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Re: White Guilt is Officially OVER | Pretty good except I would disagree with America being a meritocracy. Obama obviously has lots of skeletons in his closet that can be conveniently pulled out should he step out of line. He's who the Jews wanted in office, so the kingmakers put him there. Simple as that. |
Re: Indain Waiters Bash Aussie Tourist To Death For Being 'Arrogant' | I've always hated Indians the worst of all the non-whites, as I was forced to work with many of them earlier on in my career. They truly enjoy knocking the white man any chance they get and are misguided about the level of their own culture and intelligence. When our yoke of Jewish oppression has been broken and cast aside, I for one shall particularly enjoy the retribution against these sniveling little brown dogs repaid with interest. |
Re: Indain Waiters Bash Aussie Tourist To Death For Being 'Arrogant' | Agreed.. I worked with some too in South-Africa, they are a lot like jews. One get a job in a company and helps one of his buddies get a job. Now they are two and conspire cheat and lie to get a third in.. that's how they used to push nearly everyone else out. If only only whites would act like this. :mad: As to their culture they don't have much of one haha, unless you call drinking holy cow pee, burning corpses in the ganges or feeding and praying to holy rats culture. I think the Indian mindset is all about pulling a fast one and yes, they are indeed like Jews, only not as shrewd or neurotic. Definitely just as annoying. |
Re: Indain Waiters Bash Aussie Tourist To Death For Being 'Arrogant' | Jersey City Anti-Indian Movement in the late 80's. Hopefully this will make a resurgence and at a national level. Indians are extremely thick-skinned and simply turning your nose up at them and showing visible dislike for them simply isn't enough to make them want to pack up their things and go. Make no mistake about it, go they must. They may be all smiles and laughs now, but when our numbers dwindle they will show their true color. I need not remind anyone what that color resembles either. |
Re: ICE chief: We might not process illegals referred to us by Arizona. | Why not just build an open-air, unplumbed holding facility (20 ft cement walled) of about 40 acres out in the desert and dump the illegals into that? Within 4-5 days of admittance, the problem would be solved. |
Wonder if this was ever charged as a hate crime? | [YOUTUBE]YkFtb9rCabQ[/YOUTUBE] White guy gets assaulted multiple times by a polynegro, has his surfboard stolen and broken. This is all on film, so I wonder if this Kainoa clown was ever arrested for his behavior? If a white person did this, I don't have to tell you what the result would be. |
Re: Supreme Court hears immigrant's ID theft case | Wonder how it would please the court if all whites decided to be undocumented taxpayers from here on out? |
Re: From earning 6 figures to hoping for 7$ an hour. | Glick could be Jewish too. Her unemployment benefits will run out eventually. They don't go on forever. Just great. A liberal Jew wrecking a bank making high risk loans to Blacks and illegal aliens. And some people wonder how society would be without Jews. The word prosperous comes to mind. I worked with a Jew named Glick once. The subject will get no sympathy from me. |
Re: Newsweek says we must insure illegal aliens | I've also thought that an apt punishment for those that support questionable causes (supporting rapists, murderers, illegals, etc.) would be to force them to take in the one(s) that they are supporting and have to live with them for a period of at least two years. That would be putting your money where your mouth is. |
Re: China - Antisemitic conspiracy theories and Wall Street | Today, the consumerism drug is starting to wear off, and the elites are scrambling around like rats (Rattus judaicus) to administer another dosage... Very well put. Time to spring the rat traps. |
Re: Oklahoma NAACP to partner with American Red Cross of Central Oklahoma | Oklahoma NAACP to partner with American Red Cross of Central Oklahoma When Katrina hit and our very lives were in danger simply because we were white, we still went down and helped and put our racial and cultural differences aside to help those affected by the disaster. I can name several Stormfront members (no, I'm not naming anyone, get real) that had even opened their homes up and gave sanctuary to Blacks that were affected by Katrina. These acts of genuine humanity are not being returned. But I guess only humans can act humane. I admire your altruistic side and sense of humanity brother, but the sooner we all learn to absolutely and unconditionally steel our hearts to those that pose an imminent threat to us (blacks, jews, latinos) the better. Humans should never offer aid nor sanctuary to rats, hyenas and baboons. The favor is never returned and you always end up worse off by offering to help. Perhaps the current cross that we whites have to bear is squarely due to the fact that we are sympathetic and all too willing to help our fellow man when we should be viewing them with a critical eye and turning a cold shoulder. |
Re: Texas-Prosecutors say UNT student was raped, strangled, then set on fire (Illegal alien suspect) | Obviously, this poor girls parents didn't quite do their job in educating their child on the realities of race. This mud-being needs to be publicly humiliated, tortured for as long as his body can physically last, then allowed to recuperate before having a very public execution. I agree...not one ounce of sympathy from me for blacks and turd-worlders. Sorry, all outta mercy! |
Re: Negritude on the upswing? | The thing is that blacks acting up too much will actually hurt Obama with the whites he caqn't get re elected without, He is performing a precarious balancing act that could come tumbling down on him without much of a problem. My greatest fear is that mud politicians will now be here to stay. Blacks will always vote for blacks, and the two parties will be trying to outdo each other with black candidates. The schmoolies will also use all their resources to keep politics dark and lording it over us to keep whitey in line. |
Re: America Going Bankrupt State by State | At least once per week there's a story in the news about a drunk Mexican driver killing some innocent person (often a White). And then there are hundreds of non-fatal accidents. The Mexicans frequently flee the scene of the accident, leaving a White person with a wrecked car, maybe some injuries and hospital costs and higher insurance rates. Would be quite tempting if there were no witnesses and this happened in a secluded area. The Mexican could be made to look like he got the short end of the stick in the accident. |
Re: France: White girl beaten by two Negroes after refusing to date them (video) | The feeling of watching these videos is akin to an impotent rage, whereby I want to go out and exact justice on these turds who do these terrible things, but I can't. And I guess it's knowing that in all I've seen there has been no justice, and that the true nature of what they are, hate crimes against whites, is met with an ignorance that is brutal in its stupidity and ugliness, and robs me of any what others might call humanity towards these apes and other mongrels. Humanity, to me, can only be considered in terms of those who share white skin, and who live proudly within it. For those who don't, or those whose white skin is a source of shame, you belong in that other wide grouping of abominable beings whose existence I couldn't give a toss about. Anyway, that's my early morning rave done with. Agreed friend, but we need to look at the heart of the issue. What is stopping you, me, or any other of us from doing exactly what you say...going out and exacting justice? Two things essentially: the police and the court system. We can talk all day about other methods of direct and indirect control, but these two are the ones that exert direct control (and subsequently fear and reservation to act) over us whites. |
Re: 15 year-old White girl shot by negro muggers | Check out the soup coolers on the thug-loser trigger man. He should have those soup coolers cut off so that his teeth are exposed, his gun hand amputated, and then sent back into the black community to send a message. |
Re: Segregated Hawai'i | An all-white Oahu? I'm there! |
Re: anti-white, anti-Halloween protests in Tokyo | Terrific. They should kick out all the invaders. A lot of the Whites there are probably white men looking for Asian wives; they should be dealt with. I can't stand how blacks now fall into the ranks of Westerners. There's nothing more irritating than for me to see blacks representing Western nations when they visit other countries, even other European countries. It's like seeing a non-white speaking in an American accent. It just doesn't make sense to me. While I highly take offense to these mostly white kids displaying reprehensible moral character in public, not all are looking for Asian wives as you say. The more professional people are ones that have been sent over by their companies long-term due to the skills they possess and ability to get things done when working with the local Japanese staff. Considering the perks and the state of the white countries today, we're better off here for the time being. It is highly frustrating to know that you are better off in a foreign country than your own and that the income and perks are better here to the point where you can actually raise a family and send the kids to good private schools. That being said, I respect my hosts. I am not one of them and will never be one of them, so no hurt feelings there. I would rather live around Japanese than negroes or Mexicans any day of the week, and the whole thing is just a trade-off. What I see in this scenario is two groups of ignoramuses, the whites acting like negroes and the Japanese taking a protest out of context. Most of the whites you see pictured here (along with a few browns if you look closely) are idiots and look like your typical English teacher types. These are the people that could never hold anything more than a burger-flipping job back home even though most have degrees. Not very bright and not people I associate with. The Japanese you see here are nerdy or fascist types, most of which are long-term unemployed (or simply unemployable), live-at-homes with their folks because they are unable to take care of themselves in the real world, that are just looking for some sort of movement to belong to. When they join something, they tend to give it their all even if they don't understand exactly why they're doing so. One of the scary things about the Japanese mentality. I've cruised around a few Japanese boards and the reactions that I've seen to the event seemed to be very rational and unsupportive of the actions of the protestors. Most Japanese try to be fair-minded on an individual level (although often ignorant and lacking in objective thought, so what they think fair is pretty relative) and can be quite warm once they know you and see that you're worthy of respect. Having said that, they are capable of hypocrisy almost on par with the Jews. Japanese can behave badly abroad, set up their own little enclaves and also assume that their way of doing things or thinking is simply incomprehensible by outsiders. Any of you who have ever spent much time in Manhattan or Waikiki will know that Japanese youths (and even older folks) are not as well-behaved as they would like you to think. 3 years ago I forearmed a drunk Japanese guy against the wall in a restaurant that was making comments about my wife and what it would be like to have sex with a foreigner. The idiot had no clue that I full understood everything he was joking about to his friends. Bet that must have been a night he'll never forget...certainly was the highlight of my vacation! |
Re: anti-white, anti-Halloween protests in Tokyo | To be frank, I don't like anyone referring to whites as motherph*cker, or taunting innocent whites not involved in the bad behavior. The bad behavior speaks for itself, so it should be dealt with and punished as it occurs. I have seen Japanese time after time after time go after elements in their society which are in precarious positions because they know that they can get away with bullying tactics with very little repercussion. Koreans in Japan do some outlandish things in their own right, operate their own mafia (as the Chinese do as well) but the Japanese would never think to bother them as they know that they wouldn't take it and would beat the tar out of them and run. They have the advantage of almost being able to blend into a crowd, where a white person does not. The fact that they do this shows that whites appear as soft targets unable to stick up for themselves or to fight back. If they are protesting the bad behavior, fine. More power to them. If they are harassing random whites that have nothing to do with the issue at hand and are minding their own business and are there legally conducting business, then I think we should all have a problem with that. |
Re: anti-white, anti-Halloween protests in Tokyo | Don't be a hypocrite. The Japanese don't need multiculturalism any more than we do. I think you're reading more into my post than I'm actually saying. Of course the Japanese have a right to protest things like multiculturalism being shoved down their throats and I have no qualms about that whatsoever. The whites that are acting up are an embarrassment and I could care less if the police took them into custody and then flogged them. What I AM saying is I don't like all the comments that are being made against whites in general. There is no such thing as multiculturalism in Japan and they are hardly having anything rammed down their throats in their daily lives. The country is 99.5% Japanese and the largest ethnic groups in that 0.5% are other Asians. Whites are so insignificant in Japan that they hardly warrant any attention from the Japanese people or government. These protesters could care less about what is happening on the train during Halloween. They simply want something to unleash their frustrations on and whites are the easy target. Chinese and Koreans cause far many and more frequent crimes there than whites do. The big difference is that their countries will lodge human rights protests with the Japanese government if any of their nationals are subjected to treatment like this. Could you imagine if there was a similar demonstration against Japanese kids partying it up in Oahu and behaving badly (trust me, they do it) and whites were holding placards that said something to the tune of Go home motherf***ing Japs Dumb buddhists betraying their God or something of the like? I can guarantee you that howls of protest would be heard loud and long from the Japanese embassy in Washington. Regardless of who is where, why should you accept having your race trashed because a few people act like idiots? The idiots aside, I don't think that this is something that we should allow without pointing out the glaring double standard. |
Re: Philly columnist Encouraging a Race War. | I think having this guy for Prez is only a matter of time: He certainly has the NWO hand signal down, so perhaps he will make the ballot someday. Getting back to the Philly columnist, nobody with a name like Fatimah Ali should be living in the US, much less making political commentary. Tunisia is that-a-way. Come to think of if, someone without at least one Anglo-saxon first or last name should NOT be in the running for president either. Indonesia is that-a-way, and take your brillo-haired wife with you. |
Re: Philly columnist Encouraging a Race War. | Sounds like a threat from the bowels of Philly! city of brotherly love:D:rofl:rofl what an oxymoron that is!!:rofl Except for a few very small areas, Philly is the city of ******ly luv. |
Re: Some European Countries Face Critical Gas Shortages | Crimea is not russian. It was settled by ukrainians named 'rusins'. It was conquered by ukrainian troops as a part of empire army. So shut up and get out. And by the way, Sevastopol is not a whole Crimea, pupil. We don't even want to have something belonges to russia. Maybe you drunk a lot of vodka, fellow? Your LIES about Ukraine are so impudent! Ukrainians DO NOT steal your stinky gas: we CAN NOT do it! If smb takes your gas - he is not ukrainian. He is JEW. Ans if smb lies that ukrainians steal russian gas, this man works on jews 100%. I'd agree. Seems like everyone needs to study their history about Kievan Rus and Vladimir the Great to see where the Russians truly hail from. Back to the point though, how exactly is Ukraine supposedly stealing gas? Are the Russians claiming that they are tapping into the pipelines and bleeding it off? I think that stealing from a pipeline is a bit more complicated than siphoning gasoline out of an automobile and I'd like to know more about the Russians' claims. Seems to me that the Russians are using this to punish Ukraine for trying to be more independent and also sending a stern warning to Europe about the price of supporting Ukraine. |
Re: China Sliding Towards Unrest as Economic Woes Increase | Either way, the yuan is yet another fiat currency that is only backed up by the faith of the people holding it. |
Re: Black americans in japan | You're neither an expert on interracial relationships or an African couples counsellor. Maybe they don't teach this in Ebonics class, so I'll give you a little help there buddy. It's either/or and neither/nor. In English we don't use either/nor nor do we use neither/or. ;) |
Re: Black americans in japan | Well, this might sound sick- but- this is actually more advantegous for Chinese people since they are eligable for benefit programes on top of our already successful business's. So not only will we have the upper hands over blacks, but also Whites. Because we have what both races don't. Benefit programms and extremely successful business's. Ahh, the benefits of both but the disadvantages of niether :D Perfection. You also have diaspora throughout the world in general and in SE Asia in particular that are hated by the majority population. The indigenous peoples in Malaysia and Indonesia have a real proclivity towards burning your shops down and killing you Chinese merchants every now and again, and I think the Africans will do this with much more zeal (oh, say in 10-20 years or so) once they realize they've been duped, since the world in general expects much less restraint from them as compared to the other two countries mentioned. Once the white tax bases are gone, you see what happens to the countries in question: lawlessness, economic collapse, and general chaos. Those Africans are going to get quite cross with you Chinese when you start denying them entry visas, harass their nationals while in you country, and discriminate against them in their own country. Watch out...you guys are really getting your hands stuck in a tar baby. (Pun intended) It will be amusing to watch how you extract yourselves from the situation many years from now. :rofl |
Re: black drug dealer arrested halfway through visit to barber, classic mugshot | 21 grams, eh? Possession with intent to distribute should be rewarded with automatic deportation to Cuba or a deserted island in the South Pacific. |
Re: Tell me accomplishments done by the black race | I agree Pointing out blacks that have succeeded in white countries doesn't accomplish much. Without preferential treatment, affirmative action, sweetheart loan deals and guarantees I doubt you would hear so many success stories. What I fail to see is a black society, completely ruled and managed by blacks accomplishing anything worthy of praise. There may be a few superstars but as a race blacks seem incapable of centralized management (without cronyism or corruption) of an economy or anything remotely resembling the rule of law. |
Re: To Further Weaken America - ADL Expand PRO-GAY Education for Teachers | The true irony of this story is that the ADL is promoting something that the Jews flatly reject: homosexuality and respect for diversity. There is no more biased, bigoted group than the Jews, whom condemn anything non-Jewish in an instant and than cry foul whenever someone questions or condemns them. While the ADL is pushing homosexuality in public education, they certainly aren't preaching 'acceptance' and 'tolerance' in the synagogues. The hypocrisy of the Jews is so blatantly obvious that it's nauseating, yet no one calls them on it because they are the 'long suffering victims of oppression' and are practiced professional victims. Their goal isn't to be fair and equitable or to practice what they preach. Their goal is to destroy European civilization, plain and simple. Acceptance of homosexuality and sexual depravity is a certain sign of a civilization in decline. Not sure where I read it, perhaps it was here a while back but it seems the Poles have a saying: The Jew screams out in pain as he strikes you. Professional victims indeed. |
Re: So many bank failures | I agree: if you have under 100K in your account, your safe, to some extent anyway. But I also understand the economy is failing all over the nation. And its for this reason I put this thread up. I wouldn't be so sure that if you have =< $100,000 in your account that it's necessarily safe. The FDIC currently has some $53 billion of funds available to pay depositors of defaulting banks of which upto $8 billion has now been eaten up by Indymac, which means should anywhere near the number of anticipated banks fail then the US Tax payer will be forced to step in to the tune of several hundreds of billions of dollars if not for over a trillion dollars. Here's the full link to the article which the above quote came from: http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article5461.html Interesting that IndyMac alone chewed up $8 billion of the FDIC funds already. My biggest concern if I were living in the US now would be the credit taps running dry for companies which in turn would correlate directly with SMB's going under and unemployment skyrocketing. Think that the wetbacks are taking all the jobs now? Wait until employers will only consider hiring those willing to work in the $5-8 hourly wage range. Not trying to cause panic here, but it looks like things are set to turn ugly and I always like to err on the side of caution. |
Re: carrying flag for USA in Olympics | Too bad he won't be allowed in any of the bars for some post-game celebration. With teef like that, he could make himself useful as a bottle opener. :rofl |
Re: carrying flag for USA in Olympics | I think next olympics the zog-americans should have a woman carry their zogflag - and I have the perfect pretty little lady. All we need now is a nice Christian church to sponsor her, and her entire tribes, immigration to Idaho or Maine or some other nice hitherto all-White part of the country. USA Flag Carrier 2012 ww Looks like one of those old-time steel coin banks. At least it's evident where to stick the coin. :rofl |
Re: carrying flag for USA in Olympics | His old track uniform. Before he acquired his fine taste in threads. Good Gawd...I think you've found Busta Rhyme's paternal grandfather! |
Re: Jackie Chan, Jaden Smith Start 'Karate Kid' Remake.... | Everybody was Kung Fu fighting :rofl Those cats was fast as lightning :D |
Re: Debts closing in on photographer Annie Leibovitz | The whole article is a giant jewfest...:o I wish her nothing but the very worst... What's bigger>? Her camera or her nose??? :confused: Wow. That is indeed a shovel-nose to be proud of! Wonder if this is an evolutionary trait to help her kind dig for gold? |
Re: Racist Jews School Goyim on Burial Customs | Thanks for educating us on your burial rituals, my non-shellfish eating friend. This will come in handy when we leave you and your brethren out in the sun to rot. |
Re: Islamic fundamentalism: Hitler to blame! | Actually, Mohamed had all the Jews around him in the Arabia beheaded en masse, more than 1,000 years before Hitler was even born. The Koran has a verse in it about trees and rocks calling out to Muslims and informing them that a Jew is hiding behind them and to come and kill them. I think that Islam had an ingrained hatred of the Jew since its inception. What will they blame Hitler for next? Aids? Cancer? High rates of illegitimacy in black families? I have some backed up plumbing in my house currently...is it OK to blame that on Hitler as well? |
Drunk Illegal Mexican causes crash involving a school bus | Another driver was killed in the accident: Delaware roads: Middletown man ID'd as victim of Bear crash | delawareonline.com | The News Journal Hopefully the clueless normal white folks left will learn something from this. I sincerely wish that we would get to a point as whites to not put up with this anymore. Any accident involving a school bus and a drunk Mexican should result in him getting beaten to death on the spot by the able-bodied men that witness the accident. The police can't arrest 30-40 people if everyone decided to do something about it. |
Re: Drunk Illegal Mexican causes crash involving a school bus | A few years ago in Los Angeles, an illegal mexican, driving drunk, killed the director of A Christmas Story, the hugely popular modern classic movie about a boy's quest for a Red Ryder bb gun. I thought there would be a mass outcry about his death, but there was nothing but silence. It was like no one cared that a great director who added to our culture, was senselessly killed. Now that the tide is turning (a little bit, at least), I'd love to see his death invoked as Exhibit A why these invaders should be ousted immediately. My mandra has been: are people so stupid that each of them has to have a family member killed by an illegal before they say enough is enough? It's like they can't extrapolate and say gee, if this director was killed, maybe my mom or my sister is next. I guess they don't care if it happens to someone else's family. I wasn't aware of that and that is indeed a great loss. While his death is bad enough, these school kids riding the bus are lucky that none were seriously hurt. If the image of an insolent illegal brown turd unnecessarily threatening the lives of white children doesn't make their parents snap, then I don't know what will. |
Re: David Duke - China, The Olympics, And A Man Named Obama Running For President Of The United States? | I'm actually glad the housing market blew up, because this ought to curtail the mortages and credit cards they tried to give minorities and illegals, as well as destroy employment in a sector they've dominated. I just want to see the trend reflect a diminishing hispanic presence, so some of the politicians will stop betting on the New America. With all respect to those of you that are having a tough time due to the housing market, I'm glad that it happened too. Without the bread and circuses of home equity and credit cards, I think that more and more white folks are going to to lose the attitude Awww...what's the harm? They all just want a better life for themselves and see things as they really are. |
Re: China and the Olympics | The Chinese cheat at pretty much anything they do. If they need this psychological win to boost their ego, even if they have to cheat to do so, then I don't know what to say. A win by cheating isn't a win in my book, and hopefully when the white world comes back to its senses that we will read about this as an interesting anecdote in the history books on how emotionally immature China was in all to do with the Olympic games. |
Re: Drunken Mexican Runs Over Another in Littleton, CO | Good riddance. Too bad they both didn't die in the accident. |
Re: Strongest man in the world is white. | I'm not going to jump into the debate here, but couldn't help but say that I looooove this photo! http://www.newsnet14.com/images/blkh....month.143.jpg |
Re: The Holocaust, Tarantino-style : jews scalping Nazis | Any possibility that Tarantino is a Marrano Jew, or is he just plain cuckoo? Seems a bit like a repressed fag as well. |
Re: These Deranged Women Are What Obama Supporters Are Like | Warner is a Jewish name, is it not? They have a love/hate relations with the muds anyway as they are their political patrons and help empower them at the feed trough in Washington. |
Re: These Deranged Women Are What Obama Supporters Are Like | She sure looks like a jewess to me. Warner wasn't on my list of jewish names, but there was a near miss. From my list of jewish names: Just one letter off; d'you s'pose she's practicing a bit of mild crypsis here? :rolleyes: Add Weber and Warner then. You only have to think of Warner Brothers to realize that it's a Jewish name. |
Re: American Sexpress Card: Don't jump in bed without it, (negro)founder says | Anyone want to wager how long it will be until the negro genius gets sued by someone who caught something from one of his clients? :D |
Re: Obama Ends Hawaii Holiday Looking Old And Grey | Perhaps a bit off topic here, but did anyone else notice that all the secret service agents were black? Possible that he's worried about having a white agent stepping back and allowing him into harms way? |
Re: Opinions on busing run strong | I was a product of the busing system and can tell you firsthand what a giant leap backwards it was. Send enthusiastic white children into schools rife with poor, unintelligent and definitely motivated blacks and you have a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately, I got to witness my first chimp out at the age of ten in the school cafeteria when a black was denied a double free-lunch. (As an aside, I never figured that one out. The knuckle-dragging black kids lived within walking distance of the school and us whites had to be out the door an hour earlier than then to be conveyed to their schools, yet they got free breakfast and lunch either because their families were too poor or lacked skills or the time to prepare food. I just realized from a young age that whites got punished for being responsible, but didn't figure out it was the Jew that was responsible for this until some years after I went out into the working world) The dollar cost was high enough, but I remember losing about 45 minutes each way out of my day in the name of Jewish social justice. I can also remember the mud people that got shipped in from the city that had no sense of loyalty to the community surrounding the school and very gleefully tore up whatever they could and then proceed to blame it all on whitey or the lack of funds that whitey was holding back on them. All that money would have been better spent castrating negro babies at birth. |
Re: Opinions on busing run strong | Oh yeah, there has not been 1 single instance of forced bussing in the US that has worked. Not one. That's not necessarily true you know. Forced busing was successful at teaching me to hate blacks and hispanics from a young age. In that aspect alone I'd say it was a wild success! :D |
Re: OBAMA TO SUPPORTERS: Argue With Your Neighbors, Get In Their Face | Again, the negro (even an educated one) shows his true colors. Note to Obama: Someone comes over to my house uninvited and gets in my face, they run the risk of getting slugged. Guess we will be able to spot an Obama supporter by the black eye they will soon be sporting if they follow his advice. This guy must really fancy himself a more debonaire version of Mugabe. |
Re: Ben & Jerries renames ice cream in support of gay marriage | I've always known that Ben & Jerry were Jewish which precluded me from ever buying any of their frozen crap. I am actually in favor of gay marriage. (read the rest before flaming me please) When we decent non-Jewish whites finally grow a set of grapes and take our countries back, we will have a list on file in the public archives of who needs to be culled. They can't try to act straight and blend in hoping to avoid detection...it will all be on record. Bring it on. |
Re: Little White Girl Fights 35-Year-Old Illegal Mexican | castration castration and then tarring. |
Re: Massachusetts - The Next State Going Bust | Why not drop Section 8 housing vouchers and free school lunch entitlement for niglets? It would be a start and I'm sure that a huge savings would result. |
Re: Massachusetts - The Next State Going Bust | How about if I max out my credit cards, get behind on the mortgage, wait until the power and water companies are ready to shut me off THEN scream bloody murder to the feds. Help! Help! I'm broke and about to go under - SAVE ME!!! The way that the powers that be see it is that if you are not white, poor and stupid, then you are in need of assistance. If you are a wealthy investment bank/hedge fund/insurance company and do some dirty dealings and are about to go broke, you are in need of assistance. If you are white, middle-class and get behind on your bills then you are irresponsible and living beyond your means. Pretty easy to see that our govt and the powers that be are not friendly to white, middle-class America. I hope that they keep hell really hot for ol' Teddy and all his buddies. |
Re: LDS church closes temple in Nigeria because of TNB | This is one reason why the jews have been so successful at remaining organized and in power: they DON'T try and recruit new converts and especially not from the colored races. Who cares if Mbekknu's soul is going to burn in hell unless he's saved? |
Re: US Porn Actress 'To Run' For Senate Against Disgraced Politician | Google images reveals her raunchy side. Shes a poor representation of the white race, and in regards to her lack of moral high ground she would need to make amends to rejoin the white race. I can think of many other women deserving of such government position. Most porn actresses get into porn because its an easy way to make cash and gain popularity. Most of these women actually wish they didnt have to damage themselves in porn. A lot want to be miss popular etc. shes a recipe for failure Indeed she is a poor representative of the white race. Even if she's cleaned herself up from porn, she's simply shifting roles from being an actual whore to an attention whore. Not much of a leg up if you ask me. Most whores will get down with the brown if the gig pays well enough, so she gets zero respect from me. Even reformed, she's in no position to be leading or judging others. |
Re: US Porn Actress 'To Run' For Senate Against Disgraced Politician | We all know that most politician are there just to screw the public. She would do just that, only in the literal,fun way. And while she is a bimbo, at least she is honest about it. These other, lawyer types, of politicians are what is truly corrupt. So if it is between a porn queen or so crooked lawyer, I would chose a porn queen. PS: If she really had a shot at winning, the lawyers would NEVER let her get on the ballot. I think we've gotten too comfortable with choosing the lesser of two evils, when we should really be demanding candidates that are worthy of the office. If you choose the lesser of two evils, then you can guarantee that either one of the candidates is simply a puppet. |
Re: Economy in DEATH spiral | I asked previously if anyone had any thoughts on China's recent stance on derivatives default. I wanted to ask again as it was originally posed at the end of my lengthy post and might have gone unnoticed. Does anyone have any thoughts they'd like to share? Also, I'll post the articles of major concern from the last two weeks that deal with industry specific topics from trade publications I receive. One of the biggest bits of news is that Fannie is about to divest its portfolio of Tax Credit (I believe they are comprised fully of the LIHTC Section 42's) Multifamily Assets. This is major. This is extremely disturbing and a gigantic tell of what's to come. I'll explain later...I've got a pretty little gal looking crossways at me right now because we haven't left yet.........what I go through for you fine followers of this great thread!! :rolleyes: This may be a bit off-topic, but I remember that a poster in another thread directed us towards an article written by a Jew living in China concerning how open and admiring the Chinese were of the Jews. Supposedly, they face little if any discrimination there and many set up residence in China every year. My thoughts are (and I deal with China for my company on a frequent basis) is that the Chinese identify who the decision makers are in a country (or company) and pretty much cast the non-players aside. If you are a decision maker and one who can open the pursestrings, then you are treated like a king. The Jews were lauded by the Chinese for a long time as they are the ones that helped them open US and European markets and gain access to weapons technology and hard currency (which the dollar was when this all started in earnest) that they desperately needed to modernize. Quite obviously, the Chinese got a little too cozy in their dealings with the Jews and trusted them more than they should have and have realized that they've been burned. Jews don't hold the same value for the Chinese as they used to, and they have realized the sway they hold over the economies in which Jews rule over. One thing that everyone needs to understand about the Chinese is that you are their darling when you have something they want. Once they have that something or you are unable to provide it to them anymore and you become a persona non grata and you get cast aside. The Chinese seem to have the Jews trapped in a catch-22. They can't really press China for non-payment on the derivatives contracts as their companies (US/Euro manufacturers) make way too much money off of producing in China and the trans-shipping and lax accounting that allows them to inflate the price of goods purchased on the books to avoid paying much taxes in their home country in which they intend to sell the product. China has strengthened to the point where they don't feel the need to court the Jew anymore. The Jew made the mistake of thinking that he could manage the relationship with China. Unfortunately for the Jew, he sticks out like a sore thumb there and has no chance of every getting into key finance, education or government positions. They must realize that they Chinese have used them to get what they want and I wouldn't be surprised if the war with Iran goes ahead now to try and suck China in as punishment. Surely all the unrest you see with the Uighurs in western China is being fomented by the CIA/Mossad as a signal to the Chinese that the Jews can still cause them some serious aggravation by whipping up anti-Chinese feelings amongst the indigenous muslim population and that of neighboring countries as well. |
Re: Stampede kills 145 at remote Hindu temple in India | I think that crowding and lack of elbow room are a defining feature of Asian daily life, regardless of whether in the city or sticks. Actions such as running into people or stopping dead or doing an abrupt about face and slamming into the person behind you (as if in a city of millions that the notion of there being someone behind you is incomprehensible) are commonplace. While I can't speak for Eastern Europe, these sorts of things would definitely cause an altercation where I come from. Just goes to show that in Asian societies that there is no concept of the other person, and that everything is relative to your relationship with the object of your behavior. As another poster said, only 1.1 billion to go. Indians are one group that I especially dislike, so I'm glad to see that their stupidity has proved fatal yet again, and en masse. |
Re: Stampede kills 145 at remote Hindu temple in India | Ha, yeah. I was watching the news with my dad, and that came up. I laughed, and he said, that's not funny. I said, Well damn, it ain't like they don't got another billion and a half to spare. Kinda funny that I see people responding in a similar way. Actually I find it hilarious. Indians are the one group that I avoid at all costs, and have not met one that I've liked to date. |
Re: UPDATE: Homeless mother of 12 gets butt chewed by judge | The first time one of these SheBoon's heads into the Hospital to Hatch a Niglet on the Taxpayer Dime Her tubes should be tied. I disagree...she should be euthanized. The niglets should be sterilized and sent to Haiti. |
Re: U.S. Says Florida Can't Opt Out of Federal Healthcare | The feds will threaten to cut highway funds and unemployment extension help. BFD, it's worth losing federal funds to maintain sovereignty. Then Florida could simply tax people from out of state to use their section of the highways, and a small tax on attraction and hotel rooms as well. With the Federal govt out of their hair, perhaps they could clean up the cesspool of Miami, cutoff welfare altogether and encourage blacks and Hispanics to move elsewhere. |
Re: Video: How to deal with negros on the subway | Absolutely inspiring! Not a word out of her mouth, no smart lines to say to the groids, no fuss or celebration after she shot them. All business and she was smart enough to know that the other one was undeserving of life as well. This puts a smile on my face and will make my dinner all that much more enjoyable tonight. |
Re: Video: How to deal with negros on the subway | In real life, she'd be arrested for a hate crime. In my world, she would get a purple heart for bravery. |
Re: Video: How to deal with negros on the subway | In the movie she screws an Arab...that same Arab that she was in love with, got killed by some punks, that in turn made her go buy a gun, and start shooting people up...She is a nasty whore in my opinion and the movie would be better if she had blew her own brains out.. Haven't seen the movie so wasn't aware she was screwing an Arab. Perhaps she needs to listen to the Cure? ;) Anyway, the character goes down a peg, but let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. Removing two worthless negroes from the earth is at least worthy of a smile. |
British man skinny-dips in Japan's Imperial Moat | This is worth a chuckle: http://theblackship.com/news/japan-n...oat-tokyo.html Not sure whether to feel bad for the guy for being such a nut, laugh at the Japanese police for taking so long to apprehend him, or feel ashamed that he's white. :rofl |
Re: Why has our movement not yet taken off? | While my comments that follow aren't meant to offend anyone here, I'll add my two cents. The movement hasn't really taken off yet for a number of reasons, too many for a short post such as mine. I think that the movement hasn't taken off as it gets associated with the most radical elements and that sours many whites that are not quite that radical. If you prod middle-class whites enough when no one else is around, many will concede that there is a problem with the brown races but aren't sure what to do with it. Organized groups scare them and they want nothing to do with them. Without any other options, they just shrug their shoulders and wait for things to get better. Not everyone who wishes for white rights or separatism has a shaved head, nor are they inked up with tats and seen moshing about negatively on television. Again, I mean to offend no one, but we have to realize that this just isn't for everyone and a lot of people are intimidated by it and want nothing to do with it. Doesn't help any when the History channel classifies white power groups as gangs and run very unflattering programs labeling anyone aspiring to improve the lot of whites as being backward and randomly violent. Everybody can serve a purpose. What we really need is for the face of white empowerment to be more relaxed, eloquent and engaging. If we had 10,000 people like David Duke preaching the cause around the world, then I think the message would resonate with a lot of white folks. When moderate people hear radical ideas they tend to reject them straight away. When the bearers of the message look dangerous, many people will dismiss them and think that perhaps what the MSM feeds us is true. We simply don't have the numbers to act belligerent at present. More engineers, doctors, lawyers and others that can flex some mental muscle (I know, I know...hard for whites to get into these positions anymore) need to be won over to the cause. Neither a war nor a conflict are won on sheer force alone. We also need the brain power to win this thing. I think we could all take a lesson from the Jews here. They did not get where they were today by trying to win one big battle. Lots of planning, deceiving and cunning. Many small victories added up to one huge windfall for them for which we are now paying the price. We would be well advised to study what they've done and form our own plans to one-up them. Again, I do not wish to offend anyone here...just sharing my thoughts and observations from conversations I've had with whites who are weary to pick up the cause. |
Re: Why has our movement not yet taken off? | We can't let our race die out. We have to do something. We have the power. what I think is funny is when black people think we're afraid of them. I want to say to them Do you know what power is? Power is the ability to enslave an entire race of people and have them pick your cotton. We did that! And never, never think we can't do it again. Actually friend, I'd have to disagree with you here. Slavery is wrong regardless of who the benefactors and subjects of the institution are. In the case of the negro in the Americas, slavery was wrong for at the very least the reason that we are all dumber now by association with it. The net gain from slavery was nil for the white race and just having them around in any capacity weakens a society...regardless of their status in that society. You would be well advised to research who the big players in the slave trade were and pay close attention to Newport, Rhode Island in particular. What you find will be quite illuminating. We enslaved no one. I would also suggest you research how the presence of black slaves was detrimental to the country Portugal and just how backward it became not long after their introduction there. They are just now coming back to Western European standards of living. |
Re: Why has our movement not yet taken off? | I was just being facetious. I was exaggerating for effect. Of course I don't believe in slavery but I am saying that the white race has always been the dominate race in last 500 years and that's not by accident. We are a very smart, determined and powerful group of people. Stop feeling guilty about everything and kissing the asses of every other race out there to get along. Point taken. Actually, I don't feel guilty about anything to do with other races. Slavery as an institution is wrong though any way you slice it. You defeat a country in battle, then either put the survivors to the sword or make peace with them. Don't forget that we had indentured servitude for many of the Scotch-Irish in the South as well and the slave owner's mindset is not a very social one. Slavery is also stealing from the middle class for the sake of the upper classes. The jobs that the slaves had should have gone to whites under fair conditions and pay. Another poster made the parallel between slavery in Rome, the destruction of the middle class, and the ensuing end of the Republic. I'm of the mind that having to deal with blacks on a daily basis, even in the capacity of prison guard or steward makes all the participants subsequently dumber as a result of being exposed to any sort of negro behavior. |
Re: Economy in DEATH spiral | Only a dictatorship can ensure that the right people get into the right positions. There can be a vast screening process lasting decades bringing people up in the regime, who have proven their intelligence, wisdom, loyalty to the nation. An example I'd give is the quality of the officer corps in the US military, especially as one looks higher and higher in rank. It is a meritocracy, by the highest ranks most are geniuses. With a dictatorship, you are surrendering one master for another. Not a good idea in my book. We already have a dictatorship of the Zionists, don't we? In case you've not noticed many of the top military brass are also Zionist Jews. |
Re: Eminent Domain | This cannot stand. It is traitorous and Obama should be impeached I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you here. Obama should not be impeached as he is not legally eligible to be president anyway. He should though, be tried for treason (even in light of the fact that he is not a citizen, the United States is still his habitual residence) and then swiftly executed . Rahm should share the gallows with his dimwitted mulatto ward. |
Re: Japan to seek nationwide smoking ban | There's more to this than meets the eye. Japan had it easy for many, many years as they were able to fund their public debt internally. The pension funds are coerced into buying Japan's equivalent of Treasury Bills by the Ministry of Finance. In this way, they were able to pay govt debt and fund many large public projects as well as provide cheap credit to industry. The current economic crisis coupled with the Japanese baby boomers starting to retire en masse has put this cozy relationship to an end as the pension funds simply don't have the cash to buy up govt debt any longer. Japanese have the highest longevity rates in the world, but this is despite many being bedridden or sick for years until their inevitable demise. Japanese people (especially the elderly) are some of the worst hypochondriacs I have ever seen and completely clog up the hospital system over seemingly minor things. The point is that the govt can not afford to pay for medical care like it used to. They've already started making seniors pay more deductible for hospital visits and ambulance rides (because it is so widely abused) and leaning on smokers is the next logical step as they do in fact put a lot of unnecessary pressure on the health cre system. |
Re: Robert Reich The Jew is now crying for mercy | The jews in government are becoming increasingly bold about their hate for the White race and their desire to see our genocide. Payback will be part of the agenda in the future for these people should be driven from American soil. ;) They are too dangerous to be let go. They will only go elsewhere, set up shop and start the process over again even if it takes them 200 years to do so. They should be rounded up, separated by sex and incarcerated until their natural lives expire. Problem solved once and forever without spilling one drop of blood. |
Re: Jewish media pathetically claim Homosexual link to Terre'blanche murder | This just adds insult to injury in the murder case. If anything, the poor man might have been sodomized by the kaffirs. Highly unlikely that he was looking for homosexual sex, especially with blacks. |
Re: Another College White Girl Murdered by Negroes?? Jew Media Quiet...... | Zimmerman is a Jewish name, is it not? |
Re: Another College White Girl Murdered by Negroes?? Jew Media Quiet...... | Unlikely, though you may have encountered a few jews with that last name. I think it's predominately German. There was a converted Jew in our church when I was a kid who had the tatoo on his forearm, and that's why I ask. |
Re: Another College White Girl Murdered by Negroes?? Jew Media Quiet...... | Lots and lots of Zimmerman's around here....all are German and Lutheran. What's with the Jewish thing in here anyway?...any white gets killed and everyone accuses them of being a 'jew'.....sheesh. Simple: If she's non-Jewish then she has my sympathies and I'm sorry for the loss of another white to a non-white animal that needs to be put down ASAP. If she IS Jewish, then I would think of it as the chickens coming home to roost courtesy of the liberal policies that her people have been working hard to put in place and effect for the past 50 or so years. |
Re: Obama to stop backyard gardens? | I still say this is much ado about nothing. ZOG cannot possibly go after every victory garden in the U.S. If they ever tried such a move, illegal vegetable gardens would be the least of their problems.;) Who's going to enforce such a BS law? With all the millions of dollars they spend on the war on drugs, they can't even get a handle on high yield pot fields, much less every tomato plant behind someones house. I guess this is obongo's war on 'maters!:rofl Actually, it might be easier for them to detect and enforce than you think. The Soviet Union and China rewarded snitches. We have too many blacks that sit around and do nothing all day...they would have nothing better to do than to scope out whitey and snitch on him to get his reward. Think about all the Mexicans that would love a chance to be able to snitch on whitey who's been snitching on him for years (all to no avail) to immigration. Just think about that and let it sink in a while. It's actually a lot more feasible than most of you think. Carthago delenda est - replace Carthage with Obama/Zionism and you'll catch my drift. |
Re: Obama to stop backyard gardens? | http://imagecache5.art.com/p/LRG/35/...ber-5-1959.jpg Obama can do what Khrushchev should have done with that ear of corn. Stick it where the sun don't shine. |
Re: My one-in-a-million twin baby boys have two different fathers | We are family: The couple and their twin boys - who are soon to be joined by another sibling Perfect. The silly negress has unprotected sex with two different men presumably within hours of each other and produces two biologically different chimplets. She then pleaded for a DNA test to prove what she already knew...that she is an animal and a typical negress slut. To top things off, she is now expecting yet ANOTHER child and god only knows who the father of this one is. The unwitting taxpayers of Britain will have to pay living expenses, medical bills and housing for two completely useless negroes and 3 that will grow up to be worse than useless considering their genius parental stock. This is a case in which I wish post-birth abortions could be performed on all five of these black leeches. |
Re: Unemployment numbers far worse for Negroes | Well, I certainly wish that Obamanation's Stimulus Package included a provision to pay every negro and beaner $500 in cold, hard cash to undergo a non-reversible vasectomy. That would be money well spent and I'm sure that the tax burden for it would seem more palatable. Those muds incarcerated on felony charges should be forced to have the procedure, and receive two cartons of cigarettes as compensation. |
Re: A compelling Reason for the Execution of Child Rapists | Hopefully you can see a contradiction there. Civilized society does not have vengeance instead of justice, nor does it employ barbaric methods of executions. A simple execution would be shooting them in the head. Simple, relatively painless, and effective. Yet the death penalty should only be employed in cases of no reasonable doubt AND genuine DNA evidence, not just hearsay testimonies. However I agree they are a threat to society and need to be dealt with. Perhaps. But a truly civilized (meaning the ability to maintain safety and civility be meting out true justice) must have punishments that are capable of keeping the public order. Criminals run rampant in our societies now as they know that the Jewish legal and penal system will coddle them and ordinary whites live in fear and pay through the nose to live and school their kids in safe neighborhoods. I would suggest that the rapist be tied to a utility pole and allow the father of the victim to smother him with a plastic bag. Perhaps the legal system shouldn't incorporate vengeance, but neither should it deny the maligned party the chance at avenging the crime either. Besides, a plastic bag costs about 2 cents. ;) |
Oath of office | Obama couldn't even undertake the oath of office without at least 3 mistakes. Definitely a harbinger of professionalism to come. :rofl |
Re: Oath of office | As this is a once in a lifetime event for anyone, I would think that a rational person would want to take his time and get it right and go down well in the record books. It was obvious that the negro half of Obama just couldn't help himself and had to jump the gun. If there is one trait the negro lacks, it is patience. Now matter how cool and eloquent Obama seems, he is to me a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in which the white and black elements in him are constantly conflicting with one another. Let's see the what the mulatto's New era of responsibility actually means. In my mind it would mean shutting down the welfare rolls, kicking the mexcriments out, and severely punishing employers that have used their labor. Needless to say, I'm not going to be holding my breath. |
Re: Property owners steaming mad | Property taxes on a primary residence are about the most unfair tax I can think of. Not based on any sort of income, and not offering any breaks should your source of revenue dry up. School and other public service fees should be gathered in a different way. Perhaps if the mud people had to pay for each one of their offspring to attend school, they wouldn't have so many or would simply yank them out. A win-win any way you slice it. |
Re: Armed man commandeers freeway, demands at gunpoint that Obama sign be affixed to freeway overpass | He is undeserving of his Dutch heritage. |
Re: America's Downfall is Closer Than You Think - a Jewish view | The Jews have overextended themselves and overstepped their boundaries. One has to wonder why when they had the world effectively at their feet and doing their bidding that they had to push the envelope and bring the whole thing to the brink of collapse. America will survive in one for or another. Too many good people and too much land, as well as a latent fighting and survival spirit that has been under the surface for too long. Once the incentives to be quiet and obey ZOG have been removed, we'll hopefully see a pronounced change in the behavior of whites. You'd be surprised how many whites, when they feel self-assured that there will be no legal/professional repercussions will malign the mud races or even get physical with them when pushed. Met plenty of ABCD people while living in Asia that weren't concerned about being punished by ZOG while abroad. BTW, Israel should be the one more worried about downfall. A severe lack of fresh water, no real economy to speak of (when western countries aren't coerced into buying from them) wholly dependent on US aid and German blackmail money, and surrounded by hostile enemies. Should they lose their protector USA, then their goose is most definitely cooked. |
Re: Messiah Obama jumps ship - another darkie who can't handle a little work | I can't wait until he loses it on live TV, like that black news reporter who got the fly in his mouth and went from sounding all professional to sounding like a gangbanger a second later. I missed that one. Which station was it? |
Re: Messiah Obama jumps ship - another darkie who can't handle a little work | Priceless! Very telling how he puts on airs of sophistication only to go ghetto due to a teensy little fly. Sounds like he came straight out of a Charlie Brown Kwaanza: [YOUTUBE]KI-eWC0WPlg[/YOUTUBE] |
Re: Oy vey, more Jewish filth in American society: dating site for cheating spouses | Here's a question for the legal minds on this forum. Let's say that a man/woman catches their spouse cheating and is able to prove that the affair was fostered through Binderman's website. Would that spouse have a case for suing Binderman for alienation of affection or for aiding and abetting actions that presumably would lead up to a divorce? |
Re: White House Menorah Lighting 2009 - Christmas trees and Manger Scenes banned | This is in sharp contrast to when I grew up in the New York area many years ago. Signs of Christmas were all about during the Christmas season and the jews maintained a much lower profile. Sadly, how times have changed. They have destroyed our countries and infected our culture. And know, they throw it in our faces. What do we really expect? We allowed them to knock down 2 (3 depending on how you look at it) of the biggest symbols of America and get away with it. Why wouldn't they be throwing it in our faces...they know we won't do anything about it except slink off home and grumble about it in private. They only respect who they fear and it's pretty obvious that they don't fear us in the slightest. |
Re: The U.S. War on Unarmed Working Mothers | The only way to deal with the Mestizos if they are already in the US: Round them up Detain them temporarily at an ICE facility Subject them to a mandatory caning or whipping Tattoo them in a conspicuous place on their body so that it will be obvious to anyone if they sneak back in that they were once deported Confiscate all monies they may have, seizing any property of value and auctioning it off Take them to the Mexican border Make unarmed and unescorted Mexican officials walk over the border to claim them and walk them back over. Do not release them into their custody until expenses for the cost of the deportation/investigation has been paid in full That being said unwed or not, pregnant or not, barefoot or not I could not care less about the plight of anyone who broke the law to enter America and work illegally. |
Re: Brave White customer tackles/subdues armed Negro robber ! | Greg Stutzman is a hero. Seems like nobody else really wanted to get involved until they were sure that he had the perp completely subdued. In retrospect, since Greg had him on the ground with the back of his legs exposed it's a real shame that nobody had the presence of mind to slice the groids Achilles tendon. (perhaps I wouldn't of either, but I'm sure I would have helped) They could have let him loose and he would not be able to get too far. :D |
Re: Brave White customer tackles/subdues armed Negro robber ! | Brave brave man... Some how I think the groid will claim racism as they always do just because this guy tackled the groid and saved the store from being robbed, and people being hurt or killed... But unfortunately its always whiteys fault in their criminal mind... Couldn't really tell due to the distance from the outside camera, but the two patrons that left the store last looked black. Their movements indicate that they may have thought of assisting the brother that was pinned down by whitey. Either way, their stance looked to me like they didn't approve and I wouldn't doubt that this groid might indeed sue. |
Re: Speculators Trying to Buy Control of Food Supply | No one 'runs' all the hedge funds. There are uncountable numbers of them all doing their own thing and run by different people and groups. While it's true that no one 'runs' all the hedge funds, the credit taps that facilitate their operation pretty much come from only a few sources. I should know, I worked in the finance industry for years. |
Re: Pope urges fight against racism | Pope urges fight against racism Pope Benedict XVI has urged Christians to help society combat intolerance to foreigners amid a row over criticism of the government by Roman Catholics. An article in the country's biggest circulation Catholic weekly magazine criticised the government's crackdown on illegal immigrants. Why doesn't the pontiff put his money where his mouth is and let everyone from the third world that wants to better their lives move to Vatican city? |
Re: Send California inmates to Mexico, says Schwarzenegger | I have an even better idea. Chop off their pointer and middle fingers on both hands and then send them back to Mexico. They will never be able to hold a weapon again, nor will they be able to commit crimes or steal jobs that belong to Americans. |
Re: Jew behind Crash the Tea Parties site outed | Why aren't they organizing against non Whites when they are out there robbing and killing? Funny how they claim to fight for human and civil rights, but the only focus they have is against Whites. Because they aren't worried about the non-whites vying with them for dominance. Non-whites are all about the bling and so long as they have it, they largely ignore the jews, with the exception of the occasional rant that goes nowhere. Given all the effort they put into combating whites and trying to keep us in check, they obviously fear us. |
Re: Jew behind Crash the Tea Parties site outed | The fact is that you'll never be charged with a hatecrime, if you send these creeps to the hospital with serious injuries for screaming N!gger! at the Tea Party. And do it with a happy face!! I would have to say that the only way to protect the reputation of the legitimate protesters would be to do exactly as you say. In a crowd of 2,000 people, the perpetrator could easily be whisked into the center of the crowd and away from the media cameras to be taught a lesson. Hog-tying them and stuffing them in a large duffel to get them out of the group could work as well. I would suggest dropping them off in the nearest and nastiest ghetto. |
Subsets and Splits