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Re: How To Train Your Dragon (2010) | I loved this movie too. Taking into consideration how hollywood is today I was expecting to see some black or mestizo viking to show up any minute, but thankfully nothing like that!!! :D all white animated Vikings and dragons and viking mythology with absolutely no non-whites like almighty Thor intended it to be.!! :clink |
Re: What Comes Around, goes Around--Holosurvivors prosecuted for War Crimes.. | it was about time!!! :clink :D |
Re: Study: Race differences In average IQ are mostly genetic, not cultural | About the Asians... Which population of Asians did they take? The whole Asian Population? or the Asians that went to College in America? If it's the former I could buy it if it's only taking the Japanese, Chinese, Korean and all the whiter Asians... I really doubt that including Fillipines and all the other browner Asians would help much in the IQ... :rolleyes: Notice that I'm not basing this on skin color... I'm not implying that because an Asian has a darker skin tone is dumber... but it happens that the most advanced Asian civilizations are the whitest ones also... gee! what a coincidence!! :rolleyes: If instead they took a sample of the Asians that go to College in America... that's a very biased statistical analysis... is like measuring the American intelligence by taking as sample Harvard Campus... :rolleyes: |
Re: Jews asked to get off and shower at Auschwitz | is there no sense of humor anymore? :rofl |
Re: Chinese Valentine lollipops recalled, metal fragments | is it really that hard to understand? MADE IN CHINA = P.O.S. :rolleyes: It's simple boycott anything that says MADE IN CHINA |
Re: Prof disproves gene analysis that appeared to support out-of-Africa replacement model | (PhysOrg.com) -- In the sometimes opaque world of statistics, Alan R. Templeton, Ph.D., professor of biology in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, has found that it's good to know your ABCs. Templeton, with a doctorate in human genetics and a master's in statistics, has determined that a recently published genetic analysis of deep human DNA evolution is mathematically erroneous and formally illogical. The flaws of the analysis are due to the incorrect application of a statistical method known as approximate Bayesian computation (ABC), which led Nelson J. R. Fagundes of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and colleagues to support the validity of the controversial Out of Africa replacement hypothesis in a 2007 paper. And who would take seriuosly a study from a brazilian university in the first place?? :rolleyes: :rofl |
Compare your beliefs to the Presidential Candidates's! | http://glassbooth.org Here you fill a quiz about your positions on the different issues and you can compare them to the candidates's. :clink Ron Paul is the Man!!! http://glassbooth.org/Result/results...c977e5ad6c6efa They dowplayed his position on inmmigration a bit, though. |
OMG!! Canada deports Ilegal Aliens!! Wait a minute they are white,,, | http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1603739/posts OMG!! Canada deports Ilegal Aliens!! Wait a minute they are white :rolleyes: |
Re: OMG!! Canada deports Ilegal Aliens!! Wait a minute they are white,,, | They are not white - they are ILLEGAL. They are not citizens of this country and I sure as hell did not invite them over. Tough cookies :mad: They are indeed white, and you missed the whole point of this thread... :rolleyes: It's the irony and the bias... when the illegal aliens happen to be white then there are laws, justice, and law ENFORCEMENT, do you really think that instead of being Portuguese these aliens were Mexicans or other non-white people, they would have got deported? :rolleyes: |
Re: Sweden neutrality myth | I didn't know that! Yes, I knew about Spaniards joining the anti-communist cause, but I didn't know they were so many. And the Iranians is a surprise. Although I knew there were Arabs fighting for the Reich, even as SS members, with their own crescent-moon symbol on their uniforms. They were trained in Greece and then sent back to Africa to fight the Jew-loyal forces. There were also Black officers in the British army in Egypt who were in radio contact with the German army. The plan was that they would start an uprising when the Germans reached Egypt. The Germans were seen as liberators, allies in the fight against the hated British. The German message of nationalism, and opposition to the Zionists and communists was warmly welcomed in northern Africa and the Near Orient, where the Zionists and their allies were very much a daily reality. History is not as black and white as the Jewish media would have us believe. If people knew more about World War II, they would be shocked. The Germans were very clearly the good guys, while the Allies were pro-communist rapists. Portugal was also neutral but sympathetic to Hitler, there were also a division of volunteers sent to fight with the axis. |
Re: In the U.S. south, is Canadian a new racial slur? | More and more people all across America is puzzled by the more and more common sentence: I'm meeting a Canadian today, guess I'll stop by for some rope :rofl |
Re: Misconceptions About DNA Tests | I'd also like the link to the map please, I'm curious to read the other details... :D I know what Franklin said or I would never had mentioned him. As JJT said, back on topic. It is my humble opinion that to determine if a person is White or not then viable control DNA going back X amount of centuries would need to be used. That means some intact remains containing viable DNA and newer means of testing will have to settled on. I think that some of the 'bog people' is an excellent place to start. However, I don't know enough to say. As Victoria pointed out earlier, the present DNA tests won't tell you if your White but it will tell you if you are not. I get what you mean by a control group, but is it even possible? If evolution theory is correct and an ancient ape-like hominid through natural reproduction with the millions of random combinations in offspring that it produces along with the mutations, was slowly being naturally/sexually selected into a population that became the homo-sapiens-sapiens, and by geographical separation this early h-s-s specialized into the different races/subspecies we have today, how can a model control individual be picked?? I mean it's not like magically the perfect white/black/asian model, was just dropped into earth and from there on it spread along... |
Re: Misconceptions About DNA Tests | Extending a bit on this an using the pic as an example.... :D If I recall correctly my biology classes, more specifically the Mendel laws, wouldn't it be possible that: 1) Both couples of grandparents produce 100% hybrid offspring (50% white and 50% black -- wB) 2) Parents being wB can produce either ww, wB, Bw or BB, in other words 50% chance of producing another hybrid, and 25% for producing full blooded Whites or Blacks Is that correct? In my experience I've never seen a hybrid producing full white offspring, or maybe I'm missing something?? |
Re: Misconceptions About DNA Tests | Skin color isn't Mendelian. There are several genes that control for it, instead of a simple on/off model. How light or dark a person's skin is, is controlled by the range of genes. That's why when a very light person has children with a very dark person, the color of the children is generally a blend. Actually, sometimes two fairly dark people do produce a child who is phenotypically white, and threads with photos come up in the forum now and then (especially in Opposing Views). This is possible because the genes that control for light skin color are recessive. Each dark person in this case has to have about half white ancestry, and chance deals all the light genes from each parent to the child. Two light-skinned parents may have a child who is slightly darker than either of them, but not greatly so. There was a very interesting discussion in SM about the Sandra Laing case, a phenotypically Negro woman who was ostensibly born to two white parents. This was before DNA testing could confirm paternity. I am convinced her parents were not as claimed, but others seem to be sure this type of throwback is possible in white parents who have non-perceptible non-white ancestry. I was imagining something similar... that's why the chances of having white offspring for a couple of 50w-50B individuals is not 25% as basic Mendelian laws indicate... So for the feature skin color we have not ONE but a SET of genes (any idea how many?), I presume that ALL the genes in this set that control skin color have to be white in order to get a white person right? since white skin color is recessive, or maybe there are some that are recessive and other aren't? That would explain why among white people there are different skin tones without having admixture with non-whites... I assume that all the other genes that control all the other different features that actually make the different races different are also SETs of genes and not only one gene, let's say for the nose, skull and jaw shape, muscle distribution, etc... But talking theoretically it IS possible for a couple of mixed individuals to produce pure offspring of one of the races involved in the mixing? I can imagine that the chance would be very low, but it's indeed possible? Let's say we could get sperm and egg samples of the two individual and actually choose which particular sample to use in order to get a pure individual of a particular race, would it be possible? or am I missing any other constraint? |
Re: Misconceptions About DNA Tests | I recall seeing a Jewcovery :D Channel program where they were using mtDNA and Y-DNA tests in populations around the globe, in order to find a mitochondrial Eve and a Y chromosome Adam... They ended up with an African Eve and Adam that supposedly were the ancestors of us all... But since mtDNA and Y-DNA only tracks back a straight line of female and male ancestors respectively, an Eve and Adam would mean that every individual would have the same ancestry, which is not the case, we find different markers in the different races.... I remember another thread around here were a female poster that was a geneticist which participated in the Discovery Channel (or was it NatGeo :confused:) study said that the raw data showed that there were ancestors for every marker in different locations around the globe, more or less in the homelands of each race.... Of course after the PC makeup it had to conclude that we had the same ancestor since we are all equal... :rolleyes: |
Re: EU votes to hold undocumented migrants in detention centers for up to 18 months | I'd like to say about damn time! but something tells me that there might be a catch.... |
Re: External hard drive corrupted... | I would try the HD in a desktop first, just to rule out the usb adapter being the problem and not the HD... if it's the HD... GetDataBack once saved me too... :D |
Re: Generic opinion of a young, relatively successful/educated fencesitter | Unlike what many people may think most of us weren't indoctrinated into being WNs, no one read My Kempf to us while we we're sleeping, or something like that... We didn't found this site and started believing whatever it says, most of us through our own experiences and perceptions of life came to the conclusions we have, and just happened to discover that those ideas weren't new, but they were mainstream at a time, but were shut down, because they are politically incorrect I consider myself a WN, not because I hate other races or want to wipe them out of the face of earth, but because I'm concerned about my own race, and because I see a biased trend against us. The supremacy issue is highly argueable, but in the end WN comes down to defend the right of having whites only nations, Europe as our historical homeland, is out of the question even argue about if it should be white. There are different levels of agreement about the other nations, though, especially the ones that have a high percentage of white people. I think that the major agreement is that Europe should be a white only homeland, middle east for the arabs, africa for the blacks, asia for the asians, mestizo america for the mestizos and everyone that wants to enjoy a multicultural enviroment, North America and Australia, most will agree that should be white homelands also, since they were conceived as white nations and not as multicultural nations like mestizoamerica, they were also built by whites and until relatively recntly is when they became multicultural... and about I$rael and the palestinians, those lands belong historically to the palestinians, the jews came from asia aswell as the gypsies and they should have their homeland there.... anyway most WNs wouldn't even give a damn about the jews if they weren't in our countries holding positions in the economical system, media and politics, if our countries wouldn't be giving foreign aid to I$rael, or fighting wars for them, if there wasn't organizations like the ADL, or the jewish whatever asociation, holoco$t memorial museums, etc... promoting agendas in our countries... |
Re: Generic opinion of a young, relatively successful/educated fencesitter | Jews had me confused also, until I began doing some research on the palestine/israel conflict which lead to many other researchs... :D That's the thing with them, their ways are deceptive and confusing, they try to blend in and be one more of their host population and that's the confusing art about them... I guess not every single jew is bad, but they are definetely a diferent ethnic group and should live away from white only nations. |
Re: Generic opinion of a young, relatively successful/educated fencesitter | By the way what's a fencesitter?? Is an Australian thing or something? :confused: |
Re: Generic opinion of a young, relatively successful/educated fencesitter | You've been on here for over two years, and you have never heard of that term? Anyway, it means basically the average white. They aren't really opposed to WN, but they haven't quite decided to subscribe to it yet either. So they just kind of sit on the fence, never really choosing one side or the other. Hope that helps...:) :p Nope, first time I've heard it, maybe it's because I usually hang out in the newslinks, revisionism, science areas, not much on the OV, I get tired easily of the endless discussions... Thanks for the explanation ;) I was imagining something like some sort of job taking care of fences, like in rural areas or cattle ranches... much in the sense as a babysitter takes care of babies... LOL |
Re: Zimbabwe | I read an article in the newspaper some time ago. It's about Zimbabwe. After Mugabe and his ape-like buddies drove the white farmers away. They now want them back. Because the entire agriculture and economy have collapsed. Any reactions to this news, antis? Something similar happened in East Timor, once the portuguese got out and left the muds run their own destiny, the country passed from an awsome trade point to a crappy war filled 3rd world death hole... :rofl |
Re: Rome's new mayor to 'blacklist' Hollywood stars | DaVinci, why you talk so much garbage about Italio-Argentinos & Italio-Brazilians? I guess because is sadly true! Not only for Italians but for other Europeans, the whites in mestizo-America can be classified as follows: 1) Very few (and fewer by the day): whites that are 100% white, identify with white culture and their goal is to get the hell back to Europe 2) Very few: 100% pure whites that have grow fond of their host nations and won't return to Europe but identify with European culture. 3) Many: 100% whites that are identified with the non-European culture. 4) Many: 100% whites who love what I call a false sense of superiority, basically if they measure up with other whites they're average at most, when they measure up with the mestizo-Americans they are superior, and they like that... The ones that you want back in Europe are 1) and to a less extent 2) 3) and 4) would be like importing bleed-heart race traitor liberals, and we all know that's the last thing we want in Europe. There's a 5) type, even more numerous, which should also be avoided, the whites that are not white but mongrels trying to pass for whites. |
Re: Rome's new mayor to 'blacklist' Hollywood stars | I don't like the idea of lots of White Latinos moving to Europe, but if they ever want to come up our way in the USA I say we can use all the White people we can get as long as they learn English. And why would that be?? :rolleyes: Why do you say this? Every White Latino I've ever known has been very racially aware and usually quite outright racist. And I know quite a few White Cubans and have met alot of Whites from South America and Puerto Rico. Alot of the younger ones are starting to identify more with mestizos and blacks because somehow they think it's cool and uncool to be White, but it's the same exact thing with young Whites in America, Canada, and Western Europe too. Wigger syndrome. Every White Latino (that's redundant, you know, mestizos/muds/mongrels are NOT Latinos) YOU have met... can I ask where did you met them? the US perhaps?, that's the kind of whites I was referring in point 1) ;) The ones that are trying to get out or have already gotten out. |
Re: Rome's new mayor to 'blacklist' Hollywood stars | Latino is a culture, blacks, mestizos, mulattos can all classify as Latino if they are from Latin America. Yeah, I know lots of White Cubans from Florida... But I've also been to Puerto Rico and there were a shi# ton of White people down there, and most of them I encountered didn't even try to hide their resentment of Blacks in the least. But how do you know so much about the racial situation in places like Argentina and Uruguay? Are you from South America by chance? I disagree Latino is someone that belongs to one of the ethnic WHITE EUROPEAN groups that DEVELOPED a language based on vulgar Latin, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, Romanian, etc... just to name a few of the current-day nationalities. Mexicans, Cubans, Brazilians, etc... were TAUGHT a romance language (which they didn't properly learned, they butcher it) and were INDOCTRINATED into European culture (which they degenerated). I don't like the idea of lots of White Latinos moving to Europe With And why would that be?? I meant this. Why wouldn't you like the idea of lots of white latinos moving to Europe??? |
Re: Rome's new mayor to 'blacklist' Hollywood stars | And their culture isn't third world, almost all of the music, food etc...of Latin America is of European roots particularly Spanish, but lots of Portuguese, Italian, German and other European influence too. The media trys to perpetuate the myth that all of this Latin American music like salsa,mambo,merengue,etc uses black rhythm but that's all BS for the most part, merengue and salsa music, tango, even mariachi music, practically all of the Latin American music is purely European in origins, Blacks just like to think they contributed something. Their culture isn't third world, and Argentina isn't a third world country. It's not a crap hole like Mexico which hardly has any White people. There are tens of millions of purely White Latin Americans, and their culture is for the most part purely European originated just like in the States. Although there are influences in food, music, etc... they are not purely European... Come on! salsa, merengue & samba of European roots?? yeah right, like shaking da booty were European! Their culture is not 3rd world, it's a broad term, maybe some regions of Argentina, Chile, south Brasil, and some isolated neighborhoods around mongrel-america are white and may look like europe, but the reality is that most of the region is a dirty 3rd world hell hole! have you ever been to mongrel-america? or are you just buying what some whites type 3) & 4) living in the US tell you? |
Re: Rome's new mayor to 'blacklist' Hollywood stars | Not exactly European, completely American(continental not the US) but created by Whites. Latin America has it's own flavor, just like the States do. Our music is descended from European styles but something completely new, it's evolution, music evolves just like people. Different European cultures like Irish, Spanish, German, French and Polish mix together and create new styles, descended from Europe but completely unique to the Americas. Merengue music was invented by a 100% Spanish blooded White guy from the Dominican Republic, back in the days when there were still tons of White people in that country, before it became mostly mongrelized. Also in those days there was a sizeable German population in the DR and they contributed alot to merengue, which is why merengue musicians use German instruments like the accordian. Merengue was created by Europeans in the Dominican Republic, nothing Black about it. Even former dictator Rafael Trujillo used to promote the stuff in the DR and he was a total ni**er hater he was responsible for the massacre of thousands and thousands of Blacks, and had an open doors policy for all White immigrants because he wanted to Whiten the DR. If he even promoted the stuff as the DR's national music you know it's not Black lol... Salsa and mambo are both Caribbean born descendents of traditional Spanish folk music like the contradanse, flamenco, bolero, etc.... Calypso is descended from music of the French troubadours there's a book written about it and everything, mariachi music was created by White Spaniards in Mexico, Mexican Banda music was created when the Mexicans ripped off polka music from the Germans in south Texas which is why it sounds like polka, because it is... Habanera, bachata, Cuban Son music, etc...It's all Latin American born music descended from and influenced by traditional Spanish and French music. It's the same case all over Latin America. Samba...it's supposedly a combination of Portuguese music and Black rhythm, but Blacks think all rhythm is from sub saharan Africa, not true. For cripes sake even the bongo drums were created by the ancient Egyptians and filtered down to the jungle bunnies. Argentian Tango is purely 100% White originated, even the Blacks don't try to claim any credit what so ever for that one...... I don't doubt the original early rhythms were created by Europeans (after all I've yet to see a black, Amerindian or mongrel create anything at all) but have you heard current-day salsa, merengue, etc? I have, I understand what they say (I speak Spanish, Portuguese, basic French and a bit of German) and I haven't heard songs with such a lack of lyric content, repetitiveness and plain retardness, like the caribbean/latino:rolleyes: rhythms have. Of course I agree that's due to the degeneration by the mongrels of the original thing. [COLOR=blue]Been to mestizo Mexico, all over, most of it was definately third world. But around Jalisco it wasn't so bad. Been to Puerto Rico, I wouldn't say PR is third world, definately not, but not as nice as most of the US for sure. I've been to Miami that should count :rofl well Miami nowadays IS mongrel America, I plan to visit the U.S. some day, but the last place I'd go is to Miami, I've more than my due share of witnessing mongrel behavior, to travel to a supposedly white country and find more mongrels. What makes You think Argentina and Uruguay are third world hell holes?? Have you ever been there? I really doubt those countries are anywhere near being third world. But I'm not talking about mongrel America I'm talking about mostly White countries like Argentina, Uruguay and southern Brazil, also most of Chile is basically White. Venezuela, Haiti, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, central America, Columbia, Peru, Bolivia, that's all an entirely different story. No I haven't, I lived in Venezuela, and Portugal (I'm Portuguese), but I've met people that have been to many places in mongrel America, like you I read a lot and watch TV, etc... (in Spanish, Portuguese and English) so that gives me a good insight of those places... like you say Argentina,, Uruguay, Chile and South Brazil are the whitest places in South America, but just take a look at the sub forum Stormfron en Español y Português and you'll see things are not that good, there're towns, cities with major white populations but to say that they are white countries is far fetched. And if you take into consideration that out of the remaining white population a good part fall into 3, 4 and 5 of the categories I listed... :rolleyes: Patriot, have you ever lived throughout Argentina and Brasil? Have you spent a long time touring both countries? And I might add, have you also lived in the US and Italy. Having actual hand-in experience in all four places? I also ask this of whoever wants to keep on arguing the point. And the post was focusing on Argentina and Brasil, but more specifically on Brasil and again, NOT referencing the pure white full blooded Italo-Argentinos, Italo-Brasilianos, or pure white euro mixes that are there. Please do not mistake that, how much more clearer do I have to make that point. Talking about the many mongrel ones claiming pure whiteness and the exaggerated numbers of pure whites there. Handful of pure whites meant a few million. No denying that. But a large majority, the remainder, are mud mixed. All these ones boasting of pure white, pure Italian, exaggerating numbers, going overboard to prove themselves white due to insecurities of knowing their mud mixture may be able to fool others but they surely have not fooled a frontline chap such as I who happens to have the ability to spread the word beyond just the internet to people in high places (i.e. Italian government). All those ones spreading lies and exaggerations, boasting with pride & arrogance, planning to setup brasilian communities in Italia and bring in 20 more of your mixed friends for every one - the ride will soon be over. My rant online with this subject is done. I preserve energy for this subject for real life encounters. Buongiorno. ;) This is kind of my point, I have no problem with the 100% whites in mongrel America that are true to their roots and identify with European culture... I partially agree with Patriot about not wanting them back in Europe, I feel that the ones that don't identify with European (maybe because they don't have only one European heritage but many, like in the U.S.) culture but with the white created culture in the Americas are probably better in the Americas (or could go back to Europe as long as they ADAPT to their chosen country/culture) There are also whites that belong to only one heritage they just happened to be born outside Europe, and identify with their European culture, these belong in Europe. They also had White Latino blood injected into their veins thanks to our ancestors micgenation with Amerindian & Black women. Denying history or that fact will not change nothing. I'm well aware of this, but still that doesn't make them Latins they don't belong to any ethnic group that created the romance languages. I'm well aware of the use of Latin/Latino in the PC western main stream media, I simply don't agree with it, for the reasons I exposed, in my book a real Latin/Latino is: Whites with Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Romanian heritage, no matter where in the world they live. The mongrel peoples of Latin America are hispano/luso/franco/italo SPEAKERS at best (I'd say butchers instead of speakers but well, I'll try not to be too picky :D) |
Re: Russia lends Venezuela $2bn to buy tanks and missile system | If all the money we gave to Israel had been used to reduce Latin American poverty, the world would be a better place and we wouldn't have so many desperate people immigrating here. If all the money sent to Israel was spent on the American people who produced that money it's way better... No matter how many money you throw to mestizos it's a bottomless well, the poverty in Latin America is not because of lack of resources, Latin America has riches way above North America and Europe's put together, it's the PEOPLE!!, they're lazy, consumerist, good for nothing, scum bags, and will always be, the more money they get, the more money they waste away. The poor people in latin america may not have money to eat or feed their children, but they always have money to drink beer and go partying, they always have money to buy new clothes and do their hair and nails but not for building a decent house to replace the cardboard shack where they live. |
Re: $2.99 chinese sandals causing chemical burns. | It's funny but the very chinese abroad NEVER buy chinese products... Have you ever seen a chinese driving a chinese car?? :rofl |
Re: White woman, 53, chases negro burglar and kicks butt | Hilarious! that boon got his ass kicked by a menopausical woman wearing a tennis skirt!! LOL What a whimp!! LOL :rofl |
Re: US military trains 'air force' of bomb-sniffing bees | US military defense scientists have found a way to train the common honey bee to smell explosives used in bombs, a skill they say could help protect American troops abroad. Scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico said in an online statement published Monday they had developed a method to harness the bee's exceptional olfactory sense. Great! They could use their stingers to chase away the mud invaders at the border! :clink :rofl Imagine!! A swarm of bees as border patrol!!! =D |
Re: White mental retardation rates. | are you talking about people with down syndrome or there's a whole spectrum of disabilities that make you mentally retard? In that facility you test people's IQ? What are the stats for them? About blacks... :)... I guess that with the big lips, retarded look and typical Negro behavior is hard to tell them apart from real retards :rofl |
Re: WHAT IS THEIR FATE?! White People in Minority Status All Around on this Planet | Sadly most of them are even worse sheep than the ones in white countries and more likely will get assimilated into the horde. A sound strategy for the racially conscious whites in non-white countries is to go back to their white countries and join the resistance there, once Europe is secured and awakened we can start thinking about the rest of the world. |
Re: The Lord of the Rings is Prophesy | What a pathetic interpretation. The Dwarven ideal is the closest one to that of a proper northern European barbarian. Glory in battle, a curious mix of generosity and greed, extreme pride for their kin, the importance of clan, their love for lewd behaviour and crude manifestations of joy, even their physical appearance (excluding the height) and their attire. Why would anyone apply these qualities to Jews is a mystery to me. And Mordor is Turkey turned Communist. I agree, the most acurate jew depiction would be wormtongue, and sauroman, poisoning the minds of white leaders into destroying their own people, and power and greed is more important than anything else, like when sauroman serves sauron and uses orcs (cheap labor :rolleyes: ) to build an army to conquer the rohirin... |
Re: Uranus has a blue ring | It was already established Uranus had rings a long time ago. They just found another one. I'm sure everybody knew ur anus has rings, but blue? come on!! :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl |
Re: Fake environmentalists want tax on (White) babies | I'd like to see that tax applied to the negress or the mestizas conejas that have 10+ children ;) |
Re: Chavez: Bush needs to go to nuthouse | 1) The funniest (and most ironic) part about Chavez speech is that all he's accusing Bush of, totally applies to himself.... 2) Bush is definetely no good for the U.S. and it's an anti-white jew puppet 3) Chavez is no better either, he's a communist, afrocentrist, anti-white, playing as an alpha-male gorilla 4) Guys like Chavez can't difference a white from a jew, so where we see problems caused by the jews he just sees evil whitey ;) Even if his muslim friends have though him anything he's still an afrocentrist. 5) Should we be concerned about Iran going nuke? I don't think so... guess who they're going to use their nukes against? Israel :) What's the downside of having Israel being nuked out of existence?? :confused: |
Re: Chavez: Bush needs to go to nuthouse | You must spread some reputation before givign it to Boomstronk again You're absolutley right. Chavez is to his own country what Mandela was to SA, but with thinner lips and a few more IQ points. I got to disagree in the IQ points part.... Chavez is a complete ignorant retard, he can be quoted from his televized broadcast to have: * incorrectly write the verb to get, adquirir and he wrote adquErir, quite funny is that he was teaching the other ****** morons in on of his misions * he said that the human species was 20 - 25 centuries old :clink YouTube - Chavez's Show - Chavist Antropology |
Re: Chavez: Bush needs to go to nuthouse | The thing is Bush is White and Chavez is Mestizo. If by Mestizo you mean mixture of diferent races yes, but if you mean white+amerindian, then no, he's more like black+amerindian ;) If Bush engages in anti-white activities (and he does), tell me what that is called? jew puppet race traitor. If Chavez promotes the Mestizos (and he does), what is that called? moron, specially when the white european diaspora in venezuela and the mestizos with higher levels of white admixture/culturalization are the ones that actually build the country and had keep it working over the indian and african levels. Chavez is a delusional afrocentrist/indiancentrist/mestizocentrist anti-white, he might be right about bush but I've even heard that all that bush vs. chavez piss contest is just a charade, that he's making oil deals with bush and his family and that had already sold them at least one venezuelan oil platform. :rolleyes: |
Re: Chavez: Bush needs to go to nuthouse | Chavez in Al Jazeera He's against Israel, but he sees Israel as a Tool of the US imperialism (AKA - evil whitey) in the middle east. My guess is that he only is agains Israel because he thinks that evil whitey supports them and probably also thinks that Israel is just another evil white westerner state in the middle east... :rolleyes: |
Re: Chavez: Bush needs to go to nuthouse | Is more dangerous for the white race, tiny/non nuclear/semi-white Iran or nuclear, 100% mongoloid/enourmous/1,5 billion people/nuclear armed/next largest world industrial economy and demographic invader China? I have to agree with you, the only real threat Iran posses is that they make nervous the Israelis, that's why the have to call for their guardog the US... :rolleyes: |
Re: Remember Maddy McCann? | Yeah that's the reaction I see. Something seems fishy but NOBODY trusts the Portu-african police. The posters are still everywhere in England. Impressive coverage but probably useless at this time. Last time I checked the Portuguese police was Portuguese not African... Maybe the english-african parents don't want their daughter to be found? |
Re: The Genetic Map of Europe | What do the country subdivisions mean? ES1 and ES2 are they testing for ethnic Castillian/Leonese and Aragonese/Catalan?? They left the Basque out? IT1 and IT2, is this the supposed divide between northern and southern Italians?? DE1 and DE2, DE1 Scandinavian Germans and DE2 French Germans? I find curious how Switzerland it's practically French, aren't Swisses supposed to be of the Rhinelander ethnic group? That's a German ethnicity, right? How come there's no intersection between France and Irish/English? isn't the wester part of France (former Brittany) of the same Celtic stock of the Irish and the Welsh in the UK?? How come Finland is not related to the other European ethnicities?? EL is Greek, right? why EL? H EL lenic? :confused: Russians and the like are not European now?? :rolleyes: Bigger map don't hurt your eyes ;) |
Re: The Ancient Egyptians. | Negroids did not construct boats and sail them to these white nations. This is why there are no negroid genes in the Sicilians or even the Greeks - who the Sicilians and southern Italians descend from. Watch it, don't give them ammo for another tangent, we already have one thread about wee africoons bez saylers an' beeld sheeps an' sheit!! :rofl |
Re: The Ancient Egyptians. | Have you given up your grafiti? Am waiting for you to draw lines on the latest bust I posted. Which one? I'm getting bored of kicking the same old dead horse :rolleyes: I think my point with the face angles was more than made... Lemme see.... you prolly right. They must have swam to Madagascar.:rolleyes: Can you tell us how the Polynesian reached Hawaii and all the Islands in the Pacific they must have built huge ships to do that..... Africans must have built different boats for different purposes. 8000 year ago is a long time they must have made some improvements. Madagascar, Zanzibar and the African East coast Islands were reached using Arab technology not African ;) Madeiran Archipelago, Canarian Archipielgo, Cabo Verdean Archipielago, Fernando Poan Archipielago, ALL right off the coast of Africa, they were found inhabited by Europeans... guess the Africans had a HUGE seafaring tradition :rolleyes: To say the Egyptians were not negroid is to admit East Africans are also not negroid. Which for the most part is true. East Africans are not negroid, they are largely mixed race Finally something coherent!!just like the Egyptians were and still are Wrong!! are but WEREN'T. The mistake a certain person in this thread keeps making, is they assume since East Africans are mixed today they could not have been mixed in the past, even though this is continuously supported by East Africa's history you're right about East Africa, they were/are a largely mixed population, before that they were negroid, the Arab traders came and took over brought the commerce and the technology and eventually mixed with the locals, and that's how you get what East Africa is today a mixed population, The mistake YOU make is assume that because ancient Egypt and East Africa are TODAY mixed that doesn't mean that they WEREN'T in the past ;). This person holds the position that since Arabs (cultural) You say that only Arab culture invaded? how's that possible without ethnic invasion?invaded Egypt at a recorded time there was no first wave of Arabs that naturally had been immigrating into East Africa and Egypt for centuries before the invasion. They would like to imagine imaginary electrical gates that stopped a population from easily crossing over from the Middle East into Africa and from Africa into the Middle East, no boats required.In Europe there wasn't imaginary electrical gates at the border with the Ottomans but they did were kept at bay, instead of imaginary electrical gates stakes with the severed heads of the infidels that dared to cross were used, and may I add those were WAY more effective than current border security measures :rolleyes: At no time in history were the founding fathers of a nation completely wiped out or absorbed by another race, minorities always remain minorities and majority (founders) always make up the larger population, no matter how many waves of conquering is endured. what are you smoking?? I guess the majority of the population in the Americas TODAY are FULL BLOODED Aztecs, Cherokee, Chimu, Creek, Huron, Incas, Iroquis, Maya, Shawnee, Zapotec?? No?, they WERE mostly wiped out by either death or admixture Examples lay in Italy, U.K, Russia, China, Korea Did these countries get conquered? or did they repelled the conquerors and that's way they got to keep their identity??and MexicoMexico is a terrible example, today population of Mexico is mostly mixed not Aztecs, Maya or Zapotec, MIXED, do you get it?. This also includes Egypt and those of the East coast of Africa Nope...who were always largely a mixture of non white Middle Eastern people belonging to the Caucasian race and non white Negroid Africans and only a small percentage of whites of European descent. Minorities do not found nations, majorities doTell that to the Amerindians that claim that White bearded Gods created their civilizations! :rofl Tell that to current day American nations where the founding fathers were white Europeans while most of the population were mixed :rofl This thread is full of emotional, illogical nonsense.facts are emotional, illogical, nonsense?? :rolleyes: This is what happens when Stormfront lets a pack of females and internet community college educated housewives take care of their debates.This is the black mentality of putting down women at work here :rolleyes: By the way I'm male ;) No wonder many don't participate in this thread. I see plenty of people in this thread Don't bother trying to refute anything I have said we don't need to you shoot down your own arguments with the inconsistence :rolleyes:, you as always have no evidenceI guess all that sayenteefeek stoof is no evidence:rolleyes: whatsoever to counter anything written here outside of your emotionally fueled opinionyou are the one getting emotional because every single of your arguments have been shred to tiny little pieces, more than once, may I add speeches used to intentionally warp data. Such a laughing stock.what's this? reverse role play?? :rofl |
Re: The Ancient Egyptians. | Stupid, do some research before posting. Bantu reached Madagascar long before they made contact with Arabs. It's Arab who reached Madagascar about 1000 year ago. Long after Bantus had settled the eastern potion of the island. Finally you get something right. So the discovery of a really old canoe and Bantu naval exploration is linked by.... nothing at all. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madagascar Madagascar, as part of East Gondwana, split from Africa approximately 160 million years ago; the island of Madagascar was created when it separated from India 80 to 100 million years ago. [3] Most archaeologists estimate human settlement of Madagascar to be between 200 and 500 A.D., when seafarers from southeast Asia (probably from Borneo or the southern Celebes) arrived in outrigger sailing canoes.[4] Bantu settlers probably crossed the Mozambique Channel to Madagascar at about the same time or shortly afterwards. However, Malagasy tradition and ethnographic evidence suggests that they may have been preceded by the Mikea hunter gatherers.[5] The written history of Madagascar begins in the 7th century,[6] when Arab Muslims established trading posts along the northwest coast and first transcribed the Malagasy language into Sorabe. They are not even sure about this, for all we know the natives could have evolved there from a common ancestor with the Indians or Africans, when the landmasses split... We could even say that the Asians arrived there first, went to the mainland and brought the Africans... Anyways civilization there began with the Arabs, assuming the Bantu did cross the channel on their own all they had was a backwards tribal society until the Arabs came along, and later the Europeans... The Bantu from East Africa are basically the same people as the Bantu from West Africa, how come they ignored all the western archipelagos if they were such a seafaring people?? |
Re: The Ancient Egyptians. | The Mikea: It's not the Mikea it's them IKEA http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...pradlectur.jpg :rofl |
Re: Spanish city pays tribute to criminal Mestizo gang | :mad: WTF!!!??? they are praising a subduing to a stupid gang of roughly 400 mestizos!! what the hell is going on in this world!!!??? The should sent the military forces and hunt them down like the savage animals they are, then stick their heads on the city main square :D midieval (sp?) style !! :D That'll show them!! I bet no other mestizo would even think about moving to that city, not eving ganging up! :rolleyes: |
Chavez orders money changer raids for FX crash | RPT-UPDATE 1-Chavez orders money changer raids for FX crash | Reuters Chavez says websites, money changers to be raided * Fitch says new rules may hurt macro and ratings * Foreign exchange market paralyzed after law reform (Adds Fitch growth warning, details) CARACAS, May 14 (Reuters) - Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez said on Friday authorities were set to raid money changers and close websites listing exchange rates, his latest bid to stop the crashing bolivar currency. .... The first raids should be starting, money changing houses, illegal dollar sales where they say they sell gold, Chavez said in a meeting with governors. We are battling a mafia...I said before, we are going to give them the mother of all blows. .... In addition to the currency market, Venezuela has two fixed rates of 2.6 and 4.3 bolivars to the dollar. Under the new rules the central bank is likely to seek to establish a floor and ceiling for the bolivar market and may link it to sovereign debt prices traded overseas. .... A popular blog, Dolar Paralelo (bonosvenezuela.blogspot.com/) disappeared from the web on Friday evening after Chavez warned of impending legal actions against sites he said promoted illegal dollar trading. The dirty market, because it's racist to call it black, why don't we say white? Dirty market, illegal dollar market, he said. Chavez introduced rigorous currency rules in 2003 to stop capital flight after a political crisis. A loophole allows some currency trading via bond swaps and similar mechanisms. That's for the ones that support Chavez around here.... :rolleyes: I've said it before and I repeat it again: he's a racist afrocentrist comunist. |
Re: moon landings . . . . | Dylan unlike the holoco$t there's independent evidence for the moon landing missions. Let's cut the assumptions and get some real facts, diagrams and measures: http://courses.washington.edu/bhrchem/c152/apollo.jpg Here you have a diagram of the command and service module interior: http://www.solcomhouse.com/apollolunar.htm http://www.solcomhouse.com/images/Co...leinterior.jpg This is the one that was left on moon's orbit. and this is the landing module: http://www.solcomhouse.com/images/lm_diagram.gif Debunking of the hatch and space suit size: http://www.xmission.com/~jwindley/lmdoors.html Even more detailed diagrams of the interior here, you even have a detailed Command Module Main Control Panel diagram from the Apollo Operations Handbook Block II Spacecraft: http://www.apolloproject.com/diagrams/diagrams.html http://www.apolloproject.com/diagrams/lm-interior.jpg Lunar Module Interior Looking Forward |
Re: moon landings . . . . | And that little door, how big do you think it is? I'm estimating 2 feet by 2 feet. check out the door size debunking http://www.xmission.com/~jwindley/lmdoors.html Yeah, and I'd like to see that pilot console and instruments, bet that's a dandy. Here you go: Command Module Main Control Panel Left side panel Left section Middle left section Middle right section Right section Right side panel Lunar Module Controls and Displays more here |
Re: The Ancient Egyptians. | OK, first this is how to do a real facial comparative... Here goes another expert that doesn't even know where the tip of the chin is and where the brow ridge is.... However, this is the fact you fail to mention: Naomi campbell paternal grandmother are Chinese Jamaican descent. Yes, Naomi Campbell are part chinese!I didn't mention her specific ancestry but I did mention that she wasn't a full blooded black, a full blooded sub-saharan black would have an even bigger protruding jaw, You guys really don't need anyone attacking your arguments, you do it yourselves :rofl Now, what about a 100% african woman compare to another 100% african women? :rof l what YOU fail to mention is that Iman is not 100% african, she's a somali, somali people are highly mixed with arabs and even whites :rofl who can be more perfect to play nefertiti than Iman? Ehh... A white woman perhaps? By the way Iman looks like a trasvestite :rolleyes: Who really? Also... 1 - Why the Egyptian call Osiris Kem-our (the great black)? What's the point? Why whites call the Black Sea, Black, why whites call a Black hole, Black? That doesn't prov anything :rolleyes: 2 - Why the ancient egyptian view the word completely upside down compare to the european, then and now? Yes for them, the Sud of Egypt (interior of africa) is where all their gods live or come from. Now dumb question, why you thing they call the Sud of egypt UPPER Egypt and the North LOWER Egypt?Oh God! :rolleyes: Could it possible be that where a river is born is called the UPPER banks of the river, and where it flows into the sea it's called the LOWER bank of the river? Could it possibly be that the whole Egyptian civilization was built around the Nile river banks and depended on it entirely for its food supply?? Nah... it MUST be that the Egyptians see the whole world upside down :rolleyes:, hence they are the opposite of whites, hence they are blacks!!! OMFG!!! :eek: I'm in AWE of your SUPERIOR logical SKILLS!!! :rolleyes: :rofl 3- The Book of Gates is an Ancient Egyptian sacred text dating from the New Kingdom. [1] It narrates the passage of a newly deceased soul into the next world, corresponding to the journey of the sun though the underworld during the hours of the night. The soul is required to pass though a series of 'gates' at different stages in the journey. Each gate is associated with a different goddess, and requires that the deceased recognise the particular character of that deity. The text implies that some people will pass through unharmed, but that others will suffer torment in a lake of fire. Guess who pass through unharmed protect by Horus? The egyptians and the nubians! Guess who suffer torment in a lake of fire under the hand of Sekhmet? The asiatiques and the lybians! How you explain that?I'm not familiar with those books, either way could it be they are MITHOLOGY??? or usung YOUR logic... let's see The book of Gates... uhmm it's definitely a book by Bill Gates, he's white, hence the Egyptians are white!!! :rofl 4 - Km.t (kemet) is the real name of ancient Egypt, this word also mean black but many people now believe (like Wikipedia said) that km.t means black land (from kem black), is derived from the fertile black soils deposited by the Nile floods, distinct from the deshret, or red land (d?t), of the desert.you said it yourself the Black Land of the Nile river banks after the yearly floods, being the river so important for the Egyptians, it's easy to see why would they name their country like that, either way, Black Sea?? I guess there are an amazing black civilization there too, that's why it's called the Black Sea!! :rolleyes: OK, then, I have a questions for you: Tell me, source include, the origine of this particular believe of the meaning of Km.t. Who said that? the egyptian? if no where this translation, interpretation come from? (warning trap here...) 5 - Throughout Champollions (the father of modern Egyptology.)1828-29 visit to both Nubia and Egypt, Champollion who was fluent in Arabic, consistently differentiated between Arabs and the people he believed to be the true descendents of the ancient Egyptians, i.e. Nubians. Two examples will suffice to illustrate that point. In a passage from his journal dated December 30, 1828 Champollion commented on the poor conditions under which the Nubians were forced to live by the dominant Arab government. This Nubian village was near the second cataract known as Wadi-Halfa. Champollion wrote in part this unfortunate population who have nothing in common with the Arabs, neither in language, or physical appearance (Harle 1998, 160) (Translation mine). Champollion continued his assessment of the Nubians by writing: They are a good people and naturally happy, like all Nubians, whose statures are slender, their facial appearances gentle and open, the reddish brown complexion borders on black, quite reminiscent of the ancient Egyptian race... (Harle 1998, 160). Still in Wadi-Halfa Champollion met a Nubian man and had this to say about him: A Nubian with a magnificent face was ushered into our tent, his headgear was like that of the Pharaohs on certain bas-relief, his hair was divided into an endless number of locks, twisted and curled forming a sort of wig exactly identical to those ancient Egyptian hairstyles. His features, full of kindness and nobility, reminiscent of those of Ramesses on the nearby monuments. Dressed in a long blue robe covered by a white blanket, this Nubian is a native of Argo Island near Dongola. (Harle 1998,165) Why you thing the first guy who can translate the egyptian language believe that? PS: read also what he wrote in many letter to his brother about the race of the ancient egyptian and most off all, what he thing the ancient egyptian thing about the european peoples.I'm not familiar with him, as far as I could read he was one of the pioneers on interpreting hieroglyphs, name one science that was accurate right from the very beginning? He could be talking about the last dynasties of Egypt, the ones that were the cause of it's very decline, not the empire and pyramids builders... 6 - Somebody here believe this people can represent the ancient egyptians? Certainly more than a group of sub-saharan africans ;) LAULE... successful? really? you no the meaning of the word berber? however, look this... no comment...I think he was talking of the original non-mixed berber populations, not the mongrels you posted, the last ones look more like Jamaicans!! :rolleyes: |
Re: The Ancient Egyptians. | Forgot this one: http://img388.imageshack.us/img388/9084/africanod1.jpg Really any of the WN here could make a better argument that the Egyptians were black than you Antis do... :rolleyes: |
Re: The Ancient Egyptians. | Compare that with the one next to it if mod don't block it. The head shaped like they are is no accident. Now compare their faces Here you go: http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/5514/africanyn8.jpg They're indeed identical! :rolleyes: ...they are is no... Did you ever attend to school? So many illiterate Afronuts pretend to think they know what they are talking about, yet don't even use correct grammar!... and they demand we take their word for it? :rolleyes: The face is the more important issue, not the back of the head, since many cultures engaged in this practice, and no, the faces of these two do not match. Of all the studies I have read concerning the skull and genetics, the Egyptians have never practiced head-binding. The Egyptian head that you see is fashioned after the Amarna art style - it was during this time that a rapid change in art and religion took place. This artistic style was never present prior to the reign of Akhenaten and it discontinued after his death. It was simply a type of art or temporary fad as we have seen other statues of Akhenaten and Nefertiti depicting realistic individuals. My first thought was head binding... but as KellsCross said it can also be an art style... Notice the forehead and jaw shape are different the only weird feature is the alien head... KellCross are you sure Egyptians didn't practice head binding? the King Tut reconstruction certainly looks like a deformed skull... :confused: |
Re: The Ancient Egyptians. | Which other cultures practiced head deformation outside of Africa? Now, wouldn't Naomi fit in this AE family:D The lips on those busts are not Caucasoid. Sorry, but no :rolleyes: http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/6259/naord9.jpg |
Re: The Ancient Egyptians. | Not as bad as these lot :D LOL!: Can you prove it?? :rolleyes: So far all the evidence points away from your Afrocentric wet fantasy.... :rofl |
Re: The Ancient Egyptians. | I posted a pic or two that would flash the above bold statement down the toilet but as usual the mods block such pics. Let try it again: Which of the above busts are white to you.:D Are you kidding right? you already posted the 2 first pics and the mods didn't blocked them: https://www.stormfront.org/forum/show...&postcount=108 After that post you made the following two pages of the thread have being debunking your pics :rolleyes: Try READING page 11, 12 and 13 of this very thread... |
Re: The Ancient Egyptians. | Yes, continue to repeat that, you finally going to believe in...LOL He genius, you see this... look again, different angle... ... you notice the obvious? hum?... genius?... Also this... you see the ONLY white guy here? Now look the big picture... ... you notice the obvious? hum?... genius?... What's your point? :confused: Those murals show some red (guess what color does a white guy has when riding around Egypt's sun shirtless :rolleyes:) Egyptians beating the crap out of some black leopard toga Nubians perhaps? then you see blacks paying tribute and as servants of the red Pharaoh... What do YOU see? :rolleyes: I didi respond but it did not show up. I guess mods blocked it. The statue at the botton is not a forgery, ask Has your Egyptian all knowing Arab.:D Here are a few bblack busts from AE, enjoy. Nope, the only black about this one is the material in which it was made, probably paint, maybe an artistic style? definitely no negroid features: http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/2334/nonowk4.jpg Do you have side pics of the other ones?? |
Re: The Ancient Egyptians. | statues (may or may not be decisively accurate) with lines on their face next to random people proofs absolutely nothing. Don't be ridiculous. It proves how they depicted different peoples in their artwork, patterns do emerge, and since the afrocentrists basically say that anything painted in black or built on black material HAS to be a black depiction, the artwork says the contrary: http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/4325/baxw9.jpg These are from the mural posted previously, although they use red for some nubians, notice how the facial features differ... ;) I think the Egyptians were quite accurate on their busts, statues, paintings, etc... depictions... |
Re: The Ancient Egyptians. | Same figure looked at from the front. You still think it looks white?:D The ancient Egyptians were not black. The head Egyptologist said very clearly that King Tut was not black and the ancient Egyptian civilization was not African. Get over it. Are you kidding? You're using the exterior of his 3300-year-old mummy to prove he had black skin? Have you ever heard of decomposition? :rolleyes: When people their bodies tend to get discolored especially after thousands of years. I was about to reply the same.... :rofl Really by using an afrocentrist logic you can say that ALL death people is WHITE since that's the color of the bones that remain!! :rofl:rofl Like I said before, these guys don't need refuting they shoot their own arguments down!! :rolleyes: :rofl Let's be good sports and have some WN's joining the Afrocentrist's side of the debate so we can see arguments that at least aren't laughable :rofl |
Re: had enough | just to let you know im fed up, i have infact been visiting sites whereby people are requesting to learn English and ive been replying YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU STAY THERE. why learn English when the most common language is as far as im aware Spanish, opps i forgot yeah people who don't belong here and come here get everything they want, well you know it improves country's relations (don't make me laugh) on the outside it may seem so, but the general public as far as im aware have had enough :confused: is it just me or this doesn't make any sense? :confused: |
Re: Should Bailed Out Portugal Pay Germany With Its Gold Wich Was Stolen From Europe By The Nazis? Article In The W | That nazi gold should be displayed in a museum!!! :D Amazing piece of history!! They want Portugal to return it? would they return the tungsten they got for it? Portugal was neutral they were trading that simple, its not ill-gotten gold, would they be making a big deal if the tungsten were sold to England instead? :rolleyes: But since Germany lost the war it's ill-gotten :rolleyes: |
Re: BLACK AMERICAN THUG GOES TO CHINA AS TOURIST AND TERRORIZES ASSAULTS LOCALS ON BUS | Someone remind me: since when did the States start issuing passports to naggers? |
Race Evaluation Forum? | A while back I remember coming up to a thread about a forum where you posted your pic and the guys there (some sort of expert anthropologist community) told you what race and sub group you looked like... Does anyone remember the name of the forum? I wasn't able to find anything through search since I'm not sure about the keywords to find it... |
Re: Race Evaluation Forum? | You're probably thinking of . That's it!! :D Thank you very much!! *bookmarks* |
Re: Anger Grows in India over U.S. Visa Rules | Obongo did something right?? :eek: what's the catch?? :rolleyes: |
Re: Black Historian Attacks Lincoln as Racist | I hate to burst your bubble, but Lincoln did advocate repatriating slaves to Africa, in much the same way that Spaniards were repatriated to Mexico. repatriate Spaniards to Mexico?? first time I hear of this.... That phrase is so wrong in so many levels... to repatriate means to return to the homeland or original nation, last time I checked Spaniards' homeland wasn't Mexico... Why would there be a need to repatriate a white European people out of the US? it's like saying that the French were repatriated to Guyana, or the Portuguese to Brazil :rolleyes: :rofl |
Life in the 3rd Reich | I found this site: http://www.the7thfire.com/new_world_...hird_reich.htm quite interesting... :) |
Re: Life in the 3rd Reich | I found the article amazing... :D I liked the part when they wanted to take the press machine to England and the germans went let them take the old thing! we'll make a better one! That's the spirit! So basically Hitler was a threat to the New York Stock Exchange and all the Jewish virtual money system, they designed the system so they can inflate imaginary money and get rich while the working people gets poor... Hitler's Germany threatened that fragile system and the Jews were willing to do anything to stop it... By the way, does anyone knows about how Japan recovered from the war? I mean, they were almost destroyed, two major cities nuked, and after 50 years they are one of the countries with the best life quality and an economic and technological powerhouse... did this have something to do with their relationship with the Reich? |
Re: New Company Allows Free Long Distance Phone Calls to North America | If for example a white nationalist activist is having a conversation about how ******s destroy our society, they'll be promptly shown adds about discount on nooses and white pointy hoods :rofl |
Re: Magic/Flying Carpets Have a Scientific Basis! | Flying carpets do have a scientific explanation, and it's the fact that the plant seeds used to make red dye were highly hallucinogenic. that's my kind of explanation for magic, paranormal and religious phenomena :rolleyes: :clink |
Re: Indians claim to be J*ws, immigrate to Israel | I don't get it, these guys look like any indian mestizo from latin america, how come they're jews??? :eek: :confused: What exactly make a jew? I mean in terms of racial traits....?:confused: |
Re: The Race Question | So this UNESCO Statement: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rac...#The_statement is where this race myths list comes from: http://www.pbs.org/race/000_About/00...round-01-x.htm It's funny how most of the points are biological or genetic yet none of the experts is a biologist or geneticist... :rolleyes: the genes responsible for the hereditary differences between men are always few when compared to the whole genetic constitution of man and to the vast number of genes common to all human beings... This means that the likeliness among men are far greater than their differences. we could say the same about men and chimpanzees, we share more genetic material than what we differ... DNA codes everything in an organism, men have a heart? well we share that piece of code with all other organisms that have hearts, ears? nose? fingers? legs? arms? Of course the genetic similarities are more than the differences, we even share DNA with an orange :rolleyes: Those small differences are what makes a giraffe a giraffe and a horse a horse, that's what makes a gorilla a gorilla and a human a human. That's what makes one race the creator of virtually every technological advance on earth, while the others just copy or rape virgin girls to cure aids. |
Re: The Race Question | 6. Slavery predates race. Throughout much of human history, societies have enslaved others, often as a result of conquest or war, even debt, but not because of physical characteristics or a belief in natural inferiority. Due to a unique set of historical circumstances, ours was the first slave system where all the slaves shared similar physical characteristics. :rolleyes: I think muslims kept blacks as a slaves long before white man did.. Yes, indeed. and race being a biological feature has always predated the practice of slavery, that claim is bogus. If they claimed that Slavery predates the use of race as a factor for enslavement they could have a case, yet still there's the Arab slave trade centuries before whites discovered Africa in the 14th century... :rolleyes: |
Re: Diversity is a good thing, you experience more of the world. | Diversity is a good thing, you experience more of the world. Just picture yourself living on a land with just blonde haired, blue eyed White people. You would turn around to someone else on your land and see just another blonde haired, blue eyed White person every time. And repeat, repeat, repeat. It would get boring. I'm sure you all like different kinds of music, well, that music came from diverse people. Look at TV today, I'm sure there's stars of other races you like or are fond of. Diversity is a good thing. Prove me wrong. Diversity is a good thing, you experience more of the world. Just picture yourself living on a land with just black haired, black eyed Black people. You would turn around to someone else on your land and see just another black haired, black eyed Black person every time. And repeat, repeat, repeat. It would get boring. I'm sure you all like different kinds of music, well, that music came from diverse people. Look at TV today, I'm sure there's stars of other races you like or are fond of. Diversity is a good thing. Prove me wrong. It also works this way, doesn't it? Let's grab every single black country and fill it with equal portions of asians, whites and arabs, let's do the same to every single asian, and arab country, how about that? Now let's imagine you do that to the whole world, wait a few generations and you'll get: Diversity was a good thing, you experienced more of the world. Just picture yourself living on a planet with just brown haired, brown eyed, brown people. You would turn around to someone else on your planet and see just another brown haired, brown eyed, brown person every time. And repeat, repeat, repeat. It would get boring. I'm sure you all like different kinds of music, well, that music came from diverse people. not anymore now there's a global culture. Anywhere in the world you'll ever find blue, green, gray, black eyes anymore, Anywhere in the world you'll ever find white, black, yellow people anymore, Anywhere in the world you'll ever find blond, red, orange, black, hair anymor. All you get is the homogeneous look of a global misegnation scheme, diversity is lost forever... Diversity was a good thing, but not anymore... Prove me wrong. ;) |
JudgeJudy TNB Ebonics... | YouTube - 420 Fridays, Ebonics Major Gets Patronizing Glares from JJ YouTube - Sexual Visual Dumbfounds, Stuns Judge Judy, Bailiff Byrd #2 YouTube - Judge Judy--Welfare Mom Sues Dude For Stealing BF's Bail $ YouTube - Judge Judy--Welfare Mom Sues For BF's Bail $ (Part 2 of 2) :rofl |
Re: Any JavaScripters? Help needed on paying gig | I could help, but I'm not in the U.S. so the communication would be via e-mail, IM, audio/video conference, perhaps? |
Re: What is the proof that White people have higher proportion of slow-twitch fibres | Its been tested etc. Blacks are designed to run faster. I read that Blacks' lower legs are thinner and their calf muscles are smaller than Whites. Thats an advantage Blacks have for running but for strength its a disadvantage. That's true, blacks and muds have skinny legs the calfs specially are quite small, white legs are more muscular... I've seen that in the gym even negros with lots of training still have skinny calfs, actually they get impressed by a white amateur lifting the same or more they do on calf exercises and overall leg exercises.... |
Is there any WN behavior psychologist around? | I really need to talk to someone knowledgeable in the subject of psychology and human behavior, I'm in the middle of a family crisis, and I really could use some objective opinions, going to a real profesional is not an option since there are some WN issues involved and I would simply be labeled as a racist... :rolleyes: This will have to be via PM since it's personal and I don't want snoopy anti's reading. |
Re: Fake Holocaust Memoir Competition... | I got one! I got one! I got one! :rofl I was a happy Jew making an honest living by lending money at 600% a year rate, in the lovely German province of Judensplachen, that's in southern Germany near the border with Ecuador. Then some evil-nazis-that-killed-6-million-jews(tm) took me by force and death marched me to the Polish concentration camp of Hovenashen, that is in northern Poland, right after crossing the Suez canal into the Panama canal near the border with Angola. I miraculously survived the death march by riding a rabid German Shepard when the evil-nazis-that-killed-6-million-jews(tm) guards were not seeing... In the concentration camp I was sent to open air showers(tm) right next to Hitler's personal kitchen bunker where they gassed us with koolaid, I survived by holding my breath for the next 3 hours and crashing throw the bunker wall screaming Oh yes! .... :rofl |
Re: European Internet | I just watch this show on PBS called Need To Know it was saying that European internet was 20% faster then your averege American ISP is this true it sounds like it because of fiber opitics anybody seen this in action and it`s cheaper then what we have here tell me more. Here`s a link it starts in 25 min. in the vid: In Portugal at least last year was about 20 for a 4GB bandwidth plan, if I recall correctly... |
Re: Blacks given ghetto names in SoCal yearbook | :rofl This was brilliant!!! :rofl Officials at the 2,000-student school about 30 miles east of downtown Los Angeles say the student body is about 4.5 percent black, 45 percent Hispanic and 30 percent white. I'm wondering which ethnicity made the prank :rolleyes: A yearbook is very significant and something you always hold on to, said Toi Jackson, whose daughter, Evanne, is a BSU member at the school in Covina. When she shows it to her kids she will have to explain why she has the name Crisphy Nanos So Toi Jackson is worried that Evanne Jackson would have to explain to future lil' Jamal and lil' Latosha Jackson why mommy was called Crisphy Nanos?? :rofl |
Re: London students experience wave of anti-Israel activity | The Jewish student representative organization (Union of Jewish Students) said the highly politicized motion and been pushed through by a tiny minority. :rofl ohh the irony :rolleyes: |
Precious Metals/Stones Prices around the World? | Hi! I was wondering does the price of gold, silver, pearls, diamonds, etc. vary between countries? If so could you point me to a site where I could find the prices of precious metals/stones for every country? I've tried googling but I only seem to find the u.s. gold/silver/whatever price, is it a global indicator? I also tried the central bank sites of some countries to no avail... Thanks in advance. :D |
Re: Precious Metals/Stones Prices around the World? | ANYONE? :confused: |
Re: Precious Metals/Stones Prices around the World? | Thanks for the replies guys! I'm not looking to make profit buying and then selling, I'm more like searching for a way to keep money safe from devaluation and inflation rates, and a way to be able to exchange it in another country without loosing acquisition value. As well as a reference price so the local dealers won't rip me off. Taking the market's gold price for example, am I able to know how much I should pay to a local dealer in country A (so I don't get rip off with the price) and then go to a local dealer in country B and sell it so I get approximately the same amount of cash (after currency exchange of course)? I know, I know, it would be easier to just make a direct currency exchange... but what if the currency exchange severely damages your acquisitive power, or currency exchange is controlled or banned altogether in country A. |
Re: Precious Metals/Stones Prices around the World? | It would seems that gold would meet your criteria much simpler than foreign currencies. Well... that's also what I thought.. :D but I wanted to hear opinions from people that's more knowledgeable than me in the topic since I'm no expert on the matter and pretty much I was using common sense and not a real study of the subject :p |
Re: Renaming American States To Reflect European Heritage? | Here in Texas, I've already started my own private Europeanization project. San Antonio = St. Anthony San Marcos = St. Mark Dallas = East Fort Worth San Angelo = St. Angel Amarillo = Yeller Llano = Flat Corpus Cristi = Communion El Paso = Closed Pass {and of course} Waco = Hole Europeanization project?? you mean anglonization project, since when the Spanish language isn't European?? who do you think named those places like that? a Mexican mestizo? those places were named like that by the White European conquistadors from a kingdom called Castilla. ;) you can't get more European than that. DNA is European obviously, but culturally I am in no way, shape, or form European. I'd stick out like a sore thumb in Germany. I'm not European and neither are those cities. There is nothing European about them either, they are American, made by American whites. As I said it reflects our triumph and struggle over the Indians. Foolish names which have no meaning to American white culture don't serve any purpose other than creating some idealized pseudo European nation. I bet there are many here who'd be in favor of renaming America something like Vinland if they could. :rolleyes: European racial descent does not equal European culture. America has it's own white culture and is it's own white nation, it's whites are admixtures of all European nations. America is a completely distinct and separate entity from Europe, to think otherwise is foolish. All I have to say is Divide and Conquer... :rolleyes: White Americans are as Europeans as Hansel und Gretel once you get past the language, and other regionalisms, in the very root, in the very core of things, you'll see that the manners, the education and even traditions of all European nations (Including the ones outside Europe) are the same. What makes Europe, Europe is the people not the geographic location, you could have all the Europeans move to Africa and all the Africans move to Europe, in one year Europe would be the worst third world crap hole in history, meanwhile Africa would be a superpower like no other. What made the U.S.A, what it is today was the European settlers, and European migration, it created a different flavor of European, like German, Portuguese, French, Romanian, etc... are, but in the end is just that another flavor in the core Europeans and Europeans born outside Europe are the same. Thinking otherwise is just the result of decades of jewish divide and conquer brainwashing tactics... |
Push (2009) | Has anyone seen this one? I just saw it and it was pretty good, just one token negro and he was the bad guy, pretty much the main heroes are white, no multiracial couples, etc... It's about people with psychic powers and how goverments (starting in nazi germany) have been experimenting to create a psychic soldier, despite what the intro scene may make you think is NOT focused on how evil nazis made experiments, and such... as a matter of fact talks about the allies stealing the tech and continuing the experiments themselves... |
Re: More Blacks Blame Blacks | Good for them, but they are stuck with them, they are their people, and they should find ways to help their brothas to develop a decent society. Getting away from their own people to go and live among whites is a hypocrisy on their part... after all aren't we are equal? :rolleyes: If those blacks were able to made it into a more decent lifestyle why wouldn't the rest be able too do so? :rofl |
Brown engineers build a better battery -- with plastic | http://www.physorg.com/news77371085.html Just found this, the title is ironically misleading... :rolleyes: Brown engineers build a better battery -- with plastic :rofl |
Re: Don't send in the clowns | American Icon: Ronald McDonald. Yikes. Not to mention how GAY they look... :rolleyes: ... and I don't mean it as in happy ;) |
Re: Ron Paul Revolution - Nov. 28 - National TV Debate 8pm | and to end up the debate a extremely important question about which baseball team Jewlianni was rooting for... :rolleyes: Not to mention that most questions that cnn choose were directed to Jewlianni, Huckabee and the other guys, Ron Paul hardly was allowed to speak.. :rolleyes: |
Re: black holes question. | For now, I think the only possible use we could have for black holes is to use them as gigantic garbage cans. Instead of dumping our trash in ever growing landfills, we could just sent it all into a black hole and be done with it. Could even get rid of all that pesky nuclear waste. No fuss, no muss. wouldn't be cheaper to recycle it instead of the humongous cost of launching it into a black hole? What about the black hole aliens getting pissed off at us for dumping our thrash in their homeland? :p |
Re: Spanish language channel tops in NYC | what's the point? spanish speaking muds in the U.S. sit on their asses and watch the Univision crap? :rofl How do they know how many viewers they have anyways?? As far as I know they can't detect which channel is tuned on your tv, can they?? :rolleyes: |
Re: Is this a safe site? | They do have several users for SF: http://www.bugmenot.com/view/www.stormfront.org Maybe the mods should check on this... |
Re: Humans to reach 'physiological limits by 2060' | :confused: |
Re: Cape Verde in European Union | I agree Cabo Verde joining!... only if they take all the negros (or better said pretos) and throw them at the sea or far away into mainland africa, and then give the land to Portuguese to rule it and make proper use of it! In less than five years it'll be a turistic and commercial paradise, contrasting what it is today! :D 2508 |
Re: Cape Verde in European Union | The idea isn't bad, but , do you want hear the complains of politically correct men (and morally corrupts)? You ached a nig... an african african man blah blah blah. Untolerable! Can we kill the politically correct men too? yes, we can throw them away too! :D 2508 |
Re: Great you all have me thinking in a racist way! | Julia. You're mixing blackness with objectionable behavior in your mind. Haven't you ever been hit on by white men? Or at least seen a white person do something you disapproved of? Of course you have. You didn't attribute it to race then, did you? No? Then why are you doing it now? This is the TYPICAL liberal logic... :rolleyes: If in a population of 1000 healthy apples 1 is rotten then all of them are rotten Change rotten for evil, healthy for good and apples for white people In the other hand: If in a population of 1000 rotten apples 1 is healthy then all of them are healthy Change rotten for evil, healthy for good and apples for black people Notice you CAN'T use white people in the second sentence or vice-versa... Have you ever heard of statistics? the only reason she's blackness with objectionable behavior is because statistically most of black people exhibit objectionable behavior... in the other hand most white people DON'T exhibit objectionable behavior... so according to your logic if you can find at least 1 individual of the white population that exhibits objectionable behavior then somehow it's similar in PROPORTION to the black scenario??? :rofl Using your own logic I could say that if she has ever seen a black criminal then she could safely assume that most blacks can be criminal?? I guess it doesn't work this way, right? only if I change black with white it makes sense to you, right? Where you guys study logic and statistics?? :rolleyes: |
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