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Re: Border Patrol online video game, how many wetbacks can you nail? | Great game, I found out about it by a stupid article on the newspaper saying that it was awfull blah blah it made you sick blah blah, but it's actually quite fun and real, specially the characters: breeder, drug smugler, mexican nationalist, lol I found it here, they have other games too: http://www.resist.com/racistgames/index.htm |
Re: Mexican Arrested After Cat Discovers Child Porn Stash | Why is it that they catch the customers but never the film makers ? It seems like a closed case, they caught a perverted Mexican; but the authorities take no action as to who made the film or who was in it. coughjewcogh.... sorry got something in my throat :rolleyes: |
Re: Abba drummer found dead in Spain | OK. I think we have another example of a White Nationalist turning lemonade into lemons. The song Fernando was a fluff song about a failed Mexican revolution. Geesh. Quit interpreting everything as being anti-White. Exactly, all we know is there is some Fernado and they are talking about a failed battle around the Rio Grande area... that could well be a reference to Spanish (white Europeans) suppressing an Indian revolt... The name Fernando and the Spanish language are not trademarks of the muds, you know... they belong to the white European Spanish people that developed that culture from the ancient Latin language. ;) |
Re: Abba drummer found dead in Spain | He was called Ola and he lived in Spain. That must have been confusing... :o I just can imagine: ¡Hola! Ola ¡Olé! Ola ¡Cuidado con la ola!, Ola Coge la bola, Ola :rofl |
Re: White Kid Stands Up To Negroid On Bus | Why is it with blacks and white or red t-shirts?? :rofl The sure love those colors, don't they? Maybe the white ones make them feel like: luk I bez a white boi And the red ones.... reminds them of watermelon?? :D |
Re: White Kid Stands Up To Negroid On Bus | Red = Bloods gang Blue/purple - Crips gang Not necessarily, it's like a global phenomenon, check the next time you see blacks (real live or tv) in their natural habitats they are almost always wearing something white or red, and not necessarily they are involved with one of those gangs, they just like those colors for some reason, specially red... :rolleyes: |
Re: Microsoft sees end of Windows era | The primary concern about the cloud concept would be PRIVACY, I'm definitely not uploading all my files to someone else's server! you can share stuff online, there are hosting services for that, or you could always set up your own file server... |
Re: Microsoft sees end of Windows era | First of all, that article was a little confusing to read. It kept talking in the past tense, as if this new-fangled system was nearly mainstream and Windows was on it's way out in just a few months. Second of all, I do not like it. The internet is not tangilble, the PC is. I like to have something tangible, I do not want or think that EVERYTHING in the computing world should be converted to non-tangible data or what have you. I do not like it, I do not like it at all. There is no good reason to get rid of Windows. Well, technically the Internet is as tangible as your computer is, the internet is no more than computers with the same basic architecture as the ones we may have at home, connected to each other... The problem is that those computer are not under your control as your own PC is... :clink |
Re: Firefox problem... whaaatt??? | Your bookmarks might still be inside firefox folders though... look here: Documents & Settings/[Your User]/Application Data/Mozilla/Firefox there're folders in here named profiles inside them there are some folders named with a random number and inside there're bookmarks, bookmark backups, among other things.... try running a search on this folder: Documents & Settings/[Your User]/Application Data/Mozilla/ for htm or html files.... what might be happening is that for some reason your profile folder is being recreated or something like that... but the old profile (with your data) might still be in there... good luck! :clink |
Re: How the largest dinosaurs got so big | I think the inheritance process in cases like the rat, tomato, etc. it's not necessarily an acquired trait that's passed on.... I see it more like a range of capacities that the organism has, for example: Let's say a particular individual of tomato plant has genetic code that allows it to grow inside a range from 1mt to 6mt... now for simplicity sake let's say that how much it grows it's controlled by the concentration of CO2 in the environment it develops, of course this input is also subject to an accepted range, let's say 10% to 60%. This means that if this individual develops in a 10% C02 environment it will only grow up to 1mt, anything less than 10% is lethal, in the same manner in an environment of 60% it'll grow up to 6mt, anything more than 60% is also lethal. So even if you clone this individual organism you'll end up with plants of different sizes depending on the environment they develop, not changing a single gene in it's DNA. Now if we add the randomness of mutation to the scenario, we can get individuals whose CO2 tolerance is lower than 10% and higher than 60%, resulting in sizes lower than 1mt and higher than 6mt, BUT (and here lies the trick) the mutated individuals will be naturally selected depending on the environments current CO2 range let's say it's 50% to 70%, this will produce that individuals whose tolerance range fall or tops the environment's will die off and only the ones around that range will survive and proliferate, if the environment range goes up, so will the organism population average tolerance and the opposite if it goes down. Of course this is subject to biology's own rules of how higher or lower a tolerance range for CO2 can be fiscally supported by an organism, an it's obviously way more complex than a single trait that relates to a single tolerance range, but I think this hypothetical example makes my point. :D |
null | I'm 5'4 and my boyfriend is 6'3/6'4 lol, He says he likes me being short because he can hold me.. I don't know :p |
Re: WNs: Which solution is best for you? | Kick illegals out, and kick other non western foreigners out after commiting crime. |
Re: CIA Officer: If Iran Attacks, It Might Really be Israel | Some intel types are beginning to express concerns that the Israelis might do something completely crazy to get the US involved. There are a number of possible false flag scenarios in which the Israelis could insert a commando team in the Persian Gulf or use some of their people inside Iraq to stage an incident that they will make to look Iranian, either by employing Iranian weapons or by leaving a communications footprint that points to Tehrans involvement. Hmmm...ya think Israel would really do something like that? ;) Of course they would! They wrote the book on false-flag attacks! |
Re: CIA Officer: If Iran Attacks, It Might Really be Israel | After watching this for many years I am of the strong opinion that Isn't real is behind alot more than anyone would ever guess. ...and I am truly an analyst. Anyone want to take a stab at Israel/Zionists being behind the assassination of JFK? Silver certificates=no more Fed=no more funny money that can be printed to steal with and also send to Israel as aid Kennedy tried to deny Israel a nuclear arsenal Obviously, they couldn't allow this to happen so they assassinate JFK and blame it on a nutcase patsy named Oswald who was very conveniently silenced by Jewish mafia thug Jack Ruby. Seems like those Jews are upping the ante all the time! |
Re: Jews Whine About School Textbook Which Essentially Blames Jews For Much Of The Conflict In The World | If the shoe fits... |
Re: George Soros Pushing RACIAL QUOTAS For Prison Terms | The Hellenistic Jew Soros leaves out one big piece of the puzzle here which is blatantly obvious. Before civil rights, a negro knew that he would be taken to task for committing a crime and possibly strung up from the nearest tree. The rape of a white woman (probably unthinkable pre-1950's) would have drawn such anger and vengeance from the community that the negro would have thought a hanging to be a mercy killing. We have taken away the fear of retribution and real punishment from the negro so he has reverted back the the normal behavior prevelent in his native clime of Africa. Should be no surprise that so many are in jail now as we have taken away the whacking stick necessary to keep the negro in line. |
Re: When white Aryan man is gone, this is what is left | Any race that is so inept that it can't provide for itself even when blessed with fertile soil, good weather and ample land deserves to disappear from the face of this earth. Even without the yoke of white oppression these imbeciles still can't get it right. I for one will be glad to see them starve themselves to death. Any white that gives money to charities to help these simians acquire food or medicines should be deported to live amongst them. |
Re: BNP: Slavery Lessons the Anti-White Establishment Will Not Teach Our Children... | Didn't Jefferson send the United States Navy to the barbary coast in the early 19th century to deal with the pirates and slave traders? I believe that the reference to the shores of Tripoli in the USMC anthem refers to that. |
Re: BNP: Slavery Lessons the Anti-White Establishment Will Not Teach Our Children... | The statement by the Tripolian envoy in London sums up even the modern Muslim mindset very well: It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. And the UN wants to make discrimination against Islam illegal? Islam is ALL ABOUT discrimination! Following the Barbary wars and the crush of the Ottoman empire, Western forces should have stamped out Islam in North Africa and the Near East for good under penalty of death. |
Re: Indain Waiters Bash Aussie Tourist To Death For Being 'Arrogant' | Beating on a 65 year-old man...Indians are such cowards. If I got to beat every Indian I thought had an arrogant attitude, probably 1/4 of the population would be no more. |
Re: White Student Murdered on Campus by Knuckledragging Negro | I think that's the thing about us whites that is both to our credit and detriment. We have a sense of fairness about us that the others races understand quite well and use against us. We need to learn that when someone outside the group is looking for trouble, that we need to band together and neutralize the threat as quickly as possible in order to limit the risk to ourselves. The negro was obviously itching for a fight, so the three should have worked together and stomped his guts in as quickly and quietly as possible and then left him their to suffer and reflect on his hostile ways. |
Re: U of C Student Body Pres. Stabbed In Hate Crime | Igbineweka and Sayavong? Two surnames that shouldn't be on the registry at any US University or immigration office. If they weren't allowed into the US to begin with, we wouldn't even be reading this article. |
Re: 4 Robbers Shot by Store Owner and Employee... | Question here...why did they not deliver the coup de grace to the other 3? They couldn't be sure that the robbers were completed immobilized and shouldn't be at their mercy. Since they had guns during the commission of a felony, its plain that they were willing to commit murder, so why are they shown any mercy? People like this can never be rehabilitated and simply take up resources to incarcerate (if caught and prosecuted) and they steal from society both literally and by taking away security. The sooner they stop breathing the better. |
Re: ADL: Arab Media Cartoons Depict 'Jewish Control' of US Presidential Elections | Looks like the Arabs are catching on to American politics: They've never been ignorant of Jewish control of American politics. Only the average American is in the dark about this. |
Re: Sandra Bernhard 'terribly upset' over Palin gang-rape controversy | Since she's such an advocate of rape against her enemies, perhaps we should revive the old Roman punishment of rape by baboon just for this Hebress. |
Re: Bystanders captures and holds thief Photo video | The Black guy should be charged with more serious crimes than robbery for biting the Asian guy and for trying to bite one of the White guys. Talk about a deadly weapon, a negro, street bum with blood in the mouth, carrying hiv, massive amounts of bacteria, and who knows what else. I think the world would be a better place today if they would have got him down on the ground face-first, with the big caucasian guy sitting on his back, and pulled a plastic bag over his head until his oxygen ran out. Don't know if this guy is black or Dominican or what, but even looking at his ugly mug and the way he protested and couldn't take his medicine like a man really puts me in a foul mood. He doesn't deserve the life he was given. |
Re: U.S. Terror Attack? 'Ninety Days at Most' | The American public is hurting and a lot more skeptical since 9/11. Should another false flag happen, I doubt that the public response will be the same as it was 10 years ago. The chosen ones will be sacrificing their lesser brethren if they go ahead with this as there will most certainly be a backlash as people will know exactly who did it. It should start with the operatives running those stupid little kiosks in the malls. Would be telling to see where they return home to at night to find out who the local Sayanim is. |
Re: You Know You're An Anti-Semite If...... | You know you're an anti-Semite if the words Pest Control pop into your head whenever you see one of these on a cable news show..... Tamar Jacoby (female) Wow that's ugly! Bet that she could smoke a Marlboro 100 in the rain without having to re-light it. :rofl |
Re: World War II Was Not a Good War | It's interesting that few people seem to ever talk about how the Allies all but guaranteed a second world war by the lopsided Treaty of Versailles. Let's hope that if there is a third world war, that it will be directed internally against those that have subverted our own governments; the central bankers and their running dogs. |
Re: World War II Was Not a Good War | Where did you get that Franklin quote? Is it in a book that I can purchase somewhere, anywhere? I always thought Franklin would feel that way, but wonder why I can't find it committed to print anywhere. I had originally read it somewhere many years ago, but don't remember where. His statement was one of the things that woke me up and alerted me to how bad the Jewish threat actually was. Do a search on the net and you'll find his quote in full, which in it's entirety is pretty amazing in how accurate it has played out. More a prophecy than a quote, and it has proved painfully accurate. |
Planting Seeds of Disaster | Obama and Acorn: http://article.nationalreview.com/?q...WQ1MTA=&w=MA== Think this negro was dangerous then? Wait until he gets in the White House! The sense of entitlement amongst the melanin-rich races will increase exponentially. |
Re: Mauritania: Former Slaves Struggle in New Home | Touching. Why not send all the descendants of former slaves in the US over there to keep them company? |
Re: America the Titanic: 300,000 educators set to lose jobs | If the districts were to drop the free lunch/breakfast programs, native-language instruction for non-English speaking turdlettes, English as a second language programs, bussing of non-white kids into white districts and vice-versa, then I think that the funds required would be available. As usual, the productive people suffer in order that the Jew can have his diversity (meaning a checkpoint against white solidarity, and also a means to extract wealth from whites by setting up social programs that they are able to siphon money off from) so that the useless ones get a fair shake at life. They don't want equal opportunity, but rather equal outcomes. Cut off the useless ones and balance will return. |
Re: Obama wants our children to spend more time with the disadvantaged by cancelling summer vacation | I have a crazy idea...why not remove disadvantaged kids from the school system altogether? They're admittedly not learning and are just a drain and distraction from the regular human children. In fact, I think that public school as we know it should be done away with. No free tuition and no free lunches either, no matter how poor the family is. Charge a modest (but large enough) amount such as $500 per kid per year. Parents can't pay using vouchers either. The local government will pay for the rest as $500 realistically doesn't buy much, but at least the sense of entitlement would be shattered. If blacks and mestizos had to actually PAY for every kid that they sent to school then they would either be more careful about having them or not send them to school. Either way, a win for us whites. And for those whites that have bratty and underachiever kids, they might feel more compelled to get their money's worth by forcing their kids to buckle down and study or take up a trade. |
Re: Italy decides enough is enough. To start mass deportation of Africans from 6th January | There are a few hundred thousand illegals in Italy. Many of them are subsahara blacks who have thrown away their passports. No country wants to accept them. Those Egyptians were just a few illegals who were in the possession of a passport. The main problem for Europe is: many illegals have no papers. And according to European (anti-White) laws, they can only be detained for a limited duration. Btw, I think they should be used for slave labour until their nationality/identity is clear. Then their ambassy has to provide papers, so they can be deported. This is the only way to deal with illegals. Well, or just shoot them. As you say, the simple solution would be to carry out summary execution on any darkie found without identification. This would save a lot of money and send an unmistakable message to the other mud people not to come. The ones with a passport should be sent back on a garbage barge and dumped in the nearest bay of the country they hail from. |
Re: Glitter, a pedophile without a home | A sick bastard that deserves an equally sick punishment. They should force him to jump overboard at sea if he is stateless. |
Re: Population explosion heralds disaster | This is clearly unsustainable, they will all die off in the coming years. I remember a while back they did this experiment on some island off of Alaska where they put some reindeer on the island with no wolves or any other natural predictors in a few year the reindeer population had grow exponentially and that winter when all of the vegetation on the island had been consumed they all starved just about every single one of them, and in the greater scope of things humans are no different if they do not control their population mother nature will control it for them and it will not be pleasant. Sounds like an interesting concept. Now if we can only rid ourselves of Oxfam and the UN World Food Programme, we can finally channel the ghost of Charles Darwin and the Angel of Death and let them carry on the good work of mother nature in the turd-world. ;) |
Re: Florida Racist Drives Car Into Black Biker | Yeah, this is a hate crime, but burning white people alive is not. What is it going to take? A few broken bones here and there vs. heinous torture, rape, and murder. Did a mud really burn a white alive? Do you have a link to the article? |
Re: 1/3rd of all Jewish Children in Israel are poor and starving, says Jewish ad...so send money, Goyim! | And starving Israeli kids is our problem...how exactly? Any and all aid groups should be banned and ordered to disband immediately. People's problems in other parts of the world are exactly that: Their problem , not ours. Next thing you know, they be trying to get you to send your daughters to Israel as Schlomo is a virgin and needs a few practice girls before he gets married to Ruth Goldberg. One thing you can be sure of is that I'm not going to lose any sleep tonight over some Israeli kids going without. Given the Jewish aversion to physical labor, they should all be wearing flour sacks and thin as a rail anyway. |
Re: Blacks destroying Ireland | One can only imagine what a sham Nigerian academic credentials and degrees are. Just like every Indian resume that has ever crossed my desk claimed the applicant had a master's or PhD. |
Re: Blacks destroying Ireland | Yeah, isn't that funny how they all have a Masters or PhD degree, yet none of them can do their job worth a ****. I used to work with an Indian guy, who claimed to have a Master degree in I.T., but I could never understand how he could be so inept at his job. I found out later, after he finally got fired for his incompetence, that his Masters degree was from India and had taken him all of 6 weeks to get. What's even scarier are the number of Indian doctors in the U.S. who claim to have their doctorates. Amazing...I've seen the same thing: Masters in IT on more than a few resumes. Not the same as getting a hardcore degree in Computer Science, but I've learned that hiring managers are ignorant and want someone just competent enough to sit in their seat and look like they're doing their job. |
Re: An Angry Chicago Father Says Americas Top Universities Shut His Daughter Out Because Shes White; etc. | I am curious about this persons religious/ethnic background. I wonder because a lot of Jews like to study Asian languages and culture. It could be that as a white person this woman was viewed as a threat to Jewish predominance in Asian studies and diplomatic positions or she chose a path that many others have and there is truly no room for her at any of these colleges. Further I am curious as to why so many Jews study Asian languages. Perhaps they view Asia as an open market not yet overtaken by their parasitic ways and see opportunity there or they want to be in the diplomatic/spy arena and see this as a good way into the fold due to the demand. Either way it makes me uneasy. The only good news is that Asians don't trust Jews. One of the best selling books ever in China was written about how evil and corrupt the Jewish people are. It was about their motives and modus operandi towards foreign people. For the most part Asians do not like Jews. We need this book translated and published here. I was a student that studied Asian languages and did notice that there was a high percentage of Jews in my classes. If you've ever been to Japan, Taiwan, Korea, etc. then you'd know that Asian women love jewelry. Jews love to sell jewelry, so there is one small connection. They also need Asian-language speaking Joos to keep watch over those that hold so much American debt and to make sure that the will to keep on buying this debt doesn't falter. I think I've mentioned before that business has me in Asia quite a bit (as well as Australia, Europe and other places) and I spent quite a bit of time growing up in Asia due to the nature of my father's work. One thing that always stuck out in my mind is that there were always Israeli trinket peddlers set up on the street near major train stations and entertainment districts in even many of the moderately sized cities in Japan and Korea. They sell junk, cheap jewelry that is not made of gold nor has any precious gems. They seem to sit on their butts and watch the world go by, but most always have a notebook with them. My guess is that they are working for the Mossad collecting data on foot traffic, etc. (don't laugh, they definitely do this) or peddle drugs and small arms. Could also be a way to shelf operatives when they have become too hot to be around in the West. I think during my classes is when I actually become more racially aware and started to see the Jew as he was. Looking at the flat, round Asian faces around me and then seeing the hook-nose of the Jew with his kinky hair and olive complexion as opposed to the few other whites like myself in the class really made him stand out. Always see churches and the Mormons out recruiting people in Asia and holding open houses. The synagogues are hard to find, off the beaten path and never look very inviting. They are most definitely NOT recruiting new followers. Always wondered what kind of secrets ops are going on in the synagogues that the Jews hide themselves in around Asia. |
Re: An Angry Chicago Father Says Americas Top Universities Shut His Daughter Out Because Shes White; etc. | Thats fine, let them reject exceptionally intelligent white people. Their talents would be most useful to WN. I second that. Looking back on the college experience I see wasted years of my life and a big bill with little to actually show. Most of what I learned I could have taught myself provided that I had the correct materials to do so. For those that really want to learn, theory can be learned from books and the process is even easier if you have someone that you can direct questions to that has been down the road before. This is basically what teaching assistants do: man the office hours for the professor and field the questions. This same experience could be easily replicated now with a text or texts and access via chat client or Skype to a person with more experience than yourself in the subject area. Grades be damned. For hard skills, you have to have hands-on experience and you get precious little of that in the classroom. Better to spend your time learning a hard trade like farming, welding, carpentry, etc that could really come in handy when our race needs it. As whites, we should set up our own religion and shun newcomers (of undesirable races, that is) just as the Jew does with Judaism. We could set up our own academic centers to study and create a new paradigm for education. Sitting in a class for 6-8 hours a day is silly and counterproductive. You spend your first 12-16 years learning theory and then the next 10 or so gaining experience and wisdom. Better to balance theory with practice out evenly so that our people are well-balanced and useful from the time they reach adulthood. You can add 10 years of wisdom onto the white child's life by simply removing all the multicultural BS from their education. Knowing the groid and brownie are useless, unmanageable pieces of trash from a young age would do wonders for our cause. |
Re: Gadhafi points finger at Israel over JFK assassination | Funny no mention was made of Kennedy's silver certificates put into circulation to compete with federal reserve notes. |
Re: O CANADA! Die, Jew, get the hell off campus. | As Jews have sought to dilute the white (Christian) majority in Western countries by importing turd-worlders, they have eroded the base that has more or less ironically protected their rights and allowed them to accede to the level they currently occupy. We have essentially given them the protected platform from which they preached diversity and now that the pendulum has swung and whites are clearly not in full control, they are slowly learning that unfettered immigration is a bad thing for them too. The arrogance in which they assumed that they could simply marginalize whites and then rule over the darkies never ceases to amaze me. White tolerance in the 19th and 20th centuries and the lack of Jewish limitation laws allowed for their ascension, and they think that ruling the muds would be a cakewalk. I for one hope they get a bellyfull of the brown peril! |
Manmohan Singh blames West for India's climate change problems | http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worl...-problems.html Typical Indian way of thinking. Nothing is ever their fault, regardless of the fact that they have over a billion people overpopulating their turd-world country. |
Re: Chimp-Out at the Olympics, Banned For Life | The Chinese should have him arrested for assault and he should cool his tar-black heels in one of their lovely jails for a few months. That ref didn't look very Scandinavian to me either. ;) |
Re: Cadbury Says Chinese-Made Chocolate Has Melamine | All of the Cadbury chocolate in United States is made by Hershey Hershey has begun producing a lot of their candies in Mexico. :mad: |
Re: African influx reshapes immigration to Minnesota | Liberians?!?!? Good Lord...they were given their freedom and their own country and now the want to COME BACK to sponge? |
Re: U.S. Forces Plan Direct Action Against American Citizens | Any pilot who would drop bombs on his own citizens is the lowest form of life on earth, and a no good rotten evil tyrant that is worthy of death. Couldn't agree with you more. This will be like the VC fought American forces in Vietnam. During the process these tyrants need to be located, and taken into custody. Hmm...have to disagree a bit here. They should be located and as much information should be taken from them by whatever means necessary. After that, depending on how close the enemy is they should either be nailed to a tree and left to suffer and die in the elements, or be hogtied and have their livers punctured with an ice pick and left by the side of the road to bleed out. No point in keeping traitors around for trial or trying to treat them humanely serves no purpose. It only ties people up watching them and there is the possibility of escape or rescue. Once they're dead, our focus can be on the remaining traitors. |
Re: Hotels owned by foreigners fleecing white families fleeing Hurricane | I've always hated Indians the worst of any non-whites and these sort of antics are a perfect testament to their mentality and culture. |
Re: Hotels owned by foreigners fleecing white families fleeing Hurricane | Actually, didnt read all the posts, but you can get, or could get a loan if you were non-white, to get GOVERNMENT loans to buy hotels, thats why they are ALL OWNED BY INDIANS. VDARE did a story on this 4 years ago. It was some kind of special low interest loan, or worse...:mad: Have a link to that article by any chance? |
Re: Blacks cost US government $800 billion dollars net of their tax contribution | If we could monetize how much has been spent on upgrading housing to live in safe neighborhoods, private schools for our kids, alarm systems, etc. as well as put a dollar amount on misery/stress/missed opportunity then I wonder how high the actual amount would be? I think the negro costs a lot more in ruining the happiness of whites and that this amount needs to be monetized and made known. |
Re: Ghandi on Hitler and the jews | Very astute observation by Gandhi, but I would use his same words against Hindus that migrate to white countries. Either way, Gandhi smacked of hypocrisy himself so even though this is a good comment it doesn't make me like him one iota more. |
Re: Muslim Uighurs riot in China's Xinjiang province. | Looking White != being White. They lost the fight, they lost the land to China, they should either submit, leave, or die. Rioting is weak. The girl you showed looks eerily similar to a couple of Russian girls I saw while I was there, which is weird... One question for you: Applying your same logic to the case of whites in South Africa, or whites under ZOG in the West...would you suggest that we simply submit or slink off into the night to die? Call me crazy, but I don't like the idea of the Chinese being comfortable ruling over any other races, even if they be half-breed whites. It might give them ideas and I would like to have as big a buffer between Europe and China as possible. |
Re: Grits, a real man standing up to the scum of society | Smart move. Can't effectively use the gun or put up a fight when stabbed there. The negro robber would be in a world of ongoing pain if he would have taken a good stab to the stomach. (organ not the area in general) It was amusing to see how the Negresses just stared at Grits after what had transpired. Perhaps they were stunned, but I chalk it up to negro arrogance of the past 50 years (since civil rights) in thinking that they need not pay whitey any mind regardless of the situation. |
Re: 3 Blacks tie up white men, repeatedly rape white girl | If you can't conceal a weapon by law, then just make sure no police see it. The personal safety of those around you is more important than any marxist law. If you don't want to carry a gun. Get an alternative and learn to use it, a bat, a knife, whatever you can carry. Even though I live in a very safe place with very few mud monkeys, I never leave the house without wearing a sturdy belt with a buckle that has some weight to it. Always easy to take off when you've gotten into a bad situation and it can crack skulls, lacerate the face very badly, or break hand and fingers bones of an attacker. Learned that lesson back in high school and never forgot it. If you doubt what I say, go buy yourself a sturdy melon and put it on a fencepost and take a few hearty whacks at it using the belt. You'll soon see what I mean. Unless you wear one that looks decidedly weapon-like it's very doubtful that you could be brought up on a weapons charge for using it to protect yourself. Something about using it also screams last resort as well. Anyone else ever take off their belt to an attacker? |
Re: Bill Gates Unleashes Mosquitoes on Crowd: Malaria is spread by mosquitoes. I brought some... | Malaria is spread by mosquitoes, Gates said while opening a jar onstage at the Technology, Entertainment, Design Conference — a gathering known to attract technology kings, politicians, and Hollywood stars. I brought some. Here I'll let them roam around. There is no reason only poor people should be infected. Bill Gates should be taken to the nearest prison, stripped and held down spread eagle on his stomach. They should then find the biggest, blackest, meanest prisoner with HIV and let him ramrod Bill boy in the exit chute. While this is happening, someone should crouch down and say to him HIV is spread by unprotected, anal sex and IV drugs. There's no reason why only the poor, sexually promiscuous, and non-addicted should get it. Just in case, we've brought a few syringes already used by junkies that your friend Tyrone who's on top of you now will be using to administer your first dose of smack. If he really wants people to see how the other half lives, he should be given the full tour. Why some people just can't enjoy their immense wealth without turning political (and trying to help the apes who never contributed a penny to their wealth) is beyond me. |
Re: Bill Gates Unleashes Mosquitoes on Crowd: Malaria is spread by mosquitoes. I brought some... | Oh cmon people, I probably hate Bill Gates more than most of you here because I'm a computer technician and there's no shortage of problems that I encounter and have to fix thanks to the software he's responsible for. However, stating that he should be in prison is ridiculous. If there's any reason he should be in prison it's the monopoly that he's created. But for opening a jar of mosquitos? First people complain about how everyone over reacts when it comes to anything that has a slight resemblance to a terror act, then everyone says he should be put in prison for opening a jar of mosquitos to demonstrate a point (however stupid the point may be). In the end, all it comes down to is that he's up there, and we're down here. If we could accomplish even 1/100th of his achievements through all this time wasting and utilize it towards our political goals, then things would be much different. Of course there is no crime in releasing a bunch of mosquitoes which obviously didn't carry malaria. The true crime is in exploiting white guilt and making people feel compelled to help people who by Darwinian rights should be allowed to perish out of existence. Furthermore, he is guilty of pushing the H1-B issue before Congress and whining that America does not have enough talented people. Bullshirt. For this betrayal, Gates should spend the rest of his life in prison where he can't do any more harm. I won't even get into the predatory nature of his business and the technical problems you mentioned. Gates is a traitor and still dangerous. We need to see him for what he is and not allow his outrageous behavior to go unchecked. With Balmer as his right-hand man for so long, it's obvious to see that he is quite comfortable pulling of frauds with Jews. |
Re: Chinese man murders American at Olympics | Seems kind of suspicious to me that the victims were related to the US Men's volleyball coach and that the perpetrator committed suicide immediately after he hit his mark. Am I alone in thinking this guy might have been a Manchurian candidate (or blackmail victim) used to send a veiled message to the US? |
Re: For blacks, it's a depression | Perhaps we could relocate all of them to South Africa in exchange for taking our white brothers and sisters out of that dump. |
Re: Arrests of immigrants with criminal records on rise | Any immigrant that has ignored a deportation order should be publicly flogged, stripped of any valuables they have the cast out to sea in a leaky vessel. :D |
Re: TED KENNEDY HAS DIED | Wish I could make it to Massachusetts to spit on his grave. Good riddance once and for all. If we ever overthrow the current overlords of the US, I say we dig up old Teddy and make dice out of his bones. |
Re: Chicago students walk out on school, demand more money | Throwing more money at these niglets won't solve the problem. My kids go to a private school which received no direct government aid, and while expensive the amount spent per capita on students in almost half of what it is for a comparable public school. If we could just get the Indians and Chinese out, then it would be as close to a true model school as possible. Great education and no dark people that don't want to be educated, but feel compelled to blame whitey for denying them opportunity that they would only squander anyway. |
Re: Chicago students walk out on school, demand more money | After we rebuild their schools, the negros will just destroy them again, just like they did before. Money doesn't make a negro a good negro. So very true. As my father loved to say, you can't polish a turd. |
Re: Another banger bites the dust | The dead criminals father said : My son is dead. I want somebody to pay for this. Couldn't have said it better myself. Tie poor 'ol daddy beaner to a post and give him 40 lashes with a whip. When he's done, tell him that he's gotten his wish as he's just paid for the sins of his son and those as a father who failed to guide him. Dumb narcissistic Hispanic. Always playing the victim no matter what. If his son had just raped a 12 year-old girl and he was being sent away to jail, he'd probably want someone to pay for that as well. No empathy for the victim, only crying like a little child at what HE has lost personally. Vindictive to the very core, even when he is 100% in the wrong. |
Re: A complex tragedy at the border | I think I know how to ease the suffering of the Mexicans crossing the border into the US. Given that the desert is a very inhospitable place, I would recommend that the filmmaker's house be moved along this path and left open as a place of refuge for the crossing illegals to take rest. Further, I would suggest that his wages be garnished in order to provide drinking water, food, sanitation and electricity as well as maid and medical services. I would also suggest that he leave his wife and daughter in the house in case any of the Mexicans feel a bit horny and are in need of sexual relief, or need to earn a little pocket money by selling drugs that they've smuggled across. Oh, what's that? You're not willing to put your own money or family where your mouth is? I see...how about a nice, big cup of shut the [email protected] *k up then? |
Re: Angry Haitians not satisfied with current handouts | These savages don't bother to say thank you for all the aid they've been given. Instead they have angry hate filled protests because they don't feel they've been given enough. They sit around on their lazy black @sses all day long expecting the white man to come rebuild their homes. The video doesn't show the part where they were burning the US flag and cursing the US. And the stupid sheep keep giving money to these savages who hate them. Even Haitian nigs think the white man owes them something!:mad: I just had a moment of clarity! Why don't we send the 30 million Mexicans in America to Haiti to rebuild? Let the US Air Force air-drop in a few million machetes once they Mexicans have made it ashore. |
Re: Swiss 'race' attack stuns Brazil | While I condemn the violent attack, this would have not happened if she would have stayed in Brazil, where she belongs. Just what the hell is she doing in Switzerland? Why was she in Suisse? |
Re: Swiss 'race' attack stuns Brazil | Looking at the BBC photo, she could indeed be white and this is indeed horrific. These things can be photoshopped though and I wouldn't put it beyond a Jewish trick to enact stricter hate laws. If it really did happen, then this sort of behavior against a pregnant woman should be below us. |
Re: Indian set on fire in possible revenge for rape | Hate to break it to you, but white people who are potential converts to our cause will read this thread, and go, Oh look, these guys are celebrating the fact that some homeless guy got set on fire. They really are nuts like Springer says! Let's all give ourselves a big pat on the back for that. What was a homeless Indian doing in Italy anyway? He's obviously mistaken and was on the wrong continent. I'm not one for such brutality for someone who did nothing to specifically provoke it, but I'm hard pressed to offer any sympathy either. The man had no business being in Italy in the first place, especially with no means of support. Perhaps others will get the message and get back to where they once belonged and leave the continent for the people who founded and developed it. They're not going to leave by mere philosophical arguments and our claims of how morally superior we are in our system of due process and laws. All they will do (and rightly so) is laugh in our faces. Either you have the nuts to go and tell trespassers to leave and force them to go if necessary, or they will simply squat on what's yours and wait for those that RUN THE COURTS to take what's yours away and give it to them instead. Our laws are not just...the whole legal system is under Jewish control from top to bottom. If you are waiting for justice for rapists, thugs and illegals then I wouldn't hold my breath there too long pal. If this was an Asian tourist who was doing nothing but enjoying a trip in Italy, then as long as he was behaving himself then he would have my full sympathy. It takes a lot of cheek to go abroad without the means to support yourself and suck off the scraps and charity you find there. He should have known that this wasn't home and that he would be an easy target. God only knows how he was supporting himself on the street. Pickpocketing? Petty theft? What would a homeless European expect on the mean streets of Mumbai? Okay...why should Babu the homeless Hindu expect that he's safe in Italy then? |
Re: Indian set on fire in possible revenge for rape | That was a fine rant and all, but all I've been protesting here is the barbarity of setting a human being on fire. If he got shot in the back of the head, strung up, beheaded, none of those things would have garnered protest from me. Killing some random homeless mud on the street is rather harsh, but I'll agree with the principle that it at least sends a strong message of you're not welcome here. to the rest. What is at issue is the barbarity of the act, which everyone apparently is celebrating with glee. Apparently my protest of this very particular fact makes me some kind of a fence sitter that wants to wait around for things to sort themselves out. Nothing could be further from the truth. I do recognize an act of savagery when I see it though, and I condemn it because; a) It wasn't at all necessary, and will be met with repulsion by the general public. b) By apparently unanimously celebrating the setting on fire of a homeless person, you are sending a very wrong message to anyone who might be actually reading through this forum as an interested party, a potential White Nationalist. The fact that you seem to be incapable of seeing how destructive this is to our movement boggles my mind. Apparently, flinging accusations at someone who dares question the murder of a non-white is easier than actually stopping to consider the point he's making. The utter lack of perspective or at least politically minded discretion presented in this thread is really quite discouraging. Enjoy celebrating the burning alive of a homeless person by drunken thugs... I'm not celebrating this, just saying that I'm not capable of much sympathy for the victim. And I do agree with you that people capable of doing to this sort of thing to someone who posed no direct threat are not the sort of people I want around me and my family. On the obverse though, you're not taking into account what could have made these kids feel this way. Jobs stolen by (illegal immigrants), culture being destroyed, women being raped? You also are not calling this Indian what he is and that is an intruder who had no business being in Italy. Period. The situation has gotten as bad as it has because we as whites have been hamstrung by morality and philosophy while the darker races laugh at our emotional handicap and run circles around us. No nation has ever been able to stand tall by using philosopher-soldiers, and I'm puzzled why you think that the rest of the world is going to respect us and follow our example...much less emulate it. The whites that don't quite get it now probably will as the economy continues to deteriorate. Being a white nationalist, you are already tarred with the same brush as racism. Plain and simple. People that garner up sympathy for someone getting hurt for being some place they shouldn't have been aren't the sort of people that are going to cross over and stand tall and proud in being white. The problem of the darker races invading our lands has to be taken care of first, and then (and only then) can we go back to higher ideals and the rule of law. These people understand only one thing, and anything short of that is not going to compel them to leave. That this was a barbaric act, I totally agree. It indeed was. The only thing that I can add further though is that I want a place for my children in the future where they don't have to hang their heads for being white or get relegated to the back of line. If a few muds have to be burned in the process, then so be it. I don't like it, but I think that we are going to have to be able to stomach a bit more than we can now if there is to be any hope for us as a race. |
Re: Congress, Obama team up to kill marriage protections | Obama files for complete repeal of Defence of Marriage Act says it 'discriminates' against homos and crossdressers Odd. I thought that homosexuals were just as free to marry the opposite sex as I am? :D |
Re: Black man severly burns white girlfriend's 2-year-old | For putting her beautiful little white child in a position where this black beast could do him harm, this choco-loving pig should be put in a pit and stoned to death. Choc-o-lat-é himself should be flayed alive after having the hands he used to harm the child smashed with a hammer. A few harsh punishments like this and perhaps the Mau-mau's will get the message that white women are off limits? |
Re: Japans new hit: Mein Kampf, Manga-style | Well lets start requesting English translations! I want one!!!! I'd be happy to translate the captions in the photo posted above: 1st balloon: One race, One Empire 2nd balloon: One Furher 3rd balloon: Heil Hitler! (Explanation in Japanese that this is saying Banzai Hitler) Vertical writing at far right: Mein Kampf |
Re: Japans new hit: Mein Kampf, Manga-style | It's tough to see the text in some of these but apparently Hitler is talking to an assistant of some sort. You don't know anything about the jews do you? He tells him the jews lack the power to create things, while the aryan people build nations and drive economies, and something about the jews racemixing with the aryans. I didn't follow the link to see there were more pages. It's quite small and I couldn't read much more than you could, but the final pages mentioned that the jew race-mixed with the Aryans in order to look more like the native Aryans, and that the native Germans had lost their culture and were little more than slaves to the Jews. |
Re: Execution of Yemeni pedophile killer captured on camera | While I applaud this monster getting what's coming to him, I think gut-shooting him and allowing him to languish in the hot sun is a more suitable punishment. |
Re: ADL Poll: 31% of Europeans blame Jews for global financial crisis | Why would a jewish organization conduct such a poll unless to influence people's thinking? The 31% figure is probably way too small. Indeed. If it would have been 60% or over, then the other 40% might realize that Jews are despised for good reason. |
Re: Leonard Pitts commentary: Sometimes blacks really are guilty | Leonard Pitts is a piece of **** negro journalist and I don't need him to tell me the obvious. When the negro race falls forever, we need to remember to write an ode to Pitts about entitled Cry me a river. |
Re: Plymouth Minn has been label # 1 city which is over 91% white. | Although the Twin Cities is having definite non-White immigration problems, Minnesota as a whole has always struck me as being a very good location for Whites. Beautiful forests, clean air, abudant wildlife (the non-human variety), and plenty of snow to let your kids play in. Plus, there's always been a rich presence of German and Nordic settlers. We flew through MSP airport returning home from a visit with my family. I was absolutely shocked at the number of East African muslims that were working at that airport. It seemed that almost everyone working at a shop or in the food court had the name Mohammed on their name plate. Are the Twin Cities overwhelmed with these folks? |
Re: Plymouth Minn has been label # 1 city which is over 91% white. | I guess they are there to greet the hundreds of thousands of others that were granted lottery visas by the Federal State Department's overseas missions. They will hang around in the airport until they feel that it is safe to go with their federal backed loans and penetrate and destroy white American culture. States don't need the federal government period. I heard in another thread that a few states have declared independence from the tyrannical illegal Federal government, and its advocates. We ought to have a voice and choice about matters of immigration as well as a right to get a job based on merit not on quotas. Why should states bear the burden of paying billions of dollars to house, feed, school and give health care to illegal immigrants? We need to collectivize and vote and demonstrate against this putrid multidiversity social engineering scheme. But nooo, white America is too scared to stand against illegal and pro immigrant groups that protest our government, and guess what, our government bends over backwards and wants to grant amnesty to millions them. The federal government is so against White European culture. They want to destroy our heritage for a worldly image of a melting pot that will surely fail. We need to populate, and band developers from our neighborhoods and generate our own economy. I hope that Plymouth will ply their mouths and keep it the way it is. I wonder why this lottery system exists at all? I'm not a total isolationist, but I'm a firm believer that certain races/cultures are so incompatible that they should not be together. Muslims definitely fit that bill, doubly so when they are the African variety. I've seen the brown and black races referred to as muds here and that seems to be a rather appropriate description. The color of mud, worthless as mud, wanting to drag everyone else down into the mud with them. That being said, I would have to say that I'm not sure that the Caucasian race will make it if we appear outwardly hostile to everyone and at all times. Do I believe in a melting pot? No, absolutely not. But I do believe that there are a (very) few other races in the world that are worthy of respect and more or less compatible with ours. With respects to the Africans, dark hispanics, Indians and Pac. Islanders I don't really see any place for them in an advanced and white society. Living abroad for a number of years though, I can say that there are some East Asian cultures that are semi-compatible and worthy of admiration and cooperation with, so long as it doesn't interfere with the strengthening of Caucasian nations. We do have to live in a more global and ever-changing world, that much is true. That doesn't mean that I want a mud living next to me, serving my food, or going to the same schools as my children. Surprisingly enough, other advanced cultures don't either. So if I may ask, what purpose is bringing a Somali/Sudanese/Ethiopian refugee into the US supposed to serve? The mere site of them put me in a very disagreeable mood and makes me think long and hard about ever repatriating myself to Amerika. |
Re: Plymouth Minn has been label # 1 city which is over 91% white. | People who grow up in minority free neighborhoods tend to have a starry eyed view of minorities, whereas people who grow up with blacks tend to not hold them on some pedestal. I grew up in a 99.5% white neighborhood, but the powers that be came up with the wonderful idea of forced integration by the time I reached Elementary school. Growing up with blacks and seeing them in school definitely formed my opinions of them early on. Funny how the same liberal jews that formulated and foisted bussing upon the white communities saw fit to send their kids to private schools. On the subjects of immigrants and different religions in the US, a mosque should not be allowed to be built unless the other side reciprocates (let's say Saudi Arabia) by allowing a Christian church, buddhist church, or non-muslim church to be built in their country. I wouldn't hold my breath though. |
Re: The Black Plan | Don't kid yourselves, blacks in the USA are far more organized and armed than those yokels. There will be some VERY ugly fighting in the USA and sooner than most people think. For many blacks in the inner city, being in gangs and surviving is almost Darwinian. The stupid ones are dying off, the toughest and smartest are surviving. You sound like the idiots in the beginning of every war, we'll be back by Christmas. Much later, you realize it's never as easy as you think! One thing to remember though is that us whites are the engineers and controllers of the power, water and roadways. If we can gain control of the utilities and food distribution and medical supplies, then we could tilt the odds overwhelmingly in our own favor. Another way the blacks yokels in Africa differ from their American ape-cousins is that the yokels know how to make use of old machinery and fix it as well as how to treat their wounds. It's doubtful that our mud-apes have ever had to do these things as it's too easy to jus get whitey to doos it fo' dem. |
Re: Economy in DEATH spiral | The chairman of Blackstone Group says that 45% of the world's wealth has been lost in the current economic crisis. The reader should be careful of the article overall, since the character is a jew - Schwarzman - however, his numbers might still be right. Where exactly does he claim it went if it is lost? The wealth hasn't been lost, but rather transferred to other parties. |
Re: English Prof Tells Students: 'Undermine' Palin | This man should keep his political aspirations to himself at his workplace and simply do what he's being paid to do: teach college-level English. Students that are on the receiving end of his outbursts should do all they can to get him sacked. |
Re: Al Qaeda eyes bio attack from Mexico allegedly seeks white supremacist militias as allies | Quite easy to see that Obama now has his sights on White Nationalists and will use Homeland Security to harass in any way possible now. Why would Muslims want to team up with White Nationalists who by their very nature should hate each others guts? |
Re: White Minority Attacks Non-Whites In Bolivia (Video) | My, my...how things change when the shoe is on the other foot. Glad to see that we as a race still have that sort of ferocity in us. If we are ever to rule ourselves again, we will need this type of ferocity to turn against the Kabbalists and the muds. |
Re: Typical Asian Behavior. | why do black/brown haired white women highlight their hair? Why do white women get breast/butt implants? Are they trying to be curvier and black? Do you idolize the black people and controled by jews? If we idolize white people then please come to japan and see if you think thats true, we will treat a white person just like any other person of any other race. People have different views of beauty (one thing is everysingle japanese person has black hair so highlights makes it more interesting). Do the japanese with blue/purple hair try to look like an elf or something? You should know japan is famous for crazy fasions. Also i know some japanese people actually have problems seeing later in life since the skin will start to move down so many get surgery for this as well. ...and i dont have surgery , in fact MOST japanese girls dont have have surgery, maybe this is what you think from your computer :D I havent met a japanese that wants to be white however since i am here in orlando for a year in university i HAVE met white americans that *wish* they were japanese! Nice to meet you samuraiNinja. Hmmm...why is it that Japanese always feel compelled to speak as if the whole of the Japanese populace was one single symbiotic organism that thinks and acts in exactly the same way. If I had a dime for every time I head Ware ware Nihonjin (we Japanese) I would have more money that Israel receives in US aid per year! Interesting perspective you have there. Please allow me to comment on the ones I've quoted. So you're saying that Japanese women don't get breast implants? That's a bit far-fetched, dontcha think? You are familiar with the Kano Sisters, aren't you? http://www.ponycanyon.co.jp/asianbeauties/ So they've not both had loads of plastic surgery? Kyoko (the one in the foreground) hasn't had her eyelids changed to make her eyes appear bigger (and more like a Caucasian) and doesn't have collagen in her lips? Highlights do make hair look more interesting I'll concede that, but the blue hair is done to cover up the gray hair...not to look like an elf. You treat all people the same? Hogwash! Blacks are not as welcome as whites, even in this day and age and I've been in plenty of smaller restaurants, shops and bars where I was welcomed and subsequent blacks where turned away. Many cab drivers will not pick up blacks, arabs or Indians either especially once you are away from the greater Tokyo area, and you know that to be true. No Japanese wants to be white? Really? Japanese women must spend more money on keeping any trace of tan or melanin out of their skin than any other women on earth! Japan is the only country I've been too in which women actually use parasols! (I've seen presumably Japanese-American and Japanese tourist women using them in Hawaii though) Japanese parasols: http://uvcare.seesaa.net/ UV protection gloves to keep the arms white: http://uvcare.seesaa.net/category/1252546-1.html The amount of cream, treatments, etc. aimed at keeping the skin white that is for sale is absolutely astounding. So being Japanese you've never heard the term white beauty or 色白美人 before? I find that a little hard to believe. And here's the real kicker...Japanese don't try to look more Caucasoid by having their eyelids redone or noses extended to be more prominent? It took a while to find a site in both Japanese and English that highlighted the plastic surgery on offer here, but I think the readers can see by looking at the below site that what you are trying to claim about no Japanese wishing to be white is pure bunk. http://www.daikanyama-clinic.jp/j_nose00.htm Care to rebutt? :D |
Re: Typical Asian Behavior. | So you're saying that Japanese women don't get breast implants? Did i say so? And what is there to rebutt? What do you want to say do whites try to be black always getting tans and breast/butt implants? Highlights do make hair look more interesting I'll concede that, but the blue hair is done to cover up the gray hair...not to look like an elf. Have you been to japan? Teens-20s constantly have crazy purple/red/orange/blue hair. First of all, I didn't intend my post to be a wholesale assault on Japanese identity or culture. I've spent a good amount of my life in Japan and still spend 2-3 months there per year on business. I do believe that the Japanese lie to themselves a lot more than they should (although white cultures do as well) and have a simultaneous superiority/inferiority complex with regards to other races, the white race in particular. As stated, yes I've been to Japan. I've been to many other countries as well and the Japanese don't have exclusive claim on youth that dye their hair crazy colors. The only constant I would see is old ladies highlighting the gray in their hair in blue/green/red hues. That seems to me to be rather uniquely Japanese. |
Re: Typical Asian Behavior. | No, i have never met a japanese that whishes he/she was white but i do know of japanese people that get eye surgery (double eye lids) etc because they like how it looks, do you honestly think all of japan like to be tan,have double eye lid surgery, have breast implants? Try coming to japan and see how we treat foreigners of any race. If we wanted to be white, we would welcome millions of whites here every year (like the *Millions* of wapanese). Its kind of hard to compete when you are brainwashed with as you people call it *jewish* media/movies/propganda day by day and told what is beautiful and what is not. There are people of ANY race that are told what is beautiful and what they think IS beautiful, so some* (youre trying to make it seem like all?) asians want to have bigger eyes like westerners, just like some whites want to try and dress black (but there are some whites that *wish* they were black but ive never met a japanese *wish* they were white) etc. As a Japanese national, you must keep your interaction with other Japanese to an absolute minimum then. In my experience I have met many Japanese that gushed over how great it must be to have blue eyes, a prominent nose, or blonde hair, or even a smallish face. Even on the television news Matsui is poked fun at for having the largest head on the NY Yankees, and on more TV dramas than I care to remember hearing the phrase Kao ga chiisai to describe a possible suitor or define the standard of beauty. In general, Asians tend to have larger heads than Caucasians do and the Japanese are no exception. A big head seems to be undesirable in Japan even as it is genetically prevalent there. So if I am to understand correctly, the ideal of beauty that is purported on Japanese TV (white skin, big eyes, double eyelids, big breasts, protruding buttocks) is not an idealization/romanticization of caucasian physical features? You want the traits themselves, but are able to divorce that desire from any vestige of wanting to in fact appear caucasian rather than Japanese? As I said in my previous post, the Japanese aren't honest with themselves on many levels and this is but one manifestation. For the record, I never said that white women/men do not wish they were or act black. It personally sickens me, but I don't claim that the white race is acts as one and the same. It seems to me that Japanese tend to speak in terms of We Japanese and I don't think that even as a Japanese yourself that you have the authority to speak on behalf of the some 120 million Japanese in existence. Sure, Japan has a lot of good qualities and I'll be the first to admit that. There is a tendency to gloss over, downright hide, exclude or conveniently explain things away that aren't so flattering to you. I'm a big proponent of seeing yourself in a clear light, warts and all. This is how you grow both individually and as a community and culture. Avoiding or ignoring inconvenient truths helps no one, and I think that you are misrepresenting your culture to make it appear more appealing to the readers of this forum. There are Japanese that want to be black. I see them all the time. (Jiggers or Japafricans, some would call them) There are whites that want to be black. I see them all the time (and want to puke) There are Japanese that want to be white. I see them and talk to them all the time. You try to explain it away conveniently as everyone looking the same and it being so boring that you are compelled to try and look Caucasian and draw most of your cartoon characters as Caucasian. Not black, not Asian, not Indian, but Caucasian. There are whites that want to be Japanese. I won't deny that. Most of these folks are the geeky otaku type, but I would argue that Japanese wanting to be white covers a broader range of the populace. Actually, I would say that many Japanese would like to be both Caucasian and Japanese. Perhaps a little hard to swallow, but I think that's a hard truth. Anyway, beats Japanese wanting to be black or Hispanic, no? Kokujo - Japanese girls that like black men: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/ar...171791,00.html |
Re: Typical Asian Behavior. | By the way half the links you showed are pointless, i can also show you links to japanese tanning booths (by the way my mom has a natural white skin like a northern european while my dad is a bit browner i came out inbetween), where the harujuku girls try to become as brown as bark. I wonder if people seriously will believe everything they will read on the internet, do you expect to come to japan and see japanese come to you and say Oh my i wish i was white! I worship you! No instead youll probably be greeted with gentle people but that for the most part dont want you in japan, and you might even see japanese nationalists driving by you yelling at foreigners. Many people in the west have a very misinformed view of japan that it is an anime, hentai land. As I said before, I think that there is a dual superiority/inferiority complex going on in the modern Japanese psyche. Many Japanese that are more cognizant will freely admit this. The We mentality that you speak of is more of a group thing than a nationalistic thing. In my observation (and those of others, some of them even pontified) Japanese separate other Japanese into two groups: People you know and have some sort of relationship with People that you don't know and treat more or less like poo If you are in the same group (work, club, school, customer, etc.) then there is a reason to be civil and exercise good manners and restraint. Outside of this group you are essentially no more than an obstruction in the way and the manners and restraint seem to fly right out the window. Funny how when you walk or drive about town, you would also see the police banners that read 暴力団に断る勇気 (Have the courage to say no to organized crime) posted on signs and pedestrian bridges, etc. There is a cozy relationship between the two actually, and the average Japanese is duped into believing that the police care about them (We) when they in reality do not. I think that I can sum up Japanese We thinking using an old English proverb: Me against my brother, me and my brother against the world Don't get me wrong, the we can be a very positive force in society. No doubt about that. It can also be used to obfuscate and make you feel like you belong, when the powers that be really have no other intention for preaching this other then to keep the populace in line. Japan is historically not a we culture, and I would argue that it is currently very much a me culture hiding behind a thin facade of we mantra. |
Re: Typical Asian Behavior. | By the way this is a white nationlist perspective on japan One thing i miss the most about japan (since ive been in US in school but im going back in january), is that the people tend to be a bit more rude here, even workers at stores. I also miss that say in japan if you lost something its rare it would get stolen, in fact someone would turn it into a lost in found. WHile here i have to worry about walking late at night and getting robed. I would agree that Japan is on average much safer and that store workers are much politer. Then again, you are fortunate enough not to have blacks and hispanics added into the equation and I think that the US would be a much more safe place if they were removed from society. The level of service would certainly increase as well as having the mud people around tends to lower standards and expectations for everybody. The exception would be that I find waitstaff at restaurants in the US to be better than their Japanese counterparts (as they work for tips) and are more attentive. You do have your fair share of chikan or molestors on the trains and peeping Toms are rather prevalent as well. What I would say though is that there seems to be no golden rule in Japan. The nice and polite clerk in the store might be the same jerk that treats you like crap on the street or on the train. Things in Japan seemed to focus on the relative rather than the absolute. |
Re: Typical Asian Behavior. | Whatever it is that Japanese are up to, they are in it together. This can be a good thing, but it can also be destructive as well. Once the Japanese have decided to take a certain course, even a destructive on, they seem to go on autopilot and nothing can stop them. No dissenting opinion or voice of reason will be entertained. If you want to read an interesting take on this characteristic, I would highly recommend Alex Kerr's book Demons and Dogs: http://www.amazon.com/Dogs-Demons-Ta...6375436&sr=8-1 [QUOTE=samuraiNinja;5664931]This sense of shared purpose appears in a thousand pleasant ways. One is the virtual absence of crime. Anyone can walk anywhere in Japan at any time. If a shopkeeper has excess inventory, he puts it out on the sidewalk. No store in the whole country bothers with elaborate security systems that sound an alarm if someone makes off with the goods.[QUOTE] Agreed that Japan is a safer place to walk around than most other countries. I would disagree that anyone can walk anywhere at any time, and many Japanese would concur. Excess inventory on the curb? Most shops are so cramped you wouldn't be able to walk the aisles unless they did that. I actually see it as being an anti-social behavior as it encroaches on the sidewalk and forces people to walk in the street. The shop doesn't own that sidewalk, but the have no qualms about abrogating it in order to do business. No elaborate alarm systems? Hogwash! Most stores lock up small, expensive items just as they do in other countries. They also use RFID and alarms to catch shoplifters going out the door. Cameras are also used to monitor shoppers as well. The author of this article must be a member of the Chrysanthemum club or something. |
Re: Religious people more likely to harbor racial prejudice | Hmm...if the claimant means Judaism and Islam then I agree completely! |
Re: Breaking News : Arizona Gov. Expected to Sign SB1070 Bill Today | The governor should take a page from Castro's playbook and empty the AZ jails of some of the worst illegals - smugglers, rapists, murderers and force them to live with the most prominent members of Somos Republicans and their wives and daughters. They will not be allowed to remove them from their homes. Also, 50% of their liquid assets will seized as a temporary tax to pay for processing the illegal inmates and to provide police perimeter protection to keep the criminals from leaving at threatening the public at large. |
Re: Racist Taekwondo judge kicked in face | Moral of the story: Always have a taser on hand when negroes are competing in sport. |
Re: Racist Taekwondo judge kicked in face | I think that this and the Chinese olympians really showed that rules are for whites, and that non-whites only need follow rules/regulations/agreements when convenient for them. They certainly seem to drop them when advantageous to them to do so. |
Re: Brooklyn Hasidic jews: Paint over the bike lanes | Hasidim but I don't believe 'em! Jews are the biggest hypocrites in the history of mankind. The act prudish in public and commit all sorts of perverse acts in private. |
Re: Idaho Man Could Be Charged With 'Hate Crime' | Every man that I've ever known with the given name Ira has been Jewish. Perhaps I have limited experience with that name, but this story seems quite odd to me? |
Re: The Macacas Are Coming (The Hindu/Paki/Asian Invasion) | I heard say that US government hire indian ppl, cause they're geniuses of technology, this is what they heard here in my country, but I don't know, if this is true, the fault is only of the government for bring these ppl, to US, doesn't matter if they're geniuses or not. I would say that the Indians are geniuses in BS and bluffing their way through things, but in general they are mediocre at best. |
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