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* [GamerGate 2020: Kotaku's Head on the Gamer Throne]( | kotakuinaction |
* [ GamerGate 2021: See You Space Cowboy...]( | kotakuinaction |
* [GamerGate 2022: All Hail the Pirate King]( | kotakuinaction |
good times | kotakuinaction |
I don't accept Gawker's death until that shambling ghoul wearing the AV Club skin suit is finally put down. | kotakuinaction |
I almost hate to say it since I used to like them, but should G4 be put up there after the whole Frosk drama and its fallout? | kotakuinaction |
Kotaku, you're next. Endgame is ResetEra. | kotakuinaction |
Two more stakes left. I hope soon the one that says "Buzzfeed News" can be upgraded to just say "Buzzfeed". | kotakuinaction |
Constantinople wasn't sieged in a day, boys. Good job to everybody involved. | kotakuinaction |
It all returns to nothing | kotakuinaction |
It all comes tumbling down | kotakuinaction |
Tumbling down | kotakuinaction |
Tumbling down | kotakuinaction |
May I ask what is the significance of the read headed girl? | kotakuinaction |
Is it because red heads get axed and race swapped all the time? | kotakuinaction |
Nice, I was asking for that update, yesterday. I eagerly await the day we can add Kotaku and Polygon on those pikes. | kotakuinaction |
Look at all these new coders | kotakuinaction |
What a good year for us so far. | kotakuinaction |
sadly Soros is buying it to keep it afloat | kotakuinaction |
don't want to say it's the fruit extract's fault but it's the fruit extract's fault | kotakuinaction |
Rip Bozo | kotakuinaction |
This reminds me of chris chan | kotakuinaction |
[deleted] | kotakuinaction |
I don't know why this sub's artwork is so out of date. Everything is at least 6 to 7 years old on here. | kotakuinaction |
What the fuck is going on here | kotakuinaction |
attributing gawkers death to gamergate is reddited. | kotakuinaction |
This may be the cringiest post ever made on this sub. | kotakuinaction |
Archive links for this post: | kotakuinaction |
* **Archive:** | kotakuinaction |
I am Mnemosyne reborn. Things are very seldom what they seem. In my experience, they're usually a damn sight worse. ^^^ | kotakuinaction |
> 9 With their mouths the godless destroy their neighbors, | kotakuinaction |
> but through knowledge the righteous escape. | kotakuinaction |
> 10 When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; | kotakuinaction |
> when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy. | kotakuinaction |
- Proverbs 11 | kotakuinaction |
It should but perhaps isn’t because Frosk isn’t up there to be easy on the eyes for you. | kotakuinaction |
I considered it. | kotakuinaction |
But G4 only started up again last year, only to be around a few months before shutting down again. So it's not *technically* an anti-GamerGate news media outlet we've outlived. | kotakuinaction |
I focused on the four that were there on Day #1 (and have spent every day since attacking us). | kotakuinaction |
Oh no what will we do with this sub's name? | kotakuinaction |
> ResetERA | kotakuinaction |
We've already seen them burn down before. | kotakuinaction |
Back when they were *NeoGAF:* | kotakuinaction |
I thought buzzfeed died a while ago?!? | kotakuinaction |
> Tumbling down | kotakuinaction |
Have you looked outside? | kotakuinaction |
How in hell's name did we get to the point where we are now attracting people who have no knowledge of Vivian James? | kotakuinaction |
Just kind of always been the icon as far as I know | kotakuinaction |
**⇳** [An introduction to VIVIAN JAMES, her family and friends]( | kotakuinaction |
Enjoy! | kotakuinaction |
That's the Tomoko ripoff 4chan's video games board came up with back in 2014. KiA also has its own mascot called Gilda Mars, but we use Vivian instead because Gilda is embarrassing. | kotakuinaction |
My history book is dusty but pretty sure its zoey quinn the 5 guys cheeseburger chonker who slept with 5 guys, then filed a bunch of sexual harassment claims when ppl found out she was letting all the nerd gamer bosses slip their cartridges in | kotakuinaction |
Some tween tp'd her house and Abc news picked up her victim story | kotakuinaction |
I think that they are only buying the brand name | kotakuinaction |
GamerGate was a response to a sex scandal in gaming. | kotakuinaction |
A guy named Eron broke up with an indie dev, and revealed in a blogpost how she had cheated on him with multiple gaming journalists. 4chan began investigating her ties to gaming news sites, and found an INSANE spider web of nepotism, collusion, and sex. | kotakuinaction |
All these supposedly-competing gaming journalists were actually friends, lovers, funding each other, and talking in chat rooms about what to write about, whom to blacklist, and how to insert feminism and social justice into gaming. | kotakuinaction |
These news sites responded to these accusations of collusion by publishing 20 articles at the same time saying "[Gamers Are Dead",]( calling anyone investigating this scandal "women-hating misogynists", and feminism was the future of gaming. What followed was years of open hostility between gamers and gaming journalists, with the scandal being dubbed "GamerGate." | kotakuinaction |
To this day, gamers and fandoms of pop-culture (TV, film, comics, etc) are pushing back against their hobbies being overtaken by activists who use it to send "woke" political statements... and are labelled a harrassment campaign of [white supremacist incels]( for doing so. | kotakuinaction |
| kotakuinaction |
*Vivian James* was a mascot Gamergate created. She got a slew of fanart created for her, and is featured all over this subreddit (if you have 'subreddit theme' switched on). | kotakuinaction |
(Note: I have done this before.) | kotakuinaction |
So, here's how it is. | kotakuinaction |
Many years ago, a woman cheated on her partner. This happens. A lot. In her case, it happened a lot. The partner decided to post on the internet about it. Turns out, the woman was a minor game developer, so this got some traction in certain circles, and some of the people she cheated with were game journalists, which again, got some more traction. | kotakuinaction |
Instead of letting the Internet do their standard two-minute hate, people started suppressing the story. This, of course, made it all the more interesting. Even moot over at 4Chan was removing comments regarding this particular person slutting it up. This got a... certain group of people *very* interested, and these people were the sorts who viewed Capture the Flag as a game played by tracking airplanes and frog sounds. Let's just say they had a particular focus for details. | kotakuinaction |
A few days later, a bunch of games journalist sites all decided to, completely on their own (note the sarcasm dripping off my words here), announce that gamers were "over" or "dead" and game companies should make games for... people who don't play games? Your guess is as good as mine. | kotakuinaction |
A (formerly, now, I think?) gay (formerly, now, I think?) Jew gadfly (and grifter, if you ask me) did a bit of digging and found out that there was an email group of a bunch of games journalists from different companies that were discussing how to write various articles, what message to send, and even if they should send the slut a bunch of flowers. While this was not terribly surprising, the level of collusion and falsification lead to a movement which The Man They Call Jayne dubbed "Gamergate." It was about ethics in games journalism. Seriously. | kotakuinaction |
Another woman came along and tried to poke a hornet's nest with funny may-mays about a child with disabilities, claiming that was an example of the people in Gamergate. When the Internet poked back, of course, she claimed harassment. It got to the point where she had to manufacture her own harassment to "prove" her point. | kotakuinaction |
Another woman came out with a series of videos about how sexist gaming is. Oddly, these did not go over that well, although she made a lot of money off them. This was proof that Gamergate was a sexist hate campaign against women, somehow. | kotakuinaction |
A fourth woman proudly proclaimed that she WAS GAMES JOURNALISM. Oddly, she is no longer employed in games journalism. Go figure. | kotakuinaction |
About that time, the media was reporting that Gamergate was a sexist hate campaign by white males against minorities and women in gaming. Many people responded by posting a picture on Twitter with the hashtag NotYourShield, showing that they were either not White or not male, but of course, this was ignored. | kotakuinaction |
The FBI investigated Gamergate and discovered that, guess what? We aren't harassing people. In fact, we were working *with* law enforcement to find people who were committing said crime and turn them in. | kotakuinaction |
...gorram, I need a smoke. Give me a moment. Note the timeline is going to be a little wibbley-wobbley. | kotakuinaction |
So, Gamergate began an operation of contacting advertisers for these "journalism" sites, letting them know they weren't happy with the content on the sites. This was eventually discontinued because Reddit is Reddit, but it did cause some major hits to the sites. It also caused many of them to actually develop an ethical practice of disclosing affiliated links (click here to buy this and we get a cut). | kotakuinaction |
Gamergate also pointed out some things in the past that were wonky, but most "gamers" (we're dead, yo), knew about, like certain journalists getting in trouble for not giving a game a good score while it was being advertised all over the site. This was not considered a good thing by said companies. | kotakuinaction |
If you look around, there will be people who say that we are the reason that Donald Trump was elected as POTUS. There are people saying we are the reason abortion is now illegal (it is not). We are a combination of worthless neckbeards (ignore the women) living in our mothers' basements and somehow the most powerful group ever. Oddly, when a statistician took a survey of members here, we were overwhelmingly left-wing. Huh. | kotakuinaction |
But that's how it is. | kotakuinaction |
Get Woke Go Broke essentially. | kotakuinaction |
Gawker literally cited us **by name.** | kotakuinaction |
| kotakuinaction |
Bonus: The FTC forced Gawker, Kotaku, and all their kind to radically change their website's appearance and revenue stream [using posts from KotakuInAction as evidence]( | kotakuinaction |
Nah, this is average | kotakuinaction |
Make it truly ours. | kotakuinaction |
Alas not, just their news division. | kotakuinaction |
People who were in elementary school when gamergate started are now old enough to vote. | kotakuinaction |
Only related thing gg was related to trump was both had the media having a mask off moments showing the world how much of a lieing shill they really are. | kotakuinaction |
Go Woke go broke is a massive cope though. It was fun to speculate in 2015 but anyone with any sense should recognize by know that these massive corps will gladly take a hit for their beliefs, because they command industries too big to fail. | kotakuinaction |
Gilette being a prime example. Procter & Gamble ~~wiped off, what,~~ ~~3-4 billion with their woke ad~~ had a massive 8 billion writedown, that they denied being attributed to the ad. But at the same time the Gilette CEO stated he didn't mind losing customers over that ad. They don't even want you as a customer, that's how relevant you are. | kotakuinaction |
Not to mention in general the boycots from the center / right have about as much longevity to them as a single newscycle. Then something new comes along and all the Shapiro-like "net negative" grifters are chasing down another target. Meanwhile the left has burrowed itself deep within all the institutions and corporations, dictating policy and lurching ever so steadily towards glorious Progressistan. | kotakuinaction |
EDIT: good downvoting, copium den dwellers. | kotakuinaction |
But hey, "we ,the people" took down ... \*checks notes\* Gawker? Wasn't that Hulk Hogan taking some skulls? And did I read some headlines that Soros is buying Vice? Who's really gone broke here? Jokes on us because it looks to me like we've got only more progressive programs getting funding and inflation eating into our savings and wages. | kotakuinaction |
So yeah... Big wins for GG, really showing the "power of the people" or some other boomer nonsense. | kotakuinaction |
gawker was killed by a billionaire and a wrestler. the entire gestalt that calls itself gamergate did the nerd equivalent of occupy at most | kotakuinaction |
Fuck, that makes me feel really old. | kotakuinaction |
Can confirm, was in 7th grade when GamerGate happened. I still don't even really know what is was. I'm just here coz the pizza is good | kotakuinaction |
>massive corps will gladly take a hit for their beliefs | kotakuinaction |
I don't think it's even their beliefs. They just think the ESG money will compensate for the loss in customer base. | kotakuinaction |
Well, that and if they don't participate in the social credit system that is ESG, the powers that be will cause them problems. | kotakuinaction |
> Gawker? Wasn't that Hulk Hogan taking some skulls? | kotakuinaction |
True, but **Gawker themselves admitted** in their own articles that GamerGate was a major driving force that led to their financial collapse: | kotakuinaction |
Subsets and Splits