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No, I don't. | kotakuinaction |
>They are criticizing him for focusing too much on facts and the truth | kotakuinaction |
Where did you get that from? They are criticising him for omitting facts which don't support his claims. His claim that the gods were all straight is wrong. That's a fact, not a narrative. He's doing the exact same thing he criticises. Yes, the majority of Greece was homophobic back then, but not all of it and that's really important. | kotakuinaction |
>it seems like anything woke touches gets money, that’s all I’m saying. | kotakuinaction |
Yeah now that you mention it, Lightyear, ghostbusters 2016, strange worlds, the rings of power, terminator dark fate, strange worlds, shu hulk. All of them were great successe....wait a minute. | kotakuinaction |
Dude, you're delusional but it's fine. Like I said, bad faith actors can't stop lying. | kotakuinaction |
Whatifalthist crops up on r/badhistory for a lot for poorly researched/whack takes, so I’d be careful watching his videos. He tends to oversimplify and generalize a lot of complex topics to make his point. (Ex. One time he said the Vietnam war and the Korean War were basically the same thing, which is so reductionist it hurts me to both conflicts it hurts me). I’m not saying he’s makes bad content or that he’s a bad guy, just that some of his stuff isn’t that accurate. | kotakuinaction |
The other lads are brilliant because their research is impeccable and their takes nuanced. I don’t think Lindybeige, Skall, or Shad have ever come out with something I would call poorly researched, and they always issue retractions for incorrect statements. Metatron too, that whole community is super tight and respectable. | kotakuinaction |
Although If you just want be entertained with war memes their is lazerpig. He probably isn’t the most accurate, but if you want a laugh at the A10 warthog and t-34 he has great videos for a laugh. | kotakuinaction |
Check out TikHistory. He has multiple battlestorm series plus lots of great videos debunking myths about WW2. | kotakuinaction |
Educated in ESG and DEI. That's not an actual science degree and there are not enough HR jobs to go around. | kotakuinaction |
Persians were/are an Indo-European people, and the Alans and Sarmatians, who were Iranian peoples, were described by ancient sources as having blond hair and blue eyes. | kotakuinaction |
Persian, not Iranian. Iran don't exist as a political entity at the time. | kotakuinaction |
Even that Iranian is most likely Greco-Persian. Essentially cleopatra would look like the cast of mama Mia with a tan. | kotakuinaction |
There is no evidence (AFAIK) of Iranian anything in her ancestry. | kotakuinaction |
One of her ancestors may have been from Persia (obviously modern-day Iran), but it would only have been a member of the Persian royal family....who were the Seleucid dynasty...who were also of Macedonian descent. | kotakuinaction |
Being a bottom or hating male bottoms? | kotakuinaction |
I'm not radical left. Being neutral is not a virtue and has actually been detrimental to society when a group of people are attempting to revolutionize the way it functions. You are not being neutral in this issue, though. I actually like JK Rowling and have argued for her right to have an opinion. But she is certainly wrong in certain aspects of her views. I love history too and I read books. I'm just not brainwashed like a lot of people. You make a bunch of assumptions while crying about how I made assumptions about you. Lol. | kotakuinaction |
Post removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here]( | kotakuinaction |
This is not a formal warning. | kotakuinaction |
People are very much saying Catherine was black, because ONE ancestor fifteen generations previous MIGHT have been a Moor (which was a religious label and not an ethnic one) a falsehood about her being described as having negroid features (which has no historical basis) and ONE portrait where if you squint her lips look kinda full and her nostrils look a Little wide. No historian actually believes she had any African in her at all, but Google is hard and they hate being proven wrong when they get told they wuz kangz n sheit. | kotakuinaction |
I prefer Cleopatra IV: the final chapter. I just like the part when Corey Feldman shaved his head and pretends to be Cleo to confuse her long enough for his sister to take her out. | kotakuinaction |
Is he a known hack according to that sub? Because that sub seems... weird. I checked through a few comments and posts and it seems super, super left and also pretty whiny. | kotakuinaction |
Like Jesus fucking Christ they're calling the guy "extreme". Bruh. | kotakuinaction |
Oh yes, woke leftie undergrads in that sub are the ultimate authority on who is a hack. | kotakuinaction |
I've read through them, a lot of them are really bad, for example the thread on his video on Greece not being some homosexual paradise was basically "well he's right about everything he talked about, but he didn't mention this one thing that he wasn't talking about so BAD HISTORY" | kotakuinaction |
Sorry, that sub is dogshit and no one here is going to take you seriously trying to use that as evidence. | kotakuinaction |
That subreddit is known to be filled to the brim with bad actors, show huge biases and straight up share propaganda more often than not. Of course nobody is going to engage in good faith with that. It's you who should show more humility, you are surprised we criticize that sub and that only means you aren't exposed to other viewpoints as often as you think. | kotakuinaction |
Man don't bother trying to have a serious good-faith argument on here. This sub has turned into brainwashed incel central ever since the real gamergate proponents departed. | kotakuinaction |
While I agree that choosing it as a career field and starting from scratch attempting to make money off of it is not a good strategy, saying that none of them work hard or that the content quality doesn't matter and it's merely due to luck/algorithm is hugely ignorant. | kotakuinaction |
I mean it’s TikTok. Even more so than YouTube, any crackpot can post whatever rubbish they want and gather a loose following. | kotakuinaction |
>Knights Watch | kotakuinaction |
I had no idea about this channel and skimming through the videos, yeah I can see why this roughens some softer feathers lol. | kotakuinaction |
Those of are pop culture narratives and it doesn't end there. There are many myths associated with Vikings, Romans and the dark ages that laymen generally accept despite it being nonsense, yet only these myths are focused on and rarely the others. | kotakuinaction |
Also regarding the skeleton, truth is we ,ay know the sex of a skeleton but we don't know their gender. There can be multiple explanations for the sword, maybe a husband's sword, maybe they were a warrior, maybe it just fell there or maybe that culture had different ideas about gender than others, no one can know unless there's more evidence. | kotakuinaction |
Netflix pulled a Bud Light. | kotakuinaction |
ESG, stuff like that is done now to game a flawed easily manipulated financial system, on top of that you clearly haven't been paying attention for the past few year because I know your response will be some variation of "indoctrinating the masses" when in reality we reached the point average folk are just done with Wokeness much to the SJWs' ire who as of late mostly given up and are now trying to maintain an illusion that they're winning rather than admit no one is buying what they're selling however, that still means we got four more years of this BS because of Corporate America's Sunk Cost from banking on it being the future. | kotakuinaction |
The core premise was that Metatron ignored the sacred band of Thebes, but Metatron actually did talk about how some citystates accepted gay pedophillia. | kotakuinaction |
The op responds to this by saying: | kotakuinaction |
>Also you can romanticize a past relationship while admitting that today we know how negative it is on the developing psyche. Just cause we romanticize something in the past doesn’t mean we advocate for it in the present. | kotakuinaction |
He's talking about romanticizing pedophilia and using pedophilia in Greece as a historical example of the acceptance of homosexuality. Judge the merits of that for yourself. | kotakuinaction |
Then the top comment: | kotakuinaction |
> [History] is also a dynamic, multidisciplinary, and creative field. You need empathy and imagination to bring stories of the past to life, and naturally, there will be competing interpretations of certain concepts. | kotakuinaction |
Then the top response: | kotakuinaction |
>Absolutely. There is this weird trend of people treating Social Sciences/Humanities like they're STEM fields. Eg, "there are facts and non-facts, i can prove what I have to say and anyone else just has "theories" " | kotakuinaction |
>Like people who try to talk philosophy but end up getting caught up thinking that there are objective right and wrong answers that irrefutable because theyre heavily biased towards Material Sciences. | kotakuinaction |
Another response: | kotakuinaction |
>Yeah, people need to be able to separate history from the past. The past is objective and factual because it happened. History is not. It's a window to the past that, when rigorously researched, can approach the past but may never reach it. A historian will never have the full picture and will always have to arrange the data they have into a narrative of some kind. | kotakuinaction |
They want to treat history as subjective and twist it to support their agenda. They are pissed at Metatron for focusing on the facts, and also not engaging in apologism for pedophilia. | kotakuinaction |
And where’s the list of successful antiwoke movies? | kotakuinaction |
Fair point. | kotakuinaction |
Both obviously duh | kotakuinaction |
Nero preferred catching to pitching. He once had his loved fuck him in the middle of market square. | kotakuinaction |
Did we read the same thread because I don't see any comments like that. On the contrary, there are dozens of errors in his video pointed out in the main post and even more in the comments. | kotakuinaction |
First time I've seen r/badhistory's reputation as a sub questioned. Is it just because they don't agree with your views? | kotakuinaction |
You haven't actually refuted any of the sourced arguments they provide so why should anyone take your opinion seriously. | kotakuinaction |
>but we don't know their gender. | kotakuinaction |
Considering gender theory was invented in the 19th century by John Money....Pretty sure we do know their gender. | kotakuinaction |
Also none of that is "pop culture" it's historical revisionism to make an un modern past fit in with modern views and politics. | kotakuinaction |
History _is_ subjective. No one can know 100% what happened, that's why what we think of the past constantly changes when new evidence is uncovered, otherwise history should have ended already. | kotakuinaction |
I don't know what you think, but I don't like woke or antiwoke, I just enjoy entertainment with no political indoctrination in it. You know, something that presents ideas in an interesting way. | kotakuinaction |
You made the claim, but it’s on me to provide evidence when your source is « these redditors said its bad? » Nah bro, go troll somewhere else. | kotakuinaction |
And yea, it is a dominantly leftist sub, like every sub on reddit now that doesn’t make an effort not to be. You probably haven’t heard anyone question its reputation because it’s so fucking irrelevent. | kotakuinaction |
No historian takes it seriously, it's not printed in any historical papers, it's just narratives on social media that people latch unto. | kotakuinaction |
>to make an un modern past fit in with modern views and politics. | kotakuinaction |
You mean that things every group does? Like the people who say "strong men create good times...", "men used to hunt lions" etc? The general public is shockingly ignorant about history and what they believe is mostly based on mpvies and tv. | kotakuinaction |
>Considering gender theory was invented in the 19th century by John Money....Pretty sure we do know their gender. | kotakuinaction |
That we know off. We don't know what people thought of gender 2000 yrs ago, we don't know ,uch about how different cultures addressed the topic of gender. What began in the 19th century was the academic study of gender, doesn't mean it wasn't understood or studied in a non-academic capacity millenia ago. | kotakuinaction |
I don’t like woke or antiwoke either. | kotakuinaction |
If you look at the top post on r/badhistory today regarding the youtuber in question, you'll see journalistically-sourced evidence pointing out the many factual errors in his videos. If you want to dismiss multiple peer-reviewed sources, it's absolutely on you to provide evidence. | kotakuinaction |
I'm assuming you're a teenager but you should absolutely learn to have a civil discussion and source your arguments, rather than fulfilling the angry incel stereotype and calling people who disagree with you trolls. | kotakuinaction |
>That we know off. We don't know what people thought of gender 2000 yrs ago | kotakuinaction |
This is cope. We know because we have records of it from scrolls to tablets to rock wall paintings. [ | kotakuinaction |
You don't sound like someone that doesn't like woke tbh. You say you don't but you run to defend it. Also regarding the "antiwoke" there isn't really antiwoke entertainment coming from Hollywood, best you can get is not obnoxiously progressive. | kotakuinaction |
We also have records of native americans believing in a third gender. We also don't have records of every culture at every point in history, to claim they all had the same views of gender as today is speculation. | kotakuinaction |
Guess you know my mind better than me. I don't like either movement, deal with it. | kotakuinaction |
> Native Americans | kotakuinaction |
Not Europeans. | kotakuinaction |
I don't know what you have in your mind, what I know is that you said "woke makes money" I gave you some examples it clearly doesn't and you started whataboutisming about antiwoke. | kotakuinaction |
I'm no sherlock Holmes but what I said was just deducing. Anyway, I might be wrong I don't even know you. | kotakuinaction |
Many apologies to /Ashion for mangling her [magnificent artwork.]( 🙏 | kotakuinaction |
| kotakuinaction |
With the news that VICE has followed Gawker into bankruptcy (and like Gawker they will no doubt be sold to some venture capital suckers, who will onsell it again, and again, etc.), let us all *Press Ⓕ to Pay Respects*... | kotakuinaction |
#[WITH CRAB DANCING!]( | kotakuinaction |
🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 | kotakuinaction |
| kotakuinaction |
Yet another virulant clickbait rag that smeared and lied about GamerGate has bitten the dust: | kotakuinaction |
* [Gawker]( | kotakuinaction |
* [Games.On.Net]( | kotakuinaction |
* [Buzzfeed News]( | kotakuinaction |
* [VICE]( (_**New!**_) | kotakuinaction |
And that's not even counting the smaller satellites that shut down, like *Kotaku UK, Waypoint, Offworld, Game Informer AU, HuffPo Opinion,* and especially *Crash Overide Network*. They're gone; shut down, ceased... AND WE'RE STILL HERE. | kotakuinaction |
Gamergate is a ride that has it's ups and downs, which is why it's always important to celebrate the triumphs. So here's to *more victories!* | kotakuinaction |
| kotakuinaction |
**GamerGate Victory Threads** | kotakuinaction |
* [GamerGate 2015: No Sense Running (We're Coming for You)]( | kotakuinaction |
* [GamerGate 2016: An Empire Burns]( | kotakuinaction |
* [GamerGate 2017: The Year We Laughed]( | kotakuinaction |
* [GamerGate 2018: Infinity War (We Survived the Snapture)]( | kotakuinaction |
* [GamerGate 2019: Everyone Gets F♡cked!]( | kotakuinaction |
Subsets and Splits