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Yu-Gi-Oh! | Part 5 | 29 | Joey: Huh? I've had some weird dreams, but this one takes the cake. Wait, hold on. I remember being trapped in a duel, but... how did i end up floating around in here?
Yugi: Joey? Is that you?
Joey: Yugi! Long time no see!
Yugi: I'm glad you're all right!
Maximillion Pegasus: Please, bubble boy, you call this "all right"?
Yugi and Joey: Pegasus!
Pegasus: If we don't escape soon, we never will!
Joey: Hmm? Where exactly are we, anyway, Huh? [spots at Valon, Mai Valentine, Weevil Underwood, Rex Raptor, Alister, Rafael and Seto Kaiba] Wait! Everyone in here had their soul captured! This must be where the orichalcos spits you out after you lose a duel! Aah! Calm down. Maybe it is just a dream. Uh...
Yugi: It's no dream. And take a look, Joey. Things are about to get worse!
Joey: What's that!?
Pegasus: Don't you pay attention? That's the Great Leviathan, and it's using human souls for power.
Joey: It's doing what!? But i don't wanna be turned into soul food!
Yugi: We can still get out of this mess if the Pharaoh defeats Dartz!
Joey: Huh? But how see gonna do that? Rich boy's with us now. That means.... The Pharaoh's facing Dartz alone out there!
Yugi: Wrong. Kaiba may have been knocked outta the fight... But the Pharaoh's not alone, Joey.
Joey: I'm afraid i don't follow, Yuge.
Yugi: He's still got all of us. Sure, we're not right there next to him, but we've never let that stop us before.
Joey: Yeah, but i don't know if that's gonna work this time, 'Cause Dartz is playin' by a whole new set a rules. and nothing can take down that orichalcos card.
Pegasus: There is one thing that can help.
Joey: Huh?
Pegasus: It's the card i gave him. And if the Pharaoh draws it, He'll be able to unleash a force like no other.
Joey: In this card can beat Dartz?
Pegasus: Yes. You see, it was during a trip to Egypt that i was inspired to create the game of duel monsters after making an astonishing discovery. Ancient kings and sorcerers once performed dark rituals to conjure real monsters. These creatures were believed to have lived in a universe parallel to ours, and guarding the gateway to this dominion of the beasts were three legendary dragons known as Timaeus, Critias, and Hermos. But you already know about them, right?
Joey: Right.
Pegasus: What you don't know is that these dragons aren't what they appear to be. They were buried with a dark secert. So i created a card that unlocks this mystery.
Yugi: I don't get it. What's the secret?
Pegasus: I spent many years scouring the globe trying to find an answer to that very question, Yugi boy. First i searched the microscopic world for the tiniest clues. then i scanned the vast reaches of the universe, and still nothing. Other than on stone tablet hidden deep beneath the sands of Egypt, there was no record of the existence of these dragons. Then it dawned on me. What if these dragons aren't dragons at all? What if they're humans!
Yugi: Humans!? But how is that possible, Pegasus? and what does it have to do with that mystery card you gave to the Pharaoh? | Pegasus | During the battle of Atlantis, Dartz transformed three brave knights into dragons in an effort to weaken them. Now the Pharaoh must restore them to thier original form... Before we disappear forever! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Part 6 | 8 | Tea: [in tears] It is you, Yugi!
Yugi: Tea?
Tea: I thought we'd never see you again.
Yugi: It's good to see you, too.
Joey: All right, Out of my way people. Where's my little buddy? Ha Ha! Yug! Man did i miss this spikey little head.
Yugi: Hey Joey.
Tea: The gang is back! | Tristan | Don't forget about me! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Part 1 | 3 | Joey: That Leviathan's a goner! It's 3 on 1 up there!
Kaiba: I see you can count! Unfortunately, numbers aren't everything! | Yugi | You can do this, Pharaoh! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Part 1 | 5 | Dartz:: My Leviathan is fueled by the darkness of my prisoners!!
The Pharaoh:: Wrong, Dartz!! I was able to transform the darkness in their hearts to light! A light which now fuels MY beasts!!
Kaiba: Hey, look! I guess the Gods did pull through! | Joey | Told ya! That means everyone Dartz captured is free! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Part 2 | 37 | Yugi: You did it. [] Hey, are you all right?
Pharaoh: I'm fine, Yugi, The Great Leviathan is gone.
Yugi: Yeah. Thanks, pal. It's over now. [spots at Dartz] But what about Dartz?
Pharaoh: Yugi, Look it's Ironheart, and Chris.
Dartz: Father, Chris, It's you.
Chris: Dad, you're back!
Ironheart: My son, At long last. And you have the great pharaoh to thank. He drove out the evil force that controlled you.
Dartz: Oh.
Pharaoh: I knew it. Deep down you're a noble ruler, Dartz.
Chris: And a great father! I've missed you so much, Dad.
Ironheart: Your work here is now complete. You may go in place. Great things await you. So return now to your world by stepping through that portal.
Yugi: But what about you? Are you guys gonna be OK?
Ironheart: Yes, For the first time in centuries.
Pharaoh: Alright, Yugi let's go back home.
[Pharaoh and Yugi walked toward the portal and looks at Chris, Dartz, Ironheart and Skye and they walked off enter the portal and disappears Chris looks at her father.]:
Chris: Hey, Dad. We should go too. After all this time, We have a lot of catching up to do.
[Dartz smiled agreed with his daughter now the Atlantis is going down to the ocean and splashed towards Dartz's lair.]
Seto Kaiba: Mokuba! Start the engines!
Mokuba Kaiba: Seto!
Seto: We have to get out of here.
Tea Gardner: Without Yugi? No way.
Joey Wheeler:: Eh?
Tea: Don't you know where he is?
Joey:: Don't tell me.
Tea: You mean he's still in there!?
Mokuba: Time's running out!
Seto: Mokuba's right. We can't wait.
Joey:: Yugi!
Tristan Taylor:: Are you nuts man!
Joey:: Get your hands off of me Tristan! Im not leaving here without Yugi!
Tristan:: Joey!, we have to trust that he found the way out on his own!
Joey:: YUGI!!!
[the gang hops in the KaibaCorp helicopter and takes off as Dartz's lair is washed down.]
Seto: Good riddance.
Mokuba: I just hope Yugi wasn't in there. | Tea | Me, too. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Part 2 | 11 | [At the Hospital Rex and Weevil wakes up was that a dream.]
Weevil Underwood:: Where am i? Mommy?
Rex Raptor:: Hey! Who's said that!?
Weevil Underwood/Rex Raptor:: Huh! Oh!
Rex Raptor:: What are you doing in my bedroom, Weevil!?
Weevil Underwood:: Your bedroom!? You're in a hospital, You dimwit!
Rex Raptor:: What happened!?
Weevil Underwood:: I know who fault this is.
Rex Raptor:: Joey's.
Weevil Underwood:: Yugi's. | Weevil Underwood/Rex Raptor: | YOU'RE PAY FOR THIS! YOU HEAR ME!? |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Part 2 | 14 | Dark Magician Girl:: [voice-over] Yugi, Wake up.
Yugi: [wakes up and surprised on the beach and sees the sunset on the ocean.] Any idea where we are?
Yami Yugi: It seems we've washed up on shore. But i wonder how. Someone must have guided us here. Hmm.
Yugi: Hey, look! [sees Dark Magician Girl along with Timaeus, Hermos and Critias appears] It's Dark Magician Girl!
Yami Yugi: And she's brought with her the three legendary knights.
Dark Magician Girl:: We four are forever in your debt. Not only have you rescued your own world, But you've saved the creatures of our world as well. Thanks to your fearlessness. The dominion of the beasts can once again flourish just as it did so many years ago. And by breaking the evil spell that imprisoned the legendary knights. They can continue to protect our land.
Yugi: I'm just glad we could help.
Timaeus: Thank you both. You fought bravely. Farewell.
Critias: You two well never be forgotten.
Hermos: For as long as we reign.
Yami Yugi: Well, We couldn't have done it without you. In the face of ultimate darkness, Your couragfousness sparked a light so incredibly strong it will burn for all eternity.
Timaeus: Thank you, Pharaoh. We shall meet again.
[The legendary knights flying off together.] | Dark Magician Girl: | The time may come that we need each other again. If so, You know where i'll be. Right there in your deck. [she flying off with the legendary knights] |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Part 2 | 4 | Yugi: [sees "The Eye of Timaeus" card disappears] Well, Pharaoh there goes our Timaeus.
Pharaoh: Yep.
Joey: [sees "The Claw of Hermos" card disappears] Well, there goes Hermos. | Kaiba | [sees "The Fang of Critias" card disappears] |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Part 2 | 14 | Joey: Yugi!
Tea: I knew we find you.
Tristan: Hey man!
Joey: I'll never let this spikey head of yours is outta my sight.
Tea: Is it really all over?
Yugi: Yep, we're safe now.
Mokuba: Hey, Yugi!
Joey: Let's hit the high road folks, I'm sure there's someone else trying to taking over the world back home.
Tristan: You know the scary thing is he's probably right.
[The gang hops the KaibaCorp helicopter when Yugi sees the Pharaoh watches the sunsets down the ocean.]
Tea: [offscreen] Yugi, is something wrong?
Yugi: I'll be right there, Tea.
[The Pharaoh and Yugi looked at each other as the sun going down the ocean.] | Yugi | [thinking] We may have stopped Dartz, but the Pharaoh's not done yet. Now he has to pick up where he left off before all this craziness started 'cause the biggest adventure of all is still ahead. And it won't be over till the pharaoh unlocks the secrets of his past. He needs to learn who he really is and why he was sent back here. Maybe then his spirit'll finally be able to rest. Well, no matter what happens, one thing's for sure... whatever he finds out there... and whatever he needs to face... he won't have to do it alone. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Unwanted Guest | 9 | Yugi:: Finally some peace and quiet for a change.
The Pharaoh:: We needed this.
Yugi:: Yeah. After everything we've been through, it feels nice just to kick back. Is something on your mind?
The Pharaoh:: As a matter off act, Yugi, there is. It seems every time we restore peace to the world, a greater evil is waiting for us.
Yugi:: Yeah, you got a point there. But look on the bright side. Every battle that we fight also brings us one step closer to figuring out the secrets of your past.
The Pharaoh:: The three Egyptian God cards.
Yugi:: Yup. They're back in our deck again, which means it's time for you and I to pick up where we left off. As soon as we get back home, we're going straight to that history museum. and these three cards are gonna give us some answers.
The Pharaoh:: Let's hope so. | Joey | Hey, hold on!! I know an insult when I hear one!! LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M YELLIN' AT YA!! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Let the Games Begin! | 2 | Duke:: Look! Joey's trying to scare the competition with his weird chicken dance. | Tea: | I need some female friends. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Child's Play | 4 | Vivian: I'll go first!
Rebecca: You'll need a headtstart!
Vivian: [draws] Ha! I summon Kung Fu Nyan Nyan in attack mode! Top that, shrimp! | Rebecca | No problem! Look out! Time to activate a little magic card. Graceful Charity. Now I get to draw three new cards, as long as I discard two from my hand. Next, I think I'll summon my Fire Princess in attack mode! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Down in Flames | 10 | Joey Wheeler: The only thing I'm scared of is that hairdo. [turns to Zigried] Hey, buddy! Pinky the Clown called! He wants his ring back!
Rebecca Hawkins: Oh, like you're in any position to be making fun of anyone's hairdo.
Joey Wheeler: I heard that!
Duke Devlin: Take it down a notch, will you? You're too high-strung to duel.
Joey Wheeler: Who you callin' high-strung?! I'm cool as a cucumber!
Tristan Taylor: Oh, yeah. Real cool.
Joey Wheeler: I'm not in a mood!
Tristan Taylor: You want a piece of me? [he and Joey scuffle]
Tea Gardner: [attempts to break up the scuffling duo] Can you two grow up for five minutes? [she gets pinned against the wall] I need some female friends! | Joey Wheeler and Tristan Taylor | [in unison] He started it! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | A Brawl in a Small Town | 5 | Joey:: I was knocked out of the tournament by a guy with pink hair!?
Tristan:: A guy with pink hair who's an EXCERPT DUELIST.
Joey:: I wanna be Number One!
Tea:: Oh, will you grow up!? Trust me, there'll be other Duels! | Joey: | You're not runner up every year! That honor belongs to me! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | A Brawl in a Small Town | 6 | Leon:: Here's one you might remember from your bedtime stories. You guessed it! It's Cinderella! And thanks to her fairy godmother, she'll be able to go to the ball. Cinderella automatically lets me summon my Pumpkin Carriage to the field.
Rebecca:: Ugh!
Leon:: With my Pumpkin Carriage in play, Cinderella receives a thousand point boost. Oh, and where would she be without her glass slippers?
Vivian: Just as I thought. I knew you couldn't resist my charm! All right, if you defeat me, then your Grandpa walks. If you lose, we go on a date.
Yu-Gi-Oh! | A Brawl in a Small Town | 2 | Tristan:: Even if Yugi loses, at least he gets a date. | Tea: | YUGI WON'T LOSE!!! SO DROP THE DATE THING!!! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | A Brawl in a Small Town | 5 | The Pharaoh:: We'll see! I draw! All right, first I'll summon my Skilled Dark Magician to the field in Attack Mode!! Second, I activate Pot of Greed, which lets me draw 2 more cards from my Deck! (The first Spell Counter lights up on the Skilled Dark Magician) Then, I'll play this - the Emblem of Dragon Destroyer! It lets me bring Buster Blader back to my hand! (Now another Spell Counter lights up on the Skilled Dark Magician)
Vivian: What are those lights?!
The Pharaoh: They're Spell Counters! With every Magic Card I play, another one lights up! (Vivian gasps) I'm afraid there's more! My final Magic Card! It's known as Monster Reincarnation! So Dark Magician's back in my Deck! (The third and final Spell Counter lights up on the Skilled Dark Magician) And now all 3 of my Spell Counters are glowing! So I can sacrifice my Skilled Dark Magician in order to summon Dark Magician! There's more. I play Polymerization, fusing my Dark Magician with my Buster Blader! Behold the creature of your demise - my Dark Paladin! And there's one more thing you should know: Dark Paladin gets 500 ATK points for every Dragon on the field and in our Graveyards.
Vivian: THAT CAN'T BE! I JUST SENT 4 OF MY DRAGONS TO MY CARD GRAVEYARD! IT'S NOT FAIR! (Dark Paladin's ATK strength increases to 4,900 points) | The Pharaoh | Oh, it's quite fair. Now, Dark Paladin, wipe out her Dragon Lady and her life points!! Game over. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Getting Played | 5 | Solomon: See ya next week!
Yugi: Where are you off to!?
Solomon: Oh right. I'm going on a secret expedition.
Yugi: You never told me anything about that. | Solomon | [chuckles] That's what makes it a secret. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Spiritual Awakening | 20 |
[Yami Bakura has sent the souls of Rex Raptor and Weevil Underwood to the Shadow Realm, after they stole a bag from Yugi, containing the Millenium Items Yugi has gathered so far, mistakingly believing the bag contains the Egyptian God Cards instead of the Millenium Items]
Yugi:: Bakura, what have you done to them?
Yami Bakura:: [chuckles]
Yugi:: [demanding] Answer me!
Yami Bakura:: These two delinquents received exactly what they deserved, Yugi. They took possession of something that didn't belong to them, so I banished their souls to the Shadow Realm. [kicks the unconscious bodies] And I'd say the punishment fit the crime.
Yugi:: [horrified] You sent them to the Shadow Realm?
Yami Bakura:: You should be showing a little more gratitude. After all I returned your belongings. Well, most of them.
Yugi:: What's that mean!?
(Bakura shows him the Millennium Ring)
Yami Bakura:: Take a look. There was one item in your bag of tricks that I'm not quite ready to part with. Besides it did belong to me at one time.
Yugi: Give it back! The Millenium Items belong together!
Yami Bakura: Eventually, they will be. In the meantime, why don't you concentrate on gathering other items instead of pestering me and when the times is right, I'll give you the Millenium Ring. We may not be fond of each other, but we do share a common goal: We both want all seven Millennium Items returned to their resting place, united once again within the Millennium Stone, just as they were so long ago.
Yugi:: I don't trust you! And I never will! I'm collecting the Millennium Items so I can help the Pharaoh save the world from destruction!
Yami Bakura:: And I gather you think that I have a different goal in mind. Believe whatever you wish. But remember, I know things about the past that your Pharaoh friend seems to have forgotten.
Yugi:: Oh yeah? And what kind of things are those!!?
Yami Bakura:: I know that when the seven Millennium Items are returned to the Stone, a doorway to the spirit world will open.
Yugi:: [thinking] The spirit world? If that exists, it could be where the spirit of the Pharaoh belongs. [to Yami Bakura] Are you saying that when this doorway opens, the Pharaoh will be set free?
Yami Bakura:: You're catching on! So don't you want to help your friend? After all he's spirit's been trapped inside that puzzle for five thousand years. | Yugi: | Of course I do!! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Spiritual Awakening | 9 | (The Pharaoh takes over)
The Pharaoh:: [demanding] That's enough! Stop poisoning Yugi's mind!
Yami Bakura:: Ah, Pharaoh. To what do I owe this honor? Did you come here so we can bury the hatchet and join forces?
The Pharaoh:: [angrily] You know better than that!!
Yami Bakura:: I know why you hate me. Because when you get right down to it, you and I are more alike than you'd care to admit. Isn't that right, Pharaoh?
The Pharaoh:: [annoyed] We are nothing alike!!
Yami Bakura:: We're both five thousand-year-old spirits aren't we? Each one inhabiting the body of an innocent civilian? The only difference is: I remember my past. All your mind contains is an endless labyrinth of questions. Your whole life has been nothing more than a puzzle wrapped in a game and I happen to know the solution. It's quite ironic, actually. The only way you can solve that game is by playing a game.
The Pharaoh:: I don't know if you speak the truth, but I'll do whatever I have to! Game or no game! I will unlock my mind! | Yami Bakura: | Well, then best of luck. You're going to need it when the ultimate Shadow Game begins. Enjoy your travels, Pharaoh. (Thinking) That encounter went exactly as planned. Now on to phase two. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Memoirs of a Pharaoh | 2 | Ishizu:: May I speak with the Pharaoh? My King, it is an honor. You have returned home. Allow me to be your guide. | Pharaoh: | Please. The pleasure's mine. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Makings of a Magician | 2 | Bakura:: How can a mere spell-caster damage my Diabound!? | Mahad: | I refuse to allow Bakura to threaten my people, even if it means depleting my own powers. I must stop him! In the name the Pharaoh. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Birth of the Blue Eyes | 4 | Isis:: Mana, Mahad's spirit is very much alive; existing deep inside that stone. In fat, he's even stronger now. My Millennium Necklace has shown me all. He fused himself together with his most trusted creature.
Mana:: What? I'm confused.
Isis:: Mahad has been transformed. He will now be known as the Dark Magician. | Mana: | Dark Magician? But my training is incomplete! And I need Master Mahad! I want to become an elite spell-caster! I can't do it alone!! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | The Dark One Cometh | 5 | Yami Bakura:: [about Yugi's "Marshmallon" monster] Is that a monster or a desert topping?
Yami Bakura:: [laughs evilly] Perhaps, you could've used the Pharaoh's help after all... [viciously] you PATHETIC MORTAL!!! [laughs evilly]
[After Yami Bakura has activated the magic card "Counterbalance", which forces both players to send cards equal to the number of monsters on the field from the top of their Deck to the Graveyard by the end of their turn. An effect that would eventually lead into a deckout. Yugi questions Yami Bakura why would he risk losing all the cards in his own deck also, not knowing that the effect of "Counterbalance" doesn't affect to Yami Bakura, because he no longer has a graveyard due to the "Cursed Twin Dolls" magic card, he played earlier]
Yugi:: It doesn't make any sense! | Yami Bakura: | [laughs evilly] To work, it requires a graveyard and I don't have one. [mockingly] Guess that means I can't participate. I feel so left out. So, you're in this alone! Get it? This card only drains your deck! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | In the Name of the Pharaoh | 4 | Zorc:: The Egyptian Gods are powerless against me! You already tried this and failed!
Pharaoh Atem:: Yes. But there's one thing I didn't do last time time: Merge them together! Now I give you, the Creator of Light!
Zorc:: What!!? Impossible!! | Pharaoh Atem: | Darkness, be gone!! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | In the Name of the Pharaoh | 5 | Tea:: So what happens now? I mean now you've saved the world?
Atem:: Wait for the next bad guy?
Creator of Light:: No, Atem. There will not be another. You have destroyed from where all evil is born.
Pharaoh Atem:: So I'm done? | Creator of Light: | No. But you are close. With the help of your friends, you'll nearly fulfilled your destiny. You have but one more task to complete before your spirit can return to its resting place. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | The Final Journey | 3 | Pharaoh Atem: (thinking): Seto, according to the inscription on this tablet, you became a great pharaoh in own right. You kept my father's dream alive by maintaining peace in Egypt. And knowning this, my spirit can finally go to its resting place.
Yugi:: "Wait! What are you saying?" | Pharaoh Atem: | "I think you know, Yugi." |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | The Final Journey | 4 | Pharaoh Atem:: "Yes. Now I must seal them all away so I can enter the spirit world."
Tea:: "You're leaving us?"
Pharaoh Atem:: "This is the final step of my mission, Tea." | Tea: | "I guess I always knew. I mean, you came back here after all this time so you could save the world. And now that you've done that, you can finally rest." |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | The Final Duel | 2 | Duke:: What's Yugi waiting for? All he has to do is attack and the duel is over. | Bakura: | That's just it. Once his Magician attacks, the Pharaoh will be released and we'll never see him again. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | The Final Duel | 2 | Duke:: Wait! So did Yugi win the duel? | Ishizu: | If this attack is successful, then yes! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | The Final Duel | 7 | Atem:: Congratulations. Well done. Yugi, a champion doesn't stand on his knees. You've achieved a great victory for us both.
Yugi: (in tears): I was focusing so hard on playing the game, that I forgot what winning this duel would actually mean. By defeating you, I sent you away. For good.
Atem:: No, you have opened the door for me. Thanks to you, my spirit can finally be at rest. I'll be back where I belong. Fate brought the two of us together for a reason. And we fulfilled our destiny
We protected mankind from the return of the Shadow Games.
Yugi:: I'm gonna miss you.
Atem:: You do realize we will never truly be apart, right? The gift of kindness you have me and the courage I've given you will remain with us. | Yugi: | Right. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | The Final Duel | 3 | Joey:: At least give me one of your little rap-up speeches, Yug.
Yugi:: Well, sometimes the end of one adventure is just the beginning of another. | Joey: | Ah, much better. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Isolated in Cyberspace | 4 | Yugi: All this stuff looks pretty real. It's hard to believe that everything here is virtual.
Gansley: Well, you'd better get used to this place, because I'm going to make sure you never leave! [rises out from under the water in the form of Deepsea Warrior] Are you familiar with the phrase, "It's time to duel?" Well, this is the last time you're ever going to hear it! Why, you look as though you don't recognize me, boy. Now you've gone and hurt my feelings. Well, I'm ! Former Vice President of Business Strategy at Kaiba Corp and a proud founding member of the Big Five! But for now, I've taken the form of the Deepsea Warrior.
Yugi: Big deal, Gansley! You don't scare me! I know that behind your virtual disguise is nothing but a feeble old man! You wouldn't stand a chance in a duel against me if your life depended on it! | Gansley | Did you say "my life?" Yugi... once I defeat you, I'll finally have a life again! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Isolated in Cyberspace | 23 | Yami-Yugi: Listen, Gansley, you and your partners won't succeed in trapping my friends here. Mark my words!
Gansley: Really? That's if you can keep up with the new rules.
Yami-Yugi: Just try me!
Gansley: Very well. You remember my demonstration of our patented Deck Master System of dueling, don't you? It begins with each upon us picking a monster to serve as our Deck Master for the duration of the duel. And since I've already taken the form of a monster, lucky me... I will serve as both the duelist and the Deck Master! Now, it's time for you to build your virtual deck.
Yami-Yugi: With what?
Gansley: With these. Your cards aren't valid in this world, so you'll have to build a new deck from our card database. When you see a card you desire, simply touch it. Choose wisely, for once you make contact with a card image, it's yours for the entire length of the duel. Careful. Don't let any gems slip by.
Yami-Yugi: All right, let's begin this duel.
Gansley: How quickly we forget. You still have to choose your Deck Master. Each monster card has its own Deck Master ability under our new system. Of course, I won't tell you what those abilities are. You'll have to figure that out for yourself.
Yugi: What card should I choose to be my Deck Master? Without knowing all the new rules, it's hard to say. Well, my Dark Magician's never let me down!
[As Yami-Yugi is about to choose Dark Magician, Kuriboh appears, choosing himself as his Deck Master]
Yami-Yugi: Huh? Kuriboh?
Gansley: Interesting choice.
Yami-Yugi: Hold on! I didn't choose him!
Gansley: Sorry, the rules state once a Deck Master is chosen, it cannot be changed.
Yami-Yugi: Great. I didn't choose you, but now we must win this together. Kuriboh is now my Deck Master!
Gansley: Suit yourself. As you know, I've chosen Deepsea Warrior. He's powerful and ruthless, like me. But enough chatting...let's get down to business! [Duel commences] I think I'll go first, if you don't mind. I summon a monster facedown in defense mode. And that's all for now. What fun would it be if I wiped out everything you own so soon? Now, let's see if this slacker takes my bait. It's your move. But realize it's only a matter of time before I eliminate all your Life Points! Poor Yugi. You haven't the business skills necessary to wheel-and-deal with a mogul like me!
Yami-Yugi: Listen, Gansley... Duel Monsters is about honor, trust and respect. Not about business skills and making deals. So save your corporate speeches for the boardroom and stop wasting my time.
Gansley: Why worry about time? Once I defeat you, you'll have nothing but time, as you spend all of eternity trapped right here!
Gansley: Let me guess, you've had enough suffering and you want to give up.
Yami-Yugi: Guess again, Gansley.
Gansley: Fine. You're only 500 Life Points away from annihilation, anyway.
Yami-Yugi: I've been in tougher spots, before. Now make your move. | Gansley | Very well. [draws] Excellent! Rainbow Snake Eingana. It could wipe him out right now with one strike, but what fun would that be? I need to drag this duel out a bit longer. So let's see... Ah, yes. I summon Melchid the Four-Face Beast in attack mode! My first order of business is to take down your Obnoxious Celtic Guardian. My Four-Face Beast should have enough power to crush it and take a bite out of your Life Points in the process! NOW! Melchid the Four-Face Beast, eliminate his Obnoxious Celtic Guardian with quadruple smash attack! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Freeze Play | 12 | Tea: Hello?! Is anyone in there?
Crump: Of course. Open your eyes and look around, will ya? You're surrounded by my penguin army.
Tea: I know! I meant is there anyone in without feathers and a beak?
Crump: There's no one here but us penguins, Tea!
Tea: You know my name?
Crump: I know more than that, Tea Gardner... five-foot five, size six sneaker... I've got all the numbers in my report. And I'd say your number is up! Because I'm about to put the freeze on you!
Tea: Who are you? And what do you want from me, anyway?!
Crump: Don't tell me you forgot our last meeting. [reveals himself in the form of Nightmare Penguin]
Tea: I think I'd remember you.
Crump: Look, things are never what they appear to be here, so when we met earlier, I looked a bit different. Give up? I'm one of the Big Five! The name's , former accountant of Kaiba Corp.
Tea: Disguised as a penguin? | Crump | Yes, and I'll explain all that soon. But for starters, let's do a quick run through your numbers. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Freeze Play | 7 | Tea: This can't be good!
Crump: Nice try! Looks like my iceberg dueling field is about to leak you cold! Before we start, we'll have to choose our virtual decks from this card database. Not that it really matters what cards you decide to pick. The probability that you'll be victorious is slim to none!
Tea: How am I supposed to choose when I've never even seen most of these cards before? [realizes] Wait! That one actually looks sort of familiar! [starts selecting some cards] Good thing I've spent so many hours watching Yugi and Joey duel.
Crump: Okay. As per the rules, it's time to choose your Deck Master. It can be any monster in your deck.
Tea: I know exactly who I want to choose... So check it out! [chooses Dark Magician Girl] Dark Magician Girl's my Deck Master, who's yours?
Crump: I've already taken the form of a monster known as Nightmare Penguin, you fool! So I'm both the duelist and the Deck Master. Two threats in one! And once you're on ice, I'll be free to waddle my way to the real world! | Tea | Guess again, Crump! It's time to duel, shorty! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Freeze Play | 6 | Tea: To begin, I'll place one card facedown...and then I'll summon Ancient Elf to the field! And that's all for now, Crump.
Crump: Now, the fun begins. Watch this. I'll start off by summoning my Giant Red Seasnake! And he gets a little power boost!
Tea: How did your snake get more attack points already?!
Crump: Well, my Deck Master's special ability increases the attack power of every water monster on my side of the dueling field. So now, my snake has 2,000 attack points and as a number you can't argue with!
Tea: That's what you think! So, are going to attack me or what?! | Crump | Sudden'y, I'm in the mood for a cold ice glass tea! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Freeze Play | 17 | Tea: You are weird little bird, Crump. (thinking) And I'm in the mood for a barbecue. [draws] What's this? Maha Vailo? No, he's not powerful enough! There's no way he'll beat Flying Penguin!
Dark Magician Girl: Tea, don't give up so fast. He has a secret skill that can help you.
Tea: Huh? What kind of a skill? Hold on, I remember this! Yugi once told me about this card.
[Flashback to that time]
Yugi: You wanna know which card is most like me?
Tea: Wait, I know. Well, I think I know. It's that purple guy with the big hat, right?
Yugi: Uh, big hat? Oh, you mean my Dark Magician card. Well, even though it's pretty great, I don't think it's the card that's most like me. Okay. Ah. This is the one. Pretty cool, right?
Tea: Maha Vailo?
Yugi: He may not be as strong as the Dark Magician, well. not when you first look at him anyway. But if you look closer you'll see a hidden power deep inside.
[Flashback ends]
Tea: (thinking) Of course! It's hidden strength! I'm not done yet! Now, I summon Maha Vailo in attack mode!
Crump: That's weak!
Tea: Wait, I'm not done! Check this out! I activate Magic Formula, raising my monster's attack points by 500!
Crump: You must've failed all of your math forces, kid, because it's still too short on attack points to defeat my Flying Penguin!
Tea: I guess you don't know about Maha Vailo's hidden power. He gets 500 extra attack points for each one of my magic cards!
Crump: No fair! | Tea | Oh, it's fair! Go, Maha Vailo! Attack his Flying Penguin with Sacred Lightning! Add this up, Crump! Extra crispy fried penguin, anyone? |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Courtroom Chaos | 14 | Noah: So much for the Big Five. I should never have hired those corporate clowns!
Yugi: [on virtual screen] Excellent dueling, Tea!
Tea: [on virtual screen] Thanks, Yugi.
Noah: How could they be out-dueled by these two in a virtual world where I make all the rules? If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself, so perhaps it's time for me to step in. I'll make sure they never leave this place!
Johnson: On behalf of myself and the Big Five, I want to offer your our most sincere apologies, Noah.
Noah: Johnson, please.
Johnson: Let me explain!
Noah: There's nothing to explain! You five failed me for the last time! Now you're all fired!
Johnson: Just hear me out, sir.
Noah: Your slick lawyer talk won't get you out of this one, Johnson, so don't even try it. So far your partners Gansley and Crump each suffered an embarrassing defeat. So why should I believe the rest of you won't fail? I have no choice, Johnson. I must dispose of you all!
Johnson: Please, Noah! Don't do it! We've analyzed our attack patterns and we come up with a solid dueling strategy that is guaranteed to bring success, sir! Understand our position. The Big Five are desperate to defeat these brats. It's the only way we can take over their bodies and leave the cyber world behind! We can't let them win!
Noah: Very well. I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself. Don't let me down.
Johnson: You won't be sorry. | Noah | No. 'Cause if they fail me again, he will be the sorry one. Their failures are a reflection of me. And I can't allow Yugi and his friends to make me look like a failure. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Courtroom Chaos | 9 | Johnson: Objection. Before we begin, you have to choose a monster from your deck to serve as your Deck Master.
Joey: Whatever. [looks through his cards] This shouldn't be too hard. Folks, we have a winner! So, meet my Deck Master, Flame Swordsman! As long as this guy's standing next to me, judge, there's no way I can possibly lose this duel!
Flame Swordsman: You have my word as your Deck Master that I will serve you well and guide you through this duel.
Joey: (thinking) Awesome! He talks!
Flame Swordsman: I assure you we shall defeat our opponent.
Johnson: As you know, I will be acting as my own Deck Master. So this court is now in session. [Duel begins] Since we're in my courtroom, I'll begin this duel. Watch and learn. Now, I call Hysteric Angel to the stand. She'll make sure you the maximum sentence.
Joey: [annoyingly unimpressed] That is the most annoying monster I have ever seen! She looks just like you do, Johnson!
Johnson: Silence. It's time to call out your first witness. | Joey | Yes, Your Honor. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Courtroom Chaos | 4 | Johnson: I summon Curtain of the Dark Ones. Then, I reveal my facedown card-- activate Polymerization to fuse together my Mystical Elf and my Curtain of the Dark Ones.
Joey: (thinking) Whatever monster he's creating will get sucked right into my Bottomless Trap Hole!
Johnson: Meet Kamionwizard! | Johnson | (thinking) He can take all the risks he wants, but in my virtual courtroom, I control everything! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Courtroom Chaos | 3 | Johnson: This ought to do for starters. First, I play my Reinforcement of the Army magic card, allowing me to add a warrior to my hand. Then, I'll use Polymerization. Now I Joseph, to fuse together my Armaill warrior and my One-Eyed Shield Dragon. Meet Dragoness the Wicked Knight!
Joey: Wow. Big deal, Johnson. Your monster looks weak to me! [realizes] But wait! Thanks to that magic card of his, Johnson can increase the attack points of any monster that's made up of two other monsters fused together! | Johnson | Time for my Leading Question magic card to kick in! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Courtroom Chaos | 3 | Yugi: (thinking) There's something fishy about this Johnson guy. It seems like more than just bad luck that's holding Joey down.
Pharaoh: Yes, Yugi. I agree-- Much more. Johnson is controlling the outcome of Joey's moves. I've been sensing it since the beginning of this duel. This judge is cheating. | Yugi | I knew it! We've got to step in! Or Joey's mind will be trapped here! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Courtroom Chaos | 12 | Noah: TIME OUT! Stop the duel!
Tea: What's the deal?
Johnson: Noah... You can't, sir, please! I'm only a few moves away from taking over this fool's body!
Noah: You don't deserve that prize, Johnson! Not after what you just pulled!
Joey: So, he is a cheater.
Noah: Sad to say it's true. The honorable Judge Man is nothing but a fraud who's been cheating you from the very beginning. He's been using my virtual technology to tamper with your dice rolls.
Joey: [to Johnson; enraged] How 'bout I tamper with your face?! Mr. So-called-man-of-justice, you big, fat fake!
Johnson: But, Noah, I couldn't risk losing this! Please, you must understand me! I can't take living in this virtual prison for one moment longer! It's torture!
Noah: Your excuses bore me! I brought you five into my virtual world with the understanding that under my leadership, you would defeat Seto Kaiba and his little friends. But if you cheat, I can't prove that I'm truly more deserving than him!
Kaiba: Than me?! More deserving of what?
Noah: For years, I've lived in Seto's shadow, always trying to prove that I'm the better one! I should be the president of Kaiba Corp, not him! And it's about time I've proven to Gozaburo Kaiba that he should have left the company to me! | Kaiba | What?! (thinking) But my stepfather, Gozaburo, has been missing without a trace for over five years! And why would Noah want to prove something to him, anyway?! This kid is not who he seems to be! But who is he? |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Courtroom Chaos | 5 | Joey: I'm not through yet! I still got this little number left! My Arduous Decision magic card!
Yugi: Talk about risk! If this doesn't work, he could lose the entire duel to Johnson right now, Tea!
Tea: But how, Yugi?
Yugi: Playing that card allows Joey to draw two more cards from his deck and that's when things get tough! 'Cause then Johnson has to pick one of those two cards. If it's a monster, Joey can summon it. But if he chooses a magic or trap card, it goes to the graveyard and Joey's turn is over! | Joey | Well... Your choice! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Mechanical Mayhem | 42 | Duke: All right, my Deck Master is gonna be Strike Ninja!
Serenity: I pick... uh, Goddess with the Third Eye.
Tristan: I choose Super Roboyarou.
Nezbitt: And I'll be acting as my own Deck Master, Robotic Knight. And just to make this duel more interesting, we'll be battling above a sea of radioactive waste. Play by the rules and you won't fall in. There's one regulation in particular I'll be strictly enforcing. Under no circumstances are any of you to discuss your strategy with one another. Break this rule and you'll plummet into the toxic abyss below!
Serenity: Tristan, wait! How can I duel without your advice?
Tristan: You can do this! Just believe in yourself!
[Duel commences]
Nezbitt: The female shall begin this battle. Engage!
Serenity: Whatever you say. [draws] Here goes! Let's see. Which card should I play? Ahh, that's the one! Now, I'm going to summon Shadow Tamer, in attack mode! [summons Shadow Tamer]
Tristan: [speechless] Wait! In attack mode?!
Serenity: Oh, I didn't mess up already, did I?
Tristan: (thinking) That monster is too weak to play in attack mode!
Serenity: I'm terrible. Sorry.
Tristan: Nah, you did just fine. Really! You're a natural!
Duke: (thinking) Yeah, a natural disaster.
Serenity: I'll end my turn now.
Tristan: All right, Nezbitt! My move! (thinking) I've gotta lead this metal meathead away from Serenity's monster! So now I play Cyber Commander! [summons Cyber Commander] Come and get me, punk!
Duke: (thinking) Tristan played a weaker monster than Serenity so Nezbitt will attack him instead! I guess it's up to me now! Let's see.
Tristan: (thinking) Come on, Duke. Use your head for once! Just play a lame monster so Robo-Geek will attack you instead of blasting for Serenity!
Duke: I summon The 13th Grave now, in defense mode!
Tristan: (thinking) Way to look out for your teammates, Duke.
Duke: I'll stop here.
Nezbitt: It's time for me to accelerate into high gear, with this! [summons Giga-Tech Wolf] Giga-Tech Wolf! Attack the female's Shadow Tamer!
Tristan: Oh, no! He went after Serenity's monster!
Serenity: This one's for Tristan! Now...
Nezbitt: Yes?
Serenity: (thinking) As Joey and Yugi would say, "I have to trust my cards."
Duke: Serenity, you already know everything you need to in order to beat this guy!
Serenity: Right! (thinking) I just have to remember everything Tristan taught me that day... [Flashback to her and talk about Tristan's Duel Monsters strategy on the train] So I have to sacrifice my weak monster to summon a stronger one! Well... That means if I want to summon the strong monster in my hand, I have to get rid of my weaker Lady Panther, first! Maybe this game isn't so tough after all! So here goes... I sacrifice my Lady Panther so I can summon Marie the Fallen One! Good!
Duke: (thinking) I hope Serenity's getting the hang of this, 'cause if she messes this up now, Nezbitt will win the duel in his next turn!
Serenity: (thinking) I've got the monsters I want... Now I need that Polymerization card so I can fuse them together!
Goddess with the Third Eye: Serenity.
Serenity: Was that you?
Goddess with the Third Eye: Fear not, Serenity. As your Deck Master, I carry with me a very special ability. The power of fusion. I have the ability to combine two or more of your monsters together without the need for a Polymerization card. But, you must discard one magic card in order to activate my ability.
Serenity: Okay, now feast your eyes on this little number, Nezbitt! First I'll dispose of this magic card, so then I can activate the special ability of my Deck Master!
Goddess with the Third Eye: Fusion vision...go!
Serenity: Goddess with the Third Eye, fuse together Marie the Fallen One and The Forgiving Maiden to form... St. Joan!
Nezbitt: Impressive. But I'm afraid your monster isn't powerful enough to take me on. [Tristan's Command Angel glows, raising St. Joan's attack points by 400] What's going on? This can't be!
Duke: Awesome! Command Angel's special power kicked in! It raised the strength of every fairy monster on the field, including St. Joan!
Serenity: Thanks to Tristan's monster card, we can still do this!
Tea: Now her St. Joan has 3200 attack points. | Yugi | Yeah, but his Perfect Machine King still has more points. St. Joan needs another power boost! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Settling the Score | 6 | Mokuba: [waking up] Where am I?
Noah: You're with me. [steps out of the shadows]
Mokuba: Noah! Stay away from me! Wait till Seto finds out!
Noah: Seto? Ha! He won't be rescuing you any time soon!
Mokuba: That's not true! My brother would never let anything happen to me! | Noah | He's got his hands tied... see for yourself! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Settling the Score | 9 | Leichter: Do you have any idea who you're dealing with?
Kaiba: Well, now I do. It took me a minute, but I recognize your voice...Leichter. So let's get this duel over with.
Leichter: [snaps fingers] My sentiments exactly. So go ahead and choose your deck from the virtual card database.
Kaiba: Gladly.
Leichter: Now choose a monster to act as your Deck Master.
Kaiba: This is a no-brainer, Leichter. I choose Lord of Dragons!
Leichter: And I have already taken the form of my Deck Master. Can you tell which monster I've become?
Kaiba: No and quite frankly, I don't care, Leichter! Because crushing you will be a simple task, regardless of your Deck Master! So let's begin! | Leichter | It's time to duel, as they say! Don't expect any courtesy from me. I'll go first. I play one monster in defense mode. Then I'll place two cards facedown and end my turn. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Settling the Score | 2 | Leichter: Before I take my turn, I'll activate my trap card-- Solemn Wishes! Now, I'll draw. [draws; laughs] And since my turn has officially begun, my Life Points will increase. That's because my Solemn Wishes trap card boosts my power by 500 points with every card I draw. | Kaiba | (thinking) Enjoy it while you can, because your next turn will be your last. Then you'll all pay for taking my little brother! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Settling the Score | 4 | Kaiba: [as Leichter destroys his Crush Card trap] It's destroyed! But how?! You have the power to destroy traps?! Now I know what monster you are, Leichter! The only monster I know with the power to destroy trap cards!
Leichter: Yes! I am Jinzo! And with a monster this powerful as my Deck Master, you don't stand a chance! So prepare to lose your body to me... FOREVER! I've been waiting for this moment for quite some time Mr. Kaiba. For years, I stood by and watched you rise to power, a power that should have been mine! As you stepfather's right hand man, I not only helped you run Kaiba Corp, I helped raise you. And how did you repay me?! By taking away every I worked so hard to gain!
Kaiba: How did I do that, Leichter?! | Leichter | I was next in line to run the company until you forced your way to the top! I'll never forgive you for that! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Settling the Score | 21 | Leichter: With my help, you made ten times your money back in that one day. And you got all the credit!
Kaiba: Well, of course! It was my business skills that earned me that money, Leichter! All you did was follow orders. That's all you were good for. You never once had your own idea. You couldn't have run Corp!
Leichter: Not only could I, but I will... Once I escape to the real world in your body!
Kaiba: Not quite. When my Giant Germ was destroyed, its special ability was activated allowing me to summon another one!
Leichter: You're just delaying your eventual destruction, Mr. Kaiba. Since I've assumed the form of Jinzo, all of your trap cards are useless! And you know as well as I do that no one wins a duel with monsters alone!
Kaiba: Leichter, I'll never lose this game to you!
Leichter: Oh, you'll lose so much more than just this game! Let the onslaught continue! Remember, I get 500 extra Life Points each draw thanks to my Solemn Wishes trap card. And now, I'll place two cards facedown.
Kaiba: Whatever! [draws] Spear Dragon, attack his facedown monster with cyclone blast!
Leichter: Nice try. But I'm afraid your attack is useless, because I activate Cyber Jar! Which destroys every monster on the field!
Kaiba: Oh, no!
Leichter: It may have cost me a few Life Points, but it cost you all of your monsters! Now, we draw five cards and summon any monsters we pick.
Kaiba: Vorse Raider and Twin-Headed Behemoth!
Leichter: Injection Fairy Lily!
Noah: So they both start over.
Mokuba: Go, Seto!
Leichter: And since it's my turn again, I gain another 500 Life Points thanks to my Solemn Wishes trap card! And now, I activate-- Watch Tranquilizer! This magic card equips me with an electronic device, that lowers the attack strength of your offensive monsters, Mr. Kaiba. Let's give it a test run, shall we? [fires at Kaiba's Vorse Raider] My Watch Tranquilizer is about to weaken your Vorse Raider! Since it's a level four monster, it will lose 400 attack points, bringing it down to total of 1500!
Kaiba: (thinking) That doesn't matter. His Fairy Lily is still weaker than my monster!
Leichter: Now it's time for you to experience my Fairy Lily's special ability. By giving up 2,000 Life Points, I can raise her power by 3,000, enough to wipe out your and then some! Lily, attack! And that's not all, Mr. Kaiba! Activate Sebek's Blessing! This magic card allows me to take the Life Points that you just lost, and add them to my own, reducing your chances of survival even more!
Leichter: First, I'll activate my Fairy Lily's special ability. You remember... I give up 2,000 of my Life Points to boost her attack points by 3,000. Lily, attack and destroy his Behemoth!
Kaiba: You've overlooked my monster's special ability! It makes a quick recovery! | Leichter | Too bad I'm always one step ahead of you, Mr. Kaiba. First, I'll place this card facedown. Then I'll activate the magic card, Emergency Provisions! By destroying my own facedown card, the Emergency Provisions magic card boosts my Life Points by 1,000! At this rate, wiping you out will be simple! And seizing control of your body will be even simpler! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Settling the Score | 6 | Kaiba: (thinking) Leichter thinks he has me backed into a corner. But that old fool is in for quite a surprise! My move! [draws] Oh, looks like there's bad weather ahead! 'Cause I activate this-- my Heavy Storm magic card! Time for my storm to blow away all of your magic and trap cards, Leichter! Which means you're done powering up your Life Points!
Leichter: As your stepfather's right hand man, I learned to anticipate his every move. And that's exactly what I've just done to you! For I activate Imperial Order!
Kaiba: Oh, no!
Leichter: Oh, yes, Mr. Kaiba! For a mere 700 Life Points per turn, this card cancels out all your magic cards. And you know what that means, don't you? Now you can't use any trap or magic cards for the duration of the duel!
Yugi: That's not good! | Joey | Oh, man! Talk about not playing with a full deck. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Settling the Score | 12 | Leichter: You seem a little stunned to me, Mr. Kaiba.
Kaiba: How can I stop a weapon that's... up there?!
Leichter: You can't! Orbiting the Earth at an altitude of 240 miles, my Satellite Cannon is virtually unreachable!
Yugi: It can't be beat!
Joey: I never heard of a Duel Monster that can attack from outer space!
Leichter: Satellite Cannon is so high above the Earth's atmosphere that it's shielded from the attack of almost every monster!
Kaiba: Almost?! How do you know I don't have a monster in my deck that can reach it, Leichter?!
Leichter: Trust me, Mr. Kaiba. By the time you summon a monster with the ability to attack my Satellite, it will be too powerful to destroy! That's because it gain 1,000 attack points with each turn! At last, the mighty Seto Kaiba is about to lose everything that he has! And it serves you right, after destroying your own stepfather and betraying the Big Five! NOW it's time you paid the price for using others to get what you want! Even your own brother!
Yugi: What's he talking about?
Mokuba: No way! Seto and I are a team!
Noah: Not all the time. Mokuba, it's time you learned the harsh truth about your brother. Listen to what Leichter has to say. | Leichter | You'll stop at nothing to get what you want, Mr. Kaiba, even if it means deceiving those most loyal to you. Your treachery began when your stepfather, Gozaburo, gave you $10,000,000 to test your business skills. When you increased the cash by threatening a smaller company, he was impressed with your abilities and your cruelty. But that wasn't good enough for you, was it? You wanted more. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Settling the Score | 10 | Leichter: Gozaburo was so ashamed that he ran away, no one's heard from him since. So your cruel plan worked.
Kaiba: What's your point, Leichter?
Leichter: You played us like fools! Mokuba wasn't the snitch, now was he?! It was you, wasn't it, Mr. Kaiba?!
Mokuba: I don't believe it!
Leichter: You knew that your stepfather liked people to think they were winning, so when he beat them, they'd feel that much worse. So you used Mokuba as a pawn. You began leaking information about your plan to Gozaburo and made everyone, including him, think it was Mokuba. So your stepfather let you gain 49% of his company, thinking Mokuba would give him the 2% he needed to stay in control. But you know better didn't you, Mr. Kaiba? You knew that your little brother would be loyal to matter how poorly you treated him!
Kaiba: You're wrong! Mokuba was the only one I trusted! I knew that together, he and I could take our stepfather down!
Leichter: You used achieve your own selfish goals. You toyed with your brother's emotions and took advantage of his trust for you! Then you destroyed the very man who rescued you from that orphanage!
Mokuba: [enraged] I'VE HEARD ENOUGH! Seto would NEVER hurt me on purpose!
Leichter: You never intended to run KaibaCorp with us as a team, like you promised. When you became president, you took away our responsibilities! You used me, just like you used everyone, including your little brother! | Kaiba | Look, Leichter, life is a game and if you can't win it, then don't play! Now, let's duel! I summon Spirit Ryu! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Settling the Score | 4 | Kaiba: First, I'll activate my Pot of Greed card! This let me draw two more cards! And then, I'll summon the monster Possessed Dark Soul! Now, Dark Soul! Attack Leichter's facedown monster!
Leichter: Stop right there! Reveal Dreamsprite! Attacking this activated its special power! It can redirect your attack to any of my other monsters! Just watch, Mr. Kaiba! So I'll transfer your attack to my Satellite Cannon!
Joey: Hold on! Kaiba's monster's not strong enough to reach that high! | Leichter | I'm untouchable! Just one more turn and my Satellite Cannon's attack points will be raised to 2,000...enough to wipe out your remaining Life Points, Mr. Kaiba! I'll take a Life Point boost from my trap card and end my turn! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Noah's Secret | 11 | [Joey, Serenity and Duke had crashed after a harrowing chase from the four members of the Big Five]
Joey: [climbs out of the truck] Are you still in one piece, Duke?
Duke: [on the ground] I think so.
Joey: Serenity! [pulls his sister out of the truck]
Serenity: I'm okay.
Leichter: For now, maybe. But soon, all of your bodies will belong to us! Now, which one of you two should I take control of?
Crump: Hold on! I wanna have first choice, Leichter!
Leichter: We're going in size order, Crump, so you choose last.
Crump: That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard! I'm choosing now!
Leichter: [hovers down and grabs Crump by the coat] Keep your wings to yourself until I say so! | Gansley | [arrives with Johnson, who tosses Duke to the ground] Stop it, fools! We don't have time for all this bickering! Choose a body and stick with it! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Merger of the Big Five | 29 | Yugi: Look guys, up there!
Tea: Tristan!
Joey: That's not Tristan, remember?
Duke: It's the techno geek of the Big Five, Nezbitt, even though he kicked his nerdy butt in that duel, he still took Tristan's body!
[Gansley laughs]
Nezbitt: I'm not alone in here!
Crump: Today's special is-- five for one!
Johnson: And the verdict is in.
Leichter: Our combined force will destroy you!
[The Big Five's Deck Masters appear]
Tea: They're all using Tristan's body!
Yugi: Give him back!
Gansley: Listen, Yugi! There's only one way we'll return your friend.
Crump: [laughs] But believe me, Junior, the odds are in our favor!
Tea: Hey, that's Crump! Sicko!
Yugi: All right! Tell us what we have to do to get Tristan back from your control!
Leichter: Why duel us! Win, and he's yours!
Nezbitt: Hold on! What's this about returning the body? We never discussed that! I'm the one who won this body and I won't give it up!
Leichter: Nezbitt, it belongs to all of us now, and this was a group decision!
Johnson: [chuckles] I can't believe you two are actually arguing as if we're going to keep our word.
Gansley: Now, let's duel, Yugi!
Yugi: You five are on!
[Pharaoh's spirit takes over]
Yami-Yugi: Let's do this... for Tristan!
Joey: Hold it right there! Your man's a little off if you get in my drift. Five on one's are even, so count me in!
Yami-Yugi: Are you sure?
Joey: Yeah. No question. The two of us are a team, Yugi. Now, let's waste these five suits!
Yami-Yugi: Yes, and together, we'll save Tristan. | Johnson | Fine, Yugi. Five on two. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Merger of the Big Five | 14 | Kaiba: (thinking) Yugi and his friends can deal with the Big Five... I've got bigger problems! Noah's story has to be a lie! He claims that the man who adopted me is his father! But based on his story, that would make Noah the same age as me! And he's clearly just a snot-nosed little kid! I wonder if the Big Five put that kid up to all this. Those corporate slime balls would do anything to take over Corp. But they're too dim-witted to come up with a scheme like this! There's a piece to this virtual puzzle that I still need to find! And when I do, all of this nonsense will be clear! But the first thing I have to do, is find Mokuba, and rescue him from Noah's control before that little punk completely brainwashes my brother! Then I'll show Noah that no one disrespects my family and gets away with it!
Johnson: When you two lose this duel, you and your friends will be sentenced to an eternity in this digital dungeon!
Joey: You're the one who's going down, Johnson! I beat you once and I'll beat you again!
Yami-Yugi: Yes, but now we're up against all five of them!
Johnson: That's right, I'm not alone in here. Now then...
Tea: I can't believe the Big Five are all in Tristan's body!
Tristan: Those business geeks are sharing me like I'm a corporate condo!
Johnson: My first maneuver should seem familiar to you, Joseph. The move's called, Clear the Courtroom! It's Judge Man's Deck Master ability!
Joey: Oh, no! Not this move!
Johnson: Oh, yes! First, I'll give 1,000 my Life Points. Proceed, Your Honor. Prosecute all of their monsters to the full extent of the law!
Yami-Yugi: All four of our monsters are gone now.
Johnson: But that's not all I've done.
Joey: What?! | Johnson | Have you forgotten already, Joseph? Next, you'll both lose 500 Life Points for each monster that I've crushed. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Merger of the Big Five | 5 | Tristan: If they keep this up, I'll never get my body back!
Serenity: Don't worry, Tristan. Yugi and my brother are gonna win this!
Johnson: Now that I've cleared the field of all of your monsters, it's time to work on your Life Points! I call Hysteric Angel to the stand! And now, I think our spectators are really going to enjoy this next move. Especially that little monkey-boy up there. [Tristan shrieks angrily] Time to put this body to good use! Now, Hysteric Angel, attack Joseph's Life Points directly!
Joey: Well, now I remember why I love your lawyers so much. | Johnson | If you loved that one, just wait 'til my next move! Angel, use my Catapult Turtle's special ability to launch yourself at the defendant, Mr. Joseph Wheeler! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Merger of the Big Five | 7 | Johnson: I activate Revenge Sacrifice!
Joey: No!
Johnson: This card allows me to sacrifice the monster you just attacked me with! So consider your Rocket Warrior dismissed! And I'll use it to summon a new monster. [laughs] So please welcome to the stand, Machine King! [summons Machine King] This mechanical menace gains an additional 100 attack points for every machine monster in play, including itself! The decision is unanimous! You two don't stand a chance!
Joey: All right, Yuge! Finish this guy!
Yami-Yugi: I'll try. (thinking) All right, I need to play Des Volstgalph, but, in order to summon it the field, I need to sacrifice another monster first. And I have no other monsters! Not yet, anyway! It's my move, so here goes! [draws] (thinking) This is just what I needed! It's The Rock Spirit monster card! But, in order to use it, I first have to take a monster out of my graveyard and remove it from the game. I was forced to send my Buster Blader to the graveyard before, so I guess I'll take him out of play. First, I'll remove my Buster Blader from the game in order to summon, The Rock Spirit! But I'm afraid that's not all, Johnson! Next, I'll sacrifice my Spirit to summon this, Des Voltsgalph!
Joey: (thinking) What? Is he serious?! | Yami-Yugi | And now I'll place a card facedown and end my turn. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Merger of the Big Five | 11 | Yami-Yugi: HA! You just played a magic card which triggers my Volstgalph's special ability! So it gains 200 attack points!
Leichter: Now is that so? He won't be around for much longer, anyway! For I summon my Fairy Lily! [summons Injection Fairy Lily]
Joey: Ha! Looks like she's only got 400 attack points, Leichter.
Yami-Yugi: Looks can be deceiving, Joey.
Leichter: I give up 2,000 Life Points to increase her power! Lily, destroy his Des Volstgalph!
Yami-Yugi: That maneuver cost you more Life Points than it cost me.
Leichter: Not exactly. 'Cause I'm about to restore mine with my Sebek's Blessing magic card!
Joey: What's the deal with that card?
Yami-Yugi: It increases Leichter's Life Points by the same number of Life Points I just lost.
Leichter: Exactly. And if my math is correct, that gives me 1,000 more Life Points! And finally I'll place one more card facedown. Soon, we'll claim four more of your bodies leaving your minds trapped here! | Joey | Yuge, we gotta do something and fast! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Merger of the Big Five | 17 | Leichter: Celebrating so soon?
Joey: Yeah, why?
Leichter: You may have destroyed my trap card, but my Fairy Lily is still the strongest monster on the field, Mr. Wheeler. Once I power her up again, she'll wipe out your Jinzo and your Life Points!
Yami-Yugi: Joey, Leichter is right! Her special ability allows him to raise her attack points higher than any other monster on the field!
Joey: Oh, yeah.
Yami-Yugi: But then again, attack points aren't everything, are they, Joey?
Leichter: My five Deck Masters, come forth! I call you all to the field! First, the unstoppable Jinzo!
Gansley: Then, I summon the almighty Deepsea Warrior!
Crump: Followed by the cunning Nightmare Penguin!
Johnson: Next, I'll call Judge Man to the stand.
Nezbitt: And finally, I'll summon the superior Robotic Knight.
Leichter: Now listen to me, my five Deck Masters. I command all of you to join together to form a creature of unparalleled strength and supreme power! Behold, the ultimate monster, my Five-Headed Dragon!
Yami-Yugi: We've faced this beast, before!
Joey: I know! How could I forget?! It was the last time we fought the Cyber Creeps! That super dragon took out my monster, and me with it! Let's just hope my luck is better than it was last time.
Yami-Yugi: Well, the good news it, Leichter's dragon can't attack until his next turn.
Joey: That's a relief. We have one turn to stop it. | Leichter | Hold on, I forgot to mention... my dragon destroys every one of your magic, trap and monster cards as soon as it's summoned! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Merger of the Big Five | 7 | Leichter: Hey! What's going on?!
Noah: Breaking my rules again, are we?
Leichter: Noah!
Noah: You five fools have failed me for the last time!!
[The Big Five scream as they disappear]
Tea: What's happening? | Joey | They disappeared! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Brothers in Arms | 9 | Kaiba: You expect me to believe that? Noah, please. The only thing more ridiculous than that story is you outdueling me!
Noah: Then let's go. What better way to prove my power over you, than by defeating you at your own pathetic game, Seto?
Kaiba: I'VE HEARD ENOUGH! Is that clear?! I rebuilt Corp from the ground on my own terms with no help at all! That company is what it is because of me! No one else could run it! Especially not some kid!
Noah: Really?!
Kaiba: I'll show you REAL power! Lets go!
Noah: All right. Then choose your cards, Seto.
Kaiba: I already have! And I've already chosen my deck master. Say hello to my friend, Kaiser Sea Horse!
Noah: You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this, Seto. Time to lose it all! | Both | Let's duel! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Brothers in Arms | 6 | Kaiba: You'll never get away with this, Noah! I'd rather see my company crumble to the ground then fall into your grubby little hands! Corp is mine! You got that, punk?!
Noah: You stole it! I'm just taking back what belongs to me!
Kaiba: Keep dreaming, kid.
[the setting changes to the Jurassic age]
Tea: Check it out! The whole virtual world is changing! | Noah | Quite impressive, isn't it? I command every part of this place. Welcome to the Dinosaur Age. [places Giant Rex in attack mode] I summon Giant Rex! [As a beam of blue light brings Giant Rex to the field, Giant Rex lets out a resonating roar] Your Spear Dragon is about to become extinct! Giant Rex, attack! [Yugi, Joey and the gang head for cover as Giant Rex attacks and destroys Spear Dragon by tossing it to the ground] |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Brothers in Arms | 2 | Noah: So, you think I'm insane for wanting to claim what's rightfully mine? | Kaiba | No, I think you're insane for trapping me in a virtual computer program and forcing me to duel you! Just to prove to your daddy that you're not the failure he thinks you are!! Well, I'm here to prove that you are!! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Brothers in Arms | 5 | Kaiba:: Kaiba Corp is mine 'cause I earned it!! And if you think you can take it all away, just by winning one duel, proves what I thought about you from the start.
Noah:: And what's that?
Kaiba:: You're nuts!! You must have spent one too many years trapped in that bubble in the sky, Noah. I'm more fit to run that company than you'll ever be!! And deep down your father always knew that.
Kaiba: Noah, I'm only gonna say this once: Release Mokuba now! This is our fight! Is that clear? He has nothing to do with this! | Noah | There you go disrespecting Mokuba again, acting like his opinion doesn't matter. Tell him, Mokie. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Brothers in Arms | 9 | Joey: Kaiba! Oh man.
Yugi: They're statues! It can't be!
(His anger allows the spirit of the Pharaoh to take over)
Pharaoh: Noah, you think this proves you're the best!? I think it shows your father that you're a coward!
Noah: What are you talking about Yugi? I defeated Seto in this duel fair and square!
Pharaoh: Guess again, Noah! You think kidnapping Mokuba and using him as a shield is fair?!!
Noah: You think I cheated?!
Pharaoh: I think you're guilty of the same foul play you once scolded the Big Five for! Something you said your father would never allow! Kaiba could've easily defeated you, Noah! But he chose the safety of his little brother over his victory. And that makes Kaiba a stronger person than you will ever be! All you've proven here today is that you're a weak little boy who needs to cheat to get his way. And as far as I'm concerned, you didn't win this duel! But I have a proposition for you. Kaiba has 400 Life Points left! Let me take his place, so we can finish this duel fair and square! | Noah | That could be the most foolish thing I've ever heard! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Noah's Final Threat | 4 | Noah: That's enough out of you, Yugi! Watch this-- I activate my Next World magic card! Take a close look at this magic carpet, Yugi. You may recognize someone.
Yami-Yugi: My Dark Magician! What's going on here?
Noah: It chooses one of your monsters that allows me to summon one with the same number of stars! So I choose this, Yamata Dragon! | Yami-Yugi | Oh, no! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Noah's Final Threat | 14 | Yami-Yugi: You're nothing but a child. Six years may have passed, but I'm afraid you haven't matured at all. You're a weak boy!
Noah: I am strong!
Yami-Yugi: Well, not strong enough! Just look.
Joey: Come on! You can still beat this lame-o!
Tea: That's right, so don't you even think about giving up this fight, Yugi!
Noah: This can't be! They still have faith!
Yami-Yugi: Noah! You wouldn't be so surprised if you had been given the chance to experience true friendship! You're just bitter!
Noah: The only thing I need to know about friendship is HOW TO DESTROY IT!
Yami-Yugi: You have nothing to defend you! So your Life Points are wide open! And it's about time I turn this duel around! So stand back, Noah! [draws] (thinking) Just what I needed! All right, prepare to release me and my friends from your twisted game, for I activate-- Dark Magic Ritual! This magic card allows me to summon a dark magical creature once I make a sacrifice! So, I'll sacrifice this card, my all-powerful Valkyrion the Magna Warrior! Valkyrion, be gone! Now I shall summon my third magician! The Magician of Black Chaos!
Noah: Oh, no!
Yami-Yugi: Oh, yes! This monster completes my trio of magical beasts that will combine forces to take you down! When added together, Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl, and Magician of Black Chaos, have over 7000 attack points, almost enough to wipe you out!
Tea: He's got three dark magicians?
Joey: That's right, but he never had 'em all on the field at once! This is the break Yugi needed! | Yami-Yugi | Noah, this is for my friends! Combine forces my magicians, and STRIKE HIS LIFE POINTS DIRECTLY!! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | So Close, Yet So Far | 4 | Pharaoh: You've been defeated, Noah, not just by me, but by all of us, for it was only with the support of my friends that I was able to win this duel. And the more you tried to destroy that friendship, the stronger it grew.
Noah: [falls on his knees in defeat; moaning] This isn't how it was supposed to happen at all.
Pharaoh: Listen to me, Noah. You've been all alone in this virtual world for six years. And it's distorted your mind. | Noah | He's right. I have been stuck in this digital wasteland for too long. Maybe the reason I despise Yugi and his friends so much is because they share a bond that I've never experienced. So I tried to eliminate their friendship to show them what it's like to be me. But they'll never understand. No one will. My life was ruined. After my accident, by brain was digitized into one of my father's supercomputers, only to be forgotten about. He promised me with everything and left me with nothing. It's not fair! I deserve to be the president of Kaiba Corp! And I would be if Seto hadn't robbed me of my life! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | So Close, Yet So Far | 9 | Joey: Now what!?
Kaiba: That voice! It can't be!
Noah: Father, no! Give me another chance!
Pharaoh: What's going on?!
[Gozaburo reveals himself in the purple clouds]
Mokuba: Gozaburo! | Noah | No, wait! Father, I need more time! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | So Close, Yet So Far | 4 | Kaiba: You snake!
Gozaburo: I can't believe that you had the nerve to call me a snake! I was the most powerful human being on the entire planet before you came along and stole that power away from me, Seto! Don't you realize that I treated you better than I even treated my own son?
Kaiba: Thanks...for nothing! And I'll make sure you never regain your power! | Gozaburo | You're too late! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Burying the Past | 2 | Gozaburo: (Chuckles evilly) Well, someone's feeling a bit anxious. So feast your eyes on my cards. I have a strong feeling you've encountered them before! Take a close look. Do these five cards seem familiar to you?? | Kaiba | It can't be!! Not those cards!! IT'S THE FIVE PIECES OF EXODIA THE FORBIDDEN ONE!! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Burying the Past | 2 | Kaiba: Well, it looks like you have failed again. So, I guess there's one thing left to do. | Gozaburo | Yes! I guess there is! Escape from this place! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | The Darkness Returns | 4 | Yami-Marik: Our shadow game awaits. I hope you're prepared to be swallowed up by the darkness!
Joey: Keep dreaming, psycho!
Kaiba: (thinking) At last, I can defeat Yugi and reclaim my glory! | Yugi | (thinking) I have to crush Kaiba to get to Marik! It's the only way I can save the world from destruction! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | The Darkness Returns | 11 | Joey: (thinking) I'm off to a bad start. His Gil Garth has 1800 attack points and none of my cards can beat it... yet. I'll also place one card facedown. And then, I'll summon my Alligator's Sword in defense mode!
Yami-Marik: The time has come to take this duel to the next level!
Joey: Next level? I know where this is going.
[Shadow game blackness appears and surrounds the duel]
Yugi: I was afraid Marik would do this!
Tristan: Come on! Again?!
Tea: [worried] Joey!
Yami-Yugi: This duel's now...a shadow game!
Joey: Show some originality, Marik!
Yami-Marik: The shadow's hunger for your mind, and your soul! | Joey | You don't scare me! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | The Darkness Returns | 15 | Tristan: We can't let Joey go through with this duel! This is exactly what happened when Marik dueled Mai! It's too dangerous!
Duke: Let's step in!
Tea: Joey's already made up his mind. Didn't I tell you what he said to me?
Yami-Yugi: What's that?
Tea: Sorry, Yugi. I should have told you about this before. [Flashback to her and Joey's conversation] Joey and I had a conversation after Mai's duel with Marik.
Joey: I know if I beat that evil freak in a duel, I can get Mai back!
Tea: Are you sure about this, Joey?
Joey: I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I owe it to Mai and to myself to face Marik. If I back away from this fight now, I'll never be able to forgive myself. I've made up my mind. I gave Mai my word that I wouldn't let anything happen to her, and Wheeler would never break a promise to a friend... So look out, Marik, 'cause here I come!
[Flashback ends]
Tea: So Joey's trying to rescue Mai out there, and nothing we say can stop him!
Yami-Yugi: I thought so!
Yugi: There's gotta be something we can do to save Joey! I know he promised to bring back Mai, but there has to be another way!
Yami-Yugi: Yugi... It's his fight. Just as Joey made a promise to Mai, we made a promise to Joey that we would stop protecting him. We must prove to Joey that we believe in him by letting him duel on his own.
Yugi: We can't! | Yami-Yugi | Trust him, Yugi! He can win, but he needs our faith and support. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | The Darkness Returns | 11 | Yami-Marik: You've had your fun, but now... [draws] It's time for me to end all that with this! My Tribute Burial card!
Joey: No way!
Yami-Marik: Now I can bring one monster back from each of our graveyards and sacrifice them to summon an even stronger creature to drain whatever's left of your strength, Wheeler! Alligator's Sword, Gil Garth, I sacrifice you to summon this: The mighty Helpoemer! And I can assure you that this new monster of mine is more than he appears to be!
Joey: (thinking) What does he mean by that?! It's got the same strength as my Panther Warrior, unless it has a hidden ability. I gotta find out, or I'm done!
Yami-Marik: First, I'll place this card facedown on the field. And then, I'll activate this-- Premature Burial! This allows me to summon any monster that resides in the graveyard!
Joey: What are you bringin' back?!
Yami-Marik: Once I give up 800 of my Life Points, I shall revive Drillago from my card graveyard! But there's still more! Next, I sacrifice Drillago, so I can bring forth this card! [sacrifices Drillago and summons Legendary Fiend]
Joey: [horrified] What is that?!
Yami-Marik: I've summoned an unstoppable creature known as Legendary Fiend!
Joey: Wait, he's only got 1500 attack points! | Yami-Marik | You should know that things arent always what they appear to be! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | The Darkness Returns | 25 | Yami-Marik: My move! [draws] Just what I needed! I'm about to call forth an extremely powerful beast! It's an eight-star monster known as Lava Golem!
Joey: Slow down there, cowboy! You can't play a monster that strong without making a sacrifice first!
Yami-Marik: How perceptive of you! I have every intention of making a sacrifice! Lava Golem allows me to sacrifice two monsters on your side of the field!
Joey: You're kidding me!
Yami-Marik: Look on the bright side. I said Lava Golem stays on your side of the field!
[Lava Golem is summoned on Joey's side, destroying two of his monsters]
Joey: Marik! What's the deal?!
Yami-Marik: What's wrong? I thought you'd be pleased to receive a monster with 3000 attack points, little Joey!
Joey: You mean, this thing is mine now?
Yugi: That monster may belong to Joey now, but it comes with a price!
Tea: This isn't so bad. Now Joey's got a monster in his corner with 3,000 points. So if he attacks Marik directly, he'll win the duel.
Yami-Yugi: It's not that easy, Tea. Remember, Marik gave that monster to Joey, which can only mean one thing...Marik wants Joey to attack. It's all part of his strategy to eliminate Joey.
Roland: Attention, everyone! In accordance with tournament rules, Joey is disqualified! So, the winner of this duel is Marik Ishtar!
[Mokuba and the others climb up on the dueling platform and circle around Joey]
Yami-Yugi: Joey!
Tristan: Are you alright, buddy?!
Serenity: MY BROTHER!
Mokuba: Let's get him downstairs right away! He needs to see a doctor now!
Roland: Yes, sir!
Kaiba: I never thought Wheeler could withstand an attack but the most powerful Egyptian God card!
Yami-Marik: There goes another soul into the dark abyss of the Shadow Realm to wander the emptiness for eternity!
Tristan: WAKE UP!
Tea: Joey! Come on, you gotta open your eyes!
Serenity: Joey! It's me, ! Please! Tell me you can hear me! | Tristan | [shaking him in tears] YOU BETTER STOP KIDDING AROUND AND GET UP, MAN! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | The Darkness Returns | 4 | Roland: The next duel will begin in one hour! Yugi Muto will face Mr. Kaiba! The winner will duel Marik in the final round!
Kaiba: I've been waiting for this moment, Yugi! Victory will be mine!
Yami-Yugi: Right now, Joey needs me. Once I know he's alright, I'll deal with you, Kaiba. | Kaiba | I'll see you in one hour. (thinking) And I'll take you down, once and for all. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | The Darkness Returns | 3 | Tristan: What's the deal, Doc?
Doctor: His brain is functioning normally and his heart rate is fine. | Tea | He doesn't look fine! He hasn't moved or spoken in 20 minutes! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | The Darkness Returns | 3 | Ishizu:: It's all right, Serenity.
Serenity: (in tears) I just want my brother back! | Ishizu | I understand. Both of our brothers must now battle the darkness. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | The Darkness Returns | 6 | Yami-Yugi: The reason I joined the Battle City tournament, was to fulfill Ishizu's prophecy and stop this great evil from endangering mankind. And when Joey found out, he vowed to help me no matter how tough the fight. And that's why I must press on. Otherwise not only would I be giving up on Joey I'd be giving up on the entire world! So you stay here and I'll deal with Kaiba.
Tristan: Yeah! CRUSH HIM!
Yami-Yugi: I will. There's too much at stake to lose.
Duke: We're right here!
Pharaoh: Good. | Tea | I know you can win this, Yugi! Cause I don't want to think about what'll happen if you don't! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Clash in the Coliseum | 11 | Kaiba: Well, well. Yugi. So, you decided to show up after all.
Yami-Yugi: Of course. To miss this duel is to deny my destiny.
Kaiba: Spare me the drama.
Roland: The second duel of the semifinals will now begin!
Kaiba: So, why didn't the nerd herd show up to cheer you on? Are they too busy trying to wake Wheeler up from his nap?
Yami-Yugi: Joey is in a great deal of danger now. More than you could ever know.
Kaiba: Wheeler shouldn't have been here in the first place. I warned him not to play with the big boys, and if you ask me, he got just what he deserved... A slap in the face by Ra! And if getting attacked by an Egyptian God card didn't knock any sense into that kid, then nothing will.
Yami-Yugi: That's enough, Kaiba! You have no idea how dangerous this Duel Monsters tournament of yours has become! The outcome of the Battle City finals could put the whole world at risk!
Kaiba: The only one at risk is you! For once I win, you won't be number one!
Yami-Yugi: Kaiba... It's not always about being number one. It's about dueling with bravery, honor and respect! And most importantly, putting the needs of others ahead of your own! And that's something Joey Wheeler did every day of his life. The reason he's in that hospital bed, is because he put himself in harm's way, just to keep a promise to a friend! | Kaiba | Pathetic. Listen, Wheeler can do whatever he wants, but I'm in this thing for one reason only! And that's to win the tournament and be recognized as the greatest duelist in the world! So why don't you save your Girl Scout speech for someone who actually cares. As far as I'm concerned, Wheeler never really belonged here in the first place. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Clash in the Coliseum | 15 | Yugi: (thinking) This is it! I have to win this duel! For the sake of Joey, and the entire world!
Kaiba: (thinking) Every duel I've fought in this tournament has led up to this moment. The moment I finally take down Yugi Muto, and regain my top dueling status!
Roland: The last semifinal duel will now begin! I repeat, this duel will end the semifinals!
Kaiba: All right! Now, get ready, Yugi! We're about to find out which one of our Egyptian God cards reign supreme! So let the epic battle begin!
Roland: The winner of this duel will advance to the championship round to face Marik Ishtar for the Battle City crown!
Kaiba: You're about to lose your Egyptian God card and your reputation! And a duel this momentous deserves an appropriate setting. Wouldn't you agree, Yugi? Observe the latest in holographic technology! I think you'll find this environment quite fitting.
Yami-Yugi: Huh? Explain!
Kaiba: I just wanna take you down in style, Yugi. So, observe! Welcome to Duelist Coliseum!
Crowd: [chanting] Go Kaiba! Go Kaiba! Go Kaiba! Go Kaiba! Go Kaiba! Go Kaiba!
Kaiba: Yugi, in ancient times, Roman gladiators would battle to their doom in order to prove who was strongest. Now, it's our turn to see which one of us deserves to call himself the greatest in the world! So draw your first card and let the battle begin!
Yami-Yugi: With pleasure, Kaiba! [draws] (thinking) Everything is writing on this duel! I've got to stay focused and win this! Here we go!
Kaiba: All right. LET'S DUEL!
Yami-Yugi: I summon this! Queen's Knight in defense mode! Then I'll place one card facedown. And that's all.
Kaiba: Yeah, whatever. [draws Obelisk] (thinking) I've drawn my Egyptian God card on my first turn! Crushing Yugi may be easier than I thought. All I have to do now is sacrifice three monsters! | Yugi | (thinking) I wonder if Kaiba is planning to use the same strategy he used against Ishizu in his last duel. [Flashback to Kaiba's last duel with Ishizu, when he used his Shrink and Crush Card Virus combo to destroy her deck] Kaiba may try to destroy my deck like he did to Ishizu's. But then again, knowing Kaiba, he's got a whole new strategy planned for me! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Clash in the Coliseum | 5 | Yami-Marik: It won't be long, before I control the world! And the Pharaoh bows down before me!
Yami-Yugi: Thank you, Kaiba. My Egyptian God card was buried deep in my deck, until your magic card brought it out. And now, Slifer the Sky Dragon is in my hand, waiting to be summoned to the field so it can destroy you!
Kaiba: (thinking) It may be in his possession for now. But, eventually, all three Egyptian God cards will belong to me! And speaking of Egyptian Gods, my Obelisk the Tormentor, will be free to grace this duel with its presence in two more turns, just as soon as Yugi's Lightforce Sword wears off. In the meantime, I'll use my XY-Dragon Cannon to destroy every one of Yugi's monsters! So he'll never get the three monsters he needs to sacrifice in order to summon Slifer. I, on the other hand, will be ready to call Obelisk to the field to finish Yugi off!
Yugi: (thinking) I'm in a tough spot. The good news is: I was able to get Slifer the Sky Dragon into my hand! The bad news is: I had to use my Exchange magic card, which helped Kaiba, also. It allowed him to pick any random card he wanted from my hand. And he chose my Life Shaver card! Now, Kaiba's holding a really dangerous trap card! When he plays it, depending on how many turns it stays facedown on the field, I could have to discard most of my hand! That would give Kaiba a serious advantage! Since Slifer's attack points depend on how many cards I'm holding. If he wipes out my hand, my Egyptian God card will be worthless! | Kaiba | Yugi, are you gonna stand there contemplating your next move all day? I'm getting bored, and so are my fans! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Clash in the Coliseum | 3 | Kaiba: Looks like I you got backed into a corner!
Yami-Yugi: Looks can be deceiving. Now make your move! | Kaiba | What's your hurry? Anxious to lose? Suit yourself! [draws Z-Metal Tank] (thinking) Excellent! This is exactly what I needed to complete my strategy and Yugi's annihilation! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Clash in the Coliseum | 7 | Kaiba: You can't play your Egyptian God card before I play mine! I've been in control of this duel from the start!
Yami-Yugi: Not anymore. And now, I sacrifice all three of my monsters. Be gone, now! And next, I SUMMON MY EGYPTIAN GOD CARD, SLIFER THE SKY DRAGON!!! Stare into the face of defeat, Kaiba!
Tea: [looking out the window] Hey, guys, check it out!
Ishizu: Summoned by the hand of the Pharaoh, the first Egyptian God has arrived!
Yami-Marik: How unexpected. The Pharaoh brought forth Slifer before Kaiba summoned Obelisk!
Kaiba: I'm not impressed, Yugi. | Pharaoh | And why not? I managed to summon one of Duel Monsters' most powerful creatures. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Clash in the Coliseum | 9 | Kaiba: [after summoning Obelisk the Tormentor] MY MIGHTY EGYPTIAN GOD CARD IS HERE AT LAST!
Yami-Marik: The battle of the gods has begun!
Yami-Yugi: Now what was that you were saying about your Egyptian God card being stronger than mine? Take a close look, Kaiba. Our monsters are even now.
Kaiba: Too bad your monster's effect is only temporary, Yugi. Once this turn is over, Obelisk will have all of his power back!
Yami-Yugi: Perhaps, but I've still prevented you from attacking me this turn, Kaiba.
Kaiba: Stalling for time is a sign of weakness, Yugi! You're obviously desperate! Now it's my move! So stand back! I play two cards, both facedown! That ends my turn.
Yami-Yugi: Very well. It's my move! Sorry, Kaiba, but since I'm now holding three cards, Slifer's attack points rise to 3,000!
Kaiba: But now that your turn is over, Obelisk regains its full strength! So your monster is weaker again! | Yami-Yugi | Not quite, Kaiba! Observe my facedown card, Pot of Greed! Thanks to the effect of this magic card, I can now draw two more cards from my deck. And you know what that means, Slifer's attack points now rise to 5,000! More than enough to take down your Obelisk, and wipe out your Life Points, Kaiba! Now, my dragon, ATTACK! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Clash in the Coliseum | 14 | Kaiba: Obelisk is losing his patience, Yugi. So finish your move!
Yami-Yugi: All right. I'll place two cards facedown on the field and end my turn. Now, feel free to attack me, Kaiba!
Kaiba: (thinking) What's he thinking?! He just weakened his monster by 2,000 points!
Yami-Yugi: What's wrong, Kaiba? Are you afraid of my two facedown cards?
Kaiba: It's my move! [draws]
Yami-Yugi: Hold on, Kaiba! I activate my magic card, Card Destruction! Now we must both discard every card in our hand. But that's not all. Next, we must replenish our hands, with the same number of cards!
Kaiba: Fine! (thinking) Now what's he doing?! He didn't change the number of cards in his hand, so his monster's attack points stay the same!
Yami-Yugi: Next, I reveal my trap card, Disgraceful Charity, GO! Kaiba, now we must re-draw the cards we just threw out, giving me a grand total of six cards in my hand!
Kaiba: Oh, no! This can't be!
Yami-Yugi: I think you know what happens now. My Slifer gains 3,000 points for a total of 6,000!
Kaiba: Impressive move, Yugi. But you'll have to do better than that to defeat me! Because that little stunt you just pulled with your facedown cards helped me out as well, by giving me just the cards I needed to win this duel!
Yami-Yugi: Explain!
Kaiba: Well, thanks to you, I was able to draw this magic card, Thirst for Compensation! It lets me summon two monsters from my hand directly to the field! Observe! [summons Blade Knight and Sword of Soul, both in defense mode] I play Sword of Soul! And Blade Knight! | Yami-Yugi | You're wasting your time. Those monsters are too weak to survive. Slifer automatically strikes every monster you summon. NOW, SLIFER, ATTACK!!! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Clash in the Coliseum | 6 | Kaiba: Now, Obelisk, destroy his Slifer! It's over! Your Egyptian God card is ancient history! What?! Your Slifer should've been destroyed!
Yami-Yugi: Well, it would have been had I not stopped Obelisk from attacking, Kaiba.
Kaiba: What?!
Yami-Yugi: And I have you to thank for giving me the ability to protect my Egyptian God card from yours, for that task was only possible thanks to a trap card that you played! When you activated your Power Balance card, I had to place three cards in my graveyard... including this! Recognize it? It's a useful monster card known as Electromagnetic Turtle. And it has quite a unique special ability. When this monster is sent to the graveyard, it leaves a small electrode attached to one of my monsters, in this case, Slifer!
Kaiba: And it lets you stop our battle before Slifer was unlucky enough to collide with Obelisk? | Yami-Yugi | Well, I see you did your homework, Kaiba. Now I place this card facedown. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Clash in the Coliseum | 11 | Tristan: I don't know what the deal is, but this doesn't look good!
Tea: Yugi! What could be going on, you guys?!
Tristan: I can't see a thing out there!
Ishizu: (thinking) The true power of Ancient Egypt is beginning to reveal itself, and I fear for us all!
Yami-Yugi: The power of our Egyptian God monsters is equal! But neither one will give up this fight!
Kaiba: You're right! It must be a holographic malfunction!
Mokuba: Seto! Are you okay?!
Yami-Marik: (thinking) It's the ultimate power struggle! These two Egyptian Gods have been pushed to their limits!
Kaiba: (thinking) What's going on?! That light is stronger than anything my machinery could produce!
Yami-Yugi: Your Egyptian God card won't be around for long, Kaiba! | Kaiba | That doesn't matter. Obelisk has served his purpose already. I won't be needing his services to finish you off. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Clash in the Coliseum | 16 | Kaiba: This is where it all ends, Yugi! There's no way you can escape the devastation of my three Blue-Eyes! The moment I've been waiting for is finally here! [laughs]
Yugi: (thinking) I'm in major trouble! With three Blue-Eyes White Dragons, Kaiba could easily wipe out both of my monsters and the rest of my life points! What am I gonna do?!
Yami-Marik: (thinking) It looks like the end of the line for the Pharaoh. Which means Seto Kaiba will be the next casualty of the Shadow Realm!
Kaiba: Now, my three Blue-Eyes, attack! Finish him off and end this duel!
Yami-Yugi: Oh, no!
Kaiba: Once my dragons attack, this duel is over, Yugi!
Joey: Hold on, Yuge.
Yugi: Joey?
Joey: Yep. The one and only, pal.
Yugi: I'm about to loose this duel!
Joey: Guess again, Yuge. It's like you always tell me, look closely and consider all your options.
Yugi: All of my options?
Joey: Yup. I think you'll find a card that can save you.
Yugi: Let's see. He's right! There's still hope!
Kaiba: Nice try, Yugi, but you're no longer the top rank duelist! What?! It's Red-Eyes Black Dragon! Where did that come from?! | Yami-Yugi | If you recall, you used your Flute of Summoning Dragon to summon your Blue-Eyes to the field, but you may have forgotten that your flute works on my hand, as well! So, I owe you a thank you, for bringing out this card, which is a gift from a very close friend of mine, Kaiba! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Clash in the Coliseum | 17 | Kaiba: (thinking) I must admit, Yugi's moves took me by surprise. But if he thinks this is the time to celebrate, he's sadly mistaken. Victory will be mine!
Yugi: (thinking) I have a long way to go. But as long as I have faith the heart of the cards, and in my friends, I know I can win this!
Joey: [finally waking up] Serenity? What's going on? Is this a hospital? Did someone get hurt?
Tristan: Yeah, Joey, someone was knocked unconscious.
Joey: Wait a sec! Did I pass out? Is that why everyone's so happy to me?
Serenity: [tearing up with joy] Oh, Joey! [hugs her brother]
Joey: Hey. Aw, Serenity.
Serenity: Joey! I'm so glad you're awake.
Joey: Me too.
Tea: Me three. You scared us!
Doctor: [surprised] This is impossible! You can't be awake. Someone in your condition could never recover this fast.
Tristan: [angrily grabs Joey by the shirt collar] Don't ever pull this again, you hear me?! [tearing up] I mean, you had the girls really worried. Of course I knew you'd make it all along.
Joey: Tristan? [realizes] Oh, wait! I think I remember! I was dueling! It was me against Marik! And I was fighting to save Mai! [turns around and sees Mai, still in the hospital bed] But why is she still sleeping? Mai, wake up! Come on! Your mind's supposed to be back from the Shadow Realm! I was sure that to beat Marik would save you! I did defeat Marik, didn't I? Didn't I?! Please. Just give it to me straight, guys! I remember! I had that weird old beat!
Serenity: Um...actually... Joey, I'm afraid you lost. Marik won.
Joey: There's no way! I know I won! I summoned Gearfried the Iron Knight and crushed him!
Serenity: Please, Joey! Just listen! You guys were playing a shadow game, and you almost won. But Marik was wearing you down by draining your energy. But then, with your last bit of strength, you were able to summon a monster, strong enough to beat Marik. But before you had a chance to call out your attack, you passed out. | Joey | I don't believe this. That psycho actually beat me? I gave in my all, Mai. I'm sorry. I tried. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Clash in the Coliseum | 11 | Kaiba: Sorry, Yugi, but you're still at a huge disadvantage in this duel!
Yami-Yugi: Really? It looks to me like we both have two monsters on the field.
Kaiba: Perhaps, but my two Blue-Eyes are more powerful than either of your creatures! Now, I'll place two cards facedown! Your move, Yugi! With these cards in place, Yugi will never escape!
Yami-Yugi: (thinking) Kaiba's definitely up to something! But what? We've got a long way to go, Kaiba! [draws Double Spell] (thinking) This magic card could come in handy later, but for now, I have his two Blue-Eyes White Dragons to worry about! They could do some serious damage! So I have to protect my Life Points! I'll place this facedown, then I'll switch my Red-Eyes Black Dragon into defense mode!
Kaiba: Not quite! I activate my trap card! [reveals his Final Attack Orders trap]
Yami-Yugi: No, not that trap! It returns my Red-Eyes back to attack mode!
Kaiba: It's worse than that! As long as my Final Attack Orders trap card is in play, every monster on the field stays in attack mode! And next, we each choose any three cards we want in order to form a new deck, and the rest of our deck goes to the card graveyard!
Yami-Yugi: Our whole deck?!
Yami-Marik: (thinking) That means this duel comes to end in three more turns!
Kaiba: (thinking) These three cards are more than enough to ensure my victory! In a few short moments, I'll crush Yugi and reclaim my number one status! Now then, you may as well give up and accept defeat now, Yugi! 'Cause my strategy is unstoppable! | Yugi | (thinking) I can only choose three of these cards to hold onto, and everything else goes away! My faith depends on this choice! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Clash in the Coliseum | 2 | Yami-Yugi: (thinking) Now, I can only keep three cards. I just wish I knew which three cards Kaiba chose. I need to figure out his strategy in order to come up with a way to stop him! Let's see... If I were Kaiba, what would I do? He's got two Blue-Eyes White Dragons on the field. So I bet he'll want to bring his third one back from the graveyard. For that, he'll need Monster Reborn. Then he'll probably want to fuse them all together to form Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! And for that, he'll need a Polymerization card. But who knows if that's really his plan? Oh, well, I have to something, so I'll pick these three cards. [chooses three cards from his deck and sends the rest of his deck to the graveyard] And I'll hope for the best! It's all up to destiny, now! It's your move, Kaiba! | Kaiba | It took you long enough! Don't you realize that it doesn't matter what cards you're holding? This duel belongs to me! Now stand back! [draws] Ready? 'Cause it's time for the fun part. Enjoy. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Clash in the Coliseum | 5 | Kaiba: I have exactly where I want you... trembling in fear before my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! Yugi, I've played out this exact moment in my mind over and over and over again! And now, here we are at the top of my Duel Tower, face-to-face! And all you have to hang onto, is some rock from 5,000 years ago! But you're right, this duel is about the past.
Yami-Yugi: That's true.
Kaiba: I know. But it's not about some ancient battle you think we fought in another life, because you saw a picture on a stone. When I say this duel is about the past, I mean it's about burying the past for good! Yugi, once I defeat you and go on to win this tournament, I'll be number one, not you!
Yami-Yugi: I've heard. | Kaiba | Yes, but there's more. I'll also be closing the book on my past so I can concentrate on my future! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Clash in the Coliseum | 16 | Kaiba: Face it, Yugi, your reign is over!
Yami-Yugi: You never cease to amaze me.
Kaiba: Why? Are you astounded by my superior dueling skills, Yugi?
Yami-Yugi: Not quite. It's your complete stubbornness and your lust for power that I fight so puzzling, Kaiba!
Kaiba: Why's that?
Yami-Yugi: IT HOLDS YOU BACK, that's why! You'll never defeat me with a heart full of hatred and mistrust!
Kaiba: Ha! You're just trying to distract me because you're scared of losing!
Yami-Yugi: Why don't I let my actions speak for me? Reveal facedown card! My Double Spell magic card!
Kaiba: Oh, no! Not Double Spell!
Yami-Yugi: That's right, this card duplicates the effects of every magic card you used on your last turn, Kaiba! That includes Monster Reborn and Polymerization! So first, I'll bring Buster Blader back from the graveyard. Now, I'll use Polymerization, fusing my Dark Magician with my Buster Blader!
Kaiba: Fuse whatever you want, my ultimate dragon is still stronger! Your magic card didn't help you at all!
Yami-Yugi: You're wrong, Kaiba, for my new fusion monster carries within every one of Buster Blader's special abilities! That means its attack strength increases by 500 points for every dragon on the field, that includes your Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon as well as my Red-Eyes Black Dragon! Now, behold the power of Dark Paladin, the ultimate magical swordsman!
Kaiba: Good move, Yugi, but not good enough. Sorry. Look closer.
Yami-Yugi: What's your point, Kaiba?
Kaiba: Your monster may be powerful, but it's still 600 attack points weaker than mine! | Yami-Yugi | We shall see. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! | Clash in the Coliseum | 14 | Kaiba: I win!
Yami-Yugi: I wouldn't be so sure of that. Remember, I still have one facedown card left. Kaiba, you're done!
Kaiba: You LIE!
Yami-Yugi: As you will soon see, I've been destined to defeat you for 5,000 years!
Kaiba: Enough! My Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon cannot be stopped, Yugi!
Yami-Yugi: I'm afraid you're wrong! But I'll let my card speak for itself! So I play this, my De-Fusion card! This magic card splits up your Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon into the three original dragons you fused to form it, thus stopping your attack!
Kaiba: (thinking) No! I need my Ultimate Dragon to win the duel! This can't be happening!
Yami-Yugi: Now, Kaiba, you have three dragons on the field instead of one! And since my Dark Paladin receives 500 attack points for every dragon on the field, he's now the strongest monster in play! Now it's time for my final move!
Kaiba: Just go.
Yami-Yugi: With pleasure, Kaiba! All right, the card in my hand will conquer the darkness that now surrounds your heart! So I play my final magic card-- Diffusion Wave-Motion! You're finished! All I have to do is give up 1,000 Life Points and this magic card will inhance the attack capabilities of my Dark Paladin! Now my monster can attack all three of your Blue-Eyes White Dragons at once!
Kaiba: (thinking) His Dark Paladin has enough power to wipe out my dragons AND my Life Points!
Yami-Yugi: This duel is over!
Kaiba: Yugi, I will not be defeated at my own tournament!!! | Yami-Yugi | Kaiba, you're too late! Dark Paladin, ATTACK! [Dark Paladin attacks and destroys Kaiba's three dragons and his Life Points drop down to zero] You lose, Kaiba! I told you, your hatred and your lust for power would never prevail. (thinking) I did it! But my toughest battle is still ahead... when I face Marik in the final duel! |
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