When Pigs Cry: Tool Decodes the Emotional Lives of Swine At any given moment, there are as many as 12,500 Duroc hogs snorting around the barnyards of Imani Farms, a pig farm in
When Pigs Cry: Tool Decodes the Emotional Lives of Swine At any given moment, there are as many as 12,500 Duroc hogs snorting around the barnyards of Imani Farms, a pig farm in southwestern Ontario. The farm’s pens are a cacophony of squeals, screams, barks and grunts, with each sound telegraphing a different feeling or need. Pigs are expressive animals with a wide range of vocalizations, according to Stewart Skinner, 38, a co-owner of the farm. Interpreting their calls
Mini-Lesson – Everything Will Be Mini-Lesson – Everything Will Be - Diversity/Pluralism – Diversity in Communities - History and Citizenship – Issues in Society Today - Social Studies – Social Policies and Programs - Social Studies
Mini-Lesson – Everything Will Be Mini-Lesson – Everything Will Be - Diversity/Pluralism – Diversity in Communities - History and Citizenship – Issues in Society Today - Social Studies – Social Policies and Programs - Social Studies – Social History Ages: 15 and up Everything Will Be, Julia Kwan, provided by the National Film Board of Canada Keywords/Topics: Gentrification; urban studies; development; housing; renewal; Chinatown; heritage preservation; revitalization Overarching Question : Will gentrification destroy the history and uniqueness of communities or is it the only means of urban renewal? Educational Synopsis: Historically, Vancouver’s Chinatown functioned as a gateway for Chinese migrants who were the source of cheap labour for white-owned industries. During a time of anti-Asian racism, Chinese migrant workers could depend on the Chinatown network to assist with their housing, financial support and settlement services. Today, older businesses are struggling and new shops are disrupting the character of the area. Commercially driven gentrification is turning the city’s downtown Chinatown into a façade of its rich heritage. Activity 1: A Fragile Balance How important is it for municipal governments to implement heritage preservation as part of urban development and business improvement? - Very important - Moderately important - Slightly important - Not important Justify your answer. Note: This activity can be set up using Jamboard to show where students have voted. Summary: A gritty neighbourhood only becomes on trend once it cleans up. Angelo operates a “cash only” Italian store that stocks gourmet items one would find in an upscale specialty food store. Yet his store is shown mostly empty and idle. The owner of the tea shop is carrying on the family tradition of selling tea, but business is slow despite the quaint shop and the authenticity of the products. The new gallery that has opened nearby, Kie’s Laundry, pays homage to the previous occupants, but its presence signals an obvious marker of gentrification. Does urban renewal give poor and disadvantaged neighbourhoods a chance to survive and thrive? Do new businesses undermine the authenticity of older neighbourhoods? Activity 2: New and Old Energy in the Neighbourhood Provide arguments supporting the claim that the intentions of Bob Rennie (the owner of the art gallery) are honourable. What do you think about his comment that he is a “polite intrusion”? Justify your answers. Summary: The building is 100 years old, almost as old as Vancouver’s Chinatown, and the residents of this building are from descendants of the same ancestral village. Their ancestors pooled their own resources to purchase this building so that people could stay together. There is no reserve fund to invest in repairs or renovations, and difficult decisions must be made so that the residents can remain. Considering the precariousness of affordable housing in Vancouver, Bob Rennie’s offer is accepted. Activity 3: Everything Will Be Director Julia Kwan’s visual choices in the film show the fragile tensions that exist between competing interests in neighbourhood revitalization. After watching this excerpt, compare the scene where Ken Lum is painting over the messages written on the walls of his gallery with the scene that shows Bob Rennie buying the typeset from the Chinese print shop. What do these two scenes convey about who drives the future of gentrifying neighbourhoods? Summary: Most main streets are facing the tremendous financial strains of increasing property taxes and rent, the pull of e-commerce sites, and competition from big-box stores. Businesses have uncertain futures, especially as nostalgia is not enough to sustain older neighbourhoods. Chinatowns across North America are also in decline as commercial interests drive the futures of these areas. Revitalizing economically depressed areas often comes at the cost of heritage preservation and displacement of the people who make these areas unique. Activity 1: Examine archival photographs of your own neighbourhood or your hometown. Create a photo display that compares what a particular area looked like and what it looks like today. Activity 2: Research the actions that have been taken to preserve Vancouver’s historic Chinatown. What has happened with this movement since this documentary was filmed? Identify some of the more contentious issues. Explore whether there have been any gains made for heritage protection. Activity 3: Gentrification also jeopardizes the heritage of other historic neighbourhoods. There are other communities that have faced these changes. For example, Brick Lane (London, UK), The Foundry (Corktown neighbourhood, Toronto), and hutongs (Beijing). Write an opinion piece to address whether urban renewal can be done without destroying history. What can be done to protect the history and legacy of historic neighbourhoods? Jse-Che Lam is a Toronto-based high school teacher who has taught English, history, politics, civics and various social science courses. Her interests include stories about migration, urban issues and all matters that concern Canadian produced film, literature and politics. Pour lire cet article en françai
Wood cuts refers to the way and resulting size of a log when it is cut into lumber. Three main types of cuts abound in the lumber market: plain sawn, quarter sawn and rift sawn. Different wood working projects sometimes require a
Wood cuts refers to the way and resulting size of a log when it is cut into lumber. Three main types of cuts abound in the lumber market: plain sawn, quarter sawn and rift sawn. Different wood working projects sometimes require a specific size or cut of lumber. Larger wood cuts generally cost less overall than smaller cuts but require more time to cut down and refine for smaller projects. Plain sawn lumber results from cutting a log in half lengthwise and then making all other cuts parallel to the first. Plain sawing is the least expensive type of wood cut because it results in the largest boards with very little waste. It is the most common form of wood cut, and most wood flooring is plain sawn. Plain sawn lumber produces the most variation within the boards and among a group of boards. The main disadvantage to plain sawn wood cuts is less dimensional stability, which means more expansion and contraction of the width of the board. Plain sawn wood cuts result in more noticeable wood grain patterns from the annual rings of a tree. When imperfections in the wood present themselves, plain sawing limits them to fewer boards than other types of wood cuts. Video of the Day Quarter Sawn Cut Quarter sawn cuts produce a long, straight grain pattern. Quarter sawn lumber is produced by first cutting a log into quarters and then cutting each additional piece perpendicular to the annual growth rings of the log. Quarter sawn lumber has more strength than plain sawn wood because of the tight grain pattern produced by cutting against the growth rings. It is used in wood flooring for its grain pattern and strength, and is generally more expensive than plain sawn cuts of wood. Quarter sawn wood expands vertically instead of horizontally, and generally twists and cups less because of its smaller surface area. The quarter sawn cut produces smaller pieces than the plain sawn cut, which makes them ideal for smaller projects, or projects that require strength and vertical expansion. This cut generally wears more evenly when used for flooring and splits less during construction. It also makes the prominent raised grain of the tree's annual growth rings less noticeable. Rift Sawn Cut Rift sawn lumber is similar to quarter sawn lumber except that the cut is made at a 30-degree angle instead of a 25-degree angle. Rift sawn lumber has many of the same benefits and disadvantages as quarter sawn lumber, with the notable difference being that rift sawn cuts lessen the flake effect, or horizontal medullary rays of the tree that are visible within the vertical grain of the wood. Rift sawing produces an almost straight vertical grain pattern. Like quarter sawn lumber, rift cuts are stronger and smaller than plain sawn lumber.
Common Pulse Varieties Chickpeas (garbanzo beans) Green (most common) Kidney (Dark Red) Kidney (Light Red) Pulses are an excellent source of protein, fiber and other key nutrients. There are
Common Pulse Varieties Chickpeas (garbanzo beans) Green (most common) Kidney (Dark Red) Kidney (Light Red) Pulses are an excellent source of protein, fiber and other key nutrients. There are thousands of ways to enjoy pulses, from the main course to soups, salads, dips and more! Pulses are one of the most cost-effective proteins around, at approximately 10 cents per serving. Pulse crops are water efficient, drought tolerant and frost hardy, and have a low carbon footprint. Pulse vs. Legume – What’s the Difference? Pulses are part of the legume family (any plants that grow in pods), but the term “pulse” refers only to the dry edible seed within the pod. Beans, lentils, chickpeas and split peas are the most common types of pulses. Pulses are special because they have distinct health benefits apart from other legumes. Unlike legumes like peanuts and soy, for example, pulses are low in fat and very high in protein and fiber. Environmentally Friendly Crops In addition to being good for you, pulses are also good for the Earth! Pulses are nitrogen-fixing crops, which means they can convert nitrogen in the air into a plant available nutrient. Pulses can reduce the need for nitrogen fertilizers, ultimately improving the environmental sustainability of annual cropping systems.
File(s) not publicly available The use of sectioned otoliths to age barramundi (Lates calcarifer) (Bloch 1790) [Centropomidae] journal contributionposted on 2017-12
File(s) not publicly available The use of sectioned otoliths to age barramundi (Lates calcarifer) (Bloch 1790) [Centropomidae] journal contributionposted on 2017-12-06, 00:00 authored by IG Stuart, Stephen MckillupStephen Mckillup The relationship between the number of rings present in sagittal otoliths and the age of barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790) [Centropomidae], was investigated by examining cross sectioned otoliths of 37 tagged fish of known age between 1 and 5 years from the Johnstone River, north Queensland. Concentric rings were clearly visible in all otolith sections and were validated as annual marks. The technique was then used to estimate the age and calculate von Bertalanffy growth parameters for 70 barramundi from the Fitzroy River, Central Queensland. Growth appeared to be rapid but variable in the first year; the von Bertalanffy growth parameters for length versus age were L∞=690 mm, K =0.53, t0= 0.003 years. October 1 was designated as the birth date. Whole otolith length, width and thickness were also approximated well by the von Bertalanffy equation.We suggest that examination of otoliths is a useful technique for ageing barramundi but note that further validation of the ageing method is still needed for fish older than six years.
Saint of the Day – 9 February – St Cyril of Alexandria (376-444) “The Pillar of Faith” “Doctor of the Incarnation” – Bshop, Confessor, Father and Doctor, of the Church. St Cyril
Saint of the Day – 9 February – St Cyril of Alexandria (376-444) “The Pillar of Faith” “Doctor of the Incarnation” – Bshop, Confessor, Father and Doctor, of the Church. St Cyril of Alexandria From the Roman Breviary The praises of Cyril of Alexandria have been celebrated, not only by one writer or another but have even been registered in the acts of the Ecumenical Councils of Ephesus and Chalcedon. He was born of distinguished parents and was the nephew of Theophilus, Bishop of Alexandria. While he was still young, he gave clear proof of his excellent understanding. After giving a deep study to letters and science, he betook himself to John, Bishop of Jerusalem, to be perfected in the Christian Faith. After his return to Alexandria, and the death of Theophilus, he was raised to that See. In this Office, he kept ever before his eyes, the type of the Shepherd of souls described by the Apostle and, by ever adhering thereto, deservedly earned the glory of a holy Bishop. He burned with zeal for the salvation of souls and took all care to keep the flock entrusted to him in purity
top of page Two Union officers look over captured earthworks Petersburg Map showing the siege lines at Petersburg One of the longest sieges in world history comes to life with “The Siege at Petersburg”. Historians Chris Calkins
top of page Two Union officers look over captured earthworks Petersburg Map showing the siege lines at Petersburg One of the longest sieges in world history comes to life with “The Siege at Petersburg”. Historians Chris Calkins and David Finney provide their extensive knowledge of the siege, starting with the Union investment in the summer of 1864 and carrying through to the breakthrough in the spring of 1865. Poignant vignettes illustrate the hardships of trench warfare, the field hospitals, and the ongoing contact from the pickets along the lines, to the relatives trying to reach family relations on the other side. The story builds to the eventual success by George Meade’s forces, routing the Confederates from their defenses, and the retreat and chase to Appomattox. The Siege at Petersburg; standard definition, 52:00 mins. bottom of page
Move aside driverless cars, some Indian students have created a driverless bike. Inspired by their differently-abled classmates, these students developed an autonomous bicycle, that they are calling ‘i-bike’, according to Indian Times. The autonomous steering,
Move aside driverless cars, some Indian students have created a driverless bike. Inspired by their differently-abled classmates, these students developed an autonomous bicycle, that they are calling ‘i-bike’, according to Indian Times. The autonomous steering, braking, drive and balancing mechanisms differentiate this bicycle from other bicycles that need a rider. The steering hub on the bike has been modified using a gear mechanism that allows for both autonomous and manual mode. So someone who is an arm amputee could use the autonomous mode while someone with arms could steer manually. The balancing mechanism uses a training wheel based torsional spring mechanism that it is retractable, allowing it to be switched between manual and autonomous modes, depending on who is riding it. If a person has lost his/her leg(s), then the autonomous drive would provide the required energy to move ahead while the person only steers the bicycle. The students are in the process of applying for a patent. The bike won first place in the KPIT Sparkle 2016, an annual national design and development innovation contest for engineering and science students across India.
Geology of the Maketu Area, Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand. Sheet V14 1:50 000 Briggs, R. M., Lowe, D. J., Esler, W. R., Smith
Geology of the Maketu Area, Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand. Sheet V14 1:50 000 Briggs, R. M., Lowe, D. J., Esler, W. R., Smith, R. T., Henry, M. A. C., Wehrmann, H., & Manning, D. A. (2006). Geology of the Maketu Area, Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand. Sheet V14 1:50 000 (Occasional Report). Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Waikato in collaboration with Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Whakatane. Permanent Research Commons link: The area covered in this report on the geology of Sheet V14 Maketu 1 :50 000 includes Motiti Island and a small triangular section of the Bay of Plenty coastal lowlands from the Kaituna River mouth to Pukehina Beach within the Maketu Basin, eastern North Island. Motiti Island is situated 12 km offshore from the Bay of Plenty coast and is an eroded remnant of a Pliocene (4.3-3.4 Ma)
This blog post teaches an easy way how to create a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) aware of forward and reverse complement directions. 1. Phylogeny and Distance in Matrice. Phylogeny from ancient Greek phylon, meaning tribe
This blog post teaches an easy way how to create a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) aware of forward and reverse complement directions. 1. Phylogeny and Distance in Matrice. Phylogeny from ancient Greek phylon, meaning tribe, family, clan, and genesis, meaning “creation,” is the study of kinship links (phylogenetic or phyletic relationships) between living beings and those who have disappeared: Phylogenesis makes it possible to reconstruct the evolution of living organisms. In phylogenesis, we commonly represent relatives by a phylogenetic tree. The number of nodes between the branches, which means many common ancestors, indicates the degree of kinship between individual groups. The more nodes and intermediate ancestors there are between two living beings, the older their common ancestor and the more distant their current kinship. Advances in molecular biotechnology have led to a vast accumulation of new biological data, mainly in nucleic acid sequences (genes or ORFs, molecular markers, etc.) and proteins (enzymes of energy metabolism, structural proteins, etc.). The acquisition of this data and its treatment requires adequate methods and tools. The phylogeny explains a comparison of specific characters for a set of individuals. These characters are, in general, homologous and belong to contemporary organizations. Two distinct groups divide Phylogenetics: - Data related to phenotypic characteristics. - Molecular data such as DNA or protein sequences. These data concern morphological, physiological, genetics, and genomics. Phenotypic data treatment includes observable traits (at different states: morphological, biochemical, and physiological) and binary patterns (of type presence of a given character/absence of the same character). In the case of bacteria, for example, the characters can be: - Biochemical and enzymatic - Sensitivity to antibiotics - Sensitivity to phages Electrophoretic profiles of enzymatic systems, Systematics, or the study of biological diversity with a view to its classification, focuses, in the light of recent findings, on a phylogenetic classification now replacing the classical category. 2. Why is It Important to make the MSA Aware of the sequence Forward and Reverse Directions? Most MSA tools are not aware of the input sequences’ directionality. Therefore, if the SAME sequence is used as input into an MSA in different directions, a tool like MAFFT automatically outputs an MSA showing that the two sequences are far from each other, as we saw above. 3. Creating a MSA aware of the Reverse and Forward Directions First of all, MAFFT contains two options that allow the MSA to be aware of the forward and reverse directions. The option below uses a 6-mer and is the fastest of the two modes: $ mafft --adjustdirection INPUT > OUTPUT Now, the slowest mode but more sensitive: $ mafft --adjustdirectionaccurately INPUT > OUTPUT As you can see below (very different from the image above), the two sequences are exact matches. It is important to note two things: - The output MSA where the sequence was reverse complemented, it will have “_R_” in the header - For obvious reasons, this option does not work if the input is composed of protein sequences This blog post taught you how to create an MSA aware of the sequences forward and reverse direction – Congratulations – Now; you won’t be committing this common mistake when running MAFFT or another clustering tool. Clustal probably also has a parameter to do the same thing; however, I will post it in the future if I learn about it, or if you know how to do it, please post it in the comments section.
EPA's Role in Saving Lives in Vulnerable Urban Areas Jason Samenow, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC; and A. D. Perrin In the United States, extreme hot weather events account for more deaths per
EPA's Role in Saving Lives in Vulnerable Urban Areas Jason Samenow, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC; and A. D. Perrin In the United States, extreme hot weather events account for more deaths per year on average than hurricanes, lightning, tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes combined. The trends toward a growing older population and a warmer climate both will act to increase the risk posed by extreme heat events in the future. On the other hand, adaptive measures and technologies seem to be lessening the adverse impacts associated with these events. The latter is a trend we want to encourage and, if possible, accelerate. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is working with partners in government, academia and private sector to develop useful information and analyses that can be applied in responding to and mitigating excessive heat. These efforts have resulted in the production of a number of decision support and education products ranging from an excessive heat resp
Meherpur District Information Meherpur is the smallest district of Bangladesh in the South-western part within the Khulna Division. Before the partition in1947, Meherpur was a part of the Nadia district of undived
Meherpur District Information Meherpur is the smallest district of Bangladesh in the South-western part within the Khulna Division. Before the partition in1947, Meherpur was a part of the Nadia district of undiveded India. Before 1984, it was a subdivision of Kushtia district. Meherpur consists of 1 municipality, 9 wards and 72 mahallas, 2 upazilas, 18 union parishads, 277 villages, 190 mouzas. The upazilas are • Meherpur Sadar Historical importance: Meherpur is a historical district of Bangladesh for the fact that the Proclamation of Independence was solemnly made at the village Baidyanathtola( Now Mujibnagar), on 17 April 1971 of this district. The first provisional government of Bangladesh was born here under the leadership of Tajuddin Ahmed. After that day on 18 April 1971, the Pak army killed 8 persons at village Amjhupi. Area: 716.08 sq km Boundary: Meherpur district is bounded by KUSHTIA district and West Bengal of India on the north, CHUADANGA district and West Bengal on the south, Chuadanga and KUSHTIA districts on the east, West Bengal on the west. Main rivers: Bhairab, Mathabhaga and Kazli. Main depressions( Beels): Dharlar Beel, Chandbeel, Kolar Beel, Patapukur Beel, Gopalpur Beel, Bamandi Beel, Salika Beel, Terogharia Beel, Elangi Beel etc. Weather: Annual average highest temperature: 37.1°C and lowest 11.2°C. Annual rainfall: 1467 mm. Population: 579531. Among them male are50.77% and female 49.23% Religion: Muslim 97.5%, Hindu 1.28%, Christian 1.17% and others 0.05%. Literacy rate: 25.23%. Male 27.36%, female 23.11%. Main exports: Chili, jute, tobacco, mango, litchi, banana, sweet potato, kachu, sugarcane molasses etc. Marks of the War of Liberation: Meherpur has mass graves of 1971 in Meherpur Government College, Jagannathpur, Kazipur and Tengramari. Mass killing sites were Jatarpur, memorial monument at Mujibnagar. Major Educational institutions: Meherpur has 2 government colleges, 5 non-government colleges, 1 vocational training institute and many other institutes. Main occupation : Agriculture 37.37%, agricultural labourer 33.89%, commerce 12.97% etc. Main crops: Paddy, jute, sugarcane, tobacco, chilli, kachu, sweet potato, ground nut etc. Places to see: • Mujibnagar Smritishoudha • NeelKuthi Bari of Amjhupi • Aat Kabor of Karpasdanga • Gosaidubi Mosque at Karamdi • Dargahs of Sheik Farid and Shah Enayet • Mazars of Barkat Bibi and Bagudewan • Ballavpur Mission • Teragharia Marrut • Shiva Mandir at Ballavpur • Alampur Mandir • Bhabanipur Mandir • Bhatpara and Saharbati. Meherpur Town: Meherpur municipality was established in 1960. The town was established in the 16th century. Now the Meherpur town consists of 9 wards and 72 mahallas. It has an area of 13.62 sq km with a population 35771. Among them male are 52.33%, female 47.67%. Literacy rate among the town people is 49.4%.
Calving Season and Respiratory Disease By Kelli Millsap, RVT Calving season will soon be upon us and with that always seems to come calves getting sick for one reason or another. Two of the most common diseases cow-c
Calving Season and Respiratory Disease By Kelli Millsap, RVT Calving season will soon be upon us and with that always seems to come calves getting sick for one reason or another. Two of the most common diseases cow-calf herds experience are respiratory disease and neonatal diarrhea. In beef calves of preweaning age (three weeks or older), respiratory disease has been reported to be the leading cause of death on cow-calf operations in the United States1. Bovine respiratory disease is associated with both viral and bacterial pathogens. The most common viral agents are bovine herpesvirus type 1 (IBR), bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), and possibly bovine respiratory coronavirus. Additionally, there are four primary bacterial agents that are commonly found; Mannheimia haemolytica, Pasturella multocida, Histophilus somni, and Mycoplasma bovis. The Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory offers a PCR test targeting these organisms. The test can be completed on a single deep pharyngeal swab. To collect the appropriate sample, a sterile, double-guarded equine culture swab and either a red top tube containing 0.25 mL of sterile saline or Aimes viral transport media or Copan E-swab™ tube are needed. Gel media is never appropriate for PCR as it interferes with the test reaction. To collect the sample, insert the guarded culture swab into the medial aspect of the nares until it reaches the half-way point between the lateral canthus of the eye and the external nares. (For smaller calves, resistance may be felt before reaching the half-way point. If resistance is noted, do not attempt to advance the culture device any further.) Once the target location is reached, advance the inner guard far enough to pop thru the end of the outer guard. Now advance the swab as far as possible and using and in-and-out movement (8-10 times is sufficient) collect the sample. Pull the swab back inside the guard before removing from the nares to prevent contamination. Place the swab into your transport media and cut the swab to fit the length of the tube. Watch a short video on how to collect a deep pharyngeal swab. - A. Woolums; Risk factors for BRD on cow-calf operations; THE AABP PROCEEDINGS—VOL. 48; SEPTEMBER 2015 Kelli Millsap is Registered Veterinary Nurse in the Veterinary Health Center at Kansas State University. Next: Diagnosing Intestinal Parasites of Dogs and Cats Return to Index
There are numerous ways to structure the code and project for your web application, and you can put as much or as little thought as you like into architecting. But it is usually a good idea to follow common patterns because it will make your code
There are numerous ways to structure the code and project for your web application, and you can put as much or as little thought as you like into architecting. But it is usually a good idea to follow common patterns because it will make your code easier to manage and easier for others to understand. One of the most commonly used design patterns is the factory pattern. In this pattern, a class simply creates the object you want to use. Consider the following example of the factory pattern: This code uses a factory to create the Automobile object. There are two possible benefits to building your code this way; the first is that if you need to change, rename, or replace the Automobile class later on you can do so and you will only have to modify the code in the factory, instead of every place in your project that uses the Automobile class. The second possible benefit is that, if creating the object is a complicated job, you can do all of the work in the factory instead of repeating it every time you want to create a new instance. Using the factory pattern isn’t always necessary (or wise). The example code used here is so simple that a factory would simply be adding unneeded complexity. However if you are making a fairly large or complex project you may save yourself a lot of trouble down the road by using factories. When designing web applications, it often makes sense conceptually and architecturally to allow access to one and only one instance of a particular class. The singleton pattern enables us to do this. TODO: NEED NEW SINGLETON CODE EXAMPLE The code above implements the singleton pattern using a static variable and the static creation method Note the following: __construct()is declared as protected to prevent creating a new instance outside of the class via the __clone()is declared as private to prevent cloning of an instance of the class via the __wakeup()is declared as private to prevent unserializing of an instance of the class via the global function getInstance()with the keyword static. This allows the subclassing of the class Singletonin the example. The singleton pattern is useful when we need to make sure we only have a single instance of a class for the entire request lifecycle in a web application. This typically occurs when we have global objects (such as a Configuration class) or a shared resource (such as an event queue). You should be wary when using the singleton pattern, as by its very nature it introduces global state into your application, reducing testability. In most cases, dependency injection can (and should) be used in place of a singleton class. Using dependency injection means that we do not introduce unnecessary coupling into the design of our application, as the object using the shared or global resource requires no knowledge of a concretely defined class. With the strategy pattern you encapsulate specific families of algorithms allowing the client class responsible for instantiating a particular algorithm to have no knowledge of the actual implementation. There are several variations on the strategy pattern, the simplest of which is outlined below: This first code snippet outlines a family of algorithms; you may want a serialized array, some JSON or maybe just an array of data: By encapsulating the above algorithms you are making it nice and clear in your code that other developers can easily add new output types without affecting the client code. You will see how each concrete ‘output’ class implements an OutputInterface - this serves two purposes, primarily it provides a simple contract which must be obeyed by any new concrete implementations. Secondly by implementing a common interface you will see in the next section that you can now utilise Type Hinting to ensure that the client which is utilising these behaviours is of the correct type, in this case ‘OutputInterface’. The next snippet of code outlines how a calling client class might use one of these algorithms and even better set the behaviour required at runtime: The calling client class above has a private property which must be set at runtime and be of type ‘OutputInterface’. Once this property is set a call to loadOutput() will call the load() method in the concrete class of the output type that has been set. The front controller pattern is where you have a single entrance point for your web application (e.g. index.php) that handles all of the requests. This code is responsible for loading all of the dependencies, processing the request and sending the response to the browser. The front controller pattern can be beneficial because it encourages modular code and gives you a central place to hook in code that should be run for every request (such as input sanitization). The model-view-controller (MVC) pattern and its relatives HMVC and MVVM let you break up code into logical objects that serve very specific purposes. Models serve as a data access layer where data is fetched and returned in formats usable throughout your application. Controllers handle the request, process the data returned from models and load views to send in the response. And views are display templates (markup, xml, etc) th
Model CAD has double · sockets, cable connection is done by jumping from one load cell to another one. It does not require junction box so it is very easy to change in case of fault. Model CAD load cell, is based on the shear
Model CAD has double · sockets, cable connection is done by jumping from one load cell to another one. It does not require junction box so it is very easy to change in case of fault. Model CAD load cell, is based on the shear force principle to measure forces in the compression direction. It has been developed for use in high capacity, electronic weight
A critic is a person who communicates an assessment and an opinion of various forms of creative works such as art, literature, music, cinema, theater, fashion, architecture, and food. Critics may also take as their subject social or government policy.
A critic is a person who communicates an assessment and an opinion of various forms of creative works such as art, literature, music, cinema, theater, fashion, architecture, and food. Critics may also take as their subject social or government policy. Critical judgments, whether derived from critical thinking or not, weigh up a range of factors, including an assessment of the extent to which the item under review achieves its purpose and its creator's intention and a knowledge of its context. They may also include a positive or negative personal response. Characteristics of a good critic are articulateness, preferably having the ability to use language with a high level of appeal and skill. Sympathy, sensitivity and insight are important too. Form, style and medium are all considered by the critic. In architecture and food criticism, the item's function, value and cost may be added components. Critics are publicly accepted and, to a significant degree, followed because of the quality of their assessments or their reputation. Influential critics of art, music, theater and architecture often present their arguments in complete books. One very famous example is John Ruskin's Seven Lamps of Architecture and The Stones of Venice. Critics may base their assessment on a range of theoretical positions. For instance, they may take a feminist or Freudian perspective. Unlike other individuals who may editorialize on subjects via websites or letters written to publications, professional critics are paid to produce their assessment and opinions for print, radio, magazine, television, or Internet companies. When their personal opinion outweighs considered judgment, people who give opinions, whether on current events, public affairs, sports, media or art are often referred to as "pundits" instead of critics. Critics are themselves subject to competing critics, since the final critical judgment always entails subjectivity. An established critic can play a powerful role as a public arbiter of taste or opinion. Also, critics or a coordinated group of critics, may award symbols of recognition. The word "critic" comes from Greek κριτικός (kritikós) 'able to discern', which is a Greek derivation of the word κριτής (krités), meaning a person who offers reasoned judgment or analysis, value judgment, interpretation or observation. Early English meaning of criticism was based mainly on the criticism of literature and it was in the 17th century that more general forms of criticism began. Cultural critic Clement Greenberg wrote that a good critic excels through "insights into the evidence... and by... loyalty to the relevant"; poet and critic T.S. Eliot wrote "a critic must have a very highly developed sense of fact". In 1971, Harold C. Schonberg, chief music critic of The New York Times from 1960 to 1980, said that he wrote for himself, "not necessarily for readers, not for musicians.... It's not a critic's job to be right or wrong; it's his job to express an opinion in readable English." Schonberg was the first music critic to receive the Pulitzer Prize for criticism. Daniel Mendelsohn described the equation of criticism for critics as knowledge + taste = meaningful judgement. Restaurant critic Terry Durack explained that from a critic "you hope for a thorough, objective and legitimate discussion" that puts "opera, art or book into context, so that it adds to your own body of knowledge"; in the context of a restaurant criticism, this means it is "not about me liking it or not; it's about me helping you decide whether you are going to like it or not." Rothko's dilemma was that he wanted to employ the vocabulary of symbolism – the palpitating indeterminate space, the excruciatingly refined colour, the obsession with nuance, the presence of Mallarmé's "negated object" – to render the patriarchal despair and elevation of the Old Testament. Criticism doesn't get sharper, or more sensitive, or more deeply sympathetic to the object, than that. Robert Hughes (critic) on (artist) Mark Rothko Social and political critics have used various forms of art to express their criticism, including literature and music. Pierre Beaumarchais, for example, prior to the French Revolution, used his play The Marriage of Figaro to denounce aristocratic privilege, and a critic's influence is enhanced by subsequent reworkings such as the operatic versions of Beaumarchais's play (The Barber of Seville) by Rossini and (The Marriage of Figaro) by Mozart. August Ahlqvist, a Finnish professor and poet, who highly admired J. L. Runeberg, the national poet of Finland, gave very negative feedback to the entire literary production of the author Aleksis Kivi, when Kivi presented content of the peoples social life in the form of rude realism instead of romanticism. Among the most famous social/political criticism in literary form are Jonathan Swift's satire Gulliver's Travels and George Orwell's satire Animal Farm. Some political critics, such as Ai Weiwei use visual art as their medium. Throughout history, p
The Ural river – Chusovaya The longest river in the Urals is known as Chusovaya. This famous Ural river, originating in Asia, crosses the Ural Mountains and flows into Europe in the Kama.
The Ural river – Chusovaya The longest river in the Urals is known as Chusovaya. This famous Ural river, originating in Asia, crosses the Ural Mountains and flows into Europe in the Kama. This is the only river that flows from east to west, through the mountains. There are several versions about the origin of the name of the river. According to one of them, Chusovaya comes from the word «chuosi», which belongs to the Komi people and means «sacred river». Another version claims that the name belongs to another nationality, Komi-Permyak, or Udmurt, and comes from the word «chusva» that is «brisk water». For the first time in history under this name, the first mention of the river is found in the Novgorod chronicles and dates back to 1396. Philologists also mention another name for the river, which is translated from the Komi-Permian dialect as «a river of gorges». The total length of the famous river is alm
Cão da Serra de Aires The Portuguese Sheepdog (Portuguese: cão da Serra de Aires, literally 'dog of Serra de Aires') is a medium-sized breed of dog of the herding dog type, and
Cão da Serra de Aires The Portuguese Sheepdog (Portuguese: cão da Serra de Aires, literally 'dog of Serra de Aires') is a medium-sized breed of dog of the herding dog type, and is one of the indigenous regional dogs of Portugal. The Portuguese name refers to Serra de Aires, a mountain near Montforte in the Alentejo region (sometimes mistaken for the Serra d'Aire, a range of hills or mountains marking the boundary between Ribatejo and Oeste, north of the Tagus river). The breed is nicknamed cão macaco ('macaque dog','monkey dog') for its furry face and lively attitude. The Dog Scanner app does provide a lot more information about the Cão da Serra de Aires breed as well as many more. Also known as This breed is also called Cao da Serra de Aires, Cão da Serra de Aires, Monkey Dog / Cão da Serra de Aires, Portugese Sheepdog, Portuguese Sheepdog, Portuguese Shepherd / Cão da Serra de Aires as well as cão macaco. Is your dog a Cão da Serra de Aires? You can use our Dog Scanner app to find out whether your dog is a Cão da Serra de Aires.
About 70,000 years ago, when the human species was already on Earth, a small reddish star approached our solar system and gravitationally disturbed comets and asteroids. Astronomers from the Complutense University of Madrid and
About 70,000 years ago, when the human species was already on Earth, a small reddish star approached our solar system and gravitationally disturbed comets and asteroids. Astronomers from the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Cambridge have verified that the movement of some of these objects is still marked by that stellar encounter. At a time when modern humans were beginning to leave Africa and the Neanderthals were living on our planet, Scholz’s star – named after the German astronomer who discovered it – approached less than a light-year from the Sun. Nowadays it is almost 20 light-years away, but 70,000 years ago it entered the Oort cloud, a reservoir of trans-Neptunian objects located at the confines of the solar system. This discovery was made public in 2015 by a team of astronomers led by Professor Eric Mamajek of the University of Rochester (USA). The details of that stellar flyby, the closest documented so far, were presented in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. Now two astronomers from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), the brothers Carlos and Raúl de la Fuente Marcos, together with the researcher Sverre J. Aarseth of the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), have analyzed for the first time the nearly 340 objects of the solar system with hyperbolic orbits (very open V-shaped, not the typical elliptical), and in doing so they have detected that the trajectory of some of them is influenced by the passage of Scholz´s star. “Using numerical simulations we have calculated the radiants or positions in the sky from which all these hyperbolic objects seem to come,” explains Carlos de la Fuente Marcos, who together with the other coauthors publishes the results in the MNRAS Letters journal. “In principle,” he adds, “one would expect those positions to be evenly distributed in the sky, particularly if these objects come from the Oort cloud; however, what we find is very different: a statistically significant accumulation of radiants. The pronounced over-density appears projected in the direction of the constellation of Gemini, which fits the close encounter with Scholz´s star.” The moment in which this star passed close to us and its position during prehistory coincide with the data of the new investigation and in those of Mamajek and his team. “It could be a coincidence, but it is unlikely that both location and time are compatible,” says De la Fuente Marcos, who points out that their simulations suggest that Scholz´s star approached even more than the 0.6 light-years pointed out in the 2015 study as the lower limit. The close f
Word of the Day : October 20, 2020 1 : the face, countenance, or appearance of a person or sometimes an animal 2 : aspect, appearance Did you know? The word face may be a pretty generic
Word of the Day : October 20, 2020 1 : the face, countenance, or appearance of a person or sometimes an animal 2 : aspect, appearance Did you know? The word face may be a pretty generic word, but it has several high-flown synonyms. Physiognomy, for instance, refers to facial features thought to reveal qualities of temperament or character. “I thought I could detect in his physiognomy a mind owning better qualities than his father ever possessed,” Emily Brontë writes in Wuthering Heights. Countenance is often used to refer to the face as an indication of mood or emotion, as Bram Stoker types in Dracula: “Mina struggled hard to keep her brave countenance.” Visage can refer to the face of a person or an animal, and it can also refer to the appearance of nonliving things, as in “the dirty visage of the old abandoned factory.” “But aside from the visage of Grumpy Cat—who may not have been grumpy at all—feline faces don’t tell us much about how cats feel.”— Karin Brulli
“Don’t take life too serious – it ain’t nohow permanent.” From the Washington Post: … By now, you’ve heard of the crater on the Yamal Peninsula. It’s the one that suddenly appeared, yawning nearly 100
“Don’t take life too serious – it ain’t nohow permanent.” From the Washington Post: … By now, you’ve heard of the crater on the Yamal Peninsula. It’s the one that suddenly appeared, yawning nearly 100 feet in diameter, and made several rounds in the global viral media machine. The adjectives most often used to describe it: giant, mysterious, curious. Scientists were subsequently “baffled.” Locals were “mystified.” There were whispers that aliens were responsible. Nearby residents peddled theories of “bright flashes” and “celestial bodies.” There’s now a substantiated theory about what created the crater. And the news isn’t so good. It may be methane gas, released by the thawing of frozen ground. According to a recent Nature article, “air near the bottom of the crater contained unusually high concentrations of methane — up to 9.6% — in tests conducted at the site on 16 July, says Andrei Plekhanov, an archaeologist at the Scientific Centre of Arctic Studies in Salekhard, Russia. Plekhanov, who led an expedition to the crater, says that air normally contains just 0.000179% methane.”… Some scientists contend the thawing of such terrain, rife with centuries of carbon, would release incredible amounts of methane gas and affect global temperatures. “Pound for pound, the comparative impact of [methane gas] on climate change is over 20 times greater than [carbon dioxide] over a 100-year period,” reported the Environmental Protection Agency. As the Associated Press put it in 2010, the melting of Siberia’s permafrost is “a climate time bomb waiting to explode if released into the atmosphere.”… Apart from that, what’s on the agenda for the evening? Panicking over bad news on climate change, I guess. AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! We’re doomed! Doomed, I tell you! AAAAARGH! Etc. … Ain’t the only place: The Arctic is doing it too. @Emma: That was the thought that immediately bubbled to mind... Thread went up just as was posting below, so repeating: If anyone interested in the impending major weather mess here (some bands of rain preceding the storm already falling), a recent report (from about 3 hours ago). Methane is even worse a greenhouse gas up in the arctic, unfortunately. @NotMax: I care! @scav: Pun! Pun! Run away! AAAEEEEIIIIII! I blame Obama. Also, Al Gore is fat. All set for hunker down mode. So long as the roof stays on, should be okay. Largest mall on the island closing at 3 p.m. today, all schools closed Thursday and Friday, bus service to be suspended by 5 this afternoon, airport closure likely around the same time, mayor has already put a state of emergency into place. Predicted power outages certainly a concern. @NotMax: That does NOT look good. You ok where you are? @NotMax: you aren’t one of those types who is thinking of surfing during the storm? Who cares? I will be raptured to heaven and won’t have to worry about this planet falling apart. Eat it suckers! It is gay, liberal Democrats who get raptured, right? I read that story and wondered if I should just retire from my job now instead of in 4 years. The work that I do has increasingly had to deal with building damage due to the blow down of trees by severe straight line winds. It’s starting to scare the shit out of me because some of the buildings that were repaired are being hit for the second time, and I’m wondering if I should just start visiting all the natural wonders of the US before they start disappearing. This has suddenly become very disturbing. Current ear worm very apt: Bo Kaspers Orchester Världens ände and even matches the blue. Um, Siberia is in the Arctic. And Subarctic. @Citizen_X: Sorry. I meant the Arctic Ocean. @Citizen_X: ETA: the methane bubbling in your link was in the Arctic Ocean, though. ETA ETA: I see you knew that! Karen in GA Iggy ponders what it all means. Karen in GA @NotMax: Nasty. Stay safe. First time in recorded history a hurricane may hit Hawaii from the east. It’s also an angular hurricane and they are very, very, rare. Look on the bright side: you are about to experience an historic event. @Karen in GA: It’s not easy bein green. Ahh yes. Methane… the evil culprit of the empending fartocalypse. More hot air from the balloon juice kool-aid machine. Karen in GA @raven: It could be — just don’t let Iggy see you. Yep. Our kids and grandkids are well and proper fucked. Sorry. I hope that in due time when civilization collapses and everything descends into a mad anarchy where every man is against every other man, that they will have banded together just long enough to ensure that the Republicans were eaten first. Also, I’m hoping that worms evolve into giant sized beasts that can be ridden across the sands, because that would at least be a nice consolation prize for them. @Comrade Dread: I read that as “worms e
Part A: Daily Math Skills Step 1: Complete Friday of Daily Math Week 2. Step 2: Practice your multiplication skills HERE Step 3: Practice your division skills HERE Part B: Daily Language Skills Step
Part A: Daily Math Skills Step 1: Complete Friday of Daily Math Week 2. Step 2: Practice your multiplication skills HERE Step 3: Practice your division skills HERE Part B: Daily Language Skills Step 1: Complete Friday of Daily Language Week 2. Part C: Science Time Today we’re going to… • watch a video and make a mini lava lamp • answer questions about your experiment • make lots of funny faces Step 1: Before Watching Discussion Starters Before watching the video, consider asking the following… • What do you
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Salt is the name of a very common substance found on earth. You could also call it sal, sel, sale, sol, so,
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Salt is the name of a very common substance found on earth. You could also call it sal, sel, sale, sol, so, Salz, sout, salis, sals, sare, zout, salann, gishiri, ntsev, uyah, mchere, cusbo, kripe, tote, duz, gatza,, asin, nnu, garam; but no matter which of the world’s 7000 languages you speak, salt will always taste just as salty. If you hear or read the word “salt”, your brain immediately produces a generalized idea or concept. You don’t control the process. The process controls you. We call that process language. Language is a System of Control. The more you understand how humans use language to control the world inside and outside our heads, the more Control Savvy you will be. If we were sitting together at the dinner table and I said to you, “Please pass the salt”, you would probably obey. In that case, I would have controlled your mind and your behavior. But I wouldn’t be the only controller involved. At some point in your life you were taught that automatic obedience to certain commands was “normal” behavior and that defiance would be “weird”. You also learned that it was better to be normal than to be weird. Many of our thoughts and behaviors are as automatic as breathing, so we don’t notice them. Like automatic breathing, automatic language is not a bad thing. It helps us move easily through society without having to analyze every human interaction. However, awareness of these unseen controllers can enhance our ability to foil enemies who know how t
Learning About the Keyboard Layout Window The Keyboard Layout window allows you to view current keyboard shortcuts, set up custom keyboard shortcuts, and search for keyboard shortcuts by function or menu item. To open the Keyboard Layout window, do one of the following
Learning About the Keyboard Layout Window The Keyboard Layout window allows you to view current keyboard shortcuts, set up custom keyboard shortcuts, and search for keyboard shortcuts by function or menu item. To open the Keyboard Layout window, do one of the following: Choose Tools > Keyboard Layout > Customize. The currently selected keyboard layout appears here.  Icons: Icons appear on each key for commands that are currently assigned to that key. If you are unfamiliar with the icons, you can always enter a key in the command list area to view all commands corresponding to that key.  Tabs: There are tabs at the top of the Keyboard Layout window for each modifier key or combination of modifier keys, such as No Modifiers, cmd (Command key), shift (Shift key) and opt (Option key). Click a tab to display the icons for commands used when a modifier key or combination of modifier keys is pressed along with another key.  Lock button: Click to lock and unlock the keyboard layout so you can make and  Reset button: Click to reset all keyboard shortcuts to their original default key  Clear button: Click to clear all keyboard shortcuts, so they are blank. Some general commands cannot be cleared, such as Copy and Paste. For more information, see Clearing and Restoring Keyboard Layouts ” on page 152. Magnifying glass icon This specifies the currently selected keyboard layout and input type. An icon for the default command is shown on each key. Tabs let you choose the modifier key to use. Command list area (shown here by menu set and function) Learning About the Final Cut Pro Interface Command List Area By default, commands are listed by menu set (such as File and Edit) and command group function (such as Audio and Capture commands). You can also view commands alphabetically. You can use the controls in this area to choose how to display commands as well as how to search for them.  Disclosure triangle: Click to display all commands and their corresponding keyboard shortcuts for a menu set or command group.  Magnifying glass icon: Click to display commands alphabetically, along with their  Search field: Enter a command or key to search for.  X icon: This icon appears on the right side of the search field only after you display commands alphabetically. Click to display the command list by menu and function. To view all commands alphabetically: Click the magnifying glass icon. To view commands by menu set and command group function: Click the X icon.
What Is the Umbilical Cord Made Of? The umbilical cord is made up of connective tissue known as Wharton’s Jelly — a gelatinous substance that protects and insulates the two umbilical arteries and one vein which
What Is the Umbilical Cord Made Of? The umbilical cord is made up of connective tissue known as Wharton’s Jelly — a gelatinous substance that protects and insulates the two umbilical arteries and one vein which carries nutrients to and from the fetus to the placenta. Over time, as your baby grows in the womb, the size of the umbilical cord will also increase in size in order to continue to provide the additional nutrients your baby requires. Of course, as both the baby and cord grow larger there is invariably less space in your womb. Wharton’s Jelly is the tissue that ultimately supports the umbilical vein and arteries and prevents them from kinking as your baby moves and your womb fills. Why Is Umbilical Cord Tissue Valuable? Aside from the obvious advantage of protecting the blood vessels that provide your baby with nutrients in the womb, umbilical cord tissue also has value well after the birth of your child. This is because umbilical cord tissue is rich in stem cells that can be used to repair tissue that can be damaged by disease, genetic defects, and other health conditions that may arise in the future. Of the stem cells found in umbilical cord tissue, Mesenchymal stem cells (MCSs) are thought to be the most important. MCSs are the stem cells that ultimately develop into your child’s nervous system, sensory organs, skin, bone, cartilage, circulatory system, and more. They are powerful stem cells that are capable of repairing damaged tissue and differentiating into many other cell types including bone cells, fat cells, neural cells, and cartilage. MCSs are also capable of inhibiting inflammation following tissue damage, and have been used in conjunction with umbilical cord blood stem cell transplants to help prevent Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) and improve transplant outcomes. While MCSs can also be found in other sources, such as bone marrow and adipose tissue, research shows that MCSs gathered from umbilical cord tissue cells are more viable and more effective in treatments. A Promising Future With hundreds of clinical trials underway, MCSs have a promising potential future for stem cell therapies, and represent one of the most cutting-edge discoveries in the field of regenerative medicine to date. Due to their versatility and ability to differentiate into numerous types of cells, MCSs will likely have the potential to treat even more than the 80 diseases and conditions that are already FDA-approved for treatment with cord blood stem cells. At present, clinical research is being conducted on the regenerative effects of MCSs harvested from cord tissue and how they can help treat, or even possibly cure diseases and disorders that include: - Cerebral palsy - Type 1 diabetes - Spinal cord injury - Traumatic brain injury - Parkinson’s disease - Rheumatoid arthritis - Multiple sclerosis - Heart failure - Liver damage - And many more... Cord Tissue Banking Knowing that there are so many possibilities for the future use of stem cells from umbilical cord tissue, it only makes sense to bank your baby’s cord blood and cord tissue with a cord blood & tissue bank. As researchers develop new therapies using cord blood and cord tissue stem cel
Today marks the start of Plastic Free July – a global campaign that runs annually from 1 – 31 July, helping millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities.
Today marks the start of Plastic Free July – a global campaign that runs annually from 1 – 31 July, helping millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Single-use plastic takeaway items such as straws, stirrers, cutlery, coffee cups, containers and heavyweight bags are amongst the most littered and wasteful items in Australia and threaten both wildlife and habitat. After many years of community action to reduce plastic pollution, in March this year, the Queensland Parliament unanimously passed the Waste Reduction and Recycling (Plastic Items) Amendment Bill. The bill bans certain problem single-use plastics, commonly found in litter and in landfill. From 1 September 2021, plastic straws, stirrers, cutlery, plates and bowls and expanded polystyrene cups and containers will be banned in Queensland. These are amongst the most littered items in Queensland. Banning these plastic items will reduce littering and help alter our bad plastic habits. The Queensland Government intends to add other plastic items such as coffee cups/lids, other plastic takeaway items and heavyweight plastic bags after further investigation. Take the Plastic Free July Challenge But we don’t have to wait for September! This July, will you take the Plastic Free July Challenge to reduce plastic waste? Just head to the Plastic Free July website ( to join up and take action. You have many options from getting started to going plastic-free and plenty of things in between. Wildlife Queensland Plastic Free July 2021 Competition To celebrate Plastic Free July 2021, Wildlife Queensland is offering the chance to WIN! Just tell us what you’re doing to reduce plastic waste this July in 100 words or less to WIN 1 of 5 great prize packs. Head to our Plastic Free July 2021 Competition web page to find out more and enter. The competition is open from 1 – 31 July 2021.
Interpreting Vernacular Architecture in Asia Sobre este cursoOmitir Sobre este curso This course is about architecture. But it's not about grand structures such as monuments or royal palaces. Rather, it is about the built
Interpreting Vernacular Architecture in Asia Sobre este cursoOmitir Sobre este curso This course is about architecture. But it's not about grand structures such as monuments or royal palaces. Rather, it is about the built environment that the ordinary people live in. Instead of the architectural techniques, we use stories to understand the processes through which people make their building decisions. We use Asia as the backdrop for the discussion of these topics. Partly because of Asia's rich heritage and diversity, but also due to the unique complexity that the people in the region face as they go through rapid economic, social, and cultural changes. In this examination of the connection between vernacular buildings and peoples' cultural identities, we will review real-world examples and talk to experts in the field. At the end of this course, you will gain a unique perspective about the everyday environment that you live in - one perhaps that you've never had before. You will begin to understand and appreciate the value of the ordinary built environment around you. Whether you are an avid architect or you simply just care about the built environment you live in, this course is for you. De un vistazo - Institución: HKUx - Tema: Arquitectura - Nivel: Introductory - Idioma: English - Transcripción de video: 中文 Lo que aprenderásOmitir Lo que aprenderás Throughout the course, we will examine a wide range of topics, such as: - what is vernacular architecture - how climate and the availability of building materials influence building decisions - vernacular architecture in rural and urban settings - cultural sustainability and the conservation of the vernacular built environment. Plan de estudiosOmitir Plan de estudios Week 1: Interpreting the Vernacular A relatively new field of study, vernacular architecture does not yet have a commonly-agreed definition. This first week we examine several definitions of vernacular architecture and discuss why the topic is especially pertinent in the context of Asia.Alongside the expert discussions and examples,wefurther discuss the notion that culture is a form of tradition and connect it with Asia's vernacular architecture. Week 2: Climate, Building Materials, and the Vernacular Vernacular buildings are local and very much influenced by local factors, two of which are climate and local building materials.This week we study how the eight major climatic belts influence people's building decisions. We also look at how people make use of locally available materials, and how construction methods and building rituals are passed from one generation to the next. Week 3: Vernacular Landscapes and the Rural Built Environment This week we talk about the vernacular landscape. We define what it is, the meaning of it, and through the lens of the rural vernacular environment, we appreciate the seemingly un-self-conscious process of building that is indeed timeless. Week 4: The Urban Vernacular This week we focus on cities, or the urban vernacular. We discuss the process through which the urban vernacular is built, we also delve deep into topics such as sense of place, types of urban vernacular buildings, and how the urban vernacular evolves over time. Week 5: Informal Settlements Have you ever paid any attention to the slum areas in cities? Why do they exist? Are they of any significance or vernacular value to people and society? Termed informal settlements, we look at these built environments in cities through economic, cultural, and social lenses, and connect this unique type of urban vernacular with the future of cities. Week 6: Sustainable Conservation and the future of Asia's Vernacular Architecture In this concluding week, we differentiate conservation from preservation and discuss the challenges and approaches to conservation of Asia's vernacular built environment. We also discuss the future of vernacular architecture in Asia by contrasting tradition and modernity, and by asking the question of how they can coexist. We argue that the best way to ensure the continuation of the built heritage in Asia is to view vernacular architecture as a living tradition that evolves with time but without losing its cultural value.
During New York’s Design Week, when the world’s leading architects and designers previewed new flooring with designs based on fractals, University of Oregon physics professor Richard Taylor was on hand to explain the science behind it. Designed for Mohawk Group by
During New York’s Design Week, when the world’s leading architects and designers previewed new flooring with designs based on fractals, University of Oregon physics professor Richard Taylor was on hand to explain the science behind it. Designed for Mohawk Group by the renowned Austrian firm 13&9 in collaboration with Taylor’s company, Fractals Research, the “Relaxing Floors” system translates stress-reducing fractal patterns into calming visuals for the built environment. Designers Anastasija and Martin Lesjak contacted Taylor about 18 months ago to see if he would be willing to help them revolutionize flooring intended for workplaces, hotels and schools as well as venues where many people feel anxious, such as airports and hospitals. “We wanted to give our eyes a break from the digital world and deliver the essence of nature to enclosed sp
Meditation in relation to Buddhism ~ Mia Moers writes: "Within Buddhism there are various schools with specific approaches. However, all Buddhist schools are based on the teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni who lived about 2500 years ago
Meditation in relation to Buddhism ~ Mia Moers writes: "Within Buddhism there are various schools with specific approaches. However, all Buddhist schools are based on the teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni who lived about 2500 years ago. A vast amount of the Buddha's teachings are still available today. As a religion Buddhism has a doctrine with a large variety of liturgies, rituals, prayers, etc. Some people feel attracted to this and focus on practicing Buddhism as a religion. Another aspect of Buddhism is more scientific and philosophical. From this angle Buddhism is a science or philosophy of mind; it examines and analyses what exists and how things exist. With 'things' we mean external things but also, and more importantly, our mind and the notion of "I". Some people explore this aspect of Buddhism mainly through study, contemplation and analytical reasoning. Others take a more experiential approach to examining the mind and examine their own mind. Still others combine these methods (which, I think, is better). In conjunction with this exploration of the mind there is the extremely important notion of 'not harming'. This is an essential pillar of Buddhism. In other words, we do our very best not to harm humans (including ourselves) and other living beings and, whenever possible, to help them. In order to be effective in this we need to examine our motivation and adjust it where necessary. So, we need to examine our mind and we need to do this with a friendly and compassionate attitude towards ourselves. Such an attitude is essential, because without it we can help neither ourselves nor others. For this examination we need a stable, alert mind. At the moment our mind is extremely wayward and out of control, and it is impossible to examine your mind when it is distracted and inattentive. We are a lot of the time lost in thought and not even consciously aware of our thoughts and whatever else goes on in the mind. And when we are aware of e.g. our angry thoughts, we take them as truly existent and very important. This is where meditation comes in. Stabilising meditation encompasses a large number of techniques that all have as purpose to tame and train the mind. So it is mental training. Through consistent practicing we get to know our mind and what goes on 'inside', such as our thoughts and emotions. Once we start to see what is happening we can use will/volition/intention to develop our positive and helpful mental tendencies and to abandon our negative and harmful mental tendencies. Two widely used techniques are awareness of breathing and awareness of environmental sound. Someone will need to explain to you in person how that actually works. Non-Buddhist meditation to a large extent uses Buddhist meditation techniques. The big difference is the motivation for engaging in meditation. In the Buddhist context it is to tame and train our mind so that we can really help other living beings and definitely not harm them. Outside of Buddhism people may practice meditation in order to relieve stress, or be able to live with chronic pain, or to reduce depression, anxiety or other psychological problems. This can be really beneficial and improve someone's quality of life. People even practice meditation to help them be more focused playing top sport or doing business. So it comes down to motivation. However, I need to add that, according to Buddhism, if your motivation for engaging in meditation is negative or unwholesome, then it will never lead to positive results! "
A coursework refers to a form of work like practice, experimentation, research, and writing that students are supposed to perform in order to learn. In the case of students at universities, high schools, and middle schools, coursework is often graded. The
A coursework refers to a form of work like practice, experimentation, research, and writing that students are supposed to perform in order to learn. In the case of students at universities, high schools, and middle schools, coursework is often graded. The scores hence achieved are combined with those of separately assessed exams. Thereafter, overall course scores are determined based upon this. Students are granted a certain amount of time to complete their coursework. What Is Coursework Or News? College-level coursework, particularly for high school students, is defined as an advanced curriculum that enables the students to gain postsecondary learning experiences while they are still in high school. Such courses even help students earn college credit in some instances. Some of the examples of college-level coursework are: - Early college high schools (ECHS) - A school level coursework model that provides students the opportunity to earn an Associate's degree while in high school - Advanced Placement (AP) - A college-level coursework model that enables students to gain college credit, provided they qualify an end-of-course exam Why Do Students Need To Be Updated With News? All of us have heard pieces of advice about staying updated with news at some point in our lives. Moreover, all of us know how important it is to be aware of what's happening around us. Apart from impacting our day-to-day life news plays a significant role in shaping a student's academic life. Here's how: - Staying updated with news, through any medium, can help students be aware of current events. - Researches have proved that students who keep updated with news tend to score higher in exams, especially in subjects like reading, math, and social studies. - Students who are in the habit of reading newspaper, develop a strong vocabulary and comprehension skills over time. - It helps students to look at things in a bigger scope. - Knowing the latest happenings in the world improves students' critical thinking skills as they cover a lot of things all in one place. - Students who stay updated with news using newspapers see a considerable language improvement over time. Why Is Watching The News Important? It's a no-brainer that watching the news is beneficial for just about everyone. Here's a list of the main benefits that news provides you with: - News is the best medium to stay abreast with national as well as international news. Whether your topic of interest in sports, trade, economy, politics or technology, you can know the latest happenings all at one place. - People who stay updated with news have a considerable amount of knowledge and their own share of questions about whatever they read. This enables them to build an opinion and a view of everything. - Watching the news also improves one's communication. That's because someone well aware of everything that's happening around him, helps him share his ideas better along with proper reasoning and conclusions. - No matter what your field of work is, it is necessary to be aware of the latest trends in the market. That's how you stay ahead of the competition. News helps you effortlessly achieve this awareness. It helps you know every advancement in technology, its pros, and cons for your business. How To Stay Updated On The News Without Losing Your Mind? Though it is beneficial to stay updated with the latest news, it can be equally harmful. Yes, news fatigue exists, and it can take a toll on your health. But that doesn't mean you have to give up on staying updated. Some ways can be employed to keep sane while you know what's going on in the world. - Know the right time of reading/watching news Start with knowing the correct time to go through the news. Make sure that you don't scroll through the news feed for 30 minutes after waking up in the morning. Try utilizing this time to ease into your day in the best way possible. Utilize this half an hour to charge your body and mind. You can meditate or have your coffee or tea. Do the same before going to bed at night. Make sure you stop looking at your phone, computer, and TV 30 minutes before sleeping so that your body can relax and you can sleep properly. - Actively take part in political elections It's a no-brainer that elections matter. If you are a politics enthusiast and love reading about politics for hours, you may often find yourself stressed about current political affairs. You can eradicate this stress by voting and getting active in your political party. - Limit the usage of social media Social media is one such platform that is used by just about everyone today. Everyone from businesses to celebrities uses this platform to reach out to you today. Every social media platform is full of news and opinions these days. The more time you spend there, the more stressed out you feel. Save yourself from the harmful effects of news and social media. Spend less time on these social sites. There are times when all this stress may get a bit too much. That's when you will feel like giving up on everything around you. At such a point in time, all you need to do is, calm down and unplug for a little while before diving back in. In other words, take a break, go out for a vacation, and return with a fresh mind. The Role Of News In Enhancing The General Knowledge Of Students Now that we have discussed the importance of news in our day-to-day lives and how reading/watching news can be
If you’re looking to add a little extra flair to your woodworking projects, you might want to consider using a French curve. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use a French curve to add some extra flair to your woodworking projects
If you’re looking to add a little extra flair to your woodworking projects, you might want to consider using a French curve. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use a French curve to add some extra flair to your woodworking projects. Checkout this video: What is a French Curve? In woodworking, a French curve is a template made of thin metal or hard plastic that is used to create smooth, curved lines in wood. French curves are available in a variety of sizes and shapes, and can be used to create a variety of different curves. There are two main ways to use a French curve in woodworking: -To trace a desired curve onto a piece of wood -To use as a guide for cutting along a curve When tracing a curve onto wood, it is important to use a pencil or other marking tool that will make a visible but light mark on the wood. This will ensure that the line can be seen but will not be too difficult to remove if necessary. When using a French curve as a guide for cutting, it is important to use a saw with consistent teeth (such as a cross-cut saw) so that the cut will be straight and clean. It is also important to take care not to damage the template while cutting. How to Use a French Curve A French curve is an essential tool for anyone who wants to create curves in their woodworking projects. This tool is easy to use, and it can help you achieve the perfect curve every time. In this article, we will show you how to use a French curve in your woodworking projects. Tracing the Curve A French curve is an all-purpose drawing template composed of many different shaped curves in a single tool. It is used for drawing smooth curves on paper or wood. French curves can be purchased at most art supply stores. To use a French curve, first identify the general shape you need to draw. Place the French curve on the paper or wood, aligning the appropriate curve with your drawing. Trace around the template with a pencil to transfer the shape to your paper or wood. Making the Cut There are a few different ways to use a French curve, but the most common is to use it as a template for cutting curves in wood. To do this, you’ll need to trace the outline of the curve onto your piece of wood using a pencil or pen. Once you have the outline traced, you can use a saw or router to cut along the line. If you’re using a router, you’ll want to use a guide bushing that is the same size as the curve template. This will help ensure that your cuts are nice and clean. If you’re using a saw, you can clamp the curve template to your workpiece so that it doesn’t move around while you’re cutting. Just be sure to use a sharp blade so that your cuts are clean and precise. Once you’ve cut the curves, you can sand them smooth and then finish them however you like. If you’re making furniture, you may want to stain or paint the wood before adding hardware like handles or knobs. Or, if you’re making decorative items like picture frames or mirrors, you can add embellishments like carving or inlay work. No matter how you finish your project, using a French curve is an easy way to add some interest and flair! Following the Curve A French curve is a template composed of many different curves, which can be used to create smooth transitions between two line segments. It is commonly used in woodworking, for tasks such as fairing the edge of a board or shaping molding. To use a French curve, start by tracing the outline of the curve onto your workpiece. Then, use a router or other shaping tool to follow the outline and create the desired shape. When choosing a French curve, it is important to select one that covers the entire range of curves that you need. For example, if you only need to create small curves, a smaller template will suffice. Conversely, if you need to create large curves, you will need a larger template. Once you have selected an appropriate French curve, trace the outline onto your workpiece and then use a router or other shaping tool to follow the outline and create the desired shape. With practice, you will be able to produce smooth, flowing transitions between line segments with ease. Tips for Using a French Curve A French curve is an indispensable tool in woodworking, especially when you’re working on curved or contoured surfaces. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to use a French curve to get the best results. Practice on Scrap Wood A French curve is an essential tool for any woodworker. It is used to create curved lines and shapes, and can be used to create everything from furniture to cabinetry. While a French curve may seem daunting at first, it is actually quite easy to use once you get the hang of it. Here are a few tips to help you get started: -Practice on scrap wood before using your French curve on your project piece. This will help you get a feel for how the tool works and how
o indicate unfolding knowledge while unfolding the knowledge in a narrative, you can employ various storytelling techniques that reveal information gradually, create suspense, and maintain reader engagement. Here are some strategies to consider: Foreshadowing: Introduce subtle hints or clues
o indicate unfolding knowledge while unfolding the knowledge in a narrative, you can employ various storytelling techniques that reveal information gradually, create suspense, and maintain reader engagement. Here are some strategies to consider: Foreshadowing: Introduce subtle hints or clues early in the narrative that suggest what might happen later. This creates a sense of anticipation and keeps the reader curious about how the knowledge will be revealed. Unreliable narrator: Use a narrator whose perspective or understanding of the situation is limited or biased. This allows you to present the unfolding knowledge from their point of view, gradually revealing the truth as they discover it themselves. Flashbacks: Use flashbacks to provide context or reveal crucial information about a character or event. This technique can offer insights into the past, helping the reader understand the present narrative better. Dialogue: Utilize dialogue between characters to convey information and reveal knowledge. This method can make the unfolding of knowledge feel more organic, as it occurs through the natural interactions of characters. Dramatic irony: Create situations in which the reader has more information than the characters. This can generate tension and suspense, as the reader anticipates how the characters will react when they discover the truth. Pacing: Control the pacing of your narrative to gradually reveal information. Introduce new knowledge at key moments to maintain reader interest and develop the story. Perspective shifts: Switch between different characters’ perspectives to reveal their unique insights and knowledge. This can offer a more comprehensive understanding of the situation and create a sense of depth in the narrative. Show, don’t tell: Instead of explicitly stating the unfolding knowledge, use descriptive language, character actions, and reactions to imply or suggest the information. This can engage the reader’s imagination and allow them to infer the knowledge themselves. By incorporating these techniques into your narrative, you can effectively indicate and unfold knowledge while maintaining a compelling and engaging story.
This week, you will write a report. A report has a different purpose, which is to communicate information in a clear, concise manner. While some reports include recommendations and thus do persuade to some extent, they are primarily informational. The root meaning
This week, you will write a report. A report has a different purpose, which is to communicate information in a clear, concise manner. While some reports include recommendations and thus do persuade to some extent, they are primarily informational. The root meaning of “report” is “to carry back.” You have information, and you are carrying it back to interested co-workers. The art of writing a good report lies in recognizing pertinent information and presenting it well. Here is this week’s challenge: ____ Read pp. 190-202 in the.pdf “The Report That Changes Things” included in this folder. Note the emphasis the author places on knowing one’s audience and tailoring the report to that audience. There are many reasons one might be called upon to write a business report. Note the common types of reports and the sections they might include. ____ Write a progress, trip, investigative or trouble report. We’ll skip expense reports (which don’t involve much writing) and annual reports (which are quite long) for now. Give your imagination free rein when devising a situation that necessitates a report. – Include a table of contents in your report plus the five sections listed on page 193: executive summary, introduction, text, conclusion and recommendation. – Format the table of contents and the report in general with the end of enhancing clarity. – You do not need to include back material or a cover page. Recommended length. I’ll leave this to your discretion, but this is one of the longer pieces you will produce this semester. It should be a minimum of 3 pages, including the table of contents.
When people think of cataracts they often imagine a white, milky film that grows on their eyes. However, cataracts do not form on the eye, rather they form within the eye. More specifically, a cataract is
When people think of cataracts they often imagine a white, milky film that grows on their eyes. However, cataracts do not form on the eye, rather they form within the eye. More specifically, a cataract is a clouding of the lens, the part of the eye that focuses light and produces clear, sharp images. When this lens becomes cloudy due to age or other reasons, the result may be poor vision. The most common symptoms of cataracts include: cloudy or blurry vision, dull colors, a halo or glare around headlights or lamps, poor night vision, and/or double vision or multiple images appearing in one eye. Also, frequent prescription changes in your eyeglasses or contact lenses can be a sign of cataracts. What Are the Telltale Signs of Cataracts? The devoted professionals who work at the Overland Park eye center can help you understand the common signs of cataracts.. Because of this, we have provided a detailed overview of the signs, as well as the symptoms that put you at a predisposition for developing cataracts. For most people, cataracts will be a natural result of aging. By age 80, more than half of all Americans either have a cataract or have had cataract surgery. In fact, cataracts are the leading cause of vision loss among adults over the age of 55. Age-related cataracts develop in two ways: the first is a clustering of protein that clouds the lens and reduces the light that reaches your retina. The cloudiness tends to grow slowly, gradually getting worse, making it difficult to see. The second way cataracts develop involves the lens slowly changing to a yellowish/brownish color giving your vision a brownish tint. While this slow change in the amount of tinting does not affect the sharpness of the image, it will make it more difficult to identify colors. While the risk of having cataracts increases as you get older, eye injuries, certain medications, and diseases, such as diabetes, have also been known to cause cataracts. Other risk factors include excessive smoking or alcohol use, and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) sunlight. Those who work outside should protect their eyes from ultraviolet rays by wearing sunglasses with 100 percent UV protection. Wearing sunglasses and a brimmed hat to block ultraviolet sunlight may help to delay cataracts. Researchers believe a healthy diet can also help lower the risk of age-related cataracts and recommend eating green leafy vegetables, fruit, and other foods rich in antioxidants. Learn More Today Are you suffering from cataracts, or do you think you may need a professional diagnosis? The friendly and skilled vision experts at our Overland Park eye center are dedicated to helping patients see with the greatest quality of vision. To learn about cataracts and available treatment, call (913) 345-2020. Proudly serving the Kansas City and Overland Park communities.
Will eyelashes grow back Will eyelashes grow back Meteor lashes factory Eyelashes are very important, it can block sand, dust, strong light, etc. from entering our eyes, and at the same time, it can make
Will eyelashes grow back Will eyelashes grow back Meteor lashes factory Eyelashes are very important, it can block sand, dust, strong light, etc. from entering our eyes, and at the same time, it can make our eyes more vibrant. Especially female friends, if they have a pair of beautiful eyelashes, they will appear more attractive. But eyelashes also fall off, so will eyelashes grow back if they fall off? Now let's introduce it. Will eyelashes grow back? Eyelashes that fall off will grow again. Eyelashes are short hairs and have a certain lifespan. They are divided into growth period, dormancy period, and shedding period. Generally, they will fall off on their own in about four months, and will grow back at the primary site. Eyelashes can block sand, dust, strong light, sweat, etc. from entering the eyes, and have the effect of increasing beauty. It is necessary to take good care of eyelashes to make them play a physiological role. If the eyelashes fall out and affect the appearance, you can consider using mascara or planting false eyelashes to improve the appearance. Eyelashes and eyebrows grow and usually have a certain growth cycle, so some of them are often metabolized. Some bad habits can also cause eyelashes to fall out, such as rubbing your eyes frequently, using eyelash curlers, and even perming your eyelashes. The growth cycle of eyelashes is about 3 months, and the old eyelashes will fall out in about 3 months, which is why the eyelashes do not look inferior and usually fall off the eyelashes. If you are not used to this time, you can apply mascara. The fact is that no one pays much attention to your lashes, you can't see your lashes without lying in front of you, so don't worry. Like hair, human eyelashes have their own growth and metabolism cycles. As long as they don't fall out too frequently, there is no need to worry, and there is no need to use mascara to intervene. If the drop is very large, consider whether it is associated with eye inflammation such as pinholes, which can be treated with eye drops. Will eyelashes grow back? Eyelashes can grow back after they are plucked, because the hair follicles have a certain ability to regenerate and heal. The process of pulling out the eyelashes may cause certain damage to the hair follicle. With the metabolism of the human body, the hair follicle tissue gradually heals, and the growth of the eyelashes will generally come out again. Individuals have different physiques, so there will be a certain deviation in the growth rate, and it cannot be generalized. To do a good job in local care, you can apply growth liquid or anti-inflammatory and bactericidal ointment to reduce the growth of pathogenic bacteria, which can promote local recovery. The above is for you to explain "will eyelashes grow back?" If your eyelashes do not grow back, don't be afraid. Now there are two ways of false eyelashes and eyelashes planting. Wearing false eyelashes is relatively easy. It is said that it is cheap, the cost of planting eyelashes is expensive, and the safety factor cannot be guaranteed. Meteor lashes factory is a company specializing in false eyelashes for more than 10 years. Welcome to wholesale all kinds of false eyelashes. If you have any questions, please contact us. What are the types of false eyelashes Every woman loves beauty, especially her eyelashes. Those who have few eyelashes wear false eyelashes every day to make their eyes bigger, brighter and more attractive. There are many types of false eyelashes, and different false eyelashes have different display effects. So, what types of false eyelashes are there? The difference between planting eyelashes and grafted eyelashes Many people don’t know much about the two before choosing, so they don’t know how to choose. Is planting eyelashes the same as grafting eyelashes? Of course not, which one is better, seed eyelashes or grafted eyelashes? Let’s look at the difference between seed eyelashes and grafted eyelashes. What is W eyelash extension? Have you ever used Y-shaped eyelashes? Now its upgraded version is coming. It is W eyelash extension. W eyelash extension are made of three eyelashes glued together by a special process to form a W lashes, also like a sawtooth shape.
Heart Disease in Cats: What’s up with that? Heart Disease in Cats: What’s up with that? by Dr. Janet Olson, DVM, DACVIM (Cardiology) Cardiology for cats is tough. Most of the card
Heart Disease in Cats: What’s up with that? Heart Disease in Cats: What’s up with that? by Dr. Janet Olson, DVM, DACVIM (Cardiology) Cardiology for cats is tough. Most of the cardiology we, as veterinarians have learned, pertains primarily to dogs, or is out-dated in regards to the best practice for cats. Unlike dogs, we can not “breed profile” to help us determine if a cat is likely to have heart disease and if so, what type. So here are a few pointers to help you out in your practice. - Cats can have heart murmurs without any cardiac disease (physiologic in nature) – Yay! - Cats may have significant heart disease without the presence of a murmur or an arrhythmia – making it tough to diagnose – boo! - Any cat with pleural effusion has heart disease until proven otherwise - Cardiogenic pulmonary edema often takes on a ventral distribution in the chest vs the typical caudal-dorsal distribution seen in dogs, but in reality can present any way it wants - Heart disease can be a silent killer in cats – no murmur or arrhythmia may be present and then – > the cat dies suddenly at home, or perhaps under anesthesia (no good) - Cats with subclinical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) can remain asymptomatic for 5 + years without any therapy (can you then justify life long therapy in these cats???) - Pimobendan (Vetmedin) can be useful therapy in cats with left ventricular systolic dysfunction (i.e. dilated or some forms of unclassified cardiomyopathy) and potentially detrimental in hypertrophic or obstructive cardiomyopathy – best way to find out what you are dealing with is to have an echocardiogram performed. When is a cardiac evaluation warranted? Cats may or may not have any clinical signs associated with even severe heart disease. Therefore, if evidence of heart disease is ever detected, s
A new study of grocery purchasing behavior in the US revealed consumers prefer highly processed foods, which comprised more than 60 percent of the calories in the food they purchased. The nationwide analysis conducted by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FA
A new study of grocery purchasing behavior in the US revealed consumers prefer highly processed foods, which comprised more than 60 percent of the calories in the food they purchased. The nationwide analysis conducted by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) found Americans are eating more than the recommended limits of fat, sugar and salt. “Many Americans have strongly held opinions and beliefs about processed foods,” says Jennifer Poti, research assistant professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and leader of the research team conducting the study. “Some consider processed foods to be tasty, convenient and affordable choices, while others contend the combination of sugar, fat, salt and flavoring in these foods promotes overeating and contributes to obesity. But until now, we didn’t really have the evidence needed to settle this debate. No prior studies have examined whether highly processed foods collectively have a worse nutritional profile than minimally processed foods, using nutrition information and ingredient lists specific for barcoded food and beverage products.” From 2000 to 2012, researchers asked 157,142 households to use UPC barcode scanners to record all the foods and beverages they purchased from grocery stores for at least one year. Items without barcodes were not included, though fresh items such as bagged lettuce or pints of berries were scanned. After years of gathering data, the researchers linked each item to its nutrition information, product description and ingredient list, allowing them to rank each product’s degree of food processing. Products were classified as highly processed if they contained multi-ingredient, industrially formulated mixtures. These items included products such as soda, cookies, chips, white bread, candy and prepared meals. Fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, milk, eggs, dried beans and fresh meat were classified as unprocessed or minimally processed. Convenience was also examined, distinguishing between foods that are ready to eat, ready to heat or require cooking and/or preparation. “Overall, we found that not only are highly processed foods a dominant, stable part of US purchasing patterns, but also that the highly processed foods households are purchasing are higher in fat, sugar and salt, on average, compared to the less-processed foods consumers buy,” says Poti, who will present the findings at the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) annual meeting during Experimental Biology 2015. “The unshifting dominance of ultra-processed and ready-to-eat foods as major calorie contributors to US diets and their poor nutrient profile support the need to incentivize food manufacturers to imp
This enigmatic painting by Cornelis Cornelisz van Haarlem (1562-1638) features a fool with the cap so often attributed to European jesters, though it remains unclear the extent to which real court jesters ever wore such
This enigmatic painting by Cornelis Cornelisz van Haarlem (1562-1638) features a fool with the cap so often attributed to European jesters, though it remains unclear the extent to which real court jesters ever wore such caps. I have yet to come across a portrait of a historical jester wearing one, nor to any references in court account books to this emblematic piece of fool clothing. That said, the debate remains open. Also interesting is something in the facial expression which suggests he may have been a ‘natural’ fool, a term commonly used to include some form of mental disability. Would be wonderful to know if this is a faithful representation of a living person, or a superb depiction of a type. Keep you posted if I find out more. Credit: painting of a Jester in a Fool’s Cap, Cornelis Cornelisz van Haarlem (1562-1638), Frans Hals Museum, Amsterdam, public domain
Walking Sam: The Suicide Spirit of Pine Ridge Walking Sam: The Suicide Spirit. Photo: Ranker. In 2015 a spree of suicides took place in the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Some believe these were caused by an evil spirit called
Walking Sam: The Suicide Spirit of Pine Ridge Walking Sam: The Suicide Spirit. Photo: Ranker. In 2015 a spree of suicides took place in the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Some believe these were caused by an evil spirit called Walking Sam. Who is Walking Sam? An artist’s depiction of Walking Sam. Photo: Ranker Walking Sam is known by various names, including “Tall Man” and “Stovepipe Hat Bigfoot.” He is a towering figure standing at seven feet tall and has eyes but no mouth, sometimes wearing a stove-pipe hat. When he raises his arms, people can see the bodies of his past victims hanging beneath him. Walking Sam is said to call out to teenagers and try to convince them that they are worthless, urging them to take their own lives. Some believe that he targets young people because they are more vulnerable to his manipulations. According to Native American legends, Walking Sam is an ancient being closely linked to “Stick Indians,” who are dark and shadowy spirit entities. Kids grow up hearing spooky stories about these evil forces that haunt reservations and try to lure unsuspecting victims to their doom. They’re always followed by a creepy cloud of death that just hangs around them. If you hear whistling, it might be one of these Stick Indians nearby. But if you follow the sound, you could get paralyzed, hypnotized, or even lose your mind completely. If you disrespect them, they’ll hold a grudge and seek revenge no matter what. Some tribes are so scared of them that they won’t even talk about them, so we don’t know everything about these beings. But Walking Sam is supposed to be one of the most powerful ones. There are those who believe that Walking Sam represents the pain and trauma that the Lakota Indians endure on a daily basis. Given the deep spiritual connection that the Lakota people have with their land and heritage, some see Walking Sam as a physical embodiment of this suffering. The Pine Ridge Suicides A video telling the story of Walking Sam The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is located near the Black Hills of South Dakota and is home to the Oglala Lakota tribe. It’s one of the largest Indian reservations in the US. Sadly, Pine Ridge has a sad past as hundreds of Lakota Indians were killed during the Wounded Knee Massacre. It’s one of the poorest counties in the US. In 2015, a number of young people committed suicide on the reservation, and some people thought that supernatural forces like the legendary Walking Sam were to blame. From December 2014 to March 2015, there were a staggering 103 suicide attempts, with nine of them being successful, and tragically, none of the victims were older than twenty-five. The majority of those who died had used hanging as the method of suicide. Although there had been other clusters of suicides in previous years, this was the largest. As the community struggled to understand and deal with the crisis, some looked to traditional Native American beliefs for answers. Lakota children are raised hearing stories about “suicide spirits,” “stick people,” and shadow people who try to lure young people away from their homes at night. These stories may have evolved over time, influenced by the popularity of Slender Man, into the figure now known as Walking Sam. Walking Sam Sightings During meetings of reservation officials, one of the topics that often comes up is Walking Sam. These officials advise reservation members to avoid walking on the streets at night as it would be an ideal time for Walking Sam to approach his victims. Several residents have expressed concern and requested the police to keep a lookout for Walking Sam. Many residents have reported seeing his shadow and have shared their encounters with the police. Some residents have even reported hearing whistling sounds coming from nowhere. Have you ever seen Walking Sam? Let us know in the comments. If you enjoyed learning about Walking Sam you might also be interested in Diao Si Gui: Chinese Hanged Ghosts or La Ciguapa: The Woman with Backwards Feet. Fofao: The Killer Doll The creepy Fofao dolls did in fact contain a sharp spike within to support the doll’s head. Photo: Latin Folktales An urban legend spread throughout Latin America in the late 1980s telling of a knife being hidden in Fofao dolls. It turns out it was somewhat based in reality. Who was Fofão? The rather spooky looking character of Fofao. Photo: Wikipedia Orival Pessini was tasked by TV Globo director, José Bonifácio de Oliveira Sobrinho, to create a child character for the upcoming program Balão Mágico. As any character that was created would go on air, Orival was unsure of what to create, having no prior experience with children. After contemplating various possi
Learn about infectious agents as well as epidemics and pandemics past and present. The purpose of this module is to introduce students to infectious diseases and the agents that cause them. Students determine the differences between infectious and noninfectious diseases, explore
Learn about infectious agents as well as epidemics and pandemics past and present. The purpose of this module is to introduce students to infectious diseases and the agents that cause them. Students determine the differences between infectious and noninfectious diseases, explore the different kinds of organisms that cause disease, distinguish among outbreaks, epidemics, pandemics, and emerging and re-emerging diseases, and compare Ebola virus and measles virus, the infectious agents involved in recent outbreaks of these diseases. This module provides foundational concepts and u
What can a Montessori Cylinder do for your curious learner? Let’s talk about dimension discrimination, language development, and expert little pinchers! Whether with or without knobs — the Montessori Cylinder is hands-on exploration of size and space for
What can a Montessori Cylinder do for your curious learner? Let’s talk about dimension discrimination, language development, and expert little pinchers! Whether with or without knobs — the Montessori Cylinder is hands-on exploration of size and space for your 3+ year old. I guarantee you parents here today will learn something too. Affiliate Link Disclosure – If you see a product you like and click through to buy it, I would genuinely appreciate it. I may earn a small commission — at no extra cost to you. It would mean a lot, thanks! Best Montessori Cylinders You Can Buy (Knobbed / Knobless) The Montessori knobbed cylinder inspired all kinds of developmental toys for early learners ages 1 to 5 years. Behold the best cylinder toys and peg-in-hole playthings for spatial discrimination, size comparison, and pincer grasping. - (01) BOHS Montessori Knobbed Cylinders with Self-Correcting 6-Space Blocks - (02) Toth Multidimensional Knobbed Cylinder Ladder Blocks (Diameter, Depth, Volume) - (03) Unravel Marvel Waldorf Rainbow Mushrooms Picking Toy - (04) Elite Montessori Sound Box Knobless Cylinders - (05) New Sky Enterprises Knobless Colored Cylinders with Control Flashcards - (06) Wooden Toys For You Primary Color Knobless Montessori Cylinder Blocks - (07) Treemagination “Shape and Look of a Tree” Cylindrical Organic Tree Blocks - (08) Babe Rock Color Sorting Stacking Counting Toy (Columns + Rings) - (09) StarMall Color Recognition Montessori Peg Doll + Color Matching Toy - (10) Xylolin Wooden Rainbow Peg Dolls Toddler Matching Toy (Color + Size) (01) BOHS Montessori Knobbed Cylinders with Self-Correcting 6-Space Blocks This set of cylinder blocks with knob is divided into 4 wooden blocks with holes to insert 6 cylinders of 4 colors per block: - The block with blue cylinders varies in three dimensions: the diameter decreases while the height gradually increases. - The block with yellow cylinders varies in one dimension: the diameter remains the same while the height decreases. - The block with red cylinders varies in two dimensions: the diameter gradually decreases while the height remains the same. - The block with green cylinders varies in three dimensions: both diameter and height gradually decrease. This material teaches the child visual discrimination of dimensions, perfecting grasping, building vocabulary, categorizing sizes, counting. The uses are multiple and it is a game suitable for children from 3 years old. (02) Toth Multidimensional Knobbed Cylinder Ladder Blocks (Diameter, Depth, Volume) A monochromatic version of the knobbed cylinder game. It is a wooden board with the cylinders made of the same material and color — simple natural wood. The basis of the game is the same, the child discriminates size, shape and diameter to be able to insert the cylinders into the blocks. The material comes with 4 blocks with 5 cylinders in each one. Through observation, logical reasoning, analysis and other forms of thinking, this resource helps children learn to reason and draw conclusions. - Block 1: Cylinders vary in one dimension: Diameter remains constant, height increases. - Block 2: Cylinders vary in one dimension: Diameter increases, height remains constant. - Block 3: Cylinders vary in two dimensions: Diameter increases, height increases. - Block 4: Cylinders vary in two dimensions: Diameter increases, height decreases. It is presented to the child in segments, so that he/she can understand that each block has a different difficulty. The pieces and cylinders are suitable for use from 3 years of age. (03) Unravel Marvel Waldorf Rainbow Mushrooms Picking Toy This wooden trunk with mushrooms is a charming toy that mixes Montessori and Waldorf trends. Everything is lovingly handmade and its pieces are so delicate that in addition to being an educational resource, it can serve as a decoration for a child’s room. The game comes with a wooden trunk with 8 holes where 8 mushrooms of different sizes and heights are inserted. It is the perfect toy to expand children’s imagination, improve hand-eye coordination and learn about colors, sizes and dimensions. Suitable for children from 2 years old. (04) Elite Montessori Sound Box Knobless Cylinders Cylinder boxes with sounds is a very useful resource because it allows children to sharpen their hearing through the different sounds presented by each of the cylinders. The game is divided into two boxes of red and blue, with 6 cylinders in each one. The cylinders are identified by color to segment them in the boxes, and the sound int
Laidlaw, now called Tumalo, is an unincorporated town on the Deschutes River seven miles west of Bend. Tumalo is also the name of the surrounding area and a local creek that supplies irrigation water.
Laidlaw, now called Tumalo, is an unincorporated town on the Deschutes River seven miles west of Bend. Tumalo is also the name of the surrounding area and a local creek that supplies irrigation water. The name Tumalo derives from a Klamath reference to memorable associations with Tumalo Creek: tumallowa (icy water), temolo (wild plum), or temola (ground fog). During 1902-1906, Laidlaw appeared to be a likely development hub in west-central Oregon. Promoters envisioned this Deschutes River crossing place as the junction of a railroad south from the Columbia River and a railroad east along the Santiam Wagon Road from Yaquina Bay to Salt Lake City. EuroAmerican settlement had begun in the area in about 1880. The original Tumalo
UX research is to understand how a service or product will work in the real world for the real consumer. They involve studying client needs and the way they actually relate to a particular product. The main objective of UX-researcher is to help businesses
UX research is to understand how a service or product will work in the real world for the real consumer. They involve studying client needs and the way they actually relate to a particular product. The main objective of UX-researcher is to help businesses save money and get profit by checking product hypotheses. Evaluation allows you to understand, how to improve your service, to determine whether the new product will be demanded or not. The main UX research methods There are several basic methods used by the UX - researchers. Let's note the main ones: - Interview. This is the basic technique, which involves a conversation with the respondent on the subject of the study. As a rule, it is carried out at an early stage of product development. User attitudes to the product or service under test, user needs and desires are analyzed. The method is well suited for initial exploration and immersion in the category and product. - Usability testing. This method allows you to check whether the script using for the product or service is suitable for the target audience. It helps identify a problem before the product or service launch. The respondents are given tasks that simulate the actual use of the product / service, which allows them to track and record all the difficulties and deviations from the scenario conceived by the developers. Based on the test results, recommendations are issued for revision. - Focus groups. This is a group discussion, during which the attitude of respondents to the product is clarified. The method has an indisputable advantage over others due to the group dynamics of the discussion and the speed of testing, which makes it possible to refine the raw concept into the final product / service in a matter of days. - Online surveys. The method is indispensable for digitizing the data identified at the qualitative stages of research and obtaining representative data throughout TA, considering socio-demographic, geographic, behavioral and other features. All research methods are divided into two types, namely quantitative and qualitative research. A qualitative methodology allows you to identify and formulate research hypotheses and get an answer to the questions about the reasons for consumer behavior. In this case, the emphasis is more on the consumer, than a product. It is important to understand a problem the consumer has and how it can be solved. Quantitative study answers the question of how much and measures this numbers. The information obtained is extremely important for making strategic decisions on a product / service, since it is representative and reflects the real opinion of the interviewed target audience. Why is UX research done? This type of research is very important for business. Both customer satisfaction rate and reduction of redesign costs depend on how well you understand the end consumer and consider the requirements for the design. If you neither consider the motives of consumer behavior, nor understand their problems, neither application or IT – product will be able to solve these problems, as a result your product cannot attract the consumer. 14-year collaborative effort more than 80% of further contacts 50% of clients are our regular clients selection methodology under the client's budget In the course of cooperation with ResearchView since 2020 more than 2 000 quantitative and more than 50 qualitative interviews have been conducted. Throughout the work on all projects, the company's obligations were fully fulfilled with proper quality and on time. Taking into account the observance of all agreements, the professionalism of the team and the quality of the analytics provided, we can recommend ResearchView as a reliable partner for marketing research. Bristol-Myers Squibb LLC expresses its gratitude to the ResearchView team for their high professionalism in carrying out projects within the framework of drug dossier registration under the EAEU procedure. I want to thank all of you for your joint work and collaboration, interesting projects and discussions, support and responsiveness. I wish you new challenging projects and achievements! It was very interesting to take part in the project, I admired the openness and professionalism of ResearchView team and I want to wish you further success in the implementation of projects We worked with ResearchView on different studies, mostly on medical representatives' audits for pharmaceutical companies. ResearchView’s high quality of service, smooth conduction on project and reliable and on time delivery of results, guaranteed a successful cooperation. STEM healthcare with full confidence recommends ResearchView as a professional and reliable business partner. Nissan would like to thank ResearchView team for the recent qualitative projects we conducted together. We appreciate the quality of moderation and recruitment and flexibility to our requests. We are happy to recommend ResearchView to other clients. On behalf of Givaudan Russia, we would like to extend our utmost appreciation to ResearchView. High personal responsibility on professional level, accuracy and thoroughness in performance, prompt solutions of problems demonstrated by each of the departments make our collaboration effective and successful. ABCR/ Association of Branding Companies of Russia We have been
As explained in Part 1 of “Christian-Buddhist Tension in South Korea,” South Korea is the only nation in east Asia in which the largest religion is not Asian. The population of South Korea is about 29 percent Christian and
As explained in Part 1 of “Christian-Buddhist Tension in South Korea,” South Korea is the only nation in east Asia in which the largest religion is not Asian. The population of South Korea is about 29 percent Christian and 23 percent Buddhist. About 46 percent of South Koreans claim no specific religious affiliation. As also explained in Part 1, the number of Christians in South Korea grew rapidly after World War II ended and Korea was divided.between North and South. In 1945, approximately 2 percent of Korea’s population was Christian. But by 1991, 25 percent of South Korea’s population was Christian. Beginning in1980 many of the newly converted Christians began to burn and vandalize Buddhist temples and art. More than 20 temple buildings were destroyed by arson; crosses were smeared on temple wall paintings; Buddha statues were smashed or decapitated. In the 1980s the government also began to oppress Buddhism. Under Chun Doo-hwan (b. 1931) who served as President of South Korea from 1980 to 1988, monasteries were sometimes raided and monks arrested on various charges, although none were ever convicted. 1990 to 2000 Burning and vandalism of Buddhist temples continued through the 1990s. Buddhists and other non-Christians serving in the military were sometimes ordered to attend Christian services by their commanders. Some public school teachers were found teaching Bible lessons. One told the class that Buddhist children were “followers of Satan” and restricted their class activities. In 1995 young fundamentalist Christians began a campaign of aggressive proselytizing on the campus of Dongguk University in Seoul, a Buddhist school, handing out anti-Buddhist literature in front of the school’s main Buddha statue.. An investigative report in the Korea Herald published in July 1998 quoted a Buddhist dharma teacher named Lee Chi-ran: “For them [the Christians], this is a war, Much of the mainstream media is dominated by Christians, and coverage of anti-Buddhist incidents is rare. Many people don’t understand what’s going on.” After 2000, for a time, the incidents of aggression against Buddhists and Buddhist institutions became less frequent, although the over-representation of Christians in government positions sometimes posed problems for Buddhists. The election of Lee Myung-bak as President of South Korea in 2008 began a new round of tension, however. Lee, a Presbyterian, had raised alarms as Mayor of Seoul when he said he would “consecrate” his city to God. Then, as President, he chose an almost all-Christian cabinet — out of 16 cabinet seats, there were 12 Christians and one Buddhist. Shortly after that, the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs published a map of Seoul on its website that omitted all Buddhist temples and shrines but gave the location of every Christian church. Then police stopped and searched the car of the head of the Jogye of Soen (Zen) Buddhism, looking for members of a faction protesting the importing of beef. About this same time, videos began to circulate showing a Protestant minister leading his congregation in shouts calling for the collapse of Buddhist temples, and another in which a prominent Protestant minister said “Buddhist monks are wasting their time. They should convert to Jesus. Is there any Buddhist country in the world that is rich?” In August 2008 an estimated 60,000 people, including about 7000 monks, rallied in front of the Seoul city hall to protest religious discrimination. Tensions subsided, to a point, when several high-level officials who had been accused of religious favoritism to Christians visited Buddhist temples to apologize. More recently, people of South Korea generally — not just Buddhists — appear to be growing weary of the antics of the aggressive Christian proselytizers. See “Buddhism in Korea” for a history of Buddhism before the end of World War II.
NEWS & BLOG Views: 29 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-10-24 Origin: Site In foreign trade, the bill of lading is a document issued to the consignor by the transportation department
NEWS & BLOG Views: 29 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-10-24 Origin: Site In foreign trade, the bill of lading is a document issued to the consignor by the transportation department when the goods are carried. The consignee picks up the goods with the bill of lading to the transportation department of the freight destination. The bill of lading must be signed by the carrier or the ship before it can take effect. It is one of the valid documents for the declaration of goods by sea to the customs. The 9 Standard Types of “Bill of Lading” Documents, as follows: ① Straight B/L: Refers to the bill of lading that specifically fills in the name of a specific person or company in the consignee column on the straight B/L. The named consignee takes delivery of the goods when it presents an original bill of lading to the carrier or its agent. Although a named bill of lading is a certificate of entitlement, it is not negotiable. In China, a registered bill of lading is not transferable. ② Bearer B/L (or Open B/L, or Blank B/L): There is no consignee or ORDER in the bill of lading, that is, any holder of the bill of lading has the right to pick up the goods. A bill of lading to deliver goods to whoever is the holder of the bill of lading. If the bill of lading 1, clearly indicates that it is a bearer bill of lading; 2, it refers to the consignee as a bearer; 3, it serves as an instruction bill of lading but fails to indicate whose instructions it is based on; 4, it is a blank endorsed instruction bill of lading. Bearer bills of lading can be transferred without endorsement. ③ Order B/L: refers to the bill of lading with the words to Order or to the Order of in the consignee column on the bill of lading. The former is called a bearer order bill of lading, and the carrier should deliver the goods according to the shipper's instructions; the latter is called a bearer order bill of lading, and the carrier delivers the goods according to the instructions of the named orderer. ① Shipped B/L (or On Board B/L): refers to the bill of lading issued to the shipper by the carrier or its authorized agent according to the chief mate's receipt after the goods are loaded on board. If the carrier issues an on-board bill of lading, it confirms that he has the goods on board. ② Received for Shipment B/L: It is a bill of lading issued by the carrier at the request of the shipper when the carrier receives the goods delivered by the shipper but has not yet been shipped. ① Clean B/L: Refers to the bill o
Scientific name: Arctium lappa Medicinal use: The dried roots of Burdock contain mucilage, sulfurous acetylene compounds, polyacetylenes and bitter guaianolide-type constituents. They are
Scientific name: Arctium lappa Medicinal use: The dried roots of Burdock contain mucilage, sulfurous acetylene compounds, polyacetylenes and bitter guaianolide-type constituents. They are used in western folk medicine as a diuretic, diaphoretic, and a blood purifying agent. Anecdotal reports from the 19th century suggest that this medicinal plant has also been used by the Ojibwa tribe, and today, as an ingredient in Essiac tea for the alternative treatment of some types of cancer. 66 in stock
The ubiquity of mobile devices cannot be overstated, especially in the internet age. They have become an essential part of people’s lives, and they use them for just about everything. Mobile devices are always there, whether you’re communicating with friends
The ubiquity of mobile devices cannot be overstated, especially in the internet age. They have become an essential part of people’s lives, and they use them for just about everything. Mobile devices are always there, whether you’re communicating with friends and family, doing business, or accessing information. And because of the continuous developments in smartphone technology, these devices continue to evolve to meet people’s needs. There’s no doubt that they will only become more and more critical in the years to come. Here are a few aspects of life that mobile devices have changed: Mobile devices have completely changed the way people communicate. You would have to be in the same place as someone to talk to them in the past. But now, with mobile devices, you can easily communicate with anyone, no matter where they are in the world. You can text, call, video call, and even send emails from your mobile device. This has made staying in touch with loved ones much easier, making business communication more efficient. Additionally, many messaging apps allow you to easily communicate with groups of people, which is great for work or coordinating social events. Suppose you want to meet up with a friend for coffee. Before you have to call them and agree on a time, then hope they will be there when you arrive. But now, with the help of mobile devices, you can track their location and know precisely when they’ll come. This makes meeting up with friends and family much easier, and it also helps you avoid getting lost. Mobile devices have also changed the way people shop. In the past, you would have to go to a store in person to make a purchase. But now, you can easily buy anything you want with the click of a button on your computer or a few taps on your phone. You can order items online and have them delivered to your doorstep, or you can buy things in person using your mobile device. This convenience has made shopping much easier and more convenient for everyone since you can do it anywhere. Imagine if your schedule is packed and you’ve run out of your go-to eye cream product, but you don’t have time to swing by the mall to restock it. You would’ve just had to wait until you had a free moment to go shopping in the past. But now, you can easily purchase eye cream online and have it delivered to you in just a few days. Mobile devices have also had a significant impact on businesses. Companies would have to rely on paper documents and face-to-face meetings in the past. But now, with mobile devices, companies can operate remotely because of cloud computing services. This has made doing business much more manageable, efficient, and environmentally friendly. It has also opened up new opportunities for businesses, such as reaching a global market and conducting transactions anywhere in the world. Going mobile can also be handy for small business owners who might not have the resources to rent
My daughter started kindergarten last week and next week my son is off to preschool for the first time. We’ll all look back on these days fondly sometime in the future, but for now, I’m having some typical Mommy back-to-school
My daughter started kindergarten last week and next week my son is off to preschool for the first time. We’ll all look back on these days fondly sometime in the future, but for now, I’m having some typical Mommy back-to-school blues. In the interest of combating those blues, I decided to focus on some greens–specifically in the form of green tips related to schools and students. In this post I’ll discuss how to reduce waste associated with school lunches; look for more discussions on green ideas and examples for K-12 and beyond in the days to come. For some online guides to reusable and eco-friendly lunch gear, check out the following: - TreeHugger—Green Your Kid’s Packed School Lunch: The Buy Guide: This slide show provides information and links to several reusable lunch box/bag and container options. - Mother Nature Network: Check out this recent blog post with lots of suggestions for eco-friendly lunch gear that will appeal to older kids as well as tiny tots. The list below provides other specific ideas. Bear in mind that even though I provide notes on personal experience with a few of these items, all descriptions and links are provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as endorsements by me, GLRPPR, or GLRPPR’s parent organization, the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC). - Laptop Lunches: My two little ones are pleased with their new Laptop lunch boxes. This was one of the first companies I became aware of that was selling eco-friendly, reusable lunch gear when I first started learning about zero waste lunches several years ago (before my little ones were born). Their products incorporate recycled fabric and plastic, and are free of lead, phthalates, bisphenol A (BPA) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). - Fit & Fresh: This company offers a variety of BPA-free reusable containers for food and drink. Since my son is a huge fan of macaroni and cheese and both kids love soup, especially in colder weather, I have a few of the hot lunch bowls that include a folding s
Our fascination with Alpha Centauri doubtless propels at least some of the recent interest in binary star systems, as we ponder the chances for habitable worlds around the nearest stars. But given that the population of binary or multiple star systems in
Our fascination with Alpha Centauri doubtless propels at least some of the recent interest in binary star systems, as we ponder the chances for habitable worlds around the nearest stars. But given that the population of binary or multiple star systems in our galaxy is as high as it is (multiple systems are common, and about 50 percent of stars have binary companions), determining the factors that influence habitability in this environment has much broader significance. A new study out of the Georgia Institute of Technology has been looking at the issue by modeling an Earth twin in various binary scenarios. So how does Alpha Centauri fare? We can find habitable zones in the Centauri A/B system, and into these the researchers introduced a simulated Earth around Centauri B to examine its axis dynamics. They also investigate the dynamical evolution of planets within the habitable zone of either star, generalizing from these results to the larger binary star population. The issue to be addressed: Does the axial tilt, or obliquity, of our planet, apparently a key feature in maintaining a habitable climate, survive the transition into a binary system with the features of Alpha Centauri? The answer is not encouraging for life, at least not around Centauri B. Image: The Alpha Centauri group is the closest star system outside of our own at a distance of 4.3 lightyears; it can be found in the night sky in the constellation Centaurus. The stars Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B comprise a binary system, in which the two stars orbit one another, and close by is an additional faint red dwarf, Alpha Centauri C, also called Proxima Centauri. Some astronomers have hoped to someday find an exoplanet capable of harboring advanced life in the system, but a new study lowers those expectations while raising them for the rest of the universe. Credit: NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Remember that Centauri B, a K-class dwarf, and the G-class Centauri A orbit each other tightly, with an orbital period of 79.91 years. We’re dealing with an elliptical orbit that varies the distance between the two stars anywhere from 35 AU to 11 AU, the latter being not much further than Saturn is from the Sun in our own system. From the perspective of a planet orbiting Centauri B, Centauri A swings relatively close and then backs away during the 80-year period, causing the simulated Earth to vary considerably in terms of obliquity. The Moon is often cited as a help in stabilizing Earth’s axial tilt, but that doesn’t help here, says lead author Billy Quarles. “Around Alpha Centauri B, if you don’t have a moon, you have a more stable axis than if you do have a moon. If you have a moon, it’s pretty much bad news.” From the paper: …the added spin precession from a Luna-like moon increases the obliquity variation of an Earth-like planet orbiting α Cen B, but a different type of moon, in terms of its mass or semimajor axis, may have a negligible or more beneficial effect. Image: Astrophysicist Billy Quarles, author of a new study on exoplanet axis tilt, stands with Georgia Tech’s largest telescope housed at its observatory. Credit: Georgia Tech / Rob Felt. And
What Writers Can Learn From Visual Artists About Patterns & Meaning Patterns are everywhere and we rely on them to understand ourselves and the world. Theoretical physicists and cosmologists attempt to unlock the mysteries of our existence by searching for patterns. Behavioral scientists
What Writers Can Learn From Visual Artists About Patterns & Meaning Patterns are everywhere and we rely on them to understand ourselves and the world. Theoretical physicists and cosmologists attempt to unlock the mysteries of our existence by searching for patterns. Behavioral scientists, psychologists, psychobiologists, criminologists, sociologists and cognitive scientists seek insight into human nature by studying patterns. Patterns can reveal truth. Facts only become facts when patterns establish them. Studies that lack them are deemed inconclusive. Patterns are at the foundation of all great art. Music is composed in layers of repeating rhythms and notes. Light and color have patterns. Great characters exhibit patterns of behavior and personality traits, and if you google “story structure,” most of what you will see are drawings of patterns. We delight in the recogniti
Fidgets spinners are trendy gadgets that smoothly spin around at the lightest touch. You can 3D print a fidget spinner, mill one from acrylic, or even buy one to dye with hydro-dipping to have a custom and
Fidgets spinners are trendy gadgets that smoothly spin around at the lightest touch. You can 3D print a fidget spinner, mill one from acrylic, or even buy one to dye with hydro-dipping to have a custom and unique fidget spinner. However what if you could have an even more unique fidget spinner, one with no moving parts? Th
The Environmental Law & Policy Center, in concert with the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, commissioned the following scientists and experts to produce this report to educate policymakers and the public about the significant changes affecting the Great Lakes, and the vital importance of taking actions
The Environmental Law & Policy Center, in concert with the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, commissioned the following scientists and experts to produce this report to educate policymakers and the public about the significant changes affecting the Great Lakes, and the vital importance of taking actions now to protect our natural resources. The Great Lakes are extremely important both to humans and to wildlife – they are an abundant freshwater resource for water supplies, industry, shipping, fishing, and recreation, as well as a rich and diverse ecosystem. However, over the last two centuries, the Great Lakes and the broader basin have been significantly affected by human activities, leading to habitat loss and fragmentation, invasive species, and an influx of biological and chemical pollutants that present substantial environmental challenges. These impacts have impaired water quality, threatened wildlife populations, and jeopardized the health and economic vitality of the region. Now, climate change is adding new challenges and significant additional stress to conditions in and surrounding the Great Lakes. This report assesses the current and projected impacts of climate change on the Great Lakes. This assessment aims to evaluate the effects of climate change on the Great Lakes, its shorelines, regional land use, biodiversity, and urban cities on the lakes. The assessment does not aim to address all of the basins feeding the lakes or the states around the lakes but provides an update on prior analyses of such impacts. The Midwest chapter from Volume II of the 4th National Climate Assessment (USGCRP, 2018) also includes some discussion of the impacts of climate change on the Great Lakes; this assessment is intended to be a more thorough look at those current and potential impacts. For the full report, select here.
THE JOURNEY taken by malaria Plasmodium parasites for invasion of the liver may now be detectable, according to a new study. Identification of the ‘blueprint’ made by the parasite may lead to attempts to block disease transmission,
THE JOURNEY taken by malaria Plasmodium parasites for invasion of the liver may now be detectable, according to a new study. Identification of the ‘blueprint’ made by the parasite may lead to attempts to block disease transmission, development of new malaria drugs, and eradication of the disease, which kills an estimated 435,000 people every year. Dr Stefan Kappe, malaria researcher in Seattle Children’s Center for Global Infectious Disease Research, Seattle, Washington, USA, was the senior author among researchers from Seattle Children’s Research Institute and commented on the actions of the parasite: “Essentially, the parasite makes a blueprint of the proteins it needs to infect the liver while still in the mosquito, far in advance of actually making the proteins once in the human.” By investigating the complex stages of infection taken by the parasite, steps can be taken to protect against this and eventually disrupt the human-mosquito transmission cycle that allows the disease to thrive. Forward-planning by the parasite readies it for infection in the liver. Dr Scott Lindner, Penn State University’s Huck Center for Malaria Research, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA, was a contributing author and explained: “The parasite has planned ahead, gathering the tools it needs to infect the human while it’s sitting in the mosquito waiting for this unpredictable event to happen.” A vaccine protecting against malaria does not currently exist, but the blueprint discovered in this research may result in new options for disabling the parasite. Dr Kristian Swearingen, a visiting scientist from Seattle’s Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, Washington, USA, also contributed to the publication and added: “With effective tools, we could see a day where malaria is completely eradicated.”
Bearing Witness Project Over the course of its 210-year history, The Lawrenceville School community has experienced moments of challenge and uncertainty. The past year has tested our spirit but built us stronger; the COVID-19 pandemic upended normal school
Bearing Witness Project Over the course of its 210-year history, The Lawrenceville School community has experienced moments of challenge and uncertainty. The past year has tested our spirit but built us stronger; the COVID-19 pandemic upended normal school routine and the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd were a call to action. Lawrenceville student activists sought a meaningful expression in the midst of such emotional turmoil and the result was the Bearing Witness project. As explained by Assistant Dean of Faculty Alison Easterling in the introduction to the project shared with students, faculty, and staff: “We want students to understand that they are each and all members of a community where they are valued, and that it's the way of this community in times of trouble, whether outside the gates or inside, to give time and space to reflect on momentous events and powerful feelings.” In lieu of final exams, students spent the final two days of the school year using class time to create an “artifact” that reflected their personal response to the turmoil of spring 2020. The artifacts were collected by the Stephan Archives to document the community’s response to this difficult time both individually and collectively. More than 300 students, faculty, and staff responded with submissions in a multitude of formats that represent the creativity of Lawrentians, including: - Speeches and monologues - Artwork and photographs - Lesson plans for classes or self-education - Personal reflections - Film and music playlists - Statistical analysis projects - Videos and slide presentations This digital exhibit includes the submissions that best lent themselves to an online format, and whose creators granted the School permission to share. Curator Sarah Mezzino commented: "The breadth of submissions from the School community was curatorally and emotionally overwhelming in both scale and scope. Balancing the physical limitations of the online platform with an exhibit theme -- 'Experiencers & Witnesses' -- was a challenge that could not have been achieved without the ongoing help of both the OMA and a student focus group. This exhibit is the result of months of collaborative work and represents a fraction of the Stephan Archives' holdings." The full body of submissions to the Bearing Witness project have been collected by the Stephan Archives and will be retained as a “snapshot” of the School community’s response to the unique challenges of spring 2020. Because of the personal nature of the submissions, not all materials will be available for research until restriction periods have passed. The Stephan Archives (Curated by Sarah Mezzino, Header designed by Phyllis Lerner, and Opening Text by Jacqueline Haun, Jessica Welsh, and Alison Easterling P'20.)
What is it used for and how it is included in the circuit: a) ammeter; b) voltmeter? October 28, 2020 | Education| The ammeter measures the current strength and is connected to the open circuit
What is it used for and how it is included in the circuit: a) ammeter; b) voltmeter? October 28, 2020 | Education| The ammeter measures the current strength and is connected to the open circuit (in series) The voltmeter measures the voltage between two points of the circuit and connects to them without breaking the circuit (in parallel). Remember: The process of learning a person lasts a lifetime. The value of the same knowledge for different people may be different, it is determined by their individual characteristics and needs. Therefore, knowledge is always needed at any age and position.
London’s Anti-Poverty Strategy: Literature Review is one of the documents that led to the creation in London of the Child and Youth Network. The purpose of the Child and Youth Network is to eliminate poverty through strategies focused on children. In the
London’s Anti-Poverty Strategy: Literature Review is one of the documents that led to the creation in London of the Child and Youth Network. The purpose of the Child and Youth Network is to eliminate poverty through strategies focused on children. In the Literature Review both causes of and solutions to poverty are presented. In terms of causes, they look at economic trends and identify “Deregulation of business…and elimination of trade barriers” as causing increased poverty. There is a sense that free markets, although generating wealth, do not distribute it well and actually contribute to growing income inequality. Ironically, in local solutions to poverty, they identify freeing up markets, including: “Creation of an economy based on a market in which the price of goods and services are determined through the mutual consent of buyers and sellers. The role of government is reduced to addressing market failures.” Do you see the irony? We know that freeing up markets in increasing poverty and inequality, yet there is a desire locally to attract big businesses for local job creation. This is the rub, where local urgency blinds us to national and international trends. All that said, market solutions will never be enough to end poverty, as employment in its current iteration will never be a reality for all. To end poverty, we must look at specific issues for specific populations, not the least of which would be people experiencing homelessness. And, within this demographic, there is another group that we need to look at if we want to end homelessness, which is people experiencing a substance addiction. Until we get smart about working with addictions, we will always have homelessness, and as long as we have homelessness, we will have poverty.
A great deal of our Keller wildlife relies on trees for a place to live or feed. Insects, mammals, birds, and microorganisms find home withing tree roots, branches, and bark. During the lifespan of a tree, some species
A great deal of our Keller wildlife relies on trees for a place to live or feed. Insects, mammals, birds, and microorganisms find home withing tree roots, branches, and bark. During the lifespan of a tree, some species can cause problems for trees. In this article, we will talk about Keller tree pests and diseases and how these impact our trees. Keep reading to find out more about Keller tree diseases, how to recognize the symptoms, and what you can do to prevent it from spreading! Common Keller Tree Pests and Diseases Anthracnose is also known as “twig blight”. It affects a variety of trees, shrubs, and other plants. Successful anthracnose control requires professional help, so make sure you contact a tree service Keller if you notice any of the symptoms below. You can recognize anthracnose by searching for small lesions on leaves and the veins of a tree. These sunken lesions are usually dark and can also be found on fruits, flowers, and stems if the condition is left untreated. Anthracnose is one of the Keller tree diseases that can be treated, but only if you contact your local arborist before the disease has taken over the majority of a tree. 2. Cotton Root Rot This fungal disease is caused by one of the most destructive fungal tree disease organisms. It is prevalent in areas with high summer temperatures and in calcareous clay loam soils with a pH range of 7.0 to 8.5. Therefore, it is not surprising that this fungus is common in Keller. The first symptom you need to look for is the bronzing of the leaves. Make sure you react fast and contact your local arborist since cotton root rot can kill a tree in just a few days. 3. Fire Blight Fire blight is another one of the bacterial Keller tree diseases and it affects trees and shrubs, usually in landscape plantings. Seasonal weather is oftentimes the main reason for fire blight. The disease starts by attacking the plant’s blossoms, then gradually moves to the twigs and branches. Tree services Texas warn that fire blight can appear as soon as the tree starts its active growth. Reddish, watery ooze coming from the infected twig or branches is usually the first symptom to look for. 4. Spider Mites Spider mites are common Keller tree pests. At first, they will just make your tree look unsightly. However, they will eventually kill a young tree if they’re left untreated. The first symptoms to look for are small brown or yellow spots on the leaves. You can try spraying down your young tree with a
Germany – The University of Bayreuth develops high-temperature electrolysis (HTEL) research as part of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research-funded hydrogen flagship programs (BMBF). The H2Giga project aims to address Germany’s
Germany – The University of Bayreuth develops high-temperature electrolysis (HTEL) research as part of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research-funded hydrogen flagship programs (BMBF). The H2Giga project aims to address Germany’s demand for green hydrogen through research, development, and industrial production of high-performance, low-cost electrolysers. The H2Giga project “HTs: HTEL Stacks – Ready for Gigawatt,” coordinated by the business Sunfire, is one of the seven “scale-up initiatives” under H2Giga. Over the course of nearly four years, the Chair of Ceramic Materials Engineering will receive funding totaling more than € 950,000 as part of this collaborative effort. Addressing hydrogen demand Green hydrogen can be carried over vast distances while storing enormous amounts of sustainably produced energy. As a result, it will be critical to our future energy supply. It is already expected that future consumption in Germany would amount to several hundred million tonnes per year. To address this demand, efficient, resilient, and cost-effective electrolysers that split water molecules using electrical energy derived from renewable sources are required. The electrolysers must be industrially mass-produced and capable of meeting the European Union’s hydrogen strategy target of 40 gigatonnes of electrolysis capacity by 2030. High-temperature electrolysis (HTEL) has proven to be a particularly promising method for green hydrogen production. As electrolysers, HTEL cells connected in series, known as HTEL stacks, are used. However, significant research and development efforts are still required for the energy industry to have access to large-scale HTEL cells and stacks in the near future. These initiatives include service life, material costs, efficiency, new stack manufacturing technologies, and their usage for large-scale hydrogen production. HTs: HTEL Stacks – Ready for Gigawatt This is where the H2Giga project “HTs: HTEL Stacks – Ready for Gigawatt” comes into play. The University of Bayreuth’s Chair of Ceramic Materials Engineering is in charge of critical research and development in this collaborative effort. Microstructure and thermomechanical features of both new and existing electrolyser cells will be examined. It is critical that the cell strength is maintained at high temperatures of up to 850 degrees Celsius. Only by properly understanding the links between microstructure and thermomechanical characteristics will it be feasible to forecast ageing processes in cells and design solutions for greater longevity. Light and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and non-destructive pulse excitation technology will be used in the future Bayreuth research. Mechanical properties on the ceramic thin films will be measured using a laser extensometer at temperatures up to 850 degrees Celsius via ring-on-ring tests and tensile testing. This will be accomplished using the research group’s new, one-of-a-kind high-temperature universal testing machine, which was financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the TechnologieAllianzOberfranken at the end of 2020. In addition to the experimental work, simulations of the service life of HTEL cells will be performed using the finite element approach. In the collaborative project “HTs: HTEL Stacks – Ready for Gigawatt,” the Chair of Ceramic Materials will engage with several partners from academia and industry, particularly on the indus
Do you have pain when stretching or is stretching pain preventing you from stretching? Stretching can indeed be dangerous. The resistance in a joint to stretch is a mechanism of protection to soft tissues in the joint to prevent over extension. Forcing a joint
Do you have pain when stretching or is stretching pain preventing you from stretching? Stretching can indeed be dangerous. The resistance in a joint to stretch is a mechanism of protection to soft tissues in the joint to prevent over extension. Forcing a joint beyond its normal range of motion can result in pain, sprains, strains, and tears. Flexibility training should be aimed at stretching the connective tissues within muscles and fascia, and not the tendons and ligaments. If you have an issue with tight tendons and ligaments it is best that you be evaluated by a physical therapi
Center for Community Resilience Adaptation & Climate Knowledge (CRACK ), Sunderban The Living Lab - SAFE When Climate Changes, but we do not... Climate Change is global. Developing nations too have an essential role to play in reducing
Center for Community Resilience Adaptation & Climate Knowledge (CRACK ), Sunderban The Living Lab - SAFE When Climate Changes, but we do not... Climate Change is global. Developing nations too have an essential role to play in reducing the risk. More than that as developing countries expand their economies their GHG emissions. The Bali Action Plan, part of the agreed 'roadmap' that is guiding the UN negotiations on a global climate agreement for the post-2012 period, recognizes the need for developing countries to enhance their action to mitigate emissions in the context of sustainable development. Deforestation in developing countries generates 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions, more than all forms of transport combined. These emissions need to be stopped and then reversed within two decades. This would also have important benefits for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. It is important to understand these actions as perfectly feasible without jeopardizing economic growth and poverty reduction. What is needed is awareness and ground study to deeply understand the intensity of vulnerability. Why not combat climate change challenges in-situ and conjointly with the climate victim community? CRACK the Climate Threat...Why a living lab? CRACK (Center for Community Resilience Adaptation and Climate Knowledge) is integral to the community climate-change adaptability programme of SAFE. The main theme behind developing CRACK is to augment community resilience and disaster preparedness being within climate vulnerable coastal areas of Sunderbans. The guiding roadmap for CRACK activities is : - Developing Germplasm Conservation Unit and Endemic Seed Bank for natural resource management - Installing Referral Agricultural Cyber Center for post disaster agroenvironmental crisis management - Extending Capacity building facility for climate adaptive alternative livelihood - Specialized training centre (on alternative livelihood, SHG, financial inclusion, first-aid etc. for community members) - Gender friendly agricultural tool bank for women farmers to ensure strain relief and ensures increased efficiency - Polyhouse-stack farming for organic vegetables - Crab fattening pond - Rain Water Harvesting & Agricultural interventions area combating soil salinity Features of Living Lab Some of the features integrated to the living lab : 1) Resource facility for local community, participants and partners. 2) Entirely driven by Green Energy with nearing Zero carbon footprints. 3) Facility for Climate Change Eco-learning through living among community. 4) Greenhouse, mangrove nursery and Field testing facility for Climate Resistant Crops, 5) Small Ecology Field Station with GIS-RS and hazard zone mapping facility 6) Disaster trauma assistance Infirmary and First-Aid facility 7) Renewable Energy solutions in providing safe drinking water to community. CRACK Centre or Living Lab is located in Sunderban Village : Tipligheri, Block : GOSABA, Dist : 24 Parganas P.S. : Choto Mollakhali New Knowledge scope - A real time in-situ experimental hub for socio-ecological impact of community - Interpretation Centre for adaptive learning, knowledge education towards Change Management in climatic situation. - Nucleus of shared values in Alternative Education and action shared values in research at science-society interface. - Venue for interactive research, seminars, workshops, Focused Group Discussions - Socioeconomic modeling on scenario planning and analysis - Strategic IA Tools, drivers of change - Change Management - Community level knowledge exchange mapping - Field for Ethnography and pseudo-ethnography studies - Anthropometric research - Seasonal calendar mapping climate change vulnerability index.
Phylogeography of the bigeye chub Hybopsis amblops (Teleostei: Cypriniformes): Early Pleistocene diversification and post-glacial range expansion Central Highlands, Cyprinidae, Mit
Phylogeography of the bigeye chub Hybopsis amblops (Teleostei: Cypriniformes): Early Pleistocene diversification and post-glacial range expansion Central Highlands, Cyprinidae, Mitochondrial DNA, Phylogeography, Post-glacial expansion, Pre-Pleistocene diversification Journal of Fish Biology The bigeye chub, Hybopsis amblops, is a member of the Central Highlands ichthyofauna of eastern North America. Phylogenetic analyses of the H. amblops species group based on a 1059 bp fragment of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene did not recover a monophyletic group. The inclusion of Hybopsis hypsinotus in the species complex is questionable. Within H. amblops, five strongly supported clades were identified; two clades containing haplotypes from the Ozark Highlands and three clades containing haplotypes from the Eastern Highlands and previously glaciated regions of the Ohio and Wabash River drainages. Estimates of the timing of divergence indicated that prior to the onset of glaciation, vicariant events separated populations east and west of the Mississippi River. East of the Mississippi River glacial cycles associated with the blocking and rerouting of the Teays River system caused populations to be pushed southward into refugia of the upper Ohio River. Following the most recent Wisconsinan glaciation, populations expanded northward into previously glaciated regions and southward into the Cumberland River drainage. In the Ozarks, west of the Mississippi River, isolation of clades appears to be maintained by the lack of stream capture events between the upper Arkansas and the White River systems and a barrier formed by the Arkansas River. © 2008 The Authors. Original Publication Date DOI of published version Berendzen, P. B.; Gamble, T.; and Simons, A. M., "Phylogeogr
A Zionist State, a Binational State and an In-Between Jewish and Democratic State In this article, reprinted from Nationalism and Binationalism: The Perils of Perfect Structures, Prof. Sammy Smooha presents three models of
A Zionist State, a Binational State and an In-Between Jewish and Democratic State In this article, reprinted from Nationalism and Binationalism: The Perils of Perfect Structures, Prof. Sammy Smooha presents three models of Israel's national character, focusing on Israel's identity as a Jewish and democratic state. Israel declares itself as and is a Jewish and democratic state. Yet, it is actually a Zionist state much more than it is a Jewish state. The Palestinian-Arab minority rejects Israel's Zionist nature and has a vested interest in transforming it into a binational state. The Arabs' interest is contrary to the Jews' hegemonic Zionist state. Both sides can, however, come to terms with a Jewish-democratic state, an alternative that positions Israel in between current Israeli Zionism and the Arab drive to binationalism. The three models of Israel's national character will be presented and discussed below. The Jews' Zionist State Israel's Zionist state consists of three components: Jewish, Zionist, and democratic. I will elaborate on each of them. A) Israel as a Jewish State Israel was founded as a Jewish and democratic state. Its Jewish mission was evident in the identity of the signers of the Declaration of Independence of 1948 who presented themselves as "members of the [Jewish] People's Council, representatives of the Jewish community of Eretz-Israel and of the Zionist Movement."The text of this declaration and the three declarations that follow in this essay appear in the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Theodore Herzl was mentioned as "the spiritual father of the Jewish State." The Declaration reviews Jewish history and Jewish attachment to the Land of Israel and claims exclusive historical rights to the territory: ERETZ-ISRAEL was the birthplace of the Jewish people. Here their spiritual, religious and political identity was shaped. Here they first attained to statehood, created cultural values of national and universal significance and gave to the world the eternal Book of Books. There is no mention of the Palestinians and their right to Palestine. Israelis conceived of the third Jewish Commonwealth, after the destruction of the first in 586 BCE, and the second in 70 CE. The Jews validated their national right to the Land of Israel during the exilic period from 70 to 1948 by yearning to return to their homeland. Whatever non-Jews did in Palestine during these years is considered null and void. The Declaration bases the Jewish nature of the state on three international proclamations: The Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917 for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people" but without prejudicing "the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine," the Mandate of the League of Nations of July 24, 1922 mandating Great Britain "to secure the establishment of the Jewish national home" without breaching the rights of the inhabitants of Palestine, and the United Nations Resolution of November 2, 1947 to partition Palestine into two independent states, one Jewish and one Arab. Israel is indeed Jewish in many tangible ways. The titular names "the State of Israel" and "Israeli" and the state emblem are distinctly Jewish. The ancient capital, Jerusalem, serves as the state capital. Although both Hebrew and Arabic are official languages, Hebrew is the dominant language by which the state and society are run. Signs of towns, villages, streets and traffic are always in Hebrew and supplemented selectively by English and Arabic signs. Names of places are mostly Jewish. The state calendar is Jewish, making the Sabbath and Jewish holidays days of rest but allowing non-Jews to preserve their own holidays. Official days of commemoration, including those for the Shoah and the fallen soldiers, are Jewish. The dominant culture is Hebrew. It was created by Jews during the prestate period but is continuously changing. It is a hybrid culture, incorporating mostly Jewish, Judaic, East European and Western elements, and also a few Judeo-Arab and Arab ingredients. Although it is not Western, it is strongly oriented to the West and widely perceived as Western. The firm grip of Israeli-Hebrew culture in the country is apparent in its growing absorption of the cultures of Mizrahi, Russian, and Ethiopian immigrants as subcultures and in treating the separate cultures of Haredim (ultra-Orthodox Jews) and Arab citizens as separate subordinate cultures. In order to function in Israeli society, Haredim and Arabs adopt the dominant Hebrew culture as a subculture to which they shuttle when interacting with the non-Haredi Jewish majority and state institutions.Sammy Smooha, "Multiculturalism in Israeli Society," in New Jewish Time: Jewish Culture in a Secular Era — An Encyclopedic View, vol. 4 (Jerusalem: Keter, 2007), 221–228 [Hebrew]. Most importantly, Israel has a Jewish majority. Around 83% of its citizens are either Jews or non-Jews with primary family relations with Jews (usually immigrants from the former Soviet Union). Israel's Jewish majority is maintained by not extending citizenship to the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the West
Comparing charities: How big is the difference? Your donations can do an astonishing amount of good. However, the impact can vary wildly depending on where you donate. The best charities can be at least ten times better than a typical charity within the
Comparing charities: How big is the difference? Your donations can do an astonishing amount of good. However, the impact can vary wildly depending on where you donate. The best charities can be at least ten times better than a typical charity within the same area, hundreds of times better than poor-performing charities, and the worst charities can do harm. Intervention cost-effectiveness in global health in order of DALY per $1,000 on the y-axis, from the DCP2. Compiled from The Moral Imperative Towards Cost Effectiveness by Toby Ord. Imagine you had $100 to spend to help improve school attendance of school children in low-income countries. How many additional years of school could that buy? Providing merit scholarships for girls would result in about a month or two of school attendance (0.15 years). That would seem like a pretty good deal, right? However, if you spent that $100 on school-based deworming treatments it would result in about 14 years of school – that’s almost one hundred times more schooling. Furthermore, that same deworming program could give an extra year of healthy life for roughly $28-$70 (according to charity evaluator GiveWell). In comparison, new cancer drugs are generally recommended in Australia if their cost per year of healthy life saved is around $45,000-$75,000. A factor of almost one thousand. At least merit scholarships and new cancer drugs have positive effects – they still improve schooling and save lives. That isn’t always the case. Suppose you were to spend that same $100 on trying to prevent juvenile offending using the “Scared Straight” program. In that case, it’s estimated that would have a negative effect, costing society $29,300 for that $100 invested. We’ve collated a list of examples at the bottom of this page, but first... Is this surprising? Most people find this surprising, but it probably shouldn’t be. We’re used to seeing uneven distributions in all kinds of fields: - The most profitable businesses are many many times more profitable than the average business - A best selling author far outsells the average author - Many investments lose money while some return 1,000 times the initial investment Furthermore, charities don’t have the same competitive dynamics as the private sector because it isn’t the beneficiary that pays for the intervention. If one company is charging $10,000 for a laptop and another company is charging $1,000 for a better laptop, the first company wouldn’t survive long. However, a donor will often donate the same amount regardless of the impact. Does this matter? Yes, it has a real tangible cost. We just notice it less when it’s affecting others (especially if they’re far away in distance or time, or otherwise different enough from us). When reading numbers that affect others the only difference between 1 and 100 is two little zeros – it doesn’t feel significant. Our brains don’t really intuitively have an emotional sense of scale (psychologists call this phenomena scope insensitivity). To get a sense of scale it can help to try and picture the impact very personally. Take a moment to slowly read and imagine each of these examples: - You need a life-saving surgery that costs $500,000. Then you find there is another procedure that’s just as effective for only $5,000. - Your partner is diagnosed with a disease and they only have a 8% chance
A new study in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry found that curcumin could increase levels of an immune-boosting protein that prevents infection. Researchers here looked at the ability of curcumin and omega-3 fatty acids to increase the
A new study in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry found that curcumin could increase levels of an immune-boosting protein that prevents infection. Researchers here looked at the ability of curcumin and omega-3 fatty acids to increase the cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide, or CAMP, gene. CAMP helps your immune system fight off bacteria, viruses, and fungi. For instance, it protects against the bacteria that triggers tuberculosis. Now, researchers found no increase in CAMP levels with omega-3 fatty acids. (Which shouldn’t deter you from taking fish oil, since it’s good for about a million other things.) Curcumin was more impressive: it allowed CAMP levels to nearly triple in this study. We knew that vitamin D boosted CAMP levels, but this study was the first to show curcumin could also boost CAMP. “Curcumin, as part of turmeric, is generally consumed in the diet at fairly low levels,” researchers said. “However, it’s possible that sustained consumption over time may be healthy and help protect against infection, especially in the stomach and intestinal tract.” If you’ve read my book The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth you know I’m a huge fan of turmeric, a pungent orange-yellow spice that’s used in curries and other Indian, South Asian, and Middle Eastern cuisines. Ayurvedic (Indian) medicine, in fact, treats this spice with absolute reverence and often incorporates it for anti-inflammatory and other medicinal purposes. Chronic inflammation, also known as the silent killer, contributes to nearly every disease, from cancer to diabetes to heart disease. The anti-inflammatory and other benefits here come from curcumin, the active compound in turmeric. This potent antioxidant can neutralize damaging free radicals and also stop them from occurring in the first place. Curcumin’s antioxidant abilities protect your colon, heart, liver, and other organs. Just one example: curcumin induces glutathione S-transferase, an enzyme that helps your liver detoxify. Studies also show curcumin helps fight numerous cancers and cognitive decline. A study in the journal CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics showed curcumin could even reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Now, here’s the deal. I want you to sprinkle turmeric liberally to spice up your foods and receive its numerous health benefits. I love turmeric on eggs, for instance, and green vegetables like spinach. And, of course, enjoy this spice in your favorite Indian dish. But to get therapeutic doses of curcumin, the active, anti-inflammatory antioxidant in turmeric, you need a highly absorbable supplement. That’s because turmeric powder contains a small amount of curcumin, while a supplement can be standardized up to 95% curcumin. Curcumin works synergistically with other anti-inflammatory compounds. One formula I really like is Inflammatone from Designs for Health » This “natural” Vioxx combines a proteolytic enzyme mix with turmeric (standardized to contain 95% curcumin), boswellia, ginger, quercetin, rutin, rosemary, as well as the anti-aging compound resveratrol. Together these nutrients provide a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory punch.
Scorpions are nocturnal predators that hunt and feed on a variety of small animals, including rodents, lizards, and insects. While they will consume just about anything they can catch, they seem to have a particular fondness for cat food
Scorpions are nocturnal predators that hunt and feed on a variety of small animals, including rodents, lizards, and insects. While they will consume just about anything they can catch, they seem to have a particular fondness for cat food. There are a few theories as to why this might be the case. One possibility is that scorpions are attracted to the high protein content of most cat foods. Another possibility is that the smell of cat food is similar to that of their natural prey, making it an irresistible lure. Whatever the reason, if you have a scorpion problem, it’s best to keep your cat’s food out of reach. Otherwise, you may find yourself with a house full of hungry pests! Despite their relative obscurity, scorpions are occasionally found in people’s homes or workplaces. What attracts scorpions? The most appealing thing about their environment is that it is safe and provides food for them. Scorpions also like to eat insects, so they look for an environment with plenty of insects to eat. Because scorpions do not consume palm trees, they may seek them out for other reasons. Snakes, for example, may live in logs that are cut into firewood and burned, in addition to scorpions. Why are scorpions attracted to poop? Some people believe scorpions consume waste in the wild. Scorpions are drawn to food sources as a primary focus. Termites, which eat wood, are among their favorite food sources. As well as looking for insect-infested areas, scorpions will be looking for similar environments. The scorpion, which is one of the most fascinating creatures, glows when it is dark. Because scorpions avoid direct sunlight, they spend a lot of time in burrows or crevices. A scorpion’s hunger is what motivates it to come out of hiding and hunt. They tend to remain hidden when the moon is at its most visible on nights when they are not hungry. Scorpions may prefer lemon trees over other types of trees. Scorpions will avoid the scent as much as possible. Citrus plants are thought to be a good place for scorpions to hide in, despite their appearance. If the shade provided by a lemon tree is sufficient, scorpions may flock to it. Understanding what attracts and repels scorpions is one of the most important things you can do to avoid any issues. Furthermore, homes sealed against pets will keep scorpions at bay. Make sure you clear any debris from their garden or yard as soon as possible because they are drawn to hidden places. Rats and mice, in addition to scorpions, can be trapped in the same traps that mice and roaches are. Dark corners and near water sources are the ideal locations for them. If you catch a scorpion, throw the trap away and set up another one a few hundred yards away, as more scorpions will be drawn to that area. What Foods Attract Scorpions? carnivorous insect that they eat When there are other insects in your home, such as roaches, spiders, and beetles, scorpions will find you a convenient food source. Termites, in addition to attracting scorpions, are thought to be beneficial to the reptiles. Scorpions are one of the 12 venomous insects listed by Children’s of Alabama. Brown scorpions were the most dangerous insect in the state in 2014, according to the state’s statistics. Scorpions prefer damp foliage, logs, bark, straw, and mulch as their hiding places. If you clear the debris from your yard, the chances of eradication will greatly increase. Before killing their prey, scorpions use their venom to make them immobile. The buggers mate all year and give birth to live babies (rather than laying eggs), which can last up to four years. Scorpios require someone to understand and support them through difficult times, regardless of the circumstances, so they can thrive. Someone who can be there for them at all times, who can offer guidance when needed. When you begin a relationship with a Scorpio, you will be able to rely on them for help when you need it, but they will also expect the same from you. You will have a strong foundation for a long-term relationship if you are always dependable and honest. How To Keep Scorpions Out Of Your Home There’s nothing to prevent scorpions from causing problems at home, but with a little effort, you can do something about it. To keep essential oils from getting stuck, clean up any debris from your home and spray essential oils around the problem areas. Because scorpions are drawn to food, keeping your house clean and free of it will help keep them at bay. Do Cats Deter Scorpions? Cats will swat, chase, and possibly even eat scorpions, just like they do any other pest. Instead, your cat is more likely to scare the scorpion away before attempting to reach it. Even if scorpions will most likely run away, they can still sting cats if they attempt to do so. Scorpions are commonly killed by cats, though this may not be applicable to every cat. Some species, such as the Arizona bark scorpion, can easily kill cats. Cats are unlikely to be stung while chasing and playing with scorpions because their quick and accurate paws allow th
This month’s newsletter is all about play and how teachers can engage in play with young children. In the newsletter, we acknowledge the many tasks that teachers are responsible for completing on a daily basis. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day
This month’s newsletter is all about play and how teachers can engage in play with young children. In the newsletter, we acknowledge the many tasks that teachers are responsible for completing on a daily basis. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day to sit down and play, which is unfortunate. Luckily, there are ways to multi-task, by using free play as a time to complete those ever important child assessment tools. Free play provides an excellent opportunity to gather authentic assessment data. Being at the table or on the floor with the children will allow you to get a more accurate sense of how they think, solve problems, interact with peers, and regulate their emotions. Here is a list of things teachers can do to integrate authentic assessment into their play with children: Learn the standards. Take time to become familiar with the learning standards or skills included on the assessment tools used by your program. Over time, you will probably have much of the list memorized, which will help you recognize skills as they happen during children’s play. Focus on one skill or area of development at a time. Be intentional about where you want to start your observations. Pick one area of development or even one specific skill to focus upon each day or even each week. Provide materials that promote the skills you hope to observe. Once you have identified the area of development or skill you want to observe, consider the materials available to you. Determine which materials would be most likely to bring about the skills you want to observe. You don’t necessarily need to plan a specific activity for children to complete – simply make the materials available in a learning center and plan to engage in play with children in that area. See what happens next. Brainstorm prompts and questions. As we discuss in the newsletter, your questions should not derail children’s play, but a few properly timed and worded prompts can drive children’s thinking in a new direction. Without directly asking children to perform the task you want to observe, you can work questions into play scenarios such as, “How could we solve this problem?” Post cue cards. Make notes on cue cards that you place in prominent areas of the classroom. Your cue cards can have the learning standards written on them or the open ended questions and prompts that you want to use. Write these statements on Post-it notes or sentence strips to remind yourself and your coworkers of the skills and prompts you plan to use during play. Think creatively about the materials and how they are used. Sometimes we get stuck thinking that materials can only be used for one purpose or in one learning center. Open your thinking to consider different ways to use materials to promote child engagement. Ask colleagues and even the children if they have any ideas about new ways to use materials that might have lost their appeal. Tell us about other ways that you have used free play as a time to assess children’s learning on our Facebook page here.
Rosa Park’s Birthday February 4, 2024 An event every year that begins at 12:00 am on day 4 of February, repeating indefinitely Rosa Louise McCauley Parks (February 4,
Rosa Park’s Birthday February 4, 2024 An event every year that begins at 12:00 am on day 4 of February, repeating indefinitely Rosa Louise McCauley Parks (February 4, 1913 – October 24, 2005) was an American activist in the civil rights movement best known for her pivotal role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The United States Congress has called her “the first lady of civil rights” and “the mother of the freedom movement”. On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Parks rejected bus driver James F. Blake’s order to relinquish her seat in the “colored section” to a white passenger, after the whites-only section was fill
The U.S. workforce used to be divided in two. Most workers belonged to one of two groups: blue-collar workers or white collar workers. These groups were named for the typical attire that workers of each group wore to work. Blue collar workers
The U.S. workforce used to be divided in two. Most workers belonged to one of two groups: blue-collar workers or white collar workers. These groups were named for the typical attire that workers of each group wore to work. Blue collar workers usually wore simple blue-colored uniforms and performed manual labor jobs that did not require a college degree. White collar workers worked in professional office settings and wore white, button-up shirts. This group of workers typically held at least a bachelor’s degree and usually earned higher salaries than their blue-collar counterparts. A New Class of Workers Today, a new class of workers is blurring this stark divide. More and more businesses (especially tech companies) are looking for candidates with a very particular set of skills but who don’t necessarily have 4-year college degrees to fill their niche positions. With the tech industry growing at its current rate, it’s simply unrealistic to fill all the open jobs with college graduates. Since certain jobs can handily be performed by non-degree-holding workers with the right skills, that’s exactly who companies are looking to hire. By definition, a new collar job is a position that requires vocational training but not a 4-year college degree. Workers in these roles have to perform specialized tasks that can be highly technical. Popular new collar jobs include pharmacy technicians, dental assistants, medical assistants, cloud computing technicians, automotive technicians, and more. Who Are New Collar Jobs For? A range of people might want to consider a career path in a new collar field, for a variety of reasons. These jobs are ideal for workers who do not have a bachelor’s degree. They can also be a good choice for anyone who prefers to work outside of a buttoned-up office setting and enjoys technical work. Workers who have performed manual labor for years in the blue collar sector might want to consider shifting to a new collar job that will be less physically taxing. From medical jobs to automotive positions, there are new collar opportunities available in a broad spectrum of industries. How to Get a New Collar Job If you decide a new collar job could be the right choice for you, first decide what job title you’d like to have. Since these jobs are highly specialized, they require specific abilities that won’t necessarily transfer over to other new collar positions. Next, conduct the proper research to learn what training you’ll need to secure the job you want. This may require you to enroll in a certification program or vocational training class. Some companies that actively recruit new collar workers are even designing their own educational paths that prepare workers for jobs within their companies. See if there are company-offered programs for the job you want before signing up for an expensive course. You could get the training you need for free. With so many companies eager to hire new collar workers, you will probably find that gaining the new collar skills you need and landing the job you want is simpler than ever.
(Header image: A woman in Oklahoma attempts to document formaldehyde's effects on her son with her smart phone. Photo by Akasha Rabut) Americans spend 90% of their time indoors where they are exposed to a complex mixture of chemicals
(Header image: A woman in Oklahoma attempts to document formaldehyde's effects on her son with her smart phone. Photo by Akasha Rabut) Americans spend 90% of their time indoors where they are exposed to a complex mixture of chemicals, including formaldehyde. Despite established health effects, concerned citizens currently have no method to inexpensively and reliably measure their formaldehyde exposure. In 2014, Public Lab made its first incursion into this large-scale and underappreciated environmental health issue when @nshapiro attempted to adapt a low cost formaldehyde test kit developed by Karen Dannemiller and colleagues in 2013. @mathew developed a robust shipping and calibration method. We were on the verge of establishing a lending library using this method when @gretchengehrke and @nshapiro conducted side-by-side testing of this method (which used a Kitagawa colormetric tube to quantify formaldehyde) with the Rhode Island Department of Health’s sampling equipment and high performance liquid chromotogrophy (HPLC) analysis method (EPA Method T0-11A). Comparing these two test methods demonstrated that the readout of the tubes Public Lab was planning on using were influenced by other ketones and aldehydes as was noted as a potential limitation in the peer-reviewed paper that had not yet been tested. At that point we put our formaldehyde monitoring project into a holding pattern as we didn’t feel confident enough in the quantitative capability of this instrument. We reported our findings back to Dannemiller, and after a series of conference calls in the spring of 2016 we developed a plan to build upon this initial work and redesign the formaldehyde measurement system. We submitted a proposal to the National Science Foundation (NSF) Early-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) program, which is a “high-risk, high-yield” funding mechanism for potentially transformative research. EAGER: Collaborative Research: SmartPhone App for Residential Testing of Formaldehyde (SmART-Form) Current methods for monitoring formaldehyde require expensive analytical instruments that are prone to contamination, suffer from interfering compounds, or are difficult to complete. The goal of this work is to develop and launch an accessible, inexpensive and reliable formaldehyde detection technique for use in citizen science. Public lab will lead the community co-design aspect of a free smartphone application which will be used to analyze formaldehyde levels by detecting color change of a badge being manufactured by an industry partner, Morphix Technologies, with a price point goal of $5 per badge. Design of the application will be led by Karen Dannemiller (PI) and Rongjun Qin (Co-PI) at Ohio State University. Jianshun Zhang (Co-PI) of the Building Energy and Environmental Systems Laboratory (BEESL) at Syracuse University, will conduct the independent validation of the badge and analytical application. Jessica Castner (University at Buffalo) will incorporate an environmental health perspective into the design. Nick Shapiro (Co-PI) with Gretchen Gehrke is leading Public Lab’s co-development of these technologies, engaging both community scientists on a national level and with a sustained relationship with community scientists in Waycross, GA that will be supplied with free test kits and supported in conducting a case study. A lead organizer of Waycross’ @SilentDisater will receive a stipend as a collaborator on this project. The grant totals $99,985 of which $10,987 is allocated to Public Lab. We hope that citizen scientists will feel ownership of the device through the use of a collaborative development approach. The project has three objectives: 1.) To develop a colorimetric formaldehyde detection badge and novel Smartphone-based App to read the badge. During the 24 hour sampling period, a citizen scientist will use their Smartphone to take before and after pictures, and the App will process the pixel colorimetry data to display the formaldehyde concentration. Community feedback will be incorporated in the design throughout development. Independent verification at BEESL will confirm that badges function properly. 2.) To ensure adoption of the new technology by the citizen science community and concerned citizens. This will be done by partnering with Morphix Technologies to manufacture the device at low cost and by reaching out to the Public Lab community. 3.) To make the collected data publicly available to citizen scientists for interpretation. Results will be interpreted and published in an open-access manuscript and information will also be summarized in blog posts/research notes on the Public Lab website. An online community forum will allow for continued community feedback, discussions, and information sharing. We will reach out again in January, as we begin the co-development process. We’ll be wading through IRBs (ethics review boards) until then! Prototyping another path for PL tool development This grant does mark a different approach to tool co-design than Public Lab’s traditional in-house development. In this way, this project is somewhat of a new direction for Public Lab as we are handling the community side, and not both technical and community. With our academic partners, we are hoping to achieve a higher degree of accuracy and precision with this instrument than what we could accomplish in-house, and with our industry partners, they will be able to produce the badges at a lower price point than if we were to produce this in-house and they also provide additional experience in terms of shelf-life, quality assurance, and other manufacturing considerations. What won’t change in this project is the commitment to openly sharing and licensing the fruits of our collective labor. The code for the smartphone app will be open sourced, open licensed and hosted on github. There are many other potential community science applications that this smartphone image analysis technology might support beyond formaldehyde detection, H2S monitoring with photo paper being just one th
FOR THE PAST 15 years, police forces searching for criminals in Europe have been able to share fingerprints, DNA data, and details of vehicle owners with each other. If officials in France suspect someone they are looking for is in Spain, they
FOR THE PAST 15 years, police forces searching for criminals in Europe have been able to share fingerprints, DNA data, and details of vehicle owners with each other. If officials in France suspect someone they are looking for is in Spain, they can ask Spanish authorities to check fingerprints against their database. Now European lawmakers are set to include millions of photos of people’s faces in this system and allow facial recognition to be used on an unprecedented scale. The expansion of facial recognition across Europe is included in wider plans to “modernize” policing across the continent, and it comes under the Prüm II data. The proposals from the European Commission also say police will have greater “automated” access to information that’s shared. Lawmakers say this means police across Europe will be able to cooperate closely, and the European law enforcement agency Europol will have a “stronger role.”
Scientists have admitted they are still no closer to knowing for certain what a Megalodon – the largest shark that ever lived – looked like. While the giant creatures swam the Earth’s oceans up to 3.6 million years ago, only
Scientists have admitted they are still no closer to knowing for certain what a Megalodon – the largest shark that ever lived – looked like. While the giant creatures swam the Earth’s oceans up to 3.6 million years ago, only fossilised teeth and vertebrae have ever been found – leading experts to conclude they reached lengths of up to 65ft. For comparison, a typical Great White can be as long as 20ft but are usually around 15. They are often portrayed as gigantic monsters, such as in the 2018 sci-film film The Meg, that resemble large Great Whites, but experts have always insisted their body type was uncertain. Image Source: Independent And in a new study, published in the international journal Historical Biology, researchers conclude that all previously proposed body forms of the giant shark remain nothing more than “speculation”. They added they are still hopeful that a full Megalodon skeleton – what they describe as the “ultimate treasure” – will one day be found, allowing more concrete findings. “The study may appear to be a step backwards in science, but the continued mystery makes palaeontology a fascinating and exciting scientific field,” one of the authors, Kenshu Shimada, of DePaul University in Chicago, said. The reason so little of the Megalodon’s – officially called Otodus megalodon (O. megalodon) – remains have ever been discovered is that shark cartilage “doesn’t preserve well,” according to Phillip Sternes, a UCR organismal biologist and lead author of the study. Traditionally, researchers have modelled Megalodon bodies on those of modern Great Whites, which are partially warm-blooded and belong to the Lamniforme shark order. Megalodons also belong to this order, and it is believed they shared this partial warm-bloodedness.“Great Whites are among the fastest swimming sharks, so Megalodons were likely also big, fast sharks you would not want to run into in the open ocean,” Mr Sternes explained. There are eight families of Lamniformes, and 15 species. Previous research, based on two-dimensional geometric shape analyses, took five species of warm-blooded Lamniformes, averaged their fin and body shapes and proposed a general model for Megalodons. Mr Sternes and his team wanted to understand whether the five species used to determine a Megalodon’s shape d
Composting is a natural and inexpensive process that transforms garden waste into a valuable and nutrient rich food for the garden. It saves money and resources, improves the quality of the soil and reduces the impact on the environment. A mixture of "green"
Composting is a natural and inexpensive process that transforms garden waste into a valuable and nutrient rich food for the garden. It saves money and resources, improves the quality of the soil and reduces the impact on the environment. A mixture of "green" and "brown" garden waste works best. Aim for between 25 and 50 percent soft "green" materials eg grass clippings, soft leafy plants, fruit and vegetables, with the remainder woody "brown" material eg wood chippings, prunings and hedge trimmings (shredded), paper, cardboard, straw or dead leaves. The bacteria and micro - organisms that produce the compost function best when the balance of green and brown material is correct. It should be turned, periodically, ideally monthly to introduce air. The Composting Bins can be found in the far left corner of the Garden below the Seating Area. There are 4 pallet composting units. When the pallet is full, move onto the next one. Cutting up waste as small as possible makes for efficient composting. Please make use the green plastic bins for the disposal of weeds and plastic waste. Further information on good composting practive can be found at
Halsey and the CCCs After the recent out of control fire at Halsey, Neb., which included burning of 5,000 acres of Nebraska National Forest, the history of the Halsey Forest came to mind, especially
Halsey and the CCCs After the recent out of control fire at Halsey, Neb., which included burning of 5,000 acres of Nebraska National Forest, the history of the Halsey Forest came to mind, especially the contributions of the Civilian Conservation Corps. Halsey has been the home of the Nebraska State 4-H Camp since about 1963. In 1890, Charles E. Bessey, University of Nebraska botany professor, suggested that a forest of trees would be beneficial for the Sandhills. The Federal Division of Forestry heard of the idea and supported it by starting a pine tree forest on the Bruner Brothers’ ranch in Holt County. It must have been successful because in 1902 President Theodore Roosevelt created two forest reserves in Nebraska. One was on the Dismal River, which became the Bessey Ranger District and the second on the Niobrara. By 1908 they were renamed the Nebraska National Forest. Over the years there have been 25,000 acres of trees planted at Halsey making it is the largest hand-planted forest in the western hemisphere. The Civilian Conservation Corps had a hand in those plantings, when CCC camp F-1, 798, National Forest Camp, was two miles east of Halsey beginning in May of 1934. The camp planted trees for nursery stock which was shipped throughout the country, including 1 million acres of trees used in the Prairie States Forestry Project, a New Deal program to encourage planting of shelterbelts. In the meantime, CCC men in the Black Hills extracted seed from pine cones that were collected by CCCs and dried in the dry kiln at Custer, S.D. The regional nursery at Halsey planted the seed and produced seedlings. The nursey raised them to two or three years old, then the trees were shipped and planted in largely burned over areas in the Black Hills and Harney forests, or where ever needed nationwide. Think of how small a pine cone seed is and try to envision this: During 1934, 2,122 bushels of ponderosa pine cones were collected. The seeds were then extracted over the winter. Over the years, other areas of the country provided seeds of green ash, burr oak, and other hardwoods as well as choke cherr
The Facts About Manual Therapy Manual therapy is a sort of physiotherapy that is beneficial for persons recuperating from injuries or seeking relief from chronic pain. Manual therapists adjust joints and gently apply pressure to muscles in order to alleviate inflammation and discomfort healing
The Facts About Manual Therapy Manual therapy is a sort of physiotherapy that is beneficial for persons recuperating from injuries or seeking relief from chronic pain. Manual therapists adjust joints and gently apply pressure to muscles in order to alleviate inflammation and discomfort healing. The therapeutic approaches in this style of physiotherapy are delivered manually, as opposed to using machines or other instruments. What exactly is manual therapy? Manual Therapy aims to cure muscle tissue, joint inflammation, and discomfort, as well as to expand joint mobility, promote movement, and enhance function. Manual therapists rely on their touch to “feel out” specific tissue consistencies, as well as a thorough knowledge of human physiology, to establish diagnoses and give treatment. Muscles and connective tissues, including ligaments and tendons, are examples of soft tissue. Massage may be used as a manual therapy technique to alleviate symptoms and treat problems by a manual therapist. Mobilization of soft tissues is a more precise manual treatment approach. Practitioners use pressure in various directions to promote range of motion by releasing tension within fascia, the thin tissue that envelops muscles and organs. Joints, the connective link between bones in the body, are also treated by a manual therapist using their hands-on knowledge. To adjust the placement of joints, a therapist use motions of variable speed, force, and distance. Practitioners use muscle energy techniques to direct their clients through precise muscle actions while generating resistance with their hands or bodies. This method is repeated to facilitate the lengthening of contracted or spastic muscles or the mobilization of a restricted joint. Selecting a Physical Therapist When selecting a physiotherapist or massage therapist to aid you with your recuperation, it is essential to take into account his or her degree of expertise and training. Reputable manual therapist have undergone postgraduate training in hands-on therapy. Seek out a physical therapist that has acquired the FCAMPT credential, which stands for Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manual and Manipulative Physical Therapy. The International Federation of Orthopedic Manipulative Therapists recognises and regulates this credential as the highest degree of manual therapy training a physiotherapist may attain. Is Manual Therapy the Appropriate Treatment for You? If you have any of the following disorders, manual therapy can be a useful treatment for increasing flexibility and relieving tension: - Neck ache - TMJ ache - Shoulder ache - Ankle ache - Hip ache - Knee ache Contact your certified physiotherapist and determine if manual
When the power goes out will you survive? How vulnerable is our power grid to hackers? How can we protect ourselves and our loved ones from the dangers associated with a power outage? A news video from MSNBC was posted yesterday (7 August 201
When the power goes out will you survive? How vulnerable is our power grid to hackers? How can we protect ourselves and our loved ones from the dangers associated with a power outage? A news video from MSNBC was posted yesterday (7 August 2018) regarding an attack on our power grid by Russia. Russia is not the only ones suspected of attacking power grids. Whether our grid is attacked by Russia or some other hackers, the fact remains we are vulnerable to those who do not have our best interest in mind. In our blog Financial Crisis/Collapse Scenario we briefly discussed the impacts and the dependency we as Americans have to electricity. Almost everything we do involves power. From life saving dialysis, to our entertainment, to washing our clothes – everything is dependent on electrical power. What will you do if the power goes out? What will you do if the power goes out for an extended period of time? Back-up generators can fill a gap during a power outage, but what if that outage lasts weeks, or even months? A back-up generator will only run until it is out of fuel. Without power you will likely not be able to obtain more fuel. Gas pumps will not operate without power. World wide high temperatures have occurred of late. Without power air conditioners and fans will not operate. There are life-threatening conditions associated with heat. Heat stroke can kill. Without the ability to keep cool or learning methods to stay safe during a heat wave, the loss of power can be deadly. Understanding the risks and how to mitigate these risks is crucial to your welfare. Finding alternatives for power is one way of mitigating these risks. Learning skills that will enable you to continue living without power is another. With the right set of skills you can ensure you and those you care about are safe and protected when the power goes out. The time to learn those skills is before the power goes out. Ensure you and those you care about are safe and have the skills necessary to survive and live!
Click HERE to learn more about accessing these services from the comfort of your home via telehealth. Body image is the mental representation that one creates in their mind, but it may or may not relate to how others see an individual. The skewed view
Click HERE to learn more about accessing these services from the comfort of your home via telehealth. Body image is the mental representation that one creates in their mind, but it may or may not relate to how others see an individual. The skewed view that someone has of their body is a culprit affecting people across the globe, where ethnicity, culture, gender, and age may all fall prey to it. According to NAANAD (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders), about 30 million Americans suffer from some sort of eating disorder. Eating disorders hold a record for having the highest mortality rate when compared to other mental illnesses; someone dies of an eating disorder every 62 minutes. Types of Eating Disorders There are copious numbers of eating disorders and, unfortunately, the statistics mentioned above don’t begin to scratch the surface. Here are few examples of eating disorders: - Anorexia Nervosa: People reduce the amount of energy intake required for their weight, age, gender, development and physical health. - Bulimia Nervosa: Individuals consume large amounts of food, and then induce themselves to vomit to stop weight gain. - Binge Eating Disorder (BED): Someone eats large amounts of food in small periods of time. - Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) 14: Children are not just finicky when it comes to this disorder, but they become malnourished because they restrict themselves from eating certain foods. - Diabulimia: People with Type 1 diabetes purposely underuse insulin to control their weight. Due to the severe toll that eating disorders may have on an individual’s physical health, psychological therapy is not always enough. Eating disorder recovery often require the care of a diverse team of experts. Common professional care team members include: - Social worker - Mental Health Therapist - Primary care physician It’s also important, when possible and appropriate, to incorporate family therapy and support groups. Family-Based Treatment, according to NEDA, is a method used for patients who are minors. In severe cases, inpatient care may be necessary, during which the person suffering from the eating disorder will be hospitalized or placed in residential care. If you need help exploring the next steps for eating disorder recovery or are ready for outpatient support, give us a call at (270) 943-7818 or email at [email protected]/span>.
Article 13 (freedom of expression) Every child must be free to express their thoughts and opinions and to access all kinds of information, as long as it is within the law. Although it is one thing to generally accept freedom of expression as
Article 13 (freedom of expression) Every child must be free to express their thoughts and opinions and to access all kinds of information, as long as it is within the law. Although it is one thing to generally accept freedom of expression as a basic human right, it’s quite another to actively respect another person’sContinue reading “Liberty of Expression” Author Archives: i5htar The Importance of Affection and Acceptance to a Child’s Health, Emotional Well-Being and Behavioural Orientation. In this project I will detail how holding an accepting space for a child across their development is of vital importance to their feeling secure enough in themselves to develop the psychological robustness required to grow emotionally and cognitively. When I was in the setting an incident occured. A child got out the play-do andContinue reading “The Importance of Affection and Acceptance to a Child’s Health, Emotional Well-Being and Behavioural Orientation.” Observational Techniques and the Value of Nonviolence in Childcare I will explain the value of observations, both inner and outer, and how they can be used in practice to benefit stakeholders. We observe the children in our care to better understand them, recording these observations in an effort to allow that understanding to inform how we may best protect and nurture them, and soContinue reading “Observational Techniques and the Value of Nonviolence in Childcare” Happiness in a time of uncertainty In order to be fully present and compassionate caregivers it is necessary that we assume accountability and discipline over our measured and appropriate responses. Introduce Yourself (Example Post) This is an example post, originally published as part of Blogging University. Enroll in one of our ten programs, and start your blog right. You’re going to publish a post today. Don’t worry about how your blog looks. Don’t worry if you haven’t given it a name yet, or you’re feeling overwhelmed. Just click theContinue reading “Introduce Yourself (Example Post)”
ON THIS PAGE: You will find out more about screening for testicular cancer. You will also learn the risks and benefits of screening. Use the menu to see other pages. Screening is used to look for cancer before you have any symptoms or
ON THIS PAGE: You will find out more about screening for testicular cancer. You will also learn the risks and benefits of screening. Use the menu to see other pages. Screening is used to look for cancer before you have any symptoms or signs. Scientists have developed, and continue to develop, tests that can be used to screen a person for specific types of cancer. The overall goals of cancer screening are to: Lower the number of people who die from the disease, or eliminate deaths from cancer altogether Lower the number of people who develop the disease Learn more about the basics of cancer screening. Screening information for testicular cancer Most often, testicular cancer can be found at an early stage. Many people find the cancer themselves while performing a self-examination. Or a sexual partner may notice a change that leads to a diagnosis. Some doctors recommend a monthly self-examination to find any changes from age 15 to 55. Monthly testicular self-examinations, performed after a warm shower, can help find the cancer at an early stage, when it is more likely to be successfully treated. People who notice a lump, hardness, enlargement, pain, or any other change in 1 or both of their testicles should visit their doctor immediately. The next section in this guide is Symptoms and Signs. It explains what changes or medical problems testicular cancer can cause. Use the menu to choose a different section to read in this guide.
Flammable or Not: Sugar Science Whether you love creating saccharine masterpieces or doing science experiments in the kitchen, you may be wondering if sugar and fire is a dangerous pair that can put yourself, the ones you love and your home
Flammable or Not: Sugar Science Whether you love creating saccharine masterpieces or doing science experiments in the kitchen, you may be wondering if sugar and fire is a dangerous pair that can put yourself, the ones you love and your home in peril. Technically speaking, table sugar is not flammable. That’s because it won’t catch fire or ignite readily at an ambient temperature, unlike flammable materials or substances. Table sugar will have to be exposed to a tremendous amount of heat (662°F or 350°C) before it finally burns and catches fire. But if sugar is far from being flammable, then why is there such a thing as the Imperial Sugar disaster? Sugar is the one to blame for that tragic event alright. However, it’s an entirely different type of sugar — although it could also be somewhere in your kitchen this very instant! And it’s exactly because of this why you should keep on reading. Below, we will talk about when and when you should not worry about having sugar around. What Causes Sugar to Catch Fire? The chemical composition of table sugar allows it to catch fire when exposed to high temperatures. Each element in every sugar molecule (carbon, hydrogen and oxygen) is combustible, especially under the right conditions. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that table sugar will catch fire easily. Unattended cooking: experts agree that this is the number one cause of kitchen fires. Some of the common reasons for fires in the kitchen include leaving cooking appliances running, using faulty kitchen appliances and placing combustibles too close to sources of heat. And speaking of combustible, did you know that frying with oil could also potentially burn down the kitchen and, if left uncontrolled right away, the entire home? Whether vegetable or animal-based, cooking oil could burst into flames no sooner after reaching its smoke point — the temperature at which it starts to break down and produce toxic fumes. Needless to say, cooking with oil at or past its smoke point might not only ruin whatever meal you are trying to whip up but also char your kitchen and, ultimately, the rest of your belongings and property. Let’s take a quick look at the smoke points of some of the most commonly used cooking oils: |Extra-virgin olive oil||325°F to 410°F (163°C to 210°C)| |Coconut oil||350°F to 385°F (175°C to 196°C)| |Sesame oil||350°F to 410°F (175°C to 210°C)| |Canola oil||400°F to 450°F (204°C to 230°C)| |Corn oil||410°F to 450°F (210°C to 230°C)| |Sunflower oil||440°F (230°C)| |Peanut oil||440°F to 450°F (227°C to 230°C)| |Soybean Oil||450°F to 495°F (230°C to 257°C)| |Safflower oil||510°F (265°C)| |Refined avocado oil||520°F to 570°F (271°C to 299°C)| And this takes us back to sugar: compared to the various cooking oils mentioned above, it will take more heat before table sugar ignites. As mentioned earlier, sugar will catch fire when exposed to 662°F or 350°C. However, it doesn’t mean that it will also require a lot of heat before table sugar burns. Long before sugar combusts, it would start to turn brown. In some instances, it is deliberately done — many delectable recipes require sugar to be exposed to high temperatures to caramelize it and make a gastronomic creation look, smell and taste better. Table sugar will start to caramelize at 338°F to 380°F (170°C to 193°C). On the other hand, it will start to truly burn at 410°F (210°C), which is 252°F (140°C) away from before it ignites. Sugar’s molecular formula is C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁. This means that every molecule has 12 atoms of carbon, 22 atoms of hydrogen, and 11 atoms of oxygen. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are all flammable elements. But since they are packed inside every granule of table sugar, not a lot of them are exposed to air, which is essential for starting a fire. It’s exactly due to this reason why, although it can ignite when exposed to really high temperatures, sugar won’t necessarily explode. However, powdered sugar is a game-changer. Besides catching fire without much trouble because more of its combustible elements are exposed to air (as a result of being made up of finer particles), powdered sugar could, in some instances, also cause explosions! So, don’t stop reading now if you have powdered sugar in your kitchen and you don’t want it to wreak havoc on your life. Related Article: Is Salt Flammable? What Makes Sugar Explode? Being in powder form can make sugar explode. The various elements in every sugar molecule, which is all three of them, are more in contact with air. This allows every particle of powdered sugar to combust easier, especially when dispersed in air, and might even cause an explosion collectively. It can take a while before table sugar bursts into flam
Analytics has traditionally helped companies achieve improvements in all areas of their business. Today, the boundaries of analytics are being thrust forward by the application of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Deep Learning and other algorithmic methods are opening up new possibilities and disrupting the
Analytics has traditionally helped companies achieve improvements in all areas of their business. Today, the boundaries of analytics are being thrust forward by the application of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Deep Learning and other algorithmic methods are opening up new possibilities and disrupting the current status quo, allowing for new and exciting problems to be solved for businesses of all sizes and verticals. For example, an efficient supply chain is vital to the success of many companies. Without a properly functioning supply chain, manufacturers, retailers, and other businesses would not be able to get the materials required to produce their goods, let alone deliver a product to a customer on time. As such, many businesses are seeking a competitive edge by relying on sophisticated algorithms over human intuition and basic statistics alone. Today’s supply chains are far more complicated than those of the past. Companies are transitioning from having one customer-facing distribution center, which is also connected to its suppliers, towards having multiple levels. This involves having customer-facing distribution centers that are connected to regional distribution centers, which are in turn connected to suppliers. Traditionally, each node of the supply chain is locally-optimized, meaning they maintain their own safety stock to protect themselves against fluctuations in lead times and demand. This is a very risky situation. Having excess inventory removes capital that can be allocated towards other things. Moreover, excess inventory takes up limited warehouse space and can become obsolete, both of which drive up costs. When each facil
We dove into the Arctic Unit of the At-Home Preschool Curriculum by KidsPlayTricks and wanted to highlight this fun arctic sensory bin we did! We had fun rescuing the arctic animals, playing with the water beads, and
We dove into the Arctic Unit of the At-Home Preschool Curriculum by KidsPlayTricks and wanted to highlight this fun arctic sensory bin we did! We had fun rescuing the arctic animals, playing with the water beads, and matching the animal figurines with cute printables. This at home curriculum is packed with ideas for play-based learning fun. To get 10% off of this curriculum click here. - Ikea Flisat Table - Snowflake Molds - Arctic Creatures from Wild Republic - Water Beads - Tools of your choice (spray bottle, salt, hammer) to break/melt the ice - Printables for matching from Kidsplaytricks This bin requires a little bit of prep, so plan ahead. Your kiddo can participate in the prepping as well! Place animals in molds and fill with water. We used a drop of blue food coloring in each, too. Soak water beads overnight (follow instructions on package). For ice breaking/melting we used rock salt, as well as warm water in a spray bottle. Once all the animals were rescued and Coco was done playing, we matched them to the arctic printables included in the curriculum. For more activities like this fun arctic sensory bin, check out the at-home preschool curriculum by KidsPlayTricks. Perform activities recommended
Talking to Someone About Their Depression: Tips to Help You Start the Conversation Depression manifests in a number of ways. Symptoms can include: - Fatigue and difficulty sleeping - Trouble concentrating - Lack of interest in hobbies or spending time
Talking to Someone About Their Depression: Tips to Help You Start the Conversation Depression manifests in a number of ways. Symptoms can include: - Fatigue and difficulty sleeping - Trouble concentrating - Lack of interest in hobbies or spending time with friends and family - Anger or irritability - Increased use of alcohol or drugs to self-medicate If you suspect someone close to you is suffering from depression, it’s important to reach out as soon as possible. Depression, as well as a co-occurring substance use disorder, can be treated with counseling and medication. However, people struggling with this form of mental illness are typically unable to realize that they need help. What Not to Say to Someone with Depression When you’re talking to someone who is suffering from depression, choose your words carefully. Remember that your friend or family is feeling emotionally vulnerable, so you should avoid any statements that could be misinterpreted. This includes: - Snap out of it. Dealing with someone who is depressed can be challenging, but it’s important to keep in mind that it’s not about you. Your friend or family member is struggling and needs help. He or she can’t simply decide to get better just to make your life easier. - What do you have to be depressed about? From the outside, your friend or family member’s life may not seem that bad. He or she might have a supportive partner, a successful career, and enough money in the bank to enjoy the material comforts of life. However, people with depression are fighting internal battles that you know nothing about. - It’s all in your head. Depression is a mental illness. Don’t imply that your friend or family member is faking symptoms or exaggerating as a way to get attention. - Everyone gets depressed sometimes. There is a major difference between having a bad day or two and being clinically depressed. By definition, depression includes symptoms that occur every day or often enough to interfere with work, school, or daily activities as well as relationships with family and friends. - Happiness is a choice. Positive thinking works well in many situations, but depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. You can’t simply decide to be happy and get over it. - No one ever said life was fair. The sentiment may be true, but it’s just not helpful in this scenario. Someone with depression doesn’t enjoy feeling miserable all the time. Good Ways to Start the Conversation Showing kindness without judgement is the best way to support a loved one with depression. Here are some ways you can begin the conversation: - I’m sorry you’re having such a tough time. Acknowledging the depressed person’s struggles sets a tone of acceptance and empathy. - I care about you. Depression lowers self-esteem, so kind words about the sufferer’s strength, resilience, sense of humor, or other positive qualities will be much appreciated. - How can I help? Depression makes it hard to take care of everyday tasks, including things like preparing healthy meals, doing laundry, cleaning house, and taking care of children. Offers of assistance can help your loved one through this dark time. - I’m here for you whenever you want to talk. If you’re suffering from depression, it’s easy to feel like nobody cares about your problems or that you’re bothering people when you need someone to listen. Actively stating that you’re available to talk will mean a lot to your loved one. - Let’s go for a walk together. Exercise, socializing, and spending time outdoors are all great natural ways to fight depression. - Have you thought about seeing a therapist? If your friend or family member hasn’t already sought treatment, the best way to help is to urge him or her to talk to a professional. You can provide contact information for treatment providers or offer to attend the first appointment for moral support. If you suspect your loved one is also struggling with substance abuse, Waypoint Recovery Center’s addiction treatment services can help address both issues. How to Help Someone Who Is Having Suicidal Thoughts It is important to note that there is a big difference between showing signs of depression and actively expressing suicidal thoughts. If you suspect your friend to family member is having thoughts of self-harm, this is a medical emergency. Accompany him or her to the nearest emergency room immediately. If the person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol or is being aggressive, call 911 for assistance. You should never leave someone who is suicidal alone or in a location with easy access to firearms, knives, or potential weapons. Even if you’re not 100% positive your loved one is in danger, it’s best to err on the side of caution and seek professional help.
When your child struggles in school, it can be difficult for you as a parent to understand why. Are they having trouble paying attention? Are they missing important skills? Do they just need more sleep? It's also possible that your child has a
When your child struggles in school, it can be difficult for you as a parent to understand why. Are they having trouble paying attention? Are they missing important skills? Do they just need more sleep? It's also possible that your child has a learning disability. Learning disabilities can affect how your child reads (dyslexia), writes (dysgraphia), or does math (dyscalculia). About 15 percent of children in the United States have a diagnosed learning disability. Signs of a learning disability Signs of a learning disability can include: - Trouble reading - Trouble writing - Trouble with math - Attention issues - Inconsistent school performance - Poor coordination - Behavior problems at school These signs can also be symptoms of other problems, such as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Only a trained professional, such as a developmental pediatrician or pediatric neuropsychologist, can diagnose a learning disability and help you find the care your child needs. Evaluating learning disabilities A teacher may be the first person to point out signs of a possible learning disability in your child. "Teachers are a good source of information," says Alice Ann Holland, Ph.D., ABPP, a board-certified clinical neuropsychologist, Research Director of the Neuropsychology Service at Children's Health℠ and Assistant Professor at UT Southwestern. "Teachers work with a lot of different children and thus have a bigger sample for comparison than most parents, which can help teachers more easily recognize what is not normal." At the same time, Dr. Holland says it is important to recognize that most teachers are not formally trained in diagnosing learning disabilities, so don't panic if your child's teacher suggests a diagnosis. Although there may indeed be an issue, it may be caused by something else entirely. "If a child is having trouble at school, you need to understand what the cause is," Dr. Holland says. "An evaluation can really pinpoint that and rule out other possibilities, so that intervention can be targeted to the correct underlying cause. Intervention will only be effective if you're targeting the right problem, and that requires the right diagnosis." Accommodations for students with learning disabilities A comprehensive psychological or neuropsychological evaluation will provide a personalized learning plan for your child if they need one. This plan may include different teaching techniques, assistive technology or individualized study techniques. You can use your child's learning plan to work with the school to make accommodations or modifications to your child's education to help him/her succeed. By identifying learning disabilities early, you can equip your child with the tools they need for school before they get too far behind. Early identification and intervention can also help make school less frustrating for your child, improving their behavior and helping them feel more comfortable and self-confident at school over the long term. With appropriate intervention, many children with learning disabilities become high achievers in school and develop strategies to minimize the effects of their disability. To have your child evaluated for a learning disability, call Psychological Services at Children's Health. You are now subscribed to the Children's Health Family Newsletter.
Falls result in decrease of quality of care through decline in functional ability, fear, restricted activities, and serious injury (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2014). Review the measurements in the CBC. For each abnormal value
Falls result in decrease of quality of care through decline in functional ability, fear, restricted activities, and serious injury (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2014). Review the measurements in the CBC. For each abnormal value, describe what physiological effect it might have on the patient. Connect each of your descriptions to one or more of the symptoms Harold has been experiencing.
#CFS Conversations Ep 15 – The Role of the Private Sector Mechanism In this video, Robynne Anderson, the Coordinator of the Private Sector Mechanism at the Committee… Today is Canadian Agriculture Day, a day to celebrate
#CFS Conversations Ep 15 – The Role of the Private Sector Mechanism In this video, Robynne Anderson, the Coordinator of the Private Sector Mechanism at the Committee… Today is Canadian Agriculture Day, a day to celebrate and acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the farmers and agricultural industry in Canada. Canadian farmers play an important role in feeding the world. Canada is one of the largest exporters of agricultural products, with exports valued at an average of $82.2 billion yearly. With a growing population and a changing climate, it’s crucial that we produce food in a way that is environmentally friendly, economically viable, and socially responsible. Canadian farmers share a commitment to growing our food sustainably. One way that Canadian farmers are embracing sustainability is through precision agriculture. This involves using technology such as drones and sensors to gather data on crop growth and soil conditions, which can help farmers make more informed decisions about planting, fertilizing, and harvesting. This can lead to more efficient use of resources and a reduction in environmental impact. Regenerative agriculture is another approach that is gaining popularity in Canada. This type of farming focuses on building soil health through practices such as cover cropping, reduced tillage, and rotational grazing. This has seen popularity alongside traditional farming practices such as the use of perennial crops in their rotation, improving manure management and increasing the use of renewable energy sources on the farm. Not only does this improve the health of the soil, but it can also lead to reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, increased crop yields and more resilient farms. Many Canadian farmers are working to improve overall susta
- depressive disorders - mental disorders - mental health - social isolation - suicidal behavior - substance use disorders - older adult - social media - coronavirus pandemic The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic
- depressive disorders - mental disorders - mental health - social isolation - suicidal behavior - substance use disorders - older adult - social media - coronavirus pandemic The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic began at the end of 2019 in China and has quickly spread globally.1 Millions of people around the world are infected and hundreds of thousands have died.1 The clinical manifestations of COVID-19 vary from asymptomatic forms to severe clinical conditions characterized by respiratory failure, sepsis, septic shock, and multiple organ dysfunction syndromes.1 Understandably, medical professionals and public health specialists are focused on taking care of individuals who are very sick, while containing the coronavirus’s spread in the general population. Less attention is given to the psychiatric consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. Multiple lines of evidence indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic has profound psychological and social effects.1,2 There is a pervasive awareness of uncertainty over the future and an understanding that the pandemic is far from over. It is possible that there will be economic privation and political upheaval. The psychological sequelae of the pandemic will probably persist for months and years to come. In this article, I suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic may increase the prevalence of psychiatric disorders and suicide rates during and after the pandemic. Previous epidemics and suicide Nothing in our lifetimes can be compared with the magnitude of the COVID-19 disaster. The last comparable crisis was the pandemic of the Spanish Flu in 1918–19 caused by H1N1 viruses with genes of avian origin.3 About 500 million people or one-third of the world’s population were infected with the Spanish Flu viruses and at least 50 million people perished around the world including about 675 000 in the USA.3 The Spanish Flu epidemic was associated with an increase in death by suicide.4 It has been proposed that a decrease in social integration and interaction during the epidemic and the fears caused by the epidemic likely increased suicide.4 It is important to note that social isolation and fears are common during the current COVID-19 epidemic.2 There was a significant increase in suicide deaths among people aged
PSHE and Drugs and SRE education At Fairfields, the Jigsaw PSHE programme of study brings together citizenship with personal well-being through a values-based education. It is an original and comprehensive scheme of learning which integrates personal, social,
PSHE and Drugs and SRE education At Fairfields, the Jigsaw PSHE programme of study brings together citizenship with personal well-being through a values-based education. It is an original and comprehensive scheme of learning which integrates personal, social, health and economic education with emphasis on emotional literacy, mental health and SMSC, especially spiritual development. The scheme aims to aims to help children know and value who they really are and how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world. Being a diverse school with 28 different languages spoken, it brings together all our pupils through its mindfulness approach. Jigsaw teaches children to become aware of their thoughts and feelings throughout the programme, relating this to the PSHE subject matter being studied. To read our PSHE policy, please click here. Establishing a safe, open and positive learning environment based on trusting relationships between all members of the class, adults and children alike, is vital. To enable this, it is important that ‘ground rules’ are agreed and owned at the beginning of the year and are reinforced in every Piece – by using The Jigsaw Charter. (Ideally, teachers and children will devise their own Jigsaw Charter at the beginning of the year so that they have ownership of it.) It needs to include the aspects below: The Jigsaw Charter - We take turns to speak - We use kind and positive words - We listen to each other - We have the right to pass - We only use names when giving compliments or when being positive - We respect each other’s privacy (confidentiality) Using Jigsaw in Fairfields, helps their personal development in a structured and developmentally appropriate way, this will not only improve their capacity to learn (across the curriculum) but will ultimately improve their life chances. Jigsaw is completely child-focussed. This is reflected in the innovative way that Pieces (lessons) are structured. Each lesson has 6 sections: - Improve their social skills to better enable collaborative learning (Connect us) - Prepare them for learning (Calm me) - Help the brain to focus on specific learning intentions (Open my mind) - Initiate new learning (Tell me or show me) - Facilitate learning activities to reinforce the new learning (Let me learn) - Support them in reflecting on their learning and personal development (Help me reflect) Each year group, including foundation stage, will be working together focusing on a theme. The 6 themes connect us, as a school. Autumn 1: Being Me in My World Autumn 2: Celebrating Difference (including anti-bullying) Spring 1: Dreams and Goals Sprin
See the future. Look to early learning. The way children see the world today will create the world we live in tomorrow Our view of ourselves, of others and of our world begins in our earliest years and sets the course for all the years
See the future. Look to early learning. The way children see the world today will create the world we live in tomorrow Our view of ourselves, of others and of our world begins in our earliest years and sets the course for all the years that follow. If you want to see the future, look towards the work being done by early childhood educators (ECEs) with the children of today. Always with an eye to the future, an ECE: - promotes child-led discoveries to inspire children’s confidence to innovate fresh solutions to tomorrow’s challenges; - directs purposeful play to develop the skills children will need to create a strong and healthy community; - models the empathy and care they hope to see reflected in those same children as empathetic and caring adults; - listens to, learns from and supports the work of Indigenous knowledge holders and Elders, with the understanding that education is key for reconciliation; and - celebrates the unique culture and background of each child, ensuring that they see themselves, their cultures and their identities reflected in their environments. The future of our community begins with the next generation. Today and every day, our ECEs are shaping tomorrow’s worldview. What is the field of early learning? If we want to build a happier and healthier society, some of the best investments we can make are in the relationships, environments and experiences that make up our early childhoods. A lot has changed over th
With its Strident NEP Opposition, Stalin's DMK Asserts Dravidian Credentials Image Courtesy: The Statesman The year 1953 is remembered for several political events which altered the course of Tamil Nadu politics. At the newly
With its Strident NEP Opposition, Stalin's DMK Asserts Dravidian Credentials Image Courtesy: The Statesman The year 1953 is remembered for several political events which altered the course of Tamil Nadu politics. At the newly formed Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's (DMK) Trichy district conference in April 1953, C. Annadurai declared a symbolic agitation against ‘northern bania exploitation’ of the Tamil people. The demand was for Dalmiapuram – named after Ramkrishna Dalmia, a cement tycoon from the north who had set up a cement plant in the town – to be changed to its original name of Kallakudi.This agitation would become the first front of the DMK’s three front agitation. MGR’s formal association with the DMK also began in 1953 when he joined the party. That year Periyar went on an idol breaking spree to drive home his point that there was nothing special in the clay idols or no sanctity to them. Kula Kalvi Thittam But what rocked and roiled the state of Tamil Nadu in the summer of 1953, more than any of these events, including Periyar’s destruction of idols, was the Modified Scheme of Elementary Education introduced by the Madras Presidency’s Congress government led by Rajaji (C. Rajagopalachari). At the time, only half of school-going age children were enrolled and 60% of them were likely to drop out before five years were up. To fix this problem, the Rajaji government’s new education policy halved the school day for children aged between six and eleven. The scheme proposed the introduction of two shifts or sessions in elementary schools. The first session would have regular teaching and in the second session students would be sent home to learn about their parents' occupation. Schools could thus double their intake by having classes in the morning and afternoon. But by making students learn their family occupation in the two hours saved, Rajaji had stirred up a hornet’s nest. The policy came into effect on June 18, 1953. Before its implementation, Rajaji had not even consulted his own cabinet or members of the legislative assembly. In his defence, he said: “Did Shankara or Ramanuja announce their philosophy after consulting others?’ But Rajaji was no Shankara or Ramanuja and he realised it very soon. Rajmohan Gandhi, Rajaji’s biographer and grandson, wrote in his book 'Rajaji: A Life', "the (scheme’s) seeming validation of the caste system killed it in its infancy and ended Rajaji’s chief ministerial career". According to Rajaji’s scheme, most non-Brahmin students would learn low-wage skills like farming, barbering, laundering and shoemaking for half-a-day while most Brahmin students would spend the time on “white collar skills'' leading to higher paying jobs which had already been dominated by Brahmins for years. Opponents of the scheme denounced it for as a reconstruction of the Hindu caste system (as most occupations were caste based) aimed at fortification of the Varnashrama. The Dravidar Kazhagam led by Periyar and the then newly-formed DMK vehemently opposed the policy, calling it "Kula Kalvi Thittam" (caste based policy). Realising the potential for the new educational scheme’s political mobilisation, the fledgling DMK made opposing it the third of its fronts in the Three Front Agitation. The protests that swept the state forced Rajaji to step down. His successor, Kamaraj, lost no time in withdrawing the controversial scheme. Not only did these events significantly alter the course of Tamil Nadu politics, but also had a lasting impact on the state’s education policy. Successive governments in Tamil Nadu have since then religiously followed the principle of ‘universal education’ or ‘education for all’. The results showed on the ground; by the early 1950s Tamil Nadu became the first state to start a primary school every three kms and a high school every five kms. Realising the importance of primary education, Kamaraj as the CM opened over 12,000 schools across the state, most of them in rural areas. Efforts were also made to open a school in every village that had a population in excess of 300 people. Kamaraj’s contributions towards strengthening the public education system earned him the moniker of 'Kalavi Vallal' (benevolent educator). Building on this work, during the chief ministership of Muthuvel Karunanidhi, the government of Tamil Nadu set itself an ambitious target of opening an elementary School for every km, an upper primary school for every three kms, a high school for every five kms and a higher secondary school for every seven kms. Given this historical background, the vocal, sustained and fiercely vehement opposition of the DMK to the New Education Policy ever since its draft released in 2019, has been barely a matter of surprise to close watchers and chroniclers of the Dravidian movement.
June 29, 2021 - In the 1960s, Athens's urban renewal program evicted a Black neighborhood through eminent domain to build dorms for University of Georgia students. In response to displaced families' demands, Athens-Clar
June 29, 2021 - In the 1960s, Athens's urban renewal program evicted a Black neighborhood through eminent domain to build dorms for University of Georgia students. In response to displaced families' demands, Athens-Clarke County has set aside money dedicated to public projects of their choosing, a form of reparations for the community that was lost. March 1, 1974 - This article originally appeared in Southern Exposure Vol. 2 No. 1, "America's Best Music and More..." Find more from that issue here.
One in five people in the US has a sexually transmitted infection (STI). There were 68 million infections reported in 2018. STIs are a very common public health concern so raising awareness of prevention is important. Populations who have
One in five people in the US has a sexually transmitted infection (STI). There were 68 million infections reported in 2018. STIs are a very common public health concern so raising awareness of prevention is important. Populations who have a higher risk of STIs include teens and men who have sex with men (MSM). Half of newly reported STIs are among people aged 15-24. There is a higher risk of HIV and syphilis among MSM. What are sexually transmitted infections? Sexually transmitted infections (STI) are infections that are passed from one person to another through vaginal, oral, and anal sex. Not everyone experiences symptoms from an STI and some only experience mild symptoms, so it is possible to have an infection and not know it. Therefore, if you are having sex, you should be tested for STIs. STIs are preventable so protecting yourself and your partner is important. – Bacterial vaginosis is a common vaginal problem for women. Although it is not transmitted sexually, it increases the risk of contracting an STI. – Chlamydia is a common STI that is treatable with oral medication but if left untreated can make it difficult for a woman to get pregnant. – Gonorrhea is a common STI that is treatable with a single dose intramuscular injection of an antibiotic and oral medication if chlamydia is present. If left untreated, gonorrhea can cause serious health problems. – Genital herpes is a common STI, and many people are unaware that they have it. Although there is no cure for genital herpes, there are medications available to prevent and shorten an outbreak. The medications also help decrease the risk of transmitting the infection to others. – Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the most common STI, and most people have no symptoms. However, HPV can cause cervical cancer and genital warts. HPV is preventable with vaccines. – Trichomoniasis is a common STI that is treatable with oral medication. Most people with trichomoniasis have no symptoms. – Syphilis is an STI that is very treatable however if left untreated can cause very serious health problems. – Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is a serious condition caused by untreated STIs. PID increases the risk of a woman having difficulty getting pregnant. – Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an STI that weakens a person’s immune system and destroys cells that help fight disease and infection. Although there is no cure for HIV with medication and proper medical care it can be controlled. If you have other STI’s it increases your risk of HIV. – Viral hepatitis is an STI that causes inflammation in the liver. The most common types of viral hepatitis are hepatitis A, B, and C. STIs and pregnancy Pregnant women have the same risk of contracting an STI as women who are not pregnant so it is important to be tested. STIs during pregnancy can cause complications during pregnancy and serious effects on both the woman and the baby. How do I prevent an STI? – Do not have sex (abstinence) – Use condoms – Reduce the number of sexual partners – Be sexually active with only one person – Vaccinations for hepatitis B and HPV Talk to your healthcare provider if you have not been tested for sexually transmitted infections recently, if you are experiencing any symptoms, or if you have a new sexual partner. Fayette County Public Health offers STI testing through the Reproductive Health and Wellness Clinic. Source: CDC, 2022 Darci Moore, CNP, is a Certified Nurse Practitioner at Fayette County Public Health. Darci sees patients through the FCPH Reproductive Health and Wellness Clinic with late hours available to meet the needs of patients. Call the office today if you would like to schedule an appointment (740-335-5910).
Algae blooms are impacting Florida’s Treasure Coast just in time to ruin the Fourth of July holiday weekends of visitors. A state of emergency has been declared. If the bloom doesn’t clear, summer vacations will be canceled; those who make their living
Algae blooms are impacting Florida’s Treasure Coast just in time to ruin the Fourth of July holiday weekends of visitors. A state of emergency has been declared. If the bloom doesn’t clear, summer vacations will be canceled; those who make their living in resort areas have already been impacted. Is this merely the vagaries of Mother Nature? It is not. Instead, this is a case of government-subsidized destruction that is supported by both political parties. Government subsidies for the domestic sugar industry have helped to create the algae blooms. The blooms have been going on for years and have killed wildlife such as dolphins, manatees, and pelicans, as well as causing beach closings. On top of price supports, the government enforces a system of tariffs and quotas on imported sugar. One source of the algae is Lake Okeechobee, the second biggest freshwater lake in America. The fertile earth surrounding the lake has supported Florida’s sugarcane industry. Sugar plantations then send their farm contaminants into the lake. When water levels in the lake get high, the Army Corps of Engineers releases algae contaminated water into the St. Lucie River, a seven-mile estuary connected to the coast. Runoff from the plantations adds about 15 billion gallons of contaminated water a year to the lake. This contaminated water is low in oxygen and high in nitrogen and phosphorus, conditions which help breed algae. Cause-and-effect in complex eco-systems is hard to trace. What percentage of the algae growing is due to sugar plantations? We don’t know for sure. What we do know is this, sugar plantations are contaminating the water. In the absence of government subsidi
The Figure of Eren Yeager in Attack on Titan, – Eren Yeager is the main protagonist of the popular manga and anime series “Attack on Titan”. He is a young child living in the walled city of
The Figure of Eren Yeager in Attack on Titan, – Eren Yeager is the main protagonist of the popular manga and anime series “Attack on Titan”. He is a young child living in the walled city of Paradis, which is frequently threatened by enormous humanoids known as Titans. Eren is driven by a strong desire to protect his loved ones and to eliminate all Titans, whom he views as an existential threat to humanity. Eren’s capacity to revolutionize into a Titan gives him real strength and extraordinary educational skills. In a state of loss of trust and fear from the rest of the crew, Eren struggles to control and welcomes the Titan with his extraordinary abilities. Eren Yeager’s role in Attack on Titan Eren Yeager’s role in the Attack on Titan story is very important and complex. Here are some of Eren Yeager’s important roles in Attack on Titan: - Team Leader. Eren is a leader who is firm and courageous in facing any situation. He frequently serves as a guide for the Survey Corps crew on all of their missions. - Titan Transformation. Eren can transform into a Titan. This is a huge advantage for the Survey Corps against the Titans. - Plot Driver. Eren is the main plot driver in Attack on Titan. He is the key to unravelling various mysteries regarding the origins of the Titans and the conspiracies. - Character Development. Eren undergoes significant character development in the story. From a vengeful little boy, he grew into a responsible leader who cares for his comrades. - Symbol of Resurrection. He is the hope for mankind in the face of the continuous attacks of the Titans.
Measles is a highly contagious disease and can cause pneumonia, encephalitis (swelling of the brain) and death. It spreads through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. If not immunized,
Measles is a highly contagious disease and can cause pneumonia, encephalitis (swelling of the brain) and death. It spreads through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. If not immunized, 9 out of 10 people exposed to the infection will contract it. Threat and Hazard Components of Somalian Famine: A Case Study In the December 2022 edition of the White Paper Series, the Intelligence & Analysis Division examines the ongoing famine in...Read More
Nauru Population and cities According to Countryaah website, Nauru has about 11,000 residents. It is certainly of interest that Naru is the percentage of the population that is overweight in the world. – followed by
Nauru Population and cities According to Countryaah website, Nauru has about 11,000 residents. It is certainly of interest that Naru is the percentage of the population that is overweight in the world. – followed by the men in the US and New Zealand. For comparison, Germany ranks 10th for men and 17th for women. The fewest overweight people live in India, Bangladesh and the Republic of the Congo. The population is made up of about 58% Nauruanians, 26% other Pacific islanders, 8% Chinese and 8% Europeans. The main religion is Christianity, which is composed as follows: Protestants 66%, Catholics 33%. The official language is Nauruan, but it is not used as a written language. In addition, English is very widespread and is also the written language Naurus. Capital, other cities There is no official capital. The seat of government of Nauru is in Yaru. According to Abbreviation Finder, NRU stands for Nauru in English. Click to see other meanings of this 3-letter acronym. Nauru: Geography and Map The state of Nauru consists of an island, more precisely an atoll on the tip of an extinct volcano. The island is 7 km long, from north to south, and 5 km wide, from west to east, and covers an area of around 21.3 km² – with a sea area of approx. 320,000 km². Nauru is located in the middle of the southern Pacific, 42 km south of the equator. The length of the coast to the Pacific is around 30 km. Check topmbadirectory for politics, flags, famous people, animals and plants of Nauru. The highest point on the island is 61 m high and is called Command Ridge. The next neighboring island is Banaba, which belongs to Kiribati and is 305 km east of Nauru. Tidal range in Nauru In Nauru, the mean tidal range is 2 to 3 m. The world’s highest tidal range can be found in the Ba
"Heidegger is wrong: man is not “thrown” “in the world;” if we are thrown, then – no differently from animals – onto the earth. Man is precisely guided, not thrown, precisely for that reason his continuity arises
"Heidegger is wrong: man is not “thrown” “in the world;” if we are thrown, then – no differently from animals – onto the earth. Man is precisely guided, not thrown, precisely for that reason his continuity arises and the way he belongs appears. Poor us, if we are thrown into the world!" "Heidegger hat unrecht: “in die Welt” ist der Mensch nicht “geworfen;” wenn wir geworfen sind, so – nicht anders als die Tiere – auf die Erde. In die Welt gerade wird der Mensch geleitet, nicht geworfen, da gerade stellt sich seine Kontinuität her und offenbart seine Zugehörigkeit. Wehe uns, wenn wir in die Welt geworfen werden!" -Hannah Arendt, Denktagebuch, Notebook 21, Section 68, August, 1955 Hannah Arendt follows her teacher Martin Heidegger in casting the classical philosophical question of the relation of the one and the many as the relationship between the individual and the world. Like the early Heidegger, she emphasizes the future, but she more frequently combines conceptual and narrative explication. For Arendt, freedom is at stake, the freedom of plural humanity that can call on, but cannot be reduced to, guiding ideas of tradition or authority. Yet while she consistently defends freedom through action that cannot be tied to the logic of the past or an assumed goal in the future, her thinking has both a moment of freedom and concern with connection to the past. In Being and Time, Heidegger’s idea of “thrownness” (Geworfenheit) offers a conceptual hinge between a limitation and expansion of freedom. On the one hand, the thrown “Dasein” cannot choose to come into the world, much less into a particular world. On the other hand, once situated in a field of relations, possibilities open that allow Dasein to fashion a sense of the future and self-knowledge. Arendt can be seen to ask how exactly we are to recognize the original condition of being thrown in such a way that new possibilities open up. Her objection to Heidegger in the passage above takes a subtle linguistic path that shows how her method of reading inflects her philosophical ideas. Rather than holding exclusively to the conceptual development of “thrownness,” she offers a terminological challenge. She says that man is only thrown into the natural “earth,” not the humanly-made “world.” In inserting this distinction between the earth and the world, she reads “geworfen” not abstractly as “thrown,” but concretely, implying that she has in mind a second use of the German verb "werfen:" to refer to animals giving birth. Arendt wants to leave the merely animal behind. The German verb “leiten” that I have translated here as “guided” could also mean to direct, to conduct, to lead, to govern. Thinking ahead to Arendt’s writing on education, I hear a connection to “begleiten,” which means to accompany. The guiding that one receives gives a sense of continuing and belonging to a greater world. Heidegger insists that Dasein does not choose to be thrown into a specific world, we are born without our choice or input. For Arendt, this is our earthliness and she emphasizes the difference between the human world and the given earth. With respect to the world, she highlights the connection to others from the start. Since others exist before the entrance of the newcomer, we also assume responsibility for their entry to the world. One must be educated into the world, which is not simply the earth, but the humanly constructed edifice that includes history and memory and the polis. Dana Villa and Peg Birmingham suggest that Arendt replaces Heidegger’s “geworfen” with “geboren” (“thrown” with “born”). The passage from the Thought Diary above shows the complexity of this substitution and that it only works by changing the context to the world rather than earth. However, while the quote shows that Arendt relegates Heidegger’s thrownness to the realm of the earth and body, her own idea of “natality” brings the body back to her thinking of freedom. Being born is very important for Arendt, but not in Heidegger’s sense. If "werfen" can refer to animals giving birth, Arendt works out a specific way in which humans are born, one that emphasizes a liberating break from the earth. Humans, as Arendt will say in The Human Condition
Aureliano de Beruete y Moret was a Spanish painter active in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He was born in Madrid and spent most of his life there, though he traveled widely. Beru
Aureliano de Beruete y Moret was a Spanish painter active in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He was born in Madrid and spent most of his life there, though he traveled widely. Beruete started out to be a lawyer, earned his doctorate, but at the same time studied painting with Carlos Múgica. He initially embarked on a career as a politician and became a member of of Parliment, not a caree
Most people think that the Wright brothers were the first people to fly when they built the first airplane in 1903. However, people in France were flying more than 100 years before that. Instead of flying in an airplane, two French brothers
Most people think that the Wright brothers were the first people to fly when they built the first airplane in 1903. However, people in France were flying more than 100 years before that. Instead of flying in an airplane, two French brothers made a giant balloon out of paper, which they first flew in 1783. When flying the balloon, people sat on a flat piece of wood hanging underneath the balloon and made a fire. The fire heated the air inside the balloon, which made it rise. However, the balloon didn't fly for very long because the paper started to catch on fire. When the balloon landed nine kilometers away, the people there had never seen a flying balloon before. They got scared and tried to destroy it, but luckily the pilots stopped them. (Marc Langer, staff writer) 1. Why did the balloon have to stop flying? a. It ran out of air. b. It hit a tree. c. It broke apart. d. It started to catch on fire. 2. When the balloon landed, some people tried to... a. fix it. b. destroy it. c. fly it. d. catch it.
by Johannes Erritzoe / Clive F Mann / Frederik Brammer / Richard A Fuller This authoritative handbook, part of the Helm Identification Guides series, looks in detail at the world's cuckoos, couas and anis -
by Johannes Erritzoe / Clive F Mann / Frederik Brammer / Richard A Fuller This authoritative handbook, part of the Helm Identification Guides series, looks in detail at the world's cuckoos, couas and anis - the family Cuculidae. Famed as brood-parasites of other birds, the cuckoos include a diverse range of species, from the roadrunners of North America to the spectacular malkohas of southern Asia. Discusses the biology and identification on a species-by-species basis, bringing together the very latest research with accurate range maps, more than 600 stunning colour photographs that illuminate age and racial plumage differences, and 36 superb plates by a team of internationally renowned artists. Colour illustrations and photographs, maps, 480pp. 2012 Click here to read a review.
With a few exceptions in deep rural areas, electricity is available almost everywhere in South Africa. With the growth of the population, business and industry, supply is sometimes under pressure, particularly in densely populated urban areas when usage reaches a peak, such as
With a few exceptions in deep rural areas, electricity is available almost everywhere in South Africa. With the growth of the population, business and industry, supply is sometimes under pressure, particularly in densely populated urban areas when usage reaches a peak, such as on winter evenings, resulting in a power outage. The supplier of South African electrictiy, Eskom, and government, have prioritised the extension of the South African electrical grid with the construction of new power stations, Diversification of poweer sources and instituting energy efficient programmes. Tourists to South Africa should be aware that: - The South African electricity supply is 220/230 volts AC 50 HZ. - Most plugs are 15 amp 3-prong or 5 amp 2-prong, with round pins. If an adaptor is called for, consider bringing one with you, although they can be purchased locally. - US-made appliances may need a transformer. - Most hotel rooms have 110 volt outlets for electric shavers and appliances.