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Carbon neutral operations & 100% renewable electricity Increase Climate action revenues to 72% | 0not_target
The CO2 compensation scheme applies for Elkem's Norwegian Silicon and Ferrosilicon plants and the percentage of the costs compensated was approximately 75% in 2020. | 0not_target
The Company has set a target of becoming a net-zero Company by 2050 by deploying innovative and advance carbon-free platforms in renewables, storage and green hydrogen. | 1target
To support this initiative, the UAE has pledged an initial $163 billion investment in renewable energy and set a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 23.5% by 2030. | 1target
Dow has set an ambitious target to become carbon neutral by 2050 | 1target
However, to fully engage in the EU’s pursuit of climate neutrality by 2050, as outlined in the European Green Deal, PGNiG plans to ramp up its climate impact mitigation efforts, primarily by reducing CO2 emissions. | 0not_target
• Sustainability Policy―contains our commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and describes how we are bringing relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals to life in Transurban. | 1target
By 2030, we aim to achieve a CO2 intensity of less than 25 kg CO2e/m2. | 1target
We will aim to reduce our direct carbon emission intensity (scope 1 & 2) from our construction operations, offices and business mileage by 10% by 2022/23 (measured by CO2e per home sold; 2017/18 as a base year) | 1target
Additionally in 2021, we announced two significant, new ESG commitments: a pledge to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 and a commitment of $1 trillion in sustainable finance by 2030 to address the impacts of climate change and other pivotal environmental and social issues that align with the United Nations Sustainable | 1target
However, recognizing the potential shortcomings of carbon offsets to be truly additional and permanent, we adjusted our goal and set out to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 3 (categories 1-14) emissions as a whole by 50 percent by 2030. | 1target
• LTTS released its first Sustainability Report for the year 2020-21, with a roadmap to achieve carbon and water neutrality by 2030. | 1target
• Reduce Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions by 37.8% by 2030 • Source 100% renewable electricity by 2030 | 1target
• Lower our greenhouse gas emissions in line with Science Based Targets by at least 50 percent by 2030, and reach net-zero emissions by 2050. | 1target
Scope 2 230 (8%) Scope 1 118 (4%) Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Value Chain Scope 3 2,392 (87%) Capita expenditures 5% Other 8% Transportation 8% Use of products 40% Procurement of raw materials 39% (Unit: thousand t-CO2e) | 0not_target
We have also invested prudently in the products and programmes that are key to the transition of our markets to net zero carbon emissions by 2050. | 0not_target
Economic sustainability: Sustainable increase in sales revenues with an EBIT margin of 15 % at Group level and corresponding growth in FUCHS’ Value Added Environmental sustainability: CO2-neutral “gate-to-gate” production since 2020, CO2-neutral “cradle-to-gate” products by 2025. | 1target
During 2020, the Company: • Established a goal of reducing our GHG emissions intensity 15% to 20% by 2030 from our 2019 levels, excluding divested assets from the 2019 baseline, for an aggregate of 35% to 40% reduction from our reported 2019 levels; • Expanded our GHG, air quality, climate risk management and biodiversity management public disclosures; • Expanded the purview of our Health, Safety, Environmental and Corporate Responsibility Committee to include sustainability issues; and • Created a Director of Sustainability role | 1target
Moreover, as reported in the past and further detailed below, we also have committed to Scope 1 CO2e emissions intensity reduction targets for those businesses by 2030 (as compared to a baseline year of 2010). | 1target
The Group expects to increase the renewables capacity it manages to some 77 GW by the end of 2024, with zero-emission output reaching about 77% of the total, with a decrease in specific greenhouse gas emissions of more than 35% in the same period. | 0not_target
Our direct CO2 footprint of one percent is small and mostly from electricity use in manufacturing. | 0not_target
Progress on our Science-Based Targets In 2021, we reduced our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 66% while Scope 3 emissions increased by 252%, each from a 2019 baseline. | 0not_target
Sustainability Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and water efficiency actions completed on time (10%) | 0not_target
◼ #2 Reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) by 30% by 2025 and 50% by 2030 compared with 2018 (in t CO2eq.). | 1target
We have committed to Carbon Neutrality by 2040 and have approved Science based targets (SBT) as an enabler to achieve carbon neutrality along with carbon offsets. | 1target
Net zero value chain (Scope 1, 2 and 3) by 2050 –100% renewable electricity purchasing in operations sites by 2030 | 1target
In addition, the use of this tray reduces GHG emissions by 34% compared to those made from virgin wood-based moulded pulp3. | 0not_target
Two of the objectives of the Climate and Resilience Act of August 2021 are a 50% reduction of the land cover change rate by 2030 and achieving zero net land take by 2050 throughout France. | 0not_target
40% reduction in GHG emissions per unit of production vs. CY18 5% increase in absolute scope 1 emissions in CY21 compared to CY20 due to production growth and construction | 0not_target
As part of our climate change action plan, we committed to proposing at least one low carbon solution for every client by 2023. | 0not_target
Our target of net zero carbon emissions by 2025 relates to Scope 1 and 2 emissions as well as emissions caused by our travel activities. | 1target
● Purchased 1,660 GWh in renewable energy, renewable energy certificates (REC), and carbon credit to offset 100% of the electricity carbon emissions of overseas subsidiaries and offices | 0not_target
Short term targets (2019–2021) for combined Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions were: • Achieve savings in annual GHG emissions of 11,900 metric tons carbon equivalent (MTCE); • 18 percent reduction of normalized greenhouse gas emissions At YE 2021, GF had substantially exceeded (by almost five times) the original amount of our target to save annual GHG emissions of 11,900 MTCE by implementing projects that save more than 56,300 MTCE annually, with the vast majority (more than 49,000 MTCE) being Scope 1 GHG emissions. | 1target
Additionally, we announced a suite of science-based climate targets and commitments that aim to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 as verified by the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) in a manner consistent with a 1.5°C 11 Table of Contents ambition level, and we shared our plan to register a second suite of shorter-term five, ten, and | 0not_target
In 2022, we will further develop the strategy to transition the proprietary portfolio to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050. | 1target
As well as transforming our products, we are also transforming how they are manufactured, and aim to achieve net-zero emissions arising from our manufacturing facilities by 2030, reduce supply chain emissions by 30% by 2030, and achieve net-zero across our supply chain by 2039. | 1target
10% by 2025 and over 33% reduction by 2030, the one third marker on the road to net zero. | 1target
Scope 3 GHG emissions per hectoliter of production • 28.63% reduction in Scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions vs. 2017 baseline • 13.58% reduction in Scopes 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions vs. 2017 baseline • | 0not_target
Other executive actions taken by the Administration are intended to serve the goal of reducing aviation emissions by 20% by 2030 and unlocking the potential for a zero-carbon aviation sector as of 2050. | 0not_target
Section 1: Becoming carbon neutral by 2050 This section looks at how we have organised ourselves and our business strategies to achieve our organisational aspirations. | 1target
Our F22 emissions of 2.01 million tonnes CO2e are 31% below our 2015 baseline, continuing to progress toward our 2030 SBTi target. | 1target
Energy-related maintenance measures (e.g. replacement of heating generators or refurbishment of the building shell) can thus produce energy and CO2 savings of up to 50% for the properties affected. | 0not_target
In 2021, Canada updated its original commitment by pledging to reduce emissions by 40-45% below 2005 levels by 2030, and to net-zero by 2050. | 0not_target
Besides the reduction in noise and traffic, researchers at Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB) estimate that bpost has slashed its carbon emissions by 97% in the Mechelen Ecozone. | 0not_target
Through 2021, Aker Solutions was awarded several JIPs to develop engineering solutions and subsea products within low-carbon and renewable solutions over three years. | 0not_target
According to the Appendix C to the Number Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants (GB7778-2008), which recommends the annual leakage ratio of refrigerants under normal conditions at 2% of the charged amount, and the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, the annual leakage ratio of 4% is selected after comprehensive evaluation. | 0not_target
This also decreased our Scope 1 GHG emissions by 14%. | 0not_target
This increase in demand is expected to cause delivery-related carbon emissions to rise by 21% and add 11 minutes to each passenger’s commute. | 0not_target
• Climate Action Commitments: Further advanced our commitment to climate action by announcing our commitment to reach Net-Zero before 2050 and engaging the water utilities sector to commit to setting Net-Zero targets | 1target
GHG intensity has decreased by 2.2% since 2007, and, despite a 4.9% increase in total usable facility space, absolute emissions have only increased by 2.7%. | 0not_target
Thus, our target is to reduce our carbon emissions deriving from air travel by 23% and the emissions deriving from our car fleet by 23% in 2024 compared to 2019. | 1target
Net zero by 2050 | 1target
(2)Through the Environment Committee, the Company continues to pay attention to relevant domestic and foreign regulations, as well as the progress of reduction targets, and actively participates in various international greenhouse gas emission reduction programs to fully support the common carbon reduction goal of the airline industry: increase fuel efficiency by 1.5% year by year. | 0not_target
The overarching goal of the KGHM Climate Policy is for the Parent Company of the KGHM Group to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 with respect to Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions – direct emissions related primarily to the Company’s production activities, and Scope 2 – indirect emissions related to the use of electricity and heat purchased on the market, with the maximum possible | 1target
Our climate goals are based on the goals of the Paris Agreement and on achieving greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050. | 1target
• Meeting science-based targets for greenhouse gas emission reductions in our business operations and supply chain by 2025 • Supporting our customers’ goals to reduce their energy consumption through our products and services • Identifying next-generation solutions | 0not_target
The purchase of these mRECs are a significant step towards our goal of achieving a carbon neutral position by 2030 and is reflective of our ongoing efforts to drive a Responsible Transition using renewable energy to power our group operations wherever possible. | 1target
Established Group Sustainability and Governance Committee Organised first Sustainability Investor Day with investors and analysts Piloted the PACTA tool to measure portfolio transition risk Conducted engagements with high sustainability risk clients to communicate our sustainable finance requirements Set a Net-Zero 2050 target, and commitment to mobilise RM30 billion in sustainable finance by 2024 | 1target
We launched the Net-Zero commitment, aimed at reducing our total emissions by 50% by 2030 and becoming carbon neutral by 2050, and we have teamed up with other financial institutions to develop a marketplace for carbon credits. | 1target
• We are targeting reducing our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 50% from a 2019 baseline by 2030 and aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. | 1target
This legislation makes a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 55 % and climate neutrality by 2050 legally binding. | 0not_target
In fiscal 2021, we set a long-term global goal to reduce GHG emissions from our direct operations by 55% by fiscal 2030 against a baseline year of fiscal 2017. | 1target
Scope 3 emissions for all other categories were reduced 17% from our 2018 baseline. | 0not_target
For our tertiary portfolio under direct management, we are aiming to align it with a 1.5 ° C trajectory and achieve a “net zero emissions” contribution by 2030. | 1target
While we continue our initiatives towards ensuring zero waste to landfill, our special focus in fiscal 2022 has been on mixed waste – 78% of the mixed waste generated during the year has been diverted from landfills | 0not_target
The Group also supports the European Green Deal vision of carbon neutrality by 2050 and endorses the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) 2050 Climate Ambition, the cement industry’s joint effort towards carbon neutrality. | 0not_target
Carbon emissions in a food company’s supply chain are, on average, 87% of the total emissions1 . | 0not_target
An additional sum may be distributed, based on a CSR-related performance condition reflecting progress in environmental matters (reduction in greenhouse gas emissions) and capped at 0.5% of total payroll. | 0not_target
I am very pleased that the Board has approved a new target to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2030, compared to a 2020 baseline. | 1target
From 2013 until now, the Bank’s carbon footprint has cumulatively declined by 47 percent. | 0not_target
This Scope 3 target covers more than 70 percent of the value chain emissions. | 0not_target
carbon neutrality by 2030 and to accelerate an increase in the share of renewables in its energy offering. | 1target
In support of the European Union’s ambitions on the path toward carbon neutrality and in light of Europe’s weight in its Scope 3 emissions in 2015 (256 Mt out of 410 Mt), the Company has set a specific target of reducing its Scope 1+2+3 emissions in Europe by 30% in absolute terms over the same period, as the reduction in sales of petroleum products will focus particularly on Europe. | 1target
Their increased adoption ultimately also contributes towards the Government’s target of phasing out older models and ensuring all cars and vans sold by 2035 are emissions free, leading the pathway to net zero emissions by no later than 2050. | 0not_target
Our climate ambition We have set a climate ambition to become net zero in our operations and our supply chain by 2030, and align our financed emissions to the Paris Agreement goal of net zero by 2050. | 1target
> Reduce GHG emissions by 23.08% (Scopes 1 and 2) and by 18.08% (Scope 3*) compared to 2017, in line with the SBT target 2030 of a 1.5oC reduction, and offset GHG emissions in its direct operations. | 1target
This in turn requires a reduction in global carbon emissions of at least 45% compared with 2010 by 2030. | 0not_target
Hyundai, seeking to achieve net zero across all of its value chains by 2045 and thus enable the next generation to live in a carbon-zero society, is acting upon its goal. | 1target
3,360,000 t-CO2 (approx. 95%) | 0not_target
We reduced our carbon footprint by 32.6% from 2019, avoiding the emission of 3,653 Ton CO2eq. | 0not_target
• joined the Business Ambition for 1.5°C6, which includes a commitment to net zero Scope 3 emissions by 2050 | 1target
In addition, our institutional asset manager, Addenda Capital set a target to ensure all assets under management will be net zero by 2050 or sooner. | 0not_target
Our five-year targets from a FY19 baseline are a 7% reduction in GHG emissions; and for 50% kiln fuel to be sourced from alternative fuel in SA. | 1target
In addition, we are committed to involving suppliers and users of transport infrastructure in bringing down indirect emissions throughout the value chain, with a 22% cut by 2030 (a reduction per km travelled for the motorway segment, and a reduction per passenger for the airport segment, of the main CO2 emission hotspots). | 1target
The Company’s science-based emissions reduction goals are aligned with the Paris Climate Accord which we believe put the company on pace to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. | 1target
• Has a carbon intensity better than the U.S. cement industry average • Represents 59 percent of our gross CO2e emissions, but still less than 0.2 percent of total GHG emissions from the cement industry worldwide | 0not_target
We believe that actions speak louder than words and we’ve committed to halving the carbon footprint of our employees’ air travel by 2025 compared to 2019. | 1target
Through our Supply Chain Pledges, we committed to contribute to a sustainable, resilient and equitable food system, working in partnership with our farmers, suppliers and industry partners, playing our part in supporting the industry towards net-zero by 2050. | 1target
emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) by 50% by 2030 compared with 2020. | 1target
Through the end of 2021, AEP has reduced its carbon emissions 70% from 2000 levels. | 0not_target
Countdown aims to be a market leader in this space, providing customers 91 zero alcohol options, a 10% year-on-year increase, and promoting zero alcohol options more prominently in store. | 0not_target
– To achieve net zero carbon emissions across our investment portfolios by 2050 to align with the Paris Agreement on climate change. | 1target
When assessing this risk, we are not limited to analysing European regulations since China may introduce a similar carbon tax in the future and is one of our key consumers of concentrate – our sales to East Asia were approximately 45% of total revenue in 2021. | 0not_target
Greenhouse effect: Around 60% of greenhouse gas emissions is reabsorbed by the oceans and vegetation, yet 40% stays in the atmosphere where it traps energy from the sun into the climate. | 0not_target
Along with our announcement of carbon neutrality by 2050, we also publish a Climate Action Report reflecting the TCFD recommendations as well as a Corporate Citizenship Report disclosing the implementation, status and performance of our GHG reduction plans each year. | 0not_target
The emissions from the rice crop of Mundi Riz in Morocco represents 1.82% of the Scope 1 emissions and 1.25% of the total emissions of the Group. | 0not_target
GHG emissions per tonne of product decreased by more than 19% from the baseline. | 0not_target
In FY2021, our total GHG emissions (scope 1 and 2) were 847 ktCO2-e, representing a 2% decrease from the previous reporting period (see figure 33). | 0not_target
In view of the long-term policy of the European Union, known as the European Green Deal, which envisages achieving climate neutrality by 2050, and the priority for the generation of energy from renewable energy sources (RES), PSG will continue to analyse, both in technological and regulatory aspects, on a project basis, further issues related to extension of the functionality of gas infrastructure to transport natural gas mixtures containing other gases, primarily gases from renewable sources, i.e. biomethane, hydrogen and synthetic natural gas. | 0not_target
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