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Re: Cross-Burning in Westchester Co New York | Shame that it was only a cross and not the groids abode. Nice to see that a Jew judge is condemning the white men for stepping up and defending their women. |
Re: Armed Revolution, Are you In or Out? | I have a problem believing the sincerity of anyone with a surname like Epstein. |
Re: Armed Revolution, Are you In or Out? | Well, mate, that It just, well ..cant happen . The rest of that paragraph is the same ..probability .possibility No offense all that is a pure fantasy for a lack of better word. Indeed. Most of the elite would be whisked away to safety and to hardened bunkers if a general revolt happened. One small problem with Epstein's assumptions. The general citizenry doesn't have access to airpower, which would be necessary for any sort of effective revolt against the government. Perhaps Epstein is simply trying to incise people and flush the militia-types out of the woodwork so they can be identified and dealt with? |
Re: Senator Reid to Root Out Growing White Communities With Federal Force | So whites will be prosecuted and face swat team tactics if they choose to self-segregate and practice polygamy, but arab and black muslims are free to do so? http://newsinitiative.org/story/2007...ms_polygamy_is http://www.npr.org/templates/story/s...oryId=90857818 Discrimination is alive and well in America. Common sense seems to have died long ago though. |
Re: Walmart New Mixed Race Commercial | Walmart is Ghetto. I never give them any of my money. |
Re: Walmart New Mixed Race Commercial | I like WalMart. I fell like one of the people when I am in there. :D Actually, in LA the WalMarts are not in the real ghettos. If they were, then nobody would go in them. The mentality of Walmart is ghetto. Their business model rests on making the working American poor by forcing suppliers to offshore jobs. They would like to have everyone of a ghetto-class mindset so that they have little choice (or lack the mental capacity) to shop anywhere than Walmart. I'm a little surprised that WN's actually like that company. Only recently was I able to convince my family that shopping there was counterproductive to the cause. |
Re: Walmart New Mixed Race Commercial | Absolutely. I'm totally against this Jew credit system, but we're more likely to repay debts because we're honorable. They aren't. Which is funny because the people we're honorably repaying our debts to are even more dishonorable then the monkeys that don't pay. When I was a younger man, I made the mistake of doing business with Jews twice and guess what the outcome was? They disappeared owing me money. |
Re: SC (white) father accused of killing (negro) teenager at party | Was the negro a gate-crasher? |
Re: Haifa Chief Rabbi at Vatican : Wartime Pope let jews down | So is the Catholic church obligated to take care of Jews as well? Perhaps the pope should tell him that the Jews that took advantage of the German people after they crafted the one-sided Treaty of Versailles would be better targets for his criticism. In short, the Jews savaged their own and they have few to blame but themselves. Kind of like the schoolyard bully that finally messes with the wrong kid and gets the tar beat out of him, I am utterly without sympathy for Rabbi Juden. |
Re: Haifa Chief Rabbi at Vatican : Wartime Pope let jews down | One of the basic tenets of Christianity is Forgiveness. Vindictiveness is the hallmark of judaism. We ought not forget this when our time comes. When it comes to the jew, the philosophy of vindictiveness and not forgiveness should be the modus operandi. Well said. Forgiveness to me is not an absolute and universal concept. The jew is unworthy of our forgiveness when their day of reckoning finally comes. |
Re: White woman calls police, finds herself stripped naked and assaulted by negro deputy.. | Wow. I have never seen this one before.* The 911 thing used to be the Klan, institutionally, if the local Sherrif would not do his proper duty (as the above woman was involved in); after the fact, as all of us can see and know, those 'employees' will be free to do this again. It probably has not happened, but these goons go to the local Tavern, church, or family outing - someone in this town can, at any time, pull them up. It is only a matter of courage. Yea, that 'darkie' was only a small part of this situation; I have learned to always go 'harder' on our own, since they know better. And those 'females', JHC! where is all the feminine understanding? Compassion? Harden you hearts, people, all this is coming, and more. You've really hit on something here. Although this is only one affront out of many, those involved whether white or non need to be held accountable for their actions. Since we know that the courts and police are not on our side, we should at the very least put them on the spot when we see them individually and shame them. I would say what we should really do to them, but I'm worried about getting this post modded for suggesting illegal activity so I'll keep it to myself. |
Re: Family sues school for allowing slain gay son to cross dress | I've heard schools are really bad in Californication but this is disgusting what they allow gays to get away with. This is sheer insanity. The school should countersue for the parents allowing him to keep his cross-dressing gear in their home and failing to get him psychiatric help or disciplined him properly when these tendencies first started to manifest in him. Guess the Jew lawyers must be licking their chops at the suits though. |
Re: Eleven arrested after bongo party breaks out at basketball game. | It was amusing when one of the blue gum's loose-fitting pants fell down about halfway through the video. |
Re: Huge news the MSM is not reporting: Judge David Carter orders discovery: Obama can be out of Office in 30 days. | Perhaps all the overtly illegal dealings by Acorn now coming to light have a connection. Obama couldn't deliver on he promises he made to the kingmakers, so they are either trying to scare him or to replace him? |
Re: NJ city considers adult curfew after crime spate | The only thing that this would accomplish if passed would be sending the muds out of Paterson to other places to do their midnight to 7AM wilding. Segregation would be a much better solution. Let the negroes and mestizos destroy their own ghettoes as they please. |
Re: NJ city considers adult curfew after crime spate | The white towns are not ghettos (yes there are towns with an overwhelming majority of whites in NJ). Apologies, didn't mean it that way. I would just like to see brown people completely segregated and then we could all have our towns back no matter where they may be. Don't know of any/many cities in this country that were founded by anything other than the white man. |
Re: Teacher Who Sought to 'Demolish' Tea Party Placed on Leave From School | Some reports I read said he was a teacher in Oregon, another said he was a middle-school teacher in Philadelphia, PA! Anyone know what that's all about? He probably hails from Philadelphia originally. Philly is rife with Jews and has some of the oldest (and most powerful) synagogues in America. There is a huge one on N. Broad street not too far from Temple University. Philly turns real crappy real quick north of that point, so you can see that they want to keep their patrons closeby. Lots of Jewish movers and shakers that stay behind the scenes. Go to any campaign donation tracking website and see how many of them send our politicians to Israel on junkets. |
Re: Donald Trump tells Fox News that China is bleeding the US dry and laughing all the way. | China OWNS this country..in the form of our national treasures;parks,public buildings, etc...Cadets at the Naval Academy are FORCED to salute the Communist Chinese flag every morning,under pain of being ostricized,and kicked out the academy, so as not to disrespect the Chinese who are enrolled there.(heard this on Coast to Coast ). Donald Trump apparently knows something the rest of us are not privy too....Correct me if I'm wrong,but, the give-away of our country began under Bush to reduce the debt owed to the Chinese,via the US Treasury. The Chinese didn't want worthless pieces of paper referred to as the dollar. They wanted tangibles.The Chinese can come and DEMAND your house,under the Eminent Domain laws....Now who's laughing ? I've mentioned it before, but I think it's worth noting that the Communist Chinese government refused to pay debt it owed to the USA that was accrued during the time of the Republic of China (before it fled to Taiwan) by employing the argument that the debt had been run up by a false government that did not represent the people of China. Now, I doubt that any of you think little more of those who represent us in government than common criminals. The solution to this is simple, albeit not easily achieved. Overthrow the crooks in Washington, shut down and prosecute any and all Federal Reserve and Treasury Officials, and purge congress of those that have been working against our interests. Lobbyists will all be exiled to Haiti. Once these steps have been taken, elect honest people to represent us in Washington and return the power to regulate monetary policy to the Congress. Sieze all domestic assets owned by the Chinese government (or by any proxy thereof) and simply offer to reimburse them with the worthless greenbacks or treasuries that they bought them with in the first place. Of course there will be howls of protest from China, but they have already set a precedent by reneging debt held by the USA over China as they claimed the previously government was not legitimate. Two can play that game, and they don't have a very strong logical argument. The simple truth is that China knew the game all along and is not entitled to bitch about how things are turning out for them and act surprised. They made their pact with the Jewish money powers and they will have to take their lumps like everyone else. Something tells me that they will have enough on their hands dealing with their own internal problems and those of their neighbors due to the economic fallout caused by the above proposal to be able to project power very far anyway. |
Re: Donald Trump tells Fox News that China is bleeding the US dry and laughing all the way. | Why would the Communist Government be responsible for debt by another government during a civil war? That'd be like saying the US Government is responsible for all of the Confederacy's debts, which are still unpaid. That's the whole point...they aren't and shouldn't be. But the argument could be made that these loans created infrastructure and benefitted the people, regardless of what regime was ruling them when the loans were made. Since the inception of the Fed, monetary policy has been illegally taken away from the Congress, so the same argument could be made that the people of the USA should not be held responsible for deals made by the ZOG, the Fed and their associated banks. |
Re: What do you think of Hawaiians? | Didn't archaeologists uncover evidence that the current native Hawaiians displaced another race that had originally inhabited those islands? If so, their claim to sovereignty would be pretty thin to say the least. |
Re: What do you think of Hawaiians? | Interesting point that you bring up. If Hawaii had been annexed by any other than a white and Christian country, I suspect the indigenous population would have been killed off or resettled to accommodate the newcomers. It's unique location makes Hawaii a very strategic military asset and there are no shortage of countries that have coveted in the past and still do currently. If the Japanese had claimed Hawaii (as they did the Ryukyu islands) I doubt there would be a single Polynesian left in the islands. If the Chinese had taken it? I'm pretty sure that they would have completely subjugated the Hawaiian peoples and killed them off. The native Hawaiians don't know how good they have it. They only need look at Tibet to see what would be waiting for them if they pulled this stunt under Chinese rule. I suspect that there's another, more well-organized race stoking the flames behind the scenes here. |
Re: Irish Youth Rebel Against Force-fed Multicultralism | Racist incidents also occur between different nationalities, particularly in schools with large populations of minority ethnic pupils, with examples of eastern European children taunting African, Indian and Pakistani children And how do the powers that be imagine that White children would be treated in African, Indian and Pakistani schools? Taunting would be the least of their worries and their safety and well-being would be at risk. So essentially, the Jews and liberal shabbos goy already know that whites have a much higher tolerance than the other races and are fully exploiting that as a weakness. At any rate, good on the Irish youth for sticking up for themselves, country and culture. Africans and Indians do not belong in Ireland, full stop. |
Re: NYT: Braddock, PA - It can't get any worse than this | That has got to be the ugliest turkey I've ever seen! Looks like it's been burnt to a crisp though. |
Re: White Girl to her Black Friends: let's rob/kill my ex-(White) boyfriend!(PIX) | Whites like her deserve the death penalty for this. Hell, what kind of White woman is this? I don't understand how I can be surprised time and after time by this sick society we have here, and yet I am... You're too lenient. I think that she should be subjected to a full-body tattoo that makes her essentially black so that she can go through her life looking like one of the muds that she idolizes, and also be identifiable as a low-life race traitor. |
Re: You Will Be Taxed If You Give Up Your US Citizenship | Ok, this begs at least two questions then: What about those that live (illegally) in the US and have some sort of assetts? What about foreigners that own assetts in the US? Are they taxed on their gross value? What does this accomplish at the end of the day as anyone aware of this could simply liquidate their assets, move them offshore and then later renounce their US citizenship? This law seems to accomplish very little except to warn us that ZOG is more confident than ever and is putting it in writing now for all to see. Glad I have no assets in the US anymore. |
Re: Congradulations guys, I think we might just win this war agianst blacks and jews | Southerners move to Yankeeland? Surely, you jest! That's where the Jews and the blue-devils live, and all those bourgeois Republicans. Our negroes down South are not near as big a threat to us as many say. Many of them know full well that without the white race, they would have nothing. At the least, they can be contained. I'll move up North when they build a monument to John Wilkes Booth. Send all the groids to Puerto Rico and Cuba. Why give up prime land? |
Re: Dutch Girls stoned by muslim gang in the Netherlands | Here's the American response to this dilemma. When one of these filthy, medieval scumbags throws stones at your women, throw lead back. You throw stones at any woman close to me and you'll be off to see allah. Amen brother. But IMHO, the beast should lose his hands so he can never throw stones at a white woman ever again. He should lose his eyes so he can not oggle or target a white woman ever again. He should lose his tongue so that he may never verbally abuse or harass a white woman ever again. Let him live and send him back to that whore that bore him and his rabbit siblings so that the message is loud and clear. You are not welcome in our lands and you had best not dare to foul our women with your trash culture and gutter religion. Cockroaches. That's what I think of muslims. Their lives mean squat and if they want to keep them then they had better repatriate themselves to their own lands pronto. |
Re: Black Woman With 15 Children From 3 Different Men Says Somebody Owes Me | Yeah, but where large groups of whites meet up, conditions become excellent, so liberalism grows. It's an uncontrollable disease that seems harder to cure than AIDS and the worst cancers. Yes, but we have ourselves to blame for allowing this liberalism to flourish unchecked. In olden times, people that tried to sow discord and publicly talked nonsense were dealt with. They might have lost their tongue, their eyes or even their life. |
Re: Black Woman With 15 Children From 3 Different Men Says Somebody Owes Me | I think somebody owes me for the endless hours of bussing as a kid and for having to deal with negro kids during forced school integration. Anyone care to sit down and make an estimate of the hours wasted? |
Re: China's Collapse | China is not as homogeneous as you are led to believe. I hate to use anything from Wikipedia, but have a look at this ethnic/linguistic map. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...guistic_83.jpg Counting the majority people as simply Han Chinese is misleading. The peoples of the North that speak Mandarin, and those of the South that speak Cantonese are of somewhat different ethnicity that are apparent on site. These two languages share a common writing system, but are so different phonetically that they are practically unintelligible to their respective speakers of each. Saying that they are the same language is like saying that French, Spanish, Romanian and Italian are the same language. They share the same roots and writing system, but they are distinct languages in their own right. From this map, you can see (olive colored areas) that the Han ethnic group really only traditionally occupies about half the country. If you further divide these roughly into North and South regions within the olive-colored area, you have a further linguistic differences causing further divide. When times are good, they case aside their differences and work together, but when they are bad they grow distrustful of one another. China has a history of going to war with itself every once in a while, and the rising tide of exports has raised the standard of living so high that losing it now will most definitely case civil unrest. Many posters here have correctly noted that China holds many US dollars and debt instruments, but this matters little in my book. The rest of the world doesn't seem to want dollars now, and Obama seems intent on debasing the currency with his stimulus plans. Its not as if Chinese can use these dollars to pay their own people, and given the protectionist stances that most countries are taking these days, I doubt that China will be allowed to purchase any worthwhile US assets using the dollars that they've accumulated. |
Re: China's Collapse | What good is the Chinese debt it holds over Washington? They can and do buy the most advanced US nuclear technology. Westinghouse wins massive China nuclear deal By Emma Graham-Harrison Reuters Saturday, December 16, 2006; 5:24 AM BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S.-based Westinghouse Electric Co. has won a two-year battle for a multibillion-dollar nuclear power deal with China, edging out French and Russian rivals to secure a contract that may help Beijing smooth ties with Washington. He said it would help the U.S. balance of payments and create more than 5,500 U.S. jobs. The United States had a record $202 billion trade deficit with China last year. To balance the trade deficit, the US has had to sell nuclear technology to China. China said it chose Westinghouse partly because of technology transfers. Jewish multiracialism agenda has destroyed the US economy, forcing it to sell White technology to the Asians to keep afloat. Westinghouse was bought by Japanese company Toshiba 2 years back friend. http://uk.computers.toshiba-europe.c...?ID=0000006709 Either way, this is commercial nuclear technology and not weapons technology. I'm not thrilled about giving away either one to non-white powers, but this is a commercial deal. If the Chinese want weapons secrets, they don't need to buy them...they simply send their spies in to work in our weapons laboratories. We're too stupid to make rules prohibiting peoples with dubious loyalties and this has nothing to do with the debt China has accumulated over us. |
Re: China's Collapse | The Jews have asked for the Chinese Asians to come into our countries and even employ them in our most critical technology industries. Multiracialism of the Jews is the cause of the technology transfer out of White nations. The Jews within our nations are sabotaging our nations. Not the races outside our nations. You'll get no argument from me on this point. We agree 100% about the root cause. |
Re: A $95,000 question: why are whites five times richer than blacks in the US? | Could it be because most whites feel that getting off your ass to make a living is both normal and honorable? If you compare all the freebies that blacks get via government against the number of hours that they actually work, I think you'd see that on average blacks are paid higher hourly than whites. |
Re: McDonald's Franchisee Fined $1M for Hiring Illegal Aliens | Glad to see that they are being punished for hiring wetbacks (although I think that customers should punish them even more by refusing to patronize their business), but I've always wondered where exactly do these fines go? |
Re: Italians kill Black over biscuit theft | I visited Italy this summer and I was absolutely shocked at the amount of blacks they have in their big cities. Not just any kind of blacks though, straight off the boat from Africa blacks. They were always peddling fake designer junk and other crap. They would NOT leave you alone either. Eventually I just got so fed up I started yelling F*** off and leave me alone!. The negros immediately retreated and cowered, as if no one had ever said that to them. All of the harassed tourists around me cheered. They smelled SO bad. I went into a McDonald's and they literally stunk up the entire corner of the restaurant. I could smell their stench 10 ft away easily. I was surprised as to how politically incorrect the Italians are when it comes to these savages. Our tour guide straight up told us that we should watch out for the poor African immigrants who will try to sell you junk and rob you. Saying something like that in America will get you in trouble. Why do Italians allow these savages to bother the tourists? Well actually, why are they allowed to be there at all? There were always policemen around when they were selling things, but they didn't do anything about it. Eventually it will probably hurt the tourism industry, I know it kind of turned me off from going in the big city centers. Nothing is worse than having a romantic moment in Venice with your boyfriend ruined by a negro that comes up and shoves his crappy merchandise and disgusting stench in your face. They have them in certain Asian countries too. The reason why they are tolerated is quite simple actually. They either pay the police off or are working for the local Mafia which pays the police off and gets the Negroes to do their donkey work for them. |
Re: Italians kill Black over biscuit theft | Yes. Or simply whatever eggplant is in Italian ( I used to know it). According to an old timer I knew in my youth its because they resemble eggplants both in color and brain power . In standard Italian eggplant is melanzana. I think in the southern and traditionally poorer regions though it's either shortened or just pronounced as muliano or when talking about Negroes muli. It is indeed because they have round and shiny heads. I've heard folks of Irish descent from N. Jersey refer to them as spoons due to the funny shape of the black forehead resembling the backside of a spoon. Anyway, looks like the banks are failing and the Jews are losing power. Perhaps we'll all get are chance to fight back against TNB sooner than we think. :clink |
Re: The FEDS found 1... out of how many? | Section 8 and other public housing is a dismal failure anyway. Muds that can't support themselves should be separated by sex and sent to workhouses like they used to have in Ireland. Section 8 merely allows negroes to infest white neighborhoods and make more mud babies. With the number of men coming and going, they turn halfway respectable housing into a cheap motel/mud baby factory. |
Re: MS-13 in Houston | With bad economic times you can fully expect an increase in crime. When .gov is having financial woes that are such an extreme that they are cutting criminals loose from jails/prisons ...... you can also expect law enforcement to experience difficulties enforcing laws and maintaining public safety. As it stands, law enforcement is by and large reactionary. In the majority of cases, police presence does little to nothing to deter real, hardened criminals -- criminals like those in MS-13. You must be prepared to defend yourself and your family. Make no mistake ....... MS-13 members are special. They are beyond violent. They are beyond arrogant and insolent. They are also well networked, well supplied, and well organized. In the face of economic collapse, they need to be dealt with ...... seeing as they are special they deserve special treatment. :D Yes, they should all be branded as public enemies and a bounty put on them. They would eventually hightail it back to beanerland. |
Re: ***China struggling? Food shortage coming up?*** | I'm unfortunate enough to have to travel to China every so often on business. When I go out to eat with clients I am always horrified at the amount of food that gets wasted. More dishes are ordered than anyone can possibly eat (some are left almost untouched) and I would say that anywhere from 30-80% of the food remains uneaten. Whether the staff take the leftovers home, I'm unsure of but it seems an incredible waste to me. The low price of food has allowed this thus far. A rise in price will put a big dent in the Chinese ability to go out and live it up. They also love their beer and alcohol, and if the price of drinks and food increase to make it where they can't enjoy eating out, it will definitely piss the average Chinese off and make any other slowdown in the economy seem unbearable. Someone had mentioned that China could stand to lose a couple hundred million people (I certainly wouldn't miss them) and while this may be true, the communist party certainly doesn't want that many pissed off people milling about and fomenting dissenting ideas about the government. Be prepared for them to hit the release valve and blame their woes all on the US. In my opinion though, you shouldn't cry if you lie down with a known prostitute and come up with cooties. Someone had also mentioned China owning this and that and possibly trying to collect should the SHTF. While they might be allowed some access to banking and real estate, I wouldn't worry too much about Chinese troops showing up in any Red Dawn type scenario anytime soon. Besides, China reneged on their debt to the US racked up during and before the second world war as they claim it was made by an illegal government and not the one that came to power. Perhaps something big is being planned to try and cause the communist government to fall. Should that happen, then the US could always renege on their debt to China using China's own reneging of the debt they owed to the US and claim that the deal had been made with the communists rather than any new government that came to power. Think it can't happen? The Chinese government is scared to death of popular uprisings and block sites like youtube and vimeo to keep the flow of information monitored. Doubt that this is done to protect the people as they say. |
Re: South Africa: Jacob Zuma - the bombshell news that the MSM is almost completely ignoring | He looks like George Forman's great-grandfather. :D |
Re: Muslim Workers Protest at Colorado Meat Plant | Look who handles the meat. Anyone want to become vegetarian now? Wonder how they keep their Hajib from getting caught in the grinder. Reminds me of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle from high school. And yes...I think I will go vegetarian after seeing that. Only problem is that the Mexcriments are the ones picking vegetables! |
Re: Mass. Governor marches in homosexual parade - degrades self, insults citizens | Leather alliance? Man-loving marauders? Queerspawn? (reminds me of deerspoor) Good lord, what's going to be in next year's parade? Nambla and other pedophiles? Bestiality? Snuff film aficionados? Necrophiliacs? Where does it stop? The people are obviously very, very mentally disturbed and are a waste of carbon and precious resources that could be better used on more deserving people. Makes you wonder who these people are and what walks of life they come from. Are they the chef or food prep people in restaurants you frequent, the paramedic that comes to save you, or the nurse in the hospital that you depend on to keep you well. With their value systems being so out of whack, none of them should be allowed any position of responsibility no matter how insignificant. I for one look very much forward to the day that the Jews are unable to protect them anymore. That's when the real in your face begins. ;) |
Re: Mass. Governor marches in homosexual parade - degrades self, insults citizens | *sigh*...this is how they want to act in public. They want to dress like this and screw anyone they want, anywhere they want. (Don't believe me, search for Folsom Street Fair) ...and they consider that normal. Took you up on your challenge and looked up this fair. There was a link to something called straighthell dot net which features straight guys being raped by queer monsters. Did you folks get that? Homosexual rape! This is certainly a sign of a sick society, and it only appears to be getting worse. I hope I'm not alone when I think that some cleansing is in order. |
Re: Did Jews harvest organs from Haitians after the earthquake? | Given the fact that HIV and Hepatitis are a big problem in that population, why in the world would anyone want to harvest organs from dead or dying Haitians? |
Re: Ted Kennedy to receive knighthood | The crown wants to reward him with Knighthood, and I would like to see him rewarded at the gallows. Funny how our perspectives differ on Ted Kennedy's worth to his nation. |
Best handgun for concealed carry? | I'm thinking about purchasing a handgun and after some training applying for a concealed carry permit. I'd like something small and of course reliable. If I have to use it, the last thing I want it to do is jam. Any suggestions? |
Re: Economy in DEATH spiral | Anybody see this on Faux news? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,499067,00.html Biden's son Hunter was the VP of this company. They say no wrongdoing is suspected, but what ever happened to managements duty to conduct do diligence???? |
Re: Black Angus Bites the Dust! | Yup Bennigan's is toast. There are still a few yuppie hang outs that still get crowded. I can think of some expensive sea food places, where people blow $100 (and sometimes a lot more) for a meal for two. I guess they'll keep doing this right up until their yuppie jobs get moved to Mumbai. I used to go to Red Lobster with my folks on the weekends whenever I went to visit, but we always avoided Sundays. Didn't want to have to share the place with all the blacks coming back from Church and fouling the place up with their smells and raucous behavior. |
Re: Why are so many black athletes broke? | You can take the black man out of the jungle(ghetto) but you cant take the jungle(ghetto) out of the black man. Same reason a black man in the white house will not be successful. The answers are quite simple: Poor money management skills, if any The negroid love of living in the day rather than planning out your life responsibly The infantile need to always roll with a posse of people that use up the money (ala MC Hammer) Being devoid of any understanding of the great gift (yes, I don't care how hard you work to earn the money, it is a gift if it is in abundance...most people work very hard) and a lack of any duty to give something back for this gift The negro love of Bling My only wish is that they still had enough money to purchase enough rope to hang themselves from the ceiling rafters with. Pearls before swine |
Re: State of the art Bangladeshi Forklift | Indeed impressive, but somehow it leaves me wishing I had a slingshot to have a little fun with. |
Re: Woman Puts Up 'Whites Only' Rental Sign | Good grief. I think I'll walk into the nearest synagogue and demand my equal rights when they call the cops on me. Perhaps I'll walk into the NAACP office and try the same. :mad: |
Re: Black Barbie Sold for Less Than White Barbie at Walmart Store | Why should they be upset just because the dolls reflect in theory the true respective values between the races? What ticks me off is that the black one isn't selling at 1/50th of what the white one is selling for. That would be more representative. Perhaps people should be paid to take them? |
Re: Black Barbie Sold for Less Than White Barbie at Walmart Store | Pre-War Between the States wouldn't it be worth about 3/5 of a White Barbie ? BTL That went through my mind too, but I think 3/5ths is rather generous. Politicians of that era never got to see the darkies in all their glory, desegregated and no longer afraid of whitey. Had they the opportunity to glance into the future and see what the boons would turn into, they probably would have mustered up the ships to send them ALL over to Liberia. |
Re: Tell me accomplishments done by the black race | Behold! This stupid negro managed to lose a king's fortune. What a true accomplishment! |
Re: English mum pregnant with 14th child! | Beautiful family and a very beautiful woman as well. She is the epitome of the perfect woman to me. Soft yet tough, good mother, good wife and still sexy as can be! We need more of our women to be like her! |
Re: This is Your Nation on White Privilege | It is still there and I took a screen shot. Keep up the antics. So funny. Love it. Tim Wise's group informed Desmond Tutu of Tulane's investments in SA? I think that Tim should spend two years living down there for himself before he decides to open his squeak hole about racism again. I'll bet that white like me would take on a whole new meaning to him after the first month. |
Re: Global Finacial coup d' Etat | a recent article stated that the US will be the first de-industrialized nation, guess they forgot about Russia and propagandists are still saying you can't trust Russia? ha! we have been witness to the de-modernization process since NAFTA, a mere 2 years before all the capital was moved to Asia, so it never was about mexico......nice.... Many Jews have set up shop in China and might be under the illusion that they have a shot at becoming the behind-the-scenes ruling class there now that the capital base has shifted. I think they are in for a rude awakening. :D |
Indians living in America charged with H1-B fraud | Finally the dotheads get a little of what's due them: http://www.computerworld.com/action/...2&pageNumber=1 Now to get the traitor congressmen that have been supporting H1-B! :clink |
Re: Indians living in America charged with H1-B fraud | - Here in Canada these disgusting Hindus are taking over and cheating our social services to the ground. Now all our suburbs are filled with Hindu temples and statues of purple elephants that they worship as gods :mad: I've always hated Indians from the time I first came in contact with them. Shame that they were colonized and taught English, as it has come back to haunt us. I am looking forward to the day when they are kicked out of our countries and sent packing back to that giant toilet known as India. |
Re: Indians living in America charged with H1-B fraud | - Britain seriously committed an ethnic nightmare in colonizing that toilet bowl called India. Now all these darkies from the Commonwealth countries (all of them brown and black) have a universal visa to emigrate and stay in Canada,Australia or Britain. What a coincidence that it's never the other way around, canadians flooding India or Brits flooding Jamaica :rolleyes: So why doesn't Canada and Australia just withdraw from the Commonwealth? ;) |
Re: Indians living in America charged with H1-B fraud | And then be branded a racist country like South Africa was and an international embargo slapped on us? Fair point. It will have to happen sooner or later though or we whites will become extinct. |
Re: Indians living in America charged with H1-B fraud | Well I am in the United States and there has to be some sort of fraud or pay off going on with the people from India. They are everywhere. If you see one prepare for 100 more to show up. Initially it was about the engineering jobs but the reality is that these people are not smarter than white people. It is of no benefit to any company to hire them for high wage jobs. It is a travesty that our government allows them in when so many are in need of jobs and are just as well educated as any immigrant from India. We do not need them. They are just a way for selfish companies to get cheaper labor. They are not all that intelligent though. Many come here and then go back after a time but the population still explodes. Whole apartment complexes are full of them here and the U.S. had nothing to do with India. It is not like we have unlimited resources here. At least we have the upper-caste types here. You cannot get into the U.S. from India unless you are wealthy and have some sort of education or family. They are the types that have mansions and many servants back home in India. Their education is not on par with a U.S. one though. That is why this attitude that they are hard working and smart is totally false. They buy their way in and some of them are not at all smart. It is true that Indians are smarter and more peaceful than an African but they are causing many issues. Mainly job-related. Well put. No matter how intelligent the individual may be, Asians all seem to share a cultural stupidity that will allow them to build a nuclear (copy) but render them unable to put down things like bird flu and cholera. |
Re: Indians living in America charged with H1-B fraud | They have their own shops, They take over whole buildings in apartments and I have seen a new restuarant pop up. Besides Chinese they have to be the better type of immigrant but it is too much. They do keep the blacks and housing scams out of the area. Many work for firms around here but then they bring their family. I am not sure how many they can bring over but I think the distant family goes back after a while. I see so many shopping at the Wal-Mart but not the regular grocery or Target. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet both made comments about how immigrants (Indians) had more education and they needed them in their business and this how it was the way of the future. Their complaint was that Americans didn't invest in their kids education. It is so frustrating because it is simply not true. We have so many problems in the American education system but it is due to attitudes like this. White people have to fight for their education where as it is handed to minorities.We have to pay more and some professors and school administrators want whites to fail. Now top business people complain that they need Indians? People from India and Asia are not more intelligent. When it comes to engineering white people are better and Americans should invest in America. Europeans created the most complex and advanced components but we need Indians? Complete nonsense. Maybe we need to take education more serious but even a mediocreU.S. education is above an Indian one. Many simply pay their way over there and then come here and are below par. degrees in nursing and Pharmacy are not comparable. It is a joke. I just do not get what they are doing over here. It can't be benefiting our country. The thing about Indian education is that they very conveniently forget that they have some 600 million illiterates in their country. If you are dark, you are allowed to not count your worst in standardized tests. If you are white, you have to include the simpletons and virtual vegetables in order to drag down the average. |
Re: St. Bono, The Hypocrite | This from the same guy that had his forgotten hat flown first class. |
Re: Armed Revolution, Are you In or Out? | He says he is a conservative Christian, but I don't buy it for a minute. Jews have a long history of trying to blend into the societies. Even if he is one of those Christian convert jews, when push comes to shove a jew is a jew. Exactly. One of the churches that I attended as a kid had a pastor named Lazar, which I thought was quite unique at the time. After I grew up and became racially aware, I grew suspicious that he was Jewish and possibly a plant. |
Re: Armed Revolution, Are you In or Out? | I just thought it was interesting to hear how someone thinks the whole thing might play out, and who will join and who will not. Thanks for posting this. I think that everyone needs to keep abreast of predictions like this, kooky or not, jew-produced or not. It's useful to know what these people are doing and saying. |
Re: Europe: Prison of Nations | I think we're all taken aback a bit not that this is happening, but at the sheer speed at which it is taking place. The fact that unsound fiscal policies of the West, subprime loans and derivatives have caused the whole banking system to unravel should come as no surprise. LaRouche (think of him what you will, but he was dead on) was forecasting the dot com bust 3 years before most, and was sounding the alarm about the derivatives bubble and the unthinkable damage it posed as far back as 2001. It would seem that this has all been planned to destroy and demoralize white countries and put them in such a desperate situation that the only way out will be through a major war. Not a very appealing prospect and I can't believe that we allowed the Jooz to slowly put us in the position over the past 50 years without so much as a peep. |
Re: 1 Of Eve Carson's Murderer's Peads Guilty, Avoids Death Penalty | I've never understood why pleading guilty gets rewarded with a lighter sentence. While I do get that it saves the prosecution and court time, it does not render true justice. The only option I would give this African turd would be to plead and receive hanging, lethal injection or firing squad vs. making the prosecution and court waste their time in convicting him whereas he would be executed via stoning, burning at the stake or crucifixion. This negro is essentially being rewarded with becoming a ward of the state until the grave. He'll never have to worry about making rent or paying a bill in his life...and whites get to pay for it all. Ain't that a kick in the head. If the only two options were a civil execution vs. a horrifically painful one then I'd be willing that you would see less crimes such as this. We should also punish lawyers that defend obviously guilty scum with the whipping post if they lie to protect their client. Defense counsel in violent felony cases should be limited to an advisory role for their client, and not to lie or withhold the truth in order to keep them out of trouble. They should be limited to trying to steer the defendant to be forthcoming with the truth and to save himself a grisly execution and the time of the court. |
Re: Chinese To Destroy The Fed By Refusing To Honor Fraud Derivatives Contracts? | If I remember correctly, Hillary gave the Chinese imminent domain rights to factories and real estate if US loans were not repaid. I wonder what this will lead to? Yes, and I could ensure a naive creditor that if I failed to repay my debt that I would give him eminent domain over the Brooklyn Bridge. In either case, the bridge isn't mine to give away nor are US factories or RE Hillary's to give away. On another note, China is no stranger to reneging on debt owed: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=77687 If we ever get to the point where the current government in America is overthrown and replaced with a truly legitimate one, we could simply renege on all the debt the Chinese are owed from our country by applying the same logic. The Chinese have already set the precedent here couldn't argue from a logical standpoint. |
Re: Chinese To Destroy The Fed By Refusing To Honor Fraud Derivatives Contracts? | Frankly, I simply don't blame the Chinese for not honouring those derivatives. I just don't blame them. Who in the hell wants it? In the end, I don't blame them in theory either. BUT...when I think that they were fully prepared to benefit from the investments (regardless of who else might get burned) then I have to say that I have no sympathy. They knew how the game is played. They just didn't like the outcome so they gathered their chips and left the table. |
A picture is worth a thousand words | http://www.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph...t_1243749i.jpg Kenyan supporters revel in Obama inauguration. Oxfam recipients should have no part in politics, supporting or otherwise. |
Re: Kennedy taken away in ambulance | Hopefully Kennedy draws his terminal breath en route to the hospital. |
Re: TNB in the Cash for Clunkers program: a fiasco | I propose we institute a cash for negroes program in which we pay X amount for every negro traded for their US passport and reward them with $50,000 and a boat trip to Liberia. |
Re: Mike Nifong: The Next Chapter | The need to do to this black stripper like the Goldmans did to O.J. and sue her for the proceeds she is trying to profit from with her book of lies. They ought to put both of them to work in a brothel to work off the debt they owe these innocent boys. What kind of name is Nifong anyway? Never heard it before this idiot made the news. |
Re: Anti-racism activist hurt in D.C. mugging by Black man | Sorry, but this Khazarian waste of carbon gets no sympathy from me even if she were mangled or killed in the mugging. Think how many innocent people have died, been raped, or been marginalized due to the idiotic Jewish liberalism of her and her kind. She obviously has no qualms about killing of the American family, so anything she gets from one of her virtual wards is no skin off my nose. |
Re: 15 Companies That Might Not Survive 2009 | Sbarro is the only one I'll miss. They have good pizza; much better than crappy Dominos or Pizza Hut. Oh, and I have a gift card for Landry's....better use that quick. :p I like to like Sbarro back when I was at Uni. Then I learned to cook for myself and can do just as good if not better. The more you learn to do for yourself, the less you rely on others. Unless I'm away from home, I rarely will eat at a chain restaurant and prefer to patronize places where I know the proprietor. |
Re: 15 Companies That Might Not Survive 2009 | Good point. And, the last one I ate at had a border-jumper working in the back. :cool: Don't support any establishment that you know hires beaners. Make sure you tell all your friends how they wipe their backsides in the fields as well. |
Re: 15 Companies That Might Not Survive 2009 | I haven't been to Great Adventure since 91 or 92 because of all of the brotherly love. I can't imagine what it has become since then. It's ashame I have so many good memories from there when I was a child, that was before someone had the bright idea to bus in every negro from a hundred mile radius of the place. Same with me. Last time I went was around the same time and getting to your car in the parking lot at night was dangerous. I too hope it goes bankrupt and the negroes go back to being the porch monkeys they are. |
Re: ROTTWEILER who stopped illegal immigrant from raping woman in park | Make him serve his 4 years and deport his butt someplace where he won't be able to victimize more people. :mad: I think a better solution would be to amputate both of his hands and genitals so that he can never harm a woman again. |
Re: 70% of Black Women are Single | my point would be to push for black women to have access to black men So what are you proposing here...giving black women access to the men's prison yard? If they want access to black men, they need to go where they are. :D |
Emerging giants don't like being beat at their own game | Seems like China and India are happy to insist that we drop all protections, but don't like it when were are able to beat them at their own game and start demanding protection in areas where they can't compete: http://news.scotsman.com/world/World...-as.4337008.jp |
Unable to reply to posts | I've been reading the forum for some time now, but have only recently decided to register and become active. While trying to reply to a post today, I received an error message stating that I lack sufficient permissions to reply to the post. After reading through the rules, I couldn't find anything that would prevent me from replying to posts. It's clear that my posts will be moderated for a while, but I'm a bit perplexed as to why I can't respond to posts? Could someone shed some light please? |
Re: Beware: Not Enough Black Doctors? | I find this quite ironic considering that Michael Jackson's BLACK doctor (a quack by any standard) administered the fatal dose of Demerol that caused his heart to stop. |
Re: Hispanic Entertainers Complain About New Arizona Law | These people would never be entertainers in this country without the support of the Jew media. Perhaps the ladyfolk there that ran their mouths in favor of Latinos would like to go out into the desert at night alone to hand out water to their brethren? Wonder how long it would take for the first rape to occur? |
Re: Black family yells We Hate You! at murder victim White family | I think having him summarily strangled or clubbed to death right in the courtroom in full view of his and the victims family is the way to go. The carcass should be displayed outside the court building as a warning to others against TNB. |
Re: Invasion must see | That Young Reconquista has got to be one of the ugliest things I've seen in a long time. How can anything that ugly have any rights or think that it has any sort of a valued opinion at all? |
Re: Joys of Diversity Dept.: Los Angeles Division | Perhaps breaking the fingers of the taggers would be a good start. |
Re: VIDEO: Glenn Beck Says Nazis & Radical Left Are The Same People | Glenn Beck is an uneducated, Jewish-lover fraud. Don't forget to leave out (supposedly) reformed cokehead that was diagnosed with ADD. |
Re: How We Became White People | I can think of a certain white immigrant that I wouldn't mind seeing get smallpox. |
Re: Meet the black Brazilian mother who has three white children! | Yes, they look like untypical negroid albinos and the hair is a dead giveaway. The are likely caucasian albinos from completely different parents and used for this photo op and story. Anyone notice how the MSM is really pushing this we're really all alike and our genes differ less than 0.0X%? That Nat Geo thing tipped me off that we're up for another big push towards negro miscegenation. |
Re: Illegal Alien Sues for Higher Pay and Wins! | Super 88? I think I saw one of these on a trip to Phoenix once. Isn't this a Chinese/Asian-centric grocery chain? |
Re: Russia executed all Somali pirates pirate spokesman | Perhaps there's a solution to this situation that would have made all parties happy by following their own logic. Somali people are largely Muslim, are they not? If so, then after the Russian sailors relieved them of their weapons and the motor on their boats they should have followed Islamic law by also relieving them of their hands as punishment for trying to steal. The Somalis could then be lowered back into their motorless boats to safely navigate their way back to shore in order to live peaceful lives, having obviously learned their lesson. Almost forgot...since we have to be humanitarian here and the boats have no motors any longer (after all, the Russians do have to assure themselves that they will not be attacked by the same people immediately after releasing them) then the Russian sailors should provide the Somalis with hand oars. ;) |
Re: Sheila Jackson Lee wants to name hurricanes black names | Oh Ya.... Shaneqwa, Tomauqweenai, Tyroniups, can't wait! Especially the divergence of spellings when they are reported. :D Rats, you beat me to it! :rofl |
Re: US Says Uganda Anti-Gay Law Bad | Hmm...I was actually leaning towards thinking that this was one of the few positive decisions to come out of Africa in recent years. The only thing that worries me is that Ugandan gays will be seeking asylum in the US or UK now as a result. |
The Indian Economy in Collapse | And I couldn't be happier! http://business.timesonline.co.uk/to...cle4453879.ece Do us all a favor though and don't try to emigrate to the white countries though, eh? |
Re: The Macacas Are Coming (The Hindu/Paki/Asian Invasion) | I wish. Unfortunately, us White boys will still have to work -at the same pay level as the Macacas or Mexicans, depending on the job. If we're working with Macacas, we'll be expected to do our jobs and fix all the mistakes that the Macacas make. Quite a few years back, I had the unfortunate pleasure of working with quite a few Macacas. When I wasn't busy fixing their work or undoing damage that they had done, I was busy actually DOING the work for one or two of them that fancied themselves entrepreneurs as they would get up and run out whenever their mobiles rang. Believe it or not, they were actually working on the side and conducting this business while remaining employees of the bank I was working at at the time. The employment agreement specifically prohibited this, but they seemed as if they couldn't care less. Regardless of the fact that I complained to my boss repeatedly about this, it took forever to get anything done about it. After going over the boss' head, our compliance department finally took an interest and began monitoring their activities and found out that they were doing tech support on outcalls on the side. They would be gone 45 minutes to an hour and a half somedays and religiously took close to 2 hour lunches. I was working on a busy trade floor at the time and whenever I needed their support they were almost never there, so I would just have to do their job along with my own. We also had a white colleague that got fired for selling antiques on Ebay (not during working hours) even though he was very competent at doing his job. It became obvious at this point that these brown curry-munching morons were the wave of the future and competency wasn't first and foremost in the mind of management. Not sure salaries were either as a friend of mine in HR informed me of their salary range and it was surprisingly high, especially considering their low quality of work and commitment. She explained that they were stuck at that salary though and there was no chance of them ever making it to management. It also dawned on me that mgmt didn't want anyone competent and capable of out competing them. Anyway, one of them was pressured to leave and the other one settled down for a while after being warned, but went right back to it. Thankfully, I went up the ladder and resigned 6 months after getting my new title and moved someplace that was better managed. As an aside, we happened to find the site that this Indian moron was bidding on small support contracts on, and managed to set him up to meet at a Starbucks to discuss what would have seemed like a huge project. It was fun to watch him sit there, wait and squirm for a prospect that never showed. :rofl |
Re: Negro sucker punches white player after college football game. (Video) | Blount is done. His career is done. His future is done. The negro likes to give up his future for some petty and temporary display of toughness. There's a cop right there who should have arrested him on the spot for assault. TNB Oh yeah? Why is Michael Vick in Philadelphia then now? Blount will get a pass like all other negro athletes do, and will chalk his actions up to the stress of being black in America. I agree that the Boise players should have stomped Blount's guts out through his rectum for what he did. Failure to do so sent a clear message to blacks...hit whitey and nothing happens. |
Re: Are We Ready For A Jewish President? | Doesn't matter as all presidents since Wilson (possibly earlier) have been more or less controlled by Jews anyway. Jews usually prefer to operate from behind the scenes, but if they want to operate in the open then perhaps more people will wake up and see them for what they are. |
Re: Gang Of Negroes Arrested For The Murder Of White Rib Crib Employee | This stuff is getting too common. Why can't we go back to hanging them? That would cut crime way down. What a shame for this guy's family. Just horrible. Actually, I would go back to whipping them at the post and then rubbing harmful bacteria into the wounds. A couple days of crying and writhing in public before the inevitable might just send a message the the wool-headed masses. |
Re: Warren Buffett's partner says for the US economy is basically over | If we had a time machine and went back and said this to the founding fathers they would have laughed and said A Negro President? are you serious, Blacks can't tie their own shoes let alone govern country. They need to be citizens first too then Jefferson would laugh hard at that knowing that blacks are just slaves to whites. then you would be whisked away to a mad house. If the founding fathers would have been able to glimpse into the future and see the civil rights sham, rabid feminism, sexual perversion, the Federal Reserve, a National Income Tax, Illegal Hispanic invaders, a scamming Wall Street, etc. then it is my sincere hope that they would have had the foresight and resolve to close every synagogue and expel every Jew living within the United States. Beyond that, I hope that they would have abolished slavery and sent every slave back to their native Africa posthaste. For good measure, they should have instituted legislation that banned all Jews from the country and required every ship captain to put up a bond when pulling into any US port to guarantee that he carried no crew or passengers of the Jewish faith...upon the pain of death. I would dare say that America and Europe as well would be a much better place today if the Jew had been denied setting up a power base in the US. |
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