्रदर्शन गर्नु भन्दा लुकाउनुहोस् | Hide deleted messages rather than displaying them with a line through them |
तल नहेर्नुहोस् (२) | Do Not Look Down (2) |
/' उसले भनी- 'तिमी थाक्यौ ?' | She said, "Are you tired?" |
यी डेमक्र्याटको प्रस्तावलाई सरकारी श्रोत तथा समर्थकहरूले अत्यावश्यक सेवा प्रदायक निष्क्रमणलाई कम गर्ने राष्ट्रपति बुसको योजनाभन्दा उल्लेखनीय रूपमा कमजोर भएको बताएका छन् ।
| The Democrat 's proposal is described by government sources and lobbyists as significantly weaker than the president 's plan to cut utility emissions .
भने, "मैले पनि सुनेको छु। | He said "I, I have heard. |
"तपाईं यहाँ आउनुहुन्छ भन्ने कुरा मलाई पहिलै थाहा थियो । | I knew you will come here first. |
बेको चोकपछि आउने चोकको नाम हो मूलचोक ।
| The name of the chawk after the bracket is Chakraboo.
यसको महसँग यसको दिसा खाइएमा विष लागेजस्तै गरी त्यो मह खाने मान्छेलाई चौबीस घण्टासम्म अचेत गराइदिन्छ ।
| If you eat its diet with its honey, as a poisonous poison, it will stumble the person eating that honey for twenty-four hours.
घटना देवास जिल्लाको एउटा गाउँमा भएको हो। | The incident happened at a village the district. |
चलचित्रको नायक हुनु भन्दा पहिले उनी गायक थिए । | He was a singer before becoming a movie star. |
पिङपोङ: | Pingpong: |
तिनीहरूले तीन खेल खेलेका थिए चीन, रूस र अंगोला। | They played three games against China, Russia, and Angola. |
यस्तो यस कारण कि यदि अहिले तपाइँको मासिक तलब ३० हजार छ भने ३० वर्षपछि यो राशि बढेर ९७ हजार ३०० सय पुुग्दछ। | This is because if your monthly expenditure is Rs 30,000 at this time, after 30 years, this amount will increase to 97,300. |
हामीलाई कहिले पनि थाहा हुँदैन जब विपत्ति आउँछ। | We never know when accidents are going to happen. |
यो एकै वा दुई वर्षमा पूरा हुने कुरा होइन । | That is not going to happen in a year or two years. |
सबै पछि, यो तपाईंको पैसा हो। | After all that's your money. |
यो आवश्यक थियो ... | That was necessary... |
अहिले त तपाईंले उहाँलाई चिन्नै सक्नुहुन्न । | You didn't know him now. |
यो पानी स्वस्थ मात्र नभएर लाभदायक पनि हुन्छ । | Drinking water is not only effective, but also healthy. |
सोमालिया सबैभन्दा धेरै भ्रष्टाचार हुने देशमा परेको छ । | Somalia is viewed as the most corrupt country. |
उनले मलाई आफ्नो नाम बताए र नम्बर पनि दिए । | He even gave me his name and number. |
यो खतरा आज पनि छ । | It still remains a threat today. |
त्यो जीवितै थियो, तर धेरै कमजोर। | He was still alive, but very weak. |
स्रोत डेटावेससँग नन- युनिकोड इनकोडिङ्ग हुन्छ ।
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त्यो नियम मैले नै बनाएको हो । | This is a rule I made up. |
' उनले भने, 'हरेक खेल कठिन हुन्छ । | He said: "Every game is difficult. |
मुद्रक सुरु गर्नुहोस्/ रोक्नुहोस्
| Start/ Stop Printer
तर यो बिमारीको अन्य कारण पनि हुन सक्छन् । | However, there could be other reasons for the pain. |
रेखा (1 -) मा सुरु गर्नुहोस्:
| Start at line (1-):
उनलाई भारतमा विशेष सम्मानका साथ हेर्ने गरिएको छ । | He is highly respected in India. |
तर, अय्यूब, तिमी यसविषयमा गल्ती छौ अनि तिमी गल्ती छौ भनी त्यो म प्रमाण गर्नेछु। किन? किनभने परमेश्वर मानिसहरू भन्दा अत्यन्तै महान हुनुहुन्छ।
| "Behold, I will answer you. In this you are not just, for God is greater than man.
ट्याब क्रम स्थिति | Tab order position |
एप्लेट वर्ग फाइल सङ्केत (छोडिएको)
| Applet class file code (deprecated)
यो अब स्थापना भएको छ र अहिलेसम्म पूर्ण रूपमा काम गर्न लाग्दछ। | It was being worked on and is now fully functional. |
यो ब्लगमा तपाईले निम्न कुराहरुका बारेमा जानकारी पाउँनु हुनेछ: | In this blog you will get to know about the following things: |
म तिमीहरूलाई भन्दछु, यहाँ मन्दिर भन्दा ठूलो' केही छ। | 6 Well, I tell you that something greater than the temple is here. |
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