Tooth loss affects millions of people around the world. Your oral health may decline if you do not seek restorative treatment from your dentist to replace missing teeth. Even one missing tooth could disrupt your life in a number of ways. Dental implants
Tooth loss affects millions of people around the world. Your oral health may decline if you do not seek restorative treatment from your dentist to replace missing teeth. Even one missing tooth could disrupt your life in a number of ways. Dental implants are the best way to prevent further deterioration of your oral health in the wake of tooth loss. Specifically, implants can protect your jawbone where removable tooth replacements cannot. Read on to learn more about how implant dentistry can improve the health of your jaw after tooth loss. What Happens to the Jaw When You Lose a Tooth? A healthy dental patient has a full set of teeth, and each tooth extends below the gum line into a root that reaches the jawbone. The tooth root stimulates the bone in the jaw, keeping it stable and healthy. If you lose a tooth, the jawbone no longer receives stimulation. In the tooth root’s absence, the bone in the jaw will begin to deteriorate. This will alter the shape of the jaw, creating a sagging appearance in the face. This can hinder oral function as well and cause remaining teeth to start shifting out of their straight position. You cannot stop this effect on your own and will require intervention from your dentist to prevent this complication in the wake of tooth loss. How Can Dental Implants Help Jawbone Health? To protect your jaw health after you lose a tooth, a dentist can suggest dental implants to replace any missing teeth. These fixtures have a titanium post anchor that a dentist surgically inserts into the jaw. As you heal from this procedure, the anchors fuse with the jawbone. This creates a solid foundation for the prosthetic teeth above the gumline. But they also serve as a substitute for the missing tooth roots too. The anchors stimulate the jawbone once again, stopping the bone from degenerating. In some cases, the implants can encourage lost bone to regrow as well. This preserves your facial and dental structure while also restoring the look, function, and health of your smile. Removable tooth replacements like dentures only replace teeth above the gumline and cannot offer this benefit. Can My Jaw Support Dental Implants? Though the advantages of implant dentistry seem cl
November 30, 2015 We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thank you for your generosity for our Thanksgiving feasts. The children enjoyed tasting everything! As December begins, we look towards the many holidays celebrated by our families: Chan
November 30, 2015 We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thank you for your generosity for our Thanksgiving feasts. The children enjoyed tasting everything! As December begins, we look towards the many holidays celebrated by our families: Chanukah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa. We will be reading books and creating art projects related to each of them. The children learn about the many similarities that they share: family get togethers, delicious foods, lights and candles, etc. With Chanukah starting December 6th, we will concentrate on Chanukah first. Please fill out the attached holiday celebration sheet as soon as possible. Our color of the month is blue, and the shape of the month is a rectangle. Our classroom will become a winter wonderland decorated with igloos, snowmen, and penguins. The children will learn about winter animals and their behaviors. We will learn that some animals stay awake during the winter, while others hibernate. Our theme will continue through January. As long as the weather remains above freezing, we will be going outside. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather, and label all of their outerwear. When the weather is uncooperative; we will play indoors and sing, dance, and move to our various musical selections. We’ve developed a lot of favorite songs to sing and dance to. Looking forward to another great week Miss Louise, Miss Enedina, Miss Jade & Mr. Joe What holiday(s) does your family celebrate? (Check any/all that apply) Is there a special holiday tradition that you would like to share with us? Yes ______ No ______ Your child’s name _____________________
- A city in France is using Tezos blockchain technology to vote on a road planning decision. - The voting period lasts between October 1 and October 8. - The vote represents an exciting example of blockchain solutions being applied to voting and democracy
- A city in France is using Tezos blockchain technology to vote on a road planning decision. - The voting period lasts between October 1 and October 8. - The vote represents an exciting example of blockchain solutions being applied to voting and democracy. Inhabitants of Verneuil-sur-Seine, in Yvelines, France, are voting on a 60-year-long road project through the Avosvotes application based on the Tezos blockchain. The voting period lasts between October 1 and October 8, 2020. This vote is 60 years in the making. The proposed road, RD 154, will cross the communes of Vernouillet and Verneuil-sur-Seine. The decision made about this development has the potential to impact the entire vision of France’s Yvelines region, and after several decades of planning and debating, it’s now time to vote via the Tezos blockchain. “In Verneuil-sur-Seine, the decentralized and secure voting evidence on the blockchain—resulting from French researchers at Tezos—will make it possible to guarantee the sincerity of the ballot,” said Florian Ribiere, CEO of Avosvotes. Voters will be making their decisions via Avosvotes, a Tezos blockchain-based application. When voting on the proposal, individuals’ identities are verified manually, and the proof of any particular vote comes in the form of a certificate stored on the Tezos blockchain. Those interested can also follow along and track voting participation in real time. Voter fraud and poor voter turnout have long been obstacles to participation in democracy, both at local and national levels. Using blockchain technology, these challenges can
Vijay is pulling a block with 22 N force and Gopal is pulling it with 10 N force in opposite direction. Vijay is able to pull the block a total distance of 6.5 m. Find the net work
Vijay is pulling a block with 22 N force and Gopal is pulling it with 10 N force in opposite direction. Vijay is able to pull the block a total distance of 6.5 m. Find the net work done by the two forces. Two forces 22 N and 10 N are acting in opposite direction on the body. The net force acting on the block =(22-10) N =12 N Displacement of the body along the direction of the force is 6.5 m. Net Work done = Net force × total displacement
In the context of institutional discrimination, the 18th century saw secret, militant societies develop in Ulster and act on sectarian tensions in violent attacks. This escalated at the finish of the century, particularly in the course of the County Armagh disturbances
In the context of institutional discrimination, the 18th century saw secret, militant societies develop in Ulster and act on sectarian tensions in violent attacks. This escalated at the finish of the century, particularly in the course of the County Armagh disturbances, where the Protestant Peep o’Day Boys fought the Catholic Defenders. The Irish Rebellion of 1798 was led by the United Irishmen a cross-community Irish republican group founded by Belfast Presbyterians, which sought Irish independence. Following this, the government of the Kingdom of Excellent Britain pushed for the two kingdoms to be merged, in an try to quell sectarianism, take away discriminatory laws, and prevent the spread of French-style republicanism. The United Kingdom of Wonderful Britain and Ireland was formed in 1801 and governed from London. Francis Bacon and Thomas Hobbes wrote on empiricism and materialism, including scientific process and social contract. Marvell was the very best-known poet of the Commonwealth, though John Milton authored Paradise Lost through the Restoration. Traditional examples of English meals include the Sunday roast, featuring a roasted joint served with assorted vegetables, Yorkshire pudding and gravy. Other prominent meals include things like fish and chips and the complete English breakfast. Various meat pies are consumed, such as steak and kidney pie, steak and ale pie, cottage pie, pork pie and the Cornish pasty. English Heritage and the National Trust preserve good gardens and landscape parks throughout the country. Urban rail networks are well developed in London and various other cities. There had been after over 30,000 route miles of rail network in the U.K., having said that most of this was decreased from 1955 to 1975, significantly of it immediately after a report by a government adviser Richard Beeching in the mid-1960s. In the 1980s, under the Government of Margaret Thatcher, most state-owned enterprises in the industrial and service sectors, which due to the official website fact the 1940s had been nationalized, had been privatized. The British Government now owns very couple of enterprises apart from the postal service and a few other individuals. The last war in which the British military fought alone was the Falklands War of 1982, with full-scale combat operations lasting pretty much 3 months. The British Army had a reported strength of 102,440 in 2005, and the Royal Air Force a strength of 49,210. A series of government acts, culminating lastly in the Common Enclosure Act of 1801. Though farmers received compensation for their strips, it was minimal, and the loss of rights for the rural population led to an improved dependency on the Poor law. Poor farmers from time to time had to sell their share of the land to pay for its getting split up. Most had been forced to relocate to the cities to attempt to locate perform in the emerging factories of the Industrial Revolution. Travelodge is usually the more affordable but a lot more simple and spartan of the two, whereas Premier Inn is slightly extra expensive (by about £10-20 a night) but aims to be a spending budget approximation of a full-service hotel. Government involvement more than the economy is exercised by the Chancellor of the Exchequer who heads HM Treasury, but the Prime Minister, is Initial Lord of the Treasury. Nevertheless since 1997, the Bank of England has control of interest prices and other monetary policy. The UK government has drastically improved public sector spending (i.e., government spending of taxes) considering that 1995, and annual spending on investment in infrastructure has grown from £5.6-billion in 1997 to £29-billion in 2006. Amongst 1968 and 1998, sectarian violence, typically known as “The Troubles,” left extra than three,500 persons dead. For several years, Northern Ireland has been split more than the query of no matter if it ought to remain component of the United Kingdom or come to be component of Ireland. Learn how you can assistance assistance the improvement of opera and young opera singers in Northern Ireland, by coming to our shows, joining our Friends programme or by sponsorship selections. We are Northern Ireland’s award-winning national opera firm, devoted to the highest requirements of opera performance and improvement of young talent. Find out a lot more about our productions considering the fact that our foundation in 2010 by means of the link. The earliest Buddhist influence on Britain came through its imperial connections with Southeast Asia, and as a outcome the early connections had been with the Theravada traditions of Burma, Thailand, and Sri Lanka. The tradition of study resulted in the foundation of the Pali Text Society, which undertook the job of translating the Pali Canon of Theravā
Each year, it is estimated that one in 10 people worldwide fall ill as a result of consuming contaminated food. Of these, a staggering 420,000 die, according to data from the World Health Organisation (WHO). In addition to the
Each year, it is estimated that one in 10 people worldwide fall ill as a result of consuming contaminated food. Of these, a staggering 420,000 die, according to data from the World Health Organisation (WHO). In addition to the obvious threat to human health and wellbeing, foodborne diseases stemming from unsafe food can additionally produce a ripple effect of impeding socioeconomic development by placing pressure on healthcare systems and restricting tourism, trade, and economic growth. In actual terms, it is estimated that around $110 billion is lost every year in productivity and medical costs related to the consumption of unsafe food in low and middle-income economies. For these reasons and as far as food manufacturers are concerned, ensuring that food and drink products are produced, handled, and packaged in a safe and hygienic manner is essential. This is where ultraviolet light, commonly known as the acronym UV-C, comes in. UV-C light destroys bacteria without using heat or chemicals Ultraviolet light (UV-C) can inactivate and destroy bacteria on the surface of food, without the need for heat or harmful chemicals. An alternative to traditional thermal processing, UV-C is already being used for a variety of food safety applications, including the likes of pasteurising juices, treating food contact surfaces to increase the shelf-life of food products, and destroying bacteria on the surface of meats. Emitted through lamps, most commonly at a wavelength of 254 nanometres (nm) UV-C damages or modifies the DNA of bacteria, limiting its ability to reproduce and spread. It is a surface decontamination technology, meaning that only the bacteria that is directly exposed to the UV-C light can be destroyed. Because of this, in the food industry, UV-C is most effective when used on products covered by transmissive packaging, or on the surface of fruits, vegetables, and bakery products. It can also be, and often is, used to treat liquids such as water. So, what are the advantages of using ultraviolet light in food processing for manufacturers, and how can they best frame communication around this with consumers? Consumer perception: How to market products treated with UV-C Compared to other food processing technologies which change the genetic composition or structure of food products, UV-C light works by destroying bacteria on the surface of products or the equipment they come in contact with. Because of this, it is generally considered to be a relatively non-invasive method of disinfecting food. Since its approval as a safe alternative to thermal pasteurisation by the US Food
Antenna and Array Fundamentals Jun 13 20233 days, 08:30 AM EDT - 04:30 PM EDT - $2,190.00 excl. This three-day course teaches the basics of antenna and antenna
Antenna and Array Fundamentals Jun 13 20233 days, 08:30 AM EDT - 04:30 PM EDT - $2,190.00 excl. This three-day course teaches the basics of antenna and antenna array theory. Fundamental concepts such as beam patterns, radiation resistance, polarization, gain/directivity, aperture size, reciprocity, and matching techniques are presented. Different types of antennas such as dipole, loop, patch, horn, dish, and helical antennas are discussed and compared and contrasted from a performance – applications standpoint. The locations of the reactive near-field, radiating near-field (Fresnel region), and far-field (Fraunhofer region) are described and the Friis transmission formula is presented with worked examples. Propagation effects are presented. Antenna arrays are discussed, and array factors for different types of distributions (e.g., uniform, binomial, and Tschebyscheff arrays) are analyzed giving insight to sidelobe levels, null locations, and beam broadening (as the array scans from broadside.) The end-fire condition is discussed. Beam steering is described using phase shifters and true-time delay devices. Problems such as grating lobes, beam squint, quantization errors, and scan blindness are presented. Antenna systems (transmit/receive) with active amplifiers are introduced. Finally, measurement techniques commonly used in anechoic chambers are outlined. What You Will Learn: - Basic antenna concepts that pertain to all antennas and antenna arrays. - The appropriate antenna for your application. - Factors that affect antenna array designs and antenna systems. - Measurement techniques commonly used in anechoic chambers. This course is invaluable to engineers seeking to work with experts in the field and for those desiring a deeper understanding of antenna concepts. At its completion, you will have a solid understanding of the appropriate antenna for your application and the technical difficulties you can expect to encounter as your design is brought from the conceptual stage to a working prototype. - Basic concepts in antenna theory. Beam patterns, radiation resistance, polarization, gain/directivity, aperture size, reciprocity, and matching techniques. - RF Field Locations. Reactive near-field, radiating near-field (Fresnel region), far-field (Fraunhofer region) and the Friis transmission formula. - Types of antennas. Dipole, loop, patch, horn, dish, and helical antennas are discussed, compared, and contrasted from a performance/applications standpoint. - Propagation effects. Direct, sky, and ground waves. Diffraction and scattering. - Antenna arrays and array factors (e.g., uniform, binomial, and Tschebyscheff arrays). - Scanning from broadside. Sidelobe levels, null locations, and beam broadening. The end-fire condition. Problems such as grating lobes, beam squint, quantization errors, and scan blindness. - Beam steering. Phase shifters and true-time delay devices. Some commonly used components and delay devices (e.g., the Rotman lens) are compared. - Measurement techniques used in anechoic chambers. Pattern measurements, polarization patterns, gain comparison test, spinning dipole (for CP measurements). Items of concern relative to anechoic chambers such as the quality of the absorbent material, quiet zone, and measurement errors. Compact, outdoor, and near-field ranges. - Software simulation concepts. Discussion and distinction between: Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD), the method of moments (MoM), and the Finite Element Method (FEM.) Some commercial codes that use these techniques. - Throughput and data rates. Various antennas are examined to quantify suitability for data transmission. - Special topics: The class can be tailored to meet the desired needs of the students. - Questions and answers. Dr. Steven Weiss is a senior design engineer with the Army Research Lab in Adelphi, MD. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the Rochester Institute of Technology with Master’s and Doctoral Degrees from The George Washington University. He has numerous publications in the IEEE on antenna theory. He teaches both introductory and advanced, graduate level courses at Johns Hopkins University on antenna systems. He is active in the IEEE and is presently on the steering committee for the Antennas and Propagation Conference for 2005. In his job at the Army Research Lab, he is actively involved with all stages of antenna development from initial design, to first prototype, to measurements. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in both Maryland and Delaware. REGISTRATION: There is no obligation or payment required to enter the Registration for an actively scheduled course. We understand that you may need approvals but please register as early as possible or contact us so we know of your interest in this course offering. SCHEDULING: If this course is not on the current schedule of open enrollment courses and you are interested in attending this or another course as an open enrollment, please conta
Prairie Cinquefoil (Drymocallis arguta) A distinctive prairie plant that is easy to grow in dry, well drained conditions. Flowers have a delicate look despite the generally robust appearance of the rest of the plant. Bloom
Prairie Cinquefoil (Drymocallis arguta) A distinctive prairie plant that is easy to grow in dry, well drained conditions. Flowers have a delicate look despite the generally robust appearance of the rest of the plant. Bloom stalks make up most of the height. Light: Full Sun Soil Moisture: Mesic, Dry Mesic, Dry Soil Type: Ad
Useful Ways to Convey Map based Information Updated: Jul 1, 2021 You would have noticed that youngsters have so much fun exploring a Map or a Globe and extracting bits of information from it. Like many of us,
Useful Ways to Convey Map based Information Updated: Jul 1, 2021 You would have noticed that youngsters have so much fun exploring a Map or a Globe and extracting bits of information from it. Like many of us, I too enjoy querying Google Maps to plan a getaway, reduce travel time, understand patterns and so on. Essentially, a Map displays and conveys information to us in ways which are very compelling to the adventure-seeking side of us. In this blog, I will discuss five interesting ways to convey map based information. These are more effective in communicating the desired message to us than what a static 2D map can. The latter, despite all its usefulness, has some marked disadvantages when it comes to conveying very specific information to the user. (Much thanks to Esri Training for enabling me to learn and practice some of these techniques) 1. Fly-Through Animation Consider a situation where you want to display a map area in a 'before & after' state of a particular event e.g. construction, disaster etc. A 'fly-through' animation, as the name suggests, enables you to have a third-person, bird's eye view of the situation. In the video below, you can see a fly-through visualization of a location in Wisconsin, USA which was tragically impacted by a large mudslide on 22nd March 2014. (The site has been rendered in 3D using a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) which gives a realistic feel.The orange columns show the location of the houses which were impacted by the incident) 2. 2D Animation through Time This technique is helpful when the map based information one wishes to convey traverses various points in time i.e. is'multi-temporal' in nature. The 2D animation video below shows how ships from three major European countries used to fare out in the sea in the year 1770. Information such as Frequency of journey, Routes used and Ports docked is being conveyed. CLIWOC has retrieved this data basis the logbooks filed by the captains of the ships. You can understand the beauty of this technique by imagining how crude it would be to convey this story on a standard map. In case you are wondering, this is how the data looks in a standard format. Just a meaningless jumble of coordinates! 3. Stop-Motion Animation Let me evoke your memories of a Flipbook. The technique behind this is called 'Stop-motion' wherein objects are manipulated in small increments between each frames so that they create an illusion of motion when played quickly. In this exercise, the situation continues from where we left off in the previous example. The situation now is - we want to monitor shipping activity in a particular route and see which journey was completed in the fastest time in the year 1770. Again, as you would realize, this is a very particular information which we wish to convey and is virtually impossible to visualize using a standard map. See below how a Stop-Motion animation, of three journeys at different times in the year 1770, helps us to visualize this in an effective manner - Route - from La Coruna in Spain to San Juan in Puerto Rico. Which journey (date) was the quickest? While this isn't necessarily a new 'technique' as such, I've included StoryMaps because it is a wholesome way of 'presenting' interactive map based information to the readers and integrates various cool features within the powerful Esri mapping ecosystem. As the name suggests, StoryMaps enables one to narrate a thematic map-based digital story. Enclosed below is the promo video of StoryMaps. Do have a look at this captivating StoryMap example- Mapping Mount Everest (For the best viewing experience, create a free sign-in to ArcGIS Online when suggested,within). 5. Map based Operations Dashboards Operations Dashboards represents a revolutionary way of conveying specific map based information. With Dashboards, one can configure a dynamic, interactive map with relative ease. These kind of dashboards are extremely useful to deploy in an operational setting, be it business or geopolitical in nature. On this note, I would urge you to explore the various super-impressive dashboards listed on Cool Maps. The Migration Trends & Crime Time dashboards are my personal favorites. Should you like to explore Dashboards further, the video below will take you through the journey of creating an Operations Dashboard. Isn't this useful? I am convinced that once Map based Technology goes mainstream, displaying and conveying information through data visualization will undergo a massive change. I wouldn't be surprised at all if, in a few years, conveying information using slideshows is considered passé. Interested to explore Operations Dashboard for your organization? Intelloc Mapping Services | is engaged in selling products whic
If you don’t like that space between your teeth, your dentist has ways to reduce the size or close it. Spaces between your teeth are one of the most common cosmetic concerns as these can affect your smile and even the function of your teeth.
If you don’t like that space between your teeth, your dentist has ways to reduce the size or close it. Spaces between your teeth are one of the most common cosmetic concerns as these can affect your smile and even the function of your teeth. If you have a gap between your teeth, it’s called a “diastema”. This can occur anywhere in the mouth and can be caused by a number of factors, from developmental to even behavioural. Gaps in the front teeth along the smile zone are typically fixed by a dentist for aesthetic reasons. Spaces in the back teeth however, can interfere with function. What causes dental gaps * Small teeth Gaps can occur between teeth that are small in proportion to jaw size. Some teeth can even develop an irregular shape. For example, lateral incisors can be peg-shaped or tiny, pointy and cone-shaped. * Habit Thumb-sucking can push the front teeth forward, resulting in unsightly gaps. * Missing teeth These can result in a gummy gap, which may not be aesthetically pleasing if it is in the smile zone. * Large frenum The frenum is a tough fold of gum attachment with enclosed muscle tissue. A high frenum can prevent two teeth from coming together. *
Research on Macroeconomics As the field of economics expands, all eyes and interests shift to macroeconomics as the research area. Macroeconomics is one of the branches of economics which deals with the structure, behavior, performance and the decision
Research on Macroeconomics As the field of economics expands, all eyes and interests shift to macroeconomics as the research area. Macroeconomics is one of the branches of economics which deals with the structure, behavior, performance and the decision making within the economy as a whole. Relatively, macroeconomics is a new branch thus there are many issues still need to be fixed and many new things to discover. Macroeconomics as well seems to be changing faster welcoming any form of contribution towards any problem discovered (Prescott, 3). Thus, macroeconomics goes beyond regional and national economies and look at the global economies as the whole. In macroeconomics, all the aggregated economic indicators such as price indices, national income, and GDP among other indicators. The study also involves examining the interrelations among different economic sectors to better understand the economic functions as the whole. In most cases, the economy of any country is measured by the level of the national income which sometimes fluctuates what we call business cycle. At the same time, the economy may face the increase in national income which leads to long-term economic growth. Thus, macroeconomics tries to understand the two factors, fluctuation in national income and the factors which determine long-term economic growth. Therefore, in a nutshell, the study of macroeconomics gives priority to domestic growth, property sector, taxation polic… Free Research on Macroeconomics Essay Sample, Download Now Order Original Essay on the Similar TopicGet an original paper on the same topic from $10 per-page Leave a Reply
Having grown up in the United States, I was unaware of the existence of a holiday called “Boxing Day” for the first couple of decades of my life. When I first heard that December 26 had this peculiar title, I assumed it
Having grown up in the United States, I was unaware of the existence of a holiday called “Boxing Day” for the first couple of decades of my life. When I first heard that December 26 had this peculiar title, I assumed it was a day honoring the pugilistic sport, though I didn’t quite grasp why that should occur the day after Christmas. Later, I developed a more plausible theory that it was the day on which one performs boxing of a different sort—namely, packing up Christmas decorations in boxes and putting them away until next year. Apparently, numerous people have had thoughts along similar lines, imagining it as a day to rid the house of empty boxes (or to return full but unwanted boxes to retailers). However, all of the above theories are incorrect. Boxing Day was traditionally a day on which Christmas boxes (i.e., presents) were given to servants and other members of the lower classes. If you have any leftover goodwill, today would be a splendid day to share it with someone in need. Book of the Week Take Control of Your Digital Photos Digital cameras make it easy to take way too many pictures. Need help sorting, organizing, storing, and managing them? We've got a great book for you—and Interesting Thing of the Day readers can save 30% on it.
Stop grumbling about getting older – it just may add seven-and-a-half years to your life. We’re told that if we want more good years, get plenty of sleep, eat well, exercise and learn something new. But many of us
Stop grumbling about getting older – it just may add seven-and-a-half years to your life. We’re told that if we want more good years, get plenty of sleep, eat well, exercise and learn something new. But many of us don’t realise that a positive attitude can make us live longer, according to Yale professor Becca Levy and colleagues in a paper published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Dig a little deeper and their research found that the more positive older individuals were about ageing, the greater the will to live, which contributes to a longer life. Do we want to live to a very old age? For many, ageing, like winter weather, does not comfort us. In modern society, youth, beauty and productivity is what counts. From a young age, we’re told that grey hair and wrinkles are bad, that we’ll become very sick: frail, suffering from dementia, a burden on society. Around middle age, we start to feel the physical and mental decline conveying a sense of the ultimate outcome: death. We internalise the negative stereotypes, accepting them as the truth. We risk becoming who we think we are: frail, boring and irrelevant, just marking time until death. How do older people stay positive and relevant in their later years? Professor Perminder Sachdev, co-director of UNSW Sydney’s Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing, says there are personality characteristics that help older individuals age well. “They are conscientious and committed to carrying out their duties carefully. They are low in neuroticism – that is, they are less reactive to emotionally stressful events and better able to cope with uncertainty and hardships. It’s even better if they are high in extraversion – they are more outgoing and socially interactive.” Optimism and resilience are key attributes for older people who are coping with hardships but still actively engaging with life, says Sachdev. “Older people are not in prime health.
PASADENA, Calif. — NASA's veteran Cassini mission will officially kick off its farewell tour of the Saturn system on April 22 with a final close encounter of the ringed planet's largest moon, Titan. Five months later,
PASADENA, Calif. — NASA's veteran Cassini mission will officially kick off its farewell tour of the Saturn system on April 22 with a final close encounter of the ringed planet's largest moon, Titan. Five months later, on Sept. 15, Cassini will spectacularly burn up in Saturn's crushing atmosphere. But before that happens, Cassini will dive through a 1,200-mile (1,930 kilometers) gap between the planet and its innermost ring to carry out science that is only possible now that the mission is running out of fuel. "What a spectacular end to a spectacular mission," Jim Green, director of NASA's Planetary Science Division at the agency's headquarters in Washington, D.C., said via video link at a special news conference held here today (April 4) at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). [Cassini's 'Grand Finale' at Saturn: NASA's Plan in Pictures] The "Grand Finale" will begin when Titan's gravity hurls the spacecraft close to Saturn's atmosphere, ending the probe's series of ring-grazing orbits and causing Cassini to dive through a gap in the rings. Over the next 22 orbits between the planet and the innermost ring, Cassini will embark on a completely different phase of discovery. The spacecraft will carry out scientific measurements of the apparently empty environment between the planet's upper-atmosphere gases and the innermost edge of Saturn's D-ring. "The Grand Finale is a brand-new mission," said Linda Spilker, Cassini project scientist at JPL. "We're going to a place that we've never been before … and I think some of the biggest discoveries may come from these final orbits." This unique trajectory will allow Cassini to make incredibly detailed maps of Saturn's magnetic and gravitational fields, helping scientists understand what structures lie beneath the planet's atmosphere and, potentially, revealing the mechanisms behind Saturn's mysterious spin. This is also the best opportunity yet to get a good look at the mysterious hexagon etched into the clouds around Saturn's north pole, mission team members said. Since arriving in Saturn orbit in 2004, Cassini has steered clear of the planet's icy ring material, opting for a more distant (and safer) orbit where the gas giant's family of moons could be studied and Saturn could be observed from afar. But now that the mission is in its final months, more risks can be taken to carry out observations that scientists would have only dreamed of earlier in the mission. During the daring ring dives, Cassini will be closer to the planet than ever before. The probe will use its mass spectrometer to "taste" the chemistry of the tenuous gases on the outermost edge of Saturn's atmosphere and return the most detailed observations ever obtained of Saturn's high-altitude clouds and ring material. [Latest Saturn Photos by Cassini] Mission team members are taking pains to minimize the dangers associated with this privileged view. "We don't know exactly where that D-ring ends … so, to be on the safe side, we want to protect the spacecraft's instrumentation from these particles," Spilker said. After all, Cassini will be on a "ballistic trajectory," traveling at a speed of 76,000 mph (122,000 km/h). "It's going to be kind of risky," Green said. "The ring material actually falls into Saturn, and it won't take much to stop our spacecraft at the velocity it is flying." Although models of Saturn's rings suggest the inner gap will be mainly empty, mission scientists said they assume some small particles will hit Cassini. So, as the spacecraft makes its ring-plane crossings, it will be oriented in such a way to maximize the shielding of delicate instrumentation behind Cassini's high-gain antenna. "We expect a lot of impacts, but it will be like going through smoke … we believe the D-ring extends into Saturn," Cassini program manager Earl Maize, also of JPL, told He added that mission team members are confident that Cassini will encounter only the smallest particles in the ring gap, and the probability of losing the spacecraft to an impact with something bigger is "less than 1 percent." Cassini's Grand Finale is occurring this year because the spacecraft has been so active and so prolific, Maize added. "Back in 2010, we decided that we'd use every last kilogram of propellant to explore the Saturn system as thoroughly as we could," he said. "We'll end up with no gas in the tank, but at the same time, this is a very serious constraint. Ultimately, Cassini's discoveries (caused) its demise." But why crash Cassini into Saturn? NASA decided to incinerate the probe to ensure that it doesn't careen into, and potentially contaminate, Titan or the fellow Saturn m
What muscle type covers your organs? Smooth muscle, found in the walls of the hollow internal organs such as blood vessels, the gastrointestinal tract, bladder, and uterus, is under control of the autonomic nervous system. Smooth muscle cannot be controlled consciously
What muscle type covers your organs? Smooth muscle, found in the walls of the hollow internal organs such as blood vessels, the gastrointestinal tract, bladder, and uterus, is under control of the autonomic nervous system. Smooth muscle cannot be controlled consciously and thus acts involuntarily. Which layer provides support and protect internal organs? The skeletal system The skeletal system works as a support structure for your body. It gives the body its shape, allows movement, makes blood cells, provides protection for organs and stores minerals. What are the bones that protect the internal organs? What are the bones that protect the internal organs? 1 Flat Bones Protect Internal Organs. There are flat bones in the skull (occipital, parietal, frontal, nasal, lacrimal,… 2 Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete. The thigh bone is called a femur and not only is it the strongest bone… More What are the internal organs of the human body and their functions? In the following article, we take a look at the important internal organs of the human body and their functions in the bigger biological system. The human body can be divided into the head, trunk, hands, and legs. The head and the trunk play a major role in protecting crucial internal organs. Many tissues, cells, and connective tissues What is the function of the ovaries in the human body? They are responsible for hormones such as cortisol, estrogen and testosterone, that perform several vital functions. These are two bean-shaped organs that filter the blood in the human body. They are also responsible for removing waste and regulating the balance of electrolytes. Which organs are involved in the digestive system? The heart is nearly flanked by the lungs, so they also act as a shock absorber for the heart. The lungs also maintain the pH level of the blood. The stomach is a key player in the digestive system. It is a pear-shaped organ located in the abdominal cavity between the esophagus and intestines.
Obviously the history of music is a rather big subject, so we started by revisiting the previous classical music project (Project 90: Classical Music), and then went through the development of twentieth century popular music with the help of Turn It Up!
Obviously the history of music is a rather big subject, so we started by revisiting the previous classical music project (Project 90: Classical Music), and then went through the development of twentieth century popular music with the help of Turn It Up! A pitch-perfect history of music that rocked the world. |This week's reading| We explored Stravinsky's Firebird using CBBC resources, and the children created their own Firebird inspired pictures. Solomon's Vegetable Blues: "I've got the Blues,The I have to eat my vegetables BluesEating courgette makes me sickSo a Domino's pizza would do the trick I've got the Blues, The I have to eat my vegetables Blues." Monica's Going to Bed Blues "I've got the Blues, The going to bed BluesI would rather stay up lateand go out for a skateI've got the BluesThe going to bed Blues" |Singing the Blues| Finally they explored some of the different elements that go into making up a song with another BBC resource. Next Project: Presentations Post a Comment
Security in Your Pocket: OpenBSD on ARM - The First Ports - Why OpenBSD? - SoCs and Blobs When you think about OpenBSD, if you think about OpenBSD at all, you probably think of firewalls
Security in Your Pocket: OpenBSD on ARM - The First Ports - Why OpenBSD? - SoCs and Blobs When you think about OpenBSD, if you think about OpenBSD at all, you probably think of firewalls and routers. Maybe servers, and possibly desktops (but probably not). Recent versions have nice sound and 3D support, so desktop use isn't too unlikely, but one thing you probably don't think of is handheld systems. The handheld operating system market is largely owned by Symbian, although its market share has been eroding over the last few years. Linux is starting to make inroads, and some people still use WinCE devices (developers for the platform tell me that naming it "wince" was more accurate than most Microsoft product names). Given that Symbian now has a POSIX layer and Linux has always aimed toward POSIX compliance, it's starting to look as if handhelds may end up running a lot of the same software as desktops. The First Ports The initial port of OpenBSD was funded by DARPA; Dale Rahn, who was employed by the DARPA grant to OpenBSD, and who had formerly worked for Motorola on ARM simulations, received the donation of a desktop ARM system. After this initial port, he returned to Motorola. At the time, a number of Motorola's customers were interested in a UNIX-like system for ARM chips, but didn't want to use GPL'd code in their products. Dale was hired to work on a BSD-licensed system for these customers. One of the first handheld platforms to excite the Free Software community was the Sharp Zaurus series. These clamshell machines featured a 416 MHz Intel ARM CPU and 64MB of RAM. Most importantly, they shipped with Linux. At the time they were introduced, flash was still very expensive, so instead they came with a microdrivea tiny mechanical disk. Running Linux meant that there was already support from a toolchain capable of building a similar system. In addition, most of the hardware was well documented. In 2005, a few OpenBSD developers got hold of Zaurus systems and began a port of their operating system. The Zaurus used the same system-on-chip (SoC) module as the mobile phones Dale had been working to support at Motorola. A few of the OpenBSD developers still use the Zaurus, but it's starting to look a bit dated. The screen is quite small, and the processor is a lot slower than a modern ARM system. I asked Dale if he had his eye on any more-recent devices: We had started to look into the Nokia N800; however, there wasn't quite enough information available to get the port started properly at the time. Work was started on the Openmoko FreeRunner and Gumstix (PXA270) at h2k8 last November, but those projects have stalled since I have had little free time lately. At this point, both of those hardware [lines] have been discontinued, so it is unclear how far those ports will proceed. The situation isn't quite as bad as it seems, though. A lot of devices are starting to appear based around the Cortex-A8, with Texas Instruments' OMAP3 series being the most popular, and Motorola's i.MX5 is a newer entrant aimed at the netbook market. Dale continued: Upcoming devices which look interesting include Beagle Board and Gumstix Overo. I have temporary access to a Beagle Board, but to support it properly [I] would need one or two for development and regression testing. A number of companies have announced that they're planning to produce netbooks based around ARM cores, and companies such as Dell are now shipping hybrid systems that have both x86 and ARM CPUs. Dale mentioned his interest in the Latitude ON feature in these systems, which uses an OMAP3 core in Dell laptops for instant-on support. By keeping the home directories on a separate partition, it would be possible to have OpenBSD/ARM and OpenBSD/x86 installed on such a machine, using one when on battery and the other when on main power. OpenBSD gained a lot of clean hardware abstraction from NetBSD, and has maintained this since it was forked. All code in the base system is expected to be tested on several architectures, including i386 and SPARC64, which provide almost diametrically opposed sets of constraints. I asked Dale how much time it took to get the initial Zaurus port working: Most of the work was done in a couple of months. I did the bulk of the work, with dlg@ doing most of the USB host, miod@ most of the display driver work, [and] uwe@ did most of the apm/suspend/cpu-speed changes. This wa
Individually Identifiable Health Information Before addressing the question, what is individually identifiable health information, it is important to define health information. HIPAA says health information is any information created or received by a HIPAA-covered entity (healthcare provider
Individually Identifiable Health Information Before addressing the question, what is individually identifiable health information, it is important to define health information. HIPAA says health information is any information created or received by a HIPAA-covered entity (healthcare provider, health plan, or healthcare clearinghouse) or business associate of a HIPAA-covered body. Health information includes past, present, and future information regarding mental and physical health and the condition of a person, the provision of healthcare to an individual, and information related to payment for healthcare, again in the past, present, or future. Health information also incorporates demographic information about a person. Individually identifiable health information is a subset of health information, and as the name implies, is health information that can be connected to a specific person, or if it would be reasonable to believe that a person could be identified from the information. (See 45 CFR 46.160.103). The HIPAA Privacy Rule places limits on uses and disclosures of individually identifiable health information, but not on health data that does not allow an individual to be identified. If a HIPAA-covered body has a data set containing individually identifiable health information, before the information can be sent to an organization or individual for a reason that would otherwise be forbidden under the HIPAA Privacy Rule, the data must first be de-identified. De-identifying health information requires these 18 identifiers to be deleted from the data set prior to sharing: - Complete name or last name and initial(s) - Geographical identifiers at a level lower than a state, except the initial three digits of a zip code, provided the combination of all zip codes starting with those three digits. When the initial three digits of a zip code includes 20,000 or fewer people it is changed to 000 - Dates directly linked to an individual, other than year - Contact Phone Numbers - Fax number details - Email addresses information - Social Security specifics - Medical record data - Health insurance beneficiary numbers - Account numbers and information - Certificate/license numbers - Vehicle identifying factors - Device identifiers and serial numbers details; - Web Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) - Biometric identifiers such as finger, retinal and voice prints - Full face photographic images and any comparable pictures - Any other unique identifying number, characteristic, or code apart from the unique code assigned by the investigator to code the data
What is Zirconium Boride Zirconium boreide is highly covalent and refractory ceramic material that has hexagonal crystal structures. ZrB2 can melt to 3246 at ultra high temperatures. ZrB2
What is Zirconium Boride Zirconium boreide is highly covalent and refractory ceramic material that has hexagonal crystal structures. ZrB2 can melt to 3246 at ultra high temperatures. ZrB2’s low density of 6.09g/cm3 and high high-temperature resistance make it an ideal material for aerospace applications, such as rocket propulsion or hypersonic flight. Zirconium diboride is one the main and most commonly used materials for boride. In the boron-zirconium network, there are three kinds of zirconium bore: zirconium monoboride (or zirconium disboride), zirconium dodecylboride (or zirconium dimoride). Zirconium zirconium is a prepared zirconium boride, which is mainly made from zirconium ziboride. Zirconium boreide is an cubic C32 type compound of metalloid structures. High melting points and hardness are determined by the ZrB ionic link between the zirconium and boron faces and the strong bond from the BB covalent bonds. It also has stability. Zirconium boreide therefore has high melting points, hardness, stability and excellent thermal conductivity. There are many ways to make zirconium-boride. Due to its outstanding characteristics, zirconium bore has been used extensively as a variety of high-temperature materials as well as functional materials such as continuous temperature measurement sleeves for molten metal, continuous cast iron immersion nozzle, turbine blades in aerospace industry, magnet fluid generator electrodes, and special circuits. As modern technology advances, including aerospace, aviation, nuclear energy and smelting technologies, there are more strict requirements for high-temperature structural material. These materials must have high-temperature capabilities to adapt to extreme environments such as heat shock resistance, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance and oxidation resistant. The advantages of zirconium-boride ceramics include high melting point and high hardness. They also have good electrical conductivity and neutron control capabilities. Advanc3dmaterials advanced materials Tech Co., Ltd (Advanc3dmaterials), a professional Zirconium Boride producer with more than 12 years’ experience in chemical product development and research. We can help you find high-quality zirconium boreide. Please contact us to send us an enquiry.
Winemakers know that wine grapes grow best in climates that aren't too tropical, too arid, or that are too reminiscent of the Arctic tundra. Most suitable climates are between 30° and 50° latitude, both north and
Winemakers know that wine grapes grow best in climates that aren't too tropical, too arid, or that are too reminiscent of the Arctic tundra. Most suitable climates are between 30° and 50° latitude, both north and south. Weather is also a function of elevation. So where do you find the best soils in the world for growing wine grapes? There are a handful of places to look here, all known for producing some of the best wines available. Irrigation conditions in vineyards vary by terroir. A good terroir will have a regulated but adequate water supply. These conditions depend on the level of the water reserve in the soil and the underlying bedrock. In a dry climate area, it is good to have soil and subsoil that can accumulate a substantial water reserve. In humid climate areas, well-drained soil is essential. The root system of the vine and access to water reserves play an important role in the regulation and absorption of water. This is why viticulture techniques influence the impact of climate on grape quality and, therefore, on wine. Organic vines that grow in carefully worked soils tend to have deep roots and are better able to withstand very dry or very humid periods. Less cared for vines, on the other hand, will have shallow root systems and will be more susceptible to prolonged dry spells or incessant rain. Vines thrive best when planted in well-drained, deep sandy loam soils, and east-south exposure is desirable. It is preferred to plant a vineyard on a hillside plot that has a slight to moderate slope, as it helps to speed up water drainage and cold, dense air to protect against frost. Cultivate the soil (a neutral pH of around 7 is optimal), incorporating organic matter (manure, compost, peat, etc. Vines should be planted a minimum of eight feet apart, both in and between rows, so make sure you have a plot large enough to accommodate the number you want to plant. A variety of factors, such as geographical location, soil type, and personal taste preferences, will determine the grape varieties you plant and the problems you are likely to encounter during the growing season. Climatic conditions not only affect the quality of the wine in a year, but also have an impact on the volume and, therefore, the income of winegrowers. In the wine business, the way a vineyard faces the sun or away from it is called an “aspect”, and it is a critical element of the terroir and grape cultivation. In general, cooler climates produce fresher and more elegant wines because lower temperatures preserve acidity and allow for a longer growing season, in which flavors and tannins develop well. The vineyards of Burgundy and its surroundings that produce wines of the highest quality are those in which the soil becomes an interesting mixture of clay, limestone and silica. While wine grapes are by no means a crop that is planted and forgotten, it is possible to grow a small vineyard in the backyard if you live in zones 4-10.The best way to test the “terroir” of the land is to try the same grape grown in different parts of the world, start with some of the regions mentioned above, and it can't go wrong. In reality, all wine-growing regions have one thing in common: they are located between latitudes of 30° and 50° north and south of the equator. Most of the time, the soil in which grapes used to make wine are grown exhibits characteristics that make a bottle of wine what it is. In France, average temperatures during the growth cycle of a vine range from 13 °C in vineyards in Alsace to 18.3 °C in vineyards in the south of the Rhone Valley. Some soils are known around the world as the most ideal for growing wine grapes, and the bottles that these grapes end up producing reflect this quality in their price. However, blessed with a Mediterranean climate, the Napa Valley grows more wine grape varieties than any other region of similar size in California. Although the Napa Valley represents only 4% of the wine grapes grown in the state of California, it is still the most recognized region for growing wine. Although it originated in the Burgundy wine region in eastern France, it is grown everywhere wine is produced, from England and New Zealand...
Not far from Former Nagore Dargah on Telok Ayer Street is Ying Fo Fui Kun (应和会馆), Singapore’s oldest Hakka clan association. It exemplifies the spirit of solidarity within the early Hakka community and
Not far from Former Nagore Dargah on Telok Ayer Street is Ying Fo Fui Kun (应和会馆), Singapore’s oldest Hakka clan association. It exemplifies the spirit of solidarity within the early Hakka community and serves as a reminder of their contributions to Singapore’s development over the years. Hakkas in Singapore Soon after the founding of the British trading post in Singapore by Sir Stamford Raffles in 1819, the Chinese immigrant population grew exponentially. The Hakkas were one of the five main Chinese dialect groups in Singapore, with the others being the Hokkiens, Teochews, Cantonese, and Hainanese. Most Hakkas were woodcutters and carpenters, as well as blacksmiths and goldsmiths. Association for the Welfare of Hakkas While the Hakka population remained comparatively small to other dialect groups in the initial years of the British colonial period, it was one of the first Chinese dialect groups to found a clan association. A group of Hakka clansmen, led by Li
What is a Broken Toe? A "Broken Toe" is a fracture of one of the bones in your toes. Each of your four toes have three tiny bones and your big toe has two. Most broken toes are caused by an injury, like
What is a Broken Toe? A "Broken Toe" is a fracture of one of the bones in your toes. Each of your four toes have three tiny bones and your big toe has two. Most broken toes are caused by an injury, like dropping something heavy on your toe or forcefully stubbing a toe. Some broken toes are a result of repetitive strain actions that can cause stress fractures. Toe fractures that are easy to identify will show visible signs of swelling, redness and look "out of place", crooked, "kinked" or deformed. The area around the broken bone will usually show discoloration and bruising. Any amount of pressure will be very painful and you will not be able to stand on it. Less obvious bone breaks are small stress fractures that may not show any of the visible signs - only ache or be somewhat sore to walk on. An x-ray may be the only way to confirm a fracture. Treating a Broken Toe: Reduce the initial pain and swelling with ice packs. Take the weight off and elevate the foot with the fracture to reduce swelling. An oral pain killer may be helpful to ease the pain. We suggest you see your doctor for his/her professional advise first. Depending on the type of fracture, they may cast or tape your foot to help immobilize the bones. Far Infrared Therapy Socks for broken toes! FIR socks help to: - reduce toe pain - increase joint flexibility - increase circulation - promote faster bone
Gateway on Pesticide Hazards and Safe Pest Management How To Find Ingredients in Pesticide Products Beyond Pesticides offers resources below to evaluate the health and ecological effects of specific chemical exposure from ACTIVE INGREDIENTS in pesticide products
Gateway on Pesticide Hazards and Safe Pest Management How To Find Ingredients in Pesticide Products Beyond Pesticides offers resources below to evaluate the health and ecological effects of specific chemical exposure from ACTIVE INGREDIENTS in pesticide products, as well as regulatory information and supporting scientific documents. Because various pesticide products can contain more than one active ingredient, it is important to READ the LABEL to determine chemical components. With 192 different active ingredients and counting, it is essential to establish the connection between the use of these chemicals and their respective hazards. View the step-by-step guide on how to search for the active ingredient(s) in pesticide products below: - Go to U.S. EPA's Pesticide Product and Label System and enter the product name. The generic product name may vary. - After searching, click on the chemical ingredients tab or the link for the most recent label to find Active Ingredients. Chemical List Label List If one selects the chemical ingredients tab, skip to Step 4. If not, proceed to step number 3 - To find the active ingredient(s) on the label, search for the page in the document containing the date of registration. Usually, the active ingredients section occurs within the first few pages of the label document. - Return to the Beyond Pesticides Gateway and search for the active ingredient name in the yellow box to the right or from the list below. - Product Names: - Chemical Class: Neonictinoid - Uses: Corn, bean, coffee, stone fruit, cucurbits, cotton, and turf - Alternatives: Organic agriculture - Beyond Pesticides rating: Toxic Health and Environmental Effects - Cancer: Not documented - Endocrine Disruption: Not documented - Reproductive Effects: Yes (47) - Neurotoxicity: Not documented - Kidney/Liver Damage: Yes (47) - Sensitizer/ Irritant: Not documented - Birth/Developmental: Not documented - Detected in Groundwater: Not documented - Potential Leacher: Yes (43) - Toxic to Birds: Not documented - Toxic to Fish/Aquatic Organisms: Not documented - Toxic to Bees: Yes (MSDS) Residential Uses as Found in the ManageSafe™ Database - Regulatory Status: - Supporting information: - EFSA risk assessments of three neonicotinoids – clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam - EU Commission: Neonicotinoids - EFSA consultation for thiamethoxam (2016) - Poisoned Waterways (Beyond Pesticides, 2017) - Net Loss—Economic Efficacy And Costs Of Neonicotinoid Insecticides Used As Seed Coatings: Updates From The United States And Europe (Center for Food Safety, 2016) - Heavy Costs: Weighing the Value of Neonicotinoid Insecticides in Agriculture (Center for Food Safety, 2014) - The Xerces Society - Neonicotinoids and Bees - PAN Pesticides Database: Thiamethoxam (Pesticide Action Network) - A common neonicotinoid pesticide, thiamethoxam, impairs honey bee flight ability. Tosi, S, Burgio, G & Nieh, JC. 2017. Scientific Reportsvolume 7, Article number: 1201 - Effects of neonicotinoid pesticide exposure on human health: a systematic review. Cimino AM, Boyles AL, Thayer KA, Perry MJ. 2017. Environ Health Perspect. 125:155–162 - First national-scale reconnaissance of neonicotinoid insecticides in streams across the U.S.A. Hladik, M.L. and Kolpin, D.W., 2016. Environ. Chem., v. 13, pp. 12-20. - Long-term effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on ants. Schläppi, D., Kettler, N., Straub, L., Glauser, G. and Neumann, P., 2020. Communications biology, 3(1), pp.1-9. - Assessing Field‐Scale Risks of Foliar Insecticide Applications to Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) Larvae. K
Urban inequity presents new social, development challenges, says senior UN official “One of the main aspects in urbanization is to diminish the level of inequality because it presents a new set of social challenges,” the Executive Director of the UN Human Settlement
Urban inequity presents new social, development challenges, says senior UN official “One of the main aspects in urbanization is to diminish the level of inequality because it presents a new set of social challenges,” the Executive Director of the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), Joan Clos, told journalists at UN Headquarters in New York. Those include diminished security, Mr. Clos said, which is apparent in areas such as gated communities: “When we need to bring walls inside our own community to protect us from the rest, this is a clear symbol that something is not doing well.” The world population is expected to grow in absolute terms between 2.5 and 3 billion in the next 30 years with 96 per cent of the growth in developing countries, the UN official said. “What we have done in all of human history we will nearly do in the next 30 to 40 years. It’s a huge change rate,” Mr. Clos said, noting that the current population is estimated at 7 billion. Half of the world’s population lives in urban areas, and a third of them are in slums and informal settlements. By the year 2050, over 70 per cent of the world’s population will be living in cities, according to UN-Habitat figures. How to create cities that are more dense, compact, and inclusive to reduce inequalities and reclaim public space as a common good for all citizens is among the topics to be discussed at the World Urban Forum (WUF7) in Medellin, Colombia, between 5 and 11 April 2014, on the theme of ‘Urban equity in development – Cities for life.’ “This is an occasion… for UN-Habitat to listen to academia, local authorities, [the] private sector and NGOs [non-governmental organizations] and all of them come with a list of aspects to be dealt with,” said Mr. Clos. During next year’s conference, participants will share ideas, which will be collected and submitted to government officials for debate and consideration the following year. The Forum will be held as governments and partners speed towards progress on the anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and finalize a global development agenda beyond the target date for the Goals, which is 2015.
Gum (Periodontal) Treatment Teeth are precious and vital to our well-being; they are aesthetically pleasing, functional, and critical for speech. Teeth are also important for maintaining self-confidence and self-esteem. Your teeth reflect
Gum (Periodontal) Treatment Teeth are precious and vital to our well-being; they are aesthetically pleasing, functional, and critical for speech. Teeth are also important for maintaining self-confidence and self-esteem. Your teeth reflect the you the world sees. Missing teeth can compromise your confidence in your own smile. In essence, they are more valuable than diamonds and deserve protection. While you relax, and enjoy the calming atmosphere that defines the culture at Les Belles NYC, we will gently remove all the infection-causing debris from your teeth and gums. If necessary, we will also provide you with a herbal mouthwash to assist in the healing process. Not only will your mouth taste and smell fresh, your gums will be restored to health and your smile will be vibrant again. Symptoms and Causes of Gum Disease Did you know the leading cause of tooth loss for older adults is untreated or undiagnosed gum disease? Some early signs that your oral health is at risk are gums that are swollen, tender, bright pink/red, or bleeding. These are all signs an infection has set in and you should seek dental care right away. Losing even one tooth to gum disease is unnecessary, particularly when early intervention is so successful. The most common cause of gum disease is poor oral hygiene. Failure to brush or floss your teeth properly can lead to gum disease as well as cavities. There are other factors as well. Did you know some people have a predisposition to plaque buildup? If this is the case, more frequent professional cleanings can help prevent tartar buildup. Also, certain medicines can lower the body’s resistance and make a person more vulnerable to gum disease. Women and girls go through hormonal changes that can cause their gums to be more susceptible to disease. In addition, some conditions such as diabetes can make a person more likely to get gum disease. The foods you eat, the personal habits you cultivate, and the way you see yourself all impact your oral health. The care you give your body should extend to the care you give your teeth. Unprocessed, organic foods produce strong, healthy bodies and quality products can promote good oral health. Our mission at Les Belles NYC is to provide you with the information and gentle care you need to make decisions about your oral health that are consistent with a healthy lifestyle. Causes of Bleeding Gums Gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease, is one of the major causes of bleeding gums. However, did you know medications, a change in your brushing and flossing routine, stress and hormonal imbalances can also cause your gums to bleed? Stress can negatively impact your body and overall health; bleeding gums can be one of the symptoms of stress. Therefore, maintaining a nutritious diet, an effective exercise routine, and peace of mind are good for every aspect of your life including your oral health. Healthy gums require a certain amount of general dental care and attention. Neglect them and they can become hosts to gum disease, which can lead to compromised general health and eventual tooth loss. Treatment for Gums that Bleed Gingivitis begins with mild gum irritation and you may not even realize you have it until you are in the dentist chair. However, treatment and relief is readily available. The first step in treatment is to remove the plaque and tartar from the teeth with special dental instruments. At Les Belles, we use ultrasonic instruments to break up the hardened deposits of tartar above and below the gum line. This deep cleaning removes the toxins that cause the infections that make gums bleed. Depending on the severity of the problem, periodontal measurements may be used to helps determine how effective healing is progressing during subsequent visits. In some cases, medication is needed to help fight the bacteria; the medicine is placed in the gums to help slow or stop the bacteria’s growth. Special mouthwashes are also recommended to help with the healing process and to keep bad bacteria from growing. In keeping with our commitment to a healthy, vibrant lifestyle, Les Belles NYC recommends and provides the highest quality ingredients and treatments to help eliminate the problem of bleeding gums. Les Belles NYC is dedicated to encouraging and supporting the holistic wellness of each of our patients. Our comforting atmosphere helps you relax as the calming effects of pure natural oil aromatherapy ease you into a peaceful state of mind.
Copper plate engraved image of a plantation in South Africa, from New travels into the interior parts of Africa, by the way of the Cape of Good Hope, in the years 1783, 84 and 85.... by
Copper plate engraved image of a plantation in South Africa, from New travels into the interior parts of Africa, by the way of the Cape of Good Hope, in the years 1783, 84 and 85.... by Francois Valliant. François Levaillant was a French author, explorer, naturalist, zoological collector, and noted ornithologist. He went to the Cape of Good Hope in 1780, at the age of 27, nominally as a gunner's mate for the Dutch East India Company, but almost certainly sponsored by the Treasurer-General, Jacob Temminck with the understanding that he would strengthen Temminck's collection. At that time, South Africa was a relatively un
This is the second of four posts. You can find the first post here Apollo as Christ Apollo is not a Christian. He presides over success in this world. He is not interested in any reward in the hereafter. His worship
This is the second of four posts. You can find the first post here Apollo as Christ Apollo is not a Christian. He presides over success in this world. He is not interested in any reward in the hereafter. His worshipers were interested in glory and distinction now in this life, among fellow men (and it was definitely men in ancient Greece). Apollo at best was a very awkward fit into the otherworldly spiritual culture created around the Christian religion after the end of ancient Classical culture. He earned his keep as an actor, lending his youthful good looks to portray Christ, a figure he found to be very alien. The early Church clothed Apollo's nudity in imperial purple and called him Christos Pantocrator, Christ Ruler of the Universe. Apollo was never interested in ruling the Universe, only those aspects of it for which he was responsible, and only over the people who created him and prayed to him. Only Christ loves all of humankind. Apollo loved his fellow Greeks, and later his Roman worshipers. After a thousand years, Apollo became himself again, a god of light and inspiration, he even shed his clothes again; but, as a baptized Christian in the service of the Christian faith and Christian institutions. Apollo/ Helios revolutionized religious imagery at the beginning of the Current Era in ways that he never intended. Apollo survived the demise of Classical culture in the 3rd and 4th centuries, and so did the Roman Empire (for awhile anyway in the West). A religious culture that Apollo and his devotees would have found very alien recruited him to play the unlikely role of a transcendent universal saving God. At about the same time that Apollo found himself recruited for the role of Christ in art, he may have been moonlighting as Buddha. Standing Buddha from Gandhara, 2nd to 3rd centuries CE in the British Museum There is a very intriguing and controversial hypothesis that Apollo/Helios may be the common ancestor of the traditional images of both Christ and the Buddha. That notion is based on statues like the one above of Buddha from the 2nd to 3rd centuries CE from the Takht-i-Bahi monastery in the Kingdom of Gandhara in what is now Pakistan. Buddhism has been around since the 5th century BCE, but the image of Buddha familiar to us does not appear until the 1st century CE. The first recognizable images of the Buddha come from two separate places in the Kushan Empire about the same time; Gandhara in the west and Mathura to the east in what is now the state of Uttar Pradesh in India. Beginning in the 19th century, archaeologists excavating the ruins of Buddhist monasteries such as Takht-i-Bahi in what is now Pakistan began finding statues of the Buddha such as the magnificent example above in the British Museum. Buddha appears as a very young and beautiful man wearing a robe that looks a lot like the draperies of Classical Greece and Rome. In this example, the body underneath the draperies looks very Western with hints of pectoral muscles and the legs arranged in something like a contrapposto pose. The kingdom of Gandhara descended directly from the Greek kingdoms established by Alexander the Great's Indian conquests. Large populations of Greeks settled here and became Indian subjects after conquest by Chandragupta of the Mauryan Empire. These Greek inhabitants enthusiastically embraced Buddhism propagated by the Mauryan emperor Ashoka. Based on this history and discoveries such as Takht-i-Bahi, Western scholars (especially Alfred Foucher) concluded that the Greek descended inhabitants of Gandhara invented the image of Buddha by modifying the image of Apollo. Like the image of Christ derived from Apollo, so Buddha derived from Apollo in Gandhara was supposed to be the common ancestor of all later Buddha images. Standing Buddha from Mathura from the 5th century in the Metropolitan Museum in New York. Indian scholars such as Ananda Coomaraswamy sharply dissented from this Western origin story. They argued for the primacy and superiority of the Buddha images created at the same time in the city of Mathura. These Buddhas are much more firmly rooted in native Indian figurative traditions that go back to the early Yakshas of the Mauryan Empire. Revealing drapery clings to the figures of M
Agreeing to Disagree – Handling Conflicts Like a Pro Do you ever feel like you go a different route than your classmates when it comes to school projects? It is indeed fun to reminisce your pre-school and kindergarten days when things
Agreeing to Disagree – Handling Conflicts Like a Pro Do you ever feel like you go a different route than your classmates when it comes to school projects? It is indeed fun to reminisce your pre-school and kindergarten days when things seemed so simple. One instruction from your teacher and you and your classmates would team up and work like clockwork to achieve a goal. The good news is having disagreements with your peers about school work is completely normal. The bad news is—well, it depends on your perspective, really—there are ways around these disagreements that would help you still work in harmony to reach your goals. Below are some tips to follow: Listen to what others have to say. At times, you may become easily frustrated when your peers do not agree with you right away that you end up repeating yourself just to try and make a point. Instead of you repeating yourself, be sure to give the others a chance to share their side of the story. Maybe then you can meet halfway. Practice empathy and understanding. At times, you may be self-involved and you do not realize that one of your classmates may be grieving over the death of a beloved household pet or that he or she might be undergoing some issues at home that he or she is not ready to talk about. You may be mere classmates working toward the same goal, but maybe you can try to be a friend too. Apply the theory of democracy whenever possible. Students will always have their own approach to completing schoolwork. Sometimes, certain factors come into play like personal preferences or tastes. For instance, if you were tasked to do a choral reading with a group of 10, and you want to do The Raven as you are a big fan of Edgar Allan Poe, but someone suggested that you do The Walrus and the Carpenter because everyone is familiar with that poem; you can put it to a vote. Be open to compromise. Learning how to compromise with your peers does not develop overnight- it is tough. However, if you open your mind to it, in due time, you will master the skill. Remember, collaboration skills learned at an early age will help you go far in life when you are old enough and working in the real world. Conflicts take place, you can’t deny that. Not everyone can say yes to what you say. The trick is to always take things in stride and remember that team effort can be powerful when trying to accomplish a common goal. Leave a comment!
According to a new report, only about 18% of children are fully immunised against the diseases that affect them. More research is needed to better understand why the rate is so low and why not all the children are fully immunised. The
According to a new report, only about 18% of children are fully immunised against the diseases that affect them. More research is needed to better understand why the rate is so low and why not all the children are fully immunised. The research also found that children in low-income families are less fully immunised than their counterparts in higher income families. I don’t have any data on this, but I suspect it has something to do with a lack of access to basic immunizations in India, where many children live in poverty. It is a problem in all parts of the world with childhood diseases, from the United States to Sub-Saharan Africa. Children are more susceptible to malaria and dengue fever when they are malnourished, due to lack of food, lack of water, or just lack of attention. It is also because of a lack of access to basic immunizations. I’m also not sure if these numbers are the best way to measure the effectiveness of vaccines. It’s true that the vaccines themselves are very effective and that they don’t cause any adverse effects. The problem is that the way that they are administered isn’t. They are injected in very small doses and they just don’t cause any side effects. Yes, vaccines are extremely effective, but even if they were used at the high doses that are injected, they are still very safe to use. The way that they are administered isnt the problem, it’s the fact that they are extremely effective, but just not enough for us. Even the small doses of vaccines are not harmful to humans. They are very beneficial to the immune system, but they are not harmful to people. Well, the CDC said that vaccine side effects are rare. So, what they said was true. So, what they mean is that there is only one vaccine that is known to cause an adverse reaction. However, this is only true for the ones that have never had any adverse reactions. If you have had adverse reactions, then they are usually temporary. However, this is only true for those who have had adverse reactions. The rest of the world does not have this vaccine. So, what we mean is that there is a huge difference between side effects and adverse reactions. That means that even if a vaccine does not cause a side effect, people do not get vaccinated for it. The problem is that the vaccine is not always effective. Some diseases are actually more easily preventable. This is because the vaccine needs to be taken over a period of time. Therefore, the vaccine takes some time to work. If the vaccine is not taken over a period of time, then the disease will likely progress to cause more significant damage. Most vaccines work, and most side effects are easily prevented. The problem is that many people do not get vaccinated, and it makes it more difficult to stop the disease from progressing. For example, about one in 10 people in India gets a measles vaccine, but it remains in most states. This could have a serious effect on the health of the people in those states, and this in turn affects the economy of the country. The measles virus is the cause of so many deaths, and it’s not just one in a thousand. The measles virus causes the deaths of around one in 15,000 people. It’s important to remember that most of the people in India who get the measles vaccine are children, and that every child is infected when they are a baby. Most people get the vaccine and many of them then become sick.
Air-Cooled Chiller vs. Water-Cooled Chiller Air-Cooled Chiller vs. Water-Cooled Chiller, which to use? Before you attempt to determine if you should use an air-cooled chiller or a water-co
Air-Cooled Chiller vs. Water-Cooled Chiller Air-Cooled Chiller vs. Water-Cooled Chiller, which to use? Before you attempt to determine if you should use an air-cooled chiller or a water-cooled chiller you need to understand the reason for a chiller. What is a Chiller? As stated in an earlier post Air-Cooled Chillers – Answering the What Question, chillers are basically a refrigeration system that work by transferring the heat energy from fluids. Chillers are used in industrial processes to remove the large amount heat generated by the manufacturing process. By controlling the process temperature accurately, the equipment and the product being generated are protected. The life of the manufacturing equipment is extended and defects and unnecessary waste is lowered all by the addition of a chiller or a chiller system to the process. So what is an Air-Cooled Chiller? An air-cooled chiller consists of an evaporator, compressor, condenser and and expansion valve. Air-cooled chillers use fans to move the ambient air over tubing or a finned coil to cool the refrigerant. The heat generated is transferred in to the air around the chiller unit. Often times, the heat discharged by the chiller can be used to warm a space during the colder months. What are the benefits of using an Air-Cooled Chiller - Typically easy to operate - Cooling towers are not required - Better for the environment – water is not wasted - Lower maintenance costs - No concern about water being released into the environment in case of a disaster So what is a Water-Cooled Chiller? Water-cooled chillers also evaporators, compressors, condensers and and expansion valves. However, water-cooled chillers use water fro
In ancient Finland, there were all kinds of festivities connected to the autumn time. This is mainly because for thousands of years Finland was an agricultural society and many of the customs and deities were connected to the land. This list includes some of these
In ancient Finland, there were all kinds of festivities connected to the autumn time. This is mainly because for thousands of years Finland was an agricultural society and many of the customs and deities were connected to the land. This list includes some of these holy days. Many of these holidays have pagan origins but during the Middle Ages when the Catholic church wanted to get rid of the deities, holidays were renamed after Catholic saints. The church wasn´t very consistent in its efforts and many of the pagan customs continued all the way to the 19th century and finally ended at the beginning of the 20th century and the industrial revolution. Some of the holidays like Kekri have made a comeback in recent years. September – Syyskuu The name of the month is derived from the Finnish word syksy meaning autumn. Syys-Matti — Autumn Matti 21.9 Preparing for winter begins. Apples, potatoes and turnips are picked. Bears go into hibernation. Matti refers to a nature spirit who brings cool weather. October – Lokakuu Derived from the Finnish word loka meaning Mudd. Mikon päivä — day of St Michael 1.10 End of the harvest. Food sacrifices are left for the farming spirits. Karelian version of Mikon päivä. Includes several elements from Christian Orthodox. Winter nights and winter day Winter side of the year begins. People move from outdoor work to indoors. Simon päivä — day of Simeon 28.10 Days are getting darker. Lakes start to freeze. Fishermen arrange parties. (Between the end of October and the beginning of November) Kekri was the biggest festival in ancient Finland. Word Kekri is derived from the proto-Uralic word kekraj meaning the wheel and it meant the wheel of the year turning. The new year began in Kekri. According to some sources, Kekri was an old pagan fertility god of the land and farming (possibly with Slavic origins). Festivities included good food and inviting the ancestors to celebrate together with the family. There was no settled date for Kekri. It was a family-oriented festival and each household celebrated Kekri after they had finished all the harvest work. November – Marraskuu Derived from the old Finnish word ”marras” meaning death (dying earth). Jako-aika — Dividing-time 30.10–10.11 The sacred time between the old year and the new year. Time of the spirits. 10.11. Veripäivä — the blood day Slaughtering was forbidden during the Kekri. Blood day was the end of it and slaughtering animals were allowed. Martin päivä — (day of St.Martin) 10.11 Last of the autumn festivals. Dinner was prepared from seasonal ingredients. There was an old custom of children dressing up as Marti’s, little ghosts. This custom is still practised in the countryside of Finland´s neighbouring country Estonia.
At 10 am, UN TV is live casting a press conference that will include the economist Hernando de Soto and Secretary Albright, the two co-chairs of the United Nations Development Program’s Commission on the Legal Empowerment of the
At 10 am, UN TV is live casting a press conference that will include the economist Hernando de Soto and Secretary Albright, the two co-chairs of the United Nations Development Program’s Commission on the Legal Empowerment of the Poor. Tune in here to watch the release of a report the two co-authored called Making the Law Work for Everyone, which takes the novel approach that legal remedies must be harnessed in the fight against global poverty. Here is a teaser: The majority of the world’s poor live their lives outside the rule of law, without the basic legal protection that recognizes their homes, assets and hard work. Without property rights, they live in fear of forced eviction. Without access to a justice system, they are victims of corruption and violence. Without enforceable labor laws, they suffer unsafe and abusive work conditions. If they own an informal business, they cannot access the legal business protections that entrepreneurs in the developed world take for granted — they are locked out of economic opportunity in their own countries and in the global marketplace. Many are unregistered from birth, and have no access to basic public services. Outside the law, the ability of the poor to create wealth is frustrated; without access to justice, their dignity is violated. In its forthcoming report entitled “Making the Law Work for Everyone,” the Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor will call on national governments and international institutions to make legal empowerment a key pillar of the anti-poverty agenda. Specifically, the report makes
If you love working with youngsters with particular needs, you might take pleasure in becoming a particular training instructor. Rosa’s Regulation modified the time period to be used in future to mental disability.” The definition of the time period itself did not change, only
If you love working with youngsters with particular needs, you might take pleasure in becoming a particular training instructor. Rosa’s Regulation modified the time period to be used in future to mental disability.” The definition of the time period itself did not change, only the time period to be used (now mental incapacity”). Many are onerous staff; they must put forth rather more effort than the common education student to be able to preserve passing grades. Moreover, the Particular Training Program is ranked #three within the nation for online faculties in 2017 ( click here ), and recognized as a high online program in 2016 ( click here ). So in case you go wrong someplace as a particular schooling trainer, you are definitely going to destroy another valuable human life. Employment growth may also depend on government funding, since legal guidelines require free public schooling for college kids with disabilities. There are particular coaching lessons that a particular schooling teacher should undergo earlier than they qualify to teach special education. The workforce may decide that sufficient progress has been famous and that testing for special education will not be wanted at this time. By legislation, faculties are required to supply special training within the least restrictive environment (LRE). Lecturers in districts with a yr-spherical schedule typically work eight weeks in a row then are on break for 1 week. Typically the modifications and strategies which might be recommended provide your baby with enough support that academic efficiency is improved and particular schooling companies aren’t required. Special schooling lecturers assess students’ progress and use that data to adapt classes to assist them study.
Open - Limited Services / Capacity The Edificio Mascota is a 110-year-old housing complex that seems to just get more charming. Passersby often pause to gaze down the shaded private walkways. It’s an essential part of lower
Open - Limited Services / Capacity The Edificio Mascota is a 110-year-old housing complex that seems to just get more charming. Passersby often pause to gaze down the shaded private walkways. It’s an essential part of lower Avenida Bucareli and a rare nearly completely successful housing project. It’s a history worth looking into. The complex’s story begins with the French businessman Ernesto Pugibet. He founded the El Buen Tono tobacco company at the turn of the 20th century. He put a giant factory at the site of today’s Plaza de San Juan. The warehouse eventually became the famous Mercado San Juan. It shouldn’t be forgotten that the Ciudadela complex, today the Library of Mexico, had been built a hundred years earlier, also as a tobacco factory. Part of a forward-thinking enterprise, the factory and Pugibet himself expanded to provide housing for some of the tobacco workers. Pugibet called upon Miguel Ángel de Quevedo who’d already worked on a number of Pugibet’s projects. Perhaps most prominent was the Buen Tono Church, itself opened only in 1912. Dedicated a year later, the Edificio Mascota provided 174 housing units. Each came with two or three bedrooms and a small basement. Intended mostly for factory executives and upper management, some lower level workers got access to interior apartments. Units faced both the surrounding streets and inward to the three new pedestrian-only streets. The highest ranking employees got those on the outsid
When asked what recipes they clip and save, today's family cooks are most likely to reply, "recipes that are good for my family and that I can get on the table in a hurry." Surprisingly, had you asked the same question in
When asked what recipes they clip and save, today's family cooks are most likely to reply, "recipes that are good for my family and that I can get on the table in a hurry." Surprisingly, had you asked the same question in 1943, you would have gotten the same answer. Between 1942 and 1945, American homemakers juggled pretty much the same schedule that we do today -- a long workday, child care, community activities and dinner to prepare. The more things change, the more they stay the same. As American men went off to war after Pearl Harbor, Uncle Sam encouraged women to become "Home-Front Warriors" by entering the work force and participating in programs such as victory gardening, war-bond drives, civil defense and community projects. All that in addition to their prewar responsibilities to their families. When the government asked for their help, they responded immediately. All over the country, women followed the example of Rosie the Riveter and Wendy the Welder. Some learned to do jobs formerly done by men; others became clerical workers or Red Cross volunteers; and many ran family farms. The number of women in the labor force soared. Although in peacetime, employed women were mostly young and unmarried, during the war, three-quarters of the newly employed women were married and many had young children at home. At the same time, the importance of diet in maintaining good health became a patriotic issue when many potential inductees could not pass the physical exam to enter the service. The government jumped into action with healthful-eating programs to pull the nation out of the bad habits learned during the Great Depression when having anything to eat seemed good enough. Public-service pamphlets, articles and posters gave the home-front housewife all the advice she needed to work a 10-hour defense-plant shift, meet her community responsibilities and come home to serve a nutritious dinner for her family. How did she do it? Here are some of the strategies that are just as useful today as they were more than 60 years ago. * Monday night magic: Sunday dinner was often the biggest meal of the week and could be planned to provide leftovers for the next night's supper. During the war, "Monday Night" in the title of a recipe was a clue that the dish was made with leftovers. Soups, stews, pasta sauces, meat and vegetable patties or loaves, and salads could replay leftovers with a new look and be on the table in short order. * Head-start ingredients: Wartime cooks canned relishes, sauces, vegetable mixtures and fully seasoned meat and broth combos so they could open a few jars, reheat the mixture and dinner was ready. Today you can buy similar canned or frozen products, combine and heat them and dinner is ready. Add relishes to oil and vinegar for a quick and flavorful salad dressing. Combine frozen vegetable mixtures with refrigerated precooked meat and canned broth for soups and stews. Or add prepared Asian sauces to noodles that have been cooked with a frozen vegetable mixture. * Two-for-one dinners: Save time by cooking the meat for two different meals in one preparation. During the early '40s, lists of helpful hints always reminded cooks that you could cook the meat for two dinners in the same time and with the same energy that you could cook for one. Cubes of beef, pork or lamb, simmered until tender, could be divided in half and served as meat pie, cobbler or shepherd's pie on one night and as goulash, stroganoff or stew in 10 to 15 minutes on the next. These days when you can get all the meat you want, you could cook enough for four meals, serve one-fourth and freeze the rest in three packets. * Stuffed stuff: Peppers, zucchini, eggplants, large onions, winter squash or tomatoes made attractive and edible serving containers for mixtures of rice, beans, grains or pasta and a variety of vegetables. The resulting dish was colorful and fun to eat even if there was little or no meat in the mixture. Good home-front cooks knew that stuffing vegetables was an excellent way to disguise leftovers and to get their family to eat more vitamin-rich vegetables. * Soup suppers: Whether long-simmered and planned for several suppers, or whipped together in minutes from leftovers, soups promised comfort and well-being from the first moment their aromatic vapors lifted the lid of the pot. And, Grandma knew that whatever was left from the evening's meal would be a quick and nutritious lunch to pack in the fam
For heaps of people today physical exercise has been a essential launch all through the pandemic, with a lot of using up running or investing in some property equipment to stave off boredom through lockdown. If you’ve obtained into the routine of acquiring frequent work
For heaps of people today physical exercise has been a essential launch all through the pandemic, with a lot of using up running or investing in some property equipment to stave off boredom through lockdown. If you’ve obtained into the routine of acquiring frequent work out then you may possibly be fearful about how acquiring a covid-19 vaccine will have an affect on you. Superior news – wellbeing professionals concur that there is no purpose not to undertake physical activity ahead of or immediately after receiving a dose, provided you sense well plenty of to do so. Jamie Alan, an affiliate professor of pharmacology and toxicology at Michigan State University, has said that you can “absolutely” physical exercise in advance of finding vaccinated. Moreover Stacey Rose, assistant professor of internal medicine and infectious health conditions at the Baylor School of Medicine in Texas, provides that training can lessen the experience of soreness in the arm that from time to time accompanies vaccinations. She claims it is “probably superior to training making use of the muscles where the vaccine is given” to assistance soothe any irritation. Scientific tests demonstrate that exercising can aid prompt immune reaction The Centers for Disease Handle and Prevention (CDC) have issued no warning towards exercising following the covid-19 vaccine, and some research have even recommended that exercise can enable. In 2013 health care journal Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics discovered that “acute bouts” of workout, like doing a function out before receiving a vaccine, can really enhance your body’s immune perform. In phrases of the connection concerning workout and the covid-19 vaccine specifically, no analysis has nonetheless been carried out on how it may influence the vaccine’s efficacy. But the author of that Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics research, Kate M. Edwards, advised VeryWell that it may well very well support. “Research has proven that exercising—15 minutes, reasonable intensity, resistance exercise—before getting other vaccines is safe and sound, could truly lower some of the signs of vaccine reactions, and enhance your immune response,” she stated. She provides that “exercise activates your immune procedure, bringing extra cells into the blood,” which could in switch support your physique to reply more successfully to the vaccine. Looking at the very long-term, men and women who often exercise are thought to be significantly less likely to develop into seriously ill right after catching covid-19. A examine in the British Journal of Sports Drugs split a examination team into a few groups outlined by how on a regular basis they exercised on a weekly basis. Of the 48,000 sufferers bundled in the research, researchers were in a position to conclude that “people who had been persistently inactive had a substantially increased danger of hospitalization, ICU admission, and death following getting covid-19.”
Chapter 26 Lower limb orthoses Lower limb orthoses, with their many variations, are among the most commonly prescribed biomechanical devices intended to assist individuals with neuromuscular deficits.15 The preponderance of lower limb devices in
Chapter 26 Lower limb orthoses Lower limb orthoses, with their many variations, are among the most commonly prescribed biomechanical devices intended to assist individuals with neuromuscular deficits.15 The preponderance of lower limb devices in clinical use reflects both the strong desire by most individuals with a physical disability to achieve independent mobility in the community and the fact that present orthotic technology often does a reasonably effective job of restoring gross physical functions such as walking and standing. For athletes, subtle interventions with foot orthoses sometimes overcome small physiologic deficits that otherwise might impede performance. Therefore, lower limb orthoses are applicable to enhance function for many biomechanical deficits, both large and small. Custom footwear and modifications to commercial footwear are extremely important aspects of orthotic and pedorthic practice. Not only can shoe adaptations successfully treat many simpler problems, but they also can significantly enhance the effectiveness of orthotic management when more proximal devices are required.9 The shoe and its functions are discussed in more detail in Chapter 24. Foot orthoses (FOs) are the foundation for lower limb management. Not only are they suitable for treating many of the basic problems encountered in daily practice, but each and every more proximal orthosis (e.g., ankle–foot orthosis [AFO], knee–ankle–foot orthosis [KAFO], hip–knee–ankle–foot orthosis [HKAFO]) is first and foremos
Range expansion of the spur-winged plover (Vanellus miles novaehollandiae) in New Zealand. Fraser, Diane; Galbraith, Mel; Adams, Nigel; Blanchon, Dan View fulltext online C
Range expansion of the spur-winged plover (Vanellus miles novaehollandiae) in New Zealand. Fraser, Diane; Galbraith, Mel; Adams, Nigel; Blanchon, Dan View fulltext online Citation:Fraser, D. L., Galbraith, M., Adams, N., and Blanchon, D. (2014). Range expansion of the spur-winged plover (Vanellus miles novaehollandiae) in New Zealand. Notornis, 61 (1), pp.49-53. Permanent link to Research Bank record: The southern subspecies of the Australian masked lapwing, known in New Zealand as the spur-winged plover (Vanellus miles novaehollandiae), self-introduced into New Zealand as early as 1886 (Oliver 1974). However, the first breeding pair was not recorded until 1932 (Barlow 1972). The species is currently classed as ‘native’ as its arrival in New Zealand predates the establishment of the Wildlife Act 1953 and it is not regarded as an invasive species. However, over the last 70 years the
An Asset or a Liability? For this assignment, compile arguments in response to the question: Is being bilingual an asset or a liability? 1. Begin by revisiting the assigned articles, textbook chapters and lectures to compile as many positives and negatives related
An Asset or a Liability? For this assignment, compile arguments in response to the question: Is being bilingual an asset or a liability? 1. Begin by revisiting the assigned articles, textbook chapters and lectures to compile as many positives and negatives related to bilingualism as possible. 2. Next, populate the four cells in the table below with your findings (bullet points are OK): Factors related to bilingualism Cognitive factors Social factors 3. In the next step, write a thesis statement for your paper which reflects your position in response to the main question and allows a peek into your argumentation: This is a brainstorm for the research paper. Please have this by 10/22 before 12 noon Being Bilingual: An Asset or a Liability? Until about the 1960s, the conventional wisdom was that bilingualism was a disadvantage. Imagine being asked by your friends or relatives, upon hearing that you are taking this class, whether bilingualism was bad or good for their children. In this research paper, respond to the prompt below: Is being bilingual an asset or a liability, especially in the US context? Begin by defining bilingualism. Then, explain cognitive aspects of bilingualism. Is the process of adding an additional language mainly beneficial or mainly harmful to the mental processes? Next, consider the social aspects of being bilingual. Is there a stigma attached to bilingual speakers in the American society? Include examples from sources you read and/or heard in our class discussions or from your personal experience (i.e., the interview you conducted). Conclude by making recommendations to your friends. Process stages for this assignment: 1. Read the assigned articles (Bialystok, Wei, Garcia) and re-read the textbook chapters. 2. Analyze the arguments for and against bilingualism 3. Take a position on the issue, write a thesis statement (one-sentence summary to the overall question), and have it peer-critiqued 4. Write a rough draft; invite out-of-class peer review 5. Submit the final product; expect feedback 6. Discuss revision strategies with me; revise and include in the e-portfolio Your role and audience: Effective writers are able to place themselves into their reader’s mind and anticipate possible questions. In writing this essay, imagine that you are writing to someone who knows less about this topic than you and who, for example, is not aware of the press reports on the most recent developments in neuroscience. Therefore, give your reader necessary context or background information throughout the essay to help him/her follow your The essay should be 4 pages long and should have a title. Check the syllabus for how to format this The essay will be evaluated according to the following criteria: • Accurate understanding of the concepts and fulfillment of the assignment • Analysis and development • Organization and coherence • Awareness of audience and use of appropriate tone • Overall clarity of language APA REFERENCING –THE BASICS There are several systems currently
Obesity in horses is a growing problem, which can have major implications for your horse’s health just as it can impact on our own health if we gain too much weight. Therefore, as we enter spring it is a good time to evaluate your
Obesity in horses is a growing problem, which can have major implications for your horse’s health just as it can impact on our own health if we gain too much weight. Therefore, as we enter spring it is a good time to evaluate your horse’s bodyweight and consider if they may need to shed a few pounds because this is the time of year we usually see horses gain more weight due to the increase in grass growth. In the wild, horses gain weight during the spring and summer months to prepare for when access to food is more limited during the autumn and winter when they lose weight. However, in the domestic horse these times of natural weight gain and loss that balances out over the year doesn’t exist because we feed our horses well year-round, which can mean that they enter spring already slightly overweight. The types of feedstuffs that we feed can also add to the issue, with higher calorie feeds meaning that more calories can be consumed in a smaller amount. I’m sure we’re all aware of that tasty chocolate bar that contains very high amounts of calories compared to the equivalent weight of bran flakes. Exercise is another aspect that needs to be considered, in that feral horses will roam for miles each day searching for food, whereas domestic horses are generally confined to a much smaller area of better quality land/pasture. Many horses are also confined to stables for periods of time, which also reduces the amount of exercise they get. Furthermore, because we know that we need to make sure our horses have plenty of forage to eat to prevent them from becoming bored in the stable, we often provide ad lib hay, which coupled with low levels of exercise can contribute to weight gain. All types and breeds of horses can be affected by being overweight; however, native breeds tend to be more susceptible to weight gain. An overweight horse or pony is more likely to encounter health issues; such as digestive disorders, metabolic disorders, laminitis, endocrine disorders, respiratory problems, joint strain, heart and circulatory problems. Overweight horses also tend to be more lethargic and consequently have lower performance. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your horse’s weight is managed appropriately. As horse owners, we usually know if our horses tend to put on weight easily and if that’s the case, then they are described as a “good doer”. As a rule of thumb, it is advisable to prevent weight gain in these types of horses rather than having to put them on a diet later on. The following information is provided as a guide in preventing weight gain as well as advice on the best way to manage weight loss if your horse is overweight. However, it is important to note that weight gain can be affected by certa
What is a moving averageWhat is a moving average indicator? In technical analysis,... More indicator? In, the moving average is a. It is displayed as a line on the and used to display the average of an over a set period of
What is a moving averageWhat is a moving average indicator? In technical analysis,... More indicator? In, the moving average is a. It is displayed as a line on the and used to display the average of an over a set period of time. To give an example, a simple moving average that displays the average value of the last 20 periods, is referred to as a “20 simple moving average”. A 10-period simple moving average will display the average value of the last 10 periods, etc. The period over which the moving average can be calculated can be chosen by the traderWhat is a trader? A trader is a person who buys and sells... More. Moving averages can be used to identify the direction of a, to smooth out and are also used as and. Learn more about using thisfor trading:
The star Aldebaran (or alpha Tauri) is the brightest in the constellation of Taurus. The Star Aldebaran The star Aldebaran (or alpha Tauri) is the brightest in the constellation of
The star Aldebaran (or alpha Tauri) is the brightest in the constellation of Taurus. The Star Aldebaran The star Aldebaran (or alpha Tauri) is the brightest in the constellation of Taurus. It is traditionally known as the red eye of the bull because its location in the image determined for Accrux is the Latinized form to Alpha Crucis; it is the brightest star from the asterism known as the constellation of Southern Cross (Crux Australis). Accrux – Brightest Star of the Southern Cross Accrux is the Latinized form to Alpha Crucis; it is the brightest star from the asterism known Achernar is the last brightest star on the River of Eridanus. Its name comes from the Arabic Al Ahir al Nahr, which means “the End of the River.” It is located at 14.57 degree Pisces – The bright star at the mouth of the river, Achernar is the Alpha Eridanus. In ancient times, the four Royal Stars: Regulus, Fomalhaut, Aldebaran, and Antares, were considered “Guardians of the Whole Sky” due to their splendor and brightness. The Royal Stars of Ancient Persia The four Royal Stars of ancient Persia have long been part of the imagination of the people who inhabited Currently, Science, through Astronomy, knows that in our Universe, nothing remains immobile, including the stars, even those that in Antiquity were defined as Fixed Stars. What are Fixed Stars and Why Are They Important?? Know thou that every fixed star hath its own planets, and every planet its own
Greenland airport becomes latest victim of climate changeComments Greenland's main airport is set to end civilian flights within five years due to climate change, as the melting of permafrost is cracking the runway. Kangerlussuaq Airport
Greenland airport becomes latest victim of climate changeComments Greenland's main airport is set to end civilian flights within five years due to climate change, as the melting of permafrost is cracking the runway. Kangerlussuaq Airport, the country's main hub, had 11,000 planes landing or departing last year. Permafrost, the layer of soil usually frozen solid, is shrinking as temperatures rise. For airport workers, ridding the runway of the snow and ice has become a constant struggle. As a result, authorities will start building a new facility from scratch. "They are constructing a new airport in Nuuk and in the north.... and the Danish Airforce will take over responsibility for this airport," said airport manager Peter Høgh. Greenland is the world's largest island roughly and around 80 per cent of the surface is covered in ice sheet. But global warming is drastically reshaping Greenland, causing the ice sheet to melt at a faster rate than previously thought, according to recent research. The airport's situation shows how the built environment, and not just the natural environment, is being hit by climate change.
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are essential to life. Your heart and brain depend on them. But in today’s world, you’re probably not getting enough of the right fats in your diet. The natural levels of omega-3
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are essential to life. Your heart and brain depend on them. But in today’s world, you’re probably not getting enough of the right fats in your diet. The natural levels of omega-3s in your food keep getting lower and lower. That means you often end up with high levels of omega-6s and a lack of omega-3s. And that causes inflammation, which is at the root of so many health concerns today. Before the days of modern industry, your meat and fish had abundant supplies of omega-3s. But these days, most of the store-bought salmon has little to none of this essential oil. And that’s a problem, because your body can’t make omega-3s on its own. And without it, your health is at serious risk. Sacha Inchi’s nutrients and omega-3 fats are easy to digest. Omega 3’s boost: As is often true in nature, balance is essential. Your body needs both omega-3s and omega-6s, but in the right ratios. For millions of years, humans have eaten foods with an omega-6/omega-3 ratio of about 2:1. Over the past 75 years, omega-6s in your diet have soared. Now the ratio is about 20:1. The average American eats 10 times more omega-6 than they should. The main sources of these inflammatory omega-6s being vegetable oils, processed foods, fish, and grain-fed beef. That’s where the health “gurus” of the 1980s made another big mistake. They mistook the heart culprit to be red meat because grain-fed, commercial cattle have the very high, 20:1 ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s. But they never bothered to explain why native cultures – who ate meat from grass-fed cattle – have better heart health. If you measure omega-6s and omega-3s in wild or grass-fed animals, you get a very different picture. Their ratio is a dramatically reversed – and heart healthy – 0.16 to 1. In other words, the culprit is not the fat in meat. It’s the environment in which cattle are raised that changes the ratio of fats in their body. Grain-fed cattle are sick cattle. They’re not supposed to eat grains. It’s not natural for them, and it changes their physiology. When cattle lose omega-3s, so do we. By eating their meat, we take on the same problems. Farm-raised fish are the same… the fish are fed a diet of fish flakes made of corn, cereal grains, and other additive. This unnatural diet causes the salmon’s omega-3 levels to plummet. And that’s just one of the many biological transformations they go through. The salmon raised “in captivity” are so changed by the experience, the fish farmers have to inject them with an orange-colored dye to make their flesh look like real salmon. You may be surprised to find this out, but eating store-bought salmon only gives you a fraction of the omega-3s you would expect to find. And then there’s the threat of mercury and other toxins… which is far worse than you may imagine. In 2004, the Los Angeles Times reported new warnings: Farm-raised salmon, “contains such high levels of PCBs, dioxins, and other toxic chemicals that people should not eat it more than once a month…”1 I still recommend eating salmon if you can find a wild, unpolluted source. But don’t be surprised when you have to pay over $20 a pound for wild-caught Alaskan salmon. Farm-raised salmon – and grain-fed beef – have very high levels of something called arachidonic acid. This is a fat from the omega-6 family and is highly inflammatory. And inflammation is at the root of so many health problems today.These high levels of omega-6s make the few remaining omega-3s almost unusable by your body. The dominant omega-6s take all the conversion enzymes and produce inflammatory compounds. The healthy omega-3s get ignored and are never converted into the anti-inflammatory compounds you really need. Mainstream medicine often overlooks the harmful power of inflammation. And you probably won’t hear much about it from your doctor… but many are calling it the new “plague” of our times. Modern science shows us that inflammation is at the root of today’s most dangerous health threats.2 Inflammation is your body’s response to injury, irritation, or invasion by germs. Without it, you couldn’t survive. But our ancient ancestors seldom had a problem with it. With regular access to potent omega-3s, inflammation was tightly controlled. But your modern environment hits you with stresses that trigger your inflammation response too often. And when your bod
|Publication Type:||Journal Article| |Year of Publication:||2011| Six new species are described, raising the number of North American Acomoptera species to seven and the genus total to ten, and nearly doubling the number of species
|Publication Type:||Journal Article| |Year of Publication:||2011| Six new species are described, raising the number of North American Acomoptera species to seven and the genus total to ten, and nearly doubling the number of species within the putative clade containing Acomoptera, Drepanocercus, and Paratinia. These novel species forms have implications for the c
Communication is an integral part of our everyday life. It’s impossible to share information without effective communication. We communicate with each other daily. That’s why an essay about communication is an assignment that can be found in any college curriculum. Do you have
Communication is an integral part of our everyday life. It’s impossible to share information without effective communication. We communicate with each other daily. That’s why an essay about communication is an assignment that can be found in any college curriculum. Do you have no idea what to write about in your communication essay? You’ll find all the answers below. What Is Communication Essay: A Clear Picture of It Have you known that communication is a word of Latin origin? It has derived from the word “communis.” Communication can be defined as a certain system of symbols used by people to interact in society and share ideas. There is verbal and nonverbal communication. The most common examples of nonverbal communication are gestures, posture, voice, etc. The primary meaning is the transfer of information. But it isn’t the only objective of communication. There is more than one form of communication. When you send a written message, you communicate with the recipient. When you express your ideas verbally, you also communicate with the listener. How does the communication process take place? There are four essential components of communication. So, a sender encodes their message. Then, they choose the most appropriate medium and send the message. The receiver gets it and interprets it. When you are assigned to write a communication essay, you need to explain how the process of communication takes place. You’ll improve writing skills with each essay you write. The more academic papers you create, the more professional they sound. Your writing success depends on how effectively you can communicate your ideas. How to Write an Outstanding Essay on Communication? Here are some helpful tips for crafting an A-grade essay about communication. Follow them and impress your teacher. - Pick the topic. Some students mistakenly think that a communication essay is a boring piece of writing. It isn’t like this. There is much to examine in this field. For example, you can make your topic broad or more specific. You can write about communication importance in general or create a nonverbal communication essay. If you choose a more specific topic, you will likely cover all the key aspects. Do you want to write a non verbal communication essay? Tell about all the types of nonverbal communication and give examples of body language. One of the most interesting topics is a communication skills essay. You can tell your peers about the vital skills for successful communication and write about how to gain them quickly. - Write an outline and stick to the structure. After you’ve chosen the topic, create an outline. For example, your essay on interpersonal communication should consist of an introduction with some interesting facts, 2-3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. - Edit and proofread. When your interpersonal communication essay is ready, ensure it is free from plagiarism and errors. What is effective communication? It’s when you can express your idea avoiding misunderstandings. Writing essays is one of the communication forms. You are the speaker. You present your message to the audience. Your teacher, as well as your peers, are the listener, the recipient of the message. Make your content comprehensive, and you’ll get the desired A-grade. Leave a Reply
Panerai in partnership with IOC-UNESCO launches “Panerai Ocean Conservation Initiative”, a groundbreaking project in favor of ocean preservation. A two-year collaboration with IOC-UNESCO —the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO--
Panerai in partnership with IOC-UNESCO launches “Panerai Ocean Conservation Initiative”, a groundbreaking project in favor of ocean preservation. A two-year collaboration with IOC-UNESCO —the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO-- to develop the “Ocean Literacy” program in the framework of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). What is the “Ocean Literacy” initiative? It is a global educational and awareness-raising programme to empower diverse stakeholders to become agent of change and ocean stewards. Based on the scientific evidence highlighted by “Ocean Literacy”, the partnership program will leverage on the three pillars: Education, citizen science and industry involvement. The first take is on education, and Panerai has launched a worldwide plan to sensibilize and educate thousands of students on the importance of the ocean and its direct commitment into it. One hundred universities in the world have been selected to present the project and involve young generations into concrete actions. The lectures will be held by a Panerai representative, and they will be about “Sustainability at Panerai” including the “Ocean literacy”. The goal is to explain to students how a luxury brand like Panerai can be a concrete actor against climate change and ocean pollution as well as stimulate students to think about the ocean in a different way but mainly to become active agents of change. This is the essence of ocean literacy: Transforming ocean knowledge into action. In addition, students and professors will have the possibility to participate in a plastic collection day organized in each country by the brand to actively contribute to the environmental health of the place where they live, but also to sensibilize on the plastic pollution problem. The selected degree courses are Sustainability, Marketing & Business, Marine Science, Engineering and Biology. The activation starts in March and is open for the entire first academic semester.
Today, January 31, 2018, is National Inspire Your Heart with Art Day. So you must ask yourself, what is art? Expressing your inner imagination through an application, art comes in many forms. The possibilities are endless
Today, January 31, 2018, is National Inspire Your Heart with Art Day. So you must ask yourself, what is art? Expressing your inner imagination through an application, art comes in many forms. The possibilities are endless. Even though a day is set aside for finding your inspiration for creating art, incorporating art into your life should be a year-round practice. Celebrating National Inspire your Heart with Art Day Like people, art is different for everybody. Finding your inspiration is part of the journey of creating art. Taking photos, drawing, painting, baking and presenting, decorating cakes, performing, sculpturing, the arts are about inspiring your own heart to grow and create. Get Your Children Involved Children love to create. Spending time creating art with your child can easily turn into a precious memory. Using different materials help you encourage your child’s imagination. - Colored pencils - Non-toxic, washable markers’ - Items for gluing including pieces of old material, pipe cleaners, glitter, pasta noodles, etc. - Clay with sculpting tools The art inspiration materials are endless. Do not be afraid to experiment with different forms. For example, air dry clay is great for saving masterpieces. Or consider using a homemade recipe for sculpturing materials. The different textures help with inspiration. Younger children will be able to engage in fine motor skills. Go to Your Local Art Gallery Galleries display a variety of art mediums. Viewing other people’s work can be inspirational for creating your own art. Often galleries will host lectures, workshops or programs for basic techniques for adults who want to learn. Other galleries have themed events for children to start exploring the art world. Trying something new may not turn out as you planned. But the process is an unforgettable learning experience. Take a Class Many local community colleges have classes or weekend seminars for non-majors. Going to a class allows you to engage in art with direction for proven techniques. Learning the basics in a beginner’s class is a great way to explore art. At the same time, you will be able to meet others who share your desire to learn about art. Go to a Performance Ballet or other performance art allows you to view in a different manner. Performance art has four elements: - Performer’s body - An ongoing relationship with the performer and the audience The various types of performances may surprise you. Visiting a live performance is always best. But do not hesitate to look performance art up online or on YouTube. The results can be extremely inspiring. Art comes in many forms. Finding a genre for inspiration may take exploration beyond today. Trying something new for yourself or your children may leave you with a sense of inspiration and fulfillment.
WHAT IS SAD? Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a specific type of recurring depressive illness that manifests in an annual pattern, usually from early-to-late fall and subsiding with the longer, sunnier
WHAT IS SAD? Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a specific type of recurring depressive illness that manifests in an annual pattern, usually from early-to-late fall and subsiding with the longer, sunnier days of spring.1 Some people have the milder form, called Subsyndromal-SAD (S-SAD), also called Winter Blues, which causes minor problems in their lives but not the total disruption that full-blown SAD causes. This is the Winter-SAD subtype; another subtype is Summer-SAD, which occurs in the spring & summer months. Summer-SAD is much rarer than Winter-SAD, is less well researched, and its cause is undetermined. Throughout this website, unless otherwise noted, the term "SAD" refers specifically to Winter-SAD. Researchers have confirmed that specific biological changes within the brain occur in response to different levels of bright light exposure, and that these biochemical changes affect hormones and neurotransmitters responsible for regulating our mood, energy, sleep and appetite. In the majority of the population, these changes are not troublesome; they simply cause minor variations in their annual rhythms. For those with SAD, though, these changes are profound enough to cause significant disruption to their WHO GETS IT? SAD affects both genders, and people of all ages. A small but significant percentage of children are affected, with the female-male ratio being about equal among this age group. In the 15-43 age group, however, women outnumber men by nearly 3.5 to 1. After age 44, the number of women starts to decline and the gender ratio again equalizes.2 The effect of latitude on the incidence of SAD has not been determined conclusively. Numerous studies indicate that incidence increases with higher latitude, but some other studies have either failed to show any correlation or shown an opposite trend.3 Anyone deprived of regular sunlight exposure or adequate indoor lighting can suffer from SAD symptoms. A series of rainy, overcast days can trigger SAD even in the summertime.4 WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS? SAD manifests itself in different ways in different people. The typical symptoms include decreased mood and energy level, social withdrawal, reduction in sex drive, anxiety, irritability, and difficulty concentrating or being productive at work. The "classic" SAD symptoms, which are considered atypical symptoms of nonseasonal depression, are changes in sleeping patterns (oversleeping and having poor sleep) and appetite changes (increased appetite, carbohydrate cravings, and subsequent weight In children and teenagers, the symptoms are slightly different from those for adults. These symptoms include irritability, crying spells, anxiety, fatigue, difficulty in getting out of bed for school, and a lowering of grades and self-esteem. Because these symptoms mirror the symptoms of laziness, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), learning disabilities, or the stereotypical behavior of teenagers, it is important for parents to note whether these symptoms recur year after year during the fall and winter months, and whether they go away in the spring.6 WHAT CAUSES IT? Researchers aren't sure what causes SAD. Three main theories have been put forth, and there is contrasting evidence both for and against each of these theories: the Melatonin Hypothesis, the Phase Shift Hypothesis, and the Serotonin Hypothesis. The Melatonin Hypothesis argues that SAD is due to too much melatonin being secreted in response to the long, dark days of winter.7 Some studies have supported this theory, while others have disputed it.8 Advocates of the Phase Shift Hypothesis, proposed in 1986, contend that in patients with SAD, circadian rhythms [see Sleep & Circa
The Light in the Prison-Window: The Life Story of Hans Nielsen Hauge (1926) by Wilhelm Pettersen is a biography of Hans Nielsen Hauge, a Norwegian evangelist and social reformer who had a tremendous impact on the
The Light in the Prison-Window: The Life Story of Hans Nielsen Hauge (1926) by Wilhelm Pettersen is a biography of Hans Nielsen Hauge, a Norwegian evangelist and social reformer who had a tremendous impact on the Scandinavian religious landscape. In the late 1700s, as described by Pettersen, Norway was Protestant (Lutheran) in name, but steeped in cold scholasticism and hypocrisy. The Bible was treated as a mythology or a mere handbook for tradition. Pettersen names several priests and bishops of the time that had no concern for Christian piety, and some influential leaders did not even believe basic Christian doctrines like the bodily resurrection of Christ. In churches one might hear lectures on Greek classics instead of the Bible. At the age of 25, Hans
Understanding IDSs and IPSs: • Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) and intrusion prevention systems (IPSs) inspect traffic using the same functionality as a protocol analyzer. • A host-based IDS (HIDS) can detect attacks on local
Understanding IDSs and IPSs: • Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) and intrusion prevention systems (IPSs) inspect traffic using the same functionality as a protocol analyzer. • A host-based IDS (HIDS) can detect attacks on local systems such as workstations and servers. The HIDS protects local resources on the host and can detect some malware that isn’t detected by traditional antivirus software. • A network-based IDS (NIDS) detects attacks on networks. • A signature-based IDS uses signatures to detect known attacks or vulnerabilities. Vendors create a number to identify each signature, or use the number in the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) list. • An anomaly-based (also called heuristic-based or behavior-based) IDS requires a baseline and detects attacks based on anomalies or when traffic is outside expected boundaries. • A false positive sends an alert indicating an attack when an attack is not active. False positives increase the workload of administrators. A false negative is when an attack is active, but not reported. • Honeypots and honeynets appear to have valuable data and attempt to divert attackers away from live networks. Security personnel use them to observe current attack methodologies and gather intelligence on attacks. • An intrusion prevention system (IPS) is similar to an active IDS except that it’s placed in-line with the traffic, and can stop attacks before they reach the internal network. An IPS can actively monitor data streams, detect malicious content, and mitigate the effect of malicious activity. • IDSs and IPSs can also protect internal private networks, such as private supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) networks.
January marks the beginning of an exciting new year! Here’s some great news to kickstart your 2022: Eating the right diet (along with other lifestyle factors, such as getting enough exercise, limiting alcohol intake and cutting tobacco) can play
January marks the beginning of an exciting new year! Here’s some great news to kickstart your 2022: Eating the right diet (along with other lifestyle factors, such as getting enough exercise, limiting alcohol intake and cutting tobacco) can play a major role in preventing chronic diseases. The reality is that chronic conditions are plaguing our nation. Not only are chronic diseases (such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, obesity and diabetes, to name a few) the leading cause of death and disability in America, but they’re also the leading driver of the nation’s $3.8 trillion in annual healthcare costs. Across the U.S., six in ten Americans live with at least one chronic disease, says the Centers on Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and four in ten have two or more. Now, let’s turn to diet. When it comes to nutrition: - More than 80% of Americans' diets are low in vegetables, fruits and dairy (2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans). - Fewer than one in ten U.S. adults and adolescents eat enough fruits and vegetables (CDC). - On a given day, six in ten young people and 5 in 10 adults consume a sugary drink (CDC). - Nine in ten Americans consume too much sodium (CDC). Statistics like those above are in direct opposition as to what constitutes a healthy diet. The general consensus is such that diets high in fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, omega-3 fatty acids, and low-fat dairy and low in refined grains, sugary foods and beverages, salty snacks, and processed meats protect against chronic conditions. Here are some tips for healthy eating: Incorporate healthy fats. Heart disease—the nation’s leading cause of death—is especially linked to a diet high in fat. In particular, saturated fat (found in butter, cheese, red meat and other animal-based foods and tropical oils) can raise the level of LDL (bad) cholesterol in your blood, increasing your risk of heart attack and stroke. Replacing foods that are high in saturated fat with healthier options can lower your risk of heart disease. Unsaturated fats, unlike saturated fats, have health benefits. Switching to unsaturated fats can actually help lower LDL cholesterol and your risk of heart disease. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, adults should aim for less than 20 grams per day of saturated fat. The AHA recommends less than 13 grams of saturated fat per day. Lighten up on sodium. Too much sodium (salt) in your diet can raise your risk for high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, adults should get less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day. The American Heart Association recommends even less for ideal heart health, at 1,500 milligrams per day. Keep in mind that most sodium comes not from the salt shaker but from many typical foods we eat—from processed and prepared foods to restaurant meals. Cooking at home puts you in the driver’s seat; be sure to choose ingredients that are low in sodium. Don’t forget the fiber. Dietary fiber, found mainly in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, is important for helping to maintain a healthy weight and lowering your risk of diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer. Unlike other food components (fats, proteins and carbohydrates), dietary fiber doesn’t get digested; it passes relatively intact through your stomach, small intestine and colon and out of your body. For those under age 50, The National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine recommends 38 grams of fiber daily for men and 25 grams for women. For people ages 51 and older, the daily recommendation is 30 grams of fiber for men and 21 grams for women. When adding fiber to your diet, do so gradually over several weeks. Adding too much fiber too soon can promote intestinal gas, abdominal bloating and cramping. Cut down on added sugars. Added sugars can contribute to health problems such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, you should limit added sugars as much as possible, aiming for less than 50 milligrams a day. Getting more can make it difficult to consume all of the nutrients your body needs without getting too many calories. Note that some foods and drinks—like fruits, plain milk and plain yogurt—have natural sugars and don’t count as added sugar. Add color to your plate. The more colors of fruit and vegetables you put on your plate, the more nutrients you’re eating. Colorful fruits and vegetables contain phytonutrients, or phytochemicals. They’re produced by plants to keep them healthy and give plants their rich colors and distinctive tastes and aromas. When you eat plant foods, their phytonutrients protect you from chronic diseases—they have potent anti-cancer and anti-heart disease effects. Epidemiological research suggests that food patterns that include fruits and vegetables are associated with a reduced risk of many chronic disea
Despite their name, American White Park Cattle are a distinctly different breed than White Park Cattle! These popular beef cattle are a favorite among many breeders! American White Park Cattle are quite docile. They are also very hardy,
Despite their name, American White Park Cattle are a distinctly different breed than White Park Cattle! These popular beef cattle are a favorite among many breeders! American White Park Cattle are quite docile. They are also very hardy, and have good maternal instincts. American White Park heifers will keep an attentive and concerned watch over their calves! Easy to handle and adaptable to most farm management systems, American White Park Cattle are very popular as beef producers! A white breed, American White Park Cattle have darkly pigmented noses, ears and eyes. Generally, the pigmentation is black or red. Mature American White Park bulls grow to 1700 or 1800 pounds. Generally, the cows weigh about 1000 pounds. Although American White Park Cattle are polled, two to three percent of the population is born with horns! With very little back fat, large cuts, and a high carcass yield, American White Park cows are also good milk producers! One could hardly ask for anything more in a cow! The history of American White Park Cattle is obscure and they are often confused with American British White Cattle. These breeds are indeed very close, but differ in weight by about 300 pounds. It is thought that American White Park Cattle are obscure descendents of British White Cattle. Others believe that the American White Park is descended from Angus Cattle, and British White blood was not mixed in until World War II when a breeding pair from the Bronx Zoo was sent to Washington to mix with the American White Park. Since this time, there have been many instances of cross breeding and today the American White Park does indeed have much British White blood. In 1975, the American White Park Association was formed, and a herd book was begun based on appearance rather than lineage. From the three to four hundred animals registered, documented lineage began. Horned animals are no longer registered as acceptable. Today American White Park Cattle are predominantly bred for their beef, though they are also useful as cross breeders due to their hardy traits. Because American White Park Cattle are so hardy, they rarely if ever contract respiratory infections. On average American White Park Cattle cut out into 705 pounds. 93 percent of the cuts are of Yield Grade one or two. American White Park Cattle are good milk producers and caring, attentive mothers. They very rarely abandon calves. Conception rates are very high, even at first conception, and American White Park Cattle can calve up into their teen years.
June 14, 2015 Oldest Chihuahua Human Burial Ever Found INAH archaeologists have uncovered the oldest human burial in Chihuahua, a boy between 12-15 years old dated at 120
June 14, 2015 Oldest Chihuahua Human Burial Ever Found INAH archaeologists have uncovered the oldest human burial in Chihuahua, a boy between 12-15 years old dated at 1200 BCE. Hundreds of stone tools were also found with him, including artifacts dating back to 6000 BCE. The teeth indicate that he was part of the Bering Strait entry. 370 projectile points of basalt, obsidian, chert, flint and rhyolite ranging from 6700 BCE to 800 CE. Many of these are types found in the southwest, but not yet recorded in Chihuahua. 17,000 artifacts have been found at the site of the burial. The site was occupied for a long time. INAH gas secured the site. INAH has the report here with a good slideshow (click on the tiny white camera icon under the cover photo). Mike Ruggeri’s Ancient Americas News on Tumblr
Reading with your preschooler is one of the most important things you can do to prepare them for school. It sounds simple, but it can become overwhelming as you think about what to read, and when, and what to do if your child doesn
Reading with your preschooler is one of the most important things you can do to prepare them for school. It sounds simple, but it can become overwhelming as you think about what to read, and when, and what to do if your child doesn’t want to. The good news is, you don’t have to be a librarian or a reading teacher to support your child’s early literacy skills. Here are some ideas for making the most of your reading time together: - Ask your child questions about what you read. “What do you think will happen next?” “Why do you think the character does ___?” “How do you think this character feels?” By asking open-ended questions about the story, you’re encouraging your child’s listening and comprehension skills. - Point to the words as you read. Especially with younger children, this reinforces the idea that written words correspond to sounds—a building block of early literacy. Talking about what you see in the illustrations is fun, too. - Re-reading is reading. Toddlers and preschoolers often like to read the same book over and over. This might be a little boring for you, but roll with it! They learn through repetition. In fact, you might notice that over time they can tell you the story. - Read in any language you prefer. You don’t have to read in English. In fact, reading in your home language is a gift for your child: It will help them develop valuable language skills, keep them connected to your family’s culture and language, and help them become bilingual and bi-literate (a reader and writer of two languages). - Sneak reading into your daily routine. Bath time is a great opportunity to read a story out loud. Meals can be, too. Toss a book in your bag so you can read while you’re waiting for the bus, in line at the grocery store, or at the pediatrician’s office. (Find more hidden opportunities to read with your kids.) - For reluctant readers, meet them where they are. Not every kid loves to sit and listen to books. Try reading to them while they play or color. When you choose books at the library, think about your child’s existing interests, whether that’s trucks, dinosaurs, sea creatures, or anything else (and of course, let them pick their own books!). You can look for books related to a favorite TV program or movie, too: Since they’ll already know the story, it can be easier to engage them. - And remember, all reading is good reading. You don’t have to read award-winning children’s literature: Anything that captures your child’s attention is great. Fiction, non-fiction, comic books—it’s all good stuff. Your local library will also have children’s magazines like Highlights, National Geographic Kids, and Ranger Rick, which include stories, facts, and games. Click here for even more ways to turn your kid into a reader. Don’t miss a beat. Sign up for our email list to get personalized resources, early access to new content, and invitations to subscribers-only webinars on supporting your child’s education.Sign Up for Email Need to talk to an expert? Check out our Navigation Services for one-on-one support. 6 Hidden Opportunities to Read With Your Kid Learning at Home / Reading / Ages 2-7 What Parents Need to Know About Learning to Read Reading / Ages 2-10 Our Favorite Educational Apps and Sites Learning at Home / Technology / Ages 2-18 3 Questions to Ask Your Child's Teacher Communicating with School / Grades and Testing / Ages 5-18
Do your civic duty by enjoying Browns Canyon this summer By Kate Stepan Two years ago, President Obama signed a declaration designating Browns Canyon – our little slice of whitewater and fishing paradise in southern Colorado – as a National Monument. National
Do your civic duty by enjoying Browns Canyon this summer By Kate Stepan Two years ago, President Obama signed a declaration designating Browns Canyon – our little slice of whitewater and fishing paradise in southern Colorado – as a National Monument. National monuments protect “existing rights,” including previously-existing oil and gas leases, water rights, and access via roads or bridges. They become designated by an act of congress or, as in the case of Browns Canyon, a presidential order. Discussion leading up to the designation included voices from all sides: ranchers, conservationists, rafters, fishermen, and motorized recreation enthusiasts. In 2014, congress failed to pass legislation introduced by Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colorado) and former Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colorado) that would have protected the canyon. Local guide services, businesses, and outdoor enthusiasts persisted, buoyed by the citizen action group Friends of Browns Canyon. In February 2015, they celebrated the news that Browns Canyon, still managed jointly by the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, and Colorado State Parks, would now be afforded some federal protection. In the time since Browns Canyon became a national monument, the management of public lands has come to the forefront of western politics, with a push to turn some federal parcels over to states to control. Without federal protection, states could decide to use the lands- once kept pristine for wildlife, preservation of history, open space, and recreation- however they like, perhaps to extract minerals or other resources for short-term profit. Last week, President Trump announced an executive order to reverse the designation of several national monuments. He is targeting all or part of monuments that encompass 100,000 acres or more, and were created by presidential proclamation since 1996. Browns Canyon is not among these, covering just 22,000 acres of river corridor in Chaffee County. USA Today lists all the monuments affected by the order here: The move comes after Western Republican lawmakers, like Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch, complained that Obama overused the law “to serve far-left special interests,” according to CNN. Proponents of “states’ rights” to control land as they see fit claim the people that monuments affect are not being considered in these presidential monument designations, and that the recent presidents who invoked them were overstepping their executive bounds. We at the RMOC believe that the first step to becoming an informed citizen in this debate is to get out there and see what these lands are all about. How could one possibly decide their stance on this issue without knowing what is at stake? Empirical research is the best research. Try rafting the rapids like Zoom Flume and Big Drop, hiking to the top of Ruby Mountain, wetting a line in or camping next to the Arkansas River. Then consider writing and calling your local lawmakers or the White House to let them know how much you appreciate recreating on federally protected land – be it here in Browns Canyon or another national monument or park. If you live in Colorado, contact your senators Michael Bennet (online form to contact here: and Cory Garnder (contact here: and implore them to preserve what’s ours. Support Friends of Browns Canyon ( If you’re travelling to Colorado this summer, go boating, camping, hiking, fishing in Browns Canyon National Monument. It’s yours to enjoy.
A New Species of Dinosaur Discovered A dinosaur like Edward Scissorhands from the movie Scissor Hands, which lived on the coast of the Asian continent millions of years ago, used its hands to cut through vegetation rather than hunt animals,
A New Species of Dinosaur Discovered A dinosaur like Edward Scissorhands from the movie Scissor Hands, which lived on the coast of the Asian continent millions of years ago, used its hands to cut through vegetation rather than hunt animals, according to a new study. Recently, researchers from Japan and the United States have described the youngest ‘therizinosaur’ fossil ever found in Japan. The findings were published online May 3 in the journal Scientific Reports. This fossil is also the first fossil found in marine sediments in Asia, and represents a newly identified species that researchers have named “Paralitherizinosaurus japonicus.” “‘Paralitherizinosaurus” means “reptile by the sea” in Greek and Latin.“ The species name “Paralitherizinosaurus japonicus” honors the Japan where the specimen was unearthed. WHEN FOUND, THE FOSSIL CANNOT BE CLASSIFIED Japanese scientists found the specimen in Nakagawa, an area known for its rich fossil beds and located in the northernmost part of Japan’s main islands. The fossil was covered with concrete – a hardened mineral deposit – and at the time of its discovery, paleontologists said it was believed to belong to a therizinosaur, but due to a lack of comparative data at the time, Hokkaido University representatives said they
The leading edge of the forewing of this moth is slightly concave in the middle, a feature which assists in its identification. The forewings tend to be narrower and more tapered than similar species with a broader dark cross-band. The colour
The leading edge of the forewing of this moth is slightly concave in the middle, a feature which assists in its identification. The forewings tend to be narrower and more tapered than similar species with a broader dark cross-band. The colour of the moth, including the central cross-band, can vary slightly, with particularly darker forms occurring in western Ireland and lighter forms found on chalk and limestone habitats. The larvae can be seen from late June to July and September in the south in Ireland and in August in the north. They overwinter as pupae. Size and Family - Family – Carpets and Allies (Larentiines) - Medium Sized - Wingspan range - 26-30mm - UK BAP: Priority species (research only) - Local (only found in some areas) Caterpillar Food Plants Lady’s Bedstraw (Galium verum), Heath Bedstraw (Galium saxitilis) and Hedge
1711 – 1763, ruled: 1735 – 1763 Margrave Friedrich, son of the later Margrave Georg Friedrich Karl and his wife Dorothea von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg
1711 – 1763, ruled: 1735 – 1763 Margrave Friedrich, son of the later Margrave Georg Friedrich Karl and his wife Dorothea von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck, was born on 10th May 1711 in Weferlingen. He was given a comprehensive education and upbringing and studied for eight years at the calvinistic University of Ghent, the evangelistic metropolis in those days. Only two generations previously, great pains had been taken at the Lutheran Bayreuth court to ensure that the hereditary princes did not fall under any Reformed influence. Upon completion of his studies he went on an educational trip to Paris and Versailles which awakened an interest in parks and water features. He loved art and perfected his flute-playing technique there. Both of these skills came into their own later at the Bayreuth court, but were mostly overlooked or forgotten as a result of the ‘hype’ surrounding Margravine Wilhelmine, and the university which he founded was soon moved to Erlangen. When, upon the death of his father, he had to take over as ruler, he was totally unprepared for the role. Georg Friedrich Karl had kept him well away from anything to do with the business of reigning for fear that Wilhelmine would have too much influence. It was only with the aid of his secretary and later First Minister Philipp Ellrodt that he was able to put the administration into order, deal with and prevent corruption and and improve the revenue. Like his wife he had suffered from the rigid and narrow piousness of his father, and so as soon as he took office he dismissed Silchmüller, the pietistic court preacher, and in his place installed the moderate Lutheran court preacher Schmidt. Most of the margrave churches were built in Friedrich’s time. His initial is the one that is particularly large, splendid and prominent on the walls, even if his financial contribution was not that great and confined itself mostly to free deliveries of stone and building timber. After Wilhelmina died in 1758 Friedrich marreid her niece Sophie Caroline Marie von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel. However, it was a childless marriage and so, there being no ma
“If climate change was a somewhat abstract notion a decade ago, today it is all too real for Californians fleeing wildfires and smothered in a blanket of smoke, the worst year of fires on record.” “SAN FRANCISCO — Multiple mega
“If climate change was a somewhat abstract notion a decade ago, today it is all too real for Californians fleeing wildfires and smothered in a blanket of smoke, the worst year of fires on record.” “SAN FRANCISCO — Multiple mega fires burning more than three million acres. Millions of residents smothered in toxic air. Rolling blackouts and triple-digit heat waves. Climate change, in the words of one scientist, is smacking California in the face. The crisis in the nation’s most populous state is more than just an accumulation of individual catastrophes. It is also an example of something climate experts have long worried about, but which few expected to see so soon: a cascade effect, in which a series of disasters overlap, triggering or amplifying each other. “You’re toppling dominoes in ways that Americans haven’t imagined,” said Roy Wright, who directed resilience programs for the Federal Emergency Management Agency until 2018 and grew up in Vacaville, Calif., near one of this year’s largest fires. “It’s apocalyptic.”” Thomas Fuller and Christopher Flavelle report for the New York Times September 11, 2020. “500,000 Evacuate Wildfires In Oregon As Death Toll Climbs” (ABC News) Fire Updates Page (Sacramento Bee) “Climate Change Brings Santa Ana-Like Winds And Explosive Wildfires To Oregon” (Los Angeles Times) “10 Now Dead In Massive Northern California Wildfire” (AP) “10 Dead in California as Wildfires Spread on West Coast” (New York Times) “As Wildfire Smoke Blots Out the Sun in Northern California, Many Ask: ‘Where Are the Birds?’” (InsideClimate News) “A Young Boy Died Alongside His Dog In The Oregon Wildfires” (NBC News) “The Western Inferno: ‘Extremely Frightening And Ugly'” (E&E News) “California Wildfires” (San Francisco Chronicle) “MAP: Washington State Wildfires At A Glance” (Seattle Times) You must log in to post a comment.
Lobular Breast Cancer (Invasive Lobular Carcinoma) What is lobular breast cancer? Lobular breast cancer (also called invasive lobular carcinoma, or ILC) is breast cancer that starts in the milk-producing gland,
Lobular Breast Cancer (Invasive Lobular Carcinoma) What is lobular breast cancer? Lobular breast cancer (also called invasive lobular carcinoma, or ILC) is breast cancer that starts in the milk-producing gland, or lobules, of your breast and has spread into surrounding breast tissue. It accounts for about 10% to 15% of all breast cancers and is the second most common type of breast cancer. Left untreated, lobular breast cancer spreads to nearby lymph nodes, and then to other areas of your body. What’s the difference between invasive lobular breast cancer and invasive ductal carcinoma? Invasive lobular breast cancer tends to grow in a single-file pattern of cells. Invasive ductal carcinoma typically forms a mass or lump. Who’s affected by lobular breast cancer? Women and people assigned female at birth (AFAB) who are age 55 and older are most likely to develop invasive lobular carcinoma. Men and people who are assigned male at birth can develop ILC, too, though it’s rare. Transwomen have a higher risk of developing breast cancer than cisgender men. Conversely, transmen have a lower risk compared to cisgender women. Unlike invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), invasive lobular carcinoma usually occurs later in life. Many people are in their early 60s at the time of their diagnosis. Symptoms and Causes What are lobular breast carcinoma symptoms? Unlike other breast cancer types, lobular breast cancer doesn’t form lumps in your breast tissue or under your arm. Instead, it may cause the following symptoms: - Hard or thickened area inside of your breast or underarm. - Your nipple is inverted, meaning it points into your breast instead of pointing out. - Dimpling, dent or puckering skin on a part of your breast. - Changes in breast size or shape. - A feeling of warmth or redness. - Nipple discharge. - An area of swelling or fullness in your breast. - A lump near your armpit. - Breast pain. Many of these symptoms are similar to other less serious medical issues. Some of these symptoms, like an inverted nipple, are also similar to other serious conditions such as inflammatory breast cancer (IBC). Talk to a healthcare provider any time you notice a change in your breasts. What causes lobular breast cancer? Experts know that ILC occurs when cells in your breast develop mutations in their DNA. But they aren’t exactly sure what causes those mutations to occur. There are factors that could increase your risk for invasive lobular carcinoma, including: - Age. Most people who are diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma are over the age of 55. - Sex. Women and people AFAB are more likely to develop ILC. - Hormone therapy. Women and people AFAB who use hormone therapy after menopause may have an increased risk of invasive lobular carcinoma. - Genetic factors. Certain inherited genes could play a role in whether or not you get breast cancer. A rare condition called hereditary diffuse gastric cancer syndrome can increase your risk for both invasive lobular carcinoma and stomach cancer. How does invasive lobular carcinoma spread? The term “invasive” means the cancer started in the lobules or ducts of your breast, but spread to surrounding breast tissue. Eventually, the cancer can also spread to lymph nodes, organs and other areas throughout your body. Diagnosis and Tests How do healthcare providers diagnose lobular breast cancer? Healthcare providers may do the following tests to diagnose this condition: - Mammogram. This test is a low-dose X-ray that detects abnormalities in your breast tissue. - Ultrasound. This imaging test uses sound waves to capture pictures of your breast tissue. Ultrasound may be used as a standalone test or in combination with mammography. - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Your healthcare provider may request an MRI, which uses radio waves and magnets to take detailed pictures inside of your body. - Biopsy. In order to confirm the cancer is present, your healthcare provider may take a small sample of breast tissue and send it to a pathology lab for analysis. What are the stages of invasive lobular carcinoma? Healthcare providers use cancer staging systems to plan treatment. Invasive lobular carcinoma is divided into four stages. Staging is based on several factors, including the size of the tumor, where it’s located and how far it has spread: - Stage 1: The tumor is up to 2 centimeters (cm) across and may have spread to nearby lymph nodes. - Stage 2: At this stage, the tumor may be about 2 cm across and the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes. Or the tumor has grown up to 5 cm across and the cancer hasn’t spread to nearby lymph nodes. - Stage 3: The cancer may have spread to lymph nodes, but hasn’t spread to distant sites like other organs in your body. In some cases, the cancer may have spread into your chest wall. - Stage 4: The cancer may or may not have spread to nearby lymph nodes. The cancer has spread to distant lymph nodes or organs, which may include your liver, lungs, bone or brain. Stage 4 is also referred to as metastatic breast cancer. Management and Treatment How do healthcare providers treat lobular breast cancer? There a
Explain what it means to have an efficient capital market purpose of Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to allow the student an opportunity to explain what it means to have an efficient capital market. Students will gain an understanding of the different levels
Explain what it means to have an efficient capital market purpose of Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to allow the student an opportunity to explain what it means to have an efficient capital market. Students will gain an understanding of the different levels of market efficiency and how behavioral finance can inhibit reaching market transparency. Resources: Microsoft® Word Explain in 525 words what it means to have efficient capital market, including: Describe the behavioral challenges in achieving efficiency. Discuss the three forms of market efficiency. What are the implications to corporate finance? Would you consider the real estate market an efficient capital market? Please explain why or why not. A capital market can be described as the ownership of the capital stock of an economy being distributed. Similarly, it can be described as a market in which decision making of both firms and investors involves the choosing of securities…………………
Renewable energy. Electric vehicles. Offshore carbon storage. These are just a few of the ways humans have been trying to counteract the planet-melting effects of pumping carbon into Earth’s atmosphere for the better part of a century.
Renewable energy. Electric vehicles. Offshore carbon storage. These are just a few of the ways humans have been trying to counteract the planet-melting effects of pumping carbon into Earth’s atmosphere for the better part of a century. But according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s latest report, released Thursday, all those turbines and e-scooters and carbon taxes aren’t going to get the job done on their own. To have a shot at truly combating climate change, countries around the world are going to have to finally face the dirt-encrusted, fertilizer-soaked, methane-farting elephant in the room: agriculture. According to the IPCC, feeding the world’s population now uses (and abuses) nearly three-quarters of the world’s ice-free surface, all the while contributing 22 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. To sum up the problem, there’s not enough land to produce enough calories for all those hungry human mouths, without sending Earth’s climate (and the enterprise of growing food itself) into a death spiral. Which is why this special report on land use urges policymakers to consider a variety of strategies for producing more food with less land and fewer emissions. Among them, shifting people to majority plant-based diets, reducing food waste, and planting crops that are genetically superior in the face of climate uncertainty. By 2050, eating less meat and throwing less food in landfills could keep several gigatons of CO2 out of the atmosphere and free up millions of square miles of land to return to carbon-sucking forests, according to the IPCC. But that’s not nearly as sexy, or as controversial, as Crispr-ing crops to thrive amid the coming onslaught of severe droughts, massive heatwaves, megafloods, and rising seas. And though far from a cure-all, the potential for gene editing to make every acre of land more productive even in the face of climate change has captured the imagination of plant scientists, the agtech industry, and governments alike. These days, they’re placing ever-bigger bets on Crispr’s ability to future-proof the world’s food supply from the threats of an increasingly unpredictable environment. “It’s hard to say for sure what we can achieve in the next few decades, but I think with Crispr we have a chance to catch up to climate change,” says Yiping Qi, a plant genome engineer at the University of Maryland whose lab has been developing Crispr tools for staple crops such as rice and wheat. In the seven years since Crispr’s gene-editing potential was unleashed on the world, scientists like Qi have used it (or newer versions of it) to make jointless tomatoes, fungus-resistant bananas, and higher yield corn, soy, and wheat. People have been seeking to improve the genetics of their food crops for as long as they’ve been planting them. But before gene editors like Crispr became available, most breeders,
Mattia Preti was born on 24 February 1613 in Taverna, Calabria. He began his career in Rome and achieved his greatest fame in Naples. He settled in Malta in 1661 where he would remain until his
Mattia Preti was born on 24 February 1613 in Taverna, Calabria. He began his career in Rome and achieved his greatest fame in Naples. He settled in Malta in 1661 where he would remain until his death in Valletta in 1699. Preti’s work shows the influence of Caravaggio, Ribera, and Venetian High Renaissance masters like Tintoretto and Veronese. Saint Paul the Hermit, c. 1662-4, oil on canvas, Th
The assessment includes four interrelated parts: In this assessment students demonstrate their ability to recognise and express simple rhyming units. Example stimuli in the Phonemic Manipulation Task. What can American Sign Language tell us about capacity limit in working memory?
The assessment includes four interrelated parts: In this assessment students demonstrate their ability to recognise and express simple rhyming units. Example stimuli in the Phonemic Manipulation Task. What can American Sign Language tell us about capacity limit in working memory? Psychol. A main determinant of reading in hearing populations remains the mastery of phonological awareness skills, especially those measured at the single word level (Wagner and Torgesen, 1987; Hatcher et al., 1994; Wagner et al., 1994). Free recall also has the added benefit of distinguishing between the primacy (recall of initial list items) and recency effects (recall of last list items), such that primacy effects depend to a larger extent on semantic processing, while recency effects reflect a greater contribution of short-term rehearsal and phonological processing similar to what is observed in serial recall tasks (Martin and Saffran, 1997; Martin and Gupta, 2004). (2005). Four of the oral deaf participants had received CI with an age of implantation of 2.5, 5, 17, and 19 years. Phonological knowledge is often defined in terms of phonotactic constraints. Here we assessed the impact of language experience on reading comprehension in deaf readers by recruiting oral deaf individuals, who use spoken English as their primary mode of communication, and deaf native signers of American Sign Language. Show the student the pictures and name each picture. This research was supported by the National Institutes of Health (DC04418 to DB) and the Charles A. Dana Foundation (to DB and MD). It is possible that enhanced semantic processing, or at least a greater reliance on semantic processing (Sinatra et al., 1984; Nation and Snowling, 1998a), may help compensate for deficient phonological skills. In terms of phoneme types, the vowel condition was easier overall than the consonant condition. Dyslexia in adults: evidence for deficits in non-word reading and in the phonological representation of lexical items. 1145, 83–99. Two new tests of English phonological knowledge were designed for use with our profoundly deaf participants. In this task students demonstrate their ability to blend a sequence of sounds to make a word. When they learn to match these processes with written language, they can decode and encode, which means they can break apart written words into sounds and patterns. components are phonological short-term memory and long-term knowledge. “Development of deaf and hard-of-hearing students’ executive function,” in Deaf Cognition, eds M. H. Marschark and P. C. Hauser (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 286–308. 8, 250–270. Phonological recoding in reading for meaning by adults and children. The effect of communication mode on the development of phonemic awareness in prelingually deaf students. Deaf Stud. Prior knowledge and reading comprehension ability of deaf adolescents. There are two assessment tasks in Part 3. This was the case for both the Phoneme Judgment Task and the Phonemic Manipulation Task. allows you to manipulate sounds in words. Child Dev. To reduce such potential confounds, several studies have adopted picture stimuli and asked for phonological judgments about the English names corresponding to the pictures, which has allowed for a less contaminated measure of English phonological awareness in deaf individuals (Sterne and Goswami, 2000; Dyer et al., 2003; MacSweeney et al., 2008; McQuarrie and Parrila, 2009). Nat. “A cognitive neuroscience perspective on second language acquisition: the declarative/procedural model,” in Mind and Context in Adult Second Language Acquisition: Methods, Theory, and Practice, ed. FIGURE 6. 8, 3–26. Error bars represent the SE of the mean. Ordered short-term memory differs in signers and speakers: implications for models of short-term memory. There was also a significant main effect of group, F(1,45) = 41.86, η2 = 0.48, p < 0.001, such that the oral deaf had greater accuracy than deaf native signers. Serial recall is often used as an assessment of verbal STM, and is known to rely heavily on phonological processes, as exemplified by a rich literature on the phonological loop and its rehearsal mechanism in speakers (Baddeley et al., 1984; Burgess and Hitch, 1999; Melby-Lervåg and Hulme, 2010; Bayliss et al., 2015). Verbal Behav. This manipulation was deployed in two separate tasks. Short-term memory in the Deaf: a test for speech coding. 106, 551. doi: 10.1037/0033-295X.106.3.551, Cain, K., and Oakhill, J. FIGURE 5. sensitivity to the sound structure of words. We first removed all variance in PIAT scores attributable to non-verbal IQ as well as unaided dB loss in both groups, by regressing PIAT scores against TONI-3 scores and the unaided dB loss in the better ear. Children develop some orthographic knowledge before learning to read. J. Res. FIGURE 3. “Theorizing about the relation between American Sign Language and reading,” in Language Acquisition by Eye, eds C. Chamberlain, J. P. Morford, and R. I. Mayberry (ahwah, NJ: Earlbaum), 221–259. The contribution of phonological awareness and receptive and expressive English to the reading ability of deaf students with varying degrees of exposure to accurate English. Levels of processing: a framework for memory research. If a picture was misnamed or misspelled, p
Foster care training is an important part of the process for anyone who wants to become a foster parent. The first step in this process is to contact your local child placement agency and ask them about what foster care training they require. Some agencies will
Foster care training is an important part of the process for anyone who wants to become a foster parent. The first step in this process is to contact your local child placement agency and ask them about what foster care training they require. Some agencies will require you to go through their training programs, while others will allow you to take classes from other agencies or even online. Foster care is a system in which foster parents take care of children who have been abandoned or orphaned by their birth parents. These foster parents are often given a stipend each month for taking care of these children. The most important thing to know about being a foster parent is that it is not just about taking care of children. Foster parents are also responsible for the physical and emotional well-being of the children in their care, as well as providing them with opportunities to develop into happy and healthy adults. This means that you need to be able to deal with difficult situations, provide support when needed, and have a positive attitude towards the children in your care. This is why it is so important that you get foster care training before you become a foster parent. Once you have been approved for a position as a foster parent, there are several types of training that you should expect to receive. There are two main types of foster care training: basic skills and advanced skills. Basic skills include safety and security, emotional support, medical needs of the child, nutrition and physical activities for the child. The importance of foster care training cannot be overemphasized. It is necessary for many reasons. First and foremost, it is necessary in order to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children who are placed in foster care. Furthermore, foster parent training provides information on how to handle emergency situations and on how to recognize the symptoms of abuse. Foster Parents are responsible for the safety and well-being of a child placed in their care. They must have the proper knowledge and skills to ensure that the child is not only healthy physically but mentally as well. Furthermore, they must be able to provide a nurturing environment where a child’s needs are met and where they can grow emotionally and intellectually. If you are looking for a right support to make a huge difference in the lives of people, please visit us at Apple Fostering.
Autumn Song or Chanson d’automne is a famous poem by Paul Verlaine; one of the best known in the French language. It was published in Verlaine’s first collection, Poèmes saturniens, published in
Autumn Song or Chanson d’automne is a famous poem by Paul Verlaine; one of the best known in the French language. It was published in Verlaine’s first collection, Poèmes saturniens, published in 1866. Les sanglots longs Blessent mon cœur It translates as: “The long sobs / Of the violins / Of Autumn / Wound my heart / With a monotonous / Languor.” The poem earned its place in history during World War II. In preparation for Operation Overlord, the British had signalled to the French Resistance that the opening lines of Chanson d’Automne were to indicate the start of D-Day operations. The first three lines of the poem, “Les sanglots longs / des violons / de l’automne”, meant that Operation Overlord was to start within two weeks. These lines were broadcast on 1 June 1944. The next set of lines, “Blessent mon coeur / d’une langueur / monotone”, meant that the main operation would start within 48 hours and that the French resistance should begin sabotage operations especially on the French railroad system. These lines were broadcast on 5 June at 23:15 – the rest is history. Brazilian Portuguese – The act of tenderly running one’s fingers through someone’s hair. French – The feeling that comes from not being in one’s home country. Czech – This word means to call a mobile phone and let it ring once so that the other person will call back, saving the first caller mo
Housed in a historic 1923 Atlantic Coast Line Train depot, the Port o’ Plymouth Museum is charged with the mission of preserving and celebrating the long and unique history of Washington County, North Carolina. Standing in the front and center of the
Housed in a historic 1923 Atlantic Coast Line Train depot, the Port o’ Plymouth Museum is charged with the mission of preserving and celebrating the long and unique history of Washington County, North Carolina. Standing in the front and center of the museum’s interpretation is Plymouth’s fascinating Civil War history, which includes the 1864 Battle of Plymouth and the Civil War’s most successful ironclad ship – the CSS Albemarle. Come learn about this 17,000 troop battle and see our fully operable, 3/8″ scale replica of the CSS Albemarle. Rated by the Charlotte-Observer as one of “Top 10 Civil War Sites in the Carolinas”, our museum may be small, but it’s packed with fascinating history. Come see us! FASCINATING FAST FACTS About Plymouth’s Civil War History We bet you didn’t know that… …the most successful ironclad of the Civil War was not the Monitor or the Merrimac. It was none other than the Albemarle, which sunk or damaged more enemy ships than any other ironclad. …the Battle of Plymouth was the last major victory of the war for the Confederacy. …the 2005 History Channel documentary “The Most Daring Mission of the Civil War” was filmed on location in Plymouth. The film featured the story of William B. Cushing’s daring torpedo raid that destroyed the seemingly invincible “Rebel Ram” Albemarle. …Charles Flusser, the commander of the Union Navy during the Battle of Plymouth, was killed by a shot that he fired. The shell ricocheted off the Albemarle’s iron sides and then explod
Dr. Cohin Kakar Every sport and most exercise requires a tremendous amount of pressure and strain on the joints. Knee, ankle, wrist, shoulder, and even the fingers can accumulate significant amounts of inflammation that can be very painful. In
Dr. Cohin Kakar Every sport and most exercise requires a tremendous amount of pressure and strain on the joints. Knee, ankle, wrist, shoulder, and even the fingers can accumulate significant amounts of inflammation that can be very painful. Inflammation is made up of various cytokines that rush to the site of strain as a result of training. As a result, this build up can compress different nerves in the area, and therefore create pain. While some products can “distract” the pain, after a few hours the inflammation remains in tact. It is important to explore strategies of reducing inflammation and plant-derived ingredients are showing more promise. Arnica Montana, Boswelia, and many others are showing efficacy in reducing or inhibiting specific cytokines, like TNK and Interleukins. By addressing the inflammation, you are attacking the fire, not just the smoke. For athletes that regularly run in marathons, play tennis, golf, basketball, football, or even participate in mixed martial arts – it is extremely important to understand inflammation and how you can manage it to improve performance.
The citizens of ancient Greece, mentioning the term music, meant that complex art, which included the melody, the movement, dance and the lyrics (poetry). Her role was important in every social event such as religious ceremonies, weddings, funerals
The citizens of ancient Greece, mentioning the term music, meant that complex art, which included the melody, the movement, dance and the lyrics (poetry). Her role was important in every social event such as religious ceremonies, weddings, funerals, athletic competitions, dramatic games, gyms, as well as in the war and in most other daily activities. But beyond the effect on body and spirit, the ancient Greeks thought it was very important to the soul. Plato and Aristotle, in their quest for a theoretical approach to the psychosomatic effect of music, highlighted the “power of music”. The educational and therapeutic value of music is indisputable. As an element of culture, it was not just a form of art and self-expression, but also a structural element in education, inextricably linked with virtue and philosophy. So, based on the philosophy of Ancient Greeks on music, we began an effort to reconstruct some instruments used by our ancestors in their musical education. “Palmos” workshop is active since 2011, trying to reconstruct instruments that are exact replica of ancient Greek. The sources from which we draw information are mainly philosophical and historical texts as well as images on vases. The constructions of our instruments are made in the way and materials that were probably used at that time. No modern intervention has been made to improve the sound or the appearance of the instruments. The materials are provided by nature, so it also defines their shape and size. What we use is tortoiseshells, goat horns, goatskin, cowhide straps and woods sprouting on Greek soil. At this point, we must clarify and emphasize that no animals were killed for the construction of the insteuments. Respecting all living creatures and with absolute ecological consciousness following the principle of re-use, we use tortoiseshells which we find and collect them in wooded areas, which most of the times we find them broken into pieces. Then we reassemble them and restore their original appearance. In this way we also limit the excessive use of wood.
To lead a healthy life you have to eat well, exercise or socialize, but there is another fundamental pillar; sleep well. Today there are many people with sleep disturbances, and even though they sometimes try to improve it sometimes they don’t know
To lead a healthy life you have to eat well, exercise or socialize, but there is another fundamental pillar; sleep well. Today there are many people with sleep disturbances, and even though they sometimes try to improve it sometimes they don’t know how. Although sleep can be a real pleasure, poor quality sleep or insufficient hours of sleep can take its toll on your health, as well as being a real torture.. That is why in this article we are going to see what are our tips to sleep well. The 6 best tips for better sleep and falling asleep Many people have so many difficulties sleeping that they end up taking drugs. These can help us a lot despite being able to have some side effects, because in the end not sleeping is surely worse. In any case, usually the reason why our sleep is not of good quality is because we have some habit that is not suitable for sleeping.. For this reason, we recommend you to review our list of 6 tips to get a good night’s sleep before you start taking any sleeping pills. 1. Do not expose yourself too much to the light when it is late in the evening. Throughout our evolutionary history, the sun clearly marked our circadian rhythm. When it was daytime our ancestors were exposed to a lot of light, while when it was nighttime the little light that entered their retinas was of very low intensity. Today this is very different. Almost everybody lives most of the time indoors, and we use artificial lights both when it is use artificial lights both during the day and at night.. In addition, the use of screens is commonplace and occupies more and more of our time. It is common for many people to watch TV before going to sleep, but also tablets and cell phones, which is counterproductive because our brain sees light. And our brain is programmed in the same way as our ancestors; it thinks it is daytime and, what does it do? stay awake when we have to go to sleep. 2. Don’t eat dinner too late In Spanish-speaking countries in general, people eat dinner a little later than the world average. But Spain is an outstanding case, because the late dinner is simply exaggerated. While in Europe people have dinner at 18h or 19h in the evening, in Spain people have dinner quietly at 21h or even 22h. This is a problem that is not always obvious to everyone, but which science has helped us to understand; sleeping less than 2 hours after dinner is neither easy to fall asleep nor actually healthy for the metabolism.. That is why we highlight this advice to sleep well and avoid insomnia, because we are not always aware of it. In addition, in countries like Spain many people eat a lot of dinner, almost as if it were a meal. While in other countries at 10 am they are already in bed having digested a light dinner, many Spaniards have not yet begun to eat the second course. 3. Do not have the bedroom at too high a temperature. It has been scientifically proven that sleeping in a room with a high temperature also affects our quality of sleep.. We can think of all those summer nights when it is very difficult to sleep. In addition, once we fall asleep, it also becomes more superficial, and the next day we are more tired. On the other hand, we don’t have to be cold either. For our body to rest and our brain to be able to disconnect and enter the REM sleep phase, the bedroom has to be at a temperature that is simply not too hot, and if it is a little cold we can cover ourselves with something. 4. Do not drink coffee in the afternoon/evening It is the most consumed substance in the world after water and tea. In all western countries its consumption is very common, and we are no exception. Coffee is characterized by its stimulating properties, as it helps us to feel less sleepy and fatigued in the morningsThey help us to feel less sleepy and fatigued in the morning and, therefore, to feel more awake. But surely this is going to be the best known of the tips to sleep well and avoid insomnia. Unfortunately, there are many people who, if they drink coffee in the afternoon, are unable to fall asleep, so they sleep less they sleep less hours. And the next day they feel they need a coffee. As we see, it is a fish that bites its own tail and we should be able to break this vicious circle if we perceive that this substance, rather than helping us, is ruining our health. 5. Do not drink alcohol to sleep There are many people who have found that by drinking alcohol at night they are better able to fall asleep. This is true because alcohol is a substance that inhibits the central nervous system.. The problem is that, although it helps us to fall asleep earlier, afterwards the sleep is not as good as it should be. When we use alcohol as a method of falling asleep, we may fall asleep earlier, but the quality of sleep is worse.. In short, it is a more superficial sleep, so the person does not rest as well
How to Draw Quagsire from Pokemon - Drawing Tutorials - Anime and Manga - How to Draw Quagsire from Pokemon Start the tutorial by making two ovals & two curve lines. Draw four ovals. Draw outline
How to Draw Quagsire from Pokemon - Drawing Tutorials - Anime and Manga - How to Draw Quagsire from Pokemon Start the tutorial by making two ovals & two curve lines. Draw four ovals. Draw outline for eyes & mouth. Make hands, fingers & arms. Make outline for body. Make feet & fingers. Finally, make necessary improvements to finish.
Vertigo is a sign of one more underlying clinical concern. Various problems are linked to vertigo. Technically, vertigo is defined as feeling as though you are relocating when you are really still, or really feeling a feeling of distorted movement
Vertigo is a sign of one more underlying clinical concern. Various problems are linked to vertigo. Technically, vertigo is defined as feeling as though you are relocating when you are really still, or really feeling a feeling of distorted movement while relocating your head typically. Yet lots of people with vertigo might define the experience as dizziness, which can likewise be caused by numerous points, often making vertigo tough to identify. Generally, vertigo is created either by problems in the internal ear, called peripheral vertigo, or issues in the mind or nerves, called central vertigo. Particular danger elements as well as other medical concerns can also cause episodes of vertigo. Locating what’s causing your dizziness is very important due to the fact that it will certainly identify your treatment alternatives. The Most Usual Factors Individuals Obtain Vertigo One of the most usual sources of vertigo include one of the list below problems: (1 ) Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) BPPV is one of the most typical cause of vertigo. (2) It occurs when little crystals break totally free as well as float inside the tubes of your internal ear, which are called semicircular canals. BPPV normally causes short episodes of vertigo that begin all of a sudden and last a few secs to a few mins. Specific head activities activate episodes of vertigo in individuals with BPPV. What Causes Vertigo To Come On Suddenly A lot of the time, medical professionals can’t determine specifically what causes BPPV, but it’s sometimes connected with a small or severe strike to the head. Labyrinthitis This condition, which is additionally referred to as “vestibular neuritis,” is characterized by irritation as well as swelling of the inner ear. It’s generally caused by an inner ear infection or infection. Sudden vertigo signs and symptoms and hearing loss prevail in people with labyrinthitis. Meniere’s condition This disease is caused by excess fluid accumulation in your inner ear. Individuals with Meniere’s commonly experience unexpected, extreme episodes of vertigo that last a long period of time. They may likewise have signs like supplanting the ears, hearing loss, or “plugged” ears. Physicians aren’t sure precisely what triggers Meniere’s condition, however it’s connected to viral infections of the internal ear, allergies, and also head injuries. Genetic factors are likewise believed to contribute. Much Less Common Factors People Might Obtain Vertigo Other sources of vertigo as well as lightheadedness might consist of (in no certain order):. Cholesteatoma This problem is characterized by irregular skin development between ear, behind the eardrum. It can be prompted by repeated, chronic ear infections. Otosclerosis Otosclerosis causes abnormal bone growth in the middle ear that can cause hearing loss. Stroke A blood clot or bleeding in the mind– otherwise referred to as a stroke– can create signs and symptoms of vertigo. Perilymphatic Fistula With this problem, an uncommon connection ( generally a tear or issue) in between the center ear and also the internal ear allows fluid to leak into the center ear. Acoustic Neuroma This is a noncancerous tumor that develops on the primary nerve leading from your inner ear to your brain. Several Sclerosis (MS) Lots of people with the neurological condition known as MS experience vertigo episodes at some point. Parkinson’s Illness Parkinson’s can impact activity and equilibrium. Individuals with this condition may also experience vertigo. Migraine headache Regarding 40 percent of people who have migraines also have issues with lightheadedness or balance at a long time. (3) There’s even a problem called “vestibular migraine” or “migraine-associated vertigo.”. Diabetic issues Sometimes difficulties from diabetes mellitus can trigger hardening of the arteries and less blood circulation to the mind, which leads to vertigo signs. Maternity Wooziness as well as vertigo may emerge during pregnancy as a result of hormone modifications, reduced blood sugar level levels, stress on blood vessels caused by an increasing womb, or the infant continuing a blood vessel that carries blood to the heart. Chiari Malformation This condition, where brain tissue prolongs right into the spinal canal, can cause signs of vertigo. Syphilis This sexually-transmitted infection (STI) can result in hearing loss and also dizziness. What Causes Vertigo To Come On Suddenly Anxiety Problems Anxiety as well as anxiety attack might create individuals to feel symptoms of vertigo. Tension can likewise worsen the condition. Mind Growth A tumor in an location of the brain called the cerebellum can trigger vertigo signs. Atmospheric Pressure Changes Pressure differences in between the middle ear dental caries are typically experienced when flying or diving underwater. This can create a condition called alternobaric vertigo. Allergic reactions Some people have lightheadedness or vertigo strikes when they’re revealed to certain allergens, such as dust, molds, pollens, dander, or foods. Drug Lightheadedness and vertigo are sometimes
Common Sport Injuries And How To Prevent Them Share This : Sports injuries are inevitable. While an unfortunate truth, there are exercises and preventative measures athletes, parents and coaches can take to lower the chances. When it comes to an expert in sport
Common Sport Injuries And How To Prevent Them Share This : Sports injuries are inevitable. While an unfortunate truth, there are exercises and preventative measures athletes, parents and coaches can take to lower the chances. When it comes to an expert in sport injuries, TeamSnap got to speak with Alexandra Schechner, PT, DPT, a multi-sport athlete and Physical Therapist at Park Sports Physical Therapy in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Schechner holds her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Long Island University and can be found playing soccer all across New York City, coaching youth soccer, and helping people all over the city with athletic conditioning, injury rehab and prevention. Q&A with Alexandra Schechner, PT, DPT TeamSnap: What are 5 of the most common sport injuries? Alexandra Schechner: Splints, ACL tear, groin strain, lumbar muscle spasm, rotator cuff tear. TeamSnap: Why do you think these injuries occur the most frequently? Alexandra Schechner: Sports injuries are inevitable, but it is important to take the time to prepare an athlete’s body for the demands of sport. A proper warm-up and cool down is vital to increase blood flow within muscles, improve joint range of motion, and reduce the risk of injury. Athletes should sweat prior to training and competition. If a coach is not incorporating a sport-specific warm-up and cool-down, the athlete should consult a physical therapist or athletic trainer to learn how to best prepare their body and prevent injury. TeamSnap: What are some treatments (physical therapy, exercises) that help athletes treat and also prevent these injuries from happening? Shin splints are a common overuse injury in the lower leg of running athletes. Shin splints occur from increasing activities or mileage too quickly, inflexible or weak muscles around the hip, knee or ankle, poor running mechanics. Prevention of shin splints includes a full range of motion around the ankle joint and good flexibility and strength of the lower leg muscles to allow for more shock absorption during running. Examples of exercises are ankle ABCs, four-way ankle strengthening using a resistance band, and calf stretching. Anterior Cruciate Ligament The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a major stabilizing ligament of the knee. Injury to the ACL can occur through contact with an opposing athlete or non-contact through a sudden cut, pivot, or change of direction. Evidence-based research has shown that with proper strength and conditioning, the risk of ACL tears can decrease. ACL injury prevention programs from a physical therapist, athletic trainer, or strength and conditioning coach will teach athletes proper body mechanics in jumping, landing, and changing of direction by retraining the athlete’s movement patterns. An extra 15 minutes before activity to properly warm-up is important to strengthen the lower extremity and reduce the risk for ACL instability. Warm-up exercises can include dynamic stretching, single leg bridges, lateral walking with resistance band, squat jumps. The groin (adductors) is a group of four muscles that function to bring the leg across the body. A groin strain occurs at a high rate because the muscle is often stretched beyond its limit as a result of doing too much too soon or an improper warm-up. Treatment of groin strains includes rest and icing for 15 to 20 minutes periodically during the first 72 hours
When it comes to frying oils, we can’t complain about the lack of available alternatives. Large supermarket shelves are full of options. But this variety of alternatives can be extremely confusing, given the great debate that exists about the benefits and risks of consuming
When it comes to frying oils, we can’t complain about the lack of available alternatives. Large supermarket shelves are full of options. But this variety of alternatives can be extremely confusing, given the great debate that exists about the benefits and risks of consuming different types of oils. You might think that frying with vegetable oils is healthier than cooking with animal fat like lard or pork. When frying or cooking at high temperatures (around 180 C) there is a change in the molecular structures of the oils and fats that are used. They undergo a process called oxidation, whereby they react with oxygen in the air forming aldehydes and lipid peroxides, which are very harmful to health. At room temperature, something similar happens, but much more slowly. When lipids go rancid, they too become oxidized. Oxidized oil is very bad for health, almost poisonous. Never leave a bottle exposed to light, the oil will oxidize over time. Note that expensive oils come in dark bottles. Sunflower oil and corn oil are fine as long as they don’t heat too much, no more than 170º, such as for frying or cooking. Olive oil generates much less aldehydes and is the most recommended. Anyway, if you don’t have olive oil, which is more expensive, any medium-quality oil will do, as long as you don’t overheat it.
Conduct Disorder refers to a specific group of serious problems both emotional and behavioral in children. Children with this disorder frequently behave in extremely unacceptable social ways. These are often illegal actions. The child however feels justified and shows very little remorse or empathy for
Conduct Disorder refers to a specific group of serious problems both emotional and behavioral in children. Children with this disorder frequently behave in extremely unacceptable social ways. These are often illegal actions. The child however feels justified and shows very little remorse or empathy for the victim they hurt. Many view children acting out with conduct disorder as “bad kids” without seeing that these children have a mental disorder. Conduct disorder can be diagnosed in adulthood, however symptoms most commonly will begin by the ages 14 to 16. Many children with conduct disorder will go on to develop antisocial personality disorder as they approach being an adult. The Symptoms of conduct disorder will generally fall into the following four categories: - Aggressive behavior aimed towards people and/or animals. This may include bullying, physical violence, aggression, use of a weapon. Direct physical cruelty to people and/or animals. Forcing another to perform a sexual act. - Property destruction: Setting fires and purposefully destroying another’s property. - Deceit, theft, lying, breaking into another’s property with the intention to steal, as well as shoplifting. - The serious violations of rules. Breaking family rules, leaving and running away from home. Skipping school earlier than age 13. For the diagnosis of conduct disorder to apply a child must have three of the above behaviors. They must have occurred within the last 6 months. Three behaviors must have happened with the past year. Determining if it’s a mild, moderate or severe case of conduct disorder depends on the degree of damage and/or injury done. While the cause is still unclear today, many factors are known that can put a child at risk to develop conduct disorder. These are: child abuse, very impulsive behaviors, very low academic achievement, poor or neglectful parental supervision, parents that are cold, callous or unemotional. Parents that are antisocial, trauma, living in poverty, and residing in a high-crime area or neighborhood and/or attending a school with high delinquency rates. With the right attention and care along with a strong support system put in place, conduct disorder is able to be managed. The earlier the child or teen is diagnosed, then the more successful the treatment outcome will be. Treatment is oftentimes long-term behavioral therapy. This helps the child to learn healthier and much more acceptable ways of behaving and thinking. Medication can be used to treat conduct disorder and other coexisting conditions that are diagnosed. Additionally, parents need help with parent management skills. They will need to understand how to help their child, help themselves and work as a healthy family system. Call us today at 407-967-1327 and let’s start helping your child get on the right path. Read more about our approach and let’s team up for your child’s recovery and return back to him or herself
· By Mackay Keech WHAT IS Allulose Allulose is also known as D-psicose. It is classified as a “rare sugar” because it is naturally present in only a few foods. Maple syrup
· By Mackay Keech WHAT IS Allulose Allulose is also known as D-psicose. It is classified as a “rare sugar” because it is naturally present in only a few foods. Maple syrup, figs, and raisins all contain it. Like glucose and fructose, allulose is a monosaccharide, or single sugar. In contrast, table sugar, also known as sucrose, is a disaccharide made of glucose and fructose joined together. In fact, allulose has the same chemical formula as fructose, but is arranged differently. This difference in structure prevents your body from processing allulose the way it processes fructose. Although 70–84% of the allulose you consume is absorbed into your blood from your digestive tract, it is eliminated in the urine without being used as fuel. It’s been shown to resist fermentation by your gut bacteria, minimizing the likelihood of bloating, gas, or other digestive problems. And here’s some good news for people who have diabetes or are watching their blood sugar — it does not raise blood sugar or insulin levels. Allulose also provides only 0.2–0.4 calories per gram, or about 1/10 the calories of table sugar. In addition, early research suggests that allulose has anti-inflammatory properties, and may help prevent obesity and reduce the risk of Although small amounts of this rare sugar are found in some foods, in recent years, manufacturers have used enzymes to convert fructose from corn and other plants into allulose. The taste and texture have been described as identical to table sugar. It is about 70% as sweet as sugar, which is similar to the sweetness of erythritol, another popular sweetener. But, unlike erythritol, allulose is not a sugar alcohol and will not cause the side effects that come with consuming sugar alcohols.
Incabloc, A Look Behind The Scenes Of The Watch Industry A historical supplier of the watch industry, crafting one small but crucial element of a watch, the shock absorber. You may own an old watch that says “Incabloc
Incabloc, A Look Behind The Scenes Of The Watch Industry A historical supplier of the watch industry, crafting one small but crucial element of a watch, the shock absorber. You may own an old watch that says “Incabloc” on its dial. This was rather common, back in the days. If the name is unknown by most of the people that are not into watches, there was a time when it was very popular. Back in the mid-20thcentury, the “Incabloc” trademark was a sign of quality and excellence for watches, to the point that brands would print it on their dials. Just like “Intel Inside” turned its name into a key criterion of purchase more recently… WHY SHOCK ABSORBERS Incabloc is the historical company manufacturing shock absorbers. Even if this part looks small and light, the forces applied to the axis of wheels into movements are huge. For this reason, it is harmful to insert the axis of wheels directly in the main-plate or bridges of the movement – metal vs. metal frictions would ruin the movement rapidly. Therefore, jewels (rubies) are used as bearings to reduce friction at critical points, to improve the accuracy and durability of watches. One of the hardest materials after diamond, ruby does not wear and allows low friction with metal pivots. Read our technical guide on jewel bearings here, to know all about this other crucial part of a watch. The pivots and jewel bearings of the balance wheel are especially fragile and these were often damaged under an impact. Dropping a watch on the floor often meant fatal damages. This lack of resistance was one of the major weaknesses and causes of repair for mechanical watches… until the invention of shock absorbers. With anti-shock systems, the jewels are mounted on springs allowing them to shift in their setting, in order to absorb radial, axial or diagonal shocks. The system re-centres instantly and perfectly the axis of wheels. The newly developed shock absorbers allowed improving drastically the long-term precision and reliability of watches, avoiding numerous failures. To the point that the shock absorber became a mandatory component of any watch equipped with a Swiss lever escapement – meaning 99.99% of the watches. Printing Incabloc on the dial became a sign of quality for watches (with the number of jewels). The Incabloc name, therefore, gained immense popularity in the mid-20th century. However, Incabloc was not originally a company but rather a product. The invention was patented in 1929 by Fritz Marti who had imagined this system based on “mobile balance-staff jewels”. In 1931, together with Georges Braunschweig (whose family owned Fabrique Election SA), he established Porte-Echappement Universel SA, better known since 1963 as Portescap SA, in La Chaux-de-Fonds. On March 1933, Portescap patented a more elaborate system with a cone-shaped construction, which allowed absorbing both lateral and axial shocks with one single spring. It was registered under the Incabloc trademark. In 1935, 300,000 Incabloc devices were delivered. In the early 1970s, no less than 36 millions of these shock absorbers were manufactured per year! This exponential development was supported by an advertising strategy initiated during the 1940s to create a global awareness and demand for this token of a fine watch! THE QUARTZ CRISIS AND THE BEGINNING OF A NEW ERA During the 1970s, the new, accurate quartz watches gained popularity and plunged the Swiss watch industry in a deep crisis. With the advent of the electronic watch, the need for shock absorbers to protect balance shafts almost disappeared. Portescap decided to sell its Incabloc division. In 1988, Eric Zutter started a new company, Incabloc SA, preserving and re-developing crucial skills and know-how. In 1992, his son Wilfried took over. With the revival of the mechanical watch, demand climbed up fast. Since then, the company grew and decided to verticalize integrating activities such as precision bar turning (Demhosa) or jewels production (Robellaz) for more flexibility and quality control over these critical activities. New products are also manufactured in particular adjustment indexes. With it, Incabloc is able to develop and to deliver dedicated adjustment systems uniting the shock absorber, adjustment index and balance-cock as a functionally-coherent entity. The company renovated its machine park and invested into several product innovations and into the improvement of its quality (in particular with the support of Pr. Jacot from EPFL). There are a few other shock absorber manufacturers. Incabloc’s main competitor is KIF Parechoc. It was founded in 1944 and it is now part of the Acrotec Group. Similar systems are also produced by other manufacturers such as ETA (Etachoc for ETA movements) or Rolex (Paraflex for Rolex movements) for their own needs. Outside Switzerland, Seiko and Citizen manufacture their own shock absorbers (respectively Diashock and Parashock). For more information, please visit Tenemos la tecnología en nuestra
When a close family member, current or former partner is abusive to you, you’re experiencing domestic abuse. Domestic abuse can involve physical, controlling or coercive behaviour, verbal, emotional and financial or online abuse, and threats to harm or kill you
When a close family member, current or former partner is abusive to you, you’re experiencing domestic abuse. Domestic abuse can involve physical, controlling or coercive behaviour, verbal, emotional and financial or online abuse, and threats to harm or kill you. Domestic abuse can happen anywhere and is a crime. What domestic abuse looks like You might not always know you’re experiencing domestic abuse. A partner or former partner or a close family member may physically harm you or be abusive to you. It is important to know that you are not to blame, you are not alone and that help is always available. The only person to blame is the person being violent or abusive. Domestic abuse can be violent or non-violent. It can include: - controlling or coercive behaviour - economic and financial abuse - making you doubt yourself - manipulating the truth - online and technological abuse - psychological/emotional abuse - physical abuse - sexual abuse - threatening behaviour Who can be an abuser Anyone can experience domestic abuse and anyone can be an abuser, regardless of age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, background, race or religion. An abuser can be a close family member and includes your parent, grandparent, child or step-child, in-laws, grandchild, brother or sister. Controlling or coercive behaviour Controlling or coercive behaviour is when an abuser uses threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuses that can harm, punish or frighten a victim. Contolling or coercive behaviour is a crime and is used by an abuser to: - make you dependent isolate a victim from support exploit a victim restrict a victim's freedom control and watch a victim's everyday activity There is a video you can watch to learn more about What is coercive control? Domestic abuse is a crime You do not have to be harmed physically or emotionally by abusive behaviour for it to be an offence. Domestic abuse is an offence when: - there has been a pattern of abusive behaviour two or more times - the two individuals are partners or former partners, or are family members - a reasonable person would consider the behaviour likely to cause physical or psychological harm - the abuser intends to cause harm or is reckless to this A single incident of abuse can still be an offence but the domestic abuse offence would not apply unless the abuse has happened on two or more occasions. Any other offence like criminal damage, common assault or grievous bodily harm carried out with a single incident of domestic abuse could lead to an increased sentence for an abuser. Prison terms and fines - The maximum penalty is up to 12 months in prison in Magistrates Court, or 14 years in Crown Court - There may be a fine of up to £5,000 or it could be unlimited - The jail sentence can be increased if the domestic abuse offence involves a child - the jail sentence can be increased where there is domestic abuse with another offence link criminal damage, theft or assault On conviction, a criminal record will show: - the domestic abuse offence - if the sentence has been increased as a child was involved - any other crime involving domestic abuse If you are no longer together If you no longer live with an abuser, this does not make a difference. What is important is that: - there is, or has been, a personal connection - there was abusive behaviour - it happened two or more times - it is likely to cause harm - the accused intended to cause harm or is reckless to this Children and abuse Children can be victims of domestic abuse. The domestic abuse crime applies to both adults and those under 18. Where a parent abuses a child under 16 the child cruelty offence would apply instead of the domestic abuse offence Abusive behaviour of a young person aged 16 or 17 by their parent is covered by the domestic abuse offence Sentencing may be increased if children are involved if: - a victim is under 18 - a child saw, heard or was present during the abuse - they are used to abuse another person - abusive behaviour is (or is threatened to be) directed at them - a reasonable person would consider the abusive behaviour would adversely impact the child You can read more about different types of violent and abusive behaviour. - Stopping Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse strategy - Abusive behaviour in an intimate or family relationship and the Domestic Abuse Offence How to get help - In an emergency dial 999 (If you can’t speak press 55 to let police know it is an emergency) - Phone 101 to report, or press 55 if you cannot speak - Reach out to friends family or any of the support services that are available - Call the freephone 24 hour Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline - You can call Crimestoppers confidentially on 0800 555 111 - support services for victims You can get help to leave a home where you don’t feel safe by contacting the Domestic and Sexual Abuse helpline. If you know someone else is being hurt or if you're worried that one of your friends, family members or carers is a victim of domestic abuse, tell them about your concerns. You could help them talk through the situation and support them if they want to report the abuse. Ask for help using the ANI
Sargon Systems will build the station you visit Sargon Systems are a family of new construction machines that can collectively build an entire space station like VERA in half a year. Later as we learn to use these powerful machines we will create whole
Sargon Systems will build the station you visit Sargon Systems are a family of new construction machines that can collectively build an entire space station like VERA in half a year. Later as we learn to use these powerful machines we will create whole stations in a month or less. This is a new kind of construction technology called: Panel Construction. By forming panels of a station that have hull plate and Whipple shielding pre-attached we can quickly build large pressurized volumes in space in an automated fashion. Sargon builds whole stations by welding together panel rings at an astonishing rate. How fast a station comes together depends on how fast Sargon can form a panel ring: At the start, maybe one ring a day, but later we expect to build a new ring every hour! Panels in a torus are trapezoidal in shape. Each panel ring has 32 panels. Window panels can be used interchangeably. This allows a client to create areas with broad viewing regions like a restaurant, or none for storage rooms. Each Panels hull plate is 5cm of 2219-T8 Aluminum Alloy. This is the same metal used on the ISS. Sargon forms a Panel Ring by welding together the panels for that ring. The panel magazines load the panel cart and then the cart positions panels so the welders can weld together the seams. The weld ring is composed of 32 horizontal weld manifolds and 32 vertical weld manifolds. Each welding manifold has an electron beam weld head that seals the seam between the panels. EB welding is perfect for space operations because it requires a vacuum environment to operate in.
In this fast tutorial, you’ll learn how to draw a rocket in simple stages, which is ideal for kids and beginners. These pictures show what a complete rocket ship drawing would look like, as well as the necessary procedures. Below is a list
In this fast tutorial, you’ll learn how to draw a rocket in simple stages, which is ideal for kids and beginners. These pictures show what a complete rocket ship drawing would look like, as well as the necessary procedures. Below is a list of individual step by step pictures with easy instructions, through which you can build a nice-looking spaceship. Facts About Rocket Ship: Rockets have always been a part of science fiction and reality. Rockets include things like fireworks, missiles, and space shuttles. The first rockets were developed in China in the 1200s. The military utilized gunpowder to provide their power for them. In the Middle East, they were used. Within a century after their invention, they conquered America and Europe. During the song, “Star-Spangled Banner a banner “Francis Scott Key notably alludes to the United States national anthem. In combat, rockets are utilized. The first modern rocket was built in 1926. The techniques improved after World War II, and by the 1960s, rockets were being used to transport outside of the atmosphere. Know-it-all Before You Start… - Drawing Materials: Drawing Sheet, Pencil, Eraser, Water Color/ Crayons - Expected Time: 50 minutes (Including Coloring) - Difficulty Level: Moderate Rocket Drawing Instruction : Step 1: First draw a plus sign for the structure of the body of the rocket ship. Step 2: Complete the rocket body. Step 3: Draw the tail segment. Step 4: Add the flame to the tail of the rocket. Step 5: Now add a circle above the plus sign in the body. Step 6: Add the wings of the rocket ship. Step 7: Again add the rest of the wings. Step 8: Now add the details on the head. Step 9: Add the windows. Step 10: Now complete the picture by coloring the rocket. How to Draw a Rocket Step by Step If you are a newbie in art with no prior experience, this step-by-step picture will help you in a manner that no one else can. Download the free printable guide before you start rocket drawing.
If you’ve got exam season up and coming, it’s best to be as prepared as possible! Of course, it can be a stressful time for anyone, but the best way of approaching your exams is with a calm and focused manner. In
If you’ve got exam season up and coming, it’s best to be as prepared as possible! Of course, it can be a stressful time for anyone, but the best way of approaching your exams is with a calm and focused manner. In this blog post, we’ll cover some of the best exam preparation tips which can hopefully help get you feeling confident for your exams. Give yourself plenty of time It can be more difficult to motivate yourself to study if your exams seem ages away but giving yourself more than enough time is better than leaving everything until the last minute. Giving yourself additional time allows you to find out which areas you know well, and what you need to pay additional attention to. You want to go into your exams as confident as possible, so giving yourself as much time as possible to prepare and study is one of the best things you can do. Create a study schedule Setting up a study schedule can help you utilise your time more efficiently and can encourage you to stay focused. By setting a study schedule, you can prioritise what you need to focus on, and give extra time to the tasks or areas where more needs to be done. Having a clear focus is important whilst you are studying, as trying to focus on too many different subjects at once can be overwhelming and impact your ability to study effectively. Take regular breaks The importance of breaks during studying sessions shouldn’t be understated. Our brains can only concentrate on a subject for a certain amount of time before getting distracted, so it’s vital you take time out to recharge before concentrating on your studies again. There are several effective ways you can spend your breaks and recharge your batteries. Exercise is one of the best things you can do, even if it means just going for a brisk walk – this will improve the flow of blood to your brain and the fresh air will have you feeling refreshed physically and mentally. You can also spend your breaks meditating to recharge yourself meditating, or simply relaxing by reading a book or watching TV. Set study goals Studying sessions where you set goals and have a clear idea of what you need to accomplish are almost always more effective than aimlessly studying. Setting goals can give you a greater sense of accomplishment when
After a stunningly rapid offensive, the Taliban has occupied Kabul with minimal resistance and is consolidating its power across Afghanistan. But one unconquered area remains – Panjshir province in the country’s northwest, which has – over more than
After a stunningly rapid offensive, the Taliban has occupied Kabul with minimal resistance and is consolidating its power across Afghanistan. But one unconquered area remains – Panjshir province in the country’s northwest, which has – over more than four decades – proved stubbornly resistant to outside interference and remains defiant in the face of Taliban dominance. BUY-SELL | HELP WANTED | MATRIMONIAL On August 15, as the Taliban were closing in on Kabul, the president, Ashraf Ghani – who had previously promised to “fight to the death” – quietly fled the country, which precipitated the government’s collapse. His vice-president, Amrullah Saleh – a fierce critic of the Taliban – decided to stay on and move to his birthplace, Panjshir. Panjshir Valley, nearly 150km north of Kabul, is home to a largely ethnic Tajik population and through four decades of civil war and Taliban insurgency has been a centre of resistance. Panjshir resisted the Soviet invasion in the 1980s and Taliban rule during the late 1990s. In the past 20 years, it was the only province that the predominantly ethnic Pashtun Taliban seemed unable to penetrate. Panjshir’s elites have played an important role in the post-2001 political order put in place by the United States-led intervention. It has been a stronghold to all main opposition presidential contenders since 2004, including Abdullah Abdullah, a senior…
Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. And of the three main types of skin cancer, Melanoma is the deadliest. “Outdoor athletes receive higher doses of UV radiation than most people. Thus, there are greater melanoma
Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. And of the three main types of skin cancer, Melanoma is the deadliest. “Outdoor athletes receive higher doses of UV radiation than most people. Thus, there are greater melanoma risk factors found in outdoor athletes,” says Erin Heuring, MD, a dermatologist in our Toledo market. Learning how to stay safe from the sun during a race can help prevent skin cancer. First off, The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. They also encourage limiting your exposure to the sun between the hours of 10am and 2pm when the sun’s rays are the strongest. Additionally, the American Cancer Society (ACS) encourages you to Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap! - Slip on a shirt. Up to 80% of UV radiation can still get to you on a cloudy day. - Slop on at least an ounce of SPF 30 sunscreen 30 minutes before going outdoors. Reapply every two hours and more frequently if you are sweating. - Slap on a hat. The hat’s brim should by at least two to three inches all around. - Wrap on sunglasses. They should have at least 99% UV absorption to protect the eyes and the skin around the eyes. While not the deadliest, non-melanoma skin cancer is the most common and is still dangerous. The warning signs of non-melanoma skin cancer and melanoma are different. Warning signs of non-melanoma skin cancer include: - A new skin growth - A spot that is getting larger - A sore place that does not heal within three months - Any change on the skin, especially the size or color of a mole - Scaliness, oozing, bleeding or change in the appearance of a bump, nodule or mole - The spread of pigmentation beyond the boarder of a mole - A change in sensation, itchiness, tenderness, or pain in the skin Warning signs of melanoma have a simple ABCDE rule: - A: asymmetry – one half of the mole does not match the other half - B: border irregularity – the edges are ragged, notched or blurred - C: color – pigmentation is not uniform, with variable degrees of tan, brown or black - D: diameter – greater than 6mm, about the size of the eraser end of a pencil. Any sudden increase or progressive increase should be of concern. - E: evolution – new or changing skin growths or spots The ACS guidelines state that anyone who is age 20 and older should have a skin examination by their primary care physician during their annual health check-up. Learn about the skin care services we provide at Mercy Health. We hope you keep these healthy skin tips in mind – especially those currently preparing for the Toledo Glass City Marathon on Sunday, April 25. From the relay to 5k to full marathon, there is something for everyone in this race. If you’ve been training but have yet to sign up, there is still time to register. If you are experiencing any significant physical pain during your training, our Mercy Health — Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Team is here to help.
Marine & Environmental Sciences Faculty Articles Spatial and Temporal Variation in Fecundity of Acropora spp. in the Northern Great Barrier Reef Coral reefs, Gametogenesis, Reproduction The amount of energy invested in sexual
Marine & Environmental Sciences Faculty Articles Spatial and Temporal Variation in Fecundity of Acropora spp. in the Northern Great Barrier Reef Coral reefs, Gametogenesis, Reproduction The amount of energy invested in sexual reproduction by scleractinian corals depends on their life history strategies (i.e., allocation of energy between growth, reproduction, and maintenance). However, energy allocated to reproduction will also be affected by the amount of energy acquired and prevailing environmental conditions. Coral fecundity is therefore likely to vary spatially, especially along marked gradients in environmental conditions. One of the foremost gradients in reef structure and environmental conditions occurs with distance from the coast, whereby inner-shelf or near shore reefs are generally subject to higher levels of nutrients, sediments and pollutants, which often adversely affect reef-building corals. This study quantified fecundity (oocytes per polyp) for three species, Acropora nasuta, A. spathulata, and A. hyacinthus, at six locations in the northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), encompassing inner-, mid- and outer-shelf reefs. Replicate colonies were sampled at each location prior to the predicted date of spawning in 2013 and 2014. Both shelf position and year were important factors explaining variation in fec
Shot blasting of steel plate, profiles, construction, and fabrications is a process to clean, descale, provide a specified surface profile and edge break as a surface preparation. The process detail is subject to the hardness and start condition of the steel
Shot blasting of steel plate, profiles, construction, and fabrications is a process to clean, descale, provide a specified surface profile and edge break as a surface preparation. The process detail is subject to the hardness and start condition of the steel and it is vital to know these factors prior to shot blasting and before application of a coating or paint to maximise the adherence potential and corrosion control. This is a document made up of five parts on “How Do You Make Your Coatings Stick Better?” Section 1 – Specified Consistency Section 2 – Measurement Terms Section 3 – How To Measure Section 4 – Cleanliness and Surface Profile Section 5 – Recognising Steel Processes (for hardness of steel) The effect of heat treatment is best explained by the different production processes or rolling process specifications that can be used in steel manufacturing the main ones being: - As-rolled steel - Normalised steel - Normalised-rolled steel - Thermomechanical rolled (TMR) steel - Quenched and tempered (Q and T) steel Steel cools as it is rolled and the typical rolling finish temperature is 750°C, after which the steel cools naturally. Steel produced through this process method is termed ‘As-rolled’. Structural sections generally achieve the required mechanical properties through this efficient production route, but plates usually require further heat treatment. Normalising is the process where an as-rolled plate is heated back up to approximately 900°C, and held at that temperature for a specific time before being allowed to cool naturally. This process refines the grain size and improves the mechanical properties, specifically the toughness. It renders the properties more uniform, and removes residual rolling strains. Normalised-rolled is a process where the rolling finish temperature is above 900°C and the steel is allowed to cool naturally. This has a similar effect on the properties as Normalising, but it eliminates a process. Normalised and Normalised rolled steels are denoted ‘N’ Thermomechanical rolled steel utilises a leaner chemistry, which requires a lower rolling finish temperature of 700°C to put the strength in, before the steel cools naturally. Note that greater force is required to roll the steel at these lower temperatures and that the properties are retained unless reheated above 650°C. Thermomechanical rolled steel is denoted ‘M’ Quenched and Tempered steel starts with an as-rolled plate, heats it back to 900°C and holds it at that temperature, as for normalizing, but then the steel is rapidly cooled or ‘quenched’ to produce steel with high strength and hardness but low toughness. The toughness is restored by reheating it to 600°C maintaining the temperature for a specific time and then allowing it to cool naturally (‘tempering’). Quenched and tempered steels are denoted ‘Q’. After understanding the quality of steel, the steel process method, its hardness, combined with the surface profile specification, the blast process can now be created. To create your blast process please complete the contact form 4 thoughts on “Shot blasting – Recognising Steel Production Processes”
Augusta Ada King, the Countess of Lovelace was the daughter of Lord Byron. Ada was a mathematician, linguist and author who wrote the earliest known algorithm designed to be carried out by a machine. The Analytical Engine for
Augusta Ada King, the Countess of Lovelace was the daughter of Lord Byron. Ada was a mathematician, linguist and author who wrote the earliest known algorithm designed to be carried out by a machine. The Analytical Engine for which it was designed was created by her mentor and friend Charles Babbage. Due to this work, Ada is known as
What is Collated Printing? Collate is a term used in the printing industry to describe ‘’collate copies’’. That is, rather than printing separate papers, the printer ‘’collects’’ them all together to make a full set
What is Collated Printing? Collate is a term used in the printing industry to describe ‘’collate copies’’. That is, rather than printing separate papers, the printer ‘’collects’’ them all together to make a full set. Check out the printer preview page the next time you print a paper. Collate refers to the gathering and subsequent arrangement of sheets of paper or other printed components in a predetermined order in printing. In this article, you will learn ‘’what is collated printing’’ Why do we need to collate PRINTING? It is very frustrating when you have to print 30 copies of a document so that you can distribute them to 30 people. For this, you are putting 30 pages one’s into a pile and after that again 30 pages for two’s. It is not finished here; after printing 30 copies, you will invest a lot of time and effort to sort them. Why waste this much time. Your printer is ready to do this job for you. For example, if you are printing three copies of a five-page document, the collate setting will ensure that the printer will print one copy of each page, and then repeat 12345, 12345, 12345. You will just have to pick the printouts from the tray and bind them. While collating by hand can be tedious and lead to mistakes in your document, collating on your printer gives you the peace of mind of knowing that your document will be put together efficiently and correctly. How Can You Collate Print? You can set the number of copies or collate for a single print job or for all print jobs in your printer driver. - Open a document to print. - Click File and Print. - Click the Properties button next to your printer. Some programs have a different Print window and Properties may not be listed. You may need to click on another button (ex. Preferences or Setup) or tab before accessing the printer driver settings. - Enter the number of Copies. - If you wish the copies to print collated, check the checkbox for Collate. - Click OK to exit the Properties. Click OK or Print to print the document.
Teaching and the Law The increased accountability of teachers has meant that actions on negligence are a reality. This is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of the law for teachers, covering everything from the employment relationship to lesson content and discipline. -
Teaching and the Law The increased accountability of teachers has meant that actions on negligence are a reality. This is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of the law for teachers, covering everything from the employment relationship to lesson content and discipline. - 1999 Jacqui Gilliatt - Book Quality: - Taylor and Francis - Date of Addition: - Education, Nonfiction, - Usage Restrictions: - This is a copyrighted book. Choosing a Book Format EPUB is the standard publishing format used by many e-book readers including iBooks, Easy Reader, VoiceDream Reader, etc. This is the most popular and widely used format. DAISY format is used by GoRead, Read2Go and most Kurzweil devices. Audio (MP3) format is used by audio only devices, such as iPod. Br
Below is one of my first essays freshman year of college. And yet, I don’t think it was a bad one, despite being written when I was quite new to the college experience. It is about a particular character from The Canterbury Tales by
Below is one of my first essays freshman year of college. And yet, I don’t think it was a bad one, despite being written when I was quite new to the college experience. It is about a particular character from The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. She is called the Wife of Bath, AKA Dame Alice. I hope you enjoy this. Let me know in the comments if you have been enjoying the analyses I have been publishing based on my old essays. I am definitely considering creating new analyses of a similar style for literature, or even articles of a less literary nature that have the same strong research as my college essays. Warning! Spoilers ahead! Dame Alice, the coquettish and overbearing Wife of Bath, whose amorous experiences are featured in The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, plays a central role in revealing the flaws of a patriarchal society. In the beginning of The Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale, she has been recently freed from a favored—yet restricting—marriage by the death of her fifth husband, and undertakes a pilgrimage to the shrine of Saint Thomas Beckett. On her way, she merges with a group of pilgrims and accepts the offer of their gracious Host to furnish a meal upon their return if they each tell two tales for entertainment on the round trip. The Wife of Bath brings her vast well of experiences into the telling, launching into bold statements about the topics of love, marriage, and the female role that permeated medieval religious discourse. Her aggressively persuasive voice challenges notions of inferiority and servility attributed to her from birth. The narrator distances himself from any negative repercussions of her subversive view by claiming to represent her story as she has told it, which provides the author the opportunity to reveal longstanding societal issues and discrimination to the discerning public. Chaucer uses the Wife of Bath’s dual roles as pawn and player in a male-dominated society to bring attention to social injustice against women in medieval times. This is completed chiefly through Dame Alice’s usage of Scripture and experience to rail against authority, the deliberation and dismissal of misogynist thought, and the story of the rapist knight. Dame Alice’s described experience consists primarily of her marital woes, although she also draws from her background of previous pilgrimages and her arguably broad knowledge of Scripture, literature, and intellectual controversies. The Wife of Bath views “auctoritee”, or authority, as a suppressive force representing the sum of her desires as well as a tool for the systemic oppression of women (qtd. in Kolve and Olson 123). Since any opportunity for authority or dominion has been stripped from her upon the fatal termination of her previous marriage, she must bring this power from her past. Experience, driven by powerful emotions and desires, dominates her—and gives her strength. Throughout her first four marriages, lust and greed prevented any possibility of marital unity. The first three husbands that she appreciated before Janekin were wealthy and elderly, and their inability to limit her excursions were the primary reason for her fond memory of them. By keeping them always on the defensive and providing sexual favors when they acted in accordance with her will, she dominated the marriage. It is this history, fraught with illusive freedom and frustration, that provide the basis for her prologue and tale. Although Dame Alice uses experience as part of her arsenal to derail authority, she takes advantage of every opportunity to claim power, as if she is plagued by her “need for others to acknowledge her presence and validate her claims to prestige and a certain kind of status” (Gottfried 205). Her prologue is filled with examples of how she manipulated her husbands and wrested control from their hands through bribery and accusations. Yet in order for her to gain status, it appears that she must take down each authority figure. Using her experience as a method to uphold her own superiority, she deliberately overturns the authority of others and establishes herself in their place. The first opponent she undertakes is the “ordered tradition of religious and social authority” (Payne 119). Within the first section of her prologue, she denies that Jesus intended marriage to occur only once merely because he attended one wedding, and goes on to slyly wonder why the Samaritan woman’s fifth lover was not considered her husband. This has led many scholars to condemn her rebellious suggestions as denying the hierarchy established by God, though others contend that one “ought to question the assumption that Dame Alice’s anti-misogyny is heresy” (Oberembt 288). In the examples above, she resents interpretations of the Bible that restrict her and directly attacks religious authoritie
Our National Day of the Horse arrives on Sunday. In 2004 Congress set aside a day to honor the most significant animal to the building of the history of our nation. Horses have served in our wars, plowed our fields, built
Our National Day of the Horse arrives on Sunday. In 2004 Congress set aside a day to honor the most significant animal to the building of the history of our nation. Horses have served in our wars, plowed our fields, built many cities, served police and firefighters, delivered our mail, provided personal enrichment and personal profit. “The equine eye is the largest of all land mammals–whales, seals and ostrich are the only other animals that have larger eyes. Perhaps it is that in that eye we see so much of ourselves that both inspires to protect and exploit these amazing beings?” LLeigh, WHE In part one we discussed a few of the dangers faced by our horses, both wild and domestic, with a focal point on slaughter for profit. In this section we are going to focus on the emotional connection and appreciation for “the horse.” At Wild Horse Education (WHE) we devote our days and nights to wild horses. We fight to gain protections from abuse, slaughter and to gain sanity on the range. In the course of our work we have encountered many extraordinary people that also devote time and energy to our amazing horses. We have had extremes of experience from tragedy to triumph. Every step of this journey we are blessed with the pre
i mean if there wasn't knowledge, there wouldn't be life. ________ In the novel “ Of Mice and Men “,John Steinbeck wanted to show that even though money is what pushes people to do things, there is more than
i mean if there wasn't knowledge, there wouldn't be life. ________ In the novel “ Of Mice and Men “,John Steinbeck wanted to show that even though money is what pushes people to do things, there is more than just money in the world so you must always love and help a person that cannot take care of themselves. ________ Author John Steinbeck uses the novel Of Mice and Men to carry a letter to the world that men cannot be changed for who they are. ________ “Of mice and men” written by “John Steinbeck” shows the theme of lonesomeness and loneliness of the people on the ranch. ________ A mental problem person would never change his attitude and character towards certain situation. Their dreams were American because they all wanted a better life that was not tainted with sorrow, a pure life. In Of Mice and Men, each of their dreams diminished in a chain of events. Curley’s wife died by the arms of Lennie, which led George to show him, which made George’s chances of getting a farm a lot harder because Lennie had the strength George lacked. Even though this story was set in the 1930s during the Great Depression, it is still relatable to today’s society because it is getting more difficult to own property and having career gets set back due to budget cuts in the education After they reach the ranch, we are introduced to the workers who are considered main characters too: Candy, Curley, Curley's Wife, Crooks, Slim and Curley's dad. The novel takes place during the Great Depression of the 1930s in two places. It starts beside a stream, close to the Salinas River, a few miles south of Soledad, California. It then moves to a ranch, where the major part of the story is set. At the end of the novel, the setting “Of Mice and Men” Essay. From the start of this novel we can see that George holds the power in their unique relationship. Without George, it would seem that Lennie would continuously get not only himself, but others in trouble. Although Lennie does not do this deliberately he still needs George to guide him and make decisions for him. For us, George appears to be like a father figure towards Lennie, he attempts to plan all of their everyday communications to try keep life as normal as possible for the both of them. Hopes and dreams help people to survive even if they can never become real… Every people dream and wonder around in their minds about special things. Dreams and hopes can be very important for people’s needs. In most cases, dreams can be misled because of the reality. It is very difficult to describe them because they are not the same for everybody. In the novel Of mice and men, there are many examples where characters have dreams but reality is different. Alex Gomez Per-2 1/18/11 Dreams Dreams are what you think about the most. They are what keep people going everyday. In the novel, Of Mice and Men by John Stheinbects, there are a few people that have dreams that are fighting to get there. As soon as you let go of your dream, it will be a burden to get back together. In the novel Of Mice and Men there is a character named George. Explore the ways One or Two Minor Characters are Presented in ‘Of Mice and Men’ ________________________________________ John Steinbeck's "Of mice and men" was written in the 1930's, a time of great depression throughout the world. It was a time when racism and sexism where still widespread in America. It is based on a ranch in California. Crooks and Curley’s wife are two minor characters in the novel who both receive some form of discrimination from the other characters on the ranch. Curley’s wife Tart Curley's Wife, in John Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men, is an example of how the reader's perception of a character can change without the character actually changing. “Of Mice and Men” Essay The novel, Of Mice and Men, is a tragedy not only because of the devastating death of Lennie Smalls, but also because of the terrible death of the “American Dream.” Every character in the novel had their own version of their American Dream. The Tart’s dream was to be a star and experience the world with full freedom. Crooks and Candy both longed for their own place and own family to go home to and Curley just wanted to earn respect from other’s and gain the authority he thought he deserved. All while George and Lennie just wanted to own their own farm and “live of the fatta the lan’.”But in the end, the Tart is still a prisoner in her own home, Crooks and Candy are still outcasts and have no one to call family, Curley Throughout history, when life becomes tough, people turn to aspirations as a coping mechanism. In John Steinbeck’s OF MICE AND MEN, Lennie Smalls and George Milton believe they have a bright future, during dreadful times of the Great Depression, because they have a dream. They have been migrant workers for a good portion of their lives, and decide they need a change. They don’t want to work for anyone else, rather have their own land. Although George and Lennie believe their ambition is well planned, they soon realize their dream is only up to fate. Everyone in the world has a dream, some dreams are able to be fulfilled and others are not. In Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck uses pain, suffering, and loneliness to show how people use dreams to get through hard times. Dreams can seem ridiculous to people at certain moments in time, but when people go through things, all they can do is hope and think about the best. A short stature man, George Milton, has a dream of buying land and thriving off it. George must take care of a mentally challenged friend, Lennie.
Chapter Five: Knowledge–How do you know. Chapter Five: Knowledge–How do you know. Chapter Five: Knowledge–How do you know? 21 21 unread replies. 23 23 replies. This chapter discusses the various epistem
Chapter Five: Knowledge–How do you know. Chapter Five: Knowledge–How do you know. Chapter Five: Knowledge–How do you know? 21 21 unread replies. 23 23 replies. This chapter discusses the various epistemological theories. Historically, there are two main positions when it comes to epistemology: Rationalism and Empiricism. Both make important claims, but both positions also have problems. For instance, Rationalism assumes that we all possess certain innate ideas that ground human knowledge, but as John Locke shows this appears false since different people have different ideas about things like God, self, causation, etc. Empiricism says that sensory impressions ground knowledge but this position runs into the skeptical conclusions identified by David Hume. The upshot of these two theories is
Old Courthouse Alice Springs Things To Do Alice Springs, Alice Springs, Northern Territory The ‘Old Courthouse’ is highly valued by all the community because it represents a tangible reminder of the past and is where decisions were made or actions taken
Old Courthouse Alice Springs Things To Do Alice Springs, Alice Springs, Northern Territory The ‘Old Courthouse’ is highly valued by all the community because it represents a tangible reminder of the past and is where decisions were made or actions taken that directly affected life in Central Australia, be it for better or worse. The building was designed for use as the Administrative Offices of Central Australia, established in 1926 to prepare for a measure of self government. Construction began in 1927 and by November 1928 it was sufficiently completed for occupation. Although a Local Court of Alice Springs had been proclaimed in 1892, its offices were at the Telegraph Station. The extension of the railway from Oodnadatta, increasing population and other factors resulted in the Local Court moving its office to the Town of Stuart with the Court House building then having multiple uses as government and judicial offices, but the name of the Local Court was not changed to Stuart and this resulted confusion until, in 1933, the town’s name was changed to Alice Springs. From 1929 until 1931, it was technically the Supreme Court of Central Australia. It ceased to operate as a courthouse in 1980 when the new Alice Springs Law Court Building was officially opened. Disabled AssistanceCaters for hearing impairment Caters for limited mobility Caters for vision impairment
Consumers these days are taking much more notice about the products they buy such as where it originated, how it is made and how it is produced. The Fair Trade Movement has had a lot to do with this mounting interest and awareness. This movement
Consumers these days are taking much more notice about the products they buy such as where it originated, how it is made and how it is produced. The Fair Trade Movement has had a lot to do with this mounting interest and awareness. This movement is concerned with sustainable products which are made in developing countries. A growing range of produce and handicrafts have been awarded the Fair Trade label and include gifts, home-wares, jewelry and handmade bags as a few examples. A product which qualifies for Fair trade certification must pass the strict guidelines which are used. The company needs to show that they are fair employers and their workers are well paid and treated and that the products are made with sustainable methods with proper care for the environment. The products are easy to recognize as they are labeled with the Fair Trade certification¬¬. In countries, where production workers have toiled in less than acceptable conditions for years making products like handbags and jewelry, the Fair Trade movement is making inroads. Workers are at last able to receive decent living wages and working conditions in countries such as Thailand and the products they make are exported to places such as USA, UK, Canada and Australia. In India, the extremely poor conditions and payments have been the standard practice for workers in the textile, jewelry and handbag business for decades. Now those workers who are producing fair Trade products are receiving far better conditions and fair pay rates and the use of child labor has been abolished. Fair trade extends to a wide range of industries and products and is making changes to the harsh working conditions that have been endured in the past by coffee workers, cocoa bean harvesters and gold and diamond industry workers. By helping producers in the developing countries achieve better prices for their products the Fair Trade movement is achieving a better life for the communities. These people are able to build schools, improve roads and get access to better health care. Fair Trade can assist them to develop their businesses and ensure a better future for the entire community. Producers in countries all around the world like Ethiopia, Ghana, Papua New Guinea, Bolivia and India are freeing themselves from exploitation and becoming involved in the Fair Trade movement. Part of the philosophy behind the movement is to bring about a constructive change in third world countries through trade and commerce as an alternative to providing aid. It helps the producers learn to become self sufficient and move away from reliance on aid from developed countries. It is quite enlightening to know that we have considerable purchasing power concerning the choice of products we buy. Every Fair Trade product we buy is making a genuine difference to workers in third world countries. The purchase is also a way of giving a signal to those who might exploit these workers because of their business practices. So these ideas are well worth considering the next time you notice the Fair Trade label on a product. Mount Carstensz Pyramid, Papua Puncak Jaya or Carstensz Pyramid (4,884 m) is one of the great 7 Summits (highest mountain on every continent) and the highest of Oceania. A 5 day hike in through dense jungle, excessive mud, crossing rivers, constant rain to the steep and jagged massive. Strikingly beautiful and technically difficult climbing. Powerful video images through the perspective of the climber.
Cluster Headache Cure by Dr. Shevel[media url=”” width=”600″ height=”400″] Learn other courses related to first aid and understand more about
Cluster Headache Cure by Dr. Shevel[media url=”” width=”600″ height=”400″] Learn other courses related to first aid and understand more about this topic. A cluster headache characterized by an extremely intense headache, wh
The Arduino Nano 33 IoT is the easiest point of entry to enhance existing devices (and creating new ones) to be part of the IoT and designing pico-network applications. Whether you are looking at building a sensor network connected to your office or
The Arduino Nano 33 IoT is the easiest point of entry to enhance existing devices (and creating new ones) to be part of the IoT and designing pico-network applications. Whether you are looking at building a sensor network connected to your office or home router, or if you want to create a BLE device sending data to a cellphone, the Nano 33 IoT is your one-stop-solution for many of the basic IoT application scenarios. The board’s main processor is a low power Arm® Cortex®-M0 32-bit SAMD21. The WiFi and Bluetooth® connectivity is performed with a module from u-blox, the NINA-W10, a low power chipset operating in the 2.4GHz range. On top of those, secure communication is ensured through the Microchip® ECC608 crypto chip. Besides that, you can find a 6 axis IMU, what makes this board perfect for simple vibration alarm systems, pedometers, relative positioning of robots, etc. WiFi and Arduino IoT Cloud Connecting to a WiFi network as easy as getting an LED to blink. You can get your board to connect to any kind of existing WiFi network, or use it to create your own Arduino Access Point. The specific set of examples we provide for the Nano 33 IoT can be consulted at the WiFiNINA library reference page. Bluetooth® and BLE The communications chipset on the Nano 33 IoT can be both a BLE and Bluetooth® client and host device. Something pretty unique in the world of microcontroller platforms. If you want to see how easy it is to create a Bluetooth® central or a peripheral device, explore the examples at our ArduinoBLE library. The Getting Started section contains all the information you need to configure your board, use the Arduino Software (IDE), and start tinkering with coding and electronics. This board helped to get started on IOT projects which supports Google Cloud, AWS and Azure. It was value for money. Aravind (verified owner) – Thanks for providing clarifications post sales. That was very helpful especially when someone like me starting as a beginner and have less idea on the subject.
Five lesser-known natural attractions in Sri Lanka You may be thinking of Sri Lanka as a destination mainly for beach holidays because Sri Lanka is a small tropical island. But the island offers a lot more than sun, sea and sand for its visitors.
Five lesser-known natural attractions in Sri Lanka You may be thinking of Sri Lanka as a destination mainly for beach holidays because Sri Lanka is a small tropical island. But the island offers a lot more than sun, sea and sand for its visitors. Sri Lanka harbours a large number of natural attractions in Sri Lanka. From the northern-most tip of the island, Point Pedro to down south, landscape, vegetation, weather pattern, traditions, customs, architecture and many other aspects of life, change drastically, giving the travellers plenty of opportunities to keep them busy during the holiday in Sri Lanka. Here are five lesser-known natural attractions in Sri Lanka, which are really off the beaten track natural attractions. These are several isolated places in the western province and need a considerable amount of travelling to reach from major cities such as Colombo and Gampaha. Therefore, these places should not be an essential part of your Sri Lanka tour itinerary and can be visited, if you happen to come to the vicinity of these places. Maimbulkanda nature reserve Maimulkanda nature reserve is located about 25 kilometres from the international airport. It is located between Ranpokunagama housing scheme and Maimbulkanda village. The forest reserve can be reached from Colombo through Colombo-Katunayake main road. Today it is given the statue of the nature reserve by considering its importance as a forest that harbours a large number of species of Fauna and Flora. Sri Lanka budget tours The nature reserve spreads over 58 hectares. It harbours many species of valuable hardwood such as Hora (Dipterocarpus zeylancus), Kekuna (Canarium commune), Halmilla (Berrya cordifolia). This forest reserve is a good place for bird watching and inhabited by more than 100 species of birds, 70 species of butterfly, 10 species of amphibians, and about 10 species other animals. Mailbulkanda nature reserve is one of the beautiful nature reserve visited by very few travellers. The reserve is an important natural asset and adds beauty to this busy part of the country. Algama Ella a natural attraction in Sri Lanka Algama Ella or Algama waterfall is another lesser-known natural attraction in Sri Lanka. The nearest city for Algama Ella is Gampaha and it can reach in one hour drive from the city. Algama Ella is one of the very few waterfalls in Gampaha district and originated from the Dunumala Oya, which begins at Dunumala Mountains. Even though it is only about 10 feet in height, the waterfall is very beautiful scenery, when it is full of water. The waterfall is most picturesque during the south-west monsoon, during this period the west coast of Sri Lanka receive the largest portion of its annual rainfall. Horagolla national park Horagolla national park is one of the oldest forest reserves in the island. It is one of the popular natural attractions in Sri Lanka. It was first declared as a forest reserve in 1973. Later it was upgraded to the status of a national park. The national park spread over about 33 hectares. It is inhabited by a large number of animal, bird and amphibian species. Horogolla national park is described under low-land rainforests and the vegetation is dominated by Hora trees. Sri Lanka is a beautiful tropical country with a large number of tropical trees, plants and veins. At the moment about 24% of Sri Lanka’s total land area is declared as protected areas. The protected area is mainly categorized into four categories namely strict nature reserve, nature reserve, national parks and wildlife reserves. Most of the protected areas of the island are to be found away from the crowded cities like Colombo, Kandy, Gampaha etc. but Horagolla nature reserve is a protected area close to the commercial centre of the island (Colombo). And it is just a few hours’ drives from the city of Colombo. Horagolla nature reserve is located in the western province, Gampaha district, Nambadaluwa Village. It is a highly valuable nature reserve with regards to the bio-diversity and located on the Nittambuwa-Weyangoda road. Horagolla nature reserve is thirty-three acres in extent and was declared as a protected area in 1973. Horagolla is the only protected area in the district of Gampaha with a very high density of flora which is estimated to be more than 1000 per hectare. With the land reform act in the 1970s, the Horogolla became a property of the government and declared as a nature reserve on 5th October 1973. It was declared a national park on 28th July 2004 and can be visited by nature lovers; Horogolla is being used for research purposes as well. Horogolla nature reserve is a lowland rain forest with high annual rainfall. The canopy of the Horogolla nature reserve consists of two layers and it has a layer made of grass and various types of bushes. There are large numbers of medicinal plants in the reserve, and they are being used for making Ayurveda medicine by the nearby villagers. One can see many
A central goal of the research project “Mapping Medieval Vienna” is to make the Viennese land registers of the 15th century available to the public. This is because the land register entries contain a great deal of information that is highly relevant
A central goal of the research project “Mapping Medieval Vienna” is to make the Viennese land registers of the 15th century available to the public. This is because the land register entries contain a great deal of information that is highly relevant to the economic and social history of the late Middle Ages. From the middle of the 14th century, after the Viennese Council had come into possession of the city’s land rights, meticulous records were kept of all house transactions, which means that both the prices of the houses and detailed information on their location as well as on their inhabitants have been handed down. This bundle of information makes it possible to draw a very concrete picture of the social topography of the city of Vienna. For example, it is possible to locate the properties mentioned in the land registers, so that the exact neighbourhood conditions in individual streets can be reconstructed and even georeferenced. It is also possible to take a closer look at the financial mechanisms of the housing market or to analyse the actual living conditions in the medieval houses. So far, such aspects could only be partially investigated, since due to the sheer mass of material, only the land registers of the years from 1368 to 1419 were published in the form of registers. Thanks to the HTR technology of Transkribus, however, we are now able to publish a selection of complete land registers in a digital edition. In the preliminary stages of the project, we were able to train an initial model that reliably recognises the late Gothic cursive of the various Viennese scribes by transcribing about 30 folios from one of the land registers. This base model is used for the land registers that have been selected for editing in order to generate a raw version of the transcription at the push of a button, which only needs to be checked and slightly normalised with little effort. Due to the constantly growing amount of training material, the base model is also continuously being expanded, making it more and more accurate. Currently, the character error rate (CER) is below the 2% mark. In this way, Transkribus makes a significant contribution to enabling transcription to be completed in the shortest possible time. In a second decisive step, the relevant text information is also marked up according to the TEI/XML standard. Thus, a graph database can be built up in which all persons, institutions, properties and prizes will be recorded. Transcription and mark-up will ultimately serve as the basis for the online edition of the sources. This will enable users to view the land registers digitally and access the database behind them. The project is supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and is based at the Freie Universität Berlin in the Department of Medieval History with a focus on the High and Late Middle Ages. Further information can be found at:
Fear of speaking in public is one of the most common anxieties. In fact, three in four people say they are afraid of public speaking. This can be problematic because speaking to a group is a skill that is necessary in many careers. Offering
Fear of speaking in public is one of the most common anxieties. In fact, three in four people say they are afraid of public speaking. This can be problematic because speaking to a group is a skill that is necessary in many careers. Offering your homeschooler the opportunity to overcome this fear by participating in public speaking can give them a big advantage. Public speaking during high school helps students demonstrate in their college applications that they’ve been active in their communities and have learned to present themselves effectively. Speech can also be an ideal vehicle for students to develop critical thinking and organizational skills. Speech as an Academic Subject Speech can be included on the homeschool transcript in two ways. A traditional high school writing course can include both oral and written communication. Speech can be a single unit in a full-year English course or it can be incorporated throughout the year. Your student may also opt to take a public speaking course as a high school elective. One resource to consider for a full public speaking course would be one of the free self paced public speaking courses available through Coursera and other MOOCs. These courses often combine study of historical speeches going back to Ancient Greece with assignments designed to give students an awareness of rhetorical devices and speech techniques. Speech as an Extracurricular Activity Homeschool public speakers can develop their talents in speech as an extracurricular activity through speech clubs and competitions. Involvement in speech can help students demonstrate they are well-socialized and connected to their communities. Opportunities available vary by community, but here are some of the most common ways homeschoolers can access speech activities. YMCA Youth in Government programs are available in 40 states. Students meet to participate in a model government simulation. YMCA Youth in Government programs offer public speaking opportunities for middle and high school students. Model UN: Many states have model UN programs. Students study their country and prepare presentations. They meet together in a simulated Model United Nations. This offers the opportunity to learn about international politics and to practice public speaking and working as a team. 4H: Many state 4H youth programs include communications classes and public speaking contests. Check with your local 4H program for more information. Gavel Club: Toastmasters doesn’t allow students under 18 in the regular group; however, many Toastmasters clubs have Gavel Clubs which have more flexible rules and do permit students under age 18. Speech Scholarship Contests Homeschoolers may also wish to investigate local and national scholarship competitions that include public speaking. Many local Rotary clubs sponsor events. The Veterans of Foreign Wars also sponsors a National Voice of Democracy scholarship contest. This contest offers two million dollars each year including a $30,000 scholarship for the first place winner. This contest is open to homeschool, public, and private schooled students in 9th to 12th grade. The Optimist International Oratorical Annual Contest is another great opportunity for students interested in public speaking. Optimists International offers many local level awards as well as national scholarship. The American Legion also sponsors local and national speech contests.