Battle for the Bronze
Kaiba: (thinking) Battle City is my tournament! The entire event was designed so that I could be the ultimate victor! I wanted to put the memory of my stepfather behind me, and be crowned the world's best duelist atop my Duel Tower! But instead, it's Yugi who now stands victorious! I was close. Victory was in my grasp! But it somehow slipped away! Now, it's over. I'm nothing.
And the winner is... Yugi Muto, who now advances to the final round and faces Marik Ishtar for the Battle City crown!
Battle for the Bronze
Mokuba: Seto's out of the tournament, now. He's done, it's all over. But he came so far.
I don't get it. My deck was unbeatable! Where did I go wrong? I executed my strategy perfectly, carefully playing each card exactly as I planned!
Battle for the Bronze
Yami-Yugi: Kaiba, I didn't crush you on my own, Joey and I did it together, using the card he gave me. Red-Eyes is no ordinary card. Its strength comes from the bond of my friendship with Joey. That means I never duel alone, Kaiba. Joey: That's right. Kaiba: [fueling up lividly] You never duel alone?! WAKE UP! Don't you realize that every single of us is alone in this world, Yugi?! Look at me! I've never had to ask for anyone's help! Yami-Yugi: (thinking) That's not true. I've helped Kaiba plenty of times before and he's helped me, too! In fact, I wouldn't be the duelist I am today if he hadn't pushed me to be my best. He may be one of my toughest rivals, but I also consider him a friend. Deep down, I bet Kaiba feels the same way about me, he's just too caught up in his need for power to realize it! You don't consider anyone your friend, Kaiba? Kaiba: Friendship is for fools. Didn't I tell you I duel alone?! Depending on others is for the weak, Yugi. My future is in my own two hands. So keep your friendships to yourself! I'm not interested in having any pals to slow me down. Yami-Yugi: How sad.
The time has come to accept my defeat like a man, Yugi. Since there's no one else that I rely on, there's no one else that I can blame. As per the rules, take my rarest card! [gives Yami-Yugi his Obelisk the Tormentor card]
Battle for the Bronze
Kaiba: I'll destroy you even without my Egyptian God card, Wheeler! Joey: Take your best shot, Kaiba! Kaiba: Trust me, it won't take my best to defeat and amateur like you.
Then take your worst shot for all I care, tough guy! All right, let's do this! I got a duel to win!
Battle for the Bronze
[After Joey sends each one of his powerful monsters from his deck to his graveyard by Kaiba's Shrink and Crush Card combination, the same move he did while dueling Ishizu] Joey: I don't believe this! Jinzo! Gilford! Every one of my powerful monsters is toast! Later, guys. Thanks a lot! Kaiba: A weak duelist should have weak monsters, right? I told you you couldn't handle an opponent like me. Joey: Zip it! Kaiba: Why don't you just admit it over your head, Wheeler, and leave now before you hurt yourself? Joey: Forget it, pal! This duel just started and I got strategies you never dreamed of! Kaiba: Don't you know when it's time to quit? My move. Now, since you have monsters to protect you...well, you figure it out. I summon La Jinn! Meet the mystical genie of the lamp! [summons La Jinn] Tristan: Aw, man! Joey's life points are wide open to an attack! Duke: This could get ugly.
I'm afraid it's time to say goodbye to 1800 of your life points! Now, La Jinn, attack him directly!
Battle for the Bronze
Ishizu: Marik! It's been so long since you last appeared to me. I knew that your good half took shelter within Tea's mind, but I also knew you were weak. And couldn't hold on for long. Marik: [speaking through Tea] That's true. As my dark side grows strong, I grow weak. But I've been in Tea's mind long enough to have learned the truth about our past. Through her ears, I listened to you tell the story of our family, and the emergence of the evil within me. I never knew that I was the one who sent Father to the Shadow Realm. Ishizu: Yes, but-- Marik/Tea: I know. It was the evil force within me that committed the act, so you came here to save me from myself. Despite everything I've done in my quest for power, you've had faith. You knew there was still good within me. However, that good is almost completely extinguished now. Ishizu: Oh, no! If the evil force defeats the Pharaoh in the final battle, you will be gone forever, and the entire planet will suffer greatly! Marik/Tea: Well, I can't allow one duel to decide the fate of the whole world! The time has come for me to step in and reclaim my body, sister! Ishizu: But how? Marik/Tea: I don't know, but I must banish that evil before it's too late! There's just too much at risk. Yugi: (thinking) Joey's doing awesome against Kaiba! He's become one of the greatest duelists around! He could have won this whole tournament if it wasn't for Marik's shadow game. [Flashback to Joey's last duel with Marik as he passed out due to his energy being drained] All he had to do was yell "attack!" And Joey would have won the duel. Yami-Yugi: Mmm. But in his heart, Joey knows that he's a great duelist, worthy of the Battle City crown. Mokuba: Joey's dueling pretty well against Seto. But he'll have to better than that to beat him. Kaiba: Hmm. Well, congratulations on making one good move. There is a first time for everything. Joey: Watch it, pal! Kaiba: I'm not your "pal", Wheeler. If I were, I'd be standing over there with the other geeks, cheering my pathetic heart out for the obvious loser of the duel! Did you forget that I destroyed every powerful monster in your deck? Joey: (thinking) He's right! Thanks to his Crush Card, the only monsters I got left have less than 1,500 attack points! But I gotta keep fighting! If I let Kaiba get the best of me, he'll never let me live it down! And I gotta put that punk in his place! Yami-Yugi: You can do this, Joey! Joey: Thanks, Yuge. I needed that.
Ha! You don't have a clue, do you? Now, let's duel!
Battle for the Bronze
[As Yami-Marik walks to the top of the duel tower...] Yami-Marik: I must discover what happened up here, today. When the two Egyptian Gods clashed, something was released! The force created by these two behemoths caused my Millennium Rod to activate! According to the Pharaoh, he and Kaiba were shown a vision of the past. But what did they see? And why is my Millennium item serving anyone but me?! Only I should control the Millennium Rod! I command you to obey me now! Hear me?! Show me the ancient images that you showed the Pharaoh and Kaiba! [growls angrily and throws the Millennium Rod on the ground as it slides in front of Tea, under the control of his good side] Marik: [speaking through Tea] You should be more careful with this! [picks up the Rod] Yami-Marik: Pardon me? Kaiba: What do you want, Ishizu? Ishizu: I would advise you to be present for the final duel of your tournament, Kaiba. Yugi will need your help to defeat Marik and fulfill his destiny. Kaiba: No thanks, as far as I'm concerned, I'm done. Battle City's over for me, and the sooner I put this all behind me, the better. [starts to walk away again] I've had about all I can take of you people. So leave me alone and have a nice life. Ishizu: Kaiba, wait! Walking away now is a huge mistake. Kaiba: Really? And why is that, Ishizu? Let me guess, you read about it in on your ancient fairy tales? Come on, Mokuba!
Your future's at stake! And deep down, you know that as well as I do, right? I know you are able to read the ancient Egyptian text. And you're well aware of what is written on the stone. The sorcerer may have been the Pharaoh's rival, but he was also his friend! The sorcerer is you, Kaiba. And you must do for Yugi what you did for the Pharaoh 5,000 years ago--help your friend. Without you, he can't save the world from destruction!
The Final Face-off
Kaiba:: Yugi! If you want to win this duel, you'll use that card...instead of counting on the support of your little fan club. Tristan:: What does that mean?! Tea:: Doesn't he get that we're all fighting the same enemy? Duke:: He did give Yugi that card. Joey:: Yeah, but I don't trust him. If I were you, I'd toss that card right off the tower, Yug! Kaiba:: Look, Yugi. No one said you had to use that card, so feel free to give it back. [Yami-Yugi shuffles the Fiend's Sanctuary magic card into his deck] Joey:: No! What are you doing, Yug?! Yami-Yugi:: Kaiba... We may not always agree, but I still trust you. Roland:: Attention! The last duel's about to begin! Duelists, prepare your cards! Marik Ishtar will face Yugi Muto, and the winner will receive the Battle City crown! Yami-Marik:: Pharaoh, I have been waiting for this moment for my entire life! Soon, your infinite power will be mine! Yami-Yugi:: Marik, not only will I defeat you... I'll free you from the darkness that controls you! Yami-Marik:: [evilly laughs] Now that I'd like to see, SO COME AND GET ME!! Tea:: He's gross. Duke:: Take him down, Yugi!
Yeah, it's all you, man!
The Final Face-off
Ishizu:: Thank you. Kaiba:: For what? Just because I gave Yugi a good card doesn't mean he'll win. He'll have to figure out how to use it. And even if he does, he'll probably lose, anyway. Maybe then, you'll stop believing that fairytales come true! Yugi is no pharaoh, Ishizu. And he's not destined to save the world. So, wake up and stop living in the past! I realized a long time ago that the only way to succeed, is to look ahead! Ishizu:: That is not true. Just watch. I assure you that before this duel is over you will believe me, Kaiba. Mark my words. Kaiba:: (thinking) Yugi thinks I gave him that card is an act of friendship! That's ridiculous! Friendship is for the weak! Yami-Marik:: Here's your deck, Pharaoh. Now it's time! Time for the shadows to consume your soul! [laughs deviously] Yami-Yugi:: Marik... destiny's on my side today! The whole world is counting on me! Yami-Marik:: Your foolish confidence shows me that you no comprehension of the true horror that awaits you in this duel. Tea:: Yugi, don't listen to him! Tristan:: Yeah, he's just trying to psych you out, Yugi! Joey:: Wipe the floor with him! And make him pay for everything he's done! Roland:: Duelists, take your places! Ishizu:: (thinking) The final battle is here, and the fate of mankind rests on your shoulders, my Pharaoh. The evil that now controls my brother must be expelled. And you are the only one capable of this task. If he prevails, the world as we know it will perish! Yami-Yugi:: I will defeat you, Marik! Yami-Marik:: I'd like to see you try! Roland:: Commence dueling! Yami-Marik:: Let the fun begin, NOW! [activates the Millennium Rod, emerging shadow game blackness to surround the area] Tristan:: I should have seen this coming! Tea:: Oh, no, it's another shadow game! Joey:: Hang in there, Yuge.
Now then... you've witnessed several of my shadow games before, but this one will be different! I've thrown in a few twists especially for you!
The Final Face-off
Yami-Marik:: Meet my next victim! Yami-Yugi:: [shocked in horror] Oh, no! Yugi:: What?! Yami-Yugi:: Yugi! Yami-Marik:: Do you understand what's at stake here!? Lose the duel and Yugi goes to the Shadow Realm! Yami-Yugi:: Marik, this is about you and me, so leave him alone! Yami-Marik:: Not true. You're forgetting my weaker half. He's involved in this conflict as well, so if I lose the shadows will take him! Yami-Yugi:: No, you can't!
I just did! The Shadow Realm will claim an innocent soul no matter who wins! Now let's duel!
The Final Face-off
Yami-Marik:: You probably figured this out this, but my leech can attack instantly! You just lost five hundred of your life points, Pharaoh! And that's not all!! (Yugi groans in pain as small parts of his body fade away into the shadows) Yami-Yugi:: Yugi! What have you done, Marik?! Yami-Marik:: When you lose life points, your friend will lose a piece of himself to the darkness, and the same rule applies to my former self. The shadows will claim an innocent soul, no matter who wins. Yami-Yugi:: [enraged] You'll pay for what you've done!
I disagree! It's you who shall pay! (thinking) He may not realize this, but when Yugi's body is consumed by the darkness, the Pharaoh will cease to exist in this world. For without a body, he's nothing but a wandering spirit.
The Final Face-off
Yami-Yugi: I'll use Monster Reborn to bring back Queen's Knight! And then I shall summon my King's Knight! When King's and Queen's Knight are in play, their special ability allows me to summon this... Jack's Knight! Now I have three monsters on my side of the field, Marik! And you have only one! Yami-Marik: I'm not impressed. You're planning to sacrifice all three of your monsters so you can summon Slifer! And when you do, I'll be ready! Yami-Yugi: All right, let the duel continue! I magic card! Yami-Marik: Oh, no, not Multiply! Yami-Yugi: Yes. This card allows me to increase the number of metal fiend tokens I have on the field from three! Yami-Marik: Oh, no! He's going to sacrifice them! Kaiba: Well, looks like Yugi did it. He figured out how to make the most of my magic card. Ishizu: (thinking) Is the Pharaoh about to summon his second Egyptian God card? Yami-Yugi: I sacrifice my three metal fiend tokens... to play this, OBELISK THE TORMENTOR! Behold, the Egyptian God card I won from Kaiba! (thinking) Summoned with the help of two of my friends. Stare into the face of defeat, Marik! Tristan: This is awesome! Duke: Obelisk will crush Marik! Tea: I knew Yugi would turn things around! Joey: Hey get a load of Marik, guys! He's so scared his hair's standing up! Oh wait, he always looks like that! Yami-Marik: How could I let him do this? Yami-Yugi: All right, my Egyptian God monster, attack Marik's Life Points now! Yami-Marik: I will not be destroyed!! Yami-Yugi: My Obelisk the Tormentor has eliminated 4,000 of your Life Points! Now you're only one attack away from defeat! Marik, you shall never attain the power that you desire! Tea: Nice one, Yugi! Tristan: Yeah! Way to back that evil freak into a corner, dude! Joey: See that? Marik didn't even know what hit him out there! He's in a complete daze! Duke: Kinda like you are every day. Mokuba: [amazed] Oh, that was so awesome! Kaiba: (thinking) Something's not right. Why would Marik allow Obelisk to attack him so easily?! Ishizu: (thinking) It seems as if Marik wanted this to happen! He must be planning to use his facedown card to somehow counterattack! Please be careful, my Pharaoh. My brother's evil side is extremely devious. He prefers to prolong his opponent's suffering for his own amusement, and the Pharaoh is no exception. Tea: Hey, wait, Yugi's not looking so good, guys. Joey: Yeah, you're right. But what does he have to worry about? He's one step away from defeating Marik and winning the Battle City Tournament! Yami-Marik: [getting back up on his feet; groaning] Impressive, Pharaoh. But it will take more than that to keep me down! Perhaps you've forgotten who really suffers when I lose Life Points. Just look. [Marik's good side's body parts start fading away into the shadows] Thanks to you, my weaker side has almost completely lost himself to the Shadow Realm! Yami-Yugi: Oh, no!
You're supposed to save mankind, but based on your actions in this duel, I'd say you're destroying it, and I'm sure my other half would agree with me... As he slowly slips away, thanks to you! And to think that poor soul was once your loyal servant! It's nice to see he's getting repaid by his exalted king! [evilly laughs] Feel free to attack us, Pharaoh, so my weak side can sacrifice more of himself!
The Final Face-off
Yami-Yugi: You have nothing to protect you! Yami-Marik: Ha! Is that so?! You seem to be forgetting about the facedown card that you activated with your last attack-- A TRAP WITH THE POWER TO STOP AN EGYPTIAN GOD! Yami-Yugi: But how?! That's impossible! Joey: Yeah, right! There's no way Marik has a trap card powerful enough to stop Obelisk! Yami-Marik: It's time for me to unveil my secret weapon, Pharaoh! By causing me to lose more than half of my Life Points, you've allowed me to play this card! It's both a trap and a monster! Say hello to Metal Reflect Slime! Yami-Yugi: What is that thing? Yami-Marik: It's a creature made of plasma, giving it the ability to take on the shape of the monster that just attacked me! So my slime monster will now morph into the likeness of Obelisk the Tormentor! Yami-Yugi: No! A clone of an Egyptian God?! [Yami-Marik's trap starts morphing into the form of Egyptian God Slime] Tea: Whatever it is, that thing is gross! Joey: That thing's gonna be a big slimy Obelisk! Tea: That giant booger's gonna become and Egyptian God?! Duke: Hey, guys, don't look now, but I think it's working! Yugi: That's Obelisk! Yami-Yugi: It's true! Yami-Marik: Pharaoh, meet my Egyptian God Slime! YOU'LL NEVER STOP HIM! Duke: Marik made an exact copy of Yugi's Obelisk the Tormentor! Tristan: Does that mean they're equal in strength? Joey: No! Marik's is just a cheap copy of the original! His wannabe Obelisk only has 3,000 defense points, so the real Obelisk can knock it into next week with one blow! Mokuba: Yugi's gonna destroy that fake next time he attacks, right, Seto? Kaiba: Not quite. I'm sure there's more to Marik's monster than meets the eye, Mokuba. Just keep watching. Yami-Yugi: Your carbon copy pales in comparison to the original, Marik! Yami-Marik: My Egyptian God Slime is more powerful thank you think, Pharaoh, but you'll find that out soon enough! Now finish your move so my assault can continue! Yami-Yugi: Fine, I'll place one card facedown. It's your move! Yami-Marik: Very well, fool! [draws] (thinking) That's the exact card I needed to make my Egyptian God Slime unstoppable. Nothing will be able to destroy it! My Life Points will be protected indefinitely! Not even the mighty Obelisk will get through! Pharaoh, it won't be long now. Soon, my Winged Dragon of Ra will return to the field and wipe you out! And in the meantime, I have my Egyptian God Slime to serve as a wall between you and my Life Points. And now for the card that will make that all possible-- the indestructible Revival Jam! I see you recall your last encounter with my Revival Jam, when you faced my mind slave, Strings! [Flashback to Yami-Yugi's duel with Strings] Now I have one more card to play-- Polymerization! This allows me to fuse my Egyptian God Slime with my Revival Jam! Joey: So what do you think Marik is cooking up now, guys? Tristan: Unfortunately, we're about to find out! Yami-Marik: And now the fusion of my two creatures is complete! Yami-Yugi: But it looks the same!
I assure you my Egyptian God Slime has transformed into a new more powerful beast. It's your move, so go ahead and attack it, if you dare!
The Final Face-off
Yami-Yugi: Marik's fusion monster is regenerating itself! Yami-Marik: Precisely! That's because my monster has the combined power of Egyptian God Slime and Revival Jam! My plan's complete. Thanks to my invincible defense monster, my Life Points can no longer be damaged. Therefore, defeating me is impossible, Pharaoh! Don't you see? This was my plan from the start, and you fell for it! How naive of you! Tristan: That's insane! Joey: I'm not worried about a thing, Tristan. Yugi will figure out how to take that big slime ball down! Duke: Well, it doesn't look too promising from where I'm standing! Tea: Come on. Mokuba: Now what?
(thinking) I knew this was all part of Marik's strategy all along! He let Yugi's Obelisk the Tormentor attack him on purpose! That allowed Marik to create an unstoppable Obelisk clone! Now whenever Yugi attacks it, Marik's Egyptian God Slime will absorb the blow and then regenerate itself!
The Final Face-off
Yami-Marik: All right! I place one card facedown, and then I summon Bowganian in defense mode! Yami-Yugi: What is that? Yami-Marik: A creature with the ability to remove 300 of your Life Points each turn, causing you-know-who to suffer! Yami-Yugi: Yugi. Yugi: I'll be fine, I promise. Yami-Marik: How touching! Yami-Yugi: All right, my move. I shall place one card facedown, and then I'll sacrifice my Big Shield Gardna in order to summon... Dark Magician Girl! Yami-Marik: Summoning her was pointless, Pharaoh, and you'll understand why soon enough!
We'll see about that!
The Final Face-off
Marik: Help me, Tea. [takes control of Tea's body] Tristan: What's wrong? Duke: You okay, Tea? Marik: [speaking through Tea] Hold on. Listen, please. You must overpower my dark side at all costs, and don't worry about protecting me. Joey: Say what? You're losing your marbles, Tea. Snap out of it! Marik/Tea: There's no time. I have borrowed your friend's body in order to reason with you. Destroy my evil half and let the shadows take me! Ishizu: Oh, no! Mokuba: Seto? What's going on? Yami-Marik: (thinking) It appears my weak side doesn't know when to give up. Well, soon he'll be out of my way for good. Marik/Tea: Please forgive me, Pharaoh. My family and I were charged with protecting your tomb until your return. And I always resented this task. [points up to his dark half] So he was born as a result of my anger! Now, he must be destroyed, and I shall go with him! Joey: You'll what? Is Tea home? Yami-Marik: [chuckles sinisterly] What a pathetic sight! You've rejected the Pharaoh for your entire life and now you beg for his forgiveness? I'm afraid it's a little too late for that, you fool. You've already created me and now your body belongs to me, and you barely exist! Just look at yourself! You're a mere shadow of the person you once were. You can never stop me! So let me finish what you started! Tristan: She's under Marik's control! Joey: But she must be in there somewhere! Duke: Earth to Tea! Ishizu: Marik, don't do this! Please don't. Marik/Tea: Do what? Ishizu: Surrender your own life to stop him. Marik/Tea: Sorry, sister, but there isn't another way. All right! You must take down the evil force that now controls my body, Pharaoh! And if destroying him means destroying me, then so be it! Yami-Marik: Isn't that poetic? My weaker self would rather be swallowed by the shadows than see me win. However, I'm afraid this is all just a waste of time. There's no way I can lose! Now, then, let's get back to your defeat, shall we? My move! [draws] STAND BACK! (thinking) Now I can bring back Monster Reborn! Then Ra will follow! I activate the magic card, Mining for Magical Stones! That's right, Pharaoh! This card allows me to transfer any magic card from my graveyard to my hand, and all I have to do is discard two cards. Of course, I've chosen this card-- Monster Reborn! You know what's next. In just one more turn, I'll bring back my Winged Dragon of Ra! Yugi: I thought so! But his Egyptian God card is impossible to destroy! Yami-Yugi: No. There's one chance left, but it won't be easy. Yami-Marik: You're done. VICTORY IS MINE NOW, AND WITH IT WILL COME ULTIMATE POWER! Yami-Marik: One more turn! That's all I need in order to activate my Monster Reborn card! I'm sure you're aware of what happens after that, isn't that right, Pharaoh? My Winged Dragon of Ra will return to the field. And once this Egyptian God card makes its appearance, you're done! My plan was foolproof! Yami-Yugi: You may have build a powerful defense by creating a clone of my Obelisk the Tormentor, but I'll break through! Yami-Marik: Really?! Yami-Yugi: Yes! And not only will I defeat you, but I'll spare your good side from the Shadow Realm! Yami-Marik: That's impossible! You know that when I lose Life Points, my weaker half loses a piece of himself to the darkness. I shall place one card facedown. Then... Yami-Yugi: Go on!
I summon my Swallowtail Spike Lizard! (thinking) As long as it remains in defense mode, I receive 1,000 Life Points each turn! And since I plan to use my Life Points to strengthen my Winged Dragon of Ra, this is just the boost I need to crush his Obelisk the Tormentor! And once his Egyptian God card is gone, I'll use mine to finish him off!
The Final Face-off
Joey: Wait, hold on a sec. Can't you see guys see that Yugi's got himself a dilemma here? Duke: Huh? Joey: Just think, if Yugi beats Marik, then Marik's good side goes to the Shadow Realm. As if a creep like Marik can actually have a good side. [turns to Marik, still controlling Tea's body] This is all your fault! Ishizu: Stop it! Marik: [speaking through Tea] It's all right. I've done nothing but cause them pain and they should be angry with me. Joey: Got that right! You'd be nuts to think we trust you! Now, get out of my friend, Tea's head so Yugi can crush your evil butt once and for all, Marik! Marik/Tea: I was trying to help Yugi defeat my dark side, and I needed Tea's body to speak to him because I'm unable to. Joey: Haven't you done enough?! If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be in this mess! Marik/Tea: You're right, and for that, I am truly sorry. But there is still a way for Yugi to prevent my dark half from winning this duel. I hope he finds it. Tristan: I know he will!
He better, or we're all gonna be heading to the Shadow Realm soon.
The Final Face-off
Yami-Marik: It's time for Ra to return to the graveyard! My great beast may be gone, however, I assure you he'll be back! Yami-Yugi: We'll see. Yami-Marik: Yes, we will! In fact, my Egyptian God card will return to the field sooner than you think! Watch. I'm about to give my dragon a second chance by turning back time and repeating my attack again. And it's all thanks to this magic card! Have you ever seen it? Yami-Yugi: Surprise Attack from Beyond! Yami-Marik: Well, I suppose I'll take your response as a "yes." This card allows me to replay the attack I just made against Obelisk! Yami-Yugi: No. Joey: Yugi already blocked that attack! That's a real cheat move, Marik!
(thinking) Now Marik has another chance to wipe out Yugi's defense with his Winged Dragon of Ra!
The Final Face-off
Yami-Marik: Prepare for my final assault! The moment is here! I shall finally drain you of your ancient powers... And I will rule as Pharaoh! Yugi: This is our last chance to stop him! Yami-Yugi: And save mankind from his evil! Odion: Release my master now! Yami-Marik: Your master is almost gone! I'm afraid you've come too late. I've taken his body and the Shadow Realm is about to take his soul! The Marik you once knew will soon be extinct, Odion. He'll no longer be able to hold me back! Odion: That's not true. I've returned to ensure that your gentle spirit prevails. Yami-Marik: THAT'S ENOUGH! [takes out the Millennium Rod and aims a blast at Odion] Ishizu: Odion! Odion: [straining] Master Marik! Fight the evil within. We've conquered your wicked side before and we can do it again! Yami-Marik: SILENCE! Ishizu: Hold on! Odion: I'm fine, Ishizu. Please, Master. You have the power to stop your dark side. Remember, you're the one that created him! And you can destroy him! Marik: He's right! I can destroy him! Yami-Marik: I've heard enough! Now take this! [starts freaking out, screaming, as his good side starts to regain control] Yugi: Hey, look, do you see what I see? Marik is freaking out up there! Yami-Yugi: I see. Yami-Marik: What is going on?! Marik: I'm regaining control of my life! Odion: Fight his evil with all your might, Master Marik! Let your Tomb-keeper's heritage give you strength! Yami-Marik: [screaming] I've come too far to lose my grip now! I AM THE TRUE MARIK! And I will not be overpowered by my weak side! Marik: If you can hear me, Pharaoh, attack now! Yami-Yugi: No, Marik! Marik: Please, Pharaoh! I can't hold on much longer! I need your help to banish my dark half forever! I'm sorry for everything I've done to you and your friends. As a Tomb-keeper, I was raised to serve you, but I always resented this task. This resentment turned to hatred and my dark half was born! What I did was wrong, but I'm ready to take responsibility for my actions and correct the wrongs I've committed! Odion: [relieved] Well said, Master. I've waited so long to hear those words. Marik: Please, Pharaoh! Attack! It's the only hope for my survival! Yami-Marik: No, don't listen to him! Marik: YES! You must attack me to save mankind! Please! But hurry, I can't hold him back much longer! Yugi: [worried] We can't attack him! It's just too risky! The force of our attack could send him straight to the Shadow Realm! Yami-Yugi: Yugi... we have no choice. We must trust him!
The Final Face-off
Yami-Yugi: I activate... my Ragnarok card! Yami-Marik: NO! Yami-Yugi: Yes! Since my Dark Magician and my Dark Magician Girl are both on the field, the unstoppable magic of Ragnarok can be released! But first, I must remove every monster in my hand, deck and graveyard! Yami-Marik: [moaning] No! You're making a mistake! Yami-Yugi: I'm afraid it's too late! Ragnarok is already infused with the power of every one of my monsters! Now, Dark Magicians... with the help of my entire army of monsters, unleash your incredible force! Duke: Check it out, guys, it's Yugi's monsters on parade! Mokuba: [amazed] Whoa! I've never seen anything like this. Yami-Yugi: You and your Egyptian God card are through! Yami-Marik: NO! STOP! Call these creatures off right now! No one can destroy my Winged Dragon of Ra! Release me, right now! Yami-Yugi: It's pointless for you to resist my monsters. They have you trapped in their unbreakable grasp! Yami-Marik: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Your reign of terror is finally over! The time has come for me to fulfill my destiny, and rid the world of your evil once and for all! May the magic of Ragnarok rid the field of your Winged Dragon of Ra, and swallow your dark side for all eternity!
The Final Face-off
Yami-Marik: What's going on?! No, this can't be happening! Yugi: Marik's dark side is back in the field! Yami-Yugi: Yes, but now the tables have turned. Marik's good side is in control and the evil has become the victim. Yami-Marik: You can't do this, Marik! Listen, we can still crush the Pharaoh together! Remember how you wasted away you childhood serving this fool?! It's not too late to destroy him and take what you deserve! The infinite power of the Pharaoh could be yours! If we win this duel, you and I can claim the three Egyptian God cards and the Millennium Puzzle. We'll rule the world together! Don't be a fool, Marik! We've come so far. Don't throw away everything we've worked for. We can still win! Yami-Yugi: Your move. Marik: I'm sorry, Pharaoh. It was my duty to help you and instead I turned my back. I can't change the past, but I can start over by embracing my family legacy. I'm proud to be a tomb keeper and I'm proud of my sister and my brother. Odion: Thank you, sir. Marik: My family has waited 5,000 years for your return. Now, you're here. So I must fulfill my destiny, by letting you fulfill yours. Yami-Marik: No! You can't do this! Marik: I must. I hold the key to helping the Pharaoh unlock his true powers. The secret is imprinted on my back in an ancient Egyptian text. But before I reveal this mystery, the Pharaoh must be in possession of all three Egyptian God cards! Yami-Marik: You're making a huge mistake! Marik: No, for the first time in years, I'm making the right choice. Yami-Marik: What are you doing?! Marik: I'm honoring the Ishtar surrendering the duel! Yami-Yugi: Of course! By forfeiting the duel, his Life Points will drop down to zero, and his evil side will vanish into the Shadow Realm. Yami-Marik: If you do this, you'll be sorry! YOU NEED ME!! Marik: Be gone! I surrender this duel to the Pharaoh! Yami-Marik: [vanishes] NOOOOOO!!!!! Marik: It's finally over, my Pharaoh. Yami-Yugi: Yes, and the darkness has lifted from your heart. Yugi: [as his body parts return to normal] We won the duel! Yami-Yugi: You're safe now. Ishizu: Marik has overpowered the evil that controlled him for so long. My Pharaoh...thank you. You've saved mankind. Yami-Yugi: We did. I wouldn't have been victorious had it not been for all of you.
And the winner of the Battle City championship crown is... Yugi Muto!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 1 - The Next King of Games
Bastion: Hey, wait. If I'm second best, who's first?
Yours truly.
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Episode 1 - The Next King of Games
Jaden: All right, teach! Get your game on!
Dr. Crowler
Yes, yes, very good... [Under breath] Don't tell me what to do!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 1 - The Next King of Games
Proctor: Sorry to interrupt, but one last applicant has arrived to take his exam, Mr. Crowler. Dr. Crowler: Did you just call me "Mister"? Proctor: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm new here, Misses-
Dr. Crowler
I'm a Ph.D in dueling, I've earned the title Doctor! Thank you!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 2 - Welcome to Duel Academy
[Jaden and the others are discussing their new dorm arrangements after arriving at the Academy] Jaden: Hey, you in red too? Bastion: Well now, let's see here. Yellow sleeves, yellow buttons... I don't think so. Jaden: Oh, I get it. So that's why Sy and I are in red. Bastion: Please don't tell me that you just figured that out now.
So what? Ever think I'm colorblind?
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Episode 3 - A Duel in Love
[Syrus finds a fake love letter for Jaden claiming to be from Alexis] Syrus: I even have the note right here! Look, see? Alexis: Syrus, my name's not even spelled right there. Mindy: Sorry Syrus, but I think someone is yanking your chain here. Syrus: So then you don't love me? Jasmine: Hey, wait a second, this note is made out to Jaden Yuki!
What? Jaden? But- [Looks at note] Aww, so I can't even get a fake love letter?
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Episode 3 - A Duel in Love
Crowler: Well, well, well, a Slifer vs an Obelisk. Put him in his place, Alexis. Alexis: Ready? Jaden: Oh, yeah. Jaden & Alexis: Duel! [Duel commences] Jaden: Get your game on, Alexis! Syrus: Here we go. Alexis: Alright, [draws] let's see. Etoile Cyber, rise! And I'm also going to place one card face-down. Jaden: Time to throw down! First... [draws] Yes. I'll summon the Elemental Hero Sparkman! And now, I'll have him attack your Etoile Cyber with, Static Shockwave! Alexis: Hold it right there! I activate the trap card, "Doble Passe!" [gets hit by Sparkman's powers] Jaden: Huh? Alexis: Doble Passe changes your monster's attack to a direct attack on me. And now, my monster that you were about to attack, gets to wage a direct attack on you! Jaden: Great.
Oh, and when Etoile Cyber attacks someone directly, her attack points increase by 600.
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Episode 4 - Making The Grade
All: Guards! Guards! Guards! Both: Running out of Cards already?! Jaden: Hey, I always plan on passing, it just doesn't always work out that way.
Cards? What Cards? Oh, do you mean these Cards?
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 7 - Duel & Unusual Punishment
Alexis: You know, Chumley, you're pretty good with words of encouragement.
Huh? Well I've got all kinds of books on self-motivation. For some reason my dad keeps gettin' 'em for me.
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Episode 9 - Family Business
[Jaden and Syrus meet Chumley's dad] Jaden: No way. That's his dad? Syrus: Looks like a body-builder, huh? Jaden: Yeah.
Though carrying around Chumley as a kid, you'd kinda have to be.
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Episode 10 - Tag Team Trial (Part 1)
Chumley: But duh, Jaden, it's not just another duel! It's a tag duel and if you lose it you'll be on the next bus outta here! Jaden: Hello, Chumley! That's totally why we're not gonna lose! And uh, Chumley? We're on an island. Bus? Chumley: Whatevs. Ya still oughta give me your meal cards just in case. Jaden: Thanks for the vote a confidence. Chumley: Well, someone's gotta eat your grilled cheese if you go!
Chumley may have a point. The last time I dueled, it was awful! Just like my big brother always told me I was. If we're gonna win this, I'm just gonna have to do better and not let anything get in my head! Especially Zane. After all, the last time I let him get to me, Jaden really let me have it.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 10 - Tag Team Trial (Part 1)
Jaden: Whoa, the acoustics in here are great! Syrus: Yeah, you think maybe they'd count your echo as your tag partner? Jaden: (patting Syrus' head) For the last time, you're my partner! Ha ha ha! Syrus: Doesn't hurt to ask though. (laughs)
(angrily watching Jaden and Syrus) You Slifer Slackers! It should be me taking you out! But I guess as long as someone does it!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 12 - Formula For Success
Jaden: All right, all right, maybe it wasn't a foul, Bastion.
Jaden, over the center field fence usually isn't.
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Episode 13 - Monkey See, Monkey Duel
Mindy: I don't get how that monkey understands him.
Maybe all the training he's had has taught Wheeler how to speak human. Or maybe Jaden's really a monkey.
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Episode 15 - Courting Alexis
Jaden: Well Alexis, I guess that means I'm your fiancee! Syrus: He's really going through with it? Jasmine: Oh my!
So... what does 'fiancee' mean anyway?
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Episode 16 - The Duel Giant
Crowler: Oh, Jaden m'boy!
He's being nice, something's wrong.
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Episode 16 - The Duel Giant
Syrus: Uh, listen Jaden, is it too late to say that this is a bad idea? Jaden: Hmm? Chumley: Doesn't Crowler really not like you? Jaden: He sure doesn't. But how could I turn down no homework, a field trip, and a big duel? Syrus: Uh, by saying no? Chumley: I mean, do you even know how to say no?
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 16 - The Duel Giant
Crowler: So first you find the duel giant, and then he escapes! First all those cards were lost, now they're found! Jaden: First I had no homework, and now-
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Episode 17 - Nature of The Draw
Syrus: That's crazy talk, Jaden. Everyone knows that roosters don't lay eggs! Syrus: Picking cards, drawing cards, amazing! Jaden: Why, thank you! Chumley: So you think when this thief guy comes, he's gonna have anything on him? Jaden: For the last time Chumley, he steals egg sandwiches, not grilled cheese! Would you tell him, Alexis?! Alexis: It's true, Chum.
Hey, what's Lexis up to?
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Episode 18 - King of The Copycats (Part 1)
[Two workmen are talking about Dr. Crowler] Workman #1: You know, I didn't know he was a doctor.
Workman #2
I didn't know he was a dude.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 20 - The Maiden in Love
Syrus: I want one! How do I get a Maiden Counter? Chumley: Yeah, me too! I want one too!
Uh, guys? Try and remember that it's just a card you're looking at.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 20 - The Maiden in Love
Zane: I'm sorry. But it's time for you to go home. [Blair starts to cry] Jaden: Wait, why does she have to go home? 'Cause you say so, hello? She's a student here in Duel Academy and a good one! Zane: Jaden, she has to go home. Jaden: Huh? Oh, I see whatcha doin' here, Zane. You're pushing her out because she's a good student. (laughs) Cause she might dethrone you! [Alexis laughs] Zane: She has to go home, because she's in 2nd grade. Jaden: Say what?! Syrus and Chumley: IN 2ND GRADE?!! Jaden: So, you're saying that I almost got beaten by a girl who's only 8 years old?!
[sticks out her tongue and points at Jaden] 8 and a half, if it makes you feel any better!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 20 - The Maiden in Love
Blair: Good-bye, Jaden! My sweet prince. I love you! [our hero is in the state of shock] Jaden: WHAT!?!?! Wait! She's supposed to like Zane!
She does like Zane. But apparently, she loves you! [giggles]
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 20 - The Maiden in Love
Blair: [waves good-bye to Jaden as she sails home] I'll see you soon! Write me every day! I love you, Jaden-sweetie!
[groans and waves back] Wish they made cards... to counter this!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 21 - The Duel Off (Part 1)
[The teachers are choosing the representative for the duel-off against North Academy] Chancellor Sheppard: The only question is who will this first year be? Zane: Jaden Yuki Professor Crowler: [Freaks out] Professor Banner: I agree. Jaden is our best new student [looks down at Pharaoh] Don't you think? Pharaoh: Meow.
Professor Crowler
Oh well, if the cat says so.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 21 - The Duel Off (Part 1)
Jaden: Alright guys! Get your eat on! This stuff's so good! [picks up a sardine] The hard part is remembering to chew- [eats the sardine] before you swallow.
That explains why we're missing so many forks!!!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 23 - The Little Belowski
[Syrus, Chumley, Bastion, Alexis, Crowler, and Belowski are asleep after the duel]
HEY! Is anyone awake?! Oh come on! Okay, I will use your Water Dragon! And your Power Bond! Etoile Cyber? [Distracted] Hey, the clouds do kinda look like duel monsters....
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 25 - The School Duel (Part 1)
Chancellor Foster: Ah, Jaden! So you're Duel Academy's Phenom.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 25 - The School Duel (Part 1)
Chazz: Alright, go time. Let's see what you got Jaden. Jaden: With pleasure. Chazz: No. The pleasure's gonna be all mine. Because you're going down!
Jaden & Chazz
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Episode 25 - The School Duel (Part 1)
Jaden: So come on, come on! When do I meet my opponent?! Chazz: Right now, slacker. Jaden: Who just said that? Chazz: It's me. Jaden: Whoa, hold on! Am I seeing things or is that Chazz?! Chazz: You got that right. Jaden: Well, why are you here? Chazz: For the duel. Jaden: I think it's sold out. Chazz: I'm in it. Jaden: Like as a ref? Chazz: I'm dueling you!
You mean.... It's you?! You're North Academy's duel rep?!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 26 - The School Duel (Part 2)
Jaden: and other Slifer Red students: Slifer it up!
Couldn't we just stick with ' it up'?!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 27 - Grave Risk (Part 1)
GraveKepper's Chief: GraveKeeper's Spear Soldier! [summons Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier in attack position] I hope your Bubbleman's draw provided you with two very good cards, because already, he's outmatched in battle, and he is soon to be outnumbered as well! Jaden: Uh-oh.
GraveKepper's Chief
I now summon in attack mode, GraveKeeper's Guard! [flip summons GraveKeeper's Guard] And his effect lets me return a monster that's out to its owner's hand. And the monster I choose, is Bubbleman!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 28 - Grave Risk (Part 2)
[The GraveKeeper's allies are preparing to attack Jaden] GraveKeepers Chief: No! He lives. He was an impressive opponent. Jaden: Hey, thanks! Some of your moves were pretty tight too there! It was a sweet match, let's duel again sometime! GraveKeepers Chief: What? You mean to say you enjoyed the Shadow Game?
Oh, totally! I mean, I could've done without the whole 'friends in the coffin' thing, but it was fun!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 29 - Doomsday Duel (Part 1)
[In Professor Banner's class] Jaden: [Yawns] Time to get up! Syrus: For the next class? Jaden: Of course not, for lunch. [Takes out his lunchbox] Oh yeah!! The one subject I can't get enough of! Professor Banner: Just a moment there Jaden. I'm afraid your lunch will have to wait. It seems Chancellor Sheppard wants a word with you. Chumley: Jaden, I'll watch your lunch for you, especially if you have a side of grilled steak in there. Jaden: Oh, you wish. Syrus: Chancellor Sheppard! Aw Jaden, what did you do? Jaden: Maybe it's good, like an award? Chazz: Hehe! NO WAY!! It's never good news with Sheppard. You are so busted!!! Professor Banner: Actually Chazz, he wants to see you too.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 29 - Doomsday Duel (Part 1)
Dr. Crowler: Well, well. Look at this convocation of students. Some of the best duelists in the school, I see. [Looks at Jaden] Uh-oh! (sings) Which one of these is not like the other? Clearly someone here is a little bit lost. Jaden: He is not. Chazz was invited.
He means you.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 29 - Doomsday Duel (Part 1)
Syrus: What? Wait a sec, you can't just go to sleep right now! I mean what if a Shadow Rider shows, Jaden!? Jaden: Huh? I'm sure they'll wake me up. I only hope... its not before 10. Actually, make that 11. So I have time to shower and stuff. Syrus: Wow Jay, you sure seem chill.
Hey, no wait, maybe 12. So I can have breakfast too.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 29 - Doomsday Duel (Part 1)
[Sheppard explains that the three Sacred Beast cards are hidden in Duel Academy]
Sweet... like under someone's mattress or in a cookie jar?
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 29 - Doomsday Duel (Part 1)
[Sheppard explains about the Shadow Riders seeking out the Keykeepers]
Uh... seek us out? Don't you mean TAKE us out?!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 30 - Doomsday Duel (Part 2)
Syrus: C'mon Jay.... Alexis: Sy, he's fine. Tired maybe, but who could blame him? Chumley: Not me. I'm tired and I didn't do a thing. Syrus: JAY! Don't do this! Why, WHY?!
He's okay.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 31 - Field of Screams (Part 1)
[Crowler and Camula begin their duel] Crowler & Camula: Duel!
So key-keeper, you don't believe in werewolves?
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 33 - Field of Screams (Part 3)
Jaden: (after getting out of the hospital) What's up? Syrus: (worries about Jaden risking his life to fight Camula) For the last time, you can't! Chazz: Yeah, you're still hurt, slacker! Bastion: It's true.
Maybe, but... See? We were back at the hospital... (remembers Atticus in the hospital) Oh! You're finally awake!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 33 - Field of Screams (Part 3)
Camula: Flare Wingman? But you never used that card in your deck before! You have to be cheating! You put it in there when I wasn't looking, didn't you?
Uh, yeah. But you know, I'm not so sure that's cheating. I mean, hello Camula, you were the one spying!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 34 - The Fear Factor
Jaden: So you here to hang out? Chazz: With you? That's a good laugh, slacker.
(squirts water into Chazz's face) And that's an even better one!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 35 - Sibling Rivalry
Jaden: [Singing] Chillin' out with ya crew in the schoolyard- yeah!- Findin' trouble, never-
You know, you don't have to follow me everywhere!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 36 - Duel Distractions (Part 1)
Chazz: Crowler?! Syrus: What are you doing? Crowler: A man's work!
A man's work? My, they must have been running very short on men.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 38 - Get Yarr Game On!
Bastion: Wait, if this isn't a Shadow Game, then how did he shroud the duel arena in darkness? Would someone care to... explain that? Sailor: Sir, we've fixed the lights in the arena!
, and Bastion: [faint]
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 39 - The Dark Scorpions
Jaden: You know, there was a hole in the wall of our room. Syrus: It's true. Chazz: And let me guess, slacker, you've already sealed it back up? Jaden: Well, uh, kinda.... Chazz: [Sarcastically] You guys are really something. Jaden: Hey, thanks! We do what we can!
You sure do.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 40 - A Lying Legend
Banner: You can continue in detention.
Ah man! Fifth time this week!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 41 - A Reason To Win
Titan: So you see, now I'm more powerful than ever!
And uglier.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 42 - Duel Monsters Spirit Day
[Dorothy is cosplaying as Dark Magician Girl] Syrus: [Screams] On what occasion is this a better idea?! Chumley: You don't think Dorothy pulls that off?
Excuse me, but I make a great Dark Magician Girl and have for ten years! That's how long I've owned this costume! [Sleeve rips]
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Episode 42 - Duel Monsters Spirit Day
Jaden: I summon Elemental Hero Bubbleman in attack mode! Syrus: Wow, and you know what that means, right, Chazz? Actually, I really hope that you do, because I don't. Chazz: It means, Syrus, that Jaden gets to draw two more cards from his deck. Jaden: That's right. Thanks to Bubbleman's special ability. And then from my hand, I'll activate Polymerization! And fuse together Bubbleman and Burstinatrix to create... Elemental Hero Steam Healer in attack mode! Syrus: He looks tough!
Guess we'll see.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 42 - Duel Monsters Spirit Day
Dark Magician Girl: Okay, Fire Sorcerer! Do your thing!
Yeah, she's gonna do her thing! Um... what exactly is that again?
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 43 - Hearts Are Wild
Alexis: Well. You have haven't grown up too much.
My. You have.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 44 - The Seventh Shadow Rider
Syrus: Professor! Chumley: Banner! Jaden: Chazz is being Chazz again!
Dr. Crowler
What gobbledygook duel alchemy is! What pure drivel!!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 45 - Amnael's Endgame (Part 1)
Jaden: Let's throw down! Amnael: Prepare yourself. Jaden: I've been preparin' this ever since you shadow riders first showed! And now, Amnael... get your game on! [Duel commences] All right, time to throw down! 'Cause I'm getting my friends back, no matter what it takes, Amnael! Amnael: Is that so? But what if you do not possess all that takes, Jaden? Because to beat me, you'll have to reach your whole new echelon of dueling expertise. Now we begin! [makes the first move] And I activate the spell card, Chaos Distill! Syrus: What is that thing? Chumley: Oh, yeah, like I'm gonna know. Amnael: Due to its effect, all my cards that would normally go to the graveyard this duel will instead be removed from play. Jaden: (thinking) Why would he want his cards removed from play? Amnael: Now, I'll activate my second spell card, Steel Lamp! And when Chaos Distill is on the field, I can use Steel Lamp to summon Alchemy Beast - Salamandra the Steel! You see, Alchemy Beasts can't be summoned in the normal manner, but they can wage direct attacks against you... which is a big problem for you because with these two spell cards: Bronze Scale and Lead Compass... along with Chaos Distill, I can now summon two more Alchemy Beasts! Ouroborus the Bronze and Leon the Lead! [snickers] I'll now end with a facedown. Jaden: Three monsters in the very first turn?! Amnael: That is correct. And if you think that is impressive, just wait until you see them attack!
I'm not gonna give 'em that chance!
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Episode 45 - Amnael's Endgame (Part 1)
Amnael: That is one bubble that I'm afraid I must burst. I activate a trap: Elemental Absorber! With this card, I can remove a monster in my hand from play to negate the attack of your monster as long as they have the same attribute! Jaden: That's not good. Amnael: No, it's not. Not when the card I remove from play is Aqua Spirit! Jaden: No, my attack! Amnael: Has been stopped! And it's my turn now! Go, my Alchemy Beasts! Attack Jaden directly! Salamandra the Steel, let loose Flameshot of Ore! Now, Ouroborus and Leon, attack as well! Syrus: Jaden just got clobbered! Chumley: Hang in there, Jaden! He's only got one card left in his hand! If you can hold on through this turn, you'll have the upper hand and he'll be the one who's on the ropes! Amnael: Is that what you think? Chumley: Uh-oh. Amnael: You should have paid better attention in class. Perhaps then you were thrown up against my Alchemy deck, things are not as they seem. I activate the spell card, Black Process - Negledo! When Chaos Distill is on the field and there no cards in my hand, this card allows me to remove all Alchemy Beasts on the field from play, and then draw two new cards per beast! Jaden: So then you're taking out your own monsters?!
That is the way of the alchemist. Destruction and rebirth. But I assure you, if you are destroyed here, there will be no rebirth for you. Now then, since I removed three Alchemy Beasts from play, I get to draw six cards. And now, let's play some of them! I activate Tin Spell Circle, Mercury Hourglass, and Silver Key! [uses the three spells to summon Alchemy Beast - Aretos the Tin, Ekenas the Mercury, and Moonface the Silver]
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 45 - Amnael's Endgame (Part 1)
Amnael: I activate the effect of Elemental Absorber! By simply removing The Rock Spirit from play, I can negate the attack of that earth attribute monster! Jaden: (thinking) Oh, man. It's like he has a card to cancel out every attribute monster in my deck! Amnael: I warned you, Jaden... To be triumphant, you will need to use your cards in a way you've never used them before. You will need to become a better duelist than you've ever been, if not, you will join your friends. Jaden: Oh, I'll be joining my friends alright... when I free 'em! Amnael: Then you had better "get your game on" because you have already fallen far behind. And you're about to fall even further! Observe! I activate the spell card, White Process - Albedo! And thanks to it, I can now summon Golden Homunculus! Forged in fire, Golden Homunculus doesn't work like any other cards you've seen. You see, his attack points and defense points are equal to the number of cards that I've removed from play and then multiplied by 300! So, since I have removed 13 cards so far, his attack points become 3,900! And your Life Points are about to become zero! It is over, Jaden. And I was expecting so much more from you. Attack, Alchemy Beasts! Sonic Searer! Screaming Stream! Shockwave Slivers! Chumley: Jaden! Syrus: He got nailed!
But I'm not finished yet. Now, Golden Homunculus, attack! Stone Shard Storm!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 46 - Amnael's Endgame (Part 2)
Amnael: [coughs] Quite impressive. But I'm afraid it will take... a whole lot more if you want all your friends back. Jaden: You want more?! Rampart, take it to him!
You fool! It is I... who will be taking you, off to the great beyond! I activate Macro Cosmos! This allows me to remove Chaos Distill from play, and now, I'll be removing you from this world!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 46 - Amnael's Endgame (Part 2)
Amnael: The power of Alchemy flows through me. It has broken our earthly bonds and taken us here. Jaden: Well, it's not gonna shake me!
Then perhaps this will, Jaden. Due to Macro Cosmos, I can summon this card-- Helios - The Primordial Sun!
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Episode 46 - Amnael's Endgame (Part 2)
Amnael: My turn now! And if you thought Helios Duo Megistus was formidable... Just you wait! I play Red Process - Rubedo! And with it, I sacrifice Duo Megistus... and summon Helios Trice Megistus! Now, Jaden, for every monster removed from play, Trice Megistus gains 300 attack points! And since 13 monsters have been removed from play so far... Jaden: 3900?!
It's a shame you don't duel as well as you add! Now, Megistus! Attack with Phoenix Flare!
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Episode 47 - Chazz-anova
[Chazz steals the Spirit Keys to force Alexis to duel him]
Anyone up for just tackling him?
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Episode 50 - Magna Chum Laude
Jaden: Actually, I don't think I'd call it sleeping in class. It's more like scheduled study eye-breaks.
Give me a break Jaden.
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Episode 51 - The Graduation Match (Part 1)
Crowler: So not only did he destroy Cyber End Dragon, but he took the lead in the duel too?! Sheppard: Yes, it sure looks that way. Jaden has really done his homework here.
Done his homework...? Well, this would certainly be his first time. That slifer-slacker.
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Episode 52 - The Graduation Match (Part 2)
Zane: You okay?
I think so. How's my hair? Is it still there?
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 53 - Back to Duel
Professor Crowler: After all, everyone on Earth knows Aster Phoenix.
[Near the Slifer Dorm with Aster] Hey kid, I don't know who you are, but let's duel! Wrong catch phrase, what I meant to say was... get your game on!!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 53 - Back to Duel
Jaden: So what's your name, freshman? Aster: You can call me A. P.
Alright Ap, let's throw down!!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 55 - A Hassleberry Hounding
Syrus: Will you give it up? You're not in the army! Troupe Tyranno: Who's the best? Troup Tyranno! And who's gonna win? Syrus: Troup Jaden!
Am I the only one here who hasn't gone insane?
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 56 - Sad But Truesdale
Syrus & Missy: Game on!
Ladies first. [draws her turn] Look out! I summon Prickle Fairy in defense mode!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 56 - Sad But Truesdale
Syrus: [Thinking] Whenever things get tough, I start to doubt myself! I hear this voice in my head telling me to give up because I'm not good enough! Missy: You're not good enough, dork, so just give up!
[Thinking] See, there it is!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 56 - Sad But Truesdale
Hassleberry: C'mon soldier, up and at 'em. You can't hide in there forever. Syrus: Of course not. Just for a few days. A week tops. But don't worry, I've got everything I need in here. Bottled water, a canned ham, Mr. Fuzzy-Bear....
I am not even gonna ask.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 57 - The Demon
Syrus: So when Jaden fuses those two heroes he can choose to form Flame Wingman or Phoenix Enforcer? Jaden: Wait, I can?! Whoa, who knew? Chazz: Wow! You're even dumber than I thought! And that's saying a lot! Jaden: Whaddaya know? My deck has a new trick! Why didn't anyone tell me about this before?
How did this spazz ever beat me?!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 60 - Pop Goes The Duel
Atticus: Hey Sissy!! Alexis: [looks surprised] Atticus! Chazz: No way. Syrus: Nice song! Hasslebery: Hold on. Who's he calling a sissy!! Alexis: Me, he's my brother.
I knew that.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 60 - Pop Goes The Duel
Crowler: By the way Alexis, have you come to your senses yet, or not?
My senses? I'm not the one in a wetsuit with a boat strapped to my back.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 60 - Pop Goes The Duel
Alexis: I already told you guys, didn't I? Crowler wants me and Atticus to become a pop singing duo. Crowler: What's so bad about that? I get free publicity, you get a free dress. It's a win-win situation. Chazz: [Daydreams about Alexis in a dress] YEAH!!! Alexis: A little help here! Bastion: Yeah, Chazz, you know she can't carry a tune. Alexis: [Gets mad and slaps Bastion] Hassleberry: You gotta know when to hold it, soldier.
I was... trying to help. Girls are so complex.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 60 - Pop Goes The Duel
Atticus: I've already named our band. We're called Bro-Bro and Sissy. Hassleberry: So, which one's he?
Good question...
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 61 - I've Seen The Light
Chazz: Where's your duel disk anyway? Sartorius: Who needs a duel disk when you have this! [Table appears]
Uh, you realize that's a table, don't you?
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 63 - Curry Worries
Chazz: [Watching the rest of the gang eating] Ugh. I once settled for this low-grade slop too, but then I joined the Society of Light! Now, I'm destined for something more!
Yes, starvation if you're waiting for a steak in this school.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 64 - Camaraderie Contest
Syrus: You're on, Serge! I'll take your tough talk and wrap it up in a box, then I'll mail it right back to you!
At least my analogies make sense.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 64 - Camaraderie Contest
Syrus: Think you're tough?! Watch this! I'll kick things off with Polymerization! And I'll use it to fuse my Ambulanceroid with my Rescueroid in order to create... Ambulance Rescueroid! Hassleberry: 2300 attack points?! Syrus: That's right! And since a fusion is a special summon, my blaster fires again! Now, Ambulance Rescueroid, attack! I'm not done! I summon Decoyroid in defense mode! Okay. I think I Ive punished you enough. So now, I'll end my turn with this. Oh, and as long as my Decoyroid is in play, it's the only monster you're allowed to attack! Hassleberry: With Ambulance Rescueroid in attack mode, I may not be able to use my Tyranno's special ability. But I can send your little Decoyroid on a one-way trip... to the card graveyard, that is! Syrus: Not gonna happen! Ambulance Rescueroid has a talent you should know about. Anytime you destroy one of my monsters, it can rescue the monster from my graveyard! So go ahead and try it, pal!
No way! So as soon as I attack your Decoyroid, it's gonna come right back to the field? Now, wait a sec. Since that's the only monster I can attack, I'm trapped! Or maybe not! Watch this! I sacrifice my Tyranno to activate a field spell! Big Evolution! Now for three turns, I can summon any dinosaur monster without having to make a sacrifice! So now I play Ultimate Tyranno in attack mode!
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Episode 65 - No Pain, No Game
Bastion: Well if my brother hit rock-bottom, I'm sure I'd feel the same way.
And if Zane was my brother, I'd change my last name. Hey, guess what, Syrus? Now there's someone out there who's even lamer than you are!