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We are Christian so we beleive that all | gays should die. Exspecially Derik Walters McDaniel. | 1 |
"Information about the stink prank product Liquid ASS should be added to the article about stink bombs. The article mentions another product, Fart Spray, by name and alludes to another product (fart bombs). I added information to the article regarding Liquid ASS along with a link to the site (see Liquid ASS). However, the administrator deleted it. He explained that the outside link did not meet Wikipedia external links guidelines (which I had read beforehand). In my opinion, an external link to Liquid ASS falls within the guidelines since the Liquid ASS web site contains information on use (see Liquid ASS Suggested Uses) and testimonials from users (see Liquid ASS Testimonials). I checked the ""Links to be Avoided"" and found no criteria there that would | cause me to think an external link to Liquid ASS would be inappropriate. No explanation was given for removing the two sentences altogether that I added about Liquid ASS, which are as follows: Another stink prank product, Liquid ASS , comes in a small bottle and is applied to objects with a fine stream by squeezing the bottle. Since Liquid ASS does not use sulfur, it has a genuine smell of feces and road-kill. I also find it interesting that the method of applying Liquid ASS is the same as that as used by Who Me. Does Liquid ASS smell as bad, also (or worse)? Sounds like a good assignment for the administrator since this topic apparently falls within his area of expertise. " | 0 |
" As this Joy is a Croat who tries to fake facts, I will add for him some sources in Serbian (Croatian) which he will understand.Разговор:Петар_Поповић_(српски_кошаркаш);=10&hl;=en&ct;=clnk&client;=opera Petar Popovic je Srbin, kao i vecina igraca Zadra. Petar Popovic je inace poceo da trenira kosarku u Kraljevu... otac mu je bio vojno lice. Među demoliranim i opljačkanim lokalima i kućama su i: I PRIVATNI LOKALI SRBA: 6. POPOVIĆ PETAR, košarkaš ""Zadra"", kafić ""TAJMAUT"", uništen, As Marko's father, also famous basketball player and coach, Petar, was a Serb, his cafe ""Timeout"" was destroyed along with other | Serb proprety in Zadar as Zadar, after all as whole Croatia is very anti-Serb (in 1991. in Croatia lived 13% of Serbs, today just 3%... ethnical cleansing!?). If he is a Croat, like this Croat Joy tries to fake, why his cafe was destroeyed along with other Serb cafes and propreties in the town? Try not to fake well known fact! Marko Popovic is a Serb along with several other people who play from your team. Also things that international names Ivan and Luka are Croatian... please, do not be so illiterate! So funny! " | 0 |
im in the band, and most of this is not true | could somebody please do their research before writing complete bullshit? | 1 |
" :::::::::Oh, so it's all down to the tone is it? Well, I'm sure you will forgive this American, who despite being-how did you put it-worldly-wise, does not posseSs the innate subletly, divine sense of irony, and sarcasm (which sadly passes as wit to the unenlightened). Nor do I as an American possess the skills to deliver the finely-honed, calculated Julie Burchill-style of insult, which you British are so adept at. And not only are we tone-deaf, but we lack the inborn class detector system which is part of your DNA and that by the mere raising of an eyebrow indicate whether or not the bearer of this gesture is from the uppah clahsses, | a reasonable fascimile of the middle-class or a housing estate where ""Have a nice day"", becomes ""Oi, mate, gissa fag"". As for that infectious American invention known as a shopping mall, well nobody's forcing you or your missus to frequent it anymore than I was forced to use a shopping trolley when I lived in Sussex. Oh, what was my point, yes, my point is that your unrestrained use of f..k doesn't make you a wee hard mon anymore than my wearing of balck clthing and ability to curse in Enochian makes me a rough bitch. You obviously think you are intimidating, but it only shows how much you despeartely wish to be." | 0 |
== Adoption Program == Hello and welcome to the adoption program! Please take some time to think about what you would like out of this program and what you can devote to it. After you have thought about this please message me on my talk page about which areas you would like to focus on. As well, if you are completely new or you are not sure, you can let me know that and I can give you a general overview. You will get as much as you put in with this program. If you would like me to be someone that you can ask questions to every once and a while, then thats who i'll be. Yet, if you wish to be | in constant contact with me and have me go over your work with you each day or so, then thats who i will be. This is your choice, just please let me know P Also if you could please remove the adoptee userbox from your userpage so that others know you have been adopted. If you like you can replace it with this user box: Thank you for your time, :let me know what interests you have and maybe we can go through some of those pages and see if you have any contributions you wanna make... that way we can test it out and work on things... then start making some edits! if you have any questions just let me know buddy, | 0 |
::Ugh, some idiot thought it'd be clever | to replace the watermelon images. Reverted. | 1 |
" == moved from main page == ==History== The practice conditioned the African captives for their new lot in life; newly arrived African captives would have to be trained into the daily rigors that awaited them in the Americas. This training was carried out on plantations in the Caribbean, such as Jamaica. Estimated mortality rates for this process vary from 7% to 50% with duration between one and four years.Kiple, K.F. The Caribbean Slave: A Biological History, p. 65. Most slaves destined for island or South American plantations were likely to be put through this ordeal, though slaves shipped directly | to North America bypassed this process. Jamaica held one of the most notorious of these camps. Meltzer, Milton. Slavery: A World History. Da Capo Press, 1993. The process of seasoning had a strong profit motive. For example, the average price of adult male slaves in Jamaica (1770s) was approximately 52% higher than ""New Negroes"" (Africans who came to a New World).Burnard, T. and Morgan, K. The Dynamics of the Slave Market and Slave Purchasing Patterns in Jamaica, 1655-1788. The William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, Vol. 58, No. 1, New Perspectives on the Transatlantic Slave Trade (Jan., 2001), pp. 205-228." | 0 |
" :What the fucking shit is this guy doing... logging into | other's accounts, evading blocks... what a case! ☺ · · " | 1 |
== dora == dora is a poopy crack head with big | boobs and a big but who is drunk on beer | 1 |
" ::Windows66 Poles were also called a ""race"". Here, a trie and wide-known quote: ::""Thus, for the time being only in the east, I put ready my Death's Head units, with the order to kill without pity or mercy all men, women, and children of the Polish race or language. Only thus will we gain the living space that we need. Who still talks nowadays of the extermination of the Armenians?"" - from ""The Obersalzberg Speech"" by Adolf Hitler - ::why it does not belong to the ""Black people in Nazi Germany"" article?? You are confusing words prejudice with racism and persecution with racial laws. it was stated in the article that this type of prejudice or repression | against Blacks was similar to the one which Poles were facing in the form of Antipolonism in the Germany during the Nazi rule. What's wrong about that? Wasn't that true? It certainly is and you are denying it by deleting it and i support Yatzhek at this point. I disagree with this Wikipedist only about Poles being non-Aryan. And, no, you was not accused for white supremacism, antipolonism and Holocaust-denial. you make a big problem about it and a large scandal, while as i see you was just asked about it or speculated about it to get some information about you, not accused for it. a supposition and a question differs from a affirmative sentence my friend. " | 0 |
" == Thanks for my First Barnstar == ... and nice to hear from you - ah, wikipedia. If all the energy devoted to discussing what to call 1857 had been devoted to improving the quality of the historical facts contained in the article, it would win a pulitzer (an observation applies to almost anything of any actual significance on wikipedia, including the Death Star Talkpage). IMHO 1857 is called whatever most people call it, which makes the battle on the talk page interesting. With the willingness of the mainstream media to cut-n-paste from wikipedia, articles have a habit of | becoming self-fulfilling prophecies (for a real life example of this, see If most people decide to call it a war, it would be a shame IMHO, but not terrible. ""War"" implies a much more co-ordinated military operation. Then again, ""Mutiny"" also excludes anyone but the sepoys, so seems similiary flawed. I like Dalrymple's ""Uprising"", which feels like a much more accurate description of the events. Anyway, all the best. BTW Whereabouts in India are you? I travelled around the south 20 years ago now, and both my wife and I dream of going back with the kids. " | 0 |
" == Don't get a big dick == | Just don't. —Preceding unsigned comment added by " | 1 |
We might just all be dicks trying to look serious when | talking about two girls shitting in a cup and eating chocolate. | 1 |
please stop being mindless robot and fix the article, | you cunt. jesus fucking christ. fucking atheist scum. | 1 |
" Thanks for the explanation- Sorry, I am still trying to learn the source codes. Is there a way to send you an article without it going live first? I saw something about a sandbox, but didn't know exactly where that goes. Could I send it to you? What prevents certain groups from planting editors to search and destroy or write slanted articles? Our study (12 airline captains) discovered a report which identified an entirely different group as the 911 masterminds but most of that report was immediately classified. The report is listed in a confusing way and it lacks the meat of the intelligence. I would like to site several passages but its on a pdf- We believe that these passages have | been intentionally hidden after 158 pages of fluff and stuff. Any suggestions on how to display the meaty portions first- about 30 pages within a 850 page report? Lastly, its almost comical how KSM came to be the 911 mastermind in the media. We've been following this closely. At the beginning he was the alleged mastermind and after repeating that a thousand times, it just evolved into common knowledge. There's so much wrong with that assertion that we wrote two chapters on it in False Flag 911. In the article on 911 there are assertions that have evolved into convictions by omitting ""alleged."" How can this be allowed without a trial (or charges) and how can this be corrected? Thanks again! Msy2fla- " | 0 |
Lebanon is a piece of shit rogue country | that deserves to be nuked off the map. | 1 |
:The story was originally written before the first Abramoff indictment and described the corrupt lobbying operation run by Abramoff, Scanlon, Reed and Norquist. The crux of the original story was that Abramoff used money from the Indian tribes to pay Reed to run anti-gambling campaigns. Reed was not a minor partner in that event, he was central to it. Abramoff and Reed were running a classic K-Street shakedown operation together, tribes who failed to pay Abramoff would be attacked by Reed. Since then the bribery aspect of the story has taken center stage and the center of gravity has shifted from K-street to the hill. | :The only indictment in this particular scandal to date is of Scanlon who has made a plea bargain. Abramoff has not been charged in this case, the Sun Cruz indictment is not connected. The Scanlon indictment makes it clear that charges are likely to be brought against Ney, DeLay and several others. :There probably should be three separate Abramoff scandal stories. The Indian Gambling scandal should probably be split into two, one on the K-Street shakedown operation and a second on the Abramoff bribery scandals, the Sun-Cruz casinos affair is complex enough and involves enough players to justify a story in its own right. | 0 |
" == Ahem... == This time you've gone too far. | And ""pussy loving fag""so ""wiki"" is a girl? " | 1 |
The only Macedonians in Greece are the Makedones which are a Greek people from antiquity... the Slav Nationals only incorporate Macedonian Greeks which reside in Greece naturally, as Macedonian-slavs in their census but fail to realise (sic) or rather choose to ignore these people's Hellenic heritage... Perhaps they should read the Guide of the Perplexed since they have it completely wrong and are a confused bunch. It's sad but for a people who should be proud of their Slavic heritage (from emperor Dusan to later) which has nothing to do with Macedonian albeit(historically undisputed Hellenic) identity, they choose to adopt another culture's identity (as ludicrous as it sounds). And in addition, what's this about Genetic identity that the slavs of | FYROM are going on about? Haven't they heard there is no genetic correlation of any of the slavs to the ancient Macedonians-seems like they're entering a losing battle. Granted the Hellenes are not Genetically pure either, but hey this was the Dream of Alexander the Great to mingle cultures and diversify genetics by mingling the Greeks on one hand and the Eurasian populations into a mold of Hellenic tradition, thought and wisdom. (No race in the world is pure, except maybe for the Ainu in Japan and even still they have heavily been Japanised in terms of Genetics). I'm sick and tired of reading utter crap... get over the ethnicity of it all and get on with being humans. | 0 |
Should have known, the second you ditched your | tits for the Hound of the Baskervilles. — | 1 |
:Every day that Commons saves yet another white | penis image from deletion is a good day. | 1 |
=NIAMA-REISSER Technology Help= Hello Mr. Siegel. I would kindly like to ask you to read the article in its entirety and give three examples of advertisement in the article. I have edited the article more than four times now. One admin undeleted the article once before, but Trivialista and Tokyogirl, etc. other users believe it still to be advertisement. The Columbus Dispatch wrote an article about it. The C. Dispatch is the biggest Newspaper in Ohio and the article was on the cover. The company was in TV broadcasts, where reporters reported about the tech, etc. The company showcased their products at a booth at | the geneva auto convention in Switzerland. The Article was written in a way to show how the technology works. To my knowledge there is no sentence or phrase contained within the body of the article that coould allure advertisement. Regardless, maybe you can help me and point out the sentences that would deem it so, if there are any. I am new to wiki and haven't contributed anything other than the article. There are many articles like HuettlinKugelmotor, EcoMotors, FelixWankel that are written in the same fashion and style. I believe to get singled out here. Maybe you can help. Thanks, for your time. | 0 |
" :: Let me try: ""T-man is a | blithering idiot wise scarecrow""... cool, it works! " | 1 |
" ::::::Yeah right. Let's see. You said ; ""And what is all this about the Bright Star Catalog? There is nothing in the article about that, or about a particular photometric system being required. You're just making it up. I'll take your ideas to the correct place, but I have no clue where you get this stuff."" ::::::Now you say; ""I tried Arianewiki1's original suggestion of using the Yale Bright Star catalogue and now suddenly that makes me worthy of personal abuse."" ::::::You said; ""We have consensus, albeit a consensus of one."", and then ""(HR mags down to Polaris)"" and ::::::Hence, I replied; ""Stating using the HR Catalogue as | a basis of the list again shows your ill advice in this matter. As for the ridiculous alleged achieved claim of 'consensus', please stop acting like a adolescent jackass."" ::::::So why even bother to say you'd changed your mind to me? How I'm supposed to guess that you've changed your mind or that you may actual was proven incorrect? This is just like the variable star experience, where you fight tooth and nail to justify your untenable position, change your mind, and don't even acknowledge it. It is clear you have little interest in seeking any consensus at all, instead sticking to a belligerent attitude when challenged. Pity. " | 0 |
3000 years ago the earth was just a few hundred years old. In the land of odoor there lived a mighty kingdom. They were the Angelo Visgoths! They werea mighty breed of warriors. They were ruled by a king along the name of Russell The Magnificent. King Russell had miles and miles of land under his nation. He had every army under his control. His nation was far stretched from one sea to another. His armies were the size of oceans. His royal gaurd was strong. But far across the Ionian seas lived a man under no kings rule! his name was Gaius. He lived in a very rich and plentiful land, that was found to be eyed by many great leaders. These | lands had no ruler. King Russell did not approve of this. He claimed that these people were barbariouse. So Russell sent tax men. Known as the IRS. The leader of this group was led by a not so smart nigger, (but, who knows a smart nigger.) Gaius did not take this so kindly. Gaius and his followers who were just as well farmers themselves joined together and defeated the IRS and sent the Nigger obamas head back to Russell! SoRussell sent his army across the seas to defeat these farmers but again and again Gaius killed his men. Gaius had a son his Name was George Washington. George Washington Had won agaimst russell and made a new country today its known as America!!!!!!!!!!!! | 0 |
" :huh, that's not a trivial one. WSC says there is Goeldia obscura, which was described by Keyserling in 1878 as T. obscura. Then, there's T. quadriguttata, which was first described as Aranea obscura by Walckenaer in 1802. The latter was called T. obscura from 1932 to 1993 by various authors. But as the former has not been called T. obscura since 1878, i would say it's taxonomically clear that they are different species. It turns out that i messed this up when i did G. obscura ) i found ""Titanoeca obscura"" in Bellmann (1997), checked the WSC and took the first one i found, but didn't notice it's from South America... oh, i just checked the Talk page for | G. obscura, and find an entry by myself stating exactly that. so, many thanks for pointing this out! btw, i changed some minor stuff on your page, check them out. most of the stuff is just how i like it better ;), but be sure to include parentheses around original authors if the taxon changed since then, to put genera/species in italics, and, much more important, to include a reference. you did a great job on this page, we're one step closer at getting all the 40,000 described species ) (then we can finally do mites ;) welcome to the Spiders WikiProject, glad to have you around! if you have any questions or suggestions, leave me a note, cheers " | 0 |
Smash Lab sucks and I canot rest until the | rest of the world comes to its senses. Godspeed. | 1 |
what happens when you take an ambitious secratary with issues and put them at the head of a publishing empire. We should not turn over our public airways to a National Enquirer exploitive, tabloid-plus mentality as that will quickly take an important tool for maintaining the free flow of real information from our democracy. So to cave-in and enrich the likes of the Regans of the media and entertainment world will in effect enrich them and impoverish our democracy. This is no different than contracting a disease from a parasite that feeds on your body for its own profit through pandering to our basest nature. The media should try | and uplift and enrich our culture and inspire good morals and ethics in the populace through example. I would have thought that would be the FCC's job to ensure this. Apparently they are asleep at the switch, so I would like to know why are they getting a budget from the taxpayers dollar? There are a lot of bad actors in this and I hope Rupert Murdoch doesn't allow himself to get sucked in by these promoters. As that is what they are, promoters, manipulators, sellers of tainted product, and corrupters of a vulnerable populace that really doesn't understand how their game works and whom it really benifits. oagressive | 0 |
== Hello, Nawlins == Why do you like to | deflower prepubescent girls? Don’t you know that’s a felony? | 1 |
look dobnt talk shit about martin hes | da best you fukin ass whipe motherfucker | 1 |
== DvD pler == Ur all fucking gay ur so fucking | stupid u bastards n bitches. Go suck on my cock!!! | 1 |
" :Because, stupid me, I thought I try and do the right | thing, even though time was short. More fool me, eh? '''''' " | 1 |
:::::::: I have strong views on this man, his party and his political intentions to destroy my country, never once on wikipedia have i attempted to hide my political views, they are open for all to see. But this is not about me, it is about the fact many reliable media sources have covered this confession and it goes to the heart of his political career and in the section on his first time as SNP leader it mentions about Independence / devolution balance and how it bothered some hardcore nationalists, so perhaps it should be mentioned this time too? I agree it should be taken up at the SNP page too, but | it is more about his own comments and leadership of the party. :::::::: Of course there is also a wider issue about the article as a whole, It is clearly biased with absolutely nothing about his time in office as first minister, which has been full of controversy. After reading through the whole article it contains just 2 things potentially critical of alex salmond. The independence / devolution policy change where hard core nats were critial of him and the opposition to NATOs actions in ending a genocide. That is it. Im going to have to compare this with articles on other political leaders, i bet those articles have a bit more balance. | 0 |
Thanks for your intervention. I always mess things up whenever I try to do a mass revert of this kind of vandalism and end up spending half a day trying to put things right. It was also very well timed, as I woke up feeling extremely dispirited with the whole Wikipedia enterprise this morning. It sometimes feels like the torture of Sisyphus, or whoever it was who had to keep on rolling a rock up a hill that slipped back down just as he approached the summit. I have been invited by George Kiraz and Sebastian Brock to contribute my work on Nestorian and Chaldean dioceses to the Online Dictionary of Syriac Heritage, which will soon be up and running, and | which sounds like my kind of dictionary. The articles are written by scholars, they own them, and if people want to edit them they email the author and suggest an edit. That way all the idiots get screened out, but the authors of the articles still get useful feedback. It sounds like an ideal compromise between the Encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia. Anyway, I was just about to shake the dust of Wikipedia off my shoes for a few weeks while I thought about whether I still wanted to be involved with it. However, your intervention has (for a while) restored my faith in human nature. Wikipedia has so much potential, but putting right vandalism takes up so much time ... :: | 0 |
:The relevance is that all claims that QM implies real cat states are meterphysical, and not part of the mathematical formulation of QM itself. A “cat state, is the claim that an object really does physically exist in more than one of the states given by the general state vector at the same time. Position is just one representative example for illustrative purposes. The specific experiments being discussed are immaterial. It could be spin, momentum or whatever. E.g for |psy> = |1> +|2>, a cat state claim is a claim that in real physicality that the state |1> and |2> actually exist simultaneously. QM theory specifically denies that such a | measurement can ever be made, therefore such claims should not be implied. A superposition of states should not be interpreted as if such superposition implies a cat can be both dead and alive at the same time. QM rejects that such a concept could ever be proved by an actual measurement, and does not require such a metaphysical interpretation. I can make my self invisible, but only if your back is turned to me sort of thing. There is nothing to source, any credible reference on the postulates of QM states that the result of any measurement must be a single eigenvalue. Its what state vector collapse means! Kevin Aylward | 0 |
" According to The DJ List ""Terms of Use"" ""This site is owned and operated by The DJ List (""we,"" ""us,"" or ""our"" herein). No material from The DJ List may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way without the expressed written consent of The DJ List and provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of The DJ List's copyright and other proprietary rights. For purposes of these terms, the use of any such material on any other Web site or | networked computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names are proprietary to The DJ List."" If you are certain that you own the copyright to that text, then you may upload it. However, it is possible that by submitting the text to The DJ List, you gave them an intellectual property right over it. I will leave it up to your discretion, but I would carefully advise you to ensure that you are not violating anyone's copyrights here. I apologise for all the trouble this is causing you, and I hope it doesn't discourage you from helping to build Wikipedia otherwise. " | 0 |
" ==Edit summary by CTF83! Alt [edit]== I get where you're coming from. Even as a double minority, I don't get the offense by that label as it classes our group. I would never get offended at anybody over a word that classes us, then list off other offensive slurs as my response to make a point. That's simply how we class, so I didn't understand what made him break out into slurs. I know he wasn't necessarily calling anybody those terms, but I'm sure if I thought to say something like: ""Don't call me black. What if I went F-word, C-word, H-word,"" I wouldn't hear the end of it. I mean, I could very much understand if someone used the f-word and he responded, ""Hey, don't | use that. What if I used nasty slurs about you? How would you feel?"" Heck, I could EVEN understand it if he said, ""Listen! don't use 'homosexual.' To me, that's offensive. It's like me using a slur connected to your ethnicity."" I mean, did he even know what color this person was? Using that was just the first thing that came to mind despite whether or not it connected to anyone. Anti-black behaviors are all over the World Wide Web. I didn't think they existed on this site, but I'm noticing it does but that it's very subtle because of strict rules. I'm confident I won't get much understanding over the issue. For what it's worth, however, thank you for your clarification on my user talkpage. " | 0 |
== subject matter inject knowlage fatter == baby | batter rape real real alknowin pill legs | 1 |
" == Where's the meat in this market? == This page reads more as a promotion of Penny's blog, opinion pieces, and books than an actual article. There is nothing here to give the reader any idea of what her ideas are, still less any analysis of them or the considerable criticism she has received from various parts of the political spectrum in the UK. Not even a decent shot of her haircut, which appears to be central to her ideological, or celebrity, or celebritological appeal. Instead there are about a dozen links to her blogs or articles and some more-or-less blatant promotion of her books. I came | here trying to find out why she had been credited with such authoritative (not to mention psychic) status on the current video gaming controversy page as to be allowed to put the words ""these uppity cunts must be stopped"" in the mouths of her opponents as if this were something other than inflammatory and slanderous rhetoric. Apparently, throwing the word ""cunt"" around is another one of her specialities that would bear some looking into. Interesting history. Maybe the people who locked her opinions in that other article in a place beyond criticism by most readers would care to comment before this article gets set in stone. " | 0 |
"Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia! You don't have to log in to read or edit articles on Wikipedia, but creating an account is quick, free and non-intrusive, requires no personal information, and gives you many benefits, including: *The use of a username of your choice *The ability to view all your contributions via a ""My contributions"" link *Your own user page *Your own talk page which, if you choose, also allows users to send you messages without knowing your e-mail address *The use of your own personal watchlist to which you can add articles that interest you *The ability to rename pages *The ability to upload images *The ability to customize the | appearance and behavior of the website *The eligibility to become an administrator *The right to be heard in votes and elections *Your IP address will no longer be visible to other users. We hope that you choose to become a Wikipedian and create an account. We hope you enjoy your time here on Wikipedia as a Wikipedian! :Well, I'm just an observant IP here, but I saw your post on the reference desk. Since this is Wikipedia, you *can* edit the article and remove what you think is misleading information. When you do this, please leave a message on the talk page so people can help track out sources and stuff. Thanks! " | 0 |
" A tag has been placed on Al Wilson (guy), requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done because the article appears to be about a person, group of people, band, club, company, or web content, but it does not indicate how or why the subject is notable: that is, why an article about that subject should be included in an encyclopedia. Under the criteria for speedy deletion, articles that do not assert the subject's importance or significance may be deleted at any time. Please see the guidelines for what is generally accepted as notable. If you think that you can assert the notability of | the subject, you may contest the deletion. To do this, add on the top of the page (just below the existing speedy deletion or ""db"" tag) and leave a note on the article's talk page explaining your position. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag yourself, but don't hesitate to add information to the article that would confirm the subject's notability under Wikipedia guidelines. For guidelines on specific types of articles, you may want to check out our criteria for biographies, for web sites, for bands, or for companies. Feel free to leave a note on my talk page if you have any questions about this. " | 0 |
" ::No matter how upset you may be there is never | a reason to refer to another editor as ""an idiot"". " | 1 |
Are you kidding me?! It's HIS blog! How do | I stop you idiots from deleting my changes?! | 1 |
"==Notability of Oliver duffin== A tag has been placed on Oliver duffin, requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done because the article appears to be about a person, group of people, band, club, company, or web content, but it does not indicate how or why the subject is notable: that is, why an article about that subject should be included in an encyclopedia. Under the criteria for speedy deletion, articles that do not assert the subject's importance or significance may be deleted at any time. Please see the guidelines for what is generally accepted as notable. If you think that you can assert the notability | of the subject, you may contest the deletion. To do this, add on the top of the page (just below the existing speedy deletion or ""db"" tag) and leave a note on the article's talk page explaining your position. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag yourself, but don't hesitate to add information to the article that would confirm the subject's notability under Wikipedia guidelines. For guidelines on specific types of articles, you may want to check out our criteria for biographies, for web sites, for bands, or for companies. Feel free to leave a note on my talk page if you have any questions about this. " | 0 |
*Paul E. Normous *Chance Beckett *Andy Anderson *Alex Arion *Frankie Kazarian *Grim Reefer *Luis Ortiz *Jose Perez *Mike Mondo *Seth Skyfire *Shawn Daivari *Sonjay Dutt *Matt Hardy *Killer Kruel *Trik Davis *Chris Banks *Ebessan/Ebetaro/Kikutaro *Zach Gowan *Jason Cross *Super Dragon *Excalibur *Puma *Eddy Guerrero *Super Crazy *Jimmy Cash *Danny Doring *Caprice Coleman *Rainman *Todd Sexton *Jared Steele *Chris Sabin *Ricky Landell *Alex Law *Milano Collection AT *Sterling James Keenan *Kenta Kobashi *KENTA *Naomichi Marufuji *Necro Butcher *Ghost Shadow *Qenaan Creed *Towel Boy *Teddy Hart *TJ Wilson *Nick | Gage *Derek Wylde *Matt Striker *Petey Williams *Vordell Walker *Jerrelle Clark *Shingo Takagi *CIMA *Naruki Doi *Masato Yoshino *Dragon Kid *Genki Horiguchi *Ryo Saito *Jack Victory *Japanese Pool Boy *Sonny Siaki *Adam Jacobs *EZ Money *Iceberg *David Young *Louie Ramos *Ruckus *Cody Hawk *Brad Bradley *B-Boy *Christian Cage *Mike Modest *Takao Omori *Dick Togo *Ikuto Hidaka *Maverick Wild *Masato Tanaka *Shinjiro Ohtani *Tomaoki Honma *Kazushi Miyamoto *Kaz Hayashi *Satoshi Kojima *Great Muta *Arashi *Konnan *Arik Cannon *Kevin Steen *Seth Delay *Steve Corino *Azriael *Jack Evans *Matt Cross | 0 |
Why are you deleting my page I complied with the | guidelines. Why are there so many jealous bastards here? | 1 |
" == ""Cleaned-up"" Biography == I've read a lot of Wikipedia biographies for writers, actors, directors and producers and mentions of coworkers who they had significant affairs with are commonly included (all sourced, of course). Bergman's name comes up in several of them but aside from her affair and later marriage to Rossellini, this information is not included and, I'm guessing, it consciously deleted when it is edited in. Affairs between actors or actors and directors were common in Hollywood of the 1920s-1950s and it seems sanitized to omit their mention here, especially when mention of Bergman occurs on the other person's Wikipedia page. This isn't gossip, it | helps readers understand Hollywood culture of the time and also can impact how one views films that arise out of off-screen romances. I'm not sure whether some editor wants to preserve a virtuous image of Bergman but she is deceased and considering how prevalent they were, I don't think knowledge of her affairs would tarnish this image. I'm not going to get into an editing war but I just wanted to cast a vote for including this dimension of her personal life in her biography. This information already exists on other Wiki pages and it makes sense that it would appear on this bio as well. " | 0 |
== You are! == I hate you, I think you | are an idiot, and you're contributions are stupid. | 1 |
" ::::::Is it well documented? Is there sourcing that specifically discusses the subject of the ""Traditional Marriage Movement""? In detail, through reliable secondary sourcing? If there is, please feel free to draw my attention to the sources. The Civil-rights movement was a movement because , well, everyone worked in concert, there was an overarching method to coordinate activity and news paper articles, books and scholarly works can be cited discussing the ""civil-rights movement"". Can you say the same about this movement? Instead of attacking me and the decision how about producing a similar level of sourcing to | that that can be produced for the civil-rights movement in just 5 minutes of casual google searching. '''' :::::::::Let's see. ""traditional Marriage Movement"" - Google scholar - two citations but clearly related to this meaning. google news, zip, nada nil, bugger all. Amazon books One book on Christian theology so not clearly discussing the movement, a CD and something about judaism. Not very impressive is this. ::::::::: ""Civil-Rights Movement"" 40,000 items in Amazon Google scholar 115,000 citations. :::::::: Can you see the difference???? Please stop with the badgering and go and find some sources. OK? '''' " | 0 |
== |ANAL NECROPHILIA == |ANAL NECROPHILIA Keep your toilet talk | to your school so your principal knows about it. | 1 |
"Haha, if you were him, then I would be angry because | he has said ""fuck criollos"" to white mexicans, so... " | 1 |
" == Trouted == Whack! You have been trouted | for: THIS BITCH IS TRYING TO BAN ME!!!!!!" | 1 |
" ==WP Conventions== Hello and thanks for the welcome message! Also, a quick question. I'm doing a little housecleaning and am too new to know your/the community's preferences. If I see a name to clarify, I don't know if it is best to create a redirect or to use a piped link. Example: for Eurlyne/Arlene Howell, I think I actually did both. Now I have noticed that Erica Marie Commeau (Miss Maine USA 2005) has a page without her middle name, but don't know if it is better to pipe or create a redirect. I would appreciate some direction. Thanks!!! ::Hi Brian... when it comes to full names (as in the example above) its probably best just to get | rid of the middle name (this can get tricky in pageantry where names are often used in full where they are not used in full in common usage). As for Erica Commeau... that was probably my fault! What you did with Eurlyne/Arlene Howell was perfect just what I would have done had I picked up on it. There's no hard and fast rule but I'd say that if you can prevent a redirect by piping... go for it (or simply by chopping out the middle name as suggested). ::Finally, one other thing, don't forget to sign off with four tildes (~~~~) when you reply on talk pages so your name and the date are stamped ) PagantUpdater " | 0 |
I gave real evidence. You idiots are just | so thick headed and don't believe it! | 1 |
::::::Wait... You're not the God-King of Wikipedia? | Damn, all those goats I sacrificed. P | 1 |
== SEX == Once there was a man named SEX Fuck | he always had sex sex sex sex sex non stop | 1 |
" :Hi, Orla Kops. Thanks. I appreciate your explanation. I had an idea that there might be a problem due to your insistent removal of information, but because you failed to include an edit summary or communicate your intention there was no way for us to know. Removing sourced text without any explanation is often seen as vandalism. Therefore, it is best practice when editing Wikipedia to always use the edit summary or the article talk page to explain your actions. Please note that Wikipedia articles can only use information which is verified by independent reliable sources that is, we follow a policy of verifiability, not original research. | You may be correct about the origin of the hangar however, without an actual reliable published source, we cannot use that information. (All editors on the internet are essentially anonymous anyone can claim to be anyone and therefore we do not, nor cannot, use any editor's word as ""truth."" As I am sure you can understand.) I am willing to forego inclusion of the Holland detail for the moment. I don't consider it a particularly essential point. But if you know of published sources which can be used to explain the history or expand the article, please add them. Good luck with your editing. Cheers. — " | 0 |
OK I've been WP:BOLD and transfered all the lists of different types of superficial fungal infections to Dermatophytosis, as clearly athlete's foot and nail infections are neither rings nor raised on skin surface (hence initial thought that there might be a worm underneath). As per convention, articles on diseases are separate from articles on the biology of causative organisms. Hence mycology is study of fungi and their diseases are mycosis, fungi that grow parasitically on the skin/nails are dermatophytes and cause dermatophytosis infections. I agree SvNH, that all cases of ringworm on the body are Tinea corporis, but not all cases of Tinea corporis appear as ringworm. Also infection in the beard area may | reasonably be call ringworm if composed of raised red rings with central healing. However macerated (thickened pale damp) split skin in a deep neck opr chin skin crease may have appearances more in keeping the athlete's feet in the web spaces between the toes, than raised red rings. So Ringworm is more of a description of an appearance that allows diagnosis (of a fungal infection) whereas Tinea corporis or Tinea capitis are more classifications by location. The term for nail infections (onychomycosis) is both specific for location (nails) and a given set of possible appearances -which does not include raised red rings, but rather of discolouration, thickening and lifting of the nails (onycholysis). | 0 |
I have two semi-automatic pistols and i am in | a gang called the DAMN NIGS OF THA WESt | 1 |
this wiki admins mother is fucking bitch | admin you will sucking your mothers cunt | 1 |
== I call for extermination of all slavic degenerates == | this nation proved to be a cancer for Europe | 1 |
== Hello Utcursh! == Hi thanks for ur message.I have no intrest in entertaining Sarvagnya whatsoever.So for me its let bygones be bygones.Ask Saravagnya to stop bitching and badmouthing against me which he's still doing!Let me again request u to see Belgaon talk page about the tall claims of him of being civil and me being incivil. But let me request u one more thing..plz take back that sentence about me being a 'more troublemaker'.I am here for justice its very harsh and biased statement against me.I am anything but a vandaliser.I just want to make sure that Maharashtra/Marathi related articles are no defamed.And yeah PLEASE DONT FORGET TO KEEP | A CLOSE LOOK ON MY AND SARVAGNYA'S EDITS.Its a earnest request!Plz take it very seriously.I hope u will find a verify the contents of Seuna through a informed editor. Plz convey Sarvagnya on my behalf that I am not even intrested in talking terms with him so forget about quarrels.If he doesnt provoke me and do anything wrong in Maharashtra/Marathi related article, we might not even confront each other again.And of course since u r a part of our feud its my earnest request again to keep a watch on my and sarvagnya's edits.From this moment I am civil with everyone here and mute with sarvagnya and his friends! | 0 |
Rape a stoat, beneath your coat, Motorboat a | pregnant goat, Orgy at the zoooooo!! D | 1 |
== these facts suck!!! == these facts | suck!!! this is a stupid site!!! | 1 |
" :::Yes she had 1 more year to complete the graduation, I referred to what profession she studied at Evergreen, I still don't know that. :::""That's the reason for the repression. That's why we sweep off the street immediately; clean away the blood; remove the bus. And within an hour we're told on television that life has returned to normal. Within an hour life has returned to normal. Only the victims are transferred to Abu Kabir [the forensic institute in Tel Aviv]. This Abu Kabir thing is interesting. There's something in it. Of all the Arab names that existed in this country, why is it that we have left precisely this one? After all, no one says he's going to | Sheikh Munis [the name of the Arab village on the ruins of which Tel Aviv University now stands]. Yet here, here of all places, that name was kept. We don't say the Forensic Institute in Tel Aviv, we say Abu Kabir. We say that he was taken to Abu Kabir. Which is also the meaning of the name: the tremendous father. A kind of semi-hellish meta-entity. Abu Kabir."" :::Yes Guardian report is similar, I may try to add some parts left out parts in guardian link from HRW report, maybe completely requote if needed or merge. In any case I will double reference the autopsy report of HRW with electronicintifada or link and IDF report with HRW link. " | 0 |
" :::Neither prison time nor past child support difficulties are notable achievements for this biography. Furthermore, you are a great one to talk about ""repackaging,"" as you, Regatta Dog, were the only original source of the documents relating to trumped-up allegations about Reid Stowe. You then most likely fed this distorted information to the NYDN and the Gothamist, and then repeatedly tried to insert those sources as references here in this article. I already detailed the clear link between the NYDN and your blog post of Mar. 1, 2008 entitled provocatively ""Reid Stowe is a Deadbeat Dad."" I should also point out for your benefit that the Gothamist article from Mar. 10, 2008 stated | falsely that he was ""caught drug smuggling"" and directly linked this false accusation to your blog entry from nine days earlier (also dated Mar. 1, 2008) and entitled ""Reid is a Convicted Drug Smuggler - 30,000 Pounds of Marijuana."" Making those claims was already libelous, as I have stated before. :::This is totally unacceptable, for an editor at Wikipedia to be the primary source of derogatory information, to alert other media to that information after having distorted it, and then to use those references to back up his outrageous claims. You must be joking if you think that such a Conflict of Interest will be tolerated in a balanced biography. Think again. " | 0 |
" This Ich-related article is a stub. You can | help Wikipedia by [ not giving two shits]." | 1 |
==Critics== Critics are idiots. This is one | of the funniest movies of all time. | 1 |
" :You can't add pronouncements in Wikipedia's voice like the claim that the rule has been ignored or misrepresented etc etc. We don't get to day that ""the core of Rabbinic Judaism which has been forfeited, by many sects of Judaism, in favor of 'theological' positions outside Judaism."" You can express the view of a notable commentator who has said that. Some of your additions simply misunderstand the topic. The sentence ""Rabbinic Judaism does not possess a singular 'Golden Rule' in the way that others conceive or illustrate"" is irrelevant. The Golden Rule is just a name for this particular moral precept. It has nothing to do with the general notion that there is | a single important ""rule"" to follow. No religion has a single golden rule, but many have a form of the Golden Rule. Hence much of the rest of what you write is simply irrelevant to the article, for example ""According to Maimonides, in “Mishneh Torah”, Sefer Hamada, Hilkhot Yesodei Hatorah 8:2, the ultimate grounds for belief in God are legal, not theological or metaphysical..."". That may well be true, but has nothing whatever to do with the topic of this article, which is the ethic of reciprocity commonly named ""the Golden Rule"". Having said that, I agree that the current version is lacking in many ways, but yours needs to be discussed. " | 0 |
== State income tax == Hi. I see that you have undertaken to provide tables giving details on each state's income tax in State income tax. I was concerned when I saw your edits, because you removed a lot of content from the article, but I see that you are going in a good direction. Looking at your work so far, though, I predict that the article will be very unwieldy (hard to read and hard to edit) when it is populated with more than 50 tables. I'd like to suggest that this article be maintained as an overview of U.S. state taxation of income, and that the details of the individual states should be presented in state-specific articles. Not only would these be easier to | read and edit, but they would be more convenient for users who are interested in details for only state and for editors who are knowledgable their own state's laws and might be inclined to update a state-specific article. Additionally, most states' income tax systems are actually a rich source of encyclopedic content. Some time ago, I created an article about Tennessee's only income tax on individuals Hall income tax and was rather astonished at its length when I got done with it. (It's a pretty simple tax, as income taxes go.) What do you think of the idea of restoring the old content to State income tax and moving your tables into individual articles, each of which could be expanded to become more extensive articles? | 0 |
BRIEF BIOGRAPHY of paintress Bogomira Jeromel Paintress Bogomira Jeromel was born on 10.2.1964 as twin sister in hospital of Celje. When there was a birth injury, which caused bleeding in the brain, leading to cerebral palsy. Interest in the Fine Arts show in shes five years. As far as the painting is complete autodidact. For many years she worked with the youth magazine Rainbow. In 1976 she participated in a youth international exhibitions in Milan and Bologna. Regularly attends exhibitions in Brotherhood of patiens and disabled. Her work has evaluated the artists: Tone Seifert, Peter Matko, Zmago Modic, Lojze Čemažar, Jošt | Snoj. To sum up their assessment could be on Bogomira Jeromel said: classic Slovenian representative of naive (folk, original, autodidact) art. With expressionist-impressionist strong accents. She has a taste for painting, which in some images is equivalent to academic painters. Jeromel Bogomira fall in quality in the rank of folk painter Jože Tisnikar. Perhaps it is no coincidence that her grandfather on his father's side origin from the same place as Tisnikar. Bogomira Jeromel paint on different materials: cloth, paper, wood, ceramics, plastics. Used tempera, acrylic and watercolor. She lives and works in Šmartno ob Paki, Slovenia. 1 of 1 | 0 |
== You suck | == Hijkfhdsjndjhdsghfhgjcnjheshrgjkehrkjghjbthejw3hfrjkhgljsekkhshgbjktsklhgtjdstrh ilre | 1 |
You tosser Favonian, why not let the lesbian | deal with it himself. Utter wanker you are. | 1 |
:::: Perhaps asking nicely works better than lashing out | at people and treating them like morons. D | 1 |
" == Old News == I find it frustrating, annoying, and sad, yet inevitable that this article is named as it is (after a ""vote"", advertised in the Vogon Town Hall?). Perhaps ""that's all I have to say about that"" though, as to anyone who does not already understand any explanation would most likely be as pointless as it would be meaningless. What I do want to add though is my belated vote against the US hegemony here onwiki, a US organ despite the hoopla, and for this article to be renamed ""Cum hoc ergo propter hoc"". The comedy title: ""Correlation does not mean causation"", could be redirected accordingly. But maybe I am just | caught up in ""old world"" nonsense and should actually assist the process, bravely illustrated here, similarly retitling medical articles such as Pneumonia which of course should be retitled: ""Inflammation of the lungs"". There are so many fuddy duddy articles to be rebadged. Modus operandi should be given a down to earth title such as ""Method of operation"" or, if that's still too pompous, then maybe ""Way of doing things"". The article Ad hoc should become ""for this"", or maybe ""Solution designed for a specific problem or task"". Well, there's loads to be done and voting will open soon, on these and thousands of other articles, so check in with Talk pages regularly. Yaay! " | 0 |
Brighton-le-Sands has TWO pieces of punctuation in it. Two hyphens. Apostrophes are punctuation too. What about O'Connell, near Bathurst? More punctuation. I'm sure there's a suburb on the Sunshine Coast that has a D' - something like D'Amato. Or what about the D'Entrecasteaux island group or the D'entrecasteaux National Park in WA? But of course that's interstate, out of the clutches of the Geographical Names Board. They seem to have been successful in getting rid of the full stops after St, but saying no punctuation is ever appropriate in place names just doesn't bear up under scrutiny. Rather than remove the punctuation and trying to make something incorrect the standard, the Names Baord | should've set an example and standardised correct English punctuation and spelling. Sometimes they even take the posessive apostrophe out without taking out the possesive s - like Paddys River, near Goulburn, which is just stupid. If they were so worried about people spelling it wrong, why would they then go and standardise a version which isn't correct at any time, ever? I don't think standards should be lowered just because a certain percentage of people don't know how to get it right. People who muck up punctuation will also muck up the spelling because the same education or lack thereof applies to understanding of all text, not just the dots and dashes. | 0 |
Edit request from, 20 January | 2011 Fucking cumm shit fart cum | 1 |
Benjamin: Unfortunately Wikipedia does not cater for all points of view. Majority points of view are given top billing, and, where there is a significant minority point of view, then that is covered as well. Majority – in the case of the English language Wikipedia – is the 'Western' viewpoint: many people recognise that this is not ideal, and try to do something about it, but it's an uphill struggle. The only way to achieve change is to produce work that is well documented from an academic perspective. If you can cite resources (internet or hard-copy) that offer well-argued discussions that support the slant you wish to introduce into the article, then you are going to find life | a lot easier. You should also acknowledge that the viewpoint you are representing is a minority position—again, given the caveat that there is perhaps an inherent bias in the whole of Wikipedia. As a lone voice, you could find it very frustrating: however, you are not alone. You should consider investigating Wikipedia:WikiProject Countering systemic bias. There are other people who seek to make Wikipedia a truely global resource, and they would surely welcome additional support from such as yourself. In the meantime, I am afraid that the additions that you are trying to make to this article are just too far away from the norm to be easily accepted. Please try and moderate your ambitions. Thanks. | | 0 |
= i can say what i like on my own fucking page, fucking | fascist. if you don't like it, have fun in iran, bitch =. | 1 |
' Fucking bitch lets fuck ur dick fucking bitch. | uh uh uh ooooo yea. SUCK THAT DICK. | 1 |
" ===Complete Bibliography=== These sources are split between the pages for Polyforum Cultural Siqueiros and David Alfaro Siqueiros. Brenner, Anita (1929). Idols Behind Altars. New York: Payson & Clark Ltd. pp. 244–259. Folgarait, Leonard (1987). So Far From Heaven: David Alfaro Siqueiros’ The March of Humanity and Mexican Revolutionary Politics. New York: Cambridge University Press. Hurlburt, Laurance (1989). The Mexican Muralists in the United States. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. pp. 210–213. ISBN 0826311342. Hurlburt, Laurance (1976). ""The Siqueiros Experimental Workshop: New York, 1936"". Art Journal | 35 (3): 237–246. doi:10.1080/00043249.1976.10793284 Polyforum Siqueiros | Conocenos | Nosotros"". Retrieved 2015-04-06. Riding, Alan (June 20, 1971), ""Siqueiros: Ten Years and a Polyforum Later"", New York Times: D22 Rogovin, Mark (1969). ""The March of Humanity: An Expression in Public Art"". Rhode Island School of Design Alumni Bulletin 26 Schonberg, Harold (November 21, 1968). ""Siqueiros, 72, Doing Biggest Mural"". New York Times. Suárez y Suárez, Manuel (1975). Polyforum Cultural Siqueiros: Mexico. México: Poliforum Siqueiros. ""What is SFA | Siqueiros Foundation of the Arts"". Retrieved 2015-04-10." | 0 |
John Leslie asked my (female cousin) for a threesome | with her friend. He is a dirty boy. | 1 |
" ==Siblings in infobox== I removed the names and years of birth of Bristol's 4 siblings for a number of reasons: this is an article about her, not her brothers and sisters, the ""relatives"" field is usually only used for notable relatives per Template:Infobox person and none of the siblings are even notable enough for their own article; BLP policies favor privacy of information regarding minors over unnecessary disclosure or gratuitous repetition, and 3 of the 4 are minors; BLP policy and custom result in most articles not even including the names and DOBs of a notable person's own children, unless the children are notable in their own right. Finally, and the information | I have removed (a listing of the names and dates of births of Bristol's siblings) is found in the Sarah Palin article which is wikiliked right in the info box of this article, so nothing is lost or buried or hidden or whitewashed or whatever-you-want-to-call-it - in fact, the information is found in its most logical place, the article on their mother, Sarah Palin's. Please bear in mind that I have made several arguments here. If you are going to dispute this innocuous and policy compliant article improvement, please refute or answer all of my arguments before restoring the names and years of birth of Bristol's 4 non notable relatives.-Best regards- " | 0 |
Bromide, take a break from trashing those awful Americans and | get back to destroying the eurozone and EU, ok? | 1 |
I hear people in Antarctica are always in the dark. | Or is it the light. Who knows. You're a whore.ŗņĐ | 1 |
Bulacan State University Hello, and welcome to Wikipedia! We welcome and appreciate your contributions, such as Bulacan State University, but we regretfully cannot accept copyrighted text or images borrowed from either web sites or printed material. This article appears to be a direct copy from As a copyright violation, Bulacan State University appears to qualify for speedy deletion under the speedy deletion criteria. Bulacan State University has been tagged for deletion, and may have been deleted by the time you see this message. If the source is a credible one, please consider rewriting the content | and citing the source. If you believe that the article is not a copyright violation, or if you have permission from the copyright holder to release the content freely under the GFDL, you can comment to that effect on Talk:Bulacan State University. If the article has already been deleted, but you have a proper release, you can reenter the content at Bulacan State University, after describing the release on the talk page. However, you may want to consider rewriting the content in your own words. Thank you, and please feel free to continue contributing to Wikipedia. | 0 |
:Thanks. He was being a real ass. What's | the best way to handle people like that? | 1 |
== Crap Article == This is VERY badly | written. Horrible and needs a rewrite. lanzarotemaps | 1 |
::::I just noticed this. All I can say is, you are | an idiot or in serious need of medication probably both. | | 1 |
" ==Speedy deletion of Leon England== A tag has been placed on Leon England requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done under section A7 of the criteria for speedy deletion, because the article appears to be about a person or group of people, but it does not indicate how or why the subject is notable: that is, why an article about that subject should be included in an encyclopedia. Under the criteria for speedy deletion, articles that do not indicate the subject's importance or significance may be deleted at any time. Please see the guidelines for what is generally accepted as notable, | as well as our subject-specific notability guideline for biographies. If you think that this notice was placed here in error, you may contest the deletion by adding to the top of the page (just below the existing speedy deletion or ""db"" tag), coupled with adding a note on the talk page explaining your position, but be aware that once tagged for speedy deletion, if the article meets the criterion it may be deleted without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag yourself, but don't hesitate to add information to the article that would would render it more in conformance with Wikipedia's policies and guidelines. " | 0 |
:Bah. Then how about a rat with three digits | on its penis, of which the middle is longer? | 1 |
" ==Christian view tweaks== I have made some small changes to the Christian view section: *I have changed the dates of the Ecumenical councils: those professed with Christology do not include Nicea II in 787. To include it here might imply that the dates encompass all Ecumenical Councils, which is incorrect, as even the Eastern Orthodox accept 8 Ecumenical Councils, though there is disagreement about the identity of the 8th Council. *I have reworded the Jesus-Trinity passage, mainly including the word Hypostases since the word person can be problematic nowadays (this also provides a prelude to the later word ""hypostatic union""), and shifting | the link to ""Trinity"". The article formerly talked about ""a doctrine known as the Holy Trinity"", when the Trinity is not a doctrine. *I have also reworded the ""two natures"" passage, starting with the one person and then stating the two natures. I have also reworded it so that it clearly says that there is one fully human and one fully divine nature - the former wording seemed to say that Jesus had two natures that both were human AND divine. *Finally, I have added a link to Monophysitism, as this article might be profitable to the reader in this context. " | 0 |
Bastardo si. Io ho Italiano desperado from siena | and i fuck your family and mother everyday | 1 |
" ::rock salt == Typographical mistake == In the history section, second paragraph, third sentence: Pliny was wrongly spelled ""Pliney"". His name, in English, takes no E. :Fixed. ==Uses other than dietary== This article practically begs for additional content regarding the thousands of other, non-dietary uses of salt. == potatos and salt == some forms of potatos come from the salt company, this is rather funny, i just thought that you should know *chortal* —Preceding unsigned comment added by ==Health and potassium/natrium balance== Nowhere in the article it is found that the balance between potassium and natrium | too must be maintained (this can be out of balance due to incorrect eating) See this site, this website and finally this site Include in article. thanks, == Other types of ""salt""? == what about other salts? this only focuses on table salt... —Preceding unsigned comment added by :There's enough to say just about table salt that we have this whole article about it. Other kinds or meanings of ""salt"" are on other pages. That's why the very first line of the article here says: : :Lots of Wikipedia articles have those sorts of navigation notes. " | 0 |
:::Please die in a fire, . The world will be | a better place without you being enlightened by your intelligence. | 1 |
Subsets and Splits