Epilepsy is a chronic non-communicable disease of the brain that affects people of all ages. Epilepsy can start at any age, but usually starts either in childhood or in people over 60. Seizures can affect people
Epilepsy is a chronic non-communicable disease of the brain that affects people of all ages. Epilepsy can start at any age, but usually starts either in childhood or in people over 60. Seizures can affect people in different ways, depending on which part of the brain is involved. Possible symptoms of epilepsy include uncontrollable jerking and shaking, called ‘fit’, loss of awareness and stari
Last modified: 2005-12-17 by rick wyatt Keywords: united states | columbus | Links: FOTW homepage | search | disclaimer and copyright | write us | mirrors image by Rick Wyatt, 2
Last modified: 2005-12-17 by rick wyatt Keywords: united states | columbus | Links: FOTW homepage | search | disclaimer and copyright | write us | mirrors image by Rick Wyatt, 2 December 2001 U.S. commercial sites sell a historical "Columbus flag" which is not the Castile and Leon one but a standard containing the initials F (Fernando) and Y (Ysabel) with a cross between the initials and crowns above them. Dov Gutterman, 27 January 1999 Christopher Columbus wrote in his logbook that on October 12th 1492 he picked the Royal Flag, and his captains two flags which the Admiral carried in all the ships as Ensign, each white with a green cross formy couped addorsed by old Gothic letters "F" and "Y", both green and crowned with golden, open royal crowns, for Fernando and Ysabel. With these three flags he took possession of Guanahani island (nowadays San Salvador). Source: Calvo and Grávalos 1983, illustrations nos. 69 and 70. These were the first European flags to fly ove
Small-space gardening is becoming increasingly popular as outdoor spaces and gardens get progressively smaller in urban areas. There are many ways to maximise the use of limited available space, and one of the best ways is vertical gardening, growing upwards rather than outwards
Small-space gardening is becoming increasingly popular as outdoor spaces and gardens get progressively smaller in urban areas. There are many ways to maximise the use of limited available space, and one of the best ways is vertical gardening, growing upwards rather than outwards! Gardeners are very resourceful, and in the gardening world there are many techniques which have been developed to take advantage of vertical spaces, such as espaliered trees grown flat against walls, even more compact columnar ‘cordon’ tree forms, and methods which rely on structures such as trellises and arbours. Some of the best vertical gardening solutions can be so deceptively simple that it’s often overlooked! One of the least appreciated ways of growing edible climbers is over an arch, mainly because people don’t realize how much growing space is available on a relatively small archway. How Much Growing Space Can Arches Provide? An arch at first glances would appear to offer very little growing space. How much growing area can a small 1m (3’) wide x 2.5m (8’) high arch, a little taller than a house doorway, actually provide? If we do the math, we might be in for a bit of a shock. Most people ignored maths at school, and glossed over geometry. Where will I ever use this stuff? Well, life is full of surprises… To calculate the total length of an arch, we can simply use a tape measure, but when was the last time anyone did that? Arches are often dismissed as being small and insignificant, and without first considering the value of arches, there is no inclination to seek them out for measurement! Calculations are useful for design purposes, we can use them to work out the size of an arch required to support a certain length of edible vine such as a grape of berry, or we can determine how much growing space an arch of a given size can provide. The short answer: The formula for calculating the total length of an arch = (2 x length of vertical side sections) + (3.14 x 0.5 x width of arch) The diagram below shows how an arch consists of two main sections, the pair of vertical sections at the sides, and the curved section at the top, and how their lengths are used in the calculation. If we use the earlier example of a small 1m (3’) wide x 2.5m (8’) high arch and put these figures into the formula: - total length of an arch = (2 x length of vertical side sections) + (3.14 x 0.5 x width of arch) - total length of arch = (2 x 2m) + (3.14 x 0.5 x 0.5m) - total length of arch = (4m) + (1.57m) = 5.57m What this tells us is that an arch not much larger than a house doorway can support a vine over 5m long, and it only occupies a very small area on the ground where the vine is planted, which can be as little as 50cm x 50cm (around 20” x 20”). That’s a very efficient use of space! The long (and possibly unnecessary) mathematical explanation: How was the formula above derived? This is for those curious about the maths, otherwise just skip this section! An arch consists of two main sections, the vertical sections at the sides and the curved section at the top. To calculate the total length of growing space of a garden arch, we need to add the length of the vertical sections at the sides to the length of the curved semicircular top section. - The length of the vertical side sections are known. - The length of the curved portion can be calculated using the formula for the circumference of a circle (the length around a circle). To explain how the formula given earlier was derived mathematically: - For a whole circle, the length of the circumference: C = 2π x r, where π = 22/7 or approx. 3.14, and r is the circle radius (half the width) - For a half circle, we halve the formula: length = 2π x r x 1/2 = π x r = 3.14 x r - Since the radius is half the width of the arch, the simplified formula therefore can be expressed as: total length of an arch = (2 x length of vertical side sections) + (3.14 x 0.5 x width of arch) Permaculture Small Space Intensive Gardening Using Arches The Permaculture design principle known as the ‘Edge Effect’ is concerned with the use of edge and natural patterns for best effect. In Nature we see extensive use of folding to maximise functional area in a small space. The human intestines, both in terms of their outer form and the structure of their internal surfaces for the absorption of nutrients, are both a perfect example of this. Now consider how long a 5m (15’) long vine really is, that’s quite a decent productive length of vine by anyone’s books, and a trellis this long to support it would occupy a considerable amount of space. If we do what Nature does and fold the support structure in half into the shape of an arch, the growing space ends up concentrated into a much smaller area no bigger than a doorway. If the arch is situated to span across a path, it converts unused walkway into growing space without obstructing access. A free standing arch in a garden multiplies space, as the the area underneath the arch can also be planted up, creating a double-level planting. The photograph at the start of this article is of a loganberry arch in my backyard Permaculture food forest garden, which has
Radiation safety in medical imaging is crucial for patients being scanned and technicians or physicians in the vicinity of the equipment. Exposure to radiation in fluoroscopy equipment such as C-arms comes from two primary sources; - Scatter – radiation that bounces
Radiation safety in medical imaging is crucial for patients being scanned and technicians or physicians in the vicinity of the equipment. Exposure to radiation in fluoroscopy equipment such as C-arms comes from two primary sources; - Scatter – radiation that bounces off the patient - Leakage – radiation coming from the X-ray tube How Does a C-Arm X-Ray Machine Work? After the generator emits X-rays, they penetrate the body, and the image intensifier converts the X-rays into an image. The image is displayed on the monitor to help a physician diagnose and treat the patient’s condition. The C-arm x-ray machine can move vertically, horizontally, and around the axes, enabling technicians to easily capture an image from all angles. Scatter radiation is considered more prevalent and should be minimized by all means possible. Technicians and physicians in radiography or medical imaging fields can rely on the following tips to protect against radiation: One of the common errors technicians make is placing the X-ray tube too close to the patient. If the X-ray tube is too close to the skin, the skin dose increases, and the image is blurry. As a result, the technician is required to take another X-ray image, thus exposing the patient to more radiation. As a rule of thumb, the patient should be positioned far from the tube, approximately 12 to 15 inches. ii. Adjust radiation output Although technicians cannot protect patients from radiation totally, they can reduce radiation exposure by adjusting radiation output or time of exposure. Newer C-arms effectively adjust radiation output by switching the beam on and off to reduce patient dose. With such a feature, physicians can easily inspect the image even if the radiation beam is off. Adjusting radiation output can help decrease the amount of radiation the patient is exposed to and scattered to other personnel in the room. How can you reduce radiation scatter? - Imaging magnification should be used only when necessary because it increases radiation dosage. - The beam should not be directed through the patient at an oblique angle. In an oblique angle, the x-rays travel through more tissue and long distance in the body. If you must use an oblique angle, ensure the image intensifier is tilted towards you. Tilting the intensifier towards your legs reduces radiation exposure to your upper body, i.e., head and neck. - Always position yourself on the same side as the patient (the image intensifier side) and not the x-ray tube. - Always shield the patient’s sensitive organs, for example, the eyes, thyroid, and genital organs. iii. Wear protection The amount of radiation absorbed by the technician is equivalent to the dose received by the patient. A physician absorbs approximately 0.1% of the patient’s dose via scattering radiation and additional radiation due to leakage via the side of the tube housing. All the personnel in the room adhere to these safety guidelines: - Wear 0.5 mm lead-equivalent aprons to avoid scattered radiation. When storing the aprons, always hang them to prevent degradation. - Wear leaded eyeglasses, gloves, and thyroid shields when performing a fluoroscopy - When operating the C-arm, use screens suspended from the ceiling, table curtains, and lateral shields to protect yourself against scattered radiation - All technicians in the room are advised to wear dosimeters/film badges over their aprons. This is important to measure and record radiation exposure to unprotected body parts. Technicians should wear two radiation dosimeters: - One at the collar near the thyroid gland monitors scatters and leakage radiation in the room. - The second dosimeter should be beneath the lead apron to ensure very low amounts of radiation pass through the apron. iv. Track radiation exposures It is important to understand that radiation-induced injuries are not readily apparent. Therefore, since radiation effects may not manifest themselves until weeks or months after exposure, tracking radiation exposure is highly recommended. If you use fluoroscopy equipment regularly, wearing protection and tracking radiation is crucial to avoid potential radiation exposure unknowingly. You can also track dose rates for all the personnel who regularly use the C-arm to prevent higher exposures and serious radiation injuries. Regular training is vital to ensure everyone understands what they are required to do at all times. Do not assume that everyone is aware of the radiation risks and precautions. It is up to the technicians to ensure and guarantee the safety of the staff. If you are unsure about the procedures in the facility, talk to the management to avoid potential exposure. Technicians are advised to step away from the C-arm during fluoroscopy to reduce radiation exposure. Remember, only trained personnel with the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) should be in the room during fluoroscopy. Although recent studies show that the total amount of radiation dosage during fluoroscopy is safe, protection should be a priority. It is possible to get cancer from C-arm with repeated radiation exposure. Therefore, technicians should adhere to radiation safety precautions and safety programs.
Mining industry interest in the Arctic region is growing for multiple reasons: new economic possibilities, climate change and the warming of the Arctic are making the region more accessible. Simultaneously these things make the region more vulnerable. The new economic possibilities are various
Mining industry interest in the Arctic region is growing for multiple reasons: new economic possibilities, climate change and the warming of the Arctic are making the region more accessible. Simultaneously these things make the region more vulnerable. The new economic possibilities are various. They range from community infrastructure and digital public services to extraction of natural resources and opening of new northern trade routes. To seize these opportunities, under-standing of the possibilities and value chains is required, e.g. the operating context and practical challenges encountered by organizations operating in the Arctic. In this context, the Center for Minerals and Materials (MiMa) at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland conducted a ‘Study on Arctic mining in Greenland’ for the Arctic Economic Dialogue project. This study provides mining and environment context of Greenland, and describes challenges and opportunities encountered during past mineral exploration and mining operations in Greenland. Study on Arctic Mining in Greenland Mikko Martikainen - mikko.martikainen(at)
Marie Curie was a physicist and chemist of Polish upbringing and, subsequently, French citizenship. She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, the first person honored with two Nobel Prizes, and the first female professor at the University
Marie Curie was a physicist and chemist of Polish upbringing and, subsequently, French citizenship. She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, the first person honored with two Nobel Prizes, and the first female professor at the University of Paris. Her achievements include the creation of a theory of radioactivity (a term coined by her), techniques for isolating radioactive isotopes, and the discovery of two new elements, polonium and radium. It was also under her personal direction that the world's first studies were conducted into the treatment of neoplasms ("cancers"), using radioactive isotopes. While an actively loyal French citizen, she never lost her sense of Polish identity. She named the first new chemical element that she discovered (1898) "polonium" for her native country, and in 1932 she founded a Radium Institute in her home town Warsaw, headed by her physician-sister Bronislawa. In 1896 Henri Becquerel discovered that uranium salts emitted rays that resembled X-rays in their penetrating power. He demonstrated that this radiation, unlike phosphorescence, did not depend on an external source of energy but seemed to arise spontaneously from uranium itself. Becquerel had in fact discovered radioactivity. Marie decided to look into uranium rays as a possible field of research for a thesis. She used a clever technique to investigate samples. Fifteen years earlier, her husband and his brother had invented the electrometer, a device for measuring extremely low electrical currents. Using the Curie electrometer, she discovered that uranium rays caused the air around a sample to conduct electricity. Her first result, using this technique, was the finding that the activity of the uranium compounds depended only on the amount of uranium present. She had shown that the radiation was not the outcome of some interaction between molecules but must come from the atom itself. In scientific terms, this was the most important single piece of work that she carried out. Marie's systematic studies had included two uranium minerals, pitchblende and torbernite. Her electrometer showed that pitchblende was four times as active as uranium itself, and chalcolite twice as active. She concluded that, if her earlier results relating the amount of uranium to its activity were correct, then these two minerals must contain small amounts of some other substance far more active than uranium itself. Read more List of Physicists Wikipedia PHYSICAL SCIENCES INDEX CRYSTALINKS HOME PAGE PSYCHIC READING WITH ELLIE BOOK: THE ALCHEMY OF TIME DONATION TO CRYSTALINKS ADVERTISE ON CRYSTALINKS
Reusable items have become all the rage. Lately, people are finally starting to understand the effects we are having on the planet. If you are looking to lower your carbon footprint, then take a look around my reusable section. I’ll give you
Reusable items have become all the rage. Lately, people are finally starting to understand the effects we are having on the planet. If you are looking to lower your carbon footprint, then take a look around my reusable section. I’ll give you advice and recommendations on subjects like reusable grocery bags and stainless steel straws. All the information is here for you; all you need is a little time. Why Should We Reuse? To start with, it will save a tremendous amount of energy. Turning raw materials into shiny new products requires a lot of energy. By reusing items, we are given a chance to reduce the amount of energy we use every day. Another reason for reusing is to cut down the amount of pollution we create. The amount of carbon released every day isn’t sustainable. Reusing a product saves the energy used to create it, and the shipping emissions it generates transporting it. That’s not the only way reusable items help to cut down pollution. When an object gets sent to a landfill site, it starts to emit methane into the atm
(BPT) – The tween years can be incredibly tough to navigate. Between trying to figure out their passions, building friendships and keeping up with the demands of school, many self-discoveries happen. Research suggests that it takes time and exploration for
(BPT) – The tween years can be incredibly tough to navigate. Between trying to figure out their passions, building friendships and keeping up with the demands of school, many self-discoveries happen. Research suggests that it takes time and exploration for tweens to find their identity and discover their passions, but that can be confusing and come with a lot of pressure. Help your tween explore their creative pursuits by giving them outlets and the support to try, fail, learn and discover. With kids headed back to school, your family’s schedule can easily start to feel hectic. Being purposeful about integrating moments of creativity can help your tween discover what gets them excited, even in the little pockets of time you have with them. Below are a few tips to help encourage your tween to think and act creatively this school year. 1. Make the kitchen into a screen-free zone Every parent knows their kids’ first stop as soon as they get home from school will be the kitchen. Why not make yours a screen-free zone? That way, when your kids grab a snack, there’s greater room for open-minded thoughts, free of distraction. To remind and encourage your children, have a basket near the entrance to the kitchen where everyone can put their phones and other devices. 2. Be their confidence coach Role model the self-talk you want to see in your tween. Normalize mistakes and help them to overcome the fear of failure by instilling confidence-building mantras (even if they don’t realize they’re mantras) like “you can do hard things” into your everyday language. Share the challenges of your day and how you managed them, demonstrating how overcoming small and big tests is something we all can do. 3. Encourage inventiveness in the kitchen Stock your fridge with grab-and-go snacks that can mix and match with anything. Frigo Cheese Heads string cheese is the perfect canvas to pair with deli meat, fruits, nuts, spreads/sauces, pickles, pretzels, crackers and more. Tween years are typically when children become more curious and comfortable trying new things. Take advantage of this curiosity by trying new flavors and finding favorites together to help create common interests and encourage creativity in and outside the kitchen. 4. Give them a ‘yes day’ Like the notable movie, carve out a day where your tween gets to dictate which creative-focused activities you do. A water balloon fight in the winter, a trip to a theme park, a concert that starts at 10 p.m. — it’s all fair game and can help open their world to new possibilities
Can you believe that you can make your life better in many ways by eating delicious, good food? It seems hard to believe, but the Mediterranean diet gives you this opportunity. The benefits of the Mediterranean diet have been studied by many researchers lately.
Can you believe that you can make your life better in many ways by eating delicious, good food? It seems hard to believe, but the Mediterranean diet gives you this opportunity. The benefits of the Mediterranean diet have been studied by many researchers lately. It has many positive impacts on the physical and mental health of the individual. Please, go ahead and read our article about the Mediterranean diet and make your world a better place. It May Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease The Mediterranean diet is most known for its positive effect on the heart. It is rich in fats found in nuts, olive oil, and fatty fish, and it is the main factor in its heart-healthy benefits. Moreover, the high level of fiber and antioxidants that the diet provides with a wide range of vegetables and fruits is another element of its positive cardiovascular impact. It is Good for Your Memory and Slows Down Cognitive Decline One of the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet is on the brain. However, more research is required to recommend this type of diet for your brain health; many scientific pieces of research support its impact on preventing cognitive decline. A high level of antioxidant intake reduces inflammation throughout the body and helps improve your brain health and cognitive functions. It May Lower Your Risk for Stroke The benefits of eating a Mediterranean diet also include reducing the risk for stroke, especially for women. In a study conducted in 2018, researchers found that women following the Mediterranean diet had fewer chances of having a stroke when compared to the women who are not. However, researchers could not find a clear positive relationship between the Mediterranean diet and stroke in men. It Can Help You Control Type 2 Diabetes Preventing or managing your type 2 diabetes is one of the benefits of eating a Mediterranean diet. People following a Mediterranean diet consume whole grains and carbs from vegetables, so their blood sugar is not affected the same way as those consuming refined carbs. Besides encouraging physical exercise while excluding much consumption of desserts and sweets, this type of diet can help you manage your type 2 diabetes without using medications. It May Reduce Arthritis Symptoms Another health benefit of eating a Mediterranean diet is helping people with arthritis, which is related to the inflammation in the body. The Mediterranean diet consists of anti-inflammatory foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. Moreover, it discourages pro-inflammatory food. For that reason, the Mediterranean diet helps regulate the inflammation in the body, which results in suffering from arthritis. Beneficial for Your Gut The Mediterranean diet offers plenty of whole grain, fruit, and vegetable consumption. This diet provides the individual with lots of fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. They feed the beneficial bacteria forming the gut microbiota, which plays an essential role in an individual’s physical and mental health. For those living in Las Vegas and looking for Las Vegas Mediterranean food to experience these positive effects of the diet, Falafel Rice Bowl offers a delicious combination of vegetables. Following a Mediterranean Diet May Improve Your Mental Health The benefits of the Mediterranean diet are not limited to the physical well-being of an individual; promoting mental health and easing depression are considered some of the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Again, researchers think that this positive impact of the diet is linked to its anti-inflammatory properties. It Encourages Exercise Physical exercise is an important factor in helping you protect your physical and mental health. The Mediterranean diet demands exercise as a part of the plan. Besides, if you exercise, you tend to eat healthier food. That is, the Mediterranean diet requires exercise while exercise encourages a healthier diet, so you benefit from the Mediterranean diet both ways. It May Help You Lose Weight If you are trying to lose weight, the Mediterranean diet is a safe and sustainable way for you. Since whole foods high in fiber are at the core of this type of diet, it improves glucose intolerance and diabetes. It makes you feel full and less likely to put on weight. Moreover, once you limit the calories you take, you will lose more weight. If you want to get fit eating delicious food, try Beef Doner Rice Bowl, Chicken Doner Rice Bowl, or Combo Doner Rice Bowl at Istanbul Mediterranean Las Vegas. At Istanbul Mediterranean in Las Vegas, you can find many delicious dishes from the Mediterranean diet. Would you like to experience the benefits of the Mediterranean diet and ease your mental problems while promoting your physical health, reducing your chances of many diseases, and increasing your lifespan? Try luscious halal Mediterranean dishes at our restaurant now!
Pictured above is a newly shorn Merino sheep, the breed that is most common among domesticated sheep. As a general rule, commercially-raised sheep like the one above get sheared about once a year. It’s a quick process
Pictured above is a newly shorn Merino sheep, the breed that is most common among domesticated sheep. As a general rule, commercially-raised sheep like the one above get sheared about once a year. It’s a quick process; a professional sheep shearer can shear sheep in only two or three minutes, netting about 11 pounds (or about 5 kg) of wool, at least if you’re talking about the typical Merino sheep. It’s typically a humane, painless endeavor for the sheep, akin to a human getting a haircut. And much like human hair, if it doesn’t get cut, the wool from domesticated sheep breeds usually just keeps growing. Which is, basically, how this (via) happened. In 1998, the Merino sheep above — since named Shrek — was housed at Bendigo Station, a shearing facility in New Zealand. But Shrek wasn’t like the other sheep. Instead of going for his annual shearing, Shrek ran away, repeatedly avoiding capture. And then, he effectively disappeared. As one sheep in a large flock, he wasn’t worth chasing forever, so the Bendigo Station just kind of gave up on him. As a result, he didn’t get his annual haircut — and the wool just kept on growing and growing. For six years. In 2004, the Bendigo Station team finally found Shrek, living in a nearby cave. At first, it wasn’t clear that the creature they discovered was a sheep at all; the owner of the facility told the BBC that “when [Shrek] was finally spotted they did not immediately recognize him as a sheep.” (You can see why; he looks more like a dirty snowball than anything else.) The absurdity of Shrek’s appearance made international headlines, bringing the sheep its 15 minutes of fame. And that opened an opportunity for Shrek’s hijinks to yield some good results. Again per the BBC, Shrek “went under the shearer’s blade during a live half-hour news program on TV New Zealand” and his wool was auctioned off to raise money for children’s medical charities. There was a lot of wool, too, as seen below via Modern Farmer. But to quantify it for you, the wool weighed in at an absurd 60 pounds (27 kg), enough to produce the equivalent of 20 wool suits. And it’s likely that the wool helped him survive — it provided a suit of armor so thick that Shrek was effectively immune from the teeth of predators. Shrek, sadly, is no longer with us. He lived out the rest of his days at Bendigo Station, getting somewhat regular shearings with most of the flock. In 2011, on veterinary advice, he was put to sleep one final time. Thankfully, we do have some pictures of Shrek minus his six years of wool. If you want to see one, you don’t have to go very far — the sheep pictured at the top of the page is of Shrek, shortly after his 2008 shearing, via Wikipedia. From the Archives: From Sheep to Books: Why paper sizes are the sizes they are.
Language Arts > Reading | Kindergarten | Common Core RL.K.4 Kindergarten Common Core Lesson Have Fun Teaching Add To Collection About This Product This product can help teachers with kindergarten students who are struggling with unknown words in a
Language Arts > Reading | Kindergarten | Common Core RL.K.4 Kindergarten Common Core Lesson Have Fun Teaching Add To Collection About This Product This product can help teachers with kindergarten students who are struggling with unknown words in a text. The RL.K.4 Kindergarten Common Core Lesson provides students with the opportunity to ask and answer questions about unknown words, which can help them understand the text better. Contains 1 Product File Explore related searches you may also like... Check out these other great products
In a first of its kind initiative, author Khushwant Singh, The Hoshiarpur Literary Society, and the Punjab Forest Department collaborated to plant trees in their endeavour to eliminate the carbon footprint of Khushwant Singh’s upcoming novel, The
In a first of its kind initiative, author Khushwant Singh, The Hoshiarpur Literary Society, and the Punjab Forest Department collaborated to plant trees in their endeavour to eliminate the carbon footprint of Khushwant Singh’s upcoming novel, The Opium Toffee. Every writing and publishing activity leads to the release of GreenHouse Gases, and the major contributor is Carbon Dioxide and methane. The Punjab Forest Department carried out this plantation at the Punjab Forest Nursery in Muallanpur. The department planted fifteen hundred trees, including species like Shishma, Kanakchampa, Rajhain, Sukh Chain, Australian Kikar, and Kaindu. According to author Khushwant Singh, this noble idea came from a conversation with a friend from Sustain to Survive organization while having coffee. “Once he made me aware and calculated the kind of CO2e (Carbon Dioxide and other gases) a book produced, I wanted to mitigate the carbon footprint of the novel and approached the Hoshiarpur Literary Society and the Punjab Forest Department to help me in taking this initiative. The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests Punjab was very receptive to this idea, and I am sure that the step that we have taken will find roots, and many such initiatives will follow. Steps like using recycled paper, energy-efficient printing methods and usage of less toxic printing ink are some of the immediate remedies that the publishing industry can adopt,” added Khushwant Singh. “Even though it’s challenging to arrive at an exact figure, rough estimates suggest that fifteen trees over their life cycle can offset on
When a car's engine is running, it produces smoke as a result of the combustion that powers the car. If this exhaust was allowed to flow freely into the environment, pollution would be epic. In order to mitigate the toxicity of the fumes
When a car's engine is running, it produces smoke as a result of the combustion that powers the car. If this exhaust was allowed to flow freely into the environment, pollution would be epic. In order to mitigate the toxicity of the fumes, cars are equipped with catalytic converters. In chemistry, a catalyst is needed to speed up a chemical reaction. It's necessary in a car, because the reaction has to be fast to allow the car to function normally. Catalytic converters use precious metals, specifically platinum, to speed up the redox reaction (oxidation and reduction) that converts the toxic fumes to less harmful vapors. How it works is that platinum is very strong and doesn't get destroyed in the reaction, and can withstand the very high temperatures of a combustion engine. Because of its properties, a catalytic converter can last the life of a car.
The director and actor Nader Talebzadeh in pictures They stopped in Tunisia, a French protectorate. After France fell to the Nazis, Tunisia was ruled by the pro-Nazi government of Vichy France. The Perez family were arrested
The director and actor Nader Talebzadeh in pictures They stopped in Tunisia, a French protectorate. After France fell to the Nazis, Tunisia was ruled by the pro-Nazi government of Vichy France. The Perez family were arrested as Jews and interned in a Nazi concentration camp. There were no gas chambers in the camp. The Jewish inmates were simply left to die of disease or starvation. One of the Perezes’ sons died of starvation. Eli Perez was a doctor. He helped cure a camp guard of typhoid. Before the rest of the Perez family succumbed, the guard helped them escape.
Java 8 introduced new classes for date and time to resolve the long-standing issues of existing APIs: Java.util.Calendar. These newly introduced immutable-value classes are easy-to-use, well-documented, and thread-safe. In this article, we will
Java 8 introduced new classes for date and time to resolve the long-standing issues of existing APIs: Java.util.Calendar. These newly introduced immutable-value classes are easy-to-use, well-documented, and thread-safe. In this article, we will look at all Java 8 new date and time APIs in detail with examples. Let us start with the issues in the existing Calendar classes and how the newly introduced API addressed these shortcomings. Why Java 8 new Date & Time API? Java 8 new date and time API was launched to address the following issues with the current date and time API: - Thread-Safety — Both java.util.Calendarclasses are not thread-safe. Therefore, developers have to deal with concurrency issues by writing additional codes. The new date and time APIs are immutable and thread-safe. - Easier to Use & Understand — The old APIs are poorly designed with little to no direct methods for basic date operations. The new date and time APIs introduced in Java 8 provide a consistent and easier-to-user ISO-centric interface for dealing with dates, times, durations, and periods. Tons of utility methods are included in the new API for simple date and time operations. - Better Time Zone Handling — Old APIs do not provide any direct way to handle different timezones. Developers were forced to write additional logic to deal with timezone issues. Java 8 new date and time API separated local and zoned date times handling into two categories. Thus, making it straightforward to handle different timezones without writing extra codes. Local Date & Time API As a part of the local date and time API, Java 8 introduced LocalDateTime classes. As their names suggest, these classes are intended to use for local date and time operations without timezones. You should use them when time zones are no longer required. LocalDate class represents a date without time in the ISO-8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd). This class does not store or represent a time or time zone. Instead, it is a date description used for birthdays and anniversaries. To create an instance of the current local date from the system clock, you can use the static method: LocalDate now =; To create an instance of LocalDate for a specific day, month, and year, you can use the LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.of(2019, 12, 20); To convert a string representation of ISO-8601 format to date, you can use LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.parse("2019-12-20"); LocalDate class offers various utility methods that can be used to access different types of information. For example, the following code snippet shows how you can get the current local date and then add or subtract days: LocalDate tomorrow =; LocalDate yesterday =; Just like days, you can also add or minus months and years to an instance of LocalDate lastMonth =; // OR LocalDate lastMonth =, ChronoUnit.MINUTES); Here is another example that shows how you can obtain the day of the week and the day of the month from an instance of // get the day of the week DayOfWeek day =; // get the day of the month int month = LocalDate.parse("2020-01-12").getDayOfMonth(); To check if the current year is leap year, you can do the following: boolean isLeap =; You can also compare two local dates using isAfter() methods as shown below: // create local dates LocalDate date1 = LocalDate.parse("2019-08-02"); LocalDate date2 = LocalDate.parse("2018-01-45"); // check if `date1` is before `date2` boolean isBefore = date1.isBefore(date2); // check if `date1` is after `date2` boolean isAfter = date1.isAfter(date2); You can use LocalDate to obtain different date boundaries such as the first day of the month, the start of the day (returns a LocalDateTime instance), and more. Here is an example: // get the start of the day LocalDateTime startOfDay =; // get the first day of the month LocalDate firstDayOfMonth = LocalDate.parse("2019-12-18").with(TemporalAdjusters.firstDayOfMonth()); LocalTime class represents a time without date or timezone information in the ISO-8601 calendar system. This class does not store or represent a date or time zone. Instead, it is a local time description, as seen on a wall clock. LocalDate, you can use create an instance of LocalTime from the system clock, parse a string, or specify time units manually: // use system clock LocalTime now =; // parse a string LocalTime parseTime = LocalTime.parse("02:08"); // specify hour-minute-second - 08:45:20 AM LocalTime specificTime = LocalTi
Psychedelics are an increasingly fashionable medical treatment, but are they anything other than a powerful form of snake oil, or a recreational experience? Do they have any objective health benefits? Can we be confident they are safe? These questions need answering
Psychedelics are an increasingly fashionable medical treatment, but are they anything other than a powerful form of snake oil, or a recreational experience? Do they have any objective health benefits? Can we be confident they are safe? These questions need answering urgently as the number of people being enticed or persuaded to have these drugs is increasing. Here I draw attention to some of the issues raised by the current popularity of these drugs. The original psychedelics include psilocybin, the active ingredient of ‘magic mushrooms’ and lysergic acid diethylamide, popularly known as LSD. The recreational drugs MDMA (ecstasy) and ketamine have some psychedelic-like effects, in that there is a ‘trip-like’ quality to the altered state they produce. Psychedelics are now being recommended to treat an ever-lengthening list of problems, including depression, anxiety, addiction, PTSD, chronic pain and distress associated with having a terminal illness. Books about them have become best-sellers, and various foundations are promoting and funding research into psychedelics, presumably in the hope that they will soon be licensed for medical use. Ketamine, usually delivered intravenously, is already on offer through numerous private clinics in the US, and several have opened in the UK, including at least one provided by the NHS (although the treatment has to be paid for privately). This is possible because ketamine is licensed as an anaesthetic and can therefore be re-purposed ‘off-licence’ for other medical uses. Esketamine, an isomer of ketamine taken as a nasal spray, has been licensed for the treatment of treatment resistant depression in the US, UK and Europe. The rationale behind this trend is confusing and contradictory. On the one hand, psychedelics are promoted as assisting the process of psychotherapy through the insights that the ‘trip’ or drug-induced experience can generate – on the other they are claimed to represent a targeted medical treatment for various disorders, through correcting underlying brain deficiencies. In an interview published in Nature, psychopharmacologist and psychedelic researcher, David Nutt, suggests that psychedelics ‘turn off parts of the brain that relate to depression’ and ‘reset the brain’s thinking processes’ via their actions on cortical 5-HT2A receptors. Others assert they enhance brain ‘connectivity’. The John Hopkins University website alleges they offer the promise of ‘precision medicine treatments tailored to the specific needs of individual patients’. All these claims are pure speculation. Some promoters refer to psychedelics as ‘antibiotics of the mind,’ arguing that psychedelic treatment is ‘curative’, requiring only one or two ‘dosed sessions’, compared to the long-term treatment needed with antidepressants or psychotherapy. This is an important sales pitch for what is an expensive therapy. In reality, psychedelics do not produce the miracle cures people are led to expect, as experience with ketamine confirms. Some people may feel a little better after a treatment, and then the effect wears off and they come for another one and another one, and get established on long-term treatment just as people do on antidepressants. Esketamine, the ketamine isomer delivered in a nasal spray, has been launched by Janssen and is clearly intended as a long-term treatment, with randomised trials testing and proclaiming its ‘relapse prevention’ effects (for a critique of this and other research on esketamine, see a previous blog). The concept of microdosing with LSD or other psychedelics follows the same principle, promoting the idea that small doses of the drugs, taken on a daily basis, enhance people’s mood, creativity and productivity. This practice appears to be increasingly common, with one recent survey finding that 17% of respondents, with an average age of 33, had engaged in it on a regular basis at some point. It seems once unleashed, drugs tend towards a pattern of long-term use, with all the physical and psychological complications that that entails. So are the effects of psychedelics likely to be beneficial? The psychedelic-induced experience or ‘trip’ has long been advocated as a means of expanding one’s consciousness, of seeing the world in a different way that can lead to new insights and inspiration. MDMA produces intense feelings of warmth and connectedness and ketamine leads to a trance like state. All these drugs can make people ‘high’ or euphoric, but, despite this, not everyone likes the feelings they induce, and some of them, particularly those with the most intense psychedelic effects, can produce experiences that are frightening and distressing- the ‘bad trip’. Some people might learn important things about themselves through experiencing the effects of psychedelic drugs. Author and psychotherapist Gary Greenberg describes taking ecstasy in his book, Manufacturing Depression, and how the emotion he felt while under the influence of the drug made him realise the depth of his feelings for his girlfriend, which he had not been aware of before. Personal development through drugs does not have to be limited to psychedelics, however. One patient I knew commented that the effects of alcohol
This past April, a Brazilian federal court suspended construction of the Belo Monte Dam in the northern state of Pará. The suspension arose from concerns regarding the protection of the environment and the natural resources of the Amazon. Sanitation works in the city
This past April, a Brazilian federal court suspended construction of the Belo Monte Dam in the northern state of Pará. The suspension arose from concerns regarding the protection of the environment and the natural resources of the Amazon. Sanitation works in the city of Altamira must be completed before construction can resume. Community and Forest Effects The dam, which was scheduled to be completed in 2019, would be one of the world’s largest hydropower plants. As of April 2017, 10 turbines are already running, with plans to build 24 in total. The budget for the entire project is 30 billion Reais, or $9.6 billion. The construction of the Belo Monte dam is a complicated issue. Droughts in southern Brazil led to energy shortages, increasing pressure on the Brazilian government to push forward construction of the dam. Additionally, the desire to reduce Carbon emissions is a top priority for Brazil. Yet the deforestation and destruction of local communities due to dam construction are also pressing concerns. The Belo Monte dam complex partially blocks the Xingu River, one of the major Amazon tributaries. The blockage forced the construction of a new channel, which has inadvertently flooded thousands of acres of rain forest. It is reported that many low-lying islands have been submerged and deforestation is occurring as a result. Hydroelectric Dam Disruption The construction of the dam disrupted the natural flow of rivers through the rain forest. It also forced many of the local inhabitants, primarily river dwellers and fisherman, to abandon their current lifestyle and relocate to urban areas. The forced relocation and loss of current lifestyles and employments exacerbates the risk of falling into extreme poverty in an already poverty-stricken area. There is a loss of water supply and fishing stocks in several regions of construction as well as the lack of social support and economic compensation provided for local communities, many of which have indigenous populations. This is a major catalyst for lawsuits filed by the national Indian protection agency (Funai) and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Hydroelectric dams, while currently favored not only in Brazil but throughout South America, are just one of several solutions for cleaner energy. Energy options powered by the sun or wind are also potential choices that could provide clean energy and reduce carbon emissions without contributing to deforestation. As plans for the Belo Monte dam are reworked to better address certain environmental concerns, alternative forms of energy should also be considered as a way to reduce damage caused by hydroelectric dams. – Nicole Toomey
Epoch J2000 Equinox J2000 |Right ascension||08h 03m 35.1s| |Declination||−40° 00′ 11.6″| |Apparent magnitude (V)||
Epoch J2000 Equinox J2000 |Right ascension||08h 03m 35.1s| |Declination||−40° 00′ 11.6″| |Apparent magnitude (V)||2.24 - 2.26| |U−B color index||−1.09| |B−V color index||−0.27| |Proper motion (μ)|| RA: −27.91 mas/yr | Dec.: 16.68 mas/yr |Parallax (π)||3.01 ± 0.10 mas| |Distance||1,080 ± 40 ly | (330 ± 10 pc) |Absolute magnitude (MV)||−6.23| |Luminosity (bolometric)||813,000 L☉| |Surface gravity (log g)||3.5-3.9 cgs| |Metallicity [Fe/H]||0.34 dex| |Rotational velocity (v sin i)||>220 km/s| Zeta Puppis (ζ Puppis, abbreviated Zeta Pup, ζ Pup), formally named Naos /naʊs/, is a star in the constellation of Puppis. The spectral class of O4 means this is one of the hottest, and most luminous, stars visible to the naked eye. It is one of the sky's few naked-eye class O-type stars as well as one of the closest to Earth. It is a blue supergiant, one of the most luminous stars in the Milky Way. Visually it is over 10,000 times brighter than the Sun, but i
Here you will find information about different questions related to Open Access-publishing Open Access means making research results freely and available on the internet, to anyone who wants to read, quote or download the articles. Some of the benefits by publishing Open Access
Here you will find information about different questions related to Open Access-publishing Open Access means making research results freely and available on the internet, to anyone who wants to read, quote or download the articles. Some of the benefits by publishing Open Access are that the visibility of the publications increases, and gives greater impact factor and more citations. There are different models for publishing Open Access: - Gold: Means that the article is openly available on the internet, but article processing charges, APC, may occur. - Green: Means that the article is published in a traditional subscription-based journal that allows the author to register a full-text copy of the article in a publication database. This is also known as parallel publishing. - Hybrid: Is a variant of Gold Open Access and means that the article is published in a traditional subscription-based journal that also requires article processing charges, APC, for publishing the scientific article freely available on the internet, while other articles in the journal still require subscription for access.
Motor Skills Exercise Wheel Need a fun engaging tool to get your students motivated to move? Look no further! The Motor Skills Wheel is a great resource to teach coordination, balance, and sequencing skills. Yoga exercises can help with self regulation in and
Motor Skills Exercise Wheel Need a fun engaging tool to get your students motivated to move? Look no further! The Motor Skills Wheel is a great resource to teach coordination, balance, and sequencing skills. Yoga exercises can help with self regulation in and out of the classroom. Use the Motor Skills Wheel during transitions, sensory breaks, include it in a sensory diet, or as a home exercise program. This program comes with 30 different poses in a game format for ease of teaching and to entice reluctant learners. The Motor Skills Exercise Wheel includes three wheels and a top cover, four circles total. Each wheel has ten different exercises and yoga poses to improve strength and coordination. How to use a Motor Skills E
Teacher Pathway Educational Options Do you know you want to be a teacher, but are unsure of what level you are interested in teaching? Start here with pre-teaching options: AA in Paraprofessional Educator/Preteaching
Teacher Pathway Educational Options Do you know you want to be a teacher, but are unsure of what level you are interested in teaching? Start here with pre-teaching options: AA in Paraprofessional Educator/Preteaching Paraprofessional Educator/Pre-Teaching Certificate of Achievement 5 Distinct Pathways: Early Childhood Teacher (infant to pre-K) The Early Childhood Teacher Pathway prepares students to work in a pre-school learning environment with children from infancy to middle childhood. This Pathway will educate and train students to become effective teachers; provide hands-on learning in the classroom; and support students in developing as teaching professionals. Elementary School Teacher (K-6th) The Elementary School Teacher Pathway is for students interested in becoming an elementary school teacher (grades K-6). This Pathway will enhance your knowledge in the fields that you will be teaching; educate and train you to become an effective teacher; provide real-world, hands-on learning in the classroom with mentor teachers; equip you with the knowledge and skills to succeed in college and allow you to grow as a teacher and a professional. Middle or High School Teacher (7th-12th) Middle or High School Teachers (grades 7-12) are specialists in their subject matter and generally teach one subject (a Single Subject Credential is required). This Teacher Pathway will help you prepare to earn a credential in one of 16 subject areas: Agriculture, Art, Biological Sciences, Business, Chemistry, English, GeoScience, Health Science, Home Economics, Industrial Tech,, Math, Music, Physical Education, Physics, Social Science (includes: Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology) and World Languages. The Special Education Teacher Pathway will prepare students to earn the Education Specialist Instruction Credential (all ages), which will enable you to provide instructional services in your chosen Specialty Area(s): Autism Spectrum Disorders, Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Moderate/Severe Disabilities, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Visual Impairments, Physical and Health Impairments, Early Childhood Special Education, and Language and Academic Development. Career and Technical Education (7th-12th) The Career Technical Education (CTE) Teacher Pathway will prepare you to teach classes related to your industry sector in grades 7–12 and in classes primarily for adults. There are multiple ways to prepare for the Career Technical Education Teaching Credential including completing coursework at Cuesta and work experience directly related to each industry sector. For more information, please click on each individual pathway or visit our Future Teacher Contact Information page.
Heart disease is a growing concern in the country today. It is estimated that there are a whopping 30 million heart patients in India. One of the best approaches to determine your risk of heart disease is to go for up-to-date ECG tests
Heart disease is a growing concern in the country today. It is estimated that there are a whopping 30 million heart patients in India. One of the best approaches to determine your risk of heart disease is to go for up-to-date ECG tests. At TEATREE Hospital, we constantly highlight the importance of preventive tests and check-ups in ensuring that your heart is healthy. What is an ECG? Our heart has a natural electrical system which causes it to contract and pump blood to the body. An ECG or Electrocardiogram is a test that examines the electrical activity of your heart. An ECG depicts the heart’s activity as line tracings on paper. The spikes and dips are called waves. How is an ECG conducted? An Electrocardiogram test is a safe test. You will be asked to lie down on a table or bed. Some areas on your chest, arms and legs will be cleaned and may be shaved to create a smooth, clean surface for the electrodes to adhere properly. Numerous electrodes are then attached to the skin on your arms, legs and chest. No electricity passes through the machine to your body, and there is no danger of an electric shock. They may feel cool when placed on your chest. These are linked to a machine which traces your heart activity on paper. You would have to lie very still and breathe regularly during the test. You shouldn’t talk during the test. You may also be asked to hold your breath. The test lasts for 5-10 minutes, followed by the wiping of electrode paste. How can I prepare for an ECG scan? Some basic preparation and discussion is needed before an ECG Ensure that you tell your doctor about all the medication you take, including over-the-counter ones as there are many medicines that affect the results of this test Remove all jeweler from your arms, wrists and neck How does an ECG help? An ECG contributes to: - Identify the cause of unexplained chest pressure or pain. The cause could be a heart attack, insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle (angina) or inflammation of the sac that protects and surrounds the heart (pericarditis). - Identify the cause of symptoms of cardiovascular disease such as palpitations, fainting, dizziness, shortness of breath - Identify if the walls of the heart chambers are too thick - Check how efficiently medication is working and whether they are causing any side-effects that affect the heart - Check how efficiently mechanical devices such as pacemakers implanted in the heart are working - Check how healthy the heart is when other conditions such as diabetes, cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, family history of heart disease are present TEATREE Healthcare Support At TEATREE Healthcare, we use state-of-the-art ECG equipment, follow stringent protocols and have highly skilled and experienced internists, physicians, cardiologists, surgeons, cardiac, nurses and support staff to make sure that each ECG result is accurate.
Birds & Blooms WHEN THEY'RE NOT LURKING IN WET, MARSHY PLACE, THESE OOD BIRDS CAN BE SPOTTED DANCING IN THE SKY. TIMBERDOODLE. NIGHT PARTRIDGE. MUDBAT. LABRADOR TWISTER. MARSHDOODLE. BOGSUCKER. No, we aren’t talking about imaginary creatures from a fantasy novel. Those are real nicknames for two of North America’s most remarkable birds, the American woodcock and Wilson’s snipe. These two are alike in having round bodies, short legs, short necks, big heads and very long, straight beaks. Technically the woodcock and snipe are classified as members of the sandpiper family, but you won’t find them on sandy beaches. Instead, they hide in marshes and
There are millions of asteroids within the solar system. As of May 2022 there are 614,690 numbered minor planets, and >500,000 un-numbered. Most of the un-numbered asteroids are known to exist but require further
There are millions of asteroids within the solar system. As of May 2022 there are 614,690 numbered minor planets, and >500,000 un-numbered. Most of the un-numbered asteroids are known to exist but require further observation before they receive official numbered status. The vast majority of the numbered and un-numbered asteroids reside within the main belt of asteroids, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter; far fewer of the these asteroids are Near-Earth asteroids, some of which have orbits that intersect Earth's orbit and also dip into the main belt. It is estimated that there are between 700,000 and 1,700,000 asteroids equal or larger than 1 kilometer across. If we include all possible asteroids down to only a meter across, there are likely 100s of millions out there! The smaller the asteroid, the larger the population. A subset of all asteroids are the Near-Earth asteroids (NEAs). As of May 2022 there are > 29,000 known NEAs, and asteroid surveys are adding >2500 new NEAs each year.
Update: Since this article was first published, further serious criticisms have been made of the graph, including charges that the graph is a hoax. A graph showing two smooth curves tracing the energy of a nuclear explosion, with a caption in Farsi:
Update: Since this article was first published, further serious criticisms have been made of the graph, including charges that the graph is a hoax. A graph showing two smooth curves tracing the energy of a nuclear explosion, with a caption in Farsi: is this definitive evidence that Iran is building nuclear weapons? By itself, no, say experts contacted by New Scientist – but when combined with other recent clues, some feel it is starting to add up to something. The graph was leaked this week by a country hostile to Iran’s nuclear research, in an apparent attempt to stir up a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, which starts today. Among other matters, the IAEA member states will consider charges that Iran is developing a nuclear bomb. Iran insists its nuclear activities are peaceful. The graph shows how a 50-kiloton nuclear explosion, about three times the size of the Hiroshima bomb, releases energy and power over a few microseconds. It could simply be a theoretical model – Iran’s rate of publication in the nuclear engineering field is growing faster than any other country’s. It may also be wrong – experts at the Monterey Institute for International Studies say the graph contains an elementary mathematical error. But there are reasons for concern. In November 2011, the IAEA reported that two countries’ intelligence services had given it modelling studies performed by Iranian researchers in 2008 and 2009, aimed at determining the “nuclear explosive yield” of highly-enriched uranium (HEU) spheres “subjected to shock compression, for their neutronic behaviour”. The graph is said to come from these studies. In fact, it reflects a tricky design problem. If Iran is developing a bomb, it is thought likely to use a design in which the explosive “core” includes a neutron generator, such as the hydrogen isotope deuterium or the element polonium. This allows the core to be lighter and more stable. Neutron generators feature in all modern nuclear weapons. In these cores, conventional explosives arrayed around a hollow sphere of fissile material – say, HEU – are detonated, compressing the HEU so that it exceeds critical mass, starting a chain reaction. This also compresses a neutron generator inside the HEU sphere, triggering fusion reactions that release fast neutrons. They boost the chain reaction in the HEU, so more of it undergoes fission. But not always. The whole process must produce enough neutrons at just the right point in the chain reaction. Too few, too early or too late, and fission can fizzle; the bomb’s explosive force depends on how many neutrons emerge and when. Engineers solve this problem by detonating cores with conventional explosives and neutron generators, but using a substitute for the HEU. They then measure the neutrons produced, says David Albright of the Institute for Science and International Security, a nuclear monitoring group that tracks Iran. The results are then plugged into computer models based on commercial models used in the nuclear industry, to calculate what the released neutrons would have done if the core contained HEU. The graph leaked this week, says Albright, could be from such a model. The worry is that the data could have come from suspected tests at the Parchin military site in Iran in 2003. Iran refused the IAEA’s request last February to inspect Parchin. On the other hand, “it could be just a modelling exercise, not based on any real data at all”, warns Albright. Even if it is, “the application of such studies to anything other than a nuclear explosive is unclear”, the IAEA remarked drily in 2011, saying it would ask Iran to explain. This month the IAEA said it was “unable to report any progress on clarifying the issues.” Talks between it and Iran resume on 13 December. “I am not worried about this one paper, but together with everything else, it is alarming,” says Olli Heinonen of Harvard University, who was the IAEA’s anti-proliferation chief until 2010. We need to consider the different kinds of evidence, he says. For example, the IAEA report this month said satellite images of Parchin show removal of buildings and equipment, “run-off of large amounts of liquid… over a prolonged period” from the containment building thought to have housed the tests, and replacement of “considerable quantities of earth”. The containment building vented to the outside, says Albright, so any explosive tests there might have released telltale chemical or radioactive traces. There are fears that these are being removed before the IAEA can inspect. Moreover, the IAEA report says Iran has so far made 233 kilograms of uranium enriched to nearly 20 per cent, which takes little effort to enrich further to 90 per cent, weapons-grade. Iran is also poised to treble its rate of production, supposedly to fuel a medical isotopes reactor in Tehran. But Albright calculates that the reactor would need at most 18 kg a year. “Even the current rate of p
Caching has attracted significant attention recently because it holds the promise of scaling the service capability of mobile networks. Modern mobile networks are capable of achieving data rates of Gbps, yet they may still fail to meet the predicted bandwidth requirements of future mobile applications
Caching has attracted significant attention recently because it holds the promise of scaling the service capability of mobile networks. Modern mobile networks are capable of achieving data rates of Gbps, yet they may still fail to meet the predicted bandwidth requirements of future mobile applications. A recent report from Cisco forecasts that mobile data traffic will grow to 77.49 EB per month in 2022. In theory, a human brain may process up to 100 T bits per second. Even though this does not necessarily reflect the ultimate bandwidth required by a human being, a huge gap between bandwidth demand and provisioning may still exist in the near future. Unfortunately, on-demand transmission which dominates current mobile network architectures has almost achieved its performance limits revealed by Shannon in 1948. Because of this and other limitations it is time to envision paradigm-shifting mobile network architectures for the sixth generation (6G) of mobile networks. Cache-aided mobile networking is regarded as one of the potential solutions for beyond fifth generation (5G) systems. Caching techniques were originally developed for computer systems in the 1960s. Web caching was conceived for the Internet due to the explosively increasing number of websites in the 2000s. In contrast to on-demand transmission, caching allows proactive content placement before being requested, which has motivated some novel infrastructures such as information-centric networks and content delivery networks. More recently, caching has been found to substantially benefit data transmissions over harsh wireless channels and meet growing demands with restrained radio resources. The key purpose of this book is to introduce the cutting-edge theory and techniques in t
Yoroku: Comparing Japanese reading habits today to those in the Meiji period Leon Metchnikoff (1838-1888), who was a Russian-language teacher at the then Tokyo Gaikokugo Gakko (Tok
Yoroku: Comparing Japanese reading habits today to those in the Meiji period Leon Metchnikoff (1838-1888), who was a Russian-language teacher at the then Tokyo Gaikokugo Gakko (Tokyo school of foreign languages) in the early Meiji period, wrote in a book in which he reminisces about the Meiji Restoration, that he spent the majority of his days off at the vast numbers of book stores across Tokyo. According to Metchnikoff, he saw girls reading earnestly at bookstores, who upon noticing his inquisitive stares, would show him the popular novels they were reading. To a Russian man, the sight of girls from commoner backgrounds reading books must have been a curious one. He also touches upon the reading habits of dockworkers and maids. "Without exception, they all had multiple well-thumbed books on them, and whenever they had the time, would read them voraciously. When they worked, they kept their books tucked away in the sleeves of their kimono -- or in the folds of the loincloths they used, like barbarians," he wrote. Since there were some 800 book lenders in Edo (present-day Tokyo) shortly before Metchnikoff arrived, his account of locals' widespread reading habits doesn't appear to be an exaggeration. In other words, our ancestors read so much that it surprised foreigners. However, according to the Mainichi Shimbun's 71st public opinion poll on reading, the percentage of people who do not read has surpassed the percentage of people who read either books or magazines. This is the first time in 11 years that the ratio of those who do not read books overrode those who do, and the first time in five years that those who do not read magazines outstripped those who do. Notably, fewer and fewer young people are reading manga. Is this a temporary phenomenon, or has the growing distance between the Japanese people and print progressed one step further? What surprised Metchnikoff more than Japan's high literacy rate was the wholehearted respect that the ordinary people of the Meiji period had for the knowledge and culture they could acquire through reading. Oct. 27 -- some 150 years since Metchnikoff marveled at Japanese reading habits -- kicks off this fall's "book-reading week." How have the Japanese changed? ("Yoroku," a front-page column in the Mainichi Shimbun) gives a succint but vivid description of the physical layer of the first version of Ethernet and its subsequent replacement: 10BASE5 (also known as thick Ethernet or thicknet) was the first commercially gives a succint but vivid description of the physical layer of the first version of Ethernet and its subsequent replacement: 10BASE5 (also known as thick Ethernet or thicknet) was the first commercially available variant of Ethernet. The technology was standardized in 1982 as IEEE 802.3. 10BASE5 uses a thick and stiff coaxial cable up to 500 meters (1,600 ft) in length. Up to 100 stations can be connected to the cable using vampire taps and share a single collision domain with 10 Mbit/s of bandwidth shared among them. The system is difficult to install and maintain. 10BASE5 was superseded by much cheaper and more convenient alternatives: first by 10BASE2 based on a thinner coaxial cable, and then, once Ethernet over twisted pair was developed, by 10BASE-T and its successors 100BASE-TX and 1000BASE-T. In 2003, the IEEE 802.3 working group deprecated 10BASE5 for new installations. Usually with information technology, the first version is simple and low-performance, and later versions are more complex, so the above is mildly unusual in that
What means anticipatory? How do you define the Americas? What does the media consist of? What is the main type of environment? What is an example of symbolism? What is called as note? What is a synonym for legitimacy? How do
What means anticipatory? How do you define the Americas? What does the media consist of? What is the main type of environment? What is an example of symbolism? What is called as note? What is a synonym for legitimacy? How do I write my name in Western script? Is Senora Acero based on a true story? What nationality is Danny Kenyon? How is preparation going on reply? What does it mean to encapsulate a placenta? What is Address Line 1 Kenya? Table of Contents: - Is nutritional Labelling mandatory in UK? - Why is it better to compare nutritional information per 100g? - How do you calculate nutritional information? - What are the recommended levels for salt? - What should you avoid on food labels? - What are the three foods to avoid? - Can food labels be misleading? - How do food labels help you? - What are 3 benefits of using food labels? - What are the five good eating habits? - How much room should vegetables fruit occupy on your plate? - How much vegetables should be on your plate? - What should be on my dinner plate? - What percent of your plate should be fruits? - What are the 5 types of food found on my plate? - Why should half your plate be fruits and vegetables? - What a healthy plate looks like? - What is a healthy plate? - Why is MyPlate bad? - How do you get a healthy plate? - How much food should be on your plate? - What should every meal consist of? - What percentage of the Eatwell plate is fruit and vegetables? Is nutritional Labelling mandatory in UK? It is mandatory for nutrition information to be declared on prepacked food. Why is it better to compare nutritional information per 100g? Using the per 100g column on the nutrition information table (instead of per portion) is the fairest way to compare products nutritionally, because otherwise it can be hard to tell whether the differences you see are due to a different portion size rather than the actual content of the product. How do you calculate nutritional information? Make a list of all the ingredients in your product. Write down how much of each is in there. Look up the nutritional values of each ingredients per gram of ingredient. Now multiply the amount of material with the nutritional values and you've got your values! What are the recommended levels for salt? Health authorities recommend between 1,500 mg (1. What should you avoid on food labels? 6 of the Worst Food Ingredients You Should Definitely Avoid - Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)... - High-Fructose Corn Syrup.... - Artificial Sweeteners.... - Hydrogenated Oil.... - Soy.... What are the three foods to avoid? Here are 20 foods that are generally unhealthy — although most people can eat them in moderation on special occasions without any permanent damage to their health. - Sugary drinks.... - Most pizzas.... - White bread.... - Most fruit juices.... - Sweetened breakfast cereals.... - Fried, grilled, or broiled food.... - Pastries, cookies, and cakes. Can food labels be misleading? Manufacturers are often dishonest in the way they use these labels. They tend to use health claims that are misleading and in some cases downright false. Examples include many high-sugar breakfast cereals like whole-grain Cocoa Puffs. Despite what the label may imply, these products are not healthy. How do food labels help you? Food labels provide more than just nutrition facts, though. They also tell you what's in a packaged food (i.e., the ingredients).... These agencies require that all food labels show the same nutrition and health information. This allows consumers to compare different foods and make the choices that are right for them. What are 3 benefits of using food labels? Benefits of using food labels Food labels can help you: compare and choose products more easily. know what ingredients a food product contains. choose products with a little or a lot of the nutrients that are of interest to you. What are the five good eating habits? 5 Good Eating Habits to Achieve Your Health Goals - #1 Choose Water. Set a goal to drink water instead of sugar sweetened drinks.... - #2 Eat Slowly and Mindfully. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to send out signals that you are full.... - #3 Stick to One Serving.... - #4 Eat Fruit and Vegetables.... - #5 Swop to Wholegrains. How much room should vegetables fruit occupy on your plate? 2. Fruits. Like veggies, fruits have vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The red section of MyPlate is slightly smaller than the green, but together fruits and veggies should fill half your plate. How much vegetables should be on your plate? Fruits and vegetables should fill half of your plate, with approximately two-thirds of this space taken up by vegetables, which are some of the most nutrient-dense foods available. Eat a variety of different vegetables in a range of colors to get a wider variety of vitamins and minerals. What should be on my dinner plate? Per the USDA guidelines, you should create a healthy foundation for every meal by filling half your plate with fruits and vegetables. Divide the remaining half between a serving of grains — preferably whole grains — and a serving of lean protein. A serving of low-fat or fat-free dairy rounds out each meal. What percent of your plate should be fruits? Guidelines. MyPlate is divided into four sections of approximately 30 percent grains, 40 percent vegetables, 10 p
While the entire world is gripped in the clutches of the coronavirus pandemic, terms like quarantine, social distancing, and self-isolation have become a part of our lives. While these terms, from a medical perspective, may sound western to many
While the entire world is gripped in the clutches of the coronavirus pandemic, terms like quarantine, social distancing, and self-isolation have become a part of our lives. While these terms, from a medical perspective, may sound western to many, the concepts have been a part of our culture and rituals since centuries. One of the best examples of these practices is the fourteen-day ‘Anasara’ ritual that is practised in the Shri Jagannath Temple of Puri, Odisha every year. Anasara means a 14-day period during which the three deities of the temple, Lord Jagannath, and his siblings Lord Balabhadra, and Devi Subhadra are confined to the sanctum sanctorum because they suffer from a fever after the festival of Devasnana Purnima. The bathing festival – ‘Devasnana Purnima’ or just ‘Snana Yatra’ is a festival dedicated to Lord Jagannath. The much-revered tradition is observed on the Purnima or the full moon day of the Jyeshtha month of the Hindu calendar and is also considered to be one of the oldest festivals associated with the temple. Devasnana Purnima is a ritualistic bathing ceremony of the deities of the Jagannath Temple, Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra, and Lord Balabhadra. This year, Devasnana Purnima or Snana Yatra was celebrated on Friday, June 5. The idols of Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra, and Lord Balabhadra are taken out from the Jagannath temple and are brought to the ‘Snana Bedi’ or the bathing altar in a procession known as ‘Pahandi’. A few rituals are performed by the priests just before the bathing ceremony starts. The deities are bathed with 108 pitchers of holy water, a mixture of herbal and aromatic water. The water, used for bathing is taken from the golden well or ‘Suna Kua’ inside the temple. During the process, the priests cover their mouths with a piece of cloths to avoid contaminating the holy water. The priests purify the water with turmeric, whole rice, sandal, flowers and perfumes. The deities are then dressed up in Sada Besha after the bath. At night, the three deities – Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra and Lord Balabhadra are carried back to ‘Anasara Ghara’ to keep them away from public darshan for about 14-days. As the belief goes, the deities, after the prolonged ‘Snana’ or bath, are ill with fever. Anasara or Anabasara: The two-week isolation period During this Anasara or Anabasara period, the devotees are forbidden from seeing the idols of the Lords. According to mythology, the three deities are believed to have developed a fever after the prolonged bathing on Devasnana Purnima day. The deities, Lord Balabhadra, Devi Subhadra and Lord Jagannath, are kept in the ‘Anasara Pindi’ where they are ‘treated’ with natural herbal medicines, and specially prepared oils. The ailing deities are only offered only fruits and water, mixed with cheese and ‘Dasamula’ (herbal) medicines while Daitapati Sevayats (the priests who carry out holy rituals) now perform secret rituals to cure them. During the ‘Anasara’, “Patti Dian”, or the traditional Pattachitra paintings of the three deities are worshipped as a proxy to the original idols since the doors of the sanctum sanctorum are closed and devotees are forbidden from darshan. In the Pattachitra paintings, Shri Ananta Narayana is worshipped in the place of the Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra is worshipped as Shri Ananta Basudeva and Devi Subhadra is worshipped as Maa Bhubaneshwari. Kalinga TV’s chief editor Soumyajit Pattnaik had today shared a video of the worship of “Patti Dian”, at the Jagannath Temple. Puri Shri Jagannath Temple….11th June morning— Soumyajit Pattnaik (@soumyajitt) June 11, 2020 The three deities under ‘treatment’ in the Anasara Pindi will be offered ‘Pana Bhoga’ by Pati Mahapatra to help them heal. The natural medicines and other herbs are also offered to the deities by the Daitapatis. A special oil ‘Phuluri Tela’ prepared for the deities, will be applied on the wooden idols on the eighth day or ‘Ashtami’ to protect them. It is part of the faith that on the Dashami, the deities regain their balance and strength. The next day, the deities are painted in a new colour to protect the wooden idol from damage. The Anasara ritual is, in a way an annual maintenance ritual for the wooden idols, because the wooden idols of the three deities are changed only once in twelve years, in another mega festival known as ‘Naba Kalebara’. The all-organic, all-natural oils and preservatives are a part of the twelfth-century shrine’s ancient traditions. On the Amavasya, the 15th day, the deities are dressed up in Nabajoubana Besha. During the Nabajoubana Darshan, the devotees are allowed to see all the three deities. These traditions bring an end to the annual quarantine of the deities, who are now believed to be cured from all illness and are back to their usual health and beauty. The deities are now prepared for a grand Rath Yatra. Two days later, on the Dwitiya of the Ashadha Shukla Paksha, the Puri Rath Yatra is celebrated with all the pomp and splendour. All the three deities, along with Sudarshana are brought out in huge chariots for the devotees to have Darshana or the holy view of Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra, and Lord Balabhadra. The deities then travel to the Gundicha temple in the chariots drawn by devotees.
Power plant operators control, inspect, operate, and maintain machinery to generate electric power. They work with boilers, generators, turbines, reactors and other machines to maintain power production. They use a meters, gauges, and other tools to monitor and
Power plant operators control, inspect, operate, and maintain machinery to generate electric power. They work with boilers, generators, turbines, reactors and other machines to maintain power production. They use a meters, gauges, and other tools to monitor and measure performance, record their findings, and adjust processes as necessary. To become a power plant operator requires at least a high school diploma and a few months to one year of on-the-job training. Some employers may require additional certif
Prior to the beginning of the story, the unnamed narrator received a letter from his childhood friend, Roderick Usher, in which Roderick spoke of some illness and expressed his desire to see the narrator. As the story begins, the
Prior to the beginning of the story, the unnamed narrator received a letter from his childhood friend, Roderick Usher, in which Roderick spoke of some illness and expressed his desire to see the narrator. As the story begins, the narrator arrives at Roderick's home. He is affected by the gloom and melancholy nature of the edifice and its environs. Roderick greets him warmly, and the narrator notes how much Roderick has been altered by his illness; he looks like a cadaver now. Roderick explains the "constitutional and [...] family evil" that affects him so, and he explains that his twin sister, Madeline, suffers from disease as well. The narrator sees Madeline once, from across the room. The old friends pass many days together. One night, Roderick tells the narrator that Madeline has died and that he would temporarily inter her for two weeks to be sure she is gone. The narrator helps Roderick to entomb her. Within a few days, Roderick's character seems to change; he grows worse and begins to seem hysterical. About a week after entombing Madeline, the narrator begins to feel quite nervous, and a terrible storm rages outside. He reads to Roderick in the hope of calming him down, but he begins to hear scraping and wailing sounds. Roderick says that he has been hearing it, with his acute senses, for days, and he declares that they have buried his sister alive! Madeline, bloody and reeling, falls upon her brother, and they both perish. The narrator flees and watches as the house splits along a fissure and collapses into the tarn. 1. The narrator approaches the House of Usher and delivers a detailed description of the decaying, melancholy House of Usher, which has “vacant, eye-like windows.” It is in this opening description that the narrator imbues the house with human qualities, and the house starts to become a character itself in the story. 2. Roderick Usher greets the narrator, an acquaintance from his childhood, and the narrator is shocked to discover the sickly state of Roderick, who is emotionally disturbed and complains of a terrible acuteness of his senses. He has called on the narrator for companionship during this dark time. He is deeply depressed and informs the narrator that he and his sister are the last of the Usher kin alive. Many of their ancestors have succumbed (and in this home) to diseases of the mind and body. 3. Roderick explains to the narrator that his sister, Madeline, is sick as well and bed-ridden most of the time. Her ailment is similar to Roderick’s, though she sometimes has cataleptic episodes where she appears to be dead but is really in a temporary coma-like state. The narrator sees her only once (living) as she drifts—mute, unresponsive, ghost-like—through the dark House. 4. Both Madeline and Roderick’s conditions deteriorate, and Madeline succumbs to her illness. The narrator and Roderick put her in a vault in a lower level of the house; Roderick will not contact doctors or undertakers to handle the body, for he fears the scientific establishment will want to pick apart Madeline’s body for research. Before Roderick and the narrator seal Madeline’s coffin, the narrator notes that, because Madeline is so freshly deceased, there is still a bright flush on her cheeks. 5. Roderick’s condition worsens, and the narrator, too, finds himself with heightened senses, especially as a treacherous storm approaches. Roderick asks the narrator to read him the tale of a knight, and as the plot of the story intensifies, the narrator hears terrific noises in the house. As the noises reach a fever pitch, Roderick, in a maniacal state, admits that he has buried his sister alive (thus explaining the flush on her cheeks) and has heard her rustling around in her coffin, scratching to get herself out, for days. The door of the chamber flies open, and Madeline appears, corpse-like and covered in blood. She falls forward onto Roderick, and “[bears] him to the ground a corpse.” They die simultaneously. 6. As the narrator flees the house, the house itself begins to crumble violently and is swallowed up by the “black, lurid” tarn below it. Now that the Usher race has reached its end, the house that seemingly drove many of the Ushers to madness and death, ends with them. Here is a brief but concise chronology of the story mentioned above: 1. Narrator gets invited to house of Roderick Usher. 2. Narrator arrives, learns about the sickly state of the house and its occupants -- Madeline in particular. 3. Roderick entertains narrator, explains family situation, etc. 4. Madeline goes into cataleptic state, gets entombed alive, returns with bloody clothes. 5. House splits down the center, symbolizing the splitting of the family itself. As I said, while this is a brief overview of the story's chronology, it in no way intended to be comprehensive. For a more complete chronology, I suggest you visit the summary page for this story in enotes.
We are our DNA, since it is this chemical that makes all of our genetic information! Contained in our cell nuclei, DNA is a long chain of tightly wound-up coded instructions which cells unravel, read and use to make proteins. When cells make
We are our DNA, since it is this chemical that makes all of our genetic information! Contained in our cell nuclei, DNA is a long chain of tightly wound-up coded instructions which cells unravel, read and use to make proteins. When cells make a certain protein, they read DNA in chunks called genes that code for a specific sequence of amino acids. [Reminder: A protein is a folded polymer with a specific sequence of amino acids.] Like proteins, DNA is also a polymer, but of repeating nucleotides - these are made of a phosphate group on a sugar attached to a nitrogenous base, linking together to make the double helix. There are four different bases, A, T, C, G, and they’re very specific about what they pair with: Adenine with Thymine and Cytosine with Guanine These groups are complementary base pairs and they are joined by weak hydrogen bonds, linking the two double helix strands in the middle. So far, we have only said that DNA codes for proteins. This is not entirely true because there are two types! Coding DNA are the genes that the cells read and make proteins from. Non-coding DNA are like on-off switches for coding DNA - they control gene expression by telling the cell to use or ignore certain genes, making sure we only get the proteins we need. So, to make a protein there are two stages: transcription of DNA (in the nucleus) and translation (in the cytoplasm): The cell reads the genes to find the amino acid order - but DNA is too big to get out of the nucleus to build the protein, so it uses a messenger instead! An enzyme temporarily breaks the weak hydrogen bonds and unzips the double helix. It then uses one side as a template to make a copy of the genes there, with this new copy being called mRNA. mRNA travels out into the cytoplasm and carries the code to the site of protein synthesis - an organelle called a ribosome. As the ribosome reads the mRNA, 100s to 1000s of amino acids are brought in and joined in the sequence the genes state, ma
Old stamps depicting the government’s family planning programme. Come September 26, an awareness campaign to promote contraception or birth control methods will be witnessed across the globe. The origin of ‘World Contraception Day’, as it is called, dates back
Old stamps depicting the government’s family planning programme. Come September 26, an awareness campaign to promote contraception or birth control methods will be witnessed across the globe. The origin of ‘World Contraception Day’, as it is called, dates back to as recently as 2007 when 10 international family planning organisations came together and decided to observe the day on September 26 every year “to raise awareness about birth control methods available to a woman and her partner to enable them to make an informed decision regarding their reproductive health and to promote better education related to safe and protected sex so that no pregnancy is unplanned or unwanted!” The issue of contraception, linked to “population explosion”, also referred to as a “ticking bomb”, is an ancient one. For centuries, it has baffled the human mind, which continues to be the case even today. In fact, more the demographers, social scientists, economists, governments, policy makers, public health experts, put their heads together to find a universal solution, the more complicated it seems to be getting. Just one cursory look at the so-called offshoots of this problem can give us an idea as to how complex it is. Unemployment, poverty, corruption, poor health infrastructure, depleting natural resources, environmental degradation, climate change, crimes, skewed sex ratio, abortions, female foeticide and infanticide, declining rate of working population, increasing rate of ageing population, collapse of family system, suicides, increase in psychological problems among all age groups, loneliness epidemic, to name a few, are all a fallout of “overpopulation”, or so is the widely held notion. In sharp contrast, there are counter-narratives emerging strong and wide. There is a set of top economists who have set out to debunk the above theory which puts the blame for the above-mentioned ills at the doorstep of “overpopulation.” ‘Two-child cap and other disincentives should go. We need more babies, not less’, screamed a headline in July 27, 2021 edition of ‘The Times of India’. Its author, noted economist Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar, argues in the article: ‘India’s fertility is plummeting. It must abandon bogus fears of excess population and prepare for a future with fewer and fewer people of working age (15 to 65 years old) and skyrocketing aged depen
On the occasion of the 2080th anniversary of the victory of Armenia in the battle of Aratsani in 68 B.C. Ruben L. Manasseryan The idea of Tigranes II the Great, widespread in
On the occasion of the 2080th anniversary of the victory of Armenia in the battle of Aratsani in 68 B.C. Ruben L. Manasseryan The idea of Tigranes II the Great, widespread in historical works of general nature, as a conqueror, guided by the material interests of the ruling class – “landlords”, according to Y.A. Manandyan, and “slave owners” – private and land owners, according to G. Kh. Sargsyan, is not confirmed by data on the social system of Ancient Armenia and the facts regarding the foreign policy activities of the Armenian king. Large-scale private land ownership was not formed in Armenia; more precisely, it was decisively replaced by state property (ownership). The state, represented by the tsar, acted not only as the supreme owner of the land, but also as the direct exploiter of the communal peasantry in the localities. Armenia of the era of Tigranes the Great typologically belongs to the societies of the East, in which the state (the central apparatus and the provincial administration) is the form of existence of the ruling class (military nobility). The foreign policy of Tigranes was initially aimed at repelling the threat emanating from the expansion of the great powers: Rome from the West, and Parthia from the East. Already in 92 B.C., during the Roman-Parthian negotiations, an agreement was reached on the future division of the Middle East between the two powers along the Euphrates River. They also considered concluding a military alliance against Armenia. Tigranes assumed of uniting the political forces in the Middle East, interested in preventing the establishment of the dominance of Rome and Parthia. As a result, he united the Middle East into a great Hellenistic power. Rome, represented by a contemporary of Tigranes, greate political thinker M. T. Cicero, highly appreciated the personality and activities of the Armenian king. Cicero emphasizes the originality of Tigranes’ personality, “hic ipse per se vehemens fuit” – “and he was powerful in himself.” “Vehemens” is a definition meaning a combination of mighty energy and physical strength. In addition to these properties of Tigranes, Cicero notes the steadfastness, unbrokenness of his fighting spirit (animus), his determination to achieve victory after the defeat during the first stage of the war – the loss of the capital, Tigranakert, the collapse of the state and the transition of the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean under the rule of Rome. On the banks of the Aratsani River, Tigranes inflicted a heavy defeat on the Roman army of Lucullus. Comparing the tactical actions of the parties, the level of their losses, the subsequent course of action, it should be recognized that the Battle of Aratsani was a defeat of the Romans – a very difficult and bloody one, and a victory for the Armenians. Tigranes thwarted Lucullus’ plans to capture the capital o
There’s no doubt that female scientists and inventors have tremendously impacted our understanding of the world and beyond. Nevertheless, centuries worth of their work remains unrecognized, and even today, the STEM field is dominated by men. From biographies to engaging fiction
There’s no doubt that female scientists and inventors have tremendously impacted our understanding of the world and beyond. Nevertheless, centuries worth of their work remains unrecognized, and even today, the STEM field is dominated by men. From biographies to engaging fiction novels, literature is a perfect way to explore the works of women underestimated by society. To celebrate some amazing and inspiring women this Women’s History Month, here are nine novels written by women about women in STEM. Hopefully, they’ll allow you to honor the women who pursue these careers and inspire future generations to do the same. 1. Her Hidden Genius by Marie Benedict Marie Benedict’s powerful new novel shines a light on a woman who sacrificed her life to discover the nature of our very DNA, a woman whose world-changing contributions were hidden by the men around her but whose relentless drive advanced our understanding of humankind. The story follows Rosalind Franklin, a British chemist and X-ray crystallographer whose work was central to the understanding of the molecular structures of DNA, RNA, viruses, coal, and graphite. Although her works on coal and viruses were appreciated in her lifetime, Franklin’s contributions to the discovery of the structure of DNA were largely unrecognized. Because of this, she has often been referred to as the wronged heroine of science. If she just takes one more X-ray picture, she can unlock the building blocks of life. Never again will she have to listen to her colleagues complain about her, especially Maurice Wilkins who’d rather conspire about genetics with James Watson and Francis Crick than work alongside her. She succeeds and the double helix structure of DNA reveals itself to her with perfect clarity. What follows, however, Franklin could never have predicted. 2. In the Shadow of Man by Jane Goodall Jane Goodall is obviously one of the most well-known female scientists, famous for her study of chimpanzees. This book, her account of living with primates, is a brilliant tale of discovery and advancement of human knowledge. Dr. Goodall’s adventure began when the famous anthropologist Dr. Louis Leakey suggested that a long-term study of chimpanzees in the wild might shed light on the behavior of our closest living relatives. Accompanied by only her mother and her African assistants, she set up camp in the remote Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve in Tanzania. For months the project seemed hopeless, seeing nothing but fleeting glimpses of frightened animals. Gradually Goodall won the trust of the animals and was able to record previously unknown behavior, such as the use, and even the making, of tools, a previously known skill exclusive to man. As she came to know the chimps as individuals, she began to understand their complicated social hierarchy and observed many extraordinary behaviors, which have forever changed our understanding of the profound connection between humans and chimpanzees. 3. Spineless by Juli Berwald As the subtitle suggests, this novel concerns “the science of jellyfish and the art of growing a backbone.” Berwald tells the story of how, after leaving a career in ocean science, she developed an obsession with jellyfish that drew her back to the sea. Jellyfish have been swimming in our oceans for well over half a billion years, longer than any other animal that lives on the planet. They make a venom so toxic it can kill a human in three minutes. Their sting—microscopic spears that pierce with five million times the acceleration of gravity— is the fastest known motion in the animal kingdom. Driven by questions about how overfishing, coastal development, and climate change were contributing to a recent jellyfish population explosion, Juli embarks on a scientific adventure. She travels the globe to meet the biologists who devote their careers to jellies, hitches rides on Japanese fishing boats to see giant jellyfish in the wild, raises a jellyfish in her dining room, and throughout it all, marvels at the complexity of these alluring and ominous biological wonders. 4. Rise of the Rocket Girls by Nathalia Holt In the 1940s and 50s, when the newly minted Jet Propulsion Laboratory needed quick-thinking mathematicians to calculate velocities and plot trajectories, they didn’t turn to male graduates. Rather, they recruited an elite group of young women who, with only pencil, paper, and mathematical prowess, transformed rocket design, helped bring about the first American satellites, and made the exploration of the solar system possible. This novel marks the first ever telling of the stories of these women known as “human computers”, who broke the boundaries of both gender and science. Based on extensive research and interviews with all the living members of the team, Holt’s no
- ADVERTISEMENT - Biologically, wolves and coyotes separated about 300,000 years ago. This is a relatively recent hybrid. It is quickly noticed that these two species can easily interbreed. The coywolf or woyote is
- ADVERTISEMENT - Biologically, wolves and coyotes separated about 300,000 years ago. This is a relatively recent hybrid. It is quickly noticed that these two species can easily interbreed. The coywolf or woyote is the end result, a creature with similar traits to its parents. In terms of size, the length is somewhere between a wolf and a coywolf.
How do I type the Long a symbol? Table of Contents - How do I type the Long a symbol? - What is the symbol for a long e? - How do you type a long and short vowel symbol? - What does �
How do I type the Long a symbol? Table of Contents - How do I type the Long a symbol? - What is the symbol for a long e? - How do you type a long and short vowel symbol? - What does �� sound like? - How do you make accents on a keyboard? - Does they have a long e sound? - Which is the correct way to type en or em? - What's the best way to type an em dash? - What's the correct way to type a long letter? - How long does it take to type at 100 wpm? How do I type the Long a symbol? Insert a Long Vowel Symbol On the Symbols tab, click the Font drop-down arrow and select "(normal text)," then click the Subset drop-down arrow and select "Latin Extended-A." Scroll down slowly through the Symbol gallery until you find the long vowel symbol you're looking for. What is the symbol for a long e? Ē Word ALT Codes for long vowels |Ē||ALT+0274 Cap long E| |Ī||ALT+0298 Cap long I| |Ō||ALT+0332 Cap long O| |Ū||ALT+0362 Cap long U| How do you type a long and short vowel symbol? The short vowels can represented by a curved symbol above the vowel: ă, ĕ, ĭ, ŏ, ŭ. The long vowels can be represented by a horizontal line above the vowel: ā, ē, ī, ō, ū. What does ō sound like? The letter "O" is the 4th vowel of the English alphabet, and like all vowels, it has a "long" and a "short" sound. The "long O" sounds like "Oh", while the "short O" sound sounds like "Awe". How do you make accents on a keyboard? Insert Accented Letters with Keyboard Shortcuts You'll use the Ctrl or Shift key along with the accent key on your keyboard, followed by a quick press of the letter. For example, to get the á character, you'd press Ctrl+' (apostrophe), release those keys, and then quickly press the A key. Does they have a long e sound? The long E sound can be represented in 2 vowel teams (“ea” and “ee”), an irregular vowel team (“ie”), the open syllable rule, e.g., me, and “Y” as a vowel at the end of a word, e.g. bunny....Long E Words. |Long E Words||Category||Word Family / Sound| |neat||Vowel Team - EA||-eat| |need||Vowel Team - EE||-eed| Which is the correct way to type en or em? The two most common dashes are the en dash (–) and the em dash (—). They are named as such because the en dash is as long as a lowercase “n” and an em dash is as long as an uppercase “M”. You can use these dashes in your writing to signify breaks, dialogue, and much more. Read on after the jump to learn how to type them in any situation. What's the best way to type an em dash? To create an en dash, press 2013 and then press ↵ Enter. To create an em dash, press 2014 and then press ↵ Enter. Use the Compose key. If your keyboard doesn't have a dedicated Compose key, you can assign a key on your keyboard to become the ⎄ Compose key, which will allow you to quickly create symbols. What's the correct way to type a long letter? Additional codes are listed on the Penn State Computing with Accents Page. Latin long mark, plus long Y (Ȳ) and long ash (Ǣ). Use Option+K,A if you need A-ring. Works with any letter. Note difference from Option+I in U.S. Standard keyboard. Used in Polish and Old Irish. Use these codes to input accented letters in HTML. How long does it take to type at 100 wpm? To be able to type at 101 WPM, you will need to practice for around 3 hours. At 10 hour mark I was touch typing faster than with the old method (over 59 WPM). At 20 hours, typing speed was 80 WPM.
Fast food is bad for you, in general, but if you want to conceive, it can have an adverse effect on your fertility. Eating healthy foods is best overall. Women who are planning to get pregnant, as well as those who are already
Fast food is bad for you, in general, but if you want to conceive, it can have an adverse effect on your fertility. Eating healthy foods is best overall. Women who are planning to get pregnant, as well as those who are already carrying a child, should always consume a healthy diet. Studies have shown that women who regularly consume fast food and don’t eat much fruit have issues with fertility. It can take them longer to conceive versus women who don’t eat junk food and who get a few servings of fruit per day in their diets. The research findings were published in the journal Human Reproduction. Fast Food and Its Effects on Fertility The first author of the study, Jessica Grieger, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Adelaide, said that making small modifications to the diet can help boost a woman’s fertility. In contrast, she stated that when women have regular consumption of junk foods like burgers, fries, fried chicken and pizza, they can experience delayed times in conceiving. However, she said that more research was required to determine whether other foods might have an impact on this area. Study Findings on Pregnant Women Grieger and her team of researchers checked data on 5,598 pregnant women. The study participants were from Australia, Ireland, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. All were in their first pregnancies. The researchers examined information gathered from the women’s first prenatal visits, which took place between their 14th and 16th weeks of gestation. The women were surveyed about how long it took them to conceive and how often they ate the following types of food: fruits, leafy green vegetables, fish and junk foods like pizza, burgers, and fried chicken that they got from franchises or takeout places. The study didn’t consider these types of foods prepared at home or purchased from supermarkets. The research determined that the women who had the lowest consumption of fresh fruit had a 12 percent greater risk of infertility. Additionally, those who consumed the unhealthy foods at least four times per week saw a 16-percent increase in their infertility. Interestingly, the study did not find that the time it took women to conceive was affected by the women’s eating fish or green leafy vegetables. Food Intake Has Correlation to Time of Conception In addition to the determination that women who eat too much unhealthy food have difficulty getting pregnant, it was also found that food intake, in general, could determine how long it takes to conceive. For instance, women who ate three or more servings of fruit per day were able to get pregnant within a month faster than those who only consumed fruit a few times per month. On the flip side, women who ate more unhealthy, fried and processed foods took around one month longer to get pregnant than those who did not consume such foods. The study also took a look at various other factors, such as the women’s ages, whether they smoked, their alcohol consumption and their body mass index (BMI). Claire Roberts, a senior research fellow from the University of Adelaide, noted that the unhealthy foods resulted in more fatty acids being present in the bloodstream. She pointed out that this could adversely affect the quality of a woman’s eggs and explained that what a woman eats could end up in her eggs and play a part in whether or not fertilization takes place. She also stated that the high fat, salt and sugar found in unhealthy foods can change one’s metabolism, which can also adversely affect a woman’s fertility. If you are planning to get pregnant, the best thing you can do is cut out unhealthy foods, and instead opt for fertility boosting foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables and healthy fatty acids. Not only your fertility, but your overall health benefits from this.
Answer in Sociology for Prince Wons #173285 With relevant practical example, discuss impact of an aging population on the socio- economic development of any Nation. The impact of population aging is enormous and multifaceted i.e., deteriorating fiscal
Answer in Sociology for Prince Wons #173285 With relevant practical example, discuss impact of an aging population on the socio- economic development of any Nation. The impact of population aging is enormous and multifaceted i.e., deteriorating fiscal balance, changes in patterns of saving and investment, shortage in labor supply, lack of adequate welfare system, particular in developing economies, a possible decline in productivity and economic growth, and ineffectiveness of macroeconomic policy. Increase in the dependency ratio. If the retirement age remains fixed, and the life expectancy increases, there will be relatively more people claiming pension benefits and fewer people working and paying income taxes. The fear is that it will require high tax rates on the current, shrinking workforce. Increased government spending on health care and pensions. Also, those in retirement tend to pay lower income taxes because they are not working. This combination of higher spending commitments and lower tax revenue is a source of concern for Western governments – especially those with existing debt issues and unfunded pension schemes
This post will take a dive into the concept of the quick ratio and its interpretation, along with an example. The quick ratio, commonly referred to as the acid-test ratio, measures the ability of a business to pay its short-term liabilities using only
This post will take a dive into the concept of the quick ratio and its interpretation, along with an example. The quick ratio, commonly referred to as the acid-test ratio, measures the ability of a business to pay its short-term liabilities using only the current assets that are readily convertible into cash. These “quick” assets are mainly cash and cash equivalents, marketable securities, and accounts receivable. Quick Ratio Formula As observed above, the quick ratio measures a company’s capacity to pay its current liabilities without needing to sell its inventory or obtain additional financing. Inventories are excluded from the quick ratio, as it may take too long to convert inventory into cash to cover pressing liabilities. Also, prepaid expenses are excluded, as they cannot be used to pay other liabilities. Interpretation of Quick Ratio Generally, the higher the quick ratio, the better it is for the business. However, one must note that quick ratio is an indicator of solvency of an entity, and must be analyzed over a period of time and also in the context of the industry the company operates in. A quick ratio that is greater than industry average may suggest that the company is investing too many resources in working capital that may be used more profitably elsewhere. A quick ratio that’s lower than the industry average may suggest that the company is taking too much risk by not maintaining an appropriate buffer of liquid resources. Alternatively, a company may have a lower quick ratio due to better credit terms with suppliers than the competitors. An Example of Quick Ratio Company XYZ holds the following: - cash and cash equivalents – $15 million - marketable securities – $10 million - accounts receivable – $20 million - inventory – $35 million - short-term debt – $10 million - accounts payable – $20 million - income tax payable – $30 million Therefore, the quick ratio will be calculated as such: Quick Assets = Cash and Cash equivalents + Marketable Securities + Accounts Receivable Quick Assets = $45 million Current Liabilities = Short-Term Debt + Accounts Payable + Income Tax Payable Current Liabilities = $60 million Quick Ratio = 0.75 This means that company XYZ will be able to pay 75% of its current liabilities using assets that can be readily converted into cash.
A unique study conducted by researcher Gregory Berns at Emory University found that functional MRI’s can help determine which dogs will successfully pass assistance dog training. The fMRI shows the researchers which dogs are likely to fail and why. Although all the dogs
A unique study conducted by researcher Gregory Berns at Emory University found that functional MRI’s can help determine which dogs will successfully pass assistance dog training. The fMRI shows the researchers which dogs are likely to fail and why. Although all the dogs appeared calm and therefore prime candidates for training, the fMRI showed that some dogs had a higher level of activity in the amygdala which is the area of the brain that is associated with excitability. These dogs were more likely to fail assistance dog training. The fMRI allowed the researchers to predict, with a success rate of 67%, up from 47% which dogs would not succeed in the training program. This method of predicting which dog can succeed is not something the average dog trainer can use due to the cost. However, in the case of assistance dogs trained at Canine Companions for Independence in Santa Rosa, CA, it helps a great deal because the cost o
Myelin repair is possible. Myelin is the protective coating or sheath around the nerve fibres in the central nervous system. Our bodies are constantly repairing damage but, is myelin repair possible? If you are living with MS, you may
Myelin repair is possible. Myelin is the protective coating or sheath around the nerve fibres in the central nervous system. Our bodies are constantly repairing damage but, is myelin repair possible? If you are living with MS, you may experience long-term disability from the myelin damage caused by MS. In 2005, in response to a pressing need to investigate potential treatments for MS, the MS Society set up the Cambridge Centre for Myelin Repair. Two years later we set up the Edinburgh Centre for Translational Research with the aim of converting findings from the laboratory into treatments for people with the condition. Researchers at the two centres have worked closely together and results so far have exceeded expectations. Laboratory findings offer hope of myelin repair A recent study by researchers at Mayo Clinic’s campuses in Jacksonville, Fla. and Scottsdale, Ariz. has found that transplanting oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs), derived from human embryonic stem cells, may be an effective treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS). Although this is just one small clinical trial, the results are significant, since they represent the first known evidence that neural stem cell transplantation can remyelinate damaged axons in humans. The two teams looked at ways that the brain’s own stem cells repair myelin in laboratory models of MS and in human brain tissue from the MS Society Tissue Bank. The research showed that drugs can target a molecule called RXR-gamma, to encourage the brain’s own stem cells to repair damaged myelin. This discovery could lead to treatment that could halt or even reverse the disabling effects of MS and make a huge difference to the lives of people living with the condition. With the help of MS Society supporters, Professor Franklin’s team can continue their work, focusing on turning their discovery into a therapy that will promote myelin damage repair in people with MS. This involves testing the drug that targets RXR-gamma in the laboratory alluding to, in around three years, a clinical trial to see if this drug is safe and effective in practice. if we can show that drugs targeting RXR-gamma can promote myelin repair in people with MS, then it should be around 10 or 15 years from a therapy. This is one of the most exciting recent developments for people living with MS.Professor Franklin It is my opinion that all cells in the body have the capacity to regenerate. In MS the immune system is attacking the myelin causing damage to the nerve fibre coating. When this attack stops or declines the cells regenerate and the symptoms recede. This accounts for the interminable cycle of relapse and remission typical of the early Multiple Sclerosis disease. If the stimulus aggravating the immune system can be removed the attacks on the myelin will stop and recovery will be the natural outcome. However, it should be noted that not all cells can regenerate. Neurons, in general, do not regenerate. Why does a person develop MS? This is the crux of the matter. The truth is, that nobody really knows why one person develops MS yet, other people with similar lifestyles don’t. However, I have come to accept that diet plays a very important role in this disease. But, a poor diet cannot account for anyone individual developing MS. Furthermore, there are many people with dreadful dietary habits and appalling lifestyles who never succumb to MS. With hindsight, I now believe that I have always had Multiple Sclerosis. It is a condition I was born with. There have been many tell-tale signs along the way, most too insignificant to have registered with me, at the time. While I was young my body was healthy, cell regeneration was optimal. Any damage caused by the immune system was quickly repaired. As I aged this cell replication slowed and the cumulative damage appeared. There must be a genetic, heredity element at play here. My mother has MS and one of her aunts had s different neuralgic condition with symptoms not unlike those of MS. Most people develop MS in their thirties which would correlate with my hypothesis. It does not explain the predisposition that certain individuals have for this debilitating condition. I have further observed, and it may be unconnected, that cognitive impairment can advance and recede. This would suggest that either myelin damage is reversible or myelin damage never occurred and inflammation was causing the impairment. While medical science knows that the body can repair myelin. They don’t fully understand why this myelin repair doesn’t work so well in Multiple Sclerosis. Myelin is made by special nervous system cells called oligodendrocytes. Researchers have discovered that a protein called pleiotrophin is released when myelin is damaged. This protein would appear to work with the oligodendrocytes to build new myelin. 7 Ways to Add More Value to Your Blog How does Stress impact your Multiple Sclerosis? 10 Simpl
John Donne 1572-1631 John DONNE 1572-1631 Born in London, son of John Donne, ironmonger. Matriculated at Hart Hall, Oxford 1584, but did not graduate;
John Donne 1572-1631 John DONNE 1572-1631 Born in London, son of John Donne, ironmonger. Matriculated at Hart Hall, Oxford 1584, but did not graduate; he probably travelled in Europe for a while before entering Lincoln's Inn in 1591. He is thought to have been brought up as a Roman Catholic, but had converted to Anglicanism by the turn of the 17th century. He joined the expedition to Cadiz in 1596, and the following year became secretary to Sir Thomas Egerton. MP for Brackley, Northamptonshire 1601, the year in which his marriage to Ann More, opposed by her father, cost him his job; after travelling abroad again, the family settled at Mitcham in 1606. He spent some years thereafter seeking employment, while writing both verse (which he had begun to write in the 1590s) and prose, including doctrinal theological works opposing Roman Catholicism (Pseudo-martyr, 1610). In 1615 he was ordained and in 1616 he became vicar of Keyston, Huntingdonshire, Sevenoaks, Kent and reader in divinity at Lincoln's Inn; in 1621 he became Dean of St Paul's. He was celebrated in his own day as an author and a preacher, for both his verse and his prose. Donne acquired books throughout his life and directed in his will that they be sold, apart from a number on a (lost) schedule that should be given to friends. The dispersal did take place soon after his death and his books are now widely scattered across the world. Keynes's systematic effort to identify survivors, in the appendix to his Bibliography (see below) identified a little over 200, and many others have been found and reported since. There is a group of about 80 volumes in the Middle Temple Library, which formed part of Robert Ashley's bequest there in 1641. The books include many theological ones, as well as titles in classics, history, philosophy, medicine and other subjects. Donne regularly inscribed his books with his name, typically in the bottom right-hand corner of the titlepage, and his motto "Per Rachel ho servito, & non per Lea", a line from Petrarch which refers to the tension between the active and the contemplative life. He often annotated his books with small pencil marks in the margins. Keynes's observation that the plain limp parchment covers, which many of Donne's books have, reflect his "favourite form of binding" surely overlooks the point that such bindings were cheap, and probably all that Donne could afford during much of his life. - Appx IV (Books from Donne’s library) in G. Keynes, A bibliography of Dr. John Donne, 4th ed, 1973. - Adlington, H. Seven more books from the library of John Donne, The Book Collector 67 (2018), 528-33. - Adlington, H. Close reader: John Donne’s Horace, Times Literary Supplement 20 January 2015, 14-15. - Adlington, H. More books from the library of John
Culinary Uses For Fresh Herbs Fresh herbs contain unique antioxidants, essential oils, vitamins, phytosterols and many other plant derived nutrients. We know that all of these plant compounds can have a range of benefits to our health.
Culinary Uses For Fresh Herbs Fresh herbs contain unique antioxidants, essential oils, vitamins, phytosterols and many other plant derived nutrients. We know that all of these plant compounds can have a range of benefits to our health. In laboratory tests, essential oils in herbs are found to have an anti- inflammatory effects. They do this by inhibiting the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX), which mediates inflammatory cascade reaction. This might mean that the enzyme-inhibiting effect of essential oils might have some benefit in some inflammatory conditions but more research is needed to confirm these effects. Herbs can be surprising sources of many minerals. Parsley and oregano have lots of iron; thyme and rosemary have some calcium; and sage is rich in magnesium. But don’t rely on these alone for your nutrients! Although herbs have high levels of these nutrients per 100g we usually use quite small amounts in cooking. So add your herbs for their gorgeous flavours and as a delicious way to top up some of the minerals in your diet. Storing Fresh Herbs Wash and dry fresh herbs before storing in the fridge. For the harder stemmed herbs like rosemary and thyme I advise keeping them wrapped in damp kitchen paper in the fridge. For the softer herbs like parsley,coriander and mint,trim the bottom of the stems and put them into a tumbler or plastic cup half- filled with cold water and put the herbs in as you would a bunch of flowers into a vase. Cover them loosely with cling film or a freezer bag. Note you can put basil into water in the same way but do not store it in the fridge as it will turn black, leave it on the counter in the tumbler of water Tip: change the water on the herbs every few days to keep for longer.
Also called: Renal disease You have two kidneys, each about the size of your fist. They are near the middle of your back, just below the rib cage. Inside each kidney there are about a million tiny structures called nephrons.
Also called: Renal disease You have two kidneys, each about the size of your fist. They are near the middle of your back, just below the rib cage. Inside each kidney there are about a million tiny structures called nephrons. They filter your blood. They remove wastes and extra water, which become urine. The urine flows through tubes called ureters. It goes to your bladder, which stores the urine until you go to the bathroom. Most kidney diseases attack the nephrons. This damage may leave kidneys unable to remove wastes. Causes can include genetic problems, injuries, or medicines. You have a higher risk of kidney disease if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or a close family member with kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease damages the nephrons slowly over several years. Other kidney problems include Your doctor can do blood and urine tests to check if you have kidney disease. If your kidneys fail, you will need dialysis or a kidney transplant. NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Cystinosis is a condition characterized by accumulation of the amino acid cystine (a building block of proteins) within cells. Excess cystine damages cells and often forms crystals that can build up and cause problems in many organs and tissues. The kidneys and eyes are especially vulnerable to damage; the muscles, thyroid, pancreas, and testes may also be affected.There are three distinct types of cystinosis. In order of decreasing severity, they are nephropathic cystinosis, intermediate cystinosis, and non-nephropathic or ocular cystinosis.Nephropathic cystinosis begins in infancy, causing poor growth and a particular type of kidney damage (renal Fanconi syndrome) in which certain molecules that should be reabsorbed into the bloodstream are instead eliminated in the urine. The kidney problems lead to the loss of important minerals, salts, fluids, and many other nutrients. The loss of nutrients impairs growth and may result in soft, bowed bones (hypophosphatemic rickets), especially in the legs. The nutrient imbalances in the body lead to increased urination, thirst, dehydration, and abnormally acidic blood (acidosis). By about the age of 2, cystine crystals may be present in the clear covering of the eye (cornea). The buildup of these crystals in the eye causes pain and an increased sensitivity to light (photophobia). Untreated children will experience complete kidney failure by about the age of 10. Other signs and symptoms that may occur in untreated people, especially after adolescence, include muscle deterioration, blindness, inability to swallow, diabetes, thyroid and nervous system problems, and an inability to father children (infertility) in affected men.The signs and symptoms of intermediate cystinosis are the same as nephropathic cystinosis, but they occur at a later age. Intermediate cystinosis typically becomes a
First trial to explore treating soft tissue tumors in dogs The Focused Ultrasound Foundation has launched a veterinary program to study focused ultrasound therapies for the treatment of animals. The initiative enables veterinary researchers to test state-of-the-art therapies in their patients,
First trial to explore treating soft tissue tumors in dogs The Focused Ultrasound Foundation has launched a veterinary program to study focused ultrasound therapies for the treatment of animals. The initiative enables veterinary researchers to test state-of-the-art therapies in their patients, while collecting data necessary to accelerate the adoption of the technology for human applications. “Veterinary medicine can lag behind human medicine, leaving veterinarians frustrated with the lack of options for their patients,” says Foundation Veterinary Program Director Kelsie Timbie, PhD. “Our goal with this program is to create a win-win scenario for all involved. Veterinarians will have new, innovative therapies to offer clients, and insights gained in dogs and cats will help inform clinical trial design in humans.” The goal of this research program is to offer a variety of benefits over traditional therapies in animals, including faster recovery times, a reduced risk of infection, and no aggravating stitches to chew. Focused ultrasound is an effective way to treat inaccessible areas, as well as incompletely treated or recurrent tumors. Tumors can be treated in a single session, whereas radiation treatments require multiple visits and substantial time away from home. The first study in this program will take place in early 2018 at the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine (VMCVM) at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Va., and will use focused ultrasound to treat naturally occurring soft tissue tumors, such as sarcomas and mast cell tumors, in dogs. “We hope to use focused ultrasound to non-invasively destroy tumors and to disrupt tumor cell membranes and stimulate a dog’s own immune system to fight the cancer,” said Jeffrey Ruth, DVM, who will lead the VMCVM study. “Because many types of tumors that affect people also occur naturally in dogs, focused ultrasound could not only augment the traditional approach to cancer in dogs but also advance our understanding of human cancer.” “Traditionally, animals have served as models in comparative studies before innovative therapies can be explored in human trials,” said Foundation chairman Neal F. Kassell, MD. “This trial allows us to apply the experience obtained using focused ultrasound in humans to treating dogs.” Future veterinary studies are being planned to use focused ultrasound for other types of cancer, wound healing, non-invasive spaying, and denervation for pain from hip dysplasia. Focused ultrasound can also be used in combination with chemo- and immunotherapies to target and/or enhance those treatments. Pet owners who are interested in learning more about the study at the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine should contact: Mindy Quigley – Clinical Trials Coordinator, VMCVM The Focused Ultrasound Foundation is actively seeking to promote interest in focused ultrasound within the veterinary community. Researchers and veterinarians should contact the Foundation’s director of the veterinary program, Kelsie Timbie, PhD, at [email protected] or visit the Veterinary Program page at
Barron’s A First Look At books explore the dynamics in relationships among children of preschool through early school age, and encourage kids to understand personal and social problems as a first step toward solving them. Written by an experienced psychotherapist and counselor
Barron’s A First Look At books explore the dynamics in relationships among children of preschool through early school age, and encourage kids to understand personal and social problems as a first step toward solving them. Written by an experienced psychotherapist and counselor, these books promote positive interaction among children, parents, and teachers. The language in each book is simple and direct–easy for younger children to understand. Full-color illustrations on every page. This approachable picture book explores the difficult
In this article, we will discuss Matplotlib Linestyle in Python. The Matplotlib library of Python is used for data visualization due to its wide variety of chart types. It has properties that can be manipulated to create chart styles. The matplotlib.pyplot
In this article, we will discuss Matplotlib Linestyle in Python. The Matplotlib library of Python is used for data visualization due to its wide variety of chart types. It has properties that can be manipulated to create chart styles. The matplotlib.pyplot.plot(*args, **kwargs) method of matplotlib.pyplot is used to plot the graphs. We can specify the graph style like color or line style. We look into various ways of implementing linestyles in Python. Before that, let me brief you on the different Matplotlib linestyles available. Different Matplotlib Linestyle in Python Color codes used with Matplotlib Linestyle Example of Matplotlib Linestyle import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random as random students = ["Jane","Joe","Beck","Tom", "Sam","Eva","Samuel","Jack", "Dana","Ester","Carla","Steve", "Fallon","Liam","Culhane","Candance", "Ana","Mari","Steffi","Adam"] marks= for i in range(0,len(students)): marks.append(random.randint(0, 101)) plt.xlabel("Students") plt.ylabel("Marks") plt.title("CLASS RECORDS") plt.plot(students,marks,'m--') In the above example, firstly, we import the matplotlib.pyplot library. The ‘students’ list is created to add student’s names. The marks list is created with the random.randint() method. Then, the X and Y axis are labeled, and the graph is given a title. Finally, the graph is plotted using matplotlib.pyplot.plot() method. Abbreviated color code and line style are used. The color code chosen is ‘m’, which is magenta, and the line style chosen is ‘–, ‘which is dashed line style. Matplotlib Linestyle color from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np xa = np.linspace(0, 5, 20) ya = xa**2 plt.plot(xa, ya, color='lightcoral') ya = 3*xa plt.plot(xa, ya, color='#4b0082') #A shade of purple Apart from single character colors, we can also implement different shades of a color to Matplotlib linestyle. The plt.plot function has a collection of optional parameters to do so. Single character colors are implemented as ‘r,’ ‘g,’ etc. There are 140 shades of CSS Color names such as sea green, steel-blue, tomato, etc. For Matplotlib Linestyle, the names should be written in lower case. The RGB colors can be implemented as “#rrggbb,” which indicates the color as a six-digit hex value, which indicates the amount of red, green, and blue each as a 2 digit hex value (00 to FF). In the above example, both CSS color names and RGB color is used for the Matplotlib Linestyle in Python. from matplotlib import pyplot a
Post Scriptum: Why We Can't Solve Big Problems „Why We Can’t Solve Big Problems”, the MIT Technology Review. President John F. Kennedy had asked the United States Congress to “commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade
Post Scriptum: Why We Can't Solve Big Problems „Why We Can’t Solve Big Problems”, the MIT Technology Review. President John F. Kennedy had asked the United States Congress to “commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth.” […] Kennedy’s goal was also absurdly ambitious. A few weeks before his speech, NASA had strapped an astronaut into a tiny capsule atop a converted military rocket and shot him into space on a ballistic trajectory, as if he were a circus clown; but no American had orbited the planet. The agency didn’t really know if what the president asked could be done in the time he allowed, but it accepted the call. In all, NASA spent $24 billion, or about $180 billion in today’s dollars, on Apollo; at its peak in the mid-1960s, the agency enjoyed more than 4 percent of the federal budget. The program employed around 400,000 people and demanded the collaboration of about 20,000 companies, universities, and government agencies. The agency’s solutions were often inelegant. To escape from orbit, NASA constructed 13 giant, single–use multistage rockets, capable of lifting 50 tons of payload and generating 7.6 million pounds of thrust. Only an ungainly modular spacecraft could be flown by the deadline “But why, some say, the moon? Why choose this as our goal?... Why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic?... We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills...” Apollo was not seen only as a victory for one of two antagonistic ideologies. Rather, the strongest emotion at the time of the moon landings was of wonder at the transcendent power of technology. To contemporaries, the Apollo program occurred in the context of a long series of technological triumphs. The first half of the century produced the assembly line and the airplane, penicillin and a vaccine for tuberculosis; in the middle years of the century, polio was on its way to being eradicated; and by 1979 smallpox would be eliminated. Since Apollo 17’s flight in 1972, no humans have been back to the moon, or gone anywhere beyond low Earth orbit. No one has traveled faster than the crew of Apollo 10. (Since the last flight of the supersonic Concorde in 2003, civilian travel has become slower.) Blithe optimism about technology’s powers has evaporated, too, as big problems that people had imagined technology would solve, such as hunger, poverty, malaria, climate change, cancer, and the diseases of old age, have come to seem intractably hard. That something happened to humanity’s capacity to solve big problems is a commonplace. Recently, however, the complaint has developed a new stridency among Silicon Valley’s investors and entrepreneurs, although it is usually expressed a little differently: people say there is a paucity of real innovations. Instead, they worry, technologists have diverted us and enriched themselves with trivial toys. The motto of Founders Fund, a venture capital firm started by Peter Thiel, a cofounder of PayPal, is “We wanted flying cars—instead we got 140 characters.” Thiel is caustic: last year he told the New Yorker that he didn’t consider the iPhone a technological breakthrough. “Compare [it] with the Apollo program,” he said.The Internet is “a net plus—but not a big one.” Max Levchin, another cofounder of PayPal, says, “I feel like we should be aiming higher. The founders of a number of startups I encounter have no real intent of getting anywhere huge … There’s an awful lot of effort being expended that is just never going to result in meaningful, disruptive innovation.” But what seemed futuristic at the time of Apollo 11 “remains futuristic, in part because these technologies never received the sustained funding lavished on the electronics industries. It’s not true that we can’t solve big problems through technology; we can. We must. But all these elements must be present: political leaders and the public must care to solve a problem, our institutions must support its solution, it must really be a technological problem, and we must understand it. We don’t lack for challenges. A billion people want electricity, millions are without clean water, the climate is changing, manufacturing is inefficient, traffic snarls cities, education is a luxury, and dementia or cancer will strike almost all of us if we live long enough. In this special package of stories, we examine these problems and introduce you to the indefatigable technologists who refuse to give up trying to solve them. Tagged as: future, innovation, sf | Author: Martin Leyrer [Sonnt
Particularly That which you Absolutely need to Be told On In-Text Citation An in-text citation is a reference that alerts your reader to the origin that features informed your own writing. Citations should be made throughout your essay or paper, but
Particularly That which you Absolutely need to Be told On In-Text Citation An in-text citation is a reference that alerts your reader to the origin that features informed your own writing. Citations should be made throughout your essay or paper, but are particularly important for direct quotations and paraphrasing, council of science editors citation maker can help you with it. According to the style you are using, so check with your academic institution for guidance, in-text citations should be created. A nicely-formatted in-text citation is easy to read, and will help you avoid ambiguity in your work. To cite a source within your text, have the author’s surname and the date in parentheses following your sentence. This can help readers quickly locate the data inside Works Cited list, and this also makes it much simpler to re-read your essay or paper. If you accessed a website or an electronic source, but do not have the page numbers for the information you used, cite it with the author’s paragraph, date and name number, heading or section in parentheses at the end of your essay or paper. For audio-visual sources, for example films and oral interviews, cite the timecode with the quotation rather than page number. When citing multiple works while in the same in-text citation, list them alphabetically and separate each of them with a semi-colon. The order of references is generally consistent throughout your work. Where Is It Possible Find Reliable APA Citation Generator in Internet The apa citation generator is an online tool which helps create APA-style citations. It always asks for vital specifics about a source, such as the author’s name and publication date, and then outputs these details on the proper format essential to APA Style. This can save time and be certain that citations are properly formatted. Using an APA citation generator is an effective way to create academic citations accurately and quickly. It can be a great resource forstudents and teachers, or professionals who need to produce a wide range of citations. A citation generator is generally free to use and may be used for just about any source, from books to websites. Additionally, it provides plagiarism detection, grammar check, and other tools to help with your research writing. InTextCitation is an online citation tool that delivers free citation creation inAPA and MLA, and Chicago formats. This also delivers a plagiarism scanner, grammar checker, and spell checker to help you ensure your paper is well-formatted and free of mistakes. Additionally to providing a citation, InTextCitation gives you to develop a reference list. You could add a running head and list your references in alphabetical order. Citing sources is important to a study paper, so it’s crucial to have a very good reliable citation generator that works well. InTextCitation is still tested by students and faculty, and is often a reliable tool for generating APA-style citations. How Do You Use MLA Citation Machine for You Studying Purposes If you’re looking for a reliable and quick way to cite sources in MLA format, our mla citation machine could be just what you need! It’s easy to use and can help you construct a professional bibliography without delay. If you borrow information from some other person in any research project, a citation must really be part of the body of your paper. These in-text citations may very well be brief to avoid distracting your reader and are generally found next to the information that is borrowed. When citing your website in MLA format, the page title is positioned within quotation marks and next the period is added. It is suggested to add the website’s name and its sponsoring institution or publisher in any citation. This information can be found in the footer of the website or at the bottom of the page, if it is not a link to the home page. When working with endnotes/footnotes in an MLA formatted paper, the notes can be positioned next to the material that has been employed in the text of our paper and really need to be double-left and spaced-justified. New paragraphs should really be indented half an inch belonging to the left margin. When writing an investigation project in MLA, it is important to incorporate a works-cited list after the project. This list identifies all of the sources which were included in the text of your project, and carries a complete citation for each source. How to Begin using a Citation Maker Wisely Citation maker is actually a tool that assists you create references for sources like books, journal articles, and webpages. It may also help you organize your citations. It can help you save time and help you focus on your writing tasks. It’s important to know how to use this software properly, however. Having a citation maker wisely is important to avoid unnecessary errors in your paper. You should make sure to begin using a tool which might correctly cite varieties of sources and that it complies with your preferred style guide. There are numerous citat
What does Woodward mean? Definitions for Woodward This dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word Woodward. Woodward, C. Vann Woodward, Comer Vann Woodwardnoun United States historian (190
What does Woodward mean? Definitions for Woodward This dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word Woodward. Woodward, C. Vann Woodward, Comer Vann Woodwardnoun United States historian (1908-1999) Woodward, Bob Woodward, Robert Woodward, Robert Burns Woodwardnoun United States chemist honored for synthesizing complex organic compounds (1917-1979) A warden of a wood. Etymology: Occupational surname from woodward. Samuel Johnson's Dictionary Etymology: wood and ward. an officer of the forest, whose duty it was to guard the woods Woodward is a city in and the county seat of Woodward County, Oklahoma, United States. It is the largest city in a nine-county area. The population was 12,051 at the 2010 census. The area was historically occupied by the Kiowa, Comanche, Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes. European-American settlers established the town in 1887, after construction of the railroad to that point for shipping cattle to markets. The town was on the Great Western Cattle Trail. In the 19th century, it was one of the most important depots in the Oklahoma Territory for shipping cattle to the East. As an important cattle town, it had the rough frontier bawdiness of the time. The United States opened up much of the area to European-American settlement by the Land Run of 1893 and migrants rushed into the area. Boiling Springs State Park has been established east of the city. After statehood, in 1911 Woodward was established as a court town for the US District Court of western Oklahoma. Annual federal dockets were held annually in November through 1948, and sporadically by need after that. Surnames Frequency by Census Records According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Woodward is ranked #944 in terms of the most common surnames in America. The Woodward surname appeared 36,764 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 12 would have the surname Woodward. 89.7% or 32,992 total occurrences were White. 4.8% or 1,765 total occurrences were Black. 2.3% or 868 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin. 1.8% or 662 total occurrences were of two or more races. 0.6% or 250 total occurrences were American Indian or Alaskan Native. 0.6% or 228 total occurrences were Asian. The numerical value of Woodward in Chaldean Numerology is: 1 The numerical value of Woodward in Pythagorean Numerology is: 4 Examples of Woodward in a Sentence Bob Woodwards peek behind the Trump curtain is 100 % as terrifying as we fearedIn between Trump saying no senator mentioned it and him admitting Senator Graham mentioned it comes this line from Bob Woodward :. The Woodward book’s pointless to try to convince him of anything. He’s gone off the rails. We’re in Crazytown, i do n’t even know why any of us are here. This is the worst job I’ve ever had. If the reporting in Woodward’s book is accurate, it represents a disgraceful and unprecedented act of insubordination by the Nation’s top military officer. To the President's point, there could be a national security risk at hand ; Bob Woodward doesn't want this person in a meeting where Bob Woodward's discussing China, Russia, North Korea. Mountain View Police Department: Over 80 latent fingerprints that were also collected at the time of Laurie’s death were re-examined by the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Identification Unit, which resulted in even more fingerprints matching Woodward. Popularity rank by frequency of use Translations for Woodward From our Multilingual Translation Dictionar
Compare and contrast arguments in favour of and against the notion that patterns of HRM are likely to converge as multinational corporations extend their influence and globalisation reduces the difference between nation states. Now, with specific regards to national employment and HR systems, critically
Compare and contrast arguments in favour of and against the notion that patterns of HRM are likely to converge as multinational corporations extend their influence and globalisation reduces the difference between nation states. Now, with specific regards to national employment and HR systems, critically compare and contrast arguments in favour of and against the notion that patterns of HRM are likely to converge as multinational corporations extend their influence and globalisation reduces the difference between nation states.The word limit is 3,000 words (not including appendices).The referencing must be strictly Harvard’s.Use mostly provided resources. Assignment details and instructions To critically analyse, by providing evidence and examples, the extent to which Human resources (HR) patterns around the world are becoming more similar or whether specific HR patterns will be associated with specific countries because of the idiosyncratic historical, societal, economic and political context of the country. Keep in mind that this is a debate and the answer is not black or white. You need to examine evidence from a variety of studies that point to either divergence or convergence and critically assess what these studies are actually implying (i.e. the level and type of convergence). You should also discuss and analyse the forces that could possibly push for convergence, as well as the factors that can prevent it from taking place and support the path-dependency view. Moreover, you should also demonstrate an understanding of the role multinational corporations’ play in this process, as well as of the ethical considerations embedded in this debate. Use of specific examples, of either host countries or multinational corporations, will strengthen your arguments and help you provide a more in-depth analysis. The content must demonstrate how to: understand and define the concept of globalization understand definitions of international human resource management and key debates in the field Understand the difference between HR management and International Human resources management (IHRM) and how context shapes the latter. understand the role of the multinational company (MNC) in the process of globalization evaluate the key features of international business examine the dynamics between multinational companies and nation states Evaluate the impact of culture on IRHM. define the key debates that exist in IHRM evaluate the key challenges for HRM in multinational companies critically evaluate the debate for and against convergence and divergence Consider how best to transfer HR practices in multinational companies. evaluate the features of a host environment assess if and how HRM practices need to be altered to fit local conditions Analyze the key challenges faced by the HRM professional when managing internationally. assess how national culture impacts on an organization understand the importance of expatriate management and cultural intelligence Evaluate how cultural values shape human resource management strategy. evaluate international variations in business ethics evaluate models of corporate social responsibility Understand the importance of transparency and accountability to ethical behaviors in international business.
What is a Mission Statement and why is it important? A mission statement should be a one-sentence statement that describes the reason your organization exists. Avoid jargon and stick to the facts and the WHY – statements should be: CLEAR: Simple language
What is a Mission Statement and why is it important? A mission statement should be a one-sentence statement that describes the reason your organization exists. Avoid jargon and stick to the facts and the WHY – statements should be: CLEAR: Simple language. Easily understandable. No greater than 10th grade reading level. CONCISE: No need for fluff here. Try to keep your statement under 20 words. USEFUL: Focused and informative. Your reader should understand your why and how. Who is your audience? A mission statement should impact three core audiences: LEADERSHIP: Your mission statement should lay the foundation for your organization and the services it provides. Thinking about adding a new program or expanding in some other capacity? If it does not fall in line with your mission, leadership should be asking “how are we aligned? Is this an appropriate fit?” STAFF & VOLUNTEERS: This group should clearly understand the mission statement and should rally behind it. If there is a disconnect between staff and the mission, it may be time to consider revising the statement. EXTERNAL: Help others understand what your organization does and, most importantly, why it is important to the community you serve.
Indian Women’s Clothing is Incomplete without Lehengas The Indian lehenga is a traditional dress for women that are very popular worldwide. Commonly women wore lehengacholi at weddings and traditional festivals. A lehenga dress is a three
Indian Women’s Clothing is Incomplete without Lehengas The Indian lehenga is a traditional dress for women that are very popular worldwide. Commonly women wore lehengacholi at weddings and traditional festivals. A lehenga dress is a three-piece outfit that includes a lehenga, choli, and dupatta. The handwork and attractive colours and styles make a lehenga more beautiful and stylish. As time passed, different variations and cuts included lehenga designs compared to old traditional designs. Many Indian designers are introducing the lehenga in the fashion industry worldwide, and the lehenga has become a symbol of traditional Indian clothing. Buying an Indian lehenga is not difficult nowadays. Los Mahal lehnegas offers a variety of traditional lehengas in just a few clicks. History of lehenga: In the 10th century, Mughals women wore lehenga stitched with heavy embroideries and rich fabrics such as silk, brocade, and kamkhawab. At that time, upper-class or royal women only wear the lehenga. As time passed, the lehenga became a must-have outfit for Indian women. Weddings are incomplete without wearing a traditional lehenga by the bride and other family women. Rajputs women also used to wear lehenga at that time. Their lehenga outfit is slightly the same as Mughals, but Rajputs attached a white cloth with the attire, and they called it (patka). It is not denied that Mughals started the trend of the lehenga, and Rajputs added grace to the outfit. At the start of the 20th century, all Indian women continue to wear lehenga occasionally. Innovations according to stats and class: By that time lehenga outfit went through many variations according to the class of women and different stats of India. The upper-class women are used to wearing high-quality fabric and heavy work lehenga. And middle-class women are used to wearing a lehenga, which is made with cotton or khaadi fabrics. The 19th and 20th centuries were the time of different innovations in lehengas, and Other Indian states made their changes in attire according to their culture. Gujrat state embellished lehenga with patchwork and mirrorwork. In Rajasthan, they add Kundan and Gota past work in lehengas. All states made different innovations in lehnga using their cultural ideas. A complete lehenga choli outfit takes at least one month to complete, ready with stitching and other work. Many factors are involved in completing a lehenga outfit, including fabric, handwork, embellishment, hand-woven, stitching, dyeing fabric,
According to the founder Fritz Perls, Gestalt is a branch of the Humanistic Therapie Gestalt is just as effective as a process of personal development, giving new impulses to your life as a method in clinical psychology. Your
According to the founder Fritz Perls, Gestalt is a branch of the Humanistic Therapie Gestalt is just as effective as a process of personal development, giving new impulses to your life as a method in clinical psychology. Your Gestalt therapist has undergone a specialized and intense four-year training. The encounter between therapist and client in Gestalt is characterized to be human and on the same level. The Therapy centers in the present, in the “here and now”. By focusing on the present, the anxiety we generate with the creation of future scenarios dissolves. By focusing on the present, blames about the past disappear. We do consider matters of the past, whenever they directly influence the present moment. We do base on the premise that every person acts in the best way and with the best intention, even though the results obtained are often neither satisfactory nor desired. We do get out of guilt or blame! Gestalt means assuming our part of responsibility for what is happening in our life. When we see our part of involvement in events, we stop being victims and change to a position from where we are able to act and thus able to change. Gestalt means to be in charge of our life. The only people we can work with in the therapeutic process are ourselves. If we change something about ourselves, our environment cannot be the same with us. Therefore, instead of focusing on what others do, we focus on our own process. If you look at the emblematic image of the cup and the two faces, you will notice that we can just focus at one image at a time. One image comes to the front and the other moves to the background. The same thing happens in our life. A subject, a thought, an emotion or a bodily sensation comes to the foreground, making itself notice and pushing us to take care of it. For example we can notice that we are thirsty and the sensation will not disappear until we drink something. Or we may notice a discomfort because of a conflict with another person and it does not disappear until we have spoken with the person or solved the situation. In Gestalt we know that a subject, a situation or determined type of relation reappears over and over in our lives until it finds a satisfactory solution. We all know the vicious circle of repeated situations. We can change the work or our partner and meet again with the same type of person as
A technique used when minimizing a function using gradient descent that helps avoid local minima. One of the biggest problems when using gradient descent to minimize a function is that the optimization process may get stuck in a local minimum. Momentum is a technique that tries
A technique used when minimizing a function using gradient descent that helps avoid local minima. One of the biggest problems when using gradient descent to minimize a function is that the optimization process may get stuck in a local minimum. Momentum is a technique that tries to mitigate that by allowing the optimization to "gather speed" and jump over small "hills" in the function. The formulat for momentum used in a gradient descent optimization can be written as: The formula is based on a simple iterative optimization algorithm, that can be expressed as: In a simple gradient descent optimization, we define the update of the weights as: If we want to add momentum, we add an additional term - the weight update in the previous step times a decay factor. The decay factor α is just a number between 0 and 1 defining how much of the previous update will be taken into account. If we set α = 0 then no momentum is applied, while α = 1 means a lot of momentum. A useful analogy is a ball rolling down a hill. If the hill is steep, the ball will accelerate (we update the weights more). This will help the ball jump over small local minima and continue down the hill (to a smaller value of the function). More momentum means a heavier ball with higher inertia. The final formula of gradient descent optimization with momentum becomes:
Q: I live on Flag Swamp Road in a small town in northwestern Connecticut. I’ve been trying to no avail to learn whether the name of my street is a reference to the invasive yellow-flag iris or an old family called Flag, Fl
Q: I live on Flag Swamp Road in a small town in northwestern Connecticut. I’ve been trying to no avail to learn whether the name of my street is a reference to the invasive yellow-flag iris or an old family called Flag, Flagg, Flagge, or something similar. Can you help? A: The yellow-flag iris (Iris pseudacorus) is indeed an unwanted guest in swamps, marshes, and other wetlands in Connecticut, but the term “flag swamp” arrived in New England many years before the appearance of the invasive yellow flag. The iris is believed to have been introduced in the region as a garden plant in the mid-1800s, according to the online Invasive Plant Atlas of New England. The plant apparently began escaping from gardens and spreading to the wilderness in the second half of the 19th century. The plant atlas mentions two early reports of yellow flags in the wild: the first in the Hudson River basin in 1868 and the second in Concord, Mass., in 1884. However, the term “flag swamp” was in use in New England at least as far back as the early 1700s, well before the introduction of the iris. A book on the history of Sunderland, Mass., for instance, says settlers referred to a wetland in the area as “flagg Swamp” in 1714. And a book about the history of Falmouth, Mass., citing an anecdote “handed down by tradition” and “probably literally true,” suggests the term may have been in use even earlier than that. The Falmouth book says the first settlers camped at a flag swamp in 1660. When a child was born at the encampment, the mother reportedly said, “He was born amongst the flags and his name shall be Moses.” So where does the term “flag swamp” come from? That allusion to the biblical story about Moses in the bulrushes is a good clue. When the noun “flag” first showed up in English in the 14th century, it referred to reeds, rushes, grasses, or other native wetland plants, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. It wasn’t until the mid-16th century that the term came to be used for irises and other garden plants, but the older sense was still common until at least the late 19th century, according to published references in the OED. Capt. John Smith, for example, used “flag” in the older sense in The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles (1624): “The chiefe root they haue for food is called Tockawhoughe. It groweth like a flagge in Marishes.” I don’t know when your street was named, but an 1872 book about the early history of Woodbury and nearby towns in northwestern Connecticut mentions a “Flag Swamp, lying between Roxbury and Southbury.” So, the term “flag swamp” was being used in your area of Connecticut at a time when the yellow-flag iris had barely begun escaping from cultivation and the older meaning of “flag” was in widespread use. In fact, The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (4th ed.) still includes cattails and similar plants among its definitions of the noun “flag.” Nevertheless, could a family called Flag, Flagg, Flagge, or whatever have been responsible for the naming of Flag Swamp Road in your town? Not likely. Various “Flag”-type surnames have been common in New England, including eastern Connecticut, since Colonial times. But the name has been rarely seen in northwestern Connecticut, according to a survey of land and census records by Jeannine Green, a local historian in Litchfield County. In short, the Flag Swamp Road in your town was almost certainly named for a swamp with wild rushes, reeds, or grasses, not for a family or an invasive iris. Buy our books at a local store,, or Barnes&
October 2018Vol. 19, No. 8Spotlight on Community-Based Primary Prevention In this month's issue of CBX, read a message from Jerry Milner, Associate Commissioner of the Children's Bureau, that highlights the
October 2018Vol. 19, No. 8Spotlight on Community-Based Primary Prevention In this month's issue of CBX, read a message from Jerry Milner, Associate Commissioner of the Children's Bureau, that highlights the opportunity for the child welfare system and its partners to invest in helping to make families more self-sufficient and increasing protective factors that can prevent entry into the foster care system. The issue also features articles focusing on how community partnerships can help prevent child maltreatment before it starts, provide support and services, and help children and families recover. - Special Journal Issue Highlights the Public Health Model of Child Maltreatment Prevention Special Journal Issue Highlights the Public Health Model of Child Maltreatment Prevention Child maltreatment is a major public health concern in the United States. Children who have experienced maltreatment often suffer long-term consequences to their emotional and physical health, including an increased risk for mental and behavioral health issues as well as chronic and sometimes life-threatening conditions, such as heart and lung disease, diabetes, and certain forms of cancer. These consequences highlight the growing need for child welfare services and the increasing societal costs of these services. The journal Trauma, Violence, & Abuse published a special issue focusing on the need for primary prevention within a public health model, which centers on dealing with population-level or pervasive health concerns in a community-based, coordinated way. The articles in the issue address topics such as primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention programs designed specifically for younger children but that can also be applied to older children; a three-pronged approach to prevention that incorporates knowledge development, community engagement, and program sustainability; an evaluation of the Triple-P intervention; and the similarities between the fields of injury prevention and child maltreatment prevention and what can be learned for community-level interventions and child welfare engagement. The special issue, titled "The Public Health Model of Child Maltreatment Prevention" and edited by Todd I. Herrenkohl, Rebecca T. Leeb, and Daryl Higgins, is available at - 2020: Building Communities of Hope 2020: Building Communities of Hope Casey Family Programs launched the nationwide initiative 2020: Building Communities of Hope to improve the safety and success of children and their families and ultimately prevent entry into foster care. 2020: Building Communities of Hope is based on four core principles: - Empower local leaders to stand at the helm of efforts to work with and strengthen families and communities to improve their outcomes - Improve the utilization of data to drive decision-making and increase the capacity of communities to support families in need - Change federal, state, tribal, and local funding structures to better support more effective investments in sustainable change, improve outcomes, and restore hope - Forge effective partnerships between the philanthropic and business communities and federal, state, tribal, and local governments to support long-lasting improvements for children and families This initiative focuses on the following goals: - Safely reduce the need for foster care by 50 percent by the year 2020 through partnerships with child welfare systems, families, policymakers, courts, and tribes to promote practices and policies that strengthen family resilience - Demonstrate how every child can have a safe and permanent family by improving foster care and related services - Support more effective investments in children and families by contributing nonpartisan information, data, and resources that will help public officials make informed, effective decisions for families - Encourage community collaboration to improve the long-term positive outcomes of children and their families The signature report on the initiative, The Evolution of Hope, details efforts in Gainesville, FL, and Johnson County, KY, to implement the initiative's ideals. Gainesville communities collaborated with Partnership for Strong Families—a community-based care lead agency serving Alachua County—and Casey Family Programs to open resource centers offering support and primary prevention services, such as parenting classes and job skills training, to families living in areas with historically high rates of verified child abuse and neglect. Data from 2009 to 2015 show promising results, with a 14-percent decrease in verified child abuse and neglect in Gainesville communities as a result of the services provided by these resource centers. In Johnson County (KY), the Department of Community Based Services partnered with Casey Family Programs to implement the Johnson County Community of Hope, which brings together social services agencies, the judicial system, community volunteers, mental health services agencies, substance use treatment agencies, public schools, the local library, and the business community. The goal of this initiative is to build stronger families and reduce the number of children in foster care and the number of child maltreatment cases. Since the start of the initiative, the number of children in foster care in Johnson County has dropped by about one-third. The Evolution of Hope is available at To read more about 2020: Building Communities of Hope, visit - Funding Opportunity Announcement: Community Collaborations to Strengthen and Preserve Families Funding Opportunity Announcement: Community Collaborations to Strengthen and Preserve Families The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) released a funding opportunity announcement (FOA) —HHS-2018-ACF-ACYF-CA-1351: Community Collaborations to Strengthen and Preserve Families—to fund 5-year demonstration projects that support the development, implementation, and evaluation of strategies
JohnK Posted October 31, 2015 Share Posted October 31, 2015 Have been playing around with CYOS and shaders to see how the ground can be transformed into different shapes and came across these 3D equations on Ben
JohnK Posted October 31, 2015 Share Posted October 31, 2015 Have been playing around with CYOS and shaders to see how the ground can be transformed into different shapes and came across these 3D equations on Ben Joffe's site, so played around with some on this playground Thanks to DK for CYOS and the documentation. Given the danger of teaching my Grandmother to suck eggs I will still go ahead and state some obvious things:- 1. about the PG Lines 31, 32 and 33 in the PG contain the functions to determine the height of the ground (v.y) based on the x and z positions on the ground. Comment any two of these out or replace with your own function. Line 34 sets the movement within the shader comment out to stop this. You can see just the effect the shader has on the height of the ground by swapping which of lines 82 and 83 are commented out. (Just using CreateGround is less fun than CreateGroundFromHeightMap imho.) 2. I learnt about shaders When writing the functions in the BABYLON.Effect.ShadersStore["customVertexShader"] Do not use integers, ie write 2.0 not 2Maths functions are not methods of a Math object as in JS so write sin not Math.sinThe available maths function can be found on page 11 of this OpenGL pdf document Enjoy jerome and Wingnut 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Join the conversation You can post now and re
this short article discusses around 8 ways to make organic fertilizer from fish please study and listen slowly consequently that yourself fully grasp and can be used to your everyday lifestyle. The importance of fertilizers for plants is often ignored, except for those who
this short article discusses around 8 ways to make organic fertilizer from fish please study and listen slowly consequently that yourself fully grasp and can be used to your everyday lifestyle. The importance of fertilizers for plants is often ignored, except for those who really work in the field of plants or who really care about their growth. For some people who just like to spend their free time planting, fertilizer can be the umpteenth number. But in fact, the crop that really needs to be fertilized is a field of rice, corn, or a large area of land. Because without fertilizer, of course, the quality will deteriorate and the farmers will lose money. Therefore, you must be diligent in providing the correct type of organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizers are fertilizers that are made up of living beings, for example, such as the remains of plants and/or animals from the weather for humans. Judging from the type, organic fertilizer can be formed into both liquid and solid which serve to improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. Organic fertilizers also contain more organic matter compared to nutrient levels. While the source of organic material itself can be in the form of compost, green manure, drum fertilizer. (Also Read: Benefits of Urea Fertilizer for Catfish) You can make your own fertilizer at home, one of the materials can use fish. You have to see how to make organic fertilizer from fish to fully understand the procedure for making and managing it. This will be broadcast at the following points: 8 ways to make organic fertilizer from fish 1. fish broth One of the most important things in composting fish is of course the basic material, ie the fish itself. Actually, to make this fertilizer you don’t need to look for good or quality fish species, it will reduce expensive costs. It is better to buy the usual and cheapest type of fish, whatever it is. But normally what is used for composting is trash, but it all depends on you. 2. Water supply After the fish, there are still many other preparations in the way of making compost from the following fish, one of which is the water supply. Because this supply is so important and absolutely necessary. If for 5 kg of fish you need 10 liters of water. (Also read: How to be a successful herd) 3. rotten tomato broth Also provide rotten tomatoes as a mix later, they do not need to be fresh and still good, tomatoes, under any circumstances, can still be used correctly in the process of making the next fertilizer. 4. Sugar supply Sugar is needed in this process, and you have to prepare it. The sugar needed is the type of palm sugar or palm sugar and the total depends on the number of fish. For 5 kg of fish you need 250 grams of sugar. (Also read: How to grow silkworms in an aquarium) 5. Team Preparation When making fertilizer, of course you need the means or the tools. Here what is needed is: - Pot or saucepan with a capacity of 20 liters - Drums with a capacity of 5 liters up to 4 pieces 6. Manufacturing Process Once all the materials and equipment are available, the next step is to start the process with the following steps: - First, wash the fish and let it boil until it boils, then add the fish and let it cook until half cooked. Remove and drain first until cool, then press the fish. Don’t forget to pack the water with the cooking water. - After the fish is completely cool, strain it through a soft, thin cloth and measure the pH. First, neutralize the pH by adding grated rotten tomatoes that have been filtered to a neutral pH. - Add up to 250 grams of sugar to the solution and stir until the sugar is all melted/dissolved. Please provide a clean jerrycan and make sure there are no chemicals as a place for the solution and close it tightly. - Store it in the refrigerator and make sure the temperature is between 16-18 degrees centigrade or keep it in a cool place and avoid exposure to sunlight. Ferment for 12-15 days. - If the process has been carried out correctly, the aroma will have a unique and natural smell, not fishy or bad. Once you have succeeded in making organic fish-based fertilizer, the next step is to learn the procedure for applying the fertilizer. The method is as follows: - If for plants: Use or take 2-4 cc of POC solution in 1 liter of water, spray or mist on plants and repeat 7-10 days regularly. - For ruminants: Use 2 cc of POC in 1 liter of water and then drink it for your livestock, ie cows, goats, buffalo and the like. - If it is for aquarium fish: Take 5-10 cc of POC in 1 m3 of water or 1000 liters. Fertilizer that has been made can still be stored, and how to store it should also be considered. Not just anywhere you can put it. Make sure the temperature in the storage area is not too humid because mold will easily grow. Meanwhile, temperatures that are too high are also not good because they can damage all the substances that can fertilize plants. (Also Read: How To Get Rid Of Smell In Duck Cage) Without being good at managing your own finances, it will be easy to waste it. Similarly, fertilizer, if you can make your own, why should you buy it? Although you can use any type of fish. This is how Organic Fertilizer is made from Fish, hopefully it will be useful. that’s the article with regards to 8 ways to make organic fertilizer from fish could possibly be instructive for all of oneself. don’t forget about towa
Many times, you may have encountered a symbol that looks something like this – “—. “Have you ever wondered what this symbol is? Well, this dash is called the Em Dash. The Em Dash was invented by the writer to convey more
Many times, you may have encountered a symbol that looks something like this – “—. “Have you ever wondered what this symbol is? Well, this dash is called the Em Dash. The Em Dash was invented by the writer to convey more expression into their text. Nowadays, dashes have evolved into three types – En Dashes, Em Dashes, and Hyphens. Let us learn more about these dashes and how to use these dashes appropriately and effectively. What is An Em Dash? An Em Dash (—) is a substitute punctuation mark used instead of parenthesis, commas, or colons. Em dashes are present to put the focus on the text after/between them. They are useful for inserting clarifications and explanations. It allows us to read the sentence in one continuous flow and not divert our attention from the text. For example, consider these sentences: - Using Em Dash – Four of my friends — Jake, Amy, Eric, and Leonard — decided to go to a movie. - Using Parenthesis – Four of my friends (Jake, Amy, Eric, and Leonard) decided to go to a movie. Em Dashes allow us to go through a piece of information without breaking our flow. Em Dash gets its name from the letter ‘M’ because its width is equal to the em dash size. Hence, it is useful to distinguish between different sizes of dashes. You can type an em dash with a combination of commands. On Mac, use Shift+ Option+ Hyphen (-). On Windows, use Ctrl+ Alt+ Hyphen (-). When to Use An Em Dash? It would be best if you use the em dash in the right place. Otherwise, they lose their ability to convey the correct expression. To avoid this, read the following carefully: 1. Used to convey explanations or clarifications An em dash showcases additional information that may help us understand the sentence’s context. It is handy for inserting comments in the middle of the sentence without diverting focus from the primary data. It would be best if you always use em dashes before and after the additional line. You can also insert a space between the dash and the sentence. It is purely optional. - We bought an LG TV — an expensive one, mind you — for the family. - Every student in the school — some teachers even — protested against the reduced school holidays. 2. Used to display interruption An em dash is also more widely used to show interruption mid-sentence. This type of usage is more suited to informal tones. It shows how the writer was going on about a particular topic before he/she was interrupted by an external disturbance. After this, you can show how the speaker reacted to the subject’s change or stopped speaking after the interruption. This example might help you understand: - Where did I put my — never mind, found it. (The speaker changed his subject.) - While traveling across Western China, I— (The speaker stopped speaking due to an interruption.) 3. Used to conclude a sentence Many people use an em dash for summarising a sentence abruptly. Writers use it to convey a piece of information directly. This usage is informal as well. Many people use an em dash instead of a colon to amplify the effect of the ending. Consider this as an example: - We try our best to enjoy ourselves as much as possible until we meet our inevitable end— death. - After extensive thought, the judge arrived at his final decision— guilty. Em Dash versus En Dash versus Hyphen - Em Dash: As already mentioned above, an em dash’s size is the width of the letter ‘M.’ - En Dash: Just like em dash, an en dash’s size is the width of the letter ‘N.’ - Hyphen: The hyphen is exactly half the size of an en dash. - Em Dash: An em dash is useful to display how a person changes his subject mid-sentence or gets interrupted by an external disturbance. - En Dash: An en dash is for showing a range of numbers. It is quite handy to indicate “from x to y” by inserting an en dash between the numbers. - Hyphen: Hyphen is used to link together two related words together. The hyphen shows how two terms are commonly used together as a pair. - Em Dash: The First World War started in— Mr. Jenkins, please stop talking. - En Dash: I lived in Canada from 2015–2019. - Hyphen: Since I travel with my dog, I prefer pet-friendly hotels. Em Dash vs En Dash vs Hyphen | Infographic
We all make mistakes. Making mistakes is human. Improving upon it is also important. If you make a mistake in Vim, you can delete a word by using dw in normal mode. You type dd and it deletes the current line
We all make mistakes. Making mistakes is human. Improving upon it is also important. If you make a mistake in Vim, you can delete a word by using dw in normal mode. You type dd and it deletes the current line. If you want to delete multiple lines in Vim, you can use the same dd Vim command by adding the number of lines to it. 10dd will delete 10 lines from the bottom of the cursor (including the line that the cursor is at). Let's take a detailed look at how you can delete one or more lines in an editor that is famous for its efficiency. Delete single line Below are the steps on deleting a single line of text in Vim: - Enter the Normal mode by pressing the Escape (Esc) key - Make sure that your cursor is on the line that you want to delete. - Quickly press That will delete the entire line that your cursor is on. As you can see in the gif, I am on the first line and running the dd command deleted only the first line. Specify number of lines to delete Before you use the dd command to delete a line, you can specify a number before it to delete several lines at once in Vim. Below is the syntax: When you specify number in place of num, Vim will start deleting lines. You can think of this as Vim is performing the dd command for As evident from the gif, I ran the command 12dd (it appears in the bottom-right corner) and it deleted the block of 12 lines. Specify a range of lines to delete Instead of specifying how many lines to delete
Recently, in the first week of May 2019, news broke about the rising levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. It has been the highest in the last 400,000 years. This Environment Day 2019, we ask a
Recently, in the first week of May 2019, news broke about the rising levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. It has been the highest in the last 400,000 years. This Environment Day 2019, we ask a question, are we doing enough? Closing taps, fixing leaks, switching off electronic devices is not enough anymore. The answer: Sustainable Homes Here are the ways to make your house a sustainable one. - Special solar operated equipment are available to save as much energy as possible like the Solar Reverse Osmosis System that purifies water by using the sun as the power source. - Harvest water in a tank to use all year long for a variety of purposes like washing, cleaning, watering plants, cooking as well as drinking. The tank can be fixed with a pipe that leads to your Whole House Reverse Osmosis System which then distributes the water all around the house via pipes. - Build a garden, keep some potted plants in the house to keep your house cool and get quality in the air you breathe. - Insulate the walls and floors for less energy exchange in the building. - Choose energy efficient appliances, bulbs that do not require much power. Using multi-socket extensions can reduce power consumption by almost 15 %. - While building a house, use nontoxic materials and try ordering from the local seller so that the transport pollution is less. - Try to design a house that heats up and cools down naturally when needed. - Install low flush toilets for less wastage of water. Now is the time to turn organic, natural and sustainable. Build Sustainable Homes. For less carbon footprint and more quality of life. Leave a Reply
CNC machines have been around for decades, but their popularity has exploded in recent years. One of the reasons for this is the wide range of materials that can be machined with a CNC. One of the most popular materials to machine with a
CNC machines have been around for decades, but their popularity has exploded in recent years. One of the reasons for this is the wide range of materials that can be machined with a CNC. One of the most popular materials to machine with a CNC is wood. Wood is an excellent material to work with because it is relatively soft and easy to cut. With the right bit, a CNC can easily carve intricate designs into wood. Another popular material to machine with a CNC is metal. Metal is much harder to work with than wood, but it is still possible to create beautiful designs with a CNC. One of the benefits of machining metal with a CNC is that it is very consistent. With the right settings, a CNC can produce the same design over and over again with very little variation. Engraving is another popular application for CNC machines. Engraving is the process of creating a design on a hard surface. Engraving can be done on materials like metal, wood, and plastic. CNC machines are becoming more and more popular as they become more affordable. If you are looking for a CNC machine, be sure to check out We offer a wide range of CNC machines and accessories at great prices. CNC machines, or Computer Numerical Control machines, are becoming increasingly popular in the manufacturing industry. And it's no wonder why: CNC machines can be used to create parts with a very high degree of precision. In fact, the precision of CNC machining is often unmatched by other manufacturing methods. There are many benefits to using CNC machines, but precision is perhaps the most important. When parts are created with a high degree of precision, it means that they will fit together perfectly and function as intended. This is essential in industries where safety is critical, such as the aerospace industry. CNC machining is also very versatile. The same machine can be used to create a wide range of parts, from small components to large structures. This flexibility makes CNC machining an excellent choice for prototyping and small-scale production. If you're looking for a manufacturing method that can produce parts with the highest degree of precision, CNC machining is the way to go. CNC machines are computer-controlled machines that are used to create parts with very complex shapes. In the past, these machines were only used by large corporations and factories. However, advancements in technology have made them much more affordable and accessible to small businesses and even hobbyists. There are many different types of CNC machines, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. As you research which machine is right for your business or project, keep in mind the capabilities of each machine and the materials you'll be working with. With the right machine and operator, you can create just about anything you can imagine. CNC machines can be used to create parts with a very smooth surface finish. This is because the machining process with a CNC machine can be controlled very precisely. In addition, CNC machines can be used to create parts with a very high degree of accuracy.
Baron is a title of nobility. It is the lowest rank in the English nobility, below Viscounts. It is also the historic generic term for the aristocracy; as in "King John met the barons at Runnymede
Baron is a title of nobility. It is the lowest rank in the English nobility, below Viscounts. It is also the historic generic term for the aristocracy; as in "King John met the barons at Runnymede...." The word "Barons" (in the plural) in British history is the term popularly used to describe the peers of the realm - noblemen - "en mass". Until the mid 14th century they were predominately earls (the English eq
In March 1969, just months before Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, Concorde made its maiden flight. The supersonic aircraft embodied such a daring future vision as that of Apollo 11 – but much better looking. No aircraft
In March 1969, just months before Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, Concorde made its maiden flight. The supersonic aircraft embodied such a daring future vision as that of Apollo 11 – but much better looking. No aircraft has captured the public imagination quite like the Concorde, despite the fact that only 20 have been built and have been flown by only two airlines. Today, almost 50 years later, it is still considered one of the most remarkable technical achievements of mankind and a truly timeless design piece. A new book entitled “Supersonic” lovingly shows the design and lifestyle of the Concorde, a superbly constructed machine from a futuristic past. This image from the Royal Aircraft Establishment in Bedford shows a scale model of the 1964 supersonic
The Head Teacher is a teacher and guide who helps direct the children’s activities academically, emotionally, and physically in a prepared Montessori environment that challenges each child to reach his/her fullest potential. The Head Teacher is responsible for upholding
The Head Teacher is a teacher and guide who helps direct the children’s activities academically, emotionally, and physically in a prepared Montessori environment that challenges each child to reach his/her fullest potential. The Head Teacher is responsible for upholding the purpose, standards, and policies of RPMS as outlined in the Parent and Employee Handbooks under the supervision and evaluation of the Principal and Program Directors. The Head Teacher is expected to conduct himself/herself in an ethical and professional manner at all times. The Head Teacher must maintain all personal information about children,
By Hayden Siratt Africa is quickly industrialising and has become the fastest urbanising region of the world. Africa’s population is set to double by 2050, more than 100 cities in Africa will contain over a million people by
By Hayden Siratt Africa is quickly industrialising and has become the fastest urbanising region of the world. Africa’s population is set to double by 2050, more than 100 cities in Africa will contain over a million people by 2025, and the IMF predicts that Africa is on its way to becoming a $5 trillion economy. This expanding market has attracted the attention of multinational corporations, such as Google and Facebook, as well as nations looking to expand their influence, such as China. We are witnessing the beginnings of a new ‘scramble for Africa.’ During the nineteenth century, the European empires divided up Africa among themselves, a period in history dubbed as the scramble for Africa. This had an influential impact on African politics ac
- February 3, 2018 - Posted by: NetPicks - Categories: Cryptocurrencies, Trading Article During the past few years, the latest “buzzword” within the entrepreneurial community has been “disruption”
- February 3, 2018 - Posted by: NetPicks - Categories: Cryptocurrencies, Trading Article During the past few years, the latest “buzzword” within the entrepreneurial community has been “disruption” when talking about Blockchain. What exactly is disruption and how does it apply to bitcoin? In its simplest form, disruptive innovation is a term used to describe an upheaval that creates a new market and value network. The new innovation eventually disrupts the existing market by displacing the leading firms, products and alliances within the market. Clayton M Christensen is credited with coining the term, “disruptive innovation” in 1995. Many financial historians have called it the “most influential business idea of the early 21st century”. Types of Innovation – Blockchain Disruption According to Christensen, there are actually four different types of innovation. - Sustaining innovation does not significantly affect existing markets. - Evolutionary innovation improves a product in an existing market. - Revolutionary innovation is unexpected but does not affect existing markets. - Disruptive innovation creates a completely new market by providing a different set of values which ultimately (and unexpectedly) overtakes an existing market. An example of an evolutionary innovation would be fuel injection for gasoline engines, which displaced carburetors. An example of a revolutionary innovation would be the first automobiles in the late 19th century. The first automobile was certainly quite revolutionary. However, it was extremely expensive and considered a luxury item. It had no disruptive force on the horse & buggy industry because very few automobiles were sold. In 1908, the very first affordable automobile was introduced to the general public was the Ford Model T. This is a perfect example of a disruptive innovation because it eventually eliminated the horse & buggy industry. As you can see, a disruptive innovation is truly a spectacular occurrence. It has the ability to completely change the way society functions. Disruptive innovations are generational events, definitely not something you see every day (think of the internet). The dream of any entrepreneur or startup company is to create a product or service that is truly disruptive. Most business owners never experience this dream. It’s truly a rare event. In the grand scheme of disruptive innovations, where does this leave bitcoin? - Did Satoshi Nakamoto actually realize the dream of all entrepreneurs? - Does bitcoin truly have disruptive capabilities or is it all hype? Before we answer that question, let’s review Nakamoto’s bitcoin discovery from 2008. There seems to be some confusion concerning exactly what Nakamoto discovered. Blockchain Technology Is Needed For Bitcoin To Exist Nakamoto introduced bitcoin to the world on January 3, 2009. However, he also introduced blockchain technology. Without the blockchain, bitcoin doesn’t exist. It’s useless. In fact, the blockchain that supports bitcoin was developed specifically for the digital currency. This explains why it took people so long to realize that the technology could be used in other areas. In its simplest form, blockchain is a digital decentralized ledger that keeps a record of all transactions that take place across a peer-to-peer network. The major innovation is the fact that the technology allows market participants to transfer assets across the internet without the need for a centralized third party. In other words, blockchain technology removes the middleman from all transactions. Without question, bitcoin and the accompanying blockchain technology certainly have the potential to disrupt many different industries. Of course, this explains why the price of bitcoin has exploded to the upside during the past 12 months. Let’s explore a few of the industries that could be on the verge of major changes. Industries Poised for Disruption This is not going to be an exhaustive list of all industries that have the potential of “disruptive innovation” but it should give you a good idea of what is on the horizon. Arguably, the most vulnerable industry to blockchain technology is the financial services industry. Specifically, banks have the most to lose in terms of the blockchain’s ability to completely alter the way they operate. Why are banks vulnerable? Because the traditional banking model hasn’t changed in over 300 years. The Bank of England introduced the original banking model in 1695. Essentially, it’s remained the same for 323 years. A bank is nothing more than a financial intermediary. It acts as a middleman between consumers and their money. Therefore, it’s a very simple model to disrupt. The blockchain is a disinter-mediation wrecking machine. It performs best at removing all third party participants, like the banks. Banks are literally asking to be disrupted. Twenty years from now, the banking industry will look completely different than it does today. The majority of the change will be driven by bitcoin and the blockchain. The business of money transfers is very similar to the banking industry in the fact that nothing has changed in 150 years. The industry has remained static for the past century. Blockchain could easily be used to create a more direct payment flow that connects payers and payees without intermediaries. This flow of payments could occur domestically or across borders with extremely low fees and lightning fast speed. Anybody who has attempted to send money via wire transfer will probably welcome a change to the money transfer model. Education is another example of an industry that has remained stagnant for decades. Blockchain technology is waiting in the wings to rescue this largely bureaucratic industry from the dustbin of mediocrity. By its very nature, the education industry is centered around the nec
Professor Rix Groenboom interviews ChatGPT Rix Groenboom still has a vivid memory of the goosebumps he got in 1993 while building one of the first websites in the Netherlands, then as a PhD student at
Professor Rix Groenboom interviews ChatGPT Rix Groenboom still has a vivid memory of the goosebumps he got in 1993 while building one of the first websites in the Netherlands, then as a PhD student at the University of Groningen. The same adrenaline rush the energetic New Business & ICT lecturer got from ChatGPT, the chatbot that has been rocking education land since late last year. We put it to the test and let the chatbot generate and answer a number of questions. What might be good questions to ask an expert for an
One could boil down our job as enclosure consultants to this: help people to keep water from accumulating where it shouldn’t. Water causes all kinds of trouble with many building materials. Wood rots, steel corrodes, masonry spalls and cracks
One could boil down our job as enclosure consultants to this: help people to keep water from accumulating where it shouldn’t. Water causes all kinds of trouble with many building materials. Wood rots, steel corrodes, masonry spalls and cracks, microbes and fungi grow. Gypsum that once formed solid panels turns to mud. We call these parts of the building—the ones damaged by water—the “moisture-sensitive” components. The main goal of the building envelope is to protect these moisture-sensitive components from exposure to water. Sounds simple, right? Unfortunately nature conspires to foil our water control efforts in a variety of ways. In this post we’ll explore some less-than-obvious ways that water ends up where it can cause problems.Read more
More teen girls are showing up to the doctor with tics, The Wall Street Journal reported. Tics typically start when a child is young and get worse over time. Studies suggest teens are developing tics from watching TikTok videos of people with
More teen girls are showing up to the doctor with tics, The Wall Street Journal reported. Tics typically start when a child is young and get worse over time. Studies suggest teens are developing tics from watching TikTok videos of people with Tourette’s. Doctors in multiple countries are reporting a rise in teen girls developing tics, and that anxiety, depression, and TikTok could be contributing factors. The rise began around the start of the pandemic and has alarmed and puzzled doctors, The Wall Street Journal reported. Several medical journal articles found the teen girls were watching TikTok videos of people who said they had Tourette syndrome. Tourette syndrome is a genetic nervous-system disorder, according to VOA News, and can cause tics, repetitive, involuntary movements, or sounds. The disorder mostly impacts boys and the tics typically start when a person is young and then develop over time. Dr. Kirsten Müller-Vahl, a doctor based in Hanover, Germany told the Jerusalem Post that she has been seeing more and more teen and young adult girls coming in with tics. Müller-Vahl, who has treated Tourette’s for 25 years, said while people who have the disorder usually have their own unique tics, the girls she was seeing recently had the same ones. She quickly discovered that those patients were mimicking the tics of a German YouTuber who shares online how she lives with the disorder. While there’s no national or international data compiled on the extent of the issue, The Journal reported that some medical centers are seeing as much as 10 times their usual cases of tics. Before the pandemic, centers would see one or two cases a month, but now some say they’re seeing between 10 or 20 a month. Caroline Olvera, a movement-disorders fellow at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, told The Journal she noticed many patients blurting out the word “beans” with a British accent, even patients who didn’t speak English. Eventually, she learned that one top British TikToker would blurt out the word “beans.” Doctors noted that what’s happening isn’t Tourette’s, but a functional movement disorder. They also told The Journal that many of the kids who developed tics had previously been diagnosed with anxiety or depression that had been made worse during the pandemic. A recent paper by Mariam Hull, a child neurol
Design And Study Participants This study was a cross-sectional general population based survey in five districts in Uganda: Kampala and Iganga, Kiruhura, Maracha and Pader, Fig.;. The overall calculated sample size was 2936
Design And Study Participants This study was a cross-sectional general population based survey in five districts in Uganda: Kampala and Iganga, Kiruhura, Maracha and Pader, Fig.;. The overall calculated sample size was 2936 participants based on the assumption of an asthma prevalence of 8%, a precision of 0.03 and a design effect of 1.5. Clusters were selected by probability proportionate to size by Uganda Bureau of Statistics using the Uganda National population and housing census of 2014. Households within clusters were selected by simple random sampling from a household list generated by village leaders. All persons aged 12 who were members of selected household and provided written informed consent were surveyed. Exclusion criteria were: residency of congregation settings and temporary residents. According to the Uganda National population and housing census of 2014, the average number of persons 12years and older in a household was estimated to be 2.5 persons and the average number of households per cluster was 90 households. Based on these estimates we surveyed a total of 1408 households in 60 clusters across the country; 20 clusters in Kampala and 20 households from each of the clusters and in rural districts we surveyed 10 clusters and 25 households from each of the districts. Data Extraction And Analysis Relevant data were extracted from retained studies and saved in Microsoft Excel file-format. All data were double extracted and sorted by country, study period, age, and their respective case number, sample size, and prevalence estimate. Extracts were grouped into data from written questionnaires or video questionnaires, both including data based on asthma diagnosis, and/or its symptoms. For studies conducted on the same study site, population or cohort, the first chronologically published study was selected, with all additional data from other studies added to that of the selected paper. For our analysis, weighted means of asthma symptoms were calculated and expressed in percentages. Asthma prevalence estimates based on current wheeze have high sensitivities and specificities ; we therefore applied extracted values from this in our modeling. Mean age and prevalence were plotted on bubble graphs, and the fitted curve explaining the largest proportion of variance was applied. The equation generated determined the prevalence of asthma in Africa at midpoints of the United Nation population 5-year age-groups for the years 1990, 2000, and 2010. Search Strategy And Selection Criteria We conducted a systematic search of Medline, EMBASE, and Global Health. After an initial scoping exercise to identify Medical Subject Headings and keywords, we developed a final search strategy. We further hand-searched reference lists of retained publications for more relevant studies. African countries were included as contained in the World Bank list of economies from July 2012. Don’t Miss: What To Do When You Have Asthma And No Inhaler Management Of Asthma And Public Health Challenges In Africa Asthma is an important and increasing public health problem in Africa which receives inadequate priority and attention. With increasing urbanization, population aging, and adoption of western lifestyles in many African settings, these trends are set to continue in the near future. There is a need to identify and prioritize feasible strategies that can be adopted to promote the implementation of effective interventions that will address this increasing burden in Africa. There is also a need for African national governments to also consider effects of associated risk factors in public health policy planning on this topic with a focus on reducing environmental triggers, placing restrictions on tobacco adverts, and appropriately educating health care personnel and the public on the management of the disease and the preventive measures. Prevalence Of Current Asthma The prevalence of current asthma was 5%. It was significantly higher among PCS, participants exposed to outdoor allergens, those consuming fruits and vegetables less than once per week, participants with a family history of chronic respiratory diseases, with lung problems during childhood, and with allergic rhinitis. However, the prevalence was lower among CCS, CWS, and persons living in the South compared to Beirut. No other significant associations were observed. In the multivariable analysis, the consumption of fruits and vegetables less than once per week, a family history of chronic respiratory diseases, lung problems during childhood, and allergic rhinitis were positively associated with current asthma while living in the South and being a CCS showed a negative association. Table 3 Prevalence of current asthma according to the participants characteristics and risk factors You May Like: X Ray Findings In Asthma How Does Asthma Affect Canadians For the purpose of this fact sheet, we have focused on the subset of individuals with active asthma including only those who have had asthma symptoms or used asthma medications in the past 12 months. In 2009-10, more than 1.8 million Canadians were living with active asthma. Only one in three had their asthma well-controlled. - Canadians under the age of 65 years, people with total household incomes below $80,000, and people living outside of an urban core were less likely to have their asthma well controlled. Current smokers and people with high blood pressure were also less likely to have their asthma controlled. |Definition: “poorly controlled” asthma is defined as having at least one of the following indicators:||Percent of active asthma respondents| |Experienced asthma symptoms 4 days per week on average.||21.9%| |10. Outdoor air pollution||46.1%| Each of the following triggers were reported by 43% or fewer of respondents: change in temperature or weather, chemical fumes or gases, perfumes or colognes, fumes from a wood stove or wood furnace, feathers in items such as pillows, quilts or duvets, laughing or crying, stress, certain foods, and certain medicines. Medication Use Is A Key Component Of Asthma Management There are two main types of asthma medicines: preventer medicine and rescue medicine. Asthma preventer medicine is prescribed to be taken every day either on a regular basis or at certai
The Folklore of Fairy Rings and Crop Circles Updated: Jan 7, 2020 I recently took a visit to the Crop Circle Exhibition and Centre at the Mill Cafe in Pewsey near Avebury, Wiltshire since I
The Folklore of Fairy Rings and Crop Circles Updated: Jan 7, 2020 I recently took a visit to the Crop Circle Exhibition and Centre at the Mill Cafe in Pewsey near Avebury, Wiltshire since I had celebrated the Summer Solstice in Europe's largest neolithic stone circle at Avebury. This monument contains three stone circles and rather bizarrely a road also runs through it since in the early Middle Ages a village was built at the site. It was constructed over several hundred years and it has been suggested that the central cove was created in 3000 BC, the inner stone circle was built in 2900 BC, and the outer circle and henge was built in 2600 BC. Many crop circles have appeared around Avebury and in Wiltshire - it seems to be a very sacred site with many ley lines passing through. The solstice ceremony at Avebury, June 2019. The largest megalithic stone circle in the world - Avebury contains three circles (image from Wikipedia.) At the Crop Circle Exhibition and Centre I was amazed to note that there are many legends which show parallels between fairy rings and crop circles and I felt to record some of those stories here from the centre: “The first descriptions of what we would today call ‘crop circles’ can be found in undated legends, folk-lore and fairy tales. Most interestingly, such stories sound amazingly similar whether told by native American tribes or appearing as part of the European folklore. The German fairy tale “The Twelve Swans” is one example for a variety of numerous similar tales: “Long time ago there was a farmer who had three sons. One year the farmer had been richly blessed with rain and sunshine, and each morning he went to the field and feasted his eyes on the golden-yellow wheat. But one morning some of this crop was flattened into a circular area. Much anger overcame the farmer, but when he took a closer look, he was more surprised. Because in one way the wheat was pressed down but in the same way it was not. It looked just as if it was only flattened by very light feet, and what did the circular pattern mean? When told about it, the oldest of his three sons said: “We will solve this mystery soon.” And in the evening he went to the field and kept himself awake. After the bell rang eleven o’clock a thunderstorm raged as if the sky wanted to burst. The young man got scared and he ran home. The other day again a similar circle was found in the crop and now it was up to the second son, but to cut a long story short, he did the same as his elder brother. Then it was up to
|Main authors:||Susanne Klages, Nicolas Surdyk, Christophoros Christophoridis, Birgitte Hansen, Claudia Heidecke, Abel Henriot, Hyojin Kim, Sonja Schimmelpfennig
|Main authors:||Susanne Klages, Nicolas Surdyk, Christophoros Christophoridis, Birgitte Hansen, Claudia Heidecke, Abel Henriot, Hyojin Kim, Sonja Schimmelpfennig| |FAIRWAYiS Editor:||Jane Brandt| |Source document:||»Klages, S. et al. 2018. Review report of Agri-Drinking Water quality Indicators and IT/sensor techniques, on farm level, study site and drinking water source. FAIRWAY Project Deliverable 3.1, 180 pp| 1. Definitions of the agri-hydrogeochemical system Agri-drinking water quality indicators (ADWIs) are selected within the cycles of nitrate and pesticides in the agri-hydrogeochemical system. The drivning force (D), pressure (P), state (S), and link (L) indicators are defined in the agri-hydrogeochemical system while impact (I) and response (R) are considered to be outside the system (see Figure 3.1). The agricultural system, in the ADWI context, is physically defined by the zone between the atmosphere and the rooting depth where all the agricultural activities and reactions occur (Figure 3.1). In the agricultural system, interplay between human activities (e. g. fertiliser and pesticide use, crop production) and natural processes (e. g. nitrogen cycle, soil erosion, adsorption/desorption, denitrification) control leaching of nitrate and pesticides to the underlying hydrogeochemical system. The driving force (D) and pressure (P) indicators represent the agricultural system and the primary focus is to quantify the leaching and run off of nitrates and pesticides into the underlying hydrogeochemical system. The hydrogeochemical system is the zone from the ground surface to the drinking water abstraction point (Figure 3.1). The hydrogeochemical system governs pathways to deliver nitrate and pesticide from the agricultural system to the drinking water abstraction point. The pathways control the transit time of pollutants, i. e. nitrate and pesticides, and biogeochemical reactions that may change the concentrations and phase of them in the hydrogeochemica
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) template outlines an agreement between two or more parties in a formal document. An MOU communicates the mutually accepted expectations of the people, organizations, or governments involved in the agreement. Find out everything you need
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) template outlines an agreement between two or more parties in a formal document. An MOU communicates the mutually accepted expectations of the people, organizations, or governments involved in the agreement. Find out everything you need to know in order to create a clear and effective Memorandum of Understanding. - What is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)? - How to Write a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)? - Sample Memorandum of Understanding Template - Tips For Writing a Memorandum of Understanding - Is a Memorandum of Understanding legally binding? - Why Write a Memorandum of Understanding? - Memorandum of Understanding FAQs What is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)? A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is a written document that outlines a preliminary agreement between two or more parties regarding the terms of a potential purchase, negotiation, or other transaction. You can use an MOU to document the commitment of one party to do business with another. It describes the principal terms of a proposed agreement and signals that a binding contract is imminent. How to Write a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)? When learning how to write a memorandum of understanding, it’s important to use the following numbered stages: - Title: Begin with a specific opening title such as “Memorandum of Understanding between Jane Smith and John Doe” - Date: Include month, day, and year, showing the date agreement was made, when it goes into effect, and the expected duration - Introduction of parties. Use each party’s full name and address, corporate or organizational title, and any other contact information - Purpose and objectives: Clearly define the purpose of the parties’ agreement; objectives of the MOU must be precisely outlined right at the beginning of the document - Description: Describe the subject matter of the MOU and the reason for its creation - Terms of the agreement: Typically, these fall into two categories: cooperation and resources. First, the agreement generally explains how the parties will cooperate with each other concerning actions to be performed and which party will perform them. The second category involves resources, and what each party brings to the agreement - Responsibilities: Outline what each party must do in order to fulfill the agreement - Miscellaneous: Insert provisions such as dispute resolution options, the method for termination, a non-disclosure agreement, or a privacy clause - Signature block: Include the words, “Acknowledged and Agreed,” with your signatures and the date Structuring a memorandum of understanding using a template is far more efficient. In minutes, you can produce a memorandum of understanding with a Legal Templates free step-by-step form builder. Sample Memorandum of Understanding Template Here’s what a memorandum of understanding template typically looks like: This memorandum of understanding sample was created using an MOU template found in Legal Templates, which provides both document builders and a free download and print feature ready for immediate use. Tips For Writing a Memorandum of Understanding Ways to approach the structure of an MOU A good approach to the overall writing of an MOU is to examine whether the MOU has answered the basic questions related to who, what, when, where, and how the agreement will play out. It ensures that potential difficulties are addressed and answered. Another method of structure that could be helpful is to sandwich each agreement between the words “both parties agree” and ending again with “both parties agree.” Sandwiched between those words is the relevant statement each party individually agrees to. It forms a sort of balance by clearly and repeatedly signifying what is expected of each party in the future. Keep it simple Writing the MOU in simple terms will help ensure that the agreement’s terms are realistic and actually within the scope of the authority of the signing parties. If not, look for the correctly authorized individual who can sign off on the MOU. Make sure that the wording is precise and succinct. To help with clarity, an MOU should be written using positive language. For example, you should state what a party will do and not what they will not do. Coordination and review Be absolutely sure that all parties sign the agreement. When multiple parties are involved, select a point person in charge of drafting the MOU. Consider submitting a draft agreement for coordination and review by sending the draft out to parties alongside a sign-off sheet. This will ensure the draft MOU has been seen and reviewed by all parties. Is a Memorandum of Understanding legally binding? No, a memorandum of understanding is not legally binding. It merely signals the willingness of the parties to move forward with a contract based on the initial MOU. You may wonder why you should bother with an MOU when it’s not legally binding. Writing the MOU is still a significant step because of the time and effort involved in negotiating, discussing, and drafting an effective document. To formulate an MOU, the parties must figure out what is most important to each other and use that information to reach a mutual agreement. Why Write a Memorandum of Understanding? Evidence of intent There are several situations involving business negotiations or purchase and sale agreements where an MOU is benefic
The European Day of Languages is a time to celebrate the 6,000+ languages spoken around the world, promote language learning and have some multilingual fun. The MFL department celebrated the event with lots of exciting events. The day began with
The European Day of Languages is a time to celebrate the 6,000+ languages spoken around the world, promote language learning and have some multilingual fun. The MFL department celebrated the event with lots of exciting events. The day began with a quiz in all form classes where students had to match different languages to the countries where they are spoken. In PSHCE, students competed in a Kahoot quiz, which showcased
Airplane maintenance is essential to ensure that the aircraft has no damage, is working properly, and can fly safely. Most people understand that it is necessary to regularly service an automobile to keep it in good running condition. After all, well-serv
Airplane maintenance is essential to ensure that the aircraft has no damage, is working properly, and can fly safely. Most people understand that it is necessary to regularly service an automobile to keep it in good running condition. After all, well-serviced cars last longer and are less likely to experience a breakdown and they are also most likely safer. However, some new aircraft owners and pilots underestimate how much maintenance an airplane requires. Taking care of an airplane consist of much more than merely “fixing what’s broken” when a problem arises. On the contrary, preventive maintenance is a significant part of keeping an airplane happy and healthy. Airplanes are at their best when in the air, and if they are ignored and left in hangars or tied to a parking space for extended amounts of time, damage can quickly follow. Responsible pilots and airplane owners should have at least a rudimentary knowledge of how their aircraft works, what its manufacturer recommends to keep it in good flying condition, and how to meet its basic and cyclical airplane maintenance needs. Regular Airplane Maintenance and the Annual Inspection Safe pilots perform a sort of maintenance check every time they get into an airplane. This takes place when they begin the walk-around portion of their pre-flighting procedure. When there is a single pilot in command, they perform the walk around. In the event of a crew of more than one, the first officer usually undertakes the visual inspection. It should take place no matter how small or large the airplane, and no matter how long or short the flight. During this task, the pilot carefully looks to see if there is any damage to the airplane. He or she ensures that the control surfaces are in good working order, that the engines have good airflow and are at the recommended fluid levels, the ports and vents are clear, and the alarm systems are operational. In addition to basic airplane maintenance such as oil changes and tire changes, the FAA stipulates that even general aviation airplanes must undergo regular inspections, usually spaced by number of flight hours. They are all subject to inspection every 100 hours of flight time, as well as annually. These must be undertaken by an authorized professional. Sometimes flight schools and “heavy use” airplanes opt for what is known as a progressive inspection plan, under which inspections take place more frequently so as to minimize downtime. The annual inspection varies depending on the type of aircraft, but it usually involves checking transponders, testing instrumentation, and an audit of airplane maintenance records. Maintenance and Federal Regulations The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has clear expectations about the maintenance of commercial aircraft. In order to keep passenger airplanes as safe as possible, airlines and charter companies are required to perform certain maintenance actions and specified intervals. Usually, the more complex the airplane, the more comprehensive these rules tend to be. These are overseen by the FAA Maintenance Review Board, which specifies how often airplanes must undergo maintenance. Depending on the aircraft type, usage might be measured in calendar time (months, years, etc.), number of flights, or flight hours. This means that at least some aircraft downtime is expected on a regular schedule. For the most part, commercial passenger aircraft are checked every few weeks, with more intense inspections and overhauls taking place perhaps twice a year or every other year. Some airplanes are subjected to what is known as a “3C” or “Intermediate Layover (IL)” check, in which inspectors look closely for evidence of corrosion or signs of stress on the airframe. If the airplane is due for a technological upgrade, such as new seatback monitors, this maintenance operation usually takes place during one of these longer periods when the craft is off the line. The longer an airline aircraft is in use, the longer its maintenance track record. Eventually it must undergo a “D check,” also called a “heavy maintenance visit.” This is a massive, highly expensive overhaul and inspection of an aircraft, one which takes place every six to ten years. A D check can go on for weeks and involves, taking the aircraft apart and piecing it back together again. How A Strong Aeronautical Education Can Help Pilots who are well-educated in every aspect of aviation tend to have a well-rounded view of it. This means that while they become knowledgeable in their specialization of guiding the airplane and maintaining situational awareness. They also have a healthy understanding of air traffic control procedures, aviation meteorology, and at least a basic appreciation of maintenance. This is attainable not only by taking courses in aviation maintenance and learning how to diagnose mechanical issues, but also by mixing culturally, socially, and professionally with those who are experts in aircraft maintenance. Those who attend aeronautical universities often find that this comes about naturally. Learning from other students is one of the most sustainable and grounding ways to become more familiar with mechanical phraseology, as well as the reality of what an airplane mechanic’s life is like. Attending an aeronautical university which offers a strong aircraft maintenance technology, and other aviation programs, is beneficial in a number of ways. Program such as these are where students learn to become Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) mechanics, a designation which requires completion of FAA examinations. Working from this position of understanding and respect can be extremely beneficial to a pilot as he or she enters the professional phase of his or her aviation career. Depending on what kind of job pilot graduates take, they may rarely mix with the people who keep their airplane in the sky. For example, while a single pilot in command of a small corporate jet is probably in constant communication with a certified mechanic, an airline pilot is relatively insulated from maintenance staff, and must follow strict procedures to file a maintenance r
Article: Du, Haley, Mix, Walczak, and Praetorius, “Flushing of the deep Pacific Ocean and the deglacial rise of atmospheric CO2 concentrations” (2018), Nat. Geoscience, doi
Article: Du, Haley, Mix, Walczak, and Praetorius, “Flushing of the deep Pacific Ocean and the deglacial rise of atmospheric CO2 concentrations” (2018), Nat. Geoscience, doi:10.1038/s41561-018-0205-6
You’re ready to relax with your dog when your hand grazes a soft, movable bump beneath his skin. As quick as you may be to jump to a conclusion, know that fatty tumors are not as intimidating as you may think. What is
You’re ready to relax with your dog when your hand grazes a soft, movable bump beneath his skin. As quick as you may be to jump to a conclusion, know that fatty tumors are not as intimidating as you may think. What is a fatty tumor? Fatty tumors, or lipomas, are subcutaneous (formed under the skin) masses commonly found in dogs. Fatty tumors are different from actual fat, which forms a flat layer beneath the skin as opposed to the lumps that lipomas form. Fatty tumors are often soft (hence the name) with limited movement. Over time, these masses can grow, so it is important to diagnose and monitor them as soon as you catch them. What causes fatty tumors in dogs? Unfortunately, the cause of fatty tumors, or lipomas, is still unknown. The little information gathered about fatty tumors in humans, however, indicates: - Fatty tumors tend to be inherited - An injury, even minor, may lead to growth - Being overweight does not cause them How do you know if your dog has a fatty tumor? Lipomas tend to exhibit the following symptoms: - Small in size [between 0.4 in. (1 cm) and 1.2 in. (3 cm)] - Felt just under the skin - Slightly movable - Soft, rubbery consistency - Remains the same in size, or grows very slowly - Does not cause pain, unless disruptive of normal movement—like the axillary region under the front leg - Oftentimes located on the belly or trunk, but can be anywhere Additionally, most dogs with lipomas will eventually develop several all over their bodies. Are fatty tumors cancerous? Like any tumor, fatty tumors are a form of cancer in dogs —but they are benign, meaning they won’t spread throughout the body or the surrounding tissue. And though they do not metastasize, they can grow, impacting your dog’s movement, especially if located between the legs or low on the chest. They can also grow so large that they press on internal organs. If a fatty tumor does grow between your dog’s front leg and body wall, interfering with movement, friction can wear through the skin, developing an infection. Are fatty tumors dangerous? While most fatty tumors are benign, resting in a small pocket or isolated fibrous case, others still can penetrate into the surrounding tissues—especially the muscle. This is an infiltrative fatty tumor, and though rare, poses more of a threat to your dog’s health than the former. Infiltrative fatty tumors do not metastasize to other parts of the body, but they are also not as benign as the former, and can develop on multiple parts of your pet. You’ll be able to tell if your dog has an infiltrative fatty tumor as these are firmer and more fixed to underlying tissues. Your dog might be in pain, as infiltrative fatty tumors int
Most of us statistics (and data science!) educators understand that knowing how to use statistical software is integral to student successes, both in their coursework and in their careers, for our statistics and data science majors. However, in many degree programs, software
Most of us statistics (and data science!) educators understand that knowing how to use statistical software is integral to student successes, both in their coursework and in their careers, for our statistics and data science majors. However, in many degree programs, software usage is seen as a means to an end – getting an analysis – rather than an end goal in its own right. How did this come about, why does it matter, and what can we do to change our software-related instruction? These are the questions I discuss below, first by looking at some history of programming in these contexts, then by presenting two current philosophies on how to incorporate programming. Getting a bachelor’s degree in mathematics has long meant learning computer programming. As statistics degree offerings appeared, they adopted this convention and the emerging field of data science, with its inherent computational needs, has followed suit. Whether Java, C, R (or S-PLUS back in my day!), Python, or SAS – students pursuing a degree in statistics or data science routinely program in at least one of these languages. Unfortunately, this is often enforced by adding a course to an existing degree program. In some cases, this course is merely borrowed from another department and does not meet the students’ discipline-specific needs! Even in relatively new degree programs, our field’s approach to programming seems anachronistic. We commonly use software in the classroom to help teach a variety of topics – exploring data graphically, computing classical summary or inferential statistics, or conducting a simulation to study the properties of a resampling technique – and these advances in the inclusion of software are often touted when discussing how we have modernized our curricula. However, if students do not build the programming skills necessary to implement and understand these analyses, then software becomes a black box. Why Does This Matter? While there are several reasons to revisit how we teach programming, the one I’m focusing on here is that programming is different than most other skills we teach – if a program is inefficient, doesn’t follow good programming practices, or is otherwise sub-optimal, it can still produce correct results! Programming is not just something students should be doing to get an answer. We have an obligation to go beyond teaching students how to write functional code – we must train high-quality programmers. Statistics and data science careers that make extensive use of programming are exceedingly popular in their own right and as data sets get larger and programming becomes a ubiquitous skill, there is immense value in students having not only an ability to write code that solves a problem, but in using best practices when doing so. Degree programs have typically adopted one of two prevailing philosophies regarding programming instruction: integrated or standalone. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages that are important for designing an optimal educational experience that prepares our students to write the end-to-end programs they will use in their careers. In this context, I’m defining end-to-end programming as the application of the following three components. 1. Data cleaning and preparation 2. Data summary, analysis, and modeling 3. Reporting/presentation of results Of course, most programs make use of general computing concepts (e.g. file types, paths, etc.) and not every program needs to employ all three components. However, students trained to write this style of end-to-end program can easily adapt to writing programs that only require one or two of the components. This approach typically focuses only on data summary, analysis, and modeling – concepts used as a means to an end for discipline-specific course content – e.g. a regression course teaching SAS modeling tools such as PROC REG but excluding any programming concepts not explicitly needed to complete the course. The most obvious pedagogical benefit to this approach is instructors can present a programming skill after students are familiar with the statistical concept. A second, but related, benefit of the integrated approach is logistical – students do not need to worry about when to take a programming course because programming is learned in concert with the discipline-specific content. However, the drawbacks to solely using integrated instruction are substantial. The overarching issue is that students are less likely to gain an appreciation for, or even an understanding of, the general computing principles necessary to be a practicing statistician. One of the primary examples is that the classroom data sets to which students are exposed have already been sanitized, meaning a loss of opportunities to develop skills with reading, cleaning, and restructuring data. Students are also better able to understand the requirements for developing good data collection methods when exposed to the results of poorly collected and/or maintained data sets. Additionally, more instructional time is required to teach programming along with discipline-specific content. Integrated instruction also requires all instructors to teach at least some computing concepts in addition to the course-specific content. Depending on department size, this can be an unrealistic expectation if all faculty are not well-versed in the same language because, as learners, it is important to expose students to the same language repeatedly. Exposing them to multiple languages is valuable, of course, but if done without proper structure, students cannot build on what they learned in an earlier course and instructors cannot assume prior knowledge. I’m defining standalone instruction to mean classes covering the language-specific concepts and any general programming concepts required to effectively use the language. For example, in a SAS course this would mean not only covering SAS concepts b
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine appointments are available to our patients. Sign up for Connect today to schedule your vaccination. Anxiety is a normal emotion that helps us throughout life: it can drive us to study a bit more for a test,
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine appointments are available to our patients. Sign up for Connect today to schedule your vaccination. Anxiety is a normal emotion that helps us throughout life: it can drive us to study a bit more for a test, be more careful in traffic, and wash our hands more often during flu season. Anxiety, however, can become problematic and even debilitating for some, including children, adolescents, and young adults. During the back-to-school season, many students and parents report a heightened level of anxiety. This is understandable. After all, returning to school means a change in routine and schedule, more time away from parents and family, academic pressures, and social challenges. Here, two Weill Cornell Medicine child and adolescent psychiatrists provide helpful information about anxiety for students and parents: how children and adolescents experience anxiety, when it is a problem, and how best to find help. Dr. Justin Mohatt, Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, specializes in evaluating and treating young patients with anxiety disorders. “Certain fears and anxieties are normal in kids of all ages,” explained Dr. Mohatt. “So, it is important to differentiate normative experiences from something more worrisome. For instance, young kids often have fears of monsters or ghosts, but those same fears would be unusual at an older age. Different anxieties occur at different ages.” Parents should be aware that children and adolescents, especially young children, often cannot express their distress or anxiety. Dr. Angela Chiu, Assistant Professor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology, practices at the Youth Anxiety Center at Weill Cornell Medicine. She explained that children and adolescents often use different terms to describe their feelings, such as “scary,” “panic,” or “crazy.” “Often, children, adolescents, and young adults will show other signs of anxiety,” said Dr. Chiu. These include: Distinguishing healthy anxiety from problematic anxiety or an anxiety disorder can be challenging. Dr. Chiu explained, “The child or adolescent should seek treatment when the anxiety turns into avoidance and it gets in the way of him or her functioning normally. Anxiety is a problem when it’s so disabling and distressing that it is causing suffering or conflict in the family.” If parents are unsure if their child’s anxiety is a problem, they should consider an evaluation from a board-certified psychologist, ideally, one who specializes in child and adolescent anxiety disorders. Parents should be especially vigilant about seeking help if their child: For any child or adolescent experiencing mild to severe anxiety about returning to school, an important first step is to determine the cause of the fears and concerns. For example, some students may have anxiety concerning the germs at school, some are concerned about academic expectations, and others worry about social pressures or interacting with peers on a daily basis. Once the student and parent understand the root cause, it becomes easier for the student to talk about his or her fears more directly, as well as create strategies to confront and manage the emotions. “We want to run away from things that make us feel nervous. This is part of our natural response to anxiety,” explained Dr. Chiu. “The best approach is to lean into the anxiety and still go to school. The best way to learn how to manage anxiety is to practice.” Dr. Chiu emphasized that this can be a difficult task for anyone, including children, adolescents, and young adults. “It may not feel great to practice and face the thing that causes distress; this is to be expected. However, it is safe to feel anxiety and, with practice, it becomes easier. When someone with an anxiety disorder doesn’t practice, the emotions become stronger and more debilitating over time.” Drs. Chiu and Mohatt both emphasized the importance of seeking help if the source of anxiety is unclear or if the student wants or needs additional guidance managing the emotions. When it comes to back-to-school anxiety, Dr. Chiu finds that parents can significantly improve their child’s concerns and worries by offering support in the following three ways: “It is helpful when parents offer encouragement and support,” explained Dr. Chiu. “Say things such as, ‘I can see how worried you are. I know it’s difficult. I’m very proud of how hard you have worked to manage these strong emotions.’” Parents who enable the anxiety by keeping their child home from school prevent them from practicing ways to manage their anxiety. On the other hand, parents who adopt a “just do it” approach fail to support their child and acknowledge their feelings. Both of these extremes prevent the child from building confidence—and may lead to worsening anxiety. With consistent and loving support, however, many children learn to manage their anxiety about school—as well as gain skills and coping techniques that they will prove useful well into their adult years. If you or your child are experiencing back-to-school anxiety or another form of anxiety, be sure to learn more about our pediatric and adolescent psychiatry services for anxiety disorder.
The GRE is widely used for admission to Master and PhD programs both in the USA and the rest of the world. GRE scores are accepted by thousands of graduate programs and business schools all over the world. The test is designed to reflect and assess the
The GRE is widely used for admission to Master and PhD programs both in the USA and the rest of the world. GRE scores are accepted by thousands of graduate programs and business schools all over the world. The test is designed to reflect and assess the thinking processes you are likely to do in graduate or business school, thus demonstrating that you are ready for graduate-level study. There are two types of GRE tests, the GRE General and the GRE Subject Test. High scores tend to increase your chances of admission to graduate programs and funding from the university/department. The GRE revised General Test is available in two formats: computer- based and paper-based, according to the official bulletin. The GRE revised General Test takes about three hours and 30 minutes (paper-based test) and three hours and 45 minutes (computer-based test) to complete. The test includes six sections with a 10-minute break after the third section. According to the official website, the GRE revised General test incorporates three scored sections: - Analytical Writing: the section offers two writing tasks, timed separately. The writing tasks require you to “analyze an issue” and “analyze an argument”. 30 minutes will be allocated to each task; - Verbal Reasoning: the section consists of two 30-minute sub-sections of about 20 questions each; - Quantitative Reasoning: the two 35-minute sections include approximately 20 questions each. - the test may include an unidentified Verbal or Quantitative section that does not count toward your score; this additional section may appear in any order after the Analytical Writing section. Be sure to do your best on all the sections, as you will never know which one is not scored; - the computer-based GRE revised General Test may include an identified research section that is not scored. This section will always come at the very end of the test. The test opens with the Analytical Writing section, with the other five sections displayed in random order. The test design is very flexible, allowing you to move freely forward and backward throughout an entire section. Some of the specific features of the GRE revised General Test include: - The ability to change/edit answers within a section; - Preview and review capabilities within a section; - A “mark and review” feature to tag questions, so you can skip them and return later; - An on-screen calculator for the Quantitative Reasoning section. We recommend that you experience the test design features of the computer-based test by downloading the Powerprep software from the official website for free: The current format includes no tutorial at the beginning of the GRE computer-based test, so you need to become familiar with the test design and question types before taking the test. Although there is a help section incorporated in the actual test, please be aware that the timing will not stop when accessing the help feature. According to the information on the official website, the GRE revised General Test is currently offered in the computer-based format in Bucharest at RTS, Centrul de Formare in Informatica. The testing center is located at 1B, Expozitiei Blvd., inside the Romanian-American University campus. According to information released by the test center, the test is administered several times a week. You can call 0372-120 250, or send an e-mail to [email protected] for specific information on the testing center and the available test dates. Please be advised that the RTS office hours are Wednesday 12:00 – 17:00 and Thursday 9:00 – 17:00. In Romania the GRE revised General Test is also administered in the paper-based format at two locations: in Iasi at Euroed Foundation and Arad at Facultatea de Stiinte, according to the GRE site. The paper-based test dates are available in the “Test Centers and Dates” section on the official website. According to the official website, in the “Fees” section, the GRE revised General Test costs $205. This fee will give you one printed score report and up to four official score reports that ETS will send directly to the institutions you choose when you conclude the test. If you do not select the institutions that you want to receive your scores when you finish the test at the testing center, you will have to pay a $27 additional score fee for each institution you want scores to be sent to. You can register for the test in multiple ways, according to the payment method preferred: the credit card or bank check. How to register for the computer-based version of the test? When a credit/debit card is available (Visa, Master Card, American Express, etc.), you can register online, by phone or by fax, according to the information on the official website. If you get stuck, EDMERICA can help. Until then some helpful advice based on our 17-year practice: - Send your test registration by registered mail (scrisoare recomandata cu confirmare de primire); - Make sure you photocopy the scheduling form as well as the bank check and keep the copies for reference; - You will commonly receive a confirmation letter by e-mail or regular mail which includes the test date and the location of the testing center; - If you don’t receive the confirmation letter, you need to call the Regional Registration Center at least three full business days prior to your first-choice test date. Information on the registration for the paper-based version of the test is available on the official website of the GRE test or with EDMERICA. - If you miss the registration deadline please see below the “Standby testing” section; - In case you do not show up on your assigned day and hour for taking the test, the registration fee will not be refunded. Let’s assume you missed the registration deadline. Standby testing will help you take the test on the desired date, provided sufficient space, test materi
What Passenger pigeon, or wild pigeon, aka Ectopistes migratorius. Not to be confused with the rock dove (the bird known to urban dwellers as flying rats). Last known survivor Martha, who died in captivity in 191
What Passenger pigeon, or wild pigeon, aka Ectopistes migratorius. Not to be confused with the rock dove (the bird known to urban dwellers as flying rats). Last known survivor Martha, who died in captivity in 1914 at the Cincinnati Zoo. The revival project More than 100 years after the birds’ extinction, an attempt is under way to restore the species using DNA from the skins and stuffed specimens on display at the Royal Ontario Museum, the most extensive collection of passenger pigeon remains in the world. Seems these artifacts hold the key to reviving this once abundant bird, according to Ben Novak, the biologist behind the Great Passenger Pigeon Comeback. Novak is leading researcher at Revive & Restore, a project of the San Francisco-based Long Now Foundation to bring back endangered and extinct species. (The organization also aims to resurrect the woolly mammoth to help increase the carbon-fixing capa-city of degraded Arctic tundra). Not just skin and feathers Novak says the birds at the ROM “are a repository of the minute Darwinian variations of evolution that allowed this bird to adapt to the changing forests of America for hundreds of thousands of years.” Over the last two years, Novak has scrutinized the quality of 77 of the ROM’s specimens and found they “exceeded expectations” for his proposal to splice DNA into the genome of the band-tailed pigeon, the extinct birds’ closest living relation, separated from their common ancestor 22 million years ago. It will take more than a million DNA fragments to assemble the passenger pigeon genome, Novak says. The passenger pigeon’s place in local lore The Mimico Creek watershed takes its name from the native “Omimeca,” which, roughly translated, means “resting place of the wild pigeons.” Legend has it that their nests were so plentiful that their weight broke branches, which helps explain why pigeons were a common sight for sale in Toronto farmers’ markets at the turn of the last century. A diorama on view at the ROM from 1935 to 1980 showed a giant flock of pigeons at the Forks of the Credit in 1860 that was reliably estimated to have exceeded 1 billion birds. Says Novak: “Ontario is one of the few places in the world where the passenger pigeon’s presence is so inti-mately recorded that if one were so inclined, one could visit the
Parasol Master Class: The History of Diapers We’re going to take you back to school and revisit the past. We take pride in the quality of our diapers, but there was a time when babies didn’t have it as good
Parasol Master Class: The History of Diapers We’re going to take you back to school and revisit the past. We take pride in the quality of our diapers, but there was a time when babies didn’t have it as good as they have it now. Believe us, they’ve got it real good. 😉 To recognize how far baby diapers have come, we have to start from the very beginning! Diaper development has, well, developed–and it has developed in an interesting way. Diapers were first used centuries ago, so we’ve decided to break down their history on a chronological timeline, discuss when were diapers invented, who invented diapers, and cover all the interesting events that led to its big, bright future. The History of Diapers: Pre-diaper era Ancient Times: Yes, you read the header correctly. Sounds scary, right? But, in ancient times, people actually used grass, moss, and other natural or raw materials to diaper their littles. Others actually didn’t use diapers at all… yeah, we’re gonna take a hard pass on that! Medieval Times (up until the 15th Century): Parents of the Medieval period wrapped swaddling cloths around the limbs and body, leaving an opening at the bottom for easy changing. 18th Century: Safety pins made an entrance in the mid-1800s, and they were used to secure fabric in place. Everything worked out with the reusable cloth nappies–for a while. There was a big red flag, though; up until this point, diaper changes only occurred every few days. Now THAT’s a recipe for disaster. Disease and sickness could’ve easily been prevented… if only they had a disposable option instead of their reusable nappies. Before the 1900’s, some parents didn’t want to fuss with diapers, and they held their children over a toilet whenever they had to use the bathroom. A little crazy, right? Mom or Dad needed to anticipate when to head for the bathroom. There was a need for a better solution, something that would be so much simpler for everybody involved. This turning point is what led to the invention of disposable baby diapers. The disposable diaper’s beginning During the early 1900s, parents used numerous diaper methods. From rubber baby pants to flour sack
Noor Salem, Teresa Xiao, Arfath Chowdhury, Annie Chen, and Rivka Aghababayeva Abstract– Everyone enjoys listening to music, and because of technological advancements, more people can do so on their smartphones,
Noor Salem, Teresa Xiao, Arfath Chowdhury, Annie Chen, and Rivka Aghababayeva Abstract– Everyone enjoys listening to music, and because of technological advancements, more people can do so on their smartphones, computers, and iPods. This study aimed to see how students’ academic performance and confidence may be impacted by listening to music while they are either studying or participating in other academic activities. A cross-sectional design was used by distributing anonymous surveys among students aged under 54. A sample size of 68 students completed an online questionnaire. The data were collected from the survey through google forms and analyzed using google sheets, as well as graphs. The findings revealed that students studying with music have a greater chance of performing better in school overall GPAs than students who study without music. However, students listening with or without music is not likely to affect a student’s perception of how well they performed on assessments. Specific music taste as well plays a role in study concentration. This study can be used in future research to enhance student cognitive ability and concentration during assessments and academic programs. Keywords– music, academic performance, confidence, satisfied Music has become more commonplace with the introduction of new technology that allows people to access any song they would like at any time from their homes. As a result, listening to music became not only an activity for leisure but also a way of providing background noise for students completing school work. Many individuals today enjoy listening to music for a multitude of reasons, making the acti
With the dawning of a new year, it’s time to set our sights on new and exciting goals. I mean, 2018 should be an exciting year for technology. Autonomous cars are just around the corner. Augmented reality is ramp
With the dawning of a new year, it’s time to set our sights on new and exciting goals. I mean, 2018 should be an exciting year for technology. Autonomous cars are just around the corner. Augmented reality is ramping up, blending the boundaries of mobile and internet technology with our everyday lives. So why does it feel like we’re stuck in the mud and not actually moving forward? Oh, right, last month the Federal Communications Commission rolled back regulations on net neutrality, putting a new spin on “slow and steady wins the race”. Only in this race, we’re now running backwards and somehow, we still expect to win. Since the FCC just rolled back our clock, we might as well take a closer look and examine how we got here and why it matters. Radio is a Sound Salvation What is the FCC and how did it come to be? Well, let’s go back, way back to 1901, when Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi and his assistant sent the first known radio transmission across the Atlantic Ocean from Poldhu, Cornwall (U.K.) to South Wellfleet, Cape Cod. This landmark moment marked the birth of wireless communication. As with most technologies, in the beginning, radio was largely unregulated as it ventured through uncharted waters. The earliest laws centered on maritime safety (Wireless Ship Act of 1910 and Radio Act of 1912). The US government temporarily seized control and shutdown the airwaves, again, for safety reasons. It wasn’t until the 1920s that the companies NBC and CBS emerged, thrusting radio into the fray of entertainment. Radio stations popped up all over the place, flooding the air. The need to regulate airwaves led to the Radio Act of 1927. Seven years later, the law would be revised and refined in the form of the Communications Act of 1934, which helped consolidate radio and wire communication laws and created the Federal Communications Commission (yes, the same FCC that just repealed net neutrality). The commission was created as an independent agency that would operate outside of the US government. Its initial job was to regulate licenses and to provide fair and reasonable access to the people without any discrimination. You can read the Communications Act of 1934 here, but it’s pretty clear it was designed with its people in mind. Here’s an excerpt from its opening: “For the purpose of regulating interstate and foreign commerce in communication by wire and radio so as to make available, so far as possible, to all the people of the United States, without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex, a rapid, efficient, Nationwide, and worldwide wire and radio communication service with adequate facilities at reasonable charges, for the purpose of the national defense, for the purpose of promoting safety of life and property through the use of wire and radio communication…” While radio enjoyed its golden age, another technology was waiting in the wings, about to break through: Television. It was like radio, but its content was accompanied by moving pictures. Radio entertainment megaliths CBS and NBC were among the first to dabble in television. The FCC’s umbrella was extended to this new pioneering technology. It wouldn’t be until the 1960s that television would supplant radio as the dominant medium of home entertainment. Video Killed the Radio Star From the 1960s to the 1990s, the FCC’s laws governing radio and television were largely unchanged. During that time, the rise of television saw a charismatic young Massachusetts Senator win a television Presidential debate against a sweaty, pale geezer, but lose that same debate on the radio (JFK vs. Nixon). We got our news from the likes of Walter Cronkite. We laughed at generational sitcoms. We explored new worlds in shows like Star Trek and Doctor Who. We rooted for Mary Tyler Moore. We marveled at live sporting events and instant replay. The world of television grew with our ever-changing culture. And of course, we saw the rise of Mus
Behavioral Ethics Lab Date of this Version The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Economics Much of the history of game theory has been dominated by the problem of indeterminacy. The very search for better versions of rationality, as well as
Behavioral Ethics Lab Date of this Version The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Economics Much of the history of game theory has been dominated by the problem of indeterminacy. The very search for better versions of rationality, as well as the long list of attempts to refine Nash equilibrium, can be seen as answers to the indeterminacy that has accompanied game theory through its history. More recently, the experimental approach to game theory has attempted a more radical solution: by directly generating a stream of behavioral observations, one hopes that behavioral hypotheses will be sharper, and predictions more accurate. This article looks at several attempts to address indeterminacy, including the shift to evolutionary models. However, because its goal is to establish whether rational choice models are inescapably doomed to produce indeterminate outcomes, it pays much more attention to the experimental turn in game theory, the difficulty it encounters, and the promising results obtained by more realistic models of rationality that include a social component. Reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press. Bicchieri, C. (2009). Rationality and Indeterminacy. In Don Ross and Harold Kincaid (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Economics (pp. 159-188). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. Behavioral Economics Commons, Epistemology Commons, Philosophy of Science Commons, Social Psychology Commons Date Posted: 01 December 2016 This document has been peer reviewed.
Jill feels anxious about the presentation she has to make to the board tomorrow. She is trying to get a good night’s rest, but finds herself tossing and turning, her heart is racing, and thoughts of failure run through her head. The
Jill feels anxious about the presentation she has to make to the board tomorrow. She is trying to get a good night’s rest, but finds herself tossing and turning, her heart is racing, and thoughts of failure run through her head. The last time she had to give a presentation to the board, she felt sick to her stomach and almost passed out. All she could think about was getting out of the room as soon as possible. Jill suffers from a type of anxiety called social phobia or social anxiety. It is one of the most common forms of anxiety disorders. Jill began to experience social anxiety as a teenager. She struggled to give class presentations and always sat in the back of the classroom hoping not to be called on by the teacher. Her story is typical in that social anxiety begins early in life for most people–around the age of 11 and usually manifests by age 20. A concern with social anxiety is that it is a risk factor for depression and substance use. So, it is best to treat it early. Successful treatment approaches generally involve medication combined with psychotherapy. However, cognitive-behavioral therapies have proven superior in placebo-controlled trials. And one type of cognitive behavioral therapy is worth a try. It is called exposure therapy. Basically, Jill would talk with the therapist about her fears and learn to identify them. Then she would practice substituting rational thoughts like, “Everyone does this. I can do this. I might mess up but I will get through this.” Jill would also learn relaxation exercises to practice in the moment of feeling anxious. Finally, she would be gradually exposed to social situations that would prompt her anxiety, working through the anxiety until the situation was over. The more Jill exposes herself to anxious situations, the easier they become and she builds the confidence that she can manage social situations. Eventually, her anxiety decreases and becomes manageable. A key to making exposure work is knowing that submitting yourself to the anxious situation will allow you to eventually overcome it. The temptation is to avoid anxious situations rather than learn to power through them. But it is the exposure to the anxious situation that helps a person learn to overcome it.Overcoming social anxiety Leave a comment Have someting to add? Login or quickly create an account to leave a comment. Login or Create Account
1. Invite students to sit in a semi-circle in front of you. 2. Motion for the students on your right to move over a little bit so it's easy for the students to see they are divided into two groups. 3. Facing
1. Invite students to sit in a semi-circle in front of you. 2. Motion for the students on your right to move over a little bit so it's easy for the students to see they are divided into two groups. 3. Facing the group on your right (Group 1), hold up one blue jello word card (e.g., “blue," quarter note). Show them both sides of the card, then say and sign "blue blue blue..." so they say it with you. Place the card near your right knee. 4. Select a second card, show it to the group on your left (Group 2), and get them started saying and signing it. Now both groups are simultaneously saying and signing their own rhythm. 5. Select a new card for Group 1 and hold it up for them to see. While looking at Group 1, say and sign the new card so they switch to this new rhythm. 6. Once Group 1 is steady, hold up another card (e.g., “jel-lo”) for Group 2. Show them both sides and get them started with the new rhythm. 7. Continue for as many rounds as the game is enjoyable.
Spring in Town (1941) and Anamosa (circa 1900). Grant DeVolson Wood was born on a farm located four miles east of Anamosa, Iowa on February 13, 1891, the son
Spring in Town (1941) and Anamosa (circa 1900). Grant DeVolson Wood was born on a farm located four miles east of Anamosa, Iowa on February 13, 1891, the son of Francis M. Wood and Hattie (Weaver) Wood. When Grant was ten years old, his father died, and Hattie moved with her four children to Cedar Rapids. While attending school, Wood worked at odd jobs, including apprenticing in a local metal shop, to help support his family. On occasion, Grant entered art competitions, and in 1905, his drawing of oak leaves took third place in a national contest sponsored by Crayola. Grant Wood’s boyhood home in Cedar Rapids (across from Coe College) – listed as one of the most endangered historic sites in Iowa. Grant entered Washington High School in 1906 and met Marvin Cone, a classmate also interested in art. The two became lifelong friends and, while in high school, worked together on a variety of projects, including designing theater seats for the Cedar Rapids Art Association. Grant also provided artwork for the school’s yearbook and literary magazine, graduating in 1910. Wood’s formal training in art was limited but included two summers in Minneapolis studying at the school of Design, Handicraft, and Normal Art; a life-drawing class taught by Charles A. Cumming at the University of Iowa; and occasional classes at the Art Institute of Chicago. In 1916, financial troubles hit the Wood family, so Grant stepped up, building a new house for his mother, sister Nan, and himself, after the family lost their first home. (Above left) Grant Wood when he joined the military during WW I (1917-1918). During WW I (1917-1918) Grant served stateside in the U.S. Army as a camouflage artist, and,
Looking for a fun way to teach Grammar? The Homeschool Review Crew recently had the chance to work with Linda H. Koran’s English Grammar Teaching Game from English on a Roll. English Grammar Teaching Game was written for the classroom, but can
Looking for a fun way to teach Grammar? The Homeschool Review Crew recently had the chance to work with Linda H. Koran’s English Grammar Teaching Game from English on a Roll. English Grammar Teaching Game was written for the classroom, but can be used with multiple children or adapted to those of us who have a “one and only.” It builds vocabulary, encourages rapid learning, and provides plenty of opportunities for practice. It is based on the Multisensory Structured Language Learning techniques. The activities included stimulate all the pathways in the brain. Students are able to learn visually, audibly and kinesthetically. The 37 lessons begin with basic grammar and progress systematically. It is intended for ages 5 to adult and can be used in all sorts of settings and is particularly effective with ESL, Special Education, and Beginner Readers. We also received the Book One Instructor’s Manual. This manual includes step-by-step lesson plans, teaching guides, learning guides and more. Keep in mind that you don’t have to be a trained teacher or homeschool parent to use the English Grammar Teaching Game! Anyone can use this product to learn grammar in a fun and engaging way. Connect on Facebook at English on a Roll A BIG thank you to Rebekah Teague from There Will Be A $5 Charge For Whining for writing this introduction article. 1 thought on “English on a Roll Reviews”
What Are Science And Technology? Technological developments have shown a substantial growth involved with each and every subject. sure and dry wood had since time immemorial developed the science that should you rubbed sticks collectively it might start a fire, and flints
What Are Science And Technology? Technological developments have shown a substantial growth involved with each and every subject. sure and dry wood had since time immemorial developed the science that should you rubbed sticks collectively it might start a fire, and flints had a separate scientific hearth-beginning growth scientific philosophy. Moreover wood had, scientifically, deliberate that giving time it could department out in growing wheels it’s not, what each fool thinks, that observation and experience, as a substitute of theoretical science, performed the major function. Does Science Drive Technology? Why Or Why Not? Matt valued online discussions since he believed that they encourage college students to participate in and more deeply analyze the course supplies. Matt provided subjects such as water quality or guiding questions, similar to “What types the boundary of a watershed? ” and “How ought to we take our information (that we’ve already and will proceed to accumulate) to assist our society and our surroundings? ” and asked students to put in writing individual postings and reply to at least two of their classmates’ postings. At the top of the summer time course, Jason designed a know-how integration plan, by which he particularly explained which expertise instruments he was planning to use during the college year. Scientific analysis is printed in an enormous range of scientific literature. Scientific journals communicate and document the outcomes of analysis carried out in universities and varied other analysis establishments, serving as an archival record of science. The first scientific journals, Journal des Sçavans followed by the Philosophical Transactions, started publication in 1665. A questioning of the relation between science and expertise was the central issue in one of many earliest discussions among analytic philosophers of know-how.
Medication errors – which are all too common and completely preventable – could cause very serious adverse reactions in Californians. The effects of a medication error in California may range from small side effects, such as nausea, to life-altering events including
Medication errors – which are all too common and completely preventable – could cause very serious adverse reactions in Californians. The effects of a medication error in California may range from small side effects, such as nausea, to life-altering events including chronic conditions and even fatalities. These mistakes often happen at the hands of the people that patients trust: medical professionals. Even worse, drug errors are largely preventable. Here, we take a look at the basic information people should know when being prescribed a drug. How common are adverse drug reactions? It is hard to pin down exactly how often someone has an adverse drug reaction, because not everyone reports the phenomenon. However, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality provides us with a glimpse of how serious the issue is: Approximately 100,000 hospitalizations every year are due to a reaction to a medication, and about 700,000 trips to the emergency room are linked to such events. How do these reactions occur? Essentially, anyone could have a reaction to a medication because it involves putting something into the body that the body may not be used to. However, one common reason people have a reaction is because they are allergic to the substance. Unfortunately, it happens all too often that a mistake is the reason for the adverse event. According to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, at least one death every day occurs solely due to a medication error. Mistakes involving medications could involve the following: · Giving a patient the wrong drug · Administering the wrong dosage · Poor packaging or instructions on the medication · Failing to read a patient's allergy information before prescribing a drug · Ignoring how two or more drugs may react to each other The above highlight the events that should never take place. The AHRQ estimates that roughly half of adverse drug reactions are preventable. Who is at risk? Although anyone could have an adverse reaction to a drug, there are certain patients who may be more at risk. People who take more than one medication are at an increased risk of a reaction because of the way those drugs could interact. Children are also especially susceptible because of the way their medicine is often prescribed. Typically, medicine for a child takes into account his or her weight. This would require medical professionals to have an accurate weight, which does not always happen. How can I prevent an adverse reaction? Medical professionals have a responsibility for their patient's safety. They should be double- and triple-checking information such as drug names, the patient's medical history and the dosage amounts before administering or prescribing a medication. There are a few measures patients themselves may take. Asking questions about potential side effects and the drug's time on the market may help. Additionally, patients should be transparent about all medications they are on and any allergies they may have. Before taking any drug, patients should have a clear understanding of how to take it: with food, at what time of day and so forth. If an adverse reaction occurs due to the negligence of a physician or medical professional, patients in California have the right to pursue legal remedy. Anyone who has concerns about this topic should speak with a personal injury attorney in California.
Placed over some 330,000 m2, this colossal structure once housed the famous Packard Automotive Plant. Designed by Albert Kahn Associates this factory was revolutionary in its design. For the first time, reinforced concrete was used giving this building the
Placed over some 330,000 m2, this colossal structure once housed the famous Packard Automotive Plant. Designed by Albert Kahn Associates this factory was revolutionary in its design. For the first time, reinforced concrete was used giving this building the necessary strength to stand against time. But nothing can withstand time. The Packard factory first opened in 1903 for its time it was the most modern and sophisticated factory in the world. Inside its walls, there was the mighty craftsman skilled in no less than eighty trades. Unfortunately, after 55 years of hard work and sweat, the Packard factory shut its doors. Given the fact that this factory spanned over enormous space its many walls and production halls were like a God-given for all of the graffiti
Migraine, Contraception, & Menstrual Cycle A woman’s menstrual cycle causes monthly fluctuations in hormone levels that can impact their migraine symptoms. When hormonal contraception involving estrogen is used, more disruptions can occur. In this section,
Migraine, Contraception, & Menstrual Cycle A woman’s menstrual cycle causes monthly fluctuations in hormone levels that can impact their migraine symptoms. When hormonal contraception involving estrogen is used, more disruptions can occur. In this section, learn about the role of estrogen in migraine, what treatment options to give patients during menstruation at various life stages and the most suitable options for contraception. Download our Guide to Discussing Hormones With Patients Download our Guide to Contraceptive Options for Women With Migraine Test Your Knowledge How Do I Discuss Hormones with My Patients with Migraine? Contraceptive Options for Women with Migraine News & Articles Treating Migraine During Pregnancy Hot Topics: Oral Contraceptives and Migraine Migraine and Contraceptives Discussing hormones and contraception with migraine patients Frequently asked questions about hormones and migraine Migraine Through A Woman’s Life Spotlight On: Oral Contraceptives and Migraine Migraine in Transgender People What Is Migraine? Hysterectomy and Migraine: What to Expect Menstrual Migraine Treatment and Prevention Migraine and Women’s Health: Your Questions Answered Hormonal and Menstrual Migraine: Symptoms and Treatment Want to See Curated Content? The First Contact – Headache in Primary Care program is always being updated as new information and resources become available. Please let us know what other resources you would find helpful.Make A Suggestion
Huntsville Hospital has teamed up with HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology and iRepertoire Inc. to study local patients diagnosed with Covid-19 to see how their immune systems are responding to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, with the
Huntsville Hospital has teamed up with HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology and iRepertoire Inc. to study local patients diagnosed with Covid-19 to see how their immune systems are responding to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, with the goal of developing a treatment. “The most effective way to stop pandemics is with vaccines,” says Rick Myers, president and scientific director for HudsonAlpha. “However, the pipeline for vaccine production from development, to testing, to market can take years. A Covid-19 treatment is the best way to bridge the gap until a vaccine is widely available.” Area participants who have been recently diagnosed with Covid-19 will be recruited to participate in the study. The patients will provide blood samples at four time points over a series of weeks in order to gauge how their immune system is responding to the virus. Researchers at HudsonAlpha and iRepertoire, a diagnostic technology company, hope the results of the study can be used to find and test possible treatments or cures for Covid-19 by using antibodies identified in these patients. “The immune system is nature’s best doctor,” says Jim Han, M.D., Ph.D., founder and chief scientific officer of iRepertoire. “By understanding the immune system of patients that have effectively fought the pathogen, we can pinpoint the exact identity of cells that effectively eliminate the virus out of millions of possibilities.” These antibodies could potentially serve as a therapeutic vaccine that is administered after infection. Huntsville Hospital has operated as a community-owned hospital since 1895 and is the second largest facility in the state and a centerpiece of a multi-hospital health system across North Alabama. It serves as a regional referral and trauma center for more than a million residents of the Tennessee Valley. HudsonAlpha is a nonprofit institute in Huntsville, combining research, education, health and commercialization to improve the human condition around the globe. Its scientists apply the power of genomics to make research advances in disease and agriculture. Founded in 2009 at HudsonAlpha, iRepertoire is the first company to develop and commercialize immune repertoire sequencing technology and products. Over the past decade, it has developed PCR multiplexing technologies specifically catered towards immune repertoire sequencing.
Equilibrium reactions in chemistry - Many important chemical reactions are reversible and exist in a state of equilibrium, with both the forward and reverse reactions occurring simultaneously with products and reactants constantly being interconverted. - Suppose we have hot liquid in a storage
Equilibrium reactions in chemistry - Many important chemical reactions are reversible and exist in a state of equilibrium, with both the forward and reverse reactions occurring simultaneously with products and reactants constantly being interconverted. - Suppose we have hot liquid in a storage container sealed with a lid. Water molecules in the liquid that have sufficient energy will leave the liquid phase and enter the gaseous phase in the process of - At the same time, some gaseous water molecules will lose energy through collision and enter the liquid phase in the process of - Eventually the rate of evaporation will equal the rate of condensation and there will be no further change in the amount of liquid present and the amount of gas present in the closed system. - The concentration of liquid and gas does not change, but molecules are constantly being interconverted between the two phases. This is described as a dynamic equilibrium. - In reality many reactions exist in a state of equilibrium. - The relative rates of forward and reverse reactions depend on the physical conditions of temperature and pressure, on chemical conditions (a change in concentration of reactants and products), and in the presence of a catalyst. - Nitrogen(IV) oxide or nitrogen dioxide, NO2 is a toxic brown gas that exists in equilibrium with colourless dinitrogen tetroxide, N2O4: N2O4(g) ⇋ 2NO2(g) - Initially the rate of decomposition of N2O4 will be greatest, when the concentration [N2O4] is at a maximum. As time passes, sufficient NO2 molecules will be present in the closed system for successful collisions to reform N2O4. - The concentration of N2O4 decreases progressively while the concentration of NO2 The system approaches a dynamic equilibrium as the rates of the forward and reverse reactions become equal. - The forward and reverse reactions are occurring at equal rates. - There is no change in the concentrations of reactants and products. - There is no change in macroscopic properties such as colour and density. - The equilibrium can be approached from either the forward or reverse direction. - The equilibrium is dynamic. The forward and reverse reactions continue but no overall change in the concentration of reactants and products occurs. - Any changes in the reaction conditions, such as temperature, pressure, or concentration of reactants or products, can affect the equilibrium, demonstrating its dynamic nature. The equilibrium law - The law of chemical equilibrium states that at a given temperature the ratio of the concentration of products (raised to the power of their molar coefficients) to the concentration of reactants (raised to the power of their molar coefficients) is a constant. - This constant is called the equilibrium constant, Kc. The subscript ‘c’ indicates that concentration values for products and reactants are being used. - For example: H2(g) + I2(g) ⇋ 2HI(g) - For the reaction: aA + bB ⇋ cC + dD - The equilibrium constant expression is Kc = - The equilibrium constant expression has the concentrations of products in the numerator and the concentrations of reactants in the denominator. - Each concentration is raised to the power of its coefficient in the
(Image taken from: by CCHR Int A new study, the result of a joint collaboration between Indiana University and Columbia University, and published by the American
(Image taken from: by CCHR Int A new study, the result of a joint collaboration between Indiana University and Columbia University, and published by the American Journal of Psychiatry, reports that prejudice and discrimination still exists among people with serious mental illness. Headlines include “Mental Illness Stigma Hard to Shake, Survey Finds” and “Despite Deeper Understanding of Mental Illness, Stigma Lingers.” So what exactly is behind this study? Taking aside the fact that Columbia University is well known for its collaboration with pharmaceutical companies, its medical center having collaborated with AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen Pharmaceutica, Merck, Novartis and Pfizer. Or the fact that Indiana University received a $1 million grant from Eli Lilly. With a seemingly altruistic agenda, the fact is the campaign to end the “stigma” of mental illness is one driven and funded by those who benefit from more and more people being labeled mentally ill—pharma, psychiatry and pharmaceutical front groups such as NAMI and CHADD to name but a few. For example, take NAMI’s campaign to stop the “stigma” and “end discrimination” against the mentally ill—the “Founding Sponsors” were Abbott Labs, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Janssen, Pfizer, Novartis, SmithKline Beecham and Wyeth-Ayerst Labs. (For an in-depth look at what else Pharma funds and how this funding not only helps set mental health policies but campaigns such as this, read Pharmaceutical Industry Agenda Setting in Mental Health Policies at the bottom of this post) The fact is that the “stigmatization ” is coming from those that benefit from people being labeled/stigmatized with mental disorders that have no medical/biological evidence. Case in point, if you are rebellious, you are “stigmatized” with the label “oppositional defiant disorder.” If your kid acts like a kid he is “stigmatized” with the label “ADHD.” If you are sad, unhappy (even temporarily) you are “stigmatized” with the label “depressive” or “bi-polar disorder.” If you are shy you are “stigmatized” with the label “social anxiety disorder.” Moreover, you or your child are now stigmatized for life as this label, which is based solely on opinion, is now part of your medical record, despite the fact there is no medical evidence to prove you are “mentally ill”. This is also true of people diagnosed “schizophrenic.” There is no medical test to verify someone has a brain abnormality or medical condition of schizophrenia. And while no one claims people can’t become psychotic, the fact remains there is no biological evidence to support schizophrenia as a brain disease or chemical abnormality. And consider this, if people do become psychotic, or irrational, is it in fact caused by some underlying medical (not psychiatric) problem? And why did a 15-year multiple follow up study find that there was a 40% recovery rate for those diagnosed schizophrenic who did not take antipsychotics, versus a 5% rate for those who did? What happened to their supposed “brain disease?” Did it simply vanish? Moreover, if they could recover from such a mental state, do they deserve the “stigma” of “schizophrenia” still being part of their permanent medical record? For life? Think about it. Imagine you were extremely overweight—obese. You lose all the weight so you are no longer obese. Yet your medical records continue to say that you are. And if schizophrenia is in fact a “disease” despite the fact there is no medical or biological evidence (note we did not say speculation, or theories, but evidence) then why is it that psychiatrist Loren Mosher, the former Chief of Schizophrenia Research for the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) openly state that there is no biological condition of schizophrenia as a disease or brain malfunction? And why didn’t the mental health industry take advantage of his 2-year-outcome studies proving that those diagnosed schizophrenic could recover without the use of drugs? Is it because this proved that recovery was possible and thereby disproved the theory that something was wrong with their brain? Or was it the fact that they recovered without the use of drugs, thereby threatening a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry? Maybe this explains why Mosher was fired from his position at NIMH ( As a final note regarding “stigmatization,” keep in mind that psychiatrists admit there is no recovery from “mental illness.” They admit no cures. So once you are labeled—game over. The new “study” also reports, ” more people now believe that illnesses like schizophrenia and depression are caused by chemical imbalances in the brain.” This is marketing at its best—say people believe in a chemical imbalance so you don’t have to bother pointing out the fact that there is no chemical imbalance. How can the layperson be sure of this? It’s simple. Find